©to Bailli ©ex att First C ollege D aily in the South SUMMER VOLUME IV M I T T FHCULTT A U ST IN , TEX AS, T H U R SD A Y , A U G U ST 17, 1922 No. 51 Construction of New Building To Dr. Cunningham Leaves Faculty Start Very Soon For Foreign Work ■ H S U ! ENGINEERS FILE K N IT ON WATER D ifficulty Is E xperienced in Se­ c u rin g Suitable Instruc­ to rs fo r V acancies _ All vacancies on the staff According to an announcement made by S. E. Rosengren, construc­ tion of a building that will house four stores and will have a frontage soon. of 70 feet, will begin very i This structure is to be erected just I across from the University campus of the j at 2306 Guadalupe on the Rosengren - . . -v . ........... the re- of Texas I be » w*rLde.?J aB noon a , possible. faculty caused property. Numerous bids on University by resignations have finally been i construction work have been filled fo r next session. Some new £*iv*d instructors elected to the staff have been added to take care af the nor­ Sub­ mal stitutes were obtained for all those granted leave of absence. The com­ plete list follows: 5im’ and the contr« t wil1 This building, with housing facili­ ties for four merchantile establish­ ments will be a material addition to the row' of business houses which have grown up along that side of the campus in the past few years. For some time there has been an urf gent need of just such a building as this one will be in the neighbor­ hood of the University. in enrollment. A p p o in tm en t L ist instructor increase Mr. Rosengren did not state what will occupy the quarters in the building. He said, however that he for had already been snace in the building and expressed the conviction that tenants will not be hard to find. approached Of the several former members of the University of Texas faculty who have made notable records in public service- none has had a more in this respect than varied career Dr. C. H. Cunningham, former ad­ junct professor of business adminis­ tration. He came to the Univer­ sity a few years ago direct from the Phillipines, where he was in gov­ ernment service for some time. Pre­ vious to that ne was United States commissioner to one of the South American countries. He was given leave of absence from the University to serve temporarily as United States trade commissioner to Mexico, dur­ ing the War period. Returning from that country, he resumed his position with the University. Nearly two years ago he was granted leave of absence th accept the oppointment of United States commercial attache to Spain. He is still occupying that position and that the appointment indicated by the is permanent fact that he recently resigned from the faculty of the University o f Texas. is -o- instructor instructor H enrietta C. Porr, in home economics; Fannie A. Coldren, cataloguer in library; O. B. Williams, instructor in botany; Ralph J. W at­ kins, instructor in business adminis­ tratio n ; Mary Copeland, secretary of school of business administration; H. B. Dewing, associate professor classical languages; Roger Thomas, instructor rn comparative literature; H. L. Lochte, instructor in chemis­ try ; R. H. Montgomery, instructor in economics; W. Pl Gettys, adjunct professor of sociology; P. L. Tows­ on, instructor in electrical engineer­ ing; J. H. Pitman, in English; W. B. Mowery, instructor in English; G. M. Gregory, instruc­ to r in English; T. W. Douglas* in­ structor in English; C. E. Sanders, instructor rn English; H. A. Eagleson instructor in English; Malbane W. Graham, instructor in government; Benjamin F. Wright, in government; Irvin Stewart, instruc­ tor in governm ent; W. E. Dodd, pro­ fessor of American history (substi­ tu te ) ; C. E. Carter, professor o f America,' for winter te rm ); S. S. McKay, adjunct professor of history (substitute); Lucy Rathbone, instructor in home economics; Harry G. Guthmann, as­ sociate professor of business admin­ istration; Lloyd J. Gregory, instruc­ tor in journalism; Charles McCor­ mick. professor of law; J. R. Gulled- ge. assistant librarian: Nannie G. Sanders, cataloguer in library; Alva W. Bounds, assistant in library; E. Eldridge Griffin, assistant lib­ rary: Anna Louise Parmela, assist­ ant in library: Marshall E. Farris, instructor in mechanical engineer ing: Be-sie K. Kintuer. instructor in m usic’ Margaret