11::0 11Jt Jiltmorp of 1l\octor lf.e~lie ~aggener llJIJO imcrificrb bi~ lift in tbr 1rr1Jice of -m'.fJe ~niberS'itp of -m'.exaS' tb1!! lJohunr ill affrctionattlp brbicattb I I I I. I' I I• • iI I ' ' I • • I I • i II ' • • I I . . I . JLeslie Waggener. ~E hold it truth that there arc son1e "in1n1ortal dead 11·ho live again in 7:;!:;1 in Ji,·cs 111ade bC'lter by their presence... 'fhe praise and lauda­ tions of 1nankind rarely re11·ard a noble \VOrk \Vhile the laborer fi,·es: but in the end ju•ticc 11·ill be done. There is a cro11·n of glory that the 11·orld cannot give. 'rhere is a rc,,·ard that transcends all others. for the final judg111ent fron1 the (;rent \\'hite 'fhrone: "\\'ell done thou good and faithful servant... \Viii ne,·er fail to fall 11·herc justice is due. 'fhis 11·as :he lesson set forth b~· the Sacrifice on Calvary and the record of its glory is to be found inscribed upon the hearts of rnen. Tn the brave and unselfish Ii fc of the subject of this appreciation this truth \vas richly cxe1nplified. Dr. Leslie Waggener 'vas born in T renton, ·rode! County. f(entucky, Septe1nber TT. 1841. and died at :\I anitou Springs, Colorado. :\ugust t 9. 1896. His father 11·as Stokl<'y 1-:. \\"aggcner. a 1nercha11t \vho lived ;11 R.usselh·ille, Kentucky. 1 I is 1nother 11·as a daughtc~r of Elder Reuben Ross. a preacher of note in the early history of 1-;:cntucky and 'fennessce. His grandfather. Jan1es \\"aggcner. a \ 'irginian. 11·as 11 Lieutenant in the Revolutionary \\'ar. Jn 1857, Dr. \Vaggcner entered Union liniversity. :\lurfreesboro. 1'enncssee. He rcn1ainecl in this institution for l\vo years. and then entered the Senior Class of l~ethel College, graduating in 186o. 111 the fall of the ~a111e year. he \vent to 1-Iarvard. and received his degree in 1861. In June of that .vear. he enlisted in the Confederate r'\rn1v, and served \vith . dis­tinction throughout the \\'ar. Ile 11·as t11·ice 'voundcd. once being shoi through the right lung at the nattle of Shiloh. and left for dead: but he \\';\S sought out and carried to Corinth by a negro boy 11·ho1n he had brought fro1n hon1e. He surrenderrd 11·ith .Tohnson in 186..<;. Tn 1867. he 1narried :\lis;:. Fanni<' Pendleton, of l..:'pland Pennsyh·ania. cl~ng-hter of l~e,-. Jan1cs ).J. Pendleton. professor in l·nion Cni,·crsity, 'vhen Dr. \\'aggener 11·as a student there. At the ti1nc of his 111arriage he \vas principal of the preparatory dcpartrnent of B<'thcl College. In 1870 he '"as pron1otecl to the Chair of T':nglish I_iteraturc i11 that institution, in 1873 he becan1t" Chainnan of the faculty, and in 1875 President. holding both the presidenc~· and the professorship until 1883. l n .J unc of that ' year. hl' \\'a:< called to the ne"·ly established l·niversity of 1'exas as pro­fessor of Engli.-h Literature and History. Subsequently (in 1&~) this chair "·as di,·idecl. and Professor \\"aggener retained English Lit.craturc ~~ ' only. For tl'll ,.t•ars. he "·as also Chairn1an of the Faculty. but in 1894. he resignt•cl this pol-ition. Later. ho"·ever. on the substitution of the pre~i· clency for :ht• chainnanl'hip. Dr. \\"aggener. at the solicitation of the Board of Regents. consented to act as P resident ad i11tcrii11, a position that ht· Iilied in connection "·i1h his professorship during the year 1895-1896. It \\'as in1n1ediatel~ after the co1n111encen1ent exercises of 1896 that his death occurred at ~lanitou Springs. Colorado. \\·hither he had gone on acconnt of illne.;s. '!'ht• L"11i\•t·rsi1~· of ·rexas is indebted to Dr. \\'aggener. 111ore than to any other nian. for its present co11ditio?1. 'fhe services that he renden'd cluring these thirtet·n years see111 really "·onclerful. ,·ie\\•ing the1n in th1• light of the prt•sent day. and considering the 111any clifficuliies under \Vhich he labored. 'rhese are aptly su111111arized in the follo"·ing passage, fron1 an aclclrr~s b,· lucl;::-e l".. ]. Si111kins at the :'de111orial Services. held at t\ustin . . .._ . 111 ()ctober. 1Rc;6 : '"l'h1:0. l'11iyc·r..il)' ,,.~,, !01111:111)' 01>c11ccl for the adn1ission of Stt..1dc11ts 011 Scp1e1nbcr lG, 1883. 'l'hl' l.t·s:i..h.tt1rc n1~t.•1ncl it '''as t10t lo11g 1lcforc its 11ost1lit)' \\'3" clcarl)• n1a11lft.,.ted. '" ·r,, the.• n'-''' 1:act1lty. cornpo.5ed of stra11gC"rs. the sentin1cnt a,gai11$t the U11i,•cr.,.ity ,,.a, a rt"\' <.'la1ic111. 'l'lu:)' th,,t1~ht it '''3"' doon1cd. "fhc chairn1an (Dr. i\•(allct) l)tca111e irr<:vuc:t.1)1)' fixccl 111 hi' 1)ur1w.1''-' to leave • J)r. J~rO\\"n ,.,,as then placed in 1l1c cl1:ait: l111t he. tc)O, <1\t3ilt:41 h1:furc th(' ll'l11J''-"'· a11lic)' lc: a-. a11)· in the ~ou1h. .. • Tl1c !\inctcenth [A"gislat11rc ,,.a"' 11141fe ho-.11lt' thatt 1l1c ,,TcCclli11l: one. .. "llte:! s:c11cral ho~1ilit)' took the r41rn1 of clt·..1r<>)'· 11lJ.: tile l 'ni\cr-.1ty ln tl1i-. \.."Ont<~t 11011c took w active :tn 111tcre:;t a" the able chair111an of thC" I· ;1c11ll)'· .\.. if 11)' int111t1on he sc-e1ncd to kno"-\\-h..rc tl1c op~ition ,,·as gathcrit1J.:, ancl ~11 all t1111c.. 1l1c re;f111a1io11 of C\Cr)• charge \\3S placed before the friends of the l'11ivc,....it)'. • .. E\·err l'lll('.fj.t(llC)' fo1111d him rC3d)·, and \\hen. 10 later )·ears. the encmi~ or the l'ni\·C~11y. b.'\filccl 111 their 11la11-. artcl rccogni1.ing th~ futiltt)' of th~i:-,,·arfare tipon it, tt1rnccl 11por1 J)r. \\'aggcrtt;r, 1~r,l•11;1lly. thC)' fo1111d hint prepare(}. \\.hen they said a11d did all tl1a1 1ualicc co11lcl 1n,·c11t or -.lanc-lcr c-lict.l.tt. he t11rncd not front his chosen path\\-3)', bt1t ntO\'Cf3\c 31\(l l>l"oud. but tender an•111g £run1 ;he tlr..t 'ickncf.' of J1111c. 1894. aft~r t\\'O short )'C3N he laid d0\\·11 a llf~, s..1crific~d rc1r the ~l'c.:s:1' l'ni\cf-.i1y: 311c-I ,,-hile it' fr1e110~ nt:\)' glor)· i1 its prescn1 co11t;ft1rc it, let thcn1 11ot forget that it is largcl\• dtic. tinder Goel, to hin1 ,,110 lie' 011t in yo11dt·r gr;1\' 4.')'"f -Fc'IOtball returns in auditoriu111: Chicago 68: Texas o. 12 Football: ·rexa~ -10 : Oklaho1na 10. I • J l.'reshn1an Reception at the \\"ornan's Building. JC) Sororit_,. pledge' day. Exodus of students to \Vaco. Girl"s Baby party at the \\'ornan's Building. Football : Texas 58; Baylor o. 21 Engineers 1\nnual Banquet at the Driskill. 22 Kappa K.:ippa r ;anuna reception at the Driskill. 24 "fhanksgiving. Football: 'rexas 34: A. & i\•I. 6. Thanksgiving Gtr­ 1nan at l~ighth Street 1-Jall. 29 Iluttuts sho,v at the 1-lancock Opera House. -12­ The YEAR BOOK OF THE U niversity of T exas B OARD of PUBLICATION FOR THE YEAR 1905 ALEXA. DER DEUSSEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . .....Ed tor-in-Chid LUKE CRA TEN ROBERTSON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . Busm..s Manai;er ED\VARD CRA. E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Literary Ed:tor ED CO\VAN CONNOR. . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . A11 Editor ALEXANDER POPE LYNN BOYD MILAM JOHN ROBERT S\VENSON f ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /\$$0Ciate Literary Editors ALMA PROCTOR MARY WILLIS STED!\1AN I HELEN CARRISON J ~~~~~D~E~~~~~~~-E SIMS I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ A..;>:iate Aat Editors FANNY \VEST HARRIS j LUCIEN PARRISH ............................................Assistant Bu•iness Manager R. D. GIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ Editor-in-Chic!. Medical Department H. P. JONES ~ ..................................... Associotc Editors. Medical Department j. R. YOUNG J OSCAR JUDKINS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . .............Busine$$ Manager. i\ledical Department S. H. MOORE ............................... Ass:s:,nt Bmiocss Manager. Medical Department PUBLISHED IN MAY. NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIVE I j 'I I ; COPYRIGHT. 1905 by the CACTUS BOARD , BARNES CROSBY COM PA N Y C: N G.., A\IClll S ·~· PAIN TCA S ST. LOUIS , I DECE.\IBER. I Class Gan1es begin. -P.en Hur shO\\'S at the 11 ancock Opera I-louse. J Chatnpionship Class (~ante: Sopho111ores 5 : Seniors o. 7 17 Exa111inations begin. 20 Christ111as Vacation begins. JANlt1\RY. 2 President Prather recei,·es n1en1bers of the Faculty. Christn1as \ 'acation ends. Chrisunas Gern1an at Protection 1-lall. 3 17 \\"inter Tern1 .\Iecting-of the Students .-\ssociation: Final Bal! ~ Election. lntersociety Debate. Rusk ,,·on. ..\lex Pope a\vardcd the Gregory and Batts prize in debating. Representatives Ball at the Capitol. President P rather entertains the Students J:.:xec11tive Co1111nittee. FEBRL:..c\l{\". 2 .\Irs. Leize\\·itz gives party to Grace Hal! girls. 3 ' \ "arsity .\linstrels sho"' at the liancock Opera l louse. 4 Ice northers. Great toboggan sliding. 5 Con1pli111entary concert by the '\"arsity Band in the auclitoriu111. 11 Junior Pro111enade at the \\"0111an's Building. 22 Holiday. i\fartha \Vashington Party b.v the girls at the \\io111an·s Building. .\l.\l~CII E\'ans Prize Contest in orator'". 2 I Ioliday : Texas l ndcpcncli.'nce Day Celebration in the . \ udi1oriun1 : Class baseball gan1cs begin. 9 \\"inter Tern1 Ex::uninations begin. 10 Gyn1nasiurn Contest in .\uditoriu111: \\"ilkerson \Vins the cha111pionship. 20 Glee Club goes on its annual trip. 21 Chan1pionship class ga1nc: Seniors. 9: l-resh111a11, 5. 24 Baseball : St. Echvards. 1 1 : 'fexas, 7. 31 Baseball: 'fexas, 4: 1\ustin, 1. -13­ .\PH.IL. r \\.iltnot prizt• contc"t in declan1a1ion: Henry Lee Collins a\\·ardcd prizt'. lla~l·ball: ·rcxaS. 2: r\ustin. I. 6 l'rl',:;cll'nt Rno~t·,·clt ,·isits the Cni\'crsity. President Jordan of Stan­iord l 'ni \'t·r::i1y Ice!11 re«. llasl·ball: .\ustin. 2: ·rcxa:,. 1. 7 8 ll<1sl'ball: ·rl'xa,. :; : \11$tin. 3. 22 I loliday: ~an Jacinto Day. .\11n11al picnic at ~c,,· Braunfels. "~linna ,·nn llarhchn" prcscntccl at the Hancock ()pcra f lo11sc b,· the . C ;l'nnan >luRc;E \V. nR.\CJ-:E>iJ{ JJ)C;E .... ... ... ......... . SAN 1\ N°To:-<1'' 'J'JJ().\l.\S \\'. (rRE(;()RY ................... ............ :-\vSTI:\" .):-\.\JES X. DR()\\':\]:\(; ........... .................... :\~l.\RILl.O BE~ B. C . ..\1:\ .. . . .......... ......... .. ... ................ 1'YLER I !E:'\R\' .\1. Cl-L\P.\1.\:\ ............ . ................. FT. \\-ORT:r R. \\'.-\ \ .ERLY S.\J J'l'J I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (;,\L\.ESTO:'\ -1;;­ I IJ)MDNI~_, ~A'l'IV~ ~. '.\'.-'\.......... _ .\.... . /. --­ II ·'''/'-' \.' I \ I t I t ~~IOE)~~. \\"11.1.IAM l .\~11in1N PR.\TllER. J,L. D., Presidc11t. ]A~ll'S BENJ.\~llN C 1,.\Rt.:. B . . \ .. Proctor 011d Secretary of the Fac11lty of the \/ai11 U11i1·crsit\' 'lt .·l11sti11. T110~1.\s 11. :\01..\N. Pro1·ost a11d Secretary of tile Faculty of tile .\Iedical Depart111c11t at Cah•csto11. ] 0 11 :-: \\'. I l ot>K INS, '11spector of Affiliated Schools. \\'11 .so:-: \\'11 .1.1.\~1s, J?egi.strar of the :\lain U11ii•ersity. RollERT E. LFE s .\ NER. LL. B .. La11d /lge111. C 11 .\R1.Es B. \V1 NN, /l11ditor. B1>:N ?II. B ARt.:E1i. Boollkeeper. -16­ • Pff£SIO£NT I ~ • ' I ( ; FORGE PIERCE G,\ RR1sox. Ph. D.. Prof cssor of His­tory.-L. A. l,;ni\·crsity of Edinburgh. 1881: Ph. i I D.. Cni,·ersity of Chicago, 18<)6. ln1:11r11ctor in .to:nglish :i.n· :t11d Jtota1t)'· li11iversit)' of Xorth C'arolirl:t 1 S77·Sl: also Prof~sor of l'h>•,iology in 1h~ School o i :\lcdi­C'1nc:: ~ltt."Cial .\ge11t 0£ the Tc.-nth ("t"''''· J)(p3rt1n<:nt 0£ )li11ing. 18$0; 1.~..:-turcr (l11 Econon1ie Geology. ("or11t•ll l:ni,·c-r....it)". lSSi : Prof~or o( c;colo~)· a11d Biolog}·. Uni\•trl!tity 0£ .\ rJ.:an"'°"'· tSSi !.lO: Specie.I .\,,,,tant Geological St1r,·cy of .\ rJ.:a1lb3!t, 1887 92: .\ s.sociate Professor elf <:colo~>" t:ni,·crsit>' o r 'fexa... 1890·95; r,rofc..,..,or of Geology. Uni· \Cr...1ty •>f Tcxa!-. 1895. ~lORC.\X (,\LLA\\'AY. J R .. Ph. n.. Professor of £11~­lish.-:\. B. En1ory College (Georgia) . 1881 ; .A. ;\J. ;an1e. 1&~4: Ph. D. ·rhc Johns T-Iopkins l,;ni­,·ersity. 1889. \dj\1nl.!t Prufes~or of E11gl1sl•. Fi:n1ory Coll c.-fte. lSSl·S3 : Principal ,_,( (·111,e110 ,\cadcmy (Texas). lS.83-84; l...rofc~or of E nglish. Sot1th· \\C:,tc;rn Univcr~1ty (Tcx;:is). 188·1·86, 1889·90: J\hy. 1;r)•11 :\fa,,r College. 1892-93: l)occ11t in f>b1lo~phy. l'nivcrsit)' or ('hie.ago. IS9;$.:)'1: :-\djllllCt l.)roi~..Qr o( J•h1losophy, U11i,•crsi1;· of #J'c:xas. 1894-97: Associ~l1y, U:iivcr§ily of Tex:",, 1$97-1900: Ptofessor or l'hilosopl1y. l i 111· ''ctsity of 'l'cx:\S, 1900. f[1;NRY vV 1NSTON l IA1~rER, Ph. G.. i\erit1n1...·r. J."t. \\ 'or1h. 'l'cxas. tSS l R-1: Cht'"mis1 a11d )letallt1r~,...t to Coloratlo & Rt'iuJ,:iQ )fining :tncl Smelting Con1p.'lny. X t1c\'O Lco11. )lcxico: Cheniist :tnfl Pathologi.s1 to l)octors Beall :i11cnver Jt:i.11· '":i.y; 1\d.jt111ct l'rofessor or ('hen1istr)•, Ul'1ivcrsi1y of ·rcx:l~. 189•l·97 i •\?-...OCiate Proicssor o( Chc1nistry. 1S97· I ooa; ProfC'iS()I' of Che1nistry. L,11i,•crsi1y 0£ rcxas. 1903. -21­ I \ \'1L.Ll.·\)I SENECA SuTTox, :'IL A. Profcssor oi ! Ed11catio11.-.<\ . B. 1..;niYersity of t\rkan~as, 1878; I :\!. .<\. sa111e, 1884. I Superintendent of the Ennis Public Schools. 1SS5·SG: Pri11ciJ'-.'\l of the Jlou~ton High School, 1$86·87 ; Prof~sor of Ed\tcation Uni· I vcN it)' of Tex3S. 1897. I I EO\VIN W111TFIELD FAY, Ph. D., Professor of Lati11.­i\IL A. South\vestern Presbyterian University. 1883; FellO\V in Sanskrit, 1' he Johns r!opkins University, 1888-90; Ph. D., 1890; Student in Leipsic, 1891-92. l11str\1etor in Classics a11d Sanskrit. University of ~lichigan. 1890· 91: .\ cting J\ ssoeiate l"'rofessor of Lati1 . IJ11ivcrsity of Texas. 1892-93 : J•rofcssor of l...atin. \\1ashington and l...tt University, 1893·99: Pra· f('"-.SOr of l...."ltin, Univcrsit)' of 1'cxas. 1899. :\I 11.TON BROCKETT P ORTER. Ph. D., Professor of Purr 1\llatlie111atics.-B. S. U niversity of Texas, 1892; i\1. /\. Har,·ard lJni,·ersity, 1895 ; Ph. D., 1897. .\ ssista11t l'rofes~o1 of ~l:i.then1atics. ''ale U11i,•er~ity 1897· 1903; llrofcss.or of i\latl1cn1atics. Uni,•ersity o( 1'ex:\s, 1903. -22­ • 1:c110,, i11 Zt,olOS:)". l"11i,·,•r .. 1t)' elf J->e1111~ylvania. 1$97 ·98 ; 1.c.•cturer 111 Zoolog)'· $atnl· I 898-99: .\~i...ta11t J>rofessor of Zoolo,E:"y. ~'''"· 1.St''' 1903; Dir~ctor of )[useum. a11d l.,rofcs.sor of l~1t>log)' at \\'agnt•r J;rct In!'>titute oi Sci,•11ce. 1S!>S-l!'I03: lt1!!otructo1 in ltc;..carcl1. \\'00<1 .. lloll ~larinc L.abor:tt{)ry. 1S9S·l9oo: l)rofcs~or oi Zoology. L'ni,·er..ity of Texas. 1903. Sv1.vESTER Ptu MER, Ph. I)., Assoriatc Prof cssor of Gen11a11ic La11g11ages.-A. B. liarvard univer­sity. 1874: Student at Leipsic and Gottingcn. 1879: Ph.D. Strasbl!rg. 188o. 'J'cacl1er ii1 Strasburg. 1880: J>rofcssor of ~loder11 l..'l11gt1age at College of ('harlcston. South ('arolina. 1881: l.,rofcssor of ~lodcrn l...1nguagcs at (•otorado Co11tg:c. ('o1orado Spri11~-s. 1890-91; _\,,oc1:i:r rrofessor of G~r111:anic L'lngua~~""· Uni\·ersit>' of Texas 1891. ALEXAXDER (;.\s\\.EJ.L E1.1.1s. Ph. D.. Associate Pro­fessor of t:d11catio11.--1\ . B. Cnivcrsity of Nort h Carolina. 1894: Ph. I). Clark L'nivcrsity. 1897. l"rofessor of 1·~ychol<>g)'. l'11i\'crsit)' oi :\ortl1 Caro1in:a Sun1n,cr School. 18'96; .\ cljunct Profe-.:....or of E.duc:ation, Vni\•crsit)' of 1'e"<:\', 1897-1903; .-\-t;;oci:ite J>rofessor of 1~<1ucatio11, 1903. -23­ , \\"11.1. 1A~1 '[YLER .\J.\THER. Ph. D .. As.~ociatr Pro/rssor of Physics.-B. :\ . ."\111hers1 c·ollege. 1&% ; .\I. .\ ., 1801; Ph. D. The Johns l-lopkins L'nivcrsity. .I !~(.­ I ... -.,, I • I fn-.tructor i1t Chcn1i~tr)· and Ph)·sics. L4!iciester .\cadtn1y, l..<'1C("..ttr. :\13 .. "2: Practicing ("J1en1i;o1, l{o ..1,1n, 1$92-93: •\ssi"ta111. The Johns: I lopkin.:: t;ni\·tr:-.ity. 189i·98; .\ Ci:\tc l'rnft:,~Or flf l'h}-Sic5. l:ni\'ersit)' of Ttxa~. 1898. r \\" 11.1.1.\~1 L .. lltL\Y, Ph. D.. .'lssociatc f>rofcssor of 8ota11y.-L.:11dcrgrad11ate S.tuclent. Cornell L'ni­• ,·cr~ity. J&q9-91; .A. R. Indiana L.'niversity, 1893; I .\ . .\I. Lake }'orest l"11iversity. 1894; (;raclnate S111dcnt. L'nivcrsit.'· of Berlin; Ph. I). L"nivcr!'ity of Chicag-o. 1898. I n...tl'UCtOr i11 Biology. Lake l;-orcst U11ivcr...it)'. l S95: • \tlj 1111..:1 l>rore,..,or of J~iol<>g)'. s.~n1e. 1896; Jn...trl1ctor i11 l~c>t:l11y. Uni,•tr"'11y 11f 'J'e":l.... 1897·98: .\djl1nct J>rof~ssor of Bo1.:i11r. Uni,·cr:-.it)' (If ·rc'\::t't. JS!tS· 1902: •\~~ociate J)roitssor. l 01li\'('f'Si1y of ·1 ·cxas. 1!l02. ED\\ 1x l)L" Bois S11 vRTER. Ph. L1. . .·/.,-sociatc Professor o; Oratory.-Ph. B. Corne ll L"niversity. 1892; Craduate Student in J"::ng-li!'1-1)9; P'racc ici11g .\t tor11cy. J806·99: .\dj1111c1 1•rofc-i:"tor of ()1·a1or)'. U11i \'cr~ity of ·rc'\:"l". 1S99·J903: .\ssoci:ttC l,rofessor of Orntc)r)', U11i· \'(.'rSity 0£ 'l°~.'Xtl.!", 1903. -24­ • I l.\RRY \ ·.,xor::c.1. l31;;xE1>1cT. Ph. I) .. rlssociatc Pro­fessor of .llathc111atic.~ and ..Jstro110111y.-B. S. l"nh·ersity or 'J'exas. 1892: ~I. .\.. 1893: Ph. I). Flar,·ard l"ni,·ersity. 18<)8. l·"ello\\' i1t t>l1re )l:i.thc111:itic.;., U11ivcr~i1y of 1·cx:'l:;. 1891-92; ·rl1tor in l>urc a111>licd ~l ~1thcn1atic"· ti11ivcrsitr of ·rexas. lS92·!l3; 1\ s"ist:i.nt i11 l .ea1td<:r ~lc('or111ick ()h~Cl'\','\tOr)'. l'ni,•crsity of \'ir~i11ia, 1893·95 ; J)crb>• S.;:l1olar. 1larvarc1 LJ oivcrsity. I806·97: 'fha)•er Schol~tr. ..3111c, 1897-98: J11struc1or io ch:irJ:C <1d i"ttri111 ;\latheo1atic..;;;., \ 'a1tit~· oi 1'"exas. 1899-130(): .\akota. 1902·190·l; A: ~f. C. E. Corncll l'nivcrsity. 1895. r•rof~s.:,or of Pl1ysic~ :\11(( 1:1l).:l OCCr;ll{:. ~lillcr l11stitute. \'irgi11ia. 1883·:18$8; 1\ f 1'cx::i... t89i-1903: Profe,:_.::or of ('i\1 11 l~tlt-:inccri11g, 190':1. \\"11.1.1A~r BATTLE P1111.1.1rs, Ph. D .. Professor of Fic!il and Eeo110111ie Geology, //cling Professor of J1in­i11g a11d ,Jt/et11/111rgy, l)ircctor of tlze U11iversity of 'l'e.ras 1\tli11eral S11r1•1·y.-St11de11t at Bingha1n School. Davidson College. and School of ~line$ . . Freiberg. Gern1a11y. Ph. B. University of \:orlh Carolina, 1817: Ph. I) .. 1~83. Che1nist Xorth Caroli11a .\Rricult\aral a11hillips & Claghorn. t-:nginecrs and Ch<"mists. llir111i11s:h:tn1, _,\l:tb:a1na. 1887-1890: Staff of 1-:n11:inccring and )lini11~ Jo\1r1tal, :\'c,,· \"ork. 1S9Z·l894: Ch<"n1ist 0 l"('t1nessee Coal. Tron & Rail\\.:\)' ('01111-.any. l~ir111inghan1. ,\laba111a, LS94· l89S: J~(litor .\n1erican ~lan\1facl\1:inf: :ttlittsb11rg. l"cn11~yl,·ania. 1898-1900. Prof<'bSOr t>f 1:icl(I a11(l l~cono111ic Geology. :\11(1 l)ircctor o f the U11i\'t"fSity or ·r'-'X:'lS ~li11cral S11f"\'e)'. 1900. t\RTlt lJR Ct:RTIS SCOTT. Ph. I) .. Professor of Electrical l.i ngi11eering.-B. ~. Rhode Island College. 1895: Ph. D. l.7ni,·ersity of \\.isconsin. 1902. lnstr11ctor i11 Chcn1i-:try i11 Rhoclc l~la11d College. 1894·1895; 111· ,,r,1ctor i11 Ph>•sics, 1895·1 807: J"lrof<'~sor of Physics a11(l Elcctric:al l~ngi11eeri11g. Rho(le Isla11rofcssor of Electrical l~11gi1,ceri11g. U11iversi1y o( ·rex~~. l 903. -27­ _l o 11x C 11 .\RLES TO\\.XES. LL. D.. f' rofessor of La1v.-· LL. D. Baylor University. 1898. J•rofessor o( r..:.,,.. l;ni,·crsi1:-· of Texas. 1896. I ' \\' 1r.LL\M STI"VART S1~11<1Ns. Professo1· of Laiu. Ct..\Rl!:XCE H. ~lll..LER, LL. B. l'rofessor of La1,1, and Dean of the College of Lcnv.-~I. 1\. University or l~dinl>urg-. 1884 ; LL. B. L'nivcrsily o f 'J'cxa~. 1&_q: . l'r~ctic11'f: .\ttor1";.cy. ISSS· l903: Cit)' .\tlornc)• of 1\ t1St111, 190:J: J.,roft·~sor of I...;:,,,., lJ 11ivcrsity Qf ~rcx~s. 190•1. -28­ BE:-11 .\~1 IN DL·u11-:Y ·r.\1<1.To:-: . LL. 1:.. Professor of L a.1ti.-.i\. n.. St. Charles College. Louisiana. ' 186.~ : LL. 11. Cniversity of Louisiana. 18j2. ~lernbcr Co rn1l1i....io11 of .\J\J)C:tl... Sec. I~.• 189 l: Chief Ju.,.ticc of the Co\art of Civil .\,,1-.c:lls for the: S.:~011<1 St11)1c111c Juclicial 1li:-.trict of Texa"li, 1_$92: Chair111a11 State l!o:,r1I of l..egal l~xa111incrs: l'1·oft,..,or of J_a,,·, l~11ivcrsit)· of ·rC''.'(3-5. 1901. Jo11N FAN:-llN '\'ov:-:c P.\l:>:E. ~I. J).. Profc~·sor of Obstetr£cs a11d Gy11eco/o![v.-St11dc11t at the i\Tedi· . ' . cal Dcparl1nr111 of the L·nivcrsity of Penn~yh·ania. 1857-1859: :0-1. D. l·ni\·crsity of l.ouisiana. 1861. ('hicf Surgco1l ~lol>ile llos1>itct1t1c~. 1't1la11c l l11ivctsit)' 18SG-I $86; '.\l cn11)tr of the \ 'isitinl:' Staff of 1he ('harlt)' I lo'J'11al. :'\C\\ ()rlcar1.... 1 85· I8SG: Ob· stctric13n 3nd Gy11ccolrn,:i..t ...1uta1. and l'rofcs~r oi Ob!!tCtrics anrofcssor of .llatcria .lledica i11 tlic Scliool of Phan11acy.-.\. B. \\.ashington and Le~ 'lJni versity, 1879; \\11. J). Gnivrrsit\· of J>cnnsyl­vania. 1883. l11rer11e l'hiladcla>hi:a I lo3p1tal. 1SS3·1SS-t: l11tcrne at ~latcrrtity llOSJlital, ~l tanich. 1$S5: f:>roies......or c•( J\l:ttcria ~lcclica. c;a1,._....1011 (,\,J. legc of i\'lcdicine, 1888; l'rofcssor oi )latcria ~leclic:i and 'l'hcrapC\tti~. l'ni\·tr~ity o f Te.s:tS;, 1SV1. -29-· \\"11,1.1.\~1 f(EILLER. L. R. C. P. & S.. F. R. C. S.. Pro­lcssor of .'l11a/0111y.-Grad11atc Student Cnivt·rsity '• of Edinburgh. 1877-81 : Student Royal College of Surgeons and .'.\Iedicinc. 188-t--88 : Qualified l.icen .. tiate of H.o,·al College of Ph,·sicians and Snr­ . . ~ gcons. Edinburgh. 189<>; Qualified Licentiate of the Facult,· o i Ph,·sicians and Suq~eons. Gia~· --' . go,,·: FellO\\' of the Royal College of Surgeons. Edinburgh. 1890. L.cctt1rcr on .\natorn)·. Edi11burgh :\ledicinc School. 1S90: Pro· fe....or of .\:1aton1)·, t:ni\•tr'it~· of Texas. 1891. J.,~1Es Eo,,·rt-1 T110)1Pso:-.:, .'.\!. B., n. s .. r. R. c. s.. Professor ol .S'urgery.-i\f. R. C. S .. Englancl. ' I 1886 : .'.\ r. B. and B. S., London. T887 : F. R. C. S.. England. 1838. l.,rofcssor of Sul"gery. -l;nivcrsity of Texas. 1891. S1,;T11 i\l.\BRv .'.\loRRIS, B. S., .'.\!. D.. Professor of ('he111istry and To.ricology in the Sc/100/s of ,\/edi­cine and Phar111acy, Lecturer on Dictetics.-P,. S. L"ni,·ersity of Texas. 1&~: .'.\!. I). College of Physicians and Surgeons. \:e\v \'ork. 1891. R.\OL:L RE:>:E D.\XIEL CLTXE. .'.\!. ,.\ .. Ph. G .. I'ro/essor ol Phar111acy, School of Phannacy: Lecturer on Phannacy, School of JV/edicine.-Ph. G. ~fedical College of Lille, F rance. 1887; B. S. Uni,·crsity of .'.\lontpelier, F rance. 1889; t\. i\ f. Gettysburg College. Pennsylvania, 1896; Graduate in Phar­rnac~-. Xe\v '{ork School of Phar111acy. 1890. -30­ J.\)I ES \\.. \CcL.\1:G111.11'. \1. I) .. l'rofcssor of .\Irdi­ci11c.-\£. D. Cni\•Crsity of Louisiana. 1867. l'l1y:;.icia11 0 11 \tisiti11g :-;tafT. jtlhn Sc.•al)• llc.l$J>ita1. Gal•lesto11: Co11-.,1ll 111t-: l'hysici:in of the Se101 l11h1'1u:1t)'• .\ t1:-ti11; J>hysicia 11 011 the \1i:-.it ing Staff o( St. ) l:tr y':o:: lnf1rn1:.1·y. Galvc.•111.10 1 : J)ro fcssor of )lcdici11c.·. l' 11iv~r!'oit y of ·r~sa~. I 897. \\ 0 1LI.l.\)I SPE:"CER <..".\lh)•sician, Philahi:i I lo...11it:tl, l $90 ; l~esiclcnt J"lh)·~i· cia11, l"rcsb)·tcri.:in l[ospital. l'hi laennsyl\'a11i:t. I SS!l· t S!l2: •\Mista1 t Dc111onst r:ttor o( l11 J"1131l1olo~)'. t:nivcrsity of cn11~yJ,•ani'l, l~fl2·96: Quiznia:tter in J•:ltho. le>~)', ;\lcdical I11stitl1tc. j~92.n<:: .\ ...~i...ta11t l'ro(('~r oi Co 111p3rativ..­l"h)''iol~y. and Dt'n1011s1rator of l'h>"10lt"g)·. l'nivcrsit)" of l.,.c11n...yl· ,·an1:\. 1896·97. f"cllO\\' of Ph1l:\d('lpl1i:i. ('ollcge of Phy~icians. 1897 ; 1•:\thologi~t of Childrcn'ot 11():-.Jlil:tl uf l'h1l'tdcl1lhia. 1$93-96: Proft"S.Sor of Phy.;.iolog)', l"11i,1e1-~ity of Ttxa.... t t\!)7. ALFRED ED\VARO T11AYER, i\I. I)., Professo1 of Pa/fir,. log y.-St11dc111 at \Villia111s. 1878-81: :\I. D. Ne,,· York College of l'hy$icians and Surgeons. Coh1111­bia CniYersity. 188.1: I lo~pital Practice, >Jc·\\" "York. 1884-86: (;raduatc Student. Gnivcrsitv of • Gottingen. Gennany. 1&%-87: Cni\·ersity o ; \ ·ienna. :\ustria. 1 8.·08 : J\!'>~istaot St1rgeor1, :\far inc l lott1lita l s~r\'iCe. 1S9·1 ancl 1 8!>8~!>9: .\ s"'i -i1a1 t Proi~ssor or ~latcri,1 .\l cclic<1. Pa1l1ology ancl 1Jac1criolog)'. U11ivcrsity of \\fest \"irg-i11i:i.. 18 99· l900: Ju~trltCtOr in Gro~s 1.,atholos:y. ('orncll ~leclical College, NC\\' ''Ork, 1900-1902: l>rof(':,SOr of l":ttholOJ,:)1, l"t,i\•Crsily Of 'fex3S, 1903. -31­ • ' • ' I ' ' I IiI R ouERT ,\:-;n1RE\\ s. e. Lit .. / 11s/r11ctor i11 Ccr111a11. ll. I.it.. Titc l:ni\•crsity of Texas. 1 SG. EL·G1-:xF: J>\VI. Sc11oc11. c-. E.. :\l. .\ .. Ph. D.. /11str11clor i11 c·1ic111isfr\• ( '. fo;. , 'J'h(· l'n1\e~1t)' o f "'fex:\$. 1894. ~nd )[..\ .• 1896: l)h. I>.. l,.'~i· 'e~itr of (.'l1icago. 1902. )) \;\:IEI. .\ I.I.El\ PExlC:K. :\l. ,\ .. Ph. D .. /11s/r11 ctor in Latii; a11d c·rcck. I~ \ .,'Jiu.· l'nl\~r-..1t)' of 1°1.·x.i.s. 1891, an C. H. B .\NTEL. C. E .. l11slr11rtor in Cfr·il I:ngincrri11g. C. E., l~ensselacr Pol)·technie Institt1te, 1897. I l JERHERT Euc:~:NE BO!.TON, Ph. D.. /11str11ctor in 1-listory. • I I:. I ... Uni,•er~ity of \\'isconsi11, 1895: P'h. I) .. University o f J"l-en11syl· vania, 1899. J011 N ~lfATTll lAS KUEllNE, !vL S., l11str11ctor in P/,.ysics. ll. S .. The Un;vcrs;ty of Texas. 1899, and M. S., l90l. LL1LU H.\11.E\', i\1. S., !11.struclor i11 Physics. ll. S.. The Un;versitv of Texas, 1899. and M. S.. 1901. Ron1'RT.\ F. L :\VENDER. B. Lit.. :\I. .A. .. /11str11ctor i11 Lati11. Ji. I.it.. 'fhc L'rti,·e~it>· of 1·exas. 1896. and ~1. • \ . 1902. 1IE~RY DA\'ID GRAY, Ph. B.. :\I. A., l11str11ctor i11 Engli.slr. llh, IJ., Colti:atc Uni\·ersit)'. 1897; ~(. ;\. Columbia Univer:,il)'. 1898. REGIN \l.D IL\R\'EY GR!FF!Tll. :\I. A ... /11s/r11ctor 11: £11glislr. )1 . . \ ., 1:-urnl.an Uni\•trsit:r. 1892. GEORGI' r\LBERT ENDRESS, B. S.. !11s/r11ctor i1~ Dra11•i11g. I~. S .. 1'he l,;11iversity of Texas. 1893. \ VARNER FITE. I'h. D.. f11str11ctor i11 P!rilosoplry. 1\ . R .. IJ3ver£ord College. 1889: Ph. D .. U11iversity of Pe11nsyl"•:inia. 1894. F1u·:D1'1UC1< OrTo Sc11 un, Ph. D., l11slr11ctor i11 Cen11a11. t\. I~.. fJ\1ck11cll l.J11i\•Crsity. 1894: Ph. 0., Universit)' of Chicago. 1901. BENJ.\~r IN FE1.1x Il 11.1,, i\1. A .. /11str11ct or i11 1ltfi11eralogy a11d Prtrograpliy. I:, S., 111e l'niversity of Texas. 1896. and M. S .. 1897; ~!. J\, Col· \11nbia Urti\•crsit)'. 1898. I • -34­ • ED)t l:Nt) T110RXTON :\111.1.1,R. :\1. r\ .. lnstr11clor in />otilicctl Science. ll. A.. The Univer4; )I. 0., The University of ,~('X:\-t, 1896. ~r. C HARLOTTE SCHAEFER. r,,1. D.. Lecturer a.11d De111011.,·1ralor of Ge11eral Biolog·y, 1Vor111al 1-listology. a.11d General {!111-'b·ryology. ).J. J)., 'l'hc Uni"crsity of 1'exas. 1900. ~'ILLl.\~1 G.\~t )ION, l\I. 0. Associate i11 f'alh ology. )f. D.. Ur1ivcr~ity of Texas. 1893. HO\\'ARD R vsK DL"DGEOX. :\1. D. De111011slrator of Surgery: J.eclurer 011 Der111atolog·y. )f. D., U11i"'t~ity o f Texas, 1901. \V,\LLACE R OUSE, ?II. D., De111011slralor of Cli11ical .\ledici11c: Lcc/urer OI! Pedialrics: I11slr11ctor in Plr:\'sica/ Diagnosis. i\·l. J)., U 11i\•crsity of 'fcxas, 1902. -35-­ • I • • I • I I LEC'l'UHEH..S, DEiVJONSTRATORS t\ND OFFICERS ()F iVIEDCCAL DEPARTiVIEN1'. • • ,.\LICE P HH.EX.\ Ilu1111.\RD, B. S.. :\I. . ..\.. Tutor i11 Spa11ish. B. S.. The Uni\'tr>ll)' of Tex•s. 1900, •nd )I. .\ .. 1,02. FLOREXCE P.\RTll EXL\ LE\\·1s. :\I. A., Tutor i11 .llathc111<1tics. D . . \., The Uni\'tr;ity of Tcx•s. 1897, and )(. A., 1898. i\IARY ELTZ.\P.f.Tll ])Fe ll ERO. :\[. ,,\ .. 1'utor i11 .llathc111atics. B. Lit., ·rhe U1\ivcr:--ity o( "fcxa.;, 1$92. a1l.d ~I. 1\ . 1897. J011 N RonERT 5 ,,.ENSON, B. 1\ .. '/'11t or in the S ciencc and 'A rt of ll.ducation. ll. ,.\ ., 'l'hc U1tivcrs1t)' of Dc11,·cr, 1896. ALEX.\XDEti l)EUSSEN. i\I. S., Tutor ii;-Geology. D. S.. The l.)ni,·cr•i1y of Texas. 1903; )I. S.. 1901. BEXXIE L EOX c;t,.\SC'OC t-:. B. s .. Tutor in (,'/1r111istry. I~. S .. L:1ii,·cr~it)' of 'J'cxas. 1904. HERBERT D. :\l t~XDEXll ALL. Tutor in c·i<·il E11gi11ccri11g. D.\\·10 ...\xTox10 FR.\X K. LL. B .. Qui.::111astcr i11 !~en". LI.. n.. t·ni..cr-ity of Texas. 1903. :\lADISOX H.\\\.T!IORxE B~:xsox. LL. B., Q11 i.::111astcr in l~cn•'. D..\ .. I.L. D.. t•niversity of Texas. 190l. :\lILBURX :\lcCARTY, LL. B., Qui.::111aster in La'"· l.l .. R., U11i,cr·$ity of 1'exas. 190·1. T-1. 0. SAPPI NGTON, ?vr. J) .. /)c111011strator of Obstetrics and G'y11ecology. ,\ (, l) .. U11i,·crs1ty of 'I'exas, 1900. -37­ l ' \\'. ·r. G.\Rll.\DE. Ph. G .. Dc111011strator ol Clic111istry. l'h. G .. L:ni"·ersity of Texas. 190.S. IloR.\CE ·r..\Y:> ES\\'ORTH. ~r. D.. Dc111011strator of. /11ato111y. -'1. I)., l,;11i,<.:rsit)' of Texas. l!'t0-1. Osc \R JI. Pt..\:>T. ~[. D.. fJc111011strator of l~liysiology. )I. D .. l,;'ni,·c··~it)' of Tcxal:i. 1902. J\CK C. Bl:CKXER. Ph. G.. De111011strator ol Pliar111ac\'. J>b. G.. t:ni\'C'rsit)' of Texas. 1904. ~I \RJORIE ~I. 'f.\Yl.OR. (li11ical !11str11ctor in .\'11rsi11g. C. L. Sn \CKroRD. .rlssista1;t J11str11ctor i11 .\'11rsi11g. ER:>Esr .\xnE1isox. ~L S.. FclloK llvCKL£Y. B. S.. Felio-,,, i11 Spa11ish. B. S .. t:ni,·ersit)· of Texas. 1904. Jo11N LE\\'IS \\'oRLEY. B. _.\.. Fc/107,• in History. I!. . \ .. L'11i,•crsit)· 0£ 1"cxas. 1904. •.\x1>RE\\' BEx:>1rrT Cox. St11de11t .r1ssista11t i11 E11glisli. P E\RL PE:>FIELD. Student .-lssistant i11 Bota11y. >: ·'=":>IE Li:.\ C.\1 D\\'ELL. Student ...Jssista11t i11 Bota11y. ED)I L':>D Rl:RKE GRtFFJX. Student Assista11t i11 Oratory. \L,Y ~l.,sox ].\R\'IS. St11dc11t Assista11t i11 Zoology. I-! \RVEY B. ~L\TTIIE\\'$, St11de11t Assista11t i11 Zoology. ERNFST \\'1xF1~En BREI IL\X, St!tdent Assista11t i11 Pln·sic.~. I [ \RIOET S)tlTllER. St11de11t .4ssista11t i11 Ed11catio1;~ J.,~1 ES Enc.\11 \I1TC11 El.I.. St11dc11t Assista11t in ('ic·il E11gi11ccri11g. \ \111.1.1.\ .\I J1·::>rNER Po\\'ELL. St11dc11t .4ssista11t i11 ('ic·il Engi11ecri11g. 1-Ulartlne11t. F. I ro~1 ER CURTISS, B. S.. f)ircctor of tlie Cy111nasi11111 for .llc11 at the .llai11 u·11ir·crsit\'. Lo1,;1sr. I-I. \ \!R1c;11T. J)ircctor of the Cy111nasi11111 for tro111e11. R.\LPII F1 ELDI NC Ir VTCl 11 X'iOX. Director of 011tdoor .·ltlilctics. ]011 x P.,i.;r. I-To11·s1·:1c / lssistant /Jirector of the J1/c11's (,'y1n11asi11111 . E)1~rET E. :'-lc l NNIS. Sccreta1"y to Ilic President. \•\IJLLlA~I L.\ ll' llEXC'E CooK. ,'/ssistant to l?cf(istrar. ' -39­ ' j • • I I ' SE.:\IOR PHAR:\l r\ CY. • )• - GRADUATE CLASS. JAS. F. Jo11xsox ......................................... Presidc11t XE\\"TOX J. :\IARSH.\LL ...........•................... Vice-Presidc11t Lou1E X. URO)I BERG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1'rcas111·cr I :\Irss Ju1.1A ESTILL . ........... . ... . .. . . . .. • ... . ... . . ..... Secretary • ! STCDEXTS .\XD :\I,,\JOR SL"BJ EC1'S. *C11.\RLES HExRY .\)tER)t.\)1, B. S .. ·0-1., Political Scie11ce. *Eox.\ Ju.\NtT.\ f\NOERSox, B. A., '04., Greek. l• *L:\URA LORR1\INE BATSON', B. f\ .. '04.. Gennan. Lou1E :\.\Tll.\='ll' L BRO)IBERG, B. t\., '04., Latin. *:\llLlll"RX PRESSLEY :\lc(.\RT\". B. ,,\., (Baylor Cniversity) "02., LL. B .. Texas. ·0-1 .• Political .5cic11cc. *:.\)1.\XO.\ .J1,;1,1.\ EsT11.r,. B. S .. '0-1 .• Bota11v. . ':':\l.\RY FtECE1 .. B . .-\ .. '03.. Lati11. * REXNIE LEOX (;1..\SCOC K, 8. S.. '04., Che111istry. *joHx P.\l:I. I f.\USER. B. S., ·0-1 .. Ed11catio11. *J .\)JES F1x1s Jo11xsox, B. S.. '04.. £d11catio11. * :\L\RG.\RET EsT11.1. l\:Ex x P.Y, D. ,.\.. '03 .. S pa11isli. *:\E\\'TOX J,\$!'ER l\l.\RSIl.\LL., B. r\ .. '0-1 .• fid11catio11 l\IARCARET ELIZABETH l\ IARSIL\LL, B. S .. '03.. Zoolog,,: • * LUKE C1iATEN Ro11ERTSOX, B. S .. '04.. illatlie111atics. *E)!l[.. s.\l.!ER. B. Lit.. '03.. Polit1cal Scie11ce. *}.\)tES ,,\1.BERT St)I PSOx. B. S .. '0-1.. .I/atlie111atics. *r\LLEx Pix KX~:y STR.\)IL£R, B. S .. '0-1.. Che111istry. Jonx Lou is \\'()Rl.EY, n. A .. '0-1 .. llistory. *EVELYN B1".1. \Vn1CHT, B. f\., ·04., Greek. I• * Xot cancliclate for a degree . -42­ GR1\l)U1\'l'E CLASS. ' •I I i, .' I (ft", ~ ilc:i.rts of oak are 0\11' ntc11.'' }EFFF.Rso:-; DAvis .-\T\\·ooo. R. Lit.. :S N <1>, B . . !\... Ouachita College. ~ '"\ 0 011 Cassit1s 11as a Jea11 a11d ht1ngr)• took.' L ARRY P. BAILEY. B. s.. vVaco, Texas. Glee Club. ··r.ifc is jest a11d all thi11gs sho"' it I thot1ght so once but 110'' l knO\\' it." RonERT }ONES BEASLEY, 13. S., Beeville, Texas. X ct>; '\la1·sity Baseball 1'ea111, '03 and ·04. ''1\ head is about 3S 11111ch C\•i· him also.'' ' }~1c·-1EST v\T1NNI FREO l~REI JIAN, B. S., Bartlett, j "l'exas. Student t\ssistant in Physics. '04­'05; Class Track 'l'ea111 "04; Class Football T eani ·04 ; 1·. :\I. C...\.: Gern1an Pia,· "04. • ''I ''aluc Science. no1te ca1t pri%e it ntorc. I It gi\•t$ t\\'O h1.1ndred rea$01t$ to adore!' B,\RN E\" BR001'S, B. s., Benjaruin, Texas, Capi­tol Club : Rusk ; Student Assistant i?1 Zoology. ·04-'05. ''Sic se1np('r C11c111idopl1l'r11is ';t•i:li:ardissi1uis.1 ' -P/1'n)'· E 1, 1s 1:: DExlSON BRO\VN, B. Lit., San T exas. X n: Sidney Lanier; Clas~. 1902: Secretary Class. 1904. ··1·11 be at ch:"Jrge for a lool.:in~ ,;tla.ss; .\ nrl entertain a score or l\\'O of tail(\rs, 1'o st'''lY fa:;hion~ to aod>··'' Antonio, Historian t Fi.OR.\ :\L\uOE BRo\\·x, R. f\ .. San Saba. ·rexas. Sidney Lanier: Y. \V. C. l\.; \ lice-President Senior Class: Treasurer Sidne,· Lanier 1904-05. ".\1011~ 1l1c cool scq,1cs1erccholcl CaJJ,,·cll stood in the 111idst.'' J• !ace the in• .\11<1 '''tCJ> at his corncdy." C r..\RA LouELL:\ Foi-:D.\. B. f\., Galveston, ~rexas. t\shbel : \·ice-President \V 0111a11·s Council: Secretary 1\shbel 1904-05: Her­n1annsoehne Scholarship: Y. \\". C. :\. '"l"hat this. is but the surface of her soul .\ nd that the depth is rich in better thing;;." D.\\"ID :\xTox10 FR.\NK. H. ,.\., Conroe, Texa:<. LL. B .. '03; Quizn1aster in La,v, '03-'04 and '04-·05 : '\.arsity Track 'l'ean1. '04; Class Track Tean1. '04; Class Football 1'ea1n, 'o:::i, • I '03. '04; Class Baseball 'fean1, '04; Senior Class Orator: Assistant Editor of The 'fexan. '03. ·04 : Editor-in-chief of The Texan. ·05: President. Rusk; \"ice-Presi­ dent. O ratorical :\ssociation: Secretary. De­ bating Council: \ "ice-President. Y. ~I. C . ..\.: \"ice-President. Press Club: Director of the Co-op: Rusk Debating 'fea111, '03-·04. Si111pkins Society : l'arlian1entary Club. ··.\ \\'C:;tther bea.tCll 10,·cr. l>Ul 0 11CC k1tO\\'tl , Is SJ>Or t for ever)' g-irl 10 l'racticc on.'' t\ N N 11·: J0 1·: G.\l~J)i': ER. n. f\., Palestine. 1'exas. K K r: Ashbel Literarv, . . Society: Secretarv Sopho111ore Class : \ "ice-President. Junior and Senior Class. ''l)c,•otc.\ H.\RDE~I.\X G.\RR1sox. B. :\ .. Austin. Texa;-. n B <1> ; Secretary Class 1900-01 ; Basket Hall 'fean1 1903 : ·rennis 01an1pio11 1903. "\\'hos.-else that n1otio11 a11 : Secrctar,· Class 1902-03. '"fake her tip tendcrl)·.I I landle '''ith care: F':t~hioneci so slcndcrl)•.-' S\> y ot111g and so fair." I I ' IS.\llEr. I, B. r\ ., El Paso, 'fcxas. Y. vV. C . .I\..; Sidney Lanier. ''\\'ork is in)· recreation:• (;EOlf Gas. \Vl1ose l1ci~ht i~ s ix ctibits a110-01 ; Associate Editor~[agazine 1901-02. '' l"it sc1pit qui pa1trt1 l~quitur." i\fARY FO\VT.ER fvf,\AS, B. A., Galveston, Texas. "''l'hy 111odcst)"s a c.anraisc.'' Tn.\r.I.\ ~L\RSil.\LL. B. S .. Llano. ·rcxas. Sid­nc,· Lanier. ''Nobilit)' is tbi11e :lncl th)· form is the reflcctio11 of t!l)' 11att1re.'' -53­ - • ' HAR\"EY n. :'ll.\TTIIE\\"S, n. s., t\ustin, Texas. , r -l; Student ..-\ssistant in Zoology: Class Baseball ·rcan1, ·02. ·03 and ·04; Gern1an Club : Rusk : 'freasurer Junior Class. ~· .\I1..•dicl1s crr1nacliliaticus.1' Eo~11;xo DuxC.\X :'llcKELL.\R. B. S .. Forney, Texas. l: X. ·'.\ fly sat on a ch3riot '''llttl and said '\\'hat dust do J . .'. r:\1S~ . ] [EI~BERT D. rd:ENDENJJJ\Ll., 13. s.. c. E ., Tan1pa, Florida. X ; Student t\ssistant in Engi­neering : 'futor in Dra\1•ing and Engineer­ing : President. Engineers Club : Treasurer, Engineering Departn1c111 ; S. S. S. Sorority. ··..\rt tx~r:. in dra,,·ing-his ~alary.'' l(ENNETJI C. :'II11.1.ER. B. S., He11derso11, Texas. Band; Glee Club; Baseball Tean1. ··.\ cot111try lad \\'ithal . . \ boaster and a little ba to be ha1>P}'." :\L\RTJI.\ PETERS!"'· B. Lit.. Brackctt\·ille. 'fexa:<. Sidney Lanier: 1·. \\". C..\.: n . ...\....\lle­ghen y C."ollrge. \\'.\LTER Sl"OTT Po1•E. J~. S .. Santa .\nna. ·r exas. .). T .). : ·rrca:,;11rer. F reshn1an Class : Trea<­urer. \'. ~I. C. ..\.. ·03-"04: Secretary and 'freasurcr. Press Club : President. Rusk: Editor of the 1·. ~[. C..\. flandbook. ·04-·05. ··Since there arc 1nirrors i11 \Vhich to look . l go 110 n1orc 10 the glas~y t1rook.' ' ,\·~,rc1'.t~'"'· -55­ ' • r • GR.\CE PR.\THER, B. Lit.. ,\ustin, 'frxas. Y. \\/. C. .-\.: ..\shbel: ·rreasurer Class, 1900-01; \ "ice-President Class 1902-03 ; President t\ shbel. 1905; \\"ornan"s c:ouncil, 1905. "\·\ ,"isce1s. ()jsccrnS. c0111pares. \VCighs, SC!):lr:ltC1', i1afCr$, S.:izes tl1e right and holds it to the last." ~L\l~Y :\ 1.:\L\ PROCTOR. 13. S., Beau111011t, 1·exas. r..:: ..'\ 0 ; Treasurer Sophon1ore Class; \ "ice­President Junior Class: \"ice-President. Senior Class: Basket Ball 1·ca111. '03; ~Iana­ger Basket Ball ·rcan1, '05; :\ssociate Editor oi '[he Cactus. '03-'04. '04-'05: Texan, '05: Chair111an of the Patronesses. Final Re­ception. '05. ''Ki11d·hearted. fricn" f\111 of life 1\ ncl :t)•e. ~ politic:tn.'' \ S.\DIE l)i.;ci-;i::1·r. B. S...\ustin, Texas. '"Signs of 11obleness. like :-.tar..;. 5:hall sl1i11t on all deser,·ers.'' I IELEX R.\1. EY, B. Lit., San Antonio, Texas. r\shbel: Y. \ \ .. C . . \. ; \'atsun1ana: Assistant Eclitor-in-chief ~Iag-a7.ine. 1903; Editor-in­chiei i\Iagazinc. 1904: Class H istorian, 1903 : Colonial l)a111cs Prize, 1904; \Von1an's Council. 1905. ··'"ro those ,,·J10 knO\\' tl1ee 1\ot, 110 '''01ds c:in paint! .\r1d th<'se \\•ho knO\\' thee 311 \\'Oreb a.re f;lint." :\loR1<1s THO:\IPSO:-: R"cTOR. B. S .. Bastrop, 'fexas. Capitol Club: President Sopho­111orc Class : ~lcn1bcr S111dcnt's Council; Class Football ·rean1. ·02. '03: Secretary and 'L'rcasurer, ."\thenaeu111: Y. l\I. C. A., Presi­dent Oratorical t\ssociation: ~fe1nber, De­bating Council. " 1\Jt1 I 11ot a. srnokcr 311d a l>rothcr?" ) • -56­ \ " "" ~l.\1~y \ ·1Rc1xI.\ R1cE. B. .\.. Dallas. Texas. I-\: K r; :\shbel : Yatsu111ana ; 'freasurer 1-\shbel, 1902-03; Secretary t\ shbel, 190-1: President Ashbel. 1905 : Editorial Staff Texan 1903-04; Y. \\'. C. A. 1'1 an1 notl1i11g if 11ot critical.'' RE1.1..\ Ros£xFrEr.o, B. Lit.. ·rylcr, Texa5. Her­n1annsoehne Scholarship. '1ll1c force of her 111erit 111:.kts 11tr ''3.)'·'' ED\\0 1x D.\VIS SA:-robabl)• 110 1l cll in the next '''orld for :t1.1tl)o r:-i., they suffer so n111ch front critics anli~l1crs in this.'' Tll.\D S11.\\\". B. f\ .. r\ustin. 'fexas. ''\\"hc11 f bccal'11e 3 111311 I 1 \tt :\\\:\y cl1ildish things." -57­ .\1.BERT 0. SrxCLETox. B. S .. \\'axahachie. i.:. :S: '\"arsit,· Baseball 1'ea111. '02: Class Bas'.!­ball Tea111. '02. ·03. '0-1: Class Football 'fea111 ·o? . -. \"ice-President. Ger111an Club, '03-'04; P resident Final Reception, "04. " .\ .t•1110 saitat sobriu.s 111s1 fort<· i11$iJHU,f.''-Cic~ro. BExJ.\)tlX FR.\XKLIX S tsK. B. S....\ustin. 'J'exas. ··\\'ho clin1bs the gr:in1111Cr· trct 0,,·.1' FREO :'lfORTOX 'f1!0~1 P~Ox, B. 1\ .. Lockhart. 1"exas. Engin<'ers Club. ".\ sl1a.IJ0,,· brain behi11d a scriou~ 111ask. .\n oracle ,..·itltin a11 cn1pt)' cask." 111·:1.Ex \\'ooTtO::\ T110RxTON. B. S., Austin. 1'exas. xn; Treasurer Class 1900-01 : Secretary Class 1905. ''\\'i1h cour3ge, honor. tltt-Se i11 "Charn1s strike the sight. b11t 111crit '''i11s the sotil."' -59­ l t I I \V11.1.rA~1 Ct~OOK \ Ti;nNON, B. S., Roane, Texa5. Class Track 'fca111. '02 and '03; 'Varsity l 'I'rack 'fean1. '02. '03; Class Football Tcan1, 'o1. ·02. '04: Rusk. "l:or he b)· gco1nctric s,calc ( o ,1ld take the s;zc of pots of ale. Rc:00olvc l>y sines and 1a11ge11ts straigl1t, (f 1,rcad or butter 'va1ltec.l \VCig11t." \•\IJl,1.1 :\~[ CL:\RENCE vVELLER, B. A., Austin, 'fexas. o. 8 ; P resident, Sophon1orc Class: Student's Council. '04-'05; 'Varsity Baseball Tea1n. '02, '03, '04: Captain '\'arsity Baseball Tean1. '04 and '05: Captain ' I Fresh111an ;\ine. ··1~csiosc to l>c scratcl1cd ." 1-l L•c11 !(ELLY \V1LC.IA~1s, B. S., Yoakunt, Texas. Capitol Club : Rusk; Y. ~I. c. A.; Class Football Tea111, '03 and '04; Class Baseball ·rea111; '02, '03, '04; President Senior Clas>:. "So1nc1i1ncs a ,·iolc11t laughter scrc,,•ed his face." DAISY DELL \\"Q)IACK, B. Lit., Austin, Texa-;. ;''flle daisy for si1111>licity nnd \tnnffcctcd air.'' I. -60­ SENIOR CIVIL ENGINEERS. ()FFlCEI<.S. F.\l,L TER'.\L (). L. Si:\J S ..... . ........... . ........... . . . .. • ........... Prcsidcut l~. S. r\LTGELT .. ......... • .. • ... . .. ..................l'ice-Presidc11/ (;. G. ED\V.\RDS ............. . . • .... . •. ........ ........... . Secrctar.v \\'. J. PO\\'ELL ............ ... ......................... ... 1'rcasurer X. l). -11.\:-;os ..... ........................................ Auditor S. J. ~L\.\S .. . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. S crgea11 /-al-. ../ r111s \\'I XTER TER'.\!. \ \'. \ \'. \·.\Xx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Preside1:! r. S'.\t ITJI .............. ........ .. ............ .. .... . f 'icc-Prrsidr11/ :\. D. S 11 .\l'flS ... . . ........ . . ...... • ................. .... Srcrclary S. J. i\L\AS ..... . .................... . ............ . ...... ·rrrasurer I~. S. t\r~·rc1~1~·"!~ .................... .......... ............... .1/1,ditoJ' (). L. S1'.\1S ........ ........ • ..................... Srrgea11 /-al-/lr111s 11. D. ~[EXOEX11.\LT. } ............. ........... ....c·actus l'o111111i11e.; S. J. ~[A.\S Sl'Rl:\C TER'.\l. J. E. ~[JTCHELL ............. . ........................ .... Preside111 \\'. E. EL.\'.\£ ......... ..• ..•....•.........•...........l,.ice-Prcsidc11/ I<. R. }{.\TC11ETT .... ................ . ........... ..... .....Secretary \\'. J). P. \ \i.\Rl. Po"·ell. \ \'illian1 J. Fletcher. Henry T. Shands. 1\cd D. Forsgard. Lee \\'. Si111s. Orland I~. Giesen. vValter r-:. S111ith. Pl11111cr \\'arrcn, \,\'illis Do\v Peck. -61­ SENIOR LAWS. • C11.\Rt.Es H . . .c\)tER)f.\X. Ilouston. Texas. LL.B .. 13. S.. l :niversity of 'J'cxas. 1904; ,\thenaeu111 : Vice-President Senior La''' Class . .\L\'.\ P £.\RL B.\RRETT. Bonha111. Texas., LL. B .. cf> r ~ ; Rusk: Texas-Colorado Debate. 1903; Senator 19th Legislature. ROBEl President Senior La\V Class. ··.\ 1nighty m3n. h3d 11ot "t01nc cun11i11s: :;ir1 . .\111id:;t so man)· ,·irtucs crO\\•dcd i11.0 ' ORVILLE CANADA Rucr, 1 :-IGTON, Pool ville, Texas, LL. B., 'J.Ncf>; Rusk. "Go teac11 eterna! \vis; "Ii he plcas'd he plt>a..,")' ntan1)• '''3)·s: • '' :.:" E\\'TOK \ \'. GR.\11 .\)I, 1'ahoka. Texas. LL. il. ''\\'herte'r )"OU err. t"rr on the pro~r side; 'Don'1 charge too little•; may be ht"rc implied.'' GAVINE DRu~1~10ND l-IuNT. Dallas, 'fexas, LL. B., B. A., University of Texas, 'o:;; .).. 0; :.Jen1ber of the Students Council fro1n the La\\· Departn1ent. ''Turn him to 30)' cause of policy, the Gordia11 knot of it he ,,·ill unloose fa111iliar :is l1is ,artcr. 1' l'R.\ :-;c1s P1 s CH .\ ~t i\L\RSH ALL, Center, 'f exas, LL. B. : President Senior La\v Class; \!icc­President Rusk. "E\'t"11 the ''cry hairs of his l1cad arc numbered.'' I. -64­ C 11.\RLES :.r.,vs. Dupont. 'fexas, LL. 13.: :EK .p; :-\thenaeun1: Inter-Society l)cbate. 1904-5: 1'cxas-1\1lane Debate, 1905. ·•\\'incl)'. ,,.;11dy. C\'Cry,,•hcrc, .\ncl nat a tl10 11g l1t to think,'' RonERT .-\ LFRED PO\\"ELt,, :\lontgo1ncry. Texas. LL. B.: President Senior T_a\\• Class. "I t is pleasi11g to be poi1 te• bo,,e1s. Oh. '''h3t :t llapp)' '''orld i"l ours! ­ \\'crt it 11ot for \\'ORK.'' • SENIOR MEDICINE. \\'11,t.1.\~l L. B.\ tG11, :\I. I) .. Bro\\-n\\·ood. Grad­uate of fL P . C., Ex-tcrnc to Sealy I-lospital. '''rite 111an \\'ith the 1heru1o·ca\1ttr)•." FR.\X K x. DAXFORTI!, :\L n.. Goliad. Phi -~ lpha Sign1a: President oi 1904 Final Ball; Senior Ciass President. "Prim Rose \\'3S in ever)' role UJl to date.'' ]OE l)Al(RACOTT. :\I. D., 'l'yler; X ; Sopho111orc Class Editor : Sophon1orc Class Historian : ·rreasurer Student's Council: Senior Class Editor. ''Silcrlt rurt::. the \\atcr \\here the brook i.;: deep."' \\'11.t.1.\~l ·r11o)L\S D.\\\""· :\1. I).. Gonzales . .Fresh111en Class J>rcsiA ~ ; ~lanager of :\lcdical. "l'ol11ican. )'Ct a irie 11d to tr\1th. i1l soul ~irlccrc:' In ac1io11 faithit1I and i11 hor1ur cl X: Chief Editor University :. Ccclical. 1904-5. "Pr.i;sc George. from ,,·hom a11 blessings flo,,·. rraise edi tors \\'ltcrt''cr 1l1cy go:· JlO)IER E1.K;xs. :.c. I) .. Sutherland Springs. '')lttk as a 1a111b." ()1,1 N GOBER. l\L D.. Chilton. Secretary anJ 'f"reasurer :.Ien"s Dining Hall, 1903-4: Presi­dent oE sa1ne. 190~·05: Te1nporary Patholo· gist at Sealy 1-Iospital: X urse Gynecologist. ··tte a1,,·a)'S k11c''' a £11111'>' thing and said it.'' Fi<.\:-:" S. LrrTLEJO•• :-: , :. L D., :.Iarshall. Junior Class Secretary and Treasurer: Junior Clasi. Scrgeant-at-.A.nns: Student's Council Ser­geant-at-.r\nns. ''\\"orth 111akes tltc 111a11." \\'. L. LYox, :.I. D .. jasper. Junior Class \ 'icc­President: Junior Class President 2nd Tern~. '':\o sl1a1ne l count it to 11a,·e ltad 11t)' sport. 1'he sha111e is not to C\lt 2ii\1cl1 follies short." )• -68­ •. \ •VALTER C. i\1JAYES. 1\I. D., P lano. F resh111a11 Clasi; 'frcasurcr: Sopho1norc Class Editor: Senior Class Artist: cf> X. ''lie S0\1ght fresh fountains in a !orcis:1i soil. The plta"i1rc lt'-$e11ed tht :\ttcn A :S ; Den1011strator of Che1nistry. r8g7-1 904. ".~nd J1c bccantc a boy again.'' • GREGG .\It,;!hy~ici311 no,,· is here." GEO. X. R1cKs, ~!. D .. Pleasanton. Sopho1norc Class \'ice-President; Chainnan of I-Iall La"· and ()rdcr Co1nn1ittec. 1903-4. ''If cloctors f~il, here's 111y prescriptio11; tr)' it: Tl1cse three: good spirits, rest. a11d niocleratc :th of ''•ill: , \ Jlurpose clear as ,,·as hi~ ...1<.·<·l ~r:ty t')'C: ('u11r:ige his enl11<:k to do ,,·hat c're l1e '"' 111 11')'... I ' I SENIOR PHARMACY CLASS. OFFlCERS. FIRST TER~f. J. B. Ptt Et.rs ...................... .......................President F. \\"1t.01xc ......................................... f?icc-Preside11t :\I1ss )l.\E P.\RK1111.1. .............. .. ........ . Secretary and 7'reasurer A. P. HERFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sergea11t-at-Ar111s R. S. BRUCE .. ........ • . .. .. • .... . .. • . ....c·orrrspo11dc 111 to •·.\{ edical" I • I SECOXO TERM. H. \ ". )fASO:-: ............................................ Presidci;t E. E. CocnR.\K .......... . ...........................T7 ice-Preside11t :.\IRS. LILLiE H. G.\TES ........................ Secretary and Treasurer J. L. FOOSHEE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scrgea11t-at-.4r111s B. S. BRi;cE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Historia11 CLr\ SS :\IOT1"C) : ··Careful Cy ... CL,\ SS SOXG : "Tiger Lily." Byron Bruce. Ed Cochran. Elbert Cyrus. :.\Irs. Lillie Gate5. Je\\·ell F ooshee. r\ dolph Herff. CL;.\SS ROLL. \Tictor i\Iason. Bailey Phelps. :.\liss :.\Iac Parkhill. Jake Reynolds. R. A. Tynes. Charle\· \\"oorlburn, Ferdinand \ \"eilding. • -72­ ' SENIOR PHAR1'1ACY. • I •I I • I I I ' 1 SE:\J()R PH.-1.R:\IACY. ) ' SENIOR NURSES. ()FFICl~RS. i\l1ss ,.\ :-.-:-.-.\ Sc1L\110 ............. . . . . .... . . . . . ........ .... l'rrsidc11t i\l1ss LL'Lli \ ". S)11T11 ................................ I "icc-Prrsidr11t j\ f I!'!' :\L\LEK.\ S)l ITll . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . 1'rcasurer i\fJss P .\L·1.1:-.-E :'\on1.E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . Secretary :,1 E~rBERS. ~l is~ Elina Hill. ~[iss Catherine \ ·an l)oren. ~liss ,\ nna Sclunicl. ~Iiss ~[a111ic \\"illia1ns ~riss L ucy S. F lynt, rd iss ~r. ~laudc l)a1lll'ro11. i\ifiss Caroline D. ,\1ki11~011. f.Iiss Pauline t'\oblc. . i\[iss Lulu\'. S111i1h, i\ [iss :\Ialena S111i1h. ' • I I ' l I • I' SENIOR NURSES. I • , CLASS HISTORY SENIOR NURSES. ~l'fl..-\1'ED on the Isle of Gah·eston is a stronghold of the Profes­~sion of :\ursing, called th~ John Sealy l-Iospital. l~'.ghtccn n1aiclens scattered throughout the State of Texas declared this stronghold to ' be a 1nenace to their peace of n1i11d. and they declared war against it. 'J'he 1valls of the John Scaly 1-'Jospital 1vere great and high and it 1vas peopled by a race dctennincd to prc,tect the Profession of ~ursing. The only approaches 11·ere application Blanks. and they 1verc ~trongly fortified and 1vell protected. 'fhe force of ·rexas girls anned then1selves 11·ith letters of rccon1n1end2­tion. and attacked the approachc:<. 1'he onslaught 1vas so furious that the i-tronghold 11·as reached. a less detennined anny 11·ould have desisted e1·en then. for rheir nu1nbcr 1vas not great and their ditlicultics 1vere 111an1·. Thev ' . , realized that they could not take the fort by storn1, so they decided to besiege it. '!'he resources o f the garrison 11·erc 111anr,. and the arn1y 1vas constanth·.. .._ . harassed by the relentless fire fro111 1vithin. First a 1vithering fire of tlvo 111011th!< probation 11•as hurled at thc1n: this they n1et bravely. and 1vere finnly holding their 01vn 1vhen a Scrnb Brush 1vas fired upon thc111. and one Aed. panic !resident L11.1' Sr 111'DDE,l.\C.EN . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . // ice-Presiden: 111.\R\" L \~IBDl1' .............. . ....... . . . • ... . . ..... • ..... Secrclar1· L1xnSAY \\'. B.\SKETT .. •................. ................. 1·reas11rcr Jo..: KE1clan1 . ( ;corge :\. \\'arl". Scutcr ( ;ood\Yin. Lucy. ( )Jiphant. Janie \ \'hitchancl. Effie (;ray. George\\'. Parrish. Lucian \V. \\'illia111>. :\linnic (;ray. Fannie. Pallerson. 1·0111 G. \\'illia111s. :\1. f_, 11 icks. \ \'. Brooks. i>fciffcr. Carrie \Vood. Joseph I touscholder. Fred. W. l'clt·rson. Ollie Yeidel. Chic. l lollaclay. Florence. Po,vell. \\'illia111 llJ. -81­ • JUNIOR CIVIL ENGINEERS. F.\LL TER)I. C11.\RLES J. XTJ-:u1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prrsidc111 J"::o. 1-1. J.\11:-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /"ice-Prcsidc11t \\"JLLl.\:\l T. J_EE ..............•... • . .. ....••........•..• . Secretary RoY.\J•..\. \\".\RD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer Lt:KE C. R oBERTSOx ............................... Scrgea11t-at-Ar111s \\'I XTER TER)f. Jo11 N \V. PRITCHETT ......... . . ....... ... ................ Preside11! (OKRAD i\L BEUCJJEll ... . ..... • ... . . ... . .. . ...... • ... //ice-Prcsideut \,V111T \Iv. \~111,soN ................. .. .. • .. . .... .. .•. ..... . Secretary ()1.1x \\'. F1:-11.Ev ................... . . . .. . ................ 1'rcasurer (JJ.\RLES J. X1B1H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . S(•rgca11t-at-An11s :'PRI XG TER)J. Jo11x R. :-\.\CLE .......................................... Presidcat HER)J.\X H. Fox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /"ice-Prcsidcut En\\'IX \\". D.\\"JS .............. .. ........................ Secretary PETER 13. \\'ELLS ..••........... . ... .. . • . ..........•...•. 7'rrasurer Jo11 N v\i. PRITC ll ETT . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . • .Scrgca11t-at-Aru1s ~IEi\fBERS. r\ h·ey. Pcrrie Jahn. Ed. 11. Arledge. ..-\lbert R. r..;:uehne. llugo F. ' Bissell. Charles .\. Lee. \\'illian1 T. Baer..Arthur >:agle. John R. Blucher. Conrad ~r. Xibbi. Charles J. Da,·is. EcJ,,·in \\·. Parrish. John R. Elder. Ernest JI. Pritchett. John \\'. Ellingson, Olif J· S. Robertson. Luke C. F inley. George B. v\'ard. Roral J-\. • I; inlev, Olin \'V. vVells. Peter B. Fox, Fien11a11 ] T. \Vilson. \\'hit. \V. -83­ , • • • I 3funior ertson I.cc J)ri1chctt G. 6. Finley O. \\'. Finley Fox \Vcll~ Elder Blucher • • MIDDLE LAWS. ()FFICCRS. l'.\LL TER)f. \V11.1.t.\)I E. 0RG.\IX ........... . . .. ... .......••. ..•....... Presidc111 l\ollERT J. 'f11 0 R:-1E .............. • ..... • ...... . . . .... . Jl icr-f)rrside11t lJ.\\\' REX CE L. \Jox Teo)I ER v • . . . . • • . . . . . • . • • . • • . . .S'crrrtary-·rrcasurer I~D\\'.\RD (R.\XE ................................... !icrgra11/-af-r lr111.s \\' I XTER TER)!. ]. SIDXEY o ·r.;:EEFE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prc.side11t H.. \l.1'11 R. S)11T11 ............................. .... .... f 'icc-Prcsideat ]011 x 13RO\\'DER • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . • . . . . • . . . . . . Secretary \ \'11.r.1.\)I B. BRO\\'DER . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer \\' 11.1.t.\)I E. Ot~G.\IX .• ...... . .... ....... .. .. . • ..... •)crg1•c111/-af-//r111~ . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. . . Prrsidc11t SE\\'El.L \lvER ................... ... ................. J 'icr-f)rcside111 LEO :\EY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . .S'ccrctary-'f'rcasurcr J. SID 0 ·1.;:EEFE . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .)crg £'a11t-aI-.4r111., \IE\IDEH.S. . \doue. J. Baptiste. Jr. Landers. \lalco111 H . Robenson. ) . Bcnja111in .\llison. F. R. Lanha111. Fritz G. Robenson. Lee H .. . \ vrictt. Giles Lanha1n. Frank \ '. Robertson. \\'arrcn R. Blocker. \\'illia111 B. \Iason. . \ lbcrt J=-. ~carborongh. \\'illia111 D. l101·ett. S. C. .\larrs. John P . Scott. 1\nhur E . • Bro1v11. Clinton \lc\1 illan, R.obcrt J. Shelton. C;c:orgc i\I. Bro\vder. John \ lila111. l,ynn n. Shilg. l)onald D. nro\vcler. \\Tillian1 B. \linton . .J. \\'. S111it h. Ralph R. nurne1-. Henr,· \lontg-0111cr1·. La,vrence L. Stephens. \\'alkcr . , . . Calhoun. -"\. Ludlo1v \lothncr. \!orris \I. Stonns. Cilbcrt C. l 'ars\\·ell. Trabue \Iyer. Sc\\·all ·raylor. 11. L. Ca111pbell. l'ho111as D. :\C\1•so111c. John H. Tcrrcll. l)ick I). Carter. ]. Oran :\cy. Leo l~. 'f'horne. Robert J. Charlton. George L. ()'Kee:ft>. J. Sidney ·r~ ler. \\'allacc Clcndenning. John R. ()':\cal. Bcnja111in \\'allacc. Chas. l). Crane. Ed\\·ard ()rg-ain. \\'illia111 E. \\'alne. \\'alter II. l)ulaney . . -\lbert C. Pa}-nc. 11 ug-h r. \\'atkins. Robert ~. (;rave~. S. Reese Ranckll. . \ . L. \\'ilson. \\'illia1n i"\. 11 aidusck. George L. Richc'" 11 ar1·cv ;\ I. \\'olf, \ laurice l lolton. Chas. T. Rich. ··rhon1as· J. \·Vroe. ()ra11 i\I . Lallin1ore, San1uel H. Robert son. :\ lbcrt D. -85­ I • I Jflibble JLaw I O'Kccic Ch::'lrlton !\filam 'fhornc I... Robenson !\Ieyer ~Iin ton Haidu$Ck Ronde! Webb Clcndcnning \V. 1\. \Vilson A. O. Robertson (>aync Averitte l}urncy llrookc Storms ~1ason Ney Halton Pope Carter Rosser Frank 1-..rit~ l.anham 1"crrcll :\I 3ttS • ' I .ilflibble JLaw Shelton J, C. Browder \Vroc • • JUNIOR MEDICINE. l)l7 FTC£RS. FJ\LL TER~I. Al.HERT }{RAUSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Preside11t 1\ RTH UR LEE ................ ... ......... ............. Vice-Preside11 t I. L. \VALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S ccretary J. B. CHAFFIN . . ..... . ............ . .. . .. .. ............... Treasurer B. H. P.\SS:\IORE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S crgca11t-at-Ar111s \\'INTER TER~. J. \\'. OXFORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President t\. J. POPE . .. . .. . .............. .. . . . . . .. . . ........... Vice-Preside11t 13. 1-\LLJSON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S ccretarv - .J. C. LOVELESS . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer G. 'J'. HALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scrgca11t-at-/lr111s SJ>RING TER:\J. c. ·r. H.,1.L President R. D. G1sT ......................... .................. /'icc-Prcside11t \\'. C. 01cKEY ...•.............. ..... .................... S1·crctary .\. c;. HE.\RD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1'reasurcr \\'. S. THO:\IAS ...................•. . .............. .S'i·rgca11t-at-,../r111s R. D. GrsT...............................c·orrcspo11dc11t to " 111cdical" B. (). VVORKS . .... .. .. • ......... . ..... . . . ..... . .........C'/ass Editor l\tlEi\1IBERS. f\llison. Bruce 11a11. c;. ·r. :\lours1111cl. \ V. rI. Barhan1. Geo. S. llarris. L. R. C)xford. J. \V. Boyd. J. :\I. 11 card. A.. G. I~ .a inc. E·stcs J{randenberger. i\Jax J Jolliday. :\Iiss :\I. Passn1ore. B. H. Chaffin. J. B. I Judson. E. S. l'opc. . \. ]. Clark. C. B. Jancs. 0 . \'. Sn1ith. B. F. Dickey. \\'. C. .Jones. .·\. :\I. Speed. IT. l(. Flynn. J. G. l(lcbcrg. \\ 'alter Strozier. \\·. ::'IL c;ibson, J. F . I( rausc. _.\ lbert 'l'hon1as. \ V. S. (;ist R. D. Lee. \V. t\ rthur \ Vall. I. L. Griffin, S. R. Lc,vis, G. L. 'vVorks. B. 0 . Loveless J. Clark -89­ I • J Jl":\lOR ~rEDTCI:\E. • • JUNIOR PHARMACY. <> Fl,.fCERS. F \I.I. TER~I. 1-L L. PL·ci.:ETT .... .. ... . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . [>rc.~iclcnt J. l~. Youxc; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I·icc-F'rcsidc1;t ~[Rs. E. n. l~\\.Y EL~ ......... •.. •... . . • ..•.. ... •)'ccretary a11d 'l0 rl'CISlll'I'/' F. l\ 1. Cox ...................... . ..... .. . Corrcspo11dr111 to "1\ifcdica/" \\' I XTl".R TER.\l. C. L. KElf1arrnac,· . I '.1 C$.I "' ,. cs.I \'es.I CLASS ROLL. Hurns. R. J. I( cidcl. I(. Cassels, II. J-l. l\:cc>1v11. \ \'. L. Coulter. C. J. l(crr. ('. L. ("ox. F'. .\L 1..ockcr. IL L. C."ox. S. S. J_okey. IL ~r. Crofts. C. E. .\lcElroy. F. l)abncy. R. ,.\. .\lahaffy. C. l)clane~-, E. E. .\latthc\\·s. C. J. l)\\'~'CI' . l\[rs. J~. 11. :'\ash. J. D. l~rharclt. C. D. Puckcll. J. L. Ellis. C. B. Qucbc. JI. (). I lai111cs. P . .\I. Ra"·son. Ff. Ileffcr111an. 1-1. >:. Ro~s. \ \'. E. IIci11so11. .\L \\'. Slatapcr. E. L. 1loilis. C. B. \\·a1so11. \\'. D. Ilol111an. l\1. F. \\'isc. E. E . I l uclson, T . P. \\'rig-ht. \\'. S. Young, J.R -91­ ' I ) • • JUNIOR NURSES. ()FFICl;:R.S. l\'l.\R\' LESLIE LuN NY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Preside11! £1.1,., J. Cox . . ......... . .. ............... .... . . . .... . f/ ice-Preside11! :\f.\R\' P.\TTERSON . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'f'rcasurer t\NNIE O'Dox:-:Er. ................................. ....... Secretary .\ 1 1~:\I BERS. l\[ar~· Leslie Lunny lncz 1-J alsev E lla ]. Cox I)ai::,· Free111an Kittie B..\rnold Jcanettc ::\airn .\nnic ()'l)onnell ::\annic Sn1ith Rebecca Schultz \I ary Patterson Elizabeth \ Varhurton J_uttic (~ le1111 Ethel Hell llorton :\l11ricl .\lcxandcr Lillian ·r hornc .\lice 'l'aplin :\Iiss Roberta Dre\\•r1· -93­ ' I J UJ\JQf{ J\URSES. I I' • ' I ) I I • • 0 ! ) I ' I ; • I i '( • ' ! , ' ' I I ' • • J • SOPHOMORE ACADEMIC . • <) F FICl'.:RS. F.\l.L TER)l. P..\l.L.\RO BURGHER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President .\f.\1" BORDE:-< .. .. . . .. ............. • ...... . • .......... Vice-f>resident l-I1·:1.E:-1 c;.\RRIS0:-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary \VIVlNJ' Y ?11r1LES ........• ..•..•.....•.....•... ...... S'ergca11t-at-An11s 11· 1 NTER TEI~)l. SIDNEY .\I1LES ..... ....•... ..... .. .. . .. . ............ ..... President lf1'LEN f..:,NOX ................................... .. . f"icc-Presidc11f (;R.\C'E :\.\Sil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary lll·c;11 LOTHROP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer B .\1.1..\RD BURG II ER scrf!CCIIII-at-.·l r111.< • Sl'l~ING TERM. Jo11 N C. TO\Vi\"ES. JR. . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . President J11·:1.EN I-fooD .......................... ...... ......... // icr-l' residcli f llEV LA11 Scr-11 ELD . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . • . . . . . . . Secretary C11 .\RLES ~'~"· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1'rrasurcr C. S. ·r. Foi.so)r . . . ....... ....... . ... ......... ..... .S'crgca11t-a/-.;./r111:; .\11'.:.\I BERS. .\lien . .\Lary Blalock. \\"illia111 Bro1·les. Lois , 1\lexandcr, Pansy Bonner. Sessions Bryant. . \ llan H. .\t,,·eli, Burtie Bonner. \\'. 0 . Burgher. Ballard \-_ naer. Rachel Borden. \\!Iaie Cakhvcll. 1\annie L. Bailey, F rank Hrick. Loretto Connan. Gertrude Barhan1. \iirdian BrO\\•n. Carrie Ca rpcnter. 1\ In1a Baker. Beulah Bro,vn. \Villian1 R. Cars1vcll. Robert -99­ • Clarkson. \\"ilcy c;. Clift. J. c;ou lcl Crockell. l~llouise Cohn. Joe 1). Conley. Jantes Cosb,·. Rochnan S. Cra".ford. .J antes oa,·idson. \ \"ilbur Denton. :\ shley :diller. l)udley Ed"·ards. Robert J. Ed"·ards. ~pink T. Ellis. Cora Estill. Julia }7en:~uson. ( ;l'Orge 0 . Fisher. Fred 1\:. Fo,vler. 1.eslic C. Frost. \\"illiant (). Garrell. .\lyrtle Garrison. 11 clen Gili. l~lizabeth (~lass. Edna c;oodnight. Ehncr (;riffith . .\laude Hall. J. l)onald I-larris. 1.illic 1-farris. lostph P. Harris. Louie I-fart. .\lar,·• Hart. .\laude Hicks. Frank J-Iirsch. . \lean J l-lofstctter. J::dna flood. llclen Irving, l\linnic Jacobs. Ja1ncs R. Jacoby. Louis Jone~. (;ro,·er 1-l. Jone;;. .\lurra.'· B. Jones. Richard F. l\:aczcr. .\I a r ,. . 1\:ey. Sa1nuel ;\. I\:incaicl. ]IE L. r!EXDRICKSOX.......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . / 'ice-Prrsideut Jo11 x ..\. :\°ORRIS.................... • . ... .•..•. . . . S'ccrc/11ry-?'rcas11rcr £1)\\'.\RD F. .\ LcC.\LL. . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • • . .'>'crgc11n l-af-rl ru:s .\1£.\1 DERS. Bringhurst. John 1I. .\Inlier. :\rthur Dibrell. ] . 17enncll :\orris. John :\. Dupree. v\'illian1 t\. Parker. Charles .J. Early, Junius Pearson . .\1latthcr i\L l~olson1. Clarence S. ·r. Re1nschell. Robert II. Gardner. Ja111es E. Robinson. Ernest G. Given. Ja1nes t\. Ruggles. I);u1 c;. Goode. Andre\\' .J. S111ith. Jes~c R. Hart. Be11jan1i11 l-1. Stanage. John L. Jlendrickson. \'ernc l·. Thon1son. Fred .\I. I-Jolln1an. John (;. Thornto1:. .Ia111el' £. T'erb,,· . . .\IcFall \\'aggener. .J a111ei; P. Logan. I-Jal II. \\'ilkes. .\lilton C. :d cCall. Ecl\\·ard F. \\'illia111s. Robert J. .\IcGrath, Echvard '\r. \.\lingo. \\/illia111 J-T. i\i[orris, Ecl\vin i\11. \\food. Charles i\I. -103­ I I ~opbomore C!ibil STER.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prcsidc111 :-\ . P1 :-1 r.;:~ 1(Y STIL\ ML£R.... ........ .. . .. .... .. . ... ... . I 'ice-Prl'sid1·11/ JOE RRo\\· ~...... .. . . . ... ............ ... ..........Secre la ry-1·rcas 11r«r P.\UI. Roc11s.; ......... ................ . . . . ........ s·ergca11/-a/-//n11,· \\'I XTER TER)l. \ ' 1CTOR E. LIEB . .......... . ...... . .... . .. . ...... . ...... . .. Prc.>ide11/ \\.ErisT1·:R ;\ lcf~,·oy ... . . .. . ....... . ... . . . . . ........... r·icc-Prcsidc11/ A RT ll UR r.. [l.\Rlirs ... . . ......... . . ......... . . ... .s·ccre/al'')1-'l'rcas11rcr DRvRY 1>11 11.1.1Ps . ... . . . . .. • .....•..• .... .. . . . .. . ... Scrgca11t-al-. /ri11s \\.I XTi·:R TER)l. .-\RTll t:R I.. 11.\RRIS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prcsidc11! L ut1Ex (;. 11 ExDERsox................. . ..... . . . . . . . . / 'ice-Prc~·icfcu! \ \ ' 11.1.1 ·')I E. 1·110)1.\S.. . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~·ccrc/arr-1·rca.,11r:T \ '1c-ro1i E. l.11"i. ... ... . . .... .. ... . ...... . .. .. .. . .. . Sergca11t-al-.·/n11s ~I l·::--1 BERS. Borden. G11,. Lieb, \ 'ictor E. • llro\\·11. Joseph :--runson. L". B. *llro\\·11-Burkc. \\'illian1 :--rcE,·oy. \\.ebster l) ibrell. J. Fennell Xatha11 ..\rthur T~verheart. .f. B. Phill ips. l)rury Foster. Roscoe R. .Roch~. Paul ( ;a:·brccht. Louis St ra111lcr. 1\. Pinkney (;i,·cn. Ja111es ,\. 'fho111as. \\'illian1 E. l lancock. John 'furncr. Charles X. Harri~..\rthur L. \ · asquc7.. . \ nlonio I lcnclerson. Lucien G. ~'-Deceased. -105­ I. • ' I -ining QEngineers lk>rdcn OyC\1s Bro"'" · Burke ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS . Blakeslee. S. Lee B11rney. Percy C. Clark. 1'ho1nas B. Cook. Charlel' E. Etheridge. Ja1nes I-I. Elinore. ('larl'ncc ..\L Ellison. \\'il1nillip" l)r. Scott Robertson Bl:a'kcslec E )'fCS • • JUNIOR LAWS. FALL TERM. ·1· L ·1· 110)1.\~ . ll'T0:-.1 ..... . .......... . .. . .. . ............ . ... />resident Jo11 x :.\1. \\'11.so:-.1........................ ...... . . . . . f 'icr-l'rcsidc11t E)l)IETT L. \\'11."1·:R,;ox ... .. ............. . ................ Sccrcfar1• l(EXXET!l C. :'1111.1.ER..................................... Treasurer .\DRl .\ x Poo1.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .)'crgcc111t -at -.·1 nus \\ I XTEI~ TER)I. l( EXXET!l C. :.\l11.r.i-:1c .................................... Prcsidc1:! Jon;-.; R. Sr)ll'SOX ........ • ..... • . . . . . .. . .. ....... . .. • / 'icc-l'rcsidc;1f \\'11.1. P. BR.\DY. ...... . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Srcrctar1• . .fC)ll N v\'. i\rll\TON .......•.. •.... ... .•.. •.. •............. 'frc'crgca11t-at-. /r11!.~ •I !'>PRI l\G TER)I Jo11 x R. St)I Psox. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l'r<'.,·idcnf <)TTO ·r.,ci: ...................... ,................... /'icc-J'rcsidc11t 11!.\ B. S1 )I )lQXS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sccr1·tary Jon:-.-\\'. :.\[1xTox ... .... .. ........... ... ................ 'f'rcasurcr :,\ I.\:\TON C. T-l .\XxElc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . .'>'crgcant-af-.·1 nus I / -' -IO!l-· • ' I ' 3Tunior Jf.ahl~ I Hickman Bryant Taub )Ii11er C:allo\v3y Attorff Harrell ·robin ~fc~l:.thon flro"•n Shryock Blackburn Recd Oy:ar \Va1son Sha\\' (':arnpbtll Br:.dy 8c:.slcy l)cftogory 1\ttlc:bcrgcr • ' I • , . I I • 3fttnior JLah:J!) Nor\•311 Robard~ King Rice Sn1oot l~ry:ant Rector l)cnn:.n McColl C3rter 1-'rrincis \Vilson Cox ~Iilier \\'oolcy l'illotc Coob; 0:-.nlcy S1111lc fo'r:.nklin Price Bell ll3ilcy ~lcCampbcll Roper \\'il'°n )!cl.eod Jones P:.ltter'()n Ktrchcr\'illc 'J'o\\·n~nd Shf'ppatd 1\h·C'1'. l{. \\.alkC'r :\ tkinson. >ionnan 1\blc~. T·Ta1-r1· ·r. ,\ili~on, 17 rank R. ,\i11·oocl. J. D. :\n1111en11a11. \\'esle1. · B . Bean. George ' Bt·ll. ff. E. Blackburn. \\'. J). P.011~. ·ro111 l\aile1-. Ross Hank". John ·r. llracll'. \\"ill P. nrvant. Ector (). lleasley. \Vilbunt C. l\ryant. Sa1nuel <.:. Bo~·ctr. S nider 1::. 1lro11·ae. L. H. Calla11·ay. £. (;. Can1pbell. Jan1es F. Can1pbell. Den S. l 'ollins. H . L. ( 'ohb;;. T o111 D. Dannelly. J. 1 .. l)eboo-orv. EuO'ene :-.. . :--.. J)ibrcll. ].L ' . . i S;1111uell. E. \\'. Sha11-. \\' . (;ill Sn1oot. ( ;eorgc .\. I Stc1·cn~. F . .\1. ' Sheppard. John L. Si111pso11. John R. Shr1·ock. Harold ..-\. Stal'ton. .john \\'. . Strotcr. T[enr~· \\'. S111i1h. Ray111ond S111ith. Ralph R . Si111111ons. Jra B . Suuk>. ()scar .\f. 'J'ipton. 'l'ho111as L. ·r auh. <)uo ·ro!>in. Robert \\'. ·rolbt•rt. IT0111e1· G . ·ro11·11~cnd. S. 1-1. \ \'ilson. John .\f. \·ViI~011. C. 'I' . \• \' i l ~on. C. l'. \ \'alden. 11 crbert ?Ir. \\'intcr, Francis \\'ilkcr~on. E111111et L \\'a1~011. Joel F. \\'oollcy. Clyde \'. \\'orshan1. Joseph ..\. \\\·atherecl. P . .-\. \\'ork~. r\ . .\I. '\'011·1g-bloocl. G. Q. • 3funior JLab:Jg Di."on Griffin .1-\tkin'-On Delancy Holbrook Voun2blood ~tinton RO\Vt: ;\rnmcrinan i''O$tcr Stroter llnnn:l J..u1npkin Be:a1\ 'l'olbcrt J>ooJ lloyc11 Srnith Isaac:~ Botts 'l'ipton ;\I iller flank' Sirn1>M>n l\lcCarty SOPHOMORE MEDICINE. OFFICERS. I • F.\1.1. TERM. I J. F ri.\:-11< JI ALL ..... . ..... • . •.. • ...... . . .. ........... .. . . . President llJCRBERT R. \ V .\RDJ.O\\' . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • f/ice-Prcsid cu I C1..\REXCE :\looRE ... ... ......... ..... .. . .... !)'rcrrtary a11d Treasurer I ' S. H. :\lcKJRE • • • • • • . • . • • • . . • . • • • . • • . • . • • • . . . • • . • • • . Scrgca11/-al-.4 r111s H. 0. T(x1C;11T ..... ..•.. ........... ...... Corrr.~po11dc11/ to ··Jfcdical" \\' I :\'TER TER~r. \V. G. YouJo:Ns......... . . . . . . . .............. ......... .... Presidi•11/ F. :'II. :'llo1ui1s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f/ icc-Preside11/ Jl. F. J->1111.1.1Ps . ...• . •. ...• ..•..... ..•...... S'rcretary and Treas11rrr R. IT. I I l'\ 1".1.1, ........... ... ...... ................ Scrgea11t-al-. /nns R. E. C1.01·1> .••••..•••.•••.•..••.•...•••••('las.~ t:.dilor and flistoriau :\11·::\I 11EH.S. .\rnold. E. i\r. Judkins. l). fl . . \vt·s. C. :\I. l(c111p. .J. 0 . l\ahn. C. :.\. T( ing-slc,·. :\I iss \ \I. Burk. \\'. E. ' . [(night. I I. (). (.'lark. Sin1on La,,·rencc. (), \ .. Cline. R. R. D. :'Ifa \'Crick. .\. Cloud. R.. E. :\foore. Clarence Collier. J . l. :'II oorc, S. I I. Cooke. C. C. i\'lorris. "I"'. L;. Cooke. F. D. Paine. Liston l)avis. J. D. Phillips. JI. F. (;ra\'. G. L. Skipper. C. \\'. (;riffin. I-I. E. \\"ardlo'''· I-T. R. llalc. J. F. \ . oucns. \\'. G. l T uvcllc. Rene 'i"oung. R. ·r. Jones. ]. G. 'i'oung. J. \V. I. ­ -116­ • SOPHO~TC>RE ~1£1)1(.l:\E. ' ' I • ~ l I I I •• I t -.• i w C< r: ~· I ' ' • ' I • FRESHMAN ACADEMIC. <)FFICERS. F. \I.I. TER)l. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... ... . . . . . . . SALl, IE B. \ VEJ.l.ER . .. .. .. . . • . . • . . .......• . .......... Vice~J)rcsidc•11/ Luci1.E ~l.\1~c11 . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sccrrtary 1-;:1.ox l~. FERGCSOX . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'f'rc(IS/11'('/' 1'110)1.\ii J. IL\l.L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~·crgea11t-at-.·ln11s \\' I :\'TER TER ~1. E1.ox l~OllJrcsidc11/ SADIE ;\J 1 1.1.~1•.\l;Gll .... ..... . ...... . ..... . .•......... I 'ice~Preside:it .-\ODii~ ~I IT!'ll El.I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . ...... .. . .. . Srcrc/ar1• LEO:\' .-\ . I L\llJs ~Iiss Porter McAlee ~!ckay St:trr \Vilson ·r1uett 1\li"s Cra"·ford Chrisci:1n Conley i:\·I iss \Vile St:lrk i\liss Streeter Fahey i\liss ~1cndenhn11 Glover 1\liss i\l:ays jfrtS'bman ~cabtmic Pope lll)•:'ln t-:lliott ~Jonteith Rarn~n)' J">arks Robinson \\fil)On ~l iss Cl::.rkson ~'fcKcan ~1cCull0\1r:h Crahon ~I iss Ellington ..A\\':'lrd,.. ~·1 is" Oi 1,,.orth :\fc Lean ~·1 is.s Read I.ipsco1nb Fcrs:uson ~·f is.s \Veller Ad:'lttl' r-.t i.::.;i l-"ric1~ Sin~lcton ~I i:-.~ K an"()111 C:rinno.n ~l1ss Greer • /\cla111s. ·rhon1as J. . \clouc. (;iles .\111slcr. Lena !\la.1· . \ 11ch·e11·s. J_. Bell .\rnold. :.\larcus L. . \t11·ood. Jefferson I). l:aker. J:urke Ball. l(a1herine C. nail. 'fho111as J. Barbee. \\.illie ]. I:arcla 1·. Robert D. Barnes. Charles ..\. Barnes. \\"illiarcl \I. Barrett. \linnie Lee llarton. L. Loraine J:Iien1. .\!arion L. llroys. \\"arren D. noorner. \forris I-f. Bo11·cn. Christine X. noycl. Dixie Boyle. Jennie nrcedcn. :.\lary H. Bro11·11. Bennie i1ro11·:i. Cle1·e .-\ . Hro11·n. Keih·, Brown. i\lar1· Bruner. Pearl Bry:un. Lc11·is I .. B1u:klc1·. IJeanor c.: . Burlc:11·an. 11. Sara ("r;111·ford. Joe .\h·in l 0 ro""· .\lauic R. l)arg-;111. l\:e111p .\. I >abne~·. Lucy J. J)arroch. John C. ()avid. i\labcl E. f)a1·i ~. .\larY J. -125­ f)a1·i,.. 1-:lizaheth P. f)c1Jn1ar. ( ;raCl' l)cYinc. l'itlil' f)ihl'orth. l.ula P . ])ixon. ( ;. F . f)11dk·1·. I lan·1· Ecl11·anl~. Chark·s R. l~g-g-. :\onnan L. Ellingion. . \111ancla .\1. • Elli:<. Eug-l'lll' Eubank. l{obert E. E1·an". Elizabeth P. Fahey. l'atrick :\. Fant. I.oui::. Kendall. \Villian1 :'If. l'cll. Sadie Kerr. :\nnie B. Ki111ball. '.\far1· 1'insoh·ing. \\"alter C. ' King-. Ro1·al \\". ' . l'lopf. Louis R. Lane. t\ nnie L. T.eathers, i\Jar1• · E. Lipsco111b. Edn1und P. Long-cope. Anny '.\I. Loo111 i~. ]~cigar \\'. - Loper. Louise l.uhn. Re1·11old E. .\larch. Lucile '.\I arks. Sidnc1· :\fartin. J(ate L. '.\fathers. George S. . \l ays. Ifcr111ion E . '.\lc1\ t"fee. . •\ln1er '.\fcD. i\ I c Bride. Robert B. '.\lcCor111ick. i\Iary '.\fcCulloug-h. Tho111as E. ~ '.\lcDonald. '.\farion J. '.\lcl)onaid. '.\Iarie T. '.\lcDo\\·ell. George :'If. '.\lcGuire. Dorotl11·. . '.\lcKay. Henry :.\. '.\lcKeay. Ho11·ard \\'. '.\IcI'night. .Annie '.\lcLcan, Harvey G. i\lePhail. Ernest i\lc Phail. Hallett i\I c Re~·nolds. -126­ I ' ' I '.\I endcnhall. Isabel •I '.\I illspaugh. Sadie '.\I itchcll. .Addie i\ I izell . J. \t"iola l\ I ontcit h. i\,J illard E. i\ foorc, Charles U . l\lullin~. Robert D. i\l urray. Lockey C. I . >1 eIle. \Vi11ia111 I Nelson. \\"illia111 A. :\ei Ison. . \ug-usta X e1vso111. Florence E. ()'(.01111or. l'atherine Parker. Charles C. Parkhill. E li r orrin. ?Irar1· Peterson. i\Iartha Phillips. ()tis D. Philpot. \\"illian1 A. Pingon. Joscph G. l'olk. L11ci11s J. Pope. Frank X. Porter. T~ssie Porterfield. :\lnrley \\'. Ractzsch. Carl \\'. Ra111~dell. Fred L . Ra111sey. John '.\I. Ra11so111. Hazel C. Read. Oliver G. Reedy. John >J. l~evnolds. Isabel Robinson. Robert T. Robinson. \Yillia111 P. Robertson. '.\Iargaret Rogan. 0. F. ~ Ro111b ' erg. Ernest R. Rub~..\nnie D. Sa1111nons. En1ily Sa111to11, 1Iinnie Sanders, Adline Seay. I·J erbert B. Scelig-n1an. I-Jelen A. Sydnor. :\cllie C. ·rcn1ple. Louise L. Terrell. Calbo 0 . 'l"innin. l~ln1ira 1'0":11~e11d. . \lberl \\". ·rruitt. Charles C. \ "ickre,·. Eula P. \ Vaiti:, Sin1 L. \i\ialker (;t'Or<>-iana \V. . " \\"alker. Janie IZ. \ \·alker. Clen1111ie H. \Veedcn. J::dith \f. \~eil, I !altie 1-1. \\feinort. Tlil111ar H. \\7eisingcr. Xina L. -127­ ShurtJeff. .\Iargaret B. ~ Se\\·ell. S. ..\lcD. Sin1s, \\"illia111 J. Si1111ns, Bell Singleton. J ohn \ 7. Sn1ith. (;uy S111ith. Robert A. S111ith, Roscoe C. So"·ell, .J.\ nnie N. Spence . ..\I argaret Stark. L. B. Stayton, Robert M. Stevenson. Charles VI/. Streeter, Shirliereed Stockard. \ \"illett \ ,. elk·r. Sallie U. \\"idcn, 1lilda C. \ \ .ild. 1 l u Ida \,Villian1s. Gussie \ \ · illia111;;. .\I uina \\"illia111s. .\I a yron L. \\"illian1s. 'fho111as J. \\.ilson. Charlie \\'ilson. Sidney H. \\'ilson. ·rrudie r_. \\'indu;;. l"ora E. \\.oodhull. 1'ho1nas r. \\'ooclruff. ·r1ion1as \1. \\'oolsc,·. Beatrice \'ates. 11 l•rbert L. ' FRESHMAN CIVIL :\lE'.\1BEf{S. .-\nderson. \\.illia111 Bethel. '.\Iat S. Bro\\·nc. Ja111cs C~. Buchanan. Ro,. · Chance. C~eor•g-1: c;. Clark. Francis Crockett. Robert L. Curd. :\[arcu:< P. J)uff. Charles c;. Giin1er. Jerry Ci. Goodn1an. Burleigh Greer. '.\I<'h·illc Griffin. J-Tenr,· I'. 1-Jaskell, Chester G. HeAy. Jan1es P. Henderson, 1'ho111as Hendrickson. \ 'erne U. H ill. I-Jarry P. H inds. Julian Hodges. Sa111uel L. Isaacs. Con11 R. Ir,·ine. \·h·ian R. T(ellersberger. . \. C. l(reisle. :'If. 1:. :\ [adele,·. George E. ENGINEERS. '.\lay:<..\rthur B . I '.\IcClellan. George ' "'.\IcI..::inne,·. Sa111ucl "'.\fizell. Rafe Tt Xorris. John .\ . Parker. Charles J. Pierson. l'a11l Qui11i11s. I lcnry \V. Ridenger. Ralph vV. Roberg. Robert '.\l. Robinson. Ernest G. Robinson. I lcnry G. Sc,,·cll. John I I. Ste\•cnson. J an1es C. S111ith. Jesse R. Stockard. \\'illctt Too111bs. 1\I fred L. Thra!>her. Tho111as E. \•Vagner. T.011is C. ' \\'hiteaker. Robert 0. \\.iclcn. Luther l-:. \ Yillian1s. John B. \\'ingo. \\.illian1 \V. ' \\.itt. Jan1cs L. \\.right, '.\lar,·in -128­ jfre£rtJtttan deley ;\nderso1' 'l'hrashcr II ;11 JS33CS \\' a"ncr Criffin Quinius )tiiell Sc"·ell 'l'oombs Chance \ \'ri2ht \\' idcn Ridineer 1-f indc ' f ' FRESHMAN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS. :\I !~:\!BERS. :~da111s. J. L. Darnett. l~UJ!l'nc I:. Brasher. ()rncr Byrne. J. Collier. Clarence 11. I)uncan. 1\ lien 11. Eln1ore. Clarcnc..: :\f. Eubank. Ja111e,; J. Faris ..\. c;. Field. c;corge :\I . • Fink. Henry Fort. \\"illia111 F. Fulcher. R. (;iJI. J. JI. Gillespie. J. C. 1-Iannah. f\Janion }lard\,·ick. Stanley G. Hulen. l-Iarr'' - Jan1es. R. B. Jones. Charles ..\. -130­ I ' Jone:-. L. E. King. C. J(ing. Phillips Z. :\lathis. f\. 1\nthan. 1\. 11. ()ran. Er,vin Pearson. J. C. Pinson. :'\C\Yton B. Preston. Ja111cs R. Schlenker. San1uel S. StoYall. .\rthur n. Sto,·all . . \lb~·rtas C>. 'fhornc. J. H. \'aughn. . \. iVf. • \ 'oelchcr. l\runo E. \ ion 111uchc-r. Ccorgc \\'haling . 1leiskcll n. \\'olfson. En1il \\"ood,;. B. :\f. Fort. \\0 illian1 F. jfresbtnan l)uncan \Volf:son \"oclchcr I•. E. Jones For1 Hurn Preston Elmore Schlenker liard"i·ick • . FRESHMAN MEDICINE. ' ' ()FFICERS. FAl. L TER~(. C. B. \·VELLER . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . President J. P. 1-lARRIS . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . // icc...Preside11t R..\. DuxC.\X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stcrrtary-'Treasurer E\'ERETT Jox ES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C orrcspo nclen I lo ''.l/edical" F. E. Hi;osox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sergca11/-a/Ar111s \\llNTF.R TER)I. E. P. \',\UCHA!\ . . . . . . . . .. . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . President i\l1ss t\DA HALBERT . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice-Preside11t R. L. ]ONES . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Socrelary-Trcasurer L. B. R1nn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Class 1-listoria11 -132­ FRESHMAN MEDICINE. I ' • I I I l I CHRONIC HYSTERICS OF THE FRESHMAN CLASS. 'fhink of yonr fr11•oritl' dl'ntifrice: picture to yourself a page ach·en ise­n1ent of the san1e; elin1inatl' the inessential; the result 'viii be a set oi teeth. >:o"· put a narro"· border of features around then1, affix a n1ustache and ' I pair of spectacles. and if you think ~trenuously you \viii be able to identify ,·our c1·eation. 'fhink of the lips as being clra\\·n. for as he 1valked over the fragn1ent:> ' of glass on the floor of the l;-resh1na11 Che111ical Laboratory, and approached a pale prond young n1an. hi~ lips \Vere spas1nodically dn11vn lo1varcl each oth1.:r. until his gu111s 1vcrc aln1ost con1pletely veiled fro1n vie11•. "Sir. do I acldresi: the honored Prrsident of the Freshn1an Class in :\ledicine?" he asked. tin1iclly. "T belieYe you do. sir.'' a11~11·ercd the stripling. "but co111e over here \\'here " ·e can talk belier:" and he clre"· hin1 into a little alco,·e in the laborator1'. "I hope sir. you "·ill overlook 1ny presun1ption in seeking this inter,·ie"· \\'ithout any fe/lcr-d' a11dic11cc ... ,·cntured the portly stranger. "I a111 just fro111 \\'ashington. "·here I left 111y cabinet in co111i11g to sec you concerning a 111atter of i111portancc. T beg your forg iveness." "Oh, don't bother:· responded the younger 111an. "T k11011• photo­graphs are the thing no'"· and l'd like .vour cabinet if you'd brought it along. I kne'v you. ho1vever. by your dental endo"·111ents. But a 1vay \vi th this fonnality : let's not talk like parrots in polysyllables; 1vhen 110 one's around, 1nake free to address !ne as your equal. for "·e arc fello11• presidents.·· ..Ho11· relie,·ecl Ta111 r· ejaculated the 111an "·ith the glasses. "all right! 'fo the point ! l-\:1101ving that not failure but lo\v ain1 is cri1nc. I \\·ant to secure rne1nbership in your class for 111y boy." "11011· is the young 1nan prepared?" "He has had sonic biology and son1e anato111y." "l)o you suppose... asked the young nian. "that he could tell a scope froni a carpet bag? or 1vould he 1Tco~11ize it if he 111et a tari:us in the 111iddle of the road?" -134­ ··Realh·... anS\\·ercd the ,·1s11or. "I can't te!I : but I havl· a catalog o i his ' ~chool oi:t in 111,· carriage. Ii you ,,·ill be so kind as to ring for a facult,·­111an, I'll send a fter it. But. \\'ait. ·rc·ll 111e \\'hO that young 1na11 is that has such a fine physique. and ,,·ho;:e face sho,vs so 1n11ch roo1n for expression." · "\·Vhy, that's big Jones... \Vas the rep!.'·· ..f\ nd that young gcntlcrnan over there talking to the lady that's talking to son1cbody els<'. is Doc 1\ron~­fcldt." "Let's listen a 1no1ncnt... rrquci, . L 011g1111se, . .NicJ(inney, I-I. C. Nlcl,night, \V. C. wlann, \V. L. '.\fayfield. L. K. n.Ierrick. E. H. '.\le\\·shan1, R. E. L. • I I I • I ~·loorc, 'f. 17 . Northcn, E. C. I • O'Bar, J. l-1. I Parish, .\Irs. '.\I innie PO\VCll, E. P. l{ay. Charles ! J{avburn, C. E. - l !{ceder. E. E . Roaten. Shelby Sanders, \ V caver Schroeder. H. f_. Sheppard, P. l{. E. Sn1ith, B. l~. Stanton. E. NL Stone. J. E. S\'kes. E . .\I. - 'fho1nas, J. C. 'fo111kies. J. S. 'l'ripp, H. S. 'fyson, \\/. S. Vaughan, E. P. \•V ebb, G. 1-. 'vVcllcr, C. B. 'vVhcelcr. L. R. J . 'vVhite, .A... E. \1 Vinficld, C. F. \Vitt, G. F. Young, 0. D. -136­ • I ' • ' ' PHI DELTA THETA. 'J'EXt\S BJ~'l'A C.f-IAP'J'ER. EST.\lll.1:"11 El> 18g3. FR./.\'fRl~S IN lJRnc. l~e1· . J. \ \'. Lo11·ber I.. IL Fon taine Franz Fizet E. E. \\"itt J. H. Cald11·ell I. B. \ IcFarland .\. H. (~rahan1 \ lalcon1 Grahan1 F. II. l{ay1nond J. P. \\"aggcncr \ [organ (.'allo11·ay. Jr. Eug-cnt' C. ~ Barkl·r Edn111nd ·r. \ lillcr FR1\ "l'RES I:\ l ":\l\ "ERSl'J'.\ 'f E . •\( .\llE~l IC. Clarence \\". \\" cllcr. ·05 11ugh Lothrop. "07 " Halla rel \ ". Burgher. "07 Jfobarl 1..: 1.:1·. o8 ' :\orn1an ll. ·ravlor. ·07 Robert \ \". Stayton .Jr .. ·os \ \ "cbs\1.:r \I cE1·oy. "07 Hal H. Logan. "07 Janie~ P . .-\h·ey. "o6 Donald Ilall. ·07 Gro1·er Jones. ·07 f. Leslie \\'itt. "08 .\rth11r \ lathis. "o6 Herbert IJ. Sutton. "o6 I..\ \\". G. D. Hunt. ·05 Robert X. \\"atkin. "o6 ). B. f\ douc. Jr.. '06 f\ lex. Pope. '07 \\'alter J-T. \\ 'alnc. "o6 \\'alkr r .\lve1·. ·07 -141­ • I I [ • J>l I I l)ELT r\ THE1'A.. BETA THETA PI. FOL"Nl>EIJ ,\ "I ~tl.\~11. 1839. BE'I',\ 0.\IICl~()::J Clcf..-\ P1'EI{. FR.\ TRES I:-\ CRBE. Dr. E. B. \\.right A. S. Ja111es John ()rr. JL Judge S. R. Fisher R. T~. Pollard C. r[a HiC)sear J. 1). Johns rry :\. 1'hornton shop l(ingsoh·ing Robinson \\I . 1Ia1vkins \\ ' illia111 l)r. J. II. E"·~· II :\alie J. 1:. Claf. E. I' icrce Orr French rk l ~R . \'fRES 1:-\ J7_.\CL'L'f :\ 1'E. Dr. H. \\'. J-Iarpcr Judgc ('. 11. :\I iller , .\C,\l>E~l LC. ·ro11 J. Caln llosenberg :\rthur :.ioorc \\'alter \\'. Fisher Jasper \ \' ooldridge E. 1'. :\loore. Jr. l) r. Joe (;ilbert l)r. c;oodal \\'ootctt 13. r\. Slaughter l)r. \\'. .\. 1larper l)r. Joe. \Vootcn J)r. :\fat :\1. Sn1ith J. IL llarl J~R.-\1'RES I:\ F.\ CCLT..\'fE. Dr. J. R. llailc1· Dr. George J'. (~arrison Dr. r..: illis Cantpbcll Dr. Frcclcric \\'. Si111oncls Prof. ·1·. L'. 'fa1·lor FR:\TR.ES IN L':\J\'ERSI'f:\'J'E. 1'hon1as J . . \ da1ns. 'o8 Clifton \\'. (;ray. "o6 Jo hn I.a Prellc. Jr.. ·07 Frank :\. Bailey. ·07 Le11·is P. (;rinnan. "o8 Paul \ '. :\lontgon1cry. ·07 1\sh Icy :\. 1)enton. ·07 !-rank !licks. ·07 .·\lbcrt (). Si11glcton. ·05 :\Ilic C. E,;till. '08 :\lurray P. Jones. "07 John \'. Singleton. "o8 Fred K. Fisher. "07 Sa111 :\. Key. ·07 'fhad \\'. 'J'ho111pson. "06 (1. :\L Grahan1. ·os Royal \\'. King. 'o6 :\lbcrt \\'. ·ro11·11scncl. '08 Jle1nbcrt (;_ \\"atson. Special E:\GI:\ EEIH:\G. Joe IL ( ;ill. "o8 Joe B. l fogsett. ·05 J . . \. (;i1·cn. ·07 \\'alter \\'. \ 'ann. ·05 I.AIV. L. H. Bro1v11. '07 Ccorgc S. l)o1vell. '07 -145­ I ' ' I i\appa ~igma ' Denton Bailey Gill Key Singleton Thompson F. Fisher llogsett Montgomery SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON. l'OUNDEil .\T TllE UNl\'El{SITY 01' Af..\R.\~1 1\. 1856. 1'EX:\ S RllO CHAP1'ER. EST.\ lll.ISI I ED IN 1884. f.R..\1'RES I:\ CRBE. C. B. Giles R. B. Cousins \V. H. P. Tlunnicutt Ja1ncs \\" . .\lcClcndon I) . f\. Griffiths Ecllvard n. Hancock S. S. Dean \ \". J. Searbrough J. C. Puett Fll.\'fR ES I:\ F.\ CCL'f'.\'f'E. Dr. E. \V. Fay J. I~. S\vcn,;on l)r. 1°I. ·v. 11cncdict FR.\'fRES I:\ l":\l\.ERSl'!'.\'l'E. .\C.\IH·:~r re. r:allard Calchvcll. "o8 ,\_ \\'. Eck1nan. ·07 I<. S. Dargan. "o8 Chauncey Glo,·cr. ·o..q I..\ \\' . \ Valker Stephens. 'o6 I-I. .\I. Richey. '07 E. \V. Sa1nucll. '07 :\onnan .\ tkinson, '07 I). :\f. Prendergast. 'o6 r:. ]. \\'inter. '07 E. C. Con nor. '05 ]. n. \\' hite. '06 L. \V. J•orsgard, 'o6 L ll. (;ardner, "08 -147­ Richey Stephens (;:irr. I)..\. Penick FR.\'l'RE<.; 1:\ l 'Xl\.ERSITA'fE. .\(".\JJL~l IC. Leon Fair Russ, '07 .r\ lbert Stone, '07 John Put111an Dins111orc, 07 i\Jillard Edgar i\lontcith, '08 'l'on1 Frost \Voodhull. '08 E111n1ctt ]_;:n1ory i\lclnnis. '05 f, A \I'. Joel Franklin \\'atson. '07 LYnn Bo,·d \1 ila111. 'o6 Clinton Giddings BrO\\'n. 'o6 En1111ett Lee \\'ilkcrson. ·07 Fritz Garland Lanhan1. 'o6 John Lc,·i Shepparc,I. ·07 George \Coore Shelton. '05 \\'inston \[c\lahon. ·07 George Franklin \\'0111ack. '05 Burford l(ing Isaacs, ·07 ENGINJ;ERING. John Henry Bringhurst. '07 Conn Rufus Isaacs. '08 Harry Pearsall Hill. '08 John Blake \\'illian1s, '08 -151­ - ~outbtrn Jkappa §lpba f ' I Bringhurst l'E~l I<.:. Ech,•ard 1) . :\lcKcllar. ·05 (;corgc .\ . :\lcClcllan. ·07 Gcorg-c D. Echvards. ·oo • :\lar,·in \\'rig-ht. ·og ' :\farion C. Robcrt,;on. ·07 Rod111an S. CosI)\-. '0t1 I..\11·. J. Ben Robertson. 'o6 :\eil ·r. :\I a:ortcr FRA1'RES 11'\ UNI\TERSI'fJ\'l'E. EXGI ;>; EERl ;>;C. H. D . :\fendcnhall. '05 C. J. Xibbi. 'o6 B. E. \toclcker. Jr.. ·<><~ 'I'. I:. E ,·erheart. "08 TL I'. (;riffin. ·08 I.A\\'. l)ick (). ·rerrell. ·oo ·r1ion1as 13. Botts. ] r.. ·07 R. ] . Beasley. '05 J. E. Parks. "o8 S. H. Bell, '08 -155­ ALPHA TAU OMEGA. FOu'.l: DEI> .\T \'IRCI XI.\ ~11 LIT.\RY I XSTITL"l'E l X 1865. (;_\.\I .\I.\ E'f.\ CH:\ P-r£R. EST.\l{LIS l lED I X 1897. FR.\"fHES IX CREE. 'I'. \ \'. Gregory .\. L. H.ector .\. E. \ 'inson -R. ":\. \\'atti< \\'alter llrcn1011d FR.\'rRES I:\ l'\'[\"ERSI"r.\1'E. \C.\11E~l IC. Lindsav \ \'. Baskett. 'o6 c;corgc .\r. Cox. '06 l'at I. :\ixon. 'o6 EXt;IXEl~RI X G. Joe E. J:ro \\·n. Jr.. '08 L.\\\ . 1-fenry P. Burney. '07 Robert). .\lc.\lillan. 'o6 ( ;corg-e E . .\I cl'all. '07 .\ndrc\\" L. Rancll.'11. '07 -!51­ I • I I ' ~lpba ~au ©mega PHI GAMMA DELTA FOU:-;OED .\T JEFFERSON COLL.EGE, 1848. 'f1\ U l)EU1'ER()N CH.\P-rER. lll·:·ESTABl.rS I 11~0. 190 I. FR:-\TRES ll\ URRl~. \\"ilbur IL )·oung Francis I I. E\·ans Col. :\I. E. Cheno,vcth Frederick I). H.ussell FR.\1'RES I:'\ F.\ CCL'l'.\l'E. \\l illiarn L. P rather Echvin J)ubois Shurtcr FR.·\'l'RES I:'\ L":'\l\"ER:->rr . .\1'E. .\C,\DE~l 1\. l·Iar\·ey B. :\fatthe\\'S. ·05 \ \" illia1n \1. Po"•ell. "o6 Louis J acohy. ·07 Robert D. Barclay. "08 Lucien (;. Henderson. ·07 J. I lo\vard Etheridge. "07 J\ r thur L. Harris, '07 (;11 y Borden. Jr.. "o6 ]. Fennel l)ibrell. '07 l.A\\' . . .\. P. Barrett. '05 F. L. Dibrell. '07 ·r. Bruce Green\vood. '07 Charles \\'. .\bbott. 'o6 ]. I. 1.;:erchiville, '07 I rarold Shryock. '07 \Vesley t\n1n1cnnan, '07 -159­ P!ll GAMl\IA DELTA. SIGMA NU PHI. ( Lcnv Prater11ity.) FOt:XDED .\T Tiii<: X.\TIOX.\L L.\\\' SCJlOOL IN 1903. JOlll\ 11. RE:\ (;AK CH.-\Pl'ER. EST.\ Bl.l Sll El) IN t904. FH.\'fl~ES I.\' l;RBE. .\laj. . \. \\'. Bloor J. D. :\t\\'OOd. '07 Charles .\lay:.:. '05 J. J. r\ veritte. 'o6 ::0.1. :'d . .\I illcr. '07 \\'. l". Brady. ·07 f. S. ()'Keefe. 'o6 R. .1:-I. Bro \V11. '05 \\'. D. Scarborough. '05 0. C. B ull ingto11. 05 .·\. E. Seo t l. 'o6 E. G. Callo,,·ay. '07 D. (). Shilg. 'o6 G. L. Charlton. 'o6 C. J). \\'allace. 'o6 I. J. Curtsinger. 'o6 P..-\. \\'eatherred. '07 J. ::O.l. De :\rn1011d. '05 C. \'. \\'oolcy. '07 H. C. Hanner. '07 J . . -\. \\'orsha111. '05 P. \'. Harrell. '07 0 . .\I. \\'roe. 'o6 -161­ I• '. I • I ~igma j}u l3bi I ' OeArmond Atwood \Vcathcrccl Curtsinger Scoll Bullington Scarborough J larroll lliiller \Voollcy Colloway \Vorsham \Vall ace Hanna Mays Brown A'•eriuc O'Keefe Brady Charlton \Vroe • DELTA TAU DELTA. FOU:\DEI) .\T n1·:Tll.\NY COi.i.EGE, \\' l~ST \'ltlGINI.\ , 1860. EST.\lll.1511 EH I:\ 'I'll I·: lJ :\ J\'ERS[T\' OF T"X,\S, 1904. J:R.\'rRES I>: CRBE. George Sublette \\'alton .-\lexander Penn \ \ ·oolridge Robert Clark \\'alkcr John P,rackenridgc ( )r111und Si111pki11s FR1\'rRT~S l '.\! F.--\ CGL1'.\ '1'1-.:. Phi11cas I .a\\Tcncc \\'indsnr FR.\ 'rRES T>: C>:I\' ERSI'f.\'rE. Ja1nes Finis Johnson :\I ilburn l'rcssley .\lcCarty .\ ( .\J>E~I IC. \<\falter Scott Pope. '05 .Jan1cs !'night Rl'Ctor. '07. \\'alter I.o\vry (;arnl·tt. 'oi. Charles .\lbcrl 1:ar11es, '08. I..\\\'. \\'illian1 1:rank P,uckley. '05. John Pierson Sin1pson. ·oi. \\lillis D. l>. \\'arrc11. '05. Chades (;orclo11 Chance. 'o8. ()!in \Vilber Fink'y. 'olo~l IC. f\ngus G. \ \' ynne. '07. Sidney R. \\'ilson, '08. Earl ·r. :\lcCullough. '08. Le1vis I .. Br1·an. '08. • JC[cnry ·r. Fletcher, ·05. D. G. l~uggles. '07. 'vV. Felts Ford. '08. Robert Il. l~en1schel, '07. Ja1nes J. Eubank. 'o8. \ ' i1·ion J~. lr1·ine. 'o8. !..\\\'. t\rthur Calhoun, 'o6. John \\'. :\J cLeod, '07. John C. Brooke. '06. rial lrby Greer, '07. Ben F. :\lays. '05. -165­ ! ' ?