II II II Lafe D. Hill Editbr-in-Chief Jim Kemp Editorial Assistant Marguerite Freeman Supervisor Frank Armstrong Photographer 1968 CactusYearbook Published by Texas Student Publications, Inc. The University of Texas at Austin Volume 75 A City \Nithin a City The new day opens for a University community . . . a UT Th~ater ... a self-contained, self-maintained center, homogeneous in its makeup, varied in its outlook ... W ith all points leading to the University ..• the freshly starched ROTC cadet salutes the one idea of two flags, national and provincial .. . construction continues like a nurtured, hothouse culture ... a population awakened by the staggered clanging of 30,000 alarm clocks .. . poignant rows of cycles ... and a Drag-filled return of the masses. Students come from across a state, across a nation, across a world to join this community, a few permanently, but most on a transient basis . .. They come to study, to learn, to participate . .. for ... a coffee-stained, Stump Speaking Thursday· afternoon ... a student election for the interested and apathetic, in which presidential candidate Mickey Mouse polled l l . 9 per cent of the vote . . . . and Religion A City Protected by its own sentinels from early until late ... a mighty power plant pro­viding the mechanical energy necessary to sustain that community ... ... and Informed in-residence physicians treating a multitude of ailments, both genuine and imagined .. . a Texan editor striving to inform, persuade, and jostle a student body and its Establishment. An Educational Center headed by a professor­stealing administration . .. Balcones Research Center . .. the home of internationally acclaimed libraries ... a seam-busting student population in a grade-seeking contest .. . filled auditoriums and small seminars ... a pile of used bluebooks and a fraternity file .. . a sea of nameless faces on their way to an 11 o'clock MWF ... a University built on an oily foundation, fighting a metamorphosis into ivy-covered senility. A Sporting Tradition of spectator and participant teams . . . an afternoon's dip at Barton's ... white-gowned tenois buffs ... pie-slinging throngs .. . an intramural scramble for participation points . .. impromptu sandlot football games .. . a super-billed varsity athlete ... the stop watch and ubiquitous scoreboard ... a miniature soap opera within every audience. In the Heat of the Night th~ restless pulse of the nerve center of a great Un iversity system continues ... libraries substitute for classrooms . . . the researchist's work progresses ... security prevails. •..... , .. ..-........~................ i ....-,.,~-· .....................,_... ~-. ···.··.:·;·.···~'·•·····:'. •!···········~-··""'•••··:·· ~4 ~ ~ ~k' ... ~;., The University But above all, he is both great and insignificant. A small man in a large line or a nameless face in an auditorium class, the University student is the most important product of that University-its first concern and the only criterion for measuring its success. 1868 An on-campus Dormitory-Academic Com­plex began its 15-story assent as com­muter students living off-campus searched for available parking space. 16 A Sign for the Future: The Sprawling Multiversity In 1876, the State of Texas officially decided to establish a "University of the First Class" and, in so doing, gave The University of Texas an endowment of 2.1 million acres of semiarid waste­land. Later, oil was discovered on that wasteland which in 1968 provided the bulk of UT's $485 million endowment, an endowment second only to Harvard's $1 billion. Over 90 years later, that University of the First Class truly had become a sprawling multi­versity, claiming 12 branches. Present enrollment at the Austin campus alone had reached the 30,000 mark while W. Bryon Shipp, University registrar, estimated that by the 1971-72 aca­demic year the student population would total more than 35,000. How would The University of Texas adjust to this increase? What plans were being made to accommodate an increasing, state-supported student population? A rise in entrance requirements or possible limitation placed on out-of-state students was seen as an alternative to the enrollment problem but would "only put off enrollment for a while," according to Registrar Shipp. Eying an increase in state junior colleges, he stated that a freshman class size of 3,400 at the University was not large compared to a 30,000 total enrollment. High school graduates were being forced into junior col­leges and other state schools before transferring to the University with the required C-plus average. University President Norman Hackerman said, "Fixed enrollment is an illusion-the State University must be available to all students." At some point, however, there would have to be a legitimate enrollment limit base:d upon the existing space requirements, Hackerman added. Facilities as well as faculty-staff numbers would estab­lish guidelines rather than an arbitrary number limit. A corollary to the problem of increased enrollment was the problem of increased build­ing facilities. Few realize that it takes as long as three years from the approval of a building to its completion, said Mrs. Henrietta Jacobson, executive assistant to the Chancellor. First the Board of Regents must authorize the money (usually met with one-half grants provided by the federal government). Architect's preliminary plans must be approved by the Faculty Building Continued 17 Dr. Bryce Jordan, Vice-President for Stu­dent Affairs, said computers will be in­strumental in University management, reg­istration, instruction of computer sciences, and as an instructional aid. 18 'Fixed Enrollment an lllusion'­Can a Man-Made Giant Survive? Committee, and the Regent's Building Committee before actual plans are submitted to the Board, Texas Governor,. and State Coordinating Board for their approval and the opening of construction bids. Increased building facilities, however, must be matched with increased faculty-staff num­ bers, President Hackerman stressed. Building projects must keep up with those in the last five years, that is, a new classroom-office building and a new laboratory building completed each year. "You can't build for 1980," Hackerman emphasized. "It is better to be on the tight side and make more efficient use of available funds and space." An expanding student enrollment also means the need for expanded student housing. Jack Holland, Dean of Student Life, predicted that the University would continue to house a small percentage of enrolled students and the trend towards off-campus housing would continue. At some point, the University might have to use its own dormitories only for freshman students, but this was mentioned merely as a possibility. Besides more classroom building, Dean Holland also foresaw a greater use of existing classrooms as study areas. For example, classroom space in the new dormitory complex will be open 24 hours a day for study-a test case before open­ing other University classrooms for night study. With an increased enrollment there would be an increase in the University's security staff, as in all University staffs, although Dean Holland fore­saw "no stricter regulations" applied to students. Student recreation areas likewise will be affected by the increased student body. The Uni­versity's intramural sports field was moved off-campus last year, a move that has been termed "highly successful" by both Dean Holland and Sonny Rooker, director of men's intramurals. Also under consideration was the relocation or enlargement of Memorial Stadium. Geographically, the main Austin campus will probably grow from 250 acres to 350 acres by 1975, President Hackerman said. "Much of this additional land will be used for parking"­another serious problem facing a campus where a large student percentage lives off-campus. At the core of all these problem areas, though, is a more fundamental problem of fi­nances, that is, increased revenue sources to match increased enrollment. C. C. Nolen, associate director to the Development Board responsible for private funds, said that the Texas State Legis­lature provides 62 per cent of the University's income. What makes the University superior, however, is its additional income from gifts, grants, and endowments. "It is these four sources and the federal government (which provides 4 .9 per cent of the University's total income) that make it possible for the University student to get a $1,500 education each year for $150," Nolen said. But, according to Nolen, momentum is the solution to the financing of academic growth. With more money, better teachers and consequently better students are attracted. Thus, a more respected University is created that can attract more private gifts-and perpetuate the cycle. John B. Connally Gov. John B. Connally, Univer­ sity alumnus, headed the admin­ istration of Texas education and its State supported colleges and univer­sities, including The University of Tex­as System, for his sixth and final year. He chose not to run for an unprece­dented fourth term as the State's high­est public official. Administrated by Chancellor Harry Huntt Ransom, the multi-million dollar, 52,68 l student body multiversity continued to grow. Ransom, who finished his first year as head of the System, was suc­ceeded as administrative leader of the University at Austin by Dr. Norman Hackerman. As the link between the Board of Regents and the heads of the Uni­ versity's 12 statewide units, Chancel­ lor Harry Huntt Ransom coordinated uniform programs of study, both undergraduate and graduate, as the System increased in size and scope. A growing enrollment under his ad­ ministration was matched by growth in facilities and in academic achieve­ ment. Speaking to The Chancellor's Council in September, Ransom said, "In every perspective and in all its 12 official locations, the University is a public institution. It was built phys­ically on Texas ground. It has come through the modern history of the State as one of the instruments of intellect and imagination, guided and developed by successive Governors, legislatures, State agencies, and gov­erning boards rooted in public trus­teeship." Harry Huntt Ransom 20 the Board 1ol the Uni· ' I Chard coordina ed sM!y, 00~ ae,as ~e and scope. ~rhisad­ 1by growtn MiC achieve­ Charlll~rs ansom said, Kl in all its u'versi~ is I "It phys· It nas come iktf of the trumen~ of guided and Governors, 5, and gov· publictnJS· The University Board of Regents, in ·keeping with their progressive outlook for the University, continued making major academic policy decisions to update administrative procedures. The Board, responsible for the supervision of The University of Texas System, met once each six weeks, maintain­ing a central government. Variety abounded among the governmental group, for as The Daily Texan wrote, "How the body votes on any particular issue is impossible to predict because of the diver­sity of the individuals on the Board." Led by Chairman Frank C. Erwin Jr., the nine­member Board implemented a pass-fail grading system, substituted a four-point grading system replacing the previously used three-point, armed 15 traffic and security supervisors, abolished and then later reinstituted the Chilean Exchange Pro­gram, affirmed the construction of a faculty center atop the new dormitory complex, and, in a con- Board of Regents troversial move, reorganized the Texas Union Board of Directors to include four students and one fac­ulty member whose actions, the Board decided, would not have "any force or effect until it had received regental approval." The Development Board, directly responsible to the Board of Regents, planned and coordinated benefits for all units of the ,System. It was formed in 1939. Board members are chosen by the Ex­Students' Association and the Regents and are composed of prominent citizens who voluntarily devote time and effort to the welfare of the Uni­versity. The Chancellor is an ex-officio member of the Board whose new chairman, Joe M. Dealey, took office during the fall. REGENTS ABOVE: FRONT ROW: Mrs. J. Lee Johnson Ill, Chair­man Frank C. Erwin Jr., Dr. E. T. Ximenes. SECOND ROW: Rabbi Levi A. Olan, Jack S. Josey, W. H. Bauer, Frank N. Ikard, Joe M. Kilgore, John Peace. 21 Joseph C. Kennedy, Director of Personnel George Kozmetsky, Executive Associate of Economic Office Analysis Burnell Waldrep, University Attorney 22 LEFT: Norman Hackerman, President of the University. BELOW: Gardner Lindzey, Vice-President for Academic Affairs. LEFT: James H. Colvin, Vice-President for Business Affairs. ABOVE: Bryce Jordan, Vice-President for Student Affairs. 24 Main University Administration • BE!(1N, Charles F. Folmer, University Librarian F. C. McConnell, Director of Housing and Food Service Joe W. Neal, Director of International Office RIGHT: Ira lscoe, Director of the Counseling Center. BELOW: W. Byron Shipp, Registrar and Director of Admissions. Edward l. Carpenter, Director of Student Financial Aids. 26 r. -· Dean of Men The staff of the Dean of Men worked with groups ranging from fraternities, hous­ing, and student organizations to disciplining and enforcement of parking and traffic reg­ulations. This wide divergenc~ of responsi­bility encouraged students and their families to turn to the Dean's office for counseling and information in many matters related to University life. In addition, staff members served on faculty-student committees and acted as advisers to several student groups. The general information provided by the staff was helpful to the new and return­ing student, parents, faculty, and alumni in­terested in the University, as were their re­ferrals to the appropriate office for more specific information. The staff included Dean Lawrence Turner Franks; Edwin Booth Price, coordinator of student activities; David Hil­dreth Thomas, student group adviser; and Frank B. Campbell, student group adviser. Margaret Peck, Dean of Women 29 Named as one of sixteen "Bright Young Men with Designs on the Future" by Fortune Magazine, Alan Y. Taniguchi fulfilled his title by participating on com­mittees and in activities outside his role as Director of the School of Architecture. Belonging to the American Institute of Architects, he served on their National Committee on Aesthetics and their Panel of Critics to the Housing and Urban De­velopment Department, as well as being chairman of the Austin AIA chapter's Com­mission on Education and Research. Last year, he worked for the Committee on Professional Education, a project of the Texas Society of Architects. Both a teacher and a scholar, Dean John R. Silber of the College of Arts and Sciences has received honors and done work combining the two fields: the Dan­forth Foundation teaching award, a Fel­low at King's College of the University of London under a Guggenheim Fellowship in 1963-64, and was a visiting professor at the University of Bonn, Germany, un­der a Fulbright grant in 1959-60. Belonging to both the Southwestern Philosophical Society and the Texas So­ciety to Abolish Capital Punishment, Sil­ber believed that education should not be eclipsed by research and scientism. A prime place of importance belongs to the individual in the educational program of the University which should give the student an opportunity to develop him­self to the fullest, he commented. George Kozmetsky, Dean of the Col­lege of Business Administration, also served as professor of management and as the Executive Associate for Economic Affairs for the University during the year. He joined the faculty in the fall of 1966, after leaving private business. The 49­year-old native of Seattle, Wash., has taught at the University of Washington, the Harvard Graduate School of Busi­ness Administration, and the Carnegie Institute of Technology Graduate School of Industrial Administration. He has re­mained as a consultant to private in­dustry. The author of many books, he served as president of the Institute of Management Science and has done re­search on that subject, automation, and Deans of the Colleges man-made methodology. He was also a member of the Presidential advisory com­mittee on the National Data Center. Celebrating his fortieth year at the University, Dean DeWitt C. Reddick head­ed the three-year-old School of Communi­cation and directed the University Inter­scholastic League Press Conference for high school journalists. Author of two journalism texts and an elder in the Presbyterian Church, he has served as president of the American Council on Education and Journalism for which he was awarded an honor medal from the University of Missouri along with UT-ex Walter Cronkite in 1964. He was selected as the first and only honorary member of the International Council of Industrial Ed­itors in 1966 for his contributions in ele­vating industrial editing to professional status in the Southwest. Wayne H. Holtzman, Dean of the College of Education for the fourth year, was instrumental in sponsoring the na­tional conference of education leaders held in Austin last year and still found 30 a a ry com. !er. . e'e­·onal ~ the 1year, na­ eadfrs ~ time to establish two new centers for learning disabilities and the history of education. Listed in Who's Who In Amer­ ica in 1962, Holtzman participated in many co-curricular activities: as president of the Inter-American Society of Psychol­ogy, as editor of the Journal of Educa­tional Psychology, as a member of the commission on tests of the College En­trance Examination Board, and as an ed­itorial consultant to various education pub­lications. Listed in Who's Who in America, Who's Who in Sciences, and Who's Who in Engineering, John J. McKetta, Dean of the College of Engineering, was the re­cipient of two honors in late 1967 from his two alma maters: an Honorary Doc­tor of Engineering degree from Tri-State College and an Honorary Sesqui-centen­nial Award from the University of Michi­gan. A member of the Faculty Council and now serving his second term on the Graduate Legislative Council, Dean Mc­Ketta has published 166 journal articles. He considers the student a teacher's great­est concern, "If our concern for the stu­dent ever becomes secondary, we will be violating a trust we accepted when we joined the faculty." A University of Michigan graduate, E. W. Doty, Dean of the College of Fine Arts, ended his thirtieth year at the Uni­versity by gaining approval for a new music building and seeing enrollment in the College's other two departments, drama and art, overflowing. Urging changes in degree plans and curriculum for majors in the Fine Arts and students required to take such courses, Dean Doty also worked at developing an accrediting association in the arts on a national level and at organizing Fine Arts deans on a national level during the year. The editor of three textbooks and r:nember of the American Cancer Society, American Health Association, and the Texas Pharmaceutical Association, Joseph B. Sprowls, Dean of the College of Phar­macy, was an active participant in Austin's community and professional life. Trans­planted to the University after 17 years at Temple University in Philadelphia, Dean Sprowls ended his first year as admin­istrative leader of the College seeing in­creases in both enrollment in the five­year program and interest in the profes­sion. On the Board of Directors of the American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education and the Travis County Unit of the American Cancer Society, he held memberships in the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the American Pharmaceutical Association. W. Page Keeton, in addition to his duties as Dean of the School of Law, was a member of the President's Advisory Committee on Labor-Management Policy and of other national committees w ith national legal organizations. Last year, the Clarksville, Tex. native acted as mod­erator for the Law and Free Society Lec­tures, assisted in a lecture and tutorial institute on Texas' criminal procedures and, as head of the School, sponsored visiting lecturers Peter Brett of the Uni­versity of Melbourne, Australia; Ole Lan­do of the Cophenhagen School of Eco­nomics; and Dr. Julius Stone, a Challis Professor of International Law and Juris­prudence, University of Sydney, Australia. 32 Dads' Association, Ex-Students' Association Convening on the campus annually are thousands of fathers who come to participate in the Dads' Day celebration sponsored by the Dads' Association. Last year marked the twentieth observance of Dads' Day and, as part of the Association's proceedings, they selected two outstanding students and be­stowed two honorary patron awards and life membership on Jack Steele and George Koz­metsky. October saw the Ex-Students' Association converging at the University. Composed of more than 200,000 former students, the exes contributed thousands of dollars of unrestrict­ed funds to the University last year. These funds were used for fellowships, scholarships, and programs of excellence for which tax money was not available. Receiving Dis­tinguished Alumnus Awards from the Asso­ciation at the October meeting were four ex-students: Edward A. Clark, Dause L. Bibby, William B. Bates, and R. E. Thomason. In an Independence Day program spon­ sored by the Association, short speeches were given by University President Norman Hacker­ man; Meade Griffin, retired associate justice of the Texas Supreme Court; Lloyd Doggett, Students' Association president; and George Meriwether, Association treasurer. DADS' ASSOCIATION OFFICERS: FRONT ROW: W. D. Blunk, Arthur P. Duggan Jr., George H. Marsh, Rex G. Baker Jr., John T. Steen, George P. Morrill. SECOND ROW: G. V. Brindley Jr., Jack C. Staley, H. Macon Boddy, Hayden W. Head, David C. Hull, Richard A. Gump, James G. Blanchette Jr., H. Ben Decherd Jr. , ABOVE: Charles S. Coates, president, and Jack R. Maguire, executive director, presided over the University Ex-Students' Association. LEFT: Jack Ma­ guire addressed a gathering at the Association­ sponsored Texas Independence Day celebration. 33 Athletic Administration N. Thompson C. Wright S. Wright O. Wyss Supervision of the University's intercollegiate athletics fell under the jurisdiction of the Athletic Council. Composed of nine members- one each from the Students' Association and Ex-Students' Association, two ap­pointed by the Board of Regents, and five from the General Faculty Stand­ing Committee on Intercollegiate Ath­letics-the Council was headed by Neils Thompson, chairman of the fac­ulty committee and faculty represent­ative to the Southwest Conference. Other Council members included Charles Coates, Lloyd Doggett, Dr. Francis R. Hodge, Dr. James W. Rey­nolds, Wally Scott, Charles Alan Wright, Stuart P. Wright, and Dr. Orville Wyss. Head football coach Darrell Royal served as athletic director for inter­collegiate athletics. Jack C. Patterson, varsity track coach, was· the assistant athletic director. The work of the ath­letic business office was led by Al Lundstedt, business manager, and Bob Rochs, assistant business man­ager. Jones Ramsey was responsible for team and player publicity at the University, Austin campus. 34 .......... . .·, ... .. . : ......... , ......... 1~.!:.::.;··~·=··::;..!--"~i:.r····. ·: :: .;··:··~··:··~..:·--~~:~-··..~~·.. ··:·· ...··. :...... i....... :: .. jj·j -···:........... : ···: ·= ...... ,.........; . ... School of Architecture RIGHT: As with all architectural problems, the drawing board stage came first. BELOW: Next, intricate models of drawings were made in order to help visualize the projects designed by architecture students in classroom work. A new approach to an old problem of grading by jury marked the three-day Survey I project and high­pointed a gradual and continual change in the School's objective of meeting the changing needs of the profession and higher education. The traditional system of grading projects by a jury gave way to a review board composed of six outstanding judges who criticized, but did not grade, all submitted student work. Survey I, as other school projects, defined the School of Architecture's goal of offering a broadly based edu­cation to meet the expanding need to improve and design man's physical environment and to avoid giving the stu­dent only a narrow professional training. To accomplish this goal, flexibility was stressed in planning in response to the changing needs of the profession. The Survey was composed of two phases, an exhibition of students' work and an oral-slide film review of pre-selected student projects. To help in offering a wide divergence of professional opinions, the School sponsored well-known lecturers at the University. Last year there were 14, including speakers from Columbia, Yale, MIT, Berkeley, State University of New York, and a practicing architect from Dallas. Presently filled to its maximum capacity, the School is made up of 500 students and two departments, archi­tecture and planning. It is headed by Alan Y. Taniguchi, who was the School's director beginning in September. 36 LEFT: Survey I was on display for three days in the University's Academic Center. BELOW: As part of the School of Architecture's Fall 1967 lectures series, Marvin Manheim, a civil en­gineer at MIT, spoke on "Problem Solving Processes" to students and faculty. ~of 37 College of Arts and Sciences TOP: Dr. W. H. Hutchinson, visiting professor in English, prepared for one of his lectures on life and literature of the Southwest. BOTIOM: Both beginning and advanced weight­lifting were offered in required physical education. Change was the norm for the College of Arts and Sciences which was marked by the appointment of Dr. John R. Silber, professor of philosophy, as the new Dean replacing the seat vacated by the death of Dean J. Alton Burdine in September. In far-reaching plans, the faculty revised Plan I requirements for the University's largest College with an accent on liberalized science studies and higher foreign language requirements. Instead of the former 12 hours of science and six of math, changes which would increase the number of hours to 15 from an area of 14 sciences were instituted. Foreign language hours were raised to 18 for those who previously have studied the language and did not pass the advance standing exams. Establishment of University courses and interdisci­plinary work enabled approximately 15 hours to be taken on a pass-fail basis. These University courses would con­sist of lectures by professors well-known in fields cross­ing several interdisciplinary lines. Interdisciplinary courses consisted of interdepartmental endeavors within the Col­lege itself. These programs were favored because they would allow a student to take work in a subject area of interest to him, satisfy his curiosity, and broaden his field of experience without endangering his grade-point average. Through the use of voluntary teacher performance questionnaires, evaluations were made of a teacher's effectiveness and relevancy of course material, as the College attempted to form a curriculum oriented more towards the individual student. An additional proposal for smaller classes would enable the student to receive more personal attention in the College. Completing several years of planning and construc­tion, the College dedicated the new Geology Building located on the east side of the campus near the East Mall Development, giving that department enlarged and un­crowded facilities to teach and do research. Stewart Udall, Secretary of the Interior, was on hand to help in the dedication and called its completion, "a milestone in the understanding of the earth." 38 LEFT: Biology students studied the various mutations caused in fruit flies through repeti­tive inbreeding. BELOW: Dr. I. I. Rabi, an eminent physicist and Nobel Prize Laureate, attended the physics honorary's initiation. College of Arts and Sciences RIGHT: Scaled models were used to show the architecture of an­cient Greece in a classical civilization course. BELOW: Students attended a large lecture session of required American history. 40 LEFT: W. J. Mandy, assistant professor of microbiology, used rabbits as his medium for experimentation with the proper­ties of a new serum factor. BELOW: Food preparation was taught firsthand in home economics laboratories. BELOW LEFT: Students taking spoken languages often used the available language tape laboratories. 41 ·~.-.·. 0 •I"'•• •; • •• • •' f: •I ... 1~,!:.;:,;•:•;••;::•:!"•:•"!•• •. :, ~··; ~:••:·~... •••• ..;•;--:w~~ • :: "'; ,'', • 1 ;,,.,;,. .. ,jj•; ••••:.. •••••••I: l•I: .. •t••t•t• .....,. ;, •·· 0 College of Business Administration BELOW: Business administration students learned the principles of ac­ counting in Accounting 327 lab work w ith prepared sheets. OPPOSITE ABOVE: Shorthand skills were taught in the Department of General Business' office administration division. OPPOSITE BELOW: Courses in business law provided students with background case histories in law suits and court rulings. 42 • • • ·-• • • ••• I j • • ....._, •• \? 't-.,. I;:) ~ I \~ '\.__,-t l ( i 't l c The College of Business Administration began a long-range program of educating future managers of the technical and intellectual resources of the nation during the long session with changes in outlook, training, re· search, and facilities. Assuming a significant role in this project was the installation of a Controlled Data Corpora­tion 3100 computer used as a teaching aid in sophomore accounting and statistic courses as well as in upper­division accounting, finance, management, and statistics courses where new, advanced techniques were studied. Objectives of the new emphasis included training managers for the last third of the century whose training must be cross-disciplinary and must embrace new meth­ods and techniques. To do this, training consisted of dealing with technical changes, conversing in the appro­priate mathematical language, and communicating with the managing scientists, engineers, accountants, and art­ists. Research played an important part in the CBA with 17 faculty projects supported by grants from the Uni­versity's Excellence Fund. These ranged from a study of the retraining problems of defense engineers, an in­ternational business model, and health maintenance cen­ter model to integer programming and information sys­tems research. Private contributions continued to aid the College in its work, raisin"g from $94,500 two years ago to $387,000. Most of this amount came from the College of Business Administration Foundation headed by Forest Parker of Houston. George Kozmetsky served as Dean. 43 TOP: Or. C. Richard King, associate professor of journalism, supervised a news edit­ing lab. ABOVE: Operating its own broadcasting station, the Department of Radio-Television-Film served the community. RIGHT: Advertising labs taught students the basics of design and layout. 44 Growth, seen in plans for a new Communication Building, dramatized the physical expansion and enroll­ment increase of the University's three-year-old School of Communication. Plans for the new building which were approved by the Board of Regents call for the placing of the Departments of Journalism, Radio-Television-Film, Speech, and the new Communication Center in one com­plex. The Center will house the educational television and radio operating division on campus and will serve as the directing unit for educational television for several university campuses throughout the State. Headed by Dean DeWitt C. Reddick, the School rec­ognized the growing importance of communication in an increasingly complex society. New additions during the year included the receiving of a grant from the Ford Motor Company to cover costs of film production and the beginning of an introductory communications course utilizing the latest in teaching techniques to dramatize the immediate and far-reaching effects of mass media. A physical improvement was the Center for Communication Research Laboratory. Composed of soundproof booths and tape decks, the Lab contained recorded material concerning some aspect of communication or a recording of a literary "great." To keep pace with a changing academic and profes­sional environment, increased attention was given to the theory of communication and its research. This trend has been reflected in alterations in degree requirements strengthening students' exposure to a more varied selec­tion of courses and lessening in the number of required courses to be taken in the four-year span. ABOVE: Speech therapy majors held clinics for children with speech difficulties. ABOVE RIGHT: Exemplary speeches were recorded for student use in the Center for Communication Research Laboratory. School of Communication 45 ABOVE: A map of the United States produced in braille was a part of the special materials used by students working with the blind. RIGHT: A student in the Department of Special Education worked with children with cerebral palsy. College of Education The College of Education during the year developed a double-barreled view at the task of educating educators. Combining automation with personal approach, the Col­lege helped individual students in all fields with programs such as the University Computer Assisted Instructional Lab which was offered as a supplement to math courses. Offered on a small scale, the results were evaluated for possible use on a much larger scale later. Sutton Hall housed still other teacher equipment to offer aid in a broader range of subjects. Emphasis, however, remained on meeting the individual student's needs resulting from the educational process. The University Research and Development Center for Teacher Education, along with other organizations, sponsored a national conference for education leaders concerned with "Research and Action Imperatives in Teacher Education." The two and one half-day conference brought together those noted for leadership and in­fluence in the field of teacher education. The meeting was sponsored by the Ford Foundation. The College of Education served as a professional school for preparation of elementary and secondary school teachers and provided a curriculum for students in other colleges of the University to obtain legal certification to teach. Special education for exceptional children and phys­ical health education also were included in the College. 46 ABOVE: Student teaching was part of the required preliminary work for future cer­tified teachers. LEFT: New innovations, such as the teaching machine, were de­veloped to aid educators. 47 ABOVE: In civil engineering labs, students tested the strength of various types of concrete cores. RIGHT: The Department of Aerospace Engineering used its wind tunnel for experimentation in connection with course work. Certainly one of the pioneers at the University in faculty-student relations was the College of Engineering, whose faculty during the year continued their efforts with new emphasis on their "greatest concern-the student." Teachers participated by placing goals for effective teach­ing upon themselves and defining the minimum student performance which would be acceptable. A critical mea­surement of the realization of class objectives followed this. Engineering students were encouraged to evaluate their courses and teachers. Their comments played a large part in planning new courses and revamping old ones. In addition to improving teacher performance and course quality through self-criticism and student opinion, faculty programs and student societies instituted programs for those students who needed help in engineering courses. An afternoon and evening tutorial program, which also accepted phone calls from students needing assist­ance, was offered as were evening classes on computer practice. These were aimed at transfer students who may have attended a smaller college without computer fa­cilities. For those needing help in advanced problem solv­ing practice, the Engineering Computation Center offered assistance with the use of the University's computer fa­cilities. Students having trouble absorbing the informa­tion of a class lecture could tune in on closed circuit television twice a day. Besides aiding present students in their courses, 48 LEFT: Chemical engineering students worked their way through mazes of tubes and piping in lab. BELOW: Future mechanical engineers struggled with a laboratory problem in fluid flow. 49 ~........~ ... . . : .... ·. • ·····~· '~.!:.;.. ;··:·;·::::·:!~·:;:.r... · ·. :. ~-·:·.::·::-:~:····~~:..7:9; ·..:; .. .,..·•. · ·~ :i.. ;.::· .. i7:: ~-··:······· ... : , .......,.......... . BELOW: Harvey Schmidt and Tom Jones re­turned to their alma mater for the Fine Arts Festival, following their Broadway success, ''The Fantastics." 