: . - J.nrns L. CA'.LDWELL, PRIXXER. l8G4,. : . - J.nrns L. CA'.LDWELL, PRIXXER. l8G4,. ' - J853-~1. J'IUNT:cD _AT .THE OFF10E OF iJ'llE S. W. RiPTIST. SECOND OF TllE FEMALE COLLEGEท, 1853ท4~ TUSKEGEE,.: Ala : PRINTED AT THE OFFICE OF THE S. W. BAPTIST. 1854. Lfbrary University of TtH•~ !. IIStir• T,ll"f ftf • 3 HoN. WILLIAM P CBILTON,-President, CULLEN BATTLE, M. D.,-Vice President, JOHN C. H. REID, EsQ.,-Treasurer, WILLIAM C. McIVER, EsQ.,-Secretary, HoN. GEO. W. GUNN, ERASTUS W. JONES~ M. D., HENRY A. HOWARD. M. D., SAMPSON' LANIER, EsQ., GEORGE B. NUCKOLLS, EsQ., WILLIAM W. BATTLE, EsQ., . BARZILLA.I GRAVES, EsQ. 4 HoN. HENRY W. CoLLIER, L. L. D., REV. G. R. FOSTER, Weturnpka, REV, JOSHUA H. FOSTER, Tuscaloosa, HoN. ทWYLIE W. MASON, Tuskegee, vV. B. Moss, ESQ., Montgomery, .A. J. PICKET. "> " REV. 'l'HOMAS. B. SLADE, Columbus, Ga., ท HoN. JOHN G. SHORTER, Eufaula, HoN. THOMAS H. vVATTS, Montgomery, M. B. WELLBORN, EsQ., Clayton, REV. VvILLIAM wILLIAMS, .11.uburn. Jt!i!ff'" It is the duty of the IloAim OF ExAllUNERS to attend the examinations and report to the public upon the merits of the same. Vacancies may be : tilled by the members present from the Board of Visitors. -~~ \ i~~mmJ CO)~ w~;~~ฉ)m~Q REv. M. ANDREWS, Tuskege, MAJ; W. J. HowARD, Cross Keys, J. K. BARTON, Tallassee, R. P. LrnE, Richmond, DR. B. A. BLAKEY, Cross,Keys, D.R. W • .MclvER, Wetumpka, F. E. BOYKIN, Russell County, W. H. l\IcINTosu, Eufaula, P. M. CALLAWAY, Eufaula, A. J. :McLE1IORE, l\Iontgomery, DR. A. S. CALHOUN, Russell County, HoN. Cm.s ..l\IcLEMORE, La Fayette, DAvrn CLoPros, Tuskegee, DANIEL McKENZIE, Louisville, J. H. COGBURN, l\Iount l\Ieigs, T. J. l\foTLEY, Autaugaville, CoL. WM. DAVIS, Salem, S. B. PAYNE, EsQ., 'l'uskegee, l\LrnTIN H. DAY, Bruceville, REV. D. PEEBLES, Lowndes Couniy, lloN. ทwM. DouGHERTY, Columbus, Ga., Dxvm RAST, " ท '" WM. E. Du IlosE, Enon, JOSEPH RAWLS, Fort Henderson, J. W. Ecnor.s, Auburn, DR. A. J. RuBISON, Columbus, Ga., REY. l\I. N. ELEY, Union Springs, DANIEJ, SAYRE, .Tuskegee, REv. L. T. EunANK, Jernigan, D. M. SEALS, Esr~., Clayton, Rev. D. P. EVERETT, West Florida, HoN. THOMAS S. 'J'ATE, Crawfor1l, N GACHET, Tuskegee, DR. A. M. WALKEn, Columbus Ga., BYRD l\J. GitACE, Henry County, W. W. WALLER, Montgomery, REY. A. l\I. HANDY, Cross Keys, DR. R~ J. WARE, Montgomery, DR. RoBT. H. HowARD, l\facon County, STEPHEN '"~ILT.r.nrs, Russell County, _:rJ:@"" It is the duty of the BOARD OI•' VISITORS to visit the College during the term, either individually or by committees, ancl make such suggestions to the Trustees as in their judgment will promote the interests of the institution. The members of' theee Boards continue in office twelve mouths from the time of appointment-April 15th, 1854. 5 HENRY I{. BA.CON. A. M., PRESIDENT.-PROFESSOlt OF MORAL AND MENTAi, SCIENCF.. REv. ARCHIBALD J. RATTLE, A. M., PROFESSOR O~' ANCIENT LANGUAGES, NATURAL PIJ,LOSOPY AND CHEMISTRY~ THOMAS G4 POND, A. :M., PROFESSOR OF MATHEMA'fICS. Miss MARYE.. SHER:J.\ฃAN, INSTRUCTRESS IN LOGIC, ZOOLOGY AND BOTANY. Miss MARY A.' STEINHAUER, INSTRUCTRESS IN FRENCH, GERMAN AND ENGUSH. Miss BEA.TRICK C. HILL, INSTimC'rRESS IN RHETORIC, HISTORY A.