Wooster, instructor ir« philosophy of education; Rietta Simmons, instructor in philosophy o f in­ education; Fernand Cattelain. structor languages: romance John R. Renhard- adjunct nrofes^vr o f l a n g u a g e ; R u s t* F i s h ­ er. assistant director of physical instructor in t raming; Adet# K:m n p h y s ic a l tr a in in g * M. S B o w e n , su n - ^rin ten dent o f Shone • F d n a F M c­ Daniel, assistant dean of women • J?. (substitute history rt.r< . . n e e in in (Continued on Page Two) Hard Boiled Caf Hounds Hard Hit By New Champion It was during rush period of the breakfast hour at the “caf,” famous meal hall of ye roughnecks and rug- ticusses. Everybody was busy with his cornflakes, so the portly old man of the stem map shambled in un­ noticed, except by a pair of hashers who, marveling at the quantity of breakfast he bought, kept a wary eye in his direction. As he took his seat and began the slaughter though the patrons began to come alive as it were. Tackling an orange bare­ handed he demolished a noise that could easily have been mistaken for a troop of cavalry ford­ ing mountain torrent. Every one within earshot remained in awed sil­ ence and one noted soup gurgler was seen to register first consternation and chagrin which soon melted into a look of profound admiration. Cof­ fee met a fate not unlike that of the orange, but being in a more con­ venient form, it was filtered in thru the bristling mustache without any­ one getting wet except those who did not have their raincoats on. it with By the time he had finished the carnage every eye in the house was upon him, as he made for the drink­ ing fountain. Probably remember­ ing the days of the old pump at the well on the farm he dutifully washed face and hands. Several bystanders of proverbial cast iron constitutions and bylaws gasped and those of a more humorous turn did not conceal their glee. The stem one however remained oblivious to the commotion. Fishing in various pockets extricated a toothbrush and a tube of pepsodent and without shame brushed his teeth. MELT FON CONFLUENCE F ootball M e n to rs W ill M eet H ere A bout Sept 8 to A r­ range Line o f A ttack Line coach Seddon of the Univer­ sity of Texas football eleven will ar­ rive for conference with the other coaches on September 8, according to a letter which has just been re­ ceived by the athletic office. Sed- don was all-western guard for four the Ohio years while playing on State team. His work with the Longhorns in the past has been con sidered valuable and he is being counted on this year to develop a new from largely new material. Regular train ing for the Longhorns will begin September is predicted that a western line of tactics will be used since Whitaker, Rumney and Seddon are products of western in­ stitutions, and favor the aggressive play with considerable dependence on the forward pass. Coach Whit­ aker comes from Indiana State, Rom­ ney from Chicago, and Seddon from Ohio. combination l l , and forward it T E A C H E R S E X A M S T O B E H E L D Examinations for teachers certi­ ficates will be given on Friday and Saturday of this week, Leon Halden- county school an­ nounced yesterday. superintendant The examination will cover all elementary subjects and the certifi­ cates will be good all over the state when issued. Permission take the examinations will be finally passed on next Friday. The exams will be given at the Austin High School. to IL Ten M illion G allon Filter Plant Is R ecom m ended by T ay­ lor and Schoch faculty members A ten million galhm modem fil­ ter plant as a solution to the water problem in Austin was recommended to the Austin city council Thursday morning in the report filed by Dean T. U. Taylor and Dr. E. P. Schoch, I niversity en­ gaged by the council to make a sur­ vey of the city water supply. In engaging the University professors instructed that a thor­ the council ough investigation should be made of all possible water supply sources, and should be made to the council based on the findings of the engineers. recommendations R ecom m en d P la n t S ite In summing up their report the University professors declared that suppuy had been all sources of found inadequate to supply the de­ mands of the city in time of drouth, with the exception of the Colorado river below the mouth of Barton .Springs. The