1· \],, 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 1 ~ ~ "" .. ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . j ~ ~ ~ ~. 2." Ufll/AI~lffl/INl"S'".'""""'"'~ 1"'5:'\,...'>•< 1\...M.81/A~ -----------------------." .;.,;-----------------~~,• \'.\.\• . 1.. .u\l•A.r."" . T h i s l s Texas . Land f the Purple Sage 8.ii.ll______________---.....i.i...i.i.~~\\1.llJJ.»J)~~HWi./.M'b'hflMml~~. Alllll//!./Jffl!tfl'l~~~~'\..~ land we love .... n wi th her Beauty TextLS Blitebonnets Salinas . Porfiri .'! Going in the Hole Bob Wygant ~~,~~~~~-~~11JiW ~!Mt'M~~~.~ fK~~ ~~­ her lndustry Shrimp Fleet Goes Out -Galveston, E. M. Schiwetz ?~·;. ;4: -· ~~"'. " ...". "~... .""'" " ...... __ .,_ ~ ~ . ~ ­ ... L·-"·" 11.:-~.~'•""' ,...-::: 1 . ..b ('f.' ·,· .1-' ~ ~,, . .... 1 • -..-----?:: " -----==-======-----­ i,I her ple . Pe m».J.i~iJJJm-'JlMJAUl\l . \~~~~lfdH/?3JJ1/HAtll,((~~.eso:~.t\\!&\. 1 ~ 1 ~ r. ". ~ and her University ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ 1 f; m !la~~~~iJll[@'JMfli!IDl~:~~~.. fl~~~~~~~./ ~~ Presenting ..... The 1959 Published by Texas Student Publications, lnc. ~ll!IY~~~~~~'JfA(IVfllg;;/}jfflf.llll.~~~\WlJ/.klPJifMM\J..>..U~ \.\~~-;., .... , '1 ALBERT JULIUS (BUD) TOOLE Editor-in-Chief MARY JO MADDOX Associate Editor LESTER LOYD EDMONDS, JR. General Manager FRANKIE MAE LINDSEY Business Manager MARGUERITE FREEMAN Produdion Manager :/ . FOREWDR . ~ ~ i "" ;} ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ On a lonely campus path at dusk a student walks beneath the budding leaves of spring. The Tower tolls its six strokes for evening time, and shadows are draw­ing near with occasional lights dotting the dorms across . ~ the way. That student is you. Thoughts of the day just ~ ~ .f nished turn to memories of the years you have spent ~ "" here. Why you came and why you are leaving are wrapped in some mystery of education, and for perhaps the .f rst time in your college life you stop -and think. the deserted campus .. The melancholy of the moment around you is broken only by the familiar, oft-unnoticed sounds of the University's forty acres and the community around it -the dimming sound of traffic from the Drag, the hushed beat of an orchestra tuning for a dance in the Union, all so omnipresent. Through your mind race memories of a year, two years, four ... a time measured by friends, classes, coffee breaks, dates, Round-Up , .f nals and maybe a few tears -a thousand things. These memories are like falling stars, with you forever but seen for such a short time. ln this sixty-sixth volume of the Cactus we have tried to catch a few and hold them for you. BUD TOOLE CONTENTS THE UNIVERSITY Dedication ·.................................17 Around the Forty Acres ....................... 8 . Administration ..............................25 Graduates and Seniors . 4........................ . 8....................................Juniors Sophomores ................................95 Freshmen .............................. ... Dormitories and Co-Operatives ................ CAMPUS LIFE Limelight ................................. 09 . 27 . 53 . Features ..................................187 STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS Student Government and Publications ...........233 Military ..................................255 Social and Professional Clubs . 28.................. Honorary, Service and Professional Groups.......287 . 32..............................Organizations Sororities .................................363 Fraternities ................................401 ATHLETICS Athletics ..................................465 0 . 5................................lntramurals lndex and Advertising .......................524 ~ ~WNll/ll!m;~~~~­ '1.---~-------1 DEDICATION WILLIAM LAWRENCE McGILL August 19, 1899-January 5, 1959 The 1959 Coctus is dedicoted to Williom lowrence McGill who devoted mony yeors of his life to The University of Texos. While serving os president of the Ex-Students' Associotion in 1930, he originoted Round-Up. This yeor the Thirtieth Annuol Round-Up wos dedicoted to him. He wos the first director of Texos Student Publicotions, serving in thot position from 1923 until he resigned in 1943 to devote his time to stote service. He wos olso professor of Journolism ond choirmon of public relotions for the University until 1940. Mr. McGill served os director of the Texos Memoriol Stodium compoign ond, os vice, . Accounting, AE ATMODARSONO, SOEWONDO, Djokd ja, lndonesia Engl ish AZIZ, ASNA, Padang, lndonesia English BATEN, WYETH LEE, Lefors lnduslrial Management, Geological Sociely, Speleological Society, Socie!y he Advancement of Management . for ANTHONY, Bangkok, Thailand . SUVABHANIJKASEM, Electrical Engineering BHATRAKARN, TANAKARN, Bangkok, Thailand Geology BOWDOIN, MARSHALL DEAN, Mant Belvieu Accounting, llKA BRENIER, ODILE MARIE, Paris, France Latin-American Studies, lnternational Club BRIGGS, ROBERT WALLACE, Lampasas Accounting, AK'/' BROOKS, LARRY T., Austin Architectural Engineering, AAAE, ASCE, TSPE CARPER, BETTY JEAN, Cleburne AI .: :.<.>, eGavernment, CHALITBHAN, VAIKUN, Bangkak, Thailand Mechanical Engineering CLAYBROOK, JAMES RUSSELL, Jashua Chemislry, BK, AT, A ~• Prafessianal Fraternity Cauncil COGDELL, THOMAS JAMES, Electra .: Chemistry, AX COLE, MAURICE WAYNE, JR" Austin Mechanical Engineering, ATO CULP, PAUL MEREDITH, JR" Abilene English, KT, Human Relatians Cammittee, Yaung Republicans, Canler ­bury Assacialion DISHMAN, HARRY CHARLES, JR" Bryan Steer Here, <.. qLaw, KA, ELHAG ALI, MOSTAFA K. MOHAMED, Cairo, Egypt lndustrial Monagement, Arab Students Organization, lnternatianal Club ELLEDGE, JESSE LAWRENCE, Corpus Christi Longhorn Christian FellowshipBA'/', :., Br :., Chemistry, AX FANTINI, ALBINO EDWARD, Havertown, Pa. Anthropology FOUAD, MAHMOUD HASSAN, Alexandria, Egypt Economics GARAVITO, RAFAEL EUGENIO, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala Bocteriology GHALEB, MOHAMED ANAM, Aden, Yemen Economics, Arab Students Organization GILES, MURRY BROWDER, Clarksville Morketing, KT GILLILAND, RAY MORRIS, San Antanio Bacteriology GRIMES, PEARSON, JR., Eastland Law, LlKE, Y, ROTC, Silver Spurs, Associate Justice, Discipline Committee HADDAD, HADI , Baghdad, lraq Mathematics, lnternational Club, Arab Students Organization HARDJODIPURO, SISWOJO, Jakarta, lndonesia En glish HILL, TOM WEAVER, Arlington Physics, Southwestern Rocket Society, Wesley Foundation, Disciples Student Fellowship Page 42 'lf!JIJP/JM/Kfi~~~~~WJMWAJP/l~~~~~w.lJDJ""""""""""""""""" ~--~~~~~~ GRADUATES HODGES, HENRY ROBERT, Edinburg Government HONGSRITHONG, CHAROEN, Bangkok, Thailand Chemistry IJAM, MOUSA JAFFAR, Hilla, lraq Organic Chemislry, Arab Students Orgonizotion IMAM MUHNI, DJURETNA A., Jagjakarta, lndonesia English JOHNSON, ANTHONY WOODWARD, Houstan Monogemenl JOUD, ADNAN TAJEDDINE, Latakia, Syria W.echonicol Engineering, ASME, lnlernationol Club, Arob Studenls Orgonizo · tion KAMPANANONDA, SUKREE, Bangkok, Thailand Civil Engineering KAYYAL, KASIM M., Latakia, Syria Civil Engineering, ASCE, lnternalionol Club, Arob Studenls Orgoni­ zotion ~. KEKHEYA, ABDUL HASEEB MOHAMMED ALI , Latakia, Syria W.echonicol Engineering, ASME, lndependent Studenls Associotion, lnternotionol Club, Arob Studenls Orgonization KENTJONO, DJOKO, Java, lndanesia ' English KILLGORE, JACK CROWLEY, Rosebud Linguistics KINTANAR, JANE LOGARTA, Celon City, Ph ilippines Physics KNIGHT, DAVID WARREN, Amarillo x .: ,Stotistics LANDRY, EDWIN , Colorada City German, K6, Der Eulenspiegelverein, Newmon Club LEE, LOYL LEON, Galveston Architecture, Rifle Team EUGENE, Hauston GERALD ,. LO Engineeri ng Route to Business Administrotion , .l>:!:E, Society for the Advancement of Monagement MAASARANI, ALY MOHAMED MOH., Alexandria, Egypt lndustrial Monogement, Saciely far the Ad voncemenl af Monage­ment, lnternationol Club, Arob Students Orgonizalion MACHMOED, ZAINI , Malang, lndanesia Engl ish MAHENDROO, PREM P., Kankhal, lndia .n:.:,:.::. ,Physics McCULLOUGH, CHARLES ELLIS, Aust in HKN, . Eleclrical Engineering, KA, TB Y JEAN, Brownsville . BEMcGONIGLE, English, Uppercla ss Advisor Gatesville ,. LOUIS SCOMEHARG, Electrical Eng ineering, 1 RE MILLER, GEORGE GUY, Corpus Christi Business Administration, l:IE MITCHELL, ALFRED CAMERON, Hendersan finonce MITCHELL, LEON, JR., Fort Warth Histary MOORMAN, CHARLES TRAVIS, Waca -ASME, TSPE, Tejas, Assembly, Stu ,. l'B :., T. J, .: HEngineering,chonicolW.e dent Engineering Cauncil, Acodem ic Affairs Cammitlee RETMONO, RETMONO R., Surabaja, lndanesia English RICHARD, SANDRA, Athens lndustriol Monagement, :!:lE, Society for the Advoncement of Manage­ ment RICHARDS, GERALD LEON, Princetown, W. Va . Reloiling, American Morketing Associalion ROGERS, MARVIN A., Vernon Hi stary, Silver Spurs, Tejas, Assembly, Student Government Cammittees ROSS, DONALD LEWIS, Paris Chemistry, ~U, AV SAMMAN, YUSUF RASHID, Jerusalem, Jardan Mothematics, Arab Students Organizolion SAXON, FLOYD CECIL, Baytown Psycho logy , .f>K'i' Page 43 '. GRADUATES SHIENGTHONG, DEP, Bangkok, Thailand Chemistry STOELTJE, JOE EDWARD, Beaumont Architecture, .CKE, Cowboys STONE, JAMES ANDREW, Dallas Accounting, AK'i', Americon Stotisticol Association SUHARJA, OJOK, Bandung, lndonesio Architecture SUVANNARATANA, SUDJIT, Bongkok, Thoiland Physics SWEARINGEN, WILLIAM SCOTT, Austin Communication Engineering, .CKE TAIGEN, SUPARNG, Bongkok, Thoilond Mathematics TAWFIK, FOUAD ABDELAZIZ, Cairo, Egypt Cotton Marketing, Arob Studenls Orgonizotion, Americon Morketing Association, American Statistica l Association TAYLOR, JOHN MILTON, Pearsall Government, KA TJOA, TIN GIOK NIO, Bukittinggi, lndonesia Eng li sh TROIKE, RUDOLPH CHARLES, JR" Brownsville Germanic Longuoges TUCKER, ARNOLD JOSEPH, Fort Worth AI EE-1 RE, TSPE, SAME ,. Electricol Engineering, HKN, TB WACHEL, JOHNNY CHARLES, Loird Hill T~, TBl1, ASME, TSPE . ,Mechonical Engineering WENGER, ALAN GATEWOOD, Austin Zoology, Affi WILKERSON, F. EUGENE, Jenkintown, Pa . Chemistry, AX.!:, Y, Americon Chemicol Sociely, lnternational Club, Wesley foundotion WOOLSEY, ROBERT EUGENE DONALD, Dallas Mothemotics, ,.!:At. AFROTC, AI EE-1 RE, Pershing Rifles, SymphonicBand, Canlerbury Associotion ~~~~~.JJ/JJ'lf!ll~~~~-~!.-'~~~~ SENIORS AARS, GENE C., Clifton Retoiling, Americon Marketing Associotion, Longhorn Bond, Universily Chorus, ion . Simkins Holl House Council , Lutheron Students Associo ABDUL-LATIF, NUMAN A., Boghdod, lroq Chemicol Engineeri ng, AIChE, Arob Studenls Orgonizotion ABELL, MADELEINE WRIGHT, Whorton Elemenlory Educotion, IID<~, Astronomy Club, lnternolionol Club, Chorros ACREA, JAN CLOE, Austin Chemicol Engineering, AIChE, SAME ACREY, BEVERLY FAYE, Dollos Plon 11 ACUNA, ARNOLD SOTO, Corpus Christi Phormocy ACUNA, EDWARD, JR., Corpus Christi Elec1ricol Engineering, AIEE ADAMO, MICHAEL CHARLES, Houston Phormocy, KEI, K'i', Newmon Club ADAMS, ROLAND HOBSON, Denton Ceramic Engineering, American Ceramic Society, Keramos ADCOCK, HOWARD TERRY, Austin Mathemotics, Union Committees ADELS, MARLENE BEVERLY, Tyler Psychology , C..!:T ADKINS, BERT BENTLY, JR., Houston Plon 11, J'XA, BK, H ,~ .!:C. P, ll.!:A, Vorsity Debole, Outstonding Student AKIN, CHARLES RAY, JR" Austin English ond Hislory, Disciples Student Fellowship, Universily Religious Council AKIN, JIMMY HOWARD, Pasodeno Mechonicol Engineering, fiKA, ASME ALBRECHT, EDGAR GAYLE, Gol iad Geology ALBRECHT, ROBERT LOUIS, New Brounfels Mathemotics, H.!: ALFRED, JAMES KENNETH, JR., Compton, Calif. Civil Engineering, AXA, ASCE ALGER, DAVID WILLIAM, Austin Pre-Medicol, EIX, Froternity Presidents' Council, Tennis AL-KASHWAN, NOURI M., Baghdad, lraq English, Arob Students Orgonizotion ALLEN, LEN SPEARS, JR., Houston Accounting , ..!:t., ISA Poge 44 ..<..\~ CLASS OF 1959 ALLEN, MARY LEE, McGregorHome Economics, A..111, ON, Home Economics Club, Cop ond Gown, WesleyFoundotion LIVINGSTON, Weatherford . PLAALLEN, AE .: ,Accounting ALLEN, WHITCOMB MICHAEL, Austin Mechanical Engineering, ASME ALLENSWORTH, JACK L YLE, Henderson, Ky . Electricol Engineering, AIEE, IRE, Power Show ALLMOND, TED ROBINSON, Houston Sociology, AJU ALONZO, ANTHONY L., San Anton io Civil Engineering, AROTC, ASCE, TSPE, SAME, Rangers, Power Shaw ALVAREZ, HENRY JOSEPH, Corpus Christi Geology, Geological Society, Newman Club ANDERSEN, JANE KATHERINE, EI CampoGovernment, AA ,t. Sponsored Students Committee, lnternational Commission, Cactus ANDERSON, JAMES LLOYD, Abilene Tran sportotion , t.. KE ANDERSON, NELDA LUCILLE, Fort Worth Secretarial Studies ANDERSON, STANLEY EARL, Newgulf hemical Engineering, AX AIChE, BSU ,. TD :., (. ANGELL, RICHARD JAMES, Dallas Pharmacy, Xcf>, .te APPLEMAN, R. GORDON, Fo .r Worth Associatian, lntramurals, Cowbays . :., Hc.>,K <.>:. ,BA'i'BK,JUI, .: ,Ecanomics ARMSTRONG, GAE MARIE, Mission Unian Cammittees REW,Cactus, ,. o . ,Business Educatian, AXO ARMSTRONG, HENRY AUSTIN, Arlington Aeranautical Engineering, SAME, ROTC, Langharn Flying Club, Ameri ­can Rocket Saciety ARNOLD, WILLIAM DAVID, Houston Accaunt ing ASATO, SHOTOKU, Kitanakagusuku, Okinawa Accaunting ASBURY, LARRY MARSHALL, Abilene Gealagy, :!: ASFOUR, JOHN E., Beirut, Lebanon Philosophy, Pre-Law ASWAD, JAMAL, Aleppo, Syria Mechanical Eng ineering ATCHISON, THOMAS ANDREW, Richlond SpringsMathematics ATKINSON, CAROL ELAINE, Austin Elementary Education, ISA, A Cappella Chair, University Charus, Glee Club, Cap and Gown, Future Teachers of America, Wesley Foundatian ATWOOD, ALAN CLAYTON, Edinburg Petroleum Engineer ing, :!:X, AIME AUE, BETTY ANN, San Antonio Mathematics, M, Y, Orange Jackets, Gavernment Cammittees, West­ minster Student Fellowship, Goadfellaw BA.CON, WILLIAM DEAKYNE, JR ., Austin tkchanical Engineering, Teja s, ASME BAERTL, CHARLES EDWARD, Galveston finance, :!:X, American finance Associatian, Newman Club BAILEY, MELVIN LEWIS, Dallas Geology, t..KE, Gealogical Society BAIRD, JOHN DAVID, Austin sity Track Manager ershing Rifles, VarAssaciation, P . ,:!:t.,Accaunting BAKER, VIVIAN ROSE, Brenham Uppercla ss Advisar, Cap and Gawn ,. o . ,Business Education BAKER, WILLIAM ANDERSON, Austin lndustrial Engineering, t..T,t. Canterbury BALDRIDGE, JAMES WESLEY, Baytown Accaunting, AO, ISA, BSU BALL, JAMES WESLEY, Los Angeles, Calif . Aeranautical Englneering BALLAS, FRANCES FREDA, Dallas Business Education, llOll, Upperclass Advisor, Cap and Gown, Student Gavern ­ment Comm ittee BANACK, EMERSON, JR., Odessa Real Estate and lnsurance, cf>K'I' in. DON, Aus LLOYDBANDY, Business Administration and Pharmacy, .t. X, LPhA BANNURA, KHALIL B., Beit-Sahur, Jordan Chemical Engineering, AIChE, Arab Students Organization Page -45 ____,.........-......_ SENIORS BARBER, LELA MAE, San Antonio Government BAREFIELD, MARY ELIZABETH, Del Rio Business Secretarial llf! Society for the Advancement ,. Studies,Education, of Manogement BARKSDALE, ROBERT MARION, Fort Worth RE . ,EE . A, . HE, HKN, TBElectrical Engineering, BARLOW, PATRICK EDWARD, Austin Union Council X,o/Tejos, ,.. Plon BARNES, BARBARA ELLEN, lrving Accoun!ing, AZ, BAo/, Strike ond Sparc BARNES, BO BBY NEIL, Belton Finance and Banking BARNHILL, JOHN WILLIAMSON, Brenham Committees, Charros, Round-Up,KA, Student Governmentism, . Journa y Texan . Dai BARR, CHESTER ALWYN, Austin AeAXA, ,.. Plan BARR, JAMES MORGAN, Bay City Accounting, BA'I', Br:!: BARRAGAN, KATHRYN ANN, So n Antonio Union Committees Y,B, . ,History BARRY, DON W., Tyler ASMET:!:, . ,Engineering . Mechanica BARTH, NORMAN HERBERT, New Brounfels Physics, BK BARTLEY, GORDON LEE, San Antonio Economics BASS, SYDNEY CLARE, Dalhart History and English, AAA, BK, AAA BATCHELER, GEORGE EDMUND, New Brounfels History, Scabbord and B Pershing Riflesade, . . BATEY, JOHN LAROY, Corpus Christ Pre-Medico l, Texos Co llegiate Academy of Science . . BAUCUM, CHERRY CREAMER, Texarkana, Ark. Mathematics DallasE, . BEAIRD, DANNY LAGE 1 nsurance, ATA, Cowboys, Student Government Committees, 1 nsurance Saciety BEAN, WILLIAM CLIFTON, Omaha Ph ysi cs BEAULIEU, JOSEPH PAUL, JR., Grotan, Conn . Personnel Management, :!:IE, Society for the Advancement of Man­agement BECERRA, JOE E., Rosenberg Zoology, Newman Club BECK, MARVIN E., Waelder Architecture, AIA BECKER, LEONARD JOHN, JR., Galveston English and Technical Writing, ex, Canterbury BEERS, MARK HALL, Corpus Christi Petroleum Engineering, AIME, NROTC, Student Government Com­ mittees BEHRENDT, JOYCE LA VONNE, San Antonio Ba cteriology, UTSA, Charros, Triggerettes, Tumle, University Chorus BELCHER, EDGAR MARTIN, Dickinson Business Administration BELL, DONALD MORAN, Bay City lndustrial Management, Society for the Advancement of Management BENNER, THOMAS J., Dallas Secondary Education, Ko/, Cowboys, Union Council, Outstanding Student, Pr~sident Wilson's Advisory Council BILLIE JO YCE, Jacksonville ,. BENNE Business Education BENNETT, DAVID WILLIAM, Jacksonville AIChE ,A:!:,. l'B ng, al Engineeri .> Chem BENNETT, FLOYD T., Houston f inonce, Americon ~inance Associotion BENNETT, WILLIAM PARKER, Brownsville Mathematics BENSEND, LAURITS MOE, Brya nt, S. Dak. Chemistry BENSON, JOHN GREER, Herford . . BeHistory, BENTON, CHANNING CARLIN, Son Antonio Advertising, AA:!:, Canterbury BERNING, WILLIAM BERNARD, JR., Austin lndustria l Management Poge 46 1ii....."""""""""""""""""""il5l!~7Rll.lll1.. 1.1 ~~ wa:!.i.1111D111Jm'Allll. mm~s::;~~~~rJHJ.'lfT/lrl'i'?l/Jl//J~~~~~.,,.~~~ CLASS OF 1959 BERRY, DAVID WAYNE, Pendleton AIMETBII,I'E, .: ,Petroleum Engineering BERRY, FRANCES RUTH, Odesso Elementory Educotlon BEST, MARGARET AlYNE, Austin Secretoriol Studies , A...n, AA ,t.. /',t.. Cop ond Gown BIESEMEIER, JOHN CHARLES, Fort Worth Mechonicol Engineering, Westminster Student Fellowship BILLINGSLEY, LINDA SUE, Timpson English, BK, t...:U, Bluebonnet Belle Nominee, Disciples Student fellows.l ip BIRD, ARTHUR SNELL, Arlington Accounting, IIKA , Student Government Commil1ees BISHOP, JOHN SULLIVAN, Denison Economics, flKA, Conlerbury, Sociely for t.le Advoncement of Monoge­ment BITHER, WALDO JAMES, JR., Son Antonio Mot.l emotics BJORK, JERROLD CARL, tv'1ission Retoil ng , ..t:.. r, Americon Morketing Associotion . BLACK, BETH AGNES, Houston Art, BSU BLACK, CONNIE WINSLOW, Corpus Christi Elementory Educot ion, A >~ BLAKE, JACK EDWARD, Shermon Engl is,l. Curtoin Club • GASTON F., Centrol Folls, R . 1E, . BLANCHE X... 4>,ormocy.lP BLAND, MARY KATHRYN, Austin Home Economics, C.l ild Development, KAe, Cop ond Gown, Home Eco­nomics Club, Reogon, Student Government Commillees, REW, Turtle Club BLEAKNEY, MILLICENT ANN, Horlingen Elemenlory Educotion, ZTA, lntromurols, Student Government Commit­tees BLESCH, STEVEN EDWIN, Opa locka, Fla . Geology, H:!:, Geologicol Sociely, Conlerbury, lntromurals BLUNDELL, ROYCE C., Corpus Christi Englis.l BOATMAN, EDWARD MURL, Monahans Petroleum Engineering BOATRIGHT, DAVID ALEXANDER, Austin Psyc.lology BODINE, DANIEL EDWARD, Texas City lndustrial Monagement, Long .l orn Band, Jntromurols, Society for t.le Advoncement of Monogement BOECKER, CARROLL WILLIAM, Buckholts Mec.lanical Engineering, ASME, Lut .leron Student Assaciotion BOELTER, KENNETH CHARLES, Dallas Business Administrotion Council ..:, rn,.:t..,Accaunting BETSY SUE, McAllenGER,. BOE Englis,l. Poona BOGHS, NOE EDMUNDO, Donna .l :.... Long orn Bandn,,<1> ... ,Romance Languoges BOGLE, GEORGE E., Houston KA . ,Finance BOHLMANN, CAROL ANN, San Antonio Englis,l. M' Copperas CoveJR., ,. WILLIAM EMMEBOLCH, Civil Engineering, TBU, XE, ASCE, ISA, Student Engineering Council BOLTON, RAYMOND RALPH, Dallas Arc.l itecture, AJA, Arc .l itectural Student Council, Sp .l inx BOND, ERNEST PATRICK, Baytown Morketing, AK'i', Long.lorn Singers BONHAM, LELIA CLAIRE, Sulphur Springs .!.. .!, Busin~ss Education, X BOONE, JACK B., Memphis Government, Tejas, Cowboys BOOHER, CLAUDE ROBERT, JR., San Antonio Mechonical Engineering, ASME, TLOK Co-Op E HILARY, Taylor . ANNEBOOTH, Englis,l. ,f..t:.A Turtle Club BOSTICK, MARION KATHLEEN, Houston B . ,Sociology DON EDWARD, Mineral Wells ,. BO Jaurnalism BOUCHARD ANDRE, Austin Morketing, l:E, Varsity Track, Vorsity Cross Country, American Morketing Association Page 47 SENIORS BOWSER, MARTHA LOUISE, Dallas Eng lish, t.t..l, l:.tTI, Orange Jackets BOYD, MARILYN ANN, Austin Art Education, .er, RI L, Y, Turtle Club, Co-ed Forum, Union Committees , Goodfellow, Round-Up BOYER. CYNTHIA SUE, Rockdale Psychology BRADLEY, CARL GENE, EI Paso lnterior Design, KT BRADY, BLUFORD LEONARD, Fort Worth Mathematics BRADY, WILLIAM EDMOND, Grand Pra irie BA'I'n, .:. ,Accounting BRAMLET, JERRY CHARLENE, Co•pus Christi Eng lish , .t.t.t BRANDES, WILLIAM HEATON, lrving Architecturol Engineering, AAAE BRANNAN, SUZANNE, Gainesville Music Education, LAI, University Chorus, Charros BRAUER, EMIL BERNARD, Corpus Christi Petroleum Engineering, LA E, AIME BREWER, ROBERT HERMAN, San i\ngelo Econom ics Corpus ChristiY LOUISE, . BEBREWSTER, Turtle Club r, . Elementary Education, A, N~OTC Spons BRIDGES, JIM L" Austin Architecture, AIA BRIDGES, \A/ILLIAM RANDOLPH, Abile ne Mathematics, LN, Pershing Rifles, Southwestern Rocket Society BRISCOE, JAMES PARMENAS, Alvin Business Administration, ATO, Scabbard and Blade, Student Government Committees BRITAIN, CLEO ANN, Houston lnterior Decoration, r4>B, Reagan RAYMOND, lrving JAMESAIN,. BRl Physical Education, PEM, T Association, lntramurals BROADFOOT, MARSHA ANN, San Antonio English, KAe, Y, Spooks, Reagan BROADWAY, BARBARA SUE, Madisonville Business Education and Secretarial Studies, ZTA, llOll, Student Govern ­ment Committees BROESCH E, CAROLYN CLAYTON, Houston Art, A.<..ll, Y, ROTC Sponsor BROOKS, FELTON DON, Comanche Electrical Engineering, AIEE, IRE, ASME BROOKS, KENNETH LEE, Wichito Falls Electrical Engineering, IRE, AIEE, SAME, AFCEA lE PATRICIA, San An1onio . NEBROOKS, Elementary Education, Pyromld Club BROOKS, WILLIAM BRYAN, Texarkana Aeronautical Engineering, HL, TBll, ISA, BSU, University Chorus , University Religious Cour.r.il BROTZMAN, KATHLEEN LOUISE, Austin Plan 11, Y, Halstead Co-Op, Christian Faitl: and Life Community, Wesley Foun­dation BROWN, FLORENCE DAY, Tyler English, KKI' BROWN, GILBERT SEAY, Dallas Petroleum Engineering, AXA, AIME, Fratecnity Presidents' Council BROWN, MACKIE NEAL, Abilene Retail Marketing, XI'T, Southwestern Rocket Society, Geological So­ciety, American rketing Association, Society for he Advoncement . 'k. of Management, conghcrn flying Club BROWN, MASON COOPER, lrving Civil Engineering, 6;::', ASCE BROWN, RAYMOND RALPH, San Antonio Government, Tejas, Cowboys, ~tump Spcaking, faculty-Student Discipline Committee, Round-Up, Goodfellow, Student Party BROWN, ROY E" JR., San Angelo Secondary Education, Social Studies BROWNE, THOMAS H" San Antonio Physical Education, PEM, Y, Christian faith and Life Community,Wesley Foundation LLOYD TRUMAN, Pampa ,. BRUMME Radio-Te levi sion, A .tL, ISA, Radio-TV Guild BRUNSON, THOMAS C" Houston Pharmacy, .tX, PX, LPhA, Student Government Committees, Union Board of Directors, Assembly BRYANT, WILLIAM RICHARD, San Antonio ASMEneering, . Mechanical Eng BUCK, BOBBIE SUE, Houston Home Economics, KAE\, Upperclass Advisor, Reagan Page 48 CLASS OF 1959 KermitX BRANSFORD, . FELBULLS, ics . hema . Mo H, Austin ZABET . NE EL . BURKE, KATHER Symphonyenic, .. Panhe . Cap and Gown, Professiona >~;:.. .. ,in . ied Vio . App Orchestra AustinCK, . ROBB KENDRBURLAGE, ver . SiFriars,Y,NASA-TISA,,:!:t.AX,:!:.. ,an 11, Jaurnalism, AXA . P Georgeow, .. Goodfeudent, . standing S . y Texan Editor, Ou . DaiSpurs, REWarship, . Brackenridge Scha W. BURNS, STELLA MAUREEN, Haustan enic .. PanheACE, .., AAZ,.t,ary Educatian . emen. E DallasLL, . BYWATHERS, WALTER H Canterburyagy, . Zoo JEAN, McAllen LLY . BN, . CA -Orange Jackets, Outstanding Student, AsPEM,AX{),ion, . Educa . Physica CammiHee . Spiri . RayaPoana,UTSA, ,. University Wamen's Councisembly, CALDWELL, GERALD WAYNE, Goliad TSPEASME,Engineering, . Mechanica CALLAWAY, CLARENCE L., JR., Dallas Finonce , :!:t. JI, American Finance Assaciatian, AROTC CAMPBELL, CAROLYN JANE, Carpus Christi Cap and GawnSpaaks, ,. , Education Counci J!A!'4>B,Education,ementary. E Part Arthur ,... ,LSON . D W . CAMPBELL, DAV AAAEEngineering, . Architectura CAMPBELL, THOMAS RALPH, Austin Architecture, Acocia CAPPS, GLENN RUPE, Masan ,. e-MedicaPr . NN .. AE . CARD, W E GLEE, Weslaca .Physica ey Foundatian .Education, PEM, Paana, Wes CARDENAS, LEONEL E., Del Rio ub .y Texan, Newman C .ba, Dai .ism, A .Journa LL, CLARA PAULA, Longview .CARG {)agy, X .Bacterio LLY RONALD, Wich ita Falls .CARNES, B eum Engineering, e ;::, .Petro Fraternity Presidents' Council NROTC Rifle Team, langhorn ,Band CARNES, ROBERT ALEXANDER, EI Poso ade, Charros .ogy, A{), Scabbard and B .Psycho CK EDWARD, Emmetsburg, lowa .CARNEY, PATR Engineering, AIEE-IRE .ectrica .E CAROTHERS, CHARLES HUEY, Houston .ectrica .E Engineering, AI EE, BSU CARPENTER, JAMES ALFRED, Deer Park . Gea JR., Belton CE, . CARPENTER, OWEN PR AK'i'KA, . ,Banking and Finance CARR, LARRY ANTHONY, San Antonio Petro eum Engineering, AIME, TSPE . GorlandLTON, . CARRAWAY, PAUL M Petro eum Engineering, A{), AIME, TSPE . CARRICK, JOHN LOWELL, Cactus d Air Society . Arna ,. e-MedicaProgy, . Anthropo CARROLL, PERRY B" Jr., Dallas ... AE ,. B9ry,. Chemis , Houston NIA FAY . RG . , V CARROLL UTSA ,. n . ,t.......,Business Education MidlandNE, . NE ELA . CARSON, KATHER Reaganr,.t,ementary Educotion . E CARTER, LINDA KAY, Childress Advisors,Campus . E Education, AX{), ACE, Al ion . ey Founda . T eachers of America, Union Committees, Wesementary future . CASE, HOWARD BERNARD, Bonham Eectrica Engineering, AIEE, IRE, Rocket Discip es Student . Society,American .. owship . Fel CASEY, KATHERINE FRANCES, Dallas ub . e C .. Gown, Tur UTSA, Cap ond91:<1>,,AA!..,{)AXism, . Jaurna onio . San An,CASMERE, SUZANNE Business Administration, X{) CASON, SANDRA, Victoria udent. S ,. RI L, Mortar Board, University Women's CounciY,ish, . Eng Government Committees, Christian Faith and life Community CASTO, JERRY DALE, Dilley lntramuralsRE, . ,EE . AMothematics, CATER, JOHN THOMAS, San Antonio Business Administratian ond Law, .ATQ, <1>-,.\t. Fraternity Presidents' Council, Si ver Spurs . CA TO, GAYLORD LEE, Electra Mechanica Engineering, ASME, lntramurals . A CARMEN, McAllen . LYDCAVAZOS, Music Education E~.\. ,ogy Page 49 SENIORS ------... . CAZAMIAS, KATHERINE H., Laredo English, Campus Chest, Daily Texan CECIL, JAMES WILBOR, Houston Chemical Engineering, AIChE CEJDA, JAMES M., Montezuma, Kan . X. >A0, UTSA CLARK, DON GENE, Winslow, Ariz. Electrical Engineering, AI EE, 1RE CLARK, ELIZABETH SNYDER, Baird Music Education, .t.,t. l:AJ, University Chorus CLARK, JAMES LEATON, Austin Retail Pharmacy, .t X, LPhA, BSU CLARK, RONALD J., Wichita Falls Petraleum Engineering, .tT, AIME CLARK, ROSEMARY HARDA, Texas City English, Jl CLARK, WILLIAM BRUTON, Dallas Persannel Management, Y, Wesley Faundatian CLEMENTS, JAMES R., Henderson 1nterior Decoration CLINE, JAMES McGOWEN, Camilla Real Estate and lnsurance, X(I>, lntromurols CLOUSER, HARVEY HERBERT. JR., San Antonio Mechanical Engineering, ASME, ISA COCHRUM, KENNETH LEE, Baytown Petroleum Engineering X, AIME, AFROTC, Scobbard and Blade , .: , Arnold Air Society COLE, BEVERLY ANN, Haustan Accounling, A.r.t COLE, JAMES LEON, Big Spring Electrical Engineering, Xl'I, AI EE, 1RE, TSPE, Student Government Commillees, lntramura ls COLEMAN, BRADY STEELE, Houston Economics, .tKE COLIN, FRED RODGERS, Mexico City, D. F. e~l> .) ,Economics COLLINS, JAMES BRYAN, Tyler Petroleum Engineering, AIME COLLINS, LUCY ANN, Waco Eng lish , .t.t., Ponhellenic, Mortor Board, Oronge Jackets, RI L, Outstanding Student, Si lver Spur Award COLLINS, PEGGY, Dallos Art COLWICK, RUTH CATHERINE, Dallas English, KAe, Y, Student Government Committees, Racket Club COMPTON, HOWARD AYRES, JR., Dallas 8.. >B, UTSA, BSU, Strike and Spare CONLON, JOHN LOFTIN, San Antanio Electricol Engineering, AIEE, IRE, ISA, Fencing Team, Chess Club CONNERY, DAVID BRADFORD, JR., Midland Government, LX Poge 50 CLASS OF 1959 ~-~~ CONOLY, DAN BARTLETT, JR., Beeville Professionol Froternity Council LPhA,X, ~<. ,Phormocy COOK, ALTON HENRY, JR ., Seguin Electricol Engineering, 8011, AIEE COOK, SALL Y F., Son Antonio Advertising, XQ, OL COOKE, JOHN CURZON, Loke Jackson Chemicol Engineering, AXL, Southwestern Rocket Society COOKSEY, JAMES GL YNN, Athens Petroleum Engineering, AIME COOPER, B. K., JR., Gatesville Electricol Engineering COOPER, NORMAN LEE, Austin Civil Engineering, ASCE COOPER, THOMAS EDWARD, Dallas Electricol Engineering, AI EE, 1 RE COPE, ANNE BUSH, Neosho, Mo. English, Ar COPE, KENNETH WARREN, Neosho, Mo. X . Journolism, L CORBIN, BILL RAY, Kerrville Bonking, Americon Morketing Association, Americon Finonce Association COTTEN, ELEANOR MILLS, Victorio Home Economics, Nutrition, A, Home Econom:cs Club, Union Comm ittees ER, JOHN D., Panhondle . CO Architecturol Engineering, AAAE COULTER, JOHN WILLIAM, Austin Phormocy, Ko/ , LPhA COULTER, TOMMIE JEAN, Post Pharmacy, KE, LPhA COX, COMMIE LEON, San Juan Civil Engineering, ASCE COX, DAVID PRICE, Denison Aeronouticol Engineering, IAeS COX, JAN CAMPBELL, Alvin n, Home Economics Club . Home Economics, A CRAIG, GAYLA, Austin Home Econamics, Teocher Educotion, XQ, AFROTC Sponsor, Vorsity Carni ­vol Queen, Round-Up, Sweetheort Finolist, Bluebonnet Belle, 10 Most Beautiful Nominee, Cowboy Sweetheort, Wesley Foundotion, Goodfellow, Student Government ond Union Committees CRAIN, CAROL ANN, Jacksonville Elementory Educotion, rB, Upperclass Advisor, Cop ond Gown CRAWFORD, JAMES EDGAR, Highlonds Pharmacy, LPhA, BSU, Compus Guild CRAWFORD, LINNDA HUBBELL, Austin Home Economics Education, Home Economics Club, Cop ond Gown CRAWFORD, ROBERT JAMES, McAllen , Vorsity Association, Vorsity Track . ,Aeronouticol Engineering, IAeS Cross Country, lntromurals CRAWLEY, DOl.PH R., Goldsmith Mechonical Engineering CREEL, MORRIS MADDEN, Phillips Mechanical Engineering, Ko/, HL, ASME CREGHAN , FRANK LANE, Hershey, Pa . Physicol Education, PEM Club, AAHPER CRENSHAW, HUGH LESLIE, Austin Geology, XJ"f, Geological Society, Speleological Society CRIDER, BILLIE JO, Lampasas Elementory Educotion, ACE, Glee Club DallasMICKEY, ENDEN, . CRl lnterior Design WILLIAM ARTHUR, Ballinger,. CROCKE KA . ,Physics CROMWELL, HARRIET, Taylor Cop ond Gown ,. A.1.h, Englis CROW, JIMMY PAT, Fort Worth Business Administration CRUTCHFIELD, JOHN ROY, Austin Botony, KK.Y , longhorn Band CUBA, BENJAMIN JAMES, Temple lndustriol Monogement, Society for the Advancement of Monogement DACAMARA, SHIRLEY PRISCILLA, Laredo Sponish, AXI?, Union Committees DALE, JOHN WESLEY, Falfurrias . Pre-Medical, Acacia, AE Pag<> 51 Orange ,... SENIORS DANCY, OSCAR CROMWELL, ... T.t,Zoology e . , JUDITH KAY, Temp DANNEBERGHome Economics Club, Cop and Gawn, Christian Science ,.. .. lnterior Design, A Orgonizotion ndonesia . ,ong . DARMODJO, SOESANTO. Mage Physics NDA MARSHALL, Dallas . , L DARNALL English, Canterbury ias . JAMES, Da DARTLEY, KENNETH .: Chemistry, AX DAU, RALPH WALDROM, Dallas -Cammittees, Good Council, Union Silver Spurs, lnterfraternity '..., <1>1,Plan 11 fellow, Round-Up, Sing Song .Lowrence, Moss JR",ES, THOMAS JOSEPH . DAV Manogement, Society for the Advancement of Management DAVIS, BARBARA ANN, Houston r... ,Elementory Education er . , Ty LLIE EDWIN. BS, . DAV Mechanical Engineering, Afl, ASME, TSPE, ISA DAV S, ELIZABETH ANN, Freeport . Home Ecanomics, Home Economics Club, Texas Stars, Union Committees, ' Westminster Student Fellowship , Austin CK GAIL . DAVIS, FREDER Restaurant ond Hotel Management Austin.i., JAMES EDWAR S . DAV Chemicol Engineering, H ~. Q, .\T, AIChE :., adewater . , G B.MALCOLMS, . DAV Aeranautical Engineering, HE, ISA, IAeS Corpus ChristiRE, . ON CLA . DAVIS, MAR English Education, Z'l'A as . RLEY, Dai . SHS, . DAV Elementary Education, .tJ', ACE, BSU, Cop and Gawn DAWSON, DOROTHY, San Antonio Plan 11, Z'rA, Y, Unian and Student Government Committees, Reagon , Orange Jackets, Spooks, Goodfellow, Outstanding Student . DAY, EUGENE W ., Austin Petroleum Engineering DEAN, JANE E., Fort Worth Petroleum Engineering ond Mathemotics, 11B, AIME DeBARDELEBEN, MICHAEL LINDA, Fort Worth English ond Elementory Educotion, UTSA, Poono, Tumle, Wesley Foundotion o .. AmoriJR., HOLLIS BAXTER, DeGRASSI, lnsuronce, K'i', AK'I', lnsuronce Society, American Finance Association DELANEY, CAROLE JEAN, Lubbock Reogon .., AAE,~f< . ,......t.,Music Educotion DeLEON, RAYMOND SEBASTIAN, San Antonio Psychology and Zoology, Newman Club DEMING, JESSE MILTON, Fort Worth Engineering Route to Bu siness Administration, American Ceramic Society DERRETT, DELBERT HENRY, Boytown History DERRICK, DONALD HUGH, Burton Chemistry Poso . S E., E . DORDETER, Upperclass Advisor ,.. Nutritio DICKEY, BARBARA LOIS, Forney English, AA Symphonic Bond, University Chorus, All Campus Advisors , , ... Wesley Foundatian Paso . CKSON, EDGARD HAL, E . D Finonce, L\KE, American Finance Associotion, Society for Advancement of Management o . MARVIN ALTON, San AngeDIERSCHKE, lndustrial Manogement, .t:..., EIE, Society for the Advancement of Management DIETERT, LLOYD EDWARD, Comiort Aeronautical Engineering, IAeS, American Racket Society CHARD LELAND, Bryan, Ohio . RETZ, . D Accounting, BA '!< DILLARD, C. WINSTON, Austin Petraleum Engineering, EE, AIME orado City . MAX MURRAY, CoLLARD, . D Petroleum Engineering, AIME, ISA, BSU DENSON POWELL, AustinNGLER, . D he Advancement of Management . Society forATll,Personnel Management, ington . CHAEL MAYO, Ar . M .,... KA . ,Pre-Medical CarrolltonCHARD, . N R . MELVXON, . D Gealogy, Geological Society Page 52 DUSON, WALTER WEBB, EI Compo s, Sphinx , CowboyKA . ,Architecture DZJLSKY, JEAN ANN, Baytown Elementory Educotion, Christian Science Orgonizotion EASON, JUDITH LYNN, Clevelond, Miss. Secretoriol Studies, XQ EBAUGH, ALBERT LIPSCOMB, Austin Chess Club :., H, . Philosophy, K+, AE EBEL, CHARLES E., Rosenberg LPhA, Longhorn BondX, . Phormocy, EDDS, JANICE LOIS, Temple Physicol Educotion, UTSA, PEM, Poono, Uppercloss Advisor, Chorros, Union Committees EDELMAN, ARLA FAYE, University City, Mo. T ..: ,Physicol Educotion EDGAR, KENNETH RAY, Grohom .: H,AQs,Physic EDGAR, MARY PATRICIA, San Antonio Business Educotion ond Secretoriol Studies, flQ ISA, Wesley Foundotion, , . Theodorne Co-Op EDMISTON, JOHN ROBERT, Edinburg Aeronouticol Engineering, IAeS. TSPE, ISA EGAS, OSWALDO ANIBAL, Quito, Ecuador Mechonicol Engineering EHLERS, MARCIA ANNE, Uvalde Sociology, Conlerbury EICHLER, JANE ELIZABETH, Brenham Elementory Educotion , .A., ACE, Lutheron Studenl Associotion, UniversilyReligious Council ELLEBRACHT, JAMES FLOYD, Mason , AIME rE .: ,troleum Engineering 1. P STEPHEN CLAY, Dallas,. ELLJO Architecturol Engineering, AXA , AFROTC, Westminster Studenl Fellowship ELLIS, LYNN GAIL, Mission Studenl Government Commillees, Union Y,h, AXQ, . Physics ond Mo Commi t.ees ELLISON, AUSTIN McFARLAND, Paris Business Administrotion ELL1SON, DAVI D RAGSDALE, Austin Reol Estote ond lnsuronce, ~>K'i' ENGEL, EMILY FLACHMEIER, Austin Administrotion of Youth Serving Agencies, .\ O Lutheron Student Associotion, Assembly ENGELKING, JO ANN, San Angelo Elementory Educotion, KKr Poge 53 \., ,A,. Un ion Commi t.ees, DONAGHEY, LEWIS WHEELER, Trenton Silver Spurs, AROTC, Goodfellow :., Finonce, A~>Q, H DOOLEY, MAX DON, Ronger Phormocy, K+ , l'X, LPhA DORN, GEORGE ALBERT, Houston Mechonicol Engineering, 6X, ASME DORN, ROSEMARY BUTSCHEK, Houston Business Administrotion , Newmon Club ' .. , DOUGLAS, GEORGE EDWARD, Austin Accounling, Xl 'l DOUGLAS, WALTER BROCKMAN, Houston Mechon icol Engineering, ASME DOUGLASS, LYNNE, Corpus Christi Elementory Educotion, A~>. Y, Reogon, Future Teochers of Americo, Weslminster Student Fellowship DREWA, ALLAN LOUIS, Seguin Petroleum Engineering, AIME JO ANN, Austin ,. DUCKE Mothemotics DUFF, CATHERINE ELAINE, Son Antonio Advertising, Americon Morketing Associotion, Cop ond Gown DUNAGAN, OTIS THEODORE, JR., Tyler Rodio ond Television, AEP DUNAWAY, JERRY CLARENCE, Decotur ASCE, Student Engineering Council , . Civil Engineering, X~:. TB DUNLAP, DEBORAH, Dollos Child Development, KKl' DUNLOP, CHARLES AUSTIN, Houston Geology, Berr DURHAM, WALTER WINN, Fort Worth .:. A•~\X.,rtising, Adve DURWAY, CHARLES LINDSEY, Fort Worth Personnel Monogement, Society for the Advoncement of Monogemenl SENIORS ELD, Austin . NF . ENOS, ROBERT W minster Student Fe . RI L, WesXJ'I,Sciences, . Socia ,VEL, SANDRA . ESQU Austin KAe . . an. P owship .. Y Student Government and Union Committees, Orange Jackets , ,ist . fina .. uebonnet Be . Bist, . Sweetheart Finaenic, .. Cap a ~d G~w~, Panhe ow, Mortar Board .. Goodfe AM CHAPMAN, Waxahachie . ESTES, WILL Finonce, K..>\, Silver Spurs, American f inance Associotion, lnterfraternity . Counci ESTESS, BERTHOLD HENRY, Houston KE... ,. Pre-Medica LaMarqueTCHEL, . LLIAM M . EVANS, W Business Administration, SAME, ASME, Society for the Advancement of Management A LEE, Anahuac . EZER, SYLV ementary Education . E FAGAN, KATHERYN, Fort Worth RI L, Canterbury, Cap and Gown r, .....: ,>AH2:, KK'I', Longhorn Bond 1 ! FAMBROUGH, GUY CRAIN, Raymondville Finonce, ex, Vorsity Tennis FARQUHAR, JOAN CAROLYN, Sinton ,Mortar BoardOX,, ... es and Design, Ar, AA . othing, Texti . s, C Home EconomicOutstanding Student, . Texas Union Counci FAULKNER, GENE LLOYD, Austin ub . Engineering, ASCE, Austin C . Civi 'San AntonD, . . LL . FAUST, W AM RE o Engineering, ASCE . Civi PolestineLLON, . FELDER, JEAN BARR Student Government andass Advisor, . Uppercl, . R, . hbeY, AsZTA,ogy, . Socio Union Committees FELT, PATSY RUTH, San Antonio enic .. Science Education, AXQ, Panhe FENNELL, ROSE L YNN, Beaumont ogy . Bacterio . . . Engineering, ASCE . Civi FENW CK, W LL AM B., Vicksburg, Miss. FERGUSON, RAYMOND DALTON, JR., Victoria Studies . Socia CHARD WAYNE, Houston . RFERGUSON, Americany, . Student Government Committees, Assemb ,..: AMorketing, . ration Counci . Marketing Association, Business Adminis FERRELL, GWEN, Houston AXQish, . Eng FERRELL, JACK EARL, Dollas Bacterio ogy, X . FERRILL, T. CRAIG, San Antonio ... Chemistry, AE DallasNANCY,ELDING, . F Triggerettesub, . ogy, Baw and Arraw C . Bacterio FILLEMAN, CHARLES S., San Angelo Society for the Advancement of Monagement l:IE,ations, . Re . ndustria . F NCHER, DONALD FRANKLIN, Healdton, Okla. . Monager .. nior FootbaAEA, Se ,. e-Medica Chemistry and Pr FISHER, LUKE C., JR., Dollas ade . Transportation, l:E, Scabbard and B FISHER, RICHARD BRADLEY, Fort Worth ver Spurs, Student Government Committees . Si ,. Business Administratian, ne FISHER, WILDA RUTH, Sweeny Speech, SA, Varsity Debate, Canterbury, Student Government Commit­ . owship .. tees, Longhorn Christian Fe FITZGERALD, BILLY WILSON, Orange Society for the Advancement of Management Management, . Personne FLANNERY, JOHN OGE, JR., San Antonio TSPEME, . eum Engineering, X, A . Petro FLATHOUSE, VIRGIL EDMOND, Son Antonio ish . Eng FLORES, RICHARD PATINO, San Antonio Pharmacy, LPhA FOOSE, JERRY GENE, White Deer ASMEAcacia,Engineering, . Mechanica FORD, DON DUANE, Houston Society . ogica . GeoAKE,ogy, . Geo FORRESTER, TERRY NORMAN, Pampa Architecture, Acacia, AQ FOSTER, BARBARA ANNE, Corpus Christi History, l'B, Reagan, Cap and Gown, Student Government Committees, ey Foundation . Wes FOWLER, WILLIAM DODD, Alice ChE . Engineering, A . Chemica Page 54 CLASS OF 1959 , Houston AM JOSEPH . LL . WFOWLER, Newmon Club s, . , Speech lntromuro Kineering, Eng . ectrico . E CH, MARION LAWRENCE, JR., Aronsos Poss . FRAK Business Admin istrotion, .t:. JI , Bynum N EMMERSON . EUFRANK, Mothemotics AustinLL, . FRANK, FELICITY H Accounting , J' ~>B, REW, Uppercloss Advisor, Union ond Student Gov ­ernment Committees, Cop ond Gov'n Son Antonio E GLYNN, . FRANKS, CHER Secretoriol Studies, J\XG FRANKS, JAMES MARTIN, Tyler ~:... ,finonce FREEMAN, MARY LOU, Loop Elementory Educot ion, ISA ELMER LEE, FredericksburgEDRICH, . FR Engineering Route to Business Administrotion, Society for the Advoncement of Monogement FRIERSON, JOHN EDWARD, McComey Phormocy, .tT, Ke, AIChE, Newmon Club GALLAGHER, PATRICIA MARY, Arlington Accounting, lntromurols, Newmon Club ,US . THEODORE CORNELGALLAGHER, lnterior Decoration GAMBLE, ROLAND ELLIS, Austin Civil Engineering, ASCE, TSPE GAMEL, WILLIAM GLENN, Lomposos AEC.N, .: ,Pre-Medicol GANS, MELBOURNE STANLEY, Fort Worth Electricol Engineering, Ke, AI EE, SAME, Student Government Committees , Newmon Club Son Antonio NE, . CHRISTGARCES, Bocteriology LoredoLUIS,A, GUSTAVO . GARC Accounting, Loredo Club GARMANY, RICHARD P., Houston Plon 11 ond History, X GARNER, EDITH JANE, Victorio English, longhorn Bond, Symphonic Bond, Westminster Student Fellowship GARNER, WILLIAM CURRAN, Terrell Accounting, AK'I' BRYSON, Hoslom D . DAV ,. GARRE Business Administrotion , Dollos JOHN ROBERT,. GARRE s . lntromuroAIME,Petroleum Engineering, LOVIC TALMADGE, Austin ,. GARRE Petroleum Engineering, AIME, Rocket Club JOSEPH, Roymondville RONALD ,. GARRE Zoology GENSLER, JAY DON, Wickett Chemicol Engineering H:!:, KK'I', AIChE, Longhorn Bond GENTRY, ROBERT BYRD, Denton Personnel Monogement , .t:.., Society for the Advoncemenl of Monogement GERICK, EDWIN JOHN, Bortlett Electricol Engineering, AIEE, IRE AustinJR.,CK, . LEONARD FREDERESECKE, . G Economics, ISA, Ronger Associote Editor ROBERT BRUCE, Fort Worth ,. GILLE CowboysKE,.t ,. Pre-Medico GoldthwoiteL, . JAMES NEGILLIAM, Austin ,. .. .tr<.> ,Chemicol Engineering Page 5.~ SENIORS GINN, GEORGE HOLMES, EI Paso Architecture, KA, AIA, Student Government Committees, Freshmon Cross Co~ntry, NROTC, Sc.c bbard and Blade GLENNEY, AMY JEAN, San Antonio Music Education, :!:AI, Texas Woodwind Quintet, Symphonic Orchestra, Symphonic Band GLIDDEN, TEDDY G., LaMarque Mechanical Engineering, ASME GOLDBERG, MARILYN ANN, Corsicana Journalism, AE, AM, 6.!:<1>, Assembly, Panhellenic, Spooks, Orange Jackets, Goodfellow GOLDSTEIN, EDMOND, Forrest City, Ark. Electrical Engineering, <~:!:.l, Union Committees GOLDSTEIN, MAURICE, Sherman -Silver Spurs, Student Government ComAROTC, :., .. A,...:<.> ,Advertising mittees GONZALEZ, EDWARD ESQUIVEL, San Antonio Pharmacy, .lX, LPhA, Newman Club, Sommers Memorial Pharmoceuti­cal Scholarship, Wilbur S. Davidson Scholarship GONZALEZ, ENRIQUE, San Jose, Costa Rica Retailing, American Marketing Association, Newman Club GONZALEZ-GERTH, ENRIQUE, Mexico City, D. F. Petroleum Engineering GORDON, ANN MARIE, Abilene s . Student Government Committe AH, .: ,IB"Speech, J GORDON, MARY L YNN, Fort Worth Chemistry, Westminster Student Fellowship, Eulenspiegelverien GOUSHE, KHALIL, Austin lnternational Trade, Arab Student Organization, lnternational Club GRAINGER, GENEVA JILL, Tyler Home Ecor.omics, 11 B GRAVES, MARTHA CAROLYN, Goldthwaite Foundation, Christian RI L, Orange Jackets, WesleyA!, .: ,Music Education Faith and Li fe Community GRAVLEY, LOWREY FRANKLIN, Carrollton Pharmacy, C.X, LPhA GRAY, JOHN CLIFTON, Tyler lndustrial Management, .!:<~~;, Va rsity Swimming, Society for the Adva ncement of Management ~~. w~~~~rf!f1mf.m.~~~~--~ GREEN, HERBERT LESTER, Laredo Accounting, .l.!: .r, AFROTC, Pershing Rifles, Newmon Club GREEN, JOHN TATUM, Dallas Business Administration, C.'l'C., H:!:, Scabbord and Blade, Superiar Cadet Award, Honor Roll, AROTC, Outstanding Quartermaster Cadet GREER, ROBERT GORDON, Waco KA . ,Econamics and Government GREGORY, JACK ADOLPHUS, Corpus Christi Accounting, xrI GREGORY, JOE MILLER, JR" LaPorte Engineering Route to Business Administration, ASME GREGSTON, JERRY KENNETH, Sweetwater Mechanical Engineering, ASME GRIFFIN, SHIRLEY MAY, Austin Home Economics, Child Development, ISA GRIFFITH, DON PAUL, Lockhort Chemical Engineering, B61T, 1\T, ·~H:!:, Friars, AIChE, Cawboys,Outstanding Student GRIGAR, LOUIS ALBERT, Thrall History, Texas State Historicol Association GRODAHL, MARY MARGARET, Corpus Christi Engl ish, ZTA, Reogan GROVE, VERNON EUGENE, JR., Austin Pharmacy, Acacia, K'I', LPhA, Sauthwestern Rocket Society, Symphonic Band, Gymnastics Team GUESS, JAMES L YNN, Salado Physical Educatian, PEM GUEVARA, GAMALIEL, Crystal City Civil Engineering, xrI, ASCE GUILLETT, DONALD B., Austin Life lnsurance, AFROTC GUNSTREAM, ALICE WESLEY, Dallas English, XQ, Reagan, ROTC Spansor, Union Committees, Chi Gamma loto Sweetheart GUTIERREZ, MANUEL RAMIRO, Rio Grande City Education, A<~Q, Wesley Foundotion GUTIERREZ, MARIA CELESTE, Rio Grande City Pharmacy, KE, LPhA GUTIERREZ, RAUL, JR., Laredo Secondary Education, Longhorn Band HAGER, GEORGE WASHINGTON, Richardson Electrical Engineering, :!:K HAILEY, JAMES LEON, Harlingen Retailing, :!:K, AROTC, Distinguished Military Student, American Marketing Association, Student Government Commillees Page 56 ~~.lf/.t~~....ll...8.;-------------------------------­ CLASS OF 1959 - HAKEMACK, PEGGY, Houston E emenlory Educotion, J OK, Student Governmenl Committees , '..:. . LYNN CARL, TohokaCEK, . HALAM Pharmocy, >J.. X, Ook Grove HALFORD, ROBERT LAVELLE, Austin A . Architecture, A HALL, JOSEPH WESTON, JR., Fart Worth Architectura Engineering, KA, XE, ASCE, TSPE, Student Gov ­ AAAE, . y . Assemb ,. udent Engineering Counci . ernment Commillees. S .ArkDorado, . MARGARET ANN, ELTON, . HAM Commilleesub, Student Governmenl . e C . Turt ,. Ashbe .JL<\e,ish, . Eng SUE NELL, HoustonLTON, . HAM Z . ,ony. Bo HAMMOND, WELDON WOOLF, San Antonio Society, Chorros . ogico . ME, NROTC, Geo . AKA, . ,ogy . Geo HAMPEL, ALBERT CARL, McGregor Accounling, AROTC e .. KerrviA, . C . ANA PATR . DHAMPSON, HomeSA, . ,Designes, . i . hing, . o . Home Economics, C Tex Costume Economics ub . Cub, Curloin . C HANAPEL, JANE CLARE, Waco ub . f. Newmon C ~~.< ,Monogement s . ntromuro . ,y Mon Contest Winner . Vorsity Cornivo . Personne Ug ,. ,. ci .: ,Engineering . Chemico e . TempROGER B., HARPER, Petroleum Engineering SE, Bryan . ANE LOU . DS, . HARR Americo, Reogon Future Teochers ofL, . R,J>BK<,.:...:..t..,ish . Eng er . ALAN, Ty S, GREGG . HARR QXE ,. 1'B X, HUGH K., Fort WorthS, . HARR .: H ,.:..: ,BK :., K<.> ,sPhysic and . MMY LYN, East . S, J . HARR ME . eum Engineering, X, A . Petro KATHRYN NAN, LongviewS, . HARR ish . Eng HART, ROBERT GEORGE, Greggton Personne Monagement, for Advoncement of Monoge• Sociely the . ment, American t-Jtorketing Associotion Houston ,... ,CHARLESHARTER, ub . Newmon C :., HN, AK'i', .: ,Engineering Route to Business Administrotion HARTMAN, GERALD LEE, JR., Fort Worth owship .. es Student Fe . DiscipSA, . ,Studies . nternationo . E HARRY, Fredericksburg . FREDDHARTMANN, Rocket SocietyAeS, Americon . ,Engineering . Aeronoutico SE, Austin . LETA LOUHARWELL, ementory Educotion . E E LEE, San Antonio . HASERT, BOBB Rif1e TeomSAME,ASCE,Engineering, . Civi RLEY MAR Houston .E. . SHHASSELL, Copub, . othing ond Design, Home Economics C . es, C . Economics, Texti Home ond Gown er . TyE JUNE, . CHARLOELD, . HATF ish . Eng er . TONY MAX, TyELD, . HATF ME . ineering, A eum Eng . Petro HuntingtonAMS, . LL . LTON W . , M NS . HAWK .. Freshmon FootboATQ,ish, . Eng e. HearrN, . WAYNE MELVHAY, s . ntromura . ,PEMT, . ,Educotion . Physico LTON, JR., Rusk . MHAYNES, JAMES Longhorn Bond ism, KK'i', . Journo S MYRL, Austin . LOHEARD, P on Eng ish , Z, BK, Studenl Government Commitlees. Reogon, ..:. . ,.. . Cap ond Gown ran . ,TehranM, . EFTEKHAR GHAN, . HEDJAZ ub . C . nternotiono . ,ogy . Bocterio E, Houston . HEEMER, JACK EDD Architecture, l:AX GMAN, SANDRA KAY, Overton . L . HE Accounting, UTSA, Poono, Society for the Advoncement of Monogement HELLAND, GEORGE A., JR., San Antonio ,ver Spurs . SiFriors, :., H :., 'r TBI"!, llX, .: ,Engineering . Mechonico Commillees,UnionMonoger, . lntromuroy, . T Associotion, Assemb Outstonding Studenl Poge 57 SENIORS ·------­ HEMKE, JERRY MAURICE, Da Mechonicol Engineering os .. HEMPEL, HAROLD CHRIS, Austin Civil Engineering, ASCE HEMPHILL, PAUL DOUGLAS, Fort Worth lntromurolsAIChE, ::., Chemicol Engineering, AK HENDERSON, BARBARA, Houston ·Cop and Gawn, Student Gavernmenl CamY, B, . ,Merchondising :,_; millees, Hame Ecanomics Club HENDERSON, DWIGHT FRANKLIN, Austin Histary, Ae, .::t.P, KK'i', Rusk HENDERSON, DAVID HOLLAND, Carpus Christi Physico/ Educotion, PEM, Scobbard ond Blode, Ook Grave HENDERSON, JANIE, Houston All Compus Advisors Ae, Reogon, . ,J>BKKAe, H<, ::. T . ,. Mechonicol Engineering, TB ond Blode LL, CAROL YN JOYCE, McGregor . H Home Economics Club, Cop ond Gown Ae, . ,0,t.Home Economics, AA LL, CHARLES BARROW, Anahuac . H Business Adminislrotion, Longhorn Bond ago . ,DEXTERLL, . H Chemicol Engineering, AQ, TB AIChE, Tejos, Silver Spurs , Chrislion Foith ond Life Communily, Wesley Foundotion ::., J>H<, . VictoriaGLENNA GAIL, NDMAN, . H English HINDMAN, SALLY ANN, Son Benito Fine Arts Council A Coppello Choir, AI,::. ,Music Educotion H NG, KUNTHAP, Cambadia . Chemicol Engineering, AIChE, lnternolionol Club LYNN, Baytown AM . WILLHINKLE, Accounting, T Associotion, Vorsity Trock , Austin MARY SUE,. Hl Educotion, Sociol Studies, XQ os .. ROBERT BENSON, DaXSON, . H Arch itecture HOCHMAN, ISAAC MARCOS, Buenos Aires, Argentina Petroleum Engineering, AIME e . GLADYS JEAN, KyHOGAN, Clothing, Textiles ond Design, AJ',t. Cop ond Gown, Americon Market• ing Associotion, Home Economics Club .d, Ark . RICHARD DWIGHT, ParogouHOLLAND, Electricol Engineering, AIEE veston . JR., GoHEW, . HOLLAND, SAMUEL MA Psychology, Ke, AFROTC, Oronge Wings, University Leogue Bowling, Jntro­murols, Royol Spirit Committee, Newmon Club HOLLINGSHEAD, TOM T., Abilene .t::.., ::. ,Accounting HOLMAN, JAMES T., Edinburg y Texon Manoging Editor . Doi,.::At.,Public Relotions Journolism, HOLMES, TOMIE STONEHOUSE, McComey •Society, Speleologi ogicol . Geo ub, . Longhorn Flying CT,.t,Geology col Society Po ge 58 ..:;... --------------------------------~~~~W7f/lJYf/A1llllll:l.Jf~~~~~~l~~~~~.~ llJJ'J~ HOLSOMBACK, ROBERT LEE, BaytownArchitectural Engineering, AAAE, BSU HOLSOMBACK, THELMA FRANCES CLARKE, Houston Pharmacy, A,t../\ PX, LPhA, BSU, Student Government Comm it tees HOLZMANN, RONALD R. B., San Antonio Physical Education, PEM NNETH RAY, Lamesa1<.E,. HONEYCU Mathematics, /\XA HOOTEN, JANIS JANEIL, Austin Business Education Society for the Advancement of Management , ,.... ,11<1>, Union Committees, TSO, Round-Up HOPE, RUBEN WERT, Houston Business Administration, KA, Chorros HORAK, MARVIN DANIEL, Granger Mathematics HORN, BEVERLY REITA, Corpus Christi Elementary Educotion HORTON, BARBARA NELL, ArlingtonEnglish, Upperclass Advisor, Cap and Gown, Wesley Foundation HORTON, DONNIE C., Cleburne Accounting, Society for the Advancement of Monogement HORTON, FRANCES MARLENE, Seagoville Elementory Educotion, Wesley Foundation HORTON, JAMES MINER, Mobeetie Education HOUSEL, MONA FA YTHEL, San Antonio Bacteriology, AEt.. , ISA HOUSTON, JAMES M., Houston Mechanical Engineering HOUSTOUN, SUSAN LOUISE, Houston Education, KKI' HOWARD, CARL DEAN , San Antonio Journalism, <~H,:!: t..:!: X, AFROTC, BSU, Daily Texan Editor HOWELL, LEON POINDEXTER . J R. , San Antonio Advert ising, :!:E, At.. ,:!: American Morketing Associa:!on HUCKABAY, JAMES DONALD, Eastland Mechanical Engineering, ASME HUDSON, GAIL, Tyler Home Economics, KKr, ON, Turtle Club, Home Economics Club, Student Government Comm itlees HUDSON, JACK BONNER, JR., Fort Worth Engineering Roule lo Busir.ess Administralion ER, WILLIAM FREDERICK, Houston . HUEBO Architect ure HUFFMAN, JAMES MILTON, Terrell ASCE, SAME, Scabbard and Blade, . Civil Engineering, XE, TB HUGHES, JEANE HOUSE, Conroe Secretaria 1 Science, BBA, ACE HUGHES, MARTHA KING, Dallas Elemenlary Educalion, ,t..t..t.. Orange Jackets, Upperclass Advisor, Union and Studenl Governmenl Commitlees HUGUS, DONALD CLYDE, Fairmont, W. Va . Mechanical Engineering HULL, DANNY MEWIS, Austin Electrical Engineering, AIEE HUNT, LYNN SHERWOOD, Ama ri llo Marketing, K'i' HURFORD, GARY THOMAS, Woodson AIME ,. Petroleum Engineering, TB HURWITZ, LARRY NEAL, Austin Publ ic Relations, T.l, J: t..X, ,H.: A,:!:t.. AQ, Daily Texan, RIL, Jesse Jones Memorial Scholarships, George Brackenridge Scholarship, Student Government and Union Committees, Round-Up HUSTON, ROBERT JACK, Austin .: ,Mechanical Engineering IMKE, FRANK JAMES, Follett Business Education INCE, RICHARD WEAKLEY, Hillsboro C.lemical Engineering , t..T~, H:!:, AIC .l E IRVING, CHARLES ROBERT, Corpus Christi Marketing, XTI, American Marketing Association IVY, JIMMY DWAIN, Friona Young Democrats SA, . ,Pre-LawGovernment, JACKSON, BENJAMIN E., Conroe C.lemical Engineering, AIChE, NROTC JACKSON, GERTRUDE GASTON, Dallas History, llB Page 59 SENIORS - JACKSON, LINDA MARIE, Clifton Home Economics Educafion, A, Home Economics Club, Cap and Go\vn, Stu­denf Governmenf Commiftees, Lutheran Student Associafion JACKSON, TOMMY GEORGE, Amorillo French, History, Pre-Law, f[A , Y JAMISON, GORDON E., Son Antonio life lnsu rance JANAK, DONALD RA Y, Dollos Pre-Medical, Zoology, 1\EA JANAK, DOROTHY MAY, Dollos Elementary Education, ACE, Y, Upperclass Advisor, Cap and Gown, Union Commiftees, Wesley Foundation JANSSEN, HERMAN PHILLIP, Austin Architecfure, AIA, Archifecture Student Association, Senior Cabinet THAD JOHNSON, Del Rio ,. JARRE English, [.l, Charros, Christion Science Organizafion JASMAN, JEANETTE MARTHA , Edinburg exas Stars, Cap and Student . ,Government Gown, Government Committees, University Religious Cou ncil JENKINS, LONNIE WALTON, Posadena Chemical Engineering, AQ, AX:E, AIChE, BSU JETER, JAMES GUIDRY, Marshall Mechanical Engineering, AE~> JOBE, ALICE CUSHMAN, Eastland Home Economics, Fashion Design, AAA, ON, Longh orn Band, Cap and Gown JOHNS, PERRY A., Austin Accounting JOHNSON, BENNIE LEE, Baytown udenf Fellowship . , Wesfminister S Chemistry, Poona JOHNSON, CURTIS EUGENE, Austin Chemical Engineering, KK'I<, AIChE, Longhorn Band JOHNSON, DONALD WINFRED, Palacios Mechanical Engineering, ASME JOHNSON, FARRIS ALLEN, Amarillo finance, A.A, T Association, Silver Spurs, lnferfraternity Council Ca-Op Board of Direcfors ' Page 60 --~--------------------------------------~ CLASS OF 1959 ania . AnROGER MILES, San JORDEN, UTSAMy,. SocieE, Geologicol :.•~ ,Geology in. , Aus , CAROLA HELENJOSEPH ion . ory Educo . Elemen in . NORMA ANNE, AusJOSEPH, 1'4>1!, Reaganion, . ory Educa . Elemen JUUL, EINER CORDZ, Austin A .~. ,ion . Transporta KAPLAN, ELAINE ROSE, Tullahama, Tenn . r·.:. .: ,Socialagy KAPLAN, PHYLLIS JUDY, Haustan Psychalagy KARDELL, SANDRA CARTWRIGHT, San Augustine iles . Home Ecanamics, Castume Design and Tex KASSIR, SAMIR M., Baghdad, lraq ernalianal Club . lnnizalian, . udenl Org . Civil Engineering, Y, Arab S KEASLER, EMMA MARIE, San Antanio Elemenlary Educa ion, AXI?, ACE, Texas Studenl Publicatians Baard of Directors, . Union Committees, Assembly, Educatian Council KEETON, RICHARD PAGE, Austin ,T Assaciatian, Cawbays, .: 4>H,. AE,4>BK .., ·r .:.Pre-Medical, ,Plan 11 Varsity Tennis, Gaadfellaw KELLEY, EMORY, Houston us, Arraw, Studen Government Com­ . Bow and . CacUTSA,XI?,History, mittees KEMP, WILLIAM FRANKLIN, Austin nittees . Union Com ':., BL ..., tl)AK, (:. J . ,Law KENNAMER, SUSAN MARIE, Corpus Christi Advisor, Unian Cammittees , Upperclass UTSA .., \,Business Administralion, A KENNEDY, HERMAN WILLIS, JR ., Fort Worth lnterfraternity Council, Union CammitteesBSU,X, . ,Bacleriology Pre-Dental, KETCHUM, CHARLES ALFRED, Navasota E :..\> ,Zoology KEY, THOMAS RAY, Bastrop lndustrial Monagement, Society for the Advancement of Monogement KIMBROUGH, PHIL ROY, Beaumant Hislory KINCAID, FRANCES ELIZABETH, Crowell Home Economics, l'B. Charros, Texas Stars, Upperclass Advisor, Home Economics Club, Union Committees KINCAID, ROBERT MERL, Crowell ..:. ,. BeFinance, KINDLE, JOHN MADISON, JR., Dallas Personnel Monogement KINNARD, CHARLIE JACKSON, Arlingtan Eleclricol Engineering KIRKLAND, JOY ELIZABETH, a Falls . Wichi XI?Educatian,ary . Elemen KIRKLEY, DAVID JAMES, San Antonio AI EE, 1RE, TSPE, CanlerburyIV\, . ,Electrical Engineering KLEYPAS, JENNALIE FRANCES, Austin Hame Ecanamics, lnterior Decaratian, AXI?, ON, AROTC Spansar, AFROTC Sponsar, Unian Cammittees, Bluebannel Belle Finalist, Miss Mechanical Engineer, Aqua Queen Finalist KNIZE, DAVID MAURICE, Ennis Zaalogy, H A,E.. Newman Club , .: KNOLES, DONALD PAUL, EI Paso Daily Texan X, ..: ,AXAJaurnalism, KNOX, KAY LINDA, Houston Unian Committees r, . ,erialagy. Bac KNOX, NITA CARROLL, San Angelo f-'ame Ecanamics, AOfT, Longhorn Sinqers, University Chorus, Curtain udent Fellowship . Lanier, Westminster SClub, Sidney KOEHN, WALTER LEEDY, Bellville Pharmacy, •~I?,. AEMothematics, KORZEKWA, SAM MICHAEL, Hobson Electrical Engineering, KE!, HK:\, 1 B,r. AIEE, IRE, Newman Club KOSUB, CHARLES HENRY, San Antonio Petraleum Engineering, AIME, SAME, Newman Club Page 61 SENIORS KOTHMANN, RICHARD EDWARD, Mt. Home Mechonicol Engineering KRAFT, AUGUST CHARLES, Baytown Restouront ond Hotel Monagement KRAMS, SIDNEY WARREN, Corpus Christi Geology, AEl.I, Speleologicol Society KRICK, HAROLD DAVID, JR., Austin Petroleum Engineering, K.<\, TB ~l'E, H:!:, AIME ,. KUENEMANN, WESLEY BEN, Houston Mechoni,al Engineering, Jl'l'~, 'l'B!I, ASME, lntramurals, Lutheran Student As­ soc iation KULL, LEWIS LEE, Cedor Valley Theory and Composition of Music, AROTC, Silver Spurs, University Sym­phony KUNIK, BURTON JERRY, McAllen Loology, .<\EII KUNKEL, ROBERT GENE, Austin Aeronoutical Engineering, 1\Q, IAeS KUTACH, JEROME MICHAEL, Victoria Architecture, AIA KUYKENDALL, DON LEWIS, Longview Accounting KYLE, JUNIOUS MAURICE, 111 , Orange Law, K:!:, Vorsity Baseboll LAMBERTH, L. S., JR., Son Antonio Electricol Engineering, AIEE, IRE, AFROTC, ROTC Bond, Arnold Air Society LAND, GARY PAUL, Austin Psychology E, Webster . MARY CHARLO LANDOLT, Zoology LANE, JULIANNE, Dollas Belle Finolist, Union 8 ~<1>, ROTC Sponsor, Bluebonnet ,. , AA Advertising Committees, Cop ond Gown, Aquo Queen Finolist LANE, WILLIAM GERALD, Austin Sociol Sciences LANEY, STAN, Crane lndustriol Relotions ond Personnel Manogement, Society for the Advoncement of Monogement, Longhorn Bond LAPHAM, BILLY DALE, Livingston Mechonicol Engineering, ASME LARGENT, CHARLES EDWARD, Lufkin Chemistry LARSON, RONALD VINCENT, Los Angeles, Colif. Mathemotics, Tejos, Scobbord ond Blode, Arnold Air Society LaRUE, BILL Y KEN, Austin Personnel Manogement, Society for the Advoncement of W.onogement LASSETER, THOMAS EDWARD, Freeport Chemicol Engineering, AIChE LAW, HAROLD YEN-HO, Hong Kong tv\echanical Engineering, Chinese Stuc:fent Associotion LAWHON, VIRGINIA VINSON, Houston lssues, Charros, Greot ~B< . ,History LAWRENCE, ELIZABETH PETTUS, San Antonio Sociology, KKI', Upperclass Advisor, Greot lssues, Oronge Jockets, Conterbury, Student Government Committees LAXSON, DOROTHY KAYE, Texarkana Biology, ISA, Wesley Foundation LEACH, GARY LYNN, Pasodena Chemicol Engineering, AX:!:, AIChE, SAME, Scobbord ond Blode LEACH, SAYLES ALLISON, Abilene Pre-Law, KA ELLEN, Dollas ER, NANCY . LEDBE Home Economics, Textile, Clothing, Costume Design, Home Economics Club, Curtoin Club, Cop ond Gown LEE, RONALD FLOYD, Beaumont Chemical Engineering, H:!:, AIChE " LEHMANN, MAURICE JOHN WILLIAM, Boerne Aeronoutical Engineering, :!:K, IAeS, AFROTC, Rifle Teom, Longhornflying Club LEMMON, HUGH ARTHUR, JR., Ennis Morketing Research, A:!:JT, Americon Morketing Associotion LENDE, HENRY WILLARD, JR oltimore, Md. .! ,. ,lnterfraternity CouncilCowboys,,~HIJ,~A< ,. Elect•icol Engineering, ne Ronger Stoff LEONARD, BARBARA MAE, Austin Plon 11, KKL' LEVERING, BETTE ANNE, Dallas Sociology LEVIN , BARBARA D'ANNE, Dallas Elementory Education, AAf!, ACE, Ponhellenic, Cop ond Gown, Up­perclass Advisor Poge 62 1.... 1111 """""""""""""""""""" SE!l~ilil~~.ii!';i~.m.l'i(/{///fJ~~~~~~~MlllM~.!INff%/PJ~~~Si!i§'l~!81111i1~ CLASS OF 1959 LEVINE. ALVIN MAURY, Wesloco Retoiling, A ~:I! LEWIS, CHARLES WILLIAM, Austin NA... ,Accounting LEWIS, GERALD ROYCE, Brownwood Germon, A Coppello Choir, Eulenspiegelverein LINCOLN, GLENN C., Corpus Chris!i Pre-Dentol, e;:; LINDER, BILLY ROYCE, Kenedy Retailing, American Morketing Associotion, Union Committees, University Re­ /igious Council, Longhorn Bond LINDGREN, JAMES LOVING, Monor Chemistry MARY LEE, West Columbio ,. LINNE Chemicol Engineering, AIChE, Wesley Foundation LIPSCOMB. PEGGY ELAINE, Quitmon Retoil Pharmacy, KE, Y, LPhA, Longhorn Flying Club, Cap ond Gown BILLIE, BreckenridgeLE,. Ll Business Education, XI?, 111?11, Ashbel LIVELY, CAREY FORD, JR., Gotesville Aeranautical Engineering LIVINGSTON , DOROTHY ANN, Atlonto Chemistry, ISA, Southwestern Rocket Society, Wesley Foundation LOBB. EARL DUANE, Plono Electrical Engineering, AIEE, IRE LOCHER, BENJAMIN CARTER, Corpus Christi Physics LOCKETT, BOBBY LEROY, Pecos Pre-Medical LOCKLEAR, MILTON JAY, Son Antonio Mechanical Engineering LOEWENSTEIN, JOSEPH EDWARD, Por! Arthur >. , AE ~4•Hl•BK,< :..>, <1>,Zoology LOEWENSTEIN, MARJORIE THOMSON, Loke Chorles, Lo . >. ArEnglish, LoMorque ,. NORMAN EVERELONG, Retailing, Acacia, NROl'C, American Marketing Association LONGBOTHAM, DOROTHY JANE, Monohons l?fl, Curtain Club . ,Business Education LOPEZ. MARIA DE LA LUZ, Loredo Chemistry, Cap ond Gown, Newman Club LOWE, GEORGE WALTER, Athens Chemical Engineering, H~, 1\T, 'l'Bll, TLOK, AIChE LOWN, HERBERT LEE, Austin Persannel Management, Society For the Advancement of Management LOZANO, SYLVIA VIRGINIA, Son Benito Elementary Educatian LOZANO, VICTOR. JR., Loredo Music Educatian, Symphonic Bond, Symphony Orchestro LUHN, GRAHAM BARTON, Son Antonio AE .: ,Architecture LUKE, J. GILBERT, ArlingtonPhysics, BK, H ~, AROTC, Distinguished Military Student, Wesley Foun­dation LUKE, ROBERT ROOKER, Houston Mechanical Engineering, ASME LYNCH, ABRUM JOHN. Son Antonio Marketing, American Marketing Association, Society for the Ad­ vancement of Manogement MACHAC, MARVIN EDWARD, Schulenburg X... <1>,Pharmacy MACMANUS, CHARLES JOSEPH. Corpus Christi Advertising, AXA, Texas Student Publications Board of Directors, YoungDemocrots, Assembly, lnterfroternity Council, Newman Club MADDOX, LARMON JOE, Austin Banding, Longhorn . Accoun MADHAYOMCHANDRA, SIRI , Bongkok, Thoilond Petroleum Engineering MAFRIGE, DONALD PAUL, Houston ConterburyAROTC,E, .: ,Business Administration MAGILL, JIMMIE LAWRENCE. Son Angelo Accaunting, Society for the Advancement of Manogement, Freshman Track,Varsity Bosketball, BBA Council MAGNESS, JOHN DARWIN, Midlond Personnel Management, Society for the Advancement of Management MAINER, SARAH HAYNE, Son Antonio Teacher Education, Home Economics Poge 63 SENIORS MALIK, DONALD JOSEPH, Austin Accounting MALLARD, ALBERT KNIGHT, Austin Marketing, American Marketing Associotion, American Meteorological Society MALONE, WILLIAM TRAVIS, JR., Corpus Christi LPhAX, . < .. ,. A>\._,. 'AJFrench, MAPLES, E, Lond v:ew MAPLES, WILLIAM ROSS, Dallas Anthropology, Speleolagical Society MARA, SUSAN , Dallas Elementary Educa tion, RIL, Studenf Governmenf Committees, Da ily Texan MARCONTELL, WILLIAM ALAN, Houston Mechanica l Eng ineering, AXA, Southw~sfern Rocket Sociefy MARSHALL, MARILYN, Temple ,Women's Council Mortar Board, Orange Jackefs, Universify, .. Mathematics, A Studenf Government Committees, Outstanding StucJenf MARTIN, BARBARA GAIL, Lubbock Home Economics, Child Development, Home Ecanomics Club, Cop and Gown MARTIN, ELLEN SERENA, Denison Speech Therapy, ~Al·f, UTSA, Curfain Club, Tumle MARTIN, JOE ED, Hearne Zoology, ~A ~~ MARTIN, NANCY JO, Corpus Christi .. ATeocher Educofion, Home Econamics, MARTINEZ, IRMA, Brawnsville Pharmacy, KE MARTINEZ, OSCAR HERRERA, San Antonia Mecha nical Eng ineering, ASME , SAME, ROTC, Newma n Club MARWILL, ROBERT LEE, Dallas ASME, .. T . ,Mechanical Engineering MAST, THOMAS RUSH, Midland Mechanical Engineering, 6Tll, NROTC MATHES , WILLIAM LYNN, Crane Chemicai Engineering, SAME, AIChE MATHEWS, CAROLE ELAINE, Angletan Business Educat ion, LlZ, RIL, Spooks, Cop and Gown, Canterbury, Upper­class Advisor, Student Government Committees, Education Council MATHEWS, EARL M., Taylor 6.. •J>Gealogy, MATHEWS, MARGARET BLANCHE, Edinburg Elementary Education MATTHEWS, ALFRED GENE, San Angela Petroleum Engineering, :!:K, AIME MATTHEWS, GARLAND EUGENE, JR. , Dallas Ad vertisi ng MATTHEWS, JOSEPH S., Burnet Civil Engineering, ASCE MAXWELL, JANE ANN, Austin English and Journalism, 6Z, Cactus, Daily Texan MAXWELL, LAMAR BOYT, Devers Geology, :!:AE MAXWELL, SALLY KA Y, Hamilton Plan 11, History, ~>A6, Y, University Wamen's Council, Orange Jackets, Sweethearf Naminee, Goodfellaw, Oufstanding Student, Discipline Com­ miffee, Studenf Governmenf and Union Cammiffees, Varsify Debate, All Campus Advisors MAYHEW, JOHN RUSSELL, Kingsville Commercial Art, KA MAYHEW, WILLIAM LEAIRD, JR., Austin Drama Educatian, Curtain Club MAYS , WALLACE MICHAEL, Greenville . TBAT,l>H:!:,, AA6, Morfar Board, Orange Jackefs, Daily Texan McCAIN, THOMAS STEVEN, Texarkana Eng lish and Psychology McCALL, JAMES L YONS, Vicksburg, Miss. Engineering Roufe to Business Adminisfration, :!:X Page 64 r/IJ/l.Jf~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~l~~ ~~------------------------------~ _...;;...;CLASS OF 1959 Y JANE, Corpus Christi . BEMcCALLUM, Plon 11, lnternotionol Studies, KAe, Y, Student Government ond Union Com­mittees, Cop ond Gown, Goodfellow McCARTER, JERRY HAWKINS, Arlington Retal'lng, American Morketing Associotion McCARTY, JOEL BOLTON, JR" Houston Government, icol Science, . Poli McCROSKEY, WILLIAM JAMES, Austin 1•1', IAeS, SAME .: ,'l'Bff L,O, AK'i', Y, Student Government Committees, Goodfellow, Tejos McLAREN, JAMES KNOX, Austin ecturol Engineering, AAAE, TSPE . Archi McMEANS, DAVID, Austin Plan 11 McNAIR, NANCY PROTHRO, Brawnsville English, h'KI', Canterbury McNEILL, GERALD BARTON, Ben Wheeler Petroleum Engineering, AIME McVEY, ROBERT EDWIN, JR., Fart Worth roleum Engineering, AIME, Student Engineering Council . Pe McWILLIAMS, SUE ELLEN, Plainview Sociology, Theadorne, Cop and Gown, Orchesis MEILI, MILDRED ROSE, Fort Worth -Jnternotionol Studies, KKT, .<\e, Mortor Board, Oronge Jockets, Ponory, . His hellenic, Reogon, Greot lssues, Goodfellow, Student Government and Union Committees Round-Up MELIN, MARI LYN, Austin Spanish, M, BK, Lt.ll, Lutheran Student Associotion MELLOR, ALAN GEORGE, Mexico City, D.F . Mechonical Engineering, ASME MENDELL, DAN, 111 , Hauston Chemical Engineering, AIChE MENEFEE, MARY MARJORIE, Austin Mortor Boord, Oronge Jockets, Students' Associotion :.:<.>, Journalism, TB, e Secretary, Assembly, Outstonding Student, Sweetheort Nominee, Spooks, Texos Student Publicotions Board of Directors, Student Government and Union Com­mittees, Doily Texon, Sidney Lonier, University Women's Council, Discipline Committee MENKE, CASSEDAY JULE, Pasadena Elementary Educotion, KKr MENN, EWALT ARNOLD, JR., Austin Morketing, Americon Morketing Associotion, Society for the Advance­ment of Monagement MERIKANSKAS, ENRIQUE HENRY, Tampico, Mexico Electricol Engineering, Tt., AIEE, IRE PATRICl,I., BURKE, AustinS, . ME Elementory Education, Cop ond Gown METZ, SYLVIA MAE, Houston Speech, t.t.t. MEYER, DONNA LOU, Whartan Elementary Education MEYER, PATRICIA LUCILLE, Victaria Muslc Educotion, A, :!:AI, RIL, Uppercloss Advisor, Wesley Founda­tion Poge 65 ~,-----.~ SENIORS ·;;:, MEZAYEK, MOHAMAD SADEO, Damascus, Syria Architectural Engineering, Arab Student Organizatian MICHAELS, JOHN MARK, Rochester Mechanical Engineering, ASME MIDDLEBROOKS, BE Y SUE, Henderson . Sa.c olagy, A<~, Y, Langharn Singers, Wesley faundatian MIKA, VIRGINJA, La GrangeJaurnalism Education, Texas Stars, Daily Texan, Newman Club MIKESKA, KAY FRANCIS, Eden Piano Pedagagy, r ,t.. University Charus, Glee Club, Cap and Gown Y JO, Taylar . BEMILES, Advertising, Daily Texan, Lutheran Student Association MILLER, DAVJD MICHAEL, Dallas Petroleum Engineering MILLER, DOROTHY PACK, Austin Philosophy, AA ,t.. R2:•J> MILLER, KENNETTH THOMPSON, JR" Austin Journalism, AROTC, Scabbord ond Blade, Cactus, Daily Texan, Distinguished Military Studenl MILLER, ORVILLE HOMER, lowa Park Mathematics, <1>2:K MILLER, WJLLIAM FRED, Waco finance, t..T,t.. Assembly, Student Government and Union Committees , Goodfellow MILLER, ZANE GARY, San Antonio American Marketing AssociationXI'I,:E,t..Ag,. Marketi MJLLICAN, DAVID ANDREW, Dallas Sociology, AXA, .A.t.. :E, t...:X, Do ily Texan, Student Government ond Union Com· mittees, Assembly, Round-Up, lnterfraternity Council MIMS, ROBERT ELTON, Water ValleyJournalism, Engli sh, :E t.. X, BK, H:E, Silver Spurs, friars, Dads' Association Outstanding Boy Award, Daily Texan Editor, Wesley foundotion MITCHELL, RAYMOND ALLEN, Odessa Mechanical Engineering, TBll MOFFETT, JULIA ANN, Houstan Physical Education, A t..T[, A ,At.. Martar Board, Orange Jackets, Stu• dent Government Committees, Outstanding Student, Education Coun­ cil MOHLER, ROBERT KYLE, Brady Petroleum Engineering, AIME MOLLOY, JACK WAYNE, Anniston, Ala. Chem;cal Engineering, A4>0, AIChE MONASTERJO, JUAN M. 0., JR., Mexico City, D.F. Finance, A.Ki', Americon Finance Association MONROE, JAMES H" Amarillo Zoology . MOORE, BE Y ANN, Austin Secretarial Studies MOORE, CAROLINE SARA, Kilgore Advertising, A,t..t.. Daily Texan, Ranger Staff MOORE, FURST McNEJLL, Victoria Chemical Engineering, AIChE MOORE, GLENN RAY, Sherman Petroleum Engineering, llKA MOORE, JULJA STEVENS, Houston English, KKI' MOORE, MICHAEL ALAN, Fort Worth Chemical Engineering, AX:E, OXE, AT, H:E, AIChE, Student EngineeringCounc;J MOORE, SARAH JEAN, Houston Hi story , ,t..t..t.. Y, Orange Jackets, Student Government and Union Com • mittees, Round-Up MOORE, THOMAS FELTON, Texarkana Chemical Engineering, AIChE MORALES, ANDRES CASTJLLO, Uvalde Pharmacy, LPhA MORGAN, JRMA JO, Frisco Geology, BSU, Geological Society MORONEY, MARY ANN, Houston Home Economics, ON. Oronge Jackets, Upperclass Advisor, UniversltyWomens Council, University Religious Council, Newman Club, Home Economics Club, Union Committees, Outstanding Student MORRIS, ROLAND DAVJD, Carnegie, Pa. Architectural Engineering, AAAE MORRIS, WINJFRED ANN, Dallas Elementary Education, ACE MORROW, PATRICIA ANN, Houston BSU, Reagan, RI L,..t.A ,. Plan 1 MOSELEY, DAVJD LEE, Rochelle Mechanical Engineering, 4•r,t.. SAME MOSLEY, MARK KIMBROUGH, JR" Buna ?etroleum Engineering, K:E, AIME F'age 66 CLASS OF 1959 --~--· DallasANN,LEY,. MO Socretarial Studies, AI', UTSA, Canterbury MUCHA, MARVIN JAMES, Taylor Pharmacy, •~.lX, LPhA MULCAHY, EDWARD LEE, Seguin Mechanical Engineering, A•l>O, ASME, Parachute Club MULLENIX, ELIZABETH ANN, Corpus Christi Pre-Nursing, A~>, longhorn Band MUNSON, ELLEN GENEVIEVE, Son Antonio Sociolagy, English, TI IJ4> MURRAY, EMERY PAUL, JR., Dallas Pharmacy, lPhA MYERS, MICHAEL ANDERSON, Olney Engineering Raute to Business Administratian, lndustrial Engineering, K1\, Student Gavernment Cammittees, Y, BSU, American Morketing Associatian MYRICK, JO ANN, Sulphur Springs Elementary Education, Al' A, Panhellenic, Cap and Gown NABHANI, YUSSEF CH., Tripoli, Lebanon Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering, ASME, Arab Student Organizatian, Sauthwestern Rocket Society, lnternational Club NARRO, RAMIRO, McAllen A . LPlK'I',PX,Pharmacy, NASH, A. VIRGINIA, Dallas [ nglish, KKr, RI L, Spooks, Orange Jackets, Goodfellow, University Women's Council, Daily Texan, Christian faith and life Community NELSON, THOMAS ELDER, San Antonio Mechanical Engineering, XJ'I, ASME, TSPE AUSTIN ECKARDT, FredericksburgLE,. NE 1nsurance, 1nsuronce Society NEWBERRY, PEGGY RUTHE, Gonzales Business Education, I'B, NROTC Spansor, Y, UTSA, Tee Club, Uppercloss Round-UpCommittees,ment . Advisor, Student Gover NEWBROUGH, DANNY EARL, Texon K.:~· ,Physics and Mathematics NEWMAN, JERRY ALDEN, Houston fine Arts NEWMAN, THOMAS COPE, Austin English NEWSOM, ROBERT TAYLOR, Coleman Plan 11, Ae, Scabbard ond Blade, lnternatianal Club, Yaung Demacrats NEWTON, JERE G., Dallas Civil Engineering, ASCE NICHOLSON, DANYA M., Austin Hame Ecanamics, ZTA NIEMEYER, GERALD EARL, Galveston Accaunting, BA'/' NIESEN, FRANK EDWARD, Port Washington, Wisc. Chemical Engineering, X NISBET, ALEX RICHARD, San Angelo Chemistry, Symphony Orchestra, Eulenspiegelverein NISBET, ROBERT BAXTER, Lufkin NOBLE, SALLY, Dallas Elementary Education, Ar, NROTC Sponsor NOEL, LEON MAXWELL, Austin Civil Engineering, ASCE, Student Engineering Council NOGUES, FRANKLIN WILLIAM, Austin Economics, Twin Pines, foreign Trade Club, lnternational Club NOLEN, EVELYN JANICE, G~orgetown Music NORMAN, CYRENA JO, Fort Worth Plan 11, Journalism, 81:<1>, AAA, BK, Martar Board, University Women's Council, Orange Jackets, Doily Texon, Assembly, Student Gavernment and Unicn Committees, Outstanding Student, Sigma Delta Chi Scholarship, Gail Barden Award, Dads' Association Outstanding Girl Award NORMAN, ROBERT A GAYLE, Austin Natural Science, AAA O'BANION, JANICE MAURINE, Luling Secretarial Studies, AXO, Reagan O'CONNOR, DONALD LEE, Elgin Chemical Engineering, AIChE O ' DELL, PATRICIA LEE, Houston Elementary Education, ACE O'DONNELL, LAWRENCE, Houston .: Real Estate, K OEHLER, KENNETH LEE, Harper Electrical Engineering, ROTC, Scabbard ond B:ade OLIVER, MARY BETH, Austin Bacteriology, AA1I, Cap and Gown, Union Committees ..: ,Pre-Medical Pa1;e 67 ~ SENIORS OLSON, JERGEN EDWARD, San Antanio Auto­Sociely ofade, . Mechanical Engineering, Pershing Rifles, Scabbard and B motive Engineers, Lutheron Student Association ·» OLSON, LEAH RAE, Elgin . . . Journalism, I'B, 8t, Cop and Gown, Dai y Texan, Reogan srael . ,M, MOSHE, Tel Aviv . OPPENHE. . i Studenls Organizalion, lnternaliana . lsrae ASCE,Engineering, . Civi 1 Club ORR, HAROLD D., Carthage E, l'E, Geologica Society, Young Democrals :..>< ,Geology . .: las . LLER, Da . D M . DAVOUZTS, Architecture, AIA OVERBAUGH, BETTY L., Decatur Elemenlary Educalion, ACE OVERBAUGH, PETER CORNELL, Lake Jackson Government and History Lake JacksonAN, . OVERBAUGH, SAMUEL BERR Finance OWEN, KENNETH ALBERT, Corpus Christi Arohitecture, Sphinx OWEN, SCOTTY J., Fort Worth Cap ondub, . Home Economi cs, Child Developmen t, ON, Home Economics C Gown, Student Government and Union Committees, Wesley Foundation, Dai y Texa n, Ranger Staff . San AntonioE, JR., . ROBERT LESLOWENS, . Physica Educalion, PEM o . A DALE, Amaril . N . RG . VOWENS, Educalion, Sociol Sciences, KA8 OXFORD, JAMES W LL AM, JR., Pawhuska, Okla. . . Business Administration, Canterbury Bay City .., LESTERPAINE, Associotion, Chorros Americon Morketing N, .: ,Marketing TexarkanaN, . ROBERT ERWPALMER, Curtoinism, . Journo Club las . JOE BUCK, DaPARK, Phormacy, X "~g\5~~~~~rT/N, I~A.HUUA:'IDI11JR,Z.re:i•~!81!1!ri2A'.r.n.,~ PARK, VALANNE, West Elementary Education er . TyLARY, . ROWLAND HPARKER, Journalism, Kt, .:A.t. CueroNG, . DANIEL STERLPARKS, Newman Club ,..:.. ,Accounting StocktonN, Fort . FRANK MARTPARR, AI EEEngineering, . Electrica N, Austin . P FRANKL . L . PHPATMAN, BKAe, :., H ,.. Plan HOWARD, Brawnsville NE . BLACK, . PATR Mathematics, ISA Fort Worth ,... ,LLE EDWARD . GRANVPAULES, . NROTC,Electrical En9ineering, AIEE, IRE, Rifl2 Team, Si ver Spurs. ow . lntramurals, Goodfelade, . Scabbard and B N, Dollas . DARWB.PAYNE, Doily Texan x, ...: ,ism . Journa PAYNE, ESSIE MARIE, Austin Cap and Gown, ... ,Business Education PEARSON, GEORGE BERNARD, Donna Mathemalics, AO, Langhorn Singers PEARSON, JACQUELINE ROSE, Wharton Music Educatian, l\1E, A Cappe a Choir, Universily Chorus .. PECK, JOSEPH H., JR., Ralls Outstonding Studenl, Studenl Governmenl andY,X, .: ,Accounting ver Spurs . Union Commillees, Si PECKHAM, DOROTHY JUNE, Port Arthur llA8KKI',emenlory Educotion, . E PEDROZA, CAROL ANN, San Antonio Gown, Young Republicans Cap andogy, . Psycho PEEL, BEVERLY SUE, Corpus Christi Elementary XO, Oronge Jackets, Spooks, Upperc ass Advisor . ,Education PELT, EDDIE C., Dallas AAAETSPE,Engineering, . Architectura PENNER, STANLEY A., Aurora, Nebr. Personnel Management, Sociely for the Advancemenl of Managemenl, Americon Marketing Association JOHN CLAUDE, San AngeloNGTON, . PENN RE . ,AIEEHt,HKN,TBll,ementary Education, . E as . A, Dal . N . RG . TUCEAN V PENNINGTON, Retailing, A.lll, American Marketing Association, Union Committees, ub . Newman C JR., Rusk NE, . RV . JAMESNS, . PERK •ver Spurs, Studenl Govern . Business Administralion, <1>11.8, NROTC, Si ment Committees, Students' Association Vice-President, Outstonding Student Court ,. BBA Counciy, . ssemb Student, A J.W11o1n::c,..------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~.u...... Page 68 ~~~~~~~ CLASS OF ~-~~~~~~~~~~~ PERKINS, JAMES WINSTON, Sulphur Springs , nterior Design, A .tt . Home Economics PERKINSON, MARILYN, Longview Government . Home Economics, KA6, Spooks, Home Economics Club, Studen Committees, Round-Up PERRIGO, JAMES BLEDSOE, San Antanio Chemical Engineering, AIChE, TSPE PERRY, GERALD DEAN, Odessa Geology, XJ' J, Geologicol Society PESEK, CLEMENT CHARLES, Victaria Chemical Engineering, AICE, Newman Club PETERS, PEGGY RUTH, Houston he . y for . Persannel Management, l' ~>B, Cop and Gown, Turtle Club, Socie Advancement of Manogement, Student Government and Union Committees, Round-Up PETMECKY, WILLIAM MAIER, Fredericksburg Petroleum Engineering JOSEPH LLOYD, ClarksvilleY,. PE Mechonical Engineering, ASME San AntonioJR.,SCOTT,Y,. PE Scobbord and Blade•~<1>11,t.'lEngineering,roleum. Pe PFAU, MARTHA JANE, Austin English PFEIFFER, FRED NELSON, San Antania -Com . Civil Engineering, ASCE, lnter Co-Op Council, Studenl Governmen y Tennis . VarsiAssembly,mitlee, PFLUGER, JAMES DOUGLAS, Austin Architecture, J ISA, Silver Spurs, Student Government and Union ,. ' Commit.ees PHILLIPS, DANIEL MAURICE, La Porte Engineering Route to Business Administrotion, NROTC, BSU, lntromurols, So­ciety for the Advoncement of Manogement PHILLIPS, DENNIS MARTIN, Lamesa y Chorus . icol Engineering, IAeS, BSU, Universi . Aeronau PIEPER, JOHN WILLIAM, Cuera roleum Engineering Route to Business Administrotion, NROTC, Silver . Pe udent . Scobbard ond Blode, Crows Nest, Outstonding SSpurs, PIERCE, DAVID E" Alpine Mechonical Engineering, 11K.4., ASME PINSON, NANCY NORWOOD, Odessa Elemenlory Educalion, ,i..1..t. Y, Oronge Jockets, Spooks, Goodfellow, Swee Nominee, Outstonding Studenl POHL, DONALD RICHARD, Fort Worth Pre-Medicol, Cowboys, Vorsity Golf POLHILL, AUGUSTUS JONES, 111, Birminghom, Ala. History, AFROTC POLSKY, BARBARA F., Morfa Mathemotics, AA,t. BK, Oronge Jockets, Mortor Boord, Cop ond Gown, lnter-Co-operotive Council, House Choirmon's Orgonizotion, Wakondo POLSON, JACK D., Freeport English, AFROTC, Arnold Air Society POOL, ANNA RHEA FINNELL, Cleburne Home Economics, Textiles, A.t., ON, Assembly, Ponhellenic Student Gov­ ernment Committees, Upperclass Advisor POPE, GLORIA ANN, Grond Sal:ne English POSEY, RANDAL EARL, Amorillo stonding. OuLPhA,Friors, X,. ·~, . Phormocy, Pre-Medicol, PX, AE ,Silver Spursees, . Assembly, Student Government Commit ,. Studen Discipline Committees, . Young Democra ER, SUZAN RUTH, Tyler . PO Zoology, ISA, Royol Spiril Committee EVELYN, GatesvilleS, MARY . PO Art Education, Curtoin Club POWELL, MARYLLYN ANNE, Dollas Home Economics, Child Development, 1\, Reogon, Home Economics Club, Cop ond Gown E JEAN, Victoria . POZZI, ANTOINE Elementory Educotion SIDNEY A., Monagua, Nicoragua ,. PRA Economics PRENZLER, NORMAN H., Burtan Phormocy, K'i', LPhA PRESSLER, TOWNES GARRETT, Houstan AIME, . Petroleum Engineering, Be PRESSLY, JAMES BARRON, Austin Arch itecture PRESTON, NORMA WREN, San Angelo Home Economics Educotion, Home Economics Club PRICE, DORIS MARIE, Beaumont Bocteriology PRIDDY, JERRY FRANKLIN, Priddy Petroleum Engineering, AIME PRINCE, MORGAN, Chireno Civil Engineering, ASCE heart . Page 69 SENIORS -~~--­ HENRY CARR, JR., Austin ,. PRITCHE Economics, KA PROBST, GORDON JAMES, Bostrop Business Education PROCTER, ROBERT LANG, Son Morcos Engineering Route to Bu si ness Administration PROVAZEK, LIONEL DANIEL, Comeron Electrical Engineering t!KN, '1'B AI EE, 1RE , . PRUESSNER, MARY CATHARINE, New Brounfels Plan 11, ISA, Theadorne Co-Op, lnter-Ca-Op Council, Co-Ordinalor's Council PUNDT, JOHN LEE, Houston Journolism, L, UTSA, Chorros, Canterbury, Turtle Club, Royol Spirit Committee RAMSEY, FRANCES ANN, Driftwood Retailing, AXO, Oronge Jackets, Assembly, Spooks, Upperclass Advisor, Union Committees, Goodfellow, BBA Council RANEY, JEANNE MARIE, Boytown Engli sh , .tZ, Student Government Committees, Newman Club, Uni­versity Re lig ious Council RANKIN, HAROLD LEE, Houston Government RANSOM, KENNETH LEROY, EI Poso Architectural Engineering, XE, AAAE, ASCE, TSPE RATCLIFF, GORDON J., Austin Cross Country Vorsity Track, Vorsity Associotion, . ,1:Physics , <1>11 RAVEN, DONALD WAYNE, Victorio Business Administrotion, Xl'l •..JTIJdlllll.tll.~A..rn~~i\'i:!!!~~M!lltllr.. r//NFrdO.v/~~~~~~~~~ RAY, ANN ELIZABETH, Tyler E lementory Educotion , Austin Y CAROL YN . READ, BE Journolism, AXI"!, AROTC Sponsor, Ten Most Beoutiful Nominee, Student Government Committees, Doily Texan RED, REBECCA STUART, Alvin Educotion, A.t., REW, Student Government Committees REED, DON ALLEN, Rosenberg Chemicol Engineering, AIChE, lntromurols REIFEL, MICHAEL DEAN, Houston Mechonicol Engineering, ASME , Tejos RELYEA, SPENCER CONE 111, Dollos Low, K1:, <~A,t. Culturol Entertoinment Committee REMMERT, JOYCE ARLENE, Bellville Elementory Educotion, ACE, Cop ond Gown, lntromurols, Union Com­mittees, Lutheron Student Associotion RENKER, ROBERT LEON, Austin Electricol Engineering, AIEE RESENDEZ, RUBEN D" Nuevo Loredo, Mexico Electricol Engineering, Mothemotics, AI EE REYES, MARY LOUISE, Austin ClubAlba Club, Newmon AH, .: ,Speech ond Hearing Theropy REYNOLDS, BURTON CHARLES, Austin Electrical Engineering, AIEE, IRE, University Chorus, Student EngineeringCauncil REYNOLDS, MARCIA ANNE, Austin Home Econamics, ZTA, ON RHODES, ART E., JR., Austin Business Administratian, .tT~, T Association, Varsity Golf, Cowboys BrawnwoodA COLEEN, . LORERICE, Speech RICHARDS, MAYRE SUE, Ysleto Elementary Education, ZTA, ACE, Student Government Committees RICHARDS, RAYMOND L., Son Antonio Morketing Administration, TKE, American Morketing Associotion RICHTER, ALBERT P., JR., Austin Newman ClubASME, ,. TBT1:, . .~HMechanicol Engineering, RICKETSON, BARBARA GAIL, Llono Spanish, AA ,t. 1: .t., f[~, BK, lnternational Club RIEBEL, DAWN L'AMOUR, Kingsville Elementary Education, Cap ond Gown RINDFUSS, JAMES ALLEN, McAllen Accounting, .t:.., Business Administrotion Council Poge 70 w,:::;!8.'!r.m.1?.M.lllL\\lilO.ll~""""""""""""""""""""""""11.; CLASS OF 1959 ....--~-­ RIOS, MARIA DEL CARMEN, EdinburgBacteriology, LPhA, Racket Club RIPPSTEJN, WAYLAND JOSEPH, JR., Premont Chemistry RJSINGER, VERNA SUE, Sour Loke Piono Pedagogy, A l,t.' Cop ond Gown RIXON, PATRICIA ANN, Son Antonio Art Education, Y, Cap and Gawn, Wesley Faundation RO BERSON, W JLLIAM HERBERT, Camanche Pharmacy ROBERTS, CHARLES CLARKE, Dallas Mechanical Engineering, <~l' .t ROBE RTS, JACK STUART, JR., Orange Geology, AROTC, Geological Society RO BERTS, W ILLIAM PATRICK, Seguin Gealogy, Geological Society ROBERTSON, ROBERT CARROLL, Corsicana Mathematics ROBERTSON, ROBERT JAMES, Beaumont History, <~l,t.' A,Et.. Cowboys ROBERTSON, WJLLIAM EDMO ND, JR., Colorodo Springs, Colo. Architecturo l Engineering, <~Ke, AO, AAAE, Newmon Club ROBINSON, CAROLE JEAN, Son Antonio Elementary Education, TIB, Studenl Government Committees ROBJNSON, GUY DURWYN, San AngeloPharmacy, AHEngineering,Architectural ROGERS, CAROLYN LOUJSE, San Antonia Home Economics, Child Developmenl, Upperclass Advisor ROGERS, CHARLES RONALD, Austin ,AEP, lnterfraternity Council, Silver SpursKA, . ,Radia and TV Assembly ROGERS, GLENN ALFRED, Big Spring Plan 11, KA, A,Et.. Y, Silver Spurs, Assembly, Student Government Committees, Goodfellow ROGERS, PAULA JANE, Pasadena English Ed ucalion, I'B, Reagan, Cap and Gown, Upperclass Advisor ROOSTH, THOMAS MORTON, Tyle r Zoo logy, :!:AM ROSS, BETSY, Sonora ,nge Jackets . OrMartar Baard, UTSA,,t..\,Physical Educalion, KKI', A Upperclass Advisar ROSS, CAROLYN DIANE, Azle Home Econamics, XO ROSS, RAY THOMAS, Corpus Christi Sociology, Twin Pines ROSS, SARA, Lufkin History, A, RI L, Panhellenic, Cap and Gown, Student Government Commillees RUDE, RAYMOND ROY, JR., RosenbergEconamics , .tl:, Langhorn Band, lnterfraternily Council, Sociely for the Advancemenl of Managemenl RUDOLPH, GW ENDOLYN LOUISE, San Antonio Mathematics, t..I' RUETER, WJLLIE GERALD, San Antonio Educatian RUFF, JOHN D., JR., Houston Zoology, Pre-Medical, Newman Club RUI Z, MANUEL L., JR ., Edinburg Phormacy RUMPH, ELIZABETH ANN, Fort Worth Elemenlary Education, AXO RUNGE, GEORGE EDWARD, New Braunfels Journalism, t..:!:X, Managing Editor Daily Texan, Silver Spurs, George W. Brackenridge Scholorship, Jesse H. Janes Scholorship, Student Governmenl Commiltees, President Southwestern Students' Press Club, Gross Roots, Eulenspiegelverein, Goodfellow, Round-Up RUSSELL, JAMES THEADO, Texa rkana Journalism, ,..x.: Ranger Staff RUSSELL, W JLLJAM FRANKLIN, Miami StudentIRE,AIEE,HKN, ,. TBEngineering, Electricol Engineering Council Page 71 .'.'i.-:;.. ..:.;: ::-;--···:·:·~.·.·· ..,~···· SENIORS ---"""""-~-.... SA'ADALLAH, IZZIDDIN N., Domoscus, Syrio Aeronoutical Engineering, IAeS, Arob Student Orgonization, Union Committees SAA-LOGALDO, PEDRO JOSE, Los Teques, Venezuelo Petroleum Engineering, AIME, lntramurols, Newmon Club SAIKIN, MARILYN F., Abilene .!:AHT, :!... ,Elementory Educotion ST. CLAIR, JAMES HARRIS, 11, Austin Chemicol Engineering, TB QXE, <1>1\T, <~R.!:, AIChE , . ST. GERMAIN, KAY ELLEN, Belloire Art Educotion, Ashbel, Uppercloss Advisor, Student Government ond Union Committees, Varsity Cornival, Newman Club SALEH, MAHMOUD IBRAHIM, Jobleh, Syrio Electricol Engineering, Arob Student Orgonizotion, lnternotionol Club, Speleologicol Society SAMPSON, HORACE ALTON, Troup Mechonicol Engineering, ASME, TSPE, lntromurals, Student Engineering Council SANDEL, JOHN HOLT, Dollos History, ISA, Curtain Club, Wesley Foundotion SANDERS, BILLY JOHN, Comeron Accounting SAUER, JOHN WESLEY, Austin Silver Spurs, Assembly,~H ,. Chemicol Engineering, .!:K, QXE, TB SAVAGE, CAROL YN RUTH, Dollos PEM, Rocket ClubZ, .. ,Phvsicol Educotion SCHARLACH, GWENDOLYN MARGARET, Austin Wesley Foundation .., AABK, .., col, AE Chemistry, Pre-Medi SCHEFFEL, FRITZ BERNARD, New Brounfels Phormocy , X, LPhA .. <1> SCHELL, JAMES ALLEN, Holdenville, Oklo. Petroleum Engineering, AIME, Tejos SCHILLER, JOYCE ELAINE, Austin Bocteriology, A l·r, RIL, Y, Cop ond Lutheron Students Associo­ ,Gown .. University Religious Councilion, . SCHLOSSER, JON, Houston Physics O'B. ,....-:: llllr..il\!.lll.~.;;i.;;;~~8J.l'Jlliii.lf8r.~~~ SCHNEIDER, LOUIS IRVIN, JR., Houston Geology SCHNEIDER, LYNN, St. Louis, Mo. Elementory Educotion SCHOMBURG, WILLIAM, Houston Geology, Geologicol Society SCHOOLCRAFT, LOU DILLON, Houston Conterbury ,. Educotion ond Speech Theropy, x1 SCHROEDER, JOHN ROSS, Kenedy Economics, ~ A SCHUENEMANN, SYLVIA IONE, Kenedy Elementory Educotion SCHUHMACHER, JOHN WILLIAM, JR., Houston .: Economics, K SCHWAB, ELMO, JR., Gonzales Government, Economics, Plon 11, lTA8, Rusk, Varsity Debote SCHWENKE, KENNETH FRANK, Bre nham sociotion,ISA, Americon As!'.., ,Morketing Administrotion Morketing lnsuronce Society, Young Democrots SEHESTED, GRETA LYNN, Texarkana Accounting SELIGSON, SIDNEY PHILLIP, Wichita Falls HillelAU,,.. TArchitecture, SELLARS, PATRICIA, Austin Z .. ,Secretorial Studies SERFACE, EDDIE RAGAN, San Angelo Phormocy, K'I', LPhA SHANNON, RICHARD ARTHUR, LaFeria Plan 11 , Rusk SHARKEY, SIDNEY RAYE, Dallas Government, AXQ, BSU, Spooks, University Religious Council SHARP, WILLIAM GEORGE, Waco Jaurnolism SHAW, ELIZABETH, Brownwood Elementary Education, XQ, ACE, Y, Westminster Fellowship SHAW, MARY ANN, Dallos Exceptional Educa ion, I'B, ACE, Student Government Committees, Union . ne Committee, Educotion Council . Committees, Discipl Son BenitoMARSHALL, . EVERESHEFFEY, life lnsuronce, BSU SHEIR, ARTHUR, Greot Neck, N. Y. Drama, Curtoin Club Page 71 --'8Sl.l------------------------------------------------.... CLASS OF 1959 -----·-­ SHELBY, ROBERT NELSON, Aust in P.lysics, NROTC SHEPPARD, FRANCIS EUGENE, JR" Houston Petroleum Engineering, X, TSPE, AIME, Newmon Club SHIELDS, PATRICK THOMAS, JR., Dollas Real Estate, ex, ROTC SHIPP, LLOYD STEPHEN, lraan Pharmacy, K'I' SHNIDERSON, STANLEY JEROME, Houston C.l emical Engineering, TA~•. AIC.l E SHOBERG, RALPH ALLISON, Edna Biac.lemistry, AIC .l E, TLOK E PATRICIA, San Antonia . SHOOK, JEANE Applied Art, J1B<~, Reagan SHORT, SUZANNE RITA, San Antonio Radio and Television, AEP, Cu.roin Club, Newmon Club SHRADER, RUSSELL LOWELL, Austin Mec.l anicol Engineering, ASME, Wesley Foundotion SHRAKE, JIMMY BRUCE, Fort Worth Petro leum Engineering, <~ AIME , Fres.l mon Bosketboll :., l'A, Educotion, Music SIMPSON, MIKE RHYNE, JR., Lubbock BSU, Union Committees KA, . ,Mothemotics SLATEN, THOMAS RAY, Houston Mechonicol Eng ineering, ASME SLAVIK, FRANK HENRY, JR ., Corpus Christi Geology, e:::, Geologicol Society SLOVACEK, JEROME FRANCIS, Boling .: HMothemotics, SLOVACEK, RAYMOND JOHN, Enn is Electrical Engineering, AIEE, IRE SLOVER, CROCKE LEE, Fort Stockton . Electricol Engineering, AIEE, IRE, ISA HaustonY,. BESMALLWOOD, English SMITH, ADRIENNE TRANT, Temple Bocteriology, KAe, Reogon, Cop and Gown, Union Commitlees SMITH, BARBARA ALLEEN, Dallas Elementary Educotion, XQ, Turtle Club SMITH, BARBARA LUCILLE, Port Neches Elementory Educot ion, AZ, ACE SMITH, BEY. RUTH DAVIS, Glodewoter Elementory Educotion, ACE, BSU SMITH, CECIL FLETCHER, JR., Fort Worth Arch itecturol Eng ineering, AAAE SMITH, CHARLES RAY, Mt. Pleasant Psyc.l ology, AEA, 'l'X SMITH, CLINTON LYNCH, Odessa Zoology, Pre-Medicol SMITH, CURTIS LEE, Austin Adverfising, Daily Texon SMITH, GEORGE R., Gladewater Mec.l onicol Engineering Route to Business Administrotion SMITH, JOANNA BAXTER, Corpus Christi Elementory Educotion, KAe, Spooks, Christion Foith and Life Community SMITH, JOE RAE, Victoria Mechanicol Engineering, AX..\ , ASME SMITH, KENNETH VANCE, San Antonio Mothemot ics Poge 73 SENIORS SMITH, PAULINE, EI Compa undat:an . Pharmacy, KE, PX, LPhA, Wesley F n . SMITH, ROBERT EARL, Fart Warth ASCE ,. Civil Engineering, XE, TB SMITH, RODGER VINCEL, Carpus Christi Marketing, A!J, American Marketing Associati SMITH, SANDRA JEAN, Temple Cap and Gowns, . , CharrElementary Educatian, ACE SNAVELY, JOHN D., Woynesbara, Po . Electrical Engineering SNIDER, MARION RANELL, Hauslan CanterburyY,A9,ry, K . Hist SOCHA, LAWRENCE EMIL, EI Compa Marketi ng SOLCH ER, ALBERT KENNEDY, Austin Engineering, lnterfr ternity C uncil, Newmon . . AIChE,ex,Chemical Club SORRELL, STERLING NORMAN, Lareda vernment, 6T, NROTC . G SOUTH, CHARLES E., Sweetwoter Engl ish SPAN GLER, JACK GORHAM, Austin utical Engineering, 'l'Bfl, IAeS . Aeran SPANN, ROY JAMES, Hauston AIChE :., Chemical Engineering, AX SPARKS, WILLIAM KENNETH, Kaufmon Engineering Route to Business Administrotion re . SPEAR, JACK M., Kilg Management, 61: 1 , Saciety far the Advancement af Management SPEARS, JOE DAN, Dollos Arch itecture nio . SPEER, GLEN CHARLES, Son Ant Aeranautical Engineering, IAeS, TLOK SPENCER, BETTY DELL, Levellond English, l'B, 1:611, Curtain Club, Reagan SPENCER, ELGENE CAMPBELL, San Angela Aeranautical Engineering, IAeS, SAME SPINKS. RICHARD DOUGLAS, Houston Gealagy SPREADBURY, WENDALL NORMAN, JR., Ancan, Canal Zane Gealagy, AU, Curtain Club, Gealagical Saciety SPROLES, SAMUEL G., Part Arthur Mechanical Engineering, ASME STACHER, GEORGE WALTER, Austin Mechanical Engineering, XT I, ASME, Langharn Flying Club STACKS, JIMMY LEE, Wichita Folls il Engineering, XE, ASCE, UTSAM, Handball Club . Ci STAFFA, S. EUGENE, JR., Newgulf Chemical Engineering, AIChE STAFFORD, BEN ALVIS, Pleosantan Physics, 1·LKA, AROTC, Confederate Drill Team STANTON, PHILIP LLEWELLYN, Fart Warth Mechanical Engineering, TBl1, ASME, ISA STEITZ, WALTER RICHARD, Canrae TLOK, Ca-ap PresidentsAIChE,1\T,~< ,. , TB!JXEEngineering,Chemical Council STEM, BILLIE JOE, Dallos Mechanical Engineering STEM, DON MARSHALL, Dollos Engineering Route to Business Administration STEPHEN, BARBARA LOUISE, Golvestan Elementary Educatian, Special Education, f(A8, f[J\9, Ai\6, Canterbury, Sid­ney Lanier, Racket Club STEPHENSON, PATRICIA LEE, Horlingen Hame Econamics, ISA, Westminster Student Fellawship STEPHENSON, WILLIAM KINDRED, Haustan Mechanical Engineering, ASME, AFROTC STERLING, EDWIN LEONARD, A morilla Gavernment CommitteesX, Student . ,Gavernment, Histary STEWART, JAMES HUEY, Fart Warth Electrical Engineering, AIEE STEWART, JAMES RUSH, JR., Haustan Petraleum Engi11eering, AIME STEWART, JERRY EARL, Pleasontan 1nterior Design Page 74 ~----------------------------------------------------------------------~~~~~~~--~~,..................-------. c.;z:.." CLASS OF 1959 ....-~~~--~~~~ STEWART, MARY LILLIAN, Tyler he Advoncem"nt of Monogemenl . Personnel Monogement, BSU, Socicty for STINSON, EMILY SUE, Greenville ion . Speech Educotion, XU, RI L, Oronge Jockets, Uppercloss Advisor, Educo ion . Student Government ond Union Commillees, Wesley FoundoCouncil, STINSON, HAROLD WAYNE, Austin Phormocy, K+, LPhA ington . THOMAS R., BurSTOEBNER, lnternotionol Trode, Foreign Trode Club as .. CHARD FREDRICK, Da . RSTONE, C.temicol Engineering, AXI:, AIC.t E andike . N DELANO, K . FRANKLSTOOKSBERRY, Aeronouticol Engineering, TBll STRAND, WILLIAM L., Fa an, Nev. .. Aeronouticol Engineering, IAeS as .. JOHN HUNTER, DaSTRASBURGER, Low, Tejos, Honor Roll, Freshmon Tennis, lntromurols, Christion Foith ond Life Community AustinCHARLES MACK, N, . CKL . STR Psychology, Xl'I Beaumont ,... ,BEEMAN EWELLSTRONG, Chemicol Engineering, 1\'l'!J, 1'Bil, UXE, <\>HI:, ,\ T STRONG, ERNA RENE, Austin Psychology, AOIT, A Coppello Choir, Union Commillees Houstan ,... ,LBERT . GEORGE GELD, . STUBBLEF lndustriol Monogement, I:E, Silver Spurs, T Associotion, Good­fellow, Assembly STUDDERT, JO ANN, Houstan Physicol Educotion, PEM, Poono, Educotion Council, Newmon Club SUMMERS, SUZANNE, Houston English, KK1··, Sweetheort Nominee, Bluebonnet Belle Semi-Finolist, Reogon, Round-Up, Union Committees JAMES EDGAR, Fort WorthLE,. SU Petroleum Engineering, l'Ll, AIME SUTTON, JAMIE, Longview Elementory Educotion, A Round RockANA, . TH D . EDSVADLENAK, Home Economics, .lZ .a . ALLAN JOHN, Parrish, FSWANSON, Electricol Engineering, HI:, HKN, TBll gin. E LARRY, E . SWENSEN, BENN Mothemotics, Teoching Assistont, Longhorn Christion Fellowship SWOBODA, JOHN JAMES, JR., Victoria Mechonicol Engineering, ASME, TSPE, Southwestern Rocket Society SYLVA, CESAR EDMUNDO, Quita, Ecuadar Civil Engineering, Newmon Club .DakN. axtan, . RALPH PAUL, FTAFELMEYER, Mechonical Engineering San BenitoCK, . GARY FREDER TAFT, Chemicol Engineering, KI:, AIC.t E, ASME, Disciples Student Fellow­ship TARVER, JAMES DOTSON, Burnet Science Educotion s .. Wichita FaNG, ... WHTATE, SARAH Nutrition, XU, ON, Home Economics Club TAUCH, W. CARL, San Antonio Educotion, A!U:, 1SA Society for the Advoncement of Monagemenl TAYLOR, J. L., JR., Houston Geology, Geologicol Society TAYLOR, THOMAS WALLER, Houston Architectural Engineering, I:X, AAAE THOMAS, ERNEST RAYMOND, JR., Hauston A<\>Uion, . Educa e .. HAROLYN JEAN, StephenviTHOMAS, Home Economics Teocher Educotion, A, Home Economics Club, Student Government Committees THOMAS, MARY MARGARET, San Antonio Elementory Education, ACE, Cop ond Gown THOMPSON, ROBERT JEFFREY, Mexia Rodio ond Television, KUT-FM, Curtoin Club, Astronomy Club Poge 75 SENIORS THORNTON, PAT H., Kerrville Mothemotics THORPE, CHARLES RICHARD, Baytown . Electricol Engineering, lIKN, TB THRIFT, NANCY ELIZABETH, Houston French, 6r, 116•~, Turtle Club, Westminster Student Fe llowship, Student Government Committees THURK, CONNIE RUTH, Woodsboro Home Economics, Home Economics Club, Lutheron Student Associo ­ tion ·:·:· ,, TIEKEN, NANCY J., Austin Plon 11, l'B, Cop ond Gown, Round-Up, Union Committees, Lutheran Student Associotion TIEMANN, RUTH CAROL, San Antonio" Art, ZTA Reogon TlllERY, JOE NEIL, Fort Worth Route Business , KE, TSPE, Society for .. Engineering to Administrotion the Advoncemenl of Monogement TOBIAS, LAWRENCE JAY, Dallas Accounting, AEn, lntramurals, Union Committees TOLLE, BERRY BRUCE, Houston Electricol Engineering, 6T TOOLE, ALBERT JULIUS, Dallas Finonce, .fT6, NROTC, Silver Spurs, Goodfellow, Americon Finonce Associo­tion, 1959 Coctus Editor, Texos Studenl Publicotions Boord of Directors, Outstonding Studenl TOPHAM, JAMES TERRY, San Antonio Economics, IAE, Silver Spurs, Scobbord ond Blode TOWNSEND, JAMES TERRELL, Brady Low, AXA, ,Af. Silver Spurs, Friors, lnterfroternity Council, Out­stonding Student, Goodfellow TRAWEEK, BRAYNARD RAY, lngram Mothemotics, HI TRAYLOR, DONALD REGINALD, Rosenberg Mothemotics, Ae TRIPLETT, JON A., Corpus Christi Bocteriology TROELL, HENRY NEIL, Pleasanton Business Administrotion, Society for the Advoncemenl of Monoge­menl, Compus Guild ll.'. ~"""'""".'"""'"""'"'"''"""'""~ W·' '. lll'/Hl'f/11r..tfll."" ~~...l!"'lM.~~l1'6, Americon Morketing Associotion TURPIN, JO ANN, Wichita Falls Southwestern Society, Longhorn TB:E,f, .>.< ,Psychology Rocket Bond TURUNG, M. GUNGOR, lstanbul, Turkey Civil Engineering, ASCE, Turkish Club UHLIG, JOYCE DARLENE, San Antonio Sociol Studies, Cop ond Gown, future Teochers of Americo ULBRICH, JOHN KENT, Carrizo Springs Morketing, Americon Morketing Associotion UPTON, JAMES ERNEST, Van Horn Mechonicol Engineering, ASME USRY, MAXINE, Houston Secretoriol Studies, BSU, Cop ond Gown, Society for the Advoncement of Monogement USSERY, PATRICIA ANN, Baytown lnterior Design. .fl', Westminster Student Fellowship VACKER, DONALD EMIL, Victoria Chemicol Engineering, K6, AIChE, Newmon Club VALERIUS, ROBERT DAVID, Shreveport, La. Geology, T',f. SAME, ROTC, lntromurols, Geologicol Society VALTIERRA, MICHAEL LEON, Austin Mechonico l Engineering, I .>\E, Xl'I, ASME, Tennis VANCE, GEORGE FRANKLIN, Texas City Mechonicol Engineering, ASME Poge 76 l:.l 18181818181818181818181818181818181818"""""""""""""""dli ---/. CLASS OF 1959 ,...--~~~ VANDERWERTH, THEODORA CARTER, Ledbet.er Hislory, ATt., Cop ond Gown VAN GEEM, HERMAN NEIL, Eostlond Electricol Engineering, AIEE, IRE VAN HORN, GAGE, 111, Odesso Chemistry, <~K>I', H1:, AE.t VASQUEZ, ROY ALBERT, Son Antonio ing . Accoun VATHAYANON, BOVORNSAK, Bongkok, Thoilond Mechanical Engineering VENTO, ARNOLD CHARLES, Edinburg french, lntramurals, Newman Club VERPLANK, BOBBY LEE, Amorillo Radio, l't., Varsity Boseball VICKERS, ADEN LANE, Beoumont law, At. VILLARREAL, ELISEO, Son Benito ing . Accoun VILLARREAL, EVELIO FLORES, Del Rio Pharmacy, lPhA, APhA V/LLARREAL, JOE ERNEST, Houston ion, Varsity . Physical Educa PEM, Varsity Track, T Associa ion, Cross . Counlry VILLARREAL, JOSE P., Alice Pharmocy, LPhA VOIGHT, MARIAN WHITNEY, Houston Bacterio/ogy, BK, Turtle Club, Wesley foundation VOLLMER, WILLIAM KYLE, Mercedes Journalism, AXA, Daily Texan, Ranger Staff VOTAW, WILLIAM TRAV/S, Brozorio Geology VOYLES, MARCIA ANNE, Boy City Psychology, t.Z, >l'X VOYLES, SHARON SUE, Austin Home Economics, XQ, Spooks, Cap and Gown, Mor or Board, . s, Oronge Jacket Panhe/lenic WADE, HUGH DARRELL, Childress Electrica/ Engineering, HKN, TBll, ,H.: KK'i', AIEE, IRE, longhorn Band WAIDE, RONNIE LEE, Perryton Zoology, Acacia Y KYLE, Woco . BEWALKER, Retailing, B., Y, American Morketing Association WALKER, GEORGE ANDREW, JR., Morsholl Governmenl and Hislory WALKER, JANET MELBA, Ennis Elemenlory Educalion, AAII WALKER, LLOYD DOUGLAS, Quonoh Business Adminislration Sociefy for the Advancemenl of Monage­ ,. 1:.t, menl WALKER, MARY GAYLE, Fort Worth Sociology WALKER, WILLIAM E., JR., Austin Architectural Engineering, K1:, AAAE, Y, Freshman football WALL, ROBERT BENTON, Beoumont Accounting, ATQ WALLACE, CARL MILTON, Austin Education, A Cappella Choir, Cross Country Track, Young Democrats WALLACE, RUTH ELIZABETH HODGES, Austin Speech WALLACE, STANLEY ANDERSON, JR., Austin Morketing WALLEN, HARVEY NELSON, EI Poso Psychology WALLER, JOHNNY LEE, Houston Governmenl ond Economics, ll.:A WALSDORF, NEILL BAILEY, Son Antonio Bocteriology, UKA Page 77 ...: ·. SENIORS«·"""'"'""'"""'_"_____ WALTERS, RICHARD PAGE, Austin Electrical Engineering, AI EE, 1 RE, Pawer Show WALTERS, SHIRLEY JOYCE, Daingerfield Home Economics, l"'BK, BA'i', A/16, Cap and Gown, Students Co­ operative Association Boord, Wesley foundation, Student Govern­ ment Committees WAR NER, CAROL ANN, Austin Retoiling, 6Z, Americon Marketing Association, N ~wman Club WASICEK, WALTER JOSEPH, JR., Wallis Pharmacy, .lX, LPhA WASH, MICHAEL ARLEN, Stamford Business Administration, Pre-Law WASH, SHARON HENSON, Austin lnterior Design, AX ON, Y, Union Commrttees, AFROTC Sponsor, .!, 1957-58 Sweetheart of the University, Bluebonnet Be lle finolist Y ANN, Dollas . BEWATERS, Daily Texan, Union Committees61:<1>, .!, XJournalism, WATKINS, RICHARD LEE, Fort Worth American Marketing Association ~., Marketing, 6 WATSON, JOHN MANAHAN, Fairfield Petroleum Engineering, AIME, SAME WATSON, MERIDA COLGIN, Dallas Teocher Home Club EconomicsI>,B< . ,EducationEconomics, ,..lome WATSON, TED MAYNARD, Port Lavaca Aeronaulicol Engineering, A,l. IAeS, AFROTC WEACHMAN, WAYNE GILBERT, Houston Business Administralion, EAE WEAR, HELEN ELIZABETH, Dallas Plan 11, 6Z, A/16, ~6ll, Upperclass Advisor, Student Government Com­ mittees WEAVER, ELTON LEON, Plainview Mechanical Engineering, K'i', ASME WEAVER, NANCY CHEEK, Beaumont Bocteriology, A/16, <~BK, Uppercloss Advisor WEAVER, WILLIAM RICHARD, Corpus Christi Government, <1>1'6 WEBER, ANN LA NELL, Austin lnterior Design, 6Z, RI L, Round-Up, Christion Science Organizotion, Cop ond Gown, Home Economics Club, lntromurols WEHE, BE Y JO, Cache, Okla. . Home Economics WEIDE, PAUL E., Austin Petroleum Engineering, AIME WEIGEL, TOM JOHN, JR., Austin BBA Council :!:., Business Administrotion, EN, HE, :!:IE, 6 WEIR, LOLA EVELYN, Childress . Business Educotion, A6 WELLS, JAMES LESLIE, Renner Geology, TKE, AROTC, Round-Up, Geological Society, Honor Roll, Distinguished Militory Student WELLS, JERRY ALAN, Denison SphinxKA, . ,Architecture WELLS, PERRY MIKE, Houston Finonce, K:!:, T Associotion, Vorsity Footboll WELTON, JUDITH ALINE, Dallas Canterbury Club6, . ,KKI'Mothemotics, WEST, LINDA KAY, Hurst Government, A/16, Doily Texon, Ranger Staff, fareign Trade Club Page 78 1:-.. """""""""""""""""""" 811~~§8~~ '7ZA'll.MMUl~~~~~~l~AllllW.l'l//1lmVAl/l.UIJea:l8!!':0WAl/JIU/Bi~5"&l!l!1181ia.i~t CLASS OF 1959 WEST, WALTER MAXWELL, JR ., Houston Mechanical Engineering, ASME, TSPE Dallas ,. JOHN SCOWESTMORELAND, Geology, Geological Sociely WESTOVER, JOHN BROCK, LoPorte r BJI, ASME· .. , 'J'.~Engineering . Mechanica WHALL, FRANCES C., San Antonio Elemenlary Edvcation, A~< WHEELER, JAMES PAUL, Quitmon ntramvrols . ,Mathemalics WHETSTONE, EMERSON RUDOLPH, Austin Engineering, AAAE, ASCE, TSPE . Architectvra WHITE, ROY, JR., lngleside Pharmacy WHITEHEAD, FRANCIS HARRIS, JR" Del Rio Hislory, 4•1'ti, Charros, Chrislian Science Organization WHITEHEAD, GEORGE BALES, Del Rio Geography, tiKE WHITLEY, DORIS GENE, Corpus Christi Radio and Television, AZ, Canter Clvb WILCOX, PATRICIA ANN (1), Bryon Plan A..\A, Orange Jacket, Upperclass Advisor, Stvdent Gavernmenl ,.. and Unian Cammillees WICKLINE, HAZEL ELIZABETH, Son Antonio Bacteriology WICKWIRE, ROBERT JAMES, Charter Oak, lowa EE . Eleclrical Engineering, 'fBll, A WILBORN, JAMES LUCIAN, Austin Marketing, llK1\, ChE, NROTC, American Marketing Associatian, Bvc­ . A caneers, Union Committees WILCOX, PATRICIA ANN (11 ), Dallas Spanish, Cap and Gown, Alba Clvb WILDER, RAY HIRAM, JR., San Saba Pharmacy WILEY, VIRGINIA R., Austin Art Education, IIB WILHELM, BARBARA SORENSEN, Austin Home Economics, rA, Home Economics Club WILKINS, CAROLINE HANKE, Austin English WILKINSON, BARBARA NAN, Purmela Cap and Gown ,. o . ,•A4Secretarial Studies, WILKINSON, GEORGE EDWARD, Cowan, Tenn. . Electrical Engineering, TB WILLIAMS, CHARLES HENRY, Austin University Bowling Leagve ,. A1:Accovnting, WILLIAMS, IVEY NELWYN, Van Jovrnalism, Daily Texan, Student Government Commitlees, Yovng Dem­ ocrats WILLIAMS, MARIJO, lrving Elementary Edvcation, rB, Reagan, Cap and Gown, Union Com­mittees, Wesley fovndation WILLIAMS, MONTE PATRICK, Hondo Physical Edvcation, AFROTC, Arnold Air Society, Scabbard and Blade, fresh­man Baseba 11 WILLIAMS, THOMAS LEE, Anton Pharmacy, K'i' WILLIFORD, NANCY NELL, Fair.f eld Elementary Edvcation, l'B, ACE, Cactvs, Union Committees WILLMANN, BETTY ANN, San Antonio Hame Economics, AI', Y, Panhellen:c, Upperclass Advisor, Stvdent Government Committees WILSON, GAIL LOREE, Dallas English WILSON, JAMES EDWARD, JR., West Columbia Geology, lntramvrals WILSON, PATRICIA LEE, Houston History WILSON, WALLACE GORDON, Baytown Accovnting, Cowboys, Varsity Track, T Association Page 79 SENIORS .·. WILSON, WILLIE JACKSON, Weotherford Electrical Engineering, AIEE WILTEN, DAVID HARRY, Port Arthur Secondary Educotion, 61:<1>, H:!:, BK WINSTON, SLYVIA EUGENIA, Corpus Christi Specio l Education, J.'B, ACE WINTERS, JOYCE H., Jourdonton Secondary Education, Sociol Sciences, Wesley foundation WISE, GARY RAY, Amorillo Pre-lvledical, AE6 ADDISON, Moson ROBERT ,. Wi ·:; Electricol Engineering AIEE, IRE WOELKE, JOHN EMIL, Son Antonio ;:~. lvlechanical Engineering, :!:AE, ASME WOLF, DEAN EAKIN, Wichito Folls Petroleum Engineering, B611 WOLFF, HARLAN RAYMOND, D'Honis Geology, Newman Club WONG, BILLY K., Hauston Pharmacy WOO, KEN, Son Antonio Accounting WOOD, GENIE SUE, Donno English, Westminster Student fellawship WOOD, JAMES EDWIN, Point Rock Electrical Engineering, HKN, TBll WOOD, POLLY SUE, Edom Home Economics, Teacher Education, Home Economics Club WOOD, TERRENCE FAIR, Corpus Christi lndustrial Monagement, Affi, Society far the Advancement of Monoge· ment, Americon tv\arketing Association WOODRUFF, FORESTER ENSIGN, Fort Worth Engineering Route ta Business Administration ]~~~~~.. fCIZ/V//,Ml\IRl./IN~~~!i§li~~811~~ WOODSON, JAMES PALMER, Austin Real Estote ond lnsurance, 6TA, American finance Associo tian, lnsuronce So­ciety, Society far the Advoncement of Monagement WORLEY, JOHN DAVIS, Dollos Business Ad ministration, KA WORRELL, HAZEL ANN, Wichito Folls English, Ar WRIGHT, EDWIN ROGER, Houston finonce, 61:ll, AROTC, Longhorn Band WRIGHT, LARRY WAYNE, Dollos Physics WRIGHT, LILLIAN GAYLE, Abilene Plon 11, A66, Reogon WRIGHT, RONALD WILLIAM, Austin Psychology, XI'I, Society for the Advancement of Monagement, Student Government Committees , Amorillo C.LARRY ,. WYA Plan 11, Honor Roll, Disciples Student Fellowship WYCHE, ROBERT CARLTON, Dollos Chemicol Engineering, K:!:, AIChE WYLIE, MYRNA LOIS, Houston Clothing, Textiles and Design, .Al'6, Home Economics Club, Bow and Arrow, Wesley foundotion WYNN, MARY, Artesio, N. M. Music Education, KKI', A Cappella Choir YENAWINE, DAVID LEROY, EI CompoCeromic Engineering, Americon Ceromic Society, longhorn Band YOUENS, HARRY THOMAS, JR., Loke Jockson Pre-lvledical YOVANOVICH, JACK JOHN, Fort Worth Geology ZABA, ELAINE ELISABETH, Tulso, Oklo. lndustrial Psychology, KKI', Cactus, Round-Up, Society for the Ad­ voncement of Monagement, Student Government ond Union Committees, Newmon Club ZElv'1MIN, ROGER EDWARD, Austin Geology, ISA, Geological Society Page 80 WfJ/fl/lBm/IWW~~a8~'1/DA~llll..\\il&:!il""""""""""""""""""""""" "' ,,. ~ ······ s·· ·····:·"i ·~~~;;:};.;;:;Jilla · .·· ..·." SECOND-YEAR LAWS Bouligny, Jomes Allen, EI Campo Cosner, Dail Warren, Corpus Christi Juarez, Humberto Luis, Jr., Laredo Kuester, Noel James, Houston as . Dal ,... ,en Armistead . Rogers, Cul Stevenson, C arence Nea , Port Lavaca . . Jr., Houston Wash Bryan, ,.. Tramme es, Fort Worth . Trickey, Richard Mi F RST-YEAR LAWS . Pharreman, . ivar Co . , Bo Andrews Andrews, John Connon, Fort Worth Bybee, Owen Lynn, Jr., Hereford a . iam Lawrence, Cotul .. Wia, .. Cotu ap, Hugh Graydon, Houston . Dun Jay Wray, Houstonston, . E as .. Minor Lovis, Jr., Dam, . He , Houston Segrest . Hudson, Ha Fort Worth, ... ,iam Arthur .. WiHudson, de . UvaJr" ,.. ey, George Cardwe .. 11 Jo e .. iam Edward, Brownsvi .. Lokey, Wi s .. Wichita Faifford, . Gordon CMorris, Livingston ,. Rowe, Burre ene . Abias, .. Frank DaScarborough, ORS . JUN as .. Aaron, Steven Louis, Da Hughes Springs, .. Abernathy, Maybe Austining, . Robert SterAdair, Houston ,.. iam Kenda .. Adam, Wi e .. Adamson, Bobye Buckner, Jacksonvi srael . ,Aviv-. Ador, Tuvia, Te as .. on, Da Edward Jackseta, . Ad Georgetownicia, . yn Fe . Marian, .. A , Houston ison .. Jane Aen, .. A Allen, Jo Ann, Houston lgood, Betty Lenora, Port Arthur . A Bobby Dwayne, Waxahachiemand, . A s . New Braunfe ,. Glenn Eartwein, . A Alves, Diana Jean, New Braunfels AustinDwight, .. Anderson, Carro as .. yn, Da . eanor Mari . , E Anderson Anderson, Henry George, LaMarque er . Ty .., RossAnderson, Andrews, Gwendo yn Sue, Bryan . Ankenman, Fred Norman, Houston . MineraTravis Gene, ey, . Ans Borgeren, .. Argovitz, Jerry A ..mrw...vw..."""'"'""•........,,,,, ~~-llMID~-S!.~~m!l~1Z111111r,,.u;: r1111~1n.=-.!!l:!-~~O\\vA. en, Baytown .. Katherine EArmendt, Austinand, . Arnette, Jay Hoy er . TyJr.,Marion, . d, Ceci . Arno as .. orence, Da . Ashburn, Mary F phur Springs . Ashcroft, Ruth Berry, Su Austinin, . Atkinson, Jon Frank er . yn, Ty . Atwood, Frances Eve ey Arch, Longview . t, Stan . Au Austin, Janat J., San Antonio Austin, Jeff, Jr., Frankston Avery, Mary Ruby, San Antonio eton . es Aubrey, Ang . CharBack, ey, John Joseph, Corpus Christi . Bai Bain, Bruce Edwin, San Antonio ene . gin, Abi . Victor Edridge, . Ba . . Demington, . dwin, Antoinette, Wi . Ba , Houston fanz, Barbara Jean . Ba Barge, Thomas Murray, Austin as .. , Da oyd . Barker, Joe F e .. , Brownsvi vin Honsen, Jr. . ABarnes, n . Richard Morgan, HoustBarrow, Bartee, Sarann Lyneen, Austin Corpus Christi, . . . ,enn . GBartlett, is, Kermit .. Phy . Barton, Haze Barton, Richard Saunders, Point Comfort Jr., Austin, .. MitcheBaxter, Robert e .. len, Jacksonvi . Mary E, .. Bea , Houston ison .. inda E . Bean, Ma Bryanare, . Linda C Beard, Rio . Deen,.. ie E .. Wicher, . Be Kenneth, Houston es . Char, .. Be ey, Son Antonio . Craig Man, .. Be estine . Pad Lynn, . Gera ,.. Be Troy Lynn, Lytton Springsver, . Be eburne . d Hugh, C . , Dona Bennett.NebrOmaha, ,. Bercovici, Edwin Byr s .. Wichita Fa,Best, Linda Luan Beynon, Eugene Thomas, Jr" Corpus Christi Frank Edward, Nixonings, .. Bi as. . Bird, Don Estes, Da ~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ s .. We CLASS OF 1960 Norwoyo, . Bjorre, Odd-Erik, Os e . Brownsvilift, . George Cock,. B Alvin Felix, Houstonoir,. B Anton:oJohn Chorles, Sononton,. B veston . Go, ... ,Trumon Grovesocker,. B Roy, Kenedy omquist, Moynord . B e Foye, Seguin . , Myrt Blumberg , Austin yn Christine . CoroBock, e . Roberl Richord, TempBolding, Bonhom, Lone E., Son Antonio is Ann, Texos City . PhylBorden, izobeth Joyce, Houston . EBourdon, o . Noncy Lynn, AmorilBourn, Jr., Horlingenorkson, . ter C . WoBowmon, Box, Roy Edgor, Jr., Corpus Christi Son Antonioyn Ann, . MoriBoyle, rene Andreo, Hondo . ,Broden Leo, Victorio yn . SheriBrody, Bronton, Jomes LoVoy, Cisco Brosheors, Jonice, Son Antonio John Robert, Emory ., Brozie Brozil, Sondro Muriel, Port Arthur e . John Ashworth, TempBrevord, eosont. PMt.Bob Burnett, Brewster, e . Jomes Edwin, TempBridges, emon . es Ernest, Co . Chorl, . Bridwe Brinkerhoff, Jon Louise, Houston Britton, Morion Edith, Houston Brooks, Myrno Ruth, Texorkono Brown, George Benjomin, Woco os .. Do .,.. ,lomon . HoBrown, Morvin e .. iom Vonn, Greenvi .. WiBrown, ton . Wilse Moson, CompbelBrown, e . Woyne Leon, TempBrowning, Bruce, Grody Dyson, Jr., Son Antonio ono . Bruhl, Donold Adolphus, Jr., L Buchonon, Dovid Lee, Jr., Port Lovoco Buchonon, Noncy Ruth, Novosoto enn R" Sheridon . Gey, . Buck Buckner, D. U., Jr., Phorr Budzilowicz, Dovid Wo loce, Chicogo, . Bundick, Athene Morie, Borker .... Burge, Chorles H., Houston New Bostonoude, . Lorry C Burgoon, Burke, Ed, Houston Burke, Joe, Houston AustinJeon,ter, . Burkho AustinJone,M.ter, . Burkho oominglon. BMory Edno, Burris, Burroughs, Jomes Koy, Corpus Christi Jock Richord, Son Angeloer, . But os .. Doen, . Jomes AlButler, Butler, Mory Ruth, Rusk Butler, Robert Anthony, Rusk Texos CityJr" ., iom Doh .. Wie, . Cod , Edno yn Virginio . e, Gero . Cog Coin, Diono, Austin os .. Mory Ann, DoCompbell, Richord Trent, Jr" Son Antonio .,. Compbe , Mexico Monterreyeh, .. Peter SoConovoli, Son Antonio iom S., .. , Wi Connon o . Scott, Amoril ThomosContine, os .. Doyn, . Coro, .. Contwe Corlton, Corolyn, Freeport . Louro yn, Freeportton, . Cor Corr, Robert sooc, Jr" Son Antonio . Correll, John Croig, Snyder Victor Monuel, Loredoo, .. Corri Corson, Poul John, Son Antonio .o . Gobles, F . molee, Coro . ACortee, s .. es Froncis, Wichito Fo . ChorCosey, Coshion, Jomes Hole, Austin Costillo, Eloy, Eog e Poss . Cote, Chorles Cushmon, Houston Cezeoux, Philip Colvin, Humble f . Newgu .,. LoNeChoffin, lord Mourice, Austin . DiChoppell, Choteloin, Jonet, Houston Cheothom, Gory Thermon, Whitesboro ios . Doy, .. SoChenoult, ios . Fronces Anne, DoChildre, Childs, Berniece Cloire, Shreveport, Lo. Clork, Jomes Edword, Boird don Oliver, Son Antonio . ork, We . C Pog" 83 ~~~ ee;i; !!!!!~!':!!!~i.i:m!!!!!!!!'! ~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~iwm"!!!!!!!!!!ll!l!!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll l!.! ·:::: JUNIORS . Clarkson, Nancy Lynn, Corpus Christi Clayton, Joe Dodson, Tulia , Houston bur Ratliff. s, Wi Cleave Clegg, James Ellis, Jr" Eupora, Miss. as . yne Wilson, Dal Waements, . C Cochran, Kenneth Ray, He nderson Cockrell, James Thomas Ross, Hillsboro Cody, Judith Vermelle, Premont Cody, Lloyd Edward, Point Comfort Coe, Gayle Louise, Marathon Coenders, Henricus Joannes, Austin Coffee, Jerry Lee, Mexia Colby, Frank Michael, Houston es Henry, Jr., Fort Worth . Cole, Chor Cole, James Dee, Greenville Cole, Jenoye Roland, Conroe , Bay City nez . eman, Betsy Col Collier, Penny Pitt, Dollas Collins, Mory Margaret, Alvin Collins, Ted ., Jr" Fort Worth Cone, Jo Anna, Fort Worth Walle Merrilt, Corpus Christiy, . Cono Cook, Alice Estep, Corpus Christi Cook, Charles Peak, Cuero Cook, Eleanor Ruth, Houston Cook, Katherine Jane, Atlonta Cook, William Edwin, Austin Cooksey, Robert Monaghan, Jr" Corsicano Cooper, John Clifton, Beaumont Cowon, Mourice Edword, Austin , Austin otte Ann . ChorCox, Craig, Poulo June, Dollos Croin, Julionne, Venus Crain, Karen, Dallas en .. Crowford, Ewin Lynn, McA Crawford, Travis Roy, Grondfolls Cryer, Hermon Lee, Ennis Cummins, Cornelio Ann, Fort Worth enda Foy, Wharton . GCunningham, ., Austin saac, Jr . Cunningham, Herbert Currie, Hugh Bob, Amarillo Curtis, Jewe , Fort Worth . ~llN~~~~Vl/Nf~~.~~~m~ Poge e4 Cyphers, Chorlyne Louise, Alomo Daily, Leon J., Jr., Newgulf Dorby, Anne McKeever, Houston Darling, John Kimbrell, Houston Davenport, Catherine Dalene, Austin Davis, Charlene, Big Sandy las . Ann, Da GloriaDovis, Dallas, ... ,Wed.Davis, Jd, Houston . Davis, Jerry Dona Davis, Mary Anne, San Antonio Dawson, Dolphia Ann, Amarillo Dawson, John Coleman, Houston y Bernard, Austin . Day, Bil Dean, Peggy Joyce, San Antonio Dear, Barbara Sloan, Fort Warth DeForges, John Warner, Houston Dehnisch, Shoron Beth, Mathis DeKunder, Joe Henry, San Antonio rene, Houston . NelwynDelaney, Deleon, Jo Ann, Cuero Deluna, Raul Fraga, San Antonio Denman, Ann, Fort Worth Dickens, Nancy Jean, San Antonio Dickson, Robert Miller, Dallas Dietz, Geral Wayland, Tolpa Dobie, Dudley Richord, Jr" Son Morcos gore . KiWayne,Dodson, Bobby Houston, . . . ,John RentzDoggett, Doke, Mourice, Wichita Falls , Port Arthur ce, Charles Leonard . Do aire .. Thomas William, Be, .. Do Domning, Dolores Eleanor, Coral Gables, Flo . , Houston Lou Adele, .. Dorre dress. . Dowis, Gary Loyd, Chi Downs, Edwin Dean, Austin Downtain, Robert Lee, Ranger lo . AmariFloyd Richard, Drake, Drake, Peggy Joyce, Son Antonio Duncan, John Daniel, lrving Dunnam, Thomas Norman, Jr" Cleveland Durden, Robert Bomparte, Amarillo Durway, Jerry Withers, Fort Worth • fl 1 ~,IJ ~_..~_,,..,?,/il t. \.'-/ ~ -~~,, ,. . CLASS OF 1960 . Dusek, Clifton J., Coldwell Duson, Delio, EI Compo Dyess, Johnnie Sherwood, Fort Worth Dyke, Morsholl Jomes, Borger Eokin, Robert Derwin, Son Antonio os .. Jr., Do, . Chorles EorEorhort, Austin ton, . CorEoton, Dovid Edmundson, Lido Locy, Houston , Houston oe . ChEdwords, Edwords, Robert E., Austin Edwords, Victorio, Corpus Christi iom Rowon, Big Spring .. Edwords, Wi SondersonLee, .. eston, Corro . Egg os .. Jonet Lucy, DoElmore, os .. Richord Westbrook, DoEmery, .e, N. Y .. Robert Dovid, Munnsvi Ernst, otte . ChorGene, .. CorroErwin, Erwin, George Thomos, Brownwood oins. Cross P e, . Jerry DoErwin, e .. oresvi. FMortho,Eschenburg, SeguinDeon, . CoroEsse, Dwoine, McComey sooc . ,Eubonks Evons, Robert Trovis, Corpus Christi , Poth Horvey Keithd, . Fohrentho ey, Toni, Fort Worth . Foir EgyptCoiro, ,. o . Goin, M. El-DFokhr-Austinoyton, . s, Robert C .. Fo FoirbonksJohn, . Foour, Donie ArthurMorilu Joy, Port der, . Fe ey Burnett, Houston . StonFerguson, Fernondez, Dovid Oscor, Son Antonio ooming Grove . Bmon, .. ph Ti . Ro, . Ferrel os .. DoJr.,ips, .. Thomos Phi d, . Fie iom Cook, Lockhort .. Wider, . Fie s .. Wichito Fo ,.. more, Lyne .. Fi Finch, Donold Roy, Cuero D'Honis ,. Joseph MichoeFinger, d J., Houston . RonoFinger, HoustonStephen, .. Fink, Lowe s .. Wichito FoLouise, . Corofisher, os .. Judith Christine, DoFisher, fitch, John Thomos, Son Antonio Son Antonio , ... ,iom .. John WiFitch, Houstonyn Minnette, . oitz, Mori . F Corpus Christi ,. . . ,Edwin Fronklin oto,. F ege Stotion .. Coioh Ann, . Deeming,. F Fogerson, Pete Edgor, Houston Jomes Richord, Son Antoniokes, . Fo LoMorqueine, . Ford, Evonge Forester, Rosemory, Houston iom, Ronger .. Scott Wi Forney, veston . GoMorjorie Anne, Foster, e Voughon, Son Antonio .. MoydeFoster, . Dovid Woyne, Sobinoer, . Fow le . Thomos, Greenvi oce .. WoFowler, e .. J., Roymondvi on . Fox, A yn, Brownwood . CoroFoy, Noncy eosonton . P,.tSom Burne Frederickson, os .. Dole, . sobe . lynnFrench, os .. DoNoncy Ruth, French, Fridge, Ernest Morion, Fort Worth d, McComey . iom Dono .. Frierson, Wi e . iud, Kingsvil . Jose EFuentes, o .. Anthony, Amori JosephFuller, Odessoes Edwin, . Furgerson, Chor Reogonton, . She . , Donie Golford Goines, George Edword, Houston Frederick, Texos City Bobbybreoth, . Go Loredo, ... ,o . GonzoGomboo, Gordner, Dovid Lowrence, Fort Worth Gordner, Hermon Lowrence, Jr., Houston os .. Doey, . Jomes DonGordner, er . TyNoncy Morie, Gorrord, Houstoner, . Gory WeiGorrett, , Son Antonio iom Dovid .. WiGorrett, Fort Worth ,. Ben PouGorrison, Corpus Christioyd, . enn L . GGorrison, Gorzo, Roel, Rio Gronde City Gorzo, Roy C., Son Antonio Gothright, Morsho Ann, Austin eton . Ang, ... ,Jomes Roye, . Goy lo Grongees, . Fronk ChorGemor, , Brownwood Jr.oyd, . es F . ChorGeorge, om Lee, Houston i .. WiGeorge, Poge 85 JUNIORS Gerson, Fred Milton, Houston Geyer, Wolter Louis, Jr., San Antonio Gibson, Jerry Pat, Odessa Gill, Rose Marie, San Antonia Gillean, Esther Gaylan, Stamford Giller, Miriam Louise, Dallas Gillespie, Campbell Houston, 111 , Sherman Gillfillan, Janet Laney, Fart Worth Gilliam, Jimmy Wendell, Waco Gillis, James Kenneth, Corpus Christi Gisher, Annabelle Lee, Dallas Glaspy, Gail, Ennis Goble, Richard Byron, Tyler Goldberg, Herbert Stephen, Marshall Gonzalez, Mary Magdalene, Corpus Christi Gorbett, Deanna Lee, Fort Worth Gorena, Rolando Rene, Edinburg Gorrell, John Thomas, Odessa Graber, Allan Levy, Galveston Granbery, Karolyn Kay, Olton Grant, Stephen Allen, Jr., Houston Green, Joe Reginal, Tatum Green, Mary Lee, Cuero Gremmel, Ruby Louise, Boerne Gribble, Millie Ruth, Houston Grieneeks, Laurabeth Elizabeth, Midland Griffin, George Lee, Dallas Grill, Hermann Arthur, Leoben, Austria Grinstead, Samuel Tevis, Houston Grossman, Gary, Houston Grubbs, James Bryan, Jr., Houston Guckian, James Collins, Lockhart Guerriero, William Graham, Dallas Guthrie, Janet M., Austin Guthrie, Merle Elizabeth, San Antonio Guthrie, Robert Calvin, Cleveland Gutierrez, Maria Del Rosario, Rio Grande City Guyton, Gayle, Taylor Guyton, Mary Patricia, Midland Haase, Donald James, Nixon Haile, Patricia Anne, San Angelo Haire, Lynda Gayle, Dallas Page 86 :~':,.~,':i;;.,',, r.c,-..,~~/. ,Yff!:;;,1{,te~1,f{~ fi "~~~~~~~~~. Halff, Kay, San Antonio Hall, Cynthia Ann, Houston Hall, James Benjamin, Vidor Hall, Marjorie Sharon, Sherman Hall, Mary Carolyn, Corpus Christi Hall, Royce Herman, Jr., Vidor Hallmark, Julie, Odessa Halsell, Harriet, Bonham Hammersley, Vernon C., Austin Hammond, Maxine M., San Antonio Hancock, Marion Donald, McAllen Haney, Jeanette Blanche, Victoria Hankins, Linda Elizabeth, Houston Hansard, Charles Edward, Amarillo Hanson, Joe LeNoir, Austin Harborth, Mary Louise, Yoakum Harkey, Mary Ethel, DeKalb Harkins, Sidney Louise, Sanderson Harrell, Jimmy Joel, Houston Harrington, James Wilfred, Jr., Plano Harris, Frances Skillman, Houston Harris, Mack Harrell, Greenville Harrison, Douglas Patrick, Frost Harrison, John Ragland, Austin Harriss, John Charles, Rockdale Hart, Lawrence Eugene, Austin Hartung, Roger Collier, Fort Worth Harwood, Jane Collins, Richmond Haschke, Herbert Pau/, Jr., Houston Haswel/, Dan Forrest, Markham Hawley, James Leeper, Dallas Haworth, Robert Frederick, San Angelo Hawthorne, Charline, Conre. Heard, Ernest Sam, Bowie Helmer, David Marvin, Hillsboro Henderson, Lynda, Dal/as Henry, Frances Carolyn, Tilden Henry, Phy/lis, Fort Worth Hens/ey, Lynn Carlett, lowa Park Hensley, Sidney Thomas, Houston Henson, Booth Sheryl, Abilene Henson, Walter Tom, Dalhart CLASS OF 1960 ----" Herman, Dan S., Fort Worth Herren, Janis Jones, Paducah Herry, Rose Marle, New Braunfels Hesse, Henry David, Corpus Christi Hewlett, Edward Robertson, Austin Hickman, Judith Ann, Dallas Higginbotham, Betty Boggs, Dallas Higgins, Erin, Austin Highland, Lenore Carol, Houston Hill, Jo Marie, Fort Worth Hilton, Marjorie Elizabeth, Houston Hitt, Gary Chris, Fort Worth Hobbs, Carole Jean, Houston Hobbs, John Frank, Abilene Hobbs, Lee V., Gilmer Hodge, Claude Burrell, Bonham Hoffman, David Alwynn, Arcadia Hoiseth, Merlin George, Fort Worth Holleman, Patricia Lynne, Houston Holloway, Gordon Arthur, Dallas Holloway, Richa rd Earl, Evanston, 111. Holloway, William Gordon, Longview Holman, David Calvin, Weslaco Holmes, Rocky Dean, Winfield Hood, Martha Josephine, San Benito Hooper, William Coggin, Jr., Brownwood Horka, Ann, Silsbee Horn, Wanda Pearl, San Angelo Horton, Samuel B" Austin House, Rosemary Clyde, San Antonio Howard, Gary Dee, Midland Hubbard, Diane, Alvarado Hudspeth, Robert Neal, Sweetwater Huffman, Patricia Ann, Austin Hughes, Frances Catherine, Austin Hughes, John Bruce, lowa Park Hulsey, Spurgeon Leon, Jr., Wharton Hummel, Kenneth Earl, Victoria Hunger, Rudolph Eugen, McAllen Hunt, James R., Marlin Hunter, Amy Cherrie, Orange Hyde, Gretchen Lee, Dallas lsaac, Dorothy Sue, Houston lzard, Judith Carolynn, Dallas Jacobs, Judith Mueller, Kingsville Jacabs, William Fredric, Houston Jackson, Sandra Jan, Somerville Jaco, Jan Ann, Blaomington Jaeggli, Victor B., Jr., Corpus Christi Jakle, Florence Therese, San Antonia James, William Grant, Amarillo Janik, Frank Charles, Wharton Jarrell, Norman David, Texas City Jennings, Richard Cornwell, Corpus Christi Jessen, Esther Margaret, Austin Jeter, Thomas Gentry, Jr., Refugio Johnsan, Don Henry, Austin Johnson, Larry Bert, Daingerfield Johnson, Wayne Gowen, Austin Johnson, William Phillip, Jr., Van Vleck Jolly, Lloyd Cecil, San Antonio Jones, Elizabeth Kay, Amarillo Jones, James Henley, San Antonio Jones, Janice Evelyn, Carpus Christi Jones, Margaret Elizabeth, Houston Jones, Marylou Patricia, Austin Jones, Nelma Ann, Dallas Jones, Renee Carol, San Angelo Jones, Robert Dale, Austin Jones, Rose Mary, Kilgore Jones, Walter Lee, Dallas Jordan, Kenneth Ray, Gladewater Jordan, Sara Frances, Bandera Jordan, Willie Cleveland, Houston Juergens, Larry David, Corpus Christi Kahler, Glenda Sharon, San Antonia Kamen, Sam Abram, Dallas Karkowsky, Jay Jules, Houston Karlsson, Richard Evert, Yonkers, N. Y. Karnauch, Ludmila Pawlowna, Houstan Keefer, Peggy Pauline, Corpus Christi Keever, Jack Elton, Port Arthur Keith, Janis, Beaumont Kelley, Margaret Jane, Dallas Page 87 ,:'q'/;/!f.,/,,, ,f 1\, ~' 1 ' / !//.}; '), --Zk.X.J~~~@,,f /,/. . . ' .r~~~~~,,...~~~~~:-· JUNIORS-------... y 'J"'·-"""--"""'"" •;;,~---.-. 11 Kelso, Harry Bertrand, Jr., Texas City Kendall, George Charles, Jr" Houston Kendrick, David Andrew, Gatesville Keplinger, Henry Ferdinand, Tulsa, Okla. Kerr, Don Milton, Jr., Kilgore Kersten, Phyllis, Seoly Keuky, Lim, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Kieke, Twila Wanda, Giddings Kildoy, Betty Lynn, Houston Kimble, Kathryn Dione, Longview King, Frances Ruth, Austin King, Jerry Lucien, Texarkana King, Kay, Fort Worth Kins, Sammy, Corpus Christi Kirchem, Reid Charles, Galveston Kirkpatrick, Marillyn, Water Valley Kirkwood, Jimmie Lee, Austin Kitlrell, John Robert, Dallos Klein, Alexander Benjamin, Jr., Tomball Knight, Anne, Austin Knight, Donald Richard, Austin Kniker, James Donald, Seguin Knippa, Janice Lee, San Antonio Knippa, Larry Don, San Antonio Knobler, Bill Morton, Brownwood Knupp, Robert Gist, Amarillo Koen, Billy Vaughn, Austin Kosh, Margaret Mary, Hempsteod Kothmann, Barbara Ann, Mason Krandel, Sheryl Barbara, Houston Kromer, William Moffett, San Antonio Kromminga, Lynn Richard, Austin Krum, Charles Leo, Yoakum Kuhrau, Edward W., Odessa Laakso, Richard Hilton, Los Fresnos Laird, Patricia Ann, Tomball Lake, Richard Wilbur, Houston Lancaster, Lou Ann, Dallas Lane, Allen Grady, Baytown Langley, Charles Waymon, Big Wells Langner, Carl Gottleib, Seguin Lanier, Betty M" McAllen -=--...,,.,....,...,.,Nl1fl mr.N.tw' . 1 Page 88 Larcade, Randolph John, Corpus Christi Laughlin, Joe Acker, Baytown Laurel, Diana, Laredo Laxson, Florence Gaye, Texarkana Layton, Virginia Lea, Humble Lea, Tom Calloway, IV, EI Paso Leary, Daniel Edwin, Mexia Legg, James Richard, Amarillo Leggett, Carolynn Elizabeth, Midland Lehman, Judy, San Antonio Lentz, Joan Denys, Victoria Lenz, Marvin Ray, Taylor Leschber, Ervin Wayne, Austin Lester, Jo Ann Kay, San Antonic Lewallen, Jay Mayne, Austin Lewis, Elliotl Donald, Birmingham, Ala. Leyendecker, Ethel Martha, Laredo Lieberman, Susan Anne, Houston Lightfoot, Stanley Augustus, Odessa Linden, Laurence Eugene, Austin Lindsey, James Norris, Amarillo Linscott, Stephen McCray, Austin Little, Janis Virginia, Eastland Livingston, Penn vanRensselaer, Austin Lloyd, Robert Collins, Midland Loeckle, Adolph Henry, Jr., Texas City Loffland, Joan Elaine, Fort Warth Lagan, Daniel Lanier, Alpine Loggins, Carla Elizabeth, West Columbia Lohmeyer, Otto Fred, Navasota Longcope, Kay, Brownwood Lopez, Raymond Ascension, San Antonio Love, James Batson, Amarillo Love, Roberta Ann, Dallas Lowther, James Marion, Andrews Lozano, Beatrice, Corpus Christi Lucas, Shirley Ann, Gainesville Lueders, Jimmy, LaGrange Lumsden, Barbara Ann, Arlington Lyles, James Canon, McCamey Lytle, Betty Noble, Andrews Maddox, Mary Jo, San Antonio CLASS OF 1960 ~--- Madray, Giles Hayes, Jr., San Antanio Magel, Barbara Ann, San Antanio Magness, Patricia Wood, Midland Magruder, Walter Watson, Victoria Mahone, Eugenia Marie, Austin Mangum, David Haywood, San Antanio Manske, Donna Carol, McGregor Marberry, Thomas Dana, Victoria Markle, Charlene Cartter, Houston Marr, John Stuart, San Juan Marshall, Dahl, San Antonio Martin, Lou Ann, Wichita Falls Martinez, Almira Fidelia, Mercedes Martinez, Frank E., Groves Mason, Jimmy Faster, lrene Matlock, Beverly Sue, Arlingtan Mathis, Patricia Ann, Hearne Mattei, William Clement, Houston Matthews, Gary Nolan, San Antonio Maupin, Eddy, San Antonio Maxwell, Donald Allan, Austin Maxwell, Jack Martin, Andrews Maxwell, Mary Gay, Houston May, lrvin Marion, Overton Mayer, Leroy Louis, San Antonio McBride, Sonya, Brownsville McClenahan, Margee Ann, Gainesville, Fla. McClure, Virginia Lou, San Antonia McConchie, Mary Katherine, Taylor McCracken, William Richard, Carpus Christi McCrea, Victor Chase, Jr., Midland McCreight, Floyd Allen, Fort Worth McDonald, David Earl, Houston McEathron, Warren Lee, Corpus Christi Mcfarlane, Virginia Lauise, Brownwoad Mcfarlin, Mary Margaret, Bertram McGehee, Frank Owen, Houston McGinley, Margaret Wallis, Dallas McGlothlen, Michael Edward, Victoria McGowan, Charles Frederick, Houston McGawan, Loy Dean, Timpson McGregor, Jimmie Rae, Mineral Wells McKinney, Karen, Beeville Mclain, Mana Estelle, Spearman Mclendon, Gordon David, Jacksonville McMaster, Marjorie Rose, Tyler McMurry, Murry Stroud, Clyde McReynolds, Virginia Sue, Palestine McSpadden, Charlotte Ann, Odessa McSpadden, James Daniel, Blooming Grove Meador, Lucie Ann, Saint Ja Meadows, Curtis W., Jr., Dallas Meals, Samuel Allen, Fort Warth Meitzen, Victor Cuthrell, Anahuac Mellow, Roger S., Dallas Melton, Margaret Diane, Houston Meraz, Samuel, Jr., EI Paso Merlick, Carroll Wayne, Fort Worth Meyer, Marilyn Jeanette, Rosenberg Meynier, Margo, Houston Michaelis, Max Gustav, Kyle Middlebrook, Mary Claire, Hungerford Middleton, Frederick Warren, San Antanio Middleton, Roger Arlan, Pasadena Milam, Linda Caytes, Snyder Miller, Marilyn Kay, Dallas Miller, William Hamilton, Crawford Milliger, Phyllis Adele, Houston Mills, Daniel Leslie, Jr., Austin Mills, Frankie Jean, Whartan Mills, Jerre Lee, San Antonio Mills, Kay Zechlyn, Del Ria Milner, John Charles Wendell, Syracuse, N. Y. Mitchell, Harvey Ray, Jr., Austin Mitchell, Jahn Wayne, Texas City Mittanck, Richard B., Corpus Christi Mittel, Martha Dean, Sanora Montgomery, Linda, Dallas Moady, Eric V., Jr., Houston Moady, Rhetta Allan, Houston Moan, Willard Bailey, Odessa Moore, Carol Ann, San Antonio Moare, Charles Kennedy, San Angelo Moore, Harolyn Marcelle, Austin Poge 89 JUNIORS s .. ~> Jeffersone, . DaMoore, Jimmy e . John Baxter, RockdaMoore, Moore, Katharine, Houston Rusk, Sinton . Moore, Michae amo . APomeroy J" Moore, o . San Ange ,. Daurice De ,. . More Wichita Faene, . ma Doy . AMargan, .if . San Morino, Caizobeth, . en E . HeMorgan, Morgenroth, Kay Francis, Cuero e .. ancine, Greenvi Margaret FrMorris, as .. Da ,.. Be . CaroMorrow, es Aaron, Laredo . CharMoser, Moser, Thomas Louis, Houston arie .. eigh Warren, Be . Moses, Ra Moss, Edward E" Seg u i n este . Ce ene, . va CharMoss, Eas .. Lockett, Da MarthaMossom, fred Anton, San Antonio . AMoursund, San Antonioyn Marie, . Marier, .. Mue Muir, Thomas G" Austin Murchison, H. L. Hense , Houston . Houstonwyn, .. Murphy, Ne Muse, Marianne, Longview Worthen, Fort . GMusgrove, Robert as .. d Patrick, Da . onaMyers, Dice . John Joseph, ANauer, Edinburg ,.. James Merri ,. Nee ano. e, P . Marjorie Caroy, . Nee Wade, Beaumontson, Bruce . Ne Jasper ,. . . ,son, Chris . Ne ney . Sue, O Margaretson, . Ne San Antonioyn, . son, Mary-G . Ne as .. DaNesbit, Susan, San Antonio, .. yn Litte . Nesrsta, Caro as .. , Da Waydeas, Ronny . Nicho veston . Barbara Jean, Gas, . l~icho s .. d Loy, Wichita Fa . Donas, . Nicho anta . yn Beth, At . Gwendos, . Nicho as .. , Da Ottosson, David . Ni yde E., Jr" San Antonio . Can, . No , Lockhart enn Lee . Gte, . No ph AFB . d K" Rando . ing, Dona . Nor Bryanyn, . ice Caro . ANorman, een .. Norman, Anna Marie, Ki Daytonan,.. ANorthcutt, Robert Nottingham, John David, Jr" Houston Novotny, JoAn Roberta, Houston Nancy Jane, Lamesain, . Now O'Connor, John Brian, Lulkin , .. O'De d . as, Brownfie . ph Doug . Ra ney . , O iam Lamar .. Wi ,.. O'De ington . Aren, . Bob G e, . Od eman . iam Robinson, Jr" Co .. O'Hair, Wi Ora Katherine, Corpus Christid, . O and . Fay, Mid iver, Jessie . O San Antonio ,. . ,Robertsoniver, Rees . O Austineanor, . Harriet E sen, . O phur Springs . SuLenore, . son, Caro . O O'Quinn, Kerry Hedick, Austin Orren, Jerry Mac, Odessa Page, Miriam Anne, Austin Houston, . . . ,James HarryPainter, Corpus Christiy, .. SaPainter, ing . Otis Lyman, LuParchman, , Baytown y James .. Parker, Bi .if . Cao Park, . , Men , Richard BrockParker Parks, Ruth Marie, Houston Parr, John David, Robstown Paso . Richard, E JohnPassero, en Gorman, Jr" San Antonio . , G Passmore yde Ray, Sweeny . Parsons, C Comlort ,. Sidney PearPatterson, Patterson, Stephen Foster, Corpus Christi , Houston es Robert . Payne, Char Fort Worthett, . Barbara BramPeck, es Robert, Fort Worth . CharPeck, e . ph, Temp . es Ado . Char ,. Peh en .. nocente, McA . FranciscoPena, e . TempDavid Lee, Pennington, New Bostonas, . es Doug . Peters, Char Pettijohn, John W., Georgetown Edna Sophia, Lufkinen, . Phi Lee, Austin ips, Ann .. Phi Britton Haynes, Baytown ips, .. Phi Page 90 "~NIB~!91~~!'711W~~~~~~OOfSZMr.rn.m~ul/IAJ:l~l.lfl.&jj~~i.Da1!81"""""""""""""" / CLASS OF 1960 ~~--­ Ph illips, David Edward, Waco Phipps, Jae Dean, Austln Piercy, Dwayne Clark, Overtan Pinckney, Kay, Austin Pirkey, Louis Thamas, Texarkana Pitts, Selina Sally, Beaumant Plummer, Helen Katherine, Austin Pond, Mary Linn, Bryan Pogue, Charles Arthur, Houston Porcarello, Paul Joseph, Houston Post, Martha Ann, Baytown Post, Nathan Charles, Cuero Poston, Robert Seeling, Austin Powell, Cynthia Anne, Temple Powell, Diane, Karnack Power, Glenda, Fort Worth Power, John Keith, Austin Preston, Laura, Newgulf Presley, Lettye Jane, Garland Prince, Rose Mary, Village Mills Proffitt, Dixie Ann, New Braunfels Puzi n, Nicole Elizabeth, Houston Pyron, Bob Herold, Tyler Roab, Joan Lanelle, Runge Raby, Roger Allan, Houston Rakoover, Burton Lee, Fort Worth Ramirez, Elva Angelita, Corpus Christi Ramsey, Stevens David, Jr., Dallas Rankin, Marion Frances, Dallas Rawlins, Ruth Ann, Santiago, Chile Ray, Nancy Jane, Dallas Reese, Edward E., Odessa Reinarz, Robert Charles, Amarillo Revisore, Rocco Giardino, New Orleans, La. Rhoades, Madra Sue, Alvin Richardson, Edward P. H., Tyler Richardson, Mary Carolyn, Austin Riddle, Jane Frances, Houston Riddle, Robert Leroy, Fort Worth Riddick, Thomas Roane, Corpus Christi Ries, Jaella Ruth, San Antanio Rippeteau, Barbara Kay, Austin Risser, Sally Ross, Banham Rivers, William Leon, Elgin Raach, Laura Anne, Dallas Raberts, Edward Roy, Texas City Roberts, Ronald H., Dallas Rabertson, Eugenia Lenore, Fart Warth Rabinson, Claudia Elizabeth, Childress Rabinsan, Don Shane, Plainview Rabinsan, Larry Dan, lowa Park Rabinsan, Ramon Klugh, Magnalia, Ark. Roever, William Alexander, Dallas Roesler, Larry Gardan, Channelview Rogers, Carolyn Louise, Austin Ragers, Dalores Rosenberg, Dallas Rogers, Jean Bu rke, San Antonio Rogers, Leldon James, Austin Rogers, Phillip Wayne, Austin Roper, Donald Eugene, Houston Roshton, Diane Lucille, Houston Rosner, May Evans, Austin Royal, Mary Lucille, Menard Rust, Joe Carroll, San Antonio Rutherford, Sallie Jo, Dallas Rutland, Lynn, Dallas Saddoris, Don Earl, Amarillo Saenz, Del ia Rebecca, Harlingen Salinas, Juanita Margot, Hebbronville Salge, Sherian Audilet, Karnes City Salter, Julia, Bay City Sample, Edna Frances, Hauston Sanders, Emily Charlotte, Fort Worth Sanders, Mary Sue, Columbia , Miss. Sanderson, Harry Wayne, Fort Worth Sandlin, Dorothy Carolyn, Fort Worth Sanford, Rebe Sue, EI Campo Saunders, Charles Robert, San Angelo Savage, William Grey, Dallas Scheppler, Robert Henry, Grand Prairie Schmid, Jeannette, Bryan Schmidt, Davene Evon, Harper Schneider, Theodore Ernest, Jr., San Antonio Schoener, Phyllis Ann, Victoria Page 91 i ~ 1 Schorlemer, Robert E'lee, Yorktown Schorlemer, Roger O'Lee, Yorktown Schroub, Donold Louis, LaVernia Schreiber, Carol Ann, San Antonio Schuenemann, Mory Lou, Houston r Schuhmacher, Kotherine, San Antonio ~ Schultz, Rubin Amos, Jr" Cuero ~ Schulze, Richard Hilmer, Floresville i Schumann, Patsy Melissa, San Antonio 1! Scott, Linda Frances, Saint Jo ! Scott, Robert Kenyon, Baytown Scurry, Richardson Gano, Jr., Dallos ' 1 ' Seals, Ann Caroline, Dallas Seols, Mary Elizobeth, Dallas !' Searcy, Thomas Harold, Beeville 1 r •. Searls, Susan, Houston Seeliger, Marvin Wesley, Lockhart Sehested, John Henry, Fort Worth Sellers, David Bowie, Greggton :1:: Shackelford, William Monte, Corpus Christi ~: Shankle, Alice Stratton, San Antonio ~;:· Shannon, Aubrey Jack, Beaumont 9 Sharkey, Thomos John, Houston Shaw, Travis, Austwell Shawver, Theodora Belle, Widener, Ark . Alvin,. . . "JSheffield, Earl Ruth, Houston Marydon, . She Shelton, Robert L" Borger Sheppard, Rodney Jack, Big Spring madge, San Marcos . Sherrill, Dorothy Ta Winston, Dallasl, Kyle . Sherri ey, Edith Graham, Lake Jackson . Shig Shiremon, William Henry, Jr" Corpus Christi Shmidl, Sylvia Anne, Crosby Jourdontonlen, . Shoemoke, Chorles A Simecek, John K" San Antonio ~~.l181W1i~~~l!§8::~1.\1:!"!.l)l\Ufll/lli \if.!.i n•Jlll!\.\ll:'C!':~....!i::!! Poge 92 """............ .,.....,'.'-. •. HI !&OUl/lHLllJl.....Wl:::.!l\'I"""'."S '.'""' WV'•MU"W'"UFT Simmons, Donald James, Leander San Antonioizabeth, . Edna ESimon, Simons, Suzanne Elizabeth, Edna Slaton, Paul Frank, Orange Sloan, Rolph Russell, Sealy Smith, Allen Currie, Amarillo Smith, Anita Ruth, San Antonio Smith, Barbara Sue, Son Antonio , Golveston enn . Carolyn GSmith, er . George Michael, TySmith, and . Homer Don, EastSmith, Smith, James Dorwin, Gladewater Smith, James Graham, Grand Prairie Smith, Jerry Don, Baytown Smith, Emmanuel Herzl, Tyler Smith, Norma Jeon, Ennis Smith, Rosann, Son Antonio Corpus Christi ,!.. "Sidney HSmith, Smith, Susan, Harlingen Smith, Virgil Raymond, Houston Smith, Wayman Otis, Munday Smyrl, Frank Herbert, Tyler Solka, Marcia Anne, Refugio Sonnenberg, Thomas Carl, Son Antonio Spacek, Jane F., Granger Spearman, Donna Maurine, EI Paso Spears, Sally Elizabeth, San Antonio Spencer, Robert W., Jr" Freeport iam Gibbs, Houston . ler, Wil . Spi Corpus Christimogene, . FrancesStanley, Stanley, Nancy LaNell, Wichita Falls Staples, Michael Conrad, Vernon Storcke, Edgar Nolte, Jr" Seguin Steer, James Arthur, Mercedes Stein, William LeRoy, Alice Stephens, Albert Earl, Houston Stephens, Autry Carl, Deleon Stephenson, George Berry, Gainesville Stern, Kay, T aylor Stevens, Ann Watson, Houston Stevens, Sally Raye, Beaumont Steves, Lewis Hordeman, Boy City ..........................................~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~_..;. CLASS OF 1960 ...-~~-'-~ ~~~~ Stoddard, William Byron, Oakland, Calif. Stoilis, Dimitre Pete, Vidaria Stokes, Glaria June, Campbellton Stone, Betty Jean, Mathis Stane, Dauglas Barry, Partales, N. M . Stotland, Phillip David, Hattiesburg, Miss. Stavall, Thomas Henry, Alba Stover, Sidney Sherrod, Wichita Falls Strack, Charles J., Beaumont Strain, Jimmie Fuller, Frast Strange, Kenneth B., Walnut Springs Suen, Ming Yee, Dermoll, Ark . Sullivan, Kathy, San Antanio Sullivan, Mary Kathleen, San Angelo Suravik, Elaine Maedgen, Mathis Swail, Dauglas Arthur, Houston Swindle, LoRoe, Comonche Swinney, Normon Wayne, Tyler Swint, Dovid Owen, San Marcos Sylvester, Elizabeth Lynn, Baytown Tacquard, Joseph Raymond, Jr., Galveston China Spring ,... ,.John JTalbert, Tanksley, Carol Ann, Del Rio Tarver, Wilson Byrd, Jr., Waco Taylor, Carol Orien, San Angelo Teague, Robert Franklin, Houston Teal, Rosanne, San Antonia Terry, Floyd Ray, Robstown Thigpin, Robert Loren, Jr., Corsicana Thomas, Carolyn Ann, Houston Thompson, Linda Ellen, Port Arthur Thomson, Maxine Yvonne, San Angelo Thurmond, George Robert, San Antonio Tidwell, Gary James, Big Spring Tieber, Avis Andrea, Dallas Timmins, Tom Howard, Elysian Fields Tindall, Betty Joan, Cran.f lls Gap Tindall, Virgil Ross, Cran.f lls Gap Tinsley, Alice Sharon, Mason Tlucek, Cynthia Ann, Houston Todd, Terence C., Austin Tolbert, Jerry H., Houston Tolbirt, Ruthven Champion, Jr., Columbus Toliver, Genevieve C., Wichita Falls Tomlinson, Jen Cary, Houston Tonahill, Jay Denzil, Waco Tottenham, Joan, Fort Worth Tovrog, Myrna, San Antonio Traylor, Roy Gene, Carrollton Trice, Bonnie Cecelia, Amarillo San Antonio, ... ,Trotter, James Albert Tucker, Cherie Lucille, Corpus Christi Twaddell, Robert Bryan, Clarendon Tyson, H. Michael, Houston Ulbrich, Arthur, Port Arthur Urbanec, Don Alan, Fredericksburg Uroda, Elizabeth Louise, Galveslon Vail, Sandra Lee, Houston Vanderwoude, Margaret Carol, Dallas Veal, Mary Louise, Childress Vera, Marie Antoinette, San Antonio Vetters, Thomas Francis, Corpus Christi Voetmann, Katherine Louise, Little Rock, Ark . Vo;iel, Caroline, Wichita Falls Vogel, Frank Valton, San Angelo Vogelsang, Curry Helmuth, San Antonio Vratis, Nick, Beaumont nd . ,ndianapolis . ,Wade, Marcia Adele Wade, Sandra Vidoria, Austin Wadler. Geraldine, Wharton Walden, James D., Waco Walker, Gail, Cleburne Walker, George Harris, Forl Worth Walker, Nancy Lee, Houston Walker, Patricia, San Antonio Wallace, Kathy, Dallas Walters, Edward Darwin, Fort Worth Walton, William Leonard, Austin Page 93 ~ ·-::: ~ ~ JUNIORS -------. 1 1 1 '' ! ' ~ 11 Ward, Beverly Jean, San Antonio Ware, William Ellis, Bartlett Warner, Tom Roy, Jr., Baytown Washburn, Sarah Jane, San Antonio Watkins, Jo Ann, Texas City Watson, Oliver Lee, Levelland Watson, Sharolyn, Athens Watts, Donald Hollis, San Antonio Waugh, Kathryn Lewis, Ysleta Welch, Philip Wayne, Aransas Pass Welch, Thomas Joe, Dallas Wells, Joe Kelton, Jr., Austin Werner, Gretchen Elizabeth, Houston West, Ralph Wayne, Midlothian Wetzel, Michael, Houston Wheat, Calvin Eugene, Belton Wheeler, Ernest Dorman, Burnet Wheeler, John Raymond, Jr., Austin Wheeler, Karen Sue, Winnsboro Wheeless, Lawrence Allen, Galveston White, Charles Edward, San Angelo White, Charles McDonald, Tyler White, Edwin Donnell, Texarkana White, Patricia Ann, Austin White, Ronald Williams, Dallas Whitesell, Neil Larry, Austin Whitley, Billy J., Greenville Whitley, Robert James, Ozana Whitt, lrene, San Antonio Whitt, Margo L., San Antonio Whittenburg, Grace Evelyn, Amarilla Wible, Margaret Ann, Sherman Wiggins, Bette Jan, Beaumont Wile, lra Barnes, Dallas Wiley, Margo, Wichita Falls Williams, Anna Carol, Athens 1Wi~!i811811l111~~~.,..~~~UIJIK/PA/M Williams, Lacy Holmes, Longview Williams, Norris, LaMarque Wilson, Bi lly Jay, San Antonio Wilson, Carolyn Ruth, Austin Wilson, Walter Allen, Canton Wilton, Wilton Dave, Jr., Houstan Wimberly, Jay W., Gainesville Windbigler, Jahn J., Raytown, Mo. Windfohr, Anne Burnett, Fort Worth Wingo, Jerry Foster, Sulphur Springs Winterbotham, Anne Best, Galveston Winton, Ralph Huntington, Jr., San Antonio Wise, Wess Sam, Rockwaod Witcher, David Warren, Amarillo Wuemling, Gloria Jean, San Angela Walff, Calvin Moritz, McAllen Womble, Larry Leon, Dimmitt Woa, Edwin F., San Antonio Waa, Kang F., San Antania Wood, Bobby Charles, Linden Wood, C. Norman, Dallas Wood, Charles Burnett, Austin Wood, Robert P., Alice Woods, Glenda Sue, Beaumant Woodward, Bernye Bab, Canyan Waadward, Henry K., Del Rio Woolfolk, Charles Lee, Gainesville Woalsey, Daris Roberta, Liberty Word, Tracy Triece, Houston Worley, Erle T., Mercedes Worthy, Mary Ann, Corsicana Wray, Walter Paul, Weslaco Wren, Patricia Lauise, Greggton Wright, Alice Mildred, Houston Wright, Marion Cullen, Houston Wyatt, Kristin Ann, Kilgore Yancey, Linda Kay, Dallas Yandell, Janice Permenter, Greenville Yandell, Jerry Pat, Greenville Yaun3, Phillip Gaffney, Refugio Youngblood, Frank Polk, Jasper Zabel, David Scott, Waodsbora Zimmerman, Warren Eugene, Amaril lo .---- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..............................""""""'WJ1J>W1u..u"'6,....'UAl'"".. Wl~. 1/Jl.:r8'r.t.llAl.".'IAl~=.!la~!E".;~~ll!'..'!lllff SOPHOMORES ~~1 7// WAll!ll !W»Jll'l~--~!.~- ---~~·1'1 .,~, Abbott, Fronk M., Houston Abbott, Williom Henry, Boytown Ablowich, Ronold Edgor, Greenville Acker, Lexo Morris, Post Adoms, Arthur Wesley, Midlond Adoms, Joan Ellen, Grand Prairie Adams, Margaret Ann, Bryan Adams, Marion Ann, Temple Adler, E. Roberl, Corpus Christi Alcorn, Lloyd Colfax, Odessa Alexander, Leonardine Gay, Llano Algor, Rayda Sue, Houston Allday, Charles Edgar, Franklin Allen, Carolyn Sage, Lufkin Allen, Harrielle Elizabeth, Kerrville Allison, Gene Nealy, Houslon Allison, Jim Choyce, Houston Allred, Judith Janice, Wichita Falls Almanza, Albert, EI Paso Alsbroaks, Betty Jane, Dallas Alston, Roy Dean, Richland Springs Alsup, James Alton, Jr., Houston Amdur, Rochelle M., Houston Amerman, Cora Louise, Houston Anders, Donald Robert, Forl Worth Andersen, Jack Tarpy, San Antonio Anderson, Annelle, Auslin Anderson, Linda Sue, Texas City Ansley, Annabelle, San Antonio Archambeau, James Arthur, Borger Armstrong, Ann Ellen, Mission Armslrong, Martha Rebecca, Austin Arnold, James Chester, Jr., Bellaire Ashley, Barbara, Milano Askew, Huberl Carl, Houston Atkinson, Herschell Lee, Goldsmith Austin, Mary Bond, San Antonio ~ll~~'i!!.l!!i::!!l~:.i\'l~~IA,t!J',QIJ:ruA'l1/fl..lN.IDJJJnii:2!iilll!:..ill~ Babcock, Jim Alan, Groom Bagwell, Sue Vernelle, Hereford Bahan, Mary Jane, San Antonio Bailey, Light, Houston Bailey, Mary Linda, Marfa Bailey, Nancy, Rosenberg Bailey, Thomas Walter, Palestine Baker, James Dennard, Odessa Bales, Mildred Marie, Port Lavaca Ballard, Alice Elizabeth, Beeville Balzen, Henry Earl, Dunlay Barcus, Mary Margaret, Austin Barfoot, John Wayne, Abilene Barnett, Russell Sterling, Houston Bartlett, Linda Ann, Austin Bates, Beverly Ann, Amarillo Batey, Constance F., San Antonio Bauer, Rose Marie, Pharr Beakley, Ronald Gene, Harlingen Beal, Barbara Kay, Auslin Beard, Anne Elizabeth, Dollas Bearden, J. Sharon, Orange Beaty, Martha Jean, Fort Worth Beeler, Lynn Sandol, Breckenridge Behrens, Alvin Joe, Austin Beidleman, Tommy Earl, Snyder Bell, Donald Wayne, Houston Bell, William Whitlow, San Antonio Bellamy, Patrick Carlton, Houston Bellman, Deanna Lee, EI Paso Benbrook, James Robert, Dallas Benjamin, Marshall Elliott, Borger Bennett, Dean Paul, Hillsboro Bennett, Georgia Annetta, Bellaire Bennett, Jerrell Dwayne, Abilene Benson, Jacquelyn Ann, San Antonio Bergemeyer, Jackye, New Orleans, La. Bermont, Richard Barry, Coral Gables, Fla. Beseler, Fred Charles, Temple Betts, Barbara Caye, San Antonio Beular, Evelyn Elsie, Houston Beyette, Thomas Kent, Eagle Lake Birge, Patti Amanda, Sherman Page 96 !..WL!i.\\:'S5118...i."""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ~CLASS OF 1961 Blasingame, Don Henry, Houston Blessing, Jane Lee, Mineral Wells Block, Stanley Byron, Corpus Chrisli Bloom, Alvin Michael, San Antonio Blum, Barbara Jean, Bay City Boardman, Ernest Guy, Jr., Auslin Bobo, Patricia Sue, Houston Boegli, Janet Claire, Amarillo Bohn, John Will iom, Austin Boor, Carolyn Emerson, Houston Bolond, Judy Koy, Dallos Boland, Roymond Alvin, Corpus Chrisli Bolger, David Jack, Mt. Vernon Born, Gearge Henry, Edna Bouldin, Richard Tom, Houston Bovin ich, Molly Kay, Dallas Bowden, Charles lee, Brady Bowen, Kenneth lane, Houston Bowen, Walter Charles, Jr., Lubbock Bowman, James Lynn, Perrylon Bowman, Norma Lou, Harlingen Bowman, Robert Hunl, Baytown Brady, Alfred Bernard, J r., Hearne Braubach, Carl Hubier, Cleveland Bredt, Jan, Rockdale Breihan, Bernard Edward, EI Paso Brent, Robert James, Jr., Houston Brewer, Beverly Ann, lameso Brewer, William Warren, Auslin Briley, Henry Clifford, Texarkana Brock, James Henry, Houslon Brooks, Anne, Dallas Brooks, Charles Erskine, Rockdale Brooks, Molly Ann, Thornton Brooks, Penny, Abilene Bronstad, Maurice Elroy, Denton Browder, Thomas Edwin, Groesbeck Brown, Carolyn Mariam, lrving Brown, David Paul, Henderson Brown, Elizabeth Ann, Austin Brown, Eugene Lee, Jr., Dallas Brown, Floyd Wayne, Corpus Christi Brown, Glen Vick, Dallas Brown, Peggy Ann, Cuthbert Brown, Richard Malcolm, Jr., Pampa Brown, Robert Talbot, Houston Brown, Sharon A., Fort Worth Brumley, lra Jon, Austin Bruner, James Milton, Temple Bruni, Joanne, Laredo Buel, Ellen Vail, San Antonio Burgess, Malcolm Acie, Barksdale AFB, La . Burke, Kenneth Hugh, Corsicana Burkhart, Melinda Louise, La Marque Burnett, Betty Ruth, Auslin Burns, Susan Jannelle, Houston Burrell, Charles Egan, Houston Burton, Carolyn Frances, Houston Burton, Mary El izabeth, Houston Burton, Peggy, Galveslon Bush, Orbie Alton, Jr., Dainger.f eld Bush, Shereata Sue, Midland Butler, Beverly Ann, San Antonio Butler, Tom Kelly, Houslon Buxton, David Lee, Jr., Dallas Callaway, Elizabeth Spencer, San Antonio Campbell, Franklin Dayne, Fort Worth Campbell, William McKinley, Jr., San Antonio Canlu, Jose Rene, Encino Capel, Norma Yvonne, Poteet Carabaza, Jose Angel, Laredo Caramanion, Marie Esther, Houston Carlisle, Paula Sue, Dallas Carlson, Mary Margaret, Dallas Carmichael, David Mooney, Beaumont Carr, Dolores Ann, Austin Carter, Harold Dee, Tyler Carter, John Robert, Jr., Houston Carter, Thomas Barnhill, Lake Jackson Carter, William Harold, Houston Poge 97 .'>.'' =-~.:.*~ ----"1< :~: .. w~::.~:-:v SOPHOMORES ~--~~~ ~~~----"""' Cosonovo, Fronk, Son Antonio Bonhomores, . Cose, Yvonne Do Coson, Yo e Murroy, Fort Worth . es Abney, Austin . ChorCoss, .Dennis, Son Moteo, ColifJ.s, . Cosse bert Vosquez, Son Antonio . , Gi o .. Costi Costruito, Richord Jomes, Austin Covozos, Migue Ange , Jr., Loredo . . Nechesen, Port . . He Mey, . Cow io . Gory Everett, TuCoywood, ~:· er . Tom Ben, Jr., TyChodwick, e .. Kerrvie, . Jo Goyoin, . Chomber veston . Thomos Edword, Gooin, . Chomber::~ Chombers, Tommy D" Fort Worth Chessher, Sue Jinkins, Son Antonio Chester, Arthur N., Austin Bette Jo, Houstonders, . Chi s .. Dorothy Koy, Wichito FoChisum, Chote, Cotherine Diono, Austin ington . Loyce Jeonne, ArChristopher, Chunn, Edword Keith, Jr" Houston ph Lee, Houston . Rondoork, . C . . b . Shirley Morion, DeKo ork, . C C ork, Robert Eor , Austin Potricio Ann, Boytownoxon, . C Clendenen, Soroh, Henderson Coon, Richord Don, Deleon ond . Midyto, . yn Es . CoroCobb, Cochron, Woodrow Hormon, New Boston Cohen, Rosomond Amy, Houston s .. Jess Richord, Wichito FoCoker, oire .. Be, ... ,Ernest Allene, . Co Richord Rosser, Houston e, . Co ls . Ted Robinson, Wichito FoColemon, Robert Eomes, Wocoier, .. Co Son Antonionez, . ins, Judith .. Co , Houston Shoron Lynnins, .. Co , McKinney ius George . Comegys, Corne os . DolBeth,io, Mory . Conig Dovid Terrence, Son Angeloy, .. Conno Houstonen, . Aiy, Tom .. Conno orke, Bryon . son C . , Wi Cook Conrod, Betty Ann, Houston . Pou sboro .. Cowon, Koy, Hi Dione Lee, Houston ,.. Cowe Couch, Dovid, Denison . Bever CrosbyEd, . DoCrobb, Cox, y, Houston Crobb, Joe Fred, Crosby Croddock, Lorry Joy, Austin ond . , Mid Jr. ,. iom Lione . , Wil Crover Crowford, John Milton, Jr., Athens Corpus Christiiom, .. John Wiing, . Creve -Crouch, Shoron Jovoy, Vego er . Mory Louro, TyCrutcher, Tyleros, . Jomes Dougver, . Cu Austine, .. Cummings, Soroh Be m, Toft . Mory MolcoCummins, in . d Roy, Fronk . Curby, Horo Houstonden, . Jomes GoCurtin, veston . Curtino, Diono Moe, Go Domek, Hermon Andrew, Doyton vin . Ale, . otte Comi . ChorDoniel, Donnenboum, Jomes D., Houston e .. D'Arcy, Lindo, Stephenvi yn Ann, Houston . Mori ,.. Doshie e . Dixie Lee, RockdoDovenport, os Jomes, EI Poso . DougDovid, Dovilo, Robert, Mission Dovis, Dorothy Dione, Dollos Dovis, Louise Corol, Son Antonio Deloney, Potsy Done, Houston Dement, Dennie Moree, Austin Dement, Noncy, Austin Jo Ann, Port Arthurer, . Dem iom Edword, Houston . WilDeMouche, DeShozor, Tommy DiMoggio, Port Lovoco e .. , Brownsvi Helen LoreeDew, vin . DeWitt, Jomes Bort, A oire Ann, Houston . CDickey, •--------------------------------------------~..-,.......,..-... i8811llll'.:.\\ll.,,,,...~..• -~.............IJlaUJlm~r.m111&~PYi81!111"~IL!J!i ~~!!1S!!!81:o'l//.r'.~~ ~111\\Jl.ll:'lt'l~~ii:::!..,~~IVM:7 ..n u """""""""""""............................................................ '. CLASS OF 1961 Houser, Chorles Edword, Houston How,k. Georgio Whittenburg, Amorillo Heortfield, Rondolph, Beoumont Helwig, Annette, Austin Hendricks, Albert Cotes, High lslond Hendricks, Gory Fronklin, Fort Worth Henson, Robert Lee, Beoumont Hill, Jerry 8., Posodeno Hill, Noncy Elizobeth, Son Antonio Hill, Otis Gillette, Houston Hillje, Jeon Louise, New Brounfels Hinkle, Jomes Michoel, Venus Hinsley, Robert Benjomin, Houslon Hillson, Richord Wolloce, Austin Hodgdon, Dovid Lindsoy, Dollos Hodge, Williom Eorl, Dollos Hoehne, Chorles Williom, Schulenburg Hogon, Augustine LeClercq, Houston Hollowoy, Mory Loretto, Dollos Holly, Chorlotte Louise, Corpus Chrisli Holly.f eld, John Scoggins, Austin Hooper, Williom Henry, Ploinview Hopson, Jone Elizobeth, Houslon Horn, Potricio Joon, Muensler Horwitz, Arlene Goil, Houslon Horwitz, Kothryn Ann, Beoumont Houser, Gordon Willord, Austin Houston, Robert Conwoy, Dollos Houston, Wondo Cloire, Beaumont Howord, Brendo Cloire, Houslon Howord, Poul Allon, Son Antonio Hsu, Alexonder Jihming, Singopore Huber, Corol Lynn, Posodeno Huckobee, John Wolter, 111, Temple Hudson, Dwight Storling, Colemon Hufendick, Jone Kendoll, Arlington Huff, Chorles F" Boerne Huffington, Alice Virginio, Houston Hughes, Chorles Roy, Houston Hughes, Dovid Kiker, Abilene Huhn, Jonis Gertrude, Lo Morque Huntley, Joon, Auslin Huth, Elizabeth Moverick, Son Antonio lrby, Jomes Hudson, Austin lvy, Jomes Thomos, College Stotion Jocobs, Dovid Poul, Big Loke Jomes, Bobby Jock, Texos City Jomes, Gory Fred, Austin Jomes, Roymond Percy, Son Antonio Jorry, Morgoret Ann, Houston Son Anlonio .., Josso, Albert Jee, Mortho Doyle, Houslon Jeffers, Anne Fronces, Son Antonio Jennings, Elizabeth Anne, St. Ann's, Trinidod Jensen, Williom Dovid, Houston Jinnetle, Jomes Sounders, Kirbyville Jobe, Bill Dovid, Morsholl Jochimsen, Jone Dee, Son Antonio John, Virginio Kote, Conroe Johnson, Corolyn Deon, Houston Johnson, Chorles Woyne, Folfurrios Johnscn, Goil Edmond, Brownsville Johnson, Goyle, Corpus Chrisli Johnson, Judith Lee, Austin Johnson, Lourence Somuel, Jr" Victorio Johnson, Milom Shelton, Jr., Austin Johnson, Noncy Beth, Dollos Johnson, Noncy Mitchell, Son Antonio Johnson, Potricio Eloine, Houslon Johnson, Rolph Allen, Jr., Odesso Johnson, Somuel Robert, Sweeny Johnson, Shoron, Austin Johnson, Williom Jerome, Grohom Johnslone, Suson Morgoret, Son Antonio Jones, Elizobeth Thomson, Dollos Jones, Horriette Almiro, Greggton Jones, John Roymond, Dollos Joor, Williom Eugene, 111, Houston Jorrie, Robert Williom, Son Antonio Joyner, Shirley Deon, Mt. Vernon Page 101 i" N" SOPHOMORES Kalmbach, Shelley Francis, Austin Kamrath, Eugenie Martha, Houston Komstra, Kenneth Oliver, Pasodena Karotkin, Sheila Harriet, San Antonio Katz, Sharon, Corpus Christi Keahey, James Fredrick, Texas City Keehan, Judith Lou ise, Corpus Christi Keelen, Carolyn Virginia, Austin Kelly, Kathryn Ann, McKinney Kelsey, David Hamilton, Midland Kennard, Edith Louise, Texas City Kennedy, Patricia Anne, Orange Kessler, Kitty, Del Rio Kibbie, Kent Donforth, Fort Worth Kiecke, Pattye Jayne, Rosenberg Kilgore, Linda Eloine, Groesbeck King, Carolyn Rhea, Cleburne King, Elizabeth Lou, Austin Kinkade, John Douglas, Roswell, N. M. 1 i Kinney, Marilyn Kay, Dallas Kirkpatrick, Julia Elizabeth, Houston Kiasing, Milton Charles, San Antonio Kline, Fred Ronald, Son Antonio Klotz, Ayree Jane, Henderson Klingman, William Rabert, Austin Kneblik, Janis Lynn, Hauston Knudson, Myron Oran, Hamilton Kobs, James Gregory, Milwaukee, Wisc. Koen, Beverly, Austin Koontz, Mary Ann, Woadsboro Kruse, James Monroe, West Kunz, Phyllis Ruth, San Antonio Kuroki, Claude Toshio, Borger Kusenberger, Jo Ann Theresa, Del Ria Ladyman, B. De Traver, Phillips LaGrone, Edward Lamb, Jr., San Antonio Land, James Robert, Kamay Lande, Sabra Joy, San Antonio Lane, Forrest Lee, San Antonio Laughlin, Judith Anne, Dallas Launey, Walton S" Jr., Midland Laves, Harold Pacey, Austin Lawsan, Judith Anne, Austin Lee, Janie Mercille, Port Arthur Leggett, David Absher, Midland Lenderman, Gary Lee, Bay City Lentz, Ann Cole, Victoria Levell, Peggy Maurine, Kemp Levering, Jaseph Walter, Dallas Leverkuhn, Carolyn Adell, Houston Levisay, Don Wayne, Fort Worth Levy, Stephan Richard, Denver, Colo. Lichtenwalter, Jane Louise, Austin Ligon, Fred Frazier, Dallas Liles, Linda Ann, Temple Lipner, Julie Anna, Corpus Christi Lipnick, Sonya Lisa, Galveston Lister, Barry Sayre, W. Reading, Pa. Landon, Jack Ray, Dallas Long, James Scott, McKinney Laoney, D'Ette, Edinburg Lord, Luther Jackson, Lawton, Okla. Lowe, Gerald A" Arlingtan Lawry, Wallace Edwin, Huntsville Lozano, Robert Pedro, San Antonio Lucas, Charles Weldon, Jr" Navasata Lucas, Theodore Charles, Houston Lucas, Virginia Lynn, Baytown Luetge, Verline Ann, Houston Lum, Judith Carolyn, Houston Lumley, Robert Don, Baytown Lundquist, Charles Michael, Dallas Lyle, Adele Jewell, Carpus Christi Lyon, Kenneth Stewart, Kansas City, Kan. Lyons, William John, Jr., San Antonio Mabry, Walter Budge, Alice Maginnis, Mary Leila, Beaumant Mahaffey, John Michael, Corpus Christi Mahon, Edward Dial, Dallas Marston, Diane, Corpus Christi Poqe 102 :a..--1~~~~--.......................................""""""""".,..-..l.\.'87.Mll11UO"l/11MfUIJIDJ:!:8IBl'7.181Z118W.U~.. !S!lm..!:!li;.!~~.Vl.lllll1rtl/WWU'.H/l~~~...~~~l\.ll"jj!iJ.fl..i1§ CLASS OF 1961 .----- Maldanada, Reynalda A., Benavides Males, Jane Loreen, Richmand Malane, Nancy, Weslaca Malouf, Ranald Eblen, Dallas Manion, Agnes Catherine, Midland Manske, Charles Jerome, EI Campo Maresh, Frank William, Caldwell Marshall, George Arthur, Texarkana Marshall, Muriel Edith, Port Lovoco Mortin, Borbora Chandler, Woshinglon, D. C. Mortin, Goyle Potrick, Stockdale Martin, Judith, Houston Mortin, Linda Kay, Odessa Martin, Thomas Heard, Harlingen Mason, Ray Miller, Houston Mason, Virginia Avery, Dallas Massey, Virginia Scotl, Houston Mast, Martha Jone, Midland Matlock, John Robert, Houston Matthew, Kotherine M., Yoakum Matthews, Guy Edward, Mt. Belvieu Matthews, Judith Kay, San Antonio Matthews, William Edward, Houston Maxwell, Mickey Wright, Alvin Maxwell, Pauline Talley, Houston May, Barbara Ann, Karnes City Mayhew, Eddie Lawrence, Austin Mayo, Gary Leon, Pasadena McAnulty, Julia Ann, Lake Jackson McCann, Gladys Katherine, Austin McCann, Wilford Dale, Abilene McClellan, Oliver Barr, San Antonio McConnell, Kenneth Ralph, Lockhart McCown, Linda Louise, Vicloria McDonald, Jerry Wayne, Sherman McElwrath, Merry, Houston Mcfarland, Kenneth Baldwin, San Antonio Mcfarland, Linda Lee, Midland McGee, Sally Jacquelyn, Amarillo McGinnis, Gail. Cleveland, Ohio McGrail, Kathleen Reynolds, San Antonio Mclntosh, Linda Ann, Victoria McKay, George Albert, Houston McKenzie, Robert Gene, Houston McKeown, Lynda Lee, Fort Worth McKinley, Shirley Kay, Houslon McKinney, Emanuel Murry, Jr., Houston McKissock, William Thompson, Jr., Dallos Mclain, Reva Mozelle, Speormon McMeans, Horriet Ann, Austin McNomora, Nola Ann, Auslin McRoin, Georgia Jeanne, Dallas McVey, Dauglas Allan, Houston Medlock, Melvin Morris, San Antanio Melton, Jewel Elyne, Austin Mendlovitz, Leonard J., Houslon Merchant, Michael Aldridge, Beaumont Meyer, Alberta Estelle, San Antonio Meyer, Ferd Charles, Devine Michel, Gladene Martha, Houston Middleton, Arthur Clark, Fort Worth Middletan, David Mayes, Liberty Mikeska, Gene Edward, Ragers Miles, William Keith, Fort Worth Miller, Cloire Frederick, Jr., Woco Miller, Joon Sims, McGregor Miller, Maureen, Houston Miller, Roy Eugene, Austin Miller, Susan Horriet, Beoumont Mimms, Williom Reed, New Braunfels Mirkin, Marilynn, Tulsa, Okla. Mitchell, Ronald Loy, Olney Mitchell, Sharon Diane, Midland Moen, Sandra Kay, Lamarque Molak, Mike Lee, San Antonio Monaghan, Charles Allen, Beaumont Monro, Anita Muriel, McGregor Monlemayor, Adolfo Saenz, San Diega Moore, Linda Darlene, Corpus Chrisli Morehead, Judith, Austin Page 103 Morgon, Williom Horvey, Bishop Morris, George Downing, Jockson, Miss. Morrow, Richord Terry, Jr., Mundoy Muller, Joney Lee, Tomboll Mullinox, Billye Foye, Wichito Folls Murchison, Spencer M., Belloire Murphy, Koy Nonette, Tyler Muth, John Julius, Houston Myint, Moung Aung, Moulmein, Burmo Noegelin, Pot, New Brounfels Noil, Jeon Adon, Son Angelo Nonce, Fronk Bluford, Dollos Neol, Chorles A., Jr., Monchoco Neblett, Chorles Robert, Conyon Neely, Thomos Oron, Dollos Nelson, Elmer Louis, Jr., Elgin Nelson, Jomes Albert, Beeville Nentwich, Corl Albert, Mocdono Neumon, Sterling Somuel, Son Antonio Newcomer, Corol Jeon, Dollos Nicholl, Jim R., Ploinview Nicholson, Jomes Eorl, Son Angelo Nicholson, Lindo Koy, Houston Nilond, Bernord Edword, Jr., Dollos Nordemon, Kenneth Worren, Austin Northington, Mortho Koy, Bollinger Nowlin, Morilin, Shermon Nowotny, Monroe Ben, Son Antonio Ootes, Anthony Brent, Pompo O'Bonion, John Turner, Luling Oehler, Jeonne S., Dollos Ogilvie, Brinn Elizobeth, Fort Som Houston Olion, Mourice Somuel, College Stotion Oliver, Tommy Williom, Houston Olson, Robert Lee, Belloire O'Neill, Lorry Joe, Ropid City, S. D. Osborn, Solly, Friono /!)!;~--·-~"·-----""....,~"~"-----11-~1 , 1 Ouzts, Margoret Emerson, Dallos Podgett, Henry Edword, Jr., Texos City Poge, Chorles Henry, Austin Ponnell, Rebecco Jone, Austin Porker, John Edwin, Jr., Houston Porrish, Mortho Louise, Golveston Porsons, Diono Goil, Del Rio Possmore, Elizobeth Goil, Son Antonio Potschke, Fronk Eric, Jr., lo Morque Potterson, Potricio John, Houston Pottillo, Melody Ann, Alvin Potton, Celio Foy, Seminole Potton, Thomos Michoel, Fort Worth Pouly, Fred Joseph, Houston Poyne, Elizo Jone, Austin Poyne, Mory Jeon, Kilgore Peorsoll, Goil Anne, Dollos Peorson, Molly Lynn, Jocksonville Peorson, Virginio Ann, Del Rio Peovy, Jonet Octovio, Dollos Peery, Joe K., Wesloco Pennington, John Edword, Polocios Pennington, Judy Groy, Houston Penry, lrene Frees, Dollos Perel, Steve, Victorio Perlitz, Nino Gorrow, Houston Perry, Ruth Jlene, Austin Perrymon, Jeris Jon, Houston Pettit, Jonis Goil, Houston Petty, Joe Von, Bollinger P. Hordjo, Sudorno, Suroboya, lndonesio Phelps, Judson Hirom, Jr., Son Antonio Phillips, Gory Pot, Austin Phillips, John Thomos, Levellond Phillips, Judith Ann, Lott Pitts, Corol Jone, Belloire Plott, Coley Ronold, Austin Plott, Melvin Roy, Houston Plummer, Otho Roymond, Jr., Beoumonl Plunkett, Goil Fronces, Shreveport, Lo. Pollord, Potli Roy, Houston Poole, Lowrence Lee, Dollos Pope, Johnny Rollins, Winters Page 1Q4 CLASS OF 1961 ......-­ Porter, David Charles, Tyler Porter, Sarah Elizabeth, Dallas Power, Janice Margaret, San Antania Prlce, Pamela Key, Lamesa Price, Patricia Ann, San Antonia Prince, John Franklin, Dallas Proctor, Raxana, Victaria Prouty, Caral Alice, Mexia Pyndus, Marilyn Ann, Houston Quirk, James Pat, San Antonio Radcliff, Rex Raymand, Amarillo Rasmussen, Lucille Elizabeth, Houston Rotl iff, Bailey Bryant, Jr., Llano Ratliff, Louis Mickey, Jr., Littlefield Ratliff, Shannon Harrison, Eldorado Ray, Kathleen Marie, Corpus Christi Reogan, Dora Elizabeth, Brownsville Reaves, Sherwood Melvin, Austin Redfern, John Joseph, 111, Midland Reed, Edward Randall, Austin Reed, Ellen Clayrene, Austin Reed, Zeldo, Austin Reedy, Melvin Eugene, Dallas Reese, Robert Barton, San Antonio Reichert, John Douglas, Austin Renfro, David Willis, Austin Riba, Nawona Emilie, Stonewall Rice, Joanne Marie, Houston Richard, Thomas Glenn, Beaumont Richards, James Thomas, Jr., Houston Richardson, Linda Joyce, Houston Richert, Bernhard Ernest, Jr., Beaumont Richtmyer, Linda Lea, Longview Ricketson, Jo Ann, Burnet Ridgway, Patricia Willane, San Anton io Rieger, Richard Lee, Houston Rieves, John Michael, Houston Ringler, Herman, Denison Ripple, Rannie Charles, EI Campo Ristau, Larrie Arden, Texas City Rivers, Curtis Ray, Dallas Robberson, Nathaniel Frasier, San Antonio Roberts, Betty Ann, Dallas Roberts, Betty Jo, Texas City Roberts, Jacqueline, Corpus Christi Roberts, Judith Ann, Corpus Christi Roberts, Thalia Karleen, Snyder Robertson, Marian Elizabeth, Wichita Falls Robinson, Max Alan, Jasper Rodieck, Ralph William, Jr., Topeka, Kan. Rogers, Sharon Dee, Venus Roosth, Warren Paul, Tyler Rose, Elizabeth Anne Danville, W. Va. Ross, Sherman Allan, Houston Rosser, Virgil Oliver, Graham Rasson, Bryan Lee, Corpus Christi Rubenstein, Mansel M., Houston Rudolph, Fred Baker, Coleman Ruelas, Jose, Laredo Rugeley, Chloe Matilda, Bay City Rule, Charles G., San Antanio Russell, Grace Marie, Houston Russell, James Edward, Dallas Rutledge, David, Dallas Ryan, Thomas Franklin, Houston Sadler, Robert Alexander, Fart Worth Sager, Sandra Jeanne, Carpus Christi St. Clair, Thomas Larry, Austin Salmon, Yolanda Luisa, Austin Sandel, Nita Sue, Dallas Sauls, Kathelene Ellen, Orange Savage, Robert Wesley, Wellington Saylor, Edwin Howell, Tyler Scarbrough, Jerry Wayne, Santa Anna Schadewald, Mary Margaret, Galveston Schaffner, Wanda Joyce, Hempstead Schlather, Wilfred Hilmar, New Braunfels Schlasberg, M. Claire, Pine Bluff, Ark. Schneider, Gretchen A., Amarilla Schober, James Rowlen, San Antonio Page 105 !. 