® e x a l t -r f ore do«* Imogen® ra v e £ behoved .U t.rb o o A o f bow < Otlr lovely” R“ P«r * w “ *° .b o h o lid a y . S h . ‘‘,e I. L „h:: S Saturday night- . * **rm*n of Texas has 46 del-*these men, who give life and spirit to were 53 who failed to pass a suffi- world by the achievements and e*? individuals, and thqt ^ purpose to b e -! the organization, E. A. Trombley, cient amount of work to remain in periences of W ith as many ,t u - ! professor of romancc >a» n ag«* in the University. 0 f _____ ___ the University Rives much time *"<> | frcshmen and 21 are these 32 are there are classmen, necessary for democracy. These ex- four m ajor e x p e r i e n c e s nounced around According the to tal num ber of new students who have registered is 382, white records a t the re g istra r’s office a t noon Tues­ day show the to tal registration to be pro- 3057 the ’ R egistrar and in the course changers room. I t Is probable th a t students will continue to reg ister the rem ain­ der of the week. students. A ctivity the office of is —o ------------ RESOLUTION PASSED fa c u lty m em bers discussed the sys- rajk of grading as used in the UnffipJ* sity, at the reg u lar facu lty m eeting held Tuesday afternoon. The sys­ tem calls fo r a lim itation of either IO o r 12 per cent of the class only m aking A’s and a certain num ber of required failures in each class. The instructors have not been obeying this ruling to tho letter. A resolu­ tion was passed to see th a t the reg u ­ lations were s t r i c t l y adhered in the future. to SPEAKERS'CLUB TO RENEW ACTIVITIES Program for First W in ter Term M eeting to C onsist o f P ar­ lia m en ta ry D rill Activities along oratorical and de­ bating lines will be resum ed by the Speakers’ Club a t the first w inter term m eeting next Tuesday, Ja n u ary 13, a t 7:30 p. rn., in room 5 of the Law B a i li n g ... The program i|p f the first m eeting will consist, parTiainerttary drill under Ute direction pY‘ the present president of the club, A. 8 . Johnson, following the election of new officers as follows: Proposition I. I favor the ra tifi­ cation of the League and T reaty w ithout amendm ents or reservation*. I am opposed to the ratification of the League and the T reaty in any form. Proposition 2 . Proposition 3. I am in favor of the ratification of the T reaty and the League, but only with the specific reservations as voted by the m ajority of the Senate. Proposition 4. I favor any com­ promise under reservations which will make possible the immediate ratifi­ cation of the Treaty and the League. I favor the gov­ ernment proceeding to make peace with Germany at once, and leaving the question o f a League to be aet tied later. Proposition 5. Proposition 6 . I favor a compro­ mise of the reservations of such a character as will avoid the danger of defeating ratification while still m ak­ ing clear th a t America can only be involved in w ar by a declaration of Congress, th a t domestic questions and the Monroe Doctrine are entirely out­ side of the jurisdiction of the League, th a t plural votes of any member are all disqualified in the event of a dis­ pute wherein we are disqualified from voting, and th a t on deciding to with­ judge of draw we are to be w hether our obligations have been met. the HOME ECONOMICS PRACTICE HOUSE TO BE MAINTAINED Students of The practice house, which is a novel and practical feature of the Home Economics D epartm ent of the U ni­ versity of Texas, will he opened a t 106 West Twenty-Seventh Street for the winter term. the Home Economics D epartm ent live a t this residence fo r three months and m aintain a model establishm ent un­ der the supervision of instructors The girls order th eir groceries, plan meals, cook and serve them, keep the and do the house house in order, I laundry. At th* same time, they con~ I tinue their work in the University. ; In this way the students dem onstrate th eir ability to put into practice the knowledge which they have gained during their previous study of Horae Economics and gain excellent expo- attention to the society. I .. . indeed fortunate Last year the society was consid-i Dean Taylor has placed these s tu -, perience. are play, work f.H ow sh* in having a I dents on probation, however, allow -1 and religion. He particularly stressed if their work the relationship of child or youth to ered native Frenchman, Monsieur La Cour, j ing them to remain among its members. This year it is j sboWs improvement by the mid-term these major experiences. more than fortunate in having in its membership Mademoiselle Rouffiac of j Lyons France I