~D LATIN. Miss MARY .E. CALLAWAY, PREPARATORY CJ,ASSES. DR• S. M. BARTLETT, PRINCIPAL-PROl!'ESSOR OF VOCAJ, AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. HERR GUSTAVUS GIESLER, PROFESSOR OF MUSIC ON PIANO, GUITAR A~l> VIOLIN. MRS. MARY BRY:AN, INSTRUCTRESS ON THE HARP. Miss LUCRETIA HEWES, INSTRUCTRESS ON THE PIANO. ~fRs. E. R. F. THOMSON, .INSTRUCTRESS IN DRAWING, PAIN'fING, WA..X-WORK, EMBROIDERY AND F.A...~CY-WORK. MR. AND :i\fas. ALEXIS. A. HOWARD,ท PRINCIPALS. 6 MARY J. ALEXANDER, Tuskegee, MARTHA c. DRISKILL, • • .Macon County, .ANNIE E .. GARY, Tuskegee, Lucu PrncK.ARD, • • • .Macon Caunty, LYDIA A. RooT, • • • • • • • Tuskegee, .MARY A. THOMPSON, . • • .. • Tuskegee• 7 NAMES. RESIDENCES. PARENTS AND GUARDIANS. ADAMS, JULIA E. Lockland, Edward B. Adams, ADAMS, SUSAN w. Tuskegee, _Robert B. Adams, ALDRIDGE, SARAH A. ' Salem, Nathan L. ทAldridge, ALEXANDER, MARY J. Tuskegee, James M. Alexnnder, ALLEN, CAROLINE R. Macon County, James Allen, ALLEN' MARTHA A. 1uskegee, Lovick P. Allen, ALLUMS, REBECCA M. Ridgel:IJ, John Allums, BAILEY, EMMA A. Tuskegee, Mrs. O. S. Bailey, BAILEY, SAUAH, w. " " BARNES, SARAH E. L:1J11cliburg, William C. Barnes, BASCOM, ANNETTE Tuskegee, Mrs. N. A. Bascom, BASCOM, CORNELIA " " BATTLE,_MARGARET E. Meridianville, J. D. Battle1 BATTLE, SARAH G: Ridgely Col. w. w. Battle, BECK, MARYL. San Antonio, Texas, Capt.. Joseph Beck, BEDELL, GEORGIA A. Tuskegee, John Bedell, BEDELL, MARY E. ท" ท" BENNETT, ELIZA B. Columbia, James Bennett, BLAKEY, EMILY T. Cross Keys, Dr. Boling A. Biakey, -BRITT, VIRGINIA Eufaula, Mrs. Elizabeth Britt, BROWN, ANN E. Tuskegee, Judge Lewis Alexander, BROWN, GEORGIA c. Olivet, . Benj. G. Brown, BROWN, VICTORIA E. ' BUTLER, MARY A. E. Uchee, Pine Level, Rev. J.P. W. Brown, William J. Butler, ' BYRD, MARIA R, ทTuskegee, James W. Byrd, BYRD, vIRGINIA E. 'ท " CARGILE, MARY c. Eufaula, ~Thomas Cargile, CARLOS, SARAH M. ' Tuskegee, Paul P. Carlos, CARTER, MARY A. " Asa J. :Carter, CARTER, MELINDA M. " " CHAPPELL, EUGENIA E. " Maj. William Williams, CH1r,ToN,-LAVINIA " Hon. Wm. P. Chilton, CHILTON, MARGARET F. ' CHILTON, MARY c. " " CLARK, SARAH E. " Batte P. Clark, CLIATT, FRANCES A. K. Jernigan, William, Cliatt, ~ NAMER. Cm.E, AMAZON, CoLE, CALISTA COLEMAN' ANN CoLEMAN, ELVIRA v~ COLQUITT, MARTHA E. CONYERS,!{ARTHA c. COOK:_, SARAH A. Cox, MARTHA M. Cox, VIRGINIA A. CRYMES, CORNELIA J. CULBERSON, LucY V. DAVIS, ELIZABETH G. DAYIS, GEORGIA A. DAY, ELIZABETH L. DIXON, il!ARy DOUGHERTY, REBECCA DOUGHERTY, SARAH .DOUGLASS, ELLEN E. ' 8 IJNJ)ERGRADlJATES, .PARE:N"TS AND GUAHDIA.i..._S, S!treve Port, La., ,, " " .Montgomery Count!J, Ckttnnenuggee, Salem, . Mount Meigs, Sunny Side, Enon, ' " " Notasulga, Salem, " Bruceville, Cotton Valley, Tuskegee, " Mobile, DRAKEFORD, CAROLINE E. Tuskegee, DRISKILL, MARTHA c. Du BosE, JULIA 'I'. DYE, Er,IZA E. r DYER, CAROLINE. s. EDWARDS, MARTHA A. ELL:MORE, ELIZABETH T. EUBANK, ELIZABETH L. EUBANK, LAVINIA M. A. Macon County, Enon, Kelly's Spri1"gs, Pine Level, Tuskegee, " Jernigan, t " F1TZPATRICK, REBECCA S. Tuskegee, FLOURNOY, SUSANNA FOSTER, ANN GACHET, JANE GACHET, ROCHELLE GARY' ANNIE E. GARY' FANNIE R. GARTMAN' MARY J. GERMANY' ELIZ~BETH GERMANY, MARY F. GrnsoN, 1\1.ARY P. Grnsmi, VIENNA V. Macon fJounty, Tuskegee, " " " " ท11 Union Springs, Farriorsville, Macan County, 1allassee, Mrs. Wealthy