1;i.··"'' ;'=--""""' SOPHOMORES -----~­ as .. DaDiana Lynn, Schoppaul, Schroeter, Edwin Morris, Hereford ene . Ronny, Abi ter . WaSchuchard, Schuhmonn, Maxine Elizobeth, East Bernard Schutze, Gene Walter, Austin Plainviewaine, . Doris EScott, Lancaster ,. . . ,Luther Edward Scott, Scott, Patricia Ann, Austin eman . Scott, Thomas Perry, Co Scroggie, Wil iam Bea , Fort Worth . . as .. Sharon Sue, DaSears, . Ann, Houston Franceske, . See~:: ~:: BeaumontJr.,d, Fredric Henry, . Seewa* ~:• Seidel, Suzonn, Brenham 1 en .. Seitz, David Edward, McA .a. , F ber, lris Dee, Jax . Se . .. Se ers, Wil iam Arthur, Houston 1 yde Reagan, Beaumont . Settle, C aire .. Gerald Lee, Be, .. Sewe Siptak, Bettye Caralyn, Caldwell ey, Plainview . John RiSkaggs, Jo Ann, Houstonaten,. S Snyderliam David, . Wiwood, .. Sma Houstond Richard, . DonaSmith, Smith, Doris Lynn, Borger Smith, Freddy Jack, Rotan iam, Houston .. George WiSmith, las . Edward, Da JamesSmith, e .. Jerry Wayne, SeagoviSmith, Waxahachieton, . John MiSmith, as .. Robert Gary, DaSmith, Houstonett, . yn Star . RosSmith, Worthson, Fort . ey Ne . StanSmith, lier, Houston . Stephen CoSmith, and . Portizabeth, . Dianne ESmyth, Ann, Lockhart ey . ShirSnipes, Snyder, Linda Louise, Fort Worth lo . Amari ,... ,iam .. Arthur Wie, . SoRel as . iam, Dal .. James Widing, . Spc Sparks, Sam, Austin o .. Warren Morgan, AmariSparks, Speer, Patricia Lu, Houston Speir, Jo Ann, Borger Spencer, Lawrence Dean, Abilene Squyres, Judith Lynn, Austin lowaLeMars,bert, . Eugene AStaab, ene . Patricia, Abi ings, . Stal PasadenaLeonard, .. BiStanley, States, Lester Gerry, Harwood Mesquited Blaine, . Steffa, Dona HoustonJr.,iam, .. d Wi . DonaSteiber, Stephen, Susan Lee, Galveston ly Anne, Beaumont . SaStephenson, ls Point . Charles Leslie, WiStewart, Stewart, Robert Hampton, Jr., Houston Stewmon, Marcia Anne, Houston yn, Houston . Sara EveStinebaugh, Stith, David Forrest, Rosenberg Stockton, Dorothy Lee, Runge AustinJr.,iam Bryan, .. WiStoermer, . Ann, Encina . CaroStokes, Plainviewinda, . MeStokes, Page 106 . Austins, .. Frank Miene, . Shal eton . , Ang bert Jeanne . , Wi Shanksifford Gene, Groesbeck . , C Sharpeton . Ada Marie, AngSharpe, umbus . izabeth Anne, Co . EShatto, . Austinyn, . Eveton, Mary . She San Antonioton, Vernon Lee, . She Judy, Victoriads, . Shie Stephen James, Venusey, . Shir She ton, Gilbert Key, Houston Shofner, Janice M., Harlingen as . Jack Davis, Jr., DalSides, James Jay, San Antonio ,. Siege Frank Thomas, Fort Stockton iman, .. Si Fort Worthe, .. Joniece BeSimmons, as .. Sandra Ann, DoSimmons, Sims, Tim Aubrey, Waco San MarcosRuby Lee, eton, . Sing a........,....,., '"'.-''"""'""".'-.,.• w. . 1111111 1K..."",urm. 7'"."'.."'..,~...,.~~;.t..8..li~.l/iiii?;il CLASS OF 1961 Stolz, Sondro Lynn, Houslon Stone, Howord Swonson, Houston Stolls, Jone, Dollos Strown, Normo Dione, Lytton Springs izobeth, Grohom . Sondro EStreet, Stroker, Goil, New Brounfels Strong, Arlene, Houslon Stroud, Robert Shonds, Lufkin Studdert, Jomes Potrick, Houston Sullivon, Dunklin Augustus, Cenlerville liom Benton, Goinesville . ivont, Wi Sull Summers, Potricio, Houston Summers, Richord Lee, Boytown Sumners, Donold DeFord, Houston Sunseri, Corroll George, Golveslon Svodlenok, Morilyn, Toylor Svodlenok, Rito Koy, Wesloco Sweet, Joonne Mory, Houslon Tober, Williom Forrington, Corpus Christi Toege , Edwin Jockson, Son Antonio . Toggort, George Knight, Corpus Ch risti ice . le, A Doniel JuTolley, n . Sondro Lee, Houslley, . To Tondy, Potricio Lou, Foirbonks Tonner, Sondro Sue, Porl Lovoco Tote, ton York, Jr., Giddings . Mi Toub, Alberl A., Woco Toylor, Anno Cloudette, Lufkin Crystol City , .. . ,Toylor, Donold Horrison Del Rio , ... ,Jomes OwenToylor, Toylor, Lue, Houston Toylor, Richord Donold, Houston Toylor, Roberl Anderson, Jr., Houslon Templeton, Bobbie Franklin, Brady Terence, lois Denny, Houslon Thayer, Arden, Pasadena Thayer, Gilbert Richard, Port lavaca Thomas, James Rodney, Chickasha, Okla. Thompson, Barbara Jean, Austin Thompson, Marcus Leslie, Jr., Dallas Tiller, David Clyde, Alice Tinsley, John Forte, Fort Worth Todd, Avery Boone, Jr., Abilene Toland, Thomas Tucker, Dallas Tolle, Glen Conrad, San Antonio Tolve, Nancy Catherine, Fort Sam Houston Tomlin, Helen Charlene, Lindale Tooke, Bess Kirby, Houslon Toubin, Charles lrving, Houston Tovar, Paulino M., Alice Townsend, Peyton Lambeth, Dallas Traeger, Nancy Claire, Gonzales Traweek, Billie, Port Arthur Trowbridge, Arleen Ray, Tyler Truchard, Anthony M., Cat Spring Turner, Charles Benson, Rapid City, S. D. Turner, Robert Hendrick, Marlin Turner, Tommy Eusie, Borger Twyman, Suzan Gray, Houston Tyng, Effie, Houston Valadez, Victor, Jr., Del Rio Van Griethuysen, Bonnie Lucinda, Houston Van Horn, Beth, Odessa Van Horn, Judith Kay, San Antonio Vanness, Judy, San Antonio Viereck, Kathryn, Houston Vogt, John Carrol, Dallas Vogt, Mary Katherine, Boerne Vaight, Ann Kennedy, Houston Vollinline, Diana, Fort Worth Vollmer, Cynthia Ann, San Antonio Vorkoper, Robert James, Miles Wagenfuehr, Mary Lou ise, New Braunfels Wakeland, Justin Marshall, Waxahachie .Laor,. ., Tay Henry Leon JrWalker, ege Station . , Col Jo AnneWolker, Walker, Judith Eileen, Houston Walker, Lynda Lou, Texarkana Walker, Sora Ellen, Hempsteod Walker, Virginia Anne, Austin Poge 107 SOPHOMORES Wagstoff, John Morris, Abilene Woll, Potricia Lee, Son Antonio Wolling, Lynn, Houston Wolling, Horold Hewin, Houston Wolters, Koren Ann, Woco Wolters, Michoel Cogburn, Jefferson Wolton, Virginio Leigh, Corpus Christi Wonnoll, Judith Patricio, Freeporl Wore, Jone Elizobeth, Dollos Wotkins, Potricia Jeon, Austin Wotson, Chorlotte Helen, Elmhursl, 111. Wotson, Jomes Everell, Center Wox, Kenneth Hoiley, Houston Weotherred, Shoron Susanne, Houston Weber, George Arthur, Houston Weber, Mory Josephine, Austin Weems, Mason Locke, VI, West Columbio Weinberger, Vivien Jeon, Son Antonio Weinert, Kirk Williom, Beoumont Weiser, Bobbie Lynn, Ponhondle Weiss, Stonley Poul, Wesloco Wells, Jomes Robert, Corpus Christi Wendlondt, Wando Ann, Houslon Westerfeld, Richord Dennis, Midlond Whotley, Douglos Corol, Groom Wheeler, Morgorel Morbold, Houston Whitcomb, Thomos Lelond, Houston White, Borboro Ann, Houston White, Jomes Stuort, Jr., Arlington White, Lou Ann, Big Spring White, Noble Leon, Dollos White, Williom Allen, Brownwood Whiteside, Meto Louise, Son Antonio Whitsline, Mory Chorlene, Corpus Christi Whitworth, Billie Jeon, Vonderbilt Wiley, Billy Glen, Leonder Wilkerson, Koren Goil, Auslin Wilkinson, John Poul, Jr., Midland Wilkinson, Terry Ross, Austin Willerson, James Thornton, San Antonio Williams, Jimmie Dell, Eldorado Williams, Lucy Nell, San Antonio Willis, Michael Lowell, Corpus Christi Willis, Nancy Jane, Tomball Wilson, Darrell David, Houston Wilson, Jimmie, Jr., Tomball Wilson, Mary Sue, Forl Worth Wilson, Ronald Albert, San Antonio Wilson, William Charlton, Dallas Wiser, LaNell, Houston Witcher, Donald Edwin, Amarillo Wizig, Herbert Wolfe, Waco Womack. Catherine, Houston Womack, Thomos Folts, Dollos Wood, Delmo Dole, Corsicono Wood, Eugene Chorles, Dallos Woodford, Williom Grotz, Hereford Wooldridge, Ted, Minerol Wells Wright, Corolyn Louise, Houston Wright, Dorothy Louise, Houslon Wukosch, Borry Charles, Austin Wynne, Robert Lee, 111, Beovmont Wyrick, Gilbert Motison, Dollos Wyrick, Wolter Jomes, Jr., Texorkono Yoncy, Conord Fry, Jr., Shreveport, Lo. Yogley, Morgoret Foye, Dollos Yeoton, Jone Eloine, Auslin Yee, Bill Gwock Wing, Dollos Yellen, Morlene Glendo, Houston Young, Billy Jomes, Boytown Young, Forrile S., Houston Young, Porke C., Corpus Christi Young, Sue Ellen, Port Arthur Zocek, George Edword, Needville Zeitlin, Teryl Bettye, Noshville, Tenn . Zethroeus, Christine, Fort Worth Ziegler, Corl Edword, Poth Zittle, ido Mae, Son Antonio Zyburo, Edwin Gerold, Little.f eld Poge 108 4° ~~ FRESHMEN 1 --......,-~..,.,­ Abbott, Potrick Keoting, Boytown . ::::: Abbott, Trumon Clevelond, Dollos Abromson, Foye Roslyn, Dollos Adoms, Noncy Elizobeth, Alice ~;~ .~ Adoms, Normo Jeon, Houston Adoms, Suson Elizobeth, Dollos ;:;: Addington, Alice Tomm, Tyler Adleto, Thomos Lofferty, Dollos Agopion, Koren Gwyn, Woller Akers, Jonie Sue, Freeport Akers, Jerry Woyne, Fort Worth Akin, Chorles Snow, Terrell Alexonder, Mortho Jeon, Austin Alford, Horold Dovid, Dollos Allen, John Roy, Houston Allison, Somuel Edword, Wichito Folls Althous, Robert Horold, Rosenberg Amber, Poulo Beo, Dollos Ames, Elizobeth Dionne, Houston Anderson, Clifford Ernest, Jr., Houston Anderson, Douglos Kroulik, Austin Anderson, H. Allen, Son Angelo Anderson, Mory Corlyn, Austin Anderson, Mory Ellen, Wesloco Anderson, Myron Russell, Austin Anderson, Solly, Austin Anderson, Suson, DeWitt, N. Y. Anderson, Terry Lynn, Austin Anderson, Thomos Richord, Port Lovoco Apple, Horold Forrest, Dollos Ard, Horold Donold, Nocogdoches Ardis, Williom Richord, Austin Armstrong, Neol Eorl, Dollos Arsement, Jeonelle Amelio, Nederlond Ashburn, Mortho Moore, Groesbeck Ashworth, Robert Dovid, Dollos Askew, Betty Louise, Amorillo Atkins, Williom Deon, Corrizo Springs Aycock, Chorles Block, Fort Worth Bobbitt, Milton Frederick, Ropid City, S. D. Bogby, Richord Stephen, Dollos Boiley, Corl Bliss, Boy City Boiley, Chorles Williom, Austin Boiley, J. G., Fronklin Boiley, Tony Troyce, Olney Boird, Jimmy Lee. Dollos Boker, Wondo Peorl, Houston Bollord, Troy Don, Houston Bone, Dione, Beoumont Bonks, Don Elliott, Robstown Bonnister, Zoro Royburn, Son Antonio Borber, Tom N., Jr., Gonodo Borhom, Bohn Joy, Stephenville Borker, Borboro Ann, Linden Borker, Borboro Joon, Woco Borkin, Temme, Atlonto, Go. Born'ord, Phyllis Ann, Houston Bornes, Richord C., Deleon Bornes, Williom Stonley, Austin Bornett, Sondro Jeon, Fort Worth Borrero, Homer Mortinez, Gonzoles Borshop, Borboro Sue, Son Antonio Borth, Brendo Non, Son Angelo Bortlett, Jomes Andrews, Beoumont Bossist, Lynn, Austin Boyne, Williom Robert, Austin Beon, Richord Alon, Son Angelo Beoulieu, Morgoret Agnes, Golveston Beozley, Jock Allen, Fort Worth Becker, Alice Ann, Austin Becker, Chorles Dolen, Austin Becker, Chorlotte Pouline, Austin Beer, Michelle Robin, Houston Beesley, Judith Monsell, Fort Worth Behrends, Chorles Jock, Fort Worth Behrns, Chorles Lomor, Austin Belknop, Corol Leigh, Fort Worth Belknop, Judith Ann, Morble Folls Bell, Dovid Bruce, Beoumont Belt, Williom Arthur, Milono Benovides, Elinore Ferol, Son Antonio Benedict, Horoce Edword, Denison Berg, Morcio Jeon, Borger Berkmon, Borboro Joon, Dollos Poge 110 --~~~8'il~!t\\.ll\.~Slll.llll:l!!.!l'!!!l!ll.!Ui'1.Jll.!ZU1'1/JDJll\Ml[lri8.........."'8.....~""'1.....UWIUOO~..............,.,........,....,,~"""' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~___,: CLASS OF 1962 Bernstein, Susan June, Miami Beach, Fla . Bertin, Barbara Ann, Houston Bertucci, Nancy Kaye, Dallas Betts, Charles Adolph, Austin Bible, John Bruner, Houston Biedermann, David Ant .l ony, Waco Bieker, Linda Lucille, Laferia Bindler, Donald Charles, Tyler Binion, Jack Russell, Houston Birdwell, Mary Reagan, Austin Birnbaum, Sandra Lynne, Son Antonio Black, Barbara Ann, Houston Blazek, Delora Elizabeth, Liberly Bleakney, Phil Arnold, Harlingen Blomquist, Dian, Austin Bloom, Carole Linda, Dallas Blumentritt, Joe Edward, lraan Bluntzer, Bette Lee, Goliad Bodden, Nix O 'Brien, Cuero Boening, Raymond Alfred, Galveston Boger, James Allen, Wichita Falls Bogle, James Byron, Houston Bogue, Jo Ann, Elysian Fields Bohnert, Reuben Edward, Comfort Bomash, Barbara Lynn, Denver, Colo. Bond, John Richard, Denison Booth, Frank Hull, Jr., Hurst Booth, Nan, Temple Booth, Nancy Ann, Port Arthur Boothe, Ross, Jr., Gonzales Borden, Joan Frances, Austin Botte, Jeannette Lee, London, England Boudreaux, Edward Alpha, Houston Boughton, Carol Ann, Austin Bowen, Barbara Gene, Jourdanton Bowers, Sally Virginia, Athens, Ga. Bowling, John Knox, Jr., Dallas Box, Edward Donald, Fort Worth Boyanton, Earl Brewer, Port Arthur Boyd, Douglas Arrington, Panhandle Boykin, Burl Joseph, Bryan Boyt, Patrick Elmer, Devers Bradfleld, John Stephen, Temple Bradshaw, Margaret Deana, Houston Brady, Linda Carol, Bryan Bratcher, Robert Douglas, Denison Brateman, Rosalyn, Houston Bratten, James Hulvey, San Antonio Brazelton, Lewis Edward, Houston Breckenridge, Elizabeth Ann, Houston Bredemeyer, Glenn Bennett, Waxahachie Brewer, Bobby Loy, Keni;dy Brewer, Jane Ann, Bowie Bridges, Carol Ray, Belton Bridges, Lee Flournoy, 111, Sulphur Springs Bridges, Nancy Ann, Midlothian Briggs, Robert Connor, Houston Brisbois, Judith Lynne, Houston Bristow, Eugene Raymond, Alvin Brockermeyer, Kay Louis, Fort Worth Brohard, Linda Lea, Dallas Bronstein, Harriet, Galveston Broaks, Beverly Ruth, Bellville Broaks. Linton Carvel, Kyle Brothers, Barbara Jo, Gonzales Brown, Douglas Randl, Dallas Brown, Jimmie Earl, Denison Brown, Joelle Othwood, Fort Worth Brown, Narman Douglas, New York, N. Y. Brown, Peggy Frances, Victoria Brown, Raymond Edward, Victoria Browning, Gene lrwin, Hearne Browning, Joe B., Corpus Christi Broyles, Edith Ann, Longview Bruton, Fred N., Throckmorton Bruyere, Amy, Houston Bryan, Bonnie Alyce, Houston Bryon, James Perry, Freeport Bryan, Patricia Ann, Rockwood Bryant, Zane Leah, Abilene Bubar, Charles Oliver, Fort Worth Buck, Susan Ann, Dallas Bugg, Jane Carol, Houston Buhrer, Suzanne Lou, Dallas Page 111 ~~.m.~~· --:1~~::%~~ FRESHMEN Bumpus, Ronald Gene, Plainview Bunting, Henry Albert, 111, Uvalde Burchfield, Douglas Webster, Beaumont Burkhart, Marcia Jan, laMarque Burns, Carol Ann, Dallas Burns, Rabert Bruce, Pasadena Buraw, Duane Frueh, Nardheim Burraughs, James William, Shrevepart, la. Burt, Elizobeth louise, New Braunfels Burum, John Gates, Hauston Butler, Judith Ann, Eglin AFB, Flo. Bybee, Elizobeth Ruth, Midlond Bye, Jocqueline, Gorlond Byers, Aubyn Stewart, Houstan Byers, Robert Riley, Houston Cobollera, Shirley Ann, loMarque Cofley, Noncy Pouline, Abilene Cogle, Thamos Potrick, Houstan Coldwell, Jomes Bramlitt, West Calumbio Colkins, Caral Ann, Wichito Falls Callowoy, Dorothy Ann, Austin Colloway, Romana Gayle, Crackett Comeran, Margaret Corol, Austin Comp, Tommy loughter, San Antania Compbell, Bert louis, Sulphur Springs Campbell, David Scothorn, longview Compbell, Henry Villord, 111, lomposos Compbell, Morgon Skiles, Galvestan Compbell, Phillip Monroe, livingston Compbell, Randa Sue, Austin Campbell, Williom Michoel, Dallas Confield, Chauncey Edword, George West Carletan, Robert lone, Bryan Corlo, Ja Anno, Alama Cormona, Enrique Edmundo, Golveston Carnahon, Gayle Brogdan, Hauston Corpenter, Patricio Deon, Son Antania Corr, Williom Plock, Jr., Dollas Carrel 1, Helen Potricia, Snyder Corrico, Kothryn louise, San Antania Corrall, Mary, Shreveport, lo. Corter, Jockie Berniedene, Houston Carter, Nancy lee, Kerrville Carter, Rass Richard, Edinburg Cashian, Martha Frances, Austin Castles, Milfard Pike, San Antania Cathey, Evelyn M., Austin Caughlin, Millie Ray, Callege Statian Causey, Alan Darrell, Eagle lake Cautharn, James Albert, Del Ria Cavness, Danna Jean, Cherakee Cayce, Jack Temple, P1ainview Chapman, Jahn Maynard, Fart Warth Chapman, Ranald Wayne, Dallas Chappell, Caraline, Dallas Chase, Alice Maxine, Texas City Cl.essan, Beverly Ann, Austin Chiles, Ann, Austin Chaice, Patsy Sue, Dallas Challar, Mary lau, Austin Chate, Richard Waalsey, Austin Christian, Eleanar Ann, Austin Chupik, Henry Wayne, Temple Clark, Harriet Estelle, Dallas Clark, James Tillman, Gilmer Clarkson, Martha Jeanette, Refugia Cleland, Ann Elizabeth, College Station Clement, Judy Gayle, Baytown Clough, Hugh Bartlett, Alief Clawer, Ranald lee, Garland Clyburn, Jahn Haward, Canre. Coates, Charles Shelton, Jr., Brenham Caats, William Mitten, Greenville Cochran, Judy Coral, Fart Warth Cochran, Rasemary, Austin Cockrell, Danald Gay, Hillsboro Cafley, Jerry Cutler, Dol las Caflman, Carol Elizabeth, Austin Coggeshall, Judith A., Dallas Cahen, Martin Bennett, Dallas Cohen, Richard, Hauston Calby, lynn lee, Hauston Cale, Clarice June, Abilene Cale, Calin Jay, Austin Poge 112 CLASS OF 1962 Colemon, Koy Andrea, Austin Collozo, Fernondo, Loredo Colleroin, Mory A., Houston eth, Austin Jone Elizobey, . Col Comiskey, Bill Fronk, Houston Complon, Higdon Oscor, Houston Conner, Theresa Louise, Olney Conner, Williom Holden, Fort Worth Contreros, Ernesto, Jr., McAllen Cook, George Wolter, Son Antonio Cook, Potricia Goil, Woco Cooper, Anne Corroll, Corpus Christi Cooper, Sandra Carla, Dallas Cooper, Tan is Ellyn, Dallas Coopwood, Kate Ellis, Lockharl Copelond, Colleen, Houston Copeland, Reese Bowen, Dollas Correll, Louise Butts, Richardson Coston, William Terry, Dallas Cotton, Noncy Jean, Dallas Couch, Patty Dean, Houston Counts, Richard Boiley, Seabrook " Coym, Willene Lorene, Alice Craft, Lyndo Lee, Houston Crain, Walter Robert, Dollas Cramer, Dorothy Lea, San Anton io Cramer, Mary Lee, Harl ingen Crays, Jenniesue, Midlond Creoger, Bill Ferrol, Ranger Crews, Mary Margarel, West Columbia Beoumonl .,. . ,, Butler Parnell Criltenden Crillenden, Martho Nell , Dallas Crocker, Toy Koy, Corpus Chrisli Crow, Betty Gene, San Antonio Crowell, Robert William, Snyder Crowell, Thomas Nendell, San Antonio Cunningham, Ann Lou ise, Baytown Cunninghom, Donold Keith, San Anton io Cunninghom, Judy Glen, Houslon Curtis, Martha Ann, Dallas Cyprus, Gerald Steven, Houston Dailey, Maggie O'Brien, Houslon Dailey, Rachel Sims, Franklin, N. J. Dalling, Dee Ann, Abilene Daniel, Daravene, Austin Doniel, Sandra Ann, Greenville Danna, Patricia Ann, Houston Darling, Frances Ruth, Porl Arthur Dato, Douglas Lee, Waco Douman, Judith Ann, Yonkers, N. Y. Davidson, Peggy Louise, Austin Davis, Alberl Edwin, Dallas Davis, Bonnie Mortha, Alilene Davis, Pat Ward, Dallas Davis, Peggy Jean, Dallas Davis, Roberl Rix, Jacksonville Davis, Tedd E., Wichita Folls Davis, Thomas Worth, Jr., Freer Davis, Valerie Jean, Houston Davis, Yvonne Denise, Sonora Dawson, William Henry, Ennis Day, Kathleen, Forl Worth Day, Ruth Elizabeth, Houston Dayvault, Helen Pat, Houston Deason, Evelyn Yvonne, Houston Deffebach, Don Morris, Ranger Deffebach, Mary Ethlyn, Snyder deGraffenreid, Adrian Linn, Jr., Big Spring Dehlinger, Jerry Paul, Abilene de la Gorza, Richard Ferdinand, Jr., San Antonio Delaney, James Ross, Mobile, Alo. Demler, Robert Carl, Jr., Port Arthur deRidder, Dana Adriana, Houston Deschner, Clareve Jean, San Antanio Detmore, Carolyn, Alvin Dexler, Pamela Ann, Houslon Dick, Jimmy Cordell, Hutchinson, Kan. Dickey, Marsha Joe, Fort Worth Disch, Elizabeth Anne, Austin Dodrill, William Lee, Forl Worth Dodson, Anne Lorraine, Austin Dodson, John Michael, Dallas Douglas, Townsend Wade, Hereford Dowdy, Janie Raye, Pleasanton Page 113 FRESHMEN Austin yn Beth, . Downs. Mori ingtan .. Francis Ann, WeDrake, , Austin ly Jean . Driggs, Mi Dring, Susan Jean, Dallas Drury, Patsy Anne, Austin Duke, Martha Anne, Texarkana aire . James Ervin, Bei Dunaway, as . ap. Jaan, Dai . Dun Beaumant ,. Duren, Michae ,le . Durr, Janice Kay, Edwardsvi .. dwe . , Ca d James . ek, Rana DusGearge David, Corrigan ,.. DuVa Eaton, John Parker, Jr., San Angelo , Hauston Daryle Anns, . Echo Eddleman, Richard Neat, Houston Edens, Francys Doryne, Corsicana Edgar, Judy Morris, Burnet Edgerton, Gearge G., Corpus Christi Edwards, Donald Scott, Galena Park Fort Wartheen, . eanor Kath . EEdwards, las . Da111,, . James Perciva Edwards, Efron, Myra Sue, Houston Eggleston, Phillip Frank, Sanderson dress . Frank Lawrence, Chie, . Ehr as . e, Dal . Janice DaEinhorn, Jaan Louise, Houstonder, . E ey, James Henry, Jr., Austin . E San Antoniaizabeth, . Diane E linger,. E , Hauston iatt, Acia Lee.. E Almo Ann, Bryaniott,.. E Mary Clementine, Texarkanalison,. E E lisan, Raymond Herman ee, Lafayette, La. . . as .. Lewis, Da Emery, Robert as .. DaJohn,Emmett, Rosenbergd, . ReinhoEnquist, Burton Epstein, Sandra Lee, San Antania as .. icent M., Da . MiEricsan, Ernst, Robert Clinton, Huntsville Graomip, . Jahnny PhilEschle, ine Jane, Longview . MarceEscude, as .. Lee, Da Espey, James . Lura Lynn, E Etheridge, Paso Fart Worthen, . AiEvans, James uvanna . Troy Lemoine, FEvans, e, Houston . Linda GayFahey, Fambrough, Dorothy Jean, Haustan een, Houston . y Ei .. SaFann, Fannin, Narma June, Houston Carpus Christiph, . George Randod, . Farentho ey, James Lawrence, Pittsburg . Far Former, Carol McKie, Austin Farmer, Martha Posey, Austin Antoniae, San . James Ky Farquhar, Farquhar, Nancy Elizabeth, Sinton vin . en Woody, A . GFarris, Farson, Leonard Stephen, Houston iam Sherman, New Boston . Wil ,. Feazei as .. Marie Frieda, DaFehmer, HoustonJo,t, Rhonda . Fe Benedict, Kenedy Marvinux, . Fe as .. DaMeredith,Ferguson, CubaMarianao,ino, . Hector PauFernandez, Austining, .. Mary BoFerris, Lareda ,. Frank Emanuele, . Feui a . Janie Grace, San AngeField. Fielder, Darwin Lockard, Lockhart Fredric Earwood, Sonorads, . Fie lo . Donald Mark, AmariFiferman, as .. Therese, Da AnnFinegan, Beaumonten, . Judith Hed, . Finego Finsterwald, Jane Anita, San Antonio istian, Austin Chr . MichaeFischer, Fisher, Patricia Jean, Port Arthur Fisher, Susan Faith, Fort Worth anco . Richard Edward, Bannery,. F Fleming, Carol Ann, Big Sandy Lee, Houston eming, Judy . F Fletcher, Jane Stearns, San Antonio Margaret Gene, Longviewlen, . ewe. F en Jean, Grand Prairie .. Flinn, E i Norman, Houston .. Boyd,. F Antonioen, San .. y A .. Waks, . Fo Corpus Christian, . Robert A Fonarow, Ford, David Lynn, Longview """"""""" .... Page 114 i!.'18~!Ml!M..!!!:l.f:..ie:a...vM..IMl!Rmmt~~w..~~~~~~ 1JJN1~w.n~~~3!!ll!~.jl..§l8ll.l~~~ Gaskell, Gunter Kimbraugh, San Antania Gates, Prudence Ann, Phaenix, Ariz. Gatewaad, Sarah Virginia, Garland Gatlin, Dan Herman, Dallas Gatl in, Earl Gene, McGregar Gayle, Judith lesesne, Haustan Gee, Judson C., Houston George, Norman Ernest, Tyler Gerick, Harriet Rae, Hillsboro Geron, Mary Catherine, lancaster Getchell, Henry Oren, lufkin Gh iselli, Carolyn lucia, Galveston Gilbert, J. M., Amarillo Gilbreath, Jerry lee, Kenedy Gillett, Marjorie Mae, Canutillo Gillespie, Clayton Wayne, Odessa Gillis, Charles Pleasant, Karnack Gillis, John Milton, Kilgore Gillis, Ralph Joseph, San Antonio Gimon, Patty Sue, Navasota Ginsberg, Benton Herbert, San Antonio Glosserman, Abigail Carol, lockhart Glickman, Julius, Big Spring Godfrey, Thomas Gray, Shreveport, la. Gold, Richard Glenn, Austin Goldberg, Linda Carole, Atlanta, Ga. Goldberg, Nancy Rae, San Angelo Goldberg, Naomi leah, Atlanta, Ga. Goldin, Lloyd Fredric, Miami Beach, Fla. Goldstein, Gail, Dallas Goldstein, Paula Jean, Houston Gonzalez, lsidro, North Pleasanton Goodman, Lawrence, San Antonio Goodnight, James Paris, Dallas Gordon, Joan LaVerne, Houston Gordon, Martha Sue, Pampa Gardy, Joyce Lynn, Beaumont Gormley, Herbert Clyde, Killeen Gotsdiner, Sanford Yale, Houston Gottesman, Jon Stuart, Jericho, N. Y. Gowdey, Janet Keebie, Dallas Graber, Ronald Becker, Galveston ~CLASS OF 1962 ---·-····- Fard, Faith, LaMarque Ford, Williams Broaks, Billings, Mont. Forgy, John Dee, San Antonia Foster, Diana Lynne, Dallas Foster, Mary Helen, Corpus Christi Foster, Sylvia, Palestine Foster, Virginia Ligon, Angleton Fowler, Delares Ja, Garland Fowler, Jimmy Jack, Corpus Christi f-oyt, Charles Bernard, Austin Frank, Victoria Elizabeth, Haustan Frankfurt, Phyllis llene, Dallas Franklin, Carol Jean, Baytawn Frazier, Cecile Ann, Houston Fredeman, Henry Frank, 11, Port Arthur Freel, Particia Brooks, Houston Freeman, Hubert Whittaker, Crane Freeman, Sue Caran, luling Friedmann, Robert Joseph, Brawnsville Frizzell, Terral Joseph, little Rock, Ark. Froelich, Weldon Wayne, Bellville Fruia, Frank Jahn, Houston Fuller, Carolyn Craig, Haustan Fultan, Carmen Wren, Midland Funk, John, Houston Furrh, Jack Felton, Jr" Dallas Gage, Gerald David, Baytown Gaitz, Diane Maxine, Houston Gajdos, Grace Elayne, George West Galeener, Janet Lyn, Houston Gallaway, Lawrence Cecil, Jr., Dallas Gallimore, Max, Crosbyton Galloway, Betty Jay, Stamps, Ark. Gambrell, Mildred Katherine, Lockhart Gandy, James Alton, Valley Mills Garcia, Jessie Marie, Benavides Gardner, Robert Edwin, Fort Worth Garms, Mary Kathleen, Cotulla Garner, Billy Jack, Crockett Garrett, Carolyn Carrall, Danbury Garrett, Jerry Wayne, Pasadena Gartman, Ellen Alvern, Houstan Page 115 "~~FRESHME_ N ~­ :;·; 1 1 Grahom, Leon Norrod, Austin Grondjean, Judith Nelms, Dallas Gront, Jack Ronald, Houston Gratigny, Belmont Wayne, Dallas Greber, Edmund Anton, Houston Green, Margie, Houstan Green, Ned Allen, Harlingen Greenberg, Gary Philip, San Antonio Greenberg, Lee Alan, San Antonio Greenberg, Natolie lris, Fort Worth Griffin, Froncis Kotherine, Bryon Griffin, Lowrence Lafoyette, Jr., Austin Griffin, Thomas Keith, Beoumont Groos, Fred Carl, Jr., San Antonio Gross, Guy Herman, San Angelo Grossmon, Geraldine, EI Poso Grossman, Joyce, Birmingham, Alo. Grove, Orrin Keyler, Corpus Christi Grumbles, Ernest Willie, Jr., Atlanta Guess, Danna Lucia, Houston Guinane, Jonet Sue, Houston Guliy, Philip Diggs, Abilene Gummelt, Frances LoVerne, Austin Gutierrez, Jase lgnacio, Rio Grande City Guyler, Sam L., Crystol City Haas, Morcia Sue, Brenhom Haberman, Natalie, Dollas Hocker, Marvin Warren, Houston Haiduk, Harry Poul, Groom Hailey, James Lamor, Corpus Christi Halbouty, Michel Robert, Houston Hole, William Henry, Poris Haley, John Fred, Jr., Fort Worth Haley, Morgoret Whitton, Fort Worth Haley, Samuel Randolph, Fort Worth Holl, Margaret Dionne, Crane Hall, Robert Loring, Jr., Anahuac Hall, Sammy Lewis, Leogue City Haller, Roger Louis, San Antonio Holliburton, Elvis Dewain, Center Hommond, Ronald Emersan, Houston Hompton, Wilborn R., Dallas Hondorf, Soroh Lois, Polestine Hondy, Horriet Hinton, Shermon Honsen, Keith Christion, Beoumont Honson, Douglos Weems, 111, Tyler Horbison, Bobby Lee, Royolty Hording, Anito Koy, Son Antonio Hordy, Anito Lynn, Morsholl Hor·dy, Penelope, Son Antonio Hnrold, Mory Elizobeth, Houston Horper, Robert Thomos, Sulphur Springs Horper, Rodgers McCrory, Pittsburgh, Po. Horrell, Dovid, Austin Horris, Chorlotte Evelyne, lrving Horris, Dorothy Shoron, Houston Horris, Edword Rondoll, Golveston Horris: Joy Henry, Houston Horris, Morsho Ann, Houston Horris, Potricio Goyle, Lomeso Horris, Williom Evan, Waller Harriss, Ginger Non, Rockdale Horston, Less Curry, Jr., Houstan Hortgrove, Virginia Sue, Houstan Hassell, Willis Lee, Pompa Howorth, Corol Lynn, Richardson Hoyes" John Sigman, Austin Heald, Kay Dell, Weslaco Heoly, Ardmord Joseph, Jr., Fort Worth Heoner, Anne Starck, Brownsville Heard, Johnny Neal, 11, Houston Heath, Carolyn Elizobeth, Houston Hedgpeth, Lloyd Glenn, Fort Worth Heidelberg, Hoppy Eric, Midland Hejl, James George, Caldwell Helms, Andy Lyn, Sacromento, Calif. Helton, David Kirby, Son Francisco, Colif. Heltzel, Emmolee Jeanette, Cisco Henderson, Glenda Gay, Midland Henderson, Jerry Williom, LaMarque Henderson, Wendell Roy, Fort Worth Hennessy, Elaine Agnes, Golveston Hensler, J. B., Alvin Hensley, Betty Jo, Houston ~~~~...Jlli.i Poge 116 ~~...!r..Jfllllf../JllJf'IM~~ ~.'ll!l.:.a'l~~!YIW~~• ~~~~~~m CLASS OF 1962 Henson, Joy Be .r le, Austin Henson, Noncy Lynn, Cisco Henson, Richord Ne son, Beoumont . Herdmon, Mory Anne, Woco Hering, Johnnie Jene, McGregor ice . Herring, Fronces Jone, A o .. Herring, Soroh, Cotu eton . Edwin, Ang Hester, Mortin Hewitt, Shoron Louise, Houston Fort Worth oine, . Hicks, Gory B los . Hieott, Betty Louise, Do os .. Jone Andreo, Do ,.. Hi BeoumontKothryn, .,. Hi os .. Potricio Ann, Do .,. Hi os .. Lorry Curtis, Doey, .. Hi stein, Rondo Lee, Houston . Himme ereso Jeon, Austind, T . Hirschfe izobeth Mocey, Austin . odges, E H Hodges, Steve Lofton, Port Arthur Hodges, Suzy Cotherine, Port Arthur Hoffmon, Gory Somue , Fort Worth . Hokonson, Jonice Lou, LoMorque Jeonette Fern, Boerneekomp, . Ho ingen . ingsworth, Dionne, Hor .. Ho os . . otte Annette, Do . Choris, .. Ho nn, Port Arthur e A . Coromes, . Ho Ho mes, Lynn Justyne, Sonto Monico, Colif. . nin, Houston omie Font, J . Ho Ho t, Moyre , Houston . . e.. rd, Brownsvi tzmon, Lowrence Edwo . Ho Brownwood , .. yn Ne . Hooper, Coro do, Texos City . Hopkins, Horriett Hi Horn, Bo rboro Moudeon, Houston Hornberger, Diono, Houston vin Andrews, Houston . , A Horne y Edno, Pecos .. Horton, So izobeth, Dollos . E . Hospers, Coro Jr., Beoumontvin, . , Robert Me Howeyn Joyce, Posodeno . Huber, Coro Hudson, Potricio Anne, Oronge Huggins, John Michoe , Ploinview . e .. Mork, Brownsvi JohnHughes, Hunn, Shoron Eloine, Posodeno , Denison ey, Gerold Lynn . Hur Morie, Austin ey, Ruth . Hur Hurst, Thomos Roymond, Houston d Woyne, Von Horn . , Rono Hurt Hurwitz, Noncy Lou, Sioux Fo ls, S. D. . , Houston ton . Hutson, John Mi Austinvio, . rwin, Sy . os .. Doson, . lzord, Mork Wi os . , Dol Jonis JeonJockson, Uvolde , .. . ,Williom Eoton Jockson, Jolonick, George Woshington, IV, Dollos Grofordo Michoel, . Jomes, Be Jomes, Douglos Oron, lowo Pork Jomes, Judith, Fort Wo.r h Jornogin, Sidney Stewort, Houston Joros, Jomes Joseph, Toledo, Ohio los . Joross, Richord Joy, Do es Knox, Toft . Jenkins, Chor Beoumont, ... ,mes . Jenkins, John Ho Jenkins, Ruth Lynette, Midlond Jennings, Nothon Corpenter, Belton os . Jester, Dovid Gibson, Dol Johns, Jomes Christy, Abilene Johnson, Curtis Roy, Rockport Johnson, Dole Potrick, Liberty Johnson, Jonice Foith, Austin os . Johnson, Jerry Moe, Dol Johnson, Morgoret Ann, Silver Springs, Md . Johnson, Robert Dovid, Houston Johnson, Rosemory Price, Corpus Christi et Joneon, Woco . Vio Johnson, , Son Antonio ey Wiggins . , Ches Johnstoningen . Johnston, Mory Lucile, Hor os .. Do, . ey, Judith Coro . Jol Jonoh, Corol Anne, Dollos sboro . LoDene, Hil BrendoJones, Jones, Cotherine Fronces, Son Antonio len, Houston . Jones, Chorles A Jones, Dudley Dovenport, Son Antonio Wocolen Leeds, . , E Jones Jones, Fronces Ann, Poducoh Poge 17 . :ff]h.~·:~:~~ FRESHMEN .....~~,W""W~~· ~~ Jones, 1 ma Faye, Jefferson Jones, Laila, Elizabeth, Waco Jones, Mark Edward, Graham Jones, Martha Sue, Athens Jones, Mary Ann, Georgetown Jones, Paula Ruth, Fort Worth Jones, Robin, Austin Jones, Sarah Candace, Texas City Jordan, Anita Gertrude, Brady Jordan, James Franklin, Fort Worth Jordan, W illiam Davis, Palestine Joseph, Lawrence Anthony, Jr., Dallas Jostes, Lynwood Charles, Tynon Julian, Jan Howard, Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Justice, Janice Kay, Cisco Kahn, Harriet Hinda, Lubbock Kahn, Susan Emilie, Houston Kaindl, James Eric, Dallas Kallina, Karol Jo, Garwood Kammerer, James Richard, Dallas Kantz, Leila Margaret, Orange 1 . Kasman, Franklin Gerald, Bay City Kosparek, Brenda Joyce, Needville Katz, Doris Juline, Galveston Kean, Alice Therese, Dallas Keefe, Jerry Thomas, Houston Keilers, Loraine Helen, Austin Kellogg, David Lyle, Highlands Kellum, Daniel Hansford, Rio Grande City Kelly, Gayle Faye, Freer Kelly, Janet Ann, Bellaire Kelly, Nancy Benedict, Austin Kelly, Robert Charles, Dallos Kemble, Lynda Kay, Waco Kemp, Ruth Ellen, San Antonio Keng, Ronda Jon, Sonora Kepke, Carlos Erwin, Dallas Kerley, Robert Lawrence, Temple Kershaw, Harry Albert, West Columbia Kettering, Barbara Ann, Beaumont Kieffer, John Brett, Pipe Creek Kieschnick, Carol Ann, Houston Killingsworth, Marsha Kay, Monor Killough, Edward Franklin, Waco Kinch, Sam E., Jr., Austin Kleine, Walter Daniel, Gonzales Knapp, Bruce Reed, Houston Knapp, Charles Cole, Jr., Houston Knierim, Bruce John, Austin Knize, Mary Elizabeth, Ennis Knocke, Edward, Jr., Schulenburg Knox, Penny, Dallas Knox, Theodore Wasson, Jr., Sinton Koch, Carol Margaret, Quanoh Kocurek, Kay Nan, Austin Koenig, Rodney Curtis, LaGrange Koeppe, Allan Paul, Dickinson Koerner, Gustavus Adolphus, Houston Korenek, Richard L., Baytown Kouba, Joe Henry, Shiner Kramer, Eleanor Elizabeth, Houston Kruger, Catherine Joyce, Vidor Kudelka, Juon AI, La Paz, Bolivia Kuebel, Kim Rueben, Boerne Kuebler, Margaret Rose, Houston Kunkel, Dorothy Pauline, Olney Labott, Thomas Weir, San Antonio Lafont, Williom Harold, Plainview LaGrone, Dana Cooke, San Antonio Landers, Judith Ann, Plano Langdon, George Tucker, Port Arthur Lange, Robert Joel, Bellville Langerhans, Joyce Camille, Houston Lanham, Linda, Temple Lasser, Jon Stuart, Houston Latham, Clarence Edward, Jr., Odessa Lauderdale, Lynda Fay, Lamesa Leach, Joe David, Groesbeck Leadbetter, Jerry Lynn, Donna Leatherwood, Betty Jane, Palestine Lee, Virginia Ann, Beaumont Lemmon, J. Richard, Memphis Lemons, Michael Larry, Plainview Leonard, John Sloan, Jr., Dallas Page a. . CLASS OF 1962 ~--­ Lerner, Louis D., Houston Levotino, Anthony Somuel, Dollos Levell, Jomes Woymon, Kemp owa . ,Koy Fronces, Des Moines Levensky, Levine, Joan Hermo, Posodeno Levy, Trudy, Little Rock, Ark . Lewis, Leon Lynnwood, Jr., Fort Worth Lewis, Peggy Ann, Portoles, N. M. on . Horriet, Hous Liebermon, hur . Porl Ar Edward Moore, Lindgren, Lindsey, Jo Koran, Dallas Linnelt, Anastasia, Wesl Columbia Lipp, Maurine Gayle, Houslon Lippincott, Charles Ronnie, Wichi a Folls . Locke, William Hirom, Deleon Lockett, Belzoro Marie, Dallas lo;ian, William Omar, Jr., Palesline Long, Jerry Edward, Baslrop loverde, louise, Houston Lowe, Arbon Jack, Henderson Lowe, Be.ty Ellen, Waco on . Douglas, Hous BrianLowery, y . Peyton Jerome, Texas Ci Lowery, Lowrance, Susan, Houston Lowrey, Stanley Floyd, LaPorte Lowry, Ronald James, Dallas , Porl Ar Glynda Marieher, . Low hur . onio . ricia Ann, San An . PaLubel, Lucia, Pauline Chrisline, Houslon Luquelle, Suzanne, Port Arthur Luther, Monroe Martin, Houslon Lynaugh, James Aloysious, Tyler on. Alice Ann, Hous Lynch, Lynn, Joe Alden, Dallas Lyon, Doris Yvonne, Forl Worth Lyons, Jan Elizabeth, Houslon Maass, James Charles, Malone San Anlonioh Ellen, . Mabrilo, Judi on . HousRobert Kelley, Maddox, Madigan, Dolores Ann, Houston his . MaMaedene,Maedgen, Marie, Haus hryn . KaMafrige, on . h, Hous . Magruder, Mary Ru onio . Janice Carole, San AnMalone, Manion, Evelyn Marie, Midland Arthurricia Ann, Port . PaManley, Manning, Dewayne Nelson, Lampasas on . HousPhyllis Anne, Markam, Markey, Donna Jean, San Anlonio ha Ann, Midland . MarMarks, Marrou, Jerry Annette, San Anlonio Marsh, Deanna Lee, Odessa Marlin, James Arthur, Lamesa Marlin, Jo Ann, Milano LockhartJessica Evelyn, e, . Marlinda Angletonewart, . Mary SMasterson, Mala, Gloria Jean, Houslon in . Barbara Jane, Aushews, . Ma Earlene, Longview Sandrahis, . Ma Matthews, Virginia Lea, Dallas Matlingly, Rosemary Agnes, Galveslon Maxey, Eva Gayle, Austin Maxfield, Morgan Jester, Dallas Maxwell, Jane Elizabeth, Lovelady h Anne, Amarillo . JudiMaxwell, Maxwell, Walter Brian, West Calumbia Mayes, Jane Lynn, Corpus Chrisli y . Thomas Barker, Johnson Cid, . Mayfie Mays, Richard Dudley, Dallas McArthur, Mike Sullivan, Dallas McBrayer, Harvard Lee, Jr., Hillsbaro a . San BenileSueur,McCaig, David McCain, June Jeane.t e, Genoa Dallas .,. . ,in Scatt . JusMcCarty, on . HousDan Leonard, McClean, ena Park . Mary Lou, GaMcComack, taly . ,Linda JoyceMcConnell, McCoy, Polricia Joan, Fredericksburg i . Corpus ChrisSelwin,McCracken, Sally McCulloch, William Cameron, Dallas in . , Aus Mary LouMcDaniel, McDowell, James Parsons, Hereford McDowell, Rebecca Gail, Dallas onia . Jane Ann, San AnMcElvy, on . Page 119 FRESHMEN McForlond, Mory Koy, Houston Houstone, . bern Do . MeMcGill, , Son Antonio is Lee.. McGuire, Phy Kermitd, . Stephen GeroMcGuire, os .. Shoron, Dontire, . Mc McKeown, Cove Johnson, Posodeno os .. Doy Ann, . BeverMclorty, ond . Don, Eost McMohon, John s .. on, John Hommock, Wichito Fo .. McMi e .. Ann, Greenvi McNott, Fronces ney .. ,en . indo He . McNutt, Me McNutt, Sondro, Rosenberg Meier, Tom Keith, Lo Porte os .. Doen, .. iom A .. Witon, . Me , Son Antonio Suee, Melindo .. vi . Me Rio Gronde Cityentino, . , Roy Vo Mendeziom , Boytown .. Wi . PouMettke, $. Henderson ,. . ,John Eugeneebrooks, . Midd Son Antonio , .. Mignoneton, . Midd Corpus Christi ey, . Cheser, Morvin .. Mi Donno, Houstons, .. Mi y Ruth, Houston .. Sos, .. Mi os .. Do , ... ,wee, Robert Hughes .. Mi e .. BeeviJeon,Morse, Roberto Mummo, Judy Dione, Houston Fort Worthe, . DoyMuncy, Mike Del Rioderon, . lnocente CoMunoz, Austinwood Lowrence, . EMunson, ond . Midizobeth, . , Mory E MurphyHoustonen,.. A . MichoeMurphy, Murroy, Emmett H., Eost Bernord Fronces, Beoumont . Myers, Roche Noos, Robert Jomes, Ook Horbor, Wosh . Noquin, Mory Minette, Austin Nosh, Edgor Covey, Jr., Houston Nossour, Noomi Jeon, Austin , Houston yn Louise . MoriNothon, veston . Goene, . Nothon, Mor oce Horper, Austin .. Notions, Wo s .. Robert Stonley, Wichito Fo ,. Nee Jockie Roy, Rongerey, . Nee Neff, Leonord Stephen, Houston os .. Do ,. JoneNeimon, los . Jo Ann, Do ,. Neitze BrownfieldSue,son, Donno . Ne eosont. Mt. P ,.. John Dorreson, . Ne ugerville . PfJeon,Nelson, Potsy en .. McAvin, . Lorry Coson, . Ne os .. DoLucio Ann, e, . Nett en .. Jone Esther, McANevinger, Austinizobeth, . odo E . VoNewby, Newton, Jone Ann, St. Louis, Mo . estine . Powyn, . Jomes ENeylond, Niehous, Edword Lee, Son Antonio Nigh, Somuel Reuben, Bryon ice . Richord, A ChorlesNixon, Norvell, John Chorles, Henderson Odessoey, Richord Kenneth, . Nun . o, Brozi . Jomes Henry, Jr., Soo PouNunn, O'Brien, Jonice Ann, Son Antonio O'Brien, Sondro Roweno, Austin Ochoo, Cesor Oswoldo, Quito, Ecuodor onto . Morie, At GretchenOden, Odom, Dorothy Jeon, Son Antonio Houston ,.. iom Southwe .. Wi, .. O'Donne Poge 120 .'-- ~~~~~~~~~................................."""""".,......,.,,.._...,'-.'!\a. de . Eugenie, Uvo Fronces ,.. Mitche Potricio Ann, Texorkono ,.. Mitche e .. Jocksonviizobeth, . lion E . LiMoffeit, Mohrmonn, Leonord Edword, Jr., Austin Money, Noncy Sue, Woskom Austinindo Mortinez, . Roso, . Monrreo ine, Houston . bo, Potricio Coro . Monto e . Koy, Humb LyndoMontgomery, Moody, Dwight Lymon, Jr., Comeron Corpus ChristiKing, . Moody, Kor burn Gordere, Houston . Moore, Ki Moore, Louis P., Denton Moore, Morjorie Dickinson, Son Antonio Austinizobeth, . Moore, Normo E OrongeGerun, . , Phi Moore os, Houston . ond Doug . Moore, Ro os .. Do ,. Dione Goi Morchower, Morrison, Gory Eugene, Austin e .. Drew, Beevi RobertMorse, l/llllJU2::iillll'MB!JDlrIIJB1lll~a:!!i:iiie::a:!R~~mlll&'l.JJ/f!~;;Rlrvll~.:l:lE!ll~~!18-1 . !ill~ CLASS OF 1962 Oehler, Carl Bailey, San Antania Old, Jae Reece, Carpus Christi .y, Ma . Oliver, Pamela Lynn, Kansas Ci Oliver, Pa i, Bellaire .. Oliver, Rabert Gail, Carpus Chris Olsen, Marilyn, Austin i . anio . Neill, Michael Wayne, San AnO' in . rueman Edgar, Jr., Ausn, TO'Quin Orlebeke, Peter W., San Angela an . Janice S., HausOrr, Orum, William Oscar, Ea;ile Lake aine Herschel, Hauston . EOsbarn, Oswa d, Narman Dean, Dallas . arance, Jr., Amarilla . bert C . Overslreet, De hurliat, Part Art . Painton, Russell E e,vin Eugen . Me Pa lios, Austin ania . es Fritz, Jr., San An . Charm, . Pa . Pa mer, Winfred Pauline, Canroe Parker, , Dallas . Linda Gai Pa tterson, Robert Lynn, Shreveport, La . ance Yvonne, Houston . , Cons Patton Patton, John Jacob, Tyler Patton, Tresona Nan, Lockha rt Paul, George Kenneth, Palestine Payne, Judy Ann, Da llas Payne, Kay Fra nces, San Antonio Jacksonville ., . ,acock, James Hoke Pe Peake, Alan David, Abilene Peckha m, Jerry Bruce, Port Arthur Pegues, Judith Kay, Houston Penn, William Y., Jr., Midland Penner, Daniel Lyle, Fort Worth own . Penn ington, Leslie, Bay Perez, Diana Martha, Laredo Perkins, Carol Lynn, Austin Perlman, Betsy, Houston Perry, Barbara Helen, Dallas ers, Sondra, Austin . Pe Peterson, Ralph Chorles, Houston Pettit, John Foster, Del Rio Pettit, Sheridon, Odesso ie ds, Houston . JuPeyton, . Shie Pflughoupt, Dorothy Louise, San Antonio Pichot, Dewey Kent, Houston Pickett, Edword Bradford, Liberty Pickett, John Osborne, Houston Pickle, Johnnie Wayne, Josper oinview . Pierce, Edwin Franklin, P Pierce, Genevieve Kay, Waco Pierson, Clemence Corolyn, Beaumont Pike, Morido Ann, Fort Worth Pinkner, J. Fronk, Wynnewood, Po . Plumlee, Freddo faye, Andrews Poff, Harmon Bryan, Jr., Fort Worth Ponish, Howord Gale, Kenedy Ponsford, Mory Jo, EI Paso Pool, John Chorles, Jasper Poole, Dorothy Deonno, Malokoff Porter, Brooks Wood, Port Arthur and . Robert, Mid Porter, John Porler, Lois Bute, Houston reo, Belloi . Powell, Jo El Powell, Joe Thomos, Poducah Powell, Lyndo Hortense, Houston Pratt, Chorles Allen, Longview Prather, Fronces, Cuero Presson, El is Wynn, Dollos . Priesmeyer, Roselind Joon, Toylor Prince, Dovid Watts, Center Pringle, Richord Lewis, Lo Marque Prohl, Emil Korl, Tahoko on . Pruett, Sandra lee, Hous lonto. Evelyn, A GwynnethPruitt, Pusey, Robert Alan, Andrews Rogland, Judith Ann, Dallas Raia, Antoinette Mary, Houston le . Ramirez, Rogelio, Hebbronvi , ... George EdwardRomsey, er . John Thomas, Jr., TyRondel, , Broakeville, Md . Rand es, Barboro Ardell, McKinney . Ronsom, Carolyn Koy, Austin Rathmon, Sandra Lou, Austin ., Edno ey, Jr . Hubert WesRatliff, Ray, Jerry R., Wichita Folls Page 121 mi..!.: %'·:·:: :-:·i~iii ." ii·;·:··;.··. FRESHMEN ~~~~.......-......,~~-~ ~""""""'"""~ Ray, Susan Woods, Houston Royburn, Lourie Kathleen, Houston Reddrick, Sondra Kay, Fort Worth Redman, Tommie Jane, Atlanta Reed, Ann Corolyn, EI Campo Reed, Arden, Houslon Reed, Susan Roberls, Austin Reese, Barbora Anne, Midlothion Reese, Wales Alfred, Austin Reese, Willard Talmage, Jr., Corpus Chrisli Reeves, Edword Benton, Amarillo Regisler, Linda Ann, Dallas Reichert, Rex Kyle, San Juon Reinert, Barbara Jeonne, Dallas Rellahan, Linda Morgarel, Dallas Renick, Roberl Bates, Llono Resler, Roberl Lauis, Clifton Reynolds, Rebecca Ann, Son Jase, Costa Rica Rhea, Thomos Allen, Dollos Rhodes, Betty Ann, Dollas 1: Rhodes, Karen LaVerne, Austin Rhodes, Margaret Virginia, Auslin Rice, Thomas Richard, McAllen Richards, Roberl Mayo, Dallas Richordson, Donna Rachel, Houston Richter, Mary Ellen Bernodette, Comeron Rider, Glenna Louise, Beeville Rieter, Vivian Shelia, Dollas Rigby, Lloyd Lesler, 111, Grond Proirie Rigsby, Alvin Stonlon, Son Antonia Riley, Linda Rheo, Sonlo Anno Roork, Sharon Leigh, Nacogdoches Robbins, Evelyn Jill, Amorillo Roberls, Don Allen, Breckenridge Roberts, Helen Patricia, Son Antonio Roberts, Jocquline Sue, Alpine Roberts, Suzonne Helen, Austin Roberts, Thomas Franklin, Jr., Temple Robertson, Daniel Sommer, Fort Worth Roberlson, David Pierson, Corpus Christi Robinson, Lyndon Hoyward, Jr., Orange Robison, Martho Anne, Son Antonio ~~~..m!fl.~!!li~~~Vllf'Hf.f2' .:;;; tm.letl:U/KUJ'/J//.llli~~!!ti.!Slli!:~JJ/llll\ll.W!i1il\ Rochelle, Jerry Allen, Texorkono Rodgers, Dorothy Roy, Horlingen Rodgers, Joon, Loke Jockson Rodgers, Roger Don, Goleno Pork Rodriguez, lsobel, Rio Gronde City Rogers, Barbora Jean, Dallas Rogers, Cynthia, Baytown Rogers, Horry Moore, Dallas Rogers, Linda Sue, Dallas Rogers, Paula Goil, Dollos Rohlf, Joanne, Houston Rollins, Alice Adelaide, Dallos Roman, Marcie Virginia, Shermon Roper, Thelmo Evelyn, Tulia Rose, Melville Robert, Dollos Rosenbaum, Sondra Jean, Dallas Roseriberg, David Howard, Dallas Rosenberg, Gerold Jay, San Antonio Rosenberg, Gloria Louise, Houslon Rosenblum, Joyce Ann, Corsicana Ross, Kenneth Eorl, Weslaca Rousseau, Rebecco Goil, New London Rausset, Edword Eloy, Brownsville Rowan, Brenda Koy, Dollas Rowland, Judith Morie, Porl Arthur Rowlond, Martha Ann, Del Rio Roy, Michael Dwain, EI Compo Rubey, William Bonner, Jr., Houston Rubin, Marsha Corol, Dollos Rugeley, Dudley Greer, Wharton Rundquist, Sally Christine, Houslon Rusch, Patricio Wynn, Austin Russell, David Dee, Amorilla Russell, Evelyn Joann, La Marque Russell, Martha Amelio, Austin Russell, Spruell Alton, Jr., Rosenberg Ruth, Betty Hornor, Corpus Chrisli Rutherford, Donold Corler, Waco Sobean, Sandro Hope, Dallos Sachse, Sondra Elaine, Dallas Sagor, Bryon Tatar, San Antonio Soikin, Harriet, Abilene .-..-.--.-.---------------------------------------- --~a.\llll Paga 122 CLASS OF 1962 w~~~~~~~-~-------~--~·c~ os .. Mortho Lynne, DoJohn,St. Houstonexondro, . Aos, .. So os .. Lee Roy, Dozberger, . So os .. DoJr", . Edword EorSommons, os .. umbus, 111, Do . iom Co .. WiSoms, .. Terreizobeth, . Mory Es, . Somue Houstony Ann, . Bever son, . Sommue le . vi .. bert August, Be . ASonder, Houston Ann, . CoroSonders, Denison izobeth, . otte E . Sonders, Chor os .. Sonders, Suson Jone, Do os .. Sopp, Sommy Dovid, Do .. Houstonph, . Henry AdoSouer, Sotterwhite, Edword Co ins, Jr" Posodeno Souer, Mory Cothryn, Almedo Scorborough, Roymond Lewis, Jr" Houston Schoeffer, Bonn ie Lee, Austin Schoffer, Morcio, Corpus Christi os .. Doeen, . Shoron EiSchoffer, .St. Louis, Mo ,. Honnoh GoiSchopiro, Schoumburg, George John, Beoumont s .. Sue Jonette, Wichito FoScherff, Schi ler, Ne son Louis, Austin . . ege Stotion .. Co ,. Goimon, . esse . Sch Schneider, Heidi Suzonne, Pompo rene Ann, Son Antonio . ,Schneider Son Antonioen, .. Robert ASchneider, os .. Schoch, Horritt, Do Schoggin, Johnny Amos, Jr., Houston Schreiber, Jonet Leoh, Moson , Houston Ann . Schroder, Coro Austin oire, . Schuhmocher, Joyce C Leonderton, . Tom Woze, . Schu oine, Fort Worth . Schwortz, E Scott, Anno Roy, Port Arthur Scott, Borboro Ann, Boytown .. Tombo ,. os Nie . DougScott, Houstonizobeth, . Fronces EScott, Boy Citye, . Scott, Hermon Do estine . Scott, Jomes Lorry, Po Scott, Shei o Roe, Houston . Antonio, Son Jr.iom, .. Scott, Tom Wi ene . Henry Ervin, AbiSeole, Sebero, Curtis Woyne, Son Antonio Seeliger, Suson Lynn, Kyle Weimorionne, . JuSeifert, Morjorie Morgon, Houstonden, . Se ers, Shei o Morgoret, Koufmon . .. Se Senevey, Steven John, Fort Worth ton . Julion Joy, Bei, . Sewe dress . liom R., Chi . Shohon, Wi , Houston isso . Shoinock, E er . Jr., TyShuford, . CorShomburger, ifford Perry, Jr., Son Antonio . e, C . Shonk os .. Shonks, Kotherine Louise, Do Shonnon, Joe, Jr" Fort Worth iss . Shorpe, John Ryon, Fort B Show, John Kinsler, Austwe Show, Julie, Houston Booker, ... ,oude . Otis CSheorer, er . Tyiom, .. Joseph WiSheehy, e .. oresvi . Fen, .. Jomes ASheehy, Shelby, Noncy Morie, Austin Austin liom, . John WiShelton, os .. Sherrill, Robert Webb, Do Sherrod, Gene Allen, Bronte Sherrod, Mory Jone, Golveston ,fred Lewis . Shepperd, A Odesso Shewmoke, Jimmie Sue, Brownfield Shigley, Mory Monroe, Loke Jockson Shivers, John Shory, Austin Lomesoene, . ChorShort, owo . ,Shoron Lee, Sioux CityShulkin, Koy, Alicetz, Signo . Shu Siddons, George Young, Fort Worth Simon, Ellen Noro, Son Antonio Simpson, Gerold Hotton, Lufkin Simpson, Robert Eugene, Wesloco os .. Gerold, Do.rRobeSimpson, , McGregor oyd . Sims, Joe L Sims, Robert Lone, Houston Sinc oir, Judith E" Austin . phur Springs . oir, Lorry Rudd, Su . Sinc Port Arthuriot, . Skoff, Potricio E .. Pog& 123 ~:···:··i:.;.: i:i:j·j·i;i;i:::;:;:iie·:·: .:·:: ;. j·i·~ .. FRESHMEN Skoggs, Morvin Richord, Texos City Skinner, Pot Worren, Henderson sboro .. oy, Stephen Hubby, Hi . S ., N. M sbod . ey Gene, Cor . oon, Ri . S , Porl Lovoco ett . oone, Dovid Bort . S , Mory Louise, Refugio omchinski . S Lo Morqueyn Dottie, . ough, Coro . S Jr., SweenyRoberl, .. t, Morsho Smoros .. DoEssmon, .. DorreSmith, gore . Kid Roe, . , Dono Smith os .. izobeth Joyce, Do . ith, E Sm .o. , F eoh . , Hio yn Louise . EveSmith, Murroy, Corpus Christi .. Smith, Forre er . Tyvin, . Jerome MeSmith, ond . Juon Joy, EostSmith, Houslon, .. , Jim Russe Smith Smith, Morgoret, Son Antonio , Houslon este . Smith, Mortho Ce os .. Do,Smith, Mory Ann Smith, Mory Jo, Odesso Poso . Leon, E Smith, Moxie oinview. Potricio Anne, P Smith, os .. orice, Do . , Penny C Smith Smith, Soroh Jone, Posodeno Smith, Shoron Lee, Houston Beoumonlene, . HeSmith, Virginio to Morie, Fort Worth . WoSmith, in . Scott, Mor ter . WoSmith, Groomd, . ord Arno .. WiSmith, Snyder, Borboro, Boird Breckenridgeyn, . Gwendo ,. Soco s . New Brounfe, . Morgoret Muriebrig, . So Potricio, Austin Kotherinecher, . So .. John Spencer, Peorso ,. Sorrel phur Springs . Suizobeth, . , Mory E ond . Souther Fort Worth, . . . ,oir . cd St. . HoroSporks, Spencer, Jonel Mobel, Corpus Chrisli Spencer, Johnny Norwood, Houslon ond . Ann, Mid Spiors, Potricio ene . Lynn, Abi SondroSproin, o Lee, Houston . LiSpringer, Spevock, Sondro Goi St. Louis, Mo. ,. os .\ Jomes Edwin, DoSquires, Fort WorthToby Koy, l, . Sto ond . Koy, Mid Virginio ,.. Sto eosonl. Ann, Mt. P Peggyings, .. Sto os .. erie Leo, Do . Voings, .. Sto Stomey, Thomos Hompton, Eostlond d . e.fSuson, Doinger Stork, los . Connie Lou, DoSteorns, umbus . John Jefferson, CoSteger, Steiner, Judith Shoryn, Boton Rouge, Lo. Beoumonten, . d G . RonoSteinhort, HoustonAnobel,fox, . Ste John Gregg, Corpus Christiond, . Stens Stephens, Morjorie Louise, Wichito Fo Stephenson, Beverly Ann, Boytown Arthurindo Moy, Port . MoStephenson, Foy, Port Lavoco izobeth. ing, E . Ster Stevens, Modeline Lee, Breckenridge Stone, Mory Corolyn, Son Antonio Stone, Sondro Rose, Houston Houstoniom Jockson, .. ey, Wi . Strod iom Philip, Port Arthur . WilStronohon, Lytton Springs ,. GoiStrown, Morsho os .. DoMorgoret,Strechmonn, Stringer, Betty Non, Oronge Stringer, Judith Anne, Houston """"""""~'""'....,""""'"""""".' .1111tm1 . 7.U.O"7.IArH.~"".' NIOllSl8:!!;~~l!l.l181a.~.~ Jocksonviifford Bennett, . Cing, . Strip Son Antonio ,. John CorStromberger, os .. Doough, .. Tom McCuStrother, OvertonBryont, . MichoeStroud, as .. Jomes S., DoStuort, ond . Curlis, Mid WorrenStuort, os .. DoJeon,Brendo,Stube\, Stuckey, Jonice Lynn, Longview Studdert, Cormen Moureen, Houston Fort WorthAnn, . Coroivon, .. Su Joe Lorry, McKinneyivon, . Sul o .. Larry, Amori Johnivon, .. Su goo. Colvin, A Thomos ,. Sumrol e . Morgoret Alice, PonhondSurrott, Corpus Christiius, . Som JuSusser, Son AntonioSue,es, Bettye . Swo .....,....,.....,..,,~,,..,.,....,....,,..•w....uu~...."••~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.,. s .. e .. Poge 124 CLASS OF 1962 ~---­ Swenson, Andrew John, Stomford Swift, Clifford Gibson, Comeron Switzer, Jomes Edward, Fort Worth Tanner, Eric Rufus, Edinburg Taylor, Allen Ray, Killeen Taylor, Henry Asa, Tomball Taylor, Janet Ann, Canyon Taylor, Janet Sue, New Boston Taylor, leta Evelyn, Garland Taylor, Margaret Ann, Dallos Taylor, Mary Perry, Austin Taylor, Patsy Louise, Austin Taylor, Walter Jennings, Lubbock Terry, Carolyn Elayne, Dallas Terry, John David, Houston Warren Bergen, Corpus Christi erry, . Thomas, Camilla, Sulphur Springs Thomas, Sharon Kathrine, San Antonio Thompson, Cleaves Rhea, Fort Worth Thompson, Joseph Clark, Dallas Thompson, larry Duncan, Fort Worth Thompson, Roland Ross, Sweetwater Thomson, Mary Dale, Midland Thornton, Arthur Wood, Port Arthur Tietz, Judy Madeline, Fredericksburg Tinker, Barbara Glyds, San Antanio Tixier, Linda Suzanne, Houston Todd, Gary Owens, Fort Worth Toepperwein, Frances Jean, Haddonf1eld, N. J . Tolbert, Richard Burton, Victoria Toler, Betty Loraine, San Antonio Tolliver, Margaret Ann, Beeville Toole, Ronald James, Hemphill Tooley, Nancy Jane, Houston Totz, Molly Carolen, Gonzales Townsend, Joseph Emmett, Galveston , Houston rabulsi, Victoria Brenda . Traynor, David Alan, Austin Trevino, Rachel S., San Antonio Trigg, Ralph Morton, Houston Trotter, Robert Sydney, Jr., Austin Truax, Toni Ann, Phillips Trube, John Collins, Bellaire Tryling, Laura Marie, Houston Tucker, Ann, Austin Tucker, William Thornton, Elysian Fields Turner, Delber Boyce, Houston Turner, Mary Katherine, Galena Park Tyler, Eleanor Ann, Austin VanB/ack, Alvin R., Houston Vance, Johanna, Austin Vance, William McCray, Refugio VanGeem, Henry Edward, Jr., Eastland VanGundy, Flo Christian, San Marcos VanHusen, Paula Ann, San Antonio Vorgas, Carlos Roberto, La Paz, Bolivia Veatch, Nathan Everett, Pasadena Venable, Robert Allen, Amarillo Venoble, Virginia Elaine, Baytown Villanueva, Roberto Ramon, Jr., Santurce, Puerto Rico Vineyard, Robert Stirl ing, Wharton Vis, Ronald Bart, Houston Vivian, Ronald Alfred, Carrizo Springs Voet, Marion Jean, Borger Vogel, Mary Elizabeth, Lockhart Vogt, Gene Edward, Schulenburg Voiles, Joan Berniece, Texas City Waddill, Sally Elizabeth, Houston Walker, Anne Charlotte, Beaumont Walker, Roger Sherwood, Midland Wolker, Will iam Thomas, Freer Wall, Lyde Hodges, Dallas Walls, Donold Morgan, Longview Walters, Robbie Ann, Yoakum Ward, Beverley Sue, Austin Ward, Karen Annette, San Antonio Ward, Lou Anne, Tyler Ward, Mary Jo, Ozona Ware, Doyle Ernest, Jr., Baytown Warren, Randolph Johnson, Panhandle Washburn, Sherman Samuel, Lawton, Okla. Wasko, Frank Andrew, Kingsville Wasko, Lester Warden, Kingsville Watson, James Bryan, Llano Page 125 ·~... -.. FRESHMEN Weatherford, Sally Ann, San Antonio Weathers, Pamela Ruth, Houston Webb, Ernest Preston, Houston Webb, Fred, Crane Webb, Jean Anne, Harlingen Weinstein, Gayle Hela ine, Metairie, La. Weirich, Sandra Gayle, Johnson City Weison, Renee Henriette, Bellaire Welder, Jane Murphy, Victoria Wells, George Alan , Houston Wells, Lou Ann, New Braunfels Wendler, Donna Louise, Houston Wesson, Jim Turner, Houston West, Charles Richard, Dallas West, Hugh Francis, Midland Westerfeldt, Maren Louise, Fredericksburg Wheat, Mary Janet, Houston Wheeler, Doretha Faye, Dallas Whelchel, Beverly Jean, Houston White, James P., Arlington White, Jo Anna, Bryan White, Kay, Terrell White, Martha Kay, Fort Worth White, Richard James, Austin White, Robert Campbell, Taft White, Suzanne, Houston Whitehead, Harvey Andrew, Coleman Whitehead, Janice Ann, Anahuac Wiener, Thomas Eli, Dallas Wilbanks, Bettina Rives, Fort Worth Wilder, Hilliare Sinclair, Austin Wilkes, Jana Maurine, Fort Worth Williams, Ann O'Connor, Victoria Williams, Dan Allison, Pasadena Williams, David Lee, Dallas Williams, James Ewing, Jr., Odem Williams, James Robert, Baytown Williams, Jerry Martin, Goree Williams, Judith El eanor, Greenville Williams, Larry Jack, Snyder Williams, Lindsey Arl, Jr., Austin Williams, Mary Ann, Corsicana Williamson, Albert Edward, Beaumont Willis, Allen Tucker, Houston Willis, Joe Pyron, Odessa Willis, Mollie, Dallas Wilson, Alice Carol, Houston Wilson, Frank M" San Antonio Wilson, Gordon Walton, Baytown Wilson, John Reiter, Wichita Falls Wilson, Judith Dee, Dallas Wilson, Patrick Henry, San Antonio Wilson, Richard Eunice, Paducah Wilson, Ruth Anne, Austin Wilson, Terry Mitchell, Waxahachie Windlow, Dale Elizabeth, Beaumont Winfrey, Elizabeth, Houston Wingo, William Thomas, Jr., Sulphur Springs Wischer, Suzanne Jean, Denver, Colo. Wiser, Charles Douglas, Kaufman Wisner, Eva Nell, Texas City Witt, Bryan Dan, Groom Wittliff, William Dale, Blanco Woo, Lai Tene, San Antonio Wood, Dean Leon, Wichita Falls Wood, Gerald Lee, Odessa Wood, Lee Files, Midland Wood, Mary Dee, Victoria Wood, Rebecca, Atlanta Woodford, Toni, Dallas Woodhall, Judith Ray, San Antonio Woodward, Virginia Philips, Beaumont Woolley, Barbara Rowe, Dallas Wooten, Dianne, Bellaire Wooten, Sue Colquitte, Bellaire Word, Barbara, Abilene Word, Kathleen Anne, Houston Worthy, M. Charlene, Maxwell Wray, Kathryn Young, Tyler Wright, Tommy Grant, Temple Wyatt, Georgia Nell, Cuero Yarbrough, Anna Louise, Harlingen Yarbrough, John David, Dallas Yates, Wilbur Franklin, Longview Yoder, Robert Darrel, McAllen Yonet, Phylus Lynn, Houston Zapalac, Betty Jean, Galveston Zeller, Harvey Charles, Houston Zimmerle, Donald Frederick, San Antonio Zulch, Patricia Ann, LaMarque Page 126 ~ii;i;l--~~~-=~~~fllll~uum.111N.l ~~~~:!;S~J .:NU~W/DRWlllJU//Jl.li....li~~f/M~!lo.\\'l!ii!l!ill""""""""""""""""""""""".18.i ALL CAMPUS ADVISORS wr. :!..-- i.r J!J EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Chairman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. MARGARET ANN WHITE Vice-Chairman ........................... ..... .... MARTHA DOYLE JEE Secretary-Treasurer .......... ..... ... .......... .........ANN BELOATE Reporter ................... ..................... CAROLYN CANTWELL Eleanor Marilyn Anderson Sue Vernelle Bagwell Carol Ann Crain Ann Ellen Armstrong Vivian Rose Baker Carolyn Cole Gossett Sybil Louise Harrell Myrtle Faye Blumberg Leona Mae Carter Carolyn Sage Allen Barbara Blake Carolyn Cantwell Harriet Ann Eliot Ann Beloate Barbara Carol Cage Harriette Almira Jones Barbara Jean Blum Patricia Dot Cafer Carol Clark Culbertson Mary Ellan Herron, Chairman Mary Lillian Born Sarah L. Clendenen Kay King Rayda Sue Algor e· Eagle . Patricia Gay Janet E. Hagler, Chairman Sue J. Chessher Diane Lee Cowell Mary Lou Ergle Carole Gene Ferguson Winifred Marie Conlon, Chairman Judith Janice Allred Patsy Rose Ansel Bonnie Jane Apple Mary Florence Ashburn Frances Freda Ballas Mary Ellen Beall Mary Margaret Collins ­-'- ~ ANDREWS DORMITORY Nancy Fielding Dorothy May Janak, Mary Lee Green Chairman Sarah Elizabeth Hicks Martha Doyle Jee Mary M. Warren, Supervising Counselor BLANTON DORMITORY Joyce Ray Johnson Marilyn Sue McKee Susan Marie Kennamer Shirley Kay McKinley Margaret Rose Kuebler Judith English Morehead lrma Martinez Joanne Marie Rice Frances B. Shelton, Counseling Supervisor CAROTHERS DORMITORY Pattye Jayne Kiecke Bobette Eleanor Morris Betty Lynn Kilday, Chairman Claudia Elizabeth Robinson Bura W. Van Hoove, Resident Counselor KINSOLVING DORMITORY South East Unit Linda Lee Fields Edna Frances Sample Shirley Ann Lucas Sandra Lynn Stolz Carolyn Ann Mankin Carolyn Anne Tucker, Cynthia Anne Powell Chairman KINSOLVING DORMITORY South West Unit Roberta Ann Love Sharon Sue Sears Mary Kay Miller Jane Stotts, Chairman Patty Jo Roberts Susan Jane T urner KINSOLVING DORMITORY North East Unit Janet Sharon Jenkins Margaret Ellen Nabours Margee Ann McClenahan Roxana Marie Oughton Karen McKinney Paula Jo Rainey Margaret Diane Melton Suzanne Elizabeth Simons KINSOLVING DORMITORY North West Unit Marilyn Jeanette Meyer Marjorie Beth Saenger, Mary Ann Moroney Chairman Virginia Diane Peavy Gretchen A. Schneider KIRBY HALL Nora Jean Hite Carolyn Adell Leverkuhn Barbara Nell Horton Pauline Talley Maxwell Judith Carolynn lzard Sandra Vernell Russell LITTLEFIELD DORMITORY Annes Yvonne Geis Mary Lou Hagood Georgia W . Hawks Sharon Johnson NEWMAN Mary Elizabeth Cook Mary Margaret Hughes SCOTTISH RITE Nelwyn lrene Delaney Lou Adele Dorrell Janice Lois Edds Miriam Louise Giller Deanna Lee Gorbett Carolyn Louise Gnauck Susan lrene Harling Barbara Jo Harris Poge 128 ·--------------------------"".'"- -.J STAFF Resident Supervisor .. . . . MARGARET BROWN Counselor . . . . . NANETTE LEE GREENFELD Counselor . . . .....JANET SHARON JENKINS Counselor .. .. . . ... . . . . . ..... . . . JULIA ANN MOFFETT Counselor ... . . . ... . . . . . . .......JO ANN SHURTLEFF HOUSE COUNCIL Carolyn Sage Allen Cynthia Anne Powell Carolyn Cantwell Edna Frances Sample, Fall Chairman Kathryn Louise Carrico Sandra Lynn Stolz Janice Lou Hokanson Doretha Faye Wheeler Carolyn Ann Mankin Jimmie Dell Williams Patricia Ann Patterson, Spring Chairman Sandra Lee Zimmerman, Recorder ADVISORS Carolyn Sage Allen Carolyn Ann Mankin Carolyn Cantwell Cynthia Anne Powell Harriet Ann Eliot Edna Frances Sample Linda Lee Fields Sandra Lynn Stolz Shirley Ann Lucas Carolyn Anne Tucker Jimmie Dell Williams Front Row: Edna Frances Sample, Shirley Ann Lucas, Linda Lee Fields, Ann Eliot, Sanda Lynn Stolz, Jimmie Dell Williams, Carolyn Anne Tucker, Julia Ann Moffett, ,abb, Patricia Anne Hudson . Second Row: Shirley Ann Caballero, Betty Horner Ruth, Rose Kathryn Walker, Patricia Elizabeth Stott, Amy Bruyere, Penny Lynn Mc Judy Jane Givens, Linda Sue Rogers, Bar ara Jo McSpadden, Bettell, Margaret Louise Brown, RosaBeth Gilmore, Dorothy Sharon Harris. Paula Bea Barbora Ann !. Amber, Randa Lee Himmelstein, Harriet Lieberman, Sandra Hope Sabean, Ruth Anne Wilson, Sarah Herring, Cecile Ann Frazier, Elaine Schwartz. ,utt~ Ann etta Sue King, Patricia Faye Golding, Catherine Joyce Kruger, Anita Kay Harding . Rosemary Price Johnson, Toby Kay Stall, Melinda Helen McThird Row: Sally Darden Walston, Gayle Helaine Weinstein Penny Lee Loughridge, 11arbara Ann Scott, Margaret Gene Flewellen, Sandra Lee Zimmerman, Linda Joyce McGough, Kay Frances Levensky, Judy Louise Mohan, Brenda Sue Barden, Lyndo Fay Lauderdale, Diana Lynne Foster, Dorothy Louise Pflughaupt, Carolyn Dottie ancy Lou Hurwitz, Marida Ann Pike, Trudy Levy, Shirley Ritter, Suson V. Hammond, Charlynn . ,e Ann Walters, Paula Clark, Janet Sue Taylor . RobbSlough, Franks, Janet Lyn Galeener, Susan Faith Fisher, Donna Louise Wendler, Pamela Rice, Lynda Kay Montgomery, Patricia Joan Fisher, Victoria Brenda Trabulsi, Janice Louise Michelsen, Pauline Christine Lucia, Acia Lee Elliott . Fourth Row: Phyllis Lee McGuire, Doretho, Faye Wheeler, Suzanne Jean Wischer, Jane Esther evinger, Edna Jeanne Capoot, Donna Rachel Richardson, Melanie . Rose Green, Janice Lynn Stuckey, Sondra Earlene Mathis, Martha Sue Gordon, Charlotte Anne Walker, Virginia Phillips Woodward1 Ann Therese Finegan, Delora Elizabeth Blozek, Winifred Pauline Palmer, Diana Elizabeth Sellers, Constance Yvonne Patton, Jones, Mollie Willis, Agnes A ne Burch, Olivia Gail . Frances Ann James, Sondra Rose Stone, Gail Schlesselman, Linda Carol Brody{ lsabel Rodriguez, Phyllis llene Frankfurt, Sharon Lee Shulkin, Janice Lou Hokanson, Melinda .Brnyles .. Gay McGriff, Beverly Ann Scanlan, Janet Ann Kelly, Diana D'A bergo, Edith A Poge 134 """""""""""""""""""""""""ll!!!ll!1811ll'Ni.!ll.M..llt'..aWiZli~...<::.!IJlll.l.Mll'Allfl/JlruJJ/JllllI. --!8~:8i.;~rlIIVl'ifQf'JJJJlllllW:li."li:li..Ml.:.!l!;;;;>.il; NORTH WEST WING KINSOLVING DORMITORY Front Row: Ayree Jane Klotz, Bernye Bob Woodward, Marilyn Williams, Judith Lynn Eplen, Pat Tipton, Mickie Torres, Marilyn Kirkpatrick, Margo L. Whitt, Nancy Ann Blakeley. Second Row: Deanna Kay Swartz, Judy Anne Enquist, Judith Kathryn Spears, Judith lnez Collins, Jayne Roger Goss, Marilyn Ann Dashiell, Jane Allison Allen , .Linda Louise McCown Mclntosh, .. Patricia Sue Bobo, Claire Ann Dickey, Linda ABenson, .. Jacquelyn AAllen, .. A Third Row: Susan Smith, Jenniesue Crays, Virginia Elaine Venable, Jody Mae Ryan, Judith Louise Keehan, Jacqueline Van Roberts, Lynda Carroll Hovey, Diana ,Sharon Lee Edson, Gail Stroker, Helene Laurie SpalterPattillo, .. Lynn Schoppaul, Tommy Carolyn Murdoch, Delores Gomez, Joylene Rose Tilley, Melody A Janet Marian Williams, Sandra Hardy, Penelope Hardy• Fourth Row: Ruth Terry La Rue, Alice Carolyn Norman, Sue Frances Robinson, Barbara Sue Weinstein, Brenda Jean Russell, Beverly Ann Bates, Sarah Rebekah Kilpatrick, Anne Terrell McKnight, Evelyn Joann Russell, Charlotte .. Barbara Sue Freeman, Elaine Yvonne Smith, Margo Wiley, Judith Anne Laughlin, AFoster, Ann McSpadden, Glenda Faye Cunningham, Frankie Jean Mills. Fifth Row: Jean Elizabeth Benson, Mary Elizabeth Wright, Mary Monroe Shigley, Doris Mae Brown, Betty Darlene Holder, Virginia Elizabeth Hall, Linda Ann Hampton, Charlotte Camille Daniel, Lynda Lou Walker, Bettye Carolyn Siptak, Jo Anne Walker, Sara Allison Burroughs, Carol Jean Newcomer, Gwynne Lee Guffin, Lettye Jane Presley, Carolc Ann Hatler, Alice Elena Conkle, Mary Claire Middlebrook, Carol Lynn Huber, Diana Gayle Stallings, Ada Marie Sharpe, .Lewis, Lynette Taylor, Carol Lynn Garner .. et Hinton Handy, Nancy Lynn Clarkson, Peggy A . Nancy Fay Williams, Harr Sixth Row: Sarah Jane Washburn, Phyllis Marie Kazen, D. Constance F. Batey, Mary Ruth Butler, Sylvia Anne Shmidl, Travis Shaw, Sandra Jan Jackson, Evelyn .. Lavena Cunningham, Margaret Whitton Haley, Barbara Joan Barker, Sandra Muriel Brazil, Ann Adams, Betty Boggs Higginbotham, Ann Lewis, Lucie A Meador, Linda Frances Scott, Linda Luz Whitehill, Martha Lynne St. John, Judith Ann Ferguson, Judi Jai Hardison, Frances Jean Toepperwein, Sara Frances Jordan, Sidney Louise Harkins, Ruth Marie Parks, Jacquelyn Booth. STAFF OFFICERS Resident Supervisor ..........DOROTHY PRYOR MARTIN President ..... .............MARJORIE BETH SAENGER Counselor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... BETSY SUE BOETTGER Secretary ..................... MARY ANN MORONEY E MEYER . Counselor. . . . . . . . . . . . ......JEAN BARRILLON FELDER Reporter ..................MARILYN JEANE Counselor. . . . . . . . . . . ......SHIRLEY BOLTON RYAN Counselor ..... .... ............... ROSEMARY STOCK ADVISORS Mary Lillian Born Sarah L. Clendenen Kay King Marilyn Jeanette Meyer Moroney .. Mary A Virginia Diane Peavy Marjorie Beth Saenger Gretchen A. Schneider White .. Margaret A Carolyn Carpenter Williams Born, Moroney, Martin, Felder, Boettger, Stock, Ryan, Saenger, Meyer. Page 135 SOUTH WEST WING KINSOLVING DORMITORY STAFF Counselor . Resident Supervisor .. Counselor . Counselor . Counselor . .ASPASIA TASSOS .JACKIE ANN DUNCAN . SHERRILL CLAIRE PEAVY . CAROLYN DIANE ROSS . ELIZABETH JANE TUCKER ADVISORS Ann Beloate Patty Jo Roberts Barbara Carol Cage Sharon Sue Sears, Secretary Harriette Almira Jones Jane Stotts, Chairman Roberta Ann Love Susan Jane Turner Mary Kathryn Miller Virginia Anne Walker Fleetwood Vinson Warner Front Row: Susan Jane Turner, Patty Jo Roberts, Mary Kathryn Miller. Roberta Ann Love, Harriette Almira Jones, Sharon Sue Sears, Fleetwood Vinson Warner. Ann Beloate, Elizabeth Jane Tucker, Sherrill Claire Peavy, Carolyn Diane Ross. Second Row: Katheryn Sue Lewis, Sheila Rae Scott, Martha Ann Rowland, Elaine Rochelle Steinberg, Diane Maxine Gaitz, Mary Kay Mcfarland, Suzy Catherine Ellyn Cooper, ancy Ann Bridges, Barbara Anne Reese, Kathryn Hill, Diane Bane, Janis . ,Ann Elizabeth Morris, Marcia Jan BurkhartAspasia Tassos, Hodges, Sally Virginia Bowers. Third ell Ray Foreman, Aubyn Stewart Byers, Virginia Sue Hartgrove, Elinore Ferol Benavides, Carol Jane Burk, Emily Claire Welch, Harriet Estelle Clark, . :Row Joanne Rohlf, Rebecca Wood, Betty Nan Stringer, Mary Catherine Geron, Barbara Ann Kettering, Mary Agnes Collerain, Patricia Brooks Freel, Mary Stella Alfano. Fourth Row: Jane Ann McElvy, Betty Louise Hieatt, Margaret Dianne Hall, Letitia Willis, Lee Paula Waggoner. Laurie Kathleen Rayburn, Sally Lee Peel, Jessica Evelyn Martindale, Frances Jane Herring, Judy Coggeshall, Diane Elizabeth Buttrill, Frances Ruth Darling, Carole Ann Holmes, Phyllis Anne Barnard, Joyce Lynn Gordy, Jane Elizabeth Maxwell, Donna Mills, Mary Ann Smith, Peggy Jean Davis, Sally Ruth Mills, Martha Anne Robison, Martha Kay McArthur, Bonnie Alyce Bryan, Sandra Kay Mc utt, Laura Ann Dall ng, Sandra Lynn Sprain, Patricia Caroline Montalbo. . Tryling, Dee Marie . Fifth Row: Patricia Ann Danna, Martha Sue Jones, Clarice Jane McDonald, Mary Kathryn Webb, Linda Suzanne Tixier, Carolyn Joy Henrich, Judy Lorraine Harvey , ancy Benedict Kelly, Elizabeth Macey Hodges, Helen Pat Dayrault, Molly Carolen Totz, Ann Louise Cunningham, Sandra Lee Pruett, Sally McCracken, Ellen . Leeds Jones, Glenna Louise Rider, Alice Adelaide Rollins, Roberta Lee Walpin, Phyllis Lynn Yonet, Sandra Carla Cooper, Connie Lou Stearns. Page 136 ~i;°ilil..~----1.'-""..Wl1!181l'ZZ..lEl\s.18...1Z11811'fll'l//.l'Jlllll~~li.ll•i21i:~!!S\IUMiWIJW!J11~~a.!!l~ml..n~lff'/A'1t.!\1i111!t\'l!!l!!S:!lill8181818181818181818181818181818111111111111111111111111111111!111111111 KIRBY HALL Elizabeth Holdsworth, Lynda Kay Kemble, Barbara Lois Dickey, Helen Katherin~ Plummer, Virginia Ann Everitt, Judith Carolynn lzard, Susan Jannelle ow: . nt. fr -orma Diane Strawn, Clareve Jean Deschner, Diana Patricia Hamp . ,Martha Agatha Avery, Anna Ray Scott, Bobbie Ruth White, Anita Lucile Godbold Burns, son. ik Markidou, Judith Ann Butler, Ellen Margaret Miller, Linda Gayle Fahey, Kaye Arnette Morgenroth, Jackie Berniedene Carter, Pauline . Second Row: Ariadne Talley Moxwell, Sue Colquitte Wooten, lnocente Calderon Munoz, Le'Anne DePriest, Edith Anne Frost, Gerolyn Virginia Cagle, Carolyn Camille Crabtree, Mary .ancy Sue Faust, Charlene Martin, Jeanne Marie Pope . ,Ruby Avery hauser,Wagen .. Third Row: Sandra Gayle Weirich, Johanna Parrott, Linda Jorene Barton, E. Kathy Tom, Sandra Vernell Russell, Janet E. Hagler, Dorothy A Bryant, Dorothy Jean Odom, Lou Helen Joyce Geaslin, Virginia Kay .. e . Barbara Anne Miller, Diana Reagan, Juanda June Freeman, Linda Peggy Schomburg, -Horton, Lucille Elizabeth Rasmussen, Eleanor Katherine Perry, Bar .. e . Jordan, Judith Vermelle Cody, Mary Elizabeth Whealy, Anne Louise Kopecky, Barbara Ann . bara Ann Daigle, Sandra Lou Williams, Linda Mae Moody, Mary Carolyn ewton, Patricia Dishongh, Peggy Joyce Dean, Patricia Dean Carpenter, Carol Louise Hale. Fourth Row: Mary June Hardy, Patricia Ann Larson, Sharon Dee Rogers, M. Helen Cawley, Dianne Wooten, Roberta Jean Morse, Carolyn Kaye Cantrell, Marilyn ,Dorothy Kaye Laxson, Molly Ann Brooks, Connie Sue CookHoelscher, .. e . Ann Pyndus, Janis Lynn Kneblik, Jo Elaine Meyer, Gloria Texane Longnecker, Reba ancy Pauline Caffey, Joanne . ,Peggy Anne Carlson, Judy Diane Mumma, Betty Jean Zapalac, Janet Leah Schreiber, Patricia Elaine Johnson, Madra Sue Rhoades Harris, Jo Ella Powell, Linda Marie Falardeau, Marsha Gail Strawn, Sondra Kay Reddick. STAFF Director ... .. IRENE T. POWERS Counselor .. . ARIADNE NIK MARKIDOU Dietician . . KATHERINE HEATON OFFICERS Chairman of Advisors . . . JANET E. HAGLER Secretary of Advisors . . BARBARA NELL HORTON ADVISORS Rayda Sue Algor Patricia Gayle Eagle Nora Jean Hite Judith Carolynn lzard Carolyn Adell Leverkuhn Pauline Talley Maxwell Sandra Vernell Russell Bobbie Ruth White Page 137 !l/,f~~~!/~/.'!},/J)Jg;~~11!1Vi·r,11./) h/l~JJJ1);f.~}.'1'f%., 1 .1 LEFIELD DORMITORY . · . Ll STAFF Director .. .. ALICE GANN BEGLEY Counselor . . PHYLLIS LOUISE DATHE Counselor. . EFFIE DE ARMENT Left to Right: Hagood, Yeagley, Voight, Hawks, Lewis, Johnson, Ferguson, Soger, Geis, Shotto, Begley, Shields, Ergle, De Arment, Young, Cowell, Keeton. ADVISORS Sue J. Chessher Annes Yvonne Geis Carole Stewart Keeton Judith Shields Diane Lee Cowell Mary Lou Hagood Andrea Lyn Lewis Ann Kennedy Voight Mary Lou Ergle Georgia W. Hawks Sandra Jeanne Sager Margaret Faye Yeagley Carole Gene Ferguson Sharon Johnson Elizabeth Anne Shatto Sue Ellen Young Front Row: Mortho Anne Duke, Morsho Dickey, Medoro Ann Hohn, Dorothy Leo Cramer, Morgoret Kothleen Doy, Jacqueline Bye, Ann Elizobeth Cleland, Jane .ancy Kotherine Cyrus, Jeonette Holekomp, Judith Anne Stringer, Ruth Arrington . ,Ann Putnam, Francis Ann Droke, Marcia Ann Williomson, Susan Anderson -Carol Ann FlemCartsonos,Helen G. amoro, . Sandro Jean Bornett, Jo Sharon Mclntire, Judith Jomes, Leila Margoret Kantz, Genny Timotheo McSecond Row: ing, Mary Helen Foster, Helen Josephine Hoile, Sorah Ann Parks, Dorothr Ray Rodgers, Eva Goyle Moxey, Lindo Jonel Bailey, Barbara Jeon Rogers, Patricia Ann Hill, Glynda Marie Lowther, Margoret Jane Blye, Doir Lindsoy, Coro Ann Schroder. Third Row: Corol Ann Sullivan, Margaret Smith, Barbaro Woolley, Gloria Jean Mata, Solly Jones, Fronces Byrd Collins, Grace Gojdos, Anna Rose Whitson, Lou­lynn Kelly, Joyce Lynette Smith, Carolyn Heoth, Joon Voiles, Charlene Short, Morgaret Ann Broyshaw, Sondra Sheets, Judy Tietz, Eleonor Ann Tyler, Koy Pegues, Anne Corroll Cooper, Suson Adoms, Susan Dring, Sally Edno Horton, Joan Elder, Michelle Robin Beer, Penny Clorice Smith. Fourth Row: Modeline Lee Stevens, Suson Jane Sonders, Janice Kay Justice, Morilyn Brady Snow, Betty Ann Dennard, Faye Florence, Koren La Verne Rhodes, Doris Yvonne Lyon, Royce Ann Young, Moyrel Holt, Marsha Ann Morris, Saroh Virginio Gotewood, Sondro Ann Doniel, Mory Louise Slomchinski, Mortho Jean­ette Clarkson, Theresa Louise Conner, Catherine Eloine Dorough, Kothleen Anne Word, Marceline Jone Escude, Morgoret Ann Johnson, Joyce Ann Von Boeck­ monn, Saroh Eileen Fonn, Janis Jean Jackson, Eloine A. Hennessy, Linda Lucille Bieker, Potty Deon Couch, Mary Kathleen Gorms, Robin Jones, lrene Ann Schneider, Carol Jeon Fronklin, Suzonne Buhrer, Prudence Ann Gotes, Elizobeth Ann Breckenridge, Connie Lois Corver, Alice E. Adams, Anne Aucoin, Patricia J. McCoy, Judith Ann Raglond . Fifth Row : Borbora Ann Barker, Loi Tene Woo, Patty Sue Gimon, Elizobeth Louise Burt, Corol Leigh Belknop, Virginio Helene Smith, Deanna Lee Morsh, Harriett Hildo Hopkins, Alice Moxine Chase, Jone Ann Brewer, Ann Carolyn Reed, Mary Corroll, Carolyn Sue Ferguson, Carole Eloine Jones, Joonne Fronces McQuoide , Martho Moore Ashburn, Eleanor Ann Christion, Kim Mar11aret Cosey, Judy Glen Cunningham, Dione Morie Altwein, Volerie Lea Stollings, Caroline G. Chappell, Camilla Thomos, Reva Lynn Stekoll, Borbora Jeanne Re nert, Louise Butts Correll, Elizobeth Waddill, Karen Gwyn Agopian, Corolyn Detmore, Joyce Sally . Camille Langerhons. Page 138 MEN'S RESIDENCE HALLS Front Row: Totz, Adams, Uecker, Billings, Browning, Braeutigam, Oliver. Second Row: Kennon, O'Sullivan, Delley, Perkins, Winn, Magill, Robbins, Rolf, Beck, Houston, Deathe. Third Row: Finch, Ryan, Fahrenthold, McMaster, Abadjian, Porter, Rabun, Pullen, Blesch, Janak, Matthews. STAFF Manager ..........................................HELEN N. DEATHE Assistant Manager ............................. JAMES 0. BRAEUTIGAM BRACKENRIDGE HALL Supervisor .. . . . .................... . .... . ... HERSCHEL C. WINN lntramural Manager ....................LOUIS WAYNE HAMILTON Counselors David Lee Kelley Clarence Burton Robbins James Donald Kniker Kermit Wayne Uecker ROBERTS HALL Supervisor ........ ................ ....JAMES IRVINE PERKINS, JR. 1 ntramural Manoger ..... .................STEVEN EDWI N BLESCH Counselors Steven Edwin Blesch Stuart Neal Pullen Leaton Thomas Oliver Andy Jack Rolf PRATHER HALL Supervisor .....................................MARVIN E. BECK lntramural Manager . ....................JAMES M. HOUSTON, JR. Counselors John Ashworth Brevard James M. Houston, Jr. Bryan Holton Engram Donald J. Malouf LITTLE CAMPUS DORMITORY Supervisor ..................................GEORGE ABADJIAN lntramural Manager...........•..•.....JAMES CRAIG O'SULLIVAN Assistant lntramural Manager ............. ..... BOBBY LYNN JAMES Counselor .....................•.....EDUARDO EVARISTO deASES CLIFF COURTS Supervisor ........................ ...........RONALD L. JONES lntramural Manager . ..... . .............WESLEY BEN KUENEMANN Counselors Wesley Ben Kuenemann Roger Lee Tolar SAN JACJNTO DORMITORY A Supervisor ........................ ..... JAMES HILTON STROMAN lntramural Manager... . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WILLIAM NICK SIKES Caunselor .. . .... . .... .... . . .. . ..• . ... MILTON LAMOND VERNER SAN JACINTO DORMITORJES B, C, D HEWS . Supervisor .. ..........................ROLAND LARRY MA lntramural Manager . ... . ... ....... . .. . ..... LESLIE E. OPPERMANN Counselors Frank Teague Delley Donald Ray Janak SAN JACINTO DORMITORIES F, G, H Supervisor . .......... . . . ...... . ...... HURSHAL FRANKLIN MOORE lntramural Manager . . .•......................... .. JAMES ROLFE Counselors Rex Ronald Henger Andrew Leon Jefferson, Jr. Roger Allan Lewis SIMKINS HALL Supervisor . ........ . .....................JOHN QUINCY ADAMS lntramural Manager ........................GEORGE RAY RUSSELL Counselors Robert Kelly Ponder Daniel Paul Ryan, Jr. James Winston Porter Jon David Totz MOORE-HJLL HALL Supervisor ........................CLIFFORD FRANKLIN McMASTER Assistant Supervisor .............................. . J IM L. MAGILL lntramural Manager ......................THOMAS G. HENDRICK Counselors Frank Edward Billings James Carroll Herring, Jr. Wayne Leon Browning Perry A. Johns Paul David Fahrenthold Garland Kennon Donald Roy Finch William Fred Miller George F. Foerster John Stanley Rabun Phillip Robert Zeeck Poge 139 . 1%}}/J/.', '•f~J4-/-?~,;7~-g1~{1J,f ' ,1/./ . &1 1111.1 ~ V/\~ NEWMAN HALL STAFF Director . . . SISTER MARIA STELLA Social Hostess . . . .... ..... . .... . ....... . ... . . . ... BEULAH MILES OFFICERS President ..... . . .... MARY JANE LEWIS Vice-President . . .. NANCY JANE ALDRICH Secretary .... ... .... .......... . .... MARIE FRIEDA FEHMER Treasurer ..... . .JUDITH MANSELL BEESLEY Upperclass Representative ... . . . ... . . ... . . PATRICIA JOAN HORN Freshman Representative ...... . . ....... CAROL RAY BRIDGES ADVISORS Winifred Marie Conlon, Chairman Mary Elizabeth Cook Mary Margaret Hughes Florence Therese Jakle Helaine Mary Nickum Nora Marie Parma Jane F. Spacek Mary Jane Strauch Front Row: Jo Gayle Chamberlain, lris Fay Rigamonti, Mary Margaret Hughes, Rosemary Agnes Mattingly, Mary Bernadette Richter, Margaret Mary Kosh, Florence Therese Jakle, Helaine Mary Nickum, Betty Jane Heinsohn, Judith Mansell Beesley, Helen Patricia Carrell, Jean Ann Kubala, Jo Anne Poth . Second Row: Anita Sylvia Garcia, Georgia Kahanek, Merlene May Wilde, Mary Jane Lewis, Mary E. Aguirre, Leilani Faye Moeller, Susan Lynn Seeliger, MargaretAgnes Beaulieu, Elizabeth Carmen Hembree, Jane Logarta Kintanar, Nancy Jane Aldrich, Maria Elinor Medina, Judith Carol Cochran, Estela de la Garza, Bar­bara Sue Christian, Mary Jane Strauch, Beulah Miles. Gandara, Ruby .. Third Row: Mary Magdalene Gonzalez, Patricia Joan Horn, Marie Luiza Roque, Barbara Jane Gurecky, Winifred Marie Conlon, A Betty Mae Moeller, Carol Ray Bridges, Mary Elizabeth Cook, Gloria B. Castaneda, Jane F. Spacek, Marilyn Kay Zschech, Mary Elizabeth Knize, Mary Virginia Schulz, Marie Antoinette Vera, Neusa de Lima Bezerra, Beatrice Lozano, Marie Frieda Fehmer . Page 140 ·----------------------------------------------.-!" .\.\\ 1 .a..~. ...~. ~~~~~~~~~~~--~~ .. sco SH RITE DORMITORY t Row: Wallace, Dorrell . .d Row: Ballas, Edds, Harling, Beall, Nowlin, Allred, L. Rogers, Parks, Collins . Seco Third Row: Powers, Nix . Fourth Row: Apple, P. Rogers, Johnson, Ashburn, Wheeler, Morgan, Harris, Rumph, Tucker, Gorbett, Delaney, Giller. STAFF Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ALICE C. McCONNELL Acting Head Resident Counselor ........................MAUDE BALLARD Office Manager ................ ................... ..... LILLIAN JENKS Secretary ......... ..........................JOSEPH/NE W. SCHMEID Food Production and Service Manager . . . . . . . . . ... ...... /SORA COOKE Housekeeping Supervisor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... JEAN BURRELL Chief Engineer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... THOR E. CARLSON Head Gardener and Florist . ..... ................. .GILBERT McEACHERN Superintendent of Laundry .. ................ .......... ROY DOUGHERTY OFF/CERS Chairman .. .. . . ..................... .. ............. KATHY WALLACE Vice-Chairman ....................... .. ........SUSAN IRENE HARLING Secretary .................................... FRANCES FREDA BALLAS Publicity Chairman ........ . ... . .. . . . .. .......... NANCY JANE NOWLIN ADVISORS Judith Janice Allred Janice Lois Edds Nancy Jane Nowlin Patsy Rose Ansel Miriam Louise Giller Joy Beth Parks Bonnie Jane Apple Deanna Lee Gorbett E. Sophie Philen Mary Florence Ashburn Carolyn Louise Gnauck Martha Powers Frances Freda Ballas Susan lrene Harling Betty Ann Roberts Mary Ellen Beall Barbara Jo Harris Lucy Jean Rogers Mary Margaret Collins Robin Ann Johnson Paula Jane Rogers Nelwyn lrene Delaney Helen Elizabeth Morgan Elizabeth Ann Rumph Lou Adele Dorrell Jane Nix Linda Kay Tucker Kathy Wallace Karen Sue Wheeler Pag& 141 . Fro INTER CO-OPERATIVE COUNCIL The purpose of INTER CO-OPERATIVE COUNCIL is to act as a governing body to the mutual interest of the individual co-operatives and to unite the existing co-operatives into a strong entity. To promote expansion, public relations, social activities and scholarship. OFFICERS President ........•........... .. .............JOE BURKE Parliamentarian .......•........................ LEONEL GARZA Vice-President ....................... .. ........ KATHLEEN SILVA Reporter ............•.........•........... BEVERLY SUE FULKES Secretary . . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . ..... MACHSYNE POWLER Social Chairman .....•. ..•.........•......JESSIE ANN VOIGHT Treasurer . . . . . • . . . . . . . .. BERNARD ORTIZ DE MONTELLANO Scholastic Chairman .................•..... MELANIE SUE McGHEE Historian ...•...............................CELIA FAY PATTON Sponsor .........•.........•...... EDWIN BOOTH PRICE REPRESENTATIVES Fall Spring GUSTAVO SERG IO RU IZ .. ... .• . . •... . Alhambra ........•..•...• . ... . . .... . ... ... .. JOHN DAY CURTIS LEONEL GARZA GUSTAVO SERGIO RUIZ CAROLYN NAN MIMS ....... • .. . • . . • .. •......•.. . Almetris ... .......•..•..... . .. .•.................. EVA GOINS AUTHURINE SIMS EVELYN YVONNE DEASON PATRICK ANDREW MYERS " " " " .. " ....... • " .. Campus Guild ...• " . " " " .... " " " " " .... HENRY N. TROELL JAMES EDGAR CRAWFORD JAMES EDGAR CRAWFORD E CELEST BUCKNER . ELIZABETH MARGARET CALDWELL . . . . . . . •....... Felicia ...........•.. .......•.....MARGARE MARY CATHERINE PRUESSNER MARY CATHERINE PRUESSNER GAYLE GREEN .. ... .. ... .... . ..... . . . ........ . .. Halstead ........ ... ..• . .............GLORIA JEAN WUEMBLING JUANITA MARGOT SALINAS GAYLE LOUISE COE CHARLES CALVERT RUTHERFORD . . . ......•.... Oak Grove . . .. . ..•. . ... .. .... .. CHARLES CALVERT RUTHERFORD HENRY WOODWARD EUGENE THOMAS BEYNON, JR. FRED NELSON PFEIFFER EN . MAYNARD BRl CAROL ANNE CRAFT ..•....... . .. ...... Pearce ........•. . ... MELANIE SUE McGHEE BERNARDINE MARY HUGMAN CHARLENE MARTHA HRANICKY BARBARA JOAN ADAMS .... .. .. . .......... Pawell .. . .. ... .•. . . . . . . .... . .. ... MARIANNE FISHER MIRIAM G. MALLARI LOIS ANN THOMPSON BARBARA JOAN ADAMS ELVA ANGELITA RAMIREZ JAMES K. BURROUGHS ... • ......... Ramshorn ...........•......•..•...JAMES TERRELL PICKERING ALVIN FELIX BLAIR ............ . . ............. Royal ........ ......................... FRANK MICHAEL COLBY FERDINAND FRANCIS BOUDREAU, 11 CHARLES MARTIN URBAN MORRIS EDGAR MASSEY DIANE HUBBARD ...........•............•...... Shangri-la ...•.........•..•.............. ..... DIANE HUBBARD ANN ELAINE OSTERLOH ANN ELAINE OSTERLOH WILFORD LEN COCKRELL ......• . . •............... Stag ........ . . . .. . ....... • ............COY NORMAN WHEELER DONALD RAY REDMAN HARISH VARA JANET ALENE BAILEY PROBST ............ • . . • . .. .. Theadorne .. . ..... ... ...... SHARON KATHRINE THOMAS JOYCE A. REMMERT JUDITH ANN PHILLIPS JAMES DALE BIRDSONG ............ ....•........ Theleme .............•..•......•..... JERRY WAYNE ROBERTSON EDMOND MALISH JEFFEREY LEE MULLINS PHILIP WAYNE DAVIS ... " .. .. ...•...... " .• .. .... T.l .0 .K .. . .. ...• .. .. ..•........ . ..... .RALPH ALLISON SHOBERG DICK HAROM FRED HOPPER BULL .... .. ... . .... . . ... . .. Twin Pines .. ... . ... .•. .. ......•.....WILLIAM HANSOR LAWHON E McQUEARY . WILLIAM HANSOR LAWHON CHARLES EVERE RAMON ANTONIO GARCIA JESSIE ANN VOIGT .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . ..... Valhalla ....• .. ... .. .................. . ..........JANE LOWN JANE LOWN JESSIE ANN VOIGT FREDDIE RUTH LITTLE .... . ............. .. .. . . Wakonda ...................•..........JANICE MARIE WILSON LE . JANICE MARIE WILSON FREDDIE RUTH Ll KAREN LOUISE SLOVACEK ... • . . • .. . ...... • .. • .... Wh itehall ...• .. ... . •... ... .. .. ..• ......JOANN KAY PANKRATZ MARTHA ELLEN WHITLOW MARTHA ELLEN WHITLOW . Fro t Row : Curtis, Wheeler, Pickering, Urban, Colby, Birdsong, Troell, Garza. .d Row: Whitlow, Fulkes, Goins, Adams, Thomas, Phillips, McGhee, Hernandez, Pruessner, Silva, Fowler, Little . Seco Third Row : Lown, Pankratz, Buckner, Voigt, Hubbard, Osterloh, Coe, Deason, Patton, Fisher, Burke. Fourth Row: Pfeiffer, Vara, McQueary, Massey, Ortiz de Montellano, Crawford, Craig, Ruiz, Robertson. ALHAMBRA HOUSE Front Row: Hudson, Purinton, Ferguson, Davila, Howard. Second Row: Curtis, Jennings, Loughmiller, Morales, Nohtomi, Garza. Third Row: Flores, R. Martinez, Resendez, Longoria, Matula, G. Martinez, Luker, Godoy. The ALHAMBRA HOUSE is an approved voluntary group consisting of members joined together to provide a demo­cratic living organization for deserving students. They moved to their new location in 1958. OFFICERS Fall Spring ROY MARTINEZ . ... . .. . ......... . . . ..... ... President . . . . . . . . . .... . ......... . ....... .. . . ROY MARTINEZ ANTON FRANK MATULA .. .. ... . ............ Secretary ....... . ...... . ................ANTON FRANK MATULA LEONEL GARZA ...........................Treasurer ......... .............................. LEONEL GARZA GUSTAVO SERGIO RUIZ ..... ..... .......... Dietician .................... ...... ...... GUSTAVO SERGIO RUIZ RUBEN D. RESENDEZ ... . ....... . ... . .... . . . Detail Manager . . ........ . ... . .............. .RUBEN D. RESENDEZ EDWIN BOOTH PRICE .................. .... Faculty Sponsor ............................. EDWIN BOOTH PRICE MEMBERS Arturo Humberto Banegas Donald Eugene Howard Anton Frank Matula John Day Curtis Jerald Collin Hudson Guillermo Medellin Jose Francisco Davila Nathan Carpenter Jennings Andres Castillo Morales Robert Ted Ferguson, Jr. Rolando S. Longoria Nobue Nohtomi Adolph Cardona Flores Max Eugene Loughmiller Donald Leroy Purinton Amador Garcia Lloyd Buchanan Luker, Jr. Ruben D. Resendez Leonel Garza Genaro Jimenez Martinez Gustavo Sergio Ruiz Richard Alonzo Godoy Roy Martinez Roberto T amez Poge 143 CAMPUS GUILD The CAMPUS GUILD is a co-operative living and dining association for male students of The University of Texas. lt is a non-pro.ft organization . OFFICERS Fall Spring ELTON DOYLE FOWLER . .. President .......................... . . . HENRY N. TROELL HENRY N. TROELL. . . . ................... House Vice-President ........ . .JOHN AARON CRAIG JERRY DON HAMRICK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kitchen Vice-President. . .. .... . . .. DON MITCHELL FREGIA STEPHEN EDGAR JONES .................... Treasurer .......... . . .. STEPHEN EDGAR JONES JAMES EDGAR CRA WFORD . ................. Secretary ...... . . .... JAMES EDGAR CRAWFORD LEONARD RETIZ ...... ........ Reporter-Historian ... ......................... LEONARD RETIZ WILLIAM R. RASCHKE. .. ........... Facu lty Sponsor. . .. .....................WILLIAM R. RASCHKE MEMBERS Ubertino Maravi Aliaga Don Merle Cooper Jack lee Ki ng William George Reichert Chauncy Charles Acrey John Aaron Craig leroy John Krenek leonard Retiz lawrence Donavan Bailey David Ray Baker James Wesley Baldridge Rabert H. Balzen Manuel Barron, Jr. James Arthur Bassett James Edgar Crawford Jerry Douglas Dickson Elton Doyle Fowler Samuel Burnett Fredericksan Don Mitchell Fregia Ke-Yang li Paul Howard Maclean Francis Danald McFarland Rolph Maisel Douglas Rodney Malone Eddy lee Maupin Rabert Mayo Richards Rabert Maurice Riley Edward Collins Satterwhite, Jr. Robert William Shohan Canstantine Evagelos Sotiriau Surendra H. Shah John Almand Behrens Elmer Richard Gregory, Jr. Joe Jack Mayhew Elgene Campbell Spencer Henry louis Bell Clovis Ray Hale Jack Eduardo Medrano Jul ian Chi liang Suez lauis A. Benavides Robert Arthur Hall, Jr. Arthur Clark Middleton Charles Edward Traell Ridvan Metin Berkman Jerry Don Hamrick David Garner Moorman Henry Neil Troell Jerry Dale Beshear James Clifton Hay, 111 lawrence Ray Mullen Joe Mitchell Tu llis lesley Curtis Boyle Claud Allen Bramblett Karl William Brawn Joe Ralph Canfield Pramote Chaiyavech Corleton William Heller Chung You Ha Michael McKinley Holden Danald Bruce Jahnsan James Kay Jahnston Stephen Edgar Jones Patrick Andrew Myers Tom Carter Myers Dan A. Naranjo Yuza Naritomi Granville Emil Ott Frank Valton Vagel Hsuan-Heng Wang Ranald Dean Watley Nat David Wells Jahn McClintock White Thomas Eugene Wood James Roy Chism Carroll Ray Jardan Richard lrvin Pagach Jerry L. Wright Dickey Eugene Clardy Eugene A. Juarez Yaa Peng Sam Wayne Young Front Row: Tullis, Behrens, Retiz, C. Troell, H. Troell, Aliaga, Shah, Peng . Second Row: Wang, Boyle, Hall, Fowler, Chaiyavech, Mayhew, Satterwhite, Li, Malone, Hay, Middleton, Mullen, Moorman, Sotiriou . Third Row: Medrano, Young, Suez, King, Wells, P. Myers, Gregory, Dickson, Brown, Riley, Jordan, Chism, Cooper, Holden, Bailey, Fregia, Spencer, Vogel, Watley. Fourth Row: Bramblett, Naritomi, Mcfarland, Krenek, Maclean, Baldridge, Barron, Wood, Reichert, Bassett, Balzen, Heller, Pagach, Craig, Crawford, Jones, .Frederickson, White, Belln, . Maup ~"~l..:iinc~~~~mrw~ Page 144 8. llll-.-.-.-.-.-.""""""""""""""""""" !\.DiS1M...i:;;J!!11'.aUl!!:MlJ.z;1J1nw111&. l/lllll~oo~~~!111211~~~11111m.w,:ll!'.Aw OAK GROVE Front Row: lmhoof, Krenek, Vitek, Henderson, Janik, Mollenkopf, Shelton, Shelby, Dickson. Second Row: Wright, Kelter, Perry, Pfeiffer, Gordon, Kersey, Emerson . Third Row: London, Zimmerman, Robertson, Price, Babcock, Ward, Woodward. Fourth Row: Lewis, Barnett, Boston, Ruthcrford, Moore, Jones, Meharg. Fifth Row: Baker, Gilbreath, Norwood, Wheeler, Witt, Hill, Griffith. Our purpose is fourfold, to provide adequate housing and dining facilities at a minimum cost, to promote fellowship among the members, to develop self-reliance, thrift and scholarship and to encourage study of co-operative living and propagate these principles and ideals. OFFICERS Fall Spring DAVID HOLLAND HENDERSON . . . . . ....... . . President . . . . . . . . ....... DAVID HOLLAND HENDERSON JACK RAY LONDON . . . . . . . . . . .............Vice-President . . .....CHARLES CALVERT RUTHERFORD, JR. CHARLES CALVERT RUTHERFORD, JR. ... ... .. Recording Secretary ....... . .. . .. EUGENE THOMAS BEYNON, JR. HENRY K. WOODWARD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corresponding Secretary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . FRED NELSON PFEIFFER BEN ALLEN MEHARG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Business Manager .. .......................... BEN ALLEN MEHARG JIM ALAN BABCOCK ....................... Detail Manager ............................... HAROLD LEE WARD EDWIN BOOTH PRICE ............. ......... Faculty Sponsor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... EDWIN BOOTH PRICE MEMBERS Jim Alan Babcock Frank Charles Janik Jerry Carlton Price James Edwin Baker, Jr. Grady Parker Jones Claude Eugene Robertson Kenneth Wayne Barnett James Edward Kelter Charles Calvert Rutherford, Jr. Eugene Thomas Beynon, Jr. Mike Peter Kersey Charles Brann Shelby Jackie Ray Boston Stanley Kenneth Krenek, Jr. Charles Richard Shelton William Everett Dickson Buford Lynn Emerson John Philip Gilbreath Randy Gordon Rodney Saylor Griffith Elbert Darrell Lewis Jack Ray London Ben Allen Meharg Howard Charles Mollenkopf Jimmie Archer Moore George Ladd Vitek, Jr. Harold Lee Ward Ernest Dorman Wheeler Bryan Dan Witt David Holland Henderson Daniel Wallace Norwood Henry K. Woodward A. Jackson Hill Robert Ray Perry Robert Milford Wright Michael Wayne lmhoof Fred Nelson Pfeiffer Chester Donald Zimmerman ~ ~ Poga 145 ROYAL CO-OPERATIVE ~ ~ OFFICERS ! Fall JOSEPH MICHAEL FINGER ........ . RODRICK WARREN DENNIS . EDWARD F. BURKE .. ~ ..... . ... President .. . ... .. .. Secretary .......... . . Treasurer . FERDINAND FRANCIS BOUDREAU House Manager . . ...... . ...... .. , ~ MORRIS EDGAR MASSEY .. .. Scholastic Chairman ......... . . . .. . . . ~ ~ FRANK MICHAEL COLBY . . Social Chairman . ~ ~ ~ ~ Leonard Joseph Bench ~ Thomas Kent Beyette ~ Alvin Felix Blair .. ,Ferdinand Francis Boudreau ~ ~ Edward F. Burke ~ Joseph F. Burke ~ Robert S. Burnside ~ David Garrett Cleveland ~ Don Gill Cleveland ~ William Mitter Coats ~ Frank Michael Colby ~ Lynn Lee Colby ~ Herman Andrew Damek ~ Rodrick Warren Dennis ~ Homer Theryle Emmons ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~"8~"""."'""""'-"=-~ "'8"~1J..0• /.. f/l3W~/ . ...................... MEMBERS Joseph Michael Finger Matthew Ray Gustin Morris Edgar Massey William Henry Mueller, Jr. Prasit Narongdej Rogelio Ramirez Robert Reeves Tim Aubrey Sims Jerry Eugene Summers Richard Donald Taylor Charles Martin Urban Nit Wangvivatna Michael Dennis Weston Marwan Okab Yahya Front Row: Ramirez, Weston, Taylor, Summers, Emmons. Second Row: Narongdej, Beyette, Bench, Damek, Yahya, Wangvi­ votna. Third Row: E. Burke, J. Burke, Boud­reau, Don Cleveland, Finger, Coats, Blair, Mueller, David Cleveland, F. Colby, L. Colby. Fourth Row: Sims, Dennis, Massey, Reeves, Gustin. Spring . MORRIS EDGAR MASSEY . . . RODRICK WARREN DENNIS . ... WILLIAM HENRY MUELLER . .JOSEPH F. BURKE . .. ROGELIO RAMIREZ FRANK MICHAEL COLBY Poge 146 "18i..."""..."""""""""""""""""""""!!l!8i:.lll!iMl.liWIU-7 . < !l!2::811J"""'1:Ul/.JIWUIJUUD81BJ.' IA.:.'.-~'""""~""" lJlll\fl18 STUDENTS' CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION ~ ~ ~ The Students' Co-Operative Association is a non-pro .f t organization de­ ~ signed to provide member groups with food and supplies at economical rates ~ made possible through co-operative buying. Eligible for membership are non­ ~ pro.f t student organizations maintaining houses. ~ ~ ~ ~ BOARD OF DIRECTORS ~ President . ....... .. .. . ......... .. . .... CHARLES LEE BOWDEN . . .. Fraternities ~ ~ Vice-President .. . ROY MARTINEZ .... . ...............Men's Co-Operatives ~ Treasurer . . ........ . ........SHIRLEY C. WARD . . . .. Sororities ~ Corresponding Secretary . . . . . . . ......... ... JANIE RAMELLE PROFFITT . . ........ ... Women's Co-Operatives ~ Recording Secretary ........... . .. . .. ... .... THOMAS H. SHELBY, 111 . Fraternities ~ Manager . . . . . . . . ..... . ......THOMAS B. BEATTY ~ Faculty Members . . . . . . . . . . .............. ROBERT LEE GRINAKER ~ ROBERT EARL LINDE ~ Advisors . . . ... . .. . ... . .. DOROTHY GEBAUER ~ JACK HOLLAND ~ EDWIN BOOTH PRICE ~ ~ MEMBER ORGANIZATIONS Alhambra Felicia Shangri-La Co-Op Almetris Halstead House Sigma Alpha Mu Alpha Chi Sigma Kappa Alpha Sigma Chi Alpha Epsilon Phi Kappa Kappa Gamma Sigma Delta Tau Alpha Epsilon Pi Lambda Chi Alpha Sigma Nu Alpha Gamma Delta Oak Grove Sigma Phi Epsilon Alpha Tau Omega Pearce Co-Op The Stag Beta Theta Pi Phi Delta Theta Tau Delta Phi Campus Guild Phi Kappa Theta Tau Kappa Epsilon Chi Phi Phi Kappa Psi Tejas Club Crow's Nest Phi Kappa Sigma Theadorne Co-Op Christian Faith and Life, Men's Branch Phi Kappa Tau Theleme Co-Op Delta Delta Delta Phi Sigma Delta Theta Chi ~ Delta Gamma Pi Beta Phi Theta Xi ,~ Delta Kappa Epsilon Pi Kappa Alpha T.L.O.K. Delta Sigma Phi Powell House Twin Pines Delta Tau Delta Presbyterian Seminary Valhalla Co-Op Delta Upsilon Ramshorn Co-Op Wakonda Co-Op Disciples Student Fellowship Royal Co-Op Whitehall Co-Op ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,~ Pooe 147 TWIN PINES CO-OPERATIVE The purpose of TWIN PINES CO-OPERATIVE is to provide a high grade, low cost room and board. To deve op a . ems of living and to promote . eadership by facing together the prob . op character and . iowship among members. Deve . fe sound morals and good conduct. Fall OFFICERS Spring .RALPH WAYNE WEST .... President . . . . . . .... . .......... . ..... . . . FRANK T. CARMONA .RAY THOMAS ROSS .. Vice-President .. CHARLES WILLIAM HOEHNE. ........ . .......... .FRANK T. CARMONA JAIME ABELARDO GRAWILLIAM E. HORNUNG ..CIA . MMY DON STONER .. ... .J TE .NOBLE LEON W H . . ..... House Manager .... .. ... . ..... . .... . .. Food Buyer ... Treasurer .......... . ... . ........ .. . .... . . . . RALPH WAYNE WEST CARROLL WILLIAM BOECKER ................ Par iamentarian . . ..........CARROLL WILLIAM BOECKER . Manager . . .. WILLIAM LEE LINDEMANN . lntramura........... ... ,NO PEREZ . L MEMBERS Arthur Lewis Green . Char ... ,iam Hoehne Lino Perez . iam Boecker Charles Wil .. Wi .. Carro .Martin Ramirez, Jriam E. Hornung .. Wi .. Fred Hopper Bu es lvan Ashbaugh James John O'Grady, Jr. Enrique Edmundo Carmona Ruben Jimenez Ray Thomas Ross arence Garcia Roussett . Hansford Kellum C . Frank T. Carmona Danie Jr. M. Farouk Hamed Shammattliam Hansor Lawhon, . ejandro Garcia Wi . A A fonso Sotuyo Garcia iam Lee Lindemann Jimmy Don Stoner .. Wi . .Jradez, . Ramon Antonio Garcia Peyton Jerome Lowery Victor Va arreal .. fo Lucas Vi . Severo Gomez Victor Lozano, Jr . Rodo ph Wayne West . es Edward Martinez Ra . do Gonza . Federico Arno e Leon White . es Everette McQueary Nob . ez Char . Jesus Rene Gonza .Jrentino Mendez, . ez Ray Va . io Nires Gonza . Roge iam Nogues . ardo Gracia Franklin Wil . Jaime Abe ...~~~~~.. 181'1~~ .. Carmona A. Garcia, Green, Endez, . Boecker, M Villarreal, Ramirez, :Front Row Second Row: Ross, R. Garcia, Gracia, Kellum, West, Lindemann, White, Nogues, F. Gonzales, A. S. Garc ia, Ashbaugh, Hoehne . Third Row: Hornung, Perez, Shammatt, Lawhon, J. Gonzalez, Stoner, McQueary, Martinez, Valadez, Jimenez, Lozano, Roussett. Page 148 "HPRt.l'llNrl~~~~~~~~~111.1111mmMt11llAll!l:<:all!';!ll~'IJJl!ti!.B~~"""""""""..."""""""""""""""li8 TLOK Front Row: W. Steitz, S. G. Randolph, Lozano, Speer, Brisbois, S. P. Randolph, Booher, Akersten, Miculek. Second Row: Copeland, R. Yoas, Gibbs, Marshall, Ware, Harbin, Davis, Stanley, P. Steitz. Third Row: McGowan, Lacy, Lowe, Crawford, Malone, Williams, Shoberg, H. Yoas. OFFICERS Fall Spring WALTER RICHARD STEITZ ....... . . .... . . President .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .... MILLARD COURTNEY BRISBOIS JAMES WILLIAM COPELAND .... . ........ . .. . Secretary .. . .......... . .........WILLIAM ELLIS WARE GLEN CHARLES SPEER ....... .. .. ........... Maintainer .... . . ........... KENNETH DUANE WILLIAMS MILLARD COURTNEY BRISBOIS ..... ....... Food Buyer. . ......... ANTHONY GIRARD LOZANO GEORGE CLAY GIBBS ...................... Treasurer .. .. . ... WILLIE LOUIS MICULEK MEMBERS William Andrew Akersten Richard Edward Kothmann Ralph Allison Shoberg Charles Wesley Allen Robert Michael Lacy Glen Charles Speer James Patrick Boepple George Walter Lowe Richard Arlin Stanley Claude Robert Booher, Jr. Anthony Girard Lozano Paul Werner Steitz Millard Courtney Brisbois Ronald Edward Malone Walter Richard Steitz James William Copeland Gary Lynn Marshall George Floyd Tuley ~ John Milton Crawford, Jr. Loy Dean McGowan William Ellis Ware Joe Kingsley Cubine Willie Louis Miculek Kenneth Duane Williams ~ Philip Wayne Davis Harry Dean Perkins Robert Milford Wright ~ George Clay Gibbs Spencer Gordon Randolph Howard Ernst Yoas a Richard Hampton Harbin Sterling Parker Randolph Ralph Garland Yoas " ~ Page 149 WOMEN'S CO-OPERATIVES CO-ORDINATOR'S COUNCIL Front Row : Caruthers, Remmert, Gebauer, Smith, Green. Second Row : Krauter, Allen, Gallagher Pruessner, Waters. Noranne Elizabeth Allen, President Juell Joy Krauter Nelda Ruth Caruthers Mary Catharine Pruessner Patricia Mary Gallagher, Secretary Joyce Arlene Remmert Dorothy Gebauer, Sponsor Stella Sharron Smith Mary Gayle Green Mary Ann Waters ALMETRIS FELICIA Borboro Jeon Coruthers Rose Anno Green Corolyn Non Mims Phyllis Awwiller Rebecco Estelle Doniell Mory Cothorine Pruessner, Evelyn Yvonne Deoson Donno Lucio Guess Doris Morie Price Eleno Morie Botello Kleto Jeonne Gerhort Co-Ordinotor Peggy Joyce Droke Brendo Joyce Hightower Alnito Fronces Rettig Bonnie Roe Brinkmonn Thelmo Lucilo Herrero Josephine Riker Speer Almel ris Morsh Duren Borboro Moudeon Horn Arthurine Sims Morgorette Celest Buckner Morylou Potr:c:o Jones Delene Ruth Roberts Chorlene Echols Fronkie Jerlene Jockson Mellonese Sloughter Morgoret Elizobeth Coldwell Myrno Jone Meyer Noncy Tribble Vivion Lovolo Froncis 1 mo Foye Jones Borboro Louise Smith Jeonne Elizobeth Cunninghom Roberto Jo Nunn Shoron Louise Wiederoenders Evo Clyde Goins Phyllis Non Killyon Wolto Morie Smith Julio Corolyn Wuthrich Helen Avon Gordon Belzoro Morie Lockett Jonice Lynn Stricklond Front Row: Drake, Gordon. Front Row : Meyer, Brinkmann, Herrera, Botello, Daniell, Caldwell, Speer. Second Row : Lockett, Sims, Deason, Goins, Caruthers, Duren, Jackson, Green, Jones, Price, Second Row : Tribble, Awwiller, Buckner. Gerhart, Wuthrich, Jones, Cunningham, Pruessner, Strickland. Nunn. Third Row : Slaughter, Rettig, Francis, Killyon, Hightower, B. Smith, W. Smith, Guess, Horn, Mims, Echols. Poge 150 11 . "" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""l!l8l§!l!&.lMl!llJtJM.111'1:...>Z-...:::;::::.RWBll&UJJr.!m",\Zlllllli~~\'Sli;O!!::!!'!!Z~~~lll\\INRL.M'll/WW"'/ ~~~~~ . 11 81111lli.ii!iJi~ ~' HALSTEAD HOUSE PEARCE Front Row : Norman, Lopez, Gillean, Shepler, Flores, Guerro, Green. Second Row : Roberts, Ryon, Cunninghom, Coe, Tomlin, Potton, Solinos, Brown, Wuemling. Peggy Ann Brown, (1 ) Virginio Susana Guerra Lynda Lee Ryon Goyle Louise Coe Morio de lo Luz Lopez Juonito Morgot Salinos Sondro June Cunninghom Louise Ann Normon Madelaine Marie Shepler Sylvio Emilio Flores Cel io Foy Potton Helen Chorlene Tomlin Esther Goylon Gilleon Tholio Karleen Roberts Glorio Jeon Wuemling Mary Goyle Green, Co-Ordinotor POWELL HOUSE Borboro Joon Adoms Wonda Peorl Horn Elvo Angelito Romirez Hewetta Frankie Boker Nancy Corolyn Johnson Sondro Richord Sigrid Siev Berg Bette Anne Levering Stello Shorron Smith, Co-Ordinotor Yvonne Marie Bronowicz Miriam G. Mollari Lois Ann Thompson Lynn Hamilton Francisco Poz Belindo Beotrix Zorote Elko Chorlotte Haubold Front Row: Croft, Billings, Guerro, Coruthers, Allon, Hernondez, McGhee. Second Row: Hronicky, Herrero, Townsend, Crow, Dovis, Anderson, Hugmon, Jonco, Foust. Marilyn Felicia Allan Carla Jo Crow Charlene Martha Hranicky Mary Ellen Anderson lois Charlene Davis Bernadine Mary Hugman Lillian Ann Billings Jerra Ja Faust Lydia Agnes Janca Nelda Ruth Caruthers, Josie Margaret Guerra Melanie Sue McGhee Co-Ordinalor Sylvia Chrislina Hernandez Patsy Carleen Townsend Carol Anne Croft Ninfa Rosa Herrera SHANGRl-LA Borbora Ashley Judith Ann Horris Ann Eloine Osterloh LaNell Choffin Kothryn Nan Harris Morie Hermine Oelkers Luginio Cogg:n Fronces Morlene Horton Nowona Emilie Ribo Dixie Lee Dovenport Dione Hubbord Joon Lonelle Raab Potricio Mory Gollogher, Dorothy Ann Livingston Dorothy Lee Stockton Co-Ordinotor Morgarel Jone Kelley Corol Jeon Zimmermon Shoron Sue Green Donno lee Morris Front Row: Poz, Johnson, Adoms, Zorate, Thompson, Levering. Front Row: Horton, Morris, Cog~in, Ashley, K. Horris, Livingston, Stockton, Kelley, Ribo . .Green, Osterloh, Roob, Hubbord, GollogherOelkers,s,.rHor. . ,Second Row· Boker, Berg, Smith, Romirez, Houbold, Horn, Richord, Mollori, Hamilton, Second Row: Dovenport Bronowicz. Poge 151 THEADORNE VALHALLA Front Row: Thomos, Ries, Jones, Remmert, Tucker, Kehl. Second Row: Curtino, Edgor, Witt, Boin, McWillioms, Cord, Shofner, Johnstone. Front Row: Voigt, Lown, Mueck, Morrou, Hortley, Bird, Wood, Silvo. Second Row: Krouter, Morphew, Brumbelow, Jockson, Clements, Loggins, Pocker, Fronk, Block Corolyn Elizobeth Boin Winnie Glee Cord Potricio Ann Curtino Potricio Edgor Suson Morgoret Johnstone Beverly Joyce Jones Shoron Jone Kehl Corolyn Elizobeth Lewis Sue Ellen McWillioms Noronne Elizobeth Allen, Co-Ordinotor, Foll Lydio Cormen Covozos Joonne Gollup Duff Dorothy Mocksyne Fowler Edith Jone Gorner Sylvio Ruth Gobert Otilo Gonzolez Mollie Lynne Kovonogh Billye Foy Leonox Freddie Ruth Little Jonet Alene Boiley Probst Joello Ruth Ries Joyce Arline Remmert, Co-Ordinotor Suson Lone Shottuck Corolyn Shofner Shoron Kothrine Thomos 1no Leo Tucker Glorio Lee Witt WAKONDA Betty Jo Miles, Co-Ordinotor, Spring Almo Diono Perez Borboro F. Polsky Ano Solinos Glorio June Stokes Mory Elizobeth Sutherlond Kotherine Louise Voetmonn Fronces Ann Webb Jonice Morie Wilson Wilmo Beck Potsy Jeon Bird Poulo Jo Block Morgoret Anne Brumbelow Corolyn Mozelle Clements Lindo Ruth Fronk Brendo Hortley Vicki Lee Jockson Juell Joy Krouter Beth Loggins Lolo Moe Bostic lrene Andreo Broden Fronces Azleone Crowford Virginio Lee Flores Beverly Sue Fulkes Morgoret Evelio Godbold Eftekhor Ghonin Hedjozi Cynthio Anne Huxoll Vero Ann Luker Susie Mortinez Potsy Lee Moyhew JoAnn Koy Ponkrotz Flossie Jone Lown Jerry Annette Morrou Morcio Mitchells Sereno Koren Morphew Sue Fronces Mueck Alice Perkins Pocker Dorothy Roiney Kothleen Silvo Jessie Ann Voigt Polly Sue Wood, Co-Ordinotor WHITEHALL Glorio Ann Pope Jonie Romelle Proffitt Roberto Jo Redmon Morio del Cormen Rios Joon Ruesch Anne Elizobeth Seidensticker Lindo Lucretio Shuler Evelyn Sue Simpson Koren Louise Slovocek Mory Ann Woters, Co-Ordinotor Mortho Ellen Whitlow Front Row: Miles, Polsky, Little, Covozos, Perez, Gobert, Stokes. Front Row: Seidensticker, Luker, Proffitt, Moyhew. Second Row: Gonzolez, Kovonogh, Webb, Duff, Wilson, Allen, Fowler, Voetmonn, Suther­ Second Row: Hedjozi, Redmon, Rios, Fulkes, Woters, Slovocek, Ruesch, Whitlow. ' lond, Gorner. Third Row: Huxoll, Shuler, Flores, Bostic, Pope, Ponkrotz, Simpson, Godbold, Crowford, Broden. Page 152 CAMPUS LIFE 1 1' 1 11 1 FEATURIS LIMELIGHT 1 i Patricia Ann Blachly Bluebonnet Belle ~lim~~~~~w~m~~~~~r1111tRi~~~~­ •. Susan Kay Deanovich Bluebonnet Belle Mary Lou Schuenemann . Bluebonne Belle ~~~~-~~~ii.f~MH ~~~~~m..ll.rrr.tlffrJ~~~~~~i.l~~~----ll ~ .,: Dorothy ]ean Winston BluebonneJ Belle BLUEBONNE Donna Manske Malinda Bean Janie Akers Nancy Tolve Pat Laird .":'-''::-!::.'~,,:~1t: ~':;('{/.), li 1 llii'f/,l,~(\,11~' ~~~R.l-~'Mre!JJJ ' [J B E L L E FINALISTS Jackie Jenkins Jane Blye Pat Ashley Sandra Stolz Virginia Fielder BLUEBONNET BELLE NOMINEES * Janie Akers * Patricia Louise Ashley Temme Barkin * Malinda Ellison Bean Blachly .. Patricia A * * Margaret Jane Blye Borden .. Phyllis A* * Eloise Wilson Brackenridge Odile Marie Brenier * Sarah Blaine Brewster Melinda Louise Burkhart Almalee Cartee * Susan Kay Deanovitch Dana Adriana de Ridder Linda Diane Durrett Milicent May Ericson * Sandra Esquivel * Virginia Fielder Carolyn Joan Garner Maline Gilbert Lynda Gayle Haire Marjorie Sharon Hall Anita Lynn Hardy * Jacklyn Jenkins * Anita Gertrude Jordan Kubala .. Jean A* * Patricia Ann Laird * Diane Lander * Linda Link * Donna Carol Manske Martha Jane Mast * Eva Gayle Maxey * Betty Jane McCallum * Betty Sue Middlebrooks Diane Gail Morchower Marilyn Morris Nanci Sue Myers Carolyn Camille Robertson * Mary Lou Schuenemann Sharon Sue Sears * lris Dee Selber Sandra Ann Simmons Elizabeth Joyce Smith Beverly Ann Stephenson * Bebe Steves * Sandra Lynn Stolz Mary Stewart Thomas * Nancy Ellen Thompson * Nancy Catherine Tolve * Billie Traweek Elenor Lynn Trifon * Katherine Louise Voetmann Mary Elizabeth Vogel Sandra Victoria Wade Mary Kathryn Webb Beverly Jean Whelchel Julia Quay Williams Anne Burnett Windfohr * Dorothy Jean Winston lda Mae Zittle * Se mi Finalists Poge 168 1 ,/ 1111 /., /.V.~fm .~\~~ :::s-~,~,,~~(/: SWEETHEART FINALISTS Ann Beloate, Pat Blachly, Betty Brown, Dede Duson. Sally Emerson, Maline Gil­bert, Rosemary House, Carole Keeton. Bobbie Love, Martha Mast, Marilyn Morris, Nanci Myers. Clare Perkins, Cynthia Powell, lris Selber, Sandra Stolz. Mary Thomas, Avis Tieber, Kay Voetmann, Virginia Walker. Alice Estep Cook , SWEETHEART Linda Link Page 170 Lynda Gayle Ha ire FINALISTS Nancy Ellen Thompson .... Page 171 X ..-:. ' ~~f1/:/_,J1 \ 1 1/11'/) //./r J,,;. .-~h ~.:AJ 11f " BERT BENTLY ADKINS THOMAS J. BENNER Lambda Chi Alpha Vice-President; Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Eta Sigma; Pi Phi Kappa Psi National Executive Council; Texas Union Council Presi­Sigma Alpha; Delta Sigma Rho; Phi Alpha Theta; Friars; Silver Spurs; dent; Texas Union Board of Directors; President Wilson's Student Ad­lnterfraternity Council; Judicial Committee; University Debate Team; visory Council; Faculty-Student Cabinet; Cowboys; lnterfraternity Council; NSA-TISA Committee; Delegate to Student Conference on National Discipline Committee; Round-Up Review, Co-Chairman; Round-Up Dance Affairs; Union Committees. Publicity Chairman; Army ROTC; Operation Brainpower. OUTSTANDING STUDENTS ROBB KENDRICK BURLAGE Lambda Chi Alpha, Vice-President; Friars Treasurer; Silver Spurs Secre ­PHYLLIS ANN BORDEN tary; Sigma Delta Chi; Alpha Delta Sigma; Student Christian Association; Chi Omega President; Committee Chairman for Union Committees; Chair­Daily Texan Editor; President Wilson's Advisory Cabinet; Faculty-Student Student; Central Committee; Delegate . Advisors of Orange man of of Littlefield Dormitory; Executive Council Cab net; Outstanding Round-Up Jackets; Executive Council of All Campus Advisors; RIL Campus Par­to NSA Congress; NSA-TISA Committee; Delegate to Student Conference ticipation Co-Chairman; Mortar Board; Sweetheart Nominee. on National Affairs. Page 172 BILLY JEA LUCY A S. COLLl .. .. CA . Alpha Chi Omega Corresponding Secretary; University of Texas Sports Delta Delta Delta; Silver Spur Award; Orange Jackets Vice-President; Association President; PEM Club President; Royal Spirit Committee; Mortar Board Vice-President; Panhellenic; RI L Co-Chairman; Faculty­University Women's Council; Education Assemblyman; Student Assembly Student Cabinet; President Wilson's Student Advisory Cabinet; Students' Award; Delegate to Texas Recreation Federation of College Women's Association President's Cabinet; Canterbury Club Secretary; University Convention• Women's Council; Union Activities Executive Council; Summer Assembly .ominee . Upperclass Advisor; Goodfellow; SweetheartSecretary; OUTSTANDING STUDENTS .j. .. · " 11 MAURICE DOKEH. . DOROTHY DAWSO ~ •; ;Varsity FootballAssociation; . ;Zeta Tau Alpha Chaplain; Spooks; Orange Jackets; Mortar Board; Union Sigma Chi; Phi Eta Sigma; Cowboys . Committees Chairman; Y Cabinet; Reagan Literary Society; Christian AIChE Secretary; Outstanding Army ROTC Cadet; Engineer ng Assem­ Faith and Life Community Senior Fellow; Faculty-Student Cabinet; Stu-blyman; Campus Aflairs Committee; Editor of "The Texas Chemical .ominee. Engineer"; Honor Roll; Associated Press Sophomore Lineman of the year . dent Government Committees; Goodfellow; Sweetheart Pao• 173 JOAN CAROLYN FARQUHAR WILLIAM C. FIELDER Delta Gamma Second Vice-President; Alpha Lambda Delta, Omicron Nu Kappa Alpha Pledge Trainer; Silver Spurs; Phi Eta Siqma Historian; President; Mortar Board; Co-Chairman; Union Committee Y Cabinet Secretary; Y President; Freshman Council Execut ve Committee; . RIL Publicity Chairman; Union Special Services Division Head; Union Activities Coun­Campus Chest Chairman; Student Assembly; Faculty-Student Cabinet . cil; Union Executive Council; Texas Union Service Award; Upperclass Advisor. OUTSTANDING STUDENTS GEORGE A. HELLAND, JR. DONALD PAUL GRIFFITH Sigma Nu; Phi Eta Sigma; Tau Beta Pi Secretary; Pi Tau Sigma Presi ­ ;Association; ASME; TSPE Vice-President . ;Beta Theta Pi Vice-President; Phi Eta Sigma; Phi Lambda Upsilon; BBA dent; Friars; Silver Spurs Honor Roll; Friars; Cowboy Foreman; RIL; Student Government Com­Student Assembly; Faculty-Student Cabinet; Stuaent Government Com­mittees; Texas Union Committees; Round-Up Committees. mittees; Senior lntramurals Manager . Page 174 ROBERT CAMERON HIGHTOWER ROSEMARY CLYDE HOUSE Phi Eta Sigma; Pi Sigma Alpha Vice-President; Phi Alpha Theta; Delta Alpha Delta Pi Senior Board Member; Orange Jackets President; Alpha Sigma Rho; Phi Beta Kappa; Silver Spurs; Assemblyman; Chiet Justice; Lambda Delta; Mortar Board; RIL Steering Committee; University RIL; Varsity Debate Squad; Oratorical Association; Faculty-Student Cabi­Women's Council; Election Commission, Faculty-Student Cabinet; Upper­ net; Discip1ine Committee; Sweethcart Election Commission; Operation class Advisor; Student Relations Board. Brainpower; Union Executive Council; Union Activities Council; Freshman Orientation Steering Committee; Goodtellow; Outstanding Student. OUTSTANDING STUDENTS ETTORE H. F. JIM INFANTE Phi Eta Sigma; Tau Beta Pi Cataloguer and Treasurer; Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Gamma Tau; Pershing Ritles; Silver Spurs; American Rocket Society Southwestern Society ; Ae S; SAME Treas­ DIANE LANDER . President Rocket President urer; TSPE President; Student Engineering Council, Engineering Assem-Alpha Chi Omega; PEM Club; UTSA; Turtle Club; Associate Justice ; blyman; Army ROTC; Student Government Outstanding Contribution Central Round-Up Co-Chairman; Cheerleader; Upperclass Advisor; ROTC Award. Sponsor; Univer.s ty Sweetheart. Poge 175 ROY MILTON LYON MARILYN MARSHALL Tejas Club; Silver Spurs; Fine Arts Council; Rll Steering Committee; Alpha Delta Pi President; Orange Jackets; Mortar Board; Sorority Presi­Best Curta n Actor of the year for his performance in "Teahouse dents' Council Chairman; University Women's Council; Campus Chest Club . of the August Moon". Co-Chairman; Cap and Gown; Panhellenic Council; Faculty-Student .ominee . Upperclass Advisors; SweetheartCabinet; OUTSTANDING STUDENTS MARY MARJORIE MENEFEE SALLY KAY MAXWELL Gamma Phi Beta Secretary; Theta Sigma Phi; Mortar Board; Orange Pi Beta Phi; Phi Alpha Theta; Orange Jackets; Blanton Advisors Presi­Jackets; Spooks; Students' Association Secretary; President Wilson's dent; All-Campus Advisors Vice-President; Y Board of Directors; West­Advisory Cabinet; Faculty-Student Cabinet; Univer.sty Women's Council;minster Student Fellowship; Rll; University Women's Council; Varsity Sidney lanier literary Society; Daily Texan; Texas Student Publications Debate Team; Summer Assembly; Discipline Committee; Faculty-Student Board of Directors; Texas Ranger Editorial Supervisory Board; Union Cabinet; Student Government Committees; Texas Union House Division Board of Directors Vice-Chairman; Rll; Cap and Gown; Central Round-UpHead; Union Executive Council; Union Board of Directors; Goodfellow. Committee Chairman; Sweetheart Nominee. Paga 176 . -......,~~,&,,:~-?!/1ll.'tt:~111'1/.1. ~Ztr-;1~~~~.~\~',~ '~~r\')•,'~ .;,~1,1~/1• /1 i-MARY ANN MORONEY JULIA ANN MOFFETT 1!1 Omicron Nu Executive Council; Orange Jackets; Upperclass Advisor; Alpha Delta Pi Senior Board Member; Alpha Lambda Delta Vice-President; Kinsolving House Council; Home Economics Club Executive Council; Pi Lambda Theta; Orange Jackets Secretary; Mortar Board Secretary; Newman Club; University Religious Council Secretary-Treasurer; Univer­Education Council; Westminster Student Fellowship Secretary; Upperclass sity Women's Council; Texas Union Committees. Advisor; Cap and Gown; A Cappella Choir; PEM Club Secretary; Union Committee Chairman; Student Government Committees; Goodfellow. OUTSTANDING STUDENTS CYRENA JO NORMAN !11 JERRY NATHAN Phi Beta Kappa; Theta Sigma Phi; Alpha Lambda Delta; Dads' Day . ' 11; Phi Sigma Delta Pledge Master; Mike Flynn Award; Cowboys Foreman; Award; Orange Jackets Treasurer; Mortar Board; RIL Co-Chairman; Alpha Phi Omega; Student Government Committee Chairman; Union University Women's Council President; President Wilson's Advisory Cabi­Committees.i. Union Activity Council; Head Cheerleader; Associate Justice; net; Faculty-Student Cabinet; l>isciple Student Fellowship; Daily Texan; • Beginning . u, Discipline 1..ommittee; Outstanding Student; Round-Up; Students' Asso­Gail Borden Journalism Scholarsh ps; Outstanding female ciation Vice-President. Journalist Award; Fulbright Award. Page 177 808 G. ODLE JOSEPH HENRY PECK, JR. Tejas Club; Friars; Silver Spurs; Wesley Foundation Council; Student Sigma Chi; Y President; Silver Spurs; President Wilson's Advisory Cabinet; Government Un on Committee Chairman; Discipline Com-Westminster Student Fellowship; Union Leadership Seminar; Students' . ees;Committ mittee; Union Educotion Division Heod; Union 8oord of Directors; Centrol Association President's Cabinet. Round-Up Co-Choirmon; John Fry Memoriol Aword . OUTSTANDING STUDENTS JAMES IRVINE PERKINS, JR . J. W. PEIPER Phi Delto Theto Vice-President; Silver Spurs; President Wilson's Advisory Silver Spurs President; Crow's Nest President; Swing-Out Co-Choirmon; Cobinet; Foculty-Student Cobinet; Discipline Committee; NROTC; Asso­Compus Chest Co-Treosurer; All lntromurol Football Teom; Outstonding ciote Justice; Student Assembly; Student Government Committees; Union Novol ROTC Midshipmon; Scobbord ond 8lode. 8oord of Directors; Students' Associotion Vice-President. 178 . g. P /,tl ( ~.1 ~:37.t/ 1 ri'r, ---.....::,.:::- .,,·, 11· {.. •111 .. NANCY NORWOOD PINSON MARY LINN POND Delta Delto Delta; Spooks Vice-President; Orange Jackets; Y President; University Women's Council; Cap and Gown; RIL; Wesley Foundation; Round-Up Co-Chairman; Upperclass Advisor; Goodfellow; Sweetheart Nominee. Delta Union Gamma; Society for the Advancement of Management; Committees; Student Assembly; BBA Council President. Texas OUTSTANDING STUDENTS RANDAL EARL POSEY Rho Chi; Alpha Epsilon Delta; Phi Delta Chi Treasurer; Silver Spurs; CLARENCE NEAL STEVENSON Longhorn Pharmaceutical Association Parliamentarian; Boptist Student Delta Chi President; Phi Alpha Delta; Silver Spurs; lnterfraternity Union; Assembly; Union Committeesf· Discipline Committee; President Council Vice-President; Texas Union Committees; Student Government Wilson's Advisory Cobinet; Honor Rol . Committees; Board of Directors of the University Co-Op. Poge 17? ~j,J/JJ \~11 11\ 1JJ1 ' 1 //]1 4.-/ Z~/~--~~.:»l//,f 'I OUTSTANDING STUDENTS RICHARD ARLI N STANLEY Eta TLOK Dad's Silver S urs; lnde ­ ,.. Award; Phi Sigma; President; Day pendent Students' Association President; President Wilson s AdvisoryCabinet; Longhorn Band; Baptist Student Union; lnter-Co-Operative Council President; Student Assembly; Discipline Committee; Student Government Committees, Friars. ALBERT JULIUS TOOLE Delta Tau Delta; Silver Spurs Secretary; American Finance Association; Naval ROTC; Student Government Committees; Cactus Associate Editor 1958; Cactus Editor 1959; Texas Student Publications Board of Directors; Goodfellow; BBA Honor Roll. AVIS ANDREA TIEBER Gamma Phi Beta; Spooks; Royal Spirit Committee; All CamP.uS Advisors Council; UTSA; Gamma Delta; PEM Club; Education Coun.cl Secretary; Cheerleader; Texas Union Committees. Page 180 OUTSTANDING STUDENTS WILCOX, 1 .. PATRICIA A Delta Delta Delta President; Phi Alpha Theta; Orange Jackets; SororityPresident's Council; Students' Association President's Cabinet; Faculty­Student Cabinet; Upperclass Advisor; Student Government Committees;Campus Chest Chairman. .. KATHERINE LOUISE VOETMA Orange Jackets Secretary; Mortar Board; Student Government Commit­ RILFaculty-Student Cabinet · ewman ClubStudents' Association . ;·;tees ;s Cabinet; All Campus Advisors; Bluebonnet Belle Finalist . dent . Pres .ominee . Ten Most Beautiful Finalist; Sweetheart WILLIAM HOWARD WOLF Sigma Alpha Mu, Phi Delta Phi, Pi Sigma Alpha, Friars; Silver Spurs; Students' Association President; lnterfraternity Council President; Union Board of Directors Chairman; Texas Student Publications Board of Directors Chairman; President Wilson's Advisory: Cabinet; Faculty-Student Outstanding Athletic l; Law Review . Texas . Cabinet; Student; Counc . GRANV . DONALD EUGENE ROPER GLENN ALFRED ROGERS LLE EDWARD PAULES, ... GOODFELLOWS . JUD CKMAN . TH H CARL LEW S ESTES• .. LAURA PRESTON FRANCES ANN RAMSEY CHANCY CROFT RICHARD PAGE KEETO PAULA JUHE CRAIG ROBERT CAMPBELL HEWELL GOODFELLOWS GEORGE E. RUHGE . GEORGE CAMP CHAPMA JOE BARHETT CA .... . MARILY ..... GOLDBERG . CYNTHIA ANNE POWELL WILLIAM NEAL KOCUREK MARY JO MADDOX GOODFELLOWS MILDRED ROSE MEILI JAY JULES KARKOWSKY DELIA DUSON JAMES DONALD KNIKER GEORGE G. STUBBLEFIELD, 111 '""'''~~,~,,:,r;~•;,.-,-;-3/11~'f.1.1,\\1,(f/,1.. 1 ;~,~~-~~\~~;/"IZ,\1·1df4~JJJ\~ .1\\M..~~,~-~':~,'l~J~l•)\:q;. CAROLE STEWART KEETON LEWJS WHEELER DONAGHEY RALPH WALDROM DAU GOODFELLOWS JOSEPHINE MOORE HOWELL JOHN H. WATTS EDWARD ROBERTSON HEWLETT RAYMOND R. BROWN MARILYN ANN BOYD :/%/~" 1 \l.j , fl JJJ ~ ;I l//f 1 .,,,,,,,__ .,,,,,j;;;;-......-~ , :/.J (/ . BETTY ANN AUE SANDRA ESQUIVEL DAVID ANDREW KENDRICK GOODFELLOWS .. JO A SHURTLEFF . BE Y JANE McCALLUM JAY MAY Pogs 186 E LEWALLEN . . A . u u M N Poge 187 AFTER RUSH WEEK -NEW GREEKS The Rush began-and the down -958 heralded the start of a new academic year in Austin . September town. Beating the prof back to school, numerous sorority girls scurried to their respective houses to prepare for Fall Rush. With paint brushes, song books and clever skits, sorority members set about the task of welcoming rushees. They had only to wait a few days for by Sunday, September 7th, freshman girls and transfers were crowding into the dormitories. Rushees from over the state and country streamed into Greek houses the very next morning. Friendly smiles, nametags and lines of singing sorority girls blended together in the form of Rush Week for the new co-eds. Rushees will long remember the joy of making new friends, the hot hours of orientation in Hogg auditorium and .f nally the preferential signing. At last, pledge day arrived and the many the campus received a host of excited and enthusiastic .. sororities ains come . pledges. directions to the mony . Rushees Corolyn Terry, Judy Poyne, Morgoret Brody, ond Pot Ashley seorch fo compus . sorority houses o Filled with excitement . d.. pprehension, live lresh- girls leave Littlelield Dorm to . ttend their men respective rush parties . .. AI/ aboard the Tri-Delt merry-go-round . Joey Funk meets the Kappas at pledge line. Poge 189 1'/,"~J~ .~' 1!\Y.IJ ,11111; }/ ' f/ -.:. .:. JJ, h 1 ,,. , FRATS WELCOME NEW PLEDGES '1;11' ..,/....,~. .. Fraternity houses began buzzing with activity soon after the start of sorority .. Placing only slight emphasisrush. decorations, fraternity boys sought un­usual forms of entertainment with which to impress their rushees. Lake parties and suppers lent a decided informal atmos­phere to Rush Week among the frats. A myriad of handshaking and lengthy discussions will not soon be forgotten by the 1958 rushees. ln contrast to the strickly organized pattern followed by the girls, fraternity rushees participate in a loosely scheduled rushing period. Nevertheless, the end resu lt was most gratifying and fraternity boys gave a hearty welcome to their new members. .friendly rush from the Kappa Sigs . Clint Leake receives Page 190 A rushee e . joys a talk lta Chis' Darid Smith Keith Morrow. Rushees a d members of Defta Tau Delta refax i formaf bulf sessio . outside the Delt house. T rophies a . d ho . ors are .. display for rush at the Phi Sigma Kappa house. Po;ie 191 . . i .. . Students, new and old a/ike, try to avoid Saturday classes as U.T. registration begins. Too many papers for one man to handle. GREGORY GROANS The end of Rush and the beginning of a new semester brought the start of registration for The University of Texas students. IBM machines and pre-counseling have simpli.f ed but have not eliminated the lines and problems and the Saturday classes. Diplomatic pro­fessors seek to impress upon their customers that the University holds classes at 8 a.m. and 6 days a week, while protesting students plead inconvenience, part-time jobs and girl friends at home. Reg­istration also provides students with a chance to strike up new acquaintances and renew old ones, and to utilize the waiting time in fraternizing . But after a day or so of shuffling cards, manipulating schedules and standing in line, exhausted students purchase their books and look to the start of classes as a welcome alternative. Page 192 ~ • 1)\\ -;~ '~~~~ ''((,;.-:\.,'&_\_'~~ --" • p befcre closses to purchose books .. the drog . ~r~ ,,~ .:. A lost st :­ focing mony boys ond girls in the UT co-eds pouse ofter the tiresome registrotion for .coke-breok . FROSH MEET THE UNIVERSITY Campus leaders immediately take over the job of orientating the new students to university life outside of the classroom doors. Student government committees, union committees, religious groups, the "Y" council and various athletic organizations all play their role in the orientation program. Through advertising campaigns, open houses and interviews, new students are selected and invited to become active in campus life. With meetings and functions coming at least once a week, new Texas students are given the opportunity of making friends outside of the dorms and fraternities. As a climax to the week of orientation, a Talent Show is given exhibiting outstanding ability around the Campus. opener to the intramural program. The .. Fraternity football served as intramural football .f eld is the spot to take a date during the fall months. Cheers and boos greet the players as they battle to win for their fraternity. Looking frcm fraternity football competition to intercollegiate play, hopeful co-eds vie for the position of school yell leader in hopes of building up school spirit during t.l e football season. The 40 acres talent show, one ol the highlights ol Orientation Week t the provides much pleasure and amusement lor these y,Universit . interested students . Page 194 "We want uchdawn! We want . touchdown!" A Phi Delta Thet intramural lootball pass lrom his opponent during the Fall athletic Preceding the lirst football game, Diane Lander instructs . group ol enthusiastic cheerleader candidates in "T ex ".s Fight . . . t . .ctivity . . player snatches ELECTIONS AND FOOTBALL EXCITE TEXANS Droves of students left their campaign duties and Fal 1 election activities, as a caravan of cars made their way towards Dallas and the long awaited OU-TEXAS Football classic. The highest point of the football season came to those many loyal fans sitting in the 0, 958. Those who did remain in Austin . October .. Cotton Bowl . grouped themselves around TV sets and radios for watching and listening parties. Some fans were unable to find handy listening sets and so spent the afternoon at Dirty's satisfied with hourly reports. the ran rampant the and White of Texas battled the Red and White of Oklahoma. At the end of it all-amid splintered goal posts, shredded paper, tears and shouts and wild exhileration-an unbelieving and bewildered OU crowd went back to Soonerland and the equally unbelieving and deliriously happy Longhorns stayed in Dallas to celebrate. TEXAS 15-0KLAHOMA 14. n Dallas spirit tremendously as Orange . A myriad of campaign signs greet the stu­dent voters. Rosemary House takes charge of the drawing box as Student Party candidates vie for top places ballot. the .. Look out you Sooners. The Texos Longhorns are in Dallas with the fire of victory in their eyes. >. Pag 197 -;;l;f(I,,/, j \ 1 • 11rj) 'l,//j ~/ / ~/ ~_,,.,::;:; ' J / I . 1 ,..,;, J ENTERTAINMENT DRAWS THEATER CROWDS . rta. imp . t part f . . me. tertai. t is a .. G d e te. m. pr . Tt. campus the Cur llege studefthe life . . every c . . i. g attitudetheater .. -ga -m. t C . me. tertai . d the Cultural e . tai Club a . e their effmittee c . mbi. -. pr . . rts every year t T . f . i. tertai. g eve . duce a variety . ts.e ites applauded visitithe year, Texa . begi g . . Fred Wari . g a . d Be y .. celebraties i . cludi. g . thusiasts displayedClub e . Curtai .. dma.. G Fromme . f Etha . .. ducti . their tale . ts i . the pr Author.i . Search ofd Six Characters . . a a d . . me. tertai. t prut the e . g. di. u. R . gram a . t .. ducti. tr. t i . the Tha g. ksgivi . as a pleasa rld acclaimed artists made . h lidays, ma . y w . thetheir appeara .. ce. campus. The theater students find their seats in Gregory Gym. Page 198 During Fine Arts Week, stu­dent and faculty applauded the world renowned pianist, Van Cliburn. Roy Lyon, Bonnie Apple ond Carol Girllin are totally involved with their respective character portrals in Ethan Fromme. The Cultural Entertainment Committee brought Fred Waring and his Orchestra to the Forty Acres. Poge 199 Cyrena Jo Norman, Dr. C. M. Phillips, Richard Arlin Stanley. Balloons sail as the Longhorns score. DADS CELEBRATE As H . the F .. g . mi. mec. rty Acres grew . l. c earer t kick . . ff time, hu dreds. f Texas Dads fr m all . . u. ver the c . . . try streamed i . t . Austi . t. view the rful f tball .. battle betwee . gs . the Musta s . r. gh .. d the L gether . s t .. tati . d prese . s a ... f SMU . . a f Texas. Recepti s, ball . .. created .fsphere . atm .. lled with a -d excite . a .. ticipati . . mi: t. As a climax the spectacular week-e . d Cyret . a . . rma . N . J d Richard Sta ley received awards f r their . . a . . di . utsta. . s t .. tributi.. the U .iversity . g c . wi . ll. F g cl . the heels .. se. f the Dads' Day Celebra­ ,.. ti Campus Chest leaders w . rked furi . usly i g . ti. m . pr . the sig ce . ca.fi . . f d . ati.. g t . Campus Chest. Aucti ,s .. variety sh . ws a .. d Miss Campus Chest c ward their . test tur rk . ed w . g . al, Campus . ki.. L. . fu . t . i eagerly . tg Chest participa . ve f . . the highest mark.ts str r Poge 200 . The nnuol Compus Chest Auction drows . crowd of enthusiostic bidders. As donotions pour in Students point upword to the gool ol $10,000 lor the Compus Chest drive. Freshmon Noncy Gloss hoppi/y . ccepts. trophy ond the title of "Miss Compus Chest". AGS, MINSTRELS HIGHLIGHT FALL sights" Beat the Aggies" was the cry as Texas fa . s f . cused their Turkey Day. Despite the biti wards the a .. ual clash with A&M .. g . . t . ksgivi . Tha .. g after the .,... d a . d drizzle that bla . keted Austi . . wi reve . ge . d White withd White crushed the Mar . Ora ge a . . a ... ... the l .. be rememberedf the week willtheir eyes. Festivities . g War""B . wi. rr . ed by thetest t . ughe . d gatheri . sta .. . .. the Aggie .. c which raged betwee . .. w t g c campus gr g .. B ... thusiastic . . e . ups g Texas spirit . ghti.f s built up the . r . gh.. L displays d pep rally .f re a . as rtable. mf. c . ally, the u .f.d . . h .. l g h . urs spe .. t. ause .f the game itself . weather with the Tha g . ksgivi . .. al .. f tball al b . ut. f the The .f. .. gseas f . the steady stream . t . settle back i s thegave Texa .. vacati . . cue t . d . a Edgar Berge y Mi strels.i . . wb. the C . d als . t ,. take quizzes a . ual sh . w. LaughterC . wb. ys'fa t . theCharlie McCarthy drew .. . s a rful je . j . kes. f the . . l. c g, Na yed the . y stude . . ry Gym .f lled Greg ts as ma usly . cy graci . . f the . i . the .. . l .f. ality t . Mi strel me . eve ts. eve 1958-1959.ys Sweetheart f . r... f C . wb . accepted the h r . " Hook 'em Horns!" Longhorn yell leoders fire up supporters for the annual A&M football battle to be p/ayed in Austin .. Thanksgiving Day. Page 202 Opening their 1958 Minstrels, black faced Texas Cowboys enter Gregory Gym to welcome the leading lights of their show, Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy. Ann McFadden, last year's Cowboy sweetheart, presents roses and con­gratulations to the new sweetheart, Nancy Thompson. Poge 203 Amalee Cartee captures her audi­ence in the University Speech con­test. Orange Jackets bring a delightful surprise to Virginia Walker. Greek Sing Song winners joyous/y hug their first place trophies. I/.,, J.1~~ ~ (1 ,/ Pa ge 204 .....,~~f~r;;..:~~c /.)), P-3~· ,.\~. . '~=- \.'"--::- \:~;i\.~,\\\ 11.~~{\\,/l/o,l.I~'>'~~.~\\,';' i w . N . E R Poge 205 STUDENTS BUBBLE WITH XMAS CHEER December the campus mea .. . s Christmas h lidays t . r. study-w . . . stude ts wh . have l . ked f .. .. cti. s. D rward all year t . pre-h . liday fu ,rms . . boardi h rities . d frater ities seem t me alive with glitter . . r. , s uses sel, Christmas trees a . . c . g a , . ti . d visiti . g Sa ta Clauses. St . cki. gs are bei g . g hu . . while rich ca . dies .fd cakes . ll the mail b .capacity . . xes ta Just as wi prevale . t i . . rther . N . .. sch ls,ter sp . rts are Waterama . s welcomedcaptures Texa . i . terest eve . the wi . i . Acti . se . ter. g as a rep . fr m dreary days, the Aqua Car ival pr vides stude . . . ts with a spectacle i . beauty a . d artistry. . Pushi g aside the sheer h liday e . t, Texa . me . tertai . . ites discover that the m . th . t st gratifyi . se g spirit may be gai . .. ed. ly from bri . gi. g Christmas cheer childre . have . wh . ever k . a . ow. y. Spurred by the c .. mmittee . Dear Santo won't you fill our Xmos stock­ . r T . T oys f " .. ts" stude . d faculty t . gether d . ated a shi .. ing? . y array f . ts a . t ys a . d stuffed . imals t . . ma y happy t .ts . a Texos students point with pride to the many gilts t .t l/ected by the /eaders ol the "Toys for Tots " campoign . • Robin Jones, a Zeta Tau Alpha, was selected to reign as queen over the 1958 Aqua Carnival. The Tri-Delts say, "Merry Christmas to all!". Poge 207 CELEBRITIES ON THE FORTY ACRES As crisp winter winds announced the coming holiday season, Austin thrilled to the appearance of three young men who had sung their way to stardom. The Kingston Trio, proving themselves meritorious of their tremendous popularity two glamour to their performances, the University's "Ten Most Beautiful" ladies were presented. Contributing greatly to the winter wonderland of music, the Curtain Club dimmed the lights for "Teahouse of the August Moon," while the Cultural Entertainment Committee opened theater doors for the spectacular Mary Martin Show in Gregory Gym. the 40 acres, presented rollicking hysterical shows to capacity crowds. Adding beauty and .. The spirited Kingston Trio gave the University a fabufous show. Poge 208 Roy Lyon proves his point in the production ot "Teohouse ot the August Moon ." lntroducing the "Ten Most Beautiful" Co-Eds at Texas : Front Row: Sandra Simmons, Nancy Traeger, Diane Durrett. .Annette Anderson, . Second Row: Gerry Grossman, lris Selber, Nancy Thompso Bock Row: Liz Vogel, Malinda Bean, Anita Jordan . . As the tlitting Peter Pon, Mory Mortin took t the oir in mogniticent performonce. . Poge 209 Lines, lines, ond more /ines . .. .. ............... New students s.top to compore notes. ~----­ . ... . ..... . . Students push their woy into the registrotion jom. NEW STUDENTS INVADE Thousands of students back from the holidays felt the cold more as the end of January approached. Dead Week and .f nal exams sent unrelated shivers through most students. One exam after the other came to an end and the campus found itself covered with a new excited freshman class. High school gradu­ates rolled into Austin almost eager to meet the lines and regis ­tration red tape. They found a buzzing Gregory Gym and older, wiser students who were not as eager and adventurous as they. Along with getting enrolled in school, new Texanites were faced with the task of orienting their talents to campus activities. Thoroughly confused by so many decisions, new fresh ­men took time out to initiate the 1959 Basketball season which opened with a bang in Gregory Gym. Poge 210 The members ol ISA oller o treot to smooth over o miseroble registrotion doy. (Ae 15.A. qf;~ As the bosketbo// season opens, Cooch Hughes gives instructions to one ol the lorger members ol his teom. The APO's gollontly escort o young lody outside the gotes to owoit her turn. Page 211 SWEETHEARTS COVER THE CAMPUS With cupid's .f ying everywhere Texas gentlemen entertained their best ladies in a round of Valentine parties. Floral shops, candy shops, and department stores did a land office business as February 14 drew near. The University mailman found himself swamped with hearts of all colors and sizes. Organizations as well as individuals chose their sweethearts. This idea was especially prevalent in the business school where stu­dents and faculty were honoring BBA Week. As a .f nale to a week of elections and orientation, Charla was named the new sweetheart. Keeping the spirit of love alive, married students the Texas campus let it be known that they too comprised in­ an .. tegral section of the University student body. They took charge of the Union and other campus buildings as they organized lectures, coffees, and open houses for Married Students Week. Baby-sitters were hard to get; but somehow the tiny family members d . were taken care of, and married students enjoyed making new acquaintances a renewing old ones. Highlighting Married Students Week, Eva Farley was named Mrs . University of Texas. "Congrotulotions, Chorlo!" As o climox to BBA Week, Chorlo Elliot wos oworded a bouquet of roses ond the title of Sweetheart for 7959. Solly Teeple flying her kite in the Koppa Alpho Theto onnuo/ event. Page 212 The most typical married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell, entertain their friends and fittle lamily members with coffee during " Married Students Week'' at the University. The new Mrs. University of Texas, Eva Farley, gives a little wily advice to hus­band, Ramsey. / Page 213 Members of the R 1 L welcoming committee enter­toin their speoker informolly. R 1 L discussion groups plon the events of the coming week. Mony university students benefited from the lessons taught in R 1 L. ~~~~.,.~mlfJ~~~~llm.n~'UJJ11lJm0&!~2iillrmm.:~liili8 --~ s p R N G . Page 215 HOLIDAYS BRING SPRING FEVER A cannon shot signifies pendence Day at UT. March winds blew and cannons roared as crowds of University students watched the annual lndependence Day battle waged between the Texas soldiers and the venomous Kappa Sigmas. Eleven o'clcck classes dismissed early in order that students would be able to attend the celebration and listen to Governor Daniel's speech. lndependence was declared all over again and finally the crowd dispersed to think of studies and other school functions. March ended and Easter came with Easter egg hunts for the children and spring holidays for the col lege students. Cars plastered with Texas stickers packed the highways as boys and girls headed for home. Well deserved rest and relaxation sent Texanites back to Austin with spring fever in their eyes. Classes suffered and enrol lment switched to Lake Austin, Texas lnde­13arton Springs, and Hamilton's Pool. Fraternity serenades provided an extra thrill for all the girls and especially for those wearing new frat pins. .the roof of their house .. Braving the dust and smoke, Kappa Sigs answer the cannons from their stand University students ond foculty members moke plons t . spend Eoster Sundoy morning in church with their fomilies . Worm weother me . ns trips to Borton Springs. Poge 217 .{ 1;!1}!~ 1 1:AJ ~/-...,,;~~/~~~ j t .1,11JJ }/ ' //.f1 16~\ ROUND-UP BEGINS WITH RELAYS Relay teams from .. The Texas Relays heralded the opening of the 1959 Round-Up season the 40 acres. over the country arrived in Austin ready and able to participate in the races, jumps, and disc throws featured in the Texas Relays. Equally anxious and "ready to run," alumni and visitors invaded Austin to view the big events. Relays queen, Ann Hufendick, gave out numerous trophies to the outstanding entries. "Go Western!" was the cry as students began Round-Up festivities with jaunts to Memorial Stadium. After the relays, Texanites retained their Western atmosphere and spent a hilarious evening watching "Lil Abner." 1 TEXAS RELAYS . Poge 2 18 Texas Relays runner, Joe Vil­Jarreal takes the lead in the rnile relay roce. Lil Abner and al/ his dogpatch friends provide a million laughs for UT students and Austin theatre lovers. Pouring rain and Texas cowpokes invade the University campus for a Round-Up Weekend festival. Poge 219 Texas alumni and students gather in Memorial Stadium for the annual Round-Up barbecue feast. BARBECUE, SHOWCASES . C mpletely addicted t . the casual Wester . wb. d c . dress a . yish ma . erisms visit . rs t . the Texas campus brushed . ff their city ways t p.. h . . . d h . a ller with the Texas . wp. kes. First .. the age . da was a d . w . c . p ur despised by stude d guests alike. H . wever, spirits were . ts a . t .. . dampe ed as all pr . Mem . gressed t . rial Stadium t eat barbecue a . d . . s . t . liste . t me p werful hillbilly music. Am . g the male stude .. . ts pres - . e t at the feed, st were sp . rti. g shaggy beards which they had bee . m . f . r the . guardi g f . r weeks i . h . pes that they might take .f prize rst heaviest gr . wth. After a delici . us ra . ch style di . . u. R view the vari d-Up e . us . ner, thusiasts put up their umbrellas a . d sl shed away t . . . wcases desig . sh ed a . d structed by the differe . t sch .. ls.. .campus .. c Take a look at some prize beards. Po ge 220 . Rockets o C horlotte Becker proctices her barber shop abilities i order to prepare her customer for the beard co .test . . .ookers/. terested o . d beoutiful cowgirls typify the Air Force Showcose to i elaborate array, showcase disp/ays t the various colleges thereprese iversity campus. Page 221 .. . .. . l . U RODEO AND ROUND-UP DISPLAYS Although the Round-up parade was dropped this year, fraternities, sororities, co-ops, and other university groups worked hard for prize winning cups in the house display contest. Efforts were well rewarded as several .f rst place trophies were given out: "Best All Around" went to Kappa Alpha Theta, "Best Greek" to Pi Beta Phi , .f rst place sorority A division to Delta Zeta, "Most Humorous" to Kappa Alpha, .f rst place fraternity A division to Pi Kappa Alpha, "Most Beautiful" to Delta Delta Delta , .f rst place open division to Tejas, "Best Spirit Award" to Alpha Chi Omega, .f rst place fraternity B division to Delta Chi and .f rst place sorority B division to Delta Phi Epsilon. Congratulations are in order for time well spent despite the struggle with Old Man Weather. Rain, too, played a hand in putting a stop to rodeo performances after the .f rst night. Los Charros members tried to ignore the steady drizzle which covered the rodeo grounds, but it was not to be passed off so lightly. ln the end shows were cancelled until the latter part of April. Forgetting the porade, Kappa Alpha Theta, habitual float winners, pitched into the making of house displays and won top honors as "Best All Around." Charros Rodeo Queen Connie Chappell, /eft, is pictured with the other nominees, Lynn Lyles, Judy Laughter and Sylvia Signor. Page 222 "Ride 'em, Cowboy!" Enthused members ol Charros busy themselves with hammer and nails in order to get their rodeo grounds in condition for the annual Round-Up Rodeo. ~ LEMUEL SCARBROUGH FOUNDATION AWARD William 0. S. Sutherland Otis A. Singletary REVUE ANNOUNCES 1959 SWEETHEART Teaming with the glitter and sparkle of a trip through the star-studded Heavens the cast of Round-Up Revue invited its audience to board the Rocketship "Galaxy" for a tour through outer space. Dancers, singers, and specialty numbers worked together for the successful production of "Have Orbit, Will Travel." Following the revue, Bluebonnet Belle nalists.f and visiting sweethearts were introduced. Our ve.f Sweetheart Finalists Alice Cook, Lynda Haire, Diane Lander, Linda Link, and Nancy Thompson stepped from the Rocketship to await the announcement of the 959 University . Sweetheart. The title went to Diane as friends and admirers applauded her victory. A dance, given in her honor, followed the presentation. Still Texas students were not willing to close out Round-Up and many parties hummed Show girls display costume materials lor Round-Up Revue. late into the night. Finally tired but happy party goers went home to bed .planning to sleep through the next day Ten-nine-eight-seven-six-live-lour-three-two-one-GALAXY! Ann Hufendick, 1958 University Sweetheort, gives a smile and a bouquet of roses to 1959 Sweetheart, Diane Lander. The Phi Gams "live it up" during Round-t!Jp. Page 225 ,.•·(1111~11,1 1!1-'h/.r;,/JJ,~~~,;C;J::P~~!I,!, f/ . l~j/t;))));~~ HONORS AWARDED AT SWING OUT At sunset one evening in the latter part of April, junior and senior women met in front of the Main Building to the traditional Out. With the seniors in caps and gowns and the juniors dressed in white the .. carry Swing procession began. As a part of the program the old bluebonnet chain was passed from the graduating seniors to those who would .f ll their places next year. All campus organizations announced their officers for 1959-1960. The evening closed with the presentation of three most outstanding awards to three very deserving students. Lucy Collins receives the well deserved Silver Spur award. Po~e 226 ·-------------------------­ . . . :;.... -..... '·""~-"' '~. -~~-·--.·--~ -·t .' -.,,,. -~ ucy Col/ins, Mortor Boord Dresident, /eods the procession 7t the 1959 Swing Out. lerry Nothon, Texos Cheerleoder ond the new Vice-President of the Student Body is oworded the Mike Flynn Aword. Texos' most outstonding independent girl, Kt.hleen Silvo, proudly .ccepts the Morjorie Dorilek oword . Page 227 .their ghostly parade .. The spooks are . batch ol Mortar Board members smile with A new glee t their graduation caps. ORGANIZATIONS ELECT Spring elections in all organizations dominate affairs around the 40 acres. Dressed in traditional caps and robes, Mortar Board members crept in and out of classes tapping outstanding junior women. A few grades below the Mortar Boards, the "Spooky" Spooks chose leaders in the freshman class always keeping an even distribution among Greek members. Aside from honorary elections, the student government offices were up to be .f lled. lmportant changes took place in the campaign procedures as the year 1959 saw the old Student Party dissolved Ol)d the Action Party formed to take its place. By employing a "word of mouth" campaign the Action Party was able to elect Frank Cooksey president while the Representative Party was able to insure victory in the positions of secretary and vice-president. Page 228 An interested voter exomines compoign signs noming Kelly ond Nothon to leod. ~ T~ WINNENS''.L/ RTER J R .....IDENT RES. tudents in A&S pouse t the booths in lront ol the tower to vote lor their lovorite condidotes. . At stump speoking, condidote Comeron Hightower relotes his quolilicotions lor Chiel Justice. Poge 229 VARSITY CARNIVAL SPARKLES IN '59 Even the colorful lights of Broadway could not match the bustling activity in Me­ May 2-the night of Carnival. productions and .. morial Stadium Varsity Fantastic original concession booths dotted the runway under the Stadium as hundreds of students and visitors piled in to catch the carnival spirit. After an evening of riotous entertainment, theatre doors closed in preparation for the announcement of winners to be held just outside the carnival area . Stanley Caruth, acting as MC, broke the sus­pense. Thoroughly elated the Acacias proudly accepted a .f rst place in pre-carnival publicity and top honors for their show, "Damn Aggies." Chi Omega's Auntie Mame jumped up to receive the .f rst place cup for their "Auntie Mame Goes to T exas ." Among the concession entries, Alpha Omicron Pi received a .f rst place sorority cup for their Las Vegas Casino, while Phi Delta Theta took top honors with their most successful Water Drop. ln the money making department the Sigma Delta Taus walked off with .f rst place. As a grand .f nale, lovely Liz Vogel was named the new Varsity Carnival Queen. Beaming with pleosure, Liz Vogel accepted a trophy and bracelet as she was named Vorsity Cornival Queen Saturday night, May 2 in Memoria/ Stadium. s .. RE~LLY Sorority ond froternity members engage in a mad scramble ta secure the most prominent spots Mall for their Varsity Carnival show and concession signs. Rosalind "Auntie Mame" Russell sends . telegram to the Chi Omegas wishing them good luck in VC. Poge 231 the .. GRADUATION AND COMMISSIONING The J . i. t CGmmissi g Exercises . i.. . f the Army, N . vy o . d Air F rium, Dr. Edmu ROTC its were held ot 9 o.m. Moj . r Ge drew T. McNomaro . . u d Hei rce , Quortermoster Ge . erol. f the US Army, wos the speoker. . i Boccoloureote services 7 o.m. held . H Audit . retiri ,. h. s. g post . r. f the iversity Meth . ,dist Church . ot . . were gg . The City " .. spoke ".d . f G g ot 7 p.m. the vori . i.. Begi . us c . lleges o . d sch dividual .. . erol A . . wos . U the pri .cipol speoker . ls held their i f the Moi . . Buildi .s.. d recepti . s o .. coti. v.. c g ot 8 p.m. Dr. Allo . ceme. mme. C t exercises were held .. the terroce . . . T. Wotermo ge:. P ORGANIZATIONS· STUDENT GOVERNMENT AND PUILICATIONS MILITARY SOCIAL CLUIS HONORARY, PROFESSIONAL AND SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS CLUIS SORORITIES AND FRATERNITIES 8\6'1 ' XOANNEN BAUM E EE ~ ~SSEMBLY jeARY·~ NRTRAN - .., ~ ~ ViCE PRESIDENT AN.' . STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION \h ce wi ~ ~ o! co ec k gr g! ce ~ WILLIAM HOWARD WOLF, President, ALICE PERKINS PACKER, C/erk Every student of The University of Texas is automaticall y a member of the Students' Association. lts function is to provide a medium through which student opinion and concern can be interpreted to the faculty, staff, and administra­tion. Most of this interpretation is done through student and faculty committees, the Student Assembly, Student Court , and personal contact. The direction of the Students' Association is determined by the three executive officers, (President, Vice-President, and Secretary), a legislative branch (Student Assembly), and a judicial branch (Student Court). ,President Wilson's Advisory Cabinet .. The elected president, vice-president, and secretary represent the student body Faculty-Student Cabinet, Union Board of Directors, Athletic Council, Board of Directors of Texas Student Publications, lnc., Social Calendar Committee, Central Round-Up Committee, University Women's Council, and many other committees re­lated to student activities. The further responsibility of administering the committee system, and working for the student welfare is delegated to these officers . JAMES IRVINE PERKINS, JR" Vice-President MARY MARJORIE MENEFEE, Secretary Page 234 l,t 1\\r/11/N~ .::..\,,~~::.<-.: f'1t1;;/:'::;-//f/ .\'•~.\\.~ ,ff>~.JJf\:~~<'\fli.tl...il11. /l1JJ.'/ ll ~\'t'\.....~ ~'-~'~~~"" ~. STUDENT ASSEMBLY f the Stude . ts' Ass .,. ciati . . i . g bra ch. . licy determi . d p . t Assemb/y, /egis/ative, a . The Stude f the Bla ,ket Tax . . .. priati . the appr i . cludes which its fu .. cti . thlymeets bi-m carry . ut . .. t d discussi .. d c . mmittees,ards a . . i . ver. b a . iversity gts t . U . . tme . i. . f stude val . appr . . t app g d . mme. rec . ts' Ass .. ciati. . a d t . the Stude .. luti. s t . ver . g . . d resbills val. . f . a d appr a d state legislature . a .. istrati . . the admi measures t . which havepassed bills a . d res .. luti. s . up acti This past year, the Assembly has by gr f the S r U .. c si. mp. -mmittee; re-vamped thed Safety C . g, Trafficthe Parki a . t membership t added stude . . . m the l . terfrater. ity C cil . u . tative fr . . i . clude a represe . dar C mmittee t . cial Cale . the chairma . . .. ti .. ciati. vice-preside . ts' Ass . the Stude . mmittee tf the ship. . c iversity stude t; ap- . . assig . d . a t f r . . re c . mplete c . . ts, givi . g thempla . f . . sura . up i . . rec ved . pr veragemce a gr rkers, ap . t w . me . ver . t g . g stude . di . utsta . f . .. iti . g . ualrized the semi-a . st; auth . less .. - ly t duly . cil, which gives a legislative v .. te . . u . t C . Summer Stude . f . r aved a revised pla . pr d created a C -m . . st a tuiti .. raise a . d agaire-affirmed the stude . t sta . elected Assemblyme .; placed UT membership i . the Nati al .. hike the tuiti .;. y legislative attempt t . . t .. missi .f ght a . .fe . the be . ts re- .. vestigati . g i . di. as te year pr .. bati . . Stude ts' Ass .. ciati. .. a .. ary status pe mmittee t rk . w . . f a c . .. ved the creati . ceived by the U with the Facu/ty-Stude f its membership; appriversity as a result . . -t restric . ge . re stritegrity; placedlastic lf Sch . . et i the . . t Cabi . area . . m ved a c mmittees u d appr re dismissal; a -m . der . ces bef . . . abse . . .. ly tw g . wi . . da. ce, allAssembly atte .. s .. ti . g all c m a pr mmittee system, by placi . f the stude . .. izati . rga. . . me . ver . t g . p/ete t c re . advis . g each Assemblyma r t e .. . d assig . i. . mmittees, a . t Assembly c Other bills were passedmmittees. . t c priate Stude . . . appr as a agai . st ara . gi. g fr . . test f the stude . me . ver . t g . . .gram. pr .. tati . rie. . g the freshma a measure praisi . e ba . t . . ity magazi . mmu. c lleges withdividual . f the i . t . llme. r. c . ed by the ef the Assembly is determi . Membership . f the Stude 'ts . . fficers . tative. The executive . teed at least .. . llege beieach . . c The prime purp e rep reseg guara .fficer . g . g as presidi . t acti . the Assembly, with the Preside .. sit .. ciati . Ass per acti .. d i . stitute pr . a .,. i . pi . t stude t. . f the Assembly is t . represe . . se . f stude . t i . terest i the . lack . is deterred due t . this fu .. cti. . eeds. Ofte t . f stude . g . wi. gr . ut . m . re mature stude . is . wardthe campus .. d . . wi . cess. H . wever, the gr t ac­ . i . ver . g t . g tre g pr t will . me . ver . t g . stude . ear whed perhaps the day is . sibility i . all areas, a . f resp .. . ce . cepta terest a . d e .ergy . t i . . cy with th . ugh stude . r . at its maximum efficie be able t .. cti . fu . ELECTED SPRING 1958 ELECTED FAll 1959 Architecture 1959ted . i . . Marvi E. Beck, AppKirby William Perry ces . d Scie . Arts a ve. L .. . R berta ACharles J . seph Macma Fall ., rda . Darrell Eddy J us . .. H. Meyers .. rt . M iece Belle Simm s .. . Ja Ray A. Gips .. ess Admi . istratio . . Busi . i. ted, Fall 1958ce Bell, App . Laure . h. J ted, Fall 1958d, App . i . .. P .. Mary Li 1959,g . ted, Spriald, App . i . .. MacD . William Garvi 1959 ,g . ted, SpriDavid Kiker Hughes, App . i . lis . . d. R ey Harry Marg Educatio Emma Marie Keasler . Shaw .. Mary A g . eeri . gi. E re H. F. l te . fa . Charles Travis M W . Sauer Maurice D . h. J . rma.. . ke Ett . e Arts . Fi . R ster . bert Estill F ld Wesley Ashe tte Barker Graduate . Charl S. Bradshaw . jami . Be rf . d . . gers Har . A. R . Marvi law James lsaac Smith, Jr. Pharmacy sey . dal Earl P .. t . Be . ya . Bu . h. J . Ra . J e Th . mas Gaulde . Top Row: Ashendorf, Beck Second Row: Benton, Bradshaw Third Row: Doke, foster Faurth Row: Goulden, Gipson Fifth Row: Hughes, lnfonte Sixth Row: Keasler, Love Seventh Row, Macmanus, Margolis Eighth Row: McDonold, Meyerson Ninth Row: Moorman, Perry Tenth Row: Posey, Rogers Eleventh Row: Show. Simmons Poge 235 STUDENT GOVERNMENT COMMl EE . PUBLJC RELATJONS COMMJ EES . Howord Ayers Compton ond Dovid Mooney Cormichoel, Co-choirmen Mory Ann Allen Annette Anderson Sondro Hiss Bornes Robert Bomporte Durden John Rust Eversberg Mortho Houghton Fischer Peggy Hokemock Soroh Henslee Beverly Sue Motlock Chorles Wellington Poce NATJONAL STUDENTS' ASSOCJATJON COMMITTEE Jomes Donnenboum, Choirmon Williom Cook Fielder Michoel Scott Fry Dovid Andrew Kendrick, Co-choirmon Anthony Roy Henry, Co-choirmon Edwin Booth Price, Foculty Advisor C. Alwyn Borr Robert Anthony Butler n Edwords >. Don Cloyt Lowrence S. Fischmon Jomes Michoel Goiney Mike A. Myers Anthony Roy Henry Ann Coroline Seols Jonis Virginio Little Hol Freemon Simmons HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION John Will Goines Robert Show Goines Mory Lee Green Robert Horgroves Emmo Morie Keosler Jomes Norris Lindsey Nino J. McCoin 75TH IMPLEMENTATION COMMITTEE D. Reichert . Kotherine Louise Voetmonn, Lindo Biesele John Roymond Jordon Joh Dovid Chorles Porter Moyre Sue Richords Tommy Eusie Turner Fronk Andrew Wosko Monny Herzl Smith Tommy Yborro Donold Anthony Petesch John Trout Roder , 111 Chloe Motildo Rugeley Robert Allen Schneider Rose Kothryn Wolker Morgo L. Whitt vey Nelwyn Willioms . Jomes Terry Townsend Choirmon Corolyn Contwell Corole Stewort Keeton Monny Herzl Smith FLASH CARD COMMITTEE Glenn Alfred Rogers, Choirmon Anne Elko Eckert Judith Longworthy McConnell Johonne Repper Mory Lindo Boiley Victorio Elizobeth Fronk Morilyn Sue McKee Rose Mory Rodgers Chorles M. Bordwell Chorlynn Fronks Shirley Koy McKinley Robert Allen Schneider Eloise Wilson Brockenridge Beverly Ruth Brooks Elizobeth Ann Brown Chorlotte Comille Thereso Louise Conner Abigoil Corol Glossermon Morjorie Eloine Green Suson V. Hommond Jeonette Blonche Honey LoVerne Morie Hlonok Lucie Ann Meodor Fronkie Jeon Mills Williom Morelond Edword Lee Niehous Constonce Yvonne Pollon . ,Luther Edword Scott Eddie Joe Stroyhorn John Lorry Sullivon Chorles Richord West Phyllis Lynn Yonet . . Peggy Jeon Dovis Gertrude Goston Jockson George Eugene Peocock Donold Frederick Zimmerle Jomes Hudson Dudley Cotherine Fronces Jones So nd ro Lee Pruett CAMPUS CHEST STEERING EE.COMMl LCOX . A ANN W . PATRIC...•..............•. ........Co-Choirmen WILL AM COOK FIELDER . . MAR EPER . AM P . JOHN WILL Co-T reosurers . . . . . . . . . . ...... .... ..•....... L YN MARSHALL Co-Secretories .... . .•.. .. .....•. ... .. .. .. ....... .. DEL A DUSON . JUELL JOY KRAUTER Educotion .............•......... • ...... EL ZABETH SPEARS . SALLY JOHN MARVIN MOHRMAN Orientotion . . ... . .. • . . ...• .. ......... NANCY BRYAN HUNT A ANNE WALKER . VIRGIN NS . Publicity .....................•.......MARGARET CLARE PERK D. BARRY STONE Personol icitotion . .. .... . .•...................ANN McFADDEN . So TH . FF . DONALD PAUL GR LBERT . NE G . Sorority Solicitotion .............................MAL TE . Dormitory Solicitotion. . . . ..... MARGARET ANN WHWomen's SANDRA LYNN STOLZ NK . NDA L . Houses Solicitotion ..................LWomen's Boording Dorothy Dowson, Choirmon Corter Benjomin Kelly, Vice-Choirmon Virg inio Vinson Lowhon, Secretory Corole Stewort Keeton, T reosurer Morgoret Morbold Wheeler, Choirmon Molcolm Lone Cooper, Choirmon Betty Lenoro Allgood GREAT ISSUES LVA . Solicitotion ..................... KATHLEEN SCo-OpsWomen's S . Frolernity Solicitotion ............................ JOHN H. WA ER . Dorm Solicitotion ...................JAMES ALBERT TROMen's MONROE BEN NOWOTNY JOHN . Boording Houses Solicitotion ............JOHN W. PETTMen's AZ . Solicitotion ..........................CARLOS DCo-OpsMen's CK . Compus Solicitotion ..........•..... ... .•........CASEY COLW Voriety Show Solicitotion ..... •. ............. .... . CHANCY CROFT S . Auction. . ................................ MARIL YN MORR FF . SHANNON HARRISON RATL Dimes Doy ..........•........ ..................ANNE BLOCKER OLIVER BARR McCLELLAN Miss Compus Chest . ........•. ...... .JOHN WILLIAMSON BARNHILL Gome Solicitotion ..... . .•. . ........ . ...... .. . MARY JEAN TODD RAY A. GIPSON Night Snock..........•...... .......•..... PHYLL S ANN BORDEN . COMMITTEE Stonley Brodford Corruth, Publicity Morjorie Anne Foster vio Foster . Choirmon SyErin Higgins, Sociol Ann Adoms en Gillett ..Ruth E Corolyn Contwell Alice Wesley Gunslreom Groy Dovis Anne Knight SPONSORED STUDENTS COMMITTEE Gino LoRee Chopmon Noncy Pot Nelson Mory Cloire Middlebrook Rose Mory Prince STEER HERE COMMITTEE Jon Russ Eversburg Williom Roy Mothews Lolo Anne Greenwood Sterling Somuel Neumon VER . LLIAM OL . TOMMY W Mory Goy Moxwell Mildred Rose Meili Nonci Sue Myers Koy Peques Sondro Ann Simmons Corol Alice Prouty Dorothy Ann Stroup Borboro Koy Rippeleou M. Cloire Schlosberg Morsholl Elliotl Benjomin Mory Potricio Guyton Potricio Ann Potterson .,Luther Edword Scott Mory Morgoret Corlson Joe Bob Holl Gory Corl Pugh Gerold Lee Sewell Dorothy Koy Chisum Ernest Som Heord Burton Lee Ro koover Morilyn Tirex . . Michoel Ross Cooper Lenore Corol Highlond Rebecco Stuort Red Joon Eloine Tottenhom Tom Dunhom Williom Eugene Joor , . . . Joonne Morie Rice Potricio Sue Voelkel Jonet Lucy Elmore Sondy Lowry Hermon Ringler Poge 236 ."'--..\''.".:'..-'~- 1tt1t.. /_,,,~;::;;.-~//ll1J11,, .("~ .JJl\"'\\f~\'. ~'\\'\ ~ --'~t ......411.111' f11 1l11\\1 ,~:. \\.