50 BELOW LEFT: Jean-Pierre Rempel, one of the world's leading flutists, performed for the University's Department of Music. BELOW RIGHT: Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night" was produced by the Department of Drama with student acting, directing, and technical aiding. College of Fine Arts Concentrating all their efforts on the 26th annual Fine Arts Festival in November, the College of Fine Arts presented a varied week of concerts, drama and film presentations, art exhibits, and lectures from the College's Department of Drama based on "The Artistic Idea." Through other programs, notably the Solo Artists Series, the Cultural Entertainment Committee, and the many recitals by both faculty and students, the Depart­ment of Music entertained and educated budding musi­cians who have increased enough in number to warrant the authorization of a new music building. The Department of Art presented a "retrospective view" of the works of the well-known sculptor and Uni­versity professor, Charles Umlauf. Other exhibits included the works of German-born artist Diederich Kortland and paintings by the late Ward Lockwood. A photographic collection of Paris by the late Eugene Atget contrasted with the Stanley Marcus collection of Sicilian marionettes in the University Art Museum. Department of Drama lectures about American Shake­speare Festival Theatre, creativity in international theatre, and form in dramatic art were part of the Festival. A public lecture during the Festival on the "Shape of Community" was given by architect-artist Serge Cher­mayeff. The growth of the department was seen in the overflowing enrollment and the development of an ad­ditional degree, the AB, in each of the three departments. 51 College of Pharmacy TOP: Pharmacy atudenta prepared drug orders in the Student Health Center. ABOVE LEFT: Dr. Gerald Sullivan, assistant professor of pharmacy, did experimental work on the chemi~I components of mushrooms. RIGHT: Rabbits were used in the first step of experimentation with plastic organs. 52 In an age interested in the consumption of drugs and drug use, the field of pharmacy gained in importance in industry, food processing for both humans and animals, and plant growth. One of the objectives in the College of Pharmacy was the appreciation of the total span of drug usage by society as it affects different fields. Because of the wide interest in the use of drugs, ten­tative plans for expansion of the College included the addition of a wing to the present physical plant and a change in curriculum to attempt a closer relationship through exchange programs with medical school branch­es. Recruiting faculty to enlarge the College was the big­gest job of the year. Heading this expansion was the new Dean of the College, Dr. Joseph B. Sprowls Jr., who came to the University after spending 17 years at Temple Uni­versity. New programs instituted during the year included extensive research in the chemical properties of mush­rooms, the feasibility of using plastic replacements for defective organs, and the establishment of added grad­uate courses. These courses concentrated on the educa­tion of hospital pharmacists, research workers, and teach­ers for the various divisions of pharmacy. Research cen­tered on distinguishing between varieties of mushrooms by their chemical components which, when perfected, will outdate the method of distinguishing between types by physical means. Other work in research was the pos­sibility of developing safe and efficient plastic substitutes .. ~ ~ .. . . . •... ! ·: ·. . . '-. . ; ··. • -· -. l1Jgs ard flOrtaixe ~ ani als • lege ~ nof drug !rugs,ten. 1uded the ard a ~ationship ~ braoch. ~g. School of Law Throughout 1967, the School of Law faculty and stu­dents involved themselves in projects ranging from a per­sonal bond program and an institute on Texas criminal procedure to the sixth annual Law versus Free Society Lec­tures .. Future lawyers were given a chance in the personal bond program to review cases of those held on criminal charges and possibly have them released on promise of bond. Though the project did not provide bond funds, Bryon Fullerton, assistant dean of the school, estimated that clients had saved $30,000 in bondsmen's fees ranging from $30 to $100 each. Jim Smith, student head of the service, stated its two objectives-to help save the client's bondsmen fees and aid in the operation of the criminal justice system. The two-day institute on Texas criminal procedure was an attempt to keep Texas lawyers abreast of changes in the State Penal Code and to aid lawyers not called upon to use their knowledge of criminal law frequently. Co-sponsoring the institute were the criminal law and procedure sections of the State Bar of Texas and Travis County Association. During December, the annual Law versus Free So­ciety Lectures focused on "Defamation, Privacy, and the Public's Right to Know" in trials and suits before the court. Participants in the series included out-of-state newsmen, educators, Texas judges, and faculty members. The School of Law published the Law Forum, a news­ paper designed to increase faculty-student communication. W. Page Keeton was Dean of the School. ~ ••" •• '" •• • • 6 •• o tfl •I '"!',1~,!:.;~._;•::;•7;::·:~•••~1,"r:· ' ': .;••: -::··:·:~_":"••:•:---:•t:-:~ ·..:: '','. ••, • ~ :, •O ,j;. • '.' •• '•I I ... .;• •oo" ,; o o' •1 •1 ... Graduate School The Graduate School is composed of professors and scholars designated as members of the graduate faculty and students admitted to pursue their studies beyond the baccalaureate degree. Divided into several departmental and interdisciplinary programs involving organized cours­es and independent research, the School placed great emphasis on the development of creative ability, in­dividual and inventive work, and leadership qualities. A much debated proposal to revise the School from the standard plan to a modified pass-fail system was re­jected during the fall by the Graduate Assembly. Under this system, the professor would have given grades of pass with honors, high pass, low pass, and no pass. Adopt­ed was a system allowing professors to use the term "credit" as a grade designation for selected lecture and seminar courses at the graduate level. The graduate program was directed toward research excellence to give depth of knowledge in the student's field of specialization leading to original research. To aid this, a vast system of libraries and special collections, the Computation Center, Balcones Research Center, Marine Science Institute, McDonald Observatory, and interdepart­mental laboratories were available for graduate instruc­tion and research during all school sessions. 54 BELOW LEFT: Norris A. Hiett, Dean. BELOW RIGHT: Proctored exams ended BOTIOM: Correspondence courses formed the bulk of the Division's work. each course. Division of Extension ISOrs and To continue the educational process for those leaving faculfy the University with or without a degree, and for those lforKl the who missed the chance to receive a higher education, the Division of Extension headed the correspondence and evening classes. Among the 13,254 registered students were members of the professions, business, and govern­ ment throughout the nation and foreign countries. The Division also maintained the largest audio-visual library in the Southwest. The Division of Extension sponsored the University Interscholastic League, the governing structure for aca­ demic, athletic, and musical contests drawing over a half million contestants from l,116 public high schools across the State. Dr. Norris A. Hiett completed his first year as Dean after succeeding Dean James R. D. Eddy. 55 The Year: Happenings 'BB Far from nondescript, he is indescribable. He's the one who gets trampled in fall Rush, attends Saturday afternoon football fairs, laughs at Cowboy Minstrels, applauds for The Association, meets himself at Challenge, and forgets himself at Round-Up. 1868 k40 CJ·H IN -·, i , ·; '·'·' . LL. R 1• ' . Those Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer '67 Whether they were trying to get ahead, to catch up, or avoid the draft, 14,3 l 0 stu­dents remained in Austin for the University's once-a-year "vacation semester" sale of grade­points and hours to the ambitious, lazy, or degree-plan conscious student. In addition to the really big campus news-construction and expansion, the re-opening of the Tower, the Hiroshima Day Peace Parade, and revision of student government-the summer session supplied air-conditioned classrooms, theaters, and the ever-popular Barton Springs. Those who stayed after spring quizzes were joined by freshmen who wanted a glimpse of college life before fully com­mitting themselves for the fall. It was those freshmen that gave fraternities an excuse for Austin and statewide rush parties. Development of the East Mall Project progressed with the destruction and subse­quent reconstruction of Twenty-third Street alongside Memorial Stadium. The Board of Regents approved a $121,06 l,973 budget for the 12-unit University System, added three ex-students to its rank, and confirmed the naming of the Lyndon Baines Johnson School of Public Affairs. Freshman orienta­tion initiated neophytes into the secret bonds of UT scholarship and life, while 12 University students studied modern Chile under the soon-to-be controversial Chilean exchange program during August. As finals came and went, study continued uninterrupted for the thousands who elected to remain In Austin for the summer session and who, disgusted by letters from roommates cavorting around Europe for the three months, felt the need to take a break from the hectic pace of life in Central Texas. As the news-minded students re­laxed, life at the University continued as usual with class schedules and University regulations colliding in the red "No Parking" zone. The Return of the Masses September announces fall , which heralds a new semester, which attracts students. Sep­tember '67 brought 29,840 students who struggled to become oriented to the Univer­sity campus, fraternities, sororities, co-ops, professors, housemothers, and each other. There were old friends to see, and new ones to make-new roommates that would shortly adjust to each other's obnoxious habits. A myriad of alterations dotted the face of the campus: further work of the East Mall Project and the face-lifting of Memorial Sta­dium. Students once again viewed the pan­orama of The University of Texas, the City of Austin, and the start of the Great Balcones Geologic Fault which officially announces West Texas. All in all, fall brought and left its rich deposit of new blanket tax-social security­numbers and a pointed welcome by the Uni­versity "Times," which reached oblivion after one issue, as familiar faces viewed the Uni­versity once more for some knew it would be their last September on the Forty Acres. Amid the moving of new trunks and suitcases, the greeting of old friends, and scoping out of a new environment, easily­made resolutions of diligent study, loads of sleep, and a 3-point grade average enabled both the unwary and the experienced to look at the year with a sense of confidence. Little did they realize that such resolutions never materialize, especially in the fall semester. From Dallas, Muleshoe, Round Rock, and even from the strongholds of other University of Texas colleges, stu­dents came to meet, learn, argue, politic, party, and hunt, In group or alone, their temporary place along a two-way Drag. 60 On the Fir st Day of... 3 Eight o'Clocks, 2 TTS... To insure a schedule containing six 8 o'clocks and three 2 to 4 p.m. labs, the Uni­versity, always attune to student needs and desires, set aside party week as a time for registration. For most, the matriculation of visiting advisers, pulling cards, and paying fees netted the student 29,840 classmates and The University of Texas $3,221, l 47.05. Other­wise, the self-allotted two hours became four days as the dream schedule of gracious living 11 o'clocks and noon classes eroded into a choice between TTS at 8 a.m. or Friday 7 to 10 p.m. After trekking across campus in search of an adviser, the student found he lacked suffi­cient prerequisites for courses in his major; he put in a hurried call, pleading for special permission to take "Marriage and the Family" as an alternative to elementary statistics as an elective. Guided by eternally friendly, helpful APO's, small matters such as closed, one­section courses, last spring's Final Announce­ment, no time for lunch-ever, a ten-minute dash from Wooldridge Hall to University Jun­ior High, late Texans, 6,000 students register­ing_ per day, the Ranger making fun of you for standing for all of this, endless lines, a lost checkbook, haggard faces, and sunstroke all reminded one that he had returned home. Once again, Rush Week proved a fitting climax to those exhausting summer rush par­ties in Dallas, Houston, Austin, and Goose Creek. During the week, fraternities rested their hopes for a good pledge class on firm handshakes, exciting nightlife, and beer kegs in a feverish attempt to put the "good b.s." on rushees who possessed a "good head on their shoulders." Sororities entertained a bit more sedately with afternoon teas and skits but ended the festivities with pledge lines to introduce new pledges to their male count­erparts. To discover whether they wanted to go Greek, l,l 03 women and l ,048 men con­verged on the campus a week before regis­tration to attend rounds of parties, to be screened and to do some screening them­selves, and to find that "perfect group" in which to spend the next four years. With 32 fraternities and 18 sororities, almost everyone who rushes can find one in which he can be himself. And in the fall of 1967, 782 women and 754 men did just that. 62 "Houston, huh, .. Do You Know.. Rushees, as a willing while captive audience, wit· nessed skits, shook hands, and kept their eyes open for a week of seeing, selecting, and accepting of invitations and perhaps a bid from among the 48 groups participating in rush. +f9 , t • • • • : • • • • : • ' •I ... ·~ ,!:.:~... ~ •: •:•: '°' ·~ '' ':• •! • • ; • •~ • '' -. t , o • ,~.. 0 ',':•• • ...,, , • : t It, ' .. • • 1 ., 1 UT Theater: Act I. Scene I With the commencing of classes in late September, the campus was set for an action­packed fall semester as the excitement of a Texas football season prevailed, student gov­ernment committees began to interview, The Daily Texan daily announced organizational meetings, and match party lists were signed. The UT Theater curtain was raised on a scene of 90-degree weather, 29,840 clinging stu­dents, Rush Week, and a highly publicized '67: Year of the 'Horns. September freshman orientation, for those who had something better to do in the summer, convinced the newcomer that he or she wasn't the only one who disliked his roommate, that Harry's Place was not a bar, and that the University itself was one large, self-contained educational community. Registration lasted for five harrowing days of hot checks and the freshman's first taste of University bureaucracy. Books became scarce and neither assaults on the Co-Op nor Hemphill's could produce anything more than an order slip and condolences from harried clerks. The stage was set, the actors ready, the cameras rolling, and the action begun. Today's space age student is no longer content with bulging classes, unimaginative lectures, and unstimulating professors. To­morrow's Twenty-first Century adult wants involvement. He wants interchange and ex­change. In the midst of a knowledge explo­sion, he seeks to understand the intercepted messages: The medium: The Free University The message: "Man Today and Tomorrow." Meeting every Wednesday night at the Methodist Student Center, an independent group varying from 10 to 50-from Hippie to straight, hangloose to sorority-discussed everything from McLuhan to pop art. "It really turned into an examination of Marshall Mc­Luhan," said Dr. Joseph Kruppa, assistant pro­fessor of English and moderator of the group. There was no rigid format as participants decided on discussion topics from week to week. This flexibility allowed them to pursue a myriad of ideas: concrete poetry, the rela­tionship between advertisements and modern poetry and pop art, John Cage's works, and the ubiquitous McLuhan. "There is no course at the University in which students felt free to bring every kind of idea together," Kruppa said. The Free Uni­versity could be the medium of that rare mes­sage: learning for the sake of learning. Man: The Medium Is the Message 67 That VVonderful VVorld of Texas Football In Southern days gone by, King Cot­ton reigned supreme. Today, a new king reigns. King Football rules Texas with a grappling hold on students, faculty, and exes alike. On a cloudy, sun-streaked Saturday afternoon, one can witness some fifty-nine thousand loyal Texas fans clinging to Memorial Stadium like bees to a honey­comb. They have come to watch their golden Gladiators-the Superbill's of '67­perform in their own arena. They sit; they stand; they shout; they cheer and even cry as all loyal Texas fans do-and are expected. But most importantly, they watch. They watch the offensive and de­fensive teams perform like teams of work horses-square-shouldered, sturdy, strong -competing in a country fair log-pulling contest. Only for them, the load is a 12­ounce, grained leather ball. If they win, sugar, in the form of thick steaks and creamy potatoes, is their prize. But if they lose, the steaks remain as there will be another chance-another fair next Sat­urday. They watch the exes as a dizzy blur of movement, rippling to their feet to see the play and, like dominoes, falling back again, row by row. They watch the red and blue and yel­low bits rise and scream as a tiny orange spec sets a new Southwest Conference record. They watch the orange skirt of the cheerleader, gold-and-black striped vest of the referee, the burnt-orange jersey of a Saturday afternoon hero, all forming a swirling kaleidoscopic pattern. And the noise. The noise they hear is broken bits of the plastic kaleidoscope-multi-colored oaths, yells, prayers, bouncing in a chang­ing pattern. They watch half time activities-the precisioned, carefully rehearsed band formations-forming another kaleidoscop­ic pattern, the Showband of the South­west. For a brief 90 minutes each Satur­day, that one hundred plus yards of lush, green carpet seems to come alive as the afternoon fair bursts forth in a scene of unparalleled color-yes, in that Wonder­ful World of Texas Football. '67: Predicted 'Year of the 'Horns' A fundamental fact of life in all college football stems from the difficulty of attaining a winning season year after year,· as Texas Head Coach Darrell Royal can attest. A much­heralded Royal and his 90-member squad bore the pressure of the season, critics, and loyal Orangebloods but could not escape that malady of late: the lack of a coveted South­west Conference crown. After a four-year run of forty victories in forty-four games and three wins in major bowl games, the locals have since been stuck with three straight standards of 6-4, culmi­nating in l 967's widespread disappointment after the '67: Year of the 'Horns excitement, spoiling some grand designs b.y the State's press, publicity directors, and anxious fans. Preseason polls by national magazines, wire services, and a 28-member panel of sports writers had the Longhorns picked as top-drawer finishers nationally and South­west Conference-wise, but four losses in two-game streaks opening and closing the season ruined everyone's plans and ended the 'Horns' year well in advance of a long­awaited New Year's Day Cotton Bowl dafe. Instead, Texas finished bridesmaid once more, faltering in conference losses to Texas Tech, Continued All.SWC tailback Chris Gilbert went to the air against SMU with hopes for some yardage gain. FRONT ROW: Jimmy Ball (Mgr.), Andy White, Tom Higgins, Alan Moravcik, Glenn Steinle, Tom Hill, Eddie Vaughan, Pete Gallaher, Johnny Cain, Terry Boothe, Joel Brame, Linus Baer, Pat Harkins, Bob Stanley, Tommy Loeffler, Jim Leahy, Scott Boyd, Ragan Gennusa, Ed Small, Howard Fest, Joe Doenges (Head Mgr.) , Mack Spellman (Mgr.), Bill Hall (Mgr.). SECOND ROW: Benny Pace, Scooter Monzingo, Marvin Bendele, Tommy Burkett, Glen Halsell, Bob McKay, Tommy Rohrer, Johnny Valentino, Loyd Wainscott, Chris Simmons, Mike Perrin, Dick Watt, Denny Aldridge, Ken Gidney, Ronnie Ehrig, Greg Lott, Gene Powell, Bill Bradley, Chris Gilbert, Fred Akers (Ass't. Coach), Willie Zapalac (Ass't Coach). THIRD ROW: Mike Campbell (Ass't Coach), Darrell Royal (Head Coach), Ken Murray (Trainer), Mike O'Shea (Trainer), Guy Harrison, Tommy Asaff, Steve Noll, Gary Rike, Dan Stathos, David Cook, Paul Kristynik, Jack Freeman, Duane Foster, Chris Young, Warren Gremmel, Leo Brooks, Jim Williamson, Ken Tarleton, Glen Booher, George Cobb, Glen Frantzen, Pat Sheehan, Dickie Johnston, Rob Layne, Burt Harkins, Bobby Wuens~h, Jack Hartung, Randy Peschel, Dick Leyda, Leon Manley (Ass't Coach), Emory Bellard (Ass't Coach). FOURTH ROW: Corby Robertson, Jim Childress, Mack McKinney, Robbie Patman, Mike Hutchings, Mike Campbell, Joe Norwood, James Street, Tim Horn, Mike Sullivan, Charles Copeland, Tom Campbell, Bob White, Mike Dworacyzk, Dean Tully, Rick Sable, Ken Ehrig, Forrest Wiegand, Danny Abbott, Ronnie Swint, Barry Stone, Mike Robuck, D. H. Martin, Steve Reed, Tommy Souder'$, Dery! Comer, Ted Koy, Tom Ellis (Ass't Coach). LEFT: Donnie Terveen (I} and Danny Abbott (r) pre­pared for battle while Bill Bradley called signals versus TCU. LOWER LEFT: Everyone joined in when defense swarmed TCU's Ross Montgomery. All.SWC'ers on the prowl. ABOVE: Defensive guard Loyd Wainscott (55) stopped TCU quarterback Danny Carter as the Frog sophomore broke into the open. RIGHT: line­backer Corby Robertson, who was allk, practice of mechanical engineering through president; Lawrence Daniel Dorr, first vice­contact with student and faculty members and president; James Burch Spears, second vice­with the parent organization. president; John William Krueger, treasurer; Activities included talks by William J. and Jerry Dale Kennedy, corresponding secre­ Carter, professor of mechanical engineering, tary. Spring officers were Roger Edward Bar­on "Sailboat Design"; George Kosmetsky, Dean ras, president; James Burch Spears, first vice­of the College of Business Administration, on president; Carl Wayne Thompson, second vice­"The Engineer in Business"; and other speak­president; John William Krueger, treasurer; ers on both technical and non-technical sub­and Charles E. Meredith, .;orresponding sec­jects. In the spring semester, ASME held a pie-retary. 228 Arnold Air Society PLEDGES: FRONT ROW: Thomas Reneau, David Davis, Lee Ansell, Hal Gilles­pie, Don Ray. SECOND ROW: Richard Morey, Antonio Alvarado, James Plummer, Ted McWhorter, Roger Macon, Berle Barnett. THIRD ROW: Richard Alexander, Melton Pipes, Julian Buenger, Loy Singleton, Joe Mcfatter, P•trick Palmer. NOT PICTURED: James Drewry, Richard Olivieri. Arnold Air Society, an honorary service organization, worked to promote esprit de corps among its cadet groups. The year's ac­tivities included the area conclave in Norman, Okla., and the national conclave in New York in April. The society sponsored corps parties and Christmas parties at Travis State School. The society also sponsored the John H. Payne lecture series with Dr. Karl Schmitt as speaker. Officers for last year were Russell Carl­ton Cykoski, commander; Michael Anthony Pandolfo, executive officer; Gerald Knox Bish­op, operations officer; Allan Klark Bean, ad­ministrative officer; John Francis Kelly Jr., information officer; and David Abramowitz, comptroller. Capt. Richard J. McGuinness Jr. was faculty sponsor for the group. ACTIVES: FRONT ROW: David Abramowitz, Michael Pandolfo, Russell Cykoski, Allan Bean, Gerald Bishop, John Kelly Jr. SECOND ROW: Manuel Rosales Jr., Lonnie Brauner Jr., Earl Orbin Jr., John Burns. THIRD ROW: James Bates, John Totten, Warren Bollmeier, Stephen Holliday. NOT PICTURED: Bruce Luna, Robert Mills, John Olivo. 229 FRONT ROW: Nancy Stover, Susan Clark, Anne Rumsey, Addie Craft, Jan Willoughby, Patty Moore, Kristen Holmberg, Ruth Talkington, Lynne Carol Carson. SECOND ROW: Clay Christensen, Bonnie Yates, Barbara Graeser, Jean Wyrick, Sally Thompson, Patricia Speier, Laura Mehr, Adele Busby, Lavilla Mantooth, Rhonda Read, Lois Trice, laura Lehmberg, Jane Perry, Jill Hubbard, Marcia Lucas, Shelia Ward. BELOW: Dr. Westbrook Ford, Katherine Nebeker, Sarah Weilbacher. THIRD ROW: Mary Langston, spoke on romanticism at the Pi Beta Phi sorority house. AshbeI Literary Society The first literary and dramatic organiza­ tion at the University, the Ashbel Literary So­ ciety was founded in November, 1888. The society has continued to offer its members oc­ casions to further the study of good literature, and it endeavored to promote closer rapport among its members by recognizing high standards of scholarship in the field of Eng­ lish. Lectures by Joseph E. Kruppa· and Max Westbrook highlighted the year, providing the members with an excellent opportunity to broaden and deepen their classroom experi­ ences. Lois Baird Trice, head of the Ruth Stephan Poetry Center, served the society as faculty adviser. Officers for the year were Nancy EI­ ieen Stover, president; Susan Mary Clark, vice­ president; Carolyn Francis Estes, secretary; Anne K. Rumsey, treasurer; and Carolyn Con­ nell, membership chairman. 230 Members of the Baptist Student Union often gathered around the piano to sing. CABINET: FRONT ROW: Frances Clarke, Saundy Curry, Linda Cunningham. SECOND ROW: John Reiff, Jimmy Robinson, Bob Brown. NOT PICTURED: Donald Cadenhead, Woodrow Hammond, Janelle Mattingley, Kay Cude, Morris Bell, Rhona Parelman. B SU A Christian fellowship which ministers to the University community, the Baptist Student Union strove to help students find meaning in life, stressing the Christian ideal. The year began with a Welcome Supper held at the University Baptist Church Fellowship Hall. The program, for an audience of 250 University students, was completely directed by return­ing students including the skits and a sing­song. Throughout the year, the BSU worked with international students through ranch par­ties at the L. East Ranch and various "Inter­national Nights" with programs directed by various cultural groups. A major fall emphasis was the series of lectures given by Dr. Eric Rust, theologian from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Dr. Rust gave a series of lectures on "The Christian Faith in a Secular Society," giving various insights on the posi­tion of the Christian today in his society and ,, his church's position in the world. Informal I discussion groups also were held in which Dr. Rust was able to show students new con­cepts of sacred relating to secular. Highlight of the year was a five-day Mid­Winter Retreat to Larkspur, Colo., for skiing, fellowship, and Christian study. Meeting the 115 University students in Colorado Springs was Dr. Milton Ferguson, a professor at South­western Baptist Theological Seminary. Deliver­ing lectures between ski trips and toboggan runs, Dr. Ferguson presented new intellectual and spiritual experiences to the students. The emphasis of the retreat was "A Man's Faith ," with discussions on "The Case for Agnos­ticism" and "Why Be Decent?" 231 Chi Alpha A national religious organization spon­sored by the General Council of the Assem­blies of God, Chi Alpha presented religious discussions, fellowship among other students, and devotional services throughout the school year. Those students attending a local Assem­bly of God church and interested in the pro­gram were invited for membership. The local Alpha Pi chapter sought to maintain a balance of worship, training, fel­lowship, and evangelism. The chapter recog­nized the maintenance and practice of a Christian testimony as all important among its members. Activities during the year cen­tered on religious discussions and noted area speakers active in the denomination. Members not pictured were Paul Lee Bruce, Sherry Lynn Conner, Polly Elizabeth Hart, Barry Mitchell Ivy, Donald Stanley Kin­der, David Coy McNeeley, Gary Alan War­ rington and Elaine Wilson. Officers for the year were Paul Harold Hagen, president; David Nathan· Pate, vice-president; Elaine Wilson, secretary; Sidney Lee Lawrence, treasurer; and Paul Eugene Tezel, historian. Fawwaz T. Ulaby served as faculty sponsor. FRONT ROW: Ray Gonzales, Alice Faulkner, Jeanette Brian, Donald Baker, Douglas Ivy. SECOND ROW: David Pate, Paul Hagen, Sidney Lawrence, Ronald Bollinger, Paul Tezel. ABOVE: Members of Chi Alpha joined around the piano to sing a few hymns. 232 Choral Directors Choral organizations were made up of eight member groups with each group empha­sizing a particular kind of choral music and style of presentation. While the groups main­tained an individual activity and identity, they all functioned under the administration of the Director of Choral Organizations and his as­sistants. Because of the diversity and differ­ent rehearsal schedules available, any student with an interest in singing could participate. All groups were open to any student who could meet the particular musical require­ ments of the various ensembles. Morris J. Beachy has held the position of Director of Choral Organizations since 1957. Under his leadership, the size and activities has grown from two to eight groups and from ten to more than one hundred annual per­formances, singing in nearly 100 Texas cities, 14 states, and 17 foreign countries. Dr. Beachy was assisted by Alaire Howard Lowry, teach­ing assistant in music; James Parker Morgan, teaching assistant in music; and Ivan Wesley Baugh, teaching associate in music. Ivan Wesley Baugh I l1 I I ..... '• . ,:· £. .'""' : I .. Howard Lowry, and Dr. Morris J. Beachy looked Directors Ivan Wesley Baugh, James Parker Morgan, Alaire lours for the choral organizations. A Cappel la Choir Members of the A Cappella Choir were selected by audition and represented all col­leges and schools of the University. The choir presented a varied repertoire, but emphasized classical choral literature from the Sixteenth Century to contemporary works. The credo of the A Cappella was quality of performance, and each year the members strove for a disci­pline which would allow technical and inter­pretive forces to develop into the ultimate goal-artistic and communicative perform­ances. Fall performances were given in several local high schools and an early performance was presented for the state convention of the State Farm Bureau. Prior to their performance for the state convention of Texas Music Edu­cators Association, the choir took a four-day tour through several coastal cities and the Valley. An April tour was planned for cities in the eastern part of the State. The year ended with the annual Spring Concert in Hogg Auditorium. Officers for the year were Gordon Wal­ don Middleton, president; Charles Sydney Tu­ ret, vice-president; Janet Susan Bullington, treasurer; Gayle Cerminaro, secretary; and Ann L. Whitworth, social chairman. Bruce Andrew McDonald was accompanist; Morris J. Beachy was conductor; and Douglas Neil Morgan was the choir's faculty adviser. Tom Wadsworth Acord Andrew Ryan Allen Catherine G. Baker Karen Ann Berke Jill Biggs Martha Lou Boston Sue Florence Brown Janet Susan Bullington Gayle Cerminaro Jimmy Chapman Susan Dee Colovin Frances Crawford Diana Duke Diann Elizabeth Driver Daniel Eugene Eastlake Barbara Ann Fine Sherry Jan Freasier John Gilbert Galaznik Rita Anne Griffin MEMBERS Walter Gerald Harrison Mike Holloway Mildred Juanita Hubbard Karen Lynn Kennedy Johnny Maurice Kidd David W. Lamb John Langley John Alan Lummus Ruth Jeanne McAllister Martha Lou McAllister John S. McClelland Claudia K. McGuire Cathy Ann Marable Gordon J. Middleton Carolyn Moore Hays Moore Malcolm Gregory Nelson Russell Carl Nelson Sue Novick Ed Otto Ruth Elizabeth Peden Mary Christine Peterson Randolph E. Porter William John Proft Jr. Georgia A. Putegnat Bob Robertson Bill Ross Suzanna Mary Shuler Paul Gilbert Spencer Mike Stout Maurice Edward Thompson Charles S. Turet Jr. Theresa Lois Ward Richard Watkins James W. Webb Ann L. Whitworth Sallie Ann Worley Gregory Dale Wyatt 234 Elizabeth V. Adams Kathy Akin Maria Barbara Amen Sallie M. Baker Judy Ann Bandy Ronald Edward Barney John S. Bleakly Betsy Meredith Bond Phyllis Jayne Brown Janet Susan Bullington Kathy Cameron Michael Melton Card Anna Louise Carlson Sterling Price Carroll II James Chambers Jr. Jimmy Carl Chapman Ersalene F. Chappell Gay Correll Cindy L. Cox John Craig Frances Elizabeth Crawford MEMBERS Emily Suzanne Demme Cheryl L. Deshong Phyllis Annette Deter Katherine Doughty Nancy Leigh Downs Diann Elizabeth Driver Diana Duke Stephen Alfred Dunlap William Roark Dupre Sara Ann Edmonds Patricia Anne Farrell Joan Barbara Fenton Vicki Nancook Ferguson Beverly Faye Fisher Donna Foster Francis Patrick Foy Marjorie Anne Frazee Sherry Jan Freasier Alvin Harvey Frost John Gilbert Galaznik Mary Margaret Gibbs William Edwin Goodale Dorothy Dean Green Loula Louise Gregg Rita Anne Griffin Paul George Hansen Steve Bernard Hanson Ingrid Birgenia Haterius Susan Elizabeth Henley John Michael Holloway Keith Ann Howard Mildred Juanita Hubbard Edward Edeene Hudson Jr. Donna Marie Johnson Linda Ruth Johnson Irma Lara Linda Jean Lege Karen Aurelia Lehr Axel Emil Lehto Judy Sharon Lively Norma E. Longoria John Alan Lummus Mark Samuel Luther Cathy Ann Marable Mildred Marie Marek Danny Adrian Martin Rise Eileene Matlock William Brett Maxwell Concert Choir During the year, the Concert Choir devot­ed its energies to the performances of major choral literature with orchestra. Its regular membership was supplemented by selected members from all other choral ensembles, thereby providing a well-balanced ensemble for the work chosen and creating the oppor­tunity for members of the other groups to sing this particular literature. The Christmas con­cert, given in Municipal Auditorium, presented "Chamber Mass" by Vivaldi for the first half of the program and a contemporary work, "Une Cantate de Noel" by Honegger, for the second half. The Concert Choir was joined by the Austin Chorale and Zilker Elementary Choir in the Honegger piece. A program of similar scope was planned for the spring semester. Morris J. Beachy was conductor. Martha Lou McAllister John Douglass McCasland William Morrison McClellan John S. McClelland Judith Lynn McCracken Bruce Andrew McDonald Ben Taylor McGuire Claudia K. McGuire Linda Louise McKee Lynda Kay McVey Leslie Lucille Milliren Evelyn Estabrook Moloney Linda Kathryn Monroe Hays Moore James Jerome Nabhan Ed Otto Elizabeth Agnes Owen Patricia G. Pair Catherine James Pavlidou Ruth Elizabeth Peden Mary Chri•tine Peterson Steve Peterson Lloyd Brian Porter Laurie Posgate William John Proft Shirley Ralston Anna Kathleen Rash Forest James Rees James Larry Reid Cynthia Ann Riesser Josie Rodriguez Peggy Jane Rose Linda Joyce Sank Suzanna Mary Shuler Edward Sledge Carol Jane Smith Charles l. Smith Jr. Patrick P. Smith Susan Gail Speck Michael Stehling Mary Carla Swenson Janet Gay Tedford Laura Kathryn Templeton Shirley Jean Tennyson Barbara Jo Till Marcia Beth Tracey Charles Sydney Turet Gail R. Waters Richard E. Watkins Christine Diana Weger John Alexander Wieriman I Ted Workman Kay Yantis I !1 I I The Concert Choir joined with the Symphony Orchestra and the Zilker Elementary Choir for l 967's annual Christmas concert. 