Cole, " Mary Coleman, James Coleman; William T. Colquitt, John Cogburn, Tillman Cook, William Cox, " . Dr. G. W. Crymes, Rev.David B. Culberson, ท William Davis, " .Martin H. Day, William .Dixon, Hon. Robert Dougherty, " Mrs. E. D. Billingslea, J olm Drakeford, Peter Driskill, William B. Du Bose, L. G. Dye, A.J. Moore, Allen D. Edwards, Judge Henry Ellmore, Rev. L. T.Eubank, " Mrs. 1\f.. B. Fitzpatrick, 'Thomas Flournoy, Mrs. Jane Foster, Nickolls Gachet, " Mrs. Frances E. Gary, " Daniel Gartman, Geo.. W. Germany, William Germany, John Gibson, Ben. Gibson, . GrLLE,;\ฃ;IE, G. 0. GLOVER, MARY E. GRACE, JiJr...IZA L. Gn.AvEs, FANNIE L. MAUY F. GuEARY, AMANDA :M. GuNN, MAIW K GuNN NANCY A. Gu.sN, SARAH E. HAGERTY, MARY J. I-!ARRINGTo:N, MARY J. EMMA o. 9 IJNDERGRA.DUA.'fES. NAMES. RESIDBNCES. P AREXTS .A.ND GUARDIANS. HARTSFIELD, FnANCES H. Greenwood, Fla., lfanwEI,L, CAnor,rnE E. HoBDY, Br.1zABETH HooKs, ANN J. HooKER, SArtAH L. HoRA, CLARA E. HowARD, ALICE \V-. HowARD, EarMA 'ฃ. HowARD, BLIZABim1 W. HowARD, SUSAN A. HuFFI\Lrn, A:rn .M. HUNTER, SARAH B. INGRAM, MARY A. JoNEs,.OATHARINE M. JONES, CHARLOTTE J o~rns, Lou~sA KENDRICK, ELIZA J. KING, FLORENCE P. LANGFORD, AMANDA LARKINS, Lucy J. LAWLER, CATHARINE L. LEWIS, ELIZABETH R. LEWIS, JOSEPHINE, LF:w1s, .MA:nY A. LEWIS, NARCISSA H. '1itSkegee; Barbour County,. Henry County, '1.uskegee, C,fombers County, Macon CJounty, Tuskegee, Dudleyville, Tu~kegee, :Montgomery County, JVest Point, Ga~, Savannah, Ga.,ท Louisville, Ala., Caddo Parish., La., Selma, Ala., Tuskegee, Cros.s Keys, :Macon County, Tuskegee, .Mar:on County, E;ufaula, ]Jfacon County, Tuskegee, Cubahat~jee, Tus,~egee, Cliunnenuggee, Ttiskegee, Jtlacon Coimty, Elba, lJfobile, 1'u.skegee, ---Texa.~, Lowndes County, Hev. O. C. Gillespie, Hilliard G. Glover, Byrd M. Grace, Gen~ B. Graves, Dr. W. H H. Griffin, Mrs. Mary Gueary, Gen. Geo. \V. Gunn, .John Gunn, Gen. Geo. W. Gunn, Thomas Zimmerman, Rev. W. D. Harrington, 1Villiam Hartsfield, rl'homas B. Harwell, Harrall Hobdy, David I. Hooks, l\frs. L. J. Hooker, William Hora, J\foj. W. J, Howard, Dr. R. H. Howard, .Alexis Howard; Lewis Huffnmn, J\Irs. S. R Hunter, 1rI1omas Ingram, 1rhomas Jones, JC!hn J. Jones, Dr. Erastus Vv . .Jones, James R. Kendrick, Dr. \Villiam King, Richard Langford, Jamcs Larkins, Gen. L. ทw. I,awler, Capt. ทw. L. Lewis, Eli II. Lide.' Hon. Robert Dougherty, William W. Waller, 10 UNDERGRADUATES. NAMES. RESIDENCES. PAltENTS AND GU.UtD!L'\'S. LONG, FANNIE, Russell County, Col. Nimrod W. Long, MASON, EMMA 0. Tuskegee, ท Hon. ,V, W. Mason, lvL<\SON, S.mAH A. .Macon Comity, William Menefee, l\IcLENDON, ELIZA L. Jernigan, John McLendon, l\foLENDON, MARY L. " " :McCowEN, MARTHA J. Dudle!Jville, Greenbury :McCowen, McUowEN, SAHAII A. " " MelYER, LoursA. M. Tuskegee, William C. Mciver, McKKNZIE, ANN, Loui.)ville, Daniel McKenzie, McKENZIE, SusAN " " McLEMORE, ELIZABETH M. Montgomery Co., A. J. McLemore, l\foLE.liORE, MARGARET v. " McLF~'IO~E, ~IARTIIA E. '' Moses 1\IcLemore, McLEMORE, REBECCA E. . " MILES, MARTHA E. Tuskegee, Judge L. Alexander, MITCHELL, MARY L. < Columbus ,V. Mitchell, l\IrrcHELL,. PmLOKEr.Y E. " Dr. William J. ~fitchell, ท l\fouLTON, SARAH. E. Montgomery Co., • Mrs. Catharine Moulton, MooRE, }!ARTHA L. Warrior Stand, Dr. James L. Moore, MoRTO.N, EUGENIA V. ท Tuskegee, rrhomas Morton, MORTON, MARY J. Enon, William Morton, l\foTLiff; HURTILENA E. Autaugaville, Itobert Motley, NUCKOLLs, BuEXA V. Tuskegee, George B. Nuckolls, NUCKOLLS, 0TJLLIA M. " u NUCKOLLS, SUSANNAH G. " " NUCKOLLS, vIRGINIA E. " " PEEBLES, MELINDA 1V. Lowndes Co:,~ Rev. David Peebles, PERRY, GEORGIA .Macon Co., "'' Mrs. Elizabeth Perry, PINCKARD, LucIA Tuskegee, Mrs. Sarah Pinckard, PINKSTON, LOUISIANA (_,'ubaltatcbee James K. Pinkston, PORTER, LAURA 1\L Tuskegee, James D. Porter, PRUETT, MARTHA A. .Midway, James l\f. Pruett, PRUETT, SARAI! J. " . I " PuRYEAR, MARY C. Tuskegee, Dr.ทWilliam Puryear, RAsT, J\fAmA E. Lowndes Co., I>anicl Rast, RAWLS, ANTOINETTE N. Ft. llenderson, Joseph C. Rawls, RAWLS, N AOlU 0. " REID, :B~ANSIE 11'. Tusl.:egee, Mrs. Celia Reid, REID, loNE John C.H. Heid, 11 UNDERGRADUATES, N . .H{~S. RESIDENCES. PARENTS .A.i.'lD GUAIWIANS, HEID, SARAH \V. TiMJkegee, ROBERTSON, MARY G. Cusseta, RODINSON ANN ,v. Columbus, Ga. RoBINsoN,-MARY E. " RooT, LYDIA A. Tuskegee, Ross, l\LrnY E. Glennville, RowELr,, GEORGIA A. Ft. Henderson, SALTER, MARGARET R. Cliina Grove, ScoTT, MARY F. Montgomery Co. SHACKELFORD, AsTORIA J. Autmtgaville, SHACKELFORD, REBECCA s. " SHORTER, MARY J. Eufaula, Srns, LUCINDA E. Clayton, SINQUEPIELD, TuENEY W. Eufaula, SISTRUNK, AtABAMA E. Macon County, S.mTH, ELLEN L. Tuskegee, SmTH, HARRIET E. " STAFFORD, CLARA 'f. ทJftlacon County, SทrE,'ENs, ISABELLA M. Tuskegee, STEVENs,_JosEPIIINE 'r. " SToUDENMIER, LAURA " STRANGE, BEltENIOE " STRATFORD, HARRIET A. Cross Keys, Su:m1ERS, ELIZABETH A. Cusseta, -. sUMillERS, MARGARET II. " SWANSON, CATHARINE B. Warrior Star.4;.. SWANSON, ~..,RAt.::CES o!.. Tuskegee, SW.ANSON, JosEPHINE E. SWANSON, LEONORA E. TARVER, MARY v. Bruceville, THOMPSON, FANNIE 0. Union Springs, THOMPSON' FANNIE R. " r:rnoMPSON, ฐMARY A. Tuskegee, THOMPSON, MARGARET F. Union Springs, ,. THOMPSON, SARAH A. 'l'J,IOMSON' };~LORENCE F. Tuskegee, THORNTON, SARAH v. Union Springs, 'J'IIUR:\IAN, JUETTE 0. VARNER LoursA S. Tuskegee Mrs. Celia Reid, D.S. Robertson, Dr. Alex~nder Robinson, " Rev. Timothy Root, Hcv. William Ross, Howell Rowell, William B. Salter, . John Caffee, '.fทJ. Motley, 1, H~n. John G. Shorter, Rev. Joel Sims, Mrs. Linny Sinquefield, Mrs. Susan Sistrunk, N eaL 0. Smith, William H. Stafford, Milton Stevens, ท V. D. Stoudenmier, r,.B. Strange, . Richard Stratford, John Summers, " Dr. W. G. Swansonท, John Swanson,'..ท " :Martin H. Day,ท Wildred O. Thompson, .Benjamin 1'hom1)son, Gen. Geo. \Y. Gunn, . Job Thompson, " Mrs. E. R. F. Thomson, I.K.Lamb, . Mrs. Jane Eaves, William Varner, 12 lTNDERGRADUATES, NAMES. RESIDENCES, l'AH.ENTS AND GUAltDIANS. 'VADE ANN K Tuskegee, William F. Wade, 'vALKER SARArr D. Ft. Decatur, ท Thomas C. Pinckard, \VALKER VIRGINIA A. vVATT, LucY M. Tuskegee; Rev. J. lt~. Watt, WATT, MARYE. " "\VILLIAMS EVELINA E. Macon County, Maj. William Williams, WILLIAMS, MARTHA c. Russell County ท Steven Williams, vvILLIA111s, SA.RAH J. " w ILLIS, MARY J. Dudleyville, Paul S, Willis, wOOD, EUGENIA R. .Morgan to., Ga., John C. Wood, ZlllIMERMAN EUGENIA M. Montgomery County, C. P. Zimmerman, ZIMMERMAN SARAH E. Thomas Zinmierman. " --~~ SUM.MARY. 'SENIOR CLASS,........................................... 6 JUNIOit CLASS, ••••.••••••••••••• •••••••••••• •••• : •••••.• 17 SornoM<;>RE CLAss,..... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 18 FIB.ST CLASS, ••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••.••• : • • • • • • 33 A. CLASS, ••••••••.•..••.••••••..••••••••••••••••••••••• 51 B. CLASS, ••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••ท•••••••••.. 27 c. CLASS, •••••.•••.••••••.•••••ท. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • 19 IRREGULAR AND PRIMARY CLASSES, •••••••••••••••• , •,. • • • • • . 33 TOTAL, .• ; • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 201 NUMBER OF PuPII..S 'lN INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, .•••••••••.••••••• 97 " EMBROIDERY,.............. : ••••.•.•••.• 29 " " " 'ท " " " DH.AWING, 13 ททททททททททททททททททททททททททท " FANCY WORK, .•••••..•••••••••••••.•• " " " 9 " " " " OIL pAINTING, ••••••••••••••••••••••.• 4 " " " " WATEit COLORS, ••••••••••••• ท••••••••• 3 library University of T&M Austin, TP.xa~ 13 PRIMARY 0LAss.-Alphabet, Spelling, Reading. D. 0LAss.-Spelling, Reading, Writing, ~l'inmry Geography. C. 0LASs.-Spelling and defining, Reading, Writing, Modern Geography and .Mapping, Grammar1 Mental Arithmetic. B. CLASS.-:..Spelling and. Defining, Reading, Writing, Modern Geography and Mapping, Grammar, Written Arithmetic., A. CLAss._:_Spelling and Defining, Reading,W riting, Ancient Geography, Parsing, 1~rithmetic, SacreImฎJlli{D)~r@g the Lib1~a.ry '? And yet so small a gift from each one who feels an interest in the College, would . soo'n accumulate an a.mount of treasure of more value than much gold. ' .--~~~~-- REQUIREMENTS Ii,O R ADMISSION. I. Pupils are received at any time during the term, and into any class they ~ay desire to enter, provided, in the estimation ef the Faculty, they are thoronghly , prepared. II. Those entering the Preparatory department are required to complete the course there prescribea or what is equimlent before they are admitte~ into the First Class of the College course. Applicants from other schools to enter this class, shall upon exarnination be found to write a legible hand, spell. correctly, read fluently, analyze and parse the English Language 'vell, and have a good knowledge of Geography and Arithmetic as far aE! ทProportion. ท " III. Those desiring to enter the Sophomore, Junior or Senior class shall exhibit a corresponding degree ทof advancement. A good estimate of this may be formed by reference to 'tlie "COLLEGE OoURSE,"page,14, and the remarks which follo":. IV. Should an applicant fail to meet the requirements in one or two particulars only, she will be allowed the privilege of private instructionJor~a time, with the view of making up her deficiencies. 18 ' V. To those whose circumstances may limit their connection with the College to a shorter period than that required to complete the whole course, an Irregular course, including such branches as shall be best suited to their capacities and attainments, will be ทprescribed. At its termination a certificate will be granted to all such, showing the progress they have made in ,the branqhes pursued. It is strongly recommended however that the regular course be 'pursued when ever. it is practicable ; for it is confidently believed that no other can so \vell develope all the faculties of the mind. i The exercises of the college, during five days of the week, occupy each day six hours and thirty minutes. Commencing at fifteen minutes after eight A. M., and allowing for recreation, 'two hours and fifteen minutes, they close at five P. :M•. One hour at night is also devoted to study. Six hours are employed on Saturday by ทthe teachers in the Ornamental Department, in giving instruction to those whose engagements during the week do not admit of it. In the morning, at the ringing of the first bell, all the pupils assemble in the Chapel. The. exercises of the day are then introduced by reading a portion of Scripture, singing and prayer. One half hour is then employed by the music teachers in imparting instructipn in vocal music to the whole School.. At the expiration of this time commences the regular routine of recitations, ,music lessons, practice, ornamental work, etc. Those not engaged in any of these exercises, sit in one of the ,study rooms ; the members or' the Senior class occupying oue 1 e~clusively to themselves, .. the Primaries another, and the .remainder of the pupils. (by far the ma:jority,) a third, which is the main study room. Recitations _are conducted in these and in four other rooms at the same time. The teachersท in 19 the music department also give instruction to their pupils individually and direct the practice of others. Pupils in the Ornamental Department are also engaged at the same time in various kinds of work. The sound of the bell indicates that the time of those en~aged in recitation has expired. In two minutes they are seated in the study room while others occupy their places in the recit.ation rooms. 'l'hus through the day continues the labor of teacher and pupil regulated to a minute by the clock. Before closing in the afternooni the roll is called and each pupil reports her derelictions for that ~ A C5 z z ~ 0 ~ l!'st. Sen. 2. Lat. Geol. .. .. .. ...... ทA. 1. A. 3. Ar. ทAr. Soph. B. Pen ?' ...... 17 29 35. 18 29 17 18 35 ...... .. .. .. 2 411 12 x. 3. Soph.. N. P. A. 2. Ar. Jr. Log. Pen. '27 64 .. .. .. 6 54 54: 6 .. .. .. 20 36 41 2 12 136 20 ...... .. .. ., ...... 29 17 18 '55 54 6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 89 33 46 78,58 3 33 8!J 5 9 16 10 21 9 5 16 32,21 10 .......... ททI ...... 11 34 26 6.7,63 75 34 11 67 26ท75 63 ~~ .. ~~ ~; .. ~~,~~ .. ท; 38 3i 48 4217 43 .......... ทท1ทท .... 34 11 67 2675 63 ~.. ,;;; ;~.. ~~1ทท .... 65 45 39 28,21 10 21 Half h's: I. ...... .... , ...... . . 3: B. I F,st 2 I ~ 2 Hst Ar ท........................., ........ . B.' Soph Jr P. Alg Trg 13 Seu z s. 0 0 Gr :Mor P z A2 Al 'H. Sp x R Phys Fst 1 S.' Fr 2 Hist ททท~:ททท. ท~~ท~Fท~ L.47 53•50 56 G: .. 4:9 52,56 50 P. ททททททท!ท,-ททททททท L, 10 s2 72 sol H. .. I P. 81 74 80 72 ทททท:1~" .ท......l ....... ~~--..~~ do B Def .A.2 Phys Fr 3 we B. .. ....r1~ II. I~: l'. 36 , ... •19.15 .....4 :~.. "~~ I I I 50 60' 51,49 47 l\T. : v. . . . ททททททท .................. . Jr do Ev ....... ..... .. ~ Soph Sen Geom Astron ....... ........ Ul 00 8 tl1 1'~st 1 Fst 2 ~ ~ 0 Q ~ ~ Bot Bot ~ ....... ...... .. ~ ~ ,A 1 SpxR ........ ...... ... Pen Dr 4 Dr 5 Em 4 Em 5 40 30 44 31 51 60 62 61 60 51 61 6~ ....•.• . ท 1 ท .•.• , . ~ 76 83 73 I 83 76'96 73 •••• •ท:• • 1 •••••••• '57 591 31 44 40 30 87 ....88; ..l •••••• 1 88 87 57 [HJ 22 PRn.IAnY AND D. CLA.SSNH, ••••••••.•••...••• '. •••per term, ••.•••..•. $10 00 A.. ll..\...'d to sustain the Institution. Your Committee have learned that there is some dissatisfaction arising out of the fact that.the Trustees have employed some Pedo-baptist teachers in the College. , Upon inquiry into this matter, we feel satisfied that there is no ground for complaint. It is true there have been some teachers selected who were not Baptists; but the control of the Institution has been retained by the Baptists and besides. the number of Pedo-baptist teachers is in a just proportion to the number of pupils connected ทwith Pedo-baptist families.Itwill be remembereq also, that this is designed to be a Literary, aud -no.t a 'l'heological Institution. It is designed as a Oollege for the education of the daughters of all denom.iuatious ; and while it should be kept under the contro 1 of its founders, the Baptists, it would neither be wise nor just, but. productive of much injury, to render it so exclusively sectarian as to drive off the children of those who differ with us in religious tenets, as well as persons who are not members of any church, many of whom have contributed to aid in its erection. 'J'he trustees are firm and stable men, known to be Baptists, possessing the confidence of their brethren, and. are on the ground and apprised of all the circumstances ,surrounding the Institution ; and \Ve feel satisfied that they have been guided by prudence and discretion in the s~lection of teachers.---:'. The success of the Institution proves tbe wisdom of the policy , of .their action. we recommend for adoption the following resolutions : ,L Resolved, That this body ratify the appointment of brethren SA].fPSON LANIER and Rev. SAMUEL HENDERSON* t~ be the agents of said College, to raise by voluntary suQscription, the sum of ten thousand dollars, and we ear~ *Rev. A. VAN' Hoos:E has since been'appointed in their stead. 31 nestly recommend to our bretl1ren the necesity of aiding tllis ทenterprise by their liberal and timely contributions. 2. Resolved, That tl1i~ body recommendท the East Alabama Female ColJege to the support of the whole country, and especiaJJy to the Rupport of the Baptists of East Alabama, as every way worthy of theitท encourag~ment and patronage. 3. Resolved. That the Board of Trustees no'v in office he retained, and that at their eurlie~t conve~ience, they make some provision for the gratuitous tiiition of the daughters* of indigent ministers within the bounds of' the several Ae.sociutions, who have united to build up and sustain this Institution. ทw. II. l\1cIN'l'OSH, P. M. CALLAWAY, D. GORDON. D. P. FJVERFJTT, S. IH~NDlmSON. *Several are~now reaping the benefits of this rcgulatio11. ท .In presentfog ..the .secoritl .annual .repoiทt .of 'theท East Al~bamn Female Co11ege to the public, the Trustees announce lvith much satisfo.ction, that the success of the Institution, so far as respects its scholastic department, is no longer problematical. .The number of its pupils, which has been steadily increasing' f~om i~ comm.encement m1til th~ present. wht~n they amom1t to over two lninilred,-the ihoroughness of "the instruction arid the facility with which it is imparted, coupled with the lwalth of its locality and the order and morality of the citizens among\vh.om it is ทsituated, all f\Irnisb incontestable ev,idence of the permanency ahd ~alue of the Institution, and that it is, and will coi1tinue to prove a lasting blessing to the country and an honor .\0 its founders. The 'l'rustees would' not take to themselves the credit, which the. unparalleled prosperity of the College, justly coufers. This is due to the able }'aculty, the President and members of \vhich, by their unceasing toil and extraor< l;inary effortS have secured'it. ''fhe credit, of selecting agents so faith-' ful and efficient, alone is ours. We are aware there arethose who are disposed to cousider encomiums thus bestowed, as common..'place panegyric ; but to such as are atท all sceptical as to the superior advantages of' this College, either with respect to its location, the qualification of its Faculty, or the appliances for impartiug instruction, we would say, visit it; especially, attend tbe commencement and [! I I I --ท-ท-ท------ท----ท 1 32 witness tl1e examination of tl1e pupils, not upon set lessons, hut upon their whole studies, and then applyท the sciทipture rule, "by their fruits ye shall know them," and we fear not the result. A word to the friends of the College and we have done. Although the scholastic department is tlms flourishing and is fully able to sustain itself, the Trustees are without the means to complete the payment for the building, the beauty of which is also marred for want of being finis11C< 1. A small contribution from each of you would not be seriously felt, ancl would put the Institution out of debt, complete its edifice and embellish its grounds. Its finances have been economically administered, ancl we, to whom you have entrusted its management, both as individuals and as a body lmve done all we could, and now, turn to you with an earnest appeal for aid. ท Respectfully &c., THE TRUSTEES. --~~- LAVINIA. A. C1nLTON, •••••••••• ': ••••••••••••••••••••••.••• Tuskegee, EMILY C. CLAYTON,. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••.• Opelika, LouISA ~[,JONES, •••••.•••••.••.•••••••.••••••.••••••••••• Tuskegee. ท After the c:italogue. of' names given in the first part of this report bad gone to press, the Trustees, upon the recommendation of the Faculty, passed the following resolution : "Resolved, That the members_ of the Senior class of l 853, wi1l be entitled to diplomas when thPy shall have satisfied the Ji'aculty tlmt they haYe met all the requirements." It is due to the young ladies composing this class to state, that in consequence of the illness of one of' them and of the afflictions of the relatives of another, they concluded n short time before completing their regular course, to postpone their final examination to some future day. Being fully satisfied with their attainments and deportment, tbe Faculty feel no hesitancy in saying that they are well deserving of the honor conferred in declaring them graduates of the College. Diplomas will therefore be awarded to the mrmbcrs of this class, at tbe approaching Commencement. <-11 lr