l i c i t l y ( E c X ' t f t t First C o l l e t s D aily in th e South V O L U M E XXI. A U S T IN , T E X A S , F R ID A Y M O R N IN G , M A Y 6, 1921 NO. 176 INTERSCHOLASTIC LEAGUE GETS UNDERWAY BAYLOR SUFFERS DEFEAT G E N E R A L P R O G R A M O F E L E V E N T H A N N U A L M EET SOLOISTS PICKED OI DIRECTOR POR O F L AT TEXAS PITCHERS PROVE TOO MUCH AUSTIN CITIZENS GIVE GENEROUSLY M ab el D a n iel, H o o ten , H ittson, Cross, A r e to S in g at F inal C oncert A nnouncem ent is made through the director. Irving W. Jo n es, o f the D e­ partm ent o f M usic, o f the soloists who are to assist in the second home t h e M eet ----------- ,n C o n d u ctin g concert o f the U n iv ersity Glee Club, at the Junior High School audito­ rium, on Thursday n igh t o f next J on es: w eek. A ccording “ The soprano parts in the two can- ^ talas on the program w ill he taken E n tin expense o f carrying on the " b y Mi s s Mabel F. D aniel. Miss Dan-; iel is from D allas, and b efore com ­ ing to the U n iv ersity was prom inent in the choral club at S. M. U., as soloist and official. She has a b ril­ liant high voice wTiich w ill be heard the ex a ctin g to good advantage solos in the cantatas. The baritone to Mr. in L eissner Starts G a m e But Is T otal o f $ 1 4 6 ,0 0 0 Is E x p e n d e d Later R e p la c e d by G illett T exas Longhorns d efeated Baylor f A in tne inning Interscholastic counties. The $ 6 0 ,0 0 0 the OOO. The SSO,OOO lead and w ere League U n iversity's nine yesterd a y a fter- U n iv ersity noon on Clark F ield, 5 to 3. The for this year is a p p roxim ately $146,- Dischm en gained tor carrying on n ever the IMO cou n ty m eets was paid by the o p en in g for sta g in g ) headed. Lei saner was started in the box by the 32 district m eets w as paid by the j for p a y in g ! A ustin is now being * Coach Disch and succeeded in hold- districts. The $ 1 6 ,0 0 0 ing th** Bears helpless in the fou r rungs. A walk, a lucky bingle and raised in A ustin by the State Meet Five thousand a fie ld e r s’ choice put three B ears on Finance C om m ittee. bases w ith none down at the opening dollars o f this has been raised by o u t l i e is to be n e tt e d to take no chances, fo r much raised from e x -stu d en ts; and one depends on the L onghorns’ w inning thousand is to he raised in the U ni- thousand hot h B aylor gam es, pulled L eissner versity. The other eight to be raised am ong the professional rom the box and sen t “ B u ster” Gil- dollars le tt, veteran lo n g h o r n hurler, to the A ustin hill. Loach Disch, deter- school fe e s: two thousand is business in- the exp en ses to fifth . and , * * * * ! ) I t ' . men. C ovington Leads Off The result of the expenditure o f < ovington, the first Bear to fa cej $ 1 4 6 ,0 0 0 is a trem endous a d v e rtise - j short, j m ent o f the U n iv ersity the big T exas j which reaches rep eated ly through the 2 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 T exas G illett, singled clean ly through set ring two m e*, hut boxm an kept the B aylor b atters b af- new spapers fled during and T exas won. som« innings citizens. The business men realize * im portance o f thi* State M eet I the G illett will probably oppose Lyons, la n d are com ing to the assistance o f; in the 1 the com m ittee on fin a n ce. The fol- B aylor’s star, this afternoon s.H-ond gam e betw een the tw o nines, j low ing have contributed the am ount the rem aining i t (>ntCSt 8*ar* ^ o ’clock, opposite their nam es. N ot all re- Canner, who was knocked from the ports are in. in the first inning o f a gam e | M ajestic Theatre box during the recent L onghorn-B ear se- M cFadden D rug Store ries at W aco, pitched the w hole nine innings y esterd ay fo r the Bears. S telfo x Com pany B utler Brick W orks W alter Tips Com pany $100 50 . 50 50 50 - V 0 ,?™ '•?/ u Cantatf f ‘ %* I I I * « I y Ma L rf-w I I I I I I W . . « A Wk irrt T inker, T a iler,” w ill be sung by W illiam J. Park. “ B ill” w as m anager o f last y e a r ’s club, and appeared as soloist on the spring trip. He has a w hich has given particular sa tisfa c ­ tion in the work o f the Glee Club quartet. resonant voice, o f wide range, I Caradine R. H ooten, w hose voice has been one o f the charm s o f mu- >ical affairs in the U n iversity for the pact tw o seasons, will sing “ The F lo ­ ral D an ce,” by request, and also the and Austin (C ontinued on page 4) ---------------- o--------------- Dr. G oddard Reports Student H ealth N ow V ery Satisfactory A ccording to Dr. C, W. G oddard,1 ch ief o f the m edical staff o f the U n i- 1J v ersity , the present system o f student health year is proving very sa tisfa cto ry . inaugurated .service as this ] FRIDAY, MAY 6 8:3 0 a .m .— All delegates assemble at auditorium of Law Building for group picture and preliminary organization. 9:00 a .m .— First preliminaries in debate. Boys’ teams assemble at the auditorium of the Law Building. Girls’ teams assemble in Room 312, Education Building. First preliminaries in declamation. Girls in all divisions meet in Room 157, Main Build­ ing. Boys in all divisions meet in Room 158. Main Building. All of the first pre­ liminaries in decla nation will be heard in groups of sixteen each, the six highest being selected from <*ach group for the final pre­ liminary, so that ti e final preliminary will consist of the twe! ie highest in each divi­ sion. Preliminaries in trad events, Clark Field. Preliminaries in t< inis continued. 10:30 a .m .— Second preliminaries in debate. Boys’ teams at Law Auditorium. Girls’ teams in Room 312, Education Building. 2:00 p .m .— Final preliminaries in declamation. Girls in all three divisions assemble in Room 157. Main Building. Boys in all three divisions assemble in Room 158, Main Building. The five highest in each division will be selected for the final public contest. 2:00 p. m.- 3 :30 p. m.- 4 :00 p. rn,* 8 :00 p. m.- -Semi-final preliminaries in debate. Preliminaries in tennis singles. -Final preliminaries in debate, Law Building. -Reception to the girl delegates by the Penny- backer Debating Club, Girls' Study Hall. Main Building. Final public contests in declamation. High School division in Hall of Representatives; Rural School division in Senate Chamber, Capitol. SA TU R D A Y , MAY 7 9*00 a. rn.— Meeting of all teachers, superintendents, and principals to discuss League rules, Audito­ rium Law Building. ll :00 afm.— Finals in debate, boys at Auditorium of Law Building; girls at Y. M. C. A. Auditorium. 2:30 p .m .— Final track meet, Clark Field. 8:00 p .m .