235 Longhorn Singers An 80-member mixed choral group com­posed of students from all colleges of the University and under the direction of Ivan W. Baugh, the Longhorn Singers combined talent, hard work, and friendship which have enabled them to win the coveted Choral Organizations "Note of Spirit" award three out of the six years that the award has been presented. The Longhorn Singers sang for Ex-Student functions, local civic organizations, Austin high schools, and Hancock Shopping Center. The group also presented its first Christmas Con­cert which was highlighted with effective stag­ing and costuming. After the Christmas holi­days the singers participated in the Choral Organizations Mid-Winter Concert, sang for The University of Texas Football Banquet, and toured to Houston and New Orleans from January 28 through February 4. Officers for the year were Bruce W. Jaster, president; Da­vid M. Meeker, vice-president; Trudy Kier Skiff, secretary; Suzy K. Barneby, treasurer; and John Thomas Craig, program coordinator. Dean Arno Nowotny was faculty sponsor. FRONT ROW: Kay George, Jo Lynn Thomas, Bess Owen, Linda Monroe, Linda Pickard, Linda Hughes, Janice Carver, Linda Waterbury, Polly Grant, Linda McKee, Kay Yantis, Shirley Tennyson, Melinda Meyer, Trudy Skiff, Harriet Reynolds, Cheryl Coffin, Linda Terry, Cynthia Waters, Janene Hubbard, Doris Kristek, Marla Schumann, Linda Williams, Kathy Thomas, Donna Dudley, Phyllis Brown, Karen Lehr, Frances Clarke, Laverne Wh itworth, Mary Lou Schmidt, Donna Stark, Paula Cook, Leana Jones. SECOND ROW: Paul Hansen, Mike Martin, Bill Goodale, Eddie Littlefield, Steven Ungerleider, Robert Levi, Butch Boyd, Jim Barnes, Larry Jefferson, Mollie Hejl, Mary Gordon Spence, Mary Hazlip, Carole Essig, Arlene Walker, Kathy Cameron, Cathy Kinsel, Susan Mack, Louise Slade, Louise Carroll. THIRD ROW: Bruce Jaster, Charles VanZanl, Jim Porter, Tom Buford, Cliff Lanford, Sieve Peterson, Lanny Ferguson, Donnie Burgess, Sterling Carroll, Jimmy McDonald, Stan Prescoll, Paul Marable, David Meeker. FOURTH ROW: Keith Grieneeks, John Craig, Ted Workman, Mark Enderli, Albert Merubia, Don Johnson, Jim Walker, Clint Lawrence, Dick Maxwell. NOT PICTURED: Rick Cale, Cheryl Craig, Jeanette Curry, Leslie Flowers, Donald B. Johnson, Jerrilyn Johnson, Rinelle Margosh, James Peck, Jan Richards, Susan Tucker, Molly Zalesky. FRONT ROW: Trudy Skiff, Bruce Jaster, Mary Gordon Spence. SECOND ROW1 David Meeker, Ivan Baugh, John Craig, Eddie Littlefield. BELOW: Longhorn Singers re· hearsed for their Christmas holiday con· cert performance in Texas. - • t •• • • •• • • •• •t ...... t· ••••••• ....... ; • . • • •• • . •. • .... ••••• • • ,, • . FRONT ROW: Joanne Kassel, Jennifer McCrory, Johanna Franke. SECOND ROW: James Morgan, Gayle Cerminaro, Charles McDonell, Jane Wyss, Rod Keating. THIRD ROW: Sylvia Hutchison, Tom locheed, Tom Acord, Joanie Fenton, Ed Otto. NOT PICTURED: Ivan Wesley Baugh, Raymond Augustus lynch, Victoria Morrill. Madrigal Singers Dedicated to the performance of vocal chamber music of all periods, the University Madrigal Singers presented the most select vocal ensemble of the eight-member choral organizations. The group has given perform­ances in many parts of the United States as well as many foreign countries. Through such appearances the Madrigal Singers have gained a national reputation, hailed by critics as a leader of its own field. Two separate tours were scheduled dur­ing the year, in addition to several local per­formances. In March, the Madrigals traveled through West Texas, while a May tour took them to several states in the eastern part of the country. The organization was open to all University students by audition. Although re­quirements were strict, the group's member­ship contained a good representation of non­music majors. Morris J. Beachy directed the Madrigal Singers. On their Austrian tour, the Madrigal Singers were honored at a reception with Leonard Bernstein. 238 OFFICERS: Thomas Schneider, secretary; Benjamin Rodriguez, vice-president; Charles Hooks Ill, president; Brian Adkins, treasurer. Men's Glee Club The oldest choral group on campus, the Men's Glee Club, was composed of men who enjoy the tradition of a male chorus. The rep­ertoire of the group was extremely varied, in­cluding Broadway show tunes, patriotic num­bers, the more familiar popular tunes, sacred works, and serenade numbers. The club was directed by James Parker Morgan, teaching as­sistant in music, and accompanied by Mary Carol May on the piano in the fall. During the year the group toured West Texas and New Mexico during semester break in January. Weekend trips to Houston, Dallas­Fort Worth, and San Antonio rounded out the spring semester. On-campus appearances in­cluded a combined concert with the Southern Singers, as well as participation in the Dad's Day activities in November, the annual Choral Organization carol-sing on the South Mall at Christmas, the Mid-Winter concert in Jan­uary, and a spring concert. In keeping with one of the club's more pleasant traditions, members serenaded vari­ous sororities and women's dorms throughout the year. The Sundowners, a folk-singing group originating in the club, also performed. FRONT ROW: Benjamin Rodriguez, Richard Dolifka, Edward Polansky, Doyle Rogers, Reavis Tomlinson. FOURTH ROW: Steven Gamboa, William Rob Sloan, Thomas Barra, Robert Liddell Jr., John Nichols, Robert Carter, Berger, Edward Prado, Thomas Hurt, Charles Henson, Robert Wahrmund, Stephen Cowan, Thomas Schneider, Christian Bohmfalk, Patrick Smith. Gary Brown, James Kilgore, Tony Borden, Douglas Webb, Charles SECOND ROW: Warren Rees, Blocker Meitzen, John McCasland Jr., Hooks Ill. NOT PICTURED: Herman Bazaman, Peter Van Deison, James Fredric Van Jones, James Walker, Charles Jones, John Cameron, Michael Ellerbrock, Mark Luther, Leo Ofman, Donald O'Neal, Jennings Naranjo, McHone, Leland Lumbley, Larry Damron, Brian Adkins, Stephen Child, James Morgan, director, Stephen Dunlap, spring accompanist. Robert James. THIRD ROW: Ted Jordan, Francis Foy, George Zapata Jr., Southern Singers An all-girl chorus offering members fel­lowship and an opportunity to broaden their understanding of music for public perform­ances, the Southern Singers scheduled many activities with the Men's Glee Club. They ac­cepted invitations to sing at Lexington and Rockdale and held joint rehearsals and an Italian supper party. The Glee Club-Southern Singers activities culminated in their campus concert, which was video-taped by KHFl-TV. The girls' calendar also included singing dates for the University Kiwanis Club of Aus­tin, the Texas exes at the Alumni Center, for Dad's Day at the Union, the Christmas carol sing on the Mall, and the Mid-Winter Concert. Concert appearances at Fort Sam Houston, Lackland Air Force Base, and Fort Hood high­lighted the performance calendar. The spring tour took them to military bases in other states and HemisFair in San Antonio. Fall accompanist was Mary Carol May. Officers were Priscilla Mojica, president; Pam­ela Shropshire, secretary; Sandra Gordon, treasurer; Patricia Ogle, librarian; Jane Hezlep. and Joanne Durflinger, wardrobe. Alaire How­ard Lowrey directed the Singers. FRONT ROW: Sherrianne Wylie, Anna Rash, Vonciel Jones, Ardath Payne, Gordon, Donna Foster, Janice Speer, Georgia Bohuslav, Christina Moore, Candace Landis, Susan Ericson, Josie Rodriguez, Dianne Casey, Priscilla Janis Newberry, Toni Hartley, Blanquita Walsh, Brooke Corley, Virginia Mojica, Barbara Hult, Barbara Higgins, Marilyn Townsend, Shirley Kuchar. Christie, Barbara Waltzer, Bonnie Barnes. FOURTH ROW: Lynn Johnson, SECOND ROW: Betty Koivula, Kay Twidwell, Norma Longoria, Janice Sharon Rentz, Kathy Akin, Carlene Ashlock, Carolyn Petmecky, Cynthia Murray, Meryl Cherry, Janet Carter, Marcelle Lacouture, Trudy Traner, Word, Becky Hughes, Jill Vorhauer, Pamela Shropshire, Carla Fink, Patti Betty Crocker, Nancy Duerr, Andree Guillot, Toni Shelton. THIRD ROW: Davis, Judy McCracken, Kathleen O'Connor, Susan Lewis, Stephen Rosemary Galloway, Patricia Ryan, Patricia Kintz, Mary Naranjo, Debbie Dunlap, spring accompanist. 240 LEFT TO RIGHT: La rry Smith, Karol Rice, Elmer Addington, Edith Hudson, Jimmy Averitt, Ingrid Haterius, Mary Martin, David Meeker, Martha McAllisier, John McClelland, Janci Goodson, Maurice Thompson, Gay Correll, Michael Card, Edgar Littlefield, accompanist. Varsity Singers rehearsed a new routine for their Colorado tour. Varsity Singers One of the most recently organized of the eight choral organizations on the University campus, Varsity Singers was a small, versatile ensemble of selected voices. The fourteen­member group specialized in presenting a live­ly show performed with movement and color. Since its organization in 1963, Varsity Singers have gained popularity quickly through its many performances both on-and off-campus as well as on extended tours. During the year, the Singers performed in many cities in a Colorado tour. Repertoire for the Varsity Singers includ­ed special arrangements of folk, spiritual, and popular music as well as lively arrangements of songs from Broadway and Hollywood hit musicals. Accompanist for the group was Ed­gar Bernard Littlefield. Jimmy Curtis Averitt served as business manager. Stanley D. Wood­mansee filled the position of director in the fall and Ivan Wesley Baugh in the spring. Christian Science members met in the reading room. Christian Science Organization The Christian Science Organization was sponsored by the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. The organization was established at the Uni­versity in the early l 930's and has since ex­perienced growth and expansion of its activi­ties. Active membership in the Christian Sci­ence Organization provoked students into thought of spiritual values, acquainted them with the responsibilities of true brotherhood, and stimulated their search for means of Christian service. Last year the organization gave a fall and spring reception for students interested in Christian Science. It also sponsored a fall lec­ture by Martin N. Heafer of Houston and a spring lecture by Mrs. Lenore D. Hanks of Port­land, Ore. The organization held its annual Alumni Day in the spring. Officers for the fall were James F. Eason, president; Larry Bruck, vice-president; Sara Marie Stuewe, secretary; K. Ronald Higgins, treasurer; and Karen F. Christmann, member-at-large. James R. Brock served as the group's faculty adviser. FRONT ROW: Lawrence Bruck, Sara Stuewe, James Eason, Karen Christ· mann. SECOND ROW: Mary LeTulle, Mary Wentworth, Barbara Tschirgi, Pamela Osgood, Deborah Disney, Catherine Werth, Carolyn Dorman. THIRD ROW: Susan Colovin, Randolph Mueller, Frederick Poppe, John Perry, George Tatman, John Bennett, Anne Fraser. 242 FRONT ROW: Toni Hartley, William Green. SECOND ROW: John Rapier, Sylvia Campos, George Zapata Jr. THIRD ROW: Van Secrest. BELOW: Former Attorney General Waggoner Carr addressed the group. Conservative Democrats By sponsoring a political educational speaker program, the Conservative Democrats worked to present students with a better un­derstanding of the Texas Democratic Party. Speakers addressing the group were Wag­goner Carr, former Attorney General; Will D. Davis, chairman of the State Executive Demo­cratic Committee; Dean E. B. Price, Dean of Student Activities at the University; Lt. Gov. Preston Smith; and Secretary of State John Hill. Members also worked in the 1968 Texas elections and the UT House of Delegates. Founded on May 4, 1967, the group was organized to fill the vacuum that existed on campus In the ranks of the Democratic Party and met the challenge of the Left and the Texas Republican Party. Gov. John Connally signed the charter officially linking the or­ganization to the Texas Democratic Party. Officers for the year were William Ray Green, chairman; Van Carter Secrest, execu­tive vice-chairman; George Zapata Jr., asso­ciate vice-chairman; Toni Hilliard Hartley, sec­retary; John Edward Rapier, treasurer. William Junius Carter, professor of mechanical en­gineering, served as faculty sponsor. 243 Cordettes used the football practice field to practice their drills. Cordettes An honorary service supplement to the Army ROTC, Cordettes selected its members for their scholarship, leadership, and service to the University, as well as their beauty and poise. The Cordettes acted as official hostesses for the Army ROTC, served as administrative aids, attended ROTC drill and Corps functions, and publicized the Army Corps. Some of the girls acted as sponsors to various brigades. A pledge class was tapped each semester fol­lowing a two-period rush by invitation and nomination by members of the Corps and Cordettes. Members must have 1.4 grade­point average to be eligible for membership. Cordette activities included money-raising projects to pay for new uniforms, a picnic with the Corps, and attendance at ROTC intra­mural games. Active on campus with repre­sentatives in many campus activities, Cordettes served as cheerleaders, Orange Jackets, Spooks, and on the Orientation Steering Com­mittee. Officers for the year were Judith Kathryn Byrd, commander; Nancy Lynn Haralson, ex­ecutive officer; Karen Allyne Scruggs, adju­tant; Sherrie Diane Sanford, comptroller; Rosa­lyn Lee Pransky, information; Cheryl Ann Burr, operations; and Nancy Jo Fleury, supply. Lt. Col. Lawrence E. Denny was adviser. Members discussed the various aspects of Cordette training. 244 Crow's Nest A group of 53 midshipmen of the Uni­versity Naval ROTC unit, the Crow's Nest Club provided the nucleus of leadership and par­ticipation in the NROTC unit. The Crow's Nest operated as a cooperative house, with Nest affairs handled entirely by elected officers. Active in campus activities, the Nest had mem­bers in Texas Cowboys, Silver Spurs, the Buc­caneer Drill Team, and Navy intramural teams. Among social activities last year was the annual Christmas party for children from the Pan-American Center in East Austin. Officers for the year included Carl Clifton Hill, presi­dent; Edward Clark Moore, vice-president; Dennis Oliver Olson, treasurer; Rodger Paul Kester, food buyer; and Michael James Clark, work manager. Lt. Charles Lewis Berry was . faculty sponsor ·for the group. D. Fisher R. Frnka M. Gale B. Green C. Hill J. Holbach R. Kayser R. Kester C. Loibner F. Moon CROW'S NEST EXECUTIVE COUNCIL: FRONT ROW: James Burns, Michael Clark, Francis Galloway Jr., Rodger Kester, Carl Hill Ill , Edward Moore, Richard Kayser. SECOND ROW: William Brandon, Robert Ebner, William Steshko, Robert Felle, James Collins, William Davis, Dennis Olson. 245 In February, the Delta Sigs held a rush party for prospective members. FRONT ROW: Michael Weil, Phillip Montgomery, William Rogers, Edwin Pryor, Nikolai Kerpchar, Terry Lutz, Steve Pena. SECOND ROW: John Hoopes, Paul Mallett, David Wright, Edward Burdick, James Hunter, Dennis Cavner, Daniel Bedoya, George Wroten 111, Alberto Gonzalez, Michael Summers, Richard Parker, Lewis Boyd, Scott McGuire, Jerry Monaghan, Harold Israel, John Thurman Jr. THIRD ROW: Thomas Master­son, Charles Crawford, David Norwood, William Murray, James Cooper Jr., William Mccollum Jr., David Swanson, Steve Wischer, Charles Taylor Jr., Edward Morris, William Seaver, Meredith Price, Kenneth Casey, Albert Allen, John Neel. FOURTH ROW: Randall Glass, James Snow, Roy Bragg, James Berne, Danny Byers, Charles Buerschinger, Troy Calhoun, Myer Lipson, Robert Brisbin, Stanley Crowe Jr., Danny Johnson, Jackson Bland, Robert Garcia Jr., Billy Wilson, John Rogers, Lew Hunt, Theodore Gon­zalez, Kirk Anderson, Fred Randolph, Tracy Faulks. FIFTH ROW: Howard Murray, Gary Gandy, Richard Spears, Merle Arnold II, Victor Miro-Quesada, Jorge Palza, Mike Norris, Robert Rice, William Minyard 111, Larry Laden, Drew West, Rick Corn Jr., John Dillon Jr., Thomas Brunet, Joseph Warner, Patrick Fitzgerald, Fred Clark, James Morgan Jr., Foye Yoakum. 246 FACULTY MEMBERS GRADUATE MEMBERS Harold D. Albertson Henry Ralph Klawitter Kim Tung Au Richard Lee Kleir Carl Ray Bailey Charles Elbert Laird Jr. Gilber Lowell Baker Richard Kent Lennington Albert W. Baird Ill Jerry Lloyd Ligon Thomas G. Banks 111 Daniel G. Mackey James K. Beard George Bond Mackey James David Becker Gayle Patrick Martin William E. Belote Michael K. Masten George Alvin Bennett Roy Miller Matney John E. Boehle Richard Dixon Maxwell Allen Dickson Boger Jr. David James Mayhall Austin Neal Brinson Jr. Gerald lewis Neely Milton T. Buchanan Robert Leonard Nelson Jr. Robert Randolph Caddel Phillip Sanford Noe George l. Cardwell Ill John Marlin Old Billy Dan Carroll David Nathan Pate Kenneth Randolph Castleman Frederick W. Patrick Richard Nelson Chandler Allen Barr Plunket Donald Ray Chick Donnie Joe Pounds Dickey Eugene Clardy Malcolm Richard Railey Reginald Wayne Clark Dan Keith Raley John Haven Davis Erwin Arthur Reinhard James Elliott Deans Howard Nixon Roberts James Harold Derryberry Janet A. l. Rudolph Joe l. Devine Charles Clemon Scaief 111 David Lynn Dobbins Allen Burnham Schmitt Spyros C. Economides Jerry Lynn Setliff Donald H. Eller John Frank Sextton Claude Herbert Feistel D'avid Rex Siever Martha Shultz Fowler Fred Lee Sims Walter R. Fuchs William Eldon Sims Daniel Graham Galloway John Rosecoe Smith Jr. Tom Jordan Gentry John Eric Swanson Ralph Herman Genz Chia-Hsiang Sung Howard Wesley Glueck Wadih Hanna Toubassi Berl Paul Guyton Bernard Frank Tupa Robert W. Hanks Jesus Turullois Dale Ralph Harbison Fawwaz Tayssir Ulaby Frank C. Harris Joe Byron Underwood Guy Walter Haynes James Terry Walker Kenneth Ray Hessel lieh-Chun Wang C. Gene Hilborn Jr. Frederic Weigl Jimmy Herbert Hinton Thomas William Whaley Jr. Howard Don Holden Thomas Lee Wharton Gary Lynn Hunt James Douglas Wolfe James R. Kamrath Darrell Roy Word Fredrick J." Kirkpatrick Eddie Young James Brian Klahn Edward Arnold Zwald Jr. With over 60,000 members from 121 chapters, Eta Kappa Nu offered recognition to individuals who, by they attainments in college or practice, have shown su­perior academic performance, capacity for hard work, good character, and promise for professional success. The local chapter assisted the Department of Electrical Engineering by helping with displays for Round-Up Showcase and the Engineering Power Show. For the first time, Eta Kappa Nu held tutorial sessions every week in beginning electrical engineering courses for students having difficulties under­standing the fundamentals. Fall officers included Thomas Lee Wharton, president; Charles Michael Watson, vice-president; Darryl Paul Green­wood, corresponding secretary; Kim-Tung Au, recording secretary; and John Hal Wary, treasurer. Faculty sponsors were John Richard Cogdell, assistant professor of electrical engineering, and Roy Rankin Krezdorn, associate professor of electrical engineering. Officers for the spring were Darryl Paul Greenwood, president; Richard Finley Fergu­son, vice-president; John W. Chapion Jr., recording sec­retary; Claude Vernon King Ill, treasurer; David Fred Have­mann, corresponding secretary; and Herbert Lyndon Tay­lor, associate professor of electrical engineering, sponsor. Francis X. Bostick Clarence l. Coates Jr. John Richard Cogdell William C. Duesterhoeft Bob M. Fannin Otto M. Friedrick William D. Gregg William H. Hartwig Elmer l. Hixson Roy Rankin Krezdorn UNDERGRADUATE MEMBERS Larry Wayne Abernathy Richard Robert Collier George Robert Craig Robert Mark Emmer Richard Finley Ferguson John Martin Gilmore Jr. Darryl Paul Greenwood Michael T. Hodkin Thomas Allen Jones Norman Glenn Koepnick Andrew Crockett Kyle John W. Champion Jr. Samuel Kenneth Culp Robert Hart Graham Michael l. Green David Fred Havemann Edward J. Heitzeberg 111 James Julian Hinds Claude Vernon King Alfred Hall LaGrone Thomas E. Mueller Edward Joseph Powers Charles Harold Roth Jr. Harold W. Smith Jackie l. Stone William K. Sonneman Archie W. Straiton Herbert Lyndon Taylor Edward J. Wagner FALL PLEDGES SPRING PLEDGES William Travis Maxey James Leo McCreary Lawrence Miller Payne Gilbert A. Peon Thomas Gordon Price Jr. Hector Ruiz-Cardenas Robert Siller Kenneth David Thompson Charles Michael Watson John Hal Wray Dimitrios G. Lainiotis Oavid Michael Lee Gordon Shaw Novak Jr. Harry Doyle Record Lloyd Garland Turner Malculm Ellsworth Vaughan Paul Martin Weaver Ashley James Welch James R. Bennett Kim W. Cox Dennis James Crocker Jerald Paul Dykstra John F. Hunka Michael M. Johnson David Arthur Low Hugh Thompson Mcilwain Jr. Peter Benedict Mumola Kenneth Clarke Olivier Charles Edward Peet Jr. Chittoor V. Ramamoorthy Scott Murray Smith Richard Alan Vrba John R. Wilcox Jr. Eta Kappa Nu 248 FACULTY MEMBERS Charles T. Clark John Connally William A Cunningham Gus M. Hodges Albert Pearson Jones Calvin Cleave Nolen Arno Nowotny John G. Steele Benjamin Fletcher Wright MEMBERS Lloyd Willis Birdwell Jr. Tommy Neal Cowan Platt Walker Davis Ill Clifford W. Drummond Harvey Radnor Eanes Ill Jim Ray Fletcher Michael Eugene Gammon Anthony Charles Jung Rostam Mehraban Kavoussi Friar Society FALL INITIATES Jerry D. Box John Cardwell Lloyd Doggett David Roy Lambert Jerry Richard Grammer C. 0. Patterson Jim Tom Haynes Terry W. Peterson Dan Keith Seilheimer Aubrey Lee Pettit SPRING INITIATES Howard Nixon Roberts Shelley Duval James Benton Rylander Philip Lawrence Eiserloh Terry Oliver Tottenham Philip Howard Fleckman Richard John Van Steenkiste Kevin Holcomb Joe Bill Watkins Joe Lee Stubblefield Recognizing outstanding contributions to the Uni­versity and providing a continuing channel of communi­cation and comradeship between members who are still attending the University and those who have graduated, the Friar Society offered members the opportunity of meeting and discussing the problems and goals of the University with the most outstanding men who have at­tended this school. Founded in 1911, the Friar Society was the oldest and highest honorary organization on campus. It annually selected for membership twelve or fewer men, of second­semester junior rank or above, who have made significant and outstanding contributions to the University. Specific points considered in selection of new members included leadership, scholarship, service, integrity, character, and evidence of a love for the University. The Society held two initiation and reunion breakfasts during the year to which all members of the Society were invited. Fall officers were Richard John Van Steenkiste, abbot; Terry W. Peterson, scrivener; and Clifford W. Drummond, almoner. Spring officers were Mike Pettit, abbott; Jerry Richard Grammer, scrivener; and Tommy Neal Cowan, almoner. FRONT ROW: Judith Beaver, Cinda Cyrus, Cherri Oakley, Nancy Gent, Karen Berndt, Sheila Gallagher, Ann Fortson. MEMBERS NOT PICTURED: Janet Hirsch. SECOND ROW: Libby Holland, Charleen Schwemer, Fanchon Pamela Baggett, Carolyn Berry, Bernice Bridges, Dee Ann Brown, Jeanette Lunin, Lucinda Hanks, Jean Stavinoha, Becky Lanier, Mollie Graves, Difilippo, Linda Garrison, Grace Hane, Hannah Lane, Beth McEnery, Susan Bettye Gormley, Cynthia Cooper. THIRD ROW: Anna Morris, Pamela Melton, Toni Moore, Nancy Morris, Judy Orton, Olivia Potter, Kellyn Yarborough, Paula Bullard, Sharon Perry, Leslie Berman, Mary Goodwin, Rozier, Lizabeth Scott, Sharon Todd, Linda Wisner. and two lo VI. ·1, Gamma Alpha Chi Truth and service in advertising were the ideals of Gamma Alpha Chi, national profes­ sional advertising fraternity for women. The Alpha Nu chapter introduced college girls in advertising and related majors to profession­ als in the field through guest speakers and field trips to agencies and advertising depart­ ments of retail stores and firms. During the year, the chapter sponsored talks by Bob Fouchard, director of promotion for the Hous­ ton Post, and Al Boyd, owner of an Austin advertising agency. The chapter worked close­ ly with Alpha Delta Sigma to bring nationally recognized professionals to the University campus. Officers for the year were Cherri Lynn Oakley, president; Judie Lynn Beaver, vice­ president; Cinda Lynne Cyrus, treasurer; Nan­ cy Katherine Gent, secretary; and Janet Flor­ ence Hirsch, reporter. Faculty sponsors for the year were Alan Scott and Ellen Pender­ graft. Spring initiates include Margaret Eliza­ beth Coleman, Annita Anne Dyer, Mary Wil­ lene Hruska, Jeanette Ann Hunt, Bobbie Sue Mock, Josie Corning McSweeny, Dotty New­ house, and Priscilla Wallace. Alpha Delta Sigma and Gamma Alpha Chi members chatted with guest speaker John Cozle of Commercial Record ing Corporation, Dallas. 249 I ' I Gamma Delta An international association, Gamma Del­ta was composed of Lutheran college students. The University Kappa chapter aimed to train Lutheran students for Christian service to God and man. Members participated in community service projects, social activities, theological discussions and attended the annual Gamma Delta convention in January. Officers were Julius Lee Tacquard, presi­dent; Terrence Albert Kuhlmann, vice-presi­dent; Ann Margaret Ballman, secretary; Ste­phen Leonard Mueller, treasurer; and Donna Maxine Theis and John William Krueger, so­cial chairmen. Rev. Charles Henry Born, pastor of The University Lutheran Church, was the sponsor. Members not pictured were Darla Mae Beckman, Terry Thomas Collins, William Paul Dannevik, Linda Nell Dome!, Valie Geyer, Thomas L. Gibson, Michael Alton Haecker, Herbert William Hirsch Jr., Edward Frederick Horn, Gloria J. Jordan, Geneva Ann Kirsch, Lou Ann Liebscher, Michael Willard Lobdell, Molly Eleanor Maltsberger, Sharon Ann Mc­Whirter, Thomas John Mueller, Kenneth George Schindewolf, Barbara Ann Smith, and Ray Allen Zischang. FRONT ROW: John William Krueger, Donna Maxine Theis, Terrence Albert Doering, Cheryl Ruth Walker, Lynda Darlene Maresh. THIRD ROW: Tony Kuhlmann, Julius Lee Tacquard, Ann Margaret Ballman, Stephen Leonard George Morgan, Joe Allan Fischer, Victor Lynn Schill, Irvin Melvin New· Mueller, Reverend Charles Henry Born. SECOND ROW: Mary Elaine Frank, man Jr., Michael Paul Dobrasko, Mark Allen Doering, David Arthur Sterner, Sandra Lee Sloan, Mary Gary Petmecky, Kathy Meyerhoff, Warna Rhea George Ernest Schumann, Bobby Ray Junker, John Max Hirsch, Martin Odom, Judith Lynn Combs, Ruth Ellen Becker, Christine Ann Hanneman, Randolph Wuensche, Vernon. Edgar Wuensche. Deborah Lillian Sielaff, Janet Nan Hix, Mary Linda Sterner, Mary Elizabeth 250 FRONT ROW: Virginia Searight, Sharon West, Beverly Haynes, Patricia Fowler, Carol Morrow, Ruth Taylor, Mary Rylander, Jan Klecka, Betty Kfntz, Marian Graves, Kiersta, Robert Twombly, Doris Kristek, Katherine Koivula, Dorothy Ferguson, Ellen McDaniel, Kay Coughran. FOURTH ROW: Boozer, Vonciel Jones, Margaret Peck. SECOND ROW: Bertha Burson, Mollie Childs, Judy Hawthorne, Toni Hartley, Jane Hezlep, Elizabeth Pattie Knight, laura Garner, Mary Moody, Virginia Alspaugh, Bonnie Kernodle, Lynn Johnson, Jo Morris, Amelia Goehring, Gayle Wooldridge, Cross, Christine Morgan, Kathleen Hiett, Mary Wilson, Karen Breen, Gwen Donna Craig, Dolores Slomchinski, Judith Gordon, Janet Bailey. Richardson. THIRD ROW: Judith Zerdecki, Cheryl Lowe, Mary Neil, Polly Gamma Delta Epsilon The Beta chapter of the women's national service sorority, Gamma Delta Epsilon, worked with the girls at Mary Lee School, helped man the polls for campus elections, and conducted surveys for the Dean of Men's and Dean of Women's offices. In service to the nation, GDE's worked with the local USO and collected soap to send to the Vietnamese people. To­gether with Coach Darrell Royal and the var­sity football players, GDE's chaperoned 116 first-graders on a trip to the circus in October. Members assisted the Students' Associa­tion in its drive to aid victims of Hurricane Beulah. The group worked with other Uni­versity groups to collect money for UNICEF. Officers for the year were Marian Louise Graves, president; Beverly Bernice Haynes, administrative vice-president; Doris E. Kristek, service vice-president; Patricia Jean Kintz, membership vice-president; Katherine Lee Boozer, treasurer; Vonciel Jones, secretary; and Sharon Lynn West, reporter-historian. Robert Gray Twombly was adviser. GDE's spring pledges were Carolyn Kay Cole, Diana Der Bing, Susan Gaynell Gould, Martha Susan Mack, Patricia Ann Pope, Bev­erly Diane Round, Guadalupe (Lupe) Ruiz, Priscilla Ann Talkington, Bonnie Eudora Tip­ton, Susan Tullos, Carol Ann Tunstall, Alice Van Binsbergen, and Willadene Voigt. Beverly Haynes entertained a child at the circus. 251 FRONT ROW: Poly Amakis, Nelson Neokleous, Alexander Arnakis, Koula Jesse Molina. NOT PICTURED: Elaine Agalou, Napoleon Avaneas, Peter lolos, Carolyn Protopapas, Stephen Agalou. SECOND ROW: Konstantinos Chlnlnis, Polly Fowler, Katherine Georgacakis, Vicki Klaras, Nicholas lambrakos, Effie Georgas, June Mela!, Tina lambrakos, Catherine Pavlidou, Kypreos, Petros Kyprios, Gus lolos, Thespo Parker, Pavlos Roussos, Philippa Coetzee, Spyres Economides. THIRD ROW: Athanasios Protopapas, Kikl Skandalis. Alkis Mouradoglou, Angelos Panagopoulos, Pamela Gates, Chris loannou, Hellenic Club Fostering interest in Greece through so­cial and academic activities, the Hellenic Club held numerous informal parties, highlighted by a Thanksgiving picnic in the fall and the Greek Easter lamb roast in the spring. Aca­demically, the club heard several distinguished speakers and held panel discussions. Although membership of the club con­sisted primarily of persons of Greek descent, any student or faculty member interested in Greece was welcomed. Officers for the year were Alex G. Ar­nakis, president; Koula A. Lolos, vice-presi­dent; Nelson Kyriakou Neokleous, secretary­treasurer; Stephen Agalou, Nicholas Mercouris Kypreos, Konstantinos F. Lambrakos, and Mrs. Carolyn Protopapas, executive committee. Ga­reth Morgan was the faculty sponsor. Members escaped routine school activities and enjoyed a peaceful picnic. 252 Horne Ee Chapter A professionally oriented organization designed to acquaint members with careers in home economics, the Home Economics Chapter was affiliated with the Texas Home Economics Association. Members participated in the College Chapters Workshop in San An­tonio in the fall and the THEA Convention in Fort Worth in the spring. During the summer of 1967, some students attended and helped in the planning of the AHEA Convention in Dallas. Within its immediate organization, the chapter awarded three scholarships each year which were supported through the sales of coffee and donuts each morning in the Home Economics Building. Programs were varied and concentrated in several different areas, ranging from a discussion of career oppor­tunities to a spring fashion show where cloth­ing construction students modeled their own creations. A highlight of the year was a visit from THEA president, Mrs. Gayle Wilson. Officers for the year were Connie Lynn Taylor, president; Jo Carol Johnson, first vice­president; Mary Patricia Schmitz, second vice­president and State historian; Gail Ellen Ar­nold, secretary; Marty Nye, treasurer; Melissa Gail Sledge, reporter; Pam Seigler, foods chairman; Anita Louise McNevin, social chair­man; and Kari Fuquay, House of Delegates representative. Tracy Fehlis Aycock and Peggy Marilyn Bass were faculty advisers. FRONT ROW: Melissa Sledge, Anita McNevin, Donna Voss. SECOND ROW: Gail Arnold, Jo Carol Johnson, Connie Taylor, Mary Schmitz. THIRD ROW: Tracy Aycock, Carol Gilbert, Mary Meismer, Ann Williams, Pamela Seigler, Peggy Bass. 253 International Club A Texas Union organization, the Inter­national Club promoted mutual understanding, cooperation, and friendship among American and foreign students. Membership was open to all students and provided opportunities to meet people from many countries. Among club activities was an Interna­tional Dance Festival featuring entertainment from countries around the world. Suppers, films, exhibits, and discussions were held dur­ing the week-long Christmas Bazaar at which articles from different countries were sold. The Buddy Program, matching American and foreign students, helped orient the for­eign student to life on the campus. A trip to Mexico also was sponsored by the club during spring vacation. Officers for the year were Rostam Mehraban Kavoussi, president; Stephen Earle Donwerth, vice-president; Bev­erly Diane Jeschke, secretary; and Uma Devi Ravipaty, treasurer. Mrs. Mary Lou Solomon served as the group's sponsor. FRONT ROW: Chandrakant Desai, Jeanie Ricketts, Umd Ravipaty, Stephen Donwerth, Rostam Kavoussi, Mary Solomon, Melodie Eades, Ralph Thor­ton. SECOND ROW: Houshang Masudi, Arvid Youngquist, Joyce Warren, Carolyn Moore, Carlos Gonzalez-Delgado, Susana Alsina, Vinci Feliz, Ramiro Escalante, Phisit Phisillhakorn. THIRD ROW: Ben Carroll, Mary Frank, Omar Jazzar, Armando Rodriguez, Zaidee Waggoner, Mary Fredrik­sen, Jo Berg, Barbara Tabor, Dorothy Wright, Mary Fleming, Fusako Sato, Vicki Watkins, Joe Baltazar, Saiyed Ali, Richard Harlow. FOURTH ROW: Elizabeth Gray, Nelson Neokleous, Barbara Levinson, Linda Pacheco, Patricia Swearingen, Lynda Coleman, Mario Concha-Zuniga, Kenneth Nowotny, Judith Echols, Deborah Smith, Jessica Alexander, Grace Alamia, Reynaldo Macedo, Diana Hansen. FIFTH ROW: James Calderon, Pamela Smith, Mehdi Estakhr, Alkis Mouradoglou, Sher Mirza, Miguel Colina­Vargas, William Wear, Carmen Jackson, lee Rothenberg, Ahmed Torkey, Douglas Hall, Henry Chang. NOT PICTURED: Thomas Cotner, Richard Darnwell. ABOVE: Students listeneCI to interesting debate. .. . .. -...... ·-· .. Phisit Phisitthakorn of Thailand recalled dating in the company of servants to the amusement of Susana Alsina from Argen­tina, who described how the shortage of night clubs in Argentina often brought young dating couples face to face with their parents on dates. Five foreign students, each representing a different area of the world, spoke on the differing dating customs of their coun­tries in an October session. "The Inter­national Hour," jointly sponsored by the International Club and the Newman Club, was designed to acquaint students with customs of other countries. Speaking on "Dating International Style," foreign stu­dents from Thailand, Argentina, Nigeria, Iran, and Sweden candidly discussed dat­ing habits in their respective countries. Dr. Henry H. Bowman, professor of sociol­ogy, was moderator for the fall program. - :... • • • • • • • • • • ••• • ... ·~ ~~•• ' ·: ·;. : •••••• ; • • • • • • • • • ' ...... ·::·· FRONT ROW: Baxter Womack, James Callaway, Paul Hartman, David Havemann, Claude King, Ronald Greening, Henry Rylander, Hugh Mc· llwain, Donald Luttrell. SECOND ROW: Michael Doyle, Robert Graham, Otto Orsak, Jonathan Fritz, Peter Reinecke, Robert Trapnell Jr., Leroy Hiller, David McElroy, Aquilino Alvarez-Adan, Mitchell Garnett, William McCown. THIRD ROW: Jay Jackson, Kenneth Moore, Jonathan Baethge, IEEE A professional society dedicated toward the advancement of the theory and practice of electrical engineering, electronics, radio, and allied branches of engineering and re­lated arts and sciences, the Institute of Elec­trical and Electronic Engineers served to fa­miliarize engineering students with advance­ments occurring in industry. Speakers lecturing at meetings during the year included E. D. Scarth of Texas Elec­trict Service; Elmer L. Hixson, associate pro­fessor of electrical engineering at the Univer­sity; and Jobie Dean of E. F. Hutton and Com­pany. Officers for the year were James Robert Callaway, chairman; Henry Grady Rylander Ill, vice-chairman; David Fred Havemann, sec­retary; Vernon King, treasurer; and Ronald Gene Greening, S.E.C. representative. Faculty advisers included both Baxter Frank Womack and Roy Rankin Krezdorn. • -• ' l' .. • ~. Claudio Salinas, Arthur Briseno, Joseph Nathman, Charles Peet Jr., Coy Doss, David Karback, Dale Patenaude, David Reindl, James Nutt Ill. FOURTH ROW: Earl Center, James Walker, Kenneth Thompson, Gordon Novak, Dennis Rasco, W. T. Eckert Jr., Tony Quisenberry, Norman Koep­nick, James Malone, Macka Murrah, Michael Johnson, Jamie Sefcik, Tom Banks. IEEE members spent a considerable amount of time in the laboratory. 256 Kappa Epsilon An honorary professional fraternity for wom­en in pharmacy, Kappa Epsilon had as its main goal the uniting of women in pharmacy. The Univer­sity's Xi chapter began the fall semester with a "Get Acquainted" party for all girls in pharm.:icy. Faculty wives were invited as special guests. At Christmas, Kappa Epsilon helped Phi Delta Chi with a party at Travis State School and Kappa Psi with a party for the children at Austin State School. A banquet honoring last spring's initiates was held Dec. 10 at The Barn. A cocktail party held early in the spring honored the faculty of the College of Pharmacy. Two scholarships were awarded to Bonnie Williams and Carmela Garcia at the midyear meeting of the Texas Chapter of Kappa Epsilon. On Feb. 23 and 24, Xi chapter of Kappa Ep­silon hosted the province convention. The chapter also made a bid to host the national convention in 1969. The officers for the year were Carmela Andrea Garcia, president; Sheridyn Shelby Mor­gan, vice-president; Patricia Ann Harrington, re­cording secretary; Cheryl Kay Lewis, corresponding secretary; Susan Elaine Barlemay, treasurer; and Doris June Beamer, reporter-historian. Sponsor was Mrs. Gerald Sullivan. Members not pictured were Nancy Carole Frazer, Olga Jo Garcia, Cheryl Kay Lewis, Faith Milling, Sharon Lizabeth Reed, Nancy Eileen Stover, and Carol Ann Voyles. Spring initiates were Rosa­lynne Gayle Abney, Maria Cecilia Gutierrez, Linda Elizabeth Herrera, Cathy J. Hoover, Bobby Jo Jones, Janet Jones, and Sue Ann Rhodes. C. Walker N. Walker M. White B. Williams 257 A fraternity open house was held for pharmacy majors during the fall semester. 