f lir Battu &exatt F irst College Daily in the South _________ UMMER V O LU M E III A U ST IN , T EX A S, T H U R SD A Y , JU L Y 14, 1921 T Spartacus Taught Life of Shepherd B ut Died Fighter U M D D PRESS WILL PRINT BOOK WRITTEN BT TEXAS PROFESSOR OF PUBLIC S P L S LOCATES AT BERKELE1 W ork on E nglish D ram a N ow C om pleted by Dr. W il­ liam L eigh Sow ers Dr. E. D. Shurter N ow L ecturing At U niversity o f C alifornia Sum m er School TD FIGHT WEEVIL g r i c u l t u r a l D epartm ents T ests B o ll W eevil E xterm inator P a t e n t e d by C. B lanks Tests o f a machine which may iring about the absolute exterm ina- ,n of th e cotton boll weevil were aade yesterday m orning by Chief h to m o lo g is t W atkins o f the State and , p a y m e n t her members o f the departm ent, the Elwood farm about one mile of Agriculture, eft o f Austin. E x - S t u d e n t S o lv e * P r o b le m The machine is the invention of lark Blanks, form er student o f the niversity of T exas, and at the pres- t time living in Austin. Mr. Blanks ted that the new invention has en used for several years on his antation near Lockhart, and has -oved entirely successful. Should e machine live up to the inventor’s pectations under the scrutiny of ate officials, he will have solved problem that has engaged the best inds of the nation since the advent the boll w eevil from Mexico, and r which up to the present tim e no aetical solution has been found. M a c h in e O p e r a t e d C o n v e n ie n t l y the generator to In brief, the new machine consists a small gasoline engine, a genera- r, and the necessary electrical ap- ratus for conducting the current om the cotton alk and to the ground. The ou tfit carried on the regular cotton cul- mtor and is constructed to be oper- ed while plowing is being done with e cultivator. This arrangem ent iminates the n ecessity o f making a ecial trip over the field for the rpose o f exterm inating the wee- is. W e e v ils E le c t r o c u t e d conducted The generator provides an elec- ical current o f several volts which through -a series of eelers” to the ground and to the tton stalk. This current kills all gs, larva, and pupa o f the w eevil, t only saving the actual crop in ocess of growing, but also in time aning destruction o f the species al­ e g e r through inability of any ad­ renal w eevils to reach m aturity. ► atte m p t is made to destroy the insect flies rent weevil, as that out and practically makes it im- It is stated, however, that ssible. actual crop can be saved by the mention, and, as already pointed t, the p a re n t w eevil in time exter- nated. Y i e l d * to B e C o m p a r e d the test which w as given on In finesday, several rows o f cotton re gone over with the invention, e results in yield per acre o f the ated crop and that untreated will compared at the end o f the sea- If previous experim ents o f the enter him self are borne out, the i; of the crop gone over with the terminator” should be decidedly ger than the part which was not e over. After the experim ent had been lpleted the machine was le ft run- g on the Elwood farm , where it id it will be used during the rest the summer. Other m achines are 3ady being sold and it is stated t the inventor even now is having Acuity in supply the demand. R e p o r t to B e M a d e fruity in supplying the demand, partment of Agriculture will re- n a report on the invention. It understood that should this re- t be favorable, that the state de- tm ont will purchase one fo r its t use and for dem onstration to men? over the state. N eedless to the report o f the departm ent is iously awaited by cotton growers r the entire South, as a solution the ever more form idable ques- of figh ting the ravages o f the weevil. M a y E n la r g e P la n t are experim ents is now located he plant for m anufacturing the in Austin, Kine continuing J day by Mr. Blanks and a corps helpers to improve and perfect present machine. The shop for mbling, which is at the present - very small, will doubtless be dly enlarged as the new inven- becomes better known, and its k h demonstrated to farmers. (Musing* by B e n ) Spartacus, whose first name seem s to have been torn off during its scu f­ fle in the halls o f tim e, began to flourish 2713 years ago last spring and continued to flourish for some time after that. Spartacus was born in Thrace and educated to be a shepherd. One day as he was m aking some laboratory experim ents along his work, he was the gladia­ captured and sent to t o r ia l school in Capua. Spartacus decided that it was ju st as honorable to die o f old age as sport for the areno crowd. Consequently he cor­ rupted the grammar departm ent of the school o f gladiators and about seventy of them seized cleavers and divers other weapons and made their escape. They established them selves in the crater of Mount Vesuvius. Spartacus had a w onderful phys­ ique and was a long-winded orator, but he was finally killed in battle. Two thousand years has not removed his memory nor his e ffig y from our midst. If the inquisitive one wdll board the elevator in the main building and stay on it long enough he will be fin ally elevated to the fourth floor. Here he will find him— or her— self confronted with a number o f figures clothed in natural beauty and sun­ light. English drama is the subject o f a work which is to be published this summer at the Harvard University Press, Cambridge, M assachusetts by Dr. William Leigh Sowers o f the University English Dr. Sowers has been working upon the subject for the past several years, having spent last year in England in research while on leave o f absence from the University faculty. faculty. O n ly O n e V o lu m e At the time o f Dr. Sowers’ leaving the University for the North in June, he stated that the work, in its state at that time, ar instructors In .a recognised drama, and • __during the past year taught English . * „ 31, a course in the English drama, * , besides other advanced courses, „ * R . ’ , ( ^nivtrsl > ° exas a"d 19 °" e thor­ sickly, simper- A fter this work has been NEW LANTERN SLIDES Unlike previous attem pts, the Sen- oughly exam ined from the various j ate f inance committee and the House points o f the compass one can't help appropriations commjttee yesterday but reverently say ing, Spartacus.” voted without opposition $190,000 for the establishm ent of the Stephen F. Austin Normal at Nacogdoches. The city has given 206 acres of fin e land $175,000 will be used for the site. ' for the erection o f buildings and $15,- the the improvement I OOO for E xtension D epartm ent M aking grounds. rienced Governor’s office, the new normal Efforts T o Provide P