/ i r J VOLUME XXI. (the minFirst C ollege D aily in the South A U STIN , TEXAS, T H U R SD A Y M ORNING, OCTOBER 28. 1920 Mrs. Katherine B Peebles, of the Texas Institute of Applied Music, conducted a Josef Lhevinne program at the open meeting of Reed Music Society, Wednesday afternoon at S Hall, School o f Music. Mrs. Peebles is herself a pupil of-the great pianist, deck for and knows his style and qualities night at 7:15, in the well. WILL BE SIDNEY LANIER LAYS STUDY PLAN M any M odern W orks To Be Read Under Supervision Of H. M. Jones CACTUS PICTURES ARE INNEW HANDS Cap and G ow ns W ill Be Fur­ nished For Seniors’ Pictures r s A * ORIGINAL COMEDY Sidney Lanier held an Tuesday important a t D ram atic T alent Is W anted. Trip To D allas May Be T aken call meeting 5 1 P- rn. Election of officers was held j and the program for the year decided J upon. Due to vacancies caused by officers not returning to school, and resignations reasons, most of the offices had to be filled. Presi­ ! dent, r— - * ’ dent, Irene Lohman; vice-president, ma C. Sm ith; secretary, Fran- are ees Scarbrough; treasurer, Amy Lou room 157, Main j Murphree; and critic, Eugenia Por­ AU students who are anxious to try out for the musical comedy, “And Don't Forget It,” the first origin al: The followin? . play to be directed and produced by I Septi a student of the asked to come to Building today at 5 p. rn. lD iversity, elected: other from ., , ter. in poetry, program of the best literature, 'created the work. I greatest sensation within the The author of the play, “And Don’t It was decided to study a general Forget It,” Russell J. B edw ell, is de in- criticism, sirous that all students who try out I eluding dramas, the have had previous experience or ‘are and novels, that has past intensely interested Specialty people in all lines who are! ten years. Through courtesy capable of doing vaudeville work be- and assistance of Professor Howard tween the regular acts are wanted, it M. Jones of the Department of Com- IS announced. All students, whether parative Literature, a very definite members of dramatic clubs or not, are course was outlined, in which some eligible to try out. of the best talent in the University will be called upon to direct. Among the works to be the Students who possess dramatic tal­ ent and who are not selected to act in the comedy “And Don’t Forget It” will be used in a second of Birdwell’s original plays, “Buddies”, in five acts, which is a deeper play, and which Mr, Bird well pitons to bring out in Austin after Christmas. In the comedy, Birdwell is par­ ticularly anxious to secure a bru nette who cafi impersonate a French girl. Besides the regular of players a business sta ff will be se- lected to aid in the production of the play- cast ■ Arrangements have been made to give the first play at the Hancock p p era House in conjunction with the regular run of pictures on November 22 and 23. A fter running the play here, Mr. Birdwell plans to carry the players to Dallas to give the original produc tion in that city. EXTENSION LOAN LIBRARY SENDS OUT . MATERIAL OVER STATE Vc “ Elektra" studied are: “The Moon of the Carribees” “Declastee” Zoe Eugene O’Neil, Akins, Hofmannsthal, “The Man Who Understood Women” Leonard Merrick, “This Side of Par­ adise" F. Scott Fitzgerald, “ En­ slaved” Masefield, “ Belle the Con­ queror” Nazo, “ Les Americans Chez- N ous” Eugene Brieux, “Blood and Sand” Blasco Ibanez, “ Mare N os­ trum” Blasco Ibanez, “ Beyond L ife” James B. Cabell, and “The Story of Costa Berlin^” Selma Lagerlof. As Sidney Lanier is bringing Charles Wakefield Cadman, the com­ poser of Indian songs, and Tsianini, the popular Indian singer,, here this year, a special program will be given just before their appearance in Jan­ uary. Misses Lucy Foster, Rebecca Ione! Hightower, Bernice Cox. and Spear were appointed a committee to take charge of the Cadman presen­ tation. Ne t Wednesday Sidney Lanier will hold an open meeting at S Hall, School of Music, at which time Mr. Howard M. Jones will conduct a pro­ gram of “ F aust,” in anticipation of the presentation of that opera here by the San Carlo Opera Company in the near future. More than 600 Texas communities were served during the past year by the Extension Loan Library of the University of Texas. This library is organized for the purpose of col lecting package libraries of material important present-day questions on t.ind loaning them to any one in the No state who applies charge other than postage on the i$ made to the package both ways borrower. them. for and national organizations, A package library is a collection of material, all on the same subject, from consisting of articles clipped current periodicals, of pam­ phlets, addresses and reports printed by the educational institutions, state and and state and federal bureaus. The va­ rious libraries contain subjects suit­ able for debate, topics for club dis­ cussion, themes, addresses and indi­ vidual study. Answering schools, women’s clubs, libraries, community and civic organizations, public health the organizations and Division, during the past year sent out 5560 packages, which service was an increase of 80 per cent over the preceding year. individuals, from calls LAW SUM M ER SCHOOL TO COVER TW ELVE W EEKS Students Cherish Locks A s Barbers Lure Them to Chair ( B y Bi r d ) A little hair cut now and then Is purchased by the best of men; But never is a hair cut taken By our up-to-date side-burn men. Dan Cupid may be cunning enough to date cave men over the telephone, a beauty specialist may even persuade the dainty debutante to part with her thinly arched eyebrows to begin prolific growth o f fuzzy eyebrows to comply with the latest craze in der mitologist vagues; but a barber can not convince a wooly-headed “stude to take a hair cut occasional!] “ But you might as well try to tell a woman she hasn’t a right to vote as to try to g et one of those fellows to get that hair trimmed,” grinned the corpulent barber in front of a local barber shop yesterday afternoon. “Why should you people worry It makes hair cutting a ‘crip,’ doesn’t it?” queried Bird. < # r f a is Plans are being formulated for ti the continuation of the short session n the School of Law during the coming summer. The selection of 'th e courses and faculty has not been mad® yet, but there is much time in which these details may be handled. important change which One very the floes into effect next June that the term of the short ses­ f fact sion for the School twelve weeks instead of six. Such an increase in the time makes double This tin opportunity change also puts the work done in a parallel the Summer School on with session. that done important advantage of The m ost J f c i s new arrangement is the fact thai student may arrange a schedule in such manner that he can graduate in two long from the Law School session and three summer sessions. for work. long in of Law will cover “ Maybe you think it does. We’ve got to be a whole lot more particu­ lar,” chimed the barber. “Sure I know that but you don’t get half as much business,” Bird chirped. The barber grinned. He was think­ ing; so was the reporter. “ How did he make up for that loss?” the news- hound wondered. the At that moment a “stude” came within the portals of tonsorial parlors. From beneath the brim of a flat topped hat the 'stringing ele­ ments of filam entous structure could be discerned. Carefully the lad r e ­ moved hts head gear. Glancing into the mirror, he saw his hair was still royal brilliantined” to his brain con­ look disap­ tainer and the uneasy peared from his face. “W ally” Reid with his coast to ( Continued on Page Four) Stag Rowland Issues Statem ent of Team's Departure For Rice rooters, Stag Rowland, head cheer leader last of the University state­ night issued the following ment relative to the departure of the football team for Houston on Friday