258 Kappa Psi A professional pharmaceutical fraternity, Kappa Psi offered social as well as professional opportunities for its members. The year's ac­tivities included a party for underprivileged Austin children and an annual blood drive. Kappa Psi took an active part in State and national pharmaceutical conventions and in student branches of the American Pharma­ceutical Association and the Texas Pharma­ceutical Association. Officers for the year were Warren F. Neely, regent; Richard E. Beck, vice-regent; Herbert Eugene Kegans, secretary; Ernest Da­vid Henry, treasurer; and Jerry Lynn Morris, rush captain. Billy B. Wylie was grand council deputy for the organization. A. Beese S. Balas R. Bane G. Bazaldua R. Beck S. Bell C. Bode E. Bowen J. Bowmer C. S. Brown l. Thomas G. Thompson T. Tichner R. Tyre W. Warren K. White R. Wiltse G. Wortman J. Zavalla I. Zeitler MEMBERS NOT PICTURED Donald Gene Bethard Phillip Randell Bowers Dennis Jefferson Bowles Jackey Ray Bradsher Bennett F. Brooke Ray Rennicks Carr Elmer Alfred Cook John Tenison Corder Clif W. Drummond Jim Bremond Evans Bennett Wray Howell Larry Kent Lefevre Gayle Raymond Newcomb Gary Wayne Overbeck Jackie Ross Simmons Jon Carter Zelisko FACULTY Robert Graves Brown Henry Matthew Burlage Frank P. Cosgrove John Emerson Davis Jaime N. Delgado Gunnar Gjerstad Wallace Louis Guess Eugene Ivan Isaacson Gerald Sullivan Lee Frank Worrell Herbert F. Schwartz SPRING PLEDGES Harold Fay Collins Darrell Dicken Weldon Eugene Ferrell John Landrum Foster George E. Martin Michael Edward Mumme Robert Raney Schiller Jack W. Seely Philip Edward Shaver Gary Wrenn White Active members held a fall casual for the pledge class. 259 . . ---. . , . . . -.... ~ FRONT ROW: William Banks, Louis Squyres, John Barton, James Fite. SECOND ROW: Gordon Middleton Jr., David Bartek, George Greene, Charles Perkins, Wally Boyer, Thomas Stipulkosky Jr., Kenneth Williams, Thomas Porter, Joseph Glabasnia, Edward Burba, Curtis Varnell. THIRD ROW: Michael Tierney, Charles Bernhardt Jr., John love, Clark Curtiss, David Peters, Johnny Seekamp, John Olivo, Richard Robinson, Larry Lamberth, Fred Wright Jr., Charles Nash Ill. FOURTH ROW: William Hatcher Ill, Michael McClure, Robert Derrick, Gary Watt, Stephen Houston, Charles Barrow Jr., James Joy, Malcolm Nelson, Richard Ewing, Jerry Walton, Brian Evans, Richard Karm, John Wilson. FIFTH ROW: Hamilton Hays, Warren Bollmeier, James Lindsey, Noel Kelly, Charles Ellis, Steven Gideon, Kent Rider, Blocker Meitzen, Kenneth Sandberg Jr., John Hardesty, Tommy Cowan. Kappa Kappa Psi Membership in Kappa Kappa Psi, nation­al honorary fraternity for college bandsmen, was based on scholarship, leadership, musi­cianship, and service to the Longhorn Band. During football season, the fraternity was re­sponsible for loading and . transporting the band's equipment as well as providing band members with water throughout the games. Projects undertaken included serving barbe­cue prior to home games to both the Long­horn Band and visiting bands, hosting a party for the visiting chapter from Oklahoma State University, and participating in a number of other activities of service to the band. The fraternity also hosted several socials, includ­ing a fall hayride and the annual spring ban­quet. Officers for the year were Louis Leroy Squyres, president; John Edward Barton, vice­president; James Michael Fite, secretary; and William Ray Banks, treasurer. Representative to the House of Delegates was Jerry Wayne Walton. Richard Prenshaw was faculty spon­sor. Members not pictured were Glenn Robert Anderson, Charles Morton Berg, Clarence Wil­liam Dittman, Thomas Bede Rice, and Salyer Dick Vanderwerth. Pledges for the spring semester were Kenneth Charles Emery, Ar­mando M. Lopez Jr., and Thomas H. Wag­goner. 260 FRONT ROW: Bruce Turner, Charles Wahlert, Pam Greinert, Eric Wharton, Tom Bradshaw, Harry Lundell, Parker Brown, Neil King, David Mayhall. SECOND ROW: Randall James, Mike Henderson, David Montgomery, Cartier Evans, Mark Murray, Dana Lockler, Rick Heatley, Henry Teoh, Mark Mariani, John Pendleton, Michael Waugh. THIRD ROW: Charles Sears, Reggie Smyth, Paul Russell, Ronald Curtis, Rennie Harrison, Jack Karate Club Qualified instruction in karate as an art, a self-defense, a sport, and a method for at­taining physical fitness was available to Uni­versity students through the Tae Kwon Do Karate Club. The club came into prominence when head instructor John Wooley won second place in the National Karate Championships and John Worth Sweeney Jr. won first place in the brown belt division of the International Karate Championships. The club also attended the US Invitational Karate Championships and sponsored the 1968 University of Texas In­vitational Karate Tournament in Austin. Of­ficers were James Eric Wharton, president; Neil King, vice-president; William R. Smyth, secretary; and Ronnie Nance, treasurer. Davis, Jeb McNew, John Bales, Earl Mitchell. FOURTH ROW: John Holmes, Ernesto Alfaro, Douglas McCary, Donnie Walton, Ronn Richardson, George Kurachi Jr., Roger Ratl iff, Ernesto Dominguez, Don Kinder, Jane Bolinger, William Hagans, Robert Somoano, Ben Harris, Kim Mote, Sanna Solem. ABOVE: Members demonstrated their karate skill. MEMBERS NOT PICTURED Longhorn Band Organized 68 years ago by a University chemistry professor, the Longhorn Band has grown into the "Showband of the South­west." Made up of students from all colleges on the campus, the band entertained at pep rallies, football halftimes, and home basket­ball games. Members maintained Big Bertha, the largest drum in the world, and a number of other traditions including freshman bean­ies, initiation, and the Texas Belle, the two­foot tall cowbell heard during football games. The Band Council was the governing body of the band, made up of the five top officers of the band, the freshman advisers, and presidents of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma, band fraternities. Officers for the 1967-68 Longhorn Band were Richard Coad Robinson, president; Malcolm George Nelson, first counselor; Nancy K. McGehee, second counselor; David Wayne Peters, third coun­selor; and John Taylor Love, fourth coun­selor. Drum major was Dick Robinson. Lynn Esten Kohlenberg and Carla Fuerbacker were featured twirlers. The band was under the direction of Vincent Rairden DiNino, who was Mike Alton Anderson Ernest Wayne Bachus Dave W. Barham Wally Barrow Mike W. Bartlett Charles Fredrick Bernhardt Deborah Kay Braley Kurt Johann Bredthauer Paula Dale Brock Edward Thomas Burba Terry W. Cadwell Earl C. Center Wrynne Chandler Cherry Barbara June Childs Bill Camp Paula Jean Cook Robert Wallace Crone Michael Lee Denn Sherron Lynn Dimmick Clarence Dittman Dan Bradley Dydek James Lane Elmendorf J imm ie Wayne Farris Carla Vee Feuerpacher Robert Carter Fox Robert Allen Gallaway Phil ip Anthony Geis William Joseph Gervers Carolyn Elaine Good Robert Wayne Goodman Sandra Claire Hardin Hamilton Kirk Hays Wayne Thomas Henderson Carole Lynne Herrick Carl Fredrick Herring Jerry Sim Herron Jay Shelton Jackson Barbara Jane Jaeggli John Malcolm Joyce Sally Elizabeth Kloss Lynn Esten Kohlenberg Robert L. Lambert David Anderson Littlefield Steve E. Martin Keith A. Math Donna Margret Mathews Rose Ann Mcilvain Blocker D. Meitzen Brenda Kay Moorehead Joseph Eric Morrison Evelyn D. Muelder Cheryl Lynn Musket Ronnie Nance Russell E. Owen Carolyn Owens Kermit Andrew Paulos Charlie Leslie Perkins David Peters Thomas David Porter Sharon Lizabeth Reed Richard D. Relyea Suzanne Francis Reum Richard Coad Robinson Patricia Jeanne Rogas Jerome Charles Schwab Cathy Lee Smith Chad B. Starks Jimmy Tyrone Stewart Donnie Henry Supak James William Tankersley Sandra J. Ellis Taylor Michael Patrick Tierney Salyer Dick Vanderwerth G. Curtis Varnell Kitty Walker Jerry Wayne Walton Johnie Mack Walton Sharon E. Watkins Pamela Ann Weatherford Frances L. Wells Donald N. Walker John H. White Sharon C. Whiting Robert Allan Whitley Kathlyn Jean Whitsitt Bob Williams I ­ ' ... -. . . . ..., ... ,. ,............. : . . . . . . . ... ·····. . . . P. Fielder J. Fisher J. Fite C. Fax S. Franks B. Friedrich P. Gale A. Gary J. Gibson S. Gideon J. Glabasnia K. Graf l . Groves lll 264 SECTION LEADERS: FRONT ROW: Albert Schkade Jr., John Barton, Wally Boyer, Gordon Middleton, Thomas Stipulkosky, Charles Nash 111, David Bartek. SECOND ROW: Stephen Houston, Thomas Waggoner, Wayne Voskamp, Bill Camp, Malcolm Nelson, Charles McCalister, Gary Watt, David Peters, lee Ellbott. THIRD ROW: Richard Ewing, Warren Bollmeier, Louis Squyres, Charles Ellis, Steven Gideon, Kermit Graf, Kenneth Emery, David Campbell, John Hardesty. 266 Club's Board TO Warren, Larry Pat Martin as a flight in a Cessna was scheduled. Longhorn Flying Club Forming the world's largest flying club, the Longhorn Flying Club and its wholly owned subsidiary, the Longhorn Aero Club, had a total membership of over 2,300 mem­bers in 19 cities throughout Texas, New Mex­ico, and Oklahoma. One hundred and forty­two airplanes valued at well over $1 million were available to members. It was estimated that the amount of flying done by members during a 24-hour period would be enough to circle the globe one and one-third times. 1, Membership in the Longhorn Flying Club, presently over 300, was restricted to stu­ dents, faculty, and staff of the University. Members learned and continued to fly at a cost well below prevailing commercial rates, since the club was strictly non-profit. Flights to football games and to New Orleans were among those most popular with students. Flying Club Board of Directors were G. Patrick Martin, president; Dick L. Schiltz, vice­ 1 president; R. Patton Warren, secretary; and Charles Lawrence Meador, treasurer. Faculty sponsor was Wayne Stratton and club man­ager was Bob Crutchfield, executive director. SEATED: Mildred Dodson, Jung lee, Dean Joseph Sprowls. Larry Krasner, Richard Davis, Paul lively, Steve Balas, Carmichael Jr., Ernest Henry, Warren Neely, Nannette Warren, James Dunlap, Walter Pyron. 268 Mortar Board A national honorary organization for sen­ior women, Mortar Board selected its members from University women having 90 hours with an overall 2.0 grade-point average. Members also were selected on the basis of scholarship, leadership, character, and service to the Uni­versity. Mortar Board sponsored a seminar on graduate school entitled, "Beyond Your First Degree." Keynote speaker was Lorene Lane Rogers, associate Dean of the Graduate School. Panel members included DeWitt Carter Red­dick, Dean · of the School of Communication; Michael Garibaldi Hall, associate professor of history; Jack A. Griggs, assistant to the Dean of the College of Business Administration. In the spring, the fiftieth anniversary of national Mortar Board was celebrated. Officers were Kay Boyles, president; Su­san Anne Kolius, vice-president; Elizabeth Belk, secretary; Liz Marie Wooldridge, treasurer; and Kay Ellen Cude, historian. Faculty adviser was Glenda Kathryn Lippmann, teaching associate in educational psychology. Members not pictured were Elizabeth Belk, Kay Ellen Cude, Johanna Franke, Jeanne Mund Lagowski, Dot Nelson, Rebecca Anne Porter, Glenna Mar­garet Schroeder, Louella Vine, and Sally Ann Yarborough. Spring initiates were Suzan Gail Bell, Judith Lynn Britt, Peggy Jane Brzeszkiewicz, Karen Amelia Bynum, Susan Elaine Cope, Judy Anne Davis, Leslie Donovan, Madeleine Drae­ger, Dianne Duncan, Roxanna Dunn, Barbara Ann Fine, Nancy Jo Fleury, Betty Sue Marable Flowers, Saundra Louise Goodson, Mary Lou Grantham, Kathy Jo Holmes, Karolyn Karr, Lilly Evelyn Kucera, Laura Lee Lehmberg, Pa­tricia Jan Ludeman, Esther Alicia Navar, Jan­ette Patterson, Marilyn Kay Tipton, Delia W. White, and Martha F. Wilkes. FRONT ROW: Carolyn Estes, Susan Kolius, Susan Epps, Frances McMath, Vera Sheshunoff, Joan Bergstrom, Cheryl Burr, Liz Wooldridge. SECOND R J. Lopez-Beunano David Lyonel Morris Joe Robert Neeley Jr. Gordon George Park Robert Paul Poythress Scott Cleveland Reeve James O'Neal Routt James Emmett Sondgeroth Daniel Green Talbot Jr. Paul Dewey Thornhill William Alton Willms R•v Allen Zischan9 SPRING INITIATES Elmer A. Addington Ill Roger Case Aectker Don Wesley Alexander Raymond T. Alexander Clyde Henry Allen Jr. Daniel Spencer Alston Lyle Henry Alterman John Louis Anderson Robbin Bruce Anderson Robert Hatton Anderson Edwin James Arnold J3mes loui.; eaker Philip Robert Ballingu Jr. James Milward Bayliss Harvey Bazaman Bruce Wayne Beal Charles Edward Beck Robert Rankin Birdwell Cecil Lee Bone Carl Garland Brooking Stephen Brookner Gregg Warren Brown Robert Marshall Bugbee Clinton Edward Burklin William David Burnett William Comer Burton Ph ilip Wayne Capron William Claiborne Childs Texas Chee Ching Martin Sanford Chodorow Steven Dennis Clarkson Rodney Darrell Comedy Michael Haden Conner Patrick Coover Gary Forrest Cox Bruce William Cozad Howard Lawson Crockett Gary Lynn Cupper Geoffrey Michael Curran Bruce Henry Davis Edward Ray Davis Robert Roy Davis Wayne Kennedy Dennard Glen William Dolfi Albert Hugo Douglass Jr. Dan Bradley Dydek Dwight Eads James Harvey Elder 111 Terrell Duane Epperson Barry Charles Everett Frederick Chaim Ezon Richarcj Ernest Fernandez Russell Scott Fields Gary Nils Fielland William Ernest Fleury Ben David Friend Pliny Myron Gale Ill Howard Louis Gates Jr. Gary lee Gehlbach William Linton Ginn Jr. Martin Isaac Glass Jr. George _Franklin Goolsby Kenneth Arthur Graf Charles Murry Gray Clark Myers Gray Donald Clifford Gregory Charles Richmond Grice Jr. Larry Richard Grisham Gerald Wayne Growcock Michael Alton Haecker Gordon Wesley Hardin Gregory Lynn Hemphill Aaron Joseph Herman Johnnie Alan Herrington Larry Paige Herrington Jerry Sim Herron Patrick Lynn Hodges Alan Leigh Holt Randy Darell Horsak William· Gail Huntsinger Jr. William David Hutchison John William Hutto Mark Earl James Georges Edward Jamieson Jimmie Francis Jenkins Brant Montgomery Johnson Roger Richard ·Johnson Jay Woodfin Jones James Grady Kay James Allen Keillor Thomas Walter Keller John Sti;iven Kennedy Andrew · Edward Kl ine Robert Allen Koch James Richard Koteras Kenneth l. Kunze Donald Ray Lammers Kent Regan Landrum William Shelton lee Michael Jay Levin Gerald Allan Levi! Thomas Michael little Dean Andrew Littlepage Carlos Miguel Loredo Sam Joseph Lowy Robert Eugene Lucas Robert Truitt Maberry Jr. Robert Karl Mahaffey Joe Temple Mahaney William Charles Major Walter M. Manly IV Benjamin l. Manny Jr. Dale Gene Markland l>ioquento R. Martinez Phi Eta Sigma Mark Lynn Matthews Daniel Edgar Salcedo Jerald Polk Mays Michael Anthony Sauri Van Doak McAdams 111 William Joseph Schaffer David Arthur McClellan Dirk McKenzie Schenkkan Neil Douglas Mcfeeley John Aldin Schmidt Leigh Craig McGill Don Michael Schneberger Robert Andrew McKetta Robert C. Schoenvogel Robert Alexander Mclean Leslie Errol Schoppe WHliam E. McReynolds II Joseph Peebles Scott Jr. Leland Austin Meister James Robert Sergeant Lowry Jonathan Messenger Richard Henry Shafer Andrew Brian Mickel Robin Ernest Shoemaker Joseph David Miller Charles l. Smith Jr. Stephen Andrew Miller Samuel Max Smith Trent Harrison Miller Erwin John Smolik Jr. Louis Augustus Moreno Jerome Ernest Sneed William Addison Nance David lusky Snow William Howard Neal Franklin Theodore Stevenson Paul Gregory Neumann Lester A. Stuewer Jr. Will iam Lee Norwood James Gregory Stovall David lee Paine Yoshiaki Tanaka Gleason Edward Parker Jr. Donald Ray Taylor Emmerick Joe Pavlas Jr. Mark Alan Terry Walter Edward Payne Jr. Jean Charles Thomas David Dantzler Peden Jr. Richard Travis Tiner Paul Truscott Pedigo Donald Fred Towsley Robert Daryl Pedigo William Edward Turner Paul K. Pendleton Larry Benjamin Vining Tom Michael Petocz Shawn Michael Walker Garrell D. Polhamus John Jerome Watkins Don Bruce Pollock Henry Willis Wells David Allen Porter John William Wessels Stephen Manning Potts William David Wetsel Clay Louis Price 111 Mark Gilmore White Patrick John Quinlan George Willeford 111 David Allen Reynolds Randall Bruce Wilson Albert Dyckman Rich William Allen Wilson Robert Elgin Robertson John Newton Winn Timothy Paul Robinson Wayland Wong William Robert Roddy Alfonso J. Wong-Valle Jr. Alberto Rodriguez Jr. James Orrall Wright Ill Robert Michael Rogers Bobby Glenn Yeager Stanley Allan Rosenberg Stephen Wilfred Yeager Ronald Steven Ross Kenneth James Yoder David John Rueter Jeffrey Lea Zickler Membership in Phi Eta Sigma, a national honorary scholastic fraternity, was open to freshman men in all colleges on the Austin campus who in the first semester or equivalent of their freshman year maintained a scholas­tic average of at least 2.5 grade-points per semester hour while carrying twelve or more course hours. Freshmen who failed to qualify in their first semester or equivalent could become eligible by maintaining an average of at least 2.5 grade-points per semester hour in their first two semesters of work combined or the equivalent in at least twenty-four hours. In computing the average, all work undertaken was counted. The purpose of the organization was to recognize scholarship early in the career of the student and by this recognition stimulate a continuance of high scholarship. Members were elected as soon as grades were available at the end of each semester or equivalent period. Founded at the University of Illinois in 1923, the honorary established the Texas chapter in 1931. Officers for the year were David Homer Thornberry, president; Mark Leshin, vice-president; William Henry Healy, secre­tary-treasurer; and William Michael McGinnis Jr., historian. Faculty advisers were Arno Nowotny, consultant on the University Development Board, and Lawrence Turner Franks, Dean of Men. 294 Robert Samuel Swinney Louie C. Huffman Alan Y. Taniguchi Michele Ann Hughen Phi Kappa Phi Madonna Mary Tannian John F. Irwin Gene Carlton Uselton Michael Robinson Irwin Thomas Alfred Vaughan Lynne Carol Juedeman John Ritchey Clayton MEMBERS Cindy Kay Veazey Walter K. Juncker Jr. Franklin Lanier Cox Alma Jean KeithRoy Eugene Bates Robert Kenneth Wamsley Elaine Louise Danielson Nancy Ross KellyMyron Louis Begeman Beverly Ann Watson Dennis Lee Dawson Eugene B. Konecci Harold Charles Bold James M. Watson Leonard Broom Thomas Edwin Watts Thomas J. Deal Paul K. Lackey Jr. Tieman Henry Dippel Jr. Kennedy Ward LaneHenry Matthew Burlage Marsha Amanda Wilkins Samuel Preston Doughty Jr. Richa rd I. Lay, Jr. William Henry Crain Bonnie Jeanne Williams Michael R. Dunkle Stanley Emanuel Legum Karl M. Oallenbach Kenneth Herman Wolf Maurice R. Duperre Bronwen Kathryn Lemmon Margaret Ashe Davidson Gerry Odell Wood James Simpson Dyer Kay Elaine Liebrecht Philip James Dick Charles Alan Wright Wayne Edward Etter Dudley M. Lynch ·Ben Russell Eppright Jr. John Peter Wristers William Martin Evans Robert Emmett LynchMargaret E. Eppright Jung Hsi Yang Larry Ray Faulkner k. Phil Moss Ferguson Robert David Young Charles Douglas Mahin Gary M. Ferguson Mary Frances Flourney Bruce Martin Zivley Gloria Je~nette McWilliams Walter Hans Fertl Otto Mart in Friedrich Jr. Max Karlson M~ler tJr. Lois A;leen Fields SPRING INITIATES Earnest Frederick Gloyna Philip Stockton Morey Jr. lid Frank Michael Floyd Keith Eugene Gray Kazim A. Abbud Herbert Oscar Muecke Harold Charles Friend Charles Hartshorne Robert W. Abel Margaret Allene Mulvey 9-Fo-iwices Fallon Fuller Laurence 0 . Haskew Daniel Acosta Lou Ann Na is er Jr. Bobby Marshall Gierisch Lee M. Hollander Lind• Kathleen Allen Stephen Harry Newman Luz Selenia Gonzalez-Gomez Chester F. Hunt Evan Marcus Anders Katsumi Kanzaki Niki William Garland Haney Jr. Fred Earl Ingerson Sr. Patricia Lynn Bailey John Gilbert Niles Douglas Sloan Harlan Bobby Ray Junker Jack Timothy Baldwin Michael W. Ohlendorf Robert M. Herman James Rudolph Kay Meredith Ball Carolyn Owens Judith Beth Hershkowitz • Douglas Jay Klein Jane Barkley George P. Parker Jr. Ir Robert Elvin Hickok Karl K. Klein Rodney Linton Bell 111 John Keith Perryman Carl Glenn Hood George Kozmetsky William Edward Bivens Ill Alice E. Powell Andrew Edward Hoover Leonardi Ferdinand Kreisle Elizabeth Rose Bovello Stephen W. Rawlings Arch William Hunt Ill Winfred Philipp Lehmann Dorothy P. Brandt Kent Morrison Rider Bruce Alan Hurt Laura Russ Love Cheryl Ann Burr Harry Paul Riley Gary G. Jacobs H. Malcolm Macdonald Linda J. Buss Mary Eden Ritter Patsy A. Whitten Jeffus Francis Burns May Burton Robert Carlson Alan Bruce Roberts Mary Kathryn Johnson Hugh Lyon McMath Barbara Anne Carroll Byron Talmage Sansom Bryce Jordan Ernest Campbell Mossner Jack Teague Chapman Toribio J . Saucedo Jerry Dale Kennedy Mary Margaret Neikirk Harriette Ann Clark Hugo William Wilhelmine Johanna Kirwin Clarence Paul Oliver Schoellkopf Ill Daniel Layne Craig Richard Harold Klein Ill Harry H. Ransom Bob Ewald Schutz Cynthia Ann DavisPeter Karl Kresl II DeWitt Carter Reddick Julia Fu Shaw Dallas Charles DillEldon Ray Landers Jr. I Patsy B. Reed Henry Joseph Sherrer Jr. Lee Alfred DinsmoreLawrence Verne Leach Oscar William Reinmuth John Alston Smith Mary Elizabeth qoeringHugh Leipziger-Pearce Jr. James Walton Reynolds Jon Hope Edwards Margaret Jean Snyder Sandra Travis Lemens Michael Gail Stevenson•• George I. Sanchez Clayton Wentworth Eifler Kenneth Jay Levy • Mary Louise Schawe Charles Eugene Willette Elizabeth Stevenson James Darryl Lindsey Ellis 11)11 Albert Fred Schkade Robert Lee Sutherland Bob F. ErskineWilliam Harbert Marshall Byron Elliott Short Jon 0 . Swartz • Raymond John Martin Jr. Leon Raymond Escude Jr. Dayton Henry Simms James Lynn Taylor Lawrence Clark Mayer Charles H. Farmer Burnard H. Sord George Douglas Vaughan Lon Allen McCarley Kelly Fearing William Robert Spriegel Penelope Warren Edward Allen McCullough Jr. Johanna Franke John R. Stockton Richard Arthur Warriner James Ray McDaniel Mark Allen Fry Wilson S. Stone William Elliott West Robert McGlashan Jr. Jamie Lea Giesecke David Willard Straight William L. West James Ivan Mclean Nancy Shelby Gipson Archie W. Straiton Frank Sheldon Wettack William Alexander McNeill Billiemae Gray James Leo Sullivan Raymond L. Wheeler Jr. Diane Jane Mehl Jack Allen Griggs Robert L. Sutherland Kim Alan Wheetley John F. Mensing Stephen M. Hackerman Milton J. Thompson Perry 0. Whitten Owen Richard Messenger Jack Chandler Halter Benjamin F. Vaughan Ill James C. Wiley Donald John Minnick Linda Lou Haston Carolyn J. Weathersbee Betty Joanne Wilson Herff Leo Moore Jr. Warren Malcolm Heffington Robert Charles W. Welch William G. WolfeRichard Lee Moore Floyd Williams Hill Glenn Albert Welsch 0. Marion WoodSheila R. Morris Jack Edward Himes W. Gordon Whaley Jane Adair Wyss James Joseph Mulva Jr. Rollen Edward Houser John Arch White Charles Philip Zlatkovich r first Ann Harriet Murrah Amy Hung Huang John L. Whitesides Jr. James F. Zvanut Homer Albert Napier Jr. in at Fredrik Porter Williams Thomas Clifton O'HaraJack Kenny Williams if, all John Koiun Oshiro Roxanne K. Williamson Phi Kappa Phi honor society existed for the dual pur­ Jack OtisF. Loren Winship John Jay Painter pose of recognizing and honoring those students who Willis Raymond Woolrich Linda Coy Parker Lee Frank Worrell achieved high scholastic results and encouraged those Fredrick PauckKeith Young Yn-Hong Peng students who were capable of such work. The society de­ Charles Theodore Zlatkovich Paul James Peters voted its income to the :annual award of fellowships for FALL INITIATES Addison Lee Pfluger first-year graduate study, the erecting of funds to endow B. H. Amstead Edward M. Polansky Stephanie Hermina Amster Harald Portig both publication and fellowships, and the publication of Will iam Tansley Bailey Linda Elaine Reagan a journal. 3, the Robert Lee Bass 111 Fred Dewitt Reed Jr. ~rs Bryna Joyce Bein Cuolyn J. Reynolds Phi Kappa Phi recognized commendable scholarship Rosalinda Benavides George Thomas Rowland n; in all areas of academic endeavor, not restricting the Richard Lee Bernstein Kellyn Rozier Gerald Mark Birnberg William E. Schlender elections to a specific and limited field. Officers for the Marian Blissett Kay Dianne Scott year were Leonardt F. Kriesle, past president; W. R. Wool­ Zorena Segal Bolton Robert Elton Sebastian Kay Boyles Robert Elkins Sikes rich, president; Milton J. Thompson, president-elect; Bur­Robert Graves Brown Lloyd Reynolds Sloan anrd H. Sord, secretary-treasurer; and Margaret A. Epp­ Winston Nicholson Brundige Billy Raymond Smoot John Christopher Carothers Tess Allred Stewart right, the organization's correspondent. 295 • • • • ........ •:.. ••••• ... t • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • I lgnac Rudolph Matocha Jr. MEMBERS Richard Dixon Maxwell Larry Wayne Abernathy Joe McGee Mayo Jr. I Gerardo A. Aguirre James Leo McCrearyRobert C. Baker Dominic Nicolosi Jr. James D. Becker Edgar M. Oelkers Jr. William E. Belote Robert Vincent OgdenAllen B. Boger Jr. Thomas Gordon Price Jr. David Calhoun Bonner James Edward PruskeSteven Sprague Boss Franz N. RadGene Raymond Bosse Malcolm Richard Railey Burton Branstetter Danny Keith Raley David B. Campbell Nasser A. Rashid John W. Cardwell James B. RiggsTerry S. Christensen Jerry Elbert Roeder Michael J. Clark Charles Clemon Scaief Ill Marshall Byran Darby Donald Charles ScarperoLawrence Daniel Dorr llhan SenerHiram Ben Duncan Jerry Lynn SetliffPhilip Lawrence Eiserloh Iman SoengkowoCharles Eugene Ellis Kenneth D. ThompsonRobert Mark Emmer Don H. Thornbury Jr. Thomas W. Fogwell Jay Henry Troell Larry Harp Frederick Jesus Turullols Howard Wesley Glueck Joe Byron Underwood Rafael Jorge Gramatges C. Gene Voorhees Darryl Paul Greenwood Richard A.. Warriner Larry Wayland Grimm Charles M. Watson Warren Malcolm Heffington Thomas Edwin Watts Steven Woodrow Hill Paul Martin Weaver Millard L. Holderfield Thomas Lee Wharton Paul Andrew Hustad Hugh Wilbanks Ill Edward Christian Jelks James Rawls Williams Milton Anderson Jones Jr. James Michael Willock James R. Kamrath Edwin Arnold Zwald James Robert Kelsey Jerry Dale Kennedy FALL INITIATES Richard Lee Kleir Harold D. Albertson Norman Glenn Koepnick J. Gebhard Blum William R. Leyendecker John W. Champion Jr. James D. Lindsey James Omar Cure William Harbert Marshall Chandrakant S. Desai Encompassing all branches of engineering, the Texas Alpha chapter of Tau Beta Pi recognized outstanding students majoring in engineering. Only male students in the upper one-fifth of the senior class, the upper one­eight of the junior class, and a few graduate students were scholastically eligible for membership considera­tion. Character and personality were major factors in determining the election to membership. Tau Beta Pi was nationally founded at Lehigh Uni­versity in 1885. The University chapter was organized in 1916. Officers for the year were Jerry Lynn Setliff, pres­ident; Thomas Edwin Watts, vice-president; Warren Mal­colm Heffington, corresponding secretary; David Calhoun Bonner, recording secretary; Charles Clemon Scaief Ill, treasurer; and Larry Harp Frederick, cataloguer. Baxter F. Womack, associate professor of electrical engineering, was adviser to the engineering organization. Michael R. Dunkle Robert Allen Ebner Richard Finley Ferguson Emil Henry Finn Skipper Cole Good Walter P. Grady Robert Hart Graham Dale Andrew Harris James H. Hasty Robert Elvin Hickok James F. Hicks Michael Hodkin Lawrence Grider Johnson Thomas Allen Jones James E. Kattner Donald W. Kemper Claude V. King Ill Andrew C. Kyle David M. Lee John A. Lowther Alan B. Matejowsky William T. Maxey Edward M. Nelson Gordon S. Novak Lawrence M. Payne James C. Pearson Gilbert A. Peon Lonnie L. Porter Tommy D. Raye George J. Roessler Hector J. Ruiz-Cardenas Richard H. Stephens Bobby D. Taylor James L. Thompson Lloyd G. Turner Dwight E. Urelius Vasant N. Vijayvergiya John W. Ward Jr. John M. Weiss Frank M. Weisser Freddie R. Wilson John H. Wray Tau Beta Pi SPRING INITIATES D. Baird Adcox Steven C. Broome Maxie E. Burnham Charles S. Cotropia Ward Dalley Dennis A. Dalrymple Barry J. Davis John M. Day Jerald P. Dykstra Theodore C. Earle Gary M. Ferguson Carroll J. Forrest Maynard S. Glasscock John M. Gilmore Jr. John W. Haldy Rennie J. Harrison David F. Havemann Edward J. Heitzberg Eugene J. Henkhaus John C. Hinkle Mary K. Horn Thomas M. Jones Norman D. Ke)l William J. Koros John W. Krueger Thomas L. Little David K. Matlock Hugh T. Mcilwain Jr. Robert J. Penska Sanford R. Setliff Scott M. Smith William A. Sparks Stephen G. Termaath Malcolm E. Vaughan Wayne E. Voskamp Jacquelyn Wackerbarth Jimmy R. Wallace Richard H. Walthall Harry Wilson 296 FRONT ROW: Mary Doering, Ruth Davidson, Mary Huhndorff, Margaret Roark. SECOND ROW: Jean Henion, Nancy Cowen, Elizabeth Girouard. THIRD ROW: Mary Livingston, Susan Holmsley, Pamela Ward, Mary Keller. FOURTH ROW: Donna Isaacks, Karen Holland, Frances Rea, Patricia Lane. FIFTH ROW: Suzanne Trout, Julie Norman, Elizabeth O'Brien, Rachel Spohn, Donna Wilkey. Scope Striving to instill scholastic achievement in residents of Blanton Dormitory, Scope ac­cepted members with an overall 2.0 grade­point average at the University. Scope also en­couraged members to be creative, enthusiastic, and open-minded participants of the academic community by taking part in campus activities. Established in 1964 by the dorm's advisers, Scope created its main objective as the broad­ening of the scope of the individual. Scope sponsored a good-natured rivalry between floors for an award to the floor with the highest grade-point average for the year. A tutoring service and a quiz file were avail­able for the use of the residents. During the spring semester, Vincent A. Harren of the Counseling Center spoke to interested resi­dents. Officers for the year were Mary Tom Keller, president; Donna Jean Wilkey, vice­president; Margaret Elaine Roark, secretary­treasurer; and Jean Elizabeth Henion, report­er. Ruth Mercia Moore, Blanton resident coun­selor, was adviser. Spring initiates were Deborah Ann Arm­strong, Margaret Anne Baker, Sally Bauer, Edith Gazelle Bergman, Mary Estelle Brender, Terry Sue Cain, Suzanne Caldwell, Deborah Ann Chisholm, Judith Maxine Chott, Elizabeth Chu, Kathryn Ann Crawford, Martha Robin Cut­ler, Cheryl Suzann Daly, Anna Fonda Deinken, Barbara Eilen Dischinger, Linda Kay Doane, Donna Gay Donalson, Danielle Ruth Doyle, Lillie Jane Grant, Glenda Joyce Grazier, Mari­lyn Mitchell Hadden, Marsha Lee Hawthorne, Constance Ann Howarth, Edith Allan Hudson, Janelle Kasparek, Laurel Lambert, Marsha Kay Law, Elizabeth Gayle Lawson, Jeanne Leslie, Cynthia Lee Linder, Susan Gail Lippman, Mar­cia Ann McBride, Carolyn Sarah Malley, Julie Elizabeth Meeks, Jody Janaire Megason, Don­na Lyn Melton, Sharon Moore, Mary Ruth Parker, Sandra Lynn Pierce, Vicki Anne Rob­erts, Judy Patricia Routh, Terry Lynn Schmidt, Amy Diane Schnall, Mary Catherine Schuelke, Susan Virginia Seybold, Dale Lynn Smith, Deborah Ann Smith, Pamela Jane Smith, Cath­erine Sue Snyder, Cary Lynn Sowell, Rosemary Lutteman Stewart, Deborah Kaye Thompson, Martha Jean Thornton, Helen Louise Tinner­man, Trudy Ann Traner, Carol Ann Tunstall, Sylvia Sue Verheyden, Margaret Lauraine Walker, Joan Elise Walthers, Marieke Chris­tina Wempe, Irene Frances Wilson, Pamela Wilson, and Claire Ann Yelderman. 297 FRONT ROW: Nancy Broline, Marajen Denman, Constance Weld, Karen Williams, Betty Buchanan, Pamela Beaver. SECONO ROW: E. Dee lane, Sharon Hall, Barbara Davis, Sue J. Smith, Darla Hilton, Sally Riggs, Saundy Curry, Jane Branscombe. THIRD ROW: Bill Jones, Cheryl Fox, Kandace Penner, Joyce Dudas, Ruth Hood, Leslie Christensen, Marylou Sigma Alpha Eta A national professional fraternity to pro­mote interest and service among University students majoring in the fields of speech pa­thology, audiology, or deaf education, Sigma Alpha Eta met annually with the American Speech and Hearing Association at its national convention. The organization sought to sup­plement formal course studies, increase the professional and social unity of students and faculty, and establish good public relations among college and local organizations show­ing interest in these professions. To make members more aware of the facilities available to speech and hearing hand­icapped individuals in the Austin vicinity, speakers represented services such as the Child Guidance Clinic, the Austin .Evaluation Center, the Learning Disabilities Center, and two medically-orientated individuals in private practice-a cleft palate surgeon and an otol­ogist. Officers for the year were Teresa Jane Branscombe, president; Martha McGlothlin, vice-president; William David Jones, secretary; E. Dee Lane, treasurer. Lear Lee Ashmore, as­sociate professor of speech, was sponsor. Alvis, Martha McGlothlin. KEY MEMBERS NOT PICTURED: Mary Alleen Boggs, Kay Boyles, and Christine Elise Stratton. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS NOT PICTURED were Mary Alvis, Joan Lillian Clements, Saundy Jay Curry, Marguerite Gunn, Linda Hammons, Karen Marie Jackson, Sally Whiteside Manahan, Kandace Ann Penner, Barbara Rosenberg, Elizabeth Talley. 298 An annual recital was held for fraternity alumnae and the general public. FRONT ROW: Barbara Mahaffay, Linda Lege, Paulette Rainey, Lynda McVey, Johanna Franke, Jean Weger, Nancy Normann, Maria Amen. SECOND ROW: Joanne Kassel, Linda Williams, Katherine Haralson, Marita Gale, Shirley Ralston, Ann Whitworth. THIRD ROW: Sharron Puryear, Joan Fenton, Sara Edmonds, Leslie Milliren, Cynthia Cox, Faye Franks, Cheryl Musket, Hazel Meyer. Sigma Alpha Iota A national honorary professional frater­nity for women in music, Sigma Alpha Iota undertook various fund-raising and service projects during the year. Included in the year's projects was helping the Texas State Welfare Department find musical instruments for chil­dren in foster homes. Musical presentations throughout the year included two annual re­citals and a pledge recital. In other activities, members ushered at concerts and receptions for professional entertainers visiting Austin or the University. Officers for the year were Linda Kay McVey, president; Johanna Franke, vice-presi­dent; Linda McDavitt, treasurer; Barbara Elaine Mahaffay, recording secretary; Linda Jean Lege, corresponding secretary. Martha Martin Deatherage, assistant professor of music, was the faculty sponsor. Members not pictured were Kathy Akin, Joyce Elizabeth Arce, Donna Foster, Diana Ruth Geis, Ingrid Bergenia Haterius, Terry Lynn Hobbs, Iris Elizabeth Jones, Donna Margaret Mathews, Linda McDavitt, Donna Cheryl Orton, Ruth Elizabeth Peden, Patti Rogers Watters, Diane Weber, and Dianna Jeanne Weirus. Sigma Delta Chi A professional journalistic society, Sigma Delta Chi was dedicated to maintaining high standards in the communications profession and the professionalism of its members. The society brought together all journalists so that they might help each other achieve com­mon goals. To pursue this purpose, the University chapter sponsored a varied program of activi­ties and speakers. Public lectures during the year included "Communication Research and Its Effect on Our Profession," an address by Dr. Wayne Danielson, Dean of the University of North Carolina School of Journalism and president of the American Association of Schools and Departments of Journalism. Mem­bers also participated in a closed coffee for CBS newscaster Eric Sevareid during his visit to the campus in November. Plans for a jour­nalism museum and a continuing scholarship program were initiated. Officers last year in­cluded Chester F. Hunt, president; Richard Lee Hill, vice-president; Robert Durward ln­derman, secretary; and John Charles Anders, treasurer. C. Richard King was faculty adviser. FRONT ROW: John Cagle, Richard Hill, Chester Hunt, C. Richard King, Larry Upshaw, David DeVoss. SECOND ROW: James Morris, John Brown, Jerome Rudes, Daniel Bulla, Andrew Parsons, Alfred Avalos, James Pryor, David Gaines. THIRD ROW: Jimmy Kemp, Peter Heyne, John Roberts, John Stalmach, William Oppel, Gary Bullock, Lafe Hill, Mark Morrison. ABOVE: Theta Sigma Phi's joined members to listen to Dick "Elam discuss up-coming State elections. 