f l a i l s E e x a n First C ollege D aily in the South lime xx AUSTIN, TEX A S, SU N D A Y M ORNING, FEBRU ARY I, 1920 NO. 85 SARNS DOWN S BY LARGE m'aRCINAL SCORE BIG LEAGUE TEAMS TO MEET HERE IN EXHIBITION GAMES CURTAIN CLUB TO PRESENT THE PLAY "AS THE LEAVES” pUys P oor B rand of Tossing T h r o u g h o u t Slow C on test Business M en to Bring G iants a n d Red Sox to C la rk Field F o r C ontest Soon R eh e arsals B eg an F rid ay . P lay to Be P re se n te d Second W e e k in A pril SCORE IS 44 TO l l Team* Is Crippled Three R e g u la r s on ith Sick List fe ast.T T T 'B ear m eat last , she triumphed o ver Bay- j j a whole, the gam e r poorly played, b u t a few e, were spots w here th in gs . poor p a s s in g becam e less . on one side or both, the •ered their aim fo r the bas- the g am e again a ttra c te d Lion of the fans, who had th a t 'hon another slump would i poor playing would be re- lost interest up to wa, the most co n sisten tly er on the court. A lthough ;on boy played his fir st fu ll h the Longhorns, he m an- pat in exactly h a lf o f his •a1 score. Not only did he fnt field goal sh ootin g, but mnaged to drop e ig h t fr e e the basket, do som e o f th e dribbling seen in th e m e n ’s rn in many a day, and p re­ tor from long goals. He prom ises to be B asset against the F arm ers LK. .o n gh orn s C r i p p l e d . scoring a i n t o the gam e c r ip ­ went ple loss of three of h e r reg- Blaine, Dittert, and De- Tre out of ru nn ing . th e as laid up w ith an in ju re d ouvwiir of the trip m ade to va- last week, when he tried ip a -olid brick wall with DeViney was o ut because ired km * w hich he h u r t in with T. a U. a t F o rt i which is still tro u b lin g tert I as goat o u t since the mc, and the cause of his been the most p ro m in en t a with us— influenza. He cable to e n te r th e v c ontest next F rida y . ■act them, Loach W h i t a k e r (Continued on page 4.) ------------- o - ........ — AT FLORESVILLE ess Will Be M ade on »» erica’s Duty and W h y *ore Methodist C hu rch Floresville C hronicle-Journal ■y, Jan. 30, contains the fol- announceinent of a lectu re by tribute to James B enton Mor- ot the s vst known s tu d en ts Ty: -lame: W. Allbritten, p a sto r Methodist I’hurch, has se­ sames Benton M organ, of Texas, an A. E. F. m an Widely known stu d en t a t the diversity, the congregation and th e pub- T d at the l l o’clock service r^ay morning, Feb. I. This •° be a most inspiring serv- is ex- a cordial invitation address to of from r hl discharge the University *'?ryone to attend. Prominent S t u d e n t . Benton M >tgan, of G reen- e*as. is a student in the Law of * ^-entered school last fall the Wered the firs t o ff ic e rs ’ ^ rnP a Leon Springs and : a firs t lie u te n a n t • * ^ Le was assigned to y he X netieth Division in * was twice wounded in %as Liken p riso ner by lie has always tak en j \ in the religious w ork «University stu den ts, and the U niversity c,, ‘el#. He was one v ! ?he convention of v " Tw \ i Jnteer Movement i°ini s, Iowa, on J a n . I -< P i n i e s t of the A. E. F. diversity of Texas, is J ; J/Lough North and Cen - spoken in tow ns ^ e stat®- 1 k® ‘ America’s Duty im Min Part the u / » A n exhibition gam e betw een the Boston Red Sox an d th e New York G iants is j u s t a b o u t to become an assu re d f a c t fo r M arch 24. It’ a r ­ ra n g e m e n ts now being g o t into mo­ tion are c a rried on to completion, these two fa m o u s big league team s will display th e ir abilities on Clark Field in one of the best co ntests ever witnessed in this p a r t of the world. are Ail thin gs necessary to bring the being tyro a g g reg atio n s here the chances of bringing done, and they them a re m uch b rig h te r th a n time Some have h e re to fo re been. ago, when it was f i r s t announced t h a t a tte m p ts w ere being made to in­ duce m a n a g e rs of the two team s to to be it come ra th e r a hopeless task, b u t the busi­ ness men of the tu rn e d over th 3 a f f a i r to th e local ch a p te r of the th a t o rg a n i­ A m erican Legion, and zation has gone a b o u t p re p a ra tio n s in such a w ay as to practically in­ sure success. to A u stin, seemed town » G u a r a n t e e R a i s e d . The biggest single problem is the raising of th e big g u a r a n te e which is requ ired by th e two m anag ers. I t is stipulated, however, t h a t ev eryth in g o ver the p ro fits will go to the A m e r­ ican Legion, so o fficials prom ptly decided t h a t it would be w o rth th eir while to w ork tow ard s e c u rin g the gam e. T heir plan to g e t the g u a r a n ­ tee has been IOO business to g et m en t a k e a c e rta in n u m g e r of to tickets apiece, f o r which th e y will these be responsible. W hen all of are taken , th e g u a r a n te e will be on hand. G e ttin g IOO business m en to take th e ir full q u o ta o f tic k ­ ets is th e n e x t ta s k -which m u s t be accomplished. these C l a r k F i e l d D o n a t e d . A n o th e r th in g which should be ex­ plained to stu d e n ts is t h a t since the Athletic Council has do n ated the field, and since this is n o t a s tu d e n t contest, coupons will not ad m it t o # h e gam e. All m em ber- o f the s tu d e n t nody will be ch arged the sam e price as outsiders. If this gam e does come to A ustin, the A m erican L egion— especially its offic ers— should be c o n g ra tu la te d on bringing to local f a n : the best op­ p o rtu n ity to see world s ta rs in ac­ tion. This gam e, to g e th e r with the game, will W hite m ake a league nines which wall be on exhibition on the U niversity diam ond, an d th us the th eir chance to fa n s will be given see w h a t real class looks like in the baseball world. Sox-Longhorn to ta l of three big LARGE NUMBER OF STUDES PAID TAX G oodly Sum From B lan k et As­ sessm ent This Y ear M akes S u p p o rt Possible tho Over eighty-eight per cent of stud ents in the U n iv ersity paid the j Student Activity fee upon m a tric u la ­ tion. according to the records in the i office o f the A uditor. Out of a total of 3779 re gistering , th* re w’ere 517 I who did not p ay the foe. It should j be remem bered t h a t some of those in- 1 eluded in the general re g istra tio n f i g ­ ure s a re ta k in g only a limited am ount of U niversity work in connection with I th e ir re g u la r occupations, and t h a t th ere are a few non-resident candi- ! d ates fo r degree registered. This would account for a limited number of those deficient in paying the fee. T aking into account the fa ct th a t those stud ents enterin g a t the begin­ ning of the w in te r term did not pay the full tax, th ere still rem ains over $21,000 passing into the tre a s u ry ot I tHe S tu d e n ts’ Association from s tu ­ dent fees, and the am ount accruing from fa cu lty pay m en t o f the activity this fee would am ount. increase f u r t h e r The money derived from this cource is app ro p riated by the Assembly for I th e supp ort of all stu den t activities, j including the athletics, publications, i Glee Club and Band. D uring the fou r y ea rs th a t the blanket tax has been in effect it has, acco rd irg to beth fa c ­ u lty and students, proved to be the most efficient and economical way of su pp o rtin g the various forms of s tu ­ dent activity. “ As the Leaves,” by Giacosa, will be presen ted by th e C u rtain Club the T he play in April. second week chosen is a ro m an tic comedy, and one of the very best t h a t could have been chosen f o r th e c h a ra c te r o f a The comedy will be play desired. played by a ca st of twelve c h a ra c ­ ters, and th e nu m b ers of these com ­ ing to the re h e a rsa ls o f f e r a good field fo r choice. The play will be enlivened by m u ­ sic from a good orch estra, which will give several individual musical num- je rs . W. R. D u ffey , d irec to r o f the play, states th a t he saw th e play p re s e n t­ ed in New Y ork by the Robinson Com pany, and alth o u g h it was a lit­ era ry play, t h a