flow of the river and Bartons have each been found over a long period of years to be at times insufficient to supply the city, stated the report. Location of the filter plant was therefore recommen- 1 dad on the plateau across the river ant! east of the tracks of the Inter­ national and Great Northern rail­ road. The water is to be taken from the river at a point below the mouth of Bartons in order that the com­ bined flow of the two streams may be available in times of drought. per c en T of P u r ify R iver W a te r Tn discuss*** the proposed Altera­ tion plant the report pointed out that the bacteria from the river water conld be re­ moved bv’ a modem rapid sand fil­ ter Cost of the proposed plant was this estimated amount $330,000 being for the erec­ t i o n of the plant proper and $ 7 0 , - 000 fr>r the construction of necessary pine line. $ 4 0 0 , 0 0 6 . at o f Dean Tavlor and Dr. Schoch b e ­ gan work on the water sxiordv re­ port approximately five weekS'Tago, being awarded the contract for the work bv the city council in compe- ♦ition with engineers from both the Fast and West. Tho TTnverritv m en 'rill r*»re;ve one thousand dollars for their work. CAMPUS EVENTS T od ay T . W C A. c a b in et m e e tin g f iv e o 'c lo ck a t Y . W . to d a y at C . A . room in th e M ain B u ild in g . talk a t V esp er T h u rsd ay at * - 1 5 on R e _ H gious E d u ca tio n o f C h ild ren . D r. C. T. G ray w ill THE DAILY TEXAN ®he Baily C exalt U N IV ER SIT Y FA C U LTY NOW CO M PLETED A F T E R MANY RESIGN ATION S (Continued from page I) Fir,*» Daily i n t h e S o u t h K«twr*fl *h .*cond-' la-'* m «tter at so** t o f f ie * u t A u s t i n , T e m , u n d e r o f C o n f r e * * , M a r - h « t * p * c i» l rat** of po**UMC* p rov id ed fo r fictio n ll® * , Ae* • u t h o r i x e d S e p t e w h e r 2 4 , October I S I * . 1 8 7 9 . I , 3 , the t h e n e t A c c e p t a n c e lr* t 91i . W M H A R R Y J A C K K d i t o r - i n - C h i o f H E N R Y C . F U l C H t l • M a n a g i n g E d i t o r THOMAS a POLLARD Supervising Butine*# Manager S T A F F F O R T O D AV M ild red K e lle y E d a m A T e a s e l A lice H e w le tt ! * * « * E d i t o r , . . . . ..........A s s i s t a n t A s s i s t a n t Connie C a n a R . T , W i l t o n RKTORTElfcft B. Sheppard Editorials B U S IN E S S IN C R E A S E S With the doubling 1 of (registra­ been residences tion during the past five years, there has developed a similar expansion o f j community. Not; the University only have many new boarding houses j and constructed near the campus, but a fringe of ^ business houses has made its appear- j anre within the past few years. An- j nouncement is now made that four new stores will be constructed ad j jacent to the campus; while other j being; business I > planned. | enterprises are * * * * to growth. in such rapid The j the past has been to j * With the record-breaking en ro ll-j s t u - , meiit of approximately 5,000 dents for the long session and 3,000 j for the summer tbrm, it is evident ex-! that Austin must continue serve j to pend and grow in order these thousands of students. WIHlej the rapid growth in the University section is indicative of the increasing community and the prosperity of the marvelous development of the University, there may be disadvan­ t a g e s in tendency construct inexpen­ temporary and sive buildings, rather than perman­ ent and attractive structures, a d ja ­ cent to the campus as well as on the campus. There is fond hope that some day not f a r distant the campus will be unshackled from the present unsightly wooden buildings; and it is to be hoped that the business build-1 ings near the campus may also as­ sume a more attractive appearance, with permanent store buildings of pleasing architecture taking the place ©f wooden structures. * * • # forecasts The University has a great year it. * The general prosperity before of the state is increasing with every) day. Th e crop indicate bumper harvests for the state. The insure optimistic outlook seems to the University an of over 5 .000 students fo r the approach­ ing long session. Austin would do well to prepare wod its greatH RD L well to prepare f o r its great year enrollment B Set ord, e n g i n e e r o f power plant. M e d i ca l i n s t r u c t o r s as ar*- Appointments in the Galveston