W eek , W hite Sox . ^ In ter fr a ter n ity con- ’ public le c tu r e .; a * e l * to do, h ea r o r VOL. XIX FIRST COLLEGE DAILY IN THE SOUTH AUSTIN, TEXAS, M O NDAY, APRIL 7, 1919 l&txan N a 112 T he on ly thing* Coach Disch w ants to d o th is a f t ­ ernoon is to k eep th e score som ething less th an one hundred. TANGS d rop SECOND c o n te s t t o VARSITY TEAM HISTORIC TANK WILL SOON BE GLEE CLUB MAKESl ■B IG HIT BEFORE THIS WEEK S E T H ■FOR JEWISH WAR THING OF PAST DALLAS AUDIENCE SUFFERERS DRIVE HONOR ROLL FOR FALL AND WINTER TERMS PUBLISHED CHICAGO WHITE SOX TO SCRAP VARSITY TODAY Nine C lean. Up to the * of 12 to 4 in Slow Game W orkm en H ave Started Tear- Ted M eyers is Praised for Tai- Governor H obby O fficially Pro- ent on V iolin. Mrs. Geo. W atson A lso Sings ing D ow n Interesting Old Structure claim s A pril 7 to 12 D ays fo r Cam paign Thirteen M ake “A ” for Year; O ver 200 H ave “B” A verage for T w o Terms G reat Exhibition o f H igh-C lass B all P layin g on Clark Field T oday A nother U niversity tradition is about to go by the board. C o n tract-1 the recital of the U niversity of Texas Glee Club a t the F o rest Avenue H igh ! DALLAS, Tex., A pril 6 .—Although 1 By proclam ation of Governor Hob- | Before th is year the grade cards of the students m aking a “ B ” average Hie week of A pril 7-12 has been or more were signed by D r. Benedict and bore some comment. However, this year due to the large num ber of reports, they were sent out w ithout the flourishes of red ink. It is the plan of the dean to send special cards to those students whose nam es ap­ peared on the honor roll. The grades from the Law D epartm ent are not all in. Pe™ '> fo r th « drive in the Jew ish W ar Suffers. As an- School last night w as given prim arily | nouneed> th e cam pai(n, is to be con- to exploit vocal work, the honors of | ducted on absolutely non-sectarian the evening were carried off by Ted lines. Meyers, violinist. The player w as re- Qf a„ the sufferinK peoples of the called th ree tim es, and a fte r re n d e r-, wor]d none a re more deservin([ of m g two encores refused to play again, M Swept although the audience plainly called between the lines of the Germ ans and fo r more. The program of the Glee A ustriana and the R ussians in th a t Club was made up of two p arts. The portion of R ussia known as the Pole, The following students in the Col­ firs t was devoted to songs, and the they have been le ft more m iserable second to a m instrel. Professor W. lege of A rts, G raduate D epartm ent, and desolate th an words can convey. E. M etzenthin directed the recital. Since the beginning of the w ar. the^e and E ngineering D epartm ent who oppressed peoples have been cared for made all “ A ’s” in the w inter term , b y the Jew s of Am erica, and of Eng- each carry in g at least four courses: land. N ow the demand is so g reat Charles P aul Boner, Bellevue; Alfre- th an a re the3e people Mr. M eyers’ firs t num ber w as a In it the player revealed M azurka. an exceptionally high touch, accurate fingering, and m arked in terp retativ e ^ W t h e Aret tim e 'in generations, ability. Many qualities of the virtu - aid is being asked of all. F o r the real oso were displayed, and should he con­ Am erican the solemn duty becomes a tinue his study of the violin he should pleasure for no people have ever ap­ go far. His last encore w as “ C arry preciated more the tru th th a t hum an Me Back to Old V irginny,” played without accompaniment and entirely w a s ju s t a stru ctu re of no value, the | w ith doubie st o ^ . The favorite m d- only p a rt th a t w a s used to any extent j ody drew prolonged applause. b e in g the band room which was the room under the tank where the band ity knows no creed.■ e n g e to us to J s principles which prom pted our I tran ce into th is war. ___ da Tips, Runge. The following students in the Col­ lege of A rts, G raduate D epartm ent and E ngineering D epartm ent v/ho made all “ A ’s” in fall and winter, e Longhorn s took the second and gam® of the series from S. M. U. rday afternoon by a score of 12 4 The game w as slow and unin- ting, and m ade listless by the ness of the p itc h e rs on both sides, icularly the v isito rs. A to ta l of bases on balls w ere issued, and of the visiting tw irle rs gave nine, stiff breeze m ade control of the ors have started work on the removal of the fam ous tank, and before many days have elapsed, one of the most historical spots on the cam pus will Rave a desolate, deserted look. In order the loss of difficult. •either of the selected h u rlers got Back in 1903, ju s t a short while a fte r the old A ustin dam went out, it was decided th a t there ought to be some sort of fire protection on the campus to counteract the lack of w a­ te r occassioned by the city ’s reservoir. to gain | this protection, the tank was erected. I t was painted a ligh t color and left to the ravages of time and the under­ In spite of the fact th at graduates. there seemed to be g rea t need for it a t the time it was built, the tank Instead it never saw active service. to a good s ta r t rked B. Pierce, b u t he issued walks four out of five m en t h a t faced him, je rk e d . B aker, was prom ptly , has been w orking o u t a t the local since his re tu rn fro m the service, rted for the L o n g h o rn s. He got to a bad s ta rt, and a f t e r w alking man, and h ittin g a n o th e r Coach the mound. soh sent B a rry to leer allowed one h it, b u t a p a ir of rsity errors coupled w ith his wild- ■s put