300 FACULTY MEMBERS Russell Ben Eppright Jr. Paul Gainer Eric B. Becker Larry Wayland Grimm John J. Bertin Warren Malcolm Heffington Roy R. Craig James Robert Kelsey Richard R. Ensminger Phillip Eugene Moseley Wallace T. Fowler James Edward Pruske David G. Hull Jerry Elbert Roeder John W. Porter Ronald Ray Rounsaville Paul E. Russell Bob Edward Schutz Ronald 0. Stearman Herbert James Sutherland Byron D. Tapley Gene C. Voorhees John C. Westkaemper Richard Arthur Warriner MEMBERS John Lindsey Whitesides Jr. Hugh Wilbanks Ill Gene Raymond Bosse James Rawls Williams Burton C. Branstetter William Doswell Conine Ill Jimmy Doyle Wilson Sigma Gamma Tau William Ozie Wray James L. Thompson SPRING INITIATESFALL INITIATES Robert Lee BassRobert Baker J. Gebhard Blum Sheldon Arnold Bloom Thomas H. Bowden Steven Sprague Boss Steven Craig Broome Chui Young Choe James VanDyke Haldy Jae Seung Choi Renn ie Jack Harrison Michael James Clark Jack D. Hart Charles Samuel Cotropia John Arthur Heitmeyer Marshall Byron Darby John Christian Hinkle Emil Henry Finn Carl G. Hood Millard Lee Holderfield Mary Kathleen Horn Ching-Kwei Kang Douglas Scott Ingram Make McDermott Jr. Thomas M. Jones James Charles Pearson James Shiro Kishi Richard Hardy Seale Frederick B. PippertRobert Wade Smith W illiam Allan SparksBobby Taylor On February 28, 1953, a national convention was held at Purdue University to merge two national honorary aeronautical engineering societies, Tau Omega and Gam­ma Alpha Rho, into a new society. The society established on that date was Sigma Gamma Tau with 14 chapters. There are present 20 chapters with an approximate mem­bership of 5, 125. The society became a member of the Association of College Honor Societies on February 27, 1965, and became recognized as a national honor society in aerospace engineering. Members were selected for their scholarship, integrity, and outstanding achievements in the field of aerospace engineering. During the past year, Sigma Gamma Tau sponsored a ground school for private pilot training, an educational film series, and a freshman coffee. The coffee allowed freshmen to meet informally with aerospace faculty mem­bers. The fall initiation banquet featured guest speaker Colonel Byce Poe Ill, who spoke on the future · of air transportation. Officers for the year were William Ozie Wray, president; Ronald Ray Rounsaville, secretary; Jerry Elbert Roeder, treasurer; and C. Gene Voorhees, S. E. C. representative. Dr. Wallace T. Fowler served as sponsor. 302 HONORARY MEMBERS A. P. Beutel H. E. Chiles Jr. Morgan J. Davis Lillian M. Gilbreath Patrick E. Haggerty Carl W. Huser L. F. Mccollum Ralph Moreland M. Scott Myers Harold M. Scherr Dudley C. Sharp William R. Spriegel J. T. Suggs Fladger Tannery FACULTY MEMBERS Floyd S. Brandt Jessamon Dawe Marvin E. Gholson Roy D. Harris Norris A. Hiett Jack Holland Thomas G. Hopkins Howard E. Johnson Charles R. Klasson Edmund C. Lynch Judson Neff Sigma Iota Epsilon Kenneth W. Olm Otis Dee Horton Lawrence L. Schkade Herbert Hovan Kamm William E. Schlender Elick N. Maledon Jr. Burnard H. Sord Herff L. Moore Jr. Wilfred H. Watson Mark Alan Mueller Glenn A. Welsch Jim Murphy Parrack Jr. Jimmy D. Reed MEMBERS Ed Dupree Roach John S. Chaney John Howard Robinson Lynn Barnett Gray John B. Rountree Ill Jack A. Griggs Robert Elton Sebastian Delbert I. Hawkins Teddy Layne Sparks Rowland Bruce Hill Robert David Young Formed to promote and encourage the study and development of management and to foster a professional spirit among students of management, Sigma Iota Epsilon offered members the opportunity to meet with individuals who have made significant scholastic or business achieve­ments in the area of management. Each semester, Sigma Iota Epsilon held two major events-an informal coffee attended by members and prospective members and an installation banquet. Dean George Kozemetsky of the College of Business Administration was keynote speaker and was honorarily initiated at the fall banquet. On campus, Sigma Iota Epsilon was active in such events as the annual University Honors Day and the Texas Personnel and Management Conference. The group was founded in January, 1927, at the University of Illinois. The University's Gamma chapter was founded in 1928. Of­ficers for the year were Ed Dupree Roach, president; Her­bert Hovan Kamm, vice-president; Robert David Young, secretary-treasure~ John S. Chaney, personnel manager; and Jim Murphy Parrack, publicity manager. Robert F. Pethia was the faculty sponsor during the year. Spurs looked after Bevo during the game with Oklahoma State University. Jr. 'nson such exas was !he Of. Silver Spurs An honorary service organization basing recognition of its members upon their scho­lastic and leadership abilities coupled with a record of service to the University, the Silver Spurs' enthusiasm and spirit was demon­strated through their continued service to the University. The Spurs cared for Bevo, the Uni­versity mascot, and could be seen with him at all football games and other major Univer­sity functions. They had the entire financial responsibility and care of Bevo. The Aggie Sign Contest in the fall, a party for some underprivileged group in the Austin area during the Christmas season, Round-Up Rally, the beard-growing contest, and the Round-Up Jail were annually sponsored by the Silver Spurs. Spurs also escorted visiting sweet­hearts and University Sweetheart nominees during Round-Up. Fall officers were John Conner Emerson, president; Browne Botts Rice, vice-president; Ronnie Mac Bowyer, secretary; Jay Stanley, treasurer; and Thomas Ollis Hicks, social chair­man. C. C. Nolen served as sponsor. FRONT ROW: Paul Zubowski, Bill Wylie, Bud Payne, Greg Hooser, Buster Freedman, Brent Standefer, Tolbert Dalton, Steve Brody, Alan Katzberg, Chip Stewart, Jack Hanks, Sherry Spradley, Sweetheart, Dick Watt, Bryan Barry, Doug Wright, Mark Blumenthal, Tom Gentry, David Northington, John Seekamp, Leigh Galatzan. SECOND ROW: Mike Gillette, George Butts, Tom Hicks, Tom Bowman, Ned Holmes, Bob Fender, Jack Lybrand, Jim. Leahy, Ashley Smith, Baker Montgomery, Dick Bueltel, Ron Ehrig, Jan Klinck, Jay Stanley, Malcolm Brown, John Connally Ill, Loyd Wain­scot!, David Jones, Jim Boon, Don Johnson, Pat Harkins, Ragan Gennusa. NOT PICTURED: John Adams, Linus Baer, Kelly Baker, Mike Baldwin, Jim Blackburn, Ronnie Bowyer, Bill Bradley, Dale Bullouch, Howard Chalmers, Ernie Cockrell, John Emerson, Bill Farish, John Goodman, Oliver Heard, David Herndon, David Hooper, Hutch Hubby, Michael Lang, Greg Lott, Barry Margolis, David Ott, Chris Paul, Doug Phelan, Browne Rice, Kelly Scott, Edward Small, Dick Vermillion, Richard Wadsworth. 303 -··-··... . . --···----········ ..... ·-. . ····~ · Harold Fischer, president of the University division of SAM, spoke in the fall. 11 I SAM Through meetings and conferences, the Society for the Advancement of Management provided an association with leading educators and businessmen in an opportunity to ex­change information and develop ideas relative to the field of management. The drawing of students from economics and all phases of business made this exchange of ideas more effective and gave SAM a wider perspective and frame of reference. Speakers for the year included Karl Bake, plant manager of Continental EMSCO; Professor Harold Fischer, president of the Uni­versity Division of SAM; R. Conrad Doenges, professor of finance at The University of Texas; and Hank Brown, AFL-CIO representative. Field trips and plant tours at Glastron Boats, Jefferson Chemical, and IBM were held in addition to a spring banquet and installation of officers. Officers were Robert Elton Sebas­tian, fall president; Milton Wayne Moody, spring president; Lynn Barnett Gray, vice-presi­dent; Gordon Haeglin, treasurer; and Marilyn Duff Roe, secretary. The faculty adviser was Howard Edward Johnson, assistant professor of management. 304 FRONT ROW: Lynn Gray, Robert Sebastian, Gordon Haegelin. SECOND ROW: Steve Rice, Linda Clark, Michael Murray, Jaime Benitez-Garza, Marilyn Roe, Willson Fahlberg Jr., Robert Pirtle, Milton Moody, Michael Sherman. THIRD ROW: James Terilli, Alberto Gonzalez-Sada, Clarence Coffey, Barton Cherry, Howard Johnson, Lewis Lefevre, Douglas Reddehase, Cecil Parker, John Koschak, Gary Rogers, Van Secrest. Sphinx An honorary professional architectural so­ciety, Sphinx selected its members on the basis of demonstrated excellence in design, academic achievement, character, and interest in the profession of architecture. Membership was limited to 25 students selected from up­perclassmen in the architecture curriculum. Initiation was held each fall and spring. In the spring, Sphinx sponsored a picnic to promote better faculty-student relationships and fellowship among all students of archi­tecture. In addition, members could broaden their professional and social contacts through various other extracurricular activities. Fall officers were Ronald V. Barbutti, president; Milton C. Powell, vice-president; William E. vonRosenberg, secretary-treasurer; and Paul James Peters, pledge trainer. Jon A. Bowman was faculty sponsor for the group. FRONT ROW: William Von Rosenberg, Jan Cartwright, Milton Powell, Wann Jr. THIRD ROW: Jerry Hazelwood, David House, Don Chapell, John Paul Peters, Frank Genzer, Michael Penick. SECOND ROW: Cliff Koeninger, Carothers, Joe Stubblefield, Dennis linam. MEMBER NOT PICTURED: Edward Wallace, Ronald Barbutti, Sam Drago, Paul Jurecka, Trenton James Edward Buie. - ~ . . . . -. . .. ..... .. .. .. .. . ... . .. : . . . . . ~·-... . . ' . Spooks Identified by their black outfits with an armband of a sku.11 and crossbones, Spooks members were busiest during the football sea­son. For each game, Spooks painted the Uni­versity Co-Op window, distributed spirit rib­bons, supported the team at pep rallies, and decorated the Varsity Cafeteria and dressing room. Spooks also distributed streamers for out-of-town games, worked at the polls dur­ing campus elections, and acted as pages at MUN in the spring. Members were chosen on the basis of leadership, scholarship, service, and character, and were tapped in their freshman or sophomore year. Highlights of the year included a service project with the APO's to repair a children's home, one with the Silver Spurs at the Austin State School, a reception at the Alumni Center for all international students on campus, and the tapping of Darrell Royal as an honorary Spook on Halloween night. Spooks also worked in the Dean of Women's office and had international buddies. Fall officers were Nancy Jean Ellison, chief haunt; Patricia Jan Ludeman, vice-haunt; Donna Lynne Harlan, service haunt; Leslie Sue Fierman, spirit haunt; Madeleine Draeger, corresponding haunt; and Mrs. Ora Bennett, faculty sponsor. FRONT ROW: Carolyn Cannamore, Carol Goldman, Donna Harlan, Suzan Margaret Jones, Gladys Wall, Martha Hooker, Paula Levine. THIRD ROW: Bell, Leslie Fierman, Nancy Ellison, Patricia Ludeman, Nancy Fleury, Judy Charlynn Anderson, Merle Hoff, Karen Cook, Beth Barnes, Kathryn Mc­ Amacker, Linda Simpson, Ora Bennett. SECOND ROW: Dianne Duncan, Intyre, Velma Pipkin, Marguerite Old'iam, Mary Brumage, Sylvia Gray, Sherry Baird, Sarah Richardson, Judith Winkel, Dana Yarbrough, Margaret Gail Weyel, Lynn Ferguson, Trudy Skiff, Gayle Davis. Parker, Connie Cramer, Sherry Barnes, Catherine Howell, Pennie Kennon, 306 FRONT ROW: Decie Ankenman, Pamela Francks, Pamela Daugherty, P. Burnett, Florence Donald, Betty Dicker, Linda Beck, Ruth Ford, Susan Lucinda Hanks, Marajen Denman, Elizabeth Lawrence, Dorothy Green, Long, Shirley Walker, Nancy Notley. THIRD ROW: Terri Horwitz, Constance Mary Montgomery, Ellen Tuffly, Susan Gottlieb, Elizabeth Peebles. Pullam, Helen Pettit, Kaye Hilgers, Lydia Lequeux, Karen Elliott, Cynthia SECOND ROW: Susan Sparks, Miriam Cohen, Rogene Gee, Linda Stevellson, Word, Sharyn Uecker, Sandra Hardin, Linda Routt, Deborah Harlow. MEMBERS NOT PICTURED Mary Gloria Bond Sharon Kay Lands Susan Elaine Cope Sandra Jeanne Liddle Susan Lynn Correll Janet McRoberts Susan Jean Cunningham Kristina Sue Oshlo Madeleine Draeger Lois Annette Sheridan Jenny Laura Ferguson SPRING SPOOKLETS Jessica R. Alexander Marilyn Linda Koen Helene Barab Betty Jean Lamp Linda Teresa Benge Emily Tess Landau Mildred Anne Bigger Lynn Marie Londeree Kathleen L. Bland Claudia Jean Lovett Diane Davis Barbra Dean Mann Margaret Reneau Day Debra Jean Mann Diana Der Bing Sherilyn O'Hair Carol Jean Emmert Sharon Ann Oxford Sharyn Hamm Nancy Pittman Barbara Jean Hoffer Sandra Kay Rosenfield Sue Ann Holle Clydie B. Scott Janelle Holter Joyce Ann Strickland Lisa Fronde Kennedy Mary Alice Tudor Spooks tapped football coach Darrell Royal as an honorary member. . 307 Student Christian Fellowship Members attended a weekly Sunday morning group study on Christian living. I I A student group associated with the Biblical Studies Center of the Churches of Christ, the Student Christian Fellowship strove to profess the living Christ on the University campus and provide Christian fellowship as a source for spiritual growth. Members of the group met five times weekly for devotional services, participated in All-Campus Fellow­ship, conducted tutoring at the Human Rights Center, and engaged in personal evangelism among University students. During Howdy Week, the Student Chris­tian Fellowship sponsored a welcome supper, devotionals, religious services, and a skiing party at Lake Austin. Highlights for each se­ mester were a retreat at Leakey, a student lectureship in the Union, and a formal ban­quet. Theme of the fall semester retreat was "The Art of Loving." The fall lectureship dis­cussed "Conformity and the Church-the STEERING COMMITIEE: FRONT ROW: Guy Hunter, Marvin Moos, student coordinator; Ray Canant. Quiet Revolution." SECOND ROW: Joseph Spidell; Peggy Eason, secretary. NOT PICTURED: William Shive, faculty sponsor. Symphonic Band The University of Texas Symphonic Band was organized in 1942. The band was open to University students by audition during the year and presented many formal concerts of classic works written especially for band as well as works by modern composers. Last year, the band began a new series of Sunday afternoon concerts. Helping to in­augurate the series was Carl "Doc" Sever­insen, the orchestra conductor of the "To­night" show. Severinsen and the band pre• sented a trumpet clinic for school band di­rectors and band members on the same day. The 63-member band has been conduct­ ed by William J. Moody since 1966. Dr. Moody, professor of music and director of bands, came to the University in the fall of 1966 from the University of Southern Mis­ sissippi where he occupied a similar position. FLUTES Virginia Ann Howard Cheryl Lynn Musket Beatriz Eugenia Perez Paulette Rainey Mary Jeanne Roure Lynda Kay Strimple Sharon Elaine Watkins Jean Ann Weger Ann Wilson OBOES Jacque Gibson Ray Taylor BASSOONS Darlene Gayle P~terson Bill Whitener CLARINETS Paul Vincent Backlund James Scott Balentine Carolyn Ann Brackeen Marie Louise Diou Carole Lynne Herrick Bruce Richard Elliot Verda Marie Herrington Douglas Cooper Graham John Lamar lndo Phillp Johnson Jorge Alberto Madrigal Emmerick Joe Pavlas Jr. Edgar Earl Rhea II I Thomas Earl Shine Walter Robert Stricklin Jeanne El izabeth Shipley Scott Lee Taylor Deborah Kaye Thompson Pete Turner Kitty Walker HORNS BASS CLARINET James Baker Robert Rodriquez Lorin Glen Larson Michael Patrick Tierney Rosa Angelica Lopez Carol Whiting Donna Margaret Mathews Steven Charles Price SAXOPHONE Sharron Reaves Puryear TROMBONES Walker Leslie Smith Nicolas Gonzales Donnie Henry Supak Lester Conrad Kegley Kenneth Williams Wilson Terry Rawl ins Wallis Melba Smith CORNETS Hugh Cullen SparksJames Sidney Gibson Thomas Henry Waggoner EUPHONIUM Eddie Seals Gilden Joe Houston Nelson 111 Michael Lee Pickett TUBAS Rick Dillard Paul Edward McCormick Lester Maas Oliver PERCUSSION Emery Eugene Alford George A. Frock Bruce Paulus Hoffman Carleton Ramon Hoffman Linda McDavitt Geral!l Michael Walker STRING BAs·s David Walter Sloan 309 .............. . .~~-........_ ................-.......... ·-.. ; ........... ·­ l. Cohen S. Boss W. Elliott B. Connell M. Gammon W. Bradley M. Davis J. Harkins A. Brender R. Gennusa W. Driscoll T. Harper H. Canada K. Gidney T. Higgins S. Duncan T. Gonki 0 . Casey I E. Hudson l. Eichenbaum K. Baker C. Clifton W. Gremmel An organization for the lettermen of all varsity sports, T Association included senior intercollegiate athletic and intramural managers as well. Athletes received varsity letters after participating a prescribed number of minutes or after fulfilling requirements within their in­dividual sports. Members received free football tickets and were allowed to use the "T" Room, which was located in Memorial Stadium and was constructed for their use. Minton Lee White served as president, while Hoyt Eugene Bledsoe Jr. was vice-president of the group. 310 0 . Malina T. Souders J. Perry R. Stanley M. McKinney K. Richardson R. Watt E. Stewart J. Means T. Rohrer J. West B. Stone C. Monzingo S. Scheschuk F. Wiegand \ G. Nauert R. Stout S. Shopolf J. Williamson o. Nelson J. Streot B. Woolsey C. Smith C. Owens W. Strong J. Smith C. Worrel 0 . Parkhurst L. Wainscott R. Snoddy FRONT ROW: Sharon Bailey, Sally Yarborough, Kathy Lohr, Sharon Ander· son, Gaynelle Johnson. SECOND ROW: Hazel Burnette, Linda Moore, Sandra McDermott, Barbara Cederholm, Mary Montgomery, Carol Perkins, Nancy McGehee. THIRD ROW: Rita Williams, Jeanne Williams, Janis Volkening, Mildred Dodson, Cheryl Fox, Sharyn Uecker, Linda Word, Lynda Strimple. FOURTH ROW: Sue Blackburn, Barbara Schkade, Ruth Tau Beta Sigma An honorary sorority for college bands­women, Tau Beta Sigma required each girl to have played in the band for two semesters, have an overall 1.5 grade-point average, and demonstrate a sincere willingness to serve the band and the University. Throughout the year, Tau Beta Sigma handled all alterations of band uniforms. They also threw an annual surprise birthday party for Vincent R. DiNino as well as parties for the band women. In the fall, they published a directory containing names, addresses, and other pertinent information about each band member. Sorority members and freshman band women vied in powder puff foot­ ball in the fall and volleyball in the spring. Other activities included an annual awards banquet and a water skiing party with Kap- Carnicom, Gloria Amescua, Ruth Mathews, Barbara Burtner, Barbara Childs, Jo Tillerson. NOT PICTURED: Nancy Carter, Lynn Kohlenberg, Linda McDavitt, Brenda Moorhead, Cheryl Musket, Kathryn Newton, Jean Niles, Carolyn Owens, Sharon Reed, Liz Shelby, Judy Stark, and Kathy Thompson. pa Kappa Psi. Assisting the Band Council in its duties, Tau Beta Sigma volunteered to make iced tea after games and refreshments for parties and clean the band hall. They also helped on Band Day and acted as official hostesses for the Longhorn Band. Fall officers were Kathy Lohr, president; Sally Ann Yarborough, vice-president; Carolyn Owens, secretary; Sharon Lizabeth Reed, treas­urer; Gaynelle Johnson, historian; Sharon Ann Anderson, parliamentarian. Vincent R. DiNino, director of Longhorn Band, served as sponsor. Tau Beta Sigma's spring pledges included Pa­tricia Andersen, Donna Margaret Mathews, Rose Ann Mcilvain, Terry Sue Porter, Cindy Yvonne Raesener, Barbara M. Stromberg, and Jeton Estelle Swaim. 311 •... ......... -. ....._--............ ···-........ . ..... ; ..--.. ~ ­ ' o • ' • • • • • ' ' t ... •• o• •• • • '•· •• I • ' • ' ' • ·•-'O••• • • ' ' D. Seilheimer N. Sewell W. Shumpes J. Wade K. Rider J. Ross R. Schmidt P. Scott Tejas Club Providing an intellectual atmosphere of scholarship, leadership, and fellowship-for in Spanish, Tejas means friendship-the all-male organization of the Tejas Club claimed a mem­bership of those above-average in academic and leadership abilities. Members were ac­tive in many areas of campus activity, includ­ing Friars, Texas Union, Tau Beta Pi, Alpha Phi Omega, Student Assembly, Omicron Delta Kappa, Order of Alcalde, Texas Cowboys, Sil­ver Spurs, Junior Fellows, and Phi Beta Kappa. As a group, they competed in all University­sponsored intramural events. Established 43 years ago, the Tejas Club was led by Joseph R. Krier, president; Tommy Doc Raye, vice-president; Ronald Lynn Polasek, secretary; Keith Denver Moore, business man­ager; and Charles Michael Ginnings, social chairman. Faculty Sponsor was Byron Fuller­ton, assistant dean of the School of Law. 312 Texas Cowboys The Cowboys' major project was the an­nual Cowboy Minstrels put on to raise money for The Austin Council for Retarded Children. Other activities of the organization included the spring Round-Up barbeque, representing the University at football games and pep ral­lies, ushering at Commencement exercises, and serving as a reception committee for the various celebrities arriving at the airport. Officers for the fall were Michael Eugene Gammon, foreman; Kevin Holcomb, straw­boss; Donald Louis Evans, shotgun; Craig Strip­ling, horse wrangler; and Phillip Victor Ladin, camp cook. In the spring, Kevin Holcomb was foreman; Jerry Richard Grammer, strawboss; Keith Deaver Moore, shotgun; Gerald Harris Stool, horse wrangler; and Donald Louis Ev­ ans, camp cook for the group. FRONT ROW: Donald Patteson Jr., Philip Fleckman. SECOND ROW: Mike Crowell, James Burns, Robert Snoddy, Robert Ittner, James Langdon, Gammon, David Hull, Cullen Looney, Kevin Holcomb, Ronald Weiss, Keith Moore, William Middleton, Dennis Gillette, Joe Kinsel Jr., Robert Jerry Grammer, Robert Schmidt, Lloyd Gregory, David Gregory, Michael Stout, Douglas Crowell, Michael Perrin. MEMBERS NOT PICTURED: Dan Clark, Tommy Cowan, Christopher Bray, Robert Nelson, James Bannerot, Harve Blanks, Joel Lynn Brame, John Robert Brock, Douglas G. Caroom, Gerald Stool, Donald Evans. THIRD ROW: Jack Davidson, 0. C. Houston, Douglas Stirling Craig, Platt Walker Davis 111, Daniel Benjamin Freundlich, William Birdwell, Phillip ladin, Richard Robinson, Bennett Glazer, Jack Kevin Holcomb, Kenneth Robert Johnson, James Adrian Kuch, Richard Vaughan, Craig Stripling, John Brock, Barbara Moses, Sweetheart, Corbin Edward leBlanc, Joe Edward lea, David Walter Nelson, Clyde K. Oldham, Robertson, Douglas Richnow, David Boyles, John Yates, Henry Fielder, Luther Danial Prescott, Larry Randall Smith, Huntington Spann Swanson, Temple Stark, Earl Gilbert, Wilburn Hilton. FOURTH ROW: Thomas Higgins, Joe Bill Watkins, Charles Joseph Worrell, George Wesley Wor~. Andrew White, Dennis Olson, Berry Rothschild, Presley Werlein, Steven ...... ' .. ....... . . .----·~ ---.... . ·-·' .. ... . . .. -· . ... . -. .. . .. ... . . ' - - ' • ' ' t ~... •• I '' • • ' '• •• ; • • ' ' ' • ' ·~-,.,. • ' Student nurses entertained patients during Christmas holidays. Texas Nursing Students Ass'n. Giving members the opportunity to work and learn about the nursing profession, the Texas Nursing Students Association acquainted members with the various fields of nursing. Films were shown on childbirth and surgical nursing. Featured speakers were Mrs. Hazle Glenn, director of nursing service at St. David's Hospital; Miss Billye Jean Brown, associate dean of the Nursing School; and a panel of student nurses from the Medical Branch at Galveston. Other activities included Christmas caroling at Seton, St. David's, and Holy Cross Hospitals; a district workshop; a spring con­vention of Texas Nursing Students Association in Austin; and the national convention in Dallas. Officers included Jodie Kathleen Tron­son, president; Judith Ann Palmer, vice-presi­dent; Louise Ann Ogden, treasurer; Nikki Sra­mek, recording secretary; and Rebecca Sue Brown, corresponding secretary. Faculty spon­sors were Winifred D. Pugh and Alice A. Red­land of the School of Nursing. FRONT ROW: Rebecca Brown, Judith Palmer, Jodie Tronson, Alice Redland, Jacqueline Ellington, Sharon DeVos, Janis Sash, Lynn Brandenberger, louiss Ogden, Nikki Scamek. SECOND ROW: Becky West, Donna Glenn, Stephanie Farley,. Nancy Barton, Rosemary Jacobs, Linda Whatley. FOURTH Barbara Metzger, Jesusa Moreno, Bea Becker, Joe Baltazar, Christine ROW: Linda Blankenship, Marilyn Jurek, Michelle Sindo, Linda Rhodius, Morgan, Christine Adams, Beatrice Ramirez, Sarah Zalman, Linda Willis· Susie St. John, Cynthia Cours, Deanna Farfan, Anne Truchard, Charlene craft. THIRD ROW: Margaret Walker, Jerolyn Bartosh, Helen Swenson, Beach, Sidney Binion. 314 FRONT ROW: Judith Fitzhugh, Sharon Rentz, Constance Pollard, Judith Kateley. SECOND ROW: Cail Schmiedekamp, Cynthia Medlin, Eleanor Ozmum, Jo Bell, Franklin Barnes. BELOW: TSTA Field Representative Lee Hicks enjoyed a discussion with members during a campus conference. TSEA The professional organization for college students who plan to teach, Texas Student Education Association gave members student membership in TSTA and NEA. Members re­ceived the benefits of these organizations such as their journals, newsletters, and placement service. TSEA membership was for all levels of teaching. Among activities for TSEA were the area conference in the spring, the State convention in Houston in the fall, and Teach­ ing Career Month in April. Officers for the Association were Con­stance L. Pollard, president; Judith Ann Kate­ley, first vice-president; Sharon Kay Rentz, sec­ond vice-president; Jo Anne Bell, recording secretary; Thespo Nina Parker, corresponding secretary; and Judith Ann Fitzhugh, treasurer. John Ormand Rodgers and Richard J. Connelly served as the faculty advisers. FRONT ROW: Dianne Davis, Kellyn Rozier, Rosalinda Benavides, Carolyn Nichols, Lynnell Jackson, Suzanne Winckler, Kathy Stephenson. SECOND ROW: Rena Pederson, Olivia Potter, Madelon David, Sandra Brooks, Toni Ivey, Leslie Donovan, Anna Morris, Mary Morphis, Donna Dickerson, Sharon West. THIRD ROW: Sue Grasty, Becky Lanier, Merry Clark, Jenna Bell, Anita Scott, Shirley Hartman, Loretta Fulton, Kathleen Kennedy, Lela Abernathy, Panchita Jones, Jean Stavinoha, Karen Berndt. FOURTH ROW: Margaret Perryman, Linda Carr, Carol Webb, Jan Shane, Lucy Horton, Anne-Marie Verstegen, Jenny Haynes, Martha Wilkes, Dolores Lazarie, Karen Houghton, Linda Wisner, Linda Thomsen, Norma Foreman, Ann Hardy. MEMBERS NOT PICTURED: Joanne Clements, Janet Hirsch, Susan Wagner, Beverly Watson. Theta Sigma Phi A national professional society for wom­en in journalism, Theta Sigma Phi selected its members from upperclass and graduate stu­dents who were active in some phase of com­munications and who plan to make journalism their career. The organization, begun at the University in 1919, sponsored the annual Ten Most Beau­tiful Contest (at right), hosted the Journalism Faculty Appreciation Day, and assisted with the Journalism Honors Day. During the year, Theta Sigma Phi established a coffee and do­nut bar each morning in the Journalism· Building for faculty members and students. The chapter awarded three scholarships to its members. One went to the girl selected by Theta Sigma Phi as Outstanding Sophomore Woman in Journalism each spring. Through professional programs and career weekends, the chapter attempted to inform members about the world of professional journalism. After graduation, college members may join professional chapters in more than 45 cities where they receive help in finding jobs or later in re-entering the business world. The University chapter was one of more than 60 student chapters. Over 20,000 mem­bers have been initiated into the national or­ganization since it was founded in 1909 at the University of Was~ington. Officers for the year were Lynnell Jack­son, president; Carolyn Anita Nichols, vice­president; Dianne Davis, secretary; Rosalinda Benavides, treasurer; Kellyn Rozier, historian. Norris G. Davis and Sue Watkins Grasty were sponsors. Spring pledges were Letitia Beard, Mary Ann Bennett, Annette Bingham, Sandi Marie Brinkman, Linda Marie Cover, Linda Lee Davis, Lenda Kennedy Delk, Karen Jo Elliott, Donna Lynn Englander, Ann Fortson, Bettye Colleen Gormley, Grace Angelina Hane, Bar­bara A. Jaska, Susan Jane Melton, Josie Corn­ing McSweeney, Anne Selma Pashkoff, Mar· tha Janice Shelby, and Priscilla F. Wallace. - . . . . . .... .. ,. .. ,. . .. .. ; . . . . . . . . ' . ··­ UT Canter Club The English riding club at the University, the Canter Club, enabled members to improve their horsemanship or learn and improve their jumping_ ability. Other activities included play­ing mounted games, trail rides, and cookouts. The club's division into two groups, one ad­vanced and one intermediate, provided a place for riders of differing interests and abil­ities. During the spring horse show season, the Canter Club sponsored one day of Hobby Horse Stable's spring show during which classes specifically designed for Canter Club members, and limited to the members, made up most of the day's activities. Canter Club also participated in other horse shows in the State. Officers for the year were Coles Hen­nessy Hairston, president; Elizabeth Ann Quass, vice-president; Summer Scott, secre­tary; and Kathleen Mary O'Connor, treasurer. Form was important to an advanced rider on the steeplechase course at morning practice. The University YMCA-YWCA have served the changing needs of students and faculty on the campus through a program of religious, recreational, vocational, and educational ac­tivities. The "Y" program was aimed to help students understand and change society in responsible ways. It was designed to fulfill some of the personal needs of students both as individual men or women and as learners in the academic community. As in the last three years, the "Y" en­gaged in community development in the St. Johns area in northeast Austin, with volun­teers working with the youth group activities and individual tutoring and counseling. Tu­toring also was done in Austin schools. Executive committee members last year included Barbara A. Fine, YWCA president; C. Gail Rice, vice-president; and committee mem­ bers Arlene L. Barasch, Betty Jane Koivula, Gwen E. Larsh, Doris L. Mcintire, Priscilla J. Patterson, Dianne Stevenson. Joseph M. Rid­dell, YMCA president, and committee mem­bers Robert E. Almy, Randall R. Boykin, Wil­liam E. Kays, James C. Todd, and Alan D. Winter were on the executive committee. 319 . . . . . . . .. .... .. .. . ., . . ..... : . . . . ··-,., . . UTSAM Sports For student athletes unfortunate enough to excel in or merely enjoy what others have labeled as minor sports, The University of Texas Sports Association for Men offered intercollegiate competition in 12 fields. Rang­ing from wrestling to weight lifting, UTSAM clubs set up training programs and held in­dividual tryouts after an initial organization by students was created outside of the estab­lished Intramural Department. These non-varsity sports enthusiasts, who were headed by A. A. Rooker, director of intramural sports, participated in bowling, volleyball, softball, squash, fencing, wrestling, cricket, soccer, gymnastics, handball, sailing, and weight lifting. Each activity, led by a faculty or student sponsor, had an arranged schedule not exceeding five out-of-town trips during the season. With funds supplied by the Intramural Department since 1946, the teams competed against other Texas colleges and universities in an abbreviated season. Both competitors and their sponsors partici­pated on a voluntary basis as there were no scholarships awarded. VOLLEYBALL: FRONT ROW: Richard Obenhaus, Kevin Holcomb, Robert Clarke, Charles Cappel, Charles Vermillion. SECOND ROW: Wayne Jennings, faculty sponsor, Robert McGhee, John Lowther Jr., Charles Boortz, Platt Davis III, Walter Driver Jr., Gregory Lathrop, Rodolfo Castillo. NOT PICTURED: Leonard Robertson, Dan Burleson. 320 CRICKET: FRONT ROW: lnder Singh, John Coet­zee, John Busswell, Geoffrey Garland, E. V. Ganapathy, Orville Wyss, sponsor. SECOND ROW: Dineshchandra Mehta, Mirjehan Janmo­hamed, Richard Wilson, . K.S.V.L. Narasimhan, Sharad Kolle. BOWLING: FRONT ROW: George Mathis, Lee Rothenberg. SECOND ROW: Chester long, Mike Mauldin, Jack Copeland. NOT PICTURED: Milton Lee, James Hubka, T. A. Miller, J. E. Pat Hur­ley, sponsor. LEFT: Dan Bulla started the match with his Stephen F. Austin opponent. 321 , t • • ' • f' I ... ,., 1• ,.,., t•• •• ; • , 0 • ••.. o • 0 CADET STAFF: FRONT ROW: Nathan Bell IV, Albert Judd 111, John Mays, Wilfred Uecker, James Rachel, Marvin Mikeska Jr., Joe Solcher. SECOND ROW: Steven Fry, Lloyd Sloan, Barry Bloom, Patrick O'Neill. THIRD ROW: John Crozier, William Sc:hovaisa, Ralph Miller, David Flack, Richard Azar, Donald Stough, Thomas Barnett, John Wonsik. ---r------------+ Army ROTC Covering a wide range of fields from military engineering and flight training to military history and world affairs, the De­partment of Military Science (Army ROTC) program guided cadets toward the ultimate task of becoming a second lieutenant. An Army ROTC graduate will serve upon gradu­ation in one of the five Army branches: in­fantry, corps of engineers, quartermaster, mili­tary police, or transportation corps. The pro­gram, through regular University course work, presented the student with a broad under­standing of the national government, an insight into its defense programs, and the necessary training and background in which to enter the military service. ARMY CADRE: FRONT ROW: Lieutenant Colonel Robert Leroy Phillips Jr., Leatherwood. THIRD ROW: Staff Sergeant Bennie Donald Roberts, Sergeant Colonel Lawson William Magruder Ill, Lieutenant Colonel Lawrence Erle Major William Bobert Reese, Sergeant First Class Leon Peine Jr., Master Denny. SECOND ROW: Specialist First Class William Jennings Brian Jr., Sergeant Tony Baker, Sergeant First Class Russell Curtis Lecy, Staff Sergeant Major Charles 0 Sims Ill, Donna Rumsel O'Donnell, Shirley J. Hayden, Raymond Lawrence Domin, Sergeant First Class Jimmy Trujillo, Sergeant Dixie Lee Hardison, Major John Henry Sullivan, Captain Thomas Lewis First Class Ronald D. Rossignol. 322 DISTINGUISHED MILITARY STUDENTS: FRONT ROW: Joseph Dean, Chris­topher Ludwig, Nathan Bell IV, Ronald Phillips, Joe Solcher, Wilfred Uecker. SECOND ROW: Larry Clancy, Charles Irby, Burnis Allardyce, Russell Steindam, Paul Smith, Kenneth Elston. THIRD ROW: Ben Tobor, Marvin Mikeska Jr., Gregory Choban, James Rachel, Perry Perryman, John Sefcik. Parish, Sharron McCoy, Georgia Howland, Peggy Brzeszkiewicz, Margaret Keir, Judy Routh, Sallye Sorenson, Nancy Notley, Janis Siegelman. FOURTH ROW: Teresa Milligan, Mary Mast, Judy Ashurst, Sue Blackburn, Patricia Stringer, Lilly Kucera, Linda Marmion, Marsha Schraub, Linda Mclean, Delia White, Suzanne Trout. CORDETTES: FRONT ROW: Rosalyn Pransky, Sherrie Sanford, Nancy Haralson, Judith Byrd, Karen Scruggs, Cheryl Burr. SECOND ROW: Carol Conner, Pamiel Johnson, Judith Druker, Connie Sanders, Mary Grantham, Judy Ploeger, Susan Cunningham, Betsy Ellis, Sherry Simpson, Lucinda Halstead, Mara Schlader. THIRD ROW: Linda Raines, Judy Dobbs, Judith 323 Army ROTC RIGHT: Standing at attention during the weekly noon drills, members of the Color Guard hold rifles and flags aloft as cadets marched. BELOW: The Fiji Lake House was the scene of the annual fall picnic for the corps and their dates. RIFLE TEAM: FRONT ROW: Jere Fletcher, John Stephen, Ralph Willcox. BACK ROW: Stephen Winn, John Ferguson, Paula Kluge. INFANTRY: FRONT ROW: Richard Modesette, Edward Spaulding, James Smith, Russell Steindam, Linda Marmion, Perry Perryman, Kenneth Elston, Edwin Baker. SECOND ROW: Ralph Miller, Haywood Kinsey, Edward Marrs, Burnis Allardyce, Daniel Kruger, Roy Nelson. THIRD ROW: John Buckley, Clyde Harger, Joe Holland, John Gentry, Gene Strait, Paul Hatter, Joseph Hume, Randolph Wilson, Franklin Williams, James Wake· field, Arthur Orbin, Robert Hadd, John Briggs, Robert Kail, Jack Meyer. FOURTH ROW: Preston Payne, Ronald Coburn, Paul Bounds, Paul Mery, LEFT: Awaiting inspection prior to Thursday drill, a "Best Company" stood at attention listening to last-minute instructions. Periodically, this designation is awarded one group that best exemplifies the qualities of leadership and teamwork. BELOW: Col. Lawson Magruder enjoyed the company of the Cordettes. Steve Jackson, Donald Hadd, Robert Kissel, lance Wittlif, William Waters, Terrence Woods, Fred Mery, Michael Killey, Franklin Deaderick, David Roach, Robert Horne. Fl FTH ROW: James Chomout, Robert Copeland, Marshall Bryant, Jeffrey Henke, John Shelton, Ernest Haywood, Jonathan Oelrich, Frank Houzvicka, Richard Kramer, Lawson Magruder, Richard Rapp, Charles Moorhead, William Woodard, William Young, Donald Jones. SIXTH ROW: David Garner, Thomas McDonald, Stephen Kelly. 