rojec- tions o f T exas H istory If no difficulty in the Legislature is expe- and the ---------- of | will Degin in September of 1922. Many new lantern slides are being For the past several years, Nacog- added to the visual instruction d iv i-, doches has been trying to get this sion o f the extension departm ent of normal school. The location is very the U niversity. being made by W. R. Duffy, head school Special efforts are I favorable as is no normal in several hundred miles o f there o f this division, to obtain a full and Nacogdoches. This city is practically authentic set o f slides on T exas and and will American history. Many have a1- , be a great aid to students who can the center o f East Texas ready been secured and grouped by not go far to school, t , periods in the history o f this coun- i try. These to schools, com munity centers, and should be . It is considered very appropriate lantern slides are sent that the Stephen F. Austin Normal located at this place as it is the oldest town in the state and the first to which Stephen F. Austin churches as they request the use o f them. Lanterns are no longer f u r - ; came in TVxaB nished but them and an educational reduction MISS WI LLI AMS TO L ECTU RE inform ation regarding 0_________ ltM ., „ . on purchase price can be obtained ---------- through the extension departm ent. Miss Lela D. W illiams, president o f Printed lectures by authorities on the the State Teacher’s Association, will various subjects accompany each set deliver an address Friday evening at o f slides. the open air auditorium at eight There are now 150 sets o f slides in o ’clock. Miss W illiams has ju st re- this departm ent, and they illustrate turned from the National Education nearly all subjects the public Association, which met last week at school curriculum, particularly g e o g - Des Moines, Iowa. She will speak raphy, history and English. A col- especially in regard to the develop- in lection of botany slides has recently ment of education in Texas but more been made for the departm ent by especially on the State Teacher’s As- B. C. Tharp, professor o f botany in sociation. All teachers in attendance Photographs w e r e at the Summer School or Summer the U niversity. made o f actual plants, and hand tint- Normal are urged to be present. ed slides have been made from the o---—— photographs. Any o f these slides | will be sent to teachers who request j COMMUNITY SINGING ---------- them by the departm ent o f extension There will he a com munity singing, o f the University. Friday evening at the open air tu d i- The departm ent has extended a torium from 7:15 to 8 o’clock. The cordial invitation to all teachers to singing will be led by Miss E lfe d a , visit them and inspect the collection ittlejohn. Everybody is cordially in-J o f slides in which they are interested, vited to attend. Flower of Youth Captures Campus in Spite of Ogre To a casual visitor on the campus of the University o f Texas during the Summer Session, it would appear that a kindergarten or day-nursery was being maintained in connection with the regular departm ents. Youngsters lawns, and hover swarm over the around the doors o f class rooms, and in evidence at especially are they the cafeteria. meal hours around Teachers from all parts of the state, who have come to Austin to renew their certificates or to take some of the courses offered in the University Summer School, bring their families with them. And while their mothers and fathers are in school the children disport them selves at large on the campus. There are kiddies in rom­ pers and gingham dresses; there are others in sturdy little suits and dainty dresses. The types range from the freckled-faced, the snaggled-toothed, and the tom boys, to the stiffly starch­ ed and curly headed and demure. K eeping them amused and out of m ischief is a problem, but on the whole, the children behave well. They go roller-skating around the “perip,” the cem ent walk that encloses the en­ tire campus. They clatter past class rooms on a vehicle improvised from a soap box, a board and a pair of skates, and in so doing drown out the irofessor’s favorite joke. Or they climb up the fire escape of the Main frantic mother, Building, while a three stories below, calls to them to come down and please to be careful. They romp over the freshly painted campus benches, or play hide and seek behind the trees, or make friends with the numerous dogs which make the campus their headquarters. Many of the students toiling in laboratories and listening to interm inable lectures must the look w istfu lly out upon gam es and agree with one professor’s h eartfelt remark: ‘‘Go to it, kids, you’re only young once.” T h ere is a campus ogre, however, rn th e form o f H. B. Beck, really an amiable person. But he objects to having the beauty o f the campus de­ faced by the pulling of flowers and the clim bing o f young and easily dis- ( Continued on Page 2) --------------o------------- N o. 2 8 COLLEGES NEED LIBERAL AID IO N ational C onference Says S e­ rious Em ergency Exists in H igher Education According to an article by George F. Zook in School Life, there is a very serious emergency in higher educa­ tion at the present time. The cause of the emergency is the great num­ ber of students besieging the univer­ sities and the lack of instructors. On account of the great opportunities offered by the late war, many In­ structors left their posts and w ent into other fields of work. Since go­ ing into these other fields many o f them have succumbed to the tem pta­ tion to accept positions offered them in the fields of business and industry which are more remunerative than those in educational institutions. It is necessary to secure others to take their places and many are chosen who are incapable or who are not as well fitted as the previous ones. It has been found almost impossible to se­ cure a sufficient number to accom­ modate the large influx of students in some places. S e r io u s P r o b le m B r o u g h t A b o u t The results a re obvious. The pro­ duction of goods requiring the serv­ ices of technically trained men will Lh* curtailed Secondary seriously. schools will s u ffe r for the w a n t of properly trained teachers. S tud en ts will go forth from our colleges and universities ability to lacking the solve the complex problems of our modern social and economic life. This is of g re atest to every person in America. importance S c h o o ls A r a W a s t e f u l The article also deals with the fact th a t American schools are w asteful. It is said that it takes much more time for a student in America to fin ­ ish the work of the sophomore year than