— Final debate for all-State honors, between girls’ and boys’ w inning teams. Hall of Rep­ resentatives, Capitol. Emery Used (C ontinued on pag»- 4) -o- Several balls w ere thrown out o f the gam e in the second inning y e s­ terday when Coach Disch protested to Umpire Rankin about T a n n er’s use o f em ery on the horsehide. Each o f the balls bore distin ct m arks o f the work o f em ery or som e sim ilar substance. During the session thus far there has been a daily average o f less than five out o f 4000 stu d en ts in the hos­ pital. Office calls have num bered from 1200 to 1800 per m onth. S tu ­ to report d e n t s have been urged prom ptly all m inor ailm en ts and it is thought that the im m ediate a tten tion i given in such cases is responsible for I the sm all num ber o f hospital cases. staged the m ost sen sation al play o f T ex a s H as U n to u c h e d R ecord Even the hospital cases w ere o f se- fhp aftern o o n when he stabbed C ox’s So Far; D r u m w r ig h t and n o u s nature in only a few* instances, G r a n g e r Not to P lay as stu d en ts are sent to the hospital on suspicion o f co n ta g io u s disease H aving played ev ery Southw estern or m erely fo r the sake o f insuring MEET BAYLOR SATURDAY (Continued on P age Four) C en terfield er H atter, I Johnnie ---------------------------------- o — — — - - ....... C andidates for O ffice o f Student President T alk to Speakers Club C andidates fo r the office o f pres­ ident o f the S tu d en ts’ A ssociation au­ dressed the Speakers’ Club in its alar m eetin g on T uesday n igh t. Reed C ranberry stressed the portance o f regulation am ong th# I * -tudents. „ He expounded un^n . . cap ab ilities o f the stu d en ts in run - 1 qj^y ning their own a ctiv ities. in Texas w ith o u t b etter atten tion C onference team the l o « o f a Bingle net, the U n s h o r n w ise be ponriblo ter ms players are e x p ectin g to m ain- the required m edical service w ith- tail, their record when th ey m eet th e out charge outside o f the fiv e dollar llay! >r B ears in a return tournam ent .m edical fe e required upon registra- on Fvaturday, May 7 at W aco. tion. Tho«< who will rep resen t the U ni - 1 —a v e r i t y in th® match w ith B aylor are, DR. H A N D M A N P R E P A R E D reg- in order o f : m k: Lloyd G regory o f TO L E A V E FOR R O U M A N IA A u stin ; Aaron T aber, Los A ngeles, —- ....— . . . . . ^ en ten n is ^ row n» D allas. Coach im- C a lifo r n ia ; W’illiam S p ivey, M a r -1 R eceipt o f a letter , 1 P enicck w ill n o t use in this match the I ~ _____ .. (G ra n g er ar d D ru m w n g h t, U niver- rn o f introduction .rom the D epartm ent o f S ta te, Wash ington, D. to diplom atic and co n ­ sular represen tatives a t B ucharest cham pions, who have j p ractically com pletes arrangem ents I borne the hrunt o f th e burden in p r e - 1 o f Dr. M. S. Handman o f the depart- sociology, m ent o f econom ics and who ex p ects to sail shortly fo r Rou- mania to secure fo r the U n iversity Library a set o f that g o v ern m en t’s official publications bearing on eco ­ nom ic and allied subjects. DR. JE W E T T M AKES TALK ----------- Lloyd S tie m b e r g and C rozier vious m atches o f the season. Cow*an m entioned nearly all the ac- ivities in th e ;r .speeches. Mr. Stiern- iery laid em phasis on a b etter u n - i Br. Frank J e w e tt w as the speaker derstan d in g o f our honor system . H e lac m entioned su g g estio n s for the j t he third w eekly m eetin g o f the etterm en t o f th** social fu n ctio n s o f Y. M. C. A. com m ittee m eeting. His Stalk w as on the social service spirit Mr. Cowan explained a plan fo rek n o w in g how its in flu en ce m ight be the school. Dr. Handman has been asked by library a u th orities to m ake this trip, and to p resent in person to the Rou- CHARTER FROM STATE FOH MEMORIAL HALL WIEL HOED OPEN HOUSE FOR DELEGATES T O I # — P e r p e tu a te V isitors A re Invited to Inspect D orm itories -------------- t o M em ory o f S erv ice M en Is O b ject E q u ip m en t o f P o w er B u ilding , , . ,notherS wh° “ 8° ns ParttclPated W at, to con stru ct, on the cam pus, as a m em orial to T exans who th " Interscholastic r,cogue. The st,.- dents o f the senior and junior classes . will w elcom e the visitors, actin g as served in the U nited S ta tes m ilita r y . guides and explaining the work that x h e serv ice, a dorm itory o f the m ost m od-] j, takcn up jn th(, D„partm(,nt e m type, where m ale stu d en ts o f the U n iv ersity m ay obtain food and lo d g -;enK"’t'* and e '-|UJ1'rnent wlU be 0P»r a t- ing, surrounded by a w holesom e a t - r n^ m a*n laboratory, although m osphere, and at a sm all co st to the classes have been suspended. This th em selves. The purpose o f the or- w ill bt* an opportunity for the pros- g a n iza tio n , in g en era l, is to perpet- p€ct,ve student* o f n ex t vrar to see uate the m em ory o f the sons o f T exas} l w ho ev e r y w ay possible, and this form o f I tho8e who are realJy look in g for the m em orial was decided upon as the engineering work m ost fittin g as well as the m ost o p - J i! s E n gin eerin g D epartm ent portune. As y et th e organization o f , although 1894, the federation is incom plete, nor have , vva8 ortabhshed in any definite plans beyond those sta ted j tlie r “ VVrr' no d egrees in above been form u lated , ex cep t th a t | M ecr.anical E ngineering until 1914.1 application for a ch arter under t h e j ‘s ‘m < sta tu te s o f the sta te o f T exas has I stea d ily grow n until now i what toil U lm e m ily o f T i ? of f ers o ffe r e d in the South. the recent war, m echanical / L* fou gh t o ffered liiat i in * in it a. _ . * . Tom Clark addressed the club on Alpha Phi Epsilon, honorary literary and fo ren sic fra tern ity . the stu d en ts w ith a cq u a in tin g honor system , He also show ed Mm- i m eetin g w ill be T hursday n igh t at j these publications. T hey w ill be o f s e lf a stro n g advocate gam es w ith stronger co lle g e s than I com m unity service. -o~ we have m et in the past. ART E X H IB IT TO BE HELD ranks for I been made and the ch arter granted. ■ ainee g Mn vt r f best in ?hr e n ; atry. The charter g iv es the nam e o f th# \ U nder th* u n tirin g e ffo r t • o f Prof. the Y. M. C. A. and w ill concern ; g r ea test im portance as a p a r t o f the I federation as “ The M others’ M emorial i B al < H eaver the teach in g s t a ff has the i Leei; recruited from the very best o f work, which could W orld W ar.” The trip, according to Dr. Hand- is to e x ist for th irty years. A g o v -j^ 1* obtainer the I spread about the cam pus The n ex t m anian governm ent a request o f The a s s o c i a t i o n } m**n *r in A ssociation to T exas Boys library’s regular equ ip m en t f o o t b a ll I kaid. f o r it The club decided to hold its annual Austin A rt L eague will hold open house exhibit at the G regg H ouse to- banquet on the n igh t o f M ay 15. The night from 8 o'clock to IO o ’clock, arrangem ents have been le f t to a j com plim enting the artists represent- com m ittee con sistin g o f R ussell Bar- i cd. P rofessor S. E. Gideon and Mr. row, Frank W illiam s, and W illis Posey. man, will be o f a sem i-official trip, ern in g body o f seven directors is pro- the stu d en ts in this De­ es he e x p ects to visit also England, vided for, the fir st b ein g: Miss M. j partm ent have organized a stu d en t F rance, Spain, and Italy, as well as; E leanor B rackenridge, o f San A n -j b ra n c h o f the A m erican S o ciety o f in tho.^j ton io, M rs. S. M. N. Marrs o f Ant* M echanic#! E ngineers, holding m eet- R oum ania, and month a t which tim e eo u n tries m aterial on the su b ject o f tin, Mrs. Robert E w in g Thom ason o f!