LAURA ELIZABETH (BETTYE) FAULK Editor-in-Chief A. J. (BUD) TOOLE Associate Editor HENRY BALLARD RAINBOW Editorial Assistant LESTER LOYD EDMONDS, JR. General Manager FRANKIE MAE LINDSEY Business Manager MARGUERITE FREEMAN Production Manager PUBLISHED BY THE TEXAS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS, INC. THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AUSTIN, TEXAS fi='l oLDEN notes floating out over the breeze, coming to gre t ~you in a filled clas room, or during that coffee break at Home Drug, or perhaps rousing you from late morning slumber . . . Ornate iron hands counting off the minutes, hours, days w ek , months, years of your stay at the niversity ... Orange and white lights shining with your reflected pride at Longhorn victories, or with your sad or regretful remembrance of commemorative events . . . A tall, slender, weather-stained, time-scarred Tower throwing its majestic shadow over your lifr on thr Forty crrs-givin~ strength, inspiration, hope, comfort to you during your stay on campus . . . ITT HE YEAR 1957-58 has passed in a calm yet significant, way. L.:!:J It was in this year that The niversity of Texas celebrated its seventy-fifth year as an institution of higher learning. Conferences and convocations have provided study and decision concerning its future-a future which will include not only aca­demic progress, but also more serious interest in extracurricular activity. This year has seen a tradition pass away-when the Round-Up Parade was abolished, and a new one become firmly entrenched­the Charros Annual Rodeo. It has seen an underdog Longhorn eleven come from a predicted cellar position to rate second in the Conference, and receive a Sugar Bowl bid. It has seen its host of profes ors and staff members don colorful robes to walk with students and laymen in an academic proce ion up the steps of the Main Building for the convocation of the 75th Year. It has seen hasty ten o'clock trips to Dirty's for some before-cur­ few refreshment. It has seen playful students picnicking at Bull Creek while anxi­ ously awaiting the opening of Barton Springs (which never quite made it--due to Mother Nature's floods.) It has seen you, the student , working day and night for fra­ternities and sororities, professional and so ial societies, religious activities, student government committees, student publications, and studies. It has seen mid-term come, and finals go--it has seen students come, and students go. These, and many other events, have been captured in the 1958 CACT S. While the ink i still drying. reality has become a mem­ory; and through the years as you leaf through your book, may the memories-whether fond or sad-bring to mind your life on the Forty Acres. The 75th Anniversary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 7 IA lcADEMic Graduates and Seniors ... ... ... ........... ............... 33 Juniors ....................... . ............. . ...... ... . 79 Sophomores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Freshmen ............................................. 113 Honorary, Service and Professional Groups . .. .... . ... .. .... 131 IA l CTIVITIES Sweetheart ....... . . .. ......... ...... .. . ............ ... 170 Bluebonnet Belles . .. ...... .. ... ... ............... . .. .. .. 176 Outstanding Students ........... .. .... .. .. ... ........... 188 Goodfellows .... . .......... .. ......... . ................ 194 Awards ...... .. .. . .. . ... ........... ......... . .........201 Sororities ....................................... .. .....205 Fraternities . . ............ ... . ...... .......... . .. ... . . ..243 Athletics . . . .. ...... ........... .. . ........ . ............303 lntramurals .............. ........ ... . . ... ..............348 [Q]AMPUS Student Government ..... . ........................... ...362 Publications . . .. . ..... . . . ..... .......... . ... .... .. .... ..374 Dormitories and Co-Operatives............................381 Features .......... .. . ....... ..... . . . . ..... . ............403 Organizations ....... . . . .. .. .. . ..... .. ... . .... . ..... ....451 Military ..................... ..........................501 Index ..... ... .. ..... ... . .. .... . .... . .......... . .. .. ...525 PAO• 6 !clEVENTY-FIVE YEARS have rolled over The Uni­~versity of Texas since its inception in 1883, but not without leaving their mark. During those years, the dusts of time, and the halting wheels of progress have blended to carve out the 1958 face of the University-a face of granite, stone, and steel ; of green lawns and leafy trees; of people: students, faculty, administrators, and laymen; of humor and pathos; of change, symbolically represented by the flower bed on the West Mall that is re­ planted with new life twice yearly; of new ideas replacing the old that haven't stood the test of time; of scientific and tech­ nological advances; of literary and artistic accomplishments­ a face of character. But the extent to which these years have carved cannot be measured alone in new buildings and g-reen lawns-the in­ tangibles, the abstracts, the ideas must be evaluated in still another way. These must be evaluated in terms of their effect over the next 25 years. To carry out this evaluation in accordance with the 75th Year Observance at the University, several committees and conferences have been appointed: General Co-ordinators, Faculty-Staff Steering Committee, Committee of 75, Confer­ence on Expectations for the Main University, Conference on Texas, Conference on Issues ·Facing the State University, and student workshop groups. Administrative responsibility for the Observance is in the hands of Dr. L. D. Haskew, Vice-President for Developmental Services of the University. Co-ordination of activities is pro­vided under the direction of William D. Blunk, executive director, and Roy Cates, assistant executive director. To these men fell the job of co-ordinating all aspects of the vast 75th Year Program. Although public funds are not available for the 75th Year Observance, expenses Incurred are paid by an appropriation from a University trust fund, and from contributions of individuals, corporations, and foundations. (Continued on Page 10) 15th ~and lltori, onfer­~on ,·,and un~ and Dr. W. J. Adkins, Laredo R. Wright Armstrong, Fort Worth John F. Ayres, Port Arthur Rex G. Baker, Houston A. R. Bivins, Amarillo Richard W. Blalock, Marshall Julian A. Borschow, El Paso Ralph E. Bullington, Wichita Falls Waggoner Carr, Lubbock Dr. H. F. Connally, Jr., Waco Joe T. Cook, Mission Jack V. Curlin, El Paso Leroy G. Denman, Jr., San Antonio Dr. Kleberg Eckhardt, Corpus Christi Judge James Elkins, Houston Stanley M. Erskine, Midland Harvey Gaylord, Fort Worth The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Vincent M. Harris, Galveston Houston Harte, San Angelo George P. Hill, Fort Worth Mrs. Oveta Culp Hobby, Houston Dr. W. V. Houston, Houston Dr. Frank W.R. Hubert, Orange Senator Hubert R. Hudson, Brownsville Ed ldar, Jr., Laredo The Rt. Rev. Everett H. Jones, San Antonio Herman Jones, Austin Lawrence B. Jones, Dallas Abraham Kazen, Jr., Laredo Dr. R. W. Kimbro, Cleburne L. F. McCollum, Houston John W. McCullough, Galveston G. L. MacGregor, Dallas Dan McKnight, Rocksprings A. G. McNeese, Jr., Houston Wales Madden, Jr., Amarillo Sherman A. Miles, Corsicana Richard Miller, El Paso Dan Moody, Austin Dr. Hollis A. Moore, Tyler Dr. John D. Moseley, Sherman Mrs. Mary Moody Northen. Galveston Dr. L. S. Oates, Center Rabbi Levi A. Olan, Dallas N. R. Parsons, Fort Worth Dr. Herbert Poyner, Houston Charles • •. Prothro, Wichita Falls Smith R. Reynolds, Jr., Tyler Mrs. Lem Scarbrough, Austin Tom St>aly, Midland Dr. William D. Seybold, Houston Allan Shivers, Austin Carroll D. Simmons, Houston John D. Simpson, Austin Edward W. Smith, Lubbock Charles A. Spears. Sh<>rman Dr. H. W. Stilwell, Texarkana P. K. Stubbldield, Victoria L. P. Sturgeon, Austin A. M. G. Swenson, Stamford General James E. Taylor, Austin Mrs. Margaret Batts Tobin, San Antonio Mrs. Ben F. Vaughan, Jr., Corpus Christi Claude W. Voylt•s, Austin Judge Ruel C. Walker, Austin Charles B. Wallace, Dallas David M. Warren, Panhandle (de­ ceased) Dr. R. T . Weber, Austin C. C. Welhauscn, Yoakum Dr. R. L. Williams, Corpus Christi Gcorl\"e Williamson, Jr.. Jacksonville Dudley K. Woodward, Jr., Dallas Don Wooll'n, Abilene Dr. H. Arthur Zapp!'. Mineral Wells Dr. L. D. Haskew, Vice­President for Develop­mental Services and Ad­ministrator for the 75th Observance. Left to Right: Rex G. Baker and General James E. Taylor, Chairman and ice­Chairman of The Committee of 75. Standing: Roy Cates, As­sistant Executive Di­rector of the 75th Ob­servance, Seated : William D. Blunk, Executive Di­rector of the 7 5th Ob­servance. PAGE 9 (Continued from Page 8) President Wilson delivers his address on the approaching horizons for the University. To assist in policy-making and planning, a Faculty-Staff Steering Com­mittee was appointed. Under their direction, numerous faculty, staff, stu­dent, and lay action committees were formed and are operating. Realizing that personal involvement is the key to the development of widespread proprietary interest in the University on the part of the citizens of Texas, the Board of Regents in early 1957 appointed a citizens' commit­tee-The Committee of 75. This Committee is composed of 75 leading Texas citizens representing all state senatorial districts and comprising a virtual cross-section of Texas interests-business, industrial, professional, and geographic. Their job is to chart the future course for the University during the next 25 years, through investigation, deliberation, and advice. Heading the Committee is Chairman Rex G. Baker of Houston, and General James E. Taylor, vice-chairman, of Austin. An Executive Committee was set up to serve as the managerial group for the Committee's operation. The Committee's undertakings were then divided into six major areas: the mission of The University of Texas System, the quality of operation to be sought, the scope and size of the University System, developmental policies, implementation for the goals ultimately decided upon, and agreement upon and production of the final report. To work in these areas, four Task Forces were constructed, each with a different area to investigate and evaluate. The final report itself is to be an all-Committee project. Conclusions reached by this Com­mittee will affect the entire Univer­sity System-which in 1956 became the fourth largest in the nation. These conclusions will affect a Uni­versity with an endowment now ex­ceeding that of any other college or university, and a physical plant worth more than 67}"2 million dollars. A committee with its sights on a more narrow, but nevertheless, important area is the Conference on Expectations, made up of 118 lay, 50 faculty, and 23 students. Their job is to ex­amine closely the Main Uni­versity in Austin. Members of the Confer­ence were appointed to work groups to investigate six major areas of concern: faculty and staff, conditions under which faculty and staff serve, students, per- Dr. Harry Huntt Ransom, Main University Vice-President and Provost, awards Carroll Ann Hodges the symbolic 75,000th degree. Coin. ,stu. nt of ~ lmit. Iting 'exas ll to !ugh man nan, nup hen em, ~~ lely ask ha ind ,(0 m. er. me lll. DI· ~· or :al Vi sonal services to students, facilities, and psychological climate in which the University operates. Report of this Committee goes to both the University administration and the Committee of 75. The Conference on Texas, held in April, met to assess the human, material, and cultural resources of the State at the present time, and to project future developments in these areas. This tied together the role of The Uni­ versity of Texas in the future of the State. Another study conference-Con­ference on Issues.Facing the State University-to be held in Novem­ber-will bring some 60 education leaders from all interests, back­grounds, and points of view, to dis­cuss the educational issues of our time. One other phase of this 75th Year Obser-vance-the student viewpoint-was handled through student 75th Year Workshops on a wide range of subjects: physical plant, Greek system, independent students, faculty and staff needs; school spirit; and many more. Reports from these groups were made in early March, to the Con­ference on Expectations. During the coming year, elaborate plans have been laid to continue work on the needs uncovered in these reports, by a 75th Year Implemen­tation Committee. This isn't all the 75th Year Story, however. As with any observance or celebration, there are some of the trimmings and trappings. There is the 75th Year signet to be used on letterheads, envelopes, brochures, and postage-meter ad­vertisements on millions of letters. The four U. S. Post Offices in Aus­tin are using a canceling mark with the wording, "Uni­versity of Texas, 75th Year, 1883-1958." There are exhibits, both on-and off-campus, with the possibility of a State Fair exhibit. There are in-person speaking appearances of faculty, staff, students, ex-students, and Committee of 75 mem­bers. There is a specially designed 75th Year Flag, which was raised amid bursts of cannon fire from Old Smokey at the 75th Year Convocation and Academic Procession which officially opened the 75th Year on January 10, 1958. A luncheon is enjoyed in the Union Building Ballroom follow­ing the Convocation ceremonies. PAGE 11 APPROACHING HORIZONS (Excerpts from a speech made by f udge Ruel C. Walker at the Convocation of the 75th Year of The University of Texas) fnl URING the coming months the eyes of Texans every­~where will be focused on this, their State University. For the design of the future is being drafted, to the end that twenty-five years hence this institution will have as­ sumed its intended place among· the world's great centers of learning. There is good reason to believe that this high goal will be achieved. The ties of memory and devotion span both time and dis­tance. Today the farflung family and friends of The University join hands with us across the years and around the world as we honor a beloved institution for its lasting contributions to the welfare and progress of mankind. They share with us pride in the accomplishments of the past and hopes and dreams of the future. The history of The University cannot be viewed apart from the history of Texas, for the threads of one are woven into the fabric of the other. Through this fabric run two threads or trends that have had an important bearing on the development of the institution and the State. The first of these is the enormous growth in population which Texas has experienced from the days of the Republic to the present time. And with each passing year an ever-increasing proportion of the popula­tion has been attending institutions of higher learning. Paral­leling this growth in population has been a steadily expanding economy accompanied by a shift from an agricultural to an industrial base. During most of the years the history of The University has been characterized by a constant struggle to meet the educational needs of this growing population and changing and expanding economy. In the beginning, friends of public higher education must have felt there might never be a state university in Texas. The first bill to incorporate The University of Texas was introduced shortly after the Declaration of Independence. It got through one reading. In 1838 President Mirabeau B. Lamar submitted to the Congress of the infant Republic his memorable message from which the motto of The University was later selected. "Cultivated mind is the guardian genius of democracy, and while guided and controlled by virtue, the noblest attribute of man. It is the only dictator that freemen acknowledge, and the only security which freemen desire." Congress responded by setting aside lots in the new capital city for the site of a uni­versity and appropriated some 220,000 acres of public land for the endowment of two institutions of high learning. But more than forty eventful years were to pass before The University of Texas became a reality. !Al FTER the State was admitted to the Union, a statute lQJ was enacted which specifically provided for the estab­ lishment of a university, but before it could be carried into effect the nation was torn by a bitter and destructive civil war. Finally in 1876 our present Constitution was adopted. It directed the Legislature as soon as practicable to establi h and provide for the support of a university of the first cla s to be located by a vote of the people and styled "The University of T exas." It also set aside an additional million acres of public land for the endowment and support of the new institution, directed that no general revenue funds should ever be used for the erection of its buildings, and made the Agricultural and Mechanical College, which had already been established, a branch of The University. Five more years passed before effec­ tive action wa~ taken to carry out these constitutional provi­ sions. In 1881 under the leadership of Governor Oran M . Roberts, the necessary legislation was at last adopted. At elec­ tions held the same year, the people voted to locate the Main University at Austin, which was selected over Waco and Tyler. Galveston was chosen as the site of the Medical Branch, with Houston second in the poll. Shortly after the rlection results were announced, the first Board of Regents convened and set about the task of creating a university. Dr. Ashbel G. Smith of Harris County was elected President of the Board, and A. P. Woolridge of Austin wa chosen as its secretary. Two years later, on September 15, 1883 Galveston Medical Branch of The University of Texas PAGE 12 statute ' estal>. carried re rilil 1ted. It sh and to be iity of publir tution, •u;ro !land ed, a elfec­or01·i- DM. elec­ \!ain ryJer. wiili first iring ~ted was 881. THE UNIVERSITY'S FIRST FACULTY The University of Texas was formally opened with a faculty of eight professors and four assistants, an enrollment of some two hundred students, and a physical plant consisting of forty acres of land and the unfinished west wing of the old Main Building. Urttil this structure was ready for occupancy the following January, classes were held in the temporary Capitol at the corner of Congress and Eleventh Streets. T he growth of The University during the early years was steady but it could hardly be called spectacular. The Medical Branch was activated at Galveston in 1891. The center section and east wing of the Main Building were also completed; some four or five other structures were added to the main campus; the office of President was created by the Board of Regents ; and the enrollment passed the one thousand mark. At the end of the first twenty-five years, however, the institution was still a small college, easily accommodated in a few buildings. !TlHE second quarter-century of its history was an era ofL!J decisions and events that would make it possible for this small college to develop into the fine institution we have today. With the establishment of the graduate school in 1910, it began to assume the status of a real university. Colleges and professional schools play their own vital roles, but the real justification of the right to be called a university is the presence of great scholars and teachers who devote themselves primarily to research and graduate instruction. A second significant step was taken when the institution we now know as Texas Western College was established by the Legislature and placed under the control of the Board of Regents. The pattern of a university system with branches lo­cated at appropriate points all over the State was thus confirmed. Another important measure was the decision of the admin­istration and Board of Regents to develop a comprehensive plan for the future growth of the Main University. The early structures built on the campus had been designed and located without reference to such a plan. Outstanding architects were now called in as consultants, and a number of fine buildings, designed for both permanence and heauty, were erected. One of the factors that had retarded the school's early growth was the constitutional provision prohibiting the use of general revenue funds for buildings. Before the University opened in 1883 its landed endowment had grown to more than two mil­lion acres, but the land was so poor that the annual income rarely exceeded five or ten cents an acre. When the cornerstone of the Main Building was laid in 1882, the principal address, delivered by Dr. Ashbel Smith, was singularly prophetic in out­look. "Smite the rocks with the rod of knowledge," he said, "and fountains of unstinted wealth will gush forth." jciAR LY in 1923 a drilling rig was unloaded from the ~railroad on University land in Reagan County. The discovery of oil at this wildcat location was so im­probable that the well was named Santa Rita after the Saint of the Impossible. But at six o'clock on Monday morning, May 28, 1923, the Santa R ita well blew in, and The University of Texas has never been the same since. The discovery of oil on University land brought added re­sponsibility and numerous problems to the administration and the regents. For one thing, a wayward relative living over in the Brazos bottoms was suddenly reminded of family ties long forgotten. Little notice had previously been given to the con­stitutional provision making A&M a branch of the University, but this section of our fundamental law now became important to both institutions. After a series of conferences, the two gov­erning boards worked out an amicable agreement under the terms of which the Available Fund, other than the income from grazing leases, is divided one-third to A&M and two-thirds to the University, with the latter receiving all of the money from surface leases. The agreement has proven to be fair and satis­factory to both schools. PAGE 13 !TlHE first essential to any great university is a faculty ofL!.J the highest quality. When The University opened in 1883, the top salary of a professor was the same as that of the Governor, $4,000 per annum. This was a high figure for those days, the equivalent of probably $15,000 to $20,000 today. With the long agricultural depression beginning in 1887 and the panic of 1893, maximum salaries were rut back to $2,500 which was about one-third the amount paid by the University of Chicago. During most of the years that were to follow, Texas has not offered faculty salaries comparable to those paid by the leading universities of the land. But in spite of this handicap, succeeding administrations have met with remarkable success in their efforts to provide a qualified faculty to meet the needs of a steadily, and sometimes rapidly, growing student body. More recently the Legislature has provided in­creased financial support, and this has made it possible to employ more teachers and has also improved the institution's competitive pos1t1on in securing and retaining the services of outstanding authorities in many fields of learning. Another important requirement of any university is an ade­quate physical plant. Within the past twenty-five years more than thirty permanent buildings have been added to the main campus. Today more than $58,000,000 worth of buildings have been either completed or authorized for construction, and The University System has become the fourth largest in the nation. It now compris~s The Main University at Austin, the Medical Branch at Galveston, Texas Western College at El Paso, the Dental Branch and the M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute, both in the Texas Medical Center at Houston, the Southwestern Medical School at Dallas, the Postgraduate School of Medicine with headquarters in Houston and divisions at seven other points in the State, and the Institute for Marine Science at Port Aransas. This doesn't mean that our resources have been spent only on buildings. Through the years additional land for campus expansion has been acquired by gift and by purchase, and faculty knowledge and skills have been supplemented by great libraries, specially equipped laboratories and classrooms, and other facilities needed to perform the University's three-fold mission of teaching, research, and public service. The recent building program has provided a number of additional dormitories for women and several for the accommo­dation of men at the Main University. The first dormitory for women on or near the campus was Grace Hall, erected by the Episcopal Church in 1897. This was followed by the Woman's Building and Kirby Hall, the latter being provided by the Methodist Church. Then came S.R.D., which was built by the Scottish Rite Masons, and Littlefield Memorial Dormitory, con­structed by the University with funds bequeathed by the will of Major George W. Littlefield. GRACE HALL Shortly after the establishment of the University, Regent George W. Brackenridge announced to his associates that he would give $10,000 to construct a dormitory for boys. The second building to be placed on the campus was erected with these funds. Officially designated as "Brackenridge Hall" but always known as "B Hall," it was reserved for upper-clas men. As the student body grew, the residents of the Hall began to develop an esprit de corps that has become one of the legends of the University. The building was converted into offices and lecture rooms; and after being used in this way for a quarter of a century, it was torn down in 1952. We who have passed through these halls have had a rich experience that encompassed a great deal more than classroom instruction. Some of the brightest pages in our books of memo­ries are filled with matters that a few might say added little or nothing to the greatness of an institution of higher learning: the sharp tongue or personal idiosyncrasies of a beloved pro­fessor; intercollegiate and intramural athletic contests; "The PAGE 14 . ' ', . . . ( . . ' ·. ·.·:· \ ,I I ! \ '' ' ' • ' • '' • L ' ~' { '\ '!: , :that he O)~. The ted with la!!" but laismen. iegan to legends ires and quarter Iarich l.\lfOOm memo· uttle or uning: ~d pro­;"The Eyes of Texas" played and sung just before the kick-off; pep rallies, bonfires, and torch light parades; the shacks where many of us received our instruction; initiations and political campaigns; the rivalry of various segments of the student body; serenades and "Germans"; and picnics at Dillingham's. These are part of the student life of a great university, and we are grateful for the happy memories they bring us today. It is always pleasant to dwell on matters of this character, but our time is growing short. The amount of money that has Intramural game on well-lighted Whitaker Field. been invested in The University during the past seventy-five years is a matter of record. Although the returns on this invest­ment cannot be measured as accurately, it's safe to say that they far exceed the amount invested. For The University has played a highly important role in the development of our State's greatest asset-an educated citizenship. The lives of thousands of men and women have been enriched by their experiences in this University, and at the same time they have developed quali­ties of mind and character that are essential to responsible leadership and effective citizenship. With each passing year, knowledge and skills acquired in these halls and under the guidance of teachers trained here have increased the produc­tivity of the State and thus have added enormously to its eco­nomic resources. The programs of basic and applied research have been geared not only to the advancing front of knowledge among the major institutions of America, but also to the specific inter­ests of T exas and the security and welfare of the entire nation. Significant contributions have already been made, will continue to be made, to our national security, to human development, physical health and mental welfare, to the improvement of teaching and research techniques, to the conservation of re­sources, to the processes of local and state government, to ad­vances in production and management, and in other areas important to our economy. In the performance of its third major function-public serv­ice-The University has provided correspondence courses for those who could not come to the campus, conducted training courses for employees and executives, supplied library materials to people all over the State, assisted communities, schools, and other organizations in problems of planning and administration, and staged conferences and institutes for improving professional knowledge and practices. These and other services too numerous to mention have been rendered to people and institutions all over our State. Texas is justifiably proud of The University's record and the recognition which it now en joys. In all of the vast region south of Missouri, east of California and wPst of Virginia and North Carolina, it is the only public institution of higher learning that is a member of the Association of American Universities-a group of thirty-seven institutions of the highest academic stand­ing in the United States and Canada. It is one of the fifteen state-supported institutions that are members of this organization. Today as The University of Texas continues to go forward, it is undergirded by the spirit and courage of that great host of men and women-of the past and the present-who have pro­vided this educational heritage that is ours. Their names are inscribed on the rolls of The University for the past seventy-five years-faculty, regents, administration, staff, and student body --on the official records of the branches and departments of our State Government, and on the roster of those public-spirited citizens who have contributed generously of their possessions, time, and abilities to the progress and growth of this institution. Improvement of Research Techniques. They have created for us a great center of learning, dedicated to the preservation, diffusion, and advancement of knowledge. If we build as wisely through the coming years, The University of Texas will move onward and outward to its greater destiny­and the dream of our forefathers will be realized. That the vision and the zeal of Texas and her people may be equal to this task is our prayer today. PAOP. 15 STUDENTS' 75th ANNIVERSARY WORKSHOPS STEERING COMMITTEE Pete Addison Y. Gunter, III, Chairman Robb Kendrick Burlage Eugenia Nelson Head Clovis Clyde Morrisson, Jr. Glenn Alfred Rogers Donald Ray Stodghill Jarrett Bernice Vogan Patricia Ann Wilcox, I William Howard Wolf ACADEMIC ADVISING Patricia Padgett, Chairman Catherine Clark Eden Nelma Ann Jones Roberta Love Herbert Cook Wilson CURRICULUM Robert John De Vries, Chairman Michael Edwin Baggett Marian Lynette Fairey Billye Rae Funk David Andrew Kendrick Pat Morrow Lois Sigwart Allen Smith Suzanne Lee Stark Helen Elizabeth Wear FOREIGN STUDENTS Ann McFadden, Chairman Daniel Shelton Gafford Mohammed Arif Hayat Margaret Clare Perkins Anne Price JoAnn Sohn George Polk Williams FRESHMAN ORIENTATION Mary Marjorie Menefee, Chairman Elizabeth Joyce Bourdon Suzanne Bowling Diana Cain Marjorie Ann Foster Margot Ann Mayfield Betty Lynn McCormick John Clayton Mutchler Roslyn Parrish Patricia Ann Price Mary Ann Shaw Avis Andrea Tieber Phyllis Ann Wiegand Tomas F. Ybarra GREEK SYSTEM Mildred Rose Meili, Co-Chairman Joe Gentry Roady, Co-Chairman Gordon E. Beck Judith Lynn Eason Carol Suzann Lewis Mary Gay Maxwell Sterling Newman Don Hargrove Smith Jen Cary Tomlinson INDEPENDENT STUDENTS James Douglas Pfluger, Chairman Anita Eugenia Beckham Fred Wayne Blackwell Evan Hintner Johnny Wesley Tackett Joyce Elaine Thoresen Bill Glen Wiley Bill Wilson Tomas F. Ybarra MAJOR CAMPUS ACTIVITIES William Joseph Bailey, Co-Chairman Patty Mays Cartwright, Co-Chairman Bill Davidson James Hudson Davis Dorothy Dawson Larry Sylvester Glazer Sally Kay Maxwell G. Diane Ross Carolyn Thomas Sharon Sue Voyles PHYSICAL PLANT Emil E. Friberg, Chairman Charles William McHugh Ronny Norman Schoenbrun Oliver Lee Watson PUBLIC RELATIONS John Williamson Barnhill, Co-Chairman Sandra Esquivel, Co-Chairman Helen Wynward Bellhouse Paul John Carson Erin Higgins Jon Russell Hornaday William Howard January Sandra Kay Jones Roberta Love Donna Carol Manske Charlene Cartter Markle C. Elaine Mathews Peggy Louise Parker Johnny Wesley Tackett Marcia Anne Voyles Margo Wiley RACE RELATIONS Charles Joseph Macmanus, Chairman Robert Anthony Butler Jim Davis Carolyn Louise Gnauck Anthony Ray Henry Frank August Hueter, Jr. Linda Lou Jones George Elias Krimpas Pat McGuire Morton H. Meyerson Clove Moulton Bill Weinzreal SERVICE GROUPS Dorothy Dawson, Co-Chairman Phillip Sherwood Paul, Co-Chairman Ben S. Bradshaw Harley R. Clark Gray Davis Mary Ellen Embree Joan Marie Franklin Joseph Franklin Guerrero, Jr. Rosemary Clyde House Harry Lee Hudspeth Martha King Hughes Bill Lee Liggin A. Virginia Nash Doyle Emmett Perkinson Leroy Edward Sebesta William Howard Wolf SCHOOL CALENDAR James Terrell Townsend, Chairman Philip Calvin Cezeaux Jay Jules Karkowsky Lou Ann Lancaster Rodney Harry Margolis Sunny Lee Schulz Barbara Lee Vermillion SCHOOL SPIRIT COMMITTEE Jill McMurry, Chairman Helen Wynyard Bellhouse Joe Stuart Clements Ronald Jack Finger Ann McCarroll Jane Catherine Wilson Joel Don Zimmerman STAFF NEEDS Richard Arlin Stanley, Chairman Wayne Ferguson Paul McCaughey Hagans Anthony Girard Lozano Larry Robinson Jerry Eugene Summers STUDENT GOVERNMENT Lee Hughes, Chairman C. Alwyn Barr Maline Gilbert Mary Carolyn Hall Georgia W. Hawks Morton H. Meyerson Phil Patman James Jay Siegel Sally Elizabeth Spears Harrio Sterling William Bryan Stoermer, Jr. William Neal Sunshine Charles Irving Toubin Katherine Louise Voetmann TEXAS UNION MARRIED STUDENTS COUNCIL Paul Justin Mc-Broom, Chairman Mrs. Ann Culver Mrs. Mildred Mankin Mrs. Martha McBroom Davis McGill Mrs. Pat Peoples Mrs. Patti S ott Mrs. Mary Margaret Sturdivant l'•o• 16 TEE 1883 ADMINISTRATION PAGE 17 PRICE DA IEL Governor of the State of Texas PACE 18 LOGAN WILSO President of The University of Texas PAD!. 19 BOARD OF REGENTS Chairman . LEROY JEFFERS Vice-Chairman J. R. SORRELL J. P. BRYAN, Freeport MRs. CHARLES DEVALL, Kilgore THORNTON HARDIE, El Paso J. LEE JOHNSON, m, Fort Worth L EE LocKwooD, Waco DR. MERTON M. MINTER, San Antonio JoE C. THOMPSO , Dallas Left to Right: Minter, Johnson, Lockwood, Jeffers, Sorrell, Devall, Thompson, Bryan, Hardie. PAGE 20 ADMINISTRATION OF THE MAIN UNNERSITY HARRY HUNTT RANSOM Vice-President and Pro vost GRAVES W. LANDRUM HENRY YOUNG McCOWN Business Manager Dean of Student Services PAGE 21 ADMINISTRATION PA L BONER Executive Director, Office of Government Spo1uored R est'arcli DEANS Dea11 of S11tde11t Life CARL VICTOR BREDT Dean of Women Associate Dea11 of Student Life PAGE 23 RAYMOND ~ KENNEY Assista11t Dea 11 of Stude11t Life DEANS DEANS LORA LEE PEDERSON DEWITT CARTER REDDICK Director, Graduate School of Social Work Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciwces WILLIAM ROBERT SPRIEGEL PAUL JENNINGS THOMPSON Dean, College of Business Administration Director, School of / ournali.rm W. GORDON WHALEY JOHN ARCH WHITE WILLIS RAYMOND WOOLRICH Dean, Graduate School Associate Dean, College of Business Administration Dean, Co/leg• of Engineering THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SYSTEM Vice-PresidePJI for Developmental Services PAOE 26 CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION CHARLES HERMAN SPARENllERG WILLIAM WOODROW STEWART Comptroller Endowment 0 fficer FRANK D. GRAYDON BURNELL WALDREP Budget 0 fficer Assistant Lmid and Trust Attorney WILLIAM EDWARD KEYS Drrector, University News at1d Information Service PAGE 27 DEVELOPMENT BOARD Executive Director HULO w. BLACK Chairman J. M. OooM 1957-1958 BOARD J. M. Odom, Austin Hines H. Baker, Houston W. B. Bates, Houston, R esigned October 1957 J.M. Bennett, Jr., San Antonio L. H. Cullum, Wichita Falls J. A. Gooch, Fort Worth George P. Hill, Fort Worth William S. Livingston, Austin, Elected May 1958 A.G. McNeese, Jr., Houston, Appointed November, 1957 Harry H. Ranson, Austin, R esigned February 1958 C.R. Smith, New York City Mrs. Ben F. Vaughan, Jr., Corpus Christi Dan C. Williams, Dallas Roger J. Williams, Austin Logan Wilson, Austin, ex-officio The University of Texas Development Board, the fund raising agency for the University, include in its mem­bership five persons named by the Board of Regents, five appointed by the Executive Council of the Ex-tudents' Association, and two elected by and from the general faculty. The President of the niver ity i an ex-officio member. The Board, directly responsible to the Board of Regents, seeks to promote and a i t in financing a great variety of facilities which will not be provided otherwi e. Among these are re earch projects, alary supplementation, build­ings, scholarships, fellowships, library acquisitions, museum additions, and many other . This program of enrichment is directed not only toward the Main University but toward all the branche a well. PAGE 28 EX-STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION The Ex-Students' Association is only two years younger than The University of Texas itself, having been organized in 1885. Today it is one of the largest independent alumni organizations in the U. S., and it is the vehicle through which more than 190,000 former students continue their interest in, and service to, the University. The Association does more than keep records on alumni, although that is one of its primary functions. It also sponsors more than 150 Texas Exes Clubs throughout the world; publishes a monthly magazine, The Alcalde; provides a number of services to members, such as the priority for the purchase of football tickets; and performs a number of functions in behalf of The University. Through the years, The Ex-Students' Association has created more than a quarter of million dollars in endowed funds which annually provide scholarships for many students. It also maintains sizable student loan funds. The Association is not part of The University and its program in behalf of the institution is supported through the annual dues of its members. Its affairs are governed by a thirty-three Executive Council elected from throughout the state. A thirteen mem­ber paid staff is maintained at the headquarters in The Texas Union. DADS' ASSOCIATION The University of Texas Dads' Association is composed of all fathers and male guardians of students, pre ent or past, of The University of Texas. Special provision, however, is made for participating or dues paying members with the number of this classification exceeding 3,400 during the year 1957-58. The Dads' Association sponsors Dads' Day each year during the fall. It was observed on November 9, 1957. All mothers and fathers of University students were honored at coffees, one for the dads in the Union and one for the mothers in the Rare Books Room of the Library. Hundreds of parents visited the campus during the weekend. In ad­dition to Dads' Day, the Dads' Association publishes The U. T. Dads' Digest, maintains the Dads' Association cholar­ship Fund, and makes several student awards. This year Shirley Bird won the best-all-around girl award and Bud Mim won the best-all-around boy award. OFFICERS President . .................... HARRY W . FERGUSON Past Presidents . .. ............ .. STANLEY M . ERSKI NE RICHARD W. BLALOCK Vice-Presidents .......... . ..... H . M . ADKINS D1xoN ]. HoLMA N ED L. BAKER J . BROWN CuTBtRTH L EO E. B UTTER HARRY c. WEBBCOLONEL D . HAROLD BYRD JOHN W . HAMPTON H . D . FULWILER J . LEE DtTTERT MARIO N A. OLSON DR. C. M. PHILLIPS JOH N L . TOMPKINS Treasurer ............. . ..... . Boe ARM TRONG w. F. WEED SAM D . WOLFE Secretary . . ............... . .. . W . D . BLU N K EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Binford Arney Fred Conn Charles F. A. McCluer Lip Norvell Bishop Bailey T. L. Ferrier Leland G. McCullough 0 . Scott Petty J im Beard D r. George Grainger Felix R. McKnight E. M. Smith Dr. T. G. Blocker, J r. W. 0 . Harden Carson C. Miles R . M. Wagstaff J . K. Butler Dr. ]. B. Heath C. R . Myers Judge Ruel C. Walker J . Blair Cherry Sim Kelly Otis Nelson Front Row: Richard W. Blalock, John W. Hampton, Harry W. Ferguson, Dixon J. Holman, Stanley M. Erskine, Colonel D. Harold Byrd. Suond Row: W. D. Blunk, Sam D. Wolfe, H. M. Adkins, Marion A. Olson, Ed L. Baker, H. D. Fulwiler, John L. Tompkins, Bob Armstrong. PAGE 30 or th ie j. r­ lS INTERNATIONAL STUDENT CENTER Left to Right: Joe West eal, Viola Garza. DEAN OF WOMEN Left to Right: Margaret Peck , Dorothy Gebauer, Dorothy Watts Dean, Helen Margaret Flinn. DEAN OF STUDENT LIFE AND DEAN OF MEN Front Row: Arno Nowotny, Ray­mond C. K enney, Rollin Albert Sininger. Back Row: Jack Holland, Edwin Booth Price. PAGE 31 IN MEMORIAM STUDENTS Joseph Elliott Bludworth Shirley Ruth Brown Russell T. Calhoun Orra David Hand Manfred Hans Larisch James Owen Lyle George Keith Tolle Don Wayne Wilson FORMER REGENT David M. Warren, Sr. FACULTY Carlos E. Castaneda Dana Brackenridge Casteel Judge Scott Gaines Reginald Harvey Griffith TAFF Frank August Bukowsky PAOE 32 ACADEMIC 1883 t .r. '-:# ' .\ f ~ ;. ~. i •, .. f;t 1 8 8 8 GRADUATES AND SENIORS PAGE 33 GRADUATES ACOSTA, ROBERT KELLY, Austin .Elementary Education Administration. J.K, CFO ATTAR, AHMAD M., Damascus, Syria Architectural Engineering, AAAE, ASCE, Arab Student Association AURAH, ABDUL LATIF, Kabul, Afghanistan Petroleum Engineering and Mathematics, AIME, TSPE BAILEY, DOYCE RANSOM, Double Springs, Ala. Accounting, BA'i' BAILEY, DOYLE JAMES, Double Springs, Ala. Accounting, BA'It BAILEY, ELIZABETH CAROLYN, Temple Mus!c Theory, .!Al, University Chorus BEKTI, AMISAH, Djakarta, Indonesia English BENNETT, RICHARD EDWIN, Arlington, Mass. Geology, Geological Society BHODIGEN, SWANG, Bangkok, Thailand Physics BOSIO, TACQUES CHARLES, Menton, France Petroleum Engineering, Newman Club BRADSHAW, BENS., Springdale, Ark. Sociology, AKil, A, Silver Spurs, lnterfraterity Council CALLENDER, DEAN LYNN, Ashtabula, Ohio Geology, 0X, AIME, Geological Society CATTRELL, HARRY R., San Diego, Calif. Economics, l:JE CHAKCHOUK, MOHAMED, Monastir, Tunisia French CHAMORAMAN, CHUSIRI, Bangkok, Thailand Educational Adminis1ration CHEN, MO SHING, Taipei, Free China Electrical Engineerin~ CHICK, CHARLES EUGENE, Austin Business Statistics, !IE, American Statistical sociation, ymphonic Band CLARK, HARLEY, R., Austin Government, Jl~A, Friars, Cowboys, Tejas Club, President Students' Association, Mike Flynn Award, Outstanding tudent COBB, LOUIS DE ON, Tyler Zoology, Pre-Medical, K!: COMBS, CHARLES MAURICE. El Paso Chemistry, American Chemical Societv COMER, ROBERT HENRY, an Antonio Education Curriculum COURTER, ROBERT WAYNE, Austin Aeronautical En~ineering, lAeS GRADUATES DAVILA, MAE S., San Antonio English DA VIS, DAVID HARRIS, II, Three Rivers History, AROTC, Newman Club, Distinguished Military Student DE LA PENA, VIRGI IA PASTOR, Dumaguete City, Philippines Educauon DIBEE, KHALIL, Wadi-al-Moujawer, Syria Finance, Arab Sludent Association, Newman Club DOTY, JOH PHILIP, Pittsburg, Kan. Physics DU , THOMAS GLENN, Greenville Junior College Education EL DEWY, AHMED SAID M. T., Cairo, Egypt Cotton Marketing ELHAG ALI, MOSTAFA KAMEL MOHAMED, Cairo, Egypt Mechanical Engineering ELLIOTT, ALONZO, Manchester, N. H. Music ELLIS, BILLY C., Palestine Civil Engineering, XE, TBll, ASCE ERWI , KEN ETH JAMES, Victoria Speech FIELD, WILLIAM EARL, JR., San Antonio Nursing Education FRA CISCO, FELIPE URRUTIA, Polo, Philippines Petroleum Engineering FRE CH, RICHARD A., Bellaire English, AXA GARRETT, RONALD DUANE, Austin Organic Chemistry, American Chemical Society GO ZALEZ-GERTH, MIRIAM, Mexico City, Mexico Romance Languages, Il6<1>, 2:611 GRAYS, VELMA LAND, Sulphur Springs Secondary Education HACHE, PEDRO ANTONIO, JR., San Pedro de Macoris, Dominican Republic Archi teeture HADDAD, HADI M., Baghdad, Iraq Mathematics, MICA, Wesley Foundation, Arab Student Association HEDGCOXE, PAT GARNER, Allen Engi neering Mechanics HELLER, ROBERT, JR., Houston Mathematics HOVEY, LESTER EUGENE, La Porte Accounting. A.Ki', Bf:!: IBBOTSO , JAMES THOMAS, Dallas Secondary Education Administration IJAM, MOUSA JAFFAR, Hilla, Iraq Organic Chemistry INGRAM, SAMMY WALKER, Cropwell, Ala. Organic Chemistry I SIRILLO, JOSEPH DA IEL, JR., Beaumont Mathematics TOH SO , AVIS E., JR., Fort Worth 1ndustrial Management, .6T.l JOHNSON, FRED LOWERY, JR., San Angelo Chemistry TO ES, ERIC LY , Waco Mechanical Engineering, TBll, llT~, H:!:, ASME, TSPE, MICA, lntramurals, Teaching Assistant KAMPA A 0 DA, SUKREE, Bangkok, Thailand Civil Engineering PAGE 35 GRADUATES KEMPLER, KE!'INETH G., Austin Education, TA, Hillel Foundation KENGPOL, ARPORN, Bangkok, Thailand Electrical Engineering KERLEY, LILLIAN ELLASTINE GREGG, Austin Home Economics, Child Development KINTANAR, ROMAN LUCERO, Argao, Philippines Physics, rm: KWIE, WILLIAM WIE LIAM, Djakarta, Indonesia Organic Chemistry LACY, JACK RAY, Henderson Mechanical Engineering, TBIT, !IT:!:, ASME LIEM, TJONG TIAT, Bandung, Indonesia History and Philosophy of Educaticn LOVE, ALBERT SCRUGGS, JR., McAllen Real Estate, :!:X MAASARANI, ALY MOHAMED MOH, Alexandria, Egypt Jndustrial Management, Arab Student Association MALONE, BILLY CHARLES, Dallas History, A0, Young Democrats MARSH, DOLORES IDA, ew Orleans, La. Nursing Education MATSUMOTO, YOSHIMASA, Yokohama, Japan Chemistry McDUFFIE, NORTON GRAHAM, JR., Beaumont Chemical Engineering MEACHAM, WILLIAM CHARLES, Monahans Mechanical Engineering MEHARG, LOUIS SCOTT, Gatesville Electrical Engineering, IRE MERRILL, RONALD W., Austin Spanish MINTER, NORMAN WESLEY, Amarillo Personnel Management, Acacia, Society for the Advancement of Management, Christian Science Organization MULDOON, WILLIAM HENRY, III, San Antonio Geology, ATA, Geological Society NABABAN, PARTABAS WILMAR JOAKIN, Medan, Indonesia English NEY, DO ALD PHILIP, Huntsville Education, Foundation Grant from National Sciences Foundation OEN, MADY SOM HWA, Java, Indonesia English Literature OHNO, HIROSHI, Kakogawa, [ al?an Business Administration, American Mar eung Association PAPE, ESTHER LOUISE, San Antonio Psychiatric Nursing Education PARKER, RICHARD CLEMENT, Austin Marketing, Aro, AEP PATERNOSTRO, SAMUEL BURTON, Dallas Pre-Medical, ATO PATTERSON, MARY ADELE, Carrizo Springs English PATTESON, ROBERT WILKERSO , JR., Midland Petroleum Engineering, .6.0 PAUL, PHILLIP SHERWOOD, TR., Dallas Industrial En11ineering, AO, IAeS, TSPE, triars, Silver Spurs, Rams­ horn Association, Election Commission Chairman, Government and Union Committees, Goodfellow PERERA, KUSUMA, Nugegoda, Ceylon History PHOLDI, PRASERT, Pakred, Thailand Civil Engineering PIBULYAROJANA, PRAKOB, Bangkok, Thailand Electrical Engineering PICKENS, W. R ., Houston Geology PINNELL, BEN, El Paso Industrial Psychology, KT PITAKSMANUSART, PRIT, Bangkok, Thailand Electrical Engineering POSEY, FLORA, Jackson, Miss. ursiag RABIBADHA A, M. R. VIPHAKARA, Bangkok, Thailand International Trade PAOB 36 STAPPE BECK, HERBERT LOUIS, San Antonio English STODART1 DONALD McLEAN, Adelaide, Australia Civil Engineermg, Wesley Foundation TAWFIK, FOUAD ABDELAZIZ, Cairo, Egypt Cotton Marketing, American Marketing Association, American Statistical Association, International Club, Arab Student Association TAYLOR, ETHELYN BEAL, Houston Nursing Education, American Nurses Association " TAYLOR, HAROLD HERMA1 , Houston Chemistry, American Chemical Society THAVIPHOKE, SOONTHORN, Bangkok, Thailand Electrical Engineering, AIEE-IRE T I GLE, LESLIE GRIFFITH, San Antonio Industrial Engineering, LIE, Society for the Advancement of Managemen t TU G, LO CHUN, Taipei, China Electrical Engineering TURLI GTO , CULVER TOEL, Marshall Marketing, A..11:, AU, American Marketing Association VADHANASINDHU, UDORN, Dhonburi, Thailand Electrical Engineering VOLEK CHARLES W., Rosenberg Mechanica\ Engineering, ITT:!: , Tl311, ASME, TSPE WACHEL, JOH Y CHARLES, Laird Hill Mechanical Engineering, ITT:!:, TBIT, ASME, TSPE WA GVIVAT A, NIT, Bangkok, Thailand Electrical Engineering WELCH, JAMES ALLEN, Crowell Secondary Education WENGER1 ALAN GATEWOOD, Austin Physiology, A'Nl WHITE, DAVID MASO , Harlingen History, A0 WILKERSO , F. EUGE E Jenkintown, Penn. Chemistry, AXl:, Y, American Chemical Society, Wesley Foundation, Young Republicans WILSON, JERRY JAMES, Abilene Government, BK, TILA, Friars, Board of Directors of 1The University Co-operative Society WO GSWANG, AMBAI, Bangkok, Thailand Elementary Education YOUNGBLOOD, RAY WILSON, Tulia Acounting, t.l:IT, Xl'I PAGE 37 GRADUATES RANKINE, WILFRED LEE, JR., Austin Architectural Engineering, KZ, Silver Spurs REASER, DONALD FREDERICK, Dallas Geology REYNOLDS, CLYDE WASHINGTON JR., Beeville Music Education, MA , KK'i', Lon~horn Band, Symphonic Band RHODES, BENTAMIN T ., JR., Cranfills Gap Mathematics, .6.KE, Silver Spun RICE, RAYMOND RICHARD, Franklin, Penn. Sociology, American Sociological Society, Newman Club RIZVI, SAIYED MOHAMMAD NASEER, Quetta, Pakistan Geology, MICA, Ceological Society, ln'ernational Club ROBERTSON, ROBERT NELSON, Austin Civil Engineering, XE , H~, Tejas Club, Wcstmins1er Student Fellowship ROMBERG, ERIC ANDERSO , Brownwood Mathematics ROSSMAN, DAVID B., Fredericksburg Psychology, '1'X RYAN, JACK DALE, Weslaco Personnel Management, Society for the Advancement of ~lana~ement SCHMIDT, FRED JOSEPH, Brownsville Cotton Marketing SI GLETON, CLAUDIA HARPER, Marshall Secondary Education SI I GER, ROLLIN ALBERT, Austin Educational Psychology, Sponsor of MICA, Assistant Dean of Student Life SMITH, CHARLES ROBERT, Crossfield, Canada Petroleum Engineering, A1~1E SMITH, MARY ANGELI E, Goldthwaite English SMITH, ROCHELLE RHEA, Pampa Drama Education, Curtain Club, Wesley Foundation, Wesley Players SENIORS ABU-NASSAR, NIMEH JABRA, Nazareth, Israel Civil Engineering ACREA, JAN CLOE, Gorman Chemical Engineering, AIChE, SAME ADAIR, TOHN K., JR., San Antonio Petroleum l:ngineering, AIME, Society of Petroleum Engi neers ADAMCI~2 ROBERT FRANK, Austin Pharmacy, Px, ll.X, LPhA ADAMS BYRON RAYMOND, Dallas Electrical Engineering, TBII, BKN, Scabbard and Blade ADAMS, PATRICIA KAY, Galveston English,>, Future Teachers of America, Inter-Cooperative Council, Newman Club ADKINS, GWEN ROWE, Henderson Zoology, Cnemistry AGNEW, SANDRA SUZANNE, Corpus Christi English, X!J, Lil.II, Panhellenic, Reagan AHEARN, MICHAEL JOHN, Jacksonville Zoology AKINS, DONALD STEPHEN, Hillsboro Business Education. TIUit ALBRECHT, EMMETT ROOSEVELT, Goliad Mechanical Engineering, ASME, Lutheran Student Association ALBRECHT, FRANK, JR., Austin Geology ALBRECHT, FREDERICK WILLIAM Houston Electrical Engineering, AIEE ' ALBRECHT, HERBERT CARL. Houston Mathematics · ALDRICH, JEAN HELEN, San Antonio Elementary Educaticn, ZTA, Freshman Council, Campus Sun·ey, Union Dance Committee ALEXANDER, CLAIRE LOUISE, Austin Sociology, AUL, AEll., KK'i', Cowboys, •Tejas Club, Longhorn Band, Outstanding Student. Friars ANDERSON, LEONORA G., Texarkana Elementary Education, Xll, ACE ANDERSON, MADEL01 ELAINE, Houston English, KA0, Y, Ashbel, Charro• Bluebonnet Belle 1ominee, Cowboy Sweetheart Finalist, Carnival Queen Nominee APEL, KARE AN , Houston English ARICK, A N ELAINE, Midland English and History, AI'!>, Cap and Gown. Women Voters, Canterbu1")' Association ARMSTRO G, A ITA, San Angelo English, KA0 ARNDT, WILLIAM ERWI , Giddings Mechanical Engineering, ASME ARNETTE, MARY A N, Austin Elementary Education, Cap acd Gown PAGE 38 CLASS OF 1958 ARNOLD, JOH MAURICE, Tyler Physics ASHBAUGH, EDWARD RONALD, Parkville, Mo. Personnel Management, !E ASHENDORF, HAROLD WESLEY, Corsicana Accounting, AEH1• H.!:._ BA'i', AFROTC, Arnold Air Society, Hillel Foundation, BBA Honor Koll ASHLEY, SCOTTIE HAYS, JR., Dallas Accounting, Society for the Advancement 0£ ~ianagement ATKI S, BE IE RAY, Austin Engineering Route to Business Administration ATWILL, TAMES H., Midland Government. 4'K'I', lntedraternity Council, Sing·Song Committee AVANT, SYLVIA, Dilley Elementary Education, lnter·Cooperative Council AYERS, SARAH JA E, Fort Worth Child Development, Mt., ON BACC S, CARROLL LEE, Seymour Accounting, BA'I' BACCUS, FRED W., Dallas Geology and Mathematic.•, .lTt., Geological Society, Varsity Handball Team BAGBY1 WILLIAM R., JR., Dallas Business Administration, .6.T BAGGAL, MAMDO H BAKR!, Damascus, Syria Petroleum Engineering BAGGETT, JESSICA, Fort Worth Elementary Education, A BAILEY, DURYL MIDDLETO , olanville Civil Engineering, TBIT, XE, ASCE, Engineering Council BAKER, DAVID LI TO , Wichita Falls Geology, Geological Society BAKER, JAMES KENNETH, Corpus Christi Zoology, Speleological Society BAKER, MARY K. Dallas "Panis~, N•B, .!:All, LilhA, Young Republicans, Magna Cum Laude, Hospitality Committee BAKER, WILLIAM WILSON, Texas City Electrical Engineering, AIEE BALLAS, JOE ASLA , Cleburne Mathematics, Astronomy Club, lntramurals BALTHROP, BILLY HAROLD, Fort Worth Petroleum Engineering, AIME BAL SEK, ALBERT TERRY, San Antonio Electrical Engineering, AJEl:.JRE, TSPE, Lutheran Student Association BANKSTON, FREDA JO, Moran In tcrior Decorating BARBA Y, SALLY GAY, Moody Radio and Television, REW, BSU, Radio-lV Guild, Cap and Gown, Theadorne BARBER, LELA MAE, San Antonio Government, Pre-Law, WICA BARBER, LEWIE M., Tyler Electrical Engineering, HKN, TBIT, H.l:, AIEE-IRE BARDE , JAMES EARLE, Houston Industrial Management, ATn, T Association, Varsity Swimming Team. Good­ fellow BARGE, MARJORIE SAXON, Austin Elementary Education, AAIT, ACE BARING, RAYMO D H., Jourdanton Accounting, Society for the Advancement of Mana~ement BARKER, SUE LYN , Fort Worth Home Economics, A~II BARKER, WILSON ROGER, Weatherford History, <1>.!:K BARKLEY, FLOYD DONALD, Evant Petroleum Engineering, AIME BAR ETT, LARRY ADRIAN, Houston Petroleum Engineering, .!:£, AIME BARNETT, R. DUR WOOD, Galena Park Phannacy BAR HILL, TOH WILLIAMSON, Brenham Journalism, KA, r::harros, Round-p, Daily Texan, Goodrellow BARRERA, EVA CELINE, Gonzales Music, BSU, A Cappclla Choir BARRO . TACK IVA. , Temple Architectural tn~ineering, AAAE PACE 39 SENIORS BARRON, MARILYN, San Benito Elementary Education, XO, Orange Jackets, Upperclass Advisor, Ashbel, Gov­ ernment Committees BARTH, CLARDY SHELL TR., San Angelo Plan II, AXA, Westminster Student Fellowship BASSET, SUSAN Waco English, :!:AII, Inter-Varsity Student Fellowship BASSETT, BEVERLY A., Whitewright Home Economics Education, A, Cap and Gown, Hospitality Com­ mittee, Home Economics Club, Westminster Student Fellowship BATES, FRANCES POPE, San Antonio English, AAA, AM BEALL, JOHN GILLESPIE, Jacksonville Accounting, 4>.Ia:, Y BEARSS, LESLIE M., Rutland, Vt. Advertising,': 1 Student Advertising Association o( Texas BEASLEY, HALEY KENT, Dallas Pre-Medical, O, Scholastic Integrity Committee BERRY, BUFORD PRESTON, Archer City Accounting, KA, AK'i' BERRY, ROBERT MORRIS, Denison Electrical Engineering, AIEE-IRE BERTRAM CAROL CHARLOTTE, Houston Elementary Education, A, A.PO, Round-Up. American Marketing Association, Young Democrats, Campus urvey Committee, Hillel Foundation BLATT, RITA GLEN , Dallas Home Economics, AE BLUHM, FRANCES ESTELLE Austwell Secretarial Studies, Cap and Gown, Wesiey Foundation BLUM, RONALD H., Fort Worth Zoology, :!:AM, Cowboys BOADLE, ROBERT Big Spring Chemical Engineering, AfCbf, CLASS OF 1958 BOATWRIGHT, CHARLES RE E, JR., Dallas Civil Engineering, TBII, XE, ASCE BODE, WESLEY ELI, cw Braunfels Meteorology, MICA, American Meteorclogical Society BOLD! G, ELA! E GRESSETT, Midland Speech Education BOMAR, BRUCE KL G, Donna Business Administration BOND, T. W., Bovina Finance and Investments, American Marketin~ Association, Society for the Advancement of Management BONDIES, WALTO PORTER, TR., Austin Law, ITKA, lK, A .6., Siiver Spurs Jntedraternity Council, Law Bachelors Club~?. C~ief Justice, Associate Justice, Peregrinus Staff, Freshman Council, Steer ttere, Law Day, Goodfellow BOWDOIN, MARSHALL DEAN, Mont Belvieu Accounting, ITKA BOWEN, AVERY W., Austin Architecture, T:l:6, Tejas Club, Sphinx BOWMAN, ROBERT ROYCE, McAllen Marketing, American Marketing Association BOYD, WILLIAM JASPER, Houston Mechamcal Engineering, ASME BOYNTO , PEGGY J., Spearman English, Cap and Gown, Upperclass Advisor, Reagan BRADBURY, PHIL WILSON, Fort Worth Architecture BRADFORD, DAVID GEORGE, Pampa Electrical Engineering, AIEE-IRE BRANAN, MARY ELLEN, Houston Plan II._ az, Reagan, Strike and Spare, Scholastic Integrity Committee. Wesley roundation BRA DES, WILLIAM HEATON, Irving Architectural Engineering, AAA£ BRANDIN, TAMES WILLIAM, JR., Houston Architecture, AlA BRANNO , ROBERT LEE, Malakoff Pre-Medical BRASLAU, PHYLLIS RAE, Galveston Elementary Education, M•E, ACE, Forensica, Hillel Foundation BRAUER, EMIL BERNARD, Corpus Christi Petroleum Engineering, :l:AE, AIME BREDT, BARBARA DALE, Austin Plan IJ, TIB, Y, International Council, Freshman Council, Grievance Committee BREED, BENNY RAY, Austin Physics BREED, TRUMAN, TR., Austin Petroleum Engineering, AIME BRIDGES, EDWARD DONALD, JR., Austin Advertising, M l:, American Marketing Association BRIGGS, ROBERT WALLACE, Lampasas Accounting, AK'i' BRIGHT, JAY LAWRENCE, Troup English BRIO ES, ERNEST M., Corpus Christi Bacteriology, Newman Club BROACH, ROGER HARMON, T exas City Advertising, U:l: BROCKMAN, BARBARA A N, Fort Worth Mathematics, A~II( Y, UTSA, Forum Speakers Committee, West­ minster Student Fe lowship P AG£ 41 SENIORS BRODERICK, JAMES RICHARD, Houston Architectural Engineering, AAAE, ASCE, TSPE BROOKS, LARRY T., Amarillo Architectural Engineering, AAAE, ASCE, TSPE BROTZMAN, BEATRICE WILBURN, Rio Hondo Bacteriology, Touche BROUGHTON1 WANA LEE, Childress Elementary Education. ..\.l . .'L A,\..\. ACE, Future TC'acht.•rs of Aml'rica. Education Student-Faculty Council BROWN, CORNELIA FAY, Corpus Christi Physical Education, UTSA, PEM, Newman Club BROWN, DONNIE E., Houston Petroleum Engineering BROWN, EDWARD STANTON, JR., Fort Worth Psychology, KK'i', Longhorn Band BROWN, GILBERT SEAY, Dallas Petroleum Engineering, AXA BROWN, LOU ANN, Grand Prairie Applied Art, Y BROWN, MASON COOPER, Irving Civil Engineering, ez BROWN, REBECCA LYNN, San Antonio Art Education, f>.Z BROWN, RICHARD R., Mission Em;ineering Route to Busine~ ~dministratit;1n, Soci~tY. for the Advancement of Management , American :Marketing Assoc1atJOn BROWN, ROBERT CORNELL, San Benito Journalism, A..\~, Newman Club BROWNE, BRADFORD, JR., Austin Accounting BRUMLEY, ROY L., Temple Accounting BUCHANAN. HAROLD DAVIS, JR., Bellaire Television, MICA, Radio-TV Guild BUCK, KARL HERMANN, Waco Petroleum Engineering, AIME BURGIN, BOBBY JOE, Odessa Engineering Route to Business Administration BURGIN, SIDNEY A. LILES, Odessa Business Education BURKHART, BETTY LOUISE, Houston English, ZTA, Ashbel BURKS, PHYLLIS LOUISE, Dallas Elementary Education, ACE BURNELL, ROBERT WILLIAM, Brockton, Mass. Civil Engineering BURNETT, ADRIEN RICHARD, JR., Tyler Art, XTI BURNETT, PEGGY AN McDAVID, Weatherford Art Education BURTON A NELLE RHEA, Brownwood Advertising, :Xu,Scholastic Integrity Council BURTON, GORDON DEMMLER, Galveston Geology, l:rE, Speleological Society B SSHART, GENE EDWARD, Austin Pharmacy, K+ BYERS, BENJAMIN ROWE, Kingsville Zoology, Acacia BYNUM, STEVE M., San Antonio Engineering Route to Business Administration, ~X CADE, AL TON C.1 Chandler Retailing, MICA, American 1'.1arketing Association CAHAL,z. JAMES MONROE, ederland Geology, {.;eological Society CALHOUN, RICHARD WAYLA D, Shreveport, La. Plan I Business Administration, KA , AK+, Siker Spurs1 Fraternity · Presidents' Council, News Letter Commiuee CALLAGHAN, WILLIAM CHARLES, Elgin Physical Education, PEM CALLAWAY, JANE ELIZABETH, Austin English, CASBERG, SYLVIA MAE, Austin English, Cap and Gown, Westminster Student Fellowship CASO , LI DA JE , Rosenberg Elementary Education, C.C.C., Charm Committee, Rally Committee CASTILLO , MARIO GARZA, JR., Mexico City, Mexico Advertising, KA CATER, JOHN THOMAS, San Antonio Law, Arn, Fraternity Presidents' Council, Canterbury Association CAUDLE, BARBARA ANN, Eau Gallic, Fla. Anthropol0gy, Longhorn Christian Fellowship CAUGHFIELD, DWIGHT ALTO , San Antonio Architectural Engineering, XE, AAAE, TSPE CAUTHORN, ROBERT VIRGIL, Del Rio History, C.KE, ROTC CECIL, PHILIP R., Paris Finance, C.0 CERVENKA, ORMAN LOUIS, Granger Civil Engineering, XE, NROTC CHAMBERLAIN, ALFRED ADAM, TR., San Antonio Aeronautical Engineering, XfI, IAeS, Longhorn tlying Club CHAMBERLI , LEO ANDERSON, Dallas Electrical Engineering, ITKA, TB!l, HKN, C.X CHA DLER, CLARE CE W., JR., Ringgold Social Science Education, AFROTC, Arnold Air Society CHAP! , WAY E RALPH, Austin Accounting, BA-I' CHER OSKY, NANCY CECELIA, Houston Elementary Education, AC.IT CHES EY, MICHAEL THOMAS, Mont Carmel. Penn. Civil Engineering PAOE 43 CLASS OF 1958 CAMP, FRANK WESLEY, Kilgore Personnel Management, Society for the Advancement of ~{anagement CAMP, JOYCE NELL, Austin Elementary Education, C.Z CAMPBELL, GAIL, Fort Worth History, KA0, Y, Reagan CAMPBELL, MARVIN EDWIN, Carthage Personnel Management, Society for the Advancement of Management CAMPBELL, THOMAS RALPH, Austin Architecture CANOVA, DENMAR B., Amarillo Marketing, Ki', AK'I', Cowboys, American Marketing Association, Student Traffic, Parking and Safety Commission CANNO , PATRICIA, Baton Rouge, La. Elementary Education CARDENAS, HECTOR HOMERO, Austin Transportation, j,N'A, AROTC, Pershing R1Aes. Confederate Drill Squad, Laredo Club CARDENAS, RUBEN RAUL, McAllen Law, At. , Law Bachelors Clubbc, Newman Club CARDWELL, LOUIS ERNEST, Del Rio Petroleum Engineering, AIME CARLIN, ELVIRA, Austin Elementary Education, ACE, Cap and Gown, Alba Club CARMICHAEL, DONALD L., Houston Advertising, AdI CAR ES BILLY RONALD, Wichita Falls Petroleum Engineering, e:::, AIME, ROTC, NROTC Rifle Team, Fraternit)' Presidents' Council CAROTHERS, CHARLES HUEY, Houston Electrical Engineering, AIEE-IRE CARPE TER, JAMES CLARK, Port Arthur Journalism, ~.lX, Daily Texan CARR, WILLIAM RICHARD, Corpus Christi Geology, :!:AE SENIORS CHIANG, CHENG-HSIEN, Hong Kong Mechanical Engineering, TBll, nrr CHIONSI I, ALEXA DER EMIL, Jasper Chemical Engineering, AIChE CHRISTIAN HENRY DAVID, Gonzales Marketing, ~l:ir', AFROTC, Arnold Air Society, Scabbard and Blade, American Marketing Association CISNEROS, ALFONSO AUGUSTO, Brownsville International Tradi;, AK'i', Tejas Club, BBA Council, Foreign Trade Club, Westminster ;:,tudent Fellowship CLAITOR, JOHN HOWARD, Gorman Industrial Management, Society for the Advancement of Mana~ement CLARK, DAVID BARTRAM Bellaire Electrical Engineering, llKN, TBII, IRE CLARK, DONALD B., Houston journalism, l:N, T Association, Basketball Manager, Daily Texan CLARK, GARFIELD, JR., Houston Psychology CLARK, JOH WHEATON, Houston Geology, .Pl il, AFROTC, Arnold Air Society, lntramurals, Distinguished Military Student CLAY, JERRY HAROLD, Athens Petroleum Engineering. AIME CLIFT, RUTH ANN, Lubbock Elementary Education, ilZ, ACE, Curtain Club COATES, JOH HENRY, Dallas Physical Education, l:.PE COBB, BILLY RAY, Laird Hill Mechanical Engineering, ASME, Engineering Council COBB LAWRENCE DEAN, Marlin Political Science, Kl:, REW, Cowboys, Goodfellow, lnterfratcrnity Council, President Wilson's Student Advisory Council Union Board of Directors, Union Activities Council, Summer Assembly, 'Eleclion Commission, Campus Chest, Blood-Drive Committee, Or:enration, Student Government COFFEE, PHYLLIS JEAN, Corpus Christi Journalism, KA8, 0Y.ct>, Reagan, Daily 1 exan1 Round-Up COLE, BRADY MARSHALL, Houston Accounting, , ON, Reagan CORNELIUS, WINONA LYNN, Pampa Psychology, Cap and Gown, Civil Defense Committee, House Chairman Organizauon, Co-ed Forum, Disciples Student Fellowship CORNELL, DAVID MA YO, San Antonio Engineering Route to Business Administration, ILKA, REW, Cowboys, Round-Up COTULLA, WILLIAM LAWRENCE, Cotulla Finance, Acacia, Young Republicans COUCH, REBA FAY RAGLAND, Fort Worth Pharmacy, KE, LPhA COULTER, ERNEST AMES, Pasadena Pharmacy, PX, LPhA COURTNEY, L. C., TR., Houston Chemical Engineering, TBir, IJXE, AIChE COWAN, DAVID JOE, Kerrville Physics COWAN, JAMES WYATT, Dublin Chemistry COX, JACK BOLAN, Houston Architecture, JU: COYLE, FORREST E., Pharr Mechanical Engineering, ASME, TSPE COZART, WILLIAM REED, La Tuna English/ H~, BK, Westminster Student Fellowship, Christian Faith and Li e Community COZBY, RAYMOND WILSON, JR., Grand Saline Zoology, Pre-Medjcal, f6. CRAIG, CAROLYN JANE, Fort Worth Pharmacy, KE, LPhA CRAWFORD, ROBERT TAMES, McAllen Aeronautical Engineering, IAe~, T Association, Varsity Track, Varsity Cross Country CRESWELL, MARJORIE ANN, Fort Worth Elementary Education, ZTA, AA6., ACE, Summa Cum Laude, Disciples Student Fellowship CROFFORD, WANDA JOYCE, Corpus Christi Business Education, IlOII CRONIN, JOHN B., Palestine Chemical Engineering, AIChE CROW, GEORGE HULEN, Temple Physical Education, PEM CROWHURST, DONALD EDWARD, Austin Electrical Engineering, AIEE-IRE CUBINE, JOE K., Electra Petroleum Engineering, AIME, TLOK CULVER, CHARLES DAVID, Tyler Petroleum Engineering, K'i', All, AIME, Tyler Club CULVER, EVERETT E., Dallas Cbemical Engineering, H~, IJXE, TBII, AIChE CUMMINGS, BOBBY LOUIS, Gatesville ador Accounting CUMMINGS, KATHERINE LYNN, Houston English, KA0, Y, Canterbury Association CUMMINS, NELDA ANN, Austin Clothing, Textiles and Costume Design, Xll, Home Economics Club, Charm Committee CUNNINGHAM, HILARY HERBERT, JR., Krum Aeronautical Engineering, IAeS CUNNINGHAM, JULIA MAY, Huntsville English, JIB, Asbbel CUPIT, WILLIAM L., TR., Wichita Falls Petroleum Engineering, AIME CURE, LA NELLE, Nixon Business Education and Secretarial Studies, Il!lll, WICA, Cap and Gown, Future 1Teachers of America, Inter-Cooperative Council, Young Democrats CURLEE, RONALD K., Waco Mathematics CURRY, KEYS ALEXANDER, TR., Midland Mechanical Engineering, K'i', TBII, JIT°t, Engineering Council CUTLER, DON EDWARD, Abilene Pharmacy, LPhA DAFFERN, BOBBY JOE, Stamford Advertising, A6.~, KK'i', BSU, Longhorn Band DALTON, JOEL PHIL, San Antonio Personnel Management, .6J:II, Society for the Advancement of Man­agement up, DAMEK, PAUL FLOYD Dayton Petroleum Engineering, xn. AIME, Newman Club PAGE 45 SENIORS DAMIA I, KIRWIN GHERBIS, Galveston Pharmacy, .lX, LPhA, Galveston Club, ewman Club DA, IEL, ELMER LEON, Fort Worth Petroleum Engineering, AIME DANIEL, JACK STRICKLAND, Deer Park Personnel .Management DANNA, JOH B., JR., Dallas Architecture, ATU, AIA, Architecture Council DARTLEY, KEN ETH JAMES, Dallas Chemical Engineering, AX! DAVIDSON, JACQUELYN, Wharton Elementary Education, ZTA DAVILA, ALFONSO, San Antonio Retailing DAVILA, FRANK, San Antonio Law, 60<1> DAVIS, BILLIE EDWIN, Tyler Mechanical Engineering, AP., ASME, MICA DAVIS, DANIEL T . M., JR., Childress Physics, Astronomy Club DAVIS. DIANE, Houston Applied Art, Ar6 DAVIS, ELIZABETH AN , Freeport Home Economics, Home Economics Club, Texas S1ars. Student Fellowship DAVIS, GEORGE ARTHUR, Killeen Geology, .11\E, Freshman Football DAVIS, TACK LAYTON, Austin Zoology, EX DAVIS, JOE BRYAN, Corpus Christi Zoology, Pre-Medical, Al'!l Westminster DAWSON, DAVID OLIVER, Brownwood Chemistry, AXE, The Stag Co-op DAWSON, MARY JA E, Crockett Home Economics Teacher Education, XO, REW, Home Economics Club, Charm Committee DE ARKOS, FRANCISCO ]., Laredo Civil Engineering, Laredo Club DEBAVADI, TED C., Galveston Aeronautical Engineering, IAeS DEBES, ELAINE THEODORA, Beaumont Psychology, Cap and Gown, Society for the Advancement of Management DEH EL, PAULE., JR., San Angelo Business Administration, Society for the Advancement of Management DE LA ROSA, MARY ALICE, San Benito Retailing, Rio Grande Valley Club, Newman Club DE LEON, CESAR, Brownsville Petroleum Engineering, AIME, Alba Club, Rio Valley Club DE LEON, HECTOR, Pharr Pharmacy, LPhA, Rio Valley Club DE LEO , RAYMO D SEBASTIA , San Antonio Psychology and Zoology DE LOS SA TOS, MAN EL TREV! 0 , San Antonio Zoology, AE6 DELPREE, JUAN CARLOS, Guatemala City, Guatemala Economics DE EY, LEONARD EARL Refugio Enl(ineering Route to Business Administration, AS?\fE, Society for the Advancement of Management deRIDDER, KARE ARIE A. Houston Commercial Art, AXO, Freshman Council, Charm Committee DERRICK, ELMO ALEXA DER, Port eches Business Administration, AK'I' DERRICK, RICHARD E., Caine ville Accounting, Xl'l DESE BERG, J LI S DESEY, Houston Real Estate, Ld DE VRIE , ROBERT ,f H , Pella, Iowa Accounting, dX, HA+. Hr..:, ummer A~scmbly, Yountt Republican~. Westminster Student Fellowship, Christian Faith and Lifc Community, Goodfellow DeWITT, TO EPII COR ELL. Alvin Prc-Mcdical, 'l>lan IV, AF:~. 1cwman Club PAGE 46 CLASS OF 1958 DIBE, ADNAN MAHMOUD, Wadi-Almojower, Syria Mechanical Engineering, ASME, Arab Student Association DICKERSON, NORMAN CLIFFORD, JR., Dallas Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, TBll, llT:!:, HKN, ASME, AIEE-IRE, MICA DIKES, BILL NELSON, Brady Physical Education, K~ , PEM, AROTC, Distinguished Military Student, Assembly DITMORE, CARL ALEXANDER, JR., Cisco Business Administration, Longhorn Flying Club DIXON, BARBARA JANE, Brentwood, Mo. Applied Art, NB, LT~, BSU, Sidney Lanier, Cactus, Steer Here, Student Government DOAK, ANNE VERNON, Houston Applied Art, ZTA, Steer Here, Bluebonnet Belle Finalist, Canterbury Asso· ciation DOCTORMAN, WILLIAM OWEN, Austin Real Estate and Insurance, !.•l>E DODD, CHARLES M., Corpus Christi Petroleum Engineering, AIME DOHERTY, LARRY ORMAN, Houston English, ·~K:!:, AIME, Disciples Student Fellowship DOMASCHK, JOAN ELIZABETH, Port Arthur Zoolozy, fd, Canter Club, Freshman Council, University Chorus, Speological Society DONAGHEY, SYDNEY ANN, West Columbia Secretarial Studies, A4>, Br'!, Y, BSU, Cactus, Co·ed Forum, All.Campus Advisor DONNELL, BE ADDISON, Wichita Falls Business Route to Law, 4>K'I', AK'I'. Cowboys, Assembly, Associate Justice, BBA Council DONNELL, JAMES LOWE, Fowlerton Business Administration, B0rI, American Finance Association DOROTIK, MILDRED ANN, Rowena English, Czech Club, Upperclass Advisor, Newman Club DOSS, DARRELL FINLEY, Nacogdoches Business Administration, Society for the Advancement of ~{anagement, American Marketing Association DOWD, DAVID BARRY, Austin Physical Education, T Association, Varsity Basketball "'1ol Oub, IOI ronio :iht DOWDEN, LEON D., Electra Chemical Engineering, AIChE, Intramurals DOWDY, TACK McCOY, Tyler Mechanical E'ngineering, ASME DRAKE, ELINOR CLYDE, Wellington Business Education, A, m:m REW, Orange Jackets, Cap and Gown, BBA Council, Cactus, AROTC Sponsor, Bluebonnet Belle Semi-Finalist, Student Property Deposit Scholarship DRAPER, DIANE SUE, Houston Elementary Education DRUMMOND, DONALD EUGENE, San Antonio Mathematics DUKE'yMARY ELLEN, Abilene Speech, oung Democrats DULAYMI HADIM.,Hill~ Iraq English and Linguistics, lnte1·national Club, Arab Student Association 1 Wesley Foundation DULL, MARILYN JOANNE, Houston Mathematics, AI', Canterbury Association DU AWAY, JERRY CLARENCE, Decatur Civil Engineering, TBl1 DUNCAN, MARVIN EDWARD, Irving Electrical Engineering DUNLAP, GINGER DELL, Port Lavaca Elementary Education DUPREE, ROSE DIANE, Gilmer Secretarial Studies, 1'4•B, Y, UTSA, Cap and Gown DURHAM, WALTER WIN , Fort Worth Advertising, AXA, AA:!:, Young Republicans DURST, LLOYD MILTON, Fredericksburg Aeronautical Engineering, IAeS, Longhorn Flying Club DYCHE, KAY, Alvin Applied Music, At.11, :!:Al, University Symphony, Talent Commiuee DYER, FRANCES SUE, Farmersville Pharmacy, At.11, KE, Cap and Gown DYKE, EARNEST WESLEY, Mt. Pleasant Petroleum Engineering, KT EAKER, E. CATHERINE, Fort Worth Speech Therapy, 118<1>, :!: AH EASO , CAROL A N, Cleveland, Miss. Bacteriology, XO EATON, CHARLIE MERLE, Rule Home Economics ·Teacher Education, rl3, Cap and Gown, Home Economics Club PAGE 47 SENIORS ECKMAN, CARL EARL, JR., San Antonio Electrical Engineering EDGINGTON, DON HAROLD, Texarkana, Ark. Petroleum Engineering, AIME EDMAN, CYNTHIA SUE, Houston Secretarial Studies, ZTA EDWARDS, NANCY ELIZABETH, San Antonio English, ~IT. AFROTC EKFELT, KERST! HILDEGARDE, College Station Plan 11 , AA.I>, .!><~A. BK, WICA, Spooks Reagan, Voung Democrats, Mortar Board Scholarship Cup, Parking, Traffic and Safety Committee, Goodfellow ELAM, TOHNNY EDWARD, Luling Physical E"ducation ELDER, PEGGY JO, Cuero Journalism, 0~<1> ELLEDGE, JESSE LAWRENCE, Corpus Christi Chemisty, AXr, BA'!', Bf~ ELLIOTT, EDITH ORR McAllen I lome Economics Education, i:l!6., Swettheart Finalist, Bluebonnet BeJlc ELLIOTT, STEPHEN CLAY, Dallas Electrical Engineering, AXA ELLIS, GLEN EDWARD, Comanche Physics, KA ELLISON, LLOYD DEAN, Rosenberg Accounting, Society for the Advancement of Management ELMER, H. RICHARDS, JR., Dallas Accounting, .!>T, NROTC EMBREE, MARY ELLEN Austin Latin-American Studies, A~', Bk rt.TT AA.I>, ITA0, Orange Jackets. Mortar Board, Sidney Lanier, Coodfeilow, Campus Chest, World University Service, Umvcrsity Religious Council EMSLEY, DONALD EUGE E, Cisco Finance, American Finance Association ENDERLIN, HA S W., TR., Blanco Personnel Management and Industrial Relations, Society for the Advancement of Management ENG, JACKSON, San Antonio Psychology ENGELMAN, CHARLES EDWARD, Wichita Falls Petroleum Engineering, KA, AIME ENGELS. FRANK K., San Antonio Industrial Management ENGERT, MAX, Fort Worth Electrical Engineering ENGERT, PATSY A N, Cleburne Accounting, BA'!' ENGLER, FRA KLYN RAYMO D, Austin Geology ENOS, ROBERT W., Austin Social Sciences, XI'I, RIL Steering Committee, Westminster Student Fellowship ENOS, SHIRLEY FAULK, Austin Business Education ENSLE, JOHN FREDERICK. Houston Business Administration, H~, Varsity Debate Squad, Rusk, Oratorial Association, Canterbury Association ERWIN, TERRY WATERS, La Porte Chemical Engineering, AIChE ESCHBERGER, CATHER! E TOY, Lubbock History, En$1ish Education, President Wilson's Student Advisory Council, All· Campus Advisor, Campus Chest ESCHBERGER, LEO McCLAIN, Austin Pharmacy, LPhA ESPEY, LA WRE CE LEE, San Benito Zoology, Freshman Track, Westrumster Student Fellowship EVELA D, WILLIAM ALBERT, Kalamazoo, Mich. Industrial Management, l:IE, Society for the Advancement of Man­ agement EVERETT, JAMES RONALD, Wichita Falls Mathematics EYLER, ROY ELWOOD Austin Industrial Management, dIJ1 1 Society for the Advancement of Management FAIRBAIRN, JAMES MARION, Kosse Insurance, dl:IT, Insurance Society FALLEK, MILDRED LY , McAllen Elementary Education, .!lE. ACE PAGE 48 '"''"' lh b. lbl­ tit FOERSTER, GEORGE F., Dallas Architectural Engineering, AAAE, ASCE, Tejas Club, T Association, Varsity Track and Cross Country FONVILLE, T AZH TAYLIX, Taft Mechanical Engineering, ASME FOOTE, PHYLLIS JEAN, Port Arthur Physical Education, PEM FORBESS BILLY WAYNE, Brownwood Economics, 6KE, Varsity Fencing Team, Student-Faculty Club FORD, MILTON JOH , San Antonio Physics, xrI, IRE FORRESTER, TERRY NORMA , Pampa Architecture, Acacia, Hl:, AO FOSTER, HAROLD WAYBORN, Haynesville, La. Mechanical Engineering, ASME FOSTER TARED FRANKLIN, Houston English and History, Acacia, UTSAM, Varsity Fencing, Canterbury Association FOSTER, JERRY RAY, Arlington Pre-Law, IIKA, Union Committee FOSTER, JOSEPH HOLT, JR., Stamford English, l:AE, AFROTC, Scabbard and Blade, Arnold Air Society FOSTER, WILLIAM EDWARD, Bishop Pharmacy, PX, t.X, LPhA FOUNTAIN, ALTUS DEA , Tyler Petroleum Engineering, AIME FOWLER, WILLIAM DODD, Alice Chemical Engineering, AIChE FRANKLIN, JOAN MARIE, Baytown Home Economics Education, XO, ON, Mortar Board, Orange Jackets, Home Economics Club, Outstanding Student FRAZIER, MARILYN ADELE, Stephenville Journalism, A, Daily Texan FREEL, RADFORD H., Houston Finance, Kl: FREEMAN, KEN ETH A., Dallas Geology, AIME, Geological Society FRIBERG, EMIL E., Wichita Falls Mechanical Engineering, t.Ti..ASME, SAME, Assembly, Texas Student Publi­cations Board of Directors, engineering Council, Outstanding tudent FRICKE, MICHAEL MOORMAN, Bay City Psychology, X FROMME, BETTY LOU, Tynan Elementary Education, t.Z, Strike and Spare PAGE 49 CLASS OF 1958 FARELL CHARLES LEE Commerce Electrical f:'ngineering, TBII, AIEt-IRE, MICA, BSU FARLEY NEITA LEA, Houston History anJ Education, N>B, Spooks, Orange Jackets, Mortar Board, Upper­class Advisor, Goodfellow FARMER, ROBERT STERLING, Austin Physics, IIKA, AFROTC, Orange Wings, Arnold Air Society FAULK, LAURA ELIZABETH, San Antonio Secretarial Studies and Business Education, fB , nlln, NSA-TISA, REW-RIL, Cactus Editor, Texas Student Publications Board of Directors, Sidney Lanier, Summer Assembly FAUNTLEROY, JOHN PARKER, Houston . Business Administration, KI., Jnterfraternity Council, Insurance Society FELKNER, IRA CECIL, Alice Zoology FELLBAUM, ER EST S., Austin Real Estate and Insurance, A'l'O FERGUSO , BERTA B., Jefferson Music Education FERGUSON, JAMES ARVILLE, Post Architecture, AIA, MICA, Sphinx FERGUSO , ANCY HUME, Houston Spanish, KK.I\ REW, Freshman Council, Sponsored Students Committee, Round-Up, Canterbury Association FERRILL, JAMES RONALD, Tyler Civil Engineering, ASCE, TSPE FEUGE, JAMES E., Fredericksburg Plan II, German, t.A, Der Eulenspiegelverein FINLEY, KERMIT RICHARD, Sweeny Engineering Route to Business Administration, Society for the Advancement of Management. FISHER, EDWI E., Bay City Chemical Engineering, AIChE FITZGERALD, JOAN, Midland Plan II, t.r, BK, AAt., A0, Reagan, Women Voters FLANNERY, JOHN OGE, San Antonio Petroleum Engineering, X , AIME, TSPE SENIORS FROMME, LINDA ANN, Austin Elementary Education, AXU, ACE, Cap and Gown FULLINGIM, WILLIAM EMBRY, Odessa Marketing, rl!. FULLWOOD, WENDELL STUART. Ingram Accounting, BA+ FULTON, TOMMY GENE, Electra Petroleum Engineering, AI f\fE FUNK, SYLVIA JAN, Houston Dietetics, ZTA, Upperclass Advisor GAINLEY, GEORGE ALFRED, JR., Corpus Christi Physical Education, T Association, Varsity BasebaJl, Canterbury Association GAN ETT RICHARD LEE, Fort Worth Advertising, i't>., Ml:, Silver Spurs, Yell Leader, Goodfellow GA US, WILLIAM TOSEPH, Waco Geology, :!:fE, Geological S'ociety, Newman Club GARCIA, CO RADO, Raymondville Zoology, Newman Club GARCIA, EDMUNDO B., JR., San Diego H istory, Alba Club GARCIA, JUDY, Brownsville Psychology GARCIA-CADIZ, OSVALDO, Maunabo, Puerto Rico Economics, Xl'I, Society for the Advancement of Management, ew­ man Club GARRETT, CLAUDE HARMO , III, Groesbeck Civil Engineering, ASCE GARRETT, IRIS GAIL, Port Arthur English, fB Y, REW, Orange Jackets, Cap and Gown, Panhellenic, Reagan, Bluebonnet Jielle Nominee, World University Service, Westminster Student Fellowship GARRETT, TENNI GS A., Van Life Insurance, l:E, Insurance Society GARRETTt LEWIS BENTAMIN, San Antonio Electrical Engmeering, AIEE-IRE GARZA, AMANDO, TR., Laredo Retailing, American Marketing Association, Society for the Advancement of Management, Laredo Club GARZA, MARY IDA, Hidalgo Retail Pharmacy, KE, LPhA GASSMANN, EDWIN ANTON, Schulenburg Industrial Management, Society for the Advancement of Management, Intra.murals GAULDEN, JOE THOMAS, Leonard Pharmacy GAVIT, WILLIAM L., Glen Rose Zoology, l!.Tl!. GEORGE, PATRICK DANIEL, Austin Physical Education, PEM GHORMLEY, MICKEY BURWELL, Dallas Interior Decoration GIBBS, CHARLES RUSSELL, Austin Electrical Engineering, AIEE-IRE GIDDI GS, BERNICE A NETTE, Baytown Business Administration GILBERT, ARTHUR EARL, Tyler Government GILBERT, NANCY MARVIN Russellville, Ark. Music, ME, WICA, Glee Club, A Cappella Choir, University Chorus, Upperclass Advisor, Union Committee, Wesley Foundation GILBREATH, PATRICE SUE, San Antonio Plan II, IIB, Ashbel GILDART, SANDRA JEA , San Antonio Secretarial Studies, A GILLETT, STEWART MORRIS, Corpus Christi Accounting, :!:K GILLILA D, RAY MORRIS, San Antonio Bacteriology, Pre-Medical GIZELBACH, T. J., Austin Psychology GLASS, FRA K LELA D, Sweetwater Business Adminis1ration, K'i' GOLD, ALAN LESTER, Houston Accounting, Round-Up, Hillel Foundation GOLD, HARVEY LEO San Antonio Petroleum Engineering, AIME, CFO, Newman Club GOLTZMAN, LEONARD JAY, Victoria Business Administration P AOE 50 CLASS OF 1958 GONZALEZ, FRANCISCO T ., Brownsville Pharmacy, t.X LPhA GONZALEZ, MANUEL GUADALUPE, Mission History, Educatlon, Plan 11, MICA, Newman Club GOOD, DORA ELEANOR, Tyler Marketing, Ar, American Marketing Association GOOD, ROBERT EARL, Edinburg Aeronautical Engineerix:g, Y, IAeS, Tejas Club, Youn~ Republicans, Freshman Tennis, Great Issues, Wesley Foundation, Christian Faith and Life Community GOOLSBY, MORRIS L., JR., Wichita Falls Music Education, H:l:, MA, Symphonic Band, Symphony Orchestra, Long­horn Band GOOSBY, NANCY LEE Houston Speech Education, Spooks. Orange Jackets, Assembly, Secretary Students Association, Freshman Council, Student.faculty Cabinet, Social Calendar Committee, Disciplinary Committee, Union Board of Directors, Halslead, Cbristian Faith and Lif, c~mmunity GORE, SHIRLEY ANN, El Paso Pbn II, A:.O, Spooks, Orange Jackets, Government Committees, All­Campus Advisors GORMAN, WILLIAM DON Dallas Electrical Engineering, AIEE·IRE, fntramurals GOSS, DAVID EDWIN, Edcouch Electrical Engineering, AIEE, Pistol Team GRAHAM, CHARLES LOVORN, Del Rio Pre-Medical GRAHAM, JUDITH BALES, Del Rio Elementary Education GREEN, GEORGE EDWIN, Austin Finance, t.Tt. GREEN, JESSE LEE, Austin Psychology, Kl: GREEN, ROBERT STERLING, Beaumont Accounting, 6.T6. GREEN, TERRY CLAY, San Antonio Electrical Engineering, IIKA, AIEE-IRE, Arnold Air Society GREENSTREET, WILBUR HORACE,J R., Midland Mecbanical Engineering, ft., TBII, IITl:, AS E, NROTC, Can­ terbury Association ""of -1. GREER, PAULE., San Antonio Aeronautical Engineering, IAeS GREGG, NOEL VIRGINIA, Kerrville Piano Pedagogy, XO, l:AI, Canterbury Association GRESHAM, JAMES COLLIN, Houston Chemical Engineering, AIChE GREVE, WILLIAM FRANCIS, JR., Galveston Petroleum Engineering, AIME, T Association, Varsity Track, New· man C!ub GRIFFIN, ALICE JEANEANE, Houston English, rt. GRIFFIN, ERNEST GOVAN, JR., Houston Mechanical Engineering, ASME GRIFFIN, GERALD O'RUSSELL, Austin Applied Art, MICA GRIFFIN, JAMES AUBREY, McKinney Accounting, AK'!', Society for the Advancement o( Management GRIFFINt MARY ESTELLE, Houston Elementary ducation, All.II GRIFFITH, DON L., Ennis Speech, KA GRIFFITH, GAY MAURINE, Corpus Christi History Education, A, Cactus GRIFFITH, ROBERT GENE, Victoria Education GRIFFITH, SANDRA LEN, San Antonio Elementary Education, t.r, ACE, REW, Y, Orange Jackets, Future Teachers of America, Upperclass Advisor, University ReJigious Council, Disciples Student Fellowship, Goodfellow GRIFFITH, TOMMIE ALLE , Taylor Radio and Television, Radio-TV Guild GRIFFITHS, DAVID EVAN, El Paso Petroleum Engineering, l:AE, l:fE, AIME, Arnold Air Society GRIMES, PEARSON, JR., Cleveland Law, AKE, Y, AROTC, S1her Spurs, Rangers, Summer Associate Justice GRISSOM, DAVID, Dallas Mechanical Engineering, i:K, Hl:. ASME, TSPE GROSS, CHARLES EDWARD, Fort Worth Aeronautical Engineering, IAeS, Wesley Foundation GROSSMAN, DAVID LYLE, Austin Mechdnical Engineerin!(, TB!I, IIT:l:, ASME GRUBBS, NANCY JANE, San Antonio Applied Art, Z"!A PAGE 51 SENIORS GRUPE, BETSY ANN, Austin Secretarial Studies, r<1>B GUARI , MARY ALICE, Houston Secretarial Studies, A, Newman Club GUENZEL, JEAN HILL, Corpus Christi English Educauon, KIIT1 Freshman Orientation, Campus Chest, West· mmster Student Fellowsh1p GUERRERO, JOSEPH GREGORY, JR., San Antonio Pharmacy, K'i'. LPhA, Silver Spurs Pharmacy Sweetheart Commit· tee, Assoc1ate Editor of Longhorn Pharmacist, Professional Interfra· ternity Council GUETTLER, GLE N ROY, La Grange History GUFFEE, GUY KEEL, Midland Chemistry, AEA GU N, ROBERT HAROLD, Hamilton Bacteriology GUZICK, NORMAN DAVID, Bay City Chemical Engineerin!fl H:!:, P.XE, TBll, AX.l:, AIChE, Professional Interfraternity Counc1 HABERLIN, FRANCES BETH, Austin Spanish, WICA, University Religious Council, Wesley Foundation HABIB, ANTHONY JOSEPH, Corpus Christi Zoology, Pre-Dental HAGA , RILEY, JR., Asheville, N. C. Geology, Geological Society HAGE MARILYN, ESTELLE, Houston English, lJpperclass Advisor, Charm Committee, Campus Coffee Commitee HAGER, EARL EVA S, Wharton Marketing, American Marketing Association HAIGHT EDWARD ALLEN, Kenilworth, III. Mechanical Engineering, I.AE, Wrestling Team HAILE, LAWRE "CE BARCLAY, Dallas Economics, X, 6!.P, Interfraternity Council, Varsity Debate Squad, Oratorical Association, Rusk, lntramurals HAJJAR, AHMAD MARWA , Damascus, Syria Electrical Engineering, AIEE-IRE, Arab Students Association HALEY, CAROLYN JANET, Oakwood Home Economics, Orange J3.ckets1 Caµ and Gown, Home Economics Club, Upperclass Advisor, Charros HALL, BOB DO , Dallas Radio and Television HALL, CLAUDE RAYE, Brady Journalism, Texas Ranger, Daily Texan HALL, ROBERT THALLON, ew York, . Y. Economics HALL, WILLIAM B., Hearne Ceramic Engineering, A«l>O, American Ceramic Society, Keramos, Engineering Council HALLMAN, LEO CHARLES, Dallas Accounting HALTOM, !AMES ORTO , Texarkana Marketing, 11T American Marketing Association 1 HAMILTO , LOUIS WAYNE, Dallas MariJu: HAMMO D, HALL STREET, San Antonio English, <1>rA,_ H.l:, Silver Spurs, President Wilson's Student Advisory Coun· cil, Student-.raculty Committee, Scholastic Integrity Council, tudent GO\·· ernment HAMPTO 1 CHARLES EMMETT, San Antonio Petroleum Engineering, AIME, MICA, Canterbury Association HANDER, DO ALD RAY, Corpus Christi Petroleum Engineering HA SE , MELVI 0 ., JR., Fort Worth Electrical Engineering, AIEE HARE, KE NETH HAROLD, Austin Engineering Route to Business Adminoscration, Glee Club, A Cappella Choir HARGRAVE, LI DA TA ICE, Arlington English, rB, A Cappella C°hoir, Young Republicans, Hospitality Com· mittee HARLAN, GERALD DREWERY, Dallas Applied Art HARPERi.PHILLIP VERNO , JR., Childress Chemistry, A.TI, A!l HARRELL, FORREST EDWI , Pasadena Petroleum Engineering, l:TE, AIME, Cowboys HARRELL ROY ALVI , JR., Ozona International kelations and Romance Languages A!l, Y, Alba Club. ymphonic Band, Club de Mexico, Wesley Foundation, Young Republi­ cans, International Commission HARRE , RICHARD MASO Weslaco Accounting, Society for chc Advancement of Management PAOB 52 HAYS MARY DELAINE, Austin Home Economics, ON, Cap and Gown, Home Economics Club, Wesley Founda­tion HAZLEWOOD, SHERRELL L., Coleman Ouh. English Education, XI'l HEATH, LAURA ROSEMARY, San Antonio Art, AI't., BSU, Cap and Gown, En Charrette Committee HEIDELBERG, CAROL SUE, Jacksonville Home Economics, ZTA HEINEN, HUBER PLUMMER, Houston Plan Il, German, A!'!, H:!:, Geological Society, Cultural Entertainment Committee, Club de Mexico HENDERSON, BOYD LEWIS, Austin Pre-Law, IIKA HENDERSON, BURTLEYE, Houston Merchandising, IIB, Y, Home Economics Club, Public Relations Committee HENDERSON, ELWOOD RAY, New Braunfels Electrical Engineerinl!, K.K'i', SAME, AROTC, Rangers, Longhorn Band, Disci­ples Student Fellowship HENDERSON, GEORGE DAVIS, Fort Worth Finance, American Finance Association, Canterbury Association HENDERSON, JANE BIRDWELL, Cameron English, t.r, AAt., Y REW, Orange Jackets, Mortar Board, Cap and )Jm· Gown, Swing-Out, Upperclass Advisor, Campus Chest{ Orientation, University Religious Council, Wesl•y Foundation, Goodfe low HENDERSON, JERRY EVANS, Denison Mathematics, IAeS HENDERSON, TOYCE ANNE, Glenview, Ill. Psychology, Y, REW, Orange Jackets Mortar Board1 Ashbel, Canterbury Asso­ ciation, University Religious Council, Christian Faith and Life Community, Outstanding Student, Marjorie Darilek Award HENDRICKS, JAMES LEE, Fort Worth Architecture, AIA, Sphinx HENRY, PATSY RUTH, San Antonio Elementary Education, t.t.t., Freshman Council, ·Turtle Club, Charm Committee HENRY, VIRGINIA R., Houston Art PACE 53 CLASS OF 1958 HARRIS, CAROLYN, Austin Elementary EducaLon, t.Z, ACE, REW, Cap and Gown, Disciples Student Fellowship HARRIS, CHARLES MELVIN, Austin Architecture, AIA HARRIS, HARRIETT JEAN, Navasota English, KA8, Y, Upperclass Advisor HARRISON, JOHN HENRY, Dallas Bio-chemistry, Ali, Hl:, Professional Interfraternity Council HARRISON, JOSEPH WALTER, JR., Dallas Accounting, t.:!:II, NROTC HARRISON, WILLIAM ARCH, JR., Austin Secondary Education, BK, H:!: KK'i', NROTC, Cowboys, Scabbard and Blade, Longhorn Band, Tejas Club, Inter-Club Council, Outstanding Student HARVEY GEORGE ALLEN, Waco Pharmacy, KK'i', t.X, LPhA, Longhorn Band, Symphonic Band HARWELL, GEORGE MATHIS, JR., San Antonio Geology, KA, Geological Society HARWELL, KATHARINE Amarillo History, XO, BK, A8, AAO., Y, Upperclass Advisor, Student Government HATFIELD, HAROLD ELVIN, TR., Dallas Architectural Engineering, TBII, XE, AME, ASCE, TSPE RATTERMAN, JUDITH MARIE, Victoria Education HAW, SAMMYE JO, Atlanta Bacteriology, t.j.t. HAYES, DOUGLAS P., Hebbronville Money and Banking, BSU, AILerican Finance Association, Society for the Ad­ vancement of Management HAYNES, CHARLES ANDREW, Port Arthur Petroleum Engineering, AIME, Newnu;n Club HAYNES, PATRICIA ANNE, Arlington Elementary Education, l:AH, ACE, Uppercfass Advisor, Society for the Advancement of Management HAYWOOD, NORCELL DAN, Austin Architecture, Sphinx SENIORS HERBST, ALBERT OTTO, Comfort Electrical Engineering, IRE HERBST, MARY HENNINGS, Comfort Music Education, Y,U, IIK.A, Symphonic Band HERRERA, DOROTHY AN , Harlingen History Education, Cactus, Great Issues HERRING, WELDON STUART, San Angelo Personnel Management, Society for the Advancement of Management HERRINGTON, E OCH B., Jacksonville Civil Engineering, ASCE HESS, GERHARD F., Darmstadt, Germany Sociology HEWLETT, JOHN THOMAS, Austin Marketing Adm111istration, Amt.rican Marketing Associatjon, T Associa· tion, Varsity Football Manager HIGGI BOTHAM, JOYCE, Dallas Elementary Education, IlB, Charros, Great Issues HIGHTOWER, ROBERT CAMERO , Liberty Plan JI, Government and History, HY , II~A. A9, BK, AYP, RIL, Assem­ bly, Goodfellow Varsity Debate Squad, Union Executive Council Union Ac­ tivity Council, :taculty-Student Cabinet, Grievance Committee, Freshman Coun­cil, Orientation, Newman Club, Outstanding Student HILL, A. JACKSON, Fort Worth Mechanical tngineering, l:IY, TBII, ASME, Scabbard and Blade HILL, IRIS RAMONA, Waco English, AX!?, RE\V, Cactus, Reag:in, Varsity Carnival, World Univer· sity Service HILL, KE ETH ALBERT, Corpus Christi Accounting, K'i', BA'i' HILL, TOM WEAVER, Arlington ~1:athematics, Rocket Society, Wesley Foundation HILL, WENDALL ROYCE, Odessa Petroleum Engineering, AIME HILLJE, TO ANN, New Braunfels Plan II, AAIT, AA~. BSU, Reagau, All-Campus Advisors, Great Issues, Sponsored Students Committee HINES, ROBERT PAUL, Austin Civil Engineering, ASCE HITE, ALICE JEAN, Austin Philosophy, AZ, Disciplinary Committee HODGES, BRENDA GALE Junction Clothing, Textiles and Costume besign, Charros, Home Economics Club, American Marketing Committee, Cactus, Young Democrats, Union Activities Committee HODGES, CARROLL ANN, Austin Geology, AAIT, BK, AA6, Panhellenic, Orange Jackets, Mortar Board, Symphonic Band, Round-Up, Co-ed Forum, UTSA, Canter Club, Out­ standing Student HOFFMAN, GLORIA AN , Houston History Education, 666, A9, Charm Committee HOFFMANN, JOHN MILTON, Austin Petroleum Engineering, l:I'E, AIME HOFFMAN , MALCOLM EDWARD, ew Braunfels Physical Education, PEM HOFMAN , SYLVIA SUZANNE, Austin Art, ZTA, Reagan HOLBROOK, JAMES FARRELL Electra Personnel Management, Society for the Advancement of Management HOLBROOK, MILTO RAY, Baytown Electrical Engineering, IRE HOLCOMB, JAMES MYRON, Crane Engineering Route to Business Administration, K'i', SAME HOLCOMB, LYNDON PAUL, Bay City Petroleum Engineering, HY, YfE, TBII, AIME, Longhorn Cbri tian Fellowship HOLDEN, WILLIAM PAUL, TR., Denison Aeronautical Engineering, IAeS, CFO, ewman Club HOLLA D, BOB W., Winters Chemistry HOLLAND, SAMUEL MATTHEW, TR., Galveston Psychology, AFROTC, CFO, Orange Wings, <".:alveston Club, ewman Club HOLMES, JUDITH WALKER, Texarkana Elementary Education, ACE, Cap and Gown, Engineering Wives Club HOLMGREE , GE E A., San Antonio Business Administration1 4>I'.l HOLT, JIMMY CLYDE, Austin Management, T Association, Track Team HOPE, PAUL DUAI E, Fort Worth Journahsm, E6X, AFROTC, Daily Texan, Cactus HOR ADAY, JON RUSSELL, Arlington, Va. Advertising, Acacia, A.62: HOR SBY. MARY ELIZABETH Longview Journalism, BSU, Future Teachen of An1erica, Daily Texan, Cactus, Inter-Cooperative Council, Co-Ordinator's Council, Halstead PAGE 54 CLASS OF 1958 HORRIDGE, PATRICIA E., Deer Park Home Economics, Cap and Gown, Upperclass Advisor HORTON, JOHN DAVIS, Texarkana Mechanical Engineering HOSACK, CHARLES RICHARD, Corpus Christi Accounting HOUSTON, CYNTHIA ANNE, Kilgore English, HBRL, Cowboys HOWARD, SHANNON, Dallas Government, ABK, llLA O, ll, HL, Jil:A, Friars, Silver Spurs, Chancellors, Goodfellow, Law Review, Students' Association Vice-President, President Wilson's Student Advisory Council, Election Commission, Outstanding Student, Student-Faculty Committee, Track HUEBOTTER, WILLIAM FREDERICK, Houston Architecture HUFF, CLARK KERN, Houston Architectural Engineering, XE, AAAE BUFFINGTON, ANN, Houston Journalism, AI'~,, 8Lz. Cap and Gown, Panhellenic, Daily Texan, Women Voters, vv esley t oundation HUFFMAN, JAMES MILTON, Terrell Civil Engineering, SAME, AROTC, Scabbard and Blade, Distin­guished Military Student HUGGINS, JIM BUCK, Dallas Mechanical Engineering, JTKA, ASME, Talent Committee HUGHES, CHARLES McCALL, Cleveland, Tenn. Radio and Television, Curtain Club, Radio•TV Guild HUGHES, EDDIE STRODE, Austin Journalism, ~.6.X, Summer Texan Managing Editor HULL, DOLLY GALE, Jackson, Miss. History, flZ, Reagan, Scholastic Integrity Council, Campus Coffee Committee HULTGREN, SIDNEY JEAN, Boise, Id. Music, Piano, Cap and Gown, UppercJass Advisor, Lutheran Student Associa­tion, World University Service HUNGER, ANDREW M., Karnes City Petroleum Engineering HUNTER, DICK KEITH, Texas City Zoology, BK TAMES, YVONNE LUCILLE, Dallas Retailing JANCIK, MARGARET CHARLYN, Houston Bacteriology, A!lII JANSSEN, HERMAN PHILLIP, San Antonio Architecture JARRELL, MAXIE WILLIAM, Temple Aeronautical Engineering, IAeS JAR.Y, LLOYD WALKER, TR., Fort Worth Architecture , sychology, NROTC, Buccaneers, Scabbard and Blade, University SWC Rifle Team PAGE 55 "'" ~ub lob tu.!, SENIORS TENKS, PAUL MENTOR, JR., Pampa J>ersonnel Management and Industrial Management, Society for the Advance­ment of Management TIBLITS, EDWARD WILLIAM, McDonald, Pa. l::lectrical Engineering, AIEE-IRE JOHNSON, A N, Austin ~ecretarial Studies, 6Z, BSU, REW, Cap and Gown, Exhibits Committee JOHNSON, BETTY CAROL, Elgin l>lan 11, Y, Ashbel, University Chorus, Christian Faith and Life Communil'y JOHNSON, CARLENE, Austin llome Economics, XO, Spooks, Orange Jackets, Womens Council, Charm Com­ mittee, JO Most Beautiful, Varsity Carnival Queen, AFROTC Sponsor, Sweet­heart Finalist, Bluebonnet Belle Fi11alist TOHNSO , JAMES CALVIN, Lufkin 'Zoology TOHNSON, JEAN ELIZABETH, Beaumont I-Iome Economics, TIB, Reagan TOHNSON, LILA MAE, Alamo l'lusincss Education, ITP.II, Texas Stars, BBA Sweetheart, BBA Council JOHNSON, MALCOLM RONALD, Houston Geology, AIME, Geological Society JOHNSON, ROBERT LEWIS, Kilgore Petroleum Engineering, AIME JOHNSON THOMAS ELVI , Waco Aeronautical Engineering, IAeS TOLLEY GEORGE CARDWELL, JR., Uvalde Industrial Management, e;,;, AFROTC, Society for the Advance­ ment of Management, lntramurals TOLLY, WALTER LEE, JR., Baytown Electrical Engineering TO AS, RONALD WILLIAM, San Antonio Mathematics, Eulenspiegelverein JONES, BARNETT JULIAN, Sabinal Advertising, AO.~ TONES, HARRY ALISON, Benbrook l>etroleum Engineering, AIME TONES, HARRY LEE, San Antonio l>hysics and Mathematics TONES, MARY ANN, Lake Charles, La. !>tan II, A.6IT, Westmiruter Student Fellowship TONES, PHILIP RAY, Dallas Zoology, MICA, Intramurals TONES, ROBERT LEE, Seminole Mechanical Enginee1ing, ASME TONES, ROBERT LLOYD, Austin J>ersonnel Management, :!:IE, Society for the Advancement of Management TONES, RONALD LENTON, Austin tngineering Route to Business Admirtistration, AIME, AFROTC, UTSAM JONES, ROY ALA , Crawford Aeronauucal Engineering TONES, ROY HAL, Bryan l'lan II TONES, WALTER SID EY, Ennis f>re·Law TONES, WILLIAM FELIX, JR., Fort Worth f>etr>leum Engineenng JORDAN, ERNEST MALCOLM, JR., Fredericksburg Applied Art TORDAN, JOY ELAI E, Fredericksburg l::lementary EdJcation, AAIT, Y, ACE, Lutheran Student ociation TORDA~, MARTORIE F. ALLE , Odessa J>harmacy, KE, LPhA TUAREZ, HUMBERTO L., JR., Laredo l aw, MICA, Pershing Rifles, Laredo Club, Newman Club TU G, JEAN ETTE, Austin brama, Acting, M, Curtain Club, Best Actress TU KIN, EDWARD DIXON, Kerrville tnglish1 Christian F'aitb and Life Community, Westminster tudent Fellowship TURECKA, A N CARLISLE, Galveston H istory, KA0, Cap and Gown, Campus Chest, Club KAARUP MARILY JOYCE, Weslaco Speech, :i:Air, WICA, Upperclass Advisor, Lutheran Student Association KACHTICK, JAMES WALTER~Texas City Ch•mical Engin•ering, ~F., llXE, R-, AIChE, NROTC, Assembly, Silver Spurs, Scabbard and Blade, Bowling KAMRATH, KARL FRED, TR., Houston Architectural Ensinccring, AKE, AAAE, Silver Spurs, T .ssociation, Varsity Tennh PAGE 56 '" .Ill ... "'' KING, FRANK CHARLES, Corpus Christi Retailing, At.I , American Marketing Association KIRK, JOHN ROBERT, TR., Martinsville, Va. Chemical Engineering, ATll, OXE, AIChE, Intramurals KIRK, SLOAN L., JR., San Saba Mathematics, .l:X KIRKPATRICK, PATTY IRENE, Morristown, . J. Psychology, A/I.ti. KITTLE, MARY GLYN, Houston Elementary Education, A, ACE, Future Teachers of America KLINEFELTER, KAREN, Dallas Journalism, 9.l:, WICA, Cap and Gown, Daily Texan, Wesley Foundation KNEBLIK, CLARE CE EDWARD, Temple Mechanical Engineering, ASME KNIGHT DONALD RICHARD, Dallas Industrial Management, ATO, Society for the Advancement of Man­ agement KOCUREK, WILLIAM NEAL, Austin Electrical Engineering, H.l:, HKN KOE , ADA LILLIAN AN , Edinburg English, M, Reagan, Newman Club KOE IG, BILLIE WALDYN, Cuero Music Education, Voice, AA/l, ITK/I. , .l:AI, Newman Club KOHLS, ROGER TOHN, Shamrock Electrical Ecgineering, fti., AIEE KOLOD Y, ELIZABETH ANN, Houston Elementary Education, llE, ACE, Hillel Foundation KOPECKY, ALFRED ALLEN, El Maton Chemistry, Pre-Medical, II.l:, AEtJ. KOPPA, RODGER JOSEPH, Dallas Psychology, 'i'X KOSUB, CHARLES HENRY San Antonio Petroleum Engine.ring, AIME, SAME, ewman Club KOTARA, THOMAS RONALD, Groom Mechanical Engineering, ASME, CFO, Newman Club KOTTWITZ, WILLIAM LEWIS, Houston Insurance, Efl KRAUSE, EDWARD ERNEST, Pharr Electrical Engineering, /\IEE KRICK BARBARA KAY, Austin English, UTSA, Curtain Club, Texas Ranger,Racket Club PAGE 57 International Club, CLASS OF 1958 KAPADIA, DI ESH R., Bombay, India Petroleum Engineering, AIME, lnternauonal Club, Indian Student Association KARDELL, SANDRA CARTWRIGHT, San Augustine Costume Design, A KAYYAL, KASIM M., Latakia, Syria Civil Engineering, ASCE, Arab Student Association KEER, PEGGY AN , Sealy Pharmacy, KE, PX, LPhA KEITH, FRANK RODERICK Austin Mechanical Engineering, ASME, SAME, Pershing Rifles, Scabbard and Blade KEITH, JERILYN RICE, Austin Mathematics, ti.ti.a, A/I.ti. KEKHEYA, A. H. ALI, Latakia, Syria Mechanical Engineering, Ar11b Student Association KELLEY, DAVID L. Gonzales Petroleum Engineering, l:l E KELLNER, RUTH, Galveston Elementary Education, Drama Club, Hillel Foundation KELLY.! PATRICIA FLY, Uvalde Business ~ducation KENNEDY, CHARLES ROY, Houston Personnel Management, MICA, Society for the Advancement of Man­agement KEOW , ALLAN RONALD, El Paso Geology, KK'i', AFROTC, Longhorn Band KIATTA, HOWARD WILLIAM, Denver, Colo. Geology, .l:N, Geological Society KIGHT, JOHN CARROLL, San Antonio Civil Engineering KIMBELL, EDWI CAROL, Fort Worth Electrical Engineering, HKN, IRE KING, BYRON M., Austin Accounting, KT J(tA. SENIORS KRICK, HAROLD DAVID, JR., Austin Petroleum Engineering, KA, TBIT, -fE, .PHI: KUBALA, PAULINE ANN, East Bernard Home Economics, ABK, Cap and Gown, Reagan, Wesley Foundation LA D, MARGARET LEE, Dallas English, A, Orchesis LANDERS, A. W., Lampasas Petroleum Engineering, AIME, TSPE LANE, RALPH EDWARD, Fort Worth Mechanical Engineering, ASME LANE, RICHARD ALLEN, Dallas Zoology LANG, PAUL HOWARD, Lampasas Social Studies, Education LA GLEY, ROBERT DAVID, Big Wells Mechanical Eugineering, .PHI:, ASME LANGSTON, SYLVIA LOUISE, Houston Home Economics, Child Development, AllII LANNI G, CHARLES FREDERICK, San Antonio, Society for the Advancement of Management LANTER, CHARLES ELLIS, Fort Worth Engineering Route to Business Administration, ATn LA TZ, MARY JEAN, Port Arthur Elementary Education, A, ACE, Publicity Committee LARA, MARIA LUISA, Eagle Pass Pharmacy, KE, LPhA LARKIN, LINDA SUE, New Braunfels Music Education, KKI', ME, Y, A Cappella Choir, University Chorus LATHAM, WILLIAM TURNER, Carthage Petroleum Engineering, AIME LAUTERSTEIN, MOISE, La Grange Finance, TA, A!l, AK'i', American Finance Association, Round-Up,Ugly Man Committee LAVERTY, PENELOPE, College Station Plan JI, French, M, BK, AAA, Tiil, Sidney Lanier, Strike and Spare, Canterbury Association LAW, OSCAR LAYTON, Laredo Industrial Management, ASME, Society for the Advancement of Management, American Management Associauon, Hillel Foundation LAWHON, ANNE GRIFFITH, Houston History, ITB, 4>A6 LAWRENCE, MI A FAY, San Antonio Business Education, Secretarial Studies, !IA.A, IT!lll, Spooks LAWSON, CADMUS KILGORE, II, Dallas Finance, ·~K!., llI:ll, AFROTC, American Finance Association LEDWIG RALPH F., Groom Mechanical Engineering, SAME, ASME, CFO, ewman Club LEE, DONNA TORRANCE, Waco History, KKT LEE, LOYL LEO , Galveston Architecture, RiAe Team LEE, ROBERT JOSEPH, Bryan Pharmacy, .PK-I< LEE, ROY GE E, Gainesville Pharmacy, PX, .PllX, LPhA LEEAH GEORGE A DREW, Gonzales Advertising, All!. LEEAH, JUANITA JU E, Pax, West Virginia Applied Art, Fine Arts Council LEGGETT, WILLIAM LARRY, Austin Architecture PAOS 58 CLASS OF 1958 LEMONS, KENNETH NEAL, Gainesville Chemical Engineering, AIChE LEONARD...; ROGER L., JR., Syracuse, N. Y. Aeronautical .t.ngineering, IAeS LEONARD, SMITH WADE, Robstown Geology, Canterbury Association LESLIE JOHN PAUL, Corpus Christi Electrical Engineering, AIEE-IRE, 'ROTC, Buccaneers LESTER, JAMES EDWARD, Lubbock Pharmacy, L\.X, PX LETZ, BUD BERNHARD, Rule Architectural Engineedng LEVANDER, MURIEL ATALIE, Providence, R. I. Elementary Education LEWIS, ARLEN LESTER, Austin Accounting, HL, BA-I-, Society for the Advancement of Manage­ ment LEWIS, CAROL SUZANN, Fort Worth Retailing, American Marketing Association, Union Committee, 75th Co-Ordinat­ing Committee, House Council of Women's Residences LEWIS, MARILYN JOAN, Dallas Speech Therapy, I'B LEYENDECKER, ERNEST ABBOTT, JR., Laredo Petroleum Engineering, AIME, Laredo Club LILLIE, RICHARD RANSOM, Austin Business Administrat!on, A Cappella Choir LILLIE, ROBERT B., Austin Aeronautical Engineering, IAeS1 TSPE, NROTC, Scabbard and Blade, Engi­ neering Council, Longhorn Bana, Newman Club LIND, LEON DWIGHT, Austin Pharmacy, L\.X LI DGRE , JAMES LOVING, Manor Chemistry LINDLEY, JOHN WALKER, JR., Sulphur Springs Marketing Administration, Society for the Advancement of Managee ment, American Marketing Association LI KER, JAMES LORANZO, Arp Personnel Administration, L\.Lil, MICA LIT, BAREARA LEE, Memphis, Tenn. English, AE, Panhellenic, Government Committees LITTLE, IRIS BARTON, Kilgore Interior Design, Home Economics Club LITTLE, SAMMY DON, Kilgore Accounting, .L\.Lil, Wesley Foundation LITTLEPAGE, CLARENCE ROBERT, JR., Houston Electrical Engineering. AIEE-IRE LOCKE, CARL EDWIN, JR., Austin Chemical Engineering, K-1-, OXE, TBil, AIChE LOCKETT, REESE BLAKE, JR., Brenham Civil Engineering, KA LODEN, PATSY LINN, Wichita Falls Elementary Education LODICO, COSMO A THONY, Edinburg Industrial Management, Society for the Advancement of Management LOEFFLER, KE NETH, Mason Real Estate and Insurance, Insurance Society LOEW, RAYMOND RICHARD, Austin Pharmacy, L\.X, PX LOGAN, DE LEON, Sweetwater Accounting LOGAN, WILMA NELL, Palestine Elementary Education, A, Y, Cap and Gown LOHSE, PETER H., Austin Transportation, HL, ANA, Br~, Lutheran Student Association LOMO TE, CECILIA ANNE, Houston English, Newman Club LONGORIA, ROLANDO SORIANO, Corpus Christi Pharmacy, LPhA, Alba Club LOPEZ, MELITON Raymond,·ille History, Lt.IT, MICA, Alba Club, Newman Club LOPEZ, ROBERTO B., Laredo Accounting, Laredo Club LOTSPEICH, ANN YVONNE, Robstown Child Development, A LOTSPEICH, SUE1 Fort Worth Elementary Education, !lL\.L\. PAGE 59 SENIORS LOUDERMILK, CAROL JEAN, Beeville History, A8 LOUGHRIDGE, ROBERT FOSTER, Fort Worth Economics, BK, H.l::, Scabbard and Blade, Young Republicans LOVE, BARBARA CAROL, Dallas Elementary Education, XO, ACE, Newman Club LOVELACE, BYRON KEITH, Dallas Chemical Engineering, !lXE, TBIT, AIChE LOWE, DIANA KAYE, Shreveport, La. English Education, ZTA, Reagan LOWRIE, LESLIE M., Dallas Geology, .i::rE, Geological Society LOYD, LARRY LEE, Shreveport, La. Mechanical En~ineering, I'A, , Ashbel, International Commission, Campus Survey Commit­tee, Canterbury Association LYONS, PERRY JOSEPH, Dallas Chemistry, SAME, AROTC, American Chemical Society, Young Repub­ licans, Canterbury Association MACDANIEL, GIBBS, JR., San Antonio Economics, <1>6.0, Cowboys, lnterfraternity Council MACKENNEY, BARBARA ANN, San Antonio Mathematics, English, AZ, Spooks MACKENZIE, CHARLES LESTER, Houston Engineering Route to Business Administration, TIKA, 4>Hk Y, NROTC, Society for the Advancement of Management, Buccaneers, drievance Com­mittee, Freshman Advisor, World University Service MAECKEL, EDWI K., Corpus Christi Petroleum Engineering, AIME MAHAYNI, MOHAMED AREF, Damascus Syria Architectural Engineering, XE, TBIT, AAAE, Arab Student Association MAHFOOD, EDDIE M., Wichita Falls Petroleum Engineering, AIME. Power Show MAIGUASHCA, FRANKLIN EMERSO , Quito, Ecuador Economics, H.l::, A Cappella Choir MALDONADO, LEONEL, Brownsville Business Administration, Campus Guild, Rio Grande Valley Club MALMGREN, FAITH ELEANOR, Port Arthur Retailing, Management, I'B, Society for the Advancement of Man· agement, American Marketing Association, University Singers, Glee Club, Union Committees, Government Commhtees MALONE, JOHN ROBERT, Austin Business Administration MALONE, VERNON HAROLD, JR., Austin Aeronautical Engineering, IAeS, TSPE MALONE, WILBERN F., Lockhart Accounting, Society for the Advancement of Management MA GUM, MURRAY BENJAMIN, Baytown Management, AXA, Society for the Advancement of Management, Longhorn Flying Club MANITZAS, MARY NICK, San Angelo English, Cap and Gown MANN, MARION MARSHALL, Denton Aeronautical Engineering, TBIT, IAeS MANNING, ANN, Austin Bacteriology MANZ TOE EDWARDS, Austin Eleccrical 'Engineering, AIEE-IRE, AFROTC, Arnold Air Society MAREK, NELSON FRED, Port Lavaca Mechanical Engineering, ASME, Lutheran Student Association MARKUSON, STANLEY DAVID, Omaha, Nebr. Economics, Society for the Advancement of Management, Young Democrats MARLOW, FRED GUY, JR., Austin Management, ll.1:11 MARQUESS, DON, Temple Marketing Administration, AK~, American Marketing Association MARSHALL, GILBERT GEORGE, Del Rio Finance, American Finance Associarion MARTIN, DAVID MICHAEL, Kirbyville Aeronautical Engineerin31 IAeS MARTIN DOROTHY AN , San Antonio Elcmcntclry Educadon, Future Teachers of America, Newman Club MARTIN, ELVA IRENE, Tyler Physical Education, PEM PAO£ 60 :uador ,CJub ntolM.,. Dj!ll, Gkt Club McCLIMANS, FARAN ANDY RAY, Lincoln, Nebr. Government and International Relations McCOULSKEY, HUEY GRIFFIN, JR., San Angelo Physical Education, PEM McCRACKEN, RICHARD GORDON, Garland Petroleum Engineering, ASME McCRACKEN WILLARD ALTON, Houston Geology, AO, l:rE;.. Geological Society, Wesley Foundation, Chris­tian Faith and Life 1..;ommunity McCULLOUGH, CHARLES ELLIS Austin Electrical Engineering, KA. TBII, HKN, Hl:, AIEE-IRE, TSPE, Engineering Council McELVEEN, HERBERT 0., JR., Victoria Accounting, AROTC McFARLAND, JOHNANNA, Lubbock Business Education, XQ, Y McGA W, HUGH ROTH LEE, Austin Economics, SAME, AROTC, Pershing Rifles McGEE PAULA BETH, Bellville Physical 'Education, PEM, UTSA, Union Committee, Shangri-La, Wesley Foundation McGILL, BOBBY RAY, New London Government, XTI, MICA. lntramurals McGONIGLE BETTY JEAN, Brownsville Zoology, Uppercfass Advisor, Government Committee McHUGH CHARLES WILLIAM, Grand Prairie Mechanical 'Engineering, ASME, SAME, AROTC, Varsity Rifle Team, AROTC Rifle Team, Society for the Advancement of Man­ agement McILY AR, DON CHARLES, Dallas Civil Engineering, .1K.E, ASCE, Cowboys, Interfraternity Council, Summer As­sembly, Discipline Committee McINTYRE, JAMES PAUL, Dallas Advertising McKEOWN, SHARON LU, Fort Worth Business Administration, AX.Q McKINNON, PATSY SUE, Snyder Home Economics, Teacher Education, Home Economics Club, Wes­ ley Foundation McLAURIN, LAUGHLIN ARTHUR, Austin Geology, K'i', Geological Society McMAHAN EMMET KYLE, Houston International Trade, Foreign Trade Club McMASTER, CLIFFORD FRANKLIN, Tyler Mechanical Engineering, Hl:, ASME, Inter-Dormitory Council McMILLAN, MARY MAXINE, Pecos Home Economics, ZTA, ON PAGP. 61 CLASS OF 1958 MARTIN, MARGARET ANN, Houston Home Economics, Teacher Education, A,,_ Y, Cactus, Flash Card Committee, Westminster Student Fellowship, Cap and vown, UTSA MARTIN, PATRICIA JO, Amarillo Drama Education, XO, Curtain Club, Government Committee MARTIN, PRESTON KUHN, Austin Chemistry, AXl:, Gymnastic Team MARTINEZ, ARTURO B., JR., Mercedes Pharmacy, K'i', PX, LPhA, Rio Grande Valley Club MARTINEZ, FRANKS., Austin Secondary Education MARTINEZ, WILLIAM MUELLER, San Antonio Accounting MATHERS, GRACE ELIZABETH, Brownsville Spanish, ZTA, Y, President Wilson's Student Advisory Council, Tee Club MATLOCK, NORMA, Port Arthur Government1 KKr, Mortar Board, Orange Jackets, Outstanding Stu­dent, Presiaent's Cabinet, Union Board of Directors, Upperclass Advisor, Discipline Committee, Round-Up MAXWELL, JANE ANN, Austin j ournalism, .AZ, Cap and Gown, Cactus, Daily Texan MAXWELL, L YNDALL OTEY, Houston Elementary Education, ACE, REW, Orientation, Orange Jackets, Westmin­ ster Student Fellowship, Cbristian Fai1h and Life Community MAXWELL, MARTHA CATHARINE, Dallas History, IIB MAY, CAROLE LYNN, Fort Worth Bacteriology, XO, Ten Most Beautiful, Aqua-Carnival Queen Finalist, Sweetheart Nominee, Canterbury Association McANELLY, STANLEY MERLIN, Lameta Psychology, Pre-Medical McCALL, JAMES LYONS, Vicksburg, Miss. Business Administration , ~X McCLATCHY, JOEL KENT, Bangs Mathematics Education, Future Teachers of America, Wesley Foundation McCLENDON, BOBBY JOE, Elgin Education SENIORS McMURRY, JILL ADRIAN, Dallas Music Education, AXll, Glee Club, Head Cheerleader, Y, Band Sponsor McMURTRY, ROSEMARY, Amarillo Government, TIB Mc EW, WALTER HEDRICK, Amarillo Sociology, Cowboys, Varsity Track, Cross Country, T Association McSHANE, JAMES EDWARD, Deer Park Chemistry MEACHAM, BILLIE OLIVER, Monahans Secretarial Studies MEADOWS, DAVID ELMER, Dallas Banking, Fmance MEADOWS, JOE NORMAN, McGregor Geology MEEKS, CHARLES TATE1 Austin Finance, American Finance Association, BBA Council MEINSTEIN, CHARLES SOL, Fort Worth Pharmacy, PX, LPhA MEIER, DON KEITH, La Porte Personnel Management, e;::, 6:!:II, Rangers MEL AR, WILLIAM C., Wallis Pct1oleum Engineering, TBII, :!:fE, AIME, 'ewman Club MENDEZ, RAYMO D, JR., rew Braunfels Pharmacy, K'i', LPhA, AROTC ME GEL, ROBERT ARTHUR, Dallas Industrial Engineering, Society for the Advancement of h{anagement MERWI , ALMA JEAN, Dallas Bacteriology, All-Campus Advisors, Longhorn Christian Fellowship MEYER, GARY HUGH, Luling Marketing, AK'!', American Marketing Association, Varsity Basketball, T Assoc"ation MEYER, HERMA CAROL, Katy Industrial Management, Society for the Advancement of Management MEYER, JOACHIM DIETRICH, Austin Geology, ra. MEYERS, ANITA, Childress Government, AA6, WICA, Young Republicans, Canterbury Association MIDDLEBROOK, McCARTER, Nacogdoches Chemistry, 6T MIDDLETO , BILLY CHARLES, Mansfield Industrial Relations and Personnel Management, ociety for the Advancement of Management MILLER, C. A. SEARCY, Dallas Zoology, A'rll MILLER, JAN EVANS, Austin Psychology, 666, AA6, Spooks, Orange Jackets, Mortar Board, Goodfellow, TISA MILLER, LESTER ALBERT, JR., Austin Mecbanical Engineering, B9II, ASME, SAME, AROTC MILLER, LUTHER BERRY, Coppell Electrical Engineering, HKK, TBIT, AlEE-fRE, MICA, Tejas Club, Disciples Student Fellowship MILLER, MEDA MARGARET, Waco Government, ATC., BK, 9:!:<1>, AA6, Y, Daily Texan, Cultural Entertainment Committee MILLER, A CY JANE, Houston Secondary Education, AXll MILLER W. RUTH, Austin History! WiCA, Cap and Gown, Future Teachers of America, Inter· nationa Club, ~wsleuer Commiuee, Union Committee MILLICAN, DAVID A DREW, Dallas Advertising, Law, AXA, A6I, N A, Y, Daily Texan, Steer Here, Public Relations Committee, Scholastic Integrity Council, YoungRepublicans MILLS, MARVIN LEROY, Skellytown Geology, Geological Society, Ram horn MIMS, ROBERT ELTON, Water Valley Journalism. English, BK l:.lX, Hl:, ilver purs, Frian, Teia• Club, Editor Daily Texan, Wesley Foundation, Dads' Day Award, Ouutanding tudent MI G S, ODIS ., II, eth, West Indies Government, KA, International Council MI EMA , MARY AN , Paris, France French MITCHAM, WILLIAM SMITH, Cisco Electrical Engineering, TBIT, AIEE-IRE, Westminster tudent Fellowship MIXON JAMES L., Dallas Personnel ~fanagemf"nt, Society for the Advancement of ~fana1t:emrnt MOEHLE THELMA NN, Enid Okla. Accounting, l·t., WICA, House Chairman Organization MOERBE MARTI LEE, Giddings Mechanical Engineering, A ME PAGE 62 ftJ!!!llb, "'°"""' ·,;..Club, ...-­ MOORE, WILLIAM MAX, Austin Linguistics MOORE, WILLIAM THOMAS, Arlington Personnel Management MOREDOCK, DUANE E., Austin Geology, Geological Society MORENO, JOE, Lockhart Accounting MORGAN, HUBERT AUGUSTUS, JR., Beaumont Chemical Engineering, TKE, AIChE MORGAN, JAMES F., Alto Radio and Television MORGAN, ROBERT WYATT, Victoria Personnel Management, cftr.A, Society for the Advancement of Manage· ment MORIARTY, MORTON WINSTON, Big Lake Physical Education, ~X, XI'I, PEM, Varsity Football MORRIS, MARY LY N, Seminole Business Education MORROW, KEITH KENYON, Freeport Psychology, Jl.X, AQ MORROW, WENDELL PHILLIPS, Austin Government, $Hl: MUELLER, CAMILLA BEATRICE, San Antonio Mathematics, KKI', Ashbel, Canterbury Association MUELLER, CHARLES PAUL, JR., San Antonio Geology, ~X MULLER, BRUCE EDWARD, Marshall Fin2nce, .6.l:cp, Act>~, Cactus, Longhorn Band, American Finance Association MULLIKIN, BILLY RAYMOND, Henderson Personnel Management, 6.l:IT MUNOZ, MANUEL, Laredo Secondary Education, MICA, Laredo Club, Newman Club MURPHY, GERALD LAWRENCE, Alvin Petroleum Engineering, AIME, Intramurals MURPHY, JAMES CHARLES, Austin Mechanical Engineering, KL, ASME MURPHY, PATRICIA JEAN, Port Arthur Secretarial Studies, Society for the Advancement of Management MURRAY, HAROLD RICE, Dallas Accounting, KK'i', NROTC, Longhorn Band PAGE 63 CLASS OF 1958 MOERS, SARA KATHRIN, Houston Elementary Education, Jl.AA MOFFETT, FRANK CARDWELL, Midland Architecture, MICA, AIA, Glee Club, Longhorn Band. Symphonic Band, Architecture Honor Roll MOFFIT, ANN STUART, Austin Elementary Education, AXU, Y, Round-Up, Campus Chest, Turtle Club, Upperclass Advisor, Canterbury Association MOHUN, RICHARD ALLEN, Temple Chemical Engineering MOLINA, GLADYS, San Antonio Spanish and Education, WICA, Alba Club, Newman Club MONTGOMERY, CHARLES HAROLD, Austin Mechanical Engineering, ASME, TSPE MONTGOMERY, REUBEN, Houston Chemical Engineering, AIChE MOODY, BEBE DENMAN, Houston Elementary Education, IlBKk MOORE, JACK PRATT, Clarksville Chemical Engineering, AX~, TBII, OXE, AIChE MOORE, JOHN ROBERT, Henderson Sociology MOORE, MICHAEL ALAN, Fort Worth Chemical Engineering, AXZ, Hk , AIChE MOORE, PATRICIA FRANCES, Austin Mathematics, UTSA, Turnle, Round-Up Revue, Time Staggers On MOORE, SANDRA LEE, Austin Elementary Education, XO, Mortar Board, Goodfellow, Panhellenic, Sweetheart ominee, Campus Chest, Scholastic Integrity Council MOORE, THOMAS FELTON, Texarkana Chemical Engineering, AIChE SENIORS MUSICK, CHARLES RICHARD, Houston Industrial Management. ITKA, Society for the Advancement o! Management MYRICK, TO ANN, Sulphur Springs Elementary Eclucation, Ar.1 NAGLE, FRA K TAYLOR Austin Insurance, ATA, AROTC, Varsity i-randball, Freshman Basketball, Talent Committee NALL, GARRY LY N, Loving Plan II, History, IT:!:A, BSU, Young Democrats NALLS, MORRIS GLENN, Austin Physical Education, PEM NASSAR, ALEXANDER, Detroit, Mich. Geology, Geological Society NATHA ~JEROME JACOB, Beaumont Pre.Law, 4>2:.6., AO, Cowboys, Head Cheer Leader, Union Commit· tees, Government Commitees NAUMANN, CHARLES LANDON, Marble Falls Accounting, A:!:IT, Arnold Air Society NAYLOR, ALFRED ERNEST, Amarillo Electrical Engineering, AIEE NAYLOR, BILL TOE, Amarillo Civil Engineering, xr1, ASCE NEATHERY, JOH LINDSAY, JR., Dallas Electrical Engineering, AIEE-IRE, SAM!l NEBLETT, DOROTHY ELIZABETH, Canyon English Education, KA8, ACE, REW, Westminster Student Fellow­ship NEIMEYER, ALLEN CARL, Austin Government and H istory NELLE, CAROL LOUISE, Austin Home Economics, Home Economics Club NEUGEBAUER, RICHARD A., Pasadena Architecture NEUMAN , MARILYN, Bay City Zoology NEWBERRY, ALBERT GUS, Mount Vernon Mechanical Engineering, ASME NEWBROUGH, DANNY EARL, Texon Physics and Mathematics, .Pl:K NEWMAN, ARTHUR ORIN JR. Brownwood Music, A:!:.P, KK'i', TBIT, UXE, .P~lA, AIChE Ramshorn Association, Longhorn Band, Symphonic Band, Symphony Orchestra NEWMAN, VIRGINIA ORENE, Brownwood Home Economics Teacher Education, ON, Home Economics Club, Wesley Foundation NEWTON, JANET,J acksonville Home Economics, XO, 0 NEYLAND, THOMAS ALLE , Beaumont Music Theory, .Pl:K, .PMA, All Saints Episcopal Choir NICHOLS, LARRY DEE, Texarkana Architecture !ELSEN, ANCY, Edcouch Radio and Television, AAIT AEP, RIL, Cap and Gown, Reagan, Radi°"TV Guild, Talent Committee, Survey Committee, Wesley Foundation NIX, DONALD GENE, Corpus Christi Statistics, American Statistical Association, BBA Council NIX, EDNA ALLEN, Bellaire Chem1stry NORMA , BILL R., Rhome Industrial Management, :!:IE, A:l:IT, BBA Council, Society for the Ad­ vancement of Management NORRIS, BOB RICHARD, Dallas Mathematics, MICA, Astronomy Club ORTHCUTT, JOHN HAROLD, Tyler Personnel Management, A:!:IT NORWOOD, JACK GLEN , Texas City Pre-Law, Acacia, Silver Spurs, lnterfraternity Council, Summer Assembly, Board o! Directors o! the Umversity Co-Operative Society, Steering Com­ mitteeJ Campus Affairs Committee, Round·Up, Representauve Party, Good· fellow UTT, VIRGI IA, Wichita Falls Plan II, KK.f, Y, Orange Jackets, Mortar Board, Cap and Gown, Rea· gan, Good!cllow NYFELER, ),OHN VER 0 , Del Rio Architecture, 'I :!:A, AJA, Tejas Club, Sphinx, Architecture Council OAKLEY, JUDITH LY , Dallas Commercial Art O'BRIEN DE NIS TOSEPH Austin Personnel Management, tlE, AFR6TC, Arnold Air Society, cabbard and Blade, Society for the Advancement of Management, lntramurals O'DELL, LETA FAUNEIL, Fort Worth Applied Art ODE , A CY A , Houston Elemtntary Education, A.:..:. PAGE 64 OWE , A CY ELIZABETH HARWELL, San Antonio Elementary Education, ..\r, Union Committees, Westminster Student Fel1owship OWE , ROBERT FRA KLIN, Corpus Christi Petroleum Engineering, AIME PACE, DEN IS GORDO , Port Arthur Industrial Relations and Personnel Management, ~IE, Hr, AFROTC, Society for the Advancement o( Management, lntramurals PADGETT, PATRICIA, San Antonio Sociology, XO, Mortar Board, Orange Jackets, Cap and Gown, Assemb'.y PAI E, LESTER I., Bay City Marketing Research, .IN, American Marketing Association, Rcpresentati,·e Party PAI TER, JOH JAY, San Antonio Psychology PALMER, LESTER BARRY, Austin Business Administration, AFROTC, Orange Wings, Scabbard and Blade, Arnold Air Society, Charros PARK, DIXIE J., Caracas, Venezuela Spanish, A PARKER CHARLES SCOTT, San Antonio Petroleum Engineering, B0fl, AIME, Engineering Council PARKER, GERALD PATRICK, Corpus Christi Mechanical Engmeering, TBfl, TIT:!:, ASME, MICA, B & H Instruments Scholarship PARKER, PATRICIA AN , Pecos Elementary Education, ZTA, Orange Jackets, Spooks! Cap and Gown, AFROTC Sponsor, Sweetheart Finalist, Bluebonnet Be le PARKER, ROBERT LEE, Tyler English, A!l, AFROTC, Young Democrats PARSONS, JACK DOWLIN, Kenedy Electrical Engineering, AIEE PARSO S, SUE, Fort Worth History, A, Y, Cap and Gown PARTAIN, ROBERT ARTHUR, Palacios Retailing, American Marketing Association PARTI , TAMES RALPH, JR., Beaumont Mechanical Engineering PASCHETAG, CARL, Beaumont Accounting, 0Z PATZKE, KATHRYN A , Calvert English, Cap and Gown, Wesley Foundation PA LETTE, R. C., JR., Odessa Mechanical Engineering, ASME PAYNE, DONALD ALLE , Combes Industrial Management, ~lE, Society for the Advancement of Man­agement PA0~65 CLASS OF 1958 ODIORNE, KE ETH HUGH, Houston Restaurant Management, 0X O'DONNELL, THOMAS JOHN, Waco Aeronautical Engineering, IAeS, rewman Club OHLHAUSEN, LILA FAY, Hunt Business Administration, BSU, Order of Eastern Star OLD, FRANCES ADELINE, March AFB, Calif. Psychology, II B1l> , International Commission OLDHAM, LLOYD DURMA , Freeport Mechanical Engineering, A.lX, LPhA ORCHARD, BECCA JEAN, Houston English A.lll, REW, Orange Jackets. Spooks, Bluebonnet Belle, IU Most Beautiful Finalist, En~ineering Sweetheart Nominee, Upperclass Advisor, Grievance Committee, Freshman Council ORER, U VER NDAR, Ankara. Turkey Civil Engineering OTT, GRANVILLE EMIL, San Angelo Electrical Engineering, HKX, TBIT, IRE OTTS, COY D., Gainesville Geology OTTS, FOY LEE, Gainesville Geology OVERTO , JOH ROY, JR., Big Spring Economics, Government, Young Democrats SENIORS PAYNE, TAMES ALLEN, Center Personnel :Management PAYNE, SAMUEL JEROME, Dallas History, Kl:, A9, Scholastic Integrity Council, Fulbright Scholarship Candidate, Assistantship in History PEARSON, MARTORIE A NE, Hutto Music Education, At'll, Upperclass Advisor, University Chorus, Blue­bonnet Belle Finalist PEARSON, RICHARD ORVILLE, Denison Mechanical Engineering, ASME PEEPLES, KENNETH RAY, Pampa A{arketing, American Marketing Association, American Finance Association PENA, CLEO, Corpus Christi Elementary Education, ACE, rewman Club PE A, EDUARD01 JR., Laredo Marketing, A~r, American l\1arketing Association, Laredo Club, New­ man Club PEPPER, JEAN ELLEN, Dallas Business Education, A, AA6., TIOII, Orange Jackets, Mortar Board, Goodfellow, Panhellenic, All-Campus Advisor Council, Hospitality Committee PERDOMO-M, FRA CISCO JAVIER, Bogota, Colombia Petroleum Engineering PEREZ, NOE, Pharr Journalism, :U1X, Daily Texan, Alba Club PERKI S, BILLY RAY, Marshall Business Administration PERRY, BOBBY WAYNE, San Angelo Advertising, A.t.l:, BBA Council, Charros PERRY, JEANNE MARIE, Abilene English PESEK, CHARLES LEONARD, Jourdanton Petroleum Engineering, AIME, Newman Club PESEK, MARK GEORGE Jourdanton Electrical Engineering, AIEE-IRE, Newman Club PETTIS, JANET LOUISE, Waco History, TIB, Y, Government Committee, Christian Faith and Life Community PHARR, GEORGE THOMAS, Lytle Journalism, AROTC, Daily Texan PHILLIPS, H. ROGER, San Antonio Advertising, KT, Al!.J:. PICKE S, FRANKLIN ACE, Odessa ~ifarketins, .6.KE, American Marketing Association, Round-p1 teer Here, Grievance Committee PICKE S, MARY ANNE BRU E, Garwood Mathematics PIERCE, ALLEN JOHN Sandia Petroleum Engineering, ROTC. Crow's Nest PIETZSCH, EVELY FRANCES, Beaumont Elementary Education, llllll PILES, JAMES PAUL, Tyler Advertising, History, l:K, A6l:, Film Committee, Daily Texan Adver­tising Staff, Jesse Jones Scholarship in Journalism PIPKIN, BOBBY JEAN, Baytown Social Studies, Education, KA9, UTSA, Poona Club AROTC Spo~sor, International Commission, Intra.murals, Canterbury Asso· c1auon PISTOR WALTER BROW , Dallas Business Administration, l:K, AK'i', AO, AFROTC, Silver purs Goodfellow, AFROTC Riffe •Team, lnterfraternity Council, Union Execuuve Council, BBA Council, Student Government PITNER, DAN KEITH, Snyder Personnel Management, T Association, Varsity Track, Varsity Cross.Country PITTS, MARIE FRANCES, Grants Pass, Ore. Secretarial Studies PITTS WALTER EDWARD, TR., Coleman IndusLria\ Management, Society for the Advancement of Manage­ ment, Thele1ne PLUMMER, LEO ARD BROD AX, JR., Austin Musical Education, AO, ~tA, MICA, ymphony Orchestra POLASEK, JOH NIE JOE Wharton Mechanical Engineering, A ME, CFO, Newman Club POLLARD, KATHERINE VIRGI IA, Houston Home Economics, AXO, Cap and Gown, Reagan, Home Economics Club, Daily Texan, Steer Here, Power Show POPE, FLOYD EUGE E, Dallas Personnel ~lanagement1 ex, Cowboys, Intedraternity Council, Sod· ety for the Advancement of Management, Civil Defense Committee, Code and Conduct Committee PORTER, JAMES JULIUS, JR., Cisco Industrial Management PORTER, KE ETH RAY, Cleburne Civil Engineering, ASCE PORTER, LUCI DA A , Dallas Elementary EducaLion, Xll, CE, International Council, We. Icy Foun­dation PORTER PAT YAN E, Tyler Elementary 'Education, ACE, Cap and Gown, Honors Day PAGE 66 PROCTOR, BEVERLY WAY E, Freeport Aeronautical Engineering, IAeS PROKOP, RICHARD JOHN, East Bernard Mechanical Engineering PRYOR, PHYLLIS T., Midland Elementary Education, KK.r, Christian Faith and Life Community PUCKETT, JACK WELDON, Valley View Electrical Engineering PU DT, DO ALD TOE, Borger Chemical Engineering, A[ChE PURNELL, MARJORIE MAILLOT, Dallas History, llB, Spooks, Panhellenic, Round-Up, President Wilson's Student Advisory Council, Committee on Student Organizations Maintaining Houses, Silver Spur Award PURSER, GORDON CECIL, Temple Applied Art QUEBE, PATRICIA R., Galveston Psychology, WICA, REW-RIL, Cap and Gown, A Cappella Choir, Talent Committee RAINBOW, HE RY BALLARD, Houston Accounting, REW, Cactus, Flash Card Committee, Steer Here, Christian Sci­ence Organization RAI OSHEK, DENNIS WAYNE, Houston Arcltitecture RAMAGE CECIL HUGH, Austin Mechanical Engineering, KK'i', ASME, TSPE, Longhorn Band RAMBY, PATTY VAUGHA , San Antonio Spanish, A:\11 RAMIREZ, JAVIER TADEO, Roma Zoology, Newman Club RAMIREZ, MARIA AURORA, Laredo International Trade, Foreign Trade Club, Laredo Club, Club de Mexico Sweetheart, Newman Club RAMSEY, RUTHMARY, Fort Worth Elementary Education, AI'A, Texas Stars RANDOLPH, SPE GER GORDO , Coahoma Petroleum Engineering, AIME, Inter-Cooperative Council, TLOK RANDOLPH, STERLING PARKER, Coahoma Petroleum Engineering, AIME, TLOK, Engineering Council, Inter-Cooperative Council, Wesley Foundation RANGEL MARTA, Laredo Pharmacy, KE, LPhA, Halstead RANKIN, BILLY BYRON, Odessa Zooiogy RAPER, TESSIE LEWIS, Dallas Business Administration PAGE 67 CLASS OF 1958 PORTER~ PAUL PHILLIP, Cisco Geology, XI I, Geological Society PORTER, SUZA E, Lubbock Applied Art, XO, Freshman Council, Turtle Club POTTER, CLARA JEA , Pittsburg Advertising, American Marketing Association POTTER, ELEANOR ALINE, Tyler Elementary Education, Cap and Gown POU, JAMES HERMAN, Houston Psychology, LaVerne Noyes Scholarship, Wilbur Davidson Scholarship POUNDS, LEWIS KENNETH, Decatur Mathematics, Longhorn Band POWELL, JAMES SID EY, Tyler Advertising, AA.!: POWERS, KAY, Corpus Christi English, ZTA PRATHER, ED A JOA , Donna English, Cap and Gown PRENTICE, TAMES ARCHER, Austin Psychology, Pre.Medical, KA, J-U:, AEJ., Y, Cowboys, Jnterfraternity Council PRESSLER, BETTE T. CRADDOCK, Austin Home Economics Educa tion. .6....l...l, Charm Committee PRICE, JUDY, Panhandle Eng1ish PRICE, TED LEE, Electra Industrial Relations and Personnel Management, AFROTC, Scabbard and Blade, Arnold Air Society, Society for the Advancement of ?vlanagement PRINCE, MORGA , Chireno Civil Engineering PRITCHETT, THOMAS LESLIE, JR., Dallas Economics, K.!:, AFROTC PROCTOR, JOHN CHARLES, San Marcos Mechanical En!fineering, ASME, SAME, AFROTC, Arnold Air Society, T Association, Varsity Golf SENIORS RASCHKE, ALVIN TAMES, Colorado City Petroleum Engineering, AfME RATLIFF, WILLIAM ROARK, Sonora Civil Engineering, f.i RAY, TAMES MILLS, Houston Bacteriorogy, Canterbury Assoc.1at.ion RECER, HAROLD C., Fort Worth Archatecture, AIA REDDING, TONY EDWARD, Denison Mechanical Engineering, ASME REED, CHARLES EDWARD, Mullin Petroleum Engineering, XfJ , AIME REED, DON ALLE , Rosenberg Chemical Engineering, AIChE REED, WILLIAM JOSEPH, Dallas Ci\'il Engineerin~, ASCE. :\ewman Club REES, SONDRA JEANNE, Odessa Commercial Art, ..\I' REHM, NEV A JEAN, Rockwood Brniness Education, rm11 , BSU REINHACKEL, CAROL ANN, Austin P;ychology, .lZ, BBA, Y, Newman Club REIVER, CAROLYN JAY, Irving Nutrition, Cap A, Eulcnspiegelverein RILEY, JOHN CLEMENT, III, Houston Zoology, Pre-Medical, ~T.l, AB~, A!l, Jnterlraternity Council ROACH, SAMUEL EMMETT, Frisco Mechanical Engineenng, ASME ROBBINS, CLARE CE BUR TO_ , Childress Petroleum Engineering, AJ JyfE ROBERSON, GINGER, Brownsville Elementary Education, X!!, REW, Y, Scholastic Integrity Counciltump Speaking 1 ROBERTS, DE IS CLAY, San Antonio journalism, A.1! , Tt!xas Ranger, lntramurals ROBERTS, JULIA A , Alvin Elementary Education, ACE, Wesley Foundation ROBERTS, LESLIE ADRIAN, Houston History, MICA, International Club ROBERTS, THOMAS GENE, Houston Government, !K ROBERTSON, BOBBY GE E, Pasadena Chemical Engineeriug, AJC'.1E, Freshman Football, lntramurals ROBERTSON, JIMMY PAUL, Saragosa Zoology, Pre-Dental, Longhorn Band, Forty Acre Follies ROBERTSO , KATHERYN JOY, San Antonio Bacteriology ROBERTSO. , LOYD GORDO , Houston Mechanical Engineeri~g. .l:K, H~, A ME, Longhorn Band, Fraternity President's Council RODGERS, WILLIAM FREDDIE, Talco Mechanical Engineering, ASME RODIECK, ROY HE RY, Houston Physics, MICA, Varsity Fencing Team. Longhorn Fencing Club RODRIGUEZ, DAVID RAMOS, San Antonio Pharmacy ROE, DOYLE LORE ZO, Dallas Personnel Management , AK'I' ROGERS, JAMES HARVEY, San Antonio Accounting. ex. AROTC, Fraternity Pre>idents' Council ROGERS, LAWRE CE WALKER Orange Ec.cnomics ROLOFF, MELVIN LY , Victoria Accounting, nKA, AK+ PAGE 68 ST. JOH , BILL, Ballinger Geology, Geological Society SALTER, JOYCE J EAN, Dallas Elementary Education SANFORD, FLOYD KEITH, JR., Itasca Petroleum Engineering, AIME SA FORD, HARRIET FRANCES, Arlington Drama and D a;'lCC Education, XQ, Curtain Club, Round-Up Review SA FORD, LATHAN WADE, Piedmont, Ala. Dance Drama, Curtain Club, Round-Up Review SARGENT, CARRIS RALPH, JR., Grand Prairie Real Estate, 1:AE SARVER, GEORGE LERTI , JR., Baytown Chemjcal Engineering, e:::, A!ChE SATEL, CHRISTI E, San Antonio Elementary Education SAUCIER, BOBBY TILDE , Waco Electrical Engineering SAUER, RICHARD ELGIN, Roscoe Pharmacy, K'I', Luthenn Student Association SAUNDERS, WALTER ASA, JR. Corpus Christi Accountin_g1 :!:I<, V io SCHADE, CAROLE MILDRED, Edna Elementary Education, tll', ACE, Decoration Commitlee, Westminster Student Fellowship SCHENK, CLARENCE HARLAN, Schulenburg Radio and Television, Radio-TV Guild, Curtain Club, Longhorn Band SCHINDLER, VA H., Cuero Mechanical Engineering, ASME SCHLUETER, VIRGIL, Seguin Pharmacy, LPhA SCHMIDT, AN A KATHRYN, Mason Bacteriology, Lutheran Student Association SCHMIDT, DIA E BEYERL Y, Galveston Geology SCHMIDT, KATHERI E A NA, Waco Home Economics, AA!l, ON, Lutheran Student Association , Uni\'ersity Religious Coundl SCHMIDT, WAYNE L., San Antonio Petroleum Engin~er:ng, AIME, I'ewman Club PAGE 69 CLASS OF 1958 ROO EY, DO JAMES, San Antonio Geology, :i:x ROOT, VER 0 ORMEL, Henderson Mechanical Engineering, ASME ROSE, MARGARET ANN, Dallas Elementary Education, A