it does for a student in Europe to do th e same work. The author be­ lieves that much time could be saved if the first two years of our college work were secondary schools. taught in R e m e d y R e c o m m e n d e d O ne H undred and Fifty A pply To T ak e S tate Exam ina­ tion A t A. & M. I ho National Citizens’ Conference on Education recommends as a rem ­ edy for the present crisis a concen- ‘ n of the friends of higher edu­ cation on a campaign for increased fun*Is. Larger faculties, staffed w ith men and women’ of superior ability, C an did ates fo r certificates in th e and adequate buildings and equip- th*' Summer n u n * are the solution of the p re sen t ' ' m higher education. None o f th irte e n th School o f cotton classing a t th* Agri- session o f , cu ltu ra l and Mechanical Calic*- of n u m b e r 150, according to advices re- of * h ad' however- unle" several times la rg e r th an those OI TOrmer years a re available to meet Texas, which will close .July 15, now th. double cost of living and the tre - received from t h a t institution. Imendous increase of students. ' " T . . . . , . , - , ale n t o f one su m m er s work in ex- fftr th P applied to P r o b le m o f P e o p le certificates ^he conference made clear All stu d en ts who have tak e the exam ination for have com pleted th e work of two sum- mer sessions, or have had the equiv- t h a t the ( risis is a problem of the peo- Whether supported by p riv ate 01 public funds, all institutions exist If th ey to r the benefit o f the people. perience and com pleted the present are unable to do th e ir work properly S u m m e r School. the which is issued by the cotton school; PUL1 ic welfare are the chief suffer- It is only fa ir th a t the facts ors. should he placed before them in order that they may act speedily and in ­ telligently. is one o f certification as to th*- ability o f the graduates to gra d e and staple cotton. certificate j and effectively, the people and The . ’ , .. The exam ination will be held at Col­ lege S tation the da> a f te r th* close of the sum m er session, and a la rg e ;.- percen tag e of those g r a n te d e e r t ifi- i A cates will take the e x a m i n e e , The ‘I quiz will be held bv the S tat- |ir in g board, and th e successful t o - £ * . * '^ . T dents wil I be given a .state license i certificate which will qualify them to i of Waco, women’ which increase in enrollm ent d e a n ; J . C. A lbritton o f Webster, a n d j* ’ ^a ,r *° continue in fu tu re y e a rs ; B aker Hoskins o f Waco. George A. Endress, resident a r c h ­ itect of the U niversity of Texas, is in Galveston su p erin ten d in g the instal- lation of new h eating equ ip m en t fo r ^ hereas, th ere has b<*en an enor- The enrollm ent in the cotton school Joh n Sealy Hospital and o th e r build- J th is su m m er has been ju s t a few less I m0UK increase in the cost of m ateria ls ings o f the School o f Medicine, f o r ! than the enrollm ent o f 300 l a s t s u m - | a nd supplies, including those n e c ta ­ r i n e h the Board of R egents re cen tly j mer, an d the college officials feel t h a t I »a *F for buildings and instruction in such a de­ a p p ro priated $27,500. He institutions of higher learn in g ; and look mg a f t e r the erection o f a new' m oralizing cotton year as the past sea- pharm acology is an evidence of the grow ing fo r son which an additional appropriation of | p o p ularity of the school am ong the $17,500 was made. “ Whereas, endowments and appro- is also such an attendance a f te r cotton men o f the State. E n d o w m e n t s A r e la b o ra to ry I n a d e q u a t e th ere | and „ ( Continued on Page 2) M ay B e L ocation D ollars T ak en O ff o f S ta te N orm al U n iversity B u d get THE DAILY TEXAN ®hr S a l l y ® e x < m COLLEGES NEED LIBERAL AID TO KEEP STANDARD (Continued from Pajr I' FLOWER OF YOUTH r i P T i m C t C A M P U S C A P T U R E S C A M P U 5 'lecture on • Einstein s Theory o f Rel- •tiv ity ” the only member of the au- wh<> m not jn „ ^ ony o f _______ IN S P I T E O r O ia K E concentration over that com plicated subject was a tiny girl who scooped wet gravel into a tin bucket with an old spoon. (Continued from Page I ) priatkms, which before the war were * I sufficient to maintain college a n i —! university work, h .v e in the present o c u r r e d trees First Coft*** »» • * Soartfc Published st th* tJutrsTSlty of Tex*# Am* student body <**0y exempt Saturday Offie* (rf th* Daily T e x a n : Boost I**- Main Bai din* TeiephMM* *14* Bolero a- — - * - ”■ T~ r ? , or emergency, notwithstanding the mort teh summer - I rigid economies, proved to ! inadequate and to this increased cost world are you doing, is the set for- be utterly away from flow er bed*. ‘ w h at rn the „ * . ■* *** o f maintenance and to take care of ">ul. »* one, upon approach, and the - **«*.« ta- and next scene of th* little act is usually *** W P ll” ,m '» ••Whereas. Ute u t t r e - r t cost o f Hr- ^ y* P*ir of sw iftly departing young ------------------------ j)0 they get in people’s way? Not He is kept busy in time driving children . at all. Who would want to see ju st book worms around, anyhow* S M U. WILL NOT PLAY VARSITY According to the Southern Metho­ dist U niversity which has just been published, eight J schedule, football V e r n o n B Mill E d i t o r i a - C k k * n f P h o n e 6 9 5 1 Jo* Bac kin I ho na Maaagia* Editor PW * 7S29 b u s i n e s s s t a f * PW * 3149 Section no*. Act of October ». lilt. author- jng has compt i»Bd September 24. rn*. . led many college and t h e s t o r y goes, a certain little to ie sign theii boy o f angelic features but an ad- games will make up O n c e , . university teachers th . t th, v ' w att so that they may a lions in business and industry where the remuneration is sufficient to en- Engineering „ e, pt p po ^ able them to support taeir lam bies s u i venturous spirit amused him self b r e v i t i e s . | n e lr the will not play the usual gam es with the se a so n s ac-, The University o f T exas Building, with the re- S. M. L . this year. M. U. this year. U nfortunately, of his trousers due to difficulties in arranging the t Meeting nail Greatly em- contracts the hardest game o f the ^ X 1L T t ! ° ^ ' c h i , d “ 0; and b adassed, hc sat h.m 'down -W hereas, these conditions h .v e step, to ponder the situation. And schedule. I ™ While sitting there he was approached / W w ill com e the In all, five o f the eight second on w il* be Played on home terri- is as “ H J. Y»fbrow*h Hi ab D. Shhrloy PboM 1949 Phono rn * Thursday, July 14, 1921 in* competent teachers, which, even un- ier pre-war conditions, would have been inadequate to continue instruc­ tion on that high plane which the ! college* and universities have alw ays endeavored to m aintain; and scho° i t?