Dr. McKeever is well known to ea- n . j examinations on February 7. „ . J . . . . : . . . . . a w « i n vt KM H O * * A final court of the re^ *trat,ons ucators of this State, who have used I f Due to the glowing success of the in this departm ent has no t yet been a num ber of his tex t books. His ped®** play given last year, “ Le Cercle” has completed, however. Dean Taylor J g^gical studies have been adopted to m ade arran g em ents for an o th er this • m n J a i k i d . states th a t the indications are th a t j tbe s ta te teach ers’ reading circle, y ear. A lthough the play has been there will be a larger num ber of s tu - 1 and the S tate Congress of M others chosen, up to th e present tim e the dents registered in this departm ent bas uged as tex ts two of his book* T : I ^ r e R u d a n delega- j ca8t of characters has not been elect- for the w inter term than for any “ T raining the Boy” and “T raining the guests of the U niversity cd. The play chosen is “ Ie Pond other term in the recent history of j tbe G irl.” In addition his “ Home reaux Yeux,” by La Biche, an emi­ is a n en t French playw right. the University, excepting possibly the T raining Bulletins” have been in pop th ree-act comedy with a cast of term following the signing of twelve characters. arm istice. u lar use. T A I * A n a I r a w the a.I__ a I It a • « • . « , • I » r l l '• • . RAREOLDEbmONS IN WRENN LIBRARY B ooks P u b lish ed as Far B ack a t 1590 H ave B een Secured a t G reat E xpense BUSINESS SCHOOL INTRAMURAL TEAM BEGINS WORK TODA! ECONOMIC GEOLOGY BUREAU EXHIBITS MINERAL SPECIMENS Appointment of Carl C. W elhausen Besides a large num ber of speci- The collection of works of ______ ! Elizabethan Age fe a tu re of the W renn library a^ the j ident of . __ . University of Texas. This is an «... .. contains, besides num erous of first plays. editions, poems of which about 150 are tending approxim ately of which about 150 the as m anager of the Business D epart- mens of the coal and lignite deposits' jn Texas, th e museum of the Bureau ment basketball team was announced Economic Geology and Technolo- in terestin g yesterday by Charles H a rritt, pres- Several, of the U niversity of Texas has the d e p a rtm e n t s e c t i o n , ^ try-outs for the team have already ^ been working out and a call ia now! specimens of m ineral deposits from volumes jsgue(j |,y W elhausen for all m o i in- all p arts of the State. They range from m inerals th a t are very rare in to those th a t are being try fo r a place on the Practice t j1|g s ta te .g now sp, & ^ 3 0 0 ^ to ^ team to sign up a t once. will begin today and a captain will Probably th e m ost interesting book ^ selected by the end of this week, j p * “ “ d acquainted w.tn_ and representatives from other tnd countries as possible dur- convention. ^ Mrs Sherwood Eddy aud ^ MUS Holmquist were enter- Saturday. Each day guests to number of 15 have been invited be Texas delegation. Wednesday Alumni of the University attend- the convention from other insti- »nd Miss Nancy Lee Swann, .__Tted missionary to China, who w graduate, were entertained. maintain 'eras. This institution is espec- interested in Russia, and will a man and a woman as mission- I I to that country. ^ j ie Methodist students of the Uni- three m issionaries razil, and have built a church and j utorate there. Other student .bes do similar work, of W inters,] aliace Hawkins *, president of the S tudents’ A b- . lion, is leader of the U n iv e rs ity ; aas delegation. -o UATE STUDENTS KIMBER LARGEST Bt SOUTHERN SCHOOLS are at the present tim e 103 late students in the U niversity •us, this being the largest num- if graduate students in viny col­ in the South, with tb s exception , tx tt • is the firs t edition of Spenser’s F aerie Queen, published in 1 5 9 0 , which c o n -: in e s 9 A dm inistration School has e v e r , h are been sent tain s the sonnet to the Earl of Essex. I This book was in process of prin tin g < ancj unusual interest is being shown s ta te . Besides some specimens of I a i tne tune ut tm; uiogjoi-c This is the f ir s t tim e th a t the Bus- copper- ea in>- to septum _________________ p i im Hopkins University. E le v e n ) ^ ^ ^ __ students are taking work in : of the Eftrj the) tneir ouuwimj m w wre w- - _, ^ 88eXf and the sonnet intram ural athletes. A num ber of the ration for the Ph. D. d e g re e .! W3g ordered suppresed and was taken hQniversity’s best known athletes a re Ais session there are no Ph. D. from the edition. The volume in the dates, but 40 for the M. A. de- W renn library not only contains the j gtill ! sonnet but I which w ere to replace the cancelled tu te the try-outs from whom a team brought from n e a r the mines in the This term ’s work will be comprised of weekly debates on cu rre n t polit- . i ioal questions and on topics of local j in te rest; a num ber of declamations, orations, ia rg e r num ber of prom ising Especially good specimens of C halco- ail(i parliam entary drills. Weekly th e unnum bered pages basket tossers will probably consti- j pyrite, a copper-bearing ore, has been m e e t i n g s w i l l be held every Tuesday Visitors art always welcome, ° * I I I ------ of tfce disgracc and fall because of th eir entrance into ; Business A dm inistration men and a m alachite from half a dozen counties. ext€m pQraneous copper ore from the Quitm an M oan- M ountains of El Paso coun-| put out an athletic team on the field museum from various parts of the J fo r this term the University oecause or crump will speeches, as samf m useum sev eral TVnxif* a m 9 * ...iii students are specializing in j ie aion n spi*nnH edition students are specializing in lines of work: T here are 5 0f Faerie Queqn, published in 1596. ^ a t 4 o'clock next S aturday, when ^ f ie government, l l in edu->The first edition was dedicated There ig algo a second edition will be chosen. Their firs t game wil1 ‘ T P Y A S ^ T I I D F N T S to j they wi„ meet the Freshm an Acad- «y. Clay-carrym R copper ore has J L A H O O I UD E,!! I J n _ , . . . ^ ' Elizabeth, Queen of E ngl««i, France and Ireland, while the second is dedi­ cated to E lizabeth, Queen of E ng­ land, France, Ireland and V irginia. ii 2 in French, 9 in economics, 2 m l literature, IO in history, 15 :i3try, 16 in English, 6 in busi- Kiministration, 4 in m athem at- A nother in terestin g volume is the j first edition* of Ben Johnson’s col-j in greology, 3 in Spanish, 2 in lected works. There is also a small 3 in philosophy, 3 in Greek, rw»k 1 in ak volume published in 1617, in which ta*. 3 rn phys.es, I rn zoology, | ^ naJ ’ and a Greek motto appear ^ychology, 2 in botany and naliffm. in his tiwn handw riting. This has parallel pages of Latin and Greek. - i«.uu>n/Fii , „ 1__ 1 * ems Y. W. ACTIVITIES BEING BROADENED IN SOCIAL SERVICE Activities of ^adnate students and seniors, ***■ of fellowships and scholar- ave beer, awarded fo r this year, scholarships were established Board of Regents fo r the pur- Promoting higher scholarship 1 of TayWord’s w orks dated 1599-1630, j jo int chairmen of the U niversity of Texas Y. W. C. A. a re constantly Among the m any other ra re w orks broadening. This y e a r the work is are the firs t edition of R obert B ur­ centering to a large e x te n t around to n ’s “ A natom y of M elancholy,” the the Social Service Committee. Miss _________________ firs t and second editions of Michael Drayton^s °poems, published in 1608 j Lillian Ross of Mexia and Miss K ath- this com m ittee. in the College of A r t s the first edition of Hesperidcs by The work of the Social Service Com- in 1848, m it t.. U organized along vaned lines. I t c o - o p e r a t e s with the L u ,t e d C han- kiuatt- Department. They a re ! Robert H errick, published ' e q u a te s and seniors ___________, an(j 1613, respectively, a collection etyn Q uarles o f V an Buren, Ark., are a n d ! works of Richard Lovelace, »„u J o h n also been sent to the museum from also been sen t to the museum from these m ountains. ^ S C H O O L S •. rr- axal club. It it ^xpccteu that the ♦Via Torii n m * district of in ORGANIZE CLUBS various universities throughout j Hence in house keeping. W ith the exception of coal and pe-j troleum , however, the most im portant m ineral deposits in Texas are quick- J , , is silver and sulphur. The former is a t the United S tates wil! this coming During the w inter term the Practice oun( t e ‘ year rev jVe th eir old-time custom of House will be occupied by the fol- B rew ster county, and in spite o rem oteness of the railroad and the j ceiebrating March 2 . This practice lowing students: E sther Pennington scarcity of water, these mines have wag abandoned during the war, and | of Huntsville, Josephine Ownsby of been developed to ap extent suffi- all clubs were disorganized. and chint to .how t h a t . * , dapo.it. ar. organization. | Cracc R o b e r t a of Dallas. Tho in- which have recently been form ed a t structors who will also live in the workab e area • unjvergjt jeg outside of the State of Practice House a re Miss J e t W inters Texas Club a t Columbia and Miss M argaret Ilesaler. Tho stu- square miles. | rpexag jn dents are seniors in the U niversity tvho will receive th e r degrees in }iom<‘ Eeonorrics in June. highly v a l u a b l e . covers This m ineral is found usually in gyp- University. Q. W. Weed of Dallas | i* president and Miss Helen MeNab urn, calcite an d cinnabar ores. Celina, Emily Rice of Austin a abou t th irty Sulphur is found in four counties of Dallas is secretary. •Brazoria, M atagorda, Edwards and The club a t Chicago has as its .'•ec- * HARTMAN TO TEACH C. F. H artm an, who received his —v ucmg snown to , Uu « „lJiV som e Shakespeare’s, bound separately. Be emonatrated ability f r«search. T he C ouncil h as 1 sides th ese th e re a re th re e folio edi- second ? awarded a fe llo w s h ip w ith a | Lions of S h a k e sp e a r e , 1200 to Miss N an cv Lee d a te d 1632; th e th ird , 1664, a n d th e in _ “ 1625 • B-A wbn •^ A -w h o is m a jo rin g in to*-1 fo u rth , 1 6 2 5 . ivarii .u .. War Wh° I Beaumont: and F letcher and th e firs t |children, secure th eir in terest through mines in th a t d istrict are producing J ^edition of the complete plays various means, and by thus reach in g ; lead ^ sU v e, and zinc. The mica _d,-, New M A. degree ,8 and ^K^cdher tended the celebration. There are Texas clubs a t C hicago,; and sub- . o r k City. St. Louis, Boston* iect in the Houston H igh School. He je c t in the Houston High School. He ^ Sal a8eumc his dutles ^ is at present teaching field ct history, th a t _^P with a stipend of $100 to / ^okman, who hi a candi- ^ 8 A. degree and majoring o f these two w riters, published in 1647; a collection of Chapman’s plays and tw enty-five or th irty of Shirley’s. posit, are not large, but the quality em, washington, rn. n u ,e r e ,,, the children, enlist the good will of posits are n o t large, bu t the q u a lity ; and W ashington. A t d ifferen t times of the mica appesirs to be excellen t., Texas clubs have been formed at the parents. At present there are The muMum Z * serer.l specimena Dervijr, San Frandsco, K.anW Qfjr. 120 gjrla serving on the Social Serv­ of mica f***yy]b os wood and concreta*1 Batthnow and Schenectady! N< Y. ice Committee. Normal at the °^ ma« o£ th* summer te m , Juno 15, 19M. . ® h t S a i l u ® c x a t » T R an SA r&JSk J r ■ F irs t Coll#** Daily lo th e South . Publish,*<1 oo th* campus of th* University of Text* by th* student body every morons* **©**pt Monday ___________ ___ __ O ffice: Room IRS. T eler W hether you favor or oppose the prepositions is at present ot little consequence. W hat th« University desires th at all students take this opportunity to express their opinions, so that the record th at is sent from Texas will be an expression from the students the m ajority of W. M. here. is - o TEXAN JOKERS. — Some time ago it was neces* gary for the editor of The Texai to call the attention of the stu­ dents to the fact th at the col­ umns of the paper were for the recording of U niversity news and not for the perpetration of would-be practical jokes on dif­ ferent students. It is to he regretted th at this notice was disregarded, and The Texan is still the unknowing and unwilling agent of those who consider it humorous to print fictitious news about students. The Texan is dependent for its news— especially th at part of the news printed in the society col­ umns— on the squibs handed in by interested students. Lack of facilities and time preclude any systematic investigation into the tru th of every personal item th at is handed in for publication, and as a consequence The Texan has a t various times printed news items th at were untrue and em- harassing to the students im me-' diately concerned. It is hoped th at in the future practical jokers will select some more willing medium for their sport. Unless the columns of the future are The Texan in clean from such stories, it will j he necessary to bar all unsigned item s from the paper. W. M. CHAPEL NOTICE. Dr. Barton of the University M ethodist Church is the speaker a t Chapel this week. Yesterday his them e was “ How to Achieve G reatness.” No man can tell any o th er m an how to become g r e a t in T rue greatness every walk of life from within. The inner man has to find the road in­ to greatness for each d iv id u al T here is no royal road In other words, from w ith o u t every man m ust work out his own problems, his own salvation, as it were. is achieved H ear Dr. B arton every m orn­ ing this week s t 8:35 in room 158. He is sn interesting speaker. Basketball and it* athletes of tho scanty garb will now tako tho stags. Down a t the gym any day bow you can see both Longhorns and Short­ horns, and occasionally a fow eaJvaa. H erb says, daw ggonnit, jttft b e ­ cause he said som ething ob b history exam about a corporate colony Bad happened to spell it “carpslsat*” yt goode doctor busted him. So*o pTofi are absolutely devoid of a bobo# of humor, ’tis true. No, my dear Souers (pronounced “ Sew ers” ), if you have baseball am­ bition!, it is not the best plan to go into Coach Disch’s office and offer him a cigarette, c h attin g meanwhile about your b attin g average at dear old hi school. The final authority hare paaeed on the m atter, it is now definitely settled th a t the only safe and sure way to convince a girl of your abso­ lute, complete, and everlasting sin­ cerity is to lie like a ssagoin* sailor. Don’t know ju st what an Issue ed­ looks Uke, but itor of The Texan knowing his habits and tendsncies to throw the m aunderings in on* comer of the shop, fond imagination pic­ tures him as a creature closely re­ fuzzy-eared Mocking sembling bird made fam ous by Judge Simp. the The Delta Sigma Phi won a hotly ( contested basketball game over the ^ Sigma Nu last night. The game was short but snappy. At the end of the first half the score stood 12 to IO in favor of the Delta Sigma Phi. The teams were very evenly m atched. A t j no tim e during the entire game was thti>o any certain ty of its o u tco m e .; In the last of the second half, with Claridy a t forw ard, leading them , the Delta Sigma Phi pushed tow ard the fro n t with a few extra goals and ran the score up to 20 to 21 in their favor. The following is the lineup: Sigma Nu. Delta Sigma Phi. Claridy Thomas ' Lipscomb • Forward. Forward. ......................... Templeton ; F itagsrald ............................. McCalla Kim brough Center. ......................... Nawlin Guard. Hill ........................................... HUI Guard. Freshmen!! Correct Freshmen Caps Well, ITI be going. Dark Green and Real SACKETT EDITS DEPT. You will find these at are Orange those The Texas Outlook Is tile official organ of th e Texas State Teachers’ In addition to the dis­ Association. cussion of current events sad topics of special in te rest to teachers, there are various departm ents which have special editors. One of is “ School Testa and Standards,” which U edited by L. W. Sackett of the U niversity of Texas. This depart­ m ent is w orking on a series of tests which may be used in school super­ vision and the method by which such tests may be employed in tho schools. Various m ethods are suggested by the departm ent fo r grading the rate and m erit of d ifferen t school sub­ jects, Dr. W. S. Gray is new con­ ducting a departm ent of this work in the University, known as ti* Bureau of Measurements. Tower clock wound auto­ matically by one-half horse power mote*. I rn .Y-'. Electrically-heated glu^-pott are u»ed in pattern shops and elsewhere- W f Magnet* sorting machine, open- ated by a two- horsepower m o­ tor. se p a r a te s brass from iron. A V SV . ' ■ w - ' t wmk w k I rn Electric monorail anne! for boating coal Motor-Rwnrrater set mounted co cair WPPfyvtE power for biting Electricity— the Master Forcein Manufad T H E m arvels o f electricity h a v e r e v o l u t i o n i z e d our facturing industries. W ith b e lts and p b y electric m otors op eratin g autom atic a m achines, m any a slo w and te d io u s p ro ce ss as nated. T h e factory w orker’s task of y e s t e r a> pleasant b y his com m an d o f th is m agic pow er. a • T h e Crane C om pany's plant at C h i c a g o - e l e c t r .f a l i ^ out— is a m o d el of industrial efficiency. p ow er of driving en erg y is brought b y three horn a distant p ow er plant. T h en electric^ m ach inery w h ich h an d les the coal for heating. sifts the sand a n d sorts the material in fat t < from scrubbing the floor to winding the c oc ' . eJi veryda all I® in a ^ Such an institution is marvelous—s u p e rh u m a n i ^ ^ by th e m an -m u ltip lyin g force o f electricity Electric C om p an y h a s b e e n instrum ented evolution. First, by d e v e lo p in g su c ce ss u e < QWjeaC ating and transm ission apparatus to lu r n is - , this m o d e m form of p ow er. S econ d ly, timr)U]* of active co-op eration w ith hu n d red s o n.d‘ has m astered th e art o f applying th e u s e ^ol e.tc to a m ultitude of needs. And Ana y. • offices and other distributing channels. » made accessible to alb ^ jacturen] - G e # l e n Schenectady NY C o m p a n y all t o # i s e d r a General Office Sporting Goods Co. 704 Congress Avenue TEXAS BELTS FRESHMAN GYM and SUITS .Marfa* operated Wk, S F 5 5 5 c a package before the war c a package during the war c a package NOW the f la v o r la s t s so DOES THE