A0, Y, Orange Jackets, Reagan, Co-ed Forum, Sorority Presidents' Council RUESCH, BARBARA ANN, Columbus Journalism, €U:Cl>, Daily Texan RUNGE, GEORGE EDWARD, ew Braunfels Journalism, Daily Texan, Eulenspiegelvcrein, George W. Brackenridge Scholar­ ship, Jesse H. Jones Scholarship RUSSELL, ROBERT CLIFTON, JR., Arlington History KT , Interfraternity Council RY , LI DA JANE, Longview English, KKr, Ashhel, Round-p RYA , LYNDA LEE, Alvin Chemistry SAENZ, AURELIA1 Harlingen Pharmacy. KE, LPhA, Rio Grande Valley Club SAE Z, JUAN JOSE, III, Brownsville Mechanical Engineermg, ASME, Rio Grande Valley Club SAENZ, RAUL SERGIO, Brownsville Mechanical Engineering, ASME SAIKIN, MARILYN FAYE, Abilene Elementary Education. ~1T, ~..-\II , Human Relations CommiS!tion SENIORS SCHMIDT, WILLIAM ERNST, New Braunfels English, Pre-Law SCHNEIDER, TOM L., San Antonio Mathematjcs, Insurance Society, BBA Council SCHOELLKOPF1 C. W., Houston Mechanical Engineering, ASME, Swimming Team Manager SCHRIEVER, PAUL GRADY, San Antonio Government, Young Republicans SCHROEDER, ERNESTINE BRADLEY, Austin Elementary Education, ACE SCHUELER, ARNOLD LOUIS, Friona Music, f6, A Cappella Choir SCHULER, WALTER LEE, Lubbock Architecture SCHUMANN, PAUL AUGUST, JR., Houston Physics, T Association SCHWAB, ROBERT RUDOLPH, Beaumont Mechanical Engineering, ASA1E, TSPE, Speleogical Society, Longhorn Band, Longhorn Flying Club SCOTT, CAROLYN LENORE, Austin Music Education, ~Al SCROGGINS, BEYERLY ELLEN, Tomball Physical Education SCROGGINS, RICHARD LOUIS, Brownsville Accounting, X, .l!IT, Stump Speaking Committee, Canterbury Association SEAY, BRYANT PEARCE, JR. Houston Electrical Engineering, l:X, HKN, AIEE-IRE SEAY, CAROLYN, Austin Journalism, AAil, 8 1:<1>, Reagan, Daily Texan SEEKATZ, THOMAS EDWARD, Austin Accounting, IX, AK'I', Cowboys, T Association, Varsity Golf SHAFER, DONALD WAYNE, DeKalb Pharmacy, Ki' SHAMMATT, M. FAROUK H., Damascus, Syria Electrical Engineering SHANER, HELEN CLAIRE, Houston Administration ol Youth Serving Agencies, 6Z, UTSA, •Turtle Club, Chris­ tian Science Organization SHANNON, CAROLYN JO STATON, Austin English, Canterbury Association SHARPLESS, LAWRENCE LAVA GA , JR., Millville, N. J. Government, Wesley Foundation SHAW, CLIFFORD HALDEE , Dallas Engineering Route to Business Administration SHAW, JERRY WAYNE, Corpus Christi Marketing, American Marketing Association SHEHADEH, MOHAMED KHALED, Damascus, Syria Chemistry, Arab Student Association SHELBY, THOMAS HALL, III, Tyler Mathematics, AXA, All, Longhorn Band SHELDON, JOH AUGSPURGER, Houston Mechanical Engmeering, l:E, ASME, Intramurols SHEPPERD, JAMES WESLEY Alpine Industrial Management, Society for the Advancement of Management, In· t.ramurals SHORT, JAMES WILLIAM, Houston Zoolo$"y, Pre·Medical, Alli, Hl:, Summa Cum Laude, Undergraduate Chemistry Research SHUPE, WILLIAM L., Austin Mechanical Engineering, ASME SHUTTLEWORTH, JUDITH JANET, Houston Art SIEGAL, BEN NATHA San Antonio Journalism, l:.1X, Daily Texan Managing Editor SIGWART, LOIS Austin Secondary Education , iTA, Canterbury Association SILVA, DOLORES, Taylor Journalism and English, 0£•~. BK , WICA, Daily Texan, Alba Club, Student Party Executive Council, Inter·Cooperative Council, Valhalla SIMMONS, CLIFTON EUGE E, Hawkins Accounting, BA'i', Hl: SIMON, ERWIN HUGO, Fredericksburg Aeronautical Engineering, IAe , Longhorn Flying Club IMO , MARION BESS, El Paso Journalism, 6<~Ei TISA, Cap and Gown, Assembly, Racket Club, Cur­tain Club, Daily ~exan SIMONS, BRYA ELMO, JR., Bay City Chemistry, Pre-Medical PAO& 70 SMITH, LAURA LOU, Artesia, N. M. English, t.r SMITH, MARGARET ANN, Salem, Ill. lub,Chri> Business Education, IlDil, Y, Union Committee, BBA Council, Government Committee, Featured Baton Twirler Longhorn Band, Westminster Student Fellowship SMITH, MARK S., Dallas Advertising, :!:t.X, All:!:, AROTC, Daily Texan SMITH, MARY PATRICIA, San Marcos Mathematics, Art. SMITH, PATSY CLAY, Austin Accounting, Ar.6. , AA!l, Spooks, Student Cooperative Association Board of Di­ rectors, Wesley Foundation SMITH, ROBERT CLINTON, Beaumont Chemistry, Atl, Speleological Society SMITH, RUSSELL UPSON, Tyler Chemical Engineering, TBIT, AlChE SMITH, SANDRA JEA , Temple Elementary Education SMITH, SHERRO LYNNETTE, Brady Home Economics, ll6.6., Home Economics Club SMITH, SUZANNE MARGARET, Houston ''""·lo· Elementary Education, ZTA, REW, ACE, Union Committee SMITH, WILLIAM EARL, Austin Industrial Management, t.:!:, t.:!:IT SMITH, WILLIAM SCHUETZE, Markham Government, Ben, AEt., AD, Wesley Foundation SMITH, WINSTON SAMFORD, Center Industrial Management SMYTH, BARBARA KERFOOT Portland Plan II, AOil, University Chorus, Canterbury Association SOBOTIK, ROBERT HAROLD, Luling Chemical Engineering, TBIT, DXE , AX:!:, H~, KK'i', MICA, AIChE, Longhorn Band, Intramurals SOLCHER, ALBERT KE NEDY, Austin Chemical Engineering, ex, AIChE, TSPE, lnterfraternity Council, Newman Club SOLCHER, WILLIAM BOYD, San Antonio Aeronautical Engineering, lAeS, Newman Club SOLIE, FLORENCE BEVERLY, Houston Plan II, .l'B, BSU, NROTC Sponsor SOTO, RUBEN V., Pharr Personnel Management, Society for the Advancement of Management, Great Issues, University Chorus, Young Republicans, Wesley Foundation tub, Cur· SOZA, GUILLERMO V., Presidio Accounting, Alba Club, Newman Club CLASS OF 1958 SIMPSON, THOMAS H., JR., Mathis Mathematics SIMS, M. C., Kirbyville Advertising SIPES, GARY ALFRED, San Antonio Music Theory, MA, Longhorn Band, Symphony Orchestra, Symphonic Band SIVALLS, BETTY RAE, Midland Latin, KK.r, Canterbury Association, Christian Faith and Life Com­munity SKELTON, SANDRA, Temple Home Economics, XO, Y, Music Committee, Young Democrats SLAUGHTER, BRUCE ELTON, Hico Pharmacy, LPhA, Wesley Foundation SLAUGHTER, RAYMOND MAX, Austin Engineering Route to Business Administration, ~L~~~ Lll:IT, Society for the Advancement of Management, Intramurals, Wesley Foundation SLOCUM, JOSEPH HOYT, JR., Rockport Real Estate SLONE, TOMMYE FRANCES, Bay City Education SMITH, CHARLES FRANCIS, Austin Chemistry SMITH, CONNIE MAREK, Brenham Pharmacy, KE, LPbA SMITH DANIEL LESTER, Houston Geology, e::., .l:.l'E, Geological Society, Christian Faith and Life Community SMITH, EDDIE MARIE GREENWADE, West Interior Decoration, BSU, Cactus, Home Economics Club SMITH, ETHEL LORAINE, Tulia English SMITH, HAROLD GENE, Dallas Mechanical Engineering, ITKA, ASME SMITH, TOHNEY WELDO ROSS, Uvalde Industrial Management, X, lnterfraternity Council, Society for the Advancement of Management SENIORS SPANN, ROBERT LOUIS, Houston Aeronautical Engineering, IAeS, MICA, lntramurals, Newman Club SPEER1 GLEN CHARLES, San Antonio Aeronaullcal Engineering, IAeS SPELCE, NEAL LESLIE, Houston Radio and Television, 1.TJ KK'I', Silver Spurs, Vice-President Students' Association, Assembly, Ra io·TV Guild, Fine Arts Council, Daily Texan1 Longhorn Band, Faculty-Student Cabinet SPELCE, WILLIAM BENNETT, Houston Accounting, UT SPICKARD, MARTHA JANICE. Dallas Elementary Education, XO, Y, Cap and Gown, Games Committee, Dance Com· mittee SPIES, ROBERT FREDRIC, Dallas Mechanical Engineering, K~ STAAS, GENE L., San Angelo Electrical Engineering, HKN, AIEE-IRE STALLINGS, MARY MARGARET, Terrell Elementary Education, ~I', Orange Jackets, Mortar Board1 Reagan, Fu ture Teachers of America Freshman Council, Leadersnip Com­mittee, Education Student-Faculty Council, Westminster Student Fe11owship, University Religious Council STANDEFER, HARMON BISHOP, Azle Pharmacy, 4•~X STARKEY, JOSEPH STEVENSON, Monahans Pharmacy, Acacia, Ki' STARR, EDWARD LOUIS, JR., East Bernard Accounting, ~l:ll STARR, RAYMOND GALE, Corpus Christi History, 4•A6 STAUFFACHER, RAYMOND HALL, JR., Houston Mechanical Engineering, l:N, ASME, if Association STEARNES, JIMMY H., Beaumont Marketing, l:N STEED, WILLIS CARTER, Baytown Petroleum Engineering, AIME STEELE, JIMMY LESLIE, Brownsville Accounting STEITZ, WALTER RICHARD, Conroe Chemical Engineering, AIChE, TLOK STELLY, EDWARD JAMES, Port Arthur Mechanical Engineering, ASME, Newman Club STEPHENS, ROBERT MICHAEL, Lometa Economics, Longhorn Band, Scabbard and Blade, Young Republicans STEVENS, ROBERT EUGENE, Houston Accounting, Hr , BA'1'1 Honor Ro~I STEVES, DAVID PIPES, JR., San Angelo English, l:X STEWART, MARCH. Gladewater Business Administration, 4>1'.6., American Marketing Association, Wesley Foundation STOCKS, DOUGLAS ROSCOE, JR., Dallas Mathematics STOELTJE, TOE EDWARD, Beaumont Architecture, .6.KE, Cowboys STOKES, TAMES CECIL, Coleman Pharmacy, AU, LPhA, Silver Spurs, Cultural Entertainment Committee STONE, JAMES A DREW, Dallas Accounting, AK'I', AFROTC, Society for the Advancement of Management STRODE, GEORGE STANLEY, Los Angeles, Calif. Aeronautical Engineering, IAeS, Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship STRONG, BEEMAN EWELL, III, Beaumont Chemical Engineering, ATO, HL STUTTS, JACK HARRISON, San Antonio Accounting, .6.1', <11H.I, AK+, T Association SUGGS, G. W., Hereford H istory SUMMERS, CYNTHIA A N, Belton Pharmacy, KE, LPhA SURRATT, MARY KATE, Panhandle English, A41, REW, Cap and Cown1 Upperclass :\dvisor, Union Committee SUTTON, JAMIE, Longview Home Economics, A SVOBODA, LEONARD S., Houston Architecture, CFO SWEIS, AIED SALIBA, Amman. Tordan Petroleum Engineering, AO, AIME, Wesley Foundation SYKES, JERRE E., San Angelo Pharmacy, HKA P AGE 72 itttt """"'' '· r... TEAGUE, MARJORIE STALL! GS, Houston Business Education, ITQJl TEICHMANN, FRA KLI EDWARD, Schulenburg Pharmacy, K'i', PX TERRY, HAYDE VICTOR, Arlington Personuel Management, HK.A TERRY, PATRICK CLAUDE, Victoria Journalism, ewman Club TETLEY, GAIL ANN, Beaumont Science, AXU, Assembly, Education Council, Bluebonnet Belle rominee, Union Committees THOMAN , ARIEL JOSE, Buenos Aires, Argentina Pre-Medical, All1 Al:.l, 11.l, Cactus, Student Christian Association, Christian Faith anc1 Life Community THOMAS, M. WYNDELL. Fort Worth Petroleum Engineering, AIME, TSPE THOMAS, WILLIAM G., JR., Dallas Architectural Engineering, AAAE THOMPSO , JAMES HU TER, Houston Marketing, cl>Kl:, 6.l:Il, American Marketing Association THOMPSON, MARSHALL WAYLAND, Dallas Zoology, Afl, Varsity Track THOMSON, FRA CIS MARION, Mexico City, Mexico Economics, B0IT, Silver Spurs, Interfraternity Council, Scabbard and Blade, Campus Chest THORNTO , JIMMY D., San Antonio Journalism, l:K'r , AROTC TAHU, GEORGE TACK, JR., Dallas Electrical Engineering, 1RE TAMAYO, ADOLPH ALBERT, Lockhart Chemical Engineering, AIChE, Alba Club, Newm3n Club TARVER, CAROLY S E, Austin Elementary Education, r~, B!:, Cap and Gown, Upperclass Advisor, Classics Club TAYLOR, CURTIS LESLIE, Dallas Accounting TAYLOR, GLE ELMER, Baytown Chemical Engineering, llXE, AIChE TAYLOR, HARRY EVA S, Fort Worth Pre-Dental , <1>r6., Silver Spurs, Varsity Baseball , T Association TAYLOR, HOLLIS MORAN, Baytown Chemical Engineering, AXA, AIChE TAYLOR, TOE FRANK, Electra Accounting, a'NA , Student Government TAYLOR, JOHN MILTO , Pearsall Psychology, KA, Student Government TAYLOR, LEROY JAMES, Fruithurst, Ala. Go,·ernment, International Studies, Ill:A TAYLOR, ROY LYN , Matador Accounting, A.:'.6 TRA THAM, PAUL FREDERICK, Fort Worth Pharmacy, <1>6.X, PX, LPhA TREVINO, MARIA CHRISTI A, Edinburg Sociology TRIBBLE, JAMES WESS, Corpus Christi Personnel Management, Acl>O, Wesley Foundation TRIM, TERRY MAC Waco Finance, Jlr.i;, 6.l:IT, AFROTC, Arnold Air Society TRIMBLE, FLORENCE DELAIN, Houston Child Development, A.:l.11, Home Economics Club TRIMBLE, JOH FREDERIC, Orange Accounting, c1>ae, Varsity Golf, T Association TRIMBLE, PATRICIA A N, San Antonio Businesss Education, XO, ITP.11, BBA Council, Summer Assembly, Upperclass Advisor, Grievance Committee, Freshman Orientation TROEGEL, ELTO FREDERICK, Shreveport, La. Engineering Route to Business Adminisrration, Society Ior the Advancement 0£ ?t.ifanagemen t TRULY, TOHN PATRICK, Dallas Journalism, 1:.6.X , Daily Texan, Thcleme TUCKER, ARNOLDJ_OSEPH Fort Worth Electrical Engineering, HK , TBIT, SA~1E, AIEE-IRE, TSPE TUCKER, EVERETTE LANIER, TR., Galveston Geology, SAME1 AROTC, Scabbard and Blade, Pershing Rifles, Power Show, Distinguished Military Student, lntramurals TUCKER, MARY KATHRY , Bowie English, AI', Cap and Gown TURA , FARUK HALIL, Ankara, Turkey Petroleum Engineering, Turkish Club TURN, GORDON LAVAUGHN, Austin Architectural Engineering, AAAE, Engineering Council, American Concrete Institute TURNER, ALFRED JACKSON, Canton Sociology TURNER, BILL LAMOND, Brady Physical Education, 6.T, PEM TURNER, TA N, Austin Elementary Education, 6,M, Charm Committee TURNER, KEATON RAY, Pittsburg Electrical Engineering, AIEE-IRE TURNER, LESTER, Houston Zoology TURNS, TOMMY GUINN, Dallas History TURPIN, MARGARET HELEN, Orange Music Theory fB, :l:AI, Y, Orange Jackets, Mortar Board, Sidney Lanier, Panheflenic, Upperclass Advisor, Westminster Student Fellowship TYLASKA, THEODORE THOMAS, Houston Mathematics, A.PO, IRE, American Mathema1ics Socie1y TYRRASCH, BARBARA A , Corpus Christi Physical Education UPCHURCH, BILLY RAY, Austin Architectural Engineering, AAAE, ASCE, TSPE, Engineering Council, Assembly URESTI, GILBERTO, Benavides Pharmacy, Il:l:, Ki' VALTIERRA, BEVERLY JANE, Seguin Sociology VARICHAK, RICHARD WARREN, Chisholm, Minn. Physical Education, PEM, ewman Club VARGAS, TOSE ELIAS, .JR., El Paso Pharmacy, K..f VASSBERG, DAVIS ERL D, Lyford Liberal Arts, ex, MA, Universily Singers, Symphonic Band, Lutheran Student Association VAUGHA , JACK KENNETH, Mexia Mathematics, Astronomical ociery VAUGHN, CLOVIS SEIGLER, Lubbock Civil Engineering, XE, NROTC, Scabbard and Blade VAUGHT, JA ICE LEE, Dallas Elementary Education, AAIT VEHRS, DONALD FREDRICK, ekoosa, Wisc. Electrical Engineering, II~, HK:\', TBH, AIEE-IRE VICKERY, DONALD EDWARD, Grand Saline Government p OE 74 CLASS OF 1958 VIELOCK, TOE RAY, San Antonio Chemistry, AXf, Professional Interfraternity Council VIELOCK, ROBERT CLAYTON, San Antonio Finance, KE, Insurance Society VILLARREAL, CAROL BETH, Austin Music, Applied Flute, AOTT, LAI, TTKA, Mortar Board, Panhellenic, Symphony Orchestra, Woodwind Quintet, Westminster Student Fellow· ship VILLARROEL, HUGO R., Cochabamba, Bolivia Electrical Engineering, AIEE, Newman Club VILLER ET MOLLIE MARIE, Houston Elementary Education KKr, ACE, REW, Future Teachers of America, Civil Defense Committce1 Hospitality Committee VINEYARD1 CAROLE, Wharton Secretarial Studies, KK.r VIRAMONTES, LOUIS, San Antonio Architecture, AJA, SAME, AROTC, Campus Guild VOGAN, JARRETT BERNICE, Alvin Plan II, XnY, REW, Orange Jackets, Upperclass Advisor, Griev­ 1 ance Committee, Campus Chest, Election Commission, University Religious Council VOGT, MARILYN MARIE, Houston Interior Decoration, rc.t>B, Home Economics Club, Lutheran Student Association VOTAW, WILLIAM TRAVIS, Brazoria Geology WADLE, LARRY COLEMAN, Mexia Mathematics, 4>BK, HL, Astronomy Club, lntramurals WAIT, EUGENE MEREDITH, Kerrville History WALCOWICH1 KAY San Antonio Elementary Education, ACE, Cap and Gown WALDMAN, JEROME LAWRENCE, Houston Marketing, AEll, American Marketing Association, lntramurals WALDRON, DAVID LEE, Burt Lake, Mich. Civil Engineering, TBJT, XE WALKER, HAZEN ROBERT, New Braunfels History and Government, l:X WALKER, ROBERT DEE, Fort Stockton Finance, Bankin~, I.N, lnterfraternity Council, American Finance Association , Student-Faculty Committee WALKER, SUE KATHERINE, Fort Worth Elementary Education, Powell House, Inter-Cooperative Council, Committee on Student Or~anizations Maintaining Houses, Board of Directors of Stu­dents' Cooperauve Association WALKER, THOMAS BOYD, Irving Physical Education, PEM WALL, TAMES EDGAR, Houston Prc-Dentaf, LX WALLACE, COLONEL TAMES, Abilene Zoology, Pre-Medical, A{), MICA, Union Committee WALLACE, STANLEY A DERSON, JR., Austin Marketing WALTER, WILLIAM DAVID, Fredericksburg Accounting, HL, KK'I', BA'I', NROTC WANENMACHER, PATRICIA ORVALYN, Tulsa, Okla. H istory, IIB WARD. TOHN COLVIN, JR., Austin Physical Education, PEM, T Association, Varsity Basketball WARD, JOHN H., Tyler Physics WARD, MARY ANN, (I ) Jacksboro Mathematics WARD, MARY ANN, (11), Tyler Elementary Education, 11111!., Charm Committee WARD, PEGGY VIRGINIA, Centerville Business Education WARD, RICHARD ELBERT, Beaumont Pharmacy, K'I', A{), LPhA WARE, DEBORAH TOAN, Crane English, AA/1, AROTC S'ponsor, Miss Petroleum Engineer WARNER, SAMUEL WOMACK, Dallas Law, AXA,.. Law Bachelors' Clubbe, Leadenhip Committee, Union Activities Louncil, Young Democrats, Goodfel!ow WARNER, WALTER SCOTT, Paris Radio and Television, Radio-TV Guild WARREN, JOHNNY RICHARD Houston Petroleum Engineering, KI., AIME, Siiver Spurs, T Association, Varsity Track WASON, SUE, Texas City Elementary Education, A, Hospitality Committee WATERS, MARY ANN, Corpus Christi Home Economi i:s, O~. AA!l PAGE 75 SENIORS WATSON, LENORE, Lake Charles, La. French, AZ, TT~R:E , AE6 WELCH, TIMMY DWAYNE, Lubbock Engineering "Route to Business Administration, <1>rA, Cowboys, Outstanding Stu· dent, Round-Up Revue, T Association, Varsity Football, Southwest Conference Sportsmanship Committee WELLS, JACK ARLLEN, Killeen Physical Education, PEM WELLS, TAMES LESLIE, Renner Geology, TKE, Geological Society WELLS, JEAN BRYANT, Austin Elementary Education, AA6, ACE, Wesley Foundation WEST, BARBARA SUE, Athens English, Foreign Students Committee, Strike and Spare WEST, CHARLES ROBERT, Schertz Chemical Engineering, AIChE, Intramurals WEST, WILLIAM WATKI S, TR., Lufkin Pre-Medical, ITKA, H:E , AE6, Ranger "Editor WESTON, CO STANCE, ew Orleans, La. Plan II, KK!', IT6<1>, Great Is ues, Charm Committee WESTON, EDWARD DRUMMOND, Dallas English, X, Canterbury Club WEYEL, ALLAN EDGAR, New Braunfels Mechanical Engineering, ASME WHEAT, KEN ETH PRESTON, Pasadena Chemistry WHEATLEY, JERRY DALE, Haskell Accounting WHEELER, JOHN FRANKL! , San Marcos English WHELTO , EDWARD F., Galveston Accounting WHITE, AMELIA DUNCA , Houston French, TIB, Civil Defense Committee WHITE, BUDDY GERALD, Austin Petroleum Engineering, AIME WHITE, ROBERT WAYNE, Brownwood Petroleum Engineering, 6.T.6. WHITNEY LEO A., Amarillo Architecture, "4>KT, Assembly WHORTO , PATSY A , Austin Elementary Education, 6Z, ACE, Reagan, Wesley Foundation WICKLINE, CLE D., Corpus Christi Mechanical Engineering, A ME, lntraruurals WEIDEMA ., BARBARA JEAN, Junction History, 6.~6., Future Teachers or America WILBORN, JAMES LUCIAN, Austin Engineering Route to Bussiness Administration, IlKA, ICbE, ROTC, Buccaneers, Dance Committee WILCOX, BETH San Antonio Mathematics, \.Vesley i>'oundation WILEY, THOMAS ELMER, JR., Austin Electrical Engineering. AT!I H:E TB!!, HKN AIEE, AROTC, REW, lnterlraternity Council, cabbard and Blade, Assembly, Gov· ernment Committee, Distinguished ~iilitary tudent PAGE 76 ~ROTC. .\ROTC. bif,f, YOUNG, ROBERT DAVID, Roby Finance, .6.KE, American Finance Association, American MarketingAssociation YOU GBLOOD, GOLDE DUA E, Austin Geology, Geological Society ZA ER, MARY FRA CES, El Paso Music Education, Voice, AXllj Cap and Gown, Glee Club, Opera Workshop, University Chorus, Curtain Cub, Honor Ro1l ZELE , STEPHEN JAMES, Houston Insurance, Pre·Law, Insurance Society, Marketing Society, Symphonic Band, Grievance Commiuee, Forum Speakers, Hillel Foundauon ZIMMERMA , ELLEN BO D, San Antonio Mathematics, XO ZIPP, VALERIE V ANGE, Edna Elementary Education, A.6.IT, Westminster Student Fellowship ZUHLKE, HAROLD CHARLES, Jourdanton Civil Engineering ZUROVEC, BARBARA ANN, Temple Sociology, U ppertlass Advisor, Strike and Spare, Newman Club ZWEIG, HAROLD ISADORE, San Antonio Law, cf>I~ PACE 77 CLASS OF 1958 WILKI SON, JOEL McGEE, Tyler Geology, l:X WILKINSON, MARY JANE, Houston English, AB, Home Economics Club WILLIAMSON, CARL C., Miami Mechanical Engineering, ASME, Engineering Council, lntramurals WILLIFORD, TRUETT CARLTO , Kountze Chemistry WILLIS, WILLIAM LAURENCE, Edna Law, Ill:A, A9 WILLSON, ROBERT E., San Antonio Accounting WILSON, CLYDE ROBERT, Austin Bacteriology WILSON, HORACE EARL, Austin Architecture, AIA WILSO , JAMES DANIEL, JR., Temple Chemistry, Pre·Medical, Acacia WILSO , JUDITH KAREN, Freeport Spedal Education, Cap and Gown WINSTON PHIL E. Austin Chemistry, TKE, SAME, AROTC, lntedratcrnity Council, Fraternity Presidents' Council WI TER, WINIFRED ELYN, San Antonio History, KKI', Great Issues WISDOM, ORVELL EDWIN, JR., Crane Chemistry, BS , Eulenspjegelverein DADS' DAY AWARD SHIRLEY ANN Bmo, Best All-Around Girl. R OBERT ELTO (Buo) MIMS, Best All-Around Boy. PAGE 78 . :;.. .. .,._ .Ji., 3-::'"i.. ·~· 't ~-' ~:,. l'l· ?" °'$ ; .... ~ ~ .•_t,... ,, .,..... ......_.,~. I 1/ ' -~ ...."' -. .. ~~ ~-~ ·"':· .. ·~· .,~ -"f! .•,..• ~-" <' ·~-­ .· ;~~ ~­ .~·~ ·~ '{i {! 0 ~.. . "'"t , ~ ... -·-~· --e<" -~-......\ts:./ ,,. .... ~ :· ..~·~.,_L" :"'•· ... __ t .; ~ ;;.-:.... 1 ·c-t"' ~ ~ ' l:..-­ ....'·/ ,. ~~ p ... r.;,. . ;. _,: -i _· " f -..,_~ -~ .,.,_: ,. ... >"'! .,.. ! 1893 JUNIORS PAGE 79 JUNIORS SECOND-YEAR LAWS Ahrens, Carl William, St. Anne, Ill. Dishman, Harry Charles, Jr., Bryan Jordan, V. Murray, Brady Slone, Charles R ., Bay City Townsend, James T., Brady FIRST-YEAR LAW Bolding, Edward Porter, San Angelo Chapoton, John Edgar, Galveston Chapoton, Otis Don, Galveston Clements, Anna Belle, Kilgore Garcia, Amador C., Mercedes Lee, Ivon, III, Midland McLain, Frank Eugene, Dallas Meadows, Donald Hunter, Corpus Christi Milam, Jack, Victoria Olson, George A., San Antonio Ross, Albert Clay, Arlington Walker, James Whittenburg, Amarillo Wheat, Ernest Alton, Belton JUNIORS Aars, Gene C., Clifton Abdul-Latif, Numan, Bagdad, Iraq Abell, Madeleine Wright, Wharton Acrey, Beverly Faye, Dallas Acuna, Arnold Soto, Corpus Christi Adamo, Michael Charles, Houston Adams, George Robert, Alice Adams, Jane, New Braunfels Adams, Norman William, Petaluma, Calif. Adels, Marlene Beverly, Tyler Aderholt, Charles Earl, Tarrant, Ala. Adkins, Bert Bently, Jr., Houston Akin, Charles Ray, Jr., Austin Akkerman, James William, Houston Alger, David William, Houston Al-Kashwan, Nouri, Bagdad, Iraq Allen, Mary Etta, T yler Allen, Mary Lee, McGregor Allen, Noranne Elizabeth, El Paso Alley, Diane, El Dorado, Ark. Allums, James Anderson, Kowntze Almond, Carolyn Kay, Del Rio Anderson, Carroll Dwight, Austin Ander on, James Lloyd, Abilene Anderson, James Rieves, Uvalde Anderson, Jerry A., Houston Anderson, Nelda Lucille, Fort Worth Anderson, Stanley Earl, Newgulf Andrews, Bolivar Coleman, Pharr Angell, Richard James, Dallas Appleman, R. Gordon, Fort Worth Armstrong Gae Marie, Mission Armstrong, Henry Austin, Arlington Armstrong, James Robert, Dallas Asato, Shotoku, Kitanakagusuku, Okinawa Asfour, John Elias, Beirut, Lebanon Ashbaugh, Charles Ivan, Corpus Christi Atchison, Thomas ndrew, Richland prings Atkinson, Carol Elaine, Austin Aue, Betty Ann, an Antonio Bacon, William Deakyne, Jr., eedham, Mass. Bagwell, Marilyn, Sulphur prings Bailey, Charlene, Rosenberg Bailey, Melvin Lewis, Dallas Baird, John David, Austin Bakrr, David G<.'nc, Quanah Baker, Mary Margaret. San Antonio Baker, Vivian Rose, Brenham Baldridge, James Wesley, Baytown Balfanz, Barbara Jean, Houston Ballas, France Freda, Dallas Barbay, andra Jane, Moody Barefield, Mary Elizabeth, Del Rio Barker, Joe Floyd, Dallas CLASS OF 1959 Barker, Maxine Rachael, Austin Barnes, Barbara Ellen, Irving Barr, James Morgan, Bay City Barrera, H ebe, Gonzales Barton, Marilyn, Sugar Land Bauch, Garland Thomas, Goliad Baucum, William Emmett, J r., New Boston Baum, Zetta Jo, Mercedes Baumgarten, Maurice A., Houston Bean, William Clifton, Omaha Bearden, Lois Sandra, Victoria Becerra, Joe E., Rosenberg Beck, Marvin Eugene, Waelder Beckmann, Rudolph Anton, Blanco Bednarski, Fred, Austin Beilke, Myloa May, Wichita Falls Bell, Donald Moran, Bay City Beloate, Florence, Dallas Benkendorfer, LuAnn King, Houston Bennett, Billie Joyce, Jacksonville Bennett, David William, Jacksonville Bennett, William Parker, Brownsville Benson, John Greer, Hereford Benton, Channing Carlin, San Antonio Berry, David Wayne, Pendleton Berry, Kenneth Karel, Wheeler Best, Margaret Alyne, Austin Bice, Noley Russell, Jr., Tyler Billings, Frank Edward, Nixon Bishop, Charter Cecil, Jr., Karnack Blackstock, Ronald Lee, Graham Blake, Jack Edward, Sherman Bland, M ary Kathryn, Austin Bland, Troy Neal, Diana Bleakney, Millicent Ann, Harlingen Blesch, Steven Edwin, Opa Locka, Fla. Blevins, Sue, McAllen Blume, Mary Karen, Wichita, Kan. Boatright, David Alexander, Austin Bodine, Daniel Edward, T exas City Boecker, Carroll William, Buckholts Boehm, H enry Julius, Brenham Boesch, Don Edward, Houston Boettger, Betsy Sue, Mission Boghs, Noe Edmundo, Donna Bohanan, James Earl, Dallas Bohlmann, Carol Ann, San Antonio Bond, Ernest Patrick, Baytown Bonham, Lelia Claire, Sulphur Springs Bonner, Lucy Delle, Mexia Booher, Claude Robert, San Antonio Boone, Jackie Ben, Memphis Bouchard, Andre, Austin Bowden, Joe Allen, Ingleside Bowers, Larry Lester, Brownwood Bowser, Martha Louise, Dallas Boyd, Bobby Joe, Dallas Boyd, Marilyn Ann, Austin Boyd, Ronnie Dean, Plainview Boyles, Minifred Julia, Houston Brady, Bluford Leonard, Fort Worth Branham, William Keith, Houston Brazelton, Emily Kay, Houston Brewer, James Edward, Kilgore Bridges, Barbara Earle, Houston Bridges, William Randolph, Abilene Briscoe, James P., Alvin Britain, Cleo Ann, Bellaire Broadfoot, Marsha Ann, Alpine Broadway, Barbara Sue, Madisonville Brooks, Nancy Lou, Beaumont Brooks, William Bryan, T exarkana PAGE 81 JUNIORS Brotzman, K athleen Louise, Rio Hondo Broughton, Clifton Ray, Palestine Brown, Betty Jo, San Antonio Brown, Betty Lynne, Houston Brown, Raymond Ralph, San Antonio Brown, William Ralph, Richardson Bruh!, Donald Adolphus, Jr., Llano Brummett, Lloyd Truman, Pampa Bryan, Barbara Jean, Dallas Buchanan, Tom E., Dallas Buck, Bobbie Sue, H ouston Buck, Laurel Irene, Austin Burch, Lee Murry, Caddo Mills Burke, Katherine Elizabeth, Austin Burkett, Robert Judson, Amarillo Burlage, Robb Kendrick, Austin Burns, Stella Maureen, H ouston Burton, Larry Kent, Springfield, Ill. Bybee, Owen Lynn, Jr., Hereford Bywaters, Walter Hill, Dallas Cafer, Larry H ., Corpus Christi Cain, Billy Jean, McAllen Caldwell, Gerald Wayne, Goliad Callaway, Clarence L., Dallas Campbell, Amy Weichsel, Lampasas Campbell, David Wilson, Port Arthur Cardenas, Luis, ]., Jr., Laredo Cargill, Clara Paula, Longview Carpenter, James Alfred, Deer Park Carpenter, Owen Price, Jr., Belton Carraway, Paul Milton, Garland Carroll, Virginia Fay, Houston Carson, Kay E., Midland Carter, Diana Alice, Elsa Carter, Linda Kay, Childress Cartwright, Patty Mays, Terrell Case, Howard Bernard, Bonham Casey, Katherine Frances, Dallas Casmere, Suzanne, San Antonio Cason, Sandra, Victoria Casselberry, Don Eldon, Kaufman Castro, Albert Flores, Brownsville Cate, Charles Cushman, Houston Cates, Edward Grayson, Menard Catlett, LaRue Scott, Carrizo Springs Cazamias, Katherine H ., Laredo Cecil, James W., Houston Chamberlin, Patricia Brown, Waxahachie Chambers, Richard Gerald, Seguin Chancy, Robert Stone, Burnet Chapa, Moises Sanchez, Alice Chapman, George Camp, Amarillo Chapman, Janine, San Antonio Chaudoin, Nita Suzanne, San Antonio Chester, Martin David, San Antonio Christal, Wanda Janiece, Lelia Lake Churchill, Grace Anne, LaGrange, Ill. Clark, Fred Ray, New Braunfels Clark, Marilyn Patricia, Corpus Christi Clark, Peggy Lou, Lockhart Clark, Robert Willard, Austin Clarke, Thelma Frances Houston Clayton, Carolyn Elizabeth, Houston Clements, James Riley, Henderson Cleveland, Jerry Gay, Hillsboro Cleveland, Joseph harles, El Paso Clifford, Patti Irene, Mercedes Cline, Barbara Kay, Midland Coffee, Roy Clarence, Jr., Dallas Cole, Beverly Ann, Houston Cole, Carolyn Alice, Austin Cole, James Leon, Big pring PAOB C2 CLASS OF 1959 Coleman, Brady Steele, Houston Collins, Harwood Lewis, Jr., Alvin Collins, William Phillip, Austin Col wick, Ruth Catherine, Dallas Compton, Howard Ayres, Jr., Dallas Conde, Carlos, San Benito Connery, David Bradford, Jr., Midland Cook, Deanna D., Austin Cook, Sally F., San Antonio Cooke, Mary Monica, Ennis Cooke, William Peyton, Amarillo Cooksey, Robert Monaghan, Corsicana Cooper, B. K., Gatesville Copeland, John William, Austin Cotten, Eleanor Mills, Victoria Cotter, John D., Panhandle Coughran, James Patrick, Houston Courtney, Carol Rosalyn, Quitman Couser, Zera Ann, Austin Cowan, Gaye Ann, Dublin Cox, Jan Campbell, Alvin Craig, Gayla, Austin Crain, R. E., Austin Cramer, Ann, Houston Craver, Jane Clarice, Texarkana Crawford, Ewin Lynn, McAllen Crawford, Mary Ann, Livingston Crawley, Dolph R., Goldsmith Creamer, Cherry Nell, Texarkana, Ark. Creekmore, Doyle Eugene, Baytown Crider, Billie Jo, Lampasas Crittenden, Mickey, Dallas Crockett, William Arthur, Ballinger Croft, Chancy, Odessa Cromwell, Harriet, Taylor Crook, Howard Hawthorne, El Paso Cruthirds, Betty Joann, Beaumont Cuba, Benjamin James, T emple Cunningham, Herbert Isaac, Jr., Austin Curren, Gary Leon, Phillips Currie, Hugh Bob, Amarillo Cutler, Royce Linton, Houston DaCamara, Shirley Priscilla, Laredo Dale, John Wesley, Falfurrias Danneberg, Judith Kay, T emple Dannels, Delbert Glen, Palacios Darmodjo, Soesanto, Magelang, Indonesia Darnall, Linda Marshall, Dallas Dau, Ralph Waldrom, Dallas Davidson, William Lewis, Houston Davis, Barbara Ann, Houston Davis, Betty Ruth, Gladewater Davis, James Edward, Austin Davis, K enneth Earl, Houston Davis, Malcolm B., Gladewater Davis, Marion Claire, Corpus Christi Davis, Shirley A., Dallas Dawson, Dorothy, San Antonio Day, Eugene W., Austin D e Alba, Cynthia Gayle, H ouston De Bardeleben, Michael Linda, Fort Worth DeBois, John Allen, Austin DeGrassi, Hollis Baxter, Jr., Amarillo Dempsey, Jack Marvin, Harlingen Denison, William Powers, Jr., Houston Denman, Charles Culberson, Jr., Nacogdoches Derrett, Delbert Henry, Baytown Derrick, Donald Hugh, Burton De Yaney, Will Earl, Amarillo Dickerson, Charles Adoloh, Rosenberg Dillard, Sandra Ann, Dallas Dingler, Denson Powell, Austin PAGE 83 JUNIORS Dittert, Henry Marion, Jr., Victoria Ditto, Michael Mayo, Arlin11;ton Dixon, Melvin Richard, Hearne Dodson, Herbert William Amarillo Doggett, John Rentz, III, Houston Donaghey, Lewis Wheeler, Trenton Dorbandt, Helen Ann, Conroe Dorn, George Albert, Houston Dorn, Rosemary Butschek, Houston Douglas, Walter Brockman, Houston Douglass, Lynne, Corous Christi Drewa, Allan Louis, Seguin Dreymala. Charles Samuel, Houston Drisdale, Howard H., San Anton;o Driver, Jack Gantt, T ern'll Drushel, William H ., Liberty Duckett, Jo Ann, Austin Duff, Catherine, San Antonio Duff, Willis Powell, Jr., Bonham Duke, Anne Bolin, Dallas Dunagan, Otis Theodore, Jr., T yler Dunbar, Garland Duke, .Jr., Elgin Dunlap, Hugh Graydon, Houston Dunne, Patty A., Houston Durden, James M., San Angelo Durland, Virginia Jean, Dallas Dutton, Dale Lee. Richmond Dzilsky. Jean Ann, Baytown Eason, Judith Lynn, Cleveland. Miss. Ebaugh, Albert Lipscomb, Austin Ebel, Charles E., Rosenberg Eddings, Jimmy Ralph, Highlands Edgar, Mary Patricia, San Antonio Egas, Oswaldo Anibal, Quito, Ecuador Eichler, Jane Elizabeth, Brenham Ekdahl, Karin Louise, Villapark, Ill. Ellison, Austin McFarland, Paris Engelking, .Jo Ann, San Angelo Ermcy, Harold Lee, Point Comfort Erwin, Carroll Gene, Charlotte Esquivel, Sandra, Austin Estes, Janet Clair, Conuncrce Fagan, Katheryn, Fort Worth Fahey, Robert John, Galveston Fairall, Labon Leroy, San Antonio Falk, Rose Margaret, Corpus Christi Fambrough, Guy Crain, Raymondville Fanning, Hazel Ann, Wichita Falls Faour, Daniel John, Fairbanks Fariss, Carolyn Virginia, Houston Farquhar, Joan Carolyn, Sinton Faust, Bill R., San Antonio Felder, Jean Barrillon, Palestine Felt, Patsy, San Antonio Fennell, Rose Lynn, Beaumont Ferguson. Raymond Dalton, Jr., Victoria Ferguson, Richard Wayne, Houston Ferguson, Robert Ted, Jr., Corpus Christi Fernandez, Reynaldo, El Paso Ferrill, T . Craig, an Antonio Fielding, Nancy, Dallas Fields, Lester Eugene, Austin Filleman, Charles tephen, San Angelo Fincher, Donald Franklin, Tulia Fisher, Karol Keith, Au tin Fisher, Richard Bradley, Fort Worth Fitch, Cathey Elizabeth, valde Fitzpatrick, Mary Alice, Austin Flachmeier, Emily Jo, Austin Flathouse, Virgil Edmond, San ntonio Ford, Don Duane, Houston Ford, Shirley nn, Gruver CLASS OF 1959 Forkner, William Antone, 13rownwood Forney, Scott William, Ranger Foster, Barbara Anne, Corpus Christi Foster, Gunilla Lindh, Stockholm, Sweden Fowler, David Wayne, Sabinal Fowler, William Joseph, Houston Franks, Cherie Glynn, San Antonio Freeman, Mary Lou, Loop Friedrich, Elmer Lee, Fredericksburg Fulkes, Beverly Sue, Round Rock Fuller, Barbara Gene, Austin Fulmer, Charlotte Ann, Nacogdoches Fuos, Alton Charles, San Antonio Furushiro, Louis, Austin Fuson, Carol, Houston Galbraith, Homer David, Austin Gallagher, James Lyman, Bellaire Gallagher, Patricia Mary, Arlington Gallagher, Theodore Cornelius, III, Robstown Gamble, Roland Ellis, Austin Gamel, William Glenn, Lampasas Garmany, Richard P., Houston Garner, Edith Jane, Victoria Garner, Lee Edwin, Stephenville Garnett, Billie C., Austin Garza, Frank Joseph, Austin Gensler, Jay Don, Wickett Gentry, Robert Byrd, Houston Gibson, John Dewey, Wellington Giesecke, Leonard Frederick, J r., Austin Gilcrease, Richard Vowel, Fort Worth Giles, Jacklyn Kendall, Corpus Christi Gillett, Robert Bruce, Fort Worth Gilliam, Alvin Bruce, Austin Gilliam, Jimmy Wendell, Austin Gilmore, Linda Gail, Newgulf Girard, Jerry Sidney, Cotulla Clenney, Amy Jean, San Antonio Glidden, Teddy Glyn, LaMarque Goldfinger, Jacob Joel, Farmersville Goldstein, Maurice, Sherman Gonzalez, Edward Esquivel, San Antonio Gooch, Adrienne Gay, Fort Worth Goodman, Fred Malcolm, Jr., Dallas Gore, M ary Kathryn, Bastrop Graves, Martha Carolyn, Goldthwaite Green, Charles Homer, Houston Green, H erbert Lester, Laredo Greenfeld, Nanette Lee, H arlingen Gregory, Joe Miller, Jr., La Porte Griffith Donald Paul, Lockhart Groen, Carl Henry, Danville, Ill. Grove, Vernon Eugene, Jr., Austin Grubbs, Carole Dianne, Houston Grumbles, Linda Beth, Atlanta Guerra, Rose Marie, Mission Guess, James Lynn, Salado Guffin, Cherry Ann, Austin Gunstream, Alice Wesley, Dallas Gutierrez, M anuel Ramiro, Rio Grande City Gutierrez, Maria Celeste, Rio Grande City Guyer, Lysle, Jr., Austin Guyton, Nancy Lee, Midland Haecker, Cloyce Thural, Austin Hailey, James Leon, Harlingen Hains, Norman Lynn, Houston Halow, Joseph R., El Paso Hamburger, Edith Dale, Bethesda, Md. Hamilton, Floy Elizabeth, Houston Hamilton, Margaret Ann, El Dorado, Ark. Hamilton, Sandra Jean, San Antonio Hamilton, Sue Nell, Houston PAGE 85 JU IORS Hampel, Albert Carl, McGregor Hampson, Diana Patricia, Kerrville Hampton, Daniel Thomas, aples Hampton, Suzanne, Port Arthur Hanapel, Jane Clare, Waco Hand, Orra David, Lubbock Hanle, Richard Mahlon, Jr., Baytown Harkavy, Freddie Sherman, Memphis, Tenn. Harkrider, Francis Edward, Temple Harlan, Harris J., Baytown Harper, William Joe, Sulphur Springs Harris, Charles Houston, III, Fort Worth Harris, Diane Louise, Bryan Harris, Hugh K., Fort Worth Hart, Lawrence Eugene, Austin Harter, Charles, III, Houston Hartley, Janice Marie, San Antonio Hartmann, Freddie Harry, Fredericksburg Hassell, Shirley Marie, Houston Haveko t, Roger Keil, Groesbeck Hawkins, Milton Williams, Huntington Hawn, Patricia Diana, Dallas Heiligman, Sandra Kay, Overton Heinrichs, James Dell, Bowie Helfman, William A., Houston Helland, George Archie, San Antonio Hellstedt, Christina Emelie Ebba, Stockholm, Sweden Helm, Minor Lovis, Jr., Dallas Henderson, Barbara, Houston Henderson, Dwight Franklin, Austin Henderson, Janie, Houston Henderson, William Donald, Ingleside Hendrie, Carolyn Lorraine, Houston H engy, Jimmy Carroll, Irving H enry, Frances Carolyn, Tilden Henry, William E., Elgin Hensey, Walter Russell, San Antonio Henson, Sharon Louise, Austin Herrera, Rodrigo Fausto, Riobarnba, Ecuador Herring, Jimmy Franklin, San Antonio Herrin~, Joe Ray, San Angelo Herrmgton, Verda, Freer Herron, Mary Ellan, Dallas Hester, Larry Thomas, Kerrville Hetherington, George William, Jr., Texas City Hettler, William Frederick, Jr., San Antonio Hewell, Robert Campbell, Nixon Hickman, Brent Llewellyn, Austin Hicks, William athan, Fort Worth Hill, Charles Barrow, Anahuac Hill, Dexter, Iago Hindman, Sally Ann, San Benito Hing, Kunthap, Pnompenh, Cambodia Hinkle, William Lynn, Baytown Hodges, Jimmy Mack, Killeen Hodnett, Johnie Lee, Austin Hofmann, John Henry, Mason Hogan, Gladys Jean, Kyle Holder, Jerrell Aaron, Wichita Falls Hollingshead, Tom T., Abilene Holloway, Richard Earl, Austin Holloway, Ruth Carol, Port Arthur Holman, David Calvin, Weslaco Holman, Julie Landrum. Austin Holmes, Robert Lemuel, Texarkana Ho! omback, Robert Lee, Baytown Honeycutt, Kenneth Ray, Lame a Hood, Gail, Matagorda Hooten, Janis Janeil, Austin Horton, Barbara ell, Arlington Horton, Frances Marlene, Seagoville House, Ernest James, Jr., Brownsville House, Marilyn Grace, La Pryor Housel, Mona Faythcl, San Antonio Howard, Carl Dean, an Antonio Howard, Janet Loa!, Fort Worth Howard, Janice Ellein, Houston Howell, Josephine Moore, Bryan CLASS OF 1959 Howell, Leon Poindexter, Jr., San Antonio Hubbell, Linnda, Junction Huber, Sandra Jo, Kerrville Huckabay, J ames Donald, Eastland Hudson, Gail, Tyler Hudson, Hal Segrest, Houston Hudson, Jack Bonner, Jr., Fort Worth Hufendick, Ann, Arlington Hughes, Carl David, Fort Worth Hughes, Martha King, Dallas Hull, Danny M., Austin Hunt, Glenn Curtis, Jr., San Antonio Hunt, Lynn Sherwood, Amarillo Hunter, Mary Elizabeth, Galveston Hurley, Clyde Lanny, Wichita Falls Hurst, William Abernathy, Longview Huston, Robert J., Austin Ince, Richard Weakley, Hillsboro Isbell, Patricia, McAllen Ishikawa, Kiyoko, Mawashi, Okinawa Ivy, Jimmy Dwain, Friona Jackson, Gertrude Gaston, Dallas Jackson, Linda Marie, Clifton Jackson, Tommy George, Amarillo Jamieson, Jack Arthur, Burkburnett Jasman, Jeanette Martha, Edinburg Jeffreys, Sidney L., Austin Jeffus, Thomas Rider, Deport Jenkins, Charles Elliott, McGregor Jeter, James Guidry, Marshall Jimenez, Baldemar Arellano, San Antonio Jimmerson, Jo Ann, Crockett Johnson, Bennie Lee, Baytown Johnson, Gant Alan, Austin Johnson, Gary Dean, Kilgore Johnson, James Frederick, Belen, . M. Johnson, Lea Annette, Palacios Johnson, Lee Roy, Belton Johnson, Otis Hinkel, LaMarque Johnson, William Tilden, Evansville, Ind. Johnston, LaVerne, Junction Jones, Claude A., Jr., Amarillo Jones, Frank B., Jr., Lamesa Jones, Gary Roy, Galveston Jones, Helen Carole, Austin Jones, James Ross, Corpus Christi Jones, Jo Von, Dallas Jones, John Lawrence, Sulphur Springs Jones, Jon Philip, Gladewater Jones, Robert Eugene, Houston Jones, Sandra Kay, Electra Jordan, Elizabeth Ann, Anahuac Jordan, Jerry Stokes, Lake Jackson Jorden, Roger Miles, San Antonio Joseph, Carola Helen, Austin Joseph, Norma Ann, Austin Jost, Janis Kay, San Antonio Joud, Adnan Tajeddine, Latakia, Syria Kaplan, Elaine Rose, Tullahoma, Tenn. Karotkin, Richard Simon, Austin Kazen, George Philip, Laredo Keegan, Donald John, Texas City Keenan, Olive Anne, Galveston Keller, Peggy Ann, Texarkana Keller, Wayne Francis, Houston Kelley, Carol, Bryan Kelley, Emory, Houston Kelly, Nan Keith, Fort Worth Kelly, William Carroll, Jr., Freer Kendrick, David Andrew, Gatesville Kennedy, Herman Willis, J r., Fort Worth Kennedy, Joseph Overton, Jr., Rotan Keown, Jacqueline, El Paso Ketchum, Charles A., Navasota Key, Donald Ray, Kirkland Kimbrough, Phil Roy, Beaumont Kincaid, Frances Elizabeth, Crowell Kincaid, Robert Merl, Crowell PAGE 87 JUNIORS King, Marinell, San Juan Kirkland, Joy Elizabeth, Wichita Falls Kirksey, Ellen Kathryn, Waco Klein, Elizabeth Anne, Harlingen Klocsel, Lawson Gregory, Weimar Knox, Kay Linda, Houston Kojima, Shioteo, Nagoya, Japan Kolb, George Haze, San Antonio Koliba, Betty Jo, \'ictoria Konde, Eugene Robert, Comfort Kopel, Jerome Michael, Dallas Ko,·ar, Jimmy Wayne, Bay City Kraft, August Charks, Raytown Krandel, Sheryl Barbara, Houston Krauter, Juell Joy, Comfort Krog, Cecily Anne June, Austin Kromer, William Mo!Tett, San Antonio Kromminga, Lynn Ric-hard, Austin Kuester, James Lowell, Houston Kulhanek, Jerry Peter, Fayelle\'ille Kull, Lewis Lee, Cedar Valley Kunik, Burton Jerry, Mc-Allen Kunkel, Robert Gene, Olney Kyle, Junious Maurice, III, Austin Lambden. Danny R., West Columbia Lambert. Stewart B .. Austin Lamberth. L. S., Jr.. San Antonio Lance, William Michael, Austin Lane, Julianne, Dallas Laney, Ray Stanley, Crane Lang, Barbara Marie, Dallas Lanier, \\"ayne Scott, Austin Lapham. Billy Dale. Li\'ingston Larson. Ronald Vincent, Austin L:iw. Harold Yen-Ho, Hong Kong Lawhon, \'irginia Vinson, Houston Lawler, Robert Lee, Dallas Lawrence, Betty Pettus, San Antonio Laxson, Florence Gaye, Texarkana Leach, Diane Kay, Austin Leach, Gary Lynn, Pasadena LeBoeuf, Lawrence Von, Crane Ledbetter, Nancy Ellen, Dallas Lee, Charlotte Elizabeth, Wichita Falls Lee, Ronald Floyd, Beaumont Lemoine, William J., Jr., Laredo Lende, Henry Willard. Catons\'ille, Md. Le\"ering, Bette Anne, Dallas Le,·in, Barbara D'Anne, Tyler Levine, Alvin Maury, Weslaco Lewallen, Jay Mayne, Austin Lewis, Gerald Royce, Brownwood Lewis, Robert Wayne, Carthage Ligon, Author Dale, Corpus Christi Lincoln, Glenn C., Corpus Christi Linder, Bill, Kenedy Line, Mary Sue, Texarkana Linker, Donald Lee, Gainesville Lipscomb, Peggy Elaine, Quitman Lipsitz, Lynne, Waco Little, Billie, Breckenridge Littlefield, Carmen, Houston Lively, Carey Ford, Jr., Gatesville Lloyd, Cecile, Alice Lloyd, Robert Collins, Midland Lockett, Bobby Leroy, Pecos Locklear, Milton Jay. an Antonio Loewenstein, Joseph Edward. Port Arthur Lokey, William Edward, Brownsville Longbotham, Dorothy Jane, Monahans Looney, Thoma ., ew Boston Lott, Gerald Eugene, Houston Loughran, Constance Mills. New York. N. Y. Lo\"C·joy. Judith Voss, Dallas Lowe. .eorge Waltl'r, Athens Lozano, yh-ia \"irginia. an Benitc.. Luhn, Graham Barton, an ntonio Luke,]. ilbert, rlington p OE 88 McBride, William Clayton, Dallas McBroom, Martha Cope, Austin McBroom, Paul Justin, Austin McCain, Thomas Steven, Texarkana McCall, Clifton H., Victoria McCall um, Betty Jane, Corpus Christi McCampbell, William Berry, Corpus Christi McCamy, Richard David, Dallas McCandless, William M., San Antonio McCarter, Jerry Hawkins, Arlington McCarty, Joel Bolton. Jr., Houston McCarver, Sandra Neal, Orange McCluney, Kerry Wellington, Tyler McClung, Arlene Michelle, Odessa McClure, Sally, T exarkana McClure, Sarah Ellen, Kirksville, Mo. McCormick, Donna Beth, Eldorado McCormick, Laura, Abilene McCroskcy, William .Tames, Glen Rose McCullough, Carol, Bryan McDonald, Fred Eugene, San Angelo McGann, Margaret Ann, Electra McGill, .James Howard, Gonzales McGrew, Rodney T aylor, Corpus Christi McGuire, Charles Patrick, Port Arthur McGuire, Ruth Carol, San Antonio Mclnnis, Jerry Dan, Port Arthur Mcintyre, Robert Hicks, Austin McKinley, James John, Alta Loma McLaughlin, Joann Dean, Wharton McMahan, Linda Louise, Stephenville McMahan, Thomas Vance, Houston McMahon, Frieda Marcia, Fort Worth McMeans, David, Austin McNair, Nancy Prothro, Brownsville McNamara, .Joyce Adrienne, Dallas Mc Vey, Robert Edwin, .Jr., Fort Worth McWilliams, Sue Ellen, Plainview Melin, Mari Lyn, Austin Menefee, Mary Marjorie, Austin Menger, Owene Brackenridge, San Antonio Menke, Casseday Jule, Pasadena PAGE 89 CLASS OF 1959 Luna, Ronald Edward, Bay Citv Macmanus, Charles Joseph, Corpus Christi Mafrige, Donald Paul, Houston Magill, Jim Lawrence, San Angelo Mahan, Linda Margaret, Abilene Maier, Chris Willard, Lon~·iew Mallard, Albert Knight, Dallas Maloney, Regina Mary, Austin Mankin, Carolyn Ann, Goldthwaite Mara, Susan, Dallas Marcontell, William Alan, Houston Marshall, Marilyn, Temple Martin, Ellen Serena, Denison Martin, James Roger, Houston Martin, Toseph E. C., Lufkin Martin, Nancy Jo, Corpus Christi Martinez, Oscar H., San Antonio Martinez, Roy, Houston Martini, Charles Leslie, Jr., Houston Marwill, Robert Lee, Dallas Mast, Thomas Rush, Midland Mathes, William Lynn, Crane Mathews, Carole Elaine, Angleton Mathews, Colleen Phyrne, Austin Mathews, Margaret Blanche, Edinburg Matthews, Garland Eugene, Jr., Austin Maxwell, Lamar Boyt, Devers Maxwell, Sally Kay, Hamilton May, Gene Allen, Houston Mayhew, John Russell, Kingsville Maynor, Morris Robert, Atlanta Mays, Azalea Rita, Seguin Mays, Sandra Jean, Atlanta Mays, Wallace Michael, Greenville McAdams, Rosemary, Winnie McBride, John Roy, Pampa JUNIORS Meredith, Karl Clarence, Baltimore, Md. Metz, Judith Ann, Stamford Metz, Sylvia Mae, Houston Meyer, Patricia Lucille, Victoria Michaels, John Mark, Rochester Middlebrooks, Betty Sue, Henderson Mikeska, Kay Francis, Eden Miles, Betty Jo, Taylor Miller, David Michael, Dallas Miller, Kenneth Thompson, Jr., Helena, Ark. Miller, Orville Homer, Iowa Park Miller, William Edgar, III, Houston Miller, William Fred, Waco Miller, William Hamilton, Crawford Mills, David Otis, San Antonio Mills, Rosemary Zonne, Dallas Milstein, Phyllis, Longview Mitcham, Catherine James, Austin Moak, Webb Paul, Port Arthur Mobley, D ewey Herman, Cedar Hill Moffett, Julia Ann, Houston Monnig, Adrienne Albertina, Waco Monroe, Orville Simpson, Austin Moore, Caroline Sara, Kilgore Moore, Doris Ann, Dallas Moore, Sarah Jean, Houston Moran, Ethel Jeannie, Tulsa, Okla. Morgan, Frank Bushe, Jr., Marshall Morgan, Irma Jo, Frisco Morgan, Robert Sears, Corpus Christi Moroney, Mary Ann, Houston Morris, Bobette Eleanor, Dallas Morris, Gordon Clifford, Wichita Falls Morris, James Eugene, Seymour Morris, Joseph Julius, Victoria Morris, Wilbur Chapman, Jr., Waco Morrow, Patricia Ann, Houston Moseley, David Lee. Rochelle Moseley, Frances Anna, Mineral Wells Mosko, Gail H ., Denver, Colo. Mosley, Mark Kimbrough, Jr., Buna Mottley, Ann, Dallas Mucha, Marvin James, Taylor Mulcahy, Edward L., Seguin Mull, Mary Linda, De Leon Murchison, Hensel, Houston Murray, Emory Paul, Jr., Dallas Mutchler, John Clayton, Falls City Nance, James Joseph. Wichita Falls Narro, Ramiro, McAllen Nash, A. Virginia, Dallas elson, Charles Schreiner, San Antonio Nelson, Sylvia, Fort Smith, Ark. elson, William Peterson, Dallas ettle, Austin Eckhardt, Fredericksburg Newton, Douglas Alvin, Jr., Del Rio ewton, William Austin, Brenham ielsen, ancy, Edcouch immons, Ralph Wilson, Jr., Dallas isbet, Alex Richard, San Angelo Nisbet, Robert Baxter, Lufkin oel, Ewell Carlyle, Jr., Brownsville olen, Evelyn Janice, G orgetown orman, Cyrcna Jo, Fort Worth orman John Anderson, Marshall Norman, Roberta Gayle, Austin owotny, Betty Lou, Austin O'Banion, Janice Maurine, Luling O'Connor, John Brian, Lufkin Odom, Stephen Johnny, Baytown Oehler, K enneth Lee, Harper Oeland, Marianne, Houston Ogletree, Gail Whitely, Au tin Oliver, Gene Motley, Tyler Oliver, Mary Beth, Austin Olson, Karl Edwin, cvada, Iowa Olson, Leah Rae, Elgin Oppermann, L slie Erwin, La Grange CLASS OF 1959 Orr, Harold D., Carthage Orr, Robert Lee, Littlefield Orr, Robert Wayne, Snyder Ouzts, Dave M., Dallas Overbaugh, Betty Lightfoot, Decatur Overbaugh, Samuel Berrian, Lake Jackson Owen, Scotty Jodine, Keller Owens, Robert Leslie, Jr., San Antonio Owens, Virginia Dale, Amarillo Page, Terry I., Baytown Paine, Edna Rembert, Houston Palmros, Alex, Fort Worth Park, Joe Buck, Dallas Parker, David Bascom, Fort Worth Parker, John William, Jr., Livingston Parker, Rowland Hilary, Tyler Parks, Daniel Sterling, Cuero Parr, Barbara Gail, Lubbock Parrish, Margaret Joyce, Fort Worth Parrish, William E., Burnet Patterson, Ben McCullough, Jr., Carrizo Springs Patterson, Edwin Willis, Midland Payne, B. Darwin, Dallas Pearson, George Bernard, Donna Pearson, Jacqueline Rose, Wharton Peavy, Sherrill Claire, Lufkin Pechacek, Johnnie A., Abilene Peckham, Dorothy June, Port Arthur Peel, Beverly Sue, Corpus Christi Pennington, Tucean Virginia, Dallas Perkins, James Irvine, Jr., Rusk Perkinson, Marilyn, Greggton Perry, Patricia Louise, Tyler Pesek, Clement Charles, Victoria Peters, Charles Phillip, Houston Peters, Peggy Ruth, Houston Petersen, Lee Roy Herman, El Campo Petty, Joseph Lloyd, Clarksville Petty, Scott, Jr., San Antonio Pfeiffer, Fred elson, San Antonio Pfluger, James Douglas, Austin Phillips, Britton Haynes, Baytown Phillips, Larry James, Dallas Phillips, Mary Joan, Corpus Christi Phillips, Olan, Tyler Pickens, Robert Jack, Skidmore Pigg, Burris Ann, Vernon Pigg, Robert Keith, Jr., Vernon Pilgreen, William Hornby, Uvalde Pinckard, Penny Charlotte, Carthage Polk, G. Margene, Lufkin Pollard, Patrick H enry, Amarillo Polsky, Barbara F., Marfa Polson, Jack D., Freeport Pope, Gloria Ann, Grand Saline Porter, Barbara Ann, Edinburg Porter, Lynn Louise, Bryan Posey, Randal Earl, Amarillo Post, Gerald V., Jr., Como Potter, Suzan Ruth, Tyler Poulos, Pamela Ellsworth, Dallas Powell, Maryllyn Anne, Dallas Powell, Verne Eldon, H ereford Prenzler, orman Herbert, Burton Preston, Jerry Wayne, Childress Price, Jim I., Jefferson Prichard, Phyllis Ruth, Port Arthur Probst, Gordon James, Bastrop Pulver, Judy Katherine, Harlingen Pundt, John Lee, Houston Puryear, Bobby Clayton, Santo Putnam, Carol Ann, Austin Rager, Mary Sue, Dallas Ramsey, Frances Ann, Dallas Raney, Jeanne Marie, Baytown Ransom, Kenneth L., El Paso Rawland, Marianne, Cleburne Rawlings, Charles Edwin, Luther PAGE 91 JU IORS Rawlings, William Earl, Luther Ray, Ann Elizabeth, Tyler Rea, Jay B., Houston Read, Betty C., Austin Reckling, Patricia Jane, Nevilly S/ Seine, France Red, Rebecca Stuart, Alvin Reeves, William Paul, III, Houston Rehm, Bobbie M., Rockwood R einhart, Barbara Ann, Hampton, Va. Reyes, Mary Louise, Austin Reynolds, Marcia Anne, Austin Rhodes, Verna Rae, San Antonio Rice, James P., Dallas Richards, Mayre Sue, Ysleta Richtmyer, Judith Ann, Longview Riley, Leonard Edwards, Jr., Corsicana Riley, Sandra, Corsicana Rindfuss, James Allen, McAllen Risinger, Verna Sue, Sour Lake Rixon, Patricia Ann, San Antonio Roach, Thomas Leonard, Andrews Roberson, William Herbert, Comanche Roberts, Jack Stuart, Jr., Orange Roberts, James Brock, Amarillo Roberts, John Clarke, Houston Roberts, Joseph Wayne, Houston Roberts, M. Ann, Dallas Roberts, Roland Everett, Austin Roberts, William Patrick, San Antonio Robertson, James Jackson, Pierce Robertson, Robert Carroll, Corsicana Robertson, William Edmond,Jr.,Colorado Springs, Colo. Robinson, Carole Jean, San Antonio Robinson, Claire Elaine, Austin Robinson, James Stuart, Austin Robinson, Robert Edwin, LaMarque Robles, Rogelio, Laredo Rochelle, William Curson, Angleton Roden, Don Robert, Odessa Rogers, Carolyn Louise, San Antonio Rogers, Charles Ronald, Austin Rogers, Glenn Alfred, Big Spring Romberg, Conrad Louis, Brownwood Rosales, Ana Maria, El Paso Rosenbloom, Barbara Sue, ashville, Tenn. Roshton, Diane Lucille, Houston Ross, Betsy, Sonora Ross, Carolyn Diane, Azle Ross, Jimmy L., Luling Ross, Ray Thomas, Corpus Christi Ross, Sara, Lufkin Royer, William Blackburn, Jr., Houston Rudolph, Gwendolyn Louise, San Antonio Ruff, John P., Jr., Houston Rumph, Elizabeth Ann, Fort Worth Rush, Sarah Eugenia, College Station Russell, Jerry William, Austin Russell, William Franklin, Miami Ryan, Vernon Loid, II, Brady Saa, Pedro Jose, Los Tequcs, Venezuela St. Clair, James Harris, II, Austin St. Germain, Kay Ellen, Bellaire Sallee, Jackie, Brady Sampson, Horace Alton, Troup Sandel, John Holt, Dallas Savage, Carolyn Ruth, Dallas Savage, William Grey, Dallas Scarborough, Frank Dallas, Abilene Schaefer, Joe Edward, Cisco Schell, James A., Hot Springs, Ark. chcppler, Robert Henry, Grand Prairie Schiller, Joyce Elaine, Au tin Schie selman, Ann, College tation Schmidt, Edward Donovan Austin Schmitz, Walter Henry, Eureca, Calif. Schneider, Lynn, St. Louis, Mo. chomburg, William, Houston chookraft, Lou D illon. Hou ton PAO~ 92 CLASS OF 1959 Schuenemann, Sylvia Ione, Kenedy Schultz, James Randall, Taylor Schuette, Charles Edward, Alice Schwenke, Kenneth Frank, Brenham Seago, Bobby Grant, Alice Searcy, William Jerry, Kilgore Seay, Antoinette Celine, Amarillo Seewald, Mary Margaret, Beaumont Seligson, Sidney Phillip, Wichita Falls Sellars, Patricia, Au tin Serfacc, Eddie Ragan, San Angelo Setzler, Kathryn Anne, El Campo Shaenficld, Bernard W., San Antonio Shane, Carolyn Durelle, San Antonio Shaw, Elizabeth, Brownwood Shelby, Robert Nelson, Austin Sheldon, Billie Val, Dallas Shelton, Robert Lewis, Borger Shepherd, Kathleen Ann, Coleman Sheppard, Francis Eugene, Jr., Houston Shoberg, Ralph Allison, Edna Short, Suzanne Rita, San Antonio Shrake, Jimmy Bruce, Fort Worth Shultz, Sandra Sue, Victoria Shurtleff, Jo Ann, Texas City Sigrist, Joyce Elvira, Tyler Silver, Fredric Mitchell, San Antonio Silverthorn, N. Elizabeth, Victoria Simmons, Margie Sue, Dallas Simpson, Mike Rhyne, Jr., Lubbock Skaggs, Marvel Ann, Junction Slack, Billie James, Coleman Slaten, Thomas Ray, Golden Acres Smallwood, Elizabeth Houston, Hous:on Smiley, Betty, Dallas Smith, Adrienne Trant, T emple Smith, Barbara Lucille, Port Neches Smith, Charles Albert, Austin Smith, David Atmar, Victoria Smith, Dotson Charles, T yler Smith, George Richard, Gladewater Smith, Gretchen Leah, Waxahachie Smith, Joanna Baxter, Corpus Christi Smith, Leslie Howard, Big Lake Smith, Pauline, El Campo Smith, Robert Earl, Fort Worth Smith, William Bennett, III, Athens Smither, Robert Bush, Jr., Hunts\"ille Smyth, Douglas Ogden, Portland Sneed, Patricia Sue, Jacksonville Snider, Marion Rane!!, Houston Snoddy, James Emmett, Jr., Houston Sobolovitz, Rosalie Ann, Chicago, Ill. Socha, Lawrence Emil, El Campo Sorrell, Sterling Norman, Laredo Sosa, Jose Ramon, Caracas, Venezuela Spann, Roy .James, Houston Sparks, William Kenneth, Kaufman Spears, Joe Dan, Dallas Spencer, Betty Dell, Levelland Spencer, Elgene Campbell, San Angelo Spinks, R ichard Douglas, Houston Stahr, Philip Wayne, Waco Stanton, Philip Llewellyn, Fort Worth Starling, William Howard, Greenville Steele, Betty Frances, Port Arthur Stell, Cecil Irving, Dallas Stem, Billie Joe, Dallas Stephen, Barbara Louise, Galveston Stephens, Albert Earl, Houston Stephenson, Patricia Lee, Harlingen Sterling, Edwin Leonard, Amarillo Stern, William Edwin, Boling Stevenson, Lawrence F. A., Jr., Houston Stewart, .Jerry Earl, Pleasanton Stewart, Mary Lillian, T yler Stewart, Suzanne, Dallas Stone, Richard Fredrick, Dallas PAGE 93 JUNIORS Strasburger, John Hunter, Dallas Stroka, George, Austin Struve, Mona Marie, Abernathy Studdert, Jo Ann, Houston Sultan, Sally Byrd, Houston Summers, Jerry Eugene, Lubbock Summers, Suzanne, Houston Suttle, Ann C., Dallas Suttle, James Edgar, Fort Worth Svadlenak, Edith Diana, Round Rock Swensen, Bennie Larry, Elgin Swick, Charles Donald, Baytown Swoboda, Johnny James, Jr., Victoria Sylva, Cesar Edmundo, Quito, Ecuador Taft, Gary Frederick, San Benito Talasek, Doris Mildred, Taylor Tarbet, elda Marie, Ackerly Tarver, James Dotson, Burnet Taylor, Franklin Delano, Amarillo Taylor, Willis Thomas, Lubbock Terrell, Rachel Anne, Eagle Lake Terry, Willis Patrick, Jr., San Antonio Thomas, Ernest Raymond, Jr., Houston Thomas, Gretta, Dallas Thomas, Harolyn Jean, Stephenville Thomas, Mary Margaret, San Antonio Thompson, Beverly Gail, Port Arthur Thompson, Greta Lynn, Texarkana Thompson, Robert .Jeffrey, Mexia Thompson, Ronald Eugene, Houston Thomson, Marjorie Marie, Lake Charles, La. Thornton, Beverly Ann, Bay City Thurk, Connie Ruth, Woodsboro Timmins, Tom Howard, Elysian Fields Tindal, Charlotte Capers, Austin Todd, Mary Jean, San Antonio Tom, Barbara Ann, Midland Tom, John Lytle, Jr., Campbellton Toole, Albert Julius, Dallas Topham, James Terry, San Antonio Tracy, Robert Lee, La Feria Traweek, Braynard Ray, Ingram Traylor, Donald Reginald, Rosenberg Troe!!, Henry eil, Pleasanton Trostel, Robert Rhoads, Dallas Trower, Robert Dwayne, Midkiff Tucker, Carolyn Anne, Pasadena Tucker, James Rae, LaMarque Tucker, Linda Ann, Fort Worth Turner, Charles John, Dallas Turner, Robert William, Bay City Tyrrell, Frances Alice, Beaumont Uhlig, Joyce Darlene, San Antonio Ulbrich, John Kent, Carrizo Springs Upton, James Ernest, Van Horn Uselton, Louise Yvonne, Temple Usry, Maxine, Houston Vacker, Donald Emil, Victoria Vaden, Margie Ann, Temple Van Geem, H erman Neil, Eastland Van Horn, Gage, III, Odessa Vasquez, Roy Albert, San Antonio Verplank, Bobby Lee, Amarillo Villarreal, Eliseo, San Benito Vogelsang, Curry Helmuth, San Antonio Voight, Marian Whitney, Hou ton Vollmer, William Kyle, Mercedes von Rosenberg, Glenn Arthur, Cameron Voyles, Marcia Anne, Bay City Wade, Hugh Darrell, Childress Wade, Marie Arlene San Antonio Waldrop, Robert Alfred, Lawton, Okla. Walker, Betty Kyle, Waco Walker, George Andrew, Jr., Marshall Walker, Janet M., Ennis Walker, Mary Gayle, Fort Worth Walker, William Fred, Arlington PAGE 94 CLASS OF 1959 Wall, Kay Elleene, San Angelo Wall, Robert Benton, Beaumont Wallace, Carl M ., Austin Wallace, Elizabeth Hodges, Austin Wallace, Sharon Lucille, San Antonio Waller, Johnny Lee, Houston Walsdorf, Neill B., San Antonio Walter, Virginia Lee, Austin Walters, Shirley Joyce, Daingerfield Walton, R. Max, Clute Ward, Barbara Brittain, Houston Ward, Charles Eugene, Jacksonville Ward, Donald Lester, San Angelo Ward, Shirley C., Abernathy Wasicek, Walter Joseph, Jr., Wallis Watkins, Richard Lee, Austin Watson, John Allan, Austin Watson, Merida Colgin, Dallas Watson, Ted M., Port Lavaca Weachman, Wayne Gilbert, Houston Weaver, Elton Leon, Plainview Weber, Ann La Nell, Austin Weed, Thomas Hugh, Beaumont Weide, Jerald Boyd, Austin Weidenfeld, Jay Lester, San Antonio Weigel, Tom John, Jr., Austin Weinbrecht, Mel Keith, Brownsville Weiss, Flora Bess, Kerrville Welch, Noble Houston, Henderson Wendeborn, J. D ., Sagerton Wenske, Arthur William, San Antonio Werley, Harley Dean, Corpus Christi West, Linda Kay, Hurst Whall, Frances C., San Antonio White, Billie Faye, West Columbia White, Carl Thomas, Seminole Whitefield, Ben Taylor, Houston Whitesell, Neil Larry, Austin Whitley, Dorris Gene, Corpus Christi Wiener, Herbert Harry, Baytown Wilcox, Patricia Ann (I ), Bryan Wilcox, Patricia Ann (II ), Dallas Wilhelm, Van Clyde, Sweeny Williams, Carolyn, Dallas Williams, La June Ginn, Amarillo Williams, Marijo, Irving Wiliams, Monte Patrick, Hondo Williams, Nelwyn, Van Williams, Thomas Lee, Anton Wilson, Betty Vee, Mont Belvieu Wilson, Edgar Kress, Mobile, Ala. Wilson, Wallace Gordon, Baytown Wilson, Wayne Randolph, Austin Winston, Sylvia Eugenia, Corpus Christi Witcher, Donald Edwin, Amarillo Wolens, aomi Marcia, Shreveport, La. Wolff, Harlan Raymond, D'Hanis Womack, Bettye Lyn, Wichita Falls Woo, Edwin Foo, San Antonio Woo, Ken, San Antonio Wood, James Edwin, Paint Rock Woodson, Judy A., Mineral Wells Wren, Norma Jean, San Angelo Wright, Delora Jean, Tulsa, Okla. Wright, Edwin Roger, Houston Wright, Lillian Gayle, Abilene Wyatt, Larry Cranfill, Amarillo Wynn, Mary, Artesia, N. M. Ybarra, Enrique E., San Benito Yee, Edwin, San Antonio Youens, Alfred George, Columbus Young, James Lee, III, Dallas Young, Sam Wayne, San Angelo Zaba, Elaine Elizabeth, Tulsa, Okla. Zarate, Belinda Beatrix, Brownsville Zavorskas, Paul Anthony, Hamden, Conn. Zemmin, Roger Edward, Austin Zerbe, Linda Louise, Houston PAGE 95 FRONT Row: Alier Estep Cook, Mary Ann Ward. SF.COND Row: Myrna ]o)' Kopj1elman, Dorothy Jean Winston, Carol Ann K och. BACK Row: Linda Luan Best, Sandra Victoria Wade, Bebe Bell Steves, Rhetta Roberta Duty, Linda Link. I' G£ 96 1899 SOPHOMORES PAGE 97 SOPHOMORES Aaron, Steve Louis, Dallas Abercrombie, Robert Nyland, Texas City Adams, Ann, Waco Adams, Harry Lee, Jr., Alice Adams, J ames Arthur, Austin Adams, Maurice McAshan, Houston Agee, William Norris, El Paso Alexander, Ronald Bruce, Conroe Allen, Clyde C., Jr., Gladewater Allen, Jane Allison, Houston Allen, Jo Ann, Houston Allen, Marilyn Edith, San Antonio Allgood, Betty Lenora, Port Arthur Almand, Bobby Dwayne, Italy Alves, Diana Jean, New Braunfels Alvis, Roy Maxwell, J asper Andersen, Jane Katherine, El Campo Anderson, Annette Lee, San Antonio Anderson, Clarence Eugene, Amarillo Anderson, Eleanor Marilyn, Dallas Anderson, Gary Allen, Overland Park, Kan. Anderson, Henry George, La Marque Anderson, William Davis, Waxahachie Andrews, Gwendolyn Sue, Bryan Andrews, Kenneth N., Graham Ankenman, Fred Norman, Houston Ansley, Travis Gene, M ineral Wells Applebaum, Sara Adel, Fort Worth Arnette, Jay Hoyland, Austin Aronson, Jerrold David, Waco Atchison, Carol Bryan, Abilene Atkins, Thomas Harold, Borger Atkinson, Sallye Lou, Houston Atwood, Frances Evelyn, Tyler Austin, Janat J., San Antonio Axelrad, A. Diane, Houston Axelrad, Samuel Donald, Houston Back, Charles Aubrey, Angleton Baggett, Michael Edwin, Lake Jackson Baker, Louella, Fort Worth Bakr, Abdallah Salim, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Ball, Jerry Don, Brownsboro Ballard, James Lipscomb, III, La M arque Banks, Kalani, Robstown Barge, Thomas Murray, Austin Barger, Bethanyann, Dallas Barker, Bradley Sinclair, Austin Barnes, Alvin H ansen, Jr., Port Isabel Barnes, Ben Frank, De Leon Barnes, George Phillip, Abilene Barnes, Naida Louise, San Angelo Barnett, David Eugene, Chillicothe Barnett, Robert David, Austin Bartlett, Glenn, III, Falfurrias Bartlett, John Oliver, Houston Barton, Hazel Phyllis, Kermit Barton, J ack Quinn, Corpus Christi Bartow, Barbara Ann, Austin Batchelor, Virginia Grace, Lake Jackson Bauman, Jon Roger, Dallas Baxter, Robert Mitchell, .Jr., Fort Worth Beall, Mary Ellen, .Jacksonville Bean, Malinda Ellison, Houston Belcher, W. Ellen, Del Rio Bell, Craig Manley, San Antonio Bell, John Laurence, Beaumont Beloate, Ann, Dallas Belver, Troy Lynn, Lytton prings Bennett, Donald Hugh, Ieburnc Best, Linda Luan, Wichita Falls Biesele, Linda, shland, Mass. Billingsley, Linda ue, Timpson PAGE 98 Brashears, Janice, San Antonio Brennan, Patricia Ann, Houston Brent, Carol Myrnell, Beaumont Brevard, John As~.worth, Temple Brewer, Elbert Abraham, Cedar Hill Brewster, Bob Burnett, Mt. Pleasant Bridges, James Edwin, Temple Bridwell, Charles Ernest, Coleman Briscoe, Judi Reeves, Austin Britton, Marian Edith, Houston Brooks, Henry Tebbs, Houston Brooks, Kenneth Ray, Odessa Brooks, Myrna Ruth, Texarkana Broussard, Joel Earl, Jr., Houston Browder, Marvin Wesley, Fort Worth Brown, Bedford Philmore, Jr., Hot Springs, Ark. Brown, Carol Ann, Edinburg Brown, Jack Bethel, Lampasas Brown, Janice Claire, Dallas Brown, Jon Sam, Price Brown, Karl William, San Antonio Browning, Wayne Leon, Temple Bruce, Elaine, Baytown Bruce, Grady Dyson, Jr., San Antonio Bruss, Fred Rohner, Jr., Dallas Bryan, Cardis William, Jr., Colorado Springs, Colo. Buchanan, David Lee, Jr., Port Lavaca Buchanan, ancy Ruth, Navasota Buck, Alfred Augustus, Midland Buck, Katherine Camp, Fort Worth Bundick, Athene Marie, Barker Burge, Charles H., Houston Burgoon, Larry Claude, New Boston Burke, Edward Francis, Houston Burke, Joe Frederick, Houston Burkhalter, Martha Jean, Austin PAOE 99 CLASS OF 1960 Bingham, Barbara Ann, Mission Binyon, Michael Lee, San Angelo Bird, Don Estes, Dallas Bitter, Barbara Hunsdon, San Antonio Blain, Richard Warren, Texas City Blair, Alvin Felix, Houston Blanton, John Charles, San Antonio Blocker, Truman Graves, III, Galveston Blomquist, Maynard Roy, Kenedy Blum, Barbara Ann, San Antonio Blumberg, Myrtle Faye, Seguin Boberg, Robert Arthur, Dallas Bock, Carolyn Christine, Austin Boenig, Barbara Joann, Woodsboro Bogle, George Eugene, Houston Bolger, Marybelle, Longview Bolton, Kathryn Virginia, Dallas Bond, Lillian Louise, Stockdale Bonham, Lane Elwyn, San Antonio Boone, .James Carter, Jr., Houston Booth, Annette Hilary, T aylor Borden, Ronald Claude, Missouri City Boren, Ann, Abilene Boroughs, Martha Dean. Mart Bourdon, Elizabeth Joyce, Houston Bowman, Walter Clarkson, Jr., Harlingen Box, Roy Edgar, Jr., Corpus Christi Boyd, John Robert, Houston Boyle, Marilyn Ann, San Antonio Brace, Penny, Houston Braden, Irene Andrea, Hondo Bradham, Joseph Leon, El Dorado, Ark. Bradshaw, Truman Calvin, Jr., Galveston Bramlet, Jerry Charlene, Corpus Christi Brandsetter, Ann, San Antonio Brantley, Gladys Ann, Fort Worth SOPHOMORES Burkhalter, Mary Jane, Austin Burkhart, June, Georgetown Burks, Linda Eloise, Dallas Burris, Mary Edna, Bloomington Burrows, Kenneth Edwin, Jr., K ermit Burstyn, Margie, Austin Butler, Robert Anthony, Rusk Butterfield, Frank Darrell, Olney Byars, J ames Arthur, San Antonio Cade, Weldon David, Jr., La Porte Cage, Barbara Carol, Eagle Pass Cagle, Georlyn Virginia, Edna Cain, Diana, Austin Cain, Jerry Dean, Tahoka Call, Mary Elizabeth, Del Rio Callan, Jerry Cicero, Wichita Falls Campbell, Dixie Lou, San Antonio Campbell, Eleanor Elizabeth, Washington, D. C. Campbell. Lionel Lockard, Jr., Temple Campbell, R ichard Trent, Jr., San Antonio Cannon, Jerry Ann, Houston Cantwell, Carolyn, Dallas Carlton, Carolyn, Freeport Carlton, Lauralyn, Freeport Cartee, Almalee, Coral Gables, Fla. Carter, Gregory Alan, Fort Worth Carter, Jessie Eugenia, Houston Carter, Leona Mac, Goldthwaite Cashion, James Hale, Conroe Catterton, Julie Beth, Houston Ca,·azos, Ruben C., Alice Cayce, Powers William, Plainview Caywood, Martha Jean, Houston Celaya, J avier Lopez, San Antonio Center, Everett Clark, Baytown Chaffin, LeNell, Ncwgulf Chamberlin, Gail H ., Harlingen Chamblee, Robert Stephen, Dallas Chaney, Suzanne, Burnet Chappell, Dillard Maurice, Austin Chappell, Don Alvin, Dallas Chatelain, Janet, Houston Cheek, Betty Elizabeth, Fort Worth Chenault, Louis Wyatt, Jr., Houston Chenault, Sally Catherine, Dallas Childre, Frances Anne, Dallas Childs, Claire, Jacksonville Churchill, J ames T ., Amarillo Clark, James Sidney, Eldorado Clark, Minta Lee, Weslaco Clarkson, ancy Lynn, Corpus Christi Clegg, James Ellis, Jr., Baytown Clements, Wayne Wilson, Dallas Clinton, J ack Ray, Commerce Clutts, Bobby Lee, Austin Clymer, John Crittenden, Dallas Cobb, Bettye Gleith, Tyler Cockrell, James Thomas Ro s, Hill boro Cody, Judith ermelle Premont Coe, Gayle Louise, Marathon Coe, Peggy E., Tomball Coffman, Joe Arlan, Hico Colby, Frank Michael, Houston Cole, Charles Henry, Jr., Fort Worth Cole, James Dec, Greenville Cole, Jcnoye Roland, Conroe Coleman, Betsy Inez. Bay City Collins, Mary Margaret, Alvin Colunga, Daniel, Brownsville Comes, John Milton, Athens Concklin, Carol Lynne, Austin Condron, William Franklin, Jr., Elgin PAO£ 100 DeLaney, elwyn Irene, Houston De Luna, Raul Fraga, San Antonio Dennis, Rodrick Warren, Houston DeShong, Emma Frances, Dallas Diaz, Livia Elia, Mercedes Dibrell, David Benton, Big Spring Dickson, Robert Miller, Dallas Dilworth, James Preston, Port Arthur Dittman, Clarence William, Monahans Dixon, Barbara Ann, Dallas Dixon, Jimmie Carroll, Dallas Dobbs, Katherine Josephine, Houston Dobie, Dudley Richard, Jr., Alpine Dodson, Bobby Wayne, Kilgore Dolce, Charles Leonard, Port Arthur Donnell, Stanley Joe, Dallas Douglass, Joe Weldon, Gilmer Dowis, Gary Lloyd, Childress Downes, Calvin L., Dallas Drake, Floyd Richard, Amarillo Draper, Dorothy Frances, Houston DuBoise, Dora Diana, Lockhart Duncan, Jacqueline Ann, Abilene Dunlap, Drew Woolford, Dallas Dunnam, Thomas Norman, Jr., Fostoria Duson, Delia, El Campo Dyer, David Leon, Austin Dyer, Wallace Edgar, Austin Dyess, Linda Gayle, Gatesville Eagle, Evelyn Lorene, Beaumont Eakin, Robert Derwin, San Antonio Earle, Edward, Houston Eden, Catharine Clark, Houston Edgar, Kenneth Ray, Graham Edmundson, Lida Lacy, Houston Edwards, Chloe, Houston PAGE IOI CLASS OF 1960 Conn, Jerry Douglas, Beaumont Cook, Alice Estep, Corpus Christi Cook, Elenor R., Houston Cook, Katherine Jane, Atlanta Cooper, John Clifton, Beaumont Cooper, Merlyn Don, Dallas Corbell, Lou Ann, Eastland Courts, Howard Robert, Houston Covey, Kathryn Michael, Austin Cowan, Maurice Edward, Austin Cox, Charlotte Ann, Austin Cozier, Patsy Sue, Wharton Craig, Paula June, Dallas Crawford, Joyce Carol, San Antonio Crawford, Travis Roy, Grandfalls Crowhurst, William Robert, Austin Cryer, Herman Lee, Ennis Culpepper, Mary Lee, Austin Cummins, Cornelia Ann, Fort Worth Curry, Robinette, Midland Curtis, Clifford Walter, New Braunfels Cyphers, Charlyne Louise, Alamo Daily, Joyce Deanna, Richmond Daily, Leon J., Jr., Newgulf Daniels, Mary Lou, Corsicana Davidson, Margaret Ann, El Paso Davis, Betty Lynn, Austin Davis, Jerry Donald, Houston Davis, Jimmy, Cisco Davis, John Lee, Houston Davis, Martha Gray, Baytown Davis, Marynelle, Houston Davis, Robert Sidney, Jr., Midland Day, Billy B., Austin Deaver, John M., II, Memphis Dehnisch, Sharon Beth, Mathis SOPHOMORES Edwards, Robert Charles, San Benito Edwards, Robert E., Austin Eggleston, Carroll Lee, Sanderson Elam, Carolyn Lorine, Dallas Ellis, Lynn Gail, Mission Ennis, Frank Robert, Alvin Eschenburg, Martha Jane, Floresville Esse, Carol Dean, Seguin Etter, Wayne Edward, San Antonio Eubanks, Isaac Dwaine, McCamey Evers, Charles Lee, Nacogdoches Fair, William Wren, Dallas Fakhr-El-Din, Mohamed Gala!, Cairo, Egypt Falls, Robert Clayton, Austin Feder, Gloria J une, Kansas City, Mo. Fenwick, Mary K athryn, Birmingham, Mich. Ferguson, Stanley Burnett, Houston Fernandez, David Oscar, San Antonio Field, Thomas Phillips, Jr., Dallas Fielder, William Cook, Lockhart Fillmore, Lynell, Wichita Falls Fine, Sylvia Semon, San Angelo Finger, Joseph Michael, D'Hanis Finger, Ronald Jack, Houston Fink, Lowell Stephen, Houston Fisher. Cecil Woodrow, Jr., Baytown Fisher, Judith Christine, Dallas Fisk, Frances Ruth, Austin Fitch, John Thomas, San Antonio Fitzgerald, Harley Nelson, Fort Worth Fitzpatrick, Barbara, Austin Flaitz. Marilyn Minnette. Houston Fleming, Dcliah Ann, College Station Fletcher, Claudia Lynne, Midland Flinders. Bonnie Jean, San Antonio Focke, Margaret Jeanne. Bandera Foley, Charles Lewis, Houst:>n Folkes, James Richard, San Antonio Fontaine, Jane Marie, Henderson Fonville, Sandra, T aft Ford, Evangeline, LaMarque Ford, Kenneth Carroll, Alvin Forester, Rosemary Virginia, Houston Foster, Marjorie Anne, Galveston Fowler, Joel Preston, Jr., Fort Worth Fowler, Wallace Thomas, Greenville Foy, ancy Carolyn, Brownwood Fradkin, Judith B., Galveston Frederickson, Samuel Burnett, Pleasanton French, Lynn Isabelle, Dallas French, Nancy Ruth, Dallas Frierson, John Edward, McCamey Frierson, William Donald, McCamey Fuentes, Jose Eliud, Kingsville Fugler, LaVerne Allen, Jr., Marshall Gaines, George Edward, Houston Galloway, Bessie Jean, Austin Garcia, Martin Enrique, Kingsville Gardescu, Ana, Houston Gardner, James Donley, Dallas Garrard, ancy Marie, Tyler Garrison, Ben Paul, Fort Worth Garrison, Glenn Lloyd, Odessa Garza, Beatrice Annette, San Benito Garza, Julia Anne, McAllen Garza, Roel, R io Grande City Gastman, Nancy ue, t. Paul, Minn. Gathright, Marsha Ann, ustin Gautier, R ichard Fred, Killeen Gayle, James Ray, III, Angleton Gebhart, Linda Mari , Port Arthur Geddie, James Donald, Athens George, William Lee, Houston Gibbons, J ames Thomas, Edinburg Gibson, William Harold, ustin Gicsccke, arol Anne. Killeen Gieseke, William Reid, Beaumont Gilbert, Maline, Austin PAOE 102 Gustafson, Don Harral, Gonzales Guthrie, Janet M., Austin Guthrie, Merle Elizabeth, San Antonio Guthrie, Robert Calvin, Cleveland Gutierrez, Maria Del Rosario, Rio Grande City Gutierrez, Raul, Jr., Laredo Guyton, Gayle, T aylor Guyton, Mary Patricia, Midland Guzman, Rupert, Corpus Christi Haase, Donald James, ixon Haggard, Harriett Ann, Frisco Haile, Patricia Anne, San Angelo Hailey, Carol Jane, Harlingen H aire, Lynda Gayle, Dallas Hairston, David Lloyd, Rockwall Hairston, Mary Glenda, Wichita Falls Halbert, William Grady, Jr., Crowell Hall, James Benjamin, Vidor Hall, Mary Carolyn, Corpus Christi Hall, Robert Lyon, Fort Worth Hall, Royce Herman, Jr., Vidor Hallmark, Julie, Odessa Hamburger, Dona Burnett, Bethesda, Md. Hammond, Maxine M., San Antonio Haney, Jeanette Blanche, Victoria Hankins, Ingrid Christine, Austin Hankins, Linda Elizabeth, Houston Hanson, Joe Le oir, Austin Harbold, Carla Mildred, San Antonio Harbold, Leslie Ida, San Antonio Hardy, Ransom Joe, Atlanta Hargis, Robbie R ., Austin Harkey, Mary Ethel, DeKalb Harkins, Janice Kay, Austin Harrell, Jimmy Joel, Houston Harrington, James Wilfred, Jr., Plano Harris, Mack Harrell, Greenville Harris, Maynard Bartow, Waxahachie Harrison, John Ragland, Austin H arrison, Trula Delle, Houston Harriss, John Charles, Rockdale Hartman, Gerald, Waco CLASS OF 1960 Gilbreath, Charles Leach, Alice Gill, Rose Marie, San Antonio Gillean, Esther Gaytan, Stamford Giller, Miriam Louise, Dallas Gillespie, Campbell Houston, III, Sherman Gipson, Ray A., Victoria Gisher, Annabelle Lee, Dallas Gnauck, Carolyn Louise, El Paso Goldberg, Herbert Stephen, Marshall Goldstein, Marilyn Sue, Fort Worth Gonzalez, Gonzalo Martinez, Jr., San Benito Gordon, Miriam Dolly, Houston Corbett, Deanna Lee, Fort Worth Graham, James Vernon, Gainesville Graham, Peggy Marcella, Houston Grainger, Geneva Jill, T yler Granger, Billie Louise. Rankin Grant, Sandra Sue, Beaumont Gray, Jerry Riley, Skellytown Gray, Jimmy H arlan, Skellytown Green, James Adolph, Port Arthur Green, James Kenneth, Artesia, N. M. Green, Lawrence Ray, Dallas Green, Mary Gayle, Hardonfield, N.]. Green, Mary Lee, Cuero Green, Mary Sharon, Childress Green, Thomas Glen, Dallas Gribble, Millie Ruth, Houston Grieneeks, Laurabeth Elizabeth, Midland Griffis, Robert Lester, Coleman Grinstead, Samuel Tevis, Houston Grodahl, Mary Margaret, Corpus Christi Grubbs, James Bryan, Jr., Houston Grumbles, Herbert Eugene, Jr., Austin Guckian, James C., Lockhart Guerra, Dardanella, San Antonio SOPHOMORES Harwood, Jane Collins, Richmond Haschke, H erbert Paul, Jr., Houston Hassan, Samir A. M., Badanah, Saudi Arabia Hauer, Linda Susan, Bryan Hawkins, Kennedy Holmes, Tyler H awthorne, Charline, Conroe Hays, Almond Jasper, Jr., Houston Heard, Lois Myrl, Austin Heath, Ruth Lenore, Austin Heger, Patricia Ann, Weimar Hein, Robert Arthur, San Antonio Helsley, Albert Norris, Jr., McKinney Henderson, Roger Caldwell, Harlingen Henderson, Thomas Harder, Waco Hensley, Lynn Carlett, Iowa Park Henson, Booth Sheryl, Abilene Henson, Gloria Jean, Houston Herman, Don Sidney, Fort Worth Herndon, Hugh M., Houston Herren, John Fred, Childress Herrera, Fermin Nicasio, Jr., Bellaire Herry, Rose Marie, New Braunfels Hesse, Henry David, Corpus Christi Hewlett, Edward Robertson, Austin Hibbert, Barbara Denette, El Paso Hickman, Annella, Pasadena Hickman, Judith Ann, Dallas Hicks, Sarah Elizabeth, Ozona Higginbotham, Betty Boggs, Dallas Higgins, Erin, Austin Highland, Lenore Carol, Houston Hill, Jo Marie, Fort Worth Hillje, Gustav Carl, San Antonio Hilsabeck, Jimmy Guy, Graham, Mo. Hilton, Marjorie Elizabeth, Houston Hix, Elizabeth Mae, Abilene Hlanak, LaVerne Marie, Baytown Hobbs, Fleming Cook, San Antonio Hobbs, V. Lee, Gilmer Hoecker, Cleve James, LaMarque Hoffman, David Alwynn, Arcadia Hofheinz, James Fred, Houston Holder, Betty Darlene, Corpus Christi Holland, Leon Laforest, San Antonio Holleman, Patricia Lynne, Houston Holloway, William Gordon, Longview Holmes, Rocky Dean, Winfield Holzmann, Ronald R. B., San Antonio Hopton, Alfred Charles, Jackson, Miss. Horner, Thomas Edward, Fort Worth House, Betty Marie, Austin House, Rosemary Clyde, San Antonio Houston, Halairc Romaine, San Antonio Houston, Robert Conway, Dallas Howard, Gary Dec, Midland Howard, Katherine, Tyler Hubby, Benjamin Wilder, Bellaire Huffman, Patricia Ann, Austin Hughes, Jerry Lee, Austin Hulsey, Spurgeon Leon, Jr., Wharton Humble, Nancy Ann, Corpus Christi Humphrey, Sondria Elizabeth, Houston Hunt, Nancy Bryan, Sonora Hurst, Carol Lorraine, Houston Hurwitz, Larry Neal, Austin Hyman, Jacqueline Elaine, San Antonio Irby, Winifred M., Houston Izard, Judith Carolynn, Dallas Jacobs, Judith Mueller, Kingsville Jacobs, William Fredric, Houston Jacobson, Gwenda Lynn, Waco Jackson, Frankie Jerlene, Houston Jackson, William A., Austin Jakie, Florence Therese, San Antonio James, Gary Armon, LaMarque Jason, Robert Mayer, Bluefield, W. Va. Jenkins, Michael Ray, McGregor Jessen, Esther Margaret, Austin P AGE 104 King, Frances Ruth, Austin King, Kay, Fort Worth King, Ralph Judson, Bellaire Kins, Sammy, Corpus Christi Kirchem, Reid Charles, Galveston Klein, Alexander Benjamin, Jr., Tomball Klein, Marlene Audrey, Texas City Knebel, George William, Austin Kniker, James Donald, Seguin Knippa, Janice Lee, San Antonio Knippa, Larry Don, San Antonio Knize, David Maurice, Ennis Knox, Marian Etheridge, Bertram Knupp, Robert Gist, Amarillo Koen, Billy Vaughn, Austin Kosh, Margaret Mary, Hempstead Kothmann, Barbara Ann, Mason Krause, Arnold Erich, ew Braunfels Kubala, Caroline Jean, East Bernard Kubala, Jerome Frank, Jr., Fayetteville Kvinta, Emily Ann, Yoakum Kyger, Martha Kay, Fort Worth LaBauve, Louise, Austin Lacey, Sylvia Anne, Dallas Laird, Patricia Ann, Tomball Lancaster, Lou Ann, Dallas Lander, Diane, San Antonio Lane, William Gerald, Austin Langford, Lou Anne, Mercedes Langley, Charles Waymon, Big Wells Lanier, Robert R., Jr., Amarillo Lauzon, John Parry, Jr., Angleton Laxson, Dorothy Kaye, T exarkana Layne, Frances Adelaide, Austin Layton, Virginia Lea, Humble Leak, Jane Deborah, Dallas Leard, Richard Gill, Gilmer Legg, David Luther, Amarillo Leggett, Carolynn Elizabeth, Midland Lentz, Joan Denys, Victoria Lewis, Eleanor Ruth, Houston Leyba, Moraima Perla, Alice P ACE 105 CLASS OF 1960 Jeter, Thomas Gentry, Jr., Refugio Johnson, Don Henry, Austin Johnson, Eleanor Leighton, San Antonio Johnston, Jerry, Houston Jolly, Lloyd Cecil, San Antonio Jones, Bever! y Joyce, Cypress Jones, Davie Mike, Lamesa Jones, James Henley, San Antonio Jones, Janis Evers, Paducah Jones, Margaret Elizabeth, Houston Jones, Marian Eleanor, El Paso Jones, Nelma Ann, Dallas Jones, Robert Dale, Austin Jones, Robert Malcolm, Waxahachie Jones, Walter Lee, Dallas Jordan, Darrell Eddy, McAllen Kacir, Betty Jayne, Temple Karkowsky, Jay Jules, Houston Karnauch, Luda Pawlowna, Houston Karren, Harold Bernard, San Antonio Kayton, Janet Sonya, Hot Spring, Ark. Keever, J ack Elton, Port Arthur Keith, Janis, Beaumont Kelley, Margaret Jane, Dallas Kelly, Carter Benjamin, Amarillo Kelso, Harry Bertrand, Jr., Texas City Kendall, George Charles, Jr., Houston Kendall, Terrence Gaynor, Austin Kendrick, Cherry Dian, Corpus Christi Kennemer, Billy Ray, Littlefield Kerr, Don Milton, Jr., Kilgore Kersh, James Edwin, Jr., Highlands Keuky, Lim, Phnompenh, Cambodia Key, Martha Ann, Lubbock Kilday, Betty Lynn, Houston Kincheloe, Hazel Karen, Ardmore, Okla. SOPHOMORES Lieberman, Susan Anne, Houston Lightfoot, Stanley Augustus, Odessa Linden, Laurence Eugene, Austin Lindley, Harold Norman, Pecos Lindsay, Edward Russell, Austin Linnett, Mary Lee, West Columbia Little, J anis Virginia, Eastland Livengood, Sylvia Gail, Lockhart Loeckle, Adolph Henry, Jr., Texas City Loffland, Joan Elaine, Fort Worth Loggins, Carla Elizabeth, West Columbia Lohman, Judy Ann, Houston Lohmeyer, Otto Fred, Navasota Long, Charles Emory, Midland Long, H enry Houston, Junction Longcope, Charles, Jr., Brownwood Love, Roberta Ann, Dallas Love, Roberta Deane, Laredo Lowther, James Marion, Andrews Lowther, Seth Alan, Houston Lozano, Anthony Girard, San Antonio Lubbock, Dan Gray, Jr., Houston Lucas, Shirley Ann, Gainesville Lundgren, Leland Louis, Elgin Lundgren, Rupert Walter, San Antonio Lyles, Carol Lynn, Austin MacKenna, Kathleen Anne, Dickinson MacLain, Louise Ann, San Antonio Madray, Giles Hayes, Jr., San Antonio Maedgen, Evelyn Elaine, Mathis Magel, :Barbara Ann, San Anton10 Mahon. Sally Ann, Lubbock Majure, Carole Jean, Houston Mandell, Rosalie Adele, Houston Manske, Donna Carol, McGregor Marick. Louis Douglas, Brownwood Markle, Charlene Cartter, Houston Martin, Helen Faltin, San Antonio Martinez, Almira Fidelia, Mercedes Mason, Jimmy Foster, Irene Massey, Beryl Paul, Navasota Matteson, Glenn, Dallas Matthews, Gary Nolan, San Antonio Matthews, Wilbur Lee, Jr., San Antonio Matthys, Ronald Douglas, Wharton Mauch, Ethel Lorene, Gregory Maxwell, Donald Allan, Austin Maxwell, Jack Martin, Andrews Maxwell, Mary Gay, Houston May, Elaine, San Antonio May, Monroe Shelby, Jr., San Antonio Mayfield, Sally Ann, San Antonio McAdams, Patricia Jane, Texarkana McBrayer, Betty Jean, Pasadena McCarroll, Ann, Rusk McClanahan, Don Crawford, San Antonio McClenahan, Margee Ann, Great eek, . Y. McConchie, Mary Katherine, Taylor McCracken, William Richard, Corpus Christi McCullough, John Burleson, Waco McCurry, Robert Cloyes, Brownwood McDaniel, Marion Embree, Jr., Houston McDonald, Fred Daniel, Fort Worth McEldowney, H arry Rochester, San Antonio McFarland, Claudia Janan, Houston McFarland, J anis, Austin Mcf arlane, Virginia Louise, Brownwood Mcfarlin, Mary Margaret, Bertram McGehee, Frank Owen, Houston McGhee, Melanie Sue, Brownwood McGowan, Charles Frederick, Houston McGowan, Loy Dean, Timpson McGregor. Jimmie Rae, Mineral Wells McGuire, James Patrick, Woodville McKinney, K aren, Beeville McLarty, Donald Kenneth, Houston McLaughlin, Charles Caldwell. .Jr., Eldorado McMaster, Marjorie Rose, Tyler i'AGt J()6 CLASS OF 1960 McMasters, Robert Barr, Dallas McMurry, Murry Stroud, Clyde McPherson, Ronald Duane, Port Arthur Meador, Lucie Ann, Saint Jo Meadow, Lorene, Austin Meadows, Curtis W., Jr., Dallas Meagher, Donna N., Grand Prairie Meals, Samuel Allen, Fort Worth Medina, Maria Antonieta, Killeen Mehaffey, Merlenna, Waco Meitzen, Victor Cuthrell, Anahuac Melby, John C., El Paso Melton, Margaret Diane, Houston Mendelsohn, Les, Dallas Merlick, Carroll Wayne, Fort Worth Merrem, Leslie Crane, Jr., San Antonio Merritt, Dona Louise. Houston Merritt, Donald Walker, Rocksprings Merritt, Jerry Louis, Corpus Christi Meyer, Marilyn Jeanette, Rosenberg Michaelis, Max Gustav. III, Kyle Michalske, Lee Ann Luke. Tyler Middleton, Frederick Warren, San Antonio Middleton, Roger Arlan, Pasadena Mika, Virginia, La Grange Milam, Diana Candace, San Antonio Milam, Linda Caytes, Snyder Miles, Charles Murray, H earne Miller, Daniel Alexander, La Porte Miller, Darlena Rae, Tomball Miller, J. F., Crane Miller, Janenne Jill, Manhattan, Kan. Miller, Marilyn Kay, Dallas Milliger, Phyllis Adele, Houston Mills, Daniel Leslie, Jr., Austin Milner, John Charles Wendell, Wilmington, Del. Mitchell, John Wayne, Texas City Mobley, Lynn Marvin, Cedar Hill Mackert, Sondra Elaine, San Antonio Moffit, Connie Alexis, Austin Moncure, Linda Patricia, Bastrop Montgomery, Linda, Dallas Moody, Rhetta Allan, Houston Moon, Willard Bailey, Fort Worth Mooney, Jane, Dallas Moore, Betty Ann, Austin Moore, Carl Alton, Austin Moore, Charles Henry, III, Galveston Moore, David John, Cleburne Moore, Edwina Charlene, Richmond Moore, Harolyn Marcelle, Austin Moore, Jane Ann, Austin Moore, Joe Thurmond, Sulphur Springs Moore, John Baxter, Rockdale Moore, Linda Keyes, Port Arthur Moore, Mary, San Antonio Moore, Mary Ethel, Austin Moriniere, Judith Anne, Houston Morris, Margaret Francine, Greenville Morris, Marilyn, Hillsboro Morris, Mary, Austin Moser, Charles Aaron, Laredo Moser, Thomas Louis, Houston Moses, Raleigh Warren, Bellaire Moss, Edward Emil, Seguin Moss, Eva Charlene, Wolfe City Motter, M. Maurine, Bryan Mueller, M arilyn Marie, San Antonio Muller, Guy Vernon, Baytown Munzinger, Richard George, El Paso Murdoch, Tommy Carolyn, H amilton Myers, Nanci Sue, Waco Nagle, Diana Elizabeth, Houston aumann, Mervin Lawrence, Spicewood eel, James Merrill, Edinburg Neidigh, Brinda Gwynne, Elgin, Ill. elson, Bruce Wade, Beaumont Nelson, Margaret Sue, Olney PAGE 107 SOPHOMORES Nesbit, Mary Susan, Dallas Nesrsta, Carolyn Littell, San ~ntonio Nettle, Robert Lee, Fredericksburg eubauer, Roger, Austin Newberry, Frances Eloise, North Platte, ebr. Nicholas, Ronny Wayde, Dallas Nichols, Barbara J ean, Galveston ichols, Donald Loy, Wichita Falls Nichols, Gwendolyn Beth, Atlanta Nichols, ancy, T emple Nockolds, Josephine G., Houston Nolte, Glenn Lee, Lockhart Norling, Donald K., Randolph AFB Norman, Anna Marie, Killeen Northcutt, Robert Allan, Luling ovotny, Jo An Roberta, Houston owlin, Nancy Jane, Lamesa O'Connor, Colleen Mary, Austin O'Dell, Bob Ray, Olney Odle, Bobby Glen, Arlington Oehler, J. C. Bob, Dallas Ogletree, James Thomas, III, New Orleans, La. O'Hair, William Robinson, Jr., Coleman Oliver, Clarence Leon, Dallas Oliver, Rees Robertson, San Antonio Olsen, H arriet Eleanor, Austin Onstead, R. Sue, Lubbock Orchard, Judy Dae, Houston Oughton, Roxana Marie, San Antonio Pagan, Robert Young, Houston Painter, Sally, Corpus Christi Palmer, Robert Erwin, Texarkana Pappas, William Theodore, Houston Parish, Richard V., Houston Parker, Doris Kay, Lampasas Parker, Medora Adriance, McAllen Parker, Patricia Ann, Houston Parker, Richard Brock, Houston Parkin, ancy, Lake Charles, La. Parks, Nancy Key, Houston Parma, ora Marie, Belton Parr, Edna Russell, Alice Passero, John Richard, El Paso Passmore, Glen Gorman, Jr., San Antonio Pauls, Suzanne Harriss, Galveston Payne, Charles Robert, Jr., Houston Pearson, Kay ell, Austin Peck, Barbara Bramlett, Fort Worth Peck, Charles Robert, Fort Worth Pena, Francisco Inocente, McAllen Pena, Moses Barrientos, Uvalde Pennington, David Lee, Temple Perkins, Margaret Clare, Alice Peterson, Carol Jean, Fort Worth Philen, Edna Sophia, Lufkin Phillips, Ann Lee, Austin Phillips, Howard Don, Ben Wheeler Phinney, Louise Snow, Dallas Phipps, Joe Dean, Austin Pickett, Mary, Karnes City Piercy, Dwayne Clark, Overton Pingenot, Duwain Joseph, Ennis Pirkey, Louis Thomas, T exarkana Pogue Charles Arthur, Houston Polland, Dale Frieda, Dallas Polsky, Sandra Leah, Austin Pond, Mary Linn, Bryan Ponder, Kay E., Dallas Pope, Tommy Wayne, Fort Stockton Porcarello, Paul Joseph, Houston Post, Gloryanna Alice, Como Powell, Barbara Rose, Perryton Powell, Cynthia Anne, Temple Powell, Leona Louise, Quanah Powell, Rudy G., an Angelo Power, Glenda Lee, Fort Worth Powers, arolyn Joan Houston Prasatik, Mary Anne, Austin PAGE 108 Roach, Laura Anne, Dallas Roberts, Dorothy Clare, Corpus Christi Roberts, Edward Roy, Texas City Robertson, Andy Spencer, Kingsville Robertson, Ann George, Fort Worth Robertson, Esther Sue, Houston Robertson, John Harris, Bryan Robinson, Don Shane, Plainview Robinson, Sue Frances, Corpus Christi Rode, Muriel Elaine, Doss Rodgers, Rose Mary, Harlingen Rogers, Carolyn Louise, Austin Rogers, Jean Burke, San Antonio Rogers, Rodney Waldman, Dallas Rogge, Georgia Mae, Robstown Roper, Donald Eugene, Houston Rose, Jean Ann, Beaumont Rosenthall, Carolyn Adele, Houston Ross, Abner A., Lockhart Roth, Ann, El Paso Rowell, Sandra Kay, Houston Royal, Mary Lucille, Menard Rubin, Sandra Rose, Kansas City, Mo. Russell, Sandra Vernell, Crane Rust, Joe Carroll, San Antonio Rust, Judith Sue, Texas City Rutherford, Sallie Jo, Dallas Rutland, Lynn, Dallas Ruzicka, Helene Marie, Dallas Saenger, Marjorie Beth, San Antonio Saenz, Delia Rebecca, Harlingen Safar, Carolyn Sue, Victoria Salge, Sherian Audilet, Karnes City Salinas, Ernesto Saenz, Artesia Wells Salinas, Juanita Margot, Hebbronville Salter, Julia Lacy, Bay City Sample, Edna Frances, Houston Sanders, Dean Stuart, T yler Sanders, elson Vernon, Odessa Sanderson, Kay Jacqueline, Dallas Sandlin, Dorothy Carolyn, Fort Worth Sanford, Rebe Sue, El Campo PAGE 109 CLASS OF 1960 Prause, Anabeth Lee, Schulenburg Presley, Lettye Jane, Garland Preston, Laura, Newgulf Price, Richard Charles, McKinney Prichard, Margaret Ann, Port Arthur Prince, Rose Mary, Village Mills Proctor, Hugh Coleman, Austin Pruessner, Mary Catharine, ew Braunfels Puckett, T erry Gay, Amarillo Pullen, Harriette Sue, San Antonio Putnam, Michael, Alice Quan, Elmo, San Antonio Rabun, John Stanley, Houston Rainey, Paula Jo, San Antonio Ramsey, James Sydney, Jr., Kilgore Ramsey, Stevens David, Jr., Dallas Rankin, Marion Frances, Dallas Ratcliff, Joe B., Amarillo Rawlins, Ruth Ann, Cartagena, Columbia Ray, Nancy Jane, Dallas Razzetti, Ann Joan, McGregor Reaks, Judie Ann, Austin Redding, Joan Carol, Midland Reese, Edward E., Odessa Reese, Elizabeth 0., Gonzales Reese, Floyd Curtis, Austin Reinarz, Robert Charles, Amarillo Revisore, Rocco Giardina, ew Orleans, La. Richardson, Edward Penrose Hicks, Tyler Richardson, Mary Carolyn, Austin Riddle, Jane Frances, Houston Ries, Clarence Andrew, Denver City Rieves, John Michael, Houston Risser, Sally Ross, Bonham Ristau, Larrie Arden, Texas City Rivers, William Leon, Elgin SOPHOMORES Sanford, William Harold. Corpus Christi Sasse, Edward Alexander, Austin Scarbrough, Jerry Wayne, Santa Anna Schlather, Frederick Sydney, Cibolo Schmid, Jeannette, Huntsville Schmidt, Davcne Evon, Harper Schmidt, Rochelle, San Antonio Schneider, Theodore Ernest, Jr., San Antonio Schroder, Arnold Earl, Jr., Houston Schuenemann, Mary Lou, Houston Schultz, Rubin Amos, Jr., Cuero Scoggins, Lloyd Douglas, Dallas Scott, Connie Jean, Midland Scott, Thomas Earl, Abilene Scurry, Richardson Gano, Jr., Dallas Seale, Frank M., Lampasas Seals, Martha Ann, Irving Searls, Susan, Houston Senterfitt, John Eugene, San Benito Shackelford, William Monte, Corpus Christi Shannon, Aubrey Jack, Beaumont Shapiro, Paula Jean, Houston Sharkey, Thomas John, Houston Shaw, Travis, Austwell Sheldon, Mary Ruth, Houston Sherrill, Kyle Winston, Dallas Shill111gburg, J ames E., Kermit Shmidl, Sylvia Anne, Crosby Shopmaker, Sandra Lee, Kansas City, Mo. Showalter, Rose Mary, Austin Sigwart, Paul Louis, Austin Simmons, Donald James, Leander Simons, Suzanne Elizabeth, Edna Simpson, Davis Wylie, Mathis Skelton, William Henry, Jr., Temple Slagle, Charles Forrest, Austin Slaton, Paul Franklin, Orange Sledge, Henry L., Jr., Houston Sloan, Ralph Russell, Jr., Sealy Smallberg, Edith Lynn, Los Angeles, Calif. Smith, Anita Ruth, San Antonio Smith, Barbara Sue, San Antonio Smith, Bobby Sue, Houston Smith, Carolyn Glenn, Galveston Smith, Emmanuel Herzl, Tyler Smith, Florence Elizabeth, Goldthwaite Smith, Homer Don, Eastland Smith, James Darwin, Gladewater Smith, James Gale, Santa Anna Smith, Robert Harold, Amarillo Smith, Rosann Dorothy, San Antonio Smith, Sidney H., III, Corpus Christi Smith, Virgil Raymond, Houston Solka, Marcia Anne, Refugio Sonnenberg, Thomas Carl, San Antonio Sorrell, Jay R., Pearsall Spacek, Jane Frances, Granger Spearman, Donna Maurine, El Paso Spears, Sally Elizabeth, San Antonio Spencer, Robert W., Jr., Freeport Spiller, William Gibbs, Houston Staffa, Victor Vernon, Newgulf Stallings, Paul Edward, Houston Stanley, Nancy Lanelle, Wichita Falls Stapleton, Bob David, Austin Stark, Harriett Ann, Austin Steele, Virginia Ann, Dallas Stein, William Leroy, Alice Steinle, Angela Annette, Jourdanton Stengel, Thomas Karl, Mason Stephens, Larry Clifton, Angleton Stevens, Ann W., Houston Stewart, Landon Wayne, Austin Stokes, Gloria June, Campbellton Stone, Betty Jean, Mathis Stotland, Phillip David, Hattie burg, Miss. tovall, Thomas Henry, Alba Stover, Sidney herrod, ew Orleans La. PAOE 110 Tomlinson, Jen Cary, Houston Tonetti, Robert Hyde, Fort Worth Toone, Sara Elizabeth, Dallas Tovrog, Myrna, San Antonio Traeger, Nancy Claire, Gonzales Trapolino, Louis Nathan, Houston Traylor, Roy Gene. Carrollton Tudor, Dorothy Virginia, Beaumont Tuggey, Judith Anne, Dallas Turner, Bobby Lane, Ballinger Turner, Derald Wayne, Port Arthur Turner, Tommy Guinn, Dallas Turpin, Jo Ann, Wichita Falls Twaddell, Robert B., Clarendon Tyson, H. Michael, Houston Uetrecht, Diane Melva, Victoria Ulbrich, Arthur, Jr., Port Arthur Urbanec, Don Alan, Fredericksburg Vail, Sandra Lee, Houston Valliant, Martha Jean, Sonora Vance, John M., Houston Vanderwerth, Theodora Carter, Ledbetter Vanderwoude, Margaret Carol, Dallas Van Landingham, Ann, Dallas Van Loh, Jerry Jack, Burkburnett Vickers, Mary Elizabeth Wilson, Beaumont Vivroux, Gene Gilbert, Seguin Voetmann, Katherine Louise, Little Rock, Ark. Vogel, Frank Valton, San Angelo Vratis, ick, Beaumont Wade, Marcia Adele, Indianapolis, Ind. Wagner, Mary Ellen, Crystal City Walker, George Harris, Fort Worth Wallace, Katherine, Dallas Walton, Elizabeth Dee, Beaumont Ware, William Ellis, Bartlett \-Varner, Fleetwood Vinson, Houston Wash, Michael Arlen, Stamford Watkins, Edward Homer, Austin Watkins, Jo Ann, Texas City Watkins, Linda Margaret, Austin Watson, Jane, Austin PAO£ 111 CLASS OF 1960 Strange, Thomas Carroll, Alba Streater, Sara Jane, Lake Charles, La. Strey, Barbara Jean, Seguin Stubbs, Lois Elizabeth, Galveston Sudderth, Jerry Friend, Dallas Sudhijarto, Raden, Palembang, Indonesia Sullivan, Mary Kathleen, San Angelo Sundahl, Constance Louise, Dallas Sylvester, Elizabeth Lynn, Baytown T ackett, John Wesley, Stephenville Tacquard, Joseph Raymond, Jr., Galveston Talbert. John J., III, China Spring Talbot, James Adam, Port Neches Tanksley, Carol Ann, Del Rio Tartt, ancy Bee, Galveston Tartt, Sally Ann, Gal\"eston Tarver, Wilson Byrd, Jr., Waco T aylor, Carol Orien, San Angelo Taylor, Charles Floyd, Austin Taylor, James Jerral, Del Rio Teague, Robert Frank, Houston Teal, Rosanne, San Antonio T ekell, Kenneth Lee, Corsicana T empleton, Earl Wayne, Ah-in Terry, Gail Ann, O range Thomas, Carolyn Ann, Houston Thomas, Susie Louise, Elgin Thompson, Clinton Blain, El Paso Thompson, Robert Bryan, Tyler Thomson, Maxine \\·onne, San Angelo Thurmond, George Robert, San Antonio Tieber, Avis Andrea, Dallas Tlucek, Cynthia Ann, Houston Tolbert, Jerry H., Houston Tolbirt, Ruthven Champion, Jr., Columbus Toliver, Genevieve C., Wichita falls SOPHOMORES Watson, Oliver Lee, Levelland Watson, Robert Dale, Abilene Watson, Sharolyn, Athens Waugh, Kathryn Lewis, Ysleta Wear, Helen Elizabeth, Dallas Weaver, Bobby Arrington, Newgulf Webster, Mason, III, San Antonio Weinberger, Howard Alan, Dallas Weir, Lola Evelyn, Childress Welch, Philip Wayne, Aransas Pass Wells, Joe H., Jr., Austin Werner, Gretchen Elizabeth, Houston West, James Douglas, Edwardsville, Ill. West, Ralph Wayne, Midlothian Wester, John Gay, Dallas Wheeler, Carol Morris, Austin Wheeler, Eleanor, Midland Wheeler, Ernest Dorman, Burnet Wheeler, Frank A., Robstown Wheeler, Karen Sue, Winnsboro Wheless, Alice Lockett, Houston White, Margaret Ann, Dallas White, Patricia Ann, Austin White, Ronald Williams, Dallas White, Thyrza Christine, Gonzales White, Velma Elizabeth, Beaumont Whitham, Mary Ann, Tyler Whitney, Alton Wayne, Valley Mills Whitson, Mae Margaret, Midland Wible, Margaret Ann, Sherman Wier, Gwendolen Jane, Austin Wiggins, Bette Jan, Beaumont Wile, Ira Barnes, Dallas Wiley, Margo, Wichita Falls Wilkes, Dan Allan, Dallas Wilkins, Mary Hazel, Baytown Willcott, Paul Joseph, Beaumont Williams, Anna Carol, Athens Williams, Girlene Marie, Austin Williams, Julia Quay, Comanche Williams, Lacy Holmes, Longview Williford, ancy Nell, Fairfield Willis, Sammy Joe, San Antonio Willmann, Betty Ann, San Antonio Wilson, Carolyn Ruth, Austin Wilson, Deidre, Temple Wilson, Harvey Ashton, Jr., Brazoria Wimberly, Jay W., Gainesville Windbigler, John J., Raytown, Mo. Winton, Ralph Huntington, Jr., San Antonio Wise, Gary Ray, Amarillo Wise, Wess Sam, Rockwood Witt, Dorothy Kay, Fort Worth Wolff, Calvin Moritz, McAllen Womack, Seamon Jeffery, Houston Womble, Larry Leon, Dimmitt Wong, Don, San Antonio Woo, Kong F., San Antonio Wood, Oscar Franklin, Houston Wood, Robert P., Alice Woodland, David Wright, Lake Jackson Woods, Glenda Sue, Beaumont Woods, Janice King, Seguin Woodward, Henry Kissinger, Del Rio Woolsey, Doris Roberta, Liberty Word, Tracy Triece, Houston Worley, Erle Travis, Mercedes Worthy, Mary Ann, Corsicana Wren, Patricia Louise, Longview Wright, Alice Mildred, Houston Wright, Carroll Lee Jr., Fort Worth Wright, James Richard Corsicana Wyatt, Kristin Ann, Kilgore Wylie, Myrna Lois Hou~ton Yancey, Linda Kay, Dallas Yarbrough, Paul Lee, Littlefield Yarmo, Robert Lawrence, Kansas City, Mo. Zeigler, Joseph Earl, Jr., Victoria PAOE 112 1904 FRESHMEN P AGE 113 FRESHMEN Abbott, William Henry, Baytown Ablowich, Ronald Edgar, Greenville Abright, Sarah Jane, Houston Acrey, Chauncey Charles, San Antonio Adams, Arthur Wesley, Midland Adams, Donald Kenneth, San Antonio Adams, Joan Ellen, Grand Prairie Adams, Melinda Elizabeth, Austin Adams, Priscilla Elaine, Dallas Adams, Suzanne, Dallas Akersten, William Andrew, Ashtabula, Ohio Aldrich, Patricia Virginia, Ft. Thomas, Ky. Alexander, Lawrence orborn, San Antonio Alexander, Leonardine Gay, Llano Allday, Charles Edgar, Franklin Allen, Carolyn Sage, Lufkin Allen, H arriette, Kerrville Allen, Truitt Lee, College Station Allison, Gene Nealy, Houston Allison, Johnny Walker, Muleshoe Allred, Judith Janice, Wichita Falls Alspaugh, Ralph Williamson, San Antonio Alston, Roy Dean, Richland Springs Alsup, J ames Alton, Houston Ament, Robert Stanley, Baytown Amerman, Cora Louise, Houston Anders, Donald Robert, Fort Worth Andersen, Jack Tarpy, San Antonio Anderson, Annette, Austin Anderson, Connie Marie, La Marque Anderson, Linda Sue, Texas City Anderson, Robert Eugene, Falfurrias Anthony, William Douglas, Dallas Appling, Jesse Kubela, El Campo Armstrong. Martha Rebecca, Austin Arnold, James Chester, Jr., Houston Ashburn, Mary Florence, Dallas Ashley, Barbara Jean, Milano Atkinson, Herschell Lee, Goldsmith Atkinson, William Thomas, Pampa Austin, John Adams, San Antonio Austin, Mary Bond, San Antonio Avery, Fred Harold, Mt. Pleasant Avila, Eustolio Rodriguez, Crystal City Ayton, William Byron, Brownsville Babcock, Jim Alan, Groom Bagwell, Sue Vernelle, Hereford Bailey, Elyndabeth, Houston Bailey, Linda Susan, Dallas Bailey, Mary Linda, Marfa Bailey, Nancy, Rosenberg Bailey, Thomas Walter, Palestine Bain, Betty Lynn, Austin Baker, James Dennard, Odessa Baker, Phillip Ray, Crosby Baker, William Kirkland, Houston Bales, Mildred Marie, Port Lavaca Ball, Ann Lea, Fort Worth Ballard, Glenn Bryant, Bismarck, Ark. Banks, Carmine Marie, Dallas Barber, Tom Newcomb, Jr., Ganado Barborak, Dennis, Moulton Barker, Chester, Houston Barnes, Carolyn Ann, Austin Barnett, Russell terling, Houston Barrett, Richard Preston, Pampa Barton, Sandra, Brady Bartosh, Ronald Jerome, Taft Barzilla, Dominic Anthony, Houston Bass, James Roy, Jr., Lake Charles, La. Bass, Sydney Jane, Fort Worth Basse, Patricia Anne, Dallas Beal, Barbara K ay, Austin Beard, Anne Elizabeth, Dallas Bearden, Jimmy Sharon, Orange Bearden, Sonnie Lee, Waskom Beaty, Martha Jean, Fort Worth Beauchamp, John Robert, an Antonio Beckham, Anita Eugenia, Dallas PAGE 114 Bowen, Curtis Todd, Midland Bowen, Kenneth Lane, Houston Bowen, Walter Charles, Jr., Lubbock Bowles, Barbara Anne, Houston Bowman, James Lynn, Perryton Bowman, Norma Lou, Harlingen Bowman, Robert Hunt, Baytown Bourgeois, Robert Eddie, Mission Boyd, Gary eal, Lufkin Brackenridge, Eloise Wilson, Taylor Brady, David Lawrence, Jacksboro Brasfield, Robert Stanford, Austin Braswell, Claude Richard, Bellaire Brazil, Sandra Muriel, Port Arthur Bredt, Jan, Rockdale Brent, Robert James, Jr., Houston Brewer, William Warren, Austin Bridgewater, Preston Fobis, Jr., Midland Briggs, Elizabeth Ann, Greenville, S. C. Briggs, Rambie Le, San Antonio Bright, J ames Robert, Tyler Brooks, Anne, Dallas Brooks, Charles Erskine, Rockdale Brophy, William Joseph, Houston Browder, Thomas Edwin, Groesbeck Brown, Carolyn Miriam, Irving Brown, David Paul, Henderson Brown, Dee Robert, San Antonio Brown, Elizabeth Ann, Austin Brown, Eugene Lee, Jr., Dallas Brown, Floyd Wayne, Corpus Christi Brown, Frederick Samuel, Mexia Brown, Glen Vick, Dallas Brown, Helen Marr, San Antonio Brown, Peggy Ann, Cuthbert Brown, Richard Malcolm, Jr., Pampa Brown, Robert T., Houston Brown, Sharon A., Fort Worth Brown, Susan Meredith, Houston Broyles, Michael Everett, Bellaire Bruce, William Thomas, Jr., Port Neches Bruner, James Milton, T emple Bruni, Joanne, Laredo PAGE 115 CLASS OF 1961 Becton, Joseph Daniel, Greenville Beidleman, Tom Earl, Snyder Bell, Donald Wayne, Houston Bell, Janet Lee, San Antonio Benbrook, James Robert, Dallas Bendele, Richard Gordon, Dallas Benfer, Betty Lou, San Antonio Benjamin, Marshall Elliott, Borger Bennett, Georgia Annetta, Bellaire Berkman, Larry Herbert, Rosenberg Berman, Arlene Gladys, Houston Bermont, Richard Barry, Coral Gables, Fla. Berretta, Kenneth Carl, Houston Berthelot, Paula Louise, Victoria Beular, Evelyn Elsie, Houston Bird, Patsy Jean, Stockdale Birdsall, John Calvin, Corpus Christi Birdsong, Bailey Arnold, Austin Black, Paula Jo, Bellaire Blackard, Don Coleman, Mt. Pleasant Blair, Carl Lee, Arcadia Blake, Barbara, St. Louis, Mo. Blakeley, Nancy Ann, Dallas Blasingame, H. Don, Houston Blessing, Jane Lee, Mineral Wells Block, Stanley Byron, Corpus Christi Blum, Barbara Jean, Bay City Bobo, Patricia Sue, Houston Bode, Edward Charles, Junction Boecker, Freddie Otto, Clifton Bohn, John William, Austin Boland, Judy Kay, Dallas Bolger, David Jack, Mt. Vernon Boll, Mary Frances, Houston Bonin, Patricia Anne, Houston Boor, Carolyn Emerson, Houston FRESHMEN Bryan, Brenda, Dallas Bryan, Jimmy Dean, Houston Buel, Ellen Vail, San Antonio Buell, Walter Flynn, Austin Buford, Robert Paschal, Tyler Bunce, Carlene Elizabeth, Austin Burdine, Anita Joan, Orange Burgess, Malcolm Acie, Barksdale, A.F.B., La. Burkhart, Melinda Louise, La Marque Burnett, Betty Ruth, Austin Burrell, Charles Egan, Houston Burton, Carolyn Frances, Houston Bush, Orbie Alton, Jr., Daingerfield Butcher, Cary Preston, Jr., Midland Butler, Adrian Joseph, Jr., Austin Butler, Beverly Ann, San Antonio Butler, Marylen Sue, Bellaire Butler, Tom K elly, Houston Buxton, David Lee, Dallas Caliva, Sammy Jay, Houston Calkins, Phyllis Jean, Austin Callaway, ancy Lee, Dallas Calvert, Eugene Allan, Mesquite Camp, Emory Clifton, Cameron Campbell, Fay Jean, Bastrop Canada, Robert Michael, Houston Cantu, Jose Rene, Encino Capel, orrna Yvonne, Poteet Caramanian, Marie Esther, Houston Cardwell, Martha Mitchell, Austin Carlisle, Charles Thomas, Randado Carlisle, Paula Sue, Dallas Carlson, Mary Margaret, Dallas Carmichael, David Mooney, Beaumont Carmichael, Jerry Harris, Brownfield Carney, E. Holmes, III, Port Arthur Carothers, Jerry Wayne, Fort Worth Carr, Dolores Ann, Austin Carstens, Emmett Ronald, Houston Carter, Ann Moore, Carrizo Springs Carter, Janis Ann, Houston Carter, Richard Ware, Midland Carter, Thomas Barnhill, Lake Jackson Caruthers, Barbara Jean, Mathis Case, Yvonne Dolores, Bonham Cassin, Thomas Michael, San Antonio Castillo, atalia, San Juan Castor, Ruth Jane, Houston Castruita, Richard James, Austin Caywood, Gary Everett, Tulia Chadwick, Tom Ben, Jr., Tyler Chamberlain, Thomas Edward, Galveston Chapman, Andrew Thomas, Crosby Chapman, Rankin Hoss, Jr., Austin Chauvin, Larry Andrew, McAllen Cheshire, Carolyn Sue, Austin Chessher, Sue Jinkins, San Antonio Childers, Bette Jo, Houston Chilton, Douglas Holland, Austin Chisum, Dorothy Kay, Wichita Falls Christian, Stephen Willis, Odessa Christopher, Loyce Jeanne, Arlington Chunn, Edward Keith, Houston Clark, Grady Buel, Jr., Menard Clark, Marion A. Cook, ew Braunfels Clark, Mary Jean, Weslaco Clark, Randolph Lee, 111, Houston Clark, Robert Earl, Austin Clark, Roxie Margaret Lockhart Clark, Suzanne, Sinton Claypool, William Christopher, Houston Clayton, Joe Dodson, Tulia Clendenen, Sarah L., Henderson Cloud David Frazier, Parris Island, S. C. Clowe, Jerry Lee, Dallas Cobb, Carolyn Eslyta, Dallas Cocke, Margaret Suzanne, Au tin Coker, Carolyn Lee, Houston Cole, Ernest Allen, Bellaire Cole, Richard Rosser, Houston P AOE 116 Curtin, James Golden, Jr., Houston Daffern, Patsy Ann, Stamford Daigle, Barbara Ann, Galena Park Damek, Herman Andrew, Dayton Daniel, Charlotte Camille, Alvin Daniels, William Leo, Fort Worth Dannenbaum, James Denny, Houston Dansby, Charles Vaughan, Gatesville Darby, George Leendon, Pampa Davis, Dorothy Diane, Dallas Davis, Gloria Ann, Dallas Davis, Helen Ruth, Dallas Davis, Louise Carol, San Antonio Deer, Dennis Hayes, Corpus Christi Degenhart, Paul Wayne, Dallas Delaney, Randall Gordon, Pasadena DeLawder, Jimmie Jean, Richmond Dement, Dennie Maree, Austin Dement, Nancy, Austin Demler, Jo Ann, Port Arthur Depew, Judy Beth, Austin Der-Gregorian, H eros, Agha-Jari, Iran DeSalme, Marilyn Ann, Dallas Dewitt, James Bart, Alvin Diamond, Fern, Port Arthur Dias, Sandra Jean, Baytown Dick, Walter Lee, Galveston Dickey, Claire Ann, Houston Dillon, Patricia Sue, Austin Dishongh, Don Dean, Odessa Ditmore, Frank Edward, Cisco Dominey, Joseph Hudgens, Pensacola, Fla. Donegan, Dianne, DeLeon Dorbandt, John Thomas, San Antonio Dorion, John Harford, Jr., Glens Falls, N. Y. Dorrill, Mary Ruth, Dallas Douglas, Albert Cleo, Killeen Dowd, Robert William, Austin Downum, Lawrence Morgan, Jr., El Paso Dozier, Eugene Joseph, Fort Worth Dryden, Anne Stuart, Waco Dryden, Ruth Henrietta, Robstown Dubinsky, Ruth Su, Clayton, Mo. PAGE 117 CLASS OF 1961 Collier, Charles Barry, Austin Collins, Judith Inez, San Antonio Conlin, Sara Maureen, Austin Conn, Frederick J ames, III, Denison Conn, Marion Edith, Dallas Connally, David Terrence, San Angelo Connally, Tom Allen, Houston Cook, Connie Sue, McAllen Cook, Wilson Clarke, Bryan Cooper, Malcolm Lane, Amarillo Cooper, Mary Allwyn, Austin Cooper, Michael Ross, Winslow, Ariz. Copeland, James William, Belton Copp, Dana Bruce, Midland Corbin, Martha Payne, Elgin Cordova, Juan M., Del Rio Cosper, Lewis Spears, Katy Couch, David, Denison Courtney, J. Don, Wills Point Covalt, James Alex, Jr., San Antonio Cowan, Kay, Hillsboro Cox, Beverly, Houston Crabb, Dal Ed, Crosby Crabb, Joe Fred, Crosby Craddock, Larry Jay, Austin Crain, J ames P., Moore Craver, William Lionel, Jr., Midland Crawford, John Milton, Jr., Athens Crittenden, David Lee, Crane Crocker, Thermon Ray, Clarksdale, Miss. Crockett, Jack Russell, Midland Crosby, John Blake, Jr., La Marque Crow, J ames Truett, Austin Crumley, Martha Carol, Leander Crutsinger, Gerald Glynn, Wichita Falls Culver, James Douglas, Tyler Cummins, Mary Malcolm, Taft FRESHMEN Duckett, Wiley Bert, Austin Dudley, James Hudson, Comanche Duff, William Michael, Austin Dukeminier, Randall Allen, Houston Dunlap, Bobby, Houston Dunlap, Kenneth Ray, Dallas Dunn, Edward Michael, Marshall Duty, Rhetta Roberta, Houston Duty, Sandra Sue, Eagle Lake Dwoskin, Diane Carole, Atlanta, Ga. Dye, Dorothy Carole, Bay City Dye, Susannah Vincent, Plainview Eastman, Harry Jerome, San Antonio Eddleman, Julia Neat, Houston Edgar, David Gene, Graham Edson, Sharon Lee, Corpus Christi Edwards, Charles Joseph, Austin Edwards, Margaret Anne, San Antonio Eickmann, Marie Josephine, Austin Eikenburg, John Joseph, Dallas Ekblad, Barbara Kay, Houston Eley, Cherry, Austin Elizondo, Gus Agustine, Houston Elledge, John Harrol, Austin Elliott, Charla Jean, Houston Ellis, Clara Faye, La Marque Ellis, Noel Gregory, Jr.. Fort Worth Ellison, James David, Austin Ely, Sally Jean, Tyler Emery, Richard Westbrook, Dallas Emery, Wynnell R ., Fort Worth Emerson, Ethel Maxine, Dallas Emerson, Margaret Louise, Dallas English, Kenneth Eugene, San Angelo Engvall, John Logan, Georgetown Eppright, Nancy Claire, Austin Erskine, Mary Louise, Midland Evans, Alfred Burney, Jr., Olney Evans, George Pirtle, Ganado Evans, Georgia Lee, Fort Worth Evans, Joella Katherine, Austin Evans, Richard Daren, Lamesa Evans, Tommy DeWitt, Baytown Eversberg, Jon Russ, Albany Everson, Charles Slawson, Austin Ewald, Barbara Ellen, Austin Ewing, Guy Wesley, III, Breckenridge Ewing, Judith Marie, Corpus Christi Fail, Betty Jane, Grand Saline Fain, eiland Haskell, Santa Rosa Fairey, Marian Lynette, Austin Fargotstein, Elka, Galveston Farmer, Charlotte Ann, Houston Farmer, Dalton Earl, Pasadena Faske, Anna Marie, Crowell Faust, Jerra, Dallas Faust, Nancy Sue, San Antonio Feild, Eugene Gray, Austin Fein, Edward K., San Antonio Fenias, Jill ue, Miami Beach, Fla. Ferguson, Carole Gene, Dallas Fetter, Annette, Waco Field, Deirdre Damaris, Paris, France Fielder, Virginia, Lockhart Fields, Linda Lee, San Angelo Fillman, Raynor D. B., Pampa Fine, Carole Ann, San Angelo Finneburgh, Paula Pearl, Dallas Finney, Ali on Worden, Houston Fisher, Ernest Lee, Dickinson Fitzgerald, Robert Buckner, Austin Fletcher, Martha Roberta, Bryan Flint, Robert Bruce, Jr., Bellaire Fogle, Jimmy Lynn, Galena Park Fogle, Luttie Beth, Humble Forbrich, Carl Alexander, Jr., an ntonio Forman, ancy Rice, Midland Fortney, Walter cott, Hou ton Foster, Robert E till, Bishop Foster, Sarah Rebekah, Alvin PAOP. 118 Gilbreath, Cecil Ray, Amarillo Giles, Grant Eugene, San Antonio Gill, Eddie Michael, Mt. Vernon Gillett, Ruth Ellen, Canutillo Gillett, Sandra Sue, Corpus Christi Gilliland, Patrick C., Austin Gilmore, Sarah Alice, Nacogdoches Gist, Michael Byron, Vega Gladney, Bonner Helene, Mississippi City, Miss. Glazer, Larry Sylvester, Fort Worth Gleason, Joseph Lee, Jr., Houston Glick, Frances Lynn, Houston Glickman, Leslie Ellen, Miami Beach, Fla. Gober, Sidney Long, Humble Gold, Gail Judy, San Antonio Goldberg, J anice Elaine, Houston Goldstein, Sharon Jean, Dallas Goldston, Dena Fern, Amarillo Gomez, Joel, Crystal City Gonzalez, Rodrigo, Jr., McAllen Goode, Emma Isabel, Freeport Goodman, Marvin Aaron, Houston Goodnight, Almita Carol, Houston Goolsby, Doyle Wayne, Lamesa Gordon, Helen Avon, Somerville Gordon, Tulane, Houston Gossett, Carolyn Cole, Dallas Gottwald, Allie Sue, Harwood Graham, Edwin Smith, Graham Gray, James Eugene, Weslaco Green, Arthur Lewis, Dallas Green, George Norris, Austin Green, Gerald Claude, Dallas Greenberg, Judith Miriam, Oklahoma City, Okla. Greene, Jo Frances, Austin Greene, Priscilla Louise, Austin Greenway, Judith Janelle, Houston Greeves, Sam Lile, Jr., Beaumont Greve, James Edward, Galveston Griffith, Onah June, Maypearl Grinke, Anthony Finis, Dallas Grist, Nancy Claire, Austin Grooms, Barbara Anne, Austin PAGE 119 CLASS OF 1961 Fouraker, Linda Melissa, Bryan Foust, Thetis LaRue, Morton Fowler, Ethel Crawley, Austin Fowler, Mary Ann, Austin Fox, Phyllis Ann, Pharr Fox, Ricia, Houston Frank, Ernest Willard, Jr., Orange Franklin, Travis Duane, Houston Franzen, Frances Katherine, Winnie Fredrickson, Charles Herbert, San Angelo Freeman, Juanda June, Loop French, Carolyn, Woodsboro Friedman, Lenore Sandra, Miami Beach, Fla. Frosch, Charlie Harrison, Channclview Frost, Edith Anne, Houston Fry, Michael Scott, San Antonio Fullen, Stanley R., San Antonio Fuller, Kay, Dallas Funk, Joseph Ebner, San Angelo Gainey, John Michael, Longview Gallop, Ilene Doris, University City, Mo. Galloway, Daniel Graham, Stamps, Ark. Garcia, Humberto, Falfurrias Garcia, Richard Molina, San Antonio Garland, William Thomas, Burkburnett Garrett, Susan Blackshear, Danbury Garza, Ben L., Edinburg Gatlin, Richard Alden, Austin Geis, Annes Yvonne, Houston George, Johanna Elizabeth, Houston Gersbach, LaV\ anda, Holland Gershner, David Adolph, Dallas Ghazarian, Ghazaros Kevork, Cairo, Egypt Gibson, Jack Farris, Jr., Sulphur Springs Giddens, Kathryn Adele, Austin Gierhard, Byron Jackson, Corpus Christi Giezendanner, Stuart Sawyer, Houston FRESHME Gross, Sara Ann, Tyler Grossman, Ruthlee, El Paso Grow, Barbara Lynn, Port Lavaca Grubbs, Thomas Mannan, San Antonio Grumbles, Terry Neal, Austin Guernsey, Fay Aileen, Dallas Guerra, Virginia Susana, Hebbronville Gurwitz, Robert Earl, San Antonio Gunn, Donovan Lyn, Plano Guffin, Gwynne Lee, Austin Gutierrez, Alberto H., Rio Grande City Guzman, Raul, San Antonio Gwinner, Daniel Stratton, Dallas Haberle, Donald L., Jacksonville Hadden, Virginia Elizabeth, Port Arthur Hall, Farris McDannald, Houston Hall, Joe Bob, Winnie Hall, Virginia Elizabeth, Clarksdale, Miss. Hamlett, Joel Hugh, Snyder Hammerle, Virgil Paul, Houston Hampton, Linda Ann, Fort Worth Hancock, Marion Donald, McAllen Handler, Bayla, Fort Worth Hankins, Robert Harrell, Lamesa Hann, Barbara Ellen, Bakersfield, Calif. Harden, Martha Flo, Atlanta Hardin, Sanders Lee, Houston Hargis, Carl Douglas, Borger Harling, Susan Irene, Telephone Harrell, Sybil Louise, Groom Harrigan, Joseph Patrick, III, Dickinson Harrington, John Dennis, Houston Harris, Charlynn Catherine, San Antonio Harrod, Margaret Ann, Austin Hart, George Tom, Jasper Hart, Walter T., Transylvania, La. Hartman, Merrill Lee, Dallas Harvey, Jill, Austin Hatch, Jamie Beth, San Antonio Hatler, Carole Ann, Dallas Haun, Ann Karen, Fort Worth Hauser, Charles Edward, Houston Hawks, Georgia W., Amarillo Healer, Milton Bryan, II, Brownwood Heartfield, Randolph, Beaumont Heckman, Earl Jerome, Jr., Houston Heidemann, Sheldon Louis, Channelview Heilbron, Charles Harris, Dallas Heina, Carlos Robert, McAllen Heinemeyer, Louis Chris, Geronimo Heller, Jeffrey Merwin, Tyler Helwig, Annette, Austin Henry, Frazier Patrick, San Angelo Henry, James aughton, Lancaster Henson, Robert Lee, Beaumont Herbert, James Dalton, Alice Herrera, Alfred, San Antonio Herrington, Stuart Edmond, Mineral Wells Hibler, Prentis Otis, Brazoria Hicks, Phyllis Marie, Austin Hill, Virginia Ellen, Corpus Christi Hillin, Robert K. Midland Hilljc, Jean Louise, New Braunfels Hipps, Phillip Lynd, Dallas Hobbs, Jerry Chilton, Corpus Christi Hodge, William Earl, Dallas Hodges, Robert Wilson, Washington, N. C. Hoffmeister, Marion Jean, Bellaire Hoipkemeier, uc Lynn, Irving Holland, James Elery, Beaumont Hollis, Carolyn Jean, Odessa Hollis, Priscilla Linden, Dallas Hollon, Jerry Richard, Royce City Hollyfield, John Scoggins, Austin Hollyfield, Joseph Henderson, Jr., Houston Hooper, William Henry, Plainview Hopson, Danna, Houston Horstmann Lea Marye, Austin Horwitz, Arlene Gail, Houston Horwitz, Kathryn Ann, Beaumont PAOE 120 CLASS OF 1961 Houghton, Judith Dean, Texas City Houghton, Terry Paul, Austin Houser, Gordon, Austin Howard, Brenda Claire, Houston Howell, Douglas Warren, Amarillo Hsu, Alexander Jihming, Singapore, Malaya Rueter, Frank August, Jr., Houston Huffington, Alice Virginia, Houston Hughes, Charles Ray, Houston Hughes, David Kiker, Abilene Hughes, Robert Sherridan, Houston Huhn, Janis Gertrude, LaMarque Hullum, Billy Don, Wills Point Humphrey, Lillian, Austin Huth, Elizabeth Maverick, San Antonio Hyde, Gretchen Lee, Dallas Irby, James Hudson, Austin Jacobs, David Paul, Big Lake James, Raymond Percy, San Antonio James, Royal Parks, San Antonio Jarry, Margaret Ann, Houston Jasso, Albert Torres, San Antonio Jee, Martha Doyle, Houston Jenkins, J acklyn, Austin Jenkins, Patricia Diane, Houston Jensen, William David, Houston Jobe, Bill David, Marshall Jochimsen, Jane Dee, San Antonio Johnson, Charles Wayne, Falfurrias Johnson, Joyce Ray, Newgulf Johnson, Milam Shelton, Austin Johnson, Nancy Beth, Dallas Johnson, Robert Ross, Lancaster Johnson, Sharon, Austin Johnson, Willard Edward, Fort Worth Johnson, William Jerome, Graham Johnstone, Susan Margaret, San Antonio Jones, Darryl Croft, Houston Jones, Harriette Almira, Greggton Jones, Jerry Lillian, Beaumont Jones, Jo Ann, Houston Jones, Lawrence Lain, Seminole Jones, Virginia Anne, George West Jones, Virginia Claire, Dallas Joor, William Eugene, III, Houston Jorrie, Robert William, San Antonio Joseph, Louis Albert, Jr., Austin Jost, Karen Rey, San Antonio Kalmbach, Shelley Francis, Austin Kaplan, Miriam, Galveston Katz, Sharon Elaine, Corpus Christi Kearby, James Peyton, Fort Worth Keelen, Carolyn Virginia, Austin Keen, Carolyn Sue, Bay City Keeton, Carole Stewart, Austin Keith, Sally Belle, Freeport Kelley, Jo-Lynne, San Antonio Kelly, Jeffrey Janelle, Big Lake Kelly, Kathryn Ann, McKinney Kennard, Edith Louise, Texas City Kennedy, William Carey, Jr., Austin Kent, James William, Jr., Houston Kerbow, Roger Alan, Coleman Kersten, Phyllis, Sealy Kessler, Kitty, Del Rio Kibbie, Kent Danforth, Fort Worth Kiecke, Pattye Jayne, Rosenberg Kieke, Twila Wanda, Giddings Kilgore, Linda Elaine, Groesbeck Killebrew, Bill, Port Neches Kilpatrick, Ann, Bellaire Kinch, Ann Ashby, Austin Kinchen, Edward York, Odessa King, Elizabeth Lou, Austin Kinkade, John Douglas, El Paso Kinney, Marilyn Kay, Dallas Kirkgard, William Keith, Houston Kirkham, Pearl Junette, LaMarque Kirkpatrick, Julia Elizabeth, Houston Kleck, Edgar Rudolph, San Antonio PAGE 121 FRESHMEN Klein, Cynthia Lucille, Austin Klein. Keith Edward, San Antonio Klein. Lynda Lee, Texas City Klempin. Raymond Ernest, Dallas Klepak, Michael, Dallas Klindworth. Rebecca Annice. Dallas Klingman, William Robert. Austin Klopfenstein, Kaye, Harlingen Klotz, Ayree Jane, Henderson Kneblik. Janis Lynn, Houston Knight. Peggy Anne, Houston Kochler, Avery Clarence, Thorndale KC'chler, Travis Aubrey, La Pryor Koen. Be,·erly Ann, Austin Kolter, Karol Anne. Beaumont Koontz, Mary Ann. Woodsboro Kothmann, Lanell. Mason Krasnow. !