t it held th e a tte n tio n of a p op u lar audience. This play will probably be the larg e s t ever p re s e n t­ ed by th e club, and will equ al any and surpass m ost of those fo rm e rly given. R ehearsals w ere begun F rid a y a f t ­ ernoon, and will be held every M on­ day, W ednesday, a n d F rid ay . Mr. D uffey sta te s t h a t th e m em b ers a re all enthusiastic over the prospects, and the m ore experienced m em bers predict a g r e a t success. E very m e m ­ ber is w orking h ard to gain a place on the cast, and to m ake th e p ro ­ duction th e very b e s t ever o ff e re d to the stu d en ts of th e U niversity. ENGINEERS PLAN ANNUAL BANQUET F ollow ers of A lec A n tic ip a te Jo v ial O ccasion a t Tim e H o no red Feed Plans fo r th e E n g in e e rs ’ b a n q u e t to De held on Feb. 21 have been m ade up, and p re p a ra tio n s a re being m ade fo r the tick et sale. The sys­ tem th a t is to be used has been p e r­ th e o th e r fected b a n q u e ts have nev er re s u lted in d e fi­ cits. in past year, and The executive com m ittee has fo r its c h a irm an Capt. Mac B. Hodges, C. H. Brooks, and P rof. W. H. Mc­ Neill, tr e a s u r e r , m ake up th e re s t of the com m ittee. P ro f. E. C. M. M an­ tel will be th e t o a s tm a s te r fo r the occasion, and fellowship will be the o rd e r of the day. to rules adopted, only the following m ay buy tic k e ts : s tu ­ en g in ee rin g A ccording 1. Bona fide th e dents. 2. E x -e n g in e e rin g now in th e U niversity. 3. M em bers of faculty. s tu d e n ts n o t th e E n g in e e rin g The sale o f tickets will be th e co n c e n tra te d in th e week o f F eb. 9 to 14. A m an to m an canvass will be made, and no s tu d e n t will be a l­ lowed to say t h a t he can n o t b u y a ticket. A list of the 540 s tu d e n ts is being compiled to be divided betw een th e canv assing com m ittees which will talk to each s tu d e n ts a t his la b o ra ­ to ry period. Th*- San A n tonio alum ni have a l­ read y m ade th e ir reservations. Ac­ “ N e ith e r c ording to Dean Taylor, love n o r m oney will buy a tic k e t a f t e r Feb. 14.” L ast y ea r a m an o f­ last fered $25 fo r a m inute, b u t was unable to prevail upon the tic k e t sellers, so the wise E ngineers a re plan n in g to buy th e ir th e earliest o p p o rtu n ity . tick ets a t T he price will be announced a t a later date. tick et a t th e ------------- o ------- Y. M. C A . C A B I N E T E N L A R G E D . Three new' men have been added to .the Y. M. C. A. cabinet. These m en are E v e r e t t Jones, ch a irm an of com m ittee religious m ee tin g s ; i M yron Everts, on the social com m it­ tee, and Jo h n R edditt, on the sick and visiting com m ittee. on C hairm en of the various com m it­ tees a r e : Hulon Black, vice p re si­ d e n t; Billy P o tts, s e c re ta r y ; R obert Field, of fin a n c e ; J a c k Ogelsby. of mission stu d y ; Reavis Cox, of p u b ­ licity; S cott A nderson, of social com ­ m itte e ; N o rm an Anderson, of social service; Sim Hulsey, of Bible stu d y ; Jo h n A utrey, of new committee. C abinet m eetings a re held on T u e s ­ day nights, 7:15, a t the Y. ca b inet room. ORGANIZATIONS NOT READY FOR CACTUS E d ito r Says O ne M ore W eek A llow ed Clubs to C om p lete T h e ir P ag es A n n o u n c e m e n t was m ad e y es te r­ day by the o rg anization s e d ito r o f the Cactus t h a t only one m ore week can be allowed f o r o rg anization s to get in the m a te ria l fo r th eir pages, for th e w ork of ty p in g the org an ization s section has been p artia lly completed, and th e e n tire section will be ready fo r th e p r i n t e r by S a tu rd ay . T h ere a re still a n u m b e r of o rg a n ­ izations which have n o t completed th e ir records, and it is again urged t h a t th e y do so w ith o u t delay. A g re a t deal of tro u b le is caused when the s t a f f has to see the o fficers of each society personally, a n d w ork on th e 1920 C actu s would be m uch e x ­ pedited if t h e s e c retarie s of the va rious clubs would see to this m a tte r im m ediately. M a n y D e l i n q u e n t s . The following have n o t y e t tu rn e d in any copy f o r th e ir p a g e : Phi Alpha Tau, F ria r, T h eta Sigma Phi, Tau B eta Pi, Alpha Delta Pi, Debate Council, D elta Sigm a Rho, Kappa Alpha, M eridian College Club, Ma­ sonic Club, Band, I n t e r f r a t Council, N. T. S. N. Club, Rhymers, Scrib­ blers, S calper, Sigma Xi, K appa Beta Pi. to The clubs which did n o t a tta c h a com plete their list of m em bers slip when th ey m ade it o u t are Texas Chemical Club and San A ntonio Club. Czechie, Hom e Econom ics Club, and th e S an Angelo Club o m itted a list of the o fficers. L i s t s O m i t t e d . The following clubs o m itted the lists o f both officers an d m em bers from th e ir slips: Bell C ounty Club, Lap and Gown, P r e s e n t Day Club, P an h a n d le Club, Club, Le Cercle F ran c ais, Glee Club, and A thenaeum . S peakers C om m unications fo r the organ iza­ tions ed ito r and a n y of the m aterial m entioned above may be left a t the C actus o ffic e in th e English Channel, o r a t th e E llio tts ’ studio. P ro ofs of p ictures and unfinished slips m ay be found a t th e Elliotts. COURSES FOR FILTER PLANT OPERATORS TO BEGIN IN FEW DAYS It is a n n o u n c ed by R. G. Tyler, associate p ro fe s s o r of highway and s a n ita ry en g in e e rin g of the U n iv er­ sity of T exas, t h a t the p rogram for the new s h o rt course f o r w a te r and to be given filter p la n t o p erators, un der th e jo i n t auspices of th e E n ­ g in eerin g D e p a rtm e n t of the U n iv er­ sity and th e T exas S ta te B oard of Health, has been prepared. This course -will begin Feb. 2 and close Feb. 14. T h e o bject of the course the p la n t o perato rs is to th e health of who have individual com m unities, as to their im p o rta n c e o f securing a safe the the necessity of w a te r supply and c a re fu l supervision of th e various steps o f w a te r filtration . in c h a rg e i n s t r u c t th e m en a tte n d in g in o p e ra tin g It is no t c o n tem p lated t h a t expert s a n ita ry en g in ee rs can be tu rn e d out in this two w eeks' course, b u t it is believed t h a t enough in fo rm atio n can be given the to be of m a teria l assistance course th eir w a te r to them p u rifica tio n plans so as to obtain a p ure and m ore wholesome w a te r sup­ ply. In s tru c tio n will be given in the ru d im e n ts o f bacteriology, chemistry, s an itatio n, an d kindred problems, and the e f f e c t of v ariou s chemicals and b ac te ria upon th e sa fe ty arui desir­ ability of a w a te r supply will be gone into, t o g e th e r with m ethods of d e te rm in in g the p resence of chem- ,< als and b ac te ria, and th e ir removal or elim ination from the w ater. I n t e r e s t S h o w n . A v e ry g re a t intere st has been shown iii this course by w a te r plant o p erato rs th ro u g h o u t the state, and th*- n a­ e ditorials have appeared tional en g in e e rin g pre - suggesting t h a t o th e r sta te s will do well to fol­ low th e exam ple set by th e University the S ta te Board of of T ex as a n d Health. in T h ere are no fees or charges of any kind connected with this course. FINAL RESULTS OF EX STUDENT DRIVE POINT TO SUCCESS FEBRUARY ALCALDE CLEVER COMEDY TO BEST NUMBER OUT BE STAGED BY THE IN QUITE A WHILE WINSON! AN SOCIETY A n o th e r Drive P la n n e d a t Some F u tu re D ate— Medics to Join R eplete W ith News of th e Uni- One of Best Shows of th e Y ear versity and Texas Exes. Gives C am p us H appenings to Pe Given by D ra m a tic Club W e d n e s d a y The committee which had charg e of the recent cam paign fo r m em ber­ ship in th e E x-S tu den ts Association re p o rt t h a t the results of th e cam ­ paign w'ere most favorable. However, a few stu den ts w ere missed and an e ffo rt is being made to reach them by o ther means. The detailed report of the committee is as follows: The drive on W ednesday for mem­ berships in the E x -S tu d en ts’ Associ­ ation of the U niversity of Texas, to be valid when th e signers leave the institution, resulted in a total of 2429 signed cards, distributed as follows: G ra d u ate D e partm ent 12, D epart- p a r tm e n t of Education 17, Business A dm inistration 187, L aw 256, Engi- neerng 323, Academic 1533, no spec­ ified dep a rtm en t IOO. It m ay be said in explanation of these figures t h a t most of in the G ra d u ate D epartm ent were not so­ licited and th a t the students of the Education D e p artm en t in nearly ev­ ery case assigned themselves to the \cadem ic D epartm ent. th e stu den ts L a r g e N u m b e r S e c u r e d large, Although the num ber secured was g ra tify in g ly th e Committee feels t h a t except for the fact t h a t the cards ra n out and th a t m any classes t h e drive was were missed because confined to one day, a much better showing coil’d have been made. There are doubtless one thousand more s tu ­ dents in th e U niversity who would have gladly signed had the o p p o rtu ­ them. To this nity been presented to say th at ne thousand we wish blank cards can be found in the of­ fice of th< Ex-»S* relents’ Association ’n the Y. T. C. A. Building, w’hich is kept open throughout th e day. You will be coidially received a t t h a t of­ is convenient for fice any vou to call and sign. W e wish to add f u r th e r th a t another drive will be Min to the 'M a d s of wh ch v dl Le a n ­ nounced la te r in order to see t h a t th*1 m a t t e r is prest nted to every person now' atten d in g the U niversity. We greatly desire to have a hundred per cent record to hand down to o u r suc- •essors. time it M e d tea T o J o i n the A representative* of student body wi’l be chosen soon to visit the Medical D e p artm ent and solicit them to join in a movement which w’e be­ lieve has an im p o rtan t bearing on the fu tu re of the U n iversity of Texas. S ig n e d : W alace Haw'kins, P residen t S tu ­ d en ts’ Association. C entral Committee. IU A. Simmons. General C hairm an Ruby Bl ack. Publicity C hairm an, Chas. A. H a r r i t t, Jr., Business A d­ m inistration. M ark B. Hodges, Engineers. J. Benton Morgan, Law D e p a rt­ ment. partm e n t. partm e nt. ment. oartm ent. Robert L. Gowan, Pro Medics. M ary Louise G ardner. Pre-Medics. R ichard C. JoJnes, Education De­ E u d o ra Hawkins, E ducation De­ Crozier Gowan, Academic D e p a rt­ Genevieve Groce, Academic De Tom Pollard, Academic Depart — - - o ---------------------- K A P P A D E L T A P l T O M E E T . H o n o r a r y E d u c a t i o n a l F r a t e r n i t y t o E l e c t O f f i c e r s a n d I n i t i a t e M e m b e r s . Kappa Delta Pi, h on ora ry ed u c a­ tional fra te rn ity , m eets W ednesday night to initiate new m em bers. This is the first selection of m em bers held this session. Two selections of m em ­ bers will be made this term an d a n ­ o th er in th e spring. Delta c h a p te r was established at Texas in 19Id, being one of the early c h a p te rs of the country. M em bers are chosen from ed uca­ tion s tu d e n ts with a high scholar-hip st md mg and of recognized ability h (I in te re st in edu cation . The sym ­ bols of the organ ization stan d for Knowledge, Duty, arui Power At W ed nesday 's m eeting the final rep ort of the com m ittee on nomina lion of officers will be given, and offic rs fo r the coming year will he chosen. Tile m ating will take place a t 7:30 p. rn. in Education Building 310. T he F e b ru a ry Alcalde, which will he ready f o r d istribu tion next week contains IOO pages of m aterial in ter­ esting to s tu d e n ts new and old, as well as to an y person who entertain s -egard fo r the U niversity of Texas. long for a N o t m any people have considered j he coach of an athletic team as an due^tor, and fro m this new point >f view, however, J am es H. Hart. OO, time a prominent n em b er of the A thletic Council, con- iders the c a re e r of William J. Disch, he successful a n d highly respected team. The Vontispiece of th e Alcalde is a splen- lid photograph of Coach Disch, and he article a b o u t him occupies the dace of honor. th e baseball J mach of H u m o r o u s L e t t e r s . As a by -pro d u ct of the history of he University he is writing, Dr. lenedict has received numerous let- ers from men and women who at- ' ende dthe U niversity from 1883 to 893, giving an ac coun t of th eir per- experiences while onal students the firs t batch o f these letters bere. i printed in th e F e b ru a ry Alcalde nd they will be followed by others n succeeding n u m b e rs of the maga- :ine. P ro f. W. E. Dunn, ’09, while in he S ecret Service o f the United States go vern m e n t, had some i n t e r ­ n i n g exp eriences in little known r e ­ ions of C en tral and South America. The Alcalde publishes a long letter o his fa th e r, giving a very readable '•count o f his jo u r n e y to Chichen- ' za. Anne Gabriel, ’15, w rites a de- htful, breezy a c c o u n t a b o u t how he sick boys of th e navy w ere cared I or du rin g the war. Mrs. M ary Lou D arden tells of the ginning of G race Hall and of Uni- ersity people late nineties This article is illustrated by photo- * ; aphs of some prom in en t women tu d e n ts o f t h a t time, and is sure to e eagerly read, the in j Dr. Benedict, u n d e r the caption f “ Grades. Sieves, Students, and Vbbles,” discusses an d prints the honor roll up to the firs t 5 per cent • !' s tu d e n ts who foun d lodgment in (C on tin ued on page 4.) OUISEHOLMQUIST TO SPEAK MONDAY M ethodist C h u rch to Have In­ terestin g T alk s an d Excel­ lent M usical P ro g ram U nusually good musical features ire promised in connection with the i .dress by Miss Louise Holmquist to all s tu d e n ts Monday afterno on at • clock, a t the University Methodist Jhurch. Mr. F ra n k Hall Wright, who has been such a ce n te r of in­ in University circles for the terest past week, will sing twice during the I hour. The processional and other music will be in the hands of Prof. I. W. J o n e s of the School of Music md his chorus. Mr. Tom C u rry will introduce the peaker, who, in the opinion of all who have heard her, will have a mes­ sage of g r e a t in tere st to all students, men and women. Y. W . C. A . M e m b e r s h i p C h a n g e d . The girls of the University, es­ pecially m em bers of the Y. W. C. A., have been fo r th e p a s t week muck interested in the proposed change in he m em bership basis of Y. W. C. A., a change, t h a t is, to u personal basis instead o f the ch urch membership now required fo r active membership and office-holding. This is a national in which all college issue and one associations are interested. F o r that reason, Miss H olm quist has been asked the girls on this question, p re s e n tin g both sides of the •reposition and re flecting the op:n- i rn of o t h e r colleges. This will be lone at a second m eeting, to be held Monday n ight a t 7 o'clock the Girls’ Study Hall. While this m eet­ ing the is of especial concern girls, everyone is welcome. talk to to to in Following this second m eeting Miss Holmquist will visit th e down-town . W. C. A. She will be en tertain ed it dinner a t the C actus Tea Room by the m em bers o f t h e cabinet. MANDOLIN CLUB TO PLAY Is Highly A m u sin g S k etch of M odern Business Life, Love, Romance an d A d v e n tu re fo r the a r ra n g e m e n ts The W insonian Club announces the th at all play, “ It Pays to A d v ertise,” have *een completed, and prom ises an ex­ ceptionally well staged p erfo rm a n c e on Wednesday night. Special a t t e n ­ tion has been given to the costum es md scenic effects, and they a re fully in keeping with the trad itio n* of the club. is a An additional fe a tu re of the p e r­ formance will be the music, which will he furnished by the University .Mandolin Club, and Mr. Ja m e s sta\es he audience will receive an unusual leat in the form of a fine exposition if modern jazz. The play