-leLeocl Bryon Greer Remschcl ALPHA MU PI OMEGA. (.I / cdica/ Frotcr11i/_\'.) FOliXDED .\T T ll E UX l\"ERSITY OF Pf.:\XSYL\".\:-11.\. 1~91. EST\Bl.ISllEI) I:\ 1898. Fl{t\'l'RE.S Ii\ L"RBE. I.E. P ritchett. ~I. I). \\'. P. llrcath. ~l.D. J. I-I. Ruhl. :.\I.I). \\' 111. c;a111111011. ~l.D. FR.\ 'l'RES I:\ F.\ CCLT.-\1'E. ed. Randall. :\f.I). R. R. I). Cline. Ph.D. J. J. 1'errill. :\I.I). S. :\I. ~)orris. ~I.I). (). I I. La1vrence. :.I.D. J. F. Gibson. '06. J. G. J)a1·is. '07. \\'alter 1-\:leberg. 'o6. P. R. E. Sheppard. 'o8. B. F. \'oung. '07. G. F. \\'itt, 'o8. H. P. Jones. ·o8. G. :\f. Eckel. 'o8. E. C. :\ort hern. 'o8. E. S. I I udson. 'o6. 0 . D. Young. 'o8. R. 1-1. l Iu,·cllc. '07. S. R. Griffin. 'o6. E. :\f. Staunton, 'o8. J. G. Flynn. 'o6. E. :\r. Sykes. 'o8. L. B. Bibb, 'o8. •I I I ' I• ' ALPJIA :.ru PI O:.!EGA. PHI CHI. ( il1 cdical Prater11ity.) FOUXDED .\1' TllE L";>;l\"ERSll'\' OF PEXXSYL\'.\.':I.\. ZE'I'.\ CH..\P1'ER. ES'l'.\Hl.ISllED. TS)O.). FR,\ 'l'RES 11\ LRBE. R. C. Connor. :\I.I). FR.\'J'RES 1:\ F.-\CCL'f..\l'E. I-I. 0. Sappington. :\l.D. John 1'. :\loorc. :\I.I). J. \\'. :\IcLaughli11, Sr.. :\l.D. H. 1'..\ynCS\\'Orlh. :\l.D. FRt\1' RES IN u:--.11\"ERSI'ft\'rE. J. C. Darracott. '05. C. U. \\'cller. '08. R. I-I. Hodge. '05. G. :\I. l)cchcrd. '05. G. S. Barha111. 'o6. \\'. C. :\!ayes. '05. R. D. Gist. 'o6. \\'. C. Dicke,·. 'o6. H. R. \\'ardlo'''· '07. R. E. Cloud. '07. A. F. Be,·crly. 'o8. G. L. Gray. 'o8. J. \\'. Franklin, 'o8. L. r,;:. :\la\'ficlcl. 'o8. < T. F. :\foore, 'o8. E. P. \ 'a11gh11. 'o8. C. E. Gray, 'o8. -169­ I I I ' ' PHl CHI. - PHI ALPHA SIGMA. ( .\lcdicol Fratcr11il\'.) EPSIL():'\ CI·I.·\PTER. FR1\ 'l'RES T:-J uRBJ~. Joe S. Jones. \I.I). \1. E. Lott. \I.I). J. F. Si111pso11. Jr.. \1.1). l~R.\'fRES !:'\ F.\CCLT.-\'fE. \\·. S. Carter. \I.I). H. R. I )udg-l'on. \I.l). \\.illian1 J(eiller. \I.I). H. C. I laden. \I.I). J. £. 'l'ho111p,,011. \I.I). 0. H. l'lant. \I.I). .\. E. Tha\·cr. \I.I). \\'allacc Rous<'. \I.I). . FH.\'l'HES I;\ L· \'r\·E1~srr,..\'fE. F. :'\. Danforth . ·05. C. \I. ,.\\·cs. ·07. \\'. 'f. Da \\·e. ·05. J. F. Hale. ·07. C. L. \Iilburn. ·05. l·i. 0. l(nig-ht. ·07 . .-\. G. Heard. ·oo. ..\ugustus \Ia\·crick. ·07. Estes Paine. ·o6. G. 1'. Baskett. ·o8. . \. J. Pope, ·oo. F. B. Bra111lctte. ·o8. n. F. Sn1i1h. ·oo. ·r. :::\. Goocl,;011. ·os. E. \I. Arnold. ·07. B. \ \'. Jrby. ·os. E. F . .J ones. ·os. -171­ PHI .\LPHA SIG:\l.1-\. PI BETA PHI. 'l'EX,\S t\LPH.A. EST.\llLISll ED. 1902. SC>J~< >RES IN URBE. i\Jr s. v\/ilbur 11. ':t' o1111g. Edna 11 ood. \frs. \Viii Cas,vell. \linnie Rose . .\ttic \lcClendon. SOR<>RES f:\ F.A.CCLT.A.TE. \far,· D1111ha111. SORORES l \" l.i\"l\.ERSJ1'r\~l'E. Lottie llarris, "oi. Bessie Cochran, '08. 171orence Co,van. '08. \"ell ic ;\ . . I larris, 'o8. Julia :Nl. Estill, 'oi. Helen (;1111lt l loocl. 'oi. Elizabeth £,·ans. "o8. Fay J-..:incaid, ·oi. Ada Harden1an c;arrison. E111ily \Ja,·crick. 'o6. Helen Garrison. "oi. .e\ddie \I itchcll. "o8. I\:ate 'fo,vncs \lartin. 'o8. Serena Gould. "o8. Lucile \larch. "o8. Lenore Hun1111cl. '05. Sadie \lillspaugh, 'o8. £ ,·a l-Iun1ason. ·oo. \largaret l~ohcrtson. 'o8. Grace Hill. "o6. Ellen \\'oolriclgc \\'aggcnc1. "o6. Susan Spykcr Shelton. ·oi. Anne 'fo\vnes, '05. -173­ • I ' • ' I I I ' • PI BETA PHI. KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA. FOt:XllED \T ~IOX~IOl.;1'11 COi.i.EGE. 18iO. EST\1\1.ISllED IX 1902. SC)RC)RES I\" CRBE. :\Lrs. \\'illia111 I.. nra,-. . Tielen Oli,·e l)c,·inc. n eulah Ro\\'C . :\lary I Iclcn I )t·,·ine. ( ;cil;; .\doue. 'o8. :\laie Phila Borden. 'oi. i\larv, Eleanor I\rackcnrid!!c. 'oo. .~ r.ois Broyle;;. 'oi. l(atherine Claire Ball. '08. Bennie Bro\vn. '08. :\ bbie Crane. '08. J(atherine Frances l)e,·inc. '08. ,\lice \'irginia Da,·is. 'o6. v .\nnic Joe Gardner. ·05. f-'lossie P.ell Gardner. '08. f-anny \\'est I-Tarris. ·05. .\nnie Jan1es. ·oi. \lay \la:. \far,· \lcl'onnick. ·o.~. :\lar,· \ 'irg-inia Rict:. ·o~. . . . \I innie Sanborn. ·os. .\nnic c;anncu Stratton. 'o8. :\Jar,· \\'illis Stt•cln1a11. 'o;. . . Charlie f,cnora 'l'hunnond. 'oi. \'el111a \\'illi11gh:1111. ·oi. -175­ CHI OMEGA. 1U'J'1\ Cl-lt\P1~ER. ESTAlll,ISJJ ED, i904. S< >R< )J{l~S I:\ t.;RBE. .\Irs. \\' illian1 Spalding. SC)RC)RES 1:\ C:\J\"ERSI'ft\ 'l'E. Elise D. Bro,,·n. "05. Ellen Orinc I1ils111a11. "08. Virdian t\lys 11arhan1, '07. Fanny Louise .\lo111go1ncry, 07. Loris Loraine Barton. "08. Laura \J a ric Sa 111. 'oG. ll·larion L. Blei111. "o8. .\dlinc Sanders. '08. ](ate Conerly, "o8. l-Ielen \\'ootcn 'l'hornton. 05. lllargaret .\I. Giesen. '07. Lilian Jessie \\"alkcr. 'oG. Elizabeth C. Hutchings. '08 . Georgiana \\'orthing-1011 \\"alker. "o8. (_'lara .\ugust \\'illia111s. "o8. -177­ KAPPA ALPHA THETA. ALPi l1\ 'l'llE'ft\ CHAP1'ER. FST:\ Bl.LS LI ED I :-1 1904. SCJR(>R TN L"RBE. :\Ir;:;. Phineas f~. \\.indsor. SC>RC>H. l :\ F.\CGLT.-\TE. \\Tillie oa,·is. SORC> RES I:\ LiNIVERSITA'rE. Jeanne Borrou111, "o6. Sadie l(ell. '08. T~ily Dess Can1pbell, ·05. Hallett :\lcl>hail. ·os. A. Julia Estill. ·o~. Lola Grace :'\ash. ·07. Jenness Frieze. "o8. :\larion .-\ lina Proctor. ·05. E1nn1a .-\utry Greer. 05. Hazel Clyde Ran:-0111. "o8. Lena \\"ood Greer. "o8. .-\nna \ \. oocl Si1nonds. ·oo. .\lice :\dele Johnson. "o6. Lucy Stcclhei1n \\"hit ncy. ·07. -179­ ' I I • . i::~t\\\ _\ \ J o\1<) --­ !(,\PP.\ 1\LPH:\ Tl-IE'I'.\. • • >. 0 - - v -0 - " c: ·­ c: 0 -E 0 0 en , 0 _ ­- - <> - - .. ·­ "' ·­ E­ "" • • I THE RUSTIC ORDER OF THE RUSTY CUSSES-RUSTIC!. i)/ 01·1·0 :-Doiv11 1C'illz /Ill 1·r11sls: 0 fpose rlll 1\l11s/s; ,.J~·oid .4.11 B11sts. I ()f'FICEI{S. J) . 1\. 1: 11:\ 1\ t< ....•.•• ••••••• •. •..•.....••.••..•.••••• .. .• Land Lord t\ . R. r\.tU.EOGE . ......... . .... . ... .. . . ..... ... . ..•.. . .. . . . . Overseer £. (;. CALLA\\'AY ..•.......•..•.......... •.......... r..:011011 /tVeigher •(;. C. l{rx DLEY . . .•...... ....• . . . . ..... .............. . Slorc l\..cepcr ' I Gi-:o. CH.\ RLTox .. . •.... . ........•. . •. . . . ................ He11 Seller E. G. RoBrxsox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H. P. P.\YXE •....•••..•..••..... • •. . ••.•.....••..•.... • C. 0. S'.\1tTH . • . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . • • • . . • . . • B. C. LALLIER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pig Slop per Cow Juicer Ro11stabo11t 11 'ater Bo\ R. R. S'.\i 1T11 . ... . .. ............. . . .. . .. ... . ........... PloH• Shaker REC BENS. E. (;. Calla" ·ay L. TT. Bro,vn I~. Ci. Calla,\·ay (;co. Charlton 'I'. 1'. Chris~ian S. T. Ed"·ards D..\ . J.'rank C. R. Isaacs J. I I. 1ones (;, C. i:cal R.. H . Bro,Yn L. D. :\Iila1n :VI. E. Rosser Ed. Crane R. ]. :\Ic:\li!lan R. R. S1nith X. \\'. Graha1n A. \\·. :\farshall C. F \\.0111ack G. D. Hunt F. P. :\[arshall \\'. H. \ \" alne :\I. H. Landers ]. S. o ·r..;:eefe 1\,·o years ago this organization "·as de,·iscd to scr,·c as a safety-,·ah·c for the expanding genius of a n1arvelously brilliant (see Cactus reports) Senior La,v class. ·rhis year freaks "·ere barred. 1'he valve becan1e aa incubator. \ Ve think it \VOrks. (Continued in .\nnals of Justice Court. Barcg-rass Precinct.) -194­ Jcan Daptistc :-\done ·r1io111as J. Cald"·ell .\lbert (). Singleton Fred. K. Fisher Clinton G. Bro\\·n Charles \\". .~bbou ARROW HEAD. Ecl"·arcl Crane c . .J. ::\ibbi Bet! lreside11! C11.\S. :\l.\YES ............. • .. • .... .. . . .................. Treasurer F. \\". HocsE1101.nE1< ................ . ..................... Sccrelar.v I:\"rER-l«>LLT~<.;T.-\TE DEB.\'fES. 1904. TEX \S·Tl"l..\XI': OEB.\TE. ( .\T .\l.:-TIX.) J. P. Luton. 1'. C. :\Iillikcn. Decision in fa,·or of '[\1lane. TEX.\S·)l ISSOl' lll llEl1.\TE. (.\T COLL' )I Bl.\, )10.) \\'. H. \\.alnc. l~. P. Locke. Decision in favor of 'rexas. \\.inner of c;regory-Batts Prize-J. I>. Luton. \\"inner of l)ubois Prizc-E. B. Griffin. \\"inner of lnt.:r-Society Debate-.\thena~·11111 Socictv. 1:\-rEH.-C<>LLEGJ.-\TE DEfl.\TES. 1Ell.\TE. (.\T XE\\' ORl.E.\XS. I..\.) Chas. :\laycs. J. I'. Sin1pson: J. D. Kerchi,·illc. :\ltern:itc. TEX \S-)1 ISSOL'RI l>El~.\TE. ~.\T .\l.STIX.) :\lex Pope. J..-\. \\"orshan1. \Vinncr in ( )ratorical Contest-\\·. 1-1. \\'alnc. \\'inner of c;regory-Batts Prize-.A.lex Pope. • OR.ATORTC". \ TJ 1\ SS()Cl t\ 'fIO>i DEB1\ 'f ERS. ATHENAEUM. F.\LL TER~l. C. D. \iVALLACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ President E. G. CALL.\\V.\Y ............... . ...•.......... • ..... Vice-President ROBERT CARS\\'J-:LI............ . . • . ..... . ................... Secretary G. T. COPE .. . ................... .. .. . ............ Sergea.11t-at-Ar111s C11 1\ S. i\L\YES ................... •. ............. • ........... . . Critic 'I'. :\£. RECTOR . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . • . . . . . . . . • . . • • . . Trea~'11rer \\"INTER TER~f. F. :\I. RYBt:RK .........•.•.•.............•.••............ President L. T. :\IoNTGO~•ERY . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ice-President C. GLOYER ...•...••.•.........•..•......• .......••...•... Secretary C. D. \\·_,LL.\ CE ................................... Sergea11t-at-Ar111s E. F. FERGUSON . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . • . . • • . . . Critic 1·. :\[. RECTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer SPRING TERM. S. H. L.\TTIMOHE .................. . .. . ............•...... President Rou1~RT CARS\VEl.L ....•.....•..•... . • .• • ..•........ . ... // ice-President I-I. A. SHRYOCK ......................... . ... •... ......... Secretary F. L\L RYBUL~N .•.........•••••.••.. . ....• .. •• •.•.. . Scrgea11/-al-Ar11is L. X1CKELS ........................... ...................... Critic ·r. :\I. RECTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer :\IE:\lBERS. J. J. .A.veritte R. I~. Eubanks J. \\·. :\lcLcod R. R. S1nith >:. ..\tkinson E. Ellii. Chas. :\!ayes E. Sauer Geo. Bean E. ·1. Flrguson L. T. J\Iontgo111ery G. C. Stonns I-I. E. Bell c;. (). Ferguson L. Xickels J. D. Stinson L. H. Bro,vne Frank Feville Alex Pope J. C. 1'o,vnes. Jr. JI. P. Burney Cltancv Glover f\ . L. Randell \•V. H. \Vaine ·r. J. Calchvell I-I. P. ·c;riffin 1'. i\II. Rector C. D. vVallace E. G. Calla,vay N. \V. (;iJn1rr F. 1\L R,·burn Joe \1Vorsha1n R.obt. Cars"·ell R. F. Jones J. S. 0."I(eefe 'f. D. \Voodruff E. :\I. Card D. 0. 'ferrell T. J. Rich I-I. I--T. \Veinert R.. C. Chan1bers E. P. Lipscon1b H . A. Shr,·ock F. J. \\'inter G. T. Cope (;co. :\lcl)o,vell D. 0 . Shilg C. \f. \Voolle,· • J. C. Darroch l f. S. :\lc.\shan 1. B. Si111n1ons \\". C. Hanna· Rodman Cosbv G. E. :\lcCall C. 0. S1nith J. L. Zadick R. R. Elliott -:\I iiburn :\IcCarty 1:-\' J'ER-S()CJETY DEBATERS. 1\lex Pope, J\lissoul·i Rep. Chas. l\laycs ('fulanc Rep.) Joe \·\'orshan1. J\•Iissouri Rep. L. Xickels \\'. JI. \•Vaine, National Representative. S. I-I. L11-n ~101~E ................ . . . . . . ........ 1·e.ra.11 l?eprese11ta/ive HO\\'ELL L. T.\Yl.01{ .. • ..•....... . ..... -.•..•..• c·acl11s Represe11/alive -200­ THE A THENAEUM. 1'lrI-IE f\thenaeun1 Literary Society is as old as the University itself, ~having be~n or.ganir.ed in r8~3. the y~ar \Vhich sa\V the first opening of the U111vers1ty. 1\n1ong its organizers \vcre such 111en as Yancey Le,vis, A. L. Burleson, and others, \vho are no,,· proniinent nien of the State. The Society at first held its sessions in the Senate C...l1a1nber of the old Capitol. but finally succeeded in securing fron1 the Faculty a regular 111eeting hall. Soon after the Athenae11n1 \\'as organized there \vas a split a1nong it.; n1e1nbers, and the bolt<'rs fonned the Rusk Literary Society. So. ,,·e see. that the Rusk is of illustrious origin, and though inany o f h<'r 111en1bers kno\v not filial obedience, and the society often poses as the rival of the Athenaetun, she is, on the \vhole, as subordinate as one \VOtild expect of a child \vho has attained its niajority. T he Athenaeun1 has ahvavs had 111any of the strongest and 111ost in­ . . " fluential men in the '\"arsity aniong its n1ernbers ; and its alu111ni. niany of \vhon1 hold high positions in church and state. arc glad to point to the pleasant nieetings in the 1\thcnaeun1 as an1ong the 111ost interesting and instructive of their care<'rs. '!'he Society is noted for the good fello,,·ship of its niernbers. and the kind and helpful influences it exert~ upon its ne\v 111en. enabling then1 to rapidly becon1e clear and forceful speakers. an:I coinpetent parlia111entarians. The Athenaetun. too. is .great on \Vinnin'g-honor~. and never lets an opportunity slip by of getting her share, \Vhich is ahvays a large one. r:or the last three years the Athenaeurn has furnished the 111ajority of the inter­collegiate debaters anIC TEl<)I. :\. E. I~EED ............................. ... ....... ...... . President F. \\". 1-Ioi.:sEllOLDER . ... .. .• ....... . ....... .. . •. ..... / 'ice-Presidc11t J. E. \\".\TKl:"S ............................ . . .•.......... Secretary rl. I\:. \\0JLL J.\)IS . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . 1'reasurer E. D. GRIFFIX ..................... .. .. ..................... Critic \\". S. POPE .............. ... .... . ................ Srrgca11t-at-Ar111s -202­ .\rnold. \!. L. Barrett. :-\. P. nail. ·r. J. Bro"·clcr. \\-_ B. I>ro\\·der. J. C. J:ryant. \\" C. J:r\'ant. S. C. , <..:oficld. C. G. Cu rtsinger. I. J. Cook. \•\/. L. c·a111pbcll. B. S. C~1npbcll. T. D. (·arter. J. 0. Cra,,·ford. J. D. Curci. :'IL P. Cole. G. C. Cox. J. C. i)onnelh-. fl. L. l)arg-a•1. Jr.. 1-.:. S. J)c Bogor,._ E. Fahey. P. l'\. Frank. D. r\ . Cray. C. \\". (;rahan1 . X. \\'. Griffin. £ . B. ( ;ar,·. E. G. Grc:cr. H. I. ITartn1ann. C. ,\ I E\1 HEl~S. 1larrcll. P. \ -_ llc:ith. t\. C. 1-fouscholdcr. F. X. l lolbrook. T. J. ll ale. J. \\". I lollida\'. R. L. Jlickn1an, H. X. Jones, \\'. P. • Jone~. J. G. I( cit h. J . ~. I(C(.'11, ). }-1, 1'crchi,·illc. J. J. 1' ing-. Ir.. C. D. . . King-. F. R. • \ h .·t·r. Se"·all L C\\' iS. G. c. \lc\l ahon. X. :\larshall. F. P. ?ll:irrs. J. P. :\lillcr. :\1. \I. i\lcl(a\'. l-l. .·\. ?\Jason . . \. F. ()da111. G . . ·\. \I inton. J. \\'. \lcl)onald. :'IL J. Pa1tcrso11. T. G. l'ritchett, \\". E. l'arri,;h. L. \\". " ,,. <" I Opl , . ·"'· !'ope. F. \i. Pillot. J. E. l'attcr"on. J. n. H.ob:inls. C. \I. ]{ice. Jt JI. Ros~<:r. \1. E. l~ccd. :\. E. Robinson. ]). lenfielcl .11,1 a r .I' I-fart -204­ Lady ;\I acbeth Portia Desdemona Katherine Rosalind Ophelia Juliet Viola A STUDY IN SHAKESPEARE'S SOURCES. // r rl T<.C"E. J-\ s Prc~cntccl by :he f\ shbel, f.'lay 17. 1904. C.\ ST. \' iola. a ~laid . ... . ...... . .... . ..... . . . . .. ... . .... E)111.Y ~f.\\'ERtCK Lady ~[acBeth ................ . ... . .. ............... j u 1.r.\ ESTILL* 1'.athcrine the ShrC\\' ............... ................. \"tRGINI.\ RICE L)csdc1no11a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E)I)I.\ GREER Portia . . . . ... . ................ . ... . ......... F.\N N\' \\'EsT l-l.\RR1s'• J~osalind . .. . . ......................... . ... .... .\:-::-:11~ j oE G.\ROXER Juliet .. .......... ................ .................... GR,\CE HILL ()phclia ........ ................................ .. ~IAHV $TE0l\IA:\* ~substituting for ?vlary l lrard l~lli~ ·)Substituting for Flora Bartholo1nc\v *Substituting for Florence 1\I urdock -205-· • THE SIDNEY LANIER SOCIETY . 1-'harn1an . \ dan1s Edna ..\.11derson J~urtie :\t\\'ell .\I attic :\!!<;tin .\largaret Beadle ' (laudia Bralun Flora Br0\\'11 :\a1111ic Lea Calchvell .\1 E.\iBERS. Cora Ellis :1Jar1· Fieg-el . ~ Luc,· Good11·i11 11 uldah (;ooch,·in <;cnie I Ioulahan 1--:thel rlibbs Edna I-Iof,otelter )\ lay } lopkins Isabel T-(e1J1· Elizabeth Perlitz .\I artha Peterson \'alcrie RceYes 1\1111ic R11111pel .\label S1nith Harriet S111ithcr Shirlierced Streeter Nancy Lee S1va1111 ( ;Jadys 'fingle -206­ ~tattic Austin 1\nnie Rumpel Edn:a I lof:.tc11cr N:i.nnic ~::a Caldwell Cora Jo:ttis ~'fnrthn Peterson Isabel Kelly LUC)' Goodwin ~lary Fiegel Valerie Ree"es Burtie A1"·cll Gertie 1-foulahan ~1:lbel Sn1i1h F.dnn 1\ ndcrson (.;l:'ludia Brahm ~lnr2are1 l~e:tdle Ethel Hibb$ io'lorn llrO"'" 1-larrict $1nithcr Gladys "l'in~lc ~1ny llopkins NanC)' Lee S"·ano C:\ I \ "ERSJ1'Y \ "TE \\'S. I ' • I I I I• ' I • GLEE CLUB. 0AXIEI, P1,:-:1c1< .. .... ............ ..... ........ ............ Direc/cJr F1~.\XK \ ". LA:-< 11 .\.\L . .. . ... ... ....... .. . ........ .... l3usi11ess ilifa11ager l)1cK P. \\".\LL..... ....................................... President L1.ovn G. Z1x XECKER ...................... ................ Secretar\' L. Pierce Bailey Charles G. Cofield \\"illian1 C. Bryant . \ sh le,· ?:\. Denton \\". C'an1eron Hanner John I. T(erchivillc 1(. C. :\filler FIRST 1 EXORS. l)ick P. \\"all SECOND TE1\0RS. JJal Il. l,ogan 1\hncr :'If. :\fcAfee John TI. :\c"·son1e Fl 'FFICERS. F.\ l ,I. TEJ{)I. \\·1xTEl< TEJ()l. President ...... .. .'\. C. 1\~1s1 .1·:1< Cl. 13. f1N1.EY l 1. l I. LOG.\ N /'icr-Presidcnt . . .. G. B. F1N1.1·:Y :\111111 \\'. I·:. EL.\~l Secretary . . . .. .. . .I·. C. B LIHNr·:v I-1. H. L oG.\N L. T•. S1111(1 n '/'rrosurcr ........ lI. I). 'II E:-."DE\i 11.\1.1. J. E. G.\RD:-."ER :\. R..\lC.\L 11'E:.JS. \Ir. E. C . . H. Bantell has gone on an extended trip to :\c"· ()rlcans. !)rink ··sunny-Ji111·· Cocktails. Freshn1an J. R. Sniith is no\\· eating his nieals off tht· n1antlc piece as a result of an u111«isc intrusion into the Sophon1or-: l)ra\\·ing Roon1. S1nall boy to Prof. ·ra_1·lor :-··Please \fistcr do it ag"in. \II. · lilllc Buel didn't sec that last d11111p _1·ou ga1·e the llickey·s at the bollcHn of the hill. Buy Sain ?lfaas· book of poc111~. Just out. Price 1oc. -225­ • • Y. M. C. A. L. \\'. PARRISH ....... • ..... • ............................ President 0. r\. FR.\XK ........ ······························· l'ice-President f-T. };:. \\'u.1.1.\~IS ...................... . . ... ............... Secretary \ \'. S. Porr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1·reas11rer C< >~I .\11T ·rEES. C. D. Kin!!. (' hain11a11 " D . . A... Frank B. L. Gla~cock ·r..-\. Keith I-I. I\:. \\'illia111s. ('liair111a11 G. C. l\:incllcy D. :\ . ~kinncr FIX.\XCE. \\'. S. Pope. ( 'ha1n11C111 J. H . I\:ccn f. \V. Ilouscholdcr :\D\'ERTISIN<:. £ . .\I. Carel. ('liainuau C . .\f. ,·on Blucher G. \\'. Sn1ith ~I ISSION.\R\'. \\'. c. llr,·ant. c: 11air111a11 VV. H. l licks £. \ , .. nrcihan .\I. E. Rosser ~I E~l llERSll IP. B. L. (;Ja~cock. ( 'lioir111011 J. P. JJo,,·,lr f . .\I. Rector ~I l':'IC E. \\'. llrcihn. Chair111a11 L. (i. Zi1111cckcr DELE<;.\Tl·:S TO RUSTON . L.\. \ , .. c. nr,·ant \\'. n. I lick~ 11. L. (;tascock 'f. . \. Keith lL\'\'D UOOK. \\'. S. Pope -226-· Y. W. C. A . ..Jt shall be the puposc of this . \ ssociation to \vin youn~ \\'On1e11 to Christ. to build then1 up in Christ. and to send the111 forth into the 1vorkl to 1vin others to Christ.., ETHEL ll.\TI1 ER . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • • . . . . F'rcside11/ EL:XICE AoEx .................................... 1st Vicc-Preside11t L11.v C.\)IPBELI. .............•.................... 211d // icc-Preside11/ .\xx1E Ri;)1PLE ........................................... Sccrctar" FLOY P~;RFECT . . . . . . . . . . • • . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1·rcas11rcr Ei;x1cE AoEx .........• ..........• . . . (.hair111a11 .1/c111bcr,~hip Co111111illec F1.0Y PERFECT.... . . .•......••...•..... . . (.' /1air111a11 Pi11a11ce Co111111ittec LEI, \ VACCE:\"ER .. . . . ....... ... •...... . ..Chair111a11 l?cligio11.,· c·o111111iffec llonr,nTA LAv1:::- NETTIE FJ.\LI . . ............. .•..•..... Cliair111a11 .11 issiouary ( . .'0111111iffee \ 1Ar,ERIE REE\"ES . .. ....•.... . ••.... .......C'1air111a11 Social Co111111ittee :. rARC.\RETTE BE.\D1.1::........•.......chainnaII J1.1(' rcollcgia I(' c0111111 iffee -227­ YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. (.11edical Depart111e11t.) llNI\lJ~RSJ'l'Y OF TEX.\ S. Put on the 1vltok annor of Goel that ye niay be able to stand against the 11·iles of the de1·il.-T~ph. 6 :1 1. C)FFJCERS. JA)IES J . l'ERRILI. ......................................... President B. 0 . \\"oRKS ........................ .................T'ice-Preside11! H. E. GRrFF1 x . . . . . . . .. . .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary a11d Treasurer :\I E'.\£BERS . .Allison. Bruce Ilcinsohn, X. \V. Phillips, H. F. A ronsfelc!, G. I-I. l follis. C. B. Po1vell. E. P. Boyd. J. \\if. l-lopkins. J. V. H.ayburn, C. E. llranclenburger. !Vlax l-I111·elle. R. I-£. Revnolds. t-\. J. ~ Bruce. BYron Jones, H. P. Robinso•~. G. J. ' l~uckncr. J. C. Jordan. \\". ]. Rogers, Joe -. Carlsen. Jno. K.c1np. Jno. 0 . Searcv. C . •I\.. • • Clark. S. I.a 11-rence. 0. D. Skipper. C. \V. Collier. J. l. J_e11·is. G. L. Slataper. E. L. Cyrus, E. :\I. Linder. (). E. Slataper. F. J. Dai-. G. P. Long1nier. l'. R. Sn!ith. B. F. ' Du11nan1 ·r. E. :\lason. 1-£. \·. Stoae, J. E. DelaneY, E. E. '.\!ayes. \\". C. 'ferrill. Jan1es J. J~ll is. 1'. H. '.\[cl(inney, I-I. C. Vaughan. E. P. Flynn. J. G. l\ lerrick. E. Fl. \'Veller, C. B. Fortenberry. J. C. '.\[e1vsha1v, '.\I. \\'. \\'illerson, J. E. Franklin. J. \\'. '.\foore. s. rl. \ \'infield C. F. Gober. Olin N'ash. J. D. \\'itt. Guy F. Griffin. H. i;:. Xortl>er. E. C. \\"orks. B. 0. I farris. J. P. Oxford. Jerry \\'right, \\-_ S. Pa5sn1ore. B. H. It is the object of the (."olh:ge Young l\Ien's Christian .\ ssociation to cle1·elop and ~trcn~thcn the spiritual life of the nicn 11•ho con1e under its influence. \•Ve extend to all the 111cn of the· College a c:ordial invitation to con1e and be 11·ith us. -228­ ' ' I I • I STUDENTS COUNCIL OF MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. ' • I OFFICERS FIRST TER~I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . President j\[1ss \ 'V1xx !FRED 1(1 '1(;s1.Y ......... . . .. ....... ..•......('ice-President :\lrss ).L\E P .\RKILILL ......... • .... .•................. ..... Secretary :\I1ss SI)J.\ F1s11 ER ............ ....... ..................... 7'reasurer G. J. Ro&1xsox .................................... •)crg1•a11t-at-.rlr111..· OFFICER~ SECOXO TER)J. J~\'l~RCTT JOKES .... . ...................................... />resident B. F. S)ITTll .. . . . .......... • ....... . . . . .. .... ........ f/ icc-Preside11t c. E. s~trTll ... ....... .................................... Secretary 1\. lvI. JONES . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....•. ....•....• ..•........... 1'reasurer J. G. }ONES . .. . .................... . • ............. Scrgca11t-at-An11s -23(}-­ THE UNIVERSITY DINING CLUB. (.1/rcliral flrpart111c11t.) OFl' ICERS. OLIN GOBER.... .... •............... . ...... .. .. ...•... .. .. . President \·\I. C. D1cK~~Y .... . ...... ........ . .. . . ....... • . ...... / "icc-Presicle11t J. \\'. OXFORD •.. .....•..•.••...•..••••.. . ....... S'ccrctary-Trcas11rer C..\. \YARREX • • . . . • . • •.••.••.•.......... . ..... Jla11agrr Book Stor•' l'Xl•:CUTl\'E CO)f:\llTTEE. \\". T. T)a\\·c R. D. Gist ~lE~lllERSJTIP CO:\lll!ITTEE. J. \\". Bo,·d R. E. Cloud er. P. DaY J\UlllT INC CO:\l:\UTTEE. G. S. Barha111 IL (). l.\RO ()F PUBLICt\'fTOl\. ALEXANDER DEt:SSEN •........... ..................... . 1;_di1or-i11-Clzief LUKE C. Ro1lERTSON ... ............................./311si11es~· illfa11a.ger LucTAN VI/. PA1~R1s1 1 ......... • ... . ... .. .. .. .. . Ass/. Business 111a11ager i~D\VARD CRANE .. . .............. . .. • . .. ... . .... . ...... f,ilerary Editor Al-~I ,\ Pt~OCTOI< ... i\l.\RY STEl))I.\N .. l IELEN G.\l~RISON . ........ .................... ............4ssociales 1\ 1.Ex Por E ..... . L YXX B. )fll. \\I Jonx R. S\\·Exsox E D. (O\\"AX Coxxo1c ..... ................ ................ . A ri Edi/or F .\:>INY \\'EST 1-l.\RlF PL"BLIC.\TJ():\. THE MAGAZINE. JOEL l~. \\'.\TSOX ............. . .•........ . ............. Editor-in-Chief C1,\'DI': \ \.Al.TOX Hl LL....................•....-l.~sis/011/ Ed ilor-in-(.:Jiief :\l.\Y J .\R\'lS........................................Exchange 11dilor .\SSOCI.\ l'E EDITOllS. l,cl \ \' aggener E111111a Greer Eleanor Brackenridge \ lo,!. (;ill Sha'v \;eorge \\'.Gray Luther ?\ickels Dox Ro1i1 xsox. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B11siness ill011ager ·• • -236­ • - :\It\ Gt\ZINE BOt\RD. '' THE TEXAN. • I C.:1.1NTON G. BRO\VN, Sept. 28. 1904, 10 Jan. 20, 1905. } r;d· . : Cl.,, D F J ...1:, 1,(01-111­1.ie1. A. •RANK, Jan. 20. 1905. to une 2, 1905. ).\~tES E. lll1TC11E1.r. .................. . .................... .\la11ager P. C. Bt;RNEY..........• .. • .......... ............ . ,;/ssista111 1\lfai;ager L1;\\·1s ]OH-~SON } .................................../i.rc/lauge Editor \\. ]. ~IO\ ES .-\SSOCl,\TE El1ITORS. ~Iiss Grace 11 ill. 1'1iss f\ hna Proctor. Ed. Crane. (). L. Sinis. 11 ugh Lothrop. John 1'01vncs. J. P. Si111pson. -238-­ ~bt ~txan Simpson Lothrop Sims To''"nes )loyes Crane .\liss llill Burney BrO\\'O :'>litchell Frank :'>li>s Proctor '• • THE UNIVERSITY MEDICAL. • I BC);\ RI) OF EDTTORS. { ;, i\f. DEc11 Ellll ........ ... ... • .. . . . .. . ...............J:ditor-i11-Chicf .J. J. CoLLlElL .......................................Associate Editor .\. J. l='oPE ........................................U11si11css Jlanagcr B. (). \\.ORKS..................... ..... ... ... .••/sst. 811si11rss .\fanager Cl..\SS F.OITORS. .I. C. Darracott. ·o• . . .\Ic1 It D. Gist. 'o6. .\lcdicinl'. ''· . . .rucc. 05. .1ar111acy. 11. (). l(night. '07 . .\lclc. ·05 . .:\ urFing. -240­ __.. 'fl-IE (.; :\ I \' J~RSl'fY :\lEDIC:\ L H(),\ RI). I ' Photo by f:JJiot1 ~I !SS ~IAY JARVIS. • I I I I FINAL BALL. CLINTON G. BR011• N . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /~resident BEN ROBERTSON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S11pcr11isory Chair111an FRED I<:. Frs11 ER . •..•.......... . . ....... Chain11a11, Finance Co111111illee llEXRY T. F1.1rrc11ER .........•..•... . Chair111a11, Rrcrption Co111J11iffee \\.ILL P. BR.\DY ................... ... Chair111a11, i1l'i'itatio11 Co111111ittec \\"11.Bc;R:-.-:\lc(.\RTY ...•................ c·1iain11a11 ..·ll111111;i Co111111iffee LOUIS J.\COllY ....................... Chain11a11, f)ccoralion c·o111111ittec DrcK 0. TERREi.i•..............•... . ... Chair111a11, l'rogra111 Co111111illc.! \VILLIA~I B. B1.0CKEf~ ....... . .. . . .. ....... c-1iain11a11. Floor Co1n111i1tec \11' ALTER E. GIESE:>: ....•.... • ... . .. Chainnan, / /rra11gr111e11t c·o.,,u11·itte11 -244­ jfinal 1'iall Fletcher Br:ldy Jacoby Gics• Elliott ~I rss BEULAH SCHIELD. FINAL BALL . .\/c·dica/ Dcpart111e11f.· s. R. GRIFFIN . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .... . . . . .. ... .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . President F'. J\. DAKFORTIJ ..... • ......... ......... .... . S11pcr7·isory Chair111a•1 \•V. 1'-1.EHERG ......................... Cl1ain11a11, f117•i1atio11 c·o111111illee G. 'f. H \LL ....... ............•... .... Chain11a11. 1:i11a11ce Co111111i1tee B. F. s~tlT!I ...................... Chair111a11. :/rra11gc111£'1,/ Co111111ilt£'C BAILEY PHELPS ................. c·1tair111an, E11tcrtai11111c11/ Co111111iltee C. B. \\-ELLER ...................... . . Cltain11a11, Rcccptio11 Co111111illce LrsTox ............. ...... ............... ( 'hair111a11, Floor Co111111i1tce • -247­ 1\ DE:'\10:--!S'l'RATION IX EVOLUTION. ..... >. fj BS ?, ' .... • • ,. --1 \ ..) ( / . 0··v ·,) --. ... ,,,. ~ <-' r \/°:'> '<.,•f l I~ ·~ 9~1 • 1 ~ ~ ps~0 ' " • • : <1» Kif 0 ~ 0 ., ' (. • t ~ ' . , . A I I I (} 0 ~,~A (>:(\)' ~I t ...... ~ I • ) ( \\~,. ~ ,, . .' '~··\:··"':" 1 0.I :'v.>.., -·\ t.-':· ··\'-' ~ . ~-~,.." 1301T ~~'!\-"' ... ) ! ~\, ~4­ - -248­ • ' • • \.YRES'l'f~I.KG \llE\VS. I I FOOT BALL TEAM, l 903. H.. G. 'vV ATSON • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . ......... ..Ca.ptai11 Jos. C. l(ERBEY, JR........... ........... ................ .. 11'fa11ager R .\LPH Jo'. I r1·Tc111NSON.. ... • . . . . . . ••... ....•. •........ ... . c·oacli Grover Jones ........ .. . \V. D. Scarborough ... . C H.Parrish ...... ......... B. L. Glascock .. ........ .. N. J. i'\Iarshnll ........... D. Prendergast........... \Vm. Blocker F. \Voodhull ........ . G. C. Kindley . Neil ~lasterson.. R. G. \\latsnn ... ...... . \Vm. Francis ......... . Don. Robinson.. ......... . V. Hendrickson .......... . \V. O. Householder .... . 1i;) 1 2 lSi 175 192 206 J30 135 1 2 141 162 160 162 165 165 5.9 5 .IOY, 6 .2}-f 5. 11 ti. 2 5 9 5.GY, 5.SYz G. ; 5 ..• 5. l OY, 5. 5.7 5.11 - 0.SJ/ • L. E. L. T. L. G.& C. c. R. G. R. T. R. E. R. E. L. G. Q. B. R. II. B. R. H. B. I.. H. B. I'. B. F. B. '0i '06 '06 '04 '04 Sp. '06 'OS '05 Sp. 'Oi Sp. 'OS '06 2nd 2nd 2nd 3od ·lth 2nd 1st 1st 1st 1st 4th lst 2nd 1st 1st w ..."' 20 22 26 21 :! I 22 ~I 17 2:~ 20 ·>"l -· ]!) 21 2L :.W 7 7 7 7 i i (j 5 i 7 6 c 7 6 RESIDENCE. llouston, Texos. Abilene, Tc.xos. Joy, T exas. l!:lgin, T exas. Bonham, Texas. \\laco, Texas. San Antonio, Texas . San Antonio, Texos. Graham, Texas. JI ousto11, 1..cx:ts. \Vaxabachie, ·rexas. Denton, Texas. Indianapolis, Incl. Redlands, Cal. Byers, T exas. LlS'I' OF GA:\IES. Oct. 8 \t .