\iatalie. Beaumont Kristynik, David Charles Simon, Bay City Krm·etz. Albert Sidney. Houston Kuroki. Claude Toshio, Borger Kusenbergcr, Jo Ann Theresa. Del Rio Lacy, Gail Elizabeth, H enderson Lair, John B., III, Crystal City Lamm, Linda Allen, Dallas La Montagne, Edward Weir. Houston Langley, Dorothy, Houston Langton, Elizabeth Dell, Port Arthur Lasky. Sandra Ilene. Austin Latham, Gene Byron, Texas City Laughlin. Judith Anne, Dallas Laughlin, William Ross. Baytown Launey, Walton S., Midland Laves, H arold Pacey, Austin Laws, John Terrell, Premont Leberman, Lowell Henry, Jr.. Commerce Lebourg, Colette Renee, Houston Lee, Benita, Austin Lee, Beryl Kathryn, Austin Lee, Fong Yiu. Hong Kong Lee, Helen Marie, Austin Lee, Janie Mercille, Port Arthur Legg, Jess Noble, Dallas Leggett, David Absher, Midland Leman, John Walthall, Crosby Lenderman, Gary Lee, Bay City Lentz, Ann Cole, Victoria Lerman, Ondree Lynn, Houston Lerner, Glenda Lynn, Houston Lester, Edith Ann, Austin Leverkuhn, Carolyn Adell, Houston Levisay, Don Wayne, Fort Worth Le,·y, Stephan Richard, Denver, Colo. Lewallen, Barbara Kathryn, Austin Lewellen, Merrie Ann, Mexia Lewis, Andrea Lyn, Austin Lewis, Billy Fred, Corpus Christi Liberty, Joe Phillip, Big Spring Liberty, Nancy King, Big Spring Lichtenwalter, Jane Louise, Austin Lipinsky, Jo Ann, Waco Link, Linda, Weslaco Lister, Jo Ann, Lyons Liston, Bonne Rhea, Amarillo Little, Freddie Ruth, Groesbeck Lochridge, Arthur Guy, Texas City Lockhart, Hildred Bruce, Corpus Christi Loeb, Peter M., Sweetwater Loney, Charles Dale, Au tin Long, J ame Scott, McKinney Long, John Warriner, San Antonio Long, Martha Elizabeth, Kilgore Longoria, Viola Alicia, Corpu Christi Lopez, Ciro Cid, Robstown Loveless na Frances, Austin Lowe, G raid rthur, II, Arlington Lowry, Wallace Edwin, Huntsville Luca . Charles \ cldon, Jr., a\·asota Lu as, irginia Lynn, Baytown Lum, Judith Carolyn, Houston PAGE 122 CLASS OF 1961 Lumley, Robert Don, Baytown Lumpkin, Cecile Clark, Dallas Luther, Homer Lee, Jr., Houston Lutts, Patrick Stephens, Dallas Lyle, Adele Jewell, Corpus Christi Lynn, J ames William, Belton Lyon, Kenneth Stewart, Kansas City, Kan. Maclary, Marianne, Dallas Mabry, Walter Budge, Alice Magee, Mark, Edinburg Maginnis, M ary Leila, Beaumont Maier, elson Henry, Jr., San Antonio Maldonado, Reynaldo A., Benavides Males, Jane Loreen, Richmond Malouf, Ronald Eblew, Dallas Maneval, Elisse M aria, Deperc, Wisc. Manry, Joe Edgar, Corrigan Marks, Paul Turner, Houston Marr, Ronald Lee, Houston Marshall, George Arthur, Texarkana Marshall, Muriel Edith, Victoria Martella, Ross Lee, Jr., Houston Martin, Barbara Chandler, Washington, D. C. Martin, Judith, Houston Martinek, Bernard Daniel, Ennis Martinez, Rita Cruz, Alice Mason, Virginia Avery, Dallas Massey, Virginia Scott, Houston Mast, Martha Jane, Midland Mathis, Patricia Ann, Hearne Matlock, John Robert, Houston Matthew, Katherine Marie, Yoakum Matthews, Guy Edward, Mont Belvieu Matthews, William Edward, Houston Maxwell, Lloyd Judson, Devers Maxwell, Pauline Talley, Houston May, Barbara Ann, Karnes City Mayer, Bernard Dreyfuss, Enid, Okla. M ayo, Gary Leon, Pasadena McAnulty, Julia Ann, Lake J ackson McBride, J ames Francis, Pampa McBride, John Llewellyn, Austin McCann, Gladys Katherine, Austin McCann, Wilford Dale, Abilene McCollom, Joe Allen, Kenedy McConnell, Jo Ann, Houston McConnell, Judith Langworthy, Houston McCormick, Betty Lynn, Dallas McCoy, David Paul, Alice McDaniel, Jackson Lee, Amarillo McDonald, Dennis Michael, Dallas McDonald, Joyce Elaine, Sherman McElwain, Roberta Ruth, Dallas McElwrath, Merry, Houston McFarland, Linda Lee, M idland McGee, Sally J acquelyn, Amarillo McGinnis, Gail, Houston McGrail, Kathleen, San Antonio McHam, Gus Carlton, III, Greenville McHargue, Eddie Don, Dallas McKee, M arilyn Sue, Houston McKeown, Lynda Lee, Fort Worth McKinley, Shirley K ay, Houston McKusker, Velta Ann, Bridge City McLeroy, James David, San Antonio McNamara, Nola Ann, Austin McVey, Douglas Allan, Houston Medlock, Melvin Morris, San Antonio Meharg, John Robert, Gatesville Melton, Jewell Elyne, Austin Merchant, Michael Aldridge, Beaumont Meyer, Charles Lewis, Bastrop Michel, Gladene M artha, Houston Middleton, David Mayes, Liberty Mika, Barbara Jean, Houston Mikeska, Gene Edward, Rogers Miles, William Keith, Fort Worth Miller, Gurney Ray, Jr., K aty Miller, Mary Kathryn, Midland Miller, Maureen, Houston PAGE 123 FRESHME Miller, Roy Eugene, Austin Miller, Shirley Ann, Houston Miller, Susan Harriet, Beaumont Mimms, William Reed, New Braunfels Mims, Carolyn Nan, Houston Mitchell, James Thomas, Houston Mitchell, Ronald Loy. Olney Mitchell, Sharon Diane, Midland Moen, Sandra Kay, LaMarque Moffett, Frederick Lindsay, Houston Moffett, Robert Lee, Jr., San Antonio Molak, Michael Lee, San Antonio Monk, John Marion, Paris Monro, Anita Muriel, McGregor Mood, Hugh Gibbs, Midland Moore, Katherine Janelle, Houston Moore, Peter Melville, Galveston Moore, Robert Marion, San Antonio Morehead, Judith English, Austin Morgan, Frances Coopwood, Austin Morgan, William Harvey, Bishop Morris, Robert Don, Mt. Vernon Morrow, Richard Terry, Jr., Munday Moss, Judith Margaret, Dallas Mozley, Milton Gene, Houston Muller, Janey Lee, Tomball Mullinax, Billye Faye, Wichita Falls Munger, Garald Eugene, Jr., LaMarque Murchison, Spencer Mayo, Bellaire Murphy, Denis Michael, Corpus Christi Murray, John Tom, Anson Myers, John Leo, Jr., Beaumont Myers, Shirley Ann, Austin Nacol, Jimmy Elizabeth, Port Arthur Naegelin, Clinton Franklin, .Jr., ew Braunfels ance, Frank Bluford, Dallas Naranjo, Daniel A., San Antonio aseef, Carolyn Marguerite, Dallas Nash, Jesse H., Crystal City eblett, Charles Robert, Canyon eely, Thomas Oran, Jr., Dallas Nelle, Patricia Rose, Mexico City, Mexico elms, Ronnie Lee, Graham Nelson, James Albert, Beeville elson, Nancy Pat, Austin elson, Richard Leedom, II, Wichita Falls Nelson, Virginia Margaret, Houston euhaus, Ralph Sells, Houston Neuen chwander, Frederick Richard, Houston evitt, William Benton, Bellaire Newcomer, Carol Jean, Dallas Nicholson, Linda Kay, Houston Niemann, Larry Harkness, Austin ieschwietz, Frank Paul, Falls City Noble, Larry Gordon, Houston Noland, William Gerald, Corpus Christi Nolen, Larry Oliver, Dickinson Nordeman, Kenneth Warren, Austin Nordheimer, Gary Harvey, Houston Norman, Alice Carolyn, Bryan Northington, Martha K ay, Ballinger Norvell, Benjamin Rush, Beaumont Norris, Curtis Patrick, San Antonio Nowlin, Marilyn, Sherman Nowotny, Monroe Ben, an Antonio Noyes, Ella Jane, Kilgore unncry, ancy Esther, Houston Oden, Edwin Stephen, tlanta Olafson, Jim Warren, San Antonio Olewin, Kathleen Ann, Austin Olian, Maurice Samuel, College tation Oliver, Leaton Thomas, El Paso Ondruch, Donald Gerald, ealy Orrell, Billie Faye, Seagoville Orsak, Arnold Wood, Caldwell 0 born, Robert Eugene, Lamesa Osburn, John Duncan, Austin Ostendorf, Herman W., Dickinson Otto, \'eanne, Port rthur Owen, Angela Lea, eguin CLASS OF 1961 Pace, Charles Wellington, Dallas Palmer, Clifford Eugene, Jr., Houston Pannell, Rebecca Jane, Austin Parker, Clifford Lanny, San Angelo Parks, Donna Jean, Burnet Parma, Diane Marie, Weimar Parrish, Martha Louise, Galveston Parrish, Roslyn, Marshall Parry, Harold Lynn, Poolville Parsons, Diana Gail, Del Rio Parsons, Elizabeth Ann, Houston Parsons, Pamela Ruth, King City, Calif. Partridge, Donald Richard, Cleveland Passiah, Sara Jean, Houston Passmore, Elizabeth Gail, San Antonio Patterson, Patricia John, Houston Pattillo, Vivian Gaile, Austin Patton, Celia Fay, Seminole Patton, Thomas Michael, Fort Worth Paulette, Jerry L., Odessa Pavelka, Edward Louis, Jr., Holland Payne, Eliza Jane, Austin Payne, Marietta, Austin Payne, Mary Jean, Kilgore Peake, Herschel Stuart, Abilene Pearsall, Gail Anne, Dallas Pearson, Molly Lynn, Jacksonville Pearson, Virginia Ann, Del Rio Peavy, Janet Octavia, Dallas Peden, John Alton, Grand Saline Pegg, Robert Walter, San Antonio Peine, Judith Adele, Houston Peinemann, Michael Edwin, New Braunfels Pell, Robbie Gene, Houston Pennington, Judy Gray, Houston Penry, Irene Frees, Dallas Perry, Eleanor Katherine, Hearne Perryman, Jeris Jan, Shreveport, La. Petry, Hinton Booth, Carrizo Springs Pettit, Janis Gail, Houston Petty, Dan Sherman, Texarkana Phelps, Judson Hiram, Jr., San Antonio Phillips, John Thomas, Levelland Phillips, Judith Ann, Lott Pierce, Linda, Bethesda, Md. Piland, Kay Darlene, Austin Pillow, Logan Dale, Jr., Houston Pitts, Carol Jane, Bellaire Platt, Melvin Ray, Houston Plummer, Otho Raymond, Beaumont Poole, Lawrence Lee, Dallas Pope, Sally Bea, Austin Pope, Sharon Elizabeth, Austin Porter, David Charles, Tyler Porter, Sarah Elizabeth, Dallas Porter, Steven Mosby, Boerne Poston, Patricia Carol, San Antonio Poulos, Cecilia Margaret, Austin Power, Janice Margaret, San Antonio Powers, Jack Worley, Corpus Christi Poynor, Joe Lynn, San Angelo Pratka, Robert Clay, Schulenburg Prather, William Leo, Donna Pribble, James C., Austin Price, John Wilson, Corpus Christi Price, Pamela Key, Lamesa Price, Patricia Ann, San Antonio Pringle, Donna Marlene, Austin Proctor, Roxana, Victoria Prouty, Carol Alice, Mexia Pyndus, Marilyn Ann, Houston Quinn, Henrietta Leonara, Galveston Quirk, Frank John, Jr., San Antonio Quirk, James Patrick, San Antonio Rabibadhana, Vudhivithu, Bangkok, Thailand Rabon, Marion Diane, Luling Raborn, Robert Edwin, Jr., Houston Rainwater, Edwin Lee, Wharton Ramirez, Merle Ann, Dallas Ramsey, Fred Milton, Jr., Dallas PAGE 125 FRESHME Rasmussen. Lucille Elizabeth, Houston Ratcliff, Gaye Stanphill, Austin Ratcliff, Louis Mickey, Jr., Littlefield Ratliff, Shannon H., Sonora Reagan, Dora Elizabeth, Brownsville Reaves, Sherwood Melvin, Austit' Redding, Gordon Milfred, Frankston Recd, Billy Dwain, Alvord Reed, Edward Randall, Austin Reed, Ellen Clayrene, Austin Reed, Zelda, Austin Reese. Margaret Ann, Fort Worth Reeves, Doris Gayle, Boling Reeves, Robert, McAllen Reichert, John D., Austin Reinhart, George William Peter, Fort Worth Reynolds, Doyle Wayne, Port Arthur Rice, Ralph Ellisor, Cleveland Rich. Margaret Ann, Fort Worth Richard, Thomas Glenn, Beaumont Richards, Joe Jeff, Clifton Richardson, Charles Robert, Texas City Richardson, Linda Joyce, Houston Richardson, Robert Donald, Houston Richert, Bernhard Ernest, Jr., Beaumont Richmond, Jane Gail, Bryan Richter, Ernest Roland, Jr., Dayton Ringler, Herman, Denison Ripple, Ronnie Charles, El Campo Rivenbark, Wendy Ann, Aiken, S. C. Roberts, George Evelyn, Levelland Robertson, Carolyn Camille, San Antonio Robertson, Jack Dwain, Ralls Robertson, Marian Elizabeth, Wichita Falls Robinson, Larry Don, Iowa Park Robinson, Max Alan, Jasper Robinson. Patsy Ann, Hous'.o:i Rodgers, Robert William, Harlingen Rodieck, Ralph William, Houston Rogers, Bertram Charles, III, Austin Rogers, Lucy Jean, College Station Romans, Edward Louis, Houston Rose, Elizabeth Anne, Danville, W. Va. Ross, Ralph Doyle, Jr., Lamesa Ross, Sherman Allan, Houston Rosson, Bryan Lee, Corpus Christi Rothman, Ellen .Joy, Miami Beach, Fla. Roush, Alice .Jeanne, Freeport Rowland, Sheren Lee, Dallas Rudisill, Henry Clifford, II, Houston Rudolph, Fred Baker, Corman Ruesch, Joan, Columbus Rule, Charles Gary, Westover AFB, Mass. Russell, Clarence Randolph, Jr., Sherman Russell, James Edward, Dallas Ryan, Thomas Franklin, Houston Saenz, Hector, Corpus Christi Saenz, Roberto Hector, Benavides t. Clair, Thomas Larry, Austin Sager, Sandra Jeanne, Corpus Christi Saikin, Suzanne Meryl, Fort Worth Samuel, andra Gayle, Austin andel, Nita Sue, Dallas Sanders, Hugh Walter, Jr., Austin anders, Larry Dow, San Antonio Sanders, Sandra Lee, Center Sartain, Nancy Jane, Kilgore attler, Donald Fred, an Antonio auls, Kathelene Ellen, Orange avage, Robert Wesley, Wellington S haffner, Wanda Jayce, Hempstead Scharpf, Richard Leo, Austin chladocr, Gloria Jane, Comfort chlath r, Wilfr d Hilmar, ew Braunfel chmidt, Dorothy Diane, Austin chneider, Barbara Sue, Galveston chncidcr, Gretchen Annah, Alice Schober, James Rowlen, San Antonio Schoppaul, Diana Lynn, Dallas Schroeter. Edwin Morri , Hereford P AGF. 126 Sikes, William Nick, Jacksboro Siler, Bennye Boyd, H enderson Simecek, K athryn Adele, Austin Simmons, Janiece Belle, Fort Worth Simmons, Sandra Ann, Dallas Simpson, Martha Carolyn, Mason Simpson, Mary Louise, Paris Sims, James Delaney, Garland Sims, Joan, McGregor Sims, Patricia Ann, Austin Siptak, Bettye Carolyn, Caldwell Sivley, Robert Swann, Jr., Lampasas Slaten, Jo Ann, Houston Slaton, Sharon Kay, Orange Smallwood, William David, Snyder Smart, Herbert William, Florence Smith, Bobby Lee, Atlanta Smith, Carla Joan, Austin Smith, Elaine Yvonne, Crystal City Smith, Everett Gregor, Midland Smith, George William, Houston Smith, H elen Townes, Houston Smith, James Edward, Dallas Smith, James Weldon, Waxahachie Smith, Jerry Mills, Fort Worth Smith, Joyce Lynette, Houston Smith, Margie Lou, Palestine Smith, Robert Gary, Dallas Smith, Roslyn Starlett, Houston Smith, Sharon Kay, Houston Smith, Sheldon Stuart, Austin Smith, Sherrill Ruth, Karnes City Smith, Sherry Lynn, Meridian Smith, Stanley Nelson, Fort Worth Smith, Stephen Collier, Houston Smith, Susan Carolyn, Austin Smith, Thomas Lowrey, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio Snell, Mary Ann, League City Snipes, Shirley Ann, Lockhart Snyder, Linda Louise, Fort Worth Sorelle, Arthur William, III, Amarillo Spalding, James William, Dallas Sparks, Don Luther, Amarillo P AGE 127 CLASS OF 1961 Schuchard, Walter Ronny, Abilene Schurer, Ernst Ignarz, Austin Schutze, Eugene Walter, Austin Schwartz, Lorraine, Fort Worth Scoggins, Don Wallace, Falcon Heights Scott, Clyde Irvin, Austin Scott, Doris Elaine, Plainview Scott, J udith, Kaufman Scott, Thomas Perry, Coleman Scruggs, Patsy Sue, Dallas Sears, Sharon Sue, Dallas Seelke, Frances Ann, Houston Segall, Judith Lee, Houston Sellers, William Arthur, Houston Silliman, Frank, Ft. Stockton Settle, Clyde Reagan, Beaumont Sewell, Gerald Lee, Bellaire Shallene, Frank Mills, Austin Shanks, Wilbert Jeanne, Angleton Shapiro, J acqueline, Shreveport, La. Sharp, Clifford Gene, Groesbeck Sharpe, Ada Marie, Angleton Shatto, Elizabeth Anne, Columbus Shellshear, Marcus Thomas, Jr., Houston Shelton, Mary Evelyn, Austin Shelton, Vernon Lee, San Antonio Shepperd, Joe Arthur, Burnet Shepperd, Q ueen Ann, Bartlett Sherburne, Mary Carolyn, Houston Shields, Judith Alice, Victoria Shiroma, Joseph Tsuguo, Kaneohe, Hawaii Shivers, Dottye Rozann, Marshall Shofner, Janice M., Harlingen Shofner, Janice Sue, Harlingen Shomette, Clarence Douglas, Lockhart Siddall, J ames Clarke, San Antonio Sides, Jack Davis, Jr., Dallas FRESHMEN Sparks, Sam, Austin Sparks, Warren Morgan, Amarillo Spears, Judith Kathryn, Houston Speer, Patricia Lu, Houston Speir, Jo Ann, Borger Spencer, Lawrence Dean, Abilene Spires, Carol Louise, Austin Stafford, Dorothy Laverne, Palestine Stainton, Homer Ernest, T exarkana Stainton, Judith Anne, Texarkana Stanley, Bill Leonard, Pasadena Stanley, Mary Frances, Dallas Starling, Frances Ann, Austin Starnes, Jon Harris, Midland Stefka, Laneta Joyce, Austin Stein, Dolph E., Galveston Steinle, John Henry, Austin Steinman, Robert Steven, Dallas Stephanow, Carl Joseph, H ouston Stephen, Susan Lee, Galveston Stephens, Arthur Cole, Dallas Stephens, Don C., Galena Park Stephens, Don Earl, Dallas Stephenson, Sally Anne, Beaumont Sterling, Harris Joe, San Antonio Stern, Eddie Jeanne, Dallas Stevenson, Linda Fay, Austin Stewart, Charles Leslie, Wills Point Stewart, Jon Douglas, Houston Stewart, Robert H ampton, Jr., Houston Stigall, Charles Wayne, Houston Stinebaugh, Sara Evelyn, Houston Stockton, Dorothy Lee, Runge Stoermer, William Bryan, Jr., Austin Stokes, Ora Melinda, Plainview Stolleis, Julia Marie, Pasadena Stolz, Sandra Lynn, Houston Stopher, Henry Wallace, III, Beaumont Stotts, Jane, Dallas Strausser, Frances Danielle, Austin Stroker, Gail, New Braunfels Strong, Arlene Gayle, Houston Strother, Daniel Baxter, Dallas Stroud, William Roland, Galveston Sullivan, Dunklin Augustus, Centerville Summers, Richard Lee, .Jr., Baytown Sumners, Donald Def ord, Houston Svadlenak, Marilyn, Thrall Svadlenak, Rita Kay, Weslaco Swain, George William, III, San Antonio Swartz, Deana Kay, Abilene Swartzkopf, Louis Leroy, III, San Antonio Swint, Dale Ransey, San Marco Switzer, Walter David, Houston Taber, William Farrington, Corpus Christi Taggart, George Knight, III, Corpus Christi Talley, Daniel .Jule, Alice Tampke, Lillian Ann, Austin Tandy, Patricia Lou, Midland Tanksley, Benny Paul, Del Rio Tanner, Sandra Sue, Port Lavaca Tarses, Joan Cecile, Houston Tate, Milton York, Jr., Giddings Tatum, Lance Edward, Dallas Taub, Albert A., Waco Taubert, Ernest Lee, Rio Hondo Taylor, Donald Harrison, III, Crystal City Taylor, Hope Catherine, Houston Taylor, James Owen, III. Del Rio Taylor, John Randle, San Antonio Taylor, Luella Hope, Houston Taylor, Richard Donald, Houston Terrell, John Butler, Jr., Beaumont Terence, Lois Denny, Houston Thayer, Gilbert Richard, Port Lavaca Thielen, J ay Francis, Houston Thomas, Ada Carole, Wellington Thomas, James Rodney, Chi kasha, Okla. PAOE 128 Vance, Conrad Brian, Houston Van Griethuysen, Bonnie, Houston Van Horn, Beth, Odessa Van Horn, Judith Kay, San Antonio Vanmeter, Ronald Lee, Beaumont Vassberg, Paul Edward, Lyford Vogt, John Carrol, Dallas Vogt, Mary Katherine, Boerne Voight, Ann Kennedy, Houston Vollintine, Diana, Fort Worth Vollman, Gene, Houston Wagenfuehr, Mary Louise, New Braunfels Wakeland, Justin Marshall, Waxahachie Walker, Henry Leon, Jr., T aylor Walker, Jack Bryan, Ennis Walker, Jo Anne, College Station Walker, Lynda Lou, Texarkana Walker, Sara Ellen, Hempstead Walker, Virginia Anne, Austin Wannall, Judith Patricia, Freeport Ward, Beverly, San Antonio Ware, Jane Elizabeth, Dallas Warren, Janelle, Austin Watkins, Patricia Jean, Austin Watson, Betty, Austin Watson, Charlotte Helen, Elmhurst, Ill. Watson, Jerry Lynn, Fort Worth Watson, Jim Albert, Rotan Watson, W. Roy, Dallas Watters, James Daniel, Fort Worth Weant, Billie Mary Ann, Falfurrias Webb, Kay, Dallas Webb, Marian Patricia, San Antonio Weber, Lillian Ray, Houston Weber, Mary Josephine, Austin Wedemeyer, Rudolf Anthony, Texas City Weems, Mason Locke, VI, West Columbia Weinert, Kirk William, Beaumont Weiser, Bobbie Lynn, Panhandle Wells, James Robert, Corpus Christi Wendlandt, Wanda Ann, Houston Westerfeld, Richard Dennis, Midland PAGE 129 CLASS OF 1961 Thomas, Mary Stewart, Navasota Thomas, Peggie Laverne, Petersburg Thompson, H enry Erwin, Houston Thompson, Marcus Leslie, Dallas Thompson, Patsy LaGuinn, Garland Thompson, Rosann, Dallas Thomson, Gordon Cole, Houston Thomson, Larry Dale, Kermit Thurman, Gerald Audrey, Manor Tiller, David Clyde, Alice Timberlake, Cynthia Ann, Victoria Tinsley, John Forte, Fort Worth Tolve, Nancy Catherine, Fort Sam Houston Tomlin, Helen Charlene, Overton Tooke, Bess Kirby, Houston Toubin, Charles Irving, Houston Tovar, Paulino M., Alice Travis, Sally, San Antonio Traweek, Billie Jean, Port Arthur Trickey, Clara Janis, Brownsville Troe!!, Charles Edward, Pleasanton Trotter, James Albert, San Antonio Troubridge, Arleen Ray, Tyler Truchard, Anthony M., Cat Spring Truscott, Gloria Dean, Galena Park Turner, James Warren, Amarillo Turner, Robert Hendrick, Marlin Turner, Tommy Eusie, Borger Turpin, Robert Porter, Midland Twyman, Suzan Gray, Houston Tyler, George Robert, Houston Tyng, M. Effie, Houston Uhr, Barry Wayne, Seguin Ullrich, Ann Holt, Wichita Falls Ulmer, Lucien Barton, San Antonio Valadez, Victor, Jr., Del Rio FRESHMEN Wetmore, Davis Wyatt, Galveston Wheeler, Marlo Riley, Houston Whitacre, Carolyn Jeanette, Houston Whitcomb, Thomas Leland, Houston White, Barbara Ann, Houston White, Charles McDonald, Tyler White, James Michael, Corpus Christi White, Noble Leon, Dallas White, William Allen, Brownwood Whiteside, Meta Louise, San Antonio Whitley, Don Murray, Houston Whitstine, Mary Charlene, Corpus Christi Whittington, Anna Lodi, Waco Whitty, Marguerite Ann, Houston Whitworth, Billie Jean, Vanderbilt Wickliffe, Leslie Wayne, Burleson Wideman, Jack Howard, San Antonio Wietstruck, William Harold, Houston Wiley, Billy Glen, Leander Wilhite, George William, Austin Wilkerson, Karen Gail, Austin Wilkinson, John Paul, Jr., Midland Wilkinson, Terry Ross, Austin Willerson, James Thornton, San Antonio Williams, Clarence Donald, II, Austin Williams, Jimmie Dell, Eldorado Williams, Margaret Karleen, Austin Williams, ick Olin, Lamesa Williams, Sandra Lou, Houston Williams, Virginia Lee, Houston Willie, Robert Fred, Austin Willis, Michael Lowell, Corpus Christi Willis, ancy Jane, Tomball Wilson, Amos Haygood, Jr., San Antonio Wilson, Darrell David, Houston Wilson. Donald Ray, Seminole Wilson, Freddie Ernest, Austin Wilson, James Boyd, Marshall Wilson, Jimmie, Jr., Tomball Wilson, Ronald Albert, San Antonio Winter, Frances Leora, Wichita, Kan. Wiser, LaNell, Houston Wissner, Don Forrest, Alvin Wizig, Herbert Wolfe, Waco Womack, Carleton Ross, Odessa Womack, Catherine, Houston Woodford, William Gratz, Hereford Woodroof, Marcia Lee, Edinburg Wooldridge, Ted, Mineral Wells Woolfolk, Beverly Jane, Graham Worff, Barbara Lorene, McAllen Wright, Carolyn Louise, Houston Wright, James Frederic, Houston Wright, Jerry L., Fort Worth Wright, Peggy Jo, Houston Wuest, Cheryl Maurine, Karnes City Wukasch, Barry Charles, Austin Wynne, Robert Lee, III, Beaumont Wyrick, Gilbert Matison, Dallas Wyrick, Walter James, Jr., Texarkana Yeaton, Jane Elaine, Austin Yee, Bill Gwock Wing, Dallas Yellen, Marlent' Glenda, Houston Yoas, Howard Ernst, Louise Yoe, Charles Willard, Austin Young, Bill James, Baytown Young, Farrice Schmidler, Houston Young, Myra ell, Jefferson Young, 0 . Henry, Jr., Abilene Young, Sue Ellen, Port Arthur Young, William Joseph, Austin Zacek, George Edward, eedville Zamel, Ahmad Abdulla Al-Khober, Saudi Arabia Zamponi, Larry Gene, La Feria Zelinger, ancy Rae, Denver, Colo. Zethraeus, Christine, Fort Worth Zindler, Udith Annette, Bellaire Zittlc, Ida Mac, an Antonio Zoch, Royce Wallace, ustin PAO£ 130 1 909 HONORARY, PROFESSIONAL AND SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS PAGE 131 ALPHA EPSILON DELTA HONORARY PRE-MEDICAL FRATERNITY Founded: The University of Alabama, 1926 Fall JAMES WILLIAM SHORT DICK KEITH HUNTER GuY KEEL GuFFEE ROBERT SAVELL PUTNAM. JACK ROSENBERG WILLIAM G. WILKERSON . Fred Graydon Anderson William Skidmore Banks Gerald Thomas Bell James Williams Cottingham Manuel Trevino De Los Santos Joseph Cornell Dewitt Danny Ware Donegan John Warner Duckett T. Craig Ferrill Donald Franklin Fincher William A. Forkner William R. Gaston Alvin Hirsh Gold Guy Keel Guffee Thomas Benton Coopwood John Wesley Dale Walter Scott Dwyer David Arnold Greenspan Donald Ray Janak Texas Alpha Chapter, 1929 OFFICERS President . Vice-President Secretary . Treasurer . R eporter H istorian . MEMBERS Paxton H . Howard, Jr. Dick Keith Hunter Richard Page Keeton Wayne Francis Keller Alfred Allen Kopecky Joseph Edward Loewenstein John Alexander McCrary William Emery Monk William Austin Newton Dwight James Nichols Robert Savell Putnam Horace C. Richbourg John C. Riley, III Jack Rosenberg Don Charle Wuka ch FALL INITIATES David Maurice Knife James Gordon Miller Floyd Curtis Reese Robert James Robertson Garland Han ford Smith, Jr. PA0& 132 Spring JAMES WILLIAM SHORT DICK KEITH HUNTER Guy KEEL GuFFEE ROBERT SAVELL PUTNAM JACK ROSENBERG WILLIAM G. WILKERSON Gwendolyn Margaret Scharlach Nancy Lee Schnautz Robert Edward Slaughter James William Short Charles Ray Smith David Ely Smith Kent Smith William Howard Starling James D. Strong, Jr. Ariel Jose Thomann Gage Van Horn, III Dennis Evan Welch Linton A. Whitaker William G. Wilker on Homer Don Smith Robert Rhoads Trostel John Fredric Whitaker Harvey Ashton Wil on Jr. Gary Ray Wi e ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA HONORARY SCHOLASTIC FRATERNITY FOR FRESHMEN WOME Founded: University of Illinois, 1924 Fall LINDA KAY YANCEY MARGARET J EANNE FOCKE. MARGARET MAURINE MOTTER . MARGARET ANN WHITE H ELEN MARGARET FLINN . Judith Elaine Abrams Jane Katherine Andersen Sara Adel Applebaum Frances Pope Bates Lillian Louise Bond Carolyn Cantwell LaNell Chaffin ancy Jane Chapman Nancy Margaret Cheek Josephine Elaine Cogdell Betsy Inez Coleman Irma Elaine Dahse Barbara Ann Dixon Aileen Muirht>ad Donovan Delia Duson Mary Blanche Fanett Etelka Vernelle Ferguson Emily Jo Flachmeier Claudia Lynne Fletcher Patricia Virginia Aldrich Leonardine Gay Alexander Diane Jean Alves Annettee Anderson Mary Bond Austin Sharon Wynelle Broyles Phyllis Jean Calkins Mary Margaret Carlson Sue Jinkins Chessher Berniece Claire Childs Ruth Ann Cook Alice Cushman Betty Lynn Davis Helen Ruth Davis Patricia Sue Dillon Nancy Jo Dyer Marie Josephine Eickmann Joyce Yvonne Eitelman Margaret Louise Emerson Elka Fargotstein ancy Sue Faust Alison Worden Finney Patricia Jean Fleming Sandra Fonville Texas Chapter, 1935 OFFICERS President . Vice-President Secretary-T'reasurer Historian . Faculty Sponsor . MEMBERS Margaret Jeanne Focke Betty Frank Forman Mineola Page Grumbles Julie Hallmark Rosemary Clyde House Betty Jayne Kacir Della Glover King Janis Virginia Little Annette Maples Mary Gay Maxwell Virginia Louise Mcfarlane Melanie Sue McGhee Dorothy Pack Miller Margaret Maurine Motter Sue Howard Nicholls orma Jane Nix Colleen Mary O'Conner Harriet Eleanor Olsen SPRING PLEDGES Clara Foster Susann Gipson Billie Louise Granger Barbara Lynn Grow Susan Irene Harling Judith Ann Harris Annette Helwig Virginia Ellen Hill ora Jean Hite Virginia Holden Lea Marye Horstmann Alice Virginia HufTington Virginia Claire Jones Virginia Kay Jordan Bettye Jayne Kieckc Linda Carol Lackner Joy Anne Ligon Gerre Ann Lipoff Roberta Ann Love Virginia Scott Massey Martha Jane Mast Joyce Elaine McDonald Janis McFarland Joan Meyer P AGE 133 Spring LINDA KAY YANCEY MARGARET JEANNE FOCKE MARGARET MAURINE MOTTER MARGARET ANN WHITE H ELEN MARGARET FLINN Jo Ann Owens Leslie Jane Park Dixie Kay Pinckney Bette Ann Pringle Joan La elle Raab Barbara Gail Ricketson Clara Gertrude Shugart Judith Hope Slavin Suzanne Lee Stark Dorothy Ann Stroup Maxine Yvonne Thompson Myrna Tovrog Marcia Adele Wade Charlotte Ann Washington Helen Elizabeth Wear Margaret Ann White Tommie Jo Williamson Jean Elizabeth Wilson Linda Kay Yancey Katherine Janelle Moore Francis Morgan Judith Ann Phillips Linda Kay Pierce Peggy Lee Porsch Sarah Elizabeth Porter Roxana Proctor Thalia Karleen Roberts Linda Jane Robinson Doris Elaine Scott Carolyn Ann Seymour Jerry Lorene Shaver Janiece Belle Simmons Lenora Ophelia Slaughter Sara Evelyn tinebaugh Rosann Thompson Minelma Effie Tyng Diana Vollintine Mary Gayle Walker Sara Ellen Walker Virginia Anne Walker Fleetwood Vinson Warner Carol Ann Weiner Sheila Gail Winship BETA ALPHA PSI HONORARY ACCOUNTING FRATER ITY Founded: University of Illinois, 1919 Fall DAVID O' EIL BRASS . ROBERT EUGENE STEVENS ROBERT E. SEILER . BISHOP LYLE BAILEY, JR. CLIFTON EUGENE SIMMONS EUGENE KEITH FRIESEN Jim G. Ashburne Leo Guy Blackstock James Adon Byrd Jack William Cashin William Baker Flowers Dennis B. Ford Frank D. Graydon Harold Wesley Ashendorf Carroll Lee Baccus Bishop Lyle Bailey, Jr. Doyce Ransom Bailey Doyle James Bailey Samuel Earl Bass David O' eil Brass Lorence Larry Bravenec Betty Ann Canfield Wayne Ralph Chapin James Stevenson Covington, Jr. Anton J. Alkek, Jr. William Garrett Beckham, Jr. J. B. Carter, Jr. Brady Marshall Cole Barbara Ellen Barnes James Morgan Barr Robert Eugene Buhrow Robert John DeVries Robert Campbell Hewell Theta Chapter, 1924 OFFICERS President Vice-President F acuity Vice-President Recording Secretary . Corresponding Secretary . Publicity Chairman . FACULTY MEMBERS Robert Lee Grinaker Dale S. Harwood William Henry Hoffman, Jr. Robert Earl Linde Francis Barnes May Kalo Edward Neidert George Hillis Newlove Charles Theodore Zlatkovich MEMBERS Elmer Richard Criss, Jr. Don Theodore DeCoster Eugene Keith Friesen Layton Dean Hector Kenneth Albert Hill David Minet Hoffman Robert Dale Keeler Norbert Fred Ladd Arlen Lester Lewis Thomas Jes e May Kyle Lelan McBryde DeWayne Lee Young FALL INITIATES Thomas Stanley Corbett Richard Leland Dietz Patsy Ann Engert Wendell Stuart Fullwood William David Walter SPRING I ITIATES Bonnie Lou chaff Hoffman Elbert DeWitt Hunter Donald Mark Israel James Dale Mcinturff PAOE 134 Spring DAVID O'NEIL BRASS RonERT EuGE E STEVENS ROBERT E. SEILER BISHOP LYLE BAILEY, JR. CLIFTON EUGENE SIMMONS EUGENE KEITH FRIESEN Robert E. Seiler C. Aubrey Smith Burnard H. Sord Robert Boyce Sweeney Cecilia Veronica Tierne} Glenn Albert Welsch John Arch White Robert Barton McBurney, Jr. David H. Meck Robert Comer Nelson Joseph Edward icholls Ray Howard Odom, Jr. Jack Allen Poage James Earl Redfield Keenan Lucian Reiney, Jr. Walter Asa Saunders, Jr. Clifton Eugene Simmons Robert Eugene Stevens Clifton Leroy Jack on Charles Goel McCoy Sheldon Irving 0 ter George Stroka Jerry Wayne Neagle Gerald Earl Niemeyer Jack William Pollard Shirley C. Ward Joan L.B. Yarbrough BETA GAMMA SIGMA HONORARY BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION FRATERNITY Fall BuRNARD H. SoRn DOROTHY AYRES . ROBERT EARL LINDE . Jim G. Ashburne Dorothy Ayres Joseph Kenneth Bailey William Hubert Baughn James Adon Byrd Jack William Cashin Aaron Hamilton Chute Franklin Lanier Cox Maurice C. Cross Lola B. Dawkins James Clay Dolley Lester Loyd Edmonds, Jr. John Joseph Allen Weldon Roy Aston Fortune Jean Earles, Jr. Ruth Ann Bradfield Cecil Orrin Brown Joe H . Chandler Edward Eugene Cole Walter Lee Colwell Jackie Richard Cooper William King Daugherty Sydney Ann Donaghey Gloria Evelyn Estes Malcolm Hamilton Bender Elmer Richard Criss, Jr. John Wayne Croft John Charles Fremont Ralph Neal Gassman Founded: University of Wisconsin, Texas Alpha Chapter, 1922 OFFICERS President . Vice-President Secretary-Treasurer FACULTY MEMBERS James E. Estes J. Anderson Fitzgerald Richard Charles Henshaw, Jr. Elizabeth Lanham Robert Earl Linde Edmund Clayton Lynch Francis Barns May E. Karl McGinnis Kalo Edward Neidert George Hillis Newlove Edwin Werner Olle Charles Lee Prather Charles Theodore Zlatkovich SPRING 1957 INITIATES David Rex Evans Charles Taylor Gandy John McLean Griffith, Jr. John A. Halter John Venne Harrop Jerry Bankston Harvey Donald Ardman Humberd Norbert Fred Ladd Jack Mose Levy Birdie Jean Matthews Warren William Meyer Charles David Miles William Ralph Wright FALL 1957 INITIATES Lawrence Ellwood Hartle David Minet Hoffman Lester Eugene Hovey Buford Milton Humphries Shirley Ann King 1907 Spring BURNARD H . SORO DOROTHY AYRES RosERT EARL Lr DE Robert E. Seiler C. Aubrey Smith Burnard H. Sord Charles Herman Sparenberg William Robert Spriegel John R. Stockton Florence M. Stullken Stella Traweek Ernest W. Walker Glenn Albert Welsch John Arch White Erich Walter Zimmerman Barbara Frances Moore Dan Kelton Morrison Herman Ne enholtz Robert Ensor Perman Mozelle Laverne Schmitt Herman Frederick Schoencberg Walter Paul Schuetze Leslie Thomas Simon Webb McCann Sowden, Jr. Richard Paul Todar Jerry Mac Trim Robert T. Tussing Shirley Beatrice Klein Jesse Earl Lloyd Bennie Jerrell McDonald Charles Grady McKnight James Mc elly Todd PAGE 135 ETA KAPPA NU HONORARY ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING FRATERNITY Founded: The University of Illinois, 1904 Fall ANDREW JACK CLEVELAND . CHARLES ELLIS McCULLOUGH ARNOLD JosEPH TucKER LEWIE M. BARBER . BYRON RAYMOND ADAMS JOHN FRANKLIN BERGLUND . HARRY VIKING FISHER, JR. . WILLIAM CHARLES DuESTERHOEFT, JR .. Frederick Emerson Brooks, Jr. Kenneth Jackson Cox Cullen Malone Crain William Charles Duesterhoeft, Jr. Burns Newman Gafford William H. Hartwig Byron Raymond Adams Leland Leroy Balsley Lewie M. Barber Robert Loyd Basford John Franklin Berglund Leo Anderson Chamberlin David Bartram Clark Michael Evan Austin Robert Marion Barksdale Robert R. Boothe, Jr. Samuel Arthur Brunstein John Richard Cogdell John H. Arnett Carroll Winston Chapman George Addran Clary Bobby Will Dunn Samuel J. Dwyer, III John Herman Enterline Charles Lee Farell Psi Chapter, 1928 OFFICERS President Vice-President R ecording Secretary . Corresponding Secretary . Treasurer Bridge Correspondent S.E.C. R epresentative Faculty Advisor . FACULTY MEMBERS Elmer L. Hixson George Hamilton Hopkins, Jr. Roy Rankin Krezdorn Alfred Hall LaGrone Russell Eddy Lueg MEMBERS Andrew Jack Cleveland Norman Clifford Dickerson, Jr. Harry Viking Fisher, Jr. Charles Ellis McCullough Luther Berry Miller Robert Eugene Muhm FALL PLEDGES Bruce Allen Dolan Edwin Carol Kimbell Fredrick James Kirkpatrick William Neal Kocurek PRI G PLEDGES Sam Michael Korzekwa Edward Dale Lamb George Patrick Mann Larry Keith McPhail William Smith Mitcham Charles Douglas Moore Lionel Daniel Provozek i'AOE 136 Spring CHARLES ELLIS McCULLOUGH ARNOLD JOSEPH TUCKER BRUCE ALLEN DOLAN GENE L. STAAS LEWIE M. BARBER SAMUEL ARTHUR BRUNSTEIN WILLIAM NEAL KOCUREK WILLIAM CHARLES DuESTERHOEFT, JR. Erwin Arthur Reinhard H arold Wood Smith Archie Waugh Straiton Donald Childress Thorn Robert W. Warner Willis Raymond Woolrich Granville Emil Ott Bryant Pearce Seay, Jr. Gene L. Staas Arnold Joseph Tucker Richard F. Vanderpool Thomas Elmer Wiley, Jr. Joseph Frank Willman Hobart Franci McWilliams Lee Roy Murchi on William Franklin Ru sell Donald Fredrick Vehrs Hugh Darrell Wade Charles Nolan Raney Richard Shelby Robinson David Saadeh Paul Jone Smith James Winfrey Teague Charle Richard Thorpe Everett James Turvey FRIARS TO CONFER THE HONOR OF MEMBERSHIP UPON THE TWELVE OR LESS MOST ELIGIBLE MEN CHOSEN FROM EACH SENIOR CLASS OR HIGHER Founded: The University of Texas, 1911 OFFICERS Fall Spring ROBERT LANDIS ARMSTRONG . Abbot HARRY LEE HUDSPETH CLOVIS CLYDE MoRRissoN, JR. Scrivener WILLIAM ARcH HARRISON, JR. WILLIAM HOWARD WOLF. Almoner WALTER AsA SAUNDERS, JR. FACULTY MEMBERS Charles T. Clark Calvin Cleave Nolen William A. Cunningham Arno Nowotny Gus M. Hodges Edwin Werner Olle Leroy Jeffers John G. Steele Joe Malik, Jr. A. M. G. Swenson MEMBERS Robert Landis Armstrong Robert Elton Mims Lawrence Lindell Beason Clovis Clyde Morrisson, Jr. Harley R. Clark Phillip Sherwood Paul, Jr. Wilson Foreman Walter Asa Saunders, Jr. William Arch Harrison, Jr. Neal Leslie Speice, Jr. Harry Lee Hudspeth Jerry James Wilson William Howard Wolf SPRI G PLEDGES Fred Graydon Anderson Robb Kendrick Burlage Thurston Barnett Charles R. Gregg Joseph Gregory Guerrero, Jr. PAGE 137 OMICRON NU NATIONAL HONORARY SOCIETY FOR HOME ECONOMICS STUDENTS Founded: Michigan State College, 1912 Upsilon Chapter, 1925 OFFICERS Fall Spring KATHERIN E ANNA Sc1-1MmT H uNTER President KATHERINE ANNA SCHMIDT H UNTER PAULINE ANN K UBALA Vice-President .JANET NEWTON DORIS MARIE BEARD Secretary VIRGINIA 0RENE NEWMAN MARY D ELAINE HAYS Treasurer MARY DELAINE HAYS C AROL CORLEY Editor . CAROL CORLEY HONORARY MEMBER Sister .Joachim Manuel FACULTY MEMBERS Margaret Ann Adams Billie Davenport Lucy Rathbone Mary Rose Brady .Janice Carolyn Graning Elizabeth Lacey Speer Paula Janet Connor Dorothy Fehlis Greenwood Elizabeth Tarpley .Jacqueline T. Courtney Francille Maloch .Jennie S. Wilmot MEMBERS Bonita .June Amos Joan Marie Franklin Mary Maxine McMillan Sarah .Jane Huddleston Ayres Mary Delaine Hays Virginia Orene Newman Doris Marie Beard Katherine Anna Schmidt Hunter Janet Newton Carol Corley Pauline Ann Kubala Scotty Owen Etta Mae Courtney Nettie Jane McCasland Taylor Virginia Louise Pearson Mary Ann Waters SPRING INITIATES Mary Lee Allen Jennalie F. Kleypas Sharon Ann Prentice Mary Alice Chambless Patsy Sue McKinnon Bette Ann Pringle .Joan Carolyn Farquhar Mary Ann Moroney Marcia Ann Reynolds Carolyn Janet Haley Ellen Kirksey Parker Barbara Edythe Ryall Sharon Louise Henson Sarah Jean Penberthy Sherron Lynnette Smjth Gail Hudson Margie Ruth \Villiams PAO& 138 PERSHING RIFLES NATIONAL MILITARY HONORARY FRATERNITY Fall HuGH RoTH LEE McGAw. ROBERT B. AKIN . KYLE WINSTON SHERRILL . JAMES WILLIAM O'DowD . TERRENCE GAYNOR KENDALL GEORGE EDMUND BATCHELER JAMES DoN JoHNSTON Major William R. Dustin Captain Donald Greer Irvine Major Charles F. Langley Robert B. Akin George Edmund Batcheler Hector Homero Cardenas Claude Dozier Cox E. William Demaree Ettore H. F. Infante James Don Johnston Humberto Luis Juarez John Robert Carter David Benton Dibrell Founded: Nebraska University, 1894 The University of Texas, 1956 Company P-7th Regiment OFFICERS Commanding Officer Executive 0 fjicer Adjutant S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 HONORARY MEMBERS Colonel Hugh D. McGaw Captain Charles Gunter Olentine Colonel Curtis Theodore Ricketts MEMBERS James Douglas Kazen Frank Roderick Keith George Charles Kendall Terrance Gaynor Kendall Donald Allan Maxwell Hugh Roth Lee McGaw John C. Melby SPRI G MEMBERS elson Henry Maier Albert Lee Scott Spring JERGEN EDWARD OLSON GEORGE EDM UND BATCHELER KYLE WI STON SHERRILL JAMES WILLIAM O'DowD KYLE WINSTON SHERRILL DERALD WAY E TURNER JAMES DoN JoHNSTON Captain Norman Grant Tempio Colonel David H. Thomas Captain Charles E. Welch Carroll Wayne Merlick James William O'Dowd Jergen Edward Olson Kyle Winston Sherrill Robert W. Spencer James Andrew Stevens Everett Lanier Tucker, Jr. Derald Wayne Turner John Mack Spears Roy Brien Varnado PAGE 139 PHI BETA KAPP A HONORARY FRATERNITY FOR MEN AND WOMEN Fall MARm BETZNER MoRRow ROBERT LEE SUTHERLAND Lors BAIRD TRICE Jack Delano Bargainer Catherine Ann Campbell James Donnell Buckholtz Marilyn Blanche Davidson Butcher Betty Lu Fletcher Chupik James Russell Claybrook Kay Jerome Diercks Candidates Founded: William and Mary College, Alpha Chapter of Texas, 1905 OFFICERS President . Vice-President Secretary . MEMBERS CLASS oF JuNE, 1957 Martha Joe Ferguson Matilde Luisa Hernandez Elmer Wayne Herron CLASS OF AUGUST, 1957 Mary Lou Francis Wilhelmine Johanna Hicks Marcia Jean Hoevet William Howard Long Mary Jane McHaney CLASS OF JAN UARY, 1958 Graduates IN ARTS AND SCIENCES 1776 Spring CARL CLARENCE ALBERS CORAL HORTON TULLIS LLERENA BEAUFORT FRIEND Genevieve Stivner Hoerster Harvey Clements Tippit Terrell Charlene Keller Marshall Joe Don Stuart Samuel Early Wilcox Meyer Willis Witt Clark Wright, Jr. Dorothy Juanice Peyton Yows Alfred Ervin Borm Kenneth Hayden Ashworth Wendell Mayo William Lowell Brawley, Jr. Julia Myrle Penn Howard Bodley Haine George LeRoy Safranek Ann Burr Patterson Larry Coleman Wadle Huguette Madeleine Yockey John Alton Burdine, Jr. Jane Elizabeth Callaway Kerstin Hildegarde Ekfelt William Reed Cozart Mary Ellen Embree Joan Maurice Fitzgerald William Robert Gaston William Arch Harrison, Jr. Katharine Harwell Jean Vincent Herold Carroll Ann Hodges Paxton Hope Howard, Jr. JUNIOR MEMBERS IN COURSE Robert Foster Loughridge Robert Elton Mims Cyrena Jo Norman Dolores Silva CLASS OF MAY, 1958 Shannon Howard Ettore Hector Ferrari Infante Claudette Isbell Henry Woodrow Jackson Mary Carolyn Johnson Alfred Allen Kopecky Nancy Lambert James Robert Millar Peter Lee Oliver Earl Goodwin Peck PAOB 140 Don Stanton Smith Jeanette Marcelle Dobie Smith Mitchell Evetts Smith Robert Savell Putnam E. Ingrid Radkey Raymond Charles Robak Stephen French Robertson David Ely mith Eugenia Ann Stalmach Deborah Joan Ware Dennis Evan Welch Norvell Edwin Wi dom, Jr. PHI ETA SIGMA HONORARY SCHOLASTIC FRATERNITY FOR MEN Fall Rov E. Box, JR. MARION E. McDA IEL, JR. ROBERT N. ABERCROMBIE . WILLIAM C. FIELDER CLIFTON HATCHER McCALL JOHN E. TEED AR o NowoTNY . Frank H. Stack James Pinkney H art Roosevelt Cecil Awong James Lipscomb Ballard, III Bailey Arnold Birdsong Homer Maurice Doke Carey Wayne Golaz Harry Gordan H arris, Jr. Samir A. Hassan J. D. Helm Robert Neal Hudspeth Larry eal Hurwitz Alexander Benjamin Klein, Jr. Lawrence Norborn Alexander Raymond Best Allen Howard Michael Arno Chester Horace Barker, Jr. James Key Beard John Robert Beauchamp Donald Wayne Bell J ames Robert Benbrook Clifford Dennis Bennett Gerald Wayne Benson Charles Lee Bowden James La Voy Branton Finis Ewing Carleton, III Lucian Carlton Carter, III Paul Bauchman Clayton Carl Baxter Collins, Jr. Richard Clifton Craig William Lionel Craver, Jr. Bertrand Monroe Cromack, III James Denny Dannenbaum Jonathan Frank Decherd George Arthur Emmons John Logan Engvall Edward Kalb Fein Yale Hicks Ferguson Robert Vernon Frampton William Oscar Freithaler Founded: The University of Illinois, 1923 Texas Chapter, 1931 OFFICERS President Vice-President Secretary-Treasurer Historian Junior Advisor Senior Advisor Faculty Sponsor MEMBERS-AT-LARGE John Laurence Bell Don Shane Robinson HO ORARY MEMBERS Arno owotny Robert Lee Sutherland FALL 1957 I ITIATES James Marion Lowther Wilbourn Baker McAdams James Dan Macry, Jr. Sarni Faiz Masri Victor Cuthrell Meitzen Les Mendelsohn Jerald Louis Merritt, Jr. Raleign Warren Moses Larry Harkness iemann Robert Seeling Poston SPRI G 1958 I ITIATES Humberto Garcia James Vernon Grevelle Joel Hugh Hamlett Charles Edward Hasty Milton Bryan Healer, II Carleton William Heller Robert Anthony Hermes Frank Woodruff Hoff James Robert Holmes, Jr. Richard William Holmes William Henry Hooper Laurence Samuel Johnson, Jr. Richard Stanley Johnson Willard Edward Johnson John Raymond Jordan, Jr. Hossein Kazemi William Robert Klingman Carroll Wendell Lanier Roscoe Lee Charles Emil Loeffler William Thompson McKissock, Jr. Gayle Patrick Martin George Scott Mills Robert Lee Moffett, Jr. Sterling Samuel euman Monroe Ben Nowotny Leaton Thomas Oliver Ahmad Abdullah Zamel Spring Rov E. Box, JR. MARION E. McDANIEL, JR. ROBERT N. ABERCROMBIE WILLIAM C. FIELDER CLIFTON HATCHER McCALL JOHN E. TEED ARNO OWOTNY Grady Dyson Bruce Theophilus Shickel Painter Stuart Neal Pullen Stevens David Ramsey Ervin Y echiel Rodin John Eugene Senterfitt Lee Earl Strickland Raden Sudhijarto Allan John Swanson David Oakes Turner Jimmie Lee Walkup Ralph Wayne West John Edmund Woods Laverne Ernst Pedersen Albert Monroe Perdue, Jr. Carl Dale Pfaffenberger Otho Raymond Plummer, Jr. John Douglas Reichert John Clyde Robinson, Jr. Warren Paul Roosth Donald Fred Sattler Ernst Ignatz Schurer Donald Richard Smith Lawrence Dean Spencer Charles Eldred Stapp Philip Lawrence Sterzing Lewis Hardeman Steves Dunklin Augustus Sullivan James Albert Trotter, III Anthony Marie Truchard Kenneth Allen Truitt Robert Hendrick Turner Barry Wayne Uhr James Robert Wells Stewart Earle Wiegand Freddie Ernest Wilson Stephen Metcalfe Winsett Joseph Hardy Wofford, Jr. Thomas Folts Womack Kenneth Alden Young Only Fall 195 7 and Spring 1958 initiates are listed. Officers are elected from the 1956 and 1957 initiates. PAGE. 141 PHI MU ALPHA Fall DAVID WALTER SLOAN MORRIS L. GOOLSBY RoY JAMES IRvrNE THOMAS ALLEN NEYLAND LARRY BERNARD MENDEKE GARY ALFRED SIPES JACK ERNEST LE CROY Harvey M. Biskin Joseph Blankenship John Merle Boe E. William Doty Ray Fulton Atkins Jared Duane Bowen Robert Alvin Campbell Daniel Bruce Corbin Henry Proctor Crow, Jr. Morris L. Goolsby, Jr. Roy James Irvine Roland Carroll Jordan Edward Ridley Birdwell Robert E till Foster John Edward Fraser HONORARY MUSIC FRATERNITY Founded: New England Conservatory of Music, I 898 Alpha Iota Chapter, I 942 OFFICERS President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Historian Warden . Alumni Secretary FACULTY MEMBERS J. Frank Elsass Dalies Ehrhardt Frantz Albert M . Gilles MEMBERS Jack Ernest Le Croy James Francis Mabry Larry Bernard Mendeke Donald Louis Michel, Jr. David Otis Mills Arthur Orin Newman, Jr. Thomas Allen Neyland Eddie Wayne Pace SPRING INITIATES Tony Hernandez James Charles Moe er Charles William Nix Spring DAVID wALTER SLOAN DoNALD Lours MrcHEL, JR. DANIEL BRUCE CORBIN JAMES FRANCIS MABRY RoY JAMES IRVINE GARY ALFRED SIPES ]ACK ERNEST LE CROY Archie N. Jones Kent Wheeler Kennan John J. McGrosso James Clifton Williams David Lee Pennington Leonard Brodnax Plummer, Jr. Clyde Washington Reynold , Jr. Gary Alfred Sipes David Walter Sloan Don Davis Smith David Erland Vas burg Bobby Benjamin Wade David Benedict Reck Morton M. Stine Stanley Dennison Woodmansee PAO• 142 PI LAMBDA THETA ATIO AL HONORARY ASSOCIATION FOR WOME I EDUCATION Fall JANE ELIZABETH CALLAWAY KAREN MARY JOHNSON NANCY CAROLYN HEATH . CHERRY FRANCINE McGINNIS . DOROTHY HARRIS JOHNSON MARY FRA CES FLOURNOY Betty Jane Alexander Mary Evelynn Buice Mary Frances Flournoy Betty Lou Atkins Betty E. W. Blanton Helen Boysen Jane Elizabeth Callaway Bertha Casey Josephine Casey Margaret Chapman Katherine A. Cook Thelma Ann Dochen Ruth Dunn Mary Ellen Embree Leonora Anderson Lura Campbell Bentz Nancy Bitter ancy Bivins Sarah Stone Brooks Wana Lee Broughton Carolyn Jane Campbell Jane Clarice Craver Marjorie Ann Creswell Peggy Ann Ettredge Founded: University of Missouri, 1910 Psi Chapter, 1927 OFFICERS Spring President . JA E ELIZABETH CALLAWAY Vice-President KAREN MARY JoI-INSON Secretary . LEONORA ANDERSON Treasurer CHERRY FRANCINE McG1 Is K eeper of the R ecords DOROTHY HARRIS JOHNSON Sponsor MARY FRANCES FLOURNOY FACULTY MEMBERS Alma M. Freeland Mary Bell Granger James Jessie Helen Haag Sallie Beth Moore Virginia C. Patterson MEMBERS Bernice Dell Felder Ruth McAlister Janice Raye Freeman Cherry Francine McGinnis Ruth La Verne Gallman Cora Merriman Martin Maggie W. Gardiner Mildred Mayhall Isabel Edith Gibson Marie Betyner Morrow Alyce Hall Goff Clara May Parker Mrs. Malcolm R. Gregory Ione Pettey Spears Helen Hammond Florence Spencer Nancy Carolyn Heath Ethel Umstattd Dorothy Harris Johnson C. Ruth Upshaw Karen Mary Johnson Clotilda Clarice Winter FALL INITIATES Cornelia Fay Brown ancy Harwell Owen Marilynn Crawford Callie Frances Schaefer Joan Franklin Mary Margaret Stallings Billye Rae Funk Mary Ann Waters Dorothy Ann Herrera Mary Jo Wehe Jean Bryant Wells SPRING INITIATES Jane Birdwell Henderson Sandra Lee Moore Beverly Ann Hicks Dorothy June Peckham Kathryn Schmidt Hunter Barbara Louise Stephen Sue Williams Waide PAGE 143 PI OMEGA PI NATIONAL HO ORARY BUSINESS EDUCATION FRATERNITY Founded: Northeast Missouri State Teachers College, 1923 Gamma Omega, 1955 OFFICERS Jo ANN TURNBOUGH President . BARBARA NAN WILKINSON PATRICIA ANN TRIMBLE. Vice-President ELIZABETH ANN JORDAN WANDA JOYCE CROFFORD Secretary . GAE MARIE ARMSTRONG ROBERT SUTTON DRISKA Treasurer . MARY ELIZABETH BAREFIELD VELMA JEAN McCARTY . Historian . LINDA GAIL GILMORE FACULTY MEMBERS Lola B. Dawkins Juanita Allene W. O'Brien A. Faborn Etier Loy Elvin Prickett Robert Gryder Dorothy Ann Seggern Marie M. Whittle MEMBERS Gae Marie Armstrong Lila Mae Johnson Mary Elizabeth Barefield Elizabeth Ann Jordan Lelia Claire Bonham Minna Fay Lawrence Mary Nan Carter Billie Little Wanda Joyce Crofford Velma Jean McCarty LaNell Cure Neva Jean Rehm Elinor Clyde Drake Gayle Gorden Rhea Robert Sutton Driska Marvel Ann Skaggs Mary Patricia Edgar Marjorie Stallings Teague Laura Elizabeth Faulk Patricia Ann Trimble Janis Janeil Hooten Jo Ann Turnbough Linda Gail Gilmore Barbara Nan Wilkinson SPRING INITIATES Barbara Broadway Vernell C. F. Kastner Virginia Carroll Patricia A. Kelly Barbara Kay Cline Rosemary Mc dam Margaret M. Gage Johnanna McFarland Ethel A. Hale Mona Marie truve Carolyn Warden PACB 144 PI SIGMA ALPHA NATIO AL HONORARY POLITICAL SCIE CE FRATERNITY Fall JoHN THOMAS THOMPSON. DAVID MORRIS WELBORN CLAUDE D. DAVIS Lynn Foster Anderson John Alton Burdine Howard Andrew Calkins Edward Everett Hale W. Page Keeton William S. Livingston Stuart A. MacCorkle H. Malcolm Macdonald Abdel F. Albakry James Elliott Anderson Paul T. Armistead Richard Frank Bergner Robert L. Blevins Joe Speed Carroll Harley R. Clark John Alfred Clary Anna Belle Clements Thomas William Crouch Claude D. Davis Don Debenport Edgar Shlomo Efrat Daniel Edward Farlow Bernice Dell Felder Milford Lee Hall James Howard Doores William Joseph Gibbons Thomas Richard Graham John Lynch Lancaster, III Bert Bently Adkins, Jr. Kenneth Hayden Ashworth Clarence W. Chandler, Jr. Paul McCaughey Hagans Founded: The University of Texas, 1920 Alpha Chapter, 1920 OFFICERS President Vice-President Secretary-Treasurer . FACULTY MEMBERS John Lloyd Mecham Robert Hargrove Montgomery Joe West ea! Arno Nowotny Caleb Perry Patterson Oliver H. Radkey DeWitt Carter Reddick Emmette S. Redford SPRING PLEDGES Louise Holman Hancock James A. Hankerson Casper Jul Hexberg John Anthony Hovel Shannon Howard Harry Lee Hudspeth Robert Earl Jamison icholas Johnson Joe G. Joseph W. Astor Kirk Malcolm Hugh Liggett Loretta Louise Lowry Hewell Clifton McClesky Leonard Masters Mary Jean Merrill Mary M. Miller FALL INITIATES James Robert Millar Garry Lynn Nall Earl Goodwin Peck SPRING INITIATES Roger N. Havekost Robert Cameron Hightower Norma Matlock Allen Carl Neimeyer Spring JOHN THOMAS THOMPSON DAVID MORRIS WELBORN CLAUDE D. DAVIS James R. Roach Thomas Andrew Rousse Robert Weldon Stayton Edward Taborsky Wilfred Dunbar Webb Oliver Douglas Weeks Pablo Max Ynsfran Meda Margaret Miller Nancy Paxton Moody Weldon C. Neill Fred Robert Pepper Athena B. Piedrahita Barbara Rose Ray Charles Lawrence Scarborough Kenneth Willow Street Leroy James Taylor John Thomas Thompson Yadollah Toosi Walter William Toxey, Jr. David Morris Welborn Betty Joe Wiest Jerry James Wil on Kay Ball Withers William Howard Wolf Stephen French Robert on Sidney M. Willhelm Roger Robinson Wright Leslie Adrian Roberts Dolores Silva G. W. Suggs Johnny Lee Waller PAGE 145 PI TAU SIGMA HONORARY MECHANICAL ENGINEERING FRATERNITY Founded: University of Illinois, 1915 Texas Kappa, 1931 OFFICERS Fall NORMAN CLIFFORD DICKERSON, JR. President K EYS ALEXANDER CuRRY, JR. . Vice-President GERALD PATRICK PARKER. Treasurer . DANIEL DAVID KANA . R ecording Secretary WILBUR HoRACE GREENSTREET, JR. Corresponding Secretary LEONARD R . BENSON . Billy Howard Amstead Rinaldo A. Bacon Myron Louis Begeman Leonard R . Benson Howard Earl Brown Otto George Brown Joe L. Bruns William Junius Carter George Green Anderson K eys Alexander Curry, Jr. Norman Clifford Dickerson, Jr. Joseph C. Fontana Wilbur Horace Greenstreet, Jr. Philip Keith Davis David Grissom David Lyle Grossman George Archie Helland A. Jackson Hill Emmett Roosevelt Albrecht Don Wilson Barry Cheng-Hsien Chaing James McKinley Eckhart Charles Edward Gallishaw Faculty Advisor FACULTY MEMBERS George Robert Creedle Joseph Winthrop Dalley Venton Levy Doughtie Carl John Eckhardt Harry Llewellyn Kent Leonardt Ferdinand Kreisle Herbert Alton Rundell Henry Grady Rylander MEMBERS Pat Garner Hedgcoxe John Edwin Hicks John T. I rick Eric Lynn Jones Daniel David Kana FALL I !TIATES Charles Henry Karnes Werner 0. Koch Larry Lee Loyd Charles William McHugh Kenneth Earl McNeill Herbert Gerald Zinsmeyer SPRING INITIATES Harry C. Hardee, Jr. Charles Vincent Harvey David Andrew Kendrick Wesley Ben Kuenemann Spring WILBUR HORACE GREENSTREET, JR. CHARLES HENRY KARNES GERALD PATRICK PARKER GEORGE ARCHIE HELLAND JERRY CHESTER WORDEN LEONARD R. BENSON Jack A. Scanlan Byron Elliott Short Haskel L. Simon Horace Eugene Staph Milton John Thompson Burnett Forrest Treat John Reid Watt Willis Raymond Woolrich Jack Ray Lacy Carey E. Murphey, Jr. Gerald Patrick Parker Charles W. Volek Johnny Charles Wachel Charles Travis Moorman Gordon Henry Otto ]. Dwight Pugh Charle Herbert Weinert Jerry Chester Worden Harry Thomas Mei Cecil Ray Shearer Byron Dean Tapley Ralph Foreman Walker, Jr. .John Brock We tover SIGMA ALPHA IOTA HONORARY PROFESSIONAL MUSIC ORGANIZATION FOR WOMEN Founded: University of Michigan School of Music, 1903 Beta Xi Chapter, 1951 OFFICERS Fall Spring MARY HENNINGS HERBST President . N. ELIZABETH SILVERTHORN MARGARET HELEN TURPIN Vice-President MARTHA CAROLYN GRAVES CAROLYN LENORE SCOTT. Corresponding Secretary DELIA DusoN BILLIE KOENIG SOUTHERN R ecording Secretary JANINE CHAPMAN N. ELIZABETH SILVERTHORN Treasurer . SALLy ANN HINDMAN OEL VIRGINIA GREGG Chaplain LAVONA Jo LoE SALLY ANN HINDMAN Editor MARGARET MARY KosH FACULTY MEMBERS Charlotte Estelle DuBois Frances Eleanor Page Verna M. Harder Mary G. Spaulding Anna Margaret Jackson Marian Ruth Yeager Janet Mary McGaughey Phyllis Casselman Young PATRONESSES Virginia Decherd Mary Betty Lathrop Dorothy Gebauer Leah Moncure Lois Trice MEMBERS Margaret Virginia Alkek Blanche Fraser Lynn Jones Murphy Elizabeth Carolyn Bailey Amy Jean Clenney Carolyn Lenore Scott Mary Clyde Capps Martha Carolyn Graves N. Elizabeth Silverthorn Janine Chapman Noel Virginia Gregg Billie Koenig Southern Elizabeth Snyder Clark Mary Hennings H erbst Betty Frances Steele Jo Ann Crider Sally Ann Hindman Margaret Helen Turpin Kay Dyche Martha Leah Kunkle Margie Ann Vaden Barbara Hisa Firestone Lavona Jo Loe Carol Beth Villarreal Anita Lynn Weisinger Alta Jean Zeidler FALL PLEDGES Suzanne Brannan Margaret Mary Kosh Delia Duson Constance Alexis Moffit Barbara Dolores Smith SPRING PLEDGES Elizabeth Hope Boyce Nancy Carolyn Franks Martha Ann Key Wanda Janiece Christal Janice Kay Harkins Lou Graham Leonard Nancy Carolyn Foy Karen Elizabeth Johnston Patricia Lucille Meyer Cynthia Ann Tlucek PAGE 147 SIGMA DELTA CHI NATIONAL MEN'S HONORARY JOURNALISM FRATERNITY Fall EDDIE STRODE HUGHES JOHN PATRICK TRULY . GREGORY LEE OLDS Hulon Witherspoon Black Norris Garland Davis James Leslie Eager George Wilbur Evans Joe B. Frantz Laurence Defee Haskew Olin Ethmer Hinkle James Clark Carpenter Nathaniel Bunch Eads Benny A. Goodwin Robert Martin Greenberg Oscar O'Neal Griffin, Jr. Robb Kendrick Burlage Royce Eldon Dixon Founded: Depaw University, 1909 Texas Chapter, 1913 OFFICERS President Secretary Treasurer FACULTY MEMBERS William Edward Keys Clyde Richard King Harrell Estes Lee Jack Russell Maguire J. Roy Moses, Jr. Frank Morris Midkiff Harry Estill Moore John Edward Weems MEMBERS Paul Duaine Hope Carl Dean Howard Eddie Strode Hughes Frederick Bernard Kassell Robert Elton Mims John Patrick Truly FALL PLEDGES Larry Jay Gage William Dayton Kelley Spring OscAR O'NEAL GRIFFIN, JR. ROYCE ELDON DIXON CARL DEAN HowARD Mac Roy Raser DeWitt Carter Reddick Alan Scott Ernest Alonzo Sharpe James Traxel Stevens Paul Jennings Thompson Frank Harper Wardlaw Gregory Lee Olds oe Perez Rudolph Cedric Rochelle Mark S. Smith Jimmy D. Thornton Donald Paul Knoles B. Darwin Payne SPRING PLEDGES Odilon Arambula Jack Edwin Moseley George Edward Runge Ramon Thomas Autrey, Jr. George Thoma Pharr Ben Nathan iegal Patrick Claude T rry PAGE 148 SIGMA IOTA EPSILON NATIO AL HO Fall DENNIS GORDON PACE JosEPH HowARD CuLVER EDWARD EUGENE COLE . MoNTE EDw ARD OTTON wADE ROBERT KILBRIDE . DENNIS JOSEPH O'BRIEN Joseph Kenneth Bailey Charles Eugene Chick Maurice C. Cross James E. Estes Dennis B. Ford, Jr. Emery Jean Hebert H. E. Chiles, Jr. Morgan P. Davis Lillian L<>yce Adams Robert Lewis Bates Karl Henry Brauer John Arthur Broshek Harold A. Bruffey Harry R. Cattrell Edward Eugene Cole Joseph Howard Culver Lola B. Dawkins Jerrold Ketcham Davidson Richard Francis Dennison Joseph Edward Dodson Carolyn Elizabeth Bain Joseph Paul Beaulieu, Jr. Alfred Edmund Flocke Orville H. Gibson, Jr. Emmett Nelson Hagedorn William Clyde House ORARY AND PROFESSIONAL MANAGEME Founded: University of Illinois, 1927 Gamma Chapter, 1945 OFFICERS President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Personnel Manager Public Relations Manager FACULTY MEMBERS Virgil Albert James Elizabeth Lanham Edmund Clayton Lynch Melvin Eugene McMichael George Guy Miller Edwin Wilson Mumma HONORARY MEMBERS J. Anderson Fitzgerald Lillian M. Gilbreath William Robert Spriegel MEMBERS William Albert Eveland Thomas J. Flake Fred Gluck Nathan Greene David Hustace Robert Lloyd Jones Stephen Thomas Kean Paul Carter Kendall Wade Robert Kilbride Larry U. Lindley Joseph Matthew Madden Albert B. McRae SPRING INITIATES Paul Mentor Jenks, Jr. Avis E. Johnson, Jr. Arthur Dewey LaRue Horace Cooper McSwain Robert Neale Roberts Jack Robinson T FRATERNITY Spring STEPHEN THOMAS KEAN ALBERT B. McRAE DONALD ALLEN PAYNE HAROLD A. BRUFFEY ROBERT LLOYD JONES NATHA GREENE William Thrift ewell, Jr. Kenneth William Ohn Burnard H. Sord William Robert Spriegel Wilfred Wason Watson Ernest W. Walker Ernest L. Kurth Major Gen. Clements McMullen Norman Wesley Minter Bill R. Norman Monte Edward Notton Dennis Joseph O'Brien Dennis Gordon Pace Donald Allen Payne John Donald Russell Stanley Bennett Sayles B. J. Smith Cecilia Veronica Tierney Leslie Griffith Tingle Robert Edward Winkler George King Sandman Winston Samford Smith Norman Pien-e Stoker Joseph James Vanya Tom John Weigel, Jr. Frank Anoncia Zamboni TAU BETA PI NATIONAL ENG! EERI G HONOR SOCIETY Founded: Lehigh University, 1885 Texas Alpha Chapter, 1916 OFFICERS Fall Spring ERIC LYNN JONES President ERIC LYNN JONES BILLy CAROL ELLIS Vice-President BILLY CAROL ELLIS CHARLES Woooy VOLEK R ecording Secretar'y . CHARLES WoooY VoLEK JoHNNY CHARLES WACHEL Corresponding Secretary JOHNNY CHARLES WACHEL JOSEPH FRANKLIN MATHEWS, JR. Treasurer JOSEPH FRA KLIN MATHEW ' JR. WILBUR HORACE GREENSTREET, JR. Cataloger WILBUR HORACE GREENSTREET, JR. FACULTY MEMBERS Charlie Dale Anderson Leland Barclay William Earl Barker Myron Louis Begeman Leonard R . Benson Louis Brown ed Hamilton Burns Frank Grant Bryant William Junius Carter Clark Milton Cleveland Albert Everett Cooper Kenneth Jackson Cox William A. Cunningham Ronald Kinnison Deford Venton Levy Doughtie William Charles Duesterhoeft, Jr. Carl John Eckhardt Bill Gorton Eppes George Green Anderson Duryl Middleton Bailey Lewie Marby Barber John Franklin Berglund Charles Rene Boatright, Jr. Robert Frederick Burkart Pramote Chaiyavech Leo Anderson Chamberlin Ronald Jarrell Cole Byron Raymond Adams Charles Stewart Aldrich Robert Loyd Basford Bertie Franklin Birdwell William Emmett Bolch, Jr. Samuel Arthur Brunstein Simon Pierce Burns David Bartram Clark Dewitt Coffey, Jr. John Richard Cogdell Lonozo Cleveland Courtney Everett Earl Culver Phillip Keith Davis John Howard Arnett Robert Ragsdale Boothe, Jr. William Bryan Brooks Cheng Hsien Chiang Arthur Herbert Clinger Jerry Clarence Dunaway James McKinley Eckhart Charles Allen Edwards, Jr. John Herman Enterline Charles Lee Farell George Homer Fancher Phil Moss Ferguson Donald Paul Fitzgibbon John Arnold Focht Burns Newman Gafford Earnest Frederick Gloyna Marcel Emile Clovis Gres William T. Guy, Jr. Richard George Ham William H. Hartwig George H amilton Hopkins, Jr. Eldred Wilson Hough Kenneth A. Kobe Leonardt Ferdinand Kreisle Alfred H all LaGrone Joe Overton Ledbetter Jack Lenhart Russell Eddy Lueg Frank Dewey Masch, Jr. Hudson Matlock Frank Wilkins McBee, Jr. J ames Dorr McFarland John J. McKetta, Jr. Banks McLaurin Walter Leon Moore Harold John Plass, Jr. J ames J. Pollard H. H. Power Howard Frederick Rase Lymon Clifton Reese Erwin Arthur Reinhard Eugene Arman Ripperger Charles Elmer Rowe Henry Grady Rylander Jack A. Scanlan Robert Samuel Schehter Byron Elliott Short H askell L. Simon MEMBERS Keys Alexander Curry, Jr. Daniel David K ana Norman Clifford Dickerson Jack Ray Lacy Thomas Charles Edwards Joseph F. Mathews Billy Carol Ellis William C. Melnar Wilbur Horace Greenstreet, Jr. J ack Pratt Moore Pat Garner Hedgcoxe Carey Epps Murphey, Jr. Ettore Ferrari Infante Gerald Patrick Parker John Thomas Irick Edgar Blaine Peek Eric Lynn Jones Stanley Crump Phipps FALL 1957 PLEDGES Bruce Allen Dolan William Eugene Fickert Jack Lee Gist David Grissom David Lyle Grossman Robert Armistead Hasty, II George Archie Helland John Edwin Hicks A. Jackson Hill Lyndon Paul Holcomb Charles Henry Karnes Fredrick James Kirkpatrick Werner Koch SPRI G Alponsc Joseph Grassl orman David Cuzick Harry Columbus Hardee, Jr. Gregg Alan Harris Charles Vincent Harvey Harold Elvin Hatfield, Jr. John Milton Hoffmann Gail Gordon Johnson Harold David Krick, Jr. Charles Wilbur Larkam William ea! Kocurek, Jr. Sam Michael Korzekwa Thomas K ent Ledbetter Carl Edwin Locke, Jr. Byron Keith Lovelace Larry Lee Loyd Marion Marshall Mann Jimmy Gwen Mayfield James Lowell McAlpin James L. McElroy Donald Ralph McLelland Kenneth Earl Mc eill Luther Bruce Miller I ITIATES Larry Keith McPhail Hobart Francis McWilliams Mohamed Aref Mahayni William Smith Mitcham Granville Emil Ott Thomas Edwin Owen Charles olan Raney William Courtney Robinson William Franklin Russell Cecil Ray Shearer H arold Wood Smith Horace Eugene Staph Carl Conrad Steyer Robert LeGrande Stone Archie Waugh Straiton Leland D . Strom J. eils Thompson Milton John Thompson Robert Lee Thoms Donald Childress Thorn Hugh Theron Tomlinson Burnett Forrest Treat J ames William Turnbow Robert Davis Turpin Matthew Van Winkle Robert W. Warner E. Joseph Weiss Willis Raymond Woolrich Fowler Redford Yett John T. Sherwood Robert H arold Sobotik J esse Jerald Stephens Arnold Joseph Tucker Herbert Lee Vaughan Charles Woody Volek Johnny Charles Wachel Thomas Elmer Wiley, Jr. Charles Travis Moorman Robert Eugene Muhm Lee Roy Murchison Gordon Henry Otto Loman Thornal Park John George Prather Joy Dwight Pugh Russell Upson Smith James Winfrey Teague Donald Fredrick Vehrs David Lee Waldron Charles Herbert Weinert Herbert Gerald Zinsmeyer Paul James mith James Harris St. Clair, II Walter Ri hard Steitz Beeman Ewell Strong, III Hugh Darrell Wade eng-Ming Wang Donald Thomas Ward John Bro k Westover Jerry Chester Worden PAO£ 150 THETA SIGMA PHI HONORARY PROFESSIONAL JOURNALISM FRATERNITY FOR WOMEN Founded: University of Washington, April 8, 1909 Fall DOLORES SILVA KAREN KLINEFELTER . ANN HuFFINGTON PEGGY Jo ELDER CAROLYN SEAy Marye Durrum Benjamin Jessamon Dawe Mary Margaret Glassock Frazier Frankie Mae Welborn Lindsey Xi Chapter, May 17, 1909 OFFICERS President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer. Keeper of the Archives FACULTY MEMBERS Amy Jo Long Nancy McMeans Carolyn Jane Malone HONORARY MEMBERS Marguerite Harrison Jean Mooney Phyllis Coffee Mary Frances Dicorte Peggy Jo Elder Jean Woodrom Howell Ann Huffington MEMBERS Karen Klinefelter Nina June McCain Joan Elizabeth McKnight Cyrena Jo Norman Elizabeth Ann Rudd SPRING INITIATES Spring DOLORES SILVA KAREN KLINEFELTER ANN H UFFINGTON PEGGY J0 ELDER CAROLYN SEAy Jo Caldwell Meyer Marian P. Michael Leigh Peck Afton Taylor Wynn Barbara Ann Ruesch Carolyn Seay Dolores Silva Marion Bess Simon Betty Ann Waters Kitty Casey Marilyn Adele Frazier Mary Marjorie Menefee Barbara Ann Fish Beverly Sue Fulkes Leah Rae Olson Julie Holman Weigel P•oe 151 ALPHA CHI SIGMA HONORARY CHEMISTRY FRATERNITY Founded: University of Wisconsin, 1902 Beta Theta Chapter, 1952 OFFICERS Fall JoE R AY VrnLocK Master Alchemist ORMAN DAVIS GuzICK Vice-Master Alchemist PRESTON K UHN MARTIN Master of Ceremonies JACK PRATT MooRE R ecorder J oHN H ENRY HARRISON R eporter JESSE LAVVRENCE ELLEDGE Treasurer ROYSTON M. R OBERTS Faculty Advisor FACULTY MEMBERS Robbin Colyer Anderson George Homer Fancher Kenneth A. Kobe Gilbert Haven Ayres Philip S. Bailey Norman H ackerman Lewis F. H atch Charles Kenneth Mann L. J. Reed Henry Matthew Burlage Henry Rudolf H enze Royston M. Roberts MEMBERS Joseph Benjamin Ashton Royce E. Ennis James Aubrey Manning William Arthur Baker Charles J. Brown, Jr. Francisco Jose Garcia-Sharpe Billie C. Garnett Preston Kuhn Martin J ack Pratt Moore J ames R ussell Claybrook Henry O ctave Colomb, Jr. Norman Davis Guzick Yuri Wha-Yul-a Han Michael Alan Moore Vernon Edward Morgan David Oliver Dawson Phillip Vernon H arper, Jr. Robert Daniel O'Bryan James Edward Douglass Larry R. H arrington J ames S. Payne, Jr. Ronald Eugene Eddy John H enry H arrison Donald Lewis Ross Jesse Lawrence Elledge Thomas Richard H enderson Joseph Satterfield SPRI G INITIATES Kenneth James Dartley Robert S. Edwards Bennie A. Ferrone Lonnie Walton Jenkins Edward Oliver Leonard William Marsico SPRING PLEDGES Stanley Earl Anderson Albert Lindsay Delaney Hubert Boyd Richard Lionel Hill David Eugene Brown Gary Lynn Leach William McKinley Campbell, William Thompson McKissock, Jr. Jr. Spring JOHN HENRY HARRISON ROBERT DANIEL O 'BRYAN JAMES R USSELL CLAYBROOK RICHARD FREDRICK STONE JAMES BRYAN ZACHRY J ESSE LAWRE CE ELLEDGE PHILIP s. BAILEY William Harry Robert Shaw Stanley H arold Simonsen Roger John Williams Robert Harold Sobotik Roy James Spann Richard Fredrick Stone Joe Don Stuart Eldon H . Sund Wayne Earl Thun Joe Ray Vielock F. Eugene Wilkerson James Bryan Zachry John Wayne Mitchell Rowland Pettit Joe Mitchell Charles Schoultz Clyde Reagan Settle Thomas Folts Womack ALPHA DELTA SIGMA HONORARY PROFESSIONAL ADVERTISING FRATERNITY Founded: University of Missouri, 1913 Fall LESLIE M . BEARSS STANLEY HAYWOOD H ENDERSON BARNETT J uLIAN JoNES ROWLAND HILIARY pARKER MARK s. SMITH RooNEY WALDROP PmTLE JoHN DoHANICH . Robert Fred Barling Leslie M. Bearss Walter Roland Bell Sid L. Berger Herbert Lionel Blomquist Edward Donald Bridges Roger Harmon Broach Robert Cornell Brown Lloyd Truman Brummett Robb Kendrick Burlage Wayne Burney Don C. Carmichael William Paxton Boyd Alan Scott J ames Powell Anderson James Henry Cochran William Noel Copeland David Dean Cottrell Roy Gene Cuthbertson Bobby Joe Daffern George Franklin Dillman John Dohanich Walter Winn Durham Rex A. Fluty, Jr. Richard Lee Gannett Raleigh Lyman Greer Richard Douglas Hague Irvin Lawrence Benno Maurice Goldstein Walter T. Hart Paul J. Thompson Chapter, 1928 OFFICERS President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Publicity Chairman Pledge Trainer Program Director FACULTY MEMBERS Spring ROGER HARMON BROACH ]AMES H ENRY COCHRAN MARK S. SMITH JAMES THOMAS HOLMAN STANLEY HAYWOOD HENDERSON JAMES SIDNEY POWELL WILLIAM CARRELL HARDMAN Ernest Alonzo Sharpe Paul Jennings Thompson HONORARY MEMBERS William McLane Brown MEMBERS William Carrell Hardman Stanley Haywood Henderson Wilfred Earl Herber Johnie Lee Hodnett James Thomas Holman Jon Russell Hornaday Leon P. Howell Larry Neal Hurwitz Barnett Julian Jones Robert A. Jordan Donald Roy Key Frank Charles King SPRING INITIATES Basil Charles Karcher Dan Lambden Morris Robert Maynor James H . Klein Donald William Kyle George Andrew Leeah Chester Henry Lundt James Robert McDonald David Andrew Millican J ames V. Nolen Wayne Robert Orr Kenneth Wayne Pace Rowland Hiliary Parker Murray Spence Patton J ames Winston Perkins Kenneth Warren Nordeman Thomas Francis Vetters Gilbert Matison Wyrick Bobby Wayne Perry Harry Roger Phillips James Paul Piles Rodney Waldrop Pirtle J ames Sidney Powell Ramon Robert Rackley David Ritchie Dennis Clay Roberts William Blackburn Royer Mark S. Smith Culver Joel Turlington Noble Houston Welch Robert Eugene Donald Woolsey ALPHA KAPPA PSI HO ORARY BUSINESS FRATER ITY Founded: New York University, 1904 Iota Chapter, 1915 OFFICERS Fall ]AME S RoBERT McDONALD, JR. President . ALFONSO AUGUSTO CISNEROS Vice-President PINCKNEY FRANKLIN STEED . Secretary . LESTER EUGENE HOVEY . T reasurer. DoNALD EuGENE RoPER Master of Rituals James Adon Byrd Jack William Cashin Alfred G. Dale Ernest Patrick Bond John Woodie Bowen Owen Price Carpenter, Jr. Alfonso Augusto Cisneros Brady Marshall Cole Hollis Baxter DeGrassi, Jr. Buford Preston Berry Robert Wallace Briggs Richard Wayland Calhoun James Edward Alff George Benjamin Brown George Camp Chapman Robert John De Vries William Curran Garner FACULTY MEMBERS J. Anderson Fitzgerald Charles Lee Prather Richard Charles Henshaw Alfred Lee Seelye E. Karl McGinnis C. Aubrey Smith MEMBERS Thomas Phillips Field, Jr. James Robert McDonald, Jr. Lester Eugene Hovey Otto Christian Olsen, Jr. Van Hook Howard, III Olan Phillips Jay Jules Karkowsky Walter Brown Pistor Bobby Lawrence Legg Doyle Lorenzo Roe Marvin W. Lerner Donald Eugene Roper Girdner Alan Youngquist FALL INITIATES Elmo Alexander Derrick Fredric G. Kline James Aubrey Griffin Arnold Erich Krause Ronald Jack Finger George Charles Kendall SPRING PLEDGES George Sydney Harrington Rodney Harry Margolis John Ragland Harrison John Burleson McCullough Charles Harter, III William G. McDonald John Henry Hofmann Thoman Vance McMahan George Philip Kazen Patrick Mc amara Charles McDonald White Spring LESTER EuGE E HovEY DONALD EUGENE ROPER ]OH WOODIE BOWEN VA HooK HowARD, III OLAN PHILLIPS William R. Spriegel John R . Stockton Wilfred H. Watson Walter Asa Saunders, Jr. Ronny Norman Schoenbrun Thomas Edward Seekatz Pinckney Franklin Steed James Andrew Stone Don Arthur Tidwell Jack Harrison Stutts James Wess Tribble Ralph Huntington Winton, Jr. Edwin Willis Patterson Burton Lee Rakoover Jay B. Rea Melvin Lynn Roloff Douglas Ogden Smyth DELTA SIGMA PI PROFESSIO AL BUSI ESS ADMINISTRATIO FRATER ITY Founded: ew York University, 1907 Beta K appa Chapter, 1930 OFFICERS Fall Spring Bos LAUGHLI President . FRED GUY MARLOW, JR. BILL R . ORMAN . Senior Vice-President RoY ELWOOD EYLER FRED G uy MARLOW, JR. Vice-President JOEL PHILLIP DALTON JAME PETER Kouus . Secretary . ROBERT CALDWELL WILLINGHAM JAMES HOWARD HEINY . . Treasurer. JAME HOWARD HEINY LAWRENCE HAROLD SANDEL, JR. H istorian . BOBBIE ARCHIE CHESTER WILLIAM EARL MOFFETT . . Facuity Sponsor PA AYOTIS JOHN LYMBEROPO ULOS F AC LTY MEMBERS Arvid A. Anderson James Clay Dolley Francis B. May Burnard H. Sord Stanley A. Arbingast James Eugene Estes William Earl Moffett Harry Vine, III Jim G. Ashburne Dennis B. Ford, Jr. Eugene W. Nelson Ernest W. Walker Joseph Kenneth Bailey James Rudolph Kay Henry T. Owen Glenn Albert Welsch William Paxton Boyd Irving 0. Linger George Emmanuel Perpinias John Arch White Aaron Hamilton Chute Panayotis John Lymberopoulos Parley M. Pratt Erick Walter Zimmerman Charles Theodore Zlatkovich MEMBERS Anton Jacob Alkek, Jr. Roy Saunders Battle Sidney Lee Berger A. Evans Birdwill, Jr. Kenneth Charles Boelter James Eugene Campion H enry David Christian Joel Phillip Dalton Clifford William Davidson Bernard John Ehresmann Jaime Antonio Espasas Roy Elwood Eyler J ames Marion Fairbairn Robert Lee Forbes Sam Hulin Hall Jerrel Reid Hardesty Joseph Walter Harrison, Jr. Glen Howard Hartford James Howard Heiny Thomas Philip Kelly, Jr. James Peter Kolius Lynn Richard Kromminga Bob Laughlin Cadmus K ilgore Lawson Fred Guy Marlow, Jr. Carlos Landon aumann Bill R . orman John Harold Northcutt Ray Howard Odom, Jr. Lawrence Harold Sandel, Jr. Bobby Grant Seago James Hunter Thompson Lloyd Douglas Walker Richard Grady Weil James Bruce Watson Ray Wilson Youngblood FALL I ITIATES John David Baylor Jimmy Jack Frost Robert Merl Kincaid Kenneth Larry Sellstrom James Carter Boone, Jr. Henry T ebbs Brooks Grady Dyson Bruce, Jr. Layton Ray Buckner Clarence L. Callaway, Jr. Bobbie Archie Chester Robert Byrd Gentry Bill Dean Goforth Herbert Lester Green Arthur Dale Griffin, Jr. Gordon C. Hallman Robert Dalton Hardcastle, Jr. James Loranzo Linker Sammy Don Little Johnny Floyd Martin Carl Wayne McDonald James Robert iebuhr Robert Charles Reinarz Raymond Max Slaughter Norman Vedder Smith Edward Louis Starr, Jr. Gus Carl Tramp Tom John Weigel, Jr. Robert Caldwell Willingham Stanley Lee Clark Robert Derwin Eakin William Reece Holden Donald Lee Hunt Lawrence Joseph Rich Richard Louis Scroggins William Calvin Zatopek PRI G PLEDGES William Edmond Brady Tom T. Hollingshead Ben Allen Meharg Glenn Arthur Von Rosenberg Bobby Joe Burgin Lee Roy Johnson Daniel Sterling Parks Pete L. Whaley John Milton Crawford Hugh Arthur Lemmon, Jr. James Allen Rindfuss Ernest Dorman Wheeler Stanley Burnett Ferguson J ay Philip Levin Richard Dwight Ryan Charles Henry Williams Wayne Ferguson James Richard Matz Charles Wayne Smith Edwin Roger Wright Edward M arshall Glass Robert Cloyes McCurry Jack Margene Spear Fifth Row: Baylor, orthcutt, Linker, Eakjn, Smith, Krommioga, Chester, Naumann, Walker, Slaughter, Clark. PAGE 155 KAPPA EPSILON HONORARY FRATERNITY FOR WOMEN I PHARMACY Founded: State University of Iowa, 1921 Local Founding, 1943 OFFICERS Fall Spring PEGGY A N KEER President PEGGY ANN K EER PEGGY ELAIN E LIPSCOMB . Vice-President PEGGY ELAINE LIPSCOMB AURELIA SAENZ . Secretary AURELIA SAENZ MARIA LUISA LARA Treasurer MARIA LUISA LARA R EBA FAy COUCH R eporter REBA FAY Co CH EsTHER JANE Wooo HALL Faculty M ember EsTHER JANE Wooo HALL MEMBERS Dorothy Jo Abernathy Marie Celeste Gutierrez Carol Ann Richardson Marilee Baker Maria Del Rosario Gutierrez Margaret R. Roberts Reba Ragland Couch Marjorie F. Allen Jordan Aurelia Saenz Tommie Jean Coulter Peggy Ann Keer Eleanor Julia Siemer Carolyn Jane Craig Velma Jean Kubala Connie Marr Marek Smith Evelyn Grace Crow Maria Luisa Lara Pauline Smith Frances Sue Dyer Peggy Lipscomb Gloria June Stokes Mary Ida Garza Irma Martinez Cynthia Ann Summers Marta Rangel SPRING INITIATES Mary Binyon Berryman Elizabeth Lou King Peggy Lou Schomberg Anita Sylvia Garcia Florence Gaye Laxsom Kathryn Viereck Adele Jewell Lyle KAPPA PSI HO ORARY PROFESSIONAL PHARMACEUTICAL FRATERNITY Founded: Russell Military Academy, 1879 Gamma Gamma Chapter, 1934 OFFICERS Fall Spring MILTON DUDLEY TOMPKINS R egent JAMES M. DURDEN JosEPH GREGORY GUERRERO Vice-Regent JIMMY LEON BURK CARL EDwI LARSON . Secretary . CHARLES LEO KRUM NORMAN MICHAEL EKERY. Treasurer. MAX DoN DooLEY ARLEN YOUNG STURDIVANT H istorian RAMIRO ARRO Do CADE COPELAND . Chaplain . EDDIE RAGAN SERFACE FACULTY MEMBERS Carl Clarence Albers William Francis Gidley James King Herbert Frederick Schwartz, II Joseph Hoyland Arnette Gunnar G. Gjerstad William R. Lloyd Kenneth Edward Tiemann Henry Matthew Burlage Vernon A. Green Frederick Valentine Lofgren Leon Otto Wilken John Emerson Davis Wallace Louis Guess William Rust eville Charles Owens Wilson MEMBERS Michael Charles Adamo J ames M. Durden James Charles King William Rexford Owen Arlen Young Sturdivant J ackie Thurman Askew Norman Michael Ekery H erbert E. Kleinman orman H erbert Prenzler Robert Lee Sturrock Charles Allan Brooks Paul Frank Geiger Charles Leo Krum Richard Elgin Sauer Franklin Edward Teichmann Jimmy Leon Burk Gene Edward Busshart Alfonso Mario Gonzalez Ishmael Gonzalez John William Ladd, Jr. Carl Edwin Larson Eddie Ragan Serface Donald Wayne Shafer Kenneth Edward Tiemann Milton Dudley Tompkins Eduardo Jesus Camero Joseph Gregory Guerrero William R. Lloyd Lloyd Stephen Shipp Gilberto Uresti Paul Elwood Cohen Don Cade Copeland Max Don Dooley Wallace Louis Guess Arturo B. Martinez, Jr. Carol Ralph Hammond Raymond Mendez, Jr. Arnold Dahl Haslund Ramiro Narro Joseph Stevenson Starkey Harold Wayne Stinson Norman T. Strain Thomas Lee Williams Harvey Lee Zatopek Jose Elias Vargas, Jr. Roy H arry Voges Richard Elbert Ward FALL PLEDGES Kenneth Edwin Burrows Vernon Eugene Grove, J r. Michael Ray Jenkins John Marvin Mohrmann Donald Fred Senter John William Coulter Carol Ralph H ammond Lazaro Franco Lopez Anthony George Ogden Waymon Otis Smith SPRING PLEDGES Jose Rene Cantu Ben L. Garza James Beebe McCann Zack Lawrence Robinson Allan R. Spillar Julian Rodriquez Cantu Frank Casanova Erwin Franke Grant Eugene Giles Lim K euky Bruce Raymond LaForce John Marvin Mohrmann Jimmy Dale Moore Jack Dwain Robertson Ralph Wayne West Carlos Franisico Rocha Manuel Ruiz Juan Alberto Saucedo Landon Wayne Stewart Adolfo J. Valadez Roland J. Vallejo PHI DELTA CHI NATIONAL HONORARY PHARMACEUTICAL FRATERNITY Founded: University of Michigan, 1883 Lambda Chapter, 1905 OFFICERS Fall Spring WILLIAM E . F OSTER President WILLIAM E. FOSTER J oHN GEORGE A sAFF . Vice-President JOHN GoERGE AsAFF DoN RICHARD BRUCE . Secretary DoN RrcHARD BRUCE E DWARD CHARLES VACULA Treasurer EDWARD CHARLES VACULA DuRwooD R . BARNETT Prelate . D u RwooD R . BAR ETT RICHARD DOUGLAS R OBB . Master at Arms RICHARD DOUGLAS ROBB H ENRY IRA S CROGGINS Inner Guard H ENRY IRA SCROGGINS WILLIAM JOI-INSON SHEFFIELD Faculty Sponsor WILLIAM JOHNSON SHEFFIELD MEMBERS Robert Frank Adamcik Joe H . Couch Michael Lee Herry Randal Earl Posey John H erbert Anderson Kirwin Gherbis Damiani J ames Eldridge Humphries, Jr. Billy A. Riddick Billy T ravis Arbuckle John Goerge Asaff Lloyd Don Bandy Oscar Leon Dietz, Jr. Olen LaRoy Douglas Charles E. Ebel Carl Louis Icet Lawson Gregory Kloesel Hollis Lloyd Lawrence, Jr. Richard Douglas Robb Fritz Bernard Scheffel Henry Ira Scoggins Durwood R. Barnett J ames Millard Elliott Roy Gene Lee Harmon B. Standefer Robert Allan Bianchi William E. Foster J ames Edward Les ter Paul Frederick Trantham James Patrick Boepple Francisco Jesus Garcia Leon Dwight Lind Edward Charles Vacula Don Richard Bruce Joe Thomas Gaulden Raymond Richard Loew H arold Lloyd Varner Thomas Clyde Brunson David M. Gist William Travis Malone Walter Joseph Wasicek James M. Cejda Francisco T . Gonzalez Noel Martinez Arthur Darrell Webb Walter Lynn Chambliss Dan Bartlett Conoly George Allen H arvey John H enry Opryshek Cecil Chalfant Weekley Cyril B. Weich FALL PLEDGES Billy Thomas Black John Edward Frierson Lynn Carl H alamicek Murry K . Nance Freddy Ray Cessal William Donald Frierson James Edwin Kersh, Jr. James H arvey Shell James Leaton Clark Santiago Jimmy Garcia John Ed Kimble Carlos Clyde Smith, III Charles Lee Dickie John P. Elmer Charles elson Gilreath Ralph B. Goertz Marvin Edward Machac Larry Ralph Menconi Thalmann Lester T readaway Billy K. Wong J acob Joseph Eckert Jimmie McBratney Foy Jose Eliud Fuentes Carey Wayne Golaz Edward Esquivel Gonzalez Lowrey Franklin Gravley William Harvey Morgan Boyce Morphree Roger Arlan Middleton Don Wong Edwin Yee Jose Luis Zacarias RHO CHI ATIO AL HONORARY PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY Founded: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1922 Nu Chapter, 1929 OFFICERS Fall Spring JAMES EDWARD LESTER President CHARLES SoL MEINSTEIN ROBERT FRA K ADAMCIK . Vice-President ERNEST AMES COULTER EsTHER JANE WooD HALL Secretary-Treasurer ESTHER JANE Wooo HALL CARL CLARE CE ALBERS . H istorian CARL CLARENCE ALBERS EsTHER JANE Wooo HALL Faculty Advisor ESTHER JANE WooD HALL FACULTY MEMBERS Carl Clarence Albers Er Hung Djao Esther Jane Wood Hall Herbert F. Schwartz, II Joseph Hoyland Arnette William Francis Gidley William Reese Lloyd William Johnson Sheffield Robert Graves Brown Gunnar Gjerstad Frederick Valentine Lofgren Kenneth Edward Tiemann Henry Matthew Burlage Vernon Albert Green Joseph Ruben Moreno Leon Otto Wilken John Emerson Davis Wallace Louis Guess William Rust eville Charles Owens Wilson HO ORARY MEMBERS Walter Dickson Adams Walter Cousins, Jr. Howell Jordan Shine Earl Philips Eugene M. Caskey Walter Tell Garbade T. A. Lambert MEMBERS Robert Frank Adamcik Roy Gene Lee Arturo B. Martinez, Jr. Brian K eith Richmond William Edward Foster James Edward Lester Buachubhai Damoderdas Paul Frederick Trantham Paul Frank Geiger Raymond Richard Loew Parikh FALL I ITIATES Ernest Ames Coulter Peggy Ann Keer Charles Sol Meinstein Carol Ralph Hammond James Charles King Franklin Eward Teichmann Frederick Raymon Jenkins, Jr. John William Ladd, Jr. onnan Oliver Walker SPRI G I ITIATES Dorothy Jo Abernathy James M. Cejda Ramiro Narro Connie Marr Marek Smith Thomas Clyde Brunson Samuel Arthur Lane, Jr. Alfred Robert Sangalli Pauline Smith ALPHA PHI OMEGA HONORARY SERVICE FRATER ITY Founded: Lafayette College, 1925 Alpha Rho Chapter, 1935 OFFICERS Fall Spring LORENCE LARRY BRAVENEC President FRANK EuGENE McLAIN JAMES CECIL STOKES First Vice-President LEWIS WHEELER DONAGHEY LLOYD DURMAN OLDHAM Second Vice-President ROBERT EWTON KING JIMMIE MCBRATNEY FoY R ecording Secretary KENNETH NEWT ANDREWS FRANK ASBURY CAVE Corresponding Secretary RoY LYNN TAYLOR LEWIS WHEELER DONAGHEY Treasurer JAMES DONALD KNIKER KENNETH NEWT ANDREWS. R eporter ERNEST RAYMOND THOMAS, JR. COLONEL ]AMES WALLACE . Historian ARIEL JosE THOMANN Keith Kohn Cox Kenneth Jackson Cox Norton Curry Donald Edgar Andrews Kenneth Newt Andrews Lawrence Jackson Bernard Benjamin Spencer Bradshaw Lorence Larry Bravenec John Charles Brooke Joe Henry Bruns Thomas Charles Bruns Joe Ralph Canfield Paul Milton Carraway Frank Asbury Cave John Rentz Doggett, III Lewis Wheeler Donaghey Frank Ennis Thomas Dale Erwin Abelardo Flores Jimmie McBratney Foy George Edward Gaines Roger Lee Gorrell Stephen Allen Grant, Jr. .James Wesley Baldridge Richard Allen Comstock Paul David Couch Joe Bryan David Billie Edwin Davi Wilbur Ratliff Cleaves Laurin C. Currie Billy Bernard Day Kenneth Ray Edgar Ronald Jack Finger Waymon Lee Holley ADVISORS H . L. Gaskin Gilbert Myers Raymond C. Kenney H. W. Newman Joe Malik, Jr. Calvin Cleave Nolen HONORARY MEMBER R. Elwyn Byrns MEMBERS David Arnold Greenspan Paul McCaughey Hagans William B. Hall Roy A. Harrell, Jr. Larry Allen Hebert William Brent Hempkins S. B. Hixon Harry Lee Hudspeth Larry ea! Hurwitz Eugene A. Juarez Thomas Philip Kelly, Jr. George Charles Kendall Robert Newton King James Donald Kniker Jerome Michael Kopel Moise Lauterstein Roger Allan Lewis Bill Lee Liggin Lazaro Franco Lopez Koye Edgar McElroy Frank Eugene McLain Fred D. McLan-y Allen Lee Miller Jack Wayne Molloy K eith Kenyon Morrow Jerome Jacob Nathan, III Bob Austin Newman Lloyd Durman Oldham Phillip Sherwood Paul, Jr. George Bernard Pearson Francisco Inocente Pena Robert Jack Pickens Leonard BrodnaJ( Plummer, Jr. Robert Charle Reinarz Don Shane Robinson Guy Durwyn Robinson Barry Raymond Russak Sherian Audilet Salge Frederick Syndey Schlather Arno Nowotny Elwood ]. Preiss Jon Little Scott Roger Terry Shapiro Robert C. Smith Wendall Norn1an Spreadbury William Edwin Stern James Cecil Stokes Aied Saliba Sweis Roy Lynn Taylor Ariel Jose Thomann Ernest Raymond Thomas, Jr. Marshall Wayland Thompson Colonel Jame Wallace Richard Elbert Ward Leo Kenneth Willi, Jr. Emory Kent Worley Erle Travis Worley Elmer T. Zilch, Jr. FALL INITIATES Theodore Carl Doerr David Malcom Logan Bruce Edward Turley David Adolph Gershner David Charles Porter Dan Carlo West Manuel Ramiro Gutierrez Don Earl Saddoris Charle McDonald White Louis Chris Heinemeyer Rodger Vince! Smith William Menefee Wilcox Jr. Richard Lionel Hill Jerry Friend Sudderth Mark Ellison William Cleve James Hoecker James We Tribble Wes Sam Wise SPRING PLEDGES Lonnie Walton Jenkins Roy Judd Thomas Wayne Laceky David Odell Langham Billy Fred Lewis John Richard Lucas Rodney Harry Margolis Robin Paul Stagg Gorney Ray Miller Arnold Cole tephen Johnny Wesley Minear Thomas arroll trange Clyde Irvin Scott Gary Mearlin Tamplin Donald James Simmons Ira Barne Wile PAO£ 160 CO-ED FORUM Founded: The University of Texas, 1928 OFFICERS Fall Spring JULIE LANDRUM HOLMAN President . CYRENA Jo NORMAN WINONA LYNN CORNELIUS S ecretar'y-Treasurer MARY MARJORIE MENEFEE HELEN MARGARET FLINN Sponsor HELEN MARGARET FLINN DOROTHY GEBAUER . Sponsor DOROTHY GEBAUER DOROTHY wATTS DEAN Sponsor DOROTHY WATTS DEAN MARGARET PECK . Sponsor MARGARET P ECK MEMBERS Shirley Ann Bird Julie Landrum Holman Marilyn Ann Boyd Shannon Howard Dorothy Kay Chisum Martha King Hughes Carol Sue Cole Mary Marjorie Menefee Winona Lynn Cornelius Patricia Ann Morrow Nancy Elizabeth Edwards A. Virginia Nash Joan Marie Franklin F. Eloise Newberry Jane Birdwell Henderson Cyrena Jo Norman Joyce Anne Henderson Barbara F. Polsky Carroll Ann Hodges Anne Price Sue Rosson SPRING MEMBERS Marilyn Sue Becker Carol Suzanne Lewis Lucy Ann Collins Marilyn Marshall Kerstin Ekfelt Sally Kay Maxwell Sally Joanne Emerson Kay McKinley Ann Huffington Joyce Lynn Streusand PAGE 161 MORTAR BOARD NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY FOR SE IOR WOME ­ Fall JOAN MARIE FRANKLIN NEITA LEA FARLEY JOSEPHINE D UVALL SCURRY CAROL BETH VILLARREAL JoYCE ANNE HENDERSON PATRICIA PADGETT . SuE CoRRELL JAMES FRANCES McMATH ROSALIE v. OAKES Founded: Cornell University, 1918 Visor Chapter, 1923 OFFICERS President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer R eporter Historian Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor HONORARY MEMBERS Spring JOAN MARIE FRANKL! NEITA LEA FARLEY JOSEPHINE D UVALL SCURRY CAROL BETH VILLARREAL JOYCE ANNE HE DERSO PATRICIA PADGETT SuE CORRELL JAMES FRANCES MCMATH ROSALIE v. OAKES Josephine Margaret Chapman Helen Margaret Flinn Louise Landis Armstrong Edleen Begg Paula Janet Connor Dorothy L. Gebauer Shirley Ann Bird Nancy Joan Bitter M ary Ellen Embree Neita Lea Farley Joan Marie Franklin Jane Birdwell H enderson Betsy Blanton Sandra Cason Lucy Ann Collins Dorothy Dawson Sandra Esquivel Joan Carolyn Farquhar FACULTY MEMBERS Helen Hargrave Sue Correll James Thelma Lockwood Etelka S. Lynn Helen Tackett MEMBERS Joyce Anne Henderson Carroll Ann Hodges Shannon Howard Norma M atlock Jan Evans Miller Sandra Lee Moore Carol Beth Villarreal SPRI G INITIATES Billye Rae Funk Juell Joy K rauter .Marilyn Marshall Nina June McCain Mildred Ro e Meili Mary Marjorie Menefee haron ue Voyles PAGE 162 Patricia Kendall Masters Margaret Peck Lucy Rathbone Joanne M . Ravel Virginia utt Patricia Padgett Jean Ellen Pepper Jo ephine Duvall Scurry M ary M argaret tailings Margaret H elen Turpin J ulia nn M offett Cyrena Jo orman Barbara Pol ky Anne Price Betsy Ros Kathleen ilva ORANGE JACKETS HO ORARY SERVICE ORGANIZATION FOR WOMEN Founded: The University of Texas, 1923 OFFICERS Fall Spring MARTHA KING HUGHES President MARTHA KING H UGHES Lucy A COLLI s Vice-President Lucy ANN COLLI s JULIA ANN MOFFETT Secretary JULIA ANN MOFFETT CYRENA Jo NoRMAN T reasurer CYRENA Jo NORMAN SARAH JEAN MOORE Contact Chairman SARAH JEAN MooRE Jo ANN SHURTLEFF Contact Chairman Jo ANN SHURTLEFF DOROTHY WATTS DEA Sponsor DOROTHY WATTS DEAN MEMBERS Martha Louise Bowser A. Virginia rash Nancy Lou Brooks Cyrena Jo orman Lucy Ann Collins Beverly Sue Peel Dorothy Dawson ancy Norwood Pinson Sandra Esquivel Barbara F. Pol ky Billye Rae Funk Anne Price Martha Carolyn Graves Frances Ann Ramsey Martha King Hughes Betsy Ross Marilyn Marshall Sue Rosson Sally Kay Maxwell Sarah Eugenia Rush Julia Ann Moffett Jo Ann Shurtleff Sarah Jean Moore Sharon Sue Voyles Patricia Ann Wilcox, (I ) FALL INITIATES Ann Beloate Rosemary Clyde House Frances Anna Moseley Barbara Hunsdon Bitter ancy Bryan Hunt M. Maurine Motter Phyllis Ann Borden Betty Pettus Lawrence Laura Preston Billy Jean Cain Linda Margaret Mahan Jean Burke Roger Paula June Craig Nina June McCain Emily Sue Stinson Delia Duson Mildred Rose Meili Katherine Louise Voetmann Erin Higgins Mal)' Marjorie Menefee Margaret Ann White Julie Landrum Holman Julia Quay Williams SPRING INITIATES Betty Ann Aue Mai)' Ann Moroney Elizabeth Joyce Bourdon Mary Gay Maxwell Sally Joanne Emerson Cynthia Anne Powell Judith Ann Hickman Carolyn Ann Thomas Sandra Rose Kriss Jen Cary Tomlinson Roberta Ann Love Jo Ann Watkins PAGE 163 SCABBARD AND BLADE NATIONAL HONORARY MILITARY SOCIETY Founded: University of Wisconsin, 1904 T exas Chapter, 1949 G Company, 8th Regiment OFFICERS Fall Spring GEORGE DANIEL MATZKE Captain FRANK RODERICK KEITH ROBERT BEN LILLIE First Lieutenant LESTER BARRY PALMER EVERETTE LANIER T UCKER Second Lieutenant JERRY HARRISON JENKINS RICHARD ALAN SHROPSHIRE First Sergeant . JAMES MILTON H UFFMA FACULTY MEMBERS Lieutenant Colonel Marvin L. Bell, USA Major William E. Antley, Jr., USMC Colonel David H. Thomas, USAF HONORARY MEMBERS Lieutenant Colonel Marvin L. Bell, USA Colonel Curtis Theodore Ricketts, USA Captain Donald Greer Irvine, USN Colonel David H. Thoma , USAF MEMBERS Byron Raymond Adams James Milton Huffman Allen John Pierce Jack Norman Bateman Jerry Harrison Jenkins Ted Lee Price Lyle Floyd Branch James W. Kachtick John W. Sauer Edward Stafford Bridges, II Frank Roderick Keith Walter Asa Saunders, Jr. George William Cape Robert Ben Lillie Richard Alan Shropshire Henry David Christian Robert Foster Loughridge Robert Michael Stephen Stewart Leonard Davis James Arthur Loynd John Thomas Stuart Harvey A. Eike! George Daniel Matzke Francis Marion Thom on Joseph Holt Foster Dennis Joseph O'Brien Everette Lanier Tucker Seinwil Louis Greenberg Jerrren Edward 01 en Clovis S. Vaughn William Arch Harrison Le ter Barry Palmer Donald Thomas Ward A. Jackson Hill John W. Pieper SPRI 1G PLEDGES George Edmund Batcheler William Max Jennings Robert Herman Brewer William Carlisle LaRowe Horace Dod on Cannichael Ronald Vincent Larson Robert Alexander Carnes Ga1)' Lynn Leach Robert Stephen Carter Ben Allen Meharg Kenneth Lee Cochrum Granville Edward Paule Robert Sterling Fam1er Scott Petty, Jr. Luke C. Fi her Jay B. Rea Joe Da\'id Grantham Leslie Allen aunder John Tatum Green John Edward windell Charles Houston Harris James Tel1)' Topham David Holland Hender on Monte Patrick Williams PAGF. 164 SIL VER SPURS HONORARY SERVICE ORGANIZATION FOR MEN Founded: The University of Texas, 1938 Fall BENJAMIN THOMAS RHODES, JR. HALL STREET HAMMOND . ROBB KENDRICK BURLAGE . JOSEPH GREGORY GUERRERO, JR. CLOVIS CLYDE MoRRISSON GEORGE WILLIAM ScHNElDER, JR. ROBERT STEPHEN BUTTER . Stanley Edward Adams Thomas G. Bousquet Lorence Larry Bravenac Anthony Geraro Brocato Robb Kendrick Burlage Robert Stephen Butter Richard Wayland Calhoun Brady Marshall Cole Chancy Croft Ralph Waldrom Dau Richard Lee Gannett Pearson Grimes, Jr. Joseph Gregory Guerrero, Jr. Addison Yancey Gunter, III Hall Street Hammond John Thomas Cater Julius Desey Desenberg William Edward Henry David Andrew Kendrick Alexander Palmrus, II William Skidmore Banks, III Benjamin Spencer Bradshaw Jimmy Leon Burk Lewis Sheeler Donaghey William Chapman Estes Ronald Jack Finger OFFICERS President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer . Executive Council Executive Council Executive Council MEMBERS Robert Campbell Hewell Dexter Hill Harry Lee Hudspeth Vernon Murray Jordan James Walter Kachtick Karl Fred Kamrath, Jr. James Albert Mashburn Frank Eugene McLain Robert Elton Mims Clovis Clyde Morrisson Jack Glenn Norwood Phillip Sherwood Paul, Jr. Walter Brown Pistor David Anders Provost William Morris Ravkind FALL INITIATES Brooks Trezevant Patrick James Irvine Perkins, Jr. .John William Pieper Charles Ronald Rogers John Wesley Sauer Robert David Young SPRI G INITIATES Emil Edwards Friberg Richard Bradley Fisher George Archie Helland .Jay Jules Karkowsky Carter Benjamin Kelly John Murray Kendrick John Marvin Mohrmann PAGE 165 Spring ROBERT STEPHEN BUTTER CHANCY CROFT ALBERT Juuus TooLE DESEY DESENBERG RICHARD GANNETT JOSEPH GREGORY G UERRERO, JR. ROBB KENDRICK BURLAGE Benjamin Thomas Rhodes, Jr. Jack Francis Ritter, Jr. Glenn Alfred Rogers George William Schneider, Jr. Daniel Cargill Smith, III Neal Leslie Speice Donald Otis Stodghill Donald Lamar Stone James T erTell Townsend Surinder Paul Vohra James Whittenburg Walker Johnny Richard Warren Jerry Armes Wells Jerry James Wilson William Howard Wolf James Cecil Stokes Francis Marion Thomson Tom Howard Timmins Albert Julius Toole James Terry Topham Robert Bruce Parker William Gary Patterson Granville Edward Paules, III Richard Arlin Stanley Clarence Neal Stevenson George Gilbert Stubblefield, III SPOOKS SERVICE ORGANIZATION FOR WOME Founded: The University of T exas, 194 1 Fall A. VrRGINIA ASH JoYcE H ELENE LrssAUER. JosEPHINE MooRE HowELL . SALLY JOANNE EMERSON . ALICE LOCKETT \.YHELESS CHARLENE CARTTER MARKEL ERIN RIGGI s ANN BELOATE Elyndabeth Bailey Ann Beloate Barbara Hunsdon Bitter Lillian Louise Bond Suzanne Bowling Mary Eleanor Brace Gladys Ann Brantly Janice Brashears Marsha Ann Broadfoot Carolyn Jane Campbell Mary Lelia Crain Robinette Curry Carolyn Dice Linda Diane Dunett Catherine Clark Eden Marie Josephine Eickmann Sally Joanne Emerson Nancy Sue Faust Miriam Dolly Gordon Gwynne Lee Guffin Annette Anderson Ann Ellen Armstrong Georgia Annetta Bennett Melinda Louise Burkhart Loui e Carol Davis Harriet Ann Eliot Carole Ann Fine Mary Lynn Goldsmith OFFICERS President . Vice-President Secretary . Treasurer . Historian . Spirit . Contact Chairman Social Service Chairman MEMBERS Ann Karen Haun Erin Higgins Josephine Moore Howell Nancy Bryan Hunt Martha Doyle Jee Carole Stewart Keeton Sandra Rose Kriss Eleanor Ruth Lewis Joyce Helene Lissauer Judith Voss Lovejoy Nola Ann McNamara Brenda Toby Makowsky Charlene Cartter Markle Mary Marjorie Menefee Roxana Olga Michael Judith Ann Moriniere M . Maurine Motter Shirley Ann Myers A. Virginia Nash Sandra Faye Nelson SPRING INITIATES Linda Ann Hampton Louise LaBauve Sabra Joy Lande Andrea Lyn Lewis hirley Kay McKinley Jo Ann McMillan Jewel Elyne Melton Spring A. VIRGINIA ASH NANCY BRYAN H UNT JOSEPHINE MOORE HOWELL SALLY JoA NE EMERso ALICE LOCKETT WHELESS MARSHA ANN BROADFOOT SUZANNE BOWLING ANN BELOATE Mary Susan Elizabeth O'Brien Cynthia Anne Powell Linda Joyce Richardson Mary Carolyn Richardson Judith Rosenfield Sharon Lee Scharlack Ada Marie Sharpe Starlett Smith Susan Lee Stephen Sandra Lynn Stolz Joyce Lynn Streusand Carolyn Ann Thomas Sally Travis Judith Anne Tuggey Virginia Anne Walker Jo Ann Watkins Alice Lockett Wheless Margaret Ann White Jimmie Dell Williams Janice King Woods Melody Ann Pattillo Jane Gail Richmond Janiece Belle Simmon Jane France pacek Avis Andrea Tieber Susan Van Winkle Phyllis Ann Wiegand Eli abeth Anne Zeid ARNOLD AIR SOCIETY AIR FORCE ROTC HONOR..<\RY SERVICE ORGANIZATIO:-l Fall JAM ES ARTHUR LOYND HENRY DAVID CHRISTIAN CLARE CE w. CHANDLER JERRY MAC TRIM . WALTER ASA SAUNDERS, JR. SAM H. HALL . Founded: The University of Cincinnati, 1947 John H . Payne Squadron, 1952 OFFICERS Commanding Officer Executive 0 ff icer 0 per at ions 0 ff icer R ecorder Comptroller . Information Services Officer . FACULTY MEMBER Major Richard Howard Kraemer HONORARY MEMBERS Spring JAMES ARTH R LOYND H E RY DAVID CH RISTIAN CLARENCE \ V. CHANDLER JERRY MAC TRIM WALTER ASA SAUNDERS, JR. SAM H. HALL Colonel William Hightower Smith Captain Ro si Selvaggi Harold Wesley Ashendorf Willie Smith Bennett Edward tafford Bridges, III Eugene Franklin Broome Clarence W. Chandler Henry David Christian John Wheaton Clark Stewart Leonard Davis Harvey Henry Diemer Charles Edward Botefuhr Horace Dodson Carmichael John Lowell Carrick Kenneth Lee Cockrum William Max Jennings Karrell J. Johnson George Cardwell Jolly, Jr. George Philip Kazen MEMBERS Robert Sterling Farmer Joseph Holt Foster Terry Clay Green David Ernn Griffiths Sam H. Hall Clarence Wayne Harrison James Arthur Loynd Joe Edward Manz PLEDGES Larry S. Lamberth Ronald Vincent Larson Maurice John William Lehmann James Robert iebuhr Gary Floyd Offutt Lester Barry Palmer Jack D. Polson Ted Lee Price George Daniel Matzke Carlos Landon Naumann Dennis Joseph O 'Brien Walter A a Saunders, Jr. John T. Sherwood Richard Alan hrop hire Jerry Mac Trim Donald Thomas Ward Phillip Robert Zeeck Ramon Robert Rackley Jay B. Rea Hector G. Sierra Richard Augu t Strecker David Owen Swint Malvin Glen Teague David Weldon Trekell Monte Patrick Williams COWBOYS HONORARY SERVICE ORG ' IZATIO FOR MEN Founded : The University of Texas, 1922 OFFICERS Fall Spring GARY R EAGAN GURWITZ Foreman DOYLE EMMETT PERK! 'SON DOYLE EMMETT PERKIN ON Strawboss DAVID MAYO CORNELL GIBBS MAGDA IEL, JR. H orse Wrangler J oE BARNETT CA NON CHARLES ALLEN LINGO Shotgun . DAN ALLEN MYERS JEROME JACOB ATHAN, III Camp Cook J OSEPH E DWARD S TOELTJE MEMBERS Fred Graydon Anderson David Mayo Cornell William Holland Hinkle James Archer Prentice Robert Landis Armstrong William James Derrick Richard Page Keeton Robert James Robertson Laurence Albert Becker Ben Addison Donnell Robert Quentin Keith Frank Dallas Scarborough Richard Frank Bergner John Warner Duckett Charles Allen Lingo Thomas Edward Seekatz Ronald H. Blum Walter Webb Duson Gibbs Macdaniel, Jr. Webb McCann Sowden Bethea Wright Brindley Howell M. Finch Terry McCall Joseph Edward Stoeltje Sam Raymond Bright Walter William Fondren, III Don Charles Mcilyar John Thomas Stuart Denmar B. Canova Donald Paul Griffith Walter Hedrick McNew Jon David Totz Philip R. Cecil Gary Reagan Gurwitz Dan Allen Myers J ack Rainard Wahlquist Harley Clark Forrest Edwin H arrell Jerome Jacob athan, III John Watts Lawrence Dean Cobb Marshall Allen H arrell, Jr. Doyle Emmett Perkinson Jimmy Dwayne Welch Roy Clarence Coffee, J r. William Arch Harrison Floyd Eugene Pope Wayne Ellsworth Windle John A. Woodman FALL INITIATES R. Gordon Appleman Raymond Ralph Brown Robert Bruce Gillett Arthur E. Rhodes Danny LaGettc Beaird Joe Barnett Cannon Freddie Sherman Harkavy Edward S. Southern Thomas Jay Benner George Camp Chapman Henry Willard Lende, Jr. Thomas Elmer Wiley, J r. Tracy Triece Word SPRING MEMBERS William Joseph Bailey William H. Drushel Darrell Eddy Jordan Donald Richard Pohl James Earle Barden Segle George Fry, III Donald Love Ronny Norman Schoenbrun Richard Thurman Buffler Ray A. Gipson Greg Newton Martin David Oakes Turner Maurice H. Doak Paul Milton Gray Morton H. Meyerson Wallace Gordon Wiison SeatPd: Wiley, Cobb, Perkimon, Lin~o. :--'a1han, Gurwitz, Macdaniel, Cornell, Anderson. McCall, Blum, Pope. Sta•ding : Appleman, Brown, Harkavr. :lic:'\ew, Beaird, Chapman, Griffith, toehje, Scarborough, Becker, Mcllyar, Lende, Rhodes, Benner, Duson. PAGE 168 ACTIVITIES 1920 SWEETHEART of THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PAGE 169 'DRA E QUIVEL PAOE 172 D OROTHY J EAN WINSTON PAOE 173 S\VEETHEAR T NOMINEES ToP Row : W. Ellen Belcher, Ph,•llis Ann Borden, Lucy Ann Col­lins, Dorothy Dawson. SECOND Row: Judith B. Fradkin, Billye Rae Funk, Lynda Gayle Haire, Betty Pettus Law­rence. THCRD Row: Marilyn Marshall,SallyKay Maxwell. Ann McFadden, Mildred R ose M eili. FouRTH Row: Mary Marjorie Menefee, A. Virginia Nash, Nancy or­wood Pinson, Bebe B ell Steves. F1 FTn Row: S11::.a1111P Summrrs, Kather­ine Louise J'ol'lmann, Sharon Sue VoJ•ll's. BLUEBONNET BELLE NOMINEES l'AUE 175 BLUEBONNET BELLE FINALISTS Gretchen Elizabeth Werner Katherine Louise Voetmann Jennalie F. Kleypas BLUEBONNET BELLE FINALISTS erner Susan Kay Deanovich Betty ] oan W eide Sandra Esquivel Patricia Ann Blachly Bebe Bell Steves OUTSTANDING STUDENTS ROBB KENDRICK BURLAGE Lambda Chi Alp~a, Sigma Delta Chi, Alpha Delta Sig~a, Friars, Silver Spurs, Daily ·Texan, ?5th Anniversary Ed111on Edi tor, NSA Delegate Delegate to Student Conference of National Affairs, Delegate' to Student Editorial Affairs Conference; St_u?en~ Govern­ ment Committees, Y, RlL, Round-Up Campus I art1c1pat1on Com­ mittee, Daily Texan Editor Elect. SHIRLEY ANN BIRD Phi Alpha Theta, Mortar Board, Orange Jackets, Spo?ks, President Wilson s Advisory Council, Valhalla Co-Op House Chairman, Union Committees, Student Government Committees, Round-Up Campus Participation Committee, Cap and Cown President, Wesley Founda­tion, Interscholastic League Student Chairman, Dads' Day Award. FRED GRAYDON ANDERSON Tejas Club, Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Epsilon Delta, Kappa Ka~pa Psi, Friars, Cowbovs, Loo~horn Band President, Outstandmg Junior Bandsman Award, University Sweetheart Selection Committee, Union Committee, Freshman Tennis Award, Honor Roll. JAME TERRELL TOWNSEND Lambda Chi Alpha Pi Alpha Delta, ilver Spurs, lnter(ratcrnity Council President, Pr ident Wilson's Advisory Council, BBA Coun­cil. OUTSTANDING STUDENTS HARLEY CLARK Tejas Club President, Students' Association President, Pi Sigma Alpha, Friars, Cowboys Co-Chait·man RIL, Head Cheerleader, Mike Flynn Award, Board of Directors of Texas Student Publications, Inc. EMIL EDWARDS FRIBERG Delta UJ>silon, Army ROTC Distinguished Military Student ASME, SAME, Texas Society of Professional Engineers Student Assembly Student Engineering Council, Senior Cabinet, Student Governmen 1 t Committees, Board of Directors of Texas Student Publications, Inc. OUTSTANDING STUDENTS JOYCE ANNE HENDERSON Psi Chi, Orange Jackets, Mortar Board, Y President, RIL Chairman, Round.. Up Committee Chairman, President Wilson1 s Advisory Coun· cil, Co-Ed Forum, Student Government Committees, Senior Fellow at Christian Faith and Life Community, Canterbury Club, Marjorie Darilek Award. CARROLL ANN HODGES Alpha Delt.i Pi , Alpha Lambda Delta. Phi Beta Kappa, Orange Jackets, Mortar Board, Texas Sports Association President, Co·Ed Forum, Senior Cabinet, Panhcllenic Council, Symphonic Band, Honor Roll. ROBERT CAMERON HIGHTOWER Phi Eta Sigma, Pi Sigma Alpha, Delta Sigma Rho, Phi Alpha Theta, Phi Beta Kappa, Varsity Debate Squad, Faculty-Student Cabinet, Y, Sweetheart Nomjnating Committee, Student Govern· ment Committees, Union Committees, RIL, Newman Club, Rhodes Scholar Nominee. HARRY LEE HUDSPETH Alpha Phi Omega, Pi Sigma Alpha, Phi Beta Kappa, Friars, Silver Spurs, Chancellors Vice-President Students' Association, Student As­sembly, Senior Cabinet, President Wilson's Advisory Council,., Chair­ man Sweetheart Election Committee, Chairman Election vommi.s­ sion, Disciples Student Fellowshio. OUTSTANDING STUDENTS MARTHA KL 1G HUGHES Delta Delta Delta, Sigma .Alpha Eta, Orange .Jackets' President, All-Campus Advisors Council, Co-Ed Forum, RfL, Campus Chest Chairman Student Government Committees, Sweetheart Election Committe~, Summer: Assembly, 75th Committee, Sweetheart romi­nee, Upperclass Adv1so1. JILL McMURRY Alpha Chi Omega, Head Cheerleader, Girls' Glee Club President, Representative of The University '!f Texas. to Sugar Bowl . Ball Presentation, Round-Up Rev~f?, Varsity. Carnival Judges Comm1ttet;:, Organizer of the Royal Spmt Comllllttee, Army, Navy and Air Force Honorary Lieutenant Colonel1, 75th Commit~ee on School Spirit, Faculty-Student Comnuttee, Y 1 Longhorn Smgers. NORMA MATLOCK Kappa Kappa Gamma President, Alpha Lambda Delta, Phi Alpha Theta, Orani;;-e Jackets, ~Mortar Board , RIL, Union Committees, Faculty-Student Council, Student President's Executive Council, Upperclass Advisor, Y, Cap and Gown. MARY MARJORIE ME. EFEE Gamma Phj Beta. Theta Sigma Phi, Students' Ass~iat_ion Sec_retary Eiect, Orange Jackets, Spooks. Daily Texan Ed1tonal.> A~1st~nt, Ranger Editorial Supervisory Board , Texas Student I ubhcauo.ns Board of Directors. RIL, A~sembly, Student Qoven~ment Con;imtt· tees, Union Con~miuees, Chairman of 75th Oricntat10n Committee, Sweetheart Nommee. '-­ OUTSTANDING STUDENTS CYRENA JO NORMAN Alpha Lambda Delta, Phi Beta Kappa, Theta Sigma Phi, Orange Jackets, RIL Chairman, Daily Texan, Texan 1otebok Editor Co­td Forum, Blanton House Council, Disciples Student Fello~ship, Great ls~ucs, Student Government Committees, Most Outstanding Beginning Female Journafo.t, Sigma Delta Chi Scholarship Award in JourPali~m. CLOVIS CLYDE MORRISSON, JR. Sigma Phi Epoilon, Phi Eta Sigma, Phi Alpha Delta, Frairs Silver S1~urs, Union AC"tivities Council President 1 Faculty-Student' Com­m1ttee1 Conference on Expectations for the 75 th Celebration. ROBERT ELTON M IMS Te)as Cl~1b, Phi Eta Sig;ma, Phi Beta_ Kappa, Sigma Delta Chi, Fna_rs, Silver Spurs, Daily__ Texan Ednor, SA Delegate, enior Cabinet, Conference on Expectations for the 75th Celebration Central Round-Up Committee, Student Party Steering Committee' Wesley Foundation, Jesse Jones Scholarship, Ga.ii Borden Scholar~ ship, Dads' Day Award. MARJORIE MAILLOT PURNELL Pi Beta Phi, Panhellenic Council President, Spooks, Varsity Carnival, Campus Chest, Great Issues, Central Round-Up Committee, Presi· dent Wilson's Advisory Council, Co-Ed Forum, 75th Historical Ob­ servance Committee, Co-Op omination Committee Orientation Committee, Freshman Beauty Judge, Silver Spur Aware. OUTSTANDING STUDENTS "'11, l'nii· tl()b. itation NEAL LESLIE SPELCE, JR. Delta. Upsilon President1 Kappa Kappa Psi, Friars, Silver Spurs, Radio­ TV . Gmld President, Stuoent F_aculty. Co~1ttee, Longhorn Band, Senior C:abmet, Student Assembly! Acting Vice-President of the Students' Associa­ tion, Su1!1mer 1957; Discip ine Co!Dm1ttee,. Swing-Out.Publicity Committee, Gold Mike A"'.ard for Ou.tstandmg Service to. Rad10-TV, Daily Texan, News and Special Events Director for KRTT, First Place Award in lntra­ murals Speech, Anson L. Clark Scholarship. BEN S. BRADSHAW T~jas Club, A.lpha Phi Omega, Alpha Kappa Delta, Advisory Council, Assembly Faculty-Student Cabinet CommJttee Chairman, Grievance Committee. ' President Wilson's Academic Affairs SANDRA LEE MOORE C!ll Omega, Pa'.'hellenic . Council, Mortar Board, Campus Chest Co­Cha1~an, ScJ:iolastic Integrity Steering Council, Varsity Carnival Steering ~~U:m1ttee, Sing Song Steering Committee, Sweetheart Nominee, Honor THURSTON BARNE'ITI' .T~ja~ Club, Fri~rs, RIL C'!-Chairman, Student Party Chairman, Y, Dtsc1plmary Committee, Westminster Student Fellowship. GOODFELLOWS To/; Row: ALLAN BRITT ADKINS JAMES EARLE BARDEN JOHN WILLIAMSON BARNHILL Center: FRED WAY ' E BLACKWELL Bottom Row: BETSY BLANTON LORENCE LARRY BRAVENEC THOMAS JAY BENNER GOODFELLOWS Top: THOMAS G. BousQUET, SAM RAYMOND BRIGHT, NANCY Lou BROOKS. Center: J oE FREDERICK BuRKE. Bottom: STEPHEN R. BUTTER, BILLY JEAN CAIN, PATTY MAYS CARTWRIGHT. GOODFELLOWS Top R ow: L ucy ANN COLLINS CHANCY CROFT DOROTHY DAWSON Center: RoBERT JoHN DEVRIES Bottom Row: KERSTIN EKFELT SANDRA ESQUIVEL NEITA LEA FARLEY PAGE 196 GOODFELLOWS Top Row: BILLYE RAE FUNK RrcHARD LEE GANNETT SANDRA LEN GRIFFITH Center: PETE ADDISON Y. G U NTER, III Bottom Row : ]ANE BIRDWELL HENDERSON JOSEPHINE MOORE HOWELL SHANNON HOWARD P AGE 197 GOODFELLOWS Top Row: A. VIRGINIA NASH MILDRED RosE MEIL! JULIA ANN MOFFETT Center: FRANK E ucE E McLAIN Bottom Row: A N McFADDEN SALLY KAY MAXWELL BETTY JANE McCALLUM GOODFELLOWS Top R ow: J ACK GLENN NORWOOD VmGINIA NuTT PATRICIA PADGETT Center: P HILLIP SHERWOOD PAUL, JR. Bottom R ow: DOYLE EMMETT PERKINSON NANCY NORWOOD PINSON CHARLES RONALD ROGERS PAG~ 199 GOODFELLOWS Top Row: SuE RossoN WALTER ASA SAUNDERS, JR. MARION BESS SIMON Center: MARY KATE SURRATT Bottom Row: ALBERT J. TooLE SuRrNDER PAUL VoHRA SAMUEL WOMACK WARNER PAO& 200 MIKE FLYNN AWARD PAGE 201 LEMUEL w SCARBROUGH ,\! FACULTY AWARD Be Pa FOR s. La 1~ Kr ~ Llr IA1 EXCELLENCE lb Ht I'll 5 IN Ro ill: Lu TEACHING JOHN ROBERT SILBER Assistant Professor of Philosophy IRWI SPEAR Assistant Professor of Botany PAO 202 Walter Clarkson Bowman Alton Franklin Foote Bert Bently Adkins, Jr. Sandra Suzanne Agnew Patricia Virginia Aldrich Lawrence Norborn Alexander Jane Katherine Anderson Kenneth Hayden Ashworth Mary Bond Austin Patrick Edward Barlow Linda Sue Billingsley Dorothy Mae Blume Henry Julius Boehm, Jr. Patsy Faith Bostick Roger Harmon Broach Susan Meredith Brown Phyllis Jean Calkins Lucian Carlton Carter, III Sue Jinkins Chessher Paul B. Clayton John Crittenden Clymer, Jr. Carl B. Collins, Jr. Ruth Ann Cook Thomas Benton Coopwood Travis Lee Crosby Patricia Sue Dillon Eugene B. Doughtie, Jr. Kenneth Ray Edgar Marie Josephine Eickmann Joyce Yvonne Eitelman Kerstin H . Ekfelt Lynn Gail Ellis Etelka Vernelle Ferguson Yale Hicks Ferguson Joseph Michael Finger Alison Worden Finney Patricia Jean Fleming Leonardine Gay Alexander Anton J. Alkek, Jr. Frances Evelyn Atwood Vivian Rose Baker Marilyn Barton Wyeth Lee Baten Billie Joyce Bennett William Cummings Bequette Gus Block Andre Bouchard Roy Edgar Box, Jr. James LaVoy Branton Karl Henry Brauer Brady Marshall Cole Edward Eugene Cole John Edward Connealy Robert John DeVries Edgar Hal Dickson Richard Leland Dietz Sydney Ann Donaghey Leonora Gertrude Anderson Ann Celestine Leahy Ballard Wana Lee Broughton Betty Rae Brown Sharon Wynelle Broyles Ida Isenhower Causey Jane Clarice Craver Marjorie Ann Creswell Margaret Alice Furr Darden Margaret Louise Emerson SCHOLASTIC HONOR ROLL Approximately the upper three percent from each school. ARCHITECTURE Robert O'Brien Johnson Roy Jack McCarroll Ronald Edward Marabito Fred Eugene McDonald Daniel Jule Talley ARTS & Sandra Fonville ancy Rice Forman Humberto Garcia Susann Gipson Paula Ruth Gray James Vernon Grevelle James Collins Guckian Marion Donald H ancock Camille Carol H anlon Judith Ann H arris Lois Myrl Heard Annette Helwig Virginia Ellen Hill Nora Jean Hite William Everett Hornung Janet Loa! Howard Paxton Hope Howard, Jr. Henry Woodrow Jackson Elizabeth Anne Jennings Laurence Samuel Johnson, Jr. Mary Carolyn Johnson Harry Lee Jones William Eugene Joor, III Virginia Kay Jordan Richard Page Keeton Patty Irene Kirkpatrick David Maurice Knize Barbara Kay Krick Nancy Louine Lambert Carolyn Zo Lasseter Roscoe Lee Barbara Mae Leonard Mary Margaret Lindsay Bernard Brooks Liston SCIENCES Janis Virginia Little Joseph Edward Loewenstein Cecile Clark Lumpkin Virginia Scott Massey Martha Jane Mast Garvin M. McCain Clifton Hatcher McCall David S. McDonald Joyce Elaine McDonald William Thompson McKissock, Jr. Hilliard Moffett McLemore Mari Lyn Melin Dale Leonard Messer Dorothy Pack Miller Mary Kathryn Miller Meda Margaret Miller Joseph Lamar Mitchell, Jr. Patricia Frances Moore Margaret Maurine Motter Michele S. Muncy J. Nicholas Murphy, III Nanette Roberts Orme-Johnson Angela Lea Owen Annelle Panzram Leslie Jane Park Judy Anne Parker Virginia Louise Pearson Linda Kay Pierce Otho Raymond Plummer, Jr. Sharon Ann Prentice Robert Savell Putnam E. Ingrid Radkey John Douglas Reichert James Thomas Richards, Jr. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Donald Millard Elliott William Albert Eveland Laura Elizabeth Bettye Faulk Nancy Sue Faust John G. Foreman, Jr. Edward Marshall Glass John Tatum Green Nathan Greene Paul Martin Grieder Emmett elson Hagedorn Benjamin icholls H amilton William Cervin Hardin Milton Bryan H ealer, II Roger Caldwell Henderson David W. Holland James F. Hurley Richard Stanley Johnson Hubert Kelly Jones John Raymond Jordan Mildred Lynn Fallek Billie Louise Granger David Holland Henderson Dorothy Ann H errera Judith Ann Hickman Beverly Ann Hicks Virginia Claire Jones Ethyl Maria Johnson Marilyn Joyce Kaarup Betty Jayne Kacir George Philip Kazen Kenneth E. Kearns Charles Roy Kennedy Della G. King George H aze Kolb James Peter Kolius Norbert Fred Ladd Francis Edward Lewis Melva Jane Lightsey Billy Sebe Lindsey Peter Hans Lohse Dee Russell McElroy George Thomas McGuffey Michael Rusk Moore Roy Houston Moore Larry Harkness Niemann Barbara Bramlette Peck Jean Ellen Pepper Harry Dean Perkins EDUCATION Carolyn Annette Koenig Lucille Fisher Lehtonen Barbara Carol Love Roberta Ann Love Phyllis Jean Mazzagate Margaret Ann McGann Joan Meyer Sandra Lee Moore Betty Earl Plowman Ginger Roberson George V. Rohrman, J r. Virgil Raymond Smith Raymond Charles Robak James Brock Roberts Leslie Adrian Roberts Gwendolyn Margaret Scharlach Ann Schlesselman Katherine Anna Schmidt Verne Victor Schmidt Ernst l gnatz Schurer Doris Elaine Scott Carolyn Ann Seymour Janiece Belle Simmons Ralph Russell Sloan, Jr. Allen Elmer Smith Dahlia June Smith Lawrence Dean Spencer Judith Anne Stainton Paul Edward Stallings John Leonard Stanford, II Patricia Lee Stephenson Sara Evelyn Stinebaugh John Hunter Strasburger Dorothy Ann Stroup Mary Helen Thompson Rosann Thompson Francis Marion Thomson Diana Vollintine Sara Ellen Walker Virginia Anne Walker Dennis Evan Welch Carolyn Williams Freddie Ernest Wilson Shelia Gail Winship Thomas Folts Womack John Edmund Woods Huguette C. Yockey Jack William Pollard Roxana Proctor Joan Lanelle Raab John Donald Russell Estelle Schubert Schieffer Jon Little Scott Billie Joe Shrewsbury Marvel Ann Skaggs Donald Richard Smith Margaret Ann Smith Suzanne Lee Stark Dunklin Augustus Sullivan Maxine Y. Thompson Jerry Mac Trim Patricia Ann Trimble Mary Gayle Walker Ronald Glenn Wingard Jerry Foster Wingo Glen Martin Woods DeWayne Lee Young Barbara Sue Rosenbloom Callie Frances Schaefer Wanda Maxine McKee Schwarzbach Barbara Louise Stephen Susan Jeanne Newcombe Studdard Marcia Adele Wade Maxine Sacks Weinert Jean Carol Bryant Wells John Franklin Wheeler PAGE 203 SCHOLASTIC HONOR ROLL E TGINEERING Howard M. Arno Roosevelt Cecil Awong James Roy Bagwell Joe Floyd Barker Robert Loyd Basford James Key Beard James Robert Benbrook Eugene Thomas Beynon Thomas Andrew Black Charles Lee Bowden Robert Hall Brady Elliott Winston Brogren William Bryan Brooks Donald Weber Brown Robert Cesar Callarotti Finis Ewing Carleton, III Carroll Winston Chapman Cheng Hsien Chiang Charles Peak Cook Richard Clifton Craig James Denny Dannenbaum Ray Fulton Atkins Barbara Bracht Brazil William A. Bristow Emma Frances DeShong Amy Jean Glenney Roger Harmon Broach Sally F. Cook Roberta Lee Downing Marie Josephine Eickmann Peggy Jo Elder Allan Britt Adkins Robert L. Blevins Otis Don Chapoton Hilton I. Chodrow Elmer Richard Criss, Jr. Richard Bartens Dewey Alfred Harry Ebert, Jr. Jack Fariss Ernest John Flowers James M. Cejda Ernest Ames Coulter John Edward Frierson William Donald Frierson Doyle Lynn Davis Philip Keith Davis Conrad Dale Day Bruce Allen Dolan Elton Doyle Fowler William Oscar Freithaler Daniel Graham Galloway Lawrence Ray Green Carl Donald Gunn Donald James Haase Clovis Ray Hale Joseph Weston Hall, Jr. Joel Hugh Hamlett Charles Gary Hellums John Milton Hoffmann James Robert Holmes, Jr. Rex Glenn Howell Gary Thomas Hurford Willard Edward Johnson Charles H enry Karnes Hossein Kazemi David T. Killen William Robert Klingman William ea! Kocurek Eugene Robert Konde Frank Min-Tsong Lay Joseph Robert Liles Robert Leonard Lytton Richard Gordon McCracken Robert Donald McCullough Donald Ralph McLelland Raymond Allan Mitchell Charles Travis Moorman Robert Eugene Muhm Joe Frank Musgrove Granville Emil Ott Delbert Max Ottmers, Jr. Benjamin F. Pennington Scott Petty, Jr. Carl Dale Pfaffenberger John George Prather David William Price FINE ARTS Noel Virginia Gregg ancy Grauer McLarty Eddie Bert Haynes David Otis Mills Roy James Irvine Margaret Josephine Monsees Jeannette Jung Harolyn Marcelle Moore Harold Max McGahey Arthur Orin Newman, Jr. Carol Beth Villarreal JOUR ALISM Carl Dean Howard Larry Neal Hurwitz Sandra Jan Jackson Barnett Julian Jones Aubrey Jan Fouts Moulton Alan Goodrum William Hyatt Gordon Seinwil Louis Greenberg Gary Reagan Gurwitz Robert Alvin Hall Jack Wade Hawkins Harry Lee Hudspeth William M. Huffman Nina June McCain Mari Lyn Melin Robert Elton Mims Cyrena Jo Norman LAW Benny Harry Hughes John Theadore Kipp Lawrence Ray Pearce Robert James Piro Robert Bruce Reynolds Joseph Shade Morgan Enlow Shipman Edwin Michael Sigel Fred Meyrith Sullivan PHARMACY Paul Frank Geiger James Edward Lester Carey Wayne Golaz Jimmy Dale Moore Florence Caye Laxson Brian Keith Richmond James William Leach Donald Fred Senter ARMY ROTC Ronald Gene Rekart Charles Glenn Richie John Clyde Robinson, Jr. Donald Fred Sattler John T. Sherwood Jerry Deane Shrimpton Frank Bernard Slomchinski James Harrison Smitherman Lewis Hardeman Steves Allan John Swanson Charles Richard Thorpe James Albert Trotter, III Anthony M. Truchard William . Uhlenhoff, Jr. Arthur Ulbrich, Jr. Hugh Darrell Wade Donald Thomas Ward Aaron H . Wester George Edward Wilkinson Phillip Gaffney Young, Jr. David Lee Pennington Arthur Sheir Clara Gertrude Shugart Billie Waldyn Koenig Southern Mary Ellen Uzelac Harriet Eleanor Olsen Judy Anne Parker Elizabeth Ann Rudd Joe Carroll Rust Dolores Silva Sherwood Morris Sullivan Larry Eugene Temple James Lenox Truitt John Kenneth Vinson Betty Jo Wiest Walter Waylon Williams Meyer Willis Witt Barney Thornton Young Pauline Smith Paul Frederick Trantham Ralph Wayne West Outstanding Army Cadet, Frank Roderick Keith Outstanding Transportation Corps Cadet, Outstanding Corps of Engineer Cadet, Frank Roderick Keith Harold David Krick, Jr. Outstanding Quartermaster Cadet, Robert Fosler Loughridge Outstanding Military Police Cadet, Walter Edward Pitts, Jr. NAVAL ROTC Outstanding Na\'al L<'adership Harry Lee Jones Highest Individual Score, Granville Edward Paules, III Outstanding Naval Leadership, Jerry Harrison Jenkins Society of American Military Engineer's Award, Outstanding Student in Navigation, Richard Thurman Buffler William cal Kocurek AIR FORCE ROTC Outstanding Air Science I Cadet, James L. Branton Outstanding Air Science IV Cadet, Walter Asa aunders, Jr. Outstanding Air Science II Cadet, Roy Edgar Box ocicty of American Military Engineer's Award, Donald Thomas Ward PHI ETA SIGMA AWARD Highest Freshman, Thomas Benton Coopwood, 1956-57 Outstanding Senior, John Edson Teed, 1957-58 PAGE 204 1914 SORORITIES PAGE 205 LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1924 ATIO AL FOU DI G, 1885 FACULTY CHARLOTTE ESTELLE DUBOIS, Professor of Music LLERENA BEAUFORT FRIEND, Texas History Center Librarian Fall SHIRLEE SuE RossoN SHARON McKEoWN . SHIRLEY A GORE. MILDRED GWENDOLYN FERRELL BILLYE RAE FUNK GAIL A N TETLEY Sarah Jane Abright, Houston Betty Lenora Allgood, Port Arthur Annette Anderson, Austin Annette Lee Anderson, San Antonio Mary Linda Bailey, Marfa Marilyn Sue Becker, Galena Park Myrtle Faye Blumberg, Seguin Patricia Sue Bobo, Houston Barbara Anne Bowles, Houston Sally Catherine Chenault, Dallas Dorothy Kay Chisum, Wichita Falls Carolyn Eslyta Cobb, Dallas Judith Inez Collins, San Antonio Beverly Cox, Houston Jo Ann Demler, Port Arthur Sarah Elizabeth Edgar, Austin Carole Gene Ferguson, Dallas Sally Jean Gandy, Houston Elizabeth Louise Gardner, Austin OFFICERS President . First Vice-President Second Vice-President Corresponding Secretary R ecording Secretary Treasurer PLEDGES Jo Frances Greene, Austin Patricia Ruth Griffin, Jacksonville Sarah J ane Hatfield, San Antonio Carole Ann Hatler, Dallas Barbara Denette Hibbert, Canutillo Phyllis Marie Hicks, Austin LaVerne Marie Hlanak, Baytown Priscilla Linden Hollis, Dallas Sandra Jo Huber, Kerrville Virginia Claire Jones, Dallas Edith Louise Kennard, Texas City Marilyn Kay Kinney, Dallas Dorothy Langley, Houston Judith Longworthy McConnell, Houston Linda Lee McFarland, Midland Marilyn Sue McKee, Houston Lynda Lee McKeown, Fort Worth Wanda Kay McNamee, Harlingen SPRING PLEDGES Spring FRANCES AN RAMSEY DEA A DRu n..LA CooK SHARO LOUISE HE so BILLy JEA CAI EMMA MARIE KEASLER GAE MARIE ARMSTRO G Shirley Ann Myers, Austin Roxana Marie Oughton, San Antonio Gail Anne Pearsall, Dallas Sharon Elizabeth Pope, Austin Betty Carolyn Read, Austin Joan Carol Redding, Midland Gretchen Annah Schneider, Alice K athleen Ann Shepherd, Coleman Janice Marilyn Shofner, Harlingen Sharon Kay Slaton, Orange Sharon Kay Smith, Houston Arlene Gayle Strong, Houston Gail Ann Terry, Orange Ada Carole Thomas, Wellington Linda Margaret Watkins, Austin Betty Joan Weide, Austin Patricia Lee Wilson, Houston Carolyn Louise Wright, Houston Jo Ann Davis, Harlingen K aren McKinney, Beeville Gail Lee Harvill, Beaumont Joanne Marie Rice, Houston Top Row: Abright, Allgood, A. Anderson, A. L. Anderson, Armstrong, Bailey, Barton, Becker, Bland, Blum. Second Row: Blumberg, Bobo, Bowles, Brashears, Cain, Carter, Casey, Chenault, Chisum, Clark. Third Row: Clements, Cobb, Collins, Cook, Courtney, Cox, Dacamara, Davison, Demler, deRidder. Fourth Row: Duke, Edgar, Ellis, Esse, Felt, Ferguson, Ferrell, Fisher, Franks, Fromme. PAGE 206 MEMBERS on 1u.od. Mary Kay Baker, Dallas Betty Lu Ballard, Mission Kay Franklin Barnes, Austin Florence Beloate, Dallas Cleo Ann Britain, Winnipeg, Canada Ola Dowell Butler, Austin Carolyn Jane Campbell, Corpus Christi Wanda Rose Cockrell, Austin Nancy Lee Cone, Dallas Paula June Craig, Dallas Carol Ann Crain, Jacksonville Sandra Ann Dillard, Dallas Barbara Jane Dixon, Brentwood, Mo. Dorothy Kay Duderstadt, Corpus Christi Rose Diane Dupree, Gilmer Charlie Merle Eaton, Rule Neita Lea Farley, Houston Laura Elizabeth Faulk, San Antonio Marjorie Ann Fowler, Waxahachie Felicity Hill Frank, Austin Gail Gar-rett, Port Arthur Linda Marie Gebhart, Port Arthur Amy Jean Glenney, San Antonio Betsy Ann Grupe, Austin Bethlyn Jean Hand, Houston Linda Janice Hargrave, Arlington Trula Delle Harrison, Houston Patsy Ann Hatch, San Antonio Sammie Janis Jennings, Austin JoAnn Jimmerson, Crockett Janis Evers Jones, Paducah Nelma Ann Jones, Dallas Norma Ann Joseph, Austin Frances Elizabeth Kincaid, Crowell Kathryn H. Lanham, Austin Marilyn Joan Lewis, Dallas Lavona Jo Loe, Alice Faith Malmgren, Port Arthur Margo Mayfield, Austin Sandra Jean Mays, Atlanta Marjorie Menefee, Austin Esther Mitchell, Tulsa, Okla. Linda Patricia Moncure, Bastrop Linda Keyes Moore, Port Arthur Peggy Ruthe Newberry, Gonzales Leah Rae Olson, Elgin Peggy Ruth Peters, Houston Pat Lenore Pfeiffer, Houston Edna Frances Sample, Houston Davene Evon Schmidt, Harper Carolyn Durelle Shane, San Antonio Florence Beverley Solie, Houston Nancy Joyce Tieken, Austin Margaret Helen Turpin, Orange Marilyn Marie Vogt, Houston Sandra Victoria Wade, Austin Judith G. Williams, Houston Nancy Nell Williford, Fairfield Top Row: Grupe, Hand, Harden, Hargrave, Harrison. Second Row: J. Hatch, P. Hatch, Howard, Jimmerson, J. E. Jones. Third Row: J. A. Jones, N. Jones, N. Joseph, P. Joseph, Kelly. Fourth Row: Kincaid, King, Knight, Langton, Lanham. Fifth Row: Laughlin, Lewis, Loe, Malmgren, Massey. Sixth Row: May, Mays, McCormick, McMillan, Menefee. Seventh Row: Mitchell, Moncure, Moore, Nelson, Newberry. Eighth Row: Newcomer, Nichols, Olson, Patterson, Peters. Ninth Row: Pfeiffer, Phillips, Piland, Price, Roddie. Tenth Row: Sample, Schmidt, Shane, Shaw, Solie. Eleve'Tlth Row: Thomas, Tieber, Tieken, Turpin, Vogt. Twelfth Row: Voight, Wallace, Walters, Ward, Wiegand. Thirteenth Row: J. Williams, M. Williams, Williford, Winston, Woodson. PAO!'. 229 LOCAL ESTABLISHME T, 1904 NATIONAL FOUND! G, 1870 FACULTY CELIA A N BUCHAN, Special Instructor in English MARY SNYDER KIRKPATRICK, Librarian 111, Education and Philosophy OFFICERS Fall Spring ANN CARLISLE J URECKA. President RuTH CATHERI E CoLWICK JOSEPHINE DUVALL SCURRY Vice-President SANDRA ESQUIVEL PEGGY ANNE WEDDINGTON . Corresponding Secretary . BETTYE LYN WOMACK VIRGINIA LEE PRICE R ecording Secretary . LINDA AN TUCKER R u TH KATHERINE F ULWILER Treasurer CAROL ANN RuGELEY PLEDGES Judith Janice Allred, Wichita Falls Kathleen Reynolds McGrail, San Antonio Linda Susan Bailey, Dallas ola Ann McNamara, Austin Nancy Ann Blakeley, Dallas Frances Coopwood Morgan, Austin Sue Blevins, McAllen Judy Gray Pennington, Houston Anne Singleton Blocker, Galveston Sally Bea Pope, Austin Marsha Ann Broadfoot, Alpine Mary Elizabeth Rains, Marshall Helen Marr Brown, San Antonio Edith Lavinia Reynolds, Houston Katherine Camp Buck, Fort Worth Margaret Ann Rich, Fort Worth Carolyn Frances Burton, Houston Dorothy Talmadge Sherrill, San Marcos Katherine Hope Camp, Thorndale Judith Alice Shields, Victoria Mary Margaret Carlson, Dallas Zelie de Serin Sibley, Houston Sue Jinkins Chessher, San Antonio Linda Louise Snyder, Fort Worth Bette Jo Childers, Houston Judith Anne Stainton, Texarkana Marion Edith Conn, Dallas Susan Lee Stephen, Galveston Alice Estep Cook, Corpus Christi Gay Stolley, Austin .Julia eat Eddleman, Houston Gail Stroker, ew Braunfels Virginia Fielder, Lockhart Mary Stewart Thomas, Navasota Nancy Rice Forman, Midland Bess Kirby Tooke, Houston Ruth Ellen Gillett, Canutillo Arleen Ray Trowbridge, Tyler Nancy Lee Hall, Fort Sam Houston Mary Louise Wagenfuehr, New Braunfels Margaret Ann Hamilton, El Dorado, Ark. Kay Webb, Dallas Cynthia Ann Hood, Dallas Judith Kathryn Whitehurst, Bellaire Sondra Lee Johnson, Amarillo Anne Best Winterbotham, Galveston Martha Jane Mast, Midland Catherine Womack, Houston x ~ M Jc M x B< El G D 1~ Pl R1 R: K D1 Jo .~ Sa Be K X1 l! R1 Ji Su l.L De Ed Su Ha J~ De Su J~ Cu Jui Bai Elc lij An Jar ~a MEMBERS CK Madelon Elaine Anderson, Houston Cherry Dian K endrick, Corpus Christi Lynne Bailey, Dallas Peggy Ann Klumpp, Pass Christian, Miss. EY Naida Louise Barnes, San Angelo Sandra Ann Landon, Wichita Falls Mary Paige Benbow, Austin Barbara Marie Lang, Dallas Linda Luan Best, Wichita Falls Carolynn Elizabeth Leggett, Midland ancy Sue Bivins, Amarillo Linda Margaret Mahan, Abilene Patricia Ann Blackwell, Cuero Eugenia Marie Mahone, Austin Mary Kathryn Bland, Austin Elizabeth Stuart Masterson, San Antonio Josephine Bell Bonnyman, Sante Fe, . M. Betty Jane McCallum, Corpus Christi Marian Edith Britton, Houston Ellen Kimball McCorquodale, Houston ancy Lou Brooks, Beaumont Owene Brackenridge Menger, San Antonio Bobbie Sue Buck, Houston Mary Morris, Austin Eleanor Elizabeth Campbell, Frances Anna Moseley, Mineral Wells Washington, D. C. Nanci Sue Myers, Waco Gail Campbell, Fort Worth Dorothy Elizabeth eblett, Canyon Diana Alice Carter, Elsa Catherine Ford Olivet, Texarkana Julie Beth Catterton, Houston Virginia Dale Owens, Amarillo Phyllis Coffee, Corpus Christi Suzanne Harriss Pauls, Galveston Ruth Catherine Colwick, Dallas Marilyn Perkinson, Greggton Rita J ean Cook, San Marcos Bobby Jean Pipkin, Baytown K atherine Lynn Cummings, Houston Carolyn Joan Powers, Houston Dianne Lucille Denton, Dallas Virginia Lee Price, Little Rock, Ark. Josephine Drake, Austin Deanna Ruth Querner, San Antonio Ann Willis Elkins, Houston Mary Eugenia Reedy, Sanford, Fla. Sandra Esquivel, Austin Carol Ann Rugeley, Wichita Falls Betty Faulkner, Houston Josephine Duvall Scurry, Dallas K atherine Terrell Feagin, San Antonio Travis Shaw, Austwell Nancy Elizabeth Ferguson, Houston Adrienne Trant Smith, Temple Marilyn Minnette Flaitz, Houston Bobby Sue Smith, Houston Ruth Katherine Fulwiler, El Paso Joanna Baxter Smith, Corpus Christi Jacklyn Kendall Giles, Corpus Christi Marion Ranell Snider, Houston Susan Frances Gresham, Houston Mary Ruth Spence, Waco Mary Carolyn Hall, Corpus Christi Barbara Louise Stephen, Galveston Dona Burnett Hamburger, Bethesda, Md. Stephanie Alyne Stewart, Dallas Edith Dale Hamburger, Bethesda, Md. Suzanne Stewart, Dallas Suzanne Hampton, Port Arthur Shirley Stratton, Waco Harriett Jean Harris, Navasota Mary Jean Todd, San Antonio Jean Harris, Wichita Falls Barbara Ann Tom, Midland Dorothy Patricia Heard, Houston Linda Ann Tucker, Fort Worth Sue Heatly, Austin Ann Van Landingham, Dallas J anie Henderson, Houston Frances Ann Van Zandt, Houston Curtis Louise Hoehn, Waco Bonnie Mae Vifquain, D allas Julie Landrum Holman, Austin Marcia Adele Wade, Indianapolis, Ind. Barbara Dan Hudson, Waco Ella Bergman Wallace, San Antonio Eleanor Leighton Johnson, San Antonio Peggy Anne Weddington, Dallas J anet Rose Jorns, Houston Eleanor Wheeler, Midland Ann Carlisle Jurecka, Galveston Carolyn Williams, Austin Janis Keith, Beaumont Bettye Lyn Womack, Wichita Falls Nan Keith Kelly, Fort Worth Top Row: Fulwiler, Giles, Gillett, M. Hall, D. Hamburger. Second Row: E. Hamburger, Hamilton, Hampton, H. Harris, Heatly. Third Row: Henderson, Hoehn, Holman, Hood, E. Johnson. Fourth Row: Jorns, Jurecka, Keith, Kelly, Kendrick. Fifth Row: Klumpp, Lang, Leggett, Mahan, Mahone. Sixth Row: Mast, McCallum, McCorquodale, McGrail, McNamara. Seventh Row: Morgan, Morris, Moseley, Myers, Neblett. Eighth Row: Olivet, Owens, Pauls, Pennington, Perkinson. Ninth Row: Pipkin, Pope, Price, Reedy, Reynolds. Tenth Row: Rich, Rugeley, Scurry, Shaw, Sherrill. Eleventh Row: Shields, Sibley, A. Smith, B. Smith, J. Smith. Twelfth Row: Snider, Snyder, Spence, Stainton, B. Stephen. Thirteenth Row: L. Stephen, Stewart, Stratton, Stroker, Thomas. Fourteenth Row: Todd, Tom, Tooke, Trowbridge, Tucker. Fifteenth Row: Van Landingham, Wade, Wagenfuehr, Wallace, Webb. Sixteenth Row: Weddington, Wheeler, Whitehurst, B. Womack, C. Womack. PAGE 231 LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1902 NATIO AL FOU DI G, 1870 FACULTY MARGARET PECK, Associate Dean of Women LUCY RATHBO E, Professor of Home Economics OFFICERS Fall Spring NORMA MATLOCK President NORMA MATLOCK VIRGINIA NUTT Vice-President VIRGINIA NUTT DONNA TORRANCE LEE Corresponding Secretary DoN A ToRRANCE LEE GAIL EDGE R ecording Secretary GAIL EDGE ESTELLE CARTWRIGHT CALLAWAY Treasurer ESTELLE CARTWRIGHT CALLAWAY PLEDGES Carolyn Sage Allen, Lufkin Elizabeth Maverick Huth, San Antonio Mary Ann Allen, Gonzales Kathryn Ann Kelly, McKinney Mary Bond Austin, San Antonio Karol Anne Kolter, Beaumont Brenda Lea Baird, Houston Judith Martin, Houston Barbara Kay Beal, Austin Merry McElwrath, Houston Paula Louise Berthelot, Victoria Dona Louise Merritt, Houston Barbara Blake, St. Louis, Mo. Sharon Diane Mitchell, Midland Sarah Blaine Brewster, Fort Worth Nancy Elizabeth Patterson, Midland Elizabeth Spencer Callaway, San Antonio Patricia Ray Pollard, Houston Carole Elizabeth Champion, Fort Worth Margaret Ann Prichard, Port Arthur Kay Cowan, Hillsboro Terry Gay Puckett, Amarillo Lou Adele Dorrell, Houston Henrietta Quinn, Galveston Rhetta Roberta Duty, Houston Nancy Jane Ray, Dallas Nancy Claire Eppright, Austin George Evelyn Roberts, Levelland Betty J ane Fail, Grand Saline Paula Gail Rogers, Dallas Linda Lee Fields, San Angelo Carol Louise Spires, Austin J anet Knox Flato, Corpus Christi Linda Fay Stevenson, Austin Dena Fern Goldston, Amarillo Elizabeth Lynn Sylvester, Baytown Susan Irene Harling, Honey Grove Susan Jane Turner, Beaumont Ann Karen Haun, Fort Worth Effie Menelmo Tyng, Houston Georgia Hawks, Amarillo Frances Alice Tyrrell, Beaumont Frances Carolyn Henry, Tilden Virginia Anne Walker, Austin Susan Louise Houstoun, Houston Margaret Faye Yeagley, Dallas SPRING PLEDGE Marilyn Kay Miller, Dallas Top Row: C. Allen, M. Allen, Altman, Austin, Beal, Berthelot, Blake, Brazel ton , Bright, E. S. Callaway, Champion. Second Row: Charless, Collier, Cowan, Dorrell, Duty, Engelking, Eppright, Fail, Fields, Findlater. Third Row: Finks, Goldston, Guenzcl, Haun, Hardwick, Harling, Hawks, Hawthorne, Head, Henry. Fourth Row: Hufendick, Hunter, Huth, Jacobs, Juergens, Kelly, Kolter, Lancaster, Larkin, Lawrence. PM>a 232 ILLAWAY MEMBERS Eleanor Martha Altman, Corpus Christi Mary Ann Auler, Austin Barbara Elizabeth Beery, Houston Shirley Jane Black, Wharton Elizabeth Matthews Blanton, Abilene Barbara Bragg, Dallas Emily Kay Brazelton, Houston Margarite Carolyn Bright, San Antonio Betty Doris Brown, Dallas Richea Kaye Brown, Shreveport, La. Estelle Cartwright Callaway, San Antonio Martha Dale Charless, San Angelo Suzanne Collier, Silsbee Susan M. Comer, Fort Worth Sally Belle Cowper, Big Spring Dorothy Lynn Davis, Shreveport, La. Deborah Dunlap, Dallas Gail Edge, Bryan Jo Ann Engelking, San Angelo ancy Hume Ferguson, Houston Beatrice Findlater, San Angelo Julia Young Finks, Austin Gail Garrett, Houston Karolyn Granberry, Olton Jean Hill Guenzel, Corpus Christi Geneva Joan Hardwick, McKinney Nancy Louisa Haun, Fort Worth Charline Hawthorne, Conroe Eugenia Nelson Head, Houston Gail Hudson, Tyler Ann Hufendick, Arlington Suzanne Huggins, Baytown Jo Ann Hunt, Vernon Mary Elizabeth Hunter, Galveston Judith Mueller J acobs, Kingsville Harriet Ruth Juergens, Corpus Christi Jerry Jo Lancaster, Dallas Linda Sue Larkin, New Braunfels Phyllis Ann Laughlin, San Antonio Elizabeth Pettus Lawrence, San Antonio Donna Torrance Lee, Waco Barbara Mae Leonard, Austin Diana Mantor, Corpus Christi Norma Matlock, Port Arthur Mary Gay Maxwell, Houston Marion Myers McLaren, Wichita Falls Ann Milroy McLeod, Galveston Nancy Prothro McNair, Brownsville Mildred Rose Meili, Fort Worth Casseday Jule Menke, Pasadena Judith Ann Metz, Stamford Julia Stevens Moore, Houston Marilyn Morris, Hillsboro Camilla Beatrice Mueller, San Antonio Alma Virginia Nash, Dallas Virginia Nutt, Wichita Falls Medora Adriance Parker, McAllen Dorothy June Peckham, Port Arthur Nancy Laura Penix, Wichita Falls Edna Sophie Philen, Lufkin Phyllis Ruth Prichard, Port Arthur Phyllis J ean Pryor, Midland Mary Ann Quillen, Dallas Mary Sue Rager, Dallas Claytie Anna Reese, Gonzales Elizabeth 0. Reese, Gonzales Martha Dorinda Regent, Dallas Patricia Roane Riddick, Corpus Christi Sally Ross Risser, Bonham Margo Robertson, San Angelo Esther Sue Robertson, Houston Betsy Ross, Sonora Ardelis Russell, Houston Linda J ane Ryan, Longview Ann Schlesselman, College Station Glenn Halsell Shannon, Fort Worth Elizabeth Rachel Sivalls, Midland Annie Bell Steves, San Antonio Anne Lucy Storm, Austin Suzanne Summers, Houston Mollie Marie Villeret, Houston Carole Vineyard, Wharton Kay Elleene Wall, San Angelo Barbara Wallace, Houston Barbara Brittain Ward, Houston Elizabeth Hughes Welder, Victoria Judith Aline Welton, Dallas Carol Dee West, Kingsville Constance Weston, New Orleans La. Edith Brooke Wilkerson, Housto~ Carolyn Carpenter Williams, Dallas Kay Willis, Houston Winifred Elyn Winter, San Antonio Glenda Sue Woods, Beaumont Delora Jean Wright, Tulsa, Okla. Mary Wynn, Artesia, N. M. Elaine Elizabeth Zaba, Tulsa, Okla. Top Row: Lee, Martin, Matlock, Maxwell. Second Row: McElwrath, McNair, Menke, Merritt. Third Row: Metz, Mitchell, Morris, Mueller. Fourth Row: Nash, Nutt, Peckham, Penix. Fifth Row: Philen, P. Prichard, Pryor, Puckett. Sixth Row: Quinn, Rager, Regent, Risser. Seventh Row: Roberts, E. Robertson, Rogers, Ross. Eighth Row: Russell, Ryan, Schlesselman, Sivalls. Ninth Row: Spires, Stevenson, Summers, Sylvester. Tenth Row: Turner, Tyng, Tyrrell, Villeret. Eleventh Row: Vineyard, Walker, Wall, Ward. Twelfth Row: Weston, Williams, Winter, Woods. Thirteenth Row: Wright, Wynn, Yeagley, Zaba. P AGE 233 LOCAL ESTABLISHME T, 1913 NATIO AL FOUNDING, 1852 FACULTY LOUISE LANDIS ARMSTRONG, Assistant Professor of Home Economics ESTHER JANE WOOD HALL, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Administration LOIS BAIRD TRICE, Assistant Professor of English MILDRED BURL VANCE, Lecturer in Curriculum and Instruction OFFICERS Fall Spring SANDRA JEAN COUCH President . CAROLYN DrcE Fran1 PENELOPE LAVERTY Vice-President BETTY AN AuE GLORIA HELEN MrTCHON Corresponding Secretary PATRICIA AN PARKER MARI LYN MELIN Recording Secretary VIRGINIA LEA LAYTON MARY MARGARET BAKER Treasurer HAZEL KAREN KINCHELOE PLEDGES Jane Sharon Austin, Houston Elizabeth Anne Jennings, British We t Indies Carolyn Emerson Boor, Houston Barbara Ann Kothmann, Mason Ellen Vail Buel, San Antonio Virginia Lynn Lucas, Baytown Martha Mitchell Cardwell, Austin Marianne Maclary, Dallas Rosemary Corner, Austin Carolyn Marguerite aseef, Dallas Marie Josephine Eickrnann, Austin Muriel Elaine Rode, Doss Gayle Green, H addonfield, . J. Jo Ann Speir, Borger Mary Elizabeth Hardin, San Antonio Mary France Stanley, Dallas Carolyn Ann Herndon, Bryan Karen Jo Tenney, an Benito ara Ellen Walker, Hempstead PAO£ 234 tnU RKER 11'0S ~CHELOE Betty Ann Aue, San Antonio Mary Margaret Baker, San Antonio Gladys Ann Brantley, Fort Worth Frances Ann Childre, Dallas Sandra Jean Couch, College Station Carolyn Dice, Austin Barbara Ann Dixon, Dallas Karol Keith Fisher, Austin Jane Clare Hanapel, Waco Carolyn Anne Hinton, Bellaire MEMBERS Jeannette Jung, Austin Hazel Karen Kincheloe, Ardmore, Okla. Ada Lillian Ann Koen, Edinburg Penelope Laverty, College Station Virginia Lea Layton, Humble Lorene Meadow, Austin Mari Lyn Melin, Austin Gloria Helen Mitchon, Austin Patricia Ann Parker, Houston Jo Ann Turpin, Wichita Falls Top Row: Aue, Austin, Baker. Second Row: Boor, Buel, Cardwell. Third Row: Childre, Corner, Couch. Fourth Row: Diec, Dixon, Eickmann. Fifth Row: Fisher, Green, H anapel. Sixth Row: Hardin, Herndon, Kincheloe. Seventh Row: Koen, Laverty, Layton. Eighth Row: Lucas, Maclary, Meadow. Ninth Row: Melin, Mitchen, Parker. Tenth Row: Speir, Tenney. Eleventh Row: Turpin, Walker. PAGE 235 LOCAL ESTABLISHME T, 1902 NATIO AL FOU DING, 1867 FACULTY AN E AUSTIN FORRESTER, Instructor in Home Economics OFFICERS Fall Spring NANCY CAROLYN H EATH . President . PATTY MAYS CARTWRIGHT JoAN ELIZABETH M c KNIGHT Vice-President ADRIEN E GAY GOOCH JOSEPHIN E MOORE HOWELL Corresponding Secretary MARGARET CLARE PERKINS J ULIA MAY C u NINGHAM . R ecording S ecretary BARBARA CLAIRE LYLE AMY W EICHSEL CAMPBELL T reasurer PATRICIA VIGEO PLEDGES Mary Claudia Allen, Fort Worth Cora Louise Amerman, Houston Kathryn Ann Barragan, San Antonio Evelyn Elise Beular, Houston Elizabeth Ann Brown, Austin Patrica Ann Bush, Dallas Elizabeth Cheek, Fort Worth Evelyn Miller Clay, Fort Worth Margaret Suzanne Cocke, Austin Cornelia Ann Cummins, Fort Worth Anne Stuart Dryden, Waco Janet Clair Estes, Commerce Evangeline Ford, La Marque Nancy Carolyn Foy, Brownwood Nancy Marie Garrard, Tyler Susan Blackshear Garrett, Houston Mary Aline Gilbert, Austin Patricia Diana Hawn, Dallas Gertrude Gaston Jackson, Dallas Judy Jerabeck, Houston Nancy Beth Johnson, Dallas Ayree Jane Klotz, Henderson Colette Rene Lebourg, Houston Linda Link, Weslaco Bonne Rhea Liston, Amarillo Joan Elaine Loffiand, Fort Worth Mary Leila Maginnis, Houston Elisse Maria Maneval, De Pere, Wis. Sally Kay Maxwell, Hamilton Joyce Adrienne Mc amara, Dallas Rosemary Zonne Mills, Dallas Marilyn Marie Mueller, San Antonio Ellen Genevieve Munson, San Antonio Marianne Muse, Longview ancy Esther Nunnery, Houston Marietta Payne, Austin Lynn Louise Porter, Bryan Antoinette Celine Seay, Amarillo Elizabeth Anne Shatto, Columbus Carolyn Glenn Smith, Galveston Helen Townes Smith, Houston Jane Stotts, Dallas Jane Frances Riddle, Houston Ann Holt Ullrich, Wichita Falls Nancy Weber, Austin Jane Elaine Yeaton, Austin SPRING PLEDGES Marian Spencer Fay, Houston Martha Northington, Ballinger Deirdre Field, Paris, France Patricia Ann Victery, Houston T op Row: Abell, A. Allen, M. Allen, Amerman, Bahan, Barragan, Beular, Bostick, Bredt, E. Brown. Second Row: Bush, Campbell, Cartwright, Cheek, obb, Cocke, Corbusier, Corley, Cramer, Crockett. Third Row: Cummins, Cunningham, Dryden, Dudgeon, Dyer, Echols, Edmundson, Elledge, Estes, Ford. Fourth Row: Foy, Garrard, Garrett, Giesecke, Gilbert, Gilbreath, Gooch, Gordon, Grainger, Hairston. PAGE 236 •1t rktll· 1,fo~­ on. Marilyn Edith Allen, San Antonio Jill Carroll Anderson, Houston Nancy Milling Aynesworth, Waco Julia Ann Bahan, San Antonio Marion K athleen Bostick, Houston Barbara Dale Bredt, Austin Helen Yvonne Brown, Dallas Amy Weichsel Campbell, Lampasas Patty Mays Cartwright, Terrell Barbara Anne Coale, McAllen Bettye Gleith Cobb, Tyler Elinor Ann Corbusier, Bryan Carol Corley, Austin Ann Cramer, Houston Alice Jane Crockett, Austin ancy Randolph Crow, Houston Julia May Cunningham, Huntsville Patricia Yvonne Davis, Harlingen Ruth Joan Doty, Austin Elizabeth Ann Dudgeon, Waco Nancy Katherine Duncan, Alvin Lyndall Ellen Dyer, Corsicana Carolyn Sue Echols, Ysleta Lida Lacy Edmundson, Houston Sarah Katherine Elledge, Houston Carol Anne Giesecke, Killeen Patrice Sue Gilbreath, San Antonio Adrienne Gay Gooch, Fort Worth Ann Marie Gordon, Abilene Geneva Jill Grainger, Tyler Janet Guthrie, Austin Mary Glenda Hairston, Wichita Falls Ann Hamilton, El Paso William Anne Hamilton, Guthrie Nancy Carolyn Heath, Madisonville Barbara H enderson, Houston Burtleye Henderson, Houston Joyce Higginbotham, Dallas Cynthia Anne Houston, Kilgore Kay Howard, Tyler Josephine Moore Howell, Bryan Nancy Bryan Hunt, Sonora Nancy Clark Ince, Dallas Marie Louise James, San Antonio Jean Elizabeth Johnson, Beaumont Velma LaVerne Johnston, Junction Sarah Dossett Kendall, Waco Anne Griffith Lawhon, Houston Virginia Vinson Lawhon, Houston Charlotte Elizabeth Lee, Wichita Falls Barbara Claire Lyle, Bay City Carol Lynn Lyles, Austin Top Row: Hawn, Heath, Barbara Henderson, Burtleye Henderson, Higginbotham. Second Row: Houston, Howard, Howell, Hunt, Ince. Third Row: Jackson, J. Johnson, N. Johnson, Johnston, Klotz. Fourth Row: A. Lawhon, V. Lawhon, Lebourg, Lee, Link. Fifth Row: Liston, Loffiand, Lyle, Lyles, Maginnis. Sixth Row: Maneval, M . Maxwell, S. Maxwell, McFadden, McKnight. Seventh Row: McMurtry, McNamara, Michaelis, Mills, Monnig. Eighth Row: B. Moody, Moore, Mueller, Munson, Murph. Ninth Row: Nunnery, Oeland, Old, Paine, Parkin. Tenth Row: Payne, Perkins, Pettis, Porter, Purnell. Eleventh Row: Riddle, Robinson, Rogers, Rust, Rutland. Twelfth Row: Schwartz, Scott, Searls, Seay, Seewald. Thirteenth Row: Shatto, Shook, Smiley, C. Smith, H . Smith. Fourteenth Row: K. Smith, Stell, Stotts, Sultan, Thomas. Fifteenth Row: Ullrich, Vigeon, Walker, Wanenmacher, Ward. Sixteenth Row: Watson, Weber, White, Williams, Yeaton. PAGE 237 P'• 6et11 Martha Catharine Maxwell, Dallas Melinda Hassell McCluer, Fort Worth Ann McFadden, Dallas Joan Elizabeth McKnight, Dallas Rosemary McMurtry, Amarillo Mary Ann Michaelis, Galveston Adrienne Albertina Monnig, Waco Julia Robbins Montgomery, Austin Bebe Denman Moody, Houston Rhetta Allan Moody, Houston Edwina Charlene Moore, Richmond Judith Murph, Dallas Ailsa Craig Newton, Boerne Marianne Oeland, Houston Frances Adeline Old, March AFB, Calif. Harviann Owen, Tyler Edna Rembert Paine, Houston Nancy Parkin, Lake Louise, La. Margaret Clare Perkins, Alice Janet Louise Pettis, Waco Lois Joan Philen, Brownsville Nancy Matilda Philen, Brownsville Sharon Ann Prentice, Austin Mary Aline Preston, Cleburne Marjorie Maillot Purnell, Dallas Nan Fletcher Reed, Houston Suzanne Revell, Austin Carole Jean Robinson, San Antonio Jean Burke Rogers, San Antonio Judith Sue Rust, Texas City Lynn Rutland, Dallas Carole Elizabeth Sandlin, Houston Mary Ann Scott, San Angelo Susan Searls, Houston Mary Margaret Seewald, Beaumont Cecily Helen Schwartz, El Paso Jeanette Patricia Shook, San Antonio Elizabeth Eugenia Smiley, Dallas Karen Liddell Smith, Houston Lady Gretchen Steinhagen, Beaumont Margaret Sue Stell, Houston Sally Byrd Sultan, Houston Eloise Annette Tate, Memphis, Tenn. Mary Gail Thomas, San Antonio Patricia Vigeon, San Antonio Betty Kyle Walker, Waco Patricia Orvalyn Wanenmacher, Tulsa, Okla. Mary Francia Ward, Houston Merida Colgin Watson, Dallas Alice Lockett Wheless, Houston Amelia Duncan White, Houston Virginia Rae Wiley, Austin Julia Quay Williams, Comanche LOCAL ESTABLISHME T, 1939 ATIONAL FOU DI G, 1917 OFFICERS Fall Spring MARILYN FAYE SAIKIN . President MARLE E BEYERLy ADELS LY SCHNEIDER . First Vice-President ELAINE RosE KAPLAN ARLA FAYE EDELMAN Second Vice-President JOYCE DEANNA DAILY ROSALIE ADELE MANDELL Corresponding Secretary . MARCIA AN E SOLKA MARLENE BEVERLY ADELS R ecording Secretary . SHARON LEE SCHARLACK HARON LEE SCHARLACK Treasurer SYOELL G1 GER SPIRA PLEDGES Judy Elaine Abrams, Corpus Christi Ellen Brodie Eichholz, Savannah, Ga. Jill Sue Fenias, Miami Beach, Fla. Hana Kay Freeman, Houston Lenore Sandra Freidman, Miami Beach, Fla. Frances Lynn Glick, Houston Leslie Ellen Glickman, Miami Beach, Fla. Francine Guttenberg, Bronx, N. Y. Bayla Handler, Fort Worth Sheila Harriet Karotkin, San Antonio Edrea Dale Kessler, Atlanta, Ga. Brenda Ellen Kramer, Jacksonville, Fla. Sabra Joy Lande, San Antonio Sandra Ilene Lasky, Austin Judith Gay Lewis, Omaha, Neb. Jo Ann Lipinsky, Waco Julie Ann Lipner, Corpus Christi Brenda Toby Makowsky, Memphis, Tenn. Marta Hedda May, Dallas Susan Harriet Miller, Beaumont Judith Adele Peine, Houston Ellen Joy Rothman, Miami Beach, Fla. Suzanne Meryl aikin, Fort Worth Martha Lynn Scharlack, San Antonio Lorraine Schwartz, Fort Worth Iris Dee Seiber, Jacksonville, Fla. Joyce Ray Tennenbaum, Pharr Elizabeth Ann Zeid, San Antonio PRI G PLEDGES Elenor Trifon, Houston Lois Ann Weiss, San Antonio Top Row: Adels, Daily, Edelman, Eichholz, Feder, Fenias, Frankel. Second Row: Friedman, Glick, Glickman, Goldstein, Gordon, Greenberg. PAGE 238 IJ.N JLY KA IRl.ACK 'IRA renn. la. MEMBERS Marlene Beverly Adels, Tyler Joyce Deanna Daily, Richmond Arla Faye Edelman, Clayton, Mo. Gloria June Feder, Kansas City, Mo. Barbara Marie Frankel, Des Moines, Iowa Florence Beverly Goldstein, Richmond Miriam Dolly Gordon, Houston Judith Miriam Greenberg, Oklahoma City, Okla. Elaine Rose Kaplan, Tullahoma, Tenn. Sheryl Barbara Krandel, Houston Carol Maida Lewis, San Antonio Gerre Ann Lipoff, Kansas City, Mo. Rosalie Adele Mandell, Houston Phyllis Milstein, Longview Ethel Jeannie Moran, Tulsa, Okla. Sandra Leah Polsky, Austin Harriette Sue Pullen, San Antonio Ann Roth, El Paso Marilyn Faye Saikin, Abilene Sharon Lee Scharlack, San Antonio Lynn Schneider, St. Louis, Mo. Barbara Lynn Schultz, Houston Paula Jean Shapiro, Houston Marcia Anne Solka, Refugio Sydell Ginger Spira, Houston Maureen Louise Weiss, Texas City Top Row: Guttenberg, Handler, Kaplan. Second Row: Karotkin, Kessler, Krandel. Third Row: Lande, Lasky, C. Lewis. Fourth Row: Lipinsky, Lipner, Lipoff. Fifth Row: Makowsky, Mandell, Miller. Sixth Row: Milstein, Moran, Peine. Seventh Row: Polsky, Pullen, Roth. Eighth Row: Rothman, M. Saikin, S. Saikin. Ninth Row: M. Scharlack, S. Scharlack, Schneider. Tenth Row: Schultz, Schwartz, Shapiro. Eleventh Row: Solka, Spira, Zeid. PAGE 239 LOCAL ESTABLISHME T, 1906 NATIONAL FOUNDI G, 1898 FACULTY MARY MARGARET FRAZIER, Advertising Manager, Texas Student Publications, Inc. MARJORIE DAVIDSO PARKER, Special Instructor in Speech. OFFICER Fall Spring GRACE ELIZABETH MATHERS President . DANYA Mo ROE N1cHoL oN MINIFRED JuLIA BoYLES Vice-President CAROLY LORRAI E HE ORIE KAY POWERS Corresponding Secretary LAURA McCORMICK ANNE VERNON DoAK . R ecording Secretary DIANE RosHTON MARY MAXINE McMILLAN Treasurer . JA E CLARICE CRAVER PLEDGES Anne Elizabeth Beard, Dallas Ann Cole Lentz, Victoria Millicent Ann Bleakney, Harlingen Merrie Ann Lewellen, Mexia Eloise Wilson Brackenridge, Taylor Katherine Marie Matthew, Yoakum Beverly Ann Butler, San Antonio Ann McCarroll, Rusk Roxie Margaret Clark, Lockhart Judith Margaret Moss, Dallas Katherine Jane Cook, Atlanta Carol Ann eville, Midland Carol Halstead Criss, Houston Martha Elizabeth Overstreet, Austin Margaret Ann Davidson, El Paso Martha Louise Parrish, Galveston Marian Claire Davis, Corpus Christi Elizabeth Ann Parsons, Houston Sharon Lee Edson, Corpus Christi Mary Jean Payne, Kilgore Harriet Ann Eliot, Midland Carol Jane Pitts, Bellaire Sally Jean Ely, Tyler Jane Gail Richmond, Bryan Deanna Lee Garbett, Fort Worth Sandra Lynn Stolz, Houston Jerry Lillian Jones, Beaumont H elen Patricia Summers, Houston Carolyn Sue Keen, Bay City Beth Van Horn, Odessa Kaye Klopfenstein, Harlingen Lynda Lou Walker, Texarkana Benita Lee, Austin SPRING PLEDGES Nancy Lee Callaway, Dallas Kay Zechlyn Mills, Del Rio Frances Skillman Harris, Houston Carol Ann Tanksley, Del Rio Top Row: Aldrich, Allen, Atkinson, Beard, Bearden, Bcllhou c, Bleakney, Boyle, Boyles. Second Row: Brackenridge, B. Brown, J. Brown, Broadway, Burkhart, Butler, Chapman, Childs, Clark, K. Cook. Third Row: Cox, Craver, Creswell, Criss, J. Davidson, M. Davidson, M. C. Davis, M. G. Davis, Dehnisch, Dill. Fourth Row: Doak, DuBoise, Edman, Edson, Eliot, Ely, Felder, Fletcher, Foster, Funk. PAOE 240 Jean Helen Aldrich, San Antonio Mary Etta Allen, Tyler Sallye Lou Atkinson, Houston Charlotte Barker, Austin Lois Sandra Bearden, Victoria Helen Wynyard Bellhouse, Tyler Marilyn Ann Boyle, San Antonio Minifred Julia Boyles, Houston Barbara Sue Broadway, Madisonville Betty Rae Brown, Greenville Joanne Katherine Brown, Victoria Betty Louise Burkhart, Houston Janine Chapman, San Antonio Berniece Claire Childs, Jacksonville Geraldine Raye Cloer, Fort Worth Helen Earle Cook, Dallas Charlotte Ann Cox, Austin Jane Clarice Craver, Texarkana Marjorie Ann Creswell, Fort Worth J acquelyn Davidson, Wharton Martha Gray Davis, Baytown Dorothy D awson, San Antonio Sharon Beth Dehnisch, Mathis Nancy Clay Dill, Austin Anne Vernon Doak, Houston Dora Diane DuBoise, Lockhart Cynthia Sue Edman, Houston Jean Barrillon Felder, Palestine Lynell Fillmore, Wichita Falls Mary South Fitch, Eagle Pass Claudia Lynne Fletcher, Midland Marjorie Anne Foster, Galveston Sylvia Jan Funk, Houston Gretchen Gerlach, Livingston Mary Margaret Grodahl, Corpus Christi Nancy Jane Grubbs, San Antonio Leta Louise Harwell, Austin Carol Sue Heidelberg, Jacksonville Carolyn Lorraine Hendrie, Houston Erin Higgins, Austin Sylvia Suzanne Hofmann, Austin Jerry Johnston, Houston Beattie Anne Jones, El Paso Sandra Kay Jones, Electra Sara Esther Keys, Austin MEMBERS Joan Denys Lentz, Victoria Cecile Lloyd, Alice Diana Kaye Lowe, Shreveport, La. Donna Carol Manske, McGregor Charlene Cartter Markle, Houston Grace Elizabeth Mathers, Brownsville Sarah Louise McClure, Texarkana Laura McCormick, Abilene Carol McCullough, Bryan Ruth Carol McGuire, San Antonio Mary Maxine McMillan, Pecos Jane Ann Moore, Austin Martha Mossom, Dallas Nancy Gayle Nichols, Temple Danya Monroe Nicholson, Austin Margaret Parker, Austin Patricia Ann Parker, Pecos Helen Patricia Parks, Houston Sherrill Claire Peavy, Lufkin Teddie Jeannine Powell, San Antonio Kay Powers, Corpus Christi Laura Preston, Newgulf Judy Katherine Pulver, Harlingen Ann Ratliff, Ozona Patricia Jane Reckling, Paris, France Marcia Anne Reynolds, Austin Diane Lucille Roshton, Bellaire Sara Grace Sandlin, Mt. Pleasant Sally Ann Schneider, Houston Laura Eleanor Shea, San Antonio Rosemary Showalter, Austin Sandra Sue Shultz, Victoria Lois Sigwart, Austin Anita Ruth Smith, San Antonio Suzanne Margaret Smith, Houston Nancy La ell Stanley, Wichita Falls Suzanne Lee Stark, San Antonio Ann Catherine Suttle, Dallas Betty Jane Thornhill, Houston Mary Duke Troxell, Baytown Sandra Lee Vail, Houston Marguerite Ann Whitty, Houston Bette Jan Wiggins, Beaumont Jane Catherine Wilson, Beaumont Dorothy Jean Winston, Abilene Top Row: Gerlach, Corbett, Grodahl, Grubbs, Harwell. Second Row: Heidelberg, Hendrie, Higgins, Hofmann, Johnston. Third Row: J. Jones, S. Jones, Keen, Klopfenstein, Lee. Fourth Row: A. Lentz, J. Lentz, Lewellen, Lloyd, Lowe. Fifth Row: Manske, Markle, Mathers, Matthew, McCarroll. Sixth Row: McClure, McCormick, McCullough, McGuire, McMillan. Seventh Row: Moore, Moss, Nichols, Nicholson, Overstreet. Eighth Row: M. Parker, P. Parker, Parks, Parrish, Parsons. Ninth Row: Payne, Peavy, Pitts, Powell, Powers. Tenth Row: Preston, Pulver, Reckling, Reynolds, Richmond. Eleventh Row: Roston, Sandlin, Schneider, Shea, Showalter. Twelfth Row: Schultz, Sigwart, A. Smith, S. Smith, Stanley. kK. (plk. Thirteenth Row: Stark, Stolz, Suttle, Troxell, Vail. ;i~h, Dill. Fourteenth Row: Van Horn, Walker, Whitty, Wilson, Winston. PAGE 241 P ANHELLENIC COUNCIL The Panhellenic Council is the policy-making body of the eighteen sororities on The University of Texa campus. Each group has two active delegates and an alumnae representative, making a co-ordinating body of fifty-four sorority women. Through the year, Panhellenic has given full support to many campus activities such as Round-Up, Varsity Carnival, and the 75th Year observance. Panhellenic Council awards twelve scholarships each year to either sorority or non-sorority women worthy of this honor. Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Council co-sponsor the annual Greek Sing-Song. Another co-sponsored activity was the donation made to the Religion In Life fund for gue t speakers. Jointly, the two councils contributed funds to The University FM radio station. Fall MARJORIE MAILLOT P URNELL CARROLL ANN HoDGES • NANCY ELIZABETH EDwARDS . BARBARA LEE LIT DOROTHY WATTS DEAN MARGARET P ECK . Senior PATSY R UTH FELT CARROLL ANN HODGES JOYCE LYNN STREUSAND A N HuFFINGTON CAROL BETH VILLARREAL JEAN ELLEN PEPPER . SHARON SUE VOYLES . NANCY ELIZABETH EDWARDS ANNE FITZGERALD. BARBARA LEE LIT STELLA MAUREE BURNS GAIL GARRETT HARRIETT JEAN HARRIS DOROTHY J u E PECKAM KAROL KEITH FISHER . MARJORIE MAILLOT P URNELL MARILYN FAYE SAIKIN DANYA NICHOLSON Senior PATSY R UTH FELT BARBARA D'ANNE LEVIN JOYCE LYNN STREUSAND Jo ANN MYRICK . MARION ETHERIDGE KNOX . SARA Ross SnARON SuE VOYLES Lucy ANN COLLINS DIANE DOHERTY . BARBARA SUE ROSENBLOOM ELEA OR MARILY ANDERSON . ED A FRANCES SAMPLE MARILYN Mr NETTE FLAITZ GAIL HUDSON. LORENE MEADOW . JOSEPHINE MOORE HOWELL MIRIAM DOLLY GORDON HARON BETH DEHNISCH . OFFICERS President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Sponsor Sponsor FALL MEMBERS Sorority Alpha Chi Omega Alpha Delta Pi Alpha Epsilon Phi Alpha Gamma Delta Alpha Omicron Pi Alpha Phi Chi Omega Delta Delta Delta . Delta Gamma Delta Phi Epsilon . Delta Zeta Gamma Phi Beta . Kappa Alpha Theta Kappa Kappa Gamma Phi Mu Pi Beta Phi Sigma Delta Tau . Zeta Tau Alpha . SPRING MEMBERS Sorority Alpha Chi Omega Alpha Delta Pi . Alpha Epsilon Phi Alpha Gamma Delta Alpha Omicron Pi Alpha Phi Chi Omega . Delta Delta Delta Delta Gamma Delta Phi Epsilon Delta Zeta . Gamma Phi Beta Kappa Alpha Theta. Kappa Kappa Gamma Phi Mu. Pi Beta Phi . Sigma Delta Tau Zeta Tau Alpha . PAGE 242 Spring MIRIAM DoLLY GoRDo JOYCE LYN STREUSAND SARA Ross ELEANOR MARILy ANDERSO DOROTHY wATTS DEAN MARGARET PECK Junior PATRICIA SuE VoELKEL MARILYN MARSHALL LELYA JAY LEVY AN 'ETTE MAPLES MARIAN ETHERIDGE K ox SARA Ross SANDRA SUZANNE AGNEW Lucy ANN CoLLINS DIANE DOHERTY BARBARA SuE RosENBLOOM ELEA OR MARILYN ANDERSON ED A FRANCES SAMPLE SANDRA ESQUrvEL MILDRED RosE MEILI LORENE MEADOW EDNA PAINE MIRIAM DOLLY GORDON SHARON BETH DER ISCH Junior MARILYN SuE BECKER VIRGI IA A PEARSO LELYA JAY LEVY JANE FRA ES PACEK RuTH ANN CooK MELI DA LOUISE BURKHART CAROLE TEWART KEETO MARGARET A N wHITE BETTY AN WILLMAN ANITA KAPLAN BERYL KATHRYN LEE Jo AN McMILLA J DITH KATHRY WHITEH UR T MARY GAY MAXWELL MARY ALI E GILBERT MARLE E BEVERLY ADELS HARRIET A N ELIOT r -·······. -···· ·• .. ~-----.... --... ,~ ., ----.......... ............ j j"'' ! I . j ~ I f 1920 FRATERNITIES P AGE 243 LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1916 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1904 FACULTY HE RY MATTHEW BURLAGE, Dean, College of Pharmacy KARL M. DALLENBACH, Professor of Psychology WAYNE H. HOLTZMAN, Associate Professor of Psychology DONALD GREER IRVI E, Professor of Naval Science HARRY L. KENT, JR., Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering LEONARDT F. KREISLE, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering E. KARL McGI IS, Professor of Business Law and of Real Estate ARLIS RAY McTEE, Lecturer in ] ournalism THOMAS ANDREW ROUSSE, Professor of Speech JACK A. SCANLAN, Assistant Professor of M echanical Engineering JOH G. STEELE, Director, Student Employment Bureau OFFICERS Fall Spring Louis EDWARD STOUT . Venerable Dean LOUIS EDWARD STOUT DAVID SHANNON PRICE Senior Dean ORMA EVERETT LONG WALTER ToM HENSON Junior Dean TRAVIS RoY CRAWFORD STEPHEN BAERY OATES Secretary . RICHARD EARL HOLLOWAY WILLIAM LAWRENCE COTULLA. Treasurer. FRANK ASBURY CAVE EUGENE BOYD SMITH . Rush Chairman WILLIAM LAWRE CE COTULLA PLEDGES William Thomas Atkinson, Pampa Giles Hayes Madray, Jr., San Antonio James Dennard Baker, Odessa Koye Edgar McElroy, Lorenzo John Oliver Bartlett, Houston Michael Walter Merriman, Throckmorton Edward Charles Bode, Junction James Robert icholl, Austin Richard Malcolm Brown, Pampa Kenneth Warren Nordeman, Austin James Dean Bryan, Houston Jay Lawrence Poth, II, Comfort Gary Everett Caywood, Tulia Robert Wesley Savage, Wellington John Wesley Dale, Falfurrias John Riley Skaggs, Plainview Charles Curry Erickson, Perryton Donald C. Stephens, Galena Park Raynor B. Fillman, Pampa David Forrest Stith, Rosenberg Thomas Granville Gebhard, Jr., Fort Worth Donald Harrison Taylor, III, Crystal City Mike Austin Hatchell, Austin Robert Clarkson Waggener, Irving Charles Wayne Henson, Rosebud James Michael White, Corpus Christi William Henry Hooper, Plainview Michael Lowell Willis, Corpus Christi William Franklin Landers, Plainview Billy Gene Wills, Dalhart Gerald Arthur Lowe, II, Arlington SPRI G PLEDGE Roy Judd, Vernon IAY OTt:LL\ • llCllC/tl MEMBERS Richard Dale Brotzman, Rio Hondo Thomas Ralph Campbell, Austin Frank Asbury Cave, Plainview Robert Rinfred Childs, Jacksonville William Lawrence Cotulla, Cotulla Travis Roy Crawford, Grandfalls Philip Lanel Dudley, Texarkana Walter Eugene Flowers, Medina Edwin Dean Foose, White Deer Jerry Gene Foose, White Deer Richard A. Foose, White Deer Terry Norman Forrester, Pampa Vernon Eugene Grove, Jr., Austin Joe Earl Hawkins, Seminole William E. Henry, Elgin Walter Tom Henson, Dalhart Richard Earl Holloway, Austin orman Everett Long, Rosenberg Bill J. McAdams, Cleveland Norman Wesley Minter, Amarillo Jack Glenn orwood, Texas City Stephen Baery Oates, Pampa David Shannon Price, Paris Hubert S. Ratliff, Colorado City Donald Eugene Robertson, Lake Dallas Charles Mack Sansing, Higgins Terrence Edward Smalley, Austin Eugene Boyd Smith, Fort Worth Joseph Stevenson Starkey, Monahans Louis Edward Stout, Kansas City, Kan. John Lincoln Surber, Jr., San Antonio James Daniel Wilson, Jr., Temple Larry Leon Womble, Dimmit Top Row: Gebhard, Grove, Henry. Second Row: Henson, Holloway, Hooper. Third Row: Long, Lowe, Madray. Fourth Row: McElroy, Merriman, Minter. Fifth Row: Nicholl, ordeman, Norwood. Sixth Row: Ratliff, Robertson, Savage. Seventh Row: Skaggs, Smalley, Smith. Eighth Row: Starkey, Stephens, Stith. Ninth Row: Stout, Taylor, Waggener. Tenth Row: White, Willis, Wills. Eleventh Row: Wilson, Womble. PAGE 245 LOCAL ESTABLISHME T , 1939 NATIONAL FO DI G, 191 3 OFFICERS Fall Spring Sw EY LAWRENCE RAVKIND Master . EDWIN MICHAEL SIGEL HAROLD W ESLEY AsHENDORF Lieutenant Master LESLIE STEPHEN MENDEL OHN LESLIE STEPHEN MENDELSOHN Scribe SAMUEL Do ALD AxELRAD JERROLD DAVID ARONSON • Exchequer JERROLD DAVID ARo soN Gerald Wayne Benson, Dallas Kenneth Carl Berretta, Houston Robert Talbat Brown, Houston Kenneth Roy Glaser, Dallas Marvin Aaron Goodman, Houston Richard Melvin Gordon, Houston Norman Jay Handler, Skokie, Ill. Stanley Robert Harris, Dallas James Melvin Hogue, Dallas Leonard David Levine, Harlingen Ronnie Noel Levine, Borger Daniel Moss, Houston PLEDGES Gary Harvey Nordheimer, Houston Herman Ringler, Denison Bernard Schultz, Houston Max Simon, Elgin Sheldon Stuart Smith, Austin Jerry Donald Solin, Dallas Robert Steven Steinman, Dallas Joe Mayer Victor, Houston Jay Lester Weidenfeld, San Antonio Herbert David Weitzman, Dallas Herbert Wolfe Wizig, Waco William Samuel Wolff, Houston SPRING PLEDGES Irvin Lawrence Benno, Dallas Alan David Rosen, Houston Lawrence Sheldon Fischman, Houston Walter Melton Rosen, Houston Joseph E. Goldman, Dallas Martin Jacob Schaffer, Dallas Teddy Sol Hendelman, Fort Worth Jerry Joe Taub, Houston Steven Andrew Pere!, Victoria Jerr lfaJi lam .Ila! \lel1 lim jt!IX Jaai Willi Rich: \!art Burto1 ~r .\liin Ilona ·~ \lurra 11/p/111 ep,i/~H pt• MEMBER Jerrold David Aronson, Waco Harold Wesley Ashendorf, Cor icana amuel Donald Axelrad, Houston Alan Keith Brodkin, Kansas City, Mo. Melvyn Caplan, Houston Israel Reuben Doner, Galveston Jerome Stephen Elkins, Beaumont Jacob Joel Goldfinger, Farmersville William A. Reifman, Houston Richard Marcus Hermer, Dallas Martin Hirschorn, Houston Jay Marshall Hoppenstein, Dallas Michael Lee Klein, Kansas City, Mo. Jerome Michael Kopel, Dallas Albert Michael Krafcheck, Houston Sidney Warren Krams, Corpus Christi Burton Jerry Kunik, McAllen Robert Alan Leder, Dalhart Alvin Maury Levine, Weslaco Leonard David Levine, Harlingen Albert Levy, Waco Murray Lewis London, Dallas Donald Love, Dallas Alvin Leon Luskey, Fort Worth Jerry Blake Mark, Dallas Leslie Stephen Mendelsohn, Dallas Milford Mitchell Myers, Bellaire Fred Joseph Pauly, Houston Jerome L. Prager, Dallas Bernard Irving Rabinowitz, Galveston Sidney Lawrence Ravkind, Dallas William Morris Ravkind, Dallas Gerald Morris Reed, Bellaire Jerome R. Rose, Houston Jerry William Schwartz, Houston Edwin Michael Sigel, Dallas Gerald M. Siegel, Austin Meredith Jay Steinberg, Dallas William Neal Sunshine, Dallas Robert William Swango, Dallas Roland A. Taub, Houston Lawrence Jay Tobias, Dallas Jerome Lawrence Waldman, Houston Howard Alan Weinberger, Dallas Top Row: Krams, Kunik, Leder. Second Row: A. Levine, R. Levine, London. Third Row: Love, Mark, Mendelsohn. Fourth Row: Moss, Myers, Nordheimer. Fifth Row: Pauly, Prager, Rabinowitz. Sixth Row: Reed, Ringler, Simon. Seventh Row: Smith, Solin, Steinman. Eighth Row: Sunshine, Swango, Tobias. Ninth Row: Taub, Victor, Weidenfeld. Tenth Row: Weinberger, Weitzman. Eleventh R ow: Wizig, Wolff. PAGE 247 LOCAL ESTABLISHME T, 1897 ATIO AL FOU 1DI G, 1865 FACULTY EDWARD GARLAND FLETCHER, Associate Professor of English W. PAGE KEETON, Dean, School of Law H. MALCOLM MAcDONALD, Professor of Government BEN HILL STOUGH, JR., Associate Professor of Naval Science ERNEST WINFIELD WALKER, Associate Professor of Management FRANK HARPER WARDLAW, Director, University Press LOGAN WILSO , President, The University of Texas OFFICERS Fall JoHN THOMAS CATER Worthy Master ROBERT BENTON wALL Worthy Chaplin ALONZO LEONARD LACEY, JR.. Worthy Scribe PAUL LEE y ARBROUGH Worthy K eeper of Annals ERNEST S . FELLBAUM Worthy K eeper of Exchequer PLEDGES Spring JoH THOMAS CATER JOHN s. LEWI WILLIAM GARY PATTER 0 FRED ORMA A KE MA RoBERT JosEPH F1 EGA Frank Mulkey Abbott, Houston Gene Nealy Allison, Houston Russell Sterling Barnett, Houston Lionel Lockard Campbell, Jr., Temple Joe Dodson Clayton, Tulia Ernest Allen Cole, III, Bellaire Gerald Glynn Crutsinger, Wichita Falls Prentice E. Davis, Baytown Denson Powell Dingler, Austin Richard Westbrook Emery, Dallas Charles Warren Ferguson, San Antonio Robert Buckner Fitzgerald, Austin James Ray Gayle, Angleton William Donald Henderson. Ingleside Otis Gillette Hill, Houston Robert Sidney James, Dallas James Frederick Johnson, Belen, . M. Steve Elgic Kaura, Houston William Killebrew, Port eches Gaston Dale Littlefield, Stephenville Theodore Charles Lucas, Houston Irby Don Mann, Dallas Michael Ellsworth McCrory, Houston Herbert Godfrey Morrison, Corpus Christi Gary Carl Pugh, Houston Louis Mickey Ratliff, Jr., Littlefield Bertram Charles Rogers, Austin Eugene Walter Schutze, Austin Fredric Henry Seewald, Beaumont Frank Mills Shallene, Austin Jack Ripper Sherrill, Port Arthur George William Smith, Houston James William Spalding, Dallas Jon Douglas Stewart, Houston Richard Donald Taylor, Houston Richard Maurice Walden, Chickasha, Okla. Dan Allan Wilkes, Dallas Farrile Schmidler Young, Houston SPRING PLEDGES James Choyce Allison, Houston John Richard Jones, Corpus Christi Jerry Collins, Port Arthur Victor Scott Kneese, Dallas John Winston Douglas, Houston John Cathcart Melby, El Paso Jay Henry Harris, Houston John Francis Williams, Victoria Jefferson Davis Howell, Victoria St Ir. Ki Fn Ri1 Tb Jar Ri( Ck Jan Jan Jan Tb( The Jorn Ma Jolu wm Johr Will Erne R~ Ram john Jame \Vilfu Milto Jam~ ROOei Richa C1u Willia Roy B Jdml ~( Alon111 Char~ JOOiis. Top Row: Abbott, Aiken, Allison, Ankenman, R. Anspacher, T. Anspacher, Barden L. Campbell. Second Row: Cater, Clayton, E. Cole, M. Cole, Crutsinger, J. Davis, Deni on, Dingler. Third Row: Easley, Emery, Fair, Fellbaum, Finegan, Fitzgerald, Fiveash, Gardner. PAO£ 248 MEMBERS Stanley Edward Adams, San Angelo David Scott Aiken, Brownsville Karl John Amelang, Houston Fred Norman Ankenman, Houston Richard Barton Anspacher, Dallas Thomas Edwin Anspacher, Dallas James Earle Barden, Houston Richard Frank Bergner, Dallas Charles Edward Botefuhr, Dallas James Parmenas Briscoe, Alvin James Henry Brock, Houston James Hal Byrd, Houston Thomas Edwin Campbell, Dallas Thomas Carstarphen, Austin John Thomas Cater, San Antonio Maurice Wayne Cole, Jr., Austin John Lee Davis, Houston William Powers Denison, Jr., Houston John Teed Easley, Houston William Wren Fair, Dallas Ernest S. Fellbaum, Austin Robert Joseph Finegan, Dallas Ramon Alton Fiveash, Austin John Richard Furman, III, Kerrville James Donley Gardner, Dallas William Lawrence Green, Houston Milton Williams Hawkins, Huntington James Hilton Honeycutt, Dallas Robert Curlee Hooper, Austin Richard Cornwell Jennings, Corpus Christi William Max Jennings, Corpus Christi Roy Briley Johnson, Morton John Robert Kirk, Martinsville, Va. Donald Richard Knight, Dallas Alom.o Leonard Lacey, Corpus Christi Charles Ellis Lanter, Fort Worth John S. Lewis, Lampasas Donald Haden Martin, Houston Dudley Davis McCalla, Austin Donald C. McDonald, Corpus Christi Gustavus A. N. McFaddin, Beaumont C. A. Searcy Miller, Dallas William Oliver Myatt, Kilgore Bruce Wade Nelson, Beaumont Robert A. Nickel, San Angelo Harold Aloysius O'Brien, Dallas Robert Lee Orr, Littlefield Richard Clement Parker, Austin Samuel Burton Paternostro, Dallas William Gary Patterson, Houston Marion Stanton Roberts, Jr., Austin Donald Otis Robertson, Fort Stockton Donald Eugene Roper, Houston Winton Forrest Scott, Fort Worth Don Hargrove Smith, Eagle Lake Dotson Charles Smith, Tyler Thomas Ned Smith, Corpus Christi Robert William Spencer, Jr., Freeport Michael Bailey Stone, Houston Beeman Ewell Strong, III, Beaumont William Allen Taylor, Mt. Pleasant William Barrett Travis, Dallas Henry Ray Walden, Port Arthur Robert Benton Wall, Beaumont William Leonard Walton, Port Arthur James Thomas Ward, Austin Edwin Eldridge Watts, Liberty Joe Kelton Wells, Jr., Austin Allan Gatewood Wenger, San Antonio James Roy White, Austin Thomas Elmer Wiley, Jr., Austin Terrence Fair Wood, Corpus Christi David Wright Woodland, Lake Jackson Tracey Triece Word, Houston Paul Lee Yarbrough, Littlefield James Lee Young, III, Dallas Top Row: Henderson, Honeycutt, Hooper, James. Second Row: J. Johnson, Kaura, Killebrew, Kirk. Third Row: Knight, Lanter, Lewis, Mann. Fourth Row: McCrory, Miller, TeJson, Orr. Fifth Row: Paternostro, Pugh, Ratliff, Rogers. Sixth Row: Roper, Schutze, Shallene, Sherrill. Seventh Row: D. C. Smith, Spalding, Spencer, Stewart. Eighth Row: M. Stone, Strong, Walden, Wall. Ninth Row: Walton, Ward, Watts, Wells. Tenth Row: Wiley, Wilkes, Wood, Woodland. Eleventh Row: Word, Yarbrough, F. Young, J. Young. PAGE 249 LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1886 NATIONAL FOUNDI G, 1839 FACULTY HARRY H. POWER, Professor of Petroleum Engineering JACK C. ROTHWELL, Lecturer in Finance OFFICERS Fall Spring GEORGE WILLIAM SCHNEIDER, JR. President . RrcHARD BRADLEY FISHER JoHN EDSON TEED . Vice-President BYRON Lours LEFLORE MICHAEL HAYES PENGRA Corresponding Secretary WILLIAM GARVIN McDoNALD RUPERT WALTER LUNDGREN, JR. Recording Secretary JoE BrLL WILLS RICHARD BRADLEY FISHER • Treasurer ROBERT DALTON HARDCASTLE, JR. ~ Cra1 PLEDGES William Henry Abbott, Baytown Ronald Phillip Barbatoe, Beaumont Charles Erskine Brooks, Waco Stanley Bradford Carruth, Austin Richard Gerald Chambers, Seguin Johnson Blair Cherry, Jr., Lubbock Earl Hobbs Chumney, Jr., Mexico City, Mex. Frederick James Conn, III, Denison Alton Henry Cook, Jr., Seguin Larry Jay Craddock, Jr., Austin James Denny Dannenbaum, Houston Orra David Hand, Lubbock Merrill Lee Hartman, Dallas Almond Jasper Hays, Jr., Houston Billy Don Hullum, Wills Point HOll William Kieth Kirkgard, Houston Gro1 Ptrr William Keith Miles, Fort Worth l!rl Peter Melville Moore, Galveston Jani1 John Adam Pechacek, III, Abilene Judson Hiram Phelps, Jr., San Antonio Jami Hem Joe Carroll Rust, San Antonio Nf Fred Baker Rudolph, Coleman Thor William Grey Savage, Dallas \V; James Rowlen Schober, San Antonio Carroll George Sunseri, Galveston Walter James Wyrick, Jr., Texarkana Warren Eugene Zimmerman, Amarillo SPRING PLEDGES James Vernon Grevielle, Waco Almond Jasper Hayes, Jr., Houston Charles Longcope, Brownwood Top Row: Abbott, Barbatoe, Binford, Brader, Brooks, Carruth. Second Row: Cecil, Chambers, Chumney, Churchill, Conn, Cook Craddock. Third Row: Dannenbaum, Dodson, Donnell, Dunlop, Fi her, Griffith, Hand. PAGE 250 IA!Jl STI.E,J~ Joseph Ingram Binford, Dallas Crawford H. Booth, Austin Howard Rush Brader, Fort Worth George Benjamin Brown, Waco Perry Bromberg Carroll, Jr., Dallas Michael Arthur Carter, Austin James Wilbor Cecil, Houston James Truman Churchill, Amarillo Henry Octave Colomb, Jr., New Orleans, La. Thomas Anthony Cullinan, Washington, D. C. Douglas Schultz Dapper, Austin Herbert William Dodson, Amarillo James Lowe Donnell, Fowlerton Charles Austin Dunlop, Houston Richard Coe Farrell, Amarillo Richard Bradley Fisher, Fort Worth Robert Thomas Gowan, Dallas Donald Paul Griffith, Lockhart Robert Dalton Hardcastle, Jr., San Antonio Harris Duncan Husted, Burnet Robert Merl Kincaid, Crowell John Lynch Lancaster, III, Dallas James Henry Lauderdale, Mercedes Byron Louis LeFlore, San Antonio Henry Willard Lende, Jr., Catonsville, Md. Rupert Walter Lundgren, Jr., an Antonio 6et11 tAet11 pt• MEMBERS John Burleson McCullough, Waco William Garvin McDonald, Bryan Paul Flavin McKean, Alexandria, Va. Patrick Harris McKinney, Fort Worth Lester Albert Miller, Jr., Houston Richard Brennan Moore, San Antonio Charles Schreiner Nelson, San Antonio John Brian O'Connor, Lufkin Kenneth Hugo Pape, Seguin Charles Scott Parker, Austin Michael Hayes Pengra, Tyler John W. Pettijohn, Georgetown Carl Ernest Reistle, III, Houston Joe Tschudy Romine, Fort Worth William Lynch Rose, Galveston George William Schneider, Jr., New Orleans, La. Thomas Hilliard Sharp, Jr., San Antonio Robert Harold Smith, Amarillo William Schuetze Smith, Markham Pinckney Franklin Steed, Jr., San Antonio Vernon Craig Steubing, Waelder Michael Asa Stone, Georgetown John Edson Teed, Pampa Francis Marion Thomson, Mexico City Fredric Carson Toole, Austin James Rae Tucker, LaMarque Joe Bill Wills, Hereford Ralph Huntington Winton, Jr., San Antonio Dean Eakin Wolf, Wichita Falls Top Row: Hardcastle, H artman, Hullum. Second Row: Husted, Kincaid, Kirkgard. Third Row: Leflore, Lundgren, McCullough. Fourth Row: McDonald, McKean, Miles. Fifth Row: Miller, P. Moore, Nelson. Sixth Row: O'Connor, Pechacek, Pettijohn. Seventh Row: Phelps, Rose, Rudolph. Eighth Row: Rust, Schneider, Schober. Ninth Row: R. Smith, W. Smith, Stone. Tenth Row: Sunseri, Toole, Tucker. Eleventh Row: Wyrick, Winton, Zimmerman. P AGE 251 CHI PHI LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1892 NATIONAL FOUND! G, 1824 FACULTY VENTON LEVY DOUGHTIE, Professor of M echanical Engineering SYMMES CHADWICK OLIVER, Instructor in Anthropology CHARLES ELMER ROWE, Professor of Drawing OCSAR BROWN WILLIAMS, Professor of Bacteriology Fall OFFICERS Spring MICHAEL MOORMAN FRICK E RALPH J UDSON KING Alpha Beta JoHNEY W ELDON Ro s RICHARD JAMES A GELL MITH WILLARD BAILEY MooN RICHARD Lours SCROGGINS JAMES CARTER BOONE, JR. J oHNEY WELDON Ross SMITH Gamma Delta Epsilon Z eta ]OH STOVALL GILBREATMINOR Lovrs HELM, JR. RONALD WILLIAMS WHITFRANK L . PLEMONS H E PLEDGES Robert Hunt Bowman, Baytown Frank Robert Martin, Texas City David Wallace Budzilowicz, Chicago, Ill. Robert Lee Moffett, San Antonio Knox Bledsoe Clark, Austin John Leo Meyers, Jr., Beaumont Joseph Hudgens Dominey, Pensacola, Fla. Logan Dale Pillow, Jr., Houston Carl Alexander Forbrich, Jr., San Antonio Lawrence Lee Poole, Dallas Larry Allan Fulbright, El Paso Jimmy L. Ross, Luling Malcolm Dale Harrington, Houston Walter Thannisch, III, Fort Worth Gene Lyerly, Dallas Henry Leon Walker, Jr., Taylor, Ga. Top Row: Angell, Boone, Bowman, Budzilowio:, Byrd, Clark. Second Row: Cline, Dominey, Elliott, Ferrell, Flannery, Forbrich. PAO!. 252 iS SJUTH lL l\TH HITE , Ralph Judson King, Houston Lynn Richard Kromminga, Austin Wayne Scott Lanier, Austin Joseph E. C. Martin, Lufkin Myrton Lynn McDonald, Dallas Scott Alexander McGall, Dallas George Thomas McGuffey, Athens Willard Bailey Moon, Fort Worth Joe Buck Park, Dallas Glen Gorman Passmore, Jr., San Antonio Daniel Maurice Phillips, La Porte Frank L. Plemons, Wichita Falls Edward Eugene Scott, Bay City Richard Louis Scroggins, Brownsville Charles McKinley Smith, Austin Johney Weldon Ross Smith, Uvalde Gordon Richard Starnes, Houston John Hunter Strasburger, Dallas Thomas Joe Welch, Dallas Ronald Williams White, Dallas Ira Barnes Wile, Dallas Top Row: Fricke, Fulbright, Garmany. Second Row: Gilbreath, Harrell, Harrington. Third Row: H elm, Johnson, King. Fourth Row: Kromminga, J. Martin, McDonald. Fifth Row: Moon, Myers, Park. Sixth Row: Passmore, Pillow, Plemons. Seventh Row: Poole, Scott, Scroggins. Eighth Row: C. Smith, J. Smith, Starnes. Ninth Row: Strasburger, Thannisch, Walker. Tenth Row: White, Wile. PAGE 253 clti plti James Daniel Anderson, El Dorado, Ark. Richard James Angell, Dallas John Meredith Bollman, Kerrville James Carter Boone, Jr., Houston William Martin Byrd, San Antonio James McGowen Cline, Camilla Arthur B. Elliott, Jr., Victoria Charles Robert Fairchild, Austin Jack Earl Ferrell, Dallas John Oge Flannery, Jr., San Antonio Michael Moorman Fricke, Bay City Richard P. Garmany, Houston Charlie M. Garnett, Rome, Ga. John Stovall Gilbreath, Dimmitt William Louis Guyton, Austin Larry Barclay Haile, Dallas Jimmy Joel Harrell, Houston Jimmy Lyn Harris, Eastland Minor Lovis Helm, Jr., Dallas Leon Johnson, Jr., La Porte LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1907 NATIONAL FOUND! G, 1890 FACULTY GEORGE VINCENT GE TRY, Professor of Philosophy OFFICERS Fall Spring CLARENCE NEAL STEVENSON "A" HERMAN WILLIS KEN EDY NICK VRATIS GEORGE EDWARD GAINES GEORGE EDWARD GAINES. ''C'' KEITH KENYON MORROW ROBERT NEWTON KING "D" ROBERT NEWTON KING RrcHARD HARMON DuvoN, JR. "E" RrcHARD HARMON DuvoN, JR. THOMAS EILSON THURLOW ''F" CLARENCE NEAL STEVE SON PLEDGES William Cortez Griffin, Galveston Ronald Eblen Malouf, Dallas Edwin Leonard Sterling, Amarillo Donald Edwin Witcher, Amarillo EDY lW roN, jR. ~sos t/elt11 clti MEMBERS John C. Coffey, Wichita Falls Earl Gene Cutler, Corpus Christi Jerry de la Rosa, San Antonio Robert John De Vries, Pella, Iowa John Rentz Doggett, III, Houston Richard Harmon Duvon, Jr., Texas Cit) George Edward Gaines, Houston Albert C. Hendricks, High Island Herman Willis Kennedy, Jr., Fort Worth Robert ewton King, Sudan William Travis Malone, Jr., Corpus Christi Keith Kenyon Morrow, Freeport David Atmar Smith, Victoria Clarence Neal Stevenson, Port Lavaca Thomas Neilson Thurlow, Dallas Nick Vratis, Beaumont Top Row: De Vries, Doggett. Second Row: Duvon, Gaines. Third Row: Griffin, Hendricks. Fourth Row: Kennedy, Malouf. Fi/ th Row: Morrow, Smith. Sixth Row: Sterling, Stevenson. Seventh Row: Thurlow, Vratis. Eighth Row: Witcher. PAGE 255 LOCAL ESTABLISHME T, 1913 NATIO AL FOUNDI G, 1844 FACULTY WILMER LAWSON ALLISON, Tennis Coach DANA X. BIBLE, Consulting Athletic Director, !11tercollegiate Athletics THOMAS P. HARRISON, Professor of English MARVIN HOLLOMAN BROWN, III . Samuel Buck Alford, Austin William Douglas Anthony, Dallas Melvin Lewis Bailey, Dailas John Wayne Barfoot, Abilene Patrick Carlton Bellamy, Houston James Andrew Boyer, Midland Claude Richard Braswell, Bellaire Glen Vick Brown, Dallas Charles Egan Burrell, Houston Jack Russell Crockett, Midland Robert Brogdon Dunlap, Houston Art John Farley, Bellaire Robert Bruce Flint, Jr., Bellaire Robert Lowe Freeman, Houston James C. Guckian, Lockhart Edward Randall Harris, Galveston OFFICERS Housemanager MARVIN HOLLOMAN BROWN, m PLEDGES Booth Sheryl Henson, Abilene William David Jensen, Houston William Richard McCracken, Corpus Christi William Henry Moody, Del Rio Spencer Mayo Murchison, Bellaire Ewell H. Muse, Austin David AJlan Sadler, Pasadena Walter Ronny Schuchard, Abilene Thomas Perry Scott, Coleman Carl Josephanow Stephanow, Houston Don Earl Stephens, DaJlas Dunklin Augustus Sullivan, Centerville James Owen Taylor, III, Del Rio Jim Albert Watson, Rotan Charles Burnett Wood, Austin SPRING PLEDGES North Millican, Jr., Austin Jay Robert Taylor, Houston Jelt11 lt11pp11 ep,i/111 MEMBERS WN,m James Lloyd Anderson, Abilene John Cannon Andrews, Fort Worth Richard R. Armstrong, Roswell, N. M. Richard Allen Beeler, Houston George Currier Blanch, Nixon Edward Perry Bolger, Snyder Gilbert William Blumberg, Jr., Seguin Marvin Holloman Brown, III, Dallas Robert Virgil Cauthom, Del Rio Brady Steele Coleman, Houston Charles Malcolm Collins, Eastland Merlyn Don Cooper, Dallas George Arthur Davis, Killeen Neal Davis, Jr., Houston Edgar Hal Dixon, San Angelo Drew Woolford Dunlap, Dallas Hugh Graydon Dunlap, Houston Anthony Duvall, Dallas William R. Ely, Dallas Berthold Henry Estess, Houston Ewing Kalteyer Evans, San Antonio Searcy Monroe Ferguson, Dallas Billy Wayne Forbess, Brownwood Don Duane Ford, Houston Robert Bruce Gillett, Fort Worth Jerry Sidney Girard, Cotulla Joe Gillis Goddard, Austin Joe Bob Golden, Austin Pearson Grimes, Jr., Cleveland Samuel Tevis Grinstead, Houston John Ragland Harrison, Austin Walter Benard Hendrick, Odessa William Holland Hinkle, Denton James Fred Hofheinz, Houston Richard Lee Johnson, Lampasas Karl Fred Kamrath, Jr., Houston Barron Ulmer Kidd, Dallas John Wiley Link, Houston Bobby Ray Matocha, Gonzales Marion Embree McDaniel, Jr., Houston Don Charles Mcllyar, Dallas David Michael Miller, Dallas Douglas Alvin Newton, Jr., Del Rio George Winfield Parks, Beaumont Tinsley Holmes Penick, Austin Franklin Ace Pickens, Odessa Frank Marion Putman, Jr., Houston Benjamin T. Rhodes, Jr., Cranfills Gap James Percival Rice, Dallas Zack Lawrence Robinson, Dallas Abner A. Ross, Lockhart Charles Lawrence Scarborough, Austin Frank Dallas Scarborough, Abilene Wilson Schoellkopf, Dallas Thomas Earl Scott, Abilene Paul Edward Stallings, Houston Joe Edward Stoeltje, Beaumont Robert Hyde Tonetti, Fort Worth Robert Edwin Tucker, Jr., San Antonio John Tuggle, Brownwood H. Michael Tyson, Houston Raymond Lavern Voight, Luling Jerry James Wilson, Abilene Joseph Wilbur Wolfe, Sherman Robert David Young, Roby Front Row: Grimes, Grinstead, Guckian, Harrison. Second Row: Henson, Hofheinz, Jensen, Kamrath. Third Row: McCracken, McDaniel, Miller, Moody. Fourth Row: Murchison, Muse, ewton, Penick. Fifth Row: Pickens, Putman, Rhodes, Rice. Sixth Row: Robinson, Ross, F. Scarborough, Schuchard. Seventh Row: T. E. Scott, T. P. Scott, Stallings, Stephanow. Eighth Row: Stephens, Stoeltje, Sullivan, Juha Erkki Tanttu. Ninth Row: Taylor, Tonetti, Tyson, Watson. Tenth Row: Wilson, Wolfe, Wood, Young. PAGE 257 Arthur Wesley Adams, Midland Ernest A. Embry, Dallas Sam Brown Fason, Waco William Ernest Gattis, Austin Jon Michael Hill, Houston SPRING PLEDGES Melbern Dale McGill, Houston Thomas Rush Mast, Midland Richard Dudley Mays, Dallas Harold Regan Schmidt, Mason Thomas Hood Waddill, Fort Worth H, M ). Ci w Gi Jci RG R. 1~ l!: Ch Bil He A11 ~ D~ Ed G~ ~c Rt.I LOCAL ESTABLISHME T, 1904 NATIO AL FOUND! G, 1859 FACULTY KENT WHEELER KENNAN, Professor of Music GEORGE ROBERT CREEDLE, Assistant Professor of M echanical Engineering OFFICERS Fall R OBERT WAYNE WHITE K ENNEY REESE VOELKE . L President Vice-President Spring JAMES NORTON HALTOM ROBERT LEE MARWILL WILBUR PAUL CUNNINGHAM J OHN E DGAR CHAPOTON ROBERT L EE MARWILL Corresponding Secretary R ecording Secretary T reasurer H ERMAN FLOYD wATER DANNY LAGETTE BEAIRD PAUL JosEPH WILLCOTT PLEDGES Jon Joseph Anderson, Dallas Michael Grogan Kirkpatrick, Dallas Thomas Barnhill Carter, Lake Jackson Jesse oble Legg, Dallas James Thomas Ross Cockrell, Hillsboro William Reed Mimms, New Braunfels Robert William Dowd, Austin William Nelson Rees, Odessa Kenneth Ray Dunlap, Dallas Samuel Ira Rosson, Jr., Midland George Crosby Gaskell, San Antonio Samuel Sparks, Austin James Robert Guinn, Graham David Charles Spoor, Houston James Carroll Herring, Jr., Waco Peyton Lambeth Townsend, Dallas Richard Weakley Ince, Hillsboro Lucien Barton Ulmer, San Antonio Richard M. Jackson, Jr., Garland Milburn Whitt Waldrum, Jr., Sherman James Vernon Johnson, Houston William James Watkins, Llano Milam Shelton Johnson, Jr., Austin William Allen White, Brownwood Top Row: Abercrombie, Anderson, Baccus, Beaird, C. Bell, J. Bell, Blackstock, Carter. Second Row: J. Chapoton, 0. Chapoton, Clements, Cockrell, Dickson, Dobbs, Dolan, Dowd. Third Row: Dunlap, Dunnam, Edens, Gavit, G. Green, R. Green, Haltom, Harris. PAOE 258 t/elt11 ttLU t/elt11 MEMBERS Robert yland Abercrombie, Texas City Fred Winn Baccus, Dallas Danny LaGette Beaird, Dallas Clyde Stuart Bell, Paris John Laurence Bell, Beaumont Ronald Lee Blackstock, Graham Edward Stafford Bridges, II, Dallas David Caldwell, Dallas John Edgar Chapoton, Galveston Otis Donaldson Chapoton, Galveston Wayne Wilson Clements, Dallas Wilbur Paul Cunningham, Big Spring Oscar Cromwell Dancy, III, Orange Robert Miller Dickson, Dallas William H. Dobbs, Dallas Samuel Jerome Dolan, Austin Thomas Norman Dunnam, Jr., Fostoria Roderick Tarlton Edens, Austin Thomas Sydney Edrington, Midland Charles David Ewing, Big Spring Howell M. Finch, Austin Henry Wilkinson Flagg, Galveston Michael James Gaido, Galveston J. ea! Garland, Longview Cameron H erschel Gates, Baytown William L. Gavit, Glen Rose George Edwin Green, Austin John Tatum Green, Dallas Robert Sterling Green, Beaumont R. A. Haberman, Jr., San Antonio James Norton Haltom, Texarkana Maynard Bartow Harris, Waxahachie Charles Herman Hayman, Dallas Billy Mack Jackson, Dallas H enry Woodrow Jackson, Beaumont Avis E. Johnson, Jr., Fort Worth George Milton Johnson, San Antonio Darrell King Jones, Austin Edgar F. Jones, III, Galveston Gary Roy Jones, Galveston Richard Page Keeton, Austin Robert Quentin Keith, Beaumont Jay Mayne Lewallen, Austin Hugh McQuiston Lynn, Austin Larry J. Lynn, Austin Glenn Matteson, Dallas Robert Lee Marwill, Dallas Clyde Mathew McAuliffe, Beaumont John Boswell McClane, Fort Worth Robert Hicks Mcintyre, Austin William Fred Miller, Waco George Weldon Moyer, Jr., La Marque Daniel Alvin Myers, Waco Frank Taylor Nagle, Austin Richard Garfield Nemmer, Dallas Ralph Wilson immons, Jr., Dallas George Albert Olson, San Antonio Brooks Trezevant Patrick, Dallas Hugh Coleman Proctor, Austin Arthur E. Rhodes, Jr., Austin John Clements Riley, Houston Thomas Leonard Roach, Austin Joe Gentry Roady, Arlington, Va. Jack Davis Roady, Arlington, Va. Jan S. Roush, Houston James Louis Sate!, San Antonio William W. Satterwhite, Lamesa Jay Woodley Sharpe, Childress Eugene Byron Sheppard, Houston John Thomas Stuart, Austin Albert Julius Toole, Dallas Roger J. A. Turner, San Antonio Kenney Reese Voelkel, Houston Herman Floyd Waters, Austin Thomas Hugh Weed, Beaumont Linton A. Whitaker, Austin Robert Wayne White, Brownwood Ben Taylor Whitefield, Houston Paul Joseph Willcott, Beaumont John Franklin Winslow, Houston John Allan Woodman, Fort Worth James Palmer Woodson, Austin Top Row: Hayman, Herring, Ince, B. Jackson Second Row: H. Jackson, A. Johnson, G. Johnson, J. Johnson. Third Row: M. Johnson, G. Jones, Legg, Lewallen. Fourth R ow: Marwill, Matteson, McClane, Mcintyre. Fifth Row: Miller, Mimms, agle, immons. Sixth Row: Olson, Patrick, Proctor, Rhodes. Seventh Row: Riley, Roach, J. G. Roady, J. D. Roady. Eighth Row: Rosson, Sate!, Sparks, Spoor. Ninth Row: Toole, Townsend, Ulmer, Weed. Tenth Row: R. White, W. White, Whitefield, Willcott. Ele·venth Row: Winslow, Woodman. P AOE 259 LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1949 NATIONAL FOUNDI G, 1834 FACULTY CHARLES T. CLARK, Assistant Professor of Statistics KARL M. DALLENBACH, Professor of Psychology CHARLES H . HOLZWARTH, Special Instructor in Germanic Languages R. GOMMEL ROESSNER, Professor of Architecture DARRELL ROYAL, Head Football Coach Fall OFFICERS Spring McCARTER MIDDLEBROOK President . MCCARTER MIDDLEBROOK IvoN LEE, III . Vice-President IvoN LEE, III WILBURN OLIVER SHURTLEFF Corresponding Secretary WAYNE MELVIN HAY MICHAEL EARL ROHDE R ecording Secretary JOHN EDWARD FRIER ON WILLIAM BENNETT SPELCE. Treasurer . JACK HARRISO STUTTS PLEDGES Curtis Todd Bowen, Midland David Terrence Connally, San Angelo Marion Donald Hancock, McAllen John William Klein, Houston Paul Turner Marks, Houston Jackson Lee McDaniel, Amarillo Kerry Hedick O'Quinn, Austin Vernon Lee Shelton, San Antonio Stephen Collier Smith, Houston Sterling Norman Sorrell, Laredo Don Luther Sparks, Amarillo Jimmie Wilson, Jr., Tomball Top Row: Allums, Bagby, Bowen, Butler, Cezeaux, Cleveland. Second Row: Connally, Elmer, Eubanks, Friberg, J. Frierson, W. Frierson. t/elt11 ROOl ISOX TIS MEMBERS James Anderson Allums, Kountze William Roderick Bagby, Jr., Dallas Max Bellah, Canyon Donald Mac Bishop, Dalhart Patrick J. Blair, Bandera Robert Anthony Butler, Rusk Philip Calvin Cezeaux, Humble Herbert J. Cleveland, Jr., Fort Worth William Ronald Dixon, Houston Allie Durell Douthit, Raymondville Richards H. Elmer, Jr., Dallas Isaac Dwaine Eubanks, McCamey Thomas Martin Eversole, La Canada, Calif. Emil Edwards Friberg, Wichita Falls John Edward Frierson, McCamey William Donald Frierson, McCamey Charles Alvis Gunter, San Angelo Eitel Hugh Hahn, Brady Wayne Melvin Hay, Hearne Fleming Cook Hobbs, San Antonio Tomie S. Holmes, McCamey William Fredric Jacobs, Houston Vernon Murray Jordan, Brady Alexander Benjamin Klein, Jr., Tomball Richard Lee Lasater, Newgulf Ivon Lee, III, Midland McCarter Middlebrook, Nacogdoches Kennedy Abbott Milburn, San Antonio William Childress Montgomery, Jr., Houston William Peterson Nelson, Dallas Robert Allen Pratt, San Angelo Robert Charles Reinarz, Amarillo Michael Earl Rohde, Dallas Thomas Lytle Schneider, San Antonio William Arthur Sellers, Houston Wilburn Oliver Shurtleff, Brady Dan Cargill Smith, III, Houston Neal Leslie Speice, Jr., Houston William Bennett Speice, Houston Donald Lamar Stone, Jacksonville Jack Harrison Stutts, San Antonio Berry Bruce Tolle, Houston Bill Lamond Turner, Brady Bobby Arrington Weaver, Newgulf Top Row: Hancock, Hay, Hobbs. Second Row: Jacobs, Jordan, A. Klein. Third Row: Lee, McDaniel, Middlebrook. Fourth Row: Nelson, O'Quinn, Reinarz. Fifth Row: Rohde, Schneider, Sellers. Sixth Row: Shelton, Shurtleff, D. Smith. Seventh Row: S. Smith, Sorrell, Sparks. Eighth Row: N. Speice, W. Speice, Stutts. Ninth Row: Tolle, Weaver, Wilson. PAGE 261 LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1883 NATIO AL FOUND! G, 1865 FACULTY STEPHEN EDMUND CLABAUGH, Professor of Geology ROBERT ADGER LAW, Professor Emeritus of English CLYDE LITTLEFIELD, Head Track Coach DANIEL ALLEN PENICK, Tennis Coach Emeritus, Professor Emeritus of Classical Languages OFFICERS Fall Spring RICHARD WAYLAND CALHOUN I HARRY CHARLES DISHMAN, JR. BUFORD PRESTON BERRY II WILLIAM CHAPMAN ESTES HARRY CHARLES DISHMAN, JR. III GLENN ALFRED ROGERS ROBERT CAMPBELL HEWELL IV RICHARD LEEDOM NELSON, II JoHN MILTON TAYLOR . v. JoH THOMAS FITCH BENNY GEORGE SANDEFUR VI ROBERT CAMPBELL HEWELL PLEDGES Ralph Williamson Alspaugh, San Antonio John Russell Mayhew, Kingsville Jon Paul Arledge, Houston Olivar Barr McClellan, San Antonio Allan Abner Bailey, La Marque Richard Leedom Nelson, II, Wichita Falls Preston Fobis Bridgewater, Jr., Midland Frederick Richard euenschwander, Houston Curtis B. Dyer, Corpus Christi Curtis Patrick Norris, San Antonio Michael Scott Fry, San Antonio Monroe Ben Nowotny, San Antonio Dell Taylor Gibson, Dallas Jim Warren Olafson, San Antonio Grant Eugene Giles, San Antonio Rudy G. Powell, San Angelo Campbell Houston Gillespie, III, Sherman Edward Randall Reed, Austin Sam Lile Greeves, Beaumont Thomas Glenn Richard, Beaumont Donovan Lyn Gunn, Plano Charles Robert Richardson, Texas City George Tom Hart, Jasper Dean Stuart Sanders, Tyler James Naughton Henry, Lancaster Luther Edward Scott, Lancaster Robert Lee Henson, Beaumont James Albert Trotter, San Antonio Charles Chester Jagou, Mexico City Kirk William Weinert, Beaumont Lowell Henry Leberman, Jr., Commerce Jack Howard Wideman, San Antonio Charles D. Ledbetter, McKinney Robert Eugene Wright, Stephenville Randall Kent Yeates, Austin SPRING PLEDGES Don Michael Dowdle, Graham Jerry Don Smith, Baytown Tulane Gordon, III, Houston Harris Spencer Wood, Big Spring Top Row: Alexander, Alspaugh, Anderson, Andrews, Babb, Bailey, Bain, Ballard, Second Row: Bauman, Berry, Blocker, Bridgewater, Calhoun, Castillon, Delany, Dishman, Ellis. Third Row: Fielder, Fitch, Fry, Gaston, Gibson, Giles, Gillespie, Ginn, Greeves. p GE 262 MEMBERS IN, jt ES Robert Snyder Alexander, Houston James Rieves Anderson, Uvalde Bolivar Coleman Andrews, Pharr N,ll Gary Alan Babb, Shreveport, La. Joe William Bain, San Antonio James Lipscomb Ballard, III, ELL La Marque Lynn H. W. Banowsky, San Antonio John Williamson Barnhill, Brenham Jon Roger Bauman, Dallas Buford Preston Berry, Archer City Truman Graves Blocker, III, Galveston Jack Richard Butler, San Angelo John Bogue Butler, Dallas Richard Wayland Calhoun, Shreveport, La. Mario Garza Castillon, Jr., Mexico City James Patrick Coughran, Houston Robert Edward Delany, Houston Harry Charles Dishman, Jr., Bryan Glen Edward Ellis, Comanche William Chapman Estes, Waxahachie William Cook Fielder, Lockhart John Thomas Fitch, San Antonio W. R. Gaston, Wichita Falls George Holmes Ginn, El Paso Don L. Griffith, Ennis Edward Jones Hale, Austin James Wilfred Harrington, Jr., Plano Richard Drake Hart, Austin Robert Campbell Hewell, Nixon amuel Thomas Hodgdon, Dallas Albert Wolford Holmes, Austin Ruben Wert Hope, Houston Gerald Howard Houston, hreveport, La. Jimmy Dale Hunt, Fort Worth John Smith Ivy, Jr., Houston Gayle Morgan Jackson, Jr., Borger Harold David Krick, Jr., Austin Sayles Allison Leach, Abilene Clyde Rabb Littlefield, Austin Reese Blake Lockett, Jr., Brenham William Edward Lokey, Brownsville Marvin Paul Lucas, San Antonio Charles Ellis McCullough, Austin Bertram Joseph McNelly, Jr., Uvalde Curtis W. Meadows, Jr., Dallas Odis Simpson Mingus, II, Aruba, N.W.I. Gordon Clifford Morris, Wichita Falls Lucian Leeds Morrison, III, San Antonio Mike A. Myers, Olney Glenn Lee Nolte, Lockhart Robert Bruce Parker, San Antonio George Euclid Payne, Jr., Wichita Falls James Archer Prentice, Austin Henry Carr Pritchett, Austin Fred Dewitt Reed, Jr., Port Arthur William Leon Rivers, Elgin Glenn Alfred Rogers, Big Spring Benny George Sandefur, Mt. Pleasant Bryan Anthony Scott, Kaufman Don Stanton Smith, Valley Mills Bill Stolhandske, Baytown John Milton Taylor, Pearsall Lanis Muri Thompson, Austin Wash Bryan Trammell, Jr., Houston Curry Helmuth Vogelsang, San Antonio William Wood Wallingford, Dallas Wiley C. Wimberly, Dallas Charles Edwin Williams, Port Arthur John Davis Worley, Dallas · Top Row: Griffith, Gunn, Harrington, G. Hart. Second Row: Henry, Henson, Hewell, Hodgdon. Third Row: Holmes, Hope, Houston, Krick. Fourth Row: Leach, Leberman, Ledbetter, Littlefield. Fifth Row: Lockett, Lokey, Lucas, Mayhew. Sixth Row: McClellan, McCullough, Meadows, Mingus. Seventh Row: Morris, Morrison, Myer, Nelson. Eighth Row: Neuenschwander, olte, orris, Nowotny. Ninth Row: Olafson, Powell, Prentice, E. Reed. Tenth Row: Richard, Richardson, Rivers, Rogers. Eleventh Row: Sanders, Smith, Taylor, Trotter. Twelfth Row: Vogelsang, Weinert, Wideman, Wright. PAGE 263 LOCAL ESTABLISHME T, 1884 NATIONAL FOU iDING, 1869 FACULTY HE RY WILSO CHAPMAN, Swimming Coach ERNEST R. HARDIN, Assistant Professor of Speech FRANK HALLAM LYELL, Associate Professor of English STUART A. MAcCORKLE, Professor of Government JAMES J . POLLARD, Professor of Architectural Engineering EDWIN BOOTH PRICE, Assistant to the Dean of Men OFFICERS Fall Spring DALE ELLIS MILLER Grand Master WILLIAM ARTHUR H UDSON, III LARRY D. SIKES . Grand Procurator HENRY PIERCE McGRATH MARVIN NEEL ELDER, JR. Grand Scribe . MALCOLM GRAHAM BAKER WEBB McCANN SowDEN, JR.• Grand T reasurer CHARLES BENNETT RUSSEY PLEDGES Jim Choyce Allison, Houston John Dennis Harrington, Houston Arthur Leland Baird, Fort Worth Gerald Hartman, Waco Maurice Amim Baumgarten, Houston John Scott Hoeck, San Antonio Clair Maurice Branch, Kenedy Charles Emory Long, Midland Tom Kelly Butler, Houston Ervin Thomas Lovell, Houston Thomas Michael Cassin, San Antonio William Scott Norman, Houston Tommy Dabney Chambers, Fort Worth Arch Elton Pardue, Jr., Stamford Ernest Maurice Closuit, Fort Worth Phillip Hamilton Pritchett, Dallas J. Brown Cutbirth, Houston Hamilton Paul Rogers, Jr., Fort Worth Richard Harrison Cutrer, Houston Frank Ford Smith, Houston Dennis Hayes Deer, Corpus Christi Kenneth Albert Spies, Dallas Charles Samuel Dreymala, Houston Michael Gerald Sweeney, Houston Robert James Franklin, Houston William Farrington Taber, Corpus Christi Joseph Edward Goeters, Houston Frederick Dickson Thompson, Jr., Fort Worth Edwin Smith Graham, III, Graham W. Roy Watson, Dallas John Gibbon Wolf, Houston SPRING PLEDGES Robert Hall Brady, Houston Edwin Jones Peat, San Antonio Ross Pete Interrante, Dallas Edward Robert Troy, Dallas Junious Maurice Kyle, III, Orange Milton Russell Womack, El Paso Philip Lee Kyle, Orange Carroll Lee Wright, Jr., Fort Worth Da ~" Ch Ira Jai Joh Job \\'ii Gal Li~ Lou Dai Jacl Lan Ton Cha Mai ~ Carl joba Ra~ Willi Willi Oiar Fallo Curti Thoa !},~ Willi: )OOn Wilfu Haro! Will~ .\Ian !liari1 1.a~ll ~ \\'illia: Top Row: Adams, Baird, Baker, Bankhead, Brown, Butler, Calkins, Canavan. Second R ow: Carl, Cassin, Cobb, Connelly, Cutbirth, Darnall, Dickerson, Dreymala. Third Row: Fauntleroy, Franklin, Freel, Gauntt, Graham, Gunn, Harrington, Hartman. PAAU 264 ;os, III rn SSEY I 'orth MEMBERS Maurice McAshan Adams, Houston Roderick Morrison McDonald, Dan Alan Almon, Dallas Pensacola, Fla. Malcolm Graham Baker, Houston Henry Pierce McGrath, San Antonio Charles H erbert Bankhead, Fort Worth George Patrick McKenna, Tyler Ivan Ellis Brown, Jr., Wichita Falls Donald Ralph McLelland, San Antonio James McCollum Burnett, Corpus Christi Thomas Vance McMahan, Houston John Allen Calkins, Houston Jessie Clyde McMahon, Jr., Big Spring John Milton Canavan, Boerne Roy Arthur Menge, Fort Worth William Nobel Carl, Jr., Houston Bruce Barnett Miller, Victoria Gale Garth Carroll, Houston Dale Ellis Miller, Houston Lynn Prewitt Carter, Houston David John Moore, Cleburne Louis Denson Cobb, Tyler Richard Woods Morris, Fort Worth David Anthony Connelly, Houston Ervin H erbert Mueller, Jr., Houston Jack Bowan Cox, Houston William Robinson O'Hair, Jr., Coleman Larry Darnall, Dallas Rees Robertson Oliver, Jr., San Antonio Tom Martin Davis, Houston Rowland Hilary Parker, Tyler Charles Adolph Dickerson, Rosenberg Robert Sam Parks, Houston Marvin Neel Elder, Jr., Fort Worth Thomas Leslie Pritchett, Jr., Dallas Edgar Scurry Ellis, Houston Wilfred Lee Rankine, Jr., Austin Carl Lewis Estes, II, Dallas Edward Eugene Reed, Rosenberg John Parker Fauntleroy, Houston John Clarke Roberts, Houston Radford Freel, Houston George Henry Rose, Houston William Jordan Gallagher, Houston Charles Bennett Russey, Fort Worth William Paul Gauntt, III, Fort Worth John William Schuhmacher, Jr., Houston Charles Nelson Gilreath, Sulphur Springs Patrick Lambert Searcy, San Antonio Fallon Turley Gordon, Houston Larry D. Sikes, Dallas Curtis Conway Gunn, Jr., San Antonio James Emmett Snoddy, Jr., Houston Thomas Weldon Hale, Houston Webb McCann Sowden, Jr., Dallas Dwight Leon Hill, Fort Worth Robert Fredric Spies, Dallas William Arthur Hudson, III, Ft. Worth Ross Lucas Stephenson, Houston John Lawrence Jones, Sulphur Springs Bobby Stillwell, Houston William Ferdinand Joplin, Sugarland James Nelson Stofer, Victoria Harold Russell Joseph, Jr., Austin Harry Blake T erry, HoustonWilliam Carroll Kelly, Jr., Freer Robert Clayton Vielock, San Antonio Alan Payne Langford, Mount Enterprise Robert Charles Volz, San Antonio Charles Marlin Leake, Jr., San Antonio Lawrence Wayne Leake, Tyler Johnny Richard Warren, Bellaire Donald J. Malouf, Austin Perry Michael Wells, Houston William Arnold McDade, El Campo James H. Westmoreland, Bay City Top Row: Hoeck, Hudson, Jones, Joplin. Second Row: Joseph, Kelly, Langford, C. Leake. Third R ow: L. Leake, Long, Malouf, McDonald. Fourth R ow: McKenna, McLelland, McMahan, Miller. Fifth Row: Moore, Morris, O'Hair, Oliver. Sixth Row: Pardue, Parker, Parks, P. Pritchett. Seventh Row: T. Pritchett, Rankine, Reed, Roberts. Eighth R ow: Rogers, Rose, Schuhmacher, Searcy. Ninth Row: Snoddy, K . Spies, R . Spies, Sweeney. Tenth Row: Taber, Vielock, Westmoreland, Wolf. PAGE 265 LOCAL ESTABLISHME T, 1917 ATIONAL FOUND! G, 1909 FACULTY CURTIS JACKSO ALDERSON, Associate Professor of Physical and Health Education ROBBIN COLYER A DERSON, Professor of Chemistry LIEUTE ANT COLO EL GEORGE HARLAN CORNISH, Associate Professor of Military Science and Tactics OLIVER HOYT WILLIAMS, Assistant Registrar RHEA HUGHSTO WILLIAMS, Assistant Professor of Physical and Health Education OFFICERS Fall Spring GILBERT SEAY BROWN High Alpha CHESTER ALWY BARR ROBB K ENDRICK B URLAGE High Beta BERT BENTLY ADKINS, JR. JACK MILAM. High Gamma . RONALD GLEN MITH STUART DERIC KERSHNER High Tau STUART DERIC KER H ER PLEDGES Raymond Gilbert Boyd, Jr., San Antonio William Ross Laughlin, Baytown Wayne Leon Browning, Temple Hildred Bruce Lockhart, Corpus Christi Charles H. Burge, Houston Dale Vaughn Ludwig, Fort Worth Bob Randolph Casey, Houston Patrick Stephens Lutts, Dallas Don Alvin Chappell, Dallas James William Owens, Texas City Richard Don Coan, De Leon Jerry Lynn Paulette, Odessa Wilson Clarke Cook, Bryan John Douglas Reichert, Austin Sidney Jerome Crumpton, Fort Stockton Hal Freeman Simmons, Dallas Charles Joseph Edwards, Austin Ralph Russell Sloan Sealy Noel Gregory Ellis, Jr., Fort Worth Bobby Lee Smith, Atlanta George Pirtle Evans, Ganado Edward Arlin Steele, Pasadena Guy Wesly Ewing, III, Breckenridge Marcus Leslie Thomp on, Dallas Russell Jones Henry, Wichita Falls William Haywood Tolbert, Sherman Carlett Lynn Hensley, Iowa Park Rudolf Anthony Wedemeyer, Jr., Texas City Kenneth Ray Honeycutt, Lamesa Carleton Ross Womack, Odessa Joseph Earl Zeigler, Jr., Victoria SPRING PLEDGE James Lee Smith, Odessa Arnold Krause, ew Braunfels Herbert Cook Wilson, Waco Top Row: Adkins, Barr, Barth, Brown, Browder, Browning, Burge, Burlage, Butler. Second Row: Chappell Connor, Cook, Crumpton, Day, Drummond, Durham, Edding~. Third Row: Elliott, Ellis, Evans, Ewing, G. Fuller, Gic eke, Greer, Griffith. MEMBERS \RR s,]R. ITH HXER Bert Bently Adkins, Jr., Houston James Kenneth Alfred, Flagstaff, Ariz. Chester Alwyn Barr, Austin Clardy Shell Barth, Jr., San Angelo Marvin Wesley Browder, Jr., Fort Worth Gilbert Seay Brown, Dallas Robb Kendrick Burlage, Austin Joseph ~arold Butler, Jr., Beaumont John Edwin Calloway, Louisville, Ky. Ronald Adelbert Carpenter, Bastrop Lucian Hunter Collins, Austin Sydney S. Connor, Houston Travis Lee Crosby, Weslaco Billy Bernard Day, Austin William Henry Drummond, San Antonio Walter Winn Durham, Fort Worth James Ralph Eddings, Highlands Stephan Clay Elliott, Dallas Charles Curtis Fuller, Dallas Gerald Maxwell Fuller, Hunstville William Reid Gieseke, Beaumont Edward Reginald Greer, Dallas Harold James Griffith, Dallas Carl Henry Groen, Danville, Ill. Pete Addison Yancey Gunter, III, Houston Charles Houston Harris, III, Fort Worth Allen Burton Heard, Austin James Dunn Houston, Goliad Jerry Lee Hughes, Austin Donald John Keegan, Texas City Roderick Earle Kennedy, Houston tuart Deric Kershner, Houston Donald Paul Knoles, El Paso James Lowell Kuester, Houston Vernal Ray Little, Austin Charles Joseph Macmanus, Corpus Christi Murray B. Mangum, Baytown William Alan Marcontell, Houston Richard Lewis McRoberts, Dallas Jack Milam, Victoria David Andrew Millican, Dallas Joseph Nicholas Murphy, III, Dallas Mervin Lawrence Naumann, Spicewood Roger Francis Nelson, Austin Fred Thomas Porter, Dallas John Herbert Ray, San Angelo Rocco Giardina Revisore, New Orleans, La. Robert Eugene Reynolds, Austin James Glenn Richards, Baytown William Hays Rogers, Dallas David Ryan, Fort Worth Vernon Loid Ryan, II, Brady Thomas Hall Shelby, III, Tyler Louis Richard Smith, III, Austin Joe Rae Smith, Victoria Ronald Glenn Smith, Houston Douglas Ogden Smyth, Portland Jay Riggan Sorrell, Pearsall Hollis Moran Taylor, Baytown James Terrell Townsend, Brady Robert Bryan Townsend, Austin Robert B. Twaddell, Clarendon William Kyle Vollmer, Mercedes Harry Joseph Walter, III, Corpus Christi Samuel Womack Warner, Dallas John Charles Wheeler, Austin Top Row: Groen, Gunter, Harris, H eard. Second Row: H ensley, Honeycutt, Houston, Hughes. Third Row: Keegan, Ker.shner, Kuester, Laughlin. Fourth Row: Lockhart, Ludwig, Lutts, Macmanus. Fifth Row: Mangum, Marcontell, McRoberts, Milam. Sixth Row: Millican, -aumann, Nelson, Owens. Seventh Row: Porter, Reichert, Rcvisore, V. Ryan. Eighth Row: Shelby, Sloan, B. Smith, J. Smith. Ninth Row: Sorrell, Taylor, Thompson, Tolbert. Tenth Row: J. Townsend, Twaddell, Vollmer, Walter. Eleventh Row: Warner, Wedemeyer, Womack, Zeigler. PAGE 267 LOCAL ESTABLISHME T, 1883 NATIONAL FO NDI G, 1848 FACULTY ROY BEDICHEK, Director Emeritus, Bureau of Public School Service THOMAS MABRY CRANFILL, Associate Professor of English CHARLES TILFORD McCORMICK, Professor of Law ROBERT WELDON STAYTON, Professor of Law OFFICER Fall Spring JERRY VAN KYLE President . GIFFORD 0. ToucHsTo 'E HILLIARD DUDLEY CHAMBERS Warden WADE CASSLE MITH RICHARDSON GANO SC URRY, JR. Corresponding Secretary JoE BuRCH GILBERT wADE CASSLE SMITH . R ecording Secretary JAMES 1Rv1 E PERK.I , JR. GIBBS MACDANIEL, JR. H ouse Manager CORBIN LEE ow, JR. PLEDGES Robert James Brent, Jr., Houston Charles Robert eblett, Canyon David Mooney Carmichael, Beaumont Ralph ells Neuhaus, Hou ton Cornelius George Comegys, McKinney Benjamin Rush Norvell, Beaumont Malcolm Lane Cooper, Amarillo Edwin Stephen Oden, Atlanta Jon Russ Eversberg, Albany Charles Wellington Pace, Dalla Robert O'Brien Johnson, Austin Robert Bush Smither , Jr. Hunt ville John Raymond Jordan, Houston Arthur William SoRelle, III, Amarillo John Michael Mahaffey, Corpus Christi William Arthur Thomp on Dalla Arthur Kercheville McCallum, Corpus Christi Tommy Eusie Turner, Borger Joe Lett Ward, III, Waco SPRING PLEDGES David Rutledge, Dallas William Furrh, Marshall Top Row: Adleta, Armstrong, Austin, Blaine, Box, Brent. Second Row: Carmichael, Carney, ecil, Compton, oopcr, Drury. P AGE 268 TOXE IX, jt fa. lo pAi t/elt11 tAet11 MEMBERS Edward Jackson Adleta, Dallas John Sutton Alli on, Fort Stockton Carl Eugene Andrews, Dallas Thomas Marshall Andrews, Dallas Robert Landis Armstrong, Austin Stanley Arch Ault, Longview Jeff Austin, Jr., Frankston William Skidmore Banks, III, Houston Robert Franklin Bartlett, Marshall Haley Kent Beasley, Dallas Robert McBride Blaine, Jr., Houston Walter Eden Bloxsom, Houston Roy Edgar Box, Jr., Corpus Christi Howard Clayton Brants, Jr., Fort Worth Stephen Robert Butter, Longview Howard Augustus Carney, Jr., Atlanta Philip Ridley Cecil, Paris Hilliard Dudley Chambers, Grand Prairie George Littlefield Clark, Dallas Gerald McLendon Clark, Port Lavaca Whitfield Harral Clark, Dallas Dabney Wharton Coleman, Austin Howard Ayres Compton, Jr., Dallas William Van Conover, Houston Neil Lewis Drury, St. Louis, Mo. John Warner Duckett, Jr., Dallas James Marion Dunham, Houston Devereux Brown Dunlap, Dallas Clarence tacey Eastham, Jr., Houston Walter Lenoir Foxworth, II, Dallas Thomas Phil Francis, Austin Joe Burch Gilbert, Austin Robert Wentworth Gilstrap, Austin Paul Milton Gray, Jr., Corpus Christi George Lee Griffin, Dallas Henry Royden H amman, Houston Maxwell Lee Hightower, Mount Pleasant Gordon Arthur Holloway, Dallas Douglas Wilson Inglish, San Antonio Bobby Clark James, Borger Carter Benjamin Kelly, Amarillo Joseph Overton Kennedy, Jr., Rotan Guy Edmund Knolle, Jr., Houston Jon Warren Knolle, Houston Jerry Van Kyle, Sherman Olin Clifton Lancaster, Jr., Dallas Charles Allen Lingo, Jr., Houston Gibbs Macdaniel, Jr., San Antonio Charles Henry Moore, III, Galveston George Ernest Myers, Longview Whipple Spaulding Newell, Jr., Houston Robert Wilkerson Patteson, Jr., Midland James Irvine Perkins, Jr., Rusk Doyle Emmett Perkinson, Greggton Jess ewton Rayzor, Houston Peter Lindsey Reynolds, Dallas Gustav Robert Robertson, Jr., Houston John Blue Scofield, Houston Richardson Gano Scurry, Jr., Dallas William Monte Shackelford, Corpus Christi Allen Currie Smith, Amarillo Wade Cassie Smith, Dallas Corbin Lee Snow, Jr., Marshall Peter Kempner Thompson, Calve ton Gifford 0 . Touchstone, Dallas William Michael Trant, T yler John Frederick Trimble, Orange James Glenn Turner, Jr., Dallas Preston Alonzo Weatherred, III, Houston John William Worsham, Houston Top Row: Duckett, Eversberg, Gilbert. Second Row: Gray, Holloway, Jordan. Third Row: Kelly, Kennedy, Kyle. Fourth Row: Macdaniel, Moore, eblett. Fifth Row: euhaus, Norvell, Oden. Sixth Row: Pace, Patteson, Perkins. Seventh Row: Robertson, Scurry, Shackelford. Eighth Row: W. Smith, Smither, Snow. Ninth Row: SoRelle, Thompson. Tenth Row: G. Touchstone, T. Turner. PAGE 269 LOCAL ESTABLISHME T, 1883 ATIOi AL FOU DING, 1848 FACULTY FREDERIC DU CALF, Professor Emeritus of History HOWARD CLIFFORD GILSTRAP, Special Instructor in Physical Training for Men WILLIAM SAMUEL LIVI GSTO , Associate Professor of Government BERRY McCLURE WHITAKER, Director, Intramural Sports for M en OFFICERS Fall Spring BRADLEY ALLISON FOWLER President . BRADLEY ALuso FOWLER FRANK LEM UEL MCCLE NDON Treasurer . FRANK LEM UEL Mc LENDON JAMES WHITTENBURG WALKER Corresponding Secretary JAMES WHITTE BURG WALKER ROBERT LEE BROWNING R ecording Secretary ROBERT LEE BROWNI G DoN CHARLES W u KASCH Historian . DoN CHARLES WuKASCH PLEDGES James Robert Armstrong, Dallas Kent Danforth Kibbie, Fort Worth William Warren Brewer, Austin Fred Frazier Ligon, Dallas Rambie Le Briggs, San Antonio William John Lyons, Jr., San Antonio Ira Jon Brumley, Austin Jimmy Foster Mason, Irene Cary Preston Butcher, Jr., Midland Morris Robert Maynor, Atlanta Larry George Cooper, Rapid City, S. Dak. Robert Wayne Mighell, Dallas John William Copeland, Austin MQrris Barnes Mike Milam, Au tin Eugene Joseph Dozier, Fort Worth Roy Eugene Miller, Au tin Marshall James Dyke, Borger Thomas Leslie ewman, Austin James Murray Eller, Dallas Joe Knapp Perry, Weslaco Kenneth Eugene English, San Angelo Shannon Harrison Ratliff, Sonora Joseph Ebner Funk, San Angelo William Beal Scrogglie, Fort Worth Joe Thomas Harren, Weslaco John Henry Steinle, III, Austin Jeffrey Merwin Heller, Tyler Michael Arlan Wash, Stamford Robert K. Hillin, Midland James Thornton Willerson, San Antonio Thad Johnson Jarrett, Del Rio Barry Charles Wuka ch, Austin William Irvin Wyatt, Jr., San Antonio Top Row: Armstrong, Bolding, Brewer, Briggs, Browning, Brumley, Buck, Bucnz, Burkett. Second Row: Butcher, Camp, Coffee, Condron, Conn, Copeland, Croft, Dau. Third Row: P. Davis, Dozier, Dyke, Eller, English, Ferrier, Fowler, Fullingim. PAOF. 270 MEMBERS EKDOX i\1ALK!.1 CH Thomas Duncan Arnhold, Wichita Falls Lloyd Elvin Arnold, Jr., Austin Henry Winfield Atherton, Galveston Charles Edward Baer, Seguin James Augustus Blalock, Jr., Port Arthur Edward Porter Bolding, San Angelo Bethea Wright Brendley, Houston Robert Lee Browning, Corpus Christi Alfred Augustus Buck, Midland Peter Robertson Buenz, San Antonio David Tyng Burke, Tyler Robert Judson Burkett, Amarillo Jim Sam Camp, Pecos Roy Clarence Coffee, J r., Dallas William Franklin Condron, Jr., Elgin George David Conn, Beaumont Raymond Wilson Cozby, Jr., Grand Saline Hugh Bob Currie, Amarillo Leland Chancy Croft, Odessa Ralph Waldrom Dau, Dallas Robert McCall Davenport, Abilene Paul Leming Davis, Jr., Midland Robert Taylor Davis, Austin William James Derrick, El Paso Ted Lawrence Ferrier, Jr., Wichita, Kan. Walter William Fondren, III, Houston Bradley Allison Fowler, Austin William Embry Fullingim, Odessa Richard Lee Gannett, Fort Worth James Duncan Gordon, Plano Robert Winston Gray, Austin Rex Wharton Greenstreet, Midland Wilbur Horace Greenstreet, Jr., Midland Hall Street Hammond, San Antonio William Llewellyn Hoey, Midland Eugene Adolph Holmgreen, III, San Antonio Donald Finley Hugus, Tyler Charles Raymond Jones, San Angelo Frank Bedford Jones, Jr., Lamesa Roy Edwin Kimsey, Jr., Midland Jon Bedford Kirk, Austin George Haze Kolb, San Antonio Bobby Lee Lackey, Weslaco Robert Ragsdale Lanier, Jr., Amarillo Billy Ken LaRue, Austin Harold Norman Lindley, Pecos Larry Lee Loyd, Shreveport, La. George Lescher MacGregor, Jr., Dallas Edwin Vince Matthews, Houston William Berry McCampbell, Corpus Christi Frank Lemuel McCiendon, Tyler Thomas Albert McMann, Weslaco James Edward Mc eel, San Antonio William Allan Mc eill, Beaumont Frederick Warren Middleton, San Antonio Robert Wyatt Morgan, Victoria David Lee Moseley, Rochelle Houston C. Munson, San Antonio Alexander Palmros, Fort Worth David Bascom Parker, Fort Worth Arlis B. Parkhurst, Midland Scott Petty, Jr., San Antonio David Leslie Pollard, Austin Bradford Argall Popkin, Houston William Roark Ratliff, Sonora Frank Werner Rennert, San Antonio Ronald Henry Roberts, Dallas Robert James Robertson, Beaumont James Franklin Roddie, Brady David Addison Rogers, McAllen Elbert Buddy Rogers, Tyler Edward Alexander Sasse, Austin Joe Martin Sebesta, Bastrop Don Miles Shine, Dallas Jimmy Bruce Shrake, Fort Worth Marc H . Stewart, Gladewater Douglas Barry Stone, Portales, N. M. James Edgar Suttle, Fort Worth Harry Evans Taylor, Fort Worth Charles John Turner, Dallas David Oakes Turner, Dallas Robert David Valerius, Shreveport, La. Bobby Lee Verplank, Amarillo James Whittenburg Walker, Amarillo William Richard Weaver, Corpus Christi Jimmy Dwayne Welch, Lubbock Francis Harris Whitehead, Jr., Del Rio Don Charles Wukasch, Austin Top Row: Funk, Gannett, Gordon, Gray. Second Row: W. Greenstreet, Hammond, Heller, Hillin. Third Row: Holmgreen, C. Jones, F. Jones, Kibbie. Fourth Row: Kimsey, Kirk, Kolb, Lanier. Fifth Row: Ligon, Lindley, Loyd, Lyons. Sixth Row: Mason, Maynor, McCampbell, Middleton. Seventh Row: Mighell, Miller, Moseley, Morgan. Eighth R ow: Plamros, Parker, Peery, Petty. Ninth Row: S. Ratliff, W. Ratliff, Sasse, Scrogglie. Tenth Row: Sebesta, Shrake, Steinle, Stewart. Eleventh Row: Suttle, Turner, Verplank, Walker. T welfth Row: Willerson, B. Wukasch, D. Wukasch, Wyatt. PAGE 271 LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1904 ATIONAL FOUND! G, 1852 FACULTY HULON WITHERSPOO BLACK, Director, University Development Board WILLARD HUGHES BRENTLI GER, Assistant Professor of Psychology HOMER VI CENT CRAIG, Professor of Mathematics EDWARD EVERETT HALE, Professor of Economics JOSEPH LI DSEY HENDERSO , Professor Emeritus of Seco11dary Education GUS M. HODGES, Professor af Law CALEB P. PATTERSON, Professor Emeritus of Government JAMES R. ROACH, Associate Professor of Government OLIVER DOUGLAS WEEKS, Professor of Government OFFICERS Fall Spring ROBERT JOSEPH LEE G.P. JoE PATRICK EDWARDS BEN ADDISON DONNELL . V.G.P. JoH ALLAN WATSO GAGE VAN HORN, III A.G. GAGE VA HoR III ALBERT LIPSCOMB EBAUGH B.G. THOMAS PHILLIPS FIELD, JR. L LOYD WALKER }ARY, JR. P. MORRIS MADDEN CREEL PLEDGES Howard Michael Arno, Austin Joe Bob Hall, Winnie William Byron Ayton, Brownsville Lynn Sherwood Hunt, Amarillo James Melton Bailey, Houston Bill David Jobe, Marshall Robert Allan Biggs, Austin William Eugene Joor, III, Houston Max Morris Calliham, Conway Edwin Loren Kirkpatrick, II, Austin Emory Clifton Camp, Cameron John Warriner Long, San Antonio Richard Ware Carter, Midland William Edward Matthew , Houston Douglas Holland Chilton, Austin Robert Marion Moore, San Antonio Daniel Christopher, Houston Clarence Leon Oliver, Dallas Tom Allen Connally, Houston John Harris Robertson, Bryan William Lionel Craver, Jr., Midland Don Shane Robinson, Plainview James Douglas Culver, Tyler ·elson Vernon Sanders, Odessa John Joseph Eikenburg, Dallas Gerald Lee Sewell, Houston George Homer Fancher, Austin William ick Sikes, Jacksboro Alton Earnest Greeven, Austin Richard Dalton Spangler, Austin Anthony Finis Grinke, Dallas George William Swain, III, San Antonio Thomas Mannan Grubbs, San Antonio Robert Porter Turpin, Midland James Francis Waggener, Western Spring , Ill. SPRI G PLEDGES Andrew Gregory Gannaway, Austin Coley Ronald Platt, Austin David Earl McDonald, Houston Rex Allen Rarden, McCamey John Paul Wilkinson. Jr., Midland Top R ow: Anderson, Atwill, Ayton, Benner, R. Biggs, W. Biggs, Bond, Calliham, Camp. Second Row: Canova, Carter, Chilton, Connally, Cooke, Craver, E. Creel, M. Creel, C. CulvC'r. Third R ow: J. Culver, Curry, Davis, DrGrassi, Donnell, Ebaugh, Eikl'nburg, Eliot, Ellison. P•o• 272 MEMBERS IS Clarence Eugene Anderson, Amarillo James Houston Atwill, Midland Thomas Jay Benner, Dallas Willie Smith Bennett, Amarillo William Ambrose Biggs, Austin '11.LD, ]R. Ernest Patrick Bond, Baytown EEL Denmar Barclay Canova, Amarillo William Peyton Cooke, Amarillo Elbert Creel, Phillips Morris Madden Creel, Phillips George Allen Crowley, Austin John Cecil Culpepper, Jr., College Station Charles David Culver, Tyler Keys Alexander Curry, Jr., Midland Terence Attebury Curtis, Amarillo Joe Shirley Davis, Snyder Hollis Baxter DeGrassi, Jr., Amarillo Paul Logan DeVerter, II, Baytown Monte Severne Donaldson, Galena Park Ben Addison Donnell, Wichita Falls John Timothy Dorman, Jacksonville Agustus Ventors Charles Drake, Wellington Sam William Dunn, Amarillo Albert Lipscomb Ebaugh, Villa Acuna, Coahuila Joe Patrick Edwards, Fort Worth George Washington Eliot, Jr., Midland Lynwood Grayburn Elliott, Austin David Ragsdale Ellison, Austin Thomas Phillips Field, Jr., Dallas Robert Charles Floyd, Midland Glenn Lloyd Garrison, Odessa James Michael Geren, Dallas Frank Leland Glass, Sweetwater Richard Douglas Hague, Michigan City, Ind. Kenneth Albert Hill, Corpus Christi James Myron Holcomb, Crane Paxton Hope Howard, Jr., Austin Lloyd Walker Jary, Jr., Fort Worth Monroe Dudley Johnson, Austin H arry David Kirkpatrick, Phillips Stewart Birtrum Lambert, Austin Robert Joseph Lee, Bryan Jesse Arthur Leggett, Midland Carl Edwin Locke, Jr., Austin Lawrence Allen Mann, Laredo Greg Newton Martin, Austin John Edgar Martin, Cleveland Jean Arnold Martindale, Pampa Joel Thomas Mays, San Angelo David Spencer McDonald, Houston Fred Daniel McDonald, Fort Worth James Lee McWhorter, Amarillo Robert Dean McWhorter, Amarillo James William Miller, Austin Donald Scott Mullins, Amarillo Roane Harwood Puett, Longview Virgil Sullivan Rabb, Austin James Thomas Rogers, Fort Worth Rodney Waldman Rogers, Dallas Floyd Cecil Saxon, Jr., Baytown William Fred Schmidt, Jr., Amarillo Alden Barton Smith, Austin Nelson Douglas Stubblefield, Fort Worth Gage Van Horn, III, Odessa Kenneth Wayne Vernon, Plainview Billy Newton Walker, Cleveland John Allan Watson, Austin James Arlen Wilson, Baytown Ronald Gene Woods, Pampa James Fletcher Wright, Austin Top Row: Field, Garrison, Grinke, Grubbs. Second Row: Hall, Hill, Holcolm, Howard. Third Row: Hunt, Jary, Jobe, Joor. Fourth Row: E. Kirkpatrick, H. Kirkpatrick, Lambert, Lee. Fifth Row: Leggett, Long, Mann, G. Martin. Sixth Row: J. Martin, Matthews, D. McDonald, F. McDonald. Seventh Row: Moore, Mullins, Oliver, Puett. Eighth Row: Rabb, Robertson, Robinson, Rogers. Ninth Row: Sanders, Saxon, Schmidt, Sewell. Tenth Row: Sikes, Spangler, Stubblefield, Swain. Eleventh R ow: Turpin, Van Horn, Vernon, Waggener. T welfth Row: Walker, Watson, Wilson, Woods. PAGE 273 LOCAL ESTABLISHME T, 1941 ATIONAL FOU DING, 1850 FAC ULTY STANLEY A. ARBINGAST, Associate Professor of Resources LLOYD LORING CLICK, Dean Emeritus, College of Arts and Sciences ROBERT CRAWFORD COT ER, Assistant Professor of History DR. JOH AUGUSTUS CROCKETT, Physician, Specialist, Student Health Center COLLIER READ GRANBERRY, Professor of Electrical Engineering CALVIN CLEAVE NOLE , Director, Texas Union ARNO NOWOT Y, Dean of Student Life OFFICERS Fall Spring BRADY MARSHALL COLE Alpha JOSEPH JEFFER 0 E TILL JR. JAMES H UNTER THOMPSON Beta ToM HowARD TIMMI ToM HowARD TIMMINS Pi . GRADY Dvso BRUCE, JR. H UGH K. HARRIS Sigma '"'ILLIAM MOFFETT KROMER BOBBY JACK SIMPSON Tau BOBBY JACK SIMPSON PLEDGES Jack Tarpy Andersen, San Antonio Joseph Lee Gleason, Houston William Kirkland Baker, Houston Jack Alden Harvey, Austin Woodrow Ivan Beasley, Jr., Del Rio Hugh Milner Herndon, Hou ton Warren August Buttelmann, Jr., Houston George William Knebel, Austin Robert Lewis Coffey, Freeport Richard James Lindley, Jr., Houston Richard Rosser Cole, Houston Alvie Tolbert Merrill, Freeport Maurice Edward Cowan, Austin Hugh Gibbs Mood, Midland William Edward DeMouche, Houston Mark Kimbrough Mosley, Jr., Buna Stanley Burnett Ferguson, Houston Charles Wayne tigall, Houston Rick Peter Fisher, Conroe Robert Barnes Summers, Pasadena Travis Duane Franklin, Houston A. Haygood Wilson, Jr., an Antonio 0. Henry Young, Jr., Abilene SPRING PLEDGES Shelly Lee Leffingwell, Austin John Patrick Ivey, Pecos Top R ow: Andersen, Baker, Beall, Beasley, Birdwell, Blanton, Brocato, Brooks. Second Row: Bruce, Carter, Cobb, Coffey, B. Cole, R. Col<', Cowan, W. Davidson. Third Row: DeMouchc, Doherty, Dyer, Ferguson, Fisher, Foley, Franklin, Gip on. pAi lt"f1f111 ,Ji911111 LL, jR MEMBERS William Kent Anderson, Houston Dan Lewis Armstrong, III, Houston William Donald Armstrong, Lubbock John Gillespie Beall, Jacksonville Al Evans Birdwell, Jr., Houston John Charles Blanton, San Antonio Finice David Breedlove, Midland Anthony Gerard Brocato, Beaumont Henry Tebbs Brooks, Houston Grady Dyson Bruce, Jr., San Antonio Gregory Alan Carter, Fort Worth Lawrence Dean Cobb, Marlin John Richard Cogdell, Electra Brady Marshall Cole, Houston Jack Willard Connel, Jr., Wichita Falls Clifford William Davidson, Houston William Lewis Davidson, Houston Vincent Holle DeFoy, Houston Bill Nelson Dikes, Houston Larry orman Doherty, Houston Don Thomas Dyer, Denison Joseph Jefferson Estill, Jr., Houston Charles Lewis Foley, Houston Gerald Carlyle Galbraith, Dallas Ray Alvin Gipson, Victoria Irwin Duyka Hammack,.Angleton Hugh K. Harris, Fort Worth James Dell Heinrichs, Bowie Glenn Curtis Hunt, Jr., San Antonio J. L. Jackson, Austin Robert Eugene Jones, Houston Jerry Stokes Jordan, Lake Jackson William Moffett Kromer, San Antonio John S. Lauer, Camp Hill, Penn. Cadmus Kilgore Lawson, II, Dallas Patrick McNamara, Austin Everett Armistead Marley, Jr., Houston Frank Estes Martin, Jr., Mart Clifton Hatcher McCall, Victoria George Baker Meyer, II, Houston Bradley C. Miles, San Angelo Charles Eddis Moore, Mineral Wells James Charles Murphy, Austin Samuel Jerome Payne, Dallas Paul Joseph Porcarello, Houston Robert Thomas Rapp, Fort Worth Spencer Cone Relyea, III, Dallas Bennett James Roberts, Jr., Houston Joseph Wayne Roberts, Houston Bobby Jack Simpson, Fort Worth William Gibbs Spiller, Houston Gary Frederick Taft, San Benito Michael Edward Thomas, Maracaibo, Venezuela James Hunter Thompson, Houston William Van Thompson, Dallas Tom Howard Timmins, Elysian Fields Louis Nathan Trapolino, Houston George Thomas Warner, Odessa Neil Larry Whitesell, Austin Richard Blondell Williams, Dallas Roger Robinson Wright, Jr., Austin Robert Carlton Wyche, Dallas Top Row: Hammack, Harris, Harvey, Heinrichs. Second Row: Herndon, Reiner, Konrad, Huber, Hunt, Jones. Third Row: Jordan, Knebel, Kromer, Lauer. Fourth Row: Lawson, Lindley, Marley, Martin. Fifth Row: McCall, Merrill, Miles, Mood. Sixth Row: Moore, Mosley, Murphy, Payne. Seventh Row: Porcarello, Roberts, Simpson, Spiller. Eighth Row: Stigall, Summers, Taft, Thomas. Ninth Row: Thompson, Timmins, Trapolino, Whitesell. Tenth Row: Wilson, Young. PAGE ?75 LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1943 NATIO AL FOUND! G, 1906 FACULTY HOMER GODSEY ELLIS, Teaching Assistant in Mathematics ROY RANKIN KREZDORN, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engi11eering ROBERT LEE MILLS, Associate Professor of Educational Administration KENNETH WILLIAM OLM, Assista11t Professor of Management OFFICERS Fall Spring LEON ARTHUR WHITNEY President JoEL BoLTON McCARTY, JR. JoEL BoLTON McCARTY, JR. Vice-President ROBERT wARREN SILMAN DAVID EDMOND HUNT Corresponding WILLIAM BENNETT SMITH, III Secretary DAVID EDMOND H u T R ecording DONALD ALLAN MAXWELL Secretary LINN NEAL DuNIVEN Treasurer ROBERT DAVID ERNST PLEDGES James Howard Blasingame, Houston William Jackson Blythe, Huntsville Charles Harold Borup, III, Houston Charlie Dalton Moore, Abilene Joseph Spencer Morrow, Jr., Waco Arnold Wood Orsak, Caldwell David Edward Phillips, Waco George William Peter Reinhart, Fort Worth William Bennett Smith, III, Athens Lewis Hardeman teves, Bay City SPRING PLEDGES Orel Carlyle Dugger, Amarillo Jack Arnold Orsack, Caldwell Robert Lyon Hall Fort Worth Mason 'Webster, III, an Antonio MEMBERS James William Akkerman, Houston Gordon Earl Beck, Anson Robert Arthur Boberg, Dallas Don Edward Boesch, Houston Franklin D. Bollman, Clarksville Carl Gene Bradley, El Paso Paul Meredith Culp, Jr., Abilene James Edgar Davis, El Paso Linn Neal Duniven, Amarillo Earnest Wesley Dyke, Mount Pleasant Robert David Ernst, Munnsville, . Y. ammie James Granato, San Antonio Robert Lester Griffis, Coleman Jess Lester Harkness, Seymour David Edmond Hunt, El Paso Byron Mylphis King, Austin Donald Allan Maxwell, Austin Joel Bolton McCarty, Jr., Houston Charles Lee Michulka, Wharton H. Roger Phillips, San Antonio Aubrey Benjamin Pinnell, El Paso Andy Spencer Robertson, Kingsville Robert Clifton Russell, Jr., Arlington Robert William Shohan, Parkersburg,W.Va. Robert Warran Silman, New York, . Y. Victor 0. R. Tafel, Jr., San Antonio John Lytle Tom, Jr., Campbellton Leon Arthur Whitney, Amarillo Top Row: Beck, Boberg, Boesch. Second Row: Borup, Blythe, Culp. Third Row: Dyke, Ernst, Griffis. Fourth Row: Maxwell, McCarty, Michulka. Fifth Row: Moore, Orsak, D. Phillips. Sixth Row: H. Phillips, Pinnell, Reinhart. Seventh Row: Robertson, Russell, Shohan. Eighth Row: Silman, Smith, Steves. Ninth Row: Tafel, Tom, Whitney. PAGE 277 Fall HAROLD LEONARD KAMINSKY \VrLLIAM LEwrs KOTTWITZ BARRY EARL KAU FMAN JEROME JACOB ATHA ' III G us BLOCK LOCAL ESTABLI HMENT, 1920 ATIONAL FOU DING, 1910 OFFICERS Spring Master Frater Jo DAvm ToTZ Vice-Master Frater MAURICE GOLD TEI Corresponding S ecretaT')' . Recording Secretary . BARRY EARL KAUFM Treasurer RONALD ORMA CHOE BRU PLEDGES Steven Lyle Alexander, Waco Harold Eichenbaum, Jr., Austin Samuel David Glassman, Greenville Gary Alvin Goldfeder, Wichita Falls Charles Edward Hauser, Houston Richard Jules Loewenstern, Houston Rodney Harry Margolis, Houston Lowell Maurice Rosenthal, Fort Worth Sherman Allan Ross, Houston Mansel Mose Rubenstein, Houston Raphael Taub Schwartz, Houston T op Row: Aaron, Anisman. Block, Brown, Daily, De enberg. Seco nd Row: Eichenbaum, Finger, Fink, Gerson, Gia sman, Goldberg. PAGE 278 MEMBERS Steven Louis Aaron, Dallas Melvin Aardvark Anisman, Pampa Gus Block, Houston Stephan Zachary Brown, Tyler Leon J. Daily, Jr., New Gulf Marvin Allen Denowitz, Longview Julius Desey Desenberg, Houston Ronald Jack Finger, Houston Lowell Stephen Fink, Houston Fred Milton Gerson, Houston Herbert Stephen Goldberg, Marshall Edmond Goldstein, Forrest City Maurice Goldstein, Sherman Seinwil Louis Greenberg, Beaumont Freddie Sherman Harkavy, Memphis, Tenn. Lawrence Maurice Joseph, Mesquite Stephen Ir! Kaiser, Houston Harold Leonard Kaminsky, Houston Jay Jules Karkowsky, Houston Richard Simon Karotkin, Austin Ronald Mitchell Katz, San Antonio Barry Earl Kaufman, Houston Jay Rodney Kline, Port Arthur William Joe Koen, Austin J. Livingston Kosberg, Waco Stanley Joel Kottwitz, Galveston William Lewis Kottwitz, Houston Frank Lester Levy, Waco Joseph Edward Lowenstein, Port Arthur Clarence Edwin Mayer, Jr., Helena, Ark. Jerome Jacob Nathan, III, Beaumont Jules Follis Rose, Houston Barry Raymond Russak, Tyler Ronald Norman Schoenbrun, Tyler Joseph Shade, Temple David Ely Smith, Austin Thomas Carl Sonnenberg, San Antonio Lawrence Edward Steinberg, Dallas Phillip David Stotland, Hattiesburg, Miss. Jon David Totz, Gonzales Sidney Conrad Weiss, Dallas Jerry Ames Wells, Galveston Robert Lawrence Yarmo, Kansas City, Mo. Harold Isadore Zweig, San Antonio Top Row: Goldfeder, E. Goldstein, M. Goldstein. Second Row: H arkavy, Hauser, Kaiser. Third Row: Karkowsky, Karotkin, Katz. Fourth Row: Kaufman, Koen, W. Kottwitz. Fifth Row: Levy, Loewenstein, Margolis. Sixth Row: Mayer, Nathan, Ross. Seventh Row: Rubenstein, Rusenthal, Russak. Eighth Row: Schoenbrun, Schwartz, Smith. Ninth Row: Sonnenberg, Steinberg, Stotland. Tenth Row: Totz, Yarmo, Zweig. PAGE 279 LOCAL ESTABLISHME T, 1947 NATIO 1AL FOU DI G, 1873 FACULTY FREDERICK JOSEPH ADAMS, Professor of Educational Psychology HUBERT ALDINE BRANDENBURG, fostructor in R omance Languages FRANKL! LANIER COX, Assistant to the President PHILIP DOUGLAS CREER, Professor and Director, School of Architecture KARL K. KLEIN, Assistant Professor of Physical and Health Education OFFICERS Fall Spring JoHN W ESLEY SAUER President . B u RRELL RowE, m JoE NEIL TILLERY . Vice-President ARGIL C. CzIGA B URRELL RowE, m . Secretary . GEORGE WASHINGTO HAGER, JR. RONNY WAYDE NICHOLAS Treasurer . Ro NY WAYDE NICHOLAS PLEDGES Hubert Carl Askew, Houston Robert Don Lumley, Baytown James Carroll Aston, Houston J. D. Monk, Austin William Loyd Baker, III, Park Ridge, Ill. William Benton Nevitt, Bellaire Eugene Lee Brown, Jr., Dallas Robert Eugene Osborn, Odessa James M. Colley, Dallas Richard Brock Parker, Hou ton John Milton Combs, Athens James David Patterson, Channelview William Michael Duff, Austin John Wilson Price, Corpus Christi Ronald Eugene Eddy, Jr., Dallas Donald Lee Smith, Dallas Travis Finley Faircloth, Jr., Dallas Robert Gary Smith, Dallas Charles Herbert Fredrickson, San Angelo Dale Allan Somers, Galveston LaVerne Allen Fugler, Jr., Marshall Robert Hendrick Turner, Marlin Sidney Long Gober, Humble Conrad Brian Vance, Houston Daniel Stratton Gwinner, Dallas Barry Crafton Wells, Dalla Virgil Paul Hammerle, Houston Davis Wyatt Wetmore, Galve ton Frazier Patrick Henry, San Angelo George Polk Williams, Corsicana Frank August Rueter, Jr., Houston Darrell David Wilson, Hou ton Dan Wesley Wright, Austin Top Row: Adair, Askew, Aston, Baker, Barker, Barnett, Bousquet, Bowman. Second Row: Brown, Caragonne, Colley, Combs, Creer, Dennis, Eddy, Faircloth. Third Row: Fredrickson, Fugler, Gafford, George, Gilbreath, Gober, Grissett, Grisson. PAGE 280 AGER, jR. MEMBERS Robert Sterling Adair, Austin Alfred Gene Matthews, San Angelo Wilson Roger Barker, Weatherford Wilbourn Baker McAdams, Tomball Joseph Seaborne Barnett, Waco Charles Howard McCann, Houston Thomas G. Bousquet, Houston Richard Lynn McDaniel, Harlingen Walter Clarkson Bowman, Jr., Harlingen Allen Talbot Mclnnes, Bellaire Alex Caragonne, Houston Orville Homer Miller, Iowa Park Dail Warren Cosner, Corpus Christi Danny Earl Newbrough, Texon Philip Douglas Creer, Jr., Austin Thomas Allen Neyland, Beaumont Argil C. Czigan, Yokohoma, Japan Ronny Wayde Nicholas, Dallas Michael David Dennis, Sherman Robert Edward Norwood, Corpus Christi Clyde Larry Fitzgerald, Austin James M. Pickell, Houston Luther Charles Flinn, Austin Walter Brown Pistor, Dallas Daniel Shelton Gafford, Reagan Thomas Gene Roberts, Houston William Lee George, Houston Loyd Gordon Robertson, Houston Charles Leach Gilbreath, Alice Burrel Rowe, III, Livingston Charles William Grissett, Midland :w Jesse Leon Sabala, Jr., Dallas David Grissom, Dallas Bryce C. Sanford, El Campo George Washington Hager, Jr., Dallas James Leon Hailey, Harlingen John Wesley Sauer, Almeda Francis Edward Harkrider, Temple Harry Donald Schwerdtfeger, Galveston Floyd Dennis Herndon, Jr., Garland David Bowie Sellers, Gregton Hal Segrest Hudson, Houston William Vernon Sheppard, Houston Charles Edmond Knapp, Austin James Marshall Smith, Dallas Danny Ray Lambden, West Columbia Kenneth Lee T ekell, Corsicana Maurice John William Lehmann, Boerne Joe Neil Tillery, Fort Worth Stanley Dennison Woodmansee, Jr., Meriden, Conn. Top R ow: Gwinner, H ager, H ailey, H ammerle. Second R ow: Harkrider, Henry, Herndon, Hudson. Third R ow: Hueter, Larnbden, Lehmann, Lumley. Fourth Row: Matthews, McCann, McDaniel, Miller. Fifth R ow: Monk, evitt, Newbrough, Neyland. Sixth Row: Nicholas, Parker, Patterson, Pickell. Seventh R ow: Price, Roberts, Robertson, Rowe. Eighth R ow: Sabala, Sanford, Sauer, Sheppard Ninth Row: D. Smith, R . Smith, Tekell, Tillery. Tenth Row: Turner, Vance, Wetmore, Williams. Eleventh Row: Wilson, Woodmansee, Mrs. Frank Millar. PACE 281 LOCAL ESTABLISHME T, 1920 ATIO AL FOU DI G, 1868 FACULTY GEORGE W. HOFFMAN, Associate Professor of Geography OTIS ARNOLD SINGLETARY, Assistant Professor of History OFFICERS Fall Spring JERRE EDWIN SYKES S.M. C. WALTER WEBB Duso HENRY MAURICE CARDER I. M. C. JAMES DAVID GILLASPIE WILLIAM CLAUDE DAVIDSON, JR. S. C. JERRY DEAN CAIN PAUL DAVID FAHRENTHOLD T.H. C. WILSON BYRD TARVER PLEDGES William Norris Agee, El Paso James Boyd House, Jr., Corpus Christie Michael Lee Binyon, San Angelo Paul Allan Howard, San Antonio Harry Vaughn Bonds, Jr., Baytown Raymond Percy James, San Antonio Jon Sam Brown, Price Royal Parks James, San Antonio Owen Price Carpenter, Belton Michael Klepak, Dallas Robert Earl Clark, Austin Wallace Edwin Lowry, Jr., Huntsville Michael Mayo Ditto, Arlington Guy Edward Matthews, Mont Belvieu Randell Allan Dukeminier, Houston Juan Gene Miller, Denis:m Harvey Keith Fahrenthold, Poth Glenn Ray Moore, Sherman Eugene Gray Feild, II, Austin Tillman David O'Brien, Baytown James Richard Folkes, San Antonio Harvey G. Pippen, Arlington Michael Roy Gibson, El Paso Homer Don Smith, Eastland Roy Sims Goodman, Jr., Denison Homer Ernest tainton, Texarkana Ransom Joe Hardy, Atlanta Lester Gerry States, Harwood Frank Warren Hilliard, Arlington Jon A. Triplett, Corpus Christi Paul Hankins Walser, Jr., Temple SPRING PLEDGES Jimmy Howard Akin, Pasadena Robert Arthur Huber, Hou ton Frank Edward Billings, Nixon John Bruce Hughes, Iowa Park John Chester Blasingame, Wharton Hugh elson McWilliams, Atlanta Bernard Edward Breihan, III, El Paso Aubrey Jack Shannon, Beaumont Jan Williams Waite, Dallas Je \\ 11 & Pa Ro l~ l~ Te Ro lli \Ve ! l>ai &:i.· Poli "SON LASPIE ~VER MEMBERS George Robert Adams, Alice Allan Britt Adkins, Amarillo William Joseph Bailey, Marfa Craig Manley Bell, San Antonio Stuart Benson, Abilene Steve Ernest Best, Austin George Eugene Bogle, Houston Walton Porter Bandies, Jr., Austin Marshall Dean Bowdoin, Mont Belvieu Byron Bert Brown, Jewett William Vann Brown, Greenville Michael Paul Burkhart, Dallas Jerry Dean Cain, Tahoka Richard Trent Campbell, Jr., San Antonio Henry Maurice Carder, Bryan Leo Anderson Chamberlin, Dallas George Camp Chapman, Amarillo Roger Vincent Chenault, Houston David Mayo Cornell, San Antonio James Donald Crawford, Lufkin William Arthur Crockett, Ballinger William Claude Davidson, Jr., Yazoo City, Miss. Jerome Erse! Dawkins, Port Arthur William Lynn Durham, Lufkin Walter Webb Duson, El Campo Scott Dares Evans, Austin Paul David Fahrenthold, Houston Robert Sterling Farmer, Austin Jerry Ray Foster, Arlington James David Gillaspie, San Antonio Terry Clay Green, San Antonio Robert Gordon Greer, Waco Don Harral Gustafson, Gonzales Weldon Woolf Hammond, Jr., San Antonio Daniel Thomas Hampton, Naples Boyd Lewis Henderson, Austin Phillip Floyd Herring, Austin Joseph Cahill Hitt, Austin John Arthur Hruska, Austin Jim Ray Hudson, Alpine Jim Buck Huggins, Dallas James Franklin Hurley, Houston Herrell Glyn Jordan, Hubbard Robert Peter Jungman, Houston William Neal Kocurek, Austin Robert Gist Knupp, Amarillo Charles Lester MacKenzie, Houston Wallace Michael Mays, Greenville Philip Irving McConnell, Houston James Robert Moffett, Houston Charles R. Morgan, Jr., Amarillo Charles Richard Musick, Houston J. C. Bob Oehler, Dallas James Parker Oliver, Caldwell John Richard Passero, El Paso Donald Jay Pichinson, Austin David Elbert Pierce, Alpine Harold Elmer Posey, Hillsboro Charles Ronald Rogers, Austin Melvin Lynn Roloff, Victoria Peter Robert Rose, Austin Dennis Shannon, Houston Michael Ailhaud Shurr, Austin Harold Gene Smith, Dallas William Elbert Spears, Houston Donald Ray Stodghill, Rockwall Richard Franklin Stovall, Jr., Floydada Daniel Ashby Stultz, Austin Jerre Edwin Sykes, San Angelo Wilson Byrd Tarver, Waco Hayden Victor Terry, Arlington John Lytle Tom, Jr., Campbellton Gary Louis Valentine, San Antonio Gene Gilbert Vivroux, Seguine Neill Bailey Walsdorf, San Antonio Jerry Allan Wells, Denison James Lucian Wilborn, Austin Top Row: Folkes, Gillaspie, Green, Greer. Second R ow: Gustafson, H ampton, Hardy, Henderson. Third Row: Herring, Hitt, Howard, Hudson. Fourth Row: Huggins, Hurley, Raymond James, Royal James. Fifth Row: Jordan, Klepak, Knupp, Kocurek. Sixth Row: Matthews, Mays, Moore, Morgan. Seventh Row: Musick, Oehler, Oliver, Passero. Eighth Row: Posey, Rogers, Roloff, H . G. Smith. Ninth Row: Stainton, Stodghill, Sykes, Tarver. T enth R ow: Terry, Vivroux, Walsdorf. Eleventh Row: Walser, Wilborn. PACE 283 LOCAL ESTABLISHME T, 1884 NATIONAL FOUND! G, 1856 FACULTY HARRELL ESTES LEE, Associate Professor of Journalism WALTER DUFF MORRIS, Teaching Assistant in Germanic Languages JERRE STOCKTO WILLIAMS, Professor of Law OFFICERS Fall Spring JoE EowARD SHAW, JR. Eminent Archon WILLIAM RALEY DRUSHEL JAMES TERRY TOPHAM Eminent Deputy Archon WAYNE GILBERT WEACHMA LAMAR BOYT MAXWELL Eminent Correspondent FARRIS MCDANNALD HALL JoE Eo MARTIN . Eminent R ecorder LARRY CLIFTON TEPHE s THOMAS MICHAEL QUIGLEY Eminent Treasurer THOMAS MICHAEL QUIGLEY PLEDGES John Turley Anderson, Houston Carlisle Maxwell, Jr., San Antonio Donald Wayne Bell, Houston Lloyd Judson Maxwell, Devers Emil Bernard Brauer, Corpus Christi Edward Stanton McCullough, Pharr Robert Michael Canada, Houston Richard Kent McGaughy, San Antonio John Marvin Cely, Frankston David Mayes Middleton, Liberty Bruce E. Collier, Galveston Herman Wilhelm Ohme, San Antonio Phillip Lee Fox, Pharr Robert Young Pagan, Houston J ames Lyman Gallagher, Bellaire Jack Worley Powers, Corpus Christi Byron Jackson Gierhart, Corpus Christi Robert Donald Richardson, Houston Stanley Warren Glasscock, San Antonio Bryan Lee Rosson, Corpus Christi William Jerome Goldston, Jr., Houston Joe Arthur Shepperd, Jr., Burnet Dick Hoskins Gregg, Jr., Houston Robert Hampton Stewart, Jr., Houston James Bryan Grubbs, Jr., Houston Edwin Jackson Taegel, San Antonio Joe Ogburn Huggins, Jr., Baytown George Knight Taggart, III, Corpus Christi Charles Edward Johnson, Freeport John Randale Taylor, San Antonio J ack Osborne Jones, Corpus Christi Gordon Cole Thomson, Houston Ray Richard Kuenstler, Alice John Carrol Vogt, Dallas Homer Lee Luther, Jr., Houston John Morris Wagstaff, Abilene Edward Lynn Wildman, Jr., Kerrville SPRI G PLEDGES John Wells Fainter, Jr., Austin Arthur Milton Mauser, Houston Sherian Audilet Salge, Karnes City Top Row: Anderson, Allen, Bell, R. Boyd, Brelsford, Broesche, Burton, Canada. Second Row: Carpenter, Carr, Cox, Curtis, Donohue, Drushcl, Enen, Foster. Third Row: Fox, Gallagher, Gierhart, Glasscock, Goldston, Granberry, D. Gregg, Grubb. Fourth Row: Haight, Hall, Haschke, Howard, Huggins, Johnson, Jone , Ketchum. l'AOE 284 'i911111 11lpA11 ep,i/111 MEMBERS Platt Livingston Allen, Jr., Weatherford Thomas Alton Blakeley, Dallas Donald Ray Boyd, Tyler Ronald Dean Boyd, Plainview James Madison Brelsford, Houston Henry Fred Broesche, Bellaire Larry Kent Burton, Springfield, Ill. James Alfred Carpenter, Deer Park William Richard Carr, Corpus Christi William Brian Cox, III, Corpus Christi Donald Teel Curtis, Amarillo James Harrison Davis, Houston Eugene Patrick Donohue, II, El Paso Max Sithen Dreyling, Houston William Haley Drushel, Liberty Jack Enen, Houston Edwin Franklin Flato, Corpus Christi Joseph Holt Foster, Jr., Stamford Jon David Gooch, Midland urtis Eugene Granberry, Corpus Christi Charles Rebstoer Gregg, Houston Edward Allen Haight, Kenilworth, Ill. Farris McDannald Hall, Houston Marshall Allen Harrell, Jr., San Antonio Herbert Paul Haschke, Jr., Houston Gary Dee Howard, Midland Michael Clark Kendrick, Corpus Christi Charles Alfred Ketchum, Navasota Edward Weir LaMontagne, Houston Otto Fred Lohmeyer, Navasota Graham Barton Luhn, San Antonio Joe Ed Martin, Hearne Ronald Engel Martin, Bryan James Albert Mashburn, Midland Lamar Boyt Maxwell, Devers Dossett McCullough, Pharr Frank Owen McGehee, Houston Max Gustav Michaelis, III, Kyle John Marvin Mohrmann, Gonzales William Daniel Mount, Dallas Michael Hill O'Brien, Houston Benjamin F. Pennington, Corpus Christi Rupert Maury Pollard, Austin Peter Evans Pratt, Houston William Howard Prim, Jr., Texas City James Harrison Puff, Jr., Fort Worth Thomas Michael Quigley, Corpus Christi Gordon Phil Roberts, Tyler John Mansfield Rogers, Dallas Thomas Winder Rowan, Houston Carris Ralph Sargent, Jr., Grand Prairie William Blair Scott, Houston Shelby Edward Shannon, Jr., Karnes City Jo Edward Shaw, Jr., Houston Larry Clifton Stephens, Angleton Roger Lee Tolar, San Antonio Frank Augustus Tompkins, II, Corpus Christi James Terry Topham, San Antonio Wayne Gilbert Weachman, Houston Lacy Holmes Williams, Longview Whitmell David Williams, Houston Wayne Ellsworth Windle, Texarkana Top Row: Kuenstler, LaMontagne, Lohmeyer, Luhn. Second Row: Luther, J. Martin, R. Martin, Mashburn. Third Row: C. Maxwell, L. B. Maxwell, L. J. Maxwell, D. McCullough. Fourth Row: E. McCullough, McGaughy, McGehee, Michaelis. Fifth Row: Middleton, Mohrmann, Mount, Ohme. Sixth Row: Pagan, Pennington, Pollard, Powers. Seventh Row: Pratt, Prim, Quigley, Richardson. Eighth Row: Rogers, Rosson, Rowan, Sargent. Ninth Row: Shannon, Shaw, Shepperd, Stephens. Tenth R ow: Stewart, Taegel, Taggart, Taylor. Eleventh Row: Thomson, Tompkins, Topham, Vogt. Twelfth Row: Wagstaff, Weachman, Wildman. Thirteenth Row: Williams, Windle. PAGE 285 LOCAL ESTABLISHME T, 1922 NATIO~AL FOUNDING, 1909 FACULTY ALAN SCOTT, Associate Professor of Journalism IRWI SPEAR, Assistant Professor of Botany OFFICER Fall Spring LEON . \\'ErL Prior THOMAS MoRTO Roo TH RODERT MEL\'IN BECKER R ecorder LEWIS ME DELL ABRAHAM WILSON Exchequer FREDRIC MITCHELL lL\'ER PLEDGES E. Robert Adler, Corpus Christi Harold Pacey La,·es, Austin Marshall Elliott Benjamin, Borger Peter M. Loeb, Sweetwater Richard Barry Bermont, Coral Gables, Fla. Sterling Samuel euman, San Antonio Stanley Byron Block, Corpus Christi Warren Paul Roosth, Tyler Larry Sylvester Glazer, Fort Worth James Jay Siegel, San Antonio Robert Earl Gurwitz, San Antonio Harris Joe Sterling, San Antonio Charles Harris Heilbron, Dallas Charles Irving Toubin, Houston Joel Don Zimmerman, Houston SPRING PLEDGES David Michael Ginsburg, Austin Nathan Cecil Roosth, Tyler IOSTH Il.\U. ltlU MEMBER Murray Allen Abramson, Dallas Jarrell H. Antweil, Gladewater R. Gord:m Appleman, Fort Worth Robert Melvin Becker, San Angelo Ronald H. Blum, Fort Worth Hilton I. Chodorow, Waco Frank M. Dannenbaum, Houston Leonard Jay Goltzman, Victoria Alfred Sam Goodman, Longview Gary Reagan Gurwitz, an Antonio Donald Sidney Herman, Fort Worth Jay B. Horowitz, Dallas Julian Victor Horwitz, El Paso Robert Mayer Jason, Blue Field, W. Va. Harold Bernard Karren, San Antonio Bernard Katz, El Paso Sammy Kins, Corpus Christi Robert Martin Kirstein, Austin Fredric G. Kline, San Antonio Alvin Jerome Levenson, San Antonio Lee S. Mendel, Colorado Springs, Colo. Lewis Mendell, Corpus Christi Morton H. Meyerson, Fort Worth Sheldon Irving Oster, San Antonio Burton Lee Rakoover, Fort Worth Thomas Morton Roosth, Tyler Jay Neil Rosenberg, Joplin, Mo. Bernard Jerome Rubin, Fort Worth Soi Schwartz, Houston Fredric Mitchell Silver, an Antonio Leon . Weil, Fort Worth Abraham Wilson, Laredo William Howard Wolf, McCamey Calvin Moritz Wolff, McAllen Top Row: Gurwitz, Heilbron, Herman. Second Row: Horowitz, Jason, Karren. Third Row: Kins, Kirstein, Kline. Fourth Row: Laves, Loeb, Mendel. Fifth Row: Meyerson, Neuman, 0 ter. Sixth Row: Rakoover, Roosth, Rosenberg. Seventh Row: Schwartz, Siegel, Silver. Eighth Row: Sterling, Toubin, Weil. Ninth Row: Wilson, Wolff, Zimmerman. PAGE 287 LOCAL ESTABLISHME T, 1884 ATIONAL FOUND! G, 1855 FACULTY ALBERT EVERETT COOPER, Profe-ssor of Mathematics STANLEY PHISTER FINCH, Professor Emeritus of Ciuil Engineering HUGH LYON McMATH, Professor of Architecture OFFICERS Fall Spring HERBERT LEE HOOKS Consul ROBERT DAVID FETZER CHARLES B. HERNDON Pro-Consul ROBERT WILLIAM HASTEDT RICHARD T. CLOWER . Tribune . JoE DEAN PHIPPS THOMAS BENTON COOPWOOD Annotator SLOAN LAFAYETTE K.mK, JR. JERRY F. SIMMANS Quaestor JAMES LvoNs McCALL, m Don Ray Allen, New London Henry George Anderson, La Marque Richard Preston Barret, Pampa Tommy Earl Beidleman, Snyder Floyd Wayne Brown, Corpus Christi orman Dennis Brown, La Porte Robert Paschal Buford, Tyler Jerry Lee Clowe, Dallas Charles Lanier Edminston, Jr., Crockett Patrick C. Gilliland, Austin Edward Swinney Givens, San Antonio Doyle Wayne Goolsby, Lamesa Robert Harrell Hankins, Lamesa Robert Doyle Hawthorne, Kilgore Stanley Haywood Henderson, Houston David Paul Jacobs, Big Lake William Carey Kennedy, Jr., Austin PLEDGES Gerald Simmons Kirby, San Antonio Albert Scruggs Love, Jr., McAllen Drewry Hampton Morris, Waco Gerald Boyd Murrell, Tyler Larry Harkness Niemann, Austin Hinton Booth Wright, Petry, Carrizo Springs Charles Turner Richardson, Columbus Stephen Clay Scibienski, Corpus Christi James Elsie Shillinburg, Kermit William Howe Shoemaker, San Benito Frank Tom Silliman, Fort Stockton Everett Gregor Smith, Midland James Arthur Steer, Mercedes John Butler Terrell, Jr., Beaumont Robert Bryan Thompson, Tyler Tommy Richard Turner, Dalla Ronald Lee Vanmeter, Beaumont SPRING PLEDGES William Stanley Barnes, Austin David Louis Horner, Dallas Robert Conway Houston, Dallas Jack Base, Tulsa, Okla. Douglas Martin Baker, Belleville, Ill. John Russell Butler, Austin Elliot John Bilhartz, Jr., San Antonio Robert Blackwell, Dallas Joseph Clyde Clark, Glen Campbell, Penn. Richard T. Clower, Corpus Christi Kenneth Lee Cochrum, Baytown Jerry Douglas Conn, Beaumont David Bradford Connery, Jr., Midland Charley Conaway, San Antonio Thomas Benton Coopwood, Lockhart Jack Layton Davis, Austin Ralph Lee Deshong, Jr., Wichita Falls Tom Guernsey DeWitt, Kilgore H. Maurice Doke, Wichita Falls Dale Bowles Dudley, Corpus Christi Robert David Fetzer, San Antonio Garrett Cotter Fogarty, Dallas Scott William Forney, Ranger Gregg Alan Harris, Tyler Robert William Hastedt, Columbus Charles B. Herndon, McAllen Herbert Lee Hooks, Henderson Louis Benjamin Houston, Jr., Dallas Ray Allen Hunter, Denver, Colo. William Paul Jones, Sinton Darrell Eddy Jordan, McAllen Edward Kirby, San Antonio Sloan Lafayette, Jr., San Saba John Hall Kochevar, Austin Bob Edward Lively, Dilley James Lyons McCall, III, Vicksburg, Miss. Top Row: Bill Horton McNall, Dallas Edward Knox Mellon, Jr., Austin Ernest Newton Mills, Corpus Christi Morton Winston Moriarty, Big Lake Wilbur Chapman Morris, Jr., Waco Charles Mueller, San Antonio Robert Chinn Nelson, Kilgore John B. Padgett, Colorado City Joseph Peck, Crosbyton Clay Kemper Perkins, Austin Joe Dean Phipps, Austin James Sydney Ramsey, Jr., Kilgore James Edward Roberts, McAllen Don James Rooney, II, San Antonio Charles orman Schwarz, Jr., Houston John Fisher Schwarz, Houston Richard Dutton Seba, Tulsa, Okla. Thomas Edward Seekatz, Austin Richard Selzer, Terrell Don Baker Sheffield, Rio Hondo John T. Sherwood, Beaumont Jerry F. Simmans, Ranger Sidney H. Smith, III, Corpus Christi Edward Monroe Snyder, Jr., Dallas James Marion Phillips Springer, Houston David Pipe Steves, Jr., San Angelo Sidney Sherrod Stover, New Orleans, La. Thomas Waller Taylor, Houston James Edward Tylaska, Houston Hazen Robert Walker, ew Braunfels James Edgar Wall, Houston Winston Roger Warr, Center John Hill Watts, Corpus Christi John Chalon Wayman, Houston Joel McGee Wilkinson, Tyler Michael Gordon Wright, Tulsa, Okla. Jones, Jordan, Kennedy, Kirk. Second Row: Lively, Love, McCall, McNall. Third Row: Mellon, Mills, Moriarty, W. Morris. Fourth Row : Murrell, Niemann, Petry, Phipps. Fi/ th Row: Ramsey, Richardson, Roberts, Rooney. Sixth Row : C. Schwarz, J. Schwarz, Seekatz, Sheffield. Seventh Row: Sherwood, Silliman, Simmans, E. Smith. Eight Row: S. Smith, Snyder, Steer, Steves. Ninth Row: Stover, Taylor, Terrell, Thompson. Tenth Row: Turner, Tylaska, Vanmeter, Walker. Eleventh Row: Wall, Watts, Wayman, Wilkinson. PAGE 289 LOCAL ESTABLISHME T, 1886 NATIONAL FOUND! G, 1869 FACULTY MALCOLM YOUNG COLBY, Professor of Physics GEORGE HOMER FANCHER, Professor of Petroleum Engi11eering ARCHIE N. JONES, Profwor of Music EUGENE PAUL SCHOCH, Professor Emeritus of Chemical Engineering GEORGE ANTHONY SPIVA, JR., Instructor in Finance KEITH YOU. G, Associate Professor of Geology OFFICERS Fall Spring SAM RAYMOND BRIGHT, JR. Eminent Commander WILLIAM GLE GAMEL HOWARD WILLIAM KIATTA Lieutenant Commander EDWIN WILLIS PATTER ON GEORGE ARCHIE HELLAND . Corresponding Secretary MICHAEL SCOTT STROUD CHARLES HARTER, Ill . Recording Secretary JAMES ELLIS STAFFORD, JR. WILLIAM J UDSON ROGERS Treasurer Cov BEN MARTI PLEDGES Harry Lee Adams, Jr., Alice Robert Sherridan Hughes, Houston James Kent Adams, Houston Ross Lee Martella, Jr., Houston Donald Roberts Anders, Fort Worth Waymon Wayne McDonald, San Antonio John Robert Beauchamp, San Antonio James Thomas Mitchell, Houston James Robert Bright, Tyler Robert Walter Pegg, II, San Antonio Fredrick Samuel Brown, Mexia Frank John Quirk, Jr., San Antonio Harold Dee Carter, Tyler James Patrick Quirk, San Antonio Tom Ben Chadwick, Jr., Tyler Edwin Lee Rainwater, Wharton Rankin Hoss Chapman, Jr., Austin Charles Gary Rule, San Antonio Tommy Tucker Crosby, Tyler Richard Charles Schulte, Hondo James Larkin Ewing, San Antonio Jerrell Mills Smith, Fort Worth Donald Louis Haberle, Jacksonville Lawrence Dean Spencer, Abilene Benjamin Nicholls Hamilton, Port Arthur Jon Harris Starnes, Midland Thomas Ball Hensey, San Antonio Walter David Switzer, Houston Robert Earl Hover, Amarillo Thomas Leland Whitcomb, Houston David Kiker Hughes, Abilene Samuel Sidney White, Amarillo Claude Leland Witherspoon, III, San Antonio E SPRING PLEDGES A Kenneth Ray Brooks, Odessa Robert Gordon King, Jr., San Antonio Richard Clifton Craig, Seabrook David Charles Simon Kristynik, Bay City D Thomas Joe Hoskins, Corpus Christi Clarence Randolph Russel, Jr., Sherman a Richard Carrol White, Austin ~ \\' M T! R! \I, \Vi ~ Ho r.o nu MEMBERS ] 1,jl. Charles Allen Angel, McKinney Larry Marshall Asbury, Abilene William Randolph Bridges, Abilene Sam Raymond Bright, Tyler Joe Barnett Cannon, Mexia Richard Shaw Cardner, Houston Louis Wyatt Chenault, Houston Donald B. Clark, Houston John James Clary, III, Austin William Gordon Coker, Crystal City Gib on Milton Davis, Fort Worth Pat Taylor Dyer, Tyler James Joseph Exley, Houston Segle George Fry, III, Tyler William Glenn Gamel, Lampasas Ronald Lorimer Graner, Fort Worth Edgar C. Griffin, Liberty Anthony Brock Hamilton, Wharton Dexter Boone Hamon, Corpus Christi Charles Harter, III, Houston George Archie Helland, San Antonio Walter Russell Hensey, San Antonio Malcolm Scott Hicks, Austin Tom Truitt Hollingshead, Abilene Robert Jack Huston, Austin Victor B. Jaeggli, Jr., Corpus Christi William Howard January, Wichita Falls Gordon Howell Johnson, San Antonio Howard William Kiatti, Denver, Col. Coy Ben Martin, Jacksonville William Clayton McBride, Dallas Dee Russell McElroy, Wharton George William Moers, Jr., El Campo Joe Lee ea!, Austin Donald Ashby Nelson, San Antonio Robert Baxter Nisbet, Lufkin Gene Motley Oliver, Tyler Lester I. Paine, Bay City James Harry Painter, III, Houston Joe P. Parris, III, Abilene Edwin Willis Patterson, Midland Robert Clayton Puryear, Santo Jay Bradford Rea, Houston Brink Coleman Renick, Jr., San Antonio Thoma Jackson Risinger, Wharton William Alexander Roever, Jr., Dalla William Jud on Rogers, Dallas Walter Lewis Rose, Houston Barclay R. Ryall, Fort Worth Richard Joseph Saad, Houston John C. Sargent, Corpus Christi Robert Corr Service, Colorado Springs, Colo. Raymond Hall Stauffacher, Houston James Ellis Stafford, Jr., Houston Jimmy H. tearnes, Beaumont William Leroy Stein, Alice Michael Scott Stroud, Dallas Tom John Weigel, Jr., Austin Walter Scott Wysong, Dallas Top Row: Hensey, Hollingshead, Hover, D. Hughes. Second Row: R. Hughes, Huston, January, Kiatta. Third R ow: Martella, Martin, McBride, Mitchell. Fourth Row: Moers, Nelson, Nisbet, Oliver. Fifth Row: Paine, Patterson, Pegg, Puryear. Sixth Row: F. Quirk, J. Quirk, Rainwater, Rea. Seventh Row: Renick, Risinger, Roever, Rogers. Eighth R ow: Rule, Ryall, Saad, Sargent. Ninth Row: Smith, Spencer, Stearnes, Stein. Tenth Row: Stroud, Switzer, Weigel, Whitcomb. Eleventh Row: White, Wysong. PAGE 291 LOCAL ESTABLISHME T, 1930 ATIONAL FOU DI G, 1901 FACULTY WILLIAM WARFORD DINGLE, Assistant Professor of Petroleum Engineering RUSSELL EDDY LUEG, Instructor in Electrical Engineering JAMES RAYMOND VIRAMONTES, Assistant Basketball Coach OFFICERS Fall Spring CLOVIS CLYDE MORRISON President MARION WAY E BELL GERALD E UGENE LOTT Vice-President ALDEN RAMON WILSO LARRY HOWARD CAFER Secretary CADMUS EDGAR WILLIAMS PLEDGES Charles Wesley Allen, McKinney Clinton Franklin aegelin, Jr., ew Braunfel Thomas Walter Bailey, Palestine Frank Bluford Nance, Dallas Jim D. Bradey, New York, r. Y. Harold D. Orr, Carthage Edward Keith Chunn, Houston John Lee Pundt, Houston John Andrew Eads, Dallas Robert Edwin Robinson, LaMarque Stuart S. Giezendanner, Houston Roger Terry Shapiro, Houston William Earl Hodge, Dallas Rodney Henry Stevenson, Houston John Scoggins Hollyfield, Austin William Roland Stroud, Galveston Gordon Houser, Austin Donald DeFord Sumners, Houston Charles Robert Irving, Corpus Christi Donald Phillip Teague, San Antonio Layton Lee Leissner, New Braunfels James Rodney Thomas, Chicka ha, Okla. Robert Meurer Lindsey, Austin Charles Dean Tuttle, Corpus Christi Charles Dale Loney, Austin James Daniel Watters, Fort Worth Harry Price Lynd, Fort Worth James Robert Wells, Corpus Christi John Phillip Marcell, Corpus Christi James Robert Wiedeman, Junction Robert Sears Morgan, Corpus Christi George William Wilhite, Austin I ! SPRING PLEDGES I ( Jeremy Michael Gay, Clearwater, Fla. John Robert Kittrell, Dallas J Charles Raymond Goodrich, Dallas David Absher Leggett, Midland J David Hamilton Kelsey, Midland F L A )1 L c G OX L\l!S EX ieb ,Ji9fllt1 pAi ep,Ji/~11 MEMBERS Edward W. Abell, Houston Roger Miles Jorden, San Antonio Edward Ronald Ashbaugh, James Walter Kachtick, Texas City Parkville, Mo. Harry Bertrand Kelso, Jr., Texas City Larry Adrian Barnett, Houston Gerald Eugene Lott, Houston Marion Wayne Bell, Midland Donald Paul Mafrige, Houston Don Allen Bice, Port Arthur William S. McGowen, Fort Worth Rebel Eugene Blackwell, Canton Charles Patrick McGuire, Port Arthur Andre Bouchard, Austin Jerry Dan Mcinnis, Port Arthur William Keith Branham, Houston James Dudley Miller, Midland Owen Lynn Bybee, Jr., Hereford Webb Paul Moak, Port Arthur Larry Howard Cafer, Corpus Christi Clovis Clyde Morrisson, Jr., Port Arthur John H. Coates, Dallas John M. Mugno, Austin John Clifton Cooper, Beaumont Hensel Murchison, Houston Jerry Donald Davis, Houston Charles Robert Peck, Fort Worth William Owen Doctorman, Austin David Anders Provost, Port Arthur Charles Leonard Dolce, Port Arthur Floyd Curtis Reese, Austin Floyd Richard Drake, Amarillo Joseph M. Rush, Jackson, Neb. Albert George Franklin, Houston Walter Asa Saunders, Jr., Corpus Christi Norman Dwight Frede, La Grange Gaylon E. Schulle, Austin William E. Fritts, Houston John A. Sheldon, Houston George Richard Fulton, Jr., Beaumont Henry L. Sledge, Jr., Houston Jennings A. Garrett, Van Gilbert T. Speer, Houston Jack Lee Gist, Nacona George Gilbert Stubblefield, III, Forrest Edwin Harrell, Pasadena Houston Lawrence E. Hart, Austin Vernon E. Sweeney, Houston Albert Norris Helsley, Jr., McKinney Byron Dean Tapley, Pasadena Jerrell Aaron Holder, Wichita Falls Robert Franklin Teague, Jr., Houston Leon Poindexter Howell, Jr., Robert Glenn Waggener, Austin San Antonio Michael Wetzel, Bellaire Clyde Lanham Hurley, Wichita Falls Cadmus Edgar Williams, Palestifle Gerald Elvin Johnson, Nocona Wayne Thomas Willis, Austin Alden Ramon Wilson, Waxahachie Top Row: Helsley, Hodge, Holder, Hollyfield. Second Row: Houser, Howell, Hurley, Johnson. Third Row: Jorden, K achtick, Kelso, Lindsey. Fourth R ow: Loney, Lott, Lynd, Mafrige. Fifth R ow: Marcell, McGowen, McGuire, Miller. Sixth Row: Moak, Morgan, Morrisson, Murchison. Seventh R ow: aegelin, ance, Orr, Peck. Eighth R ow: Reese, Robinson, Rush, Saunders. Ninth Row: Schulle, Shapiro, Sledge, Stevenson. T enth R ow: Stroud, Stubblefield, Sumners, Tapley. Eleventh Row: Teague, Thomas, Wattet , Wells. Twelfth Row: Wetzel, Wilhite, Willis, Wilson. PAGE 293 Fall HERBERT HARRY WIENER ]ACK JosEPH ROSENBERG ]ACK LEE STONE LESTER MORTON COHEN !RVI G SYDNEY LE\"INE . PAGE 294 LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1926 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1910 OFFICERS Consul Vice-Consul Corresponding Scribe R ecording Scribe Quaestor PLEDGES Larry Herbert Berkman, Rosenberg Murray J. Blank, San Antonio Alvin Michael Bloom, San Antonio Morris Braunston, Waco Harry Jerome Eastman, San Antonio Edward K. Fein, San Antonio Stephen A. Haas, McAllen Robert William Jorrie, San Antonio Keith Edward Klein, San Antonio Albert Sidney Krovetz, Hou ton Bernard Dreyfuss Mayer, Jr., Enid, Okla. Maurice Samuel Olian, College Station Melvin Ray Platt, Houston Louis Esserman Ringold, San Antonio athan Joe chonier, Houston Emmanuel Herzl mith, Tyler Spring HERBERT HARRY Wm ER LESTER MORTON COHEN MAURICE SAMUEL 0LIAN GEORGE MEYER LIPSHY JACK LEE TO 'E I.ti .\IL Lu \la lll ilEXER Omx PSHY MEMBERS Enrique Merikanskas, Tampico, Mexico Tommy Moss, Dallas Jack Joseph Rosenberg, San Antonio Larry Joseph Sachnowitz, San Antonio Ronald Norman Schaevitz, Waco Sidney Phillip Seligson, Wichita Falls Stanley Jerome Shniderson, Houston Ephrim Stavorowski, Laredo Jack Lee Stone, Houston Jerry Lester Tiras, Houston Herbert Harry Wiener, Baytown Top Row: Berkman, Blank, Bloom. Second Row: Eastman, Fein, Graber. Third Row: Hurwitz, Jorrie, Klein. Fourth Row: Krovctz, Lauterstein, M. Lerner. Fifth Row: Levine, Lipshy, Mayer. Sixth Row: Merikankas, Moss, Olian. Seventh Row: Platt, Ringold, Rosenberg. Eighth Row: Sachnowitz, Seligson, Shniderson. Ninth Row: Smith, Stavorowski, Stone. Tenth Row: Tiras, Wiener. PAGE 295 ttLU tephens. FourJth R ow: George Edwin Fitts, Fred Bednarski, Perry Mike Wells, William Vaughn Gem1any, Jerry Doyle Tacker Michael Wetzel, Judah Bernard Schultz, James Boyd House, . r., Vance LaNoal Castleberry, James Richard Moffatt, Cameron Herschel Gates, David Allen Sadler. ' , Clii Fifth Row: Walter Gerald Jo~nson, Joe Dell Winter, Ray Joe Twardowski John Riley Evans, III, Fred Mayne Jennings, William Fredrick Stolhandskc, Maurice Arnim Baum· " gartcn, James Robert Gmnn, James Robert Moffett, James Robert Watson, Bob Allen Ehl. PAGE 307 Max Alvis blocks out a Georgia Bulldog for Mike Dowdle who took the ball on a hand­ off from Walt Fondren (in the background). On September 21 the Texas Longhorns, trying to recoup their football good fortune of former years, got the 1957 sea­son off in winning fashion with a 26-7 victory over the Georgia Bulldogs in Atlanta, Georgia. So impressive was the Steer win that the A.P. poll picked the Steers as the 13th best team in the nation at the end of the first week of play. Texas' unrelenting ground game amassed a net rushing total of 226 yards. Walt Fondren and Bobby Lackey handled the quarterbacking chores very effectively, while Mike Dowdle, who scored two touchdowns, Mickey Smith, Max Alvis, George Blanch and Clifford Grubbs, all supplied plenty of power. Texas was very stingy on defense allowing the Bulldogs only 128 yards net rushing for the evening. GEORGIA TEXAS First Downs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 16 Net Yards Rushing . . . 128 226 Yards Gained Passing . . . . . . 52 48 Passes Attempted . . . . . . . . . 9 8 Passes Completed . . . . . . . . . 4 4 Passes Intercepted By . . . . . . 0 1 Punts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6 Punting Average . . . . . . . . . . 31.0 30.3 Fumbles Lost . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 Yards Penalized . . . . . . . . . . . 87 45 WALTER WILLIAM FONDREN, Jll Quarterback, Su1ior Mike Dowdle took just one play from Tulane's two-yard line to score the Longhorns' second touchdown. Texas got the ball following a fumbled punt return by Ellzey. iXAS 16 116 48 1 6 30.l 2 4i TULANE First Downs ..... . .. . ... 9 Net Yards Rushing ...... . . 197 Yards Gained Passing .... 21 Passes Attempted ... . .. .. .. 5 Passes Completed . .. ..... . . 1 Passes Intercepted by ... . .. 0 Punts .............. ... . . 8 Punting Average . .... . .. . . 38.5 Fumbles Lost ............ . 2 Yards Penalized ... .. . . .... 47 Returning home on the third Saturday in September the Longhorns TEXAS made their '57 debut in Memorial Stadium a successful one by de­feating the Greenwave from Tulane 20-6 after four hard-fought 14 quarters of play. Halfway in the fourth quarter Texas and Tulane 174 were locked in a 6-6 tie. The ball game had served back and forth for three quarters and saw some bad moments for the Steers. But finally 90 sophomore back Rene Ramirez moved well behind good blocking10 and provided the go power in the two touchdown fourth period. Starting on the Greenie 47 Ramirez accounted for 37 yards. Ramirez 5 accepted a 21-yard toss from Fondren, then burst over tackle for0 thirteen more and topped it all off by scoring the tie-breaking touch­down on a 3-yard pass from Fondren. Texas best offense was in its 6 defense. A punt by Fondren to the Tulane 2-yard line was followed 36.3 immediately by a booming tackle by Larry Stephens who caused the Tulane receiver to fumble the ball into the hands of Bob Harwerth 2 and set up the Horns last tally. Texas linemen were tackling hard 31 all night and this hustle is illustrated by the fact that Texas punted 14 times in two games for a grand total punt return average against them of only 4 yards. A 98-yard run back of the opening kickoff and a 20-point explo ion in the fourth quarter proved too much for the Texa team to handle, a they suffered their fir t defeat at the hands of outh Carolina, 27-21 here at Memorial Stadium in Austin. After the initial touchdown wa scored by King Dixon of the Gamecock on his kickoff scamper, Texas then seemed to ignite and s ored one touchdown in each of the first three quarters up until the disastrous fourth quarter. Tcxa held outh Carolina to two first downs and a 59-yard net total gain during the first half. But then came the blister­ing outh Carolina dominated fourth period and their grind­ing ground game attack led by halfbacks King Dixon and lex Hawkins which accounted for three big touchdowns again t the detcrioratino-Texas defense. ELVIN MITCHELL SMITH Halfback, enior OUTH AROLl A TEXA First Down . .. . ..... 10 16 Net Yards Ru hing . . . . . . . . . . 142 115 Yards Gained Pa sing ... . . 65 161 Pa e Attempted ....... .. . 3 15 Passes Completed ... 3 9 Pas es Intercepted by . I 0 Punts ............. 6 6 Punting Avera"e 34.6 21.2 Fumbles Lot ..... . . 2 1 Yards Penalized ..... . . . . . 57 61 Alex Hawkins, Gamecock halfback, drives for a first down in the ill-fated fourth quarter. /. T. eaholm Alvis (25), Mike Dowdle, and Louis Del llomme all lend a hand bringing down the speedy Carolinian. PAC& 310 WESLEY LEE WYMAN Tackle, Senior OKLAHOMA First Downs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 et Yards Rushing ............ 303 Yards Gained Passing. . . . . 24 Passes Attempted . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Passes Completed . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Passes Intercepted by. . . . . . . . . . 5 Punts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Punting Average .. ... ..... . .. 30.5 Fumbles Lost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Yards Penalized . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 TEXAS 11 71 100 18 7 4 7 46.1 2 35 Tackle, Seni or TEXAS 7 O KLAHOMA 21 Texas mo,·ed to Dallas and the famous Cotton Bowl to engage the Oklahoma Sooners, the Number One team in the nation, where they fell by the very respectable score of 7-21. Smelling an up et the Longhorn played on equal terms with the Tarman conquerors for 57 minutes of the grueling contest. Only 5 minutes after the start of the game, Texas scored in a Fondren to Monte Lee combination and for a considerable time thereafter, a Longhorn upset victory was a distinct possi­bility. The climax came when T exas trailed 7-1 4 late in the game and Jackie Sandefer intercepted a Texas pass for the So:mers and ran it back to the Texas 21-yard strip where the Sooners scored after three plays from that point to put the game on ice . Arlis Parkhurst (55), Jerry Muennink (63), Jim Welch (15) , Will Wyman (75), Richard Schulte (80), Larry Stephens (84), and /. B. Padgett (64) come to the aid of the unidenti­fied Longhorn back who has been snowed under by Razorbacks. TEXAS 17 A RKANSAS 0 ARKANSAS TEXAS Conference rlay opened for the Steers in Fayetteville, First Downs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 10Arkansas, where the team engaged and decisively defeated Net Yards Rushing ... .. . .. . . .. 192 246the Arkansas Razorbacks, 17-0, thus upsetting the Nation's Yards Gained Passing . . ..... . . 126 31 10th ranked team. Arkansas could never fathom the Texas defense, the deepest penetration into Texas territory by the Passes Attempted . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 3 Razorbacks came in the third quarter and went to the Texas Passes Completed . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2 p, 13 where their drive fizzled. Offensive-wise it was George P; Passes Intercepted by. . . . . . . . . 0 2 Blanch who set up the first Texas score by recovering a Pi Punts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 9Razorback fumble. Fred Bednarski then kicked a 25-yard Pi Punting Average . ............ 38.6 39.1 field goal to put Texas in front 3-0. Mike Dowdle had a fine day for the Longhorns as he intercepted a Porkie pass, and Fumbles Lost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 y, Ft led the Steers in rushing. Yards Penalized . .... . ...... . 75 106 RICE First Downs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Net Yards Rushing ... . . . ... . .. 236 Yards Gained Passing. . . . . . . . . 62 Passes Attempted . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Passes Completed . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Passes Intercepted by . . . . . . . . . 0 Punts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Punting Average .... . .... ... . 34.8 Fumbles Lost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Yards Penalized . . . . . ...... . . 30 TEXAS 16 287 62 13 6 1 7 40.3 4 158 Texas Scores! Back in Memorial Stadium once again Texas upset the Rice Owls by the score of 19-14 to win their second straight Conference victory and give Texas a 2-0 Conference record. Leading 6-0 at half time, Texas took the second half kickoff and marched 69 yards for a second score. Texas led 12-0 at this point thanks to the efforts of the line behind whose blocking Mike Dowdle, Bobby Lackey and Rene Ramirez ran well. Two minutes later the Owls, led by All-America quarter­back King Hill, roared back to score. Scarcely a minute later Texas was forced to punt from deep in Longhorn territory where Rice took over on the T exas 36 and only 2 plays later the Owls scored again to lead over T exas 12-14. But the thrills had just begun. The Owl kickoff was picked up by Ramirez on the Texas 20 and he expertly ran for 80 yards through the Rice team. Lackey's extra point was good and the deter­mined Texas defense held the touchdown-minded Owls at that point. GEORGE CURRIER BLANCH Halfback, Sophomore Rene Ramirez finds the going rough against the S. M. U. Ponies. TEXAS 12 S. M. U. 19 Once again in the Cotton Bowl against S. M. U., Texas saw its grip on the Conference title slacken as Don Meredith and the Mustang team unceremoniously knocked Texas from the Conference lead with a 12-19 victory. The Mu~­tangs would give nothing to Texas and played good, hard defensive ball all day. S. M . U. turned on a surging third­quarter drive to score twice and move ahead of Texas 19-6. In setting up this second touchdown, Meredith ran for 20 yards to the Texas 19, tossed a quick pass to Lon Slaughter at the 11 and then passed once again to Wayne Slanhard in the end zone. To top it all off Meredith then made good his conversion try. The Steers moved the ball well during most of the game, but could not match S. M . U. for de­termination. SMU First Downs . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Net Yards Rushing ..... 222 Yards Gained Passing ... I 03 Passes Attempted . . . . . . 15 Passes Completed . . . . . . 7 Passes Intercepted by . . . 4 Punts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Punting Average ....... 3"7.6 Fumbles Lost . . . . . . . . . . 2 Yards Penalized ........ 78 TEXAS 14 192 58 15 5 4 2 30.0 3 45 ";1/IU#UOHt"-9 TEXAS-S.M.U. Guard, ophomor1 End, Sophomore End, Junior PAO£ 314 End, Sophomore Guard, Sophomore TEXAS 7 BAYLOR 7 The Baylor Bears received a 7-7 tie with Texas, here in Austin, by virtue of a fourth quarter score. The tie dashed cold water on Longhorn conference hopes, but did not kill them entirely. On the first set of downs, a Texas drive was stifled on the Baylor 23-yard line, at which point Farrel Fisher intercepted a Lackey pass and ran with the ball to the Texas 11 before being brought down by George Blanch. Baylor fumbled two plays later and Ar!is Parkhurst recovered. Now frustration became the Longhorns. Twice in the first quarter Texas got within the Baylor 3-yard line, but could not score, losing the ball on a fumble the latter time. The stumbling Steers left the field at half time with the score 0-0. In the third quarter Walt Fondren faded and found George Blanch in the end zone. The extra point snap was fumbled, but Fondren picked it up and ran for the point. Finally in the fourth quarter Baylor got the ball on a Fondren punt and marched 78 yards in 13 plays to tie up the game. BAYLOR TEXAS First Downs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 14 Net Yards Rushing ... . ... .. . .. 124 28 Yards Gained Passing . ... . .... 148 196 Passes Attempted . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 7 19 Passes Completed . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 14 Passes Intercepted by . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 Punts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 7 Punting Average . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28.0 4-t.l Fumbles Lo t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -t 3 Y ards Penalized . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 55 Crawling up the back of Baylor defender Darrell Cooper to snare a 15-yard pass from the hands of Walter Fondren is Longhorn right end Bob Bryant. PAGE 315 Five TCU defenders chase George Blanch over the goal as Texas scores. Undaunted by their poor showing against Baylor the previous Saturday, Texas' sophomore-dominated performers managed to help pave their way to the Sugar Bowl by upsetting T. C. U. here in Memorial Stadium 14-2. Texas' best game was in the defensive de­partment because the Longhorns were out-gained 291 yards to 180 yards. The Steers began their scoring drive with just four minutes left in the third quarter. Texas held the Froggies on the Orange 44 and then George Blanch gained 34 yards on a handoff from Bobby Lackey. Three plays later Lackey had successfully engineered the team over for the score and a 7-0 bulge for Texas at this point. Seven minutes later Texas again fought T. C. U. to a standstill on the Steer 46 yard line and this time it was Walter Fondren who managed the squad down the field for the second Texas score, bring­ing the total to 14-0. Blanch, Don Allen and Rene Ramirez provided the steam to sustain the drive. It was Merlin who later blocked Lackey's attempted punt out from the Orange end zone that ac­counted for T . C. U.'s 2 points. Very late in the game the Froggies muffed a perfect chance to score on Lasater's heave to ikkel who received the ball on the Steer 3 and then let it squirt out of his hands allowing Max Alvis to recover for Texas. TC TEXA First Downs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 11 Net Yards Rushing ............ 186 164 Yards Gained Passing .......... 105 16 Passes Attempted ............. 12 2 Passes Completed . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 Passes Intercepted by. . . . . . . . . . . 0 2 Punts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 6 Punting Average ............. . 26.0 33.3 Fumbles Lost ................ . 2 2 Yards Penalized .............. 50 55 JAMES E. SHILLINGBURG DON RAY ALLEN Guard, Sophomore F•llbark, ophomore PAGE 316 clli 11 )I TEXAS 9 TExAsA&M 7 16 Texas chained to the cellar last year, vaulted 1 back to the brink of the Southwest Conference by defeating Texas A & M, 9-7, in College Station on Thanksgiving Day. Texas branded itself the Sugar Bowl bid as result of its grid­iron prowess. So thoroughly did Texas' defense 33.3 contain the Aggies that it was not until 3~ minutes into the second half that A & M was jj able to cross the 50-yard line. Another 14 min­utes went by before the Cadets moved inside the Texas 30 for the first and only time, due to the stout Texas defense plus the punting ability of Walt Fondren, which set up the Steers lone touchdown in the first quarter. The punt carried for 62 yards to the Aggie 33, and the Longhorns were touchdown bound with Bobby Lackey finally going over from one foot out. In the third quarter relief quarterback Charley Milstead was tackled by Mike Dowdle and fumbled on his own 40, where Bob Bryant re­covered for Texas. The Steers gained two first downs, but found their drive stifled at the 22­yard line and elected to try a field goal. Fondren held and Lackey kicked. The 3 points turned out to be the game winning points. Halfback George Blanch was Texas top hand, while the Aggies All-America, John Crow, was the out­standing player on the field. MONTE VERN LEE BOBBY LEE LACKEY End, Sophomore Quarterback, Sophomore TEXAS A&M TEXAS First Downs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 14 Net Yards Rushing ... ... .. .. 133 196 Yards Gained Passing. . . . . . . . . 85 33 Passes Attempted . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 9 Passes Completed . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 Passes Intercepted by. . . . . . . . . . 1 2 Punts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 4 Punting Average .. .. .. . .. ... . 31.6 45.7 Fumbles Lost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 Yards Penalized .. . ... . . .... . . 15 50 PAO!!! 317 Ole Miss fullback Charlie Flowers (41), is swamped by H. G. Anderson (68), Will Wyman (75), Wes Wyman (70), Ar/is Parkhurst (55), Bob Bryant (85), and Jim Shillingburg (66) near the Texas goal line. T EXAS 7 MISSISSIPPI 39 Bowl bound at last the Longhorns ventured to ew O r­ leans to add new luster to their football laurels but their MISSISSIPPI TEXAS efforts were subdued by the Mississippi Rebels, 39-7. The First Downs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 13 Longhorns played hard but if ever a team was completely frustrated it was Texas. When the Steers began to gain yard-Net Yards Ru hing ... : . ..... . 304 192 age, they were halted by a fumble ... they lost four . . . Yards Gained Passing . . . . . . . . . . 71 17 or a pass interception . .. Ole Miss picked off four ... or Passes Attempted . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 11 an injurious penalty. The key to the Rebel win was the fact Passes Completed . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2 that they could sweep Longhorn ends at will. Ray Brown was Passes Intercepted by . . . . . . . . . 4 0 the unanimous choice as the game's outstanding player, driv­Punts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 5 ing the Ole Miss split-T, as if he had invented it. Texas lone Punting Average ............. 34.7 38.2 touchdown came after the Rebels punted out to their own Fumbles Lo t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4 33-yard strip and the Steers moved the distance in 7 plays and Yards Penalized ............ . 