follows: Medical College Evelyn Kerns, tutor in bacteriology; Virginia H. Alexander, instructor in pharmacology; S. C Milliken, in­ structor in pathology, R. B. Alexan­ der. instructor in clinical pathology and medicine; Mabei Aiken, matron of nurses home; F . F. Kumm, in­ structor in physiology; P. W. Day, in anatom y; A. C. Poin­ instructor dexter, tutor in histology; B. M. Hen­ drix, professor of biochemtry; Ade­ laide Richardson, instructor in phar­ Runge, medical m acy; Elizabeth librarian ; J. B. Littlefield, instruc­ tor in anatomy; K . McGivney, tech­ nician in bacteriology; J . H. Wool­ ers, Lee, instructor in clinical medicine. ------------- o-------------- in anatom y; G. T , I J instructor Dr. G ray to Speak A t Vesper Service on Campus Tonight Dr. € . T. Gray wilt speak at Ves­ per Service Thursday, Aug. 17, at 7 :1 5 on “ Religious Education for Children.” Dr. Gray is professor of psychology of education and has had much to do with the study of child­ ren. which fits him peculiarly well to speak on this subject. The meet­ ing will b e held out on the campus in the open air auditorium.. Misses Hilda Widen and Adair Mauritz will sing a duet entitled “ I waited for the Lord,” taken from Mendelssohn's “ Hymn of Praise.” In addition to the duet, Miss Helen Rockwell will give a piano solo “ Merkel B u t t e r f l y ” Miss Della Ju m p er will lead d ev otion al. Next week’s meeting coming just before the finals, will b° in the form o f a so n g service, featuring special mu­ sic and songs. Sc. Hardware * Fishing Equipment 'SE Tools, Machinery THE WALTER TIPS COMPANY 708 Congress Avenue Dr. Edw ard H. Schwab Practice limited to UROLOGY Suite 721 Scarbrough Building Let Us Watch Your Teeth Special Dicount to Students Dr. Guffin and Associates 612 Congress THE SIMPLE SECRET OF SUMMER COOLNESS Get Into One of Chase Tailored Palm Beach Suits Priced at $ 1 1 .2 5 and $ 1 5 .0 0 STRAW HATS AT HALF PRICE The New Collars Attached Shirts That College Men Like Have Ju st Come in Stebbins & James H a rt Schatfrier & M a rx Clothes Enjoy Your Summer in Austin by Drinking at Our New Fountain JOSEPH’S PHARMACY SE R V IC E Q U A LITY SATISFACTION Phone 4 3 35 622 Congress Ave. ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY TEXAN ast 13 THE DAILY TEX A N CLASSIFIEDS TH A T SH IPM EN T of melons from North Texas is here. We never | have to make them good. N ature did (’actus Melon Garden 220f>% that, — 211 Guadalupe. LOST— P air of shell-rinuned glas­ ses. Finder please phone 4217. — 18 JMMMiimiiMMttiinniimiimitttnnMinNtimMiiMttttmHtHMtiMitiMiHinitiliMitt S O C I E T Y R O S C O E M A R T IN l l \ SS s I > I > I P rof. W a lte r P. Webb ha^ been granted a leavf of absence fro m the University and he will leave a t the end of this te rm fo r Chicago Uni­ versity where he will do research work. Mr. Webb, accompanied by his wife and little daugh ter, will stop for a sho rt visit with P rof. Webb’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, C. P. Webb. The following has been received by frien ds: Mr. and Mrs. D. A. B arn e tt will give in m arriage th eir d au ghter, Evelyn Ferre! to Mr. J o ­ on seph T aylor Buckingham, S a tu rd a y evening, S eptem ber second nineteen hundred and tw enty-tw o atj eight o ’clock. Galveston Avenue B aptist Church. Dallas, Texas. J r., Naomi Coche left yesterday forj Boston, Mass., where she will take the p rerequisite in physical tra in in g j a t the' Boston C hildren’s Hospital. She will be accom panied by h e r sister, Ione, as fa r as New York. Naomi and Ione a re popular mem-| hers of the Phi Mu sorority. Prof. and Mrs. Spurgeon B ell and two little daughters, Katherine and M argaret, left Monday fo r an over-) land through n o rth Texas. trip F rancis Agnew of San Marcos, the University this I the campus this| is visiting on who w ill e n te r fall week. Dr. F. L. G riffith is through trip enjoying W south wes motor Texas, Scott Anderson will leave to day tor Galveston on a business trip. —---------- o ------------- W. D. HORNADAY RETURNS re tu rn e d W. I). H orn ad ay, d irec to r of pub­ the University of Texas, licity for has from Mexico City where he has been spending his va­ cation. Mr. H o rn a d ay told of meet­ ing m em bers of the faculty and s t u ­ dents of the University who were a t ­ tending the