325 .. . . . . ... ·~ . .. .. ,.... ' .. ; . . ' .. . . . .._ ..... . . .. CORPS OF ENGINEERS: FRONT ROW: Judy Parish, Walter Gersch, Alan Nalle, Larry Clancy, Craig Walford, Ronald Miller, Charles Barker, Orville Harris. SECOND ROW: Robert Spangler, James Hackard, Ray Jones, Ulrich Skerhut, Fredrick Wiegand Jr., Thomas Pahl, Ronald Foster, John Wonsik, Jeffrey Hannon. THIRD ROW: Samuel ·Pantusa, Reynaldo Quijano, Melvin McCain, Stephen Chenault, Richard Manson, Norwin Burgess Jr., Lee Hodgson, Curtis Carr, Robert Bowie, John Cates, Texas Ching. FOURTH ROW: Allen Dubberley, Robert Crites, Louis Mize, William Hodge Jr., ABOVE: Doing more serious work, Engineering cadets practiced drilling on the football practice field in prepa· ration for the annual midterm Awards Day honoring out· standing students. RIGHT: Taking advantage of a warm Saturday afternoon before final quizzes, "Engineers" demonstrated their athletic prowess in a volleyball game at a picnic on Lake Austin. James McCoy, Charles Baker, Jerry Keys, John Bibo, William Minyard, Joe von Merveldt. FIFTH ROW: Armin Feldman, Randy Machemehl, John Maroney, John Klarfield, Joe Cepeda, George Manson, David Young, Arthur Sims, Charles Ruckel, Arthur Hernandez, Woodrow Hammond. SIXTH ROW: Lawrence Rosson, Cecil McKenzie, William Freeman, Patrick O'Keeffe, M. Green, John D'Arezzo, John Guenther, John Volz, Jerry Berry, Charles Watkins. QUARTERMASTER: FRONT ROW: Larry Holman, Charles Ferguson, Curtis Briggs, Bill Mortimer, Patrick Napier, Frank McGovern, Joseph Dean, Marsha Schraub, Gregory Choban, Charles Irby, Daniel Smith, Christopher Shively, John Williams. SECOND ROW: Richard Stone, Douglas Brown, Roberto Salinas, Barry Bloom, Steven Fry, Nathan Bell, James Rachel, Marvin Mikeska, Albert Judd, William Allen, Christopher Ludwig, Robert McRae, Charles Harrington. THIRD ROW: Martin Morris, Richard Freed, Larry Farrow, Charles Chaffin, Douglas Bennett, Michael Laviage, Michael Boland, Larry Fontana, Phillip Cobb, Robert Fisher, Stephen Brochstein, Harris Howe, Ralph Krueger, Darrell Dicken, Robert Meyer. FOURTH ROW: William Army ROTC LEFT: A Quartermaster Corpsman gave a snappy salute as he and other members passed in review in front of the ROTC Building. BELOW: Socially, the corps hosted an eggnog party in the fall for their dates as a prelude to the Christmas season. Berry, Terry Belt, William Goodale, Gary Leech, Bryan Siegel, David McNeely, Kimmyth Pesz, William Bugna, John Ferguson, Tim Ernster, Avrum Schonwald, Stephen Smith, David Osborn, Philip Johnson, Todd Cone. FIFTH ROW: Kenneth McCullough, John Allums, Michael Gardner, Charles Walker, John Holden, Travis Powell, John Marshall, Edward Rubac, Deryl Crawford, John Bryant, John Boswell, Jan Sonnen, Douglas Crowell, Gary Gosdin, Ward Blacklock. SIXTH ROW: David Flack, Stanley McCormick, Richard Azar, Leonard Wilson, George Goolsby, Larry Rives, Kenneth Brown, Bill Arlitt. Marching drill each week was an integral part of the training for Transportation Corpsmen. TRANSPORTATION: FRONT ROW: Joseph Nicols, Richard Fender,. Ronald Weber, Malcolm Marion, Mark Kiester, James Fraser. FOURTH ROW: Milton Niehaus, Paul Smith, Mary Grantham, Wilfred Uecker, Frank Ramert Jr., Baker, Richard Poulos, Terry Tingley, Robert Richardson, Charles Brauer, James Horton, Morris Barto. SECOND ROW: Philip Howard, Joe Solcher, Benjamine Thomason Ill, Michael Penton, Joe Calderon, Lawrence John Butler, James Shaw, William Smith, Max Eversberg, E. Lambert Ill, Carmichael, Robert Richardson, Joseph Patten, Thomas Barnett, Burton John Sefcik, Arthur Manson Ill, Raymond Tollett Jr., Robert Fry Jr. Gilbert. FIFTH ROW: Donald Stough, Stephen Peery, Niels Melo, Robert THIRD ROW: Eugene Erickson, William Reagan, William Stewart, Michael Smylie, George Wallace, Grant Bouck, John Pope, Gerald Rech, Arthur Moran, William Knox, Rufus Prikryl, David Moller, Bruce Borrett, John Stephens, John Goodloe, Joseph James, Reuben Aguilar, Harvey Richey. 328 Army ROTC MILITARY POLICE: FRONT ROW: Charles CashdolJar, David Wright, Horace WilJiams, Raymond Leal, Donnie Burgess, Ronald Phillips, Judy Dobbs, Ben Tobor, Richard Flint, Karl MoelJer, Claude Cage, John Mays, Robert Vann, Larry Brockman. SECOND ROW: Clarence Hansen, Donny Walker, Jerry Choate, Franklyn Singer, Lloyd Sloan, Charles Buerschinger, William Flesher, Charles Earhart, Paul Mathews, John Bush, Mike Enriquez, Rod Gibson, Charles Griffith. THIRD ROW: William Green, Marc Payton, Theodore Gonzalez, Frank Dupuy, Edwin Arnold, Dennis Jung, Barry Galloway, Carlos Acevedo, Ralph Rogers, Anthony Heep, Francisco Rod­riguez. FOURTH ROW: TerrelJ Eperson, Roy Garcia, Michael Wiatrowski, Richard Priem, Don Alexander, Joseph PinnelJi, Chris Hanger, John Klein, Christopher Johnston. FIFTH ROW: Arden Fischer, Jerry Duterroil, Donald Anderson, Paul Marshall, Thomas Helfer, Douglas Grace, Fred Goodenough, Larry Morris, Patrick Klein. SIXTH ROW: William Schovajsa, Robert Allensworth, Langston Rogde, George Gilkerson. MP's trained by forming a circle around the instructor and answering his questions individualJy. 329 - • • • • ......... I' ••• • •• •• • • • • • • • ..... ••• • • •• BATTALION STAFF: FRONT ROW: Philip Eiserloh, James Brotherton, Charles Neal, Richard Kayser. SECOND ROW: John Fishero, James Ryan, William Brandon, Charles Pollard. THIRD ROW: Daniel Kuttner, John Conly, James Burns, Jerome Banks. FOURTH ROW: John Pritchard, Richard . Wade, Robert Thomas, Hal Pike, Carlos Chapa. Navy ROTC The University Department of Naval Science offered two basic programs, the Regu­lar and the Contract. The Regular program prepared officers for the Regular Navy and Marine Corps and paid most of the students' educational expenses. The Contract program prepared officers for the Naval or Marine Corps Reserve. In addition, the NROTC of­ fered a two-year program open to students enrolled in the University and to transfer stu­dents. The unit sponsored many extracurricu­lar activities for Midshipmen, including a pre­cision drill team, the Buccaneers; a rifle and pistol team; a full range of intramural sports; and participation in various social activities of the Midshipman Battalion. A unique fea­ture of the University NROTC unit was the Crow's Nest, a cooperative dormitory. NAVAL SCIENCE STAFF: FRONT ROW: Commander Thomas Wood, Captain Hartsel Allen, Major Donald Strain. SECOND ROW: Gunnery Sergeant Charles Lockhart, lieutenant Charles Berry, lieutenant Tony Clark, lieutenant Harrold Waits, Gunners Mate First Class Robert Porter, Johnnie Hallman, lieutenant Wilford McCann, Storekeeper Chief James Newport, Chief Yeoman Billy Byrd. SEMINAR: FRONT ROW: Richard Arnold, Thomas Bowman, James Fahrenthold, Paul Guthrie, James Mulva, Rodolfo Renya. SECOND ROW: Robert Collins, Steven Smith, Robert Ebner, Thomas Dunn, James Broaddus, Michael Flood. THIRD ROW: Thomas Bogel, William Green, Rodger Kester, Richard Odle, Michael Clark, Wesley Leverich. BUCCANEERS: FRONT ROW: John Baldwin, Edward Carman, Vernon McMinn, Alphonce Brown Jr. SECOND ROW: John Harrop, James Collins, Bruce Greer, Elton Page Ill, Clifton Darby, Norman Schafer, Eugene Behal, Steve Chapman, David Crompton. THIRD ROW: Harold Biesmeier Jr., Madrile Wilson Jr., Michael Adams, David Rizy, Joseph Leinenbach Jr., Robert Patton, Mike Gale, Kenneth Bennight Jr., William Dvorak, Michael Costello. FOURTH ROW: Richard Strickland, John Ballard, Wayne Henderson, William Craig, Harry Palmer, Clarence Wigfall Jr., Barry Green, Larry Willis, Leigh McGill, Roberto Flores Jr., Frederick Moon, Richard Wellborn. FIFTH ROW: Everett Williams, James Holbach, John Cocke, Michael Talone, Robert Felle, Steven Howell, Geoffrey Roemer, John Bretz, Scott Crandall, James Pounds, Tomas Coronado. 331 - . . . . . ..... .. ,. .. . . .. .. . . . . .. . ~·... ALPHA COMPANY: FRONT ROW: Ernest Trominski, Gregg Averett, Dennis Olson, Edward Moore IV. SECOND ROW: George Root, Richard Schleif, William Davis, David Wells, Elbert Huber Jr., Robert Reinauer. THIRD ROW: Fields Jackson 111, Robert Dean, James Latta, Russe ll Fields, Thomas Strickland, David Bryan, John Lindemood, James Frisbie, Bruce Mc. Commons, Jessie Davis, Herbert Teel, Thomas Caldbeck, Tom Urbanek, Robert Illes, Roland Davis. FOURTH ROW: Mark Wigder, Robert Holloway, Alfred Story, Thomas Tennison, Milton Foerster, Robert Shanks, Harold ABOVE: NAVY SWEETHEARTS: FRONT ROW: Sandra Liddle, Chandler Strain, Marijo Lindsay, Kristen Holmberg, Barbara Hughes. SECOND ROW: Farrah Fawcett, Jeanie Holley, Julie Norman, Dottie Plummer, Deborah Perkins. NOT PICTURED: Janice Lawson, Patsy Moffett, Bonita Foster. RIGHT: Celebrating an old-time "Oktoberfest" at Zilker Park was one way to begin the late-starting fall semester. Navy ROTC . Adams, Thomas Hunt, Everett Buck, John Kephart, Randal McDonald, Robert Lewis, John Nichols, Jerold Miller. FIFTH ROW: Francis Galloway, Lenard Kreuz, Craig Loibner, Theodore Tolle, David Groos, Charles Mulroy, John Carrillo, Fredric Fleshman, John Peek, Stephen Blodgett, Max Tarbox, Michael Carlberg, Edmund Titcomb, John Luethcke Jr., Randall Gray. SIXTH ROW: Oliver Brown, Ronald Kissman, Carl Boren, John Littlefield, Donald Driskill, Terrence Tull, Floyd Jackson, Robert Mahan, Barth Root, Randall Rowan, Robert Frnka, Richard Weaver, Henry Anthony. 332 BRAVO COMPANY: FRONT ROW: Carl Hill, Henry W. Leopold, Bill New­Turner, Edward Chevalier, Melton Soders. FIFTH ROW: James Quinn, som, Michael Collins. SECOND ROW: Patrick Brady, Randolph Burwell, Michael Thomas, Arthur Estes, Paul Eschenfelder Jr., John Preston, Frank Thomas Drake, Charles Allen. THIRD ROW: Albert Higdon, Louis Jodry, Wofford, Walter Sheppard, Douglas Fisher, Robert Wilder, Phillip Erickson, Morton Baird, Richard Cowart, Jordan Janak, James Lorkowski, Paul John Darrell Seng, Paul Ferguson, Henri Stewart. SIXTH ROW: Herbert Hutchison, Robert Carter, Ronald Schlottman, Kent Keirsey, William Wright Ill, Derris Murphy, Bruce Byron, Stephen Sheppard, Marvin Steshko, Gerald Spinks, Jonathan Kaplan, Timothy Early, Paul Frye. Arthur Jr., Albert Rich, Ronald Skewis, Walter Jenkins, Edmund Levy, FOURTH ROW: Jean Teutsch, Glenn Weichert, Brian Hagerty, Doyal Daniel Richards, Chet Boortz, David Kirkpatrick. Nelms, John Howard, James Clark, Michael Looney, France Davis, John 333 - ' • • • ' Io-. • •• •• • • ' •• : Air Force ROTC The m1ss1on of the Department of Air Science was to commission career-orientated officers to meet specific Air Force require­ments through on-campus programs. The Air Force ROTC offered freshman students a four­year program and junior students or above, if they have two years remaining in college, a two-year program leading to commissioned officer status in the United States Air Force. In addition, qualified cadets received flight instruction in their last year resulting in the award of a private pilot's license. When called to active duty, graduates became pilots, navi­gators, or specialists in their particular field of study while at the University. • ..._ •• • ' GROUP STAFF: FRONT ROW: Lonnie Brauner. SECOND ROW: Charles Myers, Michael Pandolfo, David Abramowitz, John Totten, Ronald Bergquist, Robert Mills Jr., Gerald Bishop. THIRD ROW: David Davis, Richard Speer, Warren Bollmeier, Thomas Erdmann, Richard Olivieri, Richard Wiser. FOURTH ROW: John Kelly Jr., Stephen Boyd, Steven Franklin, Lloyd Stearns Jr., Manuel Rosales Jr. FIFTH ROW: Michael Wortham, Michael Coble, Julian Buenger, Raymond Oelrich, Antonio Alvarado, Robert James. STAFF: FRONT ROW: Lieutenant Colonel Karl Benson Jr. SECOND ROW: Staff Sergeant Arnett Starling, Staff Sergeant Albert Gabaldon, Captain John Squires, Mrs. Ollie Arena, Staff Sergeant John Tucker, Captain Richard McGuinness Jr., Mrs. Sheila Waggoner, Lieutenant Colonel Wallace McKenzie. 334 ~­ SQUADRON ONE: FRONT ROW: George Wroten, Joe McFatter, Ann Fuller, Ann Baird, John Olivo, James Bates. SECOND ROW: Walter Demond, Hal Gillespie, Donald Holcomb, Jonathan Mark, Robert Bearden, Roger Macon, Harold Arbogust, Jeffrey Petterson, George Zapata, Kristin Wells. THIRD ROW: Lee Ansell, William Daniel, James Dieterich, Donald Pfiester, Harry Cradduck, Robert Robertson, William Peterson, Steven Sicking. FOURTH ROW: Forrest Penney, Charles Smith, James Talbert, Howard Bayne, Clayton Crossley, Herbert Morgan, Thomas O'Brien, Ralph Mc­Connell. FIFTH ROW: Leonard Ellis, Jim Jordan, John Lampo, Don Ray, Darrell Donaldson, Loy Singleton, Richard Persons, David Sargen. SQUADRON TWO: FRONT ROW: Robert Mills, Kathy Holmes, Sherry Davis, Marburger, Douglas Batson, Walter Cardwell, Scott Parker, Arthur Harvey, Judith Hollingsworth, Allan Bean, Leslie Wareing, Russell Cykoski, Jo Alfred Ransel. FOURTH ROW: William McNeal, John Knippa, Eddie Ashle­Rowley, Ted McWhorter. SECOND ROW: Eiffel Bermea, Berle Barnett, man, Theodore Badger, Michael Payne, Mark Reagan, Ronald White, Robert Griffin, Baltazar Coronado, Michael Lallinger, William Woods, Harrison Lingle, William Hutchison. FIFTH ROW: George Douglas, Norman Calder Robertson, Frank Tovar, Richard Morey. THIRD ROW: Richard Flemens, Thomas Reneau, William Strawn, Garrett Polhamus, Neil Orleans, Alexander, John Hinkle, Christopher Cobb, David Hammond, Thomas Carl Metzroth, Craig Smith. 335 SQUADRON THREE: FRONT ROW: Robert Trapnell Jr., Kathleen Clewis, holtz, George Vest Jr., Charles Pfiester, Curtis Meinzer, Gregory Waller. Susan Scott, Bruce Luna, Sharon Allison, Suzanne Shepperd, David Swanson, FOURTH ROW: Charles Mott, Joel Kizer IV, James Davenport Jr., Chester Priscilla Warwick, Victor Holubec. SECOND ROW: Ronald Wassom, Jesse Winslow, Larry Lay, Jack Stephens Jr., Phillip Scott, William Michna, Robert Germany, George McClughan, Robert Fry, Donald Savage, Charles Keeth­ Riepe. FIFTH ROW: William Small, Lambert Koeniger, Ben Ludeman, ler, Dean Staley, Charles Ploetz, Douglas Hunter, James Robertson. THIRD John Bush, William Cude, Walter Taliaferro Jr., Jeffrey Zickler, John ROW: Kenneth Gatewood, William Hollon, Richard Davis, David Nesen- Wells, Duawe Faith, Howard Humphrey Jr. Plummer George Schaefer, Roger Sims, Dana Spears. FOURTH ROW: SQUADRON FOUR: FRONT ROW: Jack Robbins, Donna Smith, Robert Patrick Palmer, Larry Anderson, Harry Clark, James Watkins, Gordon Bickerstaff Judy Jones, Stephen Holliday, Susanne Bischofs, John Burns, Ward, James Stinson. FIFTH ROW: James Heaney, Kenneth Graham, David Johnson. SECOND ROW: David Eldridge, Michael Magness, "'."alter James Drewry, Donald Warner, Willian Totten, Melton Pipes. Boyaki, David Prahler, Gregory Meyer, Louis Rieffer, James Ruth, Richard Payne. THIRD ROW: Alton Barton, Gus Gates, Scott Lashbrook, James 33b PLEDGES: FRONT ROW: Judith Jones, Linda Melton, Kathleen Clewis. SECOND ROW: Susanne Bischofs, Frances Fuller. Sherry Davis, Donna Smith. FRONT ROW: Barbara Coward, Cheryl Zimmerman, Kerry Bogart, Prissy Warwick, Judy Garrett. SECOND ROW: Judith Britt, Diane Peek, Jan Howie, Kathy Holmes, Kay lewis, Sherry Swesnik. THIRD ROW: Carol Ricci, Ann Fuller. Denise McAdam, Robin Thrift, Jo Ann Rowley, Carol Howie, Beth Schectman. FOURTH ROW: Roberta Richards, Judith Hollings­worth, leNoir Wareing, Patricia Moore, Sharon Allison, Ann Baird, Mary lewis. Angel Flight Angel Flight was an honorary service or­ganization sponsored by Arnold Air Society, the Air Force ROTC cadet group. Members must possess poise, personality, and a will­ingness to actively participate in Angel Flight activities. They served as hostesses at Air Force ROTC functions, represented the Arnold Air Society and AFROTC on the campus, attended area and national conclaves, parti­cipated in service projects, and strove to im­prove the morale of the Air Force cadets. Fall officers were Sharon Allison, com­mander; Jo Ann Rowley, executive officer; Ann Baird, administrative services officer; Roberta Richards, comptroller, Kathy Holmes, operations, Susan Scott, informations, and Beth Shectman, pledge trainer. Spring officers were Ann Baird, commander; Kathy Holmes, executive officer; Susan Scott, administrative services officer; Pauline Westbrook, comp­troller; Robin Thrift, operations, and Melanie Moore, informations officer. . . . . . .. ..... . . . ...... ; . . . . . . ...... P. Brzeszkiewicz AXf! J. Giese AXf! N. Elsik AI'A P. Henderson B. Barnes AAil AOil D. Hayes A::;A B. Brawley Al'A S. Correll S. Russell AAil A B. Cook Xf! C. Cole AKA I. Rosenthal M. Roberts AE A C. Smith Xf! V. Mayes AKA L. Cohen N. Jostes AE A;::A M. Ray AAA K. O'Neal AOIT Panhellenic Council set social and scho­lastic requirements for all University sororities and made and enforced rush, pledging, and initiation rules. With 18 full members and two associate members, the Council sponsored workshops for sorority representatives, a scholarship fund open to all women enrolled at Texas, and brunches for parents on Dad's Day and Round-Up Weekend. Cooperating with the lnterfraternity Council, Panhellenic supported Varsity Carnival, Sing-Song, fresh­man tutorial, and a pledge scholarship pro­gram. Officers for the year included Mary Anne Ray, president; Cindy Bowden, vice-president; Susan Dee Bodenhamer, secretary; Ilene Jill Rosenthal, treasurer; and Sue Ann Meisel, parliamentarian. Mrs. Evelyn Bennett served as executive secretary while Mrs. Dorothy Dean of the Dean of Women's Office was the Council's sponsor. N. Nobles AAA R. Ocker AI' F. Fuller AI' S. Nelson Acf>E C. Young A<'l•E L. Coleman A::::e L. Horton A::::9 M. Becker AZ S. Shirley AZ M. Teal I'B 338 L. Hutchins I'R A. Dickinson KA9 L. Kucera IIB C. Bowden KA9 l~ .IE G. Friedberger :::AT S. Bodenhamer ZTA K. Kriegel KKl' Panhellenic Council D. Evans ~AE D. Ransel TKE B. Taylor e;:: Major emphasis of the lnterfraternity Council shifted from attempts to build broth­erhood through hazing to building brother­hood by developing a man's individuality in a year that saw a lessening of rallies and an increase in constructive work sessions. Led by Barry Howard Margolis, president, fra­ternities were granted social autonomy by the University administration and the IFC passed legislation to regulate fraternity hous­ing in areas of women's visiting hours and resident housemothers. The Campus Chest charity drive which raised money for local and national charitable causes also was con­tinued. Panhellenic Council and IFC jointly sup­ported the freshman tutorial program, Varsity Carnival, a pledge scholarship program, and the annual December Sing-Song competition. Other officers were Richard Ray Dillard, vice­president; Dan Harve Blanks, secretary; and Danny Freundlich, treasurer. Dr. Lawrence Franks, Dean of Men, was sponsor. lnterfraternity Council l Kinsel ..i8 339 . ........-.... . . ··...-......... _·;_·: .•.. ,....·.· ··~ •. ·~· . . .. .. '!"·:.···•.... :.~ ' - . - . . . . . ' ..... . ,. ., . . ... .. . . . . . ··-.... . . Alpha Chi Omega S. Ku M. Kelly M. Lonkford P. Lorge J. leMoine S. Lentho Alpha Chi Omega Sing.Song leader received their first place award. 340 The Alpha Chi Omega Cadillac Bar was the pledges' project for Dimes Day competition last year. G. linclos C. Linder K. Manhart J. Meeks Major activities of Alpha Chi Omega were a fall casual, a fall retreat, a Dad's Day buffet, Sing-Song, a spring formal, and Varsity Carnival. Last year, the pledges won first place in Most Original and third place in Most Money Contests in Dimes Day compe­ L. Miller P. !.loffett 0 . Moore M. Moore l. Moyer M. Murphey P. Murphy N. Nau tition among Greeks. AChi O's were active on campus in Cor­dettes, Orange Jackets, Angel Flight, varsity and freshman cheerleading, Mortar Board, House of Delegates, Student Assembly, Phar­macy Council, Orientation Procedures Com­mittee, Challenge, and Round-Up. Peggy E. Nelson S. Nicholl N. Nixon Brzeszkiewicz was one of the Ten Most Beau­tiful. Alpha Chi Omega sorority was founded at De Pauw University in 1885. The Texas chapter received its charter in 1924. Officers for last year were Judith Kathryn Byrd, presi­dent; Linda Mellina Guyette, first vice-presi­ C. Philp P. Pierce C. Pittman V. Plummer E. Porter dent; Cheryl Ann Burr, second vice-president; Judy Jo Ann Brill, third vice-president; Brook Anne Johnson, recording secretary; and Jeanie Ricketts, treasurer. Mrs. Vera Ussery was so­rority housemother. - • • • • • • • ..... •• •• •• •"4 ..... : • • • • • • • • • ···-• •••• • • Alpha Delta Pi Among the many Alpha Delta Pi activi­ties last year was the chapter adoption of an orphan boy in Hong Kong. Close contact was kept with the boy by letters and gifts of food and clothing. Alpha Delta Pi's were active on campus in Orange Jackets, Cordettes, Spooks, Student Assembly, and Education and Fine Arts Councils. Sorority officers were Sandra Gay Taylor, president, Barbara Nell Driscoll, vice-president; Louise Noelie Coerver, pledge trainer; Nadine Oleva Cochran, treasurer; and Susan Jane Douglas, rush captain. Mrs. Kath­erine Neal acted as housemother. Alpha Delta Pi was founded May 15, 1851 at Wesleyan Female College in Macon, Georgia, as the first secret society for col­ .I lege women. The Delta chapter at the Uni­versity was founded in June, 1906. P. Clark S. Cobb N . Cochran l. Coerver C. Conerly C. Conner S. Carrell D. Darby l. Davis A. DeShong C. DeShong l. Dietz B. Driscoll F. Dyer M. Eckert C. Emmert J. Ferguson M. Ferguson M. Fields G. Fogel C. Fuquay J. Gorrell ·D. Garvey M. Gayle D. Geis C. G il bert C. G illett J. Hoag l. Hancock A. Harrison P. Henderson A. Henslee J. ttk ks H. Hightower C. Hinckley B. Hinton 342 343 - . . . .' .... .. . .. .. .. .. . . ' . . . ...... . Alpha Epsilon Phi L. Donoslcy R. Drosnes T. Edlis K. Eldridge S. Emmer 8. Fienberg l. Fierman J. Finberg Fall activities for Alpha Epsilon Phi in­cluded match parties, a party for Austin Alum­nae, Fratty Friends, and a party at Green Pas­tures. Alpha Epsilon Phi also sent gifts to men in Vietnam and provided 10 Christmas din­ners to needy families in Austin. AEPhi's were active on campus in Stu­dent Assembly, House of Delegates, Cordettes, Orange Jackets, Spooks, Angel Flight, Posse, Panhellenic Council, and Mortar Board. Nancy Roosth was named one of 10 outstanding business students for 1967. Lara Racusin and Karen Krakower were finalists in the Ten Most Beautiful Contest. The first national Alpha Epsilon Phi chap­ter was founded at Barnard College in New York on Oct. 24, 1909. Omega, the Texas chapter, was founded April 25, 1925, and is now the largest chapter in the nation. Of­ficers were Joan Lynn Unger, president; Jud­ith Barbara Schimmel, vice-president; Carol Beth Goldman, pledge trainer; Nancy Ann Nasits, recording secretary; and Judy Anne Davis, corresponding secretary. S. K1nchnu M . Koen S. Kohn K. Krolcower 8. Krumhol z C. Kurtz J. Loboviti: 0. l11dnu 344 - . . . . .·-. .. . .. . . . . . .. . . ... .... . . ~ Alpha Gamma Delta Helping in the community and sup­porting their international altruistic proiect, the Alpha Gamma Delta's played an active role in the Austin Cerebral Palsy Center. They contributed their services to the Cen­ter during the year and held parties for the children at Halloween, Christmas, and Eas­ ter. Various social activities of Alpha Gam­ma Delta included a fall retreat at the 7-A Guest Ranch in Wimberly, a pledge Hal­loween party, Dad's Day buffet, an informal party at Griffin's Party Barn, Christmas date dinner, spring formal at Balcones Country Club, achievement dinner, and a spring retreat to plan activities for the coming year. During the Campus Chest drive, Alpha Gamma Delta sold painted rock paperweights on Dimes Day, and Ann Pettit won the Miss Sleezy Contest. In the Aggie Sign com­petition, the Alpha Gam's won second place with their entry, "Run the Aggies Thru the Mill." Officers for Alpha Gamma Delta were Yvonne Marie Jensen, president; Rebecca Elizabeth Dobie, first vice-president; Suzanne Dell Veil uva, second vice-president; Mary Kathryn Holmes, recording secretary; and Nancy Matthews Law, treasurer. At an informal gathering at their house, the Alpha Gamma Deltas entertained their dates. - . ' . . .. .. . . ..... ... . . . Members prepared canned food supplies for needy families. I I I I I I I I 11 I . I 11 I 348 Alpha Kappa Alpha The major activity for Alpha Kappa Al­pha last year was the formal ball and Ivy Presentation held at the Driskill Hotel in the spring. During the fall, the sorority gave its annual Can-Can party to collect food for needy families at Thanksgiving and volun­teered service for the Austin Christmas Bur­eau. Christmas parties and Easter egg hunts for day-care centers were other activities. Cultural events were planned in cooperation with the sorority's graduate chapter, Beta Psi Omega, as were Founder's Day activi­ties in January. In the spring, the sorority held rush activities, Round-Up parties, and a retreat for a reevaluation of the previous year and election of officers. Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority was found­ed on January 16, 1908, at Howard Uni­versity and was incorporated in 1913. The local chapter was established in May, 1959. Officers for the year were Betty Jean Dev­ereaux, basileus; Barbara Diane Douglas, anti-basileus; Karen Verne Williams, gram­mateus; Carolyn Kay Cole, epistoleus; and Ruby Jewel Bennett, tamiouchos. Kappa Al­l and Ivy o:el in ~e Ygave its loo:! f(I' Ind volun- S. Tennyson B. Wilkins K. Williams Alpha Kappa Alpha won the Panhellenic Most Improved Scholarship Trophy for the year. 349 ' .... ............. . . .--......._...... ······· .. ; .. '""" ...... : ..-·-.. ' .... - . . .. -·--.. . . . ....._ .-·· . . . Fall activities of Alpha Omicron Pi in­cluded a Dad's Day coffee and open house, a retreat at Pioneer Town near Wimberley, a Christmas semi-formal at Bergstrom Air Force Officer's Club, a Founder's Day ban­quet at the Forty Acres Club, and the annu­al Rose Ball. Last year, Alpha Omicron Pi won first place in the annual Greek Sing­Song. The first place trophy was won in the sorority division as the AOPi's sang "Up, Up with People." AOPi's active on cam­pus last year included the first place win­ner in posture contest, a nominee for Navy ROTC Sweetheart, the co-chairman of Sing­Song, and several members of Spooks. Officers for last year were Virginia El­len Grillo, president; Mary Jane Underwood, vice-president; Sherri Kay Grimes, recording secretary; Johnnie Belle McDonald, corre­sponding secretary; and Susan Wagner, treasurer. Alpha Omicron Pi was founded nationally on Jan. 2, 1897, at Barnard Col­lege, a part of Columbia University. The Pi Kappa Chapter at The University of Texas was founded on April 19, 1949. Alpha Omicron Pi S.G B. Bealor C. Brink A. Bull P. Carroll L. Casey A. Christensen 351 Fall activities of Alpha Phi included placing second in Sigma Chi Derby Day with Margie Harrison being chosen a finalist for Miss Derby Day Queen, a Dad's Day lunch­eon at the sorority house for members' fami­lies, a pledge retreat at Holiday Hills in Wim­berley, a casual party at the Fiji lakehouse, and participation in Sing-Song with Phi Kap­pa Psi fraternity. Spring activities included a formal and a Round-Up brunch. On cam­pus, members of Alpha Phi were active in Union Travel Board, Alpha Lambda Delta, Angel Flight, Freshman Council, and the Cac­ tus. Alphi Phi sorority was founded nation­ally on Oct. l 0, 1892, at Syracuse University. The Omega chapter was chartered in 1920. Officers were Marilee Claire Adensam, presi­dent; Diane McWhirter, first vice-president; Cynthia Anne Davis, second vice-president; JoAnn Patrick, third vice-president; Mary Su­san Henry, recording secretary. 352 Alpha Phi's became acquainted with their new pledges at an informal picnic. S. Russell J. Thompson 8. Tietjen M. Tudor R. Vance S. Vance A. Von Eck P. Worner J. Watkins L. Werkenthin B. Wiederkehr 0. Wier B. Winslow K. Wolters K. Woods Alpha Xi Delta I A fall pledge and active retreat, fall casual, Dad's Day brunch, Big-Little Sister Christmas party, Tree-Trimming party, and Rose Formal were among chapter functions of Alpha Xi Delta last year. Other activities included a Christmas party for Head Start chil­ I dren, providing a family of l 0 with food, clothes, and presents for Christmas, adopting an eight-year-old Chinese girl for a year, and an Easter egg dye and hunt. Alpha Xi's participated on campus in Dimes Day, winning fourth place in collections and second in creativity. Sharon Volosin won Miss Campus Chest. In the fall, Alpha Xi Del­ta took second place in mixed division in Sing-Song with Delta Upsilon and participat­ed in Derby Day. Alpha Xi's rode in the Round-Up Parade and participated in Varsity Carnival in the spring. Chapter officers were Judith Ann Kate­ley, president; Marion Lynn Morris, vice­ M. Boortz M. Bradley V. Bridges C. Briggs C. Brown E. Brown l. Brown K. Cameron K. Castellanos S. Cotes K. Chamberlain B. Cheeves M. Childs P. Clements M. Cox 8. Crowford K. Cumm ings 354 355 I I I I I I I· 35b Omega B. Miller J. Moehlman M. Morgon K. Morrill V. Murph C. NunnoI ly C. Ogden L. Par ish J. Pennycuick C. Pickens R. Porter J. Reagan R. Richardson . ­' •... ' ........... . . .·-··'"'-"-. ..... . . ... ' ......· . . .. ·····"" . .. . .. ; ... ··-. . ' -.. - . . . ·-. . . ··-. . . M. Hooker K. Hubka E. Hudson C. Hull G . Johns C. Justin L. Kennedy M. Kubecka M. Kuykendall A. Lanford 8. Lanier N. Lawson 358 T. Triece S. Tubb J. Van ston M. Vilcoq E. White M. Will iams M. Roy S. Roy S. Robinson M. Rochs J. Rudder M. Schwendeman K. Show Delta Delta Delta Social activities for Delta Delta Delta last year included match parties, a chapter re­ treat to Greenshores, a Founders' Day ban­ quet, Dad's Day buffet, entry in Sing-Song with Delta Tau Delta fraternity, a spring for­ mal, Pansy Breakfast, and Varsity Carnival. Pledges also participated in Derby Day and Dimes Day. Tri Delts were active on campus in Orange Jackets, Spooks, Angel Flight, Cor­ dettes, Posse, Orientation Advisers, and Mor­ tar Board. Founded nationally in 1888 at Boston Uni­ versity, the sorority was established locally in 1912. Officers were Sherri Diane Sledge, president; Nancy Katherine Gent, executive vice-president; Carolyn Frances Estes, activi­ ties vice-president; Edith Ann Peacock, pledge trainer; and Beverly Kay Enderle, chaplain. Mrs. H. C. Booth was housemother. - . . . . .. ·-. .. .. . . . . . . . .. _ . C. Anderegg P. Ansel in M. Ashworth A. Ayers M. Barnhart P. Beoll R. Beesley l. Benge C. Bond N. Bounds J. Braun T. Breese M . Brumage Di P. Freedlund F. Fuller Delta Gamma Activities for Delta Gamma last year in­cluded Campus Chest Dimes Day, Sigma Chi Derby Day, a breakfast with Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority, an annual Christmas party with the Texas Cowboys f~r the blind, several match parties, a fall casual, and a spring for­mal. Members also supported an orphan in Korea and an underprivileged family with nine children. Several members tutored under­privileged Austin children. Among activities Delta Gammas partici­pated in on campus were Spooks, Orange Jackets, Texas Union committees, Student Assembly, House of Delegates, College of Business Administration Council, Angel Flight, Skunks, Cordettes, and Royal Spirit Commit­tee. Many Delta Gammas were active also in Campus Chest, Dimes Day, Challenge, and Round-Up. Ginger Langholz was named Miss Sigma Chi Derby Day. Officers were Carolyn Jean DuBose, presi­ dent; Nancy Jean Ellison, first vice-president; Linda Jeanne Marmion, pledge trainer; Shirley Ann Stubbs, third vice-president; and Patricia Kay Anselin, rush captain. L. Marmion 8. Maxwell J. Meade S. Mercer K. Moran M. Muller 0 . Mullins K. Mullins 361 - . . . . . . . ..... . .. . ... .. .. . . .... ,.. ... . Active in philanthropies last year, Del­ ta Phi Epsilon's major activity was a Christ­ mas party at a Home for the Aged. Other activities included collecting for UNICEF, Delta Ph1'Eps1'lon sending Christmas presents to servicemen in Vietnam, and collecting for the cancer drive. Socially, the Delta Phi Epsilon year was high­ lighted by the annual formal weekend in the spring. A house party and chapter retreat al­ so were held. Other social activities were exchange dinners with fraternities, a gradu­ ate tea, a tea for visiting sorority interna­ tional officers, and a banquet honoring sen­ iors. Delta Phi Epsilon was founded March 17, 1922, at Adelphi University in New York. Officers last year were Suzi Elaine Dav­ is, president; Bryna Joyce Bein, vice-presi­ dent; Cheryl Ann Lewis, recording secretary; Barbara Spivak, pledge trainer; and Suzan Gail Bell, rush captain. , I I l The girls of Delta Phi Epsilon invited their dates to an evening meal at the sorority house. 362 S. Gottlieb J. Hiesiger M. Hoppenstein An informal buffet dinner was enjoyed by the Delta Phi Epsilons and their dates last year. C. Lewis E. Lowy D. Mehl C. Samuels F. Schwartz l. Scott M. Sharney l. Sheridan B. Spivak E. Victor A. Weingarten S. Wolf C. Young 363 - . . . ' .·-. . . .. .. . -. ..... . Delta Zeta Last year, Delta Zeta participated in the Aggie Sign Contest, Sigma Chi Derby Day, a retreat at Greenshores, Big-Little Sister ban­quet, Dad's Day buffet, and placed fourth in originality in Dimes Day competition. For their philanthropic projects, members made dona­tions to the University Speech and Hearing Clinic and prepared Red Cross Ditty Bags for distribution to US troops in Vietnam. Delta Zeta social life revolved around match parties, a Christmas semi-formal and pledge presenta­tion, Yule-time House-decorating party, Bring­Your-Own-Date casual, reception for the freshman football team, and the traditional Rose Formal. Delta Zetas were members of Challenge, Round-Up and MUN committees, Orange Jack­ets, Angel Flight, Spooks, and Freshman Council. Scholastic honors included Marian Pendleton in Phi Beta Kappa and Johanna Franke in Mortar Board. Delta Zeta was founded nationally on Oct. 24, 1902, at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, and locally on May 17, 1924. Officers for the year were Janis Ann Ratzlow, president; Sandra Kay Coleman, v i c e-president; Dorothea Jean Entzminger, vice­president; Sue Ann Leslie, recording secretary; Kay Elaine Kercheville, corresponding secre­tary; and Martha Kay Blume, treasurer. M. Greene C. Honsen H. Harrison l. Hase S. Hoskinson S. Heczko K. Heiberg J. Holter P. Howord N. Humphrey K. Jovurok M. Johnson l. Johnston 3b4 K. Karr S. Keppler K. Kerchevi II e P. Kidd J. Kirkpatrick V. Kivl in M Ko lodzey S. Lesl ie C. leach K. Lewis M. lewis S. long l. Lowra nce J. Mciver T. Menzies C. Milligan C. Morrow 0. Nelson S. Nester B. Neyland D. O lson l. Reed J. Reynolds A. Requa N. Robinson J. Rosello J. Ross S. Wicker H. Wieting A. Williams J. Willis K. Zellars Col. Robert Langford helped Chan Mays and Susan Long pack Christmas bags for the fighting men in Vietnam. 365 - . . . . ..... . . . . . .. .. . ...._ .... . I I Last fall, Gamma Phi Beta pledged a col­ony at Southwest Texas State College in San Marcos, and entertained SWTSC pledges with an afternoon party and rush skit. In Sigma Chi Derby Day, the Gamma Phi's placed third. Members participated in Sing-Song, held a Founder's Day banquet, held a d a y ­long pledge-active retreat, entertained par­ents and dates at a Dad's Day brunch, and held their annual Crescent Formal at the Aus­tin Country Club. Philanthropic activities in­cluded the sale of Christmas cards for UNICEF and participation in Campus Chest and Dimes Day. During the Christmas season, Gam­ma Phi's sponsored a party for crippled chil­dren, a tree-trimming party, and a Big-Little Sister party. Officers for last year were Karen Ann Rodgers, president; Sheila Elizabeth Gal­lagher, vice-president; Mary Ellen Newberry, pledge trainer; Molly Ailleen Mathis, rush cap­ tain; and Pamela Jean Zapp, treasurer. Other members were active in Spooks, Orange Jack­ets, and the Texas Union . Gamma Phi Beta H. MHhan J. Meriwether S. Moore M. Mulvaney M. l'lugenl 366 J. Parish C. Patton J. Poul J. Payton S. Payton The Gamma Phi Betas entertained rushees with conversation and colorful skits. E. Wiggins D. Wilson S. WyHe B. Yont P. Zapp 367 ' - • ' • • • ... o I • • • 0 •• o ~•... ' • Kappa Alpha Theta During the year, Kappa Alpha Theta par­ticipated in Derby Day, Dimes Day, and Sing­Song. Social activities included a luncheon on Dad's Day, match parties and picnics with fraternities, a luncheon for brothers, sons, and pinees of members, and a scholarship ban­ r: quet with Dr. Margaret Berry as guest speak­er. .At Christmas, Thetas held a tree-trimming Christmas buffet and a Big-Little Sister Christ­mas party. Spring brought the kite flight for new initiates and a formal dance. Campus activities included membership in the Representative Party, the Texas Union, Panhellenic Council, and YWCA Cabinet. Of­ficers were Julie Wilson, president; Ann Eliza­beth Harvey, first vice-president; Deanne Full­bright, second vice-president; Paige Eastland, treasurer; Judith Ann Tisdale, rush chairman; and Kate Terry Flack, social chairman. C. Hamilton l. Hansen N. Herrington K. Harrison S. Harrison A. Harvey K. Harvey E Hatchet~ T. Hathaway H. Howley 368 C. Hoverstock S. Hoverstock S. A. Hoverstock C. Jeffers G . Johnson J. Johnson J. Jones M. Ka ine D. Kensel A. Kern 369 . . . . .... . . .. .. ... .. . . . . . ... . . . Kappa Kappa Gamma 370 Major functions of Kappa Kappa Gamma last year included a Halloween party for or­phan children given with the Texas Cowboys, a Dad's Day Mexican dinner before the Bay­lor football game, participation in Sing-Song and Dimes Day, a Big-Little Sister retreat to Camp Longhorn, the annual Monmouth Duo formal with Pi Beta Phi, and intramurals. Participating actively on campus, Kappa Kappa Gammas held many individual honors. Among these were Paula Savage, Sweetheart of the University and Engineering Sweetheart. Sherri Spradley was Silver Spur Sweetheart. Kappa Kappa Gamma was founded na­tionally at Monmouth College in 1870. The Texas chapter was established locally in 1902. Chapter officers were Bettie Townsend Wil­lerson, president; Lynne Adair Beavers, first vice-president; Gennie Mackenzie, second vice­president; Nancy Lee Brown, pledge trainer; and Jane Biedenharn Hargis, recording secre­tary. Mrs. Lucy Worthley and Mrs. Dorothea Smith served as housemothers. S. Thomas P. Thompson S. Thompson J. Traeger S. Urquhart P. Watson F. Wells S. Wheeler 8. Willerson l. Wisenbaker W. Withers J. Wyrick 371 372 Pi Beta Phi Participating actively on campus, Pi Beta Phi entered Sing-Song with Pi Kappa Alpha in the mixed division, participated in Sigma Chi Derby Day, and was active in sign-making contests, Dimes Day, intramurals, and Varsity Carnival. The major social function was Mon­mouth Duo with Kappa Kappa Gamma sorori­ty. An Easter egg hunt for Austin orphans was the Pi Phi's major philanthropic project. Pi Phi's were active on campus in Spooks, Orange Jackets, Panhellenic Council, Cordettes, Mortar Board, and fraternity little sister groups. Officers were Roberta Hampton Rich­ ards, president; Frances Little McMath, vice­ president; Susan Elizabeth Brown, recording secretary; Joan Bergstrom, corresponding sec­ retary; Janet Carroll Burroughs, treasurer. Mrs. Martha G. Dean was housemother. S. Walker J. Wareing J. Weger P. Westbrook J. Whyman 373 :· ·..