95 50 one penalty later with Don Allen accounting for 35 yards of the total distance. However, the effort was too late and too little and it was a long afternoon for the Longhorns. Fullback, ophomor1 1957 CROSS COUNTRY The Texas Cross Country team was forced into second place in the outhwest Conference by the Uni\-ersity of Arkansas, the defending champion. The Conference meet was held at Waco. The Razorbacks took the first six places and had 30 points to the Longhorns' 50. TCU, SMU, Texas A&M and Baylor finished in that order behind Arkansas and Texa . Defending indi,·idual champion Joe Villarreal was edged out by Ray Dyck of Arkansas 9: 13-9: 15. The first meet of the season was held in College Station and saw the University of Houston take the first five places and gain enough points to outrun The University of Texas and Texas A&M. Humberto Adame was the closest man for the teers as he _grabbed place number six at the finish of the two-mile distance. Ace teer carriers Joe Villarreal and Walter McNew did not make the trip to Aggie-land. Meet number two for the Texas distance men held in Waco against Baylor, TCU, SMU, and Texas A&M resulted in a Longhorn win. ffexas' national champion;.. Walter McNew, lead the Longhorns to an easy victory in the five-team meet. He had a winning time of 10:3L and was followed closely by teammate Humberto Adame with 10:34. Texas ended the afternoon by grabbing six of the top ten places. The Aggies finished second in the meet, Baylor third. The following Friday Texas fell once again before the omushing University of Houston cross count'J team. Texas placed second to the Cougars in the four·mile triangular meet held in Memorial Stadium. Howar Payne College placed third. The point totals ran 24-41-64. Walter Mc. ew placed fourth for Texas, finishing just behind Houston's Reggie Darley. Traveling to orman, Oklahoma, and the triangular meet between Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas, Texas edged the Soonen 38-39 to take first place honors. Jn the three-mile event Joe Villarreal Jlaced first with a goOd time of 15:20.6, followed by teammate McNew with 15:20.8. Adame, Ken Savage, an Keith Pitner also placed in the top fifteen. Arkansas was third with a total of 43 points. At The University of il"exas Third Annual Invitational Track Meet in Zilker Park the first week in ovember, first place was won once again by the University of Houston with 19 points. Texas was second with 47 points, Howard Payne finished third with 68/oints followed by Mc eese State of Louisiana with 111 points. Brooks Medical Center of an Antonio finishe with 125 points. Jn varsity individual competition, the first Texas man to cross the finish line was Ken Savage with a time of 9:41. Winning time was 8:55, made by John Macy. Bouncing back in winning style Texas took first place :n the Howard Payne Invitational 4-mile run with 23 points, followed by Howard Payne with 38 and Oklahoma Baptist with 63 points. Mc: cw placed first with a time of 19:11. The final meet of the season was the big one for the Longhorns as they traveled to East Lansing, Michigan and the annual CAA sponsored Cross Country classic. Max Truex University of Southern Cal, shattered the old record of 19:36.7 for the four-mile course anll finished 120 yards ahead of John Macy of Houston. Walter McNew, defending champion, finished eighth with 20:00.1. The Irish won team honors with a low of 121 points; 124 out of 130 starters crossed the finish line, LETTERME \ alter H. Mc:\ew Kenneth H. Savage Robert Crawford XIS 13 r. li 11 j 382 RESERVE LETTERME:\T Humberto Adame Andre Bouchard Jimmy Harlan Gray Keith Pitner Gordon ]. Ratcliff Joe E. Villarreal T. J. LOVVORl\ Coach FRESHME:\ AWARDS Donald Dean Dishongh Stanley R. Fullen Pat Melvin Jones Kenneth Stewart Lyon David Melber Ralph Doyle Ross, Jr. Front R ow: Gordon Ratcliff, Ken Savage, Andre Bouchard, Joe Villarreal, Humberto Adame. Back Row: Walter Mc:\few, Johnny Cotten, Drew Dun!ap, Jimmy Cray, Keith Pitner, Coach Froggy Lov"orn. • PAGE 319 1958 BASKETBALL The Longhorn Basketball team closed out the season in Arkansas by losing to the Porkers, 60-74. This loss for the Horns placed them seventh with a 5-9 South­west Conference record. In non-conference play the picture was a little better with the Orange and White blasting Texas A&I, Trinity, McMurry, Tulane and Baylor in the SWC Tourney, for a record of five wins matched with four lo ses. However, when conference time came around it found the Steers suffering from the flu and a bad case of roaditis. Throughout the sea on outstanding performances were turned in by Jay Arnette, Barry Dowd, Kermit Decker, Ken Cleveland, and John Shaffer, backed by a good slate of reserve power. In the SWC winners circle the SMU Mustangs and the Arkansas Razorbacks tied with 9-5 records. LETTERMEN Kermit J. Decker Brenton L. Hughes Bobby Clayton Puryear David Barry Dowd Gary Hugh Meyer John W. Shaffer RESERVE LETTERME Charlie Robert Cox Edward 0. Russell William Mack Davenport Jerry Don Smith MA AGERIAL AWARDS Charles Edwin Furgerson, Junior Thomas C. Leezer, Sophomore Colvin Ward, Senior Fro r1t Row: Barry Dowd. Kenneth Cleveland, Kermit Decker, Bobby Puryear. ev::d.Row: Assistant Coach Jimmy Viramontes, Brenton Hughes, Gary Meyer, Coach Marshall Hughes, John haffer, Jay rnette, tudent Manager olvin PAO& 320 NON-CONFEREN CE SCHEDULE to Opening the 1957-58 cage season, Texas ran over an unusually weak th. Texas A&I team 62-45. With 11: 15 minutes left in the first quarter, T exas ith took the lead and never gave it up. In the second half A&I made a determined lor effort at closing the gap and came within 7 points of doing so before T exas er, began finding the bucket once more and managed to pull away. The teams Ia were close in rebounds, Texas getting the slight edge, 48-41. iOO Picking up speed the hustling Longhorn quint used determination and er. fast breaks to advantage and defeated Trinity University, 74-59. Coach Hughes praised the Steer defense but added that the offensive rebounding needed improvement. Texas hit 42 percent of their shots while limiting Trinity to 32.8 per cent. Bub Farrell was high scorer for T exas with 14 points and also the top rebounder with 12. The Steers were rolling along in good fashion in their pre-season duels, this time smashing McMurry in Gregory gym, 73-41. The teams played evenly for the first nine minutes before the Steers finally managed to build a 11-10 lead to 34-19 by the halftime. McMurry went an eight minute stretch without hitting a single goal. As in the first two games the Steers controlled the back­boards, grabbing 61 rebounds to the Indians' 38. Making their last homestand of the pre-season play, the Texans managed to tame Tulane 75-64. The unbeaten Steers outran, outshot, and out-rebounded the men from New Orleans throughout most of the game. With 8: 30 minutes left to play in the first half the score was tied 12-12. The first half was a see­saw battle until Barry Dowd and Kermit Decker collaborated to give Texas a 5 point lead a minute and a half before intermission. Brenton Hughes per­formed well in all departments of the game and again, Bub Farrell led the night's scorers with 19 baskets. Moving to Columbia, Missouri, Texas was overcome 82-61 by the Mis­souri Tigers who were seeking vengeance for a previous defeat at the hands of Texas. Striking hard early, Missouri lost little time in taking command. T exas kept up the pace for the first seven minutes but after that the Tigers' Siebert and Glen Forristall collaborated to ease by the Longhorns and raise their ad­vantage to 27 points near the 10-minute mark in the second half. Finally T exas came to life with Shaffer scoring 9 points within three minutes and Decker hitting a hot streak also. But Missouri had the answer. Although its overall height wasn't much better than T exas', the Tigers out-rebounded the Long­horns 48-34. Travelling to Wichita, Kansas, the T exas cagers turned in a very aggressive performance before bowing to the Uni­versity of Wichita, 82-66. The figures give a very inaccurate picture of this game as Texas was very much in the running until only five minutes remained. Hughes' men played their best ball game of the pre-season campaign and gave a pleas­ing performance against a taller and more seasoned foe. Victors in six of their seven starts this year, the Wichita Shockers were an inch taller per man. Still Texas out-re­bounded the Shockers during the first half. Texas heroes were numerous but the most fantastic was Kermit Decker, who hit 22 points to grab individual scoring honors. Texas next travelled to Houston during the Christmas holidays and the seventh annual Southwest Conference pre­eason basketball tournament, where they were met and de­feated in the opening game by Arkansas 67-83. The hustle wa there but sufficient rebounds and good shots were lacking for the Steers. Texas' second performance of the tournament produced for them a 61-59 victory over Baylor and put Texas in the consolation finals along with S.M.U., in which both teams played top ball a Texa fell 75-83. Kermit Decker was the pointmaker in the tourney, scoring 26 points in the .M.U. game. PAGE 32 1 TEXAS 68 SMU 82 lowing down after Baylor the Texas quintet traveled to Dallas where they were met and defeated 68-82 by a sharp SMU five. Texas lacked offensive hustle and trailed 23-38 by the end of the first half. A major factor in the SMU win was rebounding power. Texas obtained only two offensive re­bounds during the entire first half. Texas tried to come to life the second half and made 40.8 per cent of their shots. Dazzling sophomore Jay Arnette led the Longhorn scorers with 22 points for the night. Despite the momentary fire of the Steers, SM eased by to their third consecutive confer­ence win. Texas now stood 1-3 in conference play. TEXAS 55 ARKAN AS 57 Battling against almo t impo sible odds the Horns lo t in their con.erence opener 57-55 at Gregory Gym to highly-rated Arkan as. Texas had to play without the ervices of it three tall men-John haffer, Robert Hover and Bub Farrell. Mid­way in the fir t half Arkan as had built up an 11 point lead and at half time Texas faced a ten point deficit. Cold the first half, Texas steamed back the econd half with Brenton Hughes, Ken Cleveland and Bobby Puryear leading the attack. Texas pulled even with Arkansas with 11 minutes left to play in the game but the Steers could never take the lead de pite tremendous pre ure on the Porkies. With 20 second left to play Arkansa had widened their lead by ix point . Texa drew 21 foul during the game which co t them 17 point , but they were credited with out-rebounding the Porkie 44-37. Brenton Hughe led both teams in that department. TEXAS 50 TEXA A& 1 71 The homestanding Aggie proved too tough for the Long­horns, defeating the Steers 71-50. Texas started the game hot, but the Aggies finally moved ahead to tay with nine minute gone in the first quarter and by halftime the Aggies had in­crea ed their lead to 31-23. The second half was worse a the Longhorns' offense was paralyzed by the aggre ive Aggie who never let Texas get closer than ten point . The Farmers made 40 per cent of their shots to Texa ' 35 per cent and out-rebounded the Steers 50-32. Jay Arnette wa the Texa high point man with 13. TEXAS 82 BAYLOR 61 A fine team effort brought the University its fir t outhwe t Conference victory, an 82-61 decision over Baylor. Thi game marked Texas' first use of the zone defense. John Shaffer proved to be the biggest Longhorn that night as he accounted for 11 points in the first even minutes and ended hi fine evening with a total of 16 points to share the high coring honors with Ken Cleveland. After the first four minute of play Baylor was behind 8-0, but after gradually adjusting to the zone defense, the Bruins ended the half trailing 31-35. Baylor started slowly in the second half, failing to core until the four minute mark and not counting its first field goal until 8 minutes were gone. By this time the teer had a 17-point margin and were ahead to stay. T exas hit a very re pectable 46.3 per cent of their shots for the game. TEXAS 73 TCU 69 Coming home to Gregory Gym after the Baylor game, Texa played the role of spoiler and derailed the highly regarded TCU Hornfrogs 73-69. It was an upset worthy of rank in the same clas as the tremendous upset la t year of nationally ranked S.M.U., also played in Gregory Gym. Texas Chri tian never once led during the game, in fact they never even tied Texas. Twice in the first twenty minutes TCU was within two points of the Longhorn but at halftime T exas led 36-39. Ronny Steven on had a chance to tie the game with 7: 10 minutes left to go, but he mi ed both of hi free throws and the battling Longhorns refu ed to be caught. Texas hit 44 per cent &~! i of their hots but more important they out-rebounded :l-Onz. the much taller Froggies, 37-35. Brenton Hughes was me hot good for 21 points and sophomore Jay Arnette was sec­ minu ond best for the night with 18 points, both for Texas. had in. Even the free throw department of Texas sparkled with 21 of 25 tries. TEXAS 68 RJcE 102 ~OR 61 Invading Hou ton Hughes' men met stiff opposition lU ~ and fell to Rice by the lopsided score of 102-68. It was ris gami an all time high against the Longhorns, bettering the Shaf!rr 83 points the Owls tallied on their home court two years llXJDtet aO'O, The 'horns started the scoring with a layup shot by hisfirt ISCOrtlil Arnette and kept pace with Rice for the first five minutes lnlltel ~ but by half-time Rice had accounted for 61 points with usting 34 for Texas. Texas hit a respectably 46 per cent of 1•M their shots during the first half but Rice managed a ere unu. phenomenal 63 per cent shot average the first half. Re­ ,Wun· ·n. bounding tells the story of the game as the Longhorns ipecta managed only 10 rebounds for the night. The Owl's biggest lead was 45 points when the score stood at 99-54. High point man for Texas was Jay Arnette who man­aged to rake the meshes for 21 point . This game left Texas with a conference record of two wins, four losses and put them out of contention for the championship. Returning to Gregory Gym the Longhorns inaugurated their SWC competition with Texa Tech by downing them, 71-59. This time Texas showed good hustle as they ran, crawled and dived in a tremendous display of determination to nail down their fourth conference victory against three losses. Texas took the lead midway in the first half and built up what seemed a comfortable 15 point lead, but by the middle of the second half Tech had cut the Longhorn advantage to three points, 58-55. At this stage Texas had not scored for 6 minutes, but Cleveland hit the net and increased the lead. However, Texas' tight zone defen e turned the trick. It made the Redmen more desperate by the minute and they howed it in their fouling and loo e defen e. T exa took ad­vantage of the situation to move out of danger and win the game. Ken Cleveland and Kermit Decker led for Texas with 16 points each, followed by Brenton Hughes who had 15 point and John Shaffer with 12. Texas' trying for a basket The Texas Longhorn played fine basketball to win a six point victory over the Texas Aggies, 74-68 at Gregory Gym. After leading most of the second half, the Orange and White suddenly found themseh·es trailing 61-62 with less than five minutes to play. Brenton Hughes then whipped one through the net and the 'horns led 63-62 with 3: 27 minutes remaining. From there Texas went on to build up a six point lead and proved to be virtually out of reach of the Farmers. The ,·ictory brings the eason record of the Steers to 9-9 and advances them to sixth place in the conference standings. PAO£ 523 Looks like the Hog has the court all by himself while the Longhorns look on. Taking to the road once again the Texas quintet played and lost to TCU in Fort Worth, 88-58. One reporter referred to the game as "The Comedy of Errors" and certainly it was for Texas who played an aggressive game but failed to make a fair percentage of their shots. Jay Arnette and center Johnny Shaffer opened the scoring for the evening but with 15:41 minutes gone in the first half, Texas trailed by four points. The teers tried everything but the accuracy of the Froggies proved too much. Coach Hughes shuffled his players trying to find the winning combination, but Longhorn efforts were hampered by the loss of Brenton Hughes who suffered a leg injury and Jay Arnette, who was put out late in the fir t 9uarter by an ankle injury. The only Texas player to score m double figures was Ed Russell who accounted for 11 point as compared to 28 points for Ronny Stevenson and 23 point for H. E. Kirchner of the Hornfrogs. Except for its earl spurt, Texas was never in the game and the Froggies led b 21 points at one time. TEXAS 66 Still hot after their previous upset over Arkansas the Texa Tech Red Raiders eased into a tie for first place in the SWC by defeating Texas, 93-66, in Lubbock. It was a sweet victor · for the West Texas crew, who almost had their title hope dashed just ten nights ago in Austin by the Steers. The in­spired Texas Tech team built up a 20 point lead by half-time, and Texas Steers never really threatened. Longhorns tried to get ba~k _into the second half, but they could only pull w1thm 17 points of the Raiders, who proved to be very "standoffish." Only Kermit Decker had any measure of suc­cess at the basket as he led Texas coring with 18 point . TEXA 64 B YLOR 65 Fans in Waco witnessed a real thriller as Texas fell to Baylor in an overtime game, 65-64, and the game wa un­certain until the last six seconds of overtime play. From the start the game was a ee-aw situation and in a flurry f baskets Baylor held a 31-29 advantage at halftime. The teer entered the overtime play without the service of Brenton Hughes who had fouled out ju t before regulation time ended. Texas matched Baylor point for point in the overtime pla until they ran out of working time. The Bears had the ed e in both field goal percentage and rebound . Decker led the Steer coring with 14 point . C11 SMU 89 Mustangs romped over Texas in Gregory Gym by an 89-73 score and climbed into first place WC standings. SMU needed this victory and they crambled hard to get it. Wilbur Marsh fired a jump shot with 28 seconds gone in the first half giving the Ponies the lead which they never relinquished for the rest of the night. Brenton Hughes accounted for the Texans' first basket of the 1:11 minutes gone. Then he added the free teers to a 3-4 score. But this was as close Texas could come to the efficient Mutangs. Still chopping away at the leaders the Longhorns pulled to 25-28, but Rick high score man of the contest, hooked in two allow the Mustangs to pull ahead once again. were bad that night as they connected with IYL\l only 29 of 75 baskets for a 38.7 percentage. Decker, Shaffer, Cleveland were the high scorers for the Texans. TEXAS 86 The final conference game of the season saw Texas literally shoot a good Rice team to piece , 86-78. The Steers scored their most points of the season in their last home game, missing only 20 shots all night and drop­ping in 32 of 52 attempts for a 61.5 percentage. It will be remembered that this same Rice team had previously defeated Texas earlier in the season 68-102. Senior Ken Cleveland took the top scoring honors with 23 point while Kermit Decker, John Shaffer and Gary Meyer provided fine defensive work. Junior Brenton Hughes was continually out-jumping his taller Rice adversaries and pumped in 22 points. The determined orange and white TCU cagers jumped to a four point lead with 11 :42 minutes in the first half and after this Coach Suman's boys JieT could not get within ten points of Texas. This victory brought the 'horns season record to 10-12 and raised the Sii their SWC mark to five wins and eight losses. GARY HUGH MEYER DAVID BARRY DOWD TEXAS 60 ARKA AS 74 Playing in Fayetteville, Arkansas, the Longhorns ended the 1957-58 sea on with a 74-60 Jo s to the Razorbacks. This game assured the Hogs of at lea t a tie in the SWC basket­ball race. Little Freddy Grim set a new all-time scoring record for an Arkansas player. H is performance erased the mark of 233 points set in 1948 by one slim point, giving him a 234 point total for the season. The Steers started rolling early and John Shaffer hit his fir t five attempts from the court. Midway through the first half the Razorback found themselves trailing 16-13. At this point Grim and Tommy Rankin collaborated to give the Razorbacks a 29-21 lead with less than five minutes remaining in the half. Arkansas had control of the game during the second half and with 22:42 minutes left in the contest they led by 20 points, 68-48. Shaffer was high man for Texas with 15 points. This game lowered the Longhorns' S\.YC mark to five wins and nine !osses, and they ended the season with a 10-12 record. PAGE 325 SWIMMING Coach LETTERME r Jame E. Barden Edward E. Ree e T homas T. Smith James C. Wallace Tracy T. Word RESERVE LETTERMEN Dotson C. Smith Ronald E. Thompson MANAGERIAL AWARD Noley Bice FRESHMA WARD Robert L. Abbott Herschell L. Atkinson Douglas G. Duwe oel G. Elli Jay H. Harris Jeffrey M. Heller T. Charles Lucas Joe F. Musgrove Sherwood M. Reave George William Smith Sam Sparks Edwin J. T aegel Robert A. Taylor James T . Willer on MANAGERIAL AWARD Claude Cox loo 62· fil. Front R ow: Ralph Wil on Ximmons, Jr.. Herbert tcphen Goldberg, Tracy T. Word, James C. Wallace. Socond Row: Hank Chapman. Coach ; Joe Gilbert, Edward E. Reese, Dotson C. mith, Robert Arthur Huber, John Griffith, Assistant Coach. /Jack Roa·: Twink Catlett, Grne Thompson, James E. Barden, ll1omas T. mith. PAOF. 326 For the second consecutive year T exas placed third in the Conference swimming competition behind M and Texas A&M. Low men in the Conference were Rice who placed fourth and Texas Tech who placed fifth. Southern Methodist racked up a score of 18fl0i points and cracked six record in winning its second straight Southwest Conference swimming and diving championship. Opening the season with the SWC relays, Texas trailed in the final tally with only 62 points, as compared with 116 points for SMU the winner, fol­lowed by A&M with 110 and in last place was Rice totaling only 54 points. ext the Longhorn tankers swept by Gustavus Adolphus with Tommy Smith, Jim Barden, Skippy Wallace, Ed Reese and Tra<:y Word all getting first places in their respective events. Still hot Texas tangled with the Cougars of the University of Houston next scoring a 52-32 victory, and winning first in eight of ten events. In Gregory Gym Texas' depth-shy varsity of seven men set new school records in the 400-yard medley relay and the 200-yard backstroke as they defeated Rice 51-34. Again the Longhorn swimmers seven iron men won eight of ten events to defeat Texas Tech 51-29, thus making it four straight victories for the team. Breaking stride the following week the varsity found its manpower shortage too great a handicap and bowed to T exas A&M, 62-29. Warming up for the SWC meet the Steer tankers were met and defeated 60-25 by SMU with Skippy Wallace getting the only Texas first for the after­noon in the breastroke. 1958 TRACK Having a habit of bringing back to the Forty Acres a WC title trophy the Longhorns did not let Texas down in 1958. The season was a busy one for the Steers, running in ten meets in the regular season, and taking fir t team honors in eight of them. Again the usual records were smashed with outstanding individual performance laurels going to Olympic Veteran Eddie outhern, and relayman Hollis Gainey. In DaJlas the Homs piled up 91 points to its nearest rival SM 's total of 47, placing in all but one of the sixteen event . During the season the fans saw a new national 440 time go into the record book placed there by Southern when he became the faste t collegiate quartermiler with a time of 46.1 in a meet with Rice and A&M. Toppling meet records where ever the Orange and White appeared they also added to the national 440 mark a 3:09.1 in the mile relay to rewrite the nation's record book in that event. Bruce Parker tossed the javelin to a new national record in the field events, helping to round out CLYDE LITfLEFIELD, Coach one of the University's most successful seasons on the cinders. LETTERME Alexander Palmros, II RESERVE LETTERMEN SENIOR Donald Wyatt Beard Robert Bruce Parker, Jr. Humberto Adame MANAGERIAL AWARD Don Eldon Casselberry Brooks Trezevant Patrick Charles Herbert Bankhead John David Baird Drew Woolford Dunlap Dan Keith Pitner Andre Bouchard Hollis Hobson Gainey Gordon John Ratcliff John Warner Duckett JU IOR William Francis Greve, Jr. Peter Lindsey Reynolds James Ray Gayle, III MA AGERIAL AWARD Charles Herman Hayman Paul A. Schumann Ralph Rosenberg Ray Collins William Lynn Hinkle Silas Edward Southern, Jr. Kenneth Hastings Savage, II Jimmy Clyde Holt Joe Ernest Villarreal Douglas Barry Stone SOPHOMORE Joe C. Irvin Johnny Richard Warren Marshall Wayland Thompson MA AGERIAL AWARD Walter Hedrick McNew Wallace G. Wilson Ronald Barry White Derald Turner NCAA MEET Saturday June 14, 1958, saw the SWC track prestige take a slump in its past nsmg glory. The NCAA meet surprise was Glenn Davis' new world's record in the 440-yard dash with a 45.7, beating Texas' Eddie Southern in the process. Other Texas representatives seemed to find fourth place a jinx spot as they achieved no better. Bruce Parker took fourth in the javelin with his qualifying distance of 231-5Y2, Joe Villarreal failed to place in the two­mile run while other Steers were eliminated in the qualifying rounds. Texas' 12 point team total tied for tenth place with four other schools as Southern California captured the team title with 48% points. Front Row: Frank Medina, Trainer, Joe C. Irvin, John Warner Duckett, Ralph Rosenberg, Marshall Wayland Thompson, Walter Hedrick Mc ew, Captain, Dan Keith Pitner, JimmyClyde Holt, Ronald Barry White, William Francis Greve, Jr., Paul A. Schumann, Patrick Daniel George, Assiuant Trainer. Seco nd R ow: Clyde Littlefield, Coach, Robert Bruce Parker, Jr.. Alexander Palmros, II, Gordon John Ratcliff, Kenneth Hastin,ss avage, II, Andre Bouchard, Humberto Adame, Brook.. Trezevant Patrick, Silas Edward Southern, Jr., Hollis Hobson Gainey, Don Eldon C elbcrry, Joe Erne t Villarreal, T. J. Lovvorn, Assistant Coach. Back Row: John D. Baird, Student Manag~r, {•mes Ray Gayle. Ill, Peter Lindkas, Coach Bibb Falk. iten nthr lp!n­ ookrd 19ill, came gllli!. pt up ~loss Hard hitting M ax Alvis, gets set to swing at a pitched ball as Oklahoma catcher, Donn Nipp anticipates a clean swing. TEXAS 6 BAYLOR 2 Bob Sudderth overcame first inning jitters to pitch the Texas Longhorns to a 6-2 non-conference victory over the Baylor Bears. The Longhorns broke up a 2-2 tie in the eighth inning to push over four runs for the win. Greg Martin came to pitch for Texas in the last two innings. In Texas' big eighth inning Glenn Von Rosenberg and Pete Embry started things by grabbing walks from the erratic Bruin hurler. Both men were able to advance on Good's sacrifice bunt which was played late at third. With bases loaded Baylor reliefer Gerald Johnson hit Wayne McDonald forcing over the tie breaking run. TEXAS 9 BROOKS ARMY MEDICS 7 Texas showed their offensive power in this game, ably displaying their wares by blasting out 13 hits including two home runs and three doubles. Jerry Good had a solo roundtripper and Pete Embry blasted a three-run homer. George Myers started on the mound for Texas followed by Bob Sudderth in the third inning and finally Sudderth was relieved by Greg Martin in the eighth. Martin took over when the situation stood at three men on and no outs but Martin proved to be a real fireman and preserved the Longhorn lead. Texas started scoring early by picking up two runs in the bottom of the first from Medic hurler Bob McDaniel, former TCU star. Woody Woodman and Glenn Von Rosenberg showed the way with their big bats and Texas never let up. TEXAS 13 OKLAHOMA 2 In the first of the two game series with the Oklahoma Sooners, Texas collected thirteen hits, three doubles and a triple as they conquered the Sooners, 13-2, for their third straight win of the 1958 campaign. TEXAS 3 OKLAHOMA 5 The second of the two game series found the Steers held in check for six full innings without a hit then suddenly they found the range and blasted Sooner reliefer Ron Plath for three hits in the top of the seventh before bowing to the surprising Sooners. Oklahoma struck early and hard accounting for two runs in the second frame. Steer bats remained silent for five straight innings and while they remained as cold as absolute zero, the men from Oklahoma jumped on Bob Sudderth for four more hits and three runs in the sixth inning. The Steers finally got a rally started in the seventh but the effort proved too little, too late. P AGE 335 TEXAS 4 -SAM HOUSTON 11 Still smarting from their previous defeat Texas found the Sam Houston Bearkats too much to handle as they were handed their second straight defeat, 11-4, this time by the Kats. Sam Hou ton rapped out twelve hits and their fielding was flawless whereas five defensive miscues by the Steers added to the Bearkats cause. Texas was forced to use three pitchers. George Myers opened the game but allowed six runs on four hits and in the fourth, Paul Zavor­skas took over on the Texas mound and limited the Kats to only three runs. Greg Martin then worked the ninth allowing four tallies. Leading hitters of the day for the Steers were, Pete Embry and catcher, Johnny Elam, each con­tributing two safeties in four trips to the plate. TEXAS 11 RICE 0 In the Friday opener it was a three hit, twelve strike-out effort by Bob Sudderth which did the trick. He was backed by a thirteen hit barrage featuring a home run by Wayne McDonald and Roy Menge rapped out three hits, Pete Embry chipped in two safeties which were good for four runs batted in. The frustrated Owls could never get started and they played lackadaisical ball all afternoon. TEXAS 14 -RICE 1 In the second game of the series Texas wasted no time in jumping into the lead in the second inning and winning the contest from the Owls, 14-1. T exas scored two runs in the second frame, one in the fifth, added five runs in the sixth and scored an additional six runs in the eighth inning. Steer pitcher, George Myers limited the Owls to five hits and one unearned run as he pitched the Steers to their second conference win of the early season. TEXAS 16 -MINNESOTA 13 The Golden Gophers from Minnesota rolled into Clark Field for a two game stand with the Longhorns only to lose the opener 16-13 to Texas. It was an offensive struggle all the way which kept the outfield hustling. A touch and go ball game from the start the Steers finally broke through in the sixth inning and were never caught again. Then the fickle Texas weather rained out the second game. TEXAS 8 TCU 4 Tied for first place with T exas A&M and SMU going into this game, the slugging Steers gained undisputed pos­session of first place as they downed TCU 8-4 at Clark Field. Steer pitcher George Myers limited the Frogs to eight hits as he pitched and won his third game of the season. Leading Texas' 13 hit attack against the Frogs was third baseman Max Alvis with three hits in three trips to bat. With this victory the Longhorns hold a season record of seven wins two losses. TEXAS 4 TCU 3 Max Alvis singled and scored in the eleventh inning of the second game to give the Texas diamond men their fourth straight SWC victory, this time by a 4-3 margin, over T exas Christian at Clark Field. Until Alvis' tally T exas had not held the lead all afternoon. TCU grabbed a 2-0 lead in the second stanza; Texas got one in the fifth only to see the Frogs come back with a single marker in the seventh and T exas finally tied it up with a pair in the bottom half of that inning. From that time until the eleventh the two teams battled scorelessly with Darrell Read hurling fine ball for TCU and Bob Sudderth and Greg Martin doing yoe­man service for the home team. Alvis singled in the eleventh and came home when the Froggie second baseman threw wildly on Jay Arnette's double play ball to give Texas the winning margin. TEXAS 4 BAYLOR 2 Traveling to Waco the Longhorns rode to a 4-2 victory and took one more step toward the much coveted SWC baseball championship. The win gave the Steers a 5-0 record in conference play, while it was Baylor's fourth loss in five starts. The Bruins capitalized on a Longhorn error to make it 1-0 in the bottom of the first inning. Until the fifth inning the game settled down into a pitchers duel be­tween T exas' George Myers and Raughton but finally the 'Horns came to life in the fifth to take the lead for the first time that day thanks to a bases loaded single by Jay Arnette which drove in two runs for the Steers. The game was a pitchers duel most of the way, seldom ever getting out of hand. TEXAS 12 Riding on the bats of Jerry Good and Roy Menge the Longhorns easily overwhelmed the Rice Owls 12-6. Menge slammed four hits, including a home run and a triple, and batted in six runs, and Good collected two hits in three times at bat, including a three run double in the second. Texas scored once in the first inning and continued their run craze in the second when Aber­nathy clobbered a triple against the base of the cliff in Clark Field. Texas never gave the lead away during the afternoon. P AGE 337 TEXAS 8 -TCU 3 Using a combination of eight hits, ten bases on balls, and six TCU error, the Texas Longhorns scored an 8-3 victory over the Horned Frogs in a SWC game. The biggest blow of the day came in the Texas half of the fifth inning when Wayne McDonald blasted a ball over the left field wall which scored pitcher George Myers and the third baseman Max Alvis to increase the Steer lead to 7-1. Myer went all the way for the Steers, fanning ten men while walking six. TEXAS 3 -SAM HOUSTON 7 The Sam Houston Bearkats used Louis Pryer's two-run homers in the fir t and sixth innings to provide the winning margin of 7-3 over the Longhorns. Coach Falk started six sophomores to give some of his regulars a rest. The Longhorns cored their only runs in the third inning. Johnny Mayer cracked a double to left and Paul Za­vorskas then smashed a hard single off Ronnie Choate's knee at third and both runners scored and Woody Woodman advanced to second base from which point he scored on a single. Meanwhile the story of the game rested with Pat Centilli of the 'Kats who allowed only five hits, all singles, and no runs from the fourth through the ninth inning. The Longhorn's sole consolation in the los seemed to be in the good play of ome of the sophomores especially in the fielding of Jarye Lafevers and Jay Arnette's hitting. TEXAS 11 -BAYLOR 2 The high-riding Texas Longhorns combined George Myers ten strike-out, seven-hit pitching, and fourteen big Longhorn hits to crush Baylor 11-2 at Clark Field. The 'Homs led by Woody Woodman's four hits, made a race track out of the base paths to maintain their tight grip on the first place in the SWC baseball cha e. George Myers allowed only one hit during the last four innings and all the Lon • horn regulars got at least one run batted in with the exception of Max Alvis and he cored twice and swatted a double. TEXAS 4 -B YLOR 0 Rain helped Bob Sudderth and the Longhorns to a 4-0 five inning victory over the Baylor Bear at Clark Field. Umpire Du ty Lyons called time after Texa had batted in the bottom half of the fifth inning and after a fift en-minute wait Lyon officially called the game giving the 'Horn their ninth W victory of the eason. Actually Baylor was lucky to get off so ea y. After five innings of play udderth had struck out eight Bruin batsmen while limiting th m to on! two inale . Ba !or hurler Bob Culli on had allowed five hits including three double and he had tru k out no one. , P AGE 338 TEXAS 15 SMU 8 o victory ever came sweeter to any team as Texas claimed their thirty-second SWC Championship in 43 year by downing the Ponie 15-8. The hit-happy Long­horns exacted sweet revenge from the outhern Methodist Mustangs who had de­feated them earlier in the season. Texas still had three games to play but no chal­lenger could catch them now. Jerry Good smashed four singles to pace the barrage against Marwin King, George Moore and Bob Burgess, while Roy Menge, Max Alvis and Jay Arnette each had three safeties. TEXAS 1 SMU 8 But the Ponies managed to take some of the sting out of their historic loss by defeating the Orange and White diamond men in Dallas thus making the Long­horns taste defeat on the road for the first time this season. Longhorn errors were numerous, the most costly of which was made by Good who let a base -loaded double play ball skid through his legs to permit two men to score for the Mustangs. Texas picked up its run in the top half of the inning on singles by Max Alvis and Pete Embry, a walk and Johnny Mayer's ground out. TEXAS 11 TEXAS A&M 2 Now undisputed champions of the Southwest Conference race, the Texas Longhorns once again rode the strong right arm of George Myers to an 11-2 victory over A&M at Clark Field. The win was another milestone in Texas' athletic history, as it marked their one thousandth victory in sixty-two campaigns. Those wins include exhibition vic­tories over Texas League opposition as well as the regular intercollegiate schedule played by 'Horns down through the years. Myers, thanks to this victory, became the first Longhorn pitcher since the Bobby Layne era of 1946-47 to win eight straight games. TEXAS 4 TEXAS A&M 0 Texas ended the SWC season on a good note by downing the Aggies once again 4-0. The winning pitcher was Paul Zavorskas who toiled on the mound for four of the six innings. Bob Sudderth pitched the last three frames and the combined perfo1mance of Zavorskas and Sudderth gave Texas the only shutout administered by the pitching staff during the course of the 1958 campaign. Although Texas could collect only five hits, their defensive play was good. Coach LETTERMEN Laurence Albert Becker William Holland Hinkle Richard Page Keeton Eddie Joe Strayhorn Terence Colquitt Todd 1958 TENNIS Finishing third in the Southwest Conference tennis play, the slowly starting Uni­versity varsity was surprised by Trinity University Tennis team who fashioned a rare triumph by administering a 6-0 setback to the Horns. Shortly afterwards the highly favored University of Houston racquet men downed Texas 4-3 but not before almost being upset by a fired up Texas team. The Longhorns took revenge against Trinity by meeting and defeating them 3-2 in a series of matches that lasted more than four hours. Warming up at last the Texas tennis team handed Baylor its second straight de­feat in SWC play for the season. Laurence Becker and Terry Todd put the squeeze on Tulane's highly touted tennis team giving the Steers a 4-2 victory. Next in rain swept Lubbock, Richard Keeton and Laurence Becker, Texas' number one and number two singles players won their individual matches but lost in the doubles to end in a 3-3 tie with the R ed Raiders. The Mustangs of Southern Methodist in­vaded Penick Courts and were beaten 5-1 thus giving the Longhorns a slim chance at holding their SWC tennis title. In a fierce battle Ronnie Fisher of Rice defeated Richard Keeton in the feature singles match, virtually breaking Texas' one hundred percent domination of the SWC tennis crown. Wilmer Allison's boys ended the tennis season in good fashion by taking Texas A&M 5-1 on a very rainy day. The post­season SWC tourney saw Rice's Ronnie Fisher and Art Faust taking all the honors in sight. Thus once again this season the sports books must be rewritten as the Rice Owls finally managed to break Texas' domination of the SWC tennis crown. RESERVE LETTERMEN SENIOR MANAGERIAL FRESHMAN AWARDS David William Alger Guy Crain Fambrough AWARD J essie Lewis Raper Robert Stanley Ament James Dennard Baker Stuart Neal Pullen John Chester Blasingame Charles Edward White Thomas Barnhill Carter Humberto Garcia TEXAS 6 TCU 0 Practically eliminated from Southwest Conference contention, a fired up Longhorn net crew took the TCU Horned Frogs to the cleaners in a Fort Worth match by the score of 6-0. Number one man Richard Keeton breezed by his opponent 6-0, 6-1, followed by similar performances by Terry Todd, Bill Hinkle, and Eddie Strayhorn. Next Keeton and Strayhorn teamed to topple the Froggies top doubles duo 6-0, 6-1. Hinkle and Todd did likewise posting a victory score of 6-0, 6-4. TEXAS 4 BAYLOR 2 For the second time in the 1958 campaign Baylor fell, this time to a smooth working Longhorn squad of racketmen by the score of 4-2. Laurence Becker of Texas beat Tommy Goforth 9-7, 6-2 but John Skogstad man­aged to upset Texas' ace Richard Keeton 6-1, 8-6, in the feature match. Keeton came back strong as he and Becker defeated John Skogstad and Tommy Goforth, 6-1, 8-6, to take the features double match. Terry Todd and Bill Hinkle teamed to down the Bruin's Buddy Walker and Don Gill 6-3, 6-1. ~eated undmi TEXAS 3 TEXAS TECH 3 !teruris Miserable weather in Lubbock drove several contests indoors before the two Southwest C]J@· Conference teams completed their match just like they started it, all square at 3-3. Richard hooon Keeton and Laurence Becker Texas' number two singles players won their individual matches, 1e Rice but lost in doubles to Bob Masey and Bill Gowan 6-1 , 6-2. This marked the first doubles de­feat Texas has suffered since 1951, the winning streak had reached to 66 matches last week when Baylor's two doubles tandem fell. T erry Todd and Bill Hinkle picked up the other UT points by beating David Kent and Dick Spiers, 6-4, 13-11. TEXAS 5 SMU 1 Texas racket squad downed a very good Pony team by the deceptive score of 5-1. Texas lost only one singles even though dependable Laurence Becker was seriously hobbled by a pulled muscle. Becker managed to win his match 7-5, 6-4 over SMU's Bill Wright. T eammate Richard Keeton, playing number one again, was the UT standout, winning his singles duel with Bill Dixon 6-2, 6-2 and teaming with Becker to score a 6-3, 8-6, doubles victory over Rudy Benavides and Hayden Schilling. Terry Todd played number two singles to defeat his man 6-2, 7-5, and he and Bill Hinkle teamed to beat Dixon and Wright in doubles 6-3, 5-7, and 6-4. The Longhorns stood at 12-6 in Conference play as a result of their fine play against the Ponies and still had a slight chance of beating Rice for the SWC Championship. TEXAS 0 RICE 4 Steamed up Ronnie Fisher overcame his emotions to barely stave off Texas' Richard Keeton in the feature singles match as Rice swept four from the Steers, virtually breaking Texas' one hundred percent domination of the SWC tennis crown. Next Rice's number two player Art Foust rallied after a first set loss to nudge T erry Todd, 3-6, 6-2, 6-4. Texas also failed to win any of the other sets in their number three and four slots and Laurence Becker was handicapped by an injury but still played a very fine game. At the end of the day Rice stood at 18-4 and Texas 12-10. TEXAS 5 TEXAS A&M 1 The Longhorn netters ended their 1958 season with a 5-1 rainy day victory over Texas A&M. Only number one singles player Richard Keeton lost as he clashed with Rex Reed who had perhaps the best day of his career resulting in the 6-3, 6-4 decision. In other matches Terry Todd defeated John Medlin after three very hard sets and Eddie Strayhorn of Texas outlasted Joe Simmons, 6-3, 4-6, 7-5. Rain forced the doubles matches indoors but the shift in playing site didn't bother the UT team as Bill Hinkle and Terry Todd beat Rex Reed and Robert Jones, 7-5, 6-4 and Keeton and Strayhorn beat John Medlin and Joe Simmons, 8-6, 7-5. RICHARD PAGE KEETON EDDIE JOE STRAYHORN TERRY C. TODD HARVEY PENICK Coach LETTER MEN Donald Richard Pohl Arthur Edgerton Rhodes, J r. Thoma Edward eekatz John Frederic Trimble Jame Jefferson White, III FRE HMA AW ARD Harry Vaughn Bonds Robert Harrell Hankins Carli 1 Maxwell, J r. rch Elton Pardue, Jr. Loui Es erman R ingold GOLF Texa Univer ity' golf team began pre-conference play loshing out a wet win over Baylor Univer ity 4Y2 to 1 Yi . Nevertheless, in dryer weather at the Border Olympic in Laredo and at the Southwe tern Intercollegiate Golf Tour­nament in Houston, the Longhorns fell behind, placing ninth and twelfth re­spectively. In conference play, the golfer' mark was 23Yi won and 18Y2 lo t. In win­ning, the Steer player took the part of spoilers, upsetting pre-season favorite Texas Tech and jolting A&M from a chance at the SWC title. In the last game with Rice, John Trimble led the victory with a three-under-par 68. Play­ing again in wet weather, Longhorn linksmen Seekatz, White, and Rhode all won to wallop Rice 6-0. Despite the return of many of the golfers, Texa placed fifth in SWC play. P AOE 342 1957 SHORTHORN FOOTBALL The Freshmen opened up their 1957 campaign in fine fashion by downing the Baylor Cubs 13-6. With one second left on the clock quarterback Tommy ewman faded back and fired a quick pass to Bobby Goodwin for the winning touchdown. Near the end of the second period the Shorthorns held the Cubs on the orange and white one yard line until the end of the half. Jerry Hollon of Texas was the leading rusher for the night with 67 yards gained on the ground in sixteen carries. In their second contest of the season the Yearlings clashed with and tied the Rice Owlets in Memorial Stadium after a hard fought game, 13-1 3. The Shorthorns mustered over a last min­ute touchdown, had their extra point attempt blocked, and reluctantly accepted the tie. Again the score came in the closing minutes of the contest as Tommy Newman handed the ball to Frank effendorf who went over from the one yard line. Texas played hard defensive ball causing Rice to fumble five times during the afternoon. Travelling next to Dallas on a wet, sloppy Friday afternoon, the Shorthorns managed a 9-0 victory over the SMU Colts. The victory was wrapped up in the first quarter when Ray Bar­ton, 180-pound Yearling halfback swept end for five yards and a touchdown. In the fourth quarter, Barton kicked a twenty-eight yard field goal for the final score of the game. The win , put the Shorthorns in a commanding position to recap the freshman title which they shared last year. Migrating to Fort Worth for the week-end the Yearlings were roughly received by the T CU Wogs and were handed the first and final defeat of the season, 28-13. The first half was a nip and tuck affair with neither ball club being able to gain any advantage until Texas finally mustered six points only to see its opponents come back and grab the lead, 7-6. Before the half had ended the Shorthorns led once again 13-7 and held the lead until the third period. The second half belonged entirely to the heavier Froggies who finally managed to wear the Steerlets down and pick up three touchdowns before the final whistle sounded. This game dropped Texas into second in the unofficial SWC freshman race, just behind the game pacing TCU Wogs. Playing their last game of the season the Shorthorns outclassed Texas A&M, 19-13. The game was a slippery affair during the first half and neither team could gain the advantage. Watching the play in 42 degree weather lashed by rain, the eight thousand brave fans saw the stalemate explode in the last seven minutes of the third quarter and resulted in five touch­downs before the afternoon was complete. Texas played heads up ball all afternoon and coupled with fine offensive showing of the .second half the Yearlings previously dormant team ran wild. Statistically the Texas freshmen showed up very well except that the lads fumbled the pig­skin twenty-three times in five games and failed to recover eleven of these. Freshmen Ray Barton, Drew Morris, Tommy Newman, Roy Goodman, Armour McManus, Tillman O'Brien, Bill Laughlin, Bobby Goodwin and others should see plenty of action on the Varsity next fall. FRESHMAN A WARDS Ray Allen Barton Robert Marion Goodwin George Alvin Logan Donald Henry Blasingame Carroll Deene Gott Arthur K . McCallum Robert John Branson Robert Earl Gurwitz Armour Debbs McManus Jack Clarence Carter William Wayne H arris Guy Edward Matthews Larry George Cooper Fred Clinton H edges Drewry H ampton Morris Gerald Glynn Crutsinger Jerry Richard Hollon James Franklin Murray Prentice Davis David Charles Kristynik Frank Neffendorf, Jr. J ames Roger Fielder J ames Monroe Kruse Thomas Leslie Newman John Claiborne Gam er William Ross Laughlin Tillman David O'Brien, Jr. Roy Sims Goodman, Jr. H enry Edward Padgett ROBERT CLAYBURN SCHULZE Freshma" Football Coach Herschel Stuart Peake, Jr. Daniel Sherman Petty Curtis Ray Rivers Max Alan Robinson Jimmy Ralph Rose Don Larry Talbert Wilbur Lee U rban Kenneth Hailey Wax Arved Elzo White Billy J ames Young SHORTHORN BASKETBALL Alberto Almanza and Wayne Clark led the Texas Shorthorns to a near perfect basketball season with only one loss-to Lon Morris. Almanza scored 262 points for the season averaging 21 counters per conte t. Clark was high point man in the three games that Almanza failed to top the roster. Coach Viramontes' charges combined deadly accurate shooting with strong reserve power to post an 11-1 eason record. lll SEA SON S CORES FRESHMAN A WARDS George Robert Stewart TEXAS 61 .. .............. WHARTON ............. 56 James Warren Turner Alberto Almanza TEXAS 70. . . . . . . . . . . . ... LON MORRIS . . . . . . . . . . 46 Richard Lee Beard Herbert David Weitzman TEXAS 63 . ............... TEXAS A&M . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Charles Audice Brewster Arved Elso White Wayne ewell Clark TEXAS 68 . ............. .. BAYLOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 TEXAS 63 ...... ...... ....TCU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Donald Ray Wilson James Edwin Gandy TEXAS 58 . ............... RICE ............ ....... 45 TEXAS 80 . ....... .... .... VICTORIA ....... ...... 70 Jerry Van Graham TEXAS 64 .. .............. TCU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Robert Earl Gurwitz FRESHMAN MANAGERIAL TEXAS 70 . ........ .......TEXAS A&M . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Charles Dale Loney AWARD TEXAS 61. ....... ........ BAYLOR ............... 58 William Reed Mimms TEXAS 81 ................DEL MAR .... .......... 60 Charles Wellington Pace Ronald Eblen Malouf TEXAS 82 ........... ..... RICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 SHORTHORN TRACK The SMU colts ended the Texas Shorthorns' reign m the freshman division of the Southwest Conference with a slight 56-53 margin, achieved because the Texas team failed to finish in the sprint relay that it was favored to win. The Yearling thinlies fouled up on their first baton exchange and dropped out after the fir t two legs. Ralph Alspaugh, who scored a double in the sprints, and Jim Allison, weight­rnan, simply did not have enough help as the Colts finished strong, winning nine events, to topple T exas from the three year old conference title reign. Alspaugh displaying sprinting features of a gazelle won the freshman 100 in 9. 7, the 220, in 20.8, and had a 47.6 anchor carry on a mile relay team that had to settle for fourth place. A new SWC record was made when Allison tossed the shot 51'10''. In other season meets, the Steer freshmen were dominant in their ability to carry off fir t place awards. In a triangular meet against Houston, and A&M the Short­horns piled up 69 points to Houston's 48 and A&M's 30. Ronald Ablowich, Allison, and Alspaugh accounted for eight of the Texas first places. Preceding a trip to the Mexico City Invitational Meet, where they again took top honor , the frosh were busy breaking records at the Texas Relays. Alspaugh cracked the division record in the 100-yard dash with 9.5, eclipsing the old mark of 9.6. Texas placed either first or second in every event that was offered. FRESHMAN AWARDS Ronald Edgar Ablowich Donald D ean Dishongh Ronald John Holiday J ames Choyce Allison K enneth Ray Dunlap Thomas Nolan Kaspar R alph Williamson Alspaugh Roy Clarence Eisenbach T erry Dean King David Mooney Carmichael Stanley R. Fullen Edmund M . Longcope Johnson Blair Cherry, Jr. J ames Edwin Gandy Arthur K . McCallum William Simpson Conner John Scott Hoeck David Melber Arved Elzo White STUDENT MANAGER Ray Collins T. J. LOVVORN, Coach Charles Robert eblett Ralph W. Rodieck Jack Davis Sides Lucien Barton Ulmer George Vacek Richard Maurice Walden SHORTHORN BASEBALL The 1958 Shorthorn Baseball season saw the Yearling baseballers post a 6-12 record on the books. Hampered by rained-out game and lack of reserve power the young Steers did play well together and ex­hibited definite talent for the 1959 Varsity nine. Leading the freshmen at the plate were Arthur Adams, Walter Crain, Terry Struve and Billy Kennedy. Coach Jack Trench's charges should help the corning sea on record for the Longhorns to repeat its 1958 performance. j SCORESFRESHMA AWARDS Arthur W. Adams J. Terry Jackson Texas 6. ..... Austin High School. . . . . . . . . . . 7 Texas 4 ..........Austin High School. . . . . . . . . . . 2 Ronald E. Baker Billy E. Kennedy Texas 6 .......... Rice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Jimmy S. Rearden Jess N. Legg Texas 17 ..........McCallum High School. ....... 2 Walter Crain Dennis Michael McDonald Texas 2 . .........Rice .. ... ...... ... .......... 3 Roy S. Goodman Samuel Ira Rosson Texas 12 ........ . . Wharton Junior College ....... 0 Robert K. Hillin Terry Leo Struve Texas 2..........Travis High School. . . . . . . . . . . 4 Phillip L. Hipps Justin Marshall Wakeland Texas 2 ..... ..... Baylor ................. ..... 0 Texas 2..........Baylor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Texas 4 ..... .....Texas A&M ................. 3 FRESHMA MANAGERIAL AWARD Texas 1...... . ...Texas A&M ................. 3 Gerald C. Green Texas 1...... . . . . Tarleton Junior College ........ 6 .i ' 2 . ) . 2 ' 3 .0 .4 .0 . 3 'J 'J .6 son , Dennis George Ko~llh, Jimmy Lee Stacks, Jack Layton Davis, Charles Henry Moore, Ill, Robert W. Gilstrap. OFFICERS President ........ .. .............. . .AVIS E. J OHNSO , JR. First Vice-President ........ .... .JOSEPH HOYT SLOC UM , JR. Second Vice-President ...... ........ .CHARLES DAVID R EED Executive Secretary ............ .ROBERT HICKS Mel TYRE HANDBALL F acuity Sponsor . ....... ........MACK RICHARD ROBERSON Student Sponsor ........ ............. .JIMMY LEE STACKS Student Sponsor . . ... .. . .........DE IS GEORGE KouTH GYM Johnson, Jr. Second Row: Robert James, Nelson Douglas Stubblefield, Joe Gentry Roady, James M. Pickell, Theodore Edward Longgood, Jr. Third Row: Robert Sterlin~ Green, Albert Albin Sonny Rooker . SOFTBALL F acuity Sponsor . .. . . . ....... . . /\LBERT ALBIN RooKER Student Sponsor.. . .. . ... . .. AvI E . JOHNSO , JR. Student Sponsor . .. . . ....... ..... . . ....R ONALD L. J o •Es FE CI G Faculty Sponsor ..... ..... ......T!!OMAS EDWARD BARLOW Student Sponsor . .... .. .............CHARLES DAVID R EED Student Sponsor ................. .C.\REY FORD LIVELY, JR. ASTICS Faculty Sponsor ... .........WILLIAM ANTHONY CRENSHAW Student Sponsor ......... ..... .JosEPH HOYT SLOCUM, JR. Student Sponsor ................. PRESTON K u HN MARTIN ' -~ • ...1.-.... '~· .. .. ~ f ,Ii •• GYMNASTICS FENCING t/t to Right: Monroe Ben Nowotny, Richard Charles Price, Jack Oliver Pool, Richard Left to Righi: Charles David Reed, James Curtiss Cline, Roy Henry Rodieck, Jerry Dean . Vernon McGehee, Lawrence Lain Jones, Everett Sifuentes. Correll, Carey Ford Lively. Jr. PAGE 347 WOMEN'S INTRAMURALS TAFF Director . JOSEPHINE M. CHAPMA Associate Director MARY ELIZABETH Rr LEY Assistant Director PATRICIA A N WEI Assistant Director Jo A ' NE AFRIT Secretary. A CY R TH McGEE TOUCH FOOTBALL WHITE BRACKET WIN ER-GAMMA PHI BETA RUNNER-UP-SIGMA DELTA TAU PAo&348 ALPH.\ DELTA P1 ; Janiece Simms First Place, DELTA GA.Ml\.1A ; ,Josie Margaret Guerra, First Place, NEWMAN CLUB; Patricia Sue Voelkel, Second Place, ALPHA CHI OMEGA; Diane Lander, Second Place, ALPHA CHI OMEGA; Julie Landrum Holman, Second Place, KAPPA ALPHA THETA. ORA GE BRACKET Front Row: WINNER -CO-OP: Betty Earl Plowman, Maxine Weinert, Frances Marlene Horton, Patricia Mary Gallagher, Dorothy Lee Stockton, Irene Andrea Braden, Carolyn Sue Cole, Charlotte Mary Bracken, Joan Lanelle Rabb, Martha Ellen Whitlo'!'.> SuS1e Louise Thomas. Back R ow: RUNNER-UP-Di:.LTA ZETA: Dorothy Caro­lyn Sandli'!, Carolyn Ruth Savage Anderson, Frances Katherine .r ranzen, Rebecca Lynn Brow_n, Carolyn Ann Thomas, C. Elaine Mathews, Rosemary McAdams. Patricia Sue Voelkel, ALPHA CHI OMEGA; Mary Stewart Thomas, K APPA ALPHA THETA; Diane Lander, ALPHA CHI OMEGA; Phyllis Ann Wiegand, GAMMA PHI BETA; Janiece Simms DELTA GAMMA; Lmda Beth Crumbles, ALPHA GAMMA b ELTA; Zelie de Serin Sibley, KAPPA ALPHA THETA" Margaret Ann Davidson, ZETA TAU ALPHA; Judith Kay Van Horn,_ CHI OMEGA; Gretchen Elizabeth Werner, ALPH DELTA r1 ; Julie Landrum Holman, KAPPA ALPHA THETA ; Dorothy Ann Stroup, D ELTA ZETA. WHITE BRACKET Front Row: WINNER-KAPPA ALPHA THETA: Anne Best Winterbotham, Marilyn Perkinson, Joanna B. Smith. Marilyn Minnette Flaitz, Diane Alice Carter, Cherry Dian Kendrick, Bobbie Sue Buck. Back Row: RUNNER-UP-ZE..TA TAU ALPHA: Laura Preston, Benita Lee, Anne Elizabeth Beard, Carol Hal­stead Criss, ancy LaNell Stanley, Beverly Ann Butler, Rosemc..ry Showalter, Marion Claire Davis, Kaye Klop­fenstein. BOWLING · DECK TENNIS DOUBLES DECK TENNIS DOUBLES Left to Right: Beverly Kay Baker, Ruriner-Up, Kay Ellen St. Germain, Runtrer-Up, CHI o~H.GA; M. Jane Burkhaitcr, Winner, Ciu O~eoA; Lera Josephine Lingo, H1iturer, C1-11 OMEGA. ORANGE BRACKET WHITE BRACKET WI . 'ER­ALPHA OMICRON PI Front R ow: Ethel Lorene Mauch, Betty Ann Dorothy Frances Draper. Back Row: Anne Barker Cherry, Retta Davis. Canfield, WINNER­ALPHA GAMMA DELTA Fro11t Row: Jo Ann Myrick, Beverly Ann Cole, Dianne Davfa. Back Row: Carmen Littlefield, Winifred M. Irby, Judith Voss Lovejoy. RUNNER-UP-CHI OMEGA Front Row: Colleen Mary O'Connor, Sally Elizabeth Spears, Betsy H. Bauer. Second Row: Suzanna Vincent Dye, Patricia Louise Wren, Suzie Cray Twyman, Gretchen Leah Smith. Thiri Row: Diane Lander, Beverly Cox, Carol Lynn Huber, Connie Alexis Moffitt, Sharon Louise Henson, Sally Catherine Chenault, Ann Stuart Moffitt, Dorothy Kay Chisum. Left to Right: Carol Keeton, Ru11ner-Up. CHI OMEGA ; Carolyn Anderson, Winner, DELTA ZETA. CONSOLATION WINNERS-DELTA GAMMA RUNNER-UP-ALPHA GAMMA DELTA Front R ow: Diane Duryea, Shir1ey Miller, Rosann Smith, Killy Murphy, Starlett Smith, Mary Lee Green, Sue Lieberman. Back Row: Marilyn Boyd, Peuy Graham, Kay Pearson, Cindy Dexter, Janet Allison, Jean Penberthy. Left 10 Right: Barbara Lit, Winnu, DELTA PHI EP­SILON; Bobbie Lowe, Runner-Up, GAMM PHI BETA. SI GLE SOFTBALL WHITE BRACKET Left to Right: Suzanne Hampton, Winner, KAPP WINNER ICMA DELTA TAU ALPHA THETA: Betty Jane McCallurn, Runner-Up KAPPA ALPHA THETA. RUNNER-UP-DELTA GAMMA Front Row: Betty Plowman, Winnie Card, Helene Proc­Fro111 Row: Trudy Shugart, Carolyn Brown. Marion tor, Carolyn Bain, Lulu Linn, Irene Braden, Carmen Rankin, June Berrien. Peggy Graham, Nancy Clarkson. Rios, Martha Whitlow, Mollie Kavana~h. Batk Row: Beth Zied. Harrieue Pullen, Lorraine Batk Row: Janet Peavy, Emily Kvinta, Janie Lee, Bun­Schwartz, Elaine Kaplan, Edrea Kessler, Judy Peine, nie Burns. Mary_ Ellen Branan, Elaine Mathews, Cookie Glick, Arla Edelman. Lenore Wat.son, Carolyn Andenon, Carol Rcin hackel, Rosemary McAdams. PAGE 350 TABLE TENNIS TABLE TENNIS VOLLEYBALL DOUBLES SINGLES WI NER-SCOTTISH RITE DORMITORY RUN 'ER-UP-DELTA ZETA Left Top Row: Left to Right: Carolyn Savage Anderson, Elaine Mathews, DELTA ZETA; Janice Edds, Billy Jean Cain, SRD. J5 WINNER-HILLEL FOU1 DA.TION' RU ER-UP-SIGMA DELTA TAU L ft to Right: Marlene Adels, Harriette Pullen1 SIGMA DELTA TAU, Ru111ier-Up; Lois Terence, Uaith Zind­ler, HILLEL FOUNDATIO , Wi1111e<. Right Top Row: Left to Right: Sylvia Cancholal I DEPENDENT, Run­ner-Up; Lois Terence, H I LE L FOU2'1DATI02'1. Winner. CO-RECREATIONAL MIXED BOWLING WI ER-EWMA CLUB to Right: Fro11t Row: Babs Zurovec, Mary Hughes. Back Row: William F. Rogers, Charles A. Hughes. RU NER-UP-ALPHA OMICRO PI Front Row: Betty Ann Canfield, Ann Ch•rry. Back Row: Max Engert, R. L. Dietz. MIXED VOLLEYBALL WIN ER-EWMAN CLUB Front Row: Cornelia Brown, Barbara Boenig, Terry Jakie. econd Row: Babs Zurovec, Mary Hughes, Kathleen MacKenna, Betty Jo Green, John Furlow. Third Row: Pat Mann, Charles Emerson, Jerry Opella, Pierre Guay. RUN. ER-UP·-PI BETA PHI Front Row: Susan Garrett1. . Sug Seewald Ann Cramer, Rhetta Moody, Virginia wiley. ' Back Row: Don Gardner, Searcy Miller, Virginia Law­ hon, Earnest Fellbaum, Ed Watts. WHITE BRACKET Wll\NER-DELTA DELTA DELTA RUNNER-UP-ALPHA GAMMA DELTA Front Row: Mary Ruth Sheldon, Linda Lackner, Pat Burkhart, Carol Fuson, Gail Murphy, Martha Bowser. Back Row: Beverly Cole. Patsy Smith Jean Hogan Starlett Smith, Joanne Novotny, Bitsy 'Thompson. ' ORAXGE BRACKET WJ1 NER-DELTA ZETA RUNNER-UP-GAMMA PHI BETA Frout Row: Marilyn Vogt, Mary Ann Shaw, Marjorie Menefee, Lynette Fairey, Frances Kincaid Davene Schmidt, Betty McCormick. ' Back Row: Emily Kvinta, Maureen Burns Carolyn An­derson, Elaine Mathews, Carolyn_ Tho~as, Rosemary McAdams, Donna Beth McCormick, Janet Peavy. U.T.S.A. 1957-1958 Billy Jean Cain was introduced as president of UTSA for the year 1958-59. Other new offi­cers are Janice Edds, vice-president; Colleen O'Connor, secretary; Mollie Kavanagh, treas­urer; and Kay Pearson and Jane Stotts, mem­bers-at-large. The most outstanding members of the indi­vidual UTSA clubs were announced as Nancy Fielding, Bow and Arrow; Janet Allison, Canter Club; Prissy Adams, Poona Club, Marion Ran­kin, Tumle; and Babs Zurovec, Strike and Spare. Original songs presented by each club and table centerpieces were judged. "Ride along, Canter Club" was named the best song, and Turtle Club's "Bright Red Tank Suits" was second. Turtle Club's table decorations won first and Canter Club's were second. UTSA Front Row: Rita Mays, Barbara Brockman, ancy Field­Front R ow: Nancy Zelinger, Joan Sims, Barbara Zuro­Front Row: Arlene Wade, Sandra Ingram, Colleen ing. vek, Sue Lieberman. O'Conner, Mollie Kavanagh, Beverly Hich, Betsy R , Back Row: Anne Schmidt, Millie Pechack, Myrna Wylie, Second Row: Barbara Barnes, Mary Ellen Branan, Penny Harriette Pullen, Sylvia Conchola, Carolyn Cantwell. Joan Hardwick, Emory Kelley, JoAnne Safrit. Laverty. Back Row: Charline Hawthorne, Jean Rogers1 Jane Third Row: Miss Wilson, Carol Reinhackel, Kenneth Stottes, Diane Schmidt, Carolyn Savage Anaerson, Ford. Betty Lou Fromme, Pam Poulos. Mary Mullendore, Barbara Krick, Helen Tomlin. ORCHESIS POONA Front R ow: Mary L. Schuenenman, Linda Hankins, Fro11t R ow: Sandra Brazil, Jerry Shauer, Udith Zindlcr, Dorothy Douglas, Diane Keenz. Priscilla Adams. Second R ow: Sally Risser, Jo Ann Dember, Janiece Sim­Secand Row: Betty Chappell, Sally Stevenson, Billy Jean mons. Cynthia Powell, Grace Ann Churchill, Mary Cain, Sandra Heiligman, Betsy Boettger, Janice Edds. Ann Worthy. Third R ow: Pat Hocker,_Linda Kilgore, .• Elka Haubold, Third Row: Miss Barbara Trosper, Linda Rhine, Patsy Bennie Johnson, Jo Harris, Betty vvilson, Virginia Ansel, Connie Scott, Carole Blume, Sue McW1lliams, Laytou. Annes Geis, Miriam Jones. Front R ow: Mo.ry Loui Er kine :Mimi Left to Right: MIER-UP-BRACKENRIDGE DO RMITORY Frc'l{rr!~i'"iia9J~~~sh!'.!'.nR!~eor':'k~~~e~'jL~;hoa':'.f White, Allen Russell Whiting, Back Row: David L. Kelley, Garland Duke Dunbar, Jr., Donald E. Morris, Larry Dornum. Charles Raymond Bost. CHAMPION­SIGMA PHI EPSILON Front Row: Thomas Francis Turner, Robert Frank Teague, Rich Reynolds. Hensel Murchison. Second Row: Bill Brauman, Thomas Walter Bailey, Larry Adrian Barnett, George G. Stubblefield, Ill. Back Row: John Lee Pundt, Jerrell A. Helder, John Coates. RU NER­P­BRAC KE RIDGE DO RMITORY Front Row: Jack Bethel Brown, John Richard Lucas, Robert Francis Earhart, Mil­ton McKinnon Perkin , Jr., Clarence Burton Robbins. Back Row: Clyde Ellis Hick , Jack Ray Clinton, Robert R. Boothe, Jr., James Edward RllSScll, J ames Robert Lummus. PAOE 358 TRACK CHAMPIO:'.'IS-PHI GAMMA DELTA RUN:'.'IER-UP-CLIFF COURTS Left to Right: Herbert Franklin Hamilton, Eugene Joseph Dozier1 James Whitten­Front R ow: Harold Goldberg,_ Charles Henry Washington, Willie Paul Dunn, Henry burg Walker, James Duncan Gordon, John William Copeland, Robert Judson L. James, James Claddin !'Otts, Charles Murray Miles, L. G. Strider. D.hid~ Burkett. Second R ow: Lonnie John Gooden, Jr., Allen Dewayne Tillman, Robert Wood Big­ger, Ronald L. Jones, Samuel Phillip Ranger, Bob Henderson, W. Ben Kuenemann. "'" .eft to Right: Frank Taylor Nagle, DELTA TAU DELTA,_ Fraternity EaJlarl·~ Division; Bobby Frederick Galbreath, BRUNETTE HOuSE, Inde­ pendent Division; Jackie Ray Boston, OAK GROVE, Club Division; ,.Jr., J-6 Leslie Erwin Opperman, B C D SAN JACINTO DORMITORY, Dormitory Division. L eft to Right: Harold Goldberiu Ru.1111 er-Up, CLIFF COURTS; Jackie Ray Bos­ton, Champion, OAK GROVt.. POW-W OW Oak Grove, for years a leading organization in University of Texas intramurals sports, racked up another trophy as it was awarded the AU-Year Organization Cham­pionship Trophy for 1957·1958 at the annual Pow-Wow banquet. David H enderson, Oak Grove intramurals manager, accepted the coveted award for his co-op, which amassed a total of 3,551 points to also top all organizations in the club division. The Runner-Up All-Year Organization Trophy went to the fraternity div:sion ruler, Delta Tau Delta which ended with 3,395 points. Brackenridge H all paced the dormintory division with 2,552 points. Brunette led the independents with 1,995.5. All four winners were defending champions in their respective divisions. However, the Delts and Oak Grove exchanged places in all-University standings. Division title-holders, as well as runners-up, were awarded trophies. Managers of the three highest teams in each class were awarded medals. Jackie Boston of Oak Grove and Frank Nagle of Delta Tau Delta each amassed a total of 129 points to lead the way in their divisions. Other crown-winners were Les Opperman of Dormitories BCD and Bobby Galbreath of Brunette, who had 90 and 72 points, respectively. Campus Guild showed the best sportsmanship as a team during the season . Gordon Appleman substituting for Jerry Nathan announced the winner of the Cowboy-sponsored trophy. PAO£ 359 FALL 1957 Front Row: Jerry Donald Davis, Isaac Dwaine Eubanks, David Holland Henderson. Second R ow: Eugene Thomas Beynon, Leon Johnson, Jr., Philip Calvin Cezeaux, William Lee George. JUN IOR MANAGERS ------.-......-­ SPRING 1958 Thomas Gould Hendrick, MOORE-HILL HALL Front Row: Donald Reed Phillips, John Leo Myers, Jr., William Richard McCracken, William Keith Miles, Karl Schoenfield. Second Row: Richard Barry Bermont, Harold D. Orr, Joseph Duane Hooker, Milton Clarence Schroeder, Walter David Switzer. SENIOR MAN AGERS I 9 5 8 Left to Ritht: Stewart Gillett, PHI SIGMA KAPPA : Everette Tucker, INDEPE:'\DENT; George Appleman, SIGMA ALPHA MU ; George Helland, SIGMA:\'. ~ER CAMPUS 1958 1940 STUDENT GOVERNMENT AND PUBLICATIONS PAGE 361 STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION Every student of The University of Texas is automatically a member of the Students' Association. Its function is to provide a medium of expression of student opinion, to give student voice to University affairs, and to interpret University policies into student action. It needs the interest and participation of every University student to make it a success-a true reflection of student feeling. The Students' Association administrative staff consists of three executive officers (President, Vice-President, and Secretary), a legislative branch, ( tu­dent Assembly), and a judicial branch (Student Court). The elected pre ident, vice-president, and secretary represent the student body on President Wil on's Advisory Council. Faculty Student Cabinet, the Union Board of Directors, the Athletic Council, the Board of Directors of Texas Student Publication , Inc., Social Calendar Committee, Student-Regent Liai on Committee, and many other committees related to student activities. They also administer the com­mittee and cabinet system under which the Sudents' A ociation operates. PRESIDENT' CABINE William Bandy Patty May Cartwright Lawrence Dean Cobb Charle Reh tock Gregg Richard Page Keeton orma Matlock Terry M all Morton H. M yer on Robert Elton Mim Ginni Ann teele Jack Rainard Wahlqui t William Howard Wolf rof ilie ~n of nterpret cipatioo student ootilt ~ ( tu· tsiden~ IViOOn's ~n. the ~,Int, ~many ie com· rates. CAB!~ ~n IJll ahlqui< IWo~ STUDENT ASSEMBLY The Student Assembly is the legislative and policy determining body for the Students' Association and for its committees and executive officers. Every student has at least one person representing his college or school in the As­sembly, and each member of the student body should be concerned with the quality of representation he is getting. Traditional functions of the Assembly include appropriation of the Blanket Tax, approving student appoint­ments to University governing boards and committees, making recommendations to administrative and legisaltive au­thorities by passing resolutions, and conducting investgations in the interest of student welfare. This year's Assembly was characterized by mature action through the permanent committee system which was instituted in the fall of 1956. A great deal of constructive work was done in activities which received little publicity, but which contributed toward making this a better University for all the students. Elected Spring 1957 Elected Fall 1957 ARCHITECTURE Leon Whitney ARTS AND SCIENCES Richard Page Keeton Robert Cameron Hightower Terry McCall David Andrew Millican Mary Marjorie Menefee Patricia Padgett BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Donald Love, Fall James Earle Barden Wayne Ferguson, Appointed Spring 1958 William Fred Miller Jay Jules Karkowsky EDUCATION Billy Jean Cain Billye Rae Funk ENGINEERING Fred N. Pfeiffer, Fall George Archie Helland William Cook Fielder, Appointed Spring 1958 John W. Sauer Billy Ray Upchurch FINE ARTS Neal Leslie Speice, Jr. Charles Ronald Rogers GRADUATE Benjamin Spencer Bradshaw Delbert Shankel Walter A. Coole, Fall Phillip Sherwood Paul, Jr., Appointed LAW Brunson D. Moore James H. Lauderdale PHARMACY Thomas Clyde Brunson STUDENT GOVERNMENT COMMITTEES CAMPUS CHEST TEERING COMMITTEE Raymond C. Kenney, Sponsor Richard Page Keeton, Co-Chairman Sandra Lee Moore, Co-Chairman Phyllis Ann Borden Suzanne Bowling David Caldwell Gayla Craig Paul Milton Gray Allen Lee Miller, Chairman Jerome Bernstein Eugene B. Doughtie, Jr. Danny LaGette Beaird Raymond Ralph Brown Patty Mays Cartwright Chancey Croft Sandra Jean Hamilton Robert Landis Armstrong Fred Wayne Blackwell Ben S. Bradshaw, Spring Lorence Larry Bravenec, Fall Thomas Clyde Brunson Lawrence Dean Cobb hannon Harrison Ratliff President Darrell Eddy Jordan Larry Neal Hurwitz Carole Stewart Keeton Carter Benjamin Kelly Henry Willard Lende, Jr. Oliver Barr McClellan William Fred Miller James Irvine Perkins, Jr. Franklin Ace Pickens Henry Carr Pritchet Bobby Sue Smith Richard Arlin tanley Emily Sue Stinson William Bryan Stoermer Mary Jean Todd Billy Newton Walker Don Charles Wukasch HONOR CODE FORMULATING COMMITTEE Harold Leon Metts David Andrew Millican COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES Jo Ann Hillje Harry Lee Hudspeth Richard Page Keeton Roberta Ann Love Sandra Lee Moore Katherine Louise Voetmann PRESIDENT WILSON'S ADVISORY COU Joan Marie Franklin Miriam Dolly Gordon, Spring Charles Rebstock Gregg Pete Addison Y. Gunter, III Joyce Anne Henderson, Spring Paul Justin McBroom FRESHMA COUNCIL Kenneth Ray Dunlap, Vice-President TEER.I G COMMITTEE Mary Marjorie Meneffee, Chairman Rocco Giardina Revisore Alice Lockett Wheles Richard Dalton Spangler Lawrence Edward Steinberg John Hunter Strasburger Jerry J. Nathan Shannon Harrison Ratliff Joe Allen Ross Ginni Ann Steele Allen Lee Tooke CIL T erry McCall, Fall Frank Eugene McLain, Spring Robert Elton Mims Patricia Ann Morrow, Fall Marjorie Maillot Purnell, Fall James Terrell Townsend Marilyn Sue Becker, S ecretary Ginni Ann teele Jer Pa Ca Ca ll Ca Ai lL H< Di Ph Pa II; fn 'll Cl w [)( Cl w & H ~ n FRESHMAN COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN John Chester Blasingame Jame Denny Dannenbaum Gwynne Lee Guffin Ann Karen Haun Carole Stewart Keeton Oliver Barr McClellan Roxana Olga Michael Monroe Ben Nowotny John Douglas Reichert Jame Jay iegel Peyton Lambeth Townsend Ronald L e Vanm ter Rudolph nthony Wedemeyer, Jr. Clarence Donald Williams Jimmie Dell William STUDENT GOVERNMENT COMMITTEES Jerry J. Nathan, Chairman Patricia Virginia Aldrich Carolyn Sage Allen Carol Elaine Atkinson Mary Bond Austin , Carolyn Ann Barnes Ann Elizabeth Beard Marilyn Sue Becker Helen Wynyard Bellhouse Sid L. Berger Diana Cain Phyllis .Jean Calkins Paul B. Clayton Harwood Lewis Collins, Jr. Frederick James Conn Zera Ann Couser Charlotte Camille Daniel William Claude Davidson, Jr. Dorothy Diane Davis Chancy Croft, Chairman William Kendall Adam Bradley Sinclair Barker Helen Wynyard Bellhouse Patricia Ann Brennan David Caldwell Sandra Cason Ginni Ann Steele, Fall Chairman Roberta Ann Love, Spring Chairman andra Jean Hamilton, Chairman Myloa May Beilke Joe Allen Ross, Fall Chairman Davis Traywick McGill, Spring Chairman Kenneth N. Andrews Mark Hall Beers Donald Hugh Bennett Thelma Frances Clarke Gayla Craig FLASH CARD COMMITTEE Marion Claire Davis Sheldon Louis H eidemann Lou Adele Dorrell Billy Don Hullum Sharon Lee Edson Emma Marie Keasler Stephen Clay Elliott Carolyn Sue Keen Sandra Esquivel Elizabeth Dell Langton Virginia Fielder Ann Cole Lentz Linda Lee Fields Judith Gay Lewis Ronald Jack Finger Judith Ann Lieberman Kay Fuller Julie Anna Lipner Sandra Sue Gillett .Joe Lowestine Susann Gipson Rodney Harry Margolis Maurice Goldstein Virginia Louise Mcfarlane Dena Fern Goldston Gus Carlton McHam, III Allie Sue Gottwald William Keith Miles Virginia Elizabeth Hall Alice Carolyn Norman .Jo Anne Hamilton Martha Elizabeth Patricia Sue Hardy Overstreet Freddie Sherman Harkary Martha Louise Parrish CAMPUS SURVEY COMMITTEE Sharon Beth Dehnisch Janis Keith LouAdele Dorrell Caroline Jean Kubala Carol Dean Esse Emily Ann Kvinta Jean Barrillon Felder Susan Mara Norman H. Fox Robert Allan Northcutt Nancy Sue Gastman Carol Jean Patterson Jay Jules Karkowsky Joyce Elvira Sigrist PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE I NEWSLETTER ancy Ruth Buchanan Jane Collins Harwood Margaret Ann Davidson Larry Neal Hurwitz Deliah Ann Fleming Curtis W. Meadows, Jr. Sandra Fonville .James Merrill Neel PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE II Mary Karen Blume Dwight Franklin Henderson Martha Gray Davis Glenn C. Hunt, Jr. Ronald Jack Finger Linda Leudemann GRIEVA CE COMMITTEE William C. Davidson, Jr. Karen McKinney Sandra Esquivel Marilyn Kay Miller Maline Gilbert Ellen Genevieve Munson Dorothy Patricia Heard William Gary Patterson Hal Segrest Hudson Janis Gail Pettit ancy Bryan Hunt Franklin Ace Pickens Emma Marie Keasler Rocco Giardina Revisore Emory Kelley Robert Edwin Robinson Carter Benjamin Kelly Donald Eugene Roper PAGE 365 Gail Ann Pearsall Virginia Ann Pearson Judith Ann Phillips Darryl Quinn John Douglas Reichert Carol Beth Roddie Ralph Taub Schwartz Vernon Lee Shelton Barbara Sue Smith Florence Elizabeth Smith Sterling orman Sorrell Nancy Ellen Thomp on Nancy Catherine Tolve Peyton Lambeth Townsend Beth VanHorn Flora Bess Weiss Karen Gail Wilkerson Jimmie Dell Williams Carolee P. Zapp Emmanuel Herzl Smith Sterling orman Sorrell Lois Elizabeth Stubbs Frances Alice Tyrrell Ella Bergman Wallace Shirley C. Ward John Everett Wasson ancy Key Parks Edwin Willis Patterson Georgia Mae Rogge Patricia Anne Vogelsang Carole Jean Maguire Dean Stuart Sanders Ronny Norman Schoenbrun Richardson G. Scurry, Jr. Charles Spencer Edwin Leonard Sterling Roy Lynn Taylor Harry Joseph Walter, III David Allan Weiner Betty Ann Willmann Golden Duane Youngblood STUDENT GOVERNMENT COMMITTEES NSA-TISA COMMITTEE Katherine Louise Voetmann, Chairman Bert Bently Adkins, Jr. Betty Ann Aue Linda Biesele Danny LaGette Beaird, Chairman Frank Edward Billings Walter Eden Bloxsom Henry Tebbs Brooks Charles Hunter Bruge Josephine Duvall ScuITy, Fall Chairman Charles Joseph MacManus, Spring Chairman amuel Donald Axelrad Raymond Ralph Brown, Chairman James LaVoy Branton Robert Anthony Butler Jo Ann Hillje, Fall Chairman Allen Lee Tooke, Spring Chairman Patty Mays Cartwright, Chairman O LD STUDENT COMMITTEE Richard Drake Hart, Chairman Mary Etta Allen Carolyn Cantwell Claire Childs Ann Marie Gordon Roy A. HaITell, Jr. Mohammed Arif Hayat Alexander Jihming Hsu Cynthia Ann Tlucek PGBLICITY COMMITTEE Nancy Elizabeth Patterson Helen Elizabeth Wear Claudetta Young COMMU !TY RELATIONS Lad Mingus, Co-Chairman Jacques Charles Bo io, Co-Chairman Robb Kendrick Burlage Patricia Ruth Griffin Mary Lelia Crain Katherine Howard Wayne Ferguson Jerry Lee Hughes William Cook Fielder Lorene Meadow STEER HERE COMMITTEE Jan Campbell Cox Ann McCarroll Robert Lee Dickson Neil Elden Miller Thomas N. Dunnam, Jr. Mary Joan Phillips William Chapman Estes Kathy Virginia Pollard Ann Hamilton Mary Marcia Rathjen Linda Janice Hargrave Glenn Alfred Rogers RUMA RELATIONS COMMITTEE Elinor Ann Corbusier William Day Charles Lindsey Durway Lindall Ellen Dyer Jennie Elizabeth Franklin Ann Hamilton Anthony Ray Henry Wilbur Floyd Holmes Carole Stewart Keeton Sarah Dossett Kendall STUMP SPEAKING COMMITTEE Felicity Hill Frank Sabra Joy Lande Peggy Marcella Graham Kerry Redick O'Quinn Linda Beth Grumbles Jeanne Marie Robertson Janis Evers Jones Richard Louis Scroggins SPONSORED STUDENTS COMMITTEE Jane Katherine Andersen Hazel Phyllis Barton Marion Kathleen Bostick I TERNATIO Lois Marian Bilbrough Barbara Ann Magel Diana Candace Milam Frances Adeline Old Nancy M. Philen Lillian Gayle Wright INTERNATIONAL VISITORS AND SPECIAL PRO] ECTS COM M ITTEE Ellen Kimball McCor­quodale, Co-Chairman Saad Mahmoud Gamel-Elden, Co-Chairman Linda Luan Best Carol Clark Culbert on Carolyn Sue Echols Shirley Ann Lucas Barbara Claire Lyle Dorothy Ann Stroup ancy Elizabeth Thrift Betty Kyle Walker Alice Lockett Wheless Barbara Anne Foster Jacob Joel Goldfinger Lynne Lipsitz AL COMMISSION N EW STUDE NTS COMMITTEE Ann McFadden, Co-Chairman Arnaldo Adolfo Bisogni, Co-Chairman Mary Ellen Beall Ann Cramer Daniel helton Gafford Tish Huffman Kay King Lillian Esther Michell ora Marie Parma Margaret Claire Perkin ara Ros Carole Elizabeth andlin Jane Frances pacek George Polk William H OSPITALITY 0 fM ITTEE Betty Jane McCallum, Co-Chairman Morton H. Meyerson David Andrew Millican Peggy Loui Parker Mary Elizabeth eals Thomas F. Ybarra Mary Ann Shaw Don Hargro e Smith Floyd Grady Stoddard Harolyn Jean Thomas David Oakes Turner Charles Norman Wood Morton H . Meyerson Gary Harvey Nordheimer James Jay Siegel Gulu araindas Sitlani Barbara Louise mith William Menefee Wilcox, Jr. Robert Gary Smith Sally Elizabeth Spears Gary Mearlin Tamplin Beverly Gail Thompson Martha Catharine Maxwell Margaret Ann Smith Carolyn June Thomas Mary Gail Thomas Malee Suwana-Adth, Co-Chairman Betty Cole A hcraft Mary Baker John Bowman Mary D. Bradshaw Harold Dee Carter Sue Jenkin Che sner Betty Gleith Cobb Virginia Fielder antiago-Diaz Garcia Geneva Jill Grainger Nan Keith K lly harlotte Elizabeth Lee usan nne Lieberman William McDonald Bobby Jean Pipkin Mike Rhyne imp on Bobby ue mith nn an Landingham Marcia dele Wade Franc uzanne Webb ,Jr. i·well ia Lee nan )0 iaJll e 'ebb STUDENT COURT THOMAS G. BOUSQUET BEN ADDISON DONNELL ANN McFADDEN JAMES IRVINE PERKINS, JR. SuE RossoN . The Chief Justice and four Associate Justices, elected by the student body, form the Judicial branch of the Students' Asso­ciation, the Student Court. The Court tries all cases ansmg under the constitu­tion of the Students' Association, examines books of campus organizations, decides disputed elections, and can impel student officials to carry out the duties of their respective offices. A recent addition to the duties of the Court is hearing cases of student traffic violations. The Court is available to students and student organi­zations for interpretation or advisory judg­ments concerning the constitution or legis­lation of the assembly. Chief Justice Associate Justice Associate Justice Associate Justice Associate Justice DONNELL McFADDEN ROSSON PAGE 367 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION COUNCIL Front Row: Peeples, Guarin, Smith, Cline. Second Row: Pond, Roper, Johnson, Edwin Wilson ?\llumma, Drake, Trimble. Third Row: Taylor, Meeks, Brooks, Nordheimer, Weber, Lewis, Finger, Karkowsky. Fourth Row: Berger, Barden, Crawford, Wood, Malone, McNamara, Steed. OFFICERS Fall Spring BoB LAUGHLIN President JAMES IRVINE PERKINS, JR. JAMES IRVINE PERKINS, JR. Vice-President PINCKNEY FRANKLIN STEED, JR. DONALD E UGENE ROPER Treasurer DONALD EUGENE ROPER ELINOR CLYDE DRAKE Secretary ELI OR CLYDE DRAKE LILA MAE JOHNSON Sweetheart . LILA MAE JOHNSON CLASS OFFICERS SENIOR CLASS SOPHOMORE CLASS Sid L. Berger, President Henry Tebbs Brooks, President Pinckney Franklin Steed, Jr., Vice-President Ronald Jack Finger, Vice-President Mary Alice Guarin, Secretary Mary Linn Pond, Secretary J UNIOR CLASS FRESHMAN CLASS Patrick McNamara, President John Milton Crawford, Jr., President Jim Lawrence Magill, Vice-President Gary Harvey ordheimer, Vice-President Barbara Kay Cline, Secretary Luella Hope Taylor, Secretary ASSEMBLYMEN James Earle Barden William Fred Miller Jay Jules Karkowsky Donald Love, Fall Wayne Ferguson, Spring MEMBERS ALPHA DELTA SIOMA BBA WIVES CLUB THE INSURANCE SOCIETY Raleigh Lymann Greer, Fall Mrs. Ralph Howard Daugherty, Jr. Tom L. Schneider William Carrell Hardman, Spring Mrs. Kenneth Ray Peeples, Alternate Barry B. Kurtz, Alternate BETA ALPHA Psi ALPHA KAPPA Psi P1 OMEGA P1 Walter Asa Saunders, Jr. Patricia Ann Trimble, Fall Alfonso Augusto Cisneros Arlen Lester Lewis, Alternate Betty Ann Jordan, Spring DELTA Nu ALPHA Margaret Ann Smith, Alternate Thomas Phillips Field, Jr., Alternate AMERICAN FINA1'CE ASSOCIATION Lias Brown Steen SIOMA loTA EPSILONCharles Tate Meeks, Fall DELTA SIOMA Pl Bill R . orman, Fall Don Lynn Woodland, Spring Sid L. Berger, Fall Donald Allen Payne, Alternate, Fall and Spring AMERICAN MARKETING AssOCIATIO="' Kenneth Charles Boelter, Spring SOCIETY FOR THE AovA CEMENT OF MANAGEMENTMichael Clifton Weber, Jr. Bobbie Archie Chester, Alternate, pring John Robert Malone, Fall AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION FoREIGN TRADE CLUB Charles orman Wood, Alternate, Fall and Spring Donald Gene Nix Richard Grady Weil Joseph Edward Dodson, Jr., lternate, Spring PAOE 368 ing STUDENT ENGINEERING COUNCIL OFFICERS Fall Spring EMIL E . FRIBERG Chairman EMIL E . FRIBERG BILLY RAY UPCHURCH V ice-Chairman CHARLES ELLIS McCULLOUGH CHARLES ELLIS McCULLOUGH T reasurer GORDON LA VAUGHN TURN GEORGE GREEN ANDERSON Corresponding Secretary STERLING PARKER R ANDOLPH GORDON LA vAUGHN T URN R ecording Secretary CHARLES SCOTT PARKER LEONARDT F ERDINAND KREISLE Sponsor LEONARDT FERDINAND K REISLE HAROLD Woon SMITH Sponsor H AROLD Woon SMITH MEMBERS Tau Beta Pi . K EYS ALEXANDER CURRY, JR. Chi Epsilon JIM R AY Z scHIESCHE Eta Kappa Nu W ILLIAM NEAL KOCUREK Omega Chi Epsilon MICHAEL ALAN MOORE Pi Tau Sigma GEORGE GREEN ANDERSON Keramos THOMAS JoE W ELCH AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERS AMERICAN SocIETY OF C1v1L ENGINEERS Joseph Weston Hall, Jr. William Emmett Bolch Gordon La Vaughn Turn Richard Lee Tucker AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY AMERICAN SocIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS William B. H all Carl C. Williamson Lang C. Martin, Jr. Billy Ray Cobb AMERICAN I NSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS INSTITUTE OF AERONAUTICAL S CIENCES Robert Armistead H asty, II Alfred Adam Chamberlain, Jr. Robert L. Stuart Paul E. Greer AMERICAN I NSTIT UT E O F ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS SocIETY OF AMERICAN M1LITARY ENGINEERS Lionel Daniel Provazek Gary Lynn LeachLawrence Albert Yaggi, Jr. Ettore H. F. Infante AMERICAN I NSTITUTE OF MINING AND M ETALLURGICAL E NGINEERS TEXAS SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS Charles Scott Parker Richard Lionel Hill Sterling Parker Randolph Robert B. Lillie PAGE 369 TEXAS UNION The Union is the community center of the University, for all the members of the University family-students, faculty, administration, alumni, and guests. It is not just a building; it is also an organization and a program. As the "living room" or "hearthstone" of the University, the Union provides for services, conveniences, and amenities which the members of the niversity family need in their daily life on the campus and for getting to know and understand one another through informal association outside the classroom. It encourages citizenship training, and develops self-expression, group effective· ness, and social responsibility. The Union serves as a unifying force in the life of the University, cultivating enduring regard for and loyalty to the University. Director c. C. (JITTER) NOLEN A ssistant to the Director MRS. BRUCE C. TAYLOR Program Director BETTY LOUISE TIEKE BOARD OF DIRECTORS STUDENT MEMBERS Ann Beloate Lawrence Dean Cobb Shirley Ann Bird Joan Marie Franklin Thomas Clyde Brunson James Albert Mashburn Harley R . Clark Norma Matlock FACULTY MEMBERS William David Blunk Joseph Jay Jones Dorothy L. Gebauer William S. Livingston F. C. McConnell Ex-STUDENT MEMBERS Hubert Jones Jack Russell Maguire BETTY TIEKE!\' UNION COMMITTEES EXECUTIVE COU CIL President LAWRENCE D EAN COBB Vice-President THOMAS }AY B ENNER Secretary SHIRLEY ANN Brno Art Division Head . MARILYN ANN BoYo Special Services Division Head FRANCES ANN RAMSEY House Division Head SALLY KAY MAXWELL Public Relations Division Head LucY ANN COLLINS Education Division Head ROBERT CAMERON HIGHTOWER Entertainment Division Head LAURABETH ELIZABETH GRIENEEKS ART DIVISION MARILY ANN BOYD Marlenna Mehaffey Nancy Ann Humble Jo Ann WhitleyDivision H ead Marny Susan Elizabeth O'Brien Edith Ann Lester Sylvia Eugenia Winston ART Margaret Miles Pilcher Mary Ann Moroney Linda Kay Yancey Mr.Joa May Beilke, Chairmal! Judith Rae Potter Virginia Avery Mason EXHIBITS William Henry Abbott Beverly Gail Thompson Ann Mottley Steven Lyle Alexander Mason Locke Weems, VI Ella Jane Noyes Walter James Wyrick , Jr., Chairman Marci Gay Bel ton Bobbi Sue Winborn Patricia John Patterson Mark Hale Beers Elizabetb Joyce Bourdon Thomas F. Ybarra Patricia Louise Perry James Peyton Kearby Brenda Gale Hodges DECORATIO Patsy Ann Robinson Carolyn Adell Leverkuhn Linda Elaine Kilgore Joan Carolyn Farquhar, Chairman Maxine Elizabeth Schuhman Gloria Helen Mitchen William L. Mantinband James C. Anderson Clara Gertrude Shugart andra Lee Shopmaker Linda Lee McFarland Mary Florence Ashburn Ann Holt Ullrich Doris Mildred Talasck EDUCATION DIVISION ROBERT CAMERO HIGHTOWER Mary Susan Nesbit Catherine Clark Eden Mary Jean Todd, Spring Chairman Division Head Ella Janes Noyes Emily Jo Flachmeier Marilyn Edith Allen CAMPUS COFFEE Doris Kay Parker Alice Wesley Gunstream Al Evans Birdwell, Jr. Robbie Gene Pell Virginia Elizabeth Hall Letitia Jane Blalock Laura Preston, Chairman Kay E. Ponder Patsy Faith Bostick Priscilla Elaine Adams Jane Gail Richmond g:~~f ~~~~in~{Jf~~:t Dede Bidean CraigAnnette Booth Dorothy Carolyn Sandlin Elizabeth Anne Klein Roxie Margaret Clark Jo Ann Demler Carol Lois Shaff ron William Leslie Lane Marilyn Ann Dashiell Ruth Ellen Gillett Jacqueline Shapiro Lelya Jay Levy Ruth Su Dubinsky Kitty Gisher Joan Cecile Tarses William G. McDonald Jean Barrillon FelderLeslie Ellen Glickman Virginia Louise Mcfarlane Marjorie Ann Foster Clara Hilton Griffith ~h~~~:r:C~r~::eVanderwerth James Patrick McGuire Lois Myrl Heard Mary Glenda Hairston Ann Kennedy Voight Linda Coytes Milam Carol Lynn Herber Dorothy May Janak Diana Vollintine Mary Kay Miller Dolly Gale Hull Jo Ann Johnson Jo Anne Walker Charles Schreiner Nelson Gretchen Lee Hyde Bebe Benita Lee ancy ell Williford William Rayford Price Martha Doyle Jee Deidre Wilson Barbara D1 Anne Le,•in Jerry Lancaster John Douglas Reichert Anne Best Winterbotham Lavona Jo Loe Sallie Jo Rutherford Patricia Ann Latham Jack William Pollard Adrienne Trant Smith Joyce Lynn Streusand Janie Mercille Lee FORUM SPEAKERS Ada Marie Sharpe Ann Cole Lenty Terrence Gaynor Kenda11 , Jo Ann Watkins Luella Hope Taylor Margaret Elaine Lyle Cliairma11. Charles Irvin~ Toubin Jane Loreen Males STUDENT FACULTY Sondra Elaine Mockert Carolyn Christine Bock Alice Lockett Wheless Connie Alexis Moffit Barba.ra Ann Brockman Jean Ellen Pepper, Carolyn Williams (I) Shirley Ann Myers Larry Jay Craddock Fall Chairma11 ~larijo Williams ENTERTAINMENT DIVISIO LAURABETH ELIZABETH Faith Malmgren MUSIC Paul David Couch GRIE EEKS Ronald Eblen Malouf Bobby Glenn Odle, Chairman Shirley Priscilla DaCanara Division Head Morris Edgar Massey Howard Terry Adcock Claire Ann Dickey Gayle Rae McCormick RoscMary .Mills Robert F. Dunman DANCE Melvin Rar Platt Gwendolyn Beth l'\ichols Linda Gayle Dyess Cunis W. Meadows, Jr., Charles Ca vert Rutherford, Jr. JoAn Roberta Novotny Edmond Goldstein Chairman Charles Leslie Stewart Rose ~1ary Pri nee Betty Joe Greene Eugene Randall Bauerle Connie Ruth Thurk Dixie Ann Proffitt Carla Liane Kunz Peggy E. Coe Carolyn Anne Tucker Ruthven Champion Tolbirt, Jr. Julianne Lane hn Rentz Doggett, 111 Bob Hendrick 1Turner Margie Ann Vaden Mary Linn Pond mes Hudson Dudley orma Udashen Kathryn Jill Schutze ~axine M. Hammond Oliver Lee Watson TALENT Robert Gary Smith Freddie Sherman Harkavy Floyd Otl10 White Janis Janeil Hooten , Cliairmart Suzanne Margaret Smith James William Kent, Jr. James Boyd Wilson Betty Lenora All~ood Be tty Jean Stone Katherine H . Lanham Elaine Zaba Kathryn Ann Barragan Avis Andrea Tieber PAGE 371 TEXAS UNION COMMITTEES HOUSE DIVISION SALLY KAY MAXWELL Division Head FILM Shirley Ruth Borden, Chairman Alice Estep Cook Marion Claire Davis Lou Adele Dorrell Harold Eichenhaum, Jr. Mary Hale Lauhon Sandra Jean Mays Monroe Ben Nowotny Thomas Carl Sonnenberg Bobbie Lynn Weiser LUCY ANN COLLINS Division Head CALENDAR Lou Ann Lancaster, Chairman Patricia Louise Averham Ola Dowell Butler Suzanne Collier Alton Henry Cook, Jr. Diane D. Du Boise Jackie Ann Duncan Delia Duson David Adolph Gershner Katltryn Adele Giddens Rosemary Clyde House Cherry Dian Kendrick Pattye Jayne Kiecke Betty Lynn Kilday FRANCES ANN RAMSEY Division Head CHARM Jann Turner, Chairma11 Linda Luan Best Eleanor Elizabeth Campbell 2:1~~ K~~igCummins Dorothy Diane Davis Mary Jane Dawson Suzanne Elizabeth DeHaes Karen Ariena deRidder Nancy Claire Eppright Janet Claire Estes Nancy Marie Garrard Marsha Gaunt Patsy Ruth Henry Sharon Louise Henson Carlene Johnson GAMES Ronny Norman Schocnbrun, Chairman Kathy Hope Camp Mansel M. Rubenstein Lois Denny Terence Tom John Weigel, Jr. Warren Eugene Zimmerman Udith Annette Zindler HOSPITALITY Sandy Faith Fuller, Chairman Patrick Edward Barlow Patsy Jean Bird Anne Brooks Elaine Bruce Bettye Gleith Cobb Jo Ann DeLeon Ann Demming Marilyn Minette Flaitz Geneva Jill Grainger Ethyl Maria Johnson Virginia Vinson Lawhon Marilyn Joan Lewis PUBLIC RELATIONS DIVISIO Joan Denys Lentz Melinda Dixie Moncus Marcia Ann Reynolds Sally Ross Risser Mary F. Ann Rushton Sunny Lee Schulz Sara Jane Streater Barbara Lee Vermillion Dorothy Kay Witt NEWSLETTER Larry Neal Hurwitz, ChairmatJ James Ray Bass Murray J. Blank Robert Anthony Butler Harry David Kirkpatrick Janis Lynn Kneblik Roberta Ann Love Shirley Kay McKinley ~~r~~'tl,Kt/i11~iller Caroline Sara Moore Maurice Samuel Olian William Rayford Price Marilyn Ann Pyndus Milton York Tate, Jr. PUBLICITY Lloyd Walker Jary, Chariman Mary Lee Allen Malinda Ellison Bean Richard Gerald Chambers Jo Lynn Clark Richard Rosser Cole Beverly Cox Linda Diane Durrett SPECIAL SERVICES DIVISIO Sharon Johnson Jennalie Kleypas tllen Kimball McCorquodale Tucean Virginia Pennington Sally Bea Pope Barbara Sue Smith Carol Louise Spires Suzanne Summers ancy Joyce Tieken ~~:Jci~oL~: ~:rrenfuehr Shirley Joyce Walters Betty Joan Weide Doris Roberta Woolsey LEADERSHIP Samuel Womack Warner, Chairman Bert Bently Adkins, Jr. Bethyann Barger Sid L. BergerFrank Edward Billings Stanley Bradford Carruth Sally Belle Cowper James Denny Dannenbaum Sandra Esquivel ~;~~:r~ 8".~~ f:Jier Ray A. Gipson Donald Paul Griffith Robert Campbell Hewell Robert Cameron Hightower Cynthia Ann Lee Williams Saunders Mason, Jr. Sally Kay Maxwell Gladene Martha Michel David Andrew Millican Judith Anne Moriniere Kathy Virginia Pollard Cynthia Anne Powell Linda Link Helen Faltin Martin Linda McDougle Maureen Miller t~~:fA1;,1~rk~wlinson Lynn Rutland Mary Louise Simpson Rosann Thompson Patricia Vigeon Merida Colgin Watson Margo Waley Rita Carolyn Easley Glenn Lloyd Garrison Marsha Ann Gathright Gary Alvin Goldfeder Harry David Kirkpatrick ~~b~r~IZ,l~nl~~~ Ann Jarvis Mannin~ Carol Jean Patlerson Carol Peterson E John W. Pettijohn Lucille Elizabeth Rasmussen Sandra Lee Sanders R Edna Frances Sample Kay Jacqueline Sanderson Sue Shofner Laneta Joyce Stefka M J! MARRIED STUDEN·TS COU CIL Paul McBroom, Chairman Davis McGill, Represe11tative-al-Large Mrs. J. B. Arthur Mrs. John Asoff Mrs. Bishop Bailey Mrs. Everett Culver Mrs. William Fowler Mrs. Kirk Johnson Mrs. Maurice Koledetsky Mrs. J. M. Madden Mrs. Charles Mankin Mrs. Paul McBroom Mrs. Harry Patterson ~~~: ~fcnh:~~ f::;r~=:n Mrs. Donald Veldman Mrs. Glenn Whickline Mrs. Robert Willingham Suond Row: Shirley Ann Bird. Sally Kay Maxwell, Joan Carolyn Farquhar, Myloa May Beilke Lou Ann Lancaster, Laurabeth Eli•abeth Grieneeks, ShirleyRuth Borden, Mary Jean 'rodd, Marilyn Ann Boyd, Lucy Ann Collins. ' Third Row: Paul Justin McBroom, Larry eal Hurwitz, Davis Traywick McGill, Jr., Robert Cameron Hightower, Bobby Glenn Odle, Samuel Womack Warner, Ronny Norman Schoenbrun, Lawrence Dean Cobb, Thomas jay Benner. PAOE 372 TEXAS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS, INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS FACULTY MEMBERS DEWITT CARTER R EDDICK, Associate Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences OLIN ETHMER H INKLE, Associate Professor 'Of Journalism JoHN ARNOLD WALTER, Associate Professor 'Of English ROLAND GoMMEL R OESSNER, Professor of A rchitecture STUDENT MEMBERS HARLEY R. CLARK, President of the Students' Association EMIL EDWARDS FRIBERG, Assembly R epresentative RICHARD PAGE KEETO , Assembly Representative (Appointed November, 1957) MARK E . LEVITCH, Assembly R epresentative (Term Expired November, 1957) MARY MARJORIE MENEFEE, Assembly R epresentative J ACK WAHLQUIST, Assembly R epresentative EX-OFFICIO MEMBER S LESTER LOYD EDMONDS, JR., General Manager H ARRELL EsTEs LEE, Editorial Manager D . B. J ACK H oLLAND, Dean of Men LAURA ELIZABETH FAULK, Cactus Editor ROBERT ELTON MIMS, T exan Editor R UDOLPH CEDRIC R OCHELLE, Ranger Editor Top Row: Edmonds, Clark. Second Row: Faulk, Friberg. Third Row: Hinkle, Holland. Fourth Row: Keeton, Lee Levitch, Menefee. Fifth Row: Mims, Reddid, Rochelle, Roessner, Wahlquist, Walter. PAGE 373 THE CACTUS The 1958 CACTUS has as its aim the presentation of an unusual book in an unusual year. As is always the main goal of a yearbook, this CACTUS has as its ambition the portrayal of the University as it actually is. This in itself is not unusual, but the added something is found in the fact that thi year we have been celebrating the seventy-fifth anniversary of a great Uni­versity-a University which nostalgically looks at its past and fervently work toward its future. To show the effect of the changes wrought by the plan that have been made is the aim of this CACTUS. In the makeup of the CACTUS, there is no central theme throughout the book. The University of Texas Campus, its Tower, Union, and Main Building have been incorporated predominately in the book; and scene which are familiar to you now to bring fond memories in the future. Color extends from the end sheet in the front of the book, on to the cactus plant which represents us, covering each main division page, and finally closing the book on the final end sheet. Honoring the 75th Year of The University, The CACTUS has included a section dealing with the past seventy-five years of the University and the celebrations of the current year. The book is designed to be more representative of every pha e of campus life-to deal with the campus in every respect, to give you a concrete memory of the years you spent on the Forty Acres. And so we give you the 1958 CACTUS-our book and yours-the un­usual book of the University in an unusual year. We feel that this CACTUS is truly representative of all the campus, and not partial to any part of it. The staff has been unusually hardworking and cooperative, and sincere thanks are given to all of them. Bud Toole, the associate editor and Henry Rainbow, the editorial assistant, were invaluable aids in managing the staff and assisting with the actual production of the book as was each editor, assistant, and staff worker. Special thanks go to Bobbi Dixon, the artist, who designed the cover and did all art work in the yearbook. Another year ends, another CACTUS is completed, and another book of memories is yours. Our thanks to all of you who have directly or indirectly contributed to this-THE 1958 CACTUS. PAOE 374 THE CACTUS STAFF al hook \C'Jts This in hat lhii at Cni. yworks 1e plans lllghout d~lain l5Ce!Je! e. Color llS plant 'c!Oling ~miti· ~~··fi;~ he book -to deal rof the -the un· ACTl:S lit of it Isincere dHM the staff ieditor, 1eartist. her.Year nones~ 1tributed a~I Editor-in-Chief Associate Editor Editorial Assistant Advertising Athletics . Dorms and Co-ops Feature Fraternity Honorary and Service Military . Organizations Religious and Fine Arts Sorority . Student Government Joyce Bourdon Lewis Collins Lynn French Flo Harden SECTIO B ETTYE F AULK B u n TooLE HENRY RAINBOW EDITORS VIRGINIA LAWHON TOMMY DAVIS PEGGY ETTREDGE MARY HORNSBY SHIRLEY BORDEN AN Do AGHEY JunY HICKMAN MARY Jo MAnnox ELINOR DRAKE JANE ANN MAXWELL MARGARET ANN MARTIN • LAURABETH GRIENEEKS PEGGY ETTREDGE MARY HoR SBY GAE ARMSTRONG HE RY RAINBOW STAFF ASSISTANTS Emory Kelley Barbara Magel Roxana Proctor Carol Prouty Karen Haun Elaine Zaba THE DAILY TEXAN BUD MIMS Editor-i11-Chief Managing Editor, Fall The Daily Texan completed its fifty-eighth year of publication in a year of change and challenge for The University of Texas. It was a year which found the University at the crossroads of its career as an institution, taking a look backward at where h had been in seventy-five years and look to the future, particularly for the next twenty-five years. As the University " turned seventy-five," students, faculty, administrators, and layman from all over the state joined together to wish the University a happy birthday, then settled down to the task of evaluation and projection, going over the accomplishments and contributions o( the p_ast and charting the goals and needs of the future with a single purpose, to fulfill the Constitutional mandate that The University of Texas shaJI be " a University of the first class." It was also a time for individual groups in a11 phases o( University life to take stock of themselves, to see if their present existence was justified, to examjne themselves in the light of present and future changes in the University to see if they could meet the chaJlenge of a university with a "new look." It was a year which brou~ht many changes. New administrative officials began tasks and others stepped down. As a resuh of higher academic standards, undergraduates found llbrary facilities crowded and inadequate to meet the new demand. So began the push by students and administration for an open.shelf undergraduate library center, a proposal later approved by the Board of Regents. The faculty began work on stronger foreign language requirements both for the University and Texas high schools . •The traditional Round-Up parade was abolished as more and more participating groups found that float-making and _B!ade·maki~ did not mix. Eighteen student government workshops delved into each area of the campus with criucal examjoations and evaluations. The Daily Texan served as the instrument which collected particulars of these significant events and, in turn distributed them over the campus in news stories and cartoons and editorial comment, using the Texan freedom tradition zealously guarded with responsibility to do what we felt we must toward making a University of the first class. Frequent quotes in state dajlies and the Associated Press on politics, 1abor, tuition, education, integration, and even the sack dress proved that The Daily Texan was considered as a statewide force. It was a year of transition £or the Texan, too. No longer was the student newspaper merely an extra·curricular activity; the student who worked on the Texan had to ~ive up something else. A smaller but declicaced staff worked long hours under managing editors Benny Goodwin and Ben Siegal to produce a paper of the finest caliber and to give the Texan perhaps the highest Associated College Press All-American rating in Texan history. Such has been •The Daily Texan and The University of Texas for the year 1957-1958. BUD MIMS TAFF A SISTA T Odilon Arambula Ann Huffington John Williamson Barnhill John Warwick Lee William R. Barron Linda May Marshall James Clark Carpenter Jane nn Maxwell Roberta Lee Downing Gregory Lee Olds Ken Howard Edmiston Patricia Ann Parker Marie Josephine Eickmann B. Darwin Payne Beverly Sue Fulkes oe Perez Barbara Gene Fuller George Thomas Pharr Robert Martin Greenberg Betty C. Read Claude Raye Hall Barbara Ann Rue h Bethlyn Jean Hand Ginni Ann teele William Joseph Helmer Joy Frances Vandervort Julie Landrum Holman Claudetta Young PAOY. 376 THE DAILY TEXAN Fall ROBERT ELTON MIMS BE NY A. GOODWIN ATHA IEL BUNCH EADS DONALD PAUL KNOLES JoH PATRICK TRULY . GEORGE E . R UNGE KAREN KLIN EFELTER . GERALD CLAUDE GREEN JACK P. MOSELEY . PHYLLIS COFFEE . Eoo C. CLARK CARL DEAN HOWARD NINA JuNE McCAIN MARY MARJORIE MENEFEE ROBB KE ORICK BURLAGE . CYRE A J 0 ORMAN NIGHT EDITORS Don B. Clark Carolyn Seay Edward James 1xon Ben Nathan Siegal Cyrena Jo Norman Dolores Silva Marion Bess Simon STAFF Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor News Editors Sports Editor Amusements Editor Women's Editor . Sports Intramural Ca-ordinator Wire Editor . Feature Editor Editorial Assistants Editor 75th Issue Assistant Editor of 15th Issue . Panorama Editor Spring ROBERT ELTON MIMS BEN NATHAN SIEGAL GEORGE E. R UNGE RODNEY WALDROP PIRTLE J AMES THOMAS HOLMAN KAREN KLINEFELTER ROBERT E. COGSWELL ROBERTA ANN LOVE CARL DEAN HOWARD NINA J u E McCAIN MARY MARJORIE MENEFEE ROBB KENDRICK BURLAGE JIMMY D. THORNTON CYRENA Jo NoRMAN DESK EDITORS Ramon Thomas Autrey, Jr. Mary Elizabeth Hornsby Don Edward Bott Donald Paul Knoles Marilyn Adele Frazier Joan Elizabeth McKnight Top Row: Bott, Burlage, D. Clark, Coffee,, Frazier, Green. Second Row: Hornsby, Howard, Klinefelter, Knoles, McCain. Menefee, Moseley. Third Row: Torman, Runge, Seay, Silva, Simon, Thornton, Truly. PAGE 377 THE TEXAS RANGER STAFF Editor-in-Chief RUDY ROCHELLE Associate Editor FRANK TACK Exchange Editor LY N ASHBY Feature Editor JIM R USSELL Photography Editor BILL H ELMER Humor Editor HARRY KmKPATRICK Copy Editor . RAY A UTREY WRITERS Leonard Giesecke Jon Bracker Joice McLain Claude Hall Wayne cott ARTISTS Butch Barnes Harry Holland Rick McBride John Nuhn Gilbert Wyrick PHOTOGR PHER Jackie Jenkins FRA;\"K STACK Associate Edi/or M urray Patton Paul Hope CO TRIBUTORS Ken Howard Edmiston Lynwood Alois Kreneck Dennis lay Rob rts Jack Edward Estes Henry \'Villard Lende, Jr. ayle utherland Bungie Fry Robert Neal Maisel William Watkin We t, Jr. Jo Ellen Gill Edward Jame Nixon Emerson Rudolph Whetstone Ernest Malcolm Jordan Patricia Ann Parker Joan Allen Odilon Arambula Jay Lawrence Bright Edith Anne Bush Willis Powell Duff, Jr. PAO& 378 :LLE 'Al'RJCK ;tone THE TEXAS RANGER Hairy A. Ranger and his renegade band of humor rustlers fought their way through seven sometimes funny, often controversial, and always censored issues in 1957-1958. As usual, a core of hardened sco-proers, class cutters, and campus libertines formed the nucleus of the staff. However, a list of characters that would rival the cast of a Cecil B. DeMille movie drifted in and out of the Ranger office with their smutty little compositions trying to persuade the editor to print them. The 1957-1958 Ranger also managed to conquer that looming monster capitalism by making more money and selling more issues than in recent years. Eyebrow raisers for the year were: SEPTEMBER-A virgin made the statues on the Mall come to life. OCTOBER-A scantily clad Girl of the Month that Playboy Magazine wanted to use as their playmate. NovEMBER-Plot to prematurely ignite the Aggie bonfire. DECEMBER-Professor's Eye View giving the faculty's opinion of how the students look. FEBRUARY-A cover that was never printed because it had scrawled across it, "THE UNIVERSITY IS GOING TO HELL." MARCH-A Round-Up Administration float that hit uncomfortably close to some campus personalities. APRIL-Life Magazine parody with a concise history of the Texas Revolution that made loyal Texans' blood boil. TEXAS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS, INC. BUSI ESS STAFF LESTER Lovo EDMONDS, JR., General Manager MARGUERITE FREEMAN, Cactus Supervisor HARRELL EsTES LEE, Editorial Manager INGE SULLIVAN, Office Assistant FRANKIE MAE LINDSEY, Business Manager DONALD WILLIAM KYLE, Advertising Office Assistant MARY ARNOLD, Office Manager, Secretary JoHN C. HARRiss, Office Assistant DOROTHY MooDY, Comptroller FRANCES ANDERSON, Office Assistant PEARL GHORMLEY, Circulation Manager WILLIAM JosEPH HELMER, Photographer MARY MARGARET FRAZIER, Advertising Manager DUDLEY WARD ROBERTS, Photographer WILLIAM THOMAS HAYS, Mechanical Superintendent PAUL D uAINE HoPE, Photographer DAILY TEXAN ADVERTISING SALESMEN ROGER HARMON BROACH JAMES PAUL PILES JAMES HENRY COCHRAN Lours RICHARD SMITH, III JoN R ussELL HoRNADAY MARKS. SMITH KENNETH WARREN NoRDEMAN OBLE HOUSTON WELCH TEXAS RANGER ADVERTISING SALESMEN WALTER WINN D URHAM JUDITH RosENFIELD CACTUS ADVERTISING SALESMEN WILLIAM NoEL COPELAND JoAN ELIZABETH DoMASCHK VIRGINIA VINSON LAWHON ""·~,.. ··: I ~· t • . . ' ·~~:.;v" J; " -• . l ' r·~OJ~.>tW~llOI'•: ".,.·l !J .:~· w· }t ., I' 't ' •\ ' '~ • . ' ~~i~;t(\"t;fW.'1> i ~ . ijl!> },>,~-~ .. ~<~ ' '•' '{. ! ' , 11 ' • !I; ~ . , . ,.;·~~t..t. J ~ ~ ,~$""~>.-:~ j ~'l!J~.. ' ~ ~~..-{ ~ L,~~!::; (. I," .. -:' .~ .-•· "~ .. : . .. ~:· ,..... ' ,,. ._ .... ' 1947 DORMS AND CO-OPS PAGE 381 ALL CAMPUS ADVISORS Fall SHANNON HowARD SALLY KAy MAXWELL MARGARET ANN WHITE CAROL ROSALYN COURTNEY Paula June Craig Carol Ann Craig Marcia Anne Hargrove Mary Ellan Herron Patricia E. Horridge Wana Lee Broughton Linda Kay Carter Doris E. Deter Delia Duson Jean Barrillon Felder Mary Sharon Green Lenore Carol Highland Rosemary Clyde House Leona Mae Carter Jackie Ann Duncan Nanette Lee Greenfeld Camille Carol Hanlon Marilyn Grace House, Chairman Martha Dean Boroughs Sally Catherine Chenault Barbara Lois Dickey Patricia Gayle Eagle Joan Carolyn Farquhar Phyllis Ann Borden, Chairman Elizabeth Joyce Bourdon Nancy Margaret Cheek Sally Belle Cowper Catherine Clark Eden Lynn Isabelle French Patricia Ruth Griffin Winifred Marie Conlon, Spring Chairman Mildred Ann Dorotik, Fall Chairman Bonnie Jane Apple Shirley Ruth Borden Mary Anna Burris ita Suzanne Chaudoin Carolyn Mozelle Clements Carol Rosalyn Courtney Janice Lois Edds Katheryn Fagan Mariam Louise Giller Carolyn Janet Haley, Chairman EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Chairman . Vice-Chairman Secretary-T'reasurer R eporter ANDREWS DORMITORY Dorothy May Janak V. Rogene Kaderli Marilyn Jeanette Meyer Doris Ann Moore Mary Ann Moroney BLANTON DORMITORY Judith Mueller J acobs LaVerne Johnston Nancy C. Jones Cecile Lloyd Sally Kay Maxwell Patricia Lucille Meyer Mary Ann Rushton Edna Frances Sample CAROTHERS DORMITORY Betty Lynn Kilday Lou Ann Lancaster Diane Lander Nancy Jo Martin Bobette Eleanor Morris Patricia Ann Smith KIRBY HALL J anet E. Hagler Sidney Jean Hultgren Marilyn Joyce Kaarup Alma Jean Merwin, Chairman Janenne Jill Miller LITTLEFIELD DORMITORY Nancy Bryan Hunt M. Maurine Motter Karen McKinney Laura Preston Suzanne Lee Stark Carolyn Ann Thomas Linda Ellen Thompson NEWMA HALL Betty Joe Greene Joyce Elaine Kutac ora Marie Parma Jane Frances Specek COTTISH RITE DORMITORY Katharine Harwell Patricia Anne Haynes Janie Henderson Shannon Howard Cynthia Ann Lee Carolyn Elizabeth Leggett Linda Margaret Mahan Marilyn Morris orma Jane Nix Martha Powers PAGE 382 Spring SHA NON HOWARD SALLY KAY MAXWELL MARGARET ANN WHITE CAROL ROSALYN COURTNEY Cynthia Anne Powell Mary M. Warren, Counseling Supervisor Margaret Lou Watson, Chairman Sally Ann Schneider Lou Ann Scott Kathleen Anne Sherry Mary Kate Surratt, Chairman Margaret Ann White Frances B. Shelton, Counseling Supervisor Sara Jane Streater Avis Andrea Tieber Helen Elizabeth Wear Claudia White Bura W. Van Hoove, Counseling Supervisor Freida Weisblatt Carolyn Williams, (I ) Irene T. Powers, House Director Jen Cary Tomlinson Patricia Vigcon Jo Ann Watkins Julia Quay Williams Betty Ann Willmann Margaret Martin, Counseling Supervisor Katherine Louis Voetmann Barbara Ann Zurovec Sister Mary abina, Director Mrs. F. I. Mile, Hostess Elizabeth Ann Rumph Jo Ann Sohn ancy LaNell Stanley Emily ue Stinson Ray Davis Torian Katherine Wallace Charlotte Anne Williams Maude Ballard, Head Resident Counselor ANDREWS DORMITORY Dormitory Counselor Supervisor Dormitory R esident Counselor President . Vice-President R eporter . Social Chairman T reasurer ADVISORS Paula June Craig Carol Ann Crain Marcia Anne Hargrove Mary Ellan Herron Patricia E. Horridge Dorothy May Janak V. Rogene Kaderli Marilyn Jeanette Meyer Doris Ann Moore Mary Ann Moroney Cynthia Anne Powell Margaret Lou Watson STAFF OFFICERS MARY M. WARREN MATTIE H. L ASSITER P ATRICIA E. H ORRIDGE w. ELLEN BELCHER LINDA K AY WEST ELLEN SERENA MARTIN BARBARA D ' ANNE L EVIN BLANTON DORMITORY STAFF R esident Supervisor . FRANCES SHELTO HOUSE COUNCIL OFFICERS President. Vice-President . Secretary Treasurer ADVISORS Mary Kate Surratt, President Edna Frances Sample, Secretary Linda Kay Carter Doris E. Deter Delia Duson Jean Barrillon Felder Mary Sharon Green Lenore Carol Highland Rosemary Clyde House Judith Mueller Jacobs SALLY KAY MAxwELL LAVERNE JOHNSTON CYRENA Jo NoRMAN NATALIE STOUT LaVeme Johnston Nancy C. Jones Cecile Lloyd Sally Kay Maxwell Patricia Lucille Meyer Mary F. Ann Rushton Sally Ann Schneider Lou Ann Scott Kathleen Anne Sherry Margaret Ann White Front Row: Sample, Lloyd, Jone•. Second Row: Duson, Rushton, Sherry, feyer, Highland, Scott, Stout. Third Row: House, Jacob , Carter, Green, Deter, Johnston. Fourth Row: White, Surratt, Maxwell, helton, orman, Felder. l'AOE 384 CAROTHERS DORMITORY Director Counselor Counselor President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Social Chairman Leona Mae Carter Jackie Ann Duncan Nanette Lee Greenfeld Camille Carol Hanlon Martha Louise Hawkins STAFF OFFICERS ADVISORS BuRA W. VAN HoovE ELINOR JANICE KIRBY ANN O USLEY SUZANNE ELIZABETH SIMONS FLEETWOOD VINSON WARNER HAROLYN JEAN THOMAS ANNA MARIE FASKE GRETCHEN ANNAH SCHNEIDER Marilyn Grace House, Chairman Betty Lynn Kilday Lou Ann Lancaster Diane Lander Nancy Jo Martin Bobette Eleanor Morris Patricia Ann Smith Sara Jane Streater A vis Andrea Tieber Helen Elizabeth Wear Claudia White ELIZA DEE HALL Superintendent Head R esident Counselor Food Production and Service House Chairman . Advisors Zenobia Early Bedford Billie Joyce Bennett Lillian K. Bradley Octavine Davis Catherine LaNell Doswell Charlene Echols Georgia Lee Evans Carol Lee Frank Paula Fuller Velma Land Grays Ro e Anna Green Helen Avon Gordon Gwendolyn Harris Gloria Lee Haywood STAFF OFFICERS RESIDE TS CARMEN LOWRY ALMETRIS M. DUREN MARGARET T. McCRACKE J NE LAURIE SINGLETARY Jo AN McCAIN 0CTAV1NE DAVIS Frankie Jerlene Jack on Mary Evelyn Jones Jo Ann McCain Carolyn an Mims Doris Marie Price Arthurine Sims June Laurie Singletary Sandra Sheryl Stevenson Janice Lynn trickland Gloria Jean Tillman Lydia Ruth Williams Mabel Joyce Wilson Myra Nell Young Fron/ R ow: Harris, Wilson, Jackson, Echo) , Young, McCain, ingletary. Suond Row: Duren, Bedford, Lowry, Grays, Bradley, Haywood. Third Row: Jones, Sirru, Davis, Tillman, trickland, tcvcnson, Evans, 1'-lilns, McCracken, Frahk, Fuller. PAoE 386 GRACE HALL Episcopal Dormitory for Girls STAFF Director MARTHA CAVIN Assistant to the Director MRs . M. L. M ooN OFFICERS President H ELEN Wv YARD BELLHOUSE Vice-President FLORE CE PATRICIA CALHOO Secretary, Treasurer, R eporter MARJORIE BETH SAENGER Chaplain GLENDA GAYLE F URSE ADVISORS Florence Patricia Calhoon, Chairman Marjorie Beth Saenger, Chairman Betty Jane Fail Harriette Almira Jones Millicent Lurene Kipp Diana Elizabeth Nagle Mary Susan Nesbit Vonnabeth Gail Redmon KIRBY HALL STAFF Director IRENE T. POWERS Counselor AsPASIA TAssos ADVISORS Alma Jean Merwin, Chairman Malinda Ellison Bean Joan Carolyn Farquhar Wilma Kathryn Beck Janet E. Hagler Martha Dean Boroughs Sidney Jean Hultgren Sally Catherine Chenault Marilyn Joyce Kaarup Barbara Lois Dickey Janenne Jill Miller Patricia Gayle Eagle Frieda Weisblatt Carolyn Williams Front Row: Sharon Sue Scan, Jane Thoma~, Barbara Ellen Barnes, Lou Ann Corbell, Rose Marie Gill, Mary Lou Freeman, Frances Estelle Bluhm, Aspasia Tassos, Marta Consuelo Nanez, l\.aren Jo Tenney, Anna adine Osmon, ora Jean Hite, Gerolyn Virginia Cagle. Second Row: Sidney Jean Hul_tgren, Linda Caytes Milam1 Dora Elizabeth Reagan, Virginia Kay Jordan, Judith Vermelle Cody, Judith Carotxnn Izard, Carolyn Williams, IV, Connie Sue Cook, Dorothy Kaye LaXl!On, Katherine Janelle Moore, Nancy Sue Faust, Patsy Ann Robinson, Marilyn Elaine M~nch, Sandra Lou Williams, Marcia Anne Stewman. Third Row: Patricia R. Quebe, Leta Fauneil O'Dell, Molly Lynn Pear>0n, Donna Beth McConnick Martha Janice DaviJ, Barbara Gail Rickcts0n, Reba Nell Hoelscher, Patricia Joan Rellahan, Joyce Lynette mith, Janice Ellein Howard, Edith Anne Frost, ara Evelyn Linebaugh. Fourth Row: JaniJ Virginia Little, Alice Joyce Cwhman, Nita Sue Sandel, Mary Carolyn Johnson, Patsy Jane Hays, Peggy Lou Schomburg, PennyCharloue Pinckard, Judith Dean Houghton, Barbara Nell Horton, Helen Eleanor Robertson, Diana Mac Curtrno, Penepbonc McClure, Eleanor Katherine Perl")·, Ruby Loi• Petrusek. PAOE 388 LITTLEFIELD DORMITORY STAFF Director MARGARET ANN MARTIN Counselor ALICE BEGLEY Counselor BETTY MCGONIGLE ADVISORS Phyllis Ann Borden Elizabeth Joyce Bourdon Nancy Margaret Cheek Sally Belle Cowper Catherine Clark Eden Lynn Isabelle French Patricia Ruth Griffin Nancy Bryan Hunt Karen McKinney Helen Faltin Martin Margaret Maurine Motter Laura Preston Suzanne Lee Stark Carolyn Ann Thomas Linda Ellen Thompson Jen Cary Tomlinson Patricia Vigeon Jo Ann Watkins Julia Quay Williams Betty Ann Willmann Front Row: Julia Quay Williams, Helen Faltin Martin, Betty Ann Willmann, Nancy Margaret Cheek, Phyllis Ann Borden, Jo Ann Watkins, Lynn belle French, Laura Preston, Jen Cary •Tomlinson, ancy Bryan Hunt, Karen McKinney, Catherine Clark Eden, Elizabeth Joyce Bourdon, Belle Cowper, Linda Ellen Thompson, Suzanne Lee Stark, Carolyn Ann Thomas, Ma!'Saret Maurine Motter. Second Row: Jacquelyn Ann Benson, Suzanne Sandifer Carole Stewart Keeton, Danna Hopson, Carolyn Eslyta Cobb Linda Lee McFarland, Judy Gray Pennington, Georgia Annetta Bennett\ Priscilla Elaine Adams, Judith Janelle Greenway, JoAnne Marie McConnell, Janis Gail Pettit, Jean Louise Hill)e, Mary Louise Wagenfuehr, Sa ly Jacquelyn McGee, Wendy Ann Rivenbark, Linda Elaine Kilgore. Third Row: Elizabeth Anne Shatto, 9wynne Lee Guffin, Patricia Ann Mathis1 Charlotte Camille Daniel, Linda Ann Hampton, Margaret Ann Rich, Janeice Belle Simmons! Merry McElwrath<..Lynn Moore, Virginia Claire Jones, Anita Eugenia Beckham, Alice Carolyn Norman, Jane Louise Lich­enwalter, Jo Ann Dem er, Alison Worden .rinney. Fourth R ow: M. Effie Tyng, Judith Langworthy McConnell, Shannon LaNelle Harris, Mildred Marie Bales, Ruth Ellen Gillett, Charlynn Catherine Harris, orrna Udashen, Jacqueline Shapiro, Melody Ann Pattillo, Sarah Jane Hatfield. Fifth Row: Judith Carolyn Lum, ,Judith Alice Shields, Lmda Joyce Richardson, Louann Kahler, Patricia Lu Speer. Dian Duryea, Linda Melissa Four­aker, Frances Ann Seelke Martha Roberta Fletcher, Suzan Gray Twyman, Ethel Maxine Emerson, Janice Margaret Power, Ida Mae Zittle, Patricia Virginia Aldrich, atalie Krasnow. Sixth R ow: Barbara Lynn Grow, Mary Kathryn Miller, Virginia Anne Walker, Vanda Lou Latham, Patricia Lou Tandy, Sarah Rebekah Foster, Judy Anne Laughlin, Mary Margaret Schadewald, Mary Lou Hagood, Barbara Kay Ekblad, Annes Yvonne Geis, Sandra Jeanne Sager, Judith Marie Ewing, Patsy Jo France, Carol Jean Newcomer. Seventh R ow: Sarah Alice Gilmore,.. Ann Demming, Anne Elizabeth Beard, Janice Ann Carter, Mary Malcolm Cummins, Patricia Ann Price, Billie Jean Traweek, Jan Bredt, Jo Anne walker, Ann Cole Lentz, Gail McGinnis, Carole Gene Ferguson, Jamie Beth Hatch, Octavia Peavy, Adele Judy Lyle, Patricia Vigeon. PAGE 389 MEN'S RESIDENCE HALLS BRACKE RIDGE HALL LITTLE CAMPUS DORMITORY Dormitory Supervisor BOBBY G. DYER Intramural Manager BOBBY G. DYER COUNSELORS Donald Louis Carmichael Carl Thomas White James Donald Knicker Herschel C. Winn PRATHER HALL Dormitory Supervisor MARVIN EUGENE BECK Intramural Manager . jOHN ASHWORTH BREVARD COUNSELORS David George Bradford Robert Eugene Jones John Ashworth Brevard Roger Allan Lewis MOORE-HILL HALL Dormitory Supervisor Assistant Supervisor Intramural Manager Frank Edward Billings George F. Foerster Perry A. Johns Jimmie L. Magill William Fred Miller MORGAN K. WILLIAMS CLIFFORD FRANKLIN MCMASTER RONALD R. B. HoLZMANN COUNSELORS Dan Allen Myers James Irvine Perkins, Jr. John Stanley Rabun Joseph H. Slocum Phillip Robert Zeeck ROBERTS HALL Supervisor EMANUEL ANDRUS HEBERT I ntramural Manager . EMANUEL ANDRUS H EBERT COUNSELORS Thomas Andrew Atchison Peter Hans Lohse Steven Edward Blesch Stuart Neal Pullen Supervisor . FRANK D . LONADIER Intramural Manager Mc EIL ]oHNSTON Counselor . GEORGE ABADJIAN CLIFF COURTS Supervisor . . RONALD LENTON ]ONES Intramural Manager WESLEY BEN KUENEMANN COUNSELORS George Walter Henderson Wesley Ben Kuenemann SAN JACINTO DORMITORIES Supervisor I ntramural Manager Counselor . Supervisor . . I ntramural Manager . Donald Ray J anak Supervisor I ntramural M anager . A Joa ' HARRISON WHITE ]AMES R OBERT BENBROOK EDuARDo EVARISTO D E Asi::s BC and D R OLAND L ARRY MATTHEWS L ESLIE ERWIN OPPERMAN COUNSELORS Fred Robert Pepper F G and H HURSHAL FRANKLIN M OORE M ONTE P ATRICK W ILLIAMS C O UNSELORS Andrew Leon Jefferson Milton Lamond Verner James Hilton Stroman SIMKINS HALL Supervisor P AUL M ARTYN W HISTLER I ntramural M anager ] AMES W YLIE M c B RIDE COUNSELORS John Quincy Adams Morgan Enlow Shipman John Clement Riley, III Jack Rainard Wahlquist Frorit Ro"'' Bobby C. Dyer, Jack Rainard Wahlquist, Donald Loujs Carmichael, James Wylie McBride, John lement Riley, Peter Hans Lohse, Frank Edward Billin~s. Suo11d Ro"'' Paul Manin Whistle~ HerS. Charles Peters. ondra John­son and John McBride all join in the fun. The cowboy hats of Wayne Stigall Pat Bobo and Loui Trapofina arc over-whelmed by the sombrero of Patsy Felt at an Alpha Chi mega-Phi Kappa ilfma party. ally Travis and usan Turner, new "Spooklets," just can't !!Cl that pea.nut. "? rolling dur­ ing pook lmuauon. Betsy Ross and Nancy Hunt arc preoccupied as ancy Goosby tries in vain to get everyones attention at the Orange Jacket initiation ban­que t. While Marilyn Da hiell, Bill Rivers, ClilTord Morris, and Marian Robertson pose for a picture at a Kappa Alpha-Chi 9mega ~arty, Janice Kn~ppa rnvadcs in her most gn Icy manner. The niversity Wesley Foun­ dation goe western at a KiUarc dance partv. Prom· rnadc your partner! Kathy Fa~an, Bill Rider, J im mitb and Ann Rose arc all mile t an Alpha Phi-La" Bacbelo Party. Girl , didn't you know you could ~ct in10 trouble bribing la" yers? W.I.C. . gets Becky Klind­wortb all turned around at their fall Backwards Party. Ctnlrr Rou· ldt to right Rene Rameriz and .arland Ktnnon arc gi\tn ti<'ket M thers arc honored too at the Littlefield Dormitory Durio'! Than~S( i\"in'{ dinner £or 1he fortiA;n students for a dance honorin~ the 1958 football team b)' Dad's D y olfee Lind Richardson nd Pat Grif­at .T. Oran~~ Jacket, Lucy Collin , chat with a Laurabcth Grienecks and Diane Durrett. fin pin a corsage on Mr . B. F. Richard on. ~tudcnt from ~1al..tya. Bats and vampires e cn_gulf the KA house as Jimmy Ballard, Sandra Moen, George Ginn, and Susan caries get into the Halloween atmosphere. Dorman Wheeler, Carol Wyck­off and Donna Good sip seven-ups in the good old T­sip lash.ion at an Oak Grove homecoming party. "Ole" says pretty matador, Fran Terrell, as she dances around the bull, Terry Wood, at an Alpha Tau Omega Mex­ican party. " Sippin rum and coca cola!" Brian O'Conner, Betty Pringle, Don Griffith and Janet Walker agree that nothing could be finer. Mike Gibbleman, Sheldon Oster, and Barbara Lachtin take time out for a game of cards at a Sigma Alpba Mu party. "Let's go south of the bor­der," say the Delu and Gary Jones, Phyllis Borden Jean Burkhalter, and Bill Dobbs are in the swing of it. Barbara Fire tone, Delia Du­son, Carolyn Graves, and Lynn Weisinger discuss campus tid­biu at the Sigma Alpha lota reception. " It's ·Texas ized and Texas styled," say Bill McBride l nd Margie Foster as they enjoy the Sigma u Quad dorm girls are up to their ears for their annual formal dance. in decorations Just back from the island , Beny Tickt-n, lJroom, and ~fartha McBroom come out c:o tumc party. style. PAGE 417 T op Row: Pretty Co-Eds attend the Aggie Bonfire. In a cold frigid rain the Short­horns beat the Aggie Fish, 19-13. Longhorn followers arrive by bus for one of the Aggie game pep rallies. Center: Cowboys lead the Stump Speak­ing parade which met in front of Carothers Dormitory and on to the Union Main Ballroom. Bottom: Stands getting filled for the tra­ditional 0 . U. Game. Walter Fondren, man under for the Horns is converged upon by a host of South Carolina tacklers during Texas' march towards a third score. Libby Mullenix and Shirley Snipes, featured twirlers with the Band. Big Bertha at the Aggie Pep Rally. The Pi Kappa Alpha's won the Aggie Sign contest, posing with the winning sign is Richard Musick. P AGE 418 DECEMBER hirkr with ' Ptp Sing-Song International Week Drama Production-"Paint Your Wagon" Aqua Carnival and Queen Ugly Man Contest Basketball-Texas A&I-December 3 Trinity-December 6 McMurry College-December 11 Tulane-December 13 Missouri-December 19 Ten Most Beautiful Christmas PAO£ 419 Joan Adams, Lillian W•ber, fommy Roberts, and Geol"l!e Hager enjoy a Phi il(ma Kappa \ ic1ory party a her the Tulane-Texas football ~ame. Girls, girl , girl -wonder i( those Judges ever picked a queen' lecpy beautie Nancy Guyton, Patsy Guyton, and Mary Ann haw pause a moment to cn­.oy a RD pajama party be­lorc retiring for the night. Participan1 relax in the court· room before a mock trial. '·~1irror on the \\all, whose the fairest of them all?" Texas beauties represent the univer­sity in the Sul(ar Bowl at ~cw Orlean on .:\'e" Year' Day. Every year the Phi il(ma Deltas p~nt the Alpha Ep­~ilon Phi sorority with a pig. ''Practice makes _per£cc1.'' Song leader Colleen O 'Connor leads Chi Omega Patsy Fincher, ~1ary Ann Ba an­dra imruons. Carol V~nder­woude, and haron Johnson in one of many ing Song re­hearsals. '' n apple a day keeps 1he doctor away, but will an apple 4l day give you an A ?'' Any­way Jean Pepper is going to try i l 35 he otfcn Dr. Faborn Etier her prize. Frieda Wei bla11 , Mitchell milh, Maria ~fedina. and Mary Alice Guarin are Lhrilled over being chosen to ~o to the \.Yorld Fair in Bnas.~ls as in­terpreters. " We won! \ e won !0 john­anna McFarland, Gene Wei­inger, and Colleen O'Conner clutch Lhe finL place in,_I{ ng trophy thaL was awarded to Chi Omega. Jos ph Kadri is sho" in~ u l>ullium an item from I.he ternational e'E House­mother, winner ; Carol Tucker and Danya icholson. APRIL April Fool's Day Easter Cowboy Minstrel Show and Sweetheart Varsity Carnival and Queen T. S. Eliot Student Assembly Elections Drama Production-"King Lear" : S!l!lll, dBuddy Swing Out yat the ePooh." role Pat· Howi· PAGE 441 Top Row: pring Election . Ann M cFadden the new Cowboy weethcart receives a bouquet from th e outgoing Sweetheart ayla Craig at the Cowboy Minstrel . Joyce Bourdon being tapped for Orange Jackets. The Orange and White Foot­ball game. 1 Ielen Claunt the new CFO Sweetheart. c~ntu: Cayla Craig the Var­sity Carnival Queen. Ann McFadden the Cowboy Sweetheart. Bottom: The lpha T au Omega water fight. Invitation to the Kappa lpha Ball. Sigma Phi Ep ilon and lpha Delta Pi kating party. Marvin Lucas and laire Bonham at the hi Omega Left Bank Party. P o~ +12 VARSITY CARNIVAL Top: Lambda Chi Alpha­niversity Town. Theta Chi -Disintegrator Dust. Pi Beta Phi -Snow Red and the Bolsheviks. Bottom: Phi Gamma Delta­Phi Kappa Psi-Varieties for Agarinio and Carmelette. the 75th. Delta Gamma-Speakeasy. One of the skits from the an­Sigma u-Pal Joey. nual Law Day Assault and Delta Upsilon ur Campus Flattery Variety Show. Town. Center: Alpha Epsilon Pi­Bucking Bronc. Alpha Epsilon Phi-Bad Bad Monday. P AGE 443 Top: When you need a camera, go to Stud1man 's-they seem to have a large selection. Stump Speaking, elections coming up. Robert Anderson, U . S. Secretary or the Treasury, is greeted at the airport by students and newsmen. He was the Law Day Speaker. A glimpse of one of the happy ~atherings at the Christian Fajth and Life Community. ~:'!u~~.waiting to be ser\'ed to students at the Tarrytown Three or the Mars from the A. c. T. production "Bertha­The Beautiful Typewriter Girl. 0 Bollom: Four flighty Happers rehearse for the new Austin Civic •Thea· tre production "The Boy Friend." Architecture and Art students have a Wind Up Party. Two Mortar Board members getting ready for the Swing Out ceremonits. John A aff takes a blood sample from Charles Whiteman for the campus·wide Blood Drive. Students have a wide and varied selection of books at Hemphill's. Alpha Tau Omega and Alpha Chi Omega get together for some informal dancing. .'"'.. ..,, ... t • i.:. lir• i..b11 edialor Top: In straw hats and flapper dress the Delta Gamma girls sing it up. Bray & Jordan not only offer you prescription service but something to eat also. Alpha Tau Omegas have a house party at Mayan Guest Ranch in Bandera. Some of our Seniors at the Swing Out ceremonies with Bettye Faulk our Editor at the end of the line. Air mattresses can be bought at the Bottle Shop for the lazy swimmers. Acacia fraternity holds a picnic, with sunbathing and eating the order of the day. Bollom: Having a wonderful time at the Beta Theta Pi party. Delta Tau Delta and Chi Omega have a get together. Elections are over and. the new ~residen.t. Howar~ Wolf, congratulates Jim Perluns, new v1ce·pres1dent, while Bud Toole, new Cactus editor, looks on. Tom Benner new U A Council president, receives congratula· tions from Shirley Bird and Jitter Nolen. PAGE 445 Top: Student gives his order at La Tapatia. Mr. Smith at Dacy's fits student with a pair of shoes. Members of the Longhorn Flying Club check out their planes. Sharon Henson and escort order some Mexican food at El Mat's. Major Antley, standing and Master Ser­geant W. A. Buttrick kneeling, instruct the Naval Ri Ae Team. Barton Springs-Everyone is waiting to enjoy it. Bottom: The girls at Halstead House have a Fountain Party. The arrival of T . S. Eliot. Vernon Weddle portrays King Lear. Rain has provided wading pools as tbe creeks fill up with water. e hm Liar. MAY Baseball-Southwest Conference Champions Track-Southwest Conference Champions Bluebonnet Belles Outstanding Students Goodfellows Pow Wow Intramural Awards Dead Week Final Examinations Again! Graduation Exercises P AGE 447 Top. Tiie Union holds a lost and found auction. Student Assembly meeting with the new secretary, Marjorie ~{enefec, tak­ing the minutes. Jeff Thompson, ventt·iloquist and ac­cordionist for the Radio/ TV produc­ tion 11Campus Capers." UTSA holds annual T night. Mechanica1 Engineering's exhibit at the Power Show. Bottom: Jacobson's Men's Wear offers a fine selection for the men on the campus. Jean Fuller1 Ann Lotspeich and Scotty Owens working on Homemakin~ De­partment's exhibit for the Power Show. This picture was taken at Round-p parade of the A-Bar Hotel. Ken Edmiston, Edd C. Clark and Bob Greenberg_ leaving the court room in Townes Hall after the Ray Gipson trial. Initiation of the Upperclass Advisors at Andrews Dormhory. University Interscholastic U:ague is in progress. Paul J. Thompson, Director of the DeWitt Carter Reddick, Associate Willis Raymond Woolrich Dean, Col­Laurence D. Haskew_, Dean, College School of Journalism awards Eddie Dean, College of Arts and Sciences lege of Engineerin!!" awards Russell U. of Education awards :>hidey Ann Bird Strode Hughes his graduation certifi­awards Robert Cameron Hightower Smith his graduat10n certificate. her graduation certificate. cate. his graduation certificate. Colonel Curtis Theodore Ricketts Captain Donald Greer Irvine awards Major General McCarty awards Paul awards John Thomas Stuart his Army Julius Desey Desenberg his Naval Duaine Hope his Air Force Commis· Commission. Commission. sion. W. Gordon Whaley, Dean, Graduate Fine Arts awards Nancy Grauer Mc­~cho~i°r~!:r:hs::~a~eai'J. School awards Fahad Ali Hussein his Larty her degree. Doctorate Degree. E. William Doty, Dean, College of Doctorate Degree. PAGE 449 Top Row: Henry Ballard Rainbow, Busi­ness Administration and Jane Ann Max­well, Journalism. Joan Marie Franklin and friend wait in the Home Economic's line. Elinor Clyde Drake waits to enter with the Business graduates. Eddie Greenwade Smith, her husband Ralph and Ralph, Jr. Ce11ter: M1lrgaret Ann ~[artin po with her mother and father. Ariel Jose Thomann. a Pre-Medical student poses with the Tower in the background. Mary Frances Dicorte and Dean Jack pin Second Lieutenant bars on Paul Duajne Hope. Main Speaker, Dr. Dean Rusk, President or Rockefeller Foundation. Bottom: John R. Stockton, Director, Bureau o( Business Research. Carroll Ann Hodges, receives the honor 0£ being presented with the 75JOOO graduation cer­tificate. H. Malcolm Macdonald is bu y distributing maces. Shirley Borden finds time lo attend her own shower and still get Lhc feature section done. -/\ ~ ', _;;:· 11 }i'· l·'~;-~~-1 ·--.·~ . ' ''-t ..:~· l ·?.1 ' ·~'f-.~~ :\'4i :.1 (It t~'.'tt·ir ~,);·, ..t.(' .: 1f~;{ih)~;;f, ··~l'~·,, !,.l; . f, t{' '14\)t :Y, O·Jl•_i:ft!··1"· ;,»,Ii'. 'ti\'.~ 1 ·'-'· ~i·: ..-'N-;~,. .. '\'!'"~;;,Ji,~\' ·\~~ A~1>~: '• ,:\"I\'°'• .. , '".\ ''4 ~ .~~f:·;i:;:~~: ::~~.~~..~~ ~ \·t.,•~.• It"\ .t '<'t i~\ i"'i':~··.:~ ~ ·i-)·"'-i-,...(;:.'~ . ~~~!\;~.~1~i11~. 1953 ORGANIZATIONS ) PAG& 451 Oscar Sanchez Arellano Janice Kay Harkins Verna ue Risinger Carol Elaine Atkinson Fred Paul Harris Ellen Joy Rothman Evangeline Barrera Shirley Ann Haselbarth Sheren Lee Rowland Patricia Anne Basse Patricia Diana Hawn Henry Clifford Rudisill, II Virginia Grace Batchelor Helen Rosina Heise Arnold Louis chueler Herbert Berkovitz Doris Gladys Herrington N. Elizabeth Silverthorn Carolyn Lea Bonnette Sally Ann Hindman Barbara Delores Smith Samuel Culberson Boswell Don Henry Johnson Frances Ann Starling Jearld Conrad Bradford Judith Lee Johnson Dalton Wayne Stewart Margaret Anne Brumbelow William Powell Jones Rose Marie Ramona Ellen Vail Buel Alvin John Kay Twining Sally Catherine Chenault Peter S. Kessey Charles Phillip Varney Daniel Bruce Corbin Lou Graham Leonard Preston Hunt Waldrop Bradford Leroy Davis Gerald Royce Lewis Carl W. Wallace Randall Gordon Delaney Richard Ransom Lillie Joyce Elaine Wiggins Jo Ann DeLeon John Frederick Logan George William Wilhite Barbara Ellen Ewald James Lowell McAlpin Russell Wayne Wilkes LaVoyce Ann Floyd Harolyn Marcelle Moore Joseph Theodore William Travis Duane Franklin David Charles Porter Virginia Joyce Woods Jimmy F. Gaines William Paul Reeves Mary Wynn A CAPPELLA CHOIR The A CAPPELLA CHOIR is open to all qualifying students. The group perform a wide repertoire of both classical and modem compositions on the annual Christmas program and (:;:;!;!~~~;:j!;~~ spring concert. The spring tour provides the opportunity to perform throughout the outhwe t. OFFICERS Director MORRIS J. BEACHY Student Director CHARLES PHILLIP vAR EY A ccompanist Lou GRAHAM LEONARD Business Manager RICHARD RANSOM LILLIE MEMBERS Front Row: Wiq:"<>n, Morris. Crawford, Gibson, Tr•nkelbach, Dornberger, WheLuntered in the financial world. Fall CHARLES TATE MEEKS GEORGE DAVID HENDERSON GENE C. LYNCH . Joseph Louis Alexander Charles A. Angel, Jr. William Cummings Bequette Ferdinand Francis Boudreau Ben C. Burkett, II Edward Lee Carpenter Clifford Dale Chandler orman Edmond Clinger R. E. Crain Donald Eugene Em ley William Chapman E te Jame Robert Guess OFFICERS President . Vice-President Secretary . Treasurer. Sponsor MEMBERS Douglas P. Hayes George David Henderson Frank Temple Hundley Moise Lauterstein Gilbert George Marshall Jack David McFarland Ge:.lrge Thomas McGuffey Bertram Joseph McNelly, Jr. Charle Tate Meeks Milton Franklin Moffett, Jr. Marvin E. Molberg Spring DoN LYNN WooDLA ' D SAMUEL CICERO TISDALE BENNY EUGENE MORGA NORMAN EDMOND CLINGER GENE C. LYNCH Alberta Finlay Moore Benny Eugene Morgan Bruce Edward Muller Jimmie H. Murphy Robert Ernest Nance Richard Garfield rcmmer Joe T. Ogden Bill Poole Lawrence Joseph Rich Philip Ross Thoma amucl Cicero Ti dale, Jr. Don Lynn Woodland PAGE 455 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS OFFICERS President . JoHN RooER McPHERso Vice-President BYRON KEITH LOVELACE Corresponding Secretary JoH DALTO LAFRE TZ Recording Secretary DoN EJL DALE Treasurer EVERETT ELROD c LVER F acuity Sponsor ROBERT SAM EL CHECHTER MEMBERS Numan A. Abdul-Latif Billy Eugene Cowell Jay Don Gensler Gary Lyon Leach Gary Floyd Offutt Russell U. mi th Jan Cloe Acrca i°hn B. Cronin Harold Paul Glasser Thomas Kent Ledbetter Kim LeRoy O'Hara ~mes Earl Smithey James Philip Alexander ohn Kistler Crum Ran'{/, Gordon Ronald Floyd Lee terry John 0&:,lla R~~~~JaS',;~~ier Travis Allen Allison verett Elrod Culver Lee an Gorman Kenneth Neal Lemons rank Otho smon, Jr. Edward Rice Anderson Chittaranjan D. Dalal {)mes Collin Gresham Theodore George Leonard Delbert Max Ottmers, Jr. Albert KennedSo Solcher James Daniel Anderson Don Neil Dale onald Paul Griffith Bill Lee Li\'..~in James Melvin merford ames Rieves Anderson j a mes Preston Dale ro1man Davis Cuzick Mary Lee rnnett R.R. Padhye Roy James pa.on Lowell Benno Anderson Albert Daneshrad Charles Hubert Little William Ernest Parsons Sylvester Eugene Sta/fa, Jr. Richard Mahlon Hanle, Jr. Paul Leon Littrell Larry Brian Partain Walter Richard Steitz Stanley Earl Anderson Kenneth James Dartley Harry Louis Andrews James Edward Davis iJhn Willis Hargis Carl Edwin Locke. Jr. Edgar B. Peek arris J. Harlan Charles Robert Perrone ~ii~ba~dYF~~'dr~:kns tone Hugh Humphries Arnold Will Earl DeVaney Jack Chih-You Loh lndravandan N. Dhruv Clarence Wayne Harrison Thomas Augustus Looney, III Clement Charles Pesek Beeman Ewell trong, III Robert Armistead Hasty iudson Truett Barber Charles Keith Dickenson Byron Keith Lovelace ~~b:-~nfll~~IP~t~latzer, Jr. Robert L. Stuart oe Floyd Barker ioseph Richard Heater George Walter Lowe Daniel A hby Stultz Walter Maben Dillard aul Weigand Bechler aul Dou~as Hemphill Richard Rudolph Preuss David Herman Sturm Raymond Ashton Oise Chris Willard Maier Rudolph Anton Beckmann James D. enry Donald Joe Pundt Deanna Kay Swartz Dudley Richard Dobie, Jr. Fred James Marett David William Bennett Flohd Dennis Herndon, Jr. Charles Donald Swick Leon D. Dowden Husni Y. Ramahi Gordon L. Marshall William Ambrose Biggs Ric ard Lionel Hill Richard Harmon Duvon James Roger Martin Joseph Glenn Raska Gary Frederick Taft {vames Sidney Bissett Kuntha~Hing Charles David Reed Ronald Eugene Eddy Ray A. odo William Lynn Mathes Thomas Mike Taitilliam Edward Blachly Robert Boadle Charles Allen Edwards, Jr. j oe Francis Honovich joser,h Franklin Mathews, Jr. Don Allen Reed Adolph Albert Tamayo Wal ace Michael May• Billy Slavin Richards jerry David ·TateDennis Guy Boatright Harve);: A. Eike! William Cltfde House James L. McCall tmes Glenn Richards Roland A. TaubGayle arle English Bill Lester Brad~ Shao-Shid u R. Nelson McCord oe Jack Richardson Glenn Earl Tatlor Thomas Loffin reckenridge Terry Waters Erwin Louis Sager Hunsucker, Jr obert Edwin Rimkus Hollis Moran aylorRobert D. McCullough Sam Raymond Bright, Jr. Isaac Dwaine Eubanks Thomas Leonard Roach Charles Lee Evers Ral~h Conrad Immel R. Mackley McCurdy Michael Edward ThomasDavid Eugene Brown Ric ard Weakley Ince Bobby Gene Robertson Tom Howard Timmins R. Norman McGlothlin Peter Robertson Buenz Mahmoud M. Faham Ruben F. Inga john j. McKetta, Jr. Robert Roy Robertson, Jr. Sherman Paul TinnesRobert Frederick Burkart Paul David Fahrenthold Robert Ray Ingram Ramon Klugh Robinson Donald C. Tombaugh James McHane:p Simon Pierce Burns Ali Fararovi Cruz Ito-Flores John Roger Mc herson William Courtney Robinson Alton Ronald Tomme Robert Schramm Burnside Reynaldo Fernandez Willie L. Miculek {Vhn Mansfield Rogers Lauro Torres, Jr. Benjamin Eugene Jackson oho Russell Butler Edwin E. Fisher Lonnie Walton Jenkins Don Dean Roselius Arthur Ulbrich, Jr. frhn Bogue Butler William Cook Fielder illiam Troy Rogers Emmit Arthur Miller Richard Allen Mohun onald Adolphus Bruh! Donald Neal Fletcher William Max Jennings Donald Emil Vader Emilio S. Jimenez {tck Wayne Molloy Karim I. Saad Jesus tose Flores ~ck Richard Vandergriff William Bruce Capers Lee Jackson johns onald H. Montamat ~ames Harris St. Clair, II Paul Eugene Cash oh!t . Floros Reuben Montgomery illie Mike Wachel Gentry Lee Floyd Furst McNeill Moore Harry Edward Waters Charles L. Johnson illy lohn Sanders Jerome Curtis Cates, Jr. Dona d H. Sanders Charles Robert Ford Curtis Eu{{ne Johnson Jerald Boyd Weide Jack Pratt Moore James W. Cecil Scott William Forney Pinckney . Johnson, Jr. Narendra Nath Sarin Charles Robert West {:vier Lopez Celaya Michael Alan Moore George Lertin Sarver, Jr. tohn Theodore Fortman James W. Kachtick Gerald Frank Wheeler <>11er V. Chenault Thomas Felton Moore ~ohn W. Sauer Alexander Emil Chionsini lton Doyle Fowler Henry Cecil Kennedy, Jr. Hubert Augustus Morgan, Jr. ohn Woodrow Schatz Winford Nathan Whittaker William Dodd Fowler Phil Ray Kimbrough Manuel Ware Wilkinson Robert Scotland Clark Vernon Edward Morgan obert Samuel Schechter Daniel A. Foyt John Robert Kirk, Jr. William Finley Mulvaney Alden Ramon Wilson f)hn Leslie Cochran Norman Lynwood Schultz Maurice Herbert Friedman ames Carlos Kirkpatrick Luther Talley Musgrove Donald Eugene Wilson avid Orville Coffee Jerry William Schwartz George Richard Fulton, Jr. Kenneth A. Kobe john Clayton Mutchler Howard Lindsa~ Winters Gerald Arthur Scofield ~~'B~~~og~r~ Jr. {;mes Lloyd Gaffney James Lowell Kuester Norman Dean Shahan Eugene H. Wiss er Bruce Arlen Neumann {•mes Fletcher Wrig_htlimes King Cole ugh Gerrard Gainey {Vhn Dalton Lafrentz Thomas Cope Newman !a mes Allan Shelley • lichael Gordon Wright ason Edward Collins Bill Frank Galloway ayne Scott Lanier tanley ~erome Shniderson Robert Alse Timmo Daniel Colunga Anacleto Castillo Galvan Thomas Edward Lasseter Ralph A lison Shoberg Robert Carlton W~cbe Donovan Binford oung, Jr. john Curzon Cooke Frank Min-Tsong Lay Donald Lee O'Connor Harold Lee Simpson L. C. Courtney, Jr. ~:h:;dHLee~1Ca?~~~Oll Arnet Woodard Slaid Samih ~. Zaharna Only Junior, Senior and Graduate members are listed. Fronbalfe~w: Eubanks, Fi/th R ow: Bennett, Burkarr, Winccrs, Fortman, hechter, \; issler, . Solcher, F. Moore, Celaya, E. Anderson, Montgomery. Seco•d R ow: St. Clair. Colun~a. Abdul-Latif 1 Henry 1 Acrea }.lcKetta, Beckmann, Sixth Row: . Anderson, Cates. Kobe, G. Garrison. C. E. Johnson, Courtney, mith, Lmnett, Swartz, Harrison, \Vilkinson, ln~a. ' Alexander, •. Taylor, Weide, Pundt, J. D. nderson. Seventh Row: ~·(artin1 Dobie, ~1ohun. Third Row: Bl!rns, Chionsini , Cronin, Ottmcrs1 V. 1'forgan1 Tate, D. Sanders, Sbnider· Eighth Row: Fielder, tron~. H. Taylor, Kirk, Ford, Marshall, Gresham, McCurdy, son} Boatn'tht , Leach. Buenz, Faham, Molloy, Breckenridge. Lo"e. Erwin. Fourth Row: Peek, Pe ck, Partain, Ulbrich, Hill, Htrndon, Clark, Evers Gainey Ninth Row: Fararovi, Heater, T. Moore, Floros, Tait, Kennedy, R. Robinson, Thomas,DcVaney. ' ' J. Rogers, B. Jackson, nyder. PAOE 456 !tr • ~ lllll rot ..i.r ~·iula Iii... a.. rW""' im ' fri!ht Front Row: Hartwi~, Clinger, George, Lamberth, Evans, Berglund, Provazek, Cleve· Russell, Bradford, Garza, Chick, Clarence Robert Pruitt. land, Tucker, Yaggi, Weeks, Gibbs. Fifth Row: B. N. Gafford, Goss, Lang, Fredrick Albert Reberg, Charles Lee Farell, Second R ow: Staas, William Earl Baldwin, Leslie.._ Fisher William Smith Mitchum, Carl Job.n Lobprise, G. Clary, Albert Otto Herbst. David Leland Swain, James Leon Cole, Walker, !'arsons,' Gorman. Si.tth Row: Littlepage, May, Robert Leon Renker, Muhm, Carrier. Third Row: Wehmeyer, Hajjar, Palko, Moore, Edward Ernest Krause, Theodore Thomas Tylaska, Garrett, Harold Eugene Faulkner, Hansen. SPveuth Row: Baird, William Neal Kocurek, McPhail, F.dward McLean Loggins, Jr., Fourth Row: Ortega-V., John Samuel Grooms, Meads, Mittel, Fuller, Woodruff, Foreman, Kuykendall. The main purpose of student branches of the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS and the INSTITUTE OF RADIO E GINEERS is to introduce the student to the field of electrical engi­ neering and to men in the profession . OFFICERS Fall Spring Roy RANKIN KREZDORN A/EE Counselor R oy R ANKIN KREZDOR N IRE Counselor WILLIAM H . HARTWIG WILLIAM H. H ARTWIG CHARLES R USSELL GIBBSDONALD FREDERICK VEHRS Chairman CHARLES R USSELL GIBBS First Vice-President ARNOLD JOSEPH T UCKER LLOYD E UGENE EVA NS Second Vice-President LARRY S. LAMBERTH, JR. CHARLES ELLIS M cCULLOUGH ARNOLD JosEPH T UCKER Secretary RICHARD BYRD GEORGEANDREW J ACK CLEVELAND Treasurer ARTHUR HERBERT CLINGERLARRY S. L AMBERTH, JR. Recorder CHARLES GLENN RICHIE A/EE Corresponding Secretary JARVIS D UANE GANTT LAWRE NCE ALBERT YAGGI, JR. IRE Corresponding Secretary LAWRENCE ALBERT YAGGI, jR. LAWRENCE ALBERT YAGGI, JR. JOHN FRANKLI N B ERGLUND SEC Representative LIONEL DANIEL PROVAZEK JOH N FREDERICK VEHRS SEC Representative NATIONAL AIEE-IRE MEMBERS Byron Ross Baird Samuel J. Dwyer, 111 ·Henry Thomas Howard William Shelton Moore Dean Wesley Short Leland Leroy Balsley Danny M. Hull Richard Arthur Muckle William Dent Simpson Albert Jerry Balusek Wilh~~ ii~~id''IH1is Edward William Jiblits Robert Eugene Muhm James Marshall Smith Lewie M. Barber Alse Edward Ethridge Ralph Benj_amjn Johnson Lee Murchison Gene L. Staas William Dean Barber Donald Lloyd Evans Claude A. Jones Thomas James Mynar Billy Eugene Sweet Robert Loyd Basford Lloyd Eugene Evans Fredrich James Kirkpatrick James Joseph Nance George Jack Tahu, Jr. William Clayton Tatom Matt Jerome Bauer Harry V. Fisher, Jr. Roy Rankin Krezdorn Morris Hunter Nelson Ross L. Bell L. Vern Foreman Robert Paul Kuykendall David Cla~ Ogle Charles Sylvanus Taylor John Franklin Berglund erry Ross Fuller Larry S. Lamberth, Jr. Emilio .T. Ortega-V. .T. S. Taylor Robert Morris Berry arvis Duane Gantt Bill Fritz Lang Granville Emil Ott Paul A. Taylor Sonthorn ThaviphokeGrant Leroy Bigelow ~loyd Wendel Garrett Harold Ray Larison John W. Palko James Francis Bond, Jr. Lewis Benjamin Garrett Kenneth Wallace Leifeste Frank Martin Parr Charles Richard Thorpe Robert A. Bond Frank Joseph Garza John Paul Leslie Jack Dowlin Panons Halsey Lee Tribble Robert R. Boothe, .Ir. Clarence Robert Littlepage, Jr. John Claude Pennin11ton Arnold Joseph Tucker David George Bradford ~~~~i~~fr.s~1PC:':t;i~ Russell E. Lueg William Patrick Perno Keaton Ray Turner Everett James Turvey Ronald Roy Burleson Billy Don Gorman Sam Victor Machotka James Paul Phillips Arturo B. Campos David Edwin Goss Robert Casey Maddox Allen M. Piece Udorn Vadhanasindhu Plesant F. Carrier Raymond Ralph Gouldsberry William Emmanuel Pierret Gloria Jean Van Cleave ?:eoidJa~~1~a~ann Freddie Ivan Poer Richard F. Vanderpool Paul Caster Joe David Grantham Woodrow W. Pope Donald Fredrick Vehrs Alfredo Prada Wilbert Harold VogelLeo A. Chamberlin Gordon Thomas Graves Nazem Mikahail Marrach Thomas •Theodore Chick Jaime A. Graua Paul E. Martin David Bartram Clark, Jr. Carl Donald Gunn Cecil Lee May Lionel Daniel Provazek Edwin Link Walker, Jr. Don Gene Clark .Terry Walter Gunn Charles Nolan Raney Robert F. Weeks ~~~r ~~;~r~~l~~~ndon Roger Thornton Ray Robert Edwin Wehmeyer George Addran Clary Rupert Guzman Andrew .Tack Cleveland Ahmad Marwan Hajjar Charles Ellis McCuifough Edward Allen Reedy Don Andrew Wick Arthur Herbert Clinger Herbert Andrew Hamblin Richard Lynn McDaniel Gene Calvin Richards Joseph Frank Williams Jerry G. Cole Melvin 0. Hansen Larry Keith McPhail B. Richie, Jr. Richmon Roy Williams Alton Henry Cook Robert E. Harris Hobart Francis McWilliam Charles Glenn Richie Donald S. Wilson Donald Edward Crowhurst William H. Hartwig Philip Hill Meads George Floyd Roberts Robert Addison Witt William Franklin Russell James Edwin Wood Charles Washington Davis Cleve James Hoecker gh~~f:s \r;e~Mi~~~w David Saadeh ~farion Edward Wood Herbert Eu.~ene Delo Alexander A. Hoffman mes Thomas Miller Robert Louis CurJjng_ Homer W. Heinzman James Randall Schultz Lee Don Woodrnff Bryant Pearce Seay, Jr. La,vrence Albert Ya~~i. Jr. Norman Clifford Dickerson Richard Dwi11ht Holland ohn Russell Miller Bruce Allen Dolan George Hamilton Hopkjns ~enry Mittel Farouk Hamed Shammatt Ralph Garland Yoas Hugh C. Drenner Thomas Jefferson Houston PAGE 457 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF MINING AND METALLURGICAL ENGINEERS The purpose of the tudent chapter of AIME shall be to furnish a medium of co-operation among the students, faculty and industry through meetings for profes ional and social intercour e and to stimulate the preparation, reading, discussion and circulation of papers connected therewith. OFFICERS Fall Spring JoHN T . SHERwooo President JoH T. SHERwooo JOHN MILTON HOFFMAN Vice-President JoHN MILTO HoFFMA WILLIAM T R ER LATHAM Corresponding Secretary WILLIAM TURNER LATHAM CHARLES MoNROE Dono, m Recording Secretary CHARLES MONROE Dono, III LY DON PAUL HOLCOMB T reasurer LY DON PAUL HOLCOMB KERMIT E. BROW Faculty Advisor KERMIT E. BROW STUDENT ENGI TEERI G COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES CHARLES SCOTT PARKER STERLING PARKER RANDOLPH FACULTY MEMBERS Kermit E. Brown Robert G. Edgerton William Warlord Dingle Norman Lamont Orland Bernard Dommers MEMBER S Daniel G. Abernathy Cesar De Leon Rex Glenn Howell James Roland Mollard Joel Morgan Shepherd Donald Edgar Andrews William Chester Dendy, .Ir. James Edward Huckaby b ael Jose Montiel Francis Eugene heppard, Jr. Richard R. Armstrong Charles Monroe Dodd, 1il J. L. Jackson, Jr. Mark Kimbrough Mosley, Jr. John T. Sherwood Mamdouh B. Baggal George Lawrence Drenner, Jr. Malcolm Ronald Johnson Donald Ray Murphy Billie James lack Billy Bert Baker Herman Joseph Dvoracek Robert Lewis Johnson Gerald Lawrence Murpby Manuel Julius Sliva William McLaughlin Baker Duane Osmand Dybdahl William M. Johnson Manuel Ortego, Jr. Charles Robert Smith Billy Harold Balthrop Don Harold Edgington James Phylandcr Johnston Robert Franklin Owen Larry Keith Spencer Floyd Donald Barkley James Floyd Ellebracht Harry Alison Jones Charles Scott Parker Walter Eugene Spencer Fred Mack Barnes Charles Edward Engelman Jerry Dale Jones Tom Dewey Parker Willis Carter Steed Mark Hall Beers Norman Phillip Faist Dinesb R. Kapadia Marshall Barton Patterson Donald R. Stephen David Wayne Berry James Walter Ferguson David L. Kelley Robert W. Patteson, Jr. 1ames Rush Stewart Jack Price Bowyer William E. Fickert Henry F. Keplinger George Euclid Payne, Jr. Walter Scott Stewart Howard C. Brants, Jr. .I oho Oge Flannery, Jr. Clarence Edison Kirby Benjamin F. Pennington Michael Asa Stone b ennis Maclarin Frauenbergcr Michael Lee Klein Charles Martin Perrott Louis Edward StoutEmil Bernard Brauer Kenneth Wayne Frazier Willie Joe Kostka Charles Leonard Pesek James Edgar Suttle Kenneth A. Freeman Charles Henry Kosub Scott Pettyt__Jr. Aied Saliba Sweis Truman Breed, Jr. Gerald Rhea Brooks Tom Gene Fulton Russell Calhoun Lacey Stanley C. t'bipps William H . Taylor Donnie Brown Karl Hermann Buck James Lyman Gallagher William Morgan Lamb Allen J obn Pierce Robert Frank Teague Bert M. Gamble A. W. Landers John George Prather Wyndell M. Thomas Guy Burnett, Jr. Daniel H. Gauntt Townes Garrett Pressler Aurelia Theresa TimpteThomas Barker Calvert Thomas A. Goff ~{j/i~'::TJ~~;;sL~~h~in Jerry Franklin Priddy Thomas Dwayne TinerHowell Milton Cannon Harvey Leo Gold George Vernon Leslie Spencer Gordon Randolph Faruk Hali! Turan Donald Glen Carlson Joe Miller Gregory Ernest Abbott Leyendecker Sterlin.$ Parker Randolph Eloy VentoBilly Ronald Carnes William Francis Greve, Jr. Joseph Robert Liles Alvin James Raschke Harry Arthur Vest Larry Anthony Carr David Evan Griffiths Tommy N. Linder Arthur James Von RosenbergPaul Milton Carraway Sergio Grioni Tommie Mac Long ~~~;i~tci~a~d'!l~:9s James Francis Waggener Arthur D. Carter Carl Henry Groen Kenneth Wayne Lyons Robert Edmond Reed William E. Walker IMichael Arthur Carter Roger Edwin Gruhlkey Edwin K. Maeckel Carl E. Reistle Joe M. Wanenmaclier,J,r·Martin David Chester lames McEvoy Guenther Eddie M. Mahfood Clarence Burton Robbins B:;{;ce Gerald Whisler, r. Eugene Childers Walter Wallace Halling .Joel Thomas Mays James Edward Roberts Alton Carroll Clay Jerry Don Ham Burley Patton McCarley Roland Everett Roberts ~o bb~ar¥'i1t~,:te Kenneth Lee Cochrum Charles Emmett Hampton Thomas Edward McCauley Ross D. Roberts wJey C. WimberlyRonald Jarrell Cole Phil W. Handley Wendell J. McClintock Stanley Henry Rosentlial Dean Eakin WolfJames Michael Collier Jimmy Lyn Harris Richard Gordon McCracken Henry Lowndes Rugeley, Jr. Glenn Earl Wood Richard Dean Comstock Charles David Hartman Clenton John McMicken Pedro Jose Saa Charles Gayle Wood• ard William Marr Copeland Charles Andrew Haynes Gerald Barton McNeill Jesse Leon Sabala, Jr. Robert Wayne WrightJoe K. Cubine Kenneth Wayne Heathington Victor Cuthrell Meitzen Jimmy Dwayne Samford Merne Edward YoungCharles David Culver Peter J. Heinle William C. Meloar Harry C. Sampsell H. L. YoungbloodWilliam L. Cupit, Jr. Wendall Royce Hill Aristides Millan Floyd Keith Sanford, Jr. Keating V. Zeppa Paul Floyd Damek John Milton Hoffmann Clifford Allen Miller Wayne L. Schmidt Raul Zuniga Elmer Leon Daniel Lyndon Paul Holcomb Charles Hermann Moerbe John Fisher Schwarz Billy Glenn Davidson Ashlay M. Houghton Edward Moerbe George Francis Sears Prnr11 Rote Latham. . G. Randolph, S. P. Randolph. Mahfood, Balthrop. Bagal, chmidt Frazier, Gamble . .S~t·:> utl Rmt•: Dommt-r . Cn<:htunl, pamek. Holcomb, her-wood, Hoffmann, Kapadia, Reed, Gunther, Daniel. 1_111rd Rou•: Brown, Cre~~ry, Robbms, Whuler, C. Reed, Berry, Melnar Landers, Hampton Williams, Gold, Wright. I-Fourth Row: Dmglcl Cubm.e_, Dodd, De Leon, S"eis, Owen, Raschke, ole, Halling, Von Rosenberg, Lamont, Edgerton. 1//11 Row: Fulton. eshe, wood, 1 aylor. PAGE 458 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Front Row: Boyd, Langley, T. C. Calvert, Williamson, Albrecht, Knehlik. Second R ow: Harvey, Marek, T. Nelson, Wickline, Coyle, Fischer, Morris, Huckabay, Dowdy, Morrow, Vahierra, Howard. Third R ow: Rodgers, Chelf, Weyel, Woelk, Moss, Schwab, Rawlings, Booher, Perry, J. Saenz, R. Saenz, Ramage, Kent, Sullivan. OFFICERS Fall Spring CARL C. WILLIAMSON Chairman GEORG E J . S ULLIVAN, JR. EMIL E. FRIBERG First Vice-Chairman CECIL R AY SHEARER G EORGE J . S ULLIVAN, JR. Second Vice-Chairman H GH LEE MORRIS JOHN EDWIN HICKS Treasurer GLENN D. WICKLIN E CECIL H UGH R AMAGE Corresponding Secretary PHILLIP KEITH D AVIS R OB ERT L EE }ONES R ecording Secretary }IMMY WILFORD GROOM BILLy RAy COBB S.E.C. Representative BILLy RAy COBB H UGH LEE M ORRIS . I ntramural Manager H ORACE ALTON SAMPSON HARRY L . K ENT, JR. Sponsor HARRY L . KENT, JR. MEMBERS Charles Earl Aberholt Robert H. Crawford ames Benjamin Hall Robert Eugene Kunze Lloyd Durman Oldham Curtis Ronald huler Emmett Roosevelt Albrecht Joel Dwain Creel esse Berman Hall, Jr. Russell Calhoun Lacey William L. Shupe Gene Edwin Allen Morris Madden Creel ~oyce Herman Hall, Jr. Robert David Langley {{~g:~t ~1s'k!r~t~lson Haskell L. Simon orman A. Alston Howard Neil Crosby Kenneth Oliver Kamstra Billy Dale Lapham Gordon Henry Otto Hendricks T. Sites Karl John Amelang Gary Leon Curren H. C. Hardie, Jr. Mehoi Larizadeh William Francis Overall Thomas Ray laten William Reese Anderson Keys Alexander Curry, Jr. Maynard Bartow Harris William R. LaRoche Gerald Patrick Parker Harold Gene Smith Harold Eugene Andrews Billy Clyde Davis Rov Duane Harris Freddy Aijala Larrea Richard Alan Patrick Joe Rae Smith Willjam Erwin Arndt Philip Keith Davis Ch3.rles Vincent Harvey Harold Wesley Leigh William Dorrance Patterson Leslie Howard mi th William R;chard Arnold William Robert Davis Dan Earl Hawley Murvel Murphy Little, Jr. R. C. Paulette, Jr. erome Robert Sobeczek Donald Keith Barrington Marion E. Dews George Archie Helland Fred Lofton Arvin Dixon Perry ame Monroe Spears Don Wilson Barry David Benton Dibrell Richard .Jos Heller Marvin Paul Lucas Dean H. Perry ~obert Fredric Spies1ohnnie Henry Bartosh Norman Clifford Dickerson J. D. Helm Robert Rooker Luke David Elbert Pierce Charles Frank Stanfield Newton Cameron Beam, Jr. John P. Dieter bavid Lawrence Herrington Richard Lincoln Madison Robert Dale Pinkston Philip Llewellyn Stanton Roger Beaver Walter Brockman Douglas Milton Robert Hertel Mounir Ali Mahdi. Donald Blaine Steffa William Rex Bell Jack McCoy Dowdy John Edwin Hicks David Kent Main ~h~~a~t~~d~ll°Poc Edward James Stelly Clyde Wilfred Bischofshausen Martin Thomas Dreiss, Jr. Samuel Thomas Hodgdon William Alan Marcontell Johnnie J oc Polasek Philip Jacob terle Charter Cecil Bishop, Jr. Kenneth Ray Dunlap James Charles Hugh Hoge elson Fred Marek Gene Alan Prim Weldon Raymond tewart Marvin Richard Blaser James Lynn Durbin Thomas Earl Holt Thomas Rush Mast John Charles Procter George J. Sullivan, Jr. Hulen Allen Blaylock Harold Raymond Durham J immy Jack Hoote William Clayton McBride Richard John Prokop David Allen Mathew SundquistClaude Robert Booher, Jr. Gordon Holly Earhart John Davis Horton Richard David McCamy Clarence Robert Pruitt David Owen wint Charles Jerry Borum Louis Benjamin Houston, Jr. Ma.xie Dan McCrary J. Dwight Pu~h ohnny James woboda William Jasper Boyd lii'.:~sit1cch~~d1'?:e~~~~rt Weldon Lee Howard Gerald G. McDonald James L. Pu1ce ohn J. Talbert William Vann Brown Newton England, Jr. James Donald Huckabay James L. McEiroy Donald Leroy Purinton ~yron Dean TapleyWayne Leon Browning Boyd Frank Etheredge Jim Ray Hudson Jerry Walker McFarland Samuel William Putch Larry Ford TempletonWilliam Harold Buckley James Edmund Fagan Donald Clyde Hugus Charles William McHugh Cecil Hugh Ramage Ralph Wayne ll1eis Billy James Buice Carl S. Ferguson, Jr. Robert Alan Hunt George Patrick McKenna David Lloyd Ransom Elton M. Tucker Lee Murry Burch Herbert James Fischer Claude W. Hunter Kenneth Earl McNeill Venkat Kishen Rao Thomas Francis Turner John M. Burke Jerry Gene Foose David B. Hutchison Hullh Nelson McWilliams Charles Edwin Rawlin~s Tommy Ray Turner Carl \\'ilson Burton Tazh Taylix Fonville Christakis Efstathiou l oannou William Charles Meacham Michael Dean Reifel ames Smith Underwood Carroll Albert Buster Bobbie G. Forsythe John T. Irick Harry Thomas Mei Albert P. Richter, Jr. ames Erne~t J?lOn t Thomas Barker Calvert Harold Wayborn Foster Donald Winfred Johnson Alan George Mellor am C. Roach . !ichael L. Valuerra :rhomas Charles Calvert Henry James Frantzen Emory Dwain Johnson Karl Clarence Meredith Conway Harold Roberts llerbert Lee Vau~hn, Jr. Preston Huard Carroll James B. Frazier James D. Johnson Daniel Alexander Miller Robert Edwin Robinson Charles W. Volek Herbert Dale Carver Emil E. Friberg_ Eric Lynn Jones Le>ter Albert Miller William Freddie Rodgers J~hnny Charles Wachel Santiago L. Cerna Bobby Lavelle Fritz Herman Kenneth Jones Wilmer Malcolm Mirtsching Vernon Ormel Root '.'11mrod Leland Walton James Dvorak Chalupnik Phjllip Huey Furman Richard Douglas Jones Martin Lee Moerbe lzziddin :'\ouri Saadellah Elton Leon Wca\•er Gary Tberman Cheatham Charles Edward Gallishaw Robert Lee Jones Michael Lee Molak Don Earl Saddoris Charles Herbert Weinert Billy Ray Chelf Byron H. Gough Tei l RobertJorgensen Charles Travis Moorman ames Edward Sadler Walter Ma.xwell West, Jr. Paul Chi Hsien Cbfang Elmer Albert Grape Daniel Davi Kana John David Morell uan Jose Saenz, Ill Thomas Eu~ene Wendel F. David Clark Philip Ray Gray Frank Roderick Keith Hugh Lee Morris ~aul Ser~io Saenz Allan Edµr WeyelRobert Allen Clonch Joe Miller Gregory A. H. Ali Kekleya Horace Alton Sampson William cThomas Whitman Harvey Herbert Clouser Jr. Jerry Kenneth Gregston David Andrew Kendrick ta· yek, Patricia Ann Mezayek, Eddie Lou Hilou, I. Hilou. Tlrird Row: Chaban , Farouk Ayoubl Mahayni, joud, abhani. Chakc iouk. 1'011rt/1 Row: MahdibSalah, hahatit. Abdul Hamid abbou i, T~r, hahin. Fiftlr Row: Fahel, Hajjar, Bakr, El-Baba, Faham. ixtlt Row: M. Hajjar, Abdul-H di. ahtout, Bag5al, Yahya, Zamel. Abdul-Latif, Fakliouri. tuentlt R ow: Mohammed Arif Ha t. Rabbat, El-Kadri, A. Attar, Ethtl D. Attar Hedjazi Masad, ti • yah, Hilmi Mohamed Aboul Fetouh. ASHBEL LITERARY SOCIETY Front Row: Altman, Nesbit, Spears, Ryan, Hamilton, Flato. ~econd Row: Milam, Corbusier, Trice, Barron, Weddington, Hardwick. Third Row: Gilbreath, Bivins, Rugeley, Bailey, Callaway, Cunningham, Guenzel, Kirksey. Fourth Row: Little, Mueller, Austin, Riddick, Mahone, Bush, Easley. The purpose of Ashbel Literary Society 1s to promote interest m good literature through bi-monthly speakers. Fall ELINOR ANN CoRBUSIER JOAN HARDWICK BETTY LOUISE B URKHART MARILYN BARRON . P EGGY ANNE WEDDINGTON . CAROLE ELIZABETH SANDLIN Lors BAIRD TRICE . Eleanor Martha Altman Mary Bond Austin Lynne Bailey Marilyn Barron Helen Wynyard Bellhouse Nancy S. Bivins Betty Rae Brown Betty Louise Burkhart Patricia Ann Bush Elizabeth Spencer Callaway Claire Childs Elinor Ann Corbusier Nancy Randolph Crow Julia May Cunningham Rita Carolyn Easley Jean Barrillon Felder Nancy Ferguson OFFICERS President Vice-President Corresponding Secretary . Recording Secretary Treasurer Reporter . Sponsor . MEMBERS Janet Knox Flato Marjorie Ann Foster Patrice Sue Gilbreath Adreinne Gay Gooch Susan Frances Gresham Jean Hill Guenzel Margaret Ann Hamilton Joan Hardwick Frances Harris Cynthia Anne Houston Janet Loa! Howard Eleanor Leighton Johnson Janet Rose Jorns Carolyn Virginia Keelen Ellen Kathryn Kirksey Billie Little Barbara Claire Lyle PAGE 461 Spring ELINOR ANN CoRBusrER JOAN HARDWICK BETTY LOUISE BURKHART MARY S USAN NESBIT E UGENIA MARIE MAHONE CAROLE ELIZABETH SANDLIN Lms BAIRD TRICE Eugenia Marie Mahone Diana Candace Milam Camilla Beatrice Mueller Mary Susan Nesbit Helen Patricia Parks Sherrill Claire Peavy Judy Katherine Pulver Anne Ratliff Marcia Anne Reynolds Patricia Roane Riddick Diane Lucille Roshton Carol Ann Rugeley Linda Jane Ryan Carole Elizabeth Sadlin Sally Elizabeth Spears Peggy Anne Weddington Betty Lynn Womack ASSOCIATION FOR CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Our purpose is to work for the education and well-being of children and to nu e the standard of preparation and to encourage the professional growth of students in education. Fall OFFICER LYNDALL O TEY MAXWELL President SHIRLEY RUTH BORDEN Vice-President LINDA BETH GRUMBLES SecretaT'y PATSY AN WHORTON. Treasurer PATRICIA AN E HAYNES Reporter. CHARLES H. DENT Sponsor . Hilaria LaLa Acosta Leonora Gertrude Anderson Betty Lou Atkins Majorie Saxon Barge Carol Charlotte Bertram Mary Jo Beverley Shirley Ruth Borden Annette Esther Branch Phyllis Braslau Wana Lee Broughton Phyllis Louise Burks Stella Maureen Burns Mary Anna Burris Mary Ruth Butler Barbara Carol Cage Elvira Carlin Martha Jean Caywood Celine Golda Chaskin Ruth Ann Clift Juanita Muller Cooke Marjorie Ann Creswell Martha Dee Davison MEMBERS Lou Adele Dorrell Mildred Lynn Fallek Mary Estelle Griffin Sandra Len Griffith Linda Beth Grumbles Patricia Anne Haynes Judith Ann Hickman Patricia Lynne Holleman Judith Walker Holmes Susan Louise Houston Diane Lorraine Howe Marilyn Sue Hurley Charlotte Goodpasture Hydrick Dorothy May Janak Joy Elaine Jordan Emma Marie Keasler Mary Glyn Kittle Carolyn Annette Koenig Elisabeth Ann Kolodny Sharon Gay Kugle Mary Jean Lantz Martha E. Leach Muriel atalie Levander Barbara Dianne Levin Wilma Nell Logan Susan Mara Lyndall Otey Maxwell LaRue Faye McAmis Paula Beth McGee Lynda Lee McKeown Lorraine Miller Jack R. Mills Eva Charlene Moss Nancy Pat elson Gail Whitely Ogletree Diana Gail Parsons Cleo Pena Evelyn Francis Pietzsch Lucinda Ann Porter Patsy Anne Porter Julia Ann Roberts Patricia Jo Roberts Carole J ean Robinson Barbara Sue Rosenbloom Spring LY DALL OTEY MAXWELL SHIRLEY R UTH BORDE Lr DA BETH GRUMBLE DOROTHY MAY JA AK PATRICIA AN E HAY ES CHARLES H. DENT Elizabeth Ann Rumph Enrique L. Salinas Carole Mildred Schade Maxine Elizabeth Schuhmann Elizabeth Shaw Mary Ann Shaw Kathleen Ann Shepherd Barbara Sue Smith Suzanne Margaret Smith Susan Jeanne Studdard Beverly Ann Thornton Loui e Yvonne Uselton Mildred Burl Vance Mollie Marie Villeret Kay Walcowich Jean Bryant Wells Carol Dee West Patsy Ann Whorton Gwendolen Jane Wier Coleta Jean Williams Sylvia Eugenia Winston George Ting Wu Front fl ow: Acosta, Haynes, Bordent Whorton, Grumbles, Wier, Wu, ~fa.xwdl. 'uond Row: Shepherd. Anderson, Villeret. Hou>1on, Dorrell, ~loo;s, Third Row: Holleman. Holm.,., Mara, Uselton, Nelson, Kolodny, Levin. Fourth Row: Caywood. haw, Davi on1 chade. Griffith. Burks. Fifth Row: Rosenbloom, Chaskin, Falick Wells, Carlin. Sixth Row: McKeown, Cage, Janak, J. Roberts, Burris, . Smith. PAOE 462 BAPTIST STUDENT UNION President Enlistment Vice-President Promotional Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Worship Chairman . Evangelism Chairman Intramurals Chairman Editor of THE LINK Music Chairman Publicity Chairman Social Chairman YWA Chairman H ostess Director of Activities EXECUTIVE COU TCIL Jo ANN CRIDER MIKE RYHNE SIMPSON, JR. HARRY JOSEPH WALTER, III .SYLVIA }EA ' CooKSEY FRANK JAMES IMKE PEGGY ANN ETTREDGE JAMES EDGAR CRAWFORD JIMMY L. Ross CARL DEAN HOWARD Rov ]AMES lRv1NE LAMAR TRAVIS BAKER PATRICIA AN MORROW CAROLE ANN \VALLACE JANIS ErnRs JoNES REVEREND LONNIE KL!E\'ER PAOE 463 CAP AND GOWN Senior women are eligible to become members in this organization designed to help them bridge the gap between school life and the community life. Annually CAP AND GOW sponsors Swing Out. Fall SHIRLEY ANN BIRD PATRICIA PADGETT ETTA MAE COURTNEY ELINOR CLYDE DRAKE ANN H uFFINGTON HELEN MARGARET FLINN . Shirley Ann Bird Winona Lynn Cornelius Etta Mac Courtney Elinor Clyde Drake OFFICERS President . Vice-President R ecording Secretary Treasurer R eporter Sponsor COUNCIL Shannon Howard Ann Huffington Ann Carlisle Junecka Karen Klinefelter Spring SHIRLEY A N BIRD PATRICIA PADGETT ETTA MAE COURTNEY ELINOR CLYOE DRAKE ANN HUFFINGTON HELEN MARGARET FLINN Virginia Nutt Patricia Padgett Patricia Ann Parker, II Mary Kate urratt !>AOK 464 C. F. 0. CATHOLIC FRATERNAL ORGANIZATION OFFICERS Fall ANGELO JOSEPH CARUBBI, JR. MICHAEL CHARLES ADAMO . President Vice-President Spring HARRY STEPHEN JoNES MICHAEL CHARLES ADAMO FRANK BERNARD SLOMCHINSKI PHILIP GAFFREY YOUNG, JR.. STEPHAN BRIAN STEINHARDT ROBERT J. MURPHY, C. S. P. DAVID O'BRIEN, C. S. P . . Corresponding SecretarR ecording Secretary Treasurer F acuity Sponsor F acuity Sponsor y FRANK BERNARD SLOMCHINSKI CHARLES PHILLIP PETERS MELBOURNE STANLEY GANS ROBERT J. M URPHY, C. S. P. DAVID O 'BRIEN, C. S . P. MEMBERS Michael Charles Adamo Thomas Gentry Jeter, Jr. Charles Phillip Peters Angelo Joseph Carubbi, Jr. Harry Stephen Jones Johnnie Joe Polasek Edward Allison Clarkson, Jr. Sam Michael Korzekwa William Edmond Robertson, .Jr. William Joseph Fowler Thomas Ronald Kotara Richard Allen Schieffer Melbourne Stanley Gans Ralph F. Ledwig Frank Bernard Slomchinski Harvey Leo Gold John Roy McBride Stephen Brian Steinhardt Walter Karl Hanak Timothy George Maresh Leonard Steve Svoboda William Paul Holden, Jr. Mario Leo Messina Donald Emil Vacker Samuel Matthew Holland, Jr. Jack A. Mullins Phillip Gaffney Young, Jr. Oscar McDonald Hudson, Jr. PLEDGES Oswaldo Acosta Carroll Wayne Merlick Alexander Jesse Canales Rene Javier Ramirez Bernard Robert Carroll Bernard Jerome Sablatura Larry Andrew Chauvin Hugo A. Stehling John Charles Furlow James Adam Talbot James Lloyd Gaffney Mikell Fredrick Vander Laan James Francis McBride Seamon Jeffery Womack PAGE 465 CHARROS The purpose of CHARRO 1s to have the second annual world's largest college rodeo. Fall WILLIAM CAREY CRUTCHER BOBBY RAY Bo D . J UDITH AN METZ ELIZABETH A DUDGEON LAURA PRE TON WADE LYNN BROWN BYRON BERT BROWN Cora Louise Amerman Madelon Elaine Anderson William H. Armstrong Betty Cole Ashcraft Allan A. Bailey Naida Louise Barnes John Williamson Barnhill Sheila Barny Jay C. Bland Darlene Bland Carol Yvonne Blodgett Bobby Ray Bond Katherine Camp Buck Suzanne Brannan Athene Marie Bundick Robert Alexander Carnes Lee Jane Claypool Suzanne Collier Robert Laird Cook Robert Lee Grimm William Carey Crutcher Sarah Davidson John Lee Davis Elizabeth Ann Dudgeon Dian Duryea Chloe Edwards Robert DuBois Fears Sarah Rebekah Foster Joe Fowler Wesley Carol Friend Richard Lee Gannett Susan Blackshear Garrett Fred Milton Gerson Judith Francine Gordon Janet Guthrie Carolyn Janet Haley Welson Woolf Hammond Calvert Tom Hasler Brenda Gale Hodges Leonard Clifton Holder, Jr. Ruben Wert Hope Thad Johnson Jarrett Sandra Lee Johnson Frank B. Jones, Jr. Virginia Anne Jones Frances Elizabeth Kincaid OFFICERS President Vice-President Corresponding Secretary R ecording Secretary Treasurer Facuity Sponsor Facult)' Sponsor MEMBERS Berenice Grannell Kohler Francis Cyril Konzal Jimmy W. Kovar Louise LaBauve Virginia Vinson Lawhon Carol Lynn Lyles Ross Lee Martella, Jr. Patricia Jo Martin Helen Faltin Martin Arthur Mason Sarah Ellen McClure Karen McKinney Judith McMillion Judith Ann Metz May Gustav Michaelis, III David Mayes Middleton Robert Lee Moffett, Jr. Bebe Denman Moody Rhetta Allan Moody William Gerald Nagel Calvin Lee eely Waldo Burkett Newcomb, Jr. Curtis Patrick orris Spring WILLIAM CAREY RUTCHER BoBBY RAY Bo D JUDITH A N METZ EuzABETH N DuDGEO LAURA PRESTON WADE LY N BROWN BYRO BERT BROWN Hugh Pat Pate George Euclid Payne, Jr. Bruce Manard Pipkin Laura Preston Mary Sue Rager Thomas Jackson Risinger Mary Margaret Seewald Judith Scott Jerry Don Smith Sandra Jean Smith Mary Augusta Sonnichsen Angela Annette Steinle Ernest E. Straley Stephane Alyne tewart atalie Stout Gordon Barkley Sutton Deirdre Herron Teplow Ruthven Champion Tolbirt, Jr. Wylie Othell Webb Alice Lockett Wheless Francis Harris Whitehead, Jr. William Forrest Whitehead, Jr. Randall Kent Yeates Front Rott: Prr'\ton, Newc.omb1 :\letz, Guthrie, B. ~1oodyLyle , Dudgeon, ewald. \Vhelcss, Foster, Amerman. 1 Sannd R o:<: llaley, Kincaid, teinle, La" hon, Claypool, R. Moody, ~lcClure, Kohler, Edward., Mclllillion, Teplow, Buck. Thi1d R ow: Payne. Straley, Neely, :"a~el, Webb, J. Bland, Jarrett, Konzal, Pipkin, F. Jone , Joe II. immon , Crutcher. Fourth R o1t: Tolbirt, Arm trong, llfartella, Bond, Fowler, Feat , Holder, F. Whitehead, Risinger, Hasler, James ~ . Cooper, utlon. PAGE 466 ~Jr. Jr. !,Jr. CHI GAMMA IOTA Front Row: Stevenson1 Keel, Robinson, Damek, Bandy, Powell, Lain, Reed, Kluth, Barton, Balli. Second Row: Sellars, Barrera, Post, Beasley, Graham, Donaldson, Lopshire, Kassen, McGill, Schaefer, Castro. Third Row: Soward, Royer, Hearne, Hittle, Cole, Redden, Howell, McCallum, Ford, Furushiro, Garcia, Von Rosenberg. Fourth Row: Johnson, Berlin, VanDyck, Tubb, Young, Baum, Youngblood, Sharke, Williams, White, Logan. The purpose is to promote social activities and serve the interest of veterans on thecampus. OFFICERS Fall Spring CHARLES A. IsoM President . JAMES LEON COLE SIDNEY LAFORGE Vice-President GEORGE EDwARD DouGLAS GEORGE EDWARD DOUGLAS Secretary . WILLIAM NELSON KASSEN SHERRELL L. HAZLEWOOD R eporter . MILBURN CLAYTON RIVERS PHILIP JAY Fox Parliamentarian BILLY BANDY RICHARD E . DERRICK Treasurer . RrcHARD E. DERRICK RALPH J . BEAVER Historian . CHARLES GENE ANDRES PHILIP R. GRAY Master At Arms RICHARD H. FORTENBERRY, JR. OTIS ARNOLD SINGLETARY Faculty Sponsor OTIS ARNOLD SINGLETARY MEMBERS Charles Gene Andres Emmett Ronald Carstens Milton John Ford Librado Lionel Herrera Macedonio Balli, Jr. Albert Flores Castro Richard H. Fortenbery, Jr. Max William Hittle Billy Bandy J ames Leon Cole Paul Lynn Foster Bobby Lee Howell Dagoberto Barrera Jamieson Patrick Craddock Philip Jay Fox Charles A. Isom Jack Quinn Barton Paul Floyd Damek Louis Furushiro Michael J amba Gerald Horace Baum Kenneth Edward Davis, Jr. Osvaldo Garcia Robert Emmett Johnson Newton Cameron Beam, Jr. Billie Durwood Beasley Ralph J . Beaver, Jr. Quincy Adam Berlin, J r. Rjchard E. Derrick William McClintock Graham Jack Smith Donaldson Philip Ray Gray George Edward Douglas Sherrell L. Hazlewood Robert A. Enos Wendell Eugene Hearne William Nelson Kassen . Darrel Jack Keel Peter S. Kessey George Kluth Sidney Laforge William Glenn Lain Alton G. Logan Donald Dean Lopshire Robert Eugene McCallum Bobby Ray McGill Raymond Clifton Patterson Gerald V. Post, Jr. Vern Eldon Powell Dan David Redden Charles Edward Reed Milburn Clayton Rivers Clifford Theodore Robinson William Blackburn Royer, Jr. Joe Edward Schaefer Victor Carol Gene Sellars Donald Sharke Norman Carroll Soward James Wilbur Stevenson Woodie Larman Thompon James Moses Brand Tubb John Conrath Van Dyck Fro11l Row: Douglas. Ison, LaForge. Second Rnw: Derrick, Fox, Beaver, Hazlewood, Gray. PAGE 467 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ORGANIZATION The purpose of the Christian Science Organization is to promote the teachings and practice of Christian Science throughout the niversity community. The students of this organization eek the unfoldment of fellowship as taught by Christ Jesus, in which they are able to make this faith a living faith through study, application, and demonstration of their under tanding of God. Fall ROGER TERRY SHAPIRO DONALD RAY FOERSTER KAY N ELL PEARSON . DoN GILBERT REHMEYER . ALTA JEA ZEIDLER . HAROLD P. BRITTAIN . HELEN CLAIRE SHANER ELEANOR B. STEVENS V oting M embers Harold P. Brittain Grace Anne Churchill Judy Kay Danneberg Elizabeth Anne Dixon Jean Ann Dzilsky Donald Ray Foerster David Adolph Gershner Otto Ross Harrison Carolyn Jean Hollis Clyde Lanny Hurley OFFICERS President Vice-President Secretary T reasurer M ember-at-Large R eader R eader Sponsor MEMBERS Thad Johnson Jarrett Ruth L. Knierim Russell Eddy Lueg John Edward Lutz, III Norman Wesley Minter Serena Karen Morphew Kay ell Pearson Henry Ballard Rainbow Don Gilbert Rehmeyer Helen Claire Shaner Roger Terry Shapiro Spring DoN GrLBERT REHMEYER FRANCIS HARRIS WHITEHEAD, JR. KAY NELL PEARSON THAD JOHNSON JARRETT CHARLES NORMAN Wooo HAROLD P. BRITTAIN SERE A KARE MORPHEW ELEANOR B. STEVENS Gerald Lloyd Wallis Ann La Nell Weber Mary Josephine Weber Francis Harris Whitehead, Jr. Charles orman Wood Alta Jean Zeidler Associate Members Carol Ann Putnam Ruth Ann Rawlins Jacquelyn immang Helen Patricia Summers Front Row: Wallis, Rainbow. Second R ow: Dixon, A. Weber, Zeidler, tevens, Johnanna Marie Varney, Rawlins, M. Weber. Third R ow: Jarrett, Fred Paul Harris, Foerster, G•rshner, Rchmeyer, Hurley. Fourth Row: Shapiro, Brittain, Whitehead. PAOE 468 CROW'S NEST CLUB Front Row: Cervenka, Pieper, LaRowe, Lenox, Stockwell, J. Pierce, Moore, Shuler. Second Row: Branch, Kiesling, Porter, Hettler, Liggin , Robbins, Adams, Sanders, Rogers, Makeever. Third Row: Vaughn, Crocker, R. W. Looney, Fain, Cloud, Stagg, Linker, Ekn1t , Saylors. Fourth R ow: Paules, Eikel, A. Pierce, Mauldin, McGee, Jones, Gibbs, Phillips, Akin, Fry. The purpose of the CROW'S NEST CLUB is to provide housing and dining facilities for NR OTC midshipmen and to promote interest in the United States Navy and Marine Corps. Fall LYLE FLOYD BRANCH HARVEY ANDREW EIKEL BYRON R AYMOND ADAMS CLOVIS SIEGLER VAUGHN CAPTAIN DONALD GREER IRVINE, USN M AJOR WILLIAM E. ANTLEY, USMC OFFICERS President Vice-President Secretary House Manager F acuity Sponsor Facuity Sponsor Spring ALLEN JOHN PIERCE LYLE FLOYD BRANCH BYRON RAYMOND ADAMS WILLIAM CARLISLE LAROWE CAPTAIN DONALD GREER IRVINE, USN MAJOR WILLIAM E. ANTLEY, USMC Byron R aymond Adams Charles Ray Akin Andrew Williams Bachofen Harrell Clark Baum Grant Leroy Bigelow Lyle Floyd Branch Robert Alexander Carnes Norman Louis Cervenka David Frazier Cloud Thermon Ray Crocker Samuel Robert Cummings Royce Linton Cutler Robert Charles Edwards MEMBERS Harvey Andrew Eike! Billy George Ekrut Neiland Haskell Fain Michael Scott Fry George Durden Gibbs, Jr. William Frederick Hettler, Jr. Joseph Duane Hooker Jerry Harrison Jenkins Robert Sidney Jones Daniel David Kana Kenneth Dean Kiesling Bobby Dave Lain William Carlisle LaRowe Charles Newton Lenox, Jr. Billy Lee Liggin Donald Lee Linker Richard Glenn Looney Robert W allar Looney Joseph Chris Makeever Joe Allen Mauldin Wyatt Hudson McGee Richard Maurice Moore Granville Edward Paules, III Daniel Maurice Phillips John William Pieper Allen John Pierce James Lacy Pierce Steven Mosby Porter John Joseph Robbins George Raphael Rogers Leslie Allen Sanders Wesley Pollard Saylors John Eugene Senterfitt Curtis Ronald Shuler Robin Paul Stagg John Robert Stockwell Clovis Siegler Vaughn CURTAIN CLUB Jerry Anderson Bonnie Jane Apple James Melton Bailey Bobby Mitchell Beard Don Richard Beer Richard Warren Blaine Jackson Edward Blake Leonard S. Bloom Leon Ivon Brauner Sylvia Canchola Edward Marcus Cohen John Blake Cotter, Jr. Jack Edward Estes President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer . Faculty Sponsor Fall KAY ROSANNE K UGEL ANCY GRAUER M CLARTY J EANNETTE j UNG JoN LEWIS VICKERS Oleta Josephine Bailey Dixie Janet Berry Richard James Branda Larry Claude Burgoon Janice Courtney Paula June Craig Joan Eckles Elizabeth Marie Fletcher Dick Allen Foose Mary Esther Gassett Norma Louise Goeken Eddie Bert H aynes Robert John Fahey Jill Sue Fenias Deirdre Damaris Field Jean Fox Edith Anne Frost George Edward Gaines Judith Ann Gillespie Karen Annette Gillespie Sandra Sue Gillett Mary Jo Griffin Carole Ruth Griffith Josie Margaret Guerra OFFICERS LATHAN WADE SANFORD NANCY ELLEN LEDBETTER HARRIET FRA CES SANFORD PAULA JUNE CRAIG MILDRED HowARD BOARD OF GOVERNORS Spring KAY ROSANNE KUGEL RoBERTA LoursE STEPHENSON EDDIE BERT HAy ES OLIVIA ANNE HowE ACTIVE MEMBERS Brent Llewellyn Hickman Olivia Anne Howe Charles M. Hughes Phil Herbert Jackman C. A. Jennings Richard Clay Johnson Jeannette Jung John Hull Hummel Dan F. Kelleher Kay Rosanne Kugel Nancy Ellen Ledbetter Roy Milton Lyon APPRE TICE MEMBERS Grady Andrew Hausenfluck Michael Bobb H ead David Calvin Holman George W. Holmes Judith Dean Houghton Janet Sonya Kayton Charles Richard Lasater Ondree Lynn Lerman Jane Loeb Ronald Edward Malone Benjamin H enry Morgan Sylvia Nelson Nancy Lee Nisbet James E. McLarty ancy Grauer McLarty Paulina orman Ruthe Louise Norton Mary Evelyn Potts Harriet Frances Sanford Lathan Wade Sanford Arthur Sheir Lyda Jane Spears Roberta Louise Stephenson Caley A. Summers Joe Conrad Tips Jon Lewis Vickers Robert Erwin Palmer H arold Lynn Parry Molly Lynn Pearson Ronnie Charles Ripple Sally Ayn Rosenheimer Nita Sue Sandel Connie Jean Scott Linda Lucretia Shuler David Paul Shumaker Mary Jane Simmons Margaret Sigrid Skousgard William David Smallwood Rochelle Rhea Smith Donna Jean Snow Claude W. Steele, Jr. Lady Gretchen Steinhagen Mary Elizabeth Taylor Robert Jeffrey Thompon Charlotte Capers Tindal Idris Rhea Traylor Tony Valles Preston Hunt Waldrop Charlie ichols Watson Mel Keith Weinbrecht Bobbie Lynn Weiser Driscilla Lanier Yoder DISCIPLES STUDENT FELLOWSHIP Jr. einhagen a)lor OIIljllOD Tmdal ldrop laoon rechl ~r 'oder President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Minister to Students Minister Worship Committee Service Committee Social Committee . Enlistment Committee Spur Committee Publicity Committee Historian . Director of Intramurals Carnival Chairman OFFICERS CABINET LAZARO FRANCO LOPEZ LARRY CRANFILL WYATT MARJORIE ANN CRESWELL KERMIT WAYNE HARVEL JoHN L. SAYRE REVERAND LAWRE CE w. BASH CHARLES RAY AKIN, JR. ]ACK R. MILLS CYRENA J o NoRM.\ BRUCE T. MIERS JIMMY HARRINGTON LINDA SuE BILLINGSLEY MALCOLM Acrn B URGESS JANE LEE BLESSING LoY DEAN McGowAN DoYLE Ons CUTLER PAGE 471 GAMMA DELTA The purpose of GAMMA DELTA is to foster Bible study, dissiminate scriptural philosophy of life, train for Christian service to God and fellow men, to increase Lutheran consciousness on campus, to increase local and intercampus fellowship among Lutheran students. Carl D. Besch Margaret Alyne Best Lanell Viola Bethke orman Harvey Bodden Henry Julius Boehm, Jr. Kenneth Charles Boelter Ralf Franz Brehm Shirley Bernice Bunte Cynthia Lee Coutorie David Norman Dittmar Joan Elizabeth Domaschk Dorothy Anne Dunn Joyce Yvonne Eitelman Anna Marie Faske Clara Helen Faske Fred Forrester President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Social Chairman Archivist Advisor Julia Anne Garza Linda Marie Gebhart Mary Elizabeth H ardin Carleton William Heller Rudolf Eugen H unger Phyllis Kersten Janis Lynn Kneblik Ewald Fred Klaus, Jr. Rebecca Annice Klindworth Travis Aubrey Koehler Roger John Kohls Lynn Richard Kromminga Carolyn Adell Leverkuhn Walter George Loesel Leif Waldt Luglan Ronald Douglas Matthys OFFICERS ]AMES DOUGLAS PFLUGER K ENNETH CHARLES BOELTER SHIRLEY BERNICE B UNTE JOSEPH RAYMO D TACQUARD, JR. PAT JOAN RELLAHAN EWALD FRED KLAUS, JR. ALBERT ARTHUR R UFF, JR. R EVEREND E. P . FRA MEMBERS James Walter McFarland Ellen Esther McMillin David Wayne Melber Gladene Martha Michel Charles Leroy Miertschin Kay Francis Mikeska Thelma Ann Moehle Cleo Amie! Monteau Edward E. Moss Betty Mutscher Edward George aumann James Douglas Pfluger Donald L. Rebsch Pat Joan Rellahan Dorothy Jean Rieger Rollins Monard Roth Albert Arthur Ruff, Jr. K K enneth Frank Schwenke Marion Clarice eale Frances Ann Seelke Howard Schmidt Frederick Wayne chumacher John D. Snavely Marion Thompson Stewart Joseph Raymond Tacquard, Jr. Darrel Etheldred Tarver Joyce Elain Thore en Ray 0 . Thoresen Avis Andrea Tieber Thomas Eugene Wendel Wallace Gordon Wilson Frederick E. Wright Carolyn Margaret Zschech HOME ECON OMICS CLUB nke l'ront llow: Parr, Haley, Hodges, Clements, Hays, P. Wren. &cond H. ow: N. Allen, Kubala, Bryan, Wood, Ryall, Huffman, Thurk, Moroney, Owen, Newman. Third R ow: H. Thomas, Hill, L. Jackson, M. Thomas, M. Vogt, Abernathy, G. Da,-is, Patton, G. Williams, Joseph, Childers, H. Barton. umacher Fourth Row: .Faske, Beard, Waters. The H ome Economics Club desires a friendly association between faculty and students interested in home ewart economics. We also want to share our enthusiasm and pride with others so that there will be a greater under­ quard,Jr. lt1 standing of the field of home economics. Fall CAROLYN } ANET HALEY de! M ARY D ELAINE H AYS . . CAROLYN M OZELLE CLEME!'\TS D ORIS K AY PARKER . CAROL KREIDEL NELLE Jn hech PHYLLIS L. R ICHARDS . GLADYS W INIFRED B ABCOCK Maybell Abernathy Mary Lee Allen Noranne Elizabeth Allen Linda Susan Bailey Hazel Phyllis Barton Sandra Barton Sharon Baxter Malinda Ellison Bean Doris Marie Beard Marianne Farquhar Bell Jacquelyn Ann Benson Betty Cordelia Billings Patricia Ann Blackwell Barbara Joann Boenig Marybelle Bolger Mary Frances Boll Kathryn Virginia Bolton Patsy Faith Bostick Peggy Ann Brown Barbara Jean Bryan Athene Marie Bundick Paula Sue Carlisle Mary Alice Chambles Bette Jo Childers Carolyn Mozelle Clements Carolyn Virginia Coe Carolyn Alice Cole Carol Eugenia Conway Elenor R . Cook Eleanor Mills Cotten Louise Landis Armstrong Gladys Winifred Babcock Anna Brightman Sarah Chaffin Brooks Bess Belle Caldwell Anna Marie Caswell J an Campbell Cox Martha Carol Crumley Marthasu Daniel Elizabeth Ann Davis Gloria Ann Davis Marynelle Davis Mettie Fae Davis Doris E. Deter Debbie Dunlap Anna L. Dye Charlie Merle Eaton Joan Carolyn Farquhar Clara H elen Faske Rosemary Virginia Forester Frances Katherine Franzen Barbara Ann Friedman Miriam Louise Giller Allie Sue Gottwald Geneva Jill Grainger Marjorie Trotter Green Priscilla Louise Greene Mary Patricia Guyton Carolyn Janet Haley Diana Patricia Hampson .Jeanette Blanche Haney Susan Irene H arling Shirley Marie Hassell Jamie Beth Hatch Mary Delaine Hays Carolyn Joyce Hill OFFICERS President . . First Vice-President Second Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Senior Advisor Junior Advisor FACULTY MEMBERS Paula Janet Connor Margaret Anne Eppright Rosalie S. Godfrey Mary Ernestine Goldmann Janice Carolyn Craning Francille Maloch MEMBERS Brenda Gale Hodges Gladys Jean Hogan Gail Hood Linnda Hubbell Sandra Jo Huber Gail Hudson Tish Huffman Alice Virginia Huffington Gretchen Lee Hyde Linda Marie Jackson Sandra Jan Jackson Grace Nan Jennings La Verne Johnston Margaret Elizabeth Jones Phyllis Mary Joseph Olive Anne Keenan Frances Elizabeth Kincaid Jean Carolyn Kobe Pauline Ann Kubala Julia Ann Kramer Pegg)' Laudan Nancy Ellen Ledbetter Carolyn Elizabeth Leggett Ann Yvonne Lotspeich Linda Margaret Mahan Marilyn Markman Barbara Chandler Martin Martha Cope McBroom N. Jane McCasland Patsy Sue McKinnon Wanda Kay McNamee PAGE 473 Spring CAROLYN }ANET HALEY MARY DELAINE HAYS CAROLYN MOZELLE CLEMENTS DORIS KAY PARKER CAROL KREIDEL NELLE PHYLLIS L. RICHARDS GLADYS WINIFRED BABCOCK Sallie Beth Moore Lucy Rathbone Phyllis L. Richards Elisabeth Lacey Speer Elizabeth T arpley Jennie S. Wilmot Margaret Diane Melton . Mary Ann Moroney Martha Lee Mueller Tommy Carolyn Murdoch Carol Kridel Nelle Virginia Orene Newman Catherine Ford Olivet Scotty J. Owen Doris Kay Parker Barbara Gail Parr Celia Fay Patton Eliza Jane Payne Virginia Ann Pearson Nancy Hortense Pfluger Nancy J ane Phelan Kathy Virginia Pollard Maryllyn Anne Powell Mary Anne Prasatik Emma Lou Reed Carolyn Jay Reiver Lucy Jean Rogers Elizabeth Anne Rose Barbara Edythe Ryall Juanita Margot Salina Charlotte Genetha Scott Sharon Sue Sears Rebecca Crider Sharp Jo Ann Shurtliff Sandra Ann Simmons .June Laurie Singletary ElizabethHouston Smallwood Carolyn Smith Gretchen Leah Smith Sherron Lynnette Smith Sherry Lynn Smith Julia Sowell Mava Jo Spoonemore Diana Svadenak Sarah Ann Whiting Tate Gail Ann Terry Harolyn Jean Thomas Mary Margaret Thomas Beverly Gail Thompson Joyce Elaine Thoresen Connie Ruth Thurk Marilyn Marie Vogt Mary Katherine Vogt Mary Louise Wagenfuehr Mary Ann Waters Merida Colgin Watson Sharolyn Watson Margaret Wilde Anna Carol Williams Girlcne Marie Williams Beverly Ann Wilpitz Polly Sue Wood Mary Ann Worthy Norma Jean Wren Patricia Louise Wren Myrna Lois Wylie INSTITUTE OF THE AERONAUTICAL SCIENCES The purpose of the I STITUTE OF THE AERONAUTICAL SCIENCES is the advancement of scien­tific knowledge and prestige in the aeronautical profession. OFFICERS Fall Spring PAUL EDWARD GREER President PAUL EDWARD GREER RoBERT EARL GooD Vice-President ROBERT EARL GooD V ERNON HAROLD MALONE, JR. Corresponding Secretary VERNO HAROLD MALO E BILLy RAy CAMPBELL R ecording Secretary . BILLy RAy CAMPBELL MAXIE WCLLIAM JARRELL Treasurer MAXIE JOSEPH ' "'INTHROP DALLEY Faculty Advisor . JosEPH Charles Ivan Ashbaugh Edward Quinton Bond William Bryan Brooks Stanley Richard Bruno Cardis William Bryan, Jr. Gerald William Bumbera Malcolm Acie Burgess Joseph Harry Burich Richard Douglas Cameron Billy Ray Campbell Ralph Lawrence Carmichael Alfred Adam Chamberlain, Jr. Lloyd Dale Cogdill John Robert Coltharp Robert Wayne Courter David Price Cox Hilary Herbert Cunningham, Jr. Jim King Davidson Stewart Leonard Davis Lloyd Edward Dietert Bobby Wayne Dodson Lloyd Milton Durst John Robert Edmiston ewton England, Jr. Robert Gene Entz eiland Haskell Fain Ernest Lee Fisher Louis Furushiro Daniel Graham Galloway MEMBERS Carmen Carlos Garza Robert Ronald Gates Howard Anthony Godwin Robert Earl Good Paul Edward Greer Charles Edward Gross Joseph Thomas Hartigan, J r. Joe Earl H awkins Jerry Evans Henderson Thomas Harder Henderson Oliver Hill William Paul Holden, Jr. James Louis Hordern Jack Bonner Hudson, Jr. Ettore H . F. Infante Maxie William Jarrell William David Jensen Cristobal Jimenez, III Charles H . Johns Gail Gordon Johnson Thomas Elvin Johnson Willard Edward Johnson James Richard Kanning Andreas I. Karydas Michael Kennedy Lake Maurice John William Lehmann William John Leonard Robert B. Lillie Carey Ford Lively, Jr. Robert W allar Looney William Paul Lynch Vernon Harold Malone, Jr. Marion Marshall Mann George Arthur Marshall David Michael Martin Bernard Daniel Martinek Fred Alexander McAllister Robert Frank McCollum William James McCroskey Jackson Lee McDaniel Milton Wade Mcllveen Jerome Frederick aleid Ralph Douglas O'Dell Thomas John O'Donnell Edward Louis Pavelka, Jr. Daniel Sherman Petty Jay Lawrence Poth, II Robert Clay Pratka Beverly Wayne Proctor Jack LeRoy Reasoner Charles Robert Richardson Conway Harold Roberts Larry Dee Robinson James Richard Ruff Joel Ruiz Harry Edward Saul, Jr. Ronald Norman Schaevitz Richard Leo Scharpf WILLIAM JARRELL WINTHROP DALLEY Walter Henry Schmitz William Jerry Searcy Bobby Dow Self William Holland Shutts Bobby D. Simmons Harmon Lee Simmons Erwin Hugo Simon, Jr. Jack Gorham Spangler Robert Louis Spann Franklin D. Stooksberry William L. Strand George Stanley Strode Charles Thomas Sutherland Quinan W. Swing Joe Morris Tabor Joseph Edward Tepera Jerry C. Thompson Milton J. Thompson Ronald Eugene Thompson Victor Fennell Tips Frederick Vercruysse Robert Alfred Wal drop William Richard Weideman Henry Chesley Whalen Michael Lowell Willis Edgar Kress Wilson William Edward Yager Philip Robert Zeeck Front R oi<': M. Thompson, Chamberlain, Jarrell, Campbell, Greer, Good, Dalley, Wanda Joan Malone, Second R ow: Pratka, Ashbaugh, pann, Reasoner, Schaevitz, O'Donnell, Brook.., Holden. Third Row: Zecck, Tabor, Scharpf, Lillie, •T Johnson, Mann, Malone. Schmitz. Fourlh Roa·: Davi~, Durst1 Edmiston 1 Martin, S1>nngler, Simon, G. Johnson, alcid, Hawkins, Cox. PAO£ 474 INSURANCE SOCIETY O FFICERS Fall Spring RAMON R OBERT R ACKLEY President . BARRY BERNARD KRUTZ B ARRY B ERNARD K URTZ . Vice-President CoRMAC THOMAS McDERM01T J AMES M ARION F AIRBAIRN Secretary . JAMES MARION FAIRBAIRN E DWARD ARTHUR WHITE . T reasurer . RALPH H UFFMAN MEMBERS Sid L. Berger Barry Bernard Kurtz Robert Del Beveridge Billy D. La,ngford George S. Bruce, III Edward L. Lehman Tom Walker Burke Cormac Thomas McDermott Charles Cushman Cate Austin Eckhardt Nettle Kenneth Alvin Chatwin Ramon Robert Rackley John Cecil Culpepper Bryce C. Sanford Hollis Vaxter DeGrassi Tom L. Schneider Don Carter Downing Oran Hendricks Scurlock James Marion Fairbairn Victor Carol Gene Sellars John Parker Fauntleroy Alden Barton Smith Jennings A. Garrett Robert Clayton Vielock William Wallace Hand Herman Floyd Waters George R. Harper Charles Douglas Westbrook Ralph Derrell Huffman Reaby Franklin Westbrook, Jr. David Kiker Hughes Edward Arthur White Lee Roy Johnson James Palmer Woodson Jacob Louis Knopp PACE 475 LAREDO CLUB The purpose of the Laredo Club is to encourage Laredo students to further their education at The University of Texas and to afford its membership the opportunity to better acquaint them­selves and to unite them into a body that will be useful on the campus. OFFICERS Fall Spring EDUARDO PENA, JR. President . OoILoN ARAMBULA ARTURO ALFONSO JACOBS Vice-President . GUSTAVO LUIS GARCIA MARIA AURORA RAMIREZ Corresponding Secretary ALMA DIANA PEREZ MARIA DE LA L uz LOPEZ R ecording Secretary VIRGINIA SUSANA GUERRA GusTAVO Lms GARCIA • Treasurer . JESUS M . BENAVIDES 0DILON ARAMBULA R eporter CONRADO GILBERTO CRUZ DIEGO JosE PENA . Parliamentarian DIEGO JosE PENA ALMA DIANA PEREZ Historian . EZEQUIEL DAVID SALINAS, JR. E USEBIO HECTOR CONTRERAS Sergeant-at-Arms JosE MARIA PE A JosE ENRIQUE GUTIERREZ Sergeant-at-Arms GUADALUPE SAENZ, JR. GEORGE I. SANCHEZ Faculty Sponsor GEORGE I. SANCHEZ MEMBERS Humberto Adame Angel Morales Diaz George Phillip Kazen Maria Aurora Ramirez Ramon Aguilar, III Jorge A. Escudero Oscar L. Law Rene Javier Ramirez Harry Louis Andrews, Jr. Odilon Arambula Alfredo F. Arce J esus M. Benavides Joanne Bruni Gilberto J. Flores Felix Fraustro Francisco Ramon Garcia, Jr. Gustavo Luis Garcia Jesus Rodolfo Garcia William Joseph Lemoine, Jr. Arthur Julian Leyendecker Ernest Abbott Leyendecker Ethel Martha Leyendecker Fred Ligarde Rudolfo Ramirez Antonio Rangel Marta Rangel Carlos Reymundo Renteria Ruben D. Resendez Clyde Mike Brennan Stanley Richard Bruno Lewis Clifton Calk Amando Garza, Jr. Moses Goldberg Cecilio Gonzalez, Jr. Elpidio P. Lizcano, Jr. Alfredo Lopez Maria de la Luz Lopez Rogelio Robles Felix Cruz Rocha, Jr. Roberto Romo Arturo B. Campos Isidro Cantu, J r. Jesus Rene Gonzalez Herbert Lester Green Roberto Lopez Roberto Deane Love Guadalupe Saenz, Jr. Mauricio Salazar, Jr. Luis J. Cardenas, Jr. Joseph Harry Castellano Gloria Castanedo Herman Joe Greiner Josie Margaret Guerra Virginia Susana Guerra Victor Lozano, Jr. Robert Arvene Mauck Ollie Ray Moffit Ezequiel David Salinas, Jr. Humberto Garcia Segovia Andres Santos, Jr. James Peter Cazamias Katherine H. Cazamias Martin Chacon, Jr. Eusebio Hector Contreras Conrado Gilberto Cruz Jose Enrique Gutierrez Raul Gutierrez, Jr. Robert G. Haynes Librado Lionel Herrera Tomas Rodolfo Hinojosa, Jr. Fernando Montes Charles Aaron Moser Manuel Munoz Roberto Jorge Nix Anna Maria Ochoa Guy Patterson Shipton orman Sterling Sorrell Jimmy Norvel Springer Ephrim Stavorowski Janette Nan Stavorowski Margaret Mary Cullinan Shirley Priscilla DeCanara James Forbes J ackson, Jr. Arturo Alfonso J acobs Jose Maria Pena Diego Jose Pena Jose Trevino, Jr. Emma B. Valls 0 . Kimball Davis Francisco J. De Arkos Humberto L. Juarez, Jr. Joseph Robert Juarez Eduardo Pena, Jr. Alma Diana Perez Abraham Wilson Mary Paul Wright Estela de la Garza Michel Marvin Katz Burton Vincent Perrine Charles Edward Young Alfredo G. de los Santos, Jr. James Douglas Kazen Abraham Ramirez, Jr. Raul Zuniga Fronl R ow: G. Carcia, de la Ga.rza, J. Stavorowski, M. Lopez, Perez, V. Guerra, Saenz. Stcond Row: Segovia, E. Pena, Adame, F. Garcia, Lozano, ~funoz. Third Row: J. Pena, Roble3, Herrera, De Arkos, Lizcano, R. Gutierrez, A. Ramiru. Fourlh Row: Jacobs, Chacon, Contreras, Santos, H. Juarez, Nix. PAOP. 476 LONGHORN CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP OFFICERS Fall Spring CHARLES ROBERT OSBORN President ScoTT ALEXANDER McGALL ALMA JEAN MERWIN Vice-President ALMA JEAN MERWIN MOLLY MARA Secretary MOLLY MARA MARGARET SuE SIMMONS Treasurer MARGARET SuE SIMMONS ROBERT MACCOLL ADAMS Faculty Sponsor ROBERT MACCOLL ADAMS MEMBERS Annie Jo Adams Bonnita Davis Johnson Susan Basset Juell Joy Krauter Ruth Joan Bellware Diane Eugenia Lary Dave O'Neil Brass William Carl Long Barbara Ann Caudle Norma Ann Loretz Patricia Ann Clarke Scott Alexander McGall Rose Marie Cleveland Molly Mara John Richard Cogdell Susan Mara Barbara Lee Cordell Juan de Dios Martinez Carol Rosalyn Courtney Alma Jean Merwin Robert Wade Davis Carolyn Nan Mims Catherine LaNell Doswell Donald Oscar Nelson Ned Carroll Dreyer J. C. Bob Oehler Charles McNeil! Drumwright Charles Robert Osborn Wilda Ruth Fisher Gloria Jane Schladoer George Robert Golden, Jr. Nancy Lee Schnautz Clovis Ray Hale Margaret Sue Simmons Jane Collins Harwood John Leonard Stanford Sarah Elizabeth Hicks Eddie Jeanne Stern John Richard Hoelzel George Stanley Strode Lynden Paul Holcomb Gloria Jean Tillman PAGE 477 T op R ow: Adelman, Aguilar, Allday, Anderson. Baker, Ball. Second Rmt: Bauch, Bennett, Birdson~. lllair, Boghs, Bolger. Third Row: Bray , Uri!:;/l~~~:llck Dale Ryan amcs Richard Sawyer illiam Walter Scott Bobby Grant SeagoWilliam Andrew Shepherd James Wesley Shepperd, Ill Victor F. Summers Carol Ann Tank•ley ~clda Marie Tarbert Philip Ross Thomas Robert Burns Thompson Robert B. Thornton Don Arthur Tidwell Rex A. Timms E. F. Trocgcl George Dallas Turner Carol Kar Walker Wilfred N. Waison Fredric J . Wehmeyer Tom John Weigel, Jr. Walter Edwin Whi!~i Jr. Herman Langford Wilkin Billy R. Wofford Charles .'forman Wood PAGE 489 SOCIETY OF AMERICAN MILITARY ENGINEERS The purpose of SOCIETY OF AMERICAN MILITARY ENGI EERS is to mcrease m­terest in military engineering and science. OFFICERS Fall Spring EVERETTE LANIER T ucKER, JR. President . E VERETTE LANIER T CKER, JR. R oBERT BARNETT AKIN Vice-President R OBERT BARNETT AKIN J AMES DoN JoHNSTON Corresponding Secretary JAMES DoN JOHNSTON FRANK R oDERICK K EITH R ecording Secretary FRANK RODERICK K EITH ETTORE H. F . INFANTE . Treasurer E TTORE H. F . INFANTE CAPTAIN CHARLES GUNTER 0LENTINE Faculty Sponmr CAPTAIN CHARLES G UNTER 0LENTINE FACULTY MEMBERS Captain Harvey Edward Emig Master Sergeant Felix Newlin Captain Charles Gunter Olen tine Colonel Curtis Theodore Ricketts MEMBERS J an Cloe Acrea William Harold Gibson Perry Joseph Lyons Charles Scott Parker Robert Barnett Akin Charles William Grissett Robert Leonard Lytton Scott Petty, Jr. John Paul Arledge Bobbie Lee Hasert James Roger Martin Fred Thomas Porter William Ambrose Biggs James Milton Huffman Lang C. Martin, Jr. Johnny Emmett Ralls James Sidney Bissett Arthur Harvey Hunke William Lynn Mathes William Courtney Robin on Bernard Edward Breihan Ettore H.F. Infante Donald Allan Maxwell Samuel Ira Ros on Charles Ernest Bridwell James Don Johnston William M . McCandless John W. Sauer Felton Don Brooks Herrell Glyn Jordan Charles Howard McCann Elgene Campbell Spencer B. R. Cooper Rufus Jack Justilian Hugh Roth Lee McGaw Michael Asa Stone David Joe Cowan Frank Roderick Keith William T. McKissock, Jr. Carl Jackson Swift Clay Hamilton Cox Gerald Simmons Kirby Leslie Crane Merrem, Jr. George Robert Thurmond David Benton Dibrell Charles Henry Kosub Michael Lee Molak Everette Lanier Tucker, Jr. Robert Lee Fleming James Lowell Kuester Jergen Edward Olson Lucien Barton Ulmer George Richard Fulton, Jr. Gary Lynn Leach John Duncan Osburn Louis Viramountes Travis Oral Watson Fro11t Row: Keith. Tucker Akin. :;uond /low: Johnston, infante. PAGE 490 SPHINX CLUB Front Row: Duson, NyfeJer, Ratliff, Englert, Bowen, Kermacy. Second Row: Wells, W. Martin, Cape, Clement, Ferguson, Caragonne, McBride, Fondreni Haywood. Third Row: Aldeen, Carswell, Bolton. Hendricks, Yarbrough, H. Martin, Morgan, Pine. obinson The purpose of SPHINX CLUB is to be of service to the School of Archi­tecture, to promote fellowship among the students, to encourage scholarship and in­terest in the profession of architecture. 'Orel mond 1er,]r. OFFICERS Fall Spring JAMES EDWIN RATLIFF President JAMES EDWIN RATLIFF GEORGE PHILIP ENGLERT, JR. Vice-President GEORGE PHILIP ENGLERT, JR. CHARLES RICE MORGAN Secretary CHARLES RICE MoRGAK WALTER WEBB D usoN Treasurer . WALTER WEBB DusoN JOHN VERNON NYFELER R eporter JOHN VERNON NYFELER JAMES LEE HENDRICKS Sergeant-at-Arms JAMES L EE H ENDRICKS MARTIN S . KERMACY Facuity Sponsor MARTIN S. K ERl\IACY MEMBERS Lennart George Aldeen Nore ell Dah Haywood Raymond Ralph Bolton James Lee Hendricks A very W. Bowen Howard A. Martin, Jr. George William Cape William Joseph Martin Alex Caragonne James Albertus McBride Kenneth M. Car well Charle Rice Morgan Jerry L. Clement John Vernon Nyfeler Walter Webb Duson Clifton Pine George Philip Englert, Jr. James Edwin Ratliff James Arville Ferguson .Jerry Alan Wells Bobby Lee Fondren orman Parker Yarbrough PAGE 491 SOUTHWESTERN ROCKET SOCIETY The Southwestern Rocket Society, a nationally known organization, was founded in 1955 for the purpose of studying and applying theory and practice in the field of rocket design. Fall ETTORE H. F . INFANTE FREDERICK LoNEIL BECKNER LEROY HENRY BECKER . JOHNNY JAMES SWOBODA Jo ANNE HAMILTON Jo ANN T uRPIN ARTHUR HARVEY H U NKE E UGENE ARMAND RIPPERGER OFFICERS Director of R esearch . Special A ssistant for Research A ssistant for Electronics Assistant for Design President Secretary Treasurer . Faculty Sponsor HONORARY MEMBERS Spring ETTORE H. F. INFANTE FREDERICK LoNEIL BECKNER LEROY HENRY BECKER J oH NY JAMES SwoBODA Jo ANNE HAMILTON J o AN TuRPIN ARTHUR HARVEY HUNKE EUGENE ARMAND RIPPERGER Billy Howard Amstead Kenneth Charles Rathbun James E. Boggs Leroy Henry Becker Frederick Loneil Beckner Phillip M. Clayton William Lee Cox McLowery Elrod Robert Vernon Frampton Rebecca Fuentes Jo Anne Hamilton Sherman Wolfe Hart MEMBERS Richard Lionel Hill Richard Chandler Hodgkins Arthur Harvey Hunke Ettore H. F. Infante Michael Sylvester Keene James Stanton Leonard Dorothy Ann Livingston Carl James Lovett Travis Alan Moebes Rufus Andrew icholson, III Hubert S. Ratliff Charles Glenn Richie William Hart R ussell Jerry Deane Shrimpton Brian McGarvey Spinks Johnny James Swoboda Guy Thomas Taylor Jo Ann Turpin SRS Rocket Launching, December, 1957, in Beeville, Texas. Fron/ Row: Livingston, 1Turpin, Fucnces, Hamilton. Altitude: 10,400 Feet. uor1d Row: Swoboda, Elrod, Infante, Clayton, pinks. STUDENT CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION Frolll R ow: Morrow, Dawson, Wright, Williams, C. Adams, Oakes. Second Row: McBride, Hamilton, Aue, Holman, Prentice, Price, Peck1 Henderson. Third Row: Esquivel, Maxwell, Beall, Jordan, Kent, Pinson, Gregg. The purpose of the STUDENT CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION is to build a fellowship of stu­dents devoted to the task of realizing in our common life those ideals of personal and social living to which we are committed by our faith as Christians. In this endeavor we seek to understand Jesus, to share His love of all people, and to grow in the knowledge and love of God. YMCA CHARLES REB GREGG TERRY McCALL . JOSEPH H. PECK J AMES ARCHER PRENTICE . FRANK L. WRIGHT H. REN KENT M en-Women R elations Public R elations Ecumenical Council . Special Events Study Groups Race R elations Freshman Program Public R elations . University R eligious Council Noon Program R ecreation . World R elatedness Campus Affairs R ace R elations Special Events R ecreation Community Service Campus Affairs Worship OFFICERS President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer YMCA Executive Secretar'y Associate Secretary CABINET YWCA PATRICIA ANN MORROW JOYCE ANNE H ENDERSON NANCY NORWOOD PINSON SARAH E uGENIA R usH ROSALIE OAKES H. REN KENT CHRISTIE ANN ADAMS STANLEY EDWARD ADAMS BETTY ANN A UE JoHN GILLESPIE BEALL DOROTHY DAWSON SANDRA ESQUIVEL RAY A. GIPSON SANDRA JEAN HAMILTOI\" JANE BIRDWELL H ENDERSON BRENT LLEWELLYN HICKMAN J ULIE LANDRUM H OLMAN SHANNON HOWARD DARRELL EDDY JORDAN CHARLES ALLEN LINGO, JR. SALLy KAy MAXWELL ERN EST WINDROW M cBRIDE GINNIE L EE PRICE GLENN ALFRED ROGERS SuE RossoN J ULIA Q UAY WILLIAMS PAGE 493 Fall RAY F ULTON ATKINS VICTOR LOZANO, JR. VERDA HERRINGTON AMY J EAN CLENNEY BASSOONS Karen Elizabeth Johnston Alma Diana Perez CLA RINETS Ramon Aguilar, III Steve Andrade Benavides Eugene Allan Calvert Harry Castellano Moises Joseph Chapa Linda Gayle Dyess Edith Jane Garner Walter Lewis Geyer Amy Jean Clenney Kermit Wayne Harvel Margaret Mary Kosh Charles William Nix Ruby Lois Petrusek Michael Donald Williams FLUTES Ann Denman Eileen Bowie George Roy James Irvine John Robert King, Jr. David Lee Pennington DaYid Benedict Reck PICCOLO DaYid Lee Pennington OBOE Louann Kahler SYMPHONIC BAND OFFICERS President Vice-President Secretary-Treasurer R eporter-Historian . BASS CLARINET Lea Marye Horstmann Gary Kenneth Raymer SAXOPHONES James Edwin Bridges Morris L. Goolsby, Jr. William Harvey Morgan Ellen Clayrene Reed Susie Louise Thomas TRUMPETS Jared Duane Bowen Robert Estill Foster Tony Hernandez Verda H errington Michael Frank Koehl Elpidio P. Lizcano Victor Lozano, Jr. Donald Louis Michel, Jr. Orin Arthur Newman Eddie Wayne Pace Clyde Washington Reynolds Herbert L. Richter Thalia Karleen Roberts Henry James Schraub FRENCH HORNS Edward Ridley Birdwell Robert Stanford Brasfield John Edward Fraser Mary Jane Strauch Gilbert Richard Thayer Bobby Benjamin Wade Spring VICTOR LOZA o, JR. VERDA H ERRINGTO AMY JEA GLEN EY TROMBONES Daniel Fox Roland Carroll Jordan James Francis Mabry, III David Otis Mills Teny Allen Rose Morton M. Stine BARITONES Fred Dayton Behringer Robert C. Botello, Jr. James Milton Bruner Charles Henry Washington TUBAS Joe Le oir Hanson Roberto Romo David Walter Sloan PER CUSSION Carlos Orlando Canales \'\ alter Budge Mab1y William Hornby Pilgreen Betty Frances teele Barbara Ann White J'Aa£ 494 TEJAS CLUB Top Row: Adams, Anderson, Bacon, Barnett, Boone, Bradshaw, Bravenec, Brown, Camfield. Second R ow: Cisneros, _Clark, Cleaves, Foerster! Good, Harrison, Haynes, Hill, Kendrick, Long. Third Row: Martin, McClendon, McLain, Mil er, Mims, Moorman, Olson, Perry, Ratliff, Robertson. The TEJAS CLUB was organized for the purpose of promoting good fellowship and scholar­ship. Membership is extended by unanimous vote of the members. OFFICERS Fall Spring FRAN K E uGENE M cLAIN President . FRANK E uGENE McLA1 SAM E . M CCLENDON . Vice-President SAM E. MCCLENDON WILLIAM f\RCH H ARRISON, JR. . Secretary . \t\IJLLIAM ARCH HARRISON, JR. WILLIAM D EAKYNE B ACON . Business Manager . WILLIAM DEAK\' E BACON Jo HN N OBLE M ELVIN . H istorian . JOHN NOBLE MELVIN FRANK E DWIN H ARVICK, JR. Editor of the "Trails" . FRANK EDWIN HAR\'JCK, JR. orman William Adams Fred Graydon Anderson William Deakyne Bacon Calvin L. Baker Robert David Barnett Jackie Ben Boone Ben S. Bradshaw Lorence Larry Bravenec William M. Brenner Raymond Ralph Brown Thomas M. Camfield George William Cape Gary Therman Cheatham Alphonso Augusto Cisnero Harley R. Clark Wilbur Ratliff Cleaves Eugene B. Doughtie, Jr. George F. Foerster Robert Earl Good William Arch Harrison, Jr. Frank Edwin Harvick, Jr. Terry Kay Haynes Edward Robertson Hewlett Dexter Hill MEMBERS David Andrew Kendrick Ronald Vincent Larson Walter Russell Long, Jr. Roy Milton Lyon William .Joseph Martin Paul Justin McBroom Sam E. McClendon Albert Vernon McGraw Frank Eugene McLain Walter Hendrick Mc ew John oble Melvin Luther B. Miller Robert Elton Mims Charles Travis Moorman James Merrill eel John Vernon yfelcr Karl Edwin Olson Kirby William Perry James Edwin Ratliff Michael Dean Reifel Robert el on Robertson Marvin Alden Rogers Jimmy L. Ross James A. Schell Robert Wallace Tobin PAGE 495 TEXAS SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS The purpose of the Texas Society of Professional Engineers 1s to repre ent all the members of engineering societies, regardless of branch. OFFICERS Fall E TTORE H . F. I NFANTE President GEORGE ARCHIE H ELLAND . Vice-President BILLY R AY UPCHURCH Recording Secretary JAMES MILTON ABERNATHEY Corresponding Secy. RICHARD LIONEL HILL . Treasurer FRANK WELDON J ESSEN Faculty Sponsor PHIL Moss James Milton Abernathey Harold Eugene Andrews Billy Harold Balthrop Albert Jerry Balusek Tommy Eugene Barber Gilbert Monroe Earr Jack Ivan Barron James R ichard Broderick Larry T. Brooks Paul Milton Carraway Robert Scotland Clark Andrew J. Cleveland Maurice Wayne Cole, Jr. Forrest E. Coyle Donald Edward Crowhurst Billie Edwin Davis Philip Keith Davis Norman Clifford Dickerson Herman Joseph Dvoracek John Robert Edmiston Harold Eugene Faulkner Lawrence Aubrey Ferguson, J r. James Ronald Ferrill William Cook Fielder T azh Taylix Fonville Emil E. Friberg Ronald E. Gamble F ERGUSON Faculty Sponsor MEMBERS Lewis Benjamin Garrett Charles Vincent H arvey George Archie H elland Albert Otto Herbst John Edwin Hicks A. Jackson Hill Richard Lionel Hill Cleve J ames Hoecker Thomas E. Holt Weldon Lee Howard Ettore H. F. Infante Michael Kennedy Lake A. W. Landers John R. Larson William Turner Latham George Vernon Leslie Jesse William Lewellyn Clarence Robert Littlepage, Jr. Edward McLean Loggins, Jr. Ah-Fook Long Richard Lincoln Madison Marion Marshall Mann Wilmer M. Martsching Charles Ellis McCullough Richard Allen Mohun Charles Travis Moorman James Philip Morrow Spring E TTORE H. F. I FA TE G EORGE ARCHIE HELLAND BrLLY RAY UPCHURCH JAMES MILTON ABERNATHEY RICHARD LIONEL HILL FRA K WELDON JEs E PHIL Moss F ERG so Edward E. Moss Thoman E. Nelson Lloyd Durman Oldham Loman Thornal Park Phillip Sherwood Paul, Jr. Seymour Proskowitz Clarence Robert Pruitt J. Dwight Pugh Cecil Hugh Ramage Morris C. Reinhardt Ross D. Roberts H arry C. Sampsell Horace Alton Sampson J erry C. Schnepp Robert Rudolph Schwab David Paul Smith Gene L. John James Swoboda James Winfrey T eague Willis Patrick Terry, Jr. Billy Ray Upchurch John H. Watts Carl C. Williamson James Edward Wilson Winston Wellington Winn Robert W. Wright Johnnie E. Zimmerhanze Herbert Gerald Zinsmeyer UNIVERSITY RELIGIOUS COUNCIL [E .i.t~o :H RNATHET !.L SEN lX Front Row: Robert Louis Storer, Mary Margaret Stallings, Katherine Anna Schmidt, F. Eloise Newberry, Charlene Norma Shifrin. Second Row: Mary Ann Moroney, Anne Price, Nancy Marilyn Price, Nancy Lou Brooks, Frank Wright. Third Row: Bill Linder, Judy Kay Danneberg, Jane Birdwell Henderson, Paul Joseph Willcott, Roger Terry Shapiro, John Willis Hargis. The purpose of the University Religious Council is to coordinate the act1v1t1es of the student Religious Organizations; to provide a community between the differ­ent organizations; and to study and take action upon the religious need of the Uni­ versity campus. OFFICERS President . JANE BIRDWELL HENDERSO;-\ Vice-President JOHN WILLIS HARGIS Secretary-Treasurer KATHERINE ANNA SCHMIDT Members-at-large CHARLENE NORMA SHIFRIN PAUL JosEPH WILLCOTT MEMBERS Baptist Student Union Canterbury Club Christian Science Organization Disciples Student Fellowship Hillel Latter Day Saints Club Lutheran Student Association Newman Club Student Christian Association Wesley Foundation Westminster Student Fellowship PAGE 497 MEN'S INDEPENDENT CAMPUS ASSOCIATION The purpose is to prO\·ide the independent man student a full social program, a chance to participate in intramurals, and to represent the independent tudent in campus affairs. President First Vice-President . Second Vice-President Secretar)1 Treasurer I ntramural Manager Social Chairman Service Chairman Newspaper Editor Communications Councilman-at-large Councilman-at-large Councilman-at-large Advisor. Advisor . OFFICERS FRED '"'AYNE BLACKWELL JAMES DouGLA PFLUGER JoE FREDERICK B u RKE EDWARD FRA CIS B URKE FRA K MICHAEL COLBY JAMES LoRANZO Lr ' KER DAVTD RAY JACKSON EDwARD PENROSE HrcKs RICHARDSO JOHN WARWICK LEE PAUL FRANKLIN LONG WILLIAM MENEFEE WILCOX, JR. E\·A DALE BINTNER JoHN LOFTIN CoNLO ROLL!~ ALBERT SININGER JoE MALIK, JR. WOMEN'S INDEPENDENT CAMPUS ASSOCIATION President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Intramural Afanaoer Social Chairman Communications Communications Membership Chairman Food Chairman Social Project Chairman OFFICERS ANNE PRICE K ERSTIN HILDEGARDE EKFELT PATRICIA A. QuEBE ADA PIERSON :.\fAR ' Y t:SAN ELIZABETH O"BRIEN BERE ICE GRA NELL K OHLER PATRICIA LEE STEPHEN OK LEE ANN MICHALSKE LINDA t:SA HAVER ::'viARY CATHARINE PRUESSKER MARY PATRICIA EDGAR PAGE 499 WESLEY FOUNDATION The purpose of the Wesley Foundation seeks through organized fellowship to minister to the spiritual, moral and social needs of students, particularly Methodist students. CABINET Chairman KIRBY WILLIAM PERRY I · ice-Chairman MALCOLM GE E CATTER Secretary B ETTY JOAN WEIDE Treasurer DAVID \VARNER Director of the M ethodist Student Center. ROBERT EDGAR LEDBETTER Director of the M ethodist Student Foundation REVEREND MORRIS HARVEY BRATTON Assistant Director DARLENE BRUCKS CABINET MEMBERS Clellen Jahart Anderson Dexter Hill Robert Earl Good Helen Carol Jones Frances Haberlin Robert James Peden John Willis Hargis Raymond Max Slaughter David Wendell Washington PAO£ 500 . .., y, ,~v· ·;. ('! ;., .. ,..,, ...! •' 1~\lt••':.'•-''"• ·( '. :......... . ' .. ~ 1958 MILITARY P AGE 501 ARMY R.O.T.C. 2ND BATTLE GROUP STAFF ront Row: Everette Lanier Tucker, Jr., Carolyn Durelte Shane. uond R ow: Hugh Roth Lee McGaw, Mason Cooper Brown, Felton Don Brooks, Donald Joe Pundt. fiird Row: Carl Jackson Swift, Thomas Michael Quigley, William Maurice McCandless. BRIGADE STAFF Front Row: Frank Roderick Keith, Lynda Haire. Second R ow: Francis Marion Thomas, Webb McCann Sowden, Jr., James Milton Huffman, James Robert Millar, Jimmy Delman 1Thornton, Robert Foster Loughridge. Third R ow: Ivon Lee, Mark S. Smith, John W. Sauer, Raymond David Gay, George Edmund Batchler. 4TH BATTLE GROUP STAFF ront R ow: Harold David Krick, Betty Carolyn Read. tcond Row: Patrick Samuel Kaufman. Seinwil Louis Greenberg, John Russell Butler. hird R ow: John Oge Flannery, Edward C. Kirby. ARMY COMPANY Insert: Josephine G. FIRST PLATOO Front Row: Jan S. Roush, Dan R. Lambden, Dan Tijerina Casiast. Warren Linton Collins, Jr., Jim Alan Babcock, Robert Miller Dickson, Glenn Franklin Barker, James Stanley Hissett, James Don Johnston. Second Row: Jergen Edward Olson, Floyd Richard Drake, Robert William Swango, Rufus Jack Justilian, RogerAlan Kerbow, Johnny Emmett Ralls, Oscar Herrera Marunez, Clay Hamilton Cox. Third R ow: Robert W. Spencer, Jr., Robert Leonard Lytton, Campbell Houston Gillespie, Wilfred Hilmar Schal­ COMPANY ther, William Grey Savage, Wilham Lyman Davis, William Lynn Mathes. FIRST PLATOON Front R ow: Jan Cloe Acrea, Bobby Jean Pipkin, James Roger Martin, Gerald Glynn Crutsinger, Edwin Lee Goff, Jr., Roy Maxwell Alvis, Walter Flynn Buell, William Ezra Childers, Jr., Travis Oral Watson. Second Row: Bobbie Lee Hasert, Vance LaNoal Castlebe~, George Robert Thurmond, Donald Wyatt Beard, Waldo James Bither, Sam Ira Rosson, Jr., Sidney Conrad V. eiss. Third Row: Charles Clark Wilmeth, Charles Henry Kosub, Michael Asa Stone, Herrell Glyn Jordan, William Thompson McKissock, Jr., John Lytle 'fom, John Duncan Osburn, Robert Allan Biggs, William James COMPANY McCroskey, William Ambrose Biggs. lnsat: Mary Moore. FIRST PL>\TOON Front R nw: j ohn Ed~ar Chapoton. Raymond Mendez, Jr., James Walter McFarland, James Carroll Herring, Walter Gustav Giesecke, Reuben Israel Doner, Henry Wilkin.on Flagg, Kenneth Wayne Heathington, Fred y Milton Gerson, Herbert Oscar McElveen, Amando Garia, Jr. Second Row: Andre Bouchard, Guy Crain Fambrough, George Douglas Duwe, Frank Le ter Levy, John William Copeland, Fred Joseph Harper, Bobby Dwayne Almand, Stephen lrl Kaiser, Jerry Lester Tira._ Third Row: Wayne Wilson Clements Arnold Erich Krause, Anthony Girard Lozane, Sammy Jay Caliva, Jay Jules Karkowsky, Richard Alden Gatlin, Jack Earl Ferrell, Freddie Sherman Harkary. A R.O.T.C. Front Row: James Sidney Bissell. Stuart Deric Kershner, Carroll Wayne Merlick Elgene Campbell Spencer, Ralph Semmes Jackson, George Richard Fulton, Mason Edward Collins. ' B Suo11d Ro:t•: William Mitchel Evans, James Lowell Kuester, Gary Lloyd Dowis, Johnny Mack Spears, James Albert Troller, Joe Kelton Wells, Jr., Scott Petty, Jr. Third R ow: William Courtney Robinson, Jon Paul Arledge, Joseph Wayne Roberts, Robert Clarkson Waggener, William Robinson O'Hair, Jerry Kenneth Treybig, Gary Lynn Leach. Front R ow: Perry Joseph Lyons, Arthur Harvey Hunke, Don Larry Talbert, Charles Howard i\icCann, Darrell David Wilson, Nick Vratis, Herschel Lee French, David Joe Cowan. Seco nd R ow: Frank M. Dannenbaum, Henry Austin Armstrong, Ivan Ellis Brown, Edgar Eugene Bailey, Jr., Earl Jerome Heckman, James Andrew Stevens, Charles William Grissen. c Third Row: Joe William Bain, Bythel Kelly Cooper, David Benton Dibrell, Herbert Wolfe Wizig, Bill Doane Young, Clarence Jack Carter, Richard Lynn McDaniel. ARMY COMPANY Insert: Marian Etheridge Knox. FIRST PLATOON Front Row: Otis Don Chapoton, Edwin Roger Wright, Joseph James Williams, Frederick Charles Matthews, Charles Marlin Leake, Roy Grant Marvin, Jr., Patrick Stephens Lutts, Jerry Franklin Priddy, Burton Lee Rakoover, Walter Bernard Hendrick. Seco11d Row: Ben Addison Donnell, John David Baird, Jerry A. Wells, John Harris Robertson,. Larry Joseph Sachnowitz, Ronny Norman Schoenbrun , Thomas Carl Sonnenberg, Arthur Guy Lochridge, Yatrick Thomas Shields. Third Row: Donald Paul Mafrige, Pearson Grimes, James Lee Young, Anthony M. Truchard, Thomas Jackson Risinger. Kyle Winston Sherrill, Harold Paley Laves, Mark Magee, Tom John Weigel, Jr., Joseph H. Peck. FIR T PLATOON Front Row: Duane Noble Smith, Nanci Sue Mye~Walter Winn Durham, Dec Robert Brown, George Benjamin Bro\\n, Carroll Gene Erwin, Robert Lester 1 Griffis, Paul McCaughy Hagans, Jamos Leslie vvells. Second Row: Granville Emil Ott, Jack Stuart Roberts, Jr., Edward A. Cowan, Richard Leedom Nelson, ll, Leslie oel Windlam, James Monroe Kruse, Harris Duncan Husted. Third Row: Jeff Austin, Jr., Bobby Lee Verplank, Charles Kennard Lindley, Raul Gutierrez, Jr., Jerry Lee Hughe , William Wayne Harri , Fred Clinton Hedges. y D R.O.T.C. SECOND PLATOO E SECO D PLATOO Front R ow: Terrence Fair Wood;.. James Robert Elliott,, Peyton Lambeth Townsend, Gerald Lee Sewell, Ronny Wayde Nicholas, P. D. Greer, Jr., Robert Scotland Clark, vene A. Holmgreen, JOe Neil •Tillery. Seco11d R ow: Larmon Joe Maddox, George William Swain, Ill, Carter Benjamin Kelly, Travis Gene Ansley, Les Mendelsohn, Herman F Ringler, Larry Keith Spencer, Luke C. Fisher, Jr. Third Row: Wilham Arthur Crockett, Robert Gist Knuep, Donald Humphrey Poole, Rees Robertson Oliver, II, Sammy Dee Sims, John( Randle Taylor, Joe Edward Stoeltje, Dwight Franklin Henderson. SECOND PLAT001 Front R ow: David Hartwell Kuester, Joe Dell Winter, David Otto Nilsson, Hugh Moss Wr·ight, Roy Brien Varnado, Jay Francis Thielen, Victor Brenard Jaeggli, Giles Hayes Madray, Thomas Gene Roberts, Ronald Mitchell Katz. Second R ow: J. Gilbert Luke, James William O'Dowd, Gilbert Matison Wyrick, Donald Eugene Roper, Phillip David Stotland, Jerry DoyleTacker, Don Keith Meier Lawrence Edward Steinberg.Third R ow: James Charles Hugh Hoge, Gerald Royce Lewis, Laurence Eugene Linden, Kenneth Hailey Wax, Ben Paul Tanksley, Clarence Leon Callaway, William Ale-, Thermon Ray Crocker, Kobert Henry Schmidt. ' Fourth Row: Richard Glenn Looney, Logan Dale Pillow, Eldridge Bob Roberson, Fredrick Dean Hallman, Charles Hubert Petri, Thomas Folts Womack, James Howard Bell, Joe Allen Mauldin, Jackson Lee McDaniel Daniel Stratton Gwinner, Mark Ellison Williams. Wyatt Hudson McGee. Fifth Row: Harrell Clark Baum, John Joseph Robbins, Charles Joseph Moritz, Otto Henry Ludwig, Hugh Gibbs Mood1 Dan C. West, Weldon Woolf Hammond, Robert Charles Edwards, William Holmes Bourke, Royce Linton Cutler, John Raymond Jones, Frank Mills Sballene, Ronald Lynn Woodfin. FRESHMEN l'ront Row: Phil Lloyd Shoop, Andrew Williams Bacholen, Richard Barry Bermont, John Blake Crosby, Jr., David Kiker Hughes, Jo pb Hudi;c;ns Dominey, W le Pollard Saylors, Harold Eicnenbaum, Jr., Wilford Dale McCann, John Thomas Dorbandt, David Frazier Cloud, James Elery Holland, Jack narold Dennis, hon Orville Moore, Jr. . Second R ow: Mar.hall Elliott Benjamin, Roy Eugene Miller, Robert Marion Moore, William Eugene Joor, Ill, Logan Dale Pillow. Jr., Walter Thannisch, 1Il1 Kirk William Weinert, Russell Jones Henry, Jerry Carlton Price, William Jerome Johnson, Fredrick Dean Hallman, Robin Paul Stagg, tevcn Mosby Porter, Robert •Vallar Looney. . Third Row: Benjamin Griffin Hammond, Larry Allan Fulbright{ Yale Hicks Ferguson, Dan C. West, Michael Scott Frr, Joe Dodson Clayton, James William Spaldmg, David Robert Bommer, Robert Henry Schmidt, Raymond Car ton Smitbh Jacks<>n Lee McDaniel, eiland Haskell Fam, Don Luther parks, Thermon Ray Crocker. Fourth R ow: Norman Pierce Hardr, Daniel Thomas Pape, Robert Joseph T ompson, George Edward Zacek, Eldrige Bob Robenon Daniel tratton Gwinnc;1• Frank Mills Shallrne, Robert O'Brien Johnson, William Holmes Bourke, George Halley Scheer, Kenneth ·Thompson Welch, Charles Hu6ert Petri, Thomas Folts Womack, Mack Harrell Harris. Fifth R ow: Harr•ll Clark Baum, Ronald Lynn Woodfin, amucl Sidney White, Hugh Gibbs Mood, John Joseph Robbins, Otto Henry Ludwig, Charle Joseph Moritz, John Scoggins Hollyfield, John Raymond Jones. SOPHOMORES Front Row: Sidney H . Smith, III, Grant Leroy Bigelow, Robert Ra)'mond Randolph, Richard Maurice Moor~1 Jr., Alfred Flores Cazares, Ronald Gene Woods, Clinton Blain Thompson, Everett Franklin Collins, Jr., Bill Horton McNall, Robert Charles Reinarz, Weldon Lynn Kennedy. Second Row: Bailey Lovin Guess, Charles Neal McKinney, Royce Herman HallWJr., Thomas Richard Clower, Michael James Clifford, Larry Don Knippa, Billy George Ekrut, John Henry Herber, Carleton Edward Anderson, Eugene Beck Seale, illiam Kendall Adam. Third Row: David Crockett Lee, James Benjamin Hall, Mark Ellison Williams, Allan Louis Drewa, Richard Glenn Looney, Harvey Keith Fahrenthold, Charles McKinley Smith, William Childs Lipscomb, Charles Wesley Orr, David Caldwell, Thomas Phillips Field, James Lacy Pierce. Fourth Row: John Clifton Cooper, George Durden Gibbs, Joseph E. C. Martin, Joe Allen Maudin, Benjamin Clyde Barker, Ronald Jack Finger, Clarence Edwin Mayer, Roi.rt David Lee Buchanan, Jr. , Chris Nelson, 1111 Rex Glenn Roberts, Lawrence Allen Mann. Fifth Row: Eugene Thomas Beynon, Jr., James Thomas Gibbons, Thomas Rush Mast, James Howard Bell, Joseph Edward Tepera, Frederick Warren Middleton, Wyatt Hudson McGee, Kenneth Dean Kiesling, John Eugene Senterfitt, Jon Edwin Ferguson, Richard V. Parish, John Rentz Doggell, Ill. Row: Lawrence Ray Green, Paul Edward Stallings, Richard C. Jennings, Howard Leslie Atkins, John C. Sargent, Robert Charles Edwards, Charles Leach Gilbreath, Charles Edward White, Roger Caldwell Henderson, Bruce Wade Nelson, Donald Keith Barrington. JUNIORS Front Row: Robert Alexander Carnes, Samuel Robert Cummings, III Royce Linton Cutler, James Terry Topham, Bill Lee Liggin, Fredric Mitchell Silver, William Frederick Hettler, Jr., Donald Lee Linker, George Raphael Rogers, ltonald Eugene Eddy, Albert Julius Toole. . . Second Row: Don Jay Pichinson, Joser.h Walter Harrison, Jr., Richard Earl Holloway, Robert Nelson Shelby, James Kenneth Alfred, Charles Ray Akin, Jr., Beniamm Eugene Jackson, William Edgar Mil er, III, Bob Edward Lively, Walter Webb Duson, Darrell Etheldred 1Tarver, Sterlmg Norman Sorrell. Third Row: Richard Thurman Buffier, Bobby Dave Lain Ralph Waldrom Dau, James Irvine Perkii:is1 Jr., Norman Everett Long, Ben Allen Meharg, Fred Ligarde, Joseph Chris Makeever, Weldon Wool! Hammond, William Carlisle LaRowe, John Robert Stockwell, R1cnard Allen Mohun. PAGE 513 Seco11d R ow: Hall Street Hammond, Larry Lee Lloyd, Maurice Wayne Cole, Jr., J.ohn Paul Leslie, Brady Marshall Cole. Third R ow: Melvin Lynn Roloff, Frank Clifford Green, Henry Richards Elmer, Wilbur Horace Greenstreet, Jr., Thomas Edward Seekatz. Fourth R ow: Charles Andrews Haynes, Richard Thurman Buffler, Buford Preston Berry, Jr. SENIORS BAKER COMPANY SENIORS BUCCANEER STAFF Front Row: Robert Alexander Second Row: Royce Linton Cutler, Hugh Pat Pate, George Raphael Rogers. Front Row: Karrell John Johnson, Jill McMurry, Joe David Borja. David Weldon Trekell, Travis Duane Franklin, Robert Eldon Harris, Charles Albert Smith. Second Row: David Lynn McLaughlin, Henry Louis JamesGeor_!!'e Edward Zacek, Michael Donald Williams, Eugene Allan Calvert, Leon Laforest Holland, Arthur 1 'oble Chester, Almond Jasper Hays, Gilbert John Wiloeck, James Edward Freeman, David Lee Crittenden, Charles Ritchie Kuhn. Third Row: David Livingston White, William J. Doughty, Cleve Edward Moten, Charles Burnett Wood, Carl Dean Howard, Joseph Earl Zeigler, Jr., Ronald Lee Arthur Beverly, James Thomas Ivy, Garald Eugene Munger, Jr., Charles Lee Michulka, Walter Joe Duncan, Frank Thomas Rackley. Fourth Row: John Charles Wendell Milner, James Jerral Taylor,.Roberto Mireles Salinas, Robert Sw~nn Silvey, III, Robert Clar Pratka, John William Leonard, Sherman Allan Ross, Charles Henry Washington, James Milton Bruner, Alvin John Kay, Donald Eugene Taylor, Jerry Car ton Price. :--'eiland Haskell Fain. DEPARTMENT OF AIR SCIENCE Professor of Air Science, SPRING The Air Force Reserve Officers' Training Corps program was established at The Univer ity of Texas in July, 1947. This program, offered by the Department of Air Science, is designed to select and prepare university students to serve their country as Commissioned Officers in the ir Force. Air Science cadets are given orientation flights in military aircraft in addition to excellent training in leadership and Air Science. Attendance at a Summer Training Unit enables them to e · perience living and learning on an Air Force base. When called to active duty AFROT gradual become pilots, navigators, or technician in their specialized field of study. Front R ow: Dennis Joseph O 'Brien, Sharon Louise Henson. Second Row: Dennis Gordon Pace, Walter a Saunders, Jamca Arthur Loynd, Robert Sterling Farmer. Third R ow: Harvey Henry Diemer, Jerry Mac Trim, Paul Duaine Hope, Richard Alan Shropshire. Fourth R ow: Donald B. Guillett, Charles Edward Botefuhr, Monte Patrick William . PAGE 516 GROUP ONE STAFF GROUP TWO STAFF Front Row: George Danjel Matzke, Eloise Annette Tate. Second Row: Robert Leyton Gunn, Bobby Louis Cummings. FRESHMAN LEADERSHIP LABORATORY INSTRUCTORS Front Row: Joseph Holt Foster, Ronald Vincent Larson, Maurice John Lehmann, Charles Albert Smith, David Weldon Trekell, James Robert :\iebuhr, Jay Bradford Rea, John Wheaton Clark. Second Row: .Ted Maynard Watson, Jack Dale Polson, \.Yilliam Max Jennings, Carlos Robert Heina, Kenneth Lee Cochrum, Horace Dodson Carmichad, John Lo"eH Carrick. PAGE 517 AIR FORCE R.O.T.C. or FLIGHT A Front Row: Donald Thomas Ward, Patricia Ann Parker, James Lipscomb Ballard, William Thomas Bruce, David Trippe Garza, John Burks Eastwood, Hal egrest Hudson, Jo Anne Hamilton. Second Row: Phillip Robert Zeeck, William Edward Brock, Donald Ray Dacon, James Rodney Thomas, Wilber Ray Seidel, Collier Hodge Pate, Phillip Winston Handley. Third R ow: Minor Lovis Helm, Jr., Jerry Edwin Smithi Herbert William Dodson, James John O'Grady, Jr., Anthony Joseph Wzontek, Jeremy Michael Gay, Michael Edwin Peinemann, Gadmus Kilgore Lawson, I. Front Row: Henry David Chris1ian, Carlene Johnson, Richard Charles Schulte, Fred Rohner Bruss, Michael Gilbert Herndon, Jerry Mill Smith, Robert Harold Smith, Clarence Wayne Harrison. Second Row: Robert Alan Hunt, John Curzon Cooke, Donald Charles Krause, Larry Leon Womble, Charles McDonald White, Richard Lee Beard, Ezekiel Robert Castro, Gary Floyd Olfuu. Third Row: Dudley Ward Roberts, John Robert Maddox, Walter Tom Hen on, Barr McClellan, Harry Lee doms, Jr., Ernest Elmo traley, Jr., Jo eph thell Batto, Charles Lester McClellan. Front R ow: Thomas Leslie Pritchett, Ralph Douglas O'Dell, James Randall West, Larry Dale Lewis, Leo Anthony Rizzuto, Gregory Alan Carter, Louis Irvin Schneider. Second R ow: Scott William Forney, William Thomas Palmer, Dwight James Gracey, David Charles Porter, John Phelps Branch. Third R ow: Edward Russell Lindsay, James Andrew Stone, Lewi Spears Cosper, William Edward Matthews, Charles Murray Miles, Jerome Michael Kutacb. Front Row: David Evan Griffiths, Tommy Wayne Pope, Clarence Norbert Schwab, Walter Nelson Barnes, Wayne Scott Emrich, Louis Guerrero, Wcnceslaus Fred Beyer. Second Row: Bruce Warner Carpenter, Kathleen Anne ~iacKcnna, john Alden Knapp, James Scott Long, Samuel Bruner Horton, Floyd Dennis Herndon, George Robert Stewart. Third Row: Robert William Jorrie, Don Curtis Russell, Jerry Allen Muennink, John Cal Birdsall, Alvin 1\-lichacl ;Jloom, Clark Stanley McCarty, William Kindred Stephenson. f( AIR FORCE R.O.T.C. SQUADRO Front Rott·: Lesler Barry Palmer, Teddie Jeannine Powell1 Rulh\'en Champion Tolbirt, John Elbert Dayton, Jr., Preston Tobis Bridgewater, Jerome Frank Kubala, Jr., Thomas Richard McGuire, Marion Don Hancock, Woodie Lannan Thompson. Second Row: John Tristani Sherwood, John Livingston Travis, David Trenton Killen, Daniel Jule Talley, Robert Fitzgerald, Shelly Lee Leffingwell, Anthony Ray Henry, Leslie Wayne Wickliffe, Malcolm Dade. Third Row: Silas Edward Southern, John David Baylor. Thomas Gentry Jeter, Russell Alan Quantock, George William Krebel, Allen Frank Musick, Allen Dewayne Tillman, Jesse Kubela Appling, Jimmie Rae McGregor. Ff SQUADRO Jereld Edward McQueen, Thomas Marcus Shellshear, John Harrison White, Jack Ralph Smotherman, Anthony Bedford, Joseph Brock, Stephen Gordon Oakley. Maier, Thomas Maurice Wilson, jack Dee Nolan, Jame Hudson Dudley. FLIGHT K Front Rou•: Stewart Leonard Da' i,, Ellita Wallace, Pettr Anhur Vena, Prentis Otis Hibler, Gerald Ellis Bennett, Charles Gary Rule, Donald Harris Gonzenbach. Srrn11 d Rnw: Eu~ene Franklin llronme, Roy Ed~ar Box, Jr.. Donald Charles Goertz, Robert Dean White, Philip Morri•. Ted Wooldridge, Ralph William Rodieck. Th ird Rott·: Johnny Wesley Tacke1t, Landon Wayne tewart, Carroll Wendell Lanier, Willie Manuel Wil. 307. 314 Anderson, James Daniel ......253. 456 Anderson, James Elliott .. . ..... .. 145 Anderson, James Lloyd .......BO 257 Anderson, James Powell ........ .'.153 Anderson, James Rieves ..BO. 263, 456 Andenon, Jerry A........ ..... .. BO Anderson, Jerry Lee II ..........470 Anderson, Jill Carroll ..... . .... ..237 Anderson, John Herbert .. . ...... . 158 Anderson. J ohn Turley ...........284 Anderson, Jon Joseph ......... . . 258 Anderson, Leonora G....... . 38. 143, 203. 219. 462 Anderson, Linda Sue ........114, 387 Anderson. Lowell Benno . . . . . .456 Anderson. Lynn Fosler ........... 145 Anderson. Madelon Elaine 38. 231. ~ Anderson, :\'elda Lucille . . . 80 Anderson. Paul Vincent ..........522 Anderson, Reece Brooks ..........305 Anderson, Robbin Colyer .... 152. 266 Anderson, Rober1 Eugene .. ......114 Anderson , Stanley Earl . . . BO , 152. 456 Anderson, William Davis ......... 98 Anderson, William Kent .........275 Anderson. William Reese .... . ....459 Andres. Charles Gene ............467 Andress. Alfonso Gerardo .........353 Andrews, Bolivar Coleman ...BO. 263 Andrews, Carl Eu~ene ...........269 Andrews. Donald Ed~ar ...... 160. 458 Andrews Dorm ..................383 Andrews. Gwendolyn Sue ....98. 217 Andrews, Harold Eu~ene . ....459, 496 Andrews. Harry Louis .......456. 476 Andrews. J ohn Cannon . ..........257 Andrews. Kenneth N.....98. 160, 365 Andrews. Thomas Marshall .. .....269 Angel. Charles A.. Jr...... ..291. 45'.i Angell. Richard James ....BO, 252. 253 Anisman. Melvin A..............279 Ankenman. Fred Xorman 98. 248. 249 Annfrersary, 75tli .. .6.16 Ansel. Patsy .....................352 Ansley, Lucious Edwin , Jr....305. 485 Ansley, Travis Gene ..........98. 507 Anspacher. Richard Bar1on ..... ..249 Anspacher. Thomas Edwin ......249 An1hony. William Domd., . 1 H. 256 Anlley. Major William E., Jr....164. 469, 510 Aniweil. Jarrell H.......... .. ....287 Apel. Karen Ann ................ 38 Apple. Bonnie Jane .. . ..382. 392. 470 Applebaum. Sara Adel . . . ....98. 133. 210. 211 Appleman. Geort{e ..... .. .. ..... .360 Appleman. R. Gordon ...80, 168. 287. 305. 360 Applin~. Jesse Kubela . . . ....... . 114 Arab Studt'l1ls' Associatiotr ...... .460 Arambula. Odilon .. 148. 376. 378, 476 Arbin~ast. Stanley A..... 155. 2N. 402 Arbuckle. Billy Travis ..... . . . .... 158 Arce. Alfredo F. . . . . . . . . . 476 Arellano, Oscar Sanche7 ......452. 484 Arick. Ann Elaine ..... . . , , . 311. 213 Arled((e. Jon Paul . . ... .... ..262, 490 Armistead. Billie Da\ant ........ .221 Armitstead, Paul T. . . ... 14'.i Arm,tron!l. Anha 38 .Vamt' Pagt?s Armstront{ , Ann Ellen .... . 166 Armstron~. Bob .. .. ........ . ..... 30 Armstron~. Dan Lewis. 111 . ..275 Armstron~. Gae Marie ..... . 144, 206, 207, 3h Armstrong, Henry Austin ..... .80, 505 Armsirong, Jame; Rober1 .....BO, 270 Arms1ron~. Louise Landis 162. 234, 473 ArmSlronl(. Martha Rebecca .. 114. 208 Arnu1ronl(. Richard R.......217. 458 Armstrong, Robert Landis .. 137. 168. 269, 364 Arms1rong, \Villiam Donald .. .. ..275 Al"mstron~. William H . .......... . 466 Arm)' ROTC ................502-509 Arnd1. William Erwin ........38, 459 Arnell. John Howard .. ... . . . 136. 150 Arnette, Jay Hoyland ....98. 157. 30_?, 320. 322. 334. 3:11> Arnelle, Joseph Hoyland .. ... 157. 159 Arne11e. Mary Ann ...........38. 175 Arney, Binford .................. 30 Arnhold. Thomas Duncan .. .. ... .271 Arno, Howard Michael .. 141 . 204. 272 Arnold Air Snciety ............... 167 Arnold, Carl Edward .. ..........506 Arnold. Hu~h Humphrie' ........456 Arnold. James Chesler, Jr...114. 300 Arnold, John Maurice ........... 39 Arnold. Lloyd Elvin, Jr. . ...... 271 Arnold . William Richard .......4'i9 Aronson, J errold David ...98. 246. 247. 505 Arlhur. J. B.....................48.1 Ar1hur. Mrs. J . B................372 Asaff. John Georl(e ..... ..........158 Asato. Sho1oku .. . .. . ... .. . .. .... BO Asbury, Larry Marshall ......... .291 Asfour. J ohn Elias .. ............. BO Ashbaul(h. Charles Ivan ..BO. 399. 474 Ashbaugh, Edward Ronald ....39. 293 Ashbel Literary Society ..........461 Ashburn. Mary Florence ..... 114. 222 Ashburne, Jim G . .... . .. 134. 13:i. 155 Ashby, Lynn Cox ........ ........378 Ashcraft, Belly Cole .........366. ~ Ashendorf. Harold Wesley ....39. 134. 167, 246, 247. 519 Ashley. Barbara Jean .... 114. 400. '.i22 Ashley. Sco11ie Hays. Jr . ...... 39. 489 Ashton. Joseph Benjamin ......... 152 Ashwor1h. Kenne1h Hayden .140, 145, 203 Askew, Huber! Carl .......... . ...2BO Askew, Jackie Thurman .......... l'.i7 Asoff. Mrs. John ................372 Assnriation for Childhood Education .. . ..................462 Aston. James Carroll ...... . ... . ..280 Asion. Weldon Roy ..............13'.i Aswad, Jamal ...............395. 460 Atchison. Carol Bryan . . . . . 98 A1chison. ·Thomas Andre" ..80. 390 A1herton. Henry Winfield .........271 Athlnirs ....303-346 Aikins. Bennie Ray . . . . . . .. ... ... 39 Atkins. Belly Lou ... 143. 462 Aikins. Howard Leslie ..........513 Atkins. Ray Fulton ...... 142, 204, 478 Atkins. Thomas Harold .. ... .... . 98 Atkinson. Carol Elaine ...80, 36'.i. 452 Atkinson. Herschell Lee .. .... 114. 326 A1kinson. Sallye Lou ..........98. 241 Atkinson. William Thomas ... 114. 244 ~:::~: ~~:';ii.M". .'.· '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.34'.Wl Auiyyah. Kamil Nassim ......... . 460 A1will. James H . .. ...... . 39. 273. 302 Atwood. Frances Evelyn . . 98. 203. 219 Aubrev. Tra\'is ... .............. . 395 Aue. Belly Ann ........ . 80. 163. 234. 235. 366. 493 Auld. Geor~e Erneo;,t . .. ...... .. . . 48.1 Auler. Mary Ann ............... . 233 Ault. S1anley Arch . ... .. ..... . ..269 Aurah. Abdul Latif .............. 34 Aus1in. ,lanai 1, . . . . ...98, 226 Austin. lane Sharon ............ . 234 Austin, Jeff, Jr. ............269. JOG Aus1in. John Adam' ............ . 114 Austin. Mary Bond ..... 114. 133. 203. 232. 365, 461 Aui;;1in. :\fichael F.van ........... . 136 Autrey, Ramon Thnmas. Jr ... 148. 377 A\ant. Svh-ia ..... . ..... , ..... . .. 39 A\'ery. Fred Harold .............. 114 Avila. Eusrolio Roc:lri~uez ....... . 114 Aa·ards .... . ......... . ...78. 201-204 Awon~. Roosevelt Cecil .. 141 . 204, 398 A<.!rad. A. Diane . . . . . . QR. 224 Axelrad. Samuel Donald ..98. 247. 366 Aye.-.. Sarah Jane ............39. 138 Ayle."or1h. Ann C ......... ......212 Aynesworth. Nancy ~fillimc ..236. 237 Ayoub. Farouk A. . .460 Ayres. Dorothy . . . . . . . .135. 220 Ayres. Gilberl Haven . . 152 Ay11>n. William Bi•ron ....... 114. 272 B Babb. Gan· Alan . . . . . . 261 Babcork. Glad~"' Winifrrd ......473 Same Pagn Babcock, Jim Alan ..... 114, 396, 504 Baccus, Carroll Lee ..........39, 134 Baccus, Fred W.........39, 259, 357 Bacholen, Andrew Williams ..469, 512 Bachu~James Warren ...........358 Back, Charles Aubrey ... ......... 98 Bacon, Rinaldo A. . .. .......146, 296 Bacon. William Deakyne, Jr...80, 495 Baer, Charles Edward ...........271 Baethe, Louise F. J ............. 29 Bagby, William R., Jr........39, 261 Baggal, Mamdouh Bakri .39, 399, 4~ Baggett, Jessica ..............39, 216 Baggett, }.fichael Edwin .......... ~8 Bagwell, James Roy .............204 Bagwell , ~larilyn ..... ... ... ..... 80 Bagwell. Sue Vernelle ........... 114 Bahan, Julia Ann ....... .........237 Bailey, Allan Abner .....262, 356, 466 Bailey, Bishop Lyle, Jr........30, 134 Bailey, Mrs. Bishop ..............372 Bailey, Charlene ..............80, 209 Bruley, Do)'ce Ransom .... ....34, 134 Bailey, Doyle James ..........34, 134 Bailey, Duryl Middleton ......39, 150 Bailey, Edgar Eu<:ene. Jr. ........505 Bailey, Elizabeth Carolyn .....34. 147 Bruley, Clyndabeth ......114, 166, 228 Bailey, James Melton ...... . . 272. 470 Bailey, Joseph Kenneth .135, 149, 155 Bailey, Linda Susan ..... 114, 230, 473 Bailey, Lynne ...............231. 461 Bruley. Mary Linda ..........114, 206 Bailey, Melvin Lewis .........80. 256 Bailey, :-:anc)' ............... 114, 208 Bailey, Oleta Josephine .. ........470 Bailey, Philip S .................. 152 Ba.iley, Thomas Walter ..114, 292, 358 Bailey, William Joseph ...... 168. 283 Bain, Betty Lynn ............ .... 114 Bain, Bruce Edwin ...............518 Bain. Carolyn Elizabeth .149, 350, 401 Bain. Joe William ...........263, 505 Baird, Arthur Leland ............264 Brurd. Brenda Lea .. ............232 Baird. Byron Ross ............... .457 Ba.ird, John David .......80, 328, 506 Baird, Tom .....................353 Baker, Beverly Kay ... ......219, 349 Baker, Billy Bert .................458 Baker, Calvin L.................495 Baker, David Gene . . . . . ....... 80 Baker. David Linton ............. 39 Baker, Donald Burtice . 518 Baker, Dou~las Martin ...289 Baker, Ed L. .................... 30 Baker, Hines H. . . . . . 28 Baker, James Dennard ......114. 244. 340, 478 Baker, James Kenneth .... ..... .. 39 Baker, Lamar Travis .. ....... . . . . 463 Baker, Lorena .......... . . . ......228 Baker, Louella .... ... .........98, 220 Baker, Malcolm Graham .....264, 265 Baker, Marilee ..............156, 401 Baker, Mary K. . ....... . 39, 229, 366 Baker, Mary Margaret ..80, 234. 235. 352 Baker. Phillip Ray ...............114 Baker, Ronald Edward ...........346 Baker1 Vivian Rose ...........80, 203 Baker, William Arthur ...........152 Baker, William Kirkland .... 114, 274 Baker, William Loyd III .........280 Baker, William McLaughlin .... . .458 Baker, William Wilson ... . . . ..... 39 Bakr, Abdallah Salim ........ .98, 460 Baldridge, James Wesley ......80, 160 Bales, Milcfred Marie ............389 Ballanz, Barbara Jean ... .... . 80, 223 Ball, Ann Lea ...............114, 226 Ball, Jerry Don ...... ....98, 395, 478 Ball, Richard Lee ...........399, 485 Ball, Sydney Jane ............. .. .227 Ballard, Ann Celestine Leahy .....203 Ballard, Betty Lu ................229 Ballard, Glenn Bryant ............114 Ballard, James Lipscomb III ..98. 141. 263, 518 Ballard.._Mrs. Maude ........382, 392 Ballas, r ranees Freda ............ 80 Ballas. Joe Asian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Balli, Macedonio, Jr.............467 Balsley, Leland Leroy ........... .457 Balthrop, Billy Harold ...39, 458, 496 Balusek. Albert Jerry 39, 457, 471. 496 Bandy, Billy .................362, 467 Bandy, Lloyd Don ...............158 Banfield, Glenn Iran. Jr..........489 Bankhead, Charles Herbert ..265, 328 Banks, Carmine Marie ......114, 220 Banks, Kalani ................98, 209 Banks. William Skidmore ....132, 165. 269, 302 Banluton, Freda Jo .............. 39 Bannura, Khalil B..........353, 460 Banowsky, Lynn H. W...........263 Baptist Student Union ...........463 Barbatoe, Ronald Phillip .........250 Barbay, Sally Gay ............39, 401 Barbay, Sandra Jane ..........80, 4-00 Barber, Judson Truett ...... , . , ..456 Barber, Lela Mae ................ 39 Barber, Lewie M....39, 136, 150, 447 Barber, Tom Newcomb, Jr...114, 2% Barber, Tommy Eu~ene ......454, 496 Barber. William Dean ...........457 .\'amt> Pages Barborak, Denni> B. . .... 114, 509 Barclay, Leland .................. 150 Barden. James Earle .....39, 168.l 1~.l 249. 305, 326. 327. 36.), .>00 Bardin. Jerry Leon ..............-186 Barefield, Mary Elizabe1h 80, 14+, 489 Barfoot, John Wayne .......... ... 256 Bargainer, Jack Delano .. ........ 140 Barge. Margorie Saxon ...39, 209, 462 Barge, Thomas Murray ..98, 296, 297 Bal'ller• Be1hanyann ..98, 214, 215, 372 Banng, Raymond H . .. ...39. 399, 489 Barkan, Alvin H. . . . . . . . .....398 Barker, Benjamin Clyde ..........513 Barker, Bradley Sinclair ......98, 365 Barker, Charlo11e . . . . . . . . . . . ..241 Barker, Chester ............. 114, 141 Barker, Glenn Franklin ........504 Barker, Joe Floyd ........80, 204, 456 Barker, Maxine Rachael . . . . . . 81 Barker. Sue Lynn .. 39 Barker, William Earl ............ 150 Barker, Wilson Roger .........39. 281 Barkley, Flo)·d Donald .. ...... 39, 458 Barksdale. Robert Marion ........136 Sarles, Fortune Jean, Jr.......... 135 Barling. Robert Fred ............153 Barlow, Patrick Edward ......203, 372 Barlow, •Thomas Edward .........34 7 Barnes. Alvin Hansen. Jr........ 98 Barnes. Barbara Ellen ...81, 134, 226, 349, 352, 388 Barnes, Ben Frank ............... 98 Barnes. Carolyn Ann ... 114, 228. 365 Barnes. Fred Mack ............. .458 Barnes, George Phillip ........ .. 98 Barnes, Kay Franklin ........229, 348 Barnes, Naida Louise .....98, 231, 466 Barnes, Walter '.'lelson ... ........519 Barnes, William Stanley ...... . .. 288 Barnett, David Eugene .......98. 520 Barnell, Glenn Edward .......... 24 Barnett, Joseph Seaborne ........281 Barnett, Larry Adrian ....39, 293, 358 Barnell, R. Durwood ............ 39 Barnett. Robert David ... .. ...98, 495 Barnett, Russell Sterling .....114, 248 Barnell. Thurston .. ......... 137, 193 Barnhill, John Williamson ....39. l~f, 263, 376, 'l<>O Barny. Sheila . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466 Barr, Chester Alwyn .........266, 267 Barr. Gilbert Monroe .... .454, 496 Barr. James Morgan .........81 , 134 Barragan, Kathryn Ann ..... . 236, 371 Barrera. Dagoberto ........ . . 467 Barrera. Evangeline ...........39, 452 Barrera. Hebe .... ............ ... 81 Barrett. Richard Presion .. ... 114, 288 Barrientos, Oscar ..394, 453 Barrington, Donald Keith .. .459, 513 Barron, Jack Ivan .......39, 454, 496 Barron, Marilyn .....40, 218, 219, 461 Barron, William R. . .....376 Barry. David ....................485 Barry, Don Wilson ..........146, 459 Barth. Clardy Shell. Jr....... .40, 267 Bartholomew, Betty Ann ..... ....218 Bartlett, Glenn, III .............. 98 Bartlett. John Oliver ......... . 98, 244 Bartlett. Robert Franklin ... . ....269 Barton, Hazel Phyllis 98, 207, 366, 473 Barton, Jack Quinn .........467, 484 Barton. Marilyn ...... ........ 81, 203 Barton, Ray Allen ...............343 Barton, Sandra .... ..... 114, 208, 473 Bartosh, Johnnie Henry .........469 Bartosh, Ronald Jerome .........114 Bartow, Barbara Ann ........ .98, 221 Barwick, Diana Davis ..... ......220 Barzilla, Dominic Anthony ....... 114 Base, Jack .......................289 Baseball .....................334-339 Basford, Robert Loyd ... 136, 150, 204, 457 Bash. Lawrence W ...............471 Basketball ...................320-327 Bas<. James Roy. Jr..... , .... 114, 372 Bass, Mary Ann .............218, 219 Ba s. Samuel Earl ..... . .........134 Bass, Sydney Jane ............... 114 Basse, Patricia Anne .........114, 452 Basset, Susan .. .... ....... .. .40, 477 Bassett, Beverly A ............40, 216 Batcheler, George Edmund .. 139, ltd:i Batchelor. Virginia Grace .....98, 452 Bateman. Jack Norman . 154, 353, 503 Baten, Wyeth Lee ...............203 Bates. Frances Pope ..... .40. 133, 221 Bates. Robert Louis ......... 149, 4119 Bates, W. B ................... ... 28 Batten. Staff Sergeant Joseph K...516 Battle. Roy Saunders ............ 155 Batto, Joseph Othell ........484, 518 Bauch, Garland Thomas .... ·!Ji.2.l'ia Baucum. William Emmett. Jr. . . 81 Bauer, Betsy Hopper ...219. 348. 350. 352 Bauer. Matt Jerome .............457 Bauerle, Jacob Alton ............517 Baugh, Hollis A.................523 Baughn,.,William Hubert .........135 Baum, verald Horace ............467 Baum, Harrell Clark ........469, .512 Baum. Zc11a Jo ..............81. 211 Bauman. Jon Ronr ..........98. 263 .Va m t Pagn Baumgarten. Maurice Arnim (Sonny) ...............81, 264, 307 Baxter, Robert Mitchell, Jr. ..98, 334 Baxter, Sharon ..................473 Baylor, John David .... ...... 155, 520 Beachy. Morris J ................ .452 Beaird, Danny LaGette .....168, 258, 259, 364, 366 Beal, Barbara Kay ........... 114, 232 Beall, John Gillespie .....40, 275, 493 Beall, Margaret Claire ...........209 Beall, Mary Ellen .............98, 366 Beam , Newton Cameron, Jr. 459, 467 Bean, Malinda Ellison ...98, 208, 372.i 388, 4h Bean, William Clilton ........... , 81 Beane, William Frederick ....393, 399 Beard. Anne Elizabeth ......240, 349A 365, 38~ Beard, Bobby Mitchell ...........470 Beard, Donald Wyatt ...328, 330, 504 Beard. Doris Marie .....138. 401, 473 Beard. Elsie Maryan .............217 Beard, James Key ........... 141. 204 Beard, Jim ........... .'. 30 Beard, Richard Lee .........344, 518 Bearden. Jimmy Sharon .. 114, 346 Bearden. Lois Sandra . . . . . ..81, 241 Bearden. Sonnie Lee ............. 114 Beans, Leslie M ..............40, 153 Beason, Lawrence Lindell ..... ... 137 Beasley. Billie Durwood .... ......467 Beasley. Haley Kent .....40, 269 Beasley. Woodrow. Ivan, Jr.......274 Beatty, Roy Glenn ...... .485 Beally. Thomas B. . . . . . ......402 Beaty, Martha Jean . ... ..... 114, 216 Beauchamp, John Robert 114. 141, 290 Beaulieu. Joseph Paul, Jr....149, 489 Beaver, Clyde Roger ............ . 459 Beaver. Ralph J .. Jr.............467 Becerra, Joe E. . . . . . . . . . . . .... 81 Bechter. Paul Weigand ..40, 4'i6 Beck, Gordon E. . . 277, 489 Beck, Marvin Eugene . . . . . ..81, 390 Beck, Wilma Kathryn . . . . . ... . 388 Becker, Laurence Albert .... .40, 168, 305, 340, 34i Becker, Leonard John, Jr.........299 Becker, Leroy Henry . . ........ .492 Becker. Marilyn Sue .161, 206, 242. 364, 365 Becker, Robert Melvin ......286, 287 Beckham, Anita Eu1, 372 Best, Margaret Alyne .81, 208, 209, 472 Best. Steve Ernest ...............283 Beta Alpha Psi ............• ..... 134 Beta Gamma Sigma ......... . .. . 135 Beta Th eta Pi ..... . ... . ......250-251 Bethke, Lanell Viola ............ .472 Beular, Evelyn Elsie ......... 115, 236 Beveridg°< !lobert Del .... ..... . . 475 Beverley, Mary Jo ...............462 Beverly, Ronald Lee Arthur ......515 Beyer, Wenceslaus Fred ..........519 Beyette, Thomas Kent ...........521 Beynon. Eugene Thomas .....204, 360, 396, 513 Bhodigen, Swang ................. 34 Bianchi, Robert Allan ...........158 Bible. Dana X . . ............256, 306 Bice, Don Allen ................. 293 Bice, Noley Russell, Jr........81, 326 Biesele, Linda ............98, 212, 366 Bigelow. Grant Leroy ...457, 469, 512, 513 Bigger, Robert Wood ........359, 478 Biggs, Joe ...... .................297 Biggs, Robert Allan ... .... ..272. 504 Biggs, William Ambrose ... ..273, 456. 490, 504 Bilbrough, Lois Marian ...........366 Bilhartz, Elliot John, Jr.... ......289 Billings, Beu-y Cordelia ... . . .. ....473 Billings, Frank Edward ...81 , 282,3~A 372, 3:11.1 Billingsley, Hascal Bruss ..........514 Billingsley. Linda Sue ....... .93A 175, 20;,, 417 Binford, Joseph Ir.gram ...........251 Bin.1aheth Hop< ... 147 Boyd, Bobby Joe . . . . . . . ...... 81 Boyd, Donald Ra)' . . . . . ......285 lloyd. Gary ;>;eal .................115 lloyd, Hubert . . ........... 152 Uoyd. John Robert ...........99, 486 S ame Pagu Boyd, Marilyn Ann . . ....81~ 161 , 223. 35u, 352, 371 Boyd, Raymond Gilbert, Jr. ..266, 521 Boyd, Ronnie Dean ... ........81, 285 Boyd, William Jasper .........41, 459 Boyd, William Paxton .......153, 155 Boyer, James Andrew ............256 Boyle, Marilyn Ann ..........99, 241 Boyles, Minifred Julia ....81 , 240, 241 Boynton, Peggy J ................. 41 Boysen, Helen ...................143 Brace, Mary Eleanor ......... 166, 214 Brace, Penny ........... . ........ 99 Bracken, Charlotte Mary .....349, 401 Brackenridge, Eloise Wilson . . J15, 240 Brackenridge Hall ................390 Bracker, Jonathan ..... ... ...378, 509 Bradbury, Phil Wilson ........... 41 Braden, Irene Andrea ........99, 349, 350, 401 Brader, Howard Rush ............251 Bradey, Jim D...................292 Bradfield, Ruth Ann .............135 Bradford, David George . .41, 390, 457 Bradford, Jerald Conrad ........ .452 Bradham, Joseph Leon . . . ..... ... 99 Bradley, Carl Gene ...............277 Bradley, Donald J................489 Bradley, Lillian K . . ........... ...386 Bradshaw, Benjamin Spencer .. 34. 160, 165, 193, 363, 364, 495 Bradshaw, Mary D....... ........366 Bradshaw, Truman Calvin, Jr. .... 99 Brady, Bill Lester, ...........358, 456 Brady, Bluford Leonard, Jr....... 81 Brady, David Lawrence ...........115 Brady, Mary Rose ................138 Brady, Robert Hall ..........204, 264 Brady, William Edmond ... .......155 Bragg, Barbara . ...... . ...........233 Bramlet, Jerry Charlene ......99, 221 Branan, Mary Ellen .....41 , 226.< 227. 35u, 352 Branch, Annette EsLher ... . . . 212, 462 Branch, Cll\ir Maurice . . 264, 305, 307 Branch, John Phelps .. .. . ........519 Branch, Joseph Phil ... ..... .....305 Branch, Lyle Flold .....164, 469, 514 Branda, Richard ames ...........470 Brandenburl!,_ Hu ert Aldine ......280 Brandes, Wilham Heaton ... ..41 , 453 Brandin, James William, Jr . ...... 41 Brandstetter, Ann ........99, 219, 387 Branham, William Keith ..81 , 293, 354 Brannan, Suzanne ........... 147. 466 Brannon , Robert Lee ..... .. ...... 41 Branson, Robert John ............343 Brantley, Gladys Ann .. . . 99, 166, 235 Branton, James La Voy .... . 144, 203, 204, 366, 522 Brants. Howard Clayton, Jr...269. 458 Brasfield, Robert Stanford ... I15, 4~iz Brashears, Janice ........99, 166. 207, 385, 487 Braslau, Phyllis Rae ..... .41, 225, 262 Brass, David O 'Neil .... 134, 477 Brasweil, Claude Richard ....115, 256 Brateman, Ros.alyn ......... ......224 Bratton. Morns Harvey ...... . ... . 500 Brauer, Emil Bernard ... .41 , 284, 458 Brauer, Karl Henry .........149, 203 Brauman, Bill ..........358 Brauner. Leon Ivon .... ...... .. .470 Braunston, Morris .............. . 294 Bravenec, Lorence Larry ... . . 134. 160, 165, 194, 364, 495 Brawley, William Lowell. Jr......140 Bray. Linda Rae ....... .....385, 478 Brazelton. Emily Kay . ...... . . 81 , 233 Brazil, Barbara Bracht ........ . ..204 Brazil, Sandra Muriel .. I15. 218. 352 Breckenridge, Thomas Loffin .....456 Bredt. Barbara Dale ..........41, 237 Bredt, Carl Victor ............... 23 Bred1 , Jan ....... . ...... I15. 228, 389 Breed. Benny Ray ............41. 514 Breed. Truman, Jr... . ... . ... .41. 458 Breed. Wanda Jean ..............226 Breedlove, Finice David ..........275 Brehm. Ralf Franz ...............472 Breihan. Bernard Edward. II I ....282. 490 Brelsford, James Madison .........285 Brendley. Bethea Wri~ht .........271 Brennan. Clyde Mike .............476 Brennan. Patricia Ann ....99, 213, 365 Brenner. William M..............495 Brent, Carol Myrnell .... .....99, 213 Brent, Robert James, Jr...... l 15, 268 Brentlinger, Willard Hu~hes ..... .272 Brevard, John Ashworth .......99, 390 Brewer, Elbert Abraham ......... 99 Brewer, James Edward ........... 81 Brewer, Robert Herman ......164, 506 Brewer, William Warren . I 15. 270, 505 Brewster, Bette ..................217 Brews1er, Bob Burne tr •.•........ 99 Brewster. Charle. Audice .........344 Brewster, Sarah Blaine ...........232 Briceno. Oscar S. . ............ ..489 Brid~e , Barba\ d Earle ...81 , 223, 506 Brid~es. Edward DoMld, Jr... .41. 153 Brido;es, Edward tafford .... 11 . 164. 167. 219. 517 llrid~es, James Edwin ....99. 478. 494 Brid~es. Lu1her Wadsworth, II ... 34 Brid~e<. William Randolph ....81. 291 .Vame Pages Bridgewater, Preston Fobis, Jr.... 115 262, 520 Bridwelk Charles Ernest ... . ..99. 490 Briggs, 1:.lizabeth Ann ........115, 208 Briggs, Rambie Le ........... l 15, 270 Briggs, Robert Wallace ....... .41, 154 Bright, llmes Robert ........ 115, 290 Brigbt, ay Lawrence ........ .41, 378 Bright, argarite Carolyn ........233 Bright, Sam Raymond .. 168, 195, 290, 291, 456 Brightman, Anna . , ............. .473 Brindley, Bethea Wright ..........168 Briones, Daniel ................. .453 Briones, Ernest M................ 41 Brisbin, Ralph McClay ...........454 Brisbois, Millard Courtney .. , .....397 Briscoe, James P . . ........81, 249, 506 Briscoe, Judi Reeves ... .... ... ... 99 llristow. William A, .............204, Cleo Ann ........81, 228, 229 Britain, Woodrow Overron ....... 34 Brito, Jose A .....................353 Brittain, Harold P................468 Brittain, James Raymond ........ .485 Britten, Maynard 'athan .........396 Britton, Marian Edith ... .. ...99, 231 Broach, Roger Harmon . .41, 153, 203, 204 Broadfoot, Marsha Ann ...81, 166, 230 Broadway, Barbara .......81, 144, 241 Brocato, AnLhony Gerard .....165. 572 Brock, Charles ....................343 Brock, James Henry .............249 Brock, Joseph ............... .....520 Brock, Wilham Edward ..........518 Brockman, Barbara Ann . .41, 209, 352 Broderick, James Richard .42, 454, 496 Brodkin, Alan Keith ........ .....24i Broesche, Henry Fred .............285 Brogren; Elliott Winston ..... .....204 Broke, JOhn Charles ..............160 Brooks, Anne ................115, 372 Brooks, Charles Allan .......... .. . 157 Brooks. Charles Erskine ...... l 15, 250 Brooks, Felton Don ..... ... . .490, 503 Brooks, Frederick Emerson, Jr.....136 Brooks, Gerald Rhea . . ... .... ... .458 Brooks, Henry •Tebbs .....99, 155, 275. 366, 368 Brooks, Kenneth Ray ........ 99. 290 Brooks, Larry T..........42, 454, 496 Brooks, Marinell .................223 Brooks, Myrna Ruth ..........99, 352 Brooks, Nancy Lou ......81, 163, 195, 231 , 497 Brooks, Sarah Chaffin . . . ... . ....473 Brooks, Sarah Stone .............143 Brooks, William Bryan .. .....81. 150. 204, 474 Broome, Eugene Franklin ....167, 520 Brophy. William Joseph ..........115 Broshek, John ArLhur . .......149, 489 Brotzman, Beatrice Wilburn ...... 42 Brotzman, Kathleen Louise ....... 82 Brotzman, Richard Dale ...... , ..245 Broughton. Clihon Ray ........... 82 Broughton, Wana Lee ... .42, 143, 203:! 220, 221 , 382, 46 Broussard, Joel Earl, Jr........... 99 Broussard, Ray F ................. 34 Browder, Marvin Wesley. Jr. ..99, 267 Browder. Thomas Edwin ......... I 15 Brown, Bedford Philmore, Jr..... . 99 Brown, Betty Doris .. ...........233 Brown, Betty Jo .................. 82 Brown, Bety Lynne ....... ....82, 221 Brown, Betty Rae .......203, 241, 461 Brown. Byron Bert .......34, 283, 466 Brown, Carol Ann .......99, 393, 400 Brown, Carolyn Miriam .. 115, 222, 350 Brown, Catherine Lee ............216 Brown, Cecil Orrin ..............135 Brown. Charles J. Jr.............. 152 Brown, Cornelia Fay.... .42, 143, 351. 400, 48't' 485 Brown. Dav!d Eugene .. .. ... 152, 456 Brown. David Paul ..............115 Brown. Dawn ....................401 Brown, Dee Robert ..........115, 506 Brown. Donald Weber ............204 Brown. Donnie E............ .42. 458 Brown, Edward Stanton, Jr. ...... 42 Brown, Elizabeth Ann ....... l 15. 226 Brown. Eugene Lee, Jr.......115, 280 Brown, Floyd Wayne ........115, 288 Brown, Frederick Samuel ..... 115, 290 Brown, Geor~e Benjamin .... 154, 251. 506 Brown, George James ........344, 485 Brown, Gilbert cay ......42, 266, 267 Brown, Glen Vick ............ 115. 256 Brown, Helen Marr ... ...... I15. 230 llrown. Hden Yvonne ...........237 Brown. Howard Earl ............. 146 Brown, Ivan Ellis, Jr .........265. 505 Brown, Jack Bethel .......99. 353, 358 Brown, Janice Claire .........99. 216 Brown , Joanne Katherine ........ . 241 Brown. Jon Sam .............99. 282 Brown, k art William .........99. 395 Brown, Kcnnit E................458 Brown. Lloyd Weldon ............489 Brown. Lou Ann ................. 42 Brown, Louis ................... . 150 Brown. Marvin Holloman, l 11 ...256. 257. 302 l'>c;p 528 University students checking out at the University area KASH-KARRY store. Three members of .RDPi sorority carefully select groceries for a picnic at the K.RSH­K.RRRY STORE on the corner of 24th and San Gabriel Streets. KASB·KARRY Grocery and Market Carl Swift, engineer­ing student at the Uni­versity, looks over . . some eng1neenng supplies shown him by Susy Gibbins, member of the sales staff of the MILLER Blue Print Company. MI LLER BLUE PRINT COMPANY 108 E. 10th PAGF 529 Xam t Pages Brown, Mason Cooper ...-l2, 300, 301, 302, 503 Brown , Norman Dennis .....288 Brown. Otto George . . . . . .... .146 Brown, Pel\'<:Y Ann .. .........115, 473 Brown, Raymond Ralph ..82, l:lt6.3~G Brown, Rebecca Lynn ....42. 227 , 348, 349 Brown. Richard Malcolm, Jr. .115, 244 Brown, Richard R. . . .. . ...42, 489 Brown, Richea Kaye ......... ...233 Brown, Robert Cornell .....42, 153 Brown, Robert Graves . . 159 Brown, Robert T. . . .115, 246 Brown, Sharon A. . . . . . . . . 115 Brown, Shirley Ruth . . . . ..... 32 Brown, Stephan Zachary ..........279 Brown, Susan Meredith . .. ... 115, 203 Brown, Wade Lynn ..........466 Brown, William Anderson .... . ....297 Brown, William Ralph ...... 82 Brown. William Vann . . .283, 459 Browne. Bradford, Jr. ............ 42 Browning, Robbert Lee ...34, 270, 271 Browning, Wayne Leon ...99, 266, 459 Broyles, Arthur Duke .......... . . 296 Broyles. Michael Everett .........115 Broyles. Sharon Wynelle ... .. 133, 203 Bruce, Don Richard . . . . . . ....158 Bruce, Elaine . . ..99, 228. 372 Bruce. Georl\'e S., 111 .........470 Bruce. Grady Dyson, Jr......99, 141, 155. 274. 275, 518 Bruce. William Thomas, Jr...115, 518 Brucks, Darlene ..................500 Bruffey, Harold A. . ....... 149 Brul\'e. Charles Hunter .......366 Bruhl, Donald Adolphus, Jr...82, 298, 456 Brumbelow. Margaret Anne ......452 Brumley. Ira Jon . . . . . .....270 Brumley, Roy l.. ................. 42 Brummett. Lloyd Truman ....82, 153 Bruner, James Milton . .115, 478, 494, 515 Bruni, Joanne ........... 115, 476, 484 Bruno, Stanley Richard . 474, 476 Bruns, Joe Henry .....160 Bruns, Joe Louis ................ . 146 Bruns. Thomas Charles ...........160 Brunson, Thomas Clyde .. ... 158. 159. 363. 364, 370 Brunstein. Samuel Arthur .... 136, 150 Bruss, Fred Rohner. Jr. .......99, 518 Bryan, Barbara Jean .82, 401, 473 Bryan, Brenda ...................116 Bryan. Cardis William, Jr....99, 300. 474 Bryan, James Dean ... 116, 244 Bryan, J . P. . ........ . ....... 20 Bryant, Frank Grant ......... 150 Bryant, Robert Earl ... .305, 306, 307, 314 Buasri. Vajiraya Jinavidhya ..... 34 Buchan, Celia Ann ... ............230 Buchanan, David Lee, Jr. .....99, 513 Buchanan. Harold DavJS, Jr..... 42 Buchanan, Janet Kathleen ........221 Buchanan, Nancy Ruth ...99, 209, 365 Buchanan, Tom E. . . . . ........ 82 Buck, Allred AugusttL• ........99, 271 Buck, Bobbie Sue ...82. 231, 349, 487 Buck. Karl Hermann .........42, 458 Buck, Katherine Camp ..99, 230, 466 Buck, Laurel Irene . . . .. . .... 82 Buckholtz, James Donnell .....140 Buckley, William Harold .... .. ...459 Buckner, Layton Ray ............ .155 Budzilowicz, David Wallace ..252, 508 Buell. Walter Flynn ......... 116, 504 Buel, Ellen Vail ....... 116. 234, 452 Buenz, Peter Robertson .. .....271 , 456 Buffler, Richard Thurman .. 168. 204. 513, 514 Buford, Robert Paschal . U6, 288 Buhrow. Robert Eu~ene ........ .. 134 Buice, Billy James ................459 Buice, Mary Evelynn ......... 143. 485 Bukowsky, Frank August .......... 32 Bull, Fred Hopper ...............399 Bumbera. Gerald William ........474 Bunce, Carlene Elizabeth 116. 214, 387 Bundick. Athene Marie ...99, 466, 473 Bundy, Kay Tucker ............. .221 Bunte, Shirley Bernice ....472 Burch. Lee Murry ...........82, 4.'>9 Burchard, Robert Kenneth .. . 353, 358 Burdine. Anita Joan . . . . . . . .. 116 Burdine, John Alton ..........24, 145 Burdine. John Alton. Jr.......... 140 Bur~e, Charle. H . ...........99, 266 Burges.<, Malcolm Acie .... 116, 471 , 474, 521 Bur~ess. Mary Louise . . . ...... 34 Burgin, Bobby Joe . . ...42, 155 Burgin, Sidney A. Liles ........ 42 Bur~oon, Larry Claude .......99, 470 Burich. J°""ph Harry ............474 Burk, Jimmy Leon ......... 157, J6'i Burkart. Robert Frederick ...... .. 150 Burke. David Tyng . . . . ....271 Burke. Edward Franri• .99, 393. 394, 498 Burke. Joe Frederick .99, 195, 393. 394, 498 Burke. John M..................459 Rurke, Katherine Eli7abcth ....... 82 Name Pages Burke, Tom Walker .353, 475 Burkett, Ilen C., II ............. .455 Burkett, Robert Judson . . . 82, 271 , 359 Burkhalter, Martha Jean .99, 219, 349 Burkhalter, Mary Jano ......100, 219 Burkhart, Betty Louise ...42, 241, 461 Burkhart, June ...................100 Burkhart, Melinda Louise .... 116; 166, 210, 242 Burkhart, Michael Paul ..........283 Burkhart, Patricia .. .........221, 351 BurkhartRobert Frederick ... . ..456 1 Burkheact, Mary Jo ........... ... 29 Burks, Linda Eloise ....... . ...... 100 Burks, Phyllis Louise .........42, 462 Burlage, Henry Matthew .24, 152, 157, c 159, 244 Burla~e, Robb Kendrick .82, 137, 148, 153, 165, 188,, 266. 267, 360, 377 Burleson, Ronald Roy .... . 457 Burnell, Robert William ......... 42 Burnett, Adrien Richard , Jr. ...... 42 Burnett, Betty Ruth .....116, 214, 478 Burnett, David Edward .....485 Burnett, Guy, J r. ..458 Burnett, James McCollum ........265 Burnett, Peggy Ann McDavid .. .. . 42 Burney, Wayne ......... .... . ....153 Burns, Ned Hamilton .. ..........150 Burns, Simon Pierce ........ 150, 456 Burns, Stella Maureen ...82, 226, 227. 242, 348, 350, 351 , 462 Burr, Jane . . . . . 352 Burrell, Charles Egan.... 116, 256, 343 Burrell, Mrs. Jean ..............392 Burrer, Kermit Charles ......... . 483 Burris, Mary Anna ..........207, 382, 392, 462 Burris, Mary Edna ............... 100 Burrows, Kenneth Edwin, Jr. 100, 157 Burstyn, Margie .......... . 100, 21 l Burton, Annelle Rhea ........42, 219 Burton, Carl Wilson ..............459 Burton, Carolyn Frances ..... 116, 230 Burton, Gordon Dcmmler . ...... . 42 Burton, Larry Kent . . . .82, 285 Bush, Edith Anne ............... . 378 Bush, Orbie Alton, Jr............ 116 Bush. Patricia Ann ..........236, 461 Business Administration Cou.ncil .. .368 Busshart. Gene Edward .......42, 157 Buster, Carroll Albert ........... .459 Butcher, Cary Preston ....... I 16, 270 Butcher. Marilyn Blanche Davison 140 Butler, Adrian Joseph, Jr. ........116 Butler, Beverly Ann ... .. 116, 240, 349 Butler, iack Richard .............263 Butler, . K.................... . 30 Butler, ohn Bogue ..........263, 456 Butler, ohn Russell .....289, 456, 503 Butler, Joseph Harold, Jr.........267 Butler, Mary Ruth . . ........... . . 462 Butler, Marylen Sue ......... 116, 228 Butler, Ola Dowell ..............229 Butler, Robert Anth:>ny .. 100, 261 ,366, 372, 508 Butler, Tom Kelly ........... 116, 264 Buttelmann, Warren August, Jr...274 Butter, Leo E .................... 30 Butter, Stephen Robert .. 165, 195, 269 Butterfield, Frank Darrell ........ 100 Buttrick, Master Sergeant Walter A. 510 Buxton, David Lee .......... 116, 296 Byars. James Arthur .............. 100 Bybee, Owen Lynn, Jr. .82, 293, 355 Byers, Benjamin Rowe ........... 42 Bynum, Steve M ................. 42 Byrd, Colonel D. Harold . . . . . . . . . 30 Byrd, James Adon ......134, 135, 154 Byrd, James Hal .................249 Byrd. William Martin ..... ...34, 253 Byrns, R. Elwyn ................. 160 Bywaters. Walter Hill .... ..... ... 82 c Carltu, Th e . . . . .... ..374-375 Cade, Alton C. . ................. 42 Cade1 Weldon David, Jr. .... 100, 301 Cadek, Sonya Frederica .........387 Cafer, Larry H ...........82, 292, 293 Carer, Patricia Dot ..............220 Cage, Barbara Carol ..... 100. 223, 462 Cagle, Gerolyn Virginia .....100, 388 Cahal, James Monroe ............ 42 Cain. Billy Jean 82, 163f 195, 206, 207, 350, 35 ' 352, 363, 485 Cain, Diana ........ 100, 216, 365, 487 Cain, Jerry Dean ........ 100, 282, 283 Caldwell, Cess Belle ..............473 Caldwell, David .. . . 259, 364, 365, 513 Caldwell, Gerald Wayne .......... 82 <:aldwell, Margaret Elizabeth .... .400 Calhoon, Florence Patricia ........387 Calhoun. Richard Wayland . .42, 154, 165, 262, 263 Calhoun. Ru'5ell T. . ...... . .....454 Caliva, Sammy Jay ..... 116, 353, 504 Calk. Lewis Clifton . , ............476 Calkins, Dick Sullivan ...........519 Calkins, Howard Andrew ....... . . 145 Calkin•, John Allen .........265, 302 Calkins, Phyllis Jean ... 116. 133. 203, 222, 361 Call. Mary Elizabeth ........100, 223 Calla~han, William Charle, ... 42, 485 .Vame Pages Callan, Jerry Cicero .........100, 521 Callarotu, Robert ..........204 Callaway, Clarence L., Jr. 82, 155, 507 Callaway, Elizabeth Spencer .232, 461 Callaway, Estelle Cartwright .232, 233 Callaway, Jane Elizabeth .42, 140, 143 Callaway, John Edwin ...........267 Callaway, Nancy Lee ....... .116, 240 Callender, Dean Lynn . ... ....34, 299 Calliham, Ma.x Morris .... .. .... .272 Calliham, Thomas Simpson ..354, 3?~ Calvert, Eugene Allan .....116, 478, 494, 515 Calvert, Thomas Barker .....458, 459 Calvert, Thomas Charles ... ...42, 459 Camero, Eduardo Jesus .......42, 157 Cameron, Richard Douglas ..474, 522, 524 Camfield, Thomas M. . ...... . .. .495 Camp, Emory Clifton ... 116, 272, 478 Camp, Frank Wesley .........43, 489 Camp, Jim Sam .................271 Camp, Joyce Nell ............43, 227 Camp, Katherine Hope ......230, 372 Campbell, Amy Weichsel (Mimi) ..82, 236, 237 Campbell, Billy Ray ............ .474 Campbell, Carolyn Jane ..... 143, 166, 228, 229 Campbell, Catherine Ann ........ 140 Campbell, David Wilson ..... .82, 454 Campbell. Dixie Lou .............100 Campbell, Eleanor Elizabeth (Betsy) 100, 231 , 372 Campbell, Fay Jean ...... ...116, 400 Campbell, Gail ... ........43, 231, 487 Campbell, Lionel Lockard, Jr. (Bmks) ..... . ..... .. ...... 100, 248 Campbell, Marvin Edwin .....43, 489 Campbell, Mary Ann .............228 Campbell, Richard Trent, Jr..100, 283 Campbell, Robert Alvin . .... .....142 Campbell, ffhomas Edwin .........249 Campbell, Thomas Ralph .....43, 245 Campbell, William McKinley, Jr. . 152 Campbell, William Mike .....306, 307 Campion, James Eugene .... ... .. 155 Campos, Auturo B...........457, 476 Campos, .John L. ... ..............453 Ca111/J1u Guild Co-Op ............395 Canada, Robert Michael .....116, 284 Canales, Alexander Jesse . . . . .....465 Canales, Carlos Orlando .478, 484, 494 Canavan, John Milton ...........265 Canchola, Sylvia ........350, 351, 370 Canfield, Betty Ann .... 134, 214,i 215, 34~. 351 Canfield, Joe Ralph .........160, 395 Cannell, Jack Willard ...........509 Cannon, Howell Milton ... ...... .458 Cannon, Jerry Ann ............. . 100 Cannon, Joe Barnett .........168, 291 Cannon. Patricia ................ 43 Cannon, William Sam ...... ......520 Canova, Denmar B.......43, 168, 273 Cantu, Isidro, Jr................ .476 Cantu, Jose Rene ............116, 157 Cantu. Julian Rodriquez ......... 157 Cantwell, Carolyn ...... 100, 133, 219. 348, 352, 366 Cap and Gowr1 ..... .............464 Cape, George William ... 164, 491 , 495 Capel. Norma Yvonne ............116 Capers, William Bruce .......... .456 Caplan, Melvyn .................247 Capps, Mary Clyde ..............147 Caragonne, Alex ............281, 491 Caramanian, Marie Esther ... 116, 484 Card, Winnie ...............350, 352 Cardenas, Hector Homero 43, 139, 509 Cardenas, Luis J., Jr.....82, 297, 476 Cardenas, Ruben Raul ........ .. . 43 Carder, Henry Maurice ......282, 283 Cardner, Richard Shaw ..........291 Cardwell. 'Louis .Ernest .......... 43 Cardwell, Martha Mitchell ... 116, 234 Cargill, Clara Paula ..........82, 219 Cargill, Kenneth Raymond .......399 Carl, William Noble, Jr..........265 Carleton, Finis Ewing, Ill ... 141 , 204 Carlin, Elvira ............... .43, 462 Carlisle, Acree Bishop ... ........454 Carlisle, Charles Thomas .....116, 478 Carlisle, Eloise ................... 29 Carlisle, Paula Sue ......116, 222, 473 Carlson, Donald Glen .... .. .. . .. .458 Carlson. Mary Margaret .116, 133, 230 Carlson, Thor E.................392 Carlton, Carolyn ............ 100, 209 Carlton, Lauralyn ........... 100, 209 Carmen, Carlos Garza .......... .474 Carmichael, David Mooney.. 116, 268. 345 Carmichael, Donald L. . .43, 153, 390. 508 Carmichael. Horace Dodson (Mike) .......... 164, 167, 517, 522 Carmichael. Jerry Harris .........116 Carmichael. Ralph Lawrence 398, 474 Carmona, Frank T......393, 399, 453 Carnes, Billy Ronald 43, 300, 301, 458 Carnes, Robert Alexander ... 164. %6. 469, 512, 513. 515 Carney. E. Holmes. 111 ..... ... .. 116 Carney, Howard Augustus, Jr.....269 Carothers, Charles Huey ......... 43 Carnthrrs n orm ................ .385 Name Pages Carothers, Jerry Wayne ......116, 478 Carpenter, Bruce Warner ..... , . . 519 Carpenter, Edward Lee ..........455 Carpenter, James Alfred , .....82, 285 Carpenter, James Clark . .43, 148, 376 Carpenter, Owen Price, Jr....82, 154,i 28i Carpenter, Ronald Adelbert ......267 Carr, Dolores Ann ..........116, 214 Carr, Larry Anthony ... . ... .458, 505 Carr, William Richard .. ... ...43, 285 Carraway, Paul Milton .......82,i 16£>J 4511, 4~ Carrell, John Craig . ........484, 521 Carr!ck, John Lowell ........ 167, 517 Carner, Plesant F ......... ... ... .457 Carrington, Richard A . ..........305 Carroll, Bernard Robert .........465 Carroll, Gale Garth ......... ....265 Carroll, Joe Speed ....... ... .... .145 Carroll, Paul Votteler ... .........488 Carroll, Perry Bromberg, Jr.....251 Carroll, Preston Huard ...........459 Carroll, Robert Bernard ..........484 Carroll, Virginia .... .....82, 144, 221, 348, 385 Carruth, Stanley Bradford ....250, 372 Carson, Kay E ................82, 223 Carstarphen, Thomas .............249 Ca1-sten , Emmett Ronald ....116, 467 Carswell, Kenneth M.............491 Cartee, Almalee ............ 100, 219 Carter, Ann Moore , .............116 Carter, Arthur D...... ...........458 Carter, Clarence Jack ............505 Carter, Diana Alice ..82, 175, 231, 349 Carter, Gregory Alan ....100, 275, 519 Carter, Harold Dee ........ ..290, 366 Carter, J .B., Jr...... ............134 Carter, Jack Clarence ........ .. ..343 Carter, ianis Ann ..... .. 116, 208, 389 Carter, essie Eugenia ........100, 218 Ca1·ter, oho Robert ....... .. 139, 509 Carter, Leona Mae ......100, 382, 385 Carter, Linda Kay ...82, 207, 382, 384 Carter, Lucian Carlton, 111 ... 141, 203 Carter, Lynn Prewit .........265, 353 Carter, Marilu ............... .. ..228 Carter, Mary 'an ....... .43, 144, 226 Carter, Michael Arthur .. ....251, 458 Carter, Richard Ware .. .... .. 116, 272 Carter, Robert Stephen ....... 164, 511 Carter, Thomas Barnhill\I 2tJla Carter, William Junius .......146; 150 Cartwright. Patty Mays . . 82, 195, 236. 237 362, 364, 366 Carubbi, Angelo Joseph, Jr........465 Caruthers, Barbara Jean ... ... .. .. 116 Caruthers, elda Ruth ........43, 400 Carver, Jane Clarice .............240 Casanova, Frank ....... .... .. 157, 484 Casbeer, Catherine .......... .43, 217 Ca,berg, Melvin Augustus ........ 26 Casberg, Sylvia Mae . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Case, Howard Bernard . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Case, Yvonne Dolores ............116 Casey, Bertha ......... ...........143 Casey, Bob Randolph ............ . 266 Casey, Josephine ........ . ........143 Casey, Katherine Frances (Kitty) ................82, 151, 207 Cash, Paul Eugene ...............456 Cashin, Jack William ....134, 135, 154 Cashion, James Hale .............100 Casias, Dan Tijerina ... ...........504 Caskey, Eugene M . ............... 159 Casmere, Suzanne ........ ....82, 219 Cason, Linda Jean ........... .43, 221 Cason. Sandra ...........82, 162, 365 Casselberry, Don Eldon .......82. 328 Cassin, Thomas Michael .116, 264, 505 Castaneda, Carlos E ...........32, 453 Castanedo, Gloria ............391, 476 Casteel, Dana Brackenridge ....... 32 Castellano, Joseph Harry 476, 478, 494 Caster, Paul .....................457 Castillo, Natalia .................116 Cast.illon, Mario Garza. Jr.....43, 263 Castleberry, Vance La 'oal ...305, 306, 307, 504 Castor, Ruth Jane ...........116, 212 Castro, Albert Flores ....... .. 82, 467 Castro, Ezd9. 504 Chapoton. O!i< Donald\'alicl Hussein ......... .460 Cha.e1>h . . . .. . ......489 Chatelain. Janet . . . 100, 226. 227 Chatwin. Kenneth Alvin ..475 Chaudoin , Nita Suzanne ... .82. 223. 382. 392 Chauvin, Larry Andrew .. 116. 465. 521 Cheatham, Gary Therman . .459. 495 Cheek. Belly Elizabeth ...... 100. 236 Cheek, Nancy Mar~aret . 133. 382. 389 Chur/,adus .................... .404 Chelf. Billy Ra)' .......... .. .. .. .459 Chen. Mo Shino ... . ............. 34 Chenault. Louis Wyau. Jr. . .100. 291 Chenault. Roier V . ..........283, 456 Chenault, Sal y Caiherine ... 100, 206. 350. 382. 388, 452, 487 Chernosky. :\ancy Cecelia 43, 208. 209 Cherry, Anne Barker ....215, 349. 351 Cherry. J . Blair ................ 30 Cherry. Johnson Blair. Jr..... 250. 345 Che>hire, Carolyn Sue . . . . ... 116 Chesney, Michael Thomas ........ 43 Che,.,.her. Sue Jinkins . 116. 133. 203. 230. 366 Chesler, Anhur ~oble .....515 Che-Mer. Bobbie Archie .. 15.'i. 368 Clu:•.., ter , ~iartin Da' id .82. 458 Chian~. Chenl;?'.~Hsien 44. 146. l'iO. 204. 39'i Chian~. Paul Chi~Jl,il'"n 4'>9 Chick. Charle-Euoene . 34. 149 Chick. Thomas Theodore 4'>7 Chi Camma Into . 467 Chi Omt to 2111-219 Chi Phi 2'i2-2'i3 Childe". R.ite Jn Ilh. 2:1n. 187. 473 Childer!'8 Chilrle,..,, William Eira. Jo. '.llMI. '.>04 Childre. Franc-t•"' A111w . JIMI, 235 Childs. Claire JIMl. l:l3. 241. 166. 461 C:hild~, Robert Rinfred . 245 Chile,, II. E .. Jr . .... . .. 149 Chilton . Dom:l Chi,um, Dorothv Ka\ 116. 161. 20b. 3'.>11 Chodoro\\ , II ihon I 2114 2R7 .\'a me Pagn Chri>tal, Wanda Janiece . .Ill. 147 Chri.,1ian. Henry Da\'id .. 44, 155, 164, 167, 51!! Christian, Raymond Dale ........522 Christian Science Organi.:a1io11 ... .468 Christian, Stephen Willis ... . 116 Christopher, Daniel ..............272 Christopher, Loyce Jeanne 116 Chunn, Edward Keith ....... 116. 292 Chupik, Beuy Lu Fletcher ........ 140 Churchill, Grace Anne .......82? 2~J, 35_, 'lb!! Churchill, James T. . . . . . 100, 251 Chute. Aaron Hamilton .... . 135, 155 Cisnero>, Alfonso Augusto ....-lj,i 154, 31>1!, 495 Clabau~b, Stephen Edmund ......262 Claitor, John Howard ........44, 489 Clark, Charles T . ........22, 137, 260 Cla.rk, Da,•id Bartram. Jr ....44, 136, 150, 457 Clark, Don Gene ......... ....... .457 Clark, Donald B. . ..44, 291. 305, 377 Clark, Edd C. . . . ...377 Clark, Elizabeth Snyder 147 Clark, F. David . . . ...459 Clark, Fred Ray . . . . 82 Clark, Garf1eldlJr. . .. .. .. .... 44 Clark, Geo1ge iulefield . ... ....269 Clark, Gerald McLendon .........269 Clark. Grady Buel, Jr............116 Clark, Ha.rley R .....34, 137145, 1681 189, 362, 376• 37~. 49) Clark, James Sidney .............100 Clark, Jo Lynn . . . . . . ........372 Clark, John Wheaton .....44. 167, 517 Clark. Joseph Clyde . . ....289 Clark, Knox Bledsoe . . 252 Clark, Marilyn Patricia . . .. .. . 82, 217 Clark, Marion A. Cook .......... 116 Clark, Mary Jean ...... 116, 208 Clark, '.\1inta Lee . 100, 208 Clark. Peggy Lou ... .... ......82. 207 Clark. Randolph Lee, 111 ..... lib Clark. Re~inald Wayne ..........518 Clark, Robert Earl .......... 116, 282 Clark, Robert Scotland . .456, 496, 507 Clark, Robert Willard .....82. 393.398 Clark, Roxie 1-largaret ... 116, 240, 371 Clark, Stanley Lee . . 1'>5, 489 Clark, Suzanne . . . . . . ........ 116 Clark, Wayne Newell .. 344 Clark. Whitfield Harral ..........269 Clarke. Patricia Ann ........ .401. 477 Clarke. Thelma Frances ...82, 365. 401 Clarkson. Edward Allison. Jr. 465. 484 Clarkson. Nanc)' Lynn .. 100, 222, 350. 485 Cbq-. Genr~e Addran ....... 136. 457 Clar)', John Alfred .. .. .. . .... 145 Clary. John James, Ill . . ..291 Chunts. Helen Lysbeth .....217 Clay. Alton Carroll ... .458 Clay. Evelyn Miller .......236 Clai. Jerry Harold .......... 44 Claybrook. James Russell . 140, 152 Claypool. Lee Jane 466 Claypool. William Christopher .... 116 Clayton. Carolyn Elizabeth .... . 82. 209 Clayton. Joe Dodson .....116, 248. 512 Claylon. Paul Buchman .. 141 , 203, 365 Clayton, Phillip M. . . . . .....492 Cleaves. Wilbur Ratliff ...... 160, 495 Cleg~. James Ellis. Jr.. .. 100. 300, 301 Clement, Jerry L............... .491 Clements. Anna Belle .....80, 145, 207 Clemenls. Carolyn Mozelle ..382, 392, 473 Clements. James Riley . . .......... 82 Clements. Joe Stuart .. .. 305, 306, 307. 312, 485 Clements. Wayne Wilson 100, 259, 504 Clendenen. Sarah L.. ........ 116, 220 Cleveland, Andrew Jack .. ... 136, 457, 496 Cleveland, Clark Milton ....... 150 Cleveland, Herbert J .. Jr. . ......261 Cleveland, Jerr)' Cay ............. 82 Cleveland, Joseph Charles ........ 82 Cleveland. Kenneth Wayne ..305. 320, 323, 485 Cleveland. Paul Hill .............486 Cleveland. R°"' Marie .....477 Click, Lloyd Lorin~ 274 Cliff Courts .....................390 Clifford, '.\1irhacl Jame; .........513 Clifford. Pal!i Irene 82 Clift. Ruth Ann ..44. 227. 462 Cline, Barbara Kay .82. 144. 216 217. 368 Cline. .James Curti'~ ...... . 347 Cline. Jame' 11 .........357 Cline, James :\kGm•en ..........253 Clin~er, Arthur Herbert .... 150. 4.'H Clin'ter, :'\orman Edmund .... .455 Clinton. Jack Ra)' . . . . . . 100. 358 Cloer. Geraldine Raye .........241 Clonch. Robert Allen .............459 Clo,uit. Erne..1 ~laurice ......... . 2fi4 Cloud. Da,id Fr>Lier .... 116. 469. 'il2 Clou-cr. Harvey llerlx·rt. J1-. .....459 Clm.c. Jerry Lee ............ 116, 288 Clower. Thoma.< Richard 288. 289. 513 Clul!<. Bobby Lee . . . . . . . . ..... 100 Clymer. John Crittend•·n . mi, 203 Coale . Barbara Anne ... . 237 Coan . Rif'hard Don . . ..... 266 Coate<. John llenry .....44. 293. 3'i8 \'am1 Pagl!J Cobb, Bettye Gleith . . . . .. 1.~, 237? :-, 37_ Cobb, Billy Ray ....... .44, 369,459 Cobb, Carolyn Eslyta .... 116, 206, 389 Cobb, Lawrence Dean ...44, 168, 275,i 362, 364, 37u Cobb, Louis Deru,on .. ....... . 34, 265 Cochran. James Henr)' ....... 153, 297 Cochran, John Leslie .............456 Cochnun, Kenneth Lee 164. 167, 289, 458, 517 Cocke, Margaret Suzanne .... 116, 236 Cockrell, James Thomas Ro"" .... 100, 258, 52~ Cockrell, Wanda Rose ............229 Cody, Judith Vermelle .. ..... 100, 388 Cody, Llord Edward .............486 Coe, Caro yn Virginia .. . ..... ... .473 Coe, Gayle Louise ... .. . . 100, 393, 400 Coe, Pegiry E. . ........100, 216 Co-Eds Forum ....... .. ..........161 Coffee, David Orville ............ .456 Coffee, Jerry Lee . . . ........... . 523 Coffee, Phyllis Jean ...44, 151, 231 , 377, 487 Coffee, Roy Clarence, Jr......82, 168, 271 Coffeen. Hale Lanpher ...........454 Coffey, DeWiu, Jr.. ......... 150, 456 Coffey, John C....... ............255 Coffey, Robert Lewis ..... ... .....274 Coffman, Joe Arlan ..... ........ . 100 Cogdell, John Rich?rd ....... 136, 150, 275, 477 Cogdell, Josephine Elaine ........ 133 Cogdill, Lloyd Dale . ........ .....474 Coggin, Luginia ..................400 Cogswell, Robert E. . . . . ..377 Cohen, Edward Marcus ...... .. ...470 Cohen, Lester Morton ........294, 295 Cohen. Paul Elwood ............. 157 Cohen, Rosamond Amy ......... . . 210 Coker, Carolyn Lee ....... 116, 226 Coker. William Gordon ...........291 Colby. Frank Michael ....... 100. 393, 394, 498 Colby, Malcolm Young ..........290 Cole, Beverly Ann ...82, 213, 349, 351 Cole, Brady Marshall 44. 134, 154. 165 203, 274, 275, 302, 402, 514 1 Cole. Carol Sue ......... 161, 349, 401 Cole, Carolyn Alice ...........82, 473 Cole, Charles Henr)', Jr. ......... 100 Cole. Edward Eu~ene ...135, 149, 203 Cole, Ernest Allen. I II ....... 116, 248 Cole. H. David ......... .456 Cole. James Dee . . . . . .. 100, 478 Cole. James Kin~ . . . .. ..354, 355, 396. 456 Cole. James Leon . . . . 82 , 46i Cole. Jenoye Roland . . . . . . . . . . .100 Cole. Jerry G.............44, 457. 478 Cole. ~faurice Wayne. Jr. 44, 249. 459, 496. 514 Cole. '.\Joya Caryln ............. .400 Cole. Richard Rosser .... 116. 274, 372 Cole, Robe1 t L. . . 44 Cole. Ron,ld Jarrell ......44, 150. 458 Coleman. Betsy Inez ..... 100. 133. 217 Coleman. Brady Sieele . . . .....83, 258 Coleman, Dabney Wharton .......269 Colennn, Robert 0. ............. 44 Colfer. Mary Clare ...............222 Colley. James M . ..... .. ..........280 Collier, Bruce E. .. .. . .........284 Collier. Charles Barq· .. .....117. 300 Collier, Homer Garth . . . . . .454 Collier. Jack .....................343 Collier, James Michael ... ..... .. .458 Collier, Joe ...................... 44 Collier. Robert Eames .... ........300 Collier. Suzanne . . . . ..233, 466 Collier, William. Jr. . ........396 Collins, Carl Ba.,ter ......... 141, 203 Collins, Charles Malcolm ......44. 257 Collins, Everett Franklin, Jr. 512, 513 Collins. Harwood Lewis, Jr. ..83. 365. 375 Collins, Judith Inez .... ... 117. 206 Collins, Lucian Munier ...........267 Collin" Lury Ann .. 161 . 162. 163, 174. 196, 221, 242 Collim. Mary Maroaret ........... 100 Collins. Mason Edward .... . . 456, 505 Collins, Philip Linn ..............489 Collins. Ray ................... ..328 Collins. Warren Linton. Jr........504 Collin,, William Phillip .... ....... 83 Coloma, Juan Enrique ........44. 353 Colomb. Henry Octa\"<, Jr...152. 251 Coltharp. John Robert ........ .474 Colunqa. Daniel ............. 100. 456 Colwell, Walter Lee ...... .. ... .. . 135 Colwick , Ruth Catherine ( . . . . . . . . ..232 Comes. John Milton . . . . . . 100 Compton, Howard Ayre;, Jr....83. 269 Comstock. Richard Allan .... 160 Comstock, Richard Dean ....458 Cmta"ay. Charley T . ...... , .....289 Conchola. Syh ia .......352 Coneklin. Carol Lynne ........... 100 Conde. Carlo' 83 Nanu Pages Condron, William Franklin, Jr. ...l~j Conef :'\ancy Lee ............229, 349 Conk in, Carol ......... ..........352 Conlin, Sara Maureen .......117, 228 Conlon, John Loftin .. ...........498 Conlon, Winifred Marie 382, 391, 484 Conn, Fred ...................... 30 Conn, Frederick James, II .. 117, 2:\i& Conn, George David .........271, 302 Conn, Jerry Douglas .........IOI, 289 Conn, Manon Edith .........117, 230 Connally, David Terrence ... 117, 260 Connally, •Tom Allen ... ..... 117, 272 Connealyj John Edward .. ........203 Connell, ack Willard, Jr.........275 Connelly) David Anthony ........265 Conner, a.mes Arthur ... . .......299 Conner, Paula Janet ..... .... ... . 162 Conner, William Simpson, Jr. .....345 Connery, David Bradford, r...83, 289 Connor, Paula Janel ......... 138, 473 Connor, Sydney S . .......44, 267, 521 Conoly, Dan Barden .............158 Conover, William Van ..........269 Conrad, Gene Paul ..............485 Conrad, Kay Lynne ..............220 Conray, Mrs. Martin T .. .........391 Conrow, Constance Bes ..........228 Conti, Jacquelyn Ann ............ 44 Contreras, Eusebio Hector . ...... .476 Conway, Carol Eugenia ...44, 209, 473 Cook, Alice Estep . ......96, 10},i 175.i 2;xi, 37~ Cook, Alton Henry, Jr.......250, 457 Cook, Charles Peak .... ..........204 Cook, Connie Sue ...........117, 388 Cook, David Edwin ..........44, 478 Cook, Deanna Drusilla .. .. 83, 206, 207 Cook, Ednice Aileen ............. 44 Cook, Eleanor R........ IOI, 227, 473 Cook, Helen Earle ...............241 Cook, Katherine Jane .... IOI, 143, 240 Cook, Mary Elizabeth ... . 391, 478, 484 Cook, Ramon Joseph .............454 Cook, Rita Jean .................231 Cook, Robert Laird ..............466 Cook, Ruth Ann .... 133, 203, 214, 242 Cook, Sally F .......... ..83, 204, 219 Cook, William Jerry .............508 Cook, Wilson Clarke .............266 Cooke, Mrs. lsora ................392 Cooke, John Curzon ........ .456, 518 Cooke, Juanita Muller ........44, 462 Cooke, Mary Monica .........83, 401 Cooke, William Peyton .......83, 273 Cooksey, Robert Monaghan ....... 83 Cooksey, Syh·ia Jean .....44, 227, 463 Coole, Walter A.................363 Coomer, Joseph Carroll ..........399 Cooper, Albert l".vere!l .......150, 288 Cooper, ByLhel Kelly .. ...83, 490, 505 Cooper. Frank Fitzhugh. Jr. . ..... 44 Cooper, Jackie Richard ...... 135, 395 Cooper, John Clifton ... IOI, 293, 513 Cooper, Larry George ........270, 343 Cooper, Malcolm Lane .. .... 117, 268 Cooper, Mary Allwyn ........ 117. 208 Cooper. Melba Jean .............223 Cooper, Merlyn Don ........ IOI, 257 Cooper, Michael Ross ............117 Coopwood, Thomas Benton .. 132, 203, 204, 288, 289 Copel Hershell Benny ............459 Cope and, Don Cade .........44, 157 Copeland. James William ....117, 397 Copeland, John William ......83, 270. 359, 504 Copeland, Martha Elizabeth . . . . . . 44 Copeland, William Marr .........458 Copeland, William Noel ..........153 Copp. Dana Bruce ...............117 Corbell, Bob Lee ................489 Corbell.Lou Ann . . ..... ..... IOI. 388 Corbeu. Thomas 1anley . . .. ... .. 134 Corbin, Daniel Bnice ........ 142. 452 Corbin. Martha Payne .. ......... 117 Corbusler, Elinor Ann ...237, 366. 463 Cordell, Barbara Lee .........44, 477 Cordova, Juan M................117 Cordwell, Ri _hard Alan .......... 44 Corley. Carol .............45, 138, 237 Cornelius. Winona Lynn ..45, 161, 464 Cornell, David Mayo .....45, 168, 283 Corner, Rosemary .... . ..... .... ..234 Cornish, Lieutenant Colonel Geo~e H..................266. 502 Correll, Jerry Dean ..............347 Cosner, Dail Warren .........281. 358 Cosper, Lewis J>"ars ......... 117. 519 Cotner. Robert Crawford ........274 Collen, Eleanor Mills ....83. 217. 473 Couen. j ohnny Walter ...........319 Couer, ohn Blake. Jr. ...........470 Couer, ohn D...............83. 454 Cottin~ham, Jame Williams ..... . 132 Cottin1(ham, Jerry 1'1arvin ... , , .. .459 f:oule. Wilbur Walter ............459 Courell. David Dean ............. 153 Cotulla, William Lawrence ... .45. 244 . 24'.l. 509 Couch. Joe H .. :· ................ 158 Courh. l>aul Da•·1d ...... 117. 160. 371 Couch. Reba Fay Ra~land ....4'i. 156 Couch. Sandra Jean .....234. 231. 487 Cou~hran. Jam.-Patrick .....83, 263 Coulter. Erne DeHaes, Suzanne Elizabeth .•220, 372 Dehne), Paul E., Jr. . . ....•.46, 489 Dehnisch, Sharon lleth ...•• 101~ 2!}J 24l, ;)o:> de la Garza, Estela ......391, 453, 476 de la Luz Lopez, Maria .... .•. •. .476 Delaney, Albert Lindsay ....•152, 305 Delaney, Carole Jean •........• . • 221 DeLaney, elwyn Irene .........101 Delaney, Randall Gordon ..•.117, 452 Delany, Robert Edward ..........263 de la Pena, Virginia Pastor .••35, 391 De la Rosa, Jerry ..... .......... .255 de la Rosa, Mary Alice . . . . . . . . • • 46 DeLawder, Jimmie Jean .....117, 478 De Leon, Cesar .. . . ......46, 453, 458 De Leon, Hector •......•.... .. .• 46 DeLeon, Jo Ann ... .... .....372, 452 DeLeon, Mary Helen .......•...453 De Leon, Raymond Sebastian •••. 46 Del Homme, Louis Raoul ..305, 306; 307' 306, 50~ Delk, Mildred Ruth ...... . . 214, 215 Delley, Frank T . •..•............454 Delo, Herbert Eugene •....... .• .457 DeLong, Thomas McKeown ...•.489 de los Santos, Alfredo G., Jr. . .. .476 De Los Santos, Manuel Trevino . . 46, 132 Delpree. Juan Carlos .......•.. • 46 Della Chi ... . . . ........ ... .254, 255 Delta Delta Della ..........220, 221 Delta Gamma .... .... ......222, 223 Delta K appa Ef.silon ... .....256, 257 Delta Phi Epsi on ........ ..224, 225 Delta Sigma Pi .................155 Delta Tau Delta . ..........258, 259 Delta Upsilon ............•.260, 261 Delta Zeta ...... . .........226, 227 De Luna, Raul Fraga ......••.... 101 Demaree, E. William ..........•139 Dement, Dennie Maree .........117 Dement, Nancy ..... .......... ..117 Demler, Jo Ann ...........117. 206., 352, 38:t Demming, Ann .........220, 372, 389 DeMouchc. William Edward .....274 Dempsey,)ack Marvin •.......•. 83 Dendy, William Chester, Jr .....456, 514 Denison, William Powers, Jr. . ...83, 249 Denman, Ann ... ............... .494 Denman, Charles Culberson, Jr ... 83 Denney, Leonard Earl •......46, 489 Dennis, J~ck Harold ............512 Dennis, ivLichael David ......281, 398 Dennis, Rodrick Warren 101, 478, 506 Dennison, Richard Francis ...149, 489 Denowitz, Marvin Allen .....279, 454 Dent, Charles H .••••••.•....••••462 Denton, Dianne Lucille .......•..231 Depew, Judy Beth ... .•. . .. ... •..117 Derden, Zoe Ann ........... .....223 Der-Gregorian, Hcros . .....•....•117 de Ridder, Karen Ariena .46, 207, 372 PAGE 534 !I ll 211 Iii !J IOI I! Ii I~ WI ll ~ lll )il 191 ~ Lii Ill ~ Iii 111 ~. Iii 171 II! II, Ii I~ I~ Ill !21 101 ll Ii? THE GOAL IN ~I Ill 1:1 Iii 16 EDUCATION 16 li! Ill "Do not forget, then, as you walk these classic places, why you 46 ~ iii are here. You are not here merely to prepare to make a living. You are !1l Ill lil here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater I ~ ~. vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to .l! 16 enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand." 55 l1 2l 5; ~ -From an address at Swarthmore College by Woodrow Wilson, .ii noted educator and one time President of the United States. ~ '1 l1 01 l! Ii '·fl Ii I! ii !! l G. JI ...................... . . .. . .... . .. . 0 91 !! W Y A TT METAL & BOILER WORKS, INC. 1! B DALLAS • •HOUSTON MEXICO C ITY ll ~ MANUFACTURERS AND ERECTORS SINCE 1913 ~ ~ Subsidiaries ~ n Wyatt's Plastics, Inc. Wyatt de Mexico S.A. de C.V. Ii ~ Houston Mexico City 11 " P AGE 535 N ame Pages De1Tett, Delbert Henry .......... 83 Derrick, Donald Hugh . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Derrick, Elmo Alexander .....46, 154 Derrick, Richard E. ..........46, 467 Derrick, William James .....168, 271 DeSalm~ Marilyn Ann .. 117, 391, 484 Desek, <;narles Leonard ..........486 Desenberg, Dianne ...............211 Desenberg, Juliw Desey .....46.< 165, 27'1, 515 DeShazor, Tommy DiMaggio .....508 DeShong, Emma Frances .... IOI, 204 DeShong, Ralph Lee, Jr. . ........289 Deter, Doris E ..........382, 384, 473 Devall, Mrs. Charles ............ 20 DeVaney, Will Earl ..........83, 456 Developme nt Board .............. 28 DeVerter, Paul Logan, 11 ........273 DeVilbiss, Terry Dean ...........343 Devine, Ann .................... . 484 De Vries, Robert John ...46, 134, 154 196, 255 Dewalt, James Willis ............297 DeWalt, Robert Maurice .........484 Dewey, Richard Bartens .........204 Dewitt, James Bart .............. 117 Dewitt, Joseph Cornell .......46, 132 DeWitt, Tom Guernsey ..........289 Dews, Marion E. . .............. .459 Dexter, Cindy Sue ......... . 222, 350 Dhruv, Indravanda N........... .456 Dial, Donald Bruce ..............454 Diamond, Fern .............117, 224 Diamond, Harriet Jane ..........228 Dias, Sandra Jean ...........117, 218 Diaz, An11el Morales ............ .476 Diaz, Livia Elia ................. IOI Di be, Adnan Mahmoud ...... .47, 460 Dibeej Khalil ............35, 460, 484 Dibre I, David Benton .. IOI.< l~JA 353, 45'1, '1!11.1, 505 Dice, Carolyn ......166, 234, 235, 487 Dick, Walter Lee ................ 177 Dickenson, Charles Keith ........456 Dickerson, Charles Adolph ....83, 265 D icke.non, orman Clifford, Jr...... .47, 136, 146,i 152, 457, 45!!, 4~ Dickey, Arnold Everett ..........297 Dickey, Barbara Lois ...... . . 382, 398 Dickey, Claire Ann ..... 117, 208, 371 Dickson, Barbara Ann ............487 Dickson, Edgar Hal ..............203 Dickson, Robert Lee ............366 Dickson, Robert Miller . . I01 , 259, 504 Dicorte, Mary Frances ........... 151 Diehl, William Henry ... .........484 Diemer, Harvey Henry ......167, 516 Diercks, Kay Jerome ....... ..... 140 Dieter, Henning B. . ........ .... .454 Dieter, John P..................459 Dietert;...Lloyd Edward ...........474 Dietz, u scar Leon, Jr ............ 158 Dietz, Richard Leland .. 134, 203, 351 Dikes, Bill Nelson ....... .47, 275, 485 Dill, Nancy Clay ................241 Dillard, Sandra Ann ..........83, 229 Dillard, Walter Maben ......... .456 Dillman,_ George Franklin ........ 153 Dillon, t'atricia Sue ........117, 133, 203, 208 Dilworth, J.ame< Preston ........ IOI Dingle, William Warlord ....292, 458 Dingler, Denson Powell .......83, 248 Dinsmore, Donald Ray .......... .454 Dirr, Eugene Oliver ...........•.519 Disciples Student Fellowship .... .471 Oise, Raymond Ashton .......•...456 Dishman, Harry Charles, Jr......180.< 262, 26~ Dishong, Donald Dean ..117, 319, 345 ))}tmore, Carl Alexander, Jr..... . 47 Ditmore, Frank Edward ..........117 Dittert, Henry Marion, Jr. . ..84, 395 Dittert, J. Lee .................. 30 Dittman, Clarence William .. IOI, 478 Dittmar. David Norman ......... .472 Ditto, Michael Mayo .........84, 282 Dixon, Barbara Ann ..... IOI, 133, 235 Dixon, Barbara Jane ..........47, 229 Dixon, Edgar Hal ................257 Dixon, Elizabeth Anne ...........468 Dixon, Melvin Richard .......... 84 Dixon, Royce Eldon .............148 Dixon, William Ronald ..........261 Djao, Er Hung .................. 159 Doak, Anne Vernon .471 175, 240, 241 Dobbs, Katherine Josephme .. IOI, 221 Dobbs, William H ...........259, 521 Dobie, Dudley Richard, Jr ... IOI, 456 Dochen, Thelma Ann ............ 143 Doctorman, William Owen •..47, 293 Dodd, Charles M .............47, 458 Dodson, Bobby Wayne .. IOI, 474, 520 Dodson, Herbert William 84, 251, 518 DodJon, Joseph Edward, Jr..149, 368, 489 Doerr, Theodore Carl ............160 Doggett, John Rentz, Ill ....84, 160. 255, 512 Dohanic:hb John • , ...•..•.• , •... • 153 Doherty, 1ane .............223, 242 Doherty, Larry Norman ......47, 275 Doke, H. Maurice ...... l~l.J 168, 289, 305, 300, 307, 314 Dolan, Bruce Allen ........ . 13_!;150, 2V't,1 457 Name Pagts Dolan, Samuel Jerome .......259, 355 Dolce, Charles Leonard ...... IOI, 293 Doles, Miriam Elizabeth (Kitty) .216 Dolley, James Cla_y .......26, 135, 155 Domaschk, Joan Elizabeth ....47, 472 Dominey, Joseph Hudgens ...117, 252, 512 Dommers, Orland Bernard ...... .458 Damning, Dolores Eleanor ...222, 489 Donaghey, Lewis Wheeler .. . . 84; 160, 163, 507 Donaghey, Sydney Ann ..47, 135, 203. 217, 375 Donaho, Philip Edward ..........509 Donaldson, Jack Smith ...........467 Donaldson, Monte Severne .......273 Donegan, Danny Ware ...........132 Donegan, Dianne ............... . 117 Doner, Israel Reuben ........247, 504 Donnell, Ben Addison .. .47, 168, 27~2,, 273, 367, 500 Donnell, James Lowe .........47, 251 Donnell, Stanley Joe ............. IOI Donohoo, Virginia Ann ..........219 Donohue, Eugene Patrick, 11 ... . . 285 Donovan, Aileen Muirhead .......133 Dooley, Max Don ...............157 Doo1·es, James Howard . . ........ 145 Dorbandt, Helen Ann ........84, 219 Dorbandt, John Thomas 117, 296, 512 Dorman, John Timothy . . ........273 Dormitoriu and Co.operatives 381, 402 Dorn, George Albert .........84, 299 Dorn Rosemary Butschek ....84, 223 Dornberger, Werner William, Jr. 3541 45'f Dornum, Larry ..................358 Dorotik, Mildred Ann .......47, 382, 391, 484 Do1Tell, Lou Adele .... .....232, 3651 372, 46< Dorrill, Mary Ruth ..............117 Doss, Darrell Finley ..........47, 489 Doswell, Catherine LaNell ...386, 477 Doty, E. William ... ..........24, 142 Doty, John Philip ......... ...... 35 Doty, Ruth Joan ............... . 237 Dougherty, Roy .................392 Doughli, Mohamed Farouk ......460 Doughtie, Eugene B., Jr. . ..203, 3!:s Doughtie, Margaret Arlene .......228 Doughtie, Venton Levy .. 146, 150, 252 Doughty, William J ..............515 Douglas, Albert Cleo ............ 117 Douglas, Dorothy ................352 Douglas, George Edward .........467 Douglas, John Winston ..........248 Douglas, Olen LaRoy ............158 Douglas, Walter Brockman ...84, 459 Douglass, James Edward .........152 Douglass, Joe Weldon ............ IOI Douglass, Lynne .............84, 217 Douglass, Robert Ra{mond . . .. . . . 24 Douthit, Allie Durel ............261 Dove. Richard Oral ............ .478 Dowd, David Barry .... .47, 305, 320, 325, 485 Dowd, Robert William ......117, 258 Dowden, Leon D ............ .47, 456 Dowdle, Don Michael ..262, 305, 3061 307, 3111 Dowdy, Jack McCoy ........ .47, 459 Dowis, Cary Lloyd ..........IOI, 505 Downes, Calvin L. . ..............IOI Downing, Don Carter ........... .475 Downing, Roberta Lee . 204, 222_, 223, 370, 487 D ownum, Lawrence Morgan, Jr. ..............117, 522 Dozier, Eugene Joseph .. 117, 270, 359 Drake, Augustus Ventors .........273 Drake, Elinor Clyde .... .47, 144, 175. 216, 217, 368, 375, 464 Drake, Floyd Richard ...101, 293, 504 Drake, Josephine ................231 Draper, Diane Sue .............. 47 Draper, Dorothy Frances ... 101, 214.< 215, 34'1 Dreiss, Martin Thomas, Jr•.......459 Drenner, George Lawrence, Jr . .. . 458 Drenner, Hugh C ............... .457 Drewa, Allan Louis .... ......84, 513 Dreyer, Ned Carroll ............ .477 Dreyling, Max Sithen ............285 Dreymala, Charles Samuel ....84, 264 Dreymala, Clarence F. . ..........305 Drisdale, Howard H. . ........... 84 Oriska, Robert Sutton ............144 Driver, Jack Canu .............. 84 Drummond, Donald Eugene ...... 47 Drummond, William Henry ......267 Drumwright, Charles McNeill ....477 Drury, Neil Lewis ...............269 Drwhel, William H..........84, 168, 284, 285 Dryden, Anne Stuart ........117, 236 Dryden. Ruth Henrietta .....117, 218 Drye, Carol Logan ...............489 Dubinsky.J.. Ruth Su .....117, 210, 371 DuBois, v harlotte Estelle ••.. 147, 206 DuBoise, Dora Diana ........ IOI, 241 Duckett, Jo Ann ................ 84 Duckett, John Warner, Jr...132, 168, 269, 305, 328 Duckett, Wiley Bort .............118 Duderstadt, Dorothy Kay ........229 Name Pages Dudgeon, Elizabeth Ann .....237, 466 Dudley, Dale Bowles .............289 Dudley, James Hudson ..... . . 118, 519 Dudley, Philip Lanel ............245 Duesterhoeft, William Charles, Jr. . .......... ....136, 150 Duff, Catherine Elaine .......... . 84 Duff, William Michael ...... 118, 280 Duff, Willis Powell, Jr........84, 378 Dugger, Orel Carlyle .............276 Duke, Anne Bolin .. ..........84, 207 Duke, Mary Ellen . . ............. 47 Dukeminier, Randell Allen ..118, 282 Dulaymi, Hadi M ............47, 460 Dull, Marilyn Joanne .........47, 223 Dunagan, Otis Theodore, Jr...... 84 Dunaway, Jerry Clarence .... .47, 150 Dunbar, Carland Duke, Jr. . .841 353, 3511, 485 Duncalf, Frederic ................270 Duncan, Jacqueline Ann ....IOI, 216, 382, 385 Duncan, Marvin Edward ......... 47 Duncan, Nancy Katherine . .......237 Duncan, Walter .Joe .... .........515 Dunham, James Marion .........269 Duniven, Linn eal .........276, 277 Dunlap, Debbie .............233, 473 Dunlap. Devereux Brown ........269 Dunlap, Drew Woolford .... IOI, 2571 319, 328, 33, Dunlap, Ginger Dell ............. 47 Dunlap, Hugh Graydon ......84, 257 Dunlap, Kenneth Ray .. 118, 258, 34,?, 364, 459, 500 Dunlap, Robert Brogdon (Bobby) ..................118, 256 Dunlop, Charles Austin ... .......251 Dunman, Robert F. . .... ........371 Dunn, Bobby Will .........•.....136 Dunn, Dorothy Anne ........... .472 Dunn, Edward Michael ....... ... 118 Dunn, Ruth ............. ........143 Dunn, Sam Willjam ..............273 Dunn, Thomas Cleon ............ 35 Dunn, Willie Paul ...........359, 521 Dunnam, Thomas rorman, Jr...10],.t 259, 3bb Dunne, Patty A . ...... .......84, 385 Dupre, Catherine Belle ...........227 Dupree, Rose Diane ......47, 229, 348 Durbin, James Lynn . . ......... . .459 Durden, James M . ........... 84, 157 Duren, Almetris M. . ............386 Durham, Harold Raymond ... ....459 Durham, Walter Winn . .47, 15}, 26}, 3HU, 5Ut> Durham, William Lynn ..........283 Durland, Virginia Jean ......84, 222, 223, 487 Durrett, Linda Diane .......1661 175, 2l'f, 372 Durst, Lloyd Milton ......... .47, 474 Durway, Charles Lindsey .....366, 489 Duryea, Dian ...... .....212, 350, 466 Dusek, Clifton J .................478 Duson, Delia . .. ... IOI, 13},1 147, 163, 2U!I, 382' 384 Duson, Walter Webb ... 168, 282, 283,t 491, 5b Dustin, Maj·or William R....... . . 139 Dutton, Da e Lee ............. .. 84 Duty, Rhetta Roberta ....96, 118, 232 Duty, Sandra Sue ...............118 Duvall, Anthony .................257 Duvon, Richard Harmon, Jr..... 254, 255, 45b Duwe, George Do\lll:las . . .. . . 326, 504 Dvoracek, Herman Joseph .. .458, 496 Dwoskin, Diane Carole ......118, 224 Dwyer, Samuel J ., Ill .......136, 457 Dwyer1 Walter Scott ........... . . 132 Dybdahl, Duane Osmand ....... .458 Dyche, Kay ........ . ....47, 147, 209 Dye, Anna L....................473 Dye, Dorothy Carole ........118, 228 Dye, Susannah Vincent .. 118, 218, 350 Dyer, Bobby C ..............360, 390 Dyer, Curtis B. . ............262, 307 Dyer, David Leon ............... IOI Dyer, Don Thomas ..............275 Dyer, Frances Sue ........... .47, 156 Dyer, Lyndall Ellen .... .....237, 366 Dyer, Nancy Jo .................133 Dyer, Pat Taylor ................291 Dyer, Wallace Edgar ............IOI Dyess, Linda Gayle ..... IOI , 371, 494 Dyke, Earnest Wesley ........ .47, 277 Dyke, Marshall James ............270 Dzilsky, Jean Ann ............84, 468 E Eads, John Andrew ..............292 Eads, Nathaniel Bunch ...... 148, 377 Eager, James Leslie ..........•. . 148 Ea~le, Evelf1! Lorene ............ IOI Eagle, Pamcia Gayle ........382, 388 Eaker, E. Catherine ............. 47 Eakin, Robert Derwin ....... IOI, 155 Eargle, Stephen Taber ........•••483 Ear\;art, Cordon Holly .......... .459 Earhart, Robert Francis .....358, 508 Earle, Edward ...................IOI Easle)', John Teed ...............249 Easley, k ita Carolyn .........372, 461 Eason, Carol Ann ....... .47, 218, 219 Name Pages Eason, Judith Lynn ......84, 218, 219 Eastep, Larry Gene ..............522 Eastham, Clarence Stacey, Jr. ....269 Eastman, Harry Jerome .....118, 294 Eastwood, John Burks ............518 Eaton, Charlie Merle ....47, 229, 473 Ebarb, Teddy Glendon ...... .....489 Ebaugh Albert Lipscomb 84, 272, 273 Ebel, C~les E. .. ...........84, 158 Ebert, Alfred Harry, Jr..........204 Echols, Ben C ...................489 Echols, Carolyn Sue .........237, 366 Echols, Charlene ................386 Eckhardt, Carl John .....22, 146, 150 Eckhart, James McKinley ..146, 150,{ 45:. Eckles, Joan .................... .470 Eckman, Carl Earl, Jr ............ 48 Economy, Richard ...........297, 457 Eddjngs, James Ralph ........84, 267 Eddleman, Julia Neat .......118, 230 Edds, Janice Lois ......350,{ 351, ~~J 38~. 392, """ Eddy, James R. D ............. ... 24 Eddy, Ronald Eugene .......152; 280,i 450, 5b Edelman, Arla F...........2~'2J13 Eden, Catherine Clark . . 101, 166.< 216,i 38<, 38'1 Edens, Roderick Tarlton . . . .... . . 259 Edgar, David Gene ..............118 Edgar, Kenneth Ray .... IOI, 160, 203 Edgar, Mary Patrieta ........84, I~ 401,4~ Edgar, Sarah Elizabeth ......... . 206 Edge, Cail ..................232, 233 Edgerton, Robert Gerald ....... . .458 Edgington, Don Harold .......48, 458 Edman, Cynthia Sue .........48, 241 Edmiston, Charles Lanier, Jr•...•288 Edmiston, John Robert ......474, 496 Edmiston, Ken Howard .... . 376, 378 Edmonds, Lester Loyd, Jr...135, 3Jifu Edmundson, Lida Lacy ......101, 237 Edrington, Thomas Sydney .......259 Edson, Sharon Lee .........118; 240, 36:>, 387 Edwards, Charles Allen, Jr...150, 466 Edwards, Charles Joseph .....118, 266 Edwards, Chloe ......... IOI , 352, 466 Edwards, Joe Patrick ... .....272, 273 Edwards, Margaret Anne ....118, 220 Edwards, Nancy Elizabeth ...48, 161.< 175, 221 , 24~ Edwards, Robert Charles ....102,t 469, 51<, 513 Edwards, Robert E. . ........... . 102 Edwards, Robert Sammie ........152 Edwards, Thomas Charles ........150 Edwin, George Robert .......... . 523 Efrat, Edgar Shlomo ............145 Egas, Oswaldo Anibal ........84, 353 Eggleston, Carroll Lee ...........102 Ehl, Bob Allen ..................307 Ehlert, Harry Cern ...... , . . . . . . • 48 Ehresmann, Bernard John 48, 155, 517 Eichenbaum, Harold, Jr......278, 512 Eichholz, Ellen Brodie ...........238 Eichler, Jane Elizabeth ...... . 84, 209 Eickmann, Marie Josephine .118, 133; 166, 203, 204, 234, 37b Eike!, Harvey Andrew ......164,t 456J 46~. 51:> Ei.kenburg, John Joseph .....118, 272 Eisenbacb, Roy Clarence .........345 Eitelman, Joyce Yvonne ....133, 203J. 47< Ekblad, Barbara Kay ....118, 218, 389 Ekdahl, Karin Lo.Use .........84, 227 Ekery, 'orman Michael ....•....157 Ekfelt, Kerstin Hildegrade ...48, I~ 161, 196, 203, 4~ Ekrut, Billy George . . . . . 469, 512, 513 Elam, Carolyn L. ..•........102.< 401{ 47u, 48 Elam, Johnny Edward .... . ..48, 3~f; 335, """ El-Baba, Ahmed Toufic ......... .460 Elder, Marvin Neel, Jr......264, 265 Elder, Peggy Jo .. : ..... ·°!8•151, 204 El Dewy, Ahmed Said M. l ...... 35 El-Din, Mohamed Fakhr .........460 Eley, Cherry .... . ...............118 El-Fetouh, Mohamed Helmy ... . . 460 Elhag Ali, Mostafa Kamel Mohamed ..................... 35 El-Hagal, Mw tafa ...............460 Eliot, Ceort!e Washington, Jr. . ...273 Eliot, Hamet Ann ...•......240, 242 Eliza D,. Hall ..................386 Elizondo. Cw Agwtine. Jr.......118 El-Kadri, Joseph Ezzeddine ......460 Elkins, Ann Willis .......... . ....231 Elkins, Jerome Stephen ..........247 Ellebracht, James Floyd ..........458 Elledge, ~esse Lawrence ......48, 152 Elledge, ohn Harrol, Jr.........118 Elledge, rah Katherine .........237 Eller, James Murray ........•.•..270 Elliott, Alonzo ................... 35 Elliott, Arthur B., Jr. . ..........253 Elliott, Charla Jean ......... 118, 218 Elliott, Donald Millard ..........203 Elliott, Edith Orr (Bitsey) ...48, 220£ 22 PAO! 536 To a GREATER University JESSE H. JOnES lnTERESTS HOUSTON, TEXAS 62 YEARS OF CONTINUED SERVICE TO THE STUDENTS 2246 GUADALUPE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AUSTIN , TEXAS P AGE 537 Name Pages Elliott, James Millard . . . . ... 158 Elliott, James Robert ....507 Elliott, Lynwood Grayburn .... 273 Elliott, Stephen Clay ........48, 267, 3b~. 521 Ellis, Billy C. .. .. .. . .. .. ..35, 150 Ellis, Clara Faye . . . . .... 118 Ellis, Ed~ar Scurry . . . . ...265 Eilts, George Thomas . . ...484 Ellis, Homer Godsey ....... .. . 276 Ellis, James .....................398 Ellis, Lynn Gail .. 102, 203, 207 Eilts, Nelda Fern . . ....... .401 Ellis, Noel Gre~ory, Jr..118. 266, 326 Ellis, Robert B. .. .. .. .. .. . .. ..355 Ellis, William David . . . . . . .457 Ellison, Austin McFarland ....... 84 Ellison, David Ragsdale .......... 273 Ellison, James David , , . . .......118 Ellison, Lloyd Dean ..........48, 489 Elmer, Henry Richards ...48, 261, 514 Elrod, McLowery .. ............ .. 492 Elsass, J . Frank . . ...............142 Ely, Sally Jean ......... 118, 240, 387 Ely, William R..................257 Embree, Mary Ellen .48, 140. 143. 162, 217 Embry, Ernest A. . ...258, 305, 334, 338 Emerson, Allan Richard ........ .459 Emerson, Charles ................351 Emerson, Ethel Maxine , .........389 Emerson, Margaret Louise .. . 118, IiJ:i Emerson, Sally Joanne ...... 16}; 163, loo, 221 Emery, Richard Westbrook .. 118. 248 Emery, Wynnell R. . ........ 118, 222 E'E~~~/'.~i·n· .H~~'.........496, 502 Emilio, Ortego V.... .. ......... -457 Emmons. George Arthur ......... 141 Emrich, Wayne Scott . . . .......519 Emsley. Donald Eugene ......48, 455 Enderlin, Hans W., Jr. . .48, 489 Enen. Jack . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..285 Eng, Jackson .... .............48, 489 Engelking, Jo Ann . . . . . . . . 84, 233 Engelman, Charles Edward ......458 Engert, Max . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . 48, 351 Engert, Patsy Ann . . . . . . . . .48, 134 England, Newton, Jr. . ......459, 474 Engleman, Charles Edward .... 48 Engler. Franklyn Raymond . .. . . 48 En~lert, George Philip. Jr........491 Engles, Frank K ............. . .. . 48 English, Gayle Earle .... ........ . 456 English, Kenneth Eu~ene ... 118, 270, 354 Engvall, John Logan . ...... 118, 141 Enmon, W. C............... ...299 Ennis, Frank Robert ........ 102, 160 Ennis, Royce E .................. 152 Enos, Robert W..............48, 457 Enos, Shirley Faulk .............. 48 Ensle, John Frederick ........48, 488 Enterline, John Herman ..... 136, 150 Entz, Robert Gene ...............474 Eppes. Bill Gorton ........... .. . 150 Eppright, Margaret Anne ...... . .473 Eppri~ht, Nancy Claire .118, 232, 372 Erickson, Charles Curry ..........244 Ermey, Harold Lee .............. 84 Ernst, Allen F ...............305, 343 Ernst. Robert David ........ . 276, 277 Erskine, Mary Louise ... 118, 218, 352 Erskine. Stanley M.. ............ 30 Erwin, Carroll Gene ..........84, 506 Erwin, Kenneth James ........... 35 Erwin, Terry Waters .........48, 456 Erwin. Thomas Dale ............. 160 Eschberger, Catherine Joy .. ... ... 48 Eschber~er, Leon McClain ....... 48 Eo;chenburg, Martha Jane .102, 219. 348 Escudero, Jor~e A. . . . . . . ..476 Esha~hian. Eshagh . . . . .. 357 Esparza, Elvia Ernestina . . . . .....484 Espa.a<. Jaime Antonio ..........155 Espey. Lawrence Lee ............ 48 Esquivel, Sandra .. , .84, 162, 163, 172, 175, 187. 196, 230, 231, 242. 365, 372, 493 Esse, Carol Dean ....... 102. 207, 365 Estes, Carl Lewis, II .........265 Estes. Gloria Evelyn . . . . .... 135 Estes, Jack Edward ..............470 Estes, James E.............. 135, 155A 149, 48~ Estes, Janet Clair ........84, 236, 372 Estes, William Chapman .... 165. 262, 263, 302. 366, 455 Este.s, Berthold Henry ...........257 Estill. Joseph Jefferson, Jr....274, 275 Estrada, T1odoro Rodri~uez ......453 Eta Kappa Nu ......... , . . . . .. 136 Etheredge, Boyd Frank , .........459 Etheredge, Zelma Verree .........207 Ethridge, Alsc Edward ...........457 Etier, A. Faborn . . . . . . . . .... 144 Etter. Wal'ne Edward . . .102, 297 Ettred~e, Pe~I()' Ann . . . . . 143, 375. 4iMl, 463 Eubanks, Isaac D-.aine ...... !02. 261. 360, 456 E\'an,, Alfred Burney ........... 118 Evan<, Chester Eu~ene . . . .347 Name Pagu Evans, David Rex ................135 Evans, Donald Lloyd .......... . . 457 Evans, Eddie E. . . . . . . . . . .....454 E,·ans, Ewing Kalteyer ...........257 Evans, George Pirtle ........ 118, 266 Evans, George Wilbur ........... 148 Evan , Georgia Lee ......... 118, 386 Evans, Joella Katherine .......... 118 Evans, John Riley, Ill ... . ...307, 509 Evans, Lieutenant Commander James Graff .... . .. . ...........510 Evans, Lloyd Eugene ........... .457 Evans, Richard Daren ..... ..... . 118 Evans, Scott Dores ........ . .. ....283 Evans, Tom E... ................396 Evans, Tommy DeWitt ..........118 Evans, Wayne Mitchel ...........505 Eveland, William Albert .....48.l 149A 20~. 48~ Everett, James Ronald ........... 48 Evers, Charles Lee .... ...... 102, 456 Eversberg,._Jon Russ .. : ...... 118, 268 Eversole, l homas Martrn .. .. ... .261 Everson. Charles Slawson ..... _.. 118 Ewald, Barbara Ellen ........ 118, 452 Ewing, Charles David .......... . 259 Ewing, Guy Wesley, l!I ......118, 266 Ewing, James Larkin ........... . 290 Ewing, Judith Marie .... 118, 218, 389 Exley,J.•m~s JoseJ?h ............ ..291 Ex-slu e1lts AJSociation .......... 29 Eyler, Roy Elwood ... . . .... . . 48, 155 Ezzat, Azhar Mahmood ..... ... . . 460 Ezzat~ Munifa Mahmood ........ . 400 F Fagan, James Edmund .......... .459 Fagan, .Katheryn ... . . 84, 217, 382, 392 Faham, !"fahmoud M. . .. ... .456, 460 Fahel, Mamoon Ali ..............460 Fahey, Robert John ..........84, 470 Fahrenthold, HarvD Keith ..282. 513 Fahrenthold, Paul avid .. ..282, 2!li; Fail, Betty Jane ......... 118, 232, 387 Fain, eiland Haskell ... 118, 469A 4741 51l, Sb Fainter, John Wells, Jr. . ........284 Fair, William Wren ..... 102, 249, 509 Fairall1 Labon Leroy, Jr. . ....... 84 Fairbairn, James Marion .48, 155, 475 Fairchild, Charles Robert .. .... . . 253 Faircloth, Travis Finley, Jr. .... ..280 Fairey, Marian Lynette .... . 118, 228, 351 Faist, Norman Phillip .......398, 458 Fakhoury, Zuheir Ramez .........460 Fakhr-El-Din, Mohamed Gala! ... 102 Falconer. David Ross .. ......... .478 Falk, Bibb A. . ..................334 Falk. Rose Margaret .........84, 225 Fallek, Mildred Lynn ........48203, 22l1 , 462 Falls, Robert Clayton .. .. . . .. 102, 521 Fambrough, Guy Crain ..84, 340, 504 Fancher, George Homer ..... 150, 15b 272, 2~ Fanett, Mary Blanche ......... ... 133 Fanning:, Hazel Ann .........84, 223 Faour, Daniel John .............. 84 Fararov, Ali ................... .456 Farrell, Charles Lee .....49, 136, 150 Fargotstein, Elka .... .... 118, 133, 224 Fariss, Carolyn Virginia ..84, 352, 485 Fariss. Jack ........ .............204 Farley, Art John .... ........256, 344 Farley, Neita Lea (Pepper) . .49. 162, 196, 228. 229 Farlow, Daniel Edward ........ .'. 145 Farmer, Charlotte Ann ...... 118, 222 Fam1er, Dalton Earl ........... .. 118 Farmer, James Lowell ...........489 Farmer, James Willie ............502 Farmer, Robert Sterling .49, 164. 167, 283, 511> Farquhar, Joan Carolyn .84. 138. 162. 223, 382, 388, 473 Farrell, R ichard Coe .............251 Faske , Anna Marie ...... 118, 385, 472 Faske, Clara Helen ......... .472, 473 Fason, Sam Brown ..........258, 396 Faulk, Laura Elizabeth (Bettye) .....49, 144, 203, 228, 229 373, 374, 375 Faulkner, Betty ..................231 Faulkner, Harold Eu~ene . ........496 Fauntle~Y·. John Parker .49, 265, 475 Faust, Wilham R. (Bill) ...... ... 84 Faust, Jerra ....................118 Fau•t, Nancy Sue ...... 118, 133, 166. 203, 388 Fay, Marian Spencer .............236 Fea~in. Katherine Terrell ........231 Fears. Robert DuBoi• ............466 Fratu res ....................403, 450 Feder, Gloria June ..........!02, 239 Feild, Eu~ene Gray, lI ....... 118, 282 Fein, Edward K ........118, 141 , 294 Felder, Bernice Dell ....... . . 143, 145 Felder, Jean Barrillon ...84, 241, 365. 382, 384, 461 Felkner, Ira Cecil . 49 Fellbaum, Ernest S. .. ..49. 248, 249. 351 Felt. Patsy ..............84. 207. 242 Fenia . Jill Sue ........118, 238, 470 Fennell, Rose Lynn .............. 84 Name Pages Fenwick, Mary Kathryn . 102, 217, 387 Ferguson, Berta B................ 49 Ferguson, Billie Jo ...............212 Ferguson, Carl S., Jr......... . ...459 Ferguson, Carole Gene .. 118, 206, 389 Ferguson, Charles Warren ........248 Ferguson, Donald Ray .......... .453 Ferguson, Etelka Vernelle ... 133, 203 Ferguson, Harry W........ ...... 30 Ferguson, James Arville ...... . 49, 491 Fer~uson, James Walter ......... . 458 Ferguson, Jon Edwin .. ..........513 Ferguson, Judith Ann ............216 Ferguson, Lawrence Aubrey, Jr....................... . 486, 496 Ferguson, Martha Joe ...........140 Ferguson, Nancy Elizabeth .......231 Ferguson, Nancy Hume ...... . 49, 233 Ferguson, Phil Moss ... . ..... 150, 496 Ferguson, Raymond Dalton, Jr.... 84 Ferguson, Robert Ted, Jr. . ...... 84 Ferguson, Searcy Monroe ....... . 257 Ferguson, Stanley Burnell ... 102, 155, 274 Ferguson, Wayne .......... . 155, 363. 366, 368 Ferguson, Yale Hicks ... 141, 203, 512 Fernandez, David Oscar ..........102 Fernandez, Reynaldo .........84, 457 Ferrell, Jack Earl ...........253, 504 Ferrell, Mildred Gwendolyn .206, 207 Ferrier, T. L. ................... 30 Ferrier, Ted Lawrence, Jr . ... ... .271 Ferrill, James Ronald ........49, 496 Ferrill, •T. Craig ... .. . . ......84, 132 Ferrone, Bennie A. . ........ . .... 152 Fetouh. Hilmi Mohamed Aboul ..460 Fetter, Annette .............. 118, 224 Fetzer, Robert David .......288, 289 Feuge, James E . ..... ... .... ... .. 49 Fickert. William Eui!ene .....150, 458 Field, Deirdre Damaris .118, 236, 470 Field, Thomas Phillips. Jr. . ....... 102, 154, 272, 273, 368, 513 Field, William Earl, Jr. .......... 35 Fielder, James Roger ............343 Fielder, Virginia ...........118, 230, 365, 366 Fielder, William Cook (Bill ) ........... 102, 14}; 263; 36); 300, 45!>, 4~ Fielding, 'ancy .....84, 349, 351, 352 Fields, Lester Eugene ............ 84 Fields, Linda Lee ....... 118, 232, 365 Fields, Marie Estelle .............219 Filleman, Charles Stephen ....... 84 Fillman, Raynor D. B ........ 118, 244 Fillmore. Lynell ............. 102, 241 Finch, Howell M ............ 168, 259 Finch, Stanley Phister ...........288 Fincher, Donald Franklin ... . . 84, 132 Fincher. Patsy ...................219 Finck, Myrle L. .... ........ .....215 Findlater, Beatrice ...............233 Fine, Carole Ann ...........118, 224 Fine, Sylvia Semon ...... 102, 224, 225 Finegan, Robert Joseph . 248, 249, 508 Finger, Joseph Michael . . .... 102, 203 Finger, Lawrence Burton ....... . 507 Finger, Ronald Jack ... . 102, 154, 160, 165, 27,\lA 365, 300. 513 Fink, Lowell Stephen ........102, 279 Finks, Julia Young ........ ......233 Finley. Kermit Richard ......49, 489 Finneburgh, Paula Pearl ......... 118 Finney, Alison Worden .. 118, 133, 203 220, 3S9 Firestone, Barbara Hisa ..........147 Fischer, Herbert James ......... .459 Fischman , Lawrence Sheldon .....246 Fish. Barbara Ann ......151, 224, 225 Fisher, Cecil Woodrow, Jr. . .102, 300 Fisher, Edwin E..............49, 456 Fisher, Ernest Lee ..... .. ... 118, 474 Fisher, Har_ry Vikin!{, Jr. 136, 369, 457 Fisher, Judith Ann ....... . ..... . 484 Fisher, Judith Christine .102, 207, 385 Fisher, Karol Keith ......84, 235, 242 Fisher, Luke C., Jr.......... 164, 507 Fisher, Richard Bradley .... . . 84, 165, 250, 251 Fisher, Rick Peter ...............274 Fisher, Wilda Ruth . . . . .......477 Fishkin, Robert E................454 Fisk. Frances Ruth ............ . .. 102 Fitch. Cathey Elizabeth .... .. .... 84 Fitch, John Thomas .... 102. 262, 263 Fitch, Mary South ..............241 Fitts. George Edwin .............307 FitzCerald, Anne ............223. 242 Fitzgerald, Clyde Larry ..........281 Fitzgerald, Harley l\'elson ........ 102 Fitz~erald, J. Anderson ... .. 135. 149. 154 FitzGerald. Joan . .. .49, 140, 223. 487 Fitz~erald, Robert Buckner . 118, 248, 520 Fitzgibbon, Donald Paul .........150 Fitzpatrick, Barbara ..... 102, 222, 352 Fitzpa1rick, Mary Alice ......84, 223 Fiveash, Ramon Alton ...... , ....249 Flachmeier, Emily Jo ....84, 133. 215 Fla~g. Henry Wilkinson, Jr..259. 504 Flaitz, Marilyn Minnettc .... 102, 231. 242, 349, 372 .Va me Pagu Flake, Thomas J. .. ..............149 Flannery, John Oge, Jr. .....49A 253.l 4511, 50;, Flash Card Committee ...........365 Flathouse, Virg_il Edmond ........ 84 Flato, Edwin Franklin, III .......285 Flato, Janet .Knox ........ . . 232, 461 Fleming, Deliah Ann ... 102, 218, 365 Fleming, Patricia Jean ......133, 203 Fleming, Robert Lee ............490 Fletcher, Claudia Lynne .... 102{ 133, 24 • 487 Fletcher, Donald 1eal ...........456 Fletcher, Edward Garland ........248 Fletcher, Elizabeth Marie .. . .... .470 Fletcher, Martha Roberta .. . 118, 3?Jg Flinders, Bonnie Jean ....... 102, 223 Flinn, Helen Margaret . . 31, 133A 1~}1 16~, 't!>'t Flinn, Luther Charles ........... .281 Flint, Robert Bruce, Jr. . .. . . 118, 256 Flocke, Allred Edmund ..........149 Florence, James Buck ............296 Flores, Abelardo .................160 Flores, Gilberto J. . ............. .476 Flores, Jesus Jose ............. . . .456 Floros, John C. . ............456, 484 Flournoy, Mary Frances .......... 143 Flowers, Ernest John ....... .... . 204 Flowers, Walter Eugene . .........245 Flowers, William Baker ..........134 Floyd, Gentry Lee ...............456 Floyd, LaVoyce Ann ...... ..... .452 Floyd, Robert Charles ............273 Flury, Rex A., Jr.................153 Focht, John Arnold .............150 Focke, Margaret Jeanne 102, 133, 227 Foerster, Donald Ray .......... . . 468 Foerster, George F......49, 3051 390J 45't, 49:> Fogarty, Garrett Cotter ..........289 Fogerson, Pete Edgar .. . .........300 Fogle, Jimmy Lynn . . ............118 Fogle, Luttie Beth ...............118 Foley, Charles Lewis ..... ....102, 275 Folkes, James Richard ... .... 102, 282 Fondreu, Bobby Lee ............ .491 Fondren, Walter William. Ill " .. " " .. " ." ". 16,!I, 271J 3!J.?.i 3ut>, 30'• ;jOO Fones, Betty Lynn ...............213 FontaJne, Jane Marie .... .. ..... . 102 Fontana, Joseph C . ............. . 146 Fonville, Sandra .... 102, 135, 203, 365 Fonville, Tazh Taylix ....49, 459, 496 Foose, Richard A. (Dick) ....245, 470 Foose, Edwin Dean ..............245 Foose, Jerry Gene ...........245, 459 Football ....................306, 318 Foote, Alton Franklin ............203 Foote, Phyllis Jean ...........49, 485 Forbes, Rc;bert Lee ..............155 ForbesshBilly Wayne .........49, 257 Forbric , Carl Alexander, Jr. 118, 252 Ford, Charles Robert ...... ... .. .456 Ford, Dennis B., Jr.....134, 149, 155 Ford, Don Duane ... ....84, 257, 506 Ford, Evangeline .......102, 236, 352 Ford, Kenneth Carroll .......102, 352 Ford, Lorenzo ...................522 Ford, Milton John ...........49, 467 Ford, Shirley Anne .............. 84 Foreman, John G., Jr. ...........203 Foreman, L. Vern ..... .. ........457 Foreman, Wilson ................137 Forester, Rosemary Virginia .102, 473 Forkner, William Antone .....85, 132 Forman, Betty Frank ............133 Forman, 'ancy Rice .... 118, 203, 230 Forney, Scott William .......85; 289A 451>, Sb Forrest, Larry Charles ........ ...397 Forrester, Fred ............. .....236 Forrester, Terry Norman .... . 49, 245 Forsman, John Malcolm .........300 Forsythe, Bobbie G. . ............459 Fortenberry, Richard H ., Jr......467 Fortescue, Emily Phillips .........219 Fortman, John Theodore ... ..... .456 Fortney, Walter Scott ............118 Forys, Conrad Walter ............508 Foster, Barbara Anne ....85, 228, 366 Foster, Clara ....................133 Foster, Gunilla Lindh ............ 85 Foster, Harold Wayborn ..... .49, 459 Foster, jared Franklin ........... 49 Fostc.r, erry Ray ............49, 283 Foster, oseph Holt, Jr. A9, 164, 1671 285, 517, 52't Foster, Marjorie Anne .. 102, 241 , 461 Foster. Paul Lynn ...............467 Foster, Robert Estill ........ 118. 142, 478, 494 Fosler. Sally .....................352 Fosier, Sarah Rebekah ..... . 1~:9.~ Foster. William EdwaJ"d .... .49, 158A 159, 48~ Fountain, Altus Dean ............ 49 Fouraker, Linda Melissa .... 119, 222A 38~ Foust, Thetis LaRue ........ 119~ 216{ 4711, 48 Fout , Aubrey Jan ...............204 Fowler. Bradley Allison ......270, 271 Fowl38 P AGE 539 Name Pages Fowler, Dorothy Macluyne ...... .401 Fowler, Elton Doyle ....204, 395, 456 Fowler, Ethel Crawley ...........119 Fowler, Joe ................. . ...466 Fowler, Joel Preston, Jr.... ...... 102 Fowler, Marjorie Ann ...........229 Fowler, Mary Ann . ... ... . .. .....119 Fowler, Patricia A ...............484 Fowler, Wallace Thomas ......... I02 Fowler, Mrs. William ............372 Fowler, William Dodd ....... .49, 456 Fowler, William Joseph ..85, 465, 484 Fox, Albert Louis ................521 Fox, Daniel ............399, 478, 494 Fox, Donald A...................502 Fox, Jean ...................... .470 Fox, Norman H .................365 Fox, Philip Jay .............. . ...467 Fox, Phillip Lee . ........... .. ...284 Fox, Phyllis Ann •.......119, 478, 481 Fox, Ricia .................. 119, 224 Foxworth, Walter Lenoir, II ... ..269 Foy, Jimmie McBratney ......... 160 Foy, ancy Carolyn ....102, 147, 236 Foyt, Daniel A. . ................456 Fradkin, Judith B.......102, 174, 225 Frampton, Robert Vernon .. 141, 4I:.! France, Patsy Jo.............220, 389 Francis, Mary Lou ...............140 Francis, •Thomas Phil ............ 269 Francisco, Felipe Urrutia .....•... 35 Frank, Carol Lee ................386 Frank, Ernest Willard ............119 Frank, Felicity Hill ....... ...229, 366 Frank, Edmun P.................472 Frankel Erwin, Jr........... .....157 Franke , Barbara Marie ..........239 Franklin, Albert George ..293, 354, 355 Franklin, Jennie Elizabeth ........366 Fran.klin, Joan Marie ....49, 138, 143, 161, 162, 189, 219, 362, 364, 370 Franklin, Robert James .... ......264 Franklin, Travis Duane .....119A 274, 45~. 515 Franlu, Cherie Glynn .........85, 207 Franks, Nancy Carolyn ... .... .... 147 Franti, Dalies Ehrhardt ... .......142 Frantz, Joe B....................148 Frantzen, Henry James ......•....459 Franzen, Frances Katherine ......119, 226, 349, 473 Fraser, Blanche ..................147 Fraser, )?hn Edward ..... .. .142. 494 Frater111t1es •.... .•........... 243-302 Frauenberger, Dennis Maclaren ...458 Frausto, Manuel Dejesus .........394 Fraustro, Felix ............. . ....476 Frazier, James B., Jr.............459 Frazier, Kenneth Wayne .........458 Frazier, Marilyn Adele .......49, 151, 217, 377 Frazier, Mary Margaret .....151, 240. 380 Frede, 'orman Dwight ...........293 Frederickson, Samuel Burnett .... !02, 395 Fredricluon, Charles Herbert ....119, 280 Freel, Radford H. (Rad) •....49, 265 Freeland, Alma M ...............143 Freeman, Carol Ann .............228 Freeman, Hana Kay ....... •... ..238 Freeman, fames Edward .........515 Freeman, Raye ........ . . . 143 Freeman, uanda June ...........119 Freeman, Kenneth A.........49, 458 Freeman, ~farguerite ........... . 380 Freeman, Mary Lou ..........85, 388 Freeman, Robert Lowe ...........256 Freidman, Lenore Sandra .........238 Freitbaler, William Oscar ....141 , 204 Fremont, John Charles ........... 135 French, Carolyn ................. 119 French, Herschel Lee ........505, 509 French, Lynn Isabelle ....... !02. 216, 375, 382, 389 French, Nancy Ruth .........102, 217 French, Richard A............... 35 Fres hman Council ......•........364 Freshman Sports .............343-346 Freshmen .......... . ........113-130 Freudenberg, 1'.laslcr Sergeant Erwin W ......................516 Friars ...........................137 Friberg, Emil Edwards .......49A 165, 189, 261 , 369, 373, 45:<, 496 Fricke, Michael Moorman ....49, 252, 253 Friedman, Barbara Ann ..........473 Friedman, Lenore Sandra .... 119, 348 Friedman, Maurice Herbert ......456 Friedrich, Elmer Lee ............ 85 Friend, Llerena Beaufort .........206 Friend, Wesley Carol ........209, 466 Frierson, John Edward ...... IOJi 204, 2w, 261 Frierson, William Donald ... 102, 204, 261 Friesen,_ Eugene Keith ........... 134 Fritts. will iam E .................293 Frit~, Bobby Lavelle ........... •. 459 From•n, Vincent T...............483 Fromme, Betty Lou .....49, 226, 227. 349, 352 Fromme, Linda Ann ..........50, 207 Fromme, Linda Ann .............207 Name Pages Frosch, Carol Diane ..............211 Frosch, Charlie Harrison ......... 119 Frost, Edith Aune .......119, 388, 470 Frost, Jimmr Jack ...............155 Fry, Michae Scott .....119, 262, 372, 469, 512 Fry, Segle George, III .......168, 291 Fuchs, Malcolm Jean ............478 Fuentes, Jose Eliud ..............102 Fuentes, Rebecca ..... . ......400, 492 Fugler, LaVerne Allen, Jr....102, 280 Fulbright, Larry Allan .......252, 512 Fulcher'-Richard Andrew ........489 Fulkes, ueverly Sue ......85, 151, 376, 39~, 401 Fullen, Stanley R ....119, 319, 345, 521 Fuller, Barbara Gene ... ..85, 372, 376 Fuller, Charles Curtis .......... . . 267 Fuller, Gerald Mexwell ..........267 Fuller, Jerry Ross ............... .457 Fuller, Kay .............119, 208, 365 Fuller, Paula . ........... . .......386 Fuller, Sandra Faith .........219, 372 Fullingim, William Embry ....50, 271, 509 Fullwood, Wendell Stuart ... . . 50, 134 Fulmer, Charlotte Ann .......85, 221 Fulton, George Richard, Jr......293, 354, 456, 490, 505 Fulton, William Ray .............454 Fulwiler, H. D.................. 30 Fulwiler, Ruth Katherine . ...230, 231 Funderburk, Marshal Kent ...393, 396 Funk, Billye Rae ......14}; 162, 163:! 174, 197, 200, 207, 36 Funk, Joseph Ebner .... .....119, 270 Funk, Sylvia Jan .............50, 241 Fuos, Alton Charles ... . ... . ...... 85 Furgerson, Charles Edwin, Jr. (Buddy) ....... ............ . ..320 Furlow, John Charles ........351, 465 Furman. John Richard, 111 ..249, 459 Furneaux, Suzanne . ........ . 175, 228 Furrh, William ..................268 Furse. Glenda Gayle .......... . . . 387 Furushire, Louis ..... ....85, 467, 474 Fuson, Carol ............85, 221, 351 G Gabert, Alexander William .......399 Gabbard, Thomas Granville, Jr....244 Gaffney, James Lloyd .. .456, 465, 484 Gafford, Burns Newman .....136, 150 Gafford, Daniel Shelton ..281, 366, 505 Gage, Larry Jay ..... . ..... . .....148 Ga~e, Margaret M...............144 Ga1do, Michael James ............259 Gaines, George Edward ...... 102, 160A 254, 255, 47u Gaines, Jimmy F................ .452 Gaines, Judge Scott .............. 32 Gainey, Hollis Hobson ...305, 328, 331 Gainey, Hugh Gerrard ...........456 Gainey, John Michael, Ill ..... . .. 119 Gainley, George Alfred, Jr....50, 305, 485 Galbraith, Gerald Carlyle ........275 Galbraith, Homer David ......... 85 Galbrearh, Bobby Frederick ......359 Galbrearh, Charles ..............359 Gallagher, James Lyman .....85, 284, 458 Gallagher, Patricia Mary .....85, 349, 400 Gallagher, Theodore Cornelius, IIJ ............. .. ............ 85 Gallal{her, William Jordan ........265 Gallishaw, Charles Edward ... 146, 459 Gallman, Ruth LaVerne .........143 Gallop, Ilene Doris ..... .119, 210, 211 Galloway, Bessie Jean ............102 Galloway, Billy Frank ........398, 456 Galloway, Daniel Graham ... 119, 204, 474, 521 Galvan, Anacleto Castillo .........456 Carnal-Eldin, Saad Mahmoud ....366, 460 Gambele. Ronald E. . .......... . .496 Gamble, Bert M.................458 Gamble. Roland Ellis ............ 85 Gamel. William Glenn ...85, 290, 291 Cam ma Phi B' ta ...........228, 229 Gandy, Charles Taylor ...........135 Gandy, James Edwin ....344, 345, 485 Gandy, Sally Jean ...............206 Gannaway, Andrew Gregory ......272 Gannett, Richard Lee ...50, 153, I?_?; 197, 271 , 360, 404, '1()1) Gans. Melbourne Stanley .........465 Gantt, Jarvis Duane ............ . 457 Ganus. William Jo,eph ........... 50 Garbade. Walter Tell ............159 Garcia, Amador C........80, 394, 508 Garcia, Anira Sylvia .........156, 391 Garcia. Conrado ........ .. ....... 50 Garcia, Edmundo B .. Jr.......... 50 Carda. Francisco Jesus ........... 158 Garcia, Francisco Ramon, Jr......476 Garcia , Gustavo Lu is ............ . 478 Garcia, Humb<-rto .. 119, 141, 203, 340 Garcia, Jesu Rodolfo ............476 Garria, Judy .................... 50 Garcia, Mary Ellen ..............400 Garcia. Richard Molina ..........119 Crarcia . SantiJ C'o<>ldbel'1(. Janice Elaine ......119, 224 Goldber1{. Moses ............... . . 476 Golden, Georl{e Robert, Jr........477 GoldenJoe Bob .................257 1 Goldleoer, Gary Alvin ...278, 372, 508 Goldfiol(er, Jacob Joel ....85, 247, 366 Goldman, Joseph E ..............246 Goldman. Mary Ernestine ....216, 473 Goldsmith, Mary Lynn .... .. 166, 210 Goldstein, Edniond ..........279, 371 Goldstein, Florence Beverly .......239 Goldstein, Marilyn Sue .. 103, 210, 211 PAGE 540 Aerial view of Hughes plant ... world's largest and most modernly equipped rock bit manufacturing pion!. Also located within the 70 ·acre area is the block -long Hughes Research and Engineering laboratory. What Hughes offers Drilling Industry 1. Complete stock of bits ... in required sizes and types ... manufactured in sufficient quan­tities to meet the needs of the entire industry. 2. Bit recommendation service: Hughes can make available to you a recommended bit pro­gram for any area -based on the industry's greatest rock bit experience. And you can get information which will enable you to correlate bit types with formations, with your drilling practice and hydraulic capacity of your equipment. Also, Hughes has two copyrighted hydraulic bulletins that can aid you in getting the most out of your present equipment and in the selection of new equipment. 3. Continuous drilling research ... carried on in the laboratory and field for nearly a half century. Facts obtained in the laboratory and field are used in developing new and improved rock bit designs and in anticipating the problems created by changing drilling techniques. 4. lndustrywide organization and system for gathering information and forecasting bit re­quirements for each drilling area. This assures you that no matter where you drill, Hughes bits of the right sizes and types will be available to meet your particular drilling requirements. WHEN YOU RELY ON HUGHES YOU TAKE WORLD STAJIDA.RD OF THE INDUSTRY THE GUESSWORK OUT OF BIT SELECTION P AGE 541 ~-Pqu Goldstein, Maurice ......85, 153, 278, 279, 365, 505 Goldstein, Sharon Jean ......Jl9, 224 Goldston, Dena Fern ....119, 232, 365 Goldston, William Jerome, Jr.•..284 Golf ..... .......................324 Goltzman, Leonard Jay .......50, 287 Gomez, Donaciano R., Jr........ . 489 Gomez, Joel ..................... 119 Gonzales, Jesus Rene ............ .476 Gonzales, Louis ...... . .. . ....... .484 Gonzales, Rogelio . . ............. . 394 Gonzalez, Alfonso Mario .........157 Gonzalez, Cecilio, Jr. . . .....476, 522 Gonzalez, Edward Esquivel ..... . . 85 Gonzalez, Francisco Trinidad ... . .51 , 158, 507 Gonzalez, Gonsalo Martinez, Jr. ..103 Gonzalez, Ishmael . .. .. . . ...... ..157 Gonzalez, Jesus Rene ........ .....399 Gonzalez, Manuel Guadalupe ..... 51 Gonzalez, Rodrig?,.J.r ............ 119 Gonzalez-Gerth, Mmam ........ . . 35 Gonzenbach, Donald Harris ......520 Gooch, Adrienne Gay ... .....85, 236, 237, 461 Gooch, J. A . . .......... ......... 28 Gooch, Jon David ...... .........285 Good, Dora Eleanor . . ........51, 223 Good, Gerald Lewis ....... ..305, 334, 335, 485 Good, Robert Earl .. .51, 474, 495, 500 Goode, Emma Isabel .... Jl9, 391, 484 Gooden, Lonnie John, Jr. .......359 Goodfellows . ..... . .. . ....... 194-200 Goodman, Alfred Sam ......... . ..287 Goodman, Fred Malcolm, Jr. .... 85 Goodman, Marvin Aaron ... ..119, 246 Goodman, Roy Sims, ir. (Butch) ..........-82, 343, 346, 508 Goodnight, Almita Carol . . .. .. .. 119 Goodrich, Charles Raymond ......292 Goodrum, Moulton Alan ... ......204 Goodwin, Benny A. . .... 148, 376, 377 Goodwin, Janice Kay ............ 387 Goodwin, Robert Marion .. ..343, 509 Goolsby, Doyle Wayne .......119, 288 Goolsby, Morris L., Jr...... .51, 142, 478, 494 Goolsby, Philip Arlen ... . ....297, 302 Goosby, Nancy Lee ......51, 362, 400 Corbett, Deanna Lee ........103, 240 Gordon, Ann Marie .. . . .. ...237, 366 Gordon, Fallon Turley . . .....265, 305 Gordon, Helen Avon ........ 119, 386 Gordon, iames Duncan ..... . 271, 359 Gordon, udith Ann ........... ..210 Gordon, udith Francine ... . . 208, 466 Gordon, Miriam Dolly .. 103, 166, 239, 242, 348, 364 Gordon, Randy . .. ......354, 396, 456 Gordon, Richard Melvin ........ . 246 Gordon, Tulane, Ill .. .. 119. 250, 508 Gordon, William Hyatt,, Jr. ..... ..204 Gore, Mary Kathryn (1'.ay) .. . 85, 223 383 Gore, Shirley Ann ..... .. .51 , 206, 207 Gorman, Billy Don ...... ...... .. .457 Gorman, Lee Van . ............. .456 Gorman, William Don ..... . . .. .. 51 Gorrell, Roger Lee ..... . ........ . 160 GOS!!, David Edwin ...........51, 457 GOS!!, Jayne Roger .......... . . . ..385 Gossett, Carolrn Cole ....... .119, 220 Gott, Carroll Deene .. ... ...... .. 343 Gottwald, Allie Sue .....119, 365, 473 Gough, Byron H . .. ..... ........ .459 Gouldsberry, Raymond Ralph .. ...457 Governer of The Stale of Texas .... 18 Govier, Stanley Wayne ....... ....396 Gowan. Robert Thomas ..........251 Gowitzke, Barbara A. . .. ......... 352 Graber, Allan Levy ..... .........295 Grace, George Benjamin .........502 G Race Hall .... . . . .......... . ...387 Gracey, Dwight James .... .......519 Gracia, Jaime Abelardo ..........399 Graduates . . ...................33-37 Graham, Charles Lovorn ... ...... 51 Graham, Edwin Smith, Ill ... 119, 264 Graham, ~ames Vernon .......... 103 Graham, erry Van ... ...........344 Graham, udith Bales . . ......... 51 Graham, axine ................219 Graham, Peggy Marcella ..... 103, 223. 350, 366 Graham, Thomas Richard . . . . . .145 Graham, William McClintock ... .467, 484 Grainl(er, Geneva Jill .. 103, 237, 366. 372, 473 Grain((er, Dr. George . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Granato, Sammie James ..........277 Granberry, Collier Read .........274 Granberry, Curtis Eu((ene ........285 Granberry, Karolyn (Kay) .......233 Graner, Ronald Lorimer .........291 Gran~er, Billie Louise ... 103, 133, 203 Granon((, Janice Carolyn .. 138, 218, 473 Grant, Sandra Sue ...........103, 213 Grant. Stephen Allen, Jr.....160, 521 Grantham, Joe David ... 164, 457, 521 Grape, Elmer Albert ....... ......459 Grassl, Aloonse Joseph ........... 150 Graua, Jaime A..................457 Graves, Gordon lliomas ......... .45 7 Gra\•es, Martha Carolyn ..85, 147, 163 N ame Pages Gray, James Eugene . ......... . .. 119 Gray, James Terry, Jr•........•.. 518 Gray, Jerry Riley ...... ..........103 Gray, Jimmy Harlan . . .......103, 319 Gray, Paul Milton, Jr• ...... 16!11 269, 3M,404 Gray, Paula Ruth . ... . ...........203 Gray, Philip Ray . . ......... .459, 467 Gray, Robert Wrnston ... . . . ......271 Graydo_n, Frank D............27, 134 Grays, Velma Land . ..........35, 386 Green, Arthur Lewis ........ . 119, 399 Green, Betty Jo .... ....... ...... .351 Green, Charles Homer ... ... ..... 85 Green, Frank Clifford .. ... ...... . 514 Green, George Edwin .........51, 259 Green, George Norris .... . ....... 119 Green, Gerald Claude .... . . 119, 346, 356, 377 Green, Herbert Lester ....85, 155, 476 Green, James Adolph ..... . ......103 Green, James Kenneth .. ........ .103 Green, Jesse Lee .. . .............. 51 Green, Jobn Tatum ... ......164A 203, 25~. 505 Green, Lawrence Ray ... 103, 204, 513 Green, Marjorie Trotter ..... . . . . .473 Green, Mary Gayle ..... l~}A 234, 393, iUU, 484, 487 Green, Mary Lee .. ..... 103, 2121 350, 48't, 487 Green, Mary Sharon . ...... . 103, 221, 382, 384 Green, Robert Sterling ...51, 259, 347 Green, Rose Anna . .. . ..... .. ....386 Green, Terry Clay ...51. 167, 283, 521 Green, Thomas Glen ........ . .. . . 103 Green, Vernon Nbert ........ 157, 159 GreenWilliam Lawrence .. ......249 1 Greenberg, Joan Carol . . ... .. ....224 Greenberg, Judith Miriam ... 119, 239 Greenberg, Robert Martin . . . 148, 376 Greenberg, Seinwil Louis ....164, 204A 279, 50~ Greene, Betty Joe .... .. ....371, 382, 391 , 484 Greene, Jo Frances .. .......119, 206 Greene, Nathan . . .... ... 149, 203, 489 Greene, Priscilla Louise . . 119, 220, 473 Greenfeld, Nanette Lee ..85, 382, 385 Greenspan, David Arnold .... 132, 160 Greenstreet , Rex Wharton ... .... . 271 Greenstreet, Wilbur Horace, Jr . .. .51 , 146, 150, 271, 514 Greenway, Judith Janelle ....119, 'ZJ:g Greenwood, Dorothy Fehlis .... . . . 138 Greer, Edward Reginald ... .. .. .. 267 Greer, P. D., Jr..... ............ 507 Greer, Paul E . . .. . . .....51, 369, 474 Greer, Raleigh Lyman . ... ... 153, 368 Greer, Robert Gordon ............283 Greer, Sa.ndra Elaine ........ . . ...216 Greeven, Alton Ernest ............272 Greeves, Sam Lile . . .. ....... I 19, 262 Gregg, Charles Rebstock .... 137, 285, 362, 364, 493 Gregg, Dick Hoskins, Jr.......... . 284 Gregg, Noel Virginia (Bunny) .....51, 147, 204, 219 Gregory, Joe Miller, Jr....85, 458, 459 Gregory, Mrs. Malcolm R ......... 143 Gregston. Jerry Kenneth .........459 Greiner, Herman Joe . . ...... . .. .476 Gremmel, Ralph Louis ........... 489 Gremmel, Ruby Louise ...........385 Crenshaw, William Anthony ......347 Gres, Marcel Emile Clovis . .. . . . ... I 50 Gresham, James Collins .. .....51 , 456 Gresham, Susan Frances .....231 , 461 Greve, William Francis, Jr.... . 51. 305, 328, 332, 458, 514 Grevelle,.James Vernon .141 , 203, 250 Greves, !"red .. . . . ...... . .. .. ....356 Gribble, Millie Ruth ............ .103 Griebel, Joserh Robert .... .......502 Grieder, Pau Martin .............203 Grieneeks, Laurabeth Elizabeth . . 103, 375 Grievance Commillee ... ... ..... .365 Griffen, Hudson Washin~ton ......522 Griffin, Alice Jeaneane Falke ..... 51 Griffin, Arthur Dale, Jr.......... 155 Griffin, Carol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...218 Gr!ffin, Edgar C. . . . . . . . . . .. .291 Gnffin, Ernest Govan, Jr. . ... 51 Griffin. George Lee ... . ...... . ...269 Griffin, Gerald O'Russell ........ 51 Griffin, James Aubrey ....51, 154. 489 Griffin, Mary Estelle .51, 208, 209, 462 Griffin, Mary Jo .............401, 470 Griffin, Oscar O'Neal ........29. 148 Griffin, Patricia Ruth ..206, 366, 3:i?J Griffin, William Cortez (Bill) ....254 Griffis, Robert Lester ... 103, 277, 302, 506 Griffith, Carole Ruth ............470 (;riffith, Clara Hilton ............371 Griffith. Don L . ..............51. 263 Griffith, Donald Paul ....85, 168, 251, 372. 456 Griffith, Gay Maurine ........51, 217 Griffith, Harold James ...........267 Griffith, John McLean, Jr........ 135 C:r!ff!th, Ona.h June ............. 119 Gnff11h, Reginald Harvey ........ 32 Nam e Pages Griffith, Robert Gene ... . . . ...... 51 Griffith, Rodney .................355 Griffith, Sandra Len .51, 197, 223, 462 Griffith, Tommie Allen ........... 51 Griffith, Walter Stephens .........502 Griffiths, David Evan 51 , 167, 458, 519 Griggs, Norma Gaye . .. . .. . ......401 Grimes, Pearson, Jr..51, 165, 257, 506 Grinaker, Robert Lee ........ 134, 402 Grinke, Anthony Finis ....... 119, 272 Grinstead, Samuel Tevis .....103, 257 Grioni, Sergio ...... ...... .......458 Gripp, Edward ...... ........... .459 Grissett, Charles William 281 , 490, 505 Grissom, David .. ...51, 146, 150, 281 Grist, ancy Claire . . . ...........119 Grodahl Mary Margaret 103, 241 , 487 Groen, Carl Henry ......85, 267, 458 Groom, Jimmy Wilford ... . ......459 Grooms, Barbara Anne ..........119 Gross, Charles Edward .......51 , 474 Gross, Sara Ann ............120, 210 Grossman, David Lyle .......51. 146A 150, 45~ Grossman, Ruthlee ......... ..... 120 Grove, Vernon Eugene, Jr . ..85, 157, 245 Grow, Barbara Lynn . ... 120, 133, 389 Grubb, Carole Diane ...... ...85, 219 Grubbs, Clifford Milton .306, 307, 485 Grubbs, James Bryan, Jr.....103, 284 Grubbs, ancy Jane .. ........51 , 241 Grubbs, ·Thomas Mannan .. .. 120, 272 Gruhlkey, Roger Edwin ....... . . .458 Grumbles, Herbert Eugene, Jr. ... 103 Grumbles, Linda Beth .. . 85, 213, 346, 300, 462 Grumbles, Mineola Page . .. ......133 Grumbles, Terry Neal ... 120, 298, 515 Grupe, Betsy Ann . . . .....52, 228, 229 Gryder, Robert ... .. .......... .. . 144 Guajardo, Ray ............. ..... 484 Guarin, Mary Alice . . .... ....52, 216. 217, 368 Guay, Pierre . .. . ......... . ..351 , 459 Guck1an, James Collins .. 103, 203, 256 Guckian, William Michael . . . 354, 3?~ Guenther, James McEvoy .. ..... .458 Guenzel, Jean Hill .... . . 52, 233, 461 Guernsey, Fay Aileen ...... . . 120, 382 Guerra, Eva Dardanella ... . . 103, 391 Guerra, Josie Marl!'aret .. 349, 470, 476 Guerra, Rose Marie ...... ... ..... 85 Guerra, Virginia Susana ... . 120, 400, 476 Guerrero, Joseph Gregory, Jr. 52, 137, 157, 165 Guerrero, Lorraine ..............453 Guerrero, Louis .. ...............519 Guerrero, Maria Elvira (Betty) ...453 Guess, Bailey Lovin ..............513 Guess, James Lynn ...........85, 485 Guess, James Robert ............ .455 Guess, Wallace Louis .. ......157, 159 Guettler, Glenn Roy ............ . 52 Cuffee, Guy Keel . .. ...... . ..52, 132 Guffin, Cherry Ann ...... ....85, 209 Guffrn, Gwynne Lee ........ 120, 166, 364, 389 Guillett, Donald B...............516 Guinn, James Robert . . . .....258, 307 Gullette, Katherine Del .... . 393, 400 Gunn, Carl Donald ......... . 204, 457 Gunn, Curtis Conway, Jr..... ... 265 Gunn, Donovan Lyn (Don) .. 120, 262 Gunn, Robert Harold ............ 52 Gunn, Robert Leyton .... . .......517 Gunstream, Alice Wesley .....85, 218. 219, 487, 503 Gunter, Addison Yancey, )IJ (Pete) .. 165, 197, 201, 267, 364 Gunter, Charles AlvJS .... ........261 Gunter, John Robert ............ .459 Gurecky, Barbara Jane . . ........ .391 Gurwitz,Gary Reagan ... 168, 204, 287 Gurwitz, Robert Earl .......120, 286. 343, 344 Gustafson, Don Harral .... .. 103, 283 Guthrie, Janet M.......103, 237, 466 Guthrie, Merle Elizabeth .........103 Guthrie, Robert Calvin ...... 103, 459 Gutierrez, Alberto Hector ... 120, 399 Guiterrez, Jose Enrique ..... . ... . 476 Gutierrez) Manuel Ramiro ...85, 160, 453 Gutierrez. Maria Celeste ......85, 156 Gutierrez. Maria Del Rosario . 103, 156 Gutierrez. Raul, Jr.........103. 476. 478, 506 Guttenberg. Francine ............238 Guy, William T., Jr............. 150 Guyer, Lysle, Jr................. 8.5 Guyton, Gayle ..............103, 383 Guyton, Mary Patricia .......207. 473 Guyton, Nancy Lee ...........85, 223 Guyton, William Louis .......... . 253 Guzick, Norman David ......52. 150. 152, 456 Guzman, Raul ................... 120 Guzman, Rupert ............. 103.457 Gwinner, Daniel tratton 120, 280, 512 H Haag, Jessie Helen .......... 143, 485 Haas, £rwm James ............. . 399 Haas, Steph•n Allan .............294 Name Pages Haase, Donald James ........103, 204 Haberle, Donald Louis .. 120, 290, 520 Haberlin, Frances Beth .......52, 500 Haberman, R. A., Jr. . ...........259 Habib, Anthony Joseph .......... 52 Hache, Pedro Antonioi Jr. .. . . .. . 35 Hacker, Reverend Car ...........483 Hackerrnan'rNorman ... . .........152 Hacksted1;1. heresa An.nette ......400 Haddad, ttadi Majed ........35, 460 Hadden, Virginia Elizabeth .. 120, 385 Haecker, Cloyce Thural . . . .....• . 85 Hagan, Riley, Jr....... .......... 52 Hagans, Paul McCaughey •.. 145, I~ Hagedorn, Emmett 1elson . ..149, 203 Hagelman, Marcia Lee ..... .....387 Hagelstein, Rosemary Ann .......400 Hagen, Marilyn Estelle . . .....52, 219 Hager, Earl Evans ............ . .. 52 Hager, George Washington, Jr. ...280, 281 Haggard, Harriett Ann ........ . . 103 Hagler, Janet .. ...... .......382, 388 Hagood, John Thomas . . . ....... . 478 Hagood..._~ary Lou ... . .....220, 389 Hague, Kichard Douglas .... . 153, 273 Hahn, Eitel Hugh ...... .........261 Haight, Edward Allen . . ..52, 285, 508 Haile, Larry Barclay ... .. . ..253, 488 Haile, Lawrence Barclay ....•. ... 52 Haile, Patricia Anne ............. 103 Hailey, Carol Jane .. . .......103, 226 Hailey, James Leon . . . . ..85, 281, 508 Haines, Howard Bodley ..........140 Hains, Norman Lynn ........85, 459 Haire, Lynda Gayle .. . . 103, 174, 175, 221, 503 Hairston, David Lloyd .......103, 521 Hairston, Mary Glenda ....... .. ..237 Hajjar, Ahmad Marwan .....52, 3~3.t 457, 'IW Ha/·jar, Mohammed Said ....353, 460 Ha bertj William Grae!!, Jr... ...103 Hale, C ovis Ray ...2U't, 395, 477, 522 Hale, Edward Everett .......145, 272 Hale, Edward Jones . . ...........263 Hale, Etbel A . ...... ....... .....144 Hale, Jack Wayne ...............485 Hale, Thomas Weldon..... ..265, 354 Haley, Carolyn Janet ....52, l~!l.1 382, 392, 'IOI>, 473 Hall, Bob Don ............. . . . ... 52 Hall, Claude Raye .......52, 376, 378 Hall, Esther Jane Wood . . 156, 159, 234 Hall, Farris McDannald .120, 284, 285 Hall, James Benjamin .. 103, 459, 513 Hall, Jesse Berman, Jr. ....... ...459 Hall, Joe Bob ...............120, 272 Hall, Joseph Weston, Jr. . ..204.t 356, 36~. 454 Hall, Mary Carolyn .........103, 231 Hall, Milford Lee ......... ..... .145 Hall, Nancy Lee ................230 Hall, Robert Alvin ..............204 Hall, Robert Lyon .......... 103, 276 Hall, Robert Thallon .......... .. 52 Hall, Royce Herman, Jr. . .. 103, 459.t 51J Hall, Sam Hulin ........ 155, 167, 518 Hall, Virginia Elizabeth .....120, 218i 365, 381 Hall. William B. . .. .....52, 160, 369 Halling, Walter Wallace ........ .458 Hallman, Fredrick Dean ........ . 512 Hallman, Gordon C . .............155 Hallman, Leon Charles .......... 52 Hallmark, Julie ..... .... 103, 133, 227 Halm, Kleo Glen ...306, 307, 485, 508 Halow,Joseph R........... ... .• 85 Hals tea Coopsrative ............400 Halter, John A. . .. . ............ .135 Haltom, James Norton ......52.t 258, 25~. 355 Ham, jerry Don .. . ........... . . 458 Hamb Richard George ...........150 Ham lin, Herbert Andrew ...... .457 Hamburger, Dona Burnett .. 103, 231. 352 HamburgerA Edith Dale ......85, 231 Hamilton, nn .............237, 366 Hamilton, Anthony Brock ........291 Hamilton, Arthur Eu~ene ........484 Hamilton, Benjamin icholls ....29}A 290, :>\HI Hamilton, Clay ..................496 Hamilton, Floy Elizabeth ........ 85 Hamilton, Herbert Franklin .356, 359 Hamilton, Jo Anne .....365, 400l 492,i 5111, 52, Hamilton, Louis Wayne .......... 52 Hamilton, Margaret Ann 85, 230, 461 Hamilton, andra Jean ..85, 223, 364, 365, 493 Hamilton. ue Nell ..85, 175. 226, 227 Hamlett. Joel Hu~b ....120, 141, 204 Hammack, Irwin Duyka ......52, 275 Hsmman, Henry Royden .........269 Hammerle, Virgil Paul ......120, 280 Hammond. Benjamin Griffin .....512 Hammond. Carol Ralph .....157, 159 Hammond, Hall treet ......52, 165, 271 , 514 Hammond, Helen ................143 Hammond, Maxine M ............103 Hammond, Weldon WooH ..283. 466, 512, 513 PAGE 542 Shaffer Tool Works Manufacturers of HIGH-PRESSURE DRILLING-CONTROL & PRODUCTION EQUIPMENT 6006 Navigation Houston, Texas Member FDIC TEXAS STATE BANK "'The Friendly Ban~" BIGGER .AND BETTER IN 1958 1904 Guadalupe GR 6-6711 JESSE JAMES SMITH BRAY & JORDAN SERVICENTER ~ PHARMACIES, INC. CIT ROEN 2800 GUADALUPE Dyna Panhard Service on When your health is in the balance, 8 COMPLETE STORES TO SERVE YOU there can be no compromise in the MRS. J. J. SMITH GR 8-7921 EARLTON SMITH .All Makes of Cars There's One In Your Neighborhood quality of your doctor's prescription. • • --~lfvl\~ ~ ~'·~~ Congratulations, graduates! As you take up the challenge of the years that lie ahead, you can count on me ~LIVE BETTER~ '(. ~ -"crR1c~\; to help you work better .. . and live better ... electrically! ~y~ TEXAS ELECTRIC SERVICE COMPANY PAGE 543 ame Pagts Hammons, jay Carroll ...........395 Hammons, Loretta ..............387 Hamon{ Dexter Boone ...........291 Hampe, Albert Carl ...... . ..86, 505 Hampson, Diana Patricia ... . . 86, 473 Hampton, Charles Emmett ...52, 458 Hampton, Daniel Thomas ....86, 283 Hampton, John W............... 30 Hampton, Linda Ann .. ....120, 166, 2011, 38~ Hamplon, uzannc , .. ... .86, 231 , 350 Hamrick, Jerry Don .............395 Han, Yuri Wha-Yul . ...... . ..... . 152 Hanak, Walter Karl .........46.5, 484 Hanapd, Jane Clare ...... .. . 86, 235 Hancock, Fred W...............489 Hancock, Louise Holman ........ 145 Hancock, Marion Donald ... 12,9, 203, 200, 52u Hand, Bethlyn jean .........229, 376 Hand, Orra David ........32, 86, 250 Hand, William Wallace ......... .475 Hander, Donald Ray ............. 52 Handler, Bayla ..............120, 238 Handler, Norman jay ...........246 Handley, Phil W.......357, 458, 518 Hanemann, Michael (Mike) .....484 Haney, Jeanelle Blanche .... 103, 473 Hankerson, James A........... . . 145 Hankins, ln'!'rid Chri tine ....... . 103 Hankins, Linda Elizabeth 103, 209, 352 Hankins, Robert Harrell 120, 288, 342 Hanle, Richard MaWon, Jr....86, 456 Hanlon Camille Carol ..203, 382, 385 Hann, Barbara Ellen ............120 Han,,en, Melvin 0 .1 Jr........52, 457 Hanson, Joe Le oir ........ 103, 494 Harbold, Carla Mildred ....... . . 103 Harbold, Leslie Ida .............. 103 Hardcastle, Robert Dalton, Jr. .. 155, 250, 257 Hardee, Harry Columbu , Jr. 146, 150 Harden, Martha Flo .... 120, 228, 375 Harden, W. 0 ................... 30 Harder, Vcran M . .............. . 147 Harde ty, Jerrel Reid ............ 155 Hardie, H. C., Jr......... ......459 Hardie, Thornton ............... 20 Hardin, Ernest R... .. ...... .. .. . 264 Hardin, Mary Elizabeth .....234, 472 Hardin, Mclburn Hunt ..........395 Hardin, anders Lee ............. 120 Hardin, William Cervin .... .. ....203 Hardman, William Carrell ... 153, 368 Hardwick, Geneva Joan ..233, 352, 461 Hardy, Nom1an Pierce ...........512 Hardy, Patricia Sue .........216, 365 Hardy, Ransom Joe ......... 103, 282 Hare, Kenneth Harold .... .. ... .. 52 Harl(is, Carl Doul(las ... . ........120 llargi.5, john Willis .....456, 497, 500 lla"li , Robbie R. . .............. 103 Hargrave, Helen ...... .. .... .... 162 Hargrave, Linda Janice ..52, 229, 366 Hari1rove. Marcia Anne .....382. 383 Harkavy, Freddie herman ..86, 168, 279, 302, 365, 504 Harkey, Mary Ethel ............. 103 Harkins, Janice Kay ........ 103,t 147, 22u, 452 Harkness, je. Le ter .... ........277 Harkrider, Franci Edward ...86, 281 I larlan, Gerald Drewery ...... . .. 52 Harlan, Harri• J .............86, 456 Harling, usan lrene ....... 120, 133. 232, 473 Harper, Fred Joseph ........... ..504 llarper, Gcor11c R . . .............475 Harper, l'hilhp Vernon, Jr...52, 152 Harper, William Joe ...... . ...... 86 Harrell, Forrest Edwin ...52, 168, 293 Harrell, Jimmy Joel ......... 103, 253 Harrell, Marshall Allen, Jr... 168. 285 Harrell, Roy Ahin, Jr....52, 160. 366 Harrell, ybil Louise ....... . 120, 216 Harren, Joe Thomas ........270, 506 Harren, Richard Mason .......... 52 llarril(an. Joseph Patrick, Ill .... 120 Harrill, Jlo"ard ................ .48'\ Harrinl(tOn, Georl(e Sydney ....... 154 Jlarrinl(ton, James Wilfred, Jr...103. 263 llarrinl(lon, {immy .. .... . . ... . .471 Harrin~ton, ohn Drnnis .... . 120, 264 Harrinl(ton. .arry R. . . . . . . . .. I '\2 l larinl(ton, l\lalcolm Dale ........252 11arri , Barbara Jo ..............352 Harri , Billy lloward ........... 48'i Harri , Captain llarold L. . . . . .. 504 !Ian i , Carolin ...... . .......'\3, 227 Harri , Charles Hou>U>n, 111 . . . 86. lb4, 267 Harri , Charle !\.leh in . . . . . . . . . 51 Harri•. Charlynn Catherine . 120, 389 Harri , Diane Loui e . . 86, 221, 487 I larri•, Edward Randall ........ 216 Harri" France killman ......240 Harri , Franci . . .. . .. . .. .....461 Harri , Fred Paul . . . . . . . . . 4'i2, •Vi6 1larri , (;re~q Alan . . . . . . . I'\O, 289 Harri . .wendolyn . . . . . . . . . ....386 Harri•, llarriett j ean (S111i J • 53. 231. 242 Harri., Harry ,ordon, Jr. .. ... 141 Harri , Hu~h K. . . . . . ...86. 274, 275 I larri , jay I lenry . . . . . . . . 248, 32b Harri )<"an ........... , . . . . . . ..231 Name Pages Harri.5, ~·mmy L¥n ..........253, 458 Harri.5, ud.ith Ann ....... .. 133, 203 Harris, ack Harrell .. .. 103, 395, 512 Harris, Maynard Bartow 103, 259, 459 Harri.5, Robert Eldon ....... .457, 515 Harris, Shannon La clle ........389 Harri.5, tanley Robert ...........246 Harri , William Wayne ......343, 506 Harrison, Clarence Wayne .. 167; 358, 450, 518 Harrison, john Henry ....53, 152, 514 Harrison, John Ragland .. 103, 154, 257 Harrison, Joseph Walter, Jr......53:! 155, 51 Harrison, Marguerite ............151 Harrt.on, Otto Ross .........298, 468 Harrison, Thomas P. . ..... . .....256 Harrison, Trula Delle ...........229 Harrison, William Arch, Jr. . . 53, 137, 140, 164, 168, 189) 4711, 495, 51~ Harrw, John Charles ....... 103, 380 Harrod, Margaret Ann . .. ... 120, 222 Harrop, john Venne ......... .... 135 Hart, George Tom ..........120, 262 Hart, James Pinkney, Jr.........141 Hart, Lawrence Eu~ene ......86, 293 Harr, Richard Drake ........263, 366 Harl, herman Wolf ...... ..... .492 Hart, Walter T..............120, 153 Harter, Charles, III .86, 154, 290, 291 Hartford, Glen Howard . ....... . . 155 Hartigan, Joseph Thomas, Jr. (Joe) ..474 Hartle, Lawrence Ellwood ........ 135 Hartley, Brenda I ncz .......... . ..40 I Hartley, Janice Marie ........86, 227 Hartman, Charles David ........ .4511 Hartman, Gerald ....... ..... 103, 264 Hartman, Merrill Lee ... 120, 250, 505 Hartmann, Freddie Harry ........ 86 Hartshorn, Betty Baker ..........219 Hartwig, William H . .... ll6, 150, 457 Harvel, Kermit Wayne ..... .471 , 494 Harvey, Charles Vincent .... 146, 150, 45~. 496 Harvey, George Allen .. ..... . 53, 158 Harvey, Jack Alden .... . .. .. ....274 Harvey, ~rry Bankston ... ..... .. 135 Harvey, Jill ........120, 222, 478, 'it, Roger Neil ........86, 145 J::~iw1d~E1~~ 1\;~l~ti~· '.'.'.'.'.~~·.m lla"es, Jame ~loulton ..........343 Ila.. kin , tack Wade .............204 llawkin , oe Earl ..........245, 474 Hawkin , · ennedy Jlolme .......104 lla"kin , ~fartha Louise ........ . 385 Hawkin•. Milton William ....86, 249 Jla"ks, Georl(ia W ...........120, 232 Hawleyi Dan Earl ........ . ......459 llawn, 'atricia Diana ....86, 236. 452 I lawthorne, harline ........ 104, 233, 348, 352 Ila" thorne, Robert Doyle ...... ..288 Hay. Wayne Melvin .....260, 261. 485 Hayat, ~lohammed Arif .. . ..366, 460 Hayes, Dou~las P. .. ........53, 4'i5 Jlayman, Charle> Herman ...259, 3l:!\i Haine . Charles ndrew ..53, 4'i8, 514 Hayne., Eddie Bert .........2 , 470 Hai·ne , Jame Milton ........... .478 Name Pages Haynes, Patricia Anne ...53, 382, 392 462, 489 Haynes, Robert G................476 Haynes, Terry Kay ..............495 Hays, Almond jasper, Jr.....104, 250, 515 Hays, Mary Delaine ......53, 138, 473 Hays, Patsy Jane ................388 Hays, Wilham Thom ...........380 Haywood, Gloria Lee . .. .........386 Haywood, orcell Dan .......53, 491 Hazlewood, herrell L........53, 467 Head, Eugenia elson .......... ..233 Head, Michael Bobb ............ .470 Head, Robert . . . ......... . ... .. .360 Healer, Milton Bryan, II .... 120, 141, 20J Heard, Allen Burton .............267 Heard, Dorothy Patricia .....231, 365 Heard, Lois Myrl ...........104, 203{ 227, 37 Hearne, Wendell Eugene .........467 Heartfield, Randolph ... .. .. . 120, 300 Heater,Goscph Richard ......... .456 Heath, . B., Jr. . ............... 30 Heath, oseph Winfield ..........522 Heath, ura Rosemary ......53, 212 Heath, i ancy Carolyn .. 143, 236, 237 HeathRuth Lenore ............ . 104 1 Heathington, Kenneth Wayne 458, 504 Heatly, Sue ....... . ...... .... ...231 Hebert, Emanuel Andrus ..•. .....390 Hebert, Emery Jpn . ...... ... ... 149 Hebert, Larry Allen .............160 Heckman, Earl Jerome, Jr...120, 296, 505 Hector, Lal'ton Dean ............134 Hedgcoxe, Pat Garner ...35, 146, 150 Hedl(es1 Fred Clinton .......343, 506 Hcdjaz1 Djamil ori-Ghanim ....460 He~er, l>,;tricia Ann .............. 104 Heidelberg, arol Sue ........53, 241 Heidemann, heldon Louis .. 120, 365 Heilbron, Charles Harris ....120, 286 Hciligman, Sandra Kay .......86, 352 Hein, Robert Arthur .......... ... 104 Heina, Carlos Robert ..... . . 120, 296, 484, 517 Heinemeycr1 Louis Chris ....120, 160 Heinen, Huber Plummer ......... 53 Heinle, Peter J................. .458 Heinrichs, James Dell ........86, 275 Heiny, James Howard ........53, 155 Heinzman, Homer W........... .457 Hct.c, Helen Rosina .............452 He/'rmancik, Marvis Allen ........ 53 He f, Nancy Marilynn ....53, 209,489 Helfman, William A......86, 247, 505 Helland, George Archie .86, 146, 150, 165, 290~ 291A 30_?; 360, 36J, 45~, 4:111 Heller, Carleton William .... 141 , 395, 472 Heller, .Jeffrey Merwin .. 120, 270, 326 Heller, Richardj,os ....... .......459 Heller, Robert, r. . ............. 35 Heller, ally .................53, 227 Hello, Dorothy Jean .............215 Hellstedt, Christina Emelie Ebba . 86 Hellums, Chari Gary ...........204 Helm, J._D.... ·: ...........141 , 459 Helm, Mmor Lov1S, Jr.......86, 252, 253, 518 Helmer, William Joseph ....376, 378, 380 Helm , Marianne ......... .... ...219 Hel Icy, Albert orris, Jr....104, 293 Helwig, Annette ............ 120, 13}A 203, 2w Hemphill, Paul Dou~la ..........456 HemJ:kins, William Brent .....53, 160 Hen elman. Teddy I . ..... .... .246 Henderson, Barbara ..........86, 237 Henderson, Bob .................359 Henderson, Boyd Lewis, Jr. ..53, 283 Henderson, Burtleye ..........53, 237 Henderson, David Holland .. 164, 203, 347, 3~'3? Henderson, Dwi~ht Franklin .86. 365, 478, 507 Henderson, Elwood Ray .......... 53 Henderson, Gcorl(e Da,;d ....53. 455 Henderson, Geor11c Walter ...... . 390 Henderson, Jane Bird.. ell 53, 143, 161, 162, 197, 223, 493, 497 Henderson, Janie ........86, 231. 382, 392, 4a7 Henderson, ierry E\'llns ..... . 53, 474 llendcr;on, o>eph Lind y ......272 Henderson, oyce Anne ..53, 161. 162~ 190, 201, 364, 49~ Henderson, ROl(er ald"ell . 104, 203, 51J l!endenon, tanley Haywood 153, 288 Henderson, Thoma !larder . 104, 474. 522 Hender.on, Thoma Richard .....152 llenderwn. William Donald ..86, 248 Hendrick, Thomas Could ........360 llendrirk. \alter Benard ....257, 506 Hendricks, Albert . . ...........255 Hendricks, James Lee ........53, 491 Hendricks, ~lich. el Ed"ard ......358 Hendrie, Carolyn Lorraine ...86, 240. 241 amt: Pages Hengy, Jimmy Carroll ........86, 5 Henry, Anthony Ray ........366, 520 Henry, Frances Carolyn ......86, 232 Henry, Frazier Patrick .. .. ... 120, 280 Henry, tames D.................456 Henry, ames 'aughton ..•..120, 262 Henry, .yndabel Elizabeth . . . . . . . 7 Henry, Martha Jo ......212, 478, 481 Henry, Patsy Ruth .......53, 221, 372 Henry, Russell Jon ........266, 512 Henry, irginia R ............... 53 Henry, William Edward .. . . ·~,I;& Hen y, Thoma Ball ... .... .290, 505 Hen y, Walter Russell ......86, 291 Henshaw, Richard Charles •..135, 154 Hen lee, Fran es ..... .... .......216 Henslee, rah ... .. ..... .... ....216 Hen ley, Lynn Carlett .......104, 266 Henson, Booth beryl .......104, 256 Henson, harles Wayne ......•...244 Henson, Gloria jean ........104, 217 I lenson, Robert Lee .........120, 262 Henson, haron Louise ..86, 138, 206, 2!>!~ 33~ 333; J:>U, 37l, 5111 Henson, Walter Tom .......2~, 245, ""1'l, 5111 Henze, Henry Rudolf ...........•152 Herber, Carol Lynn ...... .......371 Herber, John Henry .........299, 513 Herber, Wilfred Earl ........ ....153 Herbert, James Dalton ...........120 Herbst, Albert Otto ..........54, 496 Herbst, Mary Henning .......54, 147 Herman, Donald idney ....104, 2~ Hermer, Richard Marcu ....247, 502 Hermes, Robert Anthony ........141 Hernandez, Matilde Luisa .......140 Hernandez, ylvia hristina . ....400 Hernandez;.Tony ...........142, 494 Herndon, Larolyn Ann .......234, 4a7 Herndon, Charles B. . . ..... . 288, 289 Herndon, Floyd Denni , Jr..281, \ ig Herndon, Hugh Milner . .. ... 104, 274 Herndon Michael Gilbert ...300, 518 Herold, 'lean Vincent ............140 Herren, John Fred, Jr...........104 Herrera, Urcd .. ...... ...... .. . 120 Herrera, Dorothy Ann ........54, 203 Herrera, Fermin 1 icasio, Jr... 104, 484 Herrera, Librado Lionel .. ...467, 476 Herrera, Rodrigo Fausto .86, 353, 454 Herring, Dori Carol .... ....... .220 Herring, James Carroll, Jr...258, 504 Herring, Jimmy Franklin ........ 86 Herring, l>hillip Floyd .... .......283 Herring, Weldon tuart .......54, 489 Herrington, David Lawrence .... . 459 Herrington, Dori Glad ....... .452 Herrington, Enoch B . ...... ...... 54 Herrington, tuart Edmond ......120 Herrington, Verda .......86, 478, 494 Herron, Elmer \ yne ...........140 Herron, ~iary Ellan .....86, 382, 383 Herry, Michael Lee ........ ... •.. 158 Herry, Rose Marie .............. I Hertel, Milton Robert .......... .459 Hess, Gerhard F................. 54 Hesse, Henry David .............104 Hester, Larry Thomas ........... 86 Hethcrin~ton, Geo"!" William, Jr. 86 Hettler, William Frederick, Jr. . . 86~ 469, 51J Hewell Robert Campbell(Bob) ...........86, 134, 165, 262, 263, 372, 507 Hewlett, Edward Robertson (Rob) ........... 104, 478, 480, 495 Hewlett, john Thom , Jr....54, 305 Hexhcrg, per Jul .......... ... 145 Hibbert, Barbara Dencue ... 104, \o3 Hibler, Prenti ti .. ... . ... 120, 520 Hickman, nnella ............. . . 104 Hickman, Brent LI wellyn ...86, 4J~:j Hi, Judith nn .. 163, 203. 221, 375, 462 Hicks, Bc"erly nn .....143, 203, 352 Hicks, lyde Ellis ...............358 Hicks, john Edwin .........146, 150 45~. Ilic . Malcolm ott ............291 Iii ks, Phylli Marie .........129, 206 Hicks, arah Elizabeth ......104, 477 Hicks, Wilhelmine Johanna .. 140, 400 Hicks, \ illiam i athan .......... 86 Hiett, Joan Kar ............219, I lil{l{inbotham, Betty Bo'!8 ......I Hi'!'l(inbotharn, Joyce ....54, 237, 5 lli~~ins, Erin ...........104, 166, 241 lli~hland, Lenore arol .....104, 207 382, llil(hto"er, Cax..cll Lee .... .. ...269 lliqhtnwer, Robert meron ..54, 14~ 190, 363, 3a Hil/'e, jean ..................... . 352 Hil , . Jackson . . . . . , 146, 150, 164 355, 396, 496 Hill, rolyn Jorc., .... ..........473 Hill, harl llarrow ............ 86 Hill, Outer ....... . 86, 165, 495, 500 Hill, Dwight Lenn ...........265, 353 Hill, orge P................... 28 P o• 544 A g ood start on a SHOE STORE GOOD FlJTlJRE 2348 Guadalupe -On the Drag As a member of the Class of 1958, you're off to a good start! May we congratulate you . .. Compliments and wish you every success in the years to come. (/ l/t11tctnc/'cJ H UMBLE OI L & REFIN I NG COMPANY (/ 7cl*C ~IJ4 lll l!! ~­ (/ C~t1/*/*C1,?Jl \511 ..I«! .. IOI ..119 Monioe's Mexican Food to-go \:!I! \Ill 11 " \Iii ..!.ll llM .. I .!ll I! .!! .lil .ii 131 IJ4 .l«I lll Iii JM .~ .ii JOI I Ji ~ !?. lli Name rages Hill, Iris Ramona ......... . . 54, 207 Hill, Jo Marie ..........104, 219, 487 Hill, Jon Michael ...............258 Hill, Kenneth Albert .....54, 134, 273 Hill, Master Sergeant Virgil ·Thomas . . . . . . . .. . . ....516, 523 Hill, Mike . .. ...................355 Hill, Mrs. Claude .............487 Hill, Oliver . . . . . . . . . .474 Hill, Otis Gillette . . . ......248 H ill, Richard Lionel .. 152, 160, 369, 456, 492, 496 Hill, Tom Weaver .............. 54 Hill, Virginia Ellen .....120, 133, 203 Hill. Wendall Royce ...... .. .54, 458 Hilliard. Frank Warren ..........282 Hillin, Robert K ........120, 270, 346 Hillje, Gustav Carl ....... .... .. . 104 Hillje, Jean Louise .... .. 120, 208, 389 H1llJe, Jo Ann ...... .54, 209, 364, 366 Hilou, Eddie Lou ...............460 Hilou, Isam Hamdi ..............460 Hilsabeck, Jimmy Guy ...... . . .. 104 Hilton, Marjorie Elizabeth ... 104, 219 Hinojosa, Tomas Rodolfo, Jr....476 Hindman, Sally Ann .....86, 147, 452 Hines, Robert Paul . ...... .. ..... 54 Hin~, Kunthap ...............86, 456 Hinkle, Olin Ethmer ... ..... 148, 373 Hinkle, William Holland .... 168, 257, 340, 341 Hinkle, William Lynn . .86, 328, 330 Hinson, Jack Raymond ........ . . 522 Hintner, Evan Dale ...... ........498 Hinton, Carolyn Anne .......... .235 Hipps, Phillip Lynd .........120, 346 Hirschorn, Marlin ...........247, 356 Hite, Alice Jean .......... .. . . .. 54 Hite, Nora Jean .... 133. 203, 222, 388 Hitt, Joseph Cahill ..............283 Hittle, Max William ............ .467 Hittson. Richard Wallace .. .......252 Hix, Elizabeth Mae ............. I04 Hixon, S. B. (Dave) .. ........... 160 Hixson, Elmer L................. 136 Hixson, Tommie Ernest ... .. .... . 454 Hlanak. 1 LaVerne Marie ........ . 206 Hobbs, Flemin,I( Cook . .. 104, 261, 521 Hobbs, Jerry Chilton .... . .......120 Hobbs, Lee V...................104 Hocker, Patricia Ann ........352, 485 Hodgdon, Samuel Thomas . . . 263, 459 Hodge, William Earl .......... . . 292 Hodges, Brenda Gale 54, 371, 466, 473 Hodges, Carroll Ann .... 54, 140, 161, 162, 190, 209, 242. 351 , 352 Hodges, Gus M. .. ..........137, 272 Hodges, Jimmy Mack ....... ..... 86 Hodges, Robert Wilson ..........120 Hodgkins, Richard Chandler .... .492 Hodnett. Johnie Lee .........86, 153 Hodo. Ray A........... ........ .456 Hoeck. John Scott .... . . 264, 345, 508 Hoecker, Cleve James . . 104, 160, 457. 496, 519 Hoehn, Curtis Louise ............231 Hoelscher, Reba 'ell ............388 Hoelzel, John Richard ......395, 477 Hoerster, Genevieve Stivncr .. .... 14-0 Hoevet, Marcia Jean .. ..........140 Hoey, William Llewellyn ........271 Hoff, Frank Woodruff ...........141 Hoffman, Alexander A...........457 Hoffman, Bonnie Lou Schaff .. .. . 134 Hoffman, David Alwynn ........ . 104 Hoffman, David Minet .. 134, 135, 395 Hoffman , George W............. .282 Hoffman, Gloria Ann .........54, 221 Hoffman, John Milton ... ....54. 150, 204, 458 Hoffman, William Henry, Jr. . ... 134 Hoffmann, Malcolm Edward ..54, 485 Hoffm.eister, Marion Jean .. ......120 Hofhemz, James Fred .... . .. 104, 257 Hofmann, John Henry .......86, 154 Hofmann. Svh•ia Suzanne 54, 241, 487 Hogan, Glad>" Jean .........86j 213, 35 '473 Hoge. James Charles Hugh . . 459, 507 Hol(ue, James Melvin ..... .......246 Hoinkemeier, Sue Lynn ..... 120, 222 Holbrook, James Farrel ..54, 399, 489 Holbrook, Milton Ray ........... 54 Holcomb, James Myron ......54, 273 Holcomh, Jo Beth ...............401 Holcomb, Lyndon Paul ......54. 150. 458, 477 Holden, Vinzinia . . . . . . . ....... 133 Holden, William Paul, Jr ..... 54, 465, 474, 484 Holden, William Reece ..........155 Holder, Betty Darlene .. 104, 484, 485 Holder, Jerrell Aaron .......86. 293. 305, 358 Holder, Leonard Clifton, Jr ......466 Holiday, Ronald John ...........345 Holland, Bob W .............. . ...54 Holland, D. B. (Jack) ....23, 31. 203. 373, 399, 402 Holland, H arry Chark ..........378 Holland. James Elery ........120, 512 Holland, Leon LaFore Hugh es, ?Jhn Bruce .............282 Hul(hes, arshall ................320 Hughes, Martha King .. .87, 161, 163, 191 , 221 Hughes. Mary Margaret 351 , 391 , 484 Hughes, Robert berridan ..121, 290, 521 Hughston. Sarah Louise ..........223 Hugman. Bernadine Mary ...393, 400 Hugus, Donald Clyde ............459 Hul!11S, Donald Finley, Jr....... .271 Huhn, Janis Gertrude ............121 Hull, Danny M ..............87, 457 Hull, Dolly Gale .........55, 227, 371 Hullum, Billy Don ...... 121, 250, 365 Hulsey, Spunzeon Leon, Jr.......104 Hultgren, Sidney Jean .......55. 382, 398, 483 Human R~lalions Commission ... . 366 Humberd, Donald Ardman . . ..... 135 Humble, Nancy nn .........104, 220 Hummel, John Hull ............ .470 Humphrey, Lillian .......... 121, 208 Humphrey, ondria Elizabeth .... 104 Humphreys, Robert Pies ..........522 Humphries, Buford Milton .......135 Namt Pares Hunger, Andrew M...........•.. 55 Hunger, Rudolf Eugen . ... ... •.. .472 Hunke, Arthur Harvey •.490, 492, 505 Hunsucker, Louis Sager, Jr.......456 Hunt, David Edmond .......276, 277 Hunt, Donald Lee .. ... ..... . ....155 Hunt, Glenn Curtis, Jr... ... .~Ji 275, ;»:>, 454 Hunt, Jimmy Dale . .......... ...263 Hunt, Jo Ann ...... .............233 Hunt, Lynn Sherwood ........87, 272 Hunt, 'ancy Bryan ....104J 163A I~ 237, 36J, 38~, ;)II:! Hunt, Robert Alan ......... .459, 518 Hunter, Claude W.............. .459 Hunter, Dick Keith ..........55, 132 Hunter, Elbert DeWin .... . .. . ... 134 Hunter, Kathryn Anna Schmidt .. l~:i Hunter, Linda Jane ... .......55, 227 Hunter, Mary Elizabeth ......87, 233 Hunter, Ray Allen .. . ....... .....289 Hurford, Gary Thomas ......... .204 Hurley, Clyde L. ........87, 293, 468 Hurley, James Franklin . . .. . ·~l3,2.?:9 Hurley, Marilyn Sue . ............462 Hurst, Carol Lorraine ..... ..104, 221 Hurst1 William Abernathy ..... ... 87 Hurwitz, Larry Neal .... ICJ;:l-A 14}1 153J lou, 21J't, 29~ 364, 365, 372 Hussam-E, A-Bari A-B ..........460 Hustace, David ... .. .... ....149, 489 Husted, Harris Duncan ..251, 502, 506 Huston, Robert J.............87, 291 Hutchinson, David B.............459 Huth, Elizabeth Maverick .. . 121, 232, 352 Hyde, Gretchen Lee .. . . 121, 371, 473 Hydnck, Charlotte Goodpasture .. 55, 462 Hyman, Jacqueline Elaine , ..104, 2~ I Ibbotson, James Thomas .... .. ... 35 Icet, Carl Louis ... .... . . ....... . 158 Ijam, Mousa Jaffar ....... .. ..... 35 lmke, Frank ames ..............463 Immel, Ralph Conrad ...........456 Ince, Nancy Clark ...............237 Ince, Richard Weakley . ..87, 258, 456 Index .......................... .525 Infante, Ettore Hector Ferrari . ... ... ... 139, 140, 150, 369 474, 490, 492 Inga, Ruhc.n F .... ...............456 Inglish, Douglas Wilson ..........269 Ingram, Robert Ray ............ .456 Ingram, Sammy Walker .......... 35 Ingram, Sandra .. ... ............352 Ingram, Will Henry ..............521 In Memoriam .. .. ............... 32 Insirillo, Joseph Daniel, Jr. . .... . 35 Institute of The Aeronautical Sciences .......•............ . . 474 Insurance Society .... .... ..... .. .475 Inter Co-Op Council ........... .393 lnter/raternity Council ...........302 lnlernalional Commission . ...... .366 International Student Center .•. .. 31 Interrante, Rose Pete ............264 lntramural.r .. . ... ...... .. ...348, 360 Ioannou, Christakis Efstathiou ....459 Irby, James Hudson .. . ........ .. 121 Irby, Winifred M . ......104, 213, 349 Irick, John T...............146, 150 Irsfeld~ . ick ...... . ........... ..485 Irvin, Joe Curtis ...305, 328, 331, 509 Irvine, Capt. Donald Greer . 139A 164A 244, 46Y, 51u Irvine, Roy James ..142, 204, 463, 494 Irving, Charles Robert ....... . , . . 292 Isbell, Claudette ................ . 140 Isbell, Patricia Jane ..........87, 209 Ishikawa, Kiyoko .. ...........87, 391 Isom, Charles Armond .......55, 467 Israel, Donald Mark ........... .. 134 Ito-Flores, Cruz ..............55, 456 Ivey, John Patrick ...............274 Ivy, lames Thomas ..........296, 478 Ivy, immy Dwain ............. .. 87 Ivy, oho mith, Jr.............263 Ivy, farsba Raye ................522 Izard, Judith Carolynn ...... 104, 388 J Jackman, Herbert Phillip ........470 ackson, Anna Mal')!aret .... . .... 147 ackson, Benjamin Eugene .. .456, 513 ackson, Billy Mack ........•.55, 259 ackson, Clifton Leroy ...........134 ackson, David Ray .........398, 498 ackson, Frankie Jerlene ....104, 386 a kson, Gayle Morgan, Jr...•...263 a kson, Gertrude Gaston .•..87, 236 ackson, Henry Woodrow ....55, t40A 203, 25~ ackson, tL., Jr............275, 458 ackson, ames Forbe ...........476 ackson, ames Terry ........ ....346 a ksoo, inda Marie ........87, 217, 348, 473 j 465, 484, 522 Howard, Carl Dean .....86. 148. 204; Humphries. Jame• Eldridl(e, Jr. . .158 Jackson, Loraine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Holleman, Patricia Lynne .. 104, 462 377, 463, 51J Hundley, Frank Temple .........455 Jackson, Ralph Semmes ..........505 PAOE 546 '"" .. lj .IJl ~'.<6 .... i,!il ·Ill ,?Ji 1, \14 ·~ !ll '!i! ~~ 511 Ii! ,131 I~ .IJ, Ill ,!ll ,!ll ll! .!4 ,Q .~ til ,l!J .17 lil. ,!!I .m ,(IJ I! :a lSi Ii! ?l! 11! I~ li, 4l ?!i, 31 Vll:TOR'S ITALIAN FOODS Spaghetti and Ravioli Dinners Steaks and Enchiladas Pizza Pies Ph. GR 8-0396 A la Carte Service 409 WEST 23RD Studlman Pholo Service Films Developed-Portraits & Supplies 19th and Lavaca Ph. GR 7-2820 THE BOTTLE SHOPS (Owned and operated by UT Students and Exes) GIFTS • BEVER.aGES GLASSWARE • BAR SUPPUES 1207-09 Red River Ph. GR 7-0237 Reuben Kogut, Manager Current Rate on START THAT Savings SAVINGS ACCOUNT NOW! The Mutual Savings Institution Resources over $30,000,000 1005 Congress The Finest Mexican Food in Austin La Tapatia Restaurant STEAKS "Air Conditioned" "FAST SERVICE" 1509 E. 6 GR 7-3312 Home Steam Laundry and Cleaners Best Service in Austin for U. T. Students 14th & RED RIVER GR 8-2586 PAG8 547 Name Pages Name Pages Name Pages Name Pages ackson, Richard M ., Jr.........258 ackson, Sandra Jan .. .......204, 473 ackson, oTommy George .. ....... 87 ackson, William A .............. 104 acobo Arturo Alfonso ...........476 acobs: David Paul ..............288 acobs, Judith Mueller ..... 104, 233, 382, 384 Jacobs, Mary James ............ .217 acobs, Sandra Roslyn .. ........ .211 acobs, William Fredric 104, 261 , 478 acobscn, Leila Nancy .... . .... . . 218 acobson. Gwenda Lynn . . .. .104, 211 l acggli, Victor Brenard ......291 , 507 aen, Didier Tisdel .............. 397 agou, Charles Chester ..........262 akle, Florence Therese .. . .. 104, 391 akle, Terry ...... . .............351 amha, Michael ... ..............467 ! am.,., Bobby Clark ............ .. 269 l ames, Bobby jack ..............478 ames, Cary Armon . . .......... . 104 amcs, Gerald Dodson .. . ........390 ames, Henry L. ............ 359, 51 5 ames, Marie Louise .............237 ames Mary Bell Granger ... 143, 222 ames: Raymond Percy .. .. . . 121, 282 amcs, Robert ............... . ...347 ames, Robert Sidney ...... .. ....248 amcs, Royal Parks ..........121 , 282 ames, Sue Correll ..............162 amcs, Thomas Ivy ........... . ..515 amcs, Virgil Albert .......... .. .149 a.mes, Yvonne Lucille . .......... 55 amieson, Jack Arthur ........... 87 amison Robert Earl ........ . ... 145 anak, Oonald Ray ..........132, 390 anak, Dorothy May . .. .382, 383, 462 l anca, Lydia Agnes . . ............400 ancik. Margaret Charlyn . . ..55, 209 anik Frank Charles ............396 ank,;wer, Barbara Ell~n ...... ...211 anota, Harvey Franklm . . ..... . . 483 anssen, Herman Phillip ......... 55 ansscn, James john .. . ..... . ... .454fanuary, William Howard ........291 l arabeck, Judy ............ . .. . ..236 arrell, Maxie William .......55, 474 arrett. 111ad Johnson ..270, 466, 468 arry, Maniaret Ann . . ...... 121, 218 ary, Lloyd Walker, Jr.......55, 272, 273, 372 asman, Jeanette Martha .87, 478, 481 ason, Robert Mayer .. . .. . .. 104, 287 asso, Albert Torres . ............121 axthcimcr, William Adam ......489 cc, Martha Doyle .121, 166, 371, 383 effcrs, Leroy . . ....... .. .... 20, 137 cffcrson, Andttw Leon . .... . ....390 effreys, Sidney L. . ............. 87 effus, Thomas Rider ........... 87 enkins, Charles Elliott .......... 87 cnkins, Frederick Raymond, Jr. .159 enkins, Jacklyn .... 121, 175, 186, 378 l! enkins, Jerry Harrison ..55, 164, 204, J 469, 515 enkins, Lonnie Walton .152, 160, 456 enkins, Michael Ray .......104, 157 enkins, Patricia Diane ..... . 121 , 208 ! i enks, Mrs. Lillian .............. 392 cnks, Paul Mentor, Jr. ..56, 149, 489 ennings, C. A. . .. .............. .470 ennings, Elizabeth Anne . ..203, 234, 352, 387 Jennings, Fred Mayne ...........307 Jennings, Grace an .. . ... ..221 , 473 Jennin~s. Richard Cornwell ..249, 513 Jcnnin'(s, Sammie Janis ...... . ...229 Jcnnin~s. William Max . 164, 167. 249. 456, 517 Jensen, Willjam David .. 121 . 256, 474 Jessen, Esther Mar~arct ..... 104, 221 f cssen, Frank Weldon ........ .. .. 496 cter, James Guidry .... ....... . . 87 ctcr, Thomas Gentry, Jr.... 105, 465, 484, 520 iblits, Edward William ......56, 457 imencz, Blademar Arellano .... . 87 imencz, Cristobal .............. . 474 imencz, Emilio S. . .. .......... . . 456 imenez, Enrique ................519 immcn on, Jo Ann ......87, 229, 383 obe. Bill David .................272 ochimsen, Jane Dec ........ 121, 208 ohbston, Karen Elizabeth . . ..... 147 ohn, Vir~inia Kate .............391 ohns, Charles H ................474 ohns, Lee Jackson ..............456 ohns, Perry A. . ................390 ohn'lVII Kean, Stephen Thomas . . . .. . 149, 489 Keane, Michael Sylvester ....296, 492 Kearby, James Peyton ........ , . . 121 Kearns, Kenneth E . .. ........... 203 Keasler, Emma Marie ... .. ..206, 207, 365,46< Keegan, Donald John . .. .87, 267, 489 Keel, Darrel Jack ..... .. . . . .. .. ..467 Keelen, Carolyn Virginia . . .. 121, 222, 461 Keeler, Robert Dale ............ .134 Keen, Carolyn Sue ..... .121, 240, 365 Keenan, Olive Anne ......87, 217, 473 Keenz, Diane ...... ..... ........352 Keer, Peggy Ann .. . . 57, 156, 159, 482 Keeton, Carole Stewart. . 121. 1.§,. 2]~ 242, 348, 350, 364, ;ioo, ;)11!1 Keeton, Richard Page . .. 132, 1681 203; 259, 305, 340, 341, 362, 363, 36, 30~ Kennedy, Joseph Overton, Jr...87, 269 Kennedy, Richard Lee ..... ... . . . 459 Kennedy, Roderick Earle ...... . ..267 Kennedy, Weldon Lynn .... . .....513 Kennedy, William Carey, Jr... 121 , 288 Kennemer, Billy Ray ....... .105, 398 Kenney, Raymond C ...23. 31, 160, 364 Kennon, Garland ...305, 306, 307, 312 Kent, H. Ren ...................493 Kent, Harry Llewellyn . . 146, 244, 459 Kent, James WilliamJr....... ... 121 Keown, Allan Ronala1 ......... . .. 57 Keown, Jacqueline .... ... ....... . 87 Keplinger, Henry F............ . .458 PAOE 548 C:LDUil Employment Service "The Right Person for the Right Position" Over a quarter of a century's experience in placing both men and women with the finest firms in the Southwest and the entire country. For the best in Office, Sales, Professional. Medical, Technical and Executive positions contact us. Member Dallas Chamber of Commerce Southwest Employment Board National Employment Board RI 7-4821 907 National City Bldg. Dallas 1 Texas TOM Hf\RPER -9n:Jura n ce AUTO -F1RE -casuru.TY 616 West 6th St. Phone GR 6-6597 Austin, Texas Dividends To Select Risks JfJJN Men's Shop UT's own custom tailor 2548 Guadalupe GR 2-2300 CREDITS BOBBI DIXON, Art 0. V. KOEN STUDIO, Photography J. P. CROWE, Color Photography WALLACE ENGRAVING COMPANY, Engraving GULF PRINTING COMPANY, Printing AMERICAN BEAUTY COVER COMPANY, Cover A FRIEND Name Pages Kerbow, Roger Alan ..... . .. 121 , 504 Kerley, Lillian EUastine .......... 36 Kermacy, Martin S . .... .........491 Kern, Bernard Karl . . ....... .... .483 Kerr, Don Milton, Jr. ........ . . . 105 Kerr, John Kermit ..........354, 396 Kersh, James Edwin, Jr..... ... .. 105 Kershner Stuart Deric . . 266, 267, 505 Kersten, Phyllis . .. .. ..... . .. 121, 472 Kesscy, Peter S . .... .........452, 467 Kessler. Edrea Dale .....238, 348, 350 Kessler, Kitty .. ............. 121, 208 Ketchum, Charles A . . .... ....87, 285 Keucky, Lim ............... 105, 157 Keunstler, Ray R................357 Key, Donald Ray ........... .87, 153 Key, Martha Ann ... ... .... . 105, 147 Key. Thomas Ray . ............. .489 Keys, Sara Esther ...... . .........241 Keys, William Edward ........27, 148 Khadra, Saad Abu ...............460 Khalafallah. Abdelghany Abdallah ....... . ......... . .. ..460 Kiatta, Howard William ..57, 290, 291 Kibbie, Kent Danforth ......121, 270 Kidd, Barron Ulmer ... ......... .257 Kiecke. Pattye Jayne ........ 121, 208 Kieke, Twila Wanda ....... .. 121, 208 Kiesling, Kenneth Dean .....469, 513 Kight, John Carroll ...... ........ 57 Kilbride, Wade Robert ..... ...... 149 Kilday, Betty Lynn .. 105. 208. 382, 385 Kilgore, Linda Elaine .......121, 352, 371, 389 Killbrew, Bill ........ ....... 121, 248 Killen, Da"id T ... ...... ....204, 520 Kilpatrick, Ann ... . ........121, 208 Kimbell, Edwin Carol ...57, 136 Kimbrough, Ph>I Roy ..... ... .87, 456 Kimmey, Rowena ........ ... . . . 351 Kimsey. Roy Edwin, Jr. ......... .271 Kincaid, Frances Elizabeth ...87. 229, 348, 351, 466, 473, 478, 481 Kincaid. Robert Merl ....87, 155, 251 Kinch, Ann Ashby ......... .121. 220 Kincheloe, Hazel Karen .....105, 234, 235, 518, 522 K inchen, Edward York ...... 121, 478 King, Byron M ............... 57, 277 King, Clyde Richard ........ . . .. . 148 King, Della G. . . . . . . .. 133. 203 K ing, Elizabeth Lou . . . . . .. 121, 156 King, Errol Delvidge ............358 King, Frances Ruth . . . . . .105. 219 King. Frank Charles . . . . . . . .57, 153 King, Jack Lee ..................395 King, James Charles . . ...... 157, 159 King, John Robert, Jr. ......478, 494 King, Kay ......... 105, 228. 366, 487 King, Marinell ... .............. . 88 King, Ralph Judson ..... 105, 252, 253 King, Robert Gordon, Jr. . ....290 King, Robert 1 ewton ..160, 254, 255 King, Shirley Ann . . . . . ... .... 135 King, Terry Dean . . . . . ..300, 345 Kinkade, John Douglas ........... 121 Kinney, Marilyn Kay ........ 121. 206 Kins, Sammy ............... 105, 287 Kintanar, Ramon Lucero ......... 36 Kipp, John Theadore . . . . 204 Kipp, Millecent Lurene ........387 Kirby. Clarence Edison .......... .458 Kirby, Edward ..............289, 503 Kirby. Elinor Janice . . . ... . . 385 Kirby, Gerald Simmons .... 288, 490 Kirby Hall ......................388 Kirchem. Reid Charles . . . . 105 Kirk, John Robert, Jr....57, 249. 347. 358, 436, 514 Kirk. Jon Bedford ......... .....271 Kirk, Sloan L., Jr. . . ..57, 288. 289 Kirk, W Astor . . . . . .... 145 Kirkgard, William Kieth ..... 121, 250 Kirkham. Pearl Junette .......... 121 Kirkland. Joy Elizabeth .......88, 219 Kirkpatrick, Edwin Loren, II .....272 Kirkpatrick, Fredrick James ... 136. 150, 457 Kirkpatrick, Harry David .......273. 372, 378 Kirkpatrick. ~mes Carlos ....... .456 Kirkpatrick, ulia Elizabeth .. 121. 218 Kirkpatrick, ary Snyder ....... .230 Kirkpatrick, Michael Grogan .....2!\8 Kirkpatrick, Patty Irene ......57, 203 Kirksey, Ellen Kathryn ...88, 219, 461 Kirstein, Robert Martin ..........287 Kittle, Mary Glyn .... ....57, 217, 462 Kittrell. John Robert ........292, 508 Klaus, Ewald Fred, Jr ........... .472 Klaus, Kendall Cullinane .........489 Kleck, Edgar Rudolph ....... , , .. 121 Klein, Alexander Benjamin. Jr ...105. 141 , 261 Klein, Cynthia Lucille ........... 122 Klein, Elizabeth Anne ........88, 218 Klein, James H .................. 153 Klein, John William . . . . . . .260 Klein, Keith Edward .......122, 294 Klein. Karl Kermit ..............280 Klein, Lynda Lee ........... 122{ 210 Klein, Marlene Audrey , , , 105, 21 ,487 Klein. Michael Lee ..........247 , 458 Klein. Shirley Beatrice ........... 135 Kleinman, Herbert E............. 157 Kempin. Raymond Ernest ... 122, 521 Klepak, Michael ............ 122, 282 Name Pages Kleypas, Jennalie F . ....138, 175, 186, 207, 372 Kliever, Rev. Lonnie .. .......... .463 Klindworth, Rebecca Annice. . 122, 472 Kline, Fredrick G. . ........ , 154, 287 Kline. Jay Rodney . .. . . .... .. ....279 Klinefelter, Karen ...57, 151, 377, 464 Klingman, William Robert .. 122, 141, 204 Klocsel, Lawson Gregory ... ...88, 158 Klopfenstein, Kaye .. 122, 240, 349, 372 Klotz, Ayree Jane . ...... 122, 236, 387 Klump~ Peggy Ann . . .... . . . ....231 Kluth, veorge . ..... . ... . . . .... ..467 Knapp, Charles Edmond ....... . . 281 Knapp, John Alden ..... .........519 Knapp, Linda Landrum .. ........ 207 Knebel, George William .. 105, 274, 520 Kneblik, Clarence Edward ....57, 459 Kneblik, Janis Lynn ..... 122, 372, 472 Kneese, Viclor Scott . . . ....... . ..248 Knicker, James Donald ...........390 Knierim, Ruth L . ... ............ .468 Knife, David Maurice ............ 132 Knight, Donald Richard ..57, 249, 489 Kni'!"ht. Peggy Anne .. ... 122, 228, 387 Kniker, James Donald .. 105, 160, 518 Knippa, Janice Lee ....... . . 105, 218 Knippa, Larry Don ... . . 105, 395. 513 Knize, David Maurice .......105. 203 Knoles, Donald Paul .. .. 148, 267, 377 Knolle, Guy Edmund, Jr......... 269 Knolle, Jon Warren . . ............269 Knopp, Jacob Louis ............ .475 Knox, Billie Jack ........... .....485 Knox, Kay Linda ... ......... 88, 223 Knox. Margaret Ann .. .... ...... .215 Knox, Marian E1hcridge . , . . 105 , 175 1 215, 242 Knupp, Robert Gist ..... 105. 283, 507 Kobe, Jean Carolyn ........ .219, 473 Kobe, Kenneth A. . ..... 150, 152, 456 Koch, Carol Ann ......... ....96, 219 Koch. Walter James ..... ... .. ...484 Koch. Werner 0 ........146, 150, 459 Koch, William ........... ........484 Kochevar.J ohn Hall ...... ..289, 507 Kochhar, imal ... .. . . .... .. . . ..459 Kochman, Shirley Elaine ... ......225 Kocurek, William Neal ..57, 136. 150, 204' 283' 369 Koehl, Michael Frank ............ 494 Koehler, Avery Clarence ......... 122 Koehler. Travis Aubrey . . 122. 472, 519 Koen, Ada Lillian Ann .......5 7. 235 Koen. Beverly Ann . ..... 122, 208, 508 Koen, Billy Vaughn ......... ..... 105 Koen. Lillian Ann . . .............484 Koen, William Joe ......... ......279 Koenig, Billie Waldyn ........57, 391 Koenig, Carolyn Annelle ........203. 207. 462 Koenig, John Welon ... ......... .514 Kohler, Berenice Grannell ...466, 499 Kohls. Roger John . . ....57, 472 Kojima, Shioteo ................. 88 Kolb, George Haze . . .....88, 203, 271 Koliba, Betty Jo ...... . ... . ..... . 88 Kolius. James Peter ..... .... 155, 203 Kolodetsky. Mrs. Maurice ..... ...372 Kolodny. Elizabeth Ann ..57, 225, 462 Kolter, Karol Anne ....... .. 122, 232 Konde, Eugene Robert .......88, 204 Konzal. Francis Cyril ............466 Koontz, Mary Ann ... . . . .. ..... . . 122 Kopecky, Alfred Allen ... .57, 132. 140 Kopel, Jerome Michael ...88, 160. 247 Koppa, Rodger Joseph ... . ...... . 5 7 Koppelman, Myrna Joy .......96, 211 Korenek, Jeannette Karen ..... ...484 Korzekwa. Sam Michael ..... 136. 150. 465. 484 Kosberg, J. Livin~ston .. ..... ....279 Kosh. Margaret Mary .......105, 147. 391. 494 Kostka, Willie Joe .. ........ . ...458 Kosub, Charles Henry .......57, 458. 490, 504 Kotara, Thomas Ronald .. .57, 459 465 Kothman, Richard Edward ..... .'. 358 Kothmann, Barbara Ann .....105, 234 Kothmann. Lanell .. ......... .... 122 Kottwitz, Stanley Joel ..... .......279 Kottwitz, William Lewis ..57, 278. 279 Kouth. Dennis George ......347, 485 Kovacs, Barbara Rita ............225 Kovar, Jimmy Wayne .........88, 466 Kraemer, Major Richard Howard .................. 167, 504 Krafcheck, Albert Michael .......247 Krah. Au~ust Charles ............ 88 Kramer, Brenda Ellen ...........23R Kramer, Julia Ann ..........220, 473 Krams. Sidney Warren ...........247 Krandel, Sheryl Barbara ......88, 239 Krasnow, Natalie ....... 122. 224, 389 Krause. Arnold Erich .... . .. 105. 154. 266, 504 Krause, Arthur Joseph ...........459 Krause, Donald Charles ........ , .518 Krause. Edward Ernest ........... 57 Krauter, Juell Joy .. . 66, 162, 401, 477 Kreisle, Leonardt Ferdinand .....146. 150, 244, 369 Krcneck, Lynwood Alois ........ .378 Krenek, Bettye Jean ........391, 484 Krcnmueller, Clarence Jerome ....483 Name Pages Krezdorn, Roy Rankin .. 136, 276, 457 Krick, Barbara Kay ..57, 203, 350, 352 Krick, Harold David, Jr.....5_!l.1 150.1 204, 2o;,, 5Q;j Kriss, Sandra Rose ...... 163, 166, 225 Kristynik, David Charles Simon . . 122, 290, 343, 484 Krog, Cecily Anne (June) ....... 88 Kromer, William Moffeu ..88, 274, 275 Kromminga, Lynn Richard ...88, 155, 253, 472, 489 Krovetz, Albert Sidney ...... 122, 294 Krum, Charles Leo .... . .... . . .. . 157 Kruse, James Monroe .. .. ... .343, 506 Kubala, Caroline Jean ......105, 216, 365, 391, 484 Kubala, Jerome Frank, Jr.... ....520 Kubala, Pauline Ann .........58, 138.1 217, 47;j Kubala, Velma Jean ............. 156 Kubeika, Dyonis Floyd ...... .... .489 Kuenemann, Wesley Ben .... 146, 359, 360, 390 Kuenstler, Ray Richard ...... . . . . 284 Kuester, David Hartwell ... ......507 Kuester, James Lowell ...88, 267, 456. 490, 505 Kugel, Kay Rosanne ..... ... . . 58, 470 Kugle, Sharon Gay ..... ..58, 207, 462 Kuhn, Charles Ritchie ..... . . 478, 512 Kulhanek, Jerry Lowell .......... 88 Kulhanek. Jerry Peter . .. ........ 88 Kull, Lewis Lee ..............88. 509 Kunik. Burton Jerry . .. .......88. 247 Kunkel, Robert Gene ............ 88 Kunkle, Martha Leah ...... ...... 147 Kunz. Carla Diane .... . . 371, 391. 485 Kunze, Robert Eugene .......... .459 Kuroki, Claude Toshio ...........122 Kurth, Ernest L ....... . ... . . . ... 149 Kurtz, Barry B . ....... ......368, 475 Kusenberger, Jo Ann Theresa ... .122, 484 Kutac, Joyce Elaine . .. ..... .382, 391 Kutach, Jerome Michael . . ......519 Kutchback, Lynne Frances ..226. 348 Kutchback, Susan Lee ......... ..226 Kuykendall. Robert Paul .. ... .58. 457 Kvinta, Emily Ann .. 105. 227.348. 350. 351, 365, 391, 484 Kwan. Ken Melvin . . . ...... .....519 Kwan, Roy Lester . . . . . . . ..521 Kwie. William Wie Liam .... ..... 36 Kyger, Martha Kay . . . .105, 220. 352 Kyle, Donald William .58, 153, 380 Kyle, Jerry Van .. .......... .268, 269 Kyle, Junious Maurice, Ill (Jack) ...... ... . . ... 88, 264 Kyle. Philip Lee . . 264, 485 L Laakso, Richard Hilton ...... ....454 LaBauve. Louise .... 105, 166. 213, 466 Laceky. Thomas Wayne . . . .. . . . .. 160 Lacey, Alonzo Leonard. Jr. ..248. 249 Lacey, Russell Calhoun ......458. 459 Lacey, Sylvia Anne . . . .. 105. 217 Lackey, Bobby Lee .. . . . 27 1. 305. 306, 307, 317. 485 Lackner, Linda Carol .133, 220. 351 Lacy. Gail Elizabeth . ........122 . 485 Lacy, Jack Ray .... ...... .36. 146, 150 Ladd, John William, Jr. ..... 157, 159 Ladd, Norbert Fred .. 134, 135,203. 489 Laf evers, Garye Lynn ........... 334 Laforce. Bruce Raymond ....... .157 La Forge. Sidney .................467 Lalrentz. John Dalton .58. 358, 456 LaGrone, Allred Hall .. . .. 136, 150 Lai n. Bobby Dave .... . . . 469. 513. 514 Lain, William Glenn .............467 Lair, John B., Ill . . . . . .. 122 Laird. Patricia Ann ..... 105. 175. 217 Lake, Michael Kennedy .... .474, 496 Laman. David Lee ...........58, 485 Lamb, Edward Dale . . . . . .. 136 Lamb. William Morgan ......... .458 Lambda Chi Alpha .. ........266, 267 Lambden. Dan Ray ..88, 153. 281, 504 Lambert, Nancy Louine .... ..58. 140, 203. 487 Lambert. Stewart B. . ......88, 273 Lambert, T . A ... . .......... . . , .. 159 Lamberth. L. S., Jr.. . 88, 167, 457, 515 Lamm, Linda Allen ............. .122 Lamont, Normon ............ . . . 458 La Montagne, Edward Weir .. 122, 285 Lancaster, Jerry .....233. 371. 511.514 Lancaster, John Lynch, 111 ... 145, 251 Lancaster. Lou Ann ........ 105. 208. 382, 385 Lancaster. Olin Clifton, Jr .......269 Lance, William Michael ..... ..... 88 Land, Margaret Lee ..........58. 217 Lande, Sabra Joy ... .... 166, 238, 366 Lander. Diane .....105. 173, 175. 207. 349, 350. 382. 38'L 404. 485 Landers, A. W...........58, 458, 496 Landers, William Franklin ........244 Landon, Sandra Ann .............231 Landrum. Graves W ........ . ..... 21 Landry. Jack Edward , ...........390 Lane, Julianne ......88. 175. 209, 371 Lane, Ralph Edward . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Lane, Richard Allen ............. 58 Lane. Samuel Arthur. Jr.....159. 454 Lane. William Gerald .......... . . 105 Name Pages Laney, Benjamin Travis ..... .. .. .458 Laney, Mary Lavone ............. 401 Laney, Ray Stanley .. . . ..88, 478, 489 Lang, Barbara Marie .. ....... 88, 231 Lang, Bill Fritz .. ...... ..... . . . ..457 Lang, Paul Howard ........ ...... 58 Langford, Alan Payne .. . ... . .. . ..265 Langford, Billy D ............... .475 Langford, Lou Anne .. ..... ..105, 209 Langham, David Odell ........... 160 Langley, Charles F., Major ... 139, 502 Langley, Charles Waymon ........ 105 Langley, Dorothy .. ..........122, 206 Langley, Robert David ....... .58, 459 Langston, Sylvia Louise .......58, 209 Langton, Elizabeth Dell ....122, 228, 365 Lanham, Elizabetl1 .......... 135, 149 Lanham, Kathryn H..... ....229, 487 Lanier. Carroll Wendell .. ...141, 520 Lanier, Robert R., Jr. . .... .. 105, 271 Lanier. Wayne Scott .....88, 253, 456 Lanley, Lieutenant Jack K . .... ...510 Lanning, Charles Frederick . . • 58, 486 Lanter, Charles Ellis . ... . . ... .58, 249 Lantz, Mary Jean ........58, 217, 462 Lapham,Billy Dale ........ ...88, 459 Lara, Maria Luisa .. . . . .... ...58, 156 Club . . .........•.... . . . .476 Larison, Harold Ray ... ......... .457 Larizadeh, Mehoi M. . ....... . .. .459 Larkam, Charles Wilbur .. .... .... 150 Larkin, Linda Sue . .. ...... . ..58, 233 LaRoche, William T. . . .. ... . . .. .459 LaRowe, William Carlisle .. .164. 469, 513, 515 Larrea, Freddy Ayala .. ..... .353, 459 Larson. Carl Edwin ..............157 Larson, john R . .............. ...496 Larson, Ronald Vincent ......88, 164, 167' 495, 517 LaRue. Arthur Dewey ............ 149 LaRue, Barbara Jean ......... . . . 223 La Rue, Billy Ken .... ........... .271 Lary, Diane Eugenia ...... ...... .477 Lasater, Charles Richard ....... . . 470 Lasater. Richard Lee ... .. ........261 Lasky, Sandra Ilene .........122, 238 Lasseter, Carolyn Zo . .. . . . . ... ..203 Lasseter, Thomas Edward .. ... ...456 Lassiter, Mattie H . ............. . 383 Lasut. Phillip Supit .. .. ......... .483 Latham, Gene Byron .............122 Latham, Patricia Ann .. ..........371 Latham. Vanda Lou ............. 389 Latham, William •Turner..58, 458, 496 Lathrop, Mary Betty ......... .. .. 147 Laudan. Peg~y ..... . .... . ...212, 473 Lauderdale. James Henry ....251, 363 Lauer. John S . ................. .275 Laughlin, Bob ...... ........ 155, 368 Laughlin. Judith Anne . . 122, 228, 389 Laughlin. Phyllis Ann ... .49, 233, 487 Laughlin, William Ross ..266, 344, 509 Lauhon, Mary Hale ....... ..223, 372 Launey, Walton S...........122, 296 Lauterstein. Moise ...58, 160, 295, 455 Lauzon, John Parry. Jr.. ...... ... 105 Laverty, Penelope ...58, 234, 235, 352 Laves, Harold Paley ..... 122, 286, 506 Law, Harold Yen-Ho .......... .. 88 Law, Oscar Layton .......58, 476, 489 Law. Robert Ad~er .. . .. . ....... .262 Lawhon. Anoe Griffith .......58, 237 Lawhon. Virgi nia Vinson ... . 881 237 , 351, 372, 375, 380, 466 Lawler. Robert Lee .... ........ . . 88 Lawrence. Elizabelh Pettus .. .88~ 163, 174, 233 Lawrence. Hollis Lloyd, Jr....... 158 Lawrence, Minna Fay ........58, 144. 220, 221 Laws, John Terrell ..............122 Lawson, Cadmus Kilgore, II ..58, 155, 275, 518 Laxson. Dorothy Kaye ....... 105, 388 Laxson, Florence Gaye ...88, 156, 204 Laxwell. Sally Kay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Lay. Frank Min-Tsons ..204, 395, 456 Layne, Frances Adelaide ..... ... .105 Layton, Virginia Lea ........105, 234, 235, 352 Leach, Diane Kay ............88, 209 Leach , Edward Hal ..............486 Leach, Gary Lynn .......88. 15h 164, 369, 456, 4~, 50~ Leach, James William ............204 Leach, Martha Evelyn .......207, 462 Leach, Robert George. Jr.........485 Leach, Sayles Allison .. . ..........263 Leak, Jane Deborah .........105, 219 Leake. Charles Marlin Jr. .... 265, 506 Leake, Lawrence Wayne ..........265 Leard, Richard Gill ..............105 Learner, Glenda Lynn ....... .... 175 Leary. Daniel Edwin .............454 Leberman, Lowell Henry.] Jr. ... liJ'i LeBoeuf, Lawrence Von ......... 88 Lebourg, Colette Renee ...... 122, 236 LeCroy, Jack Ernest .............142 Ledbetter, Charles D ........... . . 262 Ledbetter, Joe Overton .......... 150 Ledbetter. Nancy Ellen ...88. 470, 473 Ledbetter, Roy Adrian ..343, 500, 508 Ledbetter Thomas Kem .... 150, 456 Leder, RJ.ert Alan ..............247 PAGE 550 Name Pages Ledwig, Ralph F ........58, 465, 484 Lee, Benita ......... . . 122, 24-0, 349 Lee, Beryl Kathryn (Kit) .. 122, 226 242, 383 Lee, Charlotte Elizabeth .88, 237, 366 Lee, Cynthia Ann ..372, 382, 392, 517 Lee, David Crockett .............513 Lee, Donna Torrance ....58, 232, 233 Lee, Fong Yiu .......... ........122 Lee, Harrell Estes .. 148, 284, 373, 380 Lee, Helen Marie ............... 122 Lee, Ivon, III .......80, 260, 261, 503 Lee, Janie Mercille ...... 122,226,348, 350, 371 Lee, John Warwick ..........376, 498 Lee, Robert E . .. ...305, 306, 307, 312 Lee, Robert Ernest ......... . 485 Lee, Robert Joseph ......58, 272, 273 Lee, Ronald Floyd ... ........88, 456 Lee, Roscoe ..... 141 , 203 Lee, Roy Gene ..........58, 158, 159 Leeah, George Andrew .......58, 153 Leeah, Juanita June . . . 58 Leezer, Thomas Carroll .320,. 485 Leffingwell, Shelly Lee ...274, 520 LeFlore, Byron Louis . . ...250, 251 Legg, Bobby Lawrence ...... 154 Legg, David Luther ..... ........ 105 Legg, J css Noble .......122, 258, 346 Leggett, Carolynn Elizabeth . 105, 231 , 382, 392, 473 Leggett, David Absher . . .. 122, 292 Leggett, Jesse Arthur . . . . .....273 Leggett, William Larry . . . 58 Lehman, Edwad L . .. . .......... .475 Lehmann , Maurice John William .....167, 281 , 474, 517, 523 Lehtonen, Lucille Fisher ... . .....203 Leifcste, Kenneth Wallace , ..... . 457 Leigh, Harold Wesley . . . . .....459 Leissner, Layton Lee . . . . .....292 Leman, John Walthall . . ....... 122 Lemburg, Patricia Gray .....479, 481 Lemmon. Hugh Arthur, Jr. ...... 155 Lemoine, William Joseph, Jr.....476 Lemons, Kenneth Neal .......59, 456 Lemul'l Scarbrough Faculty Award . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 202 Lende, Henry Willard ...88. 168, 251, 302, 364, 378 Lenderman, Gary Lee .. . ...... ... 122 Lenhart. Jack ..... .. ..... . ...... 150 Lenox, Charles Newton, Jr . .. ... . 469 Lentz, Ann Cole .. ..... 122, 24-0, 365. 371 , 389 Lentz, Joan Denys . . . . . .105, 241 Leomine, William J., Jr. . ..... 88 Leonard, Barbara Mae ......203, 233 Leonard, Edward Oliver ... . ... 152 Leonard, James Stanton ..........492 Leonard, John William .......515 Leonard, Lou Graham . .147, 452 Leonard, Roger L.. Jr. . ... 59 Leonard, Smith Wade . . . .59, 486 Leonard. Theodore George .......456 Leonard, William John .. . . 474 Lerman, Ondree Lynn ...... 122, 470 Lerner, Glenda Lynn .. 122, 210 Lerner, Marvin W. . .154, 295 , 302 Lerner. Norman .................295 Leshikar. T'Odon Charles . . ..... 22 Leslie, George Vernon ....458, 496 Leslie. John Paul .59, 457, 514 Lester. Edith Ann . ......... . ... . 122 Lester, James Edward .......59, 158, 159, 204 Letz. Bud Bernhard ........59, 454 Leudemann , Linda ....365 Levander, Muriel Natalie .59, 462 Levenson , Alvin Jerome . . . 287 Levering. Bette Anne . 88, 400 Leverkuhn. Carolyn Adell ... 122, 472 Levin. Barbara D ' Anne ....88. 209. 242. 383, 462 Levin , Jay Philip ......... 155 Levine. Alvin Maury .... .247. 507 Levine. Irvin Sydney 294. 295 Levine , Leonard David ....... 246, 247 Levine, Ronnie Noel ..246 Levinson , Charles . . . . . . . . .295 Levinson, Daniel Berweard ..295 Levisay, Don Wayne . . 122 Levitch. Mark E. . ..373 Levy, Albert ... 247 Levy, Frank Lester .......279, 504 Levy, Jack Mose . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Levy, Lelya Joy ...21 1, 242 Levy. Stanley Allen ..295 Levy, Stephan Richard .. 122 Lewallen, Barbara Kathryn ...... 122 Lewallen, Jay Mayne ........88. 259, 314,404 Lewellen, Marrie Ann .... ... 122, 240 Lewellyn. Jesse William .........496 Lewis. Andrea Lyn .. . . 122. 166. 220 Lewis. Arlen Lester 59, 134, 368 Lewis, Billy Fred ....... 122, 160 Lewis. Carol Maida . . . . .... 239 Lewis, Carol Suzann ........ . 59 , 161 Lewis, Eleanor Ruth . . . .... 105. 166. 224, 225 Lewis, Francis Edward ...........203 Lewis, Gerald Royce . 88, 452, 507 Lewis, John S. . . ...248, 249 Lewis, Judith Gay ...........238. 365 Lewis. Larry Dale .............. .519 Lewis, Marilyn Joan ..59, 228, 229. 372 Name Pagel Lewis, Mary Jane ...........391, 484 Lewis, Raymond Clyde ..........486 Lewis, Robert Wayne ........... . 88 Lewis, Roger Allan .........160, 390 Leyba, Moraima Perla ...... 105, 453 Leyendecker, Arthur Julian ..... .476 Leyendecker, Ernest Abbott, Jr....59, 458, 47!> Leyendecker, Ethel Martha . .... . .476 Liberty, Joe Phillip .............. 122 Liberty, Nancy King . . . . . .. 122 Lichtenwalter, Jane Louise .. 122, 389 Lieberman, Judith Ann . .....224, 365 Lieberman, Susan Anne .106, 212, 350, 352, 366, 391 Leim, Tjong Tiat .......... ... ... 36 Ligarde, Fred . . . . . . . . .476, 513 Liggett, Malcolm Hugh ..... 145, 488 Liggin, Bill Lee ....160, 456, 469, 513 Lightfoot, Stanley Augustus ... 106 Lightsey, Melva Jane ... 203 Ligon, Arthor Dale . . . . . . . . .... 88 Ligon, Fred Frazier . . . .270, 505 Ligon, Joy Anne . . . . . . . . .... 133 Liles, J oseph Robert, Jr. .. ...204, 458 Lillie, Richard Ransom .......59, 452 Lillie, Robert B.........59, 164, 369, 474, 515 Limelight . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... 169 Lincoln, Glen C . . . .....88, 300, 301 Lind, Leon Dwight . . . .59, 158 Linde, Robert Earl . . . . . . .134, 135 Lindemann, William Lee . . ....399 Londen, Laurence Eugene ... 106, 507 Linder, Bill ..................88, 497 Linder, Tommy L. .... . ....458 Lindgren. James Loving ..........59 Lindley, Charles Kennard ........506 Lindley. Harold Norman .... 106, 271 Lindley, John Walker, Jr......... 59 Lindley, Larry U. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 149 Lindley, Richard James. Jr. . ....274 Lindsay, Edward Russell .106, 519 Lindsay, Mary Margaret ..203 Lindsay, Ronald Landon ...... . .454 Lindsey, Billy Sebe ..............203 Lindsey, Frankie Mae Welborn .. 151 , 380 Lindsey, Melvin Gambrell ...485 Lindsey. Robert Meurer ....... . . 292 Line. Mary Sue .........88, 219 Linger, Irving 0. . ..... 155 Lingo, Charles Allen, Jr. ... 168, 269. 493 Lin.~o. Lera Josephine .. 219, 348, 349 Link, John Wiley ................257 Link, Linda .........96. 122, 236, 372 Linker, Donald Lee ......88, 469, 513 Linker. James Loranzo ..59, 155, 498 Linn, Lulu . . . . . ..........350 Linnell , Mary Lee ...... 106. 383, 456 Linton, Richard Edward ......522 Lipinsky. Jo Ann . . . . . . .122, 238 Lipner. Julie Anna . . . ... 238, 36.5 Lipoff, Gerre Ann .......... 133. 239 Lipscomb, Pe.~~y Elaine ..88. 156. 482 Lipscomb, William Childs ...512, 513 Lipshy, George Meyer ... 294, 295 Lipsitz. Lynne . . . . . . . . 88. 211, 366 Lissauer, Joyce Helene .. 166. 224, 225 Lister, Jo Ann 122 Liston , Bernard Brooks ...... ....203 Liston, Bonne Rhea .122, 236 Lit. Barhora Lee ...~9. 221, 242. 350 Little, Billie .. .88. 144. 219, 461 Litlle Campus D orm .... . 390 Li11le. Charles Hubert .....456 Li11le. Freddie Ruth . . .. .122. 4-01 Little , Iris Barton . . . ....... ... 59 Li11le, Janis Virginia ...... 106. 133. ?03, 388 Little. Murvel Murphy, Jr. ..419. 486 Little. Sammy Don ....59, 155 Litle. Vernal Ray .......... .....267 Li11Jefield , Carmen ......88. 213, 349 Littlefield , Clyde . . . 262. 263, 328 Littlefi eld Dormitory ............389 Li11lefield. Gaston Dale ......248. 485 Littlepage , Clarence Robert. Jr. ....................59, 457, 496 Littrell, Paul Leon ... . . 456 Lively, Boh Edward .........289. 513 Lively, Carey Ford, Jr.......88. 347. 317, 474 Livengood, Sylvia Gail ... 106, 209 Livingston , Dorothy Ann .. . 400, 592 Livingston, William S........28, 145. 270. 370 Lizcano. Elnidio P .. Jr...476. 479,494 Lloyd. Cecile .88. 241. 382, 384 Lloyd, Jesse Earl .... 135 Lloyd, Robert Collins ......... 88 Lloyd. William Reese . . .. 157, 159 Lochrid~e. Arthur Guy ......122. 506 Locke, Carl Edwin. Jr...59, 150, 273. 358, 456 Locke, Tommy Ray . . . . . . ..396 Lockell. Bobby Leroy ...... 88 Lockell, Reese Blake, Jr.. . .59, 263 Lockhart, Hildred Bruce .... 122, 266. 519 Locklear, Milton Jay .... 88 Lock wood. Lee ..... . . .... 20 Lockwood. 1Thelma .. . ..... .. .. 162 Loden, Patsy Linn ...... 59 Lodico , Cosmo Anthony ......59. 489 Loe, Lavona Jo .147, 228, 229 Nam e Pagt's Loeb, Jane ....... .........211, 470 Loeb, Peter M........... ... 122, 286 Loeckle, Adolf.h Henry, Jr. ...... 106 Loeffler, Char cs Emil ... .........141 Loeffler, Kenneth .. .............. 59 Loesel, Walter George .... ..... . . 472 Loew, Raymond Richard 59, 158, 159 Loewenstein, Joseph Edward 88, 132. 20j, 279 Loewenstern, Richard Jules ..278, 508 Loffland, Joan Elaine ........106, 236 Lofgren, Frederick Valentine 157, 159 Lofton, Fred . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...459 Logan, Alton G..................467 Logan, David Malcom ........ 160 Logan, De Leon . . ............69, 398 Logan, George Alvin ...... .. ....343 Logan , John Frederick ..........452 Logan, Priscilla Jorce ............226 Logan, Wilma Nel ......59, 217, 462 Loggins, Carla Elizabeth ..... 106, 485 Loggins, Edward McLean, Jr ... .496 Loh, Jack Chih-Yau ... ......... .456 Lohman, Judy Ann . .... . ... ... . 106 Lohmeyer, Otto Fred ... 106, 285, 353 Lohse, Peter H ......59, 203, 390, 483 Lokey, William Edward ......88, 263 Lomonte, Cecilia Anne .......59, 391 Lonadier, Frank D . . ...... . .....390 London, Murray Lewis ..........247 Loney, Charles Dale .... 122, 292, 344 Long, Ah-Fook . . . . . . . . . ... ...496 Long, Amy Jo ...... . 151 Long, Charles Emory ... 106, 264 Long, Henry Houston ...... . 106, 506 Long, James Scott .......... 122, 519 Long, John Warriner . .. 122, 272, 519 Long, Martha Elizabeth ..... 122, 484 Long, Norman Everett .244, 245, 513 Long, Paul Franklin . . ......498 Long, Robert Alan ... ... .484 Long, Tommie Mae .. ...........458 Long, Walter Russell. Jr........ .495 Long, William Carroll ..... .. ....477 Long, William Howard ..........140 Longbotham, Dorothy Jane ..... . 88 Longcope, Charles, Jr...106, 250, 521 Longcope, Edmund McLeod .. . ..345 Longgood, Theodore Edward, Jr..347 Lo11ghoni Ba11d .............478, 479 Lo11ghor11 Christia11 Fellowship .. .477 Lorighoni Pharmaceutical Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 482 Longoria. Rolando Soriano .. . 59, 394 Longoria, Viola Alicia . . ....... . . 122 Looney, Richard Glenn .469. 512, 513 Looney, Robert Wallar ..469, 474, 512 Looney. Thomas A., Ill ..88, 456 Loper, Patricia Ann . .22 1 Lopez, Alfredo . . . . . 476 Lopez, Ciro Cid .... . ........ 122, 399 Lopez, Lazaro Franco .. 157, 160, 471 Lopez , Maria De La Luz ...400 Lopez. Mary Frances ...........453 Lopez. Meliton ....59, 453, 484 Lopez. Roberto B. . . 59, 476 Lopshire, Donald Dean ..467 Loretz, Norma Ann . ....... .. ... . 477 Lotspeich. Ann Yvonne .. 59, 217, 473 Lotspeich, Sue . . . . . . . .59, 221 Lott, Gerald Eugene .....88. 292, 293 Loudermilk, Carol Jean 60 Loughran. Constance Mills ..... 88 Loughridge, Robert Foster .. .60. 140. 164. 204.503 Love, Albert Scrugiis, Jr......36. 288 Love, Barbara Carol .....60. 203, 219 Love, Donald .. .... 168, 247. 363, 368 Love. Roberta Ann (Bobbie) ........ 106. 133. 163. 203, 219. 364. 365. 372. 377, 387 Love. Roberta Deane .. 106, 476 Love1·oy, Jucli1h Voss ....88. 166, 213 Love ace. Byron Keith . . .60, 150. 369., 456 Loveland, Alan Winslow ..... .299 Loveless, Ana Frances . . . . . ..... 122 Lovell, Ervin TI1omas ..........264 Lovett. Carl James . . ..........492 Lovvorn, T. J. . ..319, 328, 345 Lowe, Bobbie . . . . . . . . . . 350 Lowe, Diana Kaye .... . . 60, 241. 487 Lowe. George Walter ....88, 397. 456 Lowe, Gerald Arthur. II .... 122, 244 Lowe, Melonye Ann . . . .... . . 219 Lowestine, Joe ....365 Lown, Herbert Lee . . . . . ...489 Lowrie, Leslie M. . .. ..... 60 Lowry, Carmen . . . . . . . . ..... . 386 Lowry, Loretta Louise . 145 Lowry, Wallace Edwin, Jr. .. 122, 282 Lowther, James Marion ..... . 1061 141 Lowther, Seth Alan . . . . ....... .. 106 Loyd, Larry Lee . . . . .60. 146. 150. 271 , 414 Loynd, James Arthur ....... 164, 167. .'H6, 523 Lozano, Anthony Girard .106, 393. 397, 504 Lozano, Robert Pedro ...........518 Lozano, Sylvia Virginia ......... , 88 Lozano. Victor. Jr: .....476, 479, 494 Lubbock. Dan Gray, Jr. .........106 Lucas, Charles Weldon, Jr ...122, 248 Lucas, John Richard ........ 160, 358 Lucas, Marvin Paul . . . . . . 263, 459 Name Pages Lucas, Shirley Ann ..........106, 366 Lucas, Charles Theodore .........326 Lucas, Virginia Lynn . . ......122, 234 Ludwig, Dale Vaughn ......... . . 266 Ludwig, Otto Henry, Ill .........512 Lucdemann, Waldo S., Jr.... ....489 Lueg, Russell Eddy ....136, 150, 292, 457, 468 Luctge, Verline Ann ....... . . . ...226 Luglan, Leif Waldt ..60, 301, 472, 508 Luhn, Graham Barton ....88, 285, 353 Luke, J. Gilbert .............88, 507 Luke, Robert Rooker ... .... .....459 Luker, Vera Ann ...... ..........4-01 Lum, Judith Carolyn ....... . 122, 389 Lumley, Robert Don ..... .. . 123 ,280 Lummus, James Robert ....... .. .358 Lumpkin, Cecile Clark .. 123, 203, 387 Luna, Ronald Edward ........... 89 Lundgren, Leland Louis ..........106 Lundgren, Rupert Walter, Jr. ... .106{ 250, 25 Lundi, Chester Henry ............153 Luskey, Alvin Leon .........247, 347 Luther, Homer Lee, Jr...... 123, 284 Lutheran Students' Association . ...483 Lullrell, Judith Anne .. .... ... .. . 60 Lutts, Patrick Stephens .. 123, 266, 506 Lutz, John Edward, 111 . ........ ..468 Lyell, Frank Hallam . ...... ... . ..264 Lyerly, Gene .... . .... . ... . ......252 Lyle, Adele Jewell (Judy) ..123, 156, 226, 389 Lyle, Barbara Claire .60, 236, 237, 366, 461 Lyle, Fred Faylor .......... .. ... .486 Lyle, James Owen .. ............. 32 Lyles, Carol Lynn ......106, 237, 466 Lymberopoulos, Panayotis John . .. 155 Lynch, Edmund Clayton 135, 149, 489 Lynch, Gene C . .. . . .............455 Lynch, William Paul . ... .. .......474 Lynd, Harry Price .. ...... .. ..... 292 Lynn, Etelka S............ . .... . 162 Lynn, Hugh McQuiston .....259, 354 Lynn, James William, Jr....... . . 123 Lynn, Larry J. . ... ..............259 Lyon, Kenneth Stewart .....123, 319 Lyon, Roy Milton ..........470, 495 Lyons, Kenneth Wayne ........ . . 458 Lyons, Perry Joseph ......60, 490, 505 Lyons, William John, Jr.....270, 507 Lyte, Margaret Elaine .......208, 371 Lytton, Robert Leonard ....204, 48;'.l 496, 5U41 M Maasarani, Aly Mohamed Moh 36, 460 Mabra, Ronald Lee .........343, 521 Mabra, James Francis, III .. .142, 4J§{ .. 123, 479, 494 ~:~Ca~rri':.1S~ua~~di~ 145. 264 Macdaniel, Gibbs. Jr. .......60, 168. 268, 269 MacDonald, H . Malcolm .... 145, 248 MacGre~or, George Lescher, Jr. . . 27 1 Mache, Elsie .................... 483 Machotka, Sam Victor . . . ......457 MacKenna, Kathleen Anne .. 106. 351, 391. 519. 522 MacKenney. Barbara Ann ... .60, 227 Mackenzie. Charles Lester 60. 283, 514 MacLain. Louise Ann .. . ..... . ... 106 Macla11•. Maria nne ... . ......123, 234 Macmanus. Charles Joseph ...89, 267, 302, 366, 501 Macry, James Dan ............... 141 Madden, Joseph Ma11hew ..... 149 Madden, Mrs. J. M. . . . . . . ....372 Maddox. John Robert . . . . . .518 Maddox, Larmon Joe . . . . ..507 Maddox. Mary Jo ...........208. 375 Maddox, Robert Casey ...........457 Madison, Richard Lincoln ...459, 496 Madray. Giles Hayes, Jr. 106, 244, 507 Maeckel. Edwin K. . . . .....60, 458 Maedgen, Evelyn Elaine 106, 175, 222 Ma!rett, Fred .... . . . ............358 Mafrige, Donald Paul ....89, 293, 506 Mafrigc, Stevens Farris ......301, 302 Magee. Mark ...............123, 506 Magel, Barbara Ann ... 106, 366, 375. 385, 521, 522 Magill. Jim Lawrence .... .. .89. 368, 390. 489 Mag111nis, Mary Leila ....... 123, 236 Magness, David Lynn .. . .... .... 520 Magness, John Darwin ...........489 Maguire, Carole Jean ............365 Mal{uire, Jack Russell ....29, 148, 370 Mahaffey. John Michael .........268 Mahan. Linda Margaret. .89. 163, 231. 382, 392, 473 Mahayni, Mohamed Arel ....60. 150. 353, 454, 460 Mahdi, Mounir Ali ........ . . 459, 460 Mahfood, Eddie M...........60. 458 Mahmalji. Anwal Hamdi . .......460 Mahon, Sally Ann ........... 106, 219 Mahone, Eu~cnia Marie .....231, 461 Maier, Chris Willard ..........89. 456 Maier, Nelson Hcn11·. Jr....lfflo. lff:jj Mai~uashca. Franklin Em~rson 60, 353 Mains. David Kent .......459 Mainz. Ma11· Chloe .....391 PAGE 551 Name Pages Maisel, Ralph ...................395 Maisel, Robert Neal ..............378 Majure, Carole Jean ........ 106, 222 Majzoub, Muhidin M............460 Makeever. Joseph Chris .....469, 513 Makiya, Abdul-Wahab M. Kadhim 460 Makki, M. Ara[ . . . . . . . . .460 Makowsky, Brenda Toby ....166. 238 Maldonado, Leonel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Maldonado, Reynaldo A. . ... 123, 398 Males, Jane Loreen ..... 123, 208, 371 Malik, Joe. Jr...........137. 160, 498 Malish, Edmond Gilbert .........398 Mallard, Albert Knight .......... 89 Mallari, Miriam G..........393, 400 Malmlfren, Faith Eleanor 60, 229, 484 Maloch, Francille ........... 138, 472 Malone, Billy Charles ............ 36 Malone, Carolyn Jane ...........151 Malone, John Robert ....60, 368, 589 Malone, Ronald Edward ........ .470 Malone, Vernon Harold, Jr...60, 474 Malone, Wilbern F ............... 60 Malone, William Travis, Jr..158, 255 Maloney. Regina Mary .......89, 216 Malouf, Donald J...............265 Malouf, Ronald Eblen ......123, 254, 344, 521 Mandell, Rosalie Adele .. 106, 238, 239 Maneval, Elisse Maria .. 123, 236, 387 Mangum, Murray Benjamin ..60, z:l9 Manitzas, Mary 'ick ............ 60 Mankin, Carolyn Ann ........89, 385 Mankin, Mrs. Charles ............372 Mann, Charles Kenneth .......... 152 Mann, George Patrick ...... 136, 351, 472, 484 Mann, Irby Don .................248 Mann, Lawrence Allen .....273, 513 Mann, Marion Marshall .....60, 150, 472, 49b Manning1 Ann . . . . . . . . ......... 60 Manning, Ann Jarvis .... . ........372 Mannin~, James Aubrey ..........152 Manoug1an, Manoug 1\...........353 Manry, Joe Edgar ............... 123 Manske, Donna Carol ..... . . 106, 241 Mantinband. William L. .........371 Mantor, Diana ..................233 Manuel, Sister Joachim ..........138 Manz, Joe Edward ......60, 167, 457 Maples, Annette ....... 133. 213, 242 Mara, Molly ...... ..............477 Mara, Susan ........89. 365, 462, 477 Marabito. Ronald Edward ........203 Marcell, John Phillip ............292 Marcontell. William Alan .89, 267, 459 Marcus, Judith Carol ............224 Marek, Henrietta ................484 Marek, Nelson Fred ..........60, 459 Maresh, Timothy George ........465 Marett. Fred James ............ .456 Margolis, Rodney Harry .... 154. 160, 278, 365 Marick, Louis Douglas ........... 106 Marjorie Darilek Award ..........201 Mark, Jerry Blake ...............247 Markam, Phyllis .................210 Markinson, Stanley David ........489 Markle, Charlene Cartter... 106, 166, 241 Markman, Marilyn ............. .473 Marks, Paul Turner ......... 123, 260 Markuson, Stanley David ..... . 60, 484 Marley, Everett Armistead, Jr. . . 275 Marlow, Fred Guy, Jr........60, 155 Marquess, Don .... . ............ . 60 Marr. Ronald Lee ...............123 Marrach, 1 azem Mikahail ...457, 460 Marsh, Dolores Ida .............. 36 Manh, Donald S ................ .454 Marshall. Gary Lynn ............479 Marshall, George Arthur ....123. 474 Marshall, Gilbert Geor<(e .....60, 455 Marshall, Gordon L............. .456 Marshall, Linda May .......376, 401 Marshall, Marilyn ..89, 161. 162, 163. I 74, 208, 209, 242 Marshall, Muriel Edith ...... 123, 479 Marshall, Terrell Charlene Keller. 140 Marshall, William Edward ...353. 485 Marsico, William ................ 152 Martella. Ross Lee, Jr. .. 123. 290, 466 Martin, Barbara Chandler ... 123, 212. 473 Martin. Cora Mcrrim:tn ......... . 143 Martin, Coy Ben ...290. 291, 302, 402 Martin. David Michael .......60, 474 Martin. Donald Haden ...........249 Martin, Dorothy Ann ............ 60 Martin. Dorothy Carol ...........383 Martin. Ellen Serena ....89, 352, 382 Martin, Elva Irene ......60. 401, 485 Martin. Frank Estes. Jr..........275 Martin, Frank Robert .......252. 589 Martin, Gayle Patrick ............ 141 Martin, Gre<( Newton .. 168. 273. 334 Martin, Helen Faltin ... 106. 208. 352. 372. 389. 466, 485 Martin, Howard A .. Jr...........491 Martin, James Ro<(er ....89. 369. 456. 4QO. 504 Martin. Joe Ed .............284. 28'; Martin. John Ed2ar .............273 Martin, Johnny Flovd .......... 155 Martin, Jo>eph E. C.....89, 253, 513 Martin, Judith .............. 123. 232 Name Pages Martin, Lang C., Jr. ........369, 596 Martin, Margaret Ann ..61, 217, 375, 382, 389 Martin, Nancy Jo .......89, 208, 209, 382, 385 Martin, Patricia Jo ......61, 219, 466 Martin, Paul E................. . 457 Martin, Preston Kuhn ...61. 152, 347 Martin, Ronald Engel ...........285 Martin, Thomas Heard ..........479 Martin, William Joseph .....491, 495 Martindale. Jean Arnold .........273 Martinek, Bernard Daniel ... 123, 474 Martinez , Almira Fidelia ......... 106 Martinez, Arturo B., Jr......61, 157, 159, 394 Martinez, Frank S............... 61 Martinez, frma .................. 156 Martinez, Juan de Dios......395, 477 Martinez, Marie Dolores ........ .391 Martinez, Noel ................ .. 158 Martinez, Oscar H...........89, 504 Martinez, Rita Chuz ........ 123, 484 Martinez, Roy ...............89, 394 Martinez, Susana ......... , ..... .401 Martinez, William Mueller ....... 61 Martini, Charles Leslie, Jr....... 89 Martsching, Wilmer M. . ....496 Marvin, Roy Grant, Jr...........506 Marwill. Robert Lee .....89, 258, 259 Masad, Rimon Nicola ............460 Masch, Frank Dewey, Jr...... ... 150 Mashburn. James Albert .... 165, 285. 353, 370 Mask, William •Timothy ....... . . . 489 Mason, Arthur ...... . ....... . ...466 Mason, Charles Culberson, Jr....503 Mason, Jimmy Foster .... .... 106, 270 Mason, Virginia Avery .... . . 123, 222 Mason, William Saunders. Jr... . . 372 Maspero, Ronald Richard ..... ...395 Masri, Sabih Taber ..............460 Masri, Sarni Faiz .......... .. .. , . 141 Massey, Barbara Jean . .......... . 223 Massey, Beryl Paul .............. I06 Massey, Charles Raymond ........398 Massey, Thomas Cade .. ..........486 Massey, Virginia Scott .. 133, 203, 228 Mast, Martha Jane 123, 133. 203. 230 Mast, Thomas Rush ..89, 258, 459, 513 Masters, Leonard ...... .......... 145 Masters. Patricia Kendall ........ 162 Masterson. Elizabeth Stuart .....231 Matar, Abul-Wahab .... .... .....460 Mathers. Grace Elizabeth .61. 240, 241 Mathes, William Lynn . .....89. 456. 490, 504 Mathews, Carole Elaine ..89, 175. 226, 227, 348. 349, 350, 351 Mathews, Colleen Phyrne ....89, 484 Mathews, Joseph Franklin, Jr. 150, 456 Mathews. Margaret Blanche ...... 89 MathiskPatricia Ann .. .. 123. 216. 389 Matloc , Hudson .............. . . 150 Matlock, John Robert ....... 123, 479 Matlock, Norma .. . . 61, 145. 162. 191. 232, 233, 362, 370 Matocha. Bobby Ray .............257 Matsumoto. Yoshimasa ........... 36 Matteson. Glenn ....... 106. 259. 508 Matthew, Katherine Marie .. 123, 240 Matthews. Alfred Gene ..........281 Matthews. Birdie Jean .. .........135 Matthews. Edwin Vince .....271, 305 Matthews. Frederick Charles .479, 506 Matthews. Garland Eugene, Jr. . . 89 Matthews, Gary Nolan ........... 106 Matthews. Guy Edward .. 123. 282. 343 Matthews. Roland Larry ... . .....390 Matthews, Wilbur Lee ........... 106 Matthews, William Edward . 123, 272. 51Q Matthys, Ronald Douglas 106, 454. 472 Matz. James Richard . .. ......... 155 Matzke, George Daniel .. 164. 167, 517 Mauch, Ethel Lorene ... 106, 215. 349 Mauck. Robert An1ene ...........476 Mauldin, Joe Allen .....469, 512, 513 Mauser. Arthur Milton ...... ....284 Maxwell, Carlisle, Jr. . ......284, 342 Maxwell, Donald Allan .. 106, 139. 276. 277, 490, 508 Maxwell, Jack Martin ............106 Maxwell, Jane Ann .61, 227. 375, 376 Maxwell, Lamar Boyt ....89, 284, 285 Maxwell, Lloyd Judson ......123, 284 Maxwell. Lyndall Otey .......61, 462 Maxwell. Martha Catharine ..61, 237. 366 Maxwell, Mary Gay .... 106, 133. 163. 233, 243 Maxwell, Pauline Taller. ..... 123, 485 Maxwell, Sally Kay 16 . 163. 174. 198. 236, 372. 382, 384, 493 Max Ynsfran. Pablo .............145 May. Barbara Ann .......... 123, 228 May, Cecil Lee ...........457 May, Carole Lynn ........61 , 219 May. Elaine . . . . . . . .......106 May, Francis B. . .. 134. 135. 155 May, Gene Allen . . . . . . . . .. 89 May. Marta Hedda ..............238 May, Monroe Shelby. Jr.......... 106 May, Thomas Jesse .............. 134 Mayer. Bernard Dreyfuss. Jr. 123. 294 Mayer, Clarence Edwin. Jr ...279. 513 Mayer. John Ernst ..............334 Mayes, Constance Ann ......216. 217 Name Pages Mayfield, Margo ........ . .......229 Mayfield, Jimmy Gwen ...........150 Mayfield, Sally Ann ....106, 207, 387 Mayhall, Mildred .... , ........... 143 Mayhew, John Russell ........89, 262 Mayhew. Patsy Lee ... ...........401 Maynor, Morris Robert ..89, 153, 270 Mayo, Gary Leon .. ............. 123 Mayo, Wendell ..................140 Mays. Azalea Rita ............89, 213 Mays, Joel Thomas ..........273, 458 Mays, Richard Dudley ...........258 Mays, Rita ......................352 Mays, Sandra Jean . . .. . . 89, 229, 372 Mays, Wallace Michael ...89, 283, 456 Mazzagate, Phyllis Jean .....203, 207 McAdams, Bill J .. Jr.............245 McAdams, Patricia Jean ....106, 220, 385 McAdams, Rosemary 89. 144, 227, 348, 349, 350, 351 McAdams, Wilbourn Baker .. 141 , 281 McAlister, Oscar Talbot .........509 McAlister, Ruth ............. .... 143 McAllister, Fred Alexander ......474 McAllister, Jerome Matthew .....486 McAlpin, James Lowell ...... 150, 452 McAmis, La Rue Faye ..........462 McAnelly, Sanley Merlin ........ 61 McAnulty, Julia Ann ..... .......123 McAuliffe, Clyde Mathew ........259 McBee, Frank Wilkins, Jr. ...... 150 McBrayer. Betty Jean .......106, 383 McBride, Ernest Windrow ... ....493 McBride, James Albertus ........491 McBride, James Francis .....465, 484 McBride, James Wylie ...........390 McBride, John Llewellyn ........ 123 McBride, John Roy .. ...89, 465. 484 McBride, Rick ..................378 McBride, Shirley Ann ........... . 218 McBride, William Clayton 89, 291 , 459 McBroom. Martha Cope ......89, 473 McBroom, Mrs. Paul .....372 McBroom, Paul Justin .89, 364. 372. 495 McBryde, Kyle Lelan ............134 McBurney, Robert Barton, Jr. .... 134 McCain, Garvin M..............203 McCain. Jo Ann ....... . .. . .....386 McCain, Nina June .... 151. 162, 163. 204. 217. 348, 377 McCain. Thomas Steven . .. . .. . .. 89 McCall. Slifton Hatcher .....89, 141, 203, 275 McCall, James Lyons. Ill ....61, 288. 289, 456 McCall, Terry ...... 168, 362, 363. 364, 493 McCalla, Dudley Davis ..........249 McCallum, Arthur Kercheville ..268, 343. 345, 518 McCallum. Betty Jane ..89, 198. 231. 350, 366 McCallum, Robert Eugene .. . ....467 McCampbell, William Berry . . 89, 271 McCamy, Richard David .....89. 459 McCandless, William M ..89. 490. 503 McCann, Charles Howard ...281, 490, 505 McCann. Gladys Katherine ....... 123 McCann, James Beebe ........... 157 McCann, Wilford Dale .. 123, 395, 512 McCarley, Burley Patton ........ .458 McCarroll, Ann .... 106. 240, 366, 387 McCarroll. Roy Jack ......... . ...203 McCarter, Jerry Hawkins ......... 89 McCarty, Clark Stanley ..........519 McCarty. Joel Bolton, Jr. 89, 276, 277 McCarty, Velma Jean ............144 McCarver. Sandra Neal ..... . 89, 383 McCasland. N. Jane .........401, 473 McCauley, ·Thomas Edward ..... .458 McClanahan. Don Crawford ...... 106 McClane. John Boswell ..........259 McClatchy, Joel Kent ........... 61 McClellan, Charles Lester ...358, 518 McClellan, Oliver Barr .. 262, 364. 518 McClenahan . ~{arjorie Ann (Margee) ....... 106, 222, 352, 383 McClendon, Billy Howard .......457 McClendon, Bobby loe .......61 , 485 McClendon, Frank emuel ...270, 271 McClendon, Sam E..............495 McClenny, Carl Owen ...........457 McClesky. Hewell Clifton ........ 145 McClimans. Faran Andy Ray ..... 61 McClintock. Wendell J ..........458 McCluer, Charles F. A ........... 30 McCluer. Melinda Has.\JI> Miller, William Hamilton ........ 90 Millican, David Andrew .62, 1,?J, 267, . . 363, 364, JOO, 372 M1lhcan, North, Jr...............256 Milligcr, Phyllis Adele ........... 107 Millner, Jack Morgan ............522 Mills, Daniel Leslie, Jr......107, 479 Mills, David Otis ....90, 142, 204, 494 Mills, Ernest Newton ....... . ... .289 Mills, George Scott ..... 141 , 521, 523 Mills, Jack R ...............462, 471 Mills, Kay Zcchlyn ..........240, 489 Mills, Marvin Leroy ..........62, 486 Mills, Robert Lee .. ..............276 Mills, Rosemary Zoannc ......90, 236 Milner, John Charles Wendell ... 107, 479, 515 Milstein, Phyllis .. ... ....90, 239, 348 Mimms, William Recd . . 124, 258, 344 Mims, Carolyn Nan ....124, 386, 477 Mims, Robert Elton (Bud) ...62, 78, 137 .. 140, 148, 165, 192, 204, . 36l, 364, 373, 37b, 377, 492 Mmear, Johnny Wesley ..........160 Mingus, Lad ....................366 Mingus, Odis Simpson, II .....62, 263 Minneman, Mary Ann ........... 62 Minter, Dr. Merton M . .......... 20 Minter, Norman Wesley ..36, 149, 245 468, 489 Mirrop, Richard .................297 Mirtsching, Wilmer Malcolm .... .459 Mitcham, Catherine James ....... 90 Mitcham. William Smith .62, 136, 150 Mitchell, Esther Lillian .. . ...229, 348 Mitchell, James Thomas ..... 124, 290 Mitchell, Joe ....................152 Mitchell, John Wayne ....... 107, 152 Mitchell, Joseph Lamar, Jr.......203 Mitchell, Mary Sue ..............223 Mitchell, Raymond Allen ........204 Mitchell, Ronald Loy ............124 Mitchell, Sharon Diane .. 124, 175, 232 Mitchon, Gloria Helen .......234, 235 Mittel, Henry ............... .. . .457 Mixon, James L. .. . ..........62, 589 Moak, Webb Paul ............90, 293 Mobley, Dewey Herman .... .90, 299 Mobley, Lynn Marvin ...........107 Mockert, Sondra Elaine ......107, 371 Moebes, Travis Alan ...... . ......492 Moehle, Thelma Ann ........62, 472 Moen, Sandra Kay ..............124 Moench, Marilyn Elaine .. ...388, 483 Moerbe, Charles Hermann .......458 Moerbe, Edward .................458 Moerbe, Martin Lee ..........62, 459 Moers, George William, Jr. . .....290 Moers, Sara Kathrin . . .....63, 221 Moeser, James Charles ...... 142, 521 Moffat, James Richard ..306, 307, 485 Moffett, Frank Cardwell . .........63 Moffett, Frederick Lindsay .......124 Moffett, James Robert ..283, 307, 508 Moffett, Julia Ann ..90, 162, 163, 198, 209, 485 Moffett, Milton Franklin, Jr......455 Moffett, Robert Lee, Jr.....124, 141. 252, 466 Moffett. William Earl ........... 155 Moffit. Alexander ................ 22 Moffit, Ann Stuart .......63, 207, 350 Moffit, Constance Alexis 107, 147, 207, 350, 371 ~~~;.;,?J~iA!~r, ·..:i.~.: ::::::: :ug Mohrmann, John Marvin ... 157, 165, 285 Mohun. Richard Allen .......63. 456. 496, 513 Mo/·ica, Rachel Marie ...........453 Moak, Michael Lee .. ..... 124, 459. 490, 508 Molberg, Marvin E. . . . . . .45~, 489 Molina, Gladys . . . . . . . . . . ..62. 453 Molla.rd, James Roland . .458 Molloy, Jack Wayne ... 160, 456 Moncanut. Jose Anibal ... ..353 Moncure, Leah ......... , ..... . 147 Moncure. Linda Patricia .... 107. 229, 479. 481 Monk, J. D. . ... ..280 Monk, John Marion .........124. 522 Monk. William Emery ........... 132 Monnig, Adrienne Albertina ..90. 237 Monro, Anita Muriel ........... . 124 Monroe. Orville Simpson ........ 90 Monroe, Phoebe Kaye ...........219 Monsees. Man:aret Josephine 204. 387 Montamat. Ronald H ............456 Monteau. Cleo Amici ........... . 472 Montex, Fernando ...............476 Mont~omery. Charl. M. L. ...............387 Moon: Willard Bailey ... 107, 252, 253 Mooney, Jane ....... ... 107, 216, 217 Mooney, Jean .. .................151 Moore, Alberta Finlay ...63, 455, 489 Moore Alton Orville ............512 Moore: Barbara Frances ........ . 135 Moore Betty Ann ... . ...........107 Moore' Brunson D. . .............363 Moore: Carl Alton ...............107 Moore, Caroline Sara .... .90, 220, 372 Moore Charles Douglas ..........136 Moore: Charles Eddis .... . .. .63, 275 Moore, Charles Henry, Ill .. 107, 2;17 Moore Charlie Dalton ...........276 Moore' David John ......... 107, 265 Moore: Doris Ann ... ....90, 382, 383 Moore Edwina Charlene .... 107, 237 Moore: Furst Mc. 1eill ...........456 Moore, Glenn Ray ..............282 Moore, Harold Marcelle .... 107, 204, 217, 452 Moore, Harry Estill ............. 148 M oore-Hill Hall .................390 Moore Hurshal Franklin ........390 Moore'. ~ack Pratt ..... ..63, 150, 456 Moore, ane Ann .. , ....... .107, 241 Moore, immy Dale ......... 157, 204 Moore, oe Thurmond ...........107 Moore, John Baxter .............107 Moore, John Robert ............ . 63 Moore Julia Stevens ............233 Moore; Katherine Janelle ... 124, ljlfi Moore, Linda Keyes ....107, 229, 487 Moore, Lynn .............. ......389 Moore, Mary .............. .107, 383 Moore, Mary Ethel ... .. ..... .. .. 107 Moore, Michael Alan ....... .63, 152, 369, 45b Moore, Michael Rusk . ...........203 Moore, Patricia Frances ... .. .63, 203 Moore, Peter Melville ...... 124, 250 Moore, Richard Brennan ..... ....251 Moore, Richard Maurice , Jr . .. . 469, 512, 513 Moore, Robert Marion .. 124, 272, 512 Moore, Roy Houston ............203 Moore, Sallie Beth .......... 143, 473 Moore, Sandra Lee .63, 143, 162.l 193, 203, 218, 21~, 364 Moore, Sarah Jean ......90. 163, 221 Moore, oThomas Felton ..... . . 63, 456 Moore, Walter Leon ..... .......150 Moore, William Max ......... . .. 63 Moore, William Shelton ..........457 Moore, William Thomas ......... 63 Moorman, Charles Travis ... 146, 150, 204, 459. 495, 496 Morales, Andres Castillo .....394, 453 Moran, Ethel Jeannie ... . ....90, 239 Moran, Lawrence Ransom .. .... . 395 Moran, Sandra Jane .. , ..........212 Moredock, Duane E . ............ 63 Morehead, Judith English .. .124, 216 Morell, John David .............459 Moreno, Joe .................63, 453 Moreno, Joseph Ruben ......... .159 Morer, Bob Lewis ...............508 Morgan, Benjamin Henry ........470 Morgan, Benny Eu11ene ........ . . 455 Morgan, Charles Rice, Jr....283, 491 Morgan, Fances Coopwood .. 124, 230 Morgan, Francis ................ . 133 Morgan, Frank Bushe, Jr......... 90 Morgan, Hubert Augustus, Jr................63, 297, 456, 514 Morgan, Irma Jo ............ .... 90 Morgan, James F ................ 63 Morgan, Robbert Sears .......90, 292 Morgan, Robert Wyatt ...63, 271, 354 Morgan, Vernon Edward .... 152, 456 Mor11an, William Harvey 124, 298, 494 Monarty, Morton Winston .. . 63, 2:~? Moriniere, Judith Anne ..... 107, 166, 209, 37~ Moritz, Charles Joseph ...........512 Moroney, Mary Ann ....90. 138, 163, 382, 383, 473, 484, 497 Moorphew, Serena Karen ...393, 4.fJa Morri5, Bobette Eleanor . , ...90, 207, 382, 38.~ Morrio, Clifton Howington. Jr....353 MorriJ, Donald E................358 Morris, Drewry Hampton .... 288. 343 Morris, Gordon Clifford . . ....90, 263 Morris, Hugh Lee ...............459 Morri~. ~amcs Euq:ene .... , ...... 90 Morris, oseph Julius .. , ...... , , . 90 Morris, ar,'l'.arct Francine ...... . 107 Morris, Marilyn ........ 107, 175, 233. 382, 392 Morris. Mary . . . . . . . . . . .107, 231 Morri., Mary Lynn . . . . ........ 63 Morris, Philip ...................520 Morris, Richard Woods ..........265 Morris, Rob Moss, Eva Charlene ........ , 107, 462 Moss, Judith Margaret .. 124, 240, 387 Moss. Tommy .. . . .. .... . ........295 Mossberg, Kenneth Edwin .......359 Moten, Cleve Edward . . ... ......515 Motter, Margaret Maurine .. 107, 133, 163, 166. 203, 217, 382, 38~ Mottley, Ann .. ..............90, 223 Mount, William Daniel ...... .. . . 285 Moyer, George Weldon, Jr.......259 Mozley, Milton Gene ............124 Mucha. Marvin James .... . . 90 Muchison, Spencer Mayo .256 Muckle, Richard Arthur .. ...... .457 Mueller. Camilla Beatrice 63, 233, 461 Mueller, Charles Paul, Jr. ....63, 289 Mueller, Ervin Herbert, Jr.......265 Mueller, Marilyn Marie ..... 107, 236 Mueller, Martha Lee .......209, 473 Mueller, Melvin Levi ............397 Muennick, Jerry Allen ..305, 306, 307.l 315, 485, Sb Mungo, John M........ .........293 Muhm, Robert Eugene ..... 136, 150, 204, 457 Mulcahy, Edward L. ...... . ..... 90 Muldoon, William Henry, 111 .36, 357 Mull, Mary Linda . . ............. 90 Mullendore. Mary Lynn .....217, 352 Mullenix Elizabeth Ann 217, 479, 480 Muller, Bruce Edward .... , ..63, 455 Muller, Guy Vernon , .. ... .......107 Muller, Janey Lee ..........124, 385 Mulligan, James Conner ........ .479 Mullikin, Billy Raymond ......... 63 Mullinax, Billye Faye ......... .. . 124 Mullinger, Phyllis Adele . . .......387 Mullins, Donald Scott .......273, 508 Mullins, Jack A....., ...........465 Mulvaney, William Finley .... . . .456 Mumma, Edwin Wilson .....149, 368 Muncy, Michele S ...............203 Munger, Garald Eugene, Jr..124, 515 Munoz, Manuel ..............63, 478 Munson, Ellen Genevieve ........236 Munson, Houston C., Jr.....271, 354 Munzinger, Richard George . 107, 522 Murchison, Hensel .......90, 293, 354 355, 358 Murchison, Lee Roy .... 136, 150, 457 Murchison, Spencer Mayo ..... . . 124 Murdoch. Tommy Carolyn . . .. . ..473 Murillo, Eva ... . ................400 Murph, Judith .... . .. . .. .. .. 237, 372 Murphey, Carey E .. Jr....... 146, 150 Murphy, Denis Michael ..........124 Murphy, Donald Ray ............458 Murphy, Gail ...................351 Murphy, Gerald Lawrence ....63, 458 Murphy, lames Charles ..63, 275, 459 Murphy. immie H . . , ...........455 Murphy, oseph Nicholas, III ....203 Murphy, Lynn Jones. ............ 147 Mu~hy, Marion Katherine (Kitty) .......................350 Murphy, Mary Gail .............221 Murphy, Nellwyn Nancy .........218 Murphy, Patricia Jean ........63, 489 Murphy, Patti Sue .. , ...........221 Murphy, Robert J ............. . . 465 Murray, Emory Paul, Jr. . ....... 90 Murray, Frank ........ ..........343 Murray, George ..... , ........ , . .484 Murray, Harold Rice ....63, 479, 514 Murray, John Tom .............. 124 Murray, Robert Arthur .. , .... , . .479 Murrell. Gerald Boyd ....... , ....288 Muse, Ewell H. . . . . . .....256 Muse, Marianne .................236 Musgrove, Joe Frank ........204, 326 Musgrove. Luther Talley ........456 Musick, Allen Frank .............520 Mu ick, Charles Richard ..64, 283, 489 Mutchler, John Clayton ......90, 456 NamI!. Pages Muth, John J. . .................298 Mutsch~~' Betty Jane .......385, 472 Myatt, William Oliver ...........249 Myers, C. R ..................... 30 Myers, Dan Allen ...... 158, 305, 390 Myers, George Ernest .......269, 305, 334, 485 Myers, Gilbert , . , .... . ...........160 Myers, .John Leo, Jr....124, 252, 360 Myers, Mike A..............263, 395 Myers, Milford Mitchell . . .......247 Myers, Nanci Sue ........... 107, 231 Myer>, Patrick Andrew , .....393, 395 Myers, Shirley Ann .........12}; 166, 2uo, 371 Myers, Tom Carter ..............395 Mynar, Thomas James ... ....... .457 Myrick, Jo Ann ...... .. .64, I75, 21~.l 213, 24~, 3¥.J Nababan, Partabas Wilmar Joakin . 36 Nabhani, Yussef ........... , .353, 460 Nabours, Margaret Ellen ... ......385 Nacol, J1mmi Elizabeth ......... . 124 Naeghn, Clinton Franklin, Jr. 124, 292 Nagel, Leroy Fred . .. . ........ , . .459 Nagel, William Gerald . ... .......466 Nagle, Diana Elizabeth ......107, 387 Nagle, Frank Taylor ....64, 259, 354, 355, 359 Naleid, Jerome Fred(\rick ....... .474 Nall, Garry Lynn ............64, 145 Nalls, Morris Glenn ...... ... . 64, 485 Nance, Frank Bluford ....... 124, 292 Nance, James Joseph .........90, 457 Nance, Robert Ernest ............455 Nenez, Marta Consuelo .. . ...... . 388 Naranjo, Daniel A......124, 395, 518 Narro, Ramiro ..........90, 157, 159 Naseff. Carolyn Marguerite .. 124, 234 Nash, A. Virginia .......90, 161, 163, 166, 174, 198, 233 Nash, Jesse H...................124 Nasr, Assad Ali ...... ............460 Nassar, Alexander ............... 64 Nathan, Jerome Jacob, Ill (Jerry) ...64, 160, 168, 2781 279, 36+, 365 Naumann, Carlos Landon ....64, 155, 167, 521 Naumann, Edward George .. . ....472 ~=~~ifo·r~e'."".i.n -~~'.".'.°.n.~. ." Wa.m Nay~or, Alfred Ernest ......... . .. 64 Naylor, Bill Joe ................. 64 Neagle, Jerry Wayne ............. 134 Neal, Joe Lee ..............291 , 485 Neal, Joe West ...... ....... . . 31, 145 Neathery, John Lindsay, Jr....... 64 Neblett, Charles Robert .124, 268, 345 Neblett, Dorothy Elizabeth ....64, 231 Neel, James Merrill .... 107, 365, 495 Neely, Calvin Lee ......... . . 466, 479 Neely, •Thomas Oran ........124, 479 Nelfendord, Frank, Jr. . .........343 Neibuhr, Mary Lois .. . . ....... ..223 Neidert, Kalo Edward ....... 134, 135 Neidigh, Brinda Gwynne .. .. ....107 1 eill, Weldon C .................145 :\'eimeyer, Allen Carl .........64, 145 Neimeyer, Gerald Earl ... , , ......134 Nelle, Carol Kridel ............ , .473 Nelle, Carol Louise ...... ....... 64 Nelle, Patricia Rose .............124 Nelms, Ronnie Lee ............. .124 Nelson, Bruce Wade .... 107, 249, 513 Nelson, Charles Schreiner 90, 251 , 507 Nelson, Chris, Ill .............. .513 Nelson, Donald Ashby ...........291 Nelson. Donald Oscar ............477 Nelson, Eugene W. . ............155 Nelson, James Albert ............124 Nelson, Margaret Sue ... . ....... 107 Nelson, Morris Hunter ......... .457 Nelson, Nancy Pat ......124, 228, 462 Nelson, Otis .................... 30 Nelson, Richard Leedom, II 124, 262. 506 elson, Robert Chinn ...........289 Nelson, Robert Comer ......... .134 Nelson, Robert Vernon ..........459 Nelson, Roger Francis ... . .......267 Nelson, Sandra Faye ........ 166, 212 Nelson, Sylvia ...............90, 470 Nelson, Thomas E..........459, 496 Nelson, Virginia Margarel (Ginger) .... . ............ 124, 208 Nelson, William Peterson .....90, 261 Nemmer, Richard Garfield ...259, 455 esbit, Mary Susan ....108, 219, 371 , 387, 461 Nesenholtz, Herman ............. 135 Nesrsta, Carolyn Littell ......108, 391 Nettle, Austin Eckardt ..... , ..90, 475 Nettle, Robert Lee ..............108 ~cubauer, Ro~cr ............... . 108 Ncucnschwander, Frederick Richard ..................124, 262 Neugebauer, Richard A.......... 64 'euhaus, Ralph Sells ........124, 268 Neuman. Sterling Samuel ........141 Neumann, Bruce Arlen ......358, 456 Ncumann1 Marilyn Grace ... . 64, 400 Neville, Carol Ann ..... , ..... ,..240 Neville, William Rust ....... 157, 159 'evitt, William Benton ...... 124, 280 Name Pagu Newberry, Albert Gus ........64, 459 Newberry, Frances Eloise ... 108, 161, 222, 352, 38~, 497 Newberry, Peggy Ruthe .. , .......229 Newbrough1_panny Earl ......64, 281 Newcomb, Waldo Burkett, Jr.....466 Newcomer, Carol Jean ...... 124, 228A 38~ Newell, Whipple Spaulding, Jr. .2~3 'ewell, William Thrift, Jr.. .149, 489 Newlin, Master Sergeant Felix .. .4~ Newlove, George Hillis ......134, 135 New man Club ................ , .484 Nnuman Hall ........ , ..........391 Newman, Arthur Orin, Jr . .. . 64. 142. 204, 494 Newman, Bob Austin ............160 Newman, Carolyn Anne .........221 Newman, H. W. . ... , ...........160 Newman, Sterling Samuel ........508 Newman, Thomas Leslie ....2;~6 ~ 1 Newman, Virgi nia Orcne ... .64. 138, 400, 473 Newsom, Robert Taylor .....488, 5gJ9 Newton, Alisa Craig ........175, 237 rewton, Douglas Alvin, Jr . .. . 90, 257 Newton, Janet ...........64, 138, 219 Newton, Judith Anne , .. ....227, 511, 512, 515 Newton, William Austin ......90, 132 Neyi Donald Philip ... , .......... 36 Ney and, Thomas Allen ..64, 142, 281 Neyman, Sterling Samuel ........286 Nicholas, Jerry ............ ......454 Nicholas, Ronny Wayde .....108, 280, 281, 507 Nicholl, James Robert ....... ....244 N icbolls, Joseph Edward .........134 Nichols, Barbara Jean ........... 108 Nichols, Billy Mac ............. .459 Nichols, Donald Loy .............108 Nichols, Dwight James ..........132 Nichols, Gwendolyn Beth ....108, 228 Nichols, Larry Dee .............. 64 Nichols, Nancy Gayle ........ 108, 241 :\'icholson, Danya Monroe ..240, 241, 242 Nicholson, Linda Kay .. , ....124, 222 Nicholson, Rufus Andrew, I II 479, 492 Nickel, Robert A. . .............249 Nickum, Helaine Mary ..........391 Niebuhr, James Robert .. 155, 167, 517 Nielsen, Nancy .... ......64, 209, 487 Niemann, Larry Harkness ... 124, 141 , 203, 288 Nieschwietz, Frank Paul .........124 Nilsson, David Otto ..... , .......507 Nimmo, Robert Alse ............ .456 Nimmons, Ralph Wilson, Jr..90~ 259, 32b, 354 Nisbet, Alex Richa.rd .........90, 486 Nisbet, ancy Lee ..... ..........470 Nisbet, Robert Baxter ....... , 90, 291 Nix, Charles William .......142, 494 Nix, Donald Gene ............64, 368 Nix, Edna Allen ...... , . . . . . . . . . . 64 Ni:<, Norma Jane .......133, 382, 392 ix, Roberto Jorge .......... , . , .476 Nixon, Edward James .......377, 378 Noble, David Edmund ...........479 Noble, Larry Gordon ............124 Noble, Sally ..... ... 175, 222, 511, 514 Nockolds, Josephine Georgette ...108, 216, 217 Noel, Ewell Carlyle, Jr. .......... 90 Nolan, Clyde Earvin, Jr. . .......459 Nolan, Jack Dee ............396, 520 oland, William Gerald ..........124 Nolen, Calvin Cleave (Jitter) ......... .137, 160, 274, 370 Nolen, Evelyn Janice ............ 90 olen, James V.................153 Nolen, Larry Oliver ............. 124 Nolte. Glenn Lee ........... 108, 263 Nordeman, Kenneth Warren 12~1 15JA 2tt, 311U 'ordheimer, Gary Harvey .. 124, 2J§i366, JOlj orling, Donald K...............108 orman, Alice Carolyn ..... 124, 222, 365, 389 Norman, Anna Marie ........... . 108 Norman, Bill R. . ...64, 149, 155, 368 Norman, Cyrena Jo .90, 140, 151, 161, 162, 163, 192, 204. 377, 384, 471 Norman, John Anderson ........ , 90 Norman, Lou ise Ann ........... . 400 Norman, Paulina ................470 Norman, Roberta Gayle ..90. 221 , 487 Norman, William Scott ..........264 orris, Bob Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Norri , Curtis Patrick ... 124, 262, 466 'orthcutt, John Harold ......64, 155 Northcutt, Robert Allan .....108, 365 orthington, Martha Kay .. 124, 236. 387 Norton, Ruthe Louise ...........470 Norvell, Benjamin Rush .....124, 268 Norvell, Lip ..................... 30 Norwood, Jack Glenn ...64, 165; 199, 24~. 302 Norwood. Robert Edward ........281 Notton, Monte Edward .. , , ..... ,149 PAO!. 554 Name Pages Novak, Julius (Sonny) ...........4a5 ovotny, Jo An Roberta .. . . 108, 2l?i Nowlin, Marilyn .. ... ...........124 Nowlin, Nancy Jane ............ 108 Nowotny, Arno ......23, 31, 137, 141, 145, 160, 274 Nowotny, Betty Lou ..........90, 209 Nowotny, Monroe Ben . 124, 141 , 262, 347' 35t>, 364, 372 Noyes, Ella Jane ...... . 124, 222, 371 Nuhn, John .... ... . .. ... . .......378 Nunn, Roberta Jo ...............400 Nunnery, ancy Esther ......124, 236 utt, Virginia ......64, 162, 199, 232, 233, 464 Nyfeler, John Vernon ....64, 491, 495 0 Oak Grove ......................396 Oakes, Rosalie ..... . . ....... 162, 493 Oakley, Judith Lynn ....... ...... 64 Oakley, Stephen Gordon .... .....520 Oates, Stephen Baery ....... .244, 245 O'Banion, Janice Maurine .. . 90, 207, 487 Oberwetter, Laura Mary .........213 O'Brien, David ............... ...465 O'Brien, Dennis Joseph .64, 149, 164, 167, 516, 524 O'Brien, Harold Aloysius ........249 O'Brien, Juanita Allene .........144 O'Brien, Marny Susan Elizabeth ........166, 371, 484, 599 O'Brien, Michael Hill ....... 285, 514 O'Brien, Tillman David 282, 343, 508 O'Bryao, Robert Daniel .... ...... 152 Ochoa, Anna Maria .......... . . .476 O'Connor, Colleen Mary ... . 108, 133, 219, 348. 350. 352, 4a5 O'Connor, Donald Lee ..........456 O'Connor, John Brian ... .. .. .90, 251 O'Dell, Bob Ray .. .............. 108 O'Dell, Leta Fauneil .. ..........388 O'Dell, Ralph Douglas .... . . 474, 519 O'Dell, Robert Shaw ........ ... .486 Oden, Edwin Stephen . .. . . . . 124, 268 Oden, Nancy Aon . .. . . ...... .64, 221 Odiorne, Kenneth Hugh .. ....65, 299 Odle, Bobby Glen ............... 108 Odom, J. M. .. .. . .. .. ..... 28 Odom, Karl Martin ............. 486 Odom, Ray Howard, Jr. . .. . 134, 155 Odom, Stephen Johnny •........ . 90 O'Donnell. Thomas John ....65, 474 O'Dowd, James William .... 139, 398, 507 Oehler, J. C. Bob ....... 108, 283, 477 Oehler, Kenneth Lee .........90, 508 Oeland, Marianne ............90, 237 Oen, Mady Som Hwa ............ 36 Offutt, Gary Floyd .. . . . 167, 456, 518 O'Gara, Sheila M . . .........222, 351 Ogden, Anthony George ......... . 157 Ogden, Joe T . . .. . ............ . .455 Ogle, David Clay .............. ..457 Ogletree, Gail Whitely .......90, 462 O~letree, James Thomas, Ill .....108 0 Grady, James John, Jr...... ...518 O'Hair, William Robinson J,r............ .. .. ... .!08, 265, 505 0 Hara, Kim LeRoy . . ..... .358, 456 Ohlhausen, Lila Fay ............. 65 Ohme, Herman Wilhelm .........284 Ohno, Hiroshi ... .. ............. 36 Olafson, Jim Warren . ...... . 124, 262 Old, Frances Adeline ....65, 237, 366 Old, Ora Katherine .............223 Oldham, Lloyd Durman ......65,! 162, 45!1, 4!!0 Olds, Gregory Lee ........... 14a, 376 Olentine, Captain Charles Gunter .............. 139, 490, 496 Olewin, Kathleen Ann ..... . ..... 124 Olian, Maurice Samuel .....124, 294, 295, 372 Oliver, Clarence Leon ... .. .. 108, 272 Oliver, Gene Motley .........90, 291 Oliver, James Parker .... .65, 283, 518 Oliver, Leaton Thomas .. 124, 141 , 508 Oliver, Mary Beth . .. ....90, 208, 209 Oliver, Peter Lee ... .............140 Oliver, Rees Robertson, II .. 108, 265, 507 Oliver, Symmes Chadwick . ..... . . 252 Olivet, Catherine Ford .......231, 473 Olle, Edwin Werner ..... 135, 137, 306 Olm, Kenneth William .. 149, 276, 4a9 Olsen, Harriet Eleanor ..... 108, 133, 204, 213 Olsen, Otto Christian, Jr. ...... . . 154 Olson, George Albert .........80, 259 Olson, Jane Adelee ............. .218 Olson, Jergen Edward .. 139, lf;f,1 459, 4!1!.1, 504 Olson, Karl Edwin ..90, 478, 479, 495 Olson, Leah Rae ....90, 151, 229, 487 Olson, Marion A . ... ............. 30 Olsson, Jenny Lind ...... ....65, 217 Omicron Nu ... . ... ........ ... .. 138 Ondrucb, Donald Gerald .. ....... 124 O'Neal, Johnny Willard ......... 65 Onstead, R. Sue ............ ..... 108 Opella, Jerry John ........ . . 351, 456 Oppermann, Leslie Erwin 90, 359, 390 Oppie, John Francis .......... 65, 489 Nam e /'ages C>r.ryshck, John Henry .......65, 158 0 Quinn, Kerry Hedrick ....260, 366 Orand, Windell Weldon ... ......486 Orange Jackets ... .. ... . .. . .....163 Orchard. Becca Jean .........65, 209 Orchard, Judy Dae ......... 108, 22 1 Orer, Unver Undar ... .. .. .. .... 65 Organi=atinris .............. .451 , 500 Orme-Johnson, Nanette Roberts ..203 Orr, Charles Wesley . ... .. ... . ...513 Orr, Harold D...........91, 292, 360 Orr, Robert Lee, I .......... .91, 249 Orr, Robert Lee, II ..............519 Orr, Robert Wayne ..........91, 153 Orrell, Billie Faye ............... 124 Orsack, Jack Arnold .............276 Orsak, Arnold Wood ........ 124, 276 Ortega, Emilio ...... ........353, 457 Ortego, Maneul, Jr. . .... .... ... .458 Osborn, Charles Robert ..........477 Osborn, Robert Eugene ... .. . 124, 280 Osborne, Robert William, Jr.....522 Osburn, John Duncan ....... 12!,1 479, 4!1!.1, 504 Osmon, Anna Nadine ........... . 388 Osmon, Frank Otho, Jr. .. . . .... .456 Ostendorf, Herman W . ...... .. .. 124 Oster, Sheldon Irving ........ 134, 287 Otis, Robert Fiske . . ............ .459 Ott, Granville Emil .....65, 136, 15_9, 204, 395, 457, 5Ut> Ott1ners, Delbert Max, Jr . ...204, 456 Otto, Gordon Henry .......146.< 15_9, 45!1, 5Ut> Otto, Mabry Ida ................219 Otto, Veannc ............. .. .. .. . 124 Otts, Coy D ..................... 65 Otts1 Foy Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Ougnton, Roxana Marie .....108, 206 Ousley, Ann ....................385 Outslariding Studerits ........ 188, 193 Ouzts, Dave M.................. 91 Overall, William Francis .........459 Overbaugh, Betty Lightfoot ..... . 91 Overbaugh, Samuel Berrian ...... 91 Overstreet, Martha Elizabeth 240, 365 Overton, John Roy, Jr ........... 65 Owen, Angela Lea ..........124, 203 Owen, Gene ..... . .. .. . ........ .52 1 Owen , Harviann . . . . . . . . ... .237 Owen, Henry T. . ............... 155 Owen , Nancy Elizabeth Harwell . . . . ...............65, 223 Owen , Nancy Lou .... . ......... .383 Owen, Robert Franklin .... ...65, 458 Owen, Robert Randolph .........522 Owen, Scotty Jodine .....91, 138, 473 Owen , Thomas Edwin ..... ... .. . 150 Owen, William Rexford ..........157 Owen, James William ....... . ....266 Owens, Jo Ann .................133 Owens, Robert Leslie, Jr. .....91, 4a5 Owens, Virgi nia Dale .... . . 91, 231 p Pace, Charles Wellington ... 125, 268, 344 Pace, Dennis Gordon ....65, 149" 4a9, Sit>, 52J, 524 Pace, Eddie Wayne ..... 142, 479, 594 Pace, Kenneth Wayne ............ 153 Packer, Alice Perkins ........401 , 4a4 Padgett, Henry Edward ......343, 508 Padgett, John B....289, 305, 306, 307 Padgett, l'atricia ...65, 162, 199, 219, 34a, 363, 464 Padhye, Rameschandra Ramchandra ..................456 Pagan, Robert Young ....... 108, 284 Page, Anne ........ .............352 Page, Frances Eleanor ..... . . .. .. . 147 Page, Miriam Anne ...... .. ..220, 221 Pa11e, Terry I. ...............91, 4a5 Pam, George R. . ..... . .. .. .. .. ..353 Paine, Edna Rembert ........91, 237, 242, 4a7 Paine, Lester I. ..............65, 291 Painter, 1ames Harry, Ill ...... ..291 Painter, ohn Jay .... ........... 65 Painter, ally ........... 108, 226, 349 Painter, Theophilus Shickel ....... 141 Palko, John W...................457 Palmer, Clifford Eugene, Jr . ...... 125 Palmer, Lester Barry . ... ....65, 164 167, 52 6 Palmer, Robert Erwin ....... 108, 470 Palmer, Tommye Lee .. ..........343 Palmer, William 1Thomas ... .....519 Palmros, Alexander, II ..91, 165, 271, 328, 331 Panhel/enic Couricil ..............242 Pannell, Rebecca Jane ........... 125 Panzram, Annelle ...............203 Pape, Daniel Thomas ............512 Pape, Esther Louise . .. .. ........ 36 Pape, Kenneth Hugo ............251 Pappas, William Theodore ... 108, 300 Parchman, Otis Lyman ..........518 Pardue, Arch Elton, Jr. . .... 264, 342 Parikh, Buachubhai Damoderdas .. 159 Paris, Wilbur R., Jr...... .. .....395 Parish. Richard V...........108, 513 Park, Dixie Juanita ...........65, 217 Park, Joe Buck ... . ..... . ....91, 253 Park, Leslie Jane ............ 133, 203 Park, Loman Thornal ...... . 150, 596 1\"ame PageJ Parker, Charle> Scott ....65, 251.< 369, 45u, 490 Parker, Clara May ...............143 Parker, Clifford Lanny ...........125 Parker, David Bascom ........91, 271 Parker, Doris Kay .. 108, 208, 371, 473 Parker, Ellen Kirksey ..... ... ... 138 Parker, Gerald Patrick ..65, 146, 150 Parker, John William, Jr. . ...91, 297 Parker, Judy Anne .. ..... ...203, 204 Parker, Marjorie Davidson . ..240, 241 Parker, Medora Adriance .... lU8, W3. 387 Parker, Patricia Ann, ( I ) .. . 108, 234.< 235, 37t>, 3711 Parker, Pa1ricia Ann, ( 11) .. .65, 175.< 241 , 464, 5111 Parker, Peggy Louise ........219, 366 Parker, Richard Brock .......108, 280 Parker, Richard Clement .... .36, 249 Parker, Robert Bruce .. 165, 263" 305{ 3211, 33 Parker, Robert Lee ......... ..65, 519 Parker, Rowland Hilary .....91, 153 265 Parker, Tom Dewey .............458 Parkhurst, Arlis B..... .271, 305, 306,1 307, 3b Parkin, Nancy ......... ..... 108, 237 Parks, Daniel Sterling ........91, 155 Parks. Donna Jean ............. . 125 Parks, George Winfield ...........257 Parks, Helen Pairicia ........241, 461 Parks, Nancy Key . . 108, 222, 223, 365 Parks, Robert Sam ..............265 Parma, Diane Marie ............ . 125 Parma , Ji mmie Frank .. ..... . .. .479 Parma, Nora Marie . .. . 108, 226, 366, 38~. 391 Parr, Barbara Gail .......91 , 400, 472 Parr, Edna Russell ..............108 Parr, Frank Martin ....... . ..... .457 Parr, John D..... ...............300 Parris, Joe P., Ill ...............291 Parrish, Margaret Joyce .. ....... 91 Parrish, Martha Louise .. 125, 240 365 Parrish, Roslyn ......... .... 125: 228 Parrish, William ................479 Parry, Harold Lynn .........125, 470 Parsons, Diana Gail ..... 125, 222, 462 Parsons, Elizabeth Ann ... ... 125 240 Parsons, Jack Dowlin .........65; 457 Parsons, Pamela Ruth ...125, 391, 4a4 Parsons, Sue .................65, 217 Parsons, William Ernest . ..... . .. .456 Partain , Larry Brian . ....... . ... .456 Partain, Robert Arthur .......... 65 Partin, James Earl ... ....... .....4a5 Partin, James Ralph ....... ...... 65 Partridge, Donald Richard .......125 Paschetal, Carl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Passero, ohn Richard .. .. . .. 108, 283 Passiah, ara Jean ... ....... 125, 224 Passmore, Elizabeth Gail .... 125, 216 Passmore, Glen Gorman, Jr ..108, 253 Pate, Collier Hodge ... ....... ....518 Pate, Hugh Pat .........466, 512, 515 Paternostro, Samuel Burton . ..36, 249 Patrick, Brooks Trezevant . .. 165" 259.< 305, 32u, 32!1 Patrick, Richard Alan ........... .459 Patschke, Howard Lee ...........395 Patterson , Ann Burr .. ........... 140 Patterson, Ben McCullough, Jr..................... . ...91 , 509 Patterson, Caleb Perry ......145, 272 Patterson, Carol Jean ...216, 365, 372 Paterson, Edwin Willis ..... 154, 290, 291, 365 Patterson, James David ......... .280 Patterson, Marshall Barton . ......458 Patterson, Mary Adele ........... 36 Patterson, Mrs. Harry ..... .......372 Patterson. aQcy Elizabeth ..232, 366 Patterson, Patricia John .... . 125, 228 Patterson, Raymon Clifton ......467 Patterson, Virginia C . .......... . 143 Patterson, William Dorrance ......459 Patterson, William Gary 165, 248. 249, 302, 365 Patte;on. Robert Wilkerson, Jr. . . 36. 269, 458 Pattillo, Melody Ann ... . 166, 208, 389 Pattillo, Vivian Gaile ............125 Patton, Celia Fay ....... 125, 400, 473 Patton, John William ............518 Patton, Murray Spence ...... 153, 378 Patton, Thomas Michael .........125 Patzke_,_Kathryn Ann ..... . ...... 65 Paul, Henry Martin .............. 502 Paul, Phillip Sherwood, Jr... .36, 137, 160,! 165. 1911, 36j 489' 4!!0 Paules, Granville Edward, III ....164.< 165, 204, 46!1 Paulette, Jerry L. .... . ...... 125, 266 Paulette, R. C., Jr. . .........65, 459 Pauls, Suzanne Harriss .. 108, 231 , 348 Pauly, Fred Joseph ..............247 Pavelka, Edward Louis, Jr...125, 474 Payne, B. Darwin .... ....91, 14a, 376 Payne, Charles Robert, Jr....108, 508 Payne, Donald Allen .65, 149, 368, 489 Payne. Eliza Jane .......125, 218, 473 Payne, George Euclid, Jr. ...263, 4iJl; Payne, James Allen .............. 66 Payne, James S., Jr . ............ . 152 Name Pages Payne, Marietta .............125, 236 Payne, Mary Jean ........ ... 125, 240 Payne, Samuel Jerome .......66, 275 Paz1 Francisca . .... ....... ... ....400 PeaJte, Herschel Stuart ......125, 343 P earce Cooperative ......... . ... .400 Pearce, Fredrick Holmes, Jr. 485, ~ Pearce, Lawrence Ray ...........204 Pearsall, Gail Anne ..... 125, 206, 365 Pearson, George Bernard . ... .91, 160 Pear~on, Jacqueline Rose ...... . . 91 Pearson, Kay Nell ......108, 223, 3;>9 352, 'H>H 1 Pearson, :Marjorie Anne ...... .66, 207 l'ear;on, Molly Lynn ....... 125, 216.< . . 388, 47u Pearson 1 Richard Orville . . . . . . . . . 66 Pearson, Vir~inia Ann .. 125, 208J 242 36J, 473 Pearson, Virginia Louise .....138 203 Peat , Edwin Jones ............. .'.264 Peavy, Janet Octavia ... 125, 226, 350.< 351, 38!1 Peavy, Sherrill Claire ....91 , 241 , 461 Pechacek, Johnnie A..........91 , 250 Pechack, Millie ..................352 Peck, Barbara Bramlett ...... 108, 203 Peck, Charles Robert ........108, 293 Peck, Earl Goodwin ......... 140, 145 Peck, Henry Lawrence .. .... .479, 484 Peck, Joseph . .. ........289, 493, 506 Peck, Leigh .....................151 Peck, Mar~aret .........31, 161, 162 232, 242 Peckham, Dorothy June ......91 143, 23:l, 242 Peden, John Alton ...............125 Peden, Robert James .......... . . 500 Pedersen, Laverne Ernst . .. ...... . 141 Pederson, Lora Lee ......... .25 228 Peek, Edgar Blaine ..........150; 456 Peel, Beverly Sue ........91, 163, 219 Peeples, Kenneth Ray ............ 66 Peeples, Mrs. Kenneth Ray ... . ..368 Peery, Joe Knapp ...........270, 506 Pegg, Robert Walter .... 125, 290, 508 Pc~~. Werner Friedrich .....355, 396 Peine, Judith Adele .....125, 238, 350 Peinemann, Michael Edwin .. 125, 518 Pel, John C.... .. ...............305 Pell, Robbie Gene .. 125, 226, 34a 371 Pelt, Eddie C..... . .......... ..', 454 Pena, Cleo ...... . ...........66, 462 Pena, Diego Jose ............... .476 Pena , Francisco Inocente ... . 1081 160 Pena , Jose Maria ... ........... . . 476 Pena, Moses Barrientos ...... ... . 108 Penberthy, Sarah Jean .. 138, 223, 350 Pengra, Michael Hayes ...... 250, 251 Pen~ck, Daniel Allen . .......262 340 Penick, Harvy ... . ............. .'. 342 Penick, Tinsley Holmes ..........257 Penix, Nancy Laura .........175, 233 Penn, Bill .......................355 Penn, Julia Myrle .... .......... . 140 Pennington, Benjamin F . ... . 204, 285, 458 Pennington. David Lee . 108, 142,,, 204, 47!1, 494 Pennington, John Claude .........457 Pennington, Judy Gray .. 125, 230, 389 Pennington, kenneth Paul ..... . . 395 Pennington, Tucean Virginia .9 1, 20'J, 372 Penry, l rene Frees .............. . 125 Peoples, Mrs. Kenneth ..........372 Pepper, Fred Robert ........145, 390 Pepper, Jean Ellen ......66, 162, 203, 217, 242 Perdomo, Francisco Javier ....... 66 Perdue, Albert Monroe ......... . 141 Pcrel, Steven Andrew ............246 Perera, Kusuma ................. 36 Perez, Abelardo .................453 Perez, Alejandro Infante . . ...... .453 Perez, Alma Diane ....401 , 453.< 476, 47!1, 494 Perez, Andrew F., Ill .... ...... .523 Perez, Lino, Ill .................399 Perez, Neo ..........66, 14a, 376, 453 Perkins, Billy Ray ............... 66 Perkins, Clay Kemper ...........289 Perkins, Harry Dean ... . ....203, 397 Perkins, James Irvine, Jr. 91, 165, 268, 2§Jl.. 361.. 367:l JO Petty, Tom Young ......354, 356, 396 Pfalfenberger, Carl Dale .....141, 204 Pfeilfenberger, Charlotte Ann .....484 Pfeiffer. Fred '.'lelson . . ..91, 355, 358, 363, 393, 396 Pfeiffer, Patricia Lenore ... .... ..229 Pfluger, James Douglas ..91, 472, 498 Pfluger, Nancy Hortense .....223, 473 Pharr, George •Thomas ... . ...66, I48A 37b, 50j Phelan Nancy Jane .............473 Phelps,' Judson Hiram, Jr....125, 250 Phi Beta Kappa ................. 140 Phi De/to Chi . .. .. ...... .... . . .. 158 Phi Delta Theta .............268, 269 Phi Eta Sigma .. ................141 Phi Gamma Delta ...........270, 271 Phi Kappa Psi ............ ..272, 273 Phi Kappa Sigma . .. ..•. ....274, 275 Phi Kappa Tau ... .. . ...... .276, 27? Phi Mu .......... . .........234, 23:> Phi Mu Alpha ... . ...............142 Phi Sigma Delta . . ..... ..... 278, 279 Phi Sigma Kappa .... .. .....280, 281 Philen, Edna Sophia ........ 108, 233 Philen, Lois Joan ... .............237 Philen, Nancy Matilda ...... 237, 366 Philipp, George Roy, Jr. ....... .479 Philips, Shine Earl ... ......... . . 159 Phillips, Ann Lee . ... ....... 108, 207 Phillips, Britton Haynes ......91, 485 Phillips, C. M. . . ................ 30 Phillips, Daniel Maurice .....253, 469 Phillips, David Edward ..... .....276 Phillips, Donald Reed ..... ......360 Phillips, H. Roger .......66, 153, 277 Phillips, Howard Don ...........108 Phillips, iames Paul .............457 Phillips, ohn Thomas . . ....... . . 125 Phillips, udith Ann .. .. 125, 133, 365 Phillips, Larry James .........91, 395 Phillips, Mary Joan ......91, 228, 366 Phillips, Mary Patricia . . ... .....223 Phillips, Olan ................91 , 154 Phinney, Louise Snow ...........108 Phipps, Joe Dean ....... 108, 288, 289 Phipps, Sanley Crump ....... 150, 458 Pholdi, Prasert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Physical Education Majors Club . . 485 Pi Beta Phi .................236, 237 Pi Kappa Alpha .... ...... ..282, 283 l'i Lambda Theta .............. .. 143 l'i Om•ga l'i .................. .. 144 Pi Sigma Alpha ............... .. 145 Pi Tau Sigma ....... .... ........ 146 Pibulyarojana, Prokob ........... 36 Pichinson, Don Jay ..... ... ..283, 513 Pickell, James M........281, 302, 347 Pickens, Franklin Ace ...66, 257, 364, 365, 514 Pickens, Mary Anne Brune ..... .. 66 Pickens, Robert Jack .........91, 160 Pickens, W. R .............. .... . 36 Pickering, James Terrell .....479, 486 Pickering, Jerry Andr-ess ........ . 486 Pickett. Mary ............... 108, 221 Piece, Allen M................. .457 PiedrahitaAthena B.............145 1 Pieper, j ohn W ......... 164, 165, 469 Pierce, Allen John ......66, 164, 4581 469, 5l't Pierce, David Elbert .........283, 459 Pierce, James Lacy ..........469, 513 Pierce, Linda Kay ...... 125, 133, 203 Piercy, Dwayne Clark . . .. 108 Pierret, William Emmanuel ..... . 457 Pierson, Ada ....................499 Pietrantonio, Bettina Philamena .. 213, Pietzsch, Evelyn Frances .....66, 220, 221, 46• Pill:ll: , Burris Ann ................ 91 PigK. Robert Keith, Jr . .......... 91 Piland, Kay Darlene ........ 125, 228 Pilcher, Margaret Miles .....222, 371 PilC5, James Paul ............66, 103 Pil~reen. William Hornby ....91, 494 Pil'trim. Lieutenant Commander Orvill L. .....................510 Pillow, Lo~an Dale, Jr..125, 252, 512 Pinckard. Penny Charlotte ....911 388 Pinckney. Dixie Kay ............ 133 Pine. Clifton ....................491 Pin~enot, Duwain .... 108, 484 Pinkston, John Robert ...........484 Pinkston, Robert Dale .. .........459 Pinnell, Aubrey Benjamin .....36, 277 Name Pages Pinson, Nancy Norwood ..... 163{ 174, 199, 22 ' 49jPipkin, Bobby Jean ..66, 231, 366, 504 Pipkin, Bruce Manard .......... .466 Pippen, Harvey G...............282 Pirkey, Louis Thomas ...... .....108 Piro, Robert James .... . .........204 Pirtle, Rodney Waldrop .....153, 377 Pistor, \.Yaher Brown (Wally) ............. .66{ 154, 165, 28 '521, 523 Pitaks·manu.san, Prit ............. 36 Pitchford, Harold Ivan ......502, 508 Pitner, Dan Keith ..66, 319, 328, 333 Pittman, jack Marlin ............489 Pittman, a.mes •. . .........306, 307 Pittman, immy Charles ..........399 Pitts, Carol Jane .......... . . 125, 240 Pitts, Marie Frances ............. 66 Pitts, Walter Edward, Jr. ....66A 204, 48~, 50H Plantowsky, Leah Ray ...........225 Plaskyj. Mrs. Muriel H . ..........5JO Plass, larold JohnJr............ 150 Platt, Coley RonalU Plummer, Olho Raymond (Bill), Jr. .......125, 141, 203, 300 Poage, Jack Allen ...............134 Poe, Bobby Lynn ............... .459 Poe, Thomas Irodell .............459 Poer, Freddie Ivan .... ....•.... .457 Pogue, Charles Arthur ...........108 Pogue, Marsha Ann ..............221 Pogue, Marshall Sheppard .......518 Pohl, Donald Richard ...........168 Polasek, Alice Agnes ..... ........484 Polasek, Johnnie Joe ... .....66, 459, 465, 484 Polk, G. Margene . . ..........91, 217 Polland, Dale Frieda ........ I08, 225 Pollard, David Leslie ............271 Pollard, Jack William ....... 134, 203 Pollard, James J . ...........150, 264 Pollard, Katherme Virginia .......... . ...66, 207, 366, 37•, 473, 487 Pollard, Patricia Ray ............232 Pollard, Patrick Henry .......... 91 Pollard, Rllpert Maury ......285, 302 Pollard, Tom Waddell ...........509 Polluck, Dolores Nannette ...227, 489 Polsky, Barbara F . ......91, 161, 162j 16j, 39j, 40 Polsky, Sandra Leah ........ J08, 239 Polson, Jack D . ......... 91, 167, 517 Pond, Mary Linn . ...... 108, 223{ 368, 37 ' 48~ Ponder, Kay Esther .....108, 227, 371 Pool, Jack Oliver ... .............347 Poole, Bill ...... ............... .455 Poole, Donald Humphrey ........507 Poole, Lawrence Lee ........ 125, 252 Poole, William Clark ......... .. . 489 Pope, Floyd Eugene ........ .6.(iA 168, 2'1!1, 30• Pope, Gloria Ann ................ 91 Pope, Sally Bea ......... 125, 230, 372 Pope, Sharon Elizabeth ...... 125, 206 Pope, Tommy Wayne ........108, 519 Pope, Woodrow W..............457 Popkin, Bradford Argall .........271 Porcarello, Paul Joseph ...... 108, 275 Porras, Heriberto Julio ......453, 484 Porsch, Pegl(y Lee .......... .....133 Porter, Barbara Ann . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Porter, David Charles .. 125, 160, 398, 45•, 51~ Porter, Fred Thomas ........267, 490 Porter, Goldie Horton ...... .... . 216 Porter, James Julius, Jr.......... 66 Porter, Kenneth Ray ............ 66 Porter, Lucinda Ann .....66, 219, 462 Porter, Lynn Louise ..........91, 236 Porter, Patsy Anne .... . , .....66, 462 Porter, Paul Phillip .............. 67 Porter, Sarah Elizabeth . 125, 133, 222 Porter, Steven Mosby ... 125, 469, 512 Porter, Sllzanne .........67, 218, 219 Posey, Flora . . .. . . . . . .. .. .. . .. . . . 36 Posey, Harold Elmer .............283 Posey, Randal Earl ...........91 , 158 Post, Gerald V., Jr ...........91, 467 Post , Gloryanna Alice ... .. ...... 108 Poston, Anthony James ..........484 Poston 1 Patricia Carol ..... . ...... t25 Postonj Robert Selling ........... 141 Poth, ay Lawrence, I I .. ....244, 474 Potter, Clara Jean .. . ..... .. ..... 67 Potter, Eleanor Aline ............ 67 Potter. Judith Rae ..............371 Potter, Suzan Ruth ...........91, 383 Pom, James Claddin ........359,521 Potts, Mary Evelyn .. ........... .470 Pou, James Herman .. .. . . . .....• 67 Poulos, Cecilia Margaret .........125 Poulos, Pamela Ellsworth .91 , 222, 352 Pound•, Lewis Kenneth .... ..... 67 Powtll Houu. ......... , ........ .400 Powell, Barbara Rose ...........108 Powell, Bob ....... .. ............356 Name Pagu Powell, Cynthia Anne .. 108, 163, 166, 219, 3is~.3~ Powell, James Sidney ........67, 153 Powell, Leona Louise .... ....108, 220 Powell, Maryllyn Anne .......91A 217, 47.1, 487 PowelJ, Ruby G. . ........... JOB, 262 Powell, •Teddie Jeannine ....241, 520 Powell, Verne Eldon .... .....91, 467 Power, Glenda Lee ....... .. 108, 217 Power, Harry H. . ..........150, 250 Power, Janice Margaret . . . .. 125, 389 Powers, Carolyn Joan ....... 108, 231 Powers, Irene T. . ..........382, 388 Powers, Jack Worley ........ 125, 284 Powers, Kay ....... .... . 67, 240, 241 Powers, Martha .............382, 392 Poynor1 Joe Lynn .. .............125 Pozzi, Anthony Lawrence ........358 Prada, Alfredo ... ...... .. . . ... . .457 Prado, Mary Evelyn Timmins ....391 Prager, Jerome L. ..........247, 302 Prasatik, Mary Anne ........ 108A 473, 47~, 484 Prater, Byron Cecil ... .. . . . ......519 Prather Hall . ................. ..390 Prather, Charles Lee ...... . . 135, 154 Prather, Edna Joan ............. 67 Prather, John George ... 150, 204, 458 Prather, William Leo ............125 Pratka, Robert Clay ........ 125, 399J 474, 51:> Pratt, Parley M. . . ....... ....... 155 Pratt, Peter Evans ..... .....285, 353 Pratt, Robert Allen .........261, 456 Prause, Anabeth Lee ............ .109 Preiss, Elwood J ................. 160 Prenuce, James Archer ..67, 168, 263, 302, 493 Prentice, Sharon Ann .... 138, 203, 237 Prenzler, Norman Herbert . . .. , .. 91 President Wilson's Advisory Council ........... .... . .. .....364 Presley, Lettye Jane ............. 109 Pressler, Bette T. Craddock ..67, 221 Pressler, Townes Garrett ........ . 458 Preston, Jerry Wayne ............ 91 Preston, Laura .... 109{ 163, 24JA 3~J, 37 ' 382, 38~. 'tbb Preston, Mary Aline .............237 Preuss, Richard Rudolph ....... . 456 Pribble, James C..... . ..... . .... 125 Price, Anne ... ........ 161, 162, 163, I75, 497, 49~ Price, David Shannon .......244, 245 Price, David William .. ..........204 Price, Doris Marie .. . ......... ...386 Price, Edwin Booth ..31, 264, 393, 402 Price, Ginnie Lee ... . .. ....... ..493 Price, Jerry Carlton .....396, 512, 515 Price, Jim D . ....... . ... . . ......489 Price, Jimmie Irvin ......... .91, 485 Price, John Wilson .... ...... 125, 280 Price, Judy .......................67 Price, Nancy Marilyn ........387, 497 Price, Pamela Key .......... 125, 220 Price, Patricia Ann ..... 125, 228, 389 Price, Richard Charles .. 109, 347, 471 Price, Ted Lee ..67, 164, 167, 489, 520 Price, Virginia Lee ..... .. .. . 230, 231 Price, William Rayford ..........372 Prichard, Margaret Ann ..... 109, 232 Prichard, Phyllis Ruth ........91, 233 Prickett, Loy Elvin .............. 144 Priddy, Jerry Franklin ...... .458, 506 Prim, Gene Alan .............. . . 459 Prim, William Howard, Jr . ..... . 285 Prince. James Victor ............ .485 Prince; Morgan ......... . .........67 Prince, Rose Mary .. 109, 216, 479, 481 Pringle, Bette Ann . .. . . . 133, 138, 217 Pringle, Donna Marlene ..29, 125, 216 Prin11le, Leon Marion. Jr........395 Pritchett, Henry Carr ...263, 364, 508 Pritchett, Phillip Hamilton .......264 Pritchett, Samuel Oscar ..........395 Pritchett, Thomas Leslie, Jr...67, 2ffg Probst, Gordon James .............91 Procter, John Charles ... .67. 305, 459 Procter, Norman A . ............. . 485 Proctor, Beverly Wayne .. .....67, 474 Proctor, Helene Lina ............350 Proctor, Hugh Coleman .... . 109. 259 Proctor, Roxana ... 125, 133, 203, 216, 375 Proffitt, Dixie Ann ..... . 216, 479, 481 Proffitt, .Janie Ramelle ...........401 Prokop, Richard John ........67, 459 Proskowi12, Seymour .. .... ...... .496 Prouty, Carol Alice .......... 125, 375 Provazek, Lionel Daniel .136, 369, 457 Provost, David Anders ..... . . 165, 293 Pruessner, Mary Ca1harine .. 109. 393, 401 , 499 Pruett, Ronnie Latham .......... . 509 Pruitt, Clarence Robert ......459, 496 Pryor, Phyllis Jean ...........67, 233 Public Rt lation1 Commiltt't'S .... .365 l'ublications ................373, 380 Puckett, Jack Weldon .............67 Puckett, Terry Gary ........ 109, 232 Puett, Roane Harwood ...........273 Puff, Dorothy_ Hill ...............221 Puff. James Harrison, Jr .........285 Pugh, Gary Carl .. ......... ......248 Pu~h, J. Dwigh1 .... 146, 150, 459, 496 Name Pai~s Push, Patricia Elizabeth ..........222 Pu1cc, James L ..................459 Pullen, Harriett Sue ... 109{ 239A ~I 350, 35 ' 35•, 'tll.'.) Pullen, Stuart Neal .....141, 340, 390 Pulver, Judy Katherine ...91 , 241, 461 Pundt, Donald Joe .......67, 456, 503 Pundt, John Lee ....91 , 292, 354, 358 Purinton1 ponald Leroy ......... .459 Purnell, Marjorie Maillot ...67, 192, 201, 237, 242, 364 Purser, Gordon Cecil .... ... ... . ..67 Puryear, Bobby Clayton . .91291, 39~1 326' 324, 'tll.'.) Putch, Samuel William ...........459 Putman, Frank Marion, Jr. .......257 Putnam, Carol Ann ..........91, 468 Putnam, Michael .............. .. 109 Putnam, Robert Savell . . 132, 140, 203 Pyndus, Marilyn Aun ........ 125, 372 §Q uan, Elmo ..................... 109 uantock, Russell Alan ..........520 uebe, Patricia R ........67, 388, 499 uerner, Deanna Ruth ..........2318uigley, Thomas Michael ...284, 285, 50j uillen, Mary Ann ..............233 uinn, Darryl ...................365 uinn, Hcnrieua Leonara .. . 125, 232 ~uirk, Frank John. Jr.......125, 290 Quirk, James Patrick ........ 125, 290 R Raab, Joan LaNelle ... .133, 2.:&I 3:3~ Rabb, Virgil Sullivan .......... .'.273 Rabbat, Walid B . ............... .460 Rabibadhana, Viphakara M. R .....36 Rabibadhana;. Vudhivithu ........125 Rabinowitz, tlernard Irving .......247 Rabon, Marion Diane .......125, 208 Rabun, John Stanley ........ 109, 290 Rackley, Frank Thomas ..........515 Rackley, Ramon Robert .....153, 167, 475, 517 Radkey, E. Ingrid ........... 140, 203 Radkey~ 9liver H . . .. ............145 Rager1 Mary Sue ........91 , 233, 466 Rassd11l, Jack Edward ............485 Rambow, Henry Ballard .....67, 374, 375, 468 Rainey1 Paula Jo ........... .109, 219 Rainosnek, Dennis Wayne .... .... .67 Rains, Nanc_y Elizabeth .. . ........230 Rainwater, Edwin Lee ... 125, 290, 479 Rakoover, Burton Lee ... 154, 287, 506 Ralls, Johnny Emmett ...... .490, 504 Ramage, Cecil Hugh .....67, 459, 496 Ramahi, Husni Yusup ........... .456 Ramby, Patty Vaughan .......67, 209 Ramirez, Abraham, .Ir ............476 Ramirez, Anthon_y Trujillo .......395 Ramirez, Javier Tadeo ........... .67 Ramirez, Maria Aurora ...... .67, 476 Ramirez, Merle Ann ....... . . 125, 352 Ramirez, Rene Javier ...305, 306, 307, 315, 465, 476 Ramirez, Rudolfo ................476 Ramirez, Rudy ..................395 Ramos, Humberto N .. ..... .. .. . .453 Ramos. Rodolfo Loa ............ .453 Ramsey. Frances Ann . ... . .. .9]; 163, 2Ub, 201 Ramsey, Fred Milton, Jr... . . 125, 301 Ramsey, James Sydney, Jr....109, 289 Ramsey, Ruthmary ......67, 212, 213, 479, 481 Ramsey, Ste\•ens David Jr. ....... 141 Ramshorn Society ..... ...... ... .486 Randolph, Robert R.....355, 396, 513 Randolph, Spencer Gordon ... . 67, 397 458 Randolph, Sterling Parker ....67, 369, . 397, 458 Raney, Charles Nolan ... 136, 150, 457 Raney! Jeanne Marie .........91, 226 Range , Antonio .................476 Rangel, Marta .. ....67. 156, 400, 476 Ranger, Samuel Phillip ......359, 522 Rankin, Billy Byron ...............67 Rankin, Marion Frances 109. 223{ 348, 350, 35 '352 Rankin, Richard Edwin, Jr. ... ...296 Rankine, Wilfred Lee Jr......37, 265 Ransom, David Lloyd ............459 Ransom, Harry Huntt .........21 , 28 Ransom, Kenneth L..........91, 454 Rao, Venkat Kishen .. ........ ...459 Raper. Jessie Lewis ......... ..67, 340 Rapp. C~elle Conner ..........221 ~~S~n~'Re;tATi~~":~ :::.·. ·:. ·.~~~·.~~ Raschke, Alvin Jame .........68, 458 Raschke. William R ....... ... ....395 Rase, Howard Fccderick ..........150 Raser. Mac Roy .................148 Raska, Joseph Glenn ............ .456 Rasmussen, Lucille Elizabeth .126, 372 Ra1cliff, Gaye tanphill ........•.126 Ratcliff, Gordon John .......305. 319, 328, 330 Ratcliff. Joe B ...................109 Ratcliff, Louis Mickey. Jr ......... 126 Rathbone, Lucy .... 1311, 162, 232, 473 Rathbun, Kenneth Charles ...... .492 PAGE 556 Name Pages Rathjen, Mary Marcia ......221, 366 Ratliff, Ann ....... . ........241 , Robertson, Carolyn Camille (Kim) 126, 220, 511, 514 Robertson, Donald Eugene ..... . . 245 Robertson, Donald Otis ..........249 Robertson, Elaine Marie ........ .391 Robertson, Esther Sue .......109, 233 Robertson, Gustav Robert, Jr.....269 Robertson, Helen Eleanor ........388 Robertson, Jack Dwain ...... 126, 157 Robertson, James Jackson .........92 Robertson, Jeanne Marie .. . .366, 401 Robertson, Jerry Wayne ...398 Robertson, Jimmy Paul ... ..... ...68 Robertson, John Harris .109, 272, 506 Robertson, Katheryn Joy .........68 Robertson, Loyd Gordon .....68, 281 Robertson, Margo ...............233 Robertson, Marian Elizabeth . 126, 218 Robertson, Robert Carroll ........92 Robertson, Robert James ... 132, 168, 271 Robertson, Robert :-lelson ....37, 495 Robertson, Robert Roy, Jr. . . ... .456 Robertson, Stephen French .. 140, 145 Robertson. William Edmond, Jr..92, %5, 484 Robertson. Willie Watson . . ......5I8 Robinson, Carole Jean ... 92, 237, , Juanita Mar~ot . . .... 109, 473 Salinas, Roberto Mirrle......394, 415 Sallee. Jackie .....................92 Salter. oyce Jean ................69 Salter, ulia Lacy ........... 109, 226 Samford, Jimmy Dwayne .. .......458 Samruan. Adib Rashid ..... .......460 Samman, Vu'5Cf Rashid ..........460 Name Pages Sample, Edna Frances .. 109, 229, 242, 372, 38~, 384 Sampsell, Harry C . ..........458, 496 Sampson, Horace Alton ..92, 459, 496 Samuel, Sandra Gayle .......... . . 126 San Jacinto Dormilorin ..........390 Sanchez, Geor11e I. ......... .453, 476 Sanchez, Rosalinda Vgnacia ......453 Sandefur, Benny George .....262, 263 Sandel, John Holt ........... .....92 Sandel. Lawrence Harold, Jr.....155 Sandel, Nita Sue ........ 126, 388, 470 Sandel, Sue B . . .. ........... .... .470 Sanders, Billy John ... .......... . 456 Sanders, Dean Stuart . ... 109, 262, 365 Sanders, Donald H .... .......... .456 Sanders, Emily Charlotte ........ . 219 Sanders, Hugh Walter. Jr......... 126 Sanders, Larry Dow, IV ..........126 Sanders, Leslie Allen ...... . . 469, 511 Sanders, Nelson Vernon ..... . 109, 272 Sanders, Sandra Lee ..... 126. 218, 372 Sanderson, Kay Jacqueline . . 109, 207, 372 Sandifer, Suzanne ..... ...........389 Sandlin, Carole Elizabeth ....237, 366, 461 Sandlin, Dorothy Carolyn ... 109, 226I 227, 37 Sandlin. Sara Grace ..............241 Sandman, George King .. ......... 149 Sanford. Bryce C ............281. 415 Sanford, Floyd Keith, Jr. ... . . 69, 458 Sanford, Harriet Frances .....69, 470 Sanford, Lathan Wade .......69, 470 Sanford, Rebe Sue ........ . . 109, 385 Sanford. William Harold ........110 Sangalli, Alfred Robert ......... . 159 Sansing, Charles Mack ...........245 Santos, Andres, Jr...............476 Sargent, Carris Ralph, Jr. ....69, 285 Sari:ent, John C . .......291, 302, 513 Sann , Narendra Nath . . ......... .456 Sartain. Nancy Jane ........ ..... 126 Sarver. George Lertin1 Jr. .. _ .69. 456 Sasse, Edward Alexander ..... 110, 271 Sate), Christine ........... ....69, 221 Satel, James Louis ...............259 Satterfield, Joseph ............... 152 Satterton, Julie Beth ............. 100 Satterwhiie. William W..........259 Sattler. Donald Fred .... 126, 141 , 204 Saucedo, Juan Alberto ........... 157 Saucier, Bobby ·Tilden . . ........ . . 69 Sauer, John W ..... 164, 165_. 2Bp, 281.1 363, 45b, 4~. 50j Sauer, .Richard Elgin .........69, 157 Saul, ttarry Edward ............ .474 Sauls, Kathelene Ellen .. 126. 214, 387 Saunders, Leslie Allen .... . . : . ....164 Saunders, Walter Asa, Jr.....69, 134, 137, 154, 164, 167, 200, 204, 293, 305, 306, 307, 368, 516, 523, 524 Savage, Carolyn Ruth ....92, 226, 348 Savage, Kenneth Hastings .. . 305, 319, 328, 508 Savage, Robert Wesley .......126, 244 Savage, William Grey ...92, 250, 504 Sawyer. James Richard ..........489 Saxon, Floyd Cecil ....... ....69, 273 Sayles, Stanley Bennett .... . ...... 149 Saylors. Wesley Pollard ......469, 512 Sayre. John L. .... . ..... .. ......471 Scabbard and Blade .. .. . .........164 Scanlan, Jack A.........146, 150, 244 Scarborough, Charles Lawrence .. . 257 Scarborough, Frank Dallas ...92, 168. 257, 302 Scarborough, Larry ....... .. .. ... 145 Scarbrough, Jerry Wayne ......... 110 Schabbehar, Nanci Ann ....... ...385 Schade, Carole Mildred ..69, 223, 462 Schadewald, Mary Margaret ......389 Schaefer, Callie Frances .....143, 203, 207' 348 Schaefer, Joe Edward ...... . . 92, 467 Schaffer, Martin Jacob ........ ...246 Schaffner, Wanda Joyce .......... 126 Schalther, Wilfred Hilmar .......504 Scharlach, Gwendolyn Margaret .. 132, 20j Scharlack, Martha Lynn .........238 Scharlack, Sharon Lee .. 166, 238, 239 Scharpf, Richard Leo ........ 126, 474 Schatz, John Woodrow .......... .456 Scheer, George Halley ............512 Scheffel, Fritz Bernard ...........158 Schehter. Robert Samuel ..... 150, 456 Schell. James A ...............92, 495 Schellhase. Waller R.............454 Schenk, Clarence Harlan ..........69 Scheppler. Robert Henry .....92, 399 Schieffer, Estelle Schubert ........203 Schieffer. Richard Allen .....465, 484 Schiller, Joyce Elaine .........92, 209 Schindler, Fred A., Jr ............454 Schindler, Van H .............69, 459 Schladoer, Gloria Jane . . 126, 400, 477 Schlather, Frederick Sydney ..... I10, 160, 522 Schlather, Wilfred Hilmar ....... . 126 Schle .. , 5111 Schultz, Barbara Lynn ...........239 Schultz, James Randall .......93, 457 Schultz, Judah Bernard .246. 307, 509 Schultz, Norman Lynwood .. .... .456 Schultz, Rubin Amos, Jr......... 110 Schultz, Sunny Lee ............. . 385 Schulze, Robert Clayburn ...306, 307, 343 Schumacher, Frederick Wayne . . 472I 483, 52 Schumann, Paul August, Jr.. . 70, 305, 328, 332 Schurer, Ernest lgnatz .. 127, 141, 203 Schuster, S. B............... ....454 Schutze, Eugene Walter ..... 127, 248 Schutze, Kathryn (Jill) ..........371 Schwab, Clarence Norbert ........519 Schwab, Elmo .. ............296, 488 Schwab, Robert. Rudolph . 70, 459, 496 Schwartz, Cecily Helen ..........237 Schwartz, Herbert Frederick, II ..157.: 15~ Schwarlz, Jerry William .. ..247, 456 Schwartz, Lorraine ..... 127, 238, 350 Schwartz, Ralph Taub .......278, 365 Schwartz, Sol ................. ...287 Schwarz, Charles Norman Jr....289 Schwarz, John Fisher ....289, 357, 458 Schwarzbach, Wanda Maxine McKee .......................203 Schwenke, Kenneth Frank ... . 93, 472 Schwerdtfe~er. Harry Donald .....281 Scibiemki. Stephen Clay .........288 Scofield, Gerald Arthur ..........456 Scofield, John Blue ..............269 Sco1<~ins, Don Wallace ...........127 Sc~gins, Henry Ira. J r ...........158 oggins, Lloyd Douglas ......... I JO Scott, Alan ............ 148, 153, 286 Scott, Albert Lee ..... .. .. ... 139, 296 Scott, Billy W ...................355 Scott, Bryan Anthony ........... . 263 Scott, Carolyn Lenorr ........70, 147 Scott, Charlotte Genetha ...... , .473 Scott, Clyde Irvin ...........127, 160 Scott, Connie Jean ..... 110, 352, 470 Scott, Constance Jean ...........217 Scott, Doris Elaine .127, 133, 203, 220 Scott, Edward Eugene ...........253 Name Pages Scott, Jon Little ............160, 203 Scott, Judith ...............127, 466 Scott, Lou Ann .........221 , 382, 384 Scott, Luther Edward ........... . 262 Scott, Mary Ann ................237 Scott, Thomas Earl ......... I JO, 257 Scott, Thomas Perry ....127, 256, 508 Scott, William Blair .............285 Scott, William Walter ...........489 Scott, Winton Forrest ..... ... ...249 Scottish Rite Dormitory ........ , .392 Scroggins, Beverly Ellen ......70, 485 Scroggins, Don Wallace ..........399 Scroggins, Gary B.... . ...........395 Scroggins, Richard Louis ....70, I22i 252, 25j, jOb ScroggljeiWilliam Beal ..........270 Scruggs, oc M., Jr.........485, 514 Scruggs, atsy Sue ..........127, 387 ScurlOck, Oran Hendricks ....... .475 Scurry. Josephine Duvall ... 162/ 2}!>, 23 'jOb Scurry, Richardson Gano, Jr. .... IJ9J 268, 269, 302, jOJ Seago! Bobby Grant ..... .93, 155, 489 Scaho m, Julius T . .....305, 306, 307, 3lu, 485 Seale, Eugene Back ..............513 Scale, Frank M. .. ..............110 Seale, Marion Clarice ..... ......472 Seals, Martha Ann ..........110, 227 Seals, Mary Elizabeth ...220, 366, 387 Sealy, Tom ........... ..........300 Searcy, Patrick Lambert .........265 Searcy, William Jerry .. .. ....93, 474 Searls, Susan ...............110, 237 Sears, George Francis .......... . 458 Sears, Gerald Alden .............301 Scars, Sharon Sue .. 127, 218. 388, 473 Seay, Antoinette Celine .......93, 236 Seay, Bryant Pearce, Jr...70, 136, 457 Seay, Carolyn .......70, 151, 209, 377 Seba, Rjchard Dutton ...........289 Sebesta, Joe Martin ..............271 Scekatz, Thomas Edward .. _. 70, 154, 168, 289, 305. 342, 514 Seelke, Frances Ann ....127, 216, 352, 389, 472 Seelye{ Allred Lee ...............154 Seewa d. Fredric Henry, Jr. ......248 Seewald, Mary Margaret .....93, 237, 351 , 466 Segall, Judith Lee ........... 127, 210 Seggern, Dorothy Ann ...........144 Se11ovia, Humberto Garcia . ..... .476 Seidel. Wilber Ray .. , , ..........518 Seiler, Robert E . . ...........134, 135 Scita, Charles .......... ... ...... 29 Seiber, Iris Dee ........... . . 175, 238 Self, Bobby Dow ................474 Seligson, Sidney Phillip ......93, 295 SelingerpNancy Rae ........... . . 225 Sellars, atricia ..............93, 227 Sellars, Victor Carol Gene ..467, 475 Sellers, David Bowie .............281 Sellers, Wimam Arthur ...... 127, 261 Scllstrom, Kenneth Larry ........155 Selvaggi, Captain Rossi L. . .167, 516 Selzer, Richard ............. .....289 Ser1 iors ......... . ..............38-77 Senn, Robert Wallace .. ...... , . .459 Senter, Donald Fred ........ 157, 204 Senterlitt, John Eugene . .... 110, 141.t 469, 51~ Serface, Eddie Ragan ........93, 157 Service, Robert Corr ............291 Sessions, Benjamin Street .........484 Settle, Clyde Reagan ........127, 152 Setzler, Kathryn Anne .......93, 221 Sewell, Gerald Lee .....127, 272, 507 Seymour, Carolyn Ann ......133, 203 Shackelford, William Monte , I 10, 269 Shade, Joseph ...............204, 279 Shaenfield, Bernard W........93, 454 Shafer, Donald Wayne ........70, 157 Shaffer, John William ......305, 320, 323, 485 haffron Carol Lois .........210, 371 Shahan, oeman Dean ........ , . 456 Shahatit, Fraih Farhan ....... , ..460 Shaheen. Esber Ibrahim ..........460 Shahin, alab Rashid ........353, 460 Shallene, Frank Mills .. 127, 248, 512 Shammatt, Farouk Hamed 70, 457, 460 Shane, Carolyn Durelle ......93, 175~ 228, 229, 50jShaner. Helen Claire ....70, 227, 468 Shangri-La Cooperative ..........400 hankel, Delbert M..............363 hanks, Wilbert Jeanne ......127, 485 Shannon, Aubrey Jack ......110, 282 Shannon, Carolyn Jo Staton ... , . 70 Shannon, DennIS ... .............283 hannon, Glenn Halsell . , ........233 Shannon. Richard Arthur ....... ,488 hannon, Shel bf Edward ........285 hapire, Jacque inc .........127. 224, 371, 389 hapire, Paula Jean ......... 1JO. 239 hapire, Roger Terry , ......160. 292, 468, 497 haraf, Adel ................... .460 harke, Donald ....... , .........467 Sharkey. Thomas John ...........110 harp, Clifford Gene ........... , 127 harp, Rebecca Crider .......... .473 harp, Thomas Hilliard, Jr.......251 harpc, da Marie ..... 127, 166, 208 PAOE 558 Name Pages Sharpe, Ernest Alonzo.......148, 153 Sharpe, Jay Woodley ............259 Sharpless, Lawrence LaVaugan ... . 70 Shatto, Elizabeth Anne .. 127, 236, 389 Shaver, Jerry Lorene ........ 133, 352 Shaw, Clifford Haldeen .. 70, 353, 358 Shaw, Elizabeth .........93, 219, 462 Shaw, Jerry Wayne .............. 70 Shaw, Jo Edward, Jr. ... . .. .284, 285 Shaw, Mary Ann ......228, 348, 351, 366, 462 Shaw, Travis .... ... ........110, 231 Shaw, William Harry Robert ..... 152 Shea, Laura Eleanor ............241 Shearer, Cecil Ray .. .. .. 146, 150, 459 Sheffield, Don Baker .............289 Sheffield, William Johnson . .158, 159 Shehadeh, Mohamed Khaled .. 70, 460 Sheir, Arthur ............ .. .204, 470 Shelby, Donald McCall ..........503 Shelby, Robert Nelson ........93, 513 Shelby, Thomas Hall, Ill ....70, 267 Sheldon, Billie Val .. ......... .. . 93 Sheldon, John Augspurger .. .. 70, 293 Sheldon, Mary Ruth ........ 110, 220, 221, 351 Shelley, James Allan ....296, 297, 456 Shellshear, Thomas Marcus, Jr. .. 127, 296, 52u Shelly, Edward James ...........459 Shelton Frances B. . .........382, 384 Shelton, Mary Evelyn .. ...... 127, 222 Shelton, Stuart Crow .. ... ...... . 93 Shelton, Robert Lewis ........... 93 Shelton, Vernon Lee ........127, 260, 334, 365 Shepherd, Joel Morgan ......359, 458 Shepherd, Kathleen Ann .93, 206, 462 Shepherd, William Andrew.......489 Shepp, William Elsworth .........479 Sheppard, Eugene Byron .........259 Sheppard, Francis Eugene, Jr .93, 299 Sheppard, William Vernon ........281 Shepperd. James Wesley ......70, 489 Shepperd, Joe Arthur ....... 127, 284 Shepperd, Lee Roy ............ ..485 Shepperd, Queen Ann ........... 127 Shepphard, Francis Eugene, Jr....458 Sherburne, Mary Carolyn . . ....... 127 Sherrill, Dorothy Talmadge . .... .230 Sherrill, Jack Ripper ............248 Sherrill, Kyle Winston ......110, 13,?, 506, 5tr.J Sherry, Kathleen Anne ......382, 384 Sherwood, John T......150, 167, 204, 289, 458, 520 Sherwood, Norman Gregory ......485 Sherwood, Weston Marshall ..... .396 Shield, Alan ............ .........299 Shields, Judith Alice .... 127, 230, 389 Shields, Patrick Thomas .298, 299, 506 Shifrin, Charlene Norma .. ...... .497 Shillingburg, James E..... . .110, 288, 305, 306, 307, 316, 508 Shine, Don Miles ................271 Shipman, Morgan Enlow . . ..204, 390 Shipp, Lloyd Stephen ............ 157 Shipp, W. Byron .................22 Shipton, Guy Patterson ..........476 Shira, Charles Norris ........306, 307 Shiroma, Joseph Tsuguo .........127 Shivers, Dottye Rozann ...... 127, 387 Shmidl, Sylvia Anne ............. 110 Shniderson, Stanley Jerome ......456 Shoberg, Ralph Allison ...93, 397, 456 Shoemake, Charles Allen .... .393, 398 Shoemaker, William Howe .......288 Shofner, Janice M. .......... 127, 206 Shofner, Janice Sue .....127, 216, 372 Shohan, Robert Williams ... .277, 395 Shomette, Clarence Douglas .. 127, 479 Shook, Jeanette Patricia .....237, 487 Shoop, Phil Lloyd ...............512 Shopmaker, Sandra Lee ......110, 211 Short, Byron Elliott ......... 146, 150 Short, Dean Wesley ............. .457 Short, James William .........70, 132 Short, Suzanne Rita ..... .93, 391 , 484 Showalter, Rosemary .... 110, 241 , 349 Shrader, Russell Lowell ..........459 Shrake, Jimmy Bruce ... .....93, 271, 354, 357 Shrewsbury, Bill Joe .........203, 489 Shrimpton, Jerry Deane ... ..204, 492 Shropshire, Richard Alan ... 164. 167. 516, 523 Shugart, Clara Gertrude .. .. 133, 204, 233, 350, 352, 487 Shuler, Curtis Ronald ...360, 459, 469 Shuler, Linda Lucretia ...........470 Shulte, Richard Charles ..........305 Shultz, Sandra Sue .. ... ..... .93, 241 Shumaker, David Paul ...........470 Shupe, William L. . . . . .. .. ...70, 459 Shurr, Michael Ailhaud ......... .283 Shurtleff, Jo Ann ........93, 163, 473 Shurtleff, Wilburn Oliver ....260, 261 Shuttleworth, Judith Janet ........70 Shutts, William Holland .........474 Sibley, Zelie de Serio .......230, 349 Siddall, James Clarke ........ 127, 298 Sides, Jack Davis ............ 127, 345 Siegal, Ben Nathan ..70, 148, 376, 377 Siegel, Gerald M................247 Siegel, James Jay ..... ..286, 364, 366 Siemer, Eleanor Julia ............ 156 Sierra, Hector G............167, 522 Sifuentes, Everen ......... . ......347 Name Pages Sigel, Edwin Michael ..... ..204, 247 Sigma Alpha Epsilon ........284, 285 Sigma Alpha Iota .......... . .....147 Sigma Alpha Mu . . ..........286, 287 Sigma Chi ....... . ..........288, 289 Sigma Delta Chi .................148 Sigma Delta Tau . .... .......238, 239 Sigma Iota Epsilot1 ....... .. .. .. .149 Sigma Nu ..................290, 291 Sigma Phi Epsilon .......... .292, 293 Sigman, Sherrye Lyn .. ..........210 Sigrist, Joyce Elvira ..... .... .93, 365 Sigwart, Lois ................70, 241 Sigwart, Paul Louis ..... .. ....... 110 Sikes, Larry D. . ........264, 265, 353 Sikes, William Nick . .. . .. ... 127, 272 Silber, John Robert ..............202 Siler, Bennye Boyd .............. 127 Silliman, Frank Tom ........ 127, 288 Silman, Robert Warren ......276, 277 Silva, Dolores ...........70, 140, 145, 151, 204, 377, 401 Silva, Kathleen .........162, 393, 401 Silver, Fredric Mitchell ......93, 286. 287, 513 Silver Spur Award .......... .....201 Silver Spurs .............. . .... . .165 Silverthorn, N. Elizabeth ...93, 147, 217, 45~ Silvey, Robert Swann, Ill .... ... .515 Simecek, Kathryn Adele ..... 127, 484 Simkiru Hall . .. . ............... .390 Simmang, Jacquelyn ...... . ..... . 456 Simmans, Jerry F. ........ ...288, 289 Simmons, Bobby D . . .. ...........474 Simmons, Clifton Eugene ..... 70, 134 Simmons, Donald James . 110, 160, 479 Simmons, Hal Freeman ......266, 508 Simmons, Harmon Lee . ... ...... .474 Simmons, Janiece Belle ..... 127, 133, 166, 203, 222. 352, 389 Simmons, Marc Steven . . ....... . .453 Simmons, Margaret Sue ... ...93, 477 Simmons, Mary Jane . ........ . ..470 Simmons1 Sandra Ann ..... . 127, 175. 218, 472 Simm,, Janiece . . . . . . . .....349 Simms, Joan B. . . . .224, 225 Simon, Erwin Hugo .........70, 474 Simon, Haskell L. . . . . . ..... 146, 150 Simon, Leslie Thomas .. .......... 135 Simon, Marion Bess .. ... 70, 151, 200, 224, 225, 377 Simon, Max ...............246 Simons, Bryan Elmo, Jr. ..........70 Simons, Suzanne Elizabeth ... 1IO, 223 385, 479, 481 Simonsen, Stanley Harold ........152 Simpson, Bobby Jack ........274, 275 Simpson, Davis Wylie ......... ... 110 Simpson, Harold Lee ............465 Simpson, Lieutenant Commander Kenneth James ................510 Simpson, Margie Sue .............93 Simpson, Martha Carolyn .. ......127 Simpson, Mary Louise . ... .. 127, 175, 2lb, 372 Simpson, Mike Rhyne .......366, 463 Simpson, Thomas H ., Jr. ......... 71 Simpson, William Dent ..........457 Sims, Arthurine ....... . .........386 Sims, James Delaney ... ...... .... 127 Sims, Joan .................. 127, 352 Sims, M. C. . ....................71 Sims, Patricia Ann ......... . 127, 214 Sims, Sammy Dee ...........397, 507 Singer, Richard Toml'kins ........489 Singletary, June Laune ......386, 473 Singletary, Otis Arnold ......282, 467 Sinl!'leton, Claudia Harper . . ... .. .37 Sininger, Rollin Albert ....31 , 37, 498 Sipes Gary Alfred .......71 , 142, 479 Siptak, Bettye Carolyn .... ....... 127 Sites, Hendricks T. . .............459 Sitlani , Gulu Naraindas ........ . . 366 Sivalls, Betty Rae .................71 Sivalls, Elizabeth Rachel .........233 Sivley, Robert Swann, Jr.........127 Skaggs, John Riley ...............244 Skaggs, Marvel Ann ......93, 144, 203 Skelton, Sandra ..............71, 219 Skelton, William Henry. Jr... 110, 479 Skousgard, Margaret Sigrid .. .....470 Slack, Billie James ......... ..93, 458 Slagle, Charles Forrest ...........110 Slaid, Arnet Woodard ......... .. .465 Slaten, Jo Ann ............ .... . .127 Slaten Thomas Ray ..........93, 459 Slaton', Paul Franklin, Ill ........110 Slaton. Sharon Kay ......... 127, 206 Slaughter, Bruce Elton . .. ......... 71 Slaughter, Lenora Ophelia ....... 133 Slaughter, Raymond Max 71 , 155, 500 Slaughter, Robert Edward ........ 132 Slavin, Judith Hope ............. 133 Sledge, Henry L., Jr ........ IIO, 293 Sliva, Manuel Julius .............458 Sloan David Walter ... . 142, 479, 494 Sloan'. Ralph Russell, Jr. 110, 203, 266 Slocum, Joseph Hoyt, Jr. 71, 347, 390 Slomchinske, Frank Bernard .....204. 465, 484 Slone, Charles Renfro .............80 Slone, Tommye Frances .......... -71 Small. Ellen Ann ........ ...... ..227 Smallberg. Edith Lynn ...... 110, 211 Smalley, 1Terrence Edward ...... .245 Name Pages Smallwood, Elizabeth Houston ...93, 209, 473 Smallwood, Wirnam David ... 127, 470 Smart, Herbert William ... .. . .... 127 Smiley, Elizabeth Eugenia 93, 175, 237 Smith, Adrienne Trant ...... .93, 231 Smith, Alden Barton ........273, 475 Smith, Allen Currie ..............269 Smith, Allen Elmer ........ ......203 Smith, Anita Ruth ...... .... 110, 241 Smith, B. .I.................149, 489 Smith, Barbara Alleen ...... .....219 Smith, Barbara Dolores .. 147, 391, 452 Smith. Barbara Louise ...........366 Smith, Barbara Lucille . . .....93, 227 Smith, Barbara Sue .... 110. 217, 365, 372, 462, 487 Smith, Bobby Lee .......... 127, 266 Smith, Bobby Sue .......... 110, l7J; 231, 364, 3t>tJ Smith, Bruce ......... _.. . ...... .454 Smith, C. Aubrey ....... 134, 135, 154 Smith, R. R......................28 Smith, Carla Joan ... ............ 127 Smith, Carolyn Gail .............479 Smith, Carolyn Glenn ....... 110, 236 Smith, Cecil Fletcher, Jr. . .......454 Smith, Charles Albert ........93, 479, 515, 517 Smith, Charles Francis ............71 Smith. Charles McKinley .. ..253, 513 Smith, Charles Ray ........... ... 132 Smith, Charles Robert, II . . ...37, 458 Smith, Charles Wayn!'; II ...... ..486 Smith, Col William Hightower .. 167, 504 Smith , Connie Marr Marek ..... _.71 , 156, 159 Smith, Dahlia June ........... . ..203 Smith. Daniel Cargill, III ... 165, 261 Smith, Daniel Lester ...71. 300, 301 Smith, David Atmar ........93, 255 Smith, David Ely . . .132, 140, 279 Smith, David Paul ............ ...496 Smith. Don Davis ...............142 Smith, Don Hargrove ...249, 302, 366 Smith, Don Stanton ..... 140, 263, 514 Smith, Donald Lee ........... ...280 Smith. Donald Richard ...... 141 , 203 Smith, Dotson Charles ...93, 249, 326 Smith. Duane Noble .............506 Smith, E. M..................... .30 Smith, Eddie Marie Greenwade .... 71 Smith, Elaine Yvonne ... _. . . . 127 Smith. Eliseo ....................399 Smith, Elvin Mitchell .......305, 306. 307, 310 Smith, Emmanuel Herzl . IIO, 294, 365 Smith, Ethel Loraine .............71 Smith, Eugene Boyd .... .....244, 245 Smith, Everett Gregor . . ..... 127, 288 Smith, Florence Elizabeth .......110; 220, 36~ Smith, Frank Ford ..............264 Smith, Garland Hansford, Jr. . .. 132 Smith, Gary Leslie .... .. ....... . .519 Smith, George Richard ......... . .93 Smith, George William .. 127, 248, 326 Smith, Gretchen Leah ....93, 219, 350 Smith, Harold Gene .71, 283, 459, 514 Smith, Harold Wood .... 136, 150, 369 Smith, Helen Townes ........127, 236 Smith, Homer Don .....110, 132. 282 Smith. James Darwon ............110 Smith, James Edward ........... .127 Smith, James Gale ...............110 Smith, James Lee .............. . 266 Smith, James Marshall .. ....281, 457 Smith, James Weldon ...... ...... 127 Smith, Jeanette Marcelle (Dobie) 140 Smith, Jerrell Mills ..... 127, 290, 518 Smith, Jerry Don ...262, 320, 466, 502 Smith, Jerry Edwin ........ .... ..518 Smith, Jimmy .Lynn .............486 Smith. Joan Templar ............216 Smith, Joanna Baxter .......93. 231. 348, 349 Smith, Joe Rae ........... ..267, 459 Smith, John Oliver ..........343, 509 Smith, Johney Weldon Ross . .71, 252, 253. 302. 489 Smith, Joyce Lynette ....... .127, 388 Smith. Karen Liddell ............237 Smith, Kent .................... 132 Smith. Laura Lou ............71, 223 Smith. Leslie Howard ........93, 459 Smith, Lieutenant (j.g.) John Carroll .......................510 Smith, Louis Richard, Ill .......267. 380. 508 Smith, Lowell Rivette, Jr........519 Smith. Margaret Ann 71. 203. 366. 368 Smith, Mar~ie Lou ..............127 Smith, Mark S..71. 148, 153. 380, 503 Smith , Mary Ange line ........... .37 Smith, Mary Patricia .....71. 212, 213 Smith, Mitchell Evetts ...........140 Smith, Norman Vedder ..........155 Smith, Patricia Ann .........382. 385 Smith, Patsy Clay ...........71. 212, 213. 351, 402 Smith, Paul James ............... 150 Smith, Paul Jones ............... 136 Smith. Pauline ......93. 156, 159, 204 Smith, Raymond Carlton ........512 Smith. Robert Clinton ........ 71. 160 Smith. Robert Earl ...............93 Smith. Robert Gary 127, 280. 366, 3il Name Pages Smith, Robert Harold ... IIO, 251, 518 Smith, Robert McLean ..........489 Smith, Rochelle Rhea ........37, 4i0 Smith, Rodger Vince! ............160 Smith, Ronald Glenn ........266, 267 Smith, Rosann Dorothy ..... IIO, 212, 35u, 385 Smith, Roslyn Starlet!. .......127, 212 Smith, Russell Upson ....71, 150, 456 Smith, Sandra Jean ..........71, 466 Smith, Sharon Kay ..........127, 206 Smith, Sheldon Stuart ....... 127, 246 Smith. Sherrill Ruth ......... 127, 385 Smith, Sherron Lynnette .....71, 138, 221, 473 Smith, Sherry Lynn .........127, 473 Smith, Sidney H., Ill ...... IIO, 289. 302, 513 Smith, Stanley Nelson ....... 127. 479 Smith. Starlett .......... 166, 350, 351 Smith, Stella Sharron .... ....393, 400 Smith. Stephen Collier ...... 127, 260 Smith. Susan Carolyn ............127 Smith. Suzanne Margaret .... 71, 241. 371, 462 Smith. Thomas Lowrey .......... 127 Smith, Thomas Ned .............249 Smith, Thomas Theodore 305, 326 1327 Smith, Victor A. ... ........... . .489 Smith, Virgil Raymond .....110, 203, 300. 301 Smith, Wade Cassie .........268 269 Smith, Waymon Otis ...........'. 157 Smith, William Bennett, Ill ..93, 276 Smith. William Earl ..............71 Smith, William Schuetze ...... 71, 251 Smith, Winston Samford .71, 149, 489 Smither, Robert Bush, Jr. 93, 268 508 Smitherman, James Harrison ... .'.204 Smithey, James Earl ............ .456 Smothermon, Jimmy Jack ........520 Smyth, Barbara Kerfoot .. 71. 214, 215 Smyth, Douglas O.~den .......93, 154. 267, 506 Snadlin, Dorothy Carolyn ........349 Snavely. John D.................472 Sneed. Patricia Sue ...........93, 479 Snell. Mary Ann ............127, 226 Snider. Marion Randell ......93, 231 Snipes, Shirley Ann 127, 222, 479, 480 Snoddy, James Emmel!, Jr....93, 265 Snodgrass, Iva ....................29 Snow, Corbin Lee, Jr.......268, 269 Snow. Donna Jean ..............4iO Snowden, Billy Frank ............485 Snyder, Edward Monroe, Jr......289 Snyder. Linda Louise ....... .127, 230 Snyder, William Ray ........... .456 Sobeczek, Jerome Robert .........459 Sobolovitz. Rosalie Ann .......93, 211 Sobotik, Robert Harold .. .... 71, 150, 152, 456, 479 Socha. Lawrence Emil ............93 Socher, Albert Kennedy ..........299 Society for lhe Adl·ancement of Management . _........ _...... . 489 Society of Ameriran Military E11gineers ................ _... .490 Sohn, Jo Ann ...............382. 392 Solcher, Albert Kennedy .71, 298. 456 Solcher, Charles Joseph ......298, 299 Solcher. William Boyd ............71 Solie, Florence Beverly .......71, 229 Solin, Jerry Donald .............246 Solka, Marcia Anne ........ IIO, I75, 238, 239 Somerford, James Melvin ........456 Somers. Dale Allan ..............280 Sonnenberg, Thomas Carl .... 110, 278 279, 375, 506 Sonnichsen, Mary Au~usta ...... .466 Sophomores ..................97-112 Sord, Burnard H...134, 135, 149, 155 Sorrelle. Arthur William, Ill 127, 268 Sororities ........ ... ........205-242 Sorrell. J. R.. ............... . ....20 Sorrell. James Robert ............509 Sorrell, Jay R...............110, 267 Sorrell. Sterling 'orman .....93, 260. 365. 476, 513 Sorsby. James Robert ............485 Sosa. Jose Ramon ................93 Soto. Ruben V...............71, 489 Sotorrio-L. Pedro Jose ...........489 Southern, Billie GoeniT< ...... H7. 204 Southern. Silas Edward ...... 168, 305 328. 329, .'i20 Southzt·ntern Rorket Sociel)' ... _.492 Soward. ~·orman Carroll .........467 Sowden. Webb McCann. Jr...... 135. 168, 264, 265, 503 Sowell. Julia ....................473 Soza. l.uillerrno V............71, 453 Spacek, Jane France , ...... 110. 166. 212. 242, 366. 391. 484 Spaldini;. James William 127, 248, 512 SpanT. William K•nn Nam l! Pagts Sullivan, Fred Meyrith ... ........204 Sullivan, George J., Jr...........459 Sullivan, Inge .............. .....380 Sullivan, Lynn Bryant ............221 Sullivan, Mary Kathleen .....111, 383 Sullivan, Sally Adelle ........... ..221 Sullivan, Sherwood Morris ........204 Sultan, Sally Byrd ............94, 237 Sumlin, Jack Wallace ...... ....... •Thompson, Jerry C............. .474 Thompson, Jimmy F. ............398 Thompson, Joe C. ............... 20 Thompson, John •Thomas ......... 145 Thompson, Lanis Muri .. . ....... .263 Thompson, Linda Ellen ..221, 382, 389 Thompson, Marcus Leslie ... . 129, 266 Thompson, Marshall Wayland .73, 160, 328 Thompson, Mary Helen ..........203 Thompson. Milton John . 146. 150, 474 Thompson, Nancy Ellen .. . .. 220, 365 Thompson , Patsy LaGuinn ... . .. . 129 Thompson, Paul Jennings. 25, 148, 153 Thompson, Paula Suzanne ... . .... 223 Thompson, Peter Kempner .......269 Thompson, Robert Bryan .... . 111, 288 Thompson, Robert Burns .489 Thompson, Robert Jeffrey.....94, 470 .Thompson, Robert Joseph ........512 Thompson, Ronald Eugene ... .94, 398, 474 Thompson, Rosann . 129, 133, 203, 372 Thompson, William Arthur ......268 Thompson, William Van, Jr......275 Thompson, Woodie Larman ..467, 520 Thoms, Robert Lee .. . .. 150 Thomson , Francis Marion .... 73. 164. 165, 203, 302 Thomson, Gordon Cole .. .. .. 129, 284 Thomson, Larry Dale ............ 129 Thomson, Marjorie Marie . .. . 94, 213 Thomson, Maxine Yvonne ... 111 , 133, 203 oThoresen, Joyce Elaine . .. 175, 472, 473 Thoresen, Ray 0 ..... ............472 Thorn, Donald Childress..... 136, 150 Thornhill, Betty Jane .......... . .241 Thornhill, Suzanne Margaret .....213 Thornton, Beverly Ann ...94, 217, 462 Thornton, Jimmy D. 73, 148, 377, 503 Thornton, Robert B........... . ..489 Name Pages Toliver, Genevieve C. . . ... 111 Tolle, Berry Bruce ...........94, 261 oTolle, George Keith ............. 32 Tolve, Nancy Catherine. 129, 175, 208, 365, 508 Tom, Barbara Ann ...........94, 231 Tom1 John Lytle, Jr. .94, 277, 283, 504 Tombaugh, Donald C........... .456 Tomlin, Helen Charlene ..... . 129, 352 Tomlinson, Hugh Theron ........150 Tomlinson, Jen Cary .. . 111 , 163, 221 . 382, 389 Tomme, Alton Ronald ..... . .....456 Tompkins, Frank A. . .... 73, 285, 353 Tompkins, John L. . .... . ... .... . 30 ·Tompkins, Milton Dudley .....73, 157 Tonetti, Robert Hyde ........ 111 , 257 Tooke, Allen Lee ............364, 366 Tooke, Bess Kirby. .......... 129, 230 Toole, Albert Julius (Bud) .. .9!, 16\ 259, 374, 375, 2w, 51> Toole, Fredric Carson .........73, 454 Toone, Sara Elizabeth . ...... . 111 , 208 Toosi, Yadollah .... ............. 145 Topham, James Terry ....94, 164, 165, 284, 285, 513 Torian, Ray Davis... 74, 209, 382, 392 Torline, Norbert Kevin ...........484 •Torres, Lauro, Jr.......... . .453, 456 Torres, Paul Tovar ............. .52 1 Totah, Navih I. .. .... ........ . ..460 Totz, Jon David.... 168, 278, 279, 305 Toubin, Charles Irving . .. .... 129, 286 Touch Football Class A ... 353 T ouch Football Class /) .... . .....353 Touchstone, Kifford 0 ...74, 268, 269, 508 Tovar, Paulino M. , Jr.. . .... . 129 oTovrog, Myrna . . . . 111 , 133, 385 Towery, Robert Lindley ..........305 Townsend, James Terrell.BO, 165, 188, 267, 302. 364 Townsend, Peyton Lambeth ..258, 354, 355, 364, 365, 507 Townsend , Robert Bryan ..... . ...267 Toxey, Walter William, Jr........ 145 Track ..... . . ... .. , ..........328-333 Tracy, Robert Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Traeger, Nancy Claire....... . 111 Trammell, Wash Bryan, Jr........263 Tramp, Gus Carl. ......... ....... 155 oTranth William Michael. ..........269 Trant am, Paul Frederick ....74, 158, 159, 204, 482 Trapolino. Louis Nathan ... . 111 , 275 Travis, John Livingston ......... .520 Travis, Sally .......... .. ... . 129, 166 Travis, William Barrett .... . .249, 454 Traweek, Billie Jean .129. 175, 226, 389 Traweek, Braynard Ray . .......... 94 Traweek. Stella . . . . . . . . .... 135 Traylor, Donald Regi nald . ... 94 Traylor, Idris Rhea, Jr......... . ..470 Traylor. Roy Gene ..... 111 , 521 Treat, Burnett Forrest. ....... 146, 150 Trekell. David Weldon... 167, 515, 517 Trench. Jack . . . . . . . .346 Nam e Pages •Tucker, Linda Ann ..... 94, 230, 231 Tucker, Mary Kathryn . . ....74, 223 Tucker, Richard Lee ...........369 Tucker, Robert Edwin, Jr. ... .... .257 Tudor, Dorothy Virginia ... .. 111 , 207 Tuggey, Judith Anne .. . . Ill, 166, 227 Tuggle, John . ......... . ..... .. ..257 Tung, Ching-Chao . . . . ....391 Tung, Lo -Chun ..............37, 395 Turan, Faruk HaliI...........74, 458 Turley, Bruce Edward ......... ... 160 Turlington, Culver Joel ..... . .37, 153 •Turn, Gorcton LaVaughn .. i4 , 369, 454 Turnbo, Roy Glen ...............398 Turnbough} Jo Ann ........ .. 144, 221 }:urnbow1 ames William . ....... . 150 I urner, Alfred Jackson ..... .. 74, 398 Turner, Bill Lamond .74, 261 , 334, 485 Turner, Bobby Lane . . ......111 Turner. Charles John .........94, 271 Turner, David Oakes ....... 'iiJ. I~ Turner, Derald Wayne .. 111 , 139, 328, 508 Turner. Don na . . . . . . . . . . ...... 29 Turner, George Dallas .......... .489 .Turner, James Glenn, Jr..........269 Turner, James Warren .... . . 129, 344 Turner, Jann ............74, 221 , 372 Turner, Kearon Ray . ........ . 74, 457 Turner, Lester . ....... ..... .... . 74 Turner, Robert William ..94, 129. 141 , 280 Turner, Roger J . A.. .... . . . . ..259 Turner, Susan Jane ............. .232 Turner, Thomas Francis .... .358, 459 Turner. Tommy Eusie .. . .... 129, 268 Turner, Tommy Guinn . .. . ... , ... J1J Turner, Tommy Ray ........... .459 Turner, Tommy Richard .........288 Turns, Tommy Guinn ............ 74 Turpin, Jo Ann ..... .... 111 , 235. 492 Turpin, Margaret Helen .74, 147. 162. 228, 229 Turpin , Robert Davis .. . ..... ... . 150 Turpin, Aobert Porter ....... 129, 272 Turvey, Everett James ....... 136, 4.17 Tussing, Robert T ... ......... . ... 135 Tuttle, Charles Dean.. ..... ..... .292 Twaddell, Robert B...... 111 , 267, 509 Twardowski . Ray Joe....... ......307 Twi11 Pi11es Co-Op .. .. .. ... . .... .399 Twining, Rose Marie Ramona . ...452 Twyman, Suzan Gray.. . 129, 218, 3ig!J Tylaska, James Edward . ..........289 Tylaska, Theodore Thomas ........ 74 Tyler, George Robert. ............129 oTyng, M. Effie ...... 129, 133, 232, 389 Tyrrasch. Barbara Ann ........74. 485 Tyrrell, Frances Alice .....94. 232, 365 Tyson, H. Michael... .. Ill , 257 Tyus, Walter Vernon. Jr. . .....485 u Udashen. Norma .... .. . .... .224. 389 ~ ~ 94 Tennenbaum, Joyce Ray..........238 Tennent, Nancy Byrd . . .. . .. . .. ...216 f~~~i!'. ~a~e~ _Jo:::::: :234'. 3:!\.m Tepera, Joseph Edward .. . . . .474, 513 Teplow, Deirdre Herron .. . ... . ... 466 Terence, Lois Denny..... 128, 351, 372 Terrell, John Butler, Jr. .. 128, 288 Terrell, Rachel Anne .......... . 94 Terry, Gail Ann ....... 111 , 206, 473 Terry, Harry Blake . . . . . . ... .265 Terry, Hayden Victor ....... .73, 283 Terry, James Walter .. . . . . . ..... .507 Terry, Patrick Claude . .... . .. 73, 148 ,Terry, Willis Patrick, Jr...94, 454, 496 Tetley, Gail Ann ... . .....73, 206, 207 Texas Cowboys . . . . . . . . . . . 168 T exas Ranger ..............378-379 Texas Society of Professional Engineers ......496 Texas Stars ................ . ....481 Texas Student Publications, In c. .. 380 Texas Student Publicatio11 s, In c., Board of Directors .. . ... . ......373 T exas Union, Board of D irectors. .370 Thannisch, Walter. Ill.... . ..252, 512 oThaviphoke, Soonthorn .......37, 457 Thayer, Gilbert Richard 128, 479, 494 Theadurne Co-Operative ......401 Theis. Raloh Wayne ............ .459 Tlie/eme Co-Op .................397 Th eta Chi . . ................298-299 Theta Sigma Phi . . . . . . .... .. . .151 Theta x, ... ................300, 301 •Thielen, Jay Francis . .... 128, 296, 507 Thomann, Ariel Jose ...... 73, 132, 160 Thomas. Ada Carole ......... 128, 206 Thomas, Carolyn Ann ... 111 , 163. 166. 226, 227, 348, 349, 351, 382, 389 Thomas, Carolyn June .......228, 366 Thomas, Colonel David H .. . 139, 164, 504. 524 Thomas, Ernest Raymond, Jr.. 94, 160 Thomas, Francis Marion ...... . . .503 Thomas, Gretta ..............94, 221 Thomas, Harolyn Jean ..94. 216. 366. 385, 473 Thomas, James Rodney . 128, 292, 354. Thomas, .Tane Thomas, M. Wyndell 518 .....388 73 Thorpe, Charles Richard. 136, 204, 457 Thrift, Nancy Elizabeth .. 222, 366, 383 Thun, Wayne Earl. .............. 152 Thurk, Connie Ruth ..........94, 473 .Thurlow, Thomas Neilson....254, 255 Thurman, Gerald Audrey. . .. . 129, 479 Thurmond, George Robert ... 1110297. 49 , 504 Tidwell, Don Arthur ....73, 154, 489 Tieber, Avis Andrea .... 111 , 166, 228. 37 1, 382, 385, 404, 472 Tieken, Betty Louise ...3i0 Tieken. Nancy Joyce.......229, 372 Tiemann, Kenneth Edward ... 157, 1.59 Tierney, Cecilia Veronica ... . 134, 149 Tiller, David Clyde............... 129 Tillery, Joe Neil. .. .. 73. 280. 281, 507 Tillman. Allen Dewayne. . .359, 520 Tillman, Gloria Jean .........386. 477 Tillman, Raymon Duncan. .522 Timberlake, Cynthia Ann ..... 129, 216 Timmins, Tom Howa1·d ..94, 165, 274, 275, 302, 456 Timms, Rex A...................489 Timpte, Aurelia Theresa ..... 73, 458 Tindal, Charlotte Capers......94. 470 Tiner, Thomas Dwayne 73, 458 Tin.~l e, Leslie Griffith .........37, 149 •Tinker, Joel Douglas.........345, 396 Tinnes, Sherman Paul. ... . .456 Tinsley, John Forte.. . ....... 129, 296 Tippit, Harvey Clements . . 140 Tips, Joe Conrad . . . . . . . . . .....470 Tips, Victor Fennell.. .... . ....474 Tiras, Jerry Lester. .... 295, 504 Tisdale, Samuel Cicero, Jr..... 73, 455 Tlok Co-0p ..... . ... . ...........398 Tlucek, Cynthia Ann .... Ill , 147. 212, 366. 391 Tobias, Lawrence Jay. . ....247 Tobin, Robert Wallace. . ..495 oTodar, Richard Paul.. . . ..... 135 Todd, James McNelly ............ 135 Todd, Mary Jean . . ...94. 231, 364 Todd, Terence Colquitt .. .. .. 340, 341 Tolar, Roger Lee ...285. 305 Tolbert, Jerry H................ Ill Tolbert, William Haywood ...... .266 Tolbirt Ruthven Champion. Jr... 11 1. ' 456, 479, 520 Tolch, Weinand Arthur . . . . . .502 Trenkelback, Willie Henry. . . . .454 Trent, John 0.. .... .396 Trevino, Jose, Jr. .......... .476 Trevino, Maria Christina ........ 74 Trevino, Rodri~o S. . . ..453, 521 Treybig, Jerry Kenneth . .505 Tribble, Helsey Lee........... . ..457 Tribble. James Wess. . .74, 154, 160 Trice, Lois Baird . . . . 147, 234. 461 Trick, John T........ . .....459 Trickey, Clara Janis .............. 129 Trifon. Elenor .. .............. ..238 Trim. Jerry Mac. 74, 135, 167, 203, 516 Trimble, Florence Delain...... 74, 209 Trimble, John Frederic .. 74, 269, 3~i:2 Trimble. Patri_cia Ann ....74, 144. 203. 219, 368 Triplett, Jon A.. . . .. .. . . .... .282 Troe~el. Elton Fredrick . . .. 74, 489 Troell. Arthur Rich . . . . . . . . .. ..395 ·Troell. Charles Edward ..... 129, 395 Troell. Henry Neil . . . . . . . . . .94, 39" Trosper. Barbara ....352 Trostel, Robert Rhoads .......94. 132 Trotter, James Albert. .. 129, 141. 204. 262. 505 Trowbridge, Arleen Ray 129. 175, 230. 352. 387 Trower, Robert Dwayne .. . .. . 94 Troxell. Mary Duke .. . ...241 Troy. Edward Robert ..........264 Truchard, Anthony M... 129. 141. 204. 484. 506 Truitt. James Lenox .. .204 Truitt, Kenneth Allen . . ........ 141 .Truly, John Patrick (Pat ) ... }i-i.':#a Trundle, Susan Eileen ............485 Truscott, Gloria Dean....... . 129 Tryling, Carol Ruth. . .209 Tubb, James Moses Brand ..... . ..467 Tucker, Arnold Joseph ...74. 136. 150. 457 Tucker, Carolyn Anne .. . . 94 Tucker. Elton M. . ...... .........459 Tucker Everett Lanier. Jr....74. 139. • 164. 305, 360. 490. 503 Tucker, Ina Lea . . . .... ~93. ~~ Tucker. James Rae ........ _? Tucker. Jane ......3:>- Uetrecht Diane Melva... . 111 , 209 Uhlenhoff, William, Jr.. .........204 Uhlig. Joyce Darlene . .........94, 383 U hr. Barry Wayne......... . . 129, 141 Ulbrich. Arthur. Jr.....111 , 204. 456 Ulbrich. John Kent. ............. 94 Ullrich, Ann Holt ...........129, 236 Ulmer. Lucien Barton ... 129. 258, 345. 490 Umstattd, Ethel ................. 143 Ungehagen, John . ........... ... .355 Underwood. Ellie Barton. Jr......52 1 Underwood. James Smith ... .. ...459 Upchurch, Billy Ray .74. 363. 369. 4i~ Upshaw. C. Ruth . . .......143 Upton, James Ernest ..........94. 459 Urban. Wilbur Lee . . .....343 Urbanec. Don Alan ..... . ..... ... 111 Uresti. Gilberto .......... 74. 157, 394 Uselton. Louise Yvonne . ......94, 462 Usry. Maxine . . . .....94, 383 Ussery. Patricia Ann. .223, 371 Utsam ...347 Uzelac, Mar)' Ellen . . ....... . .204 v Vacek. Geor~e ..................345 Vacker, Donald Emil. 94. 456, 465 , 484 Vacker, Laurence C............. .454 Varula. Edward Chari.-.......... 158 Vaden, Mar~ic Ann ...........94, 147 Vadhana>indhu, Udorn ..37, 457 Vail, Sandra Lee ....... ... . 111. 241 Valadez. Adolfo J..... . .... 157 Valadez. Victor. Jr. . . 129 Valentine. Gary Louis.. . .283 Valerius. Robert Da,id . . ....271 l'alhal/a Co-Oprrati1• • . . . .. .40 1 Vallejo, Roland J. . . . . . . . . . 157 Valles, Tony ....................470 Valliant. Martha Jean . . .. Ill. 227 Valls. Emma B.. . .4!6 Valtierra, Be\'erly Jane . . . . . . . . 14 Valtierra. Michael L. .. . . .3.58, 459 Van Cleve. Gloria Jean .... 457 Van Dyck. John Konrath ...... ...-167 Van Grt"m. Herman :\'t'il ....... .. 94 Van Cr iethuv-.en . Bonn if' Lucinda . 129. . 218. 348 PAGE 561 Name Pages Van Hoove, Bura W.........382, 385 Van Horn, Beth ...... .. 129, 240, 365 Van Horn, GagehIII.94, 132, 272, 273 Van Horn, Judit Kay.......218, 349 Van Landingham, Ann .. 111, 231 , 366 Van Loh, Jerry Jack ...........Ill Van Winkle, Matthew. . ... 150 Van Winkle, Susan Louise .......216 Van Zandt, Frances Ann ..........231 Vance, Conrad Brian ........ 129, 280 Vance, John M.................. 111 Vance, Mildred Burl. ...... ..234, enter .. . . . 233 Willrams, Charles Edwm ......263 Williams, Charles Henry ....... .. 155 Williams, Charlotte Anne 77, 382, 392 Williams, Clarence Donald, II 130, 364 Williams, Coleta Jean ....... . ...462 Williams, Dan C. . . . . . . ... 28 Williams, George Polk ......280, 366 Williams, Girlene Marie .. 112, 473 Williams, James Clifton .... .. . . .. 142 Williams, Jerre Stockton . . .. ... 284 Williams, Jimmie Dell ..... 130, 166, 220. 364' 365 Williams, John Francis . . . ...248 Williams. John Marion . . .. ....521 Williams, Joseph Delano .. ..306. 307 Williams, Joseph James .......... 506 Williams, Joseph Theodore ...452 Williams, Judith G. . . . 77, 229 Williams, Julia Quay .. I 12, 163, 237, 382' 389. 493 Williams, Lacy Holmes . . . . 112, 285 Williams, La June Ginn ....... . . 95 Williams, Lucile De Nevers . . ......208 Williams, Lydia Ruth .. . . ... . ....386 Williams, Margaret Karleen .. 130, 220 Williams, Margie Ruth 138 Williams, Marijo .............95. 228 Williams, Mark Ellison . . .... 160, 479. 512. 513 Williams, Mary Tom ... . . . ......221 Williams, Michael Donald ..479, 494, 515 Williams, Monte Patrick ..... 95, 164. 167. 390, 485, 516 Williams, Morgan K . .. ..........390 Williams. Nelwyn . . . . . . . .... 95 Williams. Nick Olin . . . . .. 130 Williams, Oliver Hoyt 266 Williams, Oscar Brown ... . ..... . . 252 Williams, Perry G...... ... ......485 Williams, Rhea Hu.~hston ....... . 266 Williams. Richard Blondell ... 275 Williams, Richmon Roy .. .. .. . . . 457 Williams. Roger John . . . . . . .. 28, 152 Williams. Roy Dale .458 Williams. Sandra Lou . . .. .. . 130, 388 Williams. Thomas Lee . . ... .95, 157 Williams, Vir.~inia Lee . .. ... 130, 220 Williams, Whitmell David . . ......285 Williamson. Carl C..77, 369, 459, 4% Williamson, Tommie Jo ... . 133 Willie, Robert Fred ......... 130 Williford, Nancy Nell . . . 112, 229, 371 Williford, Truett Carlton . . . 77 Willingham, Mrs. Robert .... 372 Willingham, Robert Caldwell .... 155 Willis. Jane . . .479 Willis. Kay . . . . . . . .. 233 Willis. Leo Kenneth . . . .. 160 Willis, Michael Lowell .. 130, 244. 474 Willis, Nancy Jane .130, 481 Willis, Sammy Joe . . .... 112 Willis, Wayne Thomas .... .. 293 Willis, William Laurence 77 Willman, Joseph Frank .... 136, 457 Willmann, Betty Ann .. 112. 223. 242, 365' 382' 389 Wills, Billy Gene . . . . . . . . ....244 Wills, Joe Bill ... ................250 Willsey, Raymond L .. .. .....306, 307 Willson, Robert E . . . 77. 354, 357. 3% Wilmeth, Charles Clark ........ . . 504 Wilmot. Jennie S. . . . . . 138, 473 Wilpitz, Beverly Ann ............473 Wilson, Abraham ...... . 286. 287, 476 Wilson. Alden Ramon ......2!ls.2Jfffi Nam e Pages Wilson, Amos Haygood, Jr. . . 130, 274 Wilson, Anthony Wayne ......... 354 Wilson, Barbara . ......... . ...... 29 Wilson, Betty Vee ..... ...95, 352, 485 Wilson, Carolyn Ruth ....... 112, 226 Wilson, Charles Owens .. 157, 159, 482 Wilson, Clyde Robert ........ .... 77 Wilson, D. Wayne, Jr...... ......297 Wilson, Darrell David ..... . 130, 280, 454, 505 Wilson, Deidre ....... .. 112, 227, 371 Wilson, Don Wayne ..32, 306, 307, 309 Wilson, Donald Eugene ..........456 Wilson, Donald Ray ....... . 130, 344 Wilson, Donald S . .. ............ .457 Wilson, Edgar Kress .... .....95, 474 Wilson, Freddie Ernest .. 130, 141, 203 Wilson, Gary Richard . . .. ..... .. . 506 Wilson, Harvey Ashton, Jr. .. 112, 132 Wilson, Herbert Cook, Jr. . ...266 Wilson. Horace Earl . ... . ....... . 77 Wilson, James Arlen . . . .273 Wilson, James Boyd . . . . . . . .. 130 Wilson, James Daniel, Jr. ....77, 245 Wilson, James Edward .......454, 4% Wilson, Jane Catherine ..241. 387 Wilson, Jean Elizabeth .......... . 133 Wilson, Jerry James .. 37, 137, 145, 165, 257 Wilson, Jimmie, Jr. . . .. 130, 260 Wilson, Judith Karen ..... .. 77 Wilson, Logan . . . . . . . .19, 28, 248 Wilson, Mabel Joyce ... ........ . 386 Wilson, Patricia Lee . . . . . .. ... . 206 Wilson, Rebecca Ann . . . ..393, 400 Wilson, Ronald Albert ........ 130 Wilson, Thomas Maurice .. .. ... . . 520 Wilson, Wallace Gordon .. . . . 95, 168. 305, 328, 331, 472 Wilson, Willie Manuel .......520 Wilson, Wyane Randolph .. .... . .. 95 Wimberly, Jar. W. . . . . . . . ...... 112 Wimberly, Wrley C. . . . . ..263, 458 Winborn, Bobbi Sue ..... . ... ... .37 1 Windbigler. John J . .. .. 112, 298, 299 Windlam, Leslie Noel .......506, 509 Windle, Wayne Ellsworth ... 168, 285. 302, 353 Wingard, Ronald Glenn ....... .. 203 Win.~o, Jerry Foster . . . . ...... ..203 Winkle, Susan Van . . . . . . . . .. 166 Winkler, Robert Edward .. ..... .. 149 Winn. Herschel C. . . . . . . . . ... 390 Winn , Winston Wellington ... .496 Winsett, Stephen Metcalfe .. 141 Winship, Sheila Gail . . . . . 133, 203 Winslow, John Franklin .. ... 259 Winston, Dorothy Jean .%. 173. 175, 241 Winston. Phil E. . ......77. 2%, 297 Winston, Sylvia Eu.~enia ..95. 228. 462 Winter. Clotilda Clarice ..... ... 143 Winter, Frances Leora ... .... .. . 130 Winter. Joe Dell ....... . 305. 307. 507 Winter. Winifred Elyn .. . 77. 233 Winterbotham, Anne Best .. 230, 349. 37 1 Winters. Howard Lindsay ....358. 456 Winston. Ralph Huntington, Jr. 112. 154 Wisdom. Norwell Edwin. Jr .. 77. 140 Wise, Gary Ray .. ........... 112. 132 Wise, Wes Sam ...... 112. 160 Wiser, LaNell . . . . . . .... 130 Wissler, Eugene H . .......... ....456 Wissner. Don Forrest . . ..... . 130, 258 Witcher. Donald Edwin .......95. 254 Withers, Kay Ball ... . 145 Witherspoon. Claude Leland. Ill. .290 Witt. Dorothy Kay . . . 112. 207 Witt. Meyer Willis .......... 140. 204 Witt. Robert Addison . . .....457 Wittler. Frank Edward ...........395 Wizi~. Herbert Wolfe ... 130, 246, 50.5 Woelke, Joh'O E. . . . . . . .. ....459 Woessner. Margaret 0 . . . 77. 222. 223. 487 Wofford, Billy R. . . . . . . . 489 Wofford. Joseph Hardy. Jr. . . 141 Wolens. Naomi Marcia ...... .95. 211 Wolf. Dean Eakin .........458 ..509 Wolf, John Gibbon . . . . . ......264 Wolf. William Howard .. . .. 137. 145. 165. 287, 362 Wolfe, Joseph Wilbur ............257 Wolfe, Sam D. . . . . . . . 30 Wolff. Calvin Moritz . . . . . 112. 287 Wolff, Harlan Raymond ... . . 95 Wolff. William Samuel ..... 246 Womack, Bettye Lyn . 9.5, 230. 231. 461 Womack. Carleton Ross 130. 266 Womack, Catherine . . ........ 130. 230 Womack. Milton Russell ......264 Womack. Morris Farrell ......521 Womack. Seamon Jeffery .... 112, 465 Womack, Thomas Folts 141. 152. 51 2 Womack, Thomas J . 203 Womble. Larry Leon .... 112, 245. 518 Women's Cn-Opl'ratit•n . .... .400-401 Wnmen's IndepPnde11t Campus Associatir111 ..499 Wome11's /11/ramura/s . ...... .348-352 Won~. Don .. .... 112 Won~swan({, Ambai .... .. 37 Woo, Edwin Foo . . . . . . . . .... 95 Woo, Ken .. ......... ........... 95 Woo, Kon~ F . ................... 11 2 Nam e Pages Wood, Charles Burnett .... ..256, 515 Wood, Charles Norman ..366, 368, 468 Wood, Glenn Earl ............77, 458 Wood, Harris Spencer ..... . . . .. . 262 Wood, llck Ralph .. ........ ..... 520 Wood, ames Edwin .. ...95, 457, 486 Wood, arion Edward ...........457 Wood, Oscar Franklin ....... .... 112 Wood, Polly Sue .......... ..401, 473 Wood, Robert P . . .... ....... 112, 508 Wood, .Terrence Fair ........249, 507 Wood, Terry .................... 353 Wod, Thomas Eugene .... 77, 395, 459 Wodfin, Ronald Lynn ............512 Woodford, William Gratz .. ...... 130 Woodland, David Wright .... 112, 249 Woodland, Don Lynn ........368, 455 Woodman, John A . . ....77, 168, 259, 30~. 334, 337 Woodmansee, Stanley Dennison, Jr ............ .. 142, 281 Woodroof, Marcia Lee .. ........ 130 Woodruff, Lee Don ... .. ........ .457 Woodruff, Mary Ellen ......... ..217 Woodruff, Thad J .. Jr . ........... 398 Woods, Glen Martin . ..... .. . . 77, 203 Woods, Glenda Sue ......... 112, 233 Woods, Janice King .. 112, 166. 217,387 Woods, John Edmund . . 141 , 203, 588 Woods. Ronald Gene . . .... . . 273, 513 Woods. Virginia Joyce ........ 77, 452 Woodson, James Palmer..259, 475, 507 Woodson. Judy A . ....... 95. 228, 383 Woodward. Charles Gayle ... .... .458 Woodward, Henry Kissinger .. ... 112, 354, 355, 396 Wooldridge, Ted ..... ...... . 130, 520 Woolfolk, Beverly Jane ... .. ......130 Woolley. Thomas Russell, Jr. .....488 Woolrich, Willis Raymond ....25. 136. 146, 150 Woolridge, Lloyd Adsir, Jr. .... ..459 Woolsey, Doris Roberta ..... 112, 213, 352, 372 Woolsey, Robert Eugene Donald .153, 521 Woosley, Leonard Adrian ........ 77 Word, Darrell Roy . .............486 Word, Tracy Triece .... 112, 168, 249, 305, 32b, 327 Worden, Jerry Chester .. 146, 150, 459 Worden. Wilma Carolyn ..... ... . 77 Worff, Barbara Lorene ......130, 208 Worley, Emory Kent .............160 Worley. Erle Travis . . .. ... .. 112, 160 Worley. John Davis ..... ....... . 263 Worsham, John William .........269 Worthy. Mary Ann .. 112. 208. 352. 473 Wren. '.'iorma Jean .. . ....... . 95, 473 Wren , Patricia Louise ..... . 11 2, 219, 350, 385, 473 Wright. Alice Mildred ..... . . 112, 209 Wright, Carolyn Louise ...... 130, 206 Wright. Carroll Lee, Jr. .... I12. 264 Wri~ht. Clark, Jr. . . . . . . ...... 140 Wri~ht. Dan Wesley .............280 Wright, Delora Jean ..... 95, 233 Wright, Edwin Ro)(er ....9.5. 155, 506 Wri~ht, Frederick E . ....472, 493, 497 Wright. Hu~h Moss .. ........... . 507 Wri~ht, James Fletcher .....273, 456 Wri~ht, James Frederic ..... 130, 507 Wri~ht. James Richard .........112 Wright. Jerry L. . . . . . .. 130, 395 Wri~ht, Lillian Gayle ......95, 220. 221 , 366, 487 Wright. Mary Paul ... .391, 476 Wri~ht , Michael Gordon .....289. 456 Wri~ht, Pe~I()' Jo ..... .......130, 222 Wri~ht. Robert Eu~ene ..... . . 262 Wri~ht, Robert Wayne .. . ....458. 4% Wri~ht. Roger Robinson. Jr. 145, 275 Wright, Ronald William ......467 Wri~ht, William Ralph . . ... . .... 135 Wuest. Cheryl Maurme ........ . . 130 Wukasch. Barry Charles ... . . 130. 270 Wukasch, Don Charles ...... 132. 270. 271. 356. 364 Wunsch. Kenneth Joseph ..... .459 Wyatt, Bobby Gene . . . . ........402 Wyatt, Kristrn Ann .... 112. 207. 348 Wyatt. Larry Cranfill .........95. 471 Wyatt, William Irvin. Jr. . ......507 Wyche. Robert Carlton ... ... 275. 456 Wyckoff. Carol Mae .............222 Wylie, Myrna Lois . 112. 213. 352. 473 Wyman. Wesley Lee .305. 306. 307. 311 . 485, 509 Wyman. William J. .305. 306. 307. 311 , 509 Wynn. Afton Taylor . . . . .... 151 Wynn. Mary . . . . . .... 95. 233, 452 Wynne. Edith Jane . . . .383 Wynne, Robert Lee. Ill ..... 130, 300 Wyrick. Gilbert Matison .... 130, 153. 378, 479, 507 Wyrick. Walter James. Jr.. . 130. 250 Wyson~. Walter Scott . . . . .. 291 Wzontek. Anthony Joseph ..518 y Ya~er. William Edward .........474 Ya~~i. Lawrence Albert. Jr. . . 369, 457 Yahya. Marwan Okab ........... 460 Yancey. Linda Ka)' .. 11 2. 133. 223. 487 Yantis. Bf'nton Worth .. i7 Yarbrou~h. Joan L. B. . .134 PAOE 563 Nam e Pages Yarborouf,fh, :\orman Parker .... .491 Yarbrou~h, Paul Lee ... 112, 248, 249 Yarmo, Robert Lawrence 112, 279, 507 Ybarra, Enrique E............... 95 Ybarra, Thomas F......366, 371, 453 Yeager, Marian Ruth ............147 Yeagley, Margaret Faye ..........232 Yeates, Randall Kent ........262, 466 Yeaton, Jane Elaine ......... 130, 236 Yee, Bill Gwock Wing ...........130 Yee, Edwin ..................... 95 Yellen, Marlene Glenda . 130. 175, 210 Ycnawine, David ............... .479 Yett, Fowler Redford ............150 Yoas, Howard Ernst .... 130, 397, 479 Yoas. Ralph Garland 77, 393. 397, 457 Yockey, Huguette ........... 140, 203 Yoder, Druscilla Lanier ..........470 Yoe, Charles Willard ........ 130, 300 Youens, Allred George ........... 95 Young, Barney 1Thornton .... ... . , 204 Young, Bill Doane .... ...........505 Young, Bill James ...... 130, 300, 343 Young, Charles Edward .. . .......476 Name Pagrs Young, Claudetta ..213, 366. 376 Young, DeWayne Lee .......134, 203 Young, Donovan Binford, Jr..... .456 Youn~. Farrice Schmidler .... 130, 248 Young, James Lee, Ill ...95. 249, 506 Youn~, Joan Sue . . . . . . . . . .. 77, 217 Young, Keith . . . . . . . . . . ......290 Young, Kenneth Alden ........... 141 Young, Merne Edward . . . . ... .458 Young, Myra Nell . . . . . . . . 130, 386 Young, 0. Henry, Jr. . . . . . .130, 274 Youn~, Phillip Gaffney. Jr. . ....204. 465, 484 Youn<:, Phyllis Casselman ........ 147 Young, Robert David ....77, 165, 257 Young, Sam A. . . . .467 Young, Sam Wayne .95. 395 Youn~. Sue Ellen . . . . 130, 220 Young. William Glenn .459 Young, William Joseph .... 130, 344 Youngblood, Golden Duane .. 77, 365 ·Youngblood, H. L . ............. .458 Youngblood, Ray Wilson ..37. 155. 467 Youngquist, Girdner Alan ........ 154 Vows, Doro thy Juanice Peyron ... 140 Name Paga z Zaba, Elaine Elizabeth ...95, 233, 375 Zacek, George Edward .. 130, 512, 515 Zachry, James Bryan ............ 152 Zaharna, Samih N......... ..... . 456 Zamboni. Frank Anoncia . . ... .... 149 Zamel, Ahmad Abdulla .. 130, 141 , 460 Zamora, Richard E. . ... .... .....484 Zamponi. Larry Gene ....... 130, 522 Zaner, Mary Frances .........77, 207 Zapp. Carolee P .................365 Zarate. Belinda Beatrix ...... . 95, 400 Zatopek, Harvey Lee ............ 157 Zatopek, William Calvin .........155 Zavorskas, Paul Anthony .. 95, 334, 339 Zeeck, Phillip Robert ....... 167, 390, 474, 518 Zeid. Elisbeth Anne .... 166, 238, 348 Zeidler, Alta Jean .......... 147, 468 Zeigler, Joseph Earl, Jr. 112, 266, 515 Zelen, Stephen James ......... .. . 77 Zelinger, Nancy Rae ..... ... 130, 352 Zemmin, Roger Edward ... ... . ... 95 Zeppa, Keating V ...............458 Zerbe, Linda Louise ......... .... 95 Nanu Pagu Zeta Tau Alpha .............240-241 Zethraeus, Christine ....130, 220, 352 Zied, Beth ......................350 Zilch, Elmer T., Jr. .............160 Ziller, Mary Catherine . . ..... . ...209 Zimmerman, Ellen Bond .....77, 219 Zimmerman, Erick Walter ... 135, 155 Zimmerman, Joel Don ......286, 507 Zimmerman, Warren Eugene ... . 250..t 357, 37~ Zindler, Udith Annette ..... 130..t 351, 352, 37~, 485 Zinnerhanze, Johnnie E......... .496 Zinsmeyer, Herbert Gerald .. 146, l?!J..t 459, '¥.Ill Zipp, Valerie Vance ............. 77 Zittle, Ida Mae .. . . . .. .. ....130, 389 Zlatkovich, Charles Theodore ....134, 135, 155 Zoch, Royce Wallace ............130 Zschech1 Carolyn Margaret .......472 Zschiescne, Jim Ray .............369 Zuhlke, Harold Charles .......... 77 Zuniga, Raul ...............458, 476 Zurovec, Barbara Ann ...77, 348, 3~]1 352, 382, 391, 'IM Zweig, Harold Isadore ........77, 279