\ ustin .. . . . . ... . ...... l'exas \"$. ·r. C. l·.............4o-<) Oct. rs /\ t 1\ustin . ............... 'fexas YS. 'frinily ..... . . . . .. .24-0 Oct. 21 At f\ nstin . . . . ....... . .... ·rexas vs. J laskell .. ... ..... . . 0-4 Oct. 29 At St. Louis . .. ..... . .... 'fexas vs. \Vashini?ton . . .. . . . . 23--0 N ov. 5 1\ 1 Chicago . ... . . .. .... . . 'f exas vs. Chicago ...... . .. . . o-68 Xov. 16 1\t f\u~tin .. ............. 'fexas v~. O kl:iho111a . . . ... . . . 40­ 11) Xo\·. 19 1\ t .\ ustin .. .. . ......... 'fexas v$. Baylor ..... ... ..... 58-0 XoY. 24 1\t Austin ................ Texas YS. . A.. :\I. .............34--6 Greatest 11u1nber of points scored prior to 190.1 during single season .... 189 -253­ • • A'flJT,ETIC \TIE\~rs. • I I I • ' BASE BALL TEAM. r903-c904. Cl.AREXCE \\'. \VELLER ...••. ............•.• ..•...•......•.•. Ca.ptaiu .\ . i\1. fR.\7.ll~R .. . . .. .... .. . .. ....• .. • .... ..... . •......... . 1\fa11agcr R.\l.1'11 l711,1.01NC l-l uTC111NSON ....... ........ ....... .....•.... Coach TE.\ ;\I. \\'. H. Francis . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calchcr J. R. ecasley and X. D. Shanel. ...... .. . .. . . .................. l~itchcrs I\:. :\I. Thrasher .................... . .. . . .... . . .......... l;irst Base R. J. Bea ley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Second Base Frank \". La11ha111 ........................................ Third Base Chester I-I. Terrell .. .................. .................. .Short Stop ,\. D. Robertson . .. . ...... . . ........ .. . .. ... .. . ... . .... . . Left Fie!·{ R. J. Echvarcls ......... .................... ........ .... ("c•utcr Field I. J b· l'" .3 .,1..r, , I Sltudllt . :~ l·IOltZlUt\ll, A. \~ i\I . 120 yard hurdle ..Pnlrner. 17 l-& A11derso11, Vn11c.l~rbll t. JG 1-5 l Cox. U. o! 1·. Ii. 2 ..r •. 2 Cox, U. of 1' '! Pa11termuehl. U. ot 1· :~ ..1ao1ilto11. \'n1td(>rbllt ·: Blocker. U. of 1~. :!"..?O .>':.trd hurt.lie .Pantern1ucl1I. 2S J.j 1 Anderso1}, \'n1td(\rbllt. 2S t Darling. Okla. 2s. 2 Panter111t1l"ltl, l'. of T 2 Pa11terrlluet1I. ~ Blocker. U. of T :: Blocker. J High Jurup ..Elam. ;;..7 3·~ I El:llll, t;. of T . [1 7 a -1 l OrO\\'O. Soutl''''('~tern. i1 3. 2 Anderf.l;on. \'n•tllt. 20 s1·4 D:t1·li n~. Okin. 10 7 1· 2. 2 ~olnn. Van,\rri~h. J2-l G 1·2 I Parrish. ll. of T. 121 5 1.2.• .• .1 '1'1·lbbey. Okin. 110 7. 2 ~.lnrshnll. u. or ·1~ 2 Mt\ rsball. U. or 'I'. 3 Bla ke. \ln1Hle1·blll :~ Pnrrisl1, U. of ·r. Pole ,·nult .F.lnm, 10 ~ 1 Elam. U. of 1'. 10 I l Elam, U. of 'I'. 10 I. 2 Panter1l1u('lll :? Pnnter111uehl, U. or ·r . a Blake. Vanderbilt :i Glass. A. & ~I. m }'3rd dasll ..Jones. 23l·l'> t Jones. L". of 1·. 23 1..5 1 Onrll11g. Okin. :?:·: 1..r,. 2 80\\·en. U. of T .2 Jones. U. of T. 3 Blake, Vanderbilt 3 Green. Soutll\\'('~tern. RECORD OF TRACK TEAM, 1903. First place 111 So11tl111·ester11 Cha111pionship. First place in Southern Cha111pionship. ~I EO.ILS \VON. \Vinner. Gold. Silver. Bronze. Points. Bo11•c11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 12 Cox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o 0 ~ .) l~obinson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t 0 8 ~larshall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 0 8 Parrish (Capt. ) . ........ . .. . . .... . 0 8 :\ll'Cr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 I Pantern1uehl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o 2 0 6 Blocker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o 0 T Jones. G. . . . .......... .. .. ........ · r 0 s ElVcnt Busted.'" This is the roniancc of the lo,·e of F. Valentine Lanh:un-thc strange fascination. and >till stranger separation. 1hc rio1011' pas,ion, the final ennobling affection-from the day when he awoke 10 find hi1nself the ,·ic1i111 of a co-ed"s ca1>ricc. till searching ,·ainly for the waters of Lethe. and finding that 1lal Logan had consunted in ii­ en1ire1y the Mrea1n oi oblivion. he played 0111 his splendid death-sc ene in the ··Isle of the liu11uts:· ··::11iss Shelton"s no,•d contains the n1os1 pitifully pathetic, profoundly sy1npa1he1ic. ,·ivid and true portrait of Lanha1n ever drawn. The anis1ic selection of n1a1erials front the lifo of the n1acaroni and the 1nas1crly use of 1he1n are beyond prai>e. An experienced co·ed ha, succeeded belier than anyone ebc in giving us the real Lanhant in the diffcrcn1 1>hascs of his panora111ic charac1cr. The 1ale in i1self is moving, tearful. charming. front beginning to end."-/01·/ /Va1,·011, i11 U11iversity Rcvi.-1v. \Vlt h Eight l llnstrntions In Colo1·. JI~• E. ("0\VAN CG~NOR. P .t.•1oe , O.n.e D oi.1ar. at Co•OP . THE. HUDGINS· BR.EAKHEAR.T CO. AUSTIN. (If 111nileY /lit JVt111 Fall A1:1ic11.nct 111t1ll Lisi dtJcribi11.J( lhtst a11d ollzeY books. I Published THE BIG I SET PUBLISHING CO., Austin. I 87 - S\~1ELL SET ADVERTISER. IMPORTANT SPRING PUBLICATIONS ------------------BY-----------------­ THE BIG I SET P UBL l $ H l NG c 0. Ao ad111irable book lvhlch sl1ould be in the hands ofevery J'Ouog man THE TRAIN/NO OF WILD ANIMALS By a celebrated 'vriter under tl1e no1_1.1 de pl\1t:ue of MAC LEAN Riehl)' lllustr:.itcd from Phototr~phs. ~ PRICE, $1.00 NE'l'. Each succeeding year is usually considered a sea· son for applying the famous transformation treatment, so well known to many of us, to that large and diver· sified army of entirely illiterate and absolutely sense· less devotees of the nipple of the small white bottle. This year there has been encountered some absolutely untamed, unch•ilized savage beasts that have put the system of treatment to a cruel test. But the trainers have been successful at last. The author tells juH how it was done. He cites as an ex ample the wonderful work accomplished in the regeneration of 1he least tractable of the flock-Fierce l'erguson. In a pleas· ing manner he tells of how he is allowed in the course of time to run al liberty-enjoying the honor of being the first incubator graduate. T he acquisition of genteel habits after a long period of nursing is portrayed. The Hory is thoroughly delightful. Young and old can not fail to enjoy it. THE REINCARNATION OF A THIEF. J3oloir the hietory ot the 1nalpract ices or one Phil noscbe. Uy A V IC'l'I?ll. This is a story involving questions in the reahn of metaphysical subtleties. In this work we trace the hero Clotho, th rough his successive reincarnations clown the lapse of ages. Fro1n the time he first slinks from the rugged entrance of that prehistoric cavern and picks the teeth off a cave dweller's swelling breast, our attention is fixed. 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()r do ,·ou kno\\· 1\·hat ails 111e an,·ho"·? \\'hat "·ould . . you do fir~t if an exen1ption in Black~tont· \\'ere gi,·en you. or if J)r. TTuberich said ...... ? ·rhis unique up-to­clate book \\·a~ produced in e,·idencc \\•hen I \\·as re­ferred to the I I ague Tribunal. Rl~.\I) rr. First ancJ only litrrary production inflicted by a nH'111ber of the i:acu1!"· utt:========================:.di SWELL SET ADVERTISER. FOOTBALL OR ARBITRATION BY 'fhe author n1ent for peace. H. Y . BENEDICT is one of the leading sp1nts in the international n1ove­This book en1bodies his theory as applied to the college \vorld, and holds that questions of athletic pro\vess should be referred to courses of arbitration in prefer­ence to detern1ining such issues upon the gridiron, the track, or the dia1nond, therebv avoiding needless ex­pense. place-kicks fro1n the 40-yard line, /\ . Case­\vell E llis, and the inevitable and tireso1nely spectacu­lar exists of Captain \ h/atson from the field of siaughter. T he author also atten1pts to sho" ' ho\v this s.,·ste1n 111ay eventually be applied to class rushes, frat rushes and bulrushes. 'Cnqualifiedly endorsed by Joe I<:erbey, F red F isher and H enry. JLobe anb J>ob.1 to Jkeep t111y, /111sti11. No. 1 281 286 287 289 296 297 298 301 302 303 309 297 311 317 318 319 325 326 327 331 I ' T his number of THE SWELL SET will reduce some of THE BIG I's to small potatoes j• Warranted by THE BIG I SET PUBLISHING COMPANY Some of the Big l's dealt a few are: F. Homer Curtiss, Francis Winter, Emmet E. Mcinnis, George Fleming Moore Shelton and others 8AAHlS·CR018Y COMPANY. PRINTERS. ST. LOUIS CONTENTMENT OR HAPPINESS B\. (;. R<>CllS ( ;()LDSCl!.\lllYI'. ll/11.~lrall'cl by "()-o-oh... pityingly fro111 Rita. "to think they should ne,·er belonulh bc­~ide her. in a very 1nuchh· rn111pled blue linen suit. \vas ;i Junior o f that institution. ho1ne on his holiday. Lucien lle11clcrso11. E,·er since she \\'a> eight and he ' fi f!een. there had e:dstccl bet "·een the111 the closest of fricndships. In the at111ospherc of the great. pine­board schoolroo111. "'hich the bearded l) utch 111aster, "·hose besetting sin ~ \\·as certainlv not O\·erconscicntious­ness. rendered thick \\'it h the sn1okc of his huge pipl'. thi~ tenderness had its beginning. ·ro .f i111. "·ho had con­stituted hin1self the teacher's head as­sistant. she \\'Oulcl con1e and say her lesson. leaning confidingly on his shoulder. Every evening she \\'Ould ride ho111e behind hin1 on his horse. picking his pockets. 11s11ally full of nuts. dainties fron1 the g rocery store. or perhaps chert \\'Ot1lcl e,·en be a gayly-colored picturl.' or a rag doll hidden a\\·ay for Ji111's lit1le pet. E,·ery since those country .chool day;<. ]i111 and Rita had lo,·ed each other cle,·otedly. at first "·ith the Jo,·e of children but very soon \\'ith the (o,·e of 111a11 and niaicl. \'cry bitter "·as the parting. \Vhtn Ji111. at the age of t\\·ent ,._threc had saved enough fro111 a patch nf Janel he had fanned I• 2 2 TllE Sif"ELL SET. for his o"·n special profit. to vi::it the L:nivcrsity. and great \Vas the joy \vhcn after hvo ,·ears he ca111c hon1c to s11n1111cr and brought \vit h hi111 a consun1ptive LI~. D.. "·ho proved '"ill­ing to coach H.ita. so that she. too. 111ight belong to that "'01Hlcrf11l Re­public of Intellects. about "·hich Jiln had been \\Titing her in frequent and substantial n1issi,·cs. .·\hnost e\·er,. · C\·ening' after lessons and \\•hile the deepening (\\·ilight still ~ho"·ed the printed page. the~· \vould co111e to this tree to read "froth" and a ftcr,vards t•> talk and plan. ·rhis s11n1n1cr had been a 1natc to the last. She took the book fro1n Ji111's hand and reread l•arts in silence. then sud­c:c:1ly gazin~ up. trcn1ulo11sly. "Ji111. if you and l should be parted by cir­c11n1stances. let us. too. send each other son1e token ... "Xothing dare sever us." replied Jin1. placing his anns about her neck and kissing the saddened little face. "I feel prophetic. Ji1n ! 1\nd rather that '"<'should 111arry to live in abject, 1niscrahlc poverty. let us separate and keep our lo,·e untarnished." "\'011 are right. Rita! I could not bca r to pu11 you do\rn day by day \vith "·eight,· carcs-bcner to lose ' . sight of each other forc,·cr ! Sonic \VOtilcl call such scntin1cnts sordid. but \\'e kno,,· better. there can be no love in a cottage ,,·here \\Tinkled care serves salt and potatoes: and rather than that our love shou Id beco1ne hideous. shrivel up and dil•-let us put it a\\·ay 1n a leaden casket. \vhere. though ,,.c arc not able to touch it. '"e 111a.,· gaze' al it ahvaYs thru' the tinv glass "·indO\\'." "\;\,·e think s11 nn1ch alike. Jin1n1ie ! Do ,·011 ren1c1nbcr ho\\· \VC laughed at "fhackera,-'s little conceit-If a n1an . "·ere offered ,,·cahh. a beautiful. true and intelligent '"ife. happy healthy childrcn-in short. don1cstic bliss and no busine:' rite to her ever since. "Let us rather think of this fall \vh..:n \\·e :y belo1v 11·ere probably 11·onclcring ho11· such a brilliant butterlly had es­caped notice heretofore !-si111ply be­cause this san1e btllterAy 1vith societ 1· 1vings den1urely folded. fluttered by his side in long ran1blcs thru· un fre­quent('<) 11•ays: because in the evening she studied or entertained a rugged youth 11·ith a great purple scar 01·cr his right tcn1plc. in the overloaded 1nusty little parlor of her boarding house. ?\011• ! the 1nusic began and she danced 1vith :\lcCarthy. the Prof. Ho11· 11·cll she did it-to the n1anne!· born ! ..Those girls had niadc a great s11·cll 011t of her-there 11·as no do11bt of it-but they couldn"t alienate her fro111 hi111. .\nd after ail. it 11·as he 11·ho had decided the length of her train and the color o f her go11·n. ' C11rio11s. ho1v liberal her grandfather had been of late. he 1vas speculating. Jirn kne11-. 11011· like Rita. to buy 11·ith her first s11rplus 111oncy, that in­accessible set of la 11· to1ncs for her Jin1. She had cli~appcarcd ! 'fhc elegant hall seen1ed a trite place and Ji111 ahnost fro11·neale ..,,r,·c11 rob,· • * • c·o.\·1·1:..Y1·.111:.Y1' Of<. H.Jf>J>l.\J;,.<;.<;. calculation for his stoop. bc.'nt do\vn, ostensibly to regain the f11g iti\'C. but rcalh· to br11sh his hair and forehead \vi1h her iips. Ile held the bit of lace in his hand. but thcv gazed unuttera­ • ' bly deep into each others eyes before it \\•as reclai1ned by the O\vner. 'l'hat \\'as to be their last 11101ncnt of untroubled bliss. \\"hen Rita sa\v Jin1 the next da\·. . his face \\·as clra1\·n . and ashen. She took his hand. ..nc br;:11·c ! tell. \\·hat is it ? .. ··I 11111st lea,·c school. S11c.:h a drcatlful cu111ula1ion of 1nis~·orllnu.>s at hon1c. Sister l~ctty. tho· recover­ed f ro111 t.rphoicl. leavcs her hed a hopeless e1nbecile. .\ly 111othl•1..s eyes li;11·c gone out co1nplctcly-they necc! till' at ho1ne and they '"ill 11ccd 111c i orc~·cr! good-bye Rita. n1y goddess. forg1\·e n1~-c~ying like a baby. but its ~oocl-byc forever niy little girl ! I I e pressed her close for a long-Iin1e. hl•e,IJess of open doors and prying housc111ates-then. \\·ith a ,;ob 1hat shook hin1 bodih-. he kis~ccl ht•r pas­sionateh· and 1vas gone. ~ It \\·as at the end of Rita":< sopho­n1ore \·car \\·hen the cra>'h tinallr c:an1c. ()ne of the •greatest s\1•incllcs on record had left her (;ranclfathc1..s na1nt· dishonored. unle:-s he could co\·t·r his liabilities \1·i1hin a gi\·en elate. a11d that but too clos" at hand. .\lcCarthy \1·a::; rich. ~lcCarthy"s habit o f proposing-had bcco1ne chronic. .\lcCarthy \\·ould help her g rand father if she \\'Oulcl 111arry hini. \"es. she "·ould tell hin1 that her grandpan::nt,· pt"Cs,·nt :'ituation great­ly influenced her, but ,-he really liked and respected .\IcCarthy in1n1ensely­he \\·as strong. handson1e. elever­a11d rich. ..Jin1. niy boy. it 1nust be, it 111ust be !.. :;he \\·hisperecl. ..you sec. Jin1. its the only \\·ay:· '!"his apologetic­ally tO\\·arcls his picture. .\nd the next titlll' \\'hen .\lcCartll\· \\·ho had half clespaired of C\'Cr being taken seriously. proposed ag::in. to his g reat and joyful s11rprise, he \\·as accepteel. ::>he 1nade an ideal Professor·s \\·ife -and \\·as uni\·ersally adored. .\1­\\·ays cheerful. anin1ating-. loving and helpful. .\lcCarth~ si111piy \\'Orshiped her. f-ler cxqui:'ite nature lay as an open book before hi111. and in it he read a text hun1an-di\·ine. set to c\clicious 111usic. Such hea\·enh· sin1­plicit\·-\'et thert· 11111st be depths to ever\· 1\·0111a1i. Strang-c ! every year, about the 20th of June. ?vlrs. iVlc­c:arthy \\'01ild n:cl'i\"l' a lengthy and carefully-packed hnx . \1·hich \1·as iound 10 contain 1n.-rcly an exquisite rose. perfect in fonn and color and S\\·eeth· fragrant. She ne,·er ex­ • plained. 1'herc \\·as another thing \·er\·. curious about .\I rs. .\lcCarth,· ! . 1-lcr husband at a \"Cr~ early date had understood that \Vht·n ~he kissed his forehead in1111ccliatcly above the right te111ple. care~st•s \Vere to be entirely suspended for t hc ensuing days. ' I ' • I 286 1'11£ SIVELL SET. THE UNDER DOG. • y The devil cries Because he strains .\ point and tries To knock the brains ()ut of a hc>ad In '"hich "tis said :\o brains exist- L:nder the branchc' of towering tree>. Stirred by the >Oft-blowing. bahn-brcath­i11g 1>rcczc. A lo,·er pour$ forth his a1noro11s picas. For hc"s only a fool. that"s all. Under the e:ivcs dropping low laughing 1Ca \1C$, A fair lady hear> hin1. and hearing be­lieve>. And in her bclic,·ing her hean·s heart dc­ • j cc1,·c~. For ,.1ic·, only a fool. tha1·s all. L"ndcr the >ubtlc, n1ystcrio11s spell Of far di:-1ant 1nusic"s tide-like ebb and swell, Another has shone what she now knows too well, That 'he", only a fool, 1hat"s all. l:nder the >PUllcring arc light's glare. A drunkard has reeled and fallen there. And his eye' 'cc naught with their un­winking stare. For hc"s only a fool. that·s all. L'ENVOJ. The story we read and laughing pa's by, Though it", hardly quite fair their fate to decry, For what they have done so would you or I, For wc"re c1·cry one fools. that"> :di. So pray desist F ron1 knocking on The frontal bone ()r \\'i11te1..$ clon1e : l tell vou that llcncath his hat ··There·s 1101 a souI at hon1e." Till:, SIVELL SET. 287 MODERN MAXIMS. It is a \vise father \vho has a boy in college and knO\\'S \Vhat he i~ doing. lionest\· is the best policy-if vou can't lie out of it. f\s the tree is inclined, so the t 1vigs suffer. \ly father received 11111ch \\•hipping \vhen a boy : iny. but he ab­sorbed a disagreeable habit. O ne liule boy can lead a big 111an to drink. but 888 larger inen couldn't 111ake hin1 set 'e111 up. Possession is 19 points o f the la1\' -if a father ii-possessed of all girls. equity \rill aid hin1. l'o ha\•e been. and then lose out­that is a sickness. Early to becl, early to rise-n1y. but the fun vou iniss. l \vould rather be a little co1nn1011 yellO\\' dog \1•ith a big bright collar than a big fine hound \\·ith a li11lc piece of leather around his ncck­this is no choke. Little sn1acks of \\·hisky. little schoon­ers o f beer, \ lake a 111an feel jolly fron1 ear lo car. ()ne touch of poor kin inakes n1any pious incn \\'Ordly. Look \\·ell for the bell CO\\·-the beef­ers n1ake lots o f noise. Football is a good gan1e to pla~·-in \'OU r 111i11cl. .'\eedles and Pins . .'\eedles and Pins, \\'hen I aet stuck the drinkina ~ :... beg-illS. ~ \!one\· is the root of all el'ils-the trusts O\v11 all of the big plants. \L\UlHCE: \Vo1.F. • ' 288 ·r111: s11'ELJ_ s1:.·r. "In the l:cg-inning. the ,..ororny "as created and can1t· into Being: but ,·crily there 11·as no abiding place for the sororit ,. and it \\'a;; ho1ncless. 'i'hl'n. therefore. \\'as crL'atcd the \'Vorld, and the pink-tea and ihe cookie-shine ... l?c~·iscd 1·crsio11. (accorcliug "·ith ideas cherished a111ong sonic Sister c;rccks.) :\ pocket eelit ion Dound iu calf \\'ith a cap for a co,·cr. r\ ncl a ·weed' for a staff: () IjLtlc ·ron1111,· Cobbs " It is to laugh." • r \.e Fresl1111annc Pres,·dent. in ch·re­ iulle J'lyghtc. In saclcle . \ lan1111 and n1ost grie,·ous • F r,·g-htc. . ' l'hc "vhilst L'ach .\tasked captor dourly I.cars .\ nd 'l'hyrslcth pantyngc for hys Frcsh111an11c gore. l1ec. nuckle fryglncncd Babe. doth \\'ecp fulle sore. _.,\nd shcddeth ·rl'ucler 1·eares. I-la! J"ia ! Jla! .\ joke!! By jinks ! ! l 'fhis is a joke inclcccl ! -Gilcrcesl. WHEN APOLOGIES WERE SUPERFLUOUS H\. LY:\:\ HC)\.D :\IIL.-\:\1. lll11slralc n1orc po"·eriul than t•lt·~ant is a ques­tion ior naturalists to an;;,,·er. 'fhat the,· ha 1·c such a tendt•nc\' is an as­ . . :e\vildcred (;rant and slo\vly her hand stoic to 1ncct his. It ho,·ercd abo,·e, Auttcrccl. and then dropped in­to his close grasp. J le felt the prick of son1ething sharp and nianv-cor­ • ' 294 THE .)IVELL SET. ' • ncrecl. He glanced dO\\•n. l t "'as a tiny je\veled scin1itar. ··.An1en !.. said Edith Carr. And that \\·as all. :\ t the Epsilon Rho chapter house in a gorgeously gilded cage. li,·es a green parrot \vho pours out the ,·ials of his profanity on the luckless head of everyone \vho ventures into his ' sight. unquestioned and unrebuked. I f you object, the Epsilons ,,·jlJ tell ,·ou this story. T passed that \Vay this 111orning. 'fhcrefore, I knO\\'. • ' • \ \ 11·1tcre is tile foam of l11sl 11igi?(s slfi11! • ' I I • ' 296 'ff!E Slf'ELL SET. BALLADE OF AN OLD-TIME STUDENT. By Ah•x. It seems to n1e that we live too fast, So swift it see111s the 1no1nh> go here. The exa111s of Dccc111bcr have «:arcely passed Before the tro11blcs of ?llarch a1lpear. vVc have no ti1nc to drink 011r beer. For dancing no lcis11rc we e'er ca11 find; And a co-cd's Yoice we rarely hear. 11'/rrr.· is the foam of lcist 11iglrt's stc·i11? The st11dent's haste to a tirc,0111c claO clcar­H'/1crc is tire foam of /(Is/ 11if!/1t's steiH? Pof><'. Oftentinle> 1 pa11>c in fright. \\'ondcring what i> yet to co111e. \Vondering where 1 was last night. And who was the friend that bro11ght 111c home. B11t I in this school am all alone, The rest are struggling for As-not Jl\tllC. And now. ere long. they will send me home­ IVlrt'rc is tire foam of last 11ig/r(s stci11! Awake! :\wake! :incl rise in your might. \\'hy stand ye crnsty >tudcnts here, \\'here i> the fun yo11 can have in life? \\'here arc yo11r A's of yesteryear? But roses and ,how> arc very dear. Also buggic> and beer yo11'll find, And J"n1 but a st11dcn1 who has no fear, /4/ f1 eri· is t/1c foom of last 11ig/lt's stein? L' ENVOl. Prof.. n1y teaching partakes not of fakes, Look not back on a bygone ti111c. The ho11r is now and the place i> Jolu"s­11 '/rrrt' is tire· foam of lost 11iglrt's stc·111.> 2!l7 THE ROOSTERS. RY Jl"Nll:S. #1·11e 111a11 low. i11 tl1c clrc~' ::-t1it sits do'' 11 l>c­ (Get ncx1 10 1hc S1cin BlAnd he \'ainly a11en1p1> 10 S llO\\'. ock sui1 !) look cool a' (Oh. \•\lilly boy. you arc a bea111 !) And he 1hinks in 1he pangs o f his dc>pcr· ate '''OC Thai never 111orc will he in10 a loge go. \\'hile o,·er hi, plight 1hese roo,1er~ crow. (0 say. do11·1 hi' feet look cu1e !) The high ,1ancling collar is culling hi' throat, (h's raining. >On. >ay. did you walk?) I re tweaks a1 hi, 1ic and he twi1che> hi, coat, (Say. Frenten1 front hin1 10 oho,·c. Siraiglnwar con1c' 1he answer front far tip a))Q\tC: "Yes, \ ·\lilly is whi>1>cring words of love." (Great Cac$ar ! I lo''' eaS)' a 111a 11 ca 11 be!) LAYS FROM A LAYMAN'S LYRE. BY Jl:Ntl:S. 1·m glad l"nt 1101 George \\"ashing1on. The Falh•·r of hi, Countrie. Fo r what in 1hc world would George have done. I 11 s111art :-oo.:ict ic? For when he'd i:-on,· 10 a swell affair. In a manner hlythc and glad. He couldn"1 ha,·c -aid 10 1hc 1onurcd ho,t: ··\\"hat a bully tin1c l\·e had,.. Or if he'd been i1n·i1cd wi1h The hos1e,, 10 rccci,·c. And ,·ainly prayed that Oeath ntigl11 come And his agony relieve. Then when son1c youth wi1h a winchnill lln In fron1 of him he'd >Ce. Ile couldn"1 ha,·c 'aid: "Oh. S111i1h, your race Looks powerful good to ntc."· And when >Ontc dcaclbca1 can1e 10 George, \\"ith ''isagc wild and wan. I le couldn'1 ha,·c 'aid: ".\ly bank accoun1 Is already overdrawn."' ?\ow. however bright George might have A' Fa1her of hi' coun1rie. It's a hundred 10 one he co11ld11"1 gel along ·1· .,, . r\ t 1I1c exa, an•tty. l."E:\ \'01. Pra1c 1101 10 n1c of 1hc 111oner plank, Let 1hc tariff ((uc>lion die. Fo r the thing 1hat makes 1his nation great ls ability 10 lie. ·1·e11 )·car'."t :t~o l·'ritz. La11l1a111 ,,.a, Six feel >ix inche' 1all. Bui now. while 1101 diminu1i,·e. Our Fri!>. i' rather small. h c1ns no ice how 1owering iall, That he m:ty IH\\'C been once, He's daily grow111g shoner, for He doc, >O n1any s1un1s. A CHAPTER OF CHAPTERS B''I' :\TTILA. T HE night \\'as \'Cry dark-so dark in fact that I had lost 111y \ray and stood leaning 111y confused and \Vear\· head ag-ainst the . ' cold. unsy111pathctic boso111 of a 'phone post. ..-\lone in the n1urkv gloon1. alone and hclplc~s. ·r ears. hot scalding drops of sheer forlorn­ness. hopped clO\\·n 111y cht•eks. Sud­dcnh· l started. . \ ,•oice had broken in upon nn· ear. patronizing. unc­tuous \\·ith cahn superiority. ...\h yes. That's \veil enough. of course. But then. yon sec. T \vas built for a chapter-house." :\ly eyes nearly started fro111 their sockets. ;\ huge 111ass \Vas 111ajest­ically trundling by. bulking high through the shaclO\vy ether and n11nbling O\'er the uneven st rect like a 111an1n1oth traction engine. . \ s the 'frojans 1na\· ha,•c stared at the (;rccian horse. dra\\'11 through their fated to,,·11. so did I gaze horrified as the vast 111ou11tai11 of ycllo11· and \vhite pulled to one side of the street and stopped. In the shado11• of its \ving I beheld another indistinct ob­ject, yello'v and \vhitc like the first. but ~111aller. It ,,·as breathing hcavi­ h-. ,,·hct her f ro111 ill-suppressed rage or great exertion I kne\v not. The Phi house continued : ... \nd then just look at 111y parrot! r\nd Count too. Count ·s dead nO\v, of course. hut the parrot is still a dra,,·ing card-" :-\ ,·oicc buffeted the heavy air. \ \'heezy. cracked and un111clodious it ,,·as. but raised in a pitiful endea,·or to be tuneful. ..She has a rigl11 to \vcar 1ny Beta pin. niy Beta pin!"­ f'ro111 111y vantage post I sa,,· an­other bulk approaching and behind it a 11t1111bcr of others. shado\vy in outline. like a drove of spectral ele­phants g razi11g i11 so111e 111ist-riddcn jungle. '!'he nC\\'C0111cr stopped a 1110111e11t and s11iffecl in patrician dis­g'llSt. ' ·· :\ parrot! Shade of llenry Lee, you boast of a parrot? \ \'hy that's nothin '. just look at 111e ! I O\\'ll Har­,·ey :\lcl_ean and \\'allie Tyler. So I guess that ought to hold you for a \vhile !" .\nd the Beta house rolled on and disappeared 111 the !!100111. leaving no ren1inder of its " ~ presence but a faint breath of attar o f . I c·11.1r>·r1:r? OF Cl-l.4P1·1:.1?S. 299 roses and a g rue.0111e calliope-like \Vail. ··Y011 are 111y inspiration day by cla,·, ." 'J'he l(appa Alpha house turned to its co111pa11io11 \vith a knowing \Vink of an upper ,,·inc\011• and both laugh­ecl. :\ deep. heart-broken sigh sc,·cr­cd their tnerri111e11t in t,,·ain. ·•\\'by ,,·hafs the tnattcr. old chap? J>\vh,· sigh;·· asked the l'hi house. ' l'hc sufferer looked front one to the other. It ,,·as a dark edifice. ,qua re in clTccl. ,,·ith a skull o\·cr tht· door. "l'\vhy sigh ? \\"ith Jack llrookc roo111ing in 111v 11•retchcd interior. to sav . nothing ' of Felix Bra11llt'lll' chas­ing up fr0111 Gah·cston about I wicc a 111011t h and Danny Rugglcs dropping in at any and all tintes ! .\nd you ask 111c ,,.h,· sigh? Great ~colt. ,,·hat tilter -' callousnes:< ! But say. old boy. that"s . . . a pretty put your ,,·canng. (.'ontl' to think of it. it looks a bit Iikt· 011rs. :\O\\". yon see. ours ita"' two IitlIc points-· ·rhc l(appa 1\lpha house sighed \Veari h·. ·--rhc rescn1blance has lll'\"l'I" struck .. 111e. ·rhc Phi Psi house backed off. "\\'hat infernal dis-Curtis~-y ! \\.ell. excuse 111c. gentlc111c:1. I had a \\·hiskc,· before ~ this:· and ,,·a:-gone. ,\ house ,,·ith a big bundk· of quiz papers ttttcler its ann and garbt-cl i1\ gan11e11ts of ghosth· ,,·hite eantt' glid­ing b.1·. 'fhc Phi house started lo fol­io'"· recovered itself sharpl_1· and re­lttrnecl 11111tleri11g ··sec ,,·hat forct' o f habit ,,·ill do for a fellO\\". .\h. al­Jo,,· 111c. '.\lac\a111."' 10 a house stnv111.,. "" to free itself front so111e obstr11ctio11 in its path. "l'hc 'l'heta house scorn­ed the \veil tncanl offer \Vith a petu­lant toss of a to\1•cri11g po111padour. "'()h thank you. 110. I"111 all right no,,· and ,,.a,, only ,;1t1ck 011 these barbs a bit. 1)011"1 let 111e keep you:· ··Ro111pcd on sonte ntore !" 111used I he big house. ·· J·11 nc\"l'r tr,· to be a ' ­ 111eans of dcli\·crance again. c;reat snakes, look yonder! ·ralk abont jags. there";; one for you:· '1'11·0 houses. one square and slock1· of build. the other of 111ore graceful contour. but both hil11tlously red and flushed. 11·ere reeling pa~t. ··\-ep."" asserted thl' l(appa Sign1:.i house brazenI y. ··c)f course 1"111 fu11 ! ·rhat"s the intention. I can"t help it and I don"t ,,·ant to help it. [ just subsist on being full. I sub-sub-sub. but don't sa,· ·sub· to tnl·. cl\·c hear?"' . . 'l'he Phi (;a111111a Della house brokt­out into an inane clittv: ··Oh Ashby bot1f:ht a big white owl. For he thought i1 was a U>cf11l fowl. Then he tried to track i1 to Beu Powdl: For one of hi,, ··Look her«. i;ir."" hutted the S.\E house. ··1 forbid your 111utilati11g 111y song in any ,;uch 111a1111er. l"ut it out at once. do you 1111clerstancl ?"" The Phi c;a111 hou"t' rcg«trded th• speaker ,,·ith dn111ken '~ra1·il\. ·. ··Orright. llnt clon"t get huffy. .'·01111gster. \'ou kllO\\I, you 're such a llC\vc-0111er that a person's apt to 300 Tl/£ ,)ll'ELL SF.T. tnake tnistakes-" and they passed 0 11 the road and heaYed huge sighs of out of hearing in evil 1c111pcrs all of relief. "\\.ell." said the Phi house, theni. 'l'he Phi house started in alan11. ··\\.ouldn't that Frost you?" " \\'hat's this con1ing ?" it \vhispercd. ·rhe J-(appa . \llpha hou~.e ~iodded 'l'hc Kappa .:\lpha house listened assent. 'rhe i>hi house continued: I • carefully. Pi Reta Pi house \\·ith ··1\·e heard the 1-(appa house say I Sign1a Chi. To the ,,·oods! .\nd thev often-in fact. as tnan,· times as I both dre,,· as far back f ron1 the roarl ha,·e been for sale-but here she is as they could. ,\ sih·cry. siren tone no,,·. Cy-bye. old chap. and good floated upon the air as the t ,,·o houses iuck to ,·ou.·· .-\nd he ,,·as gone lea,·ing the Kav­ passed ann in arni. pa r\ lpha house in the road chucklin~ In ,·ericst reality. • in high content. l~ol l o,\·ing an ir- Throughout this whole local it"· resistible i111pulsc. I laughed aloud t11 In using slricl 11c11trality. \Ve'rc right there with the good' s~·n1pathy. 1\t the sound. it turned And this is such a rarity and S\\'OOpcd upon n1c like the ,,·ind. It cal1ses 111t1cl1 hllarit)f, T co,,·ered behind n1y post but it ,,·as Thu< wc·,-e 1nore popularity too late. Jts portals ya,,·ned ,,·ide and Than the other ,i,terhood,, through thc1n I clitnbcd to rest ancl The t\\'O co111panions can1c· back to s,,·eet repose. THE FIRST UNION MAN. . \ hi,tory of unions I thought r el write. l" an ugly hohn And he grabbcih 111c by 1hc 110.;c­"O 1cll 10 rnc. and it plcascih 1hcc. \Vhat fool made Connors clo1hcs"? Ile held me wi1h his horny 1>aw­"Tell me 1he f.(uy who knows. Or I'll hand you a jolt on 1he under jaw-· \ \'ha1 fool made Connors clo1he,,.. ''The pants arc ,·cry large:· he said. ''The coat i, ,ha111cfully shon. The cap is small. whid1 fits his head, And 1hcy say he's quilc a spon ... puffed rny pipe. I cussed ou1 righl, [ begged 10 be lei go. But thus spoke on that ugly fool­That dull-eyed old hobo: ··rvc 1ra\·ckd ca,t. (",·e lr;\\"Clcd WC>l. :\ncl l\•c seen all 'ons of shows, Bnt I swear 10 you 1hat I've seen naugh1 To equal Connor s clothes.'' "Have you heard of 1hc grea1 Sou1hwc:.1­ cr11 1ca111­ The one that Cur1iss chose>·· ":\h. yes:· he an,wcrccl. "but c,·en 1h:n Can't equal Connors clothe,;.'' l pulled rny hair. I cried "See 1herc, That co-cd's brilliant hose!" But he only sighed. as he slowly 1·cplicd: "They don't lOuch Connor's clo1hcs r· I was worried 1hcn. for l knew 1101 when He would hand 111c a hard righ1 hook, So l raised 111y head and slowly said: "Do you know 1hc great 1:-folbrook ? .. 4 '"\ha !"' )'(!llccl l1c, i11 111crr)· glee, "The team that you propose Is heller fa1· than the Cuniss s1a1". 11olbrook anti Connor's clothes! > > > !!" TY?£ A Lil Connor. • Thi's rt:rr~s~.,r.s "Tire st116 ~·r"'•"'I k!owq 0.$ c.,,,..,.~ oJ, I 302 'THE Sii .ELL SE1'. MY VISION. II\' OTRA NTO. l As so1nc lone toikr 111011111> a rugged hill And looks away to heights beyond, And there $Ccs hill< pile up on hills And mountain> top each other to the sky­ 1\11. so. tl1c~c 1tc\'l'r-._~11cli11g l1cigl1ts. That reach to hc:l\··11. arc like to Life-Each hill crowned with it~ goodly prize Of Faine. l)i,1inction. Glory, IIonor, \\'cahh­And. behind all. the great Sun falls asleep. Ah. then. I 'tn1ggk 011 to reach those I • heights. )lot for the Faine. the I lonor, nor the \~lcalth- Xot even for the glory of the Game, But ju>t to gather these as on I go To that gn~at End-to lay thcn1 at your tcet-To feel the "'hnc'' of your perfect face a11cl sec ),Olt :-.111il"'"­ :.\ly \'ision in the fircli~ht hcrc-nty Sun 011t tltert._ Ar la:.1. when all the struggle and the toil is nly a fe"· ,,·eeks ht>­fore I had n1et l fer at a dance. She fa,·ored 111c once i11 the gennan. gave ' ' nie t\VO "regular~·· and an "extra:· and even asked 111<: to as~i~l her in cut­ting a dance \Vith a certain ch11111p for \Yhon1 l long-• had harbored a kind of unutterable conte111pt. .\ t first I thought he.r char111ing. then bright. then interesting-indeed: but \\·hen she asked nie to help her gi,·c that guy the cold shoulder. r i111111ccliately decided that she "·as possessed of an unusual an1ount of co111111011 sense. good judg­nient. and. niorcovcr, \Vas ,·cry pretty. I had called several ti111cs since and inciden•alh· enlarged the coffers of • I 304 Tl/£ SlllELL SET. I :\Ir. T-fuyler and a certain florist. also I rcalh·. congratulated 1111·sclf that ~ . everything 1vas Ao1ving along so s1noothh· and that no one 1vas :ot at all," he interrupted, ··rn tell you. J11st pass those cigars over here. please.,. I pushed the box across the table and he carefully replaced the nieer­ schaun1 in that handson1e case. 'rhen he lit one of the cigars and leaned back in his chair. .~u-Cfl STl"FF ,-/S f)RErl.llS .~RE .llrl!Jf; O.\" 305 "Tt ,,·as this ,,·ay." he began, "ln n1\·. Freshinan .Year I fell violcnllY i11 . love ,,·ith :\label. Of course. 1 had to sec ho\v 111uch 111oncy I could ~pend on her. SO \\·hat Surplus f had after sett ling , \vith the stables. con fee­tioncr. and Florist. usuallv \vas donated to the opera house n1anager. \\"ell. r had a date to takt• her to Florodora-the first tin1c the sho'v can1c South-and as usual it ,,·as a bad nig-ht-raining-like a second ' ' flood. :\o,,·. rnind you. :\label had al­reach· said she loYed nie and I had suprc111e confidence in her. \\'ell. I arrived at the house \vhcrc she st;1yecl rather early. for I \vantcd to sec j in1 Jlcnderson \vho roo111ed at the san1e place. \\.hen the sc-rvant a11s\\"ered the bell I told her to tell ::\l abet tv ,,·ait for 1ne in the parlor. and 1 ''·alked upstairs to sec j in1. I rc­n1ained ,,·ith hin1. I suppose. fifteen 1111nutes and then started do,vn. :\O\v the stair,,·ay has a second land­ing and turns in such a direction that \Vhcn you reach this landing and start clo\\·n you are facing a very larg<' transo111 just over the parlor door, and fron1 ,,·here ,·ou . are .,·ou can ob· tain a Yery fine vie\\' of the \vholc parlor. Before I knc\\' \vhat had happened I ,,·as staring through that t ranson1 and ,,·hat I sa ,,. niadc the blood in 111,· veins change to ice \\'at<'r. I staggered and caught the railing lo keep fron1 falling. I knC\\' [ had not been drinking and T \vondcred \vhat could cause such a delusion. "!'hen T rubbed 1ny eyes and looked again. ·rhere '''as the sa111c picture. horrible and undeniable. In the 1uidclle of the roon1 there stood a 111an and a \vo111an, and the 111an \vas kissing the \V01nan as fast and furiously as he could. ·rhe ,,·01nan \Vore a green dress and her back \VaS tO\\'ard tne. but J COUid see that the n1an '''as Freel .\llston. The ,,·0111an didn"t secn1 lo niind ,,·hat he '''as doing. for her anns \vere about his neck ancl the,· ,,·ere locked in one fierce affectionate e111brace. :\O\\", :'.\ fabel had told nie she \\"OuId '''ear a green ch·e$S that night and this \VOn1an \vas just i\11abcl's size. You 111ay casily in1aginc ho\v I felt. J didn"t pause a 1110111e11t longe1·. but turned and rushed back upstairs and stood in the hall. :\I y face ,,·as on fire and ni,· head throbbed like it ,,·oulcl burst. \\·hile niy heart tried to beat a hole in 111y ::othing.'" I replied and sat do,vn aga111. Outside the "·ind "·histled and 1noaned. and the rain beat against the \VindO\\'S and pallercd on the roof. :\Ientally T began to figure up ho"· 111nch I O\\·cd that confectioner and the Aorist. 'vhile T \VOndered if there \vould be enough left for a Ao,ving bo,vl in \vhich to clrO\vn nt\~· · sorrow· and blot out the past. 308 1"/JE SIVELL SET. ··Excuse inc.'" I said. arising, ..but T believe l '11 raise this transo1n; its rather \var111 in here."' J\1fy roon1n1ate !'111ilcd as he nodded assent. No'" \vhv the devil did he s1nile? Diel he kno\v anything? 'l'he thought puzzled inc for a 1non1ent. but "·hen I looked at his cahn. placid face as he sat there gaz­ing' at the fire. I decided that he kne\\' nothing. So I 1ncrcly sighed. lit a fresh cigar. and sat clo,vn. Then I ' picked 11p niy little book-..1'11E STORY OF l\,I Y 11 "·'RT"-ancl cor11­ni.e.11ccc\ to read. It. is a clever. foolish. sentin1cntal lilt le storv-onc of the - kind that is full o f heartbeats and drea1ns. ()11l r , T think it is not con1­plete enough: son1e clay. perhaps. 1 \\·ill in1prO\"C on it. 1·111:. Sii.ELL SET. 309 A BALLADE OF YE 'VARSITIE. nv JUNIUS. Oh. this is the song of a 'Varsity girl. Oh. why came Ferdy and Clarence not. \·Vhose like you all 11111st know. To baule for her that day, \Vho can ntanage you all and your >cnses -..Vith Ton1my and John and Algernon, enthrall And chi\'alrous 1lan·y and bold Leon, By the gliucring glances that fro1n her And run that tramp away. eyes fall. She looked to the left and then to the Like arrows fron1 Dan Cupid·, bow. right. One day she was walking a> all maiden' And then >traight np in the air. should And as her eye-gazed UJ) at the ,kics. (Or. as our :'.!'rs. Kirby would like), To the occasion her >Pirit< did rise. Vlith nary a beau to attend her. you know, And offered it a chair. As she wandered along >O pro,•okingly Then she snatched a hatpin out of her hat. S )Q\\ 1, And she stuck hi1n full in the side, Past a thicket of trees on the Pike. And he ripped and swore a11d nnnpled his Now. in that same thicket a hobo was hid hair. t\nd the 'Varsity girl he saw, And 1noancd and groaned and leaped 111 /\nd he gazed at her purse and he wanted 1l1c air. it ''torsc And passed 111 hi< l'hcck, and died. ~1· 11a11 c,rcr a St1icide ,,·a11tc 1naid Yon may ask inc now. 1nayhap. ,\ dividend to declare. After ;ticking the hoy' for flowers and For >he had looks and learning 111 books. rings. And he was bent (that's why they're And carriagcs. I 1 nyJ~r·<. and similar ca lied crooks) things. On doing the ·rexas Fair. A hobo wa< 'imply a ,nap. * * • Boning away on a whole year's work, Until his head spins round, S taring aghast at a questior. list, Tomorrow homeward bound. * * * The Soph na1ncd Ballard Young Burgher (In the hi>tory of :\Ian none ab$urder). 11 is father would be Son1cwhat older than he, \·\'hich would therefore make Ballard Young Burgher. I ' • ' 31U THE SHIELL SET. AN ERROR OF THE HEAD. 1I e11ry-\\'hat's Sa111 ~o 111acl about , }0'111-S\\·ears hc'I! kill the editor of The 'fexan. J-/e11r\·-\porti11g articles in the 111agazinc and thl' ne\\·spapers-seen1s tO lllC f notic­ed son1ething about it in tht papers!" "\'cs. 111\' "·ife \\'rote that book. and that book is the a11thor of all niy tro11bles and 111y present banisluncnt fro111 the S\\'eetest 11·on1an 1n the \\'Oriel. "\\'hen "·e started out ho11sckceping­togethrr. 1vc \\'ere niighty hard up. I couldn't keep a servant for 111y "·i£e : she 11·orked hard a11d kept the hou-se ;1s neat as a pin : her clothes and 111ine "·ere ah1·11ys in tip-top shape. and oh ! the daint ics she could prepare for our co~y little nieals. She "·as ah·. a) s ~\\'Cll and lo,·ing and full of pit1· for poor Clyde. "·ho had to \\'Ork so harel-. 11 O\\' she e\·cr did it. J don't knO\\'. but she n1anaged ~ to h;11·e a catchy article or storiette in each n1onth ·s is>-uc of a certain 111ag-azine p11blishccl in our city. She "·as paid faidy \\-ell. too. and clai1ned it \\''.!Sn't any 11·ork at all-she si1nply thou,ght the th ings out O\'Cr her cook­ . ing or dusting. and then took t\\'O hou r fron1 so111c a ftt:rnoon to bring the111 to paper. :\ II tht• "·hile she "·as 11T11Jng on a 111orc a111bitious 11·ork \\·hich ~he " ·ishcd to present to 111e for an Xnias gift. It " ·as this • 1·er,· book. ·o~·cr Ilic .\lasses'. \'ou ha,·cn 't read it so I'II ha1·c to explain. 'l'ou see "·hen niy "·i fc "·as a kid she had a young pupp~· lo1·cr. a good-for­nothing scoundrel, 1\'ho1n hi:< parents shipped out to a 111inc in .\lexico. to keep his n1isden1canor" fron1 con1ing to the surface right under the noses of his aristocratic relatives. .\ly "·iie corresponded 11·ith hi111 for son1e ti111e. and then their :<11·eethcartship died a natural death. In this book. ho\\·c,·er. 111y "·ife pretends the heroine "·as crueily parted fron1 her true lo1·c and forced to n1arr1· a hound of a 1nan "'ho 111istreats her atrocioush-. She is too honorable to keep up relations \\'ith her lo\'er. hut \\'rites and pub­ .. T/1ey «1t·rl' .<1·<1tctl iu the Old English room of the laV: C\\' I' I 31 6 Tl-IE Sl!'l:LL SET. )'ork. ,,·here J should be lost in the legions of tracked ancl hunted. and '~-rite niy ,,·ife to join nie. For l\\'O nionths I ,,·as unable to 111akc a let­ter or lelcgran1 reach her. and then it \\'as "·eeks before shl' \\'as able to ans\\·er. She told nie lo change. nn·. na1ne and appearance and co1nc South. and as soon as the public ~yn1pathy should ha\·l' cooll'cl clo,,·n enough to 1nake her life less like a prisoners. she ,,·01ild conic to 111e. She hasn't co111e yet-I\·e been here ten 111o?iths. 1'elegraph bo~·s. niail­clcrk~. respected citi~cns·-ha,·c co111­n1ittecl a thousand fractures of the la\\'S of our Country and . tate­ • penitentiary offl'nccs-tokeep niy Jo,·­ing "·ife fron1 the devoted husband. ,,·ho but lives in the anticipation of holding her in his anns once n1ore ! £yery lctler she has son1e ne'v schen1e ]),· "·hich she hopes to reach 1ne: e\·ery othL r letter 1he hopeless ,,·ail oi-balkl'd again !-­ ~lr. I !cath had risen-"You are detested :\nd pursued. T"n1 1nerely disregarded. 'l'hcre·s 111ore sport in your fix. but niorc peace in 111ine... ..\lias S111it h ro~c too. " Yes. yes-the .\111ericans are a great people. so gencroush· i111pulsi,·e -.0 s\·n1pathl'!ic " ·r111: S'11·1:t~L SET. 31 7 LOST KISSES. llY OTR.\ 1'TO. Grecian Anacreon and Omar 1l•c l'cr-Yo111h"s fiery blood 1hrough ii,; aven11es . :'1a11. s 111g111g ; Sang of red wine and i1,; ho1-hl11shing Foolish St. /\111ho11y ! Think what yon bubble>, 111lssccl. Sang of 1hc daring ancl never rq.;rc1-:\nd rcflcc1 how di-gracchtl 10 perish 11ng. nnkisscd. Sang of the joys and thc 1111cr lorr:c1­ . 8111 !'tlill 1l1ro11gl1 111}· 111t1 ...111~' co1t1es so111­t111g brc Regret. \ II ol the drinker·, care-. -orr<'"' and llow of the ki--e-I didn·1 gc1. 1 rouble<. Yc1 tht-ing: In 1he pcriunicd dcliglu of a dim-lit Boson1 soft yielding and tenderly 1hrob­z..::11a11a. bing : "l"r csscs '''l1osc 111cc11:--c 1110\1111 s 11 igl1. ···l·l·1111>t1s illltta 1t1r:· )'Ct 110 11._. c~t11 i11sist billows, sell le> : Thal 1hc joys of 1hc jag-gcd 0111wcigh Lips like 1hc i>hi>h roro11' a11cl 1111,t)· '' itl1 sobbing: 1>a ...,1on: Kisses 0 11 ki ......c~. i11 \111...ti11tccl n1ea$\tre, .\rm-that arc din1plcd and ro11nded and :\fcrgcd i11 a tc111p~...t oi cx<1\1i ...i1c plca~­ dinging: ttr..._.. Check' all aglow with the -1>lt•1ulnr oi li,·i11g : But. though there', n·a-on for joy. God Lip-1ha1 1>ay toll and «•joice in 1hc ,,·01 ! f' 1\'ltlg : !low of 1he ki>>C> 1hc otlll'l' chap got? ... ... ... ... .,. .... (;rl·at Cac...ar ! \\'l1a1 a11 acciclc11t ! 0 . "hat t•ould .\ drian ha,·c n1can1 By dcctini: I lcnnctand,, ( :\ow. what in the deuce care I ') A hundred feet tall with forty-eight hands. (Now. what in the deuce care I?) For an1 I not Sleepy, Sir Sleepy. the llra vc, \\'ho think> ii a cinch to make dragon' bcha,.c. But. though I am ,·alliant. still I am a 'la,..._ To political puritie. :\ly hehnct·, plume Ilic' free in the air. ( Yo-ho. rcforn1cr' all ! ) So follow the 1>hnnc of Hank Kavarrc. (Yo-ho. Now darn their gall!) So now if my glory you'd like to share, Get busy and 111> and after me fare. And give these darned demagogues one a,,.fl1l sca re. Br political puritic. • LIKE ANOTHER HELEN B'i. LY:\:\ BOYD :\[JLA:\l. ///11,aralrd by J_11cir11 Hc11dcrso11. SEE voe:· said :\I acl..::cnsie quietly, glancing up at inc. I ,,·as fairlv a1nazecl. I ''I • thought that surely by this ti1nc I \vould be beyond his ken. \\'here? No. not in the roost. cit her. l)id I not say ··quietly?.. .And did he not glance up at n1e? Surely you should kno"· that fello,,·s 1vho hail friends fro111 aloft gaze do\\·n. not up. J:ut can ·t a cat look at a king. say you' Thanks. n11· dear bo'·· and ha,·e do. ('fhey·re the surc·nough anas) . But as it happened \1•cre three kings. and it \VOuld one. l la1·· there skin even a cat to look at three kings the ' 11•ay :\lac was doing. ·ro begin "'ith, it had entered Hal narkington·s head to celebrate a ccr· tain approaching e\•ent ,,·ith a party. :\ot the kind so111e people gil·c. ,,·ith a leather lunged Ethiopian card tray in front and a n1any arn1cd. variegat· eel. chattering, so-glad-you·can1c-out n1ultitude beyond. You sec nothing but pu1nphandling anns. glad rags and blase features; you feel nothing -but sorry for the last lady 1vhose train you have boarded just as the conductor rang up a go-ahead signal· ' IVith ' a lre1thc·r /1111gcd l!t/1iopia11 card /ray i11 front. 320 'Fllli. Sll'ELL SET. you hear-nothing at all. For (as t ho11gh there \\·asn·1 noise cno11gh be­fore) there is a band or orchestra or so1nething hidden 011! son1c\vhere l (;od wot there·s 'visdon1 in hiding "cn1) and ··f\ nona ·· and .. La (;olon­drina·· are punctuated by 011r sten­torian friend \\'ho pokes his head in at intcr,·als and bra,·s '".\ Ir. Sn1ith !" ··.\tr. Robinson!" cheerfully. regular­ly and en1phatically. :\o"· a~ I said. I-Tai';; oart,· \\·as not of th is ''arict,._ . . . lt \\'as a stag affair strictly. l'ards ancl good s111okc. and lots of the \vine that is a n1ockery and the strong drink that is raging. '!'here \Vere ten fello\\·s in all. I re111c111bcr, ncarlv all Epsilon .1\lphas. b111 inc. \Vho an1 nothing b11t 11nl11cky. I-Jenee 1ny presence. I ,·erily be­lic,·e. .A \\·edding invitation ah1•ays ~pells ten. fifteen. t"·cnty dollars or 1na,·be n1ore {111orc probably less). b11t 10 1ne a poker party is a ;;ynony1n for considerable 1nort'. I an1 thoro11gh­ly convinced that llal had this in 111i11d "·hen he so anxioush· in;;isted that J be there. I dislike hi1n for it, too. Dut as so111e good hearted Ro­111an said .. De 111or1111s. nil n1s1 bonuni.·· \\·hich n1cans that •\'OU n1us'nt taik about the hand yo11\ ·e just played. U11t \vhilc I la! is not ··1nortuis ... hc"s 111arried. and that"s 11111ch the san1e thing. For all this happened a\\·ay la:'rc11· . . ~ suspicious of his yery shadO\\'. and no one "·anted to deal because people \\'atched hi111 so. Co11scq11cntly. \\'hen J proposed an adjo11rnn1cnt .~i11c die, nobod1·, 1·otcd na1·. but the host. 'fo this da1· the 1111·stcr,· of the . . . deck that 11·as so ro1·alist in sent i111cnt, • i,; an unsoh·ed one. . \ n y11·a y. it 11•as live o'clock and high tin1e to break up. J \\·as broken up already. as \\'ere se1·eral others. T lied to 11 al. like the others had done. and told hint 11·hat a bulh· ti1ne he had gi1·en . . us. and ca111e a11·a1· ,,·ith ~lacKen,;ie. \\"e '"ere not the least bit thirsty. but huno...,· as "·oh·es. So 11·c dccid­ " . cd to hit the first joint \Ve ca111e to \vhich 1vould be Jin1 \\'ing's. Curi­ous coincidence of idion1s. isn't it? ~lac had been dipping into 1lal's cha111pagne pretty freely. first a little for his sto111ach·s sake. then a little for his heart's sake. then so1nt' 111orc for his lnng·s sake. and on the ,,·hole. J don"t think he 0111itted 11111ch of hi.­internal econon1y fron1 the categor\'. 'fhercfore he 1Yas talkatil'c. In the • East "·as appearing the first glo1v of the day. IIelen Banks' "·cckling day­'"cdding the sus "·ho had 1vo11 ni1· n1oney. Therefore, I didn'L care io do 111uch 111orc than be n1iserable. ~lac nianndered on about different things until suddenh· I a11·oke "·ith ' , so111ething' like a start. ").011 knO\\' I lelen. I suppose,.. he "·as sa1·ing. \\'ell. did 1! . ' "RaLher... l replied. .. \\'hat of . ... .. tt : "Lord, ho11· l lo,·ed her!'" I-le sni1·elled. ...\net ho"· ,-he si:en1ed to lo,·e 111e ! \\'hen J think no11· that I sold her r· I "·as \l'idc enough a\\·ake b,· this ti111c. "1"o 'vhont ?" I qU<.'ried. "\\'hy to llal, of course: Didn't l'Ou kno"· l sold her to I lal ~.. I-lis face Aushed full of drunken \\'Ondcr. "Xo ... I confessed. "[ didn't!" 1 had heard fron1 different sources that Helcn·s 111other had. but I didn't drean1 that :.\ lac had any hand in the transfer. l:nt he had been ver,· at­tentive so111e 111·0 seasons ago and there had been run1or:<-b11t tongues ' "·ill ah1·ays 11·ag. "\\'h1· so?" I 11·a:.; feeling n1,· "·a,· . . . . along dread fully dangerous ground. " Because I needed the n1oney. of course... returned the bibulous one. "l rather thought he \\'Oniel be a bea!'c ' to her. but Lord! I lo"· I ,,·a;; strapped and the nioncy looked so good ... 1'he villain ! ·ro sell that girl to a ri1·al like JIal. \\'hat 11·on 't necessit,· - niake of a n1a11 ! I 1valkcd on speech­less . ' ' ' ' 322 '/'HE STVELL SET. ..\.ou ren1e1nber ,,. hen she ,,·as laid up last \Vinter. don't you ? \\'ell. she had been up in his lap and ,,·hen he thought she intended to kiss hi111, she nearly bit hi111. 'fhen he j u111pcd up thre\v her Rat 011 the floor. and kick­ed her. Yes sir. that 111an that called hi111self n1y friend kicked 111y Helen! His boot struck her foot and she didn't bear her ,,·eight on it for a nionth... I had stopped and ,,·a$ staring at hin1 aghast. \\'as this :;0111c cock-and bull story of his alcoholic i111agina­tion? But no ! I-le 1vas as earnest as a judge. I felt like going back and punching l-Ial's head. Hut then, J reflected. that "·oulcl do no good and he n1ight punch 111inc. Tt ,,·as not 111y funeral a111·ho''" and if I Ielcn \\'ant­ • eel to marry a brute like that. she could. So I \1·alkcd on. Her 111other had told 111e that the last tin1e T had called that l !clen had sprained her ankle \vhile out at the golf links ! \\'hat an old she-devil. she 111ust be to let her onh· daughter 111arrv snch a . ' . CO\\'ardlv beast ! - i\lac \vent on. .. I lat and I like to fell out then. I couldn't ~cc e\·cn a dog• treated like that! . \nc\ the ,,·ay she 111oaned ! ()h. da1nn hi111. clan1n hi111... he shouted. stopping short and glaring at 111e "'ith hca,·,·-lidded blood-shot eyes. .. Be still!" I co111111andccl. "it's too late no\v ... l re turned aside and leaned his head ao-ainst a trollcv !)OSI ,,·ith his "' . anns before his eyes. for all the \\'Oriel like a little child. ..·Yes... he 111011rned. "but \vhy did I sell her ? () \vhy did I sell her, \vhen I loved her so ! \•\/hen I loved her so! 0 ,,·hy clicl l sell her!" He asked the post over and over again. Great Scott ! I hadn't drean1ed of J-Ielen·s lo,·ing :\lac. \Vas he too drunk to tell the truth? Or ,,·ere there really t\\'O J-;:ings ()f Hearts in this pack of troubles even as there had been in the pack of the night's play? He \vas cr,·ing no,v. and the ,,·ay the ' tears drop1)ed' do,vn his 111audlin face I \vould have a111uscd 111e any other tune. It didn't llO\V, hO\\"eYer. ·-.\nd the \vay she guarded 111e and ,,·atched O\'er 111e ! I ren1en1ber the ti111e the burglar got in and ho,,· she chased hi111 off and tore the seat out oi his trousers ancl-" "\\'hat!!! ]Jelen Banks run a burglar off anc\ tear-" " }.011 da11111rd fool! \Vho said anvthin.,. about :\I iss Banks? ~ty , " English bull-dog, I lelcn of 1'roy, and she \vas the-" I lost interest and leaned up against a la111p post to rccO\'Cr fron1 the shock of a tragedy spoiled. l 110 longer heard :\lac·s ra111blings o\·er the dog he had sold to I lal and ,,·ho111 Hal had abused. In the l~ast the da,,·n broke in rosy splendor. ushering in the ne\v born da,·. Ila! narkington and I-Ielen B;nks' \Ved< voice ·r111: S'lrt:LL SET. 325 THESE CO-EDS' WAYS. Come. light nic this ·cigar and lli11g The n1atch at yonder co-eel'• wedding . nng. For wrapped in s1nokc l now 1nay thi11k On co-cd's wars-and all th:11 'on of thing. . \ iair co-cd she was. and rather hriglu. Th<' nioon \\'as high. it wa' a perfect night. But when l begged. a ...1 1i111t·. l{ttl gro\\'tl a Sc11ior. ~l1c l1a ... lc;,r11ccl 11cr IillC. For 'twas last night she coyly ~aid to 111\! : "The 11cxt show. people >ay. i' very fine:· That co-cd·s locks I thought 1no't fair­So 'ilken. soft. and she >O ckhonair­B111 \\'hen I touched thc111. J u1)itcr and ]o,·c ! .\ hundred Rats ha,·c nnnhkcl fro111 her hair. Then once I w<:pl in niuch di,!(r:1cc. A ncl begged of her 10 stop the l):tcc: ['\o a11S\\•cr ca111c-sl1c saa1g rigl1t 0 11: "O. don't drive nails in .\lo1he1"> face!" I ,0111ctimcs think ihat \'Ver hloon" too reel The paint upon the check of that <"<>·ed. .\ncl then again l smile lo think There 111ay be \\'heels within her head! These girls arc only l111111a11. after all. Full of n111ch vanity-:" men. of gall­ And curiO>ity­ 0. no! Ju$l hear them plead: "Please tell nie "ho "ill lead the 17inal Ball... Sec 1ha1 co-eel. and a' I pa-' her by. Ho,,· s:it1cil)· ...11c ,,-i11k... tltc <>tl1cr e)·c. I wonder would 'he wink if I >houltuff I told her w:1' a lie . .\h. Lon::. a> down thc corridor you walk. And let 1ha1 Guy bc>iclc you "talk. That world-old questio11 co1ncs lo 111c : \·Viii co-eds ever cca>c to talk? r think the co-eel. that dear fugitive Of Profs. aud work. would lc"·c and li,·c To lo,·e : for. i\h ! hcr pa<,ive lip [ kiss·d. I lo,,· r11a1t)' ki .....c.. 111igl1t it take a11d-gi,·e ! .\nd if the beer you dri11k. the co-ed·s lo,·c for thee End in what 1nuch hegin' and ends in-E. Think that an :\ ;, harclly worth the work-· And kiss <•gain that lip 'o ' "·cctly free. And fear not-lc,l ~Ii·,. Kirby and lhc Dca11. So1ncwhcrc. pcrha1>,. arc hicld<'n by a scree11-· Drink on. laugh on. lo,·c on. for they Can nc,·cr roh you of 1ha1 ki,,-1 ween. 0 . 1i-h:1w ! O. Shaw. your \'Crsc i, raw. '\·ot11· )':tr11... 1l1c \\'Orst l e'rer Sa\\' , I low. tell 111c. pray. why in ihc deuce. 'l·Ott ca11 't n1·ra11gc :\ last i11g t rttee. Bet ween you and the tonured ~I use? You're fairly good al spieling l<.w. But whc11 it cou1cs to verse, 0. pshaw ! 326 'FH E Sll'ELL sr:.·r. THE CLOTHES OF KNIGHT. 8Y ATTI LA. The riotous. golden-heaclL•cl god of day. Squinted a Aa111ing. joyou,ly bea1ning C)'e. . \ nd 1hrough the ca-tic', jealou,ly-guarded wall, :\ golden arrow. phuucd wi1h fire, lei fly. It sn1ote a knigh1 that clcl'1>ly ,Jcpt therc­ 111. And fired 1he stubble on hi, Gn•eian chin. 11c \\'Ok e and spnngntg front his downy conch, Roused hint to aeuon. 1:ast his fancies '''ea,-e A ~kci11 of dough1y deeds, '1on1 knigh1< 10 O\'Crthrow. l)rago11s to sla~· a11els he has sa,·ed. And near. 1hc conquered lord on cra\'ell knee. And through his ""'erie he hears the call Of sonic -1crn warder on the castle wall. They bring 1hc nrnil. His bounding heart s1ancls st ill, The ligh1 of purpose fades front out his eye: 1'hc blood 1lrn1 pubcd so bravely knows no thrill. As he 1hat cli,appoi111i11g mail did there de,cry: A pootal. tla11111ing dra11~h1s 1hat cure all ill,, Two >eun·y in,·i1:11io11' and three 1ailor hill-. \\'i1w and wo1nan·s eyes. singc1h lhl poel. Oh well-a-day! True for 1hc wine, hut 'ii' wonrnn's lips tha1 kiss. Iler eye.; l>llt ~l'c ot1 r i1l1pcrlectio11s. Ii I 'hould go 10 quiz today and 1ru-1 In what I learned last night and tn1'tintr b\1 ...t. I prithee. 1ell 111e. would -uch t Tll'li11g })\l!\l!\ Be harckr ''\111\S to do th1n lll1'1ing tr11sts? ; ... - RULE BRITANNIA ll\. \·1 RCl:\I:\ RICE. ll/11slrati•d by L11cie11 Hc11dcrso11. I 'r \\'.\ S absoluteh· ii .congruous to hear . \1nerican c~llcge siang-issu­ing fron1 his lips: one \\'Oulcl ex­pect "the .. Gaelic. or at the ,·cry least, the regulation Highland dialect of the ever recurring Scollish ~hort-story, for his sleepy blue eyes looked out front under a hea,.,. thatch of straight . ' black hair. and his dark face had the characteristic square ja\\' and tender nion1h o i his race-it ,,·a:; the face of a 111,·stic and a fighter-and his na111e . ­ \\'a:' .\ngus Ste,,·an. But as far as dress and speech goes. he \\'as ,·cry 11111ch like the thousand or so s111dents of his L;niversity. and his chief end in life seen1ed to be attaining perfect for111 i11 running. for he ,,·as already the crack long distance ni;111 on the '\·arsity track tea111 and had aspira­tions to\\·ard such things as "·oriel ' chan1pionships. ·rhen. in his Sophon1or~· year. the i11c,·itable happened. a girl tur11ed up -girl ,·cry lo,·ei)· to look upon and 011c ·.vho had keener percept ions and sy111pathy than n1ost. .-\ nd she soo11 found out the ruling e11thusiasn1 of his life (\vhich he carcfulh· conceal-eel orchnarily). an inordinate lo,·e and pride to,,·ard the land of his a11ces­tors. The girl \vas oi 11uguenot ex­traction and very proud of it. Her nan1e ,vas unfortunately Roach. but she ,,·as ,,·ell a\varc that originally il had been de la Roche and that behind her ,,·ere the g-lorious traditions of ancient France. 'fhey united in a fierce hatred of all things English, iro111 the d,·nast ,. of ()range and the . . ' Duke of \\'ellington to phun pudding. :\nd .A.ngus told her all he kne\\· of Scoltish lore. so that she asionished her histor,· cla~~ bv fan1iliar allusions . to subtle ~ point~ of Scottish history; and she kne,,· the tartans and slogans of the various clan~ a~ \\'ell as :\ngus hin1self. \\.hene,·er he needed cheer­ing. she "·ould 1nun1111r gently the Ste\\·art ,,·ar cry of .. ·rhc Connoranr's >:est..-but she could never n1anage the Gaelic oi it. The ..case" ,,·as longer-lived than the 111ajority oi college affairs : it lasted nearly a year. then the crash can1e. 'rhcre \vas rat her a spectacu­lar quarrel. It \Vas spring ; she left for a t\\'v years polish of travel an~ I ' • ' I . I l< l'LI'.. Bl?IT.../.\'.\"f.J. finishing school: he settled dO\\'n to hard training. II. 'l'he stacliuru 'vas packed, but Ste,vart. icrking hin1scl f alo11g the ho1ne stretch o f the four-1nilc in the Oly1npian gan1es. heard nothing but the roaring-, of his o"·n cars. felt noth­ing but the burning e111pti11ess of his lu11gs. }lis feet had been rising and falli11g for ages. their 111ot io11 \\'as difficuIt 110\\". but quite 1uecha11ical. he could not ren1en1ber any other cir­cu111stanccs than keeping up their steady rise and fall. 'l'hen he sa,v. only a yard before hi111. the back of Baxter of Yale \vho had led the field fron1 the beginning. H e \Vas din1ly conscious that the proper thing for hi111 to do ,,·as to pass Baxter. but the distance bet\\·cen then1 refused to lessen. the stuff for a spurt \\'as not in hin1. Suddenly. throug-h a confused ' buzz. and fro1n very far off he heard a clear voice crying : '·Co 0111 ren1e111ber 'l'he Con11or­ants :Jest'' and son1ething added the one touch of energy that niadc the inter,·ening three feet disappear­ancl he thre\v up his hands and broke the tape. It \vas his last entry for the day, so \vhen the tu111ull had subsided and he had been duly photographed re­ceiving the cup, he hastily got into his clothes and 111adc a dive for that spot of the grancl stand \\'here his instinct told hin1 she \\'as. :\s he ap­proached. a figure detached itself fron1 the cro\\·d: yes. it '''as she. :-\ncl just behind her there "·as an­other figure. \vhich niade the conquer­ing Ste,vart sn1ile re1niniscently. "Jove. \vhat an English caricature," he 111uttcred...,von'l she be tickled "·hen she sees it. Fie s\\·ung hi111sel f up to n1eet her. and his eyes "·ere not sleepy any longer. She greeted hin1 \\'ith grace­ful cordiality. he thought eageriy that she. ioo. see111ed to haYe for­gotten that silly quarrel. Then sud­denh· she turned to the "English caricature'' behind her. ··i',[r Ste1vart." she said. '·I \vanl ,·ou to 1neet 111y husband, :\Ir. ' . F eatherstonhaugh... 'TIS STRA~GE. See that co·cd. dainty n1iss. Isn't her ,1nilc .uperbly bland> B111. ah! my clear sir, answer this: \\'hat of the sparkler on her hand> 0. that dia1nond ? A gi ft fro111 her lather, You know, he sends her lots of things­ Ah, n1c, it's queer how oft these pat.:rs Send the,.; co-eds wedding rings! 330 'TJ-IE STT'ELL SET. Said the sail boat 10 the nollcy car : How delightfnl it n1t1't be. To 1nake 1 racks aided hy the wings Oi clcc1ricitie. )ty friend. you\·e ,i1ll1>ly got a ,nap. At Fate you >honld not rail. '\ · ottr t ie5 a re ,·er~· 1>c-r111a11c11t. \\'hik T an1 j11'I for 'ilk. 1'111 polite as any Frcndnllan. It's Ill)' nature. I'll allow. For the architect who drew Ill)' line< ~lade first a pretty bow. Rut when T race with other boat:<. ~Vith pain l almo>l burn. Fol' when I pass thc111 1'111 obliged To look so ''cry >tern. I an1 troubled with in>olllnia. To sleep I cannot go. :\ncl I a1n forced to lie awake. B~cati~t.. nl)" jil>-l.>00111.... ...o. l\·e oit.::n seen a hearty jack. \\'ith a hankchcr 'round hi, neck. :\-piping his eye with an old clay pipe. Con1t.: shuflling up the ckck. I know you've got 111ore wheel< thau J, And you're cranky. too. alack, But you have uevcr known the thrill Of l'nnning on a tack. I don't believe in n1ixing drink< Oi any kiud or 'on. Though one of 111y ka1e oi a fi,h had the llen·e 10 say There's a screw loo'< her< 'omcwhcre. The anchor knew he'd 111aclc a llukc. And whisperecl in tht dark. 11owen.or bad n1y bight niay he h's no worse than my barque. \,Ve'vc cussed H. Ilall and Gl'ace Hall. too, Likewise the IJ,111 of Faine : At Eighth Street 11:111 we've danced until \\'e'\'c gone home feeling lan1e. But there', a cla,, of creatures here \\'ho arc 'ati,ficd withal. And they arc the -nake< and lizard things That li\'c in .\ lka 1lall. * * * 1,t1is .~\111cr111a11 j, a gc11tlc111a11. \\'hon1 c\·crybody knows. .-\nd when a whaler saw hi1n once. He hollered: "Thar he blows!" They say the i111dlcc1 that seems To be beneath his ha1 ls ,-ery badly clouded. \\'ith a wind cloud. 100, at that. 'flI fi Sii'ELL SE1·. 331 BLURS AND SPLASHES. IJ.I' ,/11ila-lll 11slratt·d &y nn11 N11~gli·.<. I laid five dollars on a tray. 1t O "twould seen1 to anyone. But an explanation aid>. ,ir. The tray on which l laid that ntun \\'as a luckless trey of spaclcs. sir. T he waxen tapers dimly glcan1cd. And the crypt was black as hla.:k could be, The vaulted. vast cathedral sc\"mcd Chuck full of sombre my>tcry . . \ 111011k behind the wicket bar,_ Sat liraycd that hc"d God"> vengeance iend, But >till the tnonk spoke not a word. Yon can well call his silence cruchic. But silent he surely had a right to be. For the nionk couldn"t say a word. since he \\'as only a Borneo chi111panzcc. TllE Sfl'ELL SE1". • A fre,;h old salt told inc Ja,t night : ··1 once seen an orful wreck. • ir. \\'hilst I were a sailor bold and bright A-shufflin· up the deck, >ir. r A Hect of schoon~rs. trig and trim, \Vith the 1nain brace neatly $pliced. sir. \\'ith hops and barley filled to the brim. And the right triangle triced. ,.ir. Through a glas. I seen the oriul scene. And it bristled up n1y ha'r, sir. For as ii the schooner, had ordered been. Together they >truck the bar.•ir.'' ·\nd at this tearful. tarry tnnc, ).fy heart would have ,welled like a ga' balloon. If the wreck hadn't happened that after­ 11oon, Down at the Saucepan beer saloon. There wa' a young fellow named Dan. \\.ho into a Ferris \\"heel ran­,\t the eighty-first round. Dan looked down at the ground, .\nd dropped an eighty-cent n1cal on a 111a11. \\ hat"s in a frat pin? :-\a11!!hl­b11t 111atcrial for Cactus stories. t\ Frcshrnan asked a co-eel for :i kiss. \•\Tell. \vhat 111ore can yo11 ex­pect fro111 a Frcsh1nan? $\YELL SET AO\.ERTISER. ARE YOUR LEGS STRAIGHT ? If not, the Athletic A ssociation \Vill pull then1 straight. ----APPl.Y T O ---­ A. CASH-WILL ELP'US Room 47. Main Bulldln- HOW I GREW TALL AStartling Story Which Will Interest All Who Are Short THE FREE BOOK TELLS YOU ALL ABOUT IT WALDEN VACUUM CAP Guaranteed to ren1ove absolutely the smallest trace of a sensible thought frorn the most obtuse brain. Persons rnaking "srnall talk" a specialty \Vill find the Walden Vac1111n1 Cap of ines­tirnable value. Mr. F. HOM!;R CVRTISS writes: "This remedy has helped me somewhat." THE GROUCHY SYNDICATE Dept. 0 , Austin. Our Business is to Cause Y ouMisery W rite, stating how much and where misery is wanted. Agony for the amorous ; torture for the timorous; and suffering for the sedate -guaranteed. TheCactusBoard P. 0. Box X Victims Wanted • S'VELL SET ADVERTISER. • RAMSDLLL TACTICS NetrJ Style of Foot 'Ball 'Play The exponent of these tactics will undertake the introduction of the new forma­tions in the colleges gratis. PLAY TACKLES CLOSE ~ THIS IS THE E.SSENC E OF A LL SOU ND AND SCIENTIFIC FOOT :SALL These formations are absolutely irresistible. I guarantee that under my effic­ient coaching the weakest team may soou become an aggregation of romping, roaring Aga1neu1nons. 'Vrite for free booklet, "Yost's Foot Ball Fallacies," or ··~fy Bump of Self Estee111," in sixty-four volumes. R.AMSDE.LL ! I I I• • • ' • I I COMPLETE ($1.50) BEAUTY TREATMENT p One Dollar Down, and the Balance in Seventy · Five Weekly Installm ents • \Vri11kles (11e''' '''ri11kles prefcrrecl). cro'''S' feet. S\\•eatittS:-feet, 1>ickled J)igs' feet. black l1cads. rcOlS, s t111 s pots . l\\'O SPotS a nd ten sp.ots arc actua ll)r nncl t>cr1uanc11tly rc1110· ...cd. l.>n11is t1 con 1Robtnson E>e Wine to con­sumers aired. Bear this in mind PAT'S IATIYE WllE s3.s0 PURE 8 YUR OLD ifu":~ The Prime Old Wine Prescribed for Medicinal and General Use 'Night of the Final Ball I saw double, ~ a four-tlep inllead of 1 two·ltep.1-Zinnttker. 'Went lo bed with my ohoes on.1-Cope. 'Whr WU St. Pllriclt not an American }1 ­ • 0 . A. Frank. Orders deli\'ered to any house in Austin. Bring your money with you. PAT McCABE & CO., Distilers 2•ttt •"ti G11ede1e1111• Ste.. • • AUSTIN HOW TO SUCCEED IN LIFE· Write for our full ill~ated book, ( 120 pages), showing how our correspondents are successful, some holding down high salaried college profeseonhips, some engineering endless chains, others unloading athletic ~ers. and Still others parading public thor­ oughfares in nocturnal raglands. " It's a shame to take the money'"-Fletcher, Debogory. "I do nothing but eat and sleep'"-Primer. "We let the Gold DiUt Twins do our work."'-Charlton, Oendenning, Newsom. THE GRAFTERS CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL DEPT. F., DEAN'S OFFICE I I ' I I• I I • ! • 1r N TI li Il UJMI CCAJRMIIlNil§ \\"her<' the .\ cgean·s \\'a\·elets kiss T he rock bound shores of Sala111i:<, \\/here Q ueen :\tossa·s Persian son Looked do\\·11 upon the strife begun. To test \\'ith s11'ord and galley beak \\'hich "·as the belier. Barb or Greek. I..::ing Cupid \\·a11Clcrcd one fine day. .-\nd 11111>i11g-. g::izcd do"·n on the ba1-. ~ ' . \\"here Ol!Cl' the \\·arring trire1nes \\·hcclccl. .\nd arro\\·s hissed and tn1111pcts pealed. Fie thong-ht hin1 then nf that fierce da1·. ' . \\"hos<' still!! the 1·cars cannot alla1·. 1'he jealousy that shuns repose. That IJarb ancl (;reek arc still s1vor11 foes. He ponclcrcd: "\\"hilc those days arc pa~t \\'hen annorccl ( ;reeks in battle n1assecl. \\'ith brist ling lanccs to oppose The onslaught of their Persian foes. Still yet the contest cloc:; not rest. But rag-cs in the di.-tant \\"est. ' \\"here in the schoo!s 0f 11.'araii>g-taught 'fhe ri1·als arc together brought. :\nc! 'tis a ~in to have such 111en }Jolcl hatrt·cl for each other. "·hen. Perchance. the gods 1vo1tld rather bin•i The \\':lrring sides together, an I -3~3­ In such a friendly union find \\.hat Fate hath fron1 the first designcd. ' To heal the breach: that 1ask be nline: l 'll do a stunt like Frankenstein." '!'hen fortlnvith in the perh:nied air, Slo,vly crystallizing there. \ ·ague and cloud-like, shadO\Y)", din1, I. ,\ t the iniperious \Yill of hi111. \\·ho. by siniple beck and nod. Holds in bondage nian and god. ln tile air of that fair glarle :\ppeared the figure of a 1naid. F ron1 the skies he caught the blue And placrcl it in the 111aiden's eye. F ron1 ripened corn its golden hue 'fo g ild her trc~ses coiled 011 high: l{obbcd the rose to tinge her check. Scoured the seas throughout to seek l{arest pearls to ser,·e as teeth . Slyly peeping fro111 beneath Lip~ for " ·hich a honey bee \\'ould travel leagues and leagues 10 sec: Fashioned lin1bs of i,·ory: 1'hen-ah. poor hu111anity. Direful deed for ali of us­Spcd to high Pentelicus. And froni the fa1nous quarries there () f :11arble. purr and w·hite, and rare. \·Vrought and carved \vith cunning art. L111til ·1,•:as finished-a tiny heart. Back through the air Dan Cupid sped .1-\nd tucked the heart in its beauteous bed : Dreathed in her lips the breath of !if<· .\ nd i<:s on the green pa vcd ground The (;od o f Love in ~1un1her deep. unfeignc-d. She gasped in her an1aze111ent, yet did stay. 1\ncl fron1 his je\vcled quiver bore a\vay T he tinv golden shafts that it contained. H ence f ro111 that day her sisters 11·ear the darts Thus filched fro111 that so1nnolent IZing of I !carts. (Bear 11·it11css those \vhose hearts so oft ha,·e sn1ar1ed !) C nerring as the elf is said to be 1'hese 111aids surpass hi111 in their archery. .'\nd Cupid's occupation's quite departed. 3.­ -·~­ 'fHE 1ZITE. \\'hen I \vas vounacr bY 111an,· ,·cars • ~ • J ~ \\"hat g'l\''C 111e 1nore delight 'fhan ahnost any other thing \\"as o\\·ninir just a I(ite. :\s the l\vig is bent the Tree"s inclined. Sonic "·i ~e chap once did !'ay. And still I find 1ny boyhood like5 Sta,· \Vith 111.: to this da,·. . ­ But therc·s one great. sad difference 'l' hal forces itself on n1e. Instead of Oying Kites. odcl's 0011s ! 'fhe bloo111ing K ires Ay ine. 1·11 E HOl{SESl-IOE. The ·rurk. thoug-h of the 111ystic East, Quite scorns the God of Luck, A11d. fatalist. lays do,vn his life, \Vith blind. fanatic pluck. But l "111 1norc superstitious far 'fhan 11 a1nid or t\ bou, And ever an1 I prone to raise Fron1 the dust the lost horseshoe. So fill your glasses to the girl, \\"ho"s fated c"cr to "·in. Herc·s 10 the dainty Grecian ntaid \\"ho \\'Cars the Horseshoe pin. -346­ THE GOD OF SELF. llY LY NN novD ~llLA~I. On the breast of the rolling plain of 'fi111c. t\ niighty 1no1111tain sleeps. :-\II gloo1ny and huge and bristling sharp \Vith terraced ran1p and to,vering scarp. ,-\ nd a te1nplc cro,vns its steeps . .Afar on the toilso1nc road of Iife. I ts n1assi\'c b11lk defined 'Gainst the rainbo"' h11cs of the sunset ,-kies, The \vearv '"a,·farcr secs it rise. ; . . The nio11nt that's f. lan and the ten1ple that":< J\linh, but the long, long ,,·bile this place shall last. \,Vhich of our con1ing and departure heeds As ~0111e T>rofs. heed a s1udeilt-0·1t of class. -349­ !• \\"aste not ,-our ho1:r nor thro\\· a\\·a,· vour ti1ne . -. Studying hard in order to i1nprove your n1ind; Better be happy \Vith the gay co-ed : Eat of the niclon and to others give the rind. For :\lath. and l~ngli:rS behincl the Pearh· Gates \vill % 1-­ % 0 u . . :>-< "" ...... .<;' %"' . -"'-~=-t1....::------~-z___ .,,. :.> cG - <:> < " 0 "' G ::J ...... - Q ,... ­ ;..-: < t-< C/) cC ::::> 0 - - I -357­ I I '• ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. I • I In order to insure a reply under this heading it is necessary to give a pscudony111 by "·hich the qucrist :nay be ans"·crccl. 'l'hc full na111e and address of the "Titer 111ust also be gi,·en. This \rill never. under any cir­ ~ . cu111stances. be published. Questions "·hich arc to be ans"•cred in T11;: ' C.\CTuS for :\Iay 1nu~t reach the cclitor not later than February 1st. I X o ans,vers to correspondents "·ill be sent by 1nail un lcss a l\vo-cent stan1p is enclosed "'ith the question. .1-\ddrcss all such letters to T:rn: (., CTUS. f\ustin. ·r.:xas. Leslie G.-\\·c rccon1n1cncl \Vhitten1ore's sho<.: polish or Jct Oil. You "·ill find. ho,vcvcr. that the latter requires less exertion in applying. P-n-ds.-1'hc lig-ht silk "·ill be n1uch n1ore dressy. but you "·ill find the dark flannel 111orc ser,·icc.'ablc for a bathing suit. :\[iss D-n-111.-.\ftcr invc~tigating the acoustics of the librar,· "·e find that a nian·s Yoicc carries as far "·hen i1: con\'ersation "'ith the librarian as "·ith a co-ed. B-ll-rd-B.-1. \\'ait until you are gro"·n. 2. \\'ould not advise it fer several Years-until ,·ou ha\'C reached the age of discretion. . . ' Joe H .-\\'e ag-rce '"ith you that co-eds art· intruders and arc to he ignored. \\'. D .-After a thorough investigation " ·c find the n1en in the '\,-arsitv arc in no greater hurr~· for books than the girls. E. C. C.-\ 'ou "·ii! find the follo"·ing directions satisfactory. "'C trust. First. s0ak thoroug-hly in "·arn1 "·ater: push back the skin around the roots "·ith orange stick a1:d aprly ongaline: again rinse in \Vann "'ater. using Pear's soap freeh : then clry thoroughly and polish ,·igorously \\'ith buffer. X. 1-f.--It is \\'ell to be broad. but in frat. talk 'tis best lo specialize to a\•oicl con1p!ications. R.-\\--t-011. 1. ·vou \viii find it cffecti,·e at the opening of college to 'vear your oldest S\\'ealcr. s1nokc a pipe and 111ingle "·ith the con1111on herd. 3. A ftcr the season, a s111art black suit and hat arc ~11itahlc. ahvays acco111­paniecl by a good civ.ar. -358­ l)anny R.-Fro111 yo11r letter \\"C j11dge that yo11 an.• rather yo11ng t•) affect ..the nia11 of the \\•oriel." and refrain fro111 gi,·ing a--...,.._.,.:_­ , ~ - A sy111pathizer of the rc:st-St'l·n through Ii l'hi eves. -361­ -· ~ -·-----­ • I CANNISTER. , • Our rosy young hero called Robbie I Has developed a \VOnderful hobby. 1-Ie's loving the girls, 'fheir sn1ilcs and their curls : 'fhis onetirne bash ful n1an, Robbie. Since the hanil\. ERSITY OF ·rEX.\S <;Y.\I :\ r\STG.\!S. For Left ·rack le. F. I Jon1er Curtiss of 'fcxas. PRESIDENT OF 'flll~ 'l'l~X:-\S l:\1'ERCOJ~Ll·:GTf\'I'E ATI-I­LE'flC .\SS()Cl:\'fIO~. L Fo1· Left Guarcl. F. Ho111er Cunis<' oi ·rcxas. PRESTOE~T OF 'l'IIE S<.)L-TH\\"ES1'ER:\ I:\"J'l~RCOLLE­(~J:\"l'E !\ "l'flT.E1'TC .\SSOCJ.\'l'JC):\. -363­ ' ' e I ' For Lt•h l lalf. F. 1Io111er C11r1iss or 1'cxas. l :\STRCCTOR I:\ S\\'El)JSH GY:\l:\.\S'rJC'S .\:\f) .\PP.-\R:\.TCS \\'C >RK. CT-I:\1'AliQL.,\ SCll<><)J, C)F PfT)'STC."L EI)l 'Ct\ ·rt0 "\'. ' • I For Center. F. Ilon1cr C11rtiss or ·rcxas. ~IE~IBER OF 'J'IIE .\~!ERIC:\:\ Pl-IYSIC.\L EJ)!_;CATIO"\' SC>CJ E1"\'. For Full Back, F. I-Io111er Curtiss of 'J'cxas, 11l"::~IBER OF '!'I IE SC)CTETY OF CC>LIJ~GE (;\':\l:\ ASI!_;~[ J) IREC'l'C >RS. For Quarter 13ack. 17. lclon1cr C11rtiss of 'l\:xas. PI-fl 1-;:1-\P­1'1\ PSI t\ :..1 1) ()TI-lER 'J'l l l:\(;S. t For Rig-111 I lalf and Captain. F. l !01ncr C11rti~s of Texas. FR1\ ·r !\R()'f'I-TER TO SC)!, :\I E1'7.(~ER :\XD crt'llERS. -364­ f l For Riglit (;uard. F. J-Jo1ncr Curtiss <>f ' l'e:-;a~. E'rC.. ETC.. 1-;:·1-c. For Right ·racklc. F. I-Io1ncr Curtiss of ·rexas. ET CET­ , ER.\. E'r CE1'ER.\. ET CETER.\. I~or Right End. F. I lo111er Curtiss of ·rcxas.( 1 !?!'** !S !?) In <>'enera 1 l nu\,. safch· sav that '"hen \\·e "<1zc ltJ)CJ11 this a'"'rc«at ion ~ ~ • • ~ :---:--. "="' \VC >cc stars. 1'akcn i1vliviclually. each player runs like an antelope. butts in like a goat. and the ladi,•s all ~a,· he is a perfect deer. 1lis interference is superb: in fact he is nottd for interfering \Vith everything-he secs. I-le is a "'onderful kicker and the possessor of an aquiline nose. 'l"his is ahvays seen thrusting itself into line bucks. end runs or affairs of others. l Te is a 111oclcl player and nc,·cr indulges in fits of anger approaching-hysteria and \\'Oulcl rather die than to be guilty of unsee1nly. uncalled for and ungcntle­n1anly conduct to" ·ards the officials of the ga111c. I le cannot gain tnuch ground because he i!< not a houst•holclcr. but aside iro111 the fact that he is no good. he is still all right. F. H. C. -365­ -~ I I I ' I • I I f j SKI SM* A FARCE IN ONE ACT Presented With Great Success Before The Student Body of the University of Texas by A Talented Company consisting of Delegates from the Various Sororities of the University of T exas *\Vith apologies to "The Texan"' of Nov. 16. 1904 ! I I I• DRAMA TIS PERSONAE. : l~o~•= l~i·~11 .\~I, }l1t.\c1ol·~ (;11.1.1.\llll, \\ 1tl10\1t thorJ1$. :lttF,\$T. ·rr11e. tric.·cl•.a111I tru..t)'. dcl"-gatf.."S fro1n Delta Sigma. jl'LI.\ STIL.t:s .\SO Jl .. ;LPlll.\ J\t..,,."-0'.\, llairtt)· dc1c:g:itc:t iro1n Ep..ilon l~cta. f_\\'Jt.\ l"''''ID ·''D J.11.1.\· '' \ll\-0 \1Jo:1:. l)c.:1nurc flclt:i;:ate:> from 1"a11 Sis.:,1na. K1TT1t: (."onxt;R r.r.o'' '· \'icti111c.--.., .,f the ·rf1ro.ure·Cha111bc.:r. ! (.\ 1:r<':oh1nan} ~laier:. "'' lite \ 'ariot•' Sororitic ... ('t]llll·~ o( L.aclie~ llo1nc Joltrnal. l>e~inc.:ator. a1,1l Stancl.ar•I l'c:... i1.;.nt:r are scatt~rccl abol1t ihc roon1. S('l•::X E: Ashb,~t roo111 1/,,riu;: l'ou·llt•IJ,·11ic ,lf,•t.•t;,,g. 'l'J ~I I·:: T/ir~·t.~ ,/fl)'S ""'' l-'lft1•1•11 .\/i111ttl'.( l•cf4rc 1">/c,Jgc Day. ' I Curtain rises on t·xt·itt·d g roups. girls running hithl'r and t11ithcr. "·ildh· g-el"ticulating and t('aring th1·ir hair (also that the~· houg-ht). l)clta Sig111as on be;ng approached n·fu~e In o,:culate and stand '>:'h:ntatiously aloof front the rest. Opposite 1hen1. the Epsilon ne1as and the ·rri .\lphas are engaged in clo>e con,·t·rsation. 'fhe ·rau Sign1as in !ht· center o i the roon1 are palpably ,·acillating-and furiously che\\·ing g11111. 'l'he President takes the chair and raps Yigor1>11~h·-\\·ho happens to he •tanding nearby. Pres­ently she raps the table also. and at this juncture 011c of the girls calls for her \\-rap. ·rhe11 ~uclclcnly there co11u.:;; a pansc s1cali11g-i11 through the door and the assc111blage is \\rapped in a heavr cloak of on1inous silence. 1'/te 1~reside11t ( in a 111elo-dran1atic ,·iilai11 \l'hispcr): "(;iris. the hour has ca1ne !" . \ titter runs around tht· roon1. but is speedily caught by one of the girls 0­ and 1hro\\·11 fro1n !ht• \\i11do"" Silence again. President: "'J'h<· 111cc1i11;::-" ·ill please co111e 10 orcler." .liiss Steadfast: "\\'ht•re is order,.. President: ..·You art• out oi order. please be $Cated." .l/iss Steadfast: ".\111 I? I ne,·er kne\\· I \\·as in. ·rhank vou for the suggestion: and. cr-parclon 111e-\\·ould you 111i11d lc11cling 111e your frat p111 --I \\'ant to \\'rite a story." Another tillcl' starts, but is hastily stopped and choked to death. •lliss c:il/iard: .. Ro~e Bud. dearr. tell 'c111 10 state the object of the 111ecti11g.. , -368­ f'rcsidc11/: "":\liss :\larch<•r. \\'ill \ "OU kindly state the objt'Ct of the 111ect­ i11g ?'' ' .lfiss .lfarclier: '"\\"hy-cr-l-ahc111-I don"t k110"· exactly. but a boy told 111c­Prr.~ide11t: (icily) "".\liss :-;tcaclfast can YOU infon n us?" illi.,·s .)tradfast : ( l~i~ing-1vith great dig11it~·-1vho is sitting by her) ··r 1vill read the contents of thi,; docun1ent ... Loud cries fro111 all a,;>e111blcd-""1'hc Docn1ncnt ! 'J'he l)ocu111enl ! \\'c"ll hear the f)()Cl '".\I E~'I' ! Read the Docun1cnt ! O n 1vith the DOCU­.\1 E~-r ,.. 'fhe P resident raps rapidly for order and presently that \\'Orthy indi1·id­nal co111es sliding through the clti<>r "ith her hands up as ii \\'arding off a blo\\'. She has just taken hl'r ,;cat and silence begins another reigi1 oi terror a111ong the g irl;; -,,·hl·n ".\liFs l)elphia Jackson asks in a 1vhisper : •• 1s that the Doc-,·ou-1ncant ?" l'a11de111011iu111 starts again and 1vith 111uch difficult~· (1vho \VOrks hard) the President finallv restores peace-piece by piece. 11/i.,·s Gilliard: "'i\lr.-1 1nca11 ".\iadan1 Prcsidrnt-1 111akt.. a 111otio11 that c,·er,·bodv except the dck•gatcs leaYe the roo111... Prcsid,•nt: ··ooe~ the lacly front ·ri"i .·\lpha p111 that 111 the fon1; of a . ..... •no11011 : .1/i.~s Gilliard: ··she clo-1 nl!.:an. I do-she docs ... Prrsidr11t : ··1)0 J hear a $ec011d to that n~otioP :·· ,lfiss Steadfast: ··\\"ait long enough an for order. 11/iss Jackso11 : ( Slo,vly ari~ing) "".\ladan1 President. it g'ivcs 111<' great plc•asurc to have the exqui;itl' honor of arising· to second that 1no1nentou3 :1101 iC'll. .Iii.~~ S teadfast : ""l'ray. tel! n1c, \\"hen did you g-ct to he ti1ne-kceper for this a>-5e1nhla~c-?"" .1/iss !i~·crf11.,·ti11g : ""\lac\:1111 Pr~sicient. T protest. l protc~t in the 11a1ne vf all that is sacred. true. nohle. honorable. an:obody \\•anted the old contract in the beginning­ '"e told you it \VOuld be. ( \Vi th dignity) T he Epsilon netas­ 111/iss Gilliard: (Jnterr11pting) ··Oh, hush Delphia! \Ve " ·ant these charges explained. Ros~· Bud, I \vant that freshn1an brought in !" President : "What is the pleasure of the body?.. Chorus : "'fhe FRESTI~11\~~The l'RESIIS::'ll1\?\ !! "·c'll have the FRESI-I::'lft\N ! !!'' (Exit Laura Da1·id. 'l'cnsc silence for a nion1ent. Re-enter :'IIiss David 11•ith l(ittie Corner Bro1vn. blindfolded. gagged. bound. handcuffed. being led by a chain. 1'hc 1·ictin1ess is led to the side of the Presidenfs table \\·here she re1nains standing. pale and tren1bli11g.) Prrside11t: ·'::'lliss Gilliard, yo11 111ay exan1ine the 1vitness:· ,lfiss Gilliard: ··\\'ell pardon 111e. but I a1n no doctor. and T don't 1111ag­ine I look 1n11ch like a teacher.'· Prrside11t : '"fhe Ch:01\· i\liss Bro\\·n tell the jury. your na111e. age. date and place of birth. occupation :ind­ .1/iss Stiles: (Interrupting) '"()h, let 111e question her-1101v. please do. Really, Precious. i ·ll treat to chili if you'll only let 111e. /\h. that's <\ good g irl. (rl'urning to victi111c•~) :\O\V I 1vant to kno1v about I hi;;. 1'hree 1veeks. eight days. t11•enty-seven hours. sevent~·-four n1in11tes. and eighty­ -371­ • I six seconds ::igo-t" be prl·ci,;;c and exact I''hich i::. ahvays best in inter­ I i raternity 111atters)-a boy told 111e that a girl told hi1n that your aunt told • I her that her uncle·s daughter-in-la,,· once said that a fric:1d of her brother·s \vife·s sister told her that you \\'Cre pledged to l)elta Sig111a last year. >:"o,v (breathlessly) ,,·hat have you to say to that?" 1'/te f/. icti111rss: .. \\'hat boy? \\/hat girl? v\lhen? \Vho? \Vhich or \Vhat? \vhcrcfore and \VII\·?'' I J/iss Stiles: ·· :\c,·cr 111ind : that does'nt 111at1er-yo11 ought to be able to sec that it dosrn·1. \ \' c clo11 't \\'ant to bring 111en·s na111cs into this. Can I• you deny the chargc ?.. ?'he T'icti111css: (JnnO(l'nth') "[ ha,·en't 111y pur~c ,,·ith 111e. but hO\\' lllUCh is it?" I l I .ll1s.; Sti/,·s: "Enougth ! ans\\·cr 1ny question:· Tiu• T''icti111rs.1" "I Ta~ it any sub-11eads ?" J/iss Dai·id · ( T11tcrr11pting) ";\o,,· Julia. l don't think she can have said that. So111ebody told ntc that every night she cril·d herself to sleep for fear she ,,·ould11't 'get a bid." J!iss Gilliard : "Stuff a11c1 nonsensc ! ft ,,·as all O\'l'r Rockport last su1n­111cr that Elizabeth Onuonc! ga,·c a bathing party in honor of the ·Delta Sigiua Pledge'... ('!torus: ... \ bathing 1.ar1\·-()h. Hea,·cns !-this is too n1uch. too too n1uch... (Girls all faint and sn1elling-salt representatives step to the rescue.) .lliss Da•·id: C .\ri~in~ :incl al1;1ost b1Tathless: staring straight at the ,·ic1 in1es~ and pointing-a fingTr of denunciation at t hl' crouching c;eature) "11L"f .\l~i·: \()l. PJ.EJ)(;E();" '/'he Victi111rss · " 'l'hc Delta Sig111as never \Yrc,lc. printccl. or spoke to 111c of frat in n1y ii fl» ( )i course. I a111 not plc) : :\1 is" BrO\\'ll do you considc1· that ,·ou \Vere ,·iolently rushed ,,·hill' lorli.rl·cl at the Delta Sig-cr-f.odge ?" 1"/te / 'icti111css: "\\'1.·ll. harclh-. # the,· '''crc-er-loveh· ... to 111e. of .. \\'h,·. • course the,· ah,·a,·s arc-but l 1)11) <.tudY-·· . . ­ .lfiss Steadfast ( Loftii~· interrupting) "\\'e have seen to that. I a1n SL· RT~ T{ittie has had 111ore i i111c to study than she E.\f ER did \vhen the Epsilon Betas \\'ere nionopolizing her every other night-at their J>,\R'J"IES !" -372­ .l/i.1·s Stiles: .. Really. \\'ell. \\·e did not think that \Ve had cno11gh clain1 on .\I iss Bro1v11 to supervise her ~t11dics, but-.. 7''1c /7 icti111<"ss: ( :'11feckly intt-rrupting) ··'rhe parties \VCre a\vfully nice-a11cl-ancl-so 1vas the \Vt'ek at the I-I011-I niean Lodge-and th<' chilis. and g-11n1-and candy. ancl trolley rides-and all that-(breaks do1,·n and \veeps) lloo-hoo-Doo-hoo. n111. girls. PLl~.\ sE don"t fuss O\·er llll" and don·t \\'el'P and gnash your hair and tear your teeth ,,·hen I a111 gonc­Boo-hoo-1-1-1-Like you .\II ( Bu:·sting in to tears) Boo-hoo-hoo-hoo-­and l hate ;o lose any of you for 111~· friends-hut (sobbing) since this ha.; con1e up. I 111ight as \veil tell \'Oll that J ha,·e 111ade up 111y 1nind-and this in spite of the fact that l ain a t"o-ed: (l:raci11g up) 1-1-T-Boo-hoo­J a111 going to he a ·rau Sig111a ! .. Cl llT.\I X. ( \\.ild applause and cn e,; of ··spel·ch ! ....Speech!....Speech!., Curtai 1~ slo,1·ly rise on victi1ness ( \1·ho i1olcls ii up ali right) supported by the 'l'au Sig1nas. 'l'hl· other girls sit. exchanging looks of blank astonish111ent-110 one getting th<' belier of the tr:ide. Sl·cond curtain s:o,1•ly dccends and son1t one iron1 thl· g-alltry cries out: ··.\I.L'S \\"EI.I. '1'11.\'I' l·:>JJ)S \\'ET,L!''J 'l' lllS :\C)l1LI~ FRESll.\I,.\:\ PRESll)l·::\'I'. \,,\'ell I don't ,,·ant no ~atli11 gnns• in n1ine, :\o forty fo11r~. no dirk, 110 gun. no knife >:or a111· other thing-that blot:: out life. For I '\'e no earthh· U'l' :'or 1hings like thO,.l' . . :'o long-. as n1oisturc fro•n 1111·. tear-duct tlo,,·:<. 'J'hl· pla~hing tear drop ;oothes the s -., .,­ I ' ' SCENES FROM THE GREAT EASTERN MEET. ! i I I ' .l -r1 , 1,'rl ;.l ' ,, . -=if ~-· ' ­ . . ... .. . -­ ~-~",,..."'·-==~ - ft,... t ...... .., .......;-4,, , . ......... f,• ..,..,,. "'"")••'·''• (,,.,,...,, ~J'"' •• t-ltr.t f.1.~I\ f,....t ......~ -e--­ 'c­ - ,:... ~le lfI11/I_ -374­ THINGS WHICH HADN'T "ORTER" BE. ~eing a fragn1cnt of a real diary of a real :\l. .\1. :\I. accidcntly brought 10 light. ~ Sept. 27. 'fhc cla11s begin to gather. Frcsl1111cn clo Rip \fa11 vVinklc stu11ts i11 Pool's roo111 at B. I lall. l{etaliatory 111ca"11rcs arc at 011cc adopted by upper classn1en. "Spare the rod and spoil the child ... I , Sept. 29. L11n1pkin takes >'11ppcr at the Driskill ;:ind drcan1!' of huge fish al: night long. 1-Jorriblc cric>' of ":\lan1111a ! :\fan1111a !" hl'ard at regular inter,·als during the night. ()ct. r. Randell tries to get board at the f(appa Kappa <:an1n1a ho11~e but fails to n1ake ~ood. .\ II nt\\•con1ers arc paddled at IL 1lall at 12 o'clock P. :\1. Oct. 3-1'he Faculty begins to dra\v its 5alary toda.'" Fro111 this ti111e it's 11p to us. Oct. 7. Blackstone brought to life bv the exorcisn1s of Judge i\IJiller. Pool \VOrks for the first ti1ne in his life. -375­ • I Oct. 12. Fresl1111c11 effect pennaaent organization. and have tc111erit,· I - to paddle Billy Blocker. 'l'he situation gr0\\'5 so \Vann that the ca111pus -i catches fire in nian,· places. I ()ct. 1~. .\"·ful excite1nent. J)uring the night a sig:1 \vas p:iintecl on the \vater tank .. Fresh1nen Jle,vare. ( ). B. B." together \vi th l he Ju111or La'v n11111erals. Situation tense. '!'he can1pns fires still rage. ()ct. 14. t..:ngineers, }."resh1ne11. and l.a\v~ engage in I ' ' g1:erilla "·arfare fron1 10 o'clock at night until 3 o"clock ii> the 111orning. Foot ··aces take place all night long. in "·hich the Lec1 bC'­forc the :. ()ct. 15. :\lan111101h ~birt tail parade. I:. I !all "·alks the streets like Jia111lefs ghost. 1'he ghosts proceed to haunt the l(appa house. and cause consternation at a rush party there. 'fableau. hilarious paraders. terrified Fresh111e11. tearful 1'appas. Ed Crane is so shocked that he cuts a "·isdo111 tooth on the spot. 1-J is ja'v is the size of a peck 111casurc by r 1 o'clock P. !11. ()ct. 16. Great inclig-nation is felt by the student body over the niolesta­ tion of the l(appa house. Crane's ja\v is still on a l'\vcll. 'T'he Facult_v -37G-· holds a n1ct1ng to take action CHI the parade and to relie"c Crane shouid \\·orsc conic to \\"Orst. Oct. 17. 1\s;;ociated PrC'$S Sh;\\v scoops the State~111an \Vith a full account of the rcprcs~iv<' n1ca~11res adopted at the l;acuh \" 111ceting and is reprin1anded by the l)can for .\•c•llo\v JOurnalis111. ("ranc•s ja\\" is slightly COn\·alcscent Oct. 20. (;rand football ralh.·. lnquest is held at the l(..\. house O\'C!" the corp;;c of one Joel \\"atson. Oct. 21. \\"ell. hO\\" doc~ it feel to be scalped a11y\\·ay? Oct. 27. l'rane's ja\\" has resu111cd nonnal proportions and he is shaking hands 1vith :icquaintanct·s in th<' c0rridors this 111on1ing-. Oct. 28. Rev. Paine preachc·s at 11. 1-Iall and '"Sleepy'" Robinson stan1­pees to church and co1nes ho1nc sick. Xo\·. 1. Plccl!~e day for the f1·a1ernities. ·rhc·rc is so1nething doing. Xov. 4. 'fhe Carni\'al op~·ns. Ri:1gli11g·s Circus co1nes to Lun1p is fed to the lions. but they refuse to touch hin1. 1'\ov. ·'· Chicago ga111r. \\Ihere in the deuce 1vcre •' vou \Vhen that C\'Clone st ruck ? Xov. 8. "fhc :\I. :\f. :\l."s 1nake their debut. 'J'urke\'S at the \ \Ionian',: , buiiding ar(' r:iidrd. Officer llrodic is detailed on the case. ~ Xov. 10. 'rherc is a turkc\• feast near B. Hall. ·rhc authorities have a cle\\'. the l\1. .\I. :\l."s ha\·c the turkeys. Xo\·. 1-1. ' ['he :\L. :\1. ?\[.";; appear again. Signs arc painted on th..: cen1ent \Valk near the \vest entrance \\·elco1ning Prexy ho1ne fro111 Chicago. Diogenes tell~ a fearful talc of 1nidnight deviltry. and ()fficer Brodie gives up the chase. Xo\·. r:;. l~cign of terror l'till co1liinues. Frei::hn1an reception take~ place on this night. 1"he president of the Frcsh1na11 cla~i; is kidnapped by n1asked banditti and pre\'cnted iro111 leading the ball. I le out \\'its his captors a11d by his \" of cotton-nla11ters... ()f couriOllJC\\·hat of an Expert along the Line of grafting. He is son1ething of a I!un1orist in that !Jc furnishes .\n1u~e111cnt of a quiet refined \•ariety to all \Vith \vhon1 he co111cs in contact. I fe is gcner­011~ to a fault. and is ahva:-·s ready to ~hare the Proceeds of other People's l~fforts \1•ith thcn1. 11 e \YOtild not drean1 of asking-111ore than one l)oll::r ' tor his little book in physical Contortions so ably reviC\\"Cd b.\· Run1"s greatesr Enc111y. .\lrs. Carrie :\ation .\uthor of ··Squerzing In and Losing Out" "'.\le and Ruggles."' and the pathetic littie Ballad ··.\h\·ays on the Bun1". Doer. \\"holesale Purchas<·r of L ibrary Deposit&. Proprietor of the l'ni\·ersity Pa\\"11 Shop. H.cin­caration of .\ntonio';; 'l'orn1entor. Lender of .\loney at one hundred per cent intereia. Skilled instructor in con1n1crcial .\rith111etic. Pierpont .\!organ o i the Student l~od~· . DeYOtcc of Fre11­zied Fi11ance. l~orn near Lo111bardy. First 1vorcls \\·ere. ·· 1·11 huy \"Otl'" Library Deposit:· 'l'hese -385­ 1 • ' "'ere subsequently a1nended. ··.\t t\\'O dollars... Distinguished as E xpert I .\ccountant. Recreation: Calculation of con1pound T nterest, and of Copper Cents. Address hint until Judgntent Day at B. Hall. Zl:\l\ECI not offered ·-in the catalog-ut-. .-\uthor. but ,,·ill not ' -. ' brook cn tic1s111. H is "·orks include ··~ly Opinion of ~ly·self" or ··\Vhy I' an1 Rig-ht and You arc \\'rong-... and "l)o\\·n 1vith the Critics... l~ecreation : ( >ut-Schubing Schub. J:oxing. Gc:.­ticulation. Silcnc..-. Xo ad cherish clirl·ful 111c1110­rics of hini. I le i~ an anon1alous exc1nplificatio11 of the La''' of Hetrogres­sio11. \\'hile the retrogrc~:;ion has been nor111al up to a certain point. he refuses to rclrograclc furtht•r and oblif(•rate hi111sclf. Dictator to I le11ry and the ('an1pus Force. \\'a:; born in a Sea of trouble upon ,,·hich oil \Vas poured. ·rhis doubtless accounts for his L'nction. In 1896 t•jcctecl fro1n I~. I lall \vithout cerc111011y. and thcrca ftcr de,·ot~d hi111sel r to landscape gardening-. Bnt has ncvtr been lanci~caped. I It· <>ught to b~'. Is also -389­ ' • ' llol111es. Ran do,,·n the :\!. :\1. :\L's, actually finding the paint bucket "·ith • ' "·hich the inscriptions on the "'alk had been painted. \\'hereupon hl exclain1ed. ..Ha! Ila~ the Paint Pail!"' Recreation: Fleecing. Grafting, and J)ra"·ing Salary. t-\ddrcss: Beck's ()ffice. \\'al<'r 'fo"·cr. DIOGENES. Night 0 11 1. ' to Nocturnal Pro\\•lers. Foe to ustry. Death to 1\111qurs. )Juisance. in1possible of abaten1ent. In­ hun1ai: 111onster in I hunan Garb. L"bi­ quitous Despoiler of 1nidnight De,·iltr~. Recreation : lllu111inating !)ark Corners: keeping an eye on the :\I. :\I. :\[.'s. I• Address: Every,vherc and no\\·hcrc. ' I :\!c-LEA>:. 1'he Slick and Slin1y One. l)ick Croker of Freshn1an Po!i­ 'ferror Can1•i­ ' General l I r I-~, 'f 14 I '"; ~A~,, ';tf"itcrr• ,,, ;.;::;:,.,1 ··'€' - _J Prickle,· Pear in ordl'r to cut his 'reeth tics. Valiant l)on Quixote and Yalorous \ ·anquishcr of "·oulO\". 1 think \'ou'll all ag-ree. . . •I J-Ie's niore fun than a bab\"s to\, ·-I . But thc thing-that puzzles 1ne; Ts. hO\\' can Frankie be so tall. \·\·hen all the boys report: " lie niay be full o f breezy gall Hut. Lord. he's a\vfulv short! , Joe l(erbev is a fina11ci-he's a\\'fulh· sick! .And no\v there's Sleep~·-a\vfully sn1art, You kno'v he knocks the g ?·ades. 1-Jc's captain. too and plays his part .1\s .Jack of aII the trades. But Sleepy. this I say to you: Just play \veil all your tricks : But. oh. 111\' bo'" ,,·hate'er ,·ou do. . . , Don't try the gan1e of politics Xo\v \logul is our hero true­t\nd justly so. I say . . And like our Sleepy. Captain too, r\nd Lord ho,~· he can play. '.\'O\V Don, \VC kno\v that you're all right­But of all the things you do \.Yhy do .vou n1ake these co-eds fight ? Beea11se thcv'cr all in love \Vith ,·ou . . -392­ "past due." ~ ·-, I GAL,'ESTON \lIE\VS. • I ' THE JOHN SEALEY HOSPITAL, GALVESTON. I I B().l\RD OF ~L.\X:\GERS. l DR. J. E. T110~1 Psox . . . . . . . ............ . ................. Presidc11i ' I \ 1. E. AUSTIN .... .... . ... . .........•.. • .... • ........ T/ icc-Preside11t Dr. Ed\vard Randall, John Sealy, T. H. Jllege at (;ah·c::ton. ;net that it be called ..l .ni,·ersity Day... 'l'hc sugge:-:tion conics fron1 those students qJ the ~lcdical l)cpart111ent \vho 1vo11lcl like 10 see a closer union bcllvcen "\"arsit1· and th'.! ~lcclical School. and the plan. in brief. is to ha1·e one day in the college year-'l'hanksgi,·ing-J)ay. say-upon 11·hich studl'nts fron1 the \ledical Dcpart1nent shall \'isit en 111assc th<" \lain Cni1·crsity at .\ ustin. 'J'hc plan reckon:-: upon an :1nnual excursion train fro1n (;ah·l'sto11 to .\usti11: and then, t\11sti11 reached. one g rand L·nivcrsit~· of 'i'cxas 1111ion of \ledics. I .its. La1vs, and Engineers. ' 'J'he idea shoul 111eet 11·ith instant appro1·a\ fron1 e1·ery true college nian. Xo hann and grl'at good should rc.;uh fron1 such a niix-up. ·rite occasion l\'Ould be the Tha11ksg-i,·ing holiday a11d regular 'l'ha11ksgi,·ing football gan1e. 11·ith '\'arsity pitted against a strong and 1vonhy opponent. \ loocly a11d 1nonorleci ?lledic:; 1vo1tld 1he11 have opportunit1· to rai~l' their hats to "\"arsit.1· Co-eels and a 11·hoop for ·\·arsity·s tca111. and feel thl' bl'ller for both. \\'ith­out conjecture as to the effect upon the Co-eds. the 1ca111. it is sa fe to say. 11·ould do the better for their share in the greeting. '[\,·o hundred ~tudents fron1 the \ledical l)epart1nent on the side-lines. a11d each 11·ith the ()range a11d \\'hite strean1ing fro111 his coat lapel and a voice to cheer the bo~·s on 11·011ld not fail of rffcct upon the struggling tea111. and 1vhat an i111pression it 1vo1ild 111ake upon visitors ! this sho11·ing of forces united. '!'hen after the ga111c ,,·as over. \ ·ictory resting upon the (>range and \\'hite. there 11·ould be a union in celebration. and the "\fedical boys ,,·ould feel tltc quell 1vas part their's. Supposing. then. defeat \\•ere the issue. a feeling of co111111on regret 11·oulcl reign. and the boys fro111 Cah·cston 11·011lcl take the defeat as part their 011·n. .\nd so. 011t of it all 1vo1ilcl gro1v a bond of 11nio11. a feeling of closer 1Tlationship bet11·ee11 thf' deparll11cnts. 1' he \lain Cni1·ersity ha:> reason to see good in the carrying 011t of such an idea. In the first place. it ,,·ill bccon1e better acq11ai11tccl 11·ith a n1en1ber of its 011·n fa111ily. 1vill con1c in personal contact 11·ith students 1naking up one of the U niversity's 111ost in1porlant branches. /\nc\ then. there arc 111any st11clents of the .\cadl'1nic Dedartn1cnt 1vho. a ftcr lca1·ing 1\ustin. expect to -:)99­ I I I I take a profe:;sional cou1»c in the .\Iedical School. ·rite contact of these "·ith students alrcach· taking-~uch courses "·ould be a source not 0111'· of I . . . pleast•rc but also of v::ilu;1ble infonnation and suggestion to those expecting to take the .\J edical \\'Ork. J:ut 111ost of all to he benefited b\· a .. Lniversil\· l)av" will be the bo\·s . . . ~ fro1n the i\!edical Coilcg-c. ()ut of the sand of the Island City they \Viii be per111itte . .' not a gy111nasn1111. Dr. i\llorris.-.. \ \·hat reaction takes place in the conversion of hard \\later into soft 'vater hy soap. "-Skippcr-.. 1'he friction of the hands generates heat \vhich precipitates the calci111n and ca11ses the soap to lather." 'fhe fun1es of the laboratory "·eaken the constitution. Lake,·. I-1is bark is loud. but hC' is harn1less.-Boyd. \\.ll\· aren·t test-tubes 1n;1:o. 10 die of? .. 'fho1nas.-..Dr. ~lcL. told nlc ·Phthisis·-·· Lee.-··1-ou·re thinking of another fellO\\' for J) r. ~lcT .. told n1c >:o. 10 \lied o f tuberculosis.·· 'fhon1as.-..I guess then it \\'as >:o. 9 he told 1ne about." Li f c is not co111plete \Vithout g-ra vy.-Juclkins. "Ta1n111any Ilall .. of l\lcdical collegc.-Phar. Dept. " 1\1 last things arc co111ing-111y '"a,-.,._ Cibb. -403­ Question n1ark of Sopho111ore class.-\\"ardlo"·· ··\\.ill you please repeat that last sentence ;··-\\"right. Essential to all "·cl! regulated fan1ilics.-·--rhc Cookie's." ' He has chronic lip-ae111ia.-Day. r\ ladies cos!tnnc dcsired.-Lancaster. r\n authority on the l~ussio-Jap \Var.-Barha111. Eat drink and be n1c1-r1'.-fennel. • I ··I an1 a doctor, T guess I kno"· ."-]anes. I The reason "·hy \ ·aughn ·s head is so 1nuch like Ifeaven. 1s because '"there is no parting there." .., ,., Dr. :\Iorris.-..1lo\\' "·oulcl ,·ou detect C 0 -. l I-Tale.-··B,· its characteristic odor.·· t l .et's cut.-\\.arrcn. ..To "·in a "·0111a11's heart pay ior her car farc."-Pope. Dr. Cartcr.-"\\'hy do \VC eat food?" I l(night.-.. \\'hy, !herc·~ nothing else to eat." I-lo"· 111uch do they charge for B. I·lal! board? Sec Davis. Di:. :•\,·nes\\·onh (Indicating-acctabulun1) "\\'hat is this?" :::-\orthern.-.. Let's sec: oh 1·es that's the cercbclluni." Study. oh 11·hat a \\'astc of tin1e.-Jr. :\fed. !Judson. If you break a tube of B. typhosus "·ipc it up \vith your handkerchief.­ S. Clark. The grass turncd green as he passed.-Fresh. I larris. Cease doctoring you hair. T used to say: but 1101v •1·ou have no hair to ch·c.-Ro!!ers. . '' .. \\'hat care I for ' ['11 ~ C.1cTus."-Hodge. "?\01v don't I look big to a fresh111an...-Da11·c. '·I \vas raised on dignity.-r-Irs. D1ryer. \\"In· cloesn"t Rcvnolds take better care of the ladies? r\ lone Israclitc.-Dr..\ronsfeldt. \\.ould to God I had scr,·ed 1ny books as I have the nurses: they "·ould not have deserted nH.'...-Gober. ··so~lE ~lEl)lC.\L 'fER~lS TLLCS1'R.\ TED."" ! : I I f I I ' I I • SMITH=WILCOX .Smart Clothes For /den and 'Bogs Shrewd cr1t1cs of skillful tailoring acknowledge SMI,.fH-WILCOX SMART CLOTHES are eqt1alled 011ly by top notch custom tailors of our fashio11 centers. W e Fill Me.ii Orders . SMITH C!J WILCOX To Students and Professors of Varsity, Defore You Make Application for LIFE INSURANCE Drop me a card or call New Pho11e 131, I would be glad to show you what the NEW YoRK L1FE will do for you. J. N. HOUSTON, Agent New York Life. I I I ' ' r I ~No Matter How Small. No Matter How Large.~ -.... I I The City National I I ' Bank I • ' I OF AUSTIN, TEXAS WILL GIVE YOUR ACCOUNT CAREFUL AND PROMPT ATTENTION. Capital --$150,000 A. P. WOOLDRIDGE, Prest. JASPER WOOLDRIDGE, Cashier R. L. BROWN, Vice-Prest. THE BUSINESS OF PROFESSORS AN D STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY SPECIALLY SOLICITED. - I I --------~ 9"'~e &quitagf e fife ~ssurance Societ\J of t~e CUniteJ States HENRY B. HYDE, Fo under. JA:\1l·:S \\'. r\LEXA~l)JiR. 1~residc11t J.-\~tJ~S 11. 11\"01·:. \"ice J'>reside11t c. I·:. ·rARBl·:t..r•. '2<1 \'ice President JANUARY 1st, 1905 Oulstanding Assurance S1 ,495,542,892.00 New Assurance 222,920,037.00 Income 79,076,695.95 Assets 413,953,020.74 Assurance Fund aod an other llabllllles 3S3, 158,751.53 Surplus 80,794,269.21 Paid Policy Holders in 1904 36,389 .047 .30 R. Ji. BAKER. Ge11er:t.I :\ln11n,:!er Au:-.tin. Texas JA)tJ;;:S H. \\'\')1AX. Ca~t1ier At1~ti11. Texas CeotJ:e E.. Scott. Cc11crnl AS!ent. At1$ti11, Texas Lo11is J ohoso11, A"s't to (~e11'I A~eut. A11sti11. Texas J . F.. \'igal. Cc11ernt Ai;:c11t. l·:I Pa~o. ·rexas ~larks & Plu111111cr. Ce11crnt Agc11t, Sa11 Antonio, Texas P. H. E<.l,,·ar Have You Tried CASCADE GINGER. ALE? 'Pure, Mild, Aromatic At all 1>ealers l'R£PAR£D BY 'fHE Star 13ottling Company lVIANUFAC'l'URERS OF IlIGl-I GH.ADE (,;f\RBONA.'l'ED \.VA'L'ER.S A.H. FE.TTING MANVPAC'f\,'Rl(R OF Greek Letter Fraternity Jewelry ·re111pOrfir)' r.ocntio11 213 N. Liberty St., Baltimore, Md. lV1en1orandun1 pack:igc sent to any fraternity 1ne111ber through the secretary of the chapter. Special designs and esti­rnates furnished on class pins, rings, 1neclals for athletic n1eets, etc. MISTROT AGENTS !'OR T he An1erican Gentleman and American Lady Shoes TI-IE BEST IN 'l'IIE \·YOH.LO F . E . MISTROT, AUSTIN, • • • TE.XA~ , ohe '' ATY LYER'' ohe 'Popular orain 'Betb)een Texas and St. Louis Kansas Cityand Chicago .And POINTS NORTH AND E.AST Every Large City in Texas is Reached by the ''KATY'' CARL I SHERWOOD, City Tick.et Agent, AUSTIN, TEXAS. W. G. CRUSH, Gen'l Passenger and Tick.et Agent, DALLAS, TEXAS. ~ ! I I I' I I I, ' I 1 I • ' I ' I I I ' We will accommodate you We will loan you money Confidential loans on Dia1nonds \vatches, Je,velry, lVfusical lnstrurnents or Any Good Collateral. \Ve also have a \veil selected stock of \Vatches, Dia1nonds. Rings, Silver\vare, Cut Glass No,·elties, Je,velry and 11Iusical Instnunents. THOMAS & HOOCK, 519 Congress Ave. Sometimes called (The Austin Jewelry and Loan Co.) • 1\ Tote-1'Ve 111ake Class J)f!edals, and ottr Repairing· .Deparb11e11t is up-to­date and we guara•ntee satisfaction; -ive ask your patro1tage. Students! Have Your K odak Films De,·eloped and Printed JORDAN, • The Specialty Photographer 610 Congress Ave. \T 1-\RSIT\' VIEvVS KODt\KS FOR RENT :\I ail Orders Receive Pro1npt Attention. I I • I I I I ; ' I Nelson=Davis Co. Wholesale 6rocers. Ji) Ji) Ji) Austin, Texas. , The Elite Jl1 Jl1 Barber ~hop SAM Ci LASER. Proprietor. The only good shop ntar the University. Offers the btst accommodation and quickest oervice. .:A Jl fir .:A We make a sptcialt y of electric face and scalp massaging. .it $ ./fl ./fl All kinds of barbtr supplies. $ JI 1604 Lavaca St. AUSTIN, TEXAS. J. F. NEWMAN College Fraternity Badges, Medals, Class Pins Designs and Estimates Submitted on Request 11 John St., NEW YORK l ' I I ! I I I r ' I I ' • I RISS I! ART PHOTOCRAP:HER 612 CoNCR.ESS Avs. rv ~ During the Happy Vacation Days The International and Great Northern Railroad will have Sumn1er Tour Excursion tickets on sale daiJy to aII the various S u m n1 er R es o rts in Texas, throughout the Norch, East and 'vVest, and to all points of interest in Old Mexico. T ickets on sale daily com­mencing J une 1st, good until Special Pulltnan and Chair Car Service will be operated I for the Sun1n1er Tours. Ill Superior Passenger Service ! Through Texas To St. Louis, Memphis, Kansas City, Colorado, California and Old Mexico. Special Rates and Service to Porttand, Oregon, for the Ltnuis anti Clar/: E'A·posilion. June Isl lo Oct. 13/h. 1903. Ask Agents for Vull Particul:us or \\'rite P. J. LAWLESS, Agent, L. TRICE, 522 Cong. Avenue, D. J. PRICE, SCHUTZE BROS. PHL~CE THS CON F E CTIO NERS BHRBER SHOP Cor. 24th and Guadalupe St. !"ortJ1,,·tsl Cor11er o f V11i,·ersit>· Cau11>t1s. E. E. Zimmerman 806 Congress Avenue, ( Bosche's Building), \Vish to inform the Students attending the Opposite Avenue Hotel. University of Texas, that whenever in need of Hot Tamales, Chili, IIam and Eggs, Oysters, Hot Coffee, Chocolate, Tea, or anything in the Conlee· tionery line, such as Fine Candies, Fruits, Nuts, Offers Better Accommodations Than Any Cold Drinks and Tobaccos; please gh·e them a Other Shop in the City. trial. \\'c ha,1e in connection '"ith our store a nicely arranged hdies parlor. \Ve give special attention to Telephone orders, deli,·ering same to all boarding houses within six blocks of Univer· Only Turkish Baths in the City. sity. Your patronage solicited, satisfaction guar· anteed on all ~oods bought lrom us. \Ve handle the well known Huyler's, Fletch· er's, Plows, Duelers, Blanke Bros. and Austin Full Line Barber Supplies. Candy Factory Candies. From the finest Rose Leaves and Violets at $8.00 per pound to the cheapest Mixed at JOc per pound. Give us a trial, HVSTIN. TEXHS remember the name. SCHUTZE BROS. J. R. DONNELLY ED. :A:. THIELE -DEALHR 11<­ Plu1nbing, Gas Fitting, Choice Beef, Mutton, Pork Stea1n and I-lot \Vatcr and Veal === Heating. ­Corner 25th and Guadalupe Streets A FULL LINE OF PLU~llHNC /\ND Pree Delivery IIEATING GOODS ON llAND TO SELECT FROM HVSTIN, TEXHS STUDENTS! S. GREENBERG J. J:\:. A°LEX:z::t NDER MA~l,;FACT\;Rl:s'C A:s'D PRESCRIPTIO:s' 0PTIC l"FS;.N -Ghe- POPULAR GROCE.R. Solicits '\.our Patronage. 709 Congress Avenue AUSTIN. T EXAS 0 1>1>oslte '''est C'1t111J)lt• Er1t1·nnce. ' I i I I ! I I ), ~I •. ' The Direct Line to South 1'exas a1zd points East via New Or·leans is the H. and T. C. R. R. Sleepe1-a1zd Chair Car·s Betwee1z Aztstirt and Houston Fo1-Rates 01-Othe1· lnjo1·11iatio1i Call on 1i.cket Agent, 01· Address M. L. ROBBINS, General Passeng·er Agent, rfouston, 7exas. P. W. McFadden, Druggist T W O S TORE.S: University Drug Store, 2300 Gauda lupe Sreet Up..Town Drug Store, 1610 Lavaca Street • Both First Class Austin, Texas Austin Academy A SCHOOL FOR BOYS Preparatory 'f o the Uni,·crsity of Texas ~ ffilintetl l ]. STANLI~\· FO RD, B. A., ~I. A., J>1-t1 NCI l';\J, AUSTIN, TEXAS Correct 1>ress for all Occasions ' i PPP ' WRIGHT ~ ROBINSON, TAILORS a nd F U R.NISHE.R.S 616 Congress A venue Sole.Agents, Nettleton 0 CrawfordShoes Greetings to 1905 and 1906 I Intercollegiate J3ureau OF 1\cade1nic Costun1e COTRELL '& LEONARD Albany, New York ~IAKJ~RS 01' 'l'il lo! Caps, Grote.ins and Hoods To the University of Texas, Baylor, I larva rd, Yale, Princeton, University of the South, University of California, Stanlord, Tulane, Univcrs;ty of Nebraska, Byrn Mawr, \Velleslcy, ~It . llolyokc, and the othe1 s. Class contracts a specialty. Rich Gowns fur Pul· pit and Bench. Illustrated Bulletin, Samples, et~., upon request .. • . . . ... . • . . . { PocK1'-r Cu..-1.EK\' , H.A7.0 11~, 1 \\ c Gl\c \ 011 the B~.:s1 fo 1 \ 0111 Dolla1 1n S n EARS, R A7.0K STiro1"lrictor of ~ Physician and Surgeon ~ The Bon-Ton Bakery Office o"cr Cliil 1\!'\I> 00\ll·:STIC J. l. VHr Dr ND UU0 n Cigars and Tobaccos T H E. JEWELER. BILLIARD ANO POOL 800 CONGRESS AVE. PARLOR WATCHES, SILVERWARE AND -~ Ft111 1.iue of Statio11cr)'. Pcrioc:lica1 ... Book... n11.ltent Control Strlngl•C· The "B MODEL" Hew Narrow Oval Shapt. The " CLIMAX EXPERT " MaltoM Stringing. The " HORSMAN EXPERT " Cine Handle. E. I. HORSMAN CO., 854 Broadway, New Yort Sol• Ag• ntl 1n the United Statea for the famou• F. H. Ayrtt Champ10,.1hip Lawn T• nni• Ball, approved byth• Ur1ited Stat•• National Uwn Tann1• Atsoc1at1on n C. M. MILLER DEALER IN WALL PAPER Paints and Oils, White Lead, Varnishes, WindO\V Glass, • Room Mouldings and Painters' Suppli_es Agent for Sher\vin·Williams Paints 711 Congress Ave., Austin, Texas. S'he !lJrishi// Steam~aundru Solicit& Stude11ts ~atro11age S. St. Sfurle.IJ, S olicitor W. A. BURKE PRACTICAL PLUMBING .•• ANO... ELECTRICAL WORKS BATH TUBS, HOT WATER BOILERS, WATER PIPES. HYDRANT HOSE Together with a f ull line of Plumbing and Electrical Fixtures GLOBES AND SHADES Jobbing Promptly Altended to. Estimites Cheerfully Given All Work Guaranteed 'Phone, .235 814 Congress Avenue AUSTIN, TEXAS J. SCHAPIRO, Commission Merchant, W HOLESALE DEALER IN Country Produce, Fruits and Vegetables Old Phone, 597 202 \\'est Sixth Street, AUSTIN, TEXAS ' I l• I I• AN INVITATION \Vrite us for lull information about the engraving and printing for your next ann­ ual. We can give you many valuable hints and suggdlions. Consult us on your engraving in particular ii you want your photographs and drawings properly reproduced. Our prices are not the highcll, po..ibly not the lowcll-but the work­thnt is absolutely the bdl. Barnes-Crosby Company E. \V. Houser, Pres'1 214-216 Cheotnut Street St. Louis, Mo. Also Chlca~o. Ke"· York and EiS!ht Branch.::, WE :ire con1ple1c ()utfiuers for i\lcn :1 n d Boys­that n1cans \VC sell C l othes, ll at s, Shoes and Furnish­ings, and on 1y the best, :ll prices con­sistant \\"ith quality. \\"e arc ~elling agents for the fol­lo\ving rcnO\Vlle'C lltci>' lto111c . E. S. Levy'& Co. Galves'too. Texa1 A. A. Finck. Company 'Book, Job and Catalol{ue 'P'R_I]VTERS :\lcchanical Photographers. Photo-Engravers and Zinc Etchers. \Ve do all Kinds of P rinting. Publishing, etc. Estin1ates Carefully Gitlen Satisfaction Guaranteed 'Phone 1090 Corner 21st and Marke t Sts. GALVESTON, TE.XAS ' i ' ~ •I Coal Colie Wholesale and Retail E. 0. FLOOD '& CO. Galveston, Texas " POCAHONTAS" AN0 11NEW RIVER" The two best American S1ea1n Coals mined. Supply I fouseholds, Factories, Foundries, Blacksmiths, Railroads, In· terior Dealcl's, Steamships, Etc., Etc. JiJ ALL KINDS FOR ALL U SES JiJ Office :!I1:-1 and 2115 ;\lcchanic Street Tele phones 00 and 100 . { I th Street and \Vharf \ ards: 211:1-2115 .M cchanic St reel I I I J.J.SCHOTT I Largest Retail Drug Store in the South ' Phone 300 and 1800 Send for Our Illustrated CATALOGUE Gold and Silver Je,velry, \\'atches, Clocks, Cu t Glass, Sih·er Pl:itc and Precious Stones NOBBE & ROEMPKE Galveston, Texas Phone 687 15th and Church High Grade Photographs NASCHKE Galveston, • = • Texas I FIRST NATIONAL B ANI-{: OF GALVESTON. THE OLDEST NATIONAL BA:\K IN TEX AS. CAT'IT.\L l!'l"l.I.\" 1'.\11), :saoo.000.00 S f{ .\ R EllOl.l) Elt"' J, IAHll. ITY. :100.000.00 S lJ Rl't.t;S .\SI) USl)IYll>E I) PROFITS. 100.000.00 OFFICERS: R. \VA'' ER l.EY S~ll'l'Jl. PR•; stD:BNT ,V.::-l. STO\VE. C 1.\Sllt •.: 1t CJI1\S. FO\VJ.EH. Vtc J­; ·PHESIDENT F. A~DLER. "°'-ss·1·. c,,s1111.; 1t DIRECTORS: R. 'VAVERLEY SM l'l'JI. \V. N. STO,V.E. CllAS. FO,Vl.ER. JI. A. J,A~ NDJ,;S .J.P. ALVEY. J.JC.lilLL. C.11.~lOO!ll·: We Solici,t the .J1ccou,11,ts of Bari/cs, Corporcitions, l!'ir11i,s cind lnclivilrl'AI, AND SURPLUS. ~2()().()0<>.00 • T. J. GROCE II. A. LA:'\DIS T. J. GROCE H. A. ' ' P1 -== (OlJOn rA(lOR~ OAlVt~lOM. ltXA~ GALVESTON, TEXAS JOHN SEALY SEALY HUTCHINGS H. 0. STEIN GEORGE SEALY Bankers GALVESTON, • • TEXAS CORRESPONDENTS: N3tion31 City Bank, ::-lew York. 1''ourth National Bank, ~e''' \"ork. First Nation:tl Bank, Chic•i:o. Co r11n1ercial ~ational Ba11k, Chicago. l'-lcchanics' :'\:ttinnal Bank, St. Louis. Merch:tms' Laclede N:ttional Bank, St. Louis. Third National Bank, St. Louis. Girard National Bank, Philadelphia. N3tional ll3nk of Cornrncrce, Kansa~ City. Brown, Shipley & Co., London, England. Miss D oM t NGO East End Pharmacy A t~ull Linc of PARKE, DAVIS&. CO. AND S HARPE &. DOHME PREPARATIONS Special Prices to Students on nil Preparations 1'clc:phonc 108 13th St., lk1. ,,. 0. ~nd ('h111ch GALVESTON, TEXAS V. HANSEN E. KIRCHEM Cosmo~olitan Darber S~o~ STUDENTS' PATRONAGE SOLICITED Give Us a Call Corner Center and P. 0. Streets GALVESTON, ---TEXAS BAY DRUG STORE 14th and Market Streets GALVESTON, TEXAS Druf_!s and Medicines Druggists' Sundries, Toilet Articles. Prescriptions l'rcp11rcd from the Purest and Rest Ingredients Only CHOICE LINE OF CIGARS WILDER & COLBY Star Drug Store Tremont & P.O. Sts. GALVESTON G. B. MARSAN 'Al CO. Headquarters for Oys ters, Fish, Shrimps, $ $ Poultry, $ ·~ Game and Vegetables 1919 1'larket St. Phone ion GA LVESTON, • TEXAS 8dward :i'rostman :l!ie :Jl,rtistic :lai/or ::line :lai/or S!lade S uits Regular Price S30.00 and $25.00 Our Price :St:>.0 0 and St2. 5 0 Overcoat s f rom S7.50 up 70, :?Jv•. Cira• and S'rru Cto1Au 41!! e,.,,, 31. GALVESTON, TEXAS THE BEST ON EARTH IS A HANAN SHOE 15 Styles ALL LEATHE'R.S $5.00 A/V'D $6.00 fine Groceries~Cold Drinks Of All KINDS AT T. GIUSTI'S Cor. Ninth and Mechanic Sts. GALVESTON, TEXAS l I G. TIETZ~, 1' l Parrots, Canary Birds and Cages, Gold l' ish and Aquariums, Fancy SeaShells, Wonders ot theocean CURIOSITIES, Imported Cigars and Tobaccos, t Genuine Meerschaum Goods, Briar Pipe~, Smokers 'Utencils' ONLY THE BEST ! I Cor. Market a nd Center Sts., I Galv eston, = Texas. J I l t I ' Bicycles, Guns, Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, BaseBal l ANO GENERAL SPORTING GOODS. WHEELS RENTED AND REPAIREO 221 Tremont St. Phone 70 GALVESTON, TEXAS I \Toltaitc-''Notl,i11g is rllOre esti1nab1e tl1an a \)l1ysician '''ho, l1aving stt1died l'1ature fron1 his youth, knows the properties of the human l>ody, exercises l1is art ,vitl1ca\ttio11, 3.r1cl pa}·s equal attention to the rich and poor," and if asked where is the best place to bu v Rub­ber Stamps, Stencils, ~letal Checks, Seals, &c., he wil.l answer prompt'y, "J. V. Love, • 2205 i\fechanic Street, Galveston, T exas." TON SORIA L PARL OR A . C. DEAN, P ROPRIETOR SHAVING, HAIR CUTTING, SHAMPOOING, HOT AND COLD BATHS 313 CENTER S TREET GALVESTON , TEXAS KHHN' S CONFECTIONERY Ice Cream that is Pure, Candy that is Wholesome, Ca kes that are Fresh, Prices that are Low, Services that are Prompt 2109 711'1'.:A:RK6T ST. CJ:tLU6ST0N· T6X7=tS ,, .s. - l ' .ll ' s \V. M. COLLIER E. WARDEN R.H. JOHN'S COLLIER& WARDEN Trunk Factory Tonsorial Artists Repairing Done Polite Attention and First Class Work Students Patronage Solicited 218-220 11arliet Street near Tremont 2008 Market Street GALVE.STON, TEXAS PICKWICK RESTAURANT • Open Day and Night ladies' and Gentlemen's Dining Parlor ~ruggist Mrs. L. CO URS, Prop. Corner Twenty -First and Market 221.1 i\larkel Sircet Phone GJ2 GALVESTON, TEXAS GALVESTON, TEXAS BODDEKER'&LYONS F. SCHORER Dealer In General Hardware Fire Arms, Ammunition,FishingTackle Builders Hardware Tools 6olf, Tennis and Base Balls and 6eneral Special A tten tion to Cutlery Sporting 6oods 2211 P. 0. St Phone 132 2206 i\\echanic St. Galveston, Texas GALVESTO.'i, TEXAS ' Manufactu,.era of High Grade Bread and Rolls SHIPPING SUPPLIED PROMPTLY 1906-1908 JV\arket Street Phone 146 GALVESTON, TEXAS THL J. SINGE.R. BOOK COMPANY "The Texas Subscription Book House" State Headquarters for Medical and Scientific Works A Full Supply MEDICAL TEX'I' BOOKS Always on Hand Correspondence Solicited Write (or Catalogue Mall Orders Receive Prompt At tention 216 Tremont Street GA LVE.STON, TEXAS !• New Orleans Polyclinic I Session open in ::\'o,·c1nbcr and close in l-lr in any special depar1111ent. For fllrther inforn1ation regarding the J'olycli11ic also our 7·rai11ing Sc/tool for 1\'ur.rop1ietors E ·v e r.ything First-Cl~1s,,;, P r om1.>t ~lnd P o lite Ser,•ic e, Open D ay a nd Night. B o.n c.1ue t H a ll 111 Co1"ln.ection. 'PHONE, .:;ea :J208 M a rl<:e t Street MARCEi.I.US KLERERC. S•. R. \'. 0 1-\\"ll)SON, JOHN NlETH E, KLEBERG, DAVIDSON & NEETHE, LHWYERS===== 414°416 Levy Building OALVESTON,TEXAS B. B. STEGER. Prop. GEO. C. DARRAS. Mgr. FouR S 1£ASONS , ( COLONIAL PARLOR Rl-~STAURANT A Swell Parlor for Nice Young People /\\I KE YOURKOVICH' Prop. liats Cleaned 50c to $ 1.50 30 Shoe Shines for $ 1.00 Ladies' Dining l)arlor Attached Clothes Clean ed and Pressed I l\lonth's Shines and Clothes $ 1 .:)0 OPEN !JAY AND NIGHT Pana1nas Altoona Bleached 318-320-322 Center Street First Class Worll Cigars and Tobacco G A1.vEs·roN, T EXAS GA LVESTON, TEXAS ATTEND DRAUGHON'S PRACTICAL BusiNESS CoLLEGES FOR A THOROUGH COURSE IN BOOK-KEEP!NG,SHORTHAND & TYPEWRITING COLLEGES LOCATED AT GALVESTON, WACO, FT. WORTH, DENISON, SAN ANTONIO AND FIFTEEN OTHER CITTES OF THE SOUTH BEST FACILITIES W RITE FOR CATALOG • ' l I ' \ • ,