-····· . . i . ... I I I . . . . .... ... .,, .... ; . . . ........... . Sigma Delta Tau The annual winter formal weekend high­lighted Sigma Delta Tau's social calendar last year. After the Friday party at the BRW Barn, a formal was held Saturday at the Driskill Ho­tel. Sunday, a brunch for parents and guests was held. Money-raising activities included collecting money for Rio Grande Valley hur­ricane victims and trick-or-treating by the pledges for UNICEF. The pledge class placed second in Dimes Day competition for Cam­pus Chest. Members of Sigma Delta Tau were active in Round-Up, Education Council, Student As­sembly, Spooks, Cordettes, House of Dele­gates, Royal Spirit Committee, and Orange Jackets. The officers for the year were Libby Harriet Holland, president; Terri Charlyse Hor­witz, first vice-president; Meryl Phyliss Slipa­koff, second vice-president; Ronni Joy Weks­ler, corresponding secretary, and Judith Ann Druker, treasurer. Founded at Cornell Univer­sity in Ithaca, N. Y., in 1917, Sigma Delta Tau chartered its Tau chapter at the Univer­sity in March, 1938. 374 C. Wizig J. Wizig D. Wolf B. Zimmerman . . . . . ..... .. ,. ., .. .. .. . . . . . -·-. . . Zeta Tau Alpha S. Boyl111 C. Beasley Before going home for the holidays, the Zetas exchanged Christmas gifts among themselves. 376 Participating actively on campus, Zeta Tau Alpha entered Sing-Song, Sigma Chi Der­by Day, and won first place in Dimes Day competition. Activities in the fall included a retreat, Dad's Day brunch, Founder's Day pro­gram, and a Thanksgiving service project for the Austin State School with Beta Theta Pi fraternity. Honor-s for the Zetas included Corless Beasley's selection as Dads' Association Most Outstanding Woman Student, members in Mortar Board, and sweethearts in Pi Kappa Alpha and Kappa Alpha fraternities. Zetas al­so participated as varsity and freshman cheer­leaders and as Spook, Posse, Orange Jacket, Angel Flight, and Cordette members. Officers for the year were Eleanor Cor­less Beasley, president; Charlynn Anderson, vice-president; Brownie Sue Cashion, record­ing secretary; Kathryn Lee Coughlin, corres­ponding secretary; and Beverly Murdaugh Smith, treasurer. Founded at Longwood Col­lege in 1898, the Kappa chapter was estab­lished at Texas in 1906. S. Ward E. Warren l. Weller M. Westmoreland J. Withers M. Wittman F. Wright S. Yantis 377 - . . .... . . . . . .. . ..... Acacia S. Blair P. Brondimarte W. Bussa J. Cary I 1 1 J. Condry S. Cornelius In 1967, the 51-year-old Texas chapter of Acacia placed seventh out of 33 fraterni­ties in scholastic standings, fifth in intramu­rals, and emphasized variety in its social events: a German beer garden party, a luau at West Lake Beach, a hippie party, and barn parties achieved this variety last year. In the fall, Acacia gave underprivileged children a Christmas party which included an appear­ance by Santa Claus and his gifts. In spirit competition, Acacia's Aggie sign took best all­around honors before the Thanksgiving A&M game. In the spring, Maureen Howe was crowned Acacia Sweetheart at the spring for­mal held at Green Acres. Alpha Chi Omega sorority, the chapter, and Acacia's little sis­ter group took retarded children Easter egg hunting at Pease Park. In fraternity division intramurals, Acacia placed runner-up in "B" softball and "B" vol­leyball competition. In all-University swim­ming competition, the fraternity captured sec­ond place. Acacia also received the Cowboy's sportsmanship trophy. Founded nationally in 1904, Acacia char• tered the Texas chapter April 16, 1916. Of­ficers of the chapter were Steven Ray Clark, president; Kriss Cloninger, pledge trainer; Malcolm Ellsworth Vaughan, treasurer; Carl Louis Clemons, rush chairman; and A. Neale Rabensburg, house manager. 378 ACACIA ORDER OF DELPHI: FRONT ROW: Mary Mast, Ann Moss, Diana Davis, Maureen Howe, Christine Walker, Mary Chastain. SECOND ROW: Mary Tompkins, Karen Morris, Martha Taylor, Alice DeArmon, Nancy Wray, Julie Reynolds, Brook Johnson. THIRD ROW: Terri Rousser, Susan Steinhauser, Patricia Stansbury, Suzanne Nicholl, Annie Johnson, Deborah Spiva, Jan Reimann, Loretta Byers, Karen Scruggs, Kathryn Cain, Mellie Williams, Linda Glodt, Kathleen Moran. . . . . . . .. . . . . ..........-.. .. - . . . ..... .. . . .... : ' Alpha Epsilon Pi Following policy set in previous years, Alpha Epsilon Pi demonstrated activity in most areas of campus life throughout the year. While the fraternity was second in grade-point average for the 33 campus so­cial fraternities and had a large number of Phi Eta Sigma initiates, AEPi's did not neg­lect their social life as winter and spring rush weekends and a spring formal com­plemented regular biweekly casuals. Alpha Epsilon Pi was founded national­ly at New York University in 1913, and Gamma Deuteron chapter was established on the University campus in 1939. Chapter officers last year were Arnold Pollon, presi­dent; Ben Allan Levy and David J. Aronof­sky, rush captains; David Michael Cotlar, sec­retary; and Bemus William Fischman, trea­surer. Chapter housemother was Mrs. Gladys Pollock. Members were active in the Inter­fraternity Council, with Ken Baron serving as chairman of the Texas Rush and Research Committee for the group. J. Loeb H. Naboshek S. Pfeiffer A. Potion ~I ...... D. Aronofsky M. Becker M. Bloom E. Bodner S. Bodzin B. Cohen Members of Alpha Epsilon Pi and Sigma Delta Tau sorority gathered al the fraternity house several days before a fall football game in order to paint and construct a longhorn spirit sign. 380 . .. . . ... .. . .. . . .. . ........._.. ,. R. Wiesenthal The traditional Viking party was held in the latter part of the fall semester. Mourning the death of their iguana, the membership of Alpha Epsilon Pi held funeral services which were attended by many representatives of the press. - . . . . . . . . .... ,. .. .. .. . ..... : . . . ....... -·· . Alpha Kappa Lambda The youngest fraternity on the Uni­versity campus, Alpha Kappa Lambda cele­brated its first birthday February 18. The fraternity was founded nationally at the Uni­versity of California in 1914. Alpha Kappa Lambda's activities included a Christmas party and an Easter egg hunt, both for un­ derprivileged children. A winter Playboy party and the annual spring Yellow Rose Ball were included in the year's social calendar. Robert Louis Westheimer served as president, with Joe Benson Wolverton, vice-president; Sam Jeffrey Cardwell, secre­tary; and Garvin Dunn Chastain, treasurer. 382 ' . . .. ' .. .. -······· --.. LEFT: Members of Alpha Kappa Lambda, the young­est fraternity on campus, gathered last fall in a variety of costumes depicting different aspects in our cultural history. BELOW: At the same costume party, a mystical seance was conducted between three inspired brothers. J. Lewis D. Mees J. Peck C. Stone R. West R. Westheimer J. Wolverton The new sweetheart of Alpha Kappa lambda received her bouquet of roses at the Christmas party. . . . ... . . . .. . . .. . . ... ·~... Alpha Tau Omega The largest single contributor to the Campus Chest auction fund again last year, Alpha Tau Omega also participated in Sing­Song, Varsity Carnival, Round-Up activities, and all intramural sports. Their social calen­dar was highlighted by the Black and White Christmas Formal, a spring formal, the Streets of Paris Round-Up party, and soror­ity match parties. Members were active on campus in the Texas Cowboys, Silver Spurs, and Posse. founded at Richmond, Va., in 1865, Al­pha Tau Omega established the Gamma Eta chapter on the University campus on Oct. 26, 1897. Officers last year were Edgar Ashley Smith, worthy master; Adrian Aver­il Davis Jr., worthy chaplain; Gavin Harris Smith, treasurer; Milton W. Phair Jr., wor­thy keeper of the annals; and William By­ron Minyard, worthy scribe. Mrs. Jessie Stiles was housemother. G. Duggan J. duPerier J. Durst R. Edens J. Embry J. Etchison S. Fieldcamp H. Head W. Hearn 384 .. . . ... .. . . . ... . ...........~.. .. R. Wilson J. Winfrey J. Wise T. Young 385 - . . . . . .... . . .... , ... ; . . . . . ........ ' . .. . . ... .. . ' . .... . . ........._. .. DAUGHTERS OF THE DIAMOND: FRONT RCJW: Virginia Humphrey, Elizabeth Clopton, Mary Lou Ray, Alinda Hill, Sharon Hardin, Lee Henley. SECOND ROW: Joan Wells, Ruth Ford, Suzanne Dunne, Anne Morris, Wayne Hueppel­sheuser, adviser, Natalie Walker, Barbara Hollowell, Kathy Shaw, Mallory Taylor. NOT PICTURED: Donna Bell, Carolyn Connell. S. Seaman Active in both campus and community service projects, Beta Theta Pi gave a party for the children of the Austin State School, participated in Dimes Day and Varsity Carni­val, and entered Sing-Song with Kappa Al­pha Theta sorority. In sports, Beta members played varsity football, baseball, track, golf, and tennis. Winning league titles in foot­ball and basketball, Beta placed second in all-year point standings. Several members were placed in all-intramural teams, and Carl Senter was selected as the best all­around athlete of the year. Beta Theta Pi was founded at Miam i Uni­versity in Oxford, Ohio, on August 8, 1839. The local chapter, Beta Omicron, was estab­lished in 1886. Officers last year were Charles C. Murray, president; David E. Clem­ents, vice-president; Charles A. Holshouser, secretary; Michael M. Shuck, rush captain; and Eddie Don Roberts, pledge trainer. F. Weisser P. Wheelis J. Wilbanks M. Womble T. York R. Yung - . . . . ..... . .. .. . . . .. . . . . ...._ .. . ll '.I M. Cagney W. Church C. Cobb R. Cordes J. Cox S. Croan G. Cubbison R. Daniel R. Edwards J. Friedrichs ll SWEETHEARTS OF CHAKETT: FRONT ROW: Sue Pollard, Donna Dudley, Nancy Thomas. SECOND ROW: Kay Wolters, Judy Garrell, Denise Wal lace. THIRD ROW: Margo lee, Nancy Jostes Dianne Ames. FOURTH ROW: Shirley Oates, Susan Shannon, Kay Douglas. FIFTH ROW Susan Russell, Margaret Shearer. SIXTH ROW. Sherri Rusi, Shelia Gallagher. J. Ball E. Barkley G. Burnett B. Buske Chi Phi Social activities for Chi Phi last year included a bus trip to Mexico, the annual Dad's Day reunion, Christmas and spring alumni formals, OU and Round-Up Weekend parties, and sorority match parties. The so­cial calendar also included an eggnog party with their little sister organization, a pledge­active football game, and annual ranch re­treat. On campus, Chi Phi's participated in Campus Chest, Freshman Council, Varsity Carnival, and Dimes Day. In intramura.ls, members ranked high in bowling, softball, and basketball. The oldest social fraternity in the na­tion, Chi Phi was founded at Princeton in 1824. The University's Nu chapter was chartered on Mar. 19, 1892. The fraternity was led by John Richard Willifor, president; Thomas Hall Thompson, vice-president; John G. Payne, recording secretary; Charles A. Clark, corresponding secretary; and David Hammond King, treasurer. Shelia Gallagher was chapter sweetheart. 388 ' . . .. ' . . . . .. . . . .. .. .... ... ........ .. W. Wallace W. Walts J. Williams J. Williford A. Willingham J. Wright T. Wysocki 389 Delta Chi Chartered on the University campus in 1907, Delta Chi started off the school year by winning second place in the fraternity di­vision of Sing-Song. Ten new members were initiated into its little sister organization known as Chi Delphia, the Little Sisters of the White Carnation. In campus and community service proj­ects, Delta Chi gave food to victims of Hur­ricane Beulah and needy families at Thanks­giving. Baskets of food and toys were dis­tributed by Delta Chi and Chi Delphia dur­ing the Christmas holidays. Other activities were Model United Nations, Challenge, Var­sity Carnival, and Campus Chest. In intra­murals, Delta Chi captured the Most Improved and the Best Participation Awards. The chap­ter placed first in its bowling division and was represented in football, basketball, base­ball, tennis, swimming, golf, . handball, vol­leyball, and ping-pong. Social activities included Alumni Home­coming and Founder's Day, Dad's Day with Delta Chi, a Christmas, Round-Up, and spring formal and numerous weekend match parties. ~eading the fraternity were Walter Fred Pate, president; Warren Douglas Hancock, vice-presi­dent; Karl Bonawit Putnam, recording secre­tary; John Rohrer, corresponding secretary; and Charles Monroe Wilson, pledge trainer. Mrs. Roxie Moore was housemother. 390 . . . . . ..... -. . ... . . .........-.. .. R. Neill K. Putnam P. Roberts D. Rohrer J. Rohrer W. Woodward R. Rowan K. Russell K. Schutze S. Sherard FAR LEFT: Strolling troubadors entertained as Delta Chi's relaxed after a football game. BELOW: CHI DELPHIA: FRONT ROW: Kay Taylor, Linda Stallings, Lauren Schulze, Mary Covode, Catherine Casstevens. SECOND ROW: Mary Paulette, Barbara Jaeggli, Marjorie Tay­lor, Dee Atkinson. NOT PICTURED: Linda John­son. - . . .' ..... . . . . . .. .. . . . . ·~.. I' Delta Kappa Epsilon Last year, Delta Kappa Epsilon partici­pated in the University's intramural pro­gram , Dimes Day charity event, Aggie Sign Contest, campus organizations, and lnterfra­tern ity Council activities which regulated the Greek fraternity system as a whole. Several theme parties were held throughout the year, plus sorority match parties, serenades, a Christmas cocktail party, Round-Up parties, and a spring formal. Founded at Yale University in 1844, the Omega Chi chapter at The University of Tex­as was established on Mar. 2, 1913, and was led last year by secret officers. ' .' . . '.. . . .. -...............__. .. R. Veselka R. Waldrum A. Walton R. Wise Members did everything at their casuals in order to "float the kegs." Dekes took time off from studies on weekends to socialize with alumni and dates at one of their frequent Saturday afternoon gatherings. 393 R. Burson H. Canada M. Casey J. Chapman R. Christy B. Cline T. Cunningham T. Curtis J. Dumas P. Edmundson 394 Dells enjoyed their annual Toga party. Singing with Delta Delta Delta sorority, Delta Tau Delta placed third in Sing-Song mixed division. • . •.•. ...-.... . . . .....-.•• -~: .!........ ' •.•..••· . . • • '·' ~: . . .• . . .. '!' ~=--:-··-.. -' -"' . . . . ..... . ,. .. .. . .~ .. . . . . .... . . Delta Upsilon Active in campus and community serv­ice projects, Delta Upsilon's activities ranged from second place honors in the mixed di­vision o f Sing-Song to radio station KNOW's chicken eating contest in which member Edgar Livingston Smith II captured the first place trophy. In community serv­ice, the chapter sponsored its annual Christ­mas party at the Austin Community Nursery School for underprivileged children. In addition to the traditional Prohibi­tion party, the fraternity's social calendar in­cluded a spring formal and casual and sorori­ty match parties. The fraternity, found­ed nationally in 1834 and locally in 1949, was the only non-secret fraternity on cam­pus. Officers were Herbert Julius Goerner, president; Clarence William Coffey, vice­president; David Lee Bracken, secretary; Charles Sidney Turet Jr., treasurer; and Ralph I. Miller, chapter relations chairman. Mrs. L. K. Hightower served as housemoth­er through the fall until the return of Mrs. Ethel Belton in January. At the Delta Upsilon Swamp party, one damsel prepared to be sacrificed. 39b . . . ' . . . . .. . . . . . .. ....... •-.. .. UTILE SISTERS OF THE SEVEN STARS: FRONT ROW: Susan Wilberg, Leslie Johnson, Alicia Lowe, Lula Love. SECOND ROW: Diana Sledge, Saundra Goodson, Barbara Bledsoe, Susan Northrup. THIRD ROW: Eugen£-Dewhurst, Patricia Thompson, Patti Davis, Mrs. Judson D. Belton, Anne-Marie Verstegen, Rita Sauls. E. Smith B. Taylor H. Templin C. Turet R. Vaughan C. Watkins D. Watson J. Word J. Yaryan I • • • • '' • •-. • +· ., • • •• : • • • ••• •. • I C. Haws 0. Henry J, High tower G. Hill M. Hodges R. Hood 0 . Hooper R. Houdyshel l ,I I I R. Hul sey R. Jonas D. Jones R. Kelly D. Kiker C. King R. Koerth J. Koschok R Landy R Litton W. Luedemonn 0 . McCoy E McDonald S. McKinnon 0 . McMahon 398 Kappa Alpha Active in both campus activities and community service, Kappa Alpha sponsored the Miss Campus Chest Contest, raising approxi­mately $1,000 for charity in connection with the University-sponsored Dimes Day. Other projects included a party for children at Trav­is State School and a Christmas party for under­privileged children from a local day school. Both parties were given in conjunction with Delta Delta Delta sorority. On campus, Kappa Alpha entered Sing-Song competition with Chi Omega sorority and participated in Texas Cow­boys, Silver Spurs, Posse, varsity athletics, and Texas Union committees. An Old South Week, including the traditional ball, was held in the spring. Kappa Alpha Order was organized at Washington and Lee College in 1865, un­der the guidance of Robert E. Lee. The local chapter, chartered on Oct. 5, 1883, followed the leadership last year of Daniel D. Mc­Mahon, I; Christopher Alan Haynes, 11; Rich­ard T. McMillan, Ill; Raymond Alex Landy, IV; and Eugene Chester McDanald and Wil­liam Raleigh Francis, rush captains. .' . . .. ' .. .. .. . . ... . . .........-.. ... "es and SjXIOSored SOUTHERN BELLES: FRONT ROW: Susan Robison, Susan Cunningham, Nancy Notley, Sally Shaw, Cynthia Kolb. SECOND ROW: Karen Malick, Cecilia Burke, Susan Cope, laura lee Lehmberg, Kathleen Davis, Mary Beeler, Cynthia late, Susan Davis. THIRD ROW: Sarah Hartman, Barbara Johnson, Mrs. Dorothy Elizabeth Combs, Steve McKinnan, Carol Darley, Nancy laBarba. FOURTH ROW: Pamela Pendell, Nancy Loftis, Roberta Richards, Karen Hamilton, Brenda Cook, Suzanne Stringer, Kay Stringer. l. Rob ison W . Rountree C. Schoberle S. Scott S. Whitworth L. W ;!helm Before leaving for the Christmas holidays, KA's and their dates celebrated in Austin. . . . . . .... . . . ' .. . . ..... J. Avery W. Beard J. Clark W. Collins J. Couch A. Crain J. Crowley Kappa Sigma Social life for Kappa Sigma included Christmas and spring semi-formals and nu­merous other parties during the year. In the spring, Kappa Sigs participated in the Texas Independence Day celebration. In intramurals, Kappa Sigma was well represented in basket­ball, volleyball, golf, baseball, and track and was fraternity division runner-up in football. Fall officers of Kappa Sigma were Tim­othy John Herman, president; Hans Wright Bohlmann and Philip Edward Moore, vice­presidents; Lloyd Jefferson Gregory Ill, sec­retary; and William Wolcott Collins Jr., trea­surer. Eleven new members were initiated into the fraternity's little sister organization, Sisters of the Star and Crescent. A. Monken P. Moore M. Morgan W. Murphy A. Noack P. Norris 400 ' .. . ' . ... .. . .. -. ........._ .. SISTERS OF THE STAR AND CRESCENT: FRONT ROW: Sally Gardner, Kathleen Markum, Kath­ erine Willis, Teunisse Breese, Rhonda Read. SECOND ROW: Martha Malone, Catherine Cloud, Julia Tucker, Sandra Lester, Jamie Harris, Jen­ nifer Berry, Janice Burrow. NOT PICTURED: Bess Baker, Nancie Brownell, Kathleen Clewis, Mary Gideon, Judy Eitelman, Kathryn Hopkins, Sharon Hutton, Leslie Lindzey, Marilyn Maddox, Carol Ogden, Mary Ririe, Glenna Sleeper, Susan Terry. J. Underwood R. Wallace R. Westerkom R. Wilder Taking advantage of a free weekend, Kappa Sigs hosted a casual al their house. 401 • • ..... ' ·-"'.. • : •• ...--··-•.._7.!.. -: ••...•: .·: - .___ --.. ··-.._ ... .. ... . . . . ........... I I ,I I I S. Johnson 0 . Jones J. Jopl in l. Korrh R. Kennedy H. Kinsey M. Kloveness W. Lang 402 Lambda Chi Alpha Founded locally in 1917, Lambda Chi Al­pha celebrated its fiftieth anniversary as the second largest fratern ity on the University campus. In campus and community projects, Lambda Chi's invited their mothers to live in the fraternity house during a Mom's Week­ end, participated in Dimes Day, and held a Christmas party for local orphans. Social events included the annual New Orleans, Round-Up Barbeque, Luau, and Casino par­ties. Also included were a Flower Power par­ty, the White Rose Formal, and numerous casuals. Lambda Chi's were active in Students' Association, Friars, Naval ROTC, Order of Al­calde, and the Cactus. Lloyd Doggett was pres­ident of the Students' Association. Lambda Chi won "B" division football and was runner­up in all-University "A" division basketball. The fraternity was led by David Joseph Jones, presi­dent; Ronald Stephen Davis, vice-president; Paul David Angenend, secretary; Nick John Milosevich, treasurer; and John March Meyers, social chairman. . . . ' . . . . .. ... .. ~ . . ....... ·-· .. CRESCENT CLUB: FRONT ROW: Margaret Coleman, Patricia Yaryan, Kay Scott, Mrs. Elizabeth Maynard, Linda Simpson, Paulette Silber, Cynthia Duval. SECOND ROW: Barbara Higley, Dale Hash, Marolyn Wittman, Anne Dickinson, Antoinette Bracher, Diann Conly, Roxan Penland, Pamela Perkins, Suellen McCausland, Diane McCausland. J. Langston S. Lanier .AJ. T. Neal K. North H. Oppermann K. Parsons R. Peck W . Perry J. Poiter J. Prothro A. Scotr R. Show S. Smith D. Thompson J. Tolk T. Voughn S. Wotton J. Wells J. Williams R. Welper l. Whittington J. Winston J. Woodard R. Worth Lambda Chi's played blackjark and roulette at their annual fall Casino party. . . . . ..... . . .. . .. . . . . ,,. . I . I I ii I K. Loomis J. Lovell C. Melville C. Montgomery I Mugging for the photographer at a fall casual party, Phi Delta Thetas and their dates appPared in costumes satirizing con· temporary characters and groups. 404 . .. ' ...... --· . ... .. ........._ .. D. Perry T. Peterson L. Pelly H. Pike Phi Delta Theta As in the past, Phi Delta Theta again won the Aggie Woodgathering Award and participated in the campus-sponsored Dimes Day. In the National Community Service Day Contest sponsored by the fraternity, the Texas chapter placed second out of 124 par­ticipants as they painted and repaired the Children's Home of Austin. An early fraternity on the University campus, Phi Delta Theta was chartered lo­cally in 1883, the year the University opened. It was founded nationally at Miami Univer­sity in Ohio in 1848. Phi Delt officers were Presley Ewing Werlein 111, president; Richard Edwin Pitts, vice-president; George Scott Bishop, secretary; James Bernard Blackburn Jr., treasurer; and Marion Alfred Olson Jr., pledge trainer. Mrs. Charles E. Ward served as fraternity housemother. Members participated in campus or­ganizations as well as athletics. Varsity ath­letes included two swimmers, two track­men, one baseball player, and seven foot­ball players. Two Phi Delt football players were named to all-American teams. In in­tramurals, the fraternity placed high in all­fraternity baseball divisions. . . ......... ' .. .. .. .. . . ...... . Fiji's scored in intramural basketball against Phi Sigma Delta. J. Newman T. Newton R. Sewell B. Snoddy Phi Gamma Delta Active in community projects, Phi Gamma Delta hosted a Halloween party for children at the Austin State School, collected money for UNICEF, and held a Christmas party for under­ privileged children. On campus, the fraternity placed third in money collected during Dimes Day and entered the Aggie Sign Contest. Fiji activity men on campus included twelve Silver Spurs, five Texas Cowboys, ten varsity football players, three varsity baseball team members, Jnterfraternity Council repre­ sentatives, and a Phi Beta Kappa . The frater­ nity was led by Harold David Herndon, presi­ dent; Alvin Thaggard, treasurer; Frank Michael Wood, recording secretary; David Clarence Bland, corresponding secretary; and Richard Barry Johnson, historian. 0 . Oliver 0. Ott M. Parham S. Parker A. Partlow T. Pigg J. Stabler J. Susong A. Thaggard J. Thompson T. Thurmond 407 . . . ..... . . . . .. . . ..... Phi Kappa Psi I . I' V. Addicks P. Alvey D. Anderson G. Archer SISTERS OF THE MYSTIC EYE: FRONT ROW: Patricia Lowe, Reece Beesley, Pamela Adams, Joanne Martin, Martha Ramsey, Karolyn Karr, Diane Davis, Mary Gayle, Barbara Coward. SECOND ROW: Patricia Kidd, Phyllis Nachlinger, Jeane Hoffman, Ann Henslee, Janet King, Sandra Head, Anne Henton, Rebecca Vance, Sarah Cashin. NOT PICTURED: Tanna Anderson, Bonnie Bohnn, Kathleen Delaney, Judy Ferguson, Charlie Geiss, Ann Griffith, Kathy King, Diane McEvoy, Marilyn Nippert, Susan Ormand, Susan Ross, Nancy Varner. In addition to intramural events and the Campus Chest Dimes Day, fall activities for Phi Kappa Psi included a Sing-Song per­formance with Alpha Ph i sorority. The Little Sisters of the Mystic Eye, women's auxil­iary to the fraternity, assisted in giving a Christmas party for children of the Austin State School. Also, Phi Psi and Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority co-sponsored a Christmas party for the Children's Home for Orphans. Activities for the spring semester included Varsity Carnival, Round-Up, and the annual spring formal. The first national chapter of Phi Kappa Psi fraternity was organized on Feb. 19, 1852, at Jefferson College, Cannonsburg, Pa. The University's Alpha chapter was installed on Oct. 27, 1904. Local officers for fall semester were Joel Leslie Smith, president; Wade Hampton Beesley, vice-president; Paul Franklin Flynn, secretary; James Otto Futterknecht, treasurer; Joseph Breen Ring­land, pledge trainer; and Gary Roland Rod­gers, social chairman. W. Hill R. Holland W. Irwin J. Jenkins 408 .' .. . .. .. . -..........-.. .. and activi'es "Psychiatric help for a nickel" was the theme of a Phi Psi Charley Brown rush party. The little 's auxil. g" a OrrJians. D. Kirkpatrick R. Kirmse Lded a al . Kappa Feb. 19, 409 - . . . ..... . . ., . ' .. . . . . ...... E. Horton Phi Kappa Sigma Among the most notable events on the Phi Kappa Sigma social calendar last year were a fall semi-formal and a spring formal, each of which featured "The Lavender Hill Express." For their OU Weekend party, the fraternity engaged "The Soul Men" to play in the Adolphus Hotel main ballroom in Dal­las. Other social events were an annual spring retreat and a series of Round-Up paT­ties. Phi Kaps were active in intramurals and won first place in the men's ·division of the Aggie Sign Contest. For community serv­ice projects, they sponsored a family in San Antonio for Christmas and provided an Eas­ter egg hunt for underprivileged children in Austin. Phi Kappa Sigma, founded in 1850 at the University of Pennsylvania, was estab­lished locally on Feb. 15, 194l. Officers last year included Nelson Allen Byman, alpha; A. Taylor Pohlman, beta; Charles· Allen Poer, pi; Lowell Thomas Higgins, iota; and Dee Wheless, psi. P. Layton S. Macfarland B. MacMaster K. O livier L. Acker K. Anderson N. Barker W. Barnard F. Brown C. Poer A. Pohlman 410 - .' .. . . ' ............. : . .. ' .........._ .. ' LITILE SISTERS OF THE SKULL: FRONT ROW: Beverly Acker, Barbara Barnard, Jackie Herrmann. SECOND ROW: Gilbertine Porter, Carolyn Crouch, Deborah Wambold. THIRD ROW: Linda Gilbert, Joyce Garner, Lu-Nita Hawkins, Maurine Rue, Michele Keesee. LEFT: Phi Kappa Sigma members and their dates enjoyed one of their fall casual parties which was held at the fraternity house. - . . ..... . . . . ' .. . . . . . ... . Phi Kappa Tau J. Anderson S. Beach T. Belt C. Blank J. Dabney J. Damron A. Diaz R. Eads R. Ewing J. Fite Appropriately dressed for their Playboy semi-formal, Phi Tau's personally delivered invitations to dropees and pinees of chap­ter members. The twenty-fifth anniversary of P_h i Kappa Tau at the University brought the Beta Alpha chapter the Roland Maxwell .Achievement Award. Phi Tau's participation in intramural sports continued after they re­ceived the Nelson Puett Intramural Improve­ment Award. The fraternity's teams placed high in football, basketball, bowling, and tennis. In public service, the fall pledge class hosted a Christmas party for the chil­dren's ward at Brackenridge Hospital. Mem­bers also were active in Order of the Al­calde, lnterfraternity Council, House of Dele­gates, Longhorn Band, Conservative Demo­crats, Representative Party, and Karate Club. Last year's officers were Raymond John Martin, president; Richard Edward Ew­ing, vice-president; David Traeger Griffin, secretary; John Cavett McDuff, treasurer, and Charles Edwin Blank, ECMAL. Under the leadership of Kenneth Wayne Goodman, so­cial chairman, the Phi Tau's enjoyed an active social life. Social events included a Haunted House party, the Playboy semi-formal, and a silver anniversary weekend for parents and alumni. Miss Frances Rea, Gamma Phi Beta, was selected fraternity sweetheart. J. Frick T. Froehlich M. Garner S. Gideon 412 '' . .' ' . ... ' .. .. .. .. .. . -.. ........._.. .. of P_hi l prove­ns ~aced I and ~I ~edge . the chi~ ·al.Mem­ if the Al­! of Del e. l'e Demo. te db. Ray hvard fw. Griffin, treasurer, UTILE SISTERS OF THE LAUREL: FRONT ROW: Julie Ross, Katherine Haralson, Sue Grigsby, Patricia Mastin, Gretchen Richards, Jane Belt. SECOND ROW: Sharon Guild, Janet Wilson, Marilyn Doerste, Janice Boddeker, Mary San­ders, Sheridyn Morgan, Cynthia Leach, Sandra Hardin, Bonnie Ferguson, Frances Rea . NOT PICTURED: Robbie Kerr, Linda Blake, Linda Dennis, Cookie Kerr. D. Oldham W. Patton W. Pennington B. Ponder - ' . . . .... . ·-.. . ' .. ' . . . . ··-... Phi Sigma Delta B. Ford E. Freedman D. Goldman H. Gordon M. Gordon Phi Sigs tried for that extra point during intramural basketball competi­tion with the Phi Gamma Delta squad. 414 ' . . .' ' .. .. . ... .. -. ..... ._ .. Active in intramurals, philanthropic proj­ects, campus activities, social events, and earning one of the highest grade-point aver­ ages for University fraternities, Phi Sigma Del­ta won the Brummer Cup as the outstanding Phi Sig chapter in the nation for 1967. In community service, Phi Sigs raised $2,000 for the local Muscular Dystrophy Drive. On the social scene, party themes included Playboy, Pat O'Brien's, Oldies But Goodies, and Ski parties. In fraternity intramurals, the fraternity placed second in "B" division football and "A" division softball and were University champions in handball, Phi Sig members also participated in bowling, ping-pong, tennis, swimming, golf, and water basketball. Fraternity officers for the year were Ken­neth Elliot Levy, master frater; Edwin Buster Freedman, vice-master frater; Gary Jan Stein­berger, recording secretary; Frederick Martin Baron, treasurer; and Paul Louis Silverman, house manager. Other members were active on campus in Texas Cowboys, Silver Spurs, Posse, lnterfraternity Council, and CBA govern­ment and professional honoraries. M. Lev in K. Novorr R. Phillips G. Pierce C. Racusin S. Rawdin F. Roberts V. Rogers 0 . Sen ior R. Solomon B. Schectmon B. Silverman P. Silverman S. Silverman E. Silverstone S. Simkin J. Sloon G. Steinberger G. Stool C. Sugerman G. Tobolowslcy J. Train P. Turner S. Ungerleider R. Wallenstein - ' • • 'I o ,.,. •' • ., o •• • • ' ••.., ' Phi Sigma Kappa M. Atnip W. Bayless W. Boyd E. Carter J. Cates P. Conwell S. Corpora B. Elliott T. Farley l. Ferguson M. Forsythe 0 . Foster ,, Phi Sigma Kappa joined with Gamma Phi Beta in a Sing.Song performance. 416 Signs of various sorts were an impor­tant part of the year for Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity. The fraternity not only participat­ed in the Aggie Sign Contest but also built numerous spirit signs with various sororities throughout the football season. Devoting spring registration week each year to work with Austin charities, the fall pledge class helped with repair work on the Austin Re­tarded Children's Home. Pledges also took part in the annual Dimes Day. The social calendar last year was ac­cented with the annual Mexican party and South Sea Island party. Other annual social events included the Christmas semi-formal, the Moonlight Girl Formal in March, and the annual spring break trip to Nassau, along with match and after-game house parties. Phi Sigma Kappa placed among the top ten fraternities in the number of ac­cµmulated victory points in intramural sports. The fraternity fielded one league champion­ship football team and placed high among contenders ·in baseball, basketball, golf, and tennis. Providing leadership for Phi Sigma Kap­pa were John Burton Knight, president; Ron­ald Loye McKinney, vice-president; Kenneth Edward Willmann, secretary; and Vaughn Randolf Heady, treasurer. Housemother was Mrs. Gladys Leighty. Fraternity sweetheart was Miss Sheryl Louise White. . . . .. .. . -. ' .: ... ' ......... : . .. .. . . ,........_:.. ··.. . SISTERS OF THE SIGNET: FRONT ROW: Beth Terrill, Antoinette DeBois, Holly Spence, Mary Avent, Cissy Carlisle. SECOND ROW: Margaret Spikes, Carolyn Cain, Jan Nelson, Mrs. Gladys Leighty, Helene Meehan, Lolli little, Martha Murchison. C. Vinson C. Whitney K. Willmann J. Wortham - ' ' • I o o-. •' .,,.. o " • ' • ' ••-. • W. Daniels 0. Doy R. Oelleney M. Dies T. Dodd T. Emmons D. Flournoy G. Gardner T. Gentry P. Gibbs M. Gibson l. Griffith J. Groves R. Johnson J. Jones K. Kattawor . . .' -.' . . . . . . .. . . .. : .... ' . ,.........., . .._ . LITTLE SISTERS OF THE SHIELD AND DIAMOND: FRONT ROW: Mary Marsh, Kay Kriegel, Victoria Manchester, Hazel Meyer. SECOND ROW: Karol Rice, Janet Loar, Olivia Potter, Mary Potchernick, Helen Hearne, Joyce Hilsher. THIRD ROW: Marian Merriman, Denna Marcum, Pamela White, Connie Hudson, Jane Henderson, Sandra Parker, Carolyn King, Myrl Carlson, Mrs. Jane Young. FOURTH ROW: Martha Mclelland, Jean Wyrick, Judith Windham, Lolla McNutt, Janet Burroughs, Theresa Daniel, Lyn Arnot. H. Woodward M. Yarbrough D. Yowell . . . . ., ..... . . . . .. .. . . . ... .. . The largest national social fraternity, Sig­ma Alpha Epsilon was active in many areas on campus. Teaming with the Kappa Kappa Gam­ma sorority pledge class, SAE pledges made a large welcoming sign that was placed on campus for Dad's Day. Philanthropic activities included sending money contributions to vic­tims of the South Texas floods. The chapter participated in Campus Chest activities, winning the Miss Campus Chest award for the most money donated. Sigma Alpha Epsilon again participated in Varsity Carnival and Round-Up and gave their eighth annual Christmas party for the Pan-American underprivileged chil­dren, followed in the spring by its tenth an­ nual Easter party. SAE's were active on campus with mem­bers in Texas Cowboys, Silver Spurs, fresh­man and varsity athletics, and all intramural sports. Officers were Ronald Mac Bowyer, emi­ nent archon; James Lee Weber, eminent depu­ty archon; James Loyd Shawn, housemanager; Jack Murchison Vaughan, treasurer; and Wil­liam Catterton, social chairman. R. Morrow W. Morrow l. Neuhaus L. Ni•on C. Ofner 0. O'Rourke 0 . Pace J. Porker 420 . . .. . .. . ' . . ..... .. .... .. .. ' .... .. . .. .... ··-..... . ... 