him in a d a n g e ro u s hole. He plenty of stuff, an d wildness w as only trouble. Barry succeeded in holding the vis- j used In the sixth, is while he w orked. s replaced him , and allowed the runner to cross the plate fo r the A s it was never p u t to any useful the itors. w o rk , som e e n te r p r is in g student re­ the als had p ractically its decorative solved le a s t roe, Dave B arrow , who has held al- st every position on the field, w ent qualities could be im p ro v ed to a g reat for mound duty . “ Dave” did well I extent, and he consequently proceeded this new position, allowing b u t two j to p ain t his class num erals in bold football contests in the fall a n d the weekly concerts in bluebonnet time. a fte r cinched In the eighth, th a t a t for to congregate to prepare for the Running a close second to Mr. Mey­ ers was the q u a rte t composed of Messrs. H alloran, H orw its, P ark s and Elledge. A fter giving a M etcalfe- (Continued on Page 3.) TRACK TRYOUTS *\ MEET SATURDAY This afternoon a t fo u r o’clock th e Chicago W hite Sox will m eet Billy Disch’s crowd of horsehide sw atters. The local nine has been rounding into good shape and will m eet Kid Glea­ son’s trib e w ith all the pep th a t has been accum ulated fo r th e p a st tw o months. The game will be purely an exhibition m atch, b u t all the notables on both team s will a p p e ar in due form . Bib Falk will do the tw irlin g fo r the Longhorns. This southpaw m ay not have the goods on th e ball th a t C hristy M atthewson has, bu t he can baffle ’em rig h t along. W h at he lacks speed. in control, he m akes up in Grip Penn will do the receiving. G rip, although somewhat inexperienced, is coming rapidly to the fro n t. F a b e r and Schalk will probably be the Sox’s b attery. F a b e r has not been showing up as well th is y ear as he did in 1918, b u t is gaining speed same d*S * 4 a tic Ieach carry in g a t least four courses: j every day. Schalk ch» at 4 1 * ard v?ben they are, University Professors Swell Stipends by Writing New Books RUSK SOCIETY UPHOLDS CUSTOM OF OPEN HOUSE Snappy and eloquent oratory, vis­ its from friends, refreshing punch, well-seasoned with Rusk pep and sp ir­ it, were the m ain elements th a t con­ tributed to the g rea t success of the It Rusk open house Saturday night. was the firs t m eeting held in the old historic Rusk Hall this year and hence the celebration took on a double na- f Many text books covering a v a rie ty m etry,” and, with Prof. Charles Pur- year, he is co-author of the “ Survey o r’s Hand Book.” of subjects ranging from m athem atics to sociology and from engineering to foreign language have been w ritten by members of the faculty of the U ni­ versity of Texas w ithin the p ast few years. A num ber of these are used in the public schools of the S ta te as adopted texts and others are used in C. W , Ramsdell, and C. S. I otts are N o te d W o m & n YVill the U niversity of Texas and other colleges country. the authors of “ A School H istory of the the | Texas,” which is now used universities of I public schools. - r and in I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - “ D em obilization and Our N ew Standards'* “The History of American L itera- Among the authors of college texts I A m o n g the free public lectures to be is J. C. Townes, dean of the Law De- given this term is one tonight by Dr. lu re,” by Professor L. W. Payne, which has recently been adopted by pay m en t. His “ American Elemen- Ma b el S . U lrich of Minneapolis, Minn. the S tate Text Book Board, is ope of tary Law," “ Law Books and How to ^ entertaininK u s u r e r . .th e latest of these. Prof. Payne is Use Them, Texas Pleadings, and ^ ^ a™ aion were- W A. N a u g le , president J e ra ry Readings?” and tho S h a k e rs for the occa- also the author of “ Am erican Lit- “ Townes on T o rts” aer used in the Her subject will be Demobilization P ro f.. and Our New S tandards.” The speech who delivered the welcoming ad d ress; Spell. A High School and College! W. S. Simkins of the same depart- wUl be made at the U niversity Y. M. an C A. auditorium tonight. H er stay Judson Francis, ; m,‘nt sjnfe T hursday night has namesake. General Thomas Jefferson W. S. Sutton, dean of the Depart- J Sales, Rusk: Owen B arker, mentioning the j m ent of Education is co-author of E states rn welcomed by m any of the stu- to , U niversity Law D epartm ent. Equity, ^ j minis ra ion 0 speaking on the Book.” " n tt7 n „ “L earn o n t r ^ *xj'a; * Suit * ^ "and R ject The ideals of th e kusk JOhn !'■ AT Z R t k “ e .n O f t i " " 'j^ f te ^ th e speeches. Clunch and cake : Erijjineerinir D epartm ent, is the an J I were served. of “ Plane and Spherical Trigono- % r a y . r , I F U r n ;v»r siiA. it::J sz: an extrem ely interesting and pleasing ^ , . r S h u rte r, p r o f f e r of Public j talker. — (Continued on Page 3.) - o r k of H ealth Service. She h a , devoted herself to the U n,ted S tates Publ.c (C ontinued on page 3.) W hat^soiTfodaU W'hite Sox gam e . I n te r fr a je m ity contest, Dekes vs. Chi Phi. Dr. Ullrich lectures a t Y. Band practice. Tomorrow prize. O ratorical contest for Evans Ladies Club en te rta in m e n t for freshm en girls. Ju n io r trolley ride. Pieran m eeting. T H E D A I L Y T E X A N McKean, eilers co. ATTENTION I See that Universal AU-W ool Line—W . Suits every day. • are Phone 3438 “B” HALL PRESSING SHOP DODSON A BRADFIELD The best pressing, not the d . . . pMt Wholesale Dry Goods, Notions and Furnish­ ing Goods CAPITOL BAKERY W ILLIA M R U B E N S O N , P rop. t o * Bailli t o can ABOUT u n iv e r s it y p e o p l e E D IT E D B Y L. M. L. FIRST COLLEGE DAILY IN THE SOUTH Published on the campus of the University of Texas by the student body through the Publications Board every afternoon except Saturday and on Sunday morning. Office: Main Building, University of Texas, Room 155, Telephone 3149. Subscription price $3.00 per year—provided for students through the Student Activity Fee. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at Austin, Texas, under M the Act of Congress, March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3. 1917, authorized September 24, 1918. rn TEXAN ADVISORY BOARD: F. Edward Walker, *18, Editor-in-Chief. Gus F. Taylor, Jr., ’19. Pauline Wherry, '18. J . Turner Garner, *20.............................................................. Managing Editor. Nugent E. Brown, '2 0 ................................................................. Business Manager Leon Stanley, '2 1 .................................................................... Circulation Manager. STAFF TODAY’S ISSU E : Issue E ditor: Hill Cocke, ’20. Assistant: H. R. Cox, '21. REPORTERS: Frances Dorsey, '22 Sulema Jones, '19 J . F. Ayres, '22 Mable Singleton, '22 Louise Gladney, 22 Travis Moursond '22 W anda W hitman '22 WHERE ARE THE STUDENTS? Despite the article some time ago which listed several record- breaking prodigies in the University, the prospects are th a t if the student body does not aw ake to a realization of w h at it is here for, the local c h ap ter of Phi Beta K appa is going to languish with the next crop of degree candidates. There was a day when in every class th ere was a real “ scholar” to whom the ordinary ones looked fo r inspiration and incidentally for a i d ; but now such specimens if present have hidden th eir lights under several bushels. Not only has the species “scholar” fa d e d away, but the number on the fatality list of “gentlem en’s aver­ a g e ” has increased almost by columns. Many a fond fa th e r will welcome home an erring son as a result of a w inter of t)uz- zarddom . The Texan has ears enough to h e a r resolution a fte r resolu­ tion the week before finals to the tune of “ If I get through this time, I never will be caught napping again.” But the old time spring relaxation has hit us h a rd e r th an ever. The tem ptation to spend a week or two “ recuperating ” from the strenous men­ tal labors of cramming for finals has continued in increasing force as the days have grown longer. The Library has become a social center, a sort of tealess tea room ; the campus is the scene of a continued picnic from nine to nine, or later. The question is if there were more casualties than ever before on the D ean’s list last term when the flu ban was on and there were no Barton Springs trips, will the Texas have the honor loll as a space filler next fall. The fault is of course with the individual student, as well as the student body in general. Of course there is much tem p ta­ tion to loaf in a library crowded with jab b e rin g couch cooties, but it is rumored there are still left a few private rooms quiet enough for study to be possible, if difficult. We all pride our­ selves on being intelligent enough to pass our courses if we just studied a little. There is not the least need fo r grinds; w h at is needed is a vacation of an hour or two a day from the labors of having a good time. A student is supposed to study once in a while. ' It can be done. Try it. TRACK TRYOUTS MEET SATURDAY (Continued from Page I.) the others he stated th a t it was diffi­ cult to say as many of the men were not at their best and it is likely th a t they will improve before the next meet. The strongest events at present are the mile run, the shot put, the pole vault and the high hurdles. D. W. Waltmon, one of the strong­ est members of this year’s squad, has sprained his ankle and will probably be unable to join the team again this term , Coach Juneau stated this m orn­ ing. Waltmon suffered his injury several days ago and it was thought a t the time th at it would soon recover. L ater indications are, however, th a t it will prevent any participation for at least several weeks. The loss to the team will be understood when it is stated th a t Waltmon broke the South­ w estern record in the broad jum p and the Texas record in the high jum p while on the squad last year. included P articularly good records made S at­ urday the winning of the mile run by Gray, whose time was 4 min., 51 2/5 sec. This time was the best of the day, according to Coach Juneau. Gray also won the 880 yard ru n , m aking this event in 2 min., 9 4/5 sec. In the shot put, creditable show­ ing was made by Wilcoxin who hurled the pill for a total of 34 feet, 8 inches. O thers to reveal good form Saturday w ere Moss, B arren, Holbert, Brown, and Ferguson. Coach Ju n eau stated th at the meet w ith B aylor F riday promises to pro­ duce keen competition. The Bears de­ feated th e Southwestern Pirates by a huge score, and it is highly probable that they will capture certain events from the Longhorns. One advantage is the fa c t th a t they have participated in a contest while the Texans have had only practice thus far. The meet will be held F rid ay afternoon on Clark Field beginning a t 4 o’clock. In the three events omitted during the prelim inary S atu rday following have shown up best: Moss, Ferguson, and Brown in the low hurdles; Brown in the high jum p (distance 5 ft. IO and Brown, Ferguson, and in .); Blaisdell in the pole vault. The events Saturday, in the order of th eir oc­ currence and with the winners, were as folows: 120 yard hurdle—Moss, firs t (only co n testant). Mile ru n —Gray, f ir s t; B right, sec­ ond; Prim er, th ird ; Cox, fo u rth ; and C H A PEL NOTICE. The firs t poem th a t Mr. Lindsay read this m orning is one in im ita­ tion of a colored preacher’s ser­ mon. Several tim es in the poem the line “John Brown w ent to P a l­ estine" appears. Each time when Mr. Lindsay came to this line he chanted it off in tru e darkie style, and the listeners echoed back in chorus, “ W hat did he see in P a l­ estine.’’ Then would follow some wonderfully descriptive lines of John Brown’s experiences in the Holy Land. Another poem was "G eneral Booth’s E ntrance into Heaven.” The poet’s rem arks about the Salvation Arm y are not mere opinion, but are based on his p er­ sonal experience w ith the Army. Another on “ True Love” asserted in contrast to the ordinary love poem, th a t love is stern. By re ­ quest Mr. Lindsay repeated the little poem “The Sun says his prayers, said the fa iry .” Mr. Thos. W. Currie, secretary of the U niversity Y. M. C. A. will speak a t Chapel tomorrow morn­ ing. (Photo by Jensen-Raym er. ) LIND A LANCASTER. Linda L ancaster of Lockhart, is a fourth year academic student of the U niversity, and expects to receive her B. A. degree next year. Miss L ancaster has been an active worker in Y. W. C. A. the four year# she has been in the U niversity and was made president last spring term. She has served in th a t capacity the entire year. She is also a member of the Ashbel L ite rary Society. Miss L ancaster is very prominent in woman’s athletics. For two years she has been among the winning ten­ nis players and has been student as- sistan t in tennis. She is a holder of I a “T ” in basketball as well as th a t i she has won in tennis. She is a m em -1 ber of the Athletic Council. Griffin, fifth . Time, 4 min. 51 2/5. IOO yard dash— B arron, firs t; F e r - I t h i r d ; 1 guson, s e c o n d ; K arkack, Spikes, fo u rth ; and Holbert, fifth . Time IO 4/5 sec. 440 yard firs t; j Moss, second; K arback, th ird ; Well- hausen, fo u rth ; C hristian, fifth . Time 56 sec. ru n —Wilcoxin, 880 yard run—G ray, f ir s t; Ander­ son, second; B right, th ird ; Sansing. fourth. Time 2 min. 9 4/5. 220 yard dash— Holbert, f ir s t; B a r­ ron, second; Ferguson, third. Time 23 2/5 sec. Shot-put— Wilcoxin, firs t; Richter, second. Distance 34 ft. 8 in. Discus throw —Richter, f ir s t; Dit- j tert, second; McCallum, third. Dis- ; tance 92 feet. Javelin throw —Ham ilton, firs t; ! Holbert, second. Distance 19 ft. Meet me a t the Texas B arber Shop, 1008 Congress. SUMMER CAMP IS PROPOSED FOR GEOLOGY An advanced course in Geology com­ prising featu res of both work and pleasure is Geology 27-31 which will be offered by H. P. Bybee, adjunct professor of geology during the first session of the summer school. The course is open only to men who have had geology I. According to the latest plans the class will leave on about June IO for the w estern p a rt of Mason coun­ ty about 150 miles west of Austin. The camping site will probably not be within fifteen miles of any town, and the men will live in camp the en­ tire six weeks. This p a rt of Mason county has never been mapped by I geologists and p a rt of the work of j the class will be the m apping of the I rocks there. Expenses of the course will amount to practically the same as if it were given at the U niversity. I t is probable th a t only about fif­ teen men will be allowed to go as not more than th a t num ber can be successfully handled in this p articu ­ lar work. Men who have had Geo­ logy I, and are interested in taking the course are invited to call a t Dr. Bybee’s office, 301 Mail} Building, and discuss plans. ------------ o------------ Come to Palace Barber Shop for the best service, next door to Kress. ------------ o------------ T H E E V A N S O R A TO R IC A L C O N ­ T E S T : A ll th o se in te r e ste d , be sure to g e t the d a te fo r th e E v a n s O rator­ ical c o n te st on T u esd a y n ig h t, A pril 8, in m ind and be th ere. T he prise w ill be g iv en a t the L aw A uditorium w h ere th e m eet is to be held . CO M M ITTEE. Try a Texan Want Ad. Austin, Texas Established 1865 CARL MAYER CO. Jew elers — Silversmiths I Diamond Merchants Jew elry Made to Order and Repairs 618 Congress Avenue E Y E S EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED Broken Lenses Duplicated r a n ir J.ThosWard I V rlw lV ^ LEN SES Stelfox Co. O ptom etrist WUKASCH BROS. Cafe and Confectionery T elep h on e 4 0 0 7 2 2 1 8 -2 0 G uadalupe St. We Serve Late Breakfast The Walter Tips Company " Jobbers AUTO ACCESSORIES AND HARDWARE all times. Burd High Compression (tings. A complete line o f accessories for the auto j Cwr* U At water-Kent Ignition Snh- WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. ^ United Stat es Depositary The Austin National Bank of Austin, Texas RESOURCES $5,000,000.00 E. P. WILMOT, P resident Wm. H. FOLTS, Viee.PmMm, JNO. H. CHILES, V ice-President MORRIS HIRSHFELD, Cum*, C. M. BARTHOLOMEW, Asst-Cashier. Faculty and Students’ Accounts Solicited No Account Too Small to Handle The Citizens Bank & Trust Company AUSTIN, TEXAS The Guaranty Fund Bank This Bank is under the supervision of the Banking Com­ missioner of the State of Texas W e respectfully solicit the accounts of University students D. B. Gracy, President Eldred McKinnon, V. P. and Cube Leo Kuhn, Asst. Cashier. HOME STEAM LAUNDRY Solicits Students* Work 211 E. 5th Phone 600 YOUR PEN MADE LIKE NEW FOR 50c ANDERSEN a t GAMMEL’S BOOK STORE 911 Congress. Phone 1864 WILL SAVE YOU THE PRICE OF A NEW FOUNTAIN PEN A ny Make P en w ith A ny B reak R epaired. 25 Years Experience REPAIRING SHOES Try u* on your next pair. h e a t h r e p a i r s h o p . 923 Congress Ave., Cor. 10th UNIVERSITY BEAUTY PARLOR Hair Treatm ents, Facial Massage Cistern W ater and Sunshine MADAME LAURINE 2206 Guadalupe. Phone 1130 dee M. Silver at D r iS d jT lU r t^ Shop for a good sh st. T h e U n iv e rs ity o f Texas through THE d i v i s i o n o f e x t e n s i o n teaching OFFERS 250 COURSES BY CORRESPONDENCE . The high-ichool graduate who cannot attend c0'*e®e/ afforded an excellent opportunity for continuing his eo cation and keeping alive his habits of study. The high-school graduate who is going to coHe^ J furnished a chance to discover the character of c0! ^ courses and lighten his freshm an work. Many stud®h] fail in their first year at college because they are una to adapt them selves to college methods. The student feels out the situation by taking a correspondence coil greatly increases his chances of success when he am on the ground. The teacher may take a vacation and at the same ti®* add to his college credits. For catalog, write to the Division of Extension Teach­ ing, University of Texas, Austin. A. W. Griffith O. G. Eckhart G R IF F IT H D R U G CO. Where Quality Count* Scarbroug The Big, Suey, Beautiful Drag Store ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY TEXAN STUDENT PROCEEDS TO RUSSIAN PORT IN BEHALF OF Y (Continued from Pogo I .) and became a f ir s t lieutenant, being a machine gun instructor when the w a r ended. When he received his discharge, Mr. Sm ith returned to the local Y. M. C. A. to aid in the work for the benefit of returned soldiers. Mr. Sm ith was very popular w ith everyone here, and has a host of friends from whom a t his departure he received m any tokens of respect and friendship. He w as also attended to the station by a large crowd of well-wishers. UNIVERSITY PROFESSORS SWELL STIPENDS BY WRITING NEW BOOKS (C ontinued from Page I.) Speaking, is the author of “ E xtem ­ pore Speaking,” “ Public Speaking,” and “ Science and A rt of D ebate,” “ The Rhetoric of O ratory.” These books are used as college and U niver­ sity texts. In the field of foreign language, Prof. E. Prokosch has w ritten “G er­ m an for B eginners.” “ Introduction to G erm an,” “ Sounds and H istory of the German L anguage,” and several Ger­ m an reading or practice books. Prof. G. F. Hall is the author of “ All Span­ ish Method,” a tex t for first year Spanish, and “ Poco a Poco,” a sim ilar text. In the School of Economics, Prof. E. T. Miller is the author of “A F in ­ ancial H istory of Texas,” and Prof. A. B. Wolfe has prepared a book called “ Rreadings in Social Problem s.” - ------------ o GLEE CLUB MAKES BIG HIT BEFORE DALLAS AUDIENCE (Continued from p a g e I . ) Lyons ballad called “ Absent,” the singers w ent into the realm of the col­ lege song, where they were thoroughly at home. A fter several ditties were rendered they sang the following qua­ tra in : “We thank you fo r your kind applause We think it is immense, “ But we’re not going to sing our fool heads off, “ Because we’ve got good sense.” This seemed to be a challenge to the audience, because ihey demanded an­ other encore. in W. E. M etzenthin, associate profes­ sor of Germ anic languages the U niversity of Texas and director of the Glee Club, w as one of the soloists. His two num bers, F ay F o ster’s “ The Am ericans Come” and N eidlinger’s, “ Honey Town” were well received. Mr. M etzenthin has been director of the Glee Club fo r a num ber of years. In addition, he has the reputation of being “the all-around m an” o f the fa ­ culty, being an accomplished musician, actor, and as athlete, he has coached winning track and football team s. P a rt 2 of the program w as a min- LET US MAKE THAT E ASTER SUIT KELLY SMITH C le a n in g , P r e s a in g , T a i l o r i n g Phone 598 106 W . Sixth S t EASTER APRIL 20th Every man with intelligence enough to read the Texan realizes without any sermon from us, the dress requirements of the Easter season. You’ll find w e’ve combined intelligence with good taste in the suits w e’ve mobolized for your considera­ tion and we feel that our showing is the best ever pulled off in Austin. —they are hand-tailored $25 to $65 If you are going to spring a straw hat for Easter, we are with you. Come in and take a look. Everything a man wears— from Hats to Shoes. 6 /6 Cojsrui&$s*AvKtfuk WHAT IS THE ONLY UNPLEASANT PART ABOUT A PICNIC? Preparing the Lunch, of course. Leave your orders at the little Flower Shop, door south of Cactus Tea Room for a good home prepared box lunch. Sandwiches 5 cents and up. Home made cakes, pies, salads, stuffed eggs, potato chips, etc. Please give a few hours notice. PHONE 4084 R E A D I N G L A M P S E l e c t r i c S to v e s , C h a f i n g D is h e s , a n d C u r l i n g I r o n s JOHN L. MARTIN Sanitary Plum bing, Steam H eating, L ighting F ix tu res I- EASTER is coining! 111 ;; The Woods are Calling! I The Swimming Pool Beckons! Walk two blocks to A J G E R J E S U n iv e r s it y S to p . 1 6 1 0 L a v a c a ) strel, in which John Moon and Law­ rence H am ilton of D allas were th e end men. F. E dw ard W alker of A ustin j w as the interlocutor. I In addition to the Glee Club pro- I gram , Mrs. George S. W atson of D al­ las, a form er student of the U niver­ sity, rendered two vocal solos. She was accompanied by David Grove. L ast nig h t’s recital was given under the auspices of the senior class for the benefit of the “ F orester A nnual,” the yearbook of Forest Avenue High School. An audience of more than 350 persons attended.—Dallas News. Acacia F ra te rn ity held in itiation for the folowing l a n S atu rd ay a fte r­ noon and evening: Wallee L. F in ­ lay, Fred E. R ighter and J. C. B rad ­ ford. FOR THE BEST AND THE FRESHEST I n C u t F lo w e r s . P o t P l a n t s , P a lm s , a n d D e s ig n s ——a t th e s h o p a t t h e e n d o f t h e w e s t m a in w a lk . LONE STAR FLOWER HOUSE D o o r S o u th o f C a c t u s T e a R o o m P h . 4 0 8 4 2 2 0 6 G u a d a l u p e S t. Young Man, Answer the Call of Spring Waist-seam Suits $30, $35, $45 NEW, STYLISH— You’ll not find any styles more popular. They give young and youthful older men just what they want. Beautiful new fabrics— Clever pocket ideas. EDWIN CLAPP OXFORDS E. M. Scarbrough & Sons ANYTHING IN FLOWERS ANYTIME HYDE P A R K F L O R A L CO. Where Good Garden Seed are Sold Joseph’s Pharmacy 622 Congress Ave. SODA-FOUNTAIN SERVICE PAR EXCELLENT We use Sanitary Soda Cups as our fountain, and our drinks are the very best. Postal Sub Station Phones 325, 335 SO CIE T Y Lieut- Oscar Fannin, B. A., ’17, is -Ming fr ie n d s at the U niversity. He w sta tio n ed at the h eadquarters Division, CftmP T ravis. Sterling Fisher spent th e week-end In Taylor. jack Johnson, a member of the Leg­ islature th a t h a s ju st adjourned, is ^siting in A u s tin f o r a f e w d a y S * f a l t e r S c o tt L everett of Denton, •jj yisit friends a t the D. K. E. Jjouse this w eek. District Chief H a rt W illis visited Betas Saturday. Miss K itty McKenna is visiting a t the Zeta house. Miss K a th e rin e Horn has returned {roin a visit in San Antonio. Miss D o ro th y Cox visited friends In Taylor th is week-end. Miss L ennie Collom is visiting her lister in Texarkana, who i* quite ill. Miss Crystal Ross spent Sunday in Lockhart In Houston. Miss K a th e rin e Blakely is visiting Bob Rogers is attending the A. A. 0 Convention in New O rleans th is week- Lieut. Alva M cKnight spent the week-end in Austin visiting friends. Miss Rose B urnett of San Antonio Ii the guest of Miss Frances B radley. Miss Edythe Davis has moved to the Alpha D elta Pi house. Mr. Alfred Carroll of Chicago spent Sunday with friends in A ustin. Mrs. R. L. Lowry of D allas spent lait week at th e T ri Delt house. Miss Elizabeth H utchings is visiting In San Antonio. Miss Dora W itherspoon spent the week-end at her home in San Antonio. in Miss M a rc ia McDaniel visited Hubbard C ity Saturday and Sunday. Allan Sanford has returned from Waco. Dr. R oyster entertained fo r Mr. Vachel L in d sa y from fo u r to six on Sunday a f te rn o o n . Mr. Lindsay charmed th e g u e s ts by reciting some of his own poem s. Dr. K ern, p r o f e s s o r o f E nglish in Millsaps U n iv e r s ity , has been spend­ ing several d a y s in Austin. Dr. K ern will be p le a s a n tly remembered as a professor o f E n g lis h in the U niver- lity of T exas. retu rn ed Floyd S m ith h a s from Brownwood, w h e re h e has been on a business tr ip f o r th e past two weeks. Lieut. J u liu s Smith, who has ju s t returned fro m France, is visiting a t the Lambda Chi Alpha house. Mr. A rth u r Beard of San Antonio, has been v is itin g friends in A ustin the week p a st. Holford R u ssell has returned from a visit to his h o m e in F o rt W orth. Miss Jo se p h in e Robinson is visiting at her home in Weldon. George Son fie ld o f Beaum ont, who was in the University d uring the win­ ter term, is now speculating in oil a t Banger. Julius Smith and J. A. Blohm J r., *ere week end visitors a t the Acacia re­ House. turned after fifteen m onths service Id France. J u liu s Smith has ju s t Easter Is Almost Here W e have cards for men rn the service. Cards for other friends. Dainty gifts for this sea­ son. Bluebonnet pictures and a large collection of prints. % Qualitye Shoppe The Gift Shop of Austin 1104 C o lo ra d o S tre e t As SPRING comes into I lts N, we come into 0Ur OWN. Our dining room gives you an UN- EXCELLED v a n t a g e GROUND, from which to ' lew campus activities. The Cactus Tea Room OFFICIAL NOTICES Herron, Wichita Falls; Louis Jules j Preddy, Bay City; Anne Lewis Pres- Hexter, Dallas; Bess Bizzell Hines,; ton, Austin; Jack Degge Preston, Austin; Thomas Arthur Hodges, Aus- p arjSj Nathan Prujansky, New York tin; Carol Hoff, Yorktown; Clark Hol- i loway, Clarksville; Mary Edith Hous City; John Merwin Ratclif, Jasper; can , n ooo * - • • o a parade at b. Rehearsal postpone „ . „ CITV H l v n . PrM)are for a I ton, Corsicana; Winfred Hume, Aus- E^win Lee Rawlins, Ennis; Lola B e y -I tin; john Thomas Humphries. Oak- son Reese, Austin; Ruth Sara Reese,; VARSITY BAND. EJW*™ ' wood; Cleburne Huston, Henderson; Cedar Valley; Mary Elizabeth Rice, a Elizabeth Cousins Hutching*, Austin; Welch. West Virginia; Josephine Rotv „ e r r m r v T C . rnnl«« William Harry Jack, Corsicana; John jnson. Waelder; Kittie Fae Robison, HISTORY 9 o I , ^ are n0W Dr“ Lenoir, Jr., Jackson, Wichita Falls; j Austin; Elinor Emmy Rogers, Aus- M r s.!,:-, Ethel Olivia Jenkins, A ustin; Mrs. tin ; Lillian Roseman, San Antonio;; Jack Johnson, Austin; Richard Oscar Louis Rosenstein, F o rt W orth; Crys- ! Albert Jonas, Blanco; Everett Hoi* j tai Ray Ross, Lockhart; Lillian Ross, of land Jones, San Antonio; Sulema Mexia; Mary Eilzabeth Rountree, Jonc>> Hemphill; John Karling, A u - F o rt Worth; Pleasant Reid Rowe, E v e r y I On; Mary Alice Keblinger, San An- Livingston; Georgic Dillie Savage, t t r n n n T a vTrp oil mwitinir IMPORTANT r ' e f H r O f t h e H i s t o r y 9 Syllabus are now pro- curable at the Co-Op. F. DUNCALF. s . n A n t o n i o : i m . . • . F r o PRESIDENT. April 8, o p. m., member be present. o'clock' '-VII people enrolled in SPE A K E R S’ CLUB meeting Tues­ day night, Law Auditorium at 7:30. PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. will meef Tuesday at PIE R I ANS: Pierian Literary Socie­ ty will meet Tuesday afternoon. All members be there. tonic; Mildred Amy Kern, Alvin; Alice; John Thomas Schulz, Falls Alice Maude Ketchum, Galveston; c it y ; Elsie Zaffarine Scott, San An- Annie Ray Kieffer, San Angelo; Ab- tonio; Sadie Hampton Scovell, Dal- bie Rowena King, San Antonio; Clar- ja s . Winifred Helen Shelton, El Paso; ence H arper King, San Antonio; Rose j Richard Ellis Sherill, Haskell; John j Adelaide King, Placedo; Lena Clara Herman Shields, Glen Rose; Billy Koch, A ustin; Susan Emma Laird, OI- j Johanna Shinier, Cuero; Ruby Lee lie; Lois Melvina Lamar, Austin; Sa-1Shipp, Burnet; Lorena Ernestine Si- rah Winifred Lanham, Waco; M e r-1 m ank, Brenham; George Finlay Sim- ritt Tryon Lawrence, Austin; B e s s i e mons, Houston; Eyler Newton Simp- Keakley League, M artindale; Emily sont Dallas; Kathleen McKenzie Sims, Kathryn Lillard, Temple; Bernard B ryan; Alethea Holbert Sleeper, l l R<*x Rindsay’ M arshall; Milton Frank Waco; Eugene Rufus Smith, El Paso; the Henry Ling, San Antonio; Cecilia M argaret Orlean Smith, Cleburne; cordially invited to come. Charlotte Lott, Galveston; Renke Gu»- Jam es Nixon Sprangler, Galveston; tav Lubben, F rancitas; Ju lia Eugenia Virginia Irene Spence, Bonham; John Luker, Proctor; Jean McAllister, Da- < William Spies, Bonham; Ola Pauline r v C T U S S T A F F ~ Wednesday af- vison> Mich- Zora K ath r>’n McAnel- j Syrgley, Fort W orth; Anna Frances U nw on at 4 o’clock the members of hr, Hico; Jack Joseph McGrath, Deni- Stanfield, San Antonio; Mary Louise i t ♦ i t nill ut Flliotts for the *°n ^ M ary Eula Martin, W eatherford; Steele, San Antonio; Mary Alton The l i s t of those eligible win Helen Virginia Mather, A ustin; F l o r - 1 steussy, Austin; Mary Lyda Stokes, e n c e Graham May, Tolbert; Marguer- Lampasas; Oscar Robert Strackbein, ite Claire Meyer, Galveston; Maude Rock Springs; Henry Wiley Stras- Josephine Milam, Waco; Erin Lucille burger. Temple; Helen Dolores Suche, Miller, Austin; Jarvis Elmer Miller, San Antonio; Robert Seth Taylor, F t. Beeville; Virginia Miller, Austin; Al- W orth; William Giles Thomas, Aus- fred Joseph Mitchell, San Antonio; Ufo; Mary Bell Thrasher, Austin; A n t o n i n St Thomas Orvin Mitchell, Donna; Helen , Mildred Elise Turner, Dallas; Audra FRESHMAN GIRLS: The Univer- sity Ladies Club will be at home to the girls of the class of 1922 Tuesday, P be published in tomorrow's paper. THE COMMITTEE OF ONE. epi j^e »j-a RY-TREASURER. tv Club House 2304 San Antonio bt. This party was planned for Ja n u a ry Montgomery, Austm;.B lan ch e Wakefield, Austin; Ages, lams Wilson I 14 and postponed on account of the fra n c e s M orns Seymour; M argaret Walker, Jr., Dallas; f r a n c , , Edw ard, Moses, Burnet; Bouldin Shivers Moth- Walker, Austm; M argaret Ward, Vie- ershead, San Benito; Robert Sylvester toria; Kell C. Ward, Houston; Myrtle Munger, Waco; Amy Lou Murphree, Watkins, Henderson; William Archi­ p i n ] O. r e t a i n Lochwitzsky will Qu a n a h i M argaret Myrick, Austin; bald Whatley, A u stin ; Pauline Wher- M. I , t u , . i o T a l ' William Alvin Mangle, Polytechnic; ry> Austin; Fred J a y White, Dallas; ? k no e groups until White Slavery Juvenile Courts and month Elizabeth Carle Nelson, F o rt W orth; Wanda Willson Whitman, C a r th a g e ; 1 Annie May Nether, Laredo; Malcolmn Anr.ie Wilkinson. Austin; Mary B. Erneat Nor. w |n r f o rd t w h a rto n ; Flora Riviere I 1 _ 4 j; , ‘ , I . . . . . . . . ,j . 0 ” 0PhUf..° . ' the date and come to the Girls Study | Hall at 7 p. rn. j _ Watch man<1’ Belton; Albert Lee O'Banion, Williams, San Marcos; Helen Fisher Williams. Calverton; Elizabeth Wins- Austin; Marion Greenleaf Paul, Rio low, Brownwood; Charles Joe Wins- Pearce, Los Angeles, Calif.; Benjamin ton, Breckenridge; Lee Wolflin, Ama- R rn N F Y I \N IE R * Imoortant busi- Nicholas Reck- Gonzales; Wilma Hall rillo; Ralph Rutledge Wood, Houston; Pleasants, Austin; Lottie Mae Plum- Hope Yager, Austin; Mrs. Mary Ruth ' P l e a s a n t * A u s t i n - T . n t t i n M a p P l u m - H r , n n V o r m r A l i e f i n • M i r a M n r v P. n t h mer, Huntsville; Eugenia Tabitha Yarbrough, Austin; Ruth Yeager, Porter, Austin; * ness meeting at 4 o’clock Tuesday, in room 204 of Main Building. Ail members be present. James Reynolds I Cleburne. AT? J -------- .. -■■■ _ J --- _ V ~ ~ ' . ' . ' I SAVE TIME B Y READING THE ADVERTISEMENTS What do yuo want— a hat, coat, suit, a pair of shoes, gloves, a cravat? Or do you want to send flowers to someone? Or perhaps candy. Maybe you need some books or stationery. Of course you are busy and haven’t time to look in all the stores for just the article you want. So for your convenience the merchants tell you through the advertisements just what they have. If you read them, you are sure to find the best place to buy. No merchant would spend money advertising if his merchandise were not of good quality and fairly priced. It wouldn't pay. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS CAREFULLY. THEY WILL SAVE TIME AND MONEY. TH A T IMPORTANT LESS ill ISI K S i i T O * PR ESID EN T. PIERIA N LITERARY SOCIETY will have a meeting Tuesday a fte r­ noon at 5 o’clock in Room 204 of M. B. Every member be there. PRESIDEN T. “B” HALLERS: All “B” Hall men be on the fourth floor promptly at 7 p. rn. Dr. Sackett will conduct the program. VINCENT LANFEAR. HONOR ROLL FOR FALL AND W INTER TERMS PUBLISHED (Continued from page I.) Jacksonville; Cartwright, San Antonio; Drue De Garmo Christner, Mercedes; Layton Cochran, Sanderson; Roy Clarence Coffee, Paradise; Brady Nixon Cole, Hearne; Ellene Collins, Austin; Mary Pearl Codons, Alvin; Clara Elizabeth Corbin, Sulphur Springs; Henry Reaves Cox, Austin; Mattie Ella Cra­ vens, Winched; Francis Marion Craw­ Jessie Belle ford, Cumings, Rosenberg; Lance Eugene Dabney, San Saba; Maurice Nathan Dannebaum, Houston; Eugene Elmer Davis, Port Arthur; Frances Martha Davis, Trinity; Weldon Walker Da­ vis, San Antonio; Arthur Deen, Aus­ tin; Sue Denny, Crockett; Thelma Anne Dillingham, Austin; J. Lee Dit- tert, Cat Springs; Wiley Hassell Don­ ation , Temple; Joseph Rutherford Dunlap, Cleburne; Margaret Adele Du Puy, Quanah; Louis Borgella Du­ quette, Houston; Hula Eberle, San Antonio; F l o r a Isabel Edmond, Wabp; Kate Eppright, Maxwell; Bess Reagan Ferguson, Palestine; Phil Moss Ferguson, Waco; Gladys Eliza­ beth Flamson, Grandview; Bessie Forgotston, Gonzales; Pauline Regina Frank, Austin; Albert Gonzalo Gar­ cia, Austin; James Turner Garner, Cisco; Chester William Genue, Aus­ tin; Minnie Giesecke, Austin; Flor­ ence Gill, Austin; Mary Louise Glad­ ney, Bonham; Sallye Cavitt Graves, Cuero; Ethel Gray, Austin; Joe Han­ nah Gray, Austin; Howard Price Green, C u e r o ; Frances M a r i o n Greene, Douglassville; Lola Greer, Cameron; Sidney Griffin, Gonzales; Newbern William Guinn, New Braun­ fels; Annie May Hamer, Austin;] George Whitfield Deluz Hamlets j Bynum; M argaret Barnett Hardie,; El Paso; Mary Thornton Hardie, E l, Paso; Ruth Harrell, Brownwood; Al- marine Harris, Cleburne; Davis H ar­ ris, Mt. Enterprise; Helmuth William Hartman. Austin; Armede Hatcher,; Fort Worth; Lenora Louise Eva Hell- Hondo; Robert Gibson Payne, Dadas; Helen Peak, Dallas; Burton Larabee niuth, Bellville; George Arthur Hen­ derson, Paris; Emmett Grady Hen­ drix, San Antonio; Hortense Rene Henenberg, Dallas; Mary Hampton Hancock OPERA HOUSE TODAY AND TUESDAY CORRINNE GRIFFITH IN “MISS AMBITION” W ednesday and Thursday “DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS” IN “ARIZONA” Friday and Saturday JOHN BARRYMORE IN “ON THE QUIET’ Prices IO and 20 cents. Continuous from 2 to 11 PALACE of SWEETS M anufacturer of High Grade Candies and Ice Cream. FRUITS, CIGARS AND TOBACCOS. Old Phone 1544. 420 Congress Ave. Austin J LOST—Pi Phi pin on Friday on Campus. Please phone Virginia Al­ len, 1159. LOST.—One gold mesh purse with tossel. Finder phone 1674. FOUND.—A small mesh bag April I, on campus. Phone 2052 for further information. LOST.— Gold and black fountain pen between McFadden’s and 1912 Nueces. Finder phone 4423. Initials N. B. P. LOST.—Will the party who found the gold mesh bag between the Cac­ tus Tea Room and Mrs. Muckleroy’s please return same to the Texan office and receive reward. LOST—Gray raincoat at Woman’s Gym on Saturday night. Finder call Mary Page Maltby, 3024. LOST—A Conklin fountain pen, with a ring in top, between Main and Woman’s Building. Building Finder phone Mab Harrison, 314. FOR RENT.— To young men. Fur­ nished rooms connected with sleeping porches. Reasonable. Corner East 22nd and Tom Green Sts. Raines Mansion. Phone 2413. FOR RENT—During the summer months, large brick house, 13 rooms, corner 21st and Rio Grande Streets. Phone 1325. Advertise in the DAILY TEXAN. L E SS Has MONEY \ DENTISTS Modern Ethical Dentistry LESS ER.Al.NETHEKf.MGR. AUSTIN. TEX ■N IC K LINZ CLEANING PRESSING Phone 2 6 5 2 ^ | Shining parjT1 I e n Co Bi WAGNER CAFE AND CONFECTIONERY c. G. WAGNER, Prop. Short Order*, Lunches at All Hours, Stationery. C«j Cigars, Tobaccos, Etc. 2111 Speedw ay WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR YOURS The CO-OP windows are alw ays full of the latest things needed for the track, tennis court, ball diamond, or swim. ming pool. Come in and price them and compare quality and price with the others. W e have a complete line at all times, if not, we can get it for you. Thanking you^ C O- OP WORN ZZ ATHROUGH F HAVE YOUR SHOES RE. MADE BY EXPERIENCED WORKMEN It’s a g re a t saving. W e also do Cleania| and Pressing. Suits pressed 25c. Work G u aran teed . GEO. K. ALLEN Phone 4597. Old Cozy Corner 2400 Gold, DONNELLY & WHITE Plumbing, Heating and Electrical Supplies ' k e l t t y a t s M y quality pencil in the world e x c e l s i o r market Bomi, P o rk , Veal, Mutton, Luh Home Rendered Lard. Dmnf; T r ia l sam p les o f VENUS pencils sent tree on request. American Lead Pencil Co. N. Y. 215 Fifth Ava, D«pt. I O f a ll sta tio n ers ated stares th ro u g h o u t th e w o rld . GRAHAM’S Cold and Hot Drinks Candies, Cigars, Stationery DRUGS Meet Me Here 9th and Congress UNIVERSITY CASH GROCERY STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES JUST IN— Some fine oboe- colate and box candies. Advertise in the DAILY TEXAN. QUALITY MUS Manufacturer* High Grade Flour and Ce** Product* Austin, in . - - * . Te»» FOR PROMPT!®* ■ and SERVICE! lied in getting that suit, s« ^ i n yesterday s cleaned and press® -call- BIGGS & *#■ Phone