PRICE! T H S D A I L Y T E X A N SOCIETY Hallie Jones. Gladys Sadler. The Acacia announces th e pledg­ ing of Joseph E. Vaughn of W aelder. J. B. Leggins of Ennis, former student of the University, is visiting friends and relatives in Austin. Miss Chubbie McKensie of Mexia is visiting a t the Zeta house. Miss Marian Legg visited friends in San Antonio during the holidays. Miss G reta Klipel of Galveston is entering th-e University this term. Miss Elizabeth Evans of Eagle Pass, a form er student of Hollins, in Virginia, has entered the University. E arl D ayrault has returned from in a few days’ visit with Georgetown. friends Mrs. W inkleman of Houston is vis­ Twenty-second street. Lemmie Armor o f Eden is visiting a t the Phi Psi house. Henry Davis, Webb Connelly, Duke Golden and C. E. Kelly, who are ill a t P. & S. Hospital, are improving. Bill Taylor will not return to the University, but will attend Baylor University. John V ernon is visiting at the Delta Tau D elta house. John von Carlowitz, who has been visiting at th e D elta Tau Delta house for the past few days, has returned to F o rt W orth. Arleigh Davis is reported ill with pneumonia a t his home. Miss M argaret McDonald o f Lan­ caster is visiting at the Chi Omega house. J. T. G arner o f Cisco has entered school for th e rem ainder of the year. Miss K ate Yakey of T aylor is vis­ iting her daughter, Maybelle. iting a t the Chi Omega house. Mr. Robert S. Crowther of San is visiting friends on the Angelo campus. Miss Nell H anger of Fort Worth has returned to the University and is moving into the Tri Delta house. Mr. T. R. Noble of Wichita Falls is visiting a t the S. A. E. house. Miss Fay Piper of Denton, a for­ m er student of C. I. A., has entered the U niversity and is with Mrs. J. W. Legg a t E ast E gihteenth street. Mr. Tom W elborn of Fort Worth is visiting his cousin, Nell Hanger. Kappa Alpha Theta will hold ini­ tiation soon for Frances Hicks, Mar­ g a re t Curtis, Ju lia Lobbin, Mary Sm ith, M arcelite Hall and Virginia W olflin. Miss Cad W ortham , who is ill at her home in Houston, is unable to retu rn to the University. Z. Barron of Covington is visiting a t the Phi Psi house. Miss Mary Pagel is ill at 803 West Miss Sue Ragsdale will not be in school during the w inter term . She will spend a few m onths in New Y ork. Miss Virginia G regg has entered •school fo r the rem ainder of the year, j | Miss Frances Lewis will attend the the w inter and j University during I spring term s. ! Miss Dearie B augh of Austin, who has been several in D enver months, has entered the University. for Miss Fay Piper of D enton has en­ tered the U niversity. Miss Helen Reuss of Cuero ar­ rived last night to en ter the Univer­ sity. Mrs. Reuss will be here with her daughter. Miss Evelyn Livingston, who was ill a t Seton during the holidays, is im­ proving and will be able to return to school next week. Miss Lois P o rte r of Tyler is at P. & S. In firm ary , having had her tonsils removed yesterday. Spring Pumps and Oxfords We are showing some advance styles in Spring Pumps and Oxfords. One Eyelet Black Satin Pumps with turn soles and cov­ ered Louis heel. The season’s most popular styles. Black Soft Kid Toque Bar Pump, with hand turn soles and covered Louis heels. A beautiful style, at i t * 0 • & * * A J ' ? J C * f> v.»-, J- ’ ’ •- ft For semi-dress wear we have a soft Kid Oxford and a Patent Oxford at Brown Kid Walking Oxford, with welt soles and Cuban heels. Just the shoe you have been wanting, at $12.50 $13.00 $12.50 $13.50 $12.00 — — “ Same Style in Soft Black Kid. V.l ■ tm ‘ 3 0 > ’’ Christmas I Gift for him- Iw /n p je ^ ftW B S ^ ^ S ir o p /ie r I m p r o v e s N e w B l a d e s I 0 0 S Priers V S to *7-1° IOO s h a v e s F r o m O n e B l a d e IOT Make your Christmas purchases now, and give him a useful gift. T. H. Williams & Co. ‘{Austin's Show of Quality”— the M a je stic — alway* welcome. United States Depository ieAustin National Bank of Austin, Texas 912 BURNHAM & FEHR Congress Avenue HAVE YOU TRIED ONE LATELY? Robert Burn*, Owl*, White Owl. and Little Bobbie Cigars Resources $7,000,000.00 THE SHEAR COMPANY Distributors WILMOT, President WM. H. FOLTS, Vicepresident EL CHILES, Vice-President MORRIS H IRSH FELD, Castile! The Gang is all there—at Majestic. C M BARTHOLOMEW, Assistant Cashier ' acuity and Students* Accounts Solicited No Accounts Too Small to Handle pmr* Telegraphed E v ery w h ere end D eliveryy G uaranteed “Say It With Flowers” Through H I L L Y E R ’ S [HQS I araca Street Phone IOO yStrid Aug. Strid STRID BROS. Up-to-Date ELECTRIC SHOE REPAIRING Phone 4342 221 West Sixth Street WAGNER CAFE AND CONFECTIONERY C. CL WAGNER, Prop. Short Orders, Lunches, Ice Cream and Fountain Drinks Stationery, Candy, Cigars, Cigarettes, Taboccas, Etc. 2111 Speedway Phoo* 2087 NEW AND BROWN J u s t Off C o n g r e s s , on W e s t S ix th S t r e e t Don’t fail to see “Behind the Door” at Majestic Wednesday. WORN THROUGH Have your shoes Re-Made by the shoe expert GEO. R. ALLEN 24th and Guadalupe St. Phone 4597. FOR A GOOD POLICY See WILLIAM G. BELL Phone*715 i : • ! * * i % r , * 612 Colorado Street (Elks* Buildin) District Agent Bankers Life Company of Des Moines, Iowa. The Only Mutual Life Company Operating in Texat Under Armstrong Law. LOOKE’S CAFE LOOKE BROS., Props. Phone 735. 6 2 1 C o n g re s s HYDE PARK FLORAL CO. "SA YIT WITH FLO WERS efertl « Connections all over the world. FOR YOU • A. ACHILLES & CO. STAPLE a n d fa n c y groceries '« S p ecially to Sororities, Fraternities, and Public ■n General. Courteous Treatm ent and ■ Pones 865-866-867 Prompt Delivery. 1602-4 Lavaca ELECTRIC Iron*, Grill*, Percolator*. Tot ten , Vibrator*, etc. Student Lamp*, Shade* and Extension Cord*. EDISON MAZDA LAMPS A. E. HANCOCK CO 909 Congress Avenue. f i I 4 I - PATRONIZE THE UNIVERSITY BARBER SHOP THE CONVENIENT PLACE 2210 Guadalupe N. W. Rutledge, Prop. t h e d a i l y t k x a " MAJESTIC OFFICIAL NOTICES I Q U E E N PHOTOPLA YS Girls signed up for a T in ^ A u s tin ’s G r e a t e s t M o v ie WHERE THE CROWDS GO to take ing who were unable the fifteen-m ile hike last term , may do so on Tuesday, Thursday and Sat­ urday of this week. Meet a t Gym at 2 o’clock. MANAGER. TODAY AND BALANCE OF WEEK W h a t’s B eh in d th e D oor? See Hobart Bosworth “Behind the Door” in TOMORROW, FRIDAY A N D SATURDAY Big Time Interstate V a u d e v i l l e —.Featuring— A N N A E V A F A Y A N D H E R C O M P A N Y — W ith— SIX OTHER BIG TIME ACTORS Jo s e p h ’s P h a rm a c y C om er Seventh and Congress. Phones 325-335 ‘(Behind the Door” and "T he Girl Named Mary"— thia week** Majestic sohws. T j o n t ^ ^ WHITE Plumbing, Heating and Electrical Supplies Follow the crowds and you go to the Majestic. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY teaches the sam e m ethods of eye ex­ am ination, W ITH O U T THE USE OF DRUGS (D R O PS), as we em ploy in our practice. O ur references— over 62,000 satisfied clients. Established in 1895 S- GREENBERG 709 Congress A. W. Griffith O. G. Eckhardt BUSINESS PSYCHOLOGY 146 W will m eet in room 216 M. B., 10-11 M. W. F. T. R. GARTH, ij f o r p l a c e s on SOCIAL CALENDAR NOTICE— All applications the Social C alendar f o r the w i n t e r term should be in h a n d s o f t h e com m ittee by noon of W e d n e s d a y , Jan. 14, Pionm have your a p p l i c a t i o n in w rit­ ing; state date d e s i r e d , n a t u r e of the a ffa ir and p l a c e a t w h i c h it is to be held. A p p l i c a t i o n s c o m i n g In late r than the d a t e m e n t i o n e d will not be c o n s i d e r e d . SOCIAL CALENDAR COM. ii By Florence S. Bell. Room 111 M. B. REGULAR GERMAN' next S a tu r­ day night, K. C. Hall. PRESIDENT. FRESHMAN G IRLS’ Public Speak­ ing Society will meet in Room 157 M. B., Wednesday afternoon, January 7, at 5 o’clock. PR ESID EN T. S. W. T. N. CLUB— An im portant meeting of all members, Thursday, 5 p. rn., Room 157 M. B. There will be an election of officers. SECRETARY . BU SINESS ADMINISTRATION the men who intend to try out for school’s basketball team will sign up at once in hall of Business Adminis­ tration Building. MANAGER. GIRLS desiring to change a th le tic j tickets fo r w inter term come from 9 to l l or 2:30 to 4:30 on Wednesday,! , T hursday and Friday to my office. MISS ANNE AYNESWORTH. T H E R E WILL BE a meeting of the D aniel’s Fund Committee T hurs­ day night. All members are request­ ed to be present. P R E SID E N T . “ P R E M E D S :” AU Premeds try ­ ing out for the Premed Basketball team m ust appear a t the Men’s Gym W ednesday a t 7 p. rn., in gym suits. MANAGER. MEN IN EDUCATION D epart­ m ent! m ^ft W ednesday afternoon a t 5 in Room 310 Education Building, to consider into intra-m ural athletics. All men students of the Ed­ ucation D epartm ent be there. entrance INTRAMURAL COUNCILOR. GRIFFITH DRUG COMPANY “W here Quality Count*’ H. E. 211f w will meet W ednesday a t 12 o’clock in Room l l of the Home Economics Building. MARY E. GEARING. Phone 26 V a u d e v il le , V a u d e v ille , V a u d e v ille . L a .t t h r e e d a y , o f e a c h w e e k a t M a je s tic . CO-OP M EM BERS: There will be a m eeting of all members of the Co- Op in Room 15 Main Building a t 5 P R E SID E N T . Homo Steam! sVnv'cE Phono coi ■211 E A S C F I F T H ST PHONE 536#73 — \ F o r A U / T I N L A U N D R V - D R Y C L E A N I N G C O 1 5 0 4 L A V A C A ST. I I ii CLASSIFIED still keeping up with m oder fHARLIE KELLUM h o, barbered Austin people for tw enty yearsI and is methods and styles. He is runmng the c le a n e s t shop in town on Speed­ h e the way. knows your wants and wants your opposite campus. b u s i n e s s . FOR RENT— Romm to young lady; private home; 1932 San Antonio. Phone 2053. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for U n i v e r s i t y lady students or instruct- ors. Call a t 2505 Nueces S t., or phone 4250. J* FOR RENT— At 2013 Guadalupe for two room j Ave. and 21st St., girls. Telephone 3036. - I VIOLIN and bows repaired. All work guaranteed. Phone 3664. 1604 6 E. l i t h St. G. A. Sievers. SIEV ERS VIOLIN SCHOOL Studio 1604 E. l i t h St. Phone 3664. Course of study extends from the the attainment first elem entary ® of virtuosity. to FOR RENT — Very neat little southeast room for one, or perhaps two, gentlemen. 1905 Nueces. Phone 6 2556. FOR RENT—To four girls, two in private home desirable convenient to car line. Call 3524, or 6 apply at 1206 San Antonio St. rooms WANTED—A roommate. Have an excellent room in a private home. Phone 1430. FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms in Hyde Park, on car line. Address 4213 Avenue F. Phone 3870. FOR RENT— Furnished rooms for University lady students or instruct­ ors. Call a t 2505 Nueces St., or phone 4250. in terp re­ DANCING — National, tive, Technique. Modern dances specialized. Private studio. Phone 2991. LOST— Gold A. & M. pin studded ' with pearls. R eturn to E x-Students’ Association, Y. M. C. A. Building. Reward. LOST— Night of A. & M. rally lady’s w rist watch, octagon shape. Call B. Hedick, phone 1561. Big S h ip n te n j New Light Weight received last evenj drop in and look o v er. W e have no that is, alleged bar s a le . Good Clothing too sea W e th in k that we hav« o u r store right now you n eed warm cl th e la rg est stock of Woolen Suits in At you are invited to in g ate th e statement. SWAN FURNITURE & COMPANY W e Build More 401 CONGRESS AI MCKEAN. ED] COMPANY W holesale Dry Notions and Fumii Goods W alter D. Arnold, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR * Hours-9-11-2-7 Free consultation 309 W. 6th. Ph. 1393 LOST— A small diamond-shaped^ 321-323 Congress Ay gold Shriner pin. F inder please re ­ tu rn to Crystal Ross. Read the Texan Want Ads. A d v e r t is e in The Daily Tobin’s Book Stoi THE FINEST STATIONERY STORE IN THE FANCY AND EMBOSSED STATIONERY OUR SPECIALTY Corner Congress Avenue and 8th Street The Elliott’s W elcom e to tho Studio The Elliott’s An up-to-date stock of JEW ELRY to select «« present from J. A. JACKSON JEWELERS. AT YOUR „ AT ALLT SER' Pickford -IN- “Heart o' the A d a p te d F rom th e F a m o u s N o v e l by J o h n F o x Jr. T h e sa m e b elo v e d M ary, w ith h er sm ile s and tea r s, her lo v e s and h a te s, h er whim * and w in n in g s w a y s, o f e n en tirely n e w c h a r a c te r is a tio n . L o w er flo o r , 3 5 c. B a lc o n y . 2 5 c . C h ild r en , tO c. EXCELSIOR MEAT MARKET ALL KINDS OF MEATS Only cold storage in the city Phones 625 and 725 Patton’s Union Market Patton and Sawyer, Props. DEALERS IN FISH AND OYSTERS OF ALL KINDS Also Fruits and Vegetables Chaa. Sawyer, Mgr. Ph. 213 Prompt Delivery I U West Sixth Street Read the Texan W ant Ads. KARL’S BARBER SHOP AND SANDWICH PARLOR KARL’S 2402 G UADALUPE A d v e r t is e in The Daily Texan. H ats cleaned and blocked 50c SUITS PRESSED 4 0 c JACK THE HATTER Wark called for and delivered. Phone 1936. 703 Congress Avenue. Read the Texan Want Ads. CM. MILLER Dealers in W all Paper, Paints,. Oils, W indow Glass and Painters’ Supplies Picture Framing a Specialty Sign Painting 807 Congress Avenue Read the Texan Want Ads. TEETH TEETH Your Dentistry Promptly Done to Save Your Time DR. A. L NETHERY 612 Cong. Ave. Ph. 1839 e Cactus Tea Room, 2208 Guadalupe S treet — A quaint place enjoy th a t you will because it is different. There are m any adm irable featu res to “ The Cactus”— the Old English and Flem ish style of architec­ tu re , the hand-carved gable, th e huge fireplace; but w hat most peals the to its guests homelike atmosphere and good home cooking. is R egular meals or a la carte. Service, 7 :30 a. rn. to 7 :30 p. rn. Prices m oderate. Quality, Price, Service Unexcelled SHINING PARLOR FOR LADIES AND GENTS CLEANING PRESSING PHONE 2-6-S-2 BAGGAGE TRANSFER SERVICE CARS P H O N E 1 6 1