'fy,Sig. Sigma Alpha Epsilon P. Poternostro l. Polton H. Ph illips S. Plumb J. Pohl C. Price M. Price B. Renelle J. Steeg C. Stripling J. Stroud A. Terry G . Thomas J. Vaughan S. Wayland 0 . Weaver D. Wilbanks J. Works K. Wright LITTLE SISTERS OF MINERVA: FRONT ROW: Susie Marinis, Jean Toole, Marilyn Moorman, Jacquelyn Richardson, Kay Mercer, Elizabeth Dobbs, Linda Holyfield. SECOND ROW: Ruth Lyles, Linda Baldwin, Stormy McNutt, Nancy Vaber, Pamela Patton, Sara Walker. THIRD ROW: Shuler Dansby, Laura Wyatt-Brown, Mrs. Sam Murphy, Linda Stanton, Jane Glover. LEFT: SAE's battled Chi Phi's in "B" division intramural basketball. . . .., ..... . .. .. . . .. . . . . ...... Sigma Alpha Mu Ranking first in fraternity scholarship, Sigma Alpha Mu was active in many cam­pus activities last year. The fraternity was led by Berny F. Rothschild, president; Ran­dy Alan Gachman and Ellis Lee Tudzin, vice­presidents; Martin Gross Friedman, secre­tary; and David H. Prager, treasurer. Fra­ternity housemother was Mrs. Helen A. Bau­man. The Sigma Theta chapter placed two men on the top ten intramural list and fin­ished fourth in fraternity intramurals. The Sammies had five intramural managers and one senior manager. Members were active on campus in lnterfraternity Council, varsity athletics, Texas Cowboys, Silver Spurs, and scholastic honoraries. Social life was promi­nent with match parties, two fall rush week­ends, and the spring formal in February. Nationally, Sigma Alpha Mu was established at the College of the City of New York on Nov. 26, 1909; Sigma Theta chapter was founded on Oct. 14, 1922. M. Aftergut D. Altman D. Amdur B. Bakst R. Beckoff ' • •I ' 'I 0 • I ·, '' • ••'•to-. .. ' I• +•o•,t•••-I• 423 . . . '' ... . . . . .. . .... ., Sigma Chi Wrestling on a wooden horse im­bedded in a foot of mud, darting after derby wearers, and decorating pledges were all a part of the annual Sigma Chi Derby Day. About 400 persons representing 13 sororities competed for trophies which were announced at a Derby Day Dance at Municipal Auditorium. All proceeds were do­nated to the Campus Chest Fund. Sigma Chi's also joined with Alpha Chi Omega so­rority to take the first place mixed division trophy in Sing-Song competition with their rendition of "The Roar of the Greasepaint, the Smell of the Crowd." Other social ac­tivities included the traditional Sweetheart Ball, Red Onion Saloon operated during Round-Up, and numerous casual parties. The University Alpha Nu chapter was led by Cullen Rogers Looney, president; Ron M. Davis, vice-president, Richard Nathan Azar, secretary; David Anthony Fertitta, pledge trainer; Robert Willis Carson and Mi­chael Dunlap Harper, social chairmen. P. Bouchard 0 . Bourg W. Bowman J. Burke J. Caldwell R. Carroll R. Carson K. Carter D. Chase J. Cooper J. Cornett D. Craig R. Crist F. Davidson R. Davis LITTLE SIGMAS OF SIGMA CHI: FRONT ROW: Kay Sanders, Maro Queen, Linda Sund· berg, Linda Sullivan. SECOND ROW: Kathleen Killam, Marsha Monroe, Patricia Dooley, Dianne Motter, Nancy Mattiza, Dawn Potter. THIRD ROW: Kathleen Harris, Mary Margaret Marshall, Valorie Burns, Connie Hallmark, Christina Avery, Patti Freedlund. NOT PICTURED: Dianne Fulbright, Phyllis Lanning, Sharon Stephens, Sharon White, Carol Wueste. 424 I • I I 'I , I ' O t' •I o • • •.a ' ..... '• , ' •••+ "''•-· '_. ·~­ 425 . . . . .·-. ' . . . . .. . . . . ... ... Sigma Nu The social calendar of events for Sigma Nu fraternity included the Christmas formal, White Star Formal, a breakfast for Southwest Conference Sweethearts at Round-Up, and the annual barbecue. Sigma Nu's were active on campus in Silver Spurs, Student Assembly, Texas Cowboys, Posse, and as Texas-OU Weekend dance chairman. Active in Universi­ty athletics, Sigma Nu had members on the varsity football team, the track squad, and varsity baseball team. Paul Murray Read and Mickey Sheppard won the all-University intra­mural handball doubles. In the fall, Sigma Nu pledges had a 1.72 grade-point average with three making Phi Eta Sigma. Two actives reached Phi Beta Kap­pa standing. Chartered in 1886, the local Up­silon chapter was led by Wesley Reed Wil­1iams, eminent commander; Dor Wadsworth Brown, lieutenant commander; Michael Edward Love, secretary; Carl T. Schultz, treasurer; and John Bond Loftin, pledge trainer. WHITE STAR SWEETHEARTS: FRONT ROW: Sally Park, Linda Burts, Kelle Snyder, Sheila Wall, Rita Dibella, Carolyn Smith, Barbara McGowan. SECOND ROW: Judy Amacker, Linda Atchley, Anne Lanford, Lynne Beavers, Carolyn Anderson, Jeanne Goode, Barbara Busby. THIRD ROW: Elsie Buckle, Mrs. Gladys Huston, Hennen Floeter, Judith Rickards. FOURTH ROW: Jo Ann Giese, Billie Gilliam, Rebecca Bentsen. D. O"Neol R. Osbourn P. Pork D. Peden A. Pope 426 • • • '' • • ' ' • • • • •• • • •• • •• ~ • -• t .... .......... ..:. ·:_ P. Toler R: . Tompkins E. Vaughan E. Villolobos C. Zurkey R. Vickery T. Wochsmuth G. Wallace W. Waters 0. Wheeler W. Williams M. Windham D. Wright 427 . . . . . . .... . ' . . . .. . ,_ . Sigma Phi Epsilon A 49-man pledge class, the largest in the chapter's history, brought Sigma Phi Ep­silon two honors on campus last year -the fraternity division award in Dimes Day Com­petition and the trophy for Most Humorous Display in the Aggie Sign Contest. Sig Ep so­cial functions included numerous pre-game buffets, match parties, a Christmas formal, and a spring formal. The social year added a Valentine Golden Heart Ball and Down South of the Border party. In the fall, Sig Eps gave a Halloween party for the children of Texas State School. Active on campus last year, Sig Ep house officers were Tyson Mike Field, pres­ident; Alan Thomas Derby, vice-president; Dana Wayne Males, corresponding secre­tary; Wayne Trice Parman, recording secre­tary; and Gary Ernest Griffith, chaplain. Oth­er members were active in Texas Cowboys and Silver Spurs. Robert L. Thompson was vice-president of the Students' Association and House of Delegates chairman. T. Ernster C. Frederiksen J. Freemon K. Garwood R. Gill iom D. Gloss C. Goodw in W. Gough G. Griffith C. Henry G. Hensley T. Hicks A. Higdon J. Jackson W. Kec~ley C. Keenan M. Kiester 428 . ' ' . ..,, .. . . . ' . .............. : ..................._, ... G. Watkins J. Webster S. White G. WHlcox Members of Sigma Phi Epsilon treated Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority to a match Hawaiian luau party. . . . .. ..... .. . " .. ·-.. . . ...... ABOVE: Sigma Pi placed first in the fraternity division of Sing-Song. RIGHT: ORDER OF THE ORCHIDS: FRONT ROW: Johnna Johnston, Kay Midkiff, Kathy Hodges, Carol Blount, Linda Samuel, Mrs. Clema Alexander, Cathy Keathley, Mary Spears, Carol Stinson. SECOND ROW: Mrs. Joy Moneyhon, Kay Lyons, Carolyn Emmott, Janet Bullington, Sherri Horton, Sally Glenn, Barbara Crawford, Debbie White. Sigma Pi Sigma Pi social calendar last year consisted of post-game parties during foot­ball season, the OU Weekend blast, week­end theme parties, a Christmas party for the Austin State School, Christmas caroling at a local rest home, Round-Up parties, and the annual Orchid Ball in the spring. In the an­nual Sing-Song Contest, Sigma Pi placed first in the fraternity division for the sec­ ond consecutive year with its rendition of "Mame." Members of Sigma Pi were active in numerous organizations on campus, includ­ing Alpha Rho Chi, Campus Crusade for Christ, Delta Sigma Pi, House of Delegates, Kappa Kappa Psi, Kappa Psi, Longhorn Band, Longhorn Flying Club, and Model United Nations. Sigma Pi's also participated in Phi Eta Sigma, Sigma Delta Chi, Repre­sentative Party, Varsity Singers, Freshman Council, and lnterfraternity Executive Coun­cil. Founded Feb. 26, 1897, at Vincennes University in Indiana, Sigma Pi has 90 chap­ters and over 26,000 initiated members. Of­ ficers of the local Gamma Theta chapter, es­tablished in 1962, were Richard Earle De­Weese, sage; Robert Wayne Newby, first counselor; George Lee Manson, second counselor; Jimmy Tom Buford, third counse­lor; John Christopher Klasing, fourth coun­selor; and Eddie Gannon Napps, herald. I I J. Buford M. Card S. Clark W. Dewberry R. Deweese 430 . . . '' .. . ... . . ............. : ..... ' . ....... ·-· .... • • • ' o •-a • o .,_ ' Tau Delta Phi A. Nussenblatt H. Nussenblatt H. Oshman C. Pehr G. Rosenbaum l. Roth Members of Tau Delta Phi invited, their alumni to a "Welcome Home Alums" open house before a Saturday afternoon football game in Austin. 432 ' I • I I ' ' Ot o I • ''' •0 0 •' •••0 ' • -o, I '' O•Oo ..., .._ : 00 • Active in athletics and scholarship, Tau Delta Phi captured intramural champ­ionships in handball and diving and placed second in all-University "B" division bowl­ing, while finishing sixth in scholastic rank­ ing among all University fraternities. Founded in 1910 at City College of New York, the fraternity was led last year by Richard S. Garfinkel, consul; Mike Allen Klein, vice-consul; Ira Phillip Diskin, scribe; Glen Allen Rosenbaum, quaestor; and Leon­ard Matthew Roth, member-at-large. A so­cial chairman planned a South Seas Week­end, Christmas formal, and casuals during the Texas football season. ...... . . ..... . . . . . Tau Kappa Epsilon Members of the Gamma Upsilon chap­ter of Tau Kappa Epsilon enjoyed a social calendar featuring traditional Christmas and spring formals, Round-Up and OU Week­end blowouts, and parties with casino, mod, indoor woodsie, and Thank God for Baccus Wine Festival themes. Teke's also were busy on campus in Freshman Council, University Housing Commission, Student Assembly, and Model United Nations. The Committee on Ed­ucational Excellence, Students' Association, and the University Co-Op Board of Directors also occupied the extracurricular interests of members. In the fall, the Teke house was used as a collection center for ·victims of Hurricane Beulah and members delivered the collections. Founded on Jan. l 0, 1899, at Illinois Wesleyan University, Tau Kappa Epsilon has become the largest men's social fraternity in number of chapters and undergraduate strength. The local chapter was established in 1951 and led last year by Stephen Wal­ton Shields, prytanis; Kenneth Wayne Sparks, epiprytanis; Jack Minyard Partain, grammateus; Alfred D. Ransel, crysophylos; and Jim Lee McArdle, histor. The band rocked, couples danced, and King Bevo watched as the Teke's held a casual party during football season. I . . ' . ,, .. . . ' . ... .. .. . ... . .. .. .. . ........._.. ··. ' R. Butler H. Carr J. Cox C. Dangerfield J. Dietz J. Frazer D. Hodges V. Holmes R. Jackson J. Judson D. Kuehn R. Lee J. Millin J. Odell J. Olson J. Partain A. Ransel R. Seaholm S. Shields K. Sparks J. Thompson W. Troutt J. vonMerveldt T. Walker J. Weaver T. Workman LITTLE SISTERS OF APOLLO: FRONT ROW: Bonnie Coleman, Barbara Schultz, Judy Barefield, Polly Coffin. SECOND ROW: Bobbie Tarpley, Sandra Watts, Ann Dusek, Mary Ann Teat. 435 - . . ...·--.' ... ' ., . . . ........ Community projects for Theta Xi last year included Christmas and Easter parties for children at the Austin State School, adoption of an overseas orphan, and Dimes Day. On campus, Theta Xi placed in the Aggie Sign Contest. lntramurals played an important part in the year's activities as members partici­pated in football, basketball, softball, volley­ Theta Xi ball, track, tennis, swimming, handball, golf, and other sports. Social life included a Flower Power party, a Ski party, a Tiki party, a Christmas semi-formal, and an Easter formal. Theta Xi men were active in campus ac­tivities such as Campus Chest, Freshman Coun­cil, Sing-Song, Challenge, Round-Up, and Texas Union committees. Founded nationally K. Allen R. Allen R. Anderson in New York in 1864, Theta Xi established the local Rho Chapter on Feb. 22, 1913. Theta Xi officers were Kenneth David Thomp­son, president; John Baker Howell Jr., vice­president; Ronald Lee Moore, secretary; John Mark Britt, treasurer; and Leonard Allen Robertson, pledge trainer. E. Gibbs J. Grisham M. Hodges ORDER OF TH E BLUE IRIS: FRONT ROW: Jane Burns, Sallie Smith, Judith lewis, Susan Long, Donna Wier. SECOND ROW: Judith Wilson, Barbara Trenholme, Kaye Carr, Louise Coerver, Carol Weller, Joan Johnson, Maraien Denman. THIRD ROW: Karen Kaper, Shirley Wells, Mary Stella Naranjo, Helen Cooley, Diane lequex, Lydia lequeux, Sharon Waters, Gwyn Allen, Jean Manning, Pamela McNutt, Judith Kellond. 436 • ' A 'I • -0 I • •• o I • o • 0 •••_ oO o • • '• •• ~ • .-• '• I 0000 oto ·-OoO ·:.:.. • Xi last pa ·es fill I, adipr s y. On 'e~gn ortant part !fl partici. a~. vol ey. golf, da er J. Howell W. Stewart A. Strashun B. Taylor K. Thompson J. Volz R. Wendell J. Westerheid W. Wiley R. Wright J. Zike 437 Linda Daphine Clunn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Andrews Julie Kay Norman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Blanton Martha Jo Morgan ... ..... . . .. ..... .. .. . Carothers Mary Sidney Binion . . . . . . . . . . . . Kinsolving Northeast Linda Louise McKee . . . . . . . . . . Kinsolving Northwest Deborah Jeannette Harlow . . . . . . Kinsolving Southeast Karen Melanie Malick . . . . . . . . . . Kinsolving Southwest Martha Eileen Fischer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Littlefield Sarah Catherine Woolrich . ....... . ... . ..... Contessa Betty Jane Koivula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dexter House Harriett Hawley . ..................... Heflin Manor El izabeth Louise Young ........... .. ..... Kirby Hall Ilene Patricia Carrington . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Madison House Susan Ann Duerr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mayfair House Susan Kruger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Newman Hall Betty Smallwood ..... . ........ Scottish Rite Dormitory Liz Marie Wooldridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . University Arms Upper-class Advisors Upper-Class Advisors sought an exchange of ideas about methods, techniques, and procedures effective in peer counseling by bringing all ad­visers together from the five University and nine private residence halls. Meeting as a complete or­ganization six times last year, the first meeting was a colloquium to help prepare new advisers for the coming year. Other evening meetings pre­sented faculty and staff speakers and panelists concerned with both the academic and non­academic life of students. Officers and dorm chairmen formed the Executive Council which met monthly with Miss Ruth Smith, sponsor and student group adviser, to program activities of the general organization and to receive ideas from each other and from speakers invited to council meetings. In each dormitory, the advisers worked closely with the resident counselor and staff in planning their ac­tivities. Founded in 1927, the organization was spon­sored by the Dean of Women's Office. Officers were Kiki Skandalis, president; Sidney Mary Binion, vice-president; Deborah McCormick, sec­retary-treasurer; Lynn Claudia Ferguson, reporter. ' • ' I -' ' I ' -• ' • • t '"' •• • ' " • •t : • •• '• ' ' t•t• "'' ·-· • • ''-• ' FRONT ROW: Mary Estes, Linda Hammons, Phyllis Plog, Linda Clunn, Scottie Seymour, Georgeann Mauk, Peggy Miller, Phyllis Hart, Clara Haynes, Martha Spillman, Carol Schmidt, Elaine Agalou, Jean Wuthrich. SECOND ROW: Linda Lobprise, Kay Barnett, Beatriz Saenz, Barbara Britt, Marie Cooper, Robin White, Emily Scott, Sylvia Duncan, Jessica Alexander, Minerva Villareal, Diana Rasmussen, Beverly Haynes, Barbara Miller, JoAnn Chang, Julie Wright, Sallie Estes. THIRD ROW: Nancy Kirk, Margaret Menhard, Jean Pusteiovsky, Bonnie Fetzer, Patricia Ryan, Shirley Wells, se l1hor 'If a~ se se Hall aory Arms of !du es hi· I. Faye Franks, Priscilla Talkington, Ruby Johnson, Joyce Eckert, Rebecca Rodriguez, Kay Coughran, Jo Scott, Judith Mcferran, Jo Tollefson, Kathleen Sperry. FOURTH ROW: Harriot Chenault, Harriet Zirkle, Bonnie Tipton, Linda Wissemann, Carol Kier, Linda Knudson, Karen Berke, Sally Griffin, Jo Morris, Nancy Winchester, Doris Thielemann, Deborah Cruik­shank, Jeanine Robinson, Jo Skutca, Janie Croft, Margaret Holdeman, Nikki Sramet. Andrews Last fall, the girl residents at Andrews Dormitory held several after-hours sing-songs. For Halloween, each girl was given a secret twick-or-tweat twin who "twicked and tweat­ed" her on the sly until the "come-as-your­roommate". Halloween party where the twins were revealed. At Christmas, the dormitory held an open house and tree-trimming party for dates as the halls were opened so that visitors could view the individual doors trimmed especially for the holiday season. Spring activities included the annual dormi­ tory dance and tapping of the next year's advisers. Advisers for the year were Elaine Aga­lou, Linda Daphine Clunn, Linda D. Hammons, Clara Frances Haynes, Georgeann Mauk, Peggy Jean Miller, Phyllis Anne Plog, Carol Jean Schmidt, Scottie Ann Seymour, Martha Ann Spillman, Jean Gail Wuthrich and Jill Anne Zank. Mrs. Dorothy Martin was resi­dent counselor and was assisted by Mary Carmen Estes and Phyllis Ann Hart. To celebrate Halloween, Andrews residents prepared decorations for a special d inner. • ' ' '• .....:1 ............ . ... ; : •... ··;--.......-::·~~-: : ...-; ;: ~·.;~::. ... : :. •...;... : . • ... : ......... ·.·!: ~:::......... ;.;~ i ' . . . . .. ·-. -. ··-. -~ Blanton residents shared the experiences of the day with friends before retiring to study. Blanton Social activities for Blanton Dormitory last year included annual all-dorm parties, a dinner for the waiters, a tree-decorating party, and open house before Christmas. At the tapping dinner in April, 24 new advisers were chosen for the coming year. Scope, the Blanton honorary based on scholarship and service, initiated girls with a 2.0 overall grade-point average twice last year. To keep the girls informed about dormitory activities, students edited and published the Blanton Beat, the dorm's own private newspaper. Mrs. Ruth Moore was resident counselor. Student assistants were Paula Barklay, Mardi Gaye Schultz, Patricia G. Middendorf, and Barbara Ann Bledsoe. FRONT ROW: Mary Huhndorff, Pamela Leming, Donna Isaacks, Eliz~beth O'Brien, Donna Wilkey, Rachel Spohn, Betty Birdwell, Frances Rea, Julie Norman, Mary Keller, Sally Tampke, Carol Welke, Susan Holmsley, Cather­ine Perley, Patricia Middendorf, Mardi Schultz, Margaret Roark. SECOND ROW: Donna Stone, Ruth Davidson, Elizabeth Chu, Esther Rogal, Joan Walthers, Carolyn Malley, Barrett Morkland, Terry Cain, Susan Sandridge, Barbara Dischinger, Mary Parker, Terry Schmidt, Marie Fuqua, Martha Harper, Darlene Gill, Sandra Hermann, Susan Lippman. THIRD ROW: Donna Melton, Kathryn Kueneman, Virginia Llmpus, Karen Lyda, Constance Howarth, Kathy Rivers, Judith Chott, Deborah Chisholm, Denise McGinty, Karolyn Pickens, Deborah Hillaker, Danielle Doyle, Judy Megason, Gayle Davies, Exa Jones, Helen Tinnerman, Margaret Walker, Glenda Garza, 440 Rosemary Hancock. Carol Kanewske. FOURTH ROW: Laurel Lambert, Rosemary Jacobs, Catherine Snyder, Ellen Gray, Dale Smith, Cheryl Daly, Cary Sowell, Norma Azios, Mary Kelly, Mary Schuelke, Shirl Shirley, Marcia McBride, Jeanne Leslie, Marilyn Hadden, Rebecca Carr, Patricia Rogas, Sherlyn Roach, Carol Whitmire, Constance Scofield, Patricia Haralson. FIFTH ROW: Suzanne Caldwell, Beth Bentson, Sharon Moore, Rebecca Pestro, Pamela Wilson, Sally Bauer, Neva Bergstrom, Elizabeth Lawson, Lynn Johnson, Ann Yelderman, Alberta Brunner, Katherine Schroeder, Kathryn Crawford, Linda Culver, Doris Barron, Martha Cutler, Candace Arnold, Lynna Lewis, Suzanne Trout, Cynthia Sutherland, Mary Ramsey, Marieke Wempe. . . .. .. . ' .............. : ..... ' . ................ FRONT ROW: Rose Mendoza, Thespo Parker, Linda Hedrick, Eleanor from, Anita Morales, Betty Haddock, Janelle Kasparek, Sandra Hewett, Ozmun, Sally James, Kiki Skandalis, Martha Morgan, Kathryn Bartosh, Sharyn Anglin, Diana Crouch, Blanquita Walsh, Rebecca Jacks, Elouise Sandra Hinman, Irma Crowley, Cynthia Medlin, Mary Williams. SECOND Burrell, Carol Bettge, Mary Standley, Beth Benton. FOURTH ROW: Lynda ROW: Martha Evins, Dolores Svoboda, Martha Jean Feind, Donna Donalson, Coleman, Judith Williams, Margaret Centilli, Susan Squires, Barbara Brown, Rachel Seledon, Alpha Molano, Joyce Strickland, Christina Moore, Marsha Margaret !'Anson, Carol Myer, Carmen Jackson, Robyn Lively, Willadene Lee, Rebecca Waldrip, Linda Mora, Janet Carter, Candace Kroon, Eileen Voigt, Etha Reavis, Donna Maury, Gloria Adams, Norma Williams, Molley, Janet Reagan, Dora Meraz, Vonciel Jones. THIRD ROW: Elaine Janice Minger, LaVerne Dickinson, Marilyn Roberts, Sharon Sutherland. Custer, Linda Reagan, Barbara Burnham, Janis Newberry, Mary Mund- Carothers Celebrating its thirtieth anniversary last year, Carothers Dormitory housed 128 Uni­versity women. Major social events of the fall semester included a Halloween party with skits, costumes, and hobgoblins and a Christ­mas door-decorating contest, open house, and old-fashioned tree-trimming party. The spring semester was highlighted by the annual ad­viser-tapping dinner. Other dorm activities in­cluded informal gatherings in the living room when residents gathered around the fireplace and piano for hootenannies and informal dis­cussions. Resident counselor last year was Mrs. Mabel Wroten. Student assistants were Kathryn Mary Bartosh, Kiki Skandalis, and Martha Jo Morgan. Carothers girls and their dates enjoyed decorating the Christmas tree in the living room. • . ...........-...... • : ......;--........_ 7.!~ ':.: ••• '.:.• ·.;;; ..~. . . . . .. •...:"': . . . :: ' ., ..• .... . ... '."?~ :::;---·-. :::--. .. • • t • • Carousel Apartments Providing 65 University women the pri­vacy of supervised housing combined with the independence of apartment living, Carou­sel Apartments last year held an informal Christmas open house for dates and friends. Other open houses were held during the year at which guests were invited for visits and meals. Resident manager was Mrs. Lu­ cille McClellan. Her assistant was Peggy Rogers. Plans for the upcoming weekend were discussed during Thursday night dorm sessions. REPRESENTATIVE COMMITIEE: LEFT TO RIGHT: Patricia Johnson, Barry Racusin, Patricia Hopkins, Michael Barron, Patrick Coym (standing), Freddie Barrell, William Eason, Carol Morrow, Glen Buell. NOT PICTURED: Phi llip Brown, Clinton Davis, Thomas Moran, Cecile Russell. The Castilian Offering residents a concept in group living that provides for the recreational as well as educational aspect of student life, The Castilian is a 22-story coeducational dormi­tory. Recreational facilities featured an en­closed heated swimming pool, sauna baths, billiard and ping-pong tables, color television lounges, and gymnasium facilities. A refer­ence library, group meeting rooms, and a proctored study hall were available. Early in the year, a student planning committee consisting of an elected represen­tative from each floor was formed. Any activ­ity deemed beneficial to a majority of resi­dents could be instigated through this or­ganization which was financially supported by an activity fee paid by each resident. Dr. Victor Appel served as faculty adviser. Students gathered in the lounge to discuss their plans for the upcoming vacation. • . ....... •.• ........ . . . : -· .. ·-:-···-~ 7'.!~ ·: .... i ;: ~-.:..~; ..........; .. : .·: . .... . •.. -'?: ::;..··~ .•.. -• ... . -. ADVISERS: FRONT ROW: Roslyn Kiger, Marsha Wise, Alice Fisher, Kathleen Davis. SECOND ROW: Deborah Smith, Marion Grogan, Ruth Smith, Sally Gainer, Linda Glodt, Diane Davis, Sally Wingo. THIRD ROW: Sarah Woolrich, Kathy Andrews, Suzanne Hilder, Pam Terwelp, Louise Ogden, Anne Roy, Pat Keyes, Sarah McAnnally, Charlynn Anderson, Karen Kaase. 444 Dexter House ADVISERS: FRONT ROW: Susanne Bischofs, Evelyn lawy. SECOND ROW: Sheila Jackson, Joyce Cowan, Karen Clark, Sandra English, Darlene Farnum, Linda Meisenheimer. THIRD ROW: Fanchon Lunin, Constance Hudgins, Mari­lyn McQueen, Pam Schwake, Joan Schneikardt, Marina McCollam, Betty Koivula. NOT PIC­TURED: Linda Menear, Margaret Coleman, Gloria Shoss. BELOW LEFT: Residents decorated their rooms in a variety of styles. BELOW RIGHT: Afternoon bridge games instigated fierce com­petition among residents. Unity and leadership have been the key­notes for Dexter House residents for the 1967­68 academic year. Residents were active on campus in Angel Flight, Spooks, and in wo­men's intramural events, winning first place in the volleyball contest. Dinner speakers, both professors and civic leaders, were welcomed throughout the year, and special dinners and celebrations were held at holidays. Two in­ternational students from Peru and Chile were among residents last year. For the spring semester, in addition to the annual awards banquet and adviser tapping, Dexter House planned an excursion trip to HemisFair in neighboring San Antonio. RIGHT: Saturday afternoon swims helped Hardin House residents relax after the week's ordeal. BELOW LEFT: Combination study units and kitchen­ettes attracted several girls. BELOW RIGHT: After dinner gatherings took place in the dorm. 446 Hardin House A part of the University campus for more than a quarter of a century, Hardin House is privately owned and operated as an apart­ment-dormitory complex for women. Two swimming pools, study carrels, television and game rooms, and a sun deck were some of the facilities available to Hardin House resi­dents. The dormitory placed its emphasis on personal contact and home-like atmosphere. Several housemothers worked under the di­rection of Mrs. Stella Hardin, director and founder of Hardin House, and assisted the residents in their individual sections. TOP: Hardin House, located at 2206 Rio Grande, housed University coeds. ABOVE: During afternoon study breaks, residents assembled in the dormitory's living room to practice their musical skills and catch up on the day's news in comfort. LEFT: Heflin Manor girls helped earn money for charity by sponsoring a car wash at a local service station. BELOW: STUDENT ASSISTANTS: FRONT ROW: Elizabeth Houston, Dianne Rush, Linda McDavitt. SECOND ROW: Pennie Kennon, Carol Rulfs, Gail Weyel. Heflin M anor Active in campus, dormitory, and intra­mural activities, residents of Heflin Manor par­ticipated in many charity events. At Hallo­ween, student assistants and advisers spon­sored a party for the Austin State School, donating many toys made by Heflin residents. Other charity activities included the donation of apples to the School for the Blind, the decorating of a Christmas tree for the School for the Deaf, the making of gifts for the re­tarded children group, and selling of apples and washing of cars for Campus Chest. Traditional events at Heflin Manor in­cluded the annual adviser tapping dinner, special dinners honoring faculty members and guests, and celebration of residents' birth­ days each month. At Christmas, the dorm spon.sored a tree-decorating party and an open house and door-decoration contest. The management staff consisted of Eunice M. Spoeneman and Mrs. Les Cannon, supervi­ sors; Jeanne Geller, office secretary; and John H. Baker, manager. ADVISERS: FRONT ROW: Harriett Hawley, Bess Baker, Jill Little, Georgia Russell, Carol Conner. SECOND ROW: Sheila Skeen, Judith Windham, Beth Barnes, Beverly Brooks, Melissa McKenzie, Catherine Chaplin. LEFT: Residents at Heflin Manor gathered together lo consume many pounds of food each day, but hoping not to gain pounds. 449 Kinsolving Kinsolving is the largest of the Univer­sity-owned dormitories and has a capacity for 800 girls. It was divided into an up-per­classman unit and a freshman unit, each of which housed 400 residents. Some of the all-dorm activities included a hootenanny at Christmas and an open house. The individual dorm wings conducted special activities be­fore holidays. For Christmas, the girls had "secret Santas" who brought them gifts and, at Halloween, the girls presented skits. In Kinsolving South, there are two con­necting girls rooms and a community bath. Kinsolving North differs in that it houses its residents in units of four suites with a bath separating the two bedrooms. Due to changes in housing policy, however, Kinsolving North will no longer be open exclusively to upper­classmen and will be filled predominantly with freshman girls. Resident counselors were Mar­garet Brown, co-ordinator, Southeast; Helen Coffin, Southwest; Zadie Lumpkin, Northeast; and Idella Patterson, Northwest. TOP: During University finals period, undergraduate residents at the Kinsolving Dormi­tory complex discussed the week's work and headaches, seeking sympathy from fellow residents at mealtime. ABOVE: Candlelight suppers were held in the dormitory dining rooms during the year, in addition to the more traditional Th•nksgiving, Christmas, and Easter pre·Holiday dinners. SOUTHEAST: FRONT ROW: Cheryl Zimmerman, Kathleen Clewis, Linda Blankenship, Laura Mehr, Cathy Hillard, Paula Smith, Rebecca Vance, Deborah Harlow, Mary Holm, Suzanne Swan, Carol Ellison, Michelle Nugent, Carol Koplan, Marion Hurt. SECOND ROW: Cathey Stringer, Adalynn Stevenson, Cynthia Scherz, Beth Eldridge, Mary Grace Fields, Diane Wolf, Iris Colton, Cynthia Johnson, Julie Sweeney, Nancy James, Joanie Ribnick, Susan Frazer, Virginia Richardson, Wendy Colbe, Barbara Zimmerman, Harriet Hochman, Betty Cummings, Margaret Shepherd, Bertha Genna, Gwynne Reeves, Brenda Skrhak. THIRD ROW: Susan Tally, Patricia Hill, Sarah Woods, Cynthia Grant, Dorothy Newhouse, Laurie Douglass, Ann Baltzer, Emma Lawrence, Beryl Katzman, Rosalind Golf, Deborah Wilson, Janann Geissinger, Carol Taylor, Martha Sophia, Carol Andrews, Dorothy Martin, Naomi Sonkin, Debra Stryer, Janine Nussbaum, Carolyn Cook, Deborah Gassaway, Christine Glynis, Margaret Anderson, Laurie Fredrickson, Linda Skrhak, Ada Neal, Phyllis Brown. FOURTH ROW: Susan Bayliss, Effie Georgas, Jane Huston, Georganne Tips, Valerie Roddy, Sharon Doedyns, Elizabeth Fine, Janelle Jacobson, Nancy Watzlavick, Mary Jane SOUTHWEST: FRONT ROW: Norma Stanley, Nancy Billingsley, Lynn Tucker, Edana Coole, Sally Ford, Marilyn Shell, Velma Pipkin, Annie Brooks, Judy Hastedt, Lynn Ferguson, Karen Malick, Helen Coffin, Judith Winkel, Karol Kolle, Carol Gilbert, Laurie Levin, Sara Hahn, Kathryn Cain, Loleta Blalock. SECOND ROW: Billie Riggin, Terry Muntz, Paula Gross, Marcia Ramser, Molly Mize, Nancy Alletag, Ruthmary Jordan, Anne Schoenike, Roslyn Hager, Linda Whatley, Harryette Warren, Karen Shepherd, Lawana Geren, Janet Peters, Dianne Fausset, Kathryn Fenley, Nancy Kessler, Alice Reynolds, Kathleen Senior, Linda Harris, Barbara Hoffer, Linda Kaplan. THIRD ROW: Janet Mayer, Stephanie Pennington, Arlene Gershowitz, Franchescia Anderson, Donna Hoffpauir, Vicki Smith, Mary Tudor, Sarah Vaughan, Janis Giesecke, Constance Cohn, Betty Lamp, Nancy Van Kleef, Sharon Hill, Joni Yellin, Glenna Raffkind, Lauri Johnston, Vicki Acheson, Susan Forman, Diana Beavers, Martha Andrews, Judith Leecraft, Georgann Chandler, Barbara McKelvy, June Melot, Barbara Smallshaw, Diane Davis, Barbara Whitfill, Deborah Elliott, Hazel Polk, Carolyn Skinner, Pamela Clark, Patricia Rhoades, Mary Wilson, Judith Johnston, Vicki Lewis, Sheila Bold. FIFTH ROW: Stephanie Farley, Susie Hahn, Nancy McCain, Mary Horton, Carol Arledge, Barbara Crowell, Carol Grossman, Karen Pearson, Kathleen McCarty, Kathleen Reymann, Tina Luterman, Mary McCurley, Addie Beamguard, Margaret Brown, resident counselor, Caralee Woods, Jennie Stuckert, Barbara Powell, Sharon Haskinson, Deborah Hargis, Betty Murray, Mary Kuby, Nancy Darby, Linda Cohn, Pamela Hardee, Susan McEntee, Emily Barrett, Cheryl Walker. SIXTH ROW: Marilyn Newmann, Cynthia Smith, Keesha Seitz, Jennifer Burnham, Marjorie Callahan, Martha Gose, Linda Terry, Janice Foster, Barbara Leaman, Donna Bellinghausen, Patricia Daerr, Janney Hicks, Kathleen LeBrun, Christine Braunig, Sarah Goodwin, Ethel Miller, Jeanie Hargis, Nancy Moore, Judy LeMoine, Patricia Guinn, Janice Lawson, Joan Hassk.arl, Susan Tucker, Donna Humberd, Janice Shanks, Sharyn Hamm, Suzanne May. Milling, Cheryl Cusac, Barbara Levinson, Elsa Scott. FOURTH ROW: Martha Fitzgerald, Margo Thames, Ruth Jones, Janet Thompson, Melanie Saunders, Teresa Wise, Susan Stoneburner, Virginia Mathis, Linda Landis, Mary Adams, Linda Stermer, Judy Evans, Marechal Smith, Barbara Darryl, Esther Skibell, Jane Emmert, Billie Spencer, Patricia Erickson, Nancy Merklein, Betty Fulwiler, Susan Haisten, Hedy Steincamp, Margaret Day. FIFTH ROW: Deborah Dunlap, Jane Burns, Cynthia Shepherd, Lynda Transou, Julie Greer, Patricia Brown, Donna Howell, Linda Hase, Sally Rhotenberry, Lynn Bradenberger, Lorraine Martyn, El izabeth Flocke, Candice Chapel, Linda Zwiegel, Emily Brightwell, Ann Copeland, Diane Scamell, Candace Graham, Michelle Perry, Shelley Stephenson, Clarice Adams, Kathy House, Martha Goerner, Doris Kemp. Kinsolving RIGHT: Kinsolving residents checked their mailboxes daily in hopes of receiving that long-overdue letter. BELOW LEFT: Noon lunches were served before the rush to one o'clock classes took place. BOTTOM: The Kinsolving kitchen prepared 19 meals per week which were served cafeteria style by waiters. . ' . ,, . . •• . . ' ..••.•.•••.••• ! •..•. ' ................. NORTHEAST: FRONT ROW: Dianne McEvoy, Carolyn Smith, Judy Martel, Judith Vittetoe, Susan Godwin, Cynthia Davis, Zadie Lumpkin, Jane Ellerkamp, Mary Binion, Pamela Haymes, Janice Carver, Ruth Ford, Laura Powell, Susan Cunningham, Patricia Stringer. SECOND ROW: Terry Ross, Nancy Duke, Sharon Stoorza, Ebba Adkins, Carol Davis, Susan Harrison, Lynn Pugh, Roxanne Richardson, Candace Carpenter, Julia Pike, Mary Anne Marabella, Margie Foster, Angeliki Papadopoulos, Linda Brannon, Vicki Ing, Susan Smith, Stephanie Barnes. THIRD ROW: Sharon NORTHWEST: FRONT ROW: Mary Dennis, Bonnie Graves, Carolyn Connell, Jessica Siebel, Nancy Browder, Idella Patterson, Linda McKee, Connie Cramer, Susan Ray, Bobbie Tarpley, Linda LaBaume, Judith Michna. SECOND ROW: Anne Pratka, Joleen Behrens, Judy Buchanan, Debra Mann, Jay Lynn McDonald, Nancy Miller, Marilyn Koen, Larrye Doing, Lurline Parish, Sharon Albert, Ann Lewis, Barbra Mann, Gail Prunty, Janet Smith. THIRD ROW: Cynthia Tate, Sharon Gordon, Claudia Erdmann, Melanie Bradshaw, Kathy Hodges, Marlene Hughes, Karen Bruggman, Billie Porter, Carolyn Dorman, Marilyn Rabon, Virginia Wynne, Susan . . ' •... : .... -... . . ·:···!······.....--.•....~:.:~... ~ ..... 7;:~·.::; Guild, Sally Moore, Rebecca Bramlett, Deborah DeBord, Beverly Pippert, Margo Mulvaney, Donna Boecker, Alice Binder, Jean Pazderny, Barbara Mazzagatti, Linda Steen, Dena Wright, Connie Spinosa, Deborah Gordon, Janis Cloud, Charlotte Goldberg. FOURTH ROW: Emy Lou Settle, Sharyn Uecker, Brenda Brown, Linda Hughes, Linda Snider, Carol Council, Helen Pettit, Lindy Stirton, Karen Kennedy, Marsha Warinner, Sheila Dickinson, Cynthia Wallace, Valerie Davis, Halleta High­tower, Susan Keesee, Cecelia Barnett. Shtofman, Ann Jones, Andree Guillot, Elizabeth Curbello, Deborah Longnecker, Barbara Pederson. FOURTH ROW: Linda Vaughan, Linda Dietz, Karen Morrison, Betty Levine, Vicki Vinson, Gwyn Allen, Mary Pate, Margaret Spinn, Reatha Beck, Rita Sauls, Judy Reining, Tommie McDowell, Mary Robinson, Claudia Gernsbacher, Sherril Kirschner, Suzanne Bass. FIFTH ROW: Annetta Frey, Betty Benecke, Judith Skrivanek, Jennifer Townsend, Jacquelyn Higby, Laurie Smolins, Mary Peterson, Gail Buske, Catherine Kinsel, Patricia Walsh, Martha Howard, Jan Case, Diana Lawton, Ellen Fein, Patricia Little, Beverly Ingram. .. ::.....;.. :;· ·:: ..· ....... :.:··?~~::..·:----=·:::-, .... . German House New to the University campus last year, Deutsches Haus (German House) was located at 2103 Neuces (boys' house) and 2101 Nue­ces (girls' house) . The adjoining houses were open to any University students who have a minimum knowledge of the German lan­guage. Only German can be spoken during meals and on the first floors of the houses. Coffees were held on Thursday nights where professors spoke to the students on German l culture. Social events of the year included Okto­ berfest, held in association with the University German Club, and parties at the home of Charles Schmid, manager of the two houses. A Christmas party was given in the boys' house with German professors attending where Christmas carols were sung in German. Two German foreign students were added to the German House program. Officers for the two houses were Silas Osgood Hughes Jr., president; Mary Ann Weiss, secretary; Roberta Jane Juday and David C. Hollrah, house activities; and Anthony Earle Lumpkin, parliamentarian and sergeant-at-arms. Mrs. Charlotte Manger was housemother and Larry Heitkamp was boys' house counselor. FRONT ROW: Mary Weiss, Marie Goyen, Mary Horn, Peggy Robertson, Adriana Gallardo, Charles Schmid, Carol Morrow, Margaret Lewis, Kathryn Lenox, Norma Lawrence, Harold Gratevant, David Hollrah, Chris­topher McHenry. SECOND ROW: Ray Tyler, Elbert Haber, Kaye Kimzey, Randie Boettcher, Edward Whitlock, Janis Volkening, Daniel Pitts, Barbara Brown, Cynthia Daniel, Sandra McDermatt, Roberta Juday. THIRD ROW: Lawrence Heitkamp, John Payne, Patrick Quinlan, Stephen Rase, Christoph Brockhaus, Frances Davis, Charlotte Manger, Kelly Vann, Frederick Grow­cock, James Giesen, Charles Parsons, Sandra Occhipinti, Pamela Osgood, Veronika Muller, Charles Gray, Walter Cooke, Byron Holbert, James Kearney, Leonard Schulze. FOURTH ROW: Anthony Lumpkin, William Feather, Merrie Cronin, Lloyd Sloan, Lance Wittlif, Steve Gaskins, John Turpin, Silas Hughes, Franklyn Singer, Wallace Schroeder, David Bates. 454 FRONT ROW: Barbara Higgins, Karen Cook, Sandra Scaramell, Elizabeth Linda Reger, Royanne Fleming, Nancy Hinton, Carol Cummings, Gayla Young, Mary Moore, Marilyn See, Mary Lyon, Pattie Knight, Emily Kahler, Grisham, Laura Williams, Alyce McCloud, Linda Aschbacher, Cornelia Connelly Quinton. SECOND ROW: Beverly Stahly, Mehrbanoo Kavoussi, Reaves, Alona Thomas, Mary Bell, Donna Phillip, Sallie Worley, Eleanor Dana Schweers, Catherine Yndo, Kathryn Wilson, Danna Welty, Donna Hinton, Ann Gaither, Martha Bonner, Deborah Olson, Karen Breen. FOURTH Borron, Rebecca Morrison, Zohreh Malek, Patricia Moore, Sherry Freasier, ROW: Janet Jennings, Kