F I R S T C O L L E G E D A I L Y I N T H E S O U T H Eleven m o r e alumni will he w'th uh days and our v Are 4* * * dad they a r e c o r n i n * •T« T + + 4 . + + + + + + + + + + + * * 4- V -2* * -2* + * * * * * % S h o r t h o r n s “come See the hack" "hen p irate-ettes on they face the 4* ( lark Field. 4* £ * * * * * * * * * * * * * ________ • « VOL- XVII. va rsity scru b s lo ck h o rn s w ith m ethodist team shorthorns Meet Young Pirates Fleld Texas Shorthorn ^ From G e o rg e to w n on Today at 3 O clock. mu Tpvas Shorthorns w ill I th ! P irate scrubs from G eorge- clash a s s e m b l y m a k e s CONTESTS t o d a y “ AUSPICES” CLEAR MAY DETERMINE X* l a ! a . win neb Defines Word as Used in Constitution and Relating to Charges of Recent Violations. The S tu d en ts’ A ssem bly defined the word “au sp ices,’ as it is used in Sec­ tion 2, A rticle I, of the constitution of the S tu d en ts’ A ssociation, at a called AUSTIN’. TEXAS. SATURDAY, “THE OLD SOUTH” SUBJECT OF TALK a t y a u d it o r iu m Miss Mildred Rutherford.^ Historian, Lectures on I . D. 1 Life on the Old Plantation COUNCIL TAKES TEN TOUCHDOWNS IN NEW OFFICERS PILED UP AGAINST O fficials Recently Elected in W o m a n s O r g a n is a t io n S y ste m E x p la in ed . Installed o in t SAN MARCOS TEAM * 'iM Fast Freshman P la y er . Swamp Hap- tu t Filet en 69 to 0 In Walkover Game—To Play H u n t.tille. Daniel Baker and T. C. t . P ity at Brownwood; Baylor Goos (gainst Okla. A. X M. , Bv Ed A n g ly ) W hile no team but A. and M. has s l i g h t e s t chance of g ettin g unquestionable grasp on w e s t e r n title, ye v title, y et several •The history of the war has been , presented wrongly, * , „.r o n d v “ said Miss Mildred sk ile s took her place as second vice Smith and Bu ^ • historian of the president, and Treble am m i . getting an i yn p'p ^ n ’aughters of the Confederacy, i the r ♦ Via hat- S o u t h - 1 United................. in a lecture on ^ South of Y ester-| from the Freshman cb as. Eugenia Welborne. president ^ y f e on the 0ld plantation, at last j Council, gave a talk on Gir s, an v \1 C A Auditorium last Auditorium A . * ^ Y. M. t - A. nuu.v r of ti I „ , Their Relation to All of the recently elected officers of the Woman’s Council were i n s t a l l Miss Leta at a meeting last night E ttlinger’s fast Freshmen slaugh- terod the San Marcos B aptist Acade­ my football team yesterday afternoon Clark Field, defeating the Bap- one-ai«led score of 69 to 0 . sic Fisher were installed as members ^ ^ ^ . ^ ------------------ u ™ v , Tpn . . I toUehd.wns were made. Greer kicked nine goals. This is th -------- ------ Student Self-Gov- Aden made g am«' this year in which he as ffnai. The ball ' ,r; * failed to ki k every goal. The was far to the aide and the angle a ll '”'n r '' flffle u lt one, and he just barely m is.- M , hf ball hit the up- u ^ mMiss Anne M u c k l e s , cha,. hairman o f explain- gh t and bounded back into th e field . to be staged on Lone Stat gria- have a weighty bearing x 4 irons today on The final settlement of the T. \ A . c h a m p i o n s h i p , and, in the event o f no u n d e f e a t e d eleven at the end of eracy are t • . afternoon a t 3 o’clock on m ee tin g y town tm* Clark Field. mural game this afternoon F rosh -S op h intra- jng to th e decision of the A ssem bly, th a t w as scheduled for «a dance is given under the auspices h a s b e e n postponed, and 0f a student or group of students, when the student or group of students esterday afternoon. A ccord-1 the WiU b< shorthorns0 go ^into the game contribute in any w ay toward the e x ­ de term it ThC hied’ to w ipe ou t th e 13-61 de- ad m in istered to them penses of said dance. F urther business was taken up, and v l u n g P ira tes in th e clash at p e r m i s s i o n w a s g r a n t e d S i l a s Rags- th t!! A w n at the fir s t o f th e season. daie to u s e the ( actus [ y r T l U W alker h as been w orking s p e c i a l T h a n k s g i v i n g e d i t i o n c u t s toi th< of he t h e line and d evelop in g th e inter- T exan. on ference mates that the score will surprise ut Georgetown. of the Shorthorns. He m ti- th is afternoon those who saw the game A definite line-up w as not announc­ ed v,.u n l a y aftern oon , but it rn prob- that p ractically th e sam e men in bl ““ll face each other th a t hued up the first contest. Season books w ill su ffic e for I mittance to the gam e th is afternoon RULES DRAWN UP FRESHMAN-SOPH GAME PUT OFF I n t r a m u r a l Clash Between First and Second-Year Men Posponed Be­ cause of Scrub-Pirate Contest. The Freshm an-Sophom re intram ural for this gam e that w as afternoon has been postponed on ac­ the Shorthorn-Pirate con- count of th a t w ill he staged on ( lark I leal scheduled test at 2; Regulation# Made Regarding Eligi* hilitv of Flayers in Intramural Ba ikethall League. :J o’clock. The F reshm en and Sophom ores will little m atch o ff Monday their aru ,n oon , and if portable, decide the teams -la.- the nnntO o f to- the season, the re su lts of some of to day’s games will affect the placing of teams when Thanksgiving rings down the curtain on the great­ est year of upsets ever witnessed in S o u th w es te rn football circles. Daniel Baker Undefeated. Daniel Baker College, boasting of ; the only undefeated ! sta te of Texas, tackles T . < • U- eleven in « afternoon at Brownwood. The m il Hillte- have not been scored upon tins have played i season, and while they few team s o f high standing, they con­ tend that the State cham p.onshtp WHI the event of a victory The odds favor be claim ed in over the C hristians Daniel Baker. Baylor goes ter, Oklahoma, A g g i e s homa into action at Stulw a- today, w ith the <>kla- a s o p p o n e n t s ^ DauKhtera of the Confed- 1 em inent."- Mise Eunice Ade right the wrongs some well put romar . MSK >, Miss __. V . nnrn tlirill Kin Committee, R utherford w ent on to ex p lain th e o i« a n i« t io n ~ m " ,tUth# CouncU n , *“ v" H v’«f the m asters to their ed the organization ox un.- at which th e N orth so rigidly M iss P auline W herry, Vire prr-rnlen . r sla v es, o f w hich m e * h e , r d “ grounded. scnption of the home in t on plantation and the congenia 11 y a friendliness existin g between the mas-, tor’s fam ily and the slaves. s s . Sha’then K .V. . vivid d e -j sity. No girl can have "-ore than f„ ,m th(, old twt,lvc point,. President of the Worn- s ' of the Ath- nresident an ^ ^...... ^ ^ nri.Hident of the Y. lot ic Council, and president C. A. each count the point sy stem ^ ' “ r t ' Miss Rutherford discussed the chiv­ “(>h! alry of the old South. the S ou th !’ she that the boys o f today only ^ e j i remnant of that old chivalry, though the old She added chivalry exclaimed. of it will never die. In taking up the civilization o t eight points. W. President of a literary society, mem­ ber of the Y. W. Cabinet, each count six points. Captain of basketball or baseball team counts two points. < lass president of a social club or ‘ o f tho th(. Assembly counts J one point A fter the business m eetin g a soc ial wan enjoyed. Hot tam ales ^ HnRt » T e X d ml l T d ' th at w ere served, and aome .t u n ., were ■“ S 1 em Mg ine . B o th '" h i sou th has never been surpassed, performed in the "state whose goal I tion in a n y other country in the T SHOOT SCHEDULED FOR RIFLE CLUB - r - The initial the fjr ft m in u U touchdow n w as made p lay. The ^ wo[) th# to s„ and kicked to the play line. On the first forty-yard Hamilton intercepted a forward pass and ran thirty-five yards through a the next play Hace broken field. On over the line for a carried the ball touchdown. The touchdown was made when the Baptists kicked to the Freshman fo rty -yard line, w hew Race received the ball and ran through San Marcos eleven for a second the entire counter. I# S e v e n T o u ch d o w n s in U r a l H a lf. Seven touchdowns were made dur­ ing the first half. The ball was car- rind by Ruch, Cox. Race, and Hamil­ ton for long rum through tho entire Bapt,-I line. The feature o f the game came a t tho end of the second g a r ­ ter, when Race received the kick-off I on hia twenty-yard line, and plowed eighty yards through the field for a touchdown. During the third quar­ ter to u c h d o w n s were made by Graves and Calhoun, who plunged the line for Tho committe on rules and regula- Lions, consisting of Director W hitta­ ker. Herritt, and E. T. Jones fo the rooming house intramural basket­ the follow ing ball league, adopted rules regarding the players, a a meeting yesterday. 1. A man shall be permitted to rep­ ,hich he lives, resent the house in w provided he is an eligible. 2 . A man is not e l ig ib le if la ) he has received a letter for basketball at the University of T exas or any sim i­ lar institution; (b ) he is on the ar- sity or Freshman basketball squads. In case of a failure of a team to appear for a scheduled game, the .aid game shall he forfeited by that 3 . \ i i dem ic cham pionship. Both team s have been working hard last. The Fresh- since tney men have scalped the Seniors in the nd have high hopes of th ey played . , meantime, ai downing their Soph rivals. The line-up w ill be as fo llo w s. Freshmen— Lyle Baker, C.; Tolbert, L. G.j Barnum, L. T.; Wilson, L. b.; I’oeke, R. G.; W illiams, R. T.; H an ­ ders, It. E-; Leake, Q. B.; Simms, I.. IL; Barnes, F. B.; t ook, R. H Sophom ores—Barnwell, C.; L. G.; G ullet., U T . ; W Freeman, R G.; Gray, R. Un, R. E.; Scott, Q. B.; Moas, L. IL. Baldwin, F. B,; Goodly, H. • • O f f i c i a l s — Van Gent, referee; mar, umpire; Beall, h e a d l i n e s m a n Din- euss, U U . team. 4 . All exceptional or disputed cases of eligibility or ineligibility shall be referred to the com m ittee on rules and regulations. All of the house intending to be represented in the league must so re­ port to Mr. W hittaker. ^ “This is extrem ely necessary,’ saic Mr. W hittaker, “because practice is to begin immediately, and a list ol those e intending te play m ust be in when schedule is made out, which wil e done within the next few days. RUSSIAN SPEECHES WILL BE MADE AT BANQUET TUESDAY f o u r t h DIMENSION WILL BE DISCUSSED I N P U B L I C L E O TI R E Dr. A. A. B e n n e t t will give a public lecture, under the public lecture se- next term on the Fourth Dimen- nos, sion n e cviiivo i s • - “ - “ — where he has been na«t two years. i s » ; ] Members of the Mathematics fac-| ally are often questioned cem enting t h Dimension, the theory of the F o u r Dr. Bennett promises that SPECIAL EDITION TURKEY DAY. A fter dinner a program w ill be ren ­ T h a n k s g iv i n g edition for the Home- The Texan will put out a This is Dr. B ennett’s fir st year at “T exas.” He comes from Princeton . i q iteronaB p'ayed % *[*'two '"“s h e a v e a fa 'r T n a T q u lr e tr e a t-| T„ „ R„„ge A r il... W ill Meet G « r - > origination of slavery in u Tefh . and I 'e r h .p . Texan A. long gain*. aginst the Rolla Miner.. « n > r f importance a™ u tU le gtern teams afternoon. Texas T I remain at home to makej r e p a - for their clash on < lark Mtio lions Text Tuesday. 1 The record of the Pirates this year the record of nearly is us e r r a t i c a s is but they have hi h is every team in T cxas’ a well-balanced machine which u (Ling to make Van Gent s men e x ­ tend themselves next Tuesday. 1*1.AY ( AST C OM PLETE. further declared that the S ou th -1 place later in erner wan not reaponstble, ami thai w illing at all tim es the gradual he, as a rule, was to institute a emancipation of slaver} law for She fa n n e r a erner was not repugnant to tho thir­ teenth amendment to the constitution, hut it was the amendments that ime- mediately the Soutlfem er and inimicabte altitude to- North that will last until a true and ,ard the th e S o u th e r n e r that gave followed is g iv e n * fa ir r e p r e s e n ta tio n in h isto r y . ^ ^ ^ ^ K M. and Okla. A. A M. ^ Texas and A meet between the rifle clubs of to take Georgia Tech., the year, has been defi- gcheduled, according to G. M. Rifle in all la b ilit y take place are with Texas Merril. president of the Texas that will Club. Other m eets pre A. & M, and Oklahoma A. A M . Three squads of about twelve men each have been going regularly each week to Camp Mabry- range for prac- The three hundred yard slow D irector W. S. H endrix has chosen the cast o f the second Saptsh Iplay. “L a , Solteronas." There -la n d in g roles, all ot the parts t rather evenly balanced. women roles will be placed 3 } . Margarter M c G i l L Bern.ce^Stelle, and ^ Messrs, the male characters. R e h e a r s a l* on "Los ^ U l o n e a ^ E dith Bonnett. N am i are the m ale The t o m ' ^ O R D E R E D BY PHONE ---------------------------- HUNDRED SEATS ti ce. fire range is being shot now, and will! continue to lie until after ( It is the most d ifficu lt range on I c list. Among the new men showing up especially well, according to Mr. Alumni of Texas and A. ^ M. < ‘>1 M irril. ac* V. C. Dillon, P. H. Green, ,)lock from “Z " ''v. , - 1 and S. A. William*. Mr. W illiam . KROM WACO V U MNI ^ ^ --------- Waco by long di.tance telephone y cS j ^ ^ the rfvrord for a 'w a s expert . . ^ n -p o in te r for . . ,1 . J B i . , . . V ............. ~ ' H'X and' terday. ^ This ta Darnel! and loge ordered The San Marcos team braced up during the fourth quarter and held the Freshmen to one touchdown, which was made by Race, who carried the ball for forty five yeards, and on the next play crossed the line for the tenth touchdown of the gam e F ro sh G oal E n d a n g er ed O nce. Only once was th e F re sh m e n goal in flanger, when an a tte m p te d field g o a l from the th ir ty -y a r d lin e failed by only a few inches. The B a p tists were clearly and only fo u r tim e s d u rin g th e e n tir e game did th e y m ake fira t d o w n . The Freshman w a i | n perfect running order, und their interference running is not in by any team in their clasi o u t-c la s s e d , the State, Every man played a good runs by Race, game, and the long I Graves, Rach, Cox, and Hamilton . makes the outlook for the Huntsville t i 'I* ' i Normal game encouraging for I. J. Potts, former A. & M • He also qualified as expert rifleman ( ^ ^ in str u c t foul- yoar* As soon s e - S C learned, r e n e a .» » y. The mem s 1 as the lines are Reiimont m ade the reservati will be held daily La Tertulia are Hintelv amount of interest in these two p lay., blately. which promise to be quite successful. an unsual Bellmont _ taking t for ^ 8eaU and e s a ation imme- e EVANS W INS MATI ll Evans won the tennis m a c r o n , Granger yesterday afternoon, 6-4, 8-4. a result of The match was played as a challenge by Granger. realized. All these seats are for residents of Waco, who are also graduates of one or the other of the two institutions. s e sale of tickets continues brisk Mid the hopes of having the biggest ( (roWd rn Austin on Thanksgiving Day A which has ever been drawn by interest in college activities seems sure to be contests. ^ ‘ guns in the United States Navy forj p w #hm tn. This gam e will be played ___ ________ vom.nit to TOMS before com ing to Iexas. | ^ ^ Saturday before Thanksgiving ^ one q{ the hardest of the but there ii little doubt as to seu son, the outcome, if E ttlin g e i’s men con­ tinue to play the class of football they showed yesterday afternoon. in the Navy twice. Just three old men who are eligible this year, for the team s are back leaving three places yet to be filled. Qualified T’s are awarded to the rifle- tnu who shoots in the majority of the n r A T C D H I I A BEATS KULLA ______ Aggies Swamp Missouri Eleven by Score of 7 7 to 0 on College S ta­ tion Gridiron. The line-up was aa follows: Freshmen— Barrow, C\; Green, R. G,; Cannon, L. G.J Gregory, R. T. Greer, L. T.; Tynan, R E*i Wickhne, L E,; Race, Q. B.; G rave,, R H ; Hamilton, L. H.; Rach, F . B. San Marcos—Box, C.; Kanggs, R G.; Taylor, I- G.; Lilea, R T.; Hooker, I T.; Hare, R. E-I Copass, L. E.; De- lisle, Q. B.; W olff, R. H.; Jones L. IL; CT u r thousand copies of an advance issue will be mailed o u t next Mednes- the State to adver­ ^ over are, James vs. Gregory y m d t0 act the ca -, wri|?ht vs ^ Thomas vs. Baker, I icken. , Faust vs. Sw ift, Drum- Bradley, Scurry vs. Sellars £ ! h ,ch r L s n s s s * to day --------- The Aufjtin High football team left for Beaumont u ,rday at noon w i l l talk t.-e tn i,v of an invitation to be present j x h o m a s , and Bolanz vs. Jones. ---------------------------------------- . i day Biographies of some o f | Coach Penick states that lf -tim ers” at the University wtl of interest S °" the “old be included, and things around the U niversity will be played good excuses are failing to appear matches. will no real offered, the players forfeit their Special to Texan. where they will meet the Beaumont High eleven in a contest for the Scut this afternoon. T exas championship College Station, Tex., Nov. I i . —A & M. walked over the Missouri State School of Mine? here this afternoon, the final score being 77 to 0. The gam e was full of .cnaational run, by 4- 4- 4* 4* 4* 4* 4- * * * * ^ I Mitchell of the A ggie backfield. Rolla f ; had n oth in g, but fought gam ely. T y , made but three fir st dow ns, and nevei *:* g o t inside the A g g ies' th irty -fiv e-y a rd CALENDAR. * T Today. Shorthorns snortnuriia play Southwestern scrubs on ( lark 3 p. rn. While, P. B. Substitutes— Freshm en, Bergstrom for Barrow, Anderson for ( annon, Young for Cannon, Burkhalter for Gregory, Blakely for Burkhalter, Por­ ter for Tynan, Calhoun for Race, Mc- Cullogh for Graves, Cox for Hamil­ ton, W illiams for Rach; for San Mar- l\ v Z ne iv They I co., B ea k s for Box, Miller for Knaggs, worth for Taylor, Camp for Hollingswi Hare. O fficials—Van Gent, referee; W hit­ taker, umpire; Lang, head linesman up. ___ ____ g l e e c l u b r e h e a r s e d A fter six weeks of competitive try out. thirty-three men who have been X, thirty- definitely selected, attended Glee Club _jfin itely s< rehearsals last night Several songs have been learned this fall, and attention was given to working out the expression of these Since the club has been cut son e, dow n to a more workable body, it w ,U not be difficult to put these so n g ^ i ^ LO put. The date and place ot concert form the fall concert has not been deter , but it will be held in the -------- HILDEBRAND TRIES CASE. Due to the absence of one o f * , members on the program, the Htlde brand D « Society did not try its scheduled case, but held a trial rn the justice of the peace court. The case w as styled Anatto N a­ tional Bank vs. U n iv .rsity Cmope™- T 4* tive Society, involving a not* C P. Engelking, L. L. B.. president of H U d e ^ n d ,^ s t o « L werg| — dormer | V ship. ^ G r i f f i n nnd J. U Sheppard; at- Field. 8 p. rn. Regular German at K. C. Hall. Tomorrow. Sunday 9:45-12. school and church in places of wor­ Monday. 3 p. rn.—Frosh-Soph intra­ mural game on (la rk Field. % « « ■ % R IC E D O W N S S . M. I _________________ 144 TO 3. 4* j . Special to The Texan. ^ Houston, Tex., Nov. 17.— Rice, by 4» playing a wonderful game, won easily 4 . from S. M. U. by a score of 144 to 3 he 4 . on her own grounds *!• Owls chowed nplendid team work ar.d particularly offensive today. 4 * their UniversityH'neighborhood, if possible. H ess and A.fit SS* were LD'|J++++++++*++++ tom eys included an nresident of U. was not able to address by R. E v mson, president o Y esterday’s program - was - - than a sin gle field goal. > the U niversity of Texas. trong. make more S. M. PREXY A D D R E SSE S CONVENTION Durham, N. C., Nov. 1 7 .-T h e twen­ ty-second annua! convention of the Association of C olleges and Secondary Schools of the Southern States began here yesterday. i Sc-iu,-''■ ; “ii.:.:■ • The faculty class and the »dv*nc£ . class in the Russian languages entertained with a unique banquet at on Tuesday Room the Cactus Tea evening. dered, and everyon e p resen t wi ^ expected to m ake a speech in R ussia The m em bers o f th e U n iv ersity ac ulty w ill te ll w hy th ey consider it im - the R ussian la - portant to stu d y ethers gu.ge, while **’* others the about the importance of Russia, these inform al speeches, Mr. osoy » who is a graduate of the University of Moscow, will speak, and Miss L wig, also a graduate of the A fte r ra\ <“ of Moscow, will recite Russian sity verses p a n h a n d l e r s m e e t . Students from the P a n h a n d l e m et and d,sc“ 9 . yesterday afternoon plans for a perm anent organ.zatm o f a P a n h a n d l e Club i n the U n i t e r It w as decided to have a m e e t - sity.• A w W Ca u I. ing next Friday afternoon at 4 o c oc , at which tim e officers w i l l be e l e c t e d and a perm anent organization formtn | , The president the P a n h a n d l e of Club of A. and M. has written to the Panhandlers here su ggestin g that a get-together and get-acquainted m eet­ ing be held on Thanksgiving Day. ; : a a ii THE DAILY TEXAN The Student Daily Publication of the University of Texas. Published every morning except Mon­ day during the college year. Daily Column J. F. H. Entered as second-class matter at th* Postoffice at Austin, Texas, undei J Nothing to do, the Act of Congress, March 3, 1879 And was feeling, For the simple reason, That I had ! dore than unusually sporty, j I met a girl, Quality Mills f REAM OF CORN, HIGH-GRADE MEAL AND MILL PRODUCTS AUSTIN, TEXAS The Home of the “Austin Maid” and “White Dome” Flour Our Fountain Is at Your Service Subscription price $2.50 per y e a r - provided for each sudent througl the Student A ctivity fee. Roy E H awk................ Editor-in-Chiel Silas B. R agsdale Managing Edito, O ffices: University, Room 109, Mail Building, Telephone 3149. Dowi Town, 204 W. Sixth S t , Telephone 489. Issue Editor Today W. C. HEARE Roy P r i e s t .................. Associate Editor Reporters. Claud L.. Moore. Marion Hawkins. Wendell Mayes. L. H. Rhea. Dudley T. Evans E. T. Jones I. D. Hess. C. E. Bowles. Preston Northrup. Elois Crawford. Jesse M. Hill. M argaret Rennie. Stella Anderson. M. G. Muse. Pat Caldwell. Garland Day WILL THEY HELP? After the enthusiasm shown by the co-eds at the football game Saturday, we are wonder­ ing if they will be ready tc stage a big snake dance be­ tween halves at the Thanksgiv­ ing game. Now, we realize that the mere suggestion of this will not be approved by many of tht University authorities, hut let’s remember that the times have changed. More than one mil­ lion women voted in the recent presidential election. One sis­ ter was selected to Congress from Utah, and to be in keeping with the times, we think that a little more of the feminine touch between halves will add enjoy­ ment to the occasion. Think it over, young ladies. Argue the case. With the aid of the co-eds we Shall we can beat A. and M. win? RESULTS DISAPPOINTING. Ind without stammering, I asked her To catch a drink, And she took me up, And raised me a couple, Before I could back out, And I was all Thumbs, being i f a shy retiring nature, But she put me at ease, By saying, Don’t you adore *Vhite rabbits?” And she had de backed o ff the boards, But I rallied And told her t did, V.nd she said, They’re so flu ffy ” ihe said this /ery girlishly, And then >he said, You’re such a funny boy” And I said what was Jxpected and told ler she was an unsual girl, And then said something i should not lave said but iho did not hear Ie and I Yoke up to the fact That she was the conversation, I rid I was just, m e of Dr. McFadden's lentlemanly ushers, Ind finally .Ve arrived and ihe took a double eg g malted, And I took a Blass o f water And a sack o f Bull Durham, And then she said, What do you think of m e? ” Jne of those thought Questions they all to pull, And she looked, Me straight in the eye, And waited, it wus one of those Boul piercing glances, And I knew she Didn’t have a thought *n her head, And was trying To act like the Guilty heroine in One of Robt. W. Chamber’s novels Bo I let her Read my inmost thoughts, While I lit a cigarette, And then I spilled the bfcans By saying I had not Considered the matter, Bu; a usual she did B ot hear me And after she had h7» young life The Texan must express its disappointment over the results of the mid-term examinations. Based upon the observation of friends, who had taken a look and sized up the student body, especially the Freshmen, the pre­ diction was made that they w ere.,.. better prepared than usual for L * entrance here and more intent in And was well on her way the prosecution of their studies. | Through a package But the mid-term reports do n o t !0f »um» hear out our prediction. j 0 VVc k*f t and she sr “s "• t™"'* H »“> •—£?s and assiduity as Gum and foolish remarks, , their ability students is not unfounded, all And a porter to who fell over the line and failed I CarrY h«r books in their endeavors are urged “to Anci 1 thouKht pick their flints" and try again. We hope that a far more favora- yor a hie showing will be made at the To close of the fall term. Let the i mpend delinquent list then be a short ,His ' Tirne- one. £ another DR. BIBB RESIGNS POSITION. Deliver Anything on Our Menu Phone 1753 Any Time Before l l o’clock p. rn. and We Will AFTER THE GERMAN We Cater Especially to University Students G RA H A M ’S Ninth and Congress S . G R E E N B E R G The only exclusive Optomet- erist and Manufacturing Optician in Austin We grind any lense on two hours’ notice Varsity Club 2000 Guadalupe St. ( all Around Every Few Minutes. CAF MAPES, Prop. WHEN YOUR CLOTHES ARE DIRTY, RING 444, AND THEY WILL COME BACK ( LEAN ONCE MORE DRISKILL HOTEL LAUNDRY THE LEADING LAUNDERERS The American National Bank IN AUSTIN, TEXAS U. S. GOVERNMENT DEPOSITARY ( API I AL $300,000.00 SURPLUS $700,000.00 RESOURCES $5,000,000 SOLICITS YOUR ACCOUNT Geo. W. Littlefield, President. R. C. Roberdeau, Vice-President. J> Schne Jder, Cashier. H. A. Wroe, Vice-President. T. IL Davis, Vice-President. ll. P faefflin , A ssistan t Cashier. Carl T. Widen, A ssistan t Cashier STUDENTS WILL CONFER DEGREES RUSK WILL DISCUSS SINGE TAX QUESTION AT MEETING TONIGHT Chaa. Stewart and W. S. Birge Will Return From Border to Assist in Masonic Reunion. The largest Scottish Rite Reunion in the history of the order will be held on November 20. All the higher de­ grees ir Masonry, from the fourth to the thirty-second, including the Shrine, will be conferred in full form and cer­ emony at the Scottish Rite Cathedral, Eighteenth and Lavaca. The members o f the Acacia Fra­ ternity will confer the fifth degree, the following men taking the princi­ pal roles; F loy Sm ith......................... King Solomon H. Clare Grafa King Khairom H. B. Jones ..............................Adoniram .......................... Zabud I W. S. Birge A. R. H ow ard .. Master of Ceremonies! E. C. Nelson, Jr............................ O ratori Most of these students are thirty- two degree Masons. Chaa. B. S tew ­ art, W. S. Birge, and Dan Cook, well known students the past year, have secured furloughs from the Army at j u s Christi, and will arrive tomor­ row to assist in conferring the higher degrees. Sylvan Lang of San Anto­ nio, a prominent alumnus of Texas, will appear in the seventh and eigh t­ eenth degrees. thirty other University men are asking minor roles from the in many of the degrees eighteenth to the thirty-second. Some The Scottish Rite bodies of Austin have granted a special dispensation, enabling U niversity Masons to take the degrees on easier terms than for­ merly. A varied musical program, with antiphonal e f­ elaborate choral and fects, has been arranged by Director Bertram T. W heatley, who has been rehearsing with the team s for the last; six weeks. Sam P. Cochran, thirty- third degree, Sovereign Grand Inspect­ or General, and George F. Moore, thirty-third degree, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of th** thirty-third degree at W ashing­ ton, will both attend the reunion, and over a hundred thirty-second degree Masons ar*- from Central! expected Texas. Three subjects of deep interest to University students will be discussed in talks and in debate at the regular meeting of the Rusk Literary Society tonight at the Law Building. The meetings of the society are open to all. The program follows: I. The Proposed University Bond I «issue, H. IL Hammer. 2. Our National Guard Under the New Law, E. IL Swain.* 3. Debate on Single Tax. A ffirm ­ ative, Shepherd, Whipple, Darneron; negative, Taylor, Barker, Gleckler. Dr. Louis B. Bibb, a graduate of both the Academic and Medical De­ partments of the U niversity o f Texas, ha.i tendered to Governor Ferguson his resignation as superintendent of the Institute for Feeble Minded to be erected in Austin. Dr. Bibb is now in New York City taking a course in Columbia, and will continue to make his home in New. \ ork. He was a Phi Beta Kappa | student in the U niversity, and also worked his way through school. FORMER TRACK CAPTAIN HERE. II. B. Ayres, E. E., TO, is in Austin for his vacation, and has been visit­ ing the Engineering Department. He has been working in Houston, and at present he is taking a short rest after a summer’s work. Mr. Ayres was captain of the track team while a student here, and was one of \ arsity’s l>e,st mile runner-. strenuous SLEEP LATE. Breakfast any hour at The Long­ horn. Lunches served till midnight. 2212 Guadalupe St. Phone 4503. Will 11-28 Baggett, Proprietor. I ll meet you at Reasonover’s Bar­ ber Shop, Littlefield Building. Try Texan want ads. They bring results. FIRING LINE THE CHANGE. “Zeke.” I used to snooze on Sunday morn- ’Till rang the bell for lunch, And all the afternoon I’d loaf, And jaw ’round with the bunch. Tut all of that is in the past, ’Twill never be again, For the other day I met her, A tall and stately jane. Now when 'round, the Sabbath day rolls No sleeping late for me, I shave and dress and shine my shoes, For such is her decree. the E u io rrs1 The E lliotts have been appointed Official Photographers for the 1917 Cactus,— Appointed^ by the editor, Mr Gillis Johnson, work to begin at once. Seniors, seniors have your photographs made. Caps and gowns at the Studio THE ELLIOTTS’ Player Piano Rolls 30c Popular Sheet Music 10c J- R. Reed Music Co. T H E U N I V E R S I T Y S H O P A. G. Gerjes, Prop. MEN’S FURNISHINGS -Made-to-Measure Clothes Our S p e c ia lty - 1610 Lavaca Street HALL'S GENTRY STUDIO See Us for Your Christmas Pictures 806 1-2 Congress Avenue PHONE 1870 SWANN Furniture and Carpet Company We Furnish More Homes There Is a Reason UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY GO SLOW. •b * * She says that we must go to church, It is the proper thing; * -J- -J- + (She has a brand new hat and dress, And thinks that she can sin g ). On the side of the roadway, just at the south end of the Ll brary Building, is a huge sign­ board, bearing these words, Go Slow. This warning is evidently intended fast set,” for “the whose reckless driving of auto­ mobiles has become a menace to hie and limb of pedestrians. It is strange, but nevertheless true, that so soon as a person is able to transfer from the pedestrian class to that of automobilist, he is the rights and privilges of the for­ mer and become reckless in the way he uses the public highway. Thoughtless young people, sev­ eral of whom drive and park their cars on the campus, must have more regard for the rights of pedestrians, who are iii the majority, and whose rights the University authorities are go­ ing to protect. Go slow, auto­ mobilists. to disregard inclined * * * * * * * I* •ta * * * * * * * * * * * * CHAPEL NOTICE. In spite of the sm aller a t­ tendance for the week, the ex ­ ercises have been most de­ lightful. We were especially glad to have Mr. Crutchfield with us yesterday. While he did nothing more than lead the prayer that was enough to spiritualize the meeting. He did not forget us here at the university, and especially at C hapel, yet the burden of his prayer was the soldiers in Eu­ rope. They are on his heart and mird, and in his prayer he tried to put them on our hearts and minds and per­ suade us to help them in this their hour of greatest dis­ tress and gloom. Those who are in the worst condition are the prisoners. We hope to hear more of this from Crutchfield. Mr. •i* * * * * •J* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * •F * * * * * I sit beside her, and the bench Grows harder all the time, And of course the parson preaches 'Till long past dinner time. I try to take a little nap, She jabs me with a pin, And says that I must stay awake And bear it with a grin. Then when they pass the plate around, I find I have no jits, And as her blue eyes watch me close, - I have to give four bits. W hen at last the serm on’s over. She says it was all right, And she would like to go again To church that very night. She is the very* best of girls, I have no fault to find, But I wish, to spend our Sundays, Some other way she’d find. Jesse Wilson, student secretary of the State Y. M. C. A., is spending a few days in Austin. He will fill the on Sunday pulpit for Dr. Maddry C h u rch ^ the U niversity b a p tist Try Texan want ads. They bring results. The Austin National Bank OF A U ST IN , TEX AS RESOURCES, $5,000,000.00 OFFICERS: E. P. WILMOT, President Win. H. FOLTS, Vice-President MORRIS H IRSH FELD, Cashier C. M. BARTHOLOMEW, A sst Cashier FACULTY AND STUDENTS’ ACCOUNTS SOLICITED NO ACCOUNT TOO SMALL FOR US TO H A N D L E For convenience and econo­ my, try our regular meals. I M M Cactus Tea Room WUKASCH CAFE Buy Our Meal Tickets and Save Money $5.50 Meal T ic k e ts .............................. $3.25 Meal T ic k e ts ........................................................... 0« f&Q0 ^ Menus of Quality Special Dinners, 30c CHAS. G. WUKASH, 2218 Guadalupe St. short Orders ’ Phone 4007 SOCIETY COLLEGE NOTES Nathanhd Ja c k s, Editor Lewis B. W alker, A ssociate (Scarbrough Building) Multitude A lw ay s on the PHONES 26 t h i r t y -s e v e n ll M O R LAW S F A IL TO MAHL ONE-HALF OF WORK REMEMBER CAPITOL BAKERY Your trade is appreciate ed, and all orders prompt­ ly delivered. We recom­ mend our Sanitary VS raj) ped W ILLIAM RU BIN SO N , Prop Old Phone 1016 Finishing w o d a k s ^Supplies WF LOAN KODAKS FREE JO R D A N COMPANY Branch at Van S» lth D m . Co. J BIO Congress Ave 2300 1-2 G uadalu pe St. For First-Class Cleaning, Pressing and Alteration Work R. L. B R O Y L E S , Mgr. phone 3090 ADVERTISE IN THE TEXAN a d v e r t i s i n g t a l k “VIS Q u a n t i S H O P P A YE QUALITYE SHOPPE . . . . . a f f D C P T 1 ^ KAMRATH STUDIO B l2 C o n g r e e Ave Phone .‘1BT W. A. A C H I L L E S MEYER MENCHEN T H E P R A C T IC A L T A ILO R M aking Ladiea* and G entlem en* Suita to Order. in invisible Repairing Specialty Alteration 1009 Con g rcaw Phone I R. H. S MI TH U N IV ER SIT Y TA ILO R SHOP ( leaning. Pressing und Repairing 2214 G uadalupe St. Old Phone 825 Work and P rice* Both R igh t— Rent or Purchase an UNDE RWOOD ‘T h e Machine You Will Eventually Buy” 112 W. 7th St. Phone 87 Students! SEE Bauer Bros, TH E BIG STO RE G RO C ERIES A M ) BA K ER Y The Real Sanitary Store 25th and Guadalupe Street Old Phoner 182-967-600 T h e Stacy Realty Company Property for Sale P arts of City in Harwood Stacy, ’ l l Gillespie Stacy W. H. Stacy, ’96 MATTHEWS’ DRUG STORE KNOTT PICTURES ANCIENT SCENES Humorous and Original Cartoons Made of Lanham’s Burlesque, “Putting Troy in a Sark.” A proof of the cartoons fo r Fritz L anham ’s “ P u ttin g Troy in a Sack,” by J. F. Knott, cartoonist for the Dallas News, has been received. They are very humorous and original in their make-up. The first one re p re­ sents Homer, dictating his Illiad to the secretary, who is copying it on a Greek ty p ew rite r of a modern type. lady shopper A nother one shows a purchasing “ shielding” from a dealer, who guarantees his to be holeproof. The proud Amazons may the modern chorus be seen doing dance before th eir belated king and his attendants. Helen was, accord­ ing to this cartoonist, stolen by Paris, roadster. who drove a “Trojan Hix The mile post may also be seen, which shows Troy to be 130 miles away. Achilles also draws Hector around the walls, tied behind a sim ilar car. shields to Then there are num ber of smaller drawings the different introduce chapters, am ong w'hich may be seen the duel between Hector and Achilles. The Trojans, also, are d rag g in g the wooden horse through the “ welcome” gate of Troy, amid much enthusiasm, while the Greeks inside peep out on all sides, It is indeed a list of cartoons th at deserve favorable mention fo r their modern interpretation of ancient sub­ jects. TEXAN WANT ADS ads TEXAN w a n t bring results. Rates, I cent per word for the firs t insertion, three insertions for 2 cents. Absolutely no ad taken over the phone. Call a t room 109, Main Building. No ad taken for less th an 25 cents. P a y ­ m ent in advance alw ays required. OR. IL E. BAXTER , dentist, 512 Scar- Brough Bldg. Old phone 1316. PHONE 4051 fo r ladies’ and gentle- tlem en’s cleaning and pressing. All t i vork g uaranteed. University ..OST—Between Drug Store and Women's Gym., Conk- en fountain pen, plain black, crescent iller. F inder please leave in Texan >ffice or phone Bess Robertson, 1520. 11-20 CANTED— A coach in Geology I, steady work if you can coach. Ad- ress X, box 35, University Station. 1 1 - 2 2 .OST— A Conklin gold-band fountain 11-20. pen. A. C. Scurlock. K a rl’s B arber Shop, 2402 Guadalupe, tylish and up-to-date barber work. ALUMNI TO RETURN Letters Pouring in From form er Stu­ dents Who Will Watch Texas Fight on Thanksgiving. Preparations are being completed ,y the Varsity alumni to return for he Thank giving Home-coming, Det­ ers are coming in all the time from former students who will watch the ••oring of the F arm ers by Van Gent’s lerd of Longhorns. Mr. E. E. Bew- >ey, of “Bewley’s Best,” has written that a special train will bring not only; Varsity and A. and M. ex-students, but also many others interested. Judge | Murray B. Jones of Houston, an ex- lon g h o rn , wrote the following: “ U n­ less something of the gravest impor­ tance arises, you can put my name on he ballot and in the pot, because I will certainly he there to witness A. % M. go down in defeat in old-fash­ ioned form on historic ( lark Feild. A A Mr. F. M. Law, a former student of both Varsity and A. & M., has writ- ten to Mr. J. W. McClendon, accept­ ing an invitation speak a t the is Thanksgiving a banker of Houston, and a speaker of note, and the peculiar th in g of his peech will be t h a t he will re p resen t both the University and A. & M. rally. Mr. Law to STATE NEWSPAPERS NOTE HOME-COMING the date recognition to t h a t will Under N ewspapers over the S tate a re giv­ the g r e a t ing due take place Home-coming Thanksgiving. of November 14, the Houston P ost has the following in its editorial column: The two m ost momentous days in the history of the U niversity of Texas will be Wednesday and Thursday, No­ vember 29 and 30, 1916. There are three events which combine to m ake these days outstand ing in th e ir im ­ portance to the University of Texas. On the evening of November 29 will take place the gre atest educational i ally the S ta te has ever known. Re­ gents, faculty, and form er students of the University believe the time has come for th a t institution to take its place a t one stride be-ide the fo re ­ most universities of the world. A t this rally, in the presence of 15,000 of Texas, will be fo rm er students launched a campaign which has for its object the m aking of the University all th a t its friends and founders have dreamed it should he. When the cam ­ paign shall have been completed, T ex ­ as University will have ample and well constructed buildings Of b eauti­ ful design for every d epa rtm en t of its i It will have modern equipment work. in every laboratory and class-room. It will be possessed of every a p p li­ ance which the present day educator finds necessary fo r the proper p re­ sentation of his subjects. short, he a modern institution model- It will, in | S T U D E N T S —Go to the Palace B arber Shop, Bosche Bldg., for firs t class work. Billy Wolf, Prop. and a stud ent will call for your shoes. 11-23 v v * * * •» ONE YEAR AGO TODAY. Rice defeats L. S. U. 6 to 0. Preparations are made for a Cafeteria to be erected at B a y l o r , modeled a f te r the one on the campus. The famous Liberty Bell is visited by vast th ro n g — Uni­ versity girls place im ­ mense wreath of white flow­ ers upon the relic. an “ Doc” Henry phphesies a victory over A & M. by a t least three touchdowns. Law alumni plan for home­ coming. All rooters’ sea ts for A. & M. game have been sold. Scrubs use F a r m e r s ’ plays in scrim m age— L a s t w orkout shows Longhorns in good con­ dition. is in full swing. Travis County R u ral S u r­ The vey work is under the g en eral di­ rection of P ro fe ss o r L. H. Haney. cd along the best of m odern lines. On the m orning of N ovem ber HO will ta k e place th e formal in augu ra tio n of R obert E rn e s t Vinson as president of the U niversity of T ex a s— an event the futu re which au gures more fo r welfare of the institu tio n th an a n y ­ th in g th a t has occurred since the day its doors were opened to th e first s tu ­ years ago. th irty -th re e dent some Dr. F ra n k Goodnow of John s Hopkins U niversity will make the inauguration address. The president of the g re a t Baltimore .school has had vast expe­ rience in m atte rs concerning the prob­ instiutions. His lems of educational address will be full of m eaning to those who wish to see in Texas a uni­ versity of the forem ost type. And on the afternoon of Th ank s­ giving Day will be waged on Clark Field the first contest t h a t has taken place between the football team s of A gricultural and Mechanical College and the U niversity of Texas in five years. The contest will be fiercely waged. No q u a rte r will be asked and none will be given. I t will be a duel to the d eath — the d eath of all the old and useless animo>ity t h a t has, w ith­ out cause, m arred the relations be­ tween these most im p o rta n t education­ al units. There are 20,000 fo rm e r students of the University of Texas. There are 30,000 parents of fo rm e r students. And there a re 5,000,000 people in this State who are directly interested in the welfare of the University. F rom all these people it is expected enough will g a th e r in Austin on November 29 and 30 to constitute the la rg e s t num ­ ber ever congregated a t any educa­ tional institution in a Southern S tate —and the result of th e enthusiasm t h a t will be kindled in th e ir h ea rts for the building of a g r e a t U niversity of Texas cannot be estim ated. AN OM ISSION. The Texas B arber Shop. We please. Allen & Oliphant, Props. 1008 Con­ gress. M E S SE N G E R SERVICE. Both phones. Prom pt and reliable. Open from 7:30 a. rn. to 10:30 p. in. The name of Ralph K. Pond should have been included in the list of suc­ cessful candidates of the Glee Club. Reno’s B arb er Shop new, san itary , and up-to-date, 1044 W. 6th. W E L L F U R N IS H E D , very d e s ira b le , Kellum. CALL a t Kellum’s B arber Shop, 1504 and rep airin g; Lavaca St., for first-class service, a g e n ts for De Luxe Laundry, San An- tonio. O. K. Tailoring Co., phone 1084. hair goods, wigs or Cleaning, pressing toupee. C. S. rooms in suite for housekeeping. Al - j so single rooms, all with sleeping porches, to ladies only, a t the S u b u r­ ban, “approved house.” Mrs. Val C- Giles, 710 W, 22nd St., phone 646. 11-18 PA T R O N IZ E the Co-Op B arber shop, next to Majestic Theatre. We take in cu ttin g pom pa­ in te re st especial dours. The Driskill B arber Shop extends reetings to old stu den t friends. To •eshmen, we extend a cordial invita- on to call. M anicuring and chiropidy specialty. Moritz Silver, Prop. R. E. C. B ER W IC K , dentist. Suite 521 S carbrough Bldg. Phone 3150. [VE your shoe re p a rin g to Geo. R. Allen, 2406 Guadalupe. Call 4597 COMING Flonzaley Quartet WORLD’S GREATEST MUSICIANS Majestic Theatre DECEMBER 8th WATCH FOR ANNOUNCEMENT T H E D A I L Y T E X A N OFFICIAL NOTICES Established 1874 Capital Stock $75,000 Students. The following students are re q u e st­ a ed to call a t once a t the office of the Dean of the College of A rts : I. F. Allen, W. B. Askew, K ittie Atwell, A. S. Bates, C. E. Bowman, W. W. Brown, Florence Cartledge, P. W. * C urry, H. L. Drought, F. F . Elling- wood, C. O. Ellis, Gladys Fussell, M a t­ Von Boeckmann Jones Co. P R IN T E R S ELECTROTYPER AND BOOKBINDERS 811 Congress Avenue Austin, Texas tie Gandy, B. C. Heath, W. H. Hill, W. M. Hutchings,, Anderson Johnson, D. B. K ra ft, F rances Lewis, George Lewis, N. L. Lowry, N. McClelland, W I). Mayfield, H. R. Moore, J. B. Moore, C harlotte Nance, J. S. Orr, R. M. P ate, P. E. Pearson, W. B. P e­ ters, D’Jelm a Petrie, H. Poyner, C. G. Sadler, Lois Sadler, B a rb a ra Shep­ pard, C arrie Smith, C. L. Sowell, W. E. Stone, W. M. Studer, G. C. Taylor, J. M. Thompson, Jno. Vernon, J. W. W a r ­ ren, Knox Williams, E rn a Wolfe,, Lois Yett. Signed, H. Y. B E N D IC K Newman Club Members Notice. Picnic-dinner postponed. R egular m eeting to be held as usual. C h air­ man. German. There will be a re g u la r Germ an to ­ night a t K. C. Hall. President. Premedics. All Premedics who have not turned in th eir orders and money fo r pins mm t see me in room 320 (Zoo. 4 lab.) S a tu rd a y 9-10 or 2-3. G. F. Goff. A C H I N G E Y E S i f * Are very frequently an indi­ cation of defective vision. If your eyes smart or ache after working or reading for a few hours, chances are there is something wrong with your eyesight. Here you are assured of a careful, scientific exam ination and glasses that will give you comfort and satisfaction. I A I Any Lense Duplicated. C O M P A N Y We Grind Our Own Lenses. T H E S T E L F O X J. THOS. WARD, Optometrist in Charge. Statuary, Pottery, A rtists’ Materials, Picture Frames, Serving Trays, Cedar Chests, Electric Lamps, Wall Paper, and all decorations to match; Paints, Stove Enamels, Var­ nishes, Brushes. Call and inspect our goods. C. A. BRADFORD 705 C ongress Avenue Candies for the Epicure CRANE’S MARY GARDEN CHOCOLATES Nut Meats, Creams, Fruits MILADY CREATIONS Assorted Chocolates and Bon Bons L O W N E SS LEADERS Brazil Nuts, Fruits and Nuts, Crest Chocolates The University Drug Store ‘The Convenient Place’ Basketball Equipment for the fraternity and intramural games can he had at our store Intramural Trophy Cup Has Arrived and Is On Display C & S Sporting Goods Co. Have You Lost Anything? Did you know that advertising in The Texan was the best way to recover it? The Texan reaches the entire student body. Rates are one cent per word for the first insertion and a half-cent for each additional insertion. Did you know that un­ less you read the adver­ tisem ents in The Texan and give your trade to those firms that adver­ value as an advertising medium. tise, you decrease its 613 Congress Avenue Phone 810 THANKSGIVING RECEPTION and BALL State Capitol Building 8:45 p. rn. Thursday November 30, 1916 Tickets $2.00 Make Your Date Now Strictly Informal