morning and the support which will be accorded the team: "As a student body we have tieing without been accused of spirit. that It has been stated we weaken just at the time when the team needs our support most. noon games “ It is time to come to life. To­ the morrow, Friday, at team leaves for Houston. Satur­ day’s game is going to be one of the two hardest played this year. Rice is strong and in order to win Texas must fight from the first whistle to the last. Tho team needs our support now' more than it will at any time this year before Thanksgiving. Is this support going to be lacking? “ We have planned to have the team go to the* train in a body. They will leave the Main Building in cars at l l :30 Friday. We want every man in school to fall in be­ hind these cars and follow them to the station. The Band will be there, and we will give the team a send-off that will show them where we stand. A. & M. turned out in a body to greet one return­ ing football the matter with Texas?” star. W hat’s PATTERSON SPEAKS BEFORE GIRLS ON NATIONAL ELECTION been < actus office Wednesday Announcement was made at that the the Christianson Studio has ap­ pointed official photographers for the 1921 Cactus. In making this appoint­ ment the management said that the Cactus work had grown to be such a large proposition that it was not only very important to secure a first class photographer but also to secure a photographer that will give the Cac­ tus work his undivided attention and right of way over all other photo­ g ra p h s work. Mr. Christianson has won four Salon medals for portraiture work. The Cactus is by far the lar­ the gest photographic enterprise entire southwest and the appointment of Mr. Christianson was in line with the policy of getting the best quality Under of work for the Yearbook. new plans the taking of photographs for the Cactus will be speeded up considerably. in By placing a photographic studio in the auditorium of the Main Build­ ing, better results can be expected from the group pictures to be taken. All photography will be under the In­ supervision of Mr. Christianson. dividual photographs to appear in at Mr. I the Cactus will be Christianson’s downtown studio. Pie-* tunes for the View and other pictor-j ial sections in the Cactus will be taken I by Mr. Boone of the Jordan Photo- j en- J graph Company. He has been some' in this enterprise for gaged time and University students are ac­ quainted with the character of his work. taken In order to secure uniform quality and form, all photographs must be taken by the Official Photographers, Dr. C. P. Patterson of the Govern­ or they will not be used in the Cactus. ment Department addressed the girls It is necessary to do this for the sim­ of the University Wednesday evening is ple reason that Mr. Christianson under the auspices of the social aer- prepared as is no other photographer vice committee, of the Young Wom- to do the photographic work for the Cactus, according to Bennett Wooley, en’s Christian Association upon the business manager of the 1921 Cactus. for candidates the platforms of president. Extension Courses In Houston Are Proving Of Interest To Many “The responsibility of being an e f­ fective citizen in a democracy is a very heavy responsibility”. Dr. P atter­ son said as a word of warning to the new girl voters. "The chief point of issue between Reports received by Dr. D. A. Pen- ick, head of the Extension Bureau of the University of Texas indicate the ^orms the Democratic and Republican plat League of Nations,” Dr. success of the new Extension T each-1 Patterson b la r e d . “The Democrats int? Center bein,- established in Hous-I ^ w -! Iea^ , it. Dr. explained Patterson BUSINESS STUDENTS nous I Woodrow Wilson outlined ELECT NEW OFFICERS The ton under the direction of the Uni- Republicans have not so far stated versity. Tor the group of Business any definite position upon the league. Very few of the prominent members Administration and related courses of the Republican party have accept­ being offered to introduce the system, ed the league idea however.” there is reported a registration of 64 at the end of the first week. how the League of Nations is really noth­ ing more than a continuation of our foreign policy as demonstrated in the Monroe Doctrine and our “Open Door” policy in the East Much interest is being exhibited in Houston over the plan, which is an innovation in Texas, according to those in charge of the work. In brief, the provision is for the giving of U ni­ versity courses, with University pro­ fessors in charge of the classes, at the center in Houston for the bene­ fit of persons desirous o f obtaining Department of Business Adminis the such work but unable to attend University. Two groups of courses Aration met Wednesday afternoon and are offered, the Business Administra- elected the following officers: Hulon lion group, as above, and the Educa- w . Black, president; Clyde E. Barnes tion group. Registration figures for the latter group have not yet been re­ ceived by the Bureau at Austin. Houston was selected as the starting point for this extension work because of the facilities offered for giving the courses in connection with the Young Men’s Christian Association educa­ tional program. Classes in the busi­ be ness administration group will held probably school in building. secre vice-president; Zoe Kinnery, tary-treasurer; Charles Harritt, aer geant-at-arms. A short informal talk was made by the following men of the department Spurgeon Bell, Chairman of the de­ partment; J. E. Fitzgerald, adjunct professor, and Dr. Winston, associate professor, who talked on the impor lance of the science of Business Ad­ ministration in the University. Be­ sides the above mentioned speakers, a representative of the Intramural Athletic Council spoke on the impor­ tance of the department participating in Intramural athletics. the high About ten instructors make fixed the I trip to Houston at intervals, once a week or once in two weeks as required, to meet their classes; two or more are assigned to each course, so that they may alternate. They re­ ceive no compensation for their time or services, only railroad fare being paid by the department. Trips are so arranged as not to conflict with the regular University classes taught by these men, and the courses are the equivalent of those given in Aus­ tin, thus involving no extra prepara­ tion. A fter the meeting had adjourned, the Seniors of the department de­ cided to wear the black four-in-hand tie in order to distinguish them from the Senior Academs. DR. L W . SACKETT NOW W ITH SPECIAL BU REAU Dr. L. W. Sackett, for many years It is announced that the Extension adjunct Professor of Educational Psy- Council of the University has author- f chology in the University is at pres­ ized the beginning of a class in the ent engaged in special research work psychology of advertising, in San An. for the government in the Department tonic, with the probable addition of of Recreation and Efficiency at Fort other courses following demand. < Sam Houston SEAT REQUESTS HEAVY FOR GAME LHEVINNE REVIEW GIVEN BY PUPIL M onster Crowds W ill V iew T urked D ay Contest On Clark Field Mrs. K atherine B. Peebles Plays Selections From A rtist’s Program Letters from all parts of the state indicate that one largest crowds in the history of the Univer­ sity will be on hand Thanksgiving. the of Applications for reservations for the game are pouring in by every mail, and it has begun to look as if .somewhat of a problem to will be find a seat for everyone. However, all will be accommodated. All the box seats have been sold, and a great the portion of V arsity’s half of grandstand seats. Nothing extra has been planned for the day. When asked if there would be any extra attraction, John A. Lomax, President of the E x-Stu­ dents’ Association said: “ We think enough.” the game will The br the