*cheri - tory foiows: October 6— Howard Payne at Dal- The 5chedu,e vho asked him to go F a k in g with *hem. H e r e f u s e d several tim es over. 5as; October The offer of a had no effect. *‘Boy, why?" asked one o f the girls, ” o u ,t™ ; Norem ber U A . and M . College treat at the drug store at D>lla’ '' October 29— Arkansas at Fort Smith; November 4— Rice at (A rm istice Day) T. C. U. at Dallas; November hwestern at Dalh But I h .v e a special 18— Southwestern at Dallas; Novem - l l vi= “ Don't you like us?” “Oh, yes’m TODAY'S STAFF Henry C. Fulcher Jam es P. Gibson ELP ARTERS E. P. Choice Lloyd Comb* Ira Bellinger Allyne Harris ber 24— Baylor at Waco. ‘ Whereas, the nation for service _________ «>_ “special reason” was. reason for not going. Issue Editor Assistant in the public meaj8 at the U niversity Cafetera. At S ch o o l A th letic* . And they never knew what that ___________ young men and Many of the parents take Many of the parents take rightfully expects the college# and universities the country to continue supplying in with well trained F a ll good* women schools, for technical positions in in- noon a group o f hungry children wait are a rriv in g an d p ric es a re n ow d us try and business, for the learned afcout the entrance of each building rea d y . S ee u s an d m a k e aelec- Marjori* Math - professions, and for leadership in all untji mother or father and the fam ily tion fo r you r sch o o l th is fa ll. John Lillie McBryde Frances Cocke since, owing to the changed condition ingly famished little girl who asks ev- in social and “ Isn’t it one o'clock by the world war. new and complex y et?” She then twines herself around W e still h a v e se v e r a l v ery problem* have arisen which demand a the door post o f the class room which lig h t w e ig h t S u m m er S w e a te r s, s w e a te r s a re d e lig h tfu l greatly The. members of the class are in si- for la te e v e n in g w ea r, an d are trained men and women; b ein g o ffered at g r e a tly re- free d u ced p ric es. C om e in an d se- fa v o r ite s ty le a n d action, and purse emerge. There is one exceed- C. & S. S p o rtin g G ood s Co. proportion eft c o n t a i n s her mother and looks hungry. T h e se “Therefore, it is the sense of the lent sympathy with her. from the distant shouts o f the chil- le ct y o u r National Citizen.-’ Confeence on Ed- life caused pry passer-by: Y ou w h o are You w h o are S. .Mayfield fields of lectures are never in te r e ste d thought and 0_________ industrial increased Outdoor their their That a national crisis exists dren, who are having an outdoor cir- co lo r to d a y th e B lu eb o n n t lis t of subject* in our educational system which de- CUR ° n the,r own »cco« nt- During a S h o p . THE EDUCATED MAN If a man knows his Latin and G reek, is fam iliar with Rom an history, and can pass an exam- i nation in a ucation: -At Mueller's Shoe Store The Stetson Shoe, a good-looking oxford, gen­ uine long calfskin and wear w ritten all over i t $12.50 LONG-SERVICE SH O ES You buy the first pair because you like the w ay they look and feel to your feet. You’ll buy the ’second and succeeding pairs as long as you can get them b ecause— how th ey do w ear! And they are good-looking and su­ prem ely eom bortable. O x fo rd s $ 7 .3 5 a n d up CARL K MUELLER Home of Good Shoes-Hosieiy e o e c o n g f? e s s a v e . P A T T O N ’ S AUT O L I V E R Y TRANSFER TO ALL PARTS OF CITY AND OUT OF TOWN Good Cars and Trucks Good Drivers PHONE US YOUR W ANTS WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU Phones 6288, 2616 417-19 Congress mands the earnest thought and the w hich might be enum erated on careful consideration of every citizen the fingers of one hand, th en o f the country, and that the attention an d only then, is he educated. of the p*°p1<* of the Unit*d State9 and held good iw iu g w w forcefully to this emergency, both in the memories of our the public schools and in the institu- T h a t definition should be called immediately within g ran d fath ers. Rut since th e tion9 of hl*her u* rn,n* I1 “2. That in order to meet this time when th e y sought eduea- eyisi* jn education it has become ala­ tion in a Latin gram m ar, edu- blately essential for colleges and uni­ versities to secure increased funds cation a1 theories have gone in vhich will enable them to obtain nec­ for acrobatics and the curricula essary equipment and supplies and ‘o attract to and retain in their fac­ o f our universities have seen ulties an adequate number of men countless house-cleanings. A and women *»f superior ability and new definition must be ap plied . «pecra!ized education. **3. That unless It is not necessary’ now th a t higher a m an shall read Virgil as glib- creased endowments and appropria- s ly as h e reads h is newspaper, tkms they will inevitably be staffed f He may be a little hazy on some b>’ te,cher* of inferior grade, clauses; larger than experience has instruction f o r generally will be mediocre and inef- Of the personal h a b it s of early shown to be wise, and R om an science, torm ulae of any de-: a e r a t i o n may ache violently. He can ,, . That the people of the United! name States will not be satisfied if earnest I and well prepared students are de­ l i g h t , no nine English poets, opportunity to obtain a high- and knows no others. Still h e j e r education under inspiring and et- ficient teachers in institution* .. “ thoroughly equipped to carry on their , m ay be an educated man. institutions secure these Need* Are Without Parallel em p ero rs. . . make his h e a d 1 learning will be of in-! ficient. and , . * j As „ , , . The tendency of the present work p e r m it t in g is to reduce the number of fixed I “5* That 9inct> colle^ s ar‘ i um* v e r itie s are the chief source for the requirem ents, in student a wide choice in s e le c - lp u r e and applied science, the welfare of the nation demands that in these! t h e I supply of research workers both ”6 That to attain these ends it is ; the tam ing of students in the meth- b o a o f his field and exp ectin * .n3titation, CV(lry „pportunity him to obtain through real ap- given for original scientific encour- plication there some ideas 0f ' “5 « wn‘. ot rf ,;,roh pro,esf rs and other subjects and their rela- {Hj3 c f research, tion to each other. One require- m ent still holds. To be e d u ca t-1 imperative opimor throughout the nation ck* aroused im- . ed a man must be able to use media^ ly tl, , tto„ UKh appr^ iation the English language correctly | o f the pr9M m g unparalleled and clearly. Beyond that little needs of institutions of higher leam - lim itation is placed upon him ing. the members of because the range of possibii- this National Citizens Conference on .ties today is so wide and the K,Ulc!i;ion do h„ tby call upon the variety of subjects so great that p ^ p ie c f the United States to pro- further classification would be vide liberal support for their colleges im practicable. an(1 universities, both public and pri- “Therefore, we, public that and , .. , . . , , , , , , . _ . . A fter all, it must be rem em- vst*' *" order, thst ‘h~ m3t:t',tk>n’ may adequately and effectively min- , benni that a man may be edu- isU,r to the n(vd, of th„ ^ ple and cated beyond the point of dis- ^ r v e the public ywe lf a re.” pute and lack of manners and — culture that w’ould make him good com pany. He may hold a bona fide degree and not pos­ se ss the judgment and agility o f mind necessary to business success. But if a man is truly educated he has some idea of th e consequential problems of th e world and his r e s p o n sib ly toward them. He may get this from history, languages, science o r philosophy, but have it he m ust. W ithout it his claim is a claim, no thing more. JENSEN - RAYMER PHOTOGRAPHERS 918 Congress Avenue Phone 7027 for Cuban Cigar Mfg. C o /s You to watch the Texan It’s coming. W A N T E D ad. — Evening Missourian. ,‘OD2 BON T O N B A K E R Y A. K O H N . Prop. Delicious French P astry and all kinds of Cakes m ade to order. Phone us your order—it doesn’t take long. BR EA D 9c I 307 Lavaca Phone 6372 uiumnaHagtinoTTiwai;r11 rn^ Let us rent you any kind of a typew riter. I W e deliver them to you, and come after them when you are through. r F. L P A T T Y Phone 6060 W U K A S C H BR OS . CAFE AND CONFECTIONS Summer School Students are invited to take their m eals with us. Good home cooking. Let us fix your picnic lunches 2000 Guadalupe Phone 6305 When You Order Your Bread From BUTLER BAKERY You Don’t Have to Worry About the Quality BUTLER BAKED BR E A D IS TH E BEST BR EA D % Cakes and Pastries of the Finest Quality Phone 7081 1512 Lavaca HEMSTITCHING, HOOTING & PLEATING W e Invite Comparison of Our Work Local A gents For “K LENZO NA” That Wonderful Glove and Garment Cleaner MRS. A . N . M UNN & SON Phone 8362 800 Congress Ave. T H E H IG H C O ST O F SIC K N E S S Did you ever stop to figure ju st what the high cost o f sickness meanjj It is not alone what you pay your doctor, BL T it s your drug bi you? your hospital bills, the time and w ages you lose. Stop being sick; stop doctoring effects; go to the Chiropractor and the CAUSE REMOVED. We are in business for YOUR health. ( to us and have your spine analyzed, it costs you nothing for this service. H L E O A . & A N N IE H . S T E W A R T , D ’s. C. Palmer Method Chiropractors Graduates Texas Chiropractic College Office in Driskill H otel, 608 Brazos St., Austin Texas. SHIRTS IO CENTS COLLARS 2 1 -2 CTS. W e Cater to People W ho Care Ford D elivery P h o n e 6 6 2 4 W A L K E R ’ S L A U N D R Y S T O M A C H T R O U B L E There are many different kinds, such as gastritis, indigestion, ulcers, abnormal amount of acid or gastric ju ice, etc. All forms of stom ach trouble are due to abnormal supply o f nerve energy supplied to the stomach and its glands. Th*1 CAUSE of this disturbed nerve function is a partial obstruction o f the nerves at the spine due to the small bones being out o f align­ ment through which the nerves pass. CHIROPRACTIC Spinal Adjustm ents correct the small bones to normal alignm ents which frees the nerves from all im pingem ent, and the stomach trouble will no longer exist. A R N O L D & A C K E R M A N , D ’s C., C h i r o p r a c t o r s COMPLETE X RAY LABORATORY 309 W elt Sixth Street. Telephone: 7393 Hours: 9 to l l ; I to 6. Sunday: IO to l l a. ® W e Do Not Charge for X-Ray Analysis. &\ i ? BIGGS & COMPANY CLEANER A N D TA ILO R •rf* Experience justifies ability.—Every employ®* of ours have from I 5 to 22 years e x p e r i e n c e S e r v ic e T h a t S e r v e s Phone 7601 1007 C ongress Ave, Si S o c i e t y H A R R IE T H E N D E R S O N lie speech in the way o f inform ing or educating public opinion. The organ- OFFICIAL ization o f the four-minute men by the governm ent itself at a very large ex­ pense shows the influence exerted by t ie public speaker even at a tim e when newspapers and m agazines are so widely read. A n y o n e C an L ea rn Professor Shurter believes that any normal person can learn to speak successfully in public, but that the total results depend largely upon the person’s natural aptitude. A marked characteristic of oratory as distin­ guished from public speaking is that it touches the emotion o f the hearers in addition to appealing to the 'intel­ lect, and moves the auditors to action. An order has an indefinable quality called oratorical instinct. “The two courses given by P rofes­ sor Shurter in the summer session are intended to be thoroughly practical. ‘The course in oral English is plan­ ned primarily to help teachers, es­ pecially teachers o f English, in the m atter o f dealing with oral English in high schools. The course in extern- 1 pore speaking is for the purpose o f developing power to organize and de­ liver within the tim e limit o f five m inutes an address upon a given topic. The subject m atter o f the speech is fu lly prepared, organized and out­ lined, but the language for expres­ extem poraneously. chosen sion is law has in parliamentary Training been introduced as one phase o f the class work because the governm ent is a governm ent by public discussion and a speaker who has a knowledge of parliamentary law can usually g et what he wants before deliberative bodies. th e A re you m issing in ­ d escrib ab le p lea su res o f a Cold th ese hot p lu n ge and sw im , d a y s? W hy not hurry over to th e B luebonnet Shop, sele c t an up-to-the-m inute bath in g suit, and join th e crow d ? interested You w ho are in School A th letics. F all goods are arriving and prices are now “ea d y . See us and m ak e se le c ­ tion for your sch ool th is fa ll. C. & S. Sporting G oods Co. HIGHLAND CHRISTIAN EN­ DE A VORERS: Meet at Highland Presbyterian Church Friday evening at 7 :45 to go in a body to Miss B egg’s home. All who can not be at the church at that tim e come on to 1906 Pearl Street. A good time is as­ sured for all who are the party. PUBLICITY COMMITTEE. BAND: There will be a band re­ hearsal at S. Hall tonight at 7:00 o’clock. All members be present. DIRECTOR. KAPPA DELTA PI picnic and in­ itiation will be held Monday in order to avail con flict with Friday night speeches o f Mrs. W illiams and Pres­ PRESIDENT. ident Vinson. HOGG DEBATING CLUB meets tonight for the final m eeting o f the term. Arrangem ents for intersociety debate will be made. R. O. JONAS, President. W hy not sele c t som ethin g d if­ feren t, w h en pu rchasing a g ift? You w an t an article th at w ill reflect th e in d ivid u ality o f th e giver, and at th e sam e tim e be p lea sin g to th e favored one. from C onsider Italy, London and N ew Y ork on d isp lay at th e B luebonnet Shop. th e offerings CLASSIFIEDS I cen t a w ord. N o ad a c ­ cep ted for less than 25 c. Cash in ad van ce. LOST— A Theta Xi fraternity pin Monday, somewhere between Wom­ an’s Building and Lubbock Hall. Finder please return to University Business Manager, room 113, Main Building. Five Dollars Reward.