brilliant, witty sketch of m odern business life, a son triving to out m a n eu v e r his wealthy fa th e r with md extrem ely shrewd the help of a g entle hand, and his msiness difficulties and att* m pts to finance his e f f o r t s a f fo rd a con- inued source of m irth. The science if advertising soap, a French c o u n t­ ess and modern business m ethods the n et make th at into a wierd wraps to disen­ tangle, and tangle than funny. their e f fo rts themselves, a re m ore the skeine of the c h a rac te rs The cast has been carefully se­ lected, and all the actors a re fully ixperienced in dram atic work, so the Winsonian Club is positive th a t the production will prove the best of the plays it has presented, ami a worthy successor to the “ M arriage of K itty ” and “ The Big Idea.” REED CLUB GIVES DEUGHTUL PARTY Games and D ancing O ccupied the E v e n in g — 3 icious Re­ freshm ents Served One of the most delightful sovial events of the season took place last night in S Hall when the m embers of the Reed Music Society en tertain ed with a musical dance. A short pro­ g ram of songs was given by b r a n k W. Wright, to.lowed by a group of musical selections by a six-piece o r ­ chestra which fu rn ished the music for dancing later in the evening. A regular old fashioned p a rty was the form of the evenin g’s e n te r ta in ­ ment and various g am es were indulg­ ed in. An interm ission gave oppor­ tunity for a delightful course, con­ sisting of ice cream and cake, to ae served. Punch was dispensed d u rin g the entire evening. The hall was a t ­ tractively ferns, palms and flowers. decorated with The later p a r t of the evening was occupied in dancing, and a ttra c tiv e hand-painted pro g ram s scheduled six­ teen dances. Messrs. and Mesdames and Irving F ran k Le F ever Reed Willard Jones were chaperones for rhe evening. ENGINEER MASCOT DIES IN CAPITAL Son of A. L. Toom bs— N am ed A fter D e p a r tm e n t Sa nt, is D ead John A. Lomax, s e c re ta ry of the Ex-Students’ A ssociation of the Uni­ v e r s i t y of Texas, has received a let­ ter from A lfred L aw rence Toombs of W ashington, D. C., form erly of San Antonio, a n n o u n c in g th e death of his little son, F red e rick Claire Looms, aged 3 y ea rs an d 3 months. Mr. T o o m b s is a g r a d u a te «>«' th e Ii. p artm e n t of E n g in ee rin g o f the University, an d his son, now d e ­ c e a s e d , w u 3 n am ed fo r the p a tr o n saint of th e T e x a s E n g i n e e r s , Alex­ -part- ander F red e rick Claire. The m ent adopted him as its perpetual mascot several yea rs ago. His unex­ pected d ea th caused m any expres­ sions of sorrow on the part of he many friend s h ere o f Mr. and Mrs Toombs. C o u r s e t o B e T h o r o u g h . ment. ■ M IDNIGH T m a u n d e r i n g s By Bock iXc a t t P meepl P t M C o O » . '■ * • S° ° a - of tM IJnlTcrtttl' This i* about th* time o f the year when you come to a realization that you don’t know half the desirable ones in the U niversity, by a heavy majority. B o o * I M , T M - * " - 11 * • Qt f Ua : t n t a n d m * * * * * * * a — natter •* th« port- t i # Aet of fo r (MtM* provtiMo » » ■* _ .. sI ’. oT um a" "< O'— *• m ’' /U® n>t*t*» et Aa*tin, ming Friday’* editorial make* mention of some “ author a fter a youth of bitter stru g g le,” exciting our curios­ ity as tow ether he wa* pursuing the unfortunate youth with a ehotgun or Up to the present time no one Fleptameron from which i n been found who wa* s e r io u s -1 i»»), from which T e,«n Arfriaory B a rd HILTON f LING Editor-t»-CM *f W aller W. Brown H tita n W B l* * * . H Otis Miller _____ MnoatfttMI Editor b u s i n e s s STAFF K U C E N T £ BROW N H c U BM . W e a n w. Brown Dorothy B a a r* n Bo.1 « • O n a g e r «**>-““ M*”“ " , .A a«taU nta In A d v e rtisin g phono «K» or 47Of _______ STAFF FOR TODAY. Genevieve Groce. E. L. Looney. A**l97*nt: Jack Beretta, sp orter* B p cox Katherine Anderson. Laura Davis. Raymond Garfinkle. Gladys Sadler. Elizabeth Harcourt. W. F. Moore. Austin D. Bryan. W. R. Barrow. Corinne Flood. T H E SOPHOM ORE RE­ C E PT IO N . ly maimed, bruised, or hum il­ iated as a result of the Sopho­ more reception F riday night. There were a few brisk tussles, in which no one was hurt; and that was practically all. And yet that reception took on the aspect of a battle of w its, of a fascinating game in which tw o whole classes of students w ere more or less engaged, and in which the whole University w as It may be said fha interested. it the game and the interest aroused was demoralizing, in that it took the minds of stu ­ dents temporarily away from their books. In the same w ay a big football game can be said to be demoralizing. The inter­ est aroused by an intercollegiate contest is more intense, and the actual injury done to partici­ pants is usually more severe. Perhaps it would be a desirable condition if students could con- tinally devote them selves to the most serious phases of their col­ lege career, and abandon as childish all struggles in which there is the least bit of danger. But since experience has proven that such a condition is im possi­ ble. why not regulate these n at­ ural displays of vigor instead of trying vainly to stamp them out? a club. Co-ed, reading one of the*e para­ graphs, which deplored Bib’* sprained neck: “ Bib— oh, yes, th at’* the bob­ tailed bulldog that bark* around on the campus, isn ’t it? ” Lo, how hath the m ighty fallen ! A ll-Southw estern tackle he wa*, too. Boy, I found a new red-headed 1 girl that live* here in the Sleeping I City who would make even the o ffi- S cious referee* at the germans forget the rule* about cheek-dancing. all W ait until you see her. One astute econom ist wa* observed to introduce the practice o f scooping up handfuls o f con fetti at the Soph Internal Reception and Dance and m aking use o f what would otherwise , have been allowed to lie w asted on the floor. No, he was neither Irish nor Scotch. Guess. Tried to g et M argaret o f N avarre’s s tu ff, G lycer­ some ideas, but the librarian w ouldn’t let me have it. to gather to gather (rough These days that January has bor­ rowed from June have a noticeable e ffe c t on certain o f the facu lty m em ­ ber*. V a rsity ’s prem ier rooter for baseball activities and victories was observed to blandly take hi* place between tw o fair-haired co-ed* on a campus bench yesterday and break out his old line o f chatter. These are the days when the sap begins to rise in the trees, and— and — no, it’s no use. Why a in ’t I a poet, like Pete or Zeke? There is absolutely no way to understand them. You write an en­ tirely innocent slug about afternoon tea and dinner dates, impersonal in every respect, and various tea-guz- zlers make it a point to tell you that you are not only an idiot or a moron, but a cad as well. Then a rival social group hops on you for giving the thers so much publicity. Anybody want this job? C u sp id o r s gives out the inform a­ tion that a checkbook is to him only a matter o f academ ic interest. Maxims o f a campus bum: If I do get sent home, I w on’t turn in a re­ port to the society column that I’ve withdrawn on account of eye trouble. the stock An- and other bears. tell yourselves Texas va. Baylor last night, exchange, bull* If you co-eds read some o f these and ca n ’t see any point to them , just go ahead and that “ he hasn’t any sen se,anyw ay.” Don’t think there is any hidden m eaning there which only an evil mind could see. We can not think of anything that anyone could object to in connection with recent Sophomore reception, except the fact that the Sophomore presi­ dent was out of school several days before the dance was Is it not possible that given. the members of the Freshmen and Sophomore classes in the future can agree that the presi­ dent in question should attend classes and not be disturbed until within one or two days be­ fore the reception, and that any kidnaping that might be done by either side be postponed until that time? If members of the classes would agree to do this, and would agree not to use any weapons of any kind when guarding or attacking the hall. we do not see what there could be about a Freshman or Sopho-| f^nancei business adm inistration, and more reception which th e most in g en e ral o ffic e usefulness taught precise person could condemn. th e B. A. departm ent is the art o f We are confident th a t the fac­ su ccessfu lly chew ing gum. The fu ­ ulty would be w illing to co-oper­ tu re st$ n o g s are all acquiring indi­ ate w ith students in regulating! v id u ality of expression in their spear- these occurrences. m inting. is because T he beloved Law Dean told the fu tu re bookkeepers in a speech that th e co-eds taking law were not floss­ ’s era at all. Now about half o f them Man! Man! W oldn’t the big bock signs have looked good down town Saturday afternoon? want to quit Peregrinus. One o f _____ the It OVUUVIlw w If an y n ovelty-seeking co-ed w ishes tai ta k e advantage of the Leap Y ear situ atio n , she will find that the Maun­ d e re r would be eager to accept t» the promise given under the hazing pledge is i considered as sacred that any attem pt to make it cover any and everything will always meet w ith disfavor. Hazing has been defined by law, and means certain things, and should not mean more. Surely, no one ex­ „ W e have w ritten editorials in pects the students to sign a blank check wnen they enter the the past a gain st w hat is usually U niversity, to be filled out for considered as hazing, and the any amount by the Auditor. The m ajority o f students rn school fees are fixed. Sim ilarly, no endorsed those e d ito r ia ls; we, one expects them to sign a sol- like they, w ill continue to do our emn promise to refrain from do- best to do aw ay w ith practices ing anything that the Discipline that injure individuals and th a t, Committee might designate as harm the reputation of the Urn-, hazing. fers, they often find it helpful to discuss the m atter. I versify. B ut w e have good rea- In these days, even a father son to believe th at the great ma* does not command a grown son jo rity o f students support us in to do a thing unless he gives objecting to interpretations so som e reason or explanation for strict that, if carried out, they his command. If the son dif- would prove devitalizin g. Just Arrived— Men’s Spring Suits Beautiful A ll- W ool Worsted Suits E x trem ely sm art a re th ese n ew s o ft tailored Spring Suits th a t h a v e ju st arrived in our clothing depart- m ent. F a b rics are o f a very fin e worsted, in rich so ft spring colors and n ea t strip es. Many doable b r e a s te d : oth ers sin g le b reasted . $40.00 to $60.00 Spring S h ir ts s2 .0 0 to "5.00 S p len d id ly in m a teria ls known w orld over fo r th eir m ark ed dependability. ta ilo red , the Woven Madras, Repp Cloth, Printed Corded Madras and Fine Count Per­ cales— in original striped effects. E. M. Scarbrough & Sons Scalper i> a m agazine o f college wit L am ents. Do not condemn th e whole and humor. So thus again I say your on account o f a p art. argum ent is “ad absurdum.” A n o th er th in g : In his nightm arica*j vers1 y, And _ argument, were th a t would only be w o rth tw o -fifth s of a c sm, tried hu n d red percent because, you know, th e Co-eds do not sanction Hie Scalp- , only tw o-fifth s of the S calp er is orig- er, b u t ra th e r condemn it. That he in a1— the rest is criticism less ad v er- can not prove because it is not true. I p erfect, so p h istry, i _ the conn to concoct the idea th at it apples. Men o And until the Scalper is condemn by the feminine element of the U is ^ J in? s ar® ™ • -el I lieve A dam N. Eve had better! I back into the Garden and eat ij AU loge n, a.l togetk^ „ , Are You Hiding Your Light Under A Cover ? ARE YOU DISAPPOINTED IN LOVE? — T H E N S E E — PAYS TO ADVERTISE V Hancock Opera House WEDNESDAY FEE. 4th FIRING LINE P L E A FOR FE W E R ASCETICS. A few days ago, it will be remem- , a firin g j I think several j line that bore the , be red, wildly enthusiastic exhortation, “ An­ other Plea for Sanity,” a criticism of the Scalper, graced the columns o the Texan. But phase* of the issue were overlooked by Adam N. Eve, even tho he wa* clothed Th* in the naked truth, j “poor, demented editors o f the only the dubious college publication South” should publish th at bit of caustic, corrosive satire in their next issue and entitle it “The Best Joke of the S eason !” in Of course all of us know that the Scalper does not contain the kind of jokes f it for a first-class University because these jokes are taken from such Prep-School publications as Wil- ; Hams “ Purple Cow,” “ Columbia Jes­ ter,” “California Pelican,” “ Yale Rec­ ord,” Lehigh “ Burr,” “The Harvard Lampoon,” Penn State “ Froth,’ Le­ la n d Stanford “Chaparral,” “Prince­ ton T iger,” Boston Tech “Voodoo,” and other such Grammar-Grade Re­ views. A gain, many of those vile, vulgar, ignoble and prurient anec­ dotes come from the licentious pages of Judge, L ife, Cartoons, and Tid- Bits, all o f which are nation-wide m agazines noted for their fascinating foulness and filthiness. the “higher critic” is right—w hy do you know that eleven-ninths of the above mentioned periodicals have been sup­ pressed by the Board of Australian Boot-Blacks, by the Federation of Sweedish Thumb-Tack Growers, md by the Constantinopolishedudlesach- feifersm ach ersgesollsch aft!. Condemn the Scalper and you condemn every in the humorous college publication United States. 4 es, H istory has garbage-m an it that some world- I hat a said famous “person is what he thinks. If this be true, let mc say a word for the benefit of H err Adam, gentle remind­ er o f worldly things. H e sees HIS side o f sm utty jokes. A Joke is what you make it. A person is evil wrc thinks evil. And what w a s‘“its” decision on that “eighth-page cartoon7’’ Hut he could not help it, it was that old Adam nature of his! the Scalper’s supposedly , A t Furthermore— about “My God” and “Oh H ell.” I dare say that the one who reads the Scalper— oh no, not because he likes it; ju st because he j wants to become a critic— is a fre­ quenter of the Majestic. And I am w illing to make the wild assertion that he goes because he enjoys the show*. any rate, about eight (contemptible number) centuries ago, two weeks to be exact, I heard a “sweet mamma,” dressed in a perkle arm hold and a powder-puff, sing a song that ended something like this: “But ju st get him in the dark and oh, My God, how that man could love!” This, accompanied as usual with the Dance a la St. Vitus. Which is the worse, “My God” quoted in a m aga­ zine which only fools and low-minded people read, or “My God,” sung to a mixed audience public place? in a Such a song, now-a-days, ju st gives the couples something to prate about on their w ay home. Furthermore: It will be noticed that there are three “Oh H ells” in the February issue of The Longhorn. “ Let’s suppress The Longhorn, men; it is ruining old Var­ s ity !” Would the Scalper-er like to know who is proud to send a copy to the home-folks as “an example of Univ. Somebody kindly life and work?” awaken The Scalper does not pretend to represent U niversity life and work. We have the D aily Texan, the Longhorn, the Cactus, the Blunderbus, for that! The le a f-covered one. the Clothing Made to Measure A. J. GERJES 1610 Lavaca St. YOUR MONEY’S WORTH EVERY TIME AMUSEMENTS MAJESTIC PROGRAM. Tomorrow, Tuesday, W ednes­ day: “ M ale and Fem ale.’’ Thursday, Friday, Interstate Vaudeville. Saturday: QUEEN PROGRAM. Tomorrow and T uesday: “ The L ife L ine.” “ W ednesday and Balance of W eek: “ The Mother and the Law,” HANCOCK PROGRAM. Tomorrow and Tuesday: ‘When Bearcat W ent D ry.” AUSTIN CHORAL CLUB. Three days o f Festival Music; tom orrow. Tuesday and W ednes­ day. WINSONIAN CLUB. Feb. 4, at to A dvertise.’ Hancock: “ It Pays date wherein the male elem ent pro­ vided only the small talk, sm iles and personality. Phone number is 1151. ~ Prohibition should have been en- ! j acted with reservations a la Lodge, in five- gallon buskets on warm afternoons. Go in and shave, you lazy scoun­ drel, and go to church this morning. Wake me up in tim e for dinner when you come back, too. Shimmie dancers don’t have to say that they are advertising Spear­ m int— they even dance w riggly. W hen in Doubt Engage— MYER’S ORCHESTRA Austin Phone 563 Texas W ell, I’ll be going. JU, J y f , (I sly EBNER sis* ii DR. T. F. COX 421 Scarbrough B uilding D entist SIGN-TIFIC Advertising PHONE 2414 517-19 CONGRESS AVE. Phone 1-7 1 1 WRIGHT AUTO SERVICE Special Music By the Famous Mandolin Jazzers TICKETS NOW ON SALE .................. 0102020232000102234800050201011101010202480001020000530153000100010000530101010100020000010010080604050200020100000200010102000101020009061009010110020200010200 first principles o f allow ing the sale of beer 201‘ of Proceeds for Benefit of Students Association Here is where you get your money’s worth Or Your Money Back In our store this rule ap plies to a fifty dollar suit or a fifty cent pair of hose. When you buy a suit fo r yourself or fo r your boy, this sort of guarantee means a whole lot. Nothing but the best will satisfy us; that is why we sell Hart S ch affn er & M arx clothes. Spring Hats The cream of hatdom from Mallory & Co. An early selec­ tion will be to your adv an tage. Yr- , a!! on tho road to hell.” lid e d the village m in uter, t n those who do come to z * bt village idiot. * .v„ said the daft one. ‘ and fT *««»**ftn *diot rd a ^ en «]*P. t00-" Y o u’ll g e t some wonderful if A lot of good values here in men’s suits, you buy now. C H E M IST R Y S T U D E N T S : Quizes will be given on W ednesday and T hursday, Feb. 4 and 5, durin g lab ­ oratory hours. W. A. F E L S IN G . /./■ -'■ -•-J suits at $35, $40 and $50 SOCIETY Mallie Jo n e s, Editor. Mr. A. M. P rater, A ssistan t B u si­ ness M anager o f the U niversity, is su fferin g from an attack of bron­ chitis. Miss Irene Lohm an is ill with la grippe at Seton In firm ary. C. D. Jo Jh n s, a student of the U ni­ versity before C hristm as, is now prac­ ticing law in F o r t Worth. Mrs. Rhod-es S. B aker of D allas is visiting her daughter, Dorothy, at the K appa house. G. H. M cG rath, a grad uate of is visiting Georgetown University, friends on the cam pus while here, taking the b ar exam s. A|cCord M cIntyre returned yes­ terday from a sh ort visit in San An tonio. J . P. Rice has resigned a s quiz­ m aster in the L aw D epartm ent and has gone to D allas, where he will take up the practice o f law. Miss Louise M ontgom ery has in- lluenza. K in g Saxony has returned from a visit to Sherm an. M iss N ancy Wynn, who has been fo r sev eral days, will recenter ill school tomorrow. Ja m e s E . F erre ll of New York is a gu est at the Phi Gam house. Miss Ju lia Lobban has gone to San Antonio fo r a few days. G regg F ra n c is week-end in Luling. is spending the Miss W inifred W atson, who has been visiting M iss A m anda Howze, has returned to her home in D allas. Archie H olland is back in school a fte r a sh ort v isit to W axahachie. Miss H ilda M itchell, who has been attending recently, again is ill classes. Bob Doon h as gone to Houston to spend the week-end. Miss De R ugeley Pearson, gu est o f F ran ces Lew is, will go to H ouston, Tuesday. “ T e x ” B ay liss, o f Houston, is spending the week-end at the Phi Gam house. Miss D orothy Miller has gone to Hillsboro. Laurence Rhea is ill with la grippe. M rs. Lusk of Brenham is visitin g her daughter, Blossom. M iss M attie Mike is ill at P. and S. H ospital. M iss M ary Sm ith is spending the in E lg in a s the gu est of week-end M iss M ary Beth C arter. The Phi Mu sorority held in itia­ tions T hursday night for Rose Todd, Pensive Cocke, and B a ry C lark of Austin. M isses M ary and Arlee Tham es are going to their home in Taylor for the week-end. Ann Rot!:, who has been ill at the If you wish to see a good show, see the M ajestic show with the “ M ale and F em ale.” THE TEXAS BARBER SHOP Invites You (Stud en t Owned Institu­ tion) D allas C. John son, Prop. OFFICIAL NOTICES C O R PU S C H R IST I S T U D E S : All studen ts from Corpus Christi and vi­ cinity m eet in room 157 M. B. at 5 o’clock Monday aftern oon fo r an im ­ portan t m eeting. P R E S ID E N T . H IST O R Y 3 : The lesson fo r Mon- day will include No. 130. T. W. R IK E R . SU N D A Y C L U B M E M B E R S : All Sunday Club m em bers who wish to attend the b re ak fast fo r Mr. M aster- son and Mr. Micou a t G regg House, Sunday, 8 :1 5 a. rn., sign today on notice on bulletin board in Main Building. K A T H R Y N Q U A R L E S. BA N D M E M B E R S, take n otice: I All m em bers of band be a t H ancock i O pera House in uniform at 9 :46 a. rn. fo r picture sharp Sunday m orning for C actus. D IR E C T O R . CH EM . 40 AND CH EM . 4 1 1 : Be prepared fo r a m id-term quiz to be given at the regu lar class period, W ednesday, Feb. 4, fo r Chem. 40 and F rid ay, Feb. 6, fo r Chem. 411. Hand in lab books not la ter than 12 a. rn. T uesday, Feb. 3, at the place p ro ­ vided fo r in F Hall. DR. J . R. B A IL E Y . C H E M IS T R Y : Chem. 40, bring your textbooks to lab and be p re­ pared on readin g m atter on p ages 4 inclusive. Chem. 411, read to IO, in Hoolem an, p ag es 21 in­ clusive. E. E . D U N LA Y . to 30, G IR L S O F M IS S D E C K E R D ’S Sunday School class, be there a t 9 :3 0 B rin g your roommate. P R E S ID E N T . C H R IST IA N E N D E AV O R E R S : M eeting a t 6:45 tonight, so th at we can close b efo re the crowd begins to gath er fo r church service. Money I fo r the C. E. alum ni su pper m ust be | in the hands o f the city treasu rer ; by M onday night. W ill those who ' have tickets fo r which they have not I can i yet paid please take n ote? leather c a se ; has W. C. H iggin son ^ name on inside o f case. F in d er re- re­ 2 ! turn to 710 W. 26th St. w ard. fo r N IC E F U R N IS H E D ROOM fo r 1700 G uadalupe S t. T ele­ —4 one boy. phone 4417. L O S T — Sa tu rd ay afternoon, Ja n . ! 31, between M acD onald’s boarding house and L ib ra ry or between L ib rary and Co-Op, a Pi B eta Phi sorority pin. F inder please phone 29J4. L O S T — Will" the person who took a Stetson hat, size 7 3-8, m arked M ul­ ler's, Lake Charles, L a., from the li­ b rary , please return it to the rack? I H ey! Let’s e a t a h am b u rg er! L O S T — A gold E lgin w rist watch *n d A. H. S. rin g w as taken T hurs­ day afternoon from window o f Worn- 1 an ’s Gym. P lease return to Texan 2 o ffice. L O ST — E ver-Sh arp gold pencil, with initial L. Zlpp en grav ed on it. F in d er phone 2591 fo r M iss Zipp or 4 leave at Mr. L och rid ge’s o ffic e. L O S T — Pocketbook con tainin g five I (5 ) one dollar bills som ewhere on cam pus or in classroom . P lease re­ 2 turn to Texan o ffic e fo r rew ard. G ONE — From the Education Building, ju st a fte r T han ksgiving, a 1 pink sw eater. Will the person who; removed said sw eater return sam e to 3 T exan o ffic e ? (Charlie K ellu m ’s B a rb e r Shop, 2107 S p eed w ay FOR R E N T — Nice, m odern room with fu rn ace heat, hot w ater, and sleeping porch; bed linen also fu r ­ n ished; Phone 4966. 2604 Speedw ay. two blocks from c a m p u s.; 3 W A N TED — Y oung lady desires a room m ate; splendid location. Phone 4 4217 or 1049 a fte r 5 p. m. T H E D A I L Y T E X A N BIG REDUCTION — ON A L L — Sweaters C . & S . Sporting Goods Co. 704 Congress Ave. Bronze Oxfords For Young Men The New F ad for C lassy D ressers-— BLACK SUEDE One-Eye Pumps Long slender V am p s with full high Louis H eels. L a ­ dies of taste will a p p re c i­ ate this novelty— All the new things are at Burt Shoe Co. 606 C ongress Ave. 0. L. KOOCH — F o r— JEW ELRY Watches and Diamonds 513 C ongress Ave. TYPEWRITERS For Rent or Sale R O Y A LS UND ERW O O D S R EM IN G TO N S O LIV ER S L. C. SM ITH F. L. P A T T Y 722 C ongress Avenue Phone 60 sell only seven m ore tickets, so if you care to go, see me early. P R E SID E N T . BA N D M E M B E R S, TAKE NO­ T IC E : All bandm en be a t Hancock O pera House Su n day morning, 9:45 fo r C actus picture. o ’clock P icture will be taken in uniform . All to be present on m em bers u rged D IR ECTO R. tim e. sharp, T E X A S B IB L E C H A IR : H ear “ U niversity Id e als.” Dr. F rank L. Je w e tt; Sunday, Feb. I, l l o’clock. G R A D U A T E S : All grad u ate stu ­ dents m eet in room 157 M. B. at 5 o’clock T uesday aftern oon for an im­ portan t m eeting. P R E SID E N T . P H ILO SO P H Y 2 8 : In order to fa cilita te the collection o f the money fo r subscription s to the International Jo u rn a l o f E thics, will you please m ail to me a s soon as possible your - i check fo r $2 together with the ad dress to which you wish the paper Box 108, U niversity Station. sen t? NORM AN A NDERSO N. B. A. 231 A SS IG N M E N T : Prentice Q H . R IT C H A R D /'O N . D.C. Hall Chs. 14-19. CHIROPRACTOR PALMER SCHOOL G R A D U A TE OFFICE H O U R C 10-19 a .m . 9 - 6 p m P r o c 5107 U TTLrnCLO OLDO J5 0 2 - 5 0 6 A L L G IR L S not already enrolled in Su n day school classes are cordially invited to m eet with Miss Nancy Lee Sw an n ’s class in Y. M. C. A. cabinet room at 9 :4 5 this morning. Go ahead and have a good time. . HH It* you can get any thrills out of thinking that you can buy a good suit of clothes fo r twenty-five dollars— go ahead and have a good time. Thirty is where we start in and that is the least you should expect to pay. F ra n k ly our suits from $40 and up is a better buy for you. Pay enough to get all wool and hand tail­ oring and correct style. Some of the New Spring Styles are here now and a lot more should be here this week. New Spring Hats are ready. Come in when you are down town and see w h at’s new. Everything Here a Man Wears from Hats to Shoes §Mrulf^fA}iico}6 6J6 Cr W U tlSSS'AvKKUK, Crisp Taffeta Frocks Quaint dresses with many ruffles, frilly dresses made up with georg­ ette, and simple taffetas for the street all go to make up the unusual showing of Spring frocks. These charming dresses are caus­ ing a hubbub of comment among Austin women and University girls. Have you seen them? SNAMAN’S Exclusive Ladv F Clothiers and Millbiers Women Who Wear Low Bust Corsets — are alw ays interested in attractive and well-fitting braissieres. W a r n e r s B r a ssie r e s and Bandeau-Bras- sieres, like W arner’s Rust-Proof Corsets, are excep­ tionally well m ade and wed-fitting. We have a num­ including ber of dainty styles for your inspection, round and square neck models, trimmed with lace or embroidery. You will be agreeably surprised at how durable they are and how’ well they keep their shape after repeated washings. I. H. Williams & Co. L. O. Clark of D allas will be at the I I y . M. C. A. tom orrow to interview | students who wish summer em ploy­ Stu d en ts can not lose, as a j minimum earn in gs of $7 per day is I gu aran teed. ment. Seaton In firm ary for some time, has Beta I beta Pi a nnouncer the inia- gone to her home in T exas City to re- Lion of Philip McCaieL rf bf tit ti cuperate. and Linwood H ardin o f B a r tle tt Patton Auto Company Phone 2-8-8 Service Cars Stebbins & James The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes CLASSIFIED fountain pen. Velm a F e a rs, phone 2591. Finder please call 3 H E Y ! L e t’s eat a ham burger. (ARCING — National, T e c h n iq u e . Modern if i T H E Y are having record crowds interpre- AorZZ a t new C afe te ria over United C igars dances -ializecl. Private studio. Phone S to re* ______ I. FO R CO ACH IN G IN SP A N IS H see D. R. Gomez, 805 B razo s St. 6 nhone 2766. PANTED— Stories about Colonel Ikins. Will pay $1 each fo r ten stories submitted, new or old. A Frank, 752 B oatm en's Bank C harlie K ellum s B arb er Shop, f , St. Louis, Mo. 2107 Sp eedw ay _______ , , _ o L n » 3 r» . irlie Kellum’s B arb er Shop, 2107 Speedw ay 'RY the new Caf t e m , corner 6th Congree, M ISP L A C E D — Spinmey’s Princi­ ples o f Physics. L e ft in K. H all 5, seat No. IO, one day la st w eek; name Corinne Connor. Phone 314-6-7, or 3 ’ eave a t T exan office. JST—A cameo stickpin on or the earnpus; also a W aterm an L O S T OR M ISP L A C E D — V est brown Pocket E astm an kodak in SOMETHING NEW BUTTONLESS T R O U S E R S SKIRTS Why Bother With Buttons any Longer BE UP-TO-DATE. Wear the BUTTONLESS Fastener and be Happy. Are you satisfied with buttons? If so you have not tried the BUTTONLESS Fastener. We Put Them On Free FRANK LAWS & CO. ■ M i FT Klli)!illlfll!iil(n:ili!l!!llil!iHltntflimitUUnil{IIWIliUllilUtIitniltHIIKHItlllliilUll!l!llJ!iiilliililiflUIIIHII!liilllllUnfltlllUN!lll^ °*«r, Telegraphed Everywhere end D elivery Guaranteed "Say It With Flowers” Through I | HILL YER ’ S 1406 L a v a c a Street Phone 160 HMHHHMBi I sasure Cars SYRIAN PRINCESS TO LECTURE HERE ■ O ne of S p eech es o f Season S ch ed u led T o d a y , M onday, T u esd ay th e M ost In terestin g | | VZZ MAJESTIC ‘Where the Crowd* G o’ MONDAY, TUESDAY A ND W E D N E SD A Y CECIL B. De MILLES S u p e r - P r o d u c t io n MALEAND FEMALE HANCOCK O pera H ouse O t t o m H o u s e TO M O R R O W A N D T U E S D A Y S h o w , 3, 4 :3 0 , 7 :3 0 , 9 :1 0 THE KNOCKOUT HIT W H E N BEARCAT W E N T DRY WHEN BEARCAT WENT DRY.’ I purposes. I In the forthcoming production of | “ When Bearcat Went Dry,” a six- reel super-feature, which will he the the Hancock Opera | attraction a t House, tomorrow and Tuesday, one j | scene is presented th at ha3 seldom been equaled in photoplays for thrill It is a battle royal be­ tween fifty men. The scene takes I place in a saloon located half way | tcross the border line between Vir- I ginia and Kentucky. Because of its location favorite hangout for the lawless element of these two states. When pursued by the officers of the law from one state they merely step across the dividing line and are safe from arrest. A battle royal is a fight between a ga fig of men where it is not always that brute strength comes out the victor. There are no rules the contest, and its gory character takes on the semblance of a fight among ■lavages.— Adv. this saloon to govern is a r K A . A on J M. B a r r i e ’s P lay, ‘T h e A d m irab le C rich ton’ have been r e c o r d breaking c r o w d , at a ll th e a tr e . o v e r the U nited S ta te ,. D on ’t m is, it. Price*: 35c, 55c. W ar T ax Included M A N H M A N ! ! ! V f f C V A v s JI * * V v j v * * * ^ W e d o n ’t re q u ir e you to be an Adonis— to w e a r our Sty!. ish C lo th in g — th e y a r e M A S T E R ta ilo r e d by skilled work ' * fork- m e n o f t h e h ig h e s t class. D o n ’t y o u w o rrv a h ,,,,..... w o rry about vour let th e H a r r e l l s a n d th e S O C IE T Y BRAND TAIL (JVl JI TYP evio w n r r v — t h e y M U S T f i t y o u o r no sale— O RS do th e w orry ...e --------------- . * / 1 4 X w * Q t y I . I D ro p in to m o r r o w a n d SE E how' e a sy it is to fit you in I H I G H CLASS C L O T H IN G . T r im b le H a ts H e id C a p s E a r l & W ilso n S h irts a n d C o lla rs i B Holeproof Hosiery for Man and Lady Buy now— Prices will be higher in Spring ^idiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiHuiuujitiiimuuHiniinHnnHiiiniuiiHiinniHiHUUinHMnHn'iniHPUiniuiHiiiHiiniiHiiiiimmniniiiiimiiiimunui tine,” depicting manners, customs, ideals and aspirations of her native home-'-the Holy Land— a land which has b e e n 'f o r centuries oppressed and w hich now has a chance to come into its own since its capture from the Turks by the English. Tuesday evening, a t the t i r s t Bap­ tist Church, at 8 o’clock, the princess will present her own sketch of Syrian life, a drama of “ Naaman the Leper,” t ikon and founded on th a t oldest of Bible stories. Most vividly does it bring before Americans the story as it was enacted in those early days, when Naaman, in all his pomp and glory, was stricken with leprosy and (crushed by this terrible blow, a t the; word of little Hebrew captive maid; he was sent into the land of Israel, t othe court of Jehoram , to ek aid from the Prophet Elisha, and >f his healing in th a t still famous of all rivers, the Jordan. through dipping the B o r n in B a a l b e k . the lies the foot of Mount Lebanon, At snow-crowned mount to near Hermon, the Princess H aider’s birthplace— Baalbek, situated a t the opening of a small valley into the plain El-Bekaa. She has been edu­ cated in both eastern and western schools, having graduated from the famous American colleges a t Beirut and Sidon, and has since attained degrees from several universities in I this country. The city in which she the richest I lived was at one time and most luxurious in the Far EarJ but a fte r the age of Constantine,^ temple located there was neglects and began to decay. This was ia;3 the case of the whole city, and it! stands now a mass of picturesqm] ruins of ancient times. Royal Robes Worn. The princess will wear her royiil robes, in which red, gold and a won. the predominating derful blue are colors. The blue- royal Damascus- outi ivals the gold for first place a1 the color scheme, and its sheen J the sparkle of g-ms.J enhanced by ill hand-made by girls of Damas After the style of her noble antal tors. She will be assisted by her travekl ing companion, Miss Lucille Burge*,] who accompanies her, and who will render the Oriental music, both Egj>j Can and Syrian. H E A N . EILERS COMPANY W h o le s a le Dry Goods, N o tio n s an d Furnishing Goods 32 1 -3 2 3 Congress Avenue PRINCESS RAHME HAIDER. to leaving Choosing literary pur to follow suits in America instead of living ; life of luxury and ease in the Orient, a Syrian daughter of royalty is the guvst of our city and has consented to give two of her most popular en­ tertainm ents before re ­ sume her work upon a lyceum bureau Princes* Rahme Haider, member of the ancient Syrian Amaries and na­ tive of Damascus, is a young woman of striking personality and an ex­ scored cellent marked successes in her appearances all over the United States. Her offer to appear before an Austin audience affords residents of this city a rare opportunity to gain some knowledge of the mystical land of the Syrian people. speaker, and has “ G l i m p s e * o f P a l e * t i n e . ” Sunday evening, a t the University Baptist Church, at 7:30 o’clock, Prin­ cess Rahme will present her noted Fecture-recital, “ Gilmpses of Pales­ T U X I ? JLI I I i CLUB B. PA Y N E , M an ager O nce a M em ber; A lw a y s a M em ber Costs Y ou N othing to Join ; S aves You TIME and MONEY LET THE CLUB DEVELOP YOUR FILMS — an d — PRINT YOUR PICTURES A T C O S T Y ou Press the B u tton ; W e Do th e R est * ALL WORK GUARANTEED B est of S ervice L eave Y our Film s a t th e fo llo w in g STUDENT ENTERPRISES T H E C O - O P “A t a L ittle M ore T h an C ost” W. S. S. BANK W h ere You G et Your S an d w ich es Y. M. C. A. E veryb od y’s Friend THE SHINEPAR W e Shine ’Em Up P H O N E 1 6 1 AT YOUR SESVIC AT ALL TIME* G LO R IA S W A N S O N In. a s c e n e F rom . CECIL B.DeMlLLE'S 'M A L E and FEMALE* J U Qfaramoun l ? l r kraft Q>tdur« M a je s tic , to m o r r o w , T u e s d a y a n d W e d n e s d a y , a s h o w yo u c a n n o t miss. LONGHORNS DOWN BEARS BY LARGE MARGINAL SCORE (Continued from page I.) sent in Lee D ittert and B a rre tt for forwards, and Duckett for center FEBRUARY ALCALDE BEST NUMBER OU I (Continued irom page I.) lf you are a j such a low elevation, critic of Dr. Benedict’s plan of deter­ mining results, you can, at least in this article, find just how and why he reaches his conclusions. “ P e r e g r m u » i n g » ” It won’t be diifieult to get a laugh out of the “Perergnnusings” this month. One in particular tells of an oratorical c o n t e s t between Charles S. Potts, ’OO, and Federal Judge James C. Wilson, ’£>6. Portions of their speeches couched in the ornate vo- caouiary current in those days are quoted. Quoth Potts upon one oc­ casion: “f rom the sunny sands of South Africa to the frigid frosts of the frozen zones come the anthems of praise for the sewing machine.” “ And the soil of South America,” continued Potts, “of Australia, of Japan, is turned ny American plows, and their harvests are gathered by in Europe American mowers; fires are extinguished ny American ex­ tinguishers, while Arne: jean palace cars roll between Luropean palates; the placid waters of the Rhine, the Danube, and ti . Volga are disturbed by the paddlewbeels of American steamboats, and the great London papers are print'd on American presses.” And yet Judge Wilson won the prize over P0U3. Read the article and you will see why. yum with some of his best verse and a story of his visit to Louis J o rd a n ’s grave. in any Alcalde One of the most delightful stories ever published is written by Miss Anne Aynesworth, a Woman’s Building yarn entitled She gives “ Follicular Tiesiphobia.” an amusing account of a strange mal­ ady the Woman's Building a few years ago, and tells the how a Texan rep o rter beans and almost drove Dr. Gilbert and Mrs. Carothers frantic as a r e ­ sult. th a t swept over spilled The other regular departments, in­ cluding the “ Co-Ed” page, “ Campus Facts and Fancies,” “ Texas Exes, “ Student Life,” etc., are unusually full of interest. Congressman Lucian W. Parrish is “ Who's Whoed” by Prof. J. W. ‘ ; Calhoun, both his sacred and pro­ fane history being humorously set out. Story on B. Hall. B. Hall" comes into prominence in a scandalous story th at for a time cast a cloud over the fa ir name of this noted hostelry, involving the rep­ utation of a t least one University j official. Students who do not read the Al­ calde are missing much th at would add to their appreciation of the past and present of the University. Extra copies can always be had, and we are told th at the subscription books are not yet filled. ■0 C o ly u m C o n tin u e d . G loriana S w an son in “ M ale B il l Ruggies continues his “ Col­ and F e m a le ” at M ajestic. AR N O LD & DOUGHERTY IX C . CMIROPRACTORf OOMIAfcTE X-RAY EQUIPMENT (VCIO W EST 3 “ S T PM ONB — 1 3 0 3 P H O N E 5 3 6 . # For A U /TIN LAUNDRV-DRY CLEANING CO R I S O A L A V A C A ST. BAGGAGE TRANSFER SERVICE CARS PROGRAM FOR THE WEEK MONDAY AND T UE SD AY MAURICE TOURNER’S Great Drury Lane Production ‘THE LIFE LINE’ F o u n d e d on the World I Fa­ m o u s Melodrama o f the Sea, t h e R o m a n y Rya. EXTRA: The Hear*t New*. REGULAR QUEEN PRICES W EDNESDAY, THURSDAY, McCullough ................................ Smith FRIDAY AND SATURDAY These men played a hard game, but with the exception of B a rre tt they were unable to show anything like their the exhibition of ball which predecessors have played. Knebel, who showed up so well in the Phillips game, was kept out of this contest. Hill, Martin, and Newman were all given to show w h a t ; th y were worth. their chance Baylor played a consistently poor brand of basketball. They were weak passers, weak goal finders, and weak guarders. Smith was the only one j of their num ber who did any real playing, and even he failed to show up with any brilliance against the superior work of the Longhorns. Three Tex** Men Score. Three Texas men did all the scor­ ing, and they were each higher than any one Baylor player. B arrett led with 22 points, Duckett was next with 14 points, and D ittert was next with scored:! 8 Smith 5, Hill 3, Caimes 2, and Cov­ ington I. Lineup: Texas (44). points. Baylor’s men Baylor ( l l ) . L. D ittert ......................... Covington Right Forward. B arrett ..................................... Cairnes L eft Forward. : D u c k e t t ................ . ...................... Tabb Center. Russell ......................................... Wolf L eft Forward. Right Guard. Referee, Henderson. Substitutions: Texas, Hill for Mc­ Cullough, Martin for Russell. New­ man for D ittert; Baylor, Hill for Smith, Burch for Cairnes, Po rter for Wolf. D on ’t m iss th e big show , M ale and F em a le,” at M ajes­ tic. “ M ale and F em ale” has had record b reak in g crow d s all over the U nited States. See it at M ajestic. A n un usual show at M ajes­ tic, “ M ale and F em a le.”