ex-students greater portion of are planning to arrive Wednesday, and will bi* on hand and help put over the rally that night. The Thanksgiving in hono»- of the alumni will be held on Thursday night, as heretofore. Out of town alumni will be presented with free tickets. When tickets to the game have been ordered tickets to the reception have also been en­ closed. reception L A W C L U B B E G I N S W OR K Activity is increasing in the Law Club. The first questions have been the briefs are being assigned and prepared. These briefs will be de­ in veloped in the near future the form of legal arguments. The in­ spiration of all this work is the fact that the Peregrinus Competition will be settled in this manner. There is widespread interest in this work an the questions for the arguments are intri­ questions which cate and unsettled points of Texas Law. involve very A crowded hall greeted Mrs. Pee pies, und it was thought for a while that there would not be enough room in S Hall to accommodate the au­ dience, who was eager to get an idea o f what he would play next Tuesday night at the Hancock. Mrs, Peebles gave short but lively sketches of the composers represented, and briefly explained the form and composition of the numbers. A fter­ ward she played selections from the following program, which Lhevinne’s manager sent her for the occasion: Sonata, A Flat Major _________ ----------------------------------- Weber Barcarolle ___________ The Lark Three Preludes Schubert-Liszt Balakereff — -------------------Rachmaninoff a. B Minor, b. C Minor, c. F Minor Three Etudes ________________ ------------------------------- Chopin a. F Minor, no. 21, b. Winter Wind no. 23, c. Will O’ The Wisp, no 14 Rhapsodic, F Minor __________ ------------------------- — Donanyi Fantasia. F Minor ___________ ------------------------------- Chopin ------------ o------------ - Dr. Goddard Reports • University Students Enjoying Good Health Mysterious Five Daily Terrorize Helpless Damsels Border raids, Jessie James holdups zeppelin attacks— all these were sen sationaI in their day; but the alarm they aroused was mild in comparison with the horror instigated in one of our girls dormitories by a mysterious clandestine organisation yclept “The Fierce Five.” With the motto “ Do a Dirty Deed a D ay,” they are fulfilling their mission effectively and efficien t­ ly. Heartless as to choice of deeds, cunning as to their execution, and extremely democratic as to victims they carry on their dastardly work in the dead of night as well as in the broad daylight. are They considerate usually enough to give the prospective martyr a note of warning written in very melodious classical poetry. Then a f­ ter the room has been ravaged, the owner usually finds a simple artistic calling card with the ravagers club number carefully printed in the cor­ ner. Locked doors have no more e f­ fect upon them than did the hedge of A thorns upon Prince Charming, posse of desperate victims was formed to guard the halls, but the mischief .__ sft ™r:*7L a u _ a , T'* * J “ illness among the According to Dr. C. 'N. Goddard. the head physician of the University, there has been a remarkably small amount of stu equip­ dents. is better ment of his department than ever before, since there are four doctors, ing for the University students ex ­ clusively. He states that the them practic­ three of but tonsilitis There has been one death this year, due to an uncontagious form of meningitis which developed from an infected ear. There have been two otherwise, appendicitis cases, nothing worse than and sprained ankles have been reported. During the year each of the stu­ dents will fill out a history card, con­ taining an account of his health be­ fore entering In this way there will soon be a system ­ atic account of the general health of every man and woman in the Univer­ sity, and it is hoped that this will be the best department of its kind in the state. the University. VICTORIOUS TEAM BANQ UETS TO NIG H T Complimentary the winning in the recent Young Men’s to team Christian Association drive, a din­ ned will be given at the Maverick , Cafe this evening at 6:30 o'clock, ac- I h : din* - i— ™ “ M i i v u n L c m r i f t »y that some o f the Pierce hive were in officials of the Y. M. C A the ranks of the posse and a guard appointed to watch the posse with even less success. today. Members of the winning team are to meet at the Y. M. C. A. tonight at 6 o’clock from where they will go downtown in a body. condition— from When the weary co-ed returns to her cozy room from an extra heavy date, it is usually a signal for distress to find her door knob greased. Every­ thing else in the room is sure to be her in the same comb to her Corona keys. Specimens of animal life, ranging from frogs to crickets may also be secreted in the bed. To add the glamor of romance to the situation she will probably &n4 some strange man’s photograph upon her bureau and her own brother’s picture gone. Limburger cheese and Jockey per­ fume are other weapons of gas at­ tack. If there remains any sprig of reason in the poor victims head, it will surely flee when she brushes her hair with a brush saturated with Karo Syrup. John IL Awtry is captain of the team which raised a total of $505.50 in the recent drive for funds. Other members of the team are Bob Kil­ patrick, W. A. Barnett, John Red­ ded F. W Findley, W. H. White, Earnest Jones, and Frank Williams. The following officials of the Y. M. C. A. also will be present at the dinner: Charles Barrow, president; Reavis Cox, vice-president; Everett Jones, chairman Finance Committee; Secre Block Smith, Student Life tary; and 'Thomas W. Currie, Gen era) Secretary. DR. VINSON IN EL PASO Unless some sharpwitted the Sherlock soon comes to there is no saying where the crimes versity board"of regents. of the “ Fierce F ive” will end. probably return today. He J Dr. Vinson failed to return yes- female terday from El Paso where he has rescue, j been attending a meeting of the Uni- NO. 31 RICE GAME IO BE SOLD AFTER TODAY R ooters Will A ccom p any T eam And Band To Station the rally to be held Pep and enthusiasm will be on to- Men’s Gym­ nasium in preparation for the clash between the Longhorns and the Rice Owls on Saturday. According to Coach Berry M. Whittaker, the game with the Rice aggregation is expected to be one of tile hardest on the Longhorn sche­ dule for this season and certainly the hardest that has been played thus far. hor this reason it is nec­ essary that the rally be made the peppiest and best that has been staged this year. This can be done only if every student will turn out to do his part in giving the team a good send-off. In addition to the snappy yells and the other usual features of a rally, those interested in the manly art will be given a treat by the staging of two Johnson and Knibb, boxing bouts. lightw eights, will two rounds, and an additional two rounds will be fought by two men yet to be selected. Boxing Coach Simmons is certain that these bouts will be fast and interesting. battle for In addition to the rally Thursday night in the Men’s Gymnasium a big demonstration is to be staged F ri­ day at noon when the team departs from Austin. The members of the team are to gather at the Main Build- mg about 11:30 o’clock Friday morn­ ing and from there they will be car­ ried in cars to the station at 11:45 a. rn. At the same time all students who can possibly be present are urg­ ed to be at the Main Building and take part in a “send o ff” parade. the conflict. V arsity’s crack band will be on hand to help arouse the pep of the supporters of the Longhorns. A fter a demonstration in the nature of a rally on the University campus, the band and rooters will march down to see the team safe on its way to the Congress scene of the Avenue will be paraded while that land plays the popular songs It arouse the Texas fighting spirit. is hoped in this way to inspire the Longhorns with the belief that every Texas man and woman is back of them to the last ditch in order that fehey will go into the game with the Owls and snow them under from the start. The game is to be a hard one and the team will need to know that they are not alone in their stand against the strong Rice aggregation. accompany the team to the station will gather around their yell leaders at the sta ­ tion and try to make their battle cry heard in the far distant Rice camp. All the rooters who Tickets for the game are now on sale at the office of L. Theo Bell­ mont. Mr. Bellmont urges students intending to make the trip to Hous­ ton to secure their tickets at once, as this is the last day on which they can be obtained from him. Abso­ lutely no tickets will be sold after today, as all remaining unsold by Friday morning will be returned to Houston. This includes rooter’s sec­ tion tickets and tickets for reserved seats. according It The importance of every individual 'tudent’s attending this rally cannot to be over emphasized, yell leader “S tag ” Rowland. is the rooting on the field as well as the figh ting of the team that will pluck the Owl’s feathers. And it is the spirit and pep instilled into the rooters at the rally that will mani­ fest itself on the field at Houston and spur the team on to victory, -------------o-------—— k a p p a d e l t a p i w i l l m e e t Kappa Delta Pi, national honorary educational fraternity, will have a in Educational Building meeting room 312 Friday at 5 o clock, it is announced by the presi­ dent, Richard Jonas. afternoon The purpose o f the meeting is three­ fold: To discuss plans for the year’s work and boost the Better Schools Amendment; to hear old committee re­ ports and membership certificates; elect officers to fill the va- and to secretary-treasurer and will cannes of corresponding secretary. ® h e S a i l s ® e x a l t o © ■ First Colies* Daily ta tbs Sooth Futiishrd em the cmmpm al th* Unirsnrftr of T«-x*n by th* «cadent body t w y mom intr except Monday. Office: Room ISS, Ttic*hone SUS. Entered ** matter mt th# puld be pos- an- j sible for the sta te to supplant the fir st party j num erous shacks on the cam pus on leaves Norm an 4:20 p. rn. T hursday J the cam pus of the U niversity with and returns 6:30 p. rn. Satu rd ay The j beautiful and m assive stru ctu res, ac- second group w ill leave Novem ber 29 cording to O. A. Coon, o f New Or­ and return Novem ber 30, leans, who recently visited the Uni- I vie sd ay. The U niversity the next j versity. Mr. Coon stood in front of T Hall Cineinnatti U. Galt $ 2 5 0 ,0 0 0 Gift A g ift of $250,000 has been made to the Medical College by Mr*. Mary K. Emery. M r*.#Em ery has contrib­ uted to the college for several Her last g ift w ill be devoted* to the | in it the fa u lt of your legisla tu re? ” Departm ent o f Pedriatic*. “ Why is th is? ” he asked. “ H asn ’t funds to build cam pus, or | and glanced about him. the state su ffic ie n t year*, good buildings on your j ’Mr. Coon then suggested the plan being used by the state of Louisiana, in levyin g a special tax upo/i all pe- J timber shipped out of troleum and that state, the funds to be used exclu­ sively for the benefit o f lie said that certain Women H ave A thletic Field Women students of the U n iversity o f Iowa are soon to have their own athletic field. education.: industries op- Profeasors E xplore Am azon T erritory posed the m easure very strenuously before it w as finally passed by the Louisiana legislature. Governor John M. Parker was largely responsible for its passage, Mr. Coon stated. “ T exas is rich in oil and tim ber,” THE DAILY TEXAN a e he said. “ Before her forests a r t de­ drained, nuded and. her resources som ething should come back to the state." The plan now being used in Louis­ iana nets th e approxim ately state two and a h alf m illion d ollars every year. In T exas, according to Mr. Coon, the annual revenue from this source should be fu lly four m illion j dollars. Applied to education, and particularly th e erection of suitable buildings at the U niversity, the plan, it is said, would solve a cryin g need of this state. SPEA K ER S’ CLUB ELECTS MEMBERS AT TRYO UT had E xtem pore speeches T uesday night marked th# close o f tryouts for mem­ bership in th e Speakers’ Club. More than th irty men been made tem porary m embers of the club some tim e before. Only the m eet capable o f these will be selected by the exec­ utive com m ittee, o f which Jack Ball is chairm an. Announcem ent of those selected for membership will be made at the next m eeting. Tom Clark, president, impressed the upon the m embers of the club necessity of every member’s being present at each m eeting, and called attention to the fa c t that there is a nom inal fine for absences. ANNOUNCING v . ^ A . v 4- t ‘if - I • , I i A »" — K ' A J A , -ti- \ m t i i J- :■ \ IS S U E EDITOR Keith Coppage A S S IS T A N T S Alice Ballard Mary Eby R E PO R TE R S Leo Fox Clara Bell Elm a Gunn Dan T, White L. B, Jones H. J, Yarborough Carrie Bel Thomas Judith Porter John S. Spratt Helen E. Taber Thanksgiving is less than one month off. Boost the Home­ coming. Talk it up. Two additional organizations have signified their intention of participating' in a real way in the University Homecoming by acting as hosts to the old mem­ bers of their respective groups. There is no good reason why every campus group should not make an effort to have an alum­ ni meeting Many of tt\e visi­ to tors will come prepared spend the week-end in Austin and there will be a latitude of to a t least two days in which have the meetings which may be arranged for. A simple, inex­ pensive banquet or a meeting renewal of old ju st for friendships and the possibly making of a photograph of the “bunch” would aid tremendously in the making u f the Homecom­ ing a real reunion in spirit as well as in name,. the two The football team leaves on F riday morning for Houston to go into one of the really hard games of the season. Stu­ dents have been urged from all quarters to the Texas show Spirit and back the team to the limit* And we believe that this will be done. It is not charac­ teristic of students of the Uni­ their versity of Texas to team at the crucial moment. fail The football men should have a send-off tomorrow morning the school which is worthy of which backs them. An effort is being made, it is understood, to gain permission for the dismis­ sal of classes at the hour cf de­ p artu re so that the student body to may accompany the players is this the station. W hether accomplished or not, those who have no classes at that hour should make it a point to be on hand. A large party o f Am erican scien­ tists will explore about 1,000 m iles of virgin territory in th** Amazon basin in J a n ­ next year. beginning early uary. Dr. H enry H. Rushy, Dean of the School of Pharm acy of Columbia U niversity, will head the party. Rep­ resentatives o f m any universities will poin with Columbia rn m aking the trip. W restling a* prepatory Wrestling Ui#d In Football Training training in­ for football candidates has been the troduced by the directors of M ichigan A ggies' Coach Brewer has requested all prospective linem en, veterans and new men, to enroll in w restling classes He be­ lieves that this w ill keep them fit all the year round. eleven. MASONIC STUDY CLUB FORMS YEAR’S PLANS At its reorganization m eeting at the Scottish R ite Cathedral T uesday evening, the Masonic Study Clbb elected the follow in g officer* for the John K. Weber, pres­ com ing year: ident; J. Weldon Jones, vice-presi­ dent; R. D. Cox, secretary and tr e a s­ urer; T. L. A llen, tiler; A lfred M. Scott, reporter. The total m em bership of ’the club w ill probably be about fifty . a forecastin g Plenty of pep w as evidenced at the successful m eeting, year for the club. It is intended