— 17 TO GIRLS— Two rooms with gal­ lery and sleeping porch. Modern conveniences. rent. Phone 5163. 2408 N ueces Street. — 2 1 Garage for If the pink cameo rm g vAiich was taken from the lavatory in the li­ brary is returned to the Lost and LOST— Last Friday, key ring con­ taining Sargent and four small locker keys Please return to Thelma Dil­ lingham. Phone 7764. FOR RENT— Board and room. Splendid East room, 5 windows— for particulars phone 3455. 2010 W ich­ ita, opposite the Law Building. — 16 LOST— One pair horn rimmed glasses. Finder please leave at the — tf. Texan office. W ANTED TO RENT— Perm anent­ ly a small cottage unfurnished or furnished. Must be available not later than August I. Phone 4423 be­ — 16 tween 2 and 5 p. rn. COOL SOUTH and EAST ROOMS with sleeping porches; baths; meals near and convenient to Capitol and 1807 Colorado Street. University. — 21 Phone 3745. REWARD— For lower part o f gold fountain pen with the initials “T. C.” Finder please engraved 14 phone 3140. on it. LARGE cool new ly papered rooms with good board for girls at $33 per month for summer school. Engage for next long term. One and a half blocks from campus. 1906 Wichita Street. Mrs. Fred Henninger. — 15 O. H . R IT C H A R D SO N , D . C. C hiropractor Palmer School Graduate X-Ray Laboratory Phone 5107 Suite 502-4-5-10 Littlefield Bldg. Hours 10-12— 2-6 p. rn. Lady A ttendant HALL’S Hair Dressing Parlor M arcel W a v e a S p ecia lty Cistern W ater and Sunshine HO W. 7th Phone 7656 B o x and B u lk The E. L. STECK Co. 9 0 9 C o ngress A v e. ?iiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiniiiiiii)ffliiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiN S U M M E R S T U D E N T S We are headquarters for your Quick Lunch and Delicatessen Complete line of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables In season, received daily. Also fresh country creamery Butter, and guaran teed country Eggs. W. A. ACHILLES & CO. 1608-10 Lavaca Street Phone 5365, 5366. 5367 READ THE ADS IN THE DAILY TEXAN Just East of “ P.” Hall Phone 2087 It covers the University field thoroughly, R E L I A B I L I T Y It is worth rem em bering th a t when it comes to getting work out on time— work th a t is absolutely satisfactory__ the best abliity is reliability. The reliability of The Dris- kill Hotel Laudry is evidenced by the fact th a t its num er­ ous patrons are the S elect and P articular P eop le of this community. Telephone 6444 WAGNER CAFE AND CONFECTIONERY S h o rt O rd e rs, L u n ch e s, Ice C re a m a n d f o u n t a i n D rin k s S ta tio n e ry , C a n d y , C igars, C ig a re tte s , T o b a c c o s, etc. BO N TO N CAF E To the Students W hen in T ow n Come in and See Us SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT We want to dem onstrate the efficiency of the method th a t we use by relieving you of your suffering. To reach the people th a t need such attention and “ who have to be shown,” we will conduct a FREE CLINIC for one week beginning Monday, July l l , from 3 p. rn. to 5:30 p. rn. The so-called incurable chronic cases are our specialty. Come and let us prove what Chiropractic can do for you. Our results will speak for themselves. Dr s. Whitaker & Whitworth, C hiropractors (H o w a rd S ystem ) Office 8061/2 Congress Ave., Bosche Bldg.. Phone 4231 \ It Pays to Advertise In the Daily Texan The University has more Summer stu­ dents this year than ever before in its history. The registration is already 30 per cent larger than that of last year, which was the record up to that time. [lass r y'u lu'i AU A r th u r M. Allen o f Thorndale is isiting at the Phi Psi house. Misses Crosswaite and Gowdy are (convalescing at P. and S. Hospital Paul Hutchinson after being ill jit P. and S. Hospital is again able to attend classes. janet Alvord, who was operated on (for appendicitis is now improving at >. and S. Hospital. Mrs. Dennis Ward spent the week­ end in Fort Worth. John J. Yowell o f St. Louis, who in ? been visiting at the Phi Psi house is returned home. fNIVERSITY TEACH ER OF PUBLIC SP E A K IN G LOCATES A T BERKELEY (Continued from Page I) creating Columbia University at lew York. W o r k s on In te r sc h o la stic L n a g u e I The Texas Interscholastic League Ian organization in which Dr. Shur- r, along with Roy Bedichek and Roy Henderson is one o f the guiding hires. This organzation is annual- building up a wonderful “esprit de rf.?” among Texas high schools in Lrary and athletic events, and each ring brings upward o f two thousand (itor.s to Austn. in the few pointers from Dr. Shurter >ng the lines o f public speaking are (ntained follow ing article aped from the Summer Session Cal- Irnian, the official newspaper of the diversity o f Calofornia during the [timer: ‘The change in the style of public yaking from the old-time lengthy; (mal addresses to som ething short- more concise and direct is due to factors, states Professor Shurter. (st, much of the inform ation which in the past in speeches given three and even four hours long low given to the public through irspapers and magazines. Second, is an age o f haste and bustle and order to hold his audience a speak- nust give his m essage in the short- space o f tim e possible. Rarely a man hold an audience today for Instead o f de­ wing a memorized oration, a pres- day speaker has to have the ability think and to organize his message Ile on his feet." ‘Because of this, Professor Shurter Biders training in extem pore speak- [the most valuable kind of training Oe offered to college students. He es that that phase o f instruction [public speaking has developed (ply in the last decade, than an hour. formerly even the college instruc- dealt with elem entary drill in which composed the technique Speech. On the side of original losition where the student pre- his own speeches, the medium lerly was by means o f formal or­ deal composition written