national university of Mexico. Mr. H o rn a d ay thinks indus­ try laces a gloomy year, and he re ­ ports financial depression ac- eute. th at the LA T E R T U L I A T O M E E T A very im p o rtan t m eeting of La Tertulia, the h on orary Spanish club of the University, will be held F ri­ day afte rn o o n a t 5 o’clock in room 158, M. B. to make definite plans for the last social a f f a i r o f the sum ­ mer. All m em bers are urged to be there. SWANN-SCHULLE FURNITURE AND CARPET COMPANY W e Build M ore H om es 401 C ongress A re. Helpy Selfy “HELP YOURSELF” is th e w a y y o u feel w h e n yo u a re b u y in g gro ceries at HELPY-SELFY 7 he Cool, S a n ita ry A tm o s p h e re invites tion of th e q u a lity a n d price of e v e ry a r ­ ticle a n d th e w h o le ­ so m en ess of f o o d co o ked from H e lp y S elfy gro ceries a r e t h e m ost p a la ta b le a n d en jo y ab le. WE PLAN PICNIC LUNCHES Save on Your August Grocery Bill by Buy­ ing at Helpy Selfy “ W here You H elp Y our­ self and S a v e” Cicero C rutchfield week-end in San Marcos. spent last] y o u r closest in spec­ Three-Piece Wool Suits Ideal for Fall Wear And you'll save m oney by buying now w h ile the prices are reduced W ool S u its U p to $ 7 0 .0 0 N ow $ 4 9 .5 0 W ool S u its U p to $ 5 5 .0 0 N ow $ 3 9 .5 0 W ool S u its U p to $ 4 5 .0 0 N ow $ 3 2 .5 0 W ool S u its U p to $ 3 5 .0 0 N ow $ 2 3 .5 0 W ool S u its U p to $ 2 5 .0 0 N ow $ 1 7 .5 0 Suits tailored wit lithe conservatism that sits well upon the business man— Young m en’s suits— Suits for youths iust donning their first long trousers— All with those lines that indicate the well-groomed man— smart, assured, immac­ ulately made. — And the prices are so genuinely low that no man can afford to pass up the chance for a new Fall Suit. SCARBROUGH’S . RADIO PHONES— ACCESSORIES Complete equipm ent for m aking your own sets We also carry a stock of Radio sets ready fo»* use J O H N L. MA R T IN 408 Congress A ve. Donnelly & White Plumbing, H eating and Electric Contractors TH U R LO W B. W E ED E m b a lm e r an d F u n e r a l D ir e c to r M o d e rn F u n e r a l H o m e S u p e r io r A m b u la n c e Service L a v a c a a t 17th P h o n e SOA ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY TEXAN S P O R T S L. B. PLUMMER TEXAS LEAGUE Wichita Fall,* Fort Worth Gatvesiton Dallas San Antonio Shreveport Houston Beaumont Won Lost .. 37 36 29 ..24 22 20 .. 18 IO 13 16 20 24 27 30 28 36 Per. .740 .692 .592 .500 .449 .400 .391 .217 Scores Yesterday Galveston 7, Dallas 2. Houlton 8, Shreveport 4. Fort Woith 12, Beaumont 4. San Antonio 4, Wichita Falls 0. Where They PI*T Today Shreveport at Houston. Dallas at Galveston. Fort Worth at Beaumont. Wichita Falls at San Antonio. I TODAY C onstance T alm adge — IN — ‘‘A Pair of Silk S tock in gs ** shoes. AT MUELLER’S SHOE STORE THE CANTILEVER SHOE G reat O pportunity for School T eachers and M others — 7 o d a y th e s u b je c t of c o rre c t a n d c o m fo rta b le S ho es is a live issue ✓ in ev e ry c o m m u n ity . D o c to rs a n d n u rses a n d m en a n d w o m e n in­ te re ste d in th e p u b lic w e lf a re a re reco gnizing th e p hy sical a n d m e n ­ tal a d v a n ta g e s of shoes w h ich c o n fo rm to th e n a tu ra l foot, a s o p ­ posed to shoes w h ich p lease th e e y e a n d p la g u e th e p h y siq u e. — I ea c h e rs a n d M o th e rs h a v e a w o n d e r f u l o p p o rtu n ity to d a y to set th e y o u n g e r girls a sen sib le e x a m p le b y w e a rin g c o rre c tly b u i l t -—C antilever Shoes a r e r e c o m m e n d e d to be w o rn b y school te a c h e rs a n d m o th e rs w h o w ish to be s e n s ib ly a n d w ell d ressed. T h e arch of C a n te le v e r S h o es is flexible lik e th e foot arch. — C o m fo rta b le toes, m o d e ra te o r lo w heels, as y o u p re fe r, a n a tu ra l sh a p e w h ich m e a n s c o m fo rt a n d goo d circ u la tio n a re o th e r e n jo y ­ ab le fe a tu re s of C a n tile v e r Shoes. Oxfords and Lace Boots in Brown Kid, Brown Calf and Black Kid. SII, $12, $14, and $15 We fit correctly p e e / Lovely Betty in a color­ ful South Seas romance th a t is one long, delicious t h r i l l ! ----------- a l s o ------------ NEWS AND FABLES CARL H. MUELLER COS C O N O R>ESS AVE. Home of* Good Shoes-Hosiery