to stage a smoker or other social a ffa ir at an early date. An e ffo r t w ill be made to have present at the first distinguished smoker, am ong other guests. Judge W. S. Fly, of San A n­ tonio, C hief Ju stice of the Court of Civil A ppeals, Fouth Suprem e Ju d i­ Judge Fly is an active cial D istrict T hirty-third D egree M ason, and a live wire as well as a good speaker. l l , It wa* decided that regular m eet­ on T hursday ings should be held evening of every alternate week, be­ ginning T hursday, October the m eetings to be held at some place on the cam pus if an acceptable m eeting in one of the place could be found U niversity buildings \ com m ittee consisting of A. M. Scott, Pat S. Rus­ sell and Will N athan was named to search for a suitable m eeting place and report its fin d in g before the next regular Announcem ent of the place o f next m eeting will be m eeting. High Cost of F o o t b a l l Football is costing the student body of the Washington U niversity $34,620. the O f this amount $19,000 goes to the via:ting teams and $15,620 for In­ m aterial and coaches* salaries. in the m aterial ordered and truded on hand are footballs, $1,600 worth of headgears, $1,500 worth of jerseys, and $650 worth of shoulder pads. six dozen Debate Program Out Oklahom a’s team will meet Univer* j s*ty of Kansas and U niversity o f! Colorado in a trian gu lar debate, as ‘ th ey did last year, and w ill also clash in dual debates with U niversity of M issouri and U n iversity o f Texas. ■ The League o f N ation s may be thai question this year, Coach Lee be­ lieves, You’ve often seen a guy Who thinks the sun can’t rise U nless he's there to help it up. Who knows he knows what he knows Better than anybody else knows it. Who pats him self on the back And goes around with an air of You touch me and see w hat’ll hap­ pen. Whose sense of the aesthetic Is developed to the exten t th a t he atm os- Can’t tell a raw joke from And who keeps aloof from the com ­ O f hum anity from fear of being By the undisciplined disciples of Poor fool, he’s in the heydey o f his phere, mon run tainted ignorance. foolishness, N ew C ou rses A t H opkins T he departm ent o f psychology has announced for the present year the inauguration of a new coarse in the psychology of m u sk to be conducted by M r. Otto OItm ann. The course which he is to give represents on* of the most modern and recent branches of experimental psychology, and is And the grey m atter in his frontal W ouldn’t take up the space th at is For a pedigreed m osquito to raise a I t is entirety unnecessary' to g iv e his required fam ily. two in itials e g o c e n t r is m . For they are as se lf evident as his SWEATERS GOING FAST BUY ONE WHILE THEY A SUGGESTION Those photographs th at the you like to keep more intimate rooms of the house may be fitted in­ to de luxe frames of in IVORY PY-RA-LIN Our Department has hundred suggestions, attract and please you. a to THE STELFOX CO. Q uality A ustin, T exas. LASTc&sSporting Goods Co. 704 Congress Ave. Austin, Texas HartJjchmnr C lo th e s THE RIGHT OVERCOAT YOU w ant the right o v e rc o a t; and it is im portant to be careful w h e re you buy, because th e re a re some that a re not right ones. All-wool fabrics, high g rad e tailor­ ing, sm art style a re the things to look for; the quality of the goods determ ines the service you g e t; an d That is y o u r m easure of econom y HART SCHAFFNER & MARX OVERCOATS ARE HERE RAIN COATS SWEATERS GLOVES UNDERWEAR Stebbins & James Home of H a r t S ch affn er & M arx Clothes A SALE OF Silk Underwear Beginning Saturday MFloor At Prices Which Only A Special Purchase Made Possible Undies* in W ash Satin and C repe de Chine, will be offered a t prices unbelievably low— Not since the halycon days before t i e w a r h av e such “ U ndies” worn such price m arks! R em em ber th e Sale opens S a tu rd a y — on the main floor Sales tables— Envelope Chemise A t $2.75 rw — and a fine quality of flesh, ajUsilk Crepe de Chine, cleverly m odeled, plen­ ty of Ribbons, Laces and set-in Medal- ions, bodice tops, yokes of fine tucked G eo rg ette— H and E m bro idered— Sale price $2.75 Silk Camisoles At $ ] 4 8 — and h u n d red s of them fashioned of a beautiful quality of Soft W ash Satin. trim m ed with Ribbon sho ulder straps, dainty fine Laces, Insertions a n d G eor­ g ette— m any have set-in Medallions, all sizes for $1.48 E. M. Scarbrough & Sons CLASSIFIEDS Furnished rooms Couples FOR R E N T : 1906 W ichita Street. women preferred. T w o south nished or unfurnished rooms women on N ueces 5115._______________________ — 28. S treet. at I orj fu r - 1 for j Phone | FOR R E N T — One furnished room for girls at 2506 San A ntonio Street. cam pus. Ju st tw o blocks from — 30. Phone 4523. th e DR. W IL L IA M E. B E R G M A N — S u ite 410 L itU efield B u ilding. D en­ Phone tis t sn d Pyorrhea S p ecia list. 2538. D A N C E every Saturday n ig h t 10th W ard. — 28. — tf. at W A N T E D — Men stu d en ts for board­ ers. Good home Phone Mrs. M. Donahue, 203 E a st 23rd. cooking. In terp retive D A N C IN G — B allroom , Technique, Modern D ances, special­ ized; pointm ent; private 2991. instruction by ap-! Phone individual studio. — t f. W A N T E D — By two U . T. students, I a good room close to cam pus. M ust! have g a s heat, hot and cold w ater, I AddnatfV1 and the price reasonable. — 30. P. O. box 270, city P. O. J LO ST— Gold pencil left on desk in! room 209, Main B uilding, la st F riday. | Finder; In itials J. K. S. on please call J. K. Stark at 3010. — 30. side. FOR R E N T — One furnished for gentlem an. One blocks from 1905 W ichita, any one o’clock. room one-half and the cam pus. CaH% at afternoon a lte r — 29. VISIT the P alace B a rb e r Shop Hall of Fam e, nex t to Kress, Bill Wolfe, Prop._____________ ROOM— and board young men. A lso board for several more. A cross the street from L aw Build- for tw o ing. P hons 4223 ox W ichita. call at 2007 — 30. W A N T E D —-A W ilkin's E lem entary to Spanish Pros# book. BYing — 29. the U n iv ersity D ru g Store. it N O T IC E ! L E T R E A S O N O V E R ’S B A R B E R SH O P do Ut* work for the students who care. W A N T E D — An A N o plajfjr, who 37& . reads I Jazz piano Phone m usic. — 30. “ NEED A C O A C H ?’’ “ Let us help you. W e serve H ot Chocolate* B utterscotch Pie, Toast and S an d w ich es b e­ fore all q u izzes. W e have a co zy room, co m p eten t, courte­ ous instructors. You are sure to p a ss.” CACTUS TEA ROOM T he B luebonnet T ea Shop! has prepared a cold w eath er! sp ecia lty t h a t » d e lig h tfu lly good HOTJJIUDGE SHO RTCAKE. in your m outh. for you. Try It m e lt. O. H. R ic h a r d so n , D. C. X-Ray Laboratory Chiropractor P alm er School G raduate Hours 1 0 - 1 2 2 - 6 NEED GLASSES % — S e © — S. GREENBERG Exclusive O ptom etrists 707 Congress Ave. Sunday IO to l l a. rn. Suite 502-5 0 4 -5 0 5 -5 1 0 L ittlefield B ldg. O ffice P hone 5 1 0 7 Hom e 4067 Lady A tten d a n t OUR POLICY Everything sold at a reasonable profit. Not below cost on certain items and extremely high on others. Yours for service. M A CS I OFFICIAL NOTICES G R A D U A T E S T U D E N T S T h e r e will in I be a m e e tin g o f g r a d u a t e ^rcxyn 158 M ain B u ild in g , F r i d a y a t 5 P- rn. B e th e re . c l a s s C O M M I T T E E . P R F - M E D S r e g u l a r m e e tin g to n ig h t a t Y o u n g Men'p C h r i s t i a n A s s o c i a - ’ tion a t 7 : 30 o ’clock. P r e s id e n t . r e h e a r s a l t o n ig h t a t G L E E C L U B 5* H a jj S Hall S e c tio n A a t 7 : 1 5 . S e ctio n B a t 5 : 1 5 . C. R . H ooten, M a n a g e r Main Building W ednesday, Novem­ b er 3 a t 7 :3 0 p. rn. Committee. in M ain H I S T O R Y 22 will m eet B u i ld i n g 33, b e g in n in g F r i d a y , O c ­ to b e r 29. F . D u n c a lf. fo r th e Building at 5 p. rn., Th u rsd ay a f te r noon E l P aso C lu b t h i s will b« elected and pla ns y e a r discussed v e ry im p o r ta n t. i n i t i a l m e e tin g o f th e O f f i c e r s f o r T h i s m e e tin g y e a r . t h e | is Secretary-treasurer. H O G G D E B A T I N G T h u r s d a y n i g h t a t 7 : 1 5 s h a r p . V is it o r s welcome. C L U B m e e ts in L a w B u ild in g 3 A T H L E T I C R A L L Y O F W . A. A. will not be held t h i s T h u r s d a y due to th e f a c t t h a t t h e r e will be no game- th is S a t u r d a y . / | R ' P K N I ( B I B L E C L A S S will be e n te r ta i n e d to n ig h t a t the U n i v e r ­ s ity P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u rch by D r. and in M rs. P e n ic k . T h e new s tu d e n ts the c l a s s will c o n s titu te th e r e c e iv ­ in g reception will begin at 8 o'clock. E v e r y m e m b er is urged to a tte n d in hon or o f th e new m e m ­ bers. line. T h e f o r y o u r to one o f b ers be s u r e a n d g iv e th e D a n c e ; S T U D E N T ’S S U N D A Y C L U B m e m ­ a s s e s s - th e ! m e n t j m e m b ers o f th e C o m m i t t e e on A r - F r i d a y . 