* n^ onc(' im portance nationalism o f which he is m aking a El Paso, Mr? G eorge W. Jones o f su b je c ts o f the ; *tudy. He ex p ects to take passage H onda. Mrs. J essie D aniel Amos o f are discussed, thus obtaining still fu r- architectural d epartm ent fa cu lty , are | from N ew York, and to be aw ay the G eorgetow n, Mrs. Claudia H ightow er ‘thor inform ation o f g rea t im portance contributors to the exhibit. An the vitation is extended to visitor*. in- entire sum m er upon this trip, return- o f F ort W orth, and Mrs. Claude J. j and which cannot be given C arter o f San A ntonio. R eese D. W ade o f R ockw all was e lected to m em bership in the club. B u c k in g h a m ,! Raymond E v erett, m em bers o f lin g about O ctober I . chairm an; Joe en gin eerin g class work. to collect in ARE CONDUCTED TODAY G overnor N eff W elcom es Leaguers in M eeting in L aw A uditorium . A ll 2 5 0 0 V isitors A re to M eet at 8 :3 0 . R eception at Capitol ( B y M a r j o r i e M a t h i s ) All student and faculty activities in every departm ent are suspended today in order that the whole force of the Univer­ sity m ay b e used in conducting the preliminary contests o f the State Interscholastic Meet which has brought' 2500 visitors to the campus, representatives of every part of the State and the material for the most valuable students of the next decade. G o v . N e ff Welcome* Visitor* Governor Pal Neff will form ally open the m eet with a w elcom ing ad­ dio.." at e>:30 (h o m orning when all co n testa n ts and other v isitors a s­ sem ble tem porary organization at the l^aw A uditorium . A il visitors inform ally received by Gov- Will be t<*r | ernor Neff in a reception in the pub- I lie recreation hall on the second floor o f the capitol betw een 7 and 8 o ’clock this evening. A cordial invitation to I TENNIS ARE H O TLY FOUGHT i t . . the 0Dtirt’ a ti° n win be held “ the • H ouse o f R epresentatives a t 8 o ’clock follo w in g this even in g im m ediately *, „ , Saba, * *uk C l i f f , W i c h i t a Falls, Mc- the g o v ern or’s reception. K inney and H em pstead. All o f the j second rounds o f die girls doubles 2 5 0 0 H e r e At have not been played yet. Those who have survived ar.* Juaquiu, S egu in , W eatherford, Dallas, Black, M a rb le1 for Falls, Sodville, M ercedes, H ouston, VV uco and Jacksboro. form al dwight Thursday headquar­ ters for the L eague at the Y w ere reg istra n ts ar­ still crowded with In lieu o f tim e riving on late trains. officials J a s p e r , were only able to estim ate the num ­ ber of visitors. In the ju d gm en ts o f heads o f com m ittees around 2 6 0 0 nam es will be on the registration list when the la test arrivals are assigned The num ber includes 1446 rooms com pilations, p S s r doubles are asked to report at the tim e. Boys division gam es are to be played on the courts ea st o f a>i ■ the U n iversity; girls division, on the ; ; courts on the north side o f the c a m -i H o g g IJ C b e l t i n g C l U D (Continued on Page Four) ---------------------------------o--------------- r* « • (Continued on Page Four) ----------- H olds D ebate B efore Large V isitin g C row d JO U R N A L IS M S T U D E N T S Before the iar*est audience that TO A T T E N D C O N V E N T IO N has attended a literary so ciety m eet- ing at the U n iversity th is year, the T exas will be m eetin g A ssociation D epartm ent o f Journalism I H u , represented at the a n n u a l1 tere!tm K ar0* ram D C « o * b n * e a t i o f the T exas W om an's Press I U w B uildinS for t h in H ouston on May l 0 1 Tnterscholastic League b t r r a a e e n d n ’ d e la8t n« h< *n the e t i e n b representa- e f o I th e to 13 by Alice Ballard o f B eeville ■ and K atherine Pollard o f Harwood, both o f whom w ill appear on the pro­ Ethel Mc gram o f Knight o f Minden, another student o f journalism , will also attend the convention. the m eeting. the l)u r>nK Reed C ran­ session, berry, Lloyd S tie m b e r g , and C rozier Gow*an, the three stu d en t presidential the overflow candidates, addressed crowd in behalf o f their candidacies. W illiam Skiles made an address on Miss Ballard, who will in June, will discuss in her i Probable C onsequence.” ive her "Th,‘ Knox P,'ac‘‘ l l » " Iuti0B and Its Richard d ecree talk “ A Girl in the School o f Jour-1 ,o r"*s de[i,:hted the audience with a naiism ,” w hile His" Pollard will take ‘ talk °" "The Interscholastic L eague up the subject o f student publications the opportunities offered by and them. m d the U niversity o f T ex a s.” The su b ject for debate was “R e­ solved, that a m ovem ent for the Open Shop should receive the support o f >ublic opinion.” The affirm ative w as g o o d ' bA t TINC AVERAGE y r * ? bL f ' PL Choice “nd Ben W oodhead, w hile the n eg a tiv e w as defended by M oulton Cobb and C ecil Chamberlin. The decision was unan­ im ously in fa v o r o f the n eg a tiv e. “ Bib” Falk, form er Longhorn fo o t­ ball and baseball star, has been e le ­ in vated to the “clean-up” position th , b a u ta * order o f White Sox baseball nine. Falk was * ,th t h t W**kly G runt* batting eighth in the Sox line-up at j the start o f the season, but his con­ sisten t hitting has won him the posi­ tion o f fourth up, retained by m ost; coachs for their tea m ’s hardest and most consistent batter. The L ibrary w ill be open the regular hours on F riday, May 6, and reserved books taken out on Thursday night must be returned F riday m orning. ---------------------------- the C h ,c a * o : In his first day in the “ C lean-up” I position on the b attin g order “ B ib ” ! knocked out a double and tw o sin gles j in four tim es up. J. E. GOODWIN, Librarian. D irectly in line w ith the recent ag- From 3 to 5 o ’clock at the Power 1 pus. Ail team s which are still eligble itation in favor o f more and b etter Building this aftern o o n , the M eeh an -1 dorm itories for the U n iv ersity o f ieal E n gin eerin g D epartm ent o f the _ _____ ______ ____ than m ight other- T exas is late action o f a num ber o f U n iversity will be open for the insper- Student* obtain ] orom inent club wom en o f the . t a c t i o n o f the d e le g a te , and v ic to r * o f _ tim D« partm ent has j FALK IS B U IL D IN G U P € h f • B e n in ( f r o n t Know Your Government A Hearty Welcome to Interscholastic leaguers, We tofu th is means of extending to each awd every (me o f you a special invitation to visit our store while in th* city that we may have the pleasure of meeting you personally and making your visit mort pleasant. THE D A IL Y U U U * ' A Very Interesting Announcement 200 Summertime Frocks-— Arrive w insome, A i r y M odels for which There is a T r e m e n d o u s E a r ly D e m a n d - D o u b l e S o u g h t, B ecause of T h e ir E x q u isite ly F resh Daintiness a n d E x t r e m e l y M o d e r a t e Pricing. * O, Jon** f In the following aeries of brief a r­ ticles the w riter will attem pt to out­ line the more prom inent features of the system of student self-govern­ ment under which we live a t the Uni­ versity. The m ajority of students j perhaps, interested in many other ac­ tivities of college life and only more or their student self-governm ent, know little even about the more prom inent fea­ tures of the adm inistrative machin­ ery. less passively touched by From the beginning of th* Uni-j veraity an honor spirit was the guid­ ing principle in the relations of s tu - : dent* to the University in all w o rk ! for credit or honors, or in the rela­ tions of students with each other and with the faculty, but no definite ays- j tem of dealing with violations o f ! honor had been evolved. Offenses were dealt with by private advice by witnesses to the guilty to withdraw j from school or by mass actions by • the group, class, or departm ent af fected With the large student body) th at was no longer feasible. In 1902, a fte r agitation carried on fhr some time before, a constitution for a definite scheme of student gov­ ernm ent was adopted and the Stu­ dents* Association of the University J of Texas came into being. At first, all functions were j placed in one general council. Worn- j en and men had separate associa­ tions, somewhat different in charac­ ter and powers. administrative With the adoption of the p re se n t! constitution on March 26, 1918, a distinct advance wan made: the de­ lineation into definite executive, leg-! judicial branches was islative, and completed and men and women were the j placed on equal term s in both ballot and the holding of office. At j present m ent at the University of Texas is* probably more broadly expanded and has a greeter potential power for good work in student citisenship than I the system of any other university in the country. the system of self-govern­ OFFICIAL NOTICES V. W. LANFEAR. TURTLE CLUB meets Friday at to work on 4:30 at Deep Eddy strokes and dives. PRESIDENT STUDENTS wishing to wurk and make money this summer see rn.* to day Limited number. HILTON E. HOWELL CANOEING: On May 9, IO ami 16 and 17 try -out* in canoe require­ ments will be held. All girls who are team must paiiH off these requirem ents MANAGER. the canoeing trying for .SANDWICHES will be sold in the Main Building tomorrow m orning from 9 to 12 by the IL E. Depart­ ment. ALL OFFICIALS for track meet are requested to report at 8:30 Friday morning, Clark Field, im port­ ant. th* ROY B. HENDERSON. BASEBALL TEAM will have Cac­ tus pictures taken a t 2 p. rn. S atu r­ day. MANAGER. 18-MILE CANOE trip Friday at 9 a. rn. MANAGER. DANCING TEAM will have C at- Saturday 2 :30 MANAGER, tus picture p. rn. taken TURTLE CLUB meets Friday at 4 * 0 . MANAGER. Kir** Colltm* Omar to OM Seat* FubNatod os 5 b of Ute U n tw v ttr at Tmm by th* Mtadbnt bodbr ovary aboral v t •*<•*>* Mon4*y, Offle* Enow IM, lU in Bullan* T*tn»bm» tit* Batorwd a* —rand ri—a matter s t th* par,C #ffk* at A u t o , T a u t, an4rr th* Aet at I, UTI Con*T*iw Mat eh for « a & n « al •p*r-» rat* e l powtoc* prwrld*e . eautiful Black Satin and ankle strap Pumps. Turned soles, full Louis covered heels, and J li ior co v er ed heels. Beautifully design­ ed, stra ii fastened with pearl buttons. Sizes 2tv to F ; widths AA to ( \ E. M. Scarbrough & Sons ECONOMICS I: Those who failed take mid-term exam* and have allow th.* members to attend the In- to the dean’s excuse for absence may ' ‘Tseholistic debate finals, take exam Saturday, May I , at 2 o’clock E B 307. PRESIDENT, ——■— me keep your house and yard f.-r you. Address Student, care Daily _ $ Texan. Diana $2.00 H e a d s IMfliUMffiiHtHWiilUllltllllHlli'iiliflttn i: j lit!; in | H O M E O F W H I T M A N S C A N D I E S Toilet articles imported and domestic D rugs and D rug Sundies / Fountain delicacies a specialty Our prescription departm ent at your service G R A H A M D R U G C O . 900 Cong. Ave. Phoner 6105, 6654 ilofitiiinilHIliUltltltHtlllitiltllllllHlIIIttlliHIIlHiltilllltNUiUtHittilHtlHIHtlitlUtiniiiililillliltlHIiilltliHMtlHijyniiiiinhtlfltliOIIIIiUilItllUUiillliUHUjftl^ltttttttNii] MEMBERS OF Dr. Payne’s Sun­ day School class are urged to be pres- ent Sunday morning for election of “ “ f™ Tuesday afternoon lh __ officers. Also, an nouncement will be made at time. L O S T - On houseboat .e ro s , f r o , boathouse a t lake a Brownie No. IA Return \V. Seventh S treet or call 7 im portant a n ­ that to 707 4822, non xxi . l .. PUBLICITY CHAIRMAN. LOST A large black leather note­ book; last seen on bench in front of library. Finder may h, will (lira , return r otherwtae. w b«rry, 912 W. Sixth Street. keep book if TW“j note. by mail “ r d ‘ (Doc) — 6 ii. will be issued for Saturday morning. 8 2 6 1 . Every worker on Friday’s staff ex­ pected to work today as usual. ACTING MANAGING EDITOR. I! (Doc) Oran- S h ° P “ n d **,*c t o n e l o d a Y- O rd er F lo w ers fo r M o th er’s IEX AN STAFF Regular Texan D a y . A u stin F loral Co., p h o n e ——— W h a ! w ould life be w ith o u t you r m o th er? S h e w ill b e th in k in g o f you on S u n d a y, M ay E ig h th . B e su re to sen d h e r you r lo v e on a M oth er's D ay Stop in th e B lu eb o n n et .,n m e Long . s t r i n g s of small beads in the fashionable spring colors, which you wear twice about the neck, or wound on the arm . I SSS B. V. P. V. ASSOCIATION pic­ nic at Barton Springs. All Baptist students meet a t church a t 6:16. ------------- o PRESIDENT. .. CLASSIFIEDS DR WILLIAM E. BERGMAN - Suite 410 Littlefield Building. Dentist and Pyorrhea Specialist. Phone 268 i, VISIT the Palace Barber Sh* p Fame, next to g reet B U Wolfe. Prop. f LOST— A green gold Trimpoint fountain pen on Twenty-fifth Street, initials B. H. engraved on side. Call 2452 for reward. A novelty necklace th a t is uncommonly pretty, be­ coming and stylish. T hree .sizes of small beads, green, b l u e and pink, 54 inches long. Diana Beads are only at M ayer’s. on sale Carl Mayer Company Jew elers-Silversm iths-D iam ond M erchants T he H allm ark Store 618 C o n g r e s s A v e . QUALITY MILLS “ Austin M aid" and “ W hite Dome” Flour Cream o f Corn, H igh-G rade M eal and Mill Products A ustin, T exas HYDE PARK FLORAL CO. Say it With Flowers 99 ALL FLOW ERS IN SEASO N FOR YOU WE DO ALL OUR BAKING iinimiatmmanitMiiis — Bread — Pies — Cakes — French Pastry Maverick Cafe DANCING TEAM will report for pictures for next year’s Cactus to be taken Saturday at 2:30 p. rn. Fol­ TYPEW RITING— Anyone desiring lowing girls will please report: Hilda theses or other work typew ritten ring Molesworth, Florence Stone, Keith j No. 2591 and ask for Mrs. Hopkins Coppage, Armede Hatcher, Elizabeth yr cal! a t 2407 Guadalupe S treet.— 6 Barrickman, H arriet Barrickman W ear white BERENICE HEATH. CHAIRMAN. old IMPORTANT MEETING of the Ministerial Society Monday evening a t 8 o'clock. All the members be there. E xtra program and visitors will be there. PRESIDENT. LOST— An style Waltham watch on a black wrist band. Fin-; d< r pleas*1 return to 2610 Whitis. Reward. Phone 4819. WANTEED— To buy second-hand typew riter. Call 6638 — 6 Underwood for A. H. Lumpkin. RUSK MEMBERS: There will be no meeting Saturday night so as to Summer School. of leaving Austin this W ANTED-—A house during the If you are thinking let summer S uits m a k e you g lad you are alive DONNELLY* WHITE C. & S, Sporting Goods Co. 704 Congress Ave. P l u m b i n g and H e a tin g C ontractors r 905 C ongress A ve. Phone 131 Advertise la the Dally Texan. — — Extra Send for catalog describing over 400 courses in History, English, Mathematics, Chemistry, Zoology, Modern Languages, Economics, Philosophy, Sociology, etc, given by corrtmpondmncm Inquire how credits earned may be applied cm present college program. (Eh? H m u rra ilg o f GUriranu HOMME S T U D Y OCW T. C M tC A O O . CLC.I N O tS Tm* S o c i e t y CLARA B A U E R - xWF Mary H ardy spent the week-end in White. ! versity last Ju n e is spending: the week i end in Austin. Evil* Langston and M argaret Burk Small Town Novel Is Read at Open are in San Antonio. Gladys Artis is visiting M argaret Meeting of Lanier gwnmwfwwnirttwtrwifimHiiuiHiffiiumiinfiimiwtmmiifnimiiowntmfifnntHitiatiiiHmMffimwofiHHfiiiwimiiHafiwimiiiitmiHiiiwmmfHiHnmminiitiJiHiHi OTHER GREATER For Thrift Day - Friday San Marcos. Mary McBride is visiting in Hous- Mary Odell is visiting a t her home ton. in Fort VS orth. Frances Van Zandt is able to at- Emma Louise Martin will spend tend classes a f te r several days' Bi­ ttie week-end in Coleman. j ness. Mrs. Manghum of Cuero is visiting Billie Greenwood is spending the her d au gh ter, Mae Manghum. in Navasota. Miss M arguerite Fisher of Wich- Mary Bowman has gone to Green- week-end at his home ita Falls is visiting Louise Stevens. Ville. Miss Dot Peak of Mineral Wells, is spending the who has been visiting E tta Bain, has week-end at h er home in Alvarado, re tu rn ed to C. I. A. Ju n e Harris is able to atten d class­ j Jessie Mary Hill e r he Texas C h ap ter of the A r t i e r - es a f te r several days illness. lean Association of Spanish T eachers M artha S cu rry is able -o a tte n d will have a social m eeting a t home of Mr. E. R. Sims on Tuesday. Mias H utto ns Laurens, district Miss Jack R outt of Chapel Hill president of Kappa Alpha T h eta ,will a t the T h e U the classes a f te r several days illness. is visiting her sister, Mrs. Lucian i spend t rnckett. house. th e we(.k^ nd A picnic is being planned Elizabeth W aymen has re tu rn e d jn honor from F o rt Worth. rn » . . ... , , week-end with his d augh ter, McVic r Mr. T A. M cv ica r will spend the T Ju lia .. j au t , . . . . , n . Girk Shaw and Rob Melton of . .. . ... the Phi Longview, are visiting at Kappa Psi house. « • . , , , ,, Lady Maud Powell and A nita Roe-!. w . a , , . . . , era o f Marshall, are week-end guests 1 at the Pi Beta Phi house. j - . L aura McGee is spending the week M ai. * .. ’ ta Marshall. to at- . Harris Williams is unable . ... tend classes on account of illness. - , . T. A , , ~ ., . Ellen and Ruth Mayfield, R ate i Woodley, Edith Rav Williams, Ruth .. * Gibson, and Ruth Alexandria, are in San An­ spending the week-end „ , Cameron Fairchild of Southwest- lonio c m sp en t W ednesday visiting friends ™ ppa A,p ha T h e t. wi„ pnt(.rtajn on . e campus. Della J u m p e r is unable to atten d . . . w a h classes on account of illness. . . Andrew P u m p h rey will spend the f H ^ 0URe , „ week-end in Taylor. a ti . Mrs. W hite of Hamilton will visit • , h er d au ghter, Agnes White, this week .. . , i. . . . . . vim , , ■ . th e ir seniors with tea this afterno on. . ., . ... . Billie T ra y lo r of Victoria is visit- , . m g Allen Shields at Phi Gam m a Del- , 0, . , , . . . . . .. Fred Pro cto r of Victoria i> visit . _ the Phi Gamma , m g his b rother at house . . r, Mrs. F,. . .. . a Marie Johnson of Electra is visit- \\ Cum mings and two . _ . _ sons, Nesbit and George Cummings, ? ' . arrived T h u rsday fo r a visit with . , Jessie Belle Cummings. u n . . AA Mi®s Olivia Miller and Miss Ame- U , L * mr tv ,, w o r , - .. , . . , .. .. ,. mg Birdie Melton. . D Paul Bethel n . . . . Alice C ourtney has re tu rn ed „ . • a visit to Waco. . ... . is visiting u , , , „ .. , h a Moody of Roaenberg, and Mise C)>, Myrtle P erk ,™ of Rice, will be the d(,n t _ js jn Aa>tin guests o f Jessie Belle C u m m ing, f o r : C |ara c]a rk b the week-end. . M. ^ . . . Mrs. Harold Brellsford of Boulder, , tl). a fo rm e r U nlve„ itj . . . . . . , ( arl Nail. , from w, „ k. end with Rilla Jeffery. , Mr. and Mrs P itts of Cleburne th eir d a u g h ter, F rances pi-.v, will visit p. , . Pitts, this week-end. 40*^1 rs. J . B. Morris, a 1917 g ra d uate of th. University an d a m em ber of th e jr daU(rhtor M arjorj„ Man|dn the B eaum ont h.gh school faculty, is visiting on the cam pus this week. The m em bers of Man and N ature Club, are spending the week-end at Mr. P earces' lodge Dr. and Mrs. Mankin are visiting MjHon and Manfc!| Wenj2 an< ., , , Miss Doris Smith has re tu r n e d to F o rt W orth, a f t e r a short visit in Austin with Lucy H a rd y Adams. Oscar E ck h a rt and Ben Brown will spend the week-end on the lake, on a camping trip. Cynthia Wall l e ft Wednesday spending the week-end in San A nto­ nio. Mr. Dornak Fanelle Dom ack. is visiting his sister, Lutie C a rte r is ill at Seton. Enid Jones and H en rietta Steele ^ Ann Hamilton is unable to a tten d are visiting in Ran Antonio. account of illness. h „ ..... m ghl fo r Franklin, Tennessee. Mr. Compton of .San Benito visiting a t B. Hall, for the week-i is Mrs. U G o r v is y M i i Lundy i . i u Te-11 Eldridge GnfBn has gone home fo r n - t * l . Anderson Boone Crisp h)s cousini JuIia C r i is visiting a visit. | | Miss Peggie D orbandt has gone to her home in Ran Antonio for the week-end. visiting at the Kappa house. W o u ld you lik e to be a t h o m e a n d h a v e set b e fo re you a big Mr®. A rth u r Hohlt of B renham is d ish o f h o m e -m a d e Ice C re a m ? W h y n o t m a k e y o u rse lf a t th e B lu e b o n n et T e a S hop, w h e re you c an g e t th e Ice Elizabeth R unge has gone to Gal- ho m e in Miss Joe Gray of Marshall, who v ery h o m e -m a d e b e s t vpston- -o— received her degree from the Uni- C ream . AT MUELLER’S SHOE STORE a m w arnut* P Ficrr For th* worn* who weals her pumps to he difefeo*. ankles look well with some decoration, k i l l from the plain .mgle-stnup pump sod looks particularly m rs e tiv . with b m t j hose. ^ $ 1 1 . 0 0 -Just received a beautiful white kid one-strap, is a beauty at Junior heels— it certainly $11.50. all sizes— all widths. CARL H. MUELLER 608 Congress Ave, Home otf Good Shoes Hosiery W. A ACHILLES i CO. PIONEER GROCERS Especial Attention and Service to Fraternity and Sorority Houses 1602-04 Lavaca Street P h o n e s M S . M C , 8 * 7 THE DAILY TEXAN 13 the day; of the f a r m e r ’s speech. The T h a n ­ atopsis Club is described as a cozy group which p u ts you in touch with topics of this sta te m e n t m ust be tru e, for th* club, not u n ­ like an English 2 class, was capable of disposing of Tennyson and B row n­ ing in ten minutes, and Shakespeare, and Milton in an equal am ount of] time. —o- Y. W. C. A. to Combine Picnic and Business Committee Meetings Cabinet members of the Young M en’s Christian Association met last night and considered several ques­ tions which are now before the as­ sociation. Among the most im p ort­ a n t objects discussed was the series o f educational meetings which are being held. Last T hursday Mr. Thom as W. Currie and others spoke on educational the th ird meeting, which will be next Thu rsday night, Mr. F. L. J ew e tt, in stru c to r a t the Texas Bible Chair, will speak on the subject of, “ C am ­ the Young Men's pus Service of Christian Association.” He will speak to the combined cabinet and com m ittees of the Y. M. C. A. S pe­ cial work will be gone o ver and dis­ cussed. Complete a tten d a n ce is r e ­ quested at this meeting. topics, and at There will he a m eeting o f the whole association on Thursday, May 12, a t which methods of re g is tra ­ tion and g etting new m em bers in the fall term will be discussed. --------------- o --------------- O rd e r F lo w ers fo r M o th e r’s D ay. A u stin F lo ral Co,, p h o n e 8261. W ednesday afte rn o o n a t 5 p. rn. Dr. Jam es Finch R oyster read selec­ tions from “ Main S tr e e t" to a large and enthusiastic audience at an open m eeting of Sidney L anier Society, j Before “ Main S tr e e t ” was published; Sinclair Lewis was known only by his stories in “ The S a tu rd a y Evening P o st.” “ Main S tr e e t ” is the epic of the small town in America. Briefly, it is the story of a young girl, Carol Kennicott, who, g ra d u a te d as it were from the University o f Texas, went a f t e r m arriage with a very phlematic doctor to live in Gopher, Minnesota, which town she intended to reform . She tried to reform the T hanatopsis Club, The Jolly Seventeen, to rebuild the town hall, to p u t books in the li­ brary, and to refo rm her husband, not herself. tragic d e fe a t for her, fo r she makes little impression on the town, and it breaks her. It all ends in “ Main S tr e e t ” is a realistic obser­ vation by Sinclair Lewis on the way fo r ty per cent of the people in the live. A similar a t ­ United S tates tem pt has been made by E d g ar Lee M asters in his “ Spoon River A nthology.” in poetry The fe a tu re s of the averag e A m er­ ican town are described in this book “ The Rosebud Movie P a la c e ” which shows “ B athing B eauties” comedies is as essential to the people of Go­ pher Prairie as the “ W eekly D a u n t­ iron­ less, ’ whose social column ically The trea ted by Mr. insincerity and dishonest pretense of the social column with the simplicity is I**wis. ■at Do You Need Any Athletic Goods? YOU WILL FIND HERE T r a c k Suits I rack S hoes Balls I ennis R a c k e ts a n d I 92 I S p a ld in g B ath in g Suits in all wool a n d wool a n d cotto n m ixture. In fact everything you may require in the athletic line. The Co-Op “ACROSS FROM THE CAMPUS” SEE YOU YOU’LL U K E OUR SERVICE A fter the Majestic You’ll Find Your Friends Hera g a lo r®» »Pe c **l co stu m es, songs a n d d a n c e s. Ben fit ■. W . C. A . M ay 2 a n d 3. A ll y o u r frie n d s w ill be th e re . GRIFFITH DRUG CO. A select place to have y o u r p arties or m eet y o u r friends, u p s ta irs in o u r No. 2 store. Woodie Gilbert Drug Co. TWO REXA1.L STORES No. I, 600 Cong. No. 2, 700 Cong. PHONE S345 MOTORCYCLE DEL ENTIRE STOCK — of rV icotine D resses — of I a ffe ta D resses — of C an to n C re p e D resses — o f G e o rg e tte an d L ace D resses — of Silk S p o rt D resses i f you f lo p b u y ­ ing goods, f a c t o ­ ries w ill c l o s e a n d m e r ­ d o w n c h a n t s w ill h a v e to q u it b u sin e ss. ENTIRE STOCK —of T ric o tin e Suits — o f S erg e S uits — o f P o ire t T w ill Suits — of W ool J e rs e y Suits — of T w e e d S uits — o f S p o rt S uits I 3 O f f I 3 O f f ENTIRE STOCK ENTIRE STOCK ——o f T a ilo re d Blouses of C ostum e B louses — of A fte rn o o n Blouses — of Suits B louses — o f Silk B louses — o f N ovelty B louses fo rm e rly selling fo r $15 O f f New Organdy Dresses $5.00 New styles. Colors are Lavender, Rose, Tomato, Sky, Copen, O range, Brown and W hite. Crisp O r g a n d i e Frocks— only $5.00 — o f W oolen S k irts — o f Silk S k irts — of Silk .Sport S k irts — of c o m b in a tio n S k irts I m m Off Japanese Crepe Kimonas Copen, Rose, Helio, Pink and Sky. Em­ broidered flow er designs. Sale price $2 broidered f l o w e r d e s i g n s . S a l e Price ..................................................... $2.95 White Sateen Petticoats White Sateen med I etticoats— Plain hem- ........................$3.50 T. H. W ILLIAM S & CO. H av e you e v e r seen such h o t w e a th e r? D o n ’t you long fo r a cool p lu n g e a t B a rto n o r th e L a k e ? You m ay not like a P e a ­ cock B ath in g S uit, b u t you w ill be s u re to fin d th e one you DO lik e a t th e B lu e b o n n et Shop, a m o n g th e b la ck s, b lu es, A m e r­ ican B ea u tie s a n d g reen s. BKIfllfflHSIMftm MCKEANEIL COMPANY W holesale Dry Goods NOTIONS AND FUR- NISHING GOODS 321-827 Congress Ave. M a k e Y o u r S h o e s L a s t To make your shoes last long have them re-soled right. Bring them to us and let us put on Korry- Kronve GEN1HNB LEATHER SOUS There is twice the wear in K ony Soles; genuine leather, permanently water - proof. Here’s genuine economy for every member of the family. Let us add life to your shoes. C m . WL A IU . P. 4 M 7 2400 GooA V University Drug Store Agents for i i ADOLPHUS CHOCOLATES A Fresh Shipm ent of These Famous Candies Have Just Been Received STUDENTS When Down Town Call Around — A t The— BON TON CAFE Beat Place To Eat Near Littlefield Building 609 Congreet* Avenue United States Depositor? THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK Auatm, Texas RESOURCES $8,000,000.00 C. F. WILMOT, P r a n d i a l T. H DAVIS, Vico-P ra t id r a t MOKJllS HIRSCHFELD, V. P. mo. m. CHILES, Vko-Proo. WM. a. FOLTS, Vice-Prostdost C. M. BARTHOLOMEW, Cask. 8. B. KOBERDEAU, Ami. Casides FACULTY AND STUDENTS’ ACCOUNTS SOLICITED NO ACCOUNT TOO SMALL TO HANDLE IT.XA5 P IT C H E FS PR E L IM IN A R IE S SOLOISTS P I C K L O PROVE TO O MUCH FOR BEA R S Q U A D IN T E N N IS A RE BY D IR EC TO R FOR HO TLY F O U G H T C O M IN G C O N C ER T I A R E C O N D U C T E D T O D A Y h hi,yi,m’ “Syaelf When Yoan*.*’ (C ontinued from page I) —---- for tenor ■ acid en tai sob* , to for J u n e /' j ful chorus, “ A S o n g t Johnson. He will have am ple op- I p ortunity to display both his rare vo- I a1 production as w ell as his artistry. 1 Richard A. K ittson , a ju n ior and . . pre-law the stu d en t who cam e U niversity this year from Sim m ons, will be featu red in the solo part o f a new cow -boy song, “The Bold V a­ quero,’ Th** son g is en tirely a T exas product, having been arranged from a traditional version by David G Ilion, i native o f B allinger, T exas, and now a piano teacher at S. M. U. It has ill the ©ut-door bouyaney o f the cow cam p, besides being o f high m usical the accom - q uality, particularly panim ent which Mr. Guion ha** added to it. in , - i A group o f song w ill be eontrib- ite d by Price Cross, Jr., a ju n ior aca- , j iem ic stu d en t, who has a rich bass- j Austin baritone vein*, He w ill fea tu re a se ttin g by Bixa Lehm ann, o f som e stanzas from th** R ubaiyat o f Omar ! Owing to the character o f the mu* ic o f the program , P rofessor Jones will conduct th** en tire perform ance, contrary to his usual custom . To alg­ ist at th<« piano Miss Lucy E. Bank* secured as accom panist. ha* been Miss Banks is a San A ntonio girl, an honor student, and i» considered on** o f the finest pianist** in the U n i­ versity. ( Continued frolic Pmg# Onw) (C ontinued from Page O ne) long fly to Centerfield in the open- He received a big hand .. . — ................. - — - bc in* inning to en ter the con tests art* expected t from the T exas fa n s when he walked The W aco-Loekhart match was the to the Baylor bench at the close o f hardest fou gh t o f the m atches be­ tw een the boys yesterd ay, Lockhart th# stansa. . . „ * lost the first set 2-6; barely won the _ . ’ T a n n e r L e a d * f o r B a y lo r J , en Tanner hit W ,a * two • singles and a __ j double and walked once in four lim os _ second 8-6; and won the third 6-3. * The girls division this e r tH e s tha|l in any year has form er ’ at bat. He scored h alf of Baylor's years T hey are playing good tennis, total o f hits, for the Longhorn bur- according to one o f the higher o f fi­ lers beld the W aco nine to six safe d a is of the tournam ent T he hardest contested gam es in this division were j those betw een M ercedes and T rinity *>nem’ , . , . w" The sets ran for M ercedes -3, 4-6, G illett and E llis, e s c WI The Longhorns added a second run sin gles in three tim es up, and Hart, g .4 with tw o singles in four tim es up, led the Texas batters who scored 11 wjjj w jn sa fe tie s during the gam e. Although dop** cannot forecast who cham pionship this • arly the c u f f team gave it the advantage in their half o f the second. Hart over m ost o f the other team s, and it singled along the third base line with ha3 been m entioned as the likely win- tw o men down, stole second and went ners 0 f the doubles cham ;dor Lip to third on L eissner’s single through the Bear th r d sacker. The T exas catcher mad.- a wild throw. _ |L E A G U E PR E L IM IN A R IE S ; jn ^ gam e, the experience o f came hor,, when M o n o * 0 - Baylor Tie* Score from Pag* One -------- Continued Baylor tied it 2-2 in their half o f j the fifth . Tanner, the first man to fa ce Leissner in the inning, walked, j official d eleg a tes and several hundred H oncut hit to the Longhorn pitcher teachers, coaches, friends and rela and before the hurler could g e t the I tir e s o f the con testan ts. Th* (a r c ­ hai! to the initial sack M oncus was I fu lly prepared m achinery for receiv safe on first and T an n er was on s e c - I ing and en terta in in g the visitors was ond. H atter then h it to F itzgerald , J fu n ction in g p erfectly all day Thurs- wbo threw wild to third and the B ay-; day, according to E. D, Shurter, ! head o f the organization. The vi <- lor runners w ere sa fe all around. G illett wa* then ordered to the hill j itors were met at the train , conducted by Coach Diseh. C ovington, the first j to headquarters, given badges and program s nad assigned lodgings with man to face “ B u ster,” hit his sin gle alii possible exp ediency through short, scorin g T anner and Moncus. H atter was caught betw een the bases and w as thrown out in a relay, English to H art to Ellis. fanned Lyons and G illett Johnson easily g o t P ittm an ’s high fly to center. H i s t o r y o f L e a g u e to Cox found in Texan came right back their half o f the fifth and scored tw ice The T exas rooter*, well led by the Longhorn band, raised a continual din during the inning which shattered T an n er’* nerves F i f t h I n n i n g tripled to cen ter, H art, opening the inning for T e x ­ as. flew out to cen ter. “ B uster” Gil­ le tt doubled along the fir st base line, E nglish scoring G illett. Ellis w alked. Johnson flew out. Fitzgerald hit a dinky on** through short who h scored English and sent E llis, who had stolen se c ­ ond, to third. Cox walked. Nowlin was an ea sy out, short to first. T'*xa* added their fifth and last run in the eighth. the The g ia n t organization which today public support o f 4291 has schools o f T exas its origin less than eleven years ago at a m e e t­ ing o f the state teach ers association at A bilene, D ecem ber, 1910. Ab first planned the organization v a < one for debaters from a ffilia te d high achoo!* The follow in g year Its scope w as **x tended to include declam ation and om s ai schools below college a ffilia tio n . T h eiijn oh ar m eet in 1911 was attended by repre- M ills; I sentativen from 28 schools; th** m eet j Lon* today is rep! esc o tin g more than 4000 Ca Ic as i schools, an mere*?# o f alm ost ©ne g ig g ly farltoi thousand over the enrollm ent for la ? Th* is year now the organized U nited S tates. largest and m ost strongly I f ‘/n found within The T exas organ ization to be th** T The follow ing firm s have c o n tr ib -! ated $25: U niversity Co-op; Robert, M ueller! md B rother; W alter W ilcox; C. A S . ’ 'porting Good* C om pany; M cNam a­ ra B rothers; ( ’ar! Mayer Com pany; Harrell*; J, R. Reed Music C om pany; I Ben M. ii irk**r; John Brem ond; Slob- Driskill H otel; Dil- C om p an y; Q uality C om p an y; f ' o . n p a n y ; <1 Jam es; I f* ll t o S w a m Furniture tar Fu* I and Ice * i L um b e r Comp! ; Brown Brother: and Com pany, follow ing have contributed •; Giggly j si B en n ett, Trust < (fille I * om pany Drug \ ode rson of A ustin; C om pany; Lookers O f the m eaning o f the L eague to U n iversity and sta te alike one o f the m ost prom inent o f leader* has given the follow in g statem en t: That the L eague through its i f ii* Carl M ueller $16 Th** 15 follow i g havi contributed ~ i bate lin e, .......... tiip ied cen ter. Baylor Texan Score by in n in gs; W erkenthln, Insurance and Bonds, Hon Ton C afe; B eccker Lumber 5 C om pany; Griffith D rug C om pany; I W TI, Richardson and C om pany; i ML ll. C rockett; J. CL B ryant. B aylor scored their third and last in the ninth. W ith one down, run B utler Hill to fanned. Tanner doubled along the third scoring B utler. Monetta fanned for the last out o f the inning and o f the gam e. it* var- iou* public speaking and athletic t on* te sts is o f inestim able value to the school children o f T exas is reco g ­ nized by everyone. But there is an­ im portant accom plishm ent of other the L eague, which is u n fortu n ately lost sight o f by the average U niver­ sity student. The U niversity Inter­ scholastic League mor* any other sin gle a gen cy tends to bring the U niversity o f T exas to the people A new idea in H a n d k erch ie fs o f Texas. It burns int** th* heart o f all I exans th* tact that the Uni- -—T h ey are n ea t and d a in ty , vanity o f l*ixas is their U n iversity, Y ou w ill be su re to lik e th em . Orators, what not rimy preach to the peopl * o f B lu eb o n n et S h o p . T exas that th** U n iversity is “t h e ir 1 U n iv ersity ,” and it is well th at the I people are so rem inded. But it takes the U n iversity Interscholastic League i w ith all R OOO 020 OOI— 3 I IO 020 O la— 5 Sum m ary: Two bas** hi ta, G illett, Tanner. Three base hits, English, N ow lin. B utler. to Moncus, Double playa, Pittm an Struck ou t: H atter to C ovington. by Leissner 6, by G illett 5, by T an­ ner. First base on balls, off Le inaner 2, off Tanner 6. L eft on bases, B ay­ lor 5, Texas o. H its and runs o f, L eissner no runs and tw o hits in fou r innings (none out and three on in f i f t h ) ; cif G illett 3 run# and fou r to bat* in five innings. Tim e o f gam e: convince all T exas that such is r ally 2 bourn JO minute^. U m pire: Ran- the fact. kin. journalists and G in g h a m h a n d k e r c h ie fs at th e Palace o f S w eet#; Jordan Com ­ I f y o u w a n t t o r a m a ll y o u r its evident advantages, S T U D E N T S W A N T E D __________________ follow ing have $12,60. Th* contributed lecturers, Sacrifice than hits, $ 10: e x p e n s e s f o r n e x t y e a r th is s u m ­ Y our m oth er w ill fe e l th a t I g you h ave fo rg o tten so m eth in g I if she d oes not r e c e iv e an e x - 9 p ression o f your lo v e on M o t h - ll e r ’s D ay. Send h er card from th e ex te n siv e co llectio n at th e B lu eb on n et Sh op. a ....... o ........ . ....... . “A d o lp h u s C h o c o la tes” are so m eth in g d iffe r e n t— th e c o a t­ in g is rich er, a g rea te r variety o f cen ters, th e p iece* m ore d e l­ ic a te and d a in ty — T h ey are ju st better*— th a t’s a ll. For sa le b y th e U n iv ersity D rug Store. IWIHffr TEXAS THEATRE W est o f C am pus Today— Tomorrow R oscoe (F a t t y ) A rb u ck le in THE LIFE OF F E PARTY Reel fun that’s Real fun m e r a n d a r e w i l l i n g t o w o r k t h a n I w a n t t o ta l k t o y o u . F o r ­ m e r T e x a s m e n w h o w o r k e d t h e i r w a y t h r o u g h a ch oo ) w o r k ­ i n g f o r u s a r e S id M c C l e n d o n , Bi l l L o o s e , V i n c e n t W . L a n f e a r , E . V . S e ll a r s , J o h n W . S p ie s , L. L. W a t k i n s , T e d D r u r y , m y ­ E v e r y s e l f a n d m a n y o t h e r s . m a n w ith us la s t y e a r a v e r a g e d $ 2 . 4 0 a n h o u r p r o f i t , N o c a n ­ v a s s i n g . A p r a c t i c a l c o u r s e in s a l e s m a n s h i p a n d a g o o d b u s i­ n e s s t r a i n i n g . S e e B. W . O w e n s a t th e Y. M. C . A . o r ta lk to H i l t o n E . H o w e l l , E . P . H a r k e r , H a r r y D u k e o r R a y m o n d G ar- f i n k l e a b o u t th is p r o p o s i t i o n t o ­ d a y . FINE STATIONERY A full line of up-to-now stationer* and correspon­ Invitations dence cards. and announcements en­ graved. S p ecia l D ies M ade for F ra tern ities Visiting cards engraved H a v e T h em M ad e in A u stin At TOBIN’S, SO 1-603 Congress Avenue m aamm m mm m m H i V I S I T O R S We are here for your comfort Use us while you are here. and pleasure. UNIVERSITY DRUB STORE T H E D A ILY T E A A n pany; Dr M H B o e m e r , Capital ROSCOE ARBUCK LE Com press C om pany; F. Frank and IN F E A T U R E FILM C om pany; M cAvoy P roduce Coro- * j e r > * M iller; Spauldin g } par.y; lf. H. T a ylor; B ressler and Zil- The first o f the five-reel featu re i com edies in which R oscoe Arbuckle, is to in a b e a u ti-1 C om pany; A ustin Gas C om pany; S. j appear, by arrangem ent with Joseph the by J G reenberg; K ash-K arry; Gus L im : M. S c h lo c k , is “The L ife p a u j 1 P a r t y /’ adapted from Irwin S. Cobb's sto ry o f the sam e nam e. The picture .w ill be shown at the T exas T h eater , , . today and tom orrow . Sim m s C om pany; Joe E. B ly th e; L. n „ , , _ „ B. K nox; M averick C a fe ; T roy L aun-G D rug the fam ous heavyw eight star, S nam ans; B. W. R andolph; uu o f „ 3 » i ’ dry; J o s e p h s P harm acy; Joe E. The story rev ea ls the adventures V' ebb; L ansdow ne-B arrett C om pany; and love a ffa ir s o f an a ffa b le young P aris C a fe; Tobins. The follow ir g h&v ♦ contributed *5; Q ueen T h eatre; I>aws and Arm -- stron g; C. B. R obinson; C. H. B row n-! le e ; Dr. B a rf Ord W eller; E. R. B ar­ row and C om pany; Dr. J. R. N ichols: T. B. W alling; D. F., B reed; Dr. W' E. B ergm an; Dr. J. P. M cLaughlin;} Dr. W. NL L eS u eu r; Thom pson Mo­ tor Car C om pany; Cactus- A et Room M orley Drug C om pany; E xcelsior M arket; M arket; Carl W endlandt C o,, A lf H arvey i O ptical Co., Frank Union Fish ms rep "vamp oily a •harm! Lion's awyt r, Algernon L eary, in his e ffo r ts! o break the Milk T rust. L eary's o*.verf-.l adversaries attem pt to ruin a lation by sending a notorious ' to blackmail him, but not icceeds in w ithstanding her , but beats out the corpora- candidate for m ayor the The picture is declared to be laughs, one of the fu n n iest rich •♦tuitions being when Leary a tten d s a m asquerade party attired as a child o f th ree and, through a m isunder­ standing, is chased all over tow n by a t in s support Cohn Bros., ® r* Rio* i '^ t e n a n t citizen s and policem en. A rbuckle’* includes Cam peau, V iora D aniel and W inifred G reenw ood. W alter W oods P en d exter A uto C o., E lectric H otel, Jen sen -R aym er, Burn- ham -Fehr, H yde Park Floral Co., Miss M athiesen, H ancock E lectrical i adaPted the story to the screen and Co., Bon Ton B akery, B S. D ickin- Josef h ITena!), v e r i t y < ash G rocery. B engoner g o f i l Bros., B onally & W hite, J. A. J a c k -1 son, M. .Silver, R easonov*r’s, G o ld -1 J ste in , C hrisitanson Studio. r \ J » O rder F lo w er s for M oth er s c t >ay. A u stin F loral Co., p h o n e J , f „ i c t r ---------------o -------- ,, . a — r* s s It ll * ° B efo re you buy ---------------- o----------------- th at SU R E A c h ic k e n p a ltie p la te m a k es an e x c e lle n t d in n er for you r- I t | n ew s e lf and o n e or m ore g u ests. is a c o m p le te m ea l you | rea lly K N O X H A T S N e w G a b e r d i n e Suits tailored by R. & W. a n d S ociety B rand H A R R E L L S H o l e p r o o f Hosiery The Walter Tips Co. “ A re you a m em b er o f th e C h am b er o f C om m erce? Be a b o o ster and jo in th e C h am b er o f C om m erce. T h e C h a m b er o f C om m erce n e e d s y o u . J o in to d a y .” W all P a ner, P a in ts O ils, W h ite L ead , W indow G la ss and P a in ter's S u p p lies. P ictu re fra m in g a sp e c ia lty H07 C o n g ress A v e n u e Ph on e 6 2 6 f C. M. MILLER JOSEPH’S PHARMACY AUSTIN S PO PULAR DRUG CORNER Before and after the shows and when downtown try our excellent soda service. We Satisfy Our Customers P h o n es 6 3 2 5 -6 3 3 1 A U ST IN C IT IZ E N S G IV E G E N E R O U S L Y B a th in g Suit, be h a v e th e on e you w a n t. Let us sa la d , d essert n ’e v e r y th in g , and FOR L E A G U E F U N D h o w you th e n e w e s t and m ost fust th in k , cost* o n ly sev en ty - a ttr a c tiv e s ty le s in A u stin . The fiv e c e n ts! S erv ed o n ly a t t h e ’ B lu eb o n n et S h op. C actu s T ea R oom . (U ontinued from page I) PLATFORM i c o r p o r a tun p u b li e a - n I . I til 2 Mel Mother' sat ;on to >rmitorv > M e m o r i a l r ai s e f u n d s F o s te r denial I et ie g a m e s s c h o . is. id Lvith f o r a t h - l a r g e r sat i. Continuity of policy S t u d e n t s ’ Coun ci l. f o r I ,tat I Co-op or a t dents and g r e a t e r V ar s ity . »n Lely eon stu- rn e x - s t u d e n t s fo r I Lloyd E. Stiernberg Candidate for PRESIDENT, V o te for th e m an Y O U LOOKE’S CAFE a W A G N E R ’ S CAFE AND CONFECTIONERY E ast aide o f C am pu s 2111 S p e e d w a y ret FOR A QUICK SHINE O t a bottle of Thomsen s DYO 35c Special all colors at MATTHEWS DRUG STORE 1612 Lavaca Street iitmmiiiriirautBiiifiiiifiiittiuiKiutiititKttittflitmumuffittHutiuimifiittitiiHitiittiHiniiifiimmtorttniiiHfunffluiMaitttmiiM BACK TO OLD PRICES Why not patronize a modern laundry at the follow ing prices S h irts ....................... I 2 I -2c .......................... 3c C o lla rs All clothes washed in soft water and pure soap AUSTIN LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING CO. Phones 6073 & 6536 HOME OF WHITMANS CANDIES D R U G S A N D D R U G S U N D R I E S F o u n t a in J « ! i r « i * i a s p e c ia lt y . O u r p r e s c r ip tio n d e p a r tm e n t a lw a y s at r o a r aer v ic e GRAHAM DRUG CO. 9 0 0 C o n g r e e * A v e n u e UNDERWOOD Standard Portable Typwriter “ A TRIUMPH FOR THE TRAVELER” Underwood Typewriter Co. Elks Bldg. Austin, TexasF