\~~~~-·\~· STUDENT GOVERNMENT COMMl E S . INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION Betty Jone McCollum, Choirmon HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE Sue J. Chessher ond Kiron Joswontlol Ronderi, Co-Choirmen Modeleine Wright Abell Patti Amanda Birge Sondro Ann Doniel Meredith Ferguson Rhetto Allon Moody Jone Stotts Youssef Assir H. D. Boradia Ali Salmon El-Ahmadiyyah Mory Corolyn Mittermeyer Koy Nonette Murphy Arleen Roy Trowbridge Ali Boturay Margaret Ann Brayshaw Cherif Faidi Bebe Den mon Moody Rebecco Ann Reynolds INTERNATIONAL VISITORS AND SPECIAL PROJECTS COMMITTEE Martha Jane Mast ond Alexander Hsu, Co-Chairmen Jonis Ellyn Cooper Nancy Beth Johnsan Colette Renee Lebaurg Mary Kay Miller Reva Lynn Stekall Wollik Schobon Borboro Anne Foster Elizabeth Thomson Jones Wilfard Dale McCann Jonis Gail Pettit Bobbie Lynn Weiser NEW STUDENTS COMMITTEE Shereatu Sue Bush and Harish Vora, Ca-Chairmen Jone Kotherine Andersen Suzonne Bowling Elizabeth Macey Hodges Sara Ross Theodoro Carter Vanderwerth Anobelle Ansley Kotherine Borry Bush Lou Ann Martin Margaret Ann Taylor Jane Elaine Yeaton Noncy Elizobeth Hill Suson Roberts Reed Noncy Elizobeth Thrift OLD STUDENTS COMMITTEE Froncis Coopwood Morgon ond Morio Tsiopero, Co-Choirmen Elizobeth E Downer Tish Huffmon Joon Huntley Robert Gilbert Scruggs Ann Homilton ond Helen El 1zobeth Weor, Publicity Co-Choirmen ORIENTATION COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Suzonne BGwling Froncis Coopwood Morgon Rondol Eorl Posey Clorence Neol Stevenson Erle Worley CENTRAL ROUND-UP COMMITTEE Lynn Wode McCrow, Choirmon Joe Burke Potricio Mory Gollogher Williom Edword Keys Colvin C. Nolen Corter Benjomin Kelly, Robb Kendrick Burloge Dorothy Gebouer Jock Russell Moguire John H. Wotts Student Ca-Choirmon Shoron Beth Dehnisch Robert C. Gullion Joe Molik, Jr. F. Loren Winship Dione Londer, Student Co-Choirmon Joe Bertrom Frontz Jock Hollond Mory Morjorie Menefee Williom Howord Wolf CULTURAL ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE Archie N. Jones, Sponsor Moline Gilbert, Student Choirmon Williom Brent Hempkins Jomes Donold Kniker Bob A. Newmon FACULTY-STUDENT CABINET Stonley A. Arbingost, Choirmon M. Sue Becker, Secretory FACULTY AND STAFF Shirley Ann Bird Helen Morgoret Flinn Esther Jone Wood Holl Edwin Wilson Mummo Williom Horry Robert Show Helen Norwood Deothe N. Jone Greer Jock Hollond R. C. Norris John G. Steele Dr. Poul L. White Guy, Jr. Leonordt Ferdinond Kreisle DeWitt Corter Reddick Lois Boird Trice. . Morion Vere DeVoult Williom STUDENTS Lindo Biesele Robert Cameron Hightower Oliver Borr McClellon Cyreno Jo Normon Lucy Ann Collins Corl Deon Howord Mory Morjorie Menefee Jomes lrvine Perkins, Jr. Ruth Ellen Gillett Josephine Moore Howell Morton H. Meyerson Jim Smith George A. Hellond, Jr. Mortho Jone Most Chorles Robert Neblett Williom Howord Wolf EE . ORIENTATION PROCEDURES COMMl Arno Nowotny, Foculty Choirmon Edwin Booth Price, Orientotian Director Mory Morjarie Menefee, Student Choirmon FACULTY AND STAFF Billy Howord Amstead Helen Morgoret Flinn Genevo Honno Leon 0. Morgon Williom Johnson Sheffield W. Byron Shipp Gordon V. Anderson Wolter Eugene George, Jr. Henry Young McCown Edwin Wilson Mummo Otis Arnold Singletory STUDENTS Lucy Ann Collins Miriom Dolly Gordon Rosemory Clyde House Richord Arlin Stonley Louis Wheeler Donoghey Robert Comeron Hightower Corole Stewort Keeton John H. Wotts EE . PARKING AND TRAFFIC COMMl Glenn Edword Bornett Howord A. Colkins Corl J. Eckhordt Corl Lewis Estes, 11 Jock Hollond W. Clifton Loncaster Oliver Borr McClellon SOCIAL CALENDAR COMMITTEE Corl Lewis Estes, 11, Choirmon Dorothy Wotts Deon Williom Chopmon Estes Shoron Sue Voyles Mrs. Bruce Lynn Toylor, Registror Jock Hollond Mory Morjorie Menefee UNIVERSITY CO-OP BOARD OF DIRECTORS Emmette S. Redford, President E. C. Rother, Secretary ond Henry Tebbs Brooks Corwin Woggoner Johnson Mory Stewort Thomos Charles Theodore Zlatkovich, General Manager Margaret Anne Eppright R. Gammel Roessner La;ion Wilson Choirmon Wiley Eugene Gloze, Auditor Williom Hollond Hinkle Clorence Neol Stevenson PRESIDENT WILSON'S ADVISORY CABINET Thomos J. Benner Fronk Cloud Cooksey Morgoret Ellinger Donold B. Mothis Cyreno Ja Normon Richord Arlin Stonley Robb Kendrick Burloge Shoron Beth Dehnisch Chorles Nelson Gilreoth Mory Morjorie Menefee Jomes lrvine Perkins, Jr. John H. Wotts Lucy Ann Collins Louis Wheeler Donaghey Corole Stewort Keeton Morton H. Meyersan Rondol Eorl Posey Williom Howord Wolf OPERATION BRAINPOWER Jack Russell Moguire, Co-ordinator Ed J. Schutze, Ex-Student Choirmon Mory Morjorie Menefee, Student Choirmon FACULTY AND STAFF Shirley Ann Bird Arthur Milton Cory Jock Hollond W. Byron Shipp Corl Victor Bredt Dorothy Gebouer Henry Young McCown John G. Steele STUDENTS Thamos J. Benner Lucy Ann Collins Robert Comeron Hightower Oliver Borr McClellon Jomes Terry Townsend Jae Burke Sharon Beth Dehnisch Morilyn Morsholl Clorence Neol Stevensan John H. Wotts Poge 237 STUDENT GOVERNMENT COMMITTEES Francis Ann Drake, Secretary FRESHMAN COUNCIL Mary Marjorie Menefee, Upperclass Chairman Ellis Wynn Presson, President STUDENT JUDICIAL SYSTEM Nathan Frederick Cliett, Chairman Thomas Worth Davis Violet Janean Johnson Judith Baggett Jeff Hayes Mary lou McCommack STUDENT-FACULTY COMMITTEE Marilyn Sue Becker, Karen Gwyn Agopian Abigail Carol Glosserman Upperclass Advisor Jimmy Dailey Suzy Cotherine Hodges RELIGIOUS ACTIVITY is Ann Borden, Harold Forrest Apple, Jr. Frances Ann Jones .. Phy ia Margaret Kantz . Upperclass Advisor Ralph Joseph Henderson Le Joy B. Henson Joanne Frances McQuaide STUDENT GOVERNMENT Carole Stewart Keelon, Joan louise Elder James Joseph Jaros ce Faith Johnson . in Jan . ass Advisor Carol Jean Frank . Upperc loulynn Kelly .. David lynn Ford, Chairman Sammy lewis Ha . .. Thomas Mendell Crowe Harriett Hi da Hopkins Harvard lee McBrayer Francis Ann Drake Calvin Wayne Huffman George Eugene Peacock Kay Judith Pegues HONORARY COMMITTEE inn . en Jean F .. iam Burroughs E .. l Frank, James Wi . icity Hi . Fe Edward Bradford Pickett Carolyn Kay Ransom Jane lynn Mayes Robert Nass Gretchen Marie Oden Sally lee Peel Susan Roberts Reed Terrence Wendall Pratt Arden Reed Thomas Richard Rice Alton Wayne Ritter Joanne Rohlf Emmalee Jeanette Heltzel Joseph William Sheehy William lauis Wayne Susan Clare O'Neil Amanda Gay Stuart Sally Elizabeth Waddill Martha Amelia Russell Charlene Short Robert Allen Venable lou Ann Wells Jimmy Douglas White Doris Juline Katz Upperclass Advisor . ,Henry Villard Campbell .. Diane Maxine Gaitz lawrence Edward Holtzman Ja Ann Neitzel son Sharon Elaine Hunn Margaret Jeanel Russell . Ne . lane Car Nancy Booth, Chairman Robert eton louis Garvin a Cooper Judith Nelms Grandjean Nancy lou Hurwitz Nelson louis Schiller . Judith lynne Brisbois Sandra Car Nata ie Rose Schroder . Peggy Frances Brown Carl ris Greenberg Nan Kaiser Carol Ann . . Robert Dem er ine lee Stevens Margaret Streckmann . Made SCHOOL COUNCILS-ATHLETIC-INTRAMURAL d Wayne Hurt Harriet Saikin . azek John Funk Rona . ap, Delora Elizabeth B . Kenneth Ray Dun Upperclass Advisor lawrence Cecil Ga laway Thomas Barker Stephan Richard Silen d . e.fMay . Dian Blomquist ton Mary Ann Smith . len Me . iam A .. l Hampton Wi . ie lorene Coym Bi .. Murray Smith, Chairman Wi .. Farre Anita Gertrude Jordan, Secretary Toy Kay Crocker Anita Kay Harding Joyce Ann Rosenblum Barbara Glyds Tinker Anne Marie Aucoin James Henry Eley Sharon louise Hewitt Betty Hornor Ruth STUDENT COMMl THE COUNCIL EE OF FRESHMAN . PUBLICATIONS Robert Hightower, Mary lou Cho iar leon Nancy lynn Maxwell Alton Wayne Ritler Norrod Graham . Cameron . . Advisor Upperclass louise Corre i Andy lyn He ms Mary Elizabeth Murphy William Bonner Rubey e Penner Carolyn Elayne Terry . i Roy Henderson Daniel Ly . en Evans Wende .. Chairman James A ds, . Rebecca Ann Reyno Dona d Glenn Fenner John ey Genevieve Kay Pierce larry Thompson . leonard Kei . Barbara Ann Black .feld Amelia Paula Wasoff . . as Webster Burch Judith lesesne Gay e Arbon Jack lowe Anto nette Mary Raia . Doug Me inda Gay McGriff . FRESHMAN COUNCIL UNION COMMITTEE Mary Jo Ponsford . . , . Poo .. Upperc Advisor dwe Ada Marie Sharpe A ice Elina Adams, Chairman Nancy E izabeth Farquhar Mary Cathryn Sauer es Betty Joan Zobel . Richard Jerry Morrow John Char . ass Betty Jane Ca . Kay Frances Payne FRESHMAN HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE izabeth Ruth Bybee Robert Michael Hoecker Anne Jonah . Michael Scott Fry , Patsy Sue Choice, Secretary E Jr.logan,eman Jamie Fannin Holt William Omar . Kay Andrea CoBaker, Treasurer . ass Advisor Wanda Pear . Upperc Char otte Pau ine Becker James Ray Hyman Patricia Ann Manley . Nancy Jean Cotton . . Mike Su livan McArthur, Chairman der Robert David Johnson Danna Rachel Richardson . John Dyer Carr, Vice-Chairman Gretchen Becker Patricia Anne Hartfe e Thompson . David Pierson Robertson Mary Da CAMPUS ACTIVITIES C~ Clareve Jean Deschner Eva Massy Robert Webb Sherrill . . O iver Barr McC ellan, rol Ann Burns eb Mary Jo Smith . oss Advisor Ann Burrows Elizabeth Anne Disch William Edward McCa . Upperc James Bram itt Coldwe Gwendolyn Socol .. E Martha Posey Farmer .. . is Wynn Presson, Chairman Kay Frances Payne Caro ine Chappe Char ynn Franks . .. . Nancy Adams Edward Bradford Pickett Helene laurie Spalter lett . den Conner Marjorie Mae Gi . iam Ha .. Dona lou Barrier Wi Sondra Kay Reddick Eleanor Ann Tyler Barbara Sue Barstrop Dorothy lea Cramer Roger lamar Gose Barbara Anne Reese Barbara Sue Weinstein E inore Fero Benavides Daravene Danie C aire Ei een Guarino . . .. . Joyce Ann Rosenb um Suzanne White . Heard . Nancy Ann Bridges Joseph Sydney Dann Johnny Nea Sandra Hope Sabean Rebecca Wood . iam Bradshaw Patricia Ann Danna Kathryn Hil . Major Wil Hoffman Harriet Saikin Donald Frederick Zimmerle . Judy Kay Burgoon Betsy lana Danziger Gary Samue EE .. SERVICE GROUPS COMM James D. Dannenbaum, Tamm Joan Dunlap Donna Sue Ne son Bonnie lee Schaeffer . Alice Addington Jack Weldon .. ass . yn Mary Beth Southerland . icia Estella Mercado Ann Caro . Davis Jordan, Chairman A .. Wi Upperc Advisor Robert Wa ace Briggs Sarah lois Handorf Puckett Gerald Hatton Simpson Jan Burkhart Reed umbus Sams . liam Co . Mary Gay Burton Edward lee Niehaus Wi FRESHMAN SECRETARIAT Cynthia . .. izabeth Adams Nancy lynn Maxwe . Upperclass Advisor Susan E A ice Perkins Packer , Joanne Rohlf, Chairman Mary Catherine Geron lee Pendergrass PUBLICITY COMMITTEE s Arthur louis Schechter .. ass Advisor Dona lou Barrier Judson C. Gee Donna Mi . UppercHaun,A. Karen . . in Jonice Ann Whiteheod . s Kay Nan Kocurek Josephine Nettie Nick . Sandra Ann DanieVice-Chairmane Patrick Johnsan, . Da via Foster George Tucker langdon Constance Yvonne Patton Sondra lee Zimmerman . Secretary SyRay Bridges, . Caro linda Sue Rogers . Norman Floyd Judith Anne Maxwel .. Bi Edgar Cavey Nash, Jr., Chairman Rosemary Cherry Jeanette lynn Hess James E wyn Ney and Jonel Spencer Page 238 l.' 1l1 t# h.\IJ r. \ ~" JJl\1,\\IJ\':\'\ 1 I• '. '/~~-''">:\_~~\\ -'~. "·' ...~'-:..=.-.;.) STUDENT COURT CARL LEWIS EST ES, 11 Chief Justice CARL LEWIS ESTES, 11 . .... . . Chief Justice CHANCY CROFT . .. .. . . Associate Justice DIANE LANDER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . Associate Justice MILDRED ROSE MEILI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Associate Justice JERRY NATHAN . .. ................ . . . .. . .............Associate Justice The Chief Justice and four Associate Justices, elected by the student body, form the Judicial branch of the Students' Association, the Student Court. The Court tries all cases arising under the constitution of the Students' Association, examines books of campus organizations, decides disputed elections, and can impel student officials to carry out the duties of their respective offices. A recent addition to the duties of the Court is hearing cases of student traffic violations. The Court is available to students and student organizations for interpretation r legislation of the . or advisory judgments concerning the constitution Assembly. Croft Lander Meili Nathan Page 239 \,J. j)/JJJ~ ~ ,,, ,1,1, ~ ·'IJ././" l1l"9/'?...-~/;:c~,,,_~!l~ l~ 1f • -· UNIVERSITY WOMEN'S COUNCIL OFFICERS Fall Spring CYRENA JO NORMAN. .. ......... ....... . President ... . CYRENA JO NORMAN SALLY JOANNE EMERSON ..... ...... . . . Vice-President ............ . . . SALLY JOANNE EMERSON SANDRA CASON .. . . . . . . ..... .. . . .. . ..... . .. Secretary-Treasurer ....... . ..... . ..... . ...... . . . . DEE TALASEK MEMBERS MARGARET ANN WHITE .. .................... All Campus Advisors .................... MARGARET ANN WHITE DEE T ALASEK . . . . . . ..... . .... . ......... . . . Boarding House Chairman ..... . . . ... . . . . ... . . .. . . . DEE T ALASEK SANDRA ESQUIVEL. . ..................... .. Cap and Gown. . . . . . . . . . . . ... ........... .. SARA ROSS NORANNE ELIZABETH ALLEN ............... . .. Co-Ordinators Council . . .. . . PATRICIA MARY GALLAGHER CYRENA JO NORMAN . . .......... . ......... . . Daily Texan . . ........... . . . .. ... . .. .. . .. CYRENA JO NORMAN JOANNE ROHLF .. .. .. . ... . .. .. .......... . ... Freshman Council . . . . . ... . ......... . ...... FRANCIS ANN DRAKE BERENICE GRANNELL KOHLER .................. lndependent Students Association . . . .. BERENICE GRANNELL KOHLER LUCY ANN COLLINS .........................Mortar Board .. .... .... ........ . . . . JOAN CAROLYN FARQUHAR ROSEMARY CLYDE HOUSE .................... Orange Jackets ...................... ROSEMARY CLYDE HOUSE JOYCE LYNN STREUSAND .....................Panhellenic . . . . . . . ..... . ... . .... . . . .......JANE F. SPACEK MARILYN MARSHALL ............... . . . . . . . . . . .Sorority Presidents ........ ........... .. .. . . MARIL YN MARSHALL SALLY JOANNE EMERSON ..... . . .... ........ . Spooks ............... ..............SALLY JOANNE EMERSON MARY MARJORIE MENEFEE .. . ... . . .. . ..... .... Students' Association . . . .......... . ...MARY MARJORIE MENEFEE SANDRA CASON ....................... ..... Student Christian Association ....... .... ...... .. SANDRA CASON SALLY KAY MAXWELL ......................... Texas Union . ... ..............LAURABETH ELIZABETH GRIENEEKS MARY ANN MORONEY ....... ................ University Religious Council ....... ...... ... MARY ANN MORONEY BILLY JEAN CAIN .. ..........................U. T. S. A . .................. .... ............ BILLY JEAN CAIN ~~~,~~~..----- Poge 240 8... ..:_--------------.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.------------------ ----------~~--~•. ·---~~~--~~~•.-...---• BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION COUNCIL OFFICERS Fall Spring C. NORMAN WOOD . President MARY LINN POND DONALD EUGENE ROPER, JR. .. . Vice-President DONALD EUGENE ROPER, JR. MARY LINN POND . JOHN MILTON CRAWFORD, JR. Secretary . T reasurer . MARY ELIZABETH BAREFIELD JOHN MILTON CR,A.WFORD, JR. CLASS OFFICERS Senior Class Tom John Weigel, Jr" President James Allen Rindfuss, Vice-President Mary Elizabeth Barefield, Secretary Junior Class Frank Lester Levy, President Thomas Carl Sonnenberg, Vice-President Roger Terry Shaper, Secretary Sophomore Class Harris Joe Sterling, President Donald Richard Smith, Vice-President Virginia Elizabeth Hall, Secretary Freshman Class Ronald Glen Steinhart, Presideni David Bruce Bell, Vice-President Janice Louise Wood, Secretary ASSEMBLYMEN Fall Spring Mary Linn Pand William Garvin McDonald John Laurence Bell David Kiker Hughes Rodney Harry Margolis Rodney Harry Margolis MEMBERS ALPHA KAPPA PSI B. B. A. WIVES CLUB FOREIGN TRADE CLUB John Woodie Bowen Beth Rusk George Kluth Arnold Erich Krause, Alternate DELTA NU ALPHA INSURANCE SOCIETY AMERICAN MARKETING ASSOCIATION Samuel Parker John Cecil Culpepper, Jr. Bill D. Gofarth, Fall Eliner Cordz Juul, Alternate Emory Clifton Camp, Alternate Richard Wayne Ferguson, Spring DELTA SIGMA PI PI OMEGA PI AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION Kenneth Charles Baelter Elizabeth Ann Jardan Jomes H. Scott Julius Wayne Smith, Alternate Barbara Sue Broadway, Alternate SIGMA IOTA EPSILON SOCIETY FOR ADVANCEMENT OF MANAGEMENT Tom John Weigel, Jr. Dolores Eleanor Domning .refield, Domning, J. Bell . ll, B . Wood, Pond, Hn, . Jorddway, . Front Row: Roper, Bro .rt, D. Bell, Weigel, Kluth, Margolis, Sonnenberg, Rindfuss, Bowen, Shaper, Boelter, Sterling, D. Smith, Goforth, Crawford . ck Row: Steinh . B Page 241 STUDENT ENGINEERING COUNCIL OFF/CERS Fall Spring STERLING PARKER RANDOLPH ................ Chairman...... . . . . . . . . . . MORRIS CALVIN REINHARDT JOSEPH WESTON HALL, JR. . .. . . . ..... .. . .. . Vice-Chairman .......... . .. . . . .. JAMES D. DANNENBAUM WILLIAM NEAL KOCUREK .... . .... .. . . . .. ......T reasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. WILLIAM NEAL KOCUREK MORRIS CALVIN REINHARDT ........ . ......... Recording Secretary . . . . . .... WILLIAM FRANKLIN RUSSELL BILLY RAY COBB ................. ..... ... .... Corresponding Secretary. . . . . . . . ..... HORACE ALTON SAMPSON HAROLD WOOD SMITH . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... Faculty Sponsor . . .. . . . . . . . .......... . . HAROLD WOOD SMITH LEONARDT FERDINAND KREISLE . . . . .... . Faculty Sponsor . . . . . . . . . . . LEONARDT FERDINAND KREISLE MEMBERS rAU BETA PI AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS Horry C. Hordee, Jr. ETA KAPPA NU Williom Fronklin Russell, Foll Robert R. Boothe, Spring Dovid Lee Cross. Fo 11 Robert Eugene Jones, Foll Stonley A. Bynum, Spring Jimmie Roe McGregor, Spring Moson Cooper Brown, Foll Leon Moxwell Noel, Foll Commie Leon Cox PI TAU SIGMA Chorles Trovis Moormon, Foll Albert P. Richter, Jr., Spring CHI EPSILON AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS Dudley Richord Dobie, Foll Robert L. Stuort, Foll Joe Floyd Borker, Spring AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Hugh Lee Morris, Foll Horoce Alton Sompson, Foll Herbert Jomes Fischer, Spring Jerry Clorence Dunowoy, Foll AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF Jomes Doyce Reynolds, Spring ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS INSTITUTE OF AERONAUTICAL SCIENCES OMEGA CHI EPSILON Gregg Alon Horris KERAMOS Robert Morion Borksdole, Foll Burton Chorles Reynolds, Foll Leroy Henry Becker, Spring Ronold Woyne Croig, Spring Chorles lvon Ashbough, Foll Joseph Edword Tepero, Foll Ersie Edword Clemmer, Jr., Spring Stonley A. Bynum Cloude Lee Voun AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF MINING AND METALLURGICAL ENGINEERS TEXAS SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF Robert Edwin McVey, Jr., Foll Jomes D. Donnenboum ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERS Spencer Gordon Rondolph, Foll Jomes Thomos Mitchell Dovid Woyne Fowler Dovid Woyne Berry, Spring Jomes Lowrence Mitchell Jomes Glynn Cooksey, Spring Front Row: Ashbaugh, Stuart, Moorman, Russell, J. L. Mitchell, S. G. Randolph. Second Row: McVey, Dannenbaum, Reinhardt, Cobb, Hall, S. P. Randolph, Kocurek, B. Reynolds, Sampson, Kreisle. .Mitchell, Fowler, Harris, Hardee, Smith. . .Noel, Cross, Dunaway, Morris, Bynum, Jones, Dobie, Brown, Barksdale, JThird Row: Page 242 TEXAS UNION The Union is the community center of the University, for all the members of the University family-students, faculty, administration, alumni and guests. lt is not just a building; it is also an organization and a program. As the "living room" or "hearthstone" of the University, the Union provides for services, conveniences, and amenities which the members of the University family need in their daily the campus and for getting to know and understand one another through .. life informal association outside the classroom. lt encourages citizenship training, and develops self-expression, group effectiveness, and social responsibility. The Union serves as a unifying force in the life of the University, cultivating enduring regard for and loyalty to the University . STAFF Director. . . . . . . . . ................ . . ... CALVIN CLEAVE NOLEN Assistant Director ..... ..... .. .... . ..... MRS. BRUCE LYNN T AYLOR Program Supervisor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... SHIRLEY ANN BIRD Accounting Clerk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............MARY BINNION MRS. BRUC< LYNN TAYLOR SHIRLEY ANN BIRD Assistant Director Program Supervisor CALVIN CLEAV E NOL EN Director BOARD OF DIRECTORS William David Blunk Dorothy L. Gebauer Thomas J. Benner A. Karen Haun Roberta Ann Love Sally Kay Maxwell Faculty Members Joseph J. Jones F. C. McConnell Student Members Mary Marjorie Menefee Bob G. Odle Sharon Sue Voyles William Howard Wolf Ex-Student Members Herbert Jones Jack Maguire Seated: William Howard Wolf, A. Karen Haun, Jack Maguire, Dorothy L. Gebauer, Joseph J. Jones, Herbert Jones, Sally Kay Maxwell. MaryMarjarie Menefee. Standing: Calvin Cleave Nolen, Mrs. Bruce Lynn Taylor, Bob G. Odle. UNION EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Benner, Hightower, Boyd. Odle, Grieneeks, Maxwell, Farquhar, Preston, Schoenbrun. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL President .... . .. ............................... . . THOMAS J. BENNER Vice-President ............... .. .. ... .... ROBERT CAMERON HIGHTOWER Secretary . . .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. .. . . .. ........ . ....MARILYN ANN BOYD Art Division Head . . . . . . ...................... .. . . ... LAURA PRESTON Special Services Division Head ..............JOAN CAROLYN FARQUHAR House Division Head ........ ..... ................ SALLY KA Y MAXWELL Public Relations Division Head . . . ........ . RONNY NORMAN SCHOENBRUN Education Division Head . . .. ....................... . .... BOB G. ODLE Entertainment Division Head .......... . . LAURABETH ELIZABETH GRIENEEKS Poge 244 m.....,.,.~""'30~....,."""'-'"~".-_.., ?Y ....,...,.....,.....,_.,._.,,..,.. ""-,......,,,.,. ~-UJJWIDlll-......,.....,.,,,,...-.u"...." __________________________________________________181ia:.: TEXAS UNION COMMl EES . ART DJVJSJON Art Committee Louro Prestan, Division Heod Pat Word Davis Marsho Ann Horris Renee Corol Jones Gene Edword Mikesko Brendo Hortley, Choirman Martha Sue Gordon Dianne Hollingsworth Borboro Jone Mathews Exhibits Committee Wolter Jomes Wyrick, Jr., Joe Floyd Barker Mary Clementine Ellison Sue Fronces Mueck Dee Tolasek Choirmon Dolphia Ann Dawson Patsy Jo Gendel Potricia Ann Spiors Johanno Vonce Corolyn Sue Winston Decorations Committee Mory Florence Ashburn, Nancy Mitchell Johnson Mary Ann Moroney Jody Mae Ryan Mory Caralyn Stone Chairman Kay Frances Levensky Marilyn Jeanette Meyers Sandra Lee Sheets Margaret Alice Surratt Betty Lu Ballord Nancy Lynn Maxwell James Elwyn Neyland Patricia Ann Smith Sally Ann Weotherford Ellen Jean Flinn Melinda Gay McGriff Vivian Shelia Rieter Patricia Lu Speer Ladan W. Wingert SPECIAL SERVJCES DJVJSJON Joan Carolyn Farquhor, Division Head Charm Committee Shirley Joyce Walters, Jacqueline Bye Lenore Carol Highland Jo Ann Neitzel Beverly Gail Thompson Choirmon Mary Margaret Carlson Jane Andrea Hill Julie Ann Parker Morgaret Carol Vanderwoude Margaret Jane Blye Dorothy Diane Davis Ann Lewis Judy Gray Pennington Mary Kathryn Webb Peggie Doughtie Jane Loreen Males Tucean Virginia Pennington Suzanne Jean WischerElizabeth Louise Burt Lola Anne Greenwood Rachel Frances Myers Nancy Marie Shelby Evaluation Committee Michael Scott Fry, Chairman Richard Wollsey Chote Donald B. Mathis Rebecca Stuart Red Billie Traweek Nancy Ruth Buchanan Joe Ann Demler Richard L. Nelson Herman Ringler Leadership Committee Cynthia Anne Powell, Chairman Gina LaRee Chapman Cynthia Ann Hall Rebecca Stuart Red Frank Edwod Billings Johnson Blair Cherry, Jr. Lou Ann Lancaster Ralph Russell Stone, Jr. Stanley Brodford Carruth James D. Dannenbaum Williom Keith Miles Joanne ~Aary Sweet Deidre Wilson HOUSE DIVISION Sally Kay Maxwell, Division Head Game Committee Mansel M. Rubenstein, Herbert Allen Davis Bonnie Belle Gray Linda Rae Natkin Bernard Lee Simon Chairmon Morris Jay Engle Judy Ann Landers Carl Harry Sachs William Phillip Stranhan Robert Phillip Brochstein Lowell Stephen Fink Richard Anal Lubel Marsha Shapher Robert Martin Wainger Film Committee Monroe Ben Nowotny, Carolyn Carlton Morton Allan Cohn Twila Wanda Kieke Reynaldo Maldonado Chairman Laurolyn Carlton Ruth Ellen Kemp Mary Ruth Magruder Bobbie Lynn Weiser Hospitality Committee Sandy Faith Fuller, Chairman Sandra Muriel Brazil Annabelle Lee Gisher Edna Frances Sample Alice Elina Adams Dona Lee Croft Janet Sue Guinans Wanda Lou Shields Ann Ellen Armstrong Jo Ann DeLeon Virginia Sue Hartgrove Sandra Ann Simmons Judith Boggett Beverly Jean Dodgen Linda Liles Mary Louise Simpson Phyllis Ann Barnard Joan Dunlap Helen Faltin Martin Elizabeth Louise Urodo Judith Mansell Beesley Mary Blanche Fanett Susan Roberts Reed Pat Vigeon Carol Leigh Belknap Emily Phillips Fortescue Martho Amelia Russell Patricia Louise Wren PUBLIC RELATJONS DIVJSJON Ronny Norman Schoenbrun, Division Head Publicity Committee Gary Alvin Goldfeder, Herbert Allen Davis Barry Nolan Korchmer Margaret Rose Schuler Chairman Valerie Jean Davis Trudy Levy Sharon Lee Shulkin Linda Jonel Bailey June Corolyn Doak Rodney Harry Margolis Robert Hamilton Smalley Mary Margaret Boehm Phyllis Jlene Frankfurt Patricia Rolfe Martin Helen Laurie Spalter Douglas Arrington Boyd Leon Norrod Graham Perry Joe Radoff Ronald Glen Steinhart Borry Alan Cohen Sam L. Guyler Beverly Ann Samuelson Marno Tucker Betsy Lana Danzinger Patricia Anne Hudson Arthur Louis Schechter Barbaro Sue Weinstein Robert Allen Schneider Calendar Committee Delio Duson, Chairman Barbora Ann Bowser Cynthio Ann Hollyfield Alice Carol Wilson Dion Blomquist Nancy Dement Janet Leah Schreiber Nancy Louise Wright Bette Lee Bluntzer Martha Houghton Fischer Suzanne Elizabeth Simons lda Mae Zittle Newsletter Committee Patrick Edward Borlow, Carol Elizabeth Coffman Abron Jack Lowe Cynthio Lee Pendergross Chairman Ruth Ellen Gillett Lindo Ann Mclntosh Lucy Nell Willioms Lynn Ann Alexander Mary Lucile Johnston Patricia Ann Patterson Page 245 TEXAS UNION COMMl EES . EDUCATION DIVISION Bob G. Odle, Division Head Campus Coffee Committee Nancy Nell Williford, Lynda Lee Craft Patricia Lynne Holleman Marilyn Sue McKee Liz Sherar Diana Vollintine Fall Chairman Judy Glen Cunningham Gayle Johnson Jean Adon Nail Tommie Louise Sims Janice Ann Whitehead Margaret Rose Kuebler, Marilyn Ann Dashiell Glenda Sharon Kahler Gretchen Marie Oden Bettye Carolyn Siptak Anna Rose Whitson Spring Chairman Dana Adriana de Ridder Nancy Benedict Kelly Susan Clore O'Neil Jerome Melvin Smith Margo L. Whitt Elizabeth Dianne Ames Potricia Ann Ellerkamp Phyllis Ruth Kunz Janis Gail Pettit Sarah Jane Smith Mary Ann Williams Norma Jean Anderson Joseph Anthony Fuller Jo Karan Lindsey Linda Joyce Richordson Donna Maurine Spearman Dianne Wooten Alice Ann Becker Marie Hargrove Suzanne Luguette Patsy Jo Schuhmacher Joy Darlene Stage Sue Colquitte Wooten Joon Frances Borden Joy B. Henson Kitty Keesler Kay Jacqueline Sanderson Barbara Jane Yonker Student Faculty Committee Mary Jean Todd, Fall Chairman Nan Booth Patricia Gail Cook frankie Gerald Kasman Sally Louise Teeple Ruth Ellen Gillett, Elaise Wilson Brackenridge Maydelle Vaughn Foster William Omar Logan Dennis Ann Wheeler Spring Chairman Frances Byrd Collins John Raymond Jordan Mary Lou MacDaniel Forum Speakers Committee Margo W iley, Chairman Cynthia Duncan Fred Ronald Kline Shirley Kay McKinley Arlene Ray Trowbridge T ravis Gene Ansley Sarah Virginia Gotewood Marie Marrian Charles Kennedy Moore, Jr. Grace Evelyn Whittenburg Ronold Lee Clawer Johanna Hoff Billy Roy Mathews Gail Staker Billy Glen Wiley ENTERTAINMENT DIVISION Laurabeth Elizabeth Grieneeks, Divis'on Head Music Committee Richard Charles Price, Lynn Harris Mary Ellen McCarter Ernest Lee Taubert Robbie Ann Walters Chairman Maedene Maedgen Sheridan Pettit Janet Taylor Pamela Ruth Weathers Howard Terry Adcock Jo Ann Marshall Janice M. Shafner Ruthven Champion Tolbirt, Jr. Royce Ann Yaung Talent Committee Edmond Goldstein, Lap Parton, Special Services Kay Andrea Caleman Barton LeRoy Fruhman Julianne Lane Sheila Rae Scott Fall Chairman David Charles Porter, Paula June Craig Carolyn Craig Fuller Robert Livitz Raland A. Taub Paul David Cauch, Out of Town Elizabeth Ann Davis Kathryn Hill Leonard Mandel Ruthven Champion Tolbirt, Jr. Spri ng Chairman Thomas L. Yancy, On Campus Susan Rivers Drake Janet Sharon Jenkins Judith Kay Matthews Ruth Scott Wainright Betty Green, Brenda Sue Barden Sarah Rebekah Foster Carol Lee Klose Stephen Orrin Music Virginia Philips Woodward Dawn Tawn Committee Dance Committee Curtis W. Meadows, Jr., Wilson Clarke Cook Joe Bob Hall Gloria Jean Mata Albert August Sander Carolyn Anne Tucker Chairman James Hudson Dudley Betty Kiett Barbara Ardell Randles Joyce Lynette Smith Lou Ann Wells Nancy Lynn Bourn Anne Elka Eckert Joan Huntley Carolyn Kay Ransom Sandra Lynn Sprain Maren Louise Westerfeldt Bob McCoy Burress lrvin David Gerber Patricia Lee lsaacs Linda Ann Register Bettye Sue Swales Joanna White Amy Bruyer Janet Gilmore Barbara Ann Kettering Judith Ann Rich Patricia Lou Tandy Frank Polk Youngblood Kathryn Marie Mafrige lzziddin N. Sa'adalloh Victoria Brenda Trabu lsi MARRIED STUDENTS COUNCIL Mr. & Mrs. Charles Nelson Gilreath, Chairmen Mrs. Lars Norlick Engel, Member-at-Large Mrs. Ralph Warner, Geology Wives Mrs. Barry Welch Blackmon, Pharmacettes Mrs. Harvey Ray Mitchell, Jr., B. A. Wives Mrs. Clyde Louis Hadsall, Jr., Fall Co-Wed Mrs. James Lynn Durbin, Engineering Wives Mrs. Robert Kent Goodnow, Fall, Psychology Wives Mrs Carl Alton Moore, Spring Co-Wed Mrs. Leon Poindexter Howell, Jr., N.A.U.D. Mrs. John Stabler, Spring, Psychology Wives COUNCIL Front Row: Joan Carolyn Farquhar, Delia Duson, Cynthia Anne Powell, Sally Kay Maxwell, Laura Preston, Brenda Hartley . Second Row: Ma rilyn Ann Boyd, Laurabeth Elizabeth Grieneeks, Margo Wiley, Sandy Faith Fuller, Shirley Joyce Walters, Shirley Ann Bird, Mary Florence Ashburn. d Row: Richard Charles Price, Curtis W. Meadows, Jr., Bob G. Odle, Thomas J. Benner, Patrick Edward Barlow, Paul David Couch, Gary Alvin . Thi Goldfeder, Wal ter James Wyrick, Jr., Ronny Norman Schoenbrun, Monroe Ben Nowotny, Mansel M. R.L benstein . Page 246 TEXAS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS, INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Faculty Members NORRIS G. DAVIS, Associate Professor of Journalism JOE BERTRAM FRANTZ, Associate Professor of History OLIN ETHMER HINKLE, Associate Professor of Journalism GLENN ALBERT WELSCH, Professor of Accounting Student Members WILLIAM HOWARD WOLF, President of the Students' Association Jr, EMMA MARIE KEASLER, Assembly Representative RICHARD PAGE KEETON, Assembly Representative CHARLES JOSEPH MACMANUS, Assembly Representative MARY MARJO RIE MENEFEE, Assembly Representative Ex-Officio Members LESTER LO YD EDMONDS, JR., General Manager HARRELL ESTES LEE, Editorial Manager D. B. JACK HOLLAND, Dean of Men ALBERT JULIUS TOOLE, Cactus Editor ROBB KENDRICK BURLAGE, Daily Texan Editor CARL DEAN HOWARD, Daily Texan Editor, April and May FRANK H. STACK, Ranger Editor Top Row: Burlage, Davis. Second Row: Edmonds, Frantz. Third Row: Hinkle, Holland. Fourth Row: Keasler, Keeton. Fifth Row : Lee, Macmanus. Sixth Row: Menefee, Toole. Poge 247 Seventh Row: Welsch, Wolf. 1(!1)/1// ~.~--~ --/~11,\ 1' 'Jl 1//}~ Jij1·· . '". 1 . JJ_IJ./.~-, ,,,. __ , THE CACTUS STAFF ASSISTANTS Betty Jane Alsbrooks Diane Bane Jane Lee Blessing Carol Ray Bridges James William Burroughs Mary Margaret Carlson Fred Duncan Coleman Mary Ruth Dorrill Jamie Fannin Holt ALBERT JULIUS BUD TOOLE lrene Hughes Editor-in-Chief Twila Wanda Kieke Linda Elaine Kilgore Hazel Karen Kincheloe Linda Ann Liles Virginia Scott Massey Sue McReynolds Dorothy Jean Odom Cynthia Lee Pendergrass Carolyn Elayne T erry Bonnie Lucinda Van Griethuysen Allen Tucker Willis Rebecca Wood MARY JO MADDOX Associate Editor Pcge 248 fai~....:~~-..:!.-.ta...rm:"r:.m.t1~mm~~IR:!!!:~=:::!S~~~,nvrn..~11UDJ8..Wss..:sBr..millrl.;.l!ili~""""""""""""""""""""""..." " " STAFF Editor-in-Chief .. ..... ... ......... ..... ......ALBERT JULIUS BUD TOOLE Associate Editor ............................... . ... MARY JO MADDOX SECTION EDITORS BOURDO Athletics . .. ..... . .. . .........JOHN CHARLES HARRISS Dorm & Co-Op .................. . . ... .. CAROL ALICE PROUTY Feature ........ . . . EMORY KELLEY Fraternity . . ................................... MARTHA ESCHENBURG . COLLl S . Honorary and Service ......................ELIZABETH JOYCE BOURDON Military .. .... . .... . . . .... . ... BARBARA ANN MAGEL Organization .. . . .. . .................JANE ANN MAXWELL ELAINE ELISABETH ZABA Religious and Fine Art . . .. .. .............. . . .. CAROL ALICE PROUTY BURG . ESCHE Sorority ....... . . .. . . .. ... JUDITH HICKMAN Student Government .. .. ..... ... ... ......HARWOOD LEWIS COLLINS, JR. Feature Photographers . DONALD CARTER HOLBROOK WILLIAM FRANKLIN KEMP HARRISS . HICKMA · TEXAS ·N . THE JVERSl'fY OF TEXAS A S· -A•oltt8.wleltNlllJl:S. 14O.tlTM.aANU.•14 •----. MAIT .IO MAOOOX. A A.. ' · ..... .oou, ··.,.,~-­ 959 .. ber..etSep KELLEY To 'l'be St.ud<.to: ,.atbie vri t1 1'.... the 1959 Cactua over a year egoa.p1.ann1 . I ve decided that the 959 annu vould leave ot the old cuatau a.d •-. a.. .. .ce.aappeara.ev 80re -ern refrellhi . a . to take or.yta.dlooke bebind orua tbat opena thepe.oe.ace.x'l'ethie planned out tbei.&do . l -Or througbl.Of C &lllOUDt..l&...the.are tho..full COlor v1tb . book to be i -ev cupua life eec . tbe body type, a . ete chaoae lOIQ.la c,ua..OUt the ann tion, and other cha.ae• ve bope have pleased you . M AGEL co t 1tee..t 1• ver.y 1.1tt..e changed. 'l'bere llhoul.d e.ver be a . te . The . t pollc1ea that the Cactus atatf adhears to i . e frQ8 the preeea.gch . 1 . tatio . ete coverage in -rllhip lloto and repreeelp...otbe cg.g1v1 lpa.ea..bad tbe uau\/e •e.orty Acre . ouru.daro.;t.of actirtf1e1.daa.... a.dta. Stude .& Outet&ndiect the 1959 Bellee, tbee..p ue a .. ot Judges to be Goodfellova .a of course, e be1.p of a f1e. otaff bebind .. abs.diope . the id, ua. \/e bope that each of you enjoy lookia. over thie eixty-eixtb .vl 1.e of tbe Cactua and tbrougbout the )' are to c.o.ae Looa after your college MAXWELL Cactue . 9 pe that thio 19l.oin ure•a buey hishvar• ved.daye are lef't bebi can reca.... ..,rieo or theoe beot )'eara or )'Our llfe frQ8 tbe bu;y dre ­like r b.e..er .ace Of )'Our dayo &t \11'. f a . For tbie is tbe rea1. value yearbook, to bave 1 t aro.ud to be1.p you flasb back to tbe :paat for a vb11.e ot tbea....a.d,rka.1the bda, . back tbe good tiaeo, the trie .& to bri thougbte that return to you about )'Our er da)"8 spent bere. 1.. 6.. 'l'be 1959 etatr llhea )'OU Joyable boure ot readia. .ad r i..e­ . e.any -.abri . re houre io...lll8D)'t . over your Cactus, tor tbey bave apeg.ocii. •)'OUveraity llfe tou.itbie acrapbook of your .& i PROUTY ~d~ Bud Toole Editor ZABA Poge 249 THE DAILYTEXAN ••" .. THE D....w.114J TEXAN First PLAN AH[~ . . Box 8040. UN ON. A. Vt.AYTY S . Aum x.uT.. .. 1 . Ro8& 8v1.u.01 Gto•ac. Ru c.a .Ol/.E.1•Lui~11 .\ Septezber 1959 ., Clu·•. •t1t. 1 &l To Tl.e S-tudents: The Daily Texan, "The South'e 1"1rst College Da1ly, " vaded 1nto 1ts f1fty­n1nth year ot serv1ce to the UT c1nu.....oty 1n 1958-59 v1 tb a etrong sense ot 1ts free and 1ndependent her1tage. .A entbus1ast1c and 1dea-full staf'f sougbt to bring a "nev Look" to the etudent nevapaper that baa bec 01..e one of the eos't respec:ted 1n tbe nat1on. ber of 11firet1" dur1ng the year vhile cont1nu1ng ..wa1led dovn a . The Texan the baa1c Texan trad1t1on• vae . O 1n March !or tooc.mBecause I vas torced to atep d58-59.' 3. 1 th1s capec1ty dur1 ,Ed1tor 3. 1 llina McCain took over tor one veek as Act1t1ckets, 3. 1 aany cazpue park1 e "firat11 the ed1torsbip itself. Tb.ree ditferent persons aerved 1n and Carl Bovard asau.ed tbe re1gns 1n April for tne reet ot the year. Ed1tor1ally, the Texan crusaded respona1b111ty and cons1stently for iz­areaa: s.1 academ1e atmosphere, teach1 curriculum, and studentll&l\Y . provement 1 e as leclt ot Jlegro opportunitleo on campus and..eout a"t ouch probl 3. 1 Str1k1life. an 1neftectlve ,. 1nd1v1dual and group prov1nc1al1s , 3. 1 1n1t1atlon hat1nearby, South at Conterence Sportaaan.ah1p Co.a.ttee, 00 Week.ea. 1'soak1ng" .ad "Teac.h­ at1onal . ".vent 1'0ut on a L1abu&lly . educat1on coursea, the Texan cont1 cra.tt" . a'xa. . .e t1on ot tbe Te a c8Dl}>&1gn aga1nat "Silent Generation ac:ulty" and scbo­ la.st1c diehoneoty brougbt .oore eainence . Departcentally, the Texan va.s revuped tor broeder cupua coverage: Sports zade the t1rot Southvest Conterence football tour 1n b1story, covered 1ntr8111Urale o..re c.loaely, and .aore uae ot p1ctures and cartoona, ade help1ng to build campua ... epir1t (qulte eucceeetul tor A&M and OU!); Cp.ua l1te (toe..rrly "soc1ety") etressed teaturea, terv1 a, &.d euch areaa aa 1nternattonal e'tudent progri....ang to give . 1 broeder, .oore aer1oua, and. o..re all-campua ..ephasia; and Amuser.enta (one of the tev - re vith an out ... etreaaed "cultural" eventatate) . 1n theamuaementa 1)86ee da11.y otanding opec1al edition on tbe 1"1ne Arte l"est1val. dna.ae nt that the Texan had again beene..ee year va.s the announc..t 3. 1 B11!hl1gbt1 to the "elite" ot coUeae nevapapera v1th .e "All-k.er1can" ra.t1ng by tbe Aseoc1ated third plece 3. 1 "1nn1 Collegiate Preeo Aaeoe1at1on. Anotber reather ln tbe cap vaa . 1n the at1onal College l'levepaper Saf'ety Conteet. Cartoon1et J1"' Goodn1gbt von first 1n the cartoon div1e1on. . e Daily Texan ..:. year torer1ng"e."p1oeran.all 1t vaa a b . All 1 ~1:: ~7. bb K. Burlege~~,. r ld.1torl"oe..r ~~ ~ ROBB KENDRICK BURLAG E Editor-in-Chief Fal l STAFF Spring 1--. ·La LARRY NEAL HURWITZ . .. News Ed itor ... . LARRY NEAL HURWITZ ROBERTA ANN LOVE . . Assistant News Editors ROBERTA LEE DOWNING ROBERTA LEE DOWNING MAURICE SAMUEL OLIAN MAURICE SAMUEL OLIAN NINA J. McCAIN ARBON JACK LOWE GEORGE PHARR ... Sports Editor. . . . . . . . . . . .... JACK ELTON KEEVER JACK ELTON KEEVER ...... . ..... Associate Sports Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GERALD CLAUDE GREEN GERALD CLAUDE GREEN. . . lntramural Sports Editor. . ... EDWARD KNOCKE, JR. GERALD LYNN HURLEY LEAH RAE OLSON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .... . Campus Life . .....Ed itor . .. . . MARILYN KAY MILLER MARILYN KAY MILLER . ....... .. ... . .. . Associate Campus Life Editor . . KAY ESTHER PONDER B. DARWIN PAYNE . . . . . .. Amusements. ...... ... ..Editor . . JAMES T. HOLMAN C. T. CLIFF SMITH . . . . •. . . . ..... Associate Amusemenls .Editor JOHNNY WESLEY TACKETT SAM E. KINCH, JR. . . . • . . . • . . . .... Exchange. . .Ed itor LEON NORROD GRAHAM BEVERLY SUE FULKES . ... . lssue . .Editors . . . .. BEVERLY SUE FULKES NINA J. McCAIN IVEY NELWYN WILLIAMS BETTY ANN WATERS JACK EDWIN MOSELEY JOE CARROLL RUST LEONEL E. CARDENAS CYRENA JO NORMAN BETTY JO MILES CARL DEAN HOWARD LEE JONES .JANIS JEAN JACKSON ........ . .... . ...... Assistant lssue Editors . SONJA Y A TES IVEY NELWYN WILLIAMS THEODORA BELLE SHAWVER MARIE JOSEPHINE EICKMANN DONALD PATRICK MYERS JOHN WARWICK LEE JAMES MILTON HAYNES, JR. Y JO MILES .BE KAREN WHEELER JULIANNE LANE ... Editorial Assislants . . HAL FREEMAN SIMMONS A. VIRGINIA NASH MARIE JOSEPHINE EICKMANN HARRY DAVID KIRKPATRICK LEE JONES HAL FREEMAN SIMMONS HARRY DAVID KIRKPATRICK JULIANNE LANE CAROLINE VOGEL CARLOS CONDE .... ................... Thanksgiving Special LEONEL E. CARDENAS. . ......... ... ..... Round-Up Editor Page 250 ...li.."""""""""""""""""""""""""""""8.:" l!lll!lml'lllZl!llll8=.! l'lllllllmm.l! UY,lllIIIJ:e.1~~~~l!S!~~~l\\'.llJll!l'~WTJ'?Z/. rm'~~!!1!5'1:1Q~~!!8i..,"8 Elbert A. Brewer Sara Allisan Burroughs Mary Ellen Davenport James Paris Goodnight Wilborn R. Hampton Charles W . Hoehne Jimmy Hyatt Dan Lambden Betty Jane Leatherwood Kay Longcope Archie R. Mangram William Allen Melton GEORGE E. RUNGE Monoging Editor STAFF ASSISTANTS Virginia Mika Danald Patrick Myers John Joseph Nauer Harriet Eleanor Olsen Robert Erwin Palmer Samuel Jerome Payne William Y. Penn, Jr. Ronald Norris Pague Lettye Jane Presley John Lee Pundt Leonard Retiz Rebecca Ann Reynalds Jaan Ruesch Patricia Wynn Rusch Charles Wayne Smith Larry Duncan Thampsan Frances Jean Taepperwein Eleanar Vaughan Caraline Vagel William Kyle Vallmer Cynthia Ann Vallmer Barbara Ward Cliffard Alvin Zumwalt JAMES T. HOLMAN, Managing Editor, May NINA J. McCAIN, Acting Editor, March Top Row: Downing, Eickmonn, Fulkes, Grohom . Sixth Row: Miles, Miller, Moseley, Myers . ., Olson on . Nosh, Normon, Ol Row: d Row: Green, Hoynes, Holmon, Hurley . Seventh . Seco Third Row: Hurwitz, Jockson, Jones, Keever. Eighth Row: Poyne, Phorr, Ponder, Rust . Fourth Row : Kinch, Kirkpotrick, Knocke, Lone . Ninth Row: Shawver, Simmons, Smith, Tackett .llio:ns . Wheeler, W d May Fifth Row: Lee, Love, Lowe, McCoin. Tenth Row: Woters . aApri/Editor, ~·'l,1,1,/ " IJ/ ~.;'-t',-/~/,..-V. ;,././1/11 , .• ·• THE TEXAS RANGER ll•/l•'ol,i(,o (. J};/1JJ~l' . FRANK H. STACK Editor FRANK H. STACK, Editor LEONARD FREDERICK GIESECKE, JR., Associate Editor HARRY DAVID KIRKPATRICK, Managing Editor ALVIN HANSEN BARNES, JR., Art Directar N....~...~~...--..........' "'...'".-""' 111 ~ .~ ' STUDENT MAGAZINE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXA Septemiler 1959 To 'l.'be Studenta: .ne 1958-59 Ra.ger "aa healtby. Rw.or a~a that 1t re~da..e ..gfold1 .. ey and had 1ta prof1ta eaten up to keep the Texan rro . o .. The year vaa ra..ked v1th the uaual reuda v1th 1dle cenaora and student pur1tana, occaa1onal ahots at the Texa. vb1ch offered 11ttle sport to the feud and general caroua1g. around . parody of Theer'aa.ge R..t:re>.ee year..tta of . A fev high po1 e . the Mar1 . h1a etint 1 . ser1es oAshby'ac.L.Pvt. . .Americ:e.n . Auati. -by Dorthea FreeMen!"Ugh, .' ,an Aggie• by Barry Bolland..a"ICorpe, -Tel.eMy B&ck" by Harry K1rkpatr1ck1 and "Bov BeU . ey ok."Nogood, phoe. l/aa D1g.ed" by lllY••lf. 'l.'be Ra.ger alao had & .h..uer of strcg. pl cture teaturee, aucl. as "Tbe Blunderbuaa" by Leonard G1eaecke and " Kappa S1gs Shoot B&ck" by B1ll Bee..lr. 'l'hia, too, vaa ..te f1rat er aought and publiahed art1cl ea bya.gyeara that the Rf'1ve . 1e..1t tacu..ty i.e..bera . Natural.ly, no one apprec:lated th..e. AU three ed1tors graduated1 960 ataff a clean slate .. theg.leav1 tor next year' a Ra.ger . ~s'Q....."'""° 3 Fra.k Stack Ed1tor UNIVE I S ITY OF TEXAS • AUSTIN 12, TEXAS JACKLYN JENKINS, Photography Editar LYNN ASHBY, Exchange Editor WILLIAM JOSEPH HELMER, Fiction Editar and Winner of Short Story Contest GILBERT MATISON WYRICK, Has been around a Long Time. LEONARD FREDERICK GIESECKE, JR. HARRY DAVID KIRKPATRICK Associate Editor Managing Editor Page 252 ~~~~~~~~-•n~­ STANTS . STAFF ASS Deanna Lee Bellman Janet Claire Boegli Jonathan Bracker Wiley Brady William Bourke Cassin Alan Darrell Causey Donald Royce Chapman Edd C. Clark Judy A. Coggeshall Conoly Collum Atlee Marion Cunninghom, Jr. Walter Benton Dunagan Janice Kay Durr Anne Elka Eckert Jack E. Estes ... ,John Riley Evans Glenn Lloyd Garrison James Paris Goodnight Shannon LaNelle Harris Harry Holland Dave Huffstetler Wayne Gowen Johnson William Devereux Klapp John Warwick Lee John R. Matlock Rik McBride Gordon David Mclendon Robert Elton Mims John Joseph Nauer John Nuhn Robert Erwin Palmer Ronald Norris Pogue Roberta Powell Dudley Ward Roberts Nanci Ann Schabbehar Jay Woodard Barbara Word Top Row: Kirkpatrick, Stack, Giesecke. Bottom Row: Barnes, Schabbe­ hor, Durr, Gorrison, Hoiry, Ranger, Wyrick, McBride, Jenkins. Poge 253 TEXAS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS, INC. BUSINESS STAFF LESTER LOYD EDMONDS, JR., General Manager HARRELL ESTES LEE, Editorial Manager FRANKIE MAE LINDSEY, Business Manager INGE SULLIVAN, Office Manager DOROTHY MOODY RICKS, Comptroller JOHN L. ROSS, JR., Circulation Manager MARY MARGARET FRAZIER, Advertising Manager WILLIAM THOMAS HAYS, Mechanical Superintendent MARGUERITE FREEMAN, Cactus Supervisor MARTHA JUNE BRAMBLITT, Office Assistant JOHN CHARLES HARRISS, Office Assistant KENNETH WARREN NORDEMAN, Advertising Office Assistant GARY ALLEN ANDERSON, Advertising Office Assistant WILLIAM JOSEPH HELMER, Photographer DUDLEY WARD ROBERTS, Photographer DAVE HUFFSTETLER, Photographer WILLIAM JOE MONAHAN, Photographer KENNETH THOMPSON MILLER, Cactus Photographer DAIL Y TEXAN ADVERTISING SALESMEN William Louis Compton Louis Richard Smith, 111 William Noel Copeland William Bryan Stoermer Thomas Robert Evans Douglas Arthur Swail Max William Hittle Ronald Will iam W hite J. Max Smith TEXAS RANGER ADVERTISING SALESMEN Walter Winn Durham Arbon Jack Lowe CACTUS ADVERTISING SALESMAN John Kimbrell Darling l'age 254 Top Row : Edmonds, Lindsey. Second Row : Lee, Frazier. Third Row: Freeman, Ricks. Fourth Row: Sullivan, Ross. Fi fth Row: Hays, Bramblitt. Sixth Row: Harriss, Nordeman, Anderson. W.l .... MN",_/>n ­--".--''"" .-=..,,,,.- ---".'~~• • .- "<.- m . .,.......,...,.....,.....,--.,....,.......,______________________________________________________.... ­-..- DEPARTMENT OF MILITARY SCIENCE The Department of Military Science and Tactics, estab­lished in July 1947, has trained thousands of students in Military Science and Tactics and has produced over 1200 commissioned officers for the United States Army. The Army ROTC program has the mission of producing college trained officers for both the Regular Army and the Army Reserve; officers trained today who may be called to lead tomorrow in the event of a national emergency. A wise and prudent man shuns war but knows that war may come from any type of international incident. Con­sequently, this same man prepares himself to meet this partcampus" .." kind of emergency through the ROTC of his college education. Army ROTC gives the student a broad understanding of the functioning and problems of our national government and a knowledge of our nation's defenses. This type training prepares the student to better r:.eet the challenges of our modern day living and pro­duces a better citizen. At the end of his college years, the Military Science graduate steps forth into the world to take his place among the leaders. Recognizing the need for educated men in the military service, John Milton, in 1644, wrote, "a complete and gen­erous education .fts a man to perform justly and skillfully S . COLOHEL CURTIS THEODORE RICKE Professor of Military Science and Tactics all the offices, both private and public, of peace and war". Major Donald A. Fox Major James L. Henshaw Major Charles Gunter Olentine orman Grant Tempio . Captain First Lieutenant Samuel J. Garrett Master Sergeant 1rving T. Cutter Mastet Sergeant James Willie Farmer Master Sergeant George Benjamin Grace Colonel Marvin L. Bell Lieutenant Colonel George H. Cornish Lieutenant Colonel Charles F. Langley ewlin . Master Sergeant Felix Master Sergeant Henry Martin Paul Master Sergcant Herman E. Shugart Master Sergeant Granville Stewart Sergeant First Class Tolland Olin Livesay Page 256 ARMY R. 0. T. C. 2ND LE GROUP STAFF . BA Weigel, Jr vin Maury Levine, Tom John . vis Stafford, A . Front Row: John Tatum Green, Ben A .es Karkowsky . Jay Ju, . Hampe . Second Row: Guy Crain Fambrough, Albert Car . Bytheeberry, . Cast . yn Jordan, Vance LaNoa . G .. Second Row: James Sidney Bissett, Herre K. Cooper, Jr. BRIGADE STAFF .er, Harry A. Jones .. Front Row: Kenneth Lee Oehler, Lewis Wheeler Donaghey, Scott Petty, Jr., Kenneth Thomas Mi .George Roy Harrisondstein, . Kenneth Wayne Heathington, Maurice Go .,.. ,es Houston Harris . Second Row: Dan Lambden, Char 4TH LE GROUP STAFF . BA ... . Stoe . . .. Lewis. Lee Ku .es Joseph Macmanus . iam Shohan, Henry Carr Pritchett, Jr., Char .. es Hugh Hoge . Second Row: Robert Wi . Second Row: J. Gilbert Luke, Jack Stuart Roberts, Jr., James Char Wesley Lee Wuyman, John Edward Swinde s, Lewis er, . Front Row: Luke C. Fisher, Dwight Frank in Henderson, Joe Edward tje, Gera d Royce Front Row: George Edmund Batche ARMY COMPANY FIRST PLATOON Front Row: Williom Lynn Mothes, Jomes Albert Trotter, Robin Nikolos Greene, Jesse Jock Sedwick, Jock DouglosJockson, Conord Fry Yoncy, Williom Jomes McCroskey. WilliomRoy Prock, .. Second Row: Williom Curson Rochelle, Jolen Milton Hothowoy, Almond Josper Hoys, Jr., V Lymon Dovis, Robert Allon Biggs, Jose Guodolupe Jimenez . Third Row: Jomes Andrew Stevens, Erben Joseph Schuldt, Joe E. Goldmon, Robert Ernest Mongum, Pot English COMPANY Clork, Roger Alon Kerbow, Joe Kelton Wells, Jr. FIRST PLATOON Front Row: Williom Maurice McCondless, Edgor Eugene Boiley, Jr., Williom Thompson McKissock, Jr., Thomas Cal­vin Moody, Jr., Williom Horold Corter, Michoel Woyne O'Neill, Michoel Henry Montgomery, Sidney Lee Wolton . Second Row: Edwin Lee Goff, Roger Ken Boenziger, Donold Gene Zimmermonn, Jomes Arthur Bossett, Wolter Flynn .rfield Murphy, Gory Frederick Toft . Jomes Fielding Dunlap, Thomos GBuell, Third Row: Allan Glynn Abbe, Bruce Corlton Pettitt, Edword Simon Peterson, Benjomin Rush Norvell, Thomos Worth COMPANY Dovis, Jr" Donold George Coltrin, Vernon Worren Fridoy, Robert Miller Dickson . FIRST PLATOON Front Row: Jomes Wolter Mcforlond, Jomes Corroll Herring, Jr., Sidney C. Weiss, Victor Elgin Boldridge, Thomos Jr., Vonntoscoy, . Weir Lobott, Joseph Jomes Willioms, Pctrick Stephens Lutts, John Leslie Poyne, Chorles S .son . e . Worth Robinson, Charles Schreiner Second Row: Jomes Mortin Honcock, Jr., Lorry Joseph Sochnowitz, Fred Joseph Horper, Jomes Allen Roger, Harold .ster Glozer, Adelordo Flores, Joel Phillip Koy, Monte Edward McDoniel chs, Lorry Sylve . Pocey Loves, Corl Horry S Third Row: Grody Dyson Bruce, Emmett H. Murroy, Henry Leon Wolker, Jr., Perry Joe Rodofo, Fred Frozier Ligon, Will Hogg Greothouse, Don Hube rt Smith, Williom Thomos Allison, Williom Leroy Stein. -;? • \') 1­ ""i1.1IJ.l4''-~\ ~..:..~....---" A R. 0. T. C. Front Row: Oscar Herrera Martiner, Richard Car . ton Jones, Jack A .. en Beaz . ey, John Embry Hunt, Robert Craddock, Page, Nix O'Brien Bodden, Robert G Musgrove, Peter Arch Wersa Robert Newton King . . en ,. Second Row: Haro . d Russe .. Joseph, Jr., G Lee Hardin, Martin Edwin Hester, Johnnie Kar . . Oeh er, Abe ardo D. . enn . .. Jr., James Murry E Hinojosa, Stephens, Harry er, Gary Chris Hitt, Wa . do James Bither, John B. Padgett. Third Row: Autry Car .. ewe. L ph Semmes Jackson, Mason Edward Co SECOND PLATOON Kent, James Merritt Graves, Dona . d A . bert Porter, Char es Snow . . yn Akin, Roberto Constantakis, Ra . .ins .. . Front Row: Michael Asa ~ George Benjamin Sandifer, Harry Wayne Sanderson, Wi .. iam Pau . Mettke, Roberttone, Schrimm Burnside, Wi . iam C .. ement Mattei, Thomas Gray Godfrey, James Roger Martin. Second Row: . E mar Sch gene Campbe Spencer, Wi Harry Wa . Pat Kker, ather, Joseph Wayne Roberts, John Manahan Watson. aus, Gera . . d G ynn Crutsinger, James Ear .. Wa .. .. . . ace, oyd. F . Wi fred Hi . . Third Row: Frank Mclean Jenkins, David Carter Campbe ,.. . Virgi Raymond Smith, Larry Ca . vin Ne . son, Richard Drake, Char . es H. Owens, Jr., Roger Terry Shaper, Robert Wi .iam Swango .. SECOND PLATOON Front Row: Jack Ear ,.. Ferre . Robert Louis Storer, Orrin Kep . er Grove, Anthony M. Truchard, Morris Braunston, Char . es She . ton Coates, Leonard J. Mend . ovitz, Freddie Sherman Harkavy. Second Row : Leon Laforest Ho .. and, Wa . ter Christopher Jones, Benton Herbert Ginsberg, Frank Lester Levy, Dona . d Mark Feferman, Ernest Patrick Bond, Stevens Farris Mafrige. Third Row: Di . iard Maurice Chappe ,. . Robert Darre . Yoder, James Hoke Peacock, . . , Robert Eugene West, Harry Mark Hermann, Burton Lee Rakoover, John Ha .Kochevar .. ARMY COMPANY FIRST PLATOON Front Row: Robert Campbell Hewell, George Douglas Duwe, Don Estes Bird, John Charles Pool, Mike Sullivan McArthur, Robert Henry Ritter, William Howard Pharr, Robert Wayne Whitis, lsrael Reuben Doner, Thomas Carl Sonnenberg, John David Baird. Second Row: Gary Lloyd Dowis, Milam Shelton Johnson, Jr., William Ray Robinson, Thomas Michael Cassin, Warren Linton Collins, Jr., John Turner O'Banion, Albert A. Taub, Leslie Noel Windham, William Robinson O'Hair, Patrick Thomas Shields. COMPANY Third Row : John Greer Benson, Andrew Austin Smith, James Percival Edwards, Williom Horold LoFont, Robert Botes Renick, John Michoel Kamenor, Jr., Kerry H. O'Quinn, Anthony Girord Lozono. FIRST PLATOON Front Row: Jomes P. Briscoe, Lourence Eugene Linden, Jerome Hill, IV, Jock Felton Furrh, Thomos Perry Scott, Edgar Hill Enochs, Borton LeRoy Fruhmon, Don Duone Ford. Second Row: George Dovid Conn, Trovis Gene Ansley, John Poul Stevenson, Joe Thomos Horren, Thomos AnthonyDrowert, David Rennie Koepp, Don Miller Abel, Cyril Dorwin Stopleton, Williom Fred Miller. Third Row : John Kenney Matthews, Thomos Keith Meier, Joseph Knopp Perry, Robert Kenneth Coonrod, Jr., Gilbert COMPANY Motison Wyrick, John Knox Bowling, Jr., Ben Poul Tonksley, Jerry Williom Russell. 1i FIRST PLATOON Front Row: Robert Herman Brewer, Roy Brien Varnado, Emerson Banock, Jr., Dovid Otto Nilsson, Samuel Dovid Glossmon, Kenneth Roy Dunlop, Roymond Lewis Scorborough, Jerry Lynn Leodbetter, Gunter Kimbrough Goskell, Wolter Winn Durhom. Second Row : Rodrick Worren Dennis, Colvert Anthony Benedict, Jomes Monroe Kruse, John Hompton Morsholl,Dovid Clyde Tiller, Robert Martin Woinger, Wolter Lee Jones. Third Row : Donold Eugene Roper, Peyton Lombeth Townsend, Stonewoll Von Wie, George Williom Swain, 111, Richard L. Nelson, Michael Coke Cochran, John Robert Kittrell. ; \)'' _, ":. ,,1;/tl.J~~~\~,,~. D R. 0. T. C. .. -~---­ SECOND PLATOON Front Row: Edwin Roger Wright, Thomas Gould Hendrick, Robert Connor Brig!ls, Jim Alan Babcock, Lawrence Doug­Deary, Steve Simon, Warren Robert Cl nton John Ly Johnson, Oan .. ,Ernest . Brewer, las Jr., Marshall William • Shelton Gafford, Andre Bouchard. E Second Row: Arnold Erich Krause, William lrvin Wyatt, Jon Stuart LaS!.er, Kenneth Warren Nordeman Robert Sheppard Boyhe, William John Lyons, Thomas Barnhill Carter, Jack Frank Lutts, Jay Rodney Kline, Ju(es Follis Rose, Don Paul Mafrige. Third Row: Charles Curry Wright, John Carrol Vogt, Wilson Clarke Cook, Walter Philip Conway, William Cameron McCulloch, James Ross Delaney, Don Alvin Ramey, Robert W. Spencer, Jr., Robert P. Wood. • F SECOND PLATOON Front Row: Alex Dennis McNabb, Ronny Wayde Nicholas, Robert Leolin Gross, William Joe Gage, Jr., Dee Robert Brown, Richard Glen Wansley, Larry Lester Bowers, Bobby Lee Verplank. James Arthur 111, Chesley ,Watson, William Belt, Robert Monroe May .. Second Row: Rollins Bailey, Jerry Ly Wiggins Johnston, Clarence L. Callaway, Victor 8. Jaeggli, Jr. Third Row: Phillip David Stotland, Glenn Earl Altwein, Lowell Donald Buss, William Fleming Moreland, Herman Ringler, Ly Blakeley Starkey, Huey Leon McNealy. .. SECOND PLATOON Front Row: Paul McCaughey Hagans, Jeff Austin, Jr., Joe Lynn Woodward, Gary Alvin Goldfeder, Marion Edward Striegler, John Randle Taylor David Adolph Gershner, Carroll Gene Erwin. Second Row: Richard Stuart Chancellor, Lesley Curtis Boyle, Edward Randall Reed, Homer Bruce Matlock, Gilberto Saenr, James William O'Dowd, Robert Gist Knupp. Third Row: William Albert Nash, Samuel lra Rosson, Jr., Hugh Moss Wright, Jerry Paul Dehlinger, Morris JayEngle, Wayne William Walker, Derald Wayne Turner. " ... ,. (11//,1 ./ _' /~.~---,,: /-.// 1111 / ,. J ARMY COMPANY . .j111 ~\ 1 ,. '~f~"/ . FIRST PLATOO Front Row: Ben M. Potterson, Jr., Roymond Dole Weothers, Hermon Lowrence Gordner, Jr., Dovid L. Pollord, Johnny Richord Jones, George Gunter Edgerton, Thomos Lofferty Adleto, Robert Wolter Pegg, Jomes Robert Sorrell, Jr. Second Row: Sterling Somuel eumon, Williom Edgor Wolters, Henry Edword Podgett, Jr., Joe Edword Blumentritt, Robert Lester Elkins, Richord Stonley Morsholl, Williom Kylc Vollmer, Amodor C. Gorcio. Third Row: Robert Joseph Finegon, Henry Oren Getchell, Roy Sims Goodmon, Gi/bert Hondy Dominguez, Wolloce COMPANY . .ormon Poinier . otions, Dovid . Horper FIRST PLATOON Front Row: Williom J. Wymon, Judoh Bernord Shultz, Chorles Frederick Eckhordt, Horvey An­drew Whiteheod, Anthony Jerome Borber, Chorles Abney Coss, Ben Chilton Boren, Horold Lee Ronkin. elson Fredrick Bippert, Ronnie Lothom Pruett, Clifford Perry Shonkle, Jr., Tillmon . :5econd Row Dovid O' Brien, Wolter Allen Folks, Glen Alvin Milligon, Williom Jerry Cook. Third Row: John Robert Corter (11), Dorrell Dovid Wilson, Bill W. Bounds, Albert Lee Scott, Richord George Munzinger, Comeron Herschel Gotes, John Co/emon Dowson. CONFEDERATE DRILL SOUAD COLOR GUARD Front Row: Gory Alvin Goldfeder, Elgene Compbell Spencer, Weldon Woolf Hommond, Ernesto De Lo Roso. oel . Second Row: Kyle Winston Sherrill, Horold Lee Ronkin, Derold Woyne Turner, Leslie Windhom• Third Row: Ben Alvis Stofford, Jovier Lopcz Celoyo, Chorles frederick Eckhordt, Roy Brien Left to Right: Jock London, John Williom Copelond, Richord Morcus Hermer, Kenneth HoilcyVornodo. Wox, Joseph Lowrence Conrod, Hol Freemon Simmons. 18f!"""""""""""""""~.."" ....i."""181.i..181181i-.l!..lil&.!lVJt!2s::ii1Eiii!!!Ei'/IN[/,.ll.lll/Jlmll~~!3':11!!~!![\\i~'<:!!~HJ:ml.~~!.flrM..(~~-~~~~1J111.-i~ G R. 0. T. C. SECOND PLATOON Front Row: James Leon Hailey, James Boyd House, Paul Thomas Pixley, Kenneth Wesley Burch, Dennis Bernorr Borborok, James Robert Moffett, Joe Curtis 1 rvin. Second Row: Benjomin Nicholls Homilton, Robert Show Goines, Molcolm Cordell Hull, Jomes Sidney Cowlfield, H Horry Voughn Bonds, Jr. Third Row: Glenn Alon Cornogey, Dovid Marvin Helmer, Durword Lee Curlee, Don Lorry Tolbert, Lowrence Ervin Josmon, Robert Mortin Kirstein. SECOND PLATOON Front Row: Chorles Cushmon Cate, Fred Bednorski, John Reiter Wilson, Willio Ross Loughlin, Williom Richord Costle, Dovid Merrill Pork, Ke neth Stewart . ;.. Lyon, Williom Embry Fullingim. Second Row: Dovid Gorrett Clevelond, Michoel Wayne lmhoof, Mortin Poul Ross, Nothon Frederick Cliett, John Foster Pettit, Donold Roy Sefcik, Edword Allen Hoight. Third Row: Kenneth Hostings Sovoge, Jeffrey Honson Hubbord, Thomos Corroll Homilton, V.oyne Trovis Jolly, Ernesto De La Roso, Ace Morgon Owens, Dohl Morshol, Robert Bryon Twoddell . RANGER COMPANY Dannie Lee Wolter ,.. ,nt Row: William Vonn Brown, John Clydc Robinson, Jr., Robcrt Froncis Eorhort, Albcrt Boggess Kimboll, Roy Horroun :. Fr Wright Jones, Bowon Littrell, Williom Worner Witcher, Mclvin Howord Voncil, Williom Tonsley Boiley, Jomcs Williom Queen, Dovid Pierson Robertson, Donold H. Poole, Jr. Second Row: Dovid Bcnton Dibrcll, John Duncon Osburn, Austin Prentiss Young, Lynn Sondol John Athol Herrington, Jr., Bernord Edword Breihon, ecler,B ... John Mock Speors, 1 Jomes Lonor Monkrcs, Benjomin Sims Porrock, Frcd Doyton Benrin~er, Robert Douglos Roody . Third Row: Gcrold Lcc Sewcll, Wolloce Reed Oliver, Ron Lee Coldwell, Hcnry Clifford B.r ley, Everett Kinne Mclby, Melvin August Horn, Ronold Lee Vonmeter,John Collins Trube, Perry Morion McClendon, Tommy DiMoggio DcShozor, Lcoton Thomos Ol ivcr. ~ 1,1•1111-s, \~.. J1 f1//•I /._.,...-;.-/~/ //'11,f • ......,. , ­ ARMY R. 0. T. C. SPONSORS .- J.// i 1 :. Front Row : Beverly Jean Whelchel, Company G, Honorary Cadet Captain; Ruth llene Perry, Fourth Battle Group, Honorary Cadet Lieutenant Colonel; Melinda Louise Burkhart, Company D, Honorary Cadet Captain. Second Row: Patricia Anne Hudson, Third Battle Group, Honorary Cadet Lieutenant Colonel; Nancy Catherine Tolve, Company H, Honorary Cadet Captain; .n . Harriet Cromwell, Company C, Honorary Cadet Captain; Eleanor Katherine P~rry, Confederate Squad, Honorary Cadet Capta Third Row: Shirley Ann Snipes, Brigade Headquarters, Honorary Cadet Colonel; Elizabeth Ann Brown, Company B, Honorary Cadet Captain; Gwendolyn Sue Andrews, Company F, Honorary Cadet Captain; Annette Anderson, First Battle Group, Honorary Cadet Lieutenant Colonel. Poge 264 ~"""""""""""""""""""""...""" MTA!!1111SB1118.rmEi!lil~111.n:w.fWlfl1111111~~m.~~1e:!~~.nM~m~~~~~~.sa.1111'.l.'lll!~ DEPARTMENT OF NAVAL SCIENCE one . he University of Texas is of the .f fty­two Universities in the United States having a Naval R.O.T.C. Unit. ln September, 1940, the Navy .f rst the campus. The de­ .. appeared mand for Officers during World War 11 made necessary an expanded program to include the Flight Preparatory School and a Navy Thousands of students have received2 Unit. . -V their commissions as Ensigns in the Navy or Naval Reserve and as Second Lieutenants in the Marine Corps or the Marine Reserve. Navy -2 Unit was decommissioned . The V 946 and the Holloway Plan . in June of was adopted. The enrollment in the Texas Unit usually averages about 340 students. Many of the students receive valuable training through the summer cruises which enables them to apply their textbook knowledge to seaman­ship. Ports in Europe, Canada, and the Carib­bean are visited. COLONEL WILLIAM A. KENGLA Professor of Naval Science STAFF Front Row: Lieutenant Commander Orvill L. Pilgrim, Commander Ben Hill Stough, Jr., Colonel William A. Kengla, Lieutenont Commonder Jomes Groff Evons, Major Robert Edword Porrott. Second Row : Quartermaster Jomes Gordon Pauley, Mrs. Ramsey Farley, Mrs. Muriel H. Plosky, Chief Williom Neher Smith. Third Row: Lieutenont Junior Grode Bernard Henry Trimble, Lieutenont Rollond E. Leenerts, Lieutenont John Corroll Smith, Sergeant Leon Barry Andrews, Yoeman Edmund Dovis. . ." •A.........•lf. .1.l'/. -:;....-:;--".{/-,,,r"i !: ~\, j 1 ',\ jlll,.~ ••l/lf·J SPONSORS Left to Right: Patricia Lee Wall, Suzanne Furneaux, Carolyn Camille Robcrtson, Betty Louise Brewster. SENIORS Front Row: William Neal Kocurek, James Terry Topham, Daniel Maurice Phillips, Bobby Dave Lain, John William Pieper, Robert Stephen Carter, Richard Thurman Buffler, Ben Allen Meharg, Albert Julius Toole, Royce Linton Cutler. Second Row: Fredrick Mitchell Silver, Rex Glenn Roberts, Billy Ronald Carnes, George Holmes Ginn, Jerry David Tate, Weldon Woolf Hammond, Richard Allen Mohun, Ronald Eugene Eddy, Walter Webb Duson. Third Row: Robert Nelson Shclby, Frank Eugene McLain, Fred Ligarde, James Kenneth Alfred, Jr., Joe Ed Martin. Poge 266 ALPHA COMPANY __,-----~~­ ,eal McKinney, William Howard Espey, Jr., Hugh Gibbs Mood . Front Row: Samuel Robert Cummings, 111, Joseph E. C. Martin, Jacob Joel Goldfinger, Charles Roger Caldwell Henderson, Paul Edward Stalling.s1 Don L. Kirksey, Wilford Dale McCann, Daniel Roger Mays, Larry Don Knippa, Ronald Thomas Piepho, Rodgers Harper, Richard Earl Holloway, Dennis Martin Phillips, John Rentz Doggett, 111 . Second Row: Michael Howard Townsend, Richard McDowell DeGeurin, 8. DeTraver Ladyman, Ritchie Hocker Reed, George Alan Nugent, William Kendall Adam, ,Joseph Edward Tepera, Thomas Richard Clower, Jack Lee McDaniel, Calvin Wayne Huffman, Richard V. Parish, Harvey Keith Fahrentholdeill, . Harry John Philip James Albin. Third Row: John Michael Rush, Joseph Hudgens Dominey, Charles Hubert Petri, Michael Scott Fry, Larry Allan Fulbright, Roy Eugene Miller, Robert Milford Wright, Robert He..:r Schmidt, Richard Wollsey Chote, John Dee forgy, Ronald J. Finger, Jimmy Hulvey Bratten, Lynn Richard Kromminga, Don Luther Sparks, .Jrns, . Everett Franklin Coll Fourth Row: Ronald Lynn Woodfin, Leslie Allen Sanders, William Neal Kocurek, Charles lvan Ashbaugh, Joe Michael McGeath, Charles Terrance Hopper, David Robert Bcmmer, Berry Bruce Tolle, Thomas Rush Mast. BRAVO COMPANY -----~­ Front Row: Bobby Dave Lain, George Raphael Rogers, Harold Eichenbaum, Jr., John Henry Herber, Richard Maurice Moore, Jr., David Kiker Hughes, John T. .orman Pierce Hardy, Atlee Marion Cunningham, Jr., Robert Donald McCullough, Curtis R. Shuler . ,Dorbandt Second Row: Raymond Carlton Smith, Daniel Thomas Pape, Kenneth Baldwin Mcfarland, James Joseph Jaros, George Durden Gibbs, Jr., Tom Folts Womack, Daniel Stratton Gwinner, Charles Edward White, John Hammack McMillan, Kr. k William Weinert. Third Row: Robcrt Charles Rcinarz, Frank Edward Billings, Wallace Michael Mays, Alton Wayne Rittcr, Louis Edward Spradlin, William Carlislc LaRowe, Otto Henry Ludwig, 111, James Terry Topham, Royce Linton Cutler. Fourth Row: Peter Robertson Buenz, Frank B. Jones, Jr., Arno Vana Haecker, Jeffrey Bennett, Robert Sidney Jones. BUCCANEERS Front Row: David Allan McCutcheon, Dan Sewell Ward, Donald Lee Woods, Aubrey Marshall Bradford, Jr., Samuel Clark Winegardner, Donald Lee McAlister, Charles Robert Mitchell, Rex Glenn Roberts, Hugh Pat Pate. Second Row : John Michael Clements, James Presnall Newberry, Jr., Arnold Clifford Urbanosky, Weldon Keene McDonald, Fred Anthony Odom, Ernest Sam Heard, Roger Dan Rodgers, David Darrell Sallee. Third Row : John Leslie Austin, Paul White Davis, Darwin Edgar Bremer, Robert Kennedy Speedie, Charles Joseph Moritz, Arthur Joseph Schmidt, Jr., Howard Comer Cochran, Jr., Harry Walling Rogers, Richard Lewis Pringle. MIDSHIPMAN STAFF-FALL Left to Right: Donald Ralph Mclelland, John William Pieper, Richard Thurman Buffler, James 1rvine Per­kins, Jr., Robert Alexander Carnes, Alfred Flores Cazares. MIDSHIPMAN STAFF-SPRING ~"......,...,....,...." ...." Front Row: Robert Stephen Carter, Daniel Maurice Phillips, William Neal Kocurek. Second Row: Ben Allen Meharg, Albert Julius Toole, James Terry Topham. •l811111111l.818181818181818181818118181818181818181818181818181818""""ll: OSl:liil~rUIZi!Alr.'JJ...:8ilr.!lllfll/l!.i'.ll'MMWJJ~"1~8't\\.\l\!!::=.ii'""".'~~~~~JJJlml7'". tr.r....,.,,,..... DEPARTMENT OF AIR SCIENCE The Air Force Reserve Officers' Training Corps program was established at The University of Texas in July, 1947. This program, offered by the Department of Air Science, is designed to select and prepare university students to serve their country as Commissioned Officers in the Air Force. Air Science cadets are given orientation .f ights in military aircraft in addition to excellent training in leadership and Air Science. Attendance at a Summer Training Unit enables them to experi ­ence living and learning an Air Force base. When to active duty, called .. AFROTC graduates become pilots, navigators, or technicians in their specialized .f eld of study. COLONEL WILLIAM HIGHTOWER SMITH Professor of Air Science MAJOR WILLIAM D. AKERS MAJOR RICHARD HOWARD KRAEMER OFFICERS STAFF NONCOMMISSIONED OFFICERS Front Row : Captain Clifford Walter Houy, Captain Patricia Whitmore, Captain George Wayne Long. Second Row : Captain Harold Leroy Harris. Front Row: Master Sergeant William Hartman Davenport, Master Sergeant Erwin Walter Freudenberg, Master Sergeant Virgil Thomas Hill. Second Row : Staff Sergeant Thomas W. Royal, Jr., StaH Sergeant Robert Donald Stephenson, Technical Sergeant Harry Ervin Wachs­mann. AIR FORCE GROUP STAFF Front Row : Kenneth Lee Cochrum, Ann Hufendick, William Max Jennings, Joe David Grantham, Jay Bradford Rea, Richard Bradley Fisher. Second Row : Monte Patrick Williams, James Randall Schultz, Lawrence Eugene Hart, Maurice John William Lehmann, Jerry Allen Muennink. FRESHMAN LEADERSHIP LABORATORY .Hector Sierra, Clovis Ray Haleith, .. Front Row: Jay Bradford Rea, Theodore George Leonard, Jerry Edwin S Second Row : Richard Bradley Fisher, David Swint, Silas Edward Southern, Robert Alfred Waldrop, Robert Ples Humphreys. Page 270 ..m..11!1::1!!!!';1i..!!!.!m!l~m.t1ml!'l?',/.§JJ1:!1!ll.f~~~~m.t.:~'l1lmm..~isa!il'llff!'Ollll!,r:l!l!i:\:'Sl.i8"""""""""""""""""""~11111111 11.i. WAF R. 0. T. C. Lcft to Right: Hazel Karen Kincheloe, Judith Ann Butler, Janice Louisc Michelsen, Peggy Anne Carlson. ors . Spo DIANE LANDER R. 0. T. C. BAND ,t Row: James Milton Bruner, Diane Lander, John Osborne Picket, Roberto Mireles Salinas, William John Leonard, William Gilbert Fox, Felix Paul Phillips . Fro Robert Arthur Hinojosa, Robert Clay Pratka, William McCray Vance, Gerald Jay Rosenberg, Harry Paul Haiduk . ,d Row: James Jerral Taylor, Roger Karl Wilkinson, Charles Mark Britton, Danny Jones, Rodney Curtis Koenig, Don Allen Roberts, Nathaniel Nelson Rowe . Seco Lexa Morris Acker, William Preston Lamp, Joseph Andrew Reid. Third Row: Arthur Nobel Chester, Carl Lewis Huntley, Richard Lewis Pringle, Martin William Nakunz, Henry L. Bell, Jeff Lynn Hayes, Ronald Lee Arthur .d Lee Crittenden . James Ralph Olson, Mark Wilson lzard, DavBeverly, Faurth Row: James Kyle Farquhar, Gene Autry Houston, Lee Roy Salzberger, Alvin Joe Behrens, Cordell Clifton Williams. Fifth Row: Jimmy Jack Fowler, Steve Michael Newman, LaVon Elzo Greene, Bailey Arnold Birdson, Dana Cooke LaGrone, Marshall Robert Smart, Jr. JAMES ROBERT NIEBUHR Squadron Commander, Fall FLIGHT A Front Row: James Robert Niebuhr, Ronald Vincent Larson, William Edward Matthews, Charles Dolen Becker, Robert Dean White, John Joseph Stumpf, Norman Ray Burnett, Julius Paul Foretich, Robert Ellsworth Wademan. Second Row : L. S. Lamberth, Jr.1 Prentis Otis Hibler, Charles McDonald White, Curtis Ray Rivers, Daniel Hansford Kellum, Roy Layton Stahl, Will am Leslie Wayne Allison. ,Bruce Petmecky . Third Row: George Downing Morris, Maurice Theron Akin, Morris Lynn Hibler, Donald Emerson Bennett, farrell Murray Smith, Darrell James Lehman, James Lipscomb Ballard. Fourth Row: Robert Pedro Lozano, David Alan Traynor, Byron Cecil Prater, Jack Tarpy Anderson, George William Knebel, Charles Fritz Palm. AIR FORCE R. 0. T. C. SQUADRON ONE FLIGHT B front Row : Ted Maynard Watson, Carl Alexander Forbrich, Willard Edward Johnson, James Michael Scroggin, William Bonner Rubey, Jr., William David Fore, Thomas Kent Beyette, Eustolio Rodriguez Avila, Juan Jay Smith, James Michael Behal. Second Row: Alvin Michael Bloom, Ned Allen Green, John Lee Henry, Rex Nelson Enochs, Edward Martinez, James Brian Johnson, Joe Larry Sullivan, fernando Collazo. Third Row: Clarence Norbert Schwcb, Paul Bedell Robertson, Michael Gilbert Herndon, Paul Raymond Snow, William Thomas Palmer, George Scott Mills, Dell Jackson Hood, David Norman Dittmar. Fourth Row: James Scott Long, Neville Johns Spencer, Linton Carvel Brooks, Eugene Raymond Bristow, Victor James Petricka, Hildred Bruce Lockhart, Barry Crafton Wells, William Sam Cannon. RICHARD BRADLEY FISHER Squadron Cammander, Spring Page 272 FLIGHT C Front Row : David Weldon Trekell, Wlllie Paul Dunn, Michael D. McKaughan, Jimmy Lee Toland, Fred Earl lnger ­son, Jr., John Delbert Ruckman, Edward Dial Mahon, William Evan Harris. Second Row: Ellie Barton Underwood, Dan A. Naranjo, William Sherman feazell, Jr., Donald Joseph Burda, Arthur Kercheville McCallum, Mason Locke Weems, VI, John Maynard Chapman . oack, Jan Howard Julian, Ronald Mac Farris, Daniel Reed Brainard, John Brett . Third Row: Rodger Patrick Kieffer, George Leendon Darby. Raymond Donley Leslie Gilbert Wickliffe, John Prescott, Gary Smith, Leslie Wayneichols, . Fourth Row: Edward Key Shelton, August William Smith, Walter T. J. Gibson . AIR FORCE R. 0. T. C. SOUADRON TWD FLIGHT D Front Row: J. Othell Batto, Michael Grogan Kirkpatrick, John Graham Gardner, Jr., Richard Allen Angeli, Hulon Thomas Webb, Wayne Scott Emrich . Second Row: Ernest Guy Boardman, James Elton Hodges, Kennert Allen Pfeil, Robert Sherridan Hughes, Richard Larry Summers, James Lamar Hailey . Third Row: Steve Perel, Jim Turner Wesson, Kim Rueben Kuebel, Leo Anthony Rizzuto, Jr., William Louis Guyton , Bruce Allen Baumel, Walter Daniel Kleine . Fourth Row: Albert Louis Fox, Daniel Wallace orwood, Marion David Standridge, James William James ,Burroughs . Arthur Martin, Ronald Eblen Malouf, James Donald Kniker. . KARRELL JOH dron Commander, // Fa . Squ ALIE FRA CES KLEYPAS .. JE . Sponsor . so . JOH TE P. WILLIAMS . MO Squadron Commander, Spring Page 273 .~"1 . • \ '" ,"' " --:;;...-• .,, • ,~ !1118"llllllli~""lll"llllllllllll81818181818181""""""""""lii8lllis.8\'ll'.llZli!:l'llll!z:.lll:!:~r..ilfi'i:!i'A.'Il'llll.l/1JW~=:!!\\.'. W:P::~~.'mJl!N'..w;:9Wr •lil.~~~~8l!!~~11m18111-.. r:!!!i · . ·­ CHARLES LESTER McCLELLA Squadron Commander, Fall . ELLIOTT . CHARLA JEA Sponsor FLIGHT E Front Row: Jack D. Polson, Ted Wooldridge, Eugene Allan Calvert, Paul Wakefield Keller, John Day Curtis, William Burt Pittenger, Paul Howard MacLean, Allen Frank Musick. Second Row: Donald B. Guillett, Stanley R. Fullen, Sherman Samucl Washburn, John Mark Hughes, James Allen Sheehy, Rickard Howard McCool, Richard Hompton Harbin. Third Row: Russell Alan Quantock, Robert Rodney Follis, Donald Charles Goertz, David Albert Senechalle, Robert Joseph Friedmann, Donald Charles Krause. Fourth Row: John Phelps Branch, Charles W. Hoehne, Clyde Smith, Jr" Randy Lee Clark, James Rodney Thomas, Robert Clayton Falls. AIR FDRCE R. 0. T. C. SQUADRDN THREE FLIGHT F Front Row: Dyek Ronald Boles, Ezekie• Robert Castro, Donald Burtice Baker, Troy Don Ballard, Charles Gradie Jr.Jeter,alling, Thomas Gentry \.' Ronald Bart Vis, Harold Hewin Christal, Second Row : David Charles Porter, Jerry Wayne Smith, Malcolm Dale Harrington, Ernest William Heyer, Ross Boothe, Jr" John Richard Bond. . ,Third Knudson, Gomez Row: Myron Oran Joel Ernesto Tomas Tyerina, David Trippe Garza, David orris Bieder­mann, Ronald James Renz, David Trenton Killen . Fourth Row: Garald Eugene Munger, Charles G. Rule, James Hudson Dudley, Stephen Allen Grant, Frederick JosephArredondo, Forrest Worth Wagner, Scott Edward James, Donald Kenneth McLarty. E HART . CE EUGE . LAWRE Squadron Commander, Spring Page 274 Squadron Commonder, Fall don Derden, Thomos Nolon Kospor, James CH . GHT G . FL . bert Le . m Acie Burgess, A . co . Front Row: Herbert Lester Green, Mo ROBERT E. LEE ORR, JR. .son Bornes, Jr .ter Ne .Chorles Moeser, Hermon Melvin Woshington, Jr., Joseph Brock, Wo iom Jorrie, Poul David Couch, Joe Harmon Johnson, Dick ..Second Row: Robert Eugene Donald Woolsey, Robert Wi . ..., ..hi .Augustus Jones Po , ..ter Brion Maxwe .owoy, Wo ..hom Ga .Gr .Donie ,d Ray Docon, Williom Thomas Bruce, John Alden Knopp .en Bootner, Kent McCormick, Dono ..Third Row: Lynn A d D. Von Gilder .liom Robert Boyne, Rono .Wi oir .y Ray Brown, Donold C ..Leroy John Krenek, Bi, ...,Fourth Row : Fred Dewitt Reed, Jr., Otis Cloude Sheorer Wood. AIR FORCE R. 0. T. C. SQUADRON FOUR FLIGHT H ace Leon Hughes, Herbert ..Rivette Smith, James Leslie Browder, Jr., Wa ..vin Glen Teogue, Lowe .Front Row : Mo .ter Nelson Bornes .over, Wo .aine Steffo, Humberto Soto Carter, Ben Jomes G .Jr., Donald B, .Weig Jose .iam Holden Conner, Francis Deon Schwortz, Monue .on, Lorenzo Ford, Wil ..Second Row: Oliver Borr McCle .White, Michael Heorne Show .Borrero, Robert Compbel John Brion O'Connor, Robert Lone Corleton, Steve Patrick Corey, Chorles Will iom, .ber Roy Seide .Third Row: Wi .Morin, Raymond Ernest Klempin, Robert Wilson Sudderth .,ton Lone Jones, Woyne Borry Sloughter, Colvin Leroy Hogood, Jr .Fourth Row: Thomos Richord McGuire, Do .bert Woyne Betts .ins, Gi ..Arthur Cowon Co SUSAN KAY DEANOV Sponsor NCENT LARSON . RONALD V Squadron Commander, Spring ".. "__. 1 11 :.1 ' ! ' • 1 .,,,.. • .-~ , ' AIR FORCE ASSOCIATION COLOR GUARD .·· ' . Left to Right: Charles Michael Ruckman, Gary McCollum, Jefferson Jule Talley, Jerry Allen Muennink. RIFLE TEAM . Fro t Row: Edwin Bulian Hibbs, William Robert Bayne, Frederick Joseph Arredondo, Donold Bloine Steffo. .d Row: Mourice John Williom Lehmonn, Dyek Ronold Boles, Clyde Smith, Jr., Leslie Woyne Allison. Horry Ervin Wochsmonn . Seco Page 276 Flill.lJi:~r..~~~~~~N.ll!'lf~~m ·....n~e;~~ISf\~J.Jw..WUlJAWJQ2!'!::;;;r!ll!lf!&.~.JI/ll:iilii"""""""~~""""""""""""""" AIR FORCE R. 0. T. C. ORANGE WINGS SU ELLEH CHAHCE, Sponsor Front Row: George Philip Kazen, Suellen Chance, James LaVoy Branton, Gary Dennis Aguren, Bradley Thomas Joe Ramirez, Robert lee Young, Michael Wayne Harding, Fred Nelson Bruton, Hector Gonzales Sierra. . BuKempler, .,.. Rogers Second Row : Raymond Dale Christian, Bertram Charles , Michcl Robert Halbouty, Wayne Fredric Aguren, leslie William Edwin ian Hibbs, Jr., Dennis Raymond Schmidt, Charlcs Joseph Vesely, Tomas Manuel Ramirez . Third Row: David Owen Swintj Willie Manuel Wilson, Jack Malcolm Bethune, Joe lee Smith, Wayne David Martins, Emanuel Murry McKinney, Samuel Carter Spanglcr, Joe Shannon, Jr., esse Hernandez Marrero. Fourth Row: Paul Vincent Anderson, Carl Gilbert Matthys, Donald Bruce Johnson, Robert Mayo Richards, James Kenneth Huffman, Jack Dee Holan, Jack Raymond Hinson, James Robert Holmes, Jr., Bob Wayne labounty. v.: ·-·· SE N ~~ll!R.,~"~~~811.1.....i1~'MT•1JWA../~Mi\\. "Sl~~~mr.lYJf.Jl1111/.lJJIL~~.llt15!1r:llll.a..;l;/ll~IS!ii:l""""""""""""""""""""""""8:!" 8181..lii . 0 R s Dig that eagle-eyed squint. Three sheets of paper do .. t a demerit /ist make. Eight cadet officers ... determined to snub the Tower. ~~ u . E S R A FE Smiles go along with the gifts. At this point ... Over it goes ... maybe. Hold it about this long, boys. Home of the Army, Navy and Air Force ROTC units Poge 280 -? • •J1 _<3 '~~, ' '"""IJZ"1'/ «:'. ~ -..-....-..-..---------------------~~~ 88:lii.ll..i'll1Zlli~:2:i::l:!l.rMIM.'lU!fI/J~~~~~~ SOCIAL And PROFESSIONAL CLUBS (MAINTAINING HOUSES) ALPHA CHI SIGMA PROFESSIONAL CHEMISTRY FRATERNITY Founded: University of Wisconsin, 1902 Beta Theta Chapter, 1952 OFFICERS Fall Spring JAMES RUSSELL CLAYBROOK ...... .... ........ Master Alchemist ....... ........ ...... RICHARD FREDRICK STONE KENNETH JAMES DARTLEY .. ............. ..... Vice-Master Alchemist ............. .... THOMAS FOLTS WOMACK JAMES BRYAN ZACHRY ........... ............ Reporter .................. WILLIAM THOMPSON McKISSOCK, JR. LONNIE WALTON JENKINS .................... Recorder ............................. ..... GARY LYNN LEACH JESSE LAWRENCE ELLEDGE ..... . ..... . .. . ... . . Treasurer . . .... . .... ... . .. . . . . . . . .. .. .. ... WAYNE EARL THUN LEY . BAP S. . L . LEY ....................... ...... Faculty Sponsor .......... ..... ............... PH . P S. BA . L . PH FACULTY MEMBERS Robbin Colyer Anderson George Homer Fancher Lewis F. Hatch Royston M. Roberts Gilbert Haven Ayres Bennie A. Ferrone Henry Rudolf Henze William Harry Robert Shaw Philip S. Bailey Richard Fuchs Rowland Petit Stanley Harold Simonsen Henry Matthew Burlage Norman Hackerman L. J. Reed Charles Gordon Skinner Roger John Williams MEMBERS Stanley Earl Anderson Kenneth James Dartley Gary Lynn Leach Donald Lewis Ross Joseph Benjamin Ashton Albert Lindsay Delaney, Jr. Edward Oliver Leonard Clyde Reagan Settle Willie Arthur Baker James Edward Douglass James Aubrey Manning Charles Arthur Shoultz Marion Calvin Banta Ronald Eugene Eddy Preston Kuhn Martin Roy James Spann Charles Julian Brown, Jr. Robert Sammie Edwards William Thompson Richard Fredrick Stone William McKinley Campbell, Jr. Jesse Lawrence EI ledge McKissock, Jr. Joe Don Stuart James Wheeler Clark Billie C. Garnett John Wayne Mitchell Wayne Earl Thun James Russell Claybrook Lonnie Walton Jenkins Michael Alan Moore F. Eugene Wilkerson Thomas Folts Womack James Bryan Zachry FALL PLEDGES David William Bennett Thomas James Cogdell Richard Ford Jackson Robert Lee Lawler ...,Finis E. Carleton John Curzon Cooke Bobby Jack James .Joseph Lamar Mitchell, Jr Donald Morrill Carlton James Wyatt Cowan Ronald A. Jones Earl Mark Potrafke Edward Raymond Chaloupka Ramsey Wayne Farley William Robert Klingman Arthur Murray Reader Kenneth Ray Cochran Paul Douglass Hemphill Billy Vaughn Koen .f eldGerald Arthur Sco Ralph Burton Turner Arthur A. Ulbrich SPRING PLEDGES Donald Wayne Bell Ralph Tillman Ferrell Allen Grady Lane Eugene Thomas Beynon, Jr. William Reavis Gardner James Thomas Mitchell Rex Lee Bradley Donald James Haase Richard Jerry Morrow, Jr. Dudley Richard Dobie, Jr. Charlie Hedgcoth, Jr. Jerry Ellis Rosson Top Row: S. Anderson, Brown, Campbell, Clark, Claybrook, Dartley, Delaney, Eddy. Second Row: Edwards, Elledge, Jenkins, Leach, Manning, Martin, McKissock, Mitchell. Third Ro~ : Moore, Ross, Settle, Spann, Stone, Thun, Wilkerson, Womack, Zachry. Poge 282 CROW'S NEST CLUB Front Row : Sanders, Hamlin, C. Shuler, Fain, Phillips. Second Row: Pieper, Woods, Piepho, Porter, Hewett, Mauldin, Cummings, Sallee, Pierce. Third Row : Harris, R. G. Looney, Walker, Gibbs, Speedie, Austin, Woodman, Robbins, Paules, Baum, Shuler, Bremer, Frizzell, Stockwell, Royal. Fourth Row: Ryan, Newcombe, Winegardner, Bigelow, R. W. Looney, Bachofer, Cloud, Mays, Moore, Liggin, Carnes. The purpose of the CROW'S NEST CLUB is to promote housing and dining facilities for NROTC midshipmen and to promote interest in the United States Navy and Marine Corps. OFFICERS President .. . ....... .. . . ........... . . . .. .........JOHN WILLIAM PIEPER Vice-President .. .. . ............ ... ... . . . GRANVILLE EDWARD PAULES, 111 Secretary-Treasurer ...... .... .... ............JOHN ROBERT STOCKWELL Work Manager ..... .... .. . . ...... .......... ..... .. . BOBBY DAVE LAIN Purchasing Agent . .. . . . .. . .. . ........... . .... DANIEL MAURICE PHILLIPS Faculty Sponsor .................... ............JOHN CARROLL SMITH MEMBERS John Leslie Austin, 111 William Carlisle LaRowe Ronald Thomas Piepho Andrew Williams Bachofen Harrell Clark Baum Grant Leroy Bigelow Darwin Edgar Bremer Robert Alexander Carnes David Frazier Cloud Samuel Robert Cummings, 111 Royce Linton Cutler Neiland Haskell Fain T erra 1 Joseph Frizzell George Durden Gibbs, Jr. Royce Scott Hamlin Mack Harrell Harris Harvey Jackson Hewett, Jr. Rodney Curtis Koenig Rudolph Vince Krueger Bill Lee Liggin Richard Glenn Looney Robert Wallar Looney Joseph Chris Makeever Joseph E. C. Martin Joe Allen Mauldin Daniel Roger Mays Donald Lee McAlister Charles Neal McKinney Charles Robert Mitchell Richard Maurice Moore, Jr. Russell Eugene Morrow Eddie Yates Newcombe Granville Edward Paules, 11 1 Daniel Maurice Phillips James Lacy Pierce Steven Mosby Porter John Joseph Robbins George Raphael Rogers Jack Lee Royal Marion Ward Ryan David Darrell Sallee Leslie Allen Sanders Curtis Ronald Shuler Henry Keith Shu ler Robert Kennedy Speedie John Robert Stockwell Charl es Weldon Wa lker Samuel Clark Winegardner Robert Edwin Woodman Bobby Dave Lain John William Pieper Donald Lee Woods KAPPA PSI HONORARY PROFESSIONAL PHARMACEUTICAL FRATERNITY Founded: Russell Militory Acodemy, 1879 Gommo Gommo Chopter, 1934 OFFJCERS Foll Spring LAZARO FRANKO LOPEZ . . . . ... . .. . . . ... . ....... Regent . . .. . .. . .. . ... . ..... . . .... .. ... ..... LAZARO FRANKO LOPEZ DONALD FREDERICK SENTER . . ... .• ..•.......... Vice-Regent . . . . . ......... . ...•..... DONALD FREDERICK SENTER BEN L. GARZA . . .. . . .. . ... .. ... .. ...•..•...... Secretory . .. . . . . .. .. ......... . ........ . ...... . . .. . .. BEN L. GARZA JULIAN RODRIGUEZ CANTU . . ... .. . •.... . .•. . ... Corresponding Secretory .. .. .. • ... ... . . ... JULIAN RODRIGUEZ CANTU WAYMON OTIS SMITH ............ ...•........• Treosurer ................................... WAYMON OTIS SMITH MICHAEL RAY JENKINS .............. ........... Historion ........ .... .....•... ... ...........MICHAEL RAY JENKINS ANTHONY GEORGE OGDEN ...........•........ Choplin. . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . ANTHONY GEORGE OGDEN LLOYD STEPHEN SHIPP ................•..... ... Porliomentorion ................•... .......... LLOYD STEPHEN SHIPP ROBERT GRAVES BROWN ..... .......... ..... ... Faculty Sponsor ...... ....•..•......•. ...... ROBERT GRAVES BROWN FACULTY MEMBERS Corl Clorence Albers Gunnor G. Gjerstod Williom Rust Neville Joseph Hoylond Arnette Vernon A. Green Herbert Frederick Schwortz, 11 Henry Motthew Burloge Wolloce Louis Guess Kenneth Edword Tiemonn John Emerson Dovis Williom R. Lloyd Leon Otto Wilken W illiom Froncis Gidley Frederick Volentine Lofgren Chorles Owens Wilson MEMBERS Michoel Chorles Adomo Michoel Roy Jenkins Donold Frederick Senter Jock Thurmon Askew Llm Keuky Eddie Rogon Serfoce Jomes Leon Burk Herbert E. Kleinmon Lloyd Stephen Sh ipp Jose Rene Contu Chorles Leo Krum Woymon Otis Sm ith Jvlion Rodriguez Contu Bruce Roymond Lo Force London Woyne Stewort Fronk Cosonovo Lozoro Fronco Lopez Horold Woyne Stinson John Williom Coulter Jomes Beebe McConn Normon Thomos Stroin Mox Don Dooley John Morvin Mohrmonn Robert Lee Sturrock Jomes M. Durden Jimmy Dole Moore Kenneth Edword Tiemo nn Erwin Fronke, Jr. Romiro Norro Adolfo Jesus Volodez, Jr. Ben L. Gorzo Anthony George Ogden Rolondo J. Vollejo Poul Fronk Geiger Normon Herbert Prenzler Richord Elbert Wore Gront Eugene Giles Zock Lowrence Robinson Rolph Woyne West lshmoel Gonzolez Monuel L. Ruiz, Jr. Thomos Lee Willioms Vernon Eugene Grove, Jr. Juon Alberto Soucedo FALL PLEDGES •John Herbert Anderson, Jr Jomes Goffrey Hubble Robert Roy Vorley d Awolt .Worren Dov Rudolph Benedict Kleko, Jr. Rudolph N. Voigtel Jomes T. Colemon Jomes Poul Perry Jomes Wolter Wolker, Jr. John Modison Elom Eligio Elios Soenz, Jr. Conrodo Gorcio Joseph Chorles Steinboch SPRING PLEDGES H. Allen Anderson Fred Collins Hodges Robert Jomes Peden Frederick S. Brinkley, Jr. Hoydon Corroll King Robert Eornest Stondord Corroll Gene Erwin Wolter B. Lorsen Melvin Eugene Yorbrough Billy Jock Gorner Bornett Lew Williom Mork Gorner Leslie Boylor Morsholl Top Row: Adamo, Arnette, Brown, Burk, Jose Cantu, Julian Cantu, Casanova, Dooley, Franke, Garza, Gonzalez. Second Row: Green, Keuky. Krum, Lopez, McCann, Moore, Narro, Ogden, Prenzler, Ruiz, Saucedo. Third Row: Senter, Serface, Shipp, Smith, Stewart, Stinson, Strain Valadez, Vallejo, West, Williams. Page 284 lil.m.~~~~~~~W11/'$~~~~~~wnl/N/Jf /1M.lll'/.M::~~tllflJ'J.ll/M.\t'!lli1118------------------------""""""""~...u. RAMSHORN SOCIETY Front Row: Leach, Wilkinson, Nisbet, Boyd. Second Row: Burroughs, Cody, Reedy, O' Dell, Schleider, Behne, Callan, Morris. Third Row: Miller, Karlsson, Wh itehead, Rodieck, Word, Lyle, Weiler, Garrett, Romine, Nelson, Holley, Amos, LaRoe, Schroeter. The RAMSHORN SOCIETY, sponsored by the Travis Chapter of Texas Society of Professional Engineers, was organized in 1955 for the purpose of furnishing an economical house in which engineering students might live while pursuing a com­mon educational goal. OFFICERS Fall Spring JOHN ROBERT BOYD ....................... President . , ..............................MANUEL JEROME BEHNE EDWARD HAL LEACH, JR.................... Vice-President ........................... EDWARD HAL LEACH, JR. MANUEL JEROME BEHNE .................... Secretary-Treasurer ........ ................. ALEX RICHARD NISBET EDWIN MORRIS SCHROETER ................. Kitchen Manager ........................ RALPH WILLIAM RODl~CK TOM WOOD .............. ....... .... .... . Sponsor ................................ ...........TOM WOOD MEMBERS Phillip Ray Amos Allan George Mellor Manuel Jerome Behne Marvin Chesley Miller John Robert Boyd Gordon Robert Morris James Kay Burroughs Lee Durwon Nelson Jerry C. Callan Alex Richard Nisbet Lloyd Edward Cody, Jr. Robert Shaw O'Dell Charles Earl Earhart James Terrell Pickering Terry J. Garrett Melvin Eugene Reedy Robert Pat Gilliam Ralph William Rodieck Robert Benjamin Hinsley Gilbert Franklin Romine Waymon Lee Holley Victor Hank Schleider Richard Evert Karlsson Edwin Morris Schroeter Dan Reid LaRoe William David Weiler, IV Edward Hal Leach, Jr. Harvey A. Whitehead Fred Faylor Lyle, Jr. Lawrence Watkin Wilkinson Darrell Roy Word Page 285 TEJAS CLUB The TEJAS CLUB was organized for the purpose of promoting good fellowship and scholarship. Membership is ex­tended by unanimous vote of the members. OFFICERS Fall Spring RAYMOND RALPH BROWN ........ .......... President ..............................RAYMOND RALPH BROWN BEN SPENCER BRADSHAW .................. Vice-President ....... ..... ....... ....... BEN SPENCER BRADSHAW WILBUR RATLIFF CLEAVES ............... .... Secretary ...............................WILBUR RATLIFF CLEAVES GARY THERMAN CHEATHAM ... ............. Business Manager . . . . . ............ . ... GARY THERMAN CHEATHAM KARL EDWIN OLSON . . ...... . ... . ......... Historian . .. . . .. .... . . . ... .. . . . .. ... . . .. .... KARL EDWIN OLSON JAMES MERRILL NEEL .......... ............ Editor of the "Trails" ........ .... ....... ...... JAMES MERRILL NEEL MEMBERS Norman William Adams Edward Robertson Hewlett Bob Glen Odle William Deakyne Bacon Dexter Hill Arthur Milton Odum Calvin L. Baker Don H. Johnson Karl Edwin Olson Patrick Edward Barlow David Andrew Kendrick James R. Partin Jack Ben Boone James Donald Kniker Ben McCullough Patterson, Jr. Ben Spencer Bradshaw Ronald V. Larson Kirby William Perry Lorence Larry Bravenec Walter Budge Mabry John Keith Power William M. Brenner Paul Justin McBroom Michael Dean Reifel Raymond Ralph Brown Jimmie Rae McGregpr Marvin Alden Rogers Gary Therman Cheatham Frank Eugene Mclain Jimmy L. Ross Wilbur Ratl iff Cleaves John Noble Melvin Don Earl Saddoris Eugene B. Doughtie Robert Elton Mims James A. Schell George F. Foerster Charles Travis Moorman John Hunter Strasburger Kermit W. Harvel Thomas Louis Moser Charles McDonald White Frank Edwin Harvick, Jr. James Merrill Neel Mark Ellison Williams Top Row : Adams, Bacon, Baker, Barlow, Boone, Bradshaw, Bravenec, Brown, Cheatham, Cleaves. Second Row : Harvick, Hewlett, Hill, Johnson, Kendrick, Kniker, Larson, McBroom, McGregor. Third Row: McLain, Mims, Moorman, Moser, Nee\, Od\e, Odum, O\son, Partin, Patterson. Fourth Row: Perry, Power, Reifel, Rogers, Ross, Saddoris, Schell, Strasburger, White, Williams. Poge 286 11n ...."""""""""""""""""""""""""""li:.8i.lo.'IJ/UillfZJ.llldi'""."-.'~ llllllmm111Mn.-.wmiiiNii~~~~--~~~1tm~~~r..iiii..1i~~~~~~~ii.ii--.;;.j. ALPHA EPSILON DELTA HONORARY PREMEDICAL FRATERNITY Founded: The University of Aloboma, 1926 Texas Alpha Chopter, 1929 OFFICERS Fall Spring EDWARD ALEXANDER SASSE ..... . .. . ......... President . . . . . . .. . ... . . . .... .. .... EDWARD ALEXANDER SASSE MARVIN W. LERNER .. ........................ Vice-President ...... ...... ... ... ... ........ MARVIN W. LERNER GWENDOLYN MARGARET SCHARLACH .......... Secretary . .... . .. . .. .. GWENDOLYN MARGARET SCHARLACH DAVID MAURICE KNIZE .......................Treasurer ................ .............. DAVID MAURICE KNIZE GEORGE PAUL BURNS .................... . ... Reporter . . . . . . ............ ... .. ........GEORGE PAUL BURNS DAVID ARNOLD GREENSPAN .................. Historian .. ............ .......... .. DAVID ARNOLD GREENSPAN MARSHALL R. WHEELER .......... ............. Faculty Sponsor .. ................. ...... MARSHALL R. WHEELER James Anderson Allums Michael Edwin Baggett Alice Mugerditch Baghdassarian William Skidmore Banks Rodney Dale Bobbitt Henry J. Boehm, Jr. George Paul Burns William Allen Bussey Perry B. Carroll, Jr. Thomas Benton Coopwood John Wesley Dale Walter Scott Dwyer T. Craig Ferrill Donald Franklin Fincher John Thomas Fitch David Arnold Greenspan Rex Clayton House, Jr. Robert James Awe John Robert Beauchamp William Rcindolph Bridges Glenn Rupe Capps Marshall James Dyke Harry Jerome Eastman Albert Lipscomb Ebaugh Jimmy Lynn Fogle Lawrence Norborn Alexander Diana Jean Alves Paul Vincent Anderson Chester Horace Barker Fred Dayton Behringer Arvie Eric Bergstrom Charles Lee Bowden John Lowell Carrick Jonathan Frank Decherd Michael Mayo Ditto John Joe Estrada Eugene Gray Field, 11 MEMBERS Carl David Hughes Dick Keith Hunter Donald Ray Janak Richard Page Keeton David Maurice Knize James Russell Latimer Marvin W. Lerner Stanley Augustus Lightfoot James Marion Lowther David Spencer McDonald John Thomas Lamar McNew James Gordon Miller Rupert Maury Pollard Floyd Curtis Reese Edward Roy Roberts Robert James Robertson Danald Lester Risinger Edward Alexander Sasse FALL INITIATES James Collins Guckian Elias Souliaman Hanna Alexander Benjamin Klein, Jr. Samuel Allen Meals John Noble Melvin Francisco lnocente Pena Randel Earl Posey Larry Douglas Reed James Stuart Robinson SPRING INITIA TES Humberto Garcia Tom Richard Grammer Paula Ruth Gray Donald Paul Griffith William Graham Guerriero Don Harral Gustafson Judith Ann Harris Mona Faythel Housel Charles Ritchie Kuhn David George Lloyd Peter M. Loeb David Malcom Logan Page :!88 Gwendolyn Margaret Scharlach Robert Edward Slaughter Charles Ray Smith Garland Hansford Smith, Jr. Homer Don Smith Kent Smith Richard Dalton Spangler William Howard Starling James D. Strong, Jr. Robert Rhoads Trostel Gage Van Horn, 111 Jimmie Lee Walkup John Fredric Whitaker lra Barnes Wile Lacy Holmes Williams Harvey Ashton Wilson, Jr. Gary Ray Wise Warren Paul Roosth Ralph Russell Sloan, Jr. Lawrence Dean Spencer Jerry Friend Sudderth John Butler Terrell, Jr. Barry Wayne Uhr Stanley Allen Weitz Jerome Stanley Wilkenfeld Robert Baxter Nisbet John David Nottingham, Jr. Melvin Ray Platt Alice Jeanne Roush Robert Charles Rowland Frank Vance Terrell Robert Hendrick T urner Richard Maurice Walden Sara Ellen Walker William Neely Whaley James T. Willerson Mitchel Wong ALPHA KAPPA PSI HONORARY BUSINESS FRATERNITY Founded: New York University, 1904 loto Chopter, 1915 OFFICERS Fall Spring DONALD EUGENE ROPER ........ .... . ......... President . ... . . ... ......... ..... . .. . . DONALD EUGENE ROPER JOHN WOODIE BOWEN .... .................. Vice-President .........................JOHN WOODIE BOWEN ARNOLD ERICH KRAUSE . . . . . . . .............. Secretary . . . . . ... . . . .... . .. . . .........ARNOLD ERICH KRAUSE JAMES ANDREW STONE ... ......... .......... Treasurer ............. ................JAMES ANDREW STONE WILLIAM CURRAN GARNER . ........ . ...... . ... Master of Rituals .. .. ................WILLIAM CURRAN GARNER ALFRED GEORGE DALE .. .. . .. . .... . . . ...... .. Faculty Sponsor . . .. . . .. .. .... ... ........ ALFRED GEORGE DALE Jack William Cashin Alfred George Dale J. Anderson Fitzgerald Richard Charles Henshaw, Jr. John Bolligny Ernest Patrick Bond John Woodie Bowen Robert Wallace Briggs Owen Price Carpenter Hollis Baxter DeGrassi, Jr. Thomas Phillips Field, Jr. Ronald J. Finger FACULTY MEMBERS E. Karl McGinnis Charles Lee Prather Alfred Lee Seelye C. Aubrey Smith MEMBERS William Curran Garner George Sydney Harrington Jay Jules Karkowsky George Charles Kendall, Jr. Fred G. Kline Arnold Erich Krause Rodney Harry Margolis William G. McDonald William Robert Spriegel John R. Stockton Wilfred H. Watson Girdner Alan Youngquist Patrick McNamara Otto Christian Olsen, Jr. Burton Lee Rakoover Donald Eugene Roper Ronny Norman Schoenbrun James Andrew Stone Charles McDonald White Ralph Huntington W inton, Jr. . . . ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA HONORARY SCHOLASTIC FRATERNITY FOR FRESHMEN WOMEN r Founded: The University of Jllinois, 1924 Texas Chapter, 1935 OFFICERS Fall Spring JUDITH ENGLISH MOREHEAD ............... . . . President ..... .......... ...... .. .. . JUDITH ENGLISH MOREHEAD SARA EVELYN STINEBAUGH ...... ..... ........ Vice-President .................... ... SARA EVELYN STINEBAUGH VIRGINIA ANNE WALKER. . . . .............. Secretary .............. ..... ......... VIRGINIA ANNE WALKER MARTHA JANE MAST . ........................ Treasurer ................... ............. MARTHA JANE MAST HELEN MARGARET FLINN . . . . . . .. . .... .. . . ..... Faculty Sponsor ... . .. .. .. . ... .. ... . . . . HELEN MARGARET FLINN Patricia Virginia Aldrich Leonardine Gay Alexander Diana Jean Alves Annette Anderson Mary Bond Austin Phyllis Jean Calkins Mary Margaret Carlson Sue Jenkins Chessher Berniece Claire Childs Ruth Ann Cook Betty Lynn Davis Patricia Sue Dillon Nancy Jo Dyer Marie Josephine Eickmann Joyce Yvonne Eitelman Elka Fargotstein Nancy Sue Faust Patricia Jean Fleming Sandra Fonville Susann Gipson Carolyn Sage Allen Linda Ann Bartlett Joy Jean Arnold Betty Louise Askew Beverly Ann Bates Ethel Mae Beal Susan Lind Bowen Suzanne Lou Buhrer Nancy Pauline Caffey Judith A. Coggeshall Peggy Ruth Cole MEMBERS Carol Kay Godfrey Billie Louise Granger Barbara Lynn Grow Susan lrene Harling Judith Ann Harris Annette Helwig Virginia Ellen Hill Nora Jean Hite Lea Marye Horstmann Alice Virginia Huffington Elizabeth Anne Jennings Virginia Kay Jordan Pattye Jayne Kiecke Roberta Ann Love Virginia Scott Massey Martha Jane Mast Janis Mcfarland Joan Meyer Katherine Janelle Moore Judith English Morehead FALL INITIATES Frances Anne Bradshaw Connie Sue Cook SPRING INITIATES Carol Louise Hale Harriet Hinton Handy Barbara Jane Hughes Nancy Lou Hurwitz Cynthia Anne Huxoll Elizabeth Anne Jennings Phyllis Marie Kazen Geneva Anne Lanier Frances Coopwood Morgan Judith Ann Phillips Peggy Lee Porsch Sarah Elizabeth Porter Roxana Proctor Thalia Karleen Roberts Linda Jane Robinson Doris Elaine Scott Carolyn Ann Seymour Jerry Lorene Shaver Janiece Belle Simmons Lenora Ophelia Slaughter Sara Evelyn Stinebaugh Effie Minelma Tyng Diana Vollintine Sara Ellen Walker Virginia Anne Walker Fleetwood Vinson Warner Carol Ann Weiner Sheila Gail Winship Margaret Streckmann Dorothy Louise Wright Sally C. Rundquist Patricia Wynn Rusch Betty Hornor Ruth Sandra B. Sampson Carol Ann Sanders Harriet Schoch Mary Virginia Schulz Jimmie Sue Shewmake Kappie Jean Smith . . . . . . . . . . ! Patricia Joan McCoy Nancy Jean Cotton Peggy Ann Stallings Wi 11 ie Lorene Coym Mary Margaret Crews Clareve Jean Deschner Sara Patricia Devine Joan Dunlap Helen Taber Early Mary Lou McDaniel Sharon Lee Mclain Mary Ruth Magruder Mary C. Mainz Marie Elinor Medina Barbara Anne Miller Ruby Lee Baldwin Struve Carol Ann Sullivan Leta Evelyn T aylor Lynette Taylor Doreen Nelson T enney Joyce Ann Van Boeckmann . . Patricia Ann Mitchell Lee Paula Waggoner ! Jo Anne Walker Margaret G. Ellinger Ellen McAngus Ezell Carol McKie Farmer . Marjorie Dickinson Moore Robbie Ann Walters Jo Ann Neitzel Faith Ford Gail Weatherby 1 1 Prudence Ann Gates Patti Oliver Mary Elizabeth White Evalea Glanges Sarah A. Predock Marcia Ann Williamson 1 Gail Goldstein Donna Rachel Richardson Dianne Wooten Poge 290 . BETA ALPHA PSI HONORARY ACCOUNTING FRATERNITY Founded: University of lllinois, 1919 Theto Chopter, 1924 Fall OFFICERS Spring ARLEN L. LEWIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. President ..................... . . .... . ..... ARLEN L. LEWIS GERALD EARL NIEMEYER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . Vice-President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. GERALD EARL NIEMEYER ROBERT E. SEILER .. ..... . . . ... . .. .. .. . ... . . Faculty Vice-President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ROBERT E. SEILER SHIRLEY C. WARD ......................... Recording Secretary ............................ SHIRLEY C. WARD JACK WILLIAM POLLARD . . . . . . . . . . . ... Corresponding Secretary . . . . . . . . ...JACK WILLIAM POLLARD BONNIE LOU SCHAFF HOFFMAN ............. Publicity Chairman ................ BONNIE LOU SCHAFF HOFFMAN JAMES D. MclNTURFF ............. .......... Treasurer.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .JAMES D. MclNTURFF Jim G. Ashburne Ben B. Barr Leo Guy Blackstock Jack William Cashin Dennie B. Ford Frank D. Graydon Robert Lee Grinaker Harold Wesley Ashendorf Barbara Ellen Barnes James Morgan Barr Lorence Larry Bravenec Wayne Ralph Chapin James Stevenson Covington, Jr. Elmer Richard Criss, Jr. Russel Charles Apple R. Gordon Appleman William Edmond Brady John G. Foreman, Jr. Verna Rhodes Bacon Bill Bishop Richard Lutz Bockart Bob Frank Boydston Roy Edgar Box, Jr. Roy Everett Brock, Jr. Bob A. Chester Richard L. Daily Etelka Schmidt Ferguson FACULTY MEMBERS William Henry Hoffman, Jr. Robert Earl Linde Francis Barnes May Kalo Edward Neidert George Hillis Newlove Robert E. Seiler C. Aubry Smith MEMBERS Don Theodore De Coster William Chaplin Dent Richard Lela nd Dietz Eugene Keith Friesen John D. Fussell Robert Campbell Hewell Bonnie Lou Schaff Hoffman Arlen L. Lewis FAll INITIATES Willard Lee Graves Emmett Nelson Hagedorn Jimmy Franklin Herring Robert Earl McDonald William Michael McGann SPRING INITIATES Wayne Kenneth Goettsche George Sydney Harrington Roger Caldwell Henderson Frank James lmke William Nelson Kassen Della Glover King Seth Alan Lowther John Constant Masterson Kesree Narupakorn Poge 291 Burnard H. Sord Wayne P. Tenney Cecilia Veronica Tierney Glenn Albert Welsch John Arch White Charles Theodore Zlatkovich Robert Barton McBurney, Jr. James D. Mclnturff Jerry W. Neagle Gerald Earl Niemeyer Jack William Pollard Robert Boyce Sweeney Shirley C. Ward Joan Nye Harry Dean Perkins Luther Waldo Reynolds Estelle Schubert Schieffer Joan Lanelle Raab Ronald Page Raymond Garland Ray Sandhop Allen Gerald Schick Roger D. Swain Arthur F. Vickland Grace Evelyn Whittenburg Edward Earl Wolf BETA GAMMA SIGMA HONORARY BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION FRATERNITY Founded: University of Wisconsin, 1907 Texos Alpha Chapter, 1922 OFFICERS Fall Spring ROBERT EARL LINDE .. ................. President .......................... RO BERT EARL LINDE DOROTHY AYRES .................... Vice-President .................... .... DO ROTHY AYRES LOLA B. DAWKINS ....... ............. Secretary-Treasurer ... ................ LOLA B. DAWKINS FACULTY MEMBERS Jim G. Ashburne Joseph Kenneth Bailey Arnold Melvin Barban William Hubert Baughn Jack William Cashin Wayne Ralph Chapin Aaron Hamilton Chute Alonzo B. Cox Maurice C. Cross Edward William Cundiff Dorothy Ayres Anton J. Alkek, Jr. James Morgan Barr William Cummings Bequette Donald R. Broadland rimble Bryant . Patricia Wayne Ralph Chapin Brady Marshall Cole James Clay Dolley James E. Estes J. Anderson Fitzgerald Ralph Neal Gassman Richard Charles Henshaw James Rudolph Kay Elizabeth Lanham Robert Earl Linde Edmund Clayton Lynch E. Karl McGinnis Francis Barnes May Kalo Edward Neidert George Hillis Newlove Charles Lee Prather Robert E. Seiler C. Aubrey Smith Everett Grant Smith Burnard H. Sord William Robert Spriegel John R. Stockton ADMINISTRATIVE MEMBERS Lester Loyd Edmonds Arthur J. Edwards Edwin Werner Olle Charles Herman Sparenberg HONORARY MEMBER A. G. McNeese, Jr. SPRING 1958 INITIATES Bobby George Dudley Richard Francis Dennison Robert John DeVries Miles Lamar Ealy William Albert Eveland Nathan Greene Robert Lloyd Jones FALL George Philip Kazen Arlen Lester Lewis Billy Sebe Lindsey Peter H. Lohse Dee Russel McElroy Elsie Joyce Miller Ray Howard Odom, Jr. 1958 INITIATES Robert W. Strain Robert Boyce Sweeney Wayne P. Tenney Stella Traweek Ernest W . Walker Glenn Albert Welsch John Arch White Ambrose Pare Winston Erich Walter ~immermann Charles Theodore Zlatkovich Maebess Edwy Matthews Dennis Gordon Pace Jean Ellen Pepper William Rowland Reed Walter Asa Saunders, Jr. Clifton Eugene Simmons Annelle Rhea Burton White Thad J. Woodruff Harold Wesley Ashendorf John Edward Connealy Charles Roy Kennedy Jack Walton Robinson Carroll Lee Baccus Donald Millard Elliott Bryan James McGinnis Margaret Ann Smith John Edgar Chapoton Laura Elizabeth Bettye Faulk Donald Allen Payne George Stroka Otis Donaldson Chapoton Wendell Stuart Fullwood Benjamin Rush Powel Sherwood Morris Sullivan Poge 292 ETA KAPPA NU OFFICERS Fall Spring ARNOLD JOSEPH TUCKER .... . ................ President . . .................. . .... . ..... LARRY KEITH McPHAIL JOHN RICHARD COGDELL ...... ............... Vice-President ......... ............ ROBERT MARION BARKSDALE ARTHUR HERBERT CLINGER ......... ........... Corresponding Secretary ...........RALPH RAYMONE> SCHLEICHER ROBERT MARION BARKSDALE .... . ...... . .... . . Bridge Correspondent .. ....... . .. . ........ ARCHIE D. WILLIAMS LARRY KEITH McPHAIL . . ..... . .. . ........... . . Recording Secretary .. . ... ... ..........WILLIAM NEAL KOCUREK HOBART FRANCIS McWILLIAMS ... ............. Treasurer .. ......................... LIONEL DANIEL PROVAZEK WILLIAM FRANKLIN RUSSELL ..... .. . .. ......... S.E.C. Representative ................ROBERT RAGSDALE BOOTHE WILLIAM CHARLES DUESTERHOEFT, JR.. ......... Advisor .. . . .. . . ..........WILLIAM CHARLES DUESTERHOEFT, JR. Arthur Herbert Clinger William Charles Duesterhoeft, Jr. Samuel Joseph Dwyer, 111 Burns Newman Gafford Robert Fonda Gribble William H. Hartwig Elmer L. Hixson Robert Marion Barksdale Robert Ragsdale Boothe John Richard Cogdell Bob Will Dunn Charles Lee Farell William Neal Kocurek James Roy Bagwell Harlan Keith Bruner D. Gilford Chamberlain Mo-Shing Chen William Lewis Davidson Thomas Andrew Black Robert Cesar Callarotti Jerry G. Cole Bythel K. Cooper Doyle Lynn Davis Jarvis Duane Gantt Ralph Herman Genz HONORARY ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING FRATERNITY Founded: The University of lllinois, 1904 Texos Chopter, 1928 FACULTY MEMBERS George Hamilton Hopkins, Jr. Roy Rankin Krezdorn Alfred Hall LaGrone Paul Foster Law Russell Eddy Lueg George Patrick Mann MEMBERS Sam Michael Korzekwa Edward Dale Lamb Larry Keith McPhail Hobart Francis McWilliams Charles Douglas Moore Lionel Daniel Provazek FALL PLEDGES Walter Felix Mueller John Claude Pennington Ralph Raymond Schleicher Kenneth Ray Slater SPRING PLEDGES Gordon Thomas Graves Tadao lnami Joe Murphy King John Armstrong Krog Donald Max Lauderdale Richard Lynn McDaniel Monty Ruey McMinn George Edward Wilkinson Poge 293 Thomas Edwin Owen Erwin Arthur Reinhard Harold Wood Smith Richard Thomas Smith Archie Waugh Straiton Robert W. Warner Willis Raymond Woolrich William Franklin Russell Paul James Smith Charles Richard Thorpe Arnold Joseph Tucker Everett James Turvey Hugh Darrell Wade Gilbert Eugene Stewart Allan John Swanson William Clayton Tatom Archie D. Williams James Edwin Wood Kenneth Lee Oehler M. Farouk Hamed Shammatt Jerry Deane Shrimpton William Uhlenhoff, Jr. Nit Wangvivatna Aaron H. Wester Robert James Wickwire FRIARS TO CONFER THE HONOR OF MEMBERSHIP UPON THE TWELVE OR LESS MOST ELIGIBLE MEN CHOSEN FROM EACH SENIOR CLASS OR HIGHER Founded: The University of Texos, 1911 OFFICERS Fa/1 Spring FRANK CLOUD COOKSEY . ........ Abbot ................ ... . . .. ROBERT ELTON MIMS ROBERT ELTON MIMS . ................ ............ Scrivener .......... .... .. . . ROBERT CAMERON HIGHTOWER ROBB KENDRICK BURLAGE Charles T. Clark William A. Cunningham Gus M. Hodges Leroy Jeffers Robert Landis Armstrong Lawrence Lindell Beason WILLIAM LAWRENCE McGILL 1899-1959 Through his mony contributions ond by his exomple, Bill McGill gove generously, unselfishly ond endlessly to The University of Texos. His obsence from the Frior Circle will be deeply felt both now ond in the yeors to come. . . . . . . . . Almoner .. ... .... .. ..... . FACULTY MEMBERS Robert Wayne Kenny Wales H. Madden, Jr. Joe Malik, Jr. Calvin Cleave Nolen MEMBERS Robb Kendrick Burlage Harley R. Clark FALL INITIATES Robert Cameron Hightower .. RICHARD ARLIN STANLEY Arno Nowotny Edwin Werner Olle John G. Steele A. M. G. Swenson Frank Cloud Cooksey Robert Elton Mims Richard Arlin Stanley James Terrell Townsend SPRING INITJATES Bert Bently Adkins, Jr. George A. Helland, Jr. William Cook Fielder Bob Glen Odle Donald Paul Griffith Randal Earl Posey Clarence Neal Stevenson Poge 294 OMICRON NU NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY FOR HOME ECONOMICS STUDENTS Founded: Michigan State College, 1912 Upsilon Chapter, 1925 OFFICERS Fall Spring JOAN CAROLYN FARQUHAR ................... President ..........................JOAN CAROL YN FARQUHAR GAIL HUDSON ..... . . . . . . ........... . . .... .. Vice-President .. . . . ALICE CUSHMAN JOBE SCOTTY OWEN ... .. ...... . ................. Y OWEN . Secretary .... .... . . .SCO MARY LEE ALLEN .......... ................... Treasurer ....................................MARY LEE ALLEN E. KATHRYN KIRKSEY PARKER ..... . ............ Editor .. .. ... . . .. . . . .. E. KATHRYN KIRKSEY PARKER FACULTY MEMBERS Sarah Jane Ayers Lucy Rathbone Jacqueline T. Courtney Josephine Helen Staab Billie Bishop Davenport Elizabeth T arpley Dorothy Fehlis Greenwood Jennie S. Wilmot Bess He.f in MEMBERS Mary Lee Allen Jennalie Frances Kleypas Bonita June Amos Mary Ann Moroney Carolyn Mozelle Clements Scotty Owen Joan Carolyn Farquhar E. Kathryn Kirksey Parker Mary Delaine Hays Patsy Bostick Reed Carolyn Joyce Hill Marcia Anne Reynolds Gail Hudson Barbara Edythe Ryall Alice Cushman Jobe Sarah Whiting Tate Nancy C. Jones Sharon Henson Wash Robert C. King Mary Ann Waters SPRING INITIATES Ola Dowell Butler Brown Mary Ruth Sheldon LaNell Chaffin Patricia Lee Stephenson Sarah Elizabeth Hicks Allene Gay Vaden Martha Cope McBroom Phyllis Ann Wiegand Linda Louise McMahan Joanne Louise Windberg Kay Jacqueline Sanderson Polly Sue Wood Poge 2c;s PHI BETAKAPPA HONORARY FRATERNITY FOR MEN AND WOMEN IN ARTS AND SCIENCES Founded: Williom ond Mory College, 1776 Alpho Chopter of Texos, 1905 OFFICERS Fall Spring CARL CLARENCE ALBERS ...................... President . .... ........................CLARENCE EDWIN AYRES CORAL HORTON TULLIS .. .................... Vice-President ..................MRS. OSCAR BROWN WILLIAMS LLERENA BEAUFORT FRIEND ........... ........ Secretary ..........................LLERENA BEAUFORT FRIEND James Robert Dorroh Camille Carol Hanlon Eugenia Nelson Head Jane Birdwell Henderson Gordon Demmler Burton Jesse Lawrence Elledge David Olin Hinkle Harry Lee Jones Sydney Clare Bass Hugh K. Harris Bert Bently Adkins, Jr. R. Gordon Appleman Richard Thurman Buffler Norman Herbert Barth Linda Sue Billingsley Amy Weichsel Campbell T ravis Lee Crosby lrma Elaine Dahse Betty Lynn Davis Aileen Muirhead Donovan MEMBERS Elected in December, 1958 May 1958, Graduates Robert Cameron Hightower Janet Loal Howard Patricia Frances Moore August 1958, Graduates Stephen Baery Oates Claire Mayer Paxton Garland Campbell Richmond January 1959, Candidates Jo Ann Hillje Hilliard Moffitt Mclamore Stoddart Smith, Jr. Junior Members in Course Thomas Benton Coopwood Richard Page Keeton David Lawrence Keir Elected in March, 1959 January 1959, Graduate Bobby Glenn Rogers June 1959, Candidates Charles Houston Harris, 111 Diane Louise Harris Lois Myrl Heard Janie Henderson J. Gilbert Luke Joan Venice Mulcahy McCollum Robert Lee Park Edna Joan Prather Francis Marion Thomson Mary Ann Ward Barbara Bredt Roberts Robert Le Grande Roebuck Marc Steven Simmons Charles Decker Whiteman, Jr. Marian Whitney Voight Helen Taylor Whitworth Joseph Edward Loewenstein Philip Franklin Patman Barbara Frue Polsky Mari Lyn Melin Nanette Roberts Orme-Johnson Barbara Gail Ricketson Gwendolyn Margaret Scharlacl-. Douglas Hudson Smith Shirley Claire Ward Nancy Margaret Cheek Weaver Junior Mem bers in Course Kenneth Ray Edgar Julie Hallmark Janis Virginia Little Norma Jane Nix Dorothy Ann Stroup Page 296 PHI ETA SIGMA HONORARY SCHOLASTIC FRATERNITY FOR MEN Founded: The Universily of lllinois, 1923 Texos Chopter, 1931 OFFICERS Fall Spring JAMES D. DANNENBAUM ..................... President .............................JAMES D. DANNENBAUM MONROE BEN NOWOTNY .................... Vice-President ....................... MONROE BEN NOWOTNY .AM MONROE CRAVER, JR . LL . AM MONROE CRAVER, JR................. Secretary-Treasurer ............... W . LL . W JAMES ROBERT WELLS ...... . .... . .... . .... . .. Historian ... . ... . ............ . ...... . ...JAMES ROBERT WELLS ROY E. BOX, JR......... ... .................. Junior Advisor .............. .................. ROY E. BOX, JR. CL FTON HATCHER McCALL............... ....... . . CL FTON HATCHER McCALL .................... Senior Advisor ty Sponsor .............................ARNO NOWOTNY . ARNO NOWOTNY ........................... Facu HONORARY MEMBERS Painter . us Shicke . James Pinkney Hart Theophi and . Arno Nowotny Robert Lee Suther EXECUTIYE COMMITTEE Lawrence Norborn A exander Robert Lee Moffett, Jr. . James Vernon Grevelle Barry Wayne Uhr FALL INITIATES Daniel Graham Ga loway James T. Pickering . Ronald Edgar Ab . owich Douglas Joseph H. Cardinal William Ernest Gattis James Thomas Richards, Jr . James Jay Siegel ... ,William Eugene Joor Arthur N. Chester ifton Ray Skipping . born William Davis Jordan C . l Co . Joseph Grinne ey . Tal .& eman Peter M. Loeb Daniel Ju . . Co Ted Rey . ey Wha . d Ray Curby Bernard Dreyfuss Mayer, Jr . William Nee . Haro ip Wayne Davis Ronald Loy Mitchell James Thornton Willerson . Phi James Charles Moeser SPRING INITIATES James George Hejl Joe Thomas Powell .ph Francis Ambriz, Jr . Rudo Haro d Forrest App e, Jr Andy Lyn He ms Terrence Wendall Pratt . . . . ey Bailey John Lee Henry Richard Lewis Pringle . John Wes Jimmy Lee Baird Ralph J. Henderson Gail Jacoby Reams John Littleton Barnes Richard Lee Henshel Lyndon Hayward Robert Allan Biderman Ernest William Heyer Robinson, Jr . Kenneth Rann Blake David Bascomb Johnson VanWorth Robinson os Edward Rodriguez . ey Davenport Jones Car . d Orrin Blake Dud . Rona Fred Andrew Blum, Jr. Harvey Michael Jones Harry Moore Rogers John Stephen Brad .f eld Charles William Keller John Lyndon Rosenbl€1d liam Bradshaw Lee Dona d Kness Robert Wayne Rountree . . Major Wi ias Saenz . igio E . Eugene Raymond Bristow Dana Cooke LcGrone E Sam R. Brooks William Preston Lamp Victor Hank Schleider Duane Frueh Burow Thomas Frank Ledwell Robert Allen Schneider Char es Ronald Lippincott Henry Ervin Seale . George Lafayette Cardwell, Parker Mixon Loeffler Michael Hearne Shaw ... and Ray Shelton . ark James Barrie Logan Gar . Pat English C oan. ey Gene S . e Arbon Jack Lowe Ri . ton Co . Rex Wa James W. Collins, Jr . Brian Douglas Lowery William Thomas Speller Joseph A den Lynn James Duncan Stephen . Don Merle Cooper Michael Bryant Stroud ... ,Paul Richard Crabtree William Edward McCaleb or . William Robert Creasey Douglas Bowman McCulley John Robert Tay iam Crowell John Hammack McMillan Weldon Burns Taylor . Robert Wil Laurin C. Currie es Everette McQueary Ramesh Thadani . Char James Norris Dashie Tom Keith Meier Lee Charles Thomas l . William Henry Dawson Stephen MacKaye Moehlman John Collins Trube ber Boyce Turner . d Mac Farris Leonard Edward De . Rona Michael Christian Fischer Mohrmann, Jr. Harvey Jordan Turner, Jr . Robert Drew Morse Robert Allen Venable don W. Froelich . We d Alfred Vivian . ey Rona . Robert Newton Garner Hugh Richard Mot William Lash Garrard, Jr . Herbert Oscar Muecke, Jr. James Robert Wagner Thomas Gray Godfrey Michael Doyle Muncy Wayne William Walker Sam L. Guyler Robert James Naas James Patrick White Nelson Kenneth Duane Williams .. Jr. John Darre e, . William Henry Ha Keith Christian Hansen Mansour Nikkhah-Bahrami William Thomas Wingo, Jr . ... , l Austin Prentiss Young . lman Harris John Charles Norve . Spe . Michae 1958 and Spring 1959 initiates are listed. Officers are e ected from the 1957 and 1958 initiates . . Only Fall* PI LAMBDA THETA NATIONAL HONORARY ASSOCIATION FOR WOMEN IN EDUCATION 910 . ,Founded: University of Missouri Psi Chapter, 1927 OFFICERS Fall Spring JANE CLARICE CRAVER ..... ...... ............ President ................... ........... JANE CLARICE CRAVER WANA BROUGHTON CASTLEBERRY ............. Vice-President ... .... .........WANA BROUGHTON CASTLEBERRY BARBARA LOUISE STEPHEN .................... Secretary ........................... BARBARA LOUISE STEPHEN DOROTHY JUNE PECKHAM .................. .. Treasurer ........................... DOROTHY JUNE PECKHAM ERSON . ERSON ............ .......... Sponsor ............... ........ ....... VIRGINIA C. PA . VIRGINIA C. PA Faculty Members Mary Frances Flournoy Virginia C. Patterson Jessie Helen Haag Mildred Burl Vance Mary Bell Granger James Helen Boysen June Harden Brewer Carolyn Jane Campbell Bertha Casey Josephine Casey Wana Broughton Castleberry Margaret Chapman Katherine A. Cook Letha Conradt Jane Clarice Craver K. lrene Dixon Bonita June Amos Sydney Bass Frances Ruth Berry Wincie Blanton 1. Elaine Dahse Sandra Cason Bessie Cowan Ethel Davis Marilyn Sue Goldstein Charlotte June Hat .f eld Jessie Moore Jackson MEMBERS Ruth Dunn Dell Felder Billye Rae Funk Maggie W. Gardiner lsabel Edith Gibson Mrs. Malcolm R. Gregory Helen Hammond Grace Haen Hanson Carmen Lowry Cora Merriman Martin Mrs. Allen M. Mayes Mildred Mayhall FALL INITIATES Margaret Jeanne Focke Janie Henderson Carolyn Joyce Hill Betty Jayne Kacir Julia Ann Moffett SPRING INITIATES Betty Jane Kissler Melva Jane Lightsey Billye Mclendon Sylvia Mae Metz Marjorie Carole Neely Delia Adams Norman Page 298 Ruth McAlister Cherry Francine McGinnis Marie Betyner Morrow Nancy Harwell Owen Dorothy June Peckham Helen Peppard lone Pettey Spears Florence Spencer Barbara Louise Stephen Ethel Umstatd Jean Bryant Wells Roberta Gayle Norman Patsy Bostick Reed Mary Elizabeth Risley Leila Carolyn Snyder Molly Kathleen Sullivan Antoinette Jean Pozzi llene C. Roberts lna Lea Tucker Marcia Adele Wade Joanne Louise Windberg ~\ll1!1'i:-111.J/'..~'\\\".-:.~ _,\/•. PI OMEGA PI NATIONAL HONORARY BUSINESS EDUCATION FRATERNITY Founded: Northeast Missouri State Teachers College, 1923 Gamma Omega, 1955 OFFICERS Fall Spring BARBARA NAN WILKINSON . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ... President . .. .. . ......... . ... . . . . . .. JO ANN WATKINS ELIZABETH ANN JORDAN .... . ......... .. ..... Vice-President . . . .... . .. . ... .. ........ NELWYN IRENE DELANEY GAE MARIE ARMSTRONG .....................Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... DORIS ANN MOORE MARY ELIZABETH BAREFIELD .... .. .............T reasurer ... . .. . ....... . ...............CAROL ANN TANKSLEY MARY PATRICIA EDGAR ....................... Historian .................................... NANCY JO DYER Faculty Members Royce Lynnwood Abrahamson Loy Elvin Prickett A. Faborn Etier Vivian Yancy Simmons Nelda Carola Garcia Anna Marie Stengel Robert Gryder Marie M. Whittle Ethel A. Hale MEMBERS Gae Marie Armstrong Nelwyn lrene Delaney Billie Little Vivian Rose Baker Nancy Jo Dyer Dorothy Jane Longbotham .f eldMary Elizabeth Bare Mary Patricia Edgar Rosemary McAdams Barbara Ann Bingham Linda Gail Gilmore Dixie McGehee Claire Bonham Janis Ellen Henson Doris Ann Moore Barbara Sue Broadway Janis Jones Herrin E. Marie Payne Patricia Ann Byars Rose Marie Herry Barbara Bramlett Peck Mary Elizabeth Call Janis Janeil Hooten Carol Ann Tanksley Virginia Fay Carroll Elizabeth Ann Jordan Jo Ann Watkins Barbara Kay Cline Pattye Jayne Kiecke Lola Evelyn Weir Linda Mayris D'Arcy Sylvia Ann Lacey Barbara Nan Wilkinson SPRING PLEDGES Norma Jean Anderson Roxie Margaret Clark Gordon James Probst Frances Freda Ballas Julianne Crain Evelyn Barron Robinson Billie Joyce Bennett Dawn Marie Hendrix Betty Elaine Schustereit Freddie Otto Boecker Mary Jo Maddox Sandra Lee Vail Jan Bredt Frankie Jean Mills Norma May Wiggins PI TAU SIGMA HONORARY MECHANICAL ENGINEERING FRATERNITY Founded : University of lllinois, 1915 Texas Koppo, 1931 OFFICERS Fall Spring GEORGE ARCHIE HELLAND, JR................. President ....... ........................ ROBERT ROOKER LUKE JAMES McKINLEY ECKHART .................... Vice-President ........................ DONALD WILSON BARRY A. JACKSON HILL ............................ Recording Secretary ...................... W. BEN KUENEMANN DONALD WILSON BARRY ...................... Corresponding Secretary . ................. CHARLES PEAK COOK HARRY C. HARDEE, JR.........................Treasurer ............................... HARRY C. HARDEE, JR. LEONARD R. BENSON ...... ...... ............ Faculty Advisor ..........................LEONARD R. BENSON HONORARY INITIATES William Walsh Hagerty Kenneth Charles Rathbun FACULTY MEMBERS Billy Howard Amstead Leonardt Ferdinand Kreisle Rinaldo A. Bacon Robert K. McMordie Myron Louis Begeman Herbert Alton Rundell Leonard R. Benson Henry Grady Rylander Howard Earl Brown Jack A. Scanlan Joe L. Bruns Byron Elliott Short Eric H. Bucknall Horace Eugene Staph William Junius Carter Milton John Thompson George Robert Creedle Burnett Forrest Treat Joseph Winthrop Dalley Curt R. Von Bieberstein Venton Levy Doughtie John Reid Watt Carl John Eckhardt William M. Wilcox Harry Llewellyn Kent, Jr. Willis Raymond Woolrich MEMBERS Donald Wilson Barry David Andrew Kendrick Philip Keith Davis Wesley Ben Kuenemann James McKinley Eckhart Harry Thomas Mei Joseph Charles Fontana Charles Travis Moorman Harry C. Hardee, Jr. Carey E. Murphey, Jr. Pat Garner Hedgcoxe Thomas Campbell Perkins George Archie Helland, Jr. Byron Dean Tapley A. Jackson Hill Johnny Charles Wachel Charles Henry Karnes John Brock Westover FALL INITIATES Richard Calvin Barron Eugene Robert Honde Herbert Dale Carver Richard Edward Kothman Charles Peak Cook Robert Rooker Luke James B. Frazier, Jr. John Mark Michaels Philip Ray Gray, Jr. John David Morell William Louis Guyton Albert P. Richter, Jr. John H. Watts SPRING INITIATES Ronnie Dean Boyd Stuart Deric Kershner James Curtiss Cline Thomas Rush Mast Jesse Berman Hall Raymond Allen Mitchell George Vernon Hamilton Michael Dean Reifel Richard Earl Holloway Philip Llewellyn Stanton Frank Roderick Keith Vernon Boyd Wielkens Page 300 RHO CHI NATIONAL HONORARY PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY Founded: The University of Michigan, 1922 Nu Chapter, 1929 OFFICERS Fall Spring THOMAS CLYDE BRUNSON .................... President ................................ RANDAL EARL POSEY SAMUEL ARTHUR LANE, JR. .... . . .. ..... ... . ... Vice-President .. . . .... . .. .................. ERWIN FRANKE, JR. ESTHER JANE WOOD HALL .... .. ..... . ... .. . .. Secretary-T reasurer . . .. .... . . .. ... . .. . . ROBERT GRAVES BROWN CARL CLARENCE ALBERS .... .. ... ... . .. .. ..... Historian .... . . . . . ..... ...............CARL CLARENCE ALBERS ESTHER JANE WOOD HALL .. .................. Faculty Sponsor ....................... ROBERT GRAVES BROWN FACULTY MEMBERS Carl Clarence Albers William Francis Gidley Joseph Ruben Moreno Joseph Hoyland Arnette Gunnar Gjerstad William Rust Neville, Jr. Robert Graves Brown Vernon Albert Green Herbert Frederick Schwartz, 11 Henry Matthew Burlage Wallace Louis Guess William Johnson Sheffield Frank Peter Cosgrove Esther Jane Wood Hall Kenneth Edward Tiemann John Emerson Davis William Reese Lloyd Leon Otto Wilken, Jr. Er Hung Djao Frederick Valentine Lofgren Charles Owens Wilson HONORARY MEMBERS Walter Dickson Adams Walter Tell Garbade Eugene M. Caskey Howell Jordan A. Lambert .. Jr.Cousins,Walter Shine Earl Philips MEMBERS Dorothy Jo Abernathy Thelma Frances Clarke Holsomback Thomas Clyde Brunson James Charles King James M. Cejda Samuel Arthur Lane, Jr. Royal Clifton Cox Ramiro Narro Max Don Dooley Randal Earl Posey Erwin Franke, Jr. Alfred Robert Sangalli Paul Frank Geiger Pauline Smith Alfonso Alfredo Herrera, Jr. Danny Ray Williams SPRING INITIATES Glenn David Appelt Norman Herbert Prenzler Carey Wayne Golaz Donald Fred Senter Florence Gaye Laxson Landon Wayne Stewart James William Leach Ralph Wayne West SIGMA ALPHA IOTA HONORARY PROFESSIONAL MUSIC ORGANIZATION FOR WOMEN Founded: University of Michigon School of Music, 1903 Beto Xi Chopler, 1951 OFFICERS Fall Spring NORA ELIZABETH SILVERTHORN ...... . .........President .................. ... .. . .......... . ... DELIA DUSON MARTHA CAROLYN GRAVES ....... ............ Vice-President . ........................ MARGARET MARY KOSH DELIA DUSON .. . ............. ... .. .... . .. . .. Corresponding Secretary . . . . . . . . . MARILYN ELAINE MOENCH JANINE CHAPMAN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... Recording Secretary ......................JANE DEE JOCHIMSEN SALLY ANN HINDMAN ........ . .. ..... Treasurer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ANNA MARIE NORMAN LAVONA JO LOE .. . ... . ...... . . .... Chaplain ......... . ... ... ........ . ...... CYNTHIA ANN TLUCEK MARGARET MARY KOSH .... . .. . . . ..... Editor . . . ........... . ..... .. ... . . . .. . ... CATHERINE WOMACK FACULTY MEMBERS Charlotte Estelle DuBois Frances Eleanor Page Verna M. Harder Mary G. Spaulding Janet Mary McGaughey Marian Ruth Yeager Phyllis Casselman Young HONORARY MEMBER Josephine Luccese-Donato PATRONESSES Mary M. Boe Audrey M. Fenzl Leah Moncure Virginia Decherd Lois Baird Trice Dorothy Gebauer Maxine Williams MEMBERS Elizabeth Hope Boyce Janice Kay Harkins Suzanne Brannan Sally Ann Hindman Janine Chapman Karen Elizabeth Johnston Wanda Janiece Christal Martha Ann Key Elizabeth Snyder Clark Margaret Mary Kosh Delia Duson Lavona Jo Loe Nancy Carolyn Foy Patricia Lucille Meyer Amy Jean Glenney Constance Alexis Moffit Martha Carolyn Graves Nora Elizabeth Silverthorn Cynthia Ann Tlucek FALL PLEDGES Mary Elizabeth Hardin Anna Marie Norman Jane Dee Jochimsen Thalia Karleen Roberts Jane Linn Jerry Lorene Shaver Marilyn Elaine Moench Catherine Womack Po ge 302 SIGMA DELTA CHI NATIONAL MEN'S PROFESSIONAL JOURNALISTIC FRATERNITY Founded: Depow University, 1909 Texos Chopter, 1913 OFFICERS Fall Spring CARL DEAN HOWARD ........................ President ............ . . .............CARL DEAN HOWARD B. DARWIN PAYNE ........................... Vice-President ..............................B. DARWIN PAYNE JACK EDWIN MOSELEY ....................... Secretary ........ ......................JACK EDWIN MOSELEY GEORGE EDWARD RUNGE ............ ........Treasurer ........ ...................GEORGE EDWARD RUNGE FACULTY MEMBERS Louis Frank Joseph Baethe Hulon Witherspoon Black Norris Garland Davis George Wilbur Evans Joe B. Frantz Laurence Defee Haskew Olin Ethmer Hinkle Robert Wayne Kenny William Edward Keys Clyde Richard King Harrel 1Estes Lee Jack Russell Maguire J. Roy Moses, Jr. Frank Morris Midkiff Harry Estill Moore DeWitt Carter Reddick Alan Scott Ernest Alonzo Sharpe Paul Jennings Thompson Frank Harper Wardlaw John Edward Weems MEMBERS Robb Kendrick Burlage Donald Paul Knoles Larry Jay Gage Robert Elton Mims Robert Martin Greenberg Jack Edwin Moseley Carl Dean Howard B. Darwin Payne Frederick Bernard Kassell George Thomas Pharr George Edward Runge FALL PLEDGES William R. Barron Roger Harmon Broach Carlos D. Conde Kenneth Warren Cope J. M. Haynes, Jr. Larry Neal Hurwitz SPRING PLEDGES Leonel E. Cardenas Gerald Claude Green James Thomas Holman Donald Patrick Myers Maurice Samuel Olian Poge 303 Lee Jones Jack Elton Keever Jim R. Morris Charles Wayne Smith James T. Russell Joe Carroll Rust Samuel Jerome Payne John Lee Pundt Johnny Wesley Tacke Jerry Hutto T olbert William Kyle Vollmer t . ........."" .... SIGMA IOTA EPSILON . ,, . . . ~. NATIONAL HONORARY AND PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT FRATERNITY Founded : University of 1 llinois, 1927 Gomma Chapter, 1928 OFFICERS Fall Spring JOSEPH EDWARD DODSON, JR................ President ......................... RICHARD MARVIN WOMACK Vice-President FILLEMAN S. NELSON HAGEDORN ....... ........... ........................... CHARLES . Etv\ME LOLA B. DAWKINS ........................... Secretary ........... ........... ........TOM JOHN W EIGEL, JR. ORVILLE H. GIBSON .......................... Treasurer ........................... ... ROBERT GEORGE WALL HORACE COOPER McSWAIN .. ................. Personnel Manager .................. MARVIN ALTON DIERSCHKE TOM JOHN WEIGEL, JR....................... Public Relations Manager ..................... KEITH KOHN COX VIRGIL ALBERT JAMES ................... ..... Faculty Sponsor ........ ............... ... GEORGE GUY MILLER GEORGE GUY MILLER .........................Associate Faculty Sponsor .. ...................... JUDSON NEFF . i FACULTY MEMBERS Joseph Kenneth Bailey John Michel Maurice C. Cross George Guy Miller . . :. . . . . . . . .' James E. Estes Edwin Wilson Mumma Emery Jean Hebert Judson Neff Jack Holland William Thrift Newell Virgil Albert James Kenneth William Olm Elizabeth Lanham Seward Eliot Robb Edmund Clayton Lynch Burnard H. Sord Melvin Eugene McMichael William Robert Spriegel Wilfred H. Watson HONORARY MEMBERS H. E. Chiles, Jr. Ernest L. Kurth Morgan J. Davis L. F. McCollum J. Anderson Fitzgerald Major General Clements McMullen Lillian M. Gilbreath William Robert Spriegel Patrick E. Haggerty J. T. Suggs Donald Williamson MEMBERS Luther L. Bailey Robert Franklin House Carolyn Elizabeth Bain David Hustace Joseph Paul Beaulieu, Jr. Arthur Dewey LaRue Keith Kohn Cox Frank E. Lewis Lola B. Dawkins Horace Cooper McSwain Marvin Alton Dierschke John Francis Oppie Joseph Edward Dodson, Jr. lrl S. Sampson ,; Charles S. Filleman Cecilia Veronica Tierney Alfred E. Flocke Robert George Wall . Orville H. Gibson Tom John Weigel, Jr. Emmett Nelson Hagedorn Richard Marvin Womack David W. Holland Frank Anuncio Zamboni SPRING INITIATES . Kenneth Pat Clepper Anthony Woodward Johnson Don Theodore De Coster Hubert Kelly Jones, Jr. Joseph Charles Fontana Herrell Glyn Jordan Mood Lon Gee Dona Louise Merritt Harlan Hugh Hague Sandra Richard Roy Duane Harris Jon L. Scott Arnold Seals Hooks, Jr. John Hodge Thompson, Jr. Stonewall Pershing Vintson Page 304 -~ 11 . 11 "".:""""""""""""""""Z!!B8m....:Eili!!l:.8!ii1:m'llm.ru.B11.i.\Eli~i.3~.".mm~rm1."'-~~~~ll..'8r..iil • 1 ' '' ., j • ' 11 ' / , ,, J ~ . !1 SPHINX HONORARY ORGANIZATION FOR ARCHITECTURE Founded: University of Texas, 1930 OFFICERS Fall Spring KENNETH M. CARSWELL ...................... President. . . . . ........................KENNETH M. CARSWELL WALTER WEBB DUSON ........................ Vice-President .......................... WAL TER WEBB DUSON NORMAN PARKER Y ARBROUGH ................ Secretary ....................... NORMAN PARKER Y ARBROUGH RAYMOND RALPH BOLTON .................... T reasurer ........ ................... RAYMOND RALPH BOLTON BOBBY LEE FONDREN ....... ................. Reporter .............. ... .......... ..... BOBBY LEE FONDREN JERRY ALAN WELLS .. ...... . ....... . . . ....... Sergeant-at-Arms . .. ...... . ...... . .... . .....JERRY ALAN WELLS MARTIN S. KERMACY .................... .... . Faculty Sponsor .......................... MARTIN S. KERMACY MEMBERS Raymond Ralph Bolton Kenneth A. Owen Kenneth M. Carswell Andrew Perez, 111 Jack Stanley Crier Walter lrving Phillips, Jr. Michael David Dennis Clifton Pine Walter Webb Duson Charles Edward Schubert Bobby Lee Fondren Winton Forrest Scott, Jr. Evan Hintner Jerry Alan Wells Randolph John Larcade William Deen West Howard A. Martin John Franklin Williams Larry Dee Nichols Norman Parker Yarbrough TAU BETA PI NATIONAL ENGINEERING SOCIETY Founded: lehigh University, 1885 Texas Alpha Chapter, 1916 OFFICERS Fall Spring CHARLES ELLIS McCULLOUGH . . . . . . . . . . . . President . . . . ....... . .. CHARLES ELLIS McCULLOUGH BYRON KEITH LOVELACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .. . . ... . . . . . . .. . . . BYRON KEITH. . Vice-President LOVELACE PHILIP KEITH DAVIS ...... . . . ............. . . . . Recording Secretary . . .. . .... . . .. ... .... . .. .PHILIP KEITH DAVIS GEORGE ARCHIE HELLAND, JR. . . . . . . . . . . . Corresponding Secretary ...........GEORGE ARCHIE HELLAND, JR. CHARLES HENRY KARNES. . . . . . . . .. Treasurer. . . . . ....................CHARLES HENRY KARNES . . . ORE H. F. INFANTE . E leland Barclay William Earl Barker Myron louis Begeman Leonard R. Benson Frank Grant Bryant Ned Hamilton Burns William Junius Carter Clark M. Cleveland Albert Everett Coaper George Robert Creedle William A. Cunningham Ronald Kinnison Deford Venton Levy Doughtie William Charles Duesterhoeft Carl J. Eckhardt Bill Gorton Eppes George Homer Fancher William Emmett Bolch Robert Ragsdale Boothe, Jr. William Bryan Brooks Arthur Herbert Clinger Ronald Jarrell Cole Philip Keith Davis Jerry Clarence Dunaway James McKinley Eckhart Charles Allen Edwards, Jr. Charles Lee Farell William Eugene Fickert Norman William Adams James Roy Bagwell Robert Marion Barksdale Richard Calvi n Barron Donald Wilson Barry Kermit Earl Brown Willice Albert Crisp, Jr. James Edward Davis Conrad Dale Day Stanley Earl Anderson Michael Evan Austin Joe Floyd Barker Rudolph Anton Beckmann David William Bennett David Wayne Berry Eugene Thomas Beynon, Jr. Thomas Andrew Black Ronnie Dean Boyd John Bogue Butler Mo-Shing Chen James Curtiss Cline Lloyd Cogdill Charles Peak Cook . ... ... Cataloger ...... .. .. ... .. ...... ... ...... FACULTY MEMBERS Phil Moss Ferguson John Arnold Focht Burns Newman Gafford Earnest Frederick Gloyna William T. Guy, Jr. William Walsh Hagerty William H. Hartwig George Hamiltan Hopkins, Jr. Eldred Wilson Hough leonardt Ferdinand Kreisle Alfred Hall LaGrone Joe Overton Ledbetter Jack Lenhart Russell E. Lueg Frank Dewey Masch, Jr. Hudson Matlock James Dorr McFarland Dickie Richard Grier Harry Columbus Hardee, Jr. Gregg Alan Harris George Archie Helland, Jr. A. Jackson Hill Ettore H. F. lnfante Gail Gordon Johnson Charles Henry Karnes William Neal Kocurek Sam Michael Korzekwa John J. McKetta, Jr. Banks Mclaurin Percy Hugh Miller Walter L. Moare Harold John Plass, Jr. James J. Pollard H. H. Power Howard Frederick Rase Lymon Clifton Reese Erwin Arthur Reinhard Eugene Arman Ripperger Charles Elmer Rowe Henry Grady Rylander Jack A. Scanlan Robert Samuel Schechter Byron Elliott Short Harold Wood Smith MEMBERS Harold David Krick, Jr. Carl Edwin Locke, Jr. Byron Keith lovelace Charles Ellis McCullough Donald Ralph Mclelland Larry Keith McPhail Hobart Francis McWilliams Charles Travis Moorman Granville Emil Ott John George Prather FALL INITIATES Bob Will Dunn Rameshchandra Ramchandra Padhye Jesse Berman Hall, Jr. Scott Petty, Jr. Lionel Daniel Provazek Lonnie Walton Jenkins Donald Leroy Purinton Richard Edward Kothmann Albert Paul Richter, Jr. Wesley Ben Kuenemann Ralph Raymond Schleicher Edward Dale Lamb Gerald Arthur Scofield Joseph Robert Liles, Jr. Kenneth Ray Slater Michael Alan Moore James Harrison Smitherman SPRING INITIATES Joseph Winthrop Dalley William Lewis Davidson Ralph Herman Genz George Vernon Hamilton Otto Ross Harrison Dexter Hill James Milton Huffman Gary Thomas Hurford Stuart Deric Kershner Joe Murphy King Eugene Robert Konde Gary Lynn Leach George Walter Lowe Robert Leonard Lytton Wallace Michael Mays William James McCroskey Robert Donald McCullough Richard Lynn McDaniel James Lawrence Mitchell Raymond Allen Mitchell John David Morell Delbert Max Ottmers, Jr. John Claude Pennington A. J. Phipps, Jr. Sylvain J. Pirson James Doyce Reynolds James V. Riner William Curson Rochelle E ORE H. F. INFANTE . Richard Thomas Smith Horace E. Staph Carl C. Steyer Robert LeGrande Stone Archie Waugh Straiton J. Neils Thompson Milton John Thompson Robert Lee Thoms Burnett Forrest Treat James William Turnbow Robert Davis Turpin Matthew Van Winkle Johnny Charles Wachel Robert W . Warner Willis Raymond Woolrich Fowler Redford Yett William Courtney Robinson William Franklin Russell James Harris St. Clair Paul James Smith Walter Richard Steitz Beeman Ewell Strong Arnold Joseph Tucker Johnny Charles Wachel Hugh Darrell Wade John Brock Westover Jack Gorham Spangler Gilbert Eugene Stewart Charles Richard Thorpe Jack Lee Thurber Everett James Turvey Tony David Watkin John Hill Watts, 111 James Edwin Wood Don Dean Roselius Robert Earl Smith Philip Llewellyn Stanton Donald Mclean Stodart Franklin Delano Stoaksberry Allan John Swanson Tom Howard Timmins Nit Wangvivatna Aaron Hartwell Wester Robert James Wickwire Vernon Wielkens George Edward Wilkinson Archie D. Williams Lewis Chinsun Yen Page 306 THETA SIGMA PHI HONORARY PROFESSIONAL JOURNALISM FRATERNITY FOR WOMEN Founded: The University of Washington, 1909 Xi Chapter, 1919 OFFICERS Fall Spring BETTY ANN WATERS .. ....... ... ........ President .............................. KITTY CASEY KITTY CASEY ................ ...........Vice-President ............ ........... JULIANNE LANE LEAH RAE OLSON ............. .... .... .. Secretary .......... . . . . . . . . SALLY FROMMEYER COOK BEVERLY SUE FULKES ...... .... . .. ...... .Treasurer .. . . . .. . ............ .. .BEVERLY SUE FULKES BARBARA ANN FISH .................. ... Archivist ........................BARBARA ANN FISH FACULTY MEMBERS Marye Durrum Benjamin Shirley Strum Kenny Jessamon Dawe Carolyn Jane Malone Mary Margaret Glasscock Frazier Jo Caldwell Meyer Martha Hobgood Marian P. Michael Frankie Mae Welborn Lindsey Leigh Peck Amy Jo Long Afton Taylor Wynn MEMBERS Betty Jean Carper Julianne Lane Kitty Casey Nina J. McCain Sally Frommeyer Cook Mary Marjorie Menefee Barbara Ann Fish Cyrena Jo Norman Beverly Sue Fulkes Leah Rae Olson Marilyn Ann Goldberg Betty Ann Waters Sue Watkins SPRING INITIATES Roberta Lee Downing Harriet Eleanor Olsen Brenda Hartley Kay Esther Ponder Barbara Gene Fuller Humble Lettye Jane Presley Roberta Ann Love Natalie Stout Carolyn Ann Mankin Karen Sue Wheeler Betty Jo Miles Nelwyn Williams Marilyn Kay Miller Claudetta Ann Young Page 307 ALPHA PHI OMEGA . HONORARY SERVICE FRATERNITY Founded: Lofoyette College, 1925 1 Alpho Rho Chopter, 1935 1 OFFICERS Fall Spring . LEW S WHEELER DONAGHEY .......... ...... .. President ...........................KENNETH NEWT ANDREWS KENNETH NEWT ANDREWS .............. ..... First Vice-President .....................BRUCE EDWARD TURLEY ERLE T. WORLEY .... ..... ............ ........ Second Vice-President ...................CLEVE JAMES HOECKER N ...................... .. Recording Secretary ...................THOMAS CHARLES BRUNS . THOMAS DALE ERW Corresponding Secretary RAY EDGAR . ROBERT NEWTON K NG . .. ... . .... ... .. ...... ............. .. .. . KENNETH AMS . LL . SON W . N .... ........... ............... Treasurer ............................ MARK ELL . GG . LL LEE L . B STEPHEN ALLEN GRANT ................... ... Historian ........ ........................ DAV D COUCH . PAUL ADYISORS Benjamin Spencer Bradshaw H. L. Gaskin Calvin Cleave Nolen Keith Kohn Cox Joe Malik, Jr. Arno Nowotny Norton Curry H. W. Newman Elwood Preiss HONORARY MEMBER R. Elwyn Byrns MEMBERS Kenneth Newt Andrews Thomas Dale Erwin David Odell Langham Don Earl Saddoris e Scott . James Wesley Baldridge Jimmie McBratney Foy Roger Allan Lewis Jon Litt Paul Joseph Brake Alvin Rubenstein Gerson Bill Lee Liggin Roger T erry Shaper Lorence Larry Bravenec Roger Lee Gorrell David Malcom Logan Donald James Simmons Joe Henry Bruns Stephen Allen Grant Les Lopez Robert Samson Singer Thomas Charles Bruns David Arnold Greenspan John Richard Lucas Rodger Vincel Smith Joe Ralph Can.f eld Manuel Ramiro Gutierrez Frank Eugene Mclain Wendall Norman Paul Milton Carraway Louis Chris Heinemeyer M. Duane McMasters Spreadbury, Jr. Wilbur Ratliff Cleaves William Brent Hempkins Rodney Harry Margolis Gary Mearlin Tamplin Richard Allan Comstock Richard Lionel Hill Larry Medlock Ernest Raymond Thomas, Jr • Paul David Couch Sumner B. Hixon Jerry Jacob Nathan Bruce Edward Turley Laurin C. Currie Cleve James Hoecker Bob Austin Newman Charles McDonald White Joe Bryan Davis Larry Neal Hurwitz )' Edward Gustave Paetzel William Menefee Wilcox Theodore Carl Doerr Lonnie Walton Jenkins Kenneth James Peden lra Barnes Wile ,1 John Rentz Doggett ... , George Charles Kendall Lewis Wheeler Donaghey Robert Newton King . . Leonard Brodnax Plummer Mark Ellison Williams David Charles Porter Wess Sam Wise Kenneth Ray Edgar James Donald Knocker Guy Durwyn Robinson Erle T. Worley FALL INITIATES ey .Tony Troyce Bai .Adolph Cardona Flores, Jr Robert James Naas ·Lee Ray Basore ...,John Michael Gainey James Lewis Raney John A. Behrens ..,Milton Bryan Healer Joseph Buel Reynolds, Jr. .Burton Brighton Benson, Jr Robert Michael Hoecker Don Allen Roberts Nix O'Brien Bodden John Embry Hunt Mansel M. Rubenstein .Chester Arthur Briggs, Jr Donald Allan Hutto William Alexander Pickard Robert Bruce Burns nnis ..Michael B Ernest Lee T aubert houn .d W. Ca .Gera rby .James Hudson John Ray Waggoner s .John Dennis Casse Johnson .Dan Michae Ted Maynard Watson Richard Newman Cody Dabney Kennedy Barry Crafton Wells David Wayne Cunyus lan Lestico .Donovan A Thomas Eli Wiener en .Sterly G Dossmann Richard Jules Loewenstern Eugene Charles Wood David Gene Edgar Elwood Lawrence Munson Arthur Herbert Woytek SPRING PLEDGES . .. . .. iam Drost .. iam Kenda David Wi . Wil i Adam Henry James Schraub l . ... ,aude Shearer . es Warren Eisemann Otis C . Jr. CharFrancis Glenn Anders, dfeder Robert Kennedy Speedie . vin Go . Raymond Edward Brown Gary A Joseph Hughes Bulkley Wendell Roy Henderson Larry Duncan Thompson er . Jim Winston Carr Robert Stanley Neel Andrew Nathaniel Tray Richard Leonard Corso Kerry Don Owen Harish Vora e Weathers . ey Greer Rugeley Raymond Da . Donald Morris Deffebach Dud Arthur Louis Schechter 1 Poge 308 .1~ . . . . MOTAR BOARD NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY FOR SENIOR WOMEN Founded: Cornell University, 1918 Visor Chopter, 1923 OFFJCERS Fall Spring LUCY ANN COLLINS .......... ........... President .......................LUCY ANN COLLINS BETSY ROSS ...... . . .. . .. .. . . . .......... Vice-President ............. . .. . . .. ...... BETSY ROSS Secretary ......................JULIA ANN MOFFETT.................... . JULIA ANN MOFFE JUELL JOY KRAUTER ..................... Treasurer ........................JUELL JOY KRAUTER CYRENA JO NORMAN .. ................. Reporter ......................CYRENA JO NORMAN MILDRED ROSE MEILI . . .. .... . .... . .. . ... Historian .... . . . ......... . ......MILDRED ROSE MEILI FRANCES McMATH . ... . ........ .. ....... Sponsor ......... . ...... . .. . ..... FRANCES McMATH CATHERINE A. ROGOWSKI ................ Sponsor ..................CATHERINE A. ROGOWSKI . HELEN TACKETT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sponsor ............................HELEN TACKE FACULTY MEMBERS Louise Landis Armstrong Sue Correll James Margaret Peck Edleen Begg Thelma Lockwood Lucy Rathbone Paula Janet Connor Etelka S. Lynn Joanne M. Ravel Dorothy L. Gebauer Patricia K. Masters Catherine A. Rogowski Helen Hargrave Mary Margaret Miller Helen T ackett HONORARY MEMBERS Josephine Margaret Chapman Helen Margaret Flinn MEMBERS Betsy Blanton Billye Rae Funk Julia Ann Moffett Sandra Cason Juell Joy Krauter Cyrena Jo Norman Lucy Ann Collins Marilyn Marshall Barbara Polsky Dorothy Dawson Nina June McCain Betsy Ross Sandra Esquivel Mildred Rose Meili Kathleen Silva Joan Carolyn Farquhar Mary Marjorie Menefee Sharon Sue Voyles SPRING MEMBERS Ann Beloate Delia Duson Mary Gay Maxwell Linda Biesele Sally Joanne Emerson Cynthia Anne Powell Phyllis Ann Borden Maline Gilbert Joan Lanelle Raab Carolyn Cantwell Cynthia Ann Hall Katherine Louise Voetmann White .. Paula June Craig Rosemary Clyde House Margaret A Roberta Lee Downing Roberta Ann Love " . ORANGE JACKETS HONORARY SERVICE ORGANIZATION FOR WOMEN Faunded: University of Texas, 1923 . 1 1 OFFICERS Fall Spring ROSEMARY CLYDE HOUSE . . .... . . .. President .. ......... .. . . ... ROSEMARY CLYDE HOUSE EMILY SUE STINSON ........... ......... Vice-President ................... EMILY SUE STINSON KATHERINE LOUISE VOETMANN ........... Secretary ...... ....... KATHERINE LOUISE VOETMANN ANN BELOATE .......................... Treasurer .................... ........ ANN BELOATE PHYLLIS ANN BORDEN . . .................Contact Chairman ........ . ..... PHYLLIS ANN BORDEN MARGARET ANN WHITE ..... . ... . ........Contact Chairman ............MARGARET ANN WHITE s DEAN . DOROTHY WATTS DEAN .................Sponsor .................... DOROTHY WA MEMBERS Betty Ann Aue Judith Ann Hickman Laura Preston Ann Beloate Erin Higgins Jean Burke Rogers Barbara Hunsdon Bitter Rosemary Clyde House Emily Sue Stinson Phy/lis Ann Borden Nancy Bryan Hunt Carolyn Ann Thomas Elizabeth Joyce Bourdon Roberta Ann Love Jen Cary Tomlinson Paula June Craig Mary Gay Maxwell Katherine Louise Voetmann Delia Duson Mary Ann Moroney Jo Ann Watkins Sally Joanne Emerson Cynthia Anne Powell Margaret Ann White Julia Quay Williams FALL INITIATES Ann Ellen Armstrong Marie Josephine Eickmann Mary Kay Miller Linda Biesele Susan lrene Harling Margaret Clare Perkins Anne Singleton Blocker Brenda Hartley ' Elizabeth Anne Shatto Carolyn Cantwell Carole Stewart Keeton Jane Stotts . ,. : Sue J. Chessher Lou Ann Lancaster Sally Travis Sally Belle Cowper Andrea Lyn Lewis Virginia Anne Walker ' 11 SPRING INITIATES I• Mary Ann Allen Sharon Johnson Judith Shields Mary Margaret Carlson Martha Jane Mast Mary Stewart Thomas 1, Theresa Elizabeth Flynn Rebecca Ann Reynolds Avis Andrea Tieber 11 1 Martha Doyle Jee Sharon Sue Sears Judy Whitehurst Margo Wiley Page 310 ,!I. SCABBARD AND BLADE NATIONAL HONORARY MILITARY SOCIETY Founded: University of Wisconsin, 1904 Texas Chapter, 1949 G Company, Bth Regiment OFFICERS Fall Spring JAMES TERRY TOPHAM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Captain .......... ..... .... ...................... JAY B. REA GEORGE EDMUND BATCHELER . . ... . .. . .. .. .. . . First Lieutenant . .. . . .. .. . . . . .. . ...... . .. ROBERT SIDNEY JONES JAY B. REA .................................. Second Lieutenant .... ....... ........ JOHN EDWARD SWINDELLS ROBERT ALEXANDER CARNES .................. First Sergeant ...................... CHARLES LESTER McCLELLAN FACULTY SPONSORS Major William D. Akers, USAF Colonel Marvin L. Bell, USA Commander Ben Hill Stough, Jr., USN HONORARY MEMBERS Major William D. Akers, USAF Lieutenant Colonel Charles F. Langley, USA Colonel Marvin L. Bell, USA Major Charles G. Olentine, USA Lieutenant Colonel George H. Cornish, USA Lieutenant Colonel 0 . L. Pilgrim, USN Major Donald A. Fox, USA Colonel Curtis Theodore Ricketts, USA Colonel William A. Kengla, USN Colonel William Hightower Smith, USAF Major Richard Howard Kraemer, USAF Commander Ben Hill Stough, Jr., USN MEMBERS George Edmund Batcheler A. Jackson Hill Scott Petty, Jr. Robert Alexander Carnes William Max Jennings John William Pieper Kenneth Lee Cochrum Ronald Vincent Larson Jay B. Rea Luke C. Fisher Gary Lynn Leach Leslie Allen Sanders Joe David Grantham Ben Allen Meharg John Edward Swindells John Tatum Green Robert T aylor ewsom James Terry Topham David Holland Henderson Granville Edward Paules, 111 Monte Patrick Williams FALL INITIATES Charles lvan Ashbaugh Robert Ples Humphreys Kenneth Thompson Miller Robert Herman Brewer Victor B. Jaeggli, Jr. Kenneth Lee Oehler James P. Briscoe Robert Sidney Jones Hugh Pat Pate Richard Thurman Buffler George Philip Kazen George Raphael Rogers Charles Cushman Cate George Charles Kendall, Jr. William Grey Savage Alfred Flores Cazares, Jr. William Neal Kocurek Kyle Winston Sherrill Royce Linton Cutler Charles Lester McClellan Hector G. Sierra Richard Bradley Fisher Donald Ralph Mclelland Benjamin Alvis Stafford George Holmes Ginn Carroll Wayne Merlick David 0 . Swint David Weldon Trekell Ellie Barton Underwood, Jr. Poge 311 ARNOLD AIR SOCIETY AIR FORCE R.O.T.C. HONORARY SERVICE ORGANIZATION Founded: The University of Cincinnoti, 1947 John H. Poyne Squodron, 1950 OFFJCERS Fall Spring KENNETH LEE COCHRUM ...................... Commanding Officer .......... ......... KENNETH LEE COCHRUM KARRELL JOHN JOHNSON .................... Executive Officer .. ................ ... KARRELL JOHN JOHNSON WILLIAM MAX JENNINGS ........... .......... Operations Officer ................. ... WILLIAM MAX JENNINGS RONALD VINCENT LARSON ................... Adjutant Recorder .................. RONALD VINCENT LARSON Comptrol1er ........ ...................... GARY FLOYD OFFUTT ......................... ... GARY FLOYD OFF MAJOR RICHARD HOWARD KRAEMER ........... Faculty Advisor ..... ........ MAJOR RICHARD HOWARD KRAEMER HONORARY FACULTY MEMBERS Ma jor Richard Howard Kraemer Colonel William Hightower Smith MEMBERS Gary D. Aguren William Max Jennings Gary Floyd Offutt Dyek Ronald Boles Karrell John Johnson Jack D. Polson James LaVoy Branton, Jr. George Philip Kazen Jay Bradford Rea Kenneth Lee Cochrum James Donald Kniker Hector G. Sierra William Louis Guyton Larry S. Lamberth, Jr. Jerry Edwin Smith Clovis Ray Hale Ronald Vincent Larson David 0. Swint Lawrence Eugene Hart Maurice John William Lehmon Malvin Glen Teague James Robert Holmes, Jr. Theodore George Leonard David Weldon Trekell Jefferson Davis Howell, Jr. Charles Lester McClellan Robert Alfred Waldrop Robert Ples Humphreys James Robert Niebuhr Monte Patrick Williams SPRING MEMBERS James Lipscomb Ballard, 111 John Charles Wendell Milner Donald Blaine Steffa Malcolm Acie Burgess Jerry Allen Muennink James Rodney Thomas Robert Clayton Falls Allen Frank Musick Ellie Barton Underwood Willard Edward Johnson Joe Ramirez Charles Joseph Vesely . Fro t Row: Kraemer, McClellan, Smith, Leonard, Kniker, Johnson . .d Row: Niebuhr, Waldrop, Guyton, Trekcll, Humphreys, Williams . Seco Third Row: Lamberth, Polson, Howell, Larson, Boles, Ha rt. Fourth Row: Teague, Jennings, Rea, Offutt, Cochrum. Page 312 1 ' 111 ' ' / • . , TEXAS COWBOYS HONORARY SERVICE ORGANIZATION FOR MEN Founded: The University of Texas, 1922 OFFICERS Fall Spring TH . FF . Foreman........... DONALD PAUL GR .. ... ,JERRY JACOB NATHAN WALTER WEBB DUSON. . . . . . . .......... Strawboss. . . . . GEORGE CAMP CHAPMAN GEORGE , Horse Wrang er . . . . .. . . . .. MORTON H. MEYERSON . . .................. ... SEGLE FRY GEORGE CAMP CHAPMAN . .Shotgun ............. . .JOSEPH EDWARD STOELTJE ROY CLARENCE COFFEE, JR............... Camp Cook. . .. .... R. GORDON APPLEMAN MEMBERS ... ,Gordon Appleman Walter Webb Duson Jerry Jacob Nathan R. William Joseph Bailey Segle George Fry Donald Richard Pohl ... , lett Arthur E. Rhodes . James Earle Barden Robert Bruce Gi Danny LaGette Beaird Ray A. Gipson Howard Newton Richards Thomas Jay Benner Paul Milton Gray Robert James Robertson Sam Raymond Bright Donald Paul Griffith Frank Dallas Scarborough Bethea Wright Brindley Gary Reagan Gurwitz Ronny Norman Schoenbrun Raymond Ralph Brown Freddie Sherman Harkavy Edward S. Southern Richard Thurman Buffler William Holland Hinkle Joseph Edward Stoeltje Joe Barnett Cannon Darrell Eddy Jordan Jon David Totz George Camp Chapman Richard Page Keeton David Oakes Turner Roy Clarence Coffee, Jr. Henry Willard Lende, Jr . John Watts H. Maurice Doak Dona d Love Wallace Gordon Wilson . Ben Addison Donnell Greg Newton Martin Wayne Ellsworth Windle William H. Druschel l Tracy Triece Word . Clifton Hatcher McCa Morton H. Meyerson FALL INITIATES ntyre . Jay Hoyland Arnette Robert Kenneth Burchard Robert Hicks Mc Don Hargrove Smith .. ,Robert Rhea Barton Carl Lewis Estes ... ,l Fred Milton Gerson Sidney H. Smith . John Laurence Be Jackie B. Boone Sandy Lowry Richard Dalton Spangler Coy Ben Martin SPRING INITIATES Andrew Williams Bachofen Drewry H. Morris Jimmy Bruce Shrake David Mooney Carmichael Charles Robert Neblett Curtis R. Shu ler Michael Ross Cooper Monroe Ben Nowotny Sam Sparks Robert Earl Gurwitz John W. Pettijohn Herbert David Weitzman James Carroll Herring, Jr. John C. Sargent James T. Willerson Edward Robertson Hewlett James E. Shillingburg Front Row: Totz, Duson, Love, Brown, Word, Gurwitz, Keeton, Ann Mcfadden, Meyerson, Fry, Druschel, Beaird, Windle, Appleman, Nathan, Mclntyre Bright, Jordan. Second Row: Spangler, S. Smith, Barden, Donnell, Bailey, Gipso~, Estes, Stoeltje, Burchard, Martin, Wilson, Harkavy, Schoenbrun, McCall, Boon~, Turner, Pohl, .Lowry, Gerson, Buffler, Wattsnkle, . Chapman. Cannon, Scarborough, Bell, Gray, Rhodes, Lende, H ROYAL SPIRIT COORDINATING THE ACTIVITIES OF VARIOUS CAMPUS ORGANIZATIONS TO INCREASE SCHOOL SPIRIT JAY MAYNE LEWALLEN .............. . ..... . .. Chairman REPRESENTATIVES John Michael Alexander . . .. DELT A KAPPA EPSILON Tommy Earl Beidleman ........... . ........ SIGMA CHI George Eugene Bogle . . . . . . . . . . .... PI KAPPA ALPHA Patricia Sue Bobo . . .................ALPHA CHI OMEGA Eloise Wilson Brackenridge . . . . . . . . . .ZETA T AU ALPHA Elizabeth Ann Brown . . ...................PI BETA PHI James Dean Bryan . ..... ... ....... ......ACACIA Jane Carol Bugg ...........................PHI MU Janet Chatelain . .......................DELTA ZETA Loyce Jeanne Christopher . . . . . . . . . ALPHA GAMMA DELT A Jess Richard Coker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... SIGMA CHI Nancy Lee Cone ... . .. GAMMA PHI BETA Charlotte Camille Daniel ........... . .... ALPHA DELT A PI John Andrew Eads . ......... ........SIGMA PHI EPSILON Sandra Lee Epstein . . ..... .. ....... . . SIGMA DELT A T AU Larry Allan Fulbright . . . . . .................CHI PHI Jo Frances Greene . . ...........ALPHA CHI OMEGA Geraldine Grossman. . . DELT A PHI EPSILON A. Karen Haun . . KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA Samuel Matthew Holland, Jr. . . . . .. .. PHI KAPPA THETA David Kiker Hughes .......... . ... . . . . ... SIGMA NU Joe Anthony Joseph, Jr .............. . .. . .. . .. DELT A CHI Jay Mayne Lewallen ..................DELTA TAU DELTA Penn Van Livingston ................... . .. PHI KAPPA PSI Gerald Arthur Lowe .................. ...... ... ACACIA Janice Carole Malone ...............ALPHA OMICRON PI William Edward Matthews .............. .PHI KAPPA PSI Edgar Covey Nash, Jr......... ..........BETA THETA PI Ella Jane Noyes . . ...................DELT A GAMMA Nancy Elizabeth Rains ..............KAPPA ALPHA THETA Curtis Hill Rylander ......................KAPPA ALPHA Sharon Sue Sears ......... . ...............CHI OMEGA Manny Herzl Smith .....................T AU DELT A PHI Patricia Lee Wall ...................DELTA DELTA DELTA Front Row: Grossmon, Brown, Seors, Woll, Bobo, Greene, Choteloin, Bugg. Second Row: Epstein, Noyes, Christopher, Roins, Cone, Doniel, Brockenridge, Hcun. Third Row: Hughes, Eods, Rylonder, Bogle, Beidlemon, Bryon, Alexonder, Fulbright, Hollond, Joseph, Motthews, Smith, Livingston, Lewollen. Poge 314 '',,'/11 . j•/. ''•11,111 . 1 ' 1 • SILVER SPURS . . ORGAN CE ZAT ON FOR MEN . HONORARY SERV Founded: The University of Texos, 1938 .. Hewe OFFICERS Fall Spring GEORGE GILBERT STUBBLEFIELD .. . . President .... . .FRANK CLOUD COOKSEY WILLIAM COOK FIELDER ...... . ... Vice-President . . . . . WILLIAM COOK FIELDER MARVIN ALDEN ROGERS . . Secretary . . .. MARVIN ALDEN ROGERS JAY JULES KARKOWSKY .... . . . .. Treasurer ... . ....JA Y JULES KARKOWSKY HONORARY MEMBERS . en. . Richard S. Coctus Pryor Ca vin C. Jitter No Jock Russe l Maguire MEMBERS d Rogers . es Rona . and Jock Glenn Norwood Char .. Benjamin Spencer Bradshaw George Archie He ey . John Wes .. ,Henry AlexonderE. .. lorence Larry Bravenec Bi Palmros Sauer .. Jimmy Leon Burk Robert Campbe . Brooks Trezevont Patrick Richard Arlin Stan ey iam Gary Patterson Clarence Nea Stevenson .. Robb age Dexter Hi Wi . .. . Kendrick Bur Donald Otis Stodghi l ... ,es . le Edward Pau . oud Cooksey Vernon Murray Jordan Granvi . Frank C . ... ,d . e.fe . bert Stubb . rvine Perkins, Jr. George Gi . es Karkowsky James . Chancy Croft Jay Ju Carter Benjamin Ke ly John Wi iam Pieper Howard Timmins . . Tom .. . Ra ph Wa drom Dau Lewis Whee er Donaghey David Andrew Kendrick David Anders Provost James Terry Topham . ius Toole . bert Ju . ton Mims Jack Francis Ritter, Jr. A . d Jack Finger Robert E . Rona Townsend .. fred Rogers James Terre . enn A . ey Fisher John Marvin Mohrmann G . Richard Brad f . iam Howard Wo .. Pearson Grimes, Jr. Wi FALL INITIATES .. l . wyn James Doug Pfluger . AC. Bert B. Adkins Robert Cameron Hightower Lewis Lee Ku Kirby Wi iam Perry as . en .. Barr James Fred Hofheinz Joy Mayne Lewa Posey . es Joseph Macmanus Randal Ear . der Frank B. Jones Char . iam Cook Fie .. Wi er Marvin Rogers .. Fred .. dstein Harry David Kirkpatrick Wi . Go . iam e Thomas Martin Roosth . d Kniker Bob G. Od . Robert W. Gray James Dona Kocurek Peck George E. Runge . ter Tom Henson Wil iam Nea . Maurice Mi A den H.Joseph . Wa SPRING MEMBERS Kenneth Newt Andrews Billy Bernard Doy John Roymond Jordon Stuart Neal Pullen Marvin E. Beck Michael Scotl Fry Lozoro Fronko Lopez Hal Freemon Simmons Roberl Casey, J r . Somuel Tevis Grinsteod Roy Milton Lyon Peyton Lambeth Townsend ace Michoel Moyes James Albert Trotter . eaves Dovid Kiker Hughes Wol . Ted C . O iver Barr McClel an Robert Hazen Walker . . John Milton Crawford, Jr Ettore H. F. lnfonte Mourice Somuel Olian ... ,James D. Dannenboum Williom Eugene Joor .t Row: Perry, Odle, Miller, Kendrick, Pfluger, Dau, Karkowsky, Pieper, Helland, Goldstein, Hill, G. Rogers, Patrick, Timmins, Toole . Fro ,Kirkpatrick, Paules, Kocurek, Finger, Fielder, Roosth, Stubblefield, Posey, Mims, Henry, HofheinzStodghill, orwood, . ,Back Row: Henson, Adkins, Macmanus .Cooksey, Hewell , Stevenson, JonesGray, Runge,Perkins,Grimes,Kelly, Burlage, Hightower, Burk, en, .. Lewa 315 . Pag SPOOKS HONORARY SERVICE ORGANIZATION OFFICERS Fall SALLY JOANNE EMERSON . . . . . ... . ...... Chief Haunt .. CYNTHIA ANNE POWELL . ...... Vice-Haunt ... SHIRLEY ANN MYERS .. . . . . . . . . . . Scribe Haunt . MARTHA DOYLE JEE .... . . . . Banker Haunt . CAROLE STEWART KEETON .... Spirit ... . ... . VIRGINIA ANNE WALKER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Service Haunt. A. KAREN HAUN. . ............ History Haunt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spring . . MARTHA DOYLE JEE . .. JEWEL ELYNE MELTON .SHIRLEY KAY McKINLEY MARTHA ANN MARKS . .... . A. KAREN HAUN . ....JANET MABEL SPENCER . ...MARY SUSAN DILLARD MELINDA LOUISE BURKHART. . . . . . .......... Contact Haunt ........... ...........MELINDA LOUISE BURKHART LOUISE CAROL DAVIS . . . . . . .. . . ... . ...... Contact Haunt . . .. LOUISE CAROL DAVIS ELSIE JENOISE Annette Anderson Annobelle Ansley Ann Ellen Armstrong Zora Rayburn Bannister Temme Barkin Judith Monsell Beesley Georgia Annetta Bennett Beverly Anne Brindley Jone Corol Bugg Judy Kay Burgoon Melinda Lauise Burkhart Rosemary Cochran Kote Ellis Coopwood Alice Elina Adoms Lynn Ann Alexander Margaret Jane Blye Ann Burrows Phyllis Ann Byars DOTSON .............. ........ Sponsor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... ELSIE JENOISE DOTSON Nancy Jean Cotton Beverly Cax Lauise Carol Davis Carolyn Dice Mory Susan Dillard Ann Eliot Sally Joonne Emerson Martho Posey Farmer Noncy Sue Faust Carole Ann Fine Mory Lynn Goldsmith Gail Goldstein Gwynne Lee Guflin Dano Adriana DeRidder Clareve Jean Desch ner Judith Nelms Grandjean Harriett Hilda Hopkins Anita Gertrude Jordan MEMBERS Morgaret Whitton Holey Lindo Ann Hompton A. Karen Houn Alice Virginia Huflington Mortha Doyle Jee Carole Stewart Keeton Rondo Jan Keng Sabra Joy Lande Andrea Lyn Lewis Eleonor Ruth Lewis Mortha Ann Marks Jone Lynn Moyes Shirley Kay McKinley SPRING PLEDGES Linda Elaine Kilgore Maria Elinor Medina Cynthia Moe Miller Julie Ann Parker Patricia Ann Patterson Nola Ann McNamara Jewel Elyne Melton Shirley Ann Myers Melody Ann Pattillo Cynthia Anne Pawell Linda Joyce Richardson Patricia Wyn n Rusch Ada Marie Sharpe Janiece Belle Simmons Ellen Nora Simon Elizabeth Joyce Smith Gwendolyn Socol Jane fronces Spocek Arden Reed Alice Adelaide Rollins Mory Cathryn Sauer Marilyn Brady Snow Bettye Sue Swales Janet Mabel Spencer Susan Lee Stephen Sandra Lynn Stolz Avis Andrea Tieber Sal ly T ravis Susan Louise Van Winkle Virginia Anne Walker Suzanne White Phyll is Ann Wiegand Annette Williams Jimmie Dell Williams Sandra Lee Zimmerman Patricia Nell Tidmore Sally Elizabeth Waddill Beverely Sue Ward Lau Ann Wells Janice Ann Whitehead Front Row : Zimmerman, Barkin, Stolz, Emerson, Walker, Cochran, Armstrong. Second Row: Stephen, A. Williams, Keeton, Bennett, Tieber, J. Williams, Coopwood, Eliot, Fine. Third Row: Farmer, Huffington, Cox, Pattillo, Simon, McKinley, Burkhart, Bur­goon, Powell. ­ . Fourth Row: Haley, A. Lewis, Myers, Ba nister, Simmons, Jee, Goldstein, Brindley, Wiegand, Spacek, Marks . Fifth Row: Davis. Mayes, Ansley, Smith, Faust, Melton, Rusch, Bugg, Guffin, Haun, Socol. Sixth Row : Beesley, Richardson, Goldsmith , Cotton, Travis, Dillard, Spencer, Hamp­ton, Sharpe, Anderson, White. Page 316 ALPHA DELTA SIGMA HONORARY PROFESSIONAL ADVERTISING FRATERNITY Founded: University of Missouri, 1913 Poul J. Thompson Chopter, 1928 OFFICERS Fall Spring JAMES HENRY COCHRAN . . ................ President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. WILLIAM NOEL COPELAND JAMES THOMAS HOLMAN.... ...... .... . .... Vice-President .... ....... ..... .. KENNETH WARREN NORDEMAN RALEIGH LYMAN GREER . . . . . . . . . . . ..........Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......WILLARD BAILEY MOON KENNETH WARREN NORDEMAN ................ Treasurer ...... . ................ .... WALTER WINN DURHAM GILBERT MATISON WYRICK . . . . . . . .... . .. ... Publicity Chairman . . .... .. .......... . . JOHN KIMBRELL DARLING WILLIAM NOEL COPELAND . . ..... . . . .. .. . . . . . . Pledge Trainer ... . . . . . . . . . .... GILBERT MATISON WYRICK BASIL CHARLES KARCHER . . . . .. . . .. . ... . . Program Director . LEON POINDEXTER HOWELL, JR. SPONSORS Williom Mclone Brown Curtiss Chorles Grove Alon Scott FACULTY MEMBERS Williom Poxton Boyd Curtiss Chorles Grove Alon Scott Poul Jennings Thompson MEMBERS Wolter Rolond Bell Bobby Joe Doffern Jomes Thomos Holmon Morris Robert Moynor Bobby Woyne Perry Roger Hormon Brooch Wolter Winn Durhom Leon Poindexler Howell, Jr. Willord Boiley Moon Dovid Govin Ritchie, Jr. Lloyd Trumon Brummett Mourice Goldstein Lorry Neol Hurwitz Kenneth Worren Nordemon Williom Blockburn Royer Robb Kendrick Burloge Roleigh Lymon Greer Bosil Chorles Korcher Kenneth Woyne Poce Thomos Froncis Vetlers Jomes Henry Cochron Wolter T. Hort Donold Roy Key Rolond Hilory Porker Robert Eugene Donold Woolsey Williom Noel Copelond Johnie Lee Hodnett, Jr. Don Lombden Jomes Winslon Perkins Gilbert Motison Wyrick FALL INITIATES Chonning Corlin Benton Chorlie Pot DuBose John Worwick Lee Douglos Allon McVey Henry Leon Wolker John Kimbrell Dorling Jimmie lee Hoptonstoll Roberl Michoel Morkus Zone Gory Miller Bill Whitley Joseph Hudgens Dominey Glen Dorrell Hebert Jomes Potrick Mclnroy W . Corl Touch SPRING PLEDGES Mortin Hirschhorn Edword luskey Williom Benlon Nevitt Edword Arlin Steele Williom Moffett Kromer Tommy Moss louis Richord Smith, 111 Douglos Arthur Swoil Gerold Arthur Lowe, 11 Bruce Roymond Nelson Rodger Vincel Smith Top Row : Benton, Brummett, Cochran, Copeland, Darling, Durham, Thomas R. E1ans. Second Row: Greer, Hodnett, Holman, Howell, Lambden, Mclnroy, McVey, Moon. Third Row: Nordeman, Parker, Perkins, Tauch, Vetters, Walker, Whitley, Wyrick. DELTA SIGMA PI TY . ON FRATERN . STRAT . N . NESS ADM . ONAL BUS . PROFESS Founded: ,New York University 1907 Beta Kappa ,Chapter 1930 OFFICERS Fall Spring ROBERT CALDWELL WILLINGHAM . . President . . . . . . .. ... . . . . . . . ........ .BILL DEAN GOFORTH JOEL PHILLIP DALTON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Senior Vice-President .. .ROBERT BYRD GENTRY ROBERT BYRD GENTRY . . . .. . . .. .. . . . .. . . . .. Vice-President ... . . . . .LAYTON RAY BUCKNER JAMES ROBERT NIEBUHR ....... . . . ............ Secretary . . ...... . . . WILLIAM REECE HOLDEN JAY PHILIP LEVIN . . WILLIAM EDMOND BRADY . . PANAYOTIS JOHN LYMBEROPOULOS . . . Arvid A. Anderson Stanley A. Arbingast Jim G. Ashburne Joseph Kenneth Bailey William Paxton Boyd Len Spears Allen, Jr. Roy Saunders Battle John David Baylor Kenneth Charles Boelter William Edmond Brady Henry Tebbs Brooks Grady Dysan Bruce, Jr. Layton Ray Buckner Babby Joe Burgin Clarence L. Callaway, Jr. Babbie Archie Chester John Milton Crawford John Paul Anderson Jerry Carl Bjork Tommy Opie Cason William Miles Glaspy James Eugene Gray Gary Charles Bernhard Gary N. Bayd John Bob Braziel William Edward Brock William Harold Buckley William Mclane Brown Buford Abner Casey Aaron Hamilton Chute James Clay Dolley James E. Estes Ralph Neal Gassman Jael Phillip Dalton Clifford William Davidsan Marvin Altan Dierschke Robert Derwin Eakin Stanley Burnett Fergusan Richard Wayne Fergusan Jimmy Jack Frost Robert Byrd Gentry Edward Marshall Glass Bi 11 Dean Gafarth Herbert Lester Green Arthur Dale Grillin, Jr. Jack Fanville Hayley Hugh Miner Herndon Claude J. Herpin Rudolph Eugen Hunger Robert Franklin Hurt Joe Richard Bushager William Cannon Edward Franklin Collins, Jr. Jerry Del Coaper Kenneth Brien Dodds . .... .. Treasurer . . .. . .. .. ... . . . TOMMY OPIE CASON . Historian . . .... . . . ...JOHN PAUL ANDERSON . . Faculty Advisor . FACUL TY MEMBERS Robert Lee Grinaker James Rudolph Kay rving 0. Linger . Panayatis John Lymberopaulas Francis Barns May William Earl Moflett MEMBERS Robert Dalton Hardcastle, Jr. Glen Haward Hartford William Reece Halden Tom T. Hollingshead Donald Lee Hunt Lee Roy Johnsan Thomas Philip Kelly, Jr. Robert Merl Kincaid Lynn Richard Kromminga Hugh Arthur Lemmon, Jr. Jay Philip Levin James Richard Matz FALL INITIATES Gary Dean Jahnsan Ralph Judsan King Michael Rusk Moare Jerry W . Neagle Samuel J. Parker SPRING PLEDGES Grady L. Fairbairn William Gordon Hollaway Herbert W Hurn Walter Reed Leanard Milton Glenn Lockhart Walter Budge Mabry . .... PANAYOTIS JOHN Eugene W. Nelson Henry T. Owen Parley M. Pratt Burnard H. Sord Robert W. Strain ... ,Harry Vine Robert Cloyes McCurry Carl Wayne McDonald Ben Allen Meharg James Robert Niebuhr Daniel Sterling Parks Robert Charles Reinarz James Allen Rindfuss Richard Dwight Ryan Kenneth Larry Sellstrom Charles Albert Smith Norman Vedder Smith Jack Margene Spear Robert Keith Pigg, Jr. Duwain Joseph Pingenot Howard Mike Ratclifl LaRue Eugene Rabinsan Edwin Haward Saylor Bernard Daniel Martinek Robert Sheltan Mayes David Lee Owen William Howard Pharr Rex Raymond Radclill LYMBEROPOULOS ker . Ernest W. Wa Glenn Albert Welsch John Arch White Erich Walter Zimmerman Charles Theodore Zlatkovich William Gibbs Spiller James Hunter Thompson Gus Carl Tramp Glenn Arthur Von Rosenberg lloyd Douglas Walker Tom John Weigel, Jr. Richard Grady Weil Ernest Dorman Wheeler Charles Henry Williams Robert Caldwell Willingham Edwin Roger Wright James H. Scott Julius Wayne Smith Calvin Eugene Wheat Jerry Edwin Smith Milton York Tate, Jr. Kermit Wayne Uecker Ben A. Wallis Douglas Lennett Williams Front Row: Moffett, Lymberopoulos1 Gentry, Willingham, Dalton, Niebuhr, Levin, Brady. .Goforth, Buckner, R. W. Ferguson d, . ter, Lemmon, McDona . Crawford, McCurry, Green, BoeDierschke, Eakin, narz, . Second Row: Wright, Pingenot, Re •Rindfuss, Wheeler, Tramp, J. W. Smith, King, Matz, Bruce, Williams, S. Ferguson Spiller,laway, . Third Row: Moore, Ca Fourth Row: Neagle, G. Johnson, Spear, Allen, Glaspy, Parker, Say Gray , Smith, Chester, Burgin, Hayley, Herpin • . . or, . • den . Fifth Row: L. Johnson, Cason, Bjork, Baylor, Pigg, Herndon, J. Anderson, Parks, Hunger, Robinson, Ho • th Row: Wheat, Brown, Hurt . Si Page 318 ' . ••,,;/,,,'1 'J ' 1 . 1 KAPPA EPSILON HONORARY FRATERNITY FOR WOMEN IN PHARMACY Founded: Stale University of lawo, 1921 Chi lota Chapter, 1943 OFFICERS Fall Spring PAULINE SMITH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... President ... . .. . . ...... . .. ...... PAULINE SMITH TOMMIE JEAN COULTER . ... Vice-President . . .. GLORIA JUNE STOKES ELEANOR JULIA SIEMER ........ . . . Secretary .. . . .. IRMA MARTINEZ ELIZABETH LOU KING ............ . . . Treasurer .. . . . . . .. .. PEGGY LOU SCHOMBURG IRMA MARTINEZ .. . . . . .. . . . . . Reporter .. . MARIA DEL ROSARIO GUTIERREZ ESTHER JANE WOOD HALL .. . . . Faculty Member . . .. .. ESTHER JANE WOOD HALL MEMBERS Dorothy Jo Abernathy Elizabeth Lou King lrma Martinez Tommie Jean Coulter Velma Jean Pokorny Kubala Carol Ann Richardson Carolyn Jane Craig Florence Gaye Laxson Peggy Lou Schomburg Anita Sylvia Garcia Peggy Elaine Lipscomb Eleanor Julia Siemer Maria Celeste Gutierrez Adele Jewell Lyle Pauline Smith Maria Del Rosario Gutierrez Gloria June Stokes FALL PLEDGES Zoila Gonzalez Almira Fidelia Martinez Leona Louise Powell Virginia Elizabeth Hadden Delia Rebecca Saenz SPRING PLEDGES Brenda Nan Barth linda Mae Moody Jewel Curtis Linda Rhea Riley Janie Grace Field Mary Virginia Schulz Ellen Margaret Miller Front Row: Kubala, Abernathy, 1. Martinez, Hadden, M. C. Gutierrez, Powell, Garcia, Saenz, A. Martinez, M. 0. Gutie.r ez, Coulter . Second Row: Hall, Smith, Lipscomb, Craig, King, Schomburg, Siemer, Laxson, Stokes • PHI DELTA CHI NATIONAL HONORARY PHARMACEUTICAL FRATERNITY Founded: University of Michigan, 1883 Lombda Chapter, 1905 OFFICERS Fall Spring THOMAS CLYDE BRUNSON .. President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .LOWREY FRANKLIN GRAVLEY JAMES M. CEJDA. . ...... Vice-President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHARLES E. EBEL RANDAL EARL POSEY. . . . . . ...... .... Treasurer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. CAREY WAYNE GOLAZ CHARLES E. EBEL. . . ......... Secretary. . . ..... ....... ....JOHN EDWARD FRIERSON LOWREY FRANKLIN GRAVLEY ....... ........... Corresponding Secretary. . . . . . . . . ....NOEL MARTINEZ MARVIN JAMES MUCHA ......................Master-at-Arms. . . ... FRITZ BERNARD SCHEFFEL MICHAEL LEE HERRY. . . . . . . ........ .. Prelate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....JOE BUCK PARK MURRY K. NANCE. . . . . . . . .. lnner Guard . . . . . ......... ........... ... RALPH B. GOERTZ FACULTY MEMBERS William Rust Neville William Johnson Shellield MEMBERS John Herbert Anderson, Jr. Jacob Joseph Eckert, Jr. Bill J. Hinson Raul C. Saldana James Angell Buford Lynn Emerson James Monroe Klatt Fritz Bernard Scheflel John George Asafl John Edward Frierson lawson Gregory Kloesel James Harvey Shell Lloyd Don Bandy William Donald Frierson Walter L. Kaehn Paul Frank Slaton Gaston F. Blanchette J. Eliud Fuentes James William Leoch Carlos Clyde Smith, 111 James Patrick Boepple Joe Thomas Gaulden Marvin Edward Machac Chris Monrae Solberg Thomas Clyde Brunson Charles Nelson Gilreath William Travis Malane, Jr. Paulino M. Tovar, Jr. James M. Cejda Ralph B. Goertz Nael Martinez Thalmann Lester Treadaway James Leaton Clark Carey Wayne Golaz Larry Ralph Menconi Walter Joseph Wasicek Dan Bartlett Conoly Edward Esquivel Gonzalez Roger Arlan Middleton Arthur Darrell Webb Joe H. Couch Francisco T. Gonzalez Marvin James Mucha Cecil Chalfant Weekley Oscar Leon Dietz, Jr. Lowrey Franklin Gravley Boyce Edwin Murphree Cyril B. Weich Olen LaRoy Douglas Lynn Carl Halamicek Murry K. Nance Joe Max Whitlock Charles E. Ebel Tommy Donald Hatchell Joe Buck Park Danny Ray Williams John Ebner Michael Lee Herry Randal Earl Posey FALL PLEDGES David Paul Adlof James David Dodd Larry Hughes Jon Michael Moore John Doyle Roe Charles Wesley Allen James Edward Evans James Saunders Jinnette Kenneth Edwin Mossberg Raul Ruiz Jesse Eugene Atkinson Joe Ervin Foster William Reavis Johnson Richard Sanford Newman Will Allen Rutledge Charles Wesley Barnes Weldon Wayne Froelich Larry Pau 1 Kelso Victor Louis Novak Alton Greenwade Sanders David Norris Biedermann Burl Darwin Gilliam David Rennie Koepp Charlie Thomas Novosad Edwin E. Schovajsa James Wayne Black J. D. Harper Thomas Chandler Kyler Gerald Scott Odom Edward Eugene Scott Barry Welch Blackmon Harold Richard Harrod Robert Joel Lange Roberto Olivares John K. Simecek David Robert Bommer Charles Alvin Heatly Granville Doyle Long William Oscar Orum Norman Carroll Soward Millard Courtney Brisbois Albert Helsley James Maass Walter Ferrell Peytan Durwood Franklin Swanger Gary Edward Brownlow William Thomas Hendrix Bobby Jack Martin Kenneth Franklin Prince Bernard Eugene Sweet Joe Edd Callaway Howard Harlen Hengst Jerry Don Mclnnis Joe Rudolph Pustejousky Herbert Thomas Weaver, Jr. James Arthur Caro Jack Little Hinson Charles Victor Moerbe Eugene Nolly Robinson Edwin Yee Adolf Saenz Montemayor Front Row: F. Gonzalez, Solberg, Dietz, Malone, Anderson, Martinez, W. Frierson, Koehn, Gravley, J. Frierson, E. Gonzalez. Second Row: Middleton, Tovar, Kloesel, Bandy, Halamicek, Cejda, Ebel, Wasicek, Blanchette, Murphree. Third Row: Fuentes, Posey, Boepple, Scheffel, Douglas, Hinson, Mucha, Brunson, Herry, Nance. Fourth Row: Golaz, Klatt, Slaton, Conoly, Couch, Leach, Goertz, Machac, Clark, Gaulden. Page 320 ' AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERS The purpose of AAAE is to present tech nical information not covered in the school curriculum to the architectural engineering students as well as serving for social functions of that department. OFFICERS Fall Spring WALTER R. SCHELLHASE. . .. . President. . ..................... .WALTER R. SCHELLHASE EMERSON RUDOLPH WHETSTONE .... .......... Vice-President. . ...... ........ EMERSON RUDOLPH WHETSTO NE BILLY HOY GLAZE ............................ Secretary .... . . ........... BILLY HOY GLAZE CECIL FLETCHER SMITH, JR.. . . . . . . . . . .. Treasurer .. .. . . .... .. CECIL FLETCHER SMITH, JR. HALE LANPHER COFFEEN .. . ....... Sponsor .. ................. . . .... HALE LAN PHER COFFEEN FRANKLIN BEAUMONT JOHNSON . . .... Sponsor .. . ....... . .. FRANKLIN BEAUMONT JOHNSO N MEMBERS Richard Whitmore Allen Rodrigo Fausto Herrera William Edmond Robertson, Jr. William Hugh Baker William Holland Hinkle Nelson Felix Rodriquez Harold L. Blasig Tommie Ernest Hixson Joe Edward Shaefer Delmer Dean Blue Robert Lee Holsomback Walter R. Schellhase William Heaton Brandes Samuel Bruner Horton Henry W igge Sch lattner William Dahl Cadle, Jr. James John Janssen Ray Edward Scott David Wilson Campbell, 111 Don Henry Johnson Cecil Fletcher Smith, Jr. Richard Merton Chetter Richard Hilton Laakso Willard Arnold Smith John Henry Collier Daniel Edwin Leary John Norwood Spencer John D. Cotter Author Dale Ligon Joseph Herman Stockert, Jr. Ewin Lynn Crawford Edward M. McKinnon Thomas Waller Taylor William Osband Edwards, Jr. Mohamad S. Mezayek William G. Thomas, Jr. Robert E. Fishkin Michael William Michalopulos Willie Henry Trenkelbach David Wayne Fowler James Lawrence Mitchell William Elmo Walker, Jr. William Ray Fulton Clyde Clifford Moore Thomas J. Webb Manuel Hector Garcia Roland David Morris Charles H. Weldon Jon Robert Gibson Eddie C. Pelt Lawrence Allen Wheeless Billy Hoy Glaze Fred Thomas Porter Emerson Rudolph Whetstone Donald Oliver Hagg Kenneth LeRoy Ransom Jerrell B. Wilson Joseph Weston Hall, Jr. Front Row: Coffeen, Glaze, Fowle r. Mitchell, Whetstone, Leary, C. Smith, Schellhase, F. Johnson. Second Row: Gibson, Thomas, Ransom, Blue, Mezayek, Rodriquez, Garcia, Herrera, Chetter, Ligon, Laakso. Third Row: Holsomback, Brandes, Hall, Morris, McKinnon, Cotter, Hixon, Horton, Cadle, Webb. Fourth Row: Hinkle, Pelt, Wilson. Michalopulos, Blasig, Crawford, Allen, Schlattner, D. Johnson, Janssen. Stockert. Poge 322 , 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1' , 1 / 1 ? '' , J , l1I' ,,... 1111 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS . . McKetta, HilFranklin, B. W. s, . Front Row: Cunningham, Bennett, Donna Mil Second Row: Watson, Stuart, Johnson, Dobie, Lee, Hemphi R. Jackson. , .. Third Row: Leonard E. Mohrmann, Gresham, Dickenson, Raska, Wi ie L. Micu ek, Silman, Weide, J. Mitchell. . .. Fourth Row: Scofield, Porter, Nowlin, O'Connor, L. Anderson, Spann, Jimenez, Flores, Hargis . Fifth Row: Erwin, Pesek, Wyche, Mohun, McHaney, Boatright, F. Moore, Haase, J. John, Beynon . Sixth Row: Blachly, Richard L. Corso, Bill L. Stanley, M. Duane Keele, James R. Hildebrand, Welch, Ulbrich, Farley, Saad, James Lyons McCall . .KoenStone, Solcher, mark, . HalCecil G. Moore, . . ,Offutt, Steitz, Kirkpatrick, St. Clair, Garrison, Reed, Doke, M. Moore, Floros, Tomme nson, . RobSeventh Row: Eighth Row: Wade, Moses, Acrea, Timmins, Mays, Bissett, Buenz, Vacker, Gaffney, Tinnes, R. Schieffer, lto-Flores, Lovelace, Lowell M. Bunker, Phipps, Calvin Moritz Wolff, Tamayo . OFFICERS President ... . DON ALLEN REED Vice-President . .JAMES HARRIS ST. CLAIR Corresponding Secretary . .MICHAEL ALAN MOORE Recording Secretary . . .... H. MAURICE DOKE Treasurer . ... DEXTER HILL Sponsor ... . ................ ........WILLIAM A. CUNNINGHAM 1 FACULTY MEMBERS Everett leroi Adoms John J. McKetta, Jr. Eugene P. Schoc.l William A. Cunningham Howard frederick Rose Matthew Van Winkle er . Schechter Eugene H. Wiss . Dovid Mautner Himmelblau Robert Samue 1 MEMBERS . . Abdul-lotif Numon A. R. Jomes Preston Dale Randy Gordon Mary lee linnett C ement Char es Pesek Richord Fredrick Stone Dovid lewis Abney Albert Doneshrod Byron Keith Love oce A. J. Phipps, Jr. Beeman Ewell Strong . lee Van Gormon Jon Cloe Acreo James Edward Davis Robin Nikolas Greene George Leland lovett Korwyn louis Pietsch Robert l. Stuart Clorence Eugene Anderson Jerry Edison Davis Jomes Collin Greshom George Walter Lowe louis Thomas Pirkey Gary Frederick Taft Edword R. Anderson Perry Peden Dawson, Jr. Donald Paul Griffith Henry Le and Loy ver P atzer, Jr. Thomas Michael Tait . . Raymond Cu . Jomes Doniel Anderson Thomas Garner Dowson Donald James Hoose Chris Wi lord Maier James Winston Porter Adolph Albert Tamayo . lowell Benno Anderson Ric.l ord Rudolp.l Preuss Jerry David Tate l . Jerome Allen Des Jordins John Willis Hargis Gordon l. Marsha Stonley Earl Andersan ndravadan N. Dhruv Gregg Alan Harris Jomes Roger Martin Robert Dovid Pruessner Roland A. Taub . Khalil B. Bannura Charles Keith Dickenson Horry Gordon Harris, Jr. Williom lynn Mathes Vergil Baxter Raines Hollis Moran Taylor en Mauldin Joseph Glenn Raska Tommy Thigpen .. Jae Floyd Barker Walter Maben Dillard James Herbert Hearne Joe A Patrick James Barry Dudley Richard Dobie, Jr. Paul Douglas Hemphill Wal oce Michael Mays Michael Edword Thomas Robert lee Reece . Rudolph Anton Beckmann Mourice Michael Edward Hendricks Robert Donald McCu lough Don Allen Reed Tom Howard Timmins . DokeH. Dovid William Bennett Jerry Withers Durway Floyd D. Herndon, Jr. Morion Embree McDoniel, Jr. James Glenn Ric.l ards Sherman Paul Tinnes Neil Sheldon Berman Clifton J. Dusek Dexter Hill Worren Lee McEathron Thomas L. Roac.l Alton Ronald Tomme Eu11ene Thomas Beynon, Jr. Richard Harmon DuVon, Jr . Richard Lionel Hill James P. McHaney Bobby Ray Robbins Lauro Torres, Jr. Sidney Roy Bierman James D. Easter Kunthap Hing Norman Lewis McMillan louis Reed Roberts Arthur Ulbrich, Jr. aude Eugene Robertson Donald Emil Vacker . Ronold Eugene Eddy Joseph Paul Horton, Jr. Romesh laxmichand Mehta C ... ,William Ambrose Biggs James Sidney Bissett Charles Al en Edwards, Jr. Cheng-Chien Hsu Dan Mende l, Wi liam Courtney Robinson Alfred George Viney .... . . liam John Devereoux Moitlond Gordon Wade . e . er lorry Roesler Montie Gay . y Ward Edwords Huffmon Glenn Edwin Mil . Wi Edward Bloch . e Byron Edward Ehrig louis Sager Hunsucker, Jr. Wayne leRoy Miller Don Dean Roselius Chor . Boad Robert es Bertrand Wakefield Dennis Guy Boatright Terry Waters Erwin W. A. Huntsberger Herschel J. Mitchell Korim 1. Soad Jui-Chung Wang .soac Dwaine Eubanks Richard W. 1 nce John Wayne Mitchell James Harris St. Clair Tom Ray Warner, Jr . .JrSam Roymond Bright, Dovid farenthold Cruz 1 to-Flores Richord Allen Mohun Norendra Nath Sarin Harry Edward Waters . James Erle Broussard Pou .ey Benjamin Eugene Jockson Jock Wayne Malloy John W. Souer Marvin Wotson, Jr . David Eugene Brown Romsey Wayne For Peter Robertson Buenz Reynaldo Fernandez Donny Ray Jackson Thomas Calvin Moody, Jr. Jerry Wi Bobby Arrington Weaver iam Schwartz .. A bert Wehe . er Ray N. Michoel Moore lbrahim Jero Weide . Bogue But H. . man ferrell Richard ford Jockson Furst McNeill Moore Gerald Arthur Scofie d . ph Til . Robert Schramm Burnside Ra d Boyd . John Finch Lonnie Walton Jenkins Alan Esber Shoheen We chPhilip W. .. . ,d . d Williom Max Jennings Thomas Felton Moore Earl T. Sheffie . fitzgero . er Henry Lowel . But .. . John Russe ed Shehodeh Robert West . etcher Emilio S. Jimenez Mortin Portis Moreland Mohomed Kha . . d Nea . Dona . Winston Carrol F Chorles . Pau Curtis Eugene Johnson Tommy Harris Morrow James A Stanley Jerome ey .. lan She Shniderson lard Henry Wharton . Wi beck James W. Cecil Jesus Jose Flores . Gi . bert John Wi . Kenneth Joseph Chandler John C. Floros Ronald A. Jones Raleigh Warren Moses Roger V. Chenault luther Talley Musgrove es Robert Ford Chang Yul Kim . Char James Carlos mon John Hamilton Wilkerson . Robert Warren Si Scott William Forney bert lane Wilson . bert Slater A . Kirkpatrick J. Clayton Mutch ler Paul Gi Koen Kenneth K. Chin Billy Voughn Julius Alvin Slaughter, Jr. Alden Ramon Wilson . ton Doy . ark . Scot C . RE e Fowler iam Dodd Rahul Kumar Nandi ark . Wheeler C James Wil d E. Wilson . Smithey Dona . er Eugene Robert Korolevich Roger F. Nelson Jomes Ear . Fow James lowell Kuester Robert Robert Harold Sobotik . Jrton, . George Richard Fu Stuart Nisbett James lamar Wittliff inton . Jock Ray C Kenneth Ray Cochron . Seomon Jeffery Womack Tracy Triece Word Robert Carlton Wyc .l e James lloyd Gaffney Thomos Edword Lasseter John Franklin Nowlin Albert Kennedy Solcher Ramon Garcia James SpannEugene Staffa James King Co Phillip Supit lasut Donald lee O'Connor Roy S. e . Roberto Constantakis David lawrence Gardner Gary lynn leach Gary Floyd Offutt Delbert Max Ottmers, Jr John Curzon Cooke George Henley Gorrison Rono ld Floyd lee Jay Don Gens Theodore George . Paul W. Steitz lewis Chinsun Yen R. Padhye Wa Richard Steitz . leonard Rameshchandra John Clifton CoaperCooper ter er . liam . James Neil Gi iam Stephenson . Robert Wil Merlyn Don Ervin Wayne leschber Larry Brian Partoin Chi-yuan ling James Bledsoe Perrigo Jesus Rene Gonzalez lewis Hordeman Steves er Crum . John Kist * Only Junior, Senior and Graduate members ore listed. Page 323 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS­INSTITUTE OF RADIO ENGINEERS OFFICERS Fall Spring LIONEL DANIEL PROVAZEK . . . ... ... . •.... Chairman . . . . • . . . . . . . . .. JARVIS DUANE GANTT JARVIS DUANE GAN . ...... ....................First Vice-Chairman ........• WILLIAM FRANKLIN RUSSELL ...•..... . HUGH EDWARD KILLIN ......... . •......•..•• .• .. .. Second Vice-Chairman .. . ... HUGH EDWARD KILLIN WILLIAM FRANKLIN RUSSELL. . .•.........•.... Secretary... . . . . . . . . .. HOWARD BERNARD CASE ROBERT MARION BARKSDALE. . ....Treasurer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RALPH RAYMOND SCHLEICHER Recorder. . .. EDWARD DALE LAMB.....•..•........•. . HERBST. ... ALBERT PATRICK EDWARD CARNEY. . .....••.•. ..••.••... IRE Corresponding Secretary. . . . WALTER GLEN URBACH, JR. RALPH RAYMOND SCHLEICHER ....•..•..•..•..... AIEE Corresponding Secretary ....... KENNETH ROY GLASER ROBERT MARION BARKSDALE . . .. .... . SEC Representative . . . . .. .. LEROY HENRY BECKER BURTON CHARLES REYNOLDS .... SEC Representative. . .. ROLAND WAYNE CRAIG ROY RANKIN KREZDORN. . . AIEE Counselor ........•......•..•..•.... ROY RANKIN KREZDORN WILLIAM H. HARTWIG. . . . . . . . • . . ............ IRE Counselor. Edword Acuno, Jr. Walter Lou Adoms Frederick Williom Albrecht Jock Lyle AI lensworth Henry G. Anderson Leo Addison Appling Jomes Roy Bagwell Jomes Rollins Boiley Joe Newlond Boiley Robert D. Boiley Byron Ross Boird Benjomin Clyde Borker Robert Morion Borksdole Wolter N. Bornes, Jr. Jomes Key Beard Sonnie L. Beorden Leroy Henry Becker Troy Lynn Belver Richord M. Berlind Thomos Andrew Block Troy Neol Blond Moynord Roy Blomquist Roymond Williom Bohl s, Jr. Robert R. Boothe George Henry Born James Thomos Bronnon Rolf Fronz Brehm Kenneth Lee Brooks Fronklin Joseph Broz Kenneth Hugh Burke Thomos Williom Burnett Donn Allen Byrnes Joe Rolph Canfield Patrick Edword Corney Chorles Huey Corothers Howord Bernard Cose Grover Cotes D. Gilford Chamberloin Robert Stone Choney Elroy Estebon Chapo Stephen Willis Christian Don Gene Clork Jock Noel Clork, Jr. Stonley Roy Clork Fred Murdaugh Clifford Williom Luther Cloud, Jr. Bobby Lee Clutts Jomes L. Cole B. K. Cooper, Jr. Rolond Woyne Craig Williom Robert Crowhurst Mahommod Dorwish Jerry Marshall Dovis Glen Williom Deen Poul Stephen Donn Michoel Adelebert Dougherty Oscor Williom Drefke Hugh Corol Drenner John Margon Eargle Thomos Sydney Edrington Williom Thomos Evons Chorles Lee Forell Chorles Thomos Fikes Edword Lyle Flinn, Jr . Lorry Chorles Forrest Williom Joseph Fowler Albert Louis Fox Chorles Horrison Frosch Melbourne Stanley Gans Jorvis Duone Gontt Grosvenor Howord Gornett Floyd Wendol Gorrett George Kenneth Gorrett Jerry Woyne Gorrett Fronk Joseph Gorzo Chorles Floyd George, Jr . Edwin John Gerick Urbon Edmond Gibson John K. Gilbert Kenneth Roy Gloser Delos Reckords Goddord Edmond Goldstein Ernest Miller Gosch James Clark Grocey Joime Albelodo Grocio Joe Dovid Gronthom Gordon Thomos Groves Rupert Guzmon Clovis Roy Hole Jimmy Richord Hompton Melvin 0. Honsen, Jr. Somir Ahmod Hosson Horry Toylor Heorn . Cloyton Roy Hefl i Chorles Gory Hel lums Albert Otto Herbst NATIONAL AIEE-IRE MEMBERS Horvey Jockson Hewett, Jr. Troy lynn Hicks Robert Shon Hill Charles Roy Hughes Albert Lowrence lngolls Bradley Thomos Jackson Goyle Morgon Jockson Asodolloh Johonshohi Homer Dwoyne Jenning s Richard Alton Jeske John Handy Jones Morvin Cloud Jones Bobby Lewis Kennimer Hugh Edword Killin, Jr. Dovid Jomes Kirkler Froncis Cyril Konzo Sam Michoel Korzekwo Magne Kristionsen John Armstrong Krog William Glenn Lain Edword Dole Lamb Richord Roymond Lomson Jomes Robert Lond Chorles Woymon longley Eorl Duone Lobb Williom Scott Long Raymond Ascension Lopez Alon Winslow Lovelond Joe Lucos, Jr. A. J. Mollett Joe Trovis Maddux Lourence Joseph Moloney Charles Sidney Markley, Jr. Colvin Walter May, Jr. Richord Dovid McComy Billy Howord McClendon Richord lynn McDoniel Curtis W. Mcforling Hilliord Maffett Mclemore M. Duone McMasters Jose M. Mendez-A Enrique Merikonskos Doniel Leslie Mills, Jr. Pomeroy J. Maore Walter Felix Mueller Gorold Eugene Munger, Jr. Jomes Joseph Nonce . ... ... ..• . .•.. ... WILLIAM H. HARTWIG Roger J. Neubouer Williom Albert Neumonn Thomos Sidney Oglesby Chorles Wesley Orr, Jr. Robert Lee Orr Woyne Clorence Owen John D. Parr Rolond Oneol Patterson Ronald Bryon Potton Gronville Edword Poules, 111 Allon Moyson Peorce John Cloude Pennington John Lonkford Perry Mork George Pesek Gary Pot Phillips Howord Don Phillips Jomes Paul Phillips William Emmonuel Pierret Robert W. Pitts John Feezor Prescott Lionel Doniel Provozek Jock Weldon Puckett Allen Reedy Burton Chorles Reynolds Keith G. Rheo Thomas Richord Rice Loyd Gordon Robertson George Rophael Rogers Robert Woyne Rountree Jock L. Royo 1 Walter Roymond Ruley William Fronklin Russell Edword T. Sosoki Rolph Roymond Schleicher Don Wallace Scoggins John Paul Scott Jack Henry Sessions Vernon Lee Shelton Kenneth Shermon James Borkley Sides John H. Sizelan Kenneth Roy Sloter Roymond John Slovocek Crockett Lee S lover James Edwin Smith John D. Snovely Edgor Cecil Sporks, Jr. Poul Lojune Stofford Billy Hiott Stigall James Evan Stockton Williom B. Stoermer, Jr. Sihasuk Sudasno Kenneth Uh1 Suggs Robert William Swonga Poul Calvin Swonzy Verner Eugene Swenson George Jock Tahu, Jr. Jimmy Dole Tarver Donold Edmand Toylor Paul Jomes Tezel Albert Raymand Thomas, Jr. Lee Chorles Thamas Thamas Cline Thompson Chorles Richard Thorpe Virgil Ross Tindall James Donald Todd Thomas Tucker Toland Jomes Clive Trice Bobby Lone Turner Everett Jomes Turvey James Edword Tylosko Wolter Glen Urboch, Jr. Hermon Neil Van Geem Charles Joseph Vesely Ronold Alfred Vivion Horvey Neil Vordenboum Edwin Lind Walker, Jr. Richard Poge Walters Doyle Ernest Wore, Jr. Oliver Lee Wotson Gerald Larry Weiss Robert Jomes Wickwire Curtis F. Williams Jerry Mortin Willioms Tommy Gene Williams Donald Guy Wilson Willie J. Wilson Jomes Edwin Wood Henry K. Woodword Dorrell Roy Word Lorry Woyne Wright Lowrence Albert Yoggi, Jr. Kenneth Alvin Yorbrough Rolph Gorland Yoos George Edword Zocek Front Row: Krezdorn, Lorry S. Lomberth, Killin, Russell, Slovocek, Long, Lobb, Pitts, Kennimer, Chorles G. Richie, Brooks, Becker, Tindoll, George, Provozek . Second Row : Lomb, Cole, Kristionsen, Chorles S. Toylor, Korzekwo, Schleicher, Herbst, Clutts, Cecil L. Moy, Clork, Choney, Jock G. Hole, Jomes Dennard Boker, .Evons, Allensworth . . Jerry D. Shrimpton, Wotson, S. Clork, Gloser, Robert Third Row : John Lyle Delich, Flinn, Donn, Corothers, Jomes Hudson lrby, Wore, Jock Don Leoch, Croig, Reynolds, Urboch, Jerry D. Erwin, Gilbert E. Stewort,Christion, Mohmoud 1. Soleh. Page 324 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF MINING AND METALLURGICAL ENGINEERS Front Row : Ellebracht, Dommers, Carraway, McVey, Thurber, Vinzant, Pirson, Akhras. Second Row : Crawford, Riner, Miller, R. Reed, Schell, Robbins, Pressler. Third Row: Cooksey, Berry, Adams, Williams, Woodward, Abernathy. Fourth Row : Hinze, Sweis, Harrison, Dillard, Cole, Adair. Fifth Row : Spencer, Meitzen, McGraw, Lamont, Brown, Edgerton, Jessen. Sixth Row : Root, Stephens, Dingle. The object of the student chapter of AIME shall be to furnish a median of cooperation among the students, faculty, and industry through meeting for professional and social intercourses, and to stimulate the preparation, reading, discussion, and circulation of papers connected therewith. OFFICERS Fall Spring TOWNES GARRETT PRESSLER . President . . . . . . . . TOWNES GARRETT PRESSLER LYNDON PAUL HOLCOMB . . Vice-President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LYNDON PAUL HOLCOMB KENNETH L. COCHRUM . . Corresponding Secretary . . . . . . . . . .. . . KENNETH L. COCHRUM JAMES V. RINER . .. . . .. . . .. Recording Secretary . . . . . . .. .. ... ..... . .. JAMES V. RINER JOE K. CUBINE .. ... ... .... . . Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .JOE K. CUBINE PAUL JOHN ROOT. . . . ............ . . ....... Faculty Advisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. PAUL JOHN ROOT FACULTY MEMBERS Kermit Earl Brown Orland Barnard Dommers Fronk Weldon Jessen Paul Jahn Root William Warford Dingle Robert G. Edgerton Normon Lamonl MEMBERS Dan G. Abernathy Travis R. Crawford Kenneth Wayne Heathington David M. Miller James A. Schell Jahn Kay Adair, Jr. Joe K. Cubine Neil W. Hinze Charles Herman Moerbe John Fisher Schwarz Norman William Adams Paul Floyd Damek lsaac Marcos Hochman Jomes Roland Mollard Francis Eugene Sheppard, Jr. M. J. Willie Akhras Billy Glenn Davidson Lyndon Paul Holcomb William Bartell Morgon Billie James Slack Joe W. Ballanfante Conrad Dale Day William Coggin Hooper Charles Lee Obermiller James H. Smitherman Floyd Danald Barkley Jane E. Dean Gary Thomas Hurford Monuel Ortega, Jr. Walter Eugene Spencer Fred Mack Barnes Max Murray Dillard Marion Darrell lngram Robert E. Owen Willis Carter Steed Mark Hall Beers Ronald James Demmer James Phylander Johnston Ronny Dean Parker Gearge L. Stegemeier David Wayne Berry George Lawrence Drenner, Jr. Harry A. Jones Benjamin F. Penninglon Jerry D. Stephens Howard Claytan Brants, Jr. Allan Louis Drewa Vaughn Andrew Jones Charles Martin Perrott James Rush Stewart, Jr. Edward Murl Bootman Drew W. Dunlap Jack Todd Jordan Clement Charles Pesek Michael Asa Stane Bernard Emil Brauer Duane Osmand Dybdahl Garland Kennon William Ma;er Petmecky James Edgar Suttle Raymond Harold Brennan James Floyd Ellebracht Henry F. Keplinger Scotl Petty, Jr. Aied Saliba Sweis Jimmy Baldwin Brown Norman Phill ip Faist Willie Joe Kostka S. J. Pirson Jack Lee Thurber Hawell Milton Cannan James Walter Ferguson Buford Bernard Lankford Robert S. Poston Arthur Frank Tragesser Billy Ranald Carnes John Oge Flannery, Jr. Robert David Lee Townes Garrett Pressler John Earl Vinzant Larry Anthany Carr James Lyman Galla3her Joseph Robert Liles Jerry Franklin Priddy Arthur James Von Rosenberg Paul Miltan Carraway Bert M. Gamble David Haywoad Mangum Carl Hampton Quebedeaux William E. Walker Arthur D. Carter Gary W. Garrett Alfred Gene Matthews Spencer Gordon Randolph Johnny Richard Warren Martin David Chester John Robert Garrett Siri Madhayomchandra Sterling Parker Randolph John Allan Watsan Ronald J. Clark Thomas A. Goff Clyde Samuel McCall William Earl Rawlings Paul E. Weide Jerry Harold Clay Curtis Eugene Granberry Thomas Edward McCauley Charles Edward Reed David Warren Westbrook Kenneth L. Cochrum Sergio Grioni Emmett Eugene McChristy Robert E. Reed Joseph Theadore Williams Charles Rabert Coffey Carl Henry Groen Jack Ray McGraw James V. Riner Wayne Thomas W illis Ranald Jarrell Cale Jose Roberto Gutierrez John Basil McKenz:e Clarence Burton Robbins Dean Eakin Wolf James Mike Callier Jerry Don Ham Donald Ralph Mclelland James Edward Roberts Charles Gayle Waodward Terry Kirk Coogan Charles Emmett Hampton Robert Edwin McVey, Jr. Paul B. Rohne, Jr. Keating V. Zeppo James Glynn Cooksey Jimmy Lyn Harris Victor Cuthrell Meitzen Adib Rashid Samman Dale Hauston Cawser Otto Ross Harrison Aristides Millan Fenton James Sandlin Page 325 AMERICAN ROCKET SOCIETY, INC. The purpose of this organization is to advance scienti .f c knowledge and professional prestige of scientists devoted to rocketry and related .f elds. OFFICERS F. . President ........... . . . .. ... ...................E ORE H. INFANTE Vice-President . ............. . . ........... FREDERICK LONEIL BECKNER Secretary ....... . . .......... ....... LEROY HENRY BECKER Treasurer .. .... . ...... . .... . . ...... . .. BRUCE EDWIN BAIN Sponsor . .... . .. .. . .... . ......... . . ... . ...... . .. FRED C. JONAH Sponsor . . . . .. . ..................KENNETH CHARLES RATHBURN Sponsor .......... ......... .............. .... .....JACK A. SCANLAN MEMBERS Robert Eugene Ammann Thomas Rider Jeffus Henry Austin Armstrong Carey Ford Lively, Jr. Bruce Edwin Bain Robert Collins Lloyd James Key Beard Guillermo Medellin Leroy Henry Becker James Thomas Miller Frederick Lonei 1 Beckner John Russell Miller Lee Murry Burch Wilbert Mynar Howard Bernard Case Jay Lawrence Poth, 11 Ersie Edward Clemmer, Jr. Robert Clay Pratka David Morris Dennis Hubert S. Ratliff Lloyd Dietert William Curson Rochelle Thomas Dale Erwin Joe Rae Smith Charles Warren Ferguson Edward E. Snyder Donald Michael Gerrard Brian McGarvey Spinks Freddie Harry Hartman John James Swoboda, Jr. Jim Jack Hoote William Fred Walker Ettore H. F. lnfante Doyle Ernest Ware, Jr. Poge 326 1 1 / , . 1''',•1,11 / 1 ' 1 : , ' 1' 1 , , 11 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Front Row: 8. E. Davis, Sampson, Cobb, Woelke, Stacher, Nelson, Fischer. Second Row: W. West, Roden, Slaten, Witthoft, Hedgepeth, Gregory, Michaels, Keith, Mitchell, Dibe, Clouser, Walton. Third Row: Kent, Tafelmeyer, Gray, Otis, Stanfield, Campbell, Cline, Luke, Urban, Babb, Moorman, Kirby. Fourth Row: Hamilton, Sproles, Cunningham, Talbert, Howard, J. Hall, R. Hall, Foose, Booher, Bryant, Martinez, Boecker, Donahoe. The AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS was organized to acquaint students with professional socie ­ties and to create an interest in recent developments in the .f eld of mechanical engineering . OFFICERS Fall Spring BILLY RAY COBB . . President . .HERBERT JAMES FISCHER HERBERT JAMES FISCHER . . First Vice-President . . . HORACE ALTON SAMPSON JOHN EMIL WOELKE .. . Second Vice-President . . .. . MICHAEL L. VALTIERRA GEORGE WALTER STACHER . . Treasurer . . HARVEY HERBERT CLOUSER, JR . THOMAS ELDER NELSON . . Corresponding Secretary . . ALLAN RICHARD EMERSON JAMES DONALD HUCKABA Y. . Recording Secretary . .ROBERT F. OT/S HUGH LEE MO RRIS . . S.E.C. Representative . . HUGH LEE MO RR/S BILLY CLYDE DAVIS . . lntramural Manager . .JAMES CURTISS CLINE MEMBERS Charles Earl Aberhalt J. Rabert Crawmack Gerald Faster Hause Lauis Moc O'Neal James Edward Suber, Jr. Harald E. Anderson James Dauglas Culver Weldon Lee Howard Herman W . Ostendorf John James Swabada, Jr. Richard Edward Ariaza Richard Clifford Babb Herbert 1 saac Cunningham Billy Clyde Davis James M. Haustan James Donald Huckabay Rabert F. Otis Russell Elliat Painton Ralph Paul Tafelmeyer John J. Talbert, 111 William Deakyne Bacan Herbert Morriss Barney, 111 Don W . Barry Richard Ca lvin Barran Billie Edwin Davis Philip Keith Davis Winstan Earl Davis Charles Andrew Deckert Danald Clyde Hugus Kenneth Ray Humphreys Arthur Harvey Hunke James Thomas Jeffrey Cliffard Eugene Palmer, Jr. Kenneth H. Pape Bryan Eugene Parrish James Partin Carol Orien Taylar larry Fard T empletan Ralph Wayne Theis Colin Charles Thomas Clyde Roger Beaver William Charles Bender H. Jerry De La Rasa Paul Norton Deltz Richard Ellis Jenkins Rabert Janes William Darrance Patterson Joseph Llayd Petty Philip Easton Thomas, Jr. Jimmy F. Thompson Charter Cecil Bishap, Jr. Gory Donald Denney Kenneth Oliver Kamstra Robert Dale Pinkston Eltan M. Tucker Morvin Richard Blaser Adnan Mohmaud Dibe Frank Roderick Keith Charles Edwin Rawlings James Smith Underwaad Carrall William Baecker James Earl Bahanan Frank Dabler Charles W illiam Donahoe Rabert Charles Kelly 111,Harry Llewellyn Kent Michel Dean Reilel Albert P. Richter, Jr. James Ernesl Uptan Charles Mortin Urban Claude Rabert Baaher, Jr. Rannie Dean Boyd Gearge Albert Darn Martin Thomas Dreiss, Jr. Kee Wook Kim John Dauglas Kinkade Kenneth Nei 1 Rabertson Dan S. Rabinsan Dove M. Ussery James J. Vaccaro lester Durst Bayer William Vann Brawn AI lan Richard Emersan Mocias M. Enrique W illiam Gary Kirby James S. Kiski Michael Kenwaad Rabinson Don Robert Raden George Franklin Vance Michael L. Valtierra W illiam Richard Bryant Lee Murry Burch Charles H. Burge Joe Jeffersan Estill, Jr. Herbert James Fischer Jerry Gene Foose Vimal Kochhar Eugene Rabert Konde Bobby Leon Koonce Frank Lawrence Ralanda Gerald E. Salcher Horace Altan Sampson Robert Wayne Vinsan Richard Jaseph VanHagel Harald Hewin Walling Jimmy Frank Byers Philip Ray Gray, Jr. Richard Edward Kathmann Dan Sanders N. Leland Waltan Gerald Wayne Caldwell Jaseph Clarke Gregary Teddy Joe Lawler Gustavo E. Schrele Bi l ly Henry Weaver Richard Trent Campbell, Jr. Kenneth Darwin Grell Rabert Raaker Lu ke Frederick Jaseph Sebesta Elton Lean Weover Herbert Dale Carver James Marvin Grover O scar Herrera Mortinez William Arthur Sellers Charles Daniel West Gaylord Lee Cata James Benjamin Hall Travis A. Meadows Billy Lee Shanks Walter Moxwell West, Jr. Calvin Luther Chance Royce Herman Hall Charles M. McDonnald Russell Lawell Shrader Jahn Brack Westover Cary Therman Cheatham Raberta Chiappe George V. Hamiltan Robert E. Harlan Jimmy Millard Mcllveen John Mork Michaels William M. Sills Ranald Wayne Simpsan Flayd Otha White, Jr. Rabert Dean White Rabert Willard Clark James Curtiss Cline llayd Glenn Hedgpeth Richard Jaseph He l ler Raymond Allen Mitchell Ben Allen Montgomery Thamas Ray Slaten Jerame Melvin Smith Neil Larry Whitesell Olin Danald Witthoft Harvey Herbert Clouser, Jr. Billy Ray Cobb Dovid lawrence Herrington Mortin Edwin Hester ravis Maarman .Charles Hugh Lee Morris James Monrae Spears Samuel G. Sprales Vernan Bayd Wielkens Dayle Dean Williams Hericus Jaannes Caenders Merlin Gearge Haiseth Edward E. Moss Gearge Walter Stacher Jahn Emil Waelke Burnice Wayne Cawan Charles Ralph Crawlard Bruce Suttan Halland, Jr. Lawrence Edward Haltzman Frank Bluford Nance Thamas Elder Nelsan Charles Frank Stanfield W illiam Kindred Stephenson Kenneth Joseph Wunsch Howard Ernst Yaas Morris Modden Creel Lianel Gardon Hapkins Jergen Edward Olsan Dale Ray Stackton Edwin Gerald Zybura Page 327 BAPTIST STUDENT UNION The primary aim of the BAPTIST STUDENT UN ION is Christian Studentship, an attempt to furnish .the campus .. the student with every possible challenge to hear, answer, and live God's call in his life The ultimate aim is Christian Citizenship, God's purpose lived out in all life's experiences . STAFF Director Bible lnstructor . lnternational Director . JESSE FLETCHER RUSSELL WARE EUNICE PARKER COUNCIL President .... . . . . . . . . . . . MIKE RHYNE SIMPSON Vice-President . .AUBREY JACK SHANNON Secretary . . . . MARTHA DOYLE JEE Secretary . . . . . .. . . . . GLENDA LEE POWER URC Junior Representative . ... MIKE D. McKAUGHAN Publications .... .... . . .. . CARL DEAN HOWARD Boy's Enlistment ... . . .......JAMES HILTON BROWN Music .. ...... ....... ...... . ........... ..... MEL HUNT HARDIN URC Senior Representative .... . . . .... . . WILLIAM BRYAN BROOKS lntramurals ... .. . . .. ...... .. JAMES ROY PARRISH Social ..... . ... . . .. NANCY JANE NOWLIN Girl's Enlistment . . ...........SANDRA FAYE NELSON BSU .. ...... ... . . KA THY WALLACE Church Representative . . . . MAYBELL ABERNATHY Church Representative . . REBECCA JANE PANNELL Church Representative . . . . ANTHONY RAY HENRY Publicity.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... ..... .. BILLYE FAYE MULLINAX Front Row: Willa Fern Ramsey, Kathy Wallace, Maybell Abernathy, Martha Doyle Jee, Rebecca Jane Pannell, Billye Faye Mullinax, Glenda Lee Power, NancyJane Nowlin. Secor,d Row : Harold Yen Law, William Bryan Brooks, Carl Dean Howard, Oliver Hill, Aubrey Jack Shannon, Jesse Fletcher, Russell Ware, Mel Hunt Hardin, Mike McKaughan, Mike Rhyne Simpson, James Hilton Brown. Poge 328 CAP AND GOWN .r .. Front Row: Ward, Ross, Howell, Farquh Second Row : Esquivel, Polsky• Senior women are eligible to become members in this organization designed to help them bridge the gap between the school life and the community 1 ife. Annually CAP AND GOWN sponsors Swing Out. OFFICERS Fall Spring SANDRA ESQUIVEL ............ ..............President .................................... SANDRA ESQUIVEL SHARON SUE VOYLES ...................... . Vice-President .......... ...................SHARON SUE VOYLES SHIRLEY WARD ........ ..................... Recording Secretary ..............................SHIRLEY WARD KATHLEEN SILVA ............................Treasurer .................... .................KATHLEEN SILVA Y CASEY . KITTY CASEY ............................... Reporter ........... ......... .....................Kl HELEN MARGARET FLINN ......... ............ Sponsor ... ............................HELEN MARGARET FLINN COUNCIL Kitty Casey Laura McCormick Sandra Esquivel Barbara Polsky Joan Carolyn Farquhar Sara Ross Sandra Jean Hamilton Kathleen Silva Josephine Moore Howell Sharon Sue Voyles Gail Hudson Shirley Ward LOS CHARROS The purpose of LOS CHARROS is to have the third annual world's largest college rodeo. OFFICERS Fall Spring FRANK B. JONES, JR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. President ..... . .. . .. ...... FRANK B. JONES, JR. JAY C. BLAND, JR.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice-President ........... . . .......... JAY C. BLAND, JR. ELIZABETH ANN DUDGEON ........... . . . Recording Secretary. . ..... ELIZABETH ANN DUDGEON WHELESS . WHELESS ................... Corresponding Secretary .ALICE LOCKE . ALICE LOCKE LAURA PRESTON ....................... ....Treasurer .......... . ........LAURA PRESTON BEBE DENMAN MOODY. . . . . . .....Chaplain . . . . . . . . . .. ..... . . . .. BEBE DENMAN MOODY VIRGINIA VINSON LAWHON. . ........ Historian ... . . ........... . . .VIRGINIA VINSON LAWHON JOHN LEE DAVIS .. . .............. Parliamentarian. .,..... ......JOHN LEE DAVIS JACK HOLLAND .. . . . Sponsor .... . . .......... .....................JACK HOLLAND MEMBERS Madeleine Wright Abell William Edward DeMouche Bob Edword Lively Katherine Schumacher Margaret Ann Adams Elizabeth Ann Dudgeon Dovid Preston Low Sylvia Ruth Signar Jerry Mac Alexander Julia Neat Eddleman Corol Lynn Lyles Lila Lee Springer Mary Stella Alfano Chloe Edwards Saroh Ellen McClure Howard Swanson Stone, Jr. Betty Cole Ashcraft Evangeline Ford Koren McKinney Sandra Rose Stone Troy Don Bollard Joseph Ebner Funk Borbara Jo McSpadden Anne Lucy Storm John Williamson Bornhill Herman Lawrence Gardner Judy Ann Metz Notalie Stout Joyce La Vonne Behrendt Darlene Bland Jay C. Bland, Jr. Bobby Ray Bond Jack B. Boone Charles Ernest Bridwell Amy Bruyere Athene Marie Bundick Robert Kenneth Burchard Cosey Calliham Luis J. Cardenas, Jr. Robert Alexander Carnes Caroline Chappell Robert Monaghan Cooksey Dorothy Lea Cramer Richard Anthony Giles Patricia Faye Golding Joan La Verne Gordon Patrician Anne Guardin Janet M. Guthrie Calvert Tom Hosler Sandra Lee Higgins James Michael Hinkle Gerald Eugene Holloway Cynthia Ann Hollyfield Ann Horka Dwight Starling Hudson Thad Johnson Jarrett Frank B. Jones, Jr. Donald Ray Key Margo Meynier Bebe Denman Moody Rhetta Allon Moody Barbara Jo McSpadden Veanne Otto Marietta Payne Bruce Monard Pipkin Laura Preston Noncy Elizabeth Rains Robert E. Reed Elizabeth Reese Thomas Jackson Risinger Corole Jean Robinson Joselle Goyle Rogers .Lowell Maurice Rosentha Richard Larry Summers Margaret Alice Surratt Patsy Ruth Sweeney Nancy Bee Tartt Sally Ann Tartt Camillo Thomos James Rodney Thomos Ruthven Chompion Tolbirt, Jr. Mickie T orres Jomes Ray Tucker John Franks Turmon Williom Thomas Walker Wylie 0. Webb Mory Jonet Wheot Beverly Jean Whelchel Alice Lockett Wheless William Carey Crutcher Berenice Grannell Kohler Sherman Allan Ross Froncis Horris Whiteheod, Jr. Anne McKeever Darby Francis Cyril Konzal Virgil Oliver Rosser Jano Mourine Wilkes John Lee Davis Judy Sears Loughter Chloe Matilda Rugeley Alfred Philip Wright, Jr. John Allen DeBois Virginia Vinson Lawhon Wanda Joyce Schaffner Fronk Polk Youngblood Front Row: DeBois, Dudgeon, Metz, Gardner, Whelchel, McClure, Edwards, Rains, Sweeney, Ashcraft. Second Row: Tolbirt, Pipkin, Wheless, N. Tartt, Youngblood, Laughter, Schaffner, S. Stone, H. Stone, Key, Rogers, R. Moody, Higgins, Signor, Behrendt, Darby, Adams, Lawhon. Third Row: Bundick, Bridwell, Calliham, Jones, Bond, Barnhill, Hinkle, Holloway, Hasler, Burchard, Whitehead, O'Nei ll, Alexander, Turman, Walker. Fourth Row: Cooksey, Rosser, Jarrett, J. Bland, Webb, Ballard, Hudson, Rugeley, Preston, Abell, Meynier, Kohler, DeMouch e, Golding, Alfano, Bruyere. Page 330 CHI GAMMA IOTA Front Row: Wanoreck, Douglas, Crenshaw, Liebling, Barton, Allen, Gutierrez, Graham, Miller. Second Row : Fox, Kassen, Gregory, Edwards, Pena, Valdez, Cole, Bochat, Tubb, Kennimer, Meadows, Raven, Madison, Laakso, Stricklin, lrving, Valtierra, Andrews, Thomas. The purpose of CHI GAMMA IOTA is to promote social activities and serve the interest of veterans the campus . .. OFFICERS Fall Spring PHILIP JAY FOX . . . . . . . . . . . ................ President ....... ................. .... GEORGE EDWARD DOUGLAS WILLIAM NELSON KASSEN. . . . ............Vice-President .................. ........ .. CHARLES ROBERT IRVING ALBERT RAYMOND THOMAS, JR .............. Secretary ............................. ..... RICHARD L. MADISON DONALD DEAN LOPSHIRE ...................Treasurer . ............. ................ WILLIAM NELSON KASSEN BILLY BANDY .............................. Reporter .................... .........JOSEPH ROBERT SCHROEDER RICHARD L. MADISON . . . . . . .......... Parliamentarian .. . . . .. .. . .... ....... ......... . ....JAMES L. COLE JOSEPH CLARKE GREGORY ............... ... Historian ........................... ... JOSEPH CLARKE GREGORY FREDERICK ECKMAN ........................Sponsor ................... ..................FREDERICK ECKMAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS James L. Cole George Edward Douglas, Chairman William Nelsan Kosse.r MEMBERS Richard W hitmore Allen Robert H. Bochat Cy B. Follmer, Jr. Babby Roy McGill John Edward Andrews James l . Cole Richard Fortenberry, Jr. •Jahn King Meadows, Jr Billy Bandy Jamison Patrick Craddock Ph ilip Jay Fox Zane Gary Miller Jack Q. Barlon Hugh l eslie Crenshaw George Gaynor Gibson Thomas Elder Nelson Gerald Horace Baum George Edward Douglas William McClintock Grahom, Jr. Jahn Pa rker Nunley Quincy Adam Berlin, Jr. John Charles Edwards, Jr. Jack Adolphus Gregory Roy V. Pena Joseph Clarke Gregory Gerald Paul Pittmon Alfonso Gutierrez, Jr. Verne Eldon Pawell Otto Ross Harrison David L. Ratliff Claude L. Herpin Donald Wayne Raven Victor Anthony Higgins Clarence Andrew Ries Max William Hittle Jimmy Paul Robertson Leslie Hollandsworth .Clifford Theodore Robinso Charles E. Howard .Paul B. Rohne, Jr Charles Robert lrving Joe Edward Schaefer Robert Emmett Johnson, Jr. Jaseph Robert Schroeder William Nelsan Kassen Frederick Joseph Sebesto Knight Philip Kendall, Jr. James G. Smith Bobby Lewis Kennimer Wally Smitherman Odis Doyce Kerbow George Walter Stacher David Alexander Kline Charles Mack Stricklin Richard Hilton Laakso •Albert Raymond Thomos, Jr William Glenn Lain James Moses Brand Tubb Sidney Alexander Liebling Santiago Herrera Valdez Danald Dean Lopshire Michael L. Valtierra Roger William Luedtke Gary Guess Vance Richard L. Madison Richard Joseph Von Hagel Troy Hilton McCrary Charles W. Wanoreck THE CHORAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS MORRIS JAY BEACHY Director ACAPPELLA CHOIR A student choral group open to all students, with admission to membership made through audition with Morris Beachy. The group performs for civic as well as campus functions. The Christmas Program and the Spring Production constitute the main performances of the year, while the Spring T our offers opportunities for performances throughout the Southwest. MEMBERS Patricia Anne Basse Jo Ann Deleon William Pierce Hinds Bob Moore Kenneth Michael Sugarman Fred Allen Belcher Judith Christine Fisher Ross Hise Gwendolyn Beth Nichols Gearge Eugene Swift Harold lee Blevins Nancy Carolyn Foy Harry lamar Hopkins Ben B. Nolen, J r. Avery Boone Todd, Jr. Ellen Vail Buel Mildred Katherine GambrelJ Ralph Conrad lmme\ Peter Cornell Overbaugh Nancy louise Tribble Nancy Pauline Caffey David Michael Ginsburg Peter Kessey David Page Carl Milton Wallace Carolyn Kaye Cantrell Frances lynn Glick Caralyn Bab loe Jacqueline Rose Pearson Joyce Elaine Wiggins Sally Catherine Chenault Martha Carolyn Graves Virginia Ruth McBride Nancy liles Pickens George William Wilhite Daniel Bruce Corbin Alfonso Gutierrez, Jr. Kathleen McCary David Charles Porter Russell Wayne Wilkes George Robert Creedle Mary June Hardy William Arna\d Meitzen linda Joyce Richardson Joseph Theodore Williams Alan Wilson Darby Helen Heise Morton Meyersan Beverly Ann Scanlan Mary Wynn Randall Gordon Delaney Sally Ann Hindman Arthur Clark Middleton Frances Ann Starling James Clower Wynne Harolyn Marcelle Moore Front Row: !..oe, Foy, McBride, Glick, Starling. Caffey, Hindman, Basse, Buel, H. Moore, Scanlan, Heise, Cantrell. Second Row: Richardson, Nichols, Wiggins, Gambrell, Tribble, DeLeon, Graves, Pearson, Picken~, Hardy, Chenault, Wynn, McCary. Third Row; Williams, Belcher, lmmel, Swift, Meitzen, Overbaugh, Ginsburg, Wynne, Corbin, Middleton, Kessey, Darby, Hise. Fourtl: Row: Sugarman, Wilhite, Creedle, Nolen, Page, Delaney, Hinds, B. Moore, Wallace, Gutierrez, Hopkins, Porter, Todd. Page 332 MADRIGAL SINGERS The Madrigal Singers are a select voca/ group of twelve to .f fteen voices who are primarily concerned with the per­formance of music from the sixteenth Century much in the same setting and style as was popular at that time. The group performs with other campus organizations and also schedules appearances with civic groups and professiona/ societies. Left to Right: Berg, Swift, Farrar, Hise, Heise, Swanay, Wiggins, lmmel, Guerguin, Hinds, Silverthorn, McGuyer, McBride. MEMBERS Sigrid Siev Berg William Pierce Hinds Virginia Ruth McBride John lee Swonay Doris Farrar Ross Hise James Perry McGuyer George Eugene Swift Carole Anne Guerguin Ralph Conrad lmmel Nora Elizabeth Silverthorn Joyce Elaine Wiggins Helen Heise LONGHORN SINGERS A mixed choral group styled after such organizations as the "Voices of Walter Schuman" and the Norman Luboff Choir. The group participates in the annual Round-Up Revue and other popular campus functions. Open to all students without audition. MEMBERS Ruth Dykes Arrington Victor Dauglass, Jr. Nita Carroll Knox Jean Adon Nail Jacqueline Van Roberts Eleanor Ann Tyler Aubrey Marshall Bradford Anne B. Duke Jeanne Ann Kubala Chris Nelsan May Evans Rosner Gene Edward Vogt Norman Douglas Brown Martha Roberta Fletcher Judith Ann Landers Ben Nolen, Jr. Sherman Allan Ross Mary Katherine Vogt Mary Katharine Buckle Bill Norman Floyd, Jr. Walt Launey Evelyn Janice Nolen Edward Eloy Rousset Sally Elizabeth Waddill Jeannette Lee Butte James Donley Gardner Gary Lee Lenderman Robert William Osbarne Sheren Lee Rawland Norma May Wiggins Edna Jeanne Capoot Dolores Gomez Morgan Jester Max.feld Johanna Parrott Linda Rae Saunders Letitia Willis Mary Lou Chollar Harriet Halsell Charles Allen McAden Robert Clark Pendleton Beverly Ann Scanlan Catherine Womack William Mitter Coats Henry David Hesse Martha Kay McArthur Rose Mary Prince Patricia Nadine Schmitt M. Cullen Wright Wilson Clarke Cook Merlin Gearge Hoiseth Ronald Erie McElroy Dixie Ann Proflitt Elizabeth Joyce Smith Betty Joan Zobel Jeanne Alaire Dailey Nancy Kathryn James Myrna Beth McGuire Roger Allan Raby Jerry Joe Taub Johnnye lrene Zumwalt Dorothy Carol Douglass Carolyn Dean Johnson Betty Sue Middlebrooks William Paul Reeves Roland Taub . Fro t Row: Butte, Roberts, Johnson, Smith, Proffitt, D. Douglass, Duke, McGuire, Zobel, Buckle . .Knox, E. Nolen ZumwaltRosner, Tyler, Vogt, Waddill, M.Schmitt Womack, Kubala,d Row: . Seco .Fletcher, Middlebrooks, CapootMcArthur, ,gins, James 1. Third Row: Gome~, Willis, Neil, Halsell, Wi Fourth R. Maxf eld, Hoiseth, Ross, Reeves, V. Douglass, Bradford, Raby, 8. Nolen. . Taub, Cook, McElroy, Row: Fifth Row; Floyd, J. Taub, Coats, Lenderman, Nelson, Rousset, Pendleton, Osborne, Hesse, Brown, Wright, Gardner, Launey . UNIVERSITY CHORUS A large mixed choral group which performs regularly with the University Symphony Orchestra and from time to time with various symphonies throughout the state. Open to all students. MEMBERS Annette Lee Anderson Lura Lynn Etheridge Kathleen McCary Martha Lynn Scharlack B. Joy Banister Linda Gail Fahey Phyllis Lee McGuire Patricia Nadine Schmitt Charlotte Barker Cecile Ann Frazier Jo Sharon Mclntire Danald Scholes Joseph Othell Batto Mildred Katherine Gambrell Genny Timothea McNamara Donald Milton Sebesta Fred Allen Belcher David Michael Ginsburg William Arnold Meitzen Nancy Marie Shelby DeAnna Lee Bellman Francis Lynn Glick Patricia Lucile Meyer Judith Shields Robert Bonham Beyer Josemaria Ganzales John L. Meyers Marianne Shirley Linda Sue Billingsley Martha Carolyn Graves Morton Meyerson Helen Pauline Siemer Judy Kay Boland Lita Anne Guerra Arthur Clark Middleton Cleone Singleton Carolyn Lea Bonnette Alfonso Gutierrez Kay Francis Mikeska Allen Currie Smith Elizabeth Hope Boyce Bobby Lee Harbison James Charles Moeser Barbara Louise Smith Suzanne Brannan Mary Elizabeth Hardin Constance Alexis Moffit LaVoyce Floyd Snow Beverly Ann Brewer Mary June Hardy Harolyn Marcelle Moore Roy James Spann William Bryan Brooks Penelope Hardy Alma Doylene Morgan Joy Darlene Stage Peggy Jo Brunner Janice Kay Harkins Roberta Jean Morse Frances Ann Starling Linda Nell Bryant Malcolm Dale Harrington Robert Drew Morse Martha Welder Steves Ellen Vail Buel Helen Heise Judy Diane Mumma Stokes .Carol An Malcolm Acie Burgess John Henry Herber Howard Bentley Newcomb Julian Chi Liang Suez Mary Jane Burton Doris Gladys Herrington Thomas Allen Neyland Kenneth Michael Sugarman Judith Ann Butler Sally Ann Hindman Gwendolyn Beth Nichols Kathy Sullivan Nancy Pauline Caffey Harriet Hilda Hopkins Ben Nolen Anne Claudette Taylor Margaret Elizabeth Caldwell Harry Lamar Hopkins Anna Marie Norman Joyce Elaine Thorensen Carolyn Kaye Cantrell Shirley Jean Hopper Edwin Stephen Oden Betty Joan Tindall Janice B. Carter Elwyn Kent Hughes Sandra Miller Orr Cynthia Ann Tlucek Carole Lee Cartlidge Sidney Jean Hultgren Peter Cornell Overbaugh .Avery Boone Todd, Jr Lydia Carmen Cavazos Ralph Conrad lmmel David Page Terence Todd Moises Sanchez Chapa Jane Dee Jochimsen Jacqueline Rose Pearson Nancy Louise Tribble Janine Chapman Elizabeth Jones Dennis Martin Phillips Gene Edward Vogt Wanda Janiece Christal Andrew Booty Jordan Nancy Liles Pickens Charlotte Ann Walker Elizabeth Snyder Clark Glenda Sharon Kahler Marida Ann Pike Kathryn Ann Walker Clarice June Cole Harriet Hinda Kahn Sally Predock Lloyd Alan Walser James Howard Conner Anita Ruth Kaplan Gary Raymer Judith Patricia Wannall Jae Fred Crabb Rita Mae Katzoff David Benedict Reck 111,Joe Ward Carolyn Camille Crabtree Peter Kessey EI len Clayrene Reed Samuel Womack Warner Dwight Charles Craig Patricia Ann Laird Rocco Giardino Revisore Patricia Jean Watkins Carol Halstead Criss Linda Sue Larkin Margaret V. Rhodes Arved White Proctor Henry Crow Frances Layne Robert Mayo Richards Anna Lodi Whittington Alan Wilson Darby Lavona Jo Loe Richard Lee Rieger Bette Jan Wiggins Madeline Golden Deaton Ana Frances Loveless Vera Sue Risinger Russell Wayne Wilkes Angelina de la Garza Pauline Christine Lucia Margaret Turpin Robertson Eleanor Ann Wilkie Carole Jean Delaney Lynne Ellen Maier Claire Elaine Robinson Gail Yvonne Williams Randall Gordon Delaney Richard Philo Mankin Gerald Jay Rosenberg Mabel Joyce Wilson JoAnn Deleon James Aubrey Manning William Blackburn Royer Virginia Ph illips Woodward James Cordell Dick Virginia Avery Mason Grace Marie Russel 1 Mary Wynn Delia Duson Pauline Talley Maxwell Judah Leon Saizow James Clower Wynne Sharon Lee Edson Catherine Sue Mayfield Marshall Laughton Saunders Poge 334 - ~~.::,.' ..§; /11 ' 11111 ./ 4'11~\.,.~\'~':.\'"'~.'\.'\\1tJJf\,~/"4?-" .:--.....'~....,.-11,''tf. .. ;,_,,;~IAl1\\'l1Vh" • . CHRIS AN SCIENCE ORGANIZATION Front Row: S. Shaper, A. Weber, Rawlins, Signor, Russell, Stevens, Eilskov, M. Weber, Dunn, Hale. Second Row: Hollis, Gershner, Brittain, Whitehead, R. Shaper, Rehmeyer, Harris, Wood, Jarrett. The purpose of the CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ORGANIZATION is to promote the teachings and practices of Christian nization seek the unfoldment of fellowship as taught . Science throughout the University community. The students of this org by Christ Jesus, in which they are able to make this faith a living faith through study, application, and demonstration of their understanding of God. OFFICERS Fall Spring C. NORMAN WOOD . . . . . . .... ... ... . .. . President ......... . .... .. .. . ....... . .... . ... DAVID A. GERSHNER . HAROLD PERRY BRITTAIN .. .. ......... ....... Vice-President ............ ............... THAD JOHNSON JARRE CAROLYN JEAN HOLLIS ..................... Secretary .................................SUSAN ELAINE SHAPER DAVID A. GERSHNER ... .................... Treasurer ...................... .... ELWOOD LAWRENCE MUNSON FRANCIS H. WHITEHEAD ..... ........ .. ..... Member-at-Large .. ........ .................. SYLVIA RUTH SJGNOR O ROSS HARRISON ..................... Reader. . ..................... ......OTTO ROSS HARRISON . O SUE ANN BRANNAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Reader .. . ..... ... .... . ..... .. .............MICHAEL ANN DUNN ELEANOR BRYANT STEVENS ........ . ... ... Advisor ............................... ELEANOR BRYANT STEVENS .·· MEMBERS William Vincent Brannan Otto Ross Harrison Ruth Ann Rawlins Sue Ann Brannan Brenda Hartley Don Gilbert Rehmeyer Harold Perry Brittain Betty Louise Hieatt Judith Marie Rowland Grace Ann Churchill Carolyn Jean Hollis Naida Eiline Russell Judith Kay Danneberg James Robert Holmes Roger T erry Shaper Anne E. Dixon Clyde Lanham Hurley Susan Elaine Shaper Michael Ann Dunn Thad Johnson Jarrett Sylvia Ruth Signor Jean Ann Dzilsky Gloria T exane Longnecker Helen Patricia Summers Nadine Adell Eilskov Russell Lueg Johanna Marie Varney Carol Ann Freeman Elwood Lawrence Munson Ann LaNell Weber David A. Gershner Kay Nell Pearson Mary Josephine Weber Carol Louise Hale John Foster Pettit Francis H. Whitehead Fred Paul Harris Carol Ann Putnam C. Norman Wood CURTAIN CLUB ... ~ &.~t . OFFICERS .;11~ Fall Spring LARRY CLAUDE BURGOON .. .................... President ...... ...... ............... LARRY CLAUDE BURGOON BOB MITCHELL BEARD ... ..................... .. Vice-President ... ................ ....... BOB MITCHELL BEARD RICHARD WARREN BLAIN ....................... Secretary. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ROBERT JOHN FAHEY JILL SUE FENIAS .............. ................. Treasurer............... ............... .JILL SUE FENIAS MILDRED HOWARD ........ ... ................. Faculty Sponsor ...........................MILDRED HOWARD BOARD OF GOVERNORS ROBERTA LOUISE STEPHENSON. . . .........Apprentice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... JANE LOEB JACK EDWARD BLAKE .......................... Publicity. . .. ............ ..... .......JACK EDWARD BLAKE OLIVIA ANNE HOWE . ... .. .... . .. .. .. . ........ Social . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............OLIVIA ANNE HOWE JON LEWIS VICKERS .... . ... . .. .. ... . .... . ..... Technical ...... .. . . . . .. . ... . . . . . .. .. .....JON LEWIS VICKERS HONORARY MEMBER Marvin A. Rogers ACTIVE MEMBERS Bonnie Jane Apple Karen Annette Gillespie Ann Taylor Reeves Bob Mitchell Beard Brent L. Hickman Nita Sue Sandel Dixie Janet Berry George W . Holmes Arthur Sheir Richard Warren Blain Judith Dean Houghton Sigrid Skousgard Jack Edward Blake Olivia Anne Howe William David Smallwood Larry Claude Burgoon Charles Richard Lasater Danna Jean Snow Sylvia Canchola Nancy Ellen Ledbetter Roberta Louise Stephenson Paula June Craig Robert Alan Leder Joe Conrad Tips John B. Dent Jane Loeb Tony Valles Jack E. Estes Roy Milton Lyon Jon Lewis Vickers Robert John Fahey Margaret Josephine Monsees Charlie Nichols Watson, Jr. Jill Sue Fenias Benjamin Henry Morgan Melvin Keith Weinbrecht George Edward Gaines Ruthe L. Norton Rochelle Rhea Wilkins Judith Ann Gillespie Mary Evelyn Potts Homer Martinez Barrera ... ,James Merchant Bauknight Ronald Jean Beakley Jacquelyn L. Beyer Barbaro Sue Bierner a madge Brown . Robert . Kristi S. Buchanan Suzanne Lou Buh rer Shirley Ann Coball ero David Coldwell Ronold Wayne Chopman Carla Jo Crow Jo Ann Deleon Carolyn Detmore Charles E. Dorsey D. Carole Dye ... ,am . John Pope E Suzanne Evans Kaye Ferg uson Theresa Elizabeth Flynn Mory Helen Foster Lonny Slaton Froze Lenore Sandro Friedman V. C. Fuqua Borbara Kae Gaffney Jerrold Dean Goodman APPRENTICE MEMBERS Robert Movius Groce John James Hambrick Judi Hardison Sondra Lee Higgins Lynn Justyne Holmes Ross Pete lnterrante Janet Sharon Jenkins Curtis Roy Johnson Guy Jomes Johnson Martha Ellen Johnson Janis Pearl Jones Gwendolyn Patricia Jordan Jomes Richard Kammerer Corol Lee Klose Richard Paul Kramer Rosolind Adele Kriss David Maverick Lane Joyce Camille Longerhons Jerry Lynn Losoter Lyndo Foy Louderdole Judith Anne Loughlin Soroh Ann Lewis Mortha Orene Lotspeich Ellen Serena Martin William Leaird Mayhew, Jr. Potricia LaVerne McGrady Mike Hayes McKay Martha Dean Mittel Lawanda Faye Moody Marjorie Anne Morris James C. Mulligan Ronald S. Perryman Marilyn M. Meyers Pool Donald Ray Rapstine Heidi Suzanne Schneider Diana Elizabeth Sellers Powell S. Shepherd Robert Lanier Sherrard, 111 Harrise Myrna Siegal Betty Dell Spencer Virginia Kay Stall Shoryn Koy Steiner Worren Curtis Stuart Jonet Sue Taylor Robert Lee Thompson, Jr. Sandra Gayle Weirich Robert Eugene West Patricio Anne Whaley Donold Woyne Willioms Borbara Word Thomas L. Yancy Royce Ann Young INACTIVE MEMBERS Carole Ruth Griffith Hummel . John Hul Connie Jean Scott Page 336 CURTAIN CLUB GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY 1909 -1959 SPIRIT OF THE CURTAIN CLUB Truth says, of old the art of making plays Was to content the people ... The . pening lines . f Be . '.. s.. J s The Sile . t W f theatre . rst spark .fited the . ig . ma. .. The U f Texas . iversity . . d the Curtai . Club, which has si . t. i a .f fty year re...fld b . . f theatrical traditi Al .. r . was b ,.. - . . w . campus, a ce gr the yeere 1609," exactly 300 years bef . re its pr .. ducti. by the ewly . . f rmed dramatic se . the purp ., . izati . rga. f " maki . g plays t . t the pe . te.. c . ple" pr . phetically mirr . rs the spirit f the . . .Club . Curtai . ized i . Orga g. u . 1909 by Stark Y s time. The glish faculty, the . f the E . club t k its .. . fr . m The Curtai e .. ,. f . . ew ame ' .. s.. J . ldest theatres i . s .' . d.. L . rigi. al membership was made up . f twe . d . ed wigs a . n . d . wh ., ty me . skirts t play the female les-as their Jac . predecess . bea. rs had d . e-i.. The Sile t Woman. The pr .. ducti . r . . was a decided success. lt was til 1916 that the male thespia . s welc . med w . the Curtai . t . me. Club r .ster . . t u .. . Fr m 1909 t . t . the Departme . 1938, whe . f Drama was created, the Curtai . Club served as pri . cipal pr ducer . . a d i .. tati . f dramatic prese . s at the U . . Tiversity. e day it is .. izati . rga . extra-curricular dramatic . with a terpreter. a membership . f ximately 150 stude ts wh duce. pr . maj . r pr .. ducti. each year.appr . . .. Club are such fam . w .. g, the well-k . u . ames as Stark Y ally . us . rst eleve .. ducti. pr . s; H . ward Mumf . rd J .. ati. ized writer ,es.. . g . rec . d educat . a r; James H. Parke . rst chairma .f . f the Departme t. . f Drama; a . d Marg .. J . es, late f f the famed . der. u . , . u. the-r- . Dallas theatre-i d. Pr ducer a . d teacher Lawre . Carra d televisi . pr .. ducer G . Mi .. rd. als take . a . . terce . their places i the ra . Club direct . f ex-Curtai . ks. rs. Ma Club exes have achieved f . s .. siti. i . the -fes . . y .. tep pr .. si al theatre: Eli Wallach, Pat Hi m ., r . Rip Tgle, . Axler . Valjea ., Barbara Barrie, William Larse ,. Pat Hi es, Charles ,es.. m J . TBaker, Fess Parker, Kathy . . Jerry Matthews, The . d. Apstei d, Alt .. Ruff, all . f stage fame; Zachary Sc . tt,re ,t . Gra f picture .. ti . members were, Texas ex-G te; Br . West, Harvey Schmidt, James F ks .rd Jester . d the late Beauf . Shivers a A . Wedgew .. rth . d Walter Cr -f tele . kite .. . .. .. x, a . Als ... visi Alla .. ver. . rs The Curtai . Club has upheld its traditi e, Ralph R . fferi . t by . me . tertai . d varied dramatic e . d a .. g g . ti . r prese . f .... Guardsman, T Mary Stuart, Theus, . e T . ister Doister, O . g such diverse plays as Antig uch of Ve ight at 8:30, The .. . . Workh use Ward, Pai t Your Wag d this year's The Teahouse of the August Moo .. . . a .,. The . ual maj .. r pr .. ducti. is t . day the highlight . f the Curtai . Club's yearly activities. The stude t-members . a select the play a . d direct . r. The e . tire pr .. ducti. staff is ch . se. . fr m the Club members. The . f th d . .. m g plays" d re. m stumes sew . r a a . bef re the sh . pe . w. s, they bury themselves i . rehearsals a . . crew calls. F d eeded bef r "the art . f maki . g .. t bel .. es . . the act . t rs al .. e; sets have t . d pai . be built a . ted, pr . perties must be secured, lights have t . be set, . c .ted . ., . j . wever, duri . rk, h . t w .. m publicity writte bs must be perf . rmed a . d ma . y tale the play is prese . ma ;. . . . re ts y are All is g the year, members may perf their hearts' i . steeri" mmittee . . te.. c masquerade, a Christmas party, spri . . . t trm g c . sh . .. f the year. This ba . . vari . . ugh. s thr .. cti. . live . ws" which are give at the thly Club meeti gs. There are als us fu ut the year which e the . cial cale . s rmal ba dar, a recepti . r . f .. ew members, a Hall . wee. . g pic . ics, a . d a . f . quet-ball at the . d. . quet is a w . f .,. ccasi . derful.. r awards are give the year's . t . e . best act . the best b . d actress, t . . d girl appre . . r. the best direct . d t . f a steeri . g c . mmittee sh . w. Thetices, r a y a a veted Ju . M .. e Madis . ll Award is give . di . utsta . the . t . g graduati . g se . i . r. l . c is named. . i" .. d.. L . rst acted i .fugh this farce was . th . f the Curtai . rs. g direct . di . utsta . y . g the ma .. Am .fdirected the Club's . dramatic critic, wh Club Sweetheart . a Curtai .,. additi . The spirit . f the Curtai . Club rests i the spirit . . f it . d i . members a . their willi . g. ess t . rk t . w . gether i . rder . .. t g . prese . t d theatre. Fr . m the hilari . us all-male a tics. . f The Silent Woman t . . the teah i . . T biki village, theuse . Club has bee . Curtai aware . sibility i .. f its resp . " the art . f maki . g plays." As the curtai . falls .. the .f rst .f fty . the w .,. rganizati . f the . rds which c . g . i . pe . rst.fcluded the .. ight may be recited agai .: years Spectators, if you like this comedy, rise cheerfully , . d . A ow Morose is go ., e i . clap your ha dsl . Pag:> 337 GAMMA DELTA 1 The purpose of GAMM.A DELT A is to foster Bible study, disseminate scriptural philosophy of life, train for Christian ~~ service to God and fellow man, to increase Lutheran consciousness campus, to increase local and intercampus fellow­ .. ~ ship among Lutheran students. OFFJCERS President. . ...... RAY 0. THORESEN Vice-President .. . .JOSEPH RAYMOND TACQUARD, JR. Secretary ........... . . CAROLYN ADELL LEVERKUHN Treasurer . .... FRANK ERIC PATSCHKE, JR. Sponsor ... . . ....................... REVEREND CHARLES HENRY BORN MEMBERS Mary Lou Arldt Ronald Charles Goldsmith Carolyn Adell Leverkuhn William Albert Schatte Ca rl D. Besch Mary Elizabeth Hardin Ellen Esther McMillin Carl Ellis Schoonaver Margaret Alyne Best Nancy Heyman David Wayne Melber Kenneth Frank Schwenke Frances Ann Seelke ... ,Norman Horvey Bodden Ernest Richard Huegele, Jr. John Edward Melde Kenneth Charles Boelter Rudolf Eugen Hunger Joyce Elaine Meschke Jerry Deane Shrimpton Robert Donold ngram Gladene Martha Michel Cynthia Slocumb . John Stephen Bradfield Clara Faske Smith David Robert Smith, Jr. Shirley Bernice Bunte Delores Kasper Charles Leroy Miertschin Edna Jean Capoot Lawrence Kelm Kay Francis Mikeska Marion Thompson Stewart Janice Collier Phyllis Kersten Edward E. Moss Dixie June StolzenburgCynthia Lee Coutorie Carol Ann Kiesch nick Betty Jane Mutscher Carolyn Marie StudtmanDelbert Glen Dannels Ewald Fred Klaus, Jr. Margie Ann Mutscher Jeanette Studtman David Norman Dittmor Janis Lynn Kneblik Alvarine Neumann Joseph Raymond Tacquard, Jr. Walter Dube T ravis Koeh ler Frank Eric Patschke, Jr. Joyce Elaine Thoresen Darothy Anne Dunn Lynn Richard Kromminga Carlton Roy Peterson Ray 0 . Thoresen Joyce Yvonne Eitelman Dorothy Pauline Kunkel James Douglas Pfluger Melvin Quentin Thorne Judy Anne Enquist Mory Ruth Lankford Martha Rose Rathgeber Johanna Marie Vorney Anna Marie Faske Darrell James Lehman Linda Margaret Rellahan Wallace Gardon Wilson Beulah Fritsche Ruth Lehmann Potricio Joon Rellahan Corolyn Morgaret Zschech Carolyn Joan Garner Donovan Allan leistico Albert Arthur Ruff, Jr. Edwin Gerald Zybura .ke . Front Row: Varney, Dunn, Leverkuhn, Hunger, Capoot, Enquist, Bunte, See .Kunkel, Michel .Meschke, Lehmann, Neumann, J. Thoresen, StewartLankford,Studtman,J. dt, . Second Row: C. Studtman, Garner, Kersten, Ar Third Row : Zybura, Schoonover, Rathgeber, Schwenke, R. Thoresen, Kieschnick, Patschke, Schatte, Tacquard, Bradfield, Melde, Klaus, Ruff, Born . Fourth Row: Besch, Koehler, Kromminga, Goldsmith, Huegele, Leistico, Melber, Moss, D. Smith, Thorne, Shrimpton, Dube. Page 338 ••" -,...'-'"""-'''.,-(f./IJI,'-;;;,.-V.N---1411'\'IM.j//.t..1 \~~....',#:...' -''\'i.~\'\tf''•.\l/1"'.V.!'i./JI\4f../.J.1l~'-\\\ '~~._~".:' ;\)•• HOME ECONOMICS CLUB Front Row: Greenwood, Crawford, Martin, Abernathy, Bundick, Jobe, G. Davis, Wible, Burton, Owen, Sandlin, Babcock. Second Row: Oelkers, Hyde, Vogt, Shurtleff, Watson, Worthy, Murdoch, Morgan, Giller, Reed, Bland, Kilgore. Third Row: Ryall, Russell, M. Davis, Danneburg, Thurk, Wylie, Hill, Clements, Allen, Rogers, Moroney, Kohler. The HOME ECONOMICS CLUB desires a friendly association between faculty and students interested in Home Eco­nomics. We also want to share our enthusiasm and pride with others so that there will be a greater understanding of the .f eld of Home Economics . OFFICERS Fall Spring JO ANN SHURTLEFF .. ................. ..... President . . . . .... ....................... ...JO ANN SHURTLEFF MARY LEE ALLEN .. . ...... . . . ....... . .......Vice-President . . . . .......... . . . ............MARY LEE ALLEN HAROLYN J EAN THOMAS . . . . . . . . . ....... Second Vice-President . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......HAROLYN J EAN THOMAS CONNIE RUTH THURK ... .. ........ . ........ Secretary . . . . ....... . .... . .. . .............CONNIE RUTH THURK LINNDA HUBBELL CRAWFORD ... . ... . ........Treasurer . .. . .... .. . . .. ... . ..... . .... LINNDA HUBBELL CRAWFORD GLADYS WIN/FRED BABCOCK . .. . ... .. ... . .. Advisor .... . .. .. .. . ... .. .... .. .. . ...GLADYS WINIFRED BABCOCK DOROTHY FEHLIS GREENWOOD . . . . . . . . . . . . Advisor ............ ....... .......DOROTHY FEHLIS GREENWOOD FACULTY MEMBERS Louise Landis Armstrong Anna Brightman Lucy Rathbone Gladys Winifred Babcock Dorothy Fehlis Greenwood Phyllis L. Richards MEMBERS Maybell Abernathy Mettie Fae Davis Margaret El izabeth Jones Maryllyn Anne Powell Mary Lee Allen Dolphia Ann Dawson Nancy C. Jones Carol Alic Prouty Jeanelle Amelia Arsement Annetta Jane Eastwood Neva Jane Jones Patsy Bostick Reed Anne Marie Aucoin Anne Elka Eckert Phyllis Joan Kemp Lucy Jean Rogers Helen Bates Bertie Alice Beard Priscilla Flechtner Frances Katherine Frazen Linda Elaine Kilgore Berenice Grannell Kohler Cecelia Charlotte Ross Brenda Jean Russell Potricio Ann Blockwell Mary Kathryn Bland Elizabeth Ann Brown Peggy Ann Brown, (1) Sarah Virginia Gatewood Miriam Louise Giller Judy Jane Givens Martha Sue Gordon Merrie Carol Kuhn Nancy Ellen Ledbetter Carolynn Elizabeth Leggett Amy Lou Lemburg Barbara Edythe Ryall Kay Jacqueline Sandersan Sally Sandlin Sharon Eileen Schaffer Jo Ann Shurtleff Amy Bruyere Allie Sue Gottwald Martha Cope McBroom Sondra Ann Simmons Athene Marie Bundick Mary Gay Burton Jo Anna Corlo Paula Jane Harbour Susan lrene Harling Carolyn Elizabeth Heath Ann Taylor Martin Alma Doylene Morgan Mary Ann Moroney Marjorie Louise Stephens Beverly Ann Stephenson Harolyn Jean Thomas Ann Elizabeth Cleland Carolyn Joyce Hill Tommy Carolyn Murdoch Beverly Gail Thompson Carolyn Mozelle Clemenls Mayrel Holt Marie Hermine Oelkers Cannie Ruth Thurk Carolyn Alice Cole Charlene Martha Hranicky Scotty Owen Laura Marie Tryling Eleanor Mills Cotten Alice Virginia Huffington Doris Kay Parker Mary Katherine Vogt Jan C. Cox Barbara Anne Hurt El iza Jane Payne Merida Colgin Watsan Linnda Hubbell Crowford Gretchen Lee Hyde Barbara Helen Perry Margaret Ann Wible Judith Kay Danneberg Linda Marie Jackson Ruth 1lene Perry Mary Ann Worthy Gloria Ann Davis Lydia Agnes Janca Nancy Jane Phelan Alice Mildred Wright Lois Charlene Dovis Alice Cushman Jobe Mary Jo Ponsford Myrna Lois Wylie .• ,. Page 339 INDEPENDENT STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION The purpose of the INDEPENDENT STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION is to promote a common bond among independents the . the University community, participate i . by which they can secure and maintain a singular and responsible position i various established programs, and create a supplementary program to help independents feel and be an integral part of the University. OFFICERS President . .. . . ............... .. . . .. . ... . ..... RICHARD ARLIN STANLEY First Vice-President .. .. ...... .. . . . . . . . ... .. . WILLIAM CHARLTON WILSON Second Vice-President .... ............... ... BERENICE GRANNELL KOHLER Secretary. . ................ .... ......... .... ...... KAREN KAY KLEIN Treasurer ........ .. ................... THEODORE ROBINSON COLEMAN Faculty Sponsor . ... . .... . . .. . .. .. . ... . ... . . . . ROLLIN ALBERT SININGER COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Public Relations ....... . .. . .. . . . . . ........ . . .. ....MARGARET ELLINGER Social ........... . . . . .. . ..... . . . .......... . .... REX RONALD HENGER Special Activities . . ... . .... .. . . . . . ... . . ..... RICHARD RAYMOND GARZA lntramural ..... ......... .................CHESTER ARTHUR BRIGGS, JR. Membership ......... ......... ...... ..... ....... LYNN SANDOL BEELER GROUP OFFICERS GROUP ONE GROUP FOUR James Thomas Darwin, Chairman Marilyn Brady Snow, Chairman Linda Susan Hauer, Representative Ed Cook, Representative Patricia Anne Whaley, Secretary GROUP TWO GROUP FIVE Rachel Sims Dailey, Chairman Jon Roland Guthrie, Chairman Harvey Herbert Clouser, Jr., Representative Martha Jo Sherrill, Representative , Secretary Rich .. Anna Lodi Whittington, Secretary Judith A GROUP THREE GROUP SIX Kay Francis Morgenroth, Chairman Don Richard Smith, Chairman Jerry Lynn Watson, Representative Luke Michalske, Representative .. Lee A Nancy Jean Dickens, Secretary Janis Lynn Kneblik, Secretary Front Row: Robert Pedro Lozano, Smith, Sherrill, Watson, Dailey, Hauer, Colema11, Ellinger, Stanley, Briggs. Second Row : Guthrie, Klein, Morgenroth, Wilson, Michalske, John Philip Doty, Darwin, Clouser, Kohler, Garza, Beeler. Page 340 ~•-~,~~'"'-''--(f,,1,_..,_,,,,'~t"1\1;.V ,,i..1/tl/; 4/t:t\...-.'\'_ ". i\ .~ .''\4j\~ tl,..~~,Jlt\~ ~'ft,,.J.1~''"~--~~"'_;§,'1)\•: • \ 1 1 j ! f ~ '11 1/~ 1 1' ' 11/ 11 '1 ''' , J ~ INSTITUTE OF THE AERONAUTICAL SCIENCES Medellin,Dickey, Lee, Edmiston, Teague,Clemmer,Scharpf, .' Front Row : O ell.-Gilbert, Strand. Second Row: Carter, P. Miller, Jonah, Dalley, Dietert, Lloyd, Cox, Crawford, Watson, Watkin, Stooksberry, Ashbaugh, Simmons, Ammann, Tepera, Davidson, Spangler, Wallace, lnfante. Third Row: McCroskey, Johnson, Proctor, Lively, Phillips . The INSTITUTE OF THE AERONAUTICAL SCIENCES is the representative society in America for engineers and specialists in all sciences related to aeronautics. The basic mission of the institute is to facilitate by all available means the interchange of technical ideas among aeronautical engineers in this country and abroad. OFFICERS Fall Spring JACK GORHAM SPANGLER .................. President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JACK GORHAM SPANGLER DAVID PRICE COX .. .................... ... Vice-President . . . . ............................ DAVID PRICE COX GAIL GORDON JOHNSON .. ........... .....Secretary .............................. GAIL GORDON JOHNSON BEVERLY WAYNE PROCTOR .................Treasurer .. ........... .................BEVERLY WAYNE PROCTOR JOSEPH WINTHROP DALLEY .. . ........ .... .. Faculty Advisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .........JOSEPH WINTHROP DALLEY MEMBERS Ronald Gene Allen lsidro Gonzalez Beverly Wayne Proctor Robert Eugene Ammann Herbert Clyde Gormley John Gary Renick Charles lvan Ashbaugh John Fred Haley, Jr. Charles Turner Richardson Arturo Humberto Banegas Freddie Harry Hartmann William Curson Rochelle Jerry Clifton Barksdale Ettore H. F. lnfante Richard Leo Scharpf Clarence McKay Barnes, Jr. Gail Gordon Johnson William Jerry Searcy Baylus Earl Bennett Fred C. Jonah Harmon Lee Simmons Daniel Reed Brainard Jan Howard Julian Alva Lynn Smith Elliott Winston Brogren Lenroy Anthony Koehler Jack Gorham Spangler William Bryan Brooks Robert Gene Kunkel Glen Charles Speer Stanley Richard Bruno Jeanne Newby Lee Edgar Oran Stephenson Gregory Alan Carter Maurice John Lehmann Franklin Delano Stooksberry Ersie Edward Clemmer, Jr. Carey Ford Lively, Jr. William L. Strand Lloyd Dale Cogdill Robert Collins Lloyd Robert Wilson Sudderth Manuel Apolon Contreras David Michael Martin Quinan W . Swing David Price Cox Carl Elliott Mattlage Weldon Winston Teague Robert James Crawford Richard Jay Maxwell John Hurst Temple James Norris Dashiell William James McCroskey Joseph Edward Tepera Jim King Davidson Guillermo Medellin Larry Duncan Thompson Jim F. DeFord, Jr. Marvin Chesley Miller Milton Dewain Wall Thomas Alvin Dickey Percy Hugh Miller Hugh Oliver Wallace Lloyd Edward Dietert William Hamilton Miller Tony David Watkin John Robert Edmiston Carey E. Murphey, Jr. Ted Maynard Watson Carl Alexander Forbrich, Jr. Wilbert Mynar Lovie Williams, Jr. Gerry Lee Fox Leonard Nobelman Walter Roy Wilson John Funk Ralph Douglas O'Dell Wayne Randolph Wilson Carmen Carlos Garza John William Parker, Jr. Donald Lee Woods Gideon Munn Gilbert, Jr. Dennis Martin Phillips Wylie James Woolsey Edward Glinsky Robert Clay Pratka James Richard Wright 1 . 1 ~~~~­ ~~ Poge 341 LONGHORN CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP The purpose of the LONGHORN CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP is to witness that Jesus Christ is God incarnate, to seek to lead others to personal faith in Christ as Lord and Savior; and to deepen the spiritual life of each member by prayer, study of the Bible, and Christian fellowship. OFFICERS Fall JOHN LEONARD STANFORD ..... ... ... . . . ... President ...... . JANE COLLINS HARWOOD ... ...... ......... Recording Secretary ......... ...... . ROBERT MACCOLL ADAMS ................. . Faculty Sponsor ............... ........ .. ROBERT MACCOLL ADAMS MEMBERS Annie Jo Adams Ralph Joseph Henderson, Jr. Jessica Baggett Lyndon Paul Holcomb Alice Elizabeth Ballard Juell Joy Krauter Ann Boren Florence Gaye Laxson David O'Neil Brass Norma Ann Loretz Zane Leah Bryant Molly Mara Rose Marie Cleveland Susan Mara John Richard Cogdell Juan de Dios Martinez Alice Elena Conkle Carolyn Nan Mims Barbara Lee Cordell Nancy Carra Patterson Robert Wade Davis David Watts Prince Vincent Doss Pat Rellahan Ned Carroll Dreyer Betty Ann Roberts Wilda Ruth Fisher John Leonard Stanford Ray Ellen Gillis Carol Courtney Thomas Clovis Ray Hale Merle Thomas Jane Collins Harwood Joe Neil Tillery Front Row: Loretz, Conkle, Adoms, M. Moro, Clevelond, Loxson, Boggett. Second Row: Tillery, Cogdell, Mortinez, Prince, Stonford, Hendcrson, Poul E. Little, Adoms Poge 342 LONGHORN PHARMACEUTICAL ASSOCIATION Front Row: Siemer, Middleton, Bandy, Narro, La Force, King, Smith. Second Row: Clark, Gaulden, Couch, Lofgren. The purpose of THE LONGHORN PHARMACEUTICAL ASSOCIATION is to encourage the advance­ment of Pharmacy as a science and as a profession. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Fall Spring RAMIRO NARRO . .. . ........... . ... . . . .....President ....... . ... . .......... . ........ . . ......RAMIRO NARRO BRUCE RAYMOND LA FORCE ................ Vice-President ........ .... ............BRUCE RAYMOND LA FORCE ELEANOR JULIA SIEMER ............ ........ . Corresponding Secretary .. ............. ..... ELEANOR JULIA SIEMER PAULINE SMITH .................... . .......Recording Secretary . .... . .........................PAULINE SMITH ELIZABETH LOU KING .......................Treasurer ...................................ELIZABETH LOU KING JAMES LEATON CLARK .....................Parliamentarian ............................JAMES LEATON CLARK JOE H. COUCH .... . ...................... . Orientation Leader . .. .... . .......................JOE H. COUCH ROGER ARLAN MIDDLETON .................Editor of Longhorn Pharmacist ............ROGER ARLAN MIDDLETON LLOYD DON BANDY ........................Senior Class Representative .....................LLOYD DON BANDY JOE THOMAS GAULDEN ....................Junior Class Representative .................JOE THOMAS GAULDEN E . JAY HOYLAND ARNETTE ....................Sophomore Class Representative .............JAY HOYLAND ARNE FREDERICK VALENTINE LOFGREN ............. Faculty Advisor .. .... ......... ..... FREDERICK VALENTINE LOFGREN Page 343 . ':~.,. ~-... -------~ :.~ -.-~ /J~i!fi-f~lLl!.l~11.. . "' LONGHO • Top Row: Adelman, Aguilar, Allday, Anderson, Auld, Bailey. Secand Row: Baker, Ball, Barnard, Bell, Bennett, Birdsong. Third Row: Bolger, Bray, Bridges, Britton, Bruner, Burnett. Fourth Row: Butler, Calvert, Canal es, Carpenter, Castellano, Chapa. Fifth Row: Cole, Coo k, Corder, Crawford, Dittman, Dove. Sixth Row: Drury, C. Dusek, R. Dusek, Farley, Foster, Garcia. Seventh Row: Gardner, B. Garner, E. Garner, Gensler, Geyer, Gill, Gillean. Eighth Row: Golden, Gutierrez, Hagood, Hayes, Hejl, Hickox, James. Ninth Row: Jostes, King, Koeppe, Kopecky, Krag, Kuhn, Lopes. Tenth Row: Loughmiller, Luhman, J. Mabry, B. Mabry, Magee, G. Ma rshall, M. Marshall. Eleventh Row: Massey, Matthews, McDan iel, Mclaughl in, Meitzen, Milner, Mills. Pag<> 344 President . First Counselor . Second Counselor. Third Counselor .. Fourth Counselor . VINCENT RAIRDEN DININO Director, Longhorn Bands OFFICERS Fall . ..JAY DON GENSLE . JOHN CHARLES WENDELL MILNE . ... CARLOS ORLANDO CANALE . .. THALIA KARLEEN ROBERTS . . WALTER BUDGE MABR Spring President .. ....... ..... . . .....JAY DON GENSLER First Counselor ... . THALIA KARLEEN ROBERTS Second Counselor .... ............... ROBERT ESTILL FOSTE Third Counselor. . .... ... .......WALTER LOUIS GEYER, J Fourth Counselor . Donn Leigh Adelman Ramon Aguilar, 111 Charles Edgar Allday Mary Ellen Anderson James Eugene Auld James Wayne Ausmus Phyllis Awwiller J. G. Bailey Ora Rozelle Baker Jerry Don Ba 11 David Charles Barnard Henry L. Bell, Jr. Donald Hugh Bennett Bailey Arnold Birdsong Noe Edmundo Boghs David Jack Bolger Linda Rae Bray James Edwin Bridges Charles Mark Britton James Milton Bruner Luanna Vivian Burkett Betty Ruth Burnett David Ainsley Butler Eugene Allan Calvert Emory Clifton Camp Carlos Orlando Canales Glenn Alan Carnagey Jerry Wayne Carothers Patricia Dean Carpenter Joseph Harry Castellano James Craig Chamberlain Moises Sanches Chapa James Dee Cole Mary Elizabeth Cook Richard Wade Corder John Milton Crawfard, Jr. Elbert Creel . ......... .WALTER BUDGE MABR MEMBERS Clarence William Dittman Richard Ora l Dave Patsy Anne Drury Cliftan J. Dusek Ranald James Dusek James Lawrence Farley Robert Estill Faster Rabert James Francis David Lee Franklin Malcolm Jean Fuchs James Alton Gandy Alejandro Garcia William Reavis Gardner Billy Jack Garner Edith Jane Garner Jay Don Gensler Judith Ann George Walter Lauis Geyer, Jr. Eddie Michael Gill Esther Gaylan Gi llean Robert Leo Golden, Jr. Raul Gutierrez, Jr. Jahn Thomos Hogood Stanley Eorl Hoyes James George Hejl Verda Herrington Edward Robertson Hewlett Charles Ewing Hickox, Jr. Jerry Stephen Huss James Thomas lvy William Frederic Jacobs Babby Jack James Lynwood Charles Jostes John Robert King Allan Paul Koeppe Anne Louise Kopecky BAND EDWARD Lonnie Gene Krog Chor es Ritchie Kuhn . Robert Jerry Locy Betty Jone Leotherwood John Joseph Lopes, Jr. er .. Mox Eugene Loughmi Herbert Ross Luhmon ter Budge Mobry . Wo otte Mogee . Mory Chor .. Gory Lynn Morsho .. Edith Morsho . Murie Robert Eugene Mossey Frederick Chor es Motthews . Donno Beth MoCormick ROBERTSON HEWLETT Drum Major Lorrie Arden Ri stou len Roberts . Don A Tholio Korleen Roberts Roberto Romo Roymond Roy Rude, Jr. Tommy Alexonder Sonders er . Nothon Woyne Schil . ,Jomes froncis Mobry . . . Johnny Amos Schoggin, Jr. Henry Jomes Schroub Mory Virginio Schulz Jomes Lorry Scott Curtis Woyne Sebero Leoh Roye Sexton Jomes Shelby Shorpe Williom Elsworth Shepp Donold Jomes Simmons McDonie .. Chester Howe Soro Jone McGee Dovid Wolter Sloon in .Dovid Lynn Mclough .Morsholl Robert Smort, Jr es Meitzen .Trovis Chor l E. Smith .Bi Rene Menchoco son Smith .Stonley Ne .s, Jr ..ie Mi .Les .Donie es Michoel Spoin .Chor ner .Mi ..es Wende .John Chor George A. Storbuck .Richord Terry Morrow, Jr Fronces Ann Storling Robert Arthur Murroy Chorles Leslie Steworl y .Thomos 0 . Nee len Potrick Stiboro .A son .Rufus Andrew Nicho Morton McGregor Stine orence Nietenhoefer .Kenneth C Mory Ann Stromberg Betty Jo Oder .Milton York Tote, Jr John Duncon Osburn John Normon Thomson .Delbert Clorence Overstreet, Jr .Ruthven Chompion Tolbirt, Jr len .A Pope .Mott Burleson Tucker, Jr Jimmie Fronk Pormo Solly .Elizobeth Woddil Henry Lowrence Peck Hugh Dorrell Wode Dovid Lee Pennington Robbie Ann Wolters Sheridon Pettit Borboro Ann White Pickering ..Jomes Terre Groce Louise Wiederoenders John Osborne Pickett Alvin Wilder Melvin Roy ott.P lison Wil lioms .Mork E Joe Thomos Powell Potrick Henry Wilson Williom Leo Prother Wisner .Evo Nel Rogelio Romirez Bryon Don Witt oyrene Reed .len C .E Alonzo Church Wood Thomos Allen Rheo Gilbert Motison Wyrick .Herbert Lee Richter, Jr Howord Ernst Yoos John Michoel Rieves Edword R. Zomoro TEXAS STARS Koren Gwyn Agopion Judith Anne Lowson Suzonne Clork yne Louise Cyphers .Chor Virginio Miko-Co-Coptoin Lyndo Koy Montgomery .son, Nietenhoefer, Osburn .y, Nicho .Top Row: Morrow, Murray, Nee lis .Cloro Foye E Donno Sue Nelson ...att, Powe .Second Row: Parma, Peck, Pennington, Pettit, P Ann Fleming .Coro Betty Joy Gollowoy Judith Ann George Rose Morie Gill Josie Morgoret Guerro Jill Horvey-Co-Coptoin Mortho Jo Henry Sondro Roweno O 'Brien Dixie Ann Proffitt Betty Ann Rhodes Corolyn Goil Smith Alice Jeon Sundberg Judith Ann Von Rosenberg D'Anne Wotson .Third Row: Ra mirez, Reed, Rieves, D. Roberts, K. Roberts, Romo .z, Scott .er, Schoggin, Schraub, Schu ..Fourth Row: Sa nders, Schi .Fifth Row: Sebera, Sharpe, Shepp, Simmons, Smart, 8. Sm ith .ing, Stewart, Stibora, Tate .Sixth Row: S. Smith, Spain, Star •iams ..ters, White, Wi .birt, Tucker, Wade, Wa .Seventh Row: Thomson, To .son, Wisner, Witt, Wood, Wyrick, Yoas, Zamora .Eighth Row: Wi Jeonette Mortho Josmon Meto Louise Whiteside .oway, George ..eming, Ga .is, F ..ark, Cyphers, E .Ninth Row: Agopian, C Rondo Jon Keng Noncy Jone Willis .Guerra, Henry, Jasman, Kincaid, lawson, Mika ..,Tenth Row: Gi Fronces El izobeth Kincoid son, O'Brien, Rhodes, Smith, Von Rosenberg, .Eleventh Row : Montgomery, Ne .Whiteside EDWARD ROBERTSON HEWLETT SHIRLEY ANN SNIPES ELIZABETH ANN MULLENIX Drum Major Featured Twirler Featured Twirler JAMES M. HAYNES, JR. RICHARD D. BLAIR Business Manager Assistant Director SMU Game at Austin. Company front marching formation. TEXAS STARS Front Row: Jill Harvey, Co-Captain, Martha Jo Henry, Sandra Rowena O'Brien, Rose Marie Gill, Judith Anne George,Betty Joy Galloway, Donna elson, Judith Ann Lawson, Suzanne Clark, Ell s, Betty Ann Rhodes, . Clara Faye . Sue Virginia Mika, Co-Captain. Back Row: Karen Gwyn Agopian Lynda Kay Montgomery, Martha , ancy Jane Willis, Frances . Jeanette Jasman . Elizabeth Kincaid, Meta Louise Wh teside, Carolyn Gail Smith, Judith Ann Von Rosenberg, Charlyne Louise Cyphers, Alice Jean Sundberg• LUTHERAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION The LUTHERAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION seeks to bear witness in the academic community to the Gospel of Jesus Christ as confessed by the Luthera n Church, to afford a means whereby its members may deepen and express their Christian faith, and to carry the witness of the Lutheran faith into the ecumenical ventutes of the student world, within the one holy, catholic, and apostalic church. STAFF Pastor to Students ........ . .... ..... . . . REVEREND CARL HACKER lntern Assistant .............. . . .. .. ............... TERRY L. DALY OFFICERS President ..... ........... ...... ....... ......... .. JOAN LANELLE RAAB Vice-President .. .... . . . . . . ... . . . . . . CAROLYN CHRISTINE BOCK Secretary ... .. . .. ... ..... . ...............JOYCE ELAINE SCHILLER Treasurer .... .. .. ................ . ....... . . . . . .......ROBERT A. HEIN ~,.. ' Front Row: Betty Jo Miles, Joyce A. Remmert, Corolyn Christine Bock, Sidney Jeon Hultgren, Morilyn Eloine Moench. Second Row: Postor Corl Hocker, Horst Curt Meyer, Jergen Edword Olson, Horvey Fronkling Jonoto, Joon Lonelle Roob, lrene Ann Schneider, Mori Lyn Melin, Noncy J. Tieken, Terry L. Doly. Third Row: John Brown, Duone Frueh Burow, Robert Leo Liesen, J. Dennis Cossels, Robert A. Hein, Charles Jerome Manske, Corroll Williom Boecker, Robert Jomes Vorkoper. E'Lee Schorlemer, Fromen, Jr., Roger E'Lee Schorlemer, Garland Thomos Buach, William Paul Mettke. Lawrence Ervin Jasmon, Robert. . Fourth Row: Vincent Joseph Robert Schroeder, Arthur Horvey Hunke. NEWMAN CLUB Front Row: Carlos A. Conde, Stanley K. Krenek, Jr., Edwin Landry, Clifton F. Landry, C. Charles Pesek, E. F. lnfa nte, Richard A. Schieffer, Willia m Joseph Fowler, Fermin N. Herrera, Jr., James Joseph O'Brien, James A. Talbot, Quintin J. Smith, Larry C. Hoffma nn, Jack W. Fuller. Johnnie B. Respondek, Harry S. Jones, Charles P. Peters, Mario L. Messina, Jack W. Lowe, David P. Crane, Howard C. Mollenkapf, Robert Reeves, William Andrew Shepherd, David Charles •Alexander. . Simon Kristynik, Larry Second Row: John Henry Gerling, Sara Patricia Devine1• lrene Whitt, Frances DeCoux, Barbara Mika, Virginia Mika, Mary Anne Prasatik, Patricia Joan Horn, Antoinette Raia, Ma.r e Elinor Medina, Mary Ann Moroney, Patricia Fowler, Ann Cunningham, Carmen Studdert, Sandra McNutt, Jo Ann Studdert, Jeanne Marie Raney, Frances Danielle Strausser, Beatrice Lozano, Rachel S. Trevino, Linda Marie Falardeau, Charlynn C. Harris, Barbara J. Anderson, Patricia L. McGrady, Gayle Lynne Thompson, Jeanne Elizabeth Cunningham, Betty Joe Greene, Mary Margaret Hughes . Third Row: Reverend David O'Brien, Sam M. Korzekwa, 0Gayle Green, Kay L. Voetmann, Colleen P. Mathews, Mary Carlyn Anderson, Mary Jane Strauch, Maureen S. Conlin, Odile Marie Brenier, Ann G. Robertson, Sally E. Waddill, Elizabeth Carmen Hembree, Barbara Sue Christian, Anne Cooper, Martha Jeanette Clarkson , Ann Dev ne, Mary Virginia Schulze, Jeanne Kubala, Marie Fehmer, Susan Lynn Seel:n11er, Jo Anne Poth Winifred Marie Conlon, Helen Patricia Carrell , . er, Richt . Margaret Beaulieu, Margaret Mary Kosh, Eleanor Marilyn Anderson, Mary Louise Slomch nski, Mary Elizabeth Knize, Mary Ellen Patsy Jo Schuhmacher, Barbara Jane Hughes, Jan Schieffer, Betty Jean Zapalac, Judy Ann Rich, Ron J. Meyer, Bernard J. Pivonka, Ferdinand F. Boudreau, 11, Edward J. Loeue , Reverend Robert Murphy. Fourth Row: Denis Michael Murphy, Jimmy Edward Greve, John Craig Carrell, Ronald Edward Oeslattes, Don John Keegan, Paul Norton Deltz, Zahi Hanna Faranish, James G. Kobs, Mike G. Hanemann1• Carlos Diaz, Edward Lyle Flinn, Frederick Edward Korzekwa, Joyce Henry Abshire, Jr., Alfred George Viney , Ralph F. Ledwig, John R. Pinkston, Anthony M. Truchard. Allen Stibora, Robert F. Earhart, Francis Henkel1 James Patrick Studdert, Anton F. Matula, Don V tek, Jr., Paul Anthony Zavorskas, John Anthony Hudson, William Erhardt. H. Diehl, Norbert Kevin Torline, Richard Edward Flannery, lsidro Gonzalez, George Ladd the campus since 1908, is an organization which fosters spiritual, intellectual, and social interest .. ,NEWMAN CLUB of the Catholic students of The University of Texas. STAFF Reverend Robert J. Murphy, CSP Reverend David O'Brien, CSP Mrs. Herbert 1. Cunningham OFFICERS Fall Spring WILLIAM JOSEPH FOWLER . .. . .. . ......... . . President .. ............ .. .......... FERMIN NICASIO HERRERA, JR. FERMIN NICASIO HERRERA, JR.......... ... .. First Vice-President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. MICHAEL HANEMANN JANE FRANCES SPACEK ....... ............. Second Vice-President ... ......... .... . . MARY ELIZABETH COOK MARY MARGARET HUGHES .................. Secretary .................................. BARBARA JEAN MIKA CARLOS ANTONIO CONDE .................Treasurer .............. . . . .. . ...... . .. . .. .LYNWOOD LEE KLOCK WILLIAM McCLINTOCK GRAHAM ............. Sergeant-at-Arms ..........................JAMES GREGORY KOBS MARY JANE STRAUCH ...................... Sergeant-at-Arms ....................... BARBARA ANN ANDERSON MARTHA JEANE .... .. ........ Reporter ... .............. ....... ... MARTHA JEANETTE CLARKSON E CLARKSON . PATRICIA JOAN HORN . . . . .......... . .... .. Editor . ... . ...... . .... . ..... .. .. . .. . .... DENIS MICHAEL MURPHY E RICHTER . FRANCES DANIELLE STRAUSSER .............. Historian .......................MARY ELLEN BERNADE LEO HUGHES ............. . .... . .......... Faculty Sponsor ......... . .. . . . .......... . .... . ..... LEO HUGHES . Page 349 " -­ ______ -----J !lL-~--L...." ~-.....-.... _ -:L ~.Jl_j L ___. .1:Lih4. ! .:.:..l.U~ n "' THE ORGANIZATION OF ARAB STUDENTS IN THE U.S .A. GREATER TEXAS CHAPTER The purpose of THE ORGANIZATION OF ARAB STUDENTS IN THE U.S.A., Greater Texas Chapter, is to promote good relations between the American and Arab students. OFFJCERS President .MARWAN 0. YAHYA Vice-President .. . . ... . .... ABDUL HASEEB ALI KEKH EYA Secretary . . .. FRAIH F. SHAHATIT Treasurer . . SAMIR M. KASSIR Social Chairman. . ........... IZZIDDIN N. SA' ADALLAH Activity Chairman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MOHAMMAD DARWISH Publicity Chairman .... . .. . ...MAHMOUD HASSAN FOUAD HONORARY MEMBERS Thomas Ballantine lrving Eunice Parker Front Row: Fouad, Shahatit, Yahya, Kekheya • Back Row: Kassir, Darwish Sa'adallah. . . , MEMBERS Hilmi M. Abdul-Fetouh Mahammad Darwish Elias S. Hanna Abdelghany A. Khalafallah Assad Ali Nasr Azmi A. Abdul Hadi Adnan M. Dibe Wail lbrahim Hashem Aly Mohamed Maasarani Mohamed Hachemi Saada Numan A. Abdul-Latif Khalil M. Dibee Zafer Jamal Hashem Laurice Saleem Ma'ayeh lzziddin N. Sa'adallah Kha led Nasser Aja j i Lotify Dimitri Khaled Kassab Hassan Mounir Ali Mahdi S. N. Sa'adallah Mohamed N. Ajam Mohammed Farouk Doughli Samir Ahmad Hassan Muhidin Majzoub Mohmaud M. Sahtaut M. W. Akhras Ali S. El-Ahmadiyyah Ahmad T. Hijazi Abdul-Wahab Mokiya Ziyad Omar Salah Zuheir Yousuef Alami Mostafa K. Elhag Ali Khalouk A. Hijazi Mohmoud R. Moraashly Mahmaud lbrahim Saleh Nouri Al-Kashwan Zouhair R. Fakhouri lsam Hilou Nazem Morrach Adib Rashid Samman Jamal Aswad Fakhr Mousa Jaffar 1 jam Masri Yusuf Rashid Samman . . Mohamed Galal Eldin Sabih Farouk Ayoub Mohmoud Hassan Fouad Adnan Tak' Eddine Joud Sami F. Masri Fraih F. Shahatit Sami R. Bader Mohamed Gadalla Samir H. abbara Adeeb A. Mohamad Farauk Hamed Shammatt Khalil Bannura Saad Mahmood Gamal Eldin Nizar A. Kadri Sadik J. Mosawy Adel H. Sharaf Majed Barakat Mohamed Anam Ghaleb Samir M. Kassir Muwaffaq A. Murtada Fouad Taw.f k Walid H. Chaban Kha 1i1 Goushe Kasim M. Kayyal Abdul Wahab Mutar Morwan 0 . Yahya Mohamed Chakchouk Hadi M. Haddad Abdul Haseeb Ali Kekheya Bishara A. Naber Ahmed Tawfik Zaky Front Row: Y. Samman, Maasarani Abdul Hadi, Kadri, 1. Sa'adallah, Yahya Alami, Yussef Nabani, Ajaji, Mosowy, Fouad. Second Row : Saada, lrving, Shahatit, Ma'ayeh, Abdul-Latif, Chakchouk, S. Sa'adallah, Murtada, Salah, Naber, Kossir. Third Row: Ghaleb, Mahdi, S. Hassan, Shammatt, Saleh, K. Hassan, Kayyal, Kekheya. Fourth Row : A. Samman, Mutar, Doughli, Chaban, Fakhr Eldin, Joud, Darwish. Page 350 REAGAN LITERARY SOCIETY Front Row: K. Wheeler, Rogers, Hen ­derson1 E d m u n d s o n, Downing, •oot, Jacobsen . Broad Second Row: Anderson Porter Bra­shears1 K. Williams, Taylor, Milam, Grodanl, Bock, M. Williams, All­good, D e 1a n e y, Gathright, Van Horn. Thlrd ~ow: Spencer, Harris, Wright, O'Banion, Rodgers, Watson, Har­bold, Prouty, M. Green, Dudgeon, Meynier, Henslee, Barton, Cain, Bcach. Fourth Row: Davis, Godfrey, Johnson , Thomas, Heard, Steinhagen, Har­borth, Noyes, J o s e p h , Simons, Spearman, Chatelain, Peavy, Snipe . The purpose of REAGAN LITERARY SOCIETY shall be to further the enjoyment of literature of all kinds and to pro­mote a spirit of fellowship among women at The University of Texas. OFFICERS Fall Spring JANIE HENDERSON . . .......... .. ......President ............... . ................ . . JANIE HENDERSON LIDA LACY EDMUNDSON ........ ........... Vice-President .... ........................LIDA LACY EDMUNDSON PAULA JANE ROGERS ... .. .. . ...... . . . ... . . Secretary .. . . ........... . ..................PAULA JANE ROGERS LYNNE DOUGLASS .............. ........... Treasurer .... ...... ................ .......... LYNNE DOUGLASS ROBERTA LEE DOWNING ......... .......... Historian ................................ ROBERTA LEE DOWNING MRS. CLAUDE HILL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sponsor . . ................... ..............MRS. CLAUDE HILL MEMBERS Betty Lenora Allgood Carale Jean Delaney Carolyn Louise Herndon Nancy Esther Nunnery Jo Ann Snipe Mary Katherine Anderson Caralyn Dice Jo Marie Hill Janice Maurine O'Banian Donna Maurine Spearman Beverly Kay Ba ker Lynne Dauglass Curtis Louise Hoehn Leah Rae Olson Betty Dell Spencer Mary Margaret Barker Elizabeth Downer Josephine Moore Howell Peggy Louise Parker Lady Gretchen Steinhagen Kathyrn Ann Barragan Roberta Lee Downing Pat lsbell Janet Octavia Peavy Suzanne Summers Hazel Phyllis Barton Elizabeth Ann Dudgeon Leila N. Jacobsen E. Sophia Philen Elizabeth Lynn Sylvester Olivette Anne Beach Lida Lacy Edmundson Gayle Johnson Sarah Elizabeth Porter Lue Taylor Martha Jean Beaty Claudia Lynne Fletcher Norma Ann Joseph Maryllyn Anne Powell Karen Jo T enney Darlene Bland Nancy Rice Forman Kay King Roxana Proctor Carolyn Ann Thomas Carolyn Christine Bock Barbara Anne Foster Janice Lee Knippa Carol Alice Prouty Martha Jean Valliant Elizabeth Joyce Bourdon Marsha Ann Gathright Beverly Koen Jeanne Marie Raney Beth Van Horn Ann Brandstetter Kitty Gisher Linda Link Ruth Ann Rawlins Patricia Sue Voelkel Janice Brashears Carol Kay Godfrey Ann Jarvis Manning Joanne Marie Rice Diana Vollintine Cleo Ann Britain Gayle Green Barbara Ann Martin Rose Mary Rodgers Ellita Wallace Marsha Ann Broadfoot Mary Lee Green Mary Katherine McConchie Paula Jane Rogers Shirley Ward Beverly Ann Butler Mary Margaret Grodahl Linda McDougle Connie Jean Scott Charlotte Helen Watson Diana Cain Alice Wesley Gunstream Mari Lyn Melin Suzann Seidel Eleanor Wheeler Kay Elaine Carson Carla M. Harbold Marga Meynier Ada Marie Sharpe Karen Sue Wheeler Janet Chatelain Mary Louise Harborth Linda Caytes Milam Jeanette Patricia Shook Katherine Rowe W illiams Sally Catherine Chenault Diana Louise Harris Jan Jill Miller rudy Shugart . Marijo W illiams Sarah Clendenen Lois Myrl Heard Patricia Ann Morrow Suzanne Elizabeth Simons Elizabeth Winfrey Sally Coak Janie Henderson Raberta Gayle Norman Mary Frances Simpson Lillian Gayle Wright Jane Clarice Craver Sarah Henslee Ella Jane Nayes Adrienne Trant Smith Kristin Ann Wyatt Dorothy Diane Davis Claudetta Young !,ll .. l~-/,,,"~---...._/:: f!l.L.&~l/~. 1-.l,A-/J~,1;~ --~~---­ --"" -­ SOCIETY FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF MANAGEMENT i~; The purpose of the SOCIETY FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF MANAGEMENT is the development of the art and science of management of all human endeavor. To bring the student and businessman closer together in the arts of management. OFFICERS Fall Spring JOSEPH PAUL BEAULIEU, JR..................President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...MICHAEL RUSK MOORE Vice-President . . ....... . . . ... . .......KENNETH PAT CLEPPER PEGGY RUTH PETERS. .. Secretary .... ...................... DOLORES ELEANOR DOMNING THOMAS RAY KEY .. . ...Treasurer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... BENJAMIN JESSE WILEY MELVIN EUGENE McMICHAEL. ... Faculty Sponsor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MELVIN EUGENE McMICHAEL MEMBERS Satyakar Nath Agrawal Walter E. Flowers Bonard James Kelley Dan Keith Pitner Ruth Berry Ashcroft Herman Carroll Ford Thomas Frederick Kelly Mary l inn Pond .f eldMary Elizabeth Bare Martin James Foerster Michael Maurice Kemp Marvin G. Ray Joseph Paul Beaulieu Thomas James Foitik Thomas Ray Key Sandra Richard Fred Bednarski James Rabert Farsyth Jerry Peter Kulhanek Walt A. Riddle Walter L. Bent Elmer Lee Friedrich Billy Ken La Rue Seward El iot Robb Daniel Edward Bodine Danald Ray Black Eddie Carroll Bostic Joe Allen Bowden Layton Roy Buckner Clellan Morris Burns Luis J. Cardenas Nelda Ruth Caruthers John Howard Claitor Kenneth Pat Clepper Rudolph Lawrence Crachet Benjamin James Cuba Bobby Joe Daffern H. A . Davis Thomas Joseph Davies John Webster Derden Edgar Hal Dickson Marvin Alton Dierschke Denson Powell Dingler , 111John Rentz Doggett Stanley R. Fullen James Joseph Gaffney Tommy Warren Goad Warren Reed Graves John Clilton Gray Harlan Hugh Hague 1Norris l. Hal David William Harrell Robert B. Harris Sandra Kay Heiligman Joe R. Herring Jimmy Mack Hodges Rex Hodges .James Boyd House, Jr Joel Edgar Howerton Robert Maurice Howse Jeffrey Hanson Hubbard Donald Allan Hutto David Hustace Cosma Anthony Ladico Abrum John lynch Aly Mahamed Maasarani John Darwin Mogness Jerry Blake Mark .Frank Estes Martin, Jr Roy Grant Marvin Robert Shelton Mayes Charles G. McQuaid Horace Cooper McSwain Robert L. Meyer .Harvey Ray Mitchell, Jr Michael Rusk Moore Thomas Owen Morgan Donald Scott Mullins Leonard Archie Neeper .William T. Newel l, Jr John Francis Oppie Jerald Patterson Billy F. Peel La Rue Eugene Robinson .Raymand Roy Rude, Jr lrl S. Sampson .William Henry Sh ireman, Jr Hoyle W ayne Sh irley Jerry Don Smith Ya le Smith Hester Reid Stewart Mary Lillian Stewart W. Carl Tauch Joe Neil Tillery Henry Neil Troell George Dallas Turner Joe Earl Turner Maxine Usry Roy Glenn Vick Stonewall Pershing Vintson Glenn Arthur Von Rosenberg George Harris Walker Lloyd Douglas Walker Dolores Eleanor Domning John Lawrence Jackson Stanley A . Penner Herbert David W eitzman Clarence F. Dreymala Anthony W. Johnson Wilbur Wright Perry Benjamin Jesse Wiley Charles lindsey Durway William Stanley Joiner Peggy Ruth Peters Richard Marvin Womack James Eugene Estes Hubert Kelly Jones William Howard Pharr Terrence Fair W ood Charles S. Filleman John D. Kavanaugh Daniel Maurice Phillips Ronald William Wright William H. Fleming Don J. Keegan David Edward Phillips Frank Anuncio Zamboni Front Row: Beaulieu, Claitor, Cardenas, Peters, Domning, M. Stewart, Barefield, Pond, Durway, Herring, Filleman, McMichael . • Lynch, Troell, Friedrich r,ie, MeyeCuba, Pharr, OppDingler, , . Second Row: Wiley, G. Turner, Kavanaugh, Hall, Kemp, Key, Jackso • Ray, Goad, HowseMayes, ,. Third Row: Maasarani, Foerster, G. Walker. Mitchell, Burns, Riddle, Ford, Tauch, Davies, Agrawal, Kulhanek, Fulle Page 352 SOCIETY OF AMERICAN MILITARY ENGINEERS Front Row: Mortin, King, Boiley, Moody, Buell, McKissock, Sondifer, Bissett, Costleberry, Armstrong, Rolls, McCroskey, Toft, McCondless, Lytton, Mothes. Second Row: Wolton, Hinojoso, Boenziger, Zimmermonn, Bossett, Roberts, Trotter, Sedwick, R. Biggs, Rochelle, Bodden, Akin, Hunt, Podgett, Wershol, Mortiner . Third Row: Sovoge, Mettke, Godfrey, Wolloce, Burnside, Schlother, Goldmon, J. Oehler, Hester, Thurmond, Jockson, Kent, R. Jones, Hitt, Constontokis. The purpose of the SAME is to advance knowledge of t he science of military engineering. OFFICERS l Spring . Fa AM LYNN MATHES . LL . AM LYNN MATHES .... ............ .. President ........................... ..... W . LL . W GARY LYNN LEACH .. ...................... Vice-President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. GARY LYNN LEACH ON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Corresponding· Secretary ................. ROBERT LEONARD LYTTON . ROBERT LEONARD LY CK . CK. . . . . . . . . . . . .. Recording Secretary .....................CARROLL WAYNE MERL . CARROLL WAYNE MERL CE McCANDLESS . AM MAUR . LL . CE McCANDLESS. . . . . . ... Treasurer ................ ......... W . AM MAUR . LL . W NE . NE ......... Sponsor. . . . . . . . . . .... .... MAJOR CHARLES GUNTER OLENT . MAJOR CHARLES GUNTER OLENT FACULTY MEMBERS entine . es Gunter O . Major James L. Henshaw Major Char Master Sergeant Fe ix Newlin Colonel Curtis Theodore Ricketts . MEMBERS Charles Snow Akin Thomas Ca vin Moody, Jr. . Joe E. Goldman len James Merritt Graves Johnnie Karl Oehler . Chester Lee A Henry Austin Armstrong Martin Edwin Hester Kenneth Lee Oehler Thomas Duncan Arnhold Abelardo Domingo Hinojosa, Jr. John B. Padgett Roger Ken Baenziger Gary Chris Hitt Benjamen Sims Parrack Edgar Eugene Bailey, Jr . John Embry Hunt Johnny Emmett Ralls Jack Doug as Jackson Joseph Wayne Roberts . James Arthur Bassett Robert Allan Biggs Dannie Lee Jones William Curson Rochelle son Jones George Benjamin Sandifer . Richard Car ... ,William Ambrose Biggs William Grey Savage ... ,James Stanley Bissett Harry Llewellyn Kent Nix O'Brien Bodden Stuart Deric Kershner Wilfred Hilmar Schlather l Robert Newton King Jesse Jack Sedwick . Walter Flynn Bue Robert S. Burnside Pat Klaus Gary Fredrick Taft Vance LaNoal Castleberry William Preston Lamp George Robert Thurmond Roberto Constantakis Gary Lynn Leach Glen Conrad Tolle B. K. Cooper, Jr. Robert Leonard Lytton James Albert Trotter Michael Adelebert Dougherty James Roger Martin John Collins Trube Robert Lester Elkins Oscar Herrera Martinez James Earl Wallace Edwin Maurice Flint William Lynn Mathes Sidney Lee Walton Paul Swift Freeman William Maurice McCandless John Manahan Watson . George Richard Fulton, Jr . William James McCroskey Peter Arch Wersa Jack Felton Furrh, Jr. William Thompson McKissock, Jr. Donald Gene Zimmermann Jesus Sergio Galvan Carroll Wayne Merlick iam Paul Mettke . Thomas Gray Godfrey Wil Page 353 1.J ,, _~_;,,&_~.., ------" --" SOUTHWESTERN ROCKET SOCIETY The SOUTHWESTERN ROCKET SOCIETY is designed to give students and theory ofring,.f,design ,. the constructio . practical experience i the rocket propu lsion .f eld. :::::::~ :-:~:. j~~f~~~· ~~1:1~. Fall OFFICERS President . Spring . ..... . EDWARD E. SNYDER JOHN CURZON COOKE .... .. Director of Research . . FREDERICK LONEIL BECKNER PAT WARREN SKINNER . . . .... Recording Secretory . Corresponding Secretary . CHARLES GLENN RICHIE . ... . Treasurer . ............. . . ... PAT WARREN SKINNER . . CAROLYN GRAY BECKNER .. .JAMES CLARK SCAIEF EDWARD E. SNYDER ......... Coordinotor of Propulsion ..... JOHN CURZON COOKE JOHN JAMES SWOBODA, JR. .. Coordinotor of Structure ..... . .. THOMAS RIDER JEFFUS FREDERICK LONEIL BECKNER .. Coordinotor of lnstrumentation ... LEROY HENRY BECKER EUGENE ARMAN RIPPERGER .. Sponsor ..... . ...... EUGENE ARMAN RIPPERGER lwapa R-2. Fired at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, May 3, 1958. HONORARY MEMBERS Billy Howard Amstead James E. Kenneth Charles Rathbun Boggs Bruce Edwin Bain Leroy Henry Becker Carolyn Gray Beckner Frederick Lonei l Beckner John Gates Burum Howard Bernard Case James Thomas Ross Cockrell John Curzon Cooke Nancy Jean Dickens Charles Augustus Duval MEMBERS Thomas Dale Erwin Weldon Lee Howard Ettore H. F. lnfante Richard Jay Jaross Thomas Rider Jeffus David Lawrence Keir Robert N. Licandro Carolyn Elizabeth Lewis Woody Pope Charles Glenn Richie Lloyd Virgil Risley Barbara Scaief James Clark Scaief Mary Jane Sherrod Pat Warren Skinner Edward E. Snyder Brian McGarvey Spinks John James Swoboda, Jr. Tom Vinson Doyle Ernest Ware, Jr. Front Row : Case, Swoboda, Becker, Cooke, J. Scaief. Second Row: Jeffus, Lewis, Dickens, B. Scoief. Third Row : Snyder, Ware, Boin, F. Beckner, C. Beckner, Pope. 354 >. Pag STUDENT CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION Front Row: Cason, Aue, Pinson• Second Row: Ellis, Barragan, Cannon, Maxwell, Wheless, Perkins, J. Rogers, Morris, Appenzellar. .McClellan, Walker, Dudley, G. Rogers, WrightBrowne, Peck, son, . e . ,Third Row: Fielder The purpose of the STUDENT CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIO N is to build a fellowship of students devoted to the task of realizing in our common life those ideals of personal and social living to which we are committed by our faith as Chris­tians. ln this endeavor we seek to understand Jesus, to share His love of all people and to grow in the knowledge and love of God. STAFF Executive Director YWCA ......... ....... ..... .. .. ANNE B. APPENZELLAR Executive Secretary YMCA . . ..........................FRANK L. WRIGHT Associate Secretary ...................................... H. REN KENT OFFICERS YMCA YWCA JOSEPH H. PECK ....... ..... ...... .. ..... .. President ... . ... . .. .. .... .. . ... NANCY NORWOOD PINSON RAY A. GIPSON .. .......... . ...... . ....... Vice-President .. SANDRA CASON . . ..................COOK FIELDERWILLIAtv. Secretary ........... . .. . . .. . . . .. . . BETTY ANN AUE .. . ...... . ........ ... . Treasurer THOMAS H. BROWNE ... . .. SANDRA ESQUIVAL CABINET McBR/DEY ANN AUE Religious Discussion ........ ERNEST WINDROW . Membership ........................BE Program to Groups ... ...... KATHRYN ANN BARRAGAN Freshman Program ...........OL/VER BARR McCLELLAN Men-Women Relations ......... .. .. .. . . KENN K. BERRY Men-Women Relations ...............MARILYN MORRIS Study Groups .......................BETSY BLANTON Program-to-Groups ...............RICHARD L. NELSON lntercollegiate ........... . ......THOMAS H. BROWNE Cabinet . ..... . .....................JOSEPH H. PECK Worship .......................JERRY ANN CANNON Race Relations .............MARGARET CLARE PERKINS Program Council .................... SANDRA CASON Cabinet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . NANCY NORWOOD PINSON Un-Y-Ted Nations ........... . . ROBERTA LEE DOWNING Un-Y-Ted Nations .........BANJIT NURAINDAS SITLANI Special Events ...............JAMES HUDSON DUDLEY Community Service ...... ... ... GLENN ALFRED ROGERS Religious Discussion ..................LYNN GAIL ELLIS Ecumenical Council .... . .........JEAN BURKE ROGERS lntercollegiate .... . .......... . .... SANDRA ESQU/VEL Public Relations .............MARY STEWART THOMAS Membership ..................WILLIAM COOK FIELDER Community Service .................MARY J EAN TODD Program Council ..................... RAY A. G/PSON Campus Affairs ...............HAZEN ROBERT WALKER WHELESS . Race Relations .. .......... ROBY WALDO HILLIARD, JR. University Religious Council .... AL/CE LOCKE Freshman Program .............. MARY GAY MAXWELL Campus Affairs . . . . MARGO WILEY Public Relations .. ............ ROGER KARL WILKINSON Page 355 ~ • .J..L _. __ SYMPHONIC BAND ;~! • l .. L..:< !Lf_I i ..:._ ~ ~ " . 1 OFFICERS President .. ... CHARLES WILLIAM NIX . Vice-President . . . .. ROBERT ESTILL FOSTER ~ Secretary-Treasurer . . . . . . THALIA KARLEEN ROBERTS Reporter-Historian .. . .. . .. . . . .. . ROBERT STANFIELD BRASFIELD 1 Librarian . . .... VERDA HERRINGTON Manager ...... VICTOR LOZANO, JR. Director .. . ...... . .. J. FRANK ELSASS FLUTES Amy Jean Glenney TENOR SAXOPHONE TROMBONES .. ,nes George Hejl James F. Mabry . Vivian Luanna Burkett Ja io Ramirez . Roge M;Jdred Katherine Gombrell Chorles William Nix Gordon David Mclendon e . Roy James lrvine leland Francis Silver Minnie Louine Nob CORNETS AND TRUMPETS Michael Carl Stoune Charles Michael Spain Mary Jane Sherrod .. Mary Ann Stromberg Ora Rozell Baker Robert Gebhardt Sidne OBOES George Abel Wiess Gardner Shipley Bride, Jr. Morton McGregor Stine Elbert Creel Wanda Sue Brown Evelyn Lauise McCarty iam McCray Vance .. Michoel Donald Williams Wi .. Wi Evo Nell Wisner Robert Estill Faster iam Thomas Wingo, Jr. Bill E. Smith Verda HerringtonStephen Jomes Zelen TONES . BAR Glenda Sharon Kahler ip Farrar .. BASSOONS Lloyd Phi Victor Lozano, Jr. ALTO CLARINET .JrRabert Smart, .. Gerold Dan Gibson Marsha Danald Louis Michel, Jr. Rosemary Lee Gibbons s Henry Washingtan ". Karen Elizabeth Johnstan Char Herbert Lee Richter, Jr. Alma Diona Perez Thalia Karleen Roberts TU BASBASS CLARINETS den . Henry James Schraub Michael McKinley Ho B FLAT CLARINETS Homer Mortinez Barrero Edward R. Zamara Jahn Joseph Lopes, Jr. Leo Morye Horstmann . . . ,Raman Aguilor Rabert Eugene MasseyEugene Allan Colvert Roberto Ramo CONTRA-BASS CLARINET FRENCH HORNSJoseph Harry Castel lano ON . James Craig Chomberlain Chester Howell McDaniel Robert Stanfield Brasfield PERCUSS d . Moises Sanchez Chapa Bertrand E. Howard James Eugene Au ALTO SAXOPHONES Carol Lee Cotman Thamas Vinnedge Jenkins Patrick Asa Caffey Burton Reinhold Enquist Judith Ann George Gilbert Richard Thayer Margaret Mary Kosh Edith Jane Gorner John Robert King, Jr. Wa ter Budge Mabry . Mary Jane Strauch Walter Louis Geyer, Jr. Elizabeth Anne Rose Grace Louise Wiederaenders Barbara Ann White . soss . Director: E Front Row: Costellono, Zelen, Wisner, Silver, Chomberloin, Spoin, Glenney, Nix, McCorty, Creel, Smith, Stoune, lrvine, Gombrell, Burkett. Second Row: Hejl, Colvert, Enquist, Stromberg, Aguilor, Willioms, Cotmon, Wiess, Gorner, Gibbons, Horstmonn, Borrero, McDoniel, Perez, Gibson, Johnston . Third Row: Thoyer, Wiederoenders, Jenkins, Strouch, Howord, Brown, Boker, Michel, Rose, King, George, Ramirez. Fourth Row: Washington, Smort, Forror, McLendon, Vonce, Sidnell, Noble, Wingo, Stine, J. Mobry, Roberts, Schroub, Lozono, Foster, Hcrrington, Richter, Bride , Zomoru. Fifth Row: Lopes, Romo, Mossey, Holden, Coffey, W. Mobry, Auld, White. Poge 356 " . '1 ," lf j . .1111. ,1, TEXAS SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS The purpose of the TEXAS SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS shall be to foster the ad­vancement of Professionalism and Ethics among student engineers. OFFICERS Fall Spring BILLIE EDWIN DAVIS ............. . .... ..... President .............. ..... ........... . .... BILLIE EDWIN DAVIS CLARK . . SCO .. R.......................... ....... Vice-President...........................SCOTT CLARKR. JOHN ROBERT EDMISTON .. .. . .. . ......... . . Recording Secretary ... ........... . .... . .. JOHN ROBERT EDMISTON ROLAND E. GAMBLE ..... . .......... . ...... Corresponding Secretary ............. .. .......WILLIAM PITTS PRICE EDDIE C. FELT .............. . ....... .. .....Treasurer . . .. . ..... . ........... . .. ... .. KENNETH LEROY RANSOM PHIL MOSS FERGUSON ................ .. ... Sponsor ... . ............ . ........... .. .... PHIL MOSS FERGUSON FORREST TREAT . FORREST TREAT .................... Sponsor .................................BURNE . BURNE MEMBERS Richard Whitmore Allen Jay Don Gensler Louie Mac O'Neal Anthony L. Alonzo Charles Floyd George, Jr. Robert F. Otis Harold Eugene Andrews Jon Robert Gibson Eddie C. Pelt David Wayne Berry Charles Frazier Green, Jr. Fred Nelson Pfeiffer James Henry Bley Robert Bernard Hahn Fred Thomas Porter Maynard Roy Blomquist Joseph Weston Hall, Jr. Roy Walton Porter, Jr. William Emmett Bolch, Jr. George V. Hamilton William Pitts Price Claude Robert Booher, Jr. George A. Helland, Jr. Morgan Prince William Heaton Brandes A. Jackson Hill Ricardo R. Ramon Ralph McClay Brisbin Tommie Ernest Hixson Kenneth LeRoy Ransom James Lynn Brown R. L. Holley, 111 Charles Glenn Richie Gerald Wayne Caldwell Larry Allen Holmes William Edmond Robertson, Jr. Richard Trent Campbell, Jr. Robert Lemuel Holmes Robert Stanley Robinson Larry Anthony Carr Robert Lee Holsomback William Curson Rochelle Preston Huard Carroll Clark Kern Huff Nelson Felix Rodriguez-G Tom Ben Chadwick Ettore H. F. lnfante Vernon Ormel Root Richard Merton Chetter Herman Phillip Janssen Thomas Jackson Rudolph R. Scott Clark Cecil Theodore Keller Horace Alton Sampson James Curtiss Cline David James Kirkley Walter R. Schellhase James L. Cole Bobby Leon Koonce Jerry Shelby John Curzon Cooke Richard Kor Cecil Fletcher Smith, Jr. _::~ Robert James Crawford L. S. Lamberth, Jr. James Monroe Spears Morris Madden Creel Arthur Dale Ligon Glen Charles Speer John Kistler Crum Robert Ernest Langford Jimmy Lee Stacks James D. Dannenbaum Jack Malloy Walter Richard Steitz Billie Edwin Davis Gerald Gordon Maloney Billy Hiatt Stigall Malcolm B. Davis Thomas Rush Mast Lloyd D. Storm Philip Keith Davis Joseph S. Matthews John James Swoboda, Jr. Winston Earl Davis Edward M. McKinnon William G. Thomas, Jr. Charles Andrew Deckert James Knox Mclaren Richard Gene Urban Gary Donald Denney Stonewall Jackson McMurray, 111 John Burl Van Voorhis John Robert Edmiston John Mark Michaels William E. Walker, Jr. William 0. Edwards, Jr. Lester Albert Miller, Jr. Charles H. Weldon Bill R. Faust James Lawrence Mitchell Walter Maxwell West, Jr. Robert E. Fishkin Charles Travis Moorman Emerson Rudolph Whetstone David Wayne Fowler Hugh Lee Morris Richmon Roy Williams A. Courtland Frankson Roland David Morris Jerrell B. Wilson William Ray Fulton Thomas Elder Nelson Willie J. Wilson Roland E. Gamble Leon Maxwell Noel Ralph Garland Yoas Donald K. Norling UNIVERSITY RELIGIOUS COUNCIL ' . ~. . The purpose of the UNIVERSITY RELIGIOUS COUNCIL is to coordinate the activities of the student Religious Organizations; to provide a community between the different organizations; and to study and ~.... take action upon the religious needs of the University campus. OFFICERS President ......... . . . ..... . .. .. .. .. .. .... . .. .... ROBERT LOUIS STORER Vice-President ... . . . ..... .. .. .ROGER TERRY SHAPER Secretary-T reasurer .. . . . . ..... . . MARY ANN MORONEY Members-at-Large .... . . ..... . . DON GILBERT REHMEYER CHARLES RAY AKIN, JR. Advisor ..... ................. ... ........... ........ Baptist Student Union William Bryan Brooks Mike D. McKaughan Congregational Rose Marie Herry Dorothy Carol Douglass Canterbury Club Virginia Avery Mason Priscilla Alden White Christian Science Organization Don Gilbert Rehmeyer Roger T erry Shaper MEMBERS Disciples Student Fellowship Nancy Ann Blakeley Charles Ray Akin, Jr. Gamma Delta Anna Marie Faske Margie Ann Mutscher Hillel Foundation Robert L. Storer Caro/ Ann Weiner Lutheran Student Association Milton Frederick Babbitt Jane Elizabeth Eichler Newman Club Mary Ann Moroney Michael Charles Adamo FRANK L. WRIGHT Student Christian Association Alice Lockett Wheless Claire Ann Dickey Unitarian David Reese Counts Janet Rhoda Jamieson Wesley Foundation Helen Carole Jones James Merrill Neel Westminster Student Fellowship Glen Gorman Passmore Arthur M. Odum Front Row: Anna Marie Faske, Mary G. Sudman, Rhoda Janet Jamieson, Rose Marie Herry, Claire Ann Dickey. Alice Lockett Wheless, Virginia Avery Mason, Carol Ann Weiner, Nancy Ann Blakeley, Mary Ann Moroney, Margie Ann Mutscher. Second Row: Robert Louis Storer, Milton Frederick Babbitt, Charles Ray Akin, Jr.( John Gibbs, Arthur Milton Odum, Roger Terry Shaper, Don Gilbert Rehmeyer, David Reese Counts, Mike D. McKaughan, William Bryan Brooks, James Merril Neel, Frank L. Wright. Page 358 WESLEY FOUNDATION The purpose of the WESLEY FOUNDATION seeks through organ­ized fellowsh ip to minister to the spiritual and social needs of stu­dents, particularly Methodist students. STAFF ER . Director of the Methodist Student Center ......... ROBERT EDGAR LEDBE Director of the Methodist Student Foundation ...... . ....JOHN RYAN GIBBS Assistant Director .. .......... ....................... DARLENE BRUCKS OFFICERS President ............... .........................JAMES MERRILL NEEL Vice-President . . .......... .. .....................KIRBY WILLIAM PERRY Secretary ................... ........... ...... JANIS GERTRUDE HUHN Treasurer ........ .................. ... CLELLEN JAHART ANDERSON, JR. CABINET MEMBERS John Calvin Birdsall, Jr. Charles Slawson Everson John Willis Hargis Sarah Elizabeth Hicks Helen Carole Jones Earline Delores Miles Henry Lawrence Peck Robert James Peden Helen Katherine Plummer Page 359 l ~. Barker History Cente from the Main Buildin terrace. Home of Texas Student Publications, the Journalism Building. ~ ., i. The main Engineering Building in the Engineering College Area Looking North along­side The Tower toward the Speech and Geol­ogy Buildings. Looking North towards the Texas Union. Students playground: Bull Creek. Little .f eld Fountain and Benedict Hall from the South edge of the campus. Prather Hall in the men's dorm area. LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1924 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1885 Faculty JACQUELINE T. COURTNEY, lnstructor in Home Economics CHARLOTTE ESTELLE DUBOIS, Professor of Music LLERENA BEAUFORT FRIEND, Texas History Center Librarian GAYLE MOSELEY, lnstructor in Home Economics Betty Lenora Allgood, Port Arthur Annette Anderson, Austin Annette Lee Anderson, San Antonio Gae Marie Armstrong, Mission Mary Linda Bailey, Marfa Hazel P'hyllis Barton, Kermit Marilyn Sue Becker, Galena Park Darlene Bland, Waco Myrtle Faye Blumberg, Seguin Patricia Sue Bobo, Houston Suzanne Bowling, Austin Janice Brashears, San Antonio Billy Jean Coin, McAllen Linda Kay Carter, Childress Katherine Frances Casey, Dallas Sally Catherine Chenault, Dallas Dorothy Kay Chisum, Wichita Falls Carolyn Eslyta Cobb, Midland Judith lnez Collins, San Antonia Deanna Drusilla Cook, Austin Beverly Cox, Houston Shirley Priscilla DoCamaro, Laredo JoAnn Davis, Harlingen Jo Ann Demler, Port Arthur Ann Bolin Duke, Dollas Saroh Elizabeth Edgar, Austin Lynne Gail Ellis, Mission MEMBERS Corol Dean Esse, Seguin Patsy Ruth Felt, San Antonio Carole Gene Ferguson, Dollas Gwendolyn Ferrell, Houston Judith Christine Fisher, Dollas Cherie Glynn Fronks, San Antonio Billye Rae Funk, Dallas Sally Jean Gandy, Houston Elizabeth Louise Gardner, Austin Marsha Ann Gathright, Austin Jo Frances Greene, Austin Mary Patricia Guyton, Midland Saroh Jane Hat.f eld, San Antonio Carole Ann Hatler, Dallas Phyllis Marie Hicks, Austin Lenore Carol Highland, Houston LoVerne Marie Hlanok, Baytown Carol Lynn Huber, Posadena Glenda Sharon Kohler, San Antonio Emma Marie Keosler, San Antonio Edith Louise Kennard, Texos City Jennalie Fronces Kleypas, Austin Diane Londer, San Antonio Dorothy Langley, Houston Judith Longworthy McConnell, Houston Linda Lee Mcfarland, Midland Morilyn Sue McKee, Houston Lynda Lee McKeawn, Fort Worth Koren McKinney, Beeville Ann Stuort Moffit, Austin Connie Moffit, Austin Shirley Ann Myers, Austin Janice Maurine O'Banion, Luling Roxana Marie Oughton, San Antonio Gail Anne Pearsoll, Dallas Ann Lee Phillips, Austin Sharan Elizabeth Pope, Austin Frances Ann Ramsey, Driftwaod Betty Carolyn Read, Austin Joonne Marie Rice, Houston Eugenia lenore Robertson, Fort Worth Rose Mary Rodgers, Harlingen Elizobeth Ann Rumph, Fort Worth Kay Sanderson, Dallas Gretchen A . Schneider, Amarillo Sidney Raye Shorkey, Dollas Janice Marilyn Shofner, Harlingen Natolie Stout, loncaster Arlene Gayle Strong, Houston Patricia Sue Voelkel, Austin Sharon Henson Wash, Austin Carolyn Louise Wright, Houston Kristin Ann Wyatt, Kilgore Top Row: Adams, Allgood, Ames, Anderson, Armstrong, Bailey, Barrier, Barton, Becker, Bertucci, Blomquist, Blumberg, Bobo, Booth. Second Row : B~wling, Brashears, Cain, Carter, K. Casey, Chenault, Chisum, Christian, Cobb, Colley, Collins, Cook, Cox, Crocker. Third Row: DaCamara, Davis, Dement, Demler, de Ridder, Easley, Ellis, Esse, Felt, Ferguson, Ferrell, J. Fisher, P. Fisher, C. Franks. Fourth Row: C. G. Franks, Funk, Gardner, Gathrlght, Geron, Gillett, Gordy, Greene, Greenw~od, Guyton, Haile, Harborth, Harris, Hatfield. Poge 364 ALPHA CHI OMEGA .p Row: Hotler, Henson, Hicks, Highlond, Huber, Jones, Keosler, Kennord, Kleypos, Kuebler, Londer, Longley, Lemburg, Lindsey . T Second Row: Luquette, Lyons, Moxey, Mcforlond, McKeown, McKinney, Mills, Montolbo, Myers, O'Bonion, Oughton, Porks, Peorsoll, Phillips . Third Row : Pope, Romsey, Reod, Rice, C. Rogers, D. Rogers, L. Rogers, Rowlond, Rumph, Russell, Schneider, Scott, Shorkey, Shofner • Fourth Ro1·1: Solcher, Stoge, Strong, Surratt, Thoyer, Tinker, Voelkel, Voiles, Wosh, Weotherford, Weison, Wendler, Whiteheod, Wright, Wyott• OFFICERS Fall Spring FRANCES ANN RAMSEY . . President . . . .... . ....... . .....SALLY CATHERINE CHENAULT DEANNA DRUSILLA COOK. . ............... First Vice-President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. MYRTLE FAYE BLUMBERG BILLY JEAN CAIN .. EMMA MARIE KEASLER ... GAE MARIE ARMSTRONG . Susan Elizabeth Adams, Dallas Elizabeth Dianne Ames, Houston Betty Louise Askew, Amarillo Dona Lou Barrier, Houston Nancy Kaye Bertucci, Dallas Dian Blomquist, Austin Nancy Ann Booth, Port Arthur Kim Margaret Casey, Dallas Eleanor Ann Christian, Austin Jane Elizobeth Colley, Austin Toy Kay Crocker, Corpus Christi Nancy Dement, Austin Dona Adriano deRidder, Houston Rita Carolyn Easley, Alexandria, Va. Patricia Joan Fisher, Port Arthur Charlynn Franks, San Antonio Mary Catherine Geron, Lancaster . Corresponding Secretary . . . .... . . . ....LEONORE CAROL HIGHLAND . Recording Secretary .... ......... ............KRISTIN ANN WYATT . Treasurer ... . ...... . ...... . . . ... ...... . .......KAREN McKINNEY PLEDGES Marjorie Mae Gillett, Canutillo Joyce Lynn Gordy, Beaumont Lola Anne Greenwood, Luling Helen Josephine Haile, Austin Mary Louise Harborth, Yoakum Cinda Louise Harris, EI Paso Joy Bertle Henson, Austin Martha Sue Jones, Athens Margaret Rose Kuebler, Houston Ann Katherine Lemburg, Austin Jo Karan Lindsey, Dallas Suzanne Luquette, Port Arthur Jan Elizabeth Lyons, Houston Eva Gayle Maxey, Austin Donna Mills, Houston Patricia Caroline Montalbo, Houston Sarah Ann Parks, Austin Dorothy Ray Rodgers, Harlingen Cynthia Rogers, Baytown Linda Sue Rogers, Dallas Sheren Lee Rowland, Dallas Margaret Jeanel Russell, Weslaco Anna Ray Scott, Port Arthur Katherine Patricia Solcher, Austin Joy Darlene Stage, San Antonio Margaret Alice Surratt, Panhandle Arden Thayer, Pasadena Barbara Glyds Tinker, San Antonio Joan Berniece Voiles, Texas City Sally Ann Weatherford, San Antonio Renee Henriette Weison, Bellaire Donna Louise Wendler, Houston Janice Ann Whitehead, Anahuac Toni Woodford, Dallas LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1906 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1851 FACULTY LUCILE DE NEVERS WILLIAMS, Assistant Professor of Romance Languages Mory Lee Allen, McGregor Mary Katherine Anderson, Polestine Mortha Rebecca Armstrong, Austin Nancy Bailey, Rosenberg Sondra Barton, Brady Malinda Ellison Beon, Houston Jocquelyn Ann Benson, Son Antonio Margaret Alyne Best, Austin Lucy Delle Bonner, Mexia Nancy Ruth Buchanan, Novosoto Corolyn Corlton, Loke Jockson Lourolyn Corlton, Freeport Jon Compbell Cox, Alvin Horriet Cromwell, Toylor Chorlotte Comille Doniel, Alvin Judith Koy Donneberg, Temple Cloire Ann Dickey, Houston Potricio Sue Dillon, Austin Delio Duson, EI Compo Jone Elizobeth Eichler, Brenhom Rosemory Virginio Forester, Houston Soroh Rebekoh Foster, Alvin Wesley Corol Friend, Ozono Jeonne Fuller, Dollos Judith Froncine Gordon, Houston Lindo Ann Hompton, Fort Worth Lindo Elizobeth Honkins, Houston Jeon Louise Hillje, New Brounfels Ann Horko, Silsbee Rosemory Clyde House, Son Antonio MEMBERS Lillian Humphrey, Austin Patricia Jane lsbell, McAllen Jane Dee Jochimsen, San Antonio Cynthia Ann Jones, San Antonio Margaret Elizabeth Jones, Houston Kitty Kessler, Del Rio Pattye Jayne Kiecke, Rosenberg Twila Wanda Kieke, Giddings Betty Lynn Kilday, Houston Ann Kilpotrick, Bellaire Beverly Ann Koen, Austin Lou Ann Lancaster, Dallas Julianne Lane, Dallas Lou Anne Langford, Mercedes Barbara D'Anne Levin, Dallas Sylvia Gail Livengood, Lockhort Mory Ja Moddox, San Antonio Jane Loreen Males, Richmond Marilyn Marshall, Temple Helen Faltin Martin, Comfort Nancy Jo Martin, Corpus Christl Virginia Lou McClure, San Antonio Beverly Ann Mell, Austin Julia Ann Moffett, Houston Linda Montgomery, Dallas Patricia Ann Morrow, Houston Mory Beth Oliver, Austin Doris Kay Parker, Lamposas Melody Ann Pattillo, Alvin Virginia Ann Pearson, Del Rio Tucean Virginia Penningtan, Dallas Janis Gail Pettit, Haustan Rebecca Stuart Red, A lvin Sharan Virginia Rives, Carpus Christi Mary Lucille Rayal, Menard Sallie Ja Rutherfard, Dallas Jayce Elaine Schiller, Austin Mary Lou Schuenemonn, Houston Ado Marie Sharpe, Angleton Ann Sherill, Houston Elizabeth Houston Smallwood, Houston Susan Smith, Harlingen Sara Jane Streater, Lake Charles, La. Jane Rosemary Tekell, Cleburne Beverly Gail Thompson, Port Arthur Nancy Catherine Tolve, Fort Sam Houston Carol Ruth Tryling, Houston Mary Louise Veal, Childress Janet M. Walker, Ennis Judith Eileen Walker, Houston Priscilla Warren, San Antonio Charlotte Helen Watson, Elmhurst, 111 . Lola Evelyn Weir, Childress Gretchen Elizabeth Werner, Houston Lou Ann White, Big Spring Margaret Ann Wible, Sherman Mary Ann Worthy, Corsicana Alice Mildred Wright, Houston Mary Catherine Ziller, Beaumont Top Row: Allen, Armstrong, Bailey, Barden, Bartlett, Bean, Benson, Best, Bettell, Bluntzer, Borden, Buchanan, Burns, Bye, C. Carlton. Second Row : L. Carlton, Chote, Chunn, Cox, Cromwell, Daniel, Danneberg, Dickey, Dillon, Doss, Dowdy, Duson, Eichler, Finegan, Fischer. Third Row : Flcwellen, Forester, S. Foster, V. Foster, Fox, Frcnch, Gimon, Hampton, Hankins, Hartgrove, Hillje, Horka, House, Humphrey, Jochimsen. Fourth Row: M. Jones, Kessler, Kiecke, Kieke, Kilday, Kilpatrick, Koen, Kuenstler, Lancaster, Lane, Langford, Levin, Maddox, Males, Marshall. Poge 366 ALPHA DELTA PI Top Row : D. Martin, H. Martin, N. Martin, Matthews, McCarter, McClure, McElvy, Middleton, Mills, Moffett, Montgomery, Morrow, Oliver, Parker. Second Row: Pattillo, Payne, Pearson, Pennington, Pettit, Red, Reed, Register, J. Rowland, M. Rowland, Royal, Rutherford, Sanders, Sauer. Third Row: Schiller, Schuenemann, Scott, Sharpe, Sim, Smallwood, Smith, Stephenson, Stinebaugh, Sullivan, Swindle, Thompson, Tolve, C. Tryl ing. Fourth Row : L. Tryling, Veal, J. M. Walker, J. E. Walker, Watson, Weir, Werner, Westerfeldt, White, Wible, Woodward, Worthy, A. Wright, D. Wright, Yonker. OFFICERS Fall Spring MARILYN MARSHALL . . . . . . .. . . .... President . . .. ...... . . ............ .. MARY LOU SCHUENEMANN MARGARET ALYNE BEST. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Vice-President. . ................... LINDA ELIZABETH HANKINS JUDITH KAY DANNEBERG. . . . . . . . . Second Vice-President ..............MARGARET ELIZABETH JONES NANCY JO MARTIN . . . . . . . . . . . Corresponding Secretary . . . . . . . .MARY JO MADDOX MARY LEE ALLEN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Recording Secretary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .KITTY KESSLER MARGARET ELIZABETH JONES ...... .. ........ .. T reasurer ... . . ... . . . .. . . ....... .. . . ... . . . . .... NANCY BAILEY PLEDGES Alice El ino Adoms, Austin Virginio Ligon Fosler, Ang/eton Judith Koy Robinson, Houston Brendo Sue Borden, Houston Phy/lis Ann Fox, Phorr Judith Morie Rowlond, Port Arthur Lindo Ann Bortlett, Austin Corolyn French, Woadsboro Mortho Ann Rowlond, Del Rio Borboro Ann Bettell, Houston Potricio Sue Gimon, Novosolo Suson Jone Sonders, Dallos Bette lee Bluntzer, Goliod Soroh Lois Hondorf, Polesline Mory Cothryn Souer, Almedo Joan Fronces Borden, Austin Virginio Sue Hortgrove, Houston Sheilo Roe Scolt, Houston Jonice Goy Brown, Dollos Mory Lucile Jahnston, Horlingen Goy Borboro Sim, EI Poso Corol Ann Burns, Dollos Mory Sue Kuenstler, Alice Molindo Moy Stephenson, Port Arthur Jocqueline Bye, Gorland Dorothy Corolyn Mortin, Pittsburg Soro Evelyn Stinebough, Houston Corolyn Koye Contre/I, Houston Judith Koy Motthews, Son Antonio Corol Ann Sullivon, Fort Worth Cotherine Diono Chote, Austin Mory Ellen McCorter, Amorillo LoRoe Swindle, Comonche Cotherine Ann Chunn, Houston Jone Ann McElvy, Son Antonio Lauro Morie Tryling, Houston Mory Allwyn Cooper, Austin Mignon lone Middleton, Son Antonio Moren Louise Weslerfeldt, Fredericksburg Roberto Ann Doss, Crowley Jerre Lee Mills, Son Antonio Virginio Philips Woadword, Beoumont Corol Koy Dowdy, Phorr Koy Fronces Poyne, Son Antonio Dorothy Louise Wright, Houston Ann Therese Finegon, Dollos Corolyn Koy Ronsom, Austin Borboro Jone Yonker, Seguin Mortho Houghton Fischer, Temple Ann Corolyn Reed, EI Compo Morgoret Gene Flewellen, Longview lindo Ann Register, Do/los SPRING PLEDGE Johonno Hoff, Houston LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1925 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1909 MEMBERS Fort Worthdstein, . yn Sue Go . San Antonio Mari, . Martha Jo Berge Harris, Nacogdoches Frances .... ,Chicagooomberg, . y Ann B .. Sa San Antonioyn Jacobs, . Margie Burstyn, Austin Sandra Ros Rosamond Amy Cohen, Houston Gwenda Lynn Jacobson, Waco .LaRayne,en Jankower, .. San Antonio Barbara EDavis, . Louise Caro Corpus Christi aine Katz, . Dianne Desenberg, Houston Sharon E . is Anne Markam, Houston ... Mo. PhyUniversity City, op, .. ene Doris Ga .. .Arkuff,. tz, Pine B . otte So . yn Char . Antonio Marid, San . Judy Go . Gai aire .. Corsicana Joyce Lynn Streusand, Bedberg, . yn Ann Go . Mari en, Houston .. enda Ye . ene G . er Mar . Tydsmith, . Mary Lynn Go . Bettye Zeit . Tery Caro Diane Frosch, Houston Jane Loeb, Sweetwater .e, Tenn .. in, Nashvi .ssist, Bergel, Bloomberg, Bomash, Cohen, Daily, Davis . Amber, V. Aron, BTop Row: Seconli Row : Efron, Einhorn, Frankfurt, Frosch, Gallop, Glosserman, Gold, Goldberg, Goldsmith. Third Row: G. Golstein, Gray, Hurwitz, Jacobs, K. Jacobson, Kahn, Kaiser, Katz. Page 368 ALPHA EPSILON PHI Top Row : Levensky, Levy, Lieberman, Linder, Lipp, Markam, Marilyn athan, Marlene Nathan. . Second Row : Natkin, Oliver, Rosenberg, Schaffer, Schapiro, Shainock, Shulkin, Siegel . Third Row: Soltx, Spevack, Streusand, Steinberg, Totx, Voet, Walpin, Yellen, Zeitlin . OFFICERS Fall Spring MARILYN SUE GOLDSTEIN ......... . ... . .. .. . . President .. .. . .............. . ........MARILYN SUE GOLDSTEIN E SOLTZ . SANDRA ROSLYN JACOBS ............... ...... Vice-President ......................MARILYN CHARLO MARTHA JO BERGEL ... . ......................Corresponding Secretary . ...............PHYLLIS ANNE MARKAM ROSAMOND AMY COHEN ................. .... Recording Secretary ................. GWENDA LYNN JACOBSON LOUISE CAROL DAVIS. . . ....................Treasurer .................... ......... SALLY ANN BLOOMBERG PLEDGES Foye Roslyn Abromson, Dollos Bonnie Belle Groy, Oronge lindo Roe Notkin, Houston Poulo Beo Amber, Dollos Morjorie Eloine Green, Houston .Pomelo lynn Oliver, Konsos City, Mo Vivion Monelle Aron, Houston Nancy lou Hurwilz, Sioux Folls, S. D. Glorio louise Rosenberg, Houslon lynn Bossist, Austin Kay Ellen Jacobson, Austin Morcio lee Schoffer, Corpus Chrisli Borboro lynn Bomosh, Denver, Colo. Horriet Hinda Kohn, lubbock .louis, Mo. .Honnoh Goil Schopiro, S Judith Ann Doily, Newgulf Anila lrlene Koiser, Houston Elisso Shoinock, Houston Myro Sue Efron, Houslon Koy Fronces levensky, Des Moines, lowo Shoron lee Shulkin, Sioux City, lowo Jonice Dole Einhorn, Dollos Trudy levy, Lillle Rock, Ark. Horrise Myrna Siegel, Woco Phyllis llene Frankfurt, Dollos Harriel Lieberman, Houslon .Sondra Gail Spevack, Olivelle, Ma Suson llene Fronks, Tyler Joanne linder, University City, Mo. .Eloine Rochelle Steinberg, Wynne, Ark Potsy Jo Gendel, Houston Maurine Gayle lipp, Houslon Molly Corolen Totz, Gonzoles Abigoil Corol Glossermon, lockhorl Morilyn Louise Nothan, Houston Morion Jeon Voel, Borger Goil Goldstein, Dollos Marlene Nathan, Golveslon .Roberlo lee Wolpin, Denver, Colo Lynne Metzger Weil, Dollos SPRING PLEDGES Joyce H. Aron, Houston Saro Lee Berg, Houston Fronces Hope Goysinsky, loredo Poge 369 LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1940 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1904 Annette Esther Branch, Pharr Beverly Ann Cole, Houston Betty Lynn Davis, Austin Billie Jo Ferguson, Austin Sandra Sue Grant, Beaumont Mary Lee Green, Cuero Linda Beth Grumbles, Atlanta Floy Elizabeth Hamilton, Houston Martha Jo Henry, Austin Gladys Jean Hogan, Kyle Louise LaBauve, Austin Susan Anne Lieberman, Houston MEMBERS Annette Maples, Longview Barbara Chandler Martin, Washington, D. C. Marion K. Murphy, Austin Jo Ann Myrick, Sulphur Springs Sandra Faye Nelson, Corpus Christi JoAn Roberta Novotny, Houston Laura Mary Oberwetter, Harlingen Harriet Eleanor Olsen, Austin Bettina Philamena Pietrantonio, Houston Verna Sue Risinger, Sour Lake Rosann Dorothy Smith, San Antonio Roslyn Starlett Smith, Houston Jane F. Spacek, Granger Sandra Staton, Houston Suzanne Margaret Thornhill, Dallas Cynthia Ann Tlucek, Houston Theodora Carter Vanderwerth, Ledbetter Shirley C. Ward, Abernathy Karen Sue Wheeler, Winnsboro Patricia Ann White, Austin Doris Roberta Woolsey, Liberty Myrna Lois Wylie, Houston Claudetta Young, Austin Top Raw : M. A. Avery, M. R. Avery, Boughton, Branch, Brown, Christopher, Cole, Craft, Davidson, Davis. Second Row: Driggs, Fannin, Ferguson, Grant, Green, Grumbles, Hamilton, Harold, Hogan, Houston. Third Row : Huffington, Justice, LeBauve, Lieberman, Locke, Loverde, Maples, Martin, Mclntire, Mohan. Pcge 370 ALPHA GAMMA DELTA Top Row: Moran, Murphy, Myrick, Novotny, Oberwetter, H. Olsen, M. Olsen, Pettit, Pietrantonio. Second Row: Risinger, Rusch, Sallas, B. Smith, R. 0. Smith, R. S. Smith, Spacek, Stuckey, Thornhill. Third Row: Tlucek, Tucker, Vanderwerth, Ward, Wheeler, White, Woolsey, Word, Wylie. OFFICERS Fall Spring ANNETTE MAPLES. . . . . . .... .... .. ...... President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .JOAN ROBERTA NOVOTNY JOAN ROBERTA NOVOTNY .................... Vice-President ..........................CYNTHIA ANN TLUCEK LAURA MARY OBERWETTER .................... Corresponding Secretary ..............ROSANN DOROTHY SMITH VERNA SUE RISINGER ..................... ... Recording Secretary .. ........ .............. MARION K. MURPHY SHIRLEY C. WARD ........................... Treasurer ........................ALICE VIRGINIA HUFFINGTON PLEDGES Martha Ann Avery, San Anlonio Mary El izabeth Harold, Houslon Sandra Jane Moran, Kingsporl Mary Ruby Avery, San Antonio Wanda Claire Houslon, Beaumont Marilyn Olsen, Austin Carol Ann Boughton, Austin Al ice Virgin ia Huff ington, Hauslon Sheridan Pettit, Odessa Sharon Renee Brown, Breckenridge Janice Kay Justice, Cisco Rusch, Austin .Patricia Wyn Loyce Jeanne Chrislopher, Arlington Mary Ann Koonlz, Woodsboro Alexandra Sallas, Houston Lynda Lee Craft, Houston Judith Allene Locke, Austin Beverly Ross Smith, Austin Peggy Louise Davidson, Austin Louise Ann Loverde, Houslon Janice Lynn Stuckey, Longview Milly Jean Driggs, Austin Mary Diana McCarter, Houston Cherie lucille Tucker, Corpus Chrisli Norma June Fannin, Houslon Jo Sharon Mclnlire, Dallas Kathleen Anne Word, Houslon Judy Louise Mohan, Houston SPRING PLEDGES Jean Elizabeth Benson, Bellaire Belly Jane Leatherwood, Palestine Patsy Schumann, San Antonio lynda Carol Brady, Bryan Barbara Ann Lumsden, Arlington LaNell Wiser, Houston Lill ian Elizabeth Moffeit, Jacksonville Page 371 LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1941 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1B97 MEMBERS Bethanyann Barger, Dallas Laura F. Kennedy, Beaumont Mary Karen Blume, Wichita, Kans. Phyllis Joan Kemp, San Antonio · Mary Eleanor Brace, Austin Nita Carroll Knox, San Angelo Carlene Elizabeth Bunce, Austin D'Ette Looney, Edinburg Betty Ruth Burnett, Austin Ethel Lorene Mauch, Gregory Dolores Ann Carr, Austin Harriet Ann McMeans, Austin Kathryn Michael Covey, Austin Wendy Lee Miller, Dallas Mildred Ruth Delk, Conroe Vivian Emily O'Shaughnessy, Alvin Linda Diane Durrett, Austin Mary Carolyn Richardson, Austin Emily Jo Flachmeier Engel, Austin Kathelene Ellen Sauls, Orange Bonner Helene Gladney, Mississippi City, Miss. Deana Ray Stockard, Austin Erna Rene Strong, Austin Top Row : Bergemeyer, Blume, Bunce, Burnett, Corr, Chesson, Clork, Cochron, Covey, Edens. Second Row : Engel, Ericson, Glodney, Johnson, Jones, P. Kemp, R. Kemp, Kennedy, Knox, Looney. Page 372 Gwendolyn Sue Andrews, Bryan Martha Jean Beaty, Fort Worth Patricia Ann Blachly, Austin Connie Winslow Black, Corpus Christi Carolyn Christine Bock, Austin Betty Louise Brewster, Corpus Christi Catherine Lee Brown, Gatesville Melinda Louise Burkhart, La Marque Diana Cain, Austin Marie Esther Caramanian, Houston Marilyn Patricia Clark, Corpus Christi Helen Lysbeth Claunts, Fort Worth Barbara Kay Cline, Midland Betsy lnez Coleman, Bay City Ann Devine, Corpus Christi Lynne Douglass, Corpus Christi Jackie Ann Duncan, Abilene Catherine Clark Eden, Houston Katheryn Fagan, Fort Worth Thetis LaRue Foust, Morton Mary Kathryn Fenwick, Birmingham, Ala. Judith Ann Ferguson, Brownwood Lynn lsabelle French, Dallas Nancy Ruth French, Dallas LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1872 FACULTY GOLDIE HORTON PORTER, Assistant Professor of Mathematics 920 . MARY ERNESTINE GOLDMANN, Assistant MEMBERS Rose Marie Gill, San Antonio Linda Gail Gilmore, Newgulf Annabelle Lee Gisher, Dallas Judith Janelle Greenway, Houston Sandra Elaine Greer, McAllen Sarah Henslee, Galveston Janis Janeil Hooten, Austin Linda Marie Jackson, Clifton Judith Lee Johnson, Austin Shelley Francis Kalmbach, Austin Sandra Cartwright Kardell, San Augustine Sylvia Anne Lacey, Dallas Patricia Anne Laird, Tomball Patricia Ann Mathis, Hearne Carole Charlotte McCoy, Victoria Patricia Lucille Meyer, Victoria Judith Morehead, Austin Mary Lynn Mullendore, Fort Worth Elizabeth Ann Mullenix, Corpus Christi Elizabeth Gail Passmore, San Antonio Molly Lynn Pearson, Jacksonville Maryllynn Anne Powell, Dallas Glenda Lee Power, Fort Worth Rose Mary Prince, Village Mills Professor of Home Economics Roxana Proctor, Victoria Dixie Ann Proffitt, New Braunfels Frances Ann Riemann, Brownsville Mary Eden Ritter, Austin Patricia Jo Roberts, Houston Ann George Robertson, Fort Worth Sara Ross, Lufkin Connie Jean Scott, Midland Frances Ann Seelke, Houston Janice Sue Shofner, Harlingen Nora Elizabeth Silverthorn, Austin Mary Louise Simpson, Paris Barbara Sue Smith, San Antonio Helen Anne Stovall, Muleshoe Lois Elizabeth Stubbs, Galveston Jamie Sutton, Longview Lue T aylor, Houston Nancy Byrd Tennent, Houston Harolyn Jean Thomas, Stephenville Barbara Jean Thompson, Austin Susan Louise Van Winkle, Austin Gloria Dane Watson, Brady Frances C. Whall, San Antonio Barbara Nan Wilkinson, Purmela Top Row : Andrews, Ashburn, Barnett, Beaty, Becker, Birdwell, Black, Bock, Brewster, Burgoon, Burkhart, Cain, Callaway. Second Row: Caramanian, Chase, Clark, Claunts, Cleland, Coleman, Dailey, Darling, A. Devine, R. Devine, Dexter, Douglass, Eden. Third Row: Ellerkamp, Ellis, Fagan, Foust, L. French, N. French, Garner, Gill, Gillfillan, Gisher, Greenway, Greer, Henderson. Fourth Row : Henslee, Henson, Hooten, Jackson, Johnson, Kalmbach, Kardell, Keehan, Lacey, Landers, Mathis, McCown, McCoy. Page 374 ALPHA PHI Top Row: McDonold, Mclntosh, Meyer, Middlebrooks, Moreheod, Mullendore, Mu llenix, Osborn, Possmore, Peorson, Pierce, Powell. Second Row: Power, Prince, Proctor, Proffitt, Puzin, Roy, Reddrick, Ritter, J. Roberts, P. Roberts, Robertson, Robison. Third Row: Ross, Seelke, Shields, Shofner, Shultz, Silverthorn, Simpson, Smith, Spiors, Sutton, A. Toylor, L. Toylor. Fourth Row: M. Toylor, Thomos, Thompson, Tixier, Urodo, Wolton, Wotson, Weiser, Wholl, White, Whitt, Wilkinson, Word. OFFICERS Fall Spring BARBARA NAN WILKINSON ..... ....... ....... President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... ANN DEVINE BETTY LOUISE BREWSTER ... ........ ........... Vice-President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. CATHERINE CLARK EDEN ER . LUE TAYLOR ............. .... .... .... ........ Corresponding Secretary. . . . . . . . . . . . . .......MARY EDEN Rl LINDA GAIL GILMORE .. .... ......... ...... ... Recording Secretary. . . . . . .... .... CONNIE WINSLOW BLACK . BARBARA KAY CLINE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIXIE ANN PROFFl PLEDGES Marion Ann Adams, Temple Carol Lynn Garner, Victoria Kathleen Marie Ray, Corpus Christi Martha Moore Ashburn, Groesbeck Janet Laney Gillf111an, Fort Worth Sondra Kay Reddrick, Fort Worth Barbara 1rene Barnett, la Marque Patricia Anne Guarin, Houston Jacqueline Van Roberts, Corpus Christi Gretchen Becker, Austin Glenda Gay Henderson, Midland Martha Anne Robison, San Antonio Mary Reagan Birdwell, Austin Nancy Lynn Henson, Cisco Wanda Lou Shields, Austin Judy Kay Burgoon, Beeville Judith Louise Keehan, Corpus Christi Signa Kay Shultz, Alice Sara Jean Callaway, Fort Worth Judith Ann Landers, Plano Patricia Ann Spiars, Midland Carroll Frances Cason, Austin linda Louise McCown, Victoria Anna Claudette Taylor, Lufkin Alice Maxine Chase, Texas City Nancy Lou McDonald, Texarkana Mary Perry Taylor, Austin Ann Elizabeth Cleland, College Station linda Ann Mclntosh, Victoria Linda Suzanne Tixier, Houston Jeanne Alaire Dailey, Luke Air Force Base, Ariz. Penny Lynn McNabb, Houston Elizabeth Louise Uroda, Galveston Frances Ruth Darling, Port Arthur Betty Sue Middlebrooks, Henderson Virginia leigh Walton, Corpus Christi Rosemary Devine, Corpus Christi Sally Osborn, friona Bobbie Lynn Weiser, Panhandle Pamela Ann Dexter, Houston Gwendolyn Norma Palmer, Harlingen Kay White, Terrell Patricia Anne Ellerkamp, Newgulf Genevieve Kay Pierce, Waco Margo Whitt, San Antonio Clara Faye Ellis, La Marque Nicole Elizabeth Puzin, Houston Barbara Word, Abilene SPRING PLEDGES Catherine Lee Brown, Gatesville Carol Jean Patterson, Austin Page 375 LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1904 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1895 MEMBERS Judy Lee Allison, Son Angelo Betty Jone Alsbrook, Dollos Fronces Evelyn Atwood, Tyler Light Boiley, Houston Beverly Koy Boker, Belloire Willie Ellen Belcher, Del Rio Borboro Hunsdon Bitter, Son Antonio Liloh Elizobeth Block, Houston Jone Lee Blessing, Minerol Wells Lelio Cloire Bonhom, Sulphur Springs Phyllis Ann Borden, Texos City Ann Brondstetter, Son Antonio Sondro Muriel Brozil, Porl Arthur Mortho Jeon Burkholter, Austin Mory Jone Burkholter, Austin Corolyn Contwell, Dollos Cloro Poulo Corgill, Longview Almolee Cortee, Corol Gobles, Flo. Suzonne Cosmere, Son Antonio Potricio Brown Chomberlin, Woxohochie Suellen Chonce, Texorkono Solly Frommeyer Cook, Son Antonio Dione Lee Cowell, Houston Dede Bideon Croig, Groom Goylo Croig, Austin Connie Lou Crippen, Forl Worth Diono Koy Crow, Austin Morion Elizobeth Roberlson, Wichito Folls Corolyn Dione Ross, Azle Sondro Jeonne Soger, Corpus Christi Koy Ellen St. Germoin, Belloire Chorlotte Emily Sonders, Forl Worth Lou Dillon Schoolcroft, Houston Shoron Sue Seors, Dollos Elizobeth Show, Brownwood Sondro Ann Simmons, Dollos Borboro Alleen Smith, Dollos Gretchen Leoh Smith, Woxohochie Solly Elizobeth Speors, Son Antonio Ann Wotson Stevens, Houston Emily Sue Stinson, Greenville Suzon Groy Twymon, Houston Mo1·gorel Corol Vonderwoude, Dollos Bonnie Lucindo Von Griethuysen, Houston Judith Koy Von Horn, Son Antonio Judy Ellen Vonness, Son Antonio Shoron Sue Voyles, Austin Goil Wolker, Cleburne Noncy Lee Wolker, Houston Betty Ann Woters, Dollos Jo Ann Wotkins, Texos City Mory Ann Whithom, Tyler Potricio Louise Wren, Longview Corol Cotherine Cuno, Son Antonio Morilyn Ann Doshiell, Houston Judith Lynn Eoson, Clevelond, Miss. Borboro Koy Ekblod, Houston Chorlo Jeon Elliot, Houston Mory Louise Erskine, Midlond Mortho Jone Eschenburg, Floresville Judith Morie Ewing, Corpus Chrisli Toni Foirley, Forl Worth Delioh Ann Fleming, College Stolion Emily Phillips Fortescue, Porl Arthur Sondro Foith Fuller, Porl Arthur Lindo Cloire Gordner, Corpus Chrisli Agnes Yvonne Geis, Houston Rito Moxine Grohom, Woco Corole Dione Grubb, Houston Alice Wesley Gunstreom, Dollos Virginio Elizobeth Holl, Clorksdole, Miss. Morionne Helms, Houston Joon Koy Hielt, Dollos Morjorie Elizobeth Hilton, Houston Jone Elizobeth Hopson, Houston Morgoret Ann Jorry, Houston Shoron Johnson, Austin Horrietle Almiro Jones, Greggton Corole Steworl Keeton, Austin Emory Kelley, Houston Corolyn Rheo King, Cleburne Fronces Ruth King, Auslin Joy Elizobeth Kirklond, Wichito Folls Julio Elizobeth Kirkpolrick, Houslon Elizobeth Anne Klein, Horlingen Jonice Lee Knippo, Son Antonio Jone Deboroh Leok, Dollos Billie Little, Breckenridge Roberto Ann Love, Dollos Shirley Ann McBride, Houston Mory Kotherine McConchie, Toylor Lindo McDougle, Jocksonville Lindo Louise McMohon, Stephenville Solly Ann Mohon, Lubbock Diono Condoce Milom, Son Antonio Nellwyn Nonce Murphy, Houston Mory Suson Nesbit, Dollos Col!een Mory O'Connor, Austin Brinn Elizobeth Ogilvie, Forl Som Houston Mobry ldo Otto, New Brounfels Peggy Louise Porker, Dollos Elizo Jone Poyne, Auslin Beverly Sue Peel, Corpus Christi Cynthio Anne Powell, Temple Borboro Ann Pyle, Houston Poulo Jo Roiney, Son Antonio Zeldo Reed, Austin Top Row: Alsbrooks, Atwood, Boiley, Boker, Boldwin, Bornord, Becker, Belcher, Bitter, Block, Blessing, Bonhom, Borden, Bourn. Second Row: Brondstetter, Brozil, Mortho Burkholter, Mory Burkholter, Contwell, Corgill, Cortee, Cosmere, Chomberlin, Chonce, Choppell, Cook, Cowell, D. Croig. Third Row : G. Croig, Cyrus, Doiley, D'Arcy, Doshiell, Dew, Disch, Dring, Duncon, Eoson, Ekblod, Erskine, Eschenburg, Ewing. Fourth Row : Foiley, Former, Ferris, Fitzgerold, Fleming, Fortescue, Fronklin, Goleener, Gordner, Gilmore, Griffin, Gunstreom, Holl, Holsell. Fifth Row: Hiett, Hilton, Hobbs, Holly, Holmes, Holt, Hopson, Jorry, C. Johnson, S. Johnson, Jones, Keeton, Kelley, Kelly, Kimble. Page 376 CHI OMEGA Top Row : C. King, F. King, Kirkland, Kirkpatrick, Klein, Knippa, Leak, Little, Love, Massengale, McConchie, McDougle, McMahan, McNutt. .Payne, 8. Peel, S. Peel, Pegues . . ,Neitzel, Nesbit, O'Connor, Ogilvie, Oliver, Otto, E. Payne Murphy, . . ,Second Row: Milam, M. Murphy Third Row : Powell, Rainey, Rayburn, Reed, Ridgway, Robertson, Ross, Ruth, Sager, Sanders, Schoolcraft, Schreiber, Scott, Sears. Fourth Row : Shaw, Simmons, 8. Smith, G. Smith, M. Smith, Spears, Sprain, Stallings, A. Stevens, S. Stevens, St. Germain, Stinson, Thomson, Twyman . ,Walker, Waters, Watkins, Webb, Whitham, Wilbanks, Wilson . . r,Fifth Row: Vanderwoude, Van Griethuysen, Van Horn, Vanness, Voyles, G. Walke Wischer, Wren . OFFICERS Fall Spring GAYLA CRAIG . . . . ... . . .. . . ........ President. . . ...... . . .... . .... PHYLLIS ANN BORDEN KAY ELLEN ST. GERMAIN .. ......... ........Vice-President .......... . . COLLEEN MARY O'CONNOR ALICE W ESLEY GUN STREAM ........ ..... .... Corresponding Secretary ..... . . .. ALMALEE CARTEE EMORY KELLEY. . . ....... .......... .. Recording Secretary. . .... ROBERT A ANN LOVE JUDITH LYNN EASON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Treasurer . . . . . . . . . EM ILY SUE STINSON PLEDGES Antoinette Baldwin, Wilmington, Del. Mary Bolling Ferris, Austin Kathryn Diane Kimble, Longview Carol Ann Schreiber, San Antonio Phyllis Ann Barnard, Houston Jane Ann Fitzgerald, lrving Mary Anne Massengale, Mineral Wells Frances Elizabeth Scott, Houston Chorlotte Pauline Becker, Austin Carol Jean Franklin, Baytown Sandra Kay McNutt, Rosenberg Mary Jo Smith, Odessa Nancy Lynn Bourn, Amarillo Janet Lyn Galeener, Houston Mary Elizabeth Murphy, Midland Sandra Lynn Sprain, Abilene Caroline Choppell, Dallas RosaBeth Gilmore, Levelland Jo Ann Neitzel, Dallos Deede Elaine Stallings, Miami, Fla. Nancy Katherine Cyrus, Fort Worth Carol Alayne Griffin, Dallas Patti Oliver, Bellaire Sally Raye Stevens, Beaumont Margaret Ann Dailey, Houston Harriet Halsell, Bonham Judith Ann Payne, Dallas Mary Dale Thomson, Midland Linda Mayris D'Arcy, Stephenville Carole Jean Hobbs, Houston Sally Lee Peel, Corpus Christi Mary Kathryn Webb, Rusk Helen Loree Dew, Brownsville Charlotte Louise Holly, Corpus Christi Judith Kay Pegues, Houston Agnes Christian Welsh, Corpus Christi Elizabeth Anne Disch, Austin Carole Ann Holmes, Port Arthur Laurie Kathleen Rayburn, Houston Bettina Rives Wilbanks, Fort Worth Suson Jean Dring, Dallas Jamie Fannin Holt, Houston Patricia Willane Ridgway, San Antonio Judith Dee Wilson, Dallas Cynthia Duncan, Pompa Carolyn Dean Johnson, Houston Barbara Jean Roloff, Victoria Suzanne Jean Wischer, Denver, Colo. Martha Posey Farmer, Austin Gayle Faye Kelly, Freer Betty Hornor Ruth, Corpus Christi SPRING PLEDGE Patsy Sue Choice, Dallos Ann Adoms, Woco Mory Morgoret Borcus, Austin Diono Dovis Borwick, Nocogdoches Sydney Johnson Boss, Austin June Arleen Benner, Greenville Annette Hilory Booth, Toylor Elizobeth Joyce Bourdon, Houston Mortho Louise Bowser, Dollos Jerry Chorlene Bromlet, Corpus Christi Potricio Burkhort, Houston Virginio Foy Corroll, Houston Suzonne Estelle Chondler, Corpus Christi Elizobeth Snyder Clork, Boird Soroh L. Clendenen, Henderson Lucy Ann Collins, Woco Koy Lynne Conrod, Dollos Dorothy Dione Dovis, Dollos Suzonne Elizobeth De Hoes, lrving Corole Jeon Deloney, Lubbock Ann Demming, Houston Morgoret Anne Edwords, Son Antonio Solly Joonne Emerson, Austin Potsy Jo Fronce, Sulphur Springs Chorlotte Ann Fulmer, Nocogdoches Corol Fuson, Houston Soroh Alice Gilmore, Nocogdoches Corol Koy Godfrey, Brownsville Corolyn Cole Gossett, Dollos Priscillo Louise Greene, Austin Lindo Koy Guess, Dollos Mory Lou Hogood, Fort Worth LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1912 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1888 FACULTY DOROTHY AYRES, Administrative Assistant, College of Business Administration DOROTHY WATTS DEAN, Student Group Advisor 1 JO CALDWELL MEYER, Administrative Secretary, School of Journalism PATRICIA ANN WEIS, lnstructor in Physical Training for Women MEMBERS Lyndo Goyle Hoire, Dollos Cynthio Ann Holl, Houston Jonice Koy Horkins, Austin Dione Louise Horris, Bryon Annette Helwig, Austin Judith Ann Hickmon, Dollos Potricio Ann Huffmon, Austin Mortho King Hughes, Dollos Esther Morgoret Jessen, Austin Corol Kelley, Bryon Ann Ashby Kinch, Austin Julio Ann Kromer, Odesso Lindo Lockner Kuich, Houston Mortho Koy Kyger, Fort Worth Andreo Lyn Lewis, Austin Sybil Sue Morion, Lubbock Lindo Koy Mortin, Odesso Borboro Pornel l McDoniel, Austin Chorlotte Dione McDonold, Tulio Virginio Louise Mcforlone, Brownwood Solly Jocquelyn McGee, Amorillo Goil McGinnis, Clevelond, Ohio Morgoret Dione Melton, Houston Sylvio Moe Metz, Houston Morilyn Koy Miller, Dollos Coroline Soro Moore, Kilgore Soroh Jeon Moore, Houston Morjorie Corole Neely, Plono Roberto Goyle Normon, Austin Judy Doe Orchord, Houston Miriom Anne Poge, Austin Virginia Diane Peavy, Dallas Judy Ann Pennington, Gropeland Noncy Norwood Pinson, Odessa Marsha Ann Pogue, San Antonio Pamelo Key Price, Lamesa Jonet Buchonon Richordson, Columbus Corolyn Comille Robertson, Son Antonio Mory Ann Rushton, Mercedes Doris Eloine Scott, Ploinview Lou Ann Scott, Corpus Christi Ann Coroline Seols, Dollos Mory Elizobeth Seols, Dollos Mory Ruth Sheldon, Houston Florence Elizobeth Smith, Goldthwoithe Solly Anne Stephenson, Beoumont Lynn Bryont Sullivon, Tompo, Florido Gretto Thomos, Dollos Lindo Ellen Thompson, Port Arthur Noncy Ellen Thompson, Port Arthur Jen Cory Tomlinson, Houston Potricio Lee Woll, Son Antonio Morgoret Ann White, Dollos Potricio Ann Wilcox (1), Bryon Morgoret Korleen Willioms, Austin Jimmie Dell Willioms, Eldorodo Virginio Lee Willioms, Houston Lillion Goyle Wright, Abilene Sue Ellen Young, Port Arthur Christine Zethroeus, Fort Worth .Adams, Anderson, Armstrong, Barcus, Barwick, Bass, Bates, Benner, Boehm, Bourdon, Bowers, 8. Bowser . . ,Top Row: A. Adams Second Row: Bramlet, Brooks, Bybee, Byers, Carroll, Clendenen, Coffman, F. Collins, L. Collins, Copeland, D. Davis, P. Davis, Day, De Haes. Third Row: Delaney, Dcmming, Early, Emerson, Finsterwald, Fisher, Fleming, Foster, France, Fuson, Gilmore, Godfrey, Gossett, Gowdey . Fourth Row: Greene, Guess, Haire, Hall, Harris, Helwig, Hickman, Hodges, Howell, Hudson, Huffman, Hughes, lrwin, lsaac. Page 378 ,,'11/""','\ '/.' 1 ~ 111•f j 1 1 \ 11' DELTA DELTA DELTA . Second Row : McGee, McGinnis, Melton, Metr, Miller, C. Moore, S. Moore, Morgan, Napier, Neely, Norman, Page, Peavy, Perkins . Third Row: Pinson, Ponsford, Price, Putnam, Reed, Rousseau, D. Scott, L. Scott, A. Seals, M. Seals, Shanks1 Sheldon, Smith, Snyder . Top Row: Jessen, Jones, Jordan, Kenney, Kocurek, Kuich, A. Lewis, K. Lewis, Manley, Marston, Martin, McDonald, Mcfarlane .lliams, Williamson, Wright, Young, Zethraeus . Fourth Row: Stephenson, Taylor, L. Thompson, Toler, Tomlinson, Wall, Wheat, Wilcox, Wilkinson, J. W OFFICERS Fall PATRICIA ANN WILCOX (1)...MIRIAM ANNE PAGE . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . President... . . Vice-President . . ......... ........ Spring ....... . .. ... ...JUDITH ANN HICKMAN ... .... ... ........MIRIAM ANNE PAGE SYLVIA MAE METZ ...... ...................Corresponding Secretary ........ ...... ........MARILYN KAY MILLER LILLIAN GAYLE WRIGHT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Recording Secretary. . .................... VIRGINIA DIANE PEAVY MARY RUTH SHELDON ................... ...Treasurer. . ......................DIANA DAVIS BARWICK PLEDGES Norma Jean Adams, Houston Jane Anita Finsterwald, San Antonio Diane Marstan, Corpus Christi Sally Anderson, Austin Susan Faith Fisher, Fort Worth Marcia Jean Morgan, Dallas Ann Ellen Armstrong, Mission Judy Lee Fleming, Houston Suzan Napier, Fort Worth Beverly Ann Ba tes, Amarillo Nell Ray Foreman, Beaumont Carol Lynn Perkins, Austin Mary Margaret Boehm, Gonzales Diana Lynne Foster, Dallas Mary Jo Ponsford, EI Paso Sally Virginia Bowers, Athens, Ga. Janet Keeble Gowdey, Dallas Jane Ann Putnam, Texas City Barbara Ann Bowser, Dallas Suzy Catherine Hodges, Port Arthur Arden Reed, Houston Beverly Ruth Broaks, Bellville Holly Catherine Howell, La Marque Rebecca Gail Rousseau, New London Elizabeth Ruth Bybee, Midland Patricia Anne Hudson, Orange Margaret Rose Schuler, Waco Aubyn Stewart Byers, Houston Sylvia lrwin, Austin Katherine Louise Shanks, Dallas Carol Elizabeth Coffman, Auslin Dorothy Sue lsaac, Houston Barbara Snyder, Baird Frances Byrd Collins, Waco Sarah Candace Jones, Texas City Janet Ann Taylor, Canyon Colleen Copeland, Houston Anita Gertrude Jordan, Brady Betty Loraine Toler, San Antonio Peggy Jean Davis, Dallas Martha Lucille Kenney, San Antonio Dorothy Joan Welch, Taylor Ruth Elizabeth Day, Houston Kay Nan Kocurek, Austin Mary Janet Wheat, Houston Sara Patricia Devine, Austin Katheryn Sue Lewis, Dallas Peggy Jo Wilkinson, Dallas Helen Taber Early, Brownwood Patricia Ann Manley, Port Arthur Marcia Ann Williamson, Bryan LOCAL ESTABL SHMENT, 1938 . ONAL FOUND NG, 1873 . . NAT Faculty Home Economics . ANNA MARIE CASWELL, Lecturer i MARY BELL GRANGER JAMES, Assistant Professor of Curriculum and lnstruction English . NANCY McMEANS, Special lnstructor i SHIELA M. O'GARA, Associate Professor of Physical Training for Women JOSEPHINE HELEN STAAB, Professor of Home Economics MEMBERS .drich, Fort Thamas, Ky .Patricia Virginia A ton, San Antonio .Sandra Jean Hami Marian Frances Rankin, Dallas isan, Houston ..Janet A Danna Hopson, Houstan Sue Frances Robinson, Corpus Christi orence Ashburn, Dallas .Mory F Nora Jean Hite, San Antonio ege Station .Lucy Jean Rogers, Col fonz, Houston .Barboro Jeon Ba ivia Anne Hawe, Houston .. ph, San Antonio .yn louise Rudo .Gwendo Georgia Annetta Bennett, Houston and .Sarah Louise Hughston, Mid ton, Austi n .yn She .Mary Eve June louise Berrien, Borger en, Austin .yn Virginia Kee .Cara Clara Gertrude Shugart, Dallas Carol Ann Bohlmann, Son Antonio Kay Linda Knax, Houston Janiece Belle Simmons, Fart Worth yn Ann Boyd, Austin .Mari a. .k .sa, .u .,e lauhon .Mary Ha izabeth Simans, Edna .Suzanne E rving .,Carolyn Miriam Brown as .Virginia Avery Masan, Dal ey Ann Snipes, Lackhart .Shir Paso . Donna Maurine Spearman, E Pass Margee Ann McClenahan, GainesviCage, Eagle . Barbara Caro . e, F .. a. kins, Austin . is Jean Ca .. Phy Rio . De, .. izobeth Ca . Mary E as . isle, Dal . a Sue Car . Pau and . aine Carson, Mid . Kay E Nita Suzanne Chaudoin, Fort Worth . ... ,laGrange ., Grace Anne Churchil Christiarkson, Corpus . Nancy lynn C Clark Culbertson, San Antonio . Coro Barbara Ann Davis, Houston as . ey Davis, Dal . Shir Zoe Ann Derden, Austin Cindy Sue Dexter, Houston Diane Doherty, Houston .Moe, .. ure, Kirksvi . en McC .. Sarah E ey, Hauston . ey Kay McKin . Shir Frieda Marcia McMahan, Fort Worth am, Snyder . linda Caytes Mi er, Houston .. Maureen Mi aine Moody, Houstan . Ann E as .. Daey, . Ann Mott san, Houstan . linda Kay Nicho as .. Dae, . y Nob .. Sa yn Norman, Bryan . Alice Caro gore . a Jane Nayes, Ki .. E Christid, Corpus .. Ora Katherine Nancy Key Parks, Houston Janet Stokes, Phillips Betty Jean Stone, Mathis Storms, Houston y . Sal Taylaryn Svadlenak, . Mari a Suzanne Thampson, Houston . Pau izabeth Thrift, Houstan . Nancy E Patricia Ann Ussery, Baytown ege Station .. Jo Anne Walker, Co yn Kim Whitacre, Houston . Caro Antonioey, San . Jo Ann Whit Austinkerson, . Wi . Karen Gai as .. Daiamson, .. Virginia Jean Wi Antaniomann, San .. Betty Ann Wi s .. Wichita Fa .,. Ann Worre . Rio Haze . Fes, Rosemary Butschek Dorn, Houston Kay Nell Pearsan, Austin Peggy Jo Wright, Houstan as Jeris Jan Perryman, Houston Carol Mae Wyckaff, Austin .. Roberta Lee Downing, Da as .. Kay Yancy, Da Worth Mary linn Pond, Bryan LindaEmery, Fort R. . Wynnel las . Daizabeth Porter, . Sinton Sarah Eyn Farquhar, . Joan Caro a Graham, Houston .. Peggy Morce . Dolores E Gab . eanor Domning, Cora DeParsons, . Diana Gai . . a. Top Row: Aldrich, Allison, Ashburn, Balfanz, Barnett, Brinkerhoff, Belknap, Bennett, Berrien, Boyd, Brewer, Brohard, Brown. Second Row: Bryan, Calkins, Call, Carlisle, Carrico, Carson, Chaudoin, Chollar, Churchill, Clarkson, Coggeshall, Collerain, Culbertson. Third Row: Dalling, Daniel, 8. Davis, M. Davis, S. Davis, Deffebach, Domning, Dorn, Downing, Echols, Elliott, Emery, J. Farquhar, N. Farquhar. Fourth Row: Gordon, Graham, Griffin, Hite, Hospers, Hughston, Jenkins, Kamrath, Johnson, Keelen, Kelly, Knox, Lauhon, Mason. Poge 380 DELTA GAMMA ,Miller, Moody . ey, McKinl To p Row: McClenohan, McClure, McCracken, Mc att, Milam, Morgan, Mottley, Mueck, Nicholson, Noble. Second Row : orman, Old, Parks, Parsons, Perryman, Peyton, Pond, Porter, Rankin, Rellahon, Rhodes, Roberts, Rogers, Russell. . Third Row: Seifert, Selden, Shelton, Shugart, Simmons, Simons, Sinclair, Snipes, Spearman, C. Stokes, Stone, Streater, Svadlenak, Thompson. Fourth Row: Thrift, Ussery, Walker, Watson, Weathers, Wheeler, Whitacre, White, Whitley, Wilkerson, Willmann, Wright, Wyckoff, Yancey. OFFICERS Fall Spring KA Y LINDA KNOX ..................... .... President .. ........................ ............ DIANE DOHERTY JANET ALLISON . . . . . . . . . . . ........... Vice-President. . . .. ..................... KA Y NELL PEARSON NANCY ELIZABETH THRIFT. . .. Corresponding Secretary .....................MARILYN SVADLENAK RO BERTA LEE DOWNING ................... Recording Secretary .................. ... CAROLYN MIRIAM BROWN NANCY KEY PARKS. . . . . ...... .......... Treasurer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... ... PHYLLIS JEAN CALKINS PLEDGES Sandro Jean Barnett, Fart Worth Alma Ann Elliott, Bryan Suson Clore O'Neill, Son Antonio Caral Leigh Belknap, Fort Worth Noncy Elizobeth Farquhar, Sinton Julie Shields Peyton, Houston Beverly Ann Brewer, Lamesa Joan LaVerne Gordon, Houston Lindo Margaret Rellahon, Dollas Jan Louise Brinkerhoff, Houston Francis Katherine Griffin, Bryan Margaret Virginia Rhodes, Austin Linda Lea Brohard, Dallos Corol Elizabeth Hospers, Dallas Suzonne Helen Roberts, Austin Bonnie Alyce Bryon, Houston Ruth Lynette Jenkins, Midland Groce Morie Russell, Houston Jo Anna Carlo, Alamo Rosemory Price Johnson, Corpus Christi Julionne Seifert, Weimor Kathryn Louise Carrico, Son Antonio Eugenie Martha Kamroth, Houston Morjorie Morgon Selden, Houston Mary Lou Chollor, Austin Loulynn Kelly, Houston Judith Elizabeth Sinclair, Austin Judith A. Coggesholl, Dollas Nancy Benedict Kelly, Austin Carol Ann Stokes, Encinol Mory Agnes Collerain, Houston Carol Lee Klose, San Antonio Sally Ann Streater, Harlingen Dee Ann Dolling, Abilene Mary Anne McCall, Houston D'Anne Watson, Pflugerville Sandra Ann Doniel, Greenville Sally McCracken, Corpus Christi Pamela Ruth Weothers, Houston Mory Anne Dovis, San Antonio Frances Ann McNatt, Greenville Margoret Marbold Wheeler, Houston Mary Ethlyn Deffebach, Snyder Alma Doylene Morgon, Wichita Falls JoAnno White, Bryan Doryle Ann Echols, Houston Sue Frances Mueck, Lockhart Pag!I 381 LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1934 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 19 17 MEMBERS Anita Diane Axelrad, Houston Carole Linda Bloom, Dallas Rosalyn Brateman, Houston Diane Carole Dwoskin, Atlanta, Ga. Rose Margaret Falk, Corpus Christi Elka Fargotstein, Galveston San AngeloFine, .. Carole A Sylvia Semon Fine, San Angelo Barbara Ann Fish, Sioux City, lowa Janice Elaine Goldberg, Houston Sharon Jean Goldstein, Dallas Arlene Gail Horwitz, Houston BeaumontHorwitz, .. Kathryn A Anita Ruth Kaplan, Bay City Eleanor Ruth Lewis, Houston DallasLieberman, .. Judith A Judith Carol Marcus, San Antonio Gail Harriet Mosko, Denver, Colo. Sandra Simone Rosen, Dallas Marilyn S. Rotkow, Des Moines, lowa Barbara Sue Schneider, Galveston Jacqueline Shapiro, Shreveport, La. Nancy Rae Zelinger, Denver, Colo. Top Row: S. H. Amster, S. F. Amster, Axelrad, Berkman, Bloom, Brateman, Bronstein, Carroll, Cooper, Dwoskin, Fargotstein, C. Fine. .Goldstein, S. Goldstein, Green, Grossman, Hoffman, A. Horwitz, K. HorwitzP.Goldberg,. . ,Second Row: S. Fine, Finegold, Gaitz, Gerick Page 382 ' DELTA PHI EPSILON Top Row: Kaiser, Kaplan, Katr, Kriss, Levine, Lewis, Lubel, Mandel, Marcus, Miller, Morchower, Polland. Second Row: Rieter, Rosen, Rosenbaum, Roth, Rotkow, Rubin, Schaffer, Schneider, Simon, Shapiro, Steiner, Weinstein, Zelinger. OFFICERS Fall Spring SANDRA SIMONE ROSEN. . .............. President ........................ ....... .. ROSE MARGARET FALK ROSE MARGARET FALK ..................... Vice-President. . . . . . . . . . . . .............. CAROLE ANN FINE CAROLE ANN FINE . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ........ Corresponding Secretary .. . . . .. . .. . . . ... JANICE ELAINE GOLDBERG ELEANOR RUTH LEWIS . . .............. Recording Secretary . . . . . . . . .....JACQUELINE SHAPIRO SYLVIA SEMON FINE ..... ..................Treasurer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SYLVIA SEMON FINE PLEDGES Stephanie Hermina Amster, Austin Melanie Rose Green, Corpus Christi Phyllis Elaine Polland, Dallas Susan Frederica Amster, Austin Geraldine Grossman, EI Paso Vivian Shelia Rieter, Dallas Barbara Joan Berkman, Dallas Sandra Rebecca Hoffman, Mobile, Ala. Sandra Jean Rosenbaum, Dallas Harriet Bronstein, Galveston Nanette Rose Kaiser, Houston Mitzie Marcelle Roth, Houston Mary Carroll, Shreveport, La. Doris Juline Katz, Galveston Marsha Carol Rubin, Dallas Tanis Ellyn Cooper, Dallas Rosalind Adele Kriss, Dallas Sharon Eileen Schaffer, Dallas Judith Helen Finegold, Beaumont Joan Herma Levine, Pasadena Ellen Nora Simon, San Antonio Diane Maxine Gaitz, Houston Patricia Ann Lubel, San Antonio Judith Sharyn Steiner, Baton Rouge, La . Harriet Rae Gerick, Hil/sboro Brenda Joy Mandel, Dallas Gayle Helaine Weinstein, Metairie, La . Nancy Rae Goldberg, San Angelo Cynthia Mae Miller, Waco Paula Jean Goldstein, Houston Diane Gail Morchower, Dallas SPRING PLEDGES Gayle Elizabeth Feldman, Dal/as Marna Susan T ucker, Houston . ~ Marilyn Felicia Allan, Georgetown Eleanor Marilyn Anderson, Dallas Judie Anne Atchison, Austin Janat Jaclynn Austin, San Antonio Molly Ann Brooks, Thornton Stella Maureen Burns, Houston Shelby Ann Carver, Houston Janet Chatelain, Houston Elenor Ruth Cook, Houston Sylvia Jean Cooksey, Austin Margaret Jeanne Focke, Bandera Frances Katherine Franzen, Winnie Kathryn Adele Giddens, Austin Julie Hallmark, Odessa Sue Nell Hamilton, Houston Lois Myrl Heard, Austin Janie Mercille Lee, Port Arthur Verline Ann Luetge, Houston Adele Jewell Lyle, Corpus Christi Carole Elaine Mathews, Angleton Jane Ann Maxwell, Austin LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1924 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1902 FACULTY FRANCES LOCKHART, Administrative Secretary, Women's Residence Halls JOSLEEN LOCKHART, Associate Professor of Social Work MILDRED ROBERTA POWELL, Teaching Assistant in English MEMBERS Dolly Hull Mayer, Austin Rosemary McAdams, Winnie Jewel Elyne Melton, Austin Janenne Jill Miller, Manhattan, Kans. Sally Painter, Corpus Christi Nora Marie Parma, Belton Janet Octavia Peavy, Dallas Robbie Gene Pell, Houston Dolores Nannette Pollock, Houston Kay Esther Ponder, Dallas Jeanne Marie Raney, Baytown Ruth Ann Rawlins, Santiago, Chile Dora Elizabeth Reagan, Brownsville Linda Joyce Richardson, Houston Julia Lacy Salter, Bay City Dorothy Carolyn Sandlin, Fort Worth Carolyn Ruth Savage, Dallas Patricia Sellars, Austin Barbara Lucille Smith, Port Neches Dorothy Ann Stroup, Fort Leavenworth, Kans. Edith Diana Svadlenak, Round Rock Sandra Lee Talley, Houston Carolyn Ann Thomas, Houston Billie Jean Traweek, Port Arthur Martha Jean Valliant, Sonora Diana Vollintine, Fort Worth Marcia Anne Voyles, Bay City Carol Ann Warner, Austin Patricia Jean Watkins, Austin Lenore Watson, Lake Charles, La. Sharolyn Watson, Athens Helen Elizabeth Wear, Dallas Ann La Nell Weber, Austin Mary Josephine Weber, Austin Dorris Gene Whitley, Corpus Christi Mary Charlene Whitstine, Corpus Christi Anna Carol Williams, Athens Carolyn Ruth Wilson, Austin emple . ,Deidre Wilson Top Row: Anderson, Atchison, Austin, Bollard, Bonnister, Bosse, Becker, Benavides, Boegli, Bridges, Brisbois. Second Row: Brooks, Burns, Caldwell, Carver, Choteloin, Clork, Colemon, Cook, Cooksey, Cooper, Curtis, Doy. Third Row: Dickey, Droke, Drury, Fombrough, Focke, Fronzen, Gidd ens, Guorino, Hollmork, Homilton, Haworth, Heard. Fourth Row: Hollyfield, C. Jones, P. Jones, Kohn, Lee, Luetge, Lyle, Mathews, Moxwell, McAdoms, M. McLoin, R. McLain. Page 384 ,,1 1 .\ /'11 / 1 ' 11 DELTA ZETA Top Row: McSpadden, Melton, Miller, Mittermayer, Painter, Parma, Peavy, Peters, Pollock, Ponder, Power, Raney. Second Row: Rawlins, Reagan, Reynolds, Roberts, Rude, Russell, Salter, Sanders, Sandlin, Savage, Schulz, Sellars. Third Row: 8. Smith, S. Smith, Southerland, Stroup, Svadlenak, Talley, C. Thomas, C. A. Thomas, Troweek, Valliant, Vollintine, Voyles. Fourth Row: Warner, Watkins, S. Watson, Wear, A. Weber, M. Weber, Whitley, Whitstine, Williams, C. Wilson, D. Wilson, Zittle. OFFICERS Fall Spring STELLA MAUREEN BURNS ...... . ... . .. . ... . ... . President . . . . . .. ...................CAROLYN ANN THOMAS CAROLYN ANN THOMAS .. ..... ............... First Vice-President .......................... JANET CHATELAIN CAROLE ELAINE MATHEWS . ................... Second Vice-President ..................JANAT JACLYNN AUSTIN JANET CHATELAIN . . .... . ... . ..... . ..... . .... Corresponding Secretary ... . .. . ... . DOROTHY CAROLYN SANDLIN CAROL ANN WARNER ...... .................. Recording Secretary ....................... JANENNE JILL MILLER DOROTHY CAROLYN SANDLIN ................. Treasurer. . . . ........................DOROTHY ANN STROUP PLEDGES Alice Elizabeth Ballard, Beeville Harriet Estelle Clarke, Dallas Carol Lynn Haworth, Richardson Rebecca Ann Reynolds, San Jose, Costa Rica Zara Rayburn Bannisler, San Anton io Kay Andrea Coleman, Austin Cynthia Ann Hollyfield, Austin Judy Kay Roberts, Austin Patricia Anne Basse, Dallas Sandra Carla Cooper, Dallas Carole Elaine Jones, Houston Elizabeth Carolyn Rude, Austin Alice Ann Becker, Austin Ann Louise Cunningham, Baytown Paula Ruth Jones, Fort Worth Martha Amelia Russell, Austin Elinore Ferol Benavides, San Antonio Martha Ann Curtis, Dallas Susan Emilie Kahn, Houston Carol Ann Sanders, Houston Janet Claire Boegli, Amarillo Margaret Kathleen Day, Fort Worth Martha Orene Lotspeich, Robstown Mary Virginia Schulz, Three Rivers Carol Ray Bridges, Belton Marsha Joe Dickey, Fort Worth Mona Estelle Mclain, Spearman Sarah Jane Smith, Pasadena Judith Lynne Brisbois, Hauston Susan Rivers Drake, Austin Reva Mozelle Mclain, Spearman Mary Elizabeth Southerland, Sulphur Springs Amy Bruyere, Houston Patsy Anne Drury, Austin Barbara Jo McSpadden, Houston Valerie Lea Stallings, Dallas Betty Jane Caldwell, Austin Dorothy Jean Fambrough, Houston Mary Carolyn Mittermayer, San Antonio Camilla Thomas, Sulphur Springs Carole Lee Cartlidge, Rusk Marie Frieda Fehmer, Dallas Sandra Sue Peters, Austin lda Mae Zittle, San Antonio Claire Eileen Guarino, Austin Janice Margaret Power, San Antonio SPRING PLEDGES Carol Margaret Cameron, Austin Jo Ann Theresa Kusenberger, Del Rio Judith Ann George, Phillips Patricia Ann Waldrip, Houston ~ . Page 385 Priscilla Elaine Adams, Dallas Betty Lu Bal lard, Missian Carolyn Ann Barnes, Austin Jan Bredt, Rockdale Cleo Ann Britain, Houstan Elaine Bruce, Baytown Mary Ruth Butler, Rusk Marylen Sue Butler, Bellaire Carolyn Jane Campbell, Corpus Christi Mary Ann Campbell, Dallas Wanda Rose Cockrell, Austin Nancy Lee Cone, Dallas Sara Maureen Conlin, Austin Constance Bess Conraw, Marshall Paula June Craig, Dallas Jo Ann Deleon, Cuero Sandra Ann Dillard, Dallas Margaret Arlene Doughtie, Brownsville Dorothy Carole Dye, Bay City Janet Lucy Elmore, Dallas Marian Lynette Fairey, Austin Barbara Anne Faster, Corpus Christi Fel icity Hill Frank, Austin LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1922 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1874 Faculty LORENA McKEE BAKER, Librarian 111, Loan HARRIET LOVE BLACKSTOCK, Senior Clerk, Physical Training for Women EDNA SUE HERZOG, Teaching Assistant in History LORA LEE PEDERSON, Director, Graduate School of Social Work EVELYN CARY WELBORN, Research Scientist 11, Physics, Military Physics Researc Laboratory. MEMBERS Carol Ann Freeman, Dallas Suzanne Furneaux, Houston Susann Gipson, Austin Martha Flo Harden, Atlanta Jamie Beth Hatch, San Antonio Brenda Claire Howard, Houstan Sammie Janis Jennings, Austin Nelma Ann Jones, Dallas Norma Anne Joseph, Austin Phyllis Mary Joseph, Austin Frances Elizabeth Kincaid, Crowell Kay King, Fort Worth Judith Ann Laughlin, Dallas Lavona Jo Loe, Alice Virginia Scott Massey, Houston Barbara Ann May, Karnes City Betty Lynn McCormick, Dallas Mary Marjorie Menefee, Austin Linda Patricia Moncure, Bastrap Nancy Pat Nelsan, Austin Peggy Ruthe Newberry, Gonzales Carol Jean Newcomer, Dallas Gwendolyn Beth Nichols, Atlanta Sylvia Eugenia Winston, Corpus Christi Leah Rae Olsan, Elgin Roslyn Parrish, Marshall Patricia John Patterson, Houston Peggy Ruth Peters, Houston Patricia Lenore Pfeiffer, Houston Patricia Ann Price, San Antonio Paula Jane Ragers, Pasadena Edna Frances Sample, Houston Davene Evan Schmidt, Harper Mary Ann Shaw, Dallas Betty Dell Spencer, Levelland Carolyn June Thomas, Pasadena Avis Andrea Tieber, Dallas Nancy J. Tieken, Austin Marilyn Marie Vogt, Houston Ann Kennedy Voight, Houston Sandra Victaria Wade, Austin Katherine Wallace, Dallas Shirley Jayce Walters, Daingerfield Beverly Jean Ward, San Antania Phyllis Ann Wiegand, San Antonio Marijo Williams, lrving Nancy Nell Willifard, Fair .f eld Top Row: N. Adams, Barnes, Blye, Brady, Bredt, Britain, M. R. Butler, M. S. B utler, Buttrill, Callaway, C. Campbell, M. Campbell. Second Row: Clark, Cockrell, Cone, Conrow, Craig, Cunningham, Danna, Delaney, DeLeon, M. Dillard, S. Dillard, Doak, Doughtie, Dye. Third Row: Elmore, Fairey, Foster, F. Frank, V. Frank, Frazier, Freeman, Furneaux, Gayle, Gipson, Givens, Guinane, Harden, Hatch. Fourth Row : Hewitt, Hieatt, Howard, Hunn, Jenkins, F. Jones, N. Jones, N. Joseph, P. Joseph, Kelly, Kincaid, King, Koenig, Kunz. Page 386 GAMMA PHI BETA Top Row: Loughlin, Loe, Lucio, Magruder, Massey, Mothews, May, McCormick, Menefee, Middlebrook, Moen, Moncure, Nelson, Newberry. Second Row: Newcomer, Nichols, Olson, Patterson, Peters, Pfeiffer, Price, Prouty, Pruitt, Raio, Redman, Rogers, Rohlf, Rundquist. Third Row: Sabeon, Sample, Schmidt, J. Schuhmocher, P. Schuhmacher, Shaw, Shelby, Smith, Spencer, Springer, Stearns, Studdert, Swales, Thomas. Fourth Row: Tieber, Tieken, Tucker, Vogt, Voight, Wode, Wallace, Wolters, B. Ward, K. Ward, Wiegand, Williams, Williford, Winston. OFFICERS Fall Spring LAVONA JO LO E . . . . .. . ... President . . .. . . PATRICIA LENORE PFEIFFER CAROLYN JANE CAMPBELL . . . . Vice-President . . . PAULA JUNE CRAIG JANET LUCY ELMORE . . . ..... . .. .. . .... . . . .... Corresponding Secretary .. .. . ..... .. . . . BARBARA GENE ROBERTS . . MARY MARJORIE MENEFEE. . . . . . . . . . . CLEO ANN BRITAIN ............. .... . Nancy Elizabeth Adams, Alice Margaret Jane Blye, Pasadena Margaret Anne Brady, Dallas Diane Elizabeth Buttrill, San Antonio Ramona Gayle Callaway, Crockett Paula Clark, Corpus Christi Patty Dean Couch, Houston Judy Glen Cunningham, Houston Patricia Ann Danna, Houston Patsy Dane Delaney, Houston Mary Susan Dillard, Dallas June Carolyn Doak, Dallas Victoria Elizabeth Frank, Houston Cecile Ann Frazier, Houston Judith lesesne Gayle, Houston Judith Jane Givens, Baytown Janet Sue Guinane, Houston . .. Recording Secretary ...... ........ . .ANN KENNEDY VOIGHT . .. . Treasurer . . . .... . ....... .. .. .. ..... . . . ELAINE BRUCE PLEDGES Anita lynn Hardy, Marshall Marsha Ann Harris, Houston Sharon louise Hewitt, Houston Betty louise Hieatt, Dallas Sharon Elaine Hunn, Pasadena Janet Sharon Jenkins, Dallas Frances Ann Jones, Paducah Freda Janelle Jones, Austin Janet Ann Kelly, Bellaire Betty lou Koenig, Houston Phyllis Ruth Kunz, San Antonio Pauline Christine lucia, Houston Mary Ruth Magruder, Houston Barbara Jane Mathews, Austin Mary Claire Middlebrook, Hungerford Sandra Kay Moen, la Marque Carol Alice Prouty, Mexia Gwynneth Evelyn Pruitt, Atlanta Antoinette Mary Raia, Houston Tommie Jane Redman, Atlanta Barbara Gene Roberts, Austin Joanne Rohlf, Houston Sally Christine Rundquist, Houston Sandra Hope Sabean, Dallas Heidi Suzanne Schneider, Pampa Joyce Claire Schuhmacher, Austin Patsy Jo Schuhmacher, Austin Nancy Marie Shelby, Austin Mary Ann Smith, Dallas lila lee Springer, Houston Connie lou Stearns, Dallas Carmen Maureen Studdert, Houston Bettye Sue Swales, San Antonio Ann Tucker, Austin Karen Annette Ward, San Antonio Page 387 LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1904 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1870 Faculty MARY SNYDER KIRKPATRICK, Librarian, Education and Psychology MARY MARGARET MILLER, Teaching Assistant in English Judith Janice Allred, Wichita Falls Linda Susan Bailey, Dallas Linda Luan Best, Wichita Falls Patricia Ann Blackwell, Cuero Mary Kathryn Bland, Austin Sue Blevins, Rockport Anne Singleton Blocker, Galveston Marian Edith Britton, Houston Marsha Ann Broadfoot, San Antonio Helen Marr Brown, San Antonio Bobbie Sue Buck, Houston Katherine Camp Buck, Fort Worth Carolyn Frances Burton, Houston Mary Margaret Carlson, Dallas Julie Beth Catterton, Houston Sue Jinkins Chessher, San Antonio Betty Jo Childers, Houston Ruth Catherine Colwick, Dallas Marion Edith Conn, Dallas Alice Estep Cook, Corpus Christi Karen Crain, Dallas Julia Neat Eddleman, Houston Sandra Esquivel, Austin Nancy Elizabeth Ferguson, Houston Virginia Fielder, Lockhart Marilyn Minnette Flaitz, Houston Nancy Rice Forman, Midland Ruth Ellen Gillett, Canutillo Susan Frances Gresham, Houston Mary Carolyn Hall, Corpus Christi Margaret Ann Hamilton, EI Dorado, Ark. Suzanne Hampton, Port Arthur MEMBERS Sue Heatly, Austin Janie Henderson, Houston Louise Curtis Hoehn, Waco Barbara Dan Hudson, Waco Eleanor Leighton Johnson, San Antonio Janis Keith, Beaumont Nan Keith Kelly, Fort Worth Cherry Dian Kendrick, Corpus Christi Barbara Marie lang, Dallas Carolyn Elizabeth Leggett, Midland Ann Lewis, Dallas Mary Downing Longaker, Dallas Eugenia Marie Mahone, Austin Martha Jane Mast, Midland Betty Jane McCallum, Corpus Christi Ellen Kimball McCorquodale, Houston Kathleen Reynolds McGrail, San Antonio Nola Ann McNamara, Austin Frances Coapwood Morgan, Austin Helen Sue Morris, Amarillo Mary Morris, Austin Nanci Sue Myers, Waco Catherine Ford Olivet, Texarkana Virginia Dale Owens, Amarillo Judy Gray Pennington, Houston Marilyn Perkinson, Longview Sally Bea Pope, Austin Diane Powell, Karnack Deanna Ruth Querner, San Antonio Nancy Elizabeth Rains, Marshall Mary Eugenia Reedy, San Antonio Carol Ann Rugeley, Wichita Falls Chloe Matilda Rugeley, Bay City Travis Shaw, Austwell Dorothy Talmadge Sherrill, San Marcos Judy Shields, Victoria Zelie de Serin Sibley, Houston Adrienne Trant Smith, Temple Bobby Sue Smith, Houston Joanna Baxter Smith, Corpus Christi Marion Ranell Snider, Houston Barbara Louise Stephen, Galveston Susan Lee Stephen, Galveston Myrna Kay Stern, Taylor Gail Stroker, New Braunfels Joanne Mary Sweet, Houston Mary Stewart Thomas, Navasota Mary Jean Todd, San Antonio Bess Kirby Tooke, Houston Arleen Ray Trowbridge, Tyler Linda Ann Tucker, Fort Worth Frances Van Zandt, Houston Marcia Adele Wade, lndianapolis, lnd. Mary Louise Wagenfuehr, New Braunfels Ellita B. Wallace, San Antonio Kay Webb, Dallas Eleanor Wheeler, Midland Judy Whitehurst, Bellaire Grace Evelyn Whittenburg, Amarillo Anne Best Winterbotham, Galveston Bettye Lyn Womack, Wichita Falls Catherine Womack, Houston Top Row : L. Alexander, Allred, Ashcroft, Bailey, Bane, Best, Blackwell, F. Blevins, Booth, Britton, Broadfoot, Bruni, Buck. Second Row: Burton, Butte, Carlson, Catterton, Cherry, Chessher, Childers, Collier, Colwick, Conn, Conrad, A. Cook, P. Cook, Coopwood. Third Row : Crain, R. Eddleman, Ellinger, Esquivel, Flaitz, Forman, Gillett, Grandjean, Green, Hall, Hamilton, Heaner, Heatly, Henderson. Fourth Row: Hornberger, Keith, Koch, LaRue, Leggett, Lewis, Longaker, Lowrance, Lynch, Mahone, A. Manion, E. Manion, Mast, McCallum. KAPPA ALPHA THETA . Top Row: McCorquodale, McDaniel, McGrail, McLain, McNamara, Morgan, Morris, Murphy, Myers, Owens, Palmer, Pennington, Perkinson. Second Row: Powell, Querner, Rains, Reedy, Roark, Rugeley, Scott, Shankle, Shaw, Sherrill, Shields, Shigley, Sibley, 8. Smith. ! Sue Clark Wyche, Dallas . . .Terry, Tooke e,TeeplSweet,Streckmann, Stroker, Stern,Stephen, Stelfox, S. Stall,Smith, Snider, J. Smith,M.Smith,A. w:. Third R Fourth Row: Tottenham, Trowbridge, Tucker, Wade, Wagenfuehr, Wheeler, White, Whitridge, Whittenburg, Williams, Winfrey, Winterbotham, C. Womack, Wyche . OFFICERS Fall Spring RUTH CATHERINE COLWICK . . President .. .MARCIA ADELE WADE SANDRA ESQUIVEL . . Vice-President . . MARY STEWART THOMAS BETTYE L YN WOMACK . . Corresponding Secretary .. . . ALICE STRATTON SHANKLE LINDA ANN TUCKER . . . Recording Secretary . . . . MARY MORRIS CAROL ANN RUGELEY . . Treasurer . . . . . MARTHA JANE MAST PLEDGES n. , Lake Jacks Judy Marian Alexander, Dallas Amelia Lucretia Green, Midland Edith Shigley n . Lynn Ann Alexander, Dallas wnsville .Anne Starck Heaner, Br Martha Celeste Smith, Houst rpus Christi .lyn Margaret Arnim, C .Car n .Diana Hornberger, Houst n .Elizabeth Smith, Houst Ruth Berry Ashcroft, Sulphur Springs n.ust .Sally Anne Klep, H Toby Kay Stall, Fort Worth nt.Diane Bane, Beaum Carol Margaret Koch, Quanah n .Anabel Stelfox, Houst n. , Houst kes . rge Ann St . Ge Margaret Streckmann, Dallas uise Teeple, Dallas . Sally L Carolyn Elayne Terry, Dallas Worthttenham, Fort . an Elaine T . J Dennis Ann Wheeler, Austin Mary Elizabeth White, Dallas .n, Miss . Ruth T erry La Rue, Jacks nt . Viriginia Ann Lee, Beaum n. Houst wrance, . Susan L n. Alice Ann Lynch, Houst Midlandn, . Agnes Catherine Mani Midlandn, . Evelyn Marie Mani u McDaniel, Austin . Mary L Frances Ann Blevins, Rockport th, Temple .. Nan B . aredanne Bruni, L. J Jeannette Lee Butte, London, England semary Cherry, Lubbock . R Penny Pitt Collier, Dallas n. , Houst nrad . Betty Ann C n. , Houst n Whitridge . rgia Jeanne Mclain, Dallas Edith Jacks . Ge . Patricia Gail Cook, Wac n . is Williams, Houst . Kay Nanette Murphy, Tyler Raberta L d, Lockhart .. pw .. Kate Ellis C n . Elizabeth Winfrey, Houst . ni. Antuise Palmer, San . n Karen L . Eddleman, Houst Richard Neat n Leigh Roark, Nacogdoches . Shar . ni . Diane Elizabeth Ellinger, San Ant . ni . tt, Austin . rpus Christi Patricia Ann Sc . Furman, C Mary Mclver Antn Shankle, San . Judith Nelms Grandjean, Dallas Alice Stratt ~ Page 389 . len, Lufki Carolyn Soge AI Mary Ann Allen, Gonzoles Mary Ann Auler, Austin Mory Bond Austin, Son Antonio Ann Elizabeth Borbeck, Dollas Brendo Lea Boird, Houston Barboro Kay Beol, Austin Tommie Jeon Beol, Austin Poulo Louise Berthelot, Victorio Shirley Jone Black, Whorton Elizabeth Motthews Blonton, Abilene Soroh Bloine Brewster, Fort Worth Morgarite Corolyn Bright, San Antonio Florence Day Brown, Tyler Elizabeth Spencer Colloway, Son Antonio Estelle Cortwright Callawoy, Son Antonio Martha Dole Chorless, Son Angelo Koy Cowon, Hillsboro Sally Belle Cowper, Big Spring Ann Carroll Deupree, Shreveport, La. Beverly Jeon Dodgen, Temple Lou Adele Dorrell, Houston Deboroh Dunlap, Dallas Rhetlo Roberto Duty, Houston Jo Ann Enge/king, San Ange/o Noncy C/aire Eppright, Austin Betty Jane Foil, Grond Soline Linda Lee Fields, Son Angelo Julia Young Finks, Austin Gai/ Glaspy, Ennis Karo/yn Koy Gronbery, Olton Susan lrene Harling, Telephone Ann Koren Haun, Fort Worth Nancy Louisa Houn, Fort Worth Georgio Whittenburg Hawks, Amarillo Charline Hawthorne, Conroe LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1902 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1870 Faculty MARGARET PECK, Associate Dean of Women LUCY RATHBONE, Professor of Home Economics MEMBERS fronces Corolyn Henry, Tilden Suson Louise Houstoun, Houston Goil Hudson, Tyler Ann Hufendick, Arlington Suzanne Huggins, Boytown Elizobeth Moverick Huth, Son Antonio Judith Mueller Jacobs, Kingsville Kothryn Ann Kelly, McKinney Korol Anne Kolter, Beoumont Lindo Sue Lorkin, New Braunfels Elizabeth Pettus Lowrence, Son Antonio Donna Torronce Lee, Woco Barbaro Mae Leonord, Austin Diono Mantor, Corpus Christi Barboro Ann Martin, Tyler Judith Martin, Houstan Mory Gay Maxwell, Houston Merry McElwrath, Hauston Ann Milroy Mcleod, Golveston Noncy Prathro McNoir, Brownsville Roweno Moverick McNeel, Son Antonio Mildred Rose Meili, Fort Worth Cassedoy Jule Menke, Pasodeno Dono Louise Merritt, Lo Jolla, Colif. Judith Ann Metz, Stomford Mory Kathryn Miller, Houston Shoron Diane Mitchell, Midlond Julio Steves Moore, Houston Morilyn Morris, Hillsboro Almo Virginia Nash, Dollos Deno Fern Goldston Northrup, Amorillo Nancy Elizobeth Potterson, Midlond Dorothy June Peckhom, Port Arthur Edna Sophio Philen, Lufkin Potti Ray Pollard, Houston Margaret Ann Prichord, Port Arthur Phyllis Ruth Prichard, Port Arthur Terry Gay Puckett, Amorillo Nancy Jane Roy, Dallas Claytie Anno Reese, Gonzoles Elizobeth 0. Reese, Gonzoles Potricio Roone Riddick, Corpus Christi Solly Ross Risser, Bonhom Poulo Goil Rogers, Dollos Betsy Ross, Sonora Ann Schlesselmon, College Station Sherry Sigler, Corpus Christi Norma Jean Smith, Ennis Carol Louise Spires, Austin Lindo Fay Stevenson, Austin Annie Bell Steves, San Antonio Anne Lucy Storm, Austin Suzonne Summers, Houston Elizobeth Lynn Sylvester, Boytown Morilyn Fronces Tirey, Dollos Susan Jone Turner, Beaumont Effie Menelmo Tyng, Houston Fronces Alice Tyrrell, Beoumont Kathryn Ann Voughan, San Angelo Virginio Anne Walker, Austin Koy Elleene Wall, Son Angelo Borboro Wolloce, Houston Borboro Brittain Ward, Houston Judith Ann Welton, Dollos Edith Brooke Wilkerson, Houston Corolyn Corpenter Willioms, Dollos Mory Sue Wilson, Fort Worth Glendo Sue Woods, Beoumont Mory Wynn, Artesio, N. M. Morgoret Foye Yeogley, Dallos Eloine Elisobeth Zobo, Tulsa, Okla. Top Row: C. Allen, Anderson, Austin, Barbeck, B. Beal, T. Beal, Birge, Brewster, Brown, Burton, Bush, E. S. Callaway, E. C. Callaway. Second Row: Cowan, Crawford, Croft, Crutcher, Daniel, Davis, Dorrell, Drake, Dunlap, Duty Elliott, Engelking, Eppright. Third Row: Etheridge, Fail, Ferguson, Fields, Fisher, Freel, Glaspy, Glasscock, Granbery, Halff, Harling, Harris, A. Haun, Hawks. Fourth Row: Hawthorne, Henry, Houstoun, Hudson, A. Hufendick, J. Hufendick, Huth, Jacobs, Kelly, Lanham, Lawrence, Leonard, Malone, Marks. KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA .Reese, Richardson, Riddick, Risser C.Ray,t, PucketT. Pollard, Philen, Peckham, Oliver,Northrup, ettle, . ,ash . :Second Row Third Row: Rogers, Ross, A. Schlesselman, G. Schlesselman, Schoch, Smith, Snider, Summers, Sylvester, Taylor, Tyler, Tyng, Tyrrell, Vaughan . Fourth Row: A. Walker, V. Walker, Wall, Ward, Welder, Wheeler, Wilson, Woods, Woodul, Wray, Wynn, Yarbrough, Yeagley, Zaba. 1 1 1.. Moore, Morris Moore, K. . ,McNair, Menke, M. Miller, Mitchell McElwrath, McBride, Masterson, Maxwell, Martin, . . ,Top Row: B. Martin 1 . . OFFICERS Fall ELIZABETH PETTUS LAWRENCE . . ... ... ....... President . BETSY ROSS. ..... .... . Vice-President. SALLY ROSS RISSER ...... . . ................. Corresponding Secretary .... . ANN HUFENDICK MARY WYNN . Judy Anne Anderson, Abilene Patricia Louise Ashley, Dallas Patti Amanda Birge, Sherman Beverly Ann Brindley, Temple Margaret Sealy Burton, Galveston Shereata Sue Bush, Midland Mary Edna Crawford, Beaumont Dona Lee Croft, Odessa Mary Laura Crutcher, Tyler Daravene Daniel, Austin Bonnie Martha Davis, Abilene Francis Ann Drake, Wellington Acia Lee Elliott, Houston Lura Lynn Etheridge, EI Paso Marilu Joy Felder, Port Arthur Meredith Ferguson, Dallas Carol Louise Fisher, Wichita Falls . . . . . . . . .. Recording Secretary .... . ...............Treasurer . . ...... .. . . PLEDGES Shelley Blount Flato, Corpus Christi Patricia Brooks Freel, Houston Lanette A. Glasscock, San Antonio Catherine Halff, San Antonio Jo-AI Harris, San Angelo Jane Kendall Hufendick, Arlington Linda Lanham, Temple Mary Lynden Luckel, Houston Nancy Malone, Weslaco Stephanie Dent Manget, New Orleans, La. Martha Ann Marks, Midland Mary Stewart Masterson, Angleton Sonya McBride, Brownsville Linda Kay Miller, Dallas Katharine Moore, Houston Elizabeth lone Moreland, Dallas Lucia Ann Nettle, Dallas Spring . ... . . SALLY ROSS RISSER . . MARILYN MORRIS . . NANCY JANE RAY .CAROLYN CARPENTER WILLIAMS . . LINDA LEE FIELDS Eleanor Thornton Oliver, San Antonio Mary Jack Puckett, Corpus Christi Donna Rachel Richardson, Houston Gail Schlesselman, College Station Harriet Schoch, Dallas Sandra Margaret Snider, Fort Worth Martha Welder Steves, San Antonio Sammie Lynn Taylor, Corpus Christi Eleanor Ann Tyler, Austin Anne Charlotte Walker, Beaumont Lyde Hodges Wall, Dallas Jane Murphy Welder, Victoria Doretha Faye Wheeler, Dallas Klata Rae Woodul, Lamesa Kathryn Young Wray, Tyler Anna Louise Yarbrough, Harlingen Page 391 LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1913 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1852 Faculty LOUISE LANDIS ARMSTRONG, Assistant Professor of Home Economics ESTHER JANE WOOD HALL, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Administration LOIS BAIRD TRICE, Assistant Professor of English Curriculum and lnstruction . MILDRED BURL VANCE, Lecturer i MEMBERS Aue, San Antonio .. Betty A Jane Sharon Austin, Houston Carolyn Emerson Boor, Houston WorthBrantley, Fort .. Gladys A Ellen Vail Buel, San Antonio Martha Mitchell Cardwell, Austin Frances Anne Childre, Dallas Carolyn Dice, Austin Dixon, Austin .. Barbara A Marie Josephine Eickmann, Austin Jane Clare Hanapel, Waco Elizabeth Anne Jennings, Trinidad, B.W .I . Hazel Karen Kincheloe, Ardmore, Okla. MasonKothmann, .. Barbara A Virginia Lea Layton, Humble Virginia Lynn Lucas, Baytown Marianne Maclary, Dallas Lorene Meadow, Austin Mari Lyn Melin, Austin Mary Sue Sanders, Columbia, Miss . Ethyl Marie Shapley, Dallas Karen Tenney, San Benito Wichita FallsTurpin, .. Jo A Sara Ellen Walker, Hempstead Top Row: Aue, Boor, Buel, Bugg, Byars, Cardwell. Second Row: Childre, Dice, Durr, Eickmann, Haley, Hanapel. Page 392 PHI MU Top Row: Jones, Kincheloe, Kosh, Kothmann, Lucas, Maclary. Second Row: Melin, Sanders, Sherrod, Speir, Turpin, Walker, Dorothy Whalley. . 1 OFFICERS 1 . Spring ...... . ......... .... .. .... .. . . President . .. . ..... . . . ......................LORENE MEADOW .. Fa CAROL YN DICE BETTY ANN AUE ....... .... .......... ........ Vice-President . ..........................VIRGINIA LEA LAYTON MARY SUE SANDERS .......................... Corresponding Secretary .................BARBARA ANN DIXON VIRGINIA LEA LAYTON ...... .... .. ........... Recording Secretary ........................MARY SUE SANDERS HAZEL KAREN KINCHELOE . .. .. . .... ... ........ Treasurer ...... ... ....... . . ............VIRGINIA LYNN LUCAS PLEDGES yn Ann Herndon, Bryan . Margaret Ann Brayshaw, San Antonio Caro Bugg, Houston .Jane Caro o ..izabeth Kay Jones, Amari .E anco .is Ann Byars, B ..Phy Margaret Mary Kosh, Hempstead . ...,e ..Janice Kay Durr, Edwardsvi as ..sen, Da .Janice Louise Miche ey, Fort Worth .Margaret Whitton Ha veston .Mary Jane Sherrod, Ga Jo Ann Speir, Borger SPRING PLEDGE Austin .,. Veda Letitia Russe . Page 393 LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1902 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1867 Madeleine Wright Abell, Wharton Ann Allen, Roswell, N. M. Marilyn Edith Allen, San Antonio Mary Claudia Allen, Fort Worth Cora louise Amerman, Houston Kathryn Ann Barragan, San Antonio Evelyn Elsie Beular, Houston Marion Kathleen Bostick, Houston Elizabeth Ann Brown, Austin Patricia Ann Bush, Dallas Amy Weichsel Campbell, lampasas Patty Mays Cartwright, Terrell Elizabeth Cheek, Fort Worth Margaret Suzanne Cocke, Austin Jo Anna Cone, Fort Worth Cornelia Ann Cummins, Fort Worth Anne McKeever Darby, Houston Elizabeth Downer, Shreveport, la. Anne Stuart Dryden, Waco Elizabeth Ann Dudgeon, Waco Carolyn Sue Echols, Ysleta lida lacy Edmundson, Houston Kate Elledge, Houston Judith lynn Eplen, Abilene Evangeline Ford, la Marque Nancy Carolyn Foy, Brownwood. Nancy Marie Garrard, Tyler Susan Blackshear Garrelt, Danbury Maline Gilbert, Austin Adrienne Gay Gooch, Tyler Ann Marie Gordon, Abilene Geneva Jill Grainger, Tyler Janet M. Guthrie, Austin Ann Hamilton, EI Paso MEMBERS Patricia Diana Hawn, Dallas Barbara Henderson, Hauston Katherine Howard, Tyler Josephine Moore Howell, Bryan Nancy Bryon Hunt, Senora Gertrude Gaston Jockson, Dallas Morie louise James, San Antonio Judy Jerabeck, Houston Noncy Beth Johnson, Dallas Ayree Jone Klotz, Henderson Shirley Jeon Kohler, Houston Virginio Vinson lawhon, Houston Colette Renee lebourg, Houston Charlotte Elizabeth lee, Wichita Falls Corolita linda link, Weslaco Bonnie Rhea liston, Amarillo Joon Elaine loffland, Fort Worth Carol lynn lyles, Austin Mary leila Moginnis, Beaumont lou Ann Martin, Wichita Folls Solly Koy Maxwell, Hamilton Ann McFodden, Dollas Joyce Adrienne McNamara, Dallas Mary Ann Michaelis, Galveston Bebe Denmon Moody, Houston Rhetto Allan Moody, Houston Carol Ann Moore, Son Antonio Marilyn Morie Mueller, San Antonio Ellen Genevieve Munson, San Antonio Judith Murph, Dallas Morianne Muse, longview Martho Kay Northington, Bollinger Nancy Esther Nunnery, Houston Marianne Oeland, Houston Marietta Payne, Austin ret Clare Perkins, Alice . Marg Nancy Matilda Philen, Brownsville Elina Sally Pitts, Beaumont lynn louise Porter, Bryan Suzanne Revelle, Austin Katherine Kelly Rhine, Hauston Jane Frances Riddle, Houston Carol Jean Robinson, San Antonio Jean Burke Rogers, San Antonio Judy Sue Rust, Texas City lynn Rutland, Dallas Caral Elizabeth Sandlin, Houston Susan Searls, Houston Elizabeth Anne Shatto, Columbus Jeanette Patricia Shaok, San Antania Carolyn Glenn Smith, Galveston Helen Townes Smith, Houston Margaret Sue Stell, Houston lady Gretchen Steinhagen, Beaumont Jane Stotts, Dallas Sandra Elizabeth Street, Graham Sally Byrd Sultan, Houston Patricia Ann Victory, Hauston Patricia Vigean, San Antonio Betty Kyle Walker, Waco Nancy Weber, Austin Alice lockett Wheless, Houston Virginia Rae Wiley, Austin Julia Quay Williams, Brownwood Marilyn Williams, Abilene Jane Elaine Yeaton, Austin Top Row: Abell, Allen, M. E. Allen, Amerman, Ansley, Barragan, Bahan, Beu lar, Bostick, Bright, Brown, Broyles, Campbell. .Elledge, Field Echols, Edmundson, Dudgeon,Dayvault, Davis,Darby,,Cummins ., Second Row: Cheek, Chiles, Cone. Cotto •Grainger, Guthrie, . , Gordo Garrard, Garrett, Gil bert, Gooch ., Third Row: E. Ford, F. Ford, Foster, Foy, Fullingim, Fulto Fourth Row: Hall, Hawn, Henderson, Hill, Hodges, James, Jeffers, Johnson, E. Jon•s, L. Jones, Kean, Klotz, Knight• Page 394 PI BETA PHI Top Row: Lawhon, Link, Loffland, Lyles, Maginnis, Martin, Mayes, McFarland, Michaelis, R. Moody, Moore, Mueller. Second Row: Munson, Muse, Newton, Northington, Nunnery, Oeland, Oliver, Perkins, Perlitz, Pitts, L. Porter, Ray, Reed. Third Row: Rhine, Riddle, Robinson, Rogers, Rutland, Schuhmacher, Searls, Searcy, Shatto, Shaw, Shook, C. Smith, S. Smith. Fourth Row: Stell, Stephenson, Stotts, Street, Taylor, Thomas, 8. Walker, P. Walker, Walling, Ward, Wiley, Windfohr, Yeaton. .. 1 OFFJCERS Fall Spring PATTY MAYS CARTWRIGHT . . . . . . . . . . . . President . . ........ . . ...... ...MARGARET CLARE PERKINS PATRICIA ANN BUSH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice-President ...................... ELLEN GENEVIEVE MUNSON MARGARET CLARE PERKINS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corresponding Secretary. . . . . . . . . . . . .. ELIZABETH ANN BROWN ELIZABETH ANN DUDGEON. . .............. ... Recording Secretary .... ................NANCY MATILDA PHILEN PATRICIA VIGEON .......................... Treasurer... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EVANGELINE FORD PLEDGES Annabelle Ansley, San Antonio Marjorie Sharon Hall, Sherman Susan Woods Ray, Houston Mary Jane Bahan, San Antonio Nancy Elizabeth Hill, San Antonio Susan Roberts Reed, Austin Jean Ellis Bright, Austin Elizabeth Macey Hodges, Auslin Johanne Repper, Fort Worth Edith Ann Broyles, Longview Anne Frances Jeffers, San Antonio Katherine Schuhmacher, San Antanio Katherine Barry Bush, Dallas Elizabeth Thomson Jones, Dallas Catherine Elizabeth Searcy, San Antonio Ann Ch iles, Auslin laila Elizabeth Jones, Waco Julie Shaw, Houston Nancy Jean Cotton, Dallas Alice Therese Kean, Dallas Susan El izabeth Shirley, Galveston Yvonne Denise Davis, Sonora Anne Knight, Austin Sharan Lee Smith, Houston Helen Pot Dayvault, Houston Jo Ann Liese, Hauston Beverly Ann Stephenson, Baytown Judith Anne Easterling, Corpus Chrisli Jane Lynn Mayes, Corpus Christi Hilda Gail Swenson, Stamford Deirdre Damaris Field, Paris, France Mary Kay Mcfarland, Houston Margaret Ann Taylor, Dallas Faith Ford, La Marque Anne Terrell McKnight, Dallas lynn Terrell, Forl Worth Maydelle Vaughan Foster, San Antonio .Jane Ann Newton, St. Louis, Mo Anne Thomas, Houston Patricia Bernayz Fullingim, Odessa Jessie Fay Oliver, Midland Patricia Walker, San Antonio Carmen Wren Fulton, Midland Carol Peacock, San Antonio Lynn Walling, Houston Carolyn Carroll Garrett, Danbury w Perl;tz, Houston .Nina Garr Lou Anne Ward, Tyler Sally Dugger Gray, Corpus Christi Lois Bute Porler, Houslon Anne Burnett Windfohr, Fort Worth SPRING PLEDGES Penelope Hale Brooks, Abilene Betty Mildred Lanier, McAllen Page 395 LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1939 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1917 Judy Elaine Abrams, Corpus Christi Marlene Beverly Adels, Tyler Joyce Deanna Daily, Richmond Arla Faye Edelman, University City, Mo. Ellen Brodie Eichholz, Savannah, Ga. Jill Sue Fenias, Miami Beach, Fla. Miriam Dolly Gordon, Houston Barbara Ann Halperin, San Antonio Bayla Handler, Fort Worth Elaine Rose Kaplan, Tullahoma, Tenn. Sheila Harriet Karotkin, San Antonio Edrea Dale Kessler, Atlanta, Ga. Sheryl Barbara Krandle, Houston Sabra Joy Lande, San Antonio Sandra llene Lasky, Austin Judith Gay Lewis, Omaha, Nebr. Jo Ann Lipinsky, Waco MEMBERS Julie Anna Lipner, Corpus Christi Sonya Lisa Lipnick, Galveston Susan Harriet Miller, Beaumont Judith Adele Peine, Houston Harriette Sue Pullen, San Antonio Ellen Joy Rothman, Miami, Fla. Marilyn Faye Saikin, Abilene Suzanne Meryl Saikin, Fort Worth Martha Lynn Scharlack, San Antonio Sharon Lee Scharlack, San Antonio Lynn Schneider, St. Louis, Mo. lris Dee Selber, Jacksonville, Fla. Marcia Anne Solka, Refugio Joyce Ray Tenenbaum, Pharr Vivien Jean Weinberger, San Antonio Lois Ann Weiss, San Antonio Top Row : Adels, Badash, Barkin, Barshop, Bierner, Birnbaum, Black, Daily, Danziger, Dauman, Felt, Fenias. Second Row: L. Goldberg, N. Goldberg, Gordon, Greenberg, Grossman, Halperin, Hirschfeld, Kaplan, Karotkin, Kessler, Krandel, Lande. Poge 396 ."" SIGMA DELTA TAU Top Row: Lipinsky, Lipner, Lipnick, Martin, Miller, Mirkin, Perlman, Rosenbaum, Rosenblum, Roth, H. Saikin, M. Saikin. Second Row: Samuelson, S. Scharlack, Schlosberg, Schneider, Schwartz, Selber, Smith, Socol, Solka, Tenenbaum, Trifon, Weinberger, Yonet. OFFICERS Fall Spring MARLENE BEVERLY ADELS . . . ..... . . . .......... President ...................... ..... ......JUDITH ADEL PEINE ELAINE ROSE KAPLAN .. ............. ......... Vice-President .......................... ...... J ILL SUE FENIAS MARCIA ANNE SOLKA ........................ Corresponding Secretary .................. HARRIETTE SUE PULLEN SHARON LEE SCHARLACK . ........... ......... Recording Secretary ................... BARBARA ANN HALPERIN JUDITH ADELE PEINE ............ ............. Treasurer .................. ....... ........ JULIE ANNA LIPNER PLEDGES Kate Sydney Badash, Houston Frances Lynn Glick, Houston Susan Lila Roth, Dallas Temme Barkin, Atlanta, Ga. Linda Carole Goldberg, Atlanta, Ga. Harriet Saikin, Abilene Barbara Sue Barshop, San Antonio Naomi Leah Goldberg, Atlanta, Ga. Beverly Ann Samuelson, Houston Barbara Sue Bierner, Dallas Natalie lris Greenberg, Fort Worth M. Claire Schlosberg, Pine Bluff, Ark. Sandra Lynne Birnbaum, San Antonio Joyce Grossman, Birmingham, Ala. Elaine Schwartz, Fort Worth Barbara Ann Black, Houston Teresa Jean Hirschfeld, Austin Lana Merra Smith, Austin Betsy Lana Danziger, San Antonio Patricia Rolfe Martin, Houston Gwendolyn Socol, Breckenridge Judith Ann Dauman, Yonkers, New York Marilynn Mirkin, Tulsa, Okla. Helene Laurie Spaulter, Denver, Colo. Barbara Lynn Efron, San Antonio Betsy Perlman, Houston Elenor Lynn T rifon, Houston Sandra Lee Epstein, San Antonio Linda Rae Rosenbaum, Omaha, Nebr. Barbara Sue Weinstein, Denver, Colo. Rhonda Jo Felt, Houston Joyce Ann Rosenblum, Corsicana Phyllis Lynn Yonet, Houston SPRING PLEDGES Golda Handler, Fort Worth Brenda Sandler, Fort Worth Page 397 LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1906 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1898 Faculty MARY MARGARET FRAZIER, Advertising Manager, Texas Student Publications, lnc. MARJORIE D. PARKER, Special lnstructor in Speech Sallye Lou Atkinson, Houston Charlotte Barker, Austin Anne Elizabeth Beard, Dallas Millicent Ann Bleakney, Harlingen Marilyn Ann Boyle, San Antonio Eloise Wilson Brackenridge, Taylor Barbara Sue Broadway, Madisonville Joanne Katherine Brown, Victoria Beverly Ann Butler, San Antonio Nancy Lee Callaway, Dallas Janine Chapman, San Antonio Berniece Claire Childs, Shreveport, La. Roxie Margaret Clark, Lockhart Katherine Jane Cook, Atlanta Charlotte Ann Cox, Austin Jane Clarice Craver, Texarkana Marion Claire Davis, Corpus Christi Martha Gray Davis, Baytown Dorothy Dawson, San Antonio Sharon Beth Dehnisch, Mathis Nancy Clay Dill, Austin Harriet Ann Eliot, Midland Sally Jean Ely, Tyler Jean Barrillon Felder, Palestine Lynell Fillmore, Wichita Falls Claudia Lynne Fletcher, Midland MEMBERS Marjorie Anne Foster, Galveston Gretchen O'Hara Gerlach, Livingston Deanna Lee Gorbett, Fort Worth Mary Margaret Grodahl, Corpus Christi Frances Skillman Harris, Houston Leta Louise Harwell, Austin Carolyn Lorraine Hendrie, Houston Erin Higgins, Austin Margaret Lutetia Hightower, Dallas Martha Josephine Hood, San Benito Jerry Lillian Jones, Beaumont Sandra Kay Jones, Electra Sara Esther Keys, Austin Ann Cole Lentz, Victoria Joan Denys Lentz, Victoria Ann Jarvis Manning, Hubbard Donna Carol Manske, McGregor Charline Cartter Markle, Houston Katherine Marie Matthew, Yoakum Laura Lorene McCormick, Abilene Carol McCullough, Bryan Kay Zechlyn Mills, Del Rio Jane Ann Moore, Austin Martha Lockett Mossom, Dallas Carol Ann Neville, Midland Danya Monroe Nicholson, Austin Martha Elizabeth Overstreet, Austin Margaret Abbe Parker, Austin Martha Louise Parrish, Galveston Mary Jean Payne, Kilgore Sherrill Claire Peavy, Lufkin Carol Jane Pitts, Bellaire Laura Preston, Newgulf Ann Ratliff, Eldorado Marcia Anne Reynolds, Austin lvy Rogers, Huntsville Diane Lucille Roshton, Bellaire Sara Grace Sandlin, Mt. Pleasant Maxine Elizabeth Schuhmann, East Bernard Anita Ruth Smith, San Antonio Nancy LaNell Stanley, Wichita Falls Suzanne Lee Stark, San Antonio Sandra Lynn Stolz, Houston Helen Patricia Summers, Houston Carol Ann Tanksley, Del Rio Sandra Lee Vail, Houston Beth Van Horn, Odessa Lynda Lou Walker, Texarkana Bette Jan Wiggins, Beaumont Jane Catherine Wilson, Beaumont Dorothy Jean Winston, Abilene Top Row: Atkinson, Aucoin, Beard, Blazek, Bleakney, Boyle, Brackenridge, Broadway, P. Brown, Burt, Butler, Calkins, Chapman, Childs. Second Row · Cook, Cox, Cramer, Craver, Crews, Cunningham, M. C. Davis, M. G. Davis, Dawson, Dehnisch, Dill, Dunlap, Edwards, Elder. Third Row: Eliot, Ellison, Ely, Felder, Fillmore, Flynn, Foster, Gerlach, Glass, Gorbett, Grodahl, Hammond, Harwell, Heltzel. Fourth Row: Hendrie, Hightower, Hill, Hollingsworth, Holloway, Hood, Harris, Johnson, Jolley, C. Jones, R. Jones, Kramer, Camp, A. Lentz. Poge 398 ZETA TAU ALPHA .icholson, Oden, J. Parker, M. Parker, Parrish, Patton, Payne, Pike, Pitts, Pounds, Preston, Ratliff, Reynolds . ,Second Row: Myers Third Row: Rice, Roshton, Sandlin, Schmidt, Schuhmann, Seidel, Smith, Stallings, Stanley, Stark, Stolr, Stuart, Sullivan, Summers. Fourth Row: Tanksley, Vail, Van Gundy, Van Horn, Vogel, Walker, Ward, White, Wiggins, Wilkes, A. Williams, M. Williams, A. Wilson, J. Wilson . OFFICERS Fall Spring DANYA MONROE NICHOLSON .... . . .. . . President . . . .. . . . ....•........... . . . .. BERNIECE CLAIRE CHILDS CAROLYN LORRAINE HENDRIE . . . Vice-President. . . .•.. . . .. . .. .... . . NANCY LANELL STANLEY LAURA LO RENE McCORMICK ............ ........ Corresponding Secretary. . . . .. ....•..•.......... JOAN DENYS LENTZ DIANE LUCILLE ROSHTON. . ..•.....•......... Recording Secretary ..................... ...........LYNELL FILLMORE JANE CLARICE CRAVER .. . ... . .... . .... . .......Treasurer ... ........... . .. . . ..... . ....... . . SANDRA LEE VAIL PLEDGES Anne Marie Aucoin, Houston Emmalee Jeanette Heltzel, Cisco Constance Yvonne Patton, Houston Delara Elizabeth Blazek, Liberty Jane Andrea Hill, Dallas Marida Ann Pike, Fort Worth Peggy Frances Brown, Victaria Dianne Hollingsworth, Harlingen Penelope Pounds, San Antonio Elizabeth Louise Burt, New Braunfels Mary Loretta Holloway, Dallas Pamela Rice, Longview Marjorie Diane Cade, La Porte Gayle Johnson, Corpus Christi Gail Kathleen Schmidt, Austin Carol Ann Calkins, Wichita Falls Judith Carol Jolley, Dallas Suzann Tiemann Seidel, Brenham Katheryne Elizabeth Camp, Cameron Catherine Frances Jones, San Antonio Patricia Stallings, Abilene Mary Lee Cramer, Harlingen Robin Jones, Austin Amanda Gay Stuart, Houston Mary Margaret Crews, West Columbia Eleanor Elizabeth Kramer, Houston Mary Kathleen Sullivan, San Antonio Evelyn Lavena Cunningham, Brownsville Jo Ann Lyle, Tyler Flo Christian Van Gundy, San Marcos Joan Dunlap, Dallas Selwyn Ann Martineau, Corpus Christi Mary Elizabeth Vogel, Lockhart Eleanor Kathleen Edwards, Fort Worth Rebecca Gail McDowell, Dallas Mary Jo Ward, Ozona Joan Louise Elder, Houston Margaret Wallis McGinley, Dallas Suzanne White, Houston Mary Clementine Ellison, Texarkana Phyllis Lee McGuire, San Antonio Jana Maurine Wilkes, Fort Worth Theresa Elizabeth Flynn, Houston Rachel Frances Myers, Beaumont Ann O'Cannor Williams, Victoria Nancy Anne Giass, San Antonio Gretchen Marie Oden, Atlanta Mary Ann Williams, Corsicana Susan VandP.ver Hammond, San Antonio Julie Ann Parker, Austin Alice Carol Wilson, Houston SPRING PLEDGES Willie Lorene Coym, Alice Sharon lee Edson, Corpus Christi l Smither, Huntsville .Betty Ga Top Row : J. Lentr, Manning, Manske, Markle, Martineau, Matthew, McCormick, McCullough, McDowell, McGinley, McGuire, Mills, Moore, Mossom. 1 . . . Page 399 PANHELLENIC COUNCIL OFFICERS Fall Spring MIRIAM DOLLY GORDON . .... .... . .... . ...... President . . ............ . ...... . .... . . SHARON BETH DEHNISCH JOYCE LYNN STREUSAND ..................... Vice-President..........................JANE FRANCES SPACEK SARA ROSS ................................. Secretary ...........................CAROLE STEWART KEETON ELEANOR MARILYN ANDERSON ................Treasurer .. . . . ........... . .. ... ....... EDNA FRANCES SAMPLE FALL MEMBERS Senior Junior PATSY RUTH FELT." ""." ".". ".". "Alpha Chi Omega " .. "."".". . "". " .M. SUE BECKER BARBARA D'ANNE LEVIN .......... ... .........Alpha Delta Pi ..... . .. .... ........ . ...VIRGINIA ANN PEARSON JOYCE LYNN STREUSAND ............... ...... Alpha Epsilon Phi ..... . . .. . ... .... .. ..........SUE GOLDSTEIN JO ANN MYRICK ............................ Alpha Gamma Delta ...... ......... .. ...JANE FRANCES SPACEK BETHANYANN BARGER ....................... Alpha Omicron Pi .......................... PHYLLIS JOAN KEMP SARA ROSS .............. .. . .... ..... .......Alpha Phi .. . ......... ... ... ... .....MELINDA LOUISE BURKHART SHARON SUE VOYLES .......... ... .......... . Chi Omega . . ...... . ..... .. .........CAROLE STEWART KEETON LUCY ANN COLLINS . . . . .................. . ... Delta Delta Delta ... . .. . . . .............MARGARET ANN WHITE DIANE DOHERTY ... . .........................Delta Gamma .. . . . .. . .... .. .. .. ........BETTY ANN WILLMANN ANITA RUTH KAPLAN ... . ........... .... .. ... . Delta Phi Epsilon . . ........... . ...... . . .. . . . ELKA FARGOTSTEIN ELEANOR MARILYN ANDERSON . .......... . . ... Delta Zeta ......... .. .. .... ....... . . .JANAT JACLYNN AUSTIN EDNA FRANCES SAMPLE ... . . . ... .. ...........Gamma Phi Beta ........... .. . ... . ....VIRGINIA SCOTT MASSEY MARILYN MINNETTE FLAITZ .. .. .... . . ..... ..... Kappa Alpha Theta .......... .. . ... .........JUDY WHITEHURST MARY GAY MAXWELL ........................ Kappa Kappa Gamma .................. MARY KATHRYN MILLER LORENE MEADOW . .............. ............Phi Mu ........... .. .. . ... . ......MARTHA MITCHELL CARDWELL JOSEPHINE MOORE HOWELL .. .. . ... .......... Pi Beta Phi . .. .. . .. . ...... . . .. . ... ............MALINE GILBERT MIRIAM DOLLY GORDON ...... . . . ..... . ....... Sigma Delta Tau . . . . . . . . . . .............ELLEN BRODIE EICHHOLZ SHARON BETH DEHNISCH .....................Zeta Tau Alpha ............................ HARRIET ANN ELIOT SPRING MEMBERS MARILYN SUE BECKER ........................Alpha Chi Omega. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. EVA GAYLE MAXEY VIRGINIA ANN PEARSON .....................Alpha Delta Pi .......................... CAROL ANN SULLIVAN JANE SPITZBERG ........... ..... .............Alpha Epsilon Phi . ... .. ............ . .... . . . HARRIET LIEBERMAN JANE FRANCES SPACEK ....................... Alpha Gamma Delta .. ..................PATRICIA WYNN RUSCH PHYLLIS JOAN KEMP.'. ........................Alpha Omicron Pi ......................... DELORES ANN CARR MELINDA LOUISE BURKHART . . ...... .. .. .. ..... Alpha Phi ........ . ..... . .. . . .. ........LINDA SUZANNE TIXIER CAROLE STEWART KEETON ......... ... ... . ... . Chi Omega ............... . . . . .. .........SHARON SUE SEARS MARGARET ANN WHITE ......................Delta Delta Delta ...... .. .. . . ..........ANN ELLEN ARMSTRONG JANIECE BELLE SIMMONS ................ .. ... Delta Gamma .......................... DIANA GAIL PARSONS ANIT A RUTH KAPLAN .. . ......... .. ... .. . . .... Delta Phi Epsilon ....... .... .... ...........ELKA FARGOTSTEIN DIANA VOLLINTINE ... . .. . ...................Delta Zeta ... .. ........... . . .. ... . .. REBECCA ANN REYNOLDS EDNA FRANCES SAMPLE ......... .. .......... . Gamma Phi Beta . . ........... ... . .............BETTYE SWALES JUDY WHITEHURST ........................... Kappa Alpha Theta ................... MARGARET STRECKMANN MARY GAY MAXWELL ........................ Kappa Kappa Gamma ......... .............ANN KAREN HAUN MARTHA MITCHELL CARDWELL ................. Phi Mu. . . . . . . . ..............................CAROLYN DICE MALINE GILBERT ... . .. .. .... ..... ....... . ... . Pi Beta Phi . . . ..... ................. ... NANCY ELIZABETH HILL SABRA JOY LANDE ........................... Sigma Delta T au ..................... .. M. CLAIRE SCHLOSBERG SHARON DEHNISCH .......................... Zeta T au Alpha ...... ............DANYA MONROE NICHOLSON Page 400 iam Thomas Atkinson, Pampa .. Wi Jr., Pampa m Brown, . co . Richard Ma Austin .,. ph Campbe . Thomas Ra a .. a, Cotu .. iam Lawrence Cotu .. Wi s .. Travis Roy Crawford, Grandfa John Wesley Dale, Falfurrias Robert E. Edwards, Austin es Curry Erickson, Perryton . Char owers, Medina . ter E. F . Wa Jerry Gene Foose, White Deer T erry Norman Forrester, Pampa LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1916 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1904 Faculty HENRY MATTHEW BURLAGE, Dean, College of Pharmacy KARL M. DALLENBACH, Professor of Psychology WAYNE H. HOL TZMAN, Associate Professor of Psychology HARRY L. KENT, JR., Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering LEONARDT FERDINAND KREISEL, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering E. KARL McGINNIS, Professor Emeritus of Business Law ARLIE RAY McTEE, Lecturer in Journalism THOMAS ANDREW ROUSSE, Professor of Speech Engineering . JACK A. SCANLAN, Associate Professor of Mechanica oyment Bureau . JOHN G. STEELE, Director, Student Emp MEMBERS Vernon Eugene Grove, Austin Kenneth Warren Nordeman, Austin Price, Paris e David Shannon .. liam Green Hanshaw, Raymondvi . Wi as .. d Eugene Robertson, Lake Da . Austin Dona .,. Mike Austin Hatche ington .. Weey Savage, . gin Robert Wes . EHenry,E. .. Bi Austiney, .. hart Terrence Edward Sma . ter Tom Henson, Da . Wa Eugene Boyd Smith, Fort Worth .... ,oway, Evanston . Hol . Richard Ear Stith, Rosenberg ainview David Forrest . in Landers, P . iam Frank .. Wi Norman Everett Long, LaMarque Louis Edward Stout, Kansas City, Kan . City . Crysta .,.. ,or . d Harrison Tay . ington Dona . d Arthur Lowe, Ar . Gera Corpus Christiis, .. Wi . Lowei . es Hayes Madray, Jr., San Antonio Michae . Gi Dimmitte, . Throckmorton Larry Leon Wombter Merriman, . Wa . Michae Top Row: R. Akin, C. Akin, R. Brown, Bruton, Bryan, Campbell, Cotulla, Crawford, Dale, Edwards, Flowers. Second Row: Foose, Forrester, Hanshaw, Harbison, Hassell, Henry, Henson, Holloway, Hooper Landers, Long. Page 402 ACACIA .ordeman, Oates, Pierce, Reichert, Robertson, Rodman, Russell . ,Top Row: Lowe, Madray, Manning, Mayfield .on, Skaggs, Sloan, Smith, Stith, Stout, D. Taylor, A. Taylor, Willis, Wills, Womble . Second Row: Savage, Shan OFFICERS Fall Spring LOUIS EDWARD STOUT .. ... .. .... ... .. ....... Venerable Dean. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EUGENE BOYD SMITH NORMAN EVERETT LONG .................... . Senior Dean .... .. ... . .. ...... ........TRAVIS ROY CRAWFORD RICHARD EARL HOLLOWAY.................... Secretary ...................... DONALD HARRISON TAYLOR, 111 LARRY LEON WOMBLE ..... ................ ... Treasurer. . ................... GILES HAYES MADRAY, JR. PLEDGES John K. Adair, San Antonio William Joe Harper, Sulphur Springs Roy Samuel Rodman, Jr., Austin Charles Snow Akin, Terrell Willis Lee Hassell, Pampa Spruell Alton Russell, Jr., Rosenberg Robert Harry Akin, Austin William Henry Hooper, Plainview Joe Shannon, Jr., Fort Worth Gary Ronald Brown, San Antonio Dewayne Nelson Manning, Lampasas Marvin Richard Skaggs, Texas City Fred N. Bruton, Throckmorton eld, Johnson City.fThomas Barker May Riley Gene Sloan, Carlsbad, N. M. James Dean Bryan, Dallas Anthony Brent Oates, Pampa Allen Ray Taylor, Killeen Alexander Cooper Cason, IV, Austin Edwin Franklin Pierce, Plainview Billy Gene Wills, Dalhart Bobby Lee Harbison, Royalty Rex Kyle Reichert, San Juan SPRING PLEDGES Thomas Rodney Bullington, Texas City Marion David Standridge, Teague Robert Thomas Harper, Sulphur Springs Fred M. Talkington, Fort Worth Pago 403 LOCAL ESTABLI SHMENT, 1939 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1913 MEMBERS Jerry Allen Argovitz, Borger Jerald Mayer Lynn, Dallas Harold Wesley Ashendorf, Corsicana Jerry Blake Mark, Dallas Samuel Donald Axelrad, Houston Les Mendelsohn, Houston Gerald Wayne Benson, Dallas Jerry Prager, Dallas Edwin Byrl Bercovici, Omaha, Nebr. Fred Joseph Pauly, Houston Kenneth Carl Berretta, Houston Bernard lrving Rabinowitz, Galveston lsrael Reuben Doner, Galveston Gerald Morris Reed, Houston Kenneth Roy Glaser, Dallas Jerry William Schwartz, Austin Jacob Joel Goldfinger, Farmersville Edwin Michael Sigel, Dallas Marvin Aaron Goodman, Houston Max Simon, Elg in Stanley Robert Harris, Dallas Sheldon Stuart Smith, Austin William H. Helfman, Houston Robert Steven Steinman, Dallas Richard Marcus Hermer, Dallas Robert William Swango, Dal las Martin Hirschhorn, Houston Roland Taub, Houston Jay Marshall Hoppenstein, Dallas Lawrence Jay Tobias, Dallas Albert David Krafcheck, Houston Arthur lrvin Ungerman, Dallas Sidney Warren Krams, Corpus Christi Joe Mayer Victor, Houston Robert Alan Leder, Dalhart Howard Alan Weinberger, Dallas Alvin Maury Levine, Weslaco Herbert David Weitzman, Dallas Donald Love, Dallas Herbert Wolfe W izig, Waco Alvin Leon Luskey, Fort Worth Top Row: Argovitr, Ashendorf, Axelrod, Benson, Bercovici, Brown, Cohen, Deutsch, Doner, fischmon. Second Row: Fizdole, L. Goodmon, M. Goodmon, Horris, Hermcr, Hogue, Kosmon, Kroms, Lerner, A. Levine. Page 404 ALPHA EPSILON PI Lubel, Moss eff, Pouly, Perel, Robinowitz, Reed, Ringler, Rosenberg, Rosen• . ,Lewis, w:Top Ro.Yictor, Weitzman, Wizig, Zeller Tobias, Toub, J.ongo, Schwortz, Senior, Simon, Smith, Sw. . :Second Row OFFICERS Fall Spring DONALD LOVE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Master ..........................HAROLD WESLEY ASHENDORF SIDNEY WARREN KRAMS ........... ........... Lieutenant Master ................ ... SAMUEL DONALD AXELRAD ALBERT DAVID KRAFCHECK .......... .......... Scribe ...........................MARVIN AARON GOODMAN JACOB JOEL GOLDFINGER .................... Exchequer .................... . . . JACOB JOEL GOLDFINGER PLEDGES Robert Talbot Brown, Houston Louis D. Lerner, Houston Walter Melton Rosen, Houston Martin Bennett Cohen, Dallas Ronnie Noel Levine, Borger David Howard Rosenberg, Dallas Harvey Elliot Deutsch, Dallas Elliott Donald Lewis, Birmingham, Ala. Martin Jacob Schaffer, Dallas Lawrence S. Fischman, Dallas Richard Alan Lubel, San Antonio Neumann Alfred Schwartz, Richard Guy Fizdale, Houston Daniel Moss, Houston Oklahoma City, Okla. Joseph E. Goldman, Dallas Leonard Stephen Neff, Houston Malcolm Senior, Dallas Lawrence Goodman, San Antonio Steve Perel, Victoria Jerry Joe T aub, Houston James Melvin Hogue, Dallas Herman Ringler, Denison Harvey Charles Zeller, Houston Franklin Gerald Kasman, Bay City Alan David Rosen, Houston SPRING PLEDGE Michael Joseph London, Austin Page 405 Frank Mulkey Abbott, Houston Tom Coke Allen, Beaumont Gene Nealy Allison, Houston Jim Choyce Allison, Houston Fred Norman Ankenman, Houston Samuel Jackson Arnold, Houston James Earle Barden, Houston Russell Sterling Barnett, Houston Charles Edward Botefuhr, Dallas James Parmenas Briscoe, Alvin James Henry Brock, Houston James Hal Byrd, Houston Thomas Edwin Campbell, Dallas John Thomas Cater, San Antonio Joe Dodson Clayton, Tulia John Thomas Coats, Dallas Houston .,.. ,Ernest Allen Cole Maurice Wayne Cole, Jr., Austin Gerald Glynn Crutsinger, Wichita Falls John Lee Davis, Houston William Powers Denison, Jr., Houston er, Austin . Denson Powell Ding Richard Westbrook Emery, Dallas William Wren Fair, Dallas Charles Warren Ferguson, San Antonio Ramon Alton Fiveash, Jacksonville, Fla . LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1897 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1865 Faculty EDWARD GARLAND FLETCHER, Associate Professor of English W. PAGE KEETON, Dean, School of Law H. MALCOLM MacDONALD, Professor of Government LL STOUGH, JR., Associate Professor of Naval Science . COMMANDER BEN H ELD WALKER, Associate Professor of Finance . NF . ERNEST W FRANK HARPER WARDLAW, Director, University Press The University of TexasLSON, President, . LOGAN W MEMBERS , Jr., Austin Kerrville Marion Stanton Roberts .,.. ,John Richard Furman James Don ey Gardner, Dallas Donald Eugene Roper, Houston . Angleton Eugene Walter Schutze, Austin .,.. ,James Ray Gayle William Lawrence Green, Houston Winton Forrest Scott, Jr., Fort Worth Jay Henry Harris, Jr., Houston Fredric Henry Seewald, Jr., Beaumont Milton William S. Hawkins, Huntington Frank Mills Shallene, Austin Houston Don Hargrove Smith, Eagle Lake ., Otis Gillette Hil Jefferson Davis Howell, Jr., Victoria George William Smith, Houston Richard Cornwell Jennings , Ned Smith, Corpus Christi Corpus Christi Robert W. Spencer, Freeport William Max Jennings, Corpus Christi Michael Bailey Stone, Houston James Frederick Johnson, Belen, N. Mex. Charles Julius Strack, Beaumont Beaumont .,.. ,Roy Briley Johnson, Morton Beeman Ewell Strong John Richard Jones, Corpus Christi William Allan Taylor, Mt. Pleasant Victor Scott Kneese, Dallas Richard Maurice Walden, Donald Richard Knight, Houston Chickasha, Okla. Tom Calloway Lea, EI Paso Robert Benton Wall, Beaumont Theodore Charles Lucas, Houston William Leonard Walton, Port Arthur Dudley Davis McCalla, Austin Joe Kelton Wells, Austin Michael Ellsworth McCrory, Houston James Roy White, Austin Gustavus Adolphus Northcott Mcfadden, Terrence Fair Wood, Corpus ChristiBeaumont David Wright Woodland, Lake Jackson Bruce Wade Nelson, Beaumont Samuel Burton Paternostro, Dallas Tracy Triece Word, Houston Pau Lee Yarborough, Little .f eld . Phy, Stamford Paul William Louis Mickey Ratliff, Jr., Little.f eld Farrile Schmidler Young, Houston Top Row : Abbott, Allen, G. Allison, J. Allison, Ankenman, C. Arnold, Barnett, Bell, Blackaller. Brock. Second Row: T. Campbell, W. Campbell, Cass, Cater, Clayton, Coates, C. Cole, E. Cole, M. Cole, Collins. Third Row: Davis, Denison, Dingler, R. L. Emery, R. W. Emery, Ferguson, Gardner, Gayle, Harris, Hill. Pago 406 ALPHA TAU OMEGA elson . ,Top Row: Howell, R. Jennings, W. Jennings, Kaindl, Kneese, Knight, Lea, Lowry, Lucas Second Row: Collins, Ratliff, Roper, Schutze, Seewald, Shallene, Sims, G. Smith J. Smith, Spalding, Spencer • Third Row : Strack, Stripling, Strong, Toole, Walden, Walton, Wells, Wilder, Word. CERS . OFF Fall Spring ... ,Worthy Master .. ..... .............. BEEMAN EWELL STRONG................. ... ,BEEMAN EWELL STRONG .DLER YOUNG, JR . LE SCHM . R WOOD .. ............. ........ Worthy Chaplin ............ ..... FARR . TERRENCE FA LOUIS MICKEY RATLIFF, JR..................... Worthy Scribe ................ ....... LOUIS MICKEY RATLIFF, JR. DONALD EUGENE ROPER . . ...... . . . .... . .. . .. Worthy Keeper of The Exchequer ..... ... ... .... ...... ... DONALD EUGENE ROPER PLEDGES Cecil Marion Arnold, Jr., Tyler Thomas Jerry Collins, Port Arthur James Walker Shipman, Austin Charles Kenneth Bell, Bellaire Robert Frederick Douds, Beaumont Robert Lane Sims, 111, Houston John Elmen Blackaller, Uvalde Lionel Lockard Campbell, Jr., Temple William Michael Campbell, Dallas Charles Abney Cass, Austin Robert Lewis Emery, Dallas John Alex Hoffpauir, Port Arthur James Eric Kaindl, Dallas Jim Russell Smith, Houston James William Spalding, Dallas Clifford Bennett Stripling, Jacksonville Thomas Tucker Toland, Dallas Charles Shelton Coates, Jr., Brenham Gary Dennis Leach, Houston Ronald James Toole, Hemphill Colin Jay Cole, Austin Ronald James Lowry, Dallas Hilliare Sinclair Wilder, Austin SPRING PLEDGES James Wright Denison, Houston Thomas Michael Holmes, San Juan Joseph William Sheehy, Tyler John Winston Douglas, Houston Don Dale lsett, Garland Jack Sproul Sherill, Port Arthur Patrick Lamb Gordon, Dallas John Waltham Rutland, 111, Dallas Fred Thomas Varni, Jr., Port Arthur Page 407 LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1886 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1839 Faculty HARRY H. POWER, Professor of Petroleum Engineering Arthur Herbert Bayern, Houston Charles Erskine Brooks, Rockdale George Benjamin Brown, Waco Perry Bromberg Carroll, Jr., Dallas Stanley Bradford Carruth, Austin Michael Arthur Carter, Palestine James Wilbor Cecil, Houston Johnson Blair Cherry, Jr., Lubbock Denison .,.. ,Frederick James Conn James Denny Dannenbaum, Houston Herbert William Dodson, Amarillo Charles Austin Dunlop, Houston Richard Bradley Fisher, Fort Worth Donald Paul Griffith, Lockhart Robert Thomas Gowan, Dallas Robert Dalton Hardcastle, Jr,. San Antonio MEMBERS Robert Stefan Holzman, Wyoming, Ohio Harris Duncan Husted, Burnet Robert Merl Kincaid, Crowell Dallas .,.. ,John Lynch Lancaster James Henry Lauderdale, Mercedes Byron Louis Leflore, San Antonio Henry Willard Lende, Jr ,. Baltimore, Md. Samual George Lett, Jr., Dallas John Burleson McCullough, Waco William Garvin McDonald, Bryan Patrick Harris McKinney, Fort Worth William Keith Miles, Fort Worth Richard Brennan Moore, San Antonio Charles Schreiner Nelson, San Antonio John Brian O'Connor, Lufkin Kenneth Hugo Pape, Seguin Walter James Wyrick, Jr., Texarkana John W. Pettijohn, Georgetown Judson Hiram Phelps, Jr., San Antonio Joe Tschudy Romine, Fort Worth William Lynch Rose, Galveston Joe Carroll Rust, San Antonio William Grey Savage, Dallas James Rowlen Schober, San Antonio William Schuetze Smith, Markham Vernon Craig Steubing, Waelder Michael Asa Stone, Georgetown Carroll George Sunseri, Galveston John Edson Teed, Pampa James Rae Tucker, La Marque Joe Bill Wills, Hereford Ralph Huntington Winton, Jr., San Antonio Dean Eakin Wolf, Wichita Falls Top Row: Aycock, Benson, Boening, Briggs, Brooks, Brown, Campbell, Carroll, Carruth, Cecil. Second Row: Coe, Conn, Conner, Cook, Craddock, Dannenbaum, Dunlop, Evans, Fisher, Fuller. Third Row : Funk, Gee, Gowan, Grcvelle, Griffith, Hays, Husted, Jarnagin, Jordan, Kirkgard. Poge 408 BETA THETA PI Top Row : Louder, McCullough, Miles, Nosh, Nicholson, O'Connor, Phelps, Poff, Pooh. Second Row : Rose, Rudolph, Rust, Soms, Sovoge, Schober, Scott, Senevey, Shonkle, Show. Third Row : Shelton, Simpson, Smith, Speller, Sunseri, Wills, Winton, Wolf, Wyrick, Zimmermon. OFFICERS Fall Spring AM GARVIN McDONALD . SHER .......... ......... .. President .. ...................... WILL . RCHARD BRADLEY F . LLS . BYRON LOUIS LEFLORE. . . . ... .......... ... Vice-President .................. ...............JOE BILL W .LLS. . . . . . . . . . . .. ............. Corresponding Secretary ...... ......... EDGAR COVEY NASH, JR . LL W . JOE B .N McDONALD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Recording Secretary ................. JUDSON HIRAM PHELPS, JR . LLIAM GARV . W ROBERT DALTON HARDCASTLE, JR.............. Treasurer .................... ROBERT DALTON HARDCASTLE, JR. PLEDGES Charles Black Aycock, Fort Worth John Funk, Houston Robert Melville Rose, Dallas Bruce Beverly Baxter, Corpus Christi Judson Curtis Gee, Houston Fred Baker Rudolph, Coleman John Greer Benson, Hereford James Vernon Grevelle, Waco Dallas ...,,William Columbus Sams Raymond Alfred Boening, Galveston Almond Jasper Hays, Jr., Houston Tom William Scott, Jr., San Antonio Robert Connor Briggs, Houston Sidney Stewart Jarnagin, Houston Steven John Senevey, Fort Worth Lampasas ...,,Henry Villard Campbell William Davis Jordan, Palestine Clifford Perry Shankle, Jr., San Antonio Ernest Wheeler Coe, Jr., Tomball William Kieth Kirkgard, Houston John Kinsler Shaw, Austwell Alton Henry Cook, Jr., Seguin Ralph Henry Lauder, San Benito Gilbert Key Shelton, Houston William Halden Conner, Fort Worth Edgar Covey Nash, Jr., Houston Gerald Hatton Simpson, Lufkin Larry Jay Craddock, Austin James Earl Nicholson, San Angelo Farrell Murray Smith, Corpus Christi James Allen Evans, Fort Worth Harmon Bryan Poff, Jr., Fort Worth William Thomas Speller, Tyler Joseph Anthony Fuller, Amarillo John Charles Pool, Jasper Warren Eugene Zimmerman, Amarillo SPRING PLEDGE Michael Spellman Harris, Garland Poge 409 LOCAL ESTA8LISHMENT, 1892 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1824 Faculty ogy . OSCAR BROWN WILLIAMS, Professor of Bacterio MEMBERS ey Gedeon Lupien, San Antonio . as Wes .. Da .,. Richard James Ange e Joseph E. C. Martin, Lufkin .. Kerrviman, .. John Meredith Bo as .. d, Da . Robert Hunt Bowman, Baytown Myrton Lynn McDona ey Moon, Odessa . ard Bai .. Wi .... ,Chicagoowicz, . ace Budzi .. David Wa a John Leo Myers, Jr., Beaumont .. Camiine, . James McGowan C Jr., Houston David Nottingham, if John . Long Beach, Ca Dominey,Joseph Hudgens as .. Buck Park, Da as Joe .. Da .,. Ferre . Jack Ear Jr., San Antonioannery, . John Oge F en Gorman Passmore, Jr., San Antonio . G exander Forbrich, San Antonio . A . Car es Robert Payne, Houston . Char Moorman Fricke, Bay City . Michae San Antonioton Pegg, . James Mi Paso . bright, E . en Fu .. Larry A La Porteips, .. Maurice Phi . Danie HoustonGarmany, . Richard Pau s .. Wichita Faemons, . Frank L. P iam Louis Guyton, Austin .. Wi and . Nederey, . Ramon Robert Rack as .. e, Da . ay Hai . Larry Barc Edward Eugene Scott, Bay City Houston, .. Harre . Jimmy Joe Austiney Smith, . es McKin . Char Houstone Harrington, . m Da . co . Ma las . John Hunter Strasburger, Da and . Jimmy Lyn Harris, East Henry Leon Wa ker, Jr., Tay or, La . . . as .. ., Da Jrm, . Minor Lovis He as .. Dach, . Antonio Thomas Joe Weemt, San . amy K .. iam Be .. Wi as .. Daiams White, .. d Wi . Lynn Richard Kromminga, Austin Rona . Wayne Scott Lanier, Austin lra Barnes Wi as .. e, Da Top Row: Allen, Angell, Bailey, Bowman, Brown, Budzilowicz, Cline, Crittenden, Dominey, Dunaway, Eaton. Second Row: E•nst, Espey, Everson, Ferrell, Flannery, Forbrich, Fulbright, Garmany, Harrell, Harrington, Har.r s. Paga 410 CHI PHI Top Row: Hclm, Hittson, Kieffer, Krommingo, Long, Moon, Niesen, Nottinghom, Pork, Possmore, Poyne. Second Row: Pegg, Plemons, Poole, Soylor, E. Scott, H. Scott, Sewell, Simpson, Wolker. Welch, White, Wile. OFFICERS Fall Spring JACK EARL FERRELL .......................... Alpha ................................... . FRANK L. PLEMONS JOE BUCK PARK ............................. Beta .. ................ .............HENRY LEON WALKER, JR. JOHN OGE FLANNERY, JR..................... Gamma . . ..... . .. . ...... . .............. .. IRA BARNES WILDE MINOR LOVIS HELM, JR....................... Delta ................................MINOR LOVIS HELM, JR. JOSEPH HUDGENS DOMINEY ...... .... .. ...... Zeta ............... ..............JOSEPH HUDGENS DOMINEY PLEDGES Robert Charles Allen, Dallas Richard Wallace Hittson, Austin Carl Bliss Bailey, Bay City John Brett Keiffer, Pipe Creek George Foster Brown, Jr., Amarillo Jerry Edward Long, Bastrop Butler Parnell Crittenden, 111 , Beaumont Winston Wayne Mclntosh, Seagoville James Ervin Dunaway, Bellaire Frank Edward Niesen, Port Washington, Wisc. John Parker Eaton, San Angelo John Reed Nemeth, Houston Robert Clinton Ernst, Huntsville La·wrence Lee Poole, Dallas James Lee Espey, Dallas Edwin Howell Saylor, Tyler Charles Slawson Everson, Austin Herman Dale Scott, Bay City Hubert Whittaker Freeman, Crane Julian Jay Sewell, Belton Wray Forbes Goza, Mercedes Robert Gerald Simpson, Dallas SPRING PLEDGE James Knox Boatner, Fort Worth Poge 4 11 LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1907 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1890 MEMBERS John C. Coffey, Wichita Falls John Rentz Doggett , Houston .,.. George Edward Gaines, Houston Albert Cates Hendricks, High . sland Herman Willis Kennedy, Jr., Fort Worth Robert Newton King, 1\11uleshoe Ronald Eblen Malouf, Dallas Keith Kenyon Morrow, Freeport David Atmar Smith, Victoria Edwin Leonard Sterling, Amarillo C . arence Neal Stevenson, Port Lavaca Thomas Neilson Thurlow, Dallas Nick Vratis, Beaumont Donald Edwin Witcher, Amarillo Left to Right: Behrns, Carter, Coffey, Comiskey, Doggett, Gaines, Hendricks, Joseph. Poge 412 DELTA CHI OFFICERS Fa ll Spring ROBERT NEWTON KING .......................... A ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NICK VRATIS DAVID ATMAR SMITH ................. ............ B .......... ................HERMAN WILLIS KENNEDY, JR. GEORGE EDWARD GAINES ........................C ...... ........................RONALD EBLEN MALOUF ALBERT CATES HENDRICKS .. .... ......... ..... .... D . ..... . ... .. . . ...............DONALD EDWIN WITCHER EDWIN LEONARD STERLING .......................E ..... ..... .................OTIS LYMAN PARCHMAN, JR. PLEDGES Charles Lamar Behrns, Austin William Harold Carter, Houston Thomas Lussier Cole, San Antonio William Frank Comiskey, Houston Richard Lionel Hill, Grand Saline Lawrence Anthony Joseph, Jr., Dallas Sherwood Chang Lynn, Jr., Abilene Jimmie Lee Maxwell, Austin James Henry Nunn, Jr., Sao Paulo, Brazil Otis Lyman Parchman, Jr., Luling Clifton Ray Skipping, lraan Ronald Dell Story, Fort Worth Warren Ralph Ward, lraan Sam Graves Wilcox, Abilene Page 413 LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1913 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1844 FACULTY WILMER LAWSON All/SON, Tennis Coach DANA X. BIBLE, Consulting Athletic Director, lntercollegiate Athletics THOMAS P. HARR/SON, Professor of English James Lloyd Anderson, Abilene John Cannon Andrews, Fort Worth Melvin Lewis Bailey, Dallas Richard Allen Beeler, Houston Patrick Carlton Bellamy, Houston George Currier Blanch, Nixon Edward Perry Bolger, Snyder Glen Vick Brown, Dallas Marvin Holloman Brown, 111, Dallas Charles Egan Burrell, Houston Brady Steele Coleman, Houston Merlyn Don Cooper, Dallas Jack Russell Crockett, Midland George Arthur Davis, Killeen Neal Davis, Jr., Houston Edgar Hal Dickson, EI Paso Drew Woolford Dunlap, Dallas Hugh Graydon Dunlap, Houston William Raleigh Ely, Whittier, Calif. Berthold Henry Estess, Houston MEMBERS Art John Farley, Bellaire Searcy Monroe Ferguson, Dallas Don Duane Ford, Houston Robert Bruce Gillett, Tulsa, Okla. Joe Gillis Goddard, Austin Pearson Grimes, Jr., Eastland Samuel Tevis Grinstead, Houston James Collins Guckian, Lockhart John Ragland Harrison, Austin James Fred Hofheinz, Houston William David Jenson, Houston John Wiley Link, Houston Bobby Ray Matocha, Gonzales William Richard McCracken, Corpus Christi Marion Embree McDaniel, Jr., Houston David Michael Miller, Dallas William Henry Moody, Del Rio Spencer Mayo Murchison, Bellaire Ewell Henderson Muse, Austin Zack Lawrence Robinson, Dallas Abner Alverly Ross, 111, Lockhart Charles Lawrence Scarborough, Austin Frank Dallas Scarborough, Abilene Walter Ronny Schuchard, Abilene Thomas Earl Scott, Abilene Thomas Perry Scott, Coleman Paul Edward Stallings, Houston Joe Edward Stoeltje, Beaumont Dunklin Augustus Sullivan, Centerville William Scott Swearingen, Austin James Owen Taylor, 111, Del Rio Jay Robert Taylor, Bellaire Robert Edwin Tucker, San Antonio Howard Michael Tyson, Houston Jim Albert Watson, Rotan George Bales Whitehead, Del Rio George Pleasant Willis, EI Campo Top Row: Anderson, Andrews, Alexander. Bailey, Barfoot, Beeler, Bellamy, Bolger, Boyer, Brady, G. Brown, M. Brown. Second Row: Burrell, Calabretta, Cauthorn, Coleman, Conner, Davis, Delaney, Dickson, H. Dunlap, Estess, Finch, Ford. Third Row: Gillett, Grimes, Grinstead, J. Guckian, W. Guckian, Gully, E. Harris, Harrison, Henson, Hogan, Hurst, Jensen. Poge 414 DELTA KAPPA EPSILON Top Row: Keller, Knapp, Koerner, Logan, McClean, McCracken, Miller, Moody, Murchison, Muse, Penner . Second Row : Pettit, Rogers, Sadler, F. Scarborough, Schuchard, T. E. Scott, T. P. Scott, Stallings, St•phens, Stoeltje, Sullivan, Swearingen. Third J. Taylor, Thorngren, Treanor, Tredennick, Turner, Tyson, Watso Whitehead, Williams, Wood, Woodard. ., R.J. Taylor,0. Row: OFFICERS Fall Spring ,House Manager . ......... ....MARVIN HOLLOMAN BROWN............... ... ,N HOLLOMAN BROWN . MARV PLEDGES liam Michael Guckian, Lockhart Daniel Lyle Penner, Fort Worth . John Michael Alexander, Houston Wi Rio . John Wayne Barfoot, Abilene Philip Diggs Gully, Abilene John Foster Pettit, De Austin,. .· Midland Edward Randall Harris, Galveston James Hogg Rogers, JJames A. Boyer, Alfred Bernard Brady, Jr., Hearne George William Harris, Abilene David Allen Sad er, Pasadena . Gary Louis Calabretta, Houston Booth Sheryl Henson, Abilene Don Earl Stephens, Dallas James Albert Cauthorn, Del Rio Augustine Le Clercq Hogan, Houston John Thomas Thorngren, Houston Charles Rupert Church, Houston Shell Daniel Hogue, Bellaire John Gnrrett Treanor, Abilene Higdon Oscar Compton, Houston Thomas Raymond Hurst, Houston Mark Edward Tredennick, Meriden, Conn . James Howard Conner, Houston Charles Wil liam Kel ler, Bellaire Delber Boyce Turner, Houston Charles Dwight Craig, Abilene Bruce Reed Knapp, Houston David Lee Williams, Dallas James Ross Delaney, Mobile, Ala. Gustavus Adolphus Koerner, Houston Albert Scott Witter, Houston Donald Ray Finch, Cuero Daniel Lanier Logan, Alpine Charles Burnett Wood, Austin Joseph Daniel Glidden, Houston Dan Leonard McClean, Houston Ripley Ezra Woodard, Jr., Houston SPRING PLEDGES Robert Eugene Callaway, Jr., Houston Joe J. Fisher, Jasper Talmadge Ray Cunningham, Refugio ... Page 415 LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1907 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1899 FACULTY BILL BISHOP, T eaching Assistant in Accounting Carl William Ahrens, Austin John David Baird, Austin Jon Bruce Barkley, Shamrock Alvin Joe Behrens, Austin Robert L. Blevins, Seguin Arthur Noble Chester, Austin Herbert lsaac Cunningham, Jr., Austin Royce Linton Cutler, Houston W. Howard Day, Dallas MEMBERS Stephen Taber Eargle, Austin William 0 . Edwards, Jr., Marshall Alan J. Fox, Raymondville Robert Lee Graves, Waco Samuel Edward Hale, Austin Johnie Lee Hodnett, Jr., Austin James Guidry Jeter, Marshall Kenneth Paul Knopp, Fredericksburg Wiley Preston Mangum, Jr., Austin Richard B. Mittanck, Corpus Christi Robert Arthur Murray, Dallas Martin Frederick Owen, Houston Jimmy Mac Patterson, Austin Raymond Roy Rude, Jr., Rosenburg Richard Miles Trickey, Fort Worth Gary Mitchell Tuttle, Albuquerque, N. M. Robert James Whitley, Ozona David Henry Wilten, Port Arthur DELTA SIGMA PHI Left to Right: Mittanck, Murray, Owen, Patterson, Rude, Trickey, Whitley. OFFICERS Fall Spring RICHARD MILES TRICKEY .. .. .............. ... . President ...............................JOHNIE LEE . HODNE JOHN DAVID BAIRD ................ .......... Vice-President . ............... ....... WILLIAM 0. EDWARDS, JR. JIMMY MAC PA . . . . . . . Corresponding Secretary .. ..............ARTHUR NOBLE CHESTER ............ERSON . ROBERT ARTHUR MURRA Y ........... . . ...... Treasurer ................... .......... ROBERT JAMES WHITLEY PLEDGES Fred Allen Belcher, Dickinson Wayne Daniel Eisaman, Brownsville Bob Wayne Labounty, Austin David Alan Rehm, Austin Ben jamin Craig Rochelle, Austin John Edward Taliaferro, Austin Patrick Wayne Welch, Austin SPRING PLEDGES Joe Floyd Barker, Dallas Edward Jimmy Brock, Crane Watson Ross Henderson, Dallas Charles Henry Kosub, San Antonio Philip Lawrence Sterzing, Austin William Benton Sullivant, Gainesville LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1904 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1859 FACULTY KENT WHEELER KENNAN, Professor of Music GEORGE ROBERT CREEDLE, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering Robert N. Abercrombie, Texas City Arthur Wesley Adams, Midland Danny LaGette Beaird, Dallas John Laurence Bell, Beaumont Dean Paul Bennett, Hillsboro David Caldwell, Dallas Thomas Barnhill Carter, Lake Jackson John Edgar Chapoton, Galveston Ot:s Don Chapoton, Galveston Wayne Wilson Clements, Dallas James Thomas Ross Cockrell, Hillsboro Wilbur Paul Cunningham, Big Spring Orange .,.. ,Oscar Cromwell Dancy Robert Miller Dickson, Dallas William H. Dobbs, Dallas Wayne Dodson, Beaumont Thomas Norman Dunnam, Jr., Cleveland George Douglas Duwe, Dallas Roderick Tarleton Edens, Austin Charles David Ewing, Big Spring Michael James Gaido, Galveston Cameron Herschel Gates, Baytown William Ernest Gattis, Austin MEMBERS R. A. Haberman, San Antonio James Norton Haltom, Texarkana Charles H. Hayman, Dallas James Carroll Herring, Jr., Waco Jon Michael Hill, Houston Tanner Truett Hunt, Beaumont Hillsboronce, . Richard Weakley Milam Shelton Johnson, Jr., Austin Galveston .,.. ,Edgar Ferdinand Jones Gary Roy Jones, Galveston Richard Page Keeton, Austin Robert Quentin Keith, Beaumont Michael Grogan Kirkpatrick, Dallas Jay Mayne Lewallen, Austin Larry J. Lynn, Midland Robert Lee Marwill, Dallas Thomas Rush Mast, Midland Richard Dudley Mays, Dallas Melbern Dale McGill, Houston ntyre, Austin . Robert Hicks Mc William Fred Miller, Waco William Reed Mimms, New Braunfels Brooks T. Patrick, Dallas Coleman Proctor, Austin William Nelson Rees, Odessa Art E. Rhodes, Jr., Austin Joe Gentry Roady, San Marcos John Davis Roady, San Marcos ra Rosson, Jr., Midland . Samuel Harold Reagan Schmidt, Mason Sam Sparks, Austin David Charles Spoor, Houston Thomas Mitchell Thurmond, Del Rio Albert Julius Toole, Dallas Peyton Lambeth T ownsend, Dallas John Gay Umbehagen, Galveston James Lee Underwood, Big Spring Kenney Reese Voelkel, Jr., Houston William James Watkins, Llano William Allen White, Brownwood Ben Taylor White.f eld, Houston Paul Joseph Willcott, Pasadena John Franklin Winslow, Houston James Palmer Woodson, Austin .ClementsCarter,. . ,Top Row: Adams, Anderson, Beaird, Barnes, J. Bell, B. Bell, Dean Bennett, R. Carter Second Row : Cockrell, Cook, Crain, Cunningham, Dickson, Dunlap, Dunnam, Duwe, Gaskell, Gattis. Third Row: Graham, Guyler, Haltom, Hansen, Hayman, Herring, nce, Jenkins, Johnson, G. Jones. . Poge 418 DELTA TAU DELTA Top Row : Keeton, Leadbetter, Lewallen, Lumsden, Lynn, Mahon, Marwill, Mast, May, Mays. .elson, Randle, Reeves, Renick, Rhodes, J. 0. Roady, Rosson . ,Second Row: McArthur, McGill, Miller, Mimms Third Row : Saunders, Scott, Sheppard, Sparks, Stradley, Stuart, Toole, Townsend, Venable, W. White, Willcott . OFFICERS Fall Spring JAMES NORTON HALTOM. . . . . . . . . . ... President ...............................JOHN LAURENCE BELL ROBERT LEE MARWILL. . . . .. ...............Vice-President .... .....................RICHARD WEAKLEY INCE R. A. HABERMAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Corresponding Secretary ................DAVID CHARLES SPOOR DANNY L. BEAI RD ........... ... ... .. .. . .. . . Recording Secretary ....................PAUL JOSEPH WILLCOTT PAUL JOSEPH WILLCOTT .............. ........Treasurer .......................... .............SAM SPARKS PLEDGES Thomas Richard Anderson, Port Lavaca Sam L. Guyler, Crystal City Edward Benton Reeves, Amarillo Richard C. Barnes, Deleon Keith Christian Hansen, Beaumont Robert Bates Renick, Llano David Bruce Bell, Beaumont ,John Holmes Jenkins Beaumont, . .. Joseph Laird Saunders, La Marque Donald Emerson Bennett, Dallas Jerry Lynn Leadbetter, Donna ,William Warren Scott taly . Ronald Orrin Blake, Dallas Jerry Lumsden, Dallas Rodney Jack Sheppard, Big Spring Ross Richard Carter, Edinburg Joe Alden Lynn, Dallas James Edwin Simmons, Jr" Houston George Walter Cook, San Antonio Edward Dial Mahon, Dallas John Paul Stevenson, San Antonio Michal Barry Cotten, Austin Robert Justin Malinak, Temple William Jackson Stradley, Houston Walter Robert Crain, Dallas Robert Monroe May, Dallas James S. Stuart, Dallas Kenneth Ray Dunlap, Dallas Mike Sullivan McArthur, Dallas .Neil Gilbert Unterseher, Lincoln, Nebr George Crosby Gaskell, San Antonio William Moreland, Houston Robert Allen Venable, Amarillo Richard Anthony Giles, Stamford Jasper ., . .,Ch ris Nelson John Fletcher Walker, Texarkana Leon Norrod Graham, Austin Mallory Blair Randle, Austin John McGill White, Corpus Christi SPRING PLEDGES Preston Garrett Craig, Austin Tim Aubrey Sims, Waco Alvin Andrew Horne, Houston Francis Cullen Sullivan, Jr" San Antonio Poge 419 LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1949 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1834 Faculty CHARLES T. CLARK, Assistant Professor of Business Statistics KARL M. DALLENBACH, Professor of Psychology R. GOMMEL ROESSNER, Professor of Architecture DARRELL K. ROYAL, Head Football Coach MEMBERS Charles Lee Bowden, Brady Alexander Benjamin Klein, Jr., Tomball Robert Anthony Butler, Rusk Richard Lee Lasater, Newgu lf Philip Calvin Cezeaux, Humble lvon Lee, 111, Midland Herbert Jay Cleveland, Jr., Fort Worth Victor Cuthrell Meitzen, Anahuac David Terrence Connally, San Angelo William Peterson Nelson, Dallas Howard W. Davis, San Antonio Kerry Hedick O'Quinn, Austin Allie Durell Douthit, Raymondville Robert Charles Reinarz, Amarillo lsaac Dwaine Eubanks, McCamey William Arthur Sellers, Houston John Edward Frierson, McCamey Vernon Lee Shelton, San Antonio William Donald Frierson, McCamey Dan Cargill Smith, 111, Houston Eitel Hugh Hahn, Brady Stephen Collier Smith, Houston Marion Donald Hancock, McAllen Sterling Norman Sorrell, Laredo Wayne Melvin Hay, Hearne Don Luther Sparks, Amarillo Fleming Cook Hobbs, San Antonio William Bennett Spelce, Houston T omie S. Holmes, McCamey Donald Lamar Stone, Jacksonville William Fredric Jacobs, Houston Berry Bruce Tolle, Houston Vernon Murray Jordan, Brady Bill Lamond Turner, Brady Bobby Arrington Weaver, Newgulf Top Row : Allison, Barber, Bowden, Butler, Cezeaux, Cleveland, Cliett, Conna lly, Douthit, Eubanks. Second Row : Feuille, J. Frierson, W. Frierson, Gerrard, Getchell, Hancock, Hardin, Hay, Higgins, Holmes. Poge 420 DELTA UPSILON . . s,Top Jacob Row: L. Johnson , Johnson, Jordan, Kelly, Klein, Lee, Meitzen, Nelson, Newberry, K. O'Quinn. Second Row: T. O'Quinn, Oswald, Reinarz, Scott, Sellers, Shelton, S. Smith, Sorrell, Sparks, Tolle, Wilson . OFFICERS Fall Spring VERNON MURRAY JORDAN ................. President ................. ............... .... BARRY BRUCE TOLLE EITEL HUGH HAHN .. .. .... .. ........... . .. Vice-President .. . .. . .. .....................FLEMING COOK HOBBS PHILIP CALVIN CEZEAUX .. . .... . .. .. ..... . .. Corresponding Secretary . . . . . . . . . . ROBERT CHARLES REINARZ WAYNE MELVIN HA Y ....................... Recording Secretary. . . . . . . . . . . . . MARION DONALD HANCOCK BERRY BRUCE TOLLE ........................ T reasurer ................................ PH ILI P CALVI N CEZEAUX PLEDGES Johnny Walker Allison, Muleshoe Laurence Samuel Johnson, Jr., Victoria Victor William Barber, Jr., Dallas Thomas Neil Johnson, Freer Nathan Frederick Cliett, Coleman Robert Charles Kelly, Dallas Frank Emanuel Feuille, Laredo James Presnall Newberry, Jr., Wiesbaden, Germany Donald Michael Gerrard, Houston Trueman Edgar O'Quinn, Jr., Austin Henry O ren Getchell, Lufkin Norman Dean Oswald, Dallas William Cervin Hardin, Austin Douglas Niel Scott, Tomball Alan Patrick Higgins, T omball David Elton Thompson, Port Arthur Jimmie Wilson, Jr., Tomball SPRING PLEDGES Maurice Theron Akin, Dallas A. W. Lewis, McAllen Sammy Lewis Hall, League City Weldon Keene McDonald, Dallas Sydney Cartwright Holloman, 11, Houston Edwin Howell Saylor, Tyler Douglas Warren Howell, Amarillo Walter Greenville Tibbitts, 111, Dallas Page 421 LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1883 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1B65 Faculty ogy . STEPHEN EDMUND CLABAUGH, Professor of Geo ish . ROBERT ADGER LAW, Professor Emeritus of Eng . . T ennis Coach CK, . ALLEN PEN . CLYDE L TTLEF ELD, Head Track Coach DAN EL Emeritus MEMBERS San Antonio William Gibson Harper, Houstonspaugh, . ph Williamson A . Ra ivar Coleman Andrews, Pharr . Bo Gary Alan Babb, Shreveport, La . La Marque .,.. ,ard . James Lipscomb Bal Jr., Brenham ., iamson Barnhil . John Wil as . Bauman, Dal Jon Roger Dallasock, . Glenn Watts Blay veston . Ga .,.. ,Truman Graves Blocker o . Jack Richard Butler, San Ange Beaumont ., Reed Hallum Ceci Arthur Benton Cocanougher, Wichita Falls Robert Edward Delaney, Houston La.Shreveport,mer Dennis, . Steven Cha Harry Charles Dishman, Jr., Bryan Grahame, . Don Michael Dowd William Chapman Estes, Waxahachie William Cook Fielder, Lockhart John Thomas Fitch, San Antonio Michael Scott Fry, San Antonio Dell Taylor Gibson, Dallas George Tom Hart, Jasper James Leeper Hawley, Dallas Beaumont .,.. ,Robert Lee Henson NixonHewell, . Robert Campbel las . Samuel Thomas Hodgdon, Da Albert Wolford Holmes, Austin Ruben Wert Hope, Houston Gerald Howard Houston, Shreveport, La. Gayle Morgan Jackson, Borger Harold David Krick, Jr., Austin ison Leach, Abilene . Sayles Al Henry Leberman, Commerce . Lowel Reese Blake Lockett, Jr., Brenham William Edward Lokey, Brownsville in William Maresh, Caldwell . Frank San Antoniolan, . e . Oliver Barr McC Curtis Washington Meadows, Jr., Dallas Fallsifford Morris, Wichita . Gordon C Lucian Leeds Morrison, Jr., San Antonio Michael Anderson Myers, Olney Natho, Houston Julius . Sherman Pau .,.. ,lespie . Campbell Houston Gi Glenn Lee Nolte, Lockhart Monroe Ben Nowotny, San Antonio Robert Bruce Parker, San Antonio Henry Carr Pritchett, Jr., Austin Charles Eugene Reagan, Jr., Marlin AustinReed, .. Edward Randa William Leon Rivers, Elgin fred Rogers, Big Spring . Glenn A Benny George Sandefur, Mt. Pleasant er . Dean Stuart Sanders, Ty Lancaster .,.. ,Luther Edward Scott Jerry Don Smith, Baytown Baytownhandske, . William Frederick Sto . Pearsalton Taylor, . John Mi Jr., Houston l, . Wash Bryan Tramme San Antonio .,.. ,James Albert Trotter muth Vogelsang, San Antonio . Curry He iam Wood Wallingford, Dallas . Wil Kirk William Weinert, Beaumont Arthuriams, Port . Charles Edwin Wil las . Wiley Chester Wimberly, Da Harris Spencer Wood, Big Spring las . John Davis Worley, DaJr., Wichita Falls son, . George Holmes Ginn, EI Paso Richard Leedon Ne Sam Lile Greeves, Jr., Beaumont Fredrick Richard Neuenschwander, Robert Eugene Wright, Stephenville ano Houston . Jr., P lfred Harrington, James Wi Top Row: Allison, Andrews. Babb, Ballard, Barnhill, Bell, Black, Blocker, Butler, Cecil, Davis, de Graffenreid. Second Row: Dennis, Dishman, Fielder, Fitch, Fry, Giles, Gillespie, Ginn, Greeves, Harrington, Hart, Hawley.Third Row: Henson, Hewell, Hodgdon, Holmes, Hope, Jones, Krick, Lockett, Lokey, Mann, Maresh, Marr. Poge 422 KAPPA ALPHA Top Row: McClellan, Maxfield, Meadows, Morris, Myers, Niehans, Nolte, Page, Peacock, Pickett, Pritchett. .Smith, Sullivan errill,Shnders, Scott, . Reed, R. Reed, Richard, Rivers, Sammons, S.gan, E . Second Row: Re ., Youngblood ncy. , Y , Worley, Wrightx, Weinert, Wood . Third Row: Taylor, Trammell, Trotter, Vogelsang, W OFFICERS Fall Spring HARRY CHARLES DISHMAN, JR... ...................... 1 .. ....... .............. BOLIVAR COLEMAN ANDREWS WILLIAM CHAPMAN ESTES .... ... . . .. .. ............... 11 .. .... .. .. .............CURRY HELMUTH VOGELSANG GLENN ALFRED ROGERS ............................. 111 ....... ............... RICHARD LEEDON NELSON, JR. RICHARD LEEDON NELSON, JR.............. .......... IV ......................... .. OLIVER BARR McCLELLAN JOHN THOMAS FITCH ...... ......................... V ......................... GEORGE EUGENE PEACOCK ROBERT CAMPBELL HEWELL . . ......... . ...... . ........ VI .. ................... . . . ..... SAM LILE GREEVES, JR. PLEDGES Somuel Edword Allison, Wichito Folls Jomes Henley Jones, Son Antonio Curtis Hill Rylonder, Austin Chorles Moore Bo rdwell, Son Antonio Edwin A. Monn., Jr., Amorillo Edword Eorl Sommons, Dollos Williom Whitlow Bell, Son Antonio John Stuort Morr, Son Juon Michoel H. Sebostion, Dollos George Clift Block, Brownsvil le Morgon Jester Moxfield, Dollos Robert Webb Sherrill, Dollos Joe Henry Bruns, Austin Jerry Morsholl Dovis, Amoril lo Gront Eugene Giles, Son Antonio Adrion Linn de Groffenreid, Big Spring Thomos Monnon Grubbs, Son Antonio Johnny Coulson Hotcher, Houston Edword Lee Niehous, Son Anton io Austin ., . .,Chorles Henry Poge George Eugene Peocock, Big Spring Edword Brodford Pickett, Liberty Ritchie Hocker Reed, Austin Thomos Glenn Richord, Beoumont Fronk Curry Snowdon, Dollos John Lorry Sullivon, Amorillo Kenneth Hoiley Wox, Houston Conrod Fry Yoncy, Jr., Shreveport, Lo. Rondoll Kent Yeotes, Austin Dovid Lindsoy Hodgdon, Dollos Williom Roy Robinson, Wichito Folls Fronk Polk Youngblood, Josper SPRING PLEDGES Robert Stonley Ament, Boytown Michoel Morrison Fulton, Son Antonio Joe Michoel McGeoth, Loncoster Everette Kinne Melby, EI Poso Williom Moier Petmecky, Fredericksburg Dan Alan Almon, Dallas Malcolm Graham Baker, Houston Charles Herbert Bankhead, Fort Worth lvan Ellis Brown, Jr., Wichita Falls Tom Walker Burke, Houston Tom Kelly Butler, Houston John Allen Calkins, Houston Lynn Prewitt Carter, Houston Thomas Michael Cassin, San Antonio Thomas Dabney Chambers, Fort Worth Louis Denson Cobb, Tyler Ted Collins, Jr., Fort Worth David Anthony Connelly, Houston Jack Bolan Cox, Houston Tom Martin Davis, Houston John Coleman Dawson, Jr., Houston Richard C. Draper, Dallas Clarence F. Dreymala, Houston Marvin Neel Elder, Fort Worth Thomas James Foitik, San Antonio William Jordan Gallagher, Houston Herman Lawrence Gardner, Houston LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1884 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1869 Faculty HENRY WILSON CHAPMAN, Swimming Coach ERNEST R. HARDIN, Assistant Professor of Speech FRANK HALLAM LYELL, Associate Professor of English STUART A. MacCORKLE, Professor of Government JAMES J. POLLARD, Professor of Architectural Engineering EDWIN BOOTH PRICE, Dean of Student Activities HARRY HUNTT RANSOM, Vice-President and Provost, Main University MEMBERS Fallon Turley Gordon, Houston David John Moore, Cleburne George Richard Grainger, Tyler Richard Woods Morris, Fort Worth Curtis Conway Gunn, Jr., San Antonio Rees Robertson Oliver, 11, San Antonio Thomas Weldon Hale, Houston Rowland Hilary Parker, Tyler Gerald Hartman, Waco Robert Sam Parks, Houston Dwight Leon Hill, Fort Worth Thomas Roane Riddick, Corpus Christi John Scott Hoeck, San Antonio John Clarke Roberts, Houston William Arthur Hudson, 111, Fort Worth Hamilton Paul Rogers, Jr., Fort Worth John Lawrence Jones, Sulphur Springs George Henry Rose, Houston William F. Joplin, Sugarland Harold Russell Joseph, Austin Charles Bennett Russey, Fort Worth William Carroll Kelly, Jr., Free~ John William Schuhmacher, Jr., Houston Junious Maurice Kyle, 111, Orange Patrick Lambert Searcy, San Antonio Charles Marlin Leake, Jr., San Antonio Joel Morgan Shepherd, Kalamazoo, Mich. Lawrence Wayne Leake, Tyler Larry D. Sikes, Dallas Donald J. Malouf, Dallas Ross Lucas Stephenson, Houston Dudley R. Mann, EI Paso Michael Gerald Sweeney, Houston William Arnold McDade, EI Centro, Calif.William Farrington Taber, Corpus Christi Roderick Morrison McDonald, Harry Blake Terry, Houston Pensacola, Fla . Robert Charles Volz, San Antonio Donald Ralph Mclelland, San Antonio James Hugh Westmoreland, Bay City Fred Charles Meyer, Devine Merrill Whitehead, Jr., Houston Top Row: Almon, Avant, Baker, Bankhead, Bozeman, Brady, Brazelton, Bridges, Brown, Butler, Calkins, Carroll. Second Row: Cassin, Castle, Cagle, Chambers, Chupik, Collins, Connelly, Davis, Dawson, Foitik, Gallagher, Gunn. Third Row: Hale, Hartman, Hill, Hoeck, Hudson, Jones, Joplin, Joseph, Kyle, Larson, Charles Leake, Clint Leake. Page 424 KAPPA SIGMA Top Row : L. Leake, McDade, McDona d, McLe and, Martin, Meyer, Murray, Murrin, O'Donnel , iver, Parker, Parks. . O ... . .Sheehy, Shepherd .,. Searcy, Shawe Schuhmacher, Sauer, e,Second Row: Pettit, Porter. Pritchett, Riddick, Roberts, Rogers, Ros Sweeney, Switzer, Taber, Tay or, Thompson, Trahan, Vineyard, Westmoreland, Whitehead, Wi is, Wittliff. .. . Skinner, Siddons, :Third Row OFFJCERS Spring .. Fa WILLIAM ARTHUR HUDSON .......... Grand Master.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LAWRENCE WAYNE LEAKE JOHN WILLIAM SCHUHMACHER, JR........... Grand Procurator . . ..... .. ......... . ..... DWIGHT LEON HILL , Grand Scribe .............. . . . . . .............TOM MARTIN DAVIS ................. .. REES ROBERTSON OLIVER ... ,DAN ALAN ALMON.................. . .. Grand Master of Ceremonies .............JUNIOUS MAURICE KYLE CHARLES BENNETT RUSSEY . . . . ... . .. Grand Treasurer .......................CHARLES BENNETT RUSSEY PLEDGES a. .ahoma City, Ok .en, Ok .Tim Ai .John Townsend Kelley, E Paso ton .ip Hami .Phi Pritchett, Dallas ifford Avant, Corpus Christi .James C Bert Haworth Kivell, Houston ph Sauer, Houston .Henry Ado James Phillip Bozeman, Houston Edwin D. ewer, Houston .K Kerry Don Shawell, Houston Robert Hall Brady, Houston f .Ro ip Larson, Fort Worth .Phi er .y .,Joseph William Sheehy ton, Houston .Lewis Edward Braze int Murchison Leake, San Antonio .C George Young Siddons, Fort Worth ,ournoy Bridges .Lee F phur Springs .Su, ... ete A. Martin, Corpus Christi .Ph ifton Skinner, San Antonio .ra C . e, .homas Patrick Cag . Houston Richard Rabon Murray, Houston James Edward Switzer, Fort Worth ,James Vincent Carroll , . .. Houston Owen Gene Murray, Fort Worth a. .ampa, F .or, .Edgar Bartow Tay e, .William Richard Cast San Antonio, ... Steve Murrin, Jr., Fort Worth Cleaves Rhea Thompson, Fort Worth e .emp .,Henry Wayne Chupik Houston .,i O'Donnei .William Southwe Paul Arthur Trahan, Houston Herschel Mills Duncan , Houston ., .. Robert Lee Pettit, Fort Worth ing Vineyard, Wharton .Robert Stir dt, Houston .John Harrell Fe Harry Frank Porter, Corpus Christi Allen lis, Houston .ucker Wi . William anco .iff, B .e Witt .Da NG PLEDGES . SPR ,Bryant Loring Manning, Houston Joseph Beekman Saums y, Houston . James Antony Kei er . y . .,. Bert Bently Adkins, Jr., Houston James Kenneth Alfred, Compton, Calif. Chester Alwyn Barr, Austin Gilbert Seay Brown, Dallas Wayne Leon Browning, Temple Robb Kendrick Burlage, Austin John Edwin Calloway, Louisville, Ky. Robert lsaac Carr, Jr., San Antonio Robert Randolph Casey, Jr., Houston Richard Don Coan, De Leon Billy Bernard Day, Austin Walter Winn Durham, Fort Worth Stephan Clay Elliott, Dallas Charles Curtis Fuller, Dallas Harold James Griffith, Dallas Carl Henry Groen, Danville, 111. Charles Houston Harris, 111, Fort Worth Lynn Carlett Hensley, lowa Park LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1917 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1909 Faculty CURTIS JACKSON ALDERSON, Associate Professor of Physical and Health Education ROBBIN COLYER ANDERSON, Professor of Chemistry LIEUTENANT COLONEL GEORGE HARLAN CO RNISH, Associate Professor of Military Science and Tactics OLIVER HOYT WILLIAMS, Assistant Registrar RHEA HUGHSTON WILLIAMS, Assistant Professor of Physical and Health Education MEMBERS Kenneth Ray Honeycutt, Lamesa James William Owens, Texas City Jerry Lee Hughes, Austin John Douglas Reichert, Austin Donald John Keegan, Texas City Robert Eugene Reynolds, Austin Stuart Deric Kershner, Houston Vernon Loid Ryan, 11, Brady Donald Paul Knoles, EI Paso Thomas H. Shelby, 111, Tyler Arnold Erich Krause, New Braunfels Ralph Russell Sloan, Sealy James Lowell Kuester, Houston Joe Rae Smith, Victoria Noel James Kuester, Houston Louis Richard Smith, 111, Austin William Ross Laughlin, Baytown Jay Riggan Sorrell, Pearsall Hildred Bruce Lockhart, Corpus Christi Edward Arlin Steele, Pasadena Patrick Stephens Lutts, Dallas Hollis Moran Taylor, Baytown Charles Joseph Macmanus, Corpus Christi Marcus Leslie Thompson, Jr., Da llas William Alan Marcontell, Houston James Terrell Townsend, Brady David Andrew Millican, Dallas Robert Bryan Twaddell, Clarendon Joseph Nicholas Murphy, 111, Dallas William Kyle Vollmer, Mercedes Mervin Lawrence Naumann, Spicewood Harry Joseph Walter, 111, Rosenberg Roger F. Nelson, Austin Samuel Womack Warner, Dallas Thomas Max Nugaard, Dallas John Charles Wheeler, Austin Top Row: Adkins, Barr, Behringer, Bible, Brown, Browning, Burlage, J. Carr, R. Carr, Casey, Coan, Davis. Second Row: Day, Durham, Elliott, Floyd, Forgy, Fuller, Goodnight, Gratigny, Hensley, Honeycutt, Jester, Kershner. Pog~ 426 LAMBDA CHI ALPHA Top Row: Krause, Kuester, Locke, J. Lutts, P. Lutts, Macmanus, Marberry, Marcontell, Melton, Millican, Nelson, Randel, Rhea. Second Row: Rives, Robertson, Shelby, Sloan, J. Smith, L. Smith, Steele, Stoermer, Thompson, Twaddell, Vollmer, Warner, Wilson. OFFICERS Fall Spring CHESTER ALWYN BARR .. .......... ........... High Alpha ...................... ROBERT RANDOLPH CASEY, JR. BERT BENTLY ADKINS, JR...... ... ....... ...... High Beta .... ....................... ROBERT ISAAC CARR, JR. ROBERT RANDOLPH CASEY, JR......... . . High Gamma .. .... .. ................... RALPH RUSSELL SLOAN MERVIN LAWRENCE NAUMANN .... . . . High Tau .......... . .. . .. ... . ... MERVIN LAWRENCE NAUMANN PLEDGES Fred Dayton Behringer, San Antonio Louis Nelson Garvin, Temple John Thomas Randel, Jr., Tyler Gilman Alseth Berg, Houston James Paris Goodnight, Dallas Thomas Allen Rhea, Dallas John Bruner Bible, Houston Belmont Wayne Gratigny, Dallas Richard Alan Rives, Houston Richard Delos Bush, Neosho, Mo. David Gibson Jester, Dallas David Pierson Robertson, Corpus Christi John Dyer Carr, San Anton io William Hirma Locke, De Leon Charles Weldon Shirley, Jr., Houston Pat Ward Davis, Dallas Jack Frank Lutts, Dallas William Bryan Stoermer, Jr., Austin William Norman Floyd, Jr., Houston Thomas Dana Marberry, Victoria Herbert Cook Wilson, Jr., Waco John Dee Forgy, San Antonio William Allen Melton, Dallas Jerry Tom Wilson, Dallas V. C. Fuqua, New Boston T errence Wendall Pratt, Austin SPRING PLEDGES John Fred Haley, Jr., Fort Worth Larry Duncan Thompson, Fort Worth Arbon Jack Lowe, Henderson Page 427 Edward Jackson Adleta, Dallas Fort Stockton , .. ,John Sutton Allison Carl Eugene Andrews, Dallas Stanley Arch Ault, Longview Jeff Austin, Jr., Frankston Robert Franklin Bartlett, Marshall Robert McBride Blaine Jr" Houston Walter Eden Bloxsom, Houston Roy Edgar Box, Jr" Corpus Christi Howard Clayton Brants, Jr., Fort Worth Robert James Brent, Jr., Houston David Mooney Carmichael, Beaumont Howard Augustus Carney, Jr" Atlanta LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1883 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1848 Faculty Service . ic Schoo . Bureau of PubDirector Emeritus, CHEK, . ROY BED ish . Associate Professor of EngLL, . THOMAS MABRY CRANF LFORD CK, Professor of Law . CHARLES T . McCORM ROBERT WELDON STA YTON, Professor of Law MEMBERS Neil Lewis Drury, St. Louis, Mo. James Marion Dunham, Houston Devereux Brown Dunlap, Dallas Clarence Stacey Eastham, Jr" Houston Jon Russ Eversberg, Albany Austin .,. ,Walter Lenoir Foxworth Joe Burch Gilbert, Austin Paul Milton Gray, Jr" Corpus Christi George Lee Griffin, Dallas Henry Royden Hamman, Houston Gordon Arthur Holloway, Dallas Russel Lee Jacobe, Jr., Houston John Raymond Jordan, Jr" Houston Hilliard Dudley Chambers, Grand Prairie Carter Benjamin Kelly, Amarillo George Little.f eld Clark, Dallas Dallasark, . d Harral C . e.fWhit Fred Rodgers Colin, Mexico City, D.F. Cornelius George Comegys, McKinney Howard Ayres Compton, Jr" Dallas Houston .,. ,William Van Conover colm Lane Cooper,. Amarillo . Ma James Fagan Dickson, Jr" Austin Joseph Overton Kennedy, Jr" Rotan Jon Warren Knolle, Houston Jerry Van Kyle, Sherman John Michael Mahaffey, Corpus Christi Arthur Kercheville McCallum, Corpus Christi Preston Ashleigh Mood, Dallas Houston .,.. ,Charles Henry Moore George Ernest Myers, Longview Charles Robert Neblett, Canyon Ralph Sells Neuhaus, Houston Whipple Spaulding Newell, Jr" Houston Benjamin Rush Norvell, Beaumont Edwin Stephen Oden, Atlanta Charles Wellington Pace, Dallas rvine Perkins, Jr" Rusk . James Peter Lindsey Reynolds, Dallas Gustav Robert Robertson, Jr" Houston John Blue Sco.f eld, Houston Richardson Gano Scurry, Jr" Dallas William Monte Shackelford, Corpus Christi Allen Currie Smith, Amarillo Wade Cassle Smith, Dallas Robert Bush Smithers, Jr" Huntsville Amarillo .,.. ,Arthur William SoRelle Corbin Lee Snow, Jr., Marshall Peter Kempner Thompson, Galveston William Arthur Thompson, Jr" Dallas Tommy Eusie Turner, Borger Waco .,.. ,Joe Lett Ward Top Row: Adleta, Allison, Ault, Austin, Bentley, Box, Brent, Bryan, Carmichael, Carr, Colin, Comegys, Compton. Second Row : Dunlap, Eversberg, Fielder, Foxworth, J. Furrh, Gray, Griffin, Gru mbles, Heath, Holloway, Hudgins, Kelly, Labatt. Poge 428 PHI DELTA THETA Top Row: McCallum, J. Mahaffey, P. Mahaffey, Mahon, Monaghan, Mood, C. Moore, K. Moore, Neblett, Neuhaus, Oliver, Perkins, Robertson. Second Row: Rochelle, Russell, Rutledge, Scurry, Shackelford, Smith, SoRelle, Strother, Swenson, Taylor, Thompson, Turner, Ward, Watson. OFFICERS Fall Spring HOWARD AYRES COMPTON ................... President ........................ GORDON ARTHUR HOLLOWAY JAMES IRVINE PERKINS, JR. .. .................. Warden ...... . .... . ....... . . . ... ROBERT McBRIDE BLAINE, JR. GORDON ARTHUR HOLLOWAY .... ............ Recording Secretary .................... PAUL MILTON GRAY, JR. MALCOLM LANE COOPER ....... ....... ....... Corresponding Secretary ...........JOHN RAYMOND JORDAN, JR. CORBIN LEE SNOW, JR..................... .. House Manager ...... .................... ROY EDGAR BOX, JR. PLEDGES eta, Dallas .Thomas Lafferty Ad e .Jesse Boyd Heath, Madisonvil iver, Corpus Christi .O .Robert Gai las .ey, Jr., Da .l Bonner Bent .Russe James Thomas Hudgins, Lubbock Jerry Allen Rochelle, T exarkana James Perry Bryan, Jr., Freeport San Antonio ...,,Thomas Weir Labatt David Dee Russell, Amarillo ack Carr, Jr., Dallas .liam P .Wi in Mahaffey, Jr., Corpus Christi .Peter Bo as .David Rutledge, Dal der, Jr., Lockhart .Darwin Lockard Fie Durward D. Mahon, Lubbock Tom McCullough Strother, Dallas John Payne Foxworth, Dallas es Allen Monaghan, Beaumont .Char Andrew John Swenson, 11, Stamford ds .ysian Fie .John Eubank Furrh, E burn Gardere Moore, Houston .Ki or, Lubbock .ter Jennings Tay .Wa ysian Fields .William Madison Furrh, E Robert Keen Moses, Corpus Christi d Edward Watson, Jr., Dallas .Regina anta .es, Jr., At .Ernest Willie Grumb son White, Jr., Houston .Lewis Ne SPRING PLEDGES .a . Oksa, . d Howard Jacobe, Houston William Henry Luedecke, 111, Austin John Edward Eckel, Jr., Tu . Rona SHMENT, 1663 . LOCAL ESTA6L ONAL FOUND NG, 1848 . NAT . Faculty FREDERIC DUNCALF, Professor Emeritus of History HOWARD CLIFFORD GILSTRAP, Special lnstructor in Physical Training for Men WILLIAM SAMUEL LIVINGSTON, Associate Professor of Government BERRY McCLURE WHITAKER, Director, lntramural Sports for Men MEMBERS iam Athearn Paddock, Fart Worth . s Wil .. Wichita Faton, . in Hami . as Herbert Frank . James Robert Armstrong, Dai Warthmros, Fort . exander Pa . aco A . , Wes s Joe Thomas Harren . Thomas Duncan Arnhold, Wichita Fal and . is 6. Parkhurst, Mid . er Ar . er, Ty .. iam Warren 6rewer, Austin Jeffrey Merwin He .. Wi aco . Peery, Wes and Joe Knapp . Midin, .. Robert K. Hiey, Houston . 6ethea Wright 6rind Thad Johnson Jarrelt, Del Rio Scott Petty, Jr., San Antonioey, Austin . ra Jon 6rum . ie Pollard, Austin . o David Les . es Raymond Jones, San Ange . Peter Robertson 6uenz, San Antonio Char Popkin, Houston er Frank 6edford Jones, Lamesa 6radford Argall . David Tyng 6urke, Ty dorado. Harrison Ratliff, E and Kent Danforth Kibbie, Fort Worth Shannon . Cary Preston 6utcher, Jr., Mid dorado . Roark Ratliff, E iam . Larry George Cooper, Rapid City, S. D . Jon 6edford Kirk, Austin Wil las . Roberts, Da arke . Antonio Charles cb, San . George David Conn, 6eaumont George Haze Ko d Henry Roberts, Dallas . aco Rona . Lackey, Wes Austin Robert Leeand, . iam Cope .. John Wi y K. LaRue, Austin Robert James Robertson, 6eaumont .. ine 6i . Raymond Wilson Cozby, Jr., Grand Sa exander Sasse, Austin . d Wayne Levisay, Fort Worth Edward A . and Chancey Croft, Odessa Dona . Le WorthScroggie, Fort . iam 6ea .. as Wi .. o Fred Frazier Ligon, Da .. Hugh 6ob Currie, Amari Sebesta, 6astrop Pecos Joe Martiney, . d Norman Lind . as Haro .. drom Dau, Da . ph Wa . Ra iam John Lyons, Jr., San Antonio Jimmy 6ruce Shrake, Fort Worth .. Eugene Joseph Dozier, Fort Worth Wi as .. as Jack Davis Sides, Jr., Da .. James Dyke, 6orger George Lescher MacGregor, Da .. Marsha .MN.es, . Stone, Porta as 6arry . rene Doug . ,as James Foster Mason .. Daer, .. James Murray E Worthe, Fort . San Angelo Edwin Vince Matthews, Houston James Edgar Suttish, . Kenneth Eugene Eng as .. anta David Oakes Turner, Da . Ted Lawrence Ferrier, Wichita, Kan . Morris Robert Maynor, At ,iam Fondren .. ter Wi . Wa Houston ,... laerius, Shreveport, . Corpus Christi Robert David Va .,. iam 6erry McCampbe .. Wi . . . ,ter Scott Fortney . Wa Houston ,. o .. Amariank, . as 6obby Lee Verp .. Da .,.. ,Justin Scott McCarty er, Austin . ison Fow .. ey A . 6rad e .. oresvi. ., F vin E. Frick, Jr . A Odessaingim, .. iam Embry Fu .. Wi o . Joseph Ebner Funk, San Ange , Houston bert Dewey Gaedcke . Gi o .. Kent Gathright, Amari ano . James Duncan Gorden, P Robert Winston Gray, Austin Rex Wharton Greenstreet, Midland er . Tyendon, . McC . Frank Lemue 6eaumont .,. an McNei . iam A .. Wi Antonioeton, San . Frederick Warren Midd as .. Da .,. Robert Wayne Mighe am, Austin . Morris 6arnes Mi er, Austin .. Roy Eugene Mi ey, Rochelle . David Lee Mose ie Newman, Austin . Thomas Les Houstoniver, .. iam .. Thomas Wi o .. Amariker, . James Whittenburg Wa liam Richard Weaver, Corpus Christi . Wi Francis Harris Whitehead, Jr., Del Rio Antonioerson, San .. James Thornton Wi Medinason, . Tony Wayne Wi aire .. James Earl Winn, 6e and . es Worthen, Mid . Char Wukasch, Austin es . 6arry Char rwin Wyatt, San Antonio . iam . Wil Top Row: Bartholomew, Betts, Bleakney, Brewer, Browning, Brumley, Buenz, Butcher, Camp, Conn, Currie. Second Row: Dau, Dehlinger, Duren, Dyke, Ehman, Eller, English, Fields, Fortney, Frick Fullingim Third Row: Funk, Gaedcke, Gardner, J. N. Gilliam, J. A. Gilliam, Gray, Greenstreet, Hamilton, Harren, Hayes, Jarrctt. Fourth Row : Jones, Kibbie, Kirk, Kolb, LaRue, Levisay, Ligon, Lindley, Lyons, McCampbell, McCarty. Page 430 PHI GAMMA DELTA .'"' ,;l . ': :f {i' Top Row: McCulloch, Magruder, Mason, Middleton, Mighell, Milam, Miller, Moseley, Oliver, Paddock. Second Row: Palmros, Peckman, Peery, Petty, Popkin, S. Ratliff, Redfern, Ritter, C. Roberts, R. Roberts. Third Row: Robertson, Scrogg ie, Shepperd, Shirley, Shrake, J. Sides, W. Sides, Smith, Stone, Suttle, Thompson. Fourth Row: Turn er, Valerius, Verplonk, Weover, West, Whiteheod, Willerson, Williomson, Wood, Wright, Wukosch. OFFICERS Fall Spring ROBERT JAMES ROBERTSON. . . . . . . . President ........... ............... SHANNON HARRISON RATLIFF VER . AM OL . FF ........ ........... Corresponding Secretary ............ ..... THOMAS WILL . AM ROARK RATL . WILL CHARD WEAVER . . . ....................FRANK BEDFORD JONES Recording Secretary .. .. ................W LL AM R DDLETON . CK WARREN M . GEORGE HAZE KOLB .......... ............. T reasurer ........................ FREDER ROBERT W NSTON GRAY .. .... .... . . .......................ARL S B. PARKHURST . Historian................... . PLEDGES Eugene Morley Bartholomew, Richardson Robert Edwin Gardner, Fort Worth Barton Arvin Shirley, Corpus Christi Charles A. Betts, Austin James Neil Gilliam, Goldthwaite William Haynie Sides, Abilene Phil Arnold Bleakney, Jr., Harlingen John Anderson Gilliam, Goldthwaite Milton Clark Smith, Jr., Tyler Joe Barnard Browning, Corpus Christi Jeff Hayes, Port Arthur Francis Cullen Sullivan, Jr" San Antonio Lowell Donald Buss, Edinburg Walter Watson Magruder, Victoria Richard Lloyd Summers, Houston Tommy Laughter Camp, San Antonio William Cameron McCulloch, Dallas Jack Saunders Thompson, San Angelo Jerry Paul Dehlinger, Abilene Jerry Bruce Peckham, Port Arthur Joseph Clark Thompson, Dallas Albert Leldon Derden, Austin Midland ...,,John Joseph Redfern Charles Richard West, Dallas Michael Duren, Beaumont Robert Henry Ritter, Austin Albert Edward Williamson, Beaumont William Carl Ehman, Boerne Alfred Lewis Shepperd, Odessa Lee Files Wood, Midland Fredric Earwood Fields, Sonora Tommy Grant Wright, Temple George Homer Fancher, Austin James William Miller, Austin Thomas Phillips Field, Jr., Dallas Robert Marion Moore, Corpus Christi Clay Wayland Gordon Fulcher, Austin d Scott Mullins, Amarillo .Dona Glenn Lloyd Garrison, Corpus Christi Caley Ronald Platt, Austin James Michael Geron, Dallas William H. bany .Pool, A Alton Ernest Greeven, Austin Roane Harwood Puett, Longview Joe Bob Hall, Winnie Howard Newton Richards, Austin John Burns Henderson, Jr., Austin Don Shane Robinson, Plainview Lynn Sherwood Hunt, Amarillo Nelson Vernon Sanders, Odessa Bill David Jobe, Marshall Floyd Cecil Saxon, Jr., Baytown William ,Eugene Joor 1, Houston .. William Fred Schmidt, Jr., Amarillo Austin ..,,Edwin Loren Kirkpatrick Gerald Lee Sewell, Bellaire Harry David Kirkpatrick, Phillips Alden Barton Smith, Austin Robert Joseph Lee, Bryan Richard Dalton Spangler, Austin Jesse Arthur Leggett, Midland eld, Fort Worth.fNelson Douglas Stubble Penn VanRensselaer Livingston, Austin ,George William Swain , ... San Antonio Lawrence Allen Mann, Laredo Robert Porter Turpin, Midland Greg Newton Martin, Austin Gage Van ,Horn Odessa ..., John Edgar Martin, Cleveland Kenneth Wayne Vernon, Plainview Jean Arnold Martindale, Pampa James Francis Waggener, Western . ...,Springs liam .Wi Edward Matthews, Houston John Allan Watson, Austin David Earl McDonald, Houston Elton Leon Weaver, Plainview David Spencer McDonald, Houston Julien Devereux Weeks, Austin Fred Daniel McDonald, Fort Worth Hugh Darrell Williams, Dallas James Lee McWhorter, Amarillo Ronald Gene Woods, Pampa Robert Dean McWhorter, Amarillo LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1904 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1852 Faculty HULON WITHERSPOON BLACK, Executive Director, University Development Board WILLARD HUGHES BRENTLINGER, Assistant Professor of Psychology HOMER VINCENT CRAIG, Professor of Mathematics EDWARD EVERETT HALE, Professor of Economics JOSEPH LINDSEY HENDERSON, Professor Emeritus of Secondary Education GUS M. HODGES, Professor of Law Professor Emeritus of GovernmentERSON, . CALEB PERRY PA JAMES R. ROACH, Associate Professor of Government OLIVER DOUGLAS WEEKS, Professor of Government MEMBERS Clarence Eugene Andersan, Amarillo Howard Michael Arno, Austin Thomas Jay Benner, Dallas Robert Allan Biggs, Austin Austin .,.. ,William Ambrose Biggs Ernest Patrick Bond, Baytown John Charles Chambers, Houston Tom Allen Connally, Houston Michael Ross Cooper, Winslow, Ariz. William Lionel Craver, Jr., Midland Elbert Creel, Phillips Morris Madden Creel, Phillips John Cecil Culpepper, Jr., College Station Charles David Culver, Tyler James Douglas Culver, Tyler Terrence Attebury Curtis, Austin Joe Shirley Davis, Midland Hollis Baxter DeGrassi, Jr., Amarillo Ben Addison Donnell, Wichita Falls John Timothy Dorman, Jacksonville Augustus Ventors Charles Drake, Wellington Albert Lipscomb Ebaugh, Austin John Joseph Eikenburg, Dallas George Washington Eliot, Jr., Midland Robert Leonard Ellett, Austin David Ragsdale Ellison, Austin Top Row: Bagby, Banack, Biggs, Bond, Bumpus, Cantine, Cayce, Chambers, Con nally, Cooper, Craver, E. Creel. .d Row: M. Creel, C. Culver, J. Culver, Oavis, Oemler, Eikenburg, Eliot, Ellett, Ellison, Fancher, Feazell, Field . Seco Third Row: Gannaway, Garrison, Gibson, Gunn, Hall, Hilley, Huggins, Hunt, Jarrell, Jobe, Joor, Kinch. Page 432 PHI KAPPA PSI Top Row: Kirkpatrick, Knierim, LaFont, Latham, Leggett, Livingston, Logan, Mann, G. Mortin, J. Martin, Matthews, D. E. McDonald. Second Row: F. McDonald, Moore, Nelson, Owens, Patterson, Platt, Ramsey, Reese, Richards. Robinson, Sanders, Saxon, Schmidt. Third Row: Sewell, Shivers, R. Spangler, Swain, Thompson, Van Horn, Vernon. Waggener, West, Wilkinson, Willis, Wood, Woods. OFFICERS Fall Spring JOHN CHARLES CHAMBERS . . . . . . . . . . . . .G. P" ................. .. . . ..... . KENNETH WAYNE VERNON CLARENCE EUGENE ANDERSON ................. V. G. P ..... ...... .... ............... GREG NEWTON MARTIN ROBERT MARION MOORE .... .................... A. G.............................. ROBERT MARION MOORE HEWS . JAMES DOUGLAS CULVER ........................ B. G ..... ..................... WILLIAM EDWARD MA MORRIS MADDEN CREEL ................. . ........ P. . . .. .. . . ...... .. .. .. . ..... .. . . LAWRENCE ALLEN MANN PLEDGES Jay Hoyland Arnette, Austin Jerry Pat Gibson, Odessa Charles H. Owens, Jr., Austin John Robert Babcock, Austin Jerry Walter Gunn, Fort Worth Robert Lynn Patterson, Shreveport, La. Richard Stephen Bagby, Dallas Larry Curtis Hilley, Dallas George Edward Ramsey, 111, Emerson Banack, Jr., Odessa John Michael Huggins, Plainview Brookeville, Md. Ronald Gene Bumpus, Plainview Norman David Jarrell, Texas City Robert Burton Reese, San Antonio Emory Clifton Camp, Cameron Samuel Everard Kinch, Jr., Austin John Shary Shivers, Austin Thomas Scott Cantine, Amarillo Bruce John Knierim, Jr., Austin Roland Ross Thompson, Sweetwater Jack Temple Cayce, Plainview William Harold Lafont, Plainview Hugh Francis West, Midland Robert Carl Demler, Jr., Port Arthur Clarence Edward Latham, Jr., Odessa John Paul Wilkinson, Jr., Midland William Sherman Feazell, Jr., New Boston William Omar Logan, Jr., Palestine Joseph Pyron Willis, Odessa Andrew Gregory Gannaway, Austin Donald Oliver Nelson, Austin Gerald Lee Wood, Odessa SPRING PLEDGES James Andrews Bartlett, Beaumont Kenneth Ray Rosenblad, Taylor Joel Vaughan Roberts, Waco Samuel Carter Spangler, Austin Poge 433 Jack Tarpy Andersen, San Antonio William Kent Anderson, Houston Dan Lewis Armstrong, Houston William Donald Armstrong, Lubbock AI Evans Birdwell, Jr., Houston John Charles Blanton, San Antonio Henry Tebbs Brooks, Houston Grady Dyson Bruce, Jr., San Antonio V-/arren August Buttelman, Jr., Houston Gregory Alan Carter, Fort Worth Robert Lewis Coffey, Freeport John Richard Cogdel 1, Electra Richard Rosser Cole, Houston Jack Chamness Commings, Baytown Maurice Edward Cowan, Austin John Kimbrell Darling, Houston William Lewis Davidson, Austin Don Thomas Dyer, Denison Joseph Jefferson Estill, Jr., Houston Stanley Burnett Ferguson, Houston LOCAL ESTABLJSHMENT, 1941 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1850 Faculty STANLEY A. ARBINGAST, Associate Professor of Resources LLOYD LORING CLICK, Dean Emeritus, College of Arts and Sciences ROBERT CRAWFORD COTNER, Assistant Professor of History DR. JOHN AUGUSTUS CROCKETT, Physician, Specialist, Student Health Center COLLIER READ GRANBERRY, Professor of Electrical Engineering WILLIAM HENRY HOFFMAN, JR., Teaching Assistant in Accounting CALVIN CLEAVE NOLEN, Director, Texas Union ARNO NOWOTNY, Dean of Student Life MEMBERS Rick Peter Fisher, Conroe Hugh Gibbs Mood, Midland Charles Lewis Foley, Austin Charles Eddis Moore, Mineral Wells William David Fore, Corpus Christi Mark Kimbrough Mosley, Jr., Buna Ray Alvin Gipson, Victoria Samuel Jerome Payne, Dal las Ernest Jay Hall, Houston Paul Joseph Porcarello, Houston lrvin Duyka Hammack, Angleton Spencer Cone Relyea, Dallas Hugh K. Harris, Fort Worth Joseph Wayne Roberts, Lake Jackson Jack Alden Harvey, Austin Bobby Jack Simpson, Fort Worth James Dell Heinrichs, Bowie William Gibbs Spiller, Houston Glenn Curtis Hunt, Jr., Dallas Robert Barnes Summers, Pasadena Robert Eugene Jones, Houston Gary Frederick Taft, San Benito Jerry Stokes Jordan, Lake Jackson Michael Edward Thomas, George William Knebel, Austin Maracaibo, Venezuela William Moffett Kromer, San Antonio James Hunter Thompson, Houston John S. Lauer, Camp Hill, Pa. William Van Thompson, Dallas Everett Armistead Marley, Jr., Houston Tom Howard Timmins, Elysian Fields Frank Estes Martin, Jr., Bastrop George Thomas Warner, Odessa Clifton Hatcher McCall, Victoria Neil Larry Whitesell, Austin William James McCroskey, Glen Rose Roger Robinson Wright, Jr., Austin Patrick McNamara, Austin Robert Carlton Wyche, Dallas .Anderson, Barclay, Blanton, Bruce, Coffey, Cole . . ,Top Row: Alexander, Andersen, H. Anderson Second Row: Cowan, Darling, Davis, Edgerton, Estill, Ferguson, Fore, Frosch, Harper . Poge 434 PHI KAPPA SIGMA Top Row : Harris, Harvey, Jordan, Knebel, Kromer, McCroskey, P. Moore, Mosher, Mosley. Second Row : Porcarello, Ryan, Spiller, Summers, A. Thomas, Timmins, Traynor, Whitesell, R. H. Wright. OFFICERS Fall Spring JOSEPH JEFFERSON ESTILL, JR................. ..... Alpa .. .......................MARK KIMBROUGH MOSLEY MICHAEL EDWARD THOMAS ............ ....... ..... Beta . . ........................ ... .. Al EVANS BIRDWELL WILLIAM MOFFETT KROMER ........ . ... ........ .. .. Epsilon ... .. . .. ............. STANLEY BURNETT FERGUSON Al EVANS BIRDWELL, JR" .. ................... ..... Sigma .... .... .................. DAN LEWIS ARMSTRONG CHARLES EDDIS MOORE. . . . . . . . . .......... Tau. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOBBY JACK SIMPSON PLEDGES John Edward Alexander, Austin Rodgers McCrary Harper, Pittsburgh, Pa. Homer Allen Anderson, San Angelo Milton Edward Havlick, Houston Terry Lynn Anderson, Austin Norman Hodges, Boerne James Kendrick Baebal, Maracaibo, Venezuela Philip Gerun Moore, Orange Dennis Jon Barclay, Maracaibo, Venezuela Thomas Walton Moore, Houston Jack Allen Beazley, Fort Worth Laurance C. Mosher, Jr., Pasadena James Michael Bettis, Houston Robert Wayne Peterson, Brenham Albert Edwin Davis, Dallas Thomas Franklin Ryan, Houston Sweeney Jamison Doehring, Jr., Houston Alvin Austin Thomas, Jr., Amarillo George G. Edgerton, Corpus Christi David Alan Traynor, Austin Charlie Harrison Frosch, Midland Michael James Winter, San Antonio John Howard Grubbs, San Antonio Morris R. Witt, San Antonio Ray Harroun Wright, 11, Calgary, Canada LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1943 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1906 Faculty KENNETH WILLIAM OLM, Assistant Professor of Management MEMBERS Robert A. Boberg, Dallas Charles Harold Borup, Houston Carl Gene Bradley, EI Paso Paul Meredith Culp, Jr., Abilene John Warner DeFarges, Houston Linn Neal Duniven, Amarillo Robert David Ernst, Munnsville, N. Y. Murry Browder Giles, Clarksville Sammie James Granato, San Antonio Robert Lester Griffis, Coleman Jess Lester Harkness, Seymour Farris Allen Johnson, Amarillo Dona ld Allan Maxwell, Austin . McCarty, Jr., Houstor Joel Bolton Charles Lee Michulka, Wharton David Edward Phillips, Waco Aubrey Benjamin Pinnell, Jr., EI Paso Robert Clifton Russell, Jr., Arlington Robert William Shohan, Parkersburg·, W. Va. Robert Warren Silman, Bronx, N. Y . William Bennett Smith, 11 1, Athens Lewis Hardeman Steves, Bay City Seth Taylor Steves, Bay City Kenneth Allen Truitt, Longview Mason Webster, San Antonio Top Row: Abbott, Alford, Ard, Bayne, Borup, Brown, Burchfield, Byers, Clough, Culp. Defarges, Ernst. Second Row: Foote, Fredeman, Furrh, Gatlin, Giles, Hall, Haiduk, Hanson, Heard, Hailey, Hutson, Johnson. Poge 436 PHI KAPPA TAU Top Row: Lerrons, Lowrey, McCarty, Matlock, Maxwell, Michulka, Nigh, Phillips, Robl son, Shearer. Russell, Sapp, . . Second Row: Shohan, R. Smith, W. Smith, L. Steves, S. Steves, Taylor, Terry, Truitt, F. Wasko, L. Wasko, Weil, Wells. OFFICERS Fall Spring NSON . JOEL BOLTON McCARTY, JR.. ............... President ............................. RAMON KLUGH ROB . .. Corresponding Secretary ...... ...... ........ KENNETH ALLEN TRU..................... .. KENNETH ALLEN TRU S HARDEMAN STEVES . DONALD ALLAN MAXWELL ............ ...... Recording Secretary .. ................... LEW LSON . SETH TAYLOR STEVES .......... ............ Treasurer... . .. ... ......................JERRELL B. W ROBERT DAV D ERNST .. . .. . ........ .. .. . . .. Vice-President . .. . .... . ... . .......... . . . DONALD ALLAN MAXWELL Truman Cleveland Abbott, Dallas Harold David Alford, Dallas Harold Donald Ard, Nacogdoches William Robert Bayne, Austin Sidney Kent Billue, San Juan Douglas Randl Brown, Dallas Douglas Webster Burch.f eld, Beaumont Robert Riley Byers, Houston Hugh Bartlett Clough, Alief Richard William Foote, Houston Port Arthur .,. ,Henry Frank Fredeman Jack Felton Furrh, Jr., Dallas Charles Reber Blocker, Dallas James Patrick Brady, Rye, N. Y. PLEDGES Donald Herman Gatlin, Dallas Harry Paul Haiduk, Groom James Lamar Hailey, Corpus Christi Robert Lyon Hall, Fort Worth Tyler .,.. ,Douglas Weems Hanson Houston .,. ,Johnny Neal Heard John Milton Hutson, Houston Michael Larry Lemons, Plainview Stanley Floyd Lowrey, La Porte John Robert Matlock, Houston Troy Hilton McCrary, Tyler Temple Voiers Nash, Jr., Kaufman SPRING PLEDGES Samuel Rueben Nigh, Bryan Ramon Klugh Robinson, Magnolia, Ark. Sammy D. Sapp, Dallas Booker .,.. ,Otis Claude Shearer Roger Stirratt Smith, Sarasota, Fla. Henry Asa Taylor, Tomball John David Terry, Houston Frank Andrew Wasko, Kingsville Lester Warden Wasko, Kingsville Peter M. Weil, Dallas George A. Wells, Houston Jerrell B. Wilson, Fort Worth Woodrow Wayne Crawford, Corpus Christi Fritz Paul Kronberger, Houston Samuel Jewett Enloe, Bryan Robert Neal Virden, Garland Page 437 Robert T. Acosta, Del Rio Michael Charles Adamo, 111, Houston Alexander Jesse Canales, Dallas Edward Allison Clarkson, Jr., Refugio William Joseph Fowler, Austin James Lloyd Gaffney, Regina, Canada Melbourne Stanley Gans, Fort Worth Walter Karl Hanak, Trenton, N. J. Peter Allen Hatton, Fort Worth Samuel Matthew Holland, Jr., Galveston Thomas Gentry Jeter, Jr., Refugio Harry A. Jones, Benbrook Sam Michael Korzekwa, Hobson Ralph F. Ledwig, Groom John Roy McBride, Pampa Carroll Wayne Merlick, Fort Worth LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1959 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1959 Faculty REVEREND ROBERT J. MURPHY, C. S. P. REVEREND DAVID O'BRIEN, C. S. P. MEMBERS Mario Leo Messina, Dallas Jack A. Mullins, Victoria Charles Douglas Peters, New Boston Rene Javier Ramirez, Hebbronville William Edmond Robertson, Jr., Colorado Springs, Colo. William Frederick Rogers, Houston Richard A. Schieffer, Austin William Andrew Shepherd, Taylor Frank Bernard Slomchinski, Refugio Hugo Stehling, Fredericksburg Stephen Brian Steinhardt, Dallas Donald Emil Vacker, Victoria Charles Edward White, San Angelo Harlen Alfred Winer, Austin Phillip Gaffney Young, Refugio Top Row: Mrs. Edwena Crutchfield, Adamo, Breen, Canales, Clarkson, Dixon, Earhart, Fowler. Second Row : Friedmann, Gaffney, Gans, Hatton, Hinsley, Holland, Jeter, Korzekwa. Pago 438 - PHI KAPPA THETA .. Fa Top Row : Landry, Ledwig, McCrea, Merlick, Messina, Ramirez, D. Robertson, W. Robertson. Second Row: Rogers, Rousset, S.l cpherd, Slomchinski, Steinhardt, Tijerina, Vacker, White. Young. CERS . OFF Spring ... ,CHAEL CHARLES ADAMO . President ................. ...... ..... M........... ... ,CHAEL CHARLES ADAMO . M .LLIAM EDMOND ROBERTSON, JR . P GAFFNEY YOUNG. . . . . . . . ... .... Vice-President ............ ........ W . LL . PH TE . AM EDMOND ROBERTSON, J R ..... ... Corresponding Secretary ............... .... CHARLES EDWARD WH . LL . W CK ROGERS . AM FREDER . LL . .. W ............... ....THOMAS GENTRY JETER, JR .............. Recording Secretary MELBOURNE STANLEY GANS ....... .... .. Treasurer ................ .... .... ...... THOMAS GENTRY JETER, JR. HARLEN ALFRED W NTER .............. ... Historian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SAMUEL MATTHEW HOLLAND, JR. . REZ . ER RAM . SON CLARKSON, J R ......... Sergeant-at-Arms ............... .............. RENE JAV . EDWARD ALL PLEDGES Joseph Wilson Bauer, Refugio Robert Benjamin Hinsley, Houston Wilford Thomas Breen, Fort Worth Edwin Landry, Colorado City J. Burt Dixon, Jr., Austin Victor Chase McCrea, Jr., Midland Robert Francis Earhart, Longview Fort W orth ., .,Daniel Sommer Robertson Robert Joseph Friedmann, Brownsvi lle Edward Eloy Rousset, Brownsville Ernesto Tomas Tijerina, Brownsville Page 439 LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1920 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1909 Steven Louis Aaron, Dallas Gus Block, Houston Leon J. Daily, Jr., Newgulf Harold Eichenbaum, Jr., Austin Ronald Jack Finger, Houston Lowell Stephen Fink, Houston James Martin Franks, Tyler Fred Milton Gerson, Houston Samuel David Glassman, Greenville Herbert Stephen Goldberg, Marshall Gary Alvin Goldfeder, Wichita Falls Edmond Goldstein, Forrest City, Ark. Maurice Goldstein, Sherman Seinwil Louis Greenberg, Beaumont Freddie Sherman Harkavy, Memphis, Tenn. Charles Edward Hauser, Houston Jay Jules Karkowsky, Houston Richard Simon Karotkin, Austin MEMBERS Barry Earl Kaufman, Houston Jay Rodney Kline, Port Arthur Frank Lester Levy, Waco Joseph Edward Loewenstein, Port Arthur Richard Jules Loewenstern, Houston Rodney Harry Margolis, Houston Clarence Edwin Mayer, Jr., Helena, Ark. Max Hersh Mendlovitz, New Braunfels Beaumont .,.. ,Jerome Jacob Nathan Jules Follis R'ose, Houston Lowell Maurice Rosenthal, Fort Worth Sherman Allan Ross, Houston Mansel Mose Rubenstein, Houston Ronny Norman Schoenbrun, Tyler Thomas Carl Sonnenberg, San Antonio Phillip David Stotland, Hattiesburg, Miss . Jon David Totz, Gonzales Sidney Conrad Weiss, Dallas Top Row : Aaron, Block, Brochstein, Cohen, Cohn, Daily, Davis, Eichenbaum, Finger, Fink, Franks. Second Row : Gerson, Glassman, Goldberg, Goldfeder, E. Goldstein, M. Goldstein, Grossman, Harkavy, Hauser, Karchmer, Karkowsky. Page 440 ,1", '. 1/1~'"'',1 1 )\ 1•1 ,\ ', ' 111•1 J . 1 / 1 ' 11 1\\ PHI SIGMA DELTA Top Row : Koufmon, Losser, Levy, Livitz, Lowenstcrn, Lowenstein, Morgolis, Moyer, Mellow, L. Mendlovitz, M. Mendlovitz, Music. Second Row : Rodoff, Rose, Ross, Rubenstein, Sochs, Schoenbrum, Sonnenberg, Stotlond, Steinhort, Simon, Totz, Woyne. OFFICERS Fall Spring MAURICE GOLDSTEIN ......................Master Frater. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CLARENCE EDWIN MAYER, JR. FRED MIL TON GERSON .................... Vice-Master Frater .. .. . . . . .. .. . ........ . . . .. RONALD JACK FINGER LOWELL STEPHEN FINK. . . . . . . . . . . . . Corresponding Secretary. . . .......... LEON J. DAILY, JR. FRANK LESTER LEVY . . . . . . . . . . . . Recording Secretary . . . . PHILLIP DAVID STOTLAND RONNY NORMAN SCHOENBRUN ............ Treasurer.... . ...................... BARRY EARL KAUFMAN PLEDGES Robert Phillip Brochstein, Houston Leonard Jerome Mendlovitz, Houston Barry Alan Cohen, Forrest City, Ark. Stephen Orrin Music, Hattiesburg, Miss. Morton Allan Cohn, Houston Perry Joe Radoff, Houston Herbert Allen Davis, San Antonio Carl Harry Sachs, Waco Morris Jay Engle, Dallas Arthur Louis Schechter, Rosenberg Barton Leroy Fruhman, Dallas Bernard Lee Simon, Houston Gary Grossman, Houston Stephen Marshall Simon, Austin Ba rry Nolan Karchmer, Dallas Ronald Glen Steinhart, Beaumont Jon Stuart lasser, Houston Robert Martin Wainger, Temple Robert Livitz, Houston William Louis Wayne, Bellaire Roger S. Mel low, Dallas SPRING PLEDGE Melvin Louis Rice, Houston Robert Sterling Adair, Austin Hubert Carl Askew, Houston James Carroll Aston, Houston Wilson Roger Barker, Weatherford Walter Clarkson Bowman, Jr., Harlingen Eugene Lee Brown, Jr., Dallas Mario Anthony Burdick, Round Mountain, Nev. James M. Colley, Dallas Dail Warren Cosner, Corpus Christi Philip Douglas Creer, Jr., Austin John Robert Cromack, Austin Michael David Dennis, Sherman Charles P. Durrenberger, Houston Daniel Shelton Gafford, Reagan William Lee George, Houston Daniel Stratton Gwinner, Dallas George Washington Hager, Jr., Richardson LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1947 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1B73 Faculty CK JOSEPH ADAMS, Professor of Educational Psychology . FREDER nstructor in Romance Languages . ,NE BRANDENBURG . HUBERT ALD ER COX, Vice-President for Administrative Services . N LAN . FRANKL P DOUGLAS CREER, Director, School of Architecture . L . PH Assistant Professor of Physical and Health Education N, . KARL K. KLE MEMBERS James Leon Hailey, Harlingen Francis Edward Harkrider, Temple Frazier Patrick Henry, San Angelo Floyd Dennis Herndon, Jr., Garland Hal Segrest Hudson, Houston Frank August Hueter, Jr., Houston Dan Ray Lambden, West Columbia Maurice John William Lehmann, Boerne Robert Don Lumley, Baytown Alfred Gene Matthews, San Angelo Wilbourn Baker McAdams, Tomball Charles Howard McCann, Houston Richard Lynn McDaniel, Harlingen Bellairennes, . Allen Talbot Mc owa Park . ,Orville Homer Miller Danny Earl Newbrough, Texon Thomas Allen Neyland, Beaumont Ronny Wayde Nicholas, Dallas Robert Edward Norwood, Corpus Christi Richard Brock Parker, Menlo Park, Calif. Richard Harper Pettway, Austin James M. Pickell, Houston John Wilson Price, Corpus Christi Loyd Gordon Robertson, Houston Livingston ,... ,Burrel Rowe Bryce C. Sanford, EI Campo John Wesley Sauer, Almeda David B. Sellers, Greggton William Vernon Sheppard, Houston James Marshall Smith, Austin Robert Gary Smith, Dallas Hester Reid Stewart, Port Arthur Joe Neil Tillery, Fort Worth Robert Hendrick Turner, Marlin Gilbert Clement Vetters, Corpus Christi Thomas Francis Vetters, Corpus Christi Darrell David Wilson, Houston .berger. Durreer,. Cos ,. CookstoClower,Burdick, ,. Brow ., Basham, Bowma, . Top Row: Adair, Askew, Asto .Gilbert, GorrellGeorge, ., Freeland, Fruia, Gafford, GardmaFoyt, g, . Emmett, Esterli ., Second Row: Elsto .t . KeKelly, ,. Hudso,. do . Herry, . He, . Hager, Heltocr,.. GwiGrove, ,. Griffi t, . Third Row: Gra Page 442 ' ~ 11 11, i , ,•, .r ~1'~11' i1 ,,, PHI SIGMA KAPPA ~,., . . . \111'/1',\•'' Top Row: Lombden, Lumley, McAdoms, McConn, Miller, Millwee, Hewbrough, Hicholos, Pettwoy, Pickell, Pickett. Second Row: Price, Reese, Robertson, Rowe, Souer, Sellers, Sheppord, Smolley, R. Smith, W. Smith, Stoples. Third Row: Stewort, Terry, Tillery, Townsend, Turner, VonGilder, G. Vetters, T. Vetters, Vibrock, D. Wilson, J. Wilson. CERS . OFF Fa/I Spring CHOLAS . CHOLAS ............. ........ President. . . . . ......... .......... RONNY WAYDE N . RONNY WAYDE N LEE ..... . .......... . ...... . .. W GEORGE AM LEE . LL . -President AM GEORGE .......... ............... Vice . WILL GEORGE WASH NGTON HAGER . . .... . . . . .. ... .. Secretary . .. ...................... HENDR CK TURNER . ROBERT . ERS . S VE . RICHARD BROCK PARKER ....................... Treasurer ......................... THOMAS FRANC PLEDGES . Jack Ronald Grant, Houston James Donald Basham, Dallas Robert Hami ton Smalley, Dallas Ronald Lee Clower, Garland Lawrence Lafayette Griffin, Jr., Austin Wade Bradford Smith, Austin Terrell Marion Cookston, Dallas Orrin Kepler Grove, Corpus Christi Walter Scott Smith, Marlin Ronald Eugene Eddy, Jr., Dallas David Kirby Helton, Tokyo, Japan Michael Conrad Staples, Vernon Jay Wray Elston, Houston John M. Hensley, Houston Warren Bergen Terry, Corpus Christi John Emmett, Dallas John Eugene Kelly, Dallas Joseph Emmett Townsend, Galveston Roger E. Esterling, Corpus Christi Garland,d D. VanGilder . Austin Rona ,... ,Harry Llewellyn Kent Charles Bernard Foyt, Austin Dallas Douglas Wayne Vibrock, Garland ,... ,Robert Hughes Millwee John Milton Freeland, Houston James David Patterson, Channelview Galen Wessels, Austin Frank John Fruia, Houston George Polk Williams, Corsicana Alfred Anthony Gardman, Richardson John Osborne Pickett, Houston Willard Talmage Reese, Jr,. John Reiter Wilson, Wichita Fallsbert, Mathis . Edwin James Gi John Thomas Gorrel 1, Odessa Corpus Christi Thomas Franklin Witten, Dallas Page 443 Herrell Glyn Jordan, Hubbard Robert Gist Knupp, Amarillo Wallace Edwin Lowry, Jr., Huntsville David Haywood Mangum, San Antonio Guy Edward Matthews, Mont Belvieu Wallace Michael Mays, Greenville James Robert Moffett, Houston John Richard Passero, EI Paso David Elbert Pierce, Alpine Harold Elmer Posey, Hillsboro Charles Ronald Rogers, Austin Aubrey Jack Shannon, Beaumont Mike Rhyne Simpson, Lubbock Homer Don Smith, Eastland Benjamin Alvis Stafford, Pleasanton Donald William Steiber, Houston Wilson Byrd Tarver, Waco Neill Bailey Walsdorf, San Antonio Jerry Alan Wells, Denison Jimmy Howard Akin, Pasadena William Joseph Bailey, Marfa Craig Manley Bell, San Antonio Arthur Snell Bird, Arlington Lynn Allen Boatner, Longview George Eugene Bogle, Houston Marshall Dean Bowdoin, Mont Belvieu Bernard Edward Breihan, EI Paso William Vann Brown, Greenville Michael Paul Burkart, Dallas Jerry Dean Cain, Tahoka Richard Trent Campbell, Jr., San Antonio Henry Maurice Carder, Bryan Owen Price Carpenter, Jr., Belton George Camp Chapman, Amarillo Roger Vincent Chenault, Houston Robert Earl Clark, Austin William Arthur Crockett, Ballinger LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1920 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1868 Faculty GEORGE W. HOFFMAN, Associate Professor of Geography OTIS ARNOLD SINGLETARY, Assistant Professor of History MEMBERS William Claude Davidson, Jr., Yazoo City, Miss. J. Wed Davis, 111, Dallas Jerome Ersel Dawkins, Port Arthur Michael Mayo Ditto, Arlington Walter Webb Duson, EI Campo Harvey Keith Fahrenthold, Poth Paul David Fahrenthold, Houston Eugene Gray Feild, 11, Austin James Richard Folkes, San Antonio James David Gillaspie, San Antonio Robert Gordon Greer, Waco Weldon Woolf Hammond, San Antonio Daniel Thomas Hampton, Naples Charles Allen Henderson, Austin Frank Warren Hilliard, Arlington Paul Allan Howard, San Antonio John Bruce Hughes, lowa Park Raymond Percy James, San Antonio Top Row: Abston, Akin, Bell, Beyer, Bird, Odd-Erik Bjarre, Blassingame, G. Bogle, J. Bogle, Bond, Bowdoin, Breihan. Second Row : Brown, Burkart, Campbell, Carpenter, Chapman, Chena ult, Chote, Clark, Cr11ckett, Crowell, Cunningham, Davidson, J. Davis. Third Row : R. Davis, Dillard, Ditto, Douglas, Duson, Ellison, H. Fahrenthold, Feild, Folkes, Gage, Gillaspie, Greer, Hammond. Page 444 -"...-...--...-...-...-...------------------------------------------- PI KAPPA ALPHA Top Row: Hampton, Howard, Hughes, lngerson, Jackson, James, Johns, H. Jordan, Kepke, Kleine, Knupp, Lowry, McBrayer. Second Row: McCaleb, McWilliams, Mangum, Matthews, Mays, Moore, Nelson, Nixon, Passero, Pierce, Prohl, Robinson, Rogers. Third Row: Scarborough, Schiller, Shannon, Simpson, H. Smith, J. Smith, Stafford, States, Steiber, Tarver, Walsdorf, White, Woodford. OFFICERS Fall Spring CHARLES RONALD ROGERS ......................... SMC .........................GEORGE CAMP CHAPMAN GEORGE CAMP CHAPMAN .......................... IMC. . . ......................... WILSON BYRD TARVER .O .......... ................... MS.. . ................. WALLACE EDWIN LOWRY, JR . MICHAEL MAYO Dl JOHN BRUCE HUGHES .............................. SC ................................ ROBERT GIST KNUPP MICHAEL PAUL BURKART ... ......................... THC .......................OWEN PRICE CARPENTER, JR. PLEDGES .f eldDon Wright Abston, Dainger Gerald David Gage, Baytown Elmer Louis Nelson, Jr" Elgin Robert Bonham Beyer, Fort Worth Roy Sims Goodman, Denison Charles Richard Nixon, Alice Arthur Ames Blassingame, Denison Fred Earl lngerson, Jr., Austin Tillman David O'Brien, Baytown James Byron Bogle, Houston William Garrison Jackson, Austin Emil Karl Prohl, Tahoka John Richard Bond, Denison James Christy Johns, Abilene Max Alan Robinson, Jasper Richard Woolsey Chote, Austin Kenneth Ray Jordan, Gladewater Raymond Lewis Scarborough, Jr., Thomas Nendell Crowell, San Antonio Carlos Erwin Kepke, Dallas Houston Donald Keith Cunningham, San Antonio Walter Daniel Kleine, Gonzales Nelson Louis Schiller, Austin Robert Rix Davis, Jacksonville Harvard Lee McBrayer, Jr" Hillsboro Juan Jay Smith, Eastland William Randolph Dillard, San Antonio William Edward McCaleb, Austin Lester Gerry States, Harwood T ownsend Wade Douglas, Hereford Hugh Nelson McWilliams, Atlanta Richard James White, Austin .Raymond Ellison, Lafayette, La Glenn Ray Moore, Sherman William Gratz Woodford, Hereford SPRING PLEDGES Kenneth Wesley Burch, Greenville James Christy Johns, Abilene Herman Dale Scott, Bay City Ronald Wayne Chapman, Dallas Russell Elliot Painton, Port Arthur Don Larry Talbert, Texas City Ronald Gordon Rosen, Fort Worth LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1684 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1856 FACULTY HARRELL ESTES LEE, Associate Professor of Journalism JERRE STOCKTON WILLIAMS, Professor of Law Platt Livingston Allen, Jr., Weatherford Donald Wayne Bell, Houston Thomas Alton Blakely, Dallas Dan Keith Borchardt, Houston Ronald Dean Boyd, Plainview Emil Bernard Brauer, Corpus Christi Larry Kent Burton, Spring .f eld, 111 . Robert Michael Canada, Houston James Alfred Carpenter, Deer Park William Richard Carr, Corpus Christi Bruce E. Collier, Galveston Ned Collins, Jr., San Antonio John Williams Creveling, Corpus Christi Robert Devant, Bay City William Haley Drushel, Houston William Leonard Edmundson, 111, Houston Jack Enen, Jr., Houston John Wells Fainter, Jr., Houston Edwin Frank Flato, 111, Corpus Christi James Lyman Gallagher, Houston Bryon Jackson Gierhart, Corpus Christi Jon David Gooch, Midland Curtis Eugene Granberry, Corpus Christi Dick Hoskins Gregg, Jr., Houston James Bryan Grubbs, Jr., Houston MEMBERS Farris McDonnald Hall, Houston Donald L. Harrell, Brenham Herbert Paul Haschke, Jr., Houston Zack Hill, Houston Gary Dee Howard, Midland Kenneth William Hulett, Jr., Amarillo Charles Alfred Ketchum, Navasota Ray Richard Kuenstler, Alice Edward Weir La Montagne, Mexico, D.F. Mexico Otto Fred Lohmeyer, Navasota Graharn Barton Luhn, San Antonio Homer Lee Luther, Jr., Houston Joe Ed Martin, Hearne Ronald Engle Martin, Bryan Carlisle Maxwell, Jr., San Antonio Lamar Boyt Maxwell, Devers Edward Stanton McCullough, Pharr Richard Kent McGaughy, San Antonio Frank Owen McGehee, Houston John Hodges Mecom, Houston Max Gustav Michaelis, Kyle David Mayes Middleton, Liberty John Marvin Mohrmann, Gonzales William Daniel Mount, Dallas Field Ohme, San Antonio Robert Young Pagan, Houston Rupert Maury Pollard, Austin Peter Evans Pratt, Houston John Mans .f eld Rogers, Dallas Bryan Lee Rosson, Corpus Christi Sherian Audilet Salge, Karnes City Jonathan David Schwartz, EI Paso Joe Arthur Shepperd, Burnet Larry Clifton Stephens, Angleton Robert Hampton Stewart, Houston Edwin Jackson Taegel, San Antonio George Knight Taggart, 111 , Corpus Christi John Randle Taylor, San Antonio Gordon Cole Thompson, Houston James Terry Topham, San Antonio John Carrol Vogt, Dallas John Morris Wagstaff, Abilene Wayne Gilbert Weachman, Houston Jack T. Williams, Longview Lacy Holmes Williams, Longview Whitmell David Williams, Houston Wayne Ellsworth Windle, Texarkana Top Row : Allen, Bell, Boyd, Brouer, Burford, Busiek, Compbell, Conodo, Corno hon, Corpenter, Collier. Second Row : Creveling, Drushel, Eosterling, Floto, Goskell, Gierhort, Gill, Glosscock, Gregg, Groos, Grubbs. Third Ro"i : Holl, Horrell, Hoschke, Howord, Jenkins1 Johnston, Johnson, Kctchum, Lo Montogne, Lohme)'er, Luhn. Page 446 SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON .Martin, R. Martin, C. Maxwell, L. Maxwell, Michaelis, Middleton . . ,Top Row: H Luther, M. Luther, Maddox, McGaugny, McGehee sson, Ro. . ,Second Row: Mount, Pagnn, Patton, Pollard Pickens, Pinkner, Renfrow, H. Rogers, Rogers, Salge . Third Row: Schwartz, Stewart, Taegel, Taggart, Topham, Vogt, Wagstaff, Weachman, Williams, Yates, Young. OFFICERS Fall Spring WILLIAM HALEY DRUSHEL ..................... Eminent Archon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JAMES TERRY TOPHAM RONALD DEAN BOYD . ..... .......... ... ..... Eminent Deputy Archon ...... .....JONATHAN DAVID SCHWARTZ DAVID MAYES MIDDLETON ..... ..... .......... Eminent Correspondent ................. .. CARLISLE MAXWELL, JR GARY DEE HOWARD ....... ...... ............ Eminent Recorder .... .. ........ .......WILLIAM DANIEL MOUNT GRAHAM BARTON LUHN ...................... Eminent Treasurer .. ................. .. GRAHAM BARTON LUHN PLEDGES Eddie Miller Burford, Edinburg Gunter Kimbrough Gaskell, San Antonio John Jacob Patton, Tyler Barry Lee Burton, Alice Ned Gill, Jr., Houston Robert J. Pickens, Skidmore George Southgate Busiek, Dallas Stanley Warren Glasscock, San Antonio J. Frank Pinkner, Wynnewood, Pa. David Scothorn Campbell, Longview Frederick Carl Groos, Jr., San Antonio John Henry Rasmussen, Galveston Gayle Bragdon Carnahan, Houston Charles Knox Jenkins, Taft William Byron Renfrow, Corpus Christi William Sheppard Cochran, 111, Houston Robert David Johnson, Houston Harry Moore Rogers, Dallas James Easterling, Jr., Corpus Christi Chesley Wiggins Johnston, San Antonio Joseph Louis Segrato, Houston Leonard Homer Gallagher, Jr., Monroe Martin Luther, Jr., Houston Wilbur Franklin Yates, Longview Corpus Christi Robert Kelley Maddox, Houston Parke Chamberlain Young, Corpus Christi SPRING PLEDGES Richard Kenneth Cone, Amarillo Billy Mack Payne, Conroe George Searcy Watson, Houston Dalton Ford Ewing, Texas City Erben Joseph Schuldt, Galveston LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1922 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1901 Faculty ARNOLD MELVIN BARBAN, Lecturer in Marketing, Resources, lnternational Trade, Trans­portation ALAN SCOTT, Associate Professor of Journalism IRWIN SPEAR, Assistant Professor of Botany Murray Allen Abramson, Dallas R. Gordon Appleman, Fort Worth Marshall Elliott Benjamin, Borger Richard Barry Bermont, Coral Gables, Fla. Stanley Byron Block, Corpus Christi Stewart Alan Bonnett, Dallas Hilton Chodorow, Waco Frank M. Dannenbaum, Houston Frank B. Falkstein, Houston Larry Sylvester Glazer, Fort Worth Leonard Jay Goltzman, Victoria Gary Reagan Gurwitz, Three Rivers Robert Earl Gurwitz, San Antonio Charles Harris Heilbron, Dallas Donald Sidney Herman, Fort Worth Julian Victor Horwitz, EI Paso Robert Mayer Jason, Blue .f eld, W. Va . Sammy Kins, Corpus Christi Robert Martin Kirstein, Austin MEMBERS Fredric G. Kline, San Antonio William Morton Knobler, Brownwood Harold Pacey Laves, Austin Alvin Jerome Levenson, San Antonio Peter M. Loeb, Sweetwater Lewis Mendell, Corpus Christi Morton Herbert Meyerson, Fort Worth Sterling Samuel Neuman, San Antonio Donald lrving Pomerantz, Seguin Burton Lee Rakoover, Fort Worth Thomas Morton Roosth, Tyler Warren Paul Roosth, Tyler Bernard Jerome Rubin, Fort Worth James Jay Siegel, San Antonio Fredric Mitchell Silver, San Antonio Harris Joe Sterling, San Antonio Charles lrving Toubin, Houston Abraham Wilson, Laredo William Howard Wolf, McCamey Calvin Moritz Wolff, McAllen Top Row : Adler, Appleman, Benjamin, Bermont, Block, Bonnett, Burgower, Cohen, Dannenbaum, Falkstein. Second Row: Feferman, Feiner, Fonarow, Gerber, Gilbert, Gillis, Ginsburg, Glazer, Goldin, Gotsdiner, Hoffman. Page 448 SIGMA ALPHA MU Rosenberg. . Top Row: Kins, F. R. Kline, F. G. Kline, Knobler, Laves, Loeb, Neuman, Rakoover, N. Roosth, Roosth, W. Roosth, . Second Row: Rubin, Salzberger, Silen, Silver, Sterling, Sugarman, Susser, Toubin, Wiener, Wolf, Wolff, Holtzman . OFFICERS Fall Spring THOMAS MORTON ROOSTH ................ .. . Prior ... . ...... . ............... . ......... FRANK B. FALKSTEIN BERNARD JEROME RUBIN ..................... Recorder ............... ............ ... ROBERT MAYER JASON FREDRIC MITCHELL SILVER ..... ................ Exchequer ........... .................STANLEY BYRON BLOCK PLEDGES E. Robert Adler, Corpus Christi Robert Alan Fonarow, Corpus Christi Lawrence Edward Holtzman, Brownsville Donald Charles Bindler, Tyler lrvin David Gerber, Houston Fred Ronald Kline, San Antonio Larry Burton Bach, Corpus Christi Jay M. Gilbert, Amarillo Nathan Cecil Roosth, Tyler Bruce Bonnell, Austin Ralph Joseph Gillis, San Antonio Gerald Jay Rosenberg, San Antonio William Michael Burgower, Houston David Michael Ginsburg, Austin Lee Roy Salzberger, Dallas Richard Cohen, Houston Lloyd Fredric Goldin, Miami Beach, Fla. Stephan Richard Silen, San Antonio Donald Mark Feferman, Amarillo Sanford Vale Gotsdiner, Houston Kenneth Michael Sugarman, San Antonio Linmor Benney Feiner, EI Paso Gary Samuel Hoffman, Fort Worth Sam Julius Susser, Corpus Christi Thomas Eli Wiener, Dallas SPRING PLEDGES Donald David Cohen, Houston Lawrence A. Frieden, Houston William Stuart Goldberg, Houston Gerald Arthur Freid, Dallas Michael Alexander Ginsberg, Houston Jerry Katz, Miami Beach, Fla. Page 449 Lynn Richard Allen, Geneva, Ohio Don Ray Allen, New London Henry George Anderson, LaMarque Alan Clayton Atwood, Edinburg Elliot John Bilhartz, Jr., San Antonio Robert S. Blackwell, Dallas Louis Franklin Bonner, Jr., Houston Robert Paschal Buford, Tyler John Russell Butler, Austin Thomas Richard Clower, Corpus Christi David Bradford Connery, Jr., Midland Thomas Benton Coopwood, Lockhart Tom Guernsey DeWitt, Kilgore H. Maurice Doke, Wichita Falls Scott William Forney, Ranger Doyle Wayne Goolsby, Lamesa Robert Harrell Hankins, Lamesa Gregg Alan Harris, Tyler Robert William Hastedt, Columbus Herbert Lee Hooks, Henderson LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1BB4 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1B55 FACULTY ALBERT EVERETT COOPER, Professor of Mathmatics Engineering . Emeritus of CiviNCH, Professor . STER F . STANLEY PH HUGH LYON McMATH, Professor of Architecture MEMBERS William Paul Jones, Sinton Darrell Eddy Jordon, McAllen William Carey Kennedy, Jr., Austin Henry Ferdinand Keplinger, Tulsa, Okla. James Lee Kirkwood, Austin David Warren Knight, Amarillo John Hall Kochevar, Fort Bliss Ronald Krist, Midland Bobby Edward Lively, Dilley John Franklin Prince, Dallas James Sydney Ramsey, Jr., Kilgore Donald James Rooney, San Antonio John Fisher Schwarz, Houston Richard Dutton Seba, Tulsa, Okla. Richard Martin Selzer, Terrell Frank Thomas Silliman, Fort Stockton Everett Gregor Smith, Midland Corpus Christi .,.. ,. Smith Sidney H.Vicksburg, Miss .,.. ,James Lyons McCall James Robinson McDougald, Jr,. Beaumont Sam Allen McKnight, San Angelo William Horton McNall, Dallas Edward Knox Mellon, Jr., Austin Drewry Hampton Morris, Waco John Boyd Padgett, Colorado City Joseph H. Peck, Jr., Ralls Andrew Jackson Phipps, Austin Joe Dean Phipps, Austin Edward Monroe Snyder, Dallas James Arthur Steer, Mercedes Sidney Sherrod Stover, Wichita Falls Thomas Waller Taylor, Houston John Butler Terrell, Jr., Beaumont Frank Joseph Tribble, Corpus Christi James Edward Tylaska, Houston Ronald Lee Van Meter, Beaumont Hazon Robert Walker, New Braunfels Corpus Christi .,.. ,John Hill Watts Top Row: Albin, C. Allen, Anderson, Atwood, Baertl, Barns, Bean, Beidleman, Bennett, Bilhartz, Blackwell, Bonner. Second Row: Brown, Buford, Clower, Coker, Connery, Coopwood, Doke, Farenthold, Ford, Forney, Frank, Goolsby. Third Row: Gormley, Hankins Harris Hastedt, Houston, Howe, Hoyt, Jacobs, Jaros, Jenkins, Jones, Jord an. Poge 450 SIGMA CHI Killebrew, Kirkwood, Knight, McCall, McDougald, McMillan, Mc all, Mellon, Moody, O' Banion, Orlebeke . . Keplinger, Juergens, Row: Top Second Row: Peck, J. Phipps, Pratt, Prince, Ramsey, Rice, Roberts, Rooney, Rubey, Schepf, Silliman, Sloane, D. Smith. Third Row: E. Smith, S. Smith, Steer, Steger, Stover, Taylor, Terrell, Tonahill, F. Tribble, J. Tribble, Van Meter, Walker, Watts. OFFICERS Fall Spring ROBERT WILLIAM HASTEDT .................... Consul ............................. THOMAS WALLER TAYLOR THOMAS WALLER TAYLOR............... . .. Pro-Consul. . ............... THOMAS RICHARD CLOWER RONALD LEE VAN METER..................... Tribune .................. ......... JAMES SYDNEY RAMSEY, JR. WILLIAM HORTON McNALL .................... Annotator ......................... DREWRY HAMPTON MORRIS .. ,JAMES LYONS McCALL, 111 .. .............. .... Quaestor ... ............ ..... .......JAMES L YONS McCALL PLEDGES Philip James Albin, Pasadena Herbert Clyde Gormley, Killeen Karl Ki ng Moody, Corpus Christi Chester Lee Allen, Corpus Christi David Louis Horner, Dallas John Turner O'Banion, Luling Charles Edward Baertl, Galveston Robert Conway Houston, Dallas Peter W . Orlebeke, San Angelo William Stanley Barnes, Austin Robert Melvin Howe, Jr., Beaumont Charles Allen Pratt, Longview Richard Alan Bean, San Angelo John Clinton Hoyt, Houston Thomas Richard Rice, McAllen Tommy Earl Beidleman, Snyder Richard Eugene Hulbirt, Corpus Christi Thomas Franklin Roberts, Jr., Temp le James Cary Bennett, Austin David Paul Jacobs, Big Lake William Bonner Rubey, Jr., Houston Floyd Wayne Brown, Corpus Christi James Joseph Jaros, Wichita Falls Edward Earl Schepf, Corpus Christi Jess Richard Coker, Wichita Falls Robert Ferrell Jenkins, Houston David B. Sloane, Port Lavaca Charles Lanier Edmiston, Jr., Crockett Mark Edward Jones, Graham Darrell Essman Smith, Dallas George Randolph Farenthold, Larry David Juergens, Corpus Christi John Jefferson Steger, Columbus Corpus Christi ...,,William Barian Killebrew Jay Denzil Tonahill, Waco David Lynn Ford, Longview Port Neches James Luther Tribble, Corpus Christi Ernest Willard Frank, Jr., Orange John Hammack McMillan, Wichita Falls NG PLEDGES . SPR John Moore Cleveland, Galveston Robert Calder Myer, Houston Don Melton Noble, Houston . Poge 451 James Kent Adams, Houston Donald Robert Anders, Fort Worth Larry Marshall Asbury, Abilene Howard Leslie Atkins, San Marcos John Robert Beauchamp, San Antonio William Randolph Bridges, Abilene James Robert Bright, Tyler Sam Raymond Bright, Jr., Tyler Frederick Samuel Brown, Mexia Joe Barnett Cannon, Mexia Richard Shaw Cardner, Houston Paul John Carson, San Antonio Harold Dee Carter, Tyler Tom Ben Chadwick, Jr., Tyler Louis Wyatt Chenault, Jr., Houston Robert Scotland Clark, Dallas Austin .,.. ,John James Clary Richard Clifton Craig, Seabrook William Clark Donovan, Houston Pat Taylor Dyer, Tyler James Joseph Exley, Houston er . Ty .,.. ,Segle George Fry William Glenn Gamel, Lampasas Donald Lewis Haberle, Jacksonville Benjamin Nicholls Hamilton, Port Arthur Dexter Boone Hamon, Corpus Christi Donald Wilson Hankins, San Antonio LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1886 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1869 Faculty CLARENCE EDW N AYRES, Economics Professor of . GEORGE HOMER FANCHER, Professor of Petroleum Engineering ARCH E N. JONES, Professor of Music . EUGENE PAUL SCHOCH, Professor Emeritus of Chemical Engineering VERNON T. SCHUHARDT, Professor of Bacteriology W LBERT Drawing nstructor in . SpecialSHALLENE,E. . YOUNG,TH . KE Professor of Geology MEMBERS Arthur John Hartel, Liberty Edwin Lee Rainwater, Wharton Houston Jay Bradford Rea, Houston .,.. ,Charles Harter George Archie Helland, Jr., San Antonio Brink Coleman Renick, Jr., San Antonio Walter Russell Hensey, San Antonio Thomas Jackson Risinger, Wharton Malcolm Scott Hicks, Austin Gerald J. Roberts, Fort Worth Tom Truitt Hollingshead, Abilene William Alexander Roever, Jr., Dallas Houston .,.. ,David Kiker Hughes, Abilene Walter Lewis Rose Robert Sherridan Hughes, Houston Gordon Parker Ross, San Antonio Robert Jack Huston, Austin Charles Gary Rule, San Antonio Victor B. Jaeggli, Jr., Corpus Christi Richard Joseph Saad, Houston William Howard January, Wichita Falls John Cather Sargent, Corpus Christi Gordon Howell Johnson, San Antonio Richard Charles Schulte, Hondo David Charles Simon Kristynik, Bay City Eugene Beck Seale, Corpus Christi Coy Ben Martin, Jacksonville Lawrence Dean Spencer, Abilene William Clayton McBride, Dallas James Ellis Stafford, Jr., Houston Dee Russel McElroy, Wharton William Leroy Stein, Alice James Thomas Mitchell, Houston George Berry Stephenson, Gainesville Joe Lee Neal, Austin Michael Scott Stroud, Dallas Robert Baxter Nisbet, Lufkin Walter David Switzer, Jr., Houston Paine, Bay City .. Lester Tom John Weigel, Jr., Austin Houston .,.. ,James Harry Painter Seagle Wheatley, Jacksonville Abilene .,.. ,Joe Petty Parris Thomas Leland Whitcomb, HoustonEdwin Willis Patterson, Midland Samuel Sidney White, Amarillo Robert Walter Pegg, San Antonio William Pope Wilbert, Baton Rouge, La. Bobby Clayton Puryear, Santo Frank John Quirk, Jr., San Antonio Charles Lee Woolfolk, Gainesville James Patrick Quirk, San Antonio Walter Scott Wysong, Dallas Top Row: Adams, Anders, C. Anderson, R. Anderson, Baldridge. Ballard, Bratten, Bridges, Bright, Carson. Second Row: Carter, Counts, Craig, DeShazor, Dyer, Gamel, Hamon, Hankins, Harter, Hayes. Third Row: Helland, Hensey, Hollingshead, D. Hughes, R. Hughes, Huston, Jackson, Jaeggli, Johnson, Knapp. Page 452 SIGMA NU Top Ro11·: Mason, Mcfarland, McVey, Nash, Nations, Neal, Nisbet, Paine, Painter, Peacock. Second Row: Porter, F. Quirk, J. Quirk, Risinger, Roever, Ross, Rule, Schulze, Seale, Shamburger. Third Row: Spencer, Stein, Stephenson, Stroud, Trigg, Webb, Whitcomb, White, Wilbert, Wilson, Woolfolk. OFFICERS Fall Spring W LLIAM GLENN GAMEL ...................... Eminent Commander. . . . . . . . . . . . ... JOHN CATHER SARGENT . ... ,ERSON ...... .............. Lieutenant Commander ..................... CHARLES HARTER . S PA . EDWIN WILL STROUD ..................... Corresponding Secretary ....... ........... DAV D K KER HUGHES . MICHAEL SCO . . STROUD . CHAEL SCO . S STAFFORD ....................... Recorder ......................... .... M . JAMES ELL COY BEN MART N ............................ Treasurer ....... ........... ............. : EUGENE BECK SEALE . PLEDGES Clifford Ernest Anderson, Jr., Houston Deene Gott, San Antonio Samuel Tobin Newton, San Antonio Jacksonville .,. ,Ross Thomas Anderson, Tyler Hugh Carl Hayes, Liberty James Hoke Peacock Victor Elgin Baldridge, Abilene Tommy Lawrence Jackson, Andrews Brooks Wood Porter, Port Arthur Uvalde James Henry Richardson, Tyler .,.. Troy Don Ballard, Houston William Eaton Jackson James Hulvey Bratten, San Antonio Dale Patrick Johnson, Liberty Edward O/iver Russel/, Jr., Austin William Davis Breedlove, Tyler Darrell Owen Kirkland, Corpus Christi Tom Walton Schulze, Leander Richard Bailey Counts, Seabrook Charles Cole Knapp, Houston Carl Shuford Shamburger, Jr., Tyler Richard McDowell DeGeurin, Austin William Taylor Lee, Corpus Christi George Dave Talley, Jr., Tyler Robert Early DeSha, San Antonio Ray Miller Mason, Houston Thad William Thomas, San AngeloTommy DiMaggio DeShazor, Port Lavaca Kenneth Baldwin Mcfarland, San Antonio Ralph Morton Trigg, HoustonGlen Woody Ferris, Alvin Mart Ellison McMillan, Tyler Ernest Preston Webb, Houston Weston Oren Frazier, Wharton Douglas Allan McVey, Houston Arved E. White, Houston John Paul Gamel, Lampasas Wil/iam Albert Nash, Corpus Christi San Antonio .,.. ,. Wilson Frank M Woodrow Glasscock, Jr., Corpus Christi Wallace Harper Nations, Austin SPRING PLEDGES Milton Frederick Babbitt, Rapid City, S. D. Walter Philip Conway, Austin George Swickard, San Antonio LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1930 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1901 FACULTY WILLIAM WARFORD DINGLE, Assistant Professor of Petroleum Engineering RUSSELL EDDY LUEG, lnstructor in Electrical Engineering JAMES RAYMOND VIRAMONTES, Assistant Basketball Coach Thomas Walter Bailey, Palestine Marion Wayne Bell, Midland Don Allen Bice, Port Arthur Andre Bouchard, Austin Owen Lynn Bybee, Jr., Hereford Warren Pinkney Cash, Houston Edward Keith Chunn, Houston John Henry Coates, Houston John Clifton Cooper, Beaumont Jerry Donald Davis, Houston Charles Leonard Dolce, Port Arthur Floyd Richard Drake, Amarillo John Andrew Eads, Dallas Albert George Franklin, Houston Bill Edward Fritts, Houston George Richard Fulton, Jr., Beaumont John Clifton Gray, Tyler Lawrence Eugene Hart, Austin Albert Norris Helsley, McKinney William Earl Hodge, Dallas Jerrell Aaron Holder, Wichita Falls MEMBERS John Scoggins Holly.f eld, Austin Gordon Willard Houser, Austin Clyde Lanham Hurley, Fort Worth Roger Miles Jorden, San Antonio David Hamilton Kelsey, Midland Harry Bertrand Kelso, Jr., Texas City David Absher Leggett, Midland Robert Meurer Lindsey, Austin Gerald Eugene Lott, Houston Clinton Franklin Maegelin, New Braunfels Donald Paul Mafrige, Houston Billy Speer McGowen, Fort Worth Charles Patrick McGuire, Port Arthur Jerry Dan Mclnnis, Port Arthur John Franklin Mugno, Austin Herman Hensel Murchison, Houston Pat Naegelin, New Braunfels Frank Bluford Nance, Dallas Harold D. Orr, Carthage Albert Dixon Pattillo, Austin Charles Robert Peck, Austin David Anders Provost, Port Arthur John Lee Pundt, Houston Floyd Curtis Reese, Austin Richard Lee Reynolds, San Antonio David Gavin Richie, Houston Joseph Michael Rush, Jackson, Nebr. William Roland Stroud, Galveston George Gilbert Stubble.f eld, 111, Houston Donald Deford Sumners, Houston Don Phillip Teague, San Antonio Robert Franklin Teague, Houston James Rodney Thomas, Chickasha, Okla. Charles Dean T uttle, Corpus Christi James Robert Wells, Corpus Christi Michael Wetzel, Houston James Robert Wiedeman, Junction Cadmus Edgar Williams, Palestine Wayne Thomas Willis, Austin Alden Raymond Wilson, Waxahachie James Luther Wright, Texarkana Top Row: Anderson, Ashworth, C. Bailey, Bajley, Baxter, Bybee, Chunn, Cooper. Bouchard, Boyanton, . . Second Row: Davis, Dodson, Dolce, Drake, Dunlap, Dunn, Eads, Gray, Hart, Helsley . Third Row: Hodge, Hodges, Holder, Hollyfield, Houser, Hurley, Johnson, Jorden, Kelsey, Kelso, Leggett. Page 454 SIGMA PHI EPSILON .OrrOld,ance, . ,aegelin . ,Top Row: Lindsey, lott, Mafrige, McGuire, Mclnnis, Mugno, Murchison Second Row: Penn, Pundt, F. Reese, W. Reese, Reynolds, Rush, Stakes, Stranahan, Stroud, Stubblefield, Sumners. Third Row: D. Teague, R. Teague, Traylor, Thomas, Tuttle, Wells, Wetzel, Wiedeman, L. Williams, T. Wilson, Zelle. OFFICERS Fall Spring CHARLES PATRICK McGUIRE .. ....... .. ....... . President . ....... . ..... .. ..... GEORGE GILBERT STUBBLEFIELD, 111 LE . JOHN FRANKLIN MUGNO .. ................... Vice-President ..........................CHARLES DEAN TU DON ALLEN BICE ............................ Recording Secretory ......................WILLIAM EARL HODGE DAVID HAMIL TON KELSEY ..................... Corresponding Secretory .... ..........CHARLES LEONARD DOLCE BILLY SPEER McGOWEN ... . .... .. .. . ........ . . Treosurer .. .... ........... . . ...... . . ALBERT GEORGE FRANKLIN PLEDGES Douglos Kroulik Anderson, Austin Donold Woyne Lee, Corpus Christi Robert Dovid Ashworth, Dollos Joseph Reece Old, Corpus Christi Chorles Williom Boiley, Austin Williom Y. Penn, Jr., Midlond Kenneth Eugene Boxter, Odesso Woles Alfred Reese, Austin Eorl Brewer Boyonton, Jr" Port Arthur Robert Allen Stokes, Son Antonio John Michoel Dodson, Dollos Williom Phillip Stronohon, Port Arthur Jomes Fielding Dunlop, Son Antonio Robert Shonds Stroud, Lufkin Thomos Goylon Dunn, Splendoro Thomos Morion Troylor, Houston Stephen lofton Hodges, Port Arthur Lindsey Arl Willioms, Jr., Austin Rolph Allen Johnson, Jr., Odesso Terry Mitchell Wilson, Woxohochie Ronold Johnson, Fort Worth Williom Nicholos Zelle, Fort Worth LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1926 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1910 FACULTY ALEXANDER H. SACKTON, Associate Professor of English MEMBERS Larry Herbert Berkman, Houston Bernard Dreyfuss Mayer, Jr., Enid, Okla. Jerome Bernstein, Houston Enrique Merikanskas, Tampico, Mexico Alvin Michael Bloom, San Antonio Tommy Moss, Dallas Morris Braunston, Waco Maurice Samuel Olian, College Station Hymen Childs, Austin Stanley Cohen, San Antonio Harry Jerome Eastman, San Antonio Edward Kalb Fein, San Antonio Alvin Rubenstein Gerson, Dallas Allan Levy Graber, Galveston Stephen Allan Haas, McAllen Larry Neal Hurwitz, Austin Robert William Jorrie, San Antonio Melvin Ray Platt, Houston Louis Esserman Ringold, San Antonio Larry Joseph Sachnowitz, San Antonio Stanley Jerome Shniderson, Houston Nathan Joe Schonier, Austin Sidney Phillip Seligson, Wichita Falls Manny Herzl Smith, Tyler Jack Bernard Soodhalter, Houston Keith Edward Klein, San Antonio Ephrim Stavorouski, Laredo Marvin Wolf Lerner, Baytown Jack Lee Stone, Houston Daniel Bernard Levinson, San Antonio Herbert Harry Wiener, Baytown Top Row: Americus, Berkman, Bloom, Braunston, Brochstein, Childs, Cohen, Eastman, Engelberg, Fein, Gottesman, A. Graber. Second Row: R. Graber, G. Greenberg, L. Greenberg, Haas, Hurwitz, Jacobson, Jaross, Jorrie, Kamen, Klein, Levinson. Page 456 TAU DELTA PHI Top Row: Lerner, Moyer, Merikonskos, Middlemon, Moss, Newmon, Olion, A. Plott, M. Plott, Prengler, Ringold. Second Row: Sochnowitz, Sogor, Schonier, Seligson, Shniderson, J. Smith, M. Smith, Soodholter, Stovorouski, Stonc, Wiener. OFFICERS Fall Spring HERBERT HARRY WIENER Consul .. JEROME BERNSTEIN MARVIN W OLF LERNER .. .. Vice-Consu 1 MAURICE SAMUEL OLIAN MAURICE SAMUEL O LIAN Corresponding Scri be LARRY NEAL HURWITZ LARRY NEAL HURWITZ . Recording Scribe . ALLAN LEVY GRABER MANNY HERZL SMITH Quaestor MANNY HERZL SMITH PLEDGES Jorge Americus, T ampico, Mexico Richard Jay Jaross, Dallas Richard Neal Brochtsein, Houston Sam Abram Kamen, Dallas Samuel Abrum Engelberg, Dallas Barry Phillip Middleman, San Antonio Jon Stuart Gottesman, Jericho, N. Y. Stephen Michael Newman, San Antonio Ronald Becker Graber, Galveston Alfred Gerald Platt, Houston Gary Philip Greenberg, San Antonio Herschel Prengler, Dallas Lee Alan Greenberg, San Antonio Bryan Tatar Sagor, San Antonio Arthur Jerome Jacobson, Galveston Jerome Melvin Smith, Tyler Page 457 LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1951 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1899 Faculty RINALDO A. BACON, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering ROBERT LEE SUTHERLAND, Professor of Sociology MEMBERS Tom Newcomb Barber, Jr., Ganado Michael Sylvester Keane, San Antonio Thomas Murray Barge, Austin James Holland McGuirt, Jr., Austin Don Richard Beer, Harlingen Ralph Jerome Moore, EI Paso Jeffery T. Bennett, Corpus Christi Hubert Augustus Morgan, Beaumont Joe Becton Biggs, Austin John William Parker, Jr., Livingston James Patrick Brady, Austin Raymond L. Richards, San Antonio William Anderson Brown, Austin Elmo Pete Schwab, Gonzales Lu is J. Cardenas, Jr., Laredo James Allan Shelley, Austin James Henry Cochran, Austin Philip Wayne Stahr, Waco Arnold Everett Dickey, Fort Worth George Robert Thurmond, San Antonio John Thomas Dorbandt, San Antonio John Forte Tinsley, Fort Worth Richard Economy, San Antonio Richard Allen Venables, Houston Wayne Edward Etter, San Antonio George Arthur Weber, Houston James Buck Florence, Longview James Leslie Wells, Renner Lelt to Right: Barber, Barge, Bennett, Brady, Dorbandt, Etter, lvy, Medlock. Page 458 TAU KAPPA EPSILON Left to Right: Richards, Stahr, Thurmond, Tinsley, Venables, Weber, Wells OFFICERS Fall Spring THOMAS MURRAY BARGE .. .. ....... .... Prytanis. . ..................... THOMAS MURRA Y BARGE WAYNE EDWARD ETTER ........... ............ Epiprytanis ............................WAYNE EDWARD ETTER RICHARD ALLEN VENABLES ... .. . ....... ... . ... Grammateus . . . . . . . . . . . RICHARD ALLEN VENABLES GEORGE ROBERT THURMOND ................ . . Hypophetes ... GEORGE ROBERT THURMOND RAYMOND L. RICHARDS ........ ... ........ . .. Crysophylos .. .. ... .... .. . ...... RAYMOND L. RICHARDS PLEDGES James Thomas lvy, College Station Melvin Morris Medlock, San Antonio SPRING PLEDGES Gene lrwin Browning, Hearne Charles Agustus Duval, Littlefield Edgar Starcke, Seguin LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1951 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1856 MEMBERS David William Alger, Houston Leonard John Becker, Galveston Donald Adolphus Bruhl, Jr., Llano Charles Edward Clark, Houston George Albert Dorn, Houston W . C. Enmon, Orange Guy Crain Fambrough, Raymondville John Henry Herber, San Antonio Jimmy Dale Landers, Muleshoe Alan Winslow Loveland, Houston John Julius Muth, Houston Kenneth Hugh Odiorne, Houston Francis Eugene Sheppard, Jr., Houston Patrick Thomas Shields, Jr., Dallas Albert Kennedy Solcher, Austin Charles Joseph Solcher, Austin Warren Morgan Sparks, Amarillo Albert Earl Stephens, Houston Gilbert Richard Thayer, 111, Port Lavaca Paul Edward Vassberg, Lyford John J. Windbigler, Kansas City, Mo. Left to Rlght: Alger, Bruhl, Clark, Dorn, Enmon, Fambrough, Herber, Landers, Loveland, Muth, Odiorne. Poge 460 THETA CHI Left to Right: Richardson, Roten, Sheppord, Shields, A. Solcher, Sporks, Stephens, Thoyer, Vassberg, Windbigler. OFFICERS Fall Spring ALBERT KENNEDY SOLCHER ....... . . President . ALBERT KEN~~EDY SOLCHER KENNETH HUGH ODIORNE . ......... . Vice-President. .JOHN JULIUS MUTH PATRICK THOMAS SHIELDS, JR................. Secretary .. PAUL EDWARD VASSBERG CHARLES JOSEPH SOLCHER ...... . . ........ Treasurer .. ........ GILBERT RICHARD THAYER, 111 PLEDGES Donald Allan Ellis, Houston Terry Childon Richardson, Raymondville Richard Carlisle Roten, Houston SPRING PLEDGE Robert James Naas, Oak Harbor, Wash. Page 461 LOCAL ESTABLISHMENT, 1913 NATIONAL FOUNDING, 1664 Faculty LEO GUY BLACKSTOCK, Professor of Business Law HALE LANPHER COFFEEN, Assistant Professor of Architectural Engineering JOHN MALCOLM FORSMAN, Assistant Professor of English FRANKL N BEAUMONT JOHNSON, Assistant Professor of Architectural Engineering . Professor of Electrical TON, . STRA . ARCH E WAUGH Engineering MEMBERS Joh n Rodque Agee, Texas City Glenn C. Lincoln, Corpus Christi W illiam James Aldrich, Midland Stevens Farris Mafrige, Houston David Hiram Blagg, San Antonio John David Parr, Robstown rving .,Mason Cooper Brown Otho Raymond Plummer, Jr., Beaumont Billy Ronald Carnes, Wichita Falls Jan Edward Rehler, San Antonio James Ell is Clegg, Jr., Eupora, Miss. Bernhard Ernest Richert, Jr., Beaumont Cecil Woodrow Fisher, Jr., Baytown Paul Gunnar Sirota, New York, N . Y. Pete Edgar Fogerson, Houston Virgil Raymond Smith, Houston Jolen Milton Hathaway, Dallas William Byron Stoddard, Oakland, Calif. eld, Beaumont .fRandolph Heart Beaumont ...,,Robert Lee Wynne Michael Gilbert Hernd on, Corpus Christi Charles Willard Yoe, Austin George Cardwell Jolley, Jr., Uvalde Billy James Young, Baytown Top Row : Agee, Arnold, Barrow, Blagg, Boothe, Bradfield, Brown, Bunting, Carnes, Clegg. Second Row: Collier, Elkins, Fisher, Fogerson, Gallaway, Gibson, Gross, Hathaway, Heartfield, Helms, Herndon. Page 462 THETA XI Top Row: Jolley, Killough, Lincoln, Lynaugh, Meier, Palm, Parr, Plummer, Radcl iff, Rehler. Second Row : Richert, Schaumburg, Sirota, Smith, Stoddard, Stromberger, Trube, White, Wilson, Wynne, Yoe, Young. OFFICERS Fall Spring BILLY RONALD CARNES ....................... President .............................VIRGIL RAYMOND SMITH JAMES ELLIS CLEGG, JR....................... Vice-President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... JOHN DAVID PARR VIRGIL RAYMOND SMITH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer .......... . . .. ... .. .......... RANDOLPH HEARTFIELD CECIL WOODROW FISHER, JR....... .... ....... Pledge Master. . .. .... WILLIAM BYRON STODDARD CHARLES WILLARD YOE .. .. . . ....... . ......... Rush Captain . . . ... CECIL WOODROW FISHER, JR. JOHN DAVID PARR ...........................Secretary ..... ..................OTHO RAYMOND PLUMMER, JR. PLEDGES James Chester Arnold, Jr., Bellaire Edward Franklin Killough, Waco Richard Morgan Barrow, Houston Ross Boothe, Jr" Gonzales eld, T emple .fJohn Stephen Brad Henry Albert Bunting, 111, Uvalde Robert Eames Collier, Waco Robert Lester Elkins, San Antonio Lawrence Cecil Gallaway, Jr., Dallas Jack Farris Gibson, Jr., Sulphur Springs James Aloysious Lynaugh, 111 , Tyler Tom Keith Meier, La Porte Charles Fritz Palm, Jr" San Antonio Rex Raymond Radcliff, Amarillo George John Schaumburg, Jr., Beaumont John Carl Stromberger, San Antonio John Collins Trube, Bellaire Guy Herman Gross, San Angelo James Patrick White, Arlington .Andy Lyn Helms, Sacramento, Calif Gordon Walton Wilson, Baytown SPRING PLEDGES Hulon Thomas Webb, West Drury Lewis Woodson, Corpus Christi Poge 463 INTERFRATERNITY COUNCIL OFFICERS . President . .JOHN H LL WATTS Vice-President . . ..... CLARENCE NEAL STEVENSON Secretory ........... ..... RALPH WALDROM DAU Treosurer . .. .................. . FRANK DALLAS SCARBOROUGH CARL STAUTZ........ . nterfroternity Counci . President of Alumni COUNCIL Senior Fraternity Junior WALTER TOM HENSON. . . . . . . . . . . .. Acocio KE AUST N HATCHELL . . M NMAN . pho Epsilon Pi . ROBERT STEVEN STE . LES MENDELSOHN .... A . ...... . DON SM TH .. A pho Tou Omego J M HENRY BROCK . HARGROVE Theto Pi ..•......... STANLEY BRADFORD CARRUTH . HENRY W LLARD LENDE, JR.. . . . . . . . . . . .. Beto . .. JOE BUCK PAR K. . . Chi Phi . .. HENRY LEON WALKER S . CK VRAT . to Chi . ............ ...N . JR ................. DeS KENNEDY, . LL . HERMAN W JAM ES J WATSON M ALBERT . .to Koppo Epsilon . NZ .... De . FRED HOFHE D CHARLES SPOOR . to . DAV . to Tou De . JOHN LAURENCE BELL . . . . . . . . . De on ............ .CHARLES LEE BOWDEN . to Upsi . ON HANCOCK . De . DONALD MAR to Sigmo Phi . TLEY. . De . ROBERT JAMES WH pho. . .........JAMES ALBERT TROTTER . AM CHAPMAN ESTES ... Koppo A . LL . W .. ,VER . CK M. McDONALD ... Koppo Sigmo. . REESE ROBERTSON OL . RODER .NS ........................... " ...... Lombdo Chi Alpho. . ...•......... ROBERT RANDOLPH CASEY, JR . BERT ADK .l TON GRAY, JR . . PAUL M . . . . . . . . . . . . . to Theto . CHARDSON GANO SCURRY, JR. . . Phi De . R to . FF. . .. Phi Gommo De . SON RATL . SHANNON HARR N . . Phi Koppo LAWRENCE ALLEN MANN . GREG NEWTON MART . . Psi HENRY TEBBS BROOKS . . .. Phi Koppo Sigmo MAUR CE EDWARD COWAN . S HARDEMAN STEVES . FTON RUSSELL, JR.. . ... Phi Koppo Tou . . ... ...............LEW . ROBERT CL CHAEL CHARLES ADAMO . AM EDMOND ROBERTSON, JR.. . . . . . . . . . . . . Phi Koppo Theto .. .M . LL . W . to . . . HARRY . Sigmo De . RONALD JACK F NGER . . . . . . . . . . . Phi RODNEY MARGOL S EUGENE LEE BROWN . Phi Sigmo Koppo RONALD . Pi Koppo A pho . WALLACE EDW N JR. RUPERT MAURY POLLARD ... Sigmo Alpho Epsilon ... JOE ARTHUR SHEPPERD ,LOWRY. . CHARLES ROGERS EGEL . Alpho Mu . . . . ... JAMES JAY S. . Sigmo DNEY HERMAN. . DONALD S Sigmo Chi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. DARRELL EDDY JORDAN.......... ... ,TH . DNEY H. SM . S TCOMB . JOHN C. SARGENT . . . . . . . . . . ...... Sigmo Nu ... THOMAS LELAND WH LBERT STUBBLEF ELD, Sigmo Epsilon ..... ................ ROBERT . G _................. ... AN . CE SAMUEL OL . to Phi . . . . . ....•............MAUR . TZ . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Tou De . LARRY JOSEPH SACHNOW NSLEY . WAYNE EDWARD ETTER. . . . . . . . . . . .... Tou Koppo Epsilon JOHN FORTE T GLER . NDB . ALBERT EARL STEPHENS . . . . . .. Theto Chi. . . JOHN S. W ELD . MASON COOPER BROWN ... Theto Xi . . . . . • . . . . . RANDOLPH HEARTF Phi JAMES WELLS . GEORGE .Brooks, M. Brown, E. Brown, Carruth, Casey, Cowan, DauBrock,Bowden, .,. Top Row: Adkins, Be Second Row: Etter, Finger, Gray, Hancock, Heartfie d, Henson, Herman, Hofheinz, Jordan, Kennedy, Lowry. . .Ratliff, Rogers lard, . Third Row: Mann, Margolis, Martin, McDonald, Mendelsohn, Olian, Oliver, Park, Po ,Stephens . Siegel, S. Sm .Whitcomb, Whitley, Windbiglers, .. Fifth Row: Steves, Stubblefield, Tinsley, Trotter, Vratis, Walker, Watson, Watts, We Fourth Row: Russell, Sachnowitz, Sargent, Scarborough, Scurry, Shepperd, th, Spoor, Stevenson. Page 464 ATHLETICS ..ll8188 11, 1---------------------------- ..-.~ ri1JU,"'1illff:eM11~~l/N1iflWJl~~rJJ1Hl.'/f1fllf1t/Mf!l~\Vik!Mflf~ INTERCOLLEGIATE SPORTS INTRAMURALS TASSOCIATION MEMBERS Don Ray Allen Roy Maxwell Alvis Henry George Anderson R. Gordon Appleman Jay Hoyland Arnette John David Baird James Earle Barden Donald Wyatt Beard Fred Bednarski George Currier Blanch Clair M. Branch Robert Earl Bryant Don Eldon Casselberry Vance LaNoal Castleberry Joseph Stuart Clements John Charles Chumney Larry George Cooper Robert James Crawford Albert Lindsay Delaney, Jr . Homer Maurice Doke Don Michael Dowdle Clarence F. Dreymala Drew Woolford Dunlap Ernest A. Embry Donald Franklin Fincher George F. Foerster Hollis H. Gainey Joe Burch Gilbert Joe Bob Golden Roy Sims Goodman Fallon Turley Gordon Robert Earl Gurwitz Kleo Glen Halm Bob Joseph Harwerth Charles Herman Hayman George A. Helland, Jr. Simon Henderson William Holland Hinkle William Lynn Hinkle Jerrell Aaron Holder Norman Elwyn Hooton rvin . Joe Curtis Howard Lee Jackson Johnny Richard Jones Murray Jordan Karl Fred Kamrath, Jr . Richard Page Keeton Garland Kennon Bobby Lee Lackey Bobby Ray Matocha Edwin Vince Matthews Jr . Charles Patrick McGuire Walter Hedrick McNew Drewry H. Morris Jerry Allen Muennink George Ernest Myers Joe Lee Neal Pillman David O'Brien John Padgett .. ,Alexander Palmros Robert Bruce Parker Arlis B. Parkhurst Brooks T. Patrick . John C. Pe Donald Richard Pohl Bobby Clayton Puryear Rene Ramirez Gordon J. Ratcliff Edward E. Reese Arthur E. Rhodes, Jr . Kenneth H. Savage Richard Charles Schulte Paul August Schumann, Jr. James E. Shillingburg Elvin Mitchell Smith, Jr. Thomas Theodore Smith Silas Edward Southern, Jr. Larry CI ifton Stephens Ross Lucas Stephenson William F. Stolhandske Eddie Joe Strayhorn George Stubble.f eld Robert B. Sudderth Roy Lynn Taylor Terence Colquitt Todd John David Totz Bill Lamond Turner Joe Ernest Villarreal Glenn Arthur Von Rosenberg Robert Glenn Waggener James Clarence Wallace Johnny Richard Warren James Robert Watson Perry Michael We/ls Robert H. Whilden ... ,James Jefferson White Joseph D. Williams Martin A. Wiginton son . ace Gordon Wi . Wal Tracy Triece Word Wesley Lee Wyman iam J. Wyman . Wil .. ,Walter William Fondren . Wayne McDonald Thomas Marion Snow Paul Anthony Zavorskas Top Row: Allen, Alvis, Anderson, Appleman, Arnette, Baird, Barden, Bednarski, Casselberry, Castleberry, Clements. Second Row: Crawford, Delaney, Doke, Dunlap, Embry, Fincher, Foerster, Gilbert, Gurwitz, Hoyman, Helland. Third Row: W. L. Hinkle, Holder, Hooton, Jordan, Kamrath, Keeton, Kennon, Matthews, McDonald, McGuire, McNew. Fourth Row: Neal, Padgett, Palmros, Parkhurst, Pohl, Ramirez, Ratcliff, Reese, Rhodes, Schumann, Shillingburg. Fifth Row: M. Smith, Stubblefield, Taylor, Totz, Villarreal, Von Rosenberg, Warren, Wells, Whilden, Wilson, Word. Poge 466 ,1'• .., .' •·, '. 1,11' 1 ''\1'1 ~')\1 ~'11 • / . 1'! CHEER LEADERS AVIS AN DREA TIEBER JAY MAYNE LEWALLEN , JAMES CARROLL JERRY HERRING Heod Cheerleoder KING MOODY CARMEN DI NINO FRED MILTON GERSON . .. • 1 1 -··•-. ..&... -". 1 -~ ...... JANIS KEITH 1958 LONGHORN COACHING STAFF DARRELL K. ROYAL DANA X. BIBLE EDWIN WERNER OLLE Head Footba ll Coach Consulting Athletic Director Athletic Director and Business Manager, lntercoll egiate Athletics VARSITY LETTERMEN Don Ray Allen Larry George Cooper Kleo Glen Halm Drewry H. Morris Richard Charles Schu lte Henry G. Anderson Homer Maurice Doke Bob Joseph Harwerth Jerry Allen Muennink James E. Shillingburg Fred Bednarski Don Michael Dowdle Howard Lee Jackson Tillman David O' Brien Larry Clifton Stephens George Currier Blanch Clarence F. Dreymala Johnny Richard Jones John Boyd Padgett William F. Stolhandske Clair M. Branch Roy Sims Goodman Bobby Lee Lackey Arlis B. Parkhurst Perry Michael Wel ls Robert Earl Bryant Robert Earl Gurwitz Bobby Ray Matocha Rene Javier Ramirez Joseph D. Williams Edwin Vince Matthews RESERVE LETTERMEN Curtis B. Dyer William Ross Laughlin Thcmas Leslie Newman Daniel Sherman Petty MANAGERS Donald Franklin Fincher, Senior James Donald Kniker, Junior Lawrence J. Bergen, Sophomore . . Carroll Left to Right: Darrell K. Royal, Raymond L. Willsey, Harold Jack Swarthout, William Mike Campbell, James Jones, Robert Clayburn Schulze, James N. Pittman, Charles Norris Shira. Poge 466 1 ~1' • ' t1' " ' 1\ 1 , ' ' 11 . . . 1 / '1 , ' ' \ 'l .. 1) ' ,1 THE LONGHORNS 1E 4~ Co-Coptoins for the 1958 Longhorn Vorsity teom were, ARLIS PARKHURST ond 808 8RYANT. . A scori . g rule thot gives .. team . e p . i. f . kicki . g the e xtra . t. i. r tw . pai . ts f . r passi . i .. . g. g was the highlight i . the t ew r p r ru l rule ch f the 1958 lo tball .. . r The . . f the . r. gh.. s . .. s. beg .. in Memse .. s. . ri . l Stadium ag . i. st the Ge . 8ulld . rgi . gs. The Hor s . ges se r deleated the 8ulld 13-8 d red l their sec . gs . d Tr . veli . . . New Orle .. . . play Tulat . the Or .. .. justi .f ed their bei g . . e, s ta prep ge team r g me. g .. rated . t p by defe . ti . g the Gree . W 21-20. Agai . h . d the Steers .. . . i . ed the me gr . u. o . ly S uthwest Co . lere . . m u ted. defe . ce te . ve rem by taki . g Texas Tech 12-7. The ew scori . rule saved the Steers . w. d d .. ed the S . s Texas be t Okl . hom. for the .f rst time i . ers... . . ma . g y years. 15-14. The H their .f fth straight game i . r. s w .. .. . seco d hall . meb. ck . dow the Arka . z. R e-sided, all Owl game, 27-0. . rbacks 24-6 i their .f rst game i . s. SWC pl . . .y . tc s . Goi S . uth , .. ust. H the Rice Owls humili ted the Steers i .. D rth to Waco the Lo t . . Mered ith led .. .. the SMU Mustastro . g gs . g the H 26-10 d put the Texas f the SWC title race. Tr . ver s. r. g. veli. .. .. . ut. . ghor. s be the Baylor Bears 20-15 team . t .. ck. b . . i d f . rth me. St .. g. yi. the road, the Hor . . F braught the Steers their fi W rth where the H . . . r. ed Fr . gs ol TCU crushed them i . the . d h lf . t to sec .. rtg s we .. d w .. 22-8. A revived spirit . determi . d. atio . A & M. The Hor . s e . ded the to wi . al victory agai . . with se . so . sta their best rec . rd i . .f ve years a . gai . s. st Oklahan .. a. d A & M d twa treasured wi . . j Front Row: Mike Wells, Jerry Muennink, Jomes Shillingburg, 8ob 8ryont, Arlis Porkhurst, Mourice Doke, Rene Romirex, Don Allen. Second Row: Lorry 8ergen, James Pittmon, Mike Dowdle, George 81anch, Ctoir 8ronch, Rich(ird Sch~lte, Vince Motthews, Larry Stephens, J. 8. Podgett, H. G. Anderson, 8abe Dreymolo, 8obby Lockey, Tommy ewmon, Roymond Willsey, Jim Kniker.' ~ . Don Fincher, H. Jock Sworthout Third . R Dyer, Joe Willioms, 8ob Ehl, 8ill Cosey, 8obby Goodwin, Jones, Frank Murroy, Curtis Rivers, Joe 8iosotti, Jimmy Kruse, Clifford Grubbs, Dick Jones, Drew Morris, Curt Kleo Holm, Mike ltx, Ronald Mobro, w: . . , Wetxel, 8ernord Sch Dorrell Royol, Chorles Shiro. . . . Fourth Row: Jim 8ob MoHett, 8obby Gurwitx, Jim Rose, Lorry Cooper, 8ob Horwerth, Don Petty, 8ill Loughl in, Jerry Hollon, Fronk Neffendorf, Deene Gott,8obby Motocho, 8ill Stolhondske . Fifth Row: Fred 8ednorski, Fred Jennings, George Fitts, 8ill Young, Gerold Cru tsinger. Howord Jockson, Tillmon 0'8rien, 8utch Goodwin, Don Tolbert, Comeron Gotes, Eddie Podgett, Don 81osingome. TEXAN "First College Daily in the South" Vol. 58 Price Five Cents AUSTIN, TEXAS, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1958 T welve Pages T oday Longhorn Rally Downs Bulldogs, 13­ Passes Attempted. . . . . . 8 team . e.. n a pe . alty where T h . r. s made the decidi . g t -uch. 5 The Texas U . mmy . iversity Passes Completed . . . . . . 3 .. pped. was st . fer-Newma .. d that fi ished with a fi .. w . . . e c a quar- Net Yards Passing. . . . . 23 . terback s ext play, a . was e eak; Newman fumbledrd last year ed its . pe . . e . ce rec Statistics Passes lntercepted By. . 0 . the .. d the Texas 1958 f tball seas n h me. . .. ... Punts ....... . ....... 10 Punting Average ... ... 41.0 we t . drive ded. The ball Georgia Texas 8 8 ds i . . Mem rial Stadium . u. gr First Downs . . . . . . . . . . . agai st the Ge . rgia Bulld back a . d f . rth u . til late i the ... .......... . 56 53 . .gs. Rushes Fumbles Lost..... ..... 4 The L . r . gh.. s were fired-up a d. Y ards Penalized. . . . . . . 71 ready t . g . as the -g whis . i . pe . tle blew. The H ed . tai . s mai . r . a 7-0 lead f the first three . r quarters, but i ..- ty . twe . e plays the Bulld . gs dr . ve 95 yards t . put them ahead 8-7. The Texas team rallied i . the last five mi . utes . f the game t . pull . ut a 13-8 vict . ry. Re . e Ramirez made the first tally f . r the O ra ge . team. With f urth d al. d g . a . w . . ., g . t he t k a pitch . ut a d . .. circled left e . d fr . m three yards . ut. The t . w . uchd. was set up by Mike Wells, wh . rec . vered a g fumble . Bulld the Ge rgia . .. 24. The H .. t a . s g . r. ther break . i the nd quarter whesec . . . Ge rge Bla . ch rec . vered a .. rgia fumble . Ge the Bulld g . 10. Ramirez dr . ve thr ugh right . tackle a d picked up three, the . . . l st yardage .. a pitch . ut. The Steers g . t the ball m the . ved t . PERRY MICHAEL WELLS JOHN BOYD PADGETT ROBERT EARL BRYANT Guard, Semor Guard, Senior . End enior DEPARTMENTAL INDEX PARTLY CLOUDY .S.t·U••,,• , 11·11 FlnanelaJ••me.nta8.~ Am ...- "'u1-oa.tluedWl. Unlt•~ Pr CENT.u• SINGLE COPY 5~c..:1:~. :-1?.~~.· :'1tt~d YEAR-No. 246C111c110 Ntwa Wlrea, Exclualva Plcturea by (AP) l\IIREPHOTO Ent =========-===========.== =="=·-=---==.. ---=============================-==•• .. Texas Outlasts Tulane • 21 to 20 Thriller a be underrated and fought the yards to Texa ' rushing game. 54 yard the fir t time they had . With the victory over G org under their belts, the Horn Orange team for four full quar­The Horns, using a fast lineup the ball, got another scor on a headed to New Orleans to tackle ters. Leading the Longhorn wa after huddles and then quick 67 yard drive in the third period, the Green Wave of Tulane in the Mike Dowdle, a bruising fullback snap signals, kept ahead of the and climaxed its coring three famou Sugar Bowl. Although who made 49 yards and sparked linesman and chainman, who seconds de p in th fourth period the Longhorn were a ten point one touchdown drive. Rene Ra­generally failed to have the mark­ favorite goina into the game, the mirez contributed 49 yards and ers down b fore the next plays. on a 66 yard drive. Bobby Lackey Green Wave proved definitely to George Blanch contributed 42 Led by Blanch, Texas drove for scored from the one on the first and second drive and Blanch d from the three on the third. Finding Tulane coring each time aft rwards, the Horn were ahead 7-6, 13-12, and 21-20 game bu t were never tatisti TuJane Texas Downs .......... 22 15 52 et Yards Rushing .... 204 201 8 2 et Yards Passing .. .. . 1 72 36 l 5 5 Punting Average ......28.4 33.6 Fumbles Lost. . . . . . . . . 3 l Yards Penalized ....... 81 82 tafts.wn Vol. 35, No. 48 Austin, Texas, St1nday, October 5, 1958 5 Parts-88 Pag·es J.5 Ce1 Burst in Second Half Gives Texas 12-7 Win from the Tech 43 to the Tech 9. left the game. et Yards Rushing. . . 62· . Longhorn ready A team fo rninutes in After action remained the only un-Experienced Lackey was then an off-side kickoff attempt failed, 14 7 beaten team in the Southwest put in, and he smoothly ran a the Ho1·ns ran out the clock car­ et Yards Passing .... 62 Conference by defeating the Red rever e inside right end for a ry1ng the ball to the Tech 23. Passes In tercepted by. 1 Raiders of Texas Tech, 12-7. Tech touchdown. The Raiders then Punts .......... . ... 10 Texas Tech Texas Punting Average .....35.0 wa held to 62 yard rushing, began their march to the Texas First Downs ........ . 8 0 56 of \>vhich were gained in the goal line and Rushes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 first half. They made their single touchdown in the closing minutes of the fou th quarter. The fi1-st · . half was scoreless, and the ball went back and forth between the Horns and the Raider . However, when the l~oyal men of Texa appeared in the second half there was a renewed spi1·it on the field , and the Horns dominated the rest of the game. With drives by Don Allen, Rene Ramirez, Mike Dowdle, George Blanch, and Bobby Lackey, the Longhorns hit ific Texas· . pay dirt behind a ter line led by james hillingburg. Following a Red Raider punt, Larry Coope1·,the Orange second team, and Bobby Matocha carried thc ball 240 13 5 42 1 7 End, Junior End, Junior Center, Junior fi~~ %thr. rning.... %alltt.!Jt~~ W . ,JOCombi•td, Ntw. DEl'TLALJ..E .. Ht&.... TE . 20 "'"~,,,.,f'W15'c.eOCTOBER 12, 1958-174 PAGES IN 10 PARTS PriTEXAS, SUNDAY, DALLAS,...S4-R1vv1ld1 **** c...Di.o .,,.,~~ t.O/J1 ?~: Tlr1 D•llc. Hw•/4, IU9 IW1 ,. •Oct ,. Nn'TRAL TEXAS: Fair, mild Su.day• I.creui.& ,cloudJ.es. a little wam.er with aoutberly wind8 LONE f!ht Am~-t.irantatesman Mond&y. Tem_perature ran.:e ex­ pected SW.day 42-74. •Ra.e Sat­ w.day 44-72. More data Pa&• B-11. Vol. 35, No. 52 Austin, Texas, Sunday, November 2, 1958 6 Parts-96 Pages 15 Cents SMU's Last Quarter Burst Shoots Down Texas, 26-10 In a tartling turnabout, tQ.e field goal. With L.ong.horn tackle S.M.U. Texas Net Yards Passing .... 214 40 S.M.U. Mustangs, outplayed for Tillman O'Brien and guard Babe 17 14 Pass Interceptions . . . . 1 1 50 minutes, came back to core Dreymala proving best defenders 39 63 Punts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 5 three touchdowns and defeat the of the day, it was a ha1·d game to et Yards Rushing. . . 59 245 Punting Average ..... 37.8 45.8 Longhorns before a s t u n n e d lose as it put T exas out of the Passes Attempted . .... 26 Fumbles Lost. . . . . . . . 2 crowd in Memorial Stadium. Don Confe1·ence race picture. Passes Completed .... . Yards Penalized .. .. .. 42 Meredith proved to be the Mus­ tang "man of the hour" once again, when he threw a long pass intended fo1· H enry Christopher and ruled interfered with by H orn L arry Cooper, giving S.M.U. first and ten on the Texas 18. Two plays later, Meredith hit right tackle running from the spread and scored, putting S.M.U. in the lead, 13-10. With only 2.5 minutes remaining in the game, Bobby Gurwitz threw a running pass intended for Bob Bryant into the hands of Mustang Tirey Wilemon, who g1·abbed it and raced 35 yards for another S.M.U. score. Unable to get their machine rolling after the kickoff, the Horn punted to Dan Bowden. I t looked as if he was down, but at the last second with six blockers, he went 75 yards to score for the Mustang again. The one Texas touchdown came in the first quarter when Bobby Lackey led the Longhorns 47 yards to pay dirt. Mike Dow­ dle went over from the 2. Lackey, who kicked the extra point, dem­ onstrated more of his "toe-man­ ship" in the third quarter when he booted the ball 23 yards for a Tackle, Junior Guard, junior tbunt-i!StralU. Q!lllfnro plrc-THE WACO TIMES HERALD .. THE WACO NEWS-TRIBUNE-Volce ot the Central Texas Et ..~.Dl Ulll U..e.I •'.1"af..11.t.• •'.*. l U.tO W CO, TEXA, ·ov. 9, 1958-78 P CES Uli.lAl.Mlttllr kr•nttll.tW..••• -iru u.. r\.8\.MI».KA"" ...=================== onghorns, Bryant's Fahulous Catches r1ve Coffin . lll Bears•NailSicl(ening• ophomor quarterback Larry Bear a it was Cooper' throw-left in the game. Texas scored Mike Dowdle was the man who oop r and enior nd Bob Bry-ing arm and Bryant' waiting fir t and last. The fir t core came could go, as he pounced over ant prov d to be the winning hand that dealt the Bear the in the first quarter, the climax center for the T. D. Lackey ombination again t the Baylor cru hing blow with of a 39-yard drive down field. kicked wide and Texas left the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ half with Baylor leading 7-6. The Horns came back in the second half with the determination of not letting Baylor do what Rice and S.M. . had done. Lackey led the teers 55 yards in 12 play , passing 16 to Bryant on the 4 and then scoring as he whirled inside right tackle. The Baylor team came alive after Lackey's score and moved 81 yards to pay dirt. The Bears made two points after the touch­down, and it looked as if the Longhorns were out of the pic­ture as the score was 15-14. Time was running out. Because of an injury, Cooper was subbed for tarter Lackey, and he Jed the Horn 71 yards for the deciding tally. The Bears were shocked and broken. The final score was .ng. nn . Texas w20-15, Baylor Texas First Downs . . . . . . . . . . 18 16 Rushes .............. 45 53 et Yards Rushing .... 175 160 Passes Attempted ...... 27 15 Passes Completed. . . . . . 18 8 et Yards Passing..... 189 99 Passes lntercepted by. . 0 2 Punts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5 Punting Average ......24.8 38.1 Furnbles Lost . . . . . . . . . 0 0 Yards Penalized. . . . . . . 28 15 r MORE THAN 228.000 SUNDAY CIRCULATION FORT WORTH STAR-TELEGRAM SUNDAY EDITIOlf : 1 00 "°1 (CJS}-Chicg.o Tribun• 5.,...;c• e (CON)-Chic090 Doily N1w' 011(NYT)-New York Tlm1' ~~~~~;;::::i;:;,~"~"'; A Fo r t Wo r t h 0wn e d New spape r )..' ! ~~.~ 7.:~~, N: ,1 ~~.' oc". ­ ; 5EVENTY-EIGHTH YEAR, NO. 289. FORT WORTH, TEXAS * * Where the West Begins t.· * SUNDAY,NOVEMBER 16,1958. 116 PAGES - ZOOM! FROGS CLOUT TEXAS, GRAB LEA Outscored and completely out­ played in the fi1·st half, the T.C.U. team that was destined to play the Air Force Academy in the Cotton Bowl on j anuary 1, came roaring back to defeat the Longhor ns , 22-8 in Fort Worth. The Horns not only scored a touchdown and a safety, but they kept the Horned Frogs on the T.C.U. side of the 50 for the first two quarters. In the sec­ ond half, the Froggies not only scored 22 points through the air and on the ground, but also they held Texas to minus 6 yards rushing and plus 1 yard passing. Roy Goodman gets a collar hold on Froggie back. Goodman brings him down after a short Leading ground gainer for the gain as Maurice Doke and Clair Branch come in for the kill. Steers was Mike Dowdle, who drove for 51 ya1·ds in 13 tries. his passes dropped by would-be Dowdle when he nailed Froggie Passes Attcmpted. . . . . . 18 14 Bob Bryant, Arlis Parkhurst, and rece1vers. The only Longhorn jimmy Gilman in the T.C.U. end Passcs Completed ...... 11 3 Dick jones stood out in the Texas T.D. came early in the game zone. Net Yards Passing ..... 152 63 Jine. Larry Cooper, who played when the Homs marched 39 T.C.U. Texas Pass lnterceptions .... . a lot of ball because of Bobby yards 1n four plays. George First Downs .. ........ 19 10 Punting Average ...... 31.0 35.5 Lackey's sore knee, did all right, Blanch ran 28 yard fo1· the score. Rushes ..... . . ... . .. . 57 Fumbles Lost. . . . . . . . . 0 . Le(tha r, Sophomore Tackle, Sophomore The Austin American 1. 45, :No. 154 Austin, Texas, Friday, November 28, 1958 40 Pages 5 Cents 5 Ag Bids Halted; 27-0 . Texas Wins 65 . For the 43rd time l game , the mighty teer of Texas U. defeated the Texas a l .. Aggies in the t r a d i t i Day lto-. game.ivino-. Thanks was a complete Texas victory and a fine way to end the sea­son for graduating seniors Mike Wells, Bob Bryant, Arlis Parkhurst, Fred Bednarski , .] B. Padgett, and Bill Stolhand­ ke. The back who led the Texas backfield wa the Gal- lopino-Gaucho, Rene Ramirez, who scored 3 touchdowns. He tallied n runs of 5 2 and . snagged a 12 yard pass from quarterback Bobby Lackey. Fullback Mike Dow­ dle plunged over from the one for the other touchdown. The Longhorns were determined to beat the Farmers and held h h T 1 f 1· e . t l .. -n t e exas . t em and the 16-yai·d line in the first quarter, on the 19 in the the 8 .. second quarter, and and the 11 in the fourth quar­ter. As Ramirez led the Horn backfield, Bob Harwerth led the Texas line. He had 10 un­assisted tackles, made 5 assists, intercepted 1 pass, and broke up three more. jerry Muen­nink was another lineman who made the convincing win pos­sible. Clair Branch made an impressive howing carry1ng . l the ball 49 yards 15 tries. The Longhorns ended the 1958 football season with the best record in five years, and a comment by Coach Darrell Royal, "1 can throw away those sleeping pills now." Texas A&M Texas First Downs. . . . . . . . 17 14 Rushes ........... 37 48 et Yards Rushing .. 39 212 7 4 et Yards . . 191Passing 41 Pass . . .lnterceptions 3 1 Punting ...24.7Average 45.0 Yards ....Penalized 40 90 Center, Sophomore Quarterhack, Sophomore Guard, Sophomore 1958 SHORTHORN FOOTBALL ~ ROBERT CLAYBURN SCHULZE Freshmon Footbol/ Cooch Jerry Dean Ash Kay Louis Brockermeyer George Meadows Buford Charles Rupert Church Jack Altman Collins Michal Barry Cotten Robert Early DeSha John Harrel 1 Feldt William Richard Franklin Harley Joe Gary Billy Raymond Hardegree Burnett Wilie Hart Wilborn R. Hampton FRESHMAN AWARDS James Earl Helj Bruce Allen Hicks Robert Ladd Holton Richard Eugene Hulbirt Tommy Lawrence Jackson Marvin Thomas Kubin James Lindon Lyles Larry Wynn Mahler George Weathers Martin Stephen Douglas McWilliams Donald Ray Moore Robert Keen Moses Robert Patrick Nunis MANAGERS Nathan Jennings JAMES CARROLL JONES Assistont Freshmon Footboll Cooch Robert Gail Oliver Daniel Patrick O'Malley James Timothy Overton Robert Wayne Porter Bobby Jack Probst Jay Roger Rienstra David Dee Russell James Everett Saxton John Raymond Seals Barton Arvin Shirley Edgar Bartow Taylor Patrick Arthur Tumlinson Barnes Lee Witt Dudley G. Rugeley t} .! .a Joseph C. Thompson Thomas E. Weiner .a o f TEXAN "First College Daily in the South" Price Five Cents AUSTIN, TEXAS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1958 Six Ptsges Todey No~ 75 Saxton Leads Frosh To SWC Title, 38-13 The Texas Yearlings stop an Aggie Fish run in the t\venty-first annual Shrine Bowl charity game in College Station. The 1958 horthorns entered their sea on loaded with talent. ln the Fre hman ranks there was an All American high chooler and backing him up were some of the fine t high school tar from acro the state. The out­come was as would be expected. The Freshmen swept the outh­west onference Championship honors. The horthorns received their fir t ta te of college football on October 9 in Memorial tadium close to being .. and came ve1 auled by the determined Baylor . n Cub . Only in the last 10 ec­onds of th game did the Texa salvage their . Freshmen manage t SWC hopes. A tense 50-yard pa from Mike Cotten was tipped but finally taken by Bob Mo e on the Baylor twenty. Mo e crashed through the remaining Baylor de­fen e and aved the day for Texa . avid Rus ell ran th n . need d two point off tackle fro three yard out. Even though the horthorn were outplayed mo t of the time a igh of relief went up at th end of the game. The scoreboard read Texas 14, Bay­lor 13. On the 24th of O ctober, the Shorthorns tangled with the fa t, heavy Rice Owls. When the smoke cleared, the Texas Fresh­men had taken the winner's cir­cle with a score of 30-16. Look­ing 100 percent better than in the Baylor game, the Shorthorns had managed to pile up 22 points while Rice's coreboard wa still blank at the half. The fir t tally for Texa wa a ]ack Collins to Harrell Feldt pa . Mike Cotten crashed over from the one and after running the extra points the Frosh had tallied up 14 point to Rice' 0. Bob Mo es of Baylor game fame pulled in a 28-yard ran· . Saxton pa . Wayne Porte the next two and at the half, Texas led 22-0. Early in the third quarter Rice' peedy Roland ] ack on climaxed a 77-yard drive by a on yard plunge to paydirt. Ownby tadium in Dalla wa the ite of another horthorn tri­umph as the M Colts were plowed under 30-7. During the fir t quarter the Colt enjoyed a brief moment in the limelight as they led 7-0. lt didn't last long, however becau e early in the second quarter, ]ames axton went around left to touchdown territory and was followed by David Rus ell for the extra two points to make it Texas 8, SMU 7. From this point, the Texans owned the field as repeated scores were hung up by David Russell and ]ack Collins. The fabulous Shorthorn backfield piled up 280 yards rushing aaain t the Colt . At the TCU game, the Year­ling succe s tory wa repeated a Texas sma hed the Polywogs 22-16. The Polywog found the swimming mighty rough again t the undefeated, untied Texa team as David Ru ell opened the game with a 90-yard carry to touchdownland. ln the econd Martin . a axton tquarter, touchdown pa was nullified by a Texas clip. After another erie of plays teve McWilliam punched his way to paydirt from the ix. Cotten pitched out to Oliver who pa ed to hirley in the end zone to make the score­board read 14-0 at the half. The second half started with TCU marching 76 yards to a touch­down. Through the middle roared halfback ]ackie Collins to et up another Texas T.D. Then Col­lin ran the extra points and the score was Texa 22, TCU 8. A final Wog driv ended the game at 22-16. parked by ]ames axton, the Shorthorns rode rough-shod over the A&M Fish to take the WC F1·eshman title. The score ended at 38-13. Thi wa the first un­defeated Shorthorn team ince 1940. The Texan controlled the twenty-first annual hrine Bowl charity conte t, and behind a rouah and ready wall of Yearling linemen, the power backfield of Saxton Nuni Cotten, Collin and Rus ell, a i ted each other in one touchdown after another. Only twice did &M cro a horthorn goal and the result wa futile as Texas ended a great eason· the untied, undefeated outhwe t Conference Fre hman Champion. eedle to ay, the Var ity houlcl have a pretty good ea on next year. Page 481 1958 CROSS COUNTRY Front Row: Lovvorn, Yarbrough, Neel, Musser, Barham. Back Row: Hiller, Smith, Maxfield, Eschle, Trueman O'Quinn. LETTERMEN FRESHMAN AWARDS Kenneth H. Savoge Joe Ernest Villarreol Bohn Jay Barham Williom Joe Musser Johnny Phillip Eschle Robert Stanley Neel ERMEN . RESERVE LE Roymond Alfred Hiller, Jr. Willord Arnold Smith Humberto Adame Johnny Wolter Cotten Andre Bouchord Drew Woolford Dunlap Morgon Jester Mox.f eld John David Yorbrough Dovid Wayne Melber The Texas Cross Country team, the 'Horns least-experienced team in recent years, .f nished third in the Southwest Conference as the University of Arkansas Razorbacks won for the third consecutive year. ln the meet which was held at Fort Worth, the Razorback runners took .f rst with 37 points, the SMU boys .f nished second with 47 points, and the Long ­horns .f nished a distant third with 68 points. Jan Ahlberg of SMU and Joe Villarreal of Texas .f nished .f rst and second respectively in the three-mile run . ln the University of Texas' own lnvitational Cross-Country Meet, the 'Horns placed second as Howard Payne College out pointed the Longhorns by one point in the three-mile run . These two were followed by McMeese, Houston, SMU, Texas A & M, and Brooks Army Medics respectively. Joe Villarreal of Texas .f nished third behind Jan Ahlberg of SMU and Bob House of Brooks Army Medics. ln the freshman meet Texas beat Houston, Texas A & M, and Southwest Texas. ln other meets the 'Horns beat SMU and North Texas at Fort Worth in a three-mile run. The Longhorns .f nished second to the University of Houston in Houston's own four-mile run. At Brownwood the Texas team placed second to Oklahoma Baptist University. Front Row: Lovvorn, Bouchard, Villarreal, Adame Back Row: Cotten, Dunlap, Melber, Savage. Poge 482 1959 BASKETBALL An inexperienced, sophomore-dominated Longhorn squad struggled through one of their worst basketball seasons as they won only 4 of 24 games and .f nished last in Southwest Conference play. The future looks bright, though, as the Horns have all but two players returning from this year's squad and a fabulous Freshman team coming up. Also, Brenton Hughes, a former Longhorn star, is returning for his last season. won a 2-2 con­ . The T.C.U. Frogs the Southwest Conference with ference recoFd. JAMES MARSHALL HUGHES Head Bosketboll Cooch ERMAN . ERMEN RESERVE LE . LE Alberto Almanza James Edwin Gandy Jay H. Arnette Wayne Newell Clark MANAGERIAL AWARDS Charlie Robert Cox Charles F. Furgerson, Senior William Mack Davenport Thomas C. Leezer, Junior Jerry Van Graham Ronald Eblen Malouf, Sophomore William Reed Mimms Bobby Clayton Puryear Jerry Don Smith Arved Elzo White Donald Ray Wilson Front Row: Assistant Coach Jimmy Viramontes, Bob Stewart, Andy Santos, James Gandy, Bobby Puryear, Richard Beard, Billy Davenport, Coach Marshall Hughes. Second Row: Student Manager Buddy Furgerson, Arved White, Donnie Wilson, Jay Arnette, Charles Loney, Bill Mimms, Jerry Graham. Third Row: Charlie Cox, Albert Almanza, Wayne Clark, Ed Russell, Jerry Don Smith. Page 483 NON-CONFERENCE SCHEDULE The Longhorns op9ned the season looking like champions as th9y defeated the McMurry lndians 73-48. The sophomore-dominated squad scored almost at will as Wayne Clark led them .4 points . with The Longhorns' dreams of an undefeated season came to a sudden halt as a last quarter spurt by the Trinity Tigers brought them their .f rst loss. Jay Arnette and Wayne Clark paced 6 . 8 and . the Texas boys in their battle with points respectively. Oklahoma State, led by Arlen Clark's 30 points, defeated a cold Longhorn team. AI Al ­manza, with the only Horn to score over 6 points. Almanza also collected was4 points, . his .3 rebounds . The boys of Tulane were a little too good for the Longhorns as they used a late surge to brin€1 Texas its third defeat of the season. Once again, AI Almanza was the only Horn who could .f nd the basket as he dropped in 20 points. The L.S.U. Tigers edged by the Longhorns 52-47. Jay Arnette led the Texas colors with .6 points . Arlen Clark led the Oklahoma State Cow­boys to their second victory of the season over the Longhorns. He scored 24 points while Jay Arnette led T exas with 0 points. . lost quorter . sudden holt os . undeleoted seoson come to .. dreoms olThe Horns' spurt by the Trinity Tigers brought the lirst loss . Page 484 TEXAS 61 RICE 58 t5 05 o gome Texo5 teom overcome 19 . Almonzo found the for 30 poi AI ronge o point deflcit ond up5et the Southwe5t Conference fovorite Rice 61 -58. The victory 5 hod 5uffered from Rice during the Southwe5t . ovenged the 62-48 locing the Longhor for .. t5 were the high of the young 5e05 . Conference Tournoment. Almonzo'5 30 poi the Horn teom . TEXAS 55 SMU 73 even term5 for the f1r5t holf, the .. g5 . S.M.U. Mu5to boll-howkingAfter ploying the -5 become ice cold ond were routed 05 Bobby Jome5 ond hi5 teommote5 5ud . Longhor 3-8 5 with o . denly found the ronge 05 the 5econd holf begon. The defeot left the Hor t5 . ond o 1-1 record in conference ploy. Bobby Jome5 hod 30 poi .. record for the 5eo5 .t5 . for S.M.U. while AI Almonzo led Texo5 with 14 poi JAY H. ARHETTE Guard, Junior GRAHAM . JERRY VA Forward-Guard, Sophomore WAYHE NEWELL CLARK Page 485 Center, Sophomore TEXAS 78 TCU 86 The tall, talented T.C.U. Frogs were a little too good as the Horns suffered their second straight conference loss. Ronny Stevenson with 27 points and H. E. Kirchner with 22 points led the Frogs to their 86-78 win. Bobby Puryear was the leading scorer of the Longhorns as he pumped in 17 points. TEXAS 47 TEXAS TECH 64 The Longhorns found that the Texas Tech Red Raiders had too much experience, too much height, and too many good shots as the Horns fell 64-47. Leon Hill, with 26 points, was the main reason for the Longhorns' tenth loss of the season. High scorers for the Horns were Jerry Don Smith and Billy Davenport with 9 points each. TEXAS 51 BAYLOR 62 Baylor, looking like conference champions, defeated the Horns with a well balanced team even a dead spell in rst half, but.fterms for the .. The Horns played67-51. which they could not buy a basket led to the Longhorn defeat. Jay Arnette led the Horns with his 15 points. . DONALD RAY WILSO Guard, Sophomore CHARLIE ROBERT COX Seniord, . Forwa Jay Arnette trying for a basket. WILLIAM MACK DAVENPORT ior Page 486 . Guard, Ju TEXAS 29 TEXAS A & M 73 r5t defeat i Southwe5t Conference hi5t ry 05 Texa5 A & M ran . Texa5 5uffered their w . . .the 5econd half . t5 i . wild with their 73-29 victory. Texa5 could manage only 12 poi 5 with . Bobby Puryear led the Hor t5. . Archie Carroll led the Aggie attack with 22 poi 10 points. TEXAS 74 ARKANSAS 77 5 Razorback5 defeated . 5 . 5t the Texa5 5quad, it 5eemed, 05 the Arka . Fate wa5 agai Clyde Rhoden led the Hog5 overtime period. .. a thriller which took . 5 i . the Longhor with hi5 29 poi t5 to their victory before a TV crowd of over 8 million. Bobby Puryear . .l5 . 5 with 22 poi . led the Hor TEXAS 54 TEXAS TECH 76 05 the Red Raider5 of Texa5 Tech humbled .. 5 . Texa5 5uffered their 15th defeat of the 5e foul-riddledthe . t5 i . them 76-54. Jerry Don Smith led the Horn5' attack with 17 poi .t5 . Tech wa5 led by Wade Wolfe with 15 poigame. Texa5 WILLIAM REED MIMMS Guard, Saphomore JERRY DON SMITH Forward, Junior .basket . Hog try lar . AI Almanza attempts to black ALBERTO ALMANZA Poge 487 Forward-Center, Sophomore ARVED ELZO WHITE Forword-Center, Sophomore TEXAS 58 BAYLOR 60 Texas smelled victory for all but the last two seconds when Carroll Dawson of Baylor hit a layup to give the Bears a 60-58 victory. The Horns played one of their best games of the season. Jay Arnette led the Horns with 24 points. ~ TEXAS 61 SMU 78 Bobby James with 17 points and the SMU Mustangs caused T exas to be defeated. SMU was never behind and seemed to score almost at will. The Longhorns' attack was led by Wayne Clark and AI Almanza who scored 14 and 13 points respectively. tl TEXAS 59 TCU 72 fth time with the 72-59 victory.fThe TCU Frogs became the SWC Champions for the -over the Longhorns. The Horns never led in the game, but they gave the Frogs a tre mendous scare. The Orange team came within 4 points of beating the Frogs as the game neared the end. But the Frogs managed a scoring binge and tallied up 72 points .to the Horns' 59. Bobby Puryear led the Horns with 22 points TEXAS 61 TEXAS A & M 71 The T exas Longhorns played their best game of the season, but their efforts were in vain as the Texas Aggies still defeated them 71-61. Wilmer Cox and Neil Swisher led the powerful Aggie attack with 21 points each. Jay Arnette found the basket for the .nest game and scored 17 points .fHorns with 32 points while Wayne Clark played his TEXAS 56 ARKANSAS 63 ln a SWC clash, a cold Texas team was defeated 63-56 by the Arkansas Razorbacks in Gregory Gym. The Horns failed to come alive as they hit only 23.5 per cent of their shots. Though the Longhorns started the scoring and led by 9-5, the Hogs soon over­came them. Arnette with 22 points and Puryear with 15 points led the scoring for the Horns. TEXAS 63 RICE 54 nished the season with a victory as they defeated the Rice Owls for the second Texas .f time. These two victories were the only ones which the Longhorns were able to get in 27the Southwest Conference play this year. Jay Arnette led the Horns to success with points. Bobby Puryear and Charlie Cox played their last game for the Orange and .White as Marshall Hughes coached his last game Wayne Clark grabs for the ball as the Frogs look . .. 1959 SHORTHORN BASKETBALL One of the most crowd-pleasing Shorthorn teams in history compiled a very .f ne record this year. Jimmy Viramontes' Yearling Squad defeated eleven of twe/ve opponents. This made the second straight year in which the Freshman team has lost only one of their twelve games. The Yearlings ' only loss was at the hands of Rice, a team whom they later defeated with ease. The Shorthorns were led to victory after victory by Bill Brown, one of the .f nest bal/ handlers and shooters in Texas history; by Pau/ Hyatt and Tay/or "Butch" Skeete, two excel/ent shooters and bal/ stea/ers; by Jimmy Brown and Bill Ehman, two dead-eye shots who c/eared the boards of many a rebound; by Brooks Porter, the crowds' favorite; and by Herman Cum · mings, an excellent shot and rebounder. SCORES Texas 75 ..... . . ... .. ........ . ....Wharton 59 Texas 75 .... ......... .. . . ....... . . Victoria 57 Texas 65 .......T.C.U. 62 Texas 78 ...Texarkana 54 Texas 68 .. T exas A & M 66 T exas 60 . .... ... Baylor 50 T exas 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Lon Morris 86 T exas 55 .. .. . .......... . ..... Rice 60 T exas 81 ... . .................. . .... Baylor 63 Texas 89 .............. ........... . . T.C.U. 73 Texas 90 ....... ..............Texas A &M 76 T exas 77 ... .. . . . .... .................Rice 66 JAMES RAYMOND VIRAMONTES Coach FRESHMAN AWARDS . Bi 11 Byron Brow James Allan Brown Herman Willie Cummings William Carl Ehman Paul Eugene Hyatt Michael Wayne lmhoof Sidney Michael McCombs Edward Albert Neubauer Brooks Wood Porter Taylor Campbell Skeete FRESHMAN MANAGERIAL AWARD William Comiskey Front Row: Sidney Michael McCombs, Michael Wayne lmhoof, Robert Muckleroy, Paul Eugene Hyatt, Bill Byron Brown, Taylor Campbell Skeete. .yne Drosche . Dale Bullock, W n, . rd Albert Neubauer, William Carl Ehm . Second Row: Coach Jimmy Viramontes, Charles Wiser, Edw Brown, Herman Willie Cummings, Brooks Wood Porter. Student Manager Willi m Comiskey. . n . Third Row: CliHord Anderson. James All Poge 489 1959 SWIMMING ERMEN. LE Front Row: Frank Wasko, Leslie Wasko, Larry Hilley, Gary Renick. Back Row: Mark Tredennick, Tom Scott. Johnny Griffith, Coach; Kent Spitzmiller, Jerry Desmond. FRESHMAN AWARDS Merwin Gordon Beavers John Gary Renick Jerry Michael Desmond Tom William Scott Burton Reinhold Enquist Kent Francis Spitzmiller Tom Keith Meier Mark Edward Tredennick Herschell Lee Atkinson Larue Scott Catlett George Douglas Duwe Jay Henry Harris Jeffrey Merwin Heller Jerrell A. Holder Theodore Charles Lucas Joe Frank Musgrove Edward Elvis Reese George William Smith Robert Anderson Taylor James T. Willerson Tracy Triece Word RESERVE LETTERMEN Herbert Stephen Goldberg Sherwood Melvin Reaves Sam Sparks fjj Front Row: Twink Catlett, Ade Butler . Sc.:and Row: Jim Willerson, Herschell Atkinson, Bobby Taylor, Doug Duwe, Charles Lucas, Jay Harris, Lane Stua rt. Third Row: Johnny Griffith, Assistant Coach; Bud Taegel, Joe Musgrove, Woody Reaves, Jon Csaba, Jan Waite, Hank Chapman, Coach . r­ Fourth Row: Steve Goldberg, Sam Sparks, Jeff Heller, George Smith, Ed Reese. Page 490 1959 SWIMMING 2 . Opening the 1959 swimming season, the Texas tankmen were edged out by points by a fast kicking SMU team at the SWC Relays at Lubbock. Returning to the pool after mid-term the Steer swimmers trounced the Air Force Academy 60-26. Next . . 65-2 touring to Soonerland at Norman the Horns fell before the Oklahoma onslaught Three records fell before the Horn tankers the next time they took to the pool . Out­swimming the Aggies at Gregory Gym pool Jeff Heller shattered the individual medley and 200-yard butterfly while teammate Charles Lucas swam to a new time in the 200-yard backstroke. records like . i At the SWC swimming championships Austin fell rain drops as 12 new The title for 6 events. SWC winner SMU accounted eight . . marks were set i of the new times while the host Longhorn team counted the other four. Texas .f nished .73 . 44 points behind SMU with . the SWC race with . second i Though not victorious in SWC title competition the Steers did have their fair share of All-American swimmers and divers in 959. More . than selected i one year, the Longhorns placed four among . ever the All-American ranks. Jeff Heller, Charles Lucas, and Doug Duwe , were the swimmers in the spotlight. Scott Catlett was the diver recog­nized for his outstanding performances from the board throughout the season. Top Row: Atkinson, Catlett. Second Row: Du we, Harris, Heller. Third Row: Holder, Lucas, Musgrove, Reese. HENRY WILSON CHAPMAN Cooch Fourth Row: Smith, Taylor, Willerson, Word. 1959 TRACK As has been the custom for the Longhorn track teams in the past, the 959 team . won the Southwest Conference meet. The Steers had a ..fu season, competing in ten meets. The Horns won son, Andre .y Wi ..eight of the meets. Seniors Eddie Southern, Wa Bouchard, is ..Ho Gainey, on ..Fa Gordon, ..Bi e, .Hink ex .A and Johnny .,arrea ..mros, Bruce Parker, Kenneth Savage, Joe Vi .Pa Warren ..a y .participated active .. the team ..and wi be missed es .next year when the season opens. At the post-season Los Ange ked .ay teams wa .ays the Steer's 440 and 880 yard re .iseum Re .Co ace honors . .rst p.faway with CLYDE LITTLEFI ELD Cooch LETTERMEN ison ..Jim Choyce A Thomas N. Kaspar ERMEN .RESERVE LE ph W. .Ra spaugh .A mros .exander Pa .A Humberto Adame Kenneth Stewart Lyon es H. Bankhead .Char Robert Bruce Parker ...e, .James Ray Gay .Nea ..D. McDowe d Wyatt Beard .Dona Jack Davis Sides e .iam Lynn Hink ..Wi ph W. Rodieck .Ra Andre Bouchard S. Edward Southern John Scott Hoeck Kenneth H. Savage Johnny W . Cotten .arrea ..Joe Ernest Vi Terry Dean King den .Richard M. Wa ap .Drew W . Dun Johnny Richard Warren is Hobson Gainey ..Ho er .iam David Wei ..Wi SENIOR MANAGERIAL AWARD JUNIOR MANAGERIAL AWARD on T. Gordon . .Fa son .ace G. Wi ..Wa John David Baird H. Dan Reed Front Row : Palmros, Gordon, Parker, Gainey, Wilson, Southern, Warren, Savage, Villarreal. Second Row : Frank Medina, Trainer; Hin kle, Beard, McDowell, Allison, Weiler, Bankhead, Sides, Bouchard, Baird, Littlefield. Third Row : Froggy Lovvorn, Assistant Coach; Adame, Lyon, Walden, Alspaugh, Dunlap, Cotten, Kaspar, Gayle, Chuck Stanley. Poge 492 HOUSTON -TEXAS A & M Triumphant in their first meet of the 1959 season and for the sixth consecutive year, the Texas trackmen were again champions of this annual tri-meet. The Longhorns won a wide margin and the final tally was Texas 73Y A & M 48% , , . their division by and Houston 48. Three new records were hung up by the Horns. The speedsters claimed one with Wally Wilson's 48.3 for the 440 and the fieldmen added two more. The first being Billy Weiler's 6-6~ high jump and Bruce Parker's fabulous javelin toss of 213-8Y2. The high point total of the day was turned in by Eddie Southern. BORDER OLYMPICS Returning as champs for the third straight year, the Texas trackmen piled up a fabulous record in Laredo. The Horn's nearest competition was SMU, who managed 43 points against 71 1/10 for Texas. Joe Villarreal won a close mile against stiff competition in a time of 4: 17.5. All day long Texas owned the track as Southern and Alspaugh provided the scoring punch by placing first and second respectively in the 100-and 220-yard dashes. High point man of the day was dependable Southern. ln the field events Jim Allison took the shot with a toss of 52-3Y2. SOUTHWEST RECREATION MEET AT FT. WORTH Texas squeezed by ACC in the last race of the day and came from behind to take the 36th holding of this meet, 72 1/5 to 64 3/5. The Horns beat their own meet record by 1/10 of a second in the mile relay. Bill Woodhouse of ACC ran a 9.3 hundred, but was put in his place by Eddie Southern in the 220. University weight men, led by Alex Palmros, who won the discus and placed third in the shot, racked 18 points as all three entries placed in both shot and discus. Jim Allison set a new record and Johnny Warren placed third in the discus and fourth in the shot. SAN ANGELO RELAYS Texas, scoring heavily in the field events, finished with 80 points for the team title over ACC, SMU, and Texas Tech. The Steers won the sprint relay in a fine time of 40.5 and the mile relay with a 3: 13.9. Southern brought the mile relay over the line g by over 15 yards. Hollis Gainey placed second in the hundred, just two yards . :lead behind Bill Woodhouse of ACC. RALPH ALSPAUGH RICE-A & M Texas won the meet easily scoring 100 points to a 36 for A & M and 33 for Rice. Joe Villarreal won the mile run with a 4: 12.3 and also the two-mile run with a 9:44.8. Ralph Alspaugh barely lost the cen­tury to Taylor Jones of Rice but easily won the 220 in 21 .2. Southern captured the 440 with a 46.9, the best in the nation, and was a good 15 yards ahead of the second place man. WALLY WILSON EDDIE SOUTHERN Page 493 JOHNNY COTTEN CHARLES BANKHEAD TOM KASPAR KANSAS RELAYS Up5et by Kon505 05 they thot ught their 5ixth 5troight title in the 440-yord reloy, the Longhorns vindicoted loss by . 5 2 triumph in the mile reloy. Southern'5 5tirring onchor5 were. . . :in the 880-yord reloy ond o 324.6 victory : . rocing to o .05 he wo5 clocked ot 20.3 in the 880 event ond 46.4 in the bell lop of the mile reloy5, . the feoture5 of the two wi the .. more Although Kon505 dominoted the meet, Texo5 won chompi 5hip5 thon ho5t teom . DRAKE RELAYS Texo5 climoxed the Golden Anniver5ory of thi5 midwe5t clo55jc with the meet'5 eleventh record-breoking performonce for23.9 : . Eorlier onother Horn combinotion hod 5et o record of3. . . . :nole in 3.fof the doy 05 they won the mile reloy me equolled the 440-yord reloy 5tondord of 40.5. Texo5 cloimed . Fridoy the 5ome four5 .. the 880-yord reloy, ond .f ve of the thirteen mork5 creoted in the two doy5 of competition. JIM ALLISON BILLY WEILER DREW DUNLAP Poge 494 - ~ ~· -"t.-.... ~,.....,.,",.....,. ••~,,,, 1 '"''''"" '.' JOHNNY WARREN BRUCE PARKER ALEX PALMROS DALLAS INVITATIONAL MEET Oklahoma, ACC, and SMU proved no real contest to the Horns, as both their depth and their quality withstood the charges of the opposing teams. Although ailing from an upset stomach, Eddie Southern finished first in the open 440­yard dash and brought down the old meet record. Texas also won the mile relay and the sprint relay. The Texas field men came through with Jackie Sides winning the broad jump and Alex Palmros, Jim Allison, and Johnny Warren placing in the discus. Also Bruce Parker, Fallon Gordon, and Ralph Rodieck placed first, second, and third in the javelin. LOS ANGELES COLISEUM RELAYS 880-yard9th running of the relays, saw the Longhorns win the 440 and . More than 40,000 spectators, witnessing the Villanova whipped Texas by two yards in the mile relay. Joe Villarreal, making24.7. : . relays in times of 40.8 and his last effort for the Steers, tired in the stretch to finish seventh in the mile run. Villarreal stayed within three yards of the pacesetters for three-quarters of the race. JOE VILLARREAL FALLON GORDON OON BEARO TEXAS RELAYS The crowd grows tense as another group of speedsters get underway. Six reco1·ds fell ond three more were tied ot the 32nd Annuol Texos Reloys . The Steers occounted for the new mile reloy record ond won the 440 reloy. Joe Villarreal the only who by capturing STATISTICS the open Jerry Thompsan Mile. The most fascinating event af the Relays was the open 100-meter dash in which Bobby Morrow of ACC edged lra Murchi­ individual event .. was Horn won new record of . Event Winner Time son of Chicago Athletic Club and set the 10.2. The Kansas Jayhawks were selected as the most outstanding team. Three-mile Run. . . Oklahoma State ....... 13:50.9 120-yard High Hurdles ....... ACC . . . . . . . . . . . 14.3 CALIFORNIA RELAYS 100-yard Dash. . ...... Rice . 9.7 Proving again to cyn ical Californians that University of Texas sprinters are cent Longhorn quintet smashed the world record in the.fmagni . ,Oklahoma ... 57-3Y2 unsurpassed................Shot Put. . relay *Javelin ............ .. Kansas .. 270..1Y2 440-yard with scorching 39.6 victory at the California relays in Modesto, California, early in June. Coach Clyde Little .f eld's merchants ofDiscus .... . ... Missauri . 169-8 speed may have run even faster. Two of the three official watches and bothBroad Jump .. Kansas ....25-7\4 alternate watches all caught the Horns in 39.5 as the flying Steer foursome -one . half yard. San Jose State streaked into . High Jump .. ........ .... SMU .. 6-8 nipped San Jose State by *Pole Vault. . . . .. Oklahoma State. . . 14-8Y2 yard advantage over Texas leadoff man Wally Wilson, but Eddie Southern -Gainey, runlead.one-yard . roared from behind and gove Hollis Gainey Distance Medley Relay . . .. Oklahoma . 10:00.0 ning the banked curve superbly, was three yards a head as he honded the Sprint Medley Relay. . . .. Kansas . 3:20.2 stick to Rolph Alspaugh. The flailing Steer sophomare took about 50 yards to Four Mile Relay. . . . . . . . . Kansos . . . . 17: 15.6 shift into high gear and seemed in donger of losing as San Jose State's great Two Mile Relay ......... .... Colorado ............ 7:35.4 Ray Norton rapidly closed the gap, pulling up to the San Antonio la d's belated burst . shoulder. But Alspaugh toword tape with scrambled the of *One Mile Relay .............Texas ....... 3: 10.3 narrow margin. ploce San Jose State was . and by speed won Second880..yard Relay . . . .. Rice . . . 1 :24.3 clocked at 39.7. ln the 880-yard relay the Steers' same foursome was edged 440-yard Relay . . . . Texas ........ ... . 40.4 in the .f nal leg to take second. *New Record Wal/y Wilson displays troph y of first p/ace in the mile relay. JACKIE SIDES Page 496 ,11/~ 1• , , 1 11 1 , , ' ' 1 1 1 ! 1 ; j 111/ ~ 1 1 . t SOUTHWEST CONFERENCE MEET Runners dosh to finish in University 100-yord d .sh . Texas wrapped up its 29th SWC track champi .. ship by tally­ STATISTICS g 87V2 p . i. ts . i f . ll. wed by SMU with 42V2 . d A & M with a 37y2. The Steers w the .. .f rst . ve.f f the ru . i.. g eve ts a d . . Event Winner Time the .f.ish li rst i . . f te . ut. . seve . cr . t .. t. we .fe. .ts. eve ss 440-yard Relay ............ Texas .. ..... ...41.2 . H llis Gai . ey was high . i. t . . f the after .... with 13 Mile Run .... . .... . .... . ... Texas ..... .... . . ....4:16.7 p ma r 440-yard Dash ....... ...... Texas ........•......47.0 . tw .. taled . ts t . i. p relay teams. Shat Put ..................Texas ... ......... ...53-0!4 Braod Jump ..... . .• . . .... Rice ..... .. .. . .. . ....24-6!4 100-yard Dash .............Texas .. ..•........ 9.6 NCAA MEET High Jump ................ SMU ........ ........ 6-8 * Javelin .. . .. .. . .•.. . . . .... Texas ... ... .. . .. . ... 226-1 V2 . l the NCAA meet i ,. l. c. Li . Nebraska, Texas track star . uther. Eddie S became the U .. ati . rst.fiversity's. al llegiate . Texas c . B80-yard Run .. ............ TCU . . . . ........... 1 :53.7 . ce. si .. champi 954 as he .. the 440-yard title f 220-yard Dash .............Texas ......... ....... 20.5 w r . Pale Vault ...... . .. . .. . . . . Texas, SMU, Texas . i.. Ru g i . . uther. e six, S . la had stiff -m cham . fr .. mpetiti. c ed. gai . uther. States. S ited d Tech, TCU ......... . .. 13-6 *Twa Mile Run .............. SMU .... ......•..... 9: 18.7 .. pi s fr . m every c . f the U . er. r . .. d. u. gr his rivals .. the ahead f . .f rst tur . a . . twe 220-yard low Hurdles ....... Texas Tech .... .. .. . . . 23.2 '.. Oreg s Otis Davis t Bruce Parker . r. ship. H .. the champi . wi . One Mile Reloy . .......... . Texos . . .. . . . ........3: 13.9 120-yard High Hurdles ...... . Texos .............. . . 14.6 . a d Bud Cla . .. t. f Abile . e Christia . were the ther . ly .. *New Record . place i . s t . Texa the meet. Parker placed f .. the javeli . urth i . Texos Sweetheort, Ann Hufendick, presents Joe Villorreol first ploce oword for mile run. Page 497 1959 FRESHMAN TRACK T. J. LOVVORN Coach Truman Cleveland Abbott Myron Russell Anderson Jerry Ed Bain Bohn Jay Barham Baylus Earl Bennett Edward Madison Blackburn James Allan Brown Talmage Ray Cunninghom The Texas Freshmen walked away with their division of a triangular meet between A&M, Texas, and the University of Houston, by rolling up 83 points to A&M's and Houston's 38. Coach Froggy Lovvorn's Yearlings showed much better than was antici­ pated by winning 12 out of 15 events and placing in each one, in this .f rst outing of the year for the Texas Frosh. Another tri meet between the Shorthorns, Rice, and the Aggies, saw the yearlings repeating the same story dominating the meet with the Aggies placing second far behind Texas. Returning to Austin for the Texas Relays where they turned in a creditable performance even though they did not win but one .feld event, the Shorthorns placed in al 1 7 of the track and .f eld contests held at the relays for junior college and freshmen . As the year before the Mexico City lnvitational Meet south of the border was .. narrowed to a dual meet between Texas and Puerto Rico with Texas coming out top after the second days running. ln the SWC meet at College Station, the Short­horns rolled up 76Y2 points before their nearest competitor, Texas Tech could break 48. Dominating all events the Yearlings raced to the tape enough times to regain the SWC Freshman title lost the year before to SMU. FRESHMAN A W ARDS Johnny Philip Eschle Morgan Jester Max.f eld Robert Edwin Gardner Robert Wayne Porter Stanley Lynn Gray James Henry Richardson Robert Loring Hall, Jr. James Everett Saxton, Jr. Raymond Alfred Hiller, Jr. Jim Russell Smith James Thomas Houston Louis Edward Spradlin Bert Haworth Kivell, Jr. Rex Gerald Wilson Bruce John Knierim Robert Paul Wyatt Pat McDonald FRESHMAN MANAGERIAL A W ARD Wilborn R. Hampton Front Row: Gray, Abbott, Saxton, Maxfield, Barhom, Wyatt, McDonold, Porter, Eschle. Second Row: Littlefield, Hompton, Kivell, Wilson, Boin, Brown, Houston, Smith, Don Reed, Monoger; Lovvorn. Third Row: Sprodlin, Hiller, Richordson, Holl, Blockburn, Cunninghom, Anderson, Bennett. Page 498 f '"' ~· -~ r , • .., • • • --=:a--­ •\ ''." ...,.,.",",."-t''YUll.i.'""' .'' '....-"' 1959 BASEBALL The Horns ended the 1959 Baseball season with a 9-5 confer­ence record. With the Texas Aggies wearing the 1959 Conference Crown, the Texas team can only look forward to becoming SWC Champions in 1960 as they were in 1957 and 1958. The outlook for the 1960 conference crown for the Horns seems to be good. Moving up to fill the vacancies of George Myers, Pete Embry , Paul Zavorskas, Elmer Rod, Bob Sudderth, and Bobby Verplank season record0-2 . is a strong Yearling team. The Yearlings had a this year. Coach Bibb Falk's Varsity team produced a National Leaguer in Pete Embry who signed a contract with the Chicago Cubs. ERMEN. LE Arthur Wesley Adams Jay Hoyland Arnette Robert Mitchell Baxter, Jr. Ernest Alexander Embry Roy Reinhard Enderlin Phillip Lynd Hipps Billy Edward Kennedy Waymon Wayne McDonald Greg Newton Martin John Ernst Mayer George Earnest Myers James Winston Porter SENIOR MANAGERIAL AWARD Vernon Lee Shelton BIBB A. FALK Coach Elmer Frederick Rod Robert B. Sudderth Bobby Lee Verplank Paul Anthony Zavorskas Front Row: McDonald, Enderlin, Adams, Rod, Kennedy, Martin, Mayer. Embry. Back Row: Falk, Som Ayoub, Trainer; Hipps, Zavorskas, Arnette, Sudderth, Myers, Baxter, Verplank, Shelton, Bob Leach, Assistant Coach. /nsert : Porter. Poge 499 TEXAS-BROOKE ARMY MEDICAL CENTER The Horns launched the 1959 Baseball Season with a nine­inning 15-2 victory over Brooke Army Medical Center. Texas racked four Army pitchers for 18 direct hits including Wayne McDonald's line shot home run to the cliff in the left .f eld of Clark field. The Horns started slowly, but solved the offerings of a re ­lief Army hurler for eight runs and .f ve hits in the fourth inning. Texas made it 9-2 in the seventh with a one-baser by Hipps, an error, and a double by Sudderth over left .f eld. ln the eighth inning, Texas .f red seven more hits and six runs ending their scor­ing for the day. TEXAS-OKLAHOMA ln a weekend marathon in Clark Field, the longhorns played two games against Oklahoma University. ln the .f rst game, the homer in the eleventh Phil Hipp's .. 6-5Horns won by a score of inning. The second game was not so bright. Texas grabbed its .f rst and only lead of the game at the bottom of the .f rst with a home base steal by Pete Embry. The period ended with a 1-0 score. The Sooners took the lead for keeps in the top of the second with four runs. Runs by Horns Arnette, Porter, Wake.f eld, Verplank, Hipps and Kennedy in remaining innings brought the Horn score to 10 while the Sooners tallied 15. f'age 500 TEXAS-SAM HOUSTON STATE at the ha ds . . f the seaso . ss. d l .. s received their sec . r. The H rui . ed bye pitchi . g was f Sam H .. ust . . .f.d's. Elmer R State. rs that set up Sam H s sc . res. Hits by Ar ,ette . . err . r. H . tw '.. ust . to ru . s, a . d the gamematerialize id Baxter failed t . . rter, a . P . 2-0 ded with the sc f . re . . e . TEXAS-TEXAS A&M er . pe . ce . fere.. uthwest C . the S . Texas A&M i A 7-6 loss t . g the SWC cr . . w . . i . f retai . pes. h . r . gh.. L .. put a damper the . rge Myers i . mer by Ge . f the game was the h . A highlight ver the fe f Clarkg that sailed some 400 feet . ce . . i .. th i . seve . . vetera . g t . rdi . Field. Acc . bservers, it was the l . gst h .. me ru . g withy years. Both teams started str .. Clark Field i hit i . . ma . g. The Aggies grabbed the lead irst i . i .. each i .fthe . . . e ru .. .fthe . fth withs, but the H . r. s eve . ed it up ithe third with 3 ru . ald. The Ag - s by Embry a . d McD .. . h . tw .. three me ru . s . ru a .. f the sixth . p . the t . s i . gies . aged t . re ru . get two m ma the sixth a th . d the seve . red agai . i . r. Texas sc stly Texas err . . . c g the game with 7-6.ce m . di . re, e . .. red . while the Aggies sc WINSTON PORTER JOHNNY MAYER A 7-6 loss to the Aggies put o domper on Horn hopes for the SWC crown 808 SUODERTH Page 501 . . TEXAS-MINNESOTA The H defeated the Mi . es.. ta G . . r. s phers i . a hit-happy . game i Clark Field. The Texas team jumped . ff t . a 2-0 lead i . . g a . i.. rst i .fthe d added tw . re i . m . the sec phers. d. The G .. t~ S b rE b ir came back i . i.. urth i . the f . test i .. the c . t. d leaped ahead . g a 6-5 i . the sixth. But the H . r. s came back t . u. c . t three m re . . s i . ru their half . f the sixth. The G . phers g . t three m the . re i . . seve th d eighth while the H s racked up fa . g the . di . . r. . ur e game with a sc .12-9f . re . TEXAS-TCU . fere.. rst c .ftheir .. s w . r. The H ver the TCU Fr . gs . ce game with a sc . re. f 4-1. The Texas team le . gthe. ed their seas -rec .. . rd 7-3 a . d eve . ed their ct . . fere.. ce mark at 1-1. With Mc - .. D ald .. d Myers . base, Verpla . k cleared the bases witha a . . me-ru. h ver the ce eld cliff at Clark Field. The H f.-ter. s had . r . . base i .. ers.. ru every i . i.. g, but the sixth. The Fr gs, h -w . . ever, all . The H . r . . s t . r. gh .. wed the L c mpleted their . .. d.. ly i .gs. i.. i . tw . pass sec . ri. g i . the eighth with the 4-1s sc .ry. vict TEXAS-BAYLOR the STexas became team #2 i . uthwest . Clark Field. Six Bayl . fere.. with ac ce . ry. 14-1 vict ver the Bayl . r Bears i . . r pitch­ ers we . t t . the . g i . ri. Sc .. vai . d i . u. the sec d a .. fth.fd . m . i.. i gs, the H s led 5-0. Tw . r. . m . re Texas . s i . the seve th . ru .. d. a e by the Bears i the sixth br ught the sc 7-1. The . . . . re t . Texas we . bi . ru-. a seve .. t. ge i . the eighth. O ly after three . Bear pitchers a . d 11 H . r. batters were the Bears able t . f . rce the .fthe . s t . r. gh.. g L . rampagi eld. The game e ded after a sc -re . . .g. i .. th i . i . less . d's pitchi . Elmer R TEXAS-RICE . s t . r. gh .. g led the L with a 1-0 vict -uth. f the S . p. tthe west c . fere.. ce . ry. Rice i d. R ... ust. H . ver .. ly .. walked e Owl a . d all wed them . fly ur hits. The Texas . .. . ru came i . the eighth i . i.. g. Phil Hipps hit a li . e drive d . w . the left .f eld li . e a . d ra . d. R .. sec d gr . u. ded t . d.. sec . t . . g Hipps t . vi. m third. Jay Ar ette hit .. e deep i . eld.fter. ce . t . . wi. all g Hipps t . sc . re. The 1-0 vict . ry. ver the Owls gave the . r. H s a 3-1 SWC rec .rd . PAUL ZAVORSKAS MITCHELL BAXTER PHIL HIPPS Page 502 TEXAS-TCU ce lead with a 5-4 uthwest C . fere .. ed their S ver TCU at Am The H . s retai . r. . Carter Field i . rth. This was . F . rt W ry. vict . .. urth straight i . d the f th wi . r Texas a . f .. successi . i . . the seve . gs jumped ahead i . the sec g . i .. d i .. appy Fr . SWC play. The s 4 . ru sec .. d i ,g . i.. .. TCU ru . s. After the . ri . by er .. gsc the bad weather, the H d base. Battli reached s . r . . .. g sec Sc fth by sc . ri. g 3 ru . s. .fthe . . t. the game i ced back i -r . . u. b wed . gs, the Texas team mthe eighth a . i .. th i . i . d . g agai . i . . i ded the game 5-4. the Fr . gs a . d e . . w . d TEXAS-SMU uble header at Clark Field, Texas defeated SMU twice a d . . l The d .uble . . fere.. uthwest C . f the S . ce.at the t p . . remai . t .rd. rec .. d a 12-3 seas SWC rec . rd a . . 6-s a . r . gave the H . wi d a mighty 375­ . u . rge Myers p . wd saw Ge The .f rst game cr . .. sec . d i .g . i .. d a three-ru . the fe . . ru­- triple t .. f t tw ce a . . i.. gs while . i. th i .. d, third, a d . red i . the .f SMU sc . rst, sec g except theevery i . i .. the plate i . s paraded me . r. the H . t . s . r . gh.. th, the L . i . d the . sec .. d . i the . ri. g agai .f fth. Sc . a -d Sud . . s by Myers, P .ry. vict . 3­ SMU's 5. Ru . tallied up 9 p . i. . rter, ts t a d game gave Texas the the sec .. derth i . TEXAS-BAYLOR -d .. g, the Texas diamut pitchiSudderth's strike . . B defeated the b -. With third time this . .. f . r theBayl . r Bears . me seas gs a . d we . t ahead 2-0. . i .. d i .. . rst a .fthe . red i . d sec . Bayl r sc the sixth. O . . s i . . s came back with 4 ru . r. ly, the H . Sudde e ru th gave Texas the 5-3 vict .ry . . i the seve . TEXAS-RICE m . .. .. e game fr . Clark Field, Texas w a d . ubleheader i . l the . 2 i #. ry . ther. The H . r. s made it vict . . d dr . pped the Rice a g . i .. . seve . eight-ru . th i . .f rge Myers climaxed rst game. Ge a 2- . 10-7 vict . ry. The that gave the H . r . . . s the with a h me ru the sec .. d gamewever, i . h ., ke. . g streak was br . i .. game wi d Sudderth . .. . ry. Ru . s by McD ald, Baxter, awith the Rice vict . ss did t .' . ugh t .. t e .. ,s 4 . r. beat the Rice 6. The l gave the H .' r . gh.. the L . se.. l s grip .. the SWC .f rst place. They remai ed . . t .. p with a 9-2 c . fere.. ce rec .rd . WAYNE McDONALD ROY ENDERLIN GREG MARTIN Poge 503 TEXAS-TEXAS A&M The Farmers jolted the Longhorns with a 3-1 victory in College Station. The Horns got only 3 hits by Myers, Hipps, and Crain. The Aggies got their runs in the .f rst, third, and fourth innings while Longhorn George Myers brought in the Texas run. The 3-1 loss narrowed the Horn's chances for SWC .f rst place. TEXAS-SMU Texas dropped behind in SWC play with a 6-5 loss to the SMU Mustangs. The Mustangs outlasted the Horns in the .f rst three innings by scoring the 6 runs. Runs by Porter, Embry, Verplank, and Baker in the .f fth and seventh innings gave the Horns their 5. An Aggie victory over Rice pushed the Farmers into .f rst place in SWC play. PETE EMBRY GEORGE MYERS ELMER ROD BILLY KENNEDY Poge 504 1959 YEARLING BASEBALL FRESHMAN AWARD Tim Alle . Pou 1 Euge . e Hyott Williom Robert Bolger Jeffrey Chorles Nesrsto Lewis Edword Brozelto ey, 111 . ck. Pi . McPherso . Joh . Robert E. Collowoy Lloyd Lester Rigby Michol Borry Cotte . Dovid Toylor Ski er .. Shirley . Arvi . Borto . Robert Ferguso . Joh FRESHMAN MANAGERIAL A W ARD Nicholos Coriotis ·~-~..c.,... THOMAS SNOW Coach teom should provide good10-2 record. The Freshmo . d up the 1959 seoso . with oThe Yeorli . g Boseboll teom wou . moteriol for Vorsity ploy . ext yeor. Moki . g theirF. Austi . Moroo . s. Stephe . g with o 5-3 victory over theoff with o boThe Frosh storted the seoso . . Rigby, Poul . i.. g. Ru . by Potteom 1-0 goi . g i . to fth i the .f High School 1959 debut, the Yeorli . gs troiled Austi . s teom's seosoto bei . g the Freshmo . ,er. ope . . gs' 5. l . odditio . d Bort Shirley tollied up the YeorliHyott, Bill Bolger, o . . ossisto .. t to Vorsity Cooch Bibb Folk . Texos heod cooch. Lost yeor S the Texas A&M Fish stopped the Yearli the gome wos Cooch S ow's debut os o . ow wos . gs cold with a 11 -0 score i Kyle Field . . d gome of the seaso ,. . l the seco . '. t score. The Fish got o . e ru . g the bases, but they could The Texas team storted the game by loadi . College Statio . i . . . ded with o totol of 11. . gs a . i.. d ea . i . d. th id, third, sixth,scored agai . the seco . i . rst. The Fish the .fthe . i . g team collected 21 hits to defeat theMarch 26, a hit-happy YeorliHigh School i.n Austi .. . . After defeati . g Austi . 15 me . to the plate a d . gs marched toble as the Yearli . Baylor Cubs 18-8. The third i . i.. g proved to be the most pro.f d Jerry Dehli . ger eachhe got 4 hits. Lew Brazelto . a . e of the outsto . g Yearli . di. gs as got 10 ru . Paul Hyatt was .. s. got 3 hits . by sparki g . beat the oppoce agai ,. the Yearli . e. tfrom the Rice Owlets. O . . gs . gs' fourth wi . The Yearli came the Texast part i . . getti . importa d Paul Hyatt with 3 hits each ployed .. hits. Jeff Nesrsto, David Ski . .. er, a out g a . i.. d eighth i . gs to bri g . . fth, seve .f,the fourth . th . the third a . d o . e eoch iteams' 17 hits. The Freshme scored 5 i . the score to 9 to Rice's 7. d Travis High, the Yearli . gs co . ti. ued their wihigh schools, McCallum High a . . . g two Austi . Agai after defeati . ior College. The Texas teom collected o total of 21 hits from threeg streak with a 27-0 victory over Wharto . Ju . . i . d Poul Hyott with 3.gs were Pot Rigby with 5 hits a . g the Yearli . pitchers. Leadi . Wharto . ru . s each by Pati . i.. g of the Baylor game. Tworu the . s i . .f rst gs got off to a good start with twoThe Yearli . e by Jeff Nesrsta brought the Texas score to 5 while the Cubs tollied up 4. .. d . d Poul Hyatt a Rigby a . with a 4-1 loss to the Rice Owlets. Rice scoredg streak of the Texas Yearli . gs was broke . . i .. The .fve-gome wi . . fth whe .fthe Pat Rigby was forced . whe . the eighth. The Texas score came id agai . i . .f rst i . the third i . i.. g a . the batter wos hit by a pitched ball. g road with a 5-1 victory over the Texas A&M Fish. The Texas Freshme . . i.. the wi .. The Texas Yeorli . gs got back d tallied up fourthe eighth, the Yearli . gs exploded o . th a . d eighth. li . the seve . got 9 hits. The .f Texos . ru . s come ve s to sew up the game. . ru . started thete . over Tarleto . Stote College. Tarleto . gs wi . . umberseoso . gove the Yearli The lost gome of the gs. The T exas threat came i . the eighth i g. i .. the third, fourth, a . d eighth i . i .. d scored agai . i . . scori g i . rst a .fthe . . scored the wi . i.. g ru . i . the bottom ofs to tie up the game. l ~gs a s . overtime play, Brazeltothe Yeorli gs got 4 ru . whe . . . .4s '. the twelfth to give the Yeorli ore of 5 to Tarleto Page 505 1959 TENNIS . l pre-c . fere.. ce play the . 959 . r . gh.. L Next j ed the by edgi g . . pe . etters. seas .. ut the Pa . . America team 4-3 i .. Austi . . Sa . g t . eyi . ur. . i .. t . A where the . . p werful Tri . ity Tigers smashed the traveli . r. g H . s 5-l despite the .f. e perf ce . rma . umber . 'f Texas . .. e ma . Richard Keet . ick C . Pe . g t . i . Retur ach Wilmer ... . c iversity. O urts, . wi . 5-easy . k a .. t . etme . s .'. Allis ver Oklah Baptist U . the ad . . . . ma r . f . agai r Bat . R uge a d New Orlea LSU . d Tula . .. e the Ora . d . . s t . . meet a ge a White met str resista . they dr . pped 4-2 t LSU, d 6-0 t . Tula . e. .. Meeti . a . g . g ce as . T ri ity agai . rt t . eff . a . i right the wr . e t .. g d .. . r . gh.. the L them earlier, the racket . s were still able . defeat the Sa .. sch . i .. t . A l, as the . piled . agai . 5­ . st the . tu sc re up . r. H Pe . ick C . urts. Agai the ly match fr . .. f Richardw .. . at . s was m . i .. Keet match that lasted .urs. h . . ver twa . l their .f SWC match f the seas .. the Texas team bla . ked the Farmers fr . rst m . . Brya 6-0 i . . Austi . The matches had t . take d place t . ext tw . . April's sh .. -w . sec bei rai ed. .' r . gh .. the L 958 were dimmed as the Owls tr l .. ust. H . . s cha f regai . i . . g the SWC title . ces . ut. ers, g . l st i ced the H .. s 6-0. The rest . f the seas . u. . r. .. better f the Texas . etters, wh . . wi . t the rest . r f their d . .. t . we . .. c the champi tests, awas WILMER LAWSON ALLISON & M place sec .. d i the SWC meet at A early i . May. l . ship play . .. Coach Richard Keet . l i ... Rice's R . als t -.f.semi ie Fisher, the t .. . etter i . -uth . the S take the . p . st C . fere.. H Keet . a .. d teammate Neil Drury . west . t .. t . ce. wever, we er-up sl .ubles . d . t i . .. ru ERMEN FRESHMAN AWARD . LE William Richard Ardis . R bert Sta t . ley Ame . Philip Ar .. ld Bleak ey . Neil Lewis Drury William Davis J . rda . William H kle . d Hi . lla . . Har .. ld Clair SparksRichard Page Keet Neil Gilbert U terseher . . e Zimmerma . Euge . Warre . h . J McGill White . R bert Darrell Y der . Left to Right: Wilmer Allison, Stanley Ament. Bill Hinkle, Warren Zimmermon, Neil Drury, Richard Keeton, Daniel A. Penick, Coach Emeritus. Poge 506 TEXAS 6-TEXAS A & M 0 TEXAS 6-TEXAS TECH 0 subdued the Tex Aggies of Tex s tennis . s The University . m . te nd s undly . cketeersAustin, he TexMoving b . ck met . . s r . . t . tch of Sou hwest Conferenceurts in heir . Penick C . m rd Keeton, de 6-{) . .f rst . t . f 6-0. This tch. m Tech, l . theiders fr Tex ted . defe . R brought the SWC record up l he Red . re . . . . s scm for Tex s, RichnetlerThe number . he . . . ne . - se son. wins. The Horn .tch . m ss. l romped nd three . . . newith . H nes . B 6-2, 6-3. rber, Aggie pl ted . fe he number e se . .. e . . yer, rvey inwinsd . y. theyh d. eld Oddly ugh . Roberl J . o nley Ament downed6-1, 6-1. St . .f . . netmen everysen the Aggieof the eveningthe cl tchthis proved to be . . sest . inpl . th n . s h . vingm . w. setsto oney morenever Zimmerm . B Tex . s . m. Wfrom he n . . . . n. teset netters never w rren Hinkle unced . nd Tex s' Bill x. B 6-2, 6-0. Hinkle 6-{), 6-1, wned Rich . rd . d . . tr down rbermed with Keeton m J . mison . Willi . tote nd Jones 6-3, 6-1, in doubles pl .y . . TEXAS 4-SMU 2 TEXAS 6-BAYLOR 0 b second pl . ce behindOn SMU's home courls in ttempt ... . o gr . tch the Longhorns soundly shut out the ying . Pl . r . ined . out m Ponies 4-2. The in the SWC ti le . edged he m Rice's nellers the Un iversity . ut . teom Tex . s pll the Tex No ction . ylor Be rs 6-0 in . B yer . . s . . courts. poinl sl ndinglonghorns 22-8thevictory g . . . vehreeth . yl. B sel. ln the number one singles could extended . n. mes . . ge . n . . w . go morer m s s . g. insl thesingles tcheshree of the four . r ce. Tex . n . . s wonKeelon d wned . tch, Rich rd in . m Goforth 6-3, 6-3. Keeton l . . ny defe . ted SMU'sRich . rd Keet . nd split the doubles.Methodists . med wi h . Be 'rs. . ce, Tommy the ter te . . h . d . i y doubles tch. Drury . o win the number DruryNeil sy . e . m putting the 6-2 , 4-6, 6-4.Bill Wright 6-2, 6-3, while Neil Drury dropped Bill Dix n . one tch. m . M . m quick victories of 6-2, 6-1. Another Longhorn, Bill Hinkle domin withwith Don rtici, his singles tch in . w. with the Horn loss coming whentook his tchZimmerm . n . W . m by Willie Wolff, 3-6, 6-1, 6-1. Hinkle rren ted. nd . Hinkle w . s edged Bill outirings winning 6-2, 6-3 over his opponentthe ploy in the singles p . . nd Drury ook . . tch while Keetondoubles mlost their . . Zimmerm they powered theirnd Drury were never lroubled Keeton . w y . . ns . 6-3, 6-3slot with doubles tch winningthe number . m TEXAS 0-RICE 6 score. theirs. . o one the Rice Owls, the Horns TEXAS 6-TCU 0Gulf Co lo . He ding tow rd the . st . meet dropping the m tch . SWC pl . yonly defe l in their firs . . nd mel . oul the SWC . L the Horned Frogs nghorns closedveling up lo Fort Worth the . Tr trouble gettingSWC netler h . d6-1. Thethe Houston le . l . topm lly edged himrd Keeton, but Keelon toppedWhite's Rich 6-0. Rich . rd the Or nd . n.f by by defe . ling . . pl y . nge . Zimmerm n . 7-5, Neil Drury, Wlly long tch. 6-3 in . .. . unusu . m ll wenl down before rren Bill HinkleCo k 6-0, 6-4.Drury be . l Gene ul Loz ,k . . s Neil . P . ught. Fisherhe Rice onsl . St . nley Ament . nd . . tch. m nd Drury defe fter . med lo win their doublesW . Zimmermnd . n te . . ubles. rrenin dKeel nd Drury med lo edge . F ction 10-8, 3-6, 6-3. Arl usl le . n . nd . . . out heir . ted . winning their own singles conlesls. Keeton . lso lost their doublesAment . Zimmerm . n. nd ,6-3,tch. m 6-3. doubles Top Row: Keeton, Hinkle. .9-7,16-pponents . Second Row: Ament. Drury, Zimmerman. HARVEY PENICK Coach GOLF ln conference play the Texas linkmen accounted for a mark of 20 won and 22 lost to .f nish .f fth in the SWC race behind Texas Tech, TCU, Texas A&M, and Baylor . Opening the race against Arkansas in Austin Texas defeated the Razorbacks 4 to 2. Bob White of Texas defeated Loring Henderson of Arkansas 3 and 2. Sonny Rhodes and Bob Nelson won their matches. Charles Birdwell was the only Horn to lose in the singles matches. ln Waco the Orange and White were rolled over by the Baylor Bears 4 and 2. Rebounding quickly the next week the Longhorns trounced Rice 5 and 1. Bob Nelson continued his red hot golfing for the University by pacing his team to a 5 and 1 victory over the Southern Methodist Mustangs. The win shot Texas into second place in conference standings with a 16 won 8 lost mark. The tide began to turn for the Longhorns when they met A&M in College Station. The Farmers defeated the Horns 5 and 1. Next out at Lubbock the Texas ech Red Raiders dealt the Steers another loss to the score of 6 and 0. The UT golfers . made two singles victories and a four ball win stand up for a 3-3 draw with TCU at Austin Country Club. At the Southwest Conference meet at College Station the Longhorns placed .f fth in .f nal team standings with Bob Nelson and Sonny Rhodes placing as individual leaders. LETTERMEN Robert Chinn Nelson Donald Richard Pohl Arthur E. Rhodes James Jefferson White RESERVE A W ARD Charles Ernest Bridwell FRESHMAN A W ARDS Arthur Ames Blassingame James Hu lvey Bratten Smither Gabriel Cunningham Gary Eugene Morrison Tom McCullough Strother Left to Right: White, Nelson, Pohl, Rhodes. Page 508 WOMEN'S INTRAMURALS STAFF Director . .... . .. ......................... JOSEPHINE M. CHAPMAN Associate Director ................... . . .. . . . .. MARY ELIZABETH RISLEY Assistant Director .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PATRICIA ANN WEIS Assistant Director ....... .............................JO ANNE SAFRIT Secretary ................. ........................... BARBARA ISOM The Women's Co-Operatives claimed the .f rst place trophy for the 1958-1959 Texas Sports Association T-Night Banquet. Second place went to Chi Omega, third place to Delta Zeta and fourth place to Gamma Phi Beta. Winners of the Participation Award were Chi Omega and Alpha Delta Pi with one hundred percent participation each. Runners-up were Delta Phi Epsilon with ninety percent participation, Sigma Delta Tau with ninety-two point .f ve per­cent, Alpha Chi Omega with eighty-six point seven, and Gamma Phi Beta with eighty-six point eight percent. The Best Manager Award went to Tina Martin, Alpha Delta Pi; with Judy Van Horn, Chi Omega, and Harriette Pullen and Martha Scharlack, Sigma Delta Tau, receiving honorable mention. Chi Omega received the Sportsmanship Award, with honorable mention going to Alpha Chi Omega and Delta Gamma. Tournament winners were: Badminton Singles, Jan Edds, SRD, First Place; B. J. Cain, Alpha Chi Omega, Runner-up; Sally Risser, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Consolati Swimming, Gamma Phi Runner-up; Ten­ ,OmegaFirst Place; Chi Beta, .;. nis Singles, Carolyn Savage, Delta Zeta, First Place; Carol Coffman, Delta Delta Delta, Runner-up; Pat Devine, Delta Delta Delta, Consolation. INTRAMURAL MANAGERS 1958 -1959 ,t Row: lrene Braden, CO-OP; Sarah Henslee . Fro ALPHA PHI; Harriette Pullen, SIGMA DELTA TAU; Marion Rankin, DELTA GAMMA; Rosa ­ . . lyn Brateman, DELTA PHI EPSILO Second Row: R. Starlett Smith, SRD; Jo Ann Studdert, HEWMA CLUB; Carolyn , Sava11e . DELTA ZETA; Sharon Goldstein, DELTA PHI EPSILOH ; Mary Ann Shaw, GAMMA PHI BETA . Third Row: Annette Helwig, DELTA DELTA DELTA; Gail Stroker. KAPPA ALPHA THETA ; Judy Van Horn, CHI OMEGA; Lou Adele Dorrell, KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA; Patti Pol­lard, KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA . TRAVELING TROPHIES Left to Right: lrene Andrea Braden, CO-OP, FIRST PLACE; Judith Kay Van Horn, CHI OMEGA, SECOHD PLACE. BEST MANAGER AWARD Helen Faltin Martin, ALPHA DELTA PI PARTI CIPATION WINNERS Left to Right: Judith Kay Van Horn, CHI OMEGA; Doris Katz, Marsha Rubin, DELTA Harriette Pullen, Martha· . PHI EPSILO Scharlack1 SIGMA DELTA TAU; Helen Faltin Martin, ALPHA DELTA PI . TOUCH FOOTBALL CHI OMEGA Front Row: Jone Blessing, Jonie Fitzgerold, Goyle Ke lly, Jomie Holt, Solly Stevens. Second Row: Moggie Doiley, Joon Hiett, Corole Keeton, Corolyn Contwell, Colleen O'Connor. DELTA ZETA Third Row: Jonet Peovy, Mory Beth Souther­lond, Rosemory McAdoms, Corolyn Sovoge, Jonie Lee, Eloine Mothews. Fourth Row: Moureen Burns, Kotherine Fronzen, Corolyn Ann Thomos, Jonot Austin, Shorolyn Wotson. POSTURE WINNERS Lef t to Right: Morie Esther Coromonion, FIRST PLACE; Potti Wotkins. Ro s ol i nd Kr iss, SECOND PLACE. NEWMAN CLUB Front Row: Suson Seeliger, Rosolindo M. Mon­rreol, Merlene Wilde, Pat Horn. Second Row: Koy Zschech, Jo Ann Poth, Mary Jane Strauch, Borbara Gurecky, Betty Jo Greene, Mory Hughes, Beotrice Lozono. ZET A T AU ALPHA Third Row: Mory Jeon Poyne, Mirodo Pike, Suzonn Seidel, Amondo Stuort, Judy Jolley. Fourth Row: Julie Porker, Mory C. Ellison, Beth Blosek, Mory Ann Willioms, Noncy Stonley, Anne Elizobeth Beord. VOLLEYBALL WINNERS WHITE BRACKET Front Row: DELTA DELTA DELTA, RUNNER­UP, Ann Demming, June Benner. Pot Woll, Diono Foster, Peggy Dovis, Prissy Greene . Bock Evelyn Deoson, lrene Broden, Mortho Whitlow, Mellonses Sloughter, Morvo Corter, Virginio Flores . PLACE,FIRST,. . CO-OP :Row ORANGE BRACKET Front Row: GAMMA PHI BETA, RUNNER-UP : Betty McCormick, Morjorie Menefee, Morilyn Vogt, Suson Dillard, Pot Price. Fronces Kin­caid, Dovene Schmidt. Back CO-OP FIRST PLACE; Jo Ann , . :Row Ponkrotz, Jessie Ann Voigt, Vero Luker, Jone Lown, Cormen Rios, Emmo Lou Linn, Mollie Kovonogh, Corol Jean Zimmermon. BOWLING GAMMA PHI BETA Front Row: Suson Dillord, Betty McCormick, Mary Ann Shaw. Back Row: Noncy Cone, Kothy Wolloce, Potricio John Patterson. i .. .:~-~.;J&~ '·. ~~.. .. _,' ---~~ ... . ----· ~~· ~ ---~--~"" . .... _,. __. ­ CHI OMEGA NEWMAN CLUB SIGMA DELTA TAU Left to Right: Toni Boldwin, Judy Vonness, Left ta Right: Potricio Williams, Jo Ann Kusen­Left to Right: Borboro Block, Temme Borkin, Noncy Wolker. berger, Veniece Sidor. Claire Schlosberg. TENNIS DOUBLES WINNERS Front Row: INDEPENDENT, FIRST PLACE; Emmy Lou Whitridge, Lillian Carroll. Back Row: PI BETA PHI, SECOND PLACE; Lynn Louise Porter. Jessie Fay Oliver. BASKETBALL WINNERS ORANGE BRACKET Front Row: CO-OP 1, FIRST PLACE, Martha Whitlow, lrene Braden, Emma Lou Linn,Gwendolyn Pankratz. Second Row: Jessie Ann Voigt, Jo Ann Pank­ratz, Margarette Buckner. Third Row: DELTA ZETA, SECOND PLACE, Mary Beth Southerland, Janet Peavy, Mary e . Virginia Schulz, Elaine Mathews, Deid Wilson, Carolyn Savage, Rosemary McAdams, Katherine Franzen, Cynthia Hollyfield . BADMINTON DDUBLES WINNERS Left to Right: CHI OMEGA, SECOND PLACE; Jean Burkhalter, Colleen O'Connor; ALPHA Cftl OMEGA, FIRST PLACE, Billy Jean Cain, Beve rly Cox . BASKETBALL WINNERS WHITE BRACKET Front Row: CO-OP, RUNNER-UP, Mary Smith, Ann Osterloh, Joan Raab, Joan Ruesch, BettyFisbeck. Second Row: Jane Brown, Anne Seidensticker, Barbara Jo Harris, Brenda Jean Harris, Mar­garet Oakes, Virginia Flores. · Third Row: SCOTTISH RITE DORMITORY, FIRST PLACE, Willa Fern Ramsey, Janice Edds, Judy Scott, Starlett Sm ith, Barbara Bowen. TABLE TENNIS SINGLES WINNERS Left to Right: SIGMA DELTA TAU, WINNER, Harriette Pullen; CO-OP, RUNNER-UP, Ear­ line Miles. SHUFFLEBOARD SINGLES WINNERS Left to Right: ALPHA CHI OMEGA, DorothyDee Langley; ALPHA DELTA PI, Martha Rowland. TABLE TENNIS DOUBLES WINNERS Left to Right: CHI OMEGA, FIRST PLACE; Jean Burkhalter, Jane Burkhalter; DELTA PHI EPSILON, RUNNER-UP, Kathryn Hor­ witz, Doris Katz. ARCHERY WINNERS Left to Right: ALPHA DELT A PI, SECOND PLACE, Marie Sharpe; NEWMAN CLUB, FIRST PLACE, Nancy Fielding; PI BETA PHI, SECOND PLACE, Evangeline Ford. SOFTBALL WINNERS WHITE BRACKET ,ER-UP .. CHI RU Front Row: OMEGA, Colleen O'Connor, Janet Galeener. Second Row : Carol Meyers, Bitsy Ruth, Bettino Wilbonks, Fronces Atwood, Solly Stevens , Jone Ann Fitzgerald, Judy Von Horn, Jane Burkholter . Third Row: Pot Ridgway, Poulo Roiney• FIRST, . Fourth Row: DELTA PHI EPSILO PLACE, Marno Tucker Diane Morchower, Morsho Rubin, Doris kotz, Sondro Rosen, Borbaro Fish, Borbaro Blum, Ellen Simon, Eleonor Lewis . SWIMMING Front Row : GAMMA PHI BETA, FIRST PLACE, Betty Lynn McCormick, Jonet Suc Guinons, Peggy Ruth Peters, Ann Kennedy Voight, Connie Bess Conrow, Marilyn Mone Vogt, Morsho Ann Horris. ,D PLACE . Second Raw: CHI OMEGA, SECO Potricio Willane Ridgewoy. Laurie Kothleen Royburn, Patricio Louise Wren, Horriet Holsell• GE BRACKET . ORA DELTA RU ER-UP, Bor­ .. ,Front Row: ZETA borc McSpodden, Ann Cunningham, Corolyn Sovoge, Carolyn Ann Thomos, Cindy Holly­field, Jonot Austin, Elaine Mathews, Janie Lee, Mory Beth Southerlond. Second Row : Jo Ann Kusenberger• Third Row : CO-OP FIRST PLACE, Poulo Jo Black, Mortho Whitlow, Jo Ann Ponkrotz, Jessie Ann Voigt, Cynthio Huxoll, Winnie Cord, rene Broden, Emma Kavonogh,Mollie . Lou Linn, Potricio Gallogher• BADMINTON SINGLES Left to Right : SCOTTISH RITE DORMITORY, ER, Janice Lois Edds; CHI ALPHA ... W OMEGA, RU ER-UP, Coin. Billy Jean .. FENCING to : W ER, Mo­ ... T, . DE . DEPE .. Left Right ,ER-UP .. RUCO-OP, Hompton, zelle Emmo Lou Linn . BADMINTON DOUBLES ,ER .. Left to Right: ALPHA CHI OMEGA, Wl Billy Jeon Cain, Beverly Cox; CHI OMEGA, Jean Burkholter, Colleen, . SOLATIO . CO Mory O'Connor. DECKTENNIS DOUBLES to CH/ W ER, Bev­ ... ,Left Right: OMEGA er/y Koy Baker, Koy St. Germoin ; GAMMA PHI Pfeiffer, Morilyn Vogt. Potricio,ER-UP .. RUBETA, TENNIS SINGLES . Left to Right: DELTA DELTA DELTA, RU ER-UP, Elizobeth DELTA . Corol Coffmon; ZETA, FIRST PLACE, Corolyn Ruth Sovoge. Page 513 CO-RECREATIONAL MIXED BADMINTON TOP ROW: Left to Right: FIRST PLACE, Prasit Na rongdet, Kesree Naruoakorn; SECOND PLACE, Sudjit Suvan­naratana, Prit Pitaksmanusart. MIXED VOLLEYBALL WINNERS fron t Row : Barbara Jane Jurecky, Georgia Kahanek, Jo Ann Studdert. Back Row: John Anthony Erhardt, Mary Margaret Hughes, Beatrice Lozano, James Edward Greve. SECOND PLACE Front Row: Anne Elizabeth Seidensticker, Frances Azleane Crawford, Martha Ellen Whitlow, lrene An­drea Braden. Back Row: Stanley Kenneth Krenek, Jr" Eddie Keltee, Howard Mollew Koph . BOTTOM ROW: UTSA MIXED BOWLING Front Row: SECOND PLACE, Frank Fruia, Patricia Mary Gallagher, Carrueu Studdert, Buck Rodgers. OFFICERS 1958-1959 Back Row: WI NNERS, James Carl Partlow, Beatrice ,Studdert, Mary Margaret Hughes .. Lozano, Jo A President ... ......BILLY JEAN CAIN Charles Hughes . Vice-President . . .. MARION FRANCES RANKIN Secretary .... COLLEEN O'CONNOR MIXED TABLE TENNIS Front Row: Mary Margaret Hughes, Diane Beverly Treasurer .. MOLLIE KAVANAGH Schmidt, Maria Elinor Medina. Back Row: James Edward Greve, Charles Henry Kosub, Member-at-Large . . .. KA Y PEARSON Robert Cesar Callarotti. Billy Jean Cain, outgoing UTSA President, installed Colleen O'Connor President for 1959-1960. Betty Wilson, Vice­President; Lauralyn Carlton, Secretary; Priscilla Adams, Treasurer; Ann Voight, Frances Seelke, Members-at-Large. Awards were presented to outgoing members of UTSA Clubs. Martha Kyger was named as the outstanding member of Canter Club. Sue Cocke was the Championship Equitation Winner. Poona Club named Billy Jean Cain as best bad­minton player and Betty Wilson as outstanding member. The winners of Racket Club's tournaments were Harriette Pullen, singles; Carol Coffman and Harriette Pullen, doubles; and Mary Mullendore, wall tournament. Strike and Spare named Gary Hitt and Barbara Gurecky as having the highest bowling average. Lauralyn Carlton was selected as outstanding member of Triggerettes, Tina Martin had the highest riflery average for the year. Myrna Brooks was named outstanding member of T umble. Starlett Smith received the Gold Turtle Award as the best swimmer in Turtle Club, and Harriet Lieberman as runner­up. Outstanding member was Jane Adams Gray. Page 514 UTSA TUMBLE Front Row: Marion Franccs Rankin, Nancy Rae Goldberg. Second Row: Priscilla Elaine Adams, Judith Carolynn lzardf Myrna Ruth Brooks, Judy Kay Burgoon, Sue Caro yn Williams Marsha Kay Killingsworth. Back Row: Carol Conklin, Gayle Helaine Wcinstein, Ellen Serena Martin, Jewcl Curtis, Gloria Gail Oberg, Rosabeth Gilmore. RACKET CLUB Front Row: Elizabeth Anne Disch, Marie Arlene Wade, Emmy lou Whitridge, Charline Hawthorne. Second Row: Harriette Sue Pullen, l inda McCowan, Mary Mullendore, Elka Haubold, Judith Scott, Anne Vogelsang, Shiela O'Gara, Sponsor; Elizabeth Rudc, Jean Rogers, Jane Fitzgerald, Carol Coffman, Mar­qaret Brady. Th1rd Row: Jane Stotts, Jo Anne Walker, Patricia Devine, Mollie Kavanagh. ORCHESIS Front Row: Melanie Rose Green, Cherry Ann Strong, Janean Johnson, Diane lynn Schoppaul, Mary Kath­arine Buckle, l inda Bailey, Maren louise Wester­feldt, Mary Diana McCarter, Rose Mary Jones, Joanne l inder, Judith Karen Harden. Back Row: Beverly Ann Scanlan, Mary Motz, Anne Thomas, Barbara Kae Gaffhey, Cinda louise Harris, Janet Ann Kelly, Boleyn Roberts, Brenda Ann Foote, Anastasia l innent, Angela louie, Sandra Jean Rosen­baum, lilah Elizabeth Black, Molly Kathleen Sullivan. POONA CLUB Front Row: Rosalinda Monrreal, Sharon Jean Goldstein, Sharon Schaeffer, Joan Berniece Voiles, Martha Ann Post Sarah Jane Smith, Stephanie Hermina Amster, lois' Denny Terence, Priscilla Elaine Adams. Second Row: Janice Evelyn Jones, Betty V. Wilson, Alice Maxine Chase, linda Faley, Susan Frederica Amster, Mary Carroll, Anne Elka Eckert, Jo-AI Harris, Faith Ford. Third Row: Betty Chappell, Sponsor; Beatrice lozano, Winnie Glee Card, Michael l inda De Bardeleben, Bennie lawrence Johnson, Virginia l . layton, Char­lene Echols, Mellanses Slaughter, Peggy Joyce Drake, Jo Ann Studdert, Margaret Gene Flewellen, Elizabeth Moffeit, Billy Jean Cain. TRIGGERETTS Front Row: Patricia Ann Weiss, Sponsor; Diann Owen , Mary Beth Southerland, Gretchen lee Hyde, Nancy Fielding, Evalea Glanges, Joyce LaVonne Be.hrendt. zabeth . Second Row: Barbara Joan Barker, Joanne El lowry Allice Tamm Addington, Martha Rebecca Armst~ong, Betty Jane Fail, Penelope Carolle Robin ­son, Marion Jean Voet . Back Row: Jone Dee Jochimsen, Mary Janet Wheat, lauralyn Carlton, Carolyn Carlton, Tina Martin , Judith Ann Butler, Mary Jones . STRIKE AND SPARE Front Row: Carolyn Sue Williams, Jane Murphy Welder, Barbara Jean Blum, Travis Shaw, Betty Lynn Mc­Cormick, Sue Frances Mueck. Second Row: Pat Patterson, Jo Anne Safrit, Sponsor; Verlene Ann luetge, Sylvia Ann Shmidt. Third Row: Harry Don Ferguson, Bobby Wayne Dodson, Horace Edwin Furche, Gary Chris Hitt, Alvin Stanton Rigsby. CANTER CLUB Front Row: Sue Cocke, Mary Kay Mcfarland, Ma rtha Kay Kyg er, Anne Miriam Page, Jane Burr. Back Row: Janet Allison, Eu ~enie Martha Kamrath, Doris Roberta Woolsey, Dor.rs Gene Whitley, Eliza­beth Jane Tucker, Francine Morris. TURTLE CLUB Front Row: Claire Eileen Guarino, Harriet l ieberman , Betty M. lanier, Charlotte louise Holly, lynda Henderson, Kitty Casey, l inda Margaret Rellahan . Second Row: Mary Anne McCall, Nancy Elizabeth Thrift, Kitty Murphy, Ann Kennedy Voight, Frances Ann Seelke, Starlett Smith, Kim Margaret Casey , laurie Kathleen Rayburn, Wanda Claire Houston, Patty Sue Gimon . Back Row: Marian Whitney Voight, Eugenie Martha Kamrath, Ruth Ann Rawlins, Kay Nell Pearson , ,Fletcher, Kathryn Adele Simecek . Martha Robert Anita lrlene Kaiser, Janice Faith Johnson, Robin Jones, Dot Burdeshaw . en .. UTSAM HANDBALL Gory Jones, ber Woyne Turner, Char es Henry , Richard A , ... Moore . . Front Row: R. De .Dennis George Kouther, . Bee and Henderson, Ernest Dorman .. Back Row: Mock Richard Roberson, Coach; David Ho Gono . ntyre, Michae . James Roy Chism, Robert Hicks Mcer, .. iam f. Mi .. er, Wi . Whee Frary. SOFTBALL .. Bicher, . d Sa . d Eugene Lott, Robert J. Huston, Gera . bert C. Vetters, Gera . Front Row: Gi G. Davidson, Roger Mi es Jorden . . ard, Edword .. iam Wayne Ba .. den Knapp, Theodore Edword Longgood, Wi . Back Row: John A . .. Luskey, James M. Picke GYMNASTICS .e Keith Swaim . Front Row: Preston Kuhn Martin, Da .eeRichord V. McGeh, . iver Poo .. Jackcott, . Back Row: Jack Curtis Wi WEIGHT LIFTING .,. ip Wright, Robert Meredith Ho . fred Phi . Front Row: Jimmy Larue Conner, A .e Conner .. d Orvi . e, Rono . . Curson Roche Back Raw : Roy Jack Mcleon, John Thomas Suggs, Jr" Dovid L. Mogness, Terence C. .iam Bruce Petmecky, Robert S. Davis .. WRESTLING Todd, Wi rvin . Richard ., . John Robert Stockwebreath, . ip Gi . John Phis, . Front Row: Peter W. Nicho ter N. Becker. .Pagach, Wa Back Row: Nizar A. Kadri, .Monroe Ben Nowotny Key Moore, Devid and ..Ho Henderson, Jon Robert ,Gibson HANDBALL Dennis George Kouth1 Director stont Director .er, Ass .en Bee ..Richard A .Michoe ty .Gono Frary, Facu Director SOFTBALL Ronnie L. Jones, Director OFFICERS Robert J. Huston, Assistont Director ty Director .bin Rooker, Focu .bert A .A ty Director .bert Sininger, facu .in A ..Ro President .. CAREY FORD LIVELY, JR. CS .GYMNAST First Vice-President . . ROBERT J. HUSTON Preston Kuhn Mortin, Director Assistont Director, .iver Poo ..Jock ty Director .Richord V. McGehee, Focu Second Vice-President . . DENNIS GEORGE KOUTH GHT .WE NG .FT .L Executive Secretary . .GERALD CLAUDE GREEN John Thomas Suggs, Jr., Director e, Assistont Director ..iam Curson Roche ..Wi ty Director .Roy Jack Mcleon, Focu Faculty Director . Assistant Faculty Director . BERRY McCLURE WHITAKER .ALBERT ALBIN ROOKER NG .WRESTL Key Moore, Director Monroe Ben Nowotny, Assistont Director ty Director .iam Anthony Crenshow, Focu ..Wi Poge 516 MEN'S INTRAMURALS TOUCH FOOTBALL -CLASS A NAVY-CHAMPIONS t Row: Mack H. Harris1 Granville Bobby es,PaulE. . Fro SandersA. . D. Lain, Daniel M. Phill ps, Leslie . Back Row: Roger C. Henderson, Richard G. Looney , John W. Pieper, Andrew W. Bachofen, Robert A. Carnes. VOLLEYBALL -CLASS A DELTA TAU DELTA-CHAMPIONS Left to Right: Jerry Leadbetter, John Unbehagen, Bill H. Dobbs, Jim P. Woodson, C. David Ewing, Jim N. Haltom, Robert Mclntyre. TOUCH FOOTBALL -CLASS A SIGMA NU-RUNNER-UP Front Row: Louis Chenault. Weston Frazier, Joe Lee Neal, Ray Mason, Donald Anders. Back Row: Howard Atkins, John James Clary, Bobby Huston, Don Haberle, Glen Farris, Harold Dee Carter, Lester Paine. VOLLEYBALL -CLASS A OAK GROVE-RUNNER-UP Left to Right: David H. Henderson, Grady P. Jones, Fred N. Pfeiffer, Jack R. London, Jack R. Boston, Wayne M. Hay, James King Cole. TOUCH FOOTBALL -CLASS B SIGMA PHI EPSILON-CHAMPIONS Front Row: Roger Jorden, George Stubblefield, Floyd Reese, Jerrell Holder, Bob Teague, Jim L. Wright. Back Row: Bill McGowen, Hensel Murchison, Gerald E. Lott, Tom W. Bailey. Robert S. Stroud, Frank Nance. VOLLEYBALL -CLASS 8 SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON-CHAMPIONS Front Row: Bob Pickens, John C. Vogt, J. Bryan Grubbs. Back Row: Peter Pratt, Jim L. Gallagher, Jim A. Carpenter. TOUCH FOOTBALL -CLASS B LCD-BCD-RUNNER-UP Front Row: Leslie Oppermann, Carroll Eggleston, P. Frank Eggleston, Rodger Beck, John Janda. Back Row: Raymond Hiller, G. Wayne Herring, Terry Struve, Charles Shirley, Bill Privette, Steve Perkins. VOLLEYBALL -CLASS B .,,...~pus GUILD-RUNNER-UP .arland. A. Clark Middleton-..tcfci.o·;-<':. ':ow.. -r. F;o John A. Craig. Back Row: Elgene Spencer, Tom C. Myers, Don M. Cooper, John Behrens. Poge 517 ~ . MEN'S INTRAMURALS SWIMMING DELTA TAU DELTA-CHAMPIONS Front Row: Peyton Townsend, Kenny R. Voelkel. Back Row: Jay Lewollen, Robert Mclntyre. WRESTLING Left ta Right: 130 POUN D CLASS, ARAB, CHAMPI ON, Nizar Kadri; KAPPA ALPHA, RUNNER-UP, Monroe Ben Nowotny; 157 POUND CLASS, OAK GROVE, RUNNER-UP, John Gibson; OAK GROVE, CHAM­PION. David H. Henderson. ROBERTS HALL-RUNNER-UP Front Row: Dovid Edgor. Wolloce Fowler. Back Row: Steven Blesch. Tom Grubbs. Left to Right: 167 POUND CLASS, CAMPUS GUIL D, CHAMPION, Richord Pogoch; TLOK, RUNNER-UP, Loy Deon McGowon. BOWLING PI KAPPA ALPHA-WINNERS Left to Right: Hugh McWilliams, Glenn Roy Moore, Johnny Perkins, James Bogle. Left to Right: 177 POUND CLASS, PHI GAMMA DELTA, RUNNER-UP, Roy Coffee; SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON, CHAMPION, William S. Cochron; 191 POUND CLASS, NAVY, RUNNER-UP, John Stock­well, OAK GROVE, CHAMPION, John Gilbreoth. PI KAPPA ALPHA-RUNNER-UP Left to Right: Arthur Ames Blosingome, Arthur Bird, Frank Mikeska, Michoel Burkort, Jomes Lucion Wi l ~orn. BADMINTDN Left to Right: PEM CLUB. CHAMPION, James Eorl Partin, CHI PHI, RUNNER-UP, John L. Myers. Pa ge 518 MEN'S INTRAMURALS FENCING Left to Right: INDEPENDENT, RUNNER-UP, Wolter L. Theiss; ASME, Champion, James Curtiss Cline. GOLF SINGLES DELTA SIGMA PHI, CHAMPION, Carl Ahrens. HANDBALL SINGLES -CLASS A Left to Right : DELTA KAPPA EPSILON, WINNER, Rich­ard Beller; OAK GROVE, RUNNER-UP, E. Dorman Wheeler; CLASS B, PEM CLUB, RUNNER-UP, Ken­neth Persenaire; ALPHA EPSILON PI, WINNER, Robert Steinman. HORSESHOES Left to Right : OAK GROVE, CHAMPION, Jack R. Boston; BETA THETA PI, RUNNER-UP, William G. Savage. HANDBALL DOUBLES -CLASS 8 Left to Right: OAK GROVE, CHAMPIONS, James King Cole, Robert R. Randolph ; SIGMA ALPHA MU, RUNNER-UP, Tommy M. Roosth, Harris Sterling. HANDBALL DOUBLES -CLASS A Left to Right: DELTA KAPPA EPSILON, CHAMPIONS, Jeff Austin, Richard Beeler; ASCE, RUNNER-UP, Jerome Winn, Jimmy Stacks. TABLE TENNIS Left to Right : DELTA TAU DELTA, RUNNER-UP, Richard Keeton, UNATTACHED, CHAMPION, Terry Todd. BASKETBALL -CLASS A BASKETBALL -CLASS B KAPPA SIGMA-CHAMPIONS CAMPUS GUILD-CHAMPIONS Front Raw: Jack M. Kyle, Larry D. Sikes, John Harrell Feldt, William Carroll Left to Right : Tom Carter Myers, Jerry Dale Beshear, Jack Lee King, Henry Kelly, Ronnie Hugh Waldie. N. Troell, Charles Edward Troell, Don Merle Cooper, Patrick Andrew Myers. Back Row: Harry B. Terry, Lynn P. Carter, Tom Walker Burke, Tom James Foitik. SIGMA NU-RUNNER-UP P.E.M. CLUB-RUNNER-UP Front Row: Lester Paine, Louis Chenault, Joe Lee Neal, Gordon Howell Johnson. Front Row: Wendell McAndrew, Nelson Bippert, Dennis Kouth, Terry Page, Back Row: Robert J. Huston, Ray Miller Mason, Glen Woody Farris, Ross T. Wayne Hay, Julius Novak. Anderson. Back Row: E. Hector Contreras, Bobby Lackey, Joe Clements, William M. Brenner, Garland Dunbar. WATER BASKETBALL PHI DELTA THETA-CHAMPIONS Front Raw: Stanley Ault, Tommy Eusie Turner, Edward Jackson Adleta, Gordon Arthur Holloway. Back Raw: Allen Cur.r e Smith, Peter Kempner Thompson, George Lee Griffin. OAK GROVE-RUNNER-UP Front Row: Robert Raymond Randolph, Randy Gordon, David H. Henderson, Jon Robert Gibson. Back Row: James K g Cole, Bill E. Dickson, Claude Robertson. .. Page 520 SOFTBALL -CLASS A SDFTBALL -CLASS B KAPPA SIGMA-CHAMPION KAPPA SIGMA-CHAMPICN Front Row: W. Corroll Kelly, Tom J. Foitik, Bob A. Applewhite, Rowlond H. Front Row: Jomes V. Corroll, Poul Trohon, Gorth Corroll, Sonny M. Boum­Porker, Mike R. Pickering. gorten, Philip Pritchett. Back Row: E. Mickey Smith, Jock M. Kyle, Dwight Leon Hill, John A. Colkins. Bock Row: Horrell Feldt, Bill McDode, Bill E. Joplin, Robert C. Vielock. ROBERTS HALL-RUNNER-UP PEM CLUB-RUNNER-UP Front Row: Byron P. Dohse, Edword R. Roberts, John Schiflett, Leaton Oliver, Front Row: Lowrence J. Bergen, Korl J. Schoenfield, Wolloce freytog, Jomes Kenneth Edgar. D. Torver, Jomes Eorl Partin, Jomes L. Guess. Back Row: Derrell Cleghorn, 1homas Neely, Henry Bolzen, Don G. Corlson, Back Row: Fronk L. Cre~hon, Liles C. Gu ess, Ronold R. Holzmonn, Britton Steven Belsch. H. Phillips, Normon L. Sonsom. TENNIS DOUBLES CLASS A Left to Right: KAPPA SIGMA, CHAMPIONS, Tom Foitik, Rees R. Oliver; INDEPENDENT, RUNNER-UP, Poul Sharrock, Jon A. Triplett. CLASS B Left to Right: ROBERTS HALL, RUNNER-UP, Robert E. Young, Seth Schopper; PHI GAMMA DELTA, CHAMPIONS, Alvin E. Frick, Williom R. Ratliff. Page 521 MEN'S INTRAMURALS GOLF DDUBLES SIGMA NU-CHAMPIONS Left to Right: Segle Fry, Ken Mcforlond. PHI GAMMA DELTA-RUNNER-UP Left to Right: Kent D. Kibbie, Jimmy Bruce Shroke. TENNIS SINGLES · CLASS A Left to Right: PHI SIGMA KAPPA, CHAMPION. Doil Cosner; McCRACKEN, RUNNER-UP, Robert A. Sodler; CLASS B, LCD-BCD, CHAMPION, Terry L. Struve. TRACK DELTA KAPPA EPSILON-CHAMPIONS Left to Right: Don M. Cooper, Don L. Logon, Zock Robinson, Groydon Dunlop, George Whiteheod, John Thomos Stephens. ALPHA UPSILON TAU-RUNNER-UP Front Row: Jomes C. Potts, Cleo Jenkins, Chorles Miles, Willie Poul Dunn. Back Row: Lonny fogle, John Lee Henry, Woyne Sloughter, Allen Tillmon, Chorles Woshington, Lewis Fontno. ALL YEAR TROPHY WINNERS MEN'S INTRAMURAL POWWOW Three new oll-yeor d;visionol chompions were crowned-ond one defending took 1th in row the 1958-1959 during . title . chompion its wos nigh bonquet in s intromurol held .' it leorned ot Thursdoyseoson, the Vorsity Cofeterio. he . ,Ook Grove Co-op wos the lone winner to repeot from lost yeor co-op men omossing 75 points in the club division lo runner-up . . 303 Novy ROTC's 2616.75 . ln rose 1957-58 he dormitory closs Moore-Hill from fourth ploce . . obscurity lo the throne room, ond Delto Koppo Epsilon performed similor feot in the frolernily division. 1756.5,yeor ogo, Schoen House edged Corden House . Runner-up lo 1609.25, for the independent crown. The winners were onnounced ot Thursdoy's Powwow, the onnuol bonquel which climoxes this yeor's inlromurol octivity. Porticipotion lrophies were oworded to Ook Grove, ogoin the Club winner; Brockenridge Holl, titlis Sigmo Alpho froternily Mu,; . dorm leoder; ond Brunette House, independenl best. Brock hod 98.5 per cent of its residents compeling in ol leosl one 'murol sporl during the yeor. Brunetle's mork wos 97.9, the Grove's 97.0, ond SAM's 94.3 . Top individuol o hleles were Jockie Boslon, Ook Grove; Les Oppermon, . LCB-BCD; Jock Kyle, Koppo Sigmo; ond Corl Mottloge, Schoen House. hird stroigh litle, ond the slerling silver intromurol . Boston his . look belt buckle thot went with il, ond Oppermon won his second chompion­ship in o row. The victories were the firsl for both Kyle ond Mottloge. The Fronk Evins Memoriol Sportmonship Trophy, presented by Ook The Cowboyhlete. . wos oworded to J. W. Pieper, Novy's stellor oGrove, Sportmonship Trophy, presented o the the best sportmon­ leom showing . ship during the yeor, wenl to Compus Guild Co-op for the second yeor in succession. -he Schoen oll-yeor victories were expected . he Ook Grove ond . Both the Moore-Hill ond the Deke triumphs were surprises. The two . bu lotter leoms come hrough wilh big chompionships in trock, the lost . .v:ctoryhe seoson, lo occounl for their norrow morgins of . sport of Deke wos pushed closely by Koppo Sigmo, which wound up with 3337 points lo he winners' Losl winner, Delto Tou yeor's3357.25. . Dello, dropped oll the woy to sixth ploce. Other spots in the top .f ve Phi number ond four;,Sigmo Nuhree; . wenl lo Gommo Delto, number Phi Sigmo Koppo, number .f ve. The dorm roce dog-fight oll the woy with first one, then . wos onolher, of the lop three teoms toking the leod during the yeor. When it wos over, honks to 360 imporlonl lrock poinls, Moore-Hill hod . oll hird ploce . second ploce Brock by 44V2 ond nudged morkers Roberls by 57. he . he bonquet were Dr. Lynn McCrow, choirmon of . Speokers ol -h Educolion, ond F. Lonier Cox, Vice . Deporlment of Physicol ond Heol Presidenl of he University for Adminislrolive Services. . Front Row: FRATERNITY CHAM­PIONS, DELTA KAPPA EPSILON, Richard Allen Beeler, Manager; INDEPENDENT CHAMPIONS, SCHOEN HOUSE, Murry Stroud McMurry, Manager; CLUB CHAMPIONS, OAK GROVE, Randy Gordon, Manager; DORM­ITORY CHAMPIONS, M 00 R E­HILL HALL, Thomas Gould Hend­rick, Manager. Bock Row: FRATERNITY RUNNERS­UP, KAPPA SIGMA, Tom James Foitik, Manager; INDEPENDENT RUNNERS-UP, CARDEN HOUSE, James Earl Bohanan, Manager; CLUB RUNNERS -UP, NAVY ROTC, Richard Glenn Looney, Manager; DORMITORY RUN­NERS-UP, Herschel C. Winn, Manager. BEST ALL ROUND ATHLETES Lelt to Right: FRATERNITY Dl­VISION, KAPPA SIGMA, Jack M. Kyle; INDEPENDENT DIVl­SION, SCHOEN HOUSE, Carl Elliott Mattlage; CLUB DIVl­SION, OAK GROVE, Jackie Ray Boston, DORMITORY DIVISION, LCS-BCD, Lester E. Oppermann. PARTICIPATION TROPHIES Lelt to Right: SIGMA ALPHA MU, Robert Mayer Jason; OAK GROOVE, Randy Gordon, BRACK­ENRl DGE, Herschel C. Winn. JUNIOR MANAGERS SENIOR MANAGERS OAK GROVE MEMORIAL COWBOY SPORTSMANSHIP FALL 1958 1958-1959 SPORTSMANSHI P TROPHY TROPHY Front Row: Robert Gary Smith, Jim A. Babcock, Carl A. Lelt to Right: Dan Phillips, Jerry Donald Davis, John John William Pieper, Navy Richard Pagach Forbrich, Steven M. Porter. Myers, David H. Henderson. Bock Row: Dunklin A. Sullivan, Jay D. Tonahill, Richard D. Coan, William Michael Guckian, Samuel D. Glassman. INDEX A Name Paue1 Aaron, Steven Louis..... ., .. ...... .82, 440 Aars, Gene C . " . .. " ...... " ........ " 44 Abadjian, George ". ...................139 Abbe, Allan Glynn ........ . " . . ."" " 258 Abbott, Frank Mulkey ..... ..... . . .96, 406 Abbott, Patrick Keating ......... ......110 Abbott, Truman Cleveland " ... 110, 437, 498 Abbott, \\'illiam Henry .. .. " " " " " " .96 Al.lul-Fetouh, Hilmi M " ..............350 Al.lul Hadi, Azmi A ........ """.. ."350 Al.lul-Latif, Numan A. R " .....44, 323, 350 Abel. Don Miller ". ................. " 260 Abell, Madeleine \Vright ....44, 237, 330, 394 Abercrombie, Robert N" ............. ..418 Aberbolt, Charles Earl ....... . . ........327 Abernatby, Dan.. ""... ... . ... .......325 Abernathy, Dorotby Jo ... .........301 , 319 Abernathy, Maybell .... ........82, 328, 339 Ablowich, Ronald Edgar ...... ... ...96, 297 Abney, David Lewis . ..................323 Abrahamson, Royce Lynnwood . ........299 Abrams, Judy Elaine.. ................396 Abramson, Faye Roslyn............ 110, 369 Abramson, Murray Allen... ............44 Abshire, Joyce Henry, Jr" ... ..........349 Abst.on, Don \Vrigbt...................445 Acacia . " . " " .. " " .............402, 403 A Cappella Choir . . " ... " ." ..........332 Acker, Lexa Morris " ....•.... ..... .96, 271 Acosta, Robert T.. ".""""..... " " 438 Acrea, Jan Cloe .. ......•...........44, 323 Acrey, Beverly Faye....................44 Acrey, Chauncy Charles ............ ....144 Acuna, Arnold Soto" " .................44 Acuna, Edward, Jr.. " ..............44, 324 Adair, John Kay, Jr. . " . ..... " 42. 325, 403 Adair, Robert Sterling ..............82, 442 Adam, William Kendall "" . ....82, 267, 308 Adame, Humberto.... .................492 Adamo, Michael Charles ...44, 284, 358, 438, 439, 464 Adams, Alice Elina . ......238, 245, 316, 367 Adams, Ann ." " " ...........135, 236, 378 Adams, Annie Jo. "". ................342 Adams, Art" ...... ...................500 Adams, Artbur \\'esley .. " ......96, 418, 499 Adams, Barbara" ................. 142, 151 Adams, Everett Leroi . " . .. ... . .... ... .323 Adams, Frederick Joseph . .............442 Adams, lna Beatrice. •......... ........ 132 Adams, Jamcs Kent . ... ... . ...........452 Adams, Joan Ellen ....... " . ...........96 Adams, John Quincy " .................139 Adams, Mar~aret Ann " ..... ...96, 307, 330 Adams, Mar on Ann . ...............96, 375 . Adams, Nancy Elizabetb". .... 110, 238, 387 Adams, Norma Jean . .. . .. .........110, 379 Adams, N orman William.......286, 306, 325 Adams, Priscilla Elaine . .......131, 386, 515 Adams, Robert Maccoll .............. . .342 Adams, Roland Hobson .. ...............44 Adams, Susan Elizabeth... 110, 138, 238, 365 Adams, \Valter Bickson ................301 Adams, \Valter Lou ""... .............324 Adamson, Bobye Buckner . . ... . . . .......82 Adar, Tuvia . ...... .. ......... . ........82 Adcock, Howard Terry"" ... .." ...44, 246 Addington, Alice Tamm .. .110, 132, 238, 515 Adelman, Donn Leigh . " . ..............344 Adels, Marlene Beverly .........44, 396, 397 Adkins, Bert Bently, Jr....44, 218, 294, 296, 315, 426, 427, 464 Adler, E. Robert . ................ ..96, 449 Adleta, Charles ........................37 Adleta, Edward Jackson . .......82, 428, 520 Adleta, Thomas Lafferty" .... .110, 262, 429 Adlof, David Paul Selof ................320 Admini1tration . .. ........ ......... ..25-35 Agee, John Rodoue ... .................462 Agerlia, Catbarina Elisabeth.... ." ....... 133 Agopian, Karen Gwyn .. ."110, 238, 345, 347 Agrawal, Satyakar N atb ...............352 Aguilar, Ramon, 111.......... .....344, 356 Aguirre, Mary E." " .. .. ... " .........140 Aguren, Gary Dennis..............277, 312 Aguren, \Vayne Fredric ....... .. . .. .. .. 277 Abearn, John Micbael ........•....... ..42 .l,.hrens, Carl \Villiam ..............416, 519 Ajaji, Khaled N asser ...... .. . . .... . . . .350 Ajam, Mohamed N" ....... " .. """.350 Akers, Janie Sue..............110, 132, 166 Akers, Jerry \Vayne ... " ..... ...... .. . 110 Akers, Major William D .""...... .269, 311 Akersten, \Villiam Andrew... ........... 149 Akhras, M. J. \Villie . " . " .. .......325, 350 Akin, Cbarles Ray, Jr... ............44, 358 Akin, Charles Snow. ......110, 259, 353, 403 Alcin, Jimmy Howard"" ...........44, 444 Alcin, Maurice ThPron ... . .........272, 421 Alcin, Robert Harry ............ " "".403 Alami, Zuheir Yousuf""""". .."42, 350 Albers, Carl Clarence. .........284, 296, 301 Albin, Pbilip James................267, 451 Albrerbt, Edgar Gay\e.. .. ...... ... . . " .44 Albrecbt, Frederick \Villiam. . .... . .. . ..324 Albreeht, Robert Louis.. ........ . ..... . .44 Alcorn, L\oyd Co\faz ". " ... . ...........96 Alberson, Curtis Jackson .. .............426 Aldrich, Nancy Jane...............140, 307 Aldrich, Patricia Virginia...........290, 380 Aldrich, William Jameo ... ""..... .."462 •'lame Paues Alexander, Jerry Mac ...... . .. ...330 Alexander, John Edward . . . . .435 A\exander, John Micbael ..........314, 415 Alexander, Judy Marian................389 Alexander, Lawrence Norborn . .2 , 297, 349 Alexander, Leonarcline Gay... .......96, 290 Alex.nder, Lynn Ann ........ .245, 316, 3 9 Alexander, Martha JPan............. ...110 Alfano, Mary Ste\Ja . . . ....... . .... 136, 330 Alford, Harold David ." " ......... 110, 437 Alfred, James Kcn eth, Jr" .....44, 266, 426 . Alfrey, Barbara L.. .. . .. ..... . . . .... ... 131 Alger, David \Villiam .. .............44, 460 Algor, Rayda Sue. ... . .. .......96, 128, 137 Alhambra Hou1e.... ..............." .143 A!iaga, Ubertino l'lilon Della .................. .288 Alpha Eprilon Phi . . " .•... " .....368, 369 Alpha Epri/on Pi . .........." ""404, 405 Alpha Gamma Delta . . .. ...........370, 371 Alpha Kappa Pri........ ."." ."""289 Alpha Lambda Delta . . . .. •.. . . . ..... " .290 Alpha Omicron Pi . ••....... " . " ..372, 373 Alpha Phi .""".. ....•...""".374, 375 Alpha Phi Omeua .............. """ .30M Alpha Tau Omega . " . ... " ... ."" 406, 407 Alsbrooks, Betty Jane..........96, 248, 376 Alspaugh, Ralph Williamson" ..422, 492, 493 Alston, Jennie Lee ""...... .......128, 133 Alston, Roy Dean ......................96 Alsup, James Alton, Jr..... " ...........96 Althaus, Robert Harold . ...............110 Altwein, Glenn Earl . ... .... .... " ..82, 261 Alvarez, Henry Joseph .. .............."45 Alves, Diana Jean . " ...........82, 28 , 290 Amber, Paula Bea . .......... .110, 134, 369 Ambriz, Rudolpb Francis Jr.. " .........297 Amdur, Rochelle M " .. .................96 Ament, Robert Stanley .. ......423, 506, 507 American A••ociation of Arrhitectural Engineer1 . . .... .........322 American lnstitule of Chemical En(lineer1 . ......•........ . .323 American ln•titute of Eleclrical En(lineer1...... ........... .324 American ln1titule of Afininu and Afetallur(lical En(lineerB ." ......... . ..325 American Rocket Society, Inc.• ......... .326 American Society of ,\1echanical En(lineer1 . ...............327 Americus, Jorge . . .. " " .. " ...........457 Amerman, Cora Louise ........ .....96, 394 Ames, Arthur.........................518 Ames, Elizabeth Dianne .......110, 246, 365 Robert Eugene..........326, 341n,. Amma Amos, Bonita June .. ..............295, 298 Amos, Pbillip Ray . " ..................285 Amstead, Billy Howard .... . . . .237, 300, 354 Amster, Stephanie Hermina........383, 515 Amster, Susan Frederica .......... .383, 515 Anders, Donald Robert.........96, 452, 517 Anders, Francis Glenn, Jr............. . .308 Andersen, Jack Tarpy ..........96, 272, 434 Name Pages Andersen, Jane Katherine. ........ . .45, 237 Anderson, Annette..... .. ..96, 264, 200, 316 Anderson, Annette l,ee .. ..133, 236, 334, 364 Anderson, Arvid A .. ................ . ..318 Anderson, Barbara Ann ................349 Anderson, Barbara J " . .............. . .349 Anderson, Carroll Dwight.... ...........82 Anderson, Clarence Eugene ....323, 432, 433 Anderson, Clellen Jahart, Jr............ .359 Anderson, Clifford Ernest Jr. ... 110, 453, 489 Anderson, Douglas Kroulik .........110, 323 Anderson, Edward R.............. . ....323 ,Marilyn . ....2, 128, 129n, Eleanor . Anders 349, 384, 400 Anderson, Gary Allen.... ." ... ....." .254 Anderson, Gordon V" ... ..............237 Anderson, H. Allcn...... ..........110, 284 Anderson, Harold E." . ................327 Anderson, Henry George...82, 324, 450, 468, 469, 475 Anderson, James Daniel.... ..... .......323 Anderson, James Lloyd .............45, 414 Anderson, John Herbert, Jr.........320, 384 Anderson, John Paul . .. .. . . .... ........318 Anderson, Jud} Anne . " .. .. .. ... ......391 Anderson, Linda Sue"."".... .........96 Anderson, Lowell Benno ............. . . .323 Carlyn.. ..........110, 349 . MarAnderson, Anderson, Mary EUen .. .......110, 151, 344 Anderson, Mary Katherine ....... ..351, 366 Anderson, Myron Russc~ ..........110, 498 Anderson, Nelda Lucille .................45 Anderson, Norma Jean . ..... ......246, 299 Anderson, Paul Vincent. ...........277, 288 Anderson, Robbin Colyer ..........282, 426 Anderson, Ross Thomas ... ..... 2, 453, 520 Sally. ..............110, 236, 379n,. Anders Anderson, Stanley Earl . .......282, 306, 323 Anderson, Susan .. " ... " .........110, 138 Anderson, Terry Lynn .............110, 435 Anderson, Thomas Richard.........110, 419 Anderson, \Villiam Kent"". ..... ......434 Andrews, Bolivar Coleman, III..82, 422, 423 Andrews, Carl Eugene .... .............428 129..............."... . Andrew1 Dormitor Andrews, Gwendol_yn Sue .. .....82, 264, 374 Andrews, Harold Eugene........ .......357 Andrews, John Cannon .......... ...82, 414 Andrews, John Edward ................331 Andrews, Kenneth Newt ...........308, 315 Andrews, Sergeant Leon Barry ... .......265 Angeli, Richard Allen . . . . .. ... .........273 Ange\J, Richard James. . " . " ...45, 320, 410 Ankenman, Fred Norman ......... . . ...406 Ansel, Patsy Rose".".. """....12 , 141 Ansley, Annabelle. " .. "" .96, 237, 316, 395 Ansley, Travis Gene........ .... 2, 246, 260 Appelt, Glenn David""" .. ."." " " .301 Appenzellar, Anne B " . ............." .355 Apple, Bonnic Jane ..... ...... 128, 141, 336 Apple, Harold Forrest, Jr" ..... 110, 238, 297 Apple, Russel Charles " ............. . ..291 Applewhite, Bob A ".".. """"""" 521 Appleman, R. Gordon .... .45, 291 , 296, 313, 448 Appling, Leo Addison "".. " ..... "" .324 Arbingast, Stanley A" . ..... ...237, 318, 434 Archambeau, James Arthur ..............96 Ard, Harold Donald ...............110, 437 Ardis, \Villiam Richard .... . ...... . 110, 506 Ar~ovit~Jerry Allen . ..............82, 404 A.raza, xichard Edward . . ........ .. " .327 Arldt, Mary Lou ....... ...............338 Armendt, Katherine Ellen ........ .......82 Armstrong, Ann Ellen .. ...96, 128, 130, 245, 310, 316, 379, 400 Armstrong, Dan Lewis......... ....434, 435 Armstrong, Gae Marie..........45, 299, 364 Armstrong, Henry Austin ...45, 257, 326, 353 Armstrong, James Robert ........... . . .430 Armstrong, Louise Landjs. ... ..309, 339, 392 Armstrong, Martha Rebecca" ...96, 366, 515 Armstrong, eal Earl." " . ............110 Armstrong, Robert Landis. .............294 343............\Villiam Donald jt... Armstr Arnette, Jay Hoyland. " " .82, 284, 301 , 313, 343, 433, 483, 485, 499, 500 Arnhold, Thomas Duncan ..........353, 430 Arnim, Carolyn Margaret.... ........ . .389 Arno, Howard Michael.. . . . ............432 Arnold Air Society". ... ..""""" .. .312 Arnold, Cecil Marion, Jr" ..........82, 407 Arnold, James Chester, Jr. .. ........96, 463 Arnold, Joy Jean ... " .................290 Arnold, Samuel Jackson .. ..............406 Arnold, \Villiam David .. """ . ... .... ..45 Aron, Joyce H .........................369 Aron, Vivian Monette. .. " ............ .369 Arrendondo, Frederick Joseph . . ... .276, 374 Arrington, Ruth Dykes ............138, 333 Arsement, Jeanelle Amelia .....110, 132, 339 Asaff, John George ... ... .. ... . ... .....320 Asato, Shot.oku .... .."" .. ""." ... " 45 Asbury, Larry Marshall ........... .. 45, 452 Asfour, John E" ..................... ..45 Ash, Jerry Dean ....... " .. " .. " ... " 480 Asbbaugb, Charles lvan... 148, 242, 267, 311 , 341 Ashburn, Martha Moore . . ... .. .. .. 110, 375 Ashburn, Mary Florence (Mish ).....82, 128, 141, 245, 246, 380 Ashburne, Jim G" ............291, 292, 318 Ashby, Lynn .."" """.. ............252 Ashcraft, Betty Cole " .................330 Asbcroft, Ruth Berry.....•.....82, 352, 389 Name Page1 Asbendorf, Harold \Vesley. .42, 235, 291, 292, 404, 405 Ashley, Barbara. " .... ..... ... . ....96, 151 Ashley, Patricia Louise ............167, 391 Ashton, Josepb Benjamin. ....... .. . ....282 Ashwortb, Robert David . .. .. . . . . ..110, 455 Askew, Betty Louise.... .. .. .. 110, 290, 365 Askew, Hubert Carl .. .......... ....96, 442 Askew, Jack Thurman . . ..... . . ........2 4 Assir, Yousscf . ......................•.237 Aston, James Carroll ..................442 Aswad, Jamal .. " ... " .. ...........45, 350 Atchison, Judie Anne..................384 Atchison, Thomas Andrew...... .........45 Athletic1 ........ " . ..." ............. .465 Atkins, Howard Leslie . ............452, 517 Atkins, \Villiam Dean". . .............. 110 A tkinson, Carol Elaine .... ..............45 Atkinson, Herschell Lee ... .. ... . .. ..96, 490 Atkinson, Jesse Eugene .. ......•.......320 Atkinson, Jon Franklin" ....... .. ..... ..82 Atkinson, Sallye Lou .. "" ..... " ......398 A tlcinson, \Villiam Thomas . ............402 A tmodarsono, Soewondo .. ..............42 Atwood, Alan Clayton.... .. .. ......45, 450 Atwood, Frances Evelyn ...... ..82, 376, 513 Aucoin, Anne Marie ..... ......238, 339, 399 Aue, Betty Ann ...45, 232, 310, 355, 392 , 393 Auld, James Eugene......... ......344, 356 Auler, Mary,Ann" ....................390 Ault, St•nley Arch ............ .82, 428, 520 Austin, Janat Jaclynn .... .82, 384, 385, 400, 511, 513 Austin, Jane Sharon .. .. ..... . . . .. .. .. .392 Austin, Jeff, Jr.............82, 261, 428, 519 Austin, John Leslie.. ..............268, 283 Austin, Mary Bond ............96, 290, 390 Austin, Michael Evan. .................306 Ausumus, James Wayme ...... . ... .....344 James Clifford..................425t,. Ava Avery, Martha Ann .......... .... . 137, 371 Avery, Mary Ruby ... . . .......82, 137, 371 Avila, Eustolio Rodriguez ..... .........272 Awalt, \Varren David . .. . ......... .""2 4 Awe, Robert James....................288 Awwiller, Phyllis . .. " ............ . 150, 344 Axelrad, Anita Diane .. ..... .. .... .....382 Axelrad, Samuel Donald ... ........404, 405 Aycock.1. Charles Black ............. 110, 409 arah Jane " . . ............295 .".. :. ,Ayers Ayoub, Farouk..... ...................350 Ayres, Clarence Edwin . ..... ......•296, 452 Ayres, Dorothy . ....... ....... ....292, 378 Ayres, Gilbert Haven ........ ......... .282 Aziz, Asna .. " .. " . ...........•........42 B Babb, Gary Alan . .""" ..............422 Babb. Richard Clifford" ...............327 Babbitt, Milton Frederick .. .. . 110, 358, 453 Babcock, Gladys \Vinifred.... ..........339 Babcock, Jim Alan... ""..96, 145, 261, 523 Babcock, John Robert ... ..............433 BaccusJ Carroll Lee . " " . ..." " " " " .292 Bach, Larry Burton . ..... "".. " .....449 Bachofen, Andrew Williams ....282, 313, 517 Back, Charles Aubrey ............ " .. ...82 Bacon, Rinaldo A " . ...............300, 458 Bacon, Verna Rhodes . . ... . .. .. . ... . ...291 Bacon, \Villiam Deakyne, Jr" ...45, 286, 327 Bader, Sami R ........ ......."".....350 Badash, Kate Sydney. . . ... . .. " .......397 Baebal, James Kendrick. .............. .435 Baenziger, Roger Ken ...... ." " ..258, 353 Baertl, Charles Edward .............45, 451 Baethe, Louis Frank. .... .... ...... .38, 303 Bagby, Richard Stephen . ... . . ... . . 110, 433 Baggett, Jessica........... ............342 Baggett, Judith ...................238, 245 Baggett, Michael Edwin . . " . ........ ...288 Baghdassarian, Alice Mugerditch .... ... .288 Bagwell, James Roy" .........293, 306, 324 Bagwell~ ~ue Vernelle ............ . .128, 129 Bahan, Mary Jane .. ..... ..... .. ...96, 395 Bailey, Bishop .. "".. " . ..............37 Carl Bliss .. ...............110, 411 ,. Baile Bailey, Cbarles \Villiam ..... ..... .. 110. 455 Bailey, Edgar Eugcne, Jr...........258, 353 Bailey, J. G ......... " ......... .. .110, 344 Bailey, James Rollins........ . .. .. .261, 324 Bailey, Jew Newland ...... ........... .324 Bailey, Jobn J.sepb .... ............82, 297 Bailey, Joseph Kennetb .. " .. ..292, 304, 318 Bailey, Lawrence Donavan . ... ........ . 144 Bailey, Light ...... .... " . . . """.9R, 376 Bailey, Linda Jonel.... ............138, 245 Bailey, Linda Susan .. .. ..... .. . .. .....388 Bailey, Luther L" .. .. .. . . ..• ... ..... ..304 Bailey, Mary Linda....... .....96, 236, 364 Bailey, Melvin Lewis .. .............45, 414 Bailey, Nancy.................96, 366, 367 Bailey, Philip S" ......... ....... " . " .282 Bailey, Robert !)..............." ." " 324 Bailey, Thomas \Valter . ........96, 454, 517 Bailey, Tony Troyce" " ...........110, 30 Bailey, William Joseph ... ..........313, 444 Bailey, \Villiam Tansley ...... .. ........263 Bain, Bruce Edwin ...... .......82, 326, 354 Bain, Carolyn Elizabeth .... .......152, 304 Bain, Jerry Ed" . ..""...............498 Baird, Brenda Lea". ................ ..390 Baird, Byron Ross •..... . . " . ..........324 Baird, Jimmy Lee" ...." .....•...110, 297 Poge 524 Nam• Paut• Baird, John David "" .45, 260, 416, 417, 492 Baker, Bcvcrly Kay ...............351 , 376 Bakcr, &lvin L. """." ......... " ..2 6 Baker, David Ray " "" ..... " .. " ." 144 Baker, Donald Burtice ..... ..... ....... 2i4 Baker, Eppie \Villie". .... " " . ........277 Baker, Hcwctta Frankic . ............... 151 Bl.ker, Hi11es H.. "" .. """ "" ...... .36 Baker, James Dcnnard . ... . . . . . . . . . . ... 96 Bakcr, James Edwin, Jr" . ............. 145 Bakcr, Lorena M cKee . ................386 Baker, t.1alcolm Graham ......... . ..... 424 Bakcr, Ora Ro1ellc ................344 , 356 Baker, Vivian Rose ........45, 12 , 130, 299 Baker, \Vanda Pcarl " . ........" .. 110, 238 Baker, \\"illiam Andcrson ..... . ..... .. ... 45 Baker, \Villiam Hugh " . ...............322 Baker, \Villie Arthur ...................2 2 Baldridge, James \Vesley ....... .45, 144, 308 Baldridgc, Victor Elgin ........ .82, 25 , 453 Baldwin, Antoinette . ........... 2, 377, 511 Bales, M ildred Marie .... " " ..... ...... 96 Balfanz, Barbara Jean .. ."" ... " .. 2, 3 0 Ball, James Wesley ......... " " ... " " .45 BaJJ, Jcrry Don ........ ...............344 J!allanfonte, Joe \V.. ........"" ... " ..325 Bal]ard, Alice Elizabctb . . .. ... . .96, 342, 385 Ballard, Betty Lu ". .. ........." .245, 386 Ballard, James Lipscomb, Ill. .. 272, 312 , 422 Ballard, Maude .. "" . . " ... .. ........ 128 Ballard, Troy Don ....... .110, 274, 330, 453 Ballas, Frances Freda ......45, 128, 141, 299 Balzen, Henry Earl ... .. . ... 96, 521 Balzen, Robert H ... .... . .... 144 Banack, Emersoo, Jr" ... ...... .45, 260, 433 Bandy, Billy . " " .. " ... " . ...........331 Pandy, Lloyd .. "" ...... " " .. 45, 320, 343 Bane, Diane . . . . . . ....... 110, 136, 24 , 389 Baoegas, Arturo Humberto .........143, 341 Banister, B. Jay... " .... .............. 334 Bankhead, Charles Herbert ... .424 , 492, 494 Banks, Don Elliot .. " ........ ." ... ." 110 Bao.ks, William Skidmore ...............2 Bannister, Zara Rayburn ...... 110, 316, 385 Bannura, Khilil B .. . . . . . 45, 323, 350 282.................Clavin . Banta, Mario Bapli•t Student Union . . .....328 Barakat, Majed . . . . . . . . . . .. ..350 Barban, Aroold Melvin . . . . .292, 448 Barbeck, Ann Elizabeth .. .390 Barber, Anthony Jerome . .262 Barber, Lela Mae . . . ..... 46 Barber, Tom Newcomb, Jr. .110, 45 Barber, Victor \Villiam, Jr.. .420, 421 Barborak, Dennis Bernarr . . ...263 Barclay, Deonis Jon . . . . . .435 Barclay, Leland .. " ... " ............. .306 Barcus, Mary Margaret . . 96, 378 Barden, Brenda Sue ... . ... 134, 246, 367 Barden, James Earle. ............. .310, 406 Bardwell, Cbarles Moore . .......... 236, 423 Barefield, Mary Elizabeth ." 46 , 241 , 299, 352 Barfoot, John \Vayoe " .............96, 415 Barge, Thomas M urray . . . . . . . . . 2, 458, 459 Barger, Bethanyann .. ........ .372, 373, 400 Barham, Boho Jay ... . . .. ....... .. 110, 49 Barker, Barbara Ano ...... . . . 110 Barker, Barbara Joan ...... .... 110, 135, 515 Barker, Benjamin Clyde ...... ... .......324 Barker, Cbarlotte ... ......... .235, 334 , 398 Barker, Cbester Horace, Jr............ .. 28 Barker, Joe Floyd .82, 242 , 245, 306, 323, 417 Barker, Mary Margaret .. . . . .... . .. .. .. 351 Barker, \Villiam Earl ......... .. . . .....306 Barker, \Vilson Roger . . ............. . .. 442 Barkin, Temme . . . ... 110, 159, 316, 397, 511 Barkley, Floyd Donald .. ..... .........325 BarkJey, Jon Bruce . ...... . .. 416 Barksdale, Jerry Clifton .. . .... . ........341 ,306,293,242,46"larion .. Barksdale, Robert 324 Bar!ow, Patrick Edward . . . .46, 245, 246, 286 Baroard, Phyllis Ann ."." 110, 136, 245, 377 Barnes, Alvin Hansen, Jr.......... .82, 252 Barnes, Barbara E!Jen . . .46, 291 Barnes, Bobby Neil . .... . ...... . .46 Barnes, Carolyn Ann . . .. . . ...386 Barnes, Charles W esley . . . . . . .....320 Baroes, Clareoce McKay, Jr............341 Barnes, Fred Mack .... ... . ........325 Barnes, John LitUeton .. . . ........297 Barnes, Ricbard C . . . . . . . . .... 110, 41 9 Barnes, Sandra Hiss . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 236 Jr" .... ...275, 324es, \Valter Nelsoo, . Bar Barnes, William Stanley .......... . 110, 451 Barnett, Barbara lrene .................375 Barnett, G leon Edward .............32, 237 Baroett, Kenneth \Vayne ............... 145 Barnett, Russell Sterling ... .. .......96, 406 Barnett, Sandra Jean . ......... 110, 138, 3 1 Barney, Herbert Morriss , 111 ...........327 BarnhilJ, John \Villiamsoo." 46, 236, 330, 422 Barr, Ben B .. ......... . . . ... . .. " ..... 291 Barr, Cbester Alwyn . . .46, 236, 315, 426, 427 Barr, J ames M organ .......... .46, 291 , 292 Barragan, Kathryn Ann ....46, 351 , 355, 394 Barrera, Holmer Martinez .. .. . 110, 336, 356 Barrera, Manuel Jose .. ... . ........... .275 Barrier, Dooa Lou . . . . . . .... 23 , 365 Barroo, Manuel, Jr. . . .......... ...... 144 Barroo, Richard Calvin . .......300, 306, 327 Barron, William R " . " . . .... . ... ... .. .303 Barrow. Richard Morgan . .. . .. ..... . 2, 463 Barry, Don \V " ...........46, 300, 306, 327 Barry, Patrick James . . . . . . .. 323 Barshop, Barbara Sue .... ..... 110, 238, 397 Bartee, Sarann Lyneen . . . . . . . . . 2 Bartb, Breoda an .. ....... . ...... 110, 319 Barth, orman Herbert .... .. ..... . .46, 295 Bartholomew, Eugene Morley ...........431 Bartlctt, GJeon , 111 ... .................. 2 Name Paq<1 Bartlett, James Andrews . . ...... . 110, 433 BarUett, Linda Ann . ...........96, 290, 367 Burtl tt, Robert FrankJin ............ . .428 Bartley, Oordon Lee ....................46 Hazel Phyllis ......... 2, 351 , 364 ,.. Barto Barton, Jack Q "." .. " ......... "" .. 331 e . ..........." .... 137 .. Barton, Linda Jore Barton, Robcrt Rhea . . . ............ 82, 313 Bartonandra. ...... .................366 Barwic1k, Diana Davis ......... .... 379, 378 Ba•eball . " " .. ...... .... " .. ..... 499-505 Basham, James Donald . . . . . ......443 Bdermann, David Norris .. . .. .. 2i4, 320 Biekcr, Linda Lucille . . . . ..... . .... 111 Bierman, Sidney Roy ... . .323 Bierner, Barbara Sue .. . .........336, 397 Biesele, Linda ... . .236, 237, 309, 310 Biesemeier, John Charles ................47 Bigelow, Grant Leroy . . . . .... "" " .. 2 3 Biggs, Joe Becton . . . . ........45 Biggs, Robert All 25 , 353, 432 ...........n . Biggs, \Villiam Ambrose , 111.... 323, 353, 432 Bi~ony, Mary E!Ja ... .. . . . . ..... 131 Bilhartz, Elliot John, Jr.... . .450 Billings, Frank Edward ..... 2, 139, 245, 267 Billings, Lillian Ano . . .. . ... . . 151 Billiogsley, Linda Sue ...... .47, 296, 334 Billue, Sidoey Kent ..... . .. 437 Bindler, Donald Charles . . ...... 111 , 449 Bingham, Barbara Ann . . . . .. 299 Name Pag•1 Dinion, Jack Ruseell . . . . . ....... 111 Dinnion, Mary .... ...................243 Dippert, Nelson Fredrick ...........262, 520 Dird, Arthur Sncll ... . " . . . "" .47, 444 , 518 Dird, Don Eotes . . . . . . . . . ... .""82, 260 Bird, Patsy Jcan " ...... ."" "" .. . 152 Dird, Shirley Ann . . . . . . . . . ...237 , 243, 246 Birdsall, John Calvin, Jr.............. . .359 Dirdsong, Bailey Arnold """ ...... 271 , 344 Dirdsong, James Dale ... . . . . . . . . . .. ... 142 Birdwell, Charles Ernest ................ 83 Birdwell, Mary Reagan ... . ........ 111 , 375 Birge, Patti Amanda .............. 96, 237 Birnbaum, Sandra Lynne .......... 111 , 397 Bishop, Bill ....... .. . ....."" .291 , 416 Bishop, Charter Cecil, Jr....." . .....327 Bishop, John Sullivan " ................47 Bissett, James Sidney .......... . .257, 323 Bissett, James tanley . ..... . .....353 Bither, \Valdo James, Jr" . ....... .. .47, 259 Bitter, Barbara Hunsdon .. ...... ...310, 376 Bjarre, Odd-Erik . . .....................83 Biork, Jcrrold Carl . ................47, 318 Blachly, Patricia Ann . 159, 156, 157, 169, 374 Blachly, \Villiam Edward ...... . . .. .....323 Black, Barbara Ann ....... 111, 238, 397, 511 Black, Beth Agnes" ......... .... " . ....47 Black, Connie \Vinslow ...... ...47, 374, 375 Black, George Clift. ................83, 423 Black, Hulon \\'itherspoon . .....36, 303, 432 Black, James Wayne ". ......... " .....320 Black, Lilah Elizabeth .............376, 515 Black, Paula Jo............... .... 152, 513 Blaek, Shirley Jane ....... .............390 ek, Thomas Andrew ........293, 306, 324 . Bl Bl1ckaller, John Elmen ... .............407 Blackburn, Edward Madison .. " . .......498 Blackmon, Barry Welch Mrs ... .........246 Blackmon, Barry \Velch ................320 Blackstock, Harriet Love ........ .......386 Blackstock, Leo Guy . . . . .. .......291, 462 Blackwell, Patricia Ann . . . . . .. 339, 388 Blackwell, Robert Strecher . . . ..... ..450 Bla.!g, David Hiram .... " .......... " .462 Bl•in, Richard \\'arren .......... .......336 Blaine, Robert McBride, Jr.........428, 429 Bl•ir, Alvin Felix. ........83, 142, 146 Bl•ir, Richard D ................. . . . ...346 Blake, Barbara ........................ 128 Blake, Jack Edward .. . ..47, 336 Blake, Kenneth Rann . ......... ........297 Blake, Ronald Orrin . .. .. . ...... . .. 297, 419 Blakeley, ancy Ann . ............. 135, 358 Blakely, Thomas Alton, Jr........... .. .446 Blalock, Richard \V .................. . " 37 Blanch, George Currier ....468, 469, 414, 474 Blanchette, Gaston F ...............47, 320 Bland, Darlene .... . ...330, 351 , 364 Bland, Jay C., Jr.............. ...... . .330 Bland, Mary Kathryn ..........47, 339, 388 Bland, Troy cal . .. ................ . .324 Bl•nton, Betsy .... . ..... . ........309, 355 Blanton Dormitory ..... ................ 130 Blanton, El.izabeth Mattbews .... .......390 Blanton, John Charles .. . .. . ........83, 434 Blanton, \\'incie " . ....." ........... ..298 Blasek, Beth " ... " " " .......... " ...511 Blaser, Marvin Richard .... . ......... . .327 Blasi~, Harold L .. ........" . ......" " 322 Blass ngame, Arthur Ames ... ...........50 . Blasingame, Don Henry . . . .....97, 445, 469 Blaylock, Glenn \Vatts .......... .......422 Blazek, Delora Elizabeth (Beth ). ... 111 , 134, 238, 399 Bleakney, Millicent Ann . .... " .. " .47, 398 Bleakney, Philip Arnold ... .. " 111 , 431 , 505 Blesch, Steven Edwin ..........47, 139, 518 Blessing, Jane Lee .........97, 248, 376, 511 Blevins, Frances Ann . .................3 9 Blevins, Harold Lee . .................332 Blevins, Sue ... ................ . ."388 Bley, James Henry . . . ... .... .. ........357 Block, Donald Roy . . . . . . . . . . ......352 Block, Gus .. " ....... "" ............440 nley Byron .. .............97, 448 . Block, St Blocker, Anne Singleton .... ... 236, 310, 3 Blocker, Charles Reber ... . ...... ..... 437 Blocker, Truman Graves, 111 (Bo )... .83, 422 Blomquist, Bian .......... 111, 23 , 245, 365 Blomquist, Maynard Roy ....... 3, 324 , 357 Bloom, Alvin Micbael ........ . .97, 272, 456 Bloom, Carole Linda .. . ........... 111 , 3 2 Bloomberg, Sally Ann . ............36 , 369 Bloxsom, \Valter Eden .. .. ........... .. 428 Blue, Delmer Dean .. . .................322 Bluebonnet BeUt1 ............ . .... .156-165 Blum, Barbara Jean . .. 97, 128, 133, 513, 515 Blum, Fred Andrew, Jr" ... .. ........297 Blumberg, Myrtle Faye ....83, 128, 131 , 364 Blume, Mary Karen ...................372 Blumentritt, Joe Edward ........... 111, 262 Blundell, Royce C " .............. " ....47 Blunk, \\'i!liam David .... . ......36, 243, 37 Bluntzer, Bette Lee . . . . ..... 111 , 245, 367 Blye, Margaret Jane .. 13 , 167, 245, 316, 3 7 Boadle, Robert "" ... .." . . . . . . ......323 Boardman, Ernest Guy, Jr...........97, 273 Bo•tman, Edward Murl .............47, 325 Bo• tncr, J ames Knox ..................41 1 Boatner, Lynn Allen ........... . .275, 444 Bo•tright, David Alexander . . . . .... 47 Boatright, Dcnnis Guy . . . . . . . . . ....323 Bobbitt, Rodney Dale . . . . . . . . .. ..2 Boberit, Robert A .. ...... ." . . . . . ... 436 Bobo,l'atricia Sue .........97, 135, 314, 364 Bochat, Robert H ...................... 331 Bock, Carolyn Christine ....83, 34 , 351 , 374 Bockart, Richard Lu .t ... .""" "" . ..291 Bodden, Ni.x O'Brien . ..... 111, 259, 308, 353 Bodden, N ormao Harvey . .." . " " " ...338 Namt Pag'8 Name Paoe• Name Paoea Name Paot1 Bodine, Danie . Boy e, Marilyn Ann .... 3, 398 Broadfoot, Marsha Ann ..Edward . .47, 352 . ... . . .48, 351, 38 Bruyere, Amy ,1 . 1.... 134, 246 , 330, 339, 3 5 Boe, Mary M Boysen, He ".....en . ....." l'i\ .. Carro Boecker, . Broad and, Donald R" ... .............292 Bryan, Bonnie Alyce . ... . ...........302 . . .." .298 381,136,ll . .......... . . . . .iam.. 47, 148, 327, 348 Boyt, Patrick E\mer Broadway, Barbara Sue ....4 , 241 , 299, 39 Bryan, James Dean ...............314, 403 1 . 1........ . . . . . Boecker, Freddie Otto . . . . . . . . . . . .....299 Bozeman, James Phi Brochstein, Robert Phillip ......ip.. . ....... 425 245, 441 Bryan, J. P"." """"" " ."" " " " 28 ........ . . ,97...........aire. i, Janet C . Boeg 253, 385 Brace, Mary E "." ."372 Brochstcin, Richard Neal . ..............457 Bryan, James Perry . ..............111, 429 .eanor . . Boehm, Henry J" Jr. . .............288 Brackenridge, E ,236,59 . ........ Brock, Edward Jimmyoise " 'ilson ........ ........ . 417 Bryao, Patricia Ann . ." " " . . .. " . " 111 . Boehm, Mary Margaret . . . ......245, 379 246, 314, 39 Brock, James Henry .... .......97, 406 , 464 Bryant, Frank Grant ." . . . . . . .. .....306 . Boe ter, Kenneth Char 338, . 3, . es ..47, 24 . Bracker, Jonathan " ....... ......... ...253 Brock, Joseph Bryant, Linda Ne ... .. . ... .... . .. ......... .....275 ,37 . .. .. Bneoing, Raymond A ,1 . fred ....... ..1 . Braden, Irene Andrea ,512, . 51,510,52 . ,83" Brock, Roy Everett, Jr409 " .... ...........291 Bryant, Patricia Trimb .292 ......e. . . . . . Boepp e, James Patrick 3, 514 . 5 . 149 , 32 Brock, \Vi .. iam Edward . . .. . . . .........318 Bryant, Robert Ear 684............ , 469, 470 . . ..... Boettger, Bctsy Sue Bradfield, John Stcphen ,338,297,ll . ... . ...............47, 35 . Brockermeyer, Kay Louis Bryaot, \\1i am Richard i .. 463 480 ,11 . .... . ... .. ... .. .48, 327 ..... Boger, James A Bradford, Aubrey Marsha l, Jr" .. ..268, 333 Broesche, Caro Bryaot, Zane Leah 1, 258 . . ........en.. . yn Clayton ............ 111, . ....... ... ...48 133, 342 . Brad . ey, Carl Gene " ............ ...4 , 436 Brogen, Elliot \Vinston ". . .............341 Buach, Gar Boggs, James E and Thomas .."" "" " " " . 354 . . .. .. .........348 . Boghs, Noe Edmun ey, Rex Lee " " ....... " " " " " .282 Brohard, Linda Lea ..... ... .. . l 381 ,131 ,.. Bubar, Char "o. < " ...........47, 344 . Brad . es O ..................iver . . Bog e, George E " . .............47, 314, 444 Bradshaw, Benjamin Spencer ..235, 286, 308, Bronowicz, Yvonne Marie ........... ... 151 Buchanan, David Lee, Jr" ........... " .S.3 . Bog e, James Byro 5 . 3 Bronstad, Mauricc Elroy ................97 Buchanan, Kristi S .""".... ....." ."336 . . ....... 111 , 445 .. Bogue, Jo Ann Bradshaw, Frances Anne ............ ...290 Bronstein, Harriet ll . ........ . .... . . . . . , . 11.. 383 Buchanan, Nancy Ruth "" .....83, 245, 366 ....... . Bohaoan, James Ear .......327, 523 Bradshaw, Major \Vi iam.. . . . 23 , 297 Brooks, Anne .. . . ...... ... .......... . . . . .. 97 Buck, Bobbie " " " " " " " " . .48 , 38 ue . Boh mann, Caro ....Ann . . .....47, 3 0 Bradshaw, Margaret Deana . .......111 , 133 Brooks, Bcverly Ruth ,. 1 . ......... 236, 379 Buck, Katherine Camp . .... ...........3 Bohls, Raymond \l'il . iam, Jr . rady, A B Brady, Jamcs Patrick, II .... ...........437 Brooks, Henry Tebbs ... ..237, 31 , 434, 464 fred Bernard, Jr324 " .........97, 415 Brooks, Charles Erskine . ............97, 40 Buck, uS>n Ann ." ."."" " "" 11 . ..... . .. . .... Boho, John \\'i ........iam.. Brady, B uford Leonard . .... .97 4 Brooks, Fe "."ton Don . . . .........."" .4 Buckle, Mary Katharinc . ..........132, 333 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bohnert, Reuben Edward . .. ... . 11.. Buck . ey, G . cnn R". . .." . .............. 3 . Bo and, Judy Kay "" ... " .........97, 334 Brady, Linda Caro ,34 . ,1 . . ........... . 371 Brooks, Kenneth Lee .. .............48 , 324 . Buck cy, \Vi 318...............d. iam Haro .. . Bo and, Raymond A "vin. " ...97 Brady, Margaret Anne Brooks, Larry T " . . .. ... . . .............42 5 . 5,73..........." ""..... ." .....425 83 Buckna . l, Eric H" . ." . " " .... .." " .300 . Bo ch, Wil . iam Emmctt, Jr" .... 47, 306 , 357 Brooks, Linton CarvelBrady, Robert Hal 272,l . . ............. .. " Buckner, D. U., Jr" .... ................83 Buckncr, Layton Ray ........... .. .318, 352 . Bo ding, Robert Richard Brady, Shcri Brooks, Mol ....y Ann . . . . . .......83 ........yn Lea . . ... .. .97, 137, 384 . .. . . Bo es, Dyek Rona 2 . 3,276,274.........d . Brady, \Vi Brooks, Myrna Ruth .... ... """" "ey . Brady, Wil ger, Edward Perry ." ... . .... 414 Braeutigam, James 0"". . " " "" " " " 253 5 . 5,3 Buckner, Margarette Ce . c3t ..... ...142, 50 . . Bo ger, David Jack " ...... . .. ..97, 8 . 9, 3 . iam Edmond . .......48, 2 . Brooks, Nettie Patricia .... ...... ...... . .48 344 Bud . izowicz, David Wallace 0 . 4,83......... . Bo Brooks, Pene 395,97..............e. ope Ha . 39 . .............. .. E ,. eBu Valter F\ ,.. Bue en Vai 392,334 ,332,97........... . . Bo 2er, \Vi 505................iam Robert .. Brainard, Danie .273.............Reed . 341 Brooks, am R " . ......" .. " .. ...." .297 353 ,258...............ynn . Brooks, \\'illiam Bryao ....4 .. Bo igny, John " " . " " " "" " " 2 9 Brake, Pau . Jose ".........h.. , 306, 328, 334, .........308 Buenz, Peter Robertson ........267, 323, 430 .. Bo man, John Meredith . . . . ... .. ..410 Bramb . ett, C . aud Al 144.........•......en . 341 , 35 . Buf! er, Richard Thurman . ... .266, 268, 296, . Bo too, Raymond Ra ..ph. . ...47, 305 Bramblitt, Martha June .. ..............254 Brothers, Barbara Jo..... " .. "" . .." 111 3 . 3,. 31 Bomash, Barbara Lynn . .. ...... . 1. 369 Bram . 1.. et, Jcrry Char 37,48............ene . Brotzman, Kathleen Louise .. . . ........4 Buford, George Meadows . . . ......480Bommer, David Norris .... . . .. 320 Branch, Annette Esther Broussard, James Er ...........e . . . .........370 . . . .323 Buford, Robert Pascha 450................ . Bond, Bobby Ray ... " " ....... " " ..330 Branch, C air M . . . . . . . . .468, 469, 475 Browder, James Leslie, Jr " ........... . .275 . Bugg, Ja .. e Caro 393,316,4 . 3,1 . . ......... . Bond, Ernest Patrick . "" .. 47, 259, 2 9, 432 Branch, John Phe ps. "" ........ . ." " 274 Browder, Thomas Edwio . . . ..97. . . Buhrer, Suzanne Lou .. . ....... 111 , 290, 336 Bood, John Richard 445,274,1 . . .......... dine . Brandenb11r2, Hubert A liam Heaton .......48, 322, 357 Brown, Bi .......442 Brown, Bi .....Byron .. . . .. .4 9 .........................be, Esther . Bu 131 Bonds, Harry Vaughn, Jr" ........263 Brandcs, \Vi .. y R>y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .275 . k . Bu cy, Joseph Hughes ... ............ .30 Boner, Charles Paul . . . . . . . . ...... ..30 Brandstetter, Ann Brown, Caro . yn Miriam . ..... . . . .97, 385 376 ,. 35................. , .. Bu Fred Hopper "" . ........" . .142, 14 Bonham, Lane E ." .. . . . . . . ..... ."83 Brannan, Jamcs Thomas . . . . . .....324 Brown, Catherine Lee ...... ........374, 375 .. Bu ington, Thomas Rodncy . . .........403 Bonham, Lelia C "aire. .. .......47 , 299, 376 Brannan, Suzanne . . . . . . . . . 48, 302, 334 Brown, Char . es Julian ....... . . .. . ..282 . Bul ock, Da ................e. . .489 . Bonne l, Bruce .......................449 Brannan, Sue An11 " . ..................335 Brown, David Euge 323.................e .. . Bu ls, Felix Bransford . ........ . ...49 Bonner, Louis Frank in, Jr" ... ... ...335 Brown, David Pau .... . ... 450 Brannan, \Vi .. iam Vinccnt" ...... ..97 . Bumpus, Rona . d Genc ............. .. Bon cr, Lucy De "e.. 112, 433"" .366 Brant . cy, G . adys An . ........392 Brown, Dee Robert "." .... .."" "" .261 .. .... .. . ............ Bunce, Char . ene E . izabeth Bonnett, Stewart Alan 372. .....448 Branton, James LaVoy ,.. 2 Brow . 83, 277, 3......... Doris Mae " .. ...""" " 35 . ... ..... ........ . . Bundick, Athene Marie (Bunny Bonnette, Caro . yn Lca ..) .83, 330,334 Brants, Howard Clayton. Jr. ... ....325, 428 Brown, Douglas Rand " ,1 . l.......... 437 . ................. Booher, C . aude Robert, Jr 339". 47, 149, 327, 357 Brasfie . d, Robert Stanfic .d. . ........356 Brown, Elizabeth Ann .97, 169, 236, 264, 314, Bunkcr, Lowe Bommer, David Rohert "M .. .. ................323 267 Brashears, Janice. ...... .. , . 35,3 364 339, 39t . 395 ............... Bunte, Shirley Bernice Boone, Jack Ben ......... .. ..............33 ,3 . 3,283,74 Brown, Eugene Lee, Jr. (Tuck330 Brass, David O'Nei . )..97, 442, 464 .. .................342 Boor, Carolyn Emerson ... 97, 392 Bratcher, Robert Doug . Brown, F . 1 . ............as . orence Oay . ..............4 , 390 Bunting, Henry A bert 111 . .. . .. .112, 463 . Booth, Annette Hilary .... . .47, 37 Brown, F . Br>teman, Rosalyn oyd \Vayne . ... . . . ....97, 451 Burch, Agnes Anne3 2, 510 . ............. ..... .134 ,.. . ............ Booth, Frank Hull Brown, Frederick Samucl . .............452 Burch, Kenneth "'. .... 111 Brattcn, James Hu ,267 ,. 11....vey. 453, 50 es . ey . ...........263, 445 .. Booth, Jacquelyn . Brown, Gary Rona ..................d . 403 Burch, Lee Murry 35 . ... Braubach, Car "Hubier . ............ "" ..... ... .....326, 327....97 Booth, Nan ....... """ " 389,246 ,. . . ... Braucr, Emi . Bernard ... .......48, 325, 446 Brown, George Be11jamin " ,." ... ...83, 408 Burchard, Robert Kenneth 330,3 . 3......... Booth, Nancy Ann 238, 365 Braunston, Morris . ................259, 456 Brown, George Fo3ter, Jr" ........ .....411 , . . . ............ . Burchfie . gd, Dou d Joseph . ............. . .. 273 as \Vebster 437,238,2. . ... Booth, Robert Jtagsda ,306 ,293,242...e. 324 Bravenec, Lorence Larry " ,30,9 . 2,286. 315 Brown, Gi . bert Seay " ..............4 , 426 Burd" Dona . Boothe, Ross. Jr" .. " " 274, 463 Bray, Linda Rac........ . .. 131 , 344 Brown, G ,. 1 . ...... en Vick ... .......... .....97 , 414 . Burdeshaw, Dot.. ... . . . . . . . . .515 Boradia, H. D ". ......... " . . .237 Brayshaw, Margaret Ann "....."en Marr . He Brown, 425, 505 Brown, Howard Ear ...... 138 , 237, 393 ....... ....388 Burdick, Mario Anthony . ..............442 Borchardt, Dan Keith .. ............., 446 Braze . ton, J,ewis Edward . ,11 . .. ....300 . ........ton . Burdine, John A Buford, Eddie Miller "". ... .."""" .447 . .......32 ...... Borden, Joan Frances 367 ,246 ,1 . . .......... Brazie ,. John Robcrt . van El . ,8 Brown . 83, 3............... is, J r" . . . . . ..424 Borden, Phy is Ann ...83, •8, 236, 2~8 . 59, 2 . o.376, 377 . 309, 3 Borcn, Ann " .. " " " . ......." " " " .342 Bredemeyer, G Brazi Sandra Murie ..........n, .. James A Brown, Brown, James Hi .. ...... 3, 135, 245, 376 . .4 9, 498 ,. . Burgc, Char es H" . " . .............83, 327 . Breckenridge, E izabeth Ann ....... 373,1 . 1 ....... .. 328 .........ton . . Burgess, Ma . co. m Acie .....97, 275, 312, 334 enn Bennett.. ..........111 Brown, James Ly ""."...n .. . ... .." " 357 Burgin, Bobby Joe . .. ........... ......31 Boren, Ben Chi ....ton. . ...... .. . .. ..262 Bredt, Carl Victor . . . . . . . . . .32, 39, 237 Brown, Janice Gay . . . . . . . . . . 132, 367 Burgoon, Judy Kay .......238, 316, 5 . 375, 5 83, 336 Boro, George Henry " ..............97, 324 Bredt, Jan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97, 299, 3 6 Brown, Jimmie Ear . 1 . ............ Burgoon, Larry C .............aude . Born, Mary Li Borup, Charles Haro lian Breed . ove. \Vi .. i•m Davis ......... . . . .453 Brown, J immy Ba 325................dwin . " " " " . " " " ,2 . 35 . . Burgower, \Vil 449.............. iam Michae . Burk, Caro ~3 . ......................Jane . d ... . ........436 Breen, \\"ilford Thomas ... .... .........439 Brown, Joanne Katherine ............398 . Bostic, Eddie Carro ..... .. ......352 132 ,. l . ............Joelle Othwood Brown, "........iam. Vil\ . Brown, Kar Brehm, Ra . f Fran . ... " .. ...." .. " ...324 Burk, James Leoo " 5 . 3,42............... Burkart, Michael Pau 8 . 444, 445, 5..""." . Bostic, Lo 52 . ...............Mae • . Breihan, Bcrnard Edward .. . . .97, 263, 444 44 . ....... Bostick, Marion Kathleen ........47, 394 Bremer, Darwin Edgar"" .. 26 , 2 3 Brown, Kermit Ear . Burke, David Tyng "." .... " .... " " .430 Boston. Jackie Ray ...... 523,519,7 . 5,45 . Brenier, Odi . e M arie . . . . . . . ...42, 159, 349 Brown, Mackie Neal .... . . . .........48 Burke, Edward F"" . ..............83, 146 Botefuhr, Charlcs Edward . . ... 406 Brennan, Ravmond Harold .............325 Brown, Margaret Louise.... ...... .128 34 . , Burke, Joseph F"."." ....83, 237,146,42 . .. eBot o, E . ena Marie. . .............. 150 Brown, Marvin Ho .111,oman .. Brenner, \Vi "iam M .. 5 . 4,4 . 4,3 . ........... .286, 520 Burkc, Kathcrine E . izabeth.. ... . ...49 Bott, Don Edward ...... Brown, Mason Cooper . ...........47 Brent tobert James, Jr " ..........97, . ... .4 , 242, 462, 464 428 . , Burke, Kenneth Hugh . .............97, 324 Botte, Jeannette Lee .. . ............. .. 1 Brown, Norman Doug13rent . i. gcr, \Vi .. ard ffughcs . . . . ...... 333432 ..as. . . , ... Burke, Tom \Va 520,424...............ker . Bouchard, Andre ,454 ,. 26,47.......... 492 Brown, Ola Dowell But Brevard, John Ashworth . ...........83, 295..............er . ~9 . Burkett, Juanna Vivian ........... .344, 356 Boudreau, Ferdinand Francis , 11 " ,42 . ,11 . .. Brown, Peggy Ann 339,51 . ,97............. Brrwer, Bcver .y Ann . . .97, 334 , 3 . Burkhalter, Martha Jean . . .81, 376 3 . 5,512, 349 ,46 . Brown, Peggy Frances 23 ,. 1 . ......... Brewer, Bobby Loy ." " , 399 11 . ............ Burkha . ter, Mary Jane n, Caro >. Bought . Ann .... .... .8l ,2 . 5,376, 51 3 371 ,. . . ..... Brown, Raymond EdwardBrewer, E . bert A"." .......... 111 , 30 ....... .. . ."251 Burkhart, Marcia Jan . Bou din, Richard Tom . . . . .. ..97 36, 23 . ,2 . . ......... Brown, Raymond RalphBrewer, Janc Ann .... " ...... "" . " 3 . 3 ,. 2,231,4.... 11 . .. Burkhart, Me ~i . Bou ....en .. ny, James A Bourdon, Elizabeth Joyce ,59 . ,97"inda Louise . 264 ,6 . 3, . .....82 Brewer, June Harden .. .. . . ........29 Brown, Richard Malcolm, Jr" .... ...97 , 40'2 374, 400 ,0 . 3,249,83 351 , Brewer, Robert Herman . 31 ,260,4........ Brown, Robert Graves......... ....2 1, 301 . Burkhart, Patricia ...... . .. .37378 Brewer, \Vil . iam \Varren , . 26,97........ 430 Brown, Robert Ta\bot . . . . . .97, 405 Bourn, Nancy Lynn Burkhead, Mary Jo "" . .." " ... "" ...3.....83, 246 , 377 Brcwster, Betty Louise .....48, 266, 374, 375 Brown, Robert Ta .madge. . ......336 . Bur age, Hcnry Matthew " Bovinich, Mol y Kay .32, 282, 281, 301, . . . . . . ....... " .97 . Brewster, Bob Burnett.............. ...83 Brown, Roy E., Jr" .. . . .........48 Bowden, Char es Lee."97, ,420,288,47 . 402464 Brewster, Sarah B ............aine . . 159, 390 Brown, Sharon A . ........... ...........97 Burlage, Robb Kendrick Bowdcn, Joe Al ....."en. ...49, 218, 237, 247,. .....352 Bride, Gardner Ship ey, Jr. .............356 Brown, Sharon Renee... . 37........ . Bowdoin, Marsha ..Dean .. 250, 294, 303 , 315, 317,42 , 444 426 40, 238, 24 . ,111...l!_ay . , 385 Brown, \Vanda Sue ....................356 Bridgcs, Caro . ... Burnett, Betty Ruth .. ... . .97, 344, Bowen, Barbara " " .. ... .......... 111 , 5 372, 373 2 Bridgcs, James Edwin ........ . .... . 3, 344 Brown, \Vi .. iam Anderson . ............. 458 . Burnett, Norman Ray Bowen, J ohn \V oodie , . 24.............. .......... .......272 2 9 .. i\VBrown, 425 Brown, \Villiam Vann ......83, 263, 327, 444 iam McLane Bridges, Jim L ,7 . 3........... 318 " . ... " " .. " " " .... ."48 Bowen, Kenneth La11e . . . BurnettJ.. Thomas \Vi . liam . ........97 .... ..........324 Bridges, Lee F , . . . ........!!!, . ournoy Burns, varol Ann Bowen, Susan Li nd . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. ....... l 367,238,2 . . .290 Bridgcs, Nancy Ann Brown, \Vilse Mason ... .... ......"V\ . es Erncst ....... ... .330, 50 Browne, Thomas H " . . . . . .48 , 355 ll 136, 23 . .. .... ..83 , . ........... Burns, C .. c. an Morris Bowen , Wa . ter Char . es, Jr . ....352 . ...... ....97 Bridgcs. \Vi .. i•m Rando .2 , 452 Brownds, Bil .ph. . ...262 ... . . . . . . . . Bowers, Larry Lester Burns, George Pau!" .. ..... ....... .. ..288 . Char , .. Bridwe . 26. . . . Bowers, Sally Virginia 36, 379 . ,. . . ... Briggs, Chester Arthur, Jr" ........30 , 340 Browning, Gene Irwin 459 Burns, Maurcen """ "" "" ,. . . ............. . . 5."..... . . . . Bow . ing, John Knox, Jr." 260 ,. 1 . Briggs, Robert Connor Browning, Joe Barnard 431 Burns, N ed Hami ........ton . 409 ,. 26, . . . ......... . .306 , . . . ............ . Bow ing, Suzanne ....... . .. 237, 364 Browning, \Vayne Leoo . ....... 1, 139, 426 Buros, Robert Bruce BrigJ!S, Robert " ' a Bright, Jamcs Robert .42 , 23 , 2 9 308 ,12 . .............. ace.. . Bowman, James Ly nn . . . . . ....97 ....... . . 452 Brownlow, Gary Edward . ..............320 Burns, Ste a Maureen . .........49 , 331, 385 .. Bowman, orma Lou . . . 97 ...........is.. ht, Jean E ~Bri . .395 Broyles, Edith Ano Burns, Sus1n Jannelle . . . . . .. ,34 . ,. . 1 395 . ...97, 137 Bowman, Robert Hunt . . . . 0 . 4,97... Bright, Margarite Carolyo ..... . ..... .390 Broz, Frank Burnside, Robert Schrimm io Joseph.... . ...........324 ,323,259,46 . .... . Bowman, \\'a . ter C . arkson, Jr" ......82, 442 Bright, Sam Raymond ,323,3 . 3......... 452 "aine. Bruce, E " " " . . . . . . ." " .386, 387 353 Bowser, Barbara Ann .............245, 379 Bri ~htman, Anna .... . . . ... .....339 Bruce, Grady Dyson, Jr Burow, Duane Frueh " ....... 112. 297, 34 " . 3, 25 8 . 3, 434 Bowser, Martha Louise . . .......48, 378 . iBr ey, Henry Clifford . . . . . . . .....97, 263 Bruce, \\'i 275...............iam Thomas .. Burr, Janc. " ... . ...... . ..515 Box, Edward Dona 11 . ................d. . Brind ey, Bethea Wright . . . . . .313 , 430 . Buck e, Mary Katharine . Char ,.. Burre es Egan " ..... . .97, 414 . .........515 . . Box, Roy Edgar, Jr." , . 29,3 297, 428, 429 . Brind ey, Bcverly Anne . ...........316 , 391 Buckner, Margarette """.Jean ,.. 2 Burrc . 5..... ... ..." ."" " 141 .. .. .. Boyanton, Ear ......Brewer . . ... 455 ,. .. BrinkerhotT, Jan Louise ..... . 38,307,3 Brucks, Darlcne " " " . . . . . . . . .. .....359 Burrcss, Bob McCoy . ..... . ....246 Boyce, E . izabeth Hope ...... . ...302, 334 . Brink ey, Frederick, S., Jr" ............ 284 Bruh . , Dona Burrig, Mary Edoa ... ." .... " ...... " .83 . d Ado . phus, Jr" ...83, 460 Boyd, Doug ,. . . ......as Arrington . 245 ,.. Brinkman Bonnie Rae . 50 Brumbe . ....... ow, Margeret Anne . Burroughs, James Kay ........83, 142, 285 52 . ..... ..... Boyd, Gary N " "" 8 . 3." Brisbin, Ra ph McC . . ....357 Brumley, lra Jon . ......... . ..97, 430 Burroughs, Jam'8 Wi ,238,2. . .iam.. 248, 273 . ....ay . Boyd, John Robert . . . . . . . ..........285 Brisbois, Judith Lynne ,. 1 . ........ 23 , 385 Brummett, L ..... ..4 , 317 Burroughs, araAllison . oyd Truman " ...... . 25,135 Boyd, Marilyn Ann " ..48 , 231 , 244, 246 , 380 Brisbois, M illard Courtney 320 ,49 . ......... Bruner, Har . .293 Burrows, Ann ......an Keith . 6 . ~,238.................... Boyd, Rona . d Dean" .300, 306, 326, 446, 447 Briscoe, Jamcs Parmenas ...48 , 260, 311 , 406 Bruner, James Milton Burstyn, Margie , . 27,97.......... 344 .... ......... .. .......36 Boyd. \Vi .. i1m Paxton S . 3.7 . 3............. Bristow, Eugcnc Raymond 272, 297 Bruni, Joanne ..................... 9i, 389 Burt, E . izabeth Louise ..... .... . 399,245,2 . , . . . ..... Boydston, Bob Frank . n, C . Briti . 29... B urton, Barry Lee eo Ann . .. ... .......351 , 3 6, 3 7 Brunner, Pcggy Jo Bruno, Stanley Richard .. ........... .. ......447 """"""" .. " " .334 .. ... Boyer, Cyothia Sue . . . . . ... 48 Brittain, James Raymond Burtoo, Caro . yn Frances ..... .......97, 38 . .......48 ........... .. .. . 341 . Boyer, James A ....... .... . ....415 Brittain, Harold Perry .................335 Bruns, Joe Henry " " " " . " "" .30 , 423 Burton, Gordon Demm 296..............er . Boycr, Lester Durst ... .... . ....327 Britten, Maynard 42 . ......... Bruns, Joe L" ..... " .." " . . ... " .300 Burton, Fred \Vel'!On . . . . . . . ....•. ....277 .... .... . Boyhe, Robert Shcppard . . . . . ... . 26 Britton, Char ....es Mark . Burton, Larry Kent ... ........... .... 271, 344 Bruns, Thomas Char 30................cs . . ... Boykin, Bur . . . ...........Joseph . Britton, Marian Edith . .................83 Brunson, Thomas C Burton, Marfaret Sealy 320,301 ,4........yde. . 39........•....... Boyle, Lesley Curtis...... . . 144, 261 Bro•ch, Roger Harmon ............303 . 317 Bruton, Freddie Burton, Mary Elizabeth "" ............. 111 , 403 ". ... . ....... ...97 Page 526 Storbrough &Sons ,•; ~ ' ( . • '· ' 1 ~ \ '\ ·, Hensan (#/ Joy ·• ·~ < 1 \ ' Sharon Johnson h) Joyce Eitelman \ \ ' / ! ., j/, .~~~~: it~~~ . 1 ~~1 . iW' • ">?•~..,,. . . . Sylv.1~' \'(. "·..t ~ lrwin . . a . :i . . ,, • .\ "'. ;11,• ,_.., ~'" .riorie Di ,ne ... . ........ .. 399 Cadle, William Dahl, Jr. . . .... ..83, 322 Cafer, Patricia Dot................... 128 Caffey, Nancy Pauline .... 112, 137, 290, 334. 339 C'age, Barbara C'arol .. . .. 128, 136, 3 0 Caglc, Gerolyn Vir . ... " CQJ!le, Thomas Patrick . . . .112, 425 Cain, Billy Jean ... .49, 219, 240, 364, 512, 513, 514 , 515 Cain, Diana .. . . . . . . . . . .... ..83, 351, 374 Cain, Jerry Dean ......444 Calabretta, Gary Louis .. . .. . .415 Caldwell, Bettv Jane . . ........ ...238, 385 Caldwell, David .................. .336, 41 Caldwell, Gerald 'Vayne ........49, 327, 357 Caldwcll, James Bramlitt ... ....... 112, 23R Ca!dwell, Mar ~aret Elizabeth .. . 142, 150, 334 Caldwell. Ron Lee ... ..................263 Calhoun, Gerald W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308 Calkins, Carol Ann ......... .......112, 399 Calkins. Howard A . . ....... ...237 C'alkins, .John A. ..... . . .......521 Calkins, Phyllis Jcon . . .... ...290, 380 C:alkins, John Allen ... . ........ 424 Call, Mary Elizabeth . . . .. .......299, 380 Callan, .Jerry C ... . . . . . . . . ....... .285 Callarotti, Robert Cesar ........ . . .293, 514 Callaway, Clarence L" Jr...... ..49, 261 , 318 Ca!laway, Dorothy Ann ..... ...........112 Callaway, Flizabeth Spencer ........97, 390 Callaway, Estellc Cartwright ....... ...390 Callaway, Joe Edd . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 320 Callaway, John Edwin . . .....426 Ca!laway, Nancy Lee..................398 Callaway, Ramona Gayle ... ..."... 112, 387 Callaway, Robcrt Eugene, Jr.. ... . . .415, 505 Callaway, Sara Jean ............... .. .. 375 Calliham. Casey .......................330 Calvert, E ~ene Allan ... ......274, 344 , 356 Cameron, argaret Carol .. ........112, 385 Camille, Charlotte .. ...................236 Camp, Emory Clifton .........241 , 344 , 433 Camp, Katheryne Eliiabeth ............399 Camp, Tommy Lau,ghter ........... 112, 431 Campbell, Amy \Ve 296, 394 i•1i .• .. .83, 137 . ....)cbsel (Mimi . Campbell, Bert Louis .................. 112 Campbell, Carolyn Jane .... 49, 298, 386, 387 Campbell, David Carter . ...............259 Campbell, David Scothorn .... 112, 447 Campbell, David Wilson , 111 . . ... ..49, 322 Campbell, Franklin Dayne ........97 Campbell, Henry Villard 111 .. .112, 238, 409 Campbell, Lionel Lockard . . . . ........ 407 Campbell, Mary Ann ............. . .83, 386 Campbell, Mor~an Skiles ............... 112 Campbell, Phillip Monroe .... .......... 112 Campbel!, Richard Trent, Jr... .83, 327, 357, 444 Campbell, Ronda Sue ............... ...112 Campbell, Thomas Edwin . . . ...... 406 Campbell, Thomas Ralph . ...49, 402 Campbell, William McKinley, Jr.....97, 282 Campbe!I, William Michael . . . 112, 407 Campbell, William Mike ... ... . ... ...468 Campu• Guild ........ .... ............. 144 Canada, Robert Michael . ..............446 Canales, Alexander Jesse . . . . . ... 438 Canales, Carlos Orlando . . . . . . .. ...344 Nat.e Paoe1 Canavati, Peter Sal!eh . . . . ..... ..83 Canchola, Sylvia . . . . . . . . . . . ..... .....336 Canfield, Chauncey Edward ........... .112 Canfield, Joe Ralph ...... ... .144, 308, 324. Cannon, Howell Milton . .... . .. ......325 Cannon, Jerry Ann . . . .......355 Cannon, Joe Barnett.. . ..... 229, 313, 452 Villiam S . ............83, 272, 318\ ,.. Canno Cantine, Thomas Scott ... ..........83, 433 Cantrell, Carolyn Kaye . ...137, 332, 334, 367 Cantwell, Carolyn.. .. .83, 128, 134• 236, 309, 310, 376, 511 e ........ .........97, 284 . ntu, Jose Re Ca Cap &: Gown . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......329 Capel. Norma Yvonne ......... ........97 Capoot, Edna Jeanne . .........134, 333, 338 Capps, Glenn Rupe .. . ... .. . ..49, 288 Carabaza, Jose Angel . ..............97 Caramanian, Marie Esther . . .. .97, 374, 511 Card, \Vinnie Glee .. .. .49, 152, 513, 515 Cardenas, Leonel E ............. 49, 250, 303 Cardenas, Luis J" Jr. . .330, 352, 458 Cardcr, Henry Maurice . . ...... ....444 Card na', Doug!as Joseph H . . ... ....297 . Cardner, Richard Shaw . ..............452 Cardwell, George Lafayette , 111 . ........297 Cardwell, Martha Mitchell .. .......392, 400 Carey, Steve Patrick ........... ........275 Cargill, Clara Paula . . . .. .. 49, 376 Cariotis, icholas . . . . . . ..... .... ....505 Carleton, Finis E " 111 ...... ...........282 Carleton, Robert Lanc ... ..... 112, 238, 275 Catlett, Larue Scott . . . . . .. .....490 Catlett, Twink ... . ..... .....490 Carlisle, Eloise . . . . ....... ....38 CarJisle, Paul> Sue . . . . . ......97, 380 Carlo, Jo Anna. .......... ....112, 339, 381 Carlson, Don G .. . .. ... ... ....... " .. .521 Carlson, Mary Margaret ...97, 236, 245, 248, 290, 310, 388 Carlson, Peggy A11nc . . . ....... 137, 271 Carlson, Thor E . ... . . ............... .. 141 83, 245, 366, 515.......... . Carlton, Caroly Carlton, Donald Morrill ........... .....282 Carlton, Lauralyn . ........38, 245, 366, 515 Carmichacl, David Mooney .97, 236, 313, 428 Carmona, E11rique Edmundo . ......112, 148 Carmona, Frank T ". ......... .........148 Carnagey, G len n A lan .............263, 344 Carnahan, Gayle Bragdon ...... . .. .112, 447 Carnes, Billy Ronald .......49. 266, 325, 462 Carnes, Robert Alexander ..49, 268, 283• 311, 330,517 Carney, Howard Augustus, Jr...........428 Carney, Patrick Edward ....... .....49, 324 Caro, James Arthur ..... ... .... ........320 Carother• Dormitor . ............. 131 ...... .. Carothers, Charles Hucy ............49 , 324 Carothera, Jcrry \Vayne. ...............344 Carpenter, James Alfrcd .. ......49, 446, 517 Carpenter, Owen Pricc, Jr... 49, 289, 444, 445 Carpenter, Patricia D'3n .... ..112, 137, 344. Carper, Betty Jean .. ...............42, 307 C'arr, Dolores Ann ... ..........97, 372, 400 308............•........ Carr, Jim \Vinsto Carr, John Dyer ........... .......238, 427 Carr, Larrv A nthony ....... ....49, 325, 357 Carr, Robert ls'Ulc, Jr... .......83, 426, 427 Carr, William Plack, Jr........." .112, 429 Carr, William Richard .. .... ...........446 Carrawav, Paul Milton . ........49, 308, 325 Carrell, Helen Patricia . ....... .112, 140, 349 Carrell, John Crajg . ................38, 349 Carrick, Jobn Lowell ... ............49, 2 8 Carriro, Kathryn Louise .... ...112, 134, 381 Carrillo, Victor Manuel .. .. . .. . .. .... ... 38 Carroll, Garth .. .....................521 C'arroll, James Vincent, 111 ...... . .425, 521 C'arroll. Lillian ... . .................512 Carroll. Mary . ..........." .. 112, 383, 515 Carroll, Paul \Vinston ..................323 Carroll, Perry Brornberg, Jr..... .49, 288, 408 Carro11, Preston Huard ...... ....... ....357 Carroll, Virginia Fay ...........49, 299, 378 Carruth, Stanlev Bradford .236, 245, 408, 464 Carson, Kathcrine Elaine .... ...49, 351 , 380 83, 452.•.•............. . Carson, Paul Joh Carswell. Kenneth M " ... .. ......... ...305 Cartee, Alrnalee ..... ......83, 159, 376, 377 C:arter, Arthur D . .. . . . .. ...325 Carter, Gregory Alan ...... .... ....341 , 434 Carter, Harold De • .. ........ . .97, 452, 517 Carter, Humberta ~oto ... .............275 Carter, Jackie Berniedene ...... ....112, 137 Carter, Janice B ..... ... ...............334 Carter, John Robert, Jr.. .... .......97, 262 Carter, Leona Mae .....•.......... 128, 131 Carter, Linda Kay ....... . .. ....... 49, 364 C'arter, Lvnn Prewitt . . . . .... 424, 520 C'arter, Marva ..... . ...... ...... " ....511 Carter, Michael Arthur . ...............408 C:arter, Nancy Le & . •... ...••• . . •••.•• •112 Carter, Robert Stephen . ...........266, 268 Carter, Ross Richard ..............112, 419 Carter, Thomas Barnhill ........97, 261 , 418 Carter, William Harold .........97, 258, 413 Carter. William J11nius .... .........300, 306 Cartlidge, Carole Lee ...... ........334, 385 C:artsonas, Belen G . ...................138 Cartwright. Patty Mays ...........394, 395 Caruthers, Barbara Je ~n ........ . . .. . .. 150 Caruthers, Nelda Ruth ... .....150, 151 , 352 Carver. Herbert Dale ..............300, 327 Carver. Shelby Ann " .. ................384 Casamias, Katherine H ........ ..........50 Casanova. Frank . ..................98, 284 CasberR, Melvin Augustus . ..............34 Case, Howard Bernard . .. .. 49, 324, 326, 354 Case, Yvonne Dolores. . .... .........98 Casey, Bertha. . ... .........298 Casey, Bill . . ... . ... . . ....... 469 Name Paoe• Casey, Buford Ahner . . .....318 Casey, Charles Francis .. . . ...... .......83 Casey, Josephine . . .... ... .............298 Casey, Katherine Frances ........ . .. 49, 364 Casey, Kim Margaret... ...........365, 515 Casey, Kitty .. " ......... ....307, 329, 515 Casey, Robert Randolph " .315, 426, 427, 464 Cash, \Varren Pinkney, Jr..............454 Cashin, Jack William . .........289, 291 , 292 James Hale ........... .........83 ,. Cashio Cashion, Martha Frances .... . . ....... 112 Caskey, Eugcne M .. . .......301 Casmere, Suzanne....... . ..... 49, 376 Cason, Alexander Coopor .. . .......403 Cason, Carroll Frances .. .. . ... ....375 Cason, Sandra .. .......49, 240, 298, 309, 355 Cason, Tommy Opie . ..... . . ...........318 Cason, Yale M urray ........ " .. ........98 Cass, Charles Abney . . . . ... ....98, 262, 407 Cassels, J. Dennis ......... .....98, 308, 348 Cassin, Thomas Mich>el ... ........260, 424 Cassin, \Villiam Bourke ............ ....253 Castandeda, Gloria B . .................140 Castellano, Joseph Harry .... ..... .344, 356 Casti!lo, Eloy .... .......... ............83 Castillo, Gilbert Vasquez . ...... ... ......98 Castle, William Richard .. . . . . ..... 263, 425 Castleberry, Vance LaNoal .... .....257, 353 Castleberry, \Vana Broughton ........... 298 Castles, Milford Pike . . ... . ........ .... 112 Casto, Jerry Dale ... ...................49 Castro, Ezekiel Robert .... ... ... ....... 274 Castruita, Richard James ......... .......98 Caswell, Anna Marie . ." . ..............3 0 Cate, Charles Cusbman . . .. ..83, 263, 311 Cater, John Thomas . 49, 406 Cates, Grover .. . . . . . .. .....324 Cathey, Evelyn M .. ... . . ..... 112 Cato, Gaylord Lee . . . . . . .. .49, 327 Cattcrton, Julie Bcth . . . .........388 Caughlin, Millic Ray . . ..... .......112 Causey, Alan Darrell ..... .........112, 253 Cauthorn, Jamcs Albert ............ 112, 415 Cavazos, Lydia Carmen . ........49, 152, 334 Cavazos, Miguel Angel, Jr. ..............9 Cavness. Danna Jean . . ....... 112 Cavin, Marth • ...•............... ..... 132 98, 137................... el2Cawley, M. H Cawlfield, James Sidney .. . . . ..... 263 Cayce, Jack Temple . .... . ... 112, 433 Caywood, Gary Everett .. . .. .......98 Caywood, Martha Jean . ...... 133 Cazares, Alfred l"lores, Jr. . ..26 , 311 Cecil, James \Vilber ........ .. ..50, 323, 40 Ceril, Reed Ballum ............. " ..... 422 Cejda, Jamcs M ... .............50, 301 , 320 Celaya, Javicr Lope ' . ...........270 Cezeaux, Philip Calvin . ........83, 420, 4.21 Chaban, Walid H .. ......." ...........350 Chadwick, Tom Ben, Jr.........98, 352, 357 Chaffin, La Nell . .......... 3, 131, 151 , 295 Chaiyavech, Pramote ......... .........144 Chakchouk, M ohamed ........ .........350 Chalitbhan, Vaikun .. ......... ..........42 Chaloupka, Edward Raymond ..........282 Chamberlain, D. Gilford ....... .. .. 293, 324 Chamberlain, James Craig ...... ....344, 356 Chamberlain, Jo Gayle........... ...98, 140 Chamberl•in'pThomas Edward ...........98 Chamberlin, atricia Brown ... ......50, 376 Chamhers, Hilliard Dudley .. .... .......428 Chambers, John Charles ..... ... ... 432, 433 Chambers, Thomas Dabney . . ... ....98, 424 Chapman, Hank ... . ..................490 Chapman, Josephine M ... ..............510 37................B . Chapman, Judge Alto Chance, Calvi11 Luther.................327 Chance, Suellen ...................277, 376 Chancellor, Rjcbard Stuart . ............261 Chandler, Clifford DaJe.................50 Cbandler, Kenneth Joseph . . ..... . .....323 Chandler, Suzanne Estelle ... ...........378 Chaney, llohert Stone . . . . . . . .. 50, 324 Chapa, Eloy Esteban . . . . . . .......324 356,334...........Moises Sanchei. ,. Chap Chapin, \Vayne Ralph .. .....291 , 292 Chapman, Donald Royce . ..............253 Chapman, George Camp ...50, 229, 313, 444 , 445 Chapman, G ina LaRee ...... ...... 236, 245 n .. .............424 . 1ilsChapman, Henry \\ Chapman, Janine .. ........50, 302, 334, 398 Chapman, John Maynard ...... ... . 112, 273 Chapman, Josephine Margaret. . . ... 298, 309 Chapman, Ronald Wayne ". ... 112, 336, 445 Chapoton, Joh11 Edgar...... .......292, 418 Chapoton, Otis Don . . ...... 292, 418 Chappell, Betty ... .. ............ .. .... 515 Chappell, CaroJine........ 112, 238, 330, 377 ChappelJ, Dillard Maurice...........83, 259 Charless, Martha Dale .. . . ........390 Charros . .......... ......... " ........330 Chase, Atice Maxine ........ ...112, 375, 515 Chatelain, Janet... ... .83, 314, 351 , 384, 385 Chaudoin, Nita Suzanne ... .........50, 3 0 Cheatham, Gary Therman ... ...83, 286, 327 Cheek, Elizabeth ........... .......... .394 Cheer/eader . .. . ... ........ ............467 Chen, Mo-Shing ...... ............293, 306 Chenault, Louis Wyatt, Jr......452, 517, 520 Chenault, Roger Vincent . ..... ..50, 323, 444 Chenault, Sally Catherine ...83, 332, 351 , 364 Cherry, Johnson Blair, Jr.......... .245, 40 Cherry, Rosemary ..... ...... ...... 238, 389 Chessher, Sue Jinkins .. 98, 128, 138, 237, 290, 310, 3 Chesson, Beverly Ann . . . ..... ..... 112, 373 Chester, Arthur Nabel ". .. .....98, 271, 417 Chester, Bob A ."• ............." .291 , 318 Chester, Martin David ... ... . . ....325 Chetter, Richard Merton ...........322, 357 Name Pagei Chiappe, Roberto . . .......327 Chi Gamma lota .... ...... . . .. ......331 Childers, Bette Jo..................98, 388 Childre, Frances Anne ......... .... .83, 392 Childs, Berniece Claire ..... ....83, 290, 398 Childs, Hymen ... .....................456 Chiles, Ann . ................" . ...112, 395 Cbiles, H. E" Jr.. ......... ... .........304 Chin, Kenneth K ... " . ................323 Chi Omega ..... .. " ........... . ... 376, 377 Chi Phi................. . ........ 410, 411 Chirinos, Ruben Dario . . . . ... .. . ... 50 Chism, Ja"1es Roy .. .. . . ....... . . ... ... 144 Chisum, Dorotby Kay . . .... .9 , 236, 364 Chodorow, Hilton ......... ..... ....... 448 Choice, Patsy Sue .......... . .. 112, 238, 377 Cbollar, Mary Lou .... ....112, 238, 333, 381 Choral Organization . .. .............332-334 Chote, Catherine Diana . .. . ........98, 367 Chote, Richard \Voolsey ....... 112, 245, 267 Christ>I, Charles Gradi2 .. ..... . ........ 274 Christal, \Vanda Janiece .. ......50, 302, 334 Christian, Barbara Sue ............ 140, 349 Cbristian, Elenor Ann ............. 112, 365 Christi•n, Raymond Dale . .............277 Christian Science Organization . . .. ... . ... 335 Christian, Stephen Willis ...............324 Cbristner, MacGregor Vaughan .... .... ..50 Cbristopber, Lo;-ce Jeanne ......98, 314, 371 Chunn, Catherine Ann .. ...............367 Chunn, Edward Keith, Jr.... ...... .. 9 , 454 Cbupik, Henry \Vayne .............112, 425 Church, Cbarles Rupert.... ........415, 480 50, 335, 380..........rchill, Grace Anne . Cht Chute, Aaron Hamilton ....... .... .292, 318 Clabaugh, Stephen Edmund ............422 Claitor, John Howard .... ..............352 Clardy, Dickey Eugene ..... . ...... 144 Clark, Catherine ........ ..............375 Clark, Charles Edward ... . . . ... ..... ... 460 Clark, Cbarles T . ..............30, 294, 420 Clark, Don Gene .... ...............50, 324 Clark, Edd C..........................253 Clark, Etizabetb Snyder .... 50, 302, 334, 378 Clark, George Littlefield . ... .... .......428 Clark, Harley R . ......................294 Clark, Harriet Estelle ....... .. 112, 136, 385 Clark, Jack Noel, Jr....................324 Clark, James Edward . .... ............ .. 83 Clark, James Leaton ...........50, 320, 343 Clark, James Tillman . ...... ... ... . . ... 112 Clark, James Wheeler . ............282, 323 Clark, Marilyn Patricia . ... ............374 Clark, Pat Engtish ... . ............258, 297 Clark, Paula ...................... 134, 387 Clark, R. Scot ........ ........323, 347, 452 Clark, Randy Lee ... ...............98, 274 Clark, Robert Earl .... .............98, 444 Clark, Robert Willard . . . . ..... ..327 Clark, Ronald J .. . . . . . . . . . .50, 325 Clark, Rosemary Harda ..... ............50 Clark, Roxie Margaret . ............299, 398 Clark, birley Marian .... . . ... .....98, 373 Clark, Stanley Ray ............ ..... ...324 Clark, Suzanne . .. .. . . . ...... .....345, 347 Clark, \Vayne Newell .....•........483, 485 Clark, \Veldon Oliver ..... ... ......... .. 83 Clark, \Vhitfield Harral ... . .. . .........428 Clark, \Villiam Bruton ..... . ............50 Jr". ... ..438, 439 ,. Clarkson, Edward Alliso Clarkson, Martha Je>nette . . ....... 112, 349 Nancy Lynn ..... ....84 , 135, 380 ,.. Clorkso Clory, John James , !!!............ .452, 517 Claunts, Hele11 Lysbeth . . . . . . ... 374 Claxon, Patricia Ann . . . . . . . .....98 Clay, Jerry Harold ......... . ..•. . .....325 Claybrook, James Russell . ..........42, 282 Clayton, Joe Dodson ...............84, 406 Cle:J.ves, Theodore" ........ " . .. ......315 Cleaves, \Vilbur Ratliff .. ... .... 84, 2 6, 308 Clegg, James Ellis, Jr... ... ... . . . ... 84 , 462 Clegborn, Derrell .. ....................521 Cleland, Ann Elizabcth .... 112, 138, 339, 375 Clement, Judy Gayle ....... ...........112 Clements, Carolyn Mozelle . .... 152, 295, 339 Clements, James R ......................50 Clements, Joe .. .......................520 Clements, John Michael ... ..... ... ..... 268 418,84............ts, Wayne \Vilson .. Cleme Clemmcr, Ersie Edward, Jr..... 242, 326, 341 Clendenen, Sarah L ....98, 128, 135, 351, 378 Clepper, Kenneth Pat.............304, 352 Cleveland, Clard M ....................306 Cleveland, David Garrett ....... . .. 146, 263 Cleveland, Don Gi\l ........... ........146 Cleveland, Herbert Jay .......... . .....421 Cleveland, John Moore .. ...............451 Cleveland, Rose Marie .. . .. . . . . ... .....342 Click, Lloyd Loring_. ." . ...............434 Ctiett, Nathan Frederick .. .238, 263, 420, 421 Clifford, Fred Murdaugh .. . .... .... .324 Cline, Barbara Kay . .. ..... . .. 299, 374, 375 rtiss .. 300, 306, 327, 357, 519 . Cline, James Ct Cline, James McGowen .............50, 410 Clinger, Arthur Herbert .. ..........293, 306 Clinton, Jack Ray .............. .......323 Cloud, David Frazier . . ... ........ ..... 283 Cloud, \Villiam Luther, Jr...............324 Clougb, Hugh Bartlett.... .........112, 437 Clouser, Harvey Herbert . ...... .50, 327, 340 Clower, Ronald Lee ...... .... . 112, 246, 443 Clower, Thomas Richard .......267, 4.50, 451 Clutts, Bohby Lee " ..... . ....... . . .... 324. Clyhurn, John Howard ........ .........112 Coan, Richard Don ............98, 426, 523 Coates, Charles S ... " . . ..... ......... " 37 Coates, Charles Shelton, Jr.. ............407 Coates, John Henry .... ...............454 Coats, John Thomas ............. . .. ... 406 Coats, William Mitten .. " . .... 112, 146, 333 Cobb, Billy Ray .. . " . " . . ........ 242, 327 Page 528 ow.. Tomo In this fast-moving jet and mis ­si le age, who knows what new wonde1·s tomorrow may bring? Du1·ing you r post-graduation years, you are ce1·tain to see many e fields of . eat new advances in tl g1· science and technology. And you may be sure that you1· elect1·ic se1·v­ .ess· . is prog . ice will keep pace with tl -anaged electric com . -n Business panies, like Texas Elect1·ic Service Company, constantly seek new and better ways to serve yo11 . . . con­stantly plan and build ahead to vice plentiful .· keep you1· electric se and dependable . . . so you can work better and live better . . . electrically! EXAS ELECTRIC SERYICE COMPANY . Max Hittle, wife Saun­dra, and son Chuck, a student f amily, select their daily grocery needs at one of the two KflSH KflRRY STORES located near the University KASH-KARRY GROCERY AND MARKET 3035 GUADALUPE 2401 SAN GABRIEL Poge 529 Nam. Paqe1 Cobb, Caro\yn Eslyta ... ... .........98, 364 Cobb, Louis Denson ............... ....424 Cocanougher, Arthur Benton ...........422 Cochran, Howard Comer, Jr" .... ......268 Cochran, James Henry .. " . . . . .317, 458 Cochran, Judith Carol .... . ...... 112, 140 Cochran, Kenneth Ray .........84 , 282, 323 Cochran, Michael Coke.. . .............260 Cochran, Rosemaq . .......... 112, 316, 373 Cochran, \Villiam Sheppard, 111 "" .447, 518 Cochran, Woodrow Harmon . . .... ..... ..98 Cochrum, Kenneth Lee.50, 270, 311 , 312, 325 Cocke, Margaret Suzanne ..........394 , 515 Cockrell, Donald Gay ". . ..............112 Cockrell, James Tbomas Ross .. . ,! 354 , 418 Cockrell, W anda Rose . .... ............386 Cockrell, Wilford Len ..................142 Cody, Judith Vermelle.....•........84, 137 Cody, Lloyd Edward . . . .84, 285 Cody, Richard N ewman . . . . .......308 Coe, Ernest \Vbeeler, Jr" ....... .......409 Coe, Gayle Louise. ...... . . . . . . . 4, 142, 151 Coenders, Editb... ... ...... ........... .38 Coenders, Henricus Joannes ...... ...84, 327 Coffee, Jerry Lee .. ....... . ....... . .....84 Coffee, Roy Clarence, Jr.. ........ . .313, 518 Coffeen, Hale Lanpher . . ...........322, 462 Coffey, Charles Robert... ..............325 Co.tey, Jerry Cutler . .. ............ ....112 Coffey, John C" ................... . .. 412 Coffey, Patrick Asa . ...................356 Coffey, Robert Lewis . ... ......... .....434 Coffman, Carol Elizabeth" .... 112, 245, 379, 513, 515 Cogdell, John Richard .... .....293, 342, 434 Cogdell, Tbomas James . .... . ...42, 282 Cogdill, Lloyd Dale ............. .. 306, 341 Coggeshall, Judith A.. . .. 112, 136, 253, 290, 381 Coggin, Luginia ................. " .... 151 Cohen, Barry A lan .......... " .. ..245, 441 Coben, Martin Bennett ............112, 405 Cohen, Ricbard . . ...... . .. ... ..... 112, 449 Cohen, Ronald David ......... .........449 Cohen, Rosamond A my .........9 , 36 , 369 Cohen, Stanley ........... .............456 Cohn, Morton Allan ..... . . ...... . .245, 441 Coker, Jess Ricbard ..... .......9 , 314, 451 Colbert, L. L" .... . .. " . ." .. 36 Colborn, Joseph Grinnell .... .. .........297 Colby, Frank Michael .. ........84, 142, 146 Colby, Lynn Lee.......... ...... ..112, 146 Cole, Beverly Ann ..................50, 370 Cole, Bradley Marshall ............. ....292 Cole, Carolyn Alice ............. " .....339 Cole, Charles Henry, Jr" ...............84 Cole, Clarice June............. 112, 133, 334 Cole, Colin Jay .... ............." 112, 407 Cole, Ernest Allen, llJ . .............98, 406 Cole, James Dee . . ...... . . ..... .. " 84, 344 Cole, James King . ....... .323, 517, 519, 520 Cole, James Leon . ........ .50, 324, 331, 357 Cole, Jenoye Roland . ................. .. 84 Cole, Jerry G" ... ..................."293 Cole, Maurice Wayne, J r ........... .42, 406 Cole, Peggy Ruth .... . . ... . .. .........290 Cole, Rex \Va!ton .. . . ...... . " ........297 Cole, Ricbard Rosser ..... " " " ....98, 434 Cole, Ronald Jarre\I .....•.........306, 325 Cole, Thomas Lussier . ...... . ...... .. ..413 Coleman, Betey lnez ......•.........84, 374 Coleman, Brady Steele ..............50, 414 Coleman, Fred Duncan .............. . .248 Coleman, James T ....... ..............284 Coleman, Kay Andrea ..... 113, 238, 246, 385 Coleman, Ted Robinson . . . ... ..9 , 297, 340 Colin, Fred Rodgers .. ....... ... ....50, 428 Collazo, Fernando . .... . . .......... 113, 272 Collerain, Mary Agnes . ........113, 136, 381 Colley, James M•.... ........ . .... . ....442 Colley, Jane Elizabeth ..... . . . . .... 113, 365 Collier, Bruce E. . ...... .. .. . ........ ..446 Collier, James Mike ... . " . " . . ........325 Collier, Janice ........................338 Collier, John Henry.. " ....... . .. .. ....322 Collier, Penny Pitt.................84, 389 Collier, Robert Eames . .. ...........98, 453 275.•••.. .. ..........CowanCollins, Arthur Collins, Edward Franklin, Jr. ...........318 Collins, Everett Franklin, Jr. ...........267 Collins, Frances Byrd . . . ... . ... 13 , 246, 379 Collins, Harwood Lewis, J r .............249 Collins, Jack Altman ..... .... .........480 Collins, James Bryan .. ............ ... ..50 Collins, James W" Jr.............. " ...297 Colli"", Judith lnez ............98, 135, 364 ,9, 237, 240, 309 . cy Ann " . ..50, 2Collins, Lu 378, 400 Collins, Mary Margaret .. .......84, 128, 141 Collins, Mason Edward .. . ..... . .. . . , .. 259 Collins, Ned, Jr........................446 Collins, Peggy ....... ......" . . " . .50 Co!lins, Shoron Lynn . .. . . .. " ... . .... . .98 Jr" . ..................84 , 424ollins, Ted, <.: Jerry . .................407ollins, Thomas <.: Jr" ............260Linton,ollins, Warren <.: Collum, Conoly . . . .... ........... .....253 Coltrin, Donald George ................258 Colwick, Casey ... .....................236 Ruth Catherine . .......50, 388, 389olwick,.:> rnelius George ..... .....98, 428omegys, Co.:> Frank...... 113, 413, 489omiskey, William .:> Comminga, Jack Chamness .............434 Compton, Higdon Oscar ......... . .113, 415 Compton, Howard Ayers . ..50, 236, 428, 429 Compton, William Lewis .. . ... .... . ....254 Comstock, Richard Allan ....... ........308 Conde, Carola .. ........." " .....250, 303 Conde, Carlos Antonio.................349 Cone, Jo Anna............ "." ....84 , 394 Name Paqe1 Cone, Nancy Lee . .........50, 314, 386, 511 Cone, Richard Kenneth ................44 7 Coniglio, Mary Beth ....................98 Conkle, Alice Elena ...............135, 342 Conklin, Carol ............... .........515 Conlin, Sara Maureen ..............349, 386 Conlon, John Loftin ....................50 Conlon, Winifred Marie..... . . 128, 140, 349 Conn, Fred ................. "" .. "" .37 Conn, Frederick James, 111 .............408 Conn, George David. . .............260, 430 Conn, Marion Edith ... ............ . . . . 388 Connally, David Terrence ... ........98, 420 Connally, Tom Allen ........ " ... . . 9 , 432 Connealy, John Edward ........ ....... .292 Connelly, David Anthony .. .. . . . . ......424 Conner, James Howard .. . . ... . ....334, 415 Conner, Theresa Louise ............ 113, 236 Conner, William Halden . .. 113, 238, 275, 409 Connery, David Bradford, Jr...... ..50, 450 Connor, Paula Janet.................. . 309 Conoly, Dan Bartlett, Jr" .. ........51, 320 Conoly, \Valle Merritt ..................84 Conover, \Villiam Van, 11 ........ ......428 Conrad, Betty Ann ........... .. ....98, 389 Conrad, Joseph Lawrence ... . ..........270 Conrad, Kay Lynne ...................378 Conradt, Letha .................. .....298 Conrow, Constance Bess ... . .......386, 513 Constantakis, Roberto.........259, 323, 353 Contreras, Ernesto, Jr.... .......... 113, 520 Contreras, Manuel Apo\on ... .... ...... .341 Conway, \Valter Phi\ip . ............261, 453 Coogan, Terry Kirk ................. .. 325 Cook, Alice Ester ..............84, 156, 3 8 Cook, Alton Henry, Jr.... ...... ... . 51, 409 Cook, Cbarles Peak ............ 84, 300, 306 Cook, Connie Sue ................. 137, 290 Cook, Deanna Drusilla..... ............364 Cook, Elenor Ruth ................ . 84, 384 Cook, George \Valter.............. 113, 419 Cook, Katherine A .. .... .. .....84, 298, 398 Cook, Mary Elizabeth .... . 128, 140, 344, 349 Cook, Patricia Gail ... .... 113, 133, 246, 389 Cook, Ruth Ann ....... " " " .........290 Cook, Sally F ......... .....51, 307, 351, 376 Cook, \Vi\liam Edwin ...............84, 340 Cook, \Villiam Jerry ..... . .......... ... 262 Cook, Wilson Clarke ..... ..98, 246, 261, 333 Cooke, John Curzon ...51, 282, 323, 354, 357 Cooksey, Frank Cloud" ..... .. 237, 294, 315 Cooksey, James Glynn ......... . 51, 242, 325 Cooksey, Robert Monaghan, Jr" .....84, 330 Cooksey, Sylvia Jean ..................384 Cookston, Terrell Marion ...............443 Coonrod, Robert Kenneth, Jr...........260 Cooper, Albert Everett . . ..... . ....306, 450 Cooper, Anne Carroll .......... 113, 138, 349 Cooper, Bythel K" Jr.. ... . 51, 257, 293, 324, 353 Cooper, Don Merle ... 144, 297, 517, 520, 522 Cooper, Janis Ellyn .... ... 113, 136, 237, 383 Cooper, Jerry Del ........... .. . ... . ...318 Cooper, John Clifton .. . .... ....84, 323, 454 Cooper, Larry Georgc ..... 430, 468, 469, 479 Cooper, Malcolm Lane ........236, 428, 429 Cooper, Mary Allwyn ..................367 Cooper, Merlyn Don .. ... .... ... ..323, 414 Cooper, Michael Ross .. ... ....236, 313, 433 Cooper, N orman Lee .......... .........51 Cooper, Sandra Carla . . ... 113, 136, 238, 3 5 Cooper, Thomas Edward ........... ..... 51 Coopwood, Kate Ellis (Sandy)"113, 316, 3 9 Coopwood, Thomas Benton ....288, 296, 450 Cope, Anne Bush " ........ .... .........51 Cope, Kenneth \Varren ............ . 51, 303 Copeland, Colleen.................113, 379 Copeland, James \Villiam . .. . . . . . .... . .. 149 Copeland, Jobn \Villiam .. .........270, 430 Copeland, Reese Bowen .......... ...... 113 Copeland, \Villiam Noel .. " ...... "254, 317 Corbin, Bill Ray .......... " ...........51 Corbin, Daniel Bruce ..................332 Cordell, Barbara Lee ... . ....... . ......342 Cornish, Lieutenant Colonel George H... 256, 311, 426 Correll, Louise Butts...... ..... . .. 113, 238 Corso, Richard L" .. .. ............. . ..323 Cory, Dean Arthur Milton .............237 Cosgrove, Frank Peter ... ..............301 Cosner, Dail Warren ........... 2, 442, 522 Coston, William Terry .................113 Cotman, Carol Lee .... ... .•. .•........356 Cotner, Robert Crawford..... .......... 434 Cotten, Eleanor Mills ..........51, 133, 339 Cotten, Michal Barry .. . .. 419, 480, 481, 505 Cotten, Jobnny \V" ......... ......492, 494 Cotter, John D....... .......... ....51, 322 Cotton, Nancy Jean" . 113, 238, 290, 316, 395 Cotulla, William Lawrenco ......... . 82, 402 Couch, Joe H" ....... .. " .... " .. 320, 343 Couch, Patty Dean." ... . . ... ... .. 113, 387 Couch, Paul David . .. , ....98, 246, 275, 308 Coulter, Tommie Jean .. .. . ... . .....51, 319 Counts, David Reese ................ "358 Counts, Richard Bailex ..... . ......113, 453 Courtney, Jacqueline T ............ . 295, 364 Cousins, Walter, Jr.................... 301 Coutorie, Cyntbia Lee .................338 Covey, Kathryn Michael.......... . 372, 373 Covington, Jr" James Stevenson ........291 Cowan, Bessie .................. ......298 Cowan, Burnice Wayne ............... . 327 Cowan, James Wyatt..... " ........ ...282 Cowan, Kay" . . ...................98, 390 Cowan, Mauricc Edward .. ......84, 434, 464 C01Dboy1 . .. .... . .... ...... .... . .. ... . .313 Cowell, Diane Lee.........98, 128, 138, 376 Cowper, Sally Belle................310, 390 Cowscr, Dale Houston .................325 Name Paqea Cox, Alonzo B ." . ...... """ .....292 Cox, Beverly.. . . .9 , 316, 364, 512, 513 Cox, Charlie Robert . ..............483, 486 Cox, Charlotte An11 .. ..............84, 398 Cox, Commie Leo11 .....•......... ..51, 242 Cox, David Price. . . . ..... .341 Cox, Franklin Lanier . . ...34, 442 Cox, Howard . . . . . . . . . .. ......37 Cox, Jack Bolan.. .... . ... .......424 Cox, Jan C. .. . . . . . . . . . .........339, 366 Cox, Keith Kohn .. " ..............304, 308 Cox, Royal Clifton ............... .....301 Coym, Willie Lorene ... . .. 113, 23 , 290, 399 Cozby, Raymond \Vilson, Jr. . ... . ......430 Crabb, Da\ Ed............... ..........98 Crabb, Joe Fred ..... . . " ..........98, 334 Crabtree, Carolyn Camille .......... 137, 334 Crabtree, Paul Ricbard .. .. . ...........297 Craddock, Jamison Patrick .......... ...331 Craddock, Larry Jay ...............98, 409 Craft, Carol Anne ................. 142, 151 Craft, Lynda Lee...... ....... 113, 246, 371 Cra ~g, Carolyn Jane.... ...............319 334, 415.............g, Dwight Charles . Cra Craig, Dede Bidean . . . .. . ... " .........376 Craig, Gay\a..... , ................376, 377 Craig, Homer Vince11t ... .. . ...... ......432 Craig, John Aaron .. ..............144, 517 Craig, Paula June .........84, 229, 246, 309, 310, 336, 386, 387 Craig, Preston Garrett. ................419 Craig, Richard Clifton ... ..............452 Craig, Ronald \Vayne . ... . . ........242, 324 Crain, Carol Ann .. " ........... . . .128, 129 Crain, Julianne ................... .84, 299 Crain, Karen . .....................84, 388 Crain, \Valter Robert.. .. ..........113, 419 Cramer, Dorothy Lea ... . . 113, 13 , 238, 330 Cramer, Mary Lee .. .......... .... 113, 399 Cranc, David P ..." .............. .....349 Cranfill, Thomas Mabry ... .............428 Craver, Jane Clarice ... ........298, 351 , 398 Craver, \''illiam Lioncl, Jr" ... ......98, 432 Craver, \Villiam Monroe, Jr" ...........297 Crawford, Charles Ralph . .. . ... ........327 Crawford, Ewin Lynn .. ............84, 322 Crawford, Frances Azleane ........ .152, 514 Crawford, James Edgar .. . ......... 142, 144 Crawford, John Milto11, Jr.. 98, 149, 241, 315, 318, 344 Crawford, Linnda Hubbell .. ... . ........339 Crawford, Mary Edna . .. ......... .. . ..391 Crawford, Robert James .. .........341, 357 Crawford, Travis Roy . ..... 4, 325, 402, 403 Crawford, \Voodrow \Vayne ......... ...437 Crays, Jenniesue ..................113, 135 Creager, Bill Ferrol ....................113 Creasey, William Robert .. ....... ......297 Creedle, George Robert....300, 306, 332, 418 Creel, Elbert ... ..............344, 356, 432 Creel, Morris Madden .....327, 357, 432, 433 Creer, Phili Dou$las, Jr... ....... ..32, 442 .< Crenshaw, Hugh Leslie ............ .....331 Creveling, John \Villiam ............98, 446 Crews, Mary Margaret . .......113, 290, 399 Crier, Jack Stanley ....................305 Crippen, Connie Lou " .............. ...376 Crisp, \Villice Albert, Jr. ...............306 Criss, Carol Halstead ... ...............334 Criss, Elmer Richard, Jr......... . ... ...291 Crittenden, Butler Parnell, III . ..... 113, 411 Crittenden, David Lee .. ...............271 Crittenden, Martha Nell . . ....... . .. ... 113 Crochet, Rudolph Lawrence .. . . .. ......352 Crocker, Toy Kay . ...........113, 238, 365 Crockett, Jack Russell .................414 Crockett, John Augustus ...............434 Crockett, \Villiam Arthur... ............444 Croder, Richard \Vade . ............ ....344 Croft, Chancy............22 , 236. 239, 315 Croft, Dona Lee . , ........ ..... ... 245, 391 Croft, Leland Chancey " ... ............430 Cromack, John Robert. ................442 Cromwell, Harrict.......... ..... .. 26! , 366 Crosby~Travis Lee ....................296 Croso, t.ichard Leonard ... .............308 482.........................Country .•• Cr Cross, David Lee ........... ...........242 Cross, Maurice C " ................292, 304 Crouch, Sharon Jovay .... ......... 98, 133 Cow, Betty Genc......... " ...........113 Crow, Carla Jo . .... ...... .. " .... 151, 336 Crow, Diana Kay .. .............. .....376 Crow, Henry Procter..... ..............334 Crowel\, Robert William . ..........113, 297 Crowell, Thomas Nendell .... ..113, 238, 445 Crowhurst, \Villiam Robert.. ...... .....324 Crowmack, J. Robert .. . " ...... .. . ....327 Ne1t Club . .................... .283 .'• Cro Crum, John Kistler... .............323, 357 Crutcher, Mary Laura.. .. .... . 98, 132, 391 am Carcy . ..............330 . Cruteher, \Vill Crutsinger, Gcrald Glynn ......259, 406, 469 Cryer, Herman Lee .. . . " . . . ........... 84 Csaba, Jon . .. .... .. . ......... ..... ...490 Cuarino, Claire Eilcen .. .... ...........515 Cuba, Benjamin James . .. ... ..•. .... ...352 Cubine, Joe Kingsley ..............149, 325 Culbertson, Carol Clark...... ......128, 380 Culp, Paul Meredith, Jr" .......... 42, 436 Culpepper, John Cecil, Jr...........241, 432 Culver, Charles David .. . ...... . .......432 Culver, James Douglas . ... 98, 327, 432, 433 Cummings, Herman Willie..............4 9 Cummings, Samuel Robert, 111 . ....267, 2 3 Cummings, Sarah Belle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Cummins, Cornelia Ann ............ 8t, 394 Cummins, Mary Malcolm .......... 98, 131 s, Ralph " . " . . . 37 .............. .. Cummi Cundi ,t. Edward William ".". . . . . " ...292 NaiM Paq" Cunningham, Ann Louise... .......113, 136, 349, 385. 513 Cunningham, Atlee Marion, Jr......253, 267 Cunningham, Donald Keith ........113, 445 Cunningham, Evelyn Lavena... . . .. 135, 399 Cunningham, Glenda Fae ... ....... 84, 135 Cunningham, Herbert Jsaac, Jr.. 84, 327, 416 Cunningham, Jeanne Elizabeth ... .. 150, 349 Cunningham, Judy Glen ....... 113, 246, 387 Cunningham, Mrs. Herbert 1 .......... . , 349 Cunningbam, Sandra June..............151 Cunningham, Smitber Gabricl .......... . 508 Cunningham, Talmage Ray ..... ....415, 498 Cunningbam, 'Vilbur Paul ..............418 Cunningham, 'Villiam A" ......294, 306, 323 Cuno, Carol Catherine .................376 Cunyus, David Wayne . . ... . ...... ... ..308 Curby, Harold Ray." ......•...... 98, 297 Curlee, Durward Lee .................. 263 Currie, Hugh Bob" " " ... " . " " . 84, 430 Currie, Laurin C ...... ....•.......297, 308 Curry, N orton ...... .... ....... " " ...308 Curtain Club ............. " ....... 336, 337 Curtin, James Golden ... ...... . ........ 98 Curtino, Diana M ae ................ " • 98 Curtino, Patricia Ann " .............. . . 152 Curtis, Jewel . .. .. .. ...... .. .. 84, 319, 515 Curtis, John Day . ... ...... ... 14.2, 143, 274 Curtis, Martha An11 ....... .... 113, 132, 385 Curtis, Terence Attebury ...............432 Cutbirth, J. Brown .................. .. 37 Cutler, RoyceLinton.. 266, 267, 283, 311, 416 Cutter, Master Serg_eant lrving T." .....256 Cypbers, Charlyne Louise" 84, 131, 345, 347 Cyprus, Gerald Steven ... . . . . .... . . ....113 Cyrus, N ancy Katherine. . . . . . . . . . 138, 377 D Dacon, Donald Ray ........ " " " " " .275 Dad1' A"ociation ... " .... ....... ... ... 37 Dafferni..Bobby Joe ... ...•........317, 352 yron P .... ...................521 . ,Dahse Dahse, Irma Elaine ..... ..........296, 298 Daigle, Barbara Ann .... . ... .. ... 137 Dailey, Jeanna Alaire........... ...333, 375 Dailey, Jimmy . . . . . .. ...... . .. ....... . 238 113, 511............e O'Bricn . MaggDailey, Dailey, Margaret Ann .... .. .... . . ... ..377 Dailey, Racbel Si.ms ...............113, 340 Daily, J oyce Deanna ........... ........396 Daily, Judith Ann. ...... .. ....."."..369 Daily, Leon J" Jr.• ........... 84, 440, 441 Daily, Richard L . .........." .... " ...291 D'Albergo, Diana .... ..." . ........." 134 Dale, Alfred George .........•...... ...289 Dale, Jarnes Preston ......... ..........323 Dale, John Weskey ................288, 402 Dallenbach, Karl M" .............402, 420 Dalley, Joseph \Vinthrop .......300, 306, 341 Dalling, Dee Ann ...... .......113, 136, 381 Dalton, Joel Phillop .... . ...318 Daly, Terry L •." .. ." .. . . " ...348 Damek, Herman Andrew . . ... 98, 146 Damek, Paul Floyd " " .......... . .. ...325 Dancy, Oscar Cromwell, 111 ........ 52, 418 Daneshrad, Albert ................... ..323 Daniel, Charlotte Camille (Chotsy ) .. .98, 135 314, 366 Daniel, Daravene ...... .......113, 238, 391 Daniel, Dick ... .........." .... " .....275 Daniel, Price " ....... .." .. " .. " . . . . . 26 Daniel, Sandra Ann ...... . 113, 327, 238, 381 Daniell, Rebecca Estelle . ...............150 Dann, Joseph Sydney . ..... . .. ... .. ....238 Danna, Patricia Ann .. .. .. 113, 136, 238, 387 Danneberg, J udi tb Kay . . . . . . . . . . . 52, 335, 339, 366, 367 Dannels, Delbert G len ... ..............338 Dennenbaum, Frank M... ..............448 Dannenbaum, James D.. . 98, 236, 238, 242, 245, 315, 318, 357, 408 Danziger, Betsy Lana . ........238, 245, 397 Darby, Alan \Vilson ...............332, 334 Darby, Anne McKeevcr............ 84, 394 Darby, George Leedon ..... ... .........273 D'Arcy, Linda Mayris......... 98, 299, 377 Darling, Frances Ruth ......... 113, 136, 375 Darling, John Kimbrell .. .. 84, 254, 317, 434 Darmodjo, Soesanto . ........... . " . " . 52 Darnall, Linda Marsball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Dartley, Kenneth James .... ... .... 52, 282 Darwin, James Thomas ............... .340 Darwish, Mohammad ... . .. .. ......324, 350 Dashiell, James Norris.............297• 341 Dashiell, Marilyn Ann .... .. 98, 135, 246, 376 Dathe, Phillis................. . . " . . " 138 Dato, Douglas Lee .... ................113 Dau, Ralph \Valdrom . 52, 231, 315, 430, 464 Dauman, Judith Ann ........ . ... .. 113, 397 Davenport, Billie Bishop ........ .......295 Davenport, Catherine Dalene . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Davenport, Dixie Lee.. ................151 Davenport, Mary Ellen . . ........ . .. . .. 251 Davcnport, Master Sergeant \Villiam H ".269 Davenport, William Mack..........483, 486 David, Dou ~las James . . . .......... . ... 98 325.................lly Glenn . Davidson, B Davidson, Clitford William .... .........318 Davidson, Jim King ...... .............341 Davidson, Pe ~gy· Louise............ 113, 371 Davidson, William Claude, Jr... . .... ...444 Davidson, William Lewis ......293, 306, 434 Davies, Thomas Joseph, Jr.. ....... 52, 352 Davila, Jose Francisco .. ...............143 Davila, Robert...................... .. 98 Davis, Albert Edwin . ............" 113, 435 Davis, Barbara Ann..... •......." 52, 380 Davis, Betty Lynn. ....... ....290, 296, 370 Davis, Billie Edwin ......... .. 52, 327, 357 Davis, Billy Clyde .. " .. " .. ...........327 Page 530 VISIT THE LARGEST, Enjoy the beautiful MOST MODERN MEN'S SHOP surroundings and "ON THE DRAG" good food we have at aetJ TARRYTOWN CAFETERIA MEN'S WEA.R 2332 GUADALUPE FREE PARKING 2425 Exposition GR 8-2652 SERVING TEXANS SINCE 1896 AUSTIN BROWNWOOD WICHITA FALLS .- ~0 ~ ~M "' ) -·1 \ - For Finest Femlnine Fashlons yf\~ 2904 GUADALUPE . l i .. Look wl! . :l ide .. l!re .. s '. len,. n ,. Open Every Thursday 'Til 8 B11 , . did for Pis M !y \. : . l the student's FRIENDL Y BOOK STORE Four Convenient Locations and HEMPHILL'S "EVER-READY REBATE" Poge 531 Name Pages Davis, Bonnie Martha . ............113, 391 Davis, Dorothy Diane ..... 98, 245, 351 , 378 Davis, Doyle Lynn ............... " ...293 Davis, Elizabeth Ann ......... ..... 52, 246 Davis, Ethel ..... ........" .. " . ."" .298 Davis, Frederick Gail .. ."".""".." 52 Davis, George Arthur . .. ........ .... . .. 414 Davis, Gloria Ann ". .. ....." ..... 84, 339 Davis, Herbert Allen . .........245, 352, 541 Davis, Howard \V" ... .........."" " 420 Davis, J. Wed, Ill ... " ... " """ 84, 444 Davis, James Edward ....... .. 52, 306, 323 Davis, Jerry Donald ....... ... . 85, 454, 523 Davis, Jerry Edison .... ...............323 Davis, Jerry Marshall .. ... .........324, 423 Davis, JoAnn .. ......... ........... ...364 Davis, Joe Br;ran..... ....." ...... ....308 Davis, Joe Sh1r\ey . ... .... " " ... . " ... 432 Davis, John Emerson ... ...........284 , 301 Davis, John Lee .... " . "" .. "" .. 330, 406 Davis, Katheryn Loujse...... ......... .130 Davis, Lois Charlene ... ....... 84, 151 , 339 Davis, Louise Carol . ...... 98, 316, 368, 369 Davis, Malcolm B .. . .. . " ......... 52, 357 Name Page& Delta Zeta . . ... ........ . . ... . ..384-385 Deltz, Paul orton . .. . . . ... . ......327, 349 De Luna, Raul Fraga ................ ...84 Dement, Dennie Maree .................98 Dement, N ancy .... . ...........98, 245, 365 Deming, Jesse Milton ........... .... .... 52 Demler, Jo Ann . ...............9 , 245, 364 Demler, Robert Car\, Jr... ..... 113, 238, 433 Demmer, Ronald James ................325 Demming, Ann . . " ...............378, 511 DeMouche, "'iUiam Edward . .......98, 330 Denison, James Wright ......... ... ... 407 Denjson, \Villiam Powers, Jr.. . ..406 Denman, Ann . . ... . . . . . 4 Denney, Gary Donald . .. . .. 327, 357 Dennis, David Morris ..................326 Dennis, Michael David .. ..........305, 442 Dennis, Rodrick Warren ........... 146, 260 Dennis, Steven Chalmer ........... ... . .422 Dennison, Richard Francis . . . ...... 292 Dent, John B ... . .....................336 Dent, William Chaplain . ..... . .... 291 269-279...........f Air Science . Department f Afilita . Department Name Pagea Dodson, Bobby \Vayne . . .... ...." 4, 515 Dodson, Herbert \Villiam . ..............408 Dodson, Jobn Michael ............ 113, 455 Dodson, Joseph Edward, Jr..... . .. .. ... 304 Dodson, Wayne . ...... . . . .. .... 418 Doehri1j, Sweeny Jamison, Jr...........435 Doerr, heodore Carl .............. ....308 Doggett, John Rentz, TII .. .... 84, 267, 308, 352, 412 Doherty, Diane ...................3 0, 400 Doke, Maurice " . .........84 , 219, 235, 313, 323, 450, 468, 469, 475 Dolce, Charles Leonard .. . ... .. 84 , 454 Dolezal, Charles Henry ........... . .. .. 99 Do\\, Thomas \Villiam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Dolley, James Clay . . . . . . . . 34, 292, 318 Dominey, JoS<'ph Hudgens..... 99, 267, 317, 410, 411 Dominguez, Gilbert Handy ............262 Dommers, Orland Barnard ... ..........325 Domning, Dolores Fleanor . 84 , 241 , 352, 380 Donaghey, Lewis \Vhee\er. .... 53 , 231 , 237, 257, 308, 315 Name Pages Duniven, Kinn N eal . ....... . ... .. ... ..436 Dun\ap, Deborah . ................. 53, 390 Dun\ap, Devereux Brown ...... ........428 Dunlap, Drew Woolford ...325, 414, 492, 494 Dunlap, Hugh Graydon . ....... 82, 414, 522 Dun\ap, James Fielding.......... ..258, 455 Dun\ap, Joan .. ......114, 238, 245, 290, 399 Dun\ap, Kenneth Ray . . . . . 99, 238, 260, 419 Dunlop, Charles Austin .. . ......... 53, 408 Dunmire, Patricia Anne .......... ......133 Dunn, Bob \Vil\...... .............293, 306 Dunn, Dorothy Anne ..... . . ....... 99, 338 Dunn, Edward M ichael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Michael Ann . ..........99, 131, 335n, . Du Dunn, Ruth ..... . .. ... ..... . . . ..... .. 298 Dunll, Thomas Ga)•lan . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99, 455 Dunn, \ViUie Paul .................273, 522 Dunnam, Thomas Norman, Jr" ... . 84, 418 Durbin, James L,vnn Mrs......... ......246 Durden, James M..... . ... . .... . ..... .. 284 Durden, Robert Bomparte . . . . . . . . . 84, 236 Duren, AJmetris Marsh .......... ......150 Duren, Michae \...... .............114, 431 ..r Science .. . .. .256-264 Donahoe, Charles \Vil\iam . .............327 Durham, \Valter \Vinn 53, 254, 260, 317, 4.26 al Science . .......265-268 Doner, lsrae\ Reuben .... ..........260, 404 Durr, Janice Kay .......... ...114, 253, 393 . f Na . Department Davis, Marion C\aire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52, 398 137 Donn, Paul Stephen . . . .. . .............324 Durrenber$er, Charles P ........... . ....442 Davis, Martha Gray " ..... " ......236, 398 DePriest, Le'Anne .............. ....... Dcrden, Albert Leldon . ............275, 431 Do11nell, Ben Addison .. ...........313, 432 Durrett, L1nda Diane. .........372, 373, 159 Davis, Mary Anne . ....... " . ... . . 84, 381 Derden, John \Vebster ... ..............352 Donovan, Aileen Mujrhead ........ .....296 Durway, Charles Lindsey ..... ..... 53, 352 Derden, Zoe Ann .. ....................380 Donovan, \ViUiam C\ark ........ .......452 DurwayJ.. Jerry \Vithers . ........... 84, 323 de Ridder, Dana Adriann " .. ..133, 159, 246, Dooley, Max Don .. ........... 52, 284 , 301 Dusek, vlifton J ." . . . . . . . . . . . . 85, 323, 344 316, 365 Dorbandt, John Thomas ....... 99, 267, 458 Dusek, Ronald James .............. 114, 344 Derrett, Delbert Henry ........ .........52 Dorman, John Timothy . ...............432 Duson, Delia . . . . 85, 169, 230, 236, 245, 246, Derrick, Donald Hugh ......... .........52 Dorn, George A\bert .. ... .. .... 53, 327, 460 302, 309, 310, 334, 366 Descbner, C\areve Jean ... 113, 137, 238, 31G, Dorn, Rosemary Butschek . . . . . . . . . 53, 380 Duson, \Valter \Vebb .. 53, 266, 305, 313, 444 390 Dorrell, Lou Ade\e " . . 84, 128, 141, 390, 510 Duty, Rhetta Roberta. ............ 99, 390 Davis, Mettie Fae......... ..... .......339 Davis, Morgan J " ........ ........." . .304 Davis, Neal, Jr" ..... ...... .. ....... .. 414 Davis, Norris Garland . ....... ... .. 247, 303 Davis, Pat \Vard ...... ........113, 245, 427 Davis, Paul \Vhite ....... .." .... ......268 Davis, Pe ~gy Jean . ... 113, 136, 236, 379, 511 Davis, Ph1\ip Keith . ......300, 306, 327, 357 Davis, Phi\ip \Vayne .... "" " 142, 149, 297 Davis, Robert Rix .. " ... " .. " ... . 113, 445 Davis, Robert Wade ". ... "" ... ......342 Davis, Shir\ey .. " .. " .. " .. " .....52, 380 Desenberg, Diannc ... .................368 Dorrill, Mary Ruth . .............. 99, 248 Duva\, Charles Augustus ....... ....354, 4.59 DeSha, Robert Ear\y ..............453, 4 0 Dorroh, James Robert ....... ..........296 DuVaU, George David .... .............114 DeShazor, Tommy DiMaggio ....9 , 263, 453 Dorsey, Charles E" ........ " .........336 DuVon, Richard Harmon, Jr" ..........323 Des Jardins, Jcrone Allen ..... . ........32~ Doss, Roberta Ann .. ........•.........367 Duwe, Geor ~e Douglas . . .. 99, 260, 418, 490 Deslattes, Ronald Edward ........ ......349 Doss, Vincent....... .......•...•......342 Dwoskin~ D1ane Carole............. ....382 Davis, Tedd E " ......... " ....... .... 113 Dcsmond, Jerry Michael ....... ........490 Dossmann, Sterly Glen .....•...........308 Dwyer, ::;amuel Josepb , 11! .............293 Davis, Thomas \Vorth, Jr" .. ..113, 238, 258 Deter, Doris E . ....................52, 130 Doty, E. William ... ..............." .. 32 Dwyer, \Valter Scott " ........ .........288 Davis, Tom Martin ........ . ...... 424 Detmore, Carolyn . ...............•113, 336 Doty, John Philip ....... ..............340 Dybdah\, Duane Osmand . ..............325 Davis, Valerie Jean . ...............113, 245 Deupree, Ann Carroll ... ...............390 Douds, Robert Frederick . ..............407 Dye, Dorothy Carole . . . . . . . . . . 99, 336, 386 Davis, WiUiam Lyman ...... " . .... . ."258 Deutsch, Harvey E\liot. ................405 Dougherty, Michae\ Adelebert . .....324, 353 Dyer, Curtis B ."""""." ""..468, 469 Dyer, Don Thomas " ... ... . ..... ......434 Davis, Winston Earl . .. ............327, 357 Dougherty, Roy .... ...................141 DeVall, Mrs. Char\es . ......"" " .. " " 28 Davis, Yoeman Edmund . . ............. 265 Davis, Yvonne Denise (Onnje ) ......113, 395 Dawe, Jessamon . ............. " .. " ... 307 Devant, Robert .......................446 Doughli, Mohammcd Farouk . ..........350 Dyer, Nancy Jo"" .... " ........ .290, 299 DeVau\t, Marion Vere .................237 Doughtie, Eugene B ..." ... ............286 Dyer, Pat Taylor. " ........... ........452 ent Board.. " ..... ............ .36 Doughtie, Mar ~aret Arlene ... ..........386 Dyess, J ohnnie Sherwood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85.m..el. De Dawk.ins, Jerome Ersel ........ .........444 Dawkins, Lola B •............... . .292, 304 .... ..............349, 374, 375 Doughtie, Pegg c. .....................245 Dyke, Marshall James ......... 85, 288, 430 . AnnDevine, Devine, Rosemary . ....................375 Doughtie, Venton Levy ..... .......300, 306 Dzilsky, Jean Ann "" ....... " ... . 53, 335 Dawson, Dolphia Ann ....... ...84 , 245, 339 Dawson, Dorothy ......52, 219, 236, 309, 398 Devine, Sara Patricia.....290, 349, 379, 515 Douglas, George Edward ........... 53, 331 DeVries, Robert John . .................292 Douglas, John \Vinston .... ............407 Dawson, John Coleman, Jr... ... 84 , 262, 424 E Dew, Helen Loree . ..........".""98, 377 Douglas, O\en LaRoy . .................320 Dawson, Perry Peden, Jr. . . ............323 De\Vitt, James Bart....... " ...........98 Douglas, Townsend \Vade... .......113, 445 Dawson, Thomas Garner . ..............323 Eads, John Andrew ........... 99, 314, 454 De\Vitt, Tom Guernsey . .•.............450 Douglas, \Valter Brockman .... ......... 53 Dawson, \Villiam Henry . ..........113, 297 Dexter, Cindy Sue ............... .. .. ..380 Douglass, Dorothy Carol ........ ...333, 358 Eagle, Patricia Gayle ..... "" . ... .128, 137 Day, Billy Bernard . . .........84, 315, 426 Eakin, Robert Derwin ..... .. .. .... 85, 318 Dexter, Pame\a Ann .......... ... 113, 375 Douglass, James Edward . ..............282 Day, Conrad Dale . . ... .... ... 306, 325 Day, Eugene \V.... ...................52 Day, Margaret Kathlecn ... 113, 138, 385 Dhruv, lndravadan N ........, . ........323 Douglass, Lynne .......... .... 53, 351, 374 Ea\y, Miles Lamar .......... ..........292 Diaz, Carlos .. " . . . . . . . . ....236, 349 Douglass, Robert Raymond . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Eargle, Stephen Taber .. ...............416 Dibe, Adnan Mahmoud . . .....327, 350 Douglass, Victor, J r ". ...... ...........333 Earhart, Cbarles Ear\, Jr" ... .......85, 439 Day, Ruth Elizabeth . . . . 113, 379 Earhart, Robert Francis .......263, 349, 285 Dibee, Khalil M .. ......"." . .........350 Douthjt, Allie Durel\.. " ..... ..........420 Day, \V. Howard . .....................416 Dayvault, Helen Pat .. 113, 136, 395 Dean, Dorothy \Vatts ..........39, 237, 378 Dibre\l, David Benton .................263 Dove, Richard Oral " " . " .... .. " .....344 Earle, J ohn Morgan . ... " .............324 Dice, Caro\yn ........316 , 351, 392, 393, 4.00 Dowdle, Don Michael .....422, 468, 469, 473 Ear\y, Helen Taber . .... ." .... ....290, 379 Dick, James CordeU .............. .113, 334 Dowdle, Robert Short........ .......... 99 Earvin, Linda Lee ....... " ....... " " . 132 Dean, Jane E . .. . . . . . . . . .... .52, 325 Dickens, ancy Jean .......84, 131 , 340, 354 Dowdy, Carol Kay " .. ............ 99, 367 Easley, Rita Caro\yn ..•..... ...... 99, 365 Dean, Peggy Joyce ..... . .....84, 137 Eason, Judith Lynn ........... 53, 376, 377 Dickenson, Charles Keith ..............323 Dowdy, Janie Raye .... ...........113, 131 Deanovich, Susan Kay . . ... 158, 159, 275 Dickcy, Arnold Everett................458 Dowis, Gary Lloyd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85, 260 Easter, James D " . ....................323 Dear, Barbara Sloan ... . .....84 Easterling, James, Jr... ................447 Dickey, Barbara Lois . ..............52, 137 Downer, Elizabeth E " .. " . ." 237, 351 , 394 DeArment, Effie ............. . .... 138 Deary, Lawrence Dou$\as, Jr.. . ...... 261 Dickey, C\aire Ann ... .....98, 135 , 35 , 366 Downing, Roberta Lee........250, 307, 309, Easterling, Judith Anne . ...............395 Eastham, C\arence Stacey, Jr.... ........428 Dickey, Marsha Joe .. . ...... .. 113, 13 , 3 5 351, 355, 380 deAses, Edurado Eva .rsto .............. 139 Dickey, Thomas Alvin . . . .. 341 Downs, Edwin Dean .. ................. 84 Eastman, Harry Jerome .. ..... 99, 288, 456 Deason, Evelyn Yvonne ... 113, 142, 150, 511 . .. 520 Downs, Mari\yn Beth .... ..............114 Eastwood, Annetta Jane ...... . 99, 133, 339 Dickson, Bill E ... . . . . . . .Deathe, He\en N orwood .... 139, 237 Dickson, Edgar Hal .... . .. 52, 352, 414 Downtajn, Robert Lee . ................ 84 Eaton, David Car\ton ". ........... .... 85 Deaton, Madeleine Golden . . . . . .334 . .......42 Dozier, Eugene Joseph .................4.30 Eaton, John Parker, Jr" ..... ......114, 411 Dickson, Jamcs Fagan, Jr.. De Bardeleben, Michae\ Linda .......52, 515 Drake, Augustus Ventors Charles .. .... ..432 Ebaugh, Albert Lipscomb .......53, 288, 432 Dickson, J erry Douglas ......... ....... 144 DeBois, John Allcn ........... . .....330 .........84, 258, 418 Drakc, Floyd Richard .. ....... 84 , 259, 454 Ebel, Charles E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53, 320 Dickson, Robert Miller DeCamara, Shirley Pricilla . . . . .364 Dickson, \Vil\iam Everett ..... .........145 Drake, Francis Ann ... 114, 138, 238, 240, 391 Ebner, John Pruett " ... ........" . .." 320 Decherd, Jonathan Frank . . . . ... 288 Decherd, Virginia . . . . . . . . . .... 302 Deckert, Charles Andrcw ...........327, 357 Diehl, \Villiam H .. ............... .... .349 Drake, Peggy Joycc ........... 84, 150, 515 Eccell, Joan Trene .... " .... " .. " .. " .133 Dierschke, Marvin Alton . ..52, 304, 31 , 352 Drake, Susan Rivers ............ ...246, 385 Echo\s, Carolyn Sue ... " . " " " " ... ..394. Dietert, L\oyd Edward . . .52, 326, 341 Drapcr, Riohard D .................." .424 Echo\s, Charlene ........ ..........150, 515 DeCoster, Don Theodore . .. . ... 291 , 304 DeCoux, Frances . ." . . . . . . .... ....349 Dietz, Geral \Vayland ... . ..........84 Drawcrt, Thomas Anthony ... ..........260 Echols, Daryle Ann .. ..."" ..114, 133, 381 . .........320 Drefke, Oscar \Villiam .................324 Ecke\, John Edward, Jr" .. .............429 Dietz, Oscar Leon, Jr.. n. ." ... " " . . . . . . 17 . Dedicati Dietz, Richard Leland ......52, 291 Dreiss, Martin Thomas Jr... .......... .327 Eckert, Anne Elka ............ 99, 236, 246, Deen, Glen \Villiam ... ..... . ...... 324 ner, George Lawrence Jr" .........325 253, 339, 515 . 398 Dre.....................Dill, Nancy C\ay DeFarges, John \Varner ...... . ... 81 , 436 Dil\ard, C. \Vinston . ....................52 Drenner, Hugh Carol .... ..............324 Eckcrt, Jacob Joseph, Jr" ..............320 Dcffcbach, Donald Morris ..... . .. 113, 308 Deffebach, Mary Ethlyn ... ... . 113, 381 Dillard, Mary Susan . ..........316, 3 7, 511 Drewa, Allan Louis . ............... 53, 325 Eckhardt, Carl J " .... .... 30, 237, 300, 306 Eckhardt, Charles Frederick ........262 , 270 Dillard, M ~x Murray ........52, 325 Dreyer, Ncd Carroll . ..................342 DeFord, Jim F., Jr.. ....... . ... 341 Dillard, Sandra Ann ...... . .........386 Dreyma\a, C\arence F .............352, 424, Eckhart, James McKinley " ... ." " 300, 306 DeFord, Ronald !Gnnison ..............306 Dil\ard, Walter Maben .... . ... 323 468 , 469, 477 Eckman, Frcderick ... ...." "" .......331 DeGeurin, Richard McDowell ......267, 453 de Graffenreid, Adrian Linn, Jr...... 113, 423 Dillard, \Vil\iam Rando\ph . . ... ...99• 445 Driggs, Milly Jean ................114, 371 Economy, Richard ...... ....." .. ......458 DiUon, Patricia Sue .. ..........99, 290, 366 Dring, Susan Jean ........... .114, 138, 377 Eddlcman, Julia Neat .............330, 3 8 DeGrassi, Hossis Baxter. Jr...... 52, 289, 432 Dimitri, Lotfy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 350 Drosche, \Vayne.. " .... ...............489 Eddleman, Richard Neat........... 144, 389 De Haes, Suzanne Elizabeth . . ... 133, 378 Edds, Janice Lois .. .. . 53, 128, 141, 512, 513 Dinglc, \\1illiam Warford .. . . . . . . .. 325, 454 Drost, David William ..... .............308 13 , 261 , 431 . ..........Dehlinger, Jerry Paul Dehnisch, Sharon Beth .....81 , 237, 298, 400 52, 352, 406 Drury, Neil Lewis . ............428, 506, 507 Eddy, James R " .......... ............ 32 Dingler, Denson Powell ........ . . .467 Drury, Patsy Anne ......... ...114, 344, 385 Eddy, Ronald Eugene, Jr..266, 282, 323, 443 DiNino, Carmen . .............. DeKunder, Joe Henry . . . . . . . . . ...... 81 de la Garza, Angelina ....... . ......334 de la Garza, Estela .................... 140 de la Garza, Richard Fcrdioand, Jr...... 113 Delaney, Albert Lindsay, Jr" ...........282 Delaney, Carole Jean . . .. 52, 334, 351, 378 Delaney, James Ross ......... 113, 261 , 415 Delaney, Ne\wyn lrene ..... 81 , 128, 141 , 299 Delaney, Patsy Dane ...............98, 387 De\aney, RandaU Gordon .......... 332, 334 De\aney, Robert Edward . . . .........422 De La Rosa, Ernesto . . . ..... 263, 270 de la Rosa, H. Jerry . ..................327 DeLeon, Jo Ann 334, 336, 386 ,332 .;., 24,84 ." DeLeon, Raymond Sebasti•n . . .... 52 Delk, Mildred Rutb ...................372 De/.ta Chi ........... . ..........412-41 3 De/ta Delta Delta . . . . . ......378-379 Delta Gamma ... . . . . . . .380-381 414-415..n ./ Delta Kappa Epsi Della Phi Epsilon . . .. . . ...... ..383-384 Delta Sigma Pi .. . .......318 Del:a Sigma Phi . ..................416-417 Della Tau Delta . . . . .418-419 420-421........•............n . Delta Upsil DiNino, Vincent Rairden ..... ..........344 Disch, E\izabeth Anne.. ...113, 238, 377, 515 Dishman, Harry Charles, Jr. .... 42, 422, 423 Dishongh, Don Dean . . . . . . . .....99 Dishongh, Patricia Ann . . . . .. 107 Dittert, Judge J. Lee ...... . ..... ..37 Dittman, C\arence \Villiam . . .....344 Dittmar, David Norman .......... .272, 338 Ditto, Michael Mayo .. .....52, 288, 444, 445 Dixon, Barbara Ann ......... ......392, 393 Dixon, E. Anne . . . . . . . . . . . .....335 Dixon, J. Burt, Jr." .. . . .. . .... 439 Dixon, K. Irene . . . . . . . . . . . ......." .298 Dixon, Mclvin Richard .............. ....52 Djao, Er Hung...... ..................301 Doak, June Caro\yn .. ......99, 132, 245, 387 Dobbs, Wil\iam H .................418, 517 Dobie, Dudley Richard, Jr...... 84, 242, 282, 323 Dobler, Frank .. .... " ............. " .327 Dodd, James David ...................320 Dodds, Kenneth Brien . . ... .....318 Dodgen, Beverly Jean .. ...........245, 390 Dodrill, \Villiam Lee """ " ... .. ... . " 113 Dodson, Anne Lorraine .... ............113 Drushel, \Villiam Haley ........313, 446, 447 Dryden, Anne Stuart.... .. ............394 Dube, \Valter .. . ....... " . .338 DuBois, Charlotte Estelle . . ..... ..302, 364 Duckett, J o Ann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Dudgeon, Elizabeth Ann .. .330, 351, 394, 395 Dudley, Bobby Gcorge " . ......... .....292 Dudlcy, James Hudson 99, 236, 246, 274 , 355 Duesterhoeft, \Villiam Cbarles, Jr" .. 293, 306 Duff, Catherine Elaine " .. ............. 53 Duff, Joanne Gallup ............... ....152 Duke, Anne Bolin .... " ......... .. 333, 364 Duke, Martha Anne .. .............114, 138 Dunagan, Otis Theodore, Jr...... ....... 53 Dunagan, \Valter Benton . ..............253 Dunaway, James Erwin ....... .....114, 411 DunawayJerry Clarence . ..... 53, 242, 306 Dunbar, 6arland ... " "" ... "" . .....520 Duncalf, Frederic ............. " ....... 430 Duncan, Cynthia ..... . .. .... . 99, 246, 377 Duncan, Herschel Mills , 111............425 Duncan, Jackie Ann ...............136, 374 Duncan, J ohn Danicl .. ........." " " . 84 Dunham, James Marion .. .. •.. . ... .. . ..428 Dunham, Tom . ...•.........." " .. " .236 Edleman, Arla Faye .............. . 53, 396 FAen, Catherine C\ark ...... ...........374 Edens, Francys Doryne ... " " ..... 114, 373 Edens, Rodcrick Tarleton ...... ........418 Edgar, David Ge11e ... ........ 99, 308, 518 Edgar, Judy Morris ...... .........114, 131 Edgar, Kenneth Ray ... ... 53, 296, 308, 521 Edgar, Mary Patricia .. . . . . . . . . 53, 152, 299 Edgar, Sarah Elizabeth (SaUy) ..........364 Edgerton, George Gunter .. " .. 114, 262, 435 Edgerton, Robert G .. " ...... ." " . ....325 Edmiston, Cbarles Lanier, Jr" ..........4.51 Edmiston~John Robert ........ 53, 341, 357 Edmond, Lester Loyd, Jr" .....247, 254, 292 Edmundson, Lida. Lacy " .... .. 85, 351, 394 1illiam Leonard , 111..•....466 .\ ,Edmundson Edrington, Thomas Sydney ..... ........324 Edson, Sharon Lee ............ 135, 334, 399 Edwards, Arthur James . . .. ... .........292 Edwards, Cbarles AUen, Jr""""..306, 323 Edwards, Cbloe ". ." "" "" . .." 85, 330 Edwards, Don C\ayton "" . " .. .".""236 Edwards, Donald Scott ........... . .... 114 Edwards, Eleanor Kathleen ........114, 399 Edwards, James Percival , 111" .....114, 260 Page 532 Only a commercial bank can give you complete financial service and counsel. AUSTIN CLEARING HOUSE ASSOCIATION M!MBERS r.D.1.C. ----~-­ ·------. Na.ru Pagea Edwards, John Cbarles, Jr............ .. 331 Edwards, Jobn \\1ard ............ . ... . .323 Edwards, Margaret An.ne...... .........378 Edwards, RoberQE " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 , 402 Edwards, Robert Sammie....... .......282 Edwards, Victoria . .............." 5, 131 Edwards, \Villiam Osband, Jr."322, 357 , 416, 417 Edwards, \\"illiam Rowan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Efron, Barbara Lynn ........ " . .......397 Efron, Myra Sue ... ...............114, 369 Egas, Oswaldo Anibal .. . . . . . •. . . . . . . . . . 53 Eggleston, Carroll Lec ............. 85, 517 Euleston, Phillip Frank .... .......114, 517 Eliiim, \Villiam Carl ..... ..... " .......4 9 Ebl, Bob Allen.......... .... ..........469 Eblers, Marcia Annc .... ... . " .....•... 53 Ebman, \Villiam Carl ....... , ..........431 Ehrig, B yron Ed ward ...... . . ..........323 Ebrle, Frank Lawrence..... .......... ..114 Eichenbaum, Harold, Jr....... .....267, 440 Eicbbolz, Ellen Brodie.......... ...396, 400 Eicblcr, Jane Elizabeth . ....... 53 , 35 , 366 Eicbman Marie Josephine (Jo) 99, 250, 290, ,. 307, 310, 392 Eikenburg, John Joseph ............ 99, 432 Eilskov, Nadine Adell . .................335 Einborn, Janice Dale..............114, 369 Eisaman, \Vayne Daniel .... ............417 Eisemann, Charles \\'arren . ............30 Eitclman, Joyce Yvonne...........290 , 33 Ekblad, Barbara Kay . .................376 El-Abmadiyyah, Ali S. Alman .. ....237, 350 Elam, John Madison . ..................2 4 Elam, Jobn Pope, 111 . . .. . . . ....... 99 , 336 Elder, Joan Louise........ 114, 13 , 23 , 399 Eldcr, Marvin Neel... . . . . .............424 Eldin, Fakbr.................... ......350 Eley, James Henry, Jr.. ...........114, 238 Elhag Ali, Mostafa K. Mobamed ... . 42, 350 Eliot, An.n ".". . .. .... . . 12 , 134, 316, 400 Eliot, Geor ~e \Vasbington, Jr.......... . .432 et Ann ..... ................398 . HarrEliot, Elk.is, Robert Lester..............262, 463 Ellebracht, James Floyd ........... 53 , 325 Elledge, Jesse Lawrence ..... ... 42, 2 2, 296 Elledge, Kate........ .... .............394 Eller, James Murray ......... .....259, 430 Ellerkamp, Patricia Anne . .........246, 375 Ellett, Robert Leonard ........... . . .. .. 432 Ellinger, Diane Elizabeth . .........114, 3 9 Ell.iger, Margaret (Mickey ) ....237, 290, 340 Elliott, Acia Lee.. ............ 114, 134, 391 Elliott, Alma Ann ..... ............114, 3 1 Elliot, Cbarla Jean . ...............274, 376 Elliott, Donald Millard . ...............292 Elliot;_ Stephen Clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53, 426 Ellis, vlara Faye ... ...... 99, 345, 347, 375 Ellis, Donald Allan .... ........ ........461 Ellis, Lynn Gail . ............. 53, 355, 364 Ellison, Austin McFarland ..........53, 432 .Ellison, Mary Clementine . .114, 245, 399, 511 Ellison, Raymond Hermanlee..... ..114, 445 Elmore, Janct Lucy ....... 85, 236, 386, 3 7 Elsass, J, Frank ......... ..............356 Elston, Jay Wray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 443 Ely, Sally Jean .... ...... " ....... 99, 398 Ely, \Villiam Raleigb ....... " .... . .."414 Embry, Ernest Alexander ..............499 Embry, Pete .... " ....................504 Emerson, Allan Richard ... ............ .327 145, 320............ . Buford LynEmerson, Emerson, Etbel Maxine . ............... 99 Emerson, Sally Joanne . ..... . . 169, 240 , 309, 310, 316 , 378 Emery, Ricbard \Vestbrook . ....... 85, 406 Emery, Robert Lewis. .............114, 407 Emery, Wynncll ... .. ..... . ..... . . 99, 380 Emmett, Jobn, Jr....... ........... 114, 443 Emmons, Homer Tberyle ...... .........146 Emrich, \Vayne Scott . ...... ..... ......273 Ender l ,i. Roy Reinhard .... . . . .....499, 503 Enen, Jack, Jr.........................446 Engel, Emily Jo Flacbmeier ........ 53, 372 Engel, Lars Norlick (Mrs ). .. ...........246 Engclberg, Samuel Abrum ..............457 Engelking, J o A ". . .. . ...........53, 390 ... Engle, Morris Jay .......... ...245, 261, 441 Englisb, Kenneth Eugene .... . . .". . . 90, 430 Engram, Bryan Holton ... " . . . . .. . .. . ..139 Enloe, Samuel Jewett.. ........ ........437 Enmon, IV. C...•.............• •... " .460 260................. . Enochs, Edgar Hill, l Enochs, Rex N elson . ... . ..............272 Enos, Robert \\'iofield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Enri ~ue, Macial M .. ............ .......327 Enqus.t, Burton Reinhold ...... 114, 356, 490 E nquist, Judy Annc . . ....... . ..... 135, 338 Eplen Juditb Lynn........ ....135, 307 , 394 E ppes, Bill Gorton .. . .. . ... . ........ " 306 Epprigbt, Margaret Anne .. ............237 Epprijtbt, Nancy Claire ............ 99, 390 a Lee......... ..114, 314, 397n, Sandr. te.JSE Ergle, Mary Lou . .... ........... . .128, 138 Erhardt, John Antbony........... .349, 514 Erickson, Cbarles Curry ................402 Ericson, Milicent May .... 114, 132 , 159, 373 Ernst, Robert Clinton . ........114, 261, 411 Ernst, Robert David . .... ..... 85, 436 , 437 Erskine, Mary Louise..... ......... 99, 376 Erskine, Stanl•y M.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Erw,i. Carroll Gene.......... . 85, 261 , 284 Erwin, George Thomas .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Erwin, Jerry Dale .......... ...... ..... 85 Erwin, Terry \Vaters ......... ......" . .323 Erwin, Tbomas Dale ......... .308 , 326, 354 Eschenburg, Martha Jane .. .... 85, 249, 376 Eschle, Johnny Pbillip ............. 114, 498 Escude, Marceline Jane......... .......114 Espey, Jameo Lee .................114, 411 Eepey, \Villiam Howard, Jr.. . ..........267 Name Page& Esquivel, Sandra . . . . . . . . . 54, 159, 232, 240, 309, 329, 355, 38 • 389 Esse, Carol Dean . ......." . . . . . . . . 85, 364 Esterling, Roger Edward ...............443 228, 237, 239, 313...... . Estes, Carl Lewis, l Estes, J ack E " . " ..... . " . .... " . 253, 336 Estes, James Eugene. .....292, 304, 318 , 352 Estes, \\"illiam Cbapman .. 54, 237 , 422 , 423, 464 Estess, Bertbold Henry . . . . . . . . . . . . 54, 414 Estill, Joseph Jefferson, Jr " ....327, 434 , 435 Estrada, John Joe .....................288 Eta Kappa Nu . ..................... .293 Etberidge, Lura Lyn .........114, 334 , 391 . Etier, A. Faborn . ............. ....... .299 Etter, \Vayne Edward ... ......458, 459, 464 Eubanks, lsaac Dwa.ie. . . . . . . . 85, 323, 420 Euffstetler, Dave.. . .. . .... . . . ... .. ... .253 Evans, George \Vilbur . . .. . .... . .... . ..303 Evans, James Allen .... .......114, 238 , 409 Evans, J ames .Edward .. . ...... . ...... .320 Evans, James Graff, Lieutenant Commander ........................265 Evans, Jobn Riley, Ill.. ..... ...... ... .253 Evans, Robert Travis. ................. 85 Evans, D. Suzanne. ..... ...... 99, 131 , 336 Evans, Tbomas Robert.... ...... .......254 Evans, Troy Lemoine.. .... ..... ...... .114 Evans, \Villiam Mitcbel .. .............. 54 Evans, \Villiam Tbomas.. ..............324 Eveland, \Villiam Albert .......... .....292 Everitt, Virginia Ann . .. . ... . .. . . " ... . 137 Eversberg, Jon Russ...... .........236 , 428 Everson, Charles Slawson. . . . . . 99, 359, 411 Ewing, Charles David .. ...........418, 517 Ewing, Dalton Ford ............ .......44 7 Ewing, Judith Marie ........ ...........376 Exley, James Josepb•...•........ ......452 Ez-Student•' A&aociation . ............... 38 Ezard, Judith Carolynn ......•.........137 Ezell, Ellen McAngua ........ . . ........290 Ezer, Sylvia Lee. ............ ........ . 54 F Fabours, Margaret Ellen ............ ...133 Fagan, Katheryn........ ...........54, 374 Fahey, Linda Gayle ... ........114, 137, 334 Fahey, Robert John .. .................336 Fahrenthold, Harvey Keith .....85, 267, 444 Fahrenthold, Paul David ........... 139, 444 Faidi, Cherif .... . ... . .. . ... . ... . . . ....237 Fail, Betty Jane .. ... " ........99, 390, 515 Fainter, John \Vells, Jr" . ..............446 Fair, \Villiam \Vren . . ... " ...... . .... . . 406 Fairbairn, Grady L•. . ........ . ........318 Fairey, Marian Lynette.............99, 386 Fairley, Toni . . . " ..... . .. " .......85, 376 Faist, Norman Pbillip..................325 Fakbouri, Zouhair R. ................ " 350 Fakbreldin, Mobamed Galal .........85, 350 Falardeau, Linda Marie ............ 137, 349 Falconer1 David Ross......... ..........54 nda" " " . .515 . LFaley, . ........... ...... Falk, Bibb A" ............ . ........ . ..499 Falk, Rosc Margaret . .............3 2, 383 Falkstein, Fraok B" .. " .......... " " .44 Falls, Robert Clayton ......... .85, 274, 312 Fambrough, Dorothy Jean .. ...... .114, 385 Fambrougb, Guy Crain ... ......54, 257, 460 Fancber George Homer ...282, 396, 432, 452 Fanett, Mary Blancbe. .. .. . . . . . ..... . . 245 Fann, Sara Eileen .. .... " ......... " " 114 Fannin, Norma . .." .. ............114, 371 Fantini, Albino Edward ............. ....42 Faour, Daniel John .. ...................85 Faranisb, Zahi Hanna.. " ..... .........349 Farell, Charlea Lee....... .....293, 306, 324 Farentbold, George Randolph ......114, 451 Farenthold, Paul David .......... .. ... .323 Fargobtein, Elka . .........99, 290, 3 2, 400 Farley, ArtJohn . .................." .414 Farley, James Lawrence.. ........ .. 114, 344 Farley, Mrs. Ramsey .. ............" " 265 Farley, Ramsey \Vayne . .......... . 282, 323 Farmer, Carol McKie ............. . 114, 290 Farmer, Master Sergeant James Willie . ..256 Farmer, Martha Posey .. . . 114, 238, 316, 377 Farqubar, James Kyle ......... ... . 114, 271 Farqubar, Joan Carolyn....54, 220, 240, 244, 245, 246 , 295, 309, 329, 380 Farquhar, Nancy Elizabeth .. ..114, 131, 238, 381 Farrar, Doris .. " . . ....... . . . ...... " .333 Farrar, Lloyd Pbillip.. .................356 Farris, Glen \Voody . ..........114, 517, 520 Farris, Ronald Mac........... ....273, 297 Farson, Leonard Stepben... ............114 Faske, Anna Marie.. ......... .....338, 358 Faulk, Laura Elizabeth Bettye. .........292 Faulkner, Gene Lloyd . ... .... ...... .....54 Fauat, \Villiam Reid............ ....54, 357 Fauat, Jerra Jo .. ............... ...99, 151 Fauat, Nancy Sue. " . .. ....99, 137, 290, 316 Feature& ... .... ..........•....... . 187-232 Feazell, \Villiam Sberman ...... 114, 273, 433 Feferman, Donald Mark ...........259, 449 Febmer, Marie Frieda ..... 114, 140, 349, 385 Feild, Eugene Gray. ................99, 444 Fein, Edward Kalb.................99, 456 Feiner, Linmor Benney ..... ... .... .99, 449 Felder, Dell". . .................." .. .298 Felder, Jean Barrillon ..........54, 135, 398 Felder, Marilu Joy . .... ............85, 391 Feldman, Gayle Elizabetb . ..... ....... .383 Feldt, John Harrell .......425, 480, 520, 521 Felt, Patsy Ruth .. .............54, 364, 400 Felt, RbondaJo . ............" . ..114, 397 Felux, Marvin Benedict ................ 114 Fenias, Jill Sue...............336, 396, 397 Fen.nell, Rose Lynn .. " ......... ........54 Page Name Paoe• Fenner, Donald Glenn ............ . .. . .238 Fenwick, Mary Kathryn . ......•.......374 Fenwick, \Villiam B..........." "... ...54 Fenzl, Audrey M ... .. ... .. . . .. . .......302 Ferguacn, Billie Jo. ... .. . .. .. ..........370 Ferguacn, Carole Gene...... ...128, 138, 364 Ferguacn, Charles \Varren ". . ...99, 326, 406 Ferguacn, Etelka Schmidt .. ............291 Ferguacn, Harry Don ............ . . . . . .515 Ferguacn, Harry \V. . . ................. . 37 Ferguson, James \Valter.. ..............325 Ferguson, John Robert ...... .... ...... .505 Ferguson, Juditb Ann .... . . .. .. . . .. 135, 374 Ferguson, Kaye .... .......... .........336 Ferguson, Meredith .. .........114, 237, 391 Ferguaon, Nancy Elizabetb ......... ....388 Ferguacn, Pbil Moss ...............306, 357 Jr........ ...54 ,.. Ferguson, Raymond Dalto Ferguson, Ricbard Wayne .. .....54, 241, 318 Ferguson, Robert Ted, Jr.............. .143 Ferguacn, Searcy Monroe...... .........414 Ferguson, Stanley Burnett.. ....85, 318, 434 Fernandez, David Osear .. ...............85 Fernandez, Hector Paulino . ............114 Fernandez, Raynaldo . .................323 Ferrell, Gwendolyn .. ...............54, 364 Ferrell, Jack Earl..........54, 259, 410, 411 Ferrell, Ralph Tillman . .........85, 282, 323 Ferrier, Ted Lawrence ..............37, 430 Ferrill, T. Craig ... ... ..............54, 288 Ferris, Glen \Voody ....... " .......... .453 Ferris, Mary Bolling... ............114, 377 Fcrronc, Bennie A..• ...... . ..... . .. . . . 282 Feuille, Frank Emanuel .. .. ....114, 420, 421 Ficker William Eugene... .... . ..... . .306 ._ Field, vcirdre Damaris .. ...........99, 395 Field, Eugene Gray , 11. ................288 Field, Janie Grace.. ...............114, 319 Field, Thomas Phillips, Jr... ....85, 289, 432 Fielder, Darwin Lockard, Jr. ....... 114, 429 Fielder, Virginia .................. 167, 3 8 Fielder, \Villiam Cook .85, 220, 236, 294, 315, 355 , 422 Fielding, Nancy ... . " .54, 12 , 129, 512, 515 Fields, Fredric Earwood .. .......... 114, 431 Fields, Linda Lee ....... ...99, 12 , 134, 390 Fiferman, Donald Mark ..... ........... 114 Fikee, Charles Tbomas . ....... .........324 Filleman, Charles ...... .......54, 304, 352 Fillmore, Lynell... .................85, 398 Fin, Neiland Haskell .. ....... . . ... ... .. 283 Fincb, Donald Ray . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 139, 415 Finch, Ray N. ..................." . ..323 Fincb, Stanley Phister ... ..............450 Fincher, Donald Franklin ...54• 2 , 468, 469 Fine, Carole Ann . .........99, 316, 382, 383 Fine, Sylvia Semon .............. . .382, 383 Fincgan, Ann Therese ....... ..114, 134, 367 Finegan, Robert Joseph ........... .....262 Finegold, Judith Helen ............ . 114, 383 Finger, Joseph Michael ......... ....85, 146 Finger, Ronald J .. ....85, 267, 2 9, 315, 440, 441. 464 Fink, Lowell Stephen...... .85, 245, 440, 441 Finks, Julia Young ................... .390 Finneburgh, Paula Pearl ................99 Finsterwald, Jane Anita ......... . . .114, 379 Fisbeck, Betty .... . ............. . .....512 Fiscber, Herbert Jamea ............242, 327 Fischer, Marianne ....... ..............142 Fischer, Martba Houghton .99, 133, 236, 245, 367 Fischer, Micbael Christian .... .... . 114, 297 Fischman, Lawrence . ............236, 405 Fish, Barbara Ann ........... .307, 3 2, 513 Fisher, Carol Louise .. . ......... . . . .85, 391 Fisher, Cecil \Voodrow, Jr........ . .. " " 462 Fisher, Joe J.• ...... " . ... ..... . . .... .415 Fisher, Judith Christine .. ...... .85, 332, 364 Fisher, Luke C., Jr.. ...........54, 257, 311 Fisher, Patricia Joan .......... 114, 134, 365 Fisher, Richard Bradley....54, 270, 272, 311, 315, 408, 409 Fisher, Rick Peter . ....................434 Fisher, Susan Faith . ..........114, 134, 379 Fisher, \Vilda Ruth . "... ...........54, 342 Fisbkin, Robert E" ...............322, 357 Fitch, John Tbomas... .....85, 28 , 422, 423 85................ ... ,Wi\liamJohnFitch, Fitts, George .. . ......................469 Fitzgerald, Billy \Vilson . ........... .....54 Fitzgerald, Jane Ann .. . .. . ....377, 513, 515 Fitzgerald, Henry Lowell.. .............323 Fitzgerald, J. Anderson ..... ...289, 292, 304 Fiveasb, Ramon Alton .................406 Fizdale, Richard G uy .. ....... .........405 Flac.beier, Donald John................99 Flaitz, Marilyn Minnette . ......85, 388, 400 Flannery, John Oite, Jr.....54, 325, 410, 411 Flannery, Richard Edward ... ......114, 349 Flatbouse, Virlril Edmond ... .......... . .54 Flato, Edwin Franklin, 111 ..........85, 446 Flato, Sbelley Blount ..................391 Flechtner, Priscilla . ........ . ..........339 Fleming, Carol Ann . ..........114, 138 , 345 Fleming, Deliab Ann ... ...... ......85, 376 Fleming, J11dy Lee . . . . . .. .. ....... 114, 379 Fleming, Patricia Jea .................290 . Fleming, Wi\liam H....................352 Fletcher, Claudia Lynne ... ........351, 398 Fletcher, Donald Neal ...... ....... ... .323 Fletcher, Edward Garland .... ....... . . .406 Fletcher, Jane Stearns ............... ..114 Fletcber, J esse ........................328 Fletcher, Martha Roberta...99, 131 , 333, 515 Flinn, Edward Lyle ......... ......324, 349 Flinn, Ellen Jean ........... ..... ..... .114 Flinn, Dean Helen Margaret. ...39, 237, 309, 329, 290 Flinn, Ellen Jean .... . . . .. . .. " ....23 , 245 Flint, Edwin Maurice.. •...............353 534 Name PIJ/Je& Flocke, Alfred E.. .................." .304 Flor, Marlene Ruth . ......•..•......" . 133 Florence, James Buck . .................458 Flores, Adelardo.. .....................258 Flores, Adolph Cardona.. ..........143, 308 Flores, J esua J ose .... ..................323 Flores, Richard Patino ............... .. .54 Flores, Sylvia Emilia.. ..............." 151 Flores, Virginia Lec . ..........152, 511, 512 Floros, John C" . ... " ... .... . ..... . " 323 Flournoy, Mary Frances . ..............298 Flowers, Walter E " .. . ....... . . ...352, 402 Floyd, \Villiam Norman, Jr.. ....... 114, 238, 333, 427 Flynn, Thercsa Elizabeth . . .99, 310, 336, 399 Focht, John Arnold . ...................306 Focke, Margaret Jeanne . ..........298, 384 Focrster, George F.. .•......... .... 139, 286 Foester, Martin James .......... . ... . ..352 Fogerson, Pete Edgar.. .............85, 462 Fogle, Jimmy Lynn .... ................288 Fogle, Lon.nie . ...... . .................522 ,Thomas James...... ..352, 424, 520tik, . Fo 521, 523 Foley, Charles Lewis . .... ....... ..... " 434 Folkes, James Richard .. ............85, 444 Folks, \Valter Allen . ...............114, 262 Follis, Robert Rodney ... ...........•..274 Follmer, Cy B., Jr" ..... . . . " ."" " " 331 Fonarow, Robert Alan ........ .....114, 449 Fondren, Bobby Lee .. . ....... .. . .. .. . .305 Fondren, \Valter \Villiam, lll....... ....430 Fontana, Joseph Charles ........ ...300, 304 Fontno, Lewis ... .....................522 Fonville, Sandra .... . .. ................290 Foooe, Jerry Gene... ...........54, 327, 402 Foote, Brenda Ann .. ...............99, 515 Foote, Richard \Villiam ... .............437 Forbrich, Carl Alexander . ... . . .99, 272, 341, 410, 523 Ford, Cbarles Robert .. ................323 Ford, Dr. Hamilton . . . ... ... ........ .. .37 Ford, David Lynn ... ........ .114, 238, 451 Ford, Dennie B ..." " .. ...............291 Ford, Den Duane... ...........54, 260, 414 Ford, Evangeline (Sissy) .... 5, 330, 394, 512 Ford, Faith . ..... . . . ... . . 115, 395, 515, 290 Ford, Herman Carroll . ............... . .352 Ford, Lorenso. ........................275 Ford, \Vi\liam Brooks. .................115 Fore, \Villiam David .. .........99, 272, 343 Foreman, John G., Jr.• ... .. ........ . . . 291 Foreman, Nell Ray.... .... .... .... 136, 379 Forester, Roeemary Virginia .... .. . .. 85, 366 Foretich, Juliua Paul... ................272 Forgy, John Dee .... ..........115, 267, 427 Forman, Nancy Rice .. .........99, 351, 3 8 Forney, Scott William... .......85, 323, 450 Forrest, Larry Cbarles . ................324 Forrester, Terry Norman .... ........54, 402 Forsman, John Malcolm . ........." " .462 Forsyth, James Robert .. . ..............352 Fortenberry, Ricbard, Jr................331 Fortescue, Emily Pbillips.. ........ .245, 376 lI......... ." 430 . , Fortney, \Valter Scott " Foster, Barbara Anne......54, 237, 351, 386 Foster, Diana Lynne...... 115, 134, 379, 511 Foster, Joe Erv.i ................." ...320 Foster, Marjorie An.ne .. ........85, 236, 398 Foster, Mary Helen .. .........115, 138, 336 Foster, Maydelle Vaughn . . .....85, 246, 395 Foster, Robert Estill . . . ....99, 235, 344, 356 Foster, Sarah Rebekah .....99, 135, 246, 366 Foster, ~lvia .. ..............115, 236, 238 Foster, irginia Ligon ... .. . . ......115, 367 Fouad, Mahmoud Hassan . ..........42, 350 Foust, Thetis LaRue ... .... ........99, 374 Fowler, Bradley Alliso11 . ...............430 Fowler, David \Vayne...... 5, 242, 322, 357 Fowler, Delores Jo ................ 115, 132 Fowler, Dorothy Macksyne........ ..... 152 Fowler, Elton Doyle .... . .......... 144, 323 Fowler, Jimmy Jack ..... . . . . . .. ... 115, 271 Fowler, Patrioia.... .................. .349 Fowler, Wallace Thomas......... ...85, 518 Fowler, \Villiam Dodd . .. . .....54, 323 Fowler, \Villiam Joseph .....55, 324, 349, 438 Fox, Alan J .. . .. "" ....... .... . . ..85, 416 Fox, Albert Louis ... ..............273, 324 Fox, Major Donald A. ....•........256, 311 Fox, Gerry Lee . . ... . ..... . " ........ ..341 Fox, Jean .. ." ... .................99, 133 Fox, Philip Jay ........•............ ..331 Fox, Phyliss Ann ........... ........99, 367 Fox, William Gilbert. ..................271 Foxwortb, Jobn Payne ..... ............429 Foxwortb, \Valter Lenoir , !!............428 Foy, Jimmie McBratney . . .. . ...... . ...308 Foy, N ancy, Carolyn . . .....85, 302, 332, 394 Foyt, Charlee Bernard . .. . ......... 115, 443 Frak.ich, Marion Lawrence, Jr......... ...55 France, Patsy Jo .. ....................378 Francis, Robert Jamee . ................344 Francis, Vivian Lavata.. ...............150 Frank, Andrew W asko . . . .. . .. ...... . .. 236 Frank, Ernest Willare, Jr............99, 451 Frank, Eui. Emmerson .................55 Frank, Felicity Hill .. . ...... . .. 55, 238, 386 Frank, Linda Ruth . . .... .... ....... . .. 152 Frank, Victoria Elizabeth ... ... 115, 236, 3 7 Franke, Erwin, Jr.. . ... ......... . ..284, 301 Frankfurt, Phyllis llene.... 115, 134, 245, 369 Franklin, Albert George... ....... ......454 Franklin, Carol Jean. ... ....... 115, 238, 377 Franklin, David Lee. ..................344 Fra,nkli. Dr. \V. B. ...................323 Franklin, \Villiam Richard .. ......... . ..480 Franks, Charlynn . .. ...... 134 , 236, 238, 365 Franks, Cberie Glynn ... ............55, 364 Franks, James Mart.i . ....... ,, ....55, 440 llene" . .." ... ......." .369ks, Suaan . Fra These two student stores-the University Co-op and The Toggery have now been combined to serve the growing demands of The University of Texas oi11ers11f ro-up G-~a. 63 years of continued Service to the students of The University of Texas .------------ ·11111111jlll88~~lll/l!llll-----." j · . .: ~ . 1 8M ~~-~5 ~&• COOKING • REFRIGERATION • AIR CONDITIONING 1 HEA TING • CLOTHES DRYING • W A TER HEA TING . . OUTDOOR LIGHTING • INCINERATION SOUTHERN UNION GAS COMPANV Poge 535 . ----~--------' ll'am• Pagt& d ... .............357 . ourtla Frankson, A. C Frantz, Jne Bertram . ..........237, 247, 303 Franzen, Franres Katherine ....99 , 339, 384, 511, 512 Franze, Lonny Slaton ........ ..........336 Frazier, Ceeile Ann .. .....115, 134 , 334, 387 Frazier, James B" Jr" .. .. .............300 Frazier, Mary Margaret ...... .254, 398, 307 Fruier, \Veston Oren . .............453, 517 15, 437.. J ......!!k, . Henry Fra ,. Fredema ett....... ...85, 144 . Sam BurFrederickson, Freel, Patricia Brooks..... .... 11 ,& 136, 391 443................. . MiJto . Freeland, Joh Freeman, Barbara Sue .... . . . . .........135 Freeman, Carol Ann ............99, 335, 386 Freeman, Hubert \Vhittaker ........ 115, 411 Freeman, Juanda June .. ............... 137 Freema Marguerite .. ................254 , . Freeman, Mary Lou . " " . " . " .. " " " .55 Freeman, Paul Caven . ....... . .. ..99 Freeman, Paul Swift. . . . . . . .353 115................ . Freeman, Sue Caro Fr~ia, Don Mitehell . ... . ....... 144 Fre1d, Gerald Aurhur ... ......... ..... .449 French, Carolyn ..... " " " " . " " .99, 367 French, Judy Kay " ... ..." " . ....." .133 French, Lynn Isabelle .......... . . . .85, 374 French, Nancy Ruth ...............85, 374 Fre1hmen . . . .. ..... . ............. . 109-1 26 Freudenberg, Master Sergeant Erwin \Valter " " " " " .. " " " .""269 Freytag, \Vallaee. " ................. . .521 Fraira.. ... ............ ......... ..... .294 Frick, Alvin E., Jr" ........... . ...430, 521 Fricke, Michael Moorman .... . . . . . . . . ..410 Friday, V ernon \Varre .............. . .25 . Fridge, Ernest Marion .. . .... .... .. .. ...85 ce A " ......... ........449 . en, Lawre Fried336...............ore Sandra . Friedman, Le Friedmann, Robert Joseph .. . .. 115, 274, 439 Friedrich, Elmer Lee"."....." ....55, 352 Friend, Llerena Beaufort, .... ......296, 364 Friend, \V esley Carol .... ..............366 Frierson, John Edward .... . . . ...55, 320, 420 Frierson, William Donald . . .....85, 320, 420 Friesen, Eugene Keith .. ...............291 Fritsche, Beulah " " .. .................338 Fritts, Bill Edward . ...................454 Frizzell, Terral Joseph . ............ 115, 2 3 Fre.lieh, \Veldon \Vayne .. "" . 115, 297, 320 Fromen, Vincent T" Jr" ......... ......348 Frosch, Carol Diane . ... " .. " " .. " . " 368 Frosch, Charles Harrison .... .. . .....99, 324 Frost, Jimmy Jack " ". ............. ...31 Frost, Edith An ......... . . . . . .. 99, 137 "e . Fruhman, Barton LeRoy .. .....246, 260, 441 Fruia, Frank John . . ... . ...... 115, 443, 514 Fry, Michael Scott ........99, 236, 23 , 245• 267, 315, 422 Fry, Nancy " ........ .................133 Fry, Seitle George, III .........313, 452, 522 Fuchs, Malcolm Jean .. ................344 Fuchs, Richard . " .. " " .. ." . " " " " .282 Fuentes, Jose Eliud ..... ." . " .....85, 320 Fulbright, Larry Allan ... ......267, 314, 410 Fulcher, Clay \Vayland ................432 Fullen, Stanley R . ........... . .99, 274, 352 Fuller, Carolyn Crai ~... ...........115, 246 Fuller, Charles Curt1s......... .........426 Fuller, J. R." """.""""" """ .324 Fuller, Jaek \V" . " .. "" .. "" """ .349 Fuller, Jeanne "." ....................366 Fuller, Joseph Anthony (Tony ) .. 85, 246, 409 Fuller, Sandy Faith ...........245, 246, 376 Fullingim, Patricia Bernazy .........99, 395 Fullingim, \Villiam Embry ......55, 263, 430 Fulmer, Charlotte Ann ............. .55, 378 395,115.............Wren . Fulton, Carme Fulton, George Ricbard, Jr" . ..323, 353, 454 Fulton, Micheal Morrison .. ............423 Fulton, \Villiam Ra . ...322, 357 .......... . ~'ullwood, Wendell Stuart .... ..........292 Funk, Billye Rae..........55, 298, 364, 309 Funk, Joseph Ebner .........37, 99, 330, 430 Funk, Jobn ..... " .. " " . 115, 238, 341 , 409 Fuqua, V. C" ........ " ..... .....336, 427 Furche, Horace Edwin . . ...............515 Furgerson, Charles (Buddy ) ... ..... ....483 Furgerson, Charles Edwin .... ...., .... ..85 Furman, John Richard , !/! .. ...........406 Furman, Mary Mciver ..... . . ..... 133, 389 e.............99, 266, 3 6eaux, Suzann. Fur Fnrrh, Jack Felton, Jr. .... 115, 260, 353, 437 429,99.............".Eubank . Furrh, Joh Furrh, \Villiam Madison ................429 Furse, Glenda Gayle " ................. 132 Fuson, Carol ... ." .. " . " ... ." " .55, 378 Fussell, John D "" ... ...."" ." .. " ..291 G Gabert, Sylvia Ruth ........... . ... 55, 152 Gadalla, Mohamed ..... " ..... "." ...350 Gaedcke, Gilbert Dewey .... ...........430 Gaffney, Barbara Kae . . .. . ........336, 515 Gaffney, James Joseph ... ..............352 Gaffney, James Lloyd ......... 55, 323 , 438 Gafford, Burns N ewman ...........293, 306 Gafford, Daniel Shelton . . . . . . . . 85. 261, 442 Gage, Gerald David ........... . ... 115, 445 Gage, Larry Jay "." . .................303 Gage, \l'illiam Je., Jr" .......... .. ....261 Ga1do, Michael James"" . .............418 Gainea, F. Edwene .................... 99 Gaines, George Edward . ." 85, 336, 412, 413 Gaines, John Will . ....." " " "" " .. .236 Gaines, Robert Shaw ..............236, 263 Gainey, James Mich " 1............ 99, 236 Gainey, John Michael, IJI ..............308 Gain•y, Hollis Hobson . ............492, 497 e Maxine ... ...115, 136 , 238 , 383 . Gaitz, Dia Nam< Paot1 Gajdos, Grace Elayne ..."" . 115, 138 Galbreath, Bobby Frederick ............ 85 Galeener, Janet Lyn . . . .. .. 115, 134 , 377, 513 Gallagher, James Lyman .......325, 446, 517 Gallagher, Leonard Hom•r, Jr" ... ......447 Gallagher, Patricia Mary .. .... .55, 150, 151 , 237, 240, 513, 514 55......!Ilelius, .. Theodore Cor Gallagher, Gallagher, \Villiam Jordan .... ..........424 Gall•way, Lawre ce Cecil, Jr. .. 115, 238 , 463 . Gallimore, Max ... ..............." " .115 Gallop, !lene Doris .... ......." . . . 99, 36 Galloway, Betty Joe ....... .... 115, 335, 347 Galloway, Daniel Graham . .........275, 297 Jesus Sergio... ................353 ,. Galva aad Mahmood ...........350 ,. Gamal Eldi Gamble, Bert M" ...... ...............325 Gamble, Roland Ellis . . . . .......... 55, 357 Gamboa, Gonzalo, III ... " ....... " ." 5 Gambrell, Mildred Katherine .. 115, 332 , 334, 356 Gamel, John Paul . . ....... " " ... " ..453 Gamel, \Villiam Glenn ......... 55, 452, 453 Gamma Delta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........338 Gamma Phi Beta ."" "" " " . " .. 386, 387 n. ..............100, 140 . Betty AGandara, Gandy, James Alton ......... . .... . 115, 344 Gandy, James Edwin . ........... ... ... 483 Gandy, Sally Jean . ..... ...... ... ......364 Gannaway, Andrew Gregory .. ..... .....433 Gans, Melbourne Stanley . . 55, 324, 438, 439 Gantt, Jarvis Duane ....... ........293, 324 Garavito, Rafael Eugenio .. ............. 42 Garbade, \Valter Tell . . .. . .. . ... " "" .301 Garces, Cbristine . ..................... 55 Garcia, Alejandro ................ . 148, 344 Garcia, Alfonso Sotuyo. ........•..... .. 148 Gareia, Amador C. ....... .........143, 262 Garcia, A i.ta Sylvia . .. . ......•.... 140, 319 Gareia, Co r.ado ..... ..." " " . " " . ..284 Garcia, Gustavo Luis . ..."."" ... .... 55 Garcia, Humberto...... . .. 100, 288 Gareia, Jaime Abelado ........ .........324 Garcia, Jessie Marie ............... .... 115 Garcia, Manuel Hector ..... ............322 Garcia, Nelda Carola ............ . . .. .. 299 Antonio........ 142, 148, 323 . Garcia, Ramo Garcia, Rodolfo Noel ...... ............100 Gardiner, Maggie \V " . " ..... " . "" .. 29 Gardman, Alfred Antbony ..............443 Gardner, David Lawrence . ......... 84 , 323 Gardner, Elizabeth Louise.. .... ........364 ,ce, Jr" ....85, 262 . Herman Lawre r,•. Gard 330, 424 Gardner, James Donley ....... . 85, 333, 406 Jr" ............273Graham,er, John . Gard Linda Claire ......... 100, 133, 376er, . Gard Gardner, Robert Edwin........ 115, 431 , 49 Gardner, William Reavis .......... .2 2, 344 Garmany, Richard Paul ............ 55, 410 115................ . Garmes, Mary Kathlee Jaek ......... ...115, 2 1, 344er, Billy . Gar rol Lynn ....... ........135, 375er, Ca . Gar Garner, Carolyn Joan ...... .... .... 159, 338 Garner, Edith Jane ....... 55, 152, 344, 356 Garner, John Claiborne .... . .. ......... 100 Garner, Robert Newton . .... ...........297 Garner, William Cnrran ............ 55, 289 Garner, \Villiam Mark .. ........... ....2 4 Garnett, Billie C " . " . .................2 2 Garnett, Grosvenor Howard ............324 Garrand, Nancy Marie ... ...........85, 394 Garrard, Tbomas Lash, Jr" .... .. ......297 Garrett, Carolyn Carroll (Klinka ) ... 115, 395 Garrett, David Bryson ................. 55 Garrett, Floyd \l'endol .................324 Garrett, Gary \Veiler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85, 325 eth .. .............324 . Garrett, George Ken Garrett, Jane Ellen ......... " ..... .... 100 Garrett, Jerry \Vayne .............. 115, 324 Garrett, John Robert ...... ........ 55, 325 Garrett, Louie Talmadge . . . . . . 55 Garrett, Ronald Joseph .... ............ 55 Garrett, First Lieutenant Samuel J . .256 Garrett, Susan Blackshear . ...... . .394 Garrett, Terry . .." " . " .. ......." " .285 Garrett, \Villiam David . . ..... . ........ 85 Garrison, Ben Paul " " " " . .." " . " . . 85 Garriso George Henley ...............323 ,. Garrison, G lenn Lloyd . . . . . . . . . 85, 253, 432 Gartman, Ellen Alvern ....... ..........115 Garvin, Louis Nelson . . ..... . ......23 , 427 Gary, Harley Joe " .......... . . . .......480 Garza, Ben L. .............•......100, 2 4 Garza, Carman Carlos . . . . . . . . . .......341 Garza, David Trippe " .". " ...........274 Garza, Frank Joseph ". .. . .............324 Garza, Leonel . ..." " ... ..." " " 142, 143 Garza, Richard Raymond . .............340 Garza, Roel . " " " ... ......" .... " . " 85 Garza. Roy C" .......... " ...... " " . 5 Gaskell, George Crosby, Jr " ........ 100, 419 Gaskell, Gunter Kimbrough (Kim ") .... 115, 260, 447 Gaskin, H. L"""." .. "" ..... "" " 308 Gassman, Ralph Neal ..............292,318 Gates, Cameron Herschel . .....262, 418, 469 Gates, Prudence Ann . .............115, 290 Gatewood, Sarah Virginia . .....115, 246, 339 Gathright, Kent."" " ..... " . . ."" " 430 Gathright, Marsha Ann ..... ... 5, 351 , 364 115, 437 ............ . Donald Herma ,. Gatli Gatlin, Earl Gene .... " ... . " .. " "" . 115 Gattis, \\'illiam Ernest . ........100, 297, 418 Gaulden, Joe Thomaa ....... ..235, 320, 343 Gayle, James Ray, !!!..........85, 406, 492 Gayle, Judith Lesesne .. ....... 115, 238, 387 Gaysinsky, Fra ees Ho1>e . ..... .........369 . Geaslin, Helen Joyce " ........ " . ......137 Gebauer, Dorothy ..........32 , 39. 147, 150, 237, 243, 302. 309 Name Pag•• Gee, Judson C. .. . . . . . 115, 238, 409 Gee, Mood Lon . . . . . . . . . . . .304 Geiger, Paul Frank . .... . ......281, 301 Geis, Annes Yvonne ...... 100, 128, 138 , 376 Geisel, Edward H" Jr" ... .... .....100 Gemar, Frank Charles . 85 Gendel, Patsy Jo ". .""245, 369 Gensler, Jay Don ........ 55, 323, 341, 357 Gentry, Robert Byrd .. . ..... 55, 318 Genz, Ralph Herman . . .....293, 305 George, Charles Floyd, Jr" ... 8j, 357, 324 George, Jud1th Ann 341, 345, 347 , 356, 3 5 George, Norman Ernest .. . . ... 115 George, \\'alter Eugene, Jr." . ....237 George, \Villiam Lee... .. . . . . . j , 442, 443 David ..... ..........246 , 449 . , Irvi Gerber Gerhart, Kleta Jeanne .. ...... ......... 150 Geriok, Edwin John ... ......•..... 55, 324 Gerick, Harrict Rae ............... 115, 383 Gerlach, Gretchen O'Har . . . .. 398 .. . Henry " ................349 . Gerling, Joh Geron, James Michael ................ .432 Geron, Mary Catherine .... 115, 136, 365 , 238 Gerrard, Donald Michael. .. . .. 326, 420, 421 Gerron, Thomas Gerald .......... ..... .100 Gersbach, La\l'anda . ..................100 Gershner, David A . .......... .100, 261, 335 Alvin Rubenstein ......... .308 , 456, .. Gerso Gerson, Fred Milton . . 3, 313 , 440, 441, 467 Getchell, Henry Oren ...... 115, 262, 420 , 421 Geyer, \Valter Louis, Jr" ..... 6, 356 , 344 GhaJeb, Mohamed Anam ....... . . .. 42 , 350 Ghiselli, Carolyn Lucia . " .... ..........115 Gibbons, Rosemary Lee......... .... .. .356 Gibbs, George Clay " ......... ... ...... 149 Gibbs, George Durden, Jr. ..... . . . .267, 283 Gibbs, John Ryan ..... . ............ . ..359 Gibson, George Gaynor ...... ..........331 Gibson, Gerald Don . . " ... " .... " ....356 Gibson, lsabel Edith ."". . . . ... "" .29 Gibson, Jack Farris Jr.... . .. 100, 463 Gibson, Jerry Pat.. ............... 83, 433 Gibson, Jon Robert.. .....322, 357, 520, 518 Gibson, Orville H " . ................. .. 304 Gibson, Urban Edmond ............ ....324 Gibson, Walter T. J " . ." .. .""" " ... 273 Giddens, Kathryn Adele ...... ..... 100, 381 Gidley, \Villiam Francis .... ........2 1, 301 Gierhart, Byron Jackson ....... . ... 100, 446 Giesecke, Leonard Frederick, Jr" .. . 5.5, 252 Gilbert, Edwin James . .............100, 443 Gilbert, Gideon Munn, Jr"" ..... ......341 Gilbert, Jay M " " . ." . ..." . ." " 115, 449 Gilbert, Joe Burch .. ...................428 Gilbert, Maline ... 169, 236, 237, 309, 394, 400 Gilbreath, Cbarles elson ............. .246 Gilbreath, Jerry Lee . ..................115 Gilbreath, John Philip ....... .. 100, 145, 51 Gilbreath, Lillian M " . ..... ...........304 Giles, Grant Eugene .......... . 100, 2 1, 423 Giles, Murry Browder .. ......... . . 42 , 436 Giles, Richard Anthony . ...... . ....330, 419 Gilford, C. D """."" .... ." ." "" .324 Gill, Eddie Michael.............. .. 100, 344 Gill, M. Bruce .. "."" .. " . . ... .. ""100 Gill, Ned, Jr" .... " . ......""" ... " 47 Gill, Rose Marie.. ..... 1, 131 , 345, 347, 374 Gillaspie, James David ........... ......444 Gillean, Esther Gaylan . ........86, 151, 344 Giller, Miriam Louise ..... . 6, 12 , 141, 339 Gillespie, Campbell Houston , !!!. ... . 6, 422 Gillespie, Clayton \\'ayne ". ............ 115 Gillespie, Judith Ann . . ................336 Gillespie, Karen Annette . ..............336 Gillett, Marjorie Mae . ........ 115, 23 , 365 Gillett, Robert Bruee ...............55, 414 Gillett, Ruth Ellen . ......100, 236, 237, 245, 246 , 388 Gillett, Sandra Sue .................... 100 Gillfillan, Janet Laney . . ........ . ... 3, 375 Gilliam, Burl Darwin ... . . .... .........320 Gilliam, James Neil . ...........55, 323, 431 Gilliam, Jimmy \\'endell . .......... . . . . . . 3 Gilliam, Jobn Anderson . ...............431 Gilliam, Robert .. " ....... .""" " " .285 Gilliland, Ray Morris ....... ............42 Gillis, Charles Pleasant . ................115 Gillis, James Kenneth .......... 6 Gillis, John Milton .. . .... . .. 115 Gillis, Ralph Joseph . . . . . .... 115, 449 Gillis, Ray Ell•n . . . . . . . . . . . .... 132, 342 Gilmore, Janet ......... " ...... " .. ...246 Gilmore, Linda Gail . ..............299, 375 Gilmore, Rosa Beth . ..........134, 377, 515 Gilmore, Sarah Alice.. .......... ... 133, 378 Gilreath, Mrs. Charles Nelson . " .. ......246 GiJstrap, Howard Clifford . ... . .. " .....430 Patty Sue " ........ ...115, 367, 515 .. Gimon Ginn, \.ieorge Holmes .. ....56, 311 , 266, 422 Ginsberg, Benton Herbert .......... 115, 259 Ginsberg, Miehael Alexander ............ 449 Ginsburg, David Michael ..... .332, 334, 449 Gipson, Ray A" ... .. 235, 236, 313 , 355 , 434 Gipson, usann .. ..... 100, 237, 290, 320, 386 Gisher, Annabelle Lee (Kitty). ...... 6, 245, 351, 374 Givens, Judy Jane . .......... .134, 339, 387 Gjerstad, Gunnar ... ..............2 1, 301 Gladney, Bonner Helene .. .. ... . ... 100, 372 Glanges, Evalea....... ............290, 515 Glaser, Kenneth Roy ..............324 , 404 Glaspy, Gail ".""" ..... ""." .. 5, 390 Glaspy, \Villiam Miles ... ..... .. .. .....318 Glass, Edward Marshall ......... .... ...318 Glass, Nancy Anne ............... .....399 Glasscock, Lanette A. (Bitsy)...........391 GlasscO<'k, Stanley \Varren . ... .........447 Glasscock, \\'oodrow, Jr" ...... ........453 Glassman, Samuel David .. 100, 260, 410, 523 Glaze, Billy Hoy . """ .. "" .... " ...322 Glaze, Wiley Eugene "" ............ . .. 237 Name Pager Glazer, Larry ylvester ... .....100, 258, 448 Glenney, Amy Jean . . . .. 56, 302, 356 Glick, Frances Lynn . .332, 334, 397 Glickman, Julius . . . . . . . .... 115 Glidden, Joseph Daniel ..... .415 Glidden, Teddy G " .. ... . ..... ."56 Glinsky, Edward . .....................341 ,Abigail Carol ..... ....115, 236 ,. Glosscrma 238, 369 Glover, Ben James .. ..................275 Glover, Rose Marie" .... ..............100 Gloyna, Earnest Frederick . .............306 Gnauck, Carolyn Louise ......... . . 12 , 141 Goad, Tommy \Varren ... . ... .. . . .... ..352 Goble, Richard Byron .. .... . . . . ....86 Godbold, Anita Lucile .... " .. .."." " 137 Godbold, Margaret Evelia .. . . . ...152 Goddard, Delos Reckards . .............334 Goddard, Joe Gillis ......... ...........414 Godfrey, Carol Kay ....... ....290, 351 , 378 Godfrey, Thomas Gray .... 115, 259, 297, 353 Godoy, Richard Alonzo ........ ........143 Goebel, Marilyn Irene . . . . .. .........133 Gnerner, Charles Louis.. . ... .....100 Goertz, Donald Charles ......... .......274 Gnertz, Ralph B "" . " .. ...."."" " .320 291............. . ayne Kennetl\VGnettsche, Go,t. Edwin Lee " ."".. .......""" .258 Go,t. Thomas A " .. " .... """" " " .325 Goforth, Bill Dean .... ............241, 318 Goins, Eva Clyde .... ....•.... 100, 142, 150 Gol,.z Carey \\1ayne. ............. .301, 320 Gold, Gail Judy .. .................100, 368 Gold, Richard Glenn "" . ............"115 Goldberg, Herbert tephen . . . . . . 6, 440, 490 Goldberg, Janice Elaine.. ..........382, 383 Goldberg, Linda Carole . ...........115, 397 Goldberg, Marilyn Ann . ....56, 229, 307, 368 Goldberg, ancy Rae .. . .. . . .. l 15, 383, 515 Goldberg, N aomi Leah. " ..... " " . l 15, 397 Goldberg, \Villi•m Stuart..... ..........449 Goldfeder, Gary Alvin ....245, 246, 261, 270, 308, 344, 440 Goldfin~er, Jacob Joel .........267, 404, 405 Goldin, Lloyd Fredric . ....... ...... 115, 449 Golding, Patricia Faye ... . . . . 134, 330 Goldman, Joe E " ......... . . .. 258, 353 , 405 Goldmann, Mary Ernestine . ............374 Goldsmith, Mary Lynn . ......" ...316, 368 ald Charles .. ...........338 .. Goldsmith, Ro Goldstein, Edmond .. ..... .56, 246, 324, 440 Goldstein, Gail ...... .....115, 290, 316, 369 Goldstein, Marilyn Sue ....298, 36 , 369, 400 Goldstein, Maurice.. .. ....56, 257, 315, 317, 440, 441 Goldstein, Paula Jean .............. 115, 383 Goldstein, Sharon Jean . ... 100, 3 2, 510, 515 Gol.J. .. ....... ....... .... .......... .. .508 Goltzman, Leonard Jay . ...............448 Gomez, Cecilia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .133 Gomez, Dolores ...... .........100, 135, 333 Gomez, Jnel .. ." .... " " " "" " " . ..274 Gomez, Severo ...... ................. .148 el ..... .....56, 320zalez, Edward Asquiv. Go Gonzalez, Francisco T " ........ ...... . .320 Gonzalez, Frederico Arnoldo ...... ......148 Gonzalez, Ishmael . ....................284 Gonzalez, Isidro.... ..........115, 341, 349 Gonzalez, Josemaria ........ ...........334 Gonzale" Jesus Rene ........ ...... 14 , 323 Gonzalez, Mary Magdalene .. ........86, 140 Gonzalez, Onofre Jose, Jr.. ....... ... . .. 100 Gonzalez, Otila " " ................. " . 152 Gonzalez, Rogelio Nires ......... .......148 Gonzalez, Zoila "". ........ " ... ......319 Gonzalez-Gerth, Enrique ..•..... .. . . ....56 Gooch, Adrienne Gay .... ........... . . .394 Gooch, J. A" """"." " .. ."" "". .36 Goocb, Jon David " . ......."" . ..." .446 Gooden, Elizabeth Anne . ... . . .. . . ..... . 100 GoodfeUow•... ..... . . .. ... . .. .. .... 182-186 Goodman, Jerrold Dean . ...........100, 336 Goodman, Lawrence . ..............115, 405 Goodman, Marvin Aaron "." ..... .404, 405 Goodman, Roy ims . .... .262, 445, 468, 479 Goodnight, Almita arol . . ....... . .... .133 Goodnight, James Paris" .. 115, 251 , 253, 427 Goodnow, Robert Kent (Mrs ). ... .......246 Goodwin, Bobby .. ." ... ..."""" " .469 Goolsby, Doyle \Vayne. ........ . .......450 Gorbett, Deanna Lee .. " ...86, 12 , 141, 398 430 ..............•. . rden, James Dunca Go Gordon, Ann Marie . ... .. ... . . .....56 , 394 Gordon, Fallon Turley. ........424 , 492, 495 Gordon, Helen Avon " . . ... . . .... . .... . 150 Gordon, Joan La Verne ... .....115, 330, 381 Gordon, Judith Francine . . ..... . . . .....366 Gordon, Martha ue .. .... 115, 134 , 245, 339 Gordon, Mary Lynn ..... ...............56 Gordon, Miriam Dolly ...... ...237, 396, 400 Gordon, Patrick Lamb . ................407 Gordon, Randy ....... . . . . 145, 323, 520, 523 Gordy, Joyce Lynn .... . . .. .... 115, 136, 365 Gorena, Rolando Renc ..................86 Gorman, Le• Van . . . . . . . . . . . ... ..323 Gormley, Herbert Clyde ....... 115, 341, 451 Gorrell, John Thomas " . ................86 Gorr•ll, RoJer Lee ............... .30 , 443 Gosch, Ernest Miller . ..............100, 324 Gose, Roger Lamar ... ........ ... . " ...238 Goss, Jayne Roger"",. ... " . ...."" . 135 Gossett, Carolyn Cole ..... 100, 128, 130 , 378 Gotsdiner, Sanford Yale ............ 115, 449 Gott, Deene ......... ... ....... " .453, 469 Gottesman, Jon tuart. ..... , .. .. .. 115, 457 Gottwald, Allie Sue .......... . . .. .. 100, 339 Goushe, Khalil " . ." . ..."" ... .."56, 350 Gowan, Robert Tbomas .. ..............40 Gowdey, Janet Keeble ............. 115, 379 Goza, \Vray Forbes ......... ..•." . ....411 Graber, All•n Levy ". ... . . . .•. .. ... 6, 456 Poge 536 8 Despite the mauling it takes, sometimes in the classroom, Free Enterprise provides more employment, more goods, more services, more comforts, and at lower cost, than any other eco­nomic system yet evolved. What Free Enterprise needs 1s wider application, so it can keep on doing these things, at even lower cost, for the benefit of all mankind. Classrooms could help in that. A Gulf Coast refining plant whose major processing units were fabricated and erected by Wyatt's. Name Pagt1 Graber, Ronald Becker 115, 457 Grace, Master Sergeant George Benjamin.... . .255 Grace Hall"" ........ . . . 132 Gracc, Robert Movius .. . " 336 Gracey, Jamea Clark, Jr" 324 Gracia, Jaime Abelardo . 148 Graduate• ............ . . "" ...42-43 Grady, Martha Jane... . . . 100 Graham, Bill Elwood ..... . .. 100 Graham, Edwin Smith, 111 . .. 100 Graham, Jerry Van " 4 3, 485 Graham, Leon Norrod .. . 116, 23 ' 245, 250, 41 9 Graham, Lynda Joy . . . . . ........ 100 Graham, Peggy Marcella 380 Graham, Rita Maxine .... . ... 376 Graham, \\'il\iam McClintock 331, 349 Grainger, Geneva Jill.... .... . .56, 394 Grainger, Dr. George ......... . ....37 Grainger, George Richard . . . . ...424 Grammer, Tom Richard .." . . ..288 Granato, Sammie Jamea..... . .. 436 Granberry, Collier Read .... . ..........434 Granberry, Curtis Eugene. . .....325, 446 Granbery, Karolyn Kay " ......... 6, 390 Grandjean, Judith Nelms .. 116, 238 , 316 , 3 9 Granger, Billie Louise ... . .290 Grant, Jack Ronald .. ....... . .. 116, 443 Grant, Sandra Sue. " ... . . .............370 Grant, ~.tephen A\len, Jr. . 6, 274, 30 Grantham, Joe David .. ...270, 276, 311 , 324 Gratigny, Belmont \\'ayne ......... 116, 427 Graves, Gordon Thomas...........293, 324 Gravea, James l>lerritt. .. . . . . . . ...259, 353 Gravea, Martha Carolyn ....56, 302, 332, 324 Graves, Robert Lee " . ......"" " .. .416 Gravea, \Varren Reed ..................352 Graves, \Villard Lee .. " """ " .. "" .291 Gravley, Lowrey Franklin ........ ...56, 320 Gray, Bonrue Belle . " .. ."""""245, 369 Gr.iy, Jamea Eugene . ...... . . ..........318 Gray, John Clifton.......... ...56, 352. 454 Gray, Paul Milton, Jr" ...313, 42 , 429, 464 Gray, Paula Ruth "" """" ......288 Gray, Philip Ray, Jr" . ... .........300, 327 Gray, Robert \Vinston.. .......315, 430, 431 Gray, Sally Dugger"""." ... " . " " .395 Gray, Stanley Lynn . ..................498 Graydon, Frank D"." .... . ........35, 291 Greathouse, \Vill Hogg.................258 116................ . Edmund AntoGreber, Green, Amelia Lucretia (Mimi ) .. .......389 Green, Arthur Lewis" ................. 148 Green, Betty"" .. ....................246 Green, Charlea Frazier, Jr" .............357 Green, Gayle . " " " " " " " .. 142, 349, 351 Green, Gerald Claude .......... 100, 250, 303 Green, Herbert Lcster .... ......56, 275, 318 Green, Joe Reginal . . . . . ..... .......... 6 Green, John Tatum ... ....... .56, 257, 311 Green, Marjorie Elaine ........ 116, 236, 369 Green, Mary Gayle " .. . ........... 150, 151 Green, Mary Lee..........86, 128, 129, 236, 351, 370 Green, Melaoie Rose . ......... 134 , 383, 515 Green, Mitzi Karolyn ... .. ... .. ........ 133 Green, Ned Allen".". .......... .. 116, 272 Green, Rose Anna " ...................150 Sharon Sue """" ." 151 "."."" ,. Gre<> Green, Vernon Albert ..............2 4, 301 Green, \Villiam Lawrence. ....... .......406 Greenberg, Gary Pbilip... .""""116, 457 Greenberg, Lee Alan"""" .. " . .. 116, 457 Greenberg, Natalie lris. . ...... 116, 238, 397 Robert Martin . .............303berg,. Gree Greenberg, Seinwil Louis ..... .. ........440 Greene, Betty Joe"" .. ...........349, 511 Greene, Jo Francea...... ..... .100, 314, 364. G reene, LaV on Elzo ...................271 Greene, Nathan .................. .....292 Greene, Pricilla Louise " .....•.....378, 511 Greene, Robin Nikolas ........... ..258, 323 Greenfeld, Nanette Lee ................134 Grcenspan, David Arnold ..........288, 308 430............... \VhartoGreenstreet, Rex Greenway, Jud.ith Janellc ...... 100, 133, 374 Anne . .......236, ·245, 365wood, Lola . Gree Grcenwood, Dorothy Fehlis . .......295, 339 Grcer, N. Jane... " . ..........." .....237 Greer, Raleigh Lyman ....... . ... ......317 Grcer, Robert Gordon ..............56, 444 Greer, Sandra Elaine .. . .... .... ... 100, 374 Grceven, Alton Ernest.. ...............432 Grceves, Sam Lile, Jr" ........ 100, 422, 423 Gregg, Dick Hoskins, Jr" ............. .446 Gregham, Frank L"""" ...... ."" " 521 Gregory, Elmer Richard, Jr. ............144 Gregory, Jack Adolphus...." ... ....56, 331 Gregory, Joe Miller, Jr" ........ . .......56 Gregory, Josepb Clarke ......... ...327, 331 Gregory, Malcolm R. (Mrs ). .......... . .298 Gre .fston, Jerry Kenneth ...............56 Gre 1, Kenneth Darwin ........ . ... 100, 327 Gremmel, Ruby Louise . .. .... .... . 6, 131 Gresham, James Collin " ...............323 cea...............388 . FraGreaham, Susan Greve, Jamea Edward . .. ...............514 Grevelle, Jamea l'ernon" .. 100, 297, 349, 409 Gribble, Mil\ie Ruth . ...................86 Gribble, Robert Fonda....... ..........293 Grienceks, Laurabeth Elizabeth .....86, 240, 244, 246 Grier, Dickie Richard .. .. ... . ..........306 Griffin, Artbur Dale, Jr"" ........ " ...318 Griffin, Carol Alayne ............... " .377 Griffin, Francis Katberine .......... 116, 381 Griffin, George Lee........... ..86, 42 , 520 Lawrence LaFayette, J r. .. .. 116, 443 ,. Oriffi Griffin, Shirley May ... " .... " " . " 56 Name Paue1 Griffin, Thomas Keith .. . . .. .... ......11& Griffis, Robert Lester . . . . .. .......... .436 Griffith, Carole Ruth . . .. ...........336 Uriffitb, Don Paul.. . ....56, 220, 236, 288, 294, 313, 323, 408 Griffith, Harold Jamea . . ........426 Griffitb, John .. " . . . .. " .. ."490 ""y . Griffith, Rodney Saylor . . .........145 GriRar, Louis Albert .. . . ... ...........56 Grill, Hermann Arthur........... .......86 Grimes, Pearson, Jr"" ........42, 315, 414 Grinaker, Robert Lee .. .. . ... 147, 291, 318 Grinstead, Samuel Tevis ....... 6, 315, 414 Grioni, Sergio ........ .................325 Grodahl, Mary Margaret .......56, 351 , 398 Groen, Carl Henry ............ ....325, 426 Groos, Frederick Carl, Jr" ... " .. 116, 447 Gross, Guy Herman . . . . . . . ...... 116, 463 Gross, Mary Ellen ...." . . " . ......132 Gross, Robert Leolin"" . ..." .""""261 Grossman, Gary""" . .............86, 441 Grossman, Gerald.ine ........116, 314, 383 ......... " 116, 397 """.Joyce ,. Grossma Grossman, Ruthlee ... " .... "" """. 100 Grove, Curtiss Charlea. ... . ......317 lcr . . . . . . . 116, 259, 443 .. Ke Grove, Orrin Grove, Vernon Eugene, Jr" .....56, 2 4, 402 Grover, James Marvin ............ .....327 Grow, Barbara Lynn ......... . .... 100, 290 Grubb, Carolc Diane.............. ....376 Grubbs, C\ifford"""""" ...... " ...469 Grubbs, Jamea Bryan, Jr" ......86, 446, 517 Grubbs, John Howard . ................435 423 , 518.......... . Thomas MannaGrubbs, Grumblea, Ernest \\'illie, Jr" ....... 116, 429 Grumbles, Linda Beth ... ..... .. ...... .370 Gryder, Robert .................. .....299 Guarin, Patricia Anne .... .........330, 375 Guarino, C\aire Eileen .............23 , 385 Guckian, Jamea Collins .... . . . . 6, 2 , 414 Guckian, \Villiam Michael ..... 100, 415, 523 Guerguin, Carole Anne ... . . . . .. .......333 Guerra, Josie Margaret.. ..........151, 345 Guerra, Lita Anne .....................334 Guerra, Virginia Susana ............ 100, 151 Guerriero, \l'illiam Graham ... ......86, 288 Guess, Donna Lucia...............116, 150 Gueas, James Lynn " ...............56, 521 Oueas, Liles C." ... . .... ""." .""" 521 Gueas, Linda Kay "" "" . " ... " .. " .378 Gueas, Wallace Louis..............2 4, 301 Guevara, Gamaliel ...... " " " .. " " " .56 Guffin, Gwynne Lee. ..........100, 135, 316 Guillett, Donald B" ................56, 274 Guinans, Janet Sue.......116, 245, 3 7, 513 Gullion, Robert C" .. .................237 Gully, Phillip Diggs . . ......... " " 116, 415 Gummelt, Francea LaVerne ............. 116 Curtis Conway, Jr" ...... .." ...424n,. Gu Gunn, Jerry \Valter"" ..... """ .. " .433 Gunn, John Reginald, Jr. ............... 100 Gunstream, Alice \Vealey.......56, 236, 351 , 376, 377 Gurecky, Barbara Jane............140, 511 Gurwitz, Bobby . ""." " " " " " " ."469 Ourwitz, Gary Reagan .... .........313, 448 Gurwitz, Robert Earl.....313, 448, 46 , 479 Oustafson, Don Harral""........ " ...288 Matthew Ray ..............146 "" ,. Gusti Guthrie, Janet M" ............. 6, 330, 394 Outhrie, Jon Roland " . ................340 Guthrie, Merle Elizabeth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Guthrie, Robert Calvin ...... ... . ..... .. 6 Gutierrez, Alfonso, Jr" ........331, 332, 334 acio............. 116, 325 . Jose lgGutierrez, Gutierrez, Manuel Ramiro ... . ......56, 308 Gutierrez, Maria Celeate ............56, 319 Gutierrez, Marie Del Rosario ........86, 319 Gutierrez, Raul, Jr" .. ......... ....56, 344 Guy, \Villiam T., Jr" .. ............237, 306 Guyler, Sam L" .. ... ..... 116, 245, 297, 419 Guyton, Gayle.. .......................86 364.,Patricia . ........86, 236 . MarGuyton, Guyton, Will am Louis 312, 410 ,273, 300.... . Guzman, Rupert. .. . ..................324 Gwinner, Daniel Stratton . ..... 100, 267, 442 H Haag, J essie Helen .. ..................298 Haas, Marcia Sue . ................... . 116 Haas, Stephen Allan" ... . .........100, 456 Haase, Donald James. . . . . . . . . . 6, 282, 323 Haberle, Donald Lewis""""." " 452, 517 Haberman, Natalie .. . " .. " .. .. .. "".116 Haberman, R. A." ............ ..... " .418 Hacherman, Norman ..................282 Hacker, Reverend Carl .. ...............348 Hacker, Marvin \l'arren........... .....116 Haddad, Hadi M" .................42, 350 Hadden, Virginia Elizabeth.............319 Hadsall, Clyde Louis (Mrs.) .... ........246 Haecker, Arno Vana............. ......267 Haffpauir, Jobn Alex ....... . ..........407 Hagans, Pau\ McCauJ!hey ..............261 Hagedorn, Emmett Nelson .........291, 304 Hager, George \Vashington, Jr. ..56, 442, 443 Hagerty, William \l'alsb . .......32, 380, 306 Hagg, Donald Oliver . ............ ......322 Haggerty, Patrick E" ...... ... . . ......304 Hagler, Janet E" """" " " " " .128, 137 Hagood, Calvin Leroy, Jr" .............275 Hagood, John Thomas . ........... .. ...344 Hagood, Mary Lou ............ 128, 138, 378 Hague, Harlan Hugh ....... .......304, 352 Hahn, Eitel Hugh .................420, 421 Hahn, Medora Ann"." ...............138 Hahn, Robert Bernard.................357 Haichell, Tommy Donald...............320 Haiduk, Harry Paul" .. .......116, 271, 437 Haight, Edward Allen"" .... ..... ... .. 263 Name Pauei Haile, Helen Josepbine .. ...........13 , 365 Haile, Larry Barclay"" .. . . .... " . . ...410 Haile, Patricia Anne............... .. ...86 Hailey, Jamea Lamar.......... 116, 273, 437 Hailey, Jamea Leon ........... .56, 263, 442 Haire, Lynda Gayle........86, 157, 519, 378 Hakemack, Peggy " ..... ...........57, 236 Halamicek, Lynn Carl .... . ... .••. ..57, 320 Halbouty, Michel Robert... .......116, 277 Hale, Carol Louise ............137, 290, 335 Hale, Clovis Ray .....144, 270, 312, 324 , 342 Hale, Edward Everett.................432 Hale, Ethel A" .. " " .. " " " " " " " .299 Hale, Jack G " ...... ..........." . ....324 Hale, Samuel Edward .......... . ..... . .416 Ba\e, \Veldon Thomas ....... ..........424 Ha\e, William Henry, Jr" ... . ..... . 116, 297 Haley, John Fred, Jr" .. .......116, 341, 427 Haley, Margarct \Vhitton .. 116, 135, 316, 393 Haley, Samuel Randolph .............. .116 Halff, Catherine.............. " ...86, 391 Halford, Robert Lavelle.................57 Ha\\, Cynthia Ann."" 5, 133 , 245, 309, 378 Hall, Esther Jane ll'ood ...237, 301 , 319, 392 Hall, Erneat Jay .... . " ...... .. ... . ."343 Hal\, Farris McDannald .. . ....... . 100, 446 HalJ, Jamcs Bcnjamin ..... ......... 6, 327 Hall, Jesse Berman, Jr.......... .. .300, 306 Hall, Joe Bob............ 100, 236, 246, 432 Hall, Joseph \l'eston, Jr" . . .57, 24.2, 322, 357 Hall, Levis ... """"" .. . .""" "" .37 Hal\, Mar~arct Dianne............116, 136 Ha\\, Mar " 86, 159, 395 ........orie Sharon . Ha\J, Mary Carolyn ... " " . . " " " . 6, 388 Hal\, N orris L " " " " " " " " " " " " .352 Hall, Robert Arthur, Jr. ...........144, 277 Hall, Robert Loring, Jr"" .. ..." .. 116, 498 Ha\1, Robert Lyon"" .................437 HaJI, Royce Herman, Jr" ........... 6, 327 Hall, Sammy Lewis... ........116, 23 , 421 Hall, Virginia Elizabeth ... 110, 135, 241, 376 Hall, \Vil\iam J"."".""". .. . " " 32, 39 Haller, Roger Louis . " .. ...............116 116..............Elvis Dewain .. Halliburton ecil Glen ............. .....323 ;... ,Hallmark Hallmark, Julie.............. ..86, 296, 384 Halm, Kleo Glcn ...... ........468, 469, 471 Ha\perin, Barbara Ann ........100, 396, 397 Halsell, Harriet............ 6, 333, 377, 513 Haltom, Jamea Norton ....... .....418, 517 Ham, Jerry Don .. . . .. ................325 Hambrick, John Jamea... ....... .......336 Hamilton, Ann .... ........... " ..237, 394 Hamilton, Benjamin Nicholls .......263, 452 Hamilton, Floy E\izabeth ... .... .......370 Hamilton, George Vernon " 300, 306, 327, 357 Hamilton, Herbert Franklin ............430 Hamilton, Louis \Vayne . ...............139 Hamilton, Lynn .......................151 Bamilton, Margaret Ann........ ... .57, 388 Hamilton, Sandra Jean ............329, 380 Bamilton, Sue Nell .. ...............57, 384. Hamilton, Thomas Carroll". . ..........263 Bamlett, Joel Hugh ... ...... . ......... 100 Hamlin, Roycc Scott"" ....... ........283 Hammack, lrvin Duyka................434 Hamman, Henry Royden. ......••......428 Hammersley, Vernon C " ....•........ ...86 Hammersley, \Vilnah Mae.•....... .....100 Hammond, Helen ...... " " .. " .. " " .298 Hammond, Maxine M " .. ...............86 Hammond, Ronald Emerson " ..........116 Hammond, Susan Vandever . ...134, 236, 399 Hammond, \l'eldon \Voolf " .57, 266, 270, 444 Hamon, Dexter Boone ... ..............452 Hampel, Albert Carl ................57, 257 Hampson, Diana Patricia...........57, 137 Hampton, Bill .. ......................238 Hampton, Charlea Emmett.............325 Hampton, Daniel Thomas . .............444 Hampton, Jimmy Ricbard " . ...........324 Hampton, John \1'" .. ..................37 Hampton, Linda Ann ... .. 100, 135, 316, 366 Hampton, Mozelle" .. ...... .. .........513 Hampton, Suzanne... ..... .... ..... ...388 116, 251, 480, 498...."l'ilborn R \,. Hampto 144.•................. . Hamrick, Jerry Do Hanak, \Valter Karl ...................438 Hanapel, Jane Clare................57, 392 Hancock, Donald Marion . . . . . . . 6, 420, 421 Hancock, Jamea Martin, Jr" .. ... ......258 Handler, Bayla . . .... . ... """ " " ."396 Handler, Golda............. ..........397 Handorf, Sarah Lois "" """. 116, 238, 367 Handy, Harriet Hinton .. ...... 116, 135, 290 Hanemann, Michael G " ...... .........349 Haney, Jeanette Blanche..... .. .. .. . 6, 236 Hanlcins, Donald \Vilson .... .. ......57, 452 Hankins, Linda Elizabetb... .. ..86, 366, 367 Hankins, Robert Harrell ...........100, 450 Hanlon, Camille Carol ........... ... .. .296 Hanna, Elias Souliaman . ...........288, 350 Hanna, Geneva ... ... ..... ......... ."237 Hansard, Charlea Edward ...............86 Hansen, Keith Christian....... 116, 297, 419 Hansen, Melvin 0., Jr" ...... ..... .....324 402................ \Villiam Gree Hanshaw, Hanson, Douglas \Veems , 111 ....... 116, 437 Hanson, Grace Haen"" ......... . .. " .298 Hanson, Joe LeNoir ..... ...............86 Haptonstall, Jimmie Lee.... ...........317 Ha~an, Don Robert"" ...... . . . ......57 Ricbard Hampton .........149, 274n,. Harb Harbison, Bobby Lee.......... 116, 334, 403 Harbold, Carla M".". ................351 Harborth, Mary Louise..... 6, 123, 351 , 365 Harbour, Paula Jane ... .... .......100, 339 Hardcastle, Robert Dalton, Jr." 31 , 40 , 409 Hardee, Harrr. Columbus, Jr" " 242, 300, 306 lly Raymond . ............480 . egree, B Hard Harden, Judith Karen .................515 Name Paae1 Harden, Martha Flo .. . ...•...•.. . . 100, 386 Harden, \V. 0 .............. ...... ......37 Harder, Verna M ......................302 Hardie, Thornton ........... " " " " " . 28 Hardin, Erneat R" ............ ..... .. . 424 Hardin, Glcnn Lee..... "" .... """.259 Hardin, Mary Elizabeth .......382, 334, 338 Hardin, Mel Hunt." ... ...... """".328 Hardin, \Villiam Cervin . .. .....100, 420, 421 Hard.ing, Anita Kay .. .........116, 134, 238 Harking, Michacl \Vayne . ...... ........277 Hardison, Judi Jai"""". "".. " 135, 336 Hardjod.ipuro, Siswojo . ... ..............42 Hardy, Anita Lynn" "" . . ""116, 159, 387 Hardy, Mary June............ 137, 332, 304 Hardy, Norma Pierce........ ..........267 Hardy, Penelope (Penny) ...... 116, 135, 334 Hardy, Sandra................ " . " ... 135 Hargis, John \Villis................323, 359 Hargrave, Helen ............ ..........309 Hargravea, Robert" ... . ....... . .. " ...236 Hargrove, Marie ... " " " " " " " " " . 246 Harkavy, Freddie Sherman ...... " .57, 259, 313, 440 Harkey, Mary Ethel" ... . ..... ...... ".86 Harkins, Jaruce Kay .. ........302, 334, 378 Harkins, Sidney Louise .............86, 135 Harkness, Jeas Leater .. ................436 Harkrider, Francis Edward ............. 442 Harlan, Robert E" ................. ".327 Harling, Susan Jrene . . .. ..100, 128, 141, 290, 310, 339, 390 Harold, Mary Elizabeth ....... .....116, 371 Harom, Dick..... ............ .. ". " .142 Harper, Fred Joseph "." . " " . . """.258 Harper, J . D" ................ . .. " ...320 Harper, Robert Thomas ............116, 403 Harper, Roger B""................ ....57 Harper, Rodgers McCrary (Mac) .......116, 267, 435 Harper, \Villiam Gibson .... . . ..........422 Harper, \Villiam Joe .. .. .. .............403 Harrell, David \Villiam ................. 352 Harrell, Donald L." " ........ " .. " ...446 Harrell, Jimmy Joel .. ........... . . . 86, 410 Harrell, Sybil Louise ....... ...100, 128, 130 Harren, Joe Thomas..........100, 2~0. 430 Harrington, Gcorge Sydncy ........ 289, 291 Harrington, Jamea \Vilfred, Jr... .. .. . 86, 422 Harrington, Malcolm Dale.100, 274, 334, 410 Harris, Barbara Jo. .......... . 128, 141, 512 Harris, Brenda Jean .. .................512 Harris, Charlea Houston, Ill...257, 296, 426 Harris, Charlotte Evelyne.... " ..... " . 116 Harris, Charlynn Catherine .... 100, 131, 349 Harris, Cinda Louise ..............365, 515 Harris, Diane Louise .......57, 296, 351, 378 Harris, Dorothy Sharon............ 116, 134 Harris, Edward Randall."" .... " .116, 415 Harris, Frances Skillman .. . .. .. .. ...86, 398 Harris, Fred Paul .......... ...........335 Harris, George \l'illiam ............ .....415 Harris, Gregg Alan ....57, 242, 306, 323, 450 Harris, Captain Harold Leroy.". " .....269 Harris, Harry Gordon, Jr" .............323 Harris, Hugh K" ...... ....... . 57, 296, 434 Harris, Jay Henry . ... ........ 116, 406, 490 Harris, Jimmy Lyn .....••...... 57, 325, 410 Harris, Jo-AI .. " .... . ........100, 391, 515 Harris, Joanne .... ................. " . 137 Harris, Judith Ann............151, 288, 290 Harris, Kathryn Nan ... . ........ . ..57, 151 Harris, Lynn " " . " " .............. . . . 246 Harris, Mack Harrell ...........86, 283, 517 Harris, Marsba Ann ...... . 116, 245, 3 7, 513 Harris, Michael Spellman .... ......297, 409 Harris, Patricia Gayle .... .............116 Harris, Robert B" " . " " " " " " " " . 352 Harris, Roy Duane. " " " " ...... " " .304 Harris, Shannon LaN elle .. ...•.........253 Harris, Stanley Robert.............. ...404 Harris, William Evan.............. 116, 273 Harrison, Douglas Patrick...... . ....... 86 Harrison, Geor~ Roy................. . 257 Harrison, John Kagland .............86, 414 Harrison, Otto Ross.......306, 325, 331, 335 Harrison, Thomas P•..................414 Harriss, Ginger Nan. .... .. . ....... 116, 131 Harriss, John Charlea........... 6, 249, 254 Harrod, Harold Richard ................320 Harston, Less Curry, Jr" .. ........... . 116 Hart, Burnett ll'ilie ...................480 Hart, George Tom ........... ..... 110, 422 Hart, James Pinkney ... " . . " """ . "297 Hart, Lawrence Eugene. . . . . . . . 6, 270, 274, 312, 454 Hart, Robert George" " ... .. .. "" " " .57 Hart, ll'alter T"." "" " ..... ". "" .317 Hartel, Arthur John ...................452 Harter, Charles, 111 ............ ....57, 452 Hartfelder, Patricia Anne . ....... ... . .. 238 Hartgrove, Virginia Sue ... 116, 136, 245. 367 Hartfey, Brenda...... 152, 245, 30i, 310, 335 Hartman, Freddie Harry." . . .. . 57, 326, 341 Hartman, Gerald" .... . . " ......... " . 424 Hartman, Gerald Lee, Jr" .... ......... . 57 Hartung, Roger Collier" " . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Harvel, Kermit 11'" .. " " " " " ... " " 286 Harvey, Francea Ann . ....... ....... ".100 Harvey, Jack Aldcn ............... ....434 Harvey, Jill ... " .. , .. """"" "345, 347 Harvey, Judy Lorraine" .. ...... """ .136 Harvick, Frank Edwin .................286 Harwell, Leta Louise . .. .... . .. . . ...57, 398 Harwertb, Bob Joseph.. .. .... . 468, 469, 477 Hartwig, \Villiam B" ..............293, 306 Harwood, Jane Collins..............86, 342 Baschke, Herbert Paul, Jr" ......... 6, 466 Hasert, Bobbie Lee.. .......... .. ... .. . 57 Bashem, \Vail Jbrahim .... .............350 Hashem, Zafer Jamal ..........•....... 350 Page 538 19TH & L.A.V.A.C.A. 28TH & S.A.N J.A.CINTO Shaff~r Tool Works Manufacturers of HIGH-PRESSURE DRILLING-CONTROL & PRODUCTION EQUIPMENT 6006 Navigation Houston, Texas "A ustin's Furniture W onderland" "Where ~uo.lity and Beauty GOODALL WOOTEN DORMITORY for MEN Just Across the Street from the Carnpus 2106 GUADALUPE GR 2-0221 Studfman Phofo Service Films Developed-Portraits & Supplies l 9th and Lavaca GR 7-2820 and Cameron Village GL 3-1958 Austin's Authentic Mexican Restaurant THE ORIGINAL M eet Your SPANISH VILLAGE Budget" 802 Red River GR 8-1 888 Nam• Pages Haskew, Laurence Defee . ........33, 34, 303 Hasler, Tom Calvert ." . .... . ...330 Hassan, Khaled Kassab . . . . ........350 Hassan, Samir Ahmad . . . . . . ......324, 350 Hassell, Shirley Marie . . . . . ........ 57 Hassell, \Villis Lee.... ... . .... .116, 403 Hastedt, Robert William ..........450, 451 Haswell, Dan Forrest . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Hatch, Jamie Beth . . . . . . ... .386 Hatch, Lrwis F ."" " " " . . " .... .. ."282 Hatchell, Mike Austin .............402, 464 Hatcher, Johnny Coulson ... . .. . .......423 Hatfield, Charlotte June ............57, 298 Hatfield, Sarah Jane.............. . 100, 364 Hatfield, Tony Max . . ................. 57 Hathaway, Jolen Milton ....... . ...25 , 462 Hatler, Carole Ann ..... .......100, 135, 364 Hatton, Peter Allen ""....... .........43 Haubold, Elka Charlotte .. ...... ... 151 , 515 Hauer, Linda Susan ............... 132, 340 Haun, An Karen . ...........238, 243 , 314, . 316, 390, 400 Haun, Nancy Loujse " ........ ...... . .. 390 Hauser, Charles Edward .. . . .. . . . . . 101 , 440 Havlick, Milton Edward .......... .....435 Hawkins, Milton \Villiams...........57, 406 Hawks, Georgia \Vhittenburg .. . ... 101 , 128, 13 • 390 Hawley, James Leeper...... .... .. .. 6, 422 Hawn, Patricia Diana....... ...........394 Haworth, Carol Lynn " . ... ........116, 385 Haworth, Robert Frederick ... .......... 86 Hawthorne, Charline ....... ... . 6, 390, 515 Hay, James Clifton , 11! ........... .... .144 Hay, Wayne Melvin ...57 , 420. 421 , 517, 520 Hayes, Hugh Carl . ............. " .. " .453 Hayes, Jeff ~~nn ..... ........238, 271, 431 Hayes, John ~ig.nan ................... 116 Hayes, Stanley Earl .. . ........... " ...344 Hayley, Jack Fonville. .................318 Hayman, Charles H" . . . . . . . . . . ...418 Haynes, James Milton, Jr. ..57, 250, 303, 346 Hays, Almond Jasper, Jr.. .........258, 409 Hays, Mary Delaine ....... ............295 Hays, \Vi\\jam Thomas ... ..............254 Head, Eugenia N elson ...... ...........296 Heald, Kay Dell ....... .. " ...... " ." 116 Healer, Milton Bryan, 11 ....... ........308 Healy, Ardmore Joseph, Jr." ........... 116 Heaner, Anne Starck .... .......... 116, 389 Heard, Ernest Sam .......... .. .86, 236, 268 Heard, Johnny Neal, !1. .......116, 238, 437 Heard, Lois Myrl ..........57, 296, 351, 384 Hearn, Harry Taylor . .................324 Hearne, James Herbert...... ...........323 Heartfield, Randolph. ......... 101 , 462, 464 Heath, Carolyn E\jzabeth. .....116, 138, 339 Heath, Dr. J. B ..... " . .." .... ." .. " 37 Heatb, Jesse Boyd . .......... ..........429 Heath, \V. W. ... . ... . . " .. """"." 28 Heathington, Kenneth \Vayne . .....257, 325 Heatly, Charles Alvin ..................320 Heatly, Sue . ..........................388 Heaton, Katherine "" ................. 137 Hebert, Emery J ean . . . . . . . .........304 Hebert, Glen Darrell ." ... . ......317 Hedcotb, Charlie, Jr.... .. " .. " " .""2 2 Hedgcoxe, Pat Garner .... .............300 Hed ~peth, Lloyd Glenn.......... . . 116, 327 Ghanim .... ......57, 152azi, Eftekhar . Hed Heemer, Jack Eddie .. ................. 57 Heflin, Bess """ """ " " " . ..." .. .295 Heflin, Clayton Ray ...................324 Heidelberg, Hoppy Eric ................ 116 Heibron, Charles Harris.. ..............448 Heiligman, Sandra Kay .............57, 352 Hein, Robert A ."".. .........." "" .34 Heinemeyer, Louis Cbris . ..............30 Heinrichs, James Dell ... ...............434 Heinsohn, Betty Jane.................. 140 Heise, Helen .................332, 333, 334 Hejl, James Earl ...... ." " " " " " " .480 James George ....... 116, 297, 344, 356l,. He Helfman, \Villiam H. ..................404 Helland, George A., Jr. ....57, 220. 2~7• 294, 300, 306. 315, 357. 452 Heller, Carleton William . . ............. 144 Heller, Jeffrey Merwin .............430, 490 Heller, Richard Joseph ... .........: ....327 Hellums, Charles Gary ... ...... ........324 Helm, Minor Lovis, Jr....... ...82, 410, 411 Helmer, David Marvin . . . 6, 263 Helmer, \Villiam Joseph .... . .....252, 254 Helms, Andy Lyn ......... 116, 238, 297, 463 Helms, Marianne " ....... " " " " " ...376 Helsley, Albert Norris ...... . ... . ..320, 454 Helton, David Kriby .............. 11 B, 443 Heltzel, Emmalee Jeanette..... 116, 238, 399 Helwig, Annette .......... 101 , 290, 37 , 510 Hembree, Elizabeth Carmen ..... ... 140, 349 Hemke, Jerry Maurice . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Hempel, Harold Chris " " . .." " " " " . 58 Hemphill, Paul Douglas .... ....58, 282. 323 Hempkins, \Villiam Brent ..........237, 308 Henderson, Barbara . ...............58, 394 Henderson, Charles Allen . ..............444 Henderson, David Holland .....58. 145. 311 , 517, 518, 520, 523 Henderson, Dwight Franklin .........58, 257 Henderson, Glenda Gay ... ....116, 133, 375 Henderson, Jane Birdwell . ..........59, 296, 29 • 351 , 388 Henderson Jerry William . . . . .. ..... . . . . 116 Henderson, John Burns, Jr" .... ........432 Henderson, Joseph Lindsey . ............432 Henderson, Lynda "" . .............86, 515 Henderson, Ralph Joseph ......238, 297, 342 Henderson, Roger Caldwell . ....267, 291, 517 Henderson, Watson Ross .............. .417 Henderson, \Vendell Roy ...... 11 6, 238, 308 Hendrick, Tbomas Gould ......139, 261, 523 Name Pau•• Hendricks, AlbertGates .. .....101, 412, 413 Hendricks, Gary Franklin ... ...........101 Hendricks,,. Michael Edward .. .... ..... .323 Hendrie, varolyn Lorraine . . ........5 , 398 Hendrix, Dawn Marie .......... . .. 299 Hendrix, \Villiam Thomas . . ... ...320 Henger, Rex Ronald .. 139, 340 Hengst, Howard Harlen . . ... ...320 Henkel, Francis ....... . . . .. .. .349 Hennessy, Elaine Agnes ................ 116 Henrich, Carolyn Joy ....... " ......... 136 Henry, Anthony Ray ..............236, 328 Henry, Bill E" ""." ... """ . ..315, 402 Henry, Frances Carolyn .. ..........36, 390 Henry, Frazier Patrick .... .............442 Henry, John Lee ..............272, 297, 522 Henry, Martha Jo ... .........345, 347, 370 Phyllis . .......................3 6,•. Henr Hensey, \Valter Russell , 111 .. . .... ..5 , 452 Henshaw, Major James L ...........256, 353 Henshaw, Richard Charles, Jr.... ... 289, 292 Henshel, Richard Lee . . 297 Henslee, Sarah .... .......236, 351 , 374, 510 Hensler, J. B.. .... .. ................ . . 11 6 Hensley, Betty Jo " . .. ."" """" . . . 11 6 Hensley, John M " . .""." ""." . ...443 Hensley, Lynn Carlett. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 426 Hensley, Sidney Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Henson, Booth Sheryl ......... ..... 6, 415 Henson, Janis Ellen .. .........." " " .299 Henson, Joy Bertle.. . .. .. 117, 23 , 246, 365 Henson, Nancy Lynn ..... .........117, 375 Henson, Ricbard N elson .... ............117 Henson, Robert Lee, !11 ........... 101 , 422 Henson, \Valter Tom . ...... 6, 315, 402, 464 Henze, Henry Rudolf ...... ............282 Hrrber, John Hcnry . ..........267, 334, 460 Herbst, Albert Otto..... .. ..... ..... ... 324 Herbster, John Fred . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Herdman, Mary Anne . . . . . . . . . . ...... 117 Hering, Johnnie Jene . ....."" . .... 117 Herman, Donald Sidney .. ......87, 44 , 464 Hermann, Harry Mark .... . . ...........259 Hermer, Richard Marcus ......... . .270, 404 Hernande ~Sylvia Christina ............ 151 Herndon, varolyn Ann .................393 Herndon, Carolyn Louise . . . . . . . ......351 Hcrndon, Floyd Dennis, Jr." . . .323, 442 Herndon, Hugh Miner .................318 Herndon, Michael Gilbert..........272, 462 Herpin, Claude J "". """""" .31 , 331 Herren, Janis Jones .................87, 299 Herrera, Alfonso Alfredo, Jr" . ..........301 Herrera, Fermin Nicasio, Jr.............349 Herrera, Ninfa Rosa ...... ... ..... . . " . 151 Herrera, Rodrigo Fausto ............5 , 322 Herrera, Thelma Lucila ................ 150 Herring, Frances Jane ............. 117, 136 Herring, James Carroll, Jr. (Jerry ) .. 139, 258. 313 , 418• 467 Herring, Jimmy Franklin " .............291 Herring, Joe Ray . . ................5 , 352 Hcrring, Sarah " ..... . ............117, 134 Herring, G. Waync . "" " .......... " .517 Herrington, David Lawrence ............327 Herrington, Doris Gladys ...............334 Herrington, John Athol, Jr.. . ...........263 Herrington, Verda... ..... .........344, 356 Herron, Mary Ellan . ...........58, 128, 133 Herry, Michael Lee..... ... ............320 Herry, Rose Marie .. ...........87, 299, 35 Herzog, Edna Sue ... ..................386 Hess, Jeanette Lynn ...................23 Hesse, Henry David " " ... ....." . . 7, 333 Hester, Larry Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Edwin " ... 117, 259, 327, 353 . rtiHester, MaJr........57m, . George \VilliHetherington, Hewell, Robert Campbell.......58, 229, 260, 291, 315, 422, 423 Hewett, Harvey Jackson, Jr" ......2 3, 324 Hewett, John \Villiam ................ . 58 Hewitt, Sharon Loujse" . ......117, 238, 387 Hewlett, Edward Robertson (Robb ).. 87, 23 1, 286, 313, 344, 346 Heyer, Ernest \Villiam......... ... .274, 297 Heyman, N ancy .. . . . . . ..338 Hibbs, Edwin Bulien, Jr........•...276, 277 Hibler, Morris Lynn ........ ...........272 llibler, Prentis Otis. ...." .. " .... " ."272 Hickman, Brent L..... ................336 llickman, Judith Ann . .........87, 228, 249, 310, 37 • 379 Hickox, Charles Ewing, Jr. ............ .344 Hicks, Bruce Allen ..... " " " " .. " " .480 Hicks, Gary Blaine ......... ...........117 Hicks, Malcolm Scott . ........... .. .58, 452 Hicks, Phy\iss Marie" ... ..............364 Hicks, Sarah Elizabeth .... ....12 , 129, 295 Hicks, Troy Lynn .....................324 Hieatt, Betty Louise .. . ... 117, 136, 335, 387 Hiett, Joan Kay .. . " ."" " ". . " 376, 511 Higginbothan, Betty Boggs . ... .... ..87, 135 Higgins, Alan Patrick . ..... ........420, 421 Higgins, Erin "" . .."." ..87, 236, 310, 39 lliggins, Sandra Lee . ...... .. . . ....330, 336 Higgins, Victor Anthony ...............331 Highland, Lenore Carol . ....87, 236, 245, 364 Hightower, Brenda Joyce ............ ... 150 Hightower, Margaret Lutetia ........5 , 39 Hightower, Robert Cameron... 221 , 237, 238, 244. 294, 296. 315 llijazi, Khalouk A.. . ." "" " " " ... .. 350 Hildebrand, James R " .. .... ...........323 Hill, A. Jackson .. .....58 , 145, 300, 306, 311 Hill, Carolyn Joyce .. ......58, 295, 298, 339 Hill, Charles Barrow" " " " " " " .. " . 5 Hill, Mrs. Claude . . . . . . " " .. " ...351 llill, Dexter"" .. "" .58, 2 6, 356 , 315, 323 Hill, Dwight Leon"" .............424, 521 Hill, Jane Andrea . . . " """ " 117. 245. 399 Nam• Paqes Hill, Janet Rae" ....... ..........132 Hill, Jerome, IV . . ....................260 Hill, Jerry B .. .... .... . . ." 101 Hill, Jo Marie... ..... " ........ . .. 87, 351 Hill, Jon Michael . ...... " ............418 Hill, Kathryn ... ......... 117, 136, 238, 246 Hill, Nancy Elizabeth .... . 101, 237, 395, 400 Hill, Oliver . ..........................328 Hill, Otis Gillette .... ....... ..... .101 , 406 Hill, Patricia Ann .... .............117, 138 Hill, Richard Lionel.. .........30 , 323, 413 Hill, Robert Shan . ... ..... ... .........324 Hill, Tom \Veaver ..................... 42 Hill, Master er ~eant Virgil Thomas .. ...269 Hill, Virginja Ellen . " " " " " " " .. " .290 Hill, Zack . " .. " " " " " " " " " .. " .446 lliller, Raymond " . .. ."" " ." ... 49 . 517 Hilley, Larry Curtis . .. ....... 11 7, 433, 490 Hilliard, Frank \Varren ..... ...........444 Hilliard, Roby \Valdo. Jr" . ............355 Hillin, Robert K" "".. " .. ......"" .430 Hillje, Jean Loui'!e ............ 101 , 296, 366 Hillyer, Mary Frances . . ............... 132 Hilou, lsam ...........................350 Hilton, Marjorie Eli a.beth ..........87, 376 Himmelblau, David Mautner ...........323 Himmelstein, Randa Lee ... ........117, 134 Hinkman, Glenna Gail .. ... ... . . . . . .... 5 Hindman, Sally Ann . . .5 , 302, 332, 334 Hinds, William Pieree .............332, 333 Hing, Kuntha ...........58, 323 ........>. . Hinkle, David Olin . "" """ "" .....296 Hinkl•, James Michael . ........... 101 , 330 Hinkle, Olin Ethmer .. """ """ .247. 303 Hinkle, \\1illiam Lynn .. ........58, 237, 313, 322, 492, 506, 507 Hinojosa, Abelardo D., Jr... .... ... 259, 353 Hinojosa, Robert Arthur ..... . .. .... . .. 271 Hinsley, Robert Benjamin . .... 101 , 285, 439 Hinson, Bill J . ...""""" "" ""...320 Hinson, Jack Little . "" .. .." ... ......320 Hinson, Jack Raymond ....... .........277 Hintner, Evan .. " . ....... ."" "" ...305 Hinze, Neil \11"". .. " . .... • ."""" •325 Hipps, Phillip Lynd .... ...........499, 502 Hirsch, Alice N atalie " " .. " . ..." . " .. 133 Hirschfeld, Teresa Jean . ...........117, 397 Hirschhorn, Martin " . ........"" .317, 404 llise, Ross""" .. """".""" .332, 333 Hite, Nora Jean ....... " . 128, 137, 290, 380 Hitt, Gary Chris . .......... 7, 259, 353 , 515 Hitt, Mary Sue ... ." " " . ." " " " " . 58 Hittlc, Max \Villiam . ..............254, 331 Hittson, Richard Wallace ........ ..101, 411 llix, Elizabeth Mae" . ................. 131 llixon, Sumner B . . ....................308 Hixson, Elmer L ". ....................293 Hixson, Robert Benson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Hixson, Tommie Ernest .... ........322, 357 Hlanak, La Verne Marie ......... . .236, 364 Ho, Chung You ........ " .... ... ...... 144 Hobbs, Carole Jean " ... ...... ...... 7, 377 Hobbs, Fleming Cook ". ...........420, 421 Hobbs, John Frank............•....... 7 Hobbs, Lee V..... ." " " """ " . ." . 87 Hodgood, Martha ... ..." ... ..." " " .307 Hochman, Isaac Marcos ........ ... .58 , 325 Hodgdon, David Lindsay ..........101 , 423 Hodgdon, Samuel Thomas ..............422 Hodge, Claude Burrell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Hodge, William Earl "" .... " .... .101 , 454 Hodges, Elizabeth Macey " 117, 136, 237, 395 Hodges, Fred Collins """ """" . ... .2 4 Hodges, Gus M . .. . " .. " .. """ .294 , 432 Hodges, Henry Robert . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Hodges, James Elton .. ...•............273 Hodges, Jimmy Mack ... ........•......352 Hodges, Norman ... .... . . ... . . . .. .. . .. 435 Hodges, Rex. .........................352 Hodges, Stephen Lofton " ".. ......117, 455 Hodges, Suzy Catherine ... 117, 136, 238, 379 Hodnett, Johnie Lee.. " ... ....317 , 416, 417 Hoeck, John Scott .................424, 492 Hoecker, Cleve James... ... ....... ... . .30 Hoecker, Robert Michael .. ........ .238, 308 Hoehn, Louise Curtis ". ...........351 , 3 8 Hoehne, Charles \Villiam " . 101 , 148, 251, 274 Hoelscher, Reba NeU ... " " "."." " . 137 Hoff, Jobanna ... ." " . ...........246, 367 Hoffman, Bonnie Lou Schaff ............291 Hoffman, David Alwynn ............... 87 Hoffman, Gary Samuel ........ 117, 238, 449 Hoffman, George \V ". ...... ...........444 Hoffman, Sandra Rebecca .... . . .... ....3 3 Hoffman, William Henry, Jr........291 , 434 Hoffmann, Larry C •.. .. " .. ...........349 Hofheinz, James Fred ... ......315, 414, 464 Hogan, Augustine LeClercq . . . . .... 101 , 415 Hogan, Gladys Jean ................58, 370 Hoge, James Charles Hugh .......... . .. 257 Hogue, James Melvin ..... .............405 Ho~uc, Shell Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . .....415 Hoiseth, Merlin George .. ....... 7, 327, 333 Hokanson, Janicc Lou . ............117, 134 Holbrook, Donald Carter ...............249 Holcomb, Lyndon Paul ............325, 342 Holden, Michael McKinley ........144, 356 Holdcn, \Villiam Reece ..... .. . ... ...318 Holder, Betty Darlene ................. 135 Holder, Jerrell Aaron . .........454, 490, 417 Holdsworth, Elizabeth .............. .. . 137 Holekamp, Jeanette Fern ...... .....117, 13 Holland, Bruce utton, Jr...............327 Holland, David \V" "" ........ " "" .304 Holland, Jack ..32, 39, 147, 237, 247, 304, 330 Holland, Leon Laforest ........... ......259 Holland, Ricbard Dwight ...... . . ...... 5 Holland, Samuel Matthew, Jr" .. ...5 , 314, 43 • 439 Hollandsworth, Leslie . ................ .331 Holleman, Patricia Lynne ...... . 7, 133. 246 Name Paqe Holley, R. L ., 11! ...... ........""".357 Holley, \Vaymon . . . . . . . . . . .. ."" " .285 Hollingshead, Tom Truitt..... .58, 318, 452 Hollingsworth, Dianne " ....... 117, 245, 399 Hollis, Carolyn Jean . . . . . . . . . . .....335 Hollis, Charlotte Annette ........ .. .....117 Holloman, Sydney Cartwright, 11 . ......421 Hollon, Jerry ...... ...... " "" .. " ."469 e..............330 .. Gerald Euge Holloway, Holloway, Gordon Arthur " .87, 428, 429, 520 Holloway, Mary Loretta ........... 101 , 399 Holloway, Richard Earl . ..... .. .... 7, 267, 300, 402, 403 Holloway, \Villiam Gordan .......... 7, 318 Holly, Charlotte Louis ......... 101, 377, 515 Hollyfield, Cynthia Ann ...........245, 330, 3 5, 512, 513 Hollyfield, John Scog ~ins. ... ... ....101 , 454 Holman, David Calvin ....... ..... . . . . . 87 Holman, Dixon J " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Holman, James Thomas .. . .....5 , 250, 303 Holmes, Albert \\'olfred ................422 Holmes, Carole Ann ........... 177, 136, 377 Holmes, George \11•••••••.• . .• . •.•••...336 Holmes, James Robert, Jr......277, 312, 335 Holmes, Larry Allen ... ................357 Holmes, Lynn Justyne............. 117, 336 Holmes, Rocky Dean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Holmes, Thomas Michael ...... .. . .....407 Holmes, Tomie Stonehouse ..........5 , 420 Holsomback, Robert Lee . ...... .59, 322, 357 Holsomback, Thelma Frances Clarke .....59, 301 Holt, James Fannin " . 117, 23 , 2 4, 377, 511 Holt, Mayrel . ............. .. ... . . 117, 339 Holton, Robert Ladd ......... ... ......480 Holtzman, Lawrence Edward " ......... 117, 238, 327, 449 Holtzman, \\' ayne H " ... ..............402 Holzman, Robert Stefan " " ............408 Holzmann, Ronald R. B.............59, 521 Home Economic• Club . . •...... . .... . ..339 Honde, Eugene Robert ... ..............300 Honeycutt, Kenneth Ray ......... . .59, 426 Hongsrithong, Charoen ................ 43 Hood, Dell Jackson " . .................272 Hood, Martha Josephine ..... .......87, 398 Hooks, Arnold Seals, Jr" . . ... ..........304 Hooks, Herbert Lee " " ................450 Hooper, Carolyn N ell . ................. 115 Hooper, \Villiam Coggin, Jr..........87, 325 Hooper, William Henry .... ........101 , 403 Hoote, Jim Jack .... . ........ . .........326 Hooten, Janis Janeil ..... ...... .59, 299, 374 Hope, Ruben Wert ....... ..........59, 422 Hopkins, Geor~e Hamilton, Jr. . . .. .293, 306 Hopkins, Harriett Hilda " . 117, 23 , 316, 334 Hopkins, Harry Lamar ............332, 334 Hopkins, Lionel Gordon " . ............ .327 Hoppenstein, Jay Marshall .. ... ... .. . ..404 Hopper, Charles Terrance .. ...... ......267 Hopper, Shirley Jean .... ..... ....... ..334 Hoppess, Nancy Rush . ........." ..... 131 Hopson, Dana ... " " " " " . ." " " " .380 Hopson, Jane Elizabeth ...... ......101 , 376 Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 .. , Marvi Horak Horka, Ann . ." " . ." " ... ""87, 330, 366 Horn, Barbara Maudean ........... 117, 150 Horn, Beverly Reita . ... . . .....59, 131 Horn, Melvin August ................. .263 Horn, Patricia Joan ......101 , 140, 349, 511 Horn, \\'anda Pearl"." ........ .... 7, 151 Hornberger, Diana . .... ........ . . . 117, 3 9 Horne, Alvin Andrew •....... ...... 117, 419 Horner, David Louis " " .... ..... . . .. ..451 Hornung, \Villiam E .. ........... .. .... 148 Horstmann, Lea Marye............290, 356 Horton, Barbara Nell ..... ......59, 12 , 137 Horton, Donnie C . ....." .... " " . " " 59 Horton, Frances Marlene ... .........59, 151 Horton, James Miner .. .. .... " ...... .. 59 Horton, Joseph Paul, Jr. . ........... . . .323 Horton, Sally Edna.... ............117, 138 Horton, Samuel Bruner ........... . .87, 322 Horwitz, Arlene Gail . .............101 , 382 Horwitz, Julian Victor . ...... . .. .....448 Horwitz, Kathryn Ann ........ 101 , 382, 512 Horwood, Daniel Wallace ..... .........273 Hospers, Carol Elizabeth .. .........117, 3 1 Hough, Eldred Wilson ............... ..306 Houghton, Judith Dean.......... ......336 House, Gerald Foster .... ..............327 House, James Boyd, Jr....... . . .. .. 263, 352 House, Rex Clayton, Jr. ... ............2 House, Robert Franklin ............. .. .304 House, Rosemary Clyde . . . . 7. 169, 221 . 237 , 240, 309, 310, 366 Housel, Mona Faythel . .............59, 2 8 Houser, Gordon \Villard ............101, 454 Houston, Gene Autry .. .......... ... ... 271 Houston, Gerald Howard . ..............422 Houston, James M............ .59, 139, 327 Houston, James Thomas ....... .. .... . .498 Houston, Robert Conway .......... 101, 451 Houston, \\1anda Claire .... 101 , 133, 371, 515 Houstoun, Susan Louise ...... ......59, 390 Houy, Captain Clifford \Valter .. ........269 Hovey, Lynda Carroll .. ................135 Howard, Bertrand E . ..................356 Howard, Brenda Claire . . .......... 101 , 3 6 Howard, Carl Dean .·.... .......59, 237, 247, 250, 303, 32 Howard, Charles E ." . .................331 Howard, Donald Eugene . . . ............143 Howard, Gary Dee..... ....... . 7, 446, 447 Howard, Janet Loal ................. . .296 Howard, Katherine . ...................394 Howard, Mildred ". " ...•.... ... .. " . .336 Howard, Paul Allan .. .............101, 444 Howard, \Veldon Lee .. .........•..327, 354 Howe, Olivia Anne .....•..........336, 380 Pag& 540 • Engineering & Architecture Supplies • Photosta ts & Dra wing Reproductions Dewayne Manning, ar­chitecture student at the University, looks over some architecture sup­plies shown him by Susy Gibbins, member of the sales staff of the MILLER Blue Print Company. MILLER BLUE PRINT COMPANY 108 E. 1 Oth The Bank for Young People Who Are Going Places FI:R.§TCIT-Y NATION.A.L BAN.._ O F' HOU S TON Poge 541 Name Pagfl Howe, Robert Melvin, Jr.. . ..... 1li, 451 Howell, Douglas Warren .. 421 Howell, Holly Gertrude . . . . . . 379 Howell, Jefferson Davis, Jr.. ...276, 312, 406 Howell, Josephine Moore......231, 237, 329, 351 , 394, 400 Howell, Leon Poindexter, Jr.... .59, 246, 317 Howerton, Joel Edgar .. ...............352 Howse, Robert Maurice . . . . . . . ..352 Hoyt, John Clinton . ...................451 Hranicky, Charlene Martha .. .. 142, 151 , 339 Hsu, Alexander Jihming .. . ........ 101 , 237 Hsu, Cheng-Chien . ..... . . .. . . .........323 Hubbard, Diane ........ .......87, 142, 151 Hubbard, Jeffrey Hanson . .. .......263 , 352 Hubble, James Goffrey .. . . . . . . . . ......2 t Huber, Carol Lynn ......... . . . 101, 135, 364 Huber, Carolyn Joyce... . . 117 Huckabay, James Donald . . . .59, 327 Huckabee, John \Valter , 111 . . .... ..101 Hudfins, James Thomas .. ..... .......429 Hudson, Rarbara Dean. . . . . . ......3 8 Hudson, Don . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...349 Hudson, Dwight Starling. . . . . 101 , 330 Hudson, Gail ... ...........59, 295, 329, 390 Hudson, Hal Segrest . .............. .82, 442 Hudson, Jack Bonner, Jr.. ............. 59 Hudson, Jerald Collin .. . . . . . .... 143 Hudson, Patricia Anne .. ..........117, 134, 245, 264, 379 Hudson, \Villiam Arthur, 111 ..... .. . 2, 424 Hudspeth, Robert Neal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Huebotter, \Villiam Frederick . . .. . ...... 59 Huegele, Ernest Richard, Jr.............338 Hueter, Frank August, Jr...............442 Hufendick, Ann ........ ...........2i0, 390 Hufendick, Jane Kendall.. ......... 101 , 391 Huff, Charleii F..... . ... . .. ............ 101 Huff, Clark Kern .................. ... .357 Huffington, Alice Virginia .... ..... 101 , 290, 316, 339, 371 Huffman, Calvin Wayne ... ..... ...238, 267 Huffman, Devereaux Maitland . . .. .. . ...323 eth ..............277 . enHuffman, James K Huffman, James Milton .... .. .......59, 306 Huffman, Patricia Ann (Tish ) . . .87, 237, 378 Huffstetler, Dave.... ..... .............254 Huggins, John Michael ............ 117, 433 Huggins, Suzanne . ... .. ......... . .. . ..390 Hughes, Barbara Jane .............290, 349 Hughes, Carl David ...................28S Hughes, Charles Ray .......... 101, 324, 514 Hugheii, David Kiker .. .... ... 101 , 235, 241 , 267, 314, 315, 452 Hugheii, Elwyn Kent .... .. . . . .... . ....334 . 8.............Hughes, Frances Catherine Hughes, Jrene .. .......................248 Hughes, Jeane House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Hughes, Jerry Lee ... ..................426 Hughes, John Bruce.. ..........87, 444, 445 Hughes, John Mark . . . .. . .... . .. . . 117, 274 Hughes, Larry ... ...... .•.............320 Hughes, Leo .. ........................349 Hughes, Marshall .. . .............. ....483 Hugbes, Martha King . ...... ...........378 Hughes, Mary Margaret. . .. . . .. ... 12 , 140• 349, 511 , 514 Hughes, Robert Sherridan .. ... .. .. .273, 452 Hughes, \Vallace Leon ... . .............275 Hughston, Sarah Louise............ ....380 Hugman, Bernadine Mary .. . . . ..... 142, 151 Hugus, Donald Clyde ..... . .. .. . . . . .59, 327 Huhn, Janis Gertrude.............. 101, 359 Hulbirt, Richard Eugene ....... ....451 , 480 Hulett, Kenneth William, Jr. ...........446 Hull, Danny Mewis .... ............... 59 HulJ, Malcolm Cordell ...... ...........263 Hulsey, Spurgeon Leon, Jr.............. 7 Hultgren, Sidney Jean . ...... ......334, 348 Humble, Barbara Gene Fuller ... .... . . .. 307 Hummel, John Hull . ................. .336 Hummel, Kenneth Earl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Humphrey, Lillian ..... ......... .......366 Humphreys, Kenneth Ray . .............327 Humphreys, Robert Ples.... ...270, 311 , 312 Hunger, Rudolf Eugen . . ........87, 318, 338 Hunke, Arthur Harvey . . . .........327, 348 Hunn, Sharon Elaine . .........117, 238, 387 Hunsucker, Louis Sager, Jr......... : ...323 Hunt, Donald Lee........... ..........318 Hunt, Glenn Curtis, Jr.. ....... . .......434 Hunt, James R ........................ 87 Hunt, John Embry. ...........259, 308, 353 Hunt, Lynn Sherwood .. .......... . .59, 432 Hunt, Nancy Bryan ...........236, 310, 394 Hunt, Tan er Truett.. ................418 . Hunter, Amy Cherrie ...... ............ 87 H.uter, Dick Keith . . .. .. ..............288 Huntley, Carl Lewis .. ........... . .... .271 Huntley, Joan ...... .... . .... .101, 237, 246 Hun.Uberg_er, \V. A.....................323 Hurford, Gary Thomas... ......59, 306, 325 Hurley, Clyde Lanbam ... .........335, 454 Hurley, Gerald Lynn .... .. . . ...... 117, 250 Hurley, Ruth Marie . . .. .. ..... .. ... . .. 117 Hurn, Herbert W.....................•318 Hurst, Thomas Raymond . ... .. . . .. 117, 415 Hurt, Barbara Anne . ............. .. . ..339 Hurt, Robert Franklin . . ... . .. ....... ..318 Hurt, Ronald Wayne .... ..........117, 238 Hurwitz, Larry Neal . ..........59, 250, 303, 30 , 317,456,457 Hurwit.z, Nancy Lou .. 117, 134, 238, 290, 369 Huss, Jerry Stephen .. .......... . .. . . .. 344 Hustace, David............. ......304, 352 Husted, Harris Duncan .. . .. .. ...... . ..408 Huston, Robert Jack.......59, 452, 519, 520 Huth, Elizabeth Maverick .. ... . . ..101 , 390 Hutson, John Milton ... . .... . .. . ..117, 437 Hutto, Donald Annal . . ....... . ....308, 352 Huxoll, Cynthia . .. . ... ..... . . 152, 290, 513 Name Pagea Hyatt, Jimmy ...... . . ...............251 Hyatt, Paul Eugene .. . . .....505 Hyde, Gretchen Lee .. . . ..6i, 339, 515 Hyman, James Ray. ....... 238 1 !jam, Mousa Jaffar .. ...............43, 350 Imam Muhmi, Djuretna A........ . . . .. 43 Imhoof, Michael \Vayne ... . . 145, 263, 489 Imke, Frank James .. ............ .. .59, 291 lmmel, Ralph Conrad .........332, 333, 334 I nami, Tadao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....293 Ince, Richard \Veakley .........59, 323, 418 lnd.pendent Studenta' A88ociation ....... .340 Infante, Ettore H. F..........221, 306, 315, 326, 341, 349, 354, 357 Ingalls, Lawrence Albert ........ .......324 lngerson, Fred Earl, Jr.......... . .. 273, 445 lngram, Marion Darrell ....... .........325 lngram, Robert Donald . . . . . .. .. . .338 ln Afemoriam .. ... .. ......... . . . . . .... 40 Jnnis, Michael B..... ...... ..... ...... .308 lnatitute of Aeronautical 8cienct1 .. ..... .341 e Council .............. .142 . ati.e..Co-o.elnt lnterfraternity Council . ............... . .464 Interrante, Roes Pete..................336 509-523.......................amurala . lnt Irby, James Hudson............... 101, 308 Irvin, Joe Curtis . ................... ..263 Jrvine, Roy James................ . .. ..356 Irving, Charles Robert........ .. . ...59, 331 lrving, Thomas Ballantine .... ... .......350 Irwin, Sylvia .. .. . .......... .... .. 117, 379 Isaac, Derothy Sue............ .....87, 379 Isaacs, Patricia Lee ... .......•.........246 Jsbell, Patricia Jane .... ...........351, 366 Isett, Don Dale .. .....................407 Isom, Barbara.....•......... .........510 1 to-Flores, Cruz ......... ............ ..323 lvy, James Thomas .... . . ..... 101, 344, 459 lvy, Jimmy Dwain . . .. . ........ . ...... 59 Izard, Judith Carolynn ..... 7, 12 , 137, 515 Izard, Mark \Vilson ......... . ..... 117, 271 J Jackson, Benjamin Eugene . .........59, 323 Jackson, Bradley Thomas ........ .. 277, 324 Jackson, Donny Ray . . . . ........... . ..323 Jackson, Frank:ie Jerlene .. .... .... ..... 150 Jackson, Gayle Morgan ....... .....324, 422 Jackson, Gertrude Gaston .. . .. ..59, 236, 394 Jackson, Howard Lee...... ....46 , 469, 479 Jackson, Jack Douglas.. .. .... . . .. .258, 353 Jackson, Janis Jean .. ..... . .... . ... 117, 250 Jackson, Jessie Moore... ...............298 Jaekson, John Lawrence . . . .......... ...352 Jackson, Linda Marie ....... ...60, 339, 374 Jackson, Lorraine .............. . .. .. . . 38 Jackson, Ralph Semmes............. . . .259 Jackson, Richard Ford .. ..... .. .. . .282, 323 Jackson, Sandra Jan........ ........87, 135 Jackson, Tommy George . .. ............ 60 Jackson, Tommy Lawrence.........453, 480 Jackson, Vicki Lee............... .....152 Jackson, William Eaton, IIJ .... . ... 117, 453 Jackson, \Villiam Garrison. .............445 Jaco, Jan Ann . ............... . .... 7, 133 Jacobe, Ronald Howard ..... ......... . .429 Jacobe, RUBSel Lee, Jr.. ... . . . .........•428 Jacobs, David PauJ................ 101, 451 Jacobs, Judith Mueller.. .......... . . 7, 390 Jacobs, Sandra Roelyn . ............36 , 369 Jacobs, William Fredric. ........87, 420, 344 Jacobsen, Leila N......................351 Jacobson, Arthur Jerome ..... ......... .457 Jacobson, Gwenda Lynn ...... .....368, 369 Jacobson, Kay Ellen ... ................369 Jaeggli, Victor B., Jr. ...... 7, 261 , 311, 452 Jahanshahi, Asadollah .................324 Jakle, Florence Therese....... . .87, 128, 140 Jalonick, Geor ~e \Vashingto11 JV .. . . .. ..117 chael...... .............117 . MJ ames, Bela James, Bobby Jack......... . . . 101, 2 2, 344 James, Bobby Lynn .. .................139 James, Douglas Oran . . ............ . . . . 117 James, Gary Fred (Red) ... ............101 James, Judith . . . .. . .............. . 117, 138 James, Marie Louise............. ......394 James, Mary Bell Granger . ........298, 380 James, Nancy Kathryn . ...............333 James, Olivia Gail ...... ...............134 James, Raymond Percy . . . .. ......•101, 444 James, Scott Edward . . ................274 James, Sue Correll . ........... .........309 James, Virgil Albert . ..................304 James, William Grant......... ......... 87 Jamiesoo, Rhoda Janet ...... ..........358 Jamison, Gordon E. ................." 60 J anak, Donald Ray . ................60, 288 Janak, Dorothy May .... .... ...60, 128• 129 Janca, Lydia Agnes . ........... . . . . ....339 Janda, John . .........................517 Janik, Frank Charles ........ .......87, 145 Jankower, Barbara Ellcn . ..............36 Janota, Harvey Fran.klin . ..............348 Janssen, Herman Phillip .. ......•...60, 357 Janssen, James John ... ................322 January, Wil!iam Howard ...... .... . . . .452 Stewart........... 117, 409n, Sidney . Jarnag Jaroe, James Joseph . .. ... . 117, 238, 267, 451 Jaroes, Richard Jay........... 117, 354• 357 Jarrell, Norman David .. ............ 7, 433 Jarrett, Thad Johnson .... .. 60, 330, 335, 430 Jarry, Margaret Ann . .............101, 376 Name Pag" Jasman, Jeanette Martha.. .....60, 345, 347 263, 348........... .. Jasman Lawrence Ervi Jason, Robert Mayer ..............448, 523 Jasso, Albert T..... ...................101 Jee, Martha Doyle ........... 101 , 128, 129, 310, 316, 328 Jeffers, Anne Frances . ....... .. ... . 101 , 395 Jeffers, Leroy .. ....................2 , 294 Jefferson, Andrew Leon, Jr..............139 Jeffrey, James Thomas.................327 Jeffus, Thomas Rider..............326, 354 Jenkins, Cbarles Knox ... .......•.. 117, 447 Jenkins, Cleo . ........................522 Jenkins, Frank McLean .. ..............259 Jenkins, Jacklyn .... .. ...... . ... . . 167, 252 Jenkins, Janet Sharon. ........12 , 133, 134, 246, 336, 387 Jenkins, John Holmes III .......... 117, 46 Jenkins, Lonnie \Valton .. ..........60, 2 2, 306, 308 , 323 Jenkins, Michael Ray . .. ............ ...284 Jenkins, Richard Ellis .. ................327 Jenkins, Robert Ferrell...... ......... . .451 Jenkins, Ruth Lynette.. ...........117, 381 Jenkins, Thomas Vinnedge .. ...........356 J enks, Lillian . .... . .... . ..... . . . ... .. . 141 e .. 101, 133, 290, 392 . abeth An . EliJennings, Jennings, Fred . .. .... . ...... .. . . ... ...469 Jennings, Nathan Carpenter . ...117, 143, 480 Jennings, Richard Cornwell . . . .. .. ... 7, 406 Jennings, Sammie Janis ..... ...........3 6 Jennings, \Villiam Max .. ..........270, 276, 311 , 312, 323, 406 Jensen, William David............. 101, 414 Jerabeck, Judy. . . .. . . . ............. . ..394 Jeske, Richard Alton . ..................324 Jessen, Esther Margaret ............87, 378 Jester, David Gibson . ............. 117, 427 Jeter, James Guidry............... .60, 416 Jeter, Thomas Gentry, Jr. .. .......... ..87, 274, 438, 439 Jimenez, Emilio S ................... ...323 Jimenez, Jose Guadalupe ........... ....258 Jimenez, Ruben .. .... ...... . .. . .... ... 148 Jinnette, James Saunders .......... 101, 320 Jobe, Alice Cushman ...........60, 295, 339 Jobe, Bill David . ..................101, 432 Joehimsen, Jane Dee.. 101, 320, 334 , 366, 515 John, Virginia Kate................... .101 Johns, James Christy . ... . ........ . 117, 445 Johns, Perry A... .... ............ . .60, 139 Johnson, Anthony \Voodward .. . .43, 304, 352 Johnson, Bennie Lawrence ....... .......515 Johnson, Bennie Lee ... .. ... ...... . . .. . 60 Johnson, Carol Joan . .. ....... ... ..... . 132 Johnson, Carolyn Dean .... 101, 133, 333, 377 Johnson, Charles Wayne .... ...........101 Johnson, Corwin \Vaggoner . .. . ... ... . . . 237 Johnson, Curtis Eugene ... ..........60, 323 Johnson, Curtis Roy ... ............117, 336 Johnson, Dale Pat.rck . ... ..... 117, 238, 453 Johnson, Dan Micbael .... .......... . . .308 Johnson, David Bascomb...... .........297 Johnson, Don Henry . ..........87, 2 6, 322 Johnson, Donald Bruce .. ..........144, 277 Johnson, Donald \Vinfred .. . . ... .... ... 60 Johnson, Eleanor Leighton .. ...........388 Johnson, Farris Allen . ..............60, 436 Johnson, Franklin Beaumont .......322, 462 Johnson, Gail Edmond ...... ........ ...101 Johnson, Gail Gordon . .........60, 306, 341 Johnson, Gant Alan . . . . ............... 60 Johnson, Gary Dean . ...............60, 318 Jobnson, Gayle....... 101 , 133 , 246, 351, 399 Johnson, Gordon Howell .. .........452, 520 Johnson, Guy Jameii........... . .. . ....336 Johnson, James Brian......... .........272 Johnson, James Frederick .... . .........406 Johnson, Janice Faith .. . . .. . . . 117, 238, 515 Johnson, Jerry Mae . ...................117 Johnson, Joe Harman .. .. ..............275 Johnson, John Lynn . ............... . ..261 Johnson, J. Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Johnson, Joyce Ray .. . . .... ... . . .. 128, 130 Johnson, Judith Lee. ..............101 , 374 Johnson, Karrell John . ............273, 312 Johnson, Larry Bert . .. ....... . ....... . 87 Johnson, Laurence Samuel Jr. .. 101 , 420, 421 Johnson, Lee Roy .... .................318 Johnson, Margaret Ann . . ..............117 Johnson, Martha Ellen ... ....... . . .336, 373 Johnson, Milan Shelton, Jr..... 101 , 260, 418 Johnson, Nancy Beth .......... 101 , 237, 394 Johnson, Nancy Carolyn . . . . .. .. .. .....151 Johnson, Nancy Mitchell .. .........101 , 245 Johnson, Patriria Elaine .... ....... 101, 137 Johnson, Ralph Allen Jr..... . . ..... 101 , 455 Johnson, Robert David ........ 117, 23 , 447 Johnson, Robert Emmett, Jr. ...........331 Johnson, Robin Ann . .. .........60, 12 , 141 Johnson, Ronald ...... . .. . . ... ........455 Johnson, Rosemary Price ......117, 134, 381 Jobnson, Roy Briley ............... . .. .406 Johnson, Samuel Robert........ ........101 Johnson, Sharon . .... .101, 128, 13 , 310, 376 Johnson, Thomas Neil ........ .....420, 421 Johnson, Violet Janean .. . . . ...... . 117, 238 Johnson, \Vayne Gowen .. ...........87, 253 Johnson, Willard Edward . .........272, 312 Johnson, William Jerome ............. .. 101 Johnson, William Phillip, Jr........... .. 87 s . ...........30, 320 . av\Villiam ReJohnson, Johnston, Chesley Wiggins .. ...117, 261 , 447 Johnston, James Kay ..... ...... .......144 Johnston, James Phylander ... ..........325 Johnston, Karen Elizabeth ...... 60, 302, 356 Johnston, Mary Lucile . .... ...117, 245, 367 Johnstone, Susan Margaret ......... 101, 152 Joiner, Donald Lee . . . . .. . ............. 60 Joiner, William Stanley . .. . .... . . . . . ...352 Nam• Page1 Jolley, George Cardwell, Jr... . .. . ...82, 462 Jolley, Juditb Carol .. .. .......117, 399, 511 Jolly, Lloyd Cecil . .. ... . .. . ........... 87 Jolly, \Vayne Travis .... ...............263 Jonah, Carol Anne ..... ...........117, 238 Jonah, Fred C ... ...............•..326, 341 Jones, Archie N . ..................237, 452 Jones, Beverly Joyce .. .................152 Jones, Brenda LaDene .. ....... . .......117 Jones, Carl Max .. ..................... 60 J ones, Carole Elaine .. . ...... . .... .... .385 Jones, Catherine Frances . ......117, 236, 399 Jones, Charles Allen .. . . ...... . ...... . . 117 Jones, Charles Raymond . ..............430 J ones, Claude A ., J r .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Jones, Cynthia Ann . .. .. . . ..... . ..... ..366 Jones, Dalto11 Lane.. ..................275 J ones, Dannie Lee..... ............263, 353 J ones, Danny........... ..............271 Jones, Dick... ........................469 Jones, Dudley Davenport ..........297, 117 Jones, Edgar Ferdinand, IU . ...........418 Jones, Elizabeth Kay . ... ...87, 131, 334, 393 Jones, Elizabeth Thomson . ....101, 237, 395 Jones, Ellen Leeds ..... ............117, 136 Jones, Frances Ann . ......117, 134, 238, 387 Jones, Frank Bedford, Jr.. . . .. ... ...60, 267, 315, 330, 430, 431 J ones, Freda J anelle .. .................387 Jones, Gary Roy. .... ..... . . .. . ....60, 418 Jones, Grady Parker. ..............145, 517 Jones, Harriette Almira .. ..101, 12 , 136, 376 Jones, Harry Alison....60, 257, 325, 349, 438 Jones, Harry Lee. .....................296 Jones, Harvey Michael .. ...............297 Jones, Helen Carole .... ........60, 358, 359 Jones, Herbert . . ... .. . .. ....... . .. .. ..243 Jones, Hubert Kelly, Jr....... . .60, 304, 352 Jones, Ima Faye . .................118, 150 Jones, James Carroll . ..............46 , 481 Jones, James Henley . .... ..... ... ...87, 423 Jones, Janice Evelyn . ..........87, 131, 515 Jones, Janis Pearl.. ...................336 Jones, Jerry Lillian . ...................398 J ones, Job.n Handy, J r ........ . . . . ......324 Jones, Job.n Lawrence . . .. ...... . ....60, 424 Jones, John Raymond . .... ... ..... . ....101 Jones, John Richard..... .262, 406, 468, 478 J ones, J oseph J .. .......... . . . ..... ... .243 Jones, Julia Ann . ..................... 60 Jones, Laila Elizabeth (Betsy ).. 118, 133, 395 J ones, Lee........................250, 303 Jones, Margaret Elizabeth . .87, 339, 366, 367 Jones, Mark Edward .. . ...... ..... 118, 451 Jones, Martha Sue . .. . ... . . ... 11 , 136, 365 Jones, Marvi. Claud.. .. .. ............ .324 Jones, Mary Ann . . .... ..... . . .. . ..... . 118 Jones, Marylou Patricia .. ...........87, 150 Jones, Nancy C .. .................295, 339 Jones, Nelma Ann ... .. . . .. .....87, 236, 386 J ones, Neva J ane ... ....•..............339 Jones, Paula Ruth . ................118, 385 ee Caro .. ...............87, 245 . ReJones, Jones, Richard Carlson ............259, 353 Jones, Robert Dale .. .................. 87 Jones, Robert Eugene .. ... . 60, 242, 327, 434 J ones, Robert Lloyd .. .......... . .. . ...292 Jones, Robert Sidney . .. .. . ..... .. . 267, 311 Jones, Robin . . .. .. .. ... . .. ... 118, 399, 515 Jones, Ronald A ... ... ............2 2, 323 Jones, Ronald L . ......................139 Jones, Rose Mary... .......87, 133, 373, 515 Jones, Sandra Kay ........ ............398 Jones, Sarab Candace ( ally). ..11 , 379, 138 Jones, Stephen Edgar ... ...............144 Jones, Theresa E . . .. ... . .. .........60, 469 Jones, Vaughn Andrew . . .. . . ...... . . . ..325 Jones, \Valter Christopber ..... ... . ... . .259 Jones, \Valter Lee . .. ... .. . . .. .. ....87, 260 Jones, William Paul . .... . .. . . .. .... ...450 Joor, \Villiam Eugene III. .....101, 236, 297, 315, 432, 521 Joplin, William F .. ....................424 Jordan, Andrew Booty . ................334 Jordan, Anita Gertrude ... ........ .118, 159, 23 • 316, 379 Jordan, Carroll Ray .. . . ... . .. ... . . .. ..144 Jordan, Darrell Eddy.. ... 235, 313, 450, 464 Jordan, Elizabeth Ann ... . .. ....60, 241, 299 Jordan, Gwendolyn Patricia . ....... .. ..336 Jordan, Herrell Glyn . . . ... .60, 257, 304, 444 Jordan, Howell . .. . .. . . . . .... . ... . .....301 Jordan, Jack Todd .. ....... ... . ..... ..325 Jordan, James Franklin .. .... . . .. .... ..118 Jordan, John Raymond ..... ... .. .. 236, 246, 315, 428, 429 Jordan, Jerry Stokes.. .......... .......434 Jordan, Kenneth Ray .. .. ........... 7, 445 Jordan, Sara Frances... ............ 7, 135 Jordan, Vernon Murray . ...60, 315, 420, 421 Jordan, Virginia Kay .. . .. .. . . ... .. 137, 290 ,illiam Davis .. ..........118, 238 \..' ,Jordan 297, 409, 506 Jordan, \Villie Cleveland .. . .. .... . ..... 87 Jorden, Roger Miles . ...........61, 454, 517 Jorrie, Robert \Villiam .. .......101, 275, 456 Joseph, Carola Helen .... .............. 61 Joseph, Harold RUBSell, Jr. .. ..... .. 259, 424 Joseph, Joe Anthony.. .................314 Joseph, Lawrence Anthony, Jr...... .118, 413 Joseph, Norma Ann . ...... ......61, 351, 386 Joseph, Phyllis Mary . . . .......... .. . .. 3 6 Josey, Jack S.......................... 37 Jostes, Lynwood Charles . . . ... . .. . . 118, 344 Joyner, Shirley Dean . .............101, 133 J uarez, Eugene A .. . .... .. .. . ..... . . ... 144 Juarez, Humberto Luis, Jr. .. .... . . . . . . . 2 J uerj!ens, Larry David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 451 81-94.•........•••...•..•••.•...... 1 Junw Jurecky, Barbara Jane.. ...............514 Justice, Janice Kay ... . . ..•..... . . . 118, 371 Page 542 As a member of the Class of 1959, you're off to a good start toward a useful and rewarding future. May we congratulate you, and wish you every success. HUMBLE OIL & REFINING COMPANY Compliments of Monroe's Mexican Restaurants EL MAT EL TORO MONROE'S EL CHARRO "It's the shoes that make the man or the Co-ed. Other people look at your shoes. Why don't you?" Campus . 'S DACY . SHOE STORE 2348 GUADALUPE 610 CONGRESS "on the drag" downtown Austin 31/2 '10 START THAT Current Rate on SAVINGS ACCOUNT NOW! Savings The Mutual Savings lnstitution Resources over $33,000,000 1005 Congress TOM HARPER ..!)MUll'ance AUTO -FIRE -CASUALTY 616 West 6th St. Phone GR 6-6597 Austin, Texas Dividends To Select Risks K Name Page& Kabbara, Samir H " . . . . .350 Kacir, Betty Jayne .... . ..........298 Kadri, izar A.. ."""" . ..." " 350, 51 Kahanek, Georgia....... . ...... 140, 514 Kahler, Glenda Sharon . 7, 246, 334, 354 , 364 Kahn, Harriet Hinda..... .....11 , 334, 369 Kahn, Susan Emilie ...... .... .....118, 385 Kaindl, James Eric . .............. .118, 407 Kaiser, Anita Irlene ............ ...369, 515 Kaiser, Nanette Rose. ....... . .....238, 3 3 Kallina, Karol Jo .... .... .. .... . .. 118, 132 Kalmbach, Shelley Francis ...... . . .102, 374 Kamcn, Sam Abram ... .............87, 457 Kamenar, John Michael, Jr. . ...........260 Kammerer, James Richard . ........118, 336 Kampananonda, Sukree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Kamrath, Eugenie Martha.... .102, 381 , 515 Kamstra, Kenneth Oliver ......... .102, 327 Kantz, Lcila Margarct .. ....... 118, 138, 238 Kaplan, Anita Ruth . ..........334 , 3 2, 400 Kaplan, Elaine Rose"" .... ....61, 396, 397 Kaplan, Phyllis Judy . . . 61 Kappa Alpha " """ ... ." """ .422-423 Kappa .4lpha Theta ............... .388-389 Kappa Ep&ilon ..... . .. " ""." ... ."319 Kappa Kappa Gamma •..... ...... .39(}.391 Kappa P&i . ." """" " .. " .. " "" .284 Kappa Siuma .. . "." .... "" "" .424-425 Karcher, llasil Charles . ................317 Karchmcr, Barry Nolan ... ... ......245, 441 Kardell, Sandra Cartwright...... ... .61 , 374 Karkowsky, Jay Jules ....... . .. 7, 230, 257, 2 9, 315, 440 Karlsson, Richard Evert...... ......87, 285 Karnauch, Ludmila Pawlowna . ....... .. 87 Karnes, Charles Henry.. ...........300, 306 Karotkin, Riohard Simon . ..............440 Karotkin, Shelia Harriet . . ....... . . 102, 396 Kasman, Franklin Gerald ...... 118, 246 , 405 Kaspar, Thomas Nolan ........275, 492, 494 Kasparck, Brenda Joyce "" .. ..........118 Kasper, Delores .. ......" " " " " .. " .338 Kassell, Frcderick Bernard ... ..........303 Kassen, \Villiam Nelson ...... ......291, 331 Kassir, Samir M """. . ......."" .61 , 350 Katz, Doris Juline. ...........11 , 238, 383, 510, 51 2, 513 Katz, Jerry ..... ......................449 Katz, Sharon Elaine ..... ...... .... 102, 368 Katzoff, Rita Mae ................... .. 334 Barry Earl .... ..........440, 441 ,. Kaurma Kavanagh, Mollie Lynne . . .. ...... 152, 511 , 513, 514, 515 Kavanaugh, John D."".... ...........352 Kay, James Rudolph . .............292, 318 Kay, Joel Phillip ......................258 Kayyal, Kasim M" . ...............43 , 350 Kazen, Geor ~e Philip"" ..277, 292, 311 , 312 Kazen, Phyll s Marie ..............135, 290 . Keahey, James Frcdrick " .......... ....102 Kean, Alice Therese ......... ......11 , 395 Keane, Michael Sylvester. . .............458 Keasler, Emma Marie ..... .........61, 235, 236, 247, 364 Keere, Jerry Thomas "" ....... ."" ... 118 Keerer, Peggy Pauline ............ " ... 87 Donald John . ........349, 352, 426 ,. Keega Judith Louise......... 102, 135, 375 ,.. Kceha Keele, M. Duane.................. . . . .323 Keelen, Carolyn Virginia ........... 102, 380 Keeton, Carolc Stewart... 128, 138, 169, 231 , 6, 376, 400, 511 . 236, 237, 23 ' 310, 3 Keeton, Richard Pagc . ....61 , 229, 247, 2 , 296, 313, 41 ' 506, 507, 519 Keeton, \V. Page. ...............33, 36, 406 Keeslcr, Kitty ........................246 Kecvcr, Jack Elton .............87, 250, 303 Kehl, Sharon Ja .............. " ... 152 "e .. Keilcrs, Loraine Helen .................118 Keir, David Lawrence .. ..... ......296, 354 Keith, Janis""" . .""" ."" 7, 388, 467 Keith, Frank Roderick. ............300, 327 418................. . Robert QuentiKeith, Kekhcya, Abdul Haseeb Mohammcd Ali ..43 , 350 Kellcr, Cecil Theodore .................357 Keller, Charles \\'illiam . .. .. " ... ." 297, 415 Keller, l'aul \Vakefield .................274 Kellcy, Bonard James ...... ..... .......352 Kellcy, Carol .........................378 Kellcy, David Lce. . . . . ...... ..... .... 139 Kelley, Emory ......... ...61 , 249, 376, 377 Kelley, John Leonard ..................238 Kelley, John Townsend ................425 Kelley, Margaret Janc .. ............87, 151 Kellogg, David Lyle .. .."""" .... ."118 148, 272, . Kellum Daniel Hansrord ......1 Kelly, Carter Benjamin " ..236, 237 , 315, 428 Kelly, Gayle Faye .. .......... 11 , 377, 511 Kelly, James Antony .. ............... .425 Kelly, Janet Ann .... .....118, 134 , 387, 515 Kelly, John Eugene" . .. .......... .....443 Kelly, Kathryn Ann (Kay ) ... ... .. . 102, 390 Kelly, Loulynn .. . " " " " .... 138, 238, 381 Kelly, Nan Keith ..... . . . . . ...388 Kelly, Nancy Benedict.. .. 11 , 136 , 246, 381 Kelly, Robert Charles.. . .. 118, 327, 420, 421 Kelly, Sim ."" "" .... """ .. " ."" 37 Kelly, Thomas Frcderick . ..............352 Ke!ly, Thomas Philip, Jr. "" ..... ......318 Kelly, \\'illiam Carroll, Jr" .. . .424 , 520, 521 Kelm, Lawrence "" .... " ... ..........338 Kelsey, David Hamilton .......102, 454, 455 Kelso, Harry Bertrand, Jr" . ........88, 454 Kelso, Larry Paul . . . . . . . . . . .....320 Keltee, Eddie"" . ..""" """ .514 Kelter, James Edward . .... . ... 145 Kemble, Lynda Kay ... .. .......... 118, 137 Kemp, Michael Maurice.... . ....352 Name Paue• Kemp, Phyllis Joan .. " 339, 372, 400 Kemp, Ruth Ellen ......... " . 118, 245, 373 Kernp, \Villiam Franklin ... ........ .61, 249 Kempler, Leslie \Villiam . ...............277 Kendall, George Charles, Jr. . .... ...88, 2 9, 308, 311 Kendall, Knight Philip, Jr. . . ....... ....331 Kendrick, Cherry Dian ... ..............3 Kendrick, David Andrew .. .... .8 , 232, 236 286, 300, 315 Keng, Ronda Jan .............118, 316, 345 Kengla, \\'illiam A., Colonel ........265, 311 Kennamer, Susan Marie ........61 , 128, 130 Kcnnan, Kent \Vheeler. ................418 Kennard, Edith Louise .. .... . ... ... 102, 364 Kennedy, Billy Edward ..... .......499, 504 Kennedy, Charles Roy .................292 Kenncdy, Dabney ...... ...............308 Kenncdy, Herman \\'ilJis, Jr. " ...... 61 , 412, 413, 464 Kenncdy, Joseph Overton, Jr" . .........428 Kennedy, Laura F" . ... ...............372 Kenncdy, Patricia Anne . ...............102 Kenncdy, \\'illiam Carey, Jr" . ..........450 Kenney, Martha Lucille ................379 Kenney, Raymond C" .... " .... " " .. . 39 Kennimer, Bobby Lewis ...... .....324, 331 Kennon, Garland "" .............. 139, 325 Kenny, Robert \\"ayne............ .294, 303 Kcnny, Shirley Strum " ... " .... " . ....307 Kent, H. Ren ................ .........355 Kcnt, Harry Llewellyn, Jr" ...259, 300, 327, 353, 402, 443 Kenijono, Djoko .. ..."" .""." ."" 43 Kepke, Carlos Erwin . "" " ........ 11 , 445 ,....)(Keppy ry Ferdinand . He Keplinger, 325, 450 Kcrbow, Odis Doyce" . ................331 Kerbow, Roger Alan . ..................25 Kerley, Robert Lawrence............... 118 Kermacy, Martin S" . ...........•.....305 Kerr, D n Milton, Jr ............... 8 "" . Kersey, Mike Peter " ... .........." ... 145 Kershaw, Harry Albert .. ............... 118 Kershner, Stuart Deric ....300, 306, 353, 426 Kersten, Phyllis " " " " . " . " " " " 88, 33 Kessey, Peter " ""..... ."""".332, 334 Kessler, Edrea DaJe . . . .""" .. """ .396 Kessler, Kitty . ." . ....."" " 102, 366, 367 Ketchum, Charles Alfrcd ........ ....61, 446 Kettering, Barbara Ann . ...... 118, 136, 246 Keuky, Lim . ............... .. .....88, 2 4 Key, Donald Ray . ." " " " " " " .317, 330 Key, Martha Ann ........ .. . .. . . . " ...302 Key, Thomas Ray """"""""" 61, 352 Keys, Sara Esthcr ....... ..............39 Keys, \Villiam Edward .. .......35, 237, 303 Khalarallah, Abdelghany A" ... ...... .. 350 Kibbie, Kent Danrorth . . .... . . 102, 430 , 522 Kickland, Joy Elizabeth """"."" ." 61 ,02, 12 , 131 . .........Kiecke, Pattye Jayne 290, 299, 366 J(jeffer, John Breit" .. ........ 11 , 273, 411 Kieine, Walter Daniel " . ...............11 Kjeke, Twila \\1anda .......88, 245, 248, 366 J(jeschnick, Carol Ann . . ..... . ..... 118, 33 Kiett, Betty ..........................246 Kilday, Betty Lynn """" , 12 , 131 , 366 6, 339 . Kilgore, Linda Elaine ... ..102, 248, 3 111.... ......451 ,. Killebrow, \Villiam Baria Killcn, David Trenton . ................274 J(j\\~ore, Jack Crowley " ......... .. .... 43 Jr" ..............324 gh Edward, n, Hu . Kill Killingsworth, Marsha Kay .... 118, 133, 515 1 , 463 . .........Edward FranklinKillough, J(jllyon, Phyllis Nan " .................150 35, 366 . ...................AnnKilpatrick, Kim, Chang Yul ... ...................323 Kim, Kee \V ook " " " " " " " " " " " .327 Kimball, Albert Boggess ..... ....... ...263 Kimble, Kathryn Diane (Kay). ......8 , 377 Kimbrough, Phil Roy . " ............... 61 Kincaid, Frances Elizabeth ....... ..61 , 345, 347, 386, 511 Kinciad, Robert Merl . .. . ......61, 31 , 408 Kinrh, Ann Asby "" " .. ." . " .. " . ...378 ch, Samuel Everard, Jr ... 118, 250, 433 " .. Ki Kincheloe, Hazcl Karen . ..248, 271 , 392, 393 Kindle, John Madison, Jr............. . . 61 King, An etta Sue. .................... 134 . Carolyn Rhea ....... ........102, 376g, .. Ki King, Clyde Richard " " " " " " " " " .303 King, Della Glover. .. " .. .............291 g, Elizabeth Lou " .. 102, 319, 343 "."" . Ki King, Franoes Ruth ..... ...........88, 376 Kin~, Haydon Carroll ............ ......284 King, Jack Lce . . .. . .. " """" " 144, 520 James Charles....... ............301 g, .. Ki King, Jerry Lucien .... . " " """" " . 88 King, J oe M urphy .... ." " " " " .293, 306 King, John Robert, Jr" ............344, 356 King, Kay"""""" , 12 , 135, 351 , 386 8 . Ralph Judson ........ """"".3King, King, Robert C." " ..... ............ . .295 King, Robert Newton .259, 308, 353 , 412, 413 King, Terry Dean .. " " " " " .. .......492 Kinkade, Jobn Douglas ............102, 327 Kinnard, Charlie Jackson ........ ....... 61 Kinnei, Marilyn Kay " .. ...... ...... . . 102 Kins, Sammy" " " .. " " " " " " " , 448 Kin&oli.ng Dormilory, Northea&l Wing .. . 133 Kin&ol i.ng Dormitor Soulhea&t Wing " . . 134 .. Kin&ol>ing Dormitory, Northwe&t Winq .. . 135 Kin&olring Darmitory, Southwe&t Winc . .. 136 Kintanar, Jane Logarta . ... . . . ......43 , 140 Kirby Ha/l"" "."""." .. . """.. 137 Kirby, William Gary ........ . . . . . .....327 Kirchern, Reid Charles .....•......... .. 88 Kirk, Jon Bcdrord " .. ........... .. . ... 430 Kirkgard, \\'illiam Kieth ...... . . ... ....409 Kirkland, Darre Owen .................453 . Name Paue• Kirkland, Joy Elizabeth ................376 Kirkley, David James . .........61, 324, 357 Kirkpatrick, Edwin Loren , 11 . .... ......432 Kirkpatrick, Harry David " 250, 252. 315, 432 Kirkpatrick, James Carlos............. .323 Kirkpatrick, Julia Elizabeth ........ 102, 376 Kirkpatrick, Marillyn (Bitsy)........88, 135 Kirkpatrick, Mary Snyder" ... .. ... ....388 Kirkpatrick, Michael Grogan . . .... 273, 418 Kirksey, Don 1."""....... ...267 Kirkwood, James Lee ...............88, 450 Robcrt Marti11 .. .........263, 448 ,. Kirstei Kiski, James S" ..... " """ . ........327 Kissler, Betty Jane .. ..................298 Kittrel, John Robert . .............. , 260 Kivell, Bert Haworth..............425, 49 Klapp, \Villiam Devereux ... ...........253 Klasing, Milton Charles . ............... 102 Klatt, Jamcs Monroe ...... ............320 Klaus, Ewald Fred, J r " . . . . ........338 Klaus, Pat.... " " .. .." .. " " ...259, 353 Klein, Alexander Benjamin, Jr. . . , 288, 420 Klein, Elizabeth Anne .................376 Klein, Karen Kay . ................ . " .340 Klein, Karl K" ............ " ... ......442 Klein, Keith Edward ... "" """" . . .456 Kleine, \Valter Danicl . ............273, 445 Kleinman, Herbert E."" . .. " .. .......2 4 Kleka, Rudolph Bencdict, J r" .... 284 Klemt, William Bellamy .... ...........410 Klep, Sally Anne .... ........ ..........389 Klewer, Edwin D" . . . . ............ . . .. 425 Kleypas, Jennalie Frances " .61 , 273, 295, 364 Kline, David Alexander . . . . .. ....331 Kline, Frcd Ronald . . . . 102, 246, 2 9, 449 Kline, Fredric G." " ... " " .. " " " " .448 Kline, J ay Rodney .... . .... ... ....261 , 440 Klingman, \Villiam Robert . .. ...... 102, 282 Klock, Lynwood Lee " .... .............349 Kloesel, Lawson Grcgory .. .............320 Klose, Carol Lee.. .. ..........246, 336, 381 35, 394 . ,Ayree Jane. ............102Klotz, Kluth, George ... ." . " .. " " " " " " .241 Knapp, Bruce Reed .. .. " ......... 11 , 415 Knapp, Charles Cole, Jr" .... .... .. 11 , 453 Knapp, John Alden ........... .........275 Knebel, George \Villiam . ......... ..272, 434 37, 338, 340 . ,Janis Lynn . .....102Kneblik, Kncese, Victor Scott" . ................406 Kness, Lee Donald .. ................ . .297 Knierim, Bruce John . .........118, 433, 498 Knight, Anne "" ........... ...8 , 236, 395 Knjght, David \Varren ........ .... . .43 , 450 Knight, Donald Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . , 406 Kniker, James Donald ......... , 139, 230, 237, 273, 286, 312, 315, 46 ' 469 Knippa, Janice Lee""" ... " . .8 , 351, 376 Knippa, Larry Don "" .. ........... 8, 267 Knize, David Maurice ..............61 , 288 Knize, Mary Elizabeth ........ 11 , 140, 349 Knobler, \Villiam Morton (Bill ..) . . . . , 448 Knocke, Edward, Jr" ............. 11 , 250 Knocker, James Donald........ ........308 303, 426 ,. Knoles, Donald Paul . .......3 , 6 Knolle, Jon \Varren . " . ... ... .. . " . ....428 Knopp, Kenneth Paul "" ........ .... . .416 Knox, Kay Linda .... ..............61 , 380 Knox, Nita Carroll . .. . .. .......61 , 333, 372 18 , 132 . .....................Pc1111yKnox, Knox, Theodore \Vasson, Jr" . ...... .... 118 Knudson, Myron Oran ........ ..... 102, 274 Knupp, Robert Gist........88, 261 , 444, 445 Kobs, James G" . .. . ." """"" "" .349 Koch, Carol M argaret " " " " " " . 11 , 3 9 Kochevar, John Hall ..............259, 450 Kochhar, Vimal ..... . " . ..............327 Kocurek, Kay Nan ............ 118 , 23 , 379 Korcurck, \Villiam Neal .......230, 242, 266, 315 ,. 31,306,293,268,267 Koehler, Lenroy Anthony ... ..... . ... .. 341 Koehler, Travis............. ..........338 Koehn, \Valtcr Leedy" . . " "" ." " 61 , 320 Koen, Beverly Ann ... ........ .102, 351 , 366 Koen, Billy Vaughn ....... . .... 8, 282, 323 Koenig, Betty Lou .... . .. ...... . . . 132, 387 Koenig, Rodney Curtis . ... . . .. 118, 27 1, 283 Koepp, David Rennie ..... ........260, 320 Koeppe, Allan Paul ............... 11 , 344 Koerner, Gustavus Adolphus .. ..... 11 , 415 Kohler, Berenice Grannell ......... .61 , 240, 330, 339, 340 Shirley Jean " ... ..............394 .. Kohler Kolb, veorge Haze ................430 , 431 Koliba, Elisabeth J" ."""" "."" .. 61 Kolter, Karol Aone .. ....."" .........390 Konde, Eugene Robert" ............... 61 Konop, Edward John ..... "" . ........ 61 Konzal, Francis Cyril........ ......324, 330 Koonce, Bobby Leon .. ... •. .......327, 357 Koontz, Mary Ann " .......... .... 102, 371 Kopecky, Anne Louise... ..........137, 344 Kopel, Jerome Michael.... ............. 61 Koph, Howard Mollew " ... " ..... " ...514 Kor, Richard ......•..................357 Korenek, Richard L" ..................118 Korolevich, Eugene Robert .............323 Korzekwa, Frederick Edward ... .. ... . ..249 ,293, 306, . Korzekwa, Sam Michael "" . ...6 324, 349 , 438 Kosh, Margaret Mary . . .. .... . , 140, 302, 349 , 356, 393 Kostka, \Villie Joe"""""""" "" .325 417, 514 ,. Charles Henry.... ......6Kosub, Kothmann, Barbara Ann ............ , 392 Kothmann, Richard Edward . . ......62, 149, 300, 306, 327 Kouba, Joe Henry ". ............. ..... 118 Kouth, Dennis ". ........... ..........520 Kraemer, Major Richard Howard ...311, 312 Krafcheck, Albert David ...........404, 405 Krart, August Charles .. .. " . . . ....... . 62 Name Pau<1 Krag, Lonnie Gene .. " ... " " " " .. " 344 Kramcr, Eleanor Elizabeth .... .. ... 118, 399 Kramer, Julia Ann . . ..... . ....378 Kramer, Richard Paul . . . . . . . ... .....336 Krams, Sidney \Varren . ........62, 404, 405 Krandle, Sheryl Barbara . ...........88, 396 Krause, Arnold Ericb" ....241, 261, 289, 426 Krause, Donald Charles. ..... .. . .......274 Krautf'r, Juell Joy.... 150. 152, 236, 309, 342 Kreisle, Leonardt Ferdinand .. .. ...237, 242, 300, 306, 402 Kreneck, Leroy John . .............144, 275 ek, Stanley Kenneth, Jr" .. 145, 349 , 514 . Kre 293................. . Roy Ranki ,. Krezdor Krick, Harold David, Jr" . ......62, 306, 422 Kriss, Rosalind Adele.. ........336, 383, 511 Krist, Ronald """"" . ....."""" .450 e" ...... ............324 . MagKristiansen, id Charles Simon . ...349 , 452ik, Dav. Kristy Krog, John Armstrong. ... .........293, 324 Kromer, \\1illiam Moffett. .. 8, 317, 434 , 435 ,Richard ..... ....88, 267ga, Lynn . Krommi 31 ' 338,410 Kronberger, Fritz Paul............. ... .437 Krueger, Rudolph Vi11ce . .......... .....2 3 Kruger, Catherine Joyce .... .......11 , 134 Krum, Charles Leo.... ......... . " .8 , 284 Kruse, James Monroe ......... 102, 260, 469 Kubala, Velma Jean Pokorny . .....159, 316 , 333, 349 Kubin, Marvin Thomas ..........480 , 481 Kudelka, Juan Alronso.......... ... .... 118 Kuebel, Kim Rueben ...... ........118, 273 Kuebler, Margaret Rose ........ ... 11 8, 128, 130, 246, 365 Kuenemann, Wesley Be11 .. 139, 300, 306, 367 Kuenstler, Ray Richard . .............. .446 Kuester, James Lowell . ............323, 426 Kucste~Noel James ................82 , 426 Kuhn, vharles Ritchie ... ..........288, 344 Kuhn, Merrie Carol . ........... .......339 Kuhrau, Edward \V". ...... ........... Kuich, Linda Lackner "" ............ . .37 Kulhanek, Jerry Peter. ............... .352 Kull, Lewis Lee. ...... . ....... . 62, 256, 315 Kunik, Burton Jerry " ......... ........ 62 8, 33 .. ..........Kunkel, Dorothy Pauline Kunkel, RobertGene . ............. .62, 341 Kunz, Phyllis Ruth ... ...... .. 102, 246, 3 7 Kurnernann, \Vesley Ben . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Kuroki, Claude Toshjo , ......... .......102 Kurth, Ernest L " . . . . . . " .............304 Kusenberger, Jo Ann Theresa . .....102, 385 513,l . 5 Kutach, Jerome Michael ............... 62 Kuykendall, Doo Lewis . . . . . •. . . . . . . . . . 62 Kuykendall, R . P " .. ..." . ." . ..." ...324 Kyger, Martha Kay .... ...........378, 515 Kyger ~ Murray "" .. .................. 36 Kyle, Jerry Van " .... .. ............. .. 428 Kyle, Junious Maurice, IlI (Jack) . ...62, 424 523 ,. 520, 52 Kyler, Thomas Chandler .. ... ..... .....320 L Laakso, Richard Hilton ... ...... 8, 322, 331 ...... ... l , 429 25, . Thomas \VeirLabatt, LaBauve, Louise ....... ...............370 Labounty, Bob \Vayne. ............277, 417 299, 374..............". . Sylvia AnLacey, Lackcy, Bobby Lee ...430 , 46 , 469, 473, 520 Lacy, J erry Robert . ...................344 Lacy, Robert Michael " . ............... 149 Ladyman, B. DeTraver .. ..........102, 267 1illiam Harold . ......118, 260, 433\\t,. LaFo La Force, Bruce Raymond . ... . ....284, 343 LaGronc, A!frcd Hall ....... ...... .293, 306 297 ,. 18 , 27 . .........Dana CookeLaGrone, LaGrone, Edward Lamb, Jr" ..... ......102 7 . Bobby Dave... .....266, 267, 283, 5Lain, . William Glenn .... ...........324, 33Lain, Laird, Patricia Ano ........8 , 166, 334, 374 Lake, Richard \Vilbur. " " " . " . " " " . 88 Lamb, Edward Dale "" .......293, 306, 324 Lambda Chi Alpha " ... "" """ . .426-427 7, 442 . 257, 3 ,. Dan ...........25Lambden, . A"." ...... ........." ...30T.Lambert, Lamberth, L. S., Jr. " " ....62, 272, 312, 357 orman "" ... " " . ..........325t,. Lamo La Montagne, Edward \Veir . .. .........446 297, 353 ,. Preston . .......27\VilliamLamp, Lamson, Richard Raymond ............324 Lancaster, John Lyncb, 111 . ............408 0, 366 . Lou Ann .... ...., 245, 3Lancaster, 237................... ClirtoV.\Lancaster, Land, Gary Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Land, James Robert........ .......102, 324 Lande, abraJoy" .......102, 316 , 396, 400 ,. 55, 22 . ,Diane .... ...........154Lander, 364, 467 ,. 237, 239, 27 245, 333, 375, .. .......Judy AnnLanders, Landers, \Villiam Franklio ...... ..... .. .402 Landers, Jimmy Dale .............. ....460 Landolt, Mary Charlotte... .........62, 132 Graves W" .. "" . ...."." . 29 .. Landrum Landry, v lifton F" Jr" .. ..... .. .. .....349 Landry, Edwin"" ..... " .. " .. " ..... 43 Lane, AIJeo Grady .................88, 2 2 Lane, David Maverick ... ....... ...... .336 Lane, Forrest Lee . """"."" "" ... 102 Lane, Juliaone .. ... . .. 62, 246, 250, 307, 366 Lane, Samuel Arthur, Jr" ..............301 Lane, \Villiam Gerald " " " " " " " " " 62 Laneyl...Stan . ..... . ...... •... . . . ... " . 62 Lang, arbara Marie .. .... ... .........388 . Langdon, George Tucker. .. .. ...... 118, 238 8, 320 . . ................. JoeLange, Robert Langerhans, Joyce Camille ... .. .... 118, 33R est ........... ....357 . Robert ErLangrord, "".. . La grord, Lou Anne . ." " " " ...366 Poge 544 the pr . gress. f r tary . .. tributi.. c ver a peri y's . mpa. C us . ntinu . g have been c ck bit. 1910 -First drilli l T t . Hughes .. s f 50 years. 1909 -First . d . . . drilli .ry . rat. 1917 ­ . g research lab . . r tary r bit. 1917 -First field engineering servicec . ne First reaming . int. 1919 -First t . tr . i . 1919 -First heat-treated all y steel t . l j .. . 1924 ­ . c . g structure . cutti . bit . f bit First self-cleaning ck bit field service. duce r . ne 1929 ­ First applicati ... f hardfacing t service. 1931-First es. 1929 ­ First bit . u rm pitch and depth it-type bit . rd .. c rec . 1932 -First use . e cutters having unif .. f c . ck bit. 1933-First 1933 ­ ne r . . First unit-type three-c . f teeth. pipe. 1935 -First selfn t .. l j . ints t . -. f bucked - ted . u . m 1935 -First bits . i . clea .. .. es g c . . beari g pi s. r specific f .s .. rmati . r-made" f . tail" . 1938 -First "Flash -Weld " t l .. . i . j t. 1940 -First bits with inter­ rupted teeth. 1942 ­ g. 1951 -First use . f si . First t int . l j .. . r air and gas drilli . . r ck bits f . 1942 ­ . 1953 ­ . hardfaci g in depth . r .. . gste . carbide cutti . ck bitsg teeth tered tu f interrupted web First use . •g . city jet drilli high vel ick bits f . r use - eered r . .. Pi . . 1947­ . tha . m f "Flash-Weld" c type gage structure that . . . ped heat-treati1958-Devel re . cess g pr versatile , duced . tr . l . a m faster -drilling, l re gth . -.. si . impact stre .. . d ubles te . 1959 -Expa . .. si . g-t thed .. .. .. f research carried .. ecti . s. bit. 1947 -Devel . ped first r the past 50 yearsusly f . . u . ti.. c . ~. . g . weldi ffset . I Poge 545 Name Paoe1 Langham, David Odell ......... ........308 Lang!ey, Lieutenant Colonel Charles F." 256, 311 Langley, Charles \Vaymon ......... . 8 , 324 Langley, Dorothy . ................364, 512 Langner, Carl Gottleib ................. 88 Lanham, Elizabeth ................292, 304 . Linda . .." ... ...........118, 39Lanham, Lanier, Betty Mildred .. . .. .. ...8 , 395, 515 Lankford, Buford Bernard . .............325 Lanier, Geneva Anne .. ........." .....290 0 . Wayne Scott" ........ .........4Lanier, J,ankford, Mary Ruth . .................338 Lapham, BiUy Dale " . ................. 62 Larcade, Randolph John .. ..........88, 305 Largent, Charles Edward .... ........... 62 Larkin, Linda Sue ... .......... ....334, 390 LaRoe, Dan Reid, Jr....."." ...... " .2 5 LaRowe, \Villiam Carlisle ... .......267, 283 Larse11, \Valter B." " ........ . ...... ..284 Larson, Patriria Ann ....... ...........137 Larson, Rolf Philip " . . . . . ........." .425 ,ncent. . . ...62, 272, 275 . Ronald VLarson, 312,l . 3,286 LaRue, Arthur Dewey ...... ...........304 LaRue, Billy Ken ......... .....62, 352, 430 35, 389 . .............."Ruth TerryLaRue, Lasater, Charles Richard . ... . . .. .. .. ...336 Lasater, Jerry Lynn .. ....... . . . .. . . ...336 Lasater~Richard Lee ....... ...........420 Lasky, .iandra Ilene . . ....... . .. "" ...396 8, 261, 441 . . .............Jon StuartLasser, Lasseter, Thomas Edward........ ...62, 323 Lassiter, Mattie H .............."." " 129 Lasut, Phillip Supit....................323 , . . ...)(Eddie Jr.Clarence EdwardLatham, 433 Lathrop, Mary Betty ....... ... " .... .. 302 Latimer, James Russell . " ..... " .... ... 288 Lauder, Ralph Henry .. . .............409 Lauderdale, Donald Max . . .. 293 Lauderdale, James Henry .. . ...........40 34 , 336 . ,8 . . ........Lynda FayLauderdale, Name Pagei Lemmon, J. Richard ........ " . ........118 Lemons, Micbael Larry . ....... .... 11 , 437 Lende, Henry \ViUard, Jr" .. 62, 313, 40 , 464 Le11derman, Gary Lee . .... ........ 102, 333 Lenhart, J ack . ........................306 02, 398 . ..................Ann ColeLentz, Lcntz, Joan Denys .. ..... , . . ..... .. 88, 398 I,enz, Marvin Ray. .........." . . . . . . . . 8 Leob, J ane ......... ..................336 Leonard, Barbara Mae.... ..........62, 390 Leonard, Edward Oliver... .............2 2 Le<>nard, Jobn Sloan, Jr" . . . ... ... . .. . . 118 2, 323 . Theodore George ..... 2i0, 3Leonard, 8 . Reed ... ..............3\Valter Leonard, Leonard, \Villiam Jobn .... . . . ..........271 9, 405 . . .............""..Louis DLerner, Lerner, Marvin \Volf . ...... ...2 8, 456, 457 Leschber, Ervin Wayne .. .. . ... ..... , 323 Leshikar, T'Odon Charles .. ... . ........ 30 Lester, Jo Ann Kay .. ........... ... .... 88 Lestico, Donovan Allan ................308 Lett, Samual George, J r .. . .... .......• .408 19 . .............Anthony SamuelLevatino, Levell, James \Vaymon............ ..... 119 Levell, Peggy Maurine .. .. ...... . ..... . 102 19, 134, 245, 369 . ....Kay Frances Levensky, LeveDS<>n, Alvin Jerome.. ..............448 51 . ,Bette Anne.......... .....62Levering, 02 . ................\Valter JosephLevering, 37, 338 . ,28 . ,Leverkuhn, Carolyn Adell" 102 28, 129, 366, 400 . ,D'Anne . .......62Levin, 8 . Jay Philip....... . ......... ...3Levin, Levine, Alvin Maury ...........63, 257, 404 Levine, Joan Herma . .. . ... . . ... . .. 119, 3 3 Levine, Ronnie oel .... ...............405 Levinwn, Daniel Bernard . .............456 02, 430 . ..............Don \VayneLevisay, . 259, 440, 44 ,. Frank Lester ...... .24Levy, Levy, Stephan Richard ................. 102 9, 134, 245, 369 . . .....""".•TrudyLevy, Lew, Barnett ........ .................2 4 ,4 . Jay Mayne .. , 232, 3llen,. Lew 518,467,418,5 . 3 Name Paoe1 Lively, Carey Ford,1.Jr . ........63, 326, 341 Livengood, Sylvia uail . ................366 Livesay, Tolland Olin Sergeant First Class . . ... . .. . . .... ...256 Ann . . . . . . .. ..63, 151n, Dorothy >. Livingst Livingston, Penn Van ..... .....8 , 314, 432 Livingston, \Villiam Samuel . .. ... ...36, 430 Livitz, Robert ... "." ....... " .. .246, 441 Lloyd, David George ..................2 8 Lloyd, Robert Collins"" .......8 , 326, 341 Lloyd, \Villiam Reese..............2 4, 301 Lobb, Earl Duane ........ ..........63, 324 Locher, Benjamin Carter............. .. 63 Locke, Carl Edwin, Jr.. ................306 Loeke, Judith Alle ........... ."371 "...e . 9, 427 . Hiram . ............1\VilliamL<>cke, 50 . ,9 .. ............Belzora MarieLoekett, Loekett, Bobby Leroy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Lockett, Reese Blake, Jr................422 Lockhart, Frances . ...... . . ....3 4 Lockhart, Hildred Bruce . . . . . . . . .272 • 426 Lockhart, Josleen.... ..................384 8 . Loekhart, Milton Glenn ....... .........3 Locklear, M ilton J ay ............... " . 63 Lockwood, Lee. ... . " ............. " .. 28 Lockwood, Thelma . ..... ..............309 Lodico, Cosmo Anthony ... .............352 31 , 332 . .................Carolyn BobLoe, Loe. Lavona Jo. .. ...... . .302, 334 , 3 6, 3 7 Loeb, Jane... ..""" . ...........336 , 368 Loeb, Peter M.. ..............28 , 297 , 448 Loeckle, Adolph Henry, Jr....... ....... 88 Looffler, Parker Mixwn ... .............297 Loeue, Edward J .... ..................349 Loewenstein, JOSl'ph Edward . ...63, 296, 440 Loewenstein, Marjorie Thomwn........ . 63 Loowenstern, Richard Jules .........308, 440 Loffland, Joan Elaine..... ..........88, 394 343 ,. Frederick Valentine ...284, 30Lofgren, L<>gan, Daniel Lanier ....... .. . .8 , 415, 522 L<>gan, David Malcom . .. .... . ... .. 2 , 30 L<>gan, James Barrie" ........... ......297 9, 23 , 246, 433 . . ...J r Omar,\VilliamLogan, Name Paqe1 Lubel, Richard Alan ". ... .........245, 405 Lucas, Charles Weldon, Jr.. . . . . .. 102, 490 Lucas, Joe, Jr.......... . ..............324 Lucas, John Richard . .... . .....308 28, 134 . ,Shirley Ann .......... ...88Lucas, 02, 406, 490 . ......Theodore CharlesLucas, ,02 . .......... Lucas, Virginia Lynn 392, 393 Luccise-Donato, Josephine ... ...........302 9, 134, 334, 3 7 . . ...Christine Lucia, Pauline Luckel, Mary Lynden ... . .. ....... . ....391 Ludwig, Otto Hcnry , 111 . ..............267 Lueders, Jimmy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Lueg, Russell Eddy .......293 , 306 . 335, 454 Luedecke, William Henry , 111 ......... ..429 Luedtke, Roger William ................331 Luetg•, Verline Ann 384, 515 ,02 . ........... Luguette, Suzanne " " ... . ...... .......246 Luhman, Herbert Ross.................344 Luhn, Graham Barton . . ........63, 446, 447 Luke, J. Gilbert..... " . ....... .63, 257, 296 Luke, Robert Rooker.. ... ......63, 300 , 327 Luker, Lloyd Buchanan, Jr........ .....143 1 . 52, 5 . ....""....."...Vera Ann Luker, 02 , 131 . ..............Judith Carolyn Lum, 02, 442 . ..............Robert Don Lumley, Lumsden, Barbara Ann .............88, 371 9 . Jerry ............. ..........4Lumsden, 02 . ............Charles Michael Lundquist, 0 . Wesley Gedeon ......... .......4Lupien, 19 , 365 . ................S~zanneLuquette, Luskey, Al,•1n Leon " ....•......... ....404 7 . Edward "" . ........." ...... .3Luskey, Luther, Homer Lee, Jr" ...............446 Luther, Monroo Martin, Jr. ... . .. .. 119, 447 Lu/h.tan Studrnt Auociation ... ........ .348 Lutts, Jack Frank . ................261 , 427 Lutts, Patrick Stephens.... ........258 , 426 LyPll, Frank Hallam " ....... ..........424 319, 384 ,. 02, 13 . ........JeweULyle, Adele Lyle, Fred, Jr... " " ............ "" . .2 5 Lyle, Jo Ann " ... . ........ . . ..... .. . ..399 Lyles, Carol Lynn " ........ .......330, 394 Lyles, James Cannon , Jr.... . . .. . ....... 88 Lauer, John S " ... " ...... ............434 Lewis, A. \V..."." "..........Beth Loggins, . 42................... 52 . ,........" Lyles, James Lindon .. ........ . ........480 ,0 . 128, 138, 3...)•. (BuzzJoo Acker ..... ..............88 Lewis, A11drea Lyn Laughlin, Logmeyer, Otto Fred . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 446 Lymberopoulos, Panayotis John 8. 3......... 02, 135, 336, 386 . .....Laughlin, Judith Anne 37•6 . 3 Lohse, Peter H...... . ..... ..... ... " .. 292 Lynaugh, James Aloysious..... .....119, 463 35 , 245, 3 . ..........."...".Patricia.... .................131 Lewis, AnnLaughlin, I,okey, \\'illiam Edward ............. 2, 422 Lynch, Abrum John ......... .......63 , 352 Laughlin, William Ross....263, 426, 46 , 469 Lewis, Arlen L ... . .... . ......... . .291 , 292 L<>ndon, Jack Ray 517,270,145,02 . ........ 9, 3 9 . . .................Alice Ann Lynch, Laughter, Judy Sears . . . ....... ........330 Lewis, Carolyn Elizabeth .. .........152, 354 L<>ndon, Michael Joseph ... ..... ........405 Lynch, Edmund Clayton...........292, 304 Lauhon, Mary Hale . .............." " 3 0 Lewis, Charles \Villiam ". ......... ..... 63 Loney, Charles "". ...... .............4 3 Lynn, Etelka S" ...... . .. .............309 Launey, \Valton S., Jr.......... ....102, 333 Lewis, Elbert Darrell . .................145 Long, Amy Jo ............... . . . .. . ...307 Lynn, Jerold Maer ....... " ...........404 383, 513•6, 382 . Laurel, Diana ...... ......" . " . . . . . . . . 88 Lewis, Eleanor Ruth ......3 Long, Captain George Wayne. . . .... ....269 9, 297, 419 . . ..............Joe AldenLynn, Laves, Harold Pacey ....... ...102, 258, 448 Lewis, Elliott Donald...............88, 405 Lo11g, Granville Doyle ................ .320 Lynn, Larry J 8 . 4......................... Law, Harold Yen-Ho . ..............62, 32 Lewis, Frank E ...... .. ...... .... ..... .304 02 , 272 . .................James cottLong, Lynn, Sherwood Chang, Jr" ...... ......413 Lyon, Doris Yvonne .... ...............119 Law, Paul Foster. .....................293 Lewis, Gerald Royce.... ............63, 257 1 . 9, 4 . . ...............Jerry EdwardLong, Law, Robert Adger ... .................422 Lewis, Judith Gay .. ...." . ........." .396 L<>og, orman Everett .........63, 402, 403 02 , 263, 492 . ........StewartLyon, Kenneth Lawhon, Virginia Vinwn....62, 236, 330, 394 Lewis, Katheryn Sue .. . . . . . ... . ... 136, 379 Long, \Villiam Scott ......... ..........324 Lyon, Roy Milton ..... .......222 , 315, 336 4 . ,42 . ........JrHansor,\Villiam Lawho11, 9 . Jr........." . ..1Lynnwood,Le<>nLewis, Longaker, Mary Downing ..............3 8 9, 365 . Jan Elizabeth ....... .......1Lyons, Lawler, Robert Lee 40 . .....................282 Lewis, Mary Jane..............."... e ... ......63, 299 .. Dorothy JaLongbotham, Lyons, William John, Jr....... .102, 261 , 430 35 . ,9 .. "............".Lawler, Teddy Joe... ..................327 Lewis, Peggy Ann Longcope, Kay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 251 Lonohorn Band Lytle, Betty Noble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88Lawrence, Elizabeth Pettus ... ......62, 390 Lewis, Roger Allan . " ... " ........ 139, 30 ... ............... . .344-347 Lawwn, Judith Anne. ......... 102, 345 , 347 Lewis, Sarah Ann 342............. 1hi..nr336 Longhorn Chri1tian Pell..................... M Laxson, Dorothy Kaye Leyendecker, Ethel Martha 37 . ,62.............. 343........... 1. Longhorn Pharmaceutical .41............. 9, 342 Li, Ke-Yang .... ...................." 144 . 3 ,. Florence Gaye .. ..., 30Laxson, Longhorn Sing.t1. .....................333 Maasarani, Aly Mohamed ...... .43 , 350, 352 Layne, Frances ... ............ ........ .334 Licandro. Robert N... .................354 Longnecker, Gloria Texane .. .......137, 335 Maass, James Charles ... ..........119 . 320 02 . .............Virginia Lea....... 88, 392, 393, 515 Lichtenwalter, Jane LouiseLayto11, Longoria, Rolando . " " . " . ............ 143 Maayeh. Laurice Saleem ... . .. .........350 5 . 34, 369, 400, 5 . ,9. . ...IV.............88, 406 Lieberman, HarrietCalloway,Lea, Tom 02, 132, 372 . ...............eD'EttLooney, Mabra, Ronald "" ....................469 Leach, Bob ...... ."""..... "" "" .499 Lieberman, Judith Ann .. ......." .. ...3 2 Looney, Richard Glenn ........2 3, 517, 523 9, 133 . Judith EUen ... ..........1Mabrito, Leach, Gary Dennis.. .................407 Lieberman. Sus•n Anne.............88, 370 Looney, Robert \Valla .... .............2 3 Mabry, James Francis, 111 . ........344, 356 . Gary Lynn ..... ........62, 2 2, 306, Liebling, Sidney Alexander .............33Leach, Lopes, John JOSl'ph, Jr. ............344• 356 ,02 , 268 . .............Mabry, \Valter Budge Liese, Jo Ann 323, 353 ...... ...................395 ,. 31 5 . Lazaro Franko .............2 1, 3Lopez, 8, 344 , 356 . 3 Leach, Hal .. ........................2 5 Liesen, Robert Leo .. ..................348 Lopez, Les......... ...................30 Maccorkle, Stuart A " ... .... .. ..... . .. 424 Leach, James \ViUiam ......... ....301 , 320 Ligardet-.Fred . ........................266 51 . ,63............. . Maria de la Lu Lopez, MacDanicl, Mar Lou .... ..............246 Lee . ..................2 3, 308i!l . ,Liggin . . ..............Joe David Leaeh, Lopez, Raymond Ascension ... .......88, 324 MacDonald, H. Malcolm .. ... ......... .406 Leach, Sayles Alliwn . ..............62, 422 LiRhtfoot, Stanley Augustus . . . . . . . . , 288 Lopshire, Donald Dean . .. . .. . .........331 MacGregor, Geor ~e Lescher, Jr" ........430 Leadbetter, Jerry Lynn i l,ightsey, Melva Jane ......... .........298 . 9, 5 . 8, 260, 4 . . .". 02 . ..................JackS<>nLutherL<>rd, Machac, Marvin Edward.... ..... " .62 , 320 Leak, Jane Deborah . ........" ........376 Ligon, Arthor Dale . ...............322, 357 N orma Ann . " ............ .....342 ,. Loret Machmoed, Zaini .. " . " .. " " " " . . . . . 43 Leake, Charles Marlin .............. .. .424 Ligon, Fred Frazier ........... 102, 258, 430 Lotspeich, Martha Orene .. .........336, 3 5 Maclary, Marianne . ... . ... ... . .. . " ...392 44, 274 . ............Paul Howard MacLean, Leake, Clint M urchison .. ..............425 Liles, Joseph Robert, Jr .. ..........306, 325 7 . Gerald Eugene. ...........43, 454. 5Lott, Leake, Lawrence Wayne .... . .. ...424 02, 245, 248 . ..............Linda AnnLi!es, Loughmiller, Max Eugenc .......... 143, 344 Macmanus, Charles Joseph .....63 , 235, 247 , Leanox, Billye Fay . 7 . 153-..............".........52 Limeliqht . .................... 34 . .................LouRhridge, Penny Lee 257• 315, 426 Leary, Daniel Edwin .. .............88, 322 Lincoln, Glenn C........ ...........63, 462 Louie, Anglea N.. .................133, 515 Macormick, Donna Beth . ........ 344 . . Leatherwood, Betty Jane 371,344 ,. 25,8 . . .. 292 ,. Robert Earl.... ........147, 29Linde, Love, Donald....... ..........313, 404, 405 Madden, \Vales H ., Jr.............. .2 , 294 Leberman, Lowell Henry 48 . .............422 Lindermann, \Valliam Lee............... Love, James Batson ... .. . ............. Maddox, Larmon Joo .. ................ 63 Lebourg, Colette Renee ..... .......237, 394 Linden, Laurence Eugene . . . .88, 260 ,69, 235 . ,28, 136 . ,Roberta Ann . ...8Love, Maddox, Mary Jo .. .. . 8, 230 , 249, 299, 367 Ledbetter, Joe Overton.... ............ .306 Linder, BiUy Royce . . .. ..."" . .... . 63 243, 250, 290, 307, 309, 310, 376, 377 Maddox, Robert Kelley ........... .119 , 447 Ledbetter, Nancy Ellen .. ...........62, 339 Linder, Joanne . ".................369, 515 Lovelace, Byron Keith .......... . . .306, 323 Maddux, Joe Travis .... . ..... " .. " . " 324 Madhayomchandra, Siri . .. .........63, 325 Ledbetter, Robert Edgar, Jr 9 . 359 Lindgren, Edward Moore.... . ...... l..........." Loveland, A!an \Vinslow . .." . .....324, 460 Leder, Robert Alan . ...............· 336, 404 Lindgren, James Loving ..... .......... 63 Loveless, Ana Frances . ................334 Madigan, Dolores Ann .... .............119 Ledwell, Tbomas Frank .... ............297 Lindlcy, Harold N orman 9, 371 . 430 Loverde, Louise..... ..............1............... Madison, Richard L" " ....... . ... .....31 l Ledwig, Ralph F. ...... . . . " .. " .. 349, 43 Lindaay, Dair...... " ..... ............138 Lovett, George Leland ... ..............323 Madray, Giles Hayes, Jr... ..... 9, 402• 403 Lee, Charlotte, Elizabeth .. . ............394 Lindsey, Billy Sebe . ... ...... " ........292 Low, David Preston ... ................330 Maed ~en, Maedene ". ... ..........119, 246 Maegelin, Clinton Franklin ... .... .... ..454 Lee, Donald \Vayne .. .................455 Lindsey, Frankie Mae . . . . . . . . . . . .254, 307 ,19, 23 , 245 . ............Arbon JackLowe, Lee, Donna Torrance .......... ........390 Lindsey, James Norris . .............88, 236 250, 254, 297, 427 Mafrige, Donald Paul ..........63, 261, 454 Mafrige, Kathryn Marie . ..........119, 246 Lee, Harrell, Estes ........247, 254, 303, 446 Lindsey, Jo Karan 9, 246, 365 I,owe, Betty Ellen . . ............ 19 . ......""........... Lee, Ivon ". ... ........" ........ .....420 Lindsey, Robert Meurer ..... ...........454 Lowe, George \Valter". ....63, 149, 300, 323 Mafrige, Stevens Farris ........ ....259, 462 Magee, Mary Charlotte ................344 Magel, Barbara Ann ...... .... .98, 131 , 249 1, 513 Ling, Chi-yuan . " ... ..................323 . Janie Mercille... .....102, 384, 5Lee, 4, 317, 402 . Gerald Arthur. .....102, 3Lowe, Lowe, Jack \V.. ......... . .. .. ... ... . .. 349 Lee, Jeanne Newby ........ ........132, 341 Lee, John \Varwick 8 . 0 ..... ..................3!rvingLinger, 7 . 3,253,250............ 297•9. Link, John Wiley"" . ..............." 414 L<>wery, Brian Douglas .... ........1 Magill, Jimmie Lawrence........ .. .. 63, 139 Lee, Loyl Leon "". ..... """.. ."." 43 Link, Linda...... ....156, 159, 236, 351 , 394 L<>wery, Peyton J erome ........ ....119, 14 Maginnis, Mary Leila ............ . . 102, 394 Lee, Robert David Lee, Robert Joseph 2, 513 . 5 ,. \325 Linn, Emma L<>u .............5"..........."..... 52 . ....................Flossie JaneL<>wn, . . . .. .432 Magness, John Darwin .. .. .........63, 352 Linn, Jane . ...........................302 L<>wn, Herbert Lee . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . 63 .. ... .. Lee, Ronald Floyd Magness, Patricia Wood .. ... . ....... ... Magruder, Mary Ruth 9, 245. 290 , 387 . 1.... . ........." .....62, 323 Linnett, Anastasia.. ...............119, 515 1 . Jane .... .........." ....... 142, 5Lown, Lee, Vir ~ 389,8. . .................nia Ann Linnett, Mary Lee .. ....... .... ....63, 323 Lowrance, Susan . " " . ............119, 3 9 Lee, Wil · am Taylor ............... . .. . 453 Magruder, Walter Watson .... .... .. .9 , 431 Lin•cott, Stephen McCray . . . . . . . . . . 88 Lowrey, Stanley Foyd .... ......... 119, 437 Leenerts, Rolland E., Lieutenant . . .. ....265 Maguire, Jack Russell 5. 3,303,243,237..... Lipinsky, Jo Ann... .................. .396 Lowry, Carmen .... ...................298 Leezer, Thomas C .. . . .... ..... ...... " 483 Mabaffey, John Michael 428,02 . ........... Lipner, Julie Anna ............ 102, 396, 397 Lowry, Joanna Elizabeth ...............515 Le Flore, Byron Louis . . .... .. . . ...40 , 409 Mahaffey, Peter BolinLipnick, Sonya Lisa ................. 396,02 . ............... Lowry, Ronald James... ...........119, 407 Legg, James Ricbard ... ...... ........ . . 88 9, 369 .. ..............Mauri11e Gayle Lipp, andy . . .. " Mahrli, Mounir Ali 3 . ........" " . .." ..350 . 236, 3..............Lowry, Leggett, Carolyn Elizabeth ..... .88, 339, 388 9, 297 . Charles Ronnie......... 1Lippincott, Lowry, \Vallace Edwin, Jr.... ......102, 444 , Mahendroo, Prem P"". . .............. 43 Leggett, David Absher.. ...........102, 454 9 . Lipscomb, Peggy Elaine .. . . ..63, 3 Mahler, Larry Wynn . .. ........ .... ...480 445, 464 Ler.ett, Jesse Arthur ... ...............432 Lister, Barry Sayre ... . . . . ..... ..... 102 Mahon, Durward D " .. .............37, 429 Lowther, Glynda Marie .. .......... 119, 13 Le man, DarreU James .. ..........272, 338 Liston, Bonne Rhea . . . . . .....394 Lowther, James Marion . ............ , 2 Mahon, Edward Dail .. ........102, 273, 419 Lowther, Seth Alan " ......... ...." .. .291 Mahon, ally Ann ... ..................376 Lehman, Judy ... ..................... 88 Little, Billie" "...............63, 299, 376 Lebmann, Maurice John \ViUiam ....62 , 270, 52 . ,Freddie Ruth ..... ..... . 142Little, Loy, Henry Leland .. ..................323 Mahone, Eugenia Marie . ...........89, 388 2, 341, 442 Little, Janis Virginia . 276, 3 .... .. . ....88, 236, 296 Lonzano, Beatrice .88, 140, 349 , 511, 514, 515 Maier, Cbris Willard ........... ........323 Lehmann, Ruth ... ..." " " . ....." " .338 Little, Paul E.. . " .. . .... .............342 Lonzano, Robert Pedro .. ......102, 272, 340 Maier, Lrnne Ellen ............. .......334 Leistico, Donovan Allan ....... . . . .. ....338 Lemburg, Amy Lou . . . . . . . ..... ..339 Littlefield, Clyde.. . . . . . . .. 422, 492 Lozano, Anthony Girard Littlefie/d Dormitoru 149• 260 Mainer, Sarah Hayne .. ......•......... 63 ........... ........... . ....... .138 Lozano, Sylvia Virginia ... ............. 63 1.fainz, Mary C ............ " .....•....290 Lemburg, Ann Katherine... ........... .365 LittreU, \Valter Bowman ...............263 Lozano, Victor, Jr............. .63, 148, 356 Maisel, Ralph .. " ...... . . .....•....•.. 144 Lemmon, Hugh Arthur, Jr... ........62, 318 Lively, Bobby Edward ...... .......330• 450 9, 383 . . ......".......Patricia AnnLubel, Majzoub, Muhidin ... .................350 Page 546 BRAY & JORDAN PHARMACIES, INC. A-BA·RHOTEL 8 COMPLETE STORES TO SERVE YOU When your health is in the balance, there can be no compromise in the quality of your doctor's prescription. There's One ln Your Neighborhood Open 7 AM-6 PM Mon. Thru Sat. Reasonable Rates For Year Round Air Conditioned Comfort 2612 GUADALUPE GR 6-5658 510 West 19th LAUNDRY SERVICE Corner Nueces To a GREATER University ~ Comp /imenf:J o/ JESSE H. JONES INTERESTS HOUSTON, TEXAS Page 547 Name i'IJIJ•• Makeever, Joseph Cris ........... ......283 Makiya, Abdul-Wahab ... ..............350 Malcuf, Ronald Eblen ...... " ........ .103 Maldonaldo, Reynaldo ........... . . 103, 245 Males, Jane Lorren .. .......... 103, 245, 366 Malik, Dona1d Josepb ... . ....... .. .. .. 64 ~alik, Joe, Jr "."" ."." ""237, 294, 308 Malinak, RobertJustin ............. ...419 Malish, Edmond .. " ... " "."" . " " . 142 Mallard, Albert Knight ................ 64 Mallari, Miriam G " ......... ......142, 151 Mallett, A. J " . . " .. . . .... .........•..324 Malloy, Jack " "." ...................357 Malone, Carolyn Jane .... .... ...... ...307 Malone, Douglas Rcdney ...............144 Malone, Janice Carole ..... 119, 132 , 314, 373 Malone, Nancy ..... ..............103, 391 Malone, Ronald Edward .. .. ......... .. 149 Malone, \Villiam Travis, Jr" ..... . . .64 , 320 Maloney, Gerald Gordon . . ......... . . ..357 Maloney, Laurence Jooeph .... . .........324 Malouf, Donald J ." " . ............139, 424 Malouf, Ronald Eblen " " .273, 412 , 413, 483 Man. Artbur MiltOdum, Oehler, Carl Bailey .. .................. 121 Oehler, Jeanne S ...... . ... . . . . . .. .... ..104 Oehler, Johnnie Karl .... .. . . . . . . . .259, 353 Oehler, Kenneth Lee ... . . .257, 293, 311 , 353 Oelkers, Marie Hermine ..... ...... . 151 , 339 Offutt, Gary Floyd.... .. .. .. . . . .. .312, 323 O'Gara, Sbiela M ......... ..•.. . . .380, 515 Ogden, Anthony George . ...............284 OgiJvie, Brinn Elizabetb ... . . .. .. ..104, 376 01\lesby, Thomas Sidney . . .... . ..... . . .324 0 Grady, James John, Jr...... . .. . .. . . . 14 O'Hair, \\.illiam Robinson .. ........ .90, 260 Ohme, Edgar Field ..... ...............446 Old, Joseph Reece ....... ...... . . . . 121 , 455 Old, Ora Katherine ..... . . . . ... ....... .380 Olentine, Major Charles Guner...... . ..256, 311 , 353 Olian, Maurice Samuel .... . . . .104, 250, 303 , 315, 456, 457, 464 Olivares, Roberto . ... ..... .. .... .. . ...320 Oliver, Eleanor Thornton . ........... . . .391 Oliver, Jessie Fay . .............90, 395, 512 Oliver, Leaton Thomas . .......139, 263, 521 Oliver, Mary Beth.....................366 Oliver, Pamela Lynn .............. 121 , 369 Oliver, Patti. ....... .... . . . . . . 121, 290, 377 Oliver, Rees Robertson , 11 . .90, 424, 464, 521 Oliver, Robert Gail ... . .. . . . .. 121, 429, 480 Oliver, Tommy " 'illiam ... 104, 236, 430 , 431 Oliver, \\'allace Reed . .................263 Olivet, Catherine Ford . ................3 Ollc, Edwin \Verner ...........292, 294, 468 Olm, Kennetb William...... . ......304, 436 Ols, Ora Katherine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Olsen, Harriet Eleanor... . . .90, 251 , 307, 370 Olsen, James Ralpb. .................. .271 Olsen, Marilyn ........ .........38, 121, 3i l Olsen, Otto Cbristian, Jr............... .2 9 Olson, Carol Lenore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Olson, Jergen Edward ....... . ..68, 327, 348 Olson, Karl Edwin . ...................2 6 Olson, Leah Rae.. .....68, 250, 307, 351 , 3 6 Olson, Marion A ................... . .. . 37 Olson, Robert Lee.....................104 O'Malley, Daniel Patrick .... ........ . . .4 0 295.....•.....•.•••••.••••... . Omicron N O'Neal, Loui.s Mac . .. . .......... ..327, 357 O'Neil, Susan CJare ..... ......23 , 246, 3 1 O'Neill, Larry Joe................. 104, 330 O'Neill, MicbaellWayne .... .. . .... . 121 , 25 Ooeland, M arianne ... .................394 Oppenbeim, Mosbe . .. ............ .... . 68 Oppermann, Leslie E .... ......139, 517, 523 Jobn Franci.s...... .........304, 352ie,. Op 0 (luinn, Kerry Bedick...... . ..90, 260, 420 O'Quinn, Trueman Edgar, Jr.... 121 , 420, 421 Orange Jacke/1 • •••.•.•• • .•••••••••.• • . 310 Orcbard, Judy Dee ......... ...... .... .378 Org<.nizalion of Arab Studen/1 in the U.S.A ,. Greate. Tna1 Chapt.e . •••••••.•. . . . •.350 Orlebeke, Peter \V......• ........ . . 121 , 451 Orme-Jobnson, anette Roberts.........296 Orr, Cbarles Wesley, Jr.................324 Orr, Harold D ...• ......•.•..•......6 , 454 Orr, Janice S..• .. ........ . .... . .. .. ... 121 Orr, Robert E. Lee, Jr.....•.... . . .275, 324 Orr, Sandra Miller . ... ............... . .334 Orren, Jerry Mac . ..................... 90 O'Rrien, Janice Ann ...•. . . . . • .. . .. .. ..120 Ortega, Manuel, Jr•.......... ..........325 Ortis, de M ontellano, Bernard .. ........142 121, 320..•.•.•.•.•...illiam Oscar .\ ,Orum Osborn, Elaine Herschel .. •...•.•.••.... 121 Osborn, Sally .... ....••••.••••..••104, 375 Osborne, RobertlWilliam ••.•. •.... .... .333 Name Paqta Osburn, Jobn Duncan . ............263, 34 • O'Shaughnesoy, Vivian Emily . . ....372 Ostendorf, Herman \V... . . . . . . . . . ..327 Osterlob, Ann Elaine . ......... 142, 151, 512 O'Sullivan, James Craig . ............... 139 Oswald, N orman Dean ......... 121 , 420, 421 Oti.s, Robert F....................327, 357 Ott, Granville Emil ... ............ 144, 306 Ottm,e.i Delbert Max, Jr..... .....306, 323 Otto, Mabry Ida... ...................376 Otto, Veanne ..... ................... .330 Oughton, Roxana Marie . ...... 128, 133, 364 Out1tanding Studen/1. . ..... ... . ....172-181 Ouits, David M iller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Mar~ ..............104ts,. Ou aret Emerson Overbaugb, Betty L.• ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Overbaugh, Peter Cornell .......6 , 332, 334 Overbaugb, Samuel Berrian .. . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Overstreet, Delbert Clarance, Jr..... 121 , 344 Overstreet, Martba Elizabeth .. . . .... ...398 Overton, James Timotby.... ...........380 Owen, David Lee •.. .... . . ..... ...... ..318 Owen, Diann . ........................515 Owen, Henry T •.......................318 Owen, Kennetb Albert. .............68, 305 Owen, Kerry Don . . . .............. ... .308 Owen, Martin Frederick .. ..............41 & Owen, N ancy Barwell .. ................298 Owen, Robert E. ................ ......325 Owen, Scotty J .. . . . ... .........68, 295, 339 Owen, Thomas Edwin . .............. ..293 Owen, Wayne Clarence .... .............324 Owens, Ace M organ •.. ................263 Owens, Cbarles H ., Jr... ....... . ...259, 433 Owens, James William ..... . . . .. . . . . . . .426 Owens, Robert Leslie, J r .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Owens, Virginia Dale. . . ... . . . . .....68, 388 Oxford, James \Villiam, Jr. . . ......... . . 68 p Pace, Charles Wellington . ... . ......236, 428 Pace, Dennis Gordon ... ... .. ..... . .. . .292 Pace, Kennetb Wayne.. . ......... ... . .31 7 Packer, Alice Perkins ... . ...... 152, 234, 238 Paddock, \Villiam Athearn ... .... ...... .430 Padgett, Eddie. .......................469 Padgett, Henry Edward . ........... 104, 262 Pad~ett, John Boyd...259, 450, 468, 469, 470 Pad ye, Ramesbcbandra R .........306, 323 Paetzel, Edward Gustave..... ..........308 Pagach, Ricbard Irvin.... ..... 144, 518, 523 Pagan, Robert Young. .................446 Page, Charles Henry.... ...... .........104 Page, David.......... ........... .332, 334 Page, Frances Eleanor .. ...............302 Page, Miriam Anne .. ..... .90, 37 , 379, 515 Page, Robert Craddock .. ........ ..... .259 Pa~e, Terry ... ..•............. . .......520 1... •.........6 , 452, 517, 520ne, Lester . Pa Painter, James Barry, 111 . ..........90, 452 Painter, Sally . .....................90, 384 Painter, Tbeopbilus Sbickel .... . . . ... ..297 Painton, Russell Elliot ... ...... 121 , 327, 445 Palm, Cbarles Fritz.... ...... . 121 , 272, 463 Palmer, Clifford Eugene, Jr... . .. .. •. . ..327 Palmer, Diane... .....................132 Palmer, Gwendolyn Norma . .. . .. .. .....375 Palmer, Karen Louise ... ...............389 Palmer, Robert Erwin .. . . .. .. . .6 , 251 , 253 Palmer, WiJliam Tbomas.... ...........272 Palmer, \\"inifred Pauline .. ........ 121, 134 Palmo, Queva Carmella.. ..... . . . . . . . . . 131 Palmros, Alexander , 11........315, 430, 495 PanheUenic Council . ...... .............400 Pankratz, G wendolyn ....... ...........512 Pankratz, Joann Kay .... . .. .. ... . 142, 152, 511 , 512, 513 Pannell, Rebecca Jane.. ...........104, 328 Pape, Allen .. . ............... .........345 Pape, DanieJ Tbomas. .. .. . .... ...... . .267 Pape, Kenneth Hugo...... ........327, 408 Parchman, Oti.s Lyman .. ...........90, 413 Parish, Richard V ... . ......... . . . . ....267 Park, David Merrill ........ ...........263 Park, Joe Buck. .... . . .68, 320, 410, 411 , 464 Park, Leslie Jane...... ................133 Park, Robert Lee ....... .. ...... .......296 Park, Valanne....... .......... .... ... 68 Parker, Billy James........... . . . .. .. .. 90 Parker, Doris Kay . ...............339, 366 Parker, E. Katbryn Kirksey . . .. ........295 Parker, Eunice...... ... . . . ....... .32 , 350 Parker, Jobn Edwin, Jr.... ... . . ..... . . . 104 Parker, Jobn William, Jr.... . . . .. ..341, 458 Parker, Julie Ann .... .....245, 316, 399, 511 Parker, Linda Gail .. ..................121 Parker, M .iu:et Abbe . ...............398 Parker, Mar ...... . . . . ....398 .....•orie D . Parker, Peggy Louise . .............351 , 376 Parker, Robert Bruce.... . .90, 422, 442, 443, 492, 495 Parker, Ronny Dean.......... .........325 Parker, Rowland Bilary . . ..6 , 317, 424, 521 Parker, Samuel J . .•...............241 , 318 Parkburst, Arli.s B.....430, 431 , 46 , 469, 478 Parka, Daniel Sterling . .............68, 318 Parka, Joy Betb..... ..............12 , 141 Parks, N ancy Key. ... .. .... •.. . ... ....380 Parka, Robert Sam. .........•...... ...424 Parka, Rutb Marie.. ............ ...90, 135 Parka, Sarab Ann ... ..... .... .. . ..13 , 365 Parma, Jimmie Frank. .. . . . .... ... ... ..345 Parma, ora Marie... ....... .128, 140, 384 Parr, Frank Martin........... ......... 68 Parr, Jobn David .... . .. .. .. . ..90, 324, 462 Parrack, Benjamin Sims . ....... . . .263, 353 Parri.s, Joe Pet..t, Ul. .. ...... . .... . ...452 Parri.sb, Byron Eugene..... ............327 Parrish, James Roy.... ................328 Parrish, Martba Louise . ..•.•......104, 398 Name Pag<1 Parrish, Roslyn .. .................133, 386 Parrott, Johanna . ................. 137, 333 Parrott, Robert Edward, Major .........265 Parsons, Clyde Ray... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Parsons, Diana Gail ... ............104, 380 Larry Brian.............. .....323 ,. Partai Partin, James Earl ...... ..........518, 521 Partin, James R ..........." ...... 286, 327 Partlow, James Carl ... ................514 Parton, Lap ................... .... ...246 Passero, John Richard .......... . ...90, 444 Passmore, Elizabeth Gail .... .....104, 374 Passmore, Glen Gorman, Jr......90 , 358, 410 Pate, Hugb Pat................ ...268, 311 Paternostro, Samuel Burton .. .. .. . .. ...406 Patman, Philip Franklin ........ . .. .6 , 296 Patrick, Blaine Howard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Patrick, Brooks Trezetant . .. ... ....315, 418 Pa18cbke, Frank Eric, Jr. .......... 104, 338 Patterson, Ben McCullough, Jr..... .262, 286 Patterson, Ca\eb Perry..... ............432 Patterson, Carol Jean . .................375 Patterson, Edwin \Villis ........ ....452, 453 Patterson, James David ........ ........443 Patterson, Jerald .......... ...... ... ...352 Patterson, Jimmy Mac ....... ......416, 417 Patterson, Nancy Carra ............ 132, 342 Patterson, ancy Elizabeth ............390 Patterson, Patricia Ann ....134, 236, 245, 316 Patterson, Patricia John . ..104, 386, 511 , 515 Patterson, Robert Lynn ....... ..... 121, 433 Patterson, Roland Oneal ...... .. . ......324 Patterson, Sidney Pearl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Patterson, Stephen Foster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Patterson, Virginia C...................298 Patterson, William Dorrance .. ... ....... 327 Patterson, \Villiam Gary ... .. ..........315 Patti\lo, Albert Dixon . .................454 Patti\lo, Melody Ann ...... 104, 135, 316, 366 Patton, Celia Fay .. ...........104, 142, 151 Patton, Constance Yvonne .........121, 134, 236, 238, 399 Patton, John Jacob ". ... ..........121, 447 Patton, Thomas Michael ......... ......104 Patton, Tresona Nan . .................121 Paul, George Kenneth ... ..............121 Paul, Master Sergeant Henry Martin . ...256 Paules, Granville Edward, III... 68, 228, 283, 311 , 315, 324, 517 Pau\ey, James Gordon, Quartermaster . ..265 Pauly, Fred Joseph .... ............104, 404 Paxton, Claire Mayer .... ." . ..........296 Payne, B. Darwin ..... .........68, 250, 303 Payne, Bil\y Mack .... ................447 Payne, Charles Robl.rt. ........ .....90, 410 Payne, Donald Allen ...................292 Payne, Essie Marie. ................68, 299 Payne, E\iza Jane ............. 104, 339, 376 Payne, John Leslie ..... ...............258 Payne, Judith Ann ...... ... .... ... 121 , 377 Payne, Kay Frances ....... 121, 132, 238, 367 Payne, Marietta ..................330, 394 Payne, Mary Jean (Bunny ) . ...104, 398, 511 Payne, Samuel Jerome.........251 , 303, 434 Paz, Francisca .. . . ......... .. ......... 151 Peacock, Carol ............. .. ... . ... " 395 Peacock, George Eugcnc .......236, 238, 423 Peacock, James Hoke , 11 .... ...121 , 259, 453 David ..... ...............121 .. AlaPeake, Pearce, Allan Mayson . ... ..............324 Pearsall, Gail Anne .. ..............104, 364 Pearson, George Bernard . .............. 68 Pearson, Jacqueline Rose ... ....68, 332, 334 Pearson, Kay ell. .......335, 380, 514, 515 Pearson, Molly Lynn . .............104, 374 Pearson, Virginia Ann ... . ..... 104, 366, 400 Peavy, Janet Octavia ... ..........104, 351, 384, 511 , 512 Peavy, Sherrill Claire ..............136, 398 Peavy, Virginia Diane ..... 128, 135, 378, 379 Pechacek, Millie Jean.......... " . .....131 Peck, Barbara Bramlett ............. 90, 299 Peck, Charles Robert.......... .....90 , 454 Peck, Henry Lawrence ......... .. ..345, 359 Peck, Joseph H., Jr" ... 68, 224, 315, 355, 450 Peck, Leigh . ..........................307 Peck, Margaret ................39, 309, 390 Peckham, Dorotby June .. .. .... 68; 298, 390 Peckham, Jerry Bruce .... .........121 , 431 Peden, Kenneth James........... ......308 Peden, RobertJames ..•......... . .284, 359 Pederson, Lora Lee . ................33, 386 Pedgett, John B.. ......•..............353 Pedroza, Carol Ann ............ ...... .. 68 Peel, Beverly Sue ..... ............•68, 376 Peel, Bi\\y F ... ........." .......... ..352 Pee\, Sa\ly Lee .. ..............136, 238, 377 Peery, Joe Knapp ............... . . 104, 430 Pegg, James Milton . ...................410 Pegg, Robert Walter . ..............262, 452 Pegues, Judith Kay ..... ..121 , 138, 238, 377 Pehl, Char\es Adolph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Peine, Judith Adele . .. .. .. ... . . ... 396, 397 Peel, Robbie Gcne .... . .... .. ..... . .... 384 J'elt, Eddie C .. .............. .. 68, 322, 357 Pena, Francisco Inocente ........... .90, 288 Pena, Roy V ..........................331 Pendergrass, Cynthia Lee .. 132, 238, 245, 248 J'end\eton, Robert Clark ...............333 J'en~, Yao .. ....................... . .. 144 Daniel Allen ............... ....422ck,. Pen Penick, Dr. Daniel A.. ......... ... .....506 Penick, Harvey .. ................. . ...508 J'enn, William Y" Jr.. ... . . .... 121 , 251 , 455 Penner, Daniel Lyle ........... 121, 238, 415 Penner, Stan\ey A..................68, 352 Pennington, Benjamin F.............. .. 325 Pennington, David Lee .............90, 345 Penningt{)n, John C\aude .. .68, 293, 306, 324 Pennington, John Edward ..... .........104 y Ann ... ..............378gton, Jud. Penni Name Pagt1 Pennington, Judy Gray ....... .104, 245, 388 Pennington, Leslie ................... .. 121 ia .... 68, 245, 366 .. Tucean Virgi Pennington, Penry, Irene Frees . ....................104 Peppard, Helen . ... ...................298 Pepper, Jean EUen .... ................292 Peques, Kay.......... . ...............236 Perel, Steve . .................104, 273, 405 a . ...............152, 356 . Dia Perez, Alma Perez, Andrew, [11 . ...................305 Perez, Diana Martha .. .... ..... ... .. .. 121 Perez, Lino, III .............. ..•......148 Perguson, Stanley Burnett...... ........435 Perkins, Carol Lynn ...... .........121, 379 Perkins, Harry Dean ..... .........149, 291 Perkins, James B ~le ..................518 Perkins, James Irv ne, Jr. ......68, 139, 224, . 234, 237, 268, 315, 428, 429 Perkins, James Winston ....... ......69, 317 Perkins, Johnny.............. .. .......518 Perkins, Margaret Clare ....... 169 , 236, 310, 355, 394• 395 Perkins, Tbomas Campbell ... ..........300 Pcrkins, Stevc ...... ....... ...... .....517 Perkinson, Marilyn ..... ............69, 388 Perlitz, Nina Garrow .. ......•.....104, 395 Perlman, Bel8y ... ................121 , 397 Perrigo, James Bledsoe........... ...69, 323 Perrott, Char\es Martin .. ..............325 Perry, Barbara He\en ........ ..121, 132, 339 Perry, Bobby \Vayne .... ..............317 Perry, Eleanor Katherine . .........137, 264 Perry, Gerald Dean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Perry, James Paul ...... ...............289 Perry, Jobn L.........................324 Perry, J oseph Knapp . .................260 Perry, Kirby \Villiam ......235, 286, 315, 359 Perry, Robert Ray .. ..................145 Perry, Ruth llene............. 104, 264 , 339 Perry, \Vilbur \Vright. .................352 Perryman, Jeris Ja .............. .104 , 380 . ald S .. .................336 . Ro ,. Perryma Persenaire, Ke neth. . ......... .. ......519 .. Pesek, Clement Charles ..... •......325, 349 Pesek, Mark George ...................324 Peters, Cbarlea Douglas .... .........90, 438 Peters, Charles P... ...................349 Peters, Peggy Ruth ...... ..69, 352, 386, 513 Peters, Sandra . . ..... . ............ 121 , 385 Peterson, Carlton Roy .................338 Peterson, Edward Simon . ........ ......258 Peterson, Ra\pb Charles......... .. ..... 121 e. ..............435 . \Vay bertPeterson, Ro Petescb, Donald Anthony .·.. ...........236 Petit, Rowland .... ... ........... ......282 Petmecky, \Villiam Maier .......69, 325, 423 Petmecky, \\'illiam Bruce .......... ....272 Petri, Cbarles Hubert............. .....267 Petricka, Victor James ..... ............272 Pettijobn, Jobn \V.. .......90 , 236, 313 , 408 Pcttit, Janis Gail . ...... .. 104, 237, 246 , 366 Pettit, John Foster........ 121, 263, 335, 415 Pettit, Robert Lee . ....................425 Pettit, Sheridan ....... ...121 , 246, 345, 371 Pettitt, Bruce Carlton .. ...............258 Pettway, Richard Harper............. .. 442 Petty, Daniel Shcrman .. •..... .. ...468, 469 Petty, Joe Van ... .....................104 Petty, Josepb Lloyd ......... .......69, 327 Petty, 0. Scott.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Petty, Scott, Jr...•69, 257, 306, 311, 325, 430 Peyton, Julie Shields ... ...........121, 3 1 Peyton, \Valter Ferrell . .. .... ... . . ..... 320 Pfau, Martha Jane . ... ......... . . ... .. 69 Pfeil, Kennert Allen . ............ .. .... 273 Pfieffer, Fred NeJson ... 69, 142, 145, 357, 517 Pfieffer, Patricia Lenore ........386, 387, 513 Pfiuger, James Douglas .........69, 315, 33 Pfiughaupt, Dorothy Louise ........121 , 134 Pharr, George Tbomas........ .....250, 303 Pharr, \Villiam Howard . .......260, 318, 352 e. ..................339 . ancy Ja Phelan, N Phelps, Judson Hiram, Jr..... .. 104, 408, 409 Phi Beta Kaa.... ......... .. ..........296 Phi Della Chi .. ...................... .320 Phi Delta Theta . ..................428-429 Phi Eta Sigma . ...... , ...... ........ ..297 Phi Gamma Delta ........ " ........43().431 Phi Kappa Pn..... ............•..432-433 434-435 ........•......•. .. Phi Kappa Sigm Phi Kappa Tau ...................436-437 Phi Kappo Theta ... ....... . . . . ... .438-439 Philen, EdnaSophie . ..90, 128, 141, 351, 390 Philen, Nancy Matilda ............. 394, 395 Philips, Shine Earl .... ................301 Ann Lee..... ...........•..90, 364ps,. Phill Phillips, Britton Haynes . ...... . ....90 , 521 Pbillips, Dr. C. M . .................... 37 ,268,266,69...............•.. aPhillips, D 283, 352, 410, 517 Phillips, David Edward ..... ....91 , 352, 436 Phillips, Dennis Martin ... ..69, 267, 334, 341 Phillips, Felix Paul ....... ... .......... 271 PhiUips, Gary Pat............. .... 104, 324 Phillips, Howard Don ... ...............324 Phillips, John Thomas ..... .. . . ... . .... 104 Phillips, Judith Ann .. .. ....... 104, 142, 290 Phi\lips, Walter Irving, Jr.... ...........305 Phi/Nv. ..................... .... .392-393 Phipps, A. J., Jr...... .........306, 323, 450 Phipps, Joe Dean . .....•...........91 , 450 Phi Sigma Della ............. ..... .44().441Phi Sioma Kaa... . .... ....•..... ..442-443 Phy, Paul William . ....................406 Pi Beta Phi ... ....... .............394-395 Pichot, Dewey Kent .......... ......... 121 Pickard, William Alexander .. ...........308 Pickell, James M............... . .... ..442 Pickens, N ancy Liles . .............332, 334 Pickens, RobertJ... .....•...... .. .447, 517 Picker, John Osborne .. ....." . ........271 Name Pagea Pickering, James Terrell ... 142, 285, 297, 345 Pickering, Mikc R ........ . . .. .. . .... ..521 Pickett, Edward Bradford . .....121 , 238, 423 Pickett, John Osborne .. .......121, 345, 443 Pickle, Johnnie \Vayne . ................ 121 Pieper, Jobn \\1i\liam .. ........69, 236, 266, 268, 283, 311 , 315, 517• 523 Piepho, Ronald Thomas ............267, 283 Pierce, David Elbert .... ............69, 444 Pierce, Edwin Franklin .......... .. 121, 403 Pierce, Genevieve Kay .... ... ..121, 238, 375 Pierce, James Lacy ......... ...........283 Pier\y, Dwaync C\ark .. ................ 91 Pierret, \\'i\liam Emmanuel .. ...........324 Pierson, Clemence Carolyn . ............ 121 Pietrantonio, Bettina Philamena .. ......370 Pie18ch, Korwyn Louis .................323 Pigg, Robert Kcith, Jr... ...............318 Pi Kappa Alpha . .... ............ .444-445 Pike, Marida Ann .... 121 , 134, 334, 399, 511 Pi Lambda Th eta ................. .... 29 PiJgrim, Orvill L., Lieutenant Commander .... ................265, 311 III ....... ..505 ,.. Joh11 McPhersoPinckney, ey, Kay ... .....................91 . Pinck Pine, Clifton .................. ........305 Pingenot, Duwain Joseph ..............318 Pinkner, J. Frank ................. 121 , 447 Pinkston, John R ............... ... .... 349 Pinkston, Robert Dale .. ...............327 Pinnell, Aubrey Benjamin, Jr... .........436 Pinson, ancy Norwood ....69, 225, 355, 37 Pirkey, Louis Thomas ..... .............323 Pirson, Sylvain J .. ....................306 Pi Omega Pi . .............." .. .......299 Pipkin, Bruce Manard .. ...............330 Pirkey, Louis Thomas .. ....•...•..... . . 91 Pirson, S. J ... ........................325 Pitaksmanusart, Prit....... •...........314 Pi Tau Sigma . ......•............... .300 Pitner, Dan Keith ......•..............352 Pittcnger, \Villiam Burt. ...... .........274 Pittman, Gerald Paul . .................331 Pittman, Jamea N....... ..............468 Pitts, Carol Jane . .................104, 398 Pitts, Selina Sa\\y ... . .. . . . . . . ......91 , 394 Pitts, Robert \V ......... . .............324 Pivo ka, Bernard J., II .. ..............349 .. Pixley, Pau\ Thomas .... ......" .......263 Plasky, Mrs. Muriel H...........•.....265 Plass, Harold John, Jr..................306 Platt, Alfred Gcrald ......... . .........457 Platt, Coley Ronald ............. ..104, 432 Platt, Melvin Ray ... .....104, 288, 345• 456 Platzer, Raymond Culver, Jr•.... .......323 Plemons, Frank L . . . .... ....... ...410, 411 PIumJee, Fredda Faye .............. ...121 Plummer, Helcn Katherine ......91 , 137, 359 Plummer, Loonard Brodnax ... ...... ...308 Plummer, Otho Raymond, Jr.......104, 462 Plunkett, Gail Frances . ................104 Po,t. Harmon Bryan, Jr......... ... 121, 409 Poguc, Charles Arthur . . . . ... . .. ....... 91 Poguc, Marsha Ann . ... ....... ...... .. 378 Poguc, Ronald Norris ............ ..251 , 253 Poh\, Dona\d Richard . .........69, 313, 508 Poinicr, David orman .... .. ..........262 Polbill, Augustus Jones, l [[ .. ...... .69, 275 Polland, Phyllis Elaine . . . . ...... .. .....383 Po\lard, David Leslie ..............262, 430 Pollard, Jack \Vi\liam ........... .......291 Pollard, James J ... ...... .... .. .... 306, 424 Pollard, Patti Ray .... ........104, 390, 510 Pollard, Rupert Maury .... ....2 8, 446, 464 Pollock, Dolores annctte ...... ........384 Po\sky, Barbara F .. ....69, 152, 296, 309, 329 Polson, Jack D .................69, 274, 312 Pomerantz, Donald Irving .. ..... .......448 Pond, Mary Linn ........ .. ....91 , 225, 235, 241 , 352, 380 Ponder, Kay Esther . ..........250, 307, 384 Ponder, Robert Kel\y ..... .............139 Ponish, Howard Gale . .................121 Ponsford, Mary Jo........ 121 , 238, 339, 379 Pool, Anna Rhea Finnell .. ............. 69 Pool, Jobn Charles . .......121, 238, 260, 409 Pool, Marilyn M. Meyers ............ . .336 Pool, \\'illiam H ...... .................432 Poole, Donald H., Jr. ..................263 Poole, Dorothy Deanna •..... ..........121 Poole, Lawrence Lee .•......... . . .. 104, 411 Pope, Gloria Ann .. ................69, 152 Pope, Jeanne Marie . ................... 137 Pope, Jobnny Rollins .................. 104 Pope, Sally Bea ..... ..................3 8 Pope, Sharon Elizabeth .... . ...........364 Pope, \Voody .... .......•.............354 430................Bradford Argall ,. Popli Porcarello, Paul Joseph . . . ....... . ..91 , 434 Porsch, Peggy Lee ............ .........290 Porter, Brooks \Vood .. ........121, 453, 489 Port~r. David Charles ...... ...105, 236, 246, 274, 308, 332 Porter, Donald Albert . ............ .....259 Porter, Fred Thomas ......... ... .. 322, 357 Porter, Goldie Horton ... ...............374 Porter, Harry Frank ... ................425 Porter, James \Vinston .... 139, 323, 499, 501 Porter, Jobn Robert ............... . ... 121 Porter, Lois Bute . .................121, 395 Porter, Lynn Louise .......... .....394, 512 Porter, Robert \Vayne .. . . .... .....4 0, 498 Porter, Roy \Valton, Jr.................357 Porter, S•rah Elizabeth ... .105, 290, 351, 3 0 Porter, Steven M osby . ............2 3, 523 Posey, Harold Elmcr ...................444 Posey, Randal Earl ... .........69, 225, 235• 237, 2 8• 294 , 301 , 315, 320 Post, Martha Ann ........ ..........91, 515 Post, N atban Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Name Pager Poston, Robert Seeli11g .........91 , 325, 326 Poth, Jo Annc . .... ........... 140, 349, 511 Potrafke, Earl Mark .. .................282 Potter, Suzan Ruth .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Pot\8, James C. .......................522 Pot\8, Mary Evelyn . .. ....... . .....69, 336 Pounds, Penelope .. ...................399 Powel, Benjamin Rush ... ...... .. ......292 Powell, Cynthia Anne ... . .91 , 128, 134, 169, 230, 245, 246, 309, 310, 316, 376 Powell, Diane ......................91 , 388 Powell, Jo E\la . ..................121, 137 Powell, Joe Thomas .... .......121 , 297, 345 Powe\I, Loona Louise .... . ..... ...... ..319 Powell, Lynda Hortense .......... ......121 Powell, Maryllyn Anne . ....69, 339, 351, 374 Powell, Roberta..... ..............253, 384 Powell, Verne Eldon ......... ..........331 Power, Glenda Lee ....... ......91 , 328, 374 Power, H. H ......................306, 408 Power, Janice Margaret .. ..........105, 385 Power, John Keith .................91 , 2 6 Powers, Irene T .. .................128, 137 Powers, Martha.... ..•............128, 141 Powlcr, Machsyne .. ...................142 Pozzi, Antoinette Jean . .............69, 298 Prager, Jerry ......... ...............•404 Prasatik, Mary Anne .......... ........349 Prater, Byron Cecil .. .............•....272 Prather, Charles Lee •....... ......289, 292 Prather, Edna Joan . ...................296 Prathcr, Frances . . ................. .. . 121 Prather, John George ....... ...........306 Prather, \Villiam Leo .. . .. ...... . . . ....345 Pratka, Robert C\ay . ...... ...271, 326, 341 Pratt, Charles Allen ....... ........121, 451 Pratt, Parley M ......... . . . . ..... .....318 Pratt, Peter Evans .... ............446, 517 Pratt, Sidney A ....... . .... . . .. . ...... 69 Pratt, Terrence \Vendall .......238, 297, 427 Predock, Sally A ............ ..133, 290, 334 Preiss, Elwood ..... ... ..... . ..........308 Prengler, Herschel ....... ..............457 Prenzler, Norman Herbert. .....69, 284, 301 Prescott, John Donley .. ...............273 Prescott, John Feezor ... ...............324 Presley, LettyeJane . .. . ...91 , 135, 251 , 307 Pressler, Townes Garrett ............69, 325 Press\y, James Barron .. . . ... ..... . .... 69 Presson, Ellis \Vynn ...............121, 23 Preston, Laura . ...............91 , 228, 244, 245, 246, 310, 330, 389 Preston !...N orma \Vren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Preuss, Kichard Rudolph .. .............323 Price, David Shannon ................ . .402 Price, Doris Marie .................69, 150 Price, Edwin Booth ... .... .....39, 142, 145, 147, 236, 237, 424 Price, Jerry Carlton . . ..... ............145 Price, John WiJson .......... . .........442 Price, Nancy Marilyn ........ ..........132 Pricc, Pamela Key ........ .. ..105, 133, 378 Pricc, Patricia Ann .......... . . 106, 386, 511 Price, Richard Charlcs ..... ............246 Price \Villiam Pit\8 ....................357 Prichard, Margaret Ann ... .............390 Prichard, Phyllis Ruth . ................390 Prickett, Loy Elhin .. . .. ....... .. . .. ...299 Priddy, Jerry Franklin . .............69, 325 Priesmeyer, Roselind Joan ... ...........121 Prince, David \Vat\8 ............... 121, 342 klin ...... ........105, 450 . John Fra Prince, Prince, Kenneth Franklin ..... .........320 Prince, Morgan . ............ . ......69, 357 Prince, Rose Mary .... .... .91 , 236 , 333, 374 Pringle, Richard Lewis .... 121, 268, 271 , 297 Pritchett, Henry Carr, Jr........ 70, 257, 422 Pritchett, Philip Hamilton .........425, 521 Privett, \Villiam Gar\and .. .............517 Prohst, Bohby Jack . ..................480 Prohst, Gordon James ..............70, 299 Prohst, Janet Alene Bailey . ....... .142, 152 Prock, Van Ray .......... .............258 Procter, Robert Lang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Proctor, Beverly Wayne ......... .......341 Proctor, Coleman .... ..................418 Proctor, Roxana ... ...... . 105, 290 , 351 , 374 Proffitt, Dixie Ann.....91 , 333 , 345, 374 , 375 Proffitt, Janie Ramclle ...... .......147, 152 Prohl, Emil Karl .. . ....... ........ 121 , 445 Prothro, Charles N ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Prouty, Carol Alice ... ........105, 236, 249, 339, 351 , 3 7 Provazek, Lionel Daniel ....70, 293, 306, 324 Provost, David Anders .. ........ . ..315, 454 Pruessner, Mary Catharine...... 70, 142, 150 Pruessner, Robert David .... ...........323 Pruett, Ronnie Latham ......... .......262 Pruett, Sandra Lee .. .. .... .. .. 121 , 126, 236 Pruitt, Gwynneth Evelyn .. ........121, 387 Pryor, Richard S. (Cactus) . ......... ...31 5 Puckett, Jack Wcldon ............ .238 , 324 Puckett, Mary Jack ..... . . . ... ... ..... 391 Puckett, Terry Gay .. ..................390 Puett, Roane Harwood . ................432 Pugh , Gary Carl . . .. ...... . ....... . ...236 Pullen, Harriette Sue " 396, 397, 510, 512, 515 Pullen, Stuart Neal ........... .....139, 315 Pullcr, Richard D .." ........ ..........406 Pundt, John Lee . ..........70, 251 , 303, 454 Purinton, Donald Leroy ............143, 306 Puryear, Bobby Clayton . ......452, 483, 488 Pusey, Robert Alan . . .. . ........ ....... 121 Pustejousky, Joe Rudolph . .............320 Putnam, Carol Ann ................70, 335 Putnam, Jane Ann ...... ..........138, 379 Puzin, Nicole Elizabeth. ........91 , 133, 375 Pyle1 Barbara Ann . . ... ... .. . . .... . ... 376 Pynaus, Marilyn Ann .. ...........105, 137 Pyron, Bob Hcrold . ........" ......... 91 Name PaqOI Rosenbaum, Linda Rae . . . ............397 Rosenhaum, Sandra Jean .... ..122, 383 , 515 Rosenberg, David Howard .... " ... 122, 405 Rosenberg, Gerald Jay .. . .122, 271, 334, 449 Rosenberg, Gloria Louise .. .........122, 369 Rosenblad, John Lyndon .. .............297 Rosenblad, Kenneth Ray . ..............433 Rosenblum, Joyce Ann . .. .....122, 238, 397 Rosene, Hilda Florence .................388 RosenthaJ, Lowell Maurice . ........330, 440 Roshton, Diane Lucille........ .....91 , 398 Rosner, M ay Evans . ...............91 , 333 Ross, Abner Alverly , 11 ! . .... ..........414 Ross, BeU.y ... " .. " " " . ." . .71 , 309, 390 Ross, Carolyn Diane . ..........71 , 136, 376 Ross, Cecelia Charlotte....... .........339 Ross, Donald Lewis . . . ... . . ........43 , 282 Ross, Gordon Parker. ....... . ....... .. 452 Ross, Jimmy L " .. ...... ...•...• ......286 Ross, John L., Jr. .. ...................254 Ross, Kcnneth Earl "" .. ..............122 Ross, Martin Paul " . ........." . ......263 Ross, Ray Thomas . .. .... . . ... ..... 71 , 148 Ross, Sara """ " 71 , 237, 240, 329, 374, 400 Ross, Shcrman Allan ...... 105, 330, 330, 440 Rosser, Virgil Oliver.... ...........105, 330 Rosson, Bryan Lee . ....." .. " . ...105, 466 Rosson, Jerry Ellis . ....... " ... " . ... .282 Rosson, Samuel Jra, Jr. ... .........261, 418 Roten, Richard Carlisle ... .............461 Roth, Mitzie Marcelle. ................383 Roth, Susan Lila ..... ............" .. .397 Rothman, E llen Joy ....... .........."396 Rotkow, Marilyn S. (Mitzi) . ...........382 Rountree, Robert \Vayne ." " . .....297, 324 Rousb, Alice Jeanne .. .." . ........." .288 Rousse, Thomas Andrew .. .............402 Rousseau, Rebecca Gail .. . . .. .. .... 122, 379 Rousset, Edward Eloy ..... .. .. 122, 333, 434 Roussett, Clarence Garcia .. ............148 Rowan, Brenda Kay " .. " .. ...........122 Rowe, Burrel . .....................82, 442 Rowe, Charles Elmer . .." . ......." " .306 Rowe, N athaniel N elson . . . . ......... ..271 Rowland, Judith Marie....... .122 , 335, 367 Rowland, Martha Ann . .. .122 , 136, 367, 512 Rowland, Robert Charlcs..... ..........288 Rowland, Sheren Lee ... ...........333, 365 Roy, Michael Dwain ". . ............" . 122 Royal Co-operati•e. . " " " " . ..........146 Royal Spirit .. " ""."""" " ."." .314 Royal, Darrell . ........ ....... .. ..468, 469 Royal, Jack Lee " ". .." . .........283, 324 Royal, Mary Lucille ........... 128J 131 , 366 Royal, Staff Sergeant Thomas \V., Jr. " . .269 Royer, \\1illiam Blackburn . .. .......317, 334 Rubenstein, Mansel Mose .. ........105, 245, 246 , 308 , 440 Rubey, William Bonner, Jr"" . ....122, 238, 272 , 451 Rubin, Bernard Jerome . ...............448 Rubin, Marsha Carol " .... 122, 383, 510, 513 Ruckman, Charles Michael.. ...........276 Ruckman, John Delbert .... ............273 Rude, Elizabeth Carolyn " .... .....385, 515 Rude, Raymond Roy, Jr" .. 71 , 345, 352, 416 Rudolph, Fred Baker . .............105, 409 Rudolph, Gwendolyn Louise . ........71 , 380 Rudolph, Thomas Jackson "" .. ... " " .357 Rudy, Alle •• "" " """" " " . 105 "... . Ruelas, Jose . .........................324 Ruesch, Joan """ .. .........152, 251 , 512 Rueter, \Villie Gerald " "".""" " " . 71 Ruff, Albert Arthur, Jr" . . . . . . . . . . . ."338 Ruff, John D., Jr" .. .................. 71 Rugeley, Carol Ann . ............ ..388, 389 Rugeley, Chloe Matilda . ..105, 236, 330, 388 Ru~eley, Dudley Greer ... .....122, 308, 4 0 Ru1z, Gustabo Sergio . ..... ........142, 143 Ruiz, Manuel L., Jr"" ... ...." "..71 , 284 Ruiz, Raul .... ." """"""." . ." .320 Rule, Charles Gary " ." " "" .105, 274, 452 Ruley, \Valtcr Raymond . .. ............324 Rumph, Elizabeth Ann . ... .71 , 128, 141 , 364 Runge, George Edward . ... .71 , 229 , 303, 315 Rundell, Herbert Alton ....... ... ......300 Rundquist, Sally Christine . ....122 , 390, 387 Rusch, Patricia Wynn "" ..... ....122, 251 , 290 , 316 , 317 , 400 Rush, John Michael . ........."" . ....267 Rush, Josepb Michael. ...... .... ... ....454 Rushton, Mary F. Ann . ...........133, 378 Rusk, Beth " " " . " . " " " . " " " . " .241 Russell, Brenda Jean . .............135 , 339 Russell, David Dee . ......122, 429, 480 , 481 Russell, Edward Oliver ..... . . " .. .453, 483 Russell, Evelyn Joann .. ." . .......122, 135 Russell, George Ray ... ................139 Russell, Grace Marie .... ......105, 334, 381 RusseU, James Edward "" ....... ......105 Russell, James Theado . .......... ...71, 303 Russell, Jerry \Villiam .... .............260 Russell, Margaret Jeanel . .... ......238, 365 Russell, Martha Amelia" .. 122, 238, 245, 385 Russell, N aida Eiline . .................335 Russell, Robert Clifton, Jr" .... .. . .436, 464 Russell, Sandra Vernell . ...........128, 137 Russell, Spruell Alton, Jr .. .........122, 403 Russell, V eda Letitia ... .. " " " " " " .393 Russell, \Villiam Franklin . ..........71 , 242 , 293, 306, 324 Russey, Charles Bcnnett . ..............424 Rust, Joe Carroll " " . ..........91 , 250, 408 Rust, Judy Sue .... ...................394 Ruth, Betty Hornor. .. 122, 134 , 238, 290, 377 Rutherford, Charles Calvcrt, Jr " . ..142 , 145 Rutherford, Donald Carter . ............122 Rutherford, Sallie Jo . . . . ... ....... .91 , 366 Rutland, John WaJtham , 111 ." "" " ."407 Rutland, Lynn "" .. " . ..." " " . ..91 , 394 Rutledge, David .. " .. ." . " " " .. 105, 429 Name Paqei 320."...""."..... . Rutledge, \Vill Alle Ryall, Barbara Edythe .. . . . . . . . . . . ...339 Ryan, Daniel Paul, Jr" . ......" . ......139 Ryan, Jody Mae. .........•.......135 , 245 Ryan, Lynda Lee ." " . ................151 Ryan, Marion Ward . ..................283 Ryan, Ricbard Dwigbt . ................318 Ryan, Shirley Bolton . ...." .. .." .. ." 135 105, 435 ........"" . Ryan, Thomas Frankli Ryan, Vernon Loid, 11 . ....." .. .......426 Rylander, Curtis Hill .. . . ." ... .314 , 423 Rylander, Henry Grady " .... ......300, 306 s Saad, Karim 1" " " " .. " " " " " " " .323 Saad, Ricbard Joseph ............. ..... 452 Saada, Mobamed Hachemi . .... ..... ...350 Sa'adallah, lzziddin N .. . . . ..... 72, 246, 350 Sa'adallah, S. N" " " .... " . " " " " "350 Sas-Logaldo, Pedro J ose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Sabean, Sandra Hope .. ... 122, 134, 23 , 387 Sacbnowitz, Larry Joseph ...... 258, 456, 464 Sacbs, Carl Harry ........ ..... 245, 258, 441 Sacbse, Sandra Elaine"" ..... ......... 122 Sackton, Alexander Hart ... .... ....... .456 Saddoris, Don Earl"""" .. " .91, 286, 308 Sadler, David Allen"" ......... " ... .. 415 Sadler, Robert Alexander ........... 105, 522 Saenger, Marjorie Beth . ..... , ..... 12 , 135 Saenz, Delia Rebecca ........ ....... 91, 319 Saenz, Eligio Elias, Jr" . ........... 284, 297 Safrit, Jo Anne.... ".""""" ..510, 515 Sager, Sandra Jeanne ...... 105, 128, 138, 376 Sagor, Bryan Tatar ............... 122, 457 Sahtout, Mohmoud M""" ............350 Saikin, Harriet ... ....... ..... 122, 238, 397 Saikin, Marilyn Faye .. ............. 72, 396 Saikin, Juzanne Meryl .. ........... .... 396 St. Clair, Tbomas Larry ........ ........ 105 St. Clair, James Harris, 11 .. .... 72, 306, 323 St. Germain, Kay E llen" ... 72, 376, 377, 513 St. John Martha Lynne .... ........ 123, 137 Saizow, J udah Leon " ... ... " " ... " ..334 Salab, ziyad Omor." . " .... " ...... " .350 Salcher, Gerald E" ... " .. " .. " .... " .327 Saldana, Raul C" " " " " " " " " " " .320 Saleh, Mahmoud lbrahim .... ..........350 Salge, Sherian Audilet............ .. 91, 466 Salem, M. I" .".""" "" "" """ .324 Salinas, Ana ....... " " .. ........... .. 152 Salinas, Juanita Margot . . . . . ... 91, 142, 151 Salinas, Roberto Mireles ...... .........271 Sallas, Alexandra " ...... .. " . . " . . 123, 371 Salle, David Darrell ..... . . .. . ... .. 268, 283 Salmon, Yolanda Luisa " " . . . . ...... . .. 105 Salter, Julia Lacy . .. " ............. 91, 384 Salzberger, Lee Roy" .... . ... . 123, 271, 449 Samman, Adib Rashid ..... ........ 325, 350 Samman, Yusuf Rashid .. .... .......43, 350 Sammons, Edward Earl, Jr........ . 123, 423 Sammuelson, Beverly Ann" ............ 123 Sample, Edna Frances ...... ...91, 128, 134, 245, 386, 400 Sampson, Horace Alton" ... 72, 242, 327, 357 Sampson, 1rl S" ............ ......304, 352 Sampson. Sandra B"""" .. " .... " ...290 Sams, \Villiam Colubmus, 111" .123, 238, 409 Samuel, Mary Elizabetb " " ...... .. .. .. 123 Samuelson, Beverly Ann ........... 245, 397 Sanderfur, Benny George ..... .......... 422 Sandel, John Holt .. " ............ ..... 72 Sandel, Nita Sue."""""" .105, 131, 336 Sander, Albert August .... ......... 123, 246 Sanders, Alton Greenwade ... ........ ...320 Sanders, Billy John. "" " "" .. " " .. . 72 Sanders, Carol Ann .... ....... 123, 290, 385 Sanders, Charlotte Elizabeth ..... ....... 123 Sanders, Dean Stuart..... .... .........422 Sanders, Charlotte Emily."" .. .. . . . 91, 376 Sanders, Don .... "" .. " .. .... " "".327 Sanders, Leslie Allen .. " .. 267, 283, 311, 517 Sanders, Mary Sue ............ .91, 392, 393 Sanders, N elson Vernon . ....... ..... ... 432 Sanders, Susan Jane ..... .......... 123, 367 Sanders, Tommy Alexander .. ........... 345 Sanderson, Harry Wayne . ........... 91, 259 Sanderson, Kay Jacqueline . ........ 246, 295. 339, 364 Sandhop, Garland Ray" ... ....... ..... 291 Sandifer, George Benjamin .. ....... 259, 353 Santller, Brenda"" . . . " . "" . " .. .. . . 397 Sandlin, Carole Elizabeth. ". " .. ...... .394 Sandlin, Dorothy Carolyn "" . . . 91, 384, 385 Sandlin, Fenton James .. ......... ......325 Sandlin, Sally .. " .................. ... 339 Sandlin, Sara Grace .. ... ..............398 Sanez, Gilberto""." ...... " .........261 Sanford, Bryce C ......... ..•.. .... .... 442 Sanford, Rebe Sue" " ... . . " ." . . . . 91, 133 Sangalli, Alfred Robert .... ............. 301 Sansom, Norman L" ........ " ... .....521 Sansom, N orman L" .. .... . " " . . ... ..521 Santos, Andy .. " ............ " " " ... 483 Santoscoy, Charles, Jr" .... ............258 Sapp, Sammy David .............. 123, 437 Sar~ent, John Cather." .... " .313, 452, 464 Sar1n, Narendra Nath ....... ...... ..... 323 Sasaki, Edward T"." " ...... ...... " .324 Sassee, Edward Alexander .......... 288, 430 Satterwhite, Edward Collins, Jr" . .. 123, 144 Saucedo, Juan Alberto ... ..............284 Sauer, Henry Adolph .... .......... 123, 425 Sauer, John Wesley .. .. 72, 235, 315, 323, 442 Sauer, Mary Cathryn . . . .. 123, 238, 316, 367 Sauls, Kathelene Ellen .... .... . 105, 372, 373 Saums, Joseph Beekman, 11 ... .........425 Saunders, Joseph Laird """ ..... .... . . 419 Saunders, Linda Rae"" ...... ......... 333 Saunders, Marsball Laughton ..... " .. .. 334 Name PagOI Saunders, \Valter Asa, Jr" . .. . .. .... .. .292 rles Robert . ..............91ders, Cba. Sau Savage, Carolyn Rutb .... .....72, 384, 510, 511 , 512, 513 netb Hastings " " .. ....263, 492 . Savage, Ke Savage, Robert \Vesley . ............105, 402 Savage, William Grey " . .......91 , 257, 311 , 353 , 408, 519 Floyd Cecil .. ...............43 , 432 ,. Saxo James Everett, Jr" . ...480, 481 , 498,. Saxto Saylor, Edwi 411 , 421 ,31 ,105....Howard . Scabbard & Blade " ." .. ...... . ."" •. .311 Scaief, Barbara .... " " " ... . . " " " " 354 Scaief, James Clark " .. ..........."" .354 Scanlan, Beverly Ann . ....134 , 332, 333, 515 Scanlan, Jack A ."" " " . .300, 306, 326 , 402 Scarbrough, Cbarles Lawrence .. ........414 Scarbrough, Frank DaJlas .. .82 , 313, 414 , 464 Scarbrough, Raymond Lewis, Jr" . ......123, 260 , 445 Scarbrough, Jerry Wayne . .............105 Schaban, \Vallik . " •. ..." .. " ... ......237 Sehabbehar, N anci Ann ... ........ .....253 Schadewald, Mary Margaret . ...........105 Schaefer, Joe Edward .. ................331 Schaeffer, Bonnie Lee . ......... 123, 238, 373 Schaeffer, Sharon ". .. ...." " .... .....515 Schaffer, Marcia Lee .. .............123, 369 Schaffer, Martin Jacob ..... ............405 123 339, 383........ .. Schaffer, Sharon Eilee , Schaffner, \Vanda Joyce . ......105, 133, 330 Schapiro, Hannah Gail .. ..... ......123, 369 Schapper, Seth . " . ....................521 Scharlach, Gwendolyn Margaret .72 , 288, 296 Scharlack, Martha Lynn . ......334, 396, 510 Scharlack, Sharon Lee ... ......... .296, 397 Scharpf, Richard Leo . .................341 Schatte, \Villiam Albert . ...............338 Schaumburg, George John, Jr" .... .123, 463 Schechter, Arthur Louis .. .23 , 245, 308 , 441 Schechter, Robert Samucl . .........306, 323 Scheffel, Fritz Bernard . .............72 , 320 Schell, James Allen . ............72 , 286 , 325 Schellhase, Walter R " ... ..........322, 357 Schepf, Edward Earl "" .. .............451 Scheppler, Robert Henry . .............. 91 Scherff, Sue Janette ." " . ........" . ...123 Schick, Allen Gerald . ..." .. ........" .291 Schieffer, Estelle Schubert . .............291 Scbieffer, Jan . ........ . ...............349 Schieffer, Richard A .. .............349, 438 Schiflett, John . " .. " .. "" " " """.521 Schiller, Joyce Elaine ... ....... .72, 348, 366 Schiller, Nathan \Vayne . ........ .... ...345 Schiller, Nelson Louis ... ......123, 23 , 445 Scblather, \Vilfred Hilmar . ..... 105, 259, 353 Schlttner, Henry \Vigge ....... .........322 Scbleicher, Ralph Raymond . ...293, 306, 324 Schleider, Victor Hank .. ...........285, 297 Schlesselman, Ann " .. .................390 Schlesselman, Gail . ..." "" . .123, 134 , 391 Schlosberg, Merredith Claire .... ...105, 236 , 400, 511 Schlosser, Jon " ""... ................ 72 Schmeid, Josepbine \V"" . .............141 Schmid, Jeannette. .................... 91 Schmidt, Arthur Joseph, Jr. . ...........268 Schmidt, Davene Evon "" .91 , 132, 386, 511 Schmidt, Dennis Raymond . ............277 Schmidt, Diane Beverly . .." .. " .... ...514 Schmidt, Gail Kathleen ... .......•.... .399 Scbmid t, Harold Reagan ... ............418 Schmidt, Robert Henry .... ............267 Schmidt, \Villiam Fred, Jr" . ...........432 Schmitt, Patricia Madine . .........333, 334 Scbneider, Barbara Sue . ...............382 Schneider, Gretchen A " ... 105, 128, 135 , 364 Schneider, Heidi Suzanne . .....123, 336, 387 e Ann .. ............, 348 . Schneidcr, lre 123 Schneider, Louis Irvin, Jr............. . . 72 Schneider, Lynn " " " " . ." .. " " . .72, 396 Schneider, Robert Allen ... 123, 236, 245, 297 Schneider, Theodore, Ernest, Jr""" . ... 91 Schober, James Rowlen . . ... .. ..... 105, 408 Schoch, Eugene Paul . .............323, 452 Schoch, Harriet .. .............123, 290, 391 Schoenbrun, Ronny Norman ... 244 , 245, 256, 289 , 313, 440, 441 Schoener, Phyllis Ann " ... " . .." . .." . 91 Scboenfield, Karl J ". ... ......" .. .....521 Schoggin, Johnny Amos, Jr.... .....123, 345 Scboles, Donald ... ........." " . ......334 Scholsberg, Meredith Claire ... .....133, 397 Schomburg, Pe.ggy Lou . ...........137 , 319 Sohomburg, \V1lliam .. " .... ........" . 72 Schonier, Nathan Joe .............. .. .. 456 Schoolcraft, Lou Dillon . .. ... . .. ... .72, 376 Schoonover, Carl Ellis " ""..... .." . " 338 Schoppaul, Diana Lynn ... .....106, 135 , 515 Schorlemer, Robert E'Lee . ..........92 , 348 Schovajsa, Edwin E "" ."""."."" .320 Schraub, Donald Louis " .. ............. 92 Schraub, Henry James"" . ....308, 345, 456 Schreiber, Carol Ann ... ..." ... ....92 , 377 Scbreiber, Janet Leah . ........123, 137 , 245 Schrele, Gustavo E " ""... ...... ......327 Schroder, Carol Ann ...... .. . . . 123, 138, 238 Schroeder, Jobn Ross ... ........ " . . " . 72 Schroeder, Joseph Robert ... ... .. ..331, 348 Schroeter, Ed.wn Morris .... .......106, 285 Schubert, Charles Edward . .............305 Schuchard, \Valter Ronny " ... .....106, 414 Schuenemann, Mary Lou . ..........92 , 160, 161 , 366, 367 Schuenemann, Sylvia Ione ... . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Schuhardt, Vernon T " .. ...............452 Schuhmacher, John William, Jr" .. ... 72, 424 Schuhmacher, Joyce Claire ...... ...123, 387 Schuhmacher, Patsy Jo .. ......246, 349, 387 Schuhmacber, Sandy " " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Schuhmann, Maxine Elizabeth . .... .106, 398 Name Paqu 447,258.............Joseph . Schuldt, Erbe Scbuler, Margaret Rose .. ..........245, 379 Scbulte, Ricbard Cbarles ". 452, 468, 469, 474 dall .. ........., .. , . 270 . Schultz, James Ra Schultz, Bernard . ....... ........ ..... .469 Jr" .. ............92Amos, . Schultz, Rubi Schulz, Mary Virginia .. ......140, 290, 319, 345, 349, 385, 512 Schulze, Richard Hilmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Schulze, Robert Clayburn . . . ..... . .....4 1 Schulze, Tobert Clayhurn ... . .. . .. . .... 468 Schulze, Tom \Valton . .............123, 453 Scbumacher, Katherine ............330, 395 Schumann, PaU.y Melissa . ..." . ....92, 371 Schustereit, Betty Elaine .. .............299 Schutze, Ed J " " " " . ..." """" ." 237 106, 406........."e Walter. . Schutze, Euge Schwab, Clarence Norbert . .. ...........272 Schwab, Elmo Pete "" .. .." . ......72, 458 e.. ............123, 134, 397 . Schwartz, Elai Schwartz, Francis Dean . ...............275 Schwartz, Herbert Frederick, II . ... .284, 301 Schwartz, Jerry \Villiam ...........323, 404 Schwartz, Johathan David .... .. ...446, 447 Schwartz, Neumann, Alfred ....... .... .405 Schwarz, John Fisher .. ............325, 450 Schwenke, Kenneth Frank .. ........72, 338 Scofield, Gerald Arthur . .......282, 306, 323 Scofield, John Blue .. ..................428 Scoggi11s, Don Wallace .. ...............324 Scott, Alan "" " " """" " .. ."303, 317 Scott, Albert Lee . .......... ...........262 Scott, Anna Ray " . ... . " ... . . 123, 137, 365 Scott, Barbara Ann . ... . . . . . ... . .. 123, 134 Scott, Connie Jean . ...........336, 351 , 374 Scott, Doris Elaine " . .........106, 290, 378 Scott, Douglas Neil . ..........123, 420, 421 Scott, Edward Eugene . ............320, 410 Scott, Frances Elizabetb (Betty) .. ..123, 377 Scott, Herman Dale .. .........123, 411 , 445 Scott, James H"" ... .............241 , 318 Scott, J ames Larry ... .. " " ... . .. .123, 345 Scott, Jobn Paul .. . .. . ....•. • ... ......324 Scott, Jon Little . ." "". " •. ." . .304 , 308 Scott, Judy " """". ....." " " .512, 515 Scott, Linda Fra . ... .. . ........ 92, 135 esc . fi>cott, Lou Ann .. .."" """" " . ." .378 Scott, Luther Edward , 11{ . .. " 106, 236 , 422 Scott., Patricia Ann . ...............106, 389 Scott, Ray Edward . . . . ..... ..... ... . ..322 Scott, Robert Kenyon . ..........." " . 92 Scott, Sheila Rae .. .. .. .. . 123, 136, 246, 367 Scott, Thomas Earl " . .................414 Scott, Thomas Perry .. . . .. . . . . 106, 260, 414 Scott, Tom \Villiam, J r ......•..123, 409, 490 Scott, \Villiam \Varren " . " " "" """419 Scott, Winton Forrest, Jr" ........ .305, 406 Scottish Rite Dormitory " .. .." . ........141 Scroggie, \Villiam Beal ... ......... .106, 430 Scroggin, James Michael ....... ........272 Scruggs, Robert Gilbert .. .. ......... ...237 Scurry, Richardson Gano, Jr" .. .92, 428, 464 Seale, Eugene Beck " ..... . . . .. . " ... . .452 Seale, Henr ~ Erwin .. .............123, 297 Seals, Ann Caroline . . . ...... . .. 92, 236, 378 Seals, John Raymond . .................480 Seals, Mary Elizabeth .... .. ... . ... .92, 378 Searcy, Catherine Elizabeth .... ........395 Searcy, Patrick Lambert . .......... ....424 Searcy, Thomas Harold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Searcy, \Villiam Jerry . .... ... ..........341 Searls, Susan . ..." " . .............92, 394 Sears, Sharon Sue . . . . . . .. " .. 106, 128, 136 , 159, 310, 314 , 376, 400 Seha, Richard Dutton """"."" . ....450 Sebastian, M ichael H " .. ...............423 Sebera, Curtis \Vayne "" . " " ..... 123, 345 Sebesta, Donald M ilton . " " " " " " . " 334 Sebesta, Frederick J osepb . .........327, 331 Sebesta, Joe Martin . .."."" """" .430 Sedwick, Jesse Jack . ..............258, 353 Seeliger, Marvin \Vesley . ............... 92 Seeligert..Susan Lynn . .....123, 140, 349, 511 Seelke, ~·rances Ann" .106, 131 , 338, 374, 515 Seelye, Alfred Lee . "" . ......" . ..." .289 Seewald, Fredric Henry, Jr"."" ... 106, 406 Sefcik, Donald Ray " . ..........." .. ..263 Segrato, Josoph Louis . .................447 Sehested, Greta Lynn " ."". ......." . 72 Sehested, John Henry " ... . ... " " ..... 92 n Tiemann .. .106, 357, 399, 511 . Seidel, Suza Seidel, \Vilber Ray .... """ ."" " " .275 Seidensticker, Anne Elizabeth ." 152, 512, 514 Seifert, Julianne . .............123, 131, 381 Seiler, George E" .. "" ........ " . ....291 Seiler, Robert E " . ..""." """ .291 , 292 Seitz, David Edward " """ " . ........106 Selber, Iris Dee .......... .....106, 159, 396 Selden, Marjorie Morgan .. ....... .. 123, 381 Seligson, Sidney Phillip . ............72 , 456 Sellars, Patricia .. ........."" " ... 72, 384 Sellers, David Bowie .. ..............92, 442 Sellers, Diana Elizabeth .. ..........134, 336 Sellers, Sheila Margaret . " . ....... " " . 123 Sellers, \Villiam Artbur .. ......106, 327, 420 Sellstrom, Kenneth Larry ... ...........318 Selzer, Richard Martin " . ......." "".450 Senechalle, David Albert . ..............274 Senevey, Steven John ... .. ........ .123, 409 Senior, Malcolm " ".. ......" . ....." .405 Seniors . ." . ..." " , .. ........." . ..44-80 Senter, Donald Frederiok . .........284, 301 Serface, Eddie Ragan . . .... . ..... . . .72, 284 Sessions, J ack Henry . ...." " " . ......324 Settle, Clyde Reagan .. ............106, 2 2 Sewell, Gerald Lee . .......106, 236 , 263, 432 Sewell, Julian Jay". ...... " .. " .. 123, 411 Sexton, Leah Raye ... ........" . ......345 Seymour, Carolyn Ann ...... .... .......290 Shackelford, William Monte . ... " ... 92, 428 Shaefer, Joe Edward " . .. ."."" ..... .322 Poge 554 Namt Page1 Name Paqe1 Name Pagu Namo P01JU bah, urendra H.. " ... " ...... "". ..144 hofner, Janice M .............106, 246, 364 laton, Paul Frank ... . . . . . . . . ... 92, 320 mitb, orma Jean . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92, 390 Shaban, \Villiam R " ........ " • . . .. ...123 hofner, Janice ue ....................374 Slaugbter, Julius Alvin, Jr.. ............323 Smitb, Nonnan Vcdder................318 hohan, Robert \Villiam ..... ..144, 257, 436 laughter, Lenora Ophclia..............290 Smith, Patricia Anne ..............124, 245 Sbahatit, Fraih F....... """." " ". .350 Sbabeen, Esber Ibrahim.... ............323 boek, Jeanette Patrieia ..... ...73, 351 , 304 laugbter, Mellanese ........ .150, 511 , 515 Smith, Paul Jamcs. ............293, 306 Sbainoek, Elissa . ......." . " ..... 123, 369 hort, Byron Elliott... ............300, 306 Slaughter, Robcrt Edward ..............2 Smith, Pauline ............74, 301, 319, 343 Shallene, Frank Mills..............106, 406 hort, Charlene ...............123, 138, 238 Slau ~bter, \Vayne B ...... ..........275, 522 Smith, Penny Claricc ... ..........124, 138 Sballene, \Vilbcrt E ..... ...............452 Short, uzanne Rita" . ." . ." ... " . " . 73 Slavik~ Frank Heory, Jr................ 73 Smith, Quintin J ...... ..... ............349 Sbamburger 5'.al Sbuford, Jr... ....123, 453 Shoultz, Charles Artbur.......... ......2 2 Slay, .itepben Hubby .. ................124 Smitb, Raymond Carlton .........•.....267 Sbammatt, M. Farouk Hamcd. .14 , 293, 350 Shrader, Russell Lowell ..... ........73, 327 Sloan, David \Valtcr .. . . . . . . . . . . . .....345 Smitb, Robert Earl................74, 306 1 hongri-La •. """"...... ..•........151 hrake, Jimmy Bruce......73, 313, 430, 522 loan, Ralpb Russcll, Jr" ...92, 2 , 426, 427 Smith, Robert Gary .. .............106, «2 bankle, Alice tratton . ............92, 3 9 hrimpton, Jerry Deane.. .........293, 338 Sloan, Riley Gene ...... .......124 , 297, 403 Smith, Rodger Vincel ... . .....74, 308, 317 bankle, Clifford Perry, Jr.." .. 123, 262, 409 bugart, Clara Gertrude................380 loane, David Bartlett......... ....124, 451 Smith, Roger Stirratt.... . ..... .....437 banks, Billy Lee. " .. .." ......... " .327 bugart, Master Sergeantl'Herman E" .. .256 Slocumb, Cyntbia... ..................33 Smith, Rosann Dorothy .... . . . . . 92, 370 banks, Katherine Louise . .........123, 379 bugart, Clara Gertrude (Trudy )........351 lomcbinski, Frank Bernard .......... ..43 mith, Roolyn tarlett..... 106, 370, 510 banks, \Vilbert Jeanne . " ""...... ."106 huler, Curtis Ronald . ........267, 283, 313 lomchinski, Mary Louise ........ 124, 349 Smitb, Richard Thomas .. . . . . . 293, 306 bannon, Aubrey Jack..... .....92, 32 , 444 huler, Henry Keith ...... " . ..........283 lougb, Carolyn Dottie............124, 134 mith, Robert Gary.." . ........ ..523 bannon, Joe, Jr. .............123, 277, 403 buler, Linda Lucretia .. " . ............152 Slovaek, Jerome Francis .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 mith, Sandra Jean .. . . . . . . ....... .." 74 Artbur.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 hulkin, haron Lee.."".123, 134, 245, 369 Slovacek, Karen Louise ............142, 152 Smith, arah Jane. . . . . . 124, 246, 285, 515 icba.rd~,., hannon baper, ..oger Terry . .....241, 259, 335, 35 hultz, Juda Bernard ..................262 Slovacek, Raymond John ...........73, 324 mith, Sharan Lee.. ..... . .... 124, 395 haper, uaan Elaine ..................335 hultz, igna Kay". . .............123, 375 Slover, Crockett Lee.............. ..73, 324 Smith, Sheldon tuart. . . . . . . .......404 hapairo, Jacqueline " ....... ......3 2, 383 hurtleff, Jo Ann ... .......73, 134, 323, 339 t Hamilton ..........245, 443 Smith, Sidney H " 111 .. . .92, 313, 450, 464 . malley, Robe hapbcr, Marsba. " .. " ...... .........245 huttleworth, Judith Janet .•........... 73 malley, Terrence Edward ..............402 Smith, Stanley Nelaon ......... ....106, 345 Serin " ..............3 8 Smallwood, Bett,Y " .. ..............73, 366 Smith, Starlett..... " ............512, 515 Sibley, Zelie de ""..... . Tehapiro, Roger .........30 .. bapley, Ethyl Mane.... .........•....392 Siddons, George Young ..... .......123, 425 Smallwood, William David . ........106, 336 Smith, Stella Sharron ..............150, 151 baraf, Adel H .............. ....... .350 ides, Jack Davis . ........106, 430 , 492, 406 Smart, Marsball Robcrt, Jr.. " ..... 124, 271 , Smith, Stephen Collier .............106, 420 " Sharkey, idney Raye .... ..........72, 364 Sides, James Barkley ................ " 324 345, 356 Smith, Stoddart, Jr......... . . . ....296 barkey, Thomas Jobn. ..." ... ........ 92 ides, \\'illiam Haynie...... ...........431 Emith, Adrienne Trant.........73, 351 , 388 Smith, Susan ................. 92, 135, 366 barp, Clifford Gene" " ... ............106 idnell, Robcrt Gebbardt, Jr............356 Smith, Alden Barton... ................432 Smith, Virgil Raymond . . . . . . ..92, 259, 462 barp, Lynne Collins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 idor, Venieee Mary. ..............131 , 511 Smith, Allen Currie . ...........92, 334, 520 Smith, Virginia Helene .... .........124, 373 barp, \Villiam George . ................ 72 irgel, Edwin Michael ..... ............404 Smitb, Alva Lynn . ................... 341 Smith, \\'ade Bradford ............. ....443 harpe, Ada Marie . ..........106, 135, 23 , iegel, Harrise Myrna... " ... ..........369 Smith, Andrew Austin ....... ..........260 Smitb, \\'ade Cassle .......•......... " 428 316, 351, 366, 512 iegel, James Jay ... ......106, 297, 44 , 464 Smith, Anita Ruth .. ........" . ....92, 398 Smitb, \Valta Marie .. . . . . . ....... 124, 150 harpe, Erncst Alonzo............. ....303 iemer, E.leanor Julia.... .......73, 319, 343 Emitb, August \\'illiam, Jr............ ..273 Smitb, \\'alter cott" . . . . . . ......124, 443 harpe, James helby........ ..........345 iemer, Helen Pauline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .334 mith, Barbara Alleen .... ..........73, 376 Smitb, \Vaymoo Otis ..... . . ...92, 284 ales....270, 277, , 312 ............. Smith, \\illard Arnold . . . . . . . 124, 322 . barpe, John Ryan ................. ... 123 ierra, Heetor Gon 311 umith, Barbara Louise 150, 334 '.. . ett, 111 ...... ......436 . 'illiam Ben \\Smith, Jr" ............. ..." .521 igler, berry .. " ............. ........390 Smith, Barbara Lucille .............. i3 , 384barroek, Paul, mith, Barbara Sue .. .......•......92, 374 Smith, Colooel \\'illiam Hightower ..... .269, 13 ' 310, 394 i(J1fla Alpl.a Iota .. ........•........ " 302 Smitb, Betty Ruth Davis..... ......... 73 311, 312 battuck, uaan Lane """"...... " .. 152 hatto, Elizabcth Anne . ."."..... 106, 12 , i(J1fla A/pha Epailon ... ........... .446-447 Si(J1fla Alpha Jfu ...... . ... " . . . .. .448-449 Smith, Beverly Ross .. .................371 mith, \\'illiam Neher, Chief ......... ...265 baver, Jerry Lorene . . .... ... .....290, 302 Sigma Chi . ..................•.•..45(}451 Smith, Bill E.....................345, 356 Smith, \\'illiam Scbuetze ..... ..........408 baw, Elia.bctb.. " •...............72, 376 Sigma Delta Chi ..•... ....." ... .......303 Smitb, Bobby Sue . ....................388 Smitb, Yale .......... .................352 baw, John Kinsler" . ... . . . . . . ....123, 409 Si(J1fla D. Pag•Nam Taylor, Robert Andersoo, Jr... .....107, 490 Taylor, Sammie Lyoo ........ ..........391 Taylor, Thomas \Valler . ....75, 322, 450, 451 Taylor, Walter Jeooiogs ...... ..... 125, 429 Taylor, \Veldoo Buros ................ .297 Taylor, \Villjam Allan ... """"" .....406 Teague, Bob " ... " . ..................517 Teague, Doo Phillip . . " .... " .........454 Teague, Malvio Gleo "" . .."." " 275, 312 Teague, Robert Franklin .... . .......03 , 454 Teague, Weldoo \Viostoo " .. ." ."" ."341 Teal, Rosanoe . . . " " ..... ....... " " . 93 Teed, Joho Edsoo .. " ...... " .. " .. ."40 Teeple, alJy Louise" ... ." .• " . ..246, 3 9 Ttja1 Club " .. ."""." "."" .. .....2 6 Tekell, Jaoe Rosemary . ................366 Tempr.io, Captaio . .. ... .. .. "" " .. ...256 Temp e, Jobo Hurst...... .. .... " ... .. 341 Templeton, Bobbie Franklin ........... . 107 Templeton, Larry Ford ....... . .. ... ...327 Teoenbaum, Joyce Ray . ........ . ......396 Teoneot, ancy Byrd ". ... ............374 Teooey, Kareo Jo... ..............351 , 392 Tenoey, \Vayoe P " . ..............291 , 292 Tenni1 . ..........................506-507 Tepera, Josepb Edward ........242, 267, 341 Terence, Lois Deony ..... ..... 107, 133, 515 Terrell, Frank Vance "" . ..... . . . . . ....2 8 Terrell, Jobo Butler, Jr............ .2 , 450 Terrell, Lyon . ........................395 Terry, Carolyo Elayne . . . ,125, 238, 24 , 389 Terry, Floyd Ray ..... ....."""..... 93 Terry, Harry Blake.. ..............424 , 520 Terry, John David ....... .. . . ... . .125, 437 Terry, Warren Bergeo ... , ........ , 125, 443 T=n ... . . . ..................... .25(}.251 Te.:a1 Society of Profe11ional Enoineer1 . ...............357 Te.:ai Stari"""." .. " ... " """ ...347 Te.:ai Studmt Publicatiom, lnc. .. ., 247, 254 Te.:a1 Union " .. ." ... . , .... . .. . .. 243-246 Tezel, Paul James ............... . .....324 Thadaoi, Ramesh . ..." . " . " . " ... ...297 Tbayer, Arden.... " ............. . 107, 365 Thayer, Gilbert Richard ... 107, 356, 460, 461 Theis, Ralph \Vayoe . . . .. . ..... . " . " ..327 Theiss, \Valter L " . ................." .519 The.U Chi". .... ......•....... ... .460-461 TM.ta Sioma Phi . " .... " .. " ....... . .307 462-463....""..."".""..... . Theta X Tbigpeo, Tommy " .. ..................323 Tbigpio, Robert Loreo, Jr............, . 93 Thomas, Albert Raymond, Jr" . ....324, 331 Thomas, Alvio Austin, Jr........ , ......435 Tbomas, Aooe... .............. .. .395, 515 Tbomss, Camilla .. ............125, 330, 385 Thomas, Carol Courtney .. ............ .342 Tbomas, Carolyn Ano .. .......93, 310, 351 , 3 4, 385, 3 6, 511 , 513 Thomas, Colio Charles ... ..............327 Thomas, Ernest Raymood, Jr........75, 308 Thomas, Gretta.. ... ..... , ......... ,, .378 Thomas, Harolyo Jeao ... ..... .75, 339, 374 Thomas, James Rodoey .. . ........ 107, 274 , 312, 330, 454 Thomas, Lee Charles. . ....... .... .297, 324 Thomas, Mary Margaret. .............. 75 Thomas, Mary Stewart . ......169, 237, 310, 355, 388, 389 Thomas, Merle ................, .. .....342 Thomas, Michael Edward .... . .323, 434, 435 Tbomas, Philip &stoo, Jr.. ..... .. . . . ..327 Thomas, Sharoo Kathrioe . .....125, 142, 152 Thomas, Thad Willjam " .. . . . ....... . .. 453 Thomas, \Villiam G., Jr" .... . .....322, 357 Thompsoo, Barbara Jean ..... . ... . 107, 374 Thompsoo, Beverly Gail .......245, 339, 366 Tbompsoo, Cleaves Rhea .... ......125, 425 Thompsoo, David Eltoo . ......... .420, 421 Thempsoo, Gordoo Cole .. ...... . . . . . ..446 Thompson, J. Neils.. . ..... . .... ,., ....306 Thompsoo, Jack Saunders. ........ , ,. ..431 Tbompsoo, James Hunter , , .... , ...318, 434 Thompson, Jimmy F " .... ,,, ..........327 Thompsoo, Jobo Hodge, Jr. ............304 Thompson, Josepb Clark ....2 , 125, 431 , 4 0 Tbompsoo, Larry Duncan ... ......125, 23 , 251 , 308, 341 , 427 Thompsoo, Linda Ellen . . . ....93, 378 Thompsoo, Lois Aon . . ........ . ... 142, 151 Thompsoo, Marcus Leslie, Jr.. ..... 104, 426 Thompson, Mary Dale . ................238 Tbompsoo, Miltoo Joho .... .......300, 306 Thompsoo, Nanry Ellen ... 162, 163, 168, 37 Thompsoo, Paul Jeooiogs ...... , . , .303, 317 Thompson, Paula Suzanoe ... ...,,, .....380 Thompson, Peter Kempoer. ..... , .. 42 , 520 Thompsoo, Robert Jeffrey.. .... . .... ... 75 Thompson, Robert Lee, Jr" ............336 Thompson, Rolaod Ross ... ........ 125, 433 Thompsoo, Tbomas Cline ...... ...... ..324 Thompsoo, William Arthur , ..... . ... , . ,42 Thompson, \Villiam Van . ..., ..........434 Thoms, Robert Lee . ............, ... " .306 Thomsoo, Fraocis Marioo , .. , . ......., .296 Thomsoo, Joho Norroan . ,....., ........345 Tbomson, Mary Dale .............. 125, 377 Thomsoo, Maxioe Yvonne...... ,.,., ... 93 Tboresen, Joyce Elaine ... , .. , .....334, 33 Tboreseo, Ray 0 ... ...... " ...... . . ... 33 Thoroe, Melvin Quentin ... ............33 Tborngreo, Joho 'rbomas .... , ...... ....415 Tbornbill, Suzanoe Margaret ..... , ... .. 370 Thorntoo, Artbur Wood .............. . . 125 Thorotoo, Pat H" . " " . " . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Thorpe, Charles Richard .. ..i6, 293, 306, 324 Thrift, Nancy Elizabeth ....76, 237 , 380, 515 Thuo, "'ayoe Earl . ...................2 2 Jack Lee"".......... ..,306, 325 .. Tburber Thurk, vonnie Ruth . ...............76, 339 Thurlow, Thomas Neilson ............ " 412 Name Paoei Tburman, George Robert...93, 353 , 45 , 459 Tburmond, Thomas Mitchell ...........418 Tibbits, \Valter Grenville , 111 " ...... ."421 Tidmore, Patricia Nell ..... .... ... .....316 Tidwell, Gary James" .... " .... " ..... 93 Tieber, Avis Andrea ...........93 , 169, 226, 310, 316, 386, 467 Tieken, N ancy J " ............ ,76 , 348 , 386 Tiemann, Keooeth Edward .... .... .2 4, 301 Tiemaoo, Ruth Carol " ....... "" ..... 76 Tieroey, Cecilia Veronica .... .......291, 304 Tietz, Judy Madeline........... . . . 125 , 13 Tijerina, Eroesto Tomas .... ........ .. .439 Tiller, David Clyde "." "" ....... 107, 260 Tillery, Joe Neil ...........76 , 342 , 352, 442 Tilley, Joylene Rose ...... .......... .. .135 Tillman, Alleo . .... . ......... .. .. "" .522 Timmins, Tom Howard .............93, 306, 315, 323, 434 Tindall, Betty Joan . .............. .93, 334 Tindall, Virgil Ross"." ... , , . .....,93 , 324 Tinker, Barbara Glyds ,. ...... .125, 23 , 365 Tinnes, Sberman Paul. ,..... , .... , .... ,323 Tinsley, Alice Sbaron . ..............93, 131 Tinsley, John Forte .. ........, 107, 458, 464 Tips, Joe Conrad . , ..... . .. . ... ..... . ..336 Tiptoo, Pat"."." .. .................135 Tirey, Marilyn Frances .. ... , , . , .. ,236, 390 Tixier, Lioda Suzaone.... ,125, 136 , 375, 400 Tjoa, Tio Giok Nio" .. "" . .."" " " . 44 Tlok . ......... ......... ....... ..... ..149 Tlucek, Cynthia Ann,. ... .,93, 302, 334, 370 Tobias, Lawrence Jay ...... . .. . .. .. 76, 404 Todd, Avery Boone, Jr"." " .. 107, 332, 334 Todd, Gary Owens . ..... , .......... ... 125 Todd, James Dooald " . ......... .......324 Todd, Mary Jean ... ......236, 246, 355, 388 Todd, Tereoce C " ..... .... ....93 , 334, 519 Toepperweio, Frances Jean ..... 125, 135, 251 Tolaod, Jimmy Lee" ... " """.......273 Tolaod, Thomas Tucker ... ... .107, 324, 407 Tolar, Roger Lee......... ....."." ... 139 Tolbert, Jerry Hutto.. .............93, 303 Tolbert, Richard Burton ........... . ... 125 Tolbirt, Ruthven Champion, Jr. (Judge ) ..93 , 246, 330, 345 Toler, Betty Loraine.. ,.. , ... , ..... 125, 379 Toliver, Geoevieve C..,. , .... , . . 93 Tolle, Berry B.ruce......... i6, 267, 420, 421 Toller, Glen Conrad ............. ..107, 353 Tolliver, Margaret Ann . . .... , . . , .. 125, 132 Tolve, Naocy Catherine.... ,., .... 107, 166, 168, 264 ' 366 Tom, E. Kathy . , . , " .. , . , , " .. " , , ... 137 Tomlin, Heleo Charleoe ... , ........ 107, 151 Tomlinsoo, Jen Cary .... .......93, 310, 378 Tomme, Alton Ronald .. , . .............323 Tooahill, Jay Denzil.. " ... .....93, 451 , 523 Tooke, Bess Kirby ............... . 107, 3 8 Toole, Albert Julius (Bud) ...... i6, 226, 247, 248, 249, 266, 268, 315, 418 Toole, Rooald James ... , . .........125, 407 Tooley, Naocy Jane ........ , . .........125 Topbam, James Terry ..... , . ..76, 266, 267, 268, 311 , 315, 446, 447 Torline, Norbert Kevin ... , , .. .........349 Torres, Lauro, Jr" .. ." " .. .. .... . . " .323 Torres, Mickie " . ." .. " .... ......135, 330 Totteoham, Joan Elaine ...... . .93, 236, 3 9 Totz, Joo David ......... ., ... 139, 313, 440 Totz, Molly Carolen .. ,.. , ..... 125, 136, 369 Toubio, Charles Irving .. ........ . ,107, 448 Tovar, Paulino M" Jr" ..... .......107, 320 Tovrog, Myrna . .............., . ...93, 131 Townseod, James Terrell ... . . ., 76, 236, 237, 294, 315, 426 Townseod, Josepb Emmett....... , .125, 443 Townsend, Mirhael Howard . ... . .......267 Townseod, Patsy Carleen... ....... . . . .. 151 Townsend, Peyton Lambeth ,,. . ...107, 260, 315, 418, 518 Trabulsi, Victoria Breoda... ... 125, 134, 246 Track . ... . .. ,." .... " . .. ... ,, ...492-498 Traeger, Naocy Claire . ... ,,., ..... 107, 133 Tragesser, Arthur Fraok, Jr..... ........325 Trahan, Paul Artbur . .............425, 521 Trammell, Wash Bryao, Jr... , ... ...82, 422 Tramp, Gus Carl ..... ........, ..... .. .318 Travis, Sally .. .. " ...... . 12 , 130 , 310, 316 Traweek, Billie .......... .107, 159, 245, 384 Traweek, Brayoard Ray... ., .. ......... 76 Traweek, Stella ...... ." " ... ......" .292 Trayler, Andrew Nathaniel . . .... . ......308 T'raylor, Dooald Regioald ............ . . 76 Traylor, Roy Gene. . . ..... ... ..... . .. . 93 Traylor, Thomas Marioo .. .......... ...455 Traynor, David Alan.. ........ 125, 2i2 , 435 Treadaway, Thalmano Lester.... ... 131 , 320 T'reanot, John Garrett... ., ,...... ,,, ..415 Treat, Burnett Forrest " ...... ,300, 306, 357 Tredenoick, Mark Edward .. , .. ....415, 490 Trekell, David Weldon .. , .....273, 311 , 312 T'renkelbacb, \Villie Henry ....... , . .. , .. 322 ..... . ......... Tribble, Fraok Joseph ,. . .. . , .. , .... . ..450 T'ribble, James Luther.................451 Tribble, ancy Louise....... . .150, 332, 334 Trice, Boonie Cecelia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Trice, James Clive" ......... ..... .....324 Trice, Lois Barid ....... .... ...237 , 302, 392 Trickey, Richard Miles . ........ 2, 416, 417 T'rifoo, Eleoor Lyoo...... .. ....... 159, 397 Trigg, Ralph Morton .............. 125, 453 T'rimble, Bernard Henry, Lieuteoaot.....265 Triplett, Jon A .. ...................76, 521 T'roell, Charles Edward .. , ..... , ... 144, 520 Troell, Henry Neil .. ...76, 142, 144, 352, 520 Troike, Rudolpb Cbarles .... .... ... .... 44 Trostel, Robert Rboads .............. . .2 Trotter, James Albert ..........93 , 236 , 258, 315, 353 , 422 , 464 el S" 125, 349 !. Trevino, Rac Name Paoe1 Trotter, Robert Sydncy, Jr" ... , ........ 125 Trowbridge, Arleeo Ray........... 107, 132, 237, 246 , 3 Truax, Toni A nn . ......... " . . . .. " . 125 Trube, Jobn Collins ... 125, 263, 297, 353 , 463 Truchar ~J Anthony M " . ......107, 259, 349 Truitt enneth Allen 436, 437 ............. .;. , Tryling, Carol Ruth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .366 Tryling, Laura Marie... , .. , .. , 136, 339, 3~7 Maria.............. .........237apcra, . Ts Tubb, James Moses Brand ... ..........331 Tubbs, Jobo F"."." """""" " i6 Tucker, Ann "" .......... ,., . ., .125 , 387 Tucker, Aroold Joseph .... . ....44 , 293, 306 Tucker, Carolyo Aooe .............. 76 , 12 , 134 , 246 Tucker, Cherie Lucillc. . . , , .93, 133, 371 Tucker, Elizabetb Jaoe. ...........136, 515 Tucker, Eltoo M ... ... . ... " . . . . . 76 , 327 Tucker, Ioa Lea . ... ...... . .. 152, 298 Tucker, James Ray .. , ......... 76, 330, 408 Tucker, Linda Aon .. ......., .. , .. .3 8, 389 Tucker, Linda Kay" .. ............128, 141 Tucker, Marna Susan .... , .... 245, 383, 513 Tucker, Matt Burleson, Jr" .. , ....... , .345 Tucker, Robert Edwin . ......... , ......414 Tucker, \Villiam Thornton . , ,. . . ........ 125 Tuley, George Floyd ...... .............149 Tullis, Coral Hortoo ...... , , .•.. , , , , ... 296 Tullis, Joe Mitchell " ... " .......... . " 144 Tumlinson, Patrick Arthur ....... , .....480 Turley, Bruce Edward .. . . .... . ..... . .. 308 Turman, Joho Franks. .................330 Turnbow, James \Villiam. ..............306 Turner, Bill Lamond.. " , . ... , , ........420 Turoer, Bobby Laoe ,." .... , . ..,." ...324 Turoer, Cbarles Bensoo .... , .,......... 107 Turoer, Charles John ... , ..... .. . . .... . 76 Turner, Cyntbia Elaine. -· .......... ... 133 Turner, David Oakes . ., . ..., ,,.,. .313, 430 Turner, Delber Boyce . ..... , .. 125, 297, 415 Turner, George Dallas ........ ......, . .352 Turoer, Gerald Wayoe... .........,261 , 270 Turner, Harvey Jordan , , .... . . . ... . ...297 Turoer, Joe Earl ,.".,. .. , .... ."" .,.352 Turoer, Mary Katberioe . ......, ... , , . .125 Turner, Ralph Burton . ...., ....... ,., .282 Turoer, Robert Heodrick .. 107, 2 , 442, 443 Turoer, Susao Jaoe.. ..........128, 136, 390 Turoer, Tommy Eusie.. ...107, 236, 42 , 520 Turpio, Jo Aoo ... . ... ,,, .... , .. , .. 76, 392 Turpio, Robert Davis.. , .... ......... , .306 Turpio, Robert Porter....... .. ........432 Turung, M. Guogor. . ...... . ..... .. " . 76 Turvey, Everett James ...... . .293, 306, 324 Tuttle, Charles Dean ..................454 Tuttle, Gary Mitcbell.... .. ...... . . . . . .416 Twaddell, Robert Bryao . .......93, 263, 426 Tu.in Pine1 Cpe. ............. .... 125 Varley, Robert Ray .. ........." , .. , ...284 Varnado, Roy Brien .. .............260, 270 Varney, Johanna Marie .......... , .335, 338 Varni, Fred Thomas, Jr,. .. .. ..........407 Vasquez, Roy Albert "" ..... .......... 77 Vassberg, Paul Edward ... , ........460, 461 Vathayanon, Bovornsak . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . 77 Vaughan, Eleanor.......... ...........251 Vaughao, Kathryn Ann .. . ..•... . ......390 Vaughn, Mrs. Ben F . ..., . ............. 36 Vauo, Claude Lre..... ..... ...........242 Veal, Mary Louise ,. ...... ", .. " . .93, 366 Veatch, Nathan Everett.. ..............125 Veoable, Robert Allen " ... 125, 23 , 297, 419 Venable, Virgioja Elaioe .. . .. ...... 125, 135 Veoables, Richard Allen ............458, 459 Vent<>, Arnold Charles .......... , .. .... 77 Vera, Marie Aot<>inette .. ...•., , , ...93, 140 Vermillion, Barbara Lee ...... ...... 128, 131 Verner, Milton Lamond . . ... .. ... . ..... 139 Vernon, Keoneth Wayne . ... .. .....432, 433 Verplank, Bobby Lee ."77, 261 , 430, 499, 500 Vesely, Cbarles Josepb .........277, 312, 324 Vetters, Gilbert Clement . . . .. . . ........442 Vetters, Thomas Francis " ..93 , 317, 442, 443 Vibrock, Douglas \Vayoe .. ,.,,, ..... ...443 Vick, Roy Gleoo . ... .... , .... ........352 Vickers, Adeo Laoe ."...... ......, , , . . 77 Vickers, Joo Lewis . ..............• .....336 Vickland, Arthur F ....... " " " ...... .291 Victor, Joe Mayer . ....................404 Vict<>ry, Patricia Ann . . ....... . ...394 Vielock, Robert C .. " " . . . .. . ....... ."521 Viereck, Kathryo. . ... .. . , ............. 107 View1 . ........" .. "."" " 18-24, 360-363 Vigeoo, Patricia . .............245, 394, 395 Villanueva, Roberto Ramon, J r ..... . .. , ,125 Villarreal, Eliseo .. , . .. . " . . . , .... . .... 77 Villarreal, Evelio Flores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Villarreal, Joe Ernest . .... ...... 77, 492, 495 ViUarreal, Jose P .. .............." , ... 77 Villarreal, Rodolfo Lucas .. ...... ... ....148 Vioey, Alfred George . .., ..........323, 349 Vineyard, Robert Stirling .......... 125, 425 Vinson, Robert Wayoe .. ...............327 Vint.wn, Stooewall Pershing ...... , .304, 352 Viozant, Joho Earl . . ..... . .. , ...... .. .325 Viramootes, James Raymood ...454 , 483, 489 Virden, Robert N eal ......... ......... ,437 Vis, Ronald Bart". .. "" .. " ..... 125, 274 Vitek, George Ladd, Jr" ........... 145, 349 Vivian, Ronald Alfred , , ..... . . 125, 297, 324 Voder, Robert Darrell ...... , .... , .,...506 Voelkel, Kenney Reese, Jr" . .......418, 518 Voelkel, Patricia Sue ... , ... ...236, 351, 364 Voet, r.farion Jean ............ 125, 369, 515 Voetmann, Katherioe Louise....93 , 152, 169, 227, 236, 309, 310, 349 Vogel, Carolioe..... .......93, 250, 251, 307 Vogel, Frank Valtoo . . . .. .... .. .... ,93, 144 Vogel, Mary Elizabeth . ,..... , .125, 159, 399 Vogelsang, Anoe ... ..., .. ,," . ......"515 Vogelsang, Curry Helmuth " ....93 , 422, 723 Vogelsaog, L. 0 " . . " .. ............." 37 Vogt, Gene Edward . .......,, . 125, 333, 334 V<>gt, John Carrol . ... , ... 107, 261 , 446, 517 Vogt, Marilyo Marie .. , . ......3 6, 511, 513 V~t, Mary Katherine .... ., ... 107, 333 , 339 ,Ano Kenoedy ,"" .... 107, 13 , 386ght,. Vo 3 7, 513, 515 Voight, Marian Whitney . . .. , ... 77, 296 , 515 Voigt, Jessie Ann ...., . . 142, 152, 512, 513 Voigtel, Rudolpb " ....... . .... , .. ...284 Voiles, Joan Berniece ...... 125 , 138 , 365, 515 Volliotioe, Diaoa .. ...............107, 246, 290 , 351 , 384, 400 Vollmer, Cynthia Ann , ........... .107, 251 Vollmer, "'illiam Kyle .. .., ...... ..77, 251, 262, 303• 426 Volz, Robert Charles" .... , .. ..........424 Von Bieberstein, Curt R" .. , , ......... ,300 Voo Hagel, Richard Joseph. ........327, 331 Von Rosenberg, Arthur James ..........325 Von Rosenberg, Gleoo Arthur ......31 , 352 Von Rosenberg, Judith Ann ........345, 347 Vora, Harisb ,. . . " ...............237 , 308 Vordeobaum, Harvey eil . . . . . ....324 Vorkoper, Robert James .... .......107, 348 Votow, \\'illiam Travis................. 77 Voyles, Marcia Aone ... , ...........77, 384 Voyles, Sharoo Sue ........... .77, 237, 243 , 309, 329, 379, 400 Vratis, Nick......... "" " 93 , 412, 413, 464 J Nam• Paut1 w Wachel, Johny Charles ..........44, 300 306 Wacbsmann, Harry Ervin Tecbnical Sergeant ...... . .....269, 276 Waddill, Sally Elizabeth ........... 125, 238, 316 , 333, 345, 349 Wade, Hugh Darrell .... ...77, 293, 306, 345 Wade, Marcia Adele . . . . . .93, 298, 388, 389 Wade, Marie Arlene . ..... . ...... . .515 Wade, Montie Gayle . ..... . ....... ...323 Wade, Sandra Victoria ..........93, 159, 3 6 Wademan, Robert Ellsworth ....... . . . .. 272 e........ . . .....93 . Wadler, GeraJdi Wagenfuehr, Mary Louise ...... 107, 133, 3 Wagenhauser, Dorothy Ann ... ......... 137 Waggener, James Francis ...... . ..... 432 Waggoner, John Ray . . . . . . .....308 Waggoner, Lee Paula.... .......... 136, 290 Wagner, Forrest \Vorth ................274 Wagner, James Robert .. ...............297 WSP.tsff, John Morris ... .........10 , 446 de, Ronnie Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 . Wa 245, 260, 441...... .. Marti Wainger, Robert Wainri~ht, Ruth Scott ...... . ... ...246 Waite, Jan.... .......................490 Wakonda ... ."" . ................... . 152 Wakefield, Charles Bertrand ...........323 Wake\and, Justin Marshall .. ...... . . 107 Walden, James D " .. .. ................ 93 Walden, Richard Maurice. .....288, 406, 492 Waldie, Ronnie Hugh . .................520 Waldrep, Burnell ...................... 35 Waldrip, Patricia Ann .................385 Waldrop, Robert Alfred ..... ......270, 312 Walker, Anne Charlotte ... 125, 134, 334, 391 Walker, Betty Kyle ................77, 394 Walker, Charles IVeldon .. .............2 3 Walker, Edwin Link, Jr................324 Walker, Ernest \V.............292, 318 , 406 Walker, Gail "". . .................93, 376 Walker, George Andrew, Jr.. . .......... 77 Walker, George Harris.. . .......93, 352 Walker, Hazen Robert.. . . . .....355, 450 Walker, Henry Leon, Jr............ 107, 25 , 317 , 410, 411 , 464 Walker, James \Valter, Jr.... . . .284 Walker, James \Vhittenburg ............430 Walker, Janet Melba ............... 77, 366 ne ...... 107, , 290, 3 0, 515 . Walker, Jo A 135 Walker, John Fletcher .................419 Walker, Judith Eileen ............. . 107, 366 Walker, Judge Ruel C .................. 37 Walker, Kathryn Ann ......... . ........334 Walker, Lloyd Douglas .........77, 31 , 352 W alker, Lynda Lou . .......... 107, 135, 39 Walker, Mary Gayle.... . . ........ ..... 77 Walker, Nancy Lee ............93, 376, 511 Walker, Patricia ....... .. .. ........93, 395 Walker, Robert Hazen . ....... .........315 Walker, Roger Sherwood . ..............125 Walker, Rose Kathryn ... ..........134 , 236 Walker, Sara Ellen . .......107, 2 8, 290, 392 Walker, Virginia Anne . .......107, 128, 136, 236, 290, 310, 316, 390 Walker, \Vayne \Villiam . . .... . . . ..261, 297 Walker, \Vill Harry . " .................259 Walker, William Elmo, Jr.. .77, 322, 325, 357 Walker, \Villiam Fred..................326 Walker, \Villiam Thomaa........... 125, 330 Walkup, Jimmie Lee.... .. ........ ... .. 2 Wall, Kay Elleene ............ " .......390 Wal~ Lyde Hodges (Cissy }. ........125, 391 Wall, Milton Dewain ..... . ............341 Wall, Patricia Lee .... 108, 266, 314, 378, 511 Wall, Robert Benton ...............77, 406 Wall, Robert George . ..................304 We.llace, Barbara " . ......" . ..........390 Wallace, Carl Milton ...... , ....... . 77, 332 Wallace, Ellits B" ................351 , 388 Wallace, Hugh Oliver . . . . . . .. 341 Wallace, James Earl ..... ..........259, 353 Wallare, Kathy . " 93, 128, 141 , 328, 386, 511 Wallace, Ruth Elizabeth Hodges ....... . 77 Wallace, Stsnley Anderson, Jr" ......... 77 Wallen, Harvey Ne\son ................ 77 Waller, Johnny Lee .................... 77 Walling, Harold Hewin .... ....10 , 274, 327 Walling, Lynn .... " .... . ......... 108, 395 Wallingford, William \Vood ... " ....... .422 Wallis, Ben A...... "." .. " ..... " . ..318 Walls, Donald Morgan ................. 125 Walpin, Roberts Lee .............. 136, 369 Walsdorf, Neill Bailey . .............77, 444 Walser, Lloyd Ala ..... ........... ....334 . Walston, Sally Darden .. . . . . . ..... . .... 134 Walter, Harry Joseph , !!!.. ... ..... .. ..426 Waltero, Edward Darwin .. . ....... .. 93 Walters, Karen Ann .. ....... . ... 10 Walters, Michael Cogburn .............. 108 Waltero, Richard Page ..............78, 324 Walters, Robbie An 134, 246, 290, 345 ,125.. . Walters, Shirley Joyce ......78, 245, 246, 386 Walters, \Villiam Edgar . . ....... . ......262 Walton, N. Leland ....... "" .... ..78, 327 Walton, R. Max .. "" ...... " ......... 78 Walton, Sidney Lee ...... ......7 , 258, 353 Virginia Leigh 108, 133, 375 ........ ,. Walto Walton, William Leonard ...........93 , 406 Wang, Hsuan-Heng ". ................. 144 Wang, Jui-Chun ~. ................... .323 t ... .........146, 293, 306 . NWan.gvivatna, Wannall, Judith Patricia . . ......... 10 , 334 Wanoreck, Charles W " ................331 W ansley, Richard G len . ................261 Ward, Barbara Brittsin .. . . .........78, 390 Ward, Beverly Jean ................94, 386 Ward, Beverley Sue ....... 125, 316 , 373 Ward, Charles Eugene .... ............. 78 Ward, Dan Sewell .....................268 Ward, Harold Lee ..........•.......... 145 Nam• Pogea \\'ard, Joe Lett, !!! . ......37, 334, 428 Ward, Kare Annette.. ............125, 387 . \Vard, Lou Anne..... .........125, 132, 395 IVard, Mary Ann " ....................29 IVard, Mary Jo ................... 125, 399 \Vard, Ralph \Vard ....................413 \Vard, Richard Elbert ". ...............284 11' ard, Shirley Claire ...........78, 147, 291 , 296, 329, 351, 370 \Vard\aw, Frank Harper ...........303, 406 IVare, Doyle Ernest, Jr.... 125, 324, 326, 354 \Vare, Jane Elizabeth .. ....... ........ .108 \Vare, Russell "" " .... " .... ........328 \Vare, \Villiam Ellis "". ............94 , 149 IVarner, Carol Ann .... . . . . . .7 , 384, 385 \\7arner, Fleetwood Vinson ..... 12 , 136, 290 \Varner, George Thomas ...............434 \Varner, Ralph Mrs" ..................246 \Varner, Robert IV" ..............293, 306 \\"arner, Samuel IVomack ..........334, 426 \Varner, Tom Roy, Jr...............94, 323 Warren, Johnny Richard .......325, 492, 495 Warren, Mary M ... ...... ......... 12 , 129 \Varren, Pricilla . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ......366 IVarren, Randolph Johnson . . ... 125 \Vash, Michael Arlen . . . . . . .......... 78 11' ash, Sharon Henson . .........78, 295, 364 IVashburn, Sarah Jane . .............94 , 135 IVashburn, Sherman Samuel ........ 125, 274 \\'ashington, Charles He 356, 522 ........ry .. Jr.........275an Melvin, . l"ashington, Her\ l\"asicek, \Valter Joseph, Jr" ........7 , 320 \l'asko, Frank Andrew ......... 125, 437, 490 \Vasko, Leslie ....................... . .490 \Vasko, Lester IVarden ....... .....125, 437 \\"asoff, Amelia Pau\a ... . . . . ..........238 \laters, Betty Ann . . .. . ....7 , 250, 307, 376 IVaters, Harry Edward . ..... ...... .....323 IVaters, Mary Ann .......... . . 150, 152, 295 Watkin, Tony David .......... ....306, 341 IVatkins, Jo Ann .. . ......94 , 299, 310, 376 IVatkins, Patricia Jean . ...... . 10 , 334, 511 \Vatkins, Richard Lee . .. . ...... 78 IVatkins, Sue .........................307 IVatkins, William James ...............418 IVatley, Ronald Dean ................. 144 IVatson, Charlie Nichols, Jr.............336 \Vatson, Charlotte Helen ....... 108, 351 , 366 \Vatson, D'Anne ...... " ......... .345, 3 1 \Vatson, George Searcy "".............447 \Vatson, Gloria Dane ..................374 \Vatson, James Everett.........•..... .108 \Vatson, James Bryan . .................125 \Vatson, Jerry Lynn ............ ...261, 340 Jim Albert ...............414 , 464 ,. Vatso\ IVatson, John Al\an ...............325, 432 Manahan .. ......78, 259, 353 . JohVatson,\ ore .......................384 . LeVatson,\ \Vatson, Marvin, Jr....................323 \Vatson, Merida Colgin .............78, 339 \Vatson, Oliver Lee ... . . . . ........94 , 324 \Vatson, Reginald Edward, Jr...........429 \Vatson, Sharolyn . .............94 , 3 4, 511 IVatson, Ted Maynard . . ... 78 , 272, 30 , 341 \Vatson, IVilfred H ................2 9, 304 \Vatts, Donald Hollis .......... ........ 94 ,H. .............231 , 236, 237 . JohVatts,\ 300, 306, 313 , 450, 464 \Vatt, John Reid ........... " . .. "" ..300 IVaugh, Kathryn Lewis ......... ....... 94 \\'ayne, \Villiam J,ouis . . ... .......23 , 441 Wax, Kenneth Hailey . ........ 10 , 270, 423 \Veachman, \Vayne Gilbert ..........7 , 446 ll'ear, Helen Elizabeth . ........7 , 237, 384 IVeatherby, Gail . .....................290 \\'eathers, Pamela Ruth ...... . 126, 246, 318 \\'eathers, Raymond Dale ........ . .262, 308 \Veatherford, Sally Ann ....... .126, 245, 365 \Veatherred, Sharon Susannc ... .........108 \\'eaver, Billy Henry ........... ........327 \\'eaver, Bobby Arrington ..........323, 420 ll'eaver, Elton Leon ......... ...78, 327, 432 IVeaver, Herbert Thomas, Jr..... .......320 Weaver, Nancy Margaret Cheek . .. .. 78, 296 \Veaver, \Villiam Richard . .. . ... 78, 430 , 431 \Vebb, Arthur Darrell .. ... ...... ... ....320 est Preston ............. , 453 . Webb, Er 126 \Vebb, Frances Ann .... . . ........ "" " 152 \Vebb, Fred ... "" ..... " "" .. " ..... 126 \Vebb, Harry C " . " .. " " " " . . . . . . . . . 37 \Vebb, Hulon Thomas .............273, 463 ll'ebb, Jean Anne ... ........... ....... 126 ll'ebb, Mary Kathryn (Kay ) . ......136, 159, 245, 377, 388 Webb, Thomas J " .. ..."" . ....." ."322 \Vebb, Wylie 0 "."""""""".. ."330 La Nell ....... " ...7 , 335, 384 . AnVeber, \ \Veber, George Arthur ... . ..... .. .. 10 , 458 \\'eber, Mary Josephine ....... 10 , 335, 384 Weber, Nancy ..... . ...... ..... .."394 Webster, Mason " . . ........... . ... " " 436 Weed, W. F ................. " . ."" " 437 Weekley, Cecil Chalfant, Jr.. . .....320 \Veeks, Julien Devereux ........ ........432 \Veeks, Olwer Douglas .. . ... . . , . . .. .. . .432 \Veems, John Edward ............. .....303 Weems, Mason Locke, VI ...... . . . . 105, 273 Wehe, A lbert H " ... ........ " ........323 \Vehe, Betty Jo .. """ .... "" . .."" 78 \\'eich, Cyril B " ...... " """..... ...320 117eide, Jerald Boyd " ......... .........323 Weide, Paul E" ......... ........ . .78, 325 Weigel, Tom John, Jr...............78, 241 , 257, 304, 452 Weigl, Herbert, Jr" .. . . " .. " ... . " .. .275 Weil, Lynne Metzger .... ....... .. .. .. .369 \\"eil, Peter M.........................437 \\'eiler, \Villiam David, IV .....285, 492, 494 Weinberger, Howard Alan ..............404 Weinberger, Vivian Jean ........... 10 , 396 Weinbrecht, Melvin Keith ...... . .......336 Name Poge1 Weiner, Carol Ann ................290, 358 IVeiner, Thomas E " . ... " . ." .... " ...480 \Veinert, Kirk \Villiam ... ......108, 267, 422 \Veinstein, Barbara Sue .... 135, 23 , 245, 397 Weinstein, Gayle He\aine.. 126, 134, 383, 515 Weir, Lola Evelyn .. ...........7 , 299, 366 \Veirich, Sandra Gayle .. ....... 126, 137, 336 \\'eis, Patricia Ann ................378, 510 \Veiser, Bobbie Lynn ...... 10 , 237, 245, 375 \Veison, Renee Henriette ........ ... 126, 365 Weiss, Lois A nn .. " ................. " 396 \Veiss, Patricia Ann .. ... " ... . .... . ...515 \Veiss, Sidney Conrad . ............258, 440 Weiss, Stsnley Paul . ..................10 Witz, Stsnley Allen .. ..................2 Weitzman, Herbert David .. . ..313, 352, 404 \\7elborn, Evelyn Cary .... " . ..... .. " .3 6 \Velch, Dorothy Jean . .................379 \\7elch, Emily Claire ................... 136 \Velch, Patrick \Vayne .... . ............417 \\'elch, Philip \\7ayne ...............9.~ 323 \Velch, Thomas Joe .................94, 410 \Velder, Jane Murphy ... . ... 126, 391 , 515 \Veldon, Charles H .................322, 357 \\'ells, Barry Crafton . .............272, 308 ll'ells, George Alan ... .............126, 437 ells, Ja es Leslie Renner..........7 , 458 . "\\ \\7ells, James Robert ..... .10 , 297, 454, 464 \Vells, Jean Bryant.. ..................298 \Vells, Jerry Alan .... .......... 78, 305, 444 \Vells, Joe Kelton, Jr.. .. .......94 , 25 , 406 \Vells, Lou Ann " .... .........126, 238, 246 Wells, Mike ..... . .. " .......... ..... .469 IVells, Nat David ... . ....... . ... . ..... 144 \Vells, Perry Michael ............ ..46 , 470 \\'elsch, Glenn Albert .....247 , 291 , 292, 31 \\7elsh, Agnes Christian ...... . . ........377 \Velton, Judith Aline ..... ..........78 , 390 \Vendlandt, \\7anda Ann ............... 10 \\"endler, Donna Louise ........ 126, 134, 365 \\'enger, Alan Gatewood ................ 44 \Verner, Gretchen Elizabeth . ........94, 366 \Versal, Peter Arch ... .............259, 353 IV"/ey Poundalion .................... .359 \Vessels, Galen . .......................443 Wesson, Jim Turner .............. .126, 273 \Vest, Charles Daniel ............ ......327 \Vest, Charles Richard ......... 126, 236, 431 \Vest, Charles Robert ..................323 \\'est, Hugh Francis ....... ........126, 433 \Vest, Linda Kay " ............. "" ... 78 \Vest, Ra\ph \Vayne....94, 134 , 14 , 2 4, 301 West, Robert Eugene .... ..........259, 336 \Vest, Walter Maxwell, Jr.......79, 327, 357 \\7est, \Villiam Deen ................ ...305 \Vestbrook, David \\'arren ........ ......325 \l'ester, Aaron Hartwell ..... .......293, 306 Westfeld, Riehard Dennis ... ....... .... 10 \Vestfeldt, Maren Louise." 126, 246, 367, 515 James Hugh .. ..........424d,. Westmorela \Vestmoreland, John Scott ........ .. . .. . 79 \Veston, Michael Dennis .... . .. 146 Westover, John Brock ...... 79, 300, 306, 327 \Vetzel, Michael . .... ...... ....94, 454, 469 IVhaley, Patricia Anme ............336, 340 \17haley, \V. Gordon .. " .......... " ... 33 \Vhaley, William Neely ..... .......288, 297 \Vhall, Frances C . " .. . .... . . ... " .. 79, 374 \Vharton, \Villard Henry ...............323 \Vha tley, Douglas Carol ............... . 10 \Vhealy, Mary Elizabeth . . ............ .137 \Vheat, Calvin Eugene ..............94, 31 Wheat, Mary Janet....... 126, 330, 379, 515 Wheatley, Seagal .................. ...452 \Vheeler, Coy Norman ... .. . ........ . . . 142 \Vheeler, Dennis Ann ..............246, 3 9 \Vheeler, Doretha Faye ........ 126, 134 , 391 \Vheeler, Eleanor ..................351 , 388 \Vheeler, Ernest Dorman" ..94, 145, 318, 519 \Vheeler, James Paul " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 \Vheeler, John Charles ............. . ... 246 Wheeler, John Raymond, Jr.. ........... 94 Wheeler, Karen Sue ..... ......94 , 128, 141 , 307, 351, 370 Wheeler, Margaret Marbold............ 108, 133, 236, 381 Wheeler, Marshall R " . .. . . . ...........288 Wheeless, Lawrence Allen .. .........94, 322 \Vhelchel, Beverly Jean .. .......... 126, 133, 159, 264, 330 \Vheless, Alice Lockett....330, 355, 35 , 394 \Vhetstone, Emerson Rudolph ... 79, 322, 357 Whitacre, Carolyn Kim ............. ...380 \Vhitsker, Berry McClure.... ..........430 Whitsker, John Fredric ................288 Whitcomb, Thomas Leland ......... 108, 452 Whitcomb, Thomas Robert ...... .......464 White, Annelle Rhea Burton .......... .. 292 White, Arved Elzo ........334, 453, 483, 488 White, Barbara Ann .. ..... . . .. 108, 345 \Vhite, Bobbie Ruth ..... .......... 128, 137 White, Charles Edward .....94, 267, 438, 439 White, Charles McDonald ..........94, 272, 286, 289, 308 \Vhite, Edwin Donnell . ................ 94 White, Floyd Otho ...... ..............327 White, James J " ......................508 White, James Patrick . .........126, 297, 463 White, James Roy " .......... . ..... . ..406 White, James Stuart....... ............108 \Vhite, Jimmy Douglas ... ... . .. ........23 White, JoAnna .............. .126, 246, 381 \Vhite, John Arch ..........33, 291 , 292, 318 \Vhite, John McClintock . ..............144 White, John McGill ....... .. ..... .419, 506 White, Kay . . .... . ... .. " ... " ...126, 375 White, Lewis Ne\son, Jr. .......... .. . .. 429 \Vhite, Lou Ann . .. """" ... . ... . 108, 366 White, Margaret Ann ...... .. .12 , 135 , 236, 240, 309, 310, 378, 400 White, Martha Kay . ....""." "" ... 126 Nome Poge1 \Vhite, Mary Elizabeth . . ...290• 3 9 White, Noble Leon . . ........ , ... .. 108, 148 White, Patricia Ann .. ..............94, 370 White, Dr. Paul L ..........., ......30, 237 \Vhite, Priscilla Alden .. ...........132, 358 White, Richard James .. ....... .... 126, 445 \Vhite, Robert Campbell . ..... .. ... 126, 275 White, Robert Dean ............. . .272, 327 \Vhite, Ronald \Villiams .. ......94, 254, 410 \Vhite, Roy, Jr. . .... ... ........ ....... 79 \Vhite, amuel Sidney .. ........ " " ...452 \Vhite, Suzanne ... ....... .126, 238, 316, 399 \Vhite, William Allen .. .. . . ........ 108, 418 \Vhitefield, Ben Taylor ......... ........418 \Vhitehead, Francis Harris, Jr.......79, 300, 335, 430 Whitehead, George Bales ... ... .79, 414, 522 \Vhitehead, Harvey Andrew .... 126, 262, 285 \Vhitehead, Janice Ann ... . 126, 238, 246, 365 \Vhitehead, Merrill .... ........... " .. .424 135.................... LuWhitehill, Linda \Vhitehurst, Judy . ............310, 3 , 400 Whiteman, Charles Decker . ............296 Whiteside, Meta Louise (Kitty.)108, 345, 347 \Vhitlock, Joe Max .. "" .. " ."" " " .320 n ... .........." . ..376 .. Whitham, Mary A \Vhitis, Robert IVayne .................260 Whitley, Billy J . .... " " ... . " .....94, 317 \Vhitley, Dorris Gene " "... ....79, 384, 515 Whitley, Jo Ann . " ......... " .. ..133, 380 \Vhitley, RobertJames... . .94, 416, 417, 464 Whitlow, Martha Ellen ..... ...... .142, 152, 511, 512, 513, 514 \Vhitmore, Captsin Patricia ..... .......269 Whitridge, Edith Jackson .... .. . ... . . .. 389 \Vhitridge, Emmy Lou """""" . 152, 515 \Vhitsell, eil Larry ........ ....94, 327, 434 Whitson, Anna Rose............. .. 318, 246 Whitstine, Mary Charlene .. . . . .. ... 10 , 384 \Vhitt, Irene .. . .. .. .. ... ... . .. .94, 133, 349 \Vhitt, Margo L.... .. . .94, 135, 236, 246, 375 " 'hittenburg, Grace Evelyn ... ......94, 246, 291 , 388 Whittington, Anna Lodi .... .......334, 340 Whittle, Marie M "" .... ..... .........299 \Vhitworth, Billie Jean ............. .... 108 \Vhitworth, Helen Tayler ...............296 \Vible, Margaret Ann ... ........94, 339, 366 \Vickliffe, Leslie Wayne.... ............273 \Vickline, Hazel Elizabeth .... .... ......t 79 \Vickwire, Robert James .... 79, 293, 306, 324 \Vie, tonewall Van ... .................260 \Viedeman, James Robert . ... .. ... . ....454 \Viederaenders, Grace Louise .......345, 355 \Viederaenders, haron Louise....... . . . .150 \Viegand, Phyllis Ann ...... ...295, 316, 386 \\7ielkens, Vernon Boyd . . ......300, 306, 327 \Viener, Herbert Harry ............456, 457 \\'ierner, Thomas Eli ...... .. . .126, 308, 449 Wiess, George Abel . . ..... . . .. . . . . .....356 Wiggins, Bette Jan " . ..........94, 334, 398 \Viggins, Joyce Elaine .. ........ ....332, 333 Wiggins, N orma May ... ...........299, 333 ,a Rives (Betsy ) .. ......126 .. ettiVilbanks, B\ 377, 513 \Vilbeck, Gilbert John . ..... " . ........323 \Vilbert, IVilliam Pope . .. .... ..... . . ...452 \Vilborn, James Lucian "".. ........79, 518 \Vilcott, Paul Joseph " .. .......... . .. " 418 \Vilcox, Patricia Ann ... 79, 227, 236, 378, 379 Wilcox, Sam Graves ... .. ..............413 Wilcox, William Menefee, Jr. .......300, 308 Wilde, Merlene May. ..."." ... ...140, 511 IVilder, Alvin .... .................... .345 Wilder, Hilliare Sinclair ......... ...126, 407 ll'ilder, Ray Hiram, Jr" .... ........... 79 \\7ile, Ira Barnes. ......94, 2 , 30 , 410, 411 \Viley, Benjamin Jesse . .. . ... . . ... . . ...352 Wiley, Billy Glen ""... .......... .108, 246 \Viley, Mar~o... ..... .94, 135, 246, 310, 355 \Viley, Vir ~inia Rae .......... ..... .79, 394 \Vilhelm, Barbara Sorensen . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Wilhite, George William .. . ..... . . ... . ..332 Wilken, Leon Otto, Jr." . ..........284, 301 \Vilkenfeld, Jerome Stanley. ............288 \Vilkerson, Edith Brooke .. .............390 \Vilkerson, F. Eu~ene.... ...........44, 282 Wilkerson, John Hamilton ... ....... .. . .323 \Vilkerson, Karen Gail . ............ 108, 380 \Vilkes, Jana Maurine . ...... .. 126, 330, 399 Wilkes, Russell Wayne". """....332, 334 Wilk.ie, Eleanor Ann ....... ....." .. ."334 Wilk.ins, Caroline Hanke . . ........ . .... 79 Wilkins, Rochelle Rhea ... .............336 Wilk.inson, Barbara Nan . ...79, 299, 374, 375 Wilkinson, George Edward ......79, 293, 306 Wilkinson, John Paul, Jr..... ..... .10 , 433 \Vilk.inson, Larry \Vatk.in " . . .. .. " .....285 \Vilkinson, Peggy Jo.......... .........379 \Vilkinson, Roger Karl . ............271, 355 \Vilk.inson, Terry Ross .... .............108 Will, Billy Gene " " " .. . " ... " ...... .403 Willcrson, James Thornton ......... 108, 2 8, 297, 313, 430, 490 nnor ........... 126, 399s, Ann O'Co. Willia Williams, Anna Carol " ....... ... ...94, 384 \Villiams, Annette ............ .....316, 373 \Villiams, Archie D.... ............293, 306 Williams, Cadmus Edgar . ... ...........454 \Villiams, Carolyn Carpenter ... 128, 135, 390 Williams, Charles Edwin ........... .. .. 422 Williams, Charles Henry ... .........79, 318 Williams, Cordell Clifton . . .... . ...... .. 271 Williams, Curtis F " .. ..." ." "".....324 Williams, Dan Allison " . . . " . . ...... " . 125 Williams, Dan C.. " " " " " ......... " 36 Williams, Danny Ray "" .. ........301, 320 \Villiams, David Lee...... ........ .126, 415 \Villiams, Donald Wayne........ .......336 Williams, Douglas Lennett . ........... .318 \Villiams, Doyle Dean "." ...... " . ....327 Page 558 Na .n< Paoe1 Williams, Gail Yvonne . ...............334 Williams, George Polk ................443 Williams, Hugh Darrell ............. ...432 Williams, Ivey Nelwyn ..... 79, 236, 250, 307 Williams, Jack T....• """ """" ."446 Williams, James Ewi11g, Jr.............. 126 Williams, J ames Robert ................126 Williams, Janet Marion . ............... 135 Williams, Jerre Stockton ...............446 Williams, Jerry Martin ... ......... 126, 324 Williams, Jimmie Dell ..... 10 , 134 , 316, 378 Williams, Jinx . .""" " . " " " .... 38, 378 Williams, Joe .. """"" " . ...... " " 469 Williams, John Franklin ..... . .. 305 Williams, Joseph D " ....... . ..468, 477 Williams, Joseph James . . . . . . . . 258 Williams, Joseph Theodore .........325, 332 \Villiams, Judith Eleanor........... 126, 132 Williams, Julia Quay ...... .... 159, 310, 394 Williams, Katberine Rowe ..............351 Williams, Kenneth Duane .......... 149, 297 Williams, Lacy Holmes .. .......94 , 288, 446 Williams, Larry Jack .................. 126 Williams, Lindsey Arl, Jr......... . . 126, 455 Williams, Lovie, Jr"". ............ ." .341 Williams, Lucile De N ever ............. .366 Williams, Lucy Nell ... ........ 108, 131 , 245 Williams, Marijo .............. .79, 351 , 386 Williams, Marilyn . . ...... . ........ 135, 394 Williams, Mark Ellison .. . ..... 286, 308, 345 Williams, Mary Ann .. .... 126, 246, 399, 511 Williams, Maxine " "..... " "" .. " ."302 7illiams, Michael Donald . .............356 .\ Williams, Monte Patrick ............79, 270, 276, 311 , 312 Williams, Nancy Fay ... " ...... "" ... 135 Williams, Norris " ". .""". """ 94 Williams, Oliver Hoyt. ......... . .426 Williams, Mrs. Oscar Brown . . . . . .296, 410 Williams, Patricia .... .......... . ..511 Williams, Rhea Hughston . . . . . . .426 Williams, Richmon Roy . . . . . . . . .357 Williams, Roberta Lois . . . . . . . . . . .389 Williams, Roger Jobn ............... . .282 Williams, Sandra Lou .. . ....... . 137 Williams, Sue Carolyn ........ . .... .515 Williams, Tbornas Lee . . . .. 79, 284 Williams, Tommy Gene . . . . .....324 Williams, Vir ~inia Lee .... . ..........378 Williams, Whitmell David ...... .......446 \Villiamson, Albert Edward ...... ..126, 431 \Villiamson, Donald . "" ...............304 Williamson, Marcia Ann . . . . 138, 290, 379 Williamson, Virginia Jean .. ............380 Williford, Nancy Nell . ..........79, 246, 386 Willingham, Robert Caldwell ...........318 Willis, Allen Tucker .. .........126, 248, 425 Willis, George Pleasant .................414 Willis, Josepb Pyron ... .. . 126, 433 Willis, Letitia ............ . . .. 136, 333 Willis, Michael Lowell . . . .........108, 402 Willis, Mollie ..... .. .......... 126, 134 , 373 Willis, Nancy Jane (Snookie) ... 108, 345, 347 Willis, Wayne Tbomas ". ."325, 454 Willmann, Betty Ann . .........79, 380, 400 Wills, Joe Bill ... ".""" . ...""408, 409 Willsey, Raymond L " ..... ........468, 469 Wilmot, Jennie S " .. " . . .. "." " ." " 295 Wilson, Abrabam " ..." . .... ."448 Wilsoo, Albert Lane . ... . .....323 Wilson, Alden Ramon . . .........323, 454 Wilsoo, Alice Carol ... . . . 126, 245, 399 Wilson, Barbara ..."" . . ...... 38 Wilson, Betty V" " " "." .515 Wilson, Billy Jay"". "."" 94 Wilson, Carolyn Ruth . . ..94 , 384 Wilson, Charles Owens ............284 , 301 Wilson, Darrell David ..... 108, 262, 442 Wilson, Deidre """ .."" . . 245, 384, 512 Wilson, Don C " . . . . . . ....324 Wilson, Donald E " . . . . . ...323 Wilson, Donald Ray ... . .......486 Wilson, Frank M" 111 . . . . 126, 453 Wilson, Gail Loree .. . . . . . . 79 Wilson, Gordon Walton .. . . . . . . . 126, 463 Jr." .... .....288 ,. Harvey Asto Wilson, Wilson, Hervert Cook, Jr...." . ....427 Wilson, Jame Catberine . . . ... . ..398 Wilsoo, James Edward, Jr. . . .... 79 Wilson, Janice Marie .......... . . 142, 152 Wilson, Jerrell B " .... . . .....322, 357, 437 Wilson, Jerry Tom .. . . .....427 Wilson, J'unmie, Jr." . . .. 108, 420, 421 Wilson, Jobn Reiter ........... 126, 263, 443 Wilson, Juditb Dee ................ 126, 377 Wilsoo, Logan """ "... 27, 36, 37, 237, 406 Wilsoo, Mabel J oyce . . . . . . . . . . .......334­Wilson, Mary Sue " " " " " " " ... 108, 390 Name Paaet Wilson, Patricia Lee " . " . " " " " " . . . 79 \Vilson, Patrick Henry ............ 126, 345 \Vilson, Rex Gerald ". " . " " .. " .498 \Vilson, Richard Eunice ............. ... 126 Wilson, Ronald Albert . .. " ."""." " 10 e". ............. 126, 134 .. Ruth AWilson, Wilson, Terry Mitchell .... . ..... 126, 455 \Vilson, Tony \Vayne ..................430 Wilson, \Vallace Gordon ............7Q , 313, 338, 492, 493 Wilson, Walter Allen ....... . .... 94 \Vilson, Walter Roy " . .""" " 341 \Vilson, \Vayne Randolph . . . . ....341 108, 340........ . iam Charlto \VillWilso11, Wilson, Willie Jackson " ........80, 324, 357 277.................uel. Wilson, Willie Ma David Harry ..... . .....80, 416 ,. Wilte \Vilton, \Vilton Dave, Jr." . ....... 94 Wimberly, Jay W ."." .. " ..... 94 Wimberly, \Viley Chester . . ...... 422 '\\7i11dberg, J oanne Louise . . ...295, 298 Windbigler, John J " . ..............94, 460 Windbigler, John S """ .. """ ..... " 464 Windfobr, Anne Burnett ........94, 159, 395 Windham, Lesl.ie N oel .............260, 270 Windle, Wayne Ellsworth ..........313 , 446 Windlow, Dale Elizabeth ........... 126, 132 Winegardner, Samuel Clark ........268, 283 Winer, Harlen Alfred . . . . . . ..... 438 Winfrey, Elizabeth ........ . . 126, 351, 389 \Vingert, Ladan W " . . . . . . . ....245 Wingo, Jerry Foster . . . . . . . . . ..... 94 Wingo, \Villiam Thomas, Jr" ...... 126, 356 \Vinn, Herschell C " . .............. 139, 523 \Vinn, James Earl .. "" " " " " . . " .430 \Vinn, Jerome V., Jr" ........ """ ...519 Winship, F. Loren ........ . ..237 \Vinship, Sheila Gail ........... ........290 \Vir.slow, John Franklin . . . . .. . . ...418 Winston, Ambrose Pare . . . .292 \Vinston, Carolyn Sue ............. 122, 245 Winston, Dorothy Jean .... 164, 165, 168, 398 \Vinston, Sylvia Eugenia . .80, 386 \Vinter, Michael James ......... . ....435 Winterbotham, Anne Best ..... . . ... 94, 388 Winters, Joyce H ...................... 80 Winton, Ralpb Huntington, Jr."94, 289, 408 ~\'ischer, Suzanne Jean . . .. 126, 134, 245, 377 '\\'ise, Gary Ray.. . . . .....80, 288 \Vise, Wess Sam .... " . . " ..... ."94 , 308 Wiser, Charles Douglas ........... 126, 489 \Viser, LaNell .... .."" . .... " 108, 371 Wisner, Eva Nell ............. 126, 345, 356 \Vissler, Eugene H " ...................323 Witcher, David Warren . . . . . . ...... .. 94 Witcher, Donald Edwin ..... . 108, 412, 413 \Vitcher, \Villiam Warner . . .........263 Witt, Barnes Lee .." .... . .... ...480 Witt, Bryan Dan . . . . . . . . . 126, 145, 345 Witt, Gloria Lee ......... " ...... " ." 152 Witt, Morris R " .""" .... " " .. " ."435 Witt, Robert Addison .. . . . 80 Tbomas Frankli11 . . ...443 ,. Witte '\\' itter, Albert Scott .. " " . .. "." .. ."415 Witthoft, Olin Donald . . . . . . .....327 Wittliff, James Lamar ..... . ....323 Wittliff, William Dale ... . .. 126, 425 Wizig, Herbert Wolfe ..... 108, 404 Woelke, John Emil . """ ..... " ... 80, 327 \Volf, Dean Eakin . . . . . . .... 80, 325, 408 \Volf, Edward Earl . ." . " ..... " ... 291 ,7olf, William Howard . . .... 227, 234, 237 \. 243, 247, 315, 448 \Volff, Calvin Moritz ... ..... ...94, 323, 448 7olff, Harlan Raymond . ... .80 \. ..... Womack, Bettye Lyn " . . . . ... 388, 389 Womack, Catherine ....... 108, 320, 333, 388 304, 352....... . Womack, Richard Marvi Womack, Seamon Jeffery .......... .323 \Vomack, Thomas Folts ....... 108, 267, 282 \Vomble, Larry Leon . .........94, 402, 403 Women's Co-operatives ... . ... .15(}.152 Wong, Billy K ." " ."" """" 80 \Vong, Mitchel " "" "" .288 Woo, Edwin F " " •. ."." " ."" 94 Woo, Ken """"" ." ." "" "" 80 Woo, Kong F "" """ " "." "" 94 Woo, Lai Tene ..""." """ ."126 \V ood, Alonzo Cburch . . . ......345 Wood, Bobby Charles "" ... " " .... ." 94 Wood, C. Norman .............94 , 241 , 335 Wood, Charles Burnett ... ..........94 , 415 \Vood, Dean Leon "" .. " "" ..... " .. 126 Wood, Delma Dean "" ............. ...108 Wood, Donald Clair ...... . ..... .275 Wood, Eugene Cbarles .." . .. 108, 308 Wood, Genie Sue ... . . . . . . . ..... 80 \Vood, Gerald Lee ....... . . 126, 433 Name Paoee W ood, Harris Spencer. " " .. " " .. " " .422 Wood, James Edwin .......80, 293, 306, 324 Wood, Janice Louise ...................241 Wood, Lee Files."". """." ""126, 431 Wood, Mary Dee """ .. ""."" "" . 126 Wood, Polly Sue "" .... " .""" " 80, 295 Wood, Rebecca ... ........ 126, 136, 238, 248 Wood, Robert P "" "" """ .. ""94, 261 W ood, Terrence Fair ...........80 , 352, 406 W ood, Thomas Eugene ............ 144, 285 Woodfin, Ronald Lyn "" ..... "" . .. .267 . Woodford, Toni "." .. " .. "" " .. 126, 365 \Voodford, William Gratz .... . ... 108, 445 Woodhall, Juditb Ray .... "." ... " ." 126 Woodland, David Wright ..............406 \Voodman, Robert Edwi11. .............283 \Voodruff, Forester Ensign .............. 80 Woodruff, Tbad J " "". ...... " " ..... 292 Woods, Donald Lee ..........268, 283, 341 Woods, Glenda Sue .""" " ... 94, 390 Woodson, Drury Lewis ... ..... . ...463 Woodson, James Palmer ........80 , 418, 517 Woodul, Klata Rae""""". ..... " " 391 Woodward, Bernye Bob " ...... .....94, 135 \Voodward, Charles Gayle ..............325 \Voodward, Henry K " . ...94, 142, 145, 324 \Voodward, Jay . ."" " " .. " .... 253 \Voodward, Joe Lynn ..................261 Woodward, Ripley Ezra, Jr.............415 Woodward, Virginia Pbilips (Jill ) ... 126, 134 , 245. 334, 367 Woolridge, Ted . .......... . 108, 274 W oolfolk, Charles Lee . . . . 94, 452 Woolley, Barbara Rowe ... . ..... 126, 138 Woolricb, Willis Raymond . . . .293, 300, 306 \Voolsey, Doris Roberta ........94, 370, 515 Woolsey, Robert Eugene Donald . 44, 275, 317 Woolsey, Wylie James . .... ....... .. ... 341 \Vooten, Dianne .......... 126, 137, 246, 290 Wooten, Sue Colquitte ........ .126, 137, 246 \Vord, Barbara ....... 126, 251 , 253, 336, 375 Word, Carrell Roy ................285, 324 \Vord, Katbleen Anne .............126, 371 \Vord, Tracy Triece " " 94, 313 , 323, 406, 490 Worley, Erle T "". " .. " " ....94 , 237, 308 Worley, John Davis . .. . .80, 422 Worrell, Hazel Ann ."" . .........80, 380 Wortben, Cbarles . . . . . . . . .....430 \Vorthy, M. Charlene..................126 \Vortby, Mary Ann ....94, 128, 133, 339, 366 \Voytek, Arthur Herbert ...............308 \Vray, Katbryn Young.. . ..........126, 391 Wray, Walter Paul . . . . . . ...... 94 Wren, Patricia Louis .. ... .94 , 245, 513 Wright, Alfred Philip, Jr" ........330 Wright, Alice Mildred ..... . .. 94, 339, 366 Wrigh t, Carolyn Louise . . . . .... ..108, 364 Wright, Cbarles Curry, Jr" ... 261 Wrigbt, Dorothy Louise . . . . . 108, 290, 367 Wrigbt, Edwin Roger "." ......80, 261 , 318 Wrigbt, Frank L" . . . . . . . . .355, 358 Wright, Hugh Moss . .. . . ...... 261 Wright, James Luther ....454, 517 Wright, James Richard . . . ..341 Wrigbt, Jerry L ..." ... . ...... 144 \Vrigbt, Larry Wayne . . . .........80, 324 \V right, Lillian Gayle ......80, 351 , 378, 379 Wright, Marion Cullen . . . ..94 , 333 Wrigbt, Mary Elizabeth ... . ..... 135 \Vright, Nancy Louise ... . . ....245 \Vrigbt, Peggy Jo. ........ . ....380 \Vrigbt, Ray Harroun, II . . .263, 435 Wright, Robert Eugene .. . .......422 \Vright, Robert Milford ........ 145, 149, 267 Wright, Roger Robi r.son, Jr." . ......434 Wright, Ronald William ..... . .. 80, 352 \Vright, Tommy Grant . . .. 126, 431 Wuemling, Gloria Jean . . . ....94, 142, 151 W ukasch, Barry Charles . . . . 108, 430 Wunsch, Kennetb Joseph .. . .327 \Vutbricb, Julia Carolyn . . ... 150 Wuyman, \Vesley Lee ... . .... 257 Wyatt, Georgia Nell .... . .. 126 Wyatt, Kristin Ann ... . .94 , 351 , 364 Wyatt, Larry C " . . . . . . . . . .... .... 80 Wyatt, Robert Paul .... "" ........ " .498 Wyatt, \Villiam lrvin "" ""261 , 430 Wyche, Robert Carlton . . ....323, 434 Wyckoff, Carol Mae .... . .....380 Wylie, Myrna Lois ................339, 370 Wyman, William J ........." . ..262 \Vynn, Afton Taylor " "" .. " ...... " .307 \Vynn, Mary " . ." " .. "" . ..332, 334, 390 Wynne, James Clower . . . . . . ......332, 334 \Vynne, Robert Lee, I IJ ." . 108, 462 Name Paqet Wyrick, Gilbert Matison ... " ...... 108, 525, 260, 317, 345 \Vyrick, \Valter James, Jr.. 108, 245, 246, 408 \Vysong, \Valter Scott .................452 y Yaggi, Lawrence Albert, Jr..... . .. 324 Yagley, Margaret Faye ........ . 108 Yahya, Marwan OkAb ............. 146, 350 Yancey, Linda Kay ... .....94 , 128, 133, 380 Yancy, Conard Fry, Jr" . 108, 258 Yancy, Thomas L " ...............246, 336 Yandell, Janice Permcnter.............. 94 Yandell, Jerry Pat. ........."" .. ."" 94 Yarbrough, Paul Lee "" ...............406 Yarbrough, Anna Louise ........ . .. 126, 391 Yarbrough, John David ................ 126 Yarbrough, Kenneth Alvin ... . .......324 Yarbrough, Melvin Eugene . . . . ..... 284 Yarbrough, N orman Parker . . . . ....305 Yates, Sonja . " . " . " " " . . . " .. " .250 Yates, Wilbur Franklin ............ 126, 447 Ybarra, Tommy """ .................236 ~ Yeager, Marian Ruth ..................302 ~ Yeagley, Margaret Faye ....... 128, 138, 390 Yeates, Randall Kent..................423 Yeaton, Jane Elaine........... 108, 237, 394 Y ee, Bill Gwock Wing . ."" " """ . " 108 Yee, Edwin """"" """ " .. "" ."320 Yellen, Marlene Glenda .. .......... 108, 368 Y en, Lewis Chinsun ...............306, 323 Yett, Fowler Fedford ... ...............306 Yoas, Howard Ernst .......... 149, 327, 345 Yoas, Ralph Garland .......... 149, 324, 357 Yoder. Robert Darrel . " "" ... 126, 259, 506 Y oe, Charles Willard .. ....." " " .. " .462 Yonet, Phyllis Lynn .. . " . 126, 136, 236, 397 Yonker, Barbara Jane............ 133, 246 Young, Austin Prentiss, III . . . 263 Young, Billy James ...... ..... 108, 462, 469 Young, Claudetta Ann "" .....307, 351 , 370 Young, Farrile Schmidler " " ...... 108, 406 Young, Keith .. "" ". ... ."" " 452 447,108.........g, Parke Chamberlain . You Jr......94, 438, 439g, Phillip Gaffney, . You Young, Phyllis Casselman ......302 Y oung, Robert E " . " . . . ...........521 Y oung, Robert Lee . . . . . . .277 Young, Royce Ann ... .............246, 336 Young, Sue Ellen " ..... " 108, 128, 138, 378 Y oungblood, Frank Pold.... 94, 246, 330, 423 Youngquist, Girdner Alan ... . ...289 z Zaba, Elaine Elisabeth . . .. 249, 390 Zabel, David Scott ..... . . 94 Zacek, George Edward ... . . 108, 324 Zachry, James Bryan ..................282 Zaky, Ahmed Tawfik ..... . ......350 Zamboni, Frank Anuncio ... . .304, 352 Zamora, Edward R " . . . ....345, 356 Zapalac, Betty Jean ........... 126, 137 , 349 151........ Zarate, Belinda Beatri. Zavorskas, Paul Anthony . . . . .349, 499, 502 Zeeck, Phillip Robert .. . ........ 139 Zeitlin, Teryl Bettye .." .... 108, 368 Zelen, Stephen James . . . . ......356 Zelinger, Nancy Rae.... . ........382 Zelle, William Nicholas ...455 Zeller, Harvey Charles . . ..... 126, 405 Zeppa, Keating V ......" . ...........325 Zeta Tau Alpha " ""." ..........398-399 Zetbraeus, Cbristine ....... 108, 128, 138, 378 Ziegler, Carl Edward .. . . . . 108 Ziller, Mary Catherine . . .. 366 Zimmerle, Donald Frederick ... 126, 236, 238 Zimmerman, Carol Jean. .......... 151 , 511 Zimmerman, Chester Donald .... . .... . 145 Zimmerman, Donald Gene .......... 258, 353 Zimmerman, Erich Walter ... . .292, 318 Zimmerman, Sandra Lee ....... 134 , 238, 316 Zimmerman, \Varren Eugene . .94, 409, 506•507 Zittle, Ida Mae... ........108, 159, 245, 385 Zlatkovicb, Cbarles Theodore ......237, 291 , 292, 318 Zobel, Betty Joan . . . . . . . . . ..... 238, 333 Zecbech, Carolyn Margaret. . ....338 Zscbecb, Marilyn Kay .. " .. ." 140, 511 Zulcb, Patricia Ann "" ......... .......126 Zumwalt, Clifford Alvin . . ....... 251 Zumwalt, Johnnye lrene . . ...333 Zybura, Edwin Gerald ... . .. 103, 327, 338 y, 111 1 ! ' , /1 /11; 11{/f ,, ••, ~ )~ t " ._ '//tl 1~./ JJ ., ,, •