1 r a n g e m e n ts T h e C o m m itte e th e fo llo w in g : A r d i s D e e n K e e lin g , A n n .Marshall, F . G. W i l s o n , L. 1. D av is, a n d M a r t h a D oak . n e x t is com posed o f b e f o r e C h a ir m a n A r r a n g e m e n t C o m m itte e . R. J o n a s , P re s id e n t . M is s H iss. th e R i e e - T e x a s gam e. A B A N D M E E T a t ^ M e n 's G ym 7 : 0 0 p. 4!__ rn. to n ig h t. B e on tim e. u. v,* D ir e c to r . A L L O r g a n i z a t io n s and clu b s m u s t e le c t t h e i r o f f i c e r s and p e r f e c t t h e i r o r g a n iz a t i o n w ith in th e c o m in g week i f th e y a r e to be re p re s e n te d in the p a g e s o f th e 1921 C a c tu s . S e c tio n E d ito r. rn ! C h u r c h D A N I E L F U N D C o m m itte e m e e ts a t T h u r s d a y M e th o d is t n ig h t. R e p o r ts fr o m Mr. O g lesby to A. & and o t h e r s who h a v e been M. and S a n M a r co s . O t h e r i m p o r ­ t a n t busin ess. 7-8 C o m m itte e . B E G I N N I N G to d a y S e n io r s will r e ­ port to C h r i s t i a n s o n ’s S tu d io and h av e th e i r p ic tu r e s m ad e f o r the C a c t u s T h i s section o f t h e work will h a v e to be com pleted in tw o weeks so all s e n ­ iors a r e u rg ed t o r e p o r t a t once. B y S e n io r s is m e a n t all s tu d e n ts t h a t will re ce ive a d e g r e e in th e s p r i n g , s u m ­ m e r 1921 o r will co m p le te t h e i r w ork t h i s y e a r o r by c o r re s p o n d e n c e d u r ­ ing n e x t y e a r b u t will not be h e re to h a v e t h e i r p i c t u r e m ad e f o r th e C a c ­ tus. S e n i o r E d i t o r — E d i t o r in C h ie f. T E X A S S O C I E T Y O F C I V I L E N ­ G I N E E R S . ing T h u r s d a y 7 : 1 5 p. urged to be p re s e n t. I m p o r t a n t called m e e t - . N O T I C E : T h e r e will be a m e e tin g o f th e U n i v e r s i t y C h ess C lub in th e ^ ou n g M e n ’s C h r i s t i a n A s s o c ia tio n rn. M e m b ers I council room , T h u r s d a y e v e n in g a t 5. All m e m b e r s a r e u r g e n t ly re q u e sted to be p re s e n t. P r e s id e n t . S e c r e t a r y . S T U D E N T S P A N H A N D L E : All s tu d e n ts f r o m th e P a n h a n d le a r e r e ­ q uested to m e e t L a w B u ild in g , T h u r s d a y a t 4 p. rn. f o r th e p u rpose o f o r g a n iz a ti o n . in room 101 P r e s i d e n t 1 9 2 0 P a n h a n d le Club. T A Y L O R C L U B : All s tu d e n ts fro m T a y l o r , T e x a s , m e e t room in 1 5 8 1 T h e B luebonn et T ea Shop g a v e out o f th a t delicious H O T F U D G E S H O R T C A K E y e s te r­ d ay . B u t d on ’t let th a t w orry you. T o d ay th e re is p len ty of H O T F U D G E S H O R T C A K E fo r every b o d y . S ave lim e by b oard in g a t th e C actu s T e a R oom . O u r ra p id , serv ice will p lease efficie n t y o u . K A P P A D E L T A P l m e e t s F r i d a y a f in th e A u d i t o r ­ terno on a t 5 o ’c lo c k E d u c a ti o n ium, room 3 1 2 , o f th e th e U n i ­ B u ild in g . All m e m b e r s to v e r s i t y or come. in the c i t y a r e urged in R ic h a r d J.o n a s , P re s id e n t . P u t C H R I S T I A N E N D E A V O R S ! on you r specs, a n d w a t c h f o r f u r t h e r i n s tru c t io n s . E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I C A L 201 L e c t u r e s on T h u r s d a y and F r i d a y , O c to b er 28 and 2 9 , in s te a d , as p r e ­ viously a n n o u n c e d , a t 9 a. rn. * W. A. F e ls i n g . A L L M E M B E R S o f th e F o r t W o r th Club a r e re q u e sted to m e e t in room 158, M ain B u ild in g , F r i d a y afternoon a t 5. G e o r g e K e m b le , P r e s i d e n t ~'r......... "" o ............... — M rs. H a ll’s H air D ressing P a rlo r M arcel W a v e a s p e c ia lty No waiting f o r appointm ent T H E D A IL Y T E X A N Soc i e t y M E H N E N A I L a n c : M iss M a r y Su e G r a v e s the week end le a v e s t o ­ in m o rro w to spend H ou ston. M D s L o ttie Nell P e t t u s lea v es .S atu rd ay f o r H ou lton . M is s J o y c e M c C le lla n will a tte n d M iss L u c iIe S c h a r f f h a s r e tu r n e d to G ro e s b e c k , ill­ f r o m a s h o r t where she went b e c a u s e o f h e r ness. visit Misses D o ro th y M a r k le , M a r y t c o p e r, an d B e s s H ines a r e g o i n g to H ou ston f o r th e g am e . D r. P. W . C ro w d e r o f S h e r m a n is v i s it in g his d a u g h t e r , E l i s e . D e lta K a p p a E p silon a n n o u n c e s the pled ging o f J o h n H a r r i s o f Aug-1 in itia tio n o f D a v e n p o r t tin , and th e Bi n n e r o f T y l e r , Alec D e b e r r y o f S a n A n to n io , R a y J a c k s o n o f F o r t W o r t h , F r a n k W illia m s o f S a n A n ­ tonio, W a r n e r D u c k e tt o f H ou ston, a n d L a w r e n c e B la n c h a r d o f P a l e s ­ tin e . a t house o ’clock the P le d g e s e r v ic e was h e ld W e d n e s ­ the d a y e v e n in g a t 7 fo llo w in g fo r I b e ta p le d g e s : L o r i n g S m i t h , E t h e l B o w ­ e r s , Id a M a r r T o b in , M a r g a r e t P r e s ­ to n, M ildred J o n e s , L o u is e B r i t t o n , .Martha C o v in g to n , C a r l y l e C a n a d y , l a n e B u r g e s s , Mildred C h a m b e r s , M a r g a r e t C l a r k , E d n a H o g a n , R o ­ b e r t a B r a d l e y , E lis e H a l l, E v a n t h a S c u r r y and M a r g a r e t L a w t h e r . M iss T h e l m a D illin g h am will leave fo r H ou ston, w h e re she will I* rid ay be the g u e s t o f M iss G e s s n e r L a n e . W . A. “ S h o o t " H a ley , J r . , o f H ous­ ton, is in th e city on b u s in es s and is s t a y i n g a t the S . A. E . house. S a d ie H a y n e s ha s r e tu r n e d th e h o s p ita l and h a s g one to A n to n io f o r a fe w d a y s ’ v is it. fro m S a n E lo y H a s s e ll will spend the week end in H ou ston. H. II. W e i n e r t o f S e g u i n is a g u e s t a t the D e lta S i g m a P h i house, A T L E L P A S O u rg ed to m e e t S T U D E N T S a r e 157 M a in in room HO W . 