out and prized. The training now given in extern- speaking meets the needs and Ands of the times. The recent war, says Professor t h e a t r e r n Last Time Today, [nnouncing the Return of I HUMORESQUE” las no equal either on | stage or screen w Iou will appreciate hav- | Ag seen this play for years I s come. |xtra— Vanity F air Girls Comedy lows— 7 :3 0 and 9 p. rn. i&ual P rices— I Oc— 15c Go To KELLUM’S BARBER SHOP for your work On Speedway Next to W ag n e r’s HH cr- —I— KAPPA DELTA PI WILL INITIATE NEW PLEDGES t h e d a i l y t e x a n t h e m in i,t e n , a n d th e a n s w e r , o f Co- in th e s p r in g o f tw o y e a r , a g o a n d J u m b o s . All o f th ese q u e s t i o n , a r e j n o t lo n g a f t e r R u sk a b o c a m e m o I orig in a l a n d a r e e x a m p le s o f t h e im a g - s u m m e r w ork . I . n a t i v e a b ili ty o f th e ch ild re n . T h is » t h e Seco j season f o r lo n g KSS,on l . t e r a r y a n th e j d e b a t in g s o c ie tie s g o ,n g o v e r m t o th e A n o th e r c o m m itte e c o m p o se d ! q u e s t i o n , o f Is a b e lla and t h e a n s w e r s ! s u m m e r . A f o r m e r s u m m e r o r g a n i ­ s t C olum bus. A n o th e r t h e final d ec.- r a tio n , th e V in so n L . t e r a r y S o c ie ty , 1 S io n O f th e q u e e n , a n o th e r t h e v o y a g e , o r g a n iz e d in th e s u m m e r an d a n o t h e r l a n d . I m e m b e r , o f R u s k a n d H o g g t o g e t h e , T h e c o m m itte e on v o y a g e f o u n d a w as s u sp e n d e d b y t h e e x te n s .o n o f th e d isc o v ery o f K a p p a D e lta Pi, h o n o ra ry educa- jtio n a l f r a t e r n i t y , will schedule its J a n n u a l s u m m e r in itiation and j com ing” m e e tin g Monday, J u l y 18, home- ' a t B a r to n S p r in g s . In itia tio n will stake place in E d u c a tio n B u ild in g >\2 a t 5 p. rn. j poem w r itt e n b y J o a q u in M iller en- th e s e p a r a t e clubs. Follow in g th e cerem onials of in d u c ­ title d “ C o lu m b u s ” w hich will be used. t i o n all will r e p a ir to B a rto n S p r in g s O the rw ise e v e r y t h i n g is a b s o lu te ly i ----------- n _ . .. _ f o r a sw im a n d a picnic su p p e r. It ; o riginal. 1 1 w as p la nn e d by th e com m ittee on th e T he p la y is b e in g c o n d u c te d u n d e r | | fin a l m e e tin g t h a t women f u r n is h ! th e s u p e rv isio n o f Mr. L e o n a r d P o w e r | I san dw iches a n d men f u r n is h w a te r - I o f th e c ity schools o f P o r t A r t h u r . | | melons f o r th e occasion. Al! m e m ­ I The p u r p o s e o f tills play is tw o fold. | bers w ho h a v e c a rs a r e asked to Mr. P o w e r is d e m o n s tr a tin g th e m e th - | Calendar of the Week T O D A Y — V e s p e r services o f th e Y. W. C. A. a t the open a ir a u d i t o ­ r iu m a t 7:15 o ’clock. R e g u la r m e e tin g o f th e H o g g D e b a ti n g Club in room 3 o f th e L aw B uilding a t 7 :30 o ’clock. F r e e b a rg e ride f o r all s t u ­ d e n t s o f the S u m m e r School u n d e r ausp ic e s o f th e A u stin C h a m b e r of C om m erce. F R I D A Y — The Following Items Now In Demand and Prices Here for Less Men’* Mercerized Lisle Sox 40c values selling at....29c ar 3 pairs fo r..................85c Unusually good w earing light weight, close hose, ;voven texture, m ercerized. Extra good value. Mens Oxfords are finding a steady sale at these low prices. Fine calfskin oxfords and Brogues ...................... $5.85 High grad e kid leathers in these s t y l i s h oxfords ....................$6.45 and $6.85 Men’s Athletic Union Suits .............................. 67c Men’s Night Shirt and P a ­ j a m a s . . . $1.48, $1.98, $2.48 Men’s Wool Bathing Suits ..................................... $3.69 Big Reductions on Entire Line of Summer Clothing. Men’s Pongee Shirts, $2.37 A highly mercerized pon„ gee cloth, n atu ral tan col" or, perfectly made accord­ ing to the latest patterns They come with neckband or button down collar a t tached. V e r y specially priced a t.................. $2.37 Unusual Offering of Fine Silk Knitted Ties A new shipm ent of this much w anted and stylish neckw ear ju st arrived. An extra fine quality silk knit weave in very attractive patterns. Ties like these sold form erly for $2.50 and $3.00. Choice at 95c Men’s W hite Duck T rousers Well m ade of good quality Duck. Newly received and a very special value. $2.50 THE POPULAR A Store of Better Values 513 Congress Ave. a t p r e s e n t ..310, being second only CHILDREN TO STAGE PAGEANT ON CAMPUS n u t t e d to t h e re sp e c tiv e c lu b s f o r ap - = i n 1 1 L x ii * r t i i m H i i m m i i m i H N i m m u m t t m i i i i i m i r I “Hear, then Compare” A f o r e n s ic b a t t l e o f m u c h i n t e r e s t I to S u m m e r School s t u d e n t s will be J Brunswick, the Super Phono- J | graph and Brunswick Rec- § th e in te r - s o c ie ty d e b a te b e t w e e n th e th e R u sk j o r (] s— the ideal combination. § H ogg D e b a t i n g C lub a n d L i t e r a r y S o c ie ty to be s ta g e d d u r - j | ing th e se c o n d t e r m on A u g u s t 22, lf in p e r s u a n c e o f a c h a lle n g e b y t h e I R usk to t h e H ogg. P r e s i d e n t s o f th e tw o o r g a n iz a - | tio ns, M e r e d ith P o se y f o r th e R u s k | | a nd R ic h a r d O. J o n a s f o r th e H ogg, I I J. R. Reed Music Co. | | 805 Congress Avenue m e t y e s t e r d a y a n d a r r a n g e d d e ta ils | o f th e d e b a t e . n u P la n s will be sub- g £ Phone 7508 The Phone 7508 I MHP The p a tien t m u st be sa tisfie d Telephone7839 612 C one-A ve When You Think of Teeth Think of E at BARKER’S BREAD I t’s Different DENTIST !ll!li!l!!ll!lU131!ll!lll»niI!!!i911!lti!9i!i‘i!ll!U!!iF!lll^ READ THE ADS IN THE DAILY TEXAN C h a p e l services in roo m 157 | of th e Main B uilding a t 10:45 | b rin g th e m ©’clock c o n d u c te d by Rev. K. P • B a rto n . A d v a n c e d sta n d in g , po e tp o n - I a r e afl f 0u ow g; to a s s is t in t r a n s p o r t a - od o f t e a c h i n g by giving th e s t u d e n t s j | ^jon. a i | , C o m m itte e c h a ir m e n fo r th e a f f a i r c . O. Clough, gen- j R atIiffi t r a p s - c h a j r R some o b j e c t to w hich th e y can w o rk . | By th is p lay th e c h ild re n will le a r n I c om po sition a n d h is to ry a s well a s to | inc re a se t h e i r im a g in a tio n s. W it h th e | c d, a n d condition e x a m in a tio n s J ^ in s u b je c t s n o t cov ered on pre- ii in s u n je c e d in g days, a t 2 o clock. S A T U R D A Y — C hapel services in ro o m 157 o f th e Main B uilding a t 10:45 o ’clock c o ndu c te d by Rev. K. P. B a rto n . d e n c e .” F r e e moving p ic tu re s in K Hall a t H o ’clock, f e a t u r i n g Bil lie B urke in “ A w ay C oes P r u ­ im p o r ta tio n ; H. G. Stilwell, p r o g r a m i n te re s t t h a t t a k i n g p a r t in a p la y will | a n d i n i tia ti o n ; R. Lee C la rk , m e m ­ b e r s h ip ; A n n a L. B ennett, e a t s ; o t h ­ e r s a p p o in te d by th e g e n e ra l c h a i r ­ m an a s needed. c r e a te , t h e c h ild r e n will e x e r t a g r e a t - I c r e ffo rt t h a n th e y o th e r w is e w ou ld , J T he p a r t o f C o lu m b u s will be p lay - | cd by W illia m S a n d e r s a n d t h e p a r t o f | O rig in a l p la n s for h a v in g th e e v e n t Isabella by M a b le N ab ors. on F r i d a y h a v e been c h a n g e d to Monday in o r d e r not to c o n flic t with DEBATING SOCIETIES TO HAVE MATCH SOON i I Falk Making Good In Major Leagues With Chicago Sox th e F r i d a y e v e n in g a d d r e s s to s t u ­ dents by D r. R o b e rt E . V inson o f th e U n iv e rsity a n d Miss L. L. W illiam s, pre sid e n t o f t h e T e x a s S t a t e T e a c h ­ e r s A ssociation. M em bers elected th is s u m m e r a r e as follow s: lo n e S p e a r s , M a r y C ru tc h fie ld , R aym on d H u f f , A. L H all, W illiam L y c u r g u s H u g h e s, Rob­ e r t Lee S p e ig h t, H. D. F ille rs , A. M. Bib F alk, fo rm er football and b a se ­ B lackm an, F r e d W. S m ith , Miss ball s t a r in the U niversity, is m a k ­ Helen H eron , Dr. W ilb u r N u t t , Dr. ing good on the r e c o n s tr u c te d W hite II. M. J o r d a n , and Dr. W. J . B a ttle . Sox t e a m of Chicago. The la te s t f i g ­ ures show t h a t his b a tti n g a v e r a g e is to t h a t of the v e te ra n Eddie Collins. H e h a s played in every g am e his season. , F a lk is fa st becoming the idol of the Chicago fans. His g r e a t work in the sun garden and his h a r d and tim ely h ittin g have won t h e su p p o r t o f all the b l e a c h e r i t e . T h e y have even nam ed the left field b leachers a f t e r th e e x -V a rs ity a th le te . M a n ­ a g e r Gleason has declared t h a t F alk pro m ises to develop into a s t a r of the game. He is not only a n a t u r a l ball p la y e r, b u t is also an in te llig e n t a nd w illing worker. Billy Disch, coach of baseball, h a s de c la re d t h a t F a lk is the g r e a t e s t a th l e te V a r s ity ever produced. He m ade tw o le tte r s in football a n d th r e e in baseball while here. H e w a s picked a s a ll-so u th w e s te rn ta c k le th e la s t season he played here. H is w ork in baseball w as even b e t­ t e r t h a n in football. He played in ev ery g am e for th tee y e a rs, a s p itc h ­ e r, f i r s t b a se m a n , and o u tfie ld e r. He w as th e m a in s ta y o f th e p itc h in g s t a f f an d never lost a g am e. A c­ c o rd in g to Coach Disch, he w a s t h a t d e lig h t of a m a n a g e r ’s h e a r t, a hit- tin g p itcher. He b a tte d a r o u n d .400 > a n d led the whole team d u r i n g h is | la s t season. F a lk w as an u n u su a lly long h itte r , his doubles, tr i p le s and home r u n s e q u a llin g or s u r p a s s i n g his singles rn num ber. Bib F a l k has several b r o th e r s who a r e also ball p la y e rs. One o f them w a s a p itc h e r for A u s tin H ig h School la s t s p r in g and it is hoped he will a t t e n d V a r s ity n ext fall. T Y P O G R A P H I C A L E R R O R A tte n tio n is called to a n e r r o r o c c u r r in g in a d isp la y ad r u n in y e s t e r d a y ’s T e x a n f o r T he P o p u la r. T he sam e ad will be f o u n d in th e colum n s of to -d ay s T e x a n c o r r e c t ­ re a d , ed. T he ad “ F in e and B r o g u e s ” in ste a d of “ F in e C a lfsk in O x fo rd s and B ro g a n s .” should h a v e O x f o r d s C alfskin I N S U R A N C E Fire, Life, Accident and Automobile Insurance 523-525 Littlefield Bldg. Austin, Texas Phone 6940 proval th is w eek. As s u b j e c t f o r th e c o n t e s t w a s j On W e d n e s d a y , J u l y 20, a chosen t h e follo w ing q u e s t io n : u n iq u e p la y will be sta g e d on th e U n iv e r s ity c a m p u s . T he ti t l e o f th e play is “ C o lu m b u s a t th e C o u r t o f “ R esolved, T h a t movement f o r A m e ric a n in w o rld d i s a r m a m e n t s h o u ld be a p ­ th e C o n g r e s s io n a l le a d e r s h ip 'S p ain.” T h e whole play w a s w r i t t e n p ro v e d .” T w o s p e a k e r s w ill r e p r e ­ a n d c o m p o se d b y c hildren o f t h e 5 th s e n t e a c h side, w ith e i g h t m in u te s a n d 6 th g r a d s in th e d e m o n s tr a ti o n m ain s p e e c h e s (nim: f o r th e f i r s t a f ­ c lasses o f t h e S u m m e r N o rm a l. T h e i r f ir m a t iv e ) a n d f o u r m in u te s s t r a i g h t m a te r ia l w a s g o tt e n fro m th e L ib r a r y r e b u tta ls , w ith no r e jo in d e r . Sides a n d f r o m t h e t e x t books on h isto ry , will be ch o se n b y th e t e a m s w hen tees. T h e fir s t c o m m itte e w o r k e d up selected. th e i n tr o d u c tio n o f C o lu m b u s to th e R u sk a n d H o g g w e re th e f ir s t tw o C o u r t a n d his m ee tin g of t h e q u e e n . long session clu bs d e c id in g to hold T he se c o n d c o m m itte e c o m p o se d th e o v e r f o r th e su m m e r. H o g g d e b a t e r s sk e p tic a l a n d sa rca s tic q u e s tio n s o f s t a r t e d t h e move f o r a s u m m e r H o g g AUSTINS G R E A T E S T CONVENIENCE PHONE 2 6 5 2 611 CONG. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER CO. The Underwood Portable “A Triumph For the Traveller” Elks Building We Sell the Highest Grade of PAINTS and VARNISHES in the City C.M. MILLER G E O . W E S L E Y Master Cleaner Not How Cheap But How Good PHONE 2670 913 CONGRESS AVE. Over 2300 University Students Are Spending Their Money in Austin t n i i i i i m i i i i i t i i u i i i i i i i i i i m i t i i i i i m i i i i t i i i i i i i H i i i i M i n i i i M iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiniiiiiitiiuiiiiini u i H H i n i i i H i i i i i u i i t i M i i i i u i i i H i n i i i m u H i i i i i n i M i i i i i i i i i M T he a d v e r tis e r who is on the a le rt for business will not fail to seek their trade. T h e re is only one medium that reaches them. THE DAILY TEXAN covers it’s field thoroughly. MuittHiimiNiiinititiimmmmuuiiiiiunuMmiHiiiiiiHi Advertise in The Daily Texan ^tmtiimiutffiiiurMimrdmiimwtiuuoiiiuntuiTniittniiUfHiiiiiiiiHtiiuiniiiifHiimiiiiiiiituiiiiuHiiiifniiniiniiiiiniiiHiiiiHiHWiiHiHiiytiiianiiiiiifliititfnniiittafwiMimtittiUfiuu;