7th P hon e 1 6 5 6 d a y night f o r F a i t h A d a m s o f Chi O m e g a held i n itia tio n S a t u r - j S t. I BY THE WAY Do you think you’ll get over to the Rice Game Saturday? We hope you do. If you don’t we hope you will find it convenient to drop in “ THE CO-OP” for a visit to inspect our complete stock of SWEATERS (it will soon be cold, you know), our gift novelties, be­ sides many little things that you will find very useful in your school work. * We will have complete returns from the game after each quarter. Come over and find out about it. THE CO-OP ACROSS THE CAMPUS M A V M A N T O N ii W LAST FOR THE STUDENTS’ CONVENIENCE Where Discrimination Prevails — LANSDOWNE BARRITT COMPANY J E W E L E R S TIS Congress Avenue J e w e ln j o f the Quality that is your pride to wear, aud the sm artest Gifts in all the world alw ays on Display. % Truly magnific* at C reations that one ran be sure a re correct in every detail. Wrist Watches shown iv the daintiest types, som e all Platinum, Dia­ mond Set shown in all th* new fa sh ion ab le shapes. * Visit the Rest Room, Use the Stationery, and by the w ay, how is yoni' Fountain Pen? tov'a, Drop in aud jo t down a line while in and while here, let us clean and adjust your pen, o r polish your Mesh Bag. This service to yon is all gratis. LA NSDOWNE-BARRITT COMPANY 718 Congress Avenue L o u is , Mo., L i l li a n C a r lto n o f B o n ­ F a y ham , M a r y M a r le y o f A u s tin , K i r k p a t r i c k o f W a c o , C l a r a S t e g a r o f D a ll a s , and F r a n c o s B o o th o f Aus- i tin. S h e ll e y T a r k i n g t o n o f C u e ro is vis­ itin g a t th e D e l ta C h i house. Mr. and M r s. P a u l W oo dw ard , who I w ere m a r r ie d in F o r t W o r t h O cto b e r tw e n t ie th , visited on th e c a m p u s yes­ te r d a y . M rs. W oo d w a rd w a s Miss J e s s i e G r i d e r B u t t s o f F o r t W o r th B o th y o u n g people arle g r a d u a t e s of tile U n i v e r s i t y . Mr. W oo dw ard took h is E n g i n e e r i n g D e g ree in 1914. T h e couple will m a k e t h e i r h om e in E a s t l a n d T e x a s . Powell C h a r lt o n h a s r e tu rn e d fro m a v is it a t his home in T e m p le . W . W . T r o u t is ill a t t h e P. and S . hosp ital. G e o rg e E n lo e o f M ed ical College D elta T a u D e l ta house the G a lv e s to n the is a g u e s t a t SPECIAL TRAIN To Houston October 30 VARSITY vs- RICE FOOT B A U CAME ROUND TRIP tare $8.00, tickets good on Special train going and returning only Leave A u s tin .......................... 7 :0 0 A. M. Arrive H o u sto n ...................... 1 2 :1 5 noon Returning Leave Houston 1 1 :3 0 P. M. « Make Pullman reservations now for the return trip Consolidated Ticket Office, Phone 1202 W. K, SMITH, D. P. A., Phone 1106 I STUDENTS When Down Town Call Around — At The— BON TON CAFE Best Place To E at Near Littlefield Building 609 Congress Avenue QUALITY MILLS ’‘Austin Maid” and ‘‘White Dome” Flour C ream of Corr*, H ig h -G rad e M eal and Mill P ro d u c t* A ustin, T e x a s WE ARE ALWAYS GLAD TO SEE YOU Phone 1 8 8 3 Phone 1883 WE LEAD AGAIN! YOU’LL LIK E OUR SERVICE A fter the Majestic You'll Find Your Friends Here. GRIFFITH DRUG CO. B A K E R A N D P E T E R S O N T A IL O R S , C L E A N E R S AND H A T T E R S W e H a v e T h e M o s t U p - to - d a t e C l e a n i n g P la n t In T h e U n i v e r s i t y N e ig h b o rh o o d P h o n e 1 6 4 0 1 6 1 g i ^ r . c a s tr e e t BARNEY OLDFIELD TIRES J Per ►. Cent OFF THEIR ACTUAL VALUE THE WALTER TIPS COMPANY Jobbers of HARD W ARE AND MACHINERY I Sporting Goods, Guns and Ammunition # Automobile Accessories Austin, Texas Looke’s Cafe LOOKE BROS., Props. Boys When You Next Buy a Cigar Ask For t MEDITATION IO C size and up Its mildness and fragrance will please you and you’ll like it. Ju st try one. F or sale at all cigar stands in Austin where good cigars are sold. Just ask for Phone 7 3 5 6 2 0 Congress bi • .v I Walking Boots For Ladies Who Care Distinctive styles, with Medium Narrow toes and low heels— Browm and Nut Brown Kid— medium and long Vamps— Shoes that look right and the kind you’ll b e g o u d of $15 and $16 BURT S H O E CO. 606 Congress Ave. ST U D E N T S CHERISH V ariety O ffered LOCKS A S BARBERS LURE THEM TO CHAIR On M ajeatic Bill; B illie Shaw A p p e a r s K E A T S’ POEM S TO BE SOPHOM ORES ISSUE READ ON A N N IV E R SA R Y ! CALL FOR LINEMEN THE DAILY T EX A N ^C ontinued fro m Pajfe O ne) c o a st fame*! ?id e-b u m s would have been envious. S am so n w ith h is flu t­ te r in g flocks had n o th in g on th i? new g en iu s of th e “ H erm o ” school. A fte r a sa tisfy ir.tr look a t his lo n g g ro w in g “ jude-bV* he took a s e a t in th e b a r­ b e r’s c h a ir. T he h a ir trim m in g wa? f lu s h e d in a m in u te a f t e r the “ stud* has te c h n ic a lly giv en a fifte e n m inute in s tru c tio n c o a rse on “ ju * t w here and how to cu t the j “ s tu d e ” m u st g e t a sh av e to o ffset hi? sid e-b u m s T h is fin ish ed it.” h a b e rd a sh e ry “ By al! m e a n s you m u st g e t a lemon m assag e, a p ero x id e-steam , a sueeze, etc.*’ th e o p e ra to r of th e h a ir tu tt i n g persuaded. T hen a tonic had to be taken to add a lu s tre to th e a lre a d y slicked h air. W hile the b a rb e r m ade ap p licatio n of th e v a rio u s hand cream s to the sm ooth lad, co u n ten an ce of th e side-burned th e the d a in ty m a n ic u rist trim m ed nail* o f h is fin g e r tips, and the shine boy rubbed his “ m a ssa ’* boots.*’ L ouis X IV w ith all of h is c o u rt o f lu x u ry could not have d ream ed o f a a f f a ir s m ore g en tlem an ly sta te th a n t h a t th ro u g h w hich th e lad had passed. o f No w onder the f a t b a rb e r g rin n e d j and th o u g h t N O V . ' ' P L A Y I N G , /~VilliBm W S E A B U R Y ‘Frivolirs* ^ M a ilm tdKK-GOWtOWIitK A i f r r ^ d LATELL W O H iO J 6«!AT!!f A ni r u t AC TOR. _ r n I U WIT* MERLIN " V d and V b n d p r m o n r Min EU if VOKE/ Toptci ^ ike P l / J * o^ ^ ttiith? QotPtsypK r * DORA" HILTON f0^ i s ? 5s a i KfrancirVAs, ENNErDfcP D A i Q O F I t Y g i A / / E f I IHE Mi HAUF ST C O M M E D t f M e C xttn riM f r I II Ll"!!1" ! « r r n r n *;♦:* :♦> <♦:* r n Have You Heard The Latest Dance Hit u WHISPERING” % GET IT AT * ISAAC BLEDSOE’S I P Fred Kingdom Mgr. ^ 9th and Congress Phone 619 First W ith The Latest . J •se* *:«* m r r n rn? rn- rn -rn •? I * W elcom e STUDENTS To The TEXAS BARBER SHOP 1008 Congress rr* - j • » jo in tly F o r som e tim e stag ed , designed and th e g ra n d m a s te r o f T he M ajestic bill o p en in g today- head ii ne? th e dance. W illiam .Seabury w ho, in a d d i­ tion to being th e p rin c ip a l e x p o n e n t af th e dance in h is rev u e, conceived a n i p la n n e d “ F m o lie s ,” conceded to be q u ite th e most p re te n tio u s d a n c in g rev u e to th is season. a p p e a r a t th e M ajestic Two o f th e CT eatert c re a to ra a n d ex -,' I p o n e r t, of T e rp .K h o re now b efo re th e public a r e W .lliam S e a b u ry an d th e y Billie Shaw . ap peared in v au d ev ille, b u t each h a s a rev u e a n d fo r “ F riv o lity ,” S e a b u ry has assem bled a m ost re ­ m ark ab le little co m p an y o f six come* !> g iris, h im self ajsd B uddy C ooper, the com poser of th e special m usic in ­ troduced in th e a c t. T h e g irls a re not ch o ru s g irls, b u t all so lo ists and • ach h a s q u ite an e n v ia b le re p u ta tio n “ F riv o lie s” is a m usical o f h e r own. rainbow , co lo rfu l in b e a u tifu l g irls, croony tu n es and e la b o ra te se ttin g s. F ra n c e s K en n ed y “ T h e M e rrie st C om edienne” i r r e ­ is one of p ressib le, b u b b lin g s o rt o f g irls, filled! to th e brim w ith good h u m o r and high s p irits Miss K en n ed y ’s sto rie s and son g s a r e p re se n te d in th e m ost d e lig h tfu l m a n n e r im a g in a b le and she g ain s th e like of h e r audience th e mo­ m ent she a p p e a rs befo re it. H er o f­ fe rin g is one s tr ic tly alo n g h um orous lines. those the D ora H ilton “ T h e G irl W ith of Golden Voice” o ffe rs a p ro g ra m th e vocal selections e m b ra c in g both c la ssic a l and sem i-classical in a m a n ­ n e r m ost d e lig h tfu l,, and designed to show to g r e a t a d v a n ta g e h e r w o n d e r­ i f s u n u sal fu lly tra in e d voice and q u a litie s o f to n e, fle x ib ility , color and ran g e. Miss H ilto n ’? voice rich is and round a n d is tru ly “ Golden Voice.” a A lfred L atell le a d s a dog’s life, b a rk s a t his a sso c ia te s an d g ro w ls a t th o u sa n d s o f people ev ery evening. B a rk in g and being a hound is L a-; te li’s p ro fessio n , a n d he h as lite ra lly the w orld. b ark ed his w ay a ro u n d th e Mr. L a te ll p re s e n ts ex trem ely fu n n y sk it “ T h e Pensive e n title d in w hich he a p p e a rs u n d e r a P u p ” dog’s hide. T h e a n tic s o f the pensive pup a r e lu d icro u sly fu n n y an d keep his audience in a n u p ro a r from c u r-j ta in to c u rta in . read y , M orlin’s ch ief e ffe rv e s c e n t w i t . w hich im p lem en ts o f h is I tra d e a re a pack o f p la y in g c a rd s an d ; a know s no r e s t and c a n n ev er be b a lk -j tric k s i ed. M orlin’s sle ig h t o f h an d a re m y stify in g th e e x tre m e , b u t j it is h is w it th a t is th e m ost e n te r- j ta m in g and th e m o st v a lu a b le a s s e t; he b o asts. in E m il and W illie o f f e r a novelty a e ria l a c t called “ J u s t a p a ir of eye­ g la sse s,” th e nam e being d erived from a h uge p a ir of ey eg lasses susp en d ed in th e a ir, upon w hich th e se tw o a r ­ i n t e r -I tis ts p e rfo rm some u n u su a lly e stin g tric k s. Jam es* and H u g h ie O’D onnell a re p a st m a ste rs in th e a r t o f e n te r ta in - j m g an d th e ir ac t is one of la u g h s and j in te re stin g a c ro b a tic fe a ts , w ith a sm all boy being th e ch ief reason of th e m e rrim e n t, adv. A gain the B luebonnet Shop is show ing CAPES. You may see them in all o f the desirable styles and colors— grey with black collar, coral with w hite and turquoise with w hite col­ lars. T hese have never been seen in Austin before. — o-— — Arnold S t A ckerm an, D’s. C. CHIROPRACTORS C om plete X-Ray Laboratory 309 W est 6th Street Phone 1393 C onsultation Free T h e re a d in g fro m th e w orks o f F rom 4 to 6 o ’clock each d a y th is K eats by P ro fe s s o r G rif f ith th is a f - 1 W€* k terri *>n a t 4 :0 0 o clock, w ill be in th e L . . ,, s , aa . . . sq u ad th e sop h om o re fo otball c o n sistin g of a b o u t fifte e n e n th u sia s- tic try o u ts h a s held a sn a p p y d rill o f A n a b u n d a n c e * . . n a tu r e o f a b .rth d a y c e le b ra tio n ; fo r on D u n n FieM in tom orrow ', F r id a y , w ill be th e 125th p ro sp e c tiv e b ac k fie ld m a te ria l is a n n iv e rs a ry o f a th e p o e t’s b irth d a y , evidence and b id s f a i r to form T h e re is som e u n c e rta in ty as to th e »tro n K second d e fe n se fo r th e second e x a c t day upon w hich K e a ts w as y e a r m en. T h e re m ark ed absence o f how ever. is, line m en an d n « . . . n o , m . ,)Wn th e n ex t tio n a n d th , fpw Hgv« few re g is te r c o n ta in s i fo r O cto b er 29, 1795. P ro fe sso r G rif f ith s ta te s . , t r a d i . ’ g re >n ;jl th e (, , r r ,.c t d b o t f a m j, born. T he p a ris h . ... . I shouW “ "P >>i«Ick» " P O * 1 o r . . . Hilt uterus to m ak e O ctober J fftirins^ th e v ,J r m ,f th e > would be p ra c tic a lly a ssu re d a posi­ is a n x io u s tion, T he p re s e n t sq u ad th a t o th e rs r e p o rt fo r and th in k t h a t it is a d e p lo ra b le f a c t th a t a class of o v er 700 e n ro llm e n t can not m u ste r a fo rm id a b le team . T h e sophom ores will foo tb all h av e th e ir f i r s t c o n te st w hen th ey clash w ith th e P re m eds, on N ovem ­ b e r 5. th a t th e poem s ?<» be re a d a re all old f a v o r ­ th e d e lig h t ites, re p e a te d solely fo r ideas o f th e re p e titio n o f b e a u tifu l an d o f th a t sw eet an d rich m u sic of which K e a ts w as so g r e a t a m a ste r. la rg e and o------------- actio n Hours 9 to 5 . O ld Phone 802 WM. A. LEW IS, M. D. D. O. Specializes In O steop ath y Roo ma 3 and 4, First Floor Masonic T em ple Austin, Texas Next Door T o Looked R estaurant DICKINSON S t THORP SH INING PARLOR W e W ill Press Your Suit Sunday M orning ANNOUNCEMENT The Cactus Management takes pleasure in an­ nouncing to the student body that CHRISTIANSON STUDIO has been appointed official photographer for the 1921 Cactus. The photographic work of the Cactus has grown to such volume that it is necessary to ap­ point, not only a FIRST-CLASS PHOTOGRAPH- the Cactus work ER, but also one who places FIRST, giving it RIGHT-OF-WAY over all other photographic work. Realizing that the pictures in the past have not met with the students’ ap­ proval nor the Cactus Staff’s expectations, this year every effort is being made to bring the Cactus pictures up to the standard of the leading univer- sity annuals. Every indication points to the fact that our pictures in the Cactus will meet with uni­ versal approval this year. OUTSIDE PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK Arrangements have been made whereby JOR­ DAN COMPANY will make the pictures for the view section, and all other outside photographic work. This kind of photography is JORDAN COMPANY’S SPECIALTY, so this class of work should be exceptionally good this year. Mr. Al­ fred Ellison and A. D. Boone, proprietors, assure the management that this work will receive spe­ cial attention, thus giving a new life to this class of work. IMPORTANT ALL PICTURES, SENIORS. INDIVIDUALS. GROUPS and SPECIALS will BE MADE BY THE OFFICIAL CACTUS PHOTOGRAPHER— CHRIS­ TIANSON STUDIO. ALL OUTSIDE PICTURES will be made by JORDAN COMPANY. This is necessary in order for the editor and management to handle the 1921 Cactus systemati­ cally and efficiently. FOR INFORMATION CALL Bennett L. W ooley, Business Manager, 1151 Wendell Mayes, Editor-in-chief, 1 5 2 9 . Joe J. W inton, Managing Editor, 4 7 0 8 . CACTUS OFFICE PHONE 136. S P E C I A L S Young Men's Suits \A hile they last we o ffer th ree lots young m e n ’s suits, han d tailored and ail woof Every one g u a ra n te e d to , be LOT A LOT B LOT C Green Flannels Double Breasted Silk Linings $29.75 Bike F lannels Double Breasted A lpaca Linings $34.50 JOSEPH’S 211 E A S T SIX STREET P earl Grey Irredescents Double Breasted A lpaca Linings $34.50 For convenience, service and th e variety o f a good m enu you w ill ev en tu a lly go to the C ac­ tus T ea Room. DR. T. F. COX 421 Scarbrough Bldg. Telephone 830 D ENTIST WRIGHTS A U TO SERVICE Cars F o r Hire W ith or W ithout D river D riverless Buicks and F ords M AVERICK CORNER P H O N E 1711 R e sid en ce P h o n e 440 DAY O R N IG H T t UA Tw »?*«* ? i v* W hen you think it’s cold enough fo r a n overcoat, you’ll find the best overcoat you ever owned in this store Kuppenheimer Overcoats The big fe a tu re about these new coats is th a t they are more room y— more fullness to them th a n last y e a r— th ey o ffer more protection and coinfoic. The p re­ d om inant p a tte rn s are browns, grays and speckled g reen s; ulsters, ulstereties and form -fitting m odels; designd and tailored as only T h e House of K u p p en h eim er can. A fine variety is re a d y now. Come in and look them over when you have a little time to spare. Hirshfeld & Anderson -the home of Kuppenheimer clothes A d v e rtise in th e D aily T e x a n . HANCOCK OPERA HOUSE T O D A Y A N D TH U R SD A Y VIOLA DANA as Flossie Golden in ‘Blackmail’ C ontinuous Show s B eginning at l l a, rn. / THE AMATEUR CHORAL CLUB — P resents— THE SAN CARLO GRAND OPERA CO. IN 3 OPERAS “C arm en,” M onday night N ovem ber 8 M adam e B u tterfly, T uesd ay N ovem ber 9 M atinee Faust, T uesd ay Novem ber 9 SEATS ON SALE AT J. R. REEDS’ BEGINNING OCTOBER 26 Mail O rd ers Filled In O rd e r Received A ddress A m ateu r C horal Club PRICES EV EN IN G : Boxes $4.00 L ow er floor $3.00 and 1st Balcony$2.00 and G allery $1.50 (reserved $3.50 * ^ . 5 0 seats) M ATINEE^ Boxes $3.50 Lower floor$2.50 and 1st Balcony $2.50 and 3.00 $3.00 Gallery' $1.00 NO W A R T A X A d v e rtise in the D aily T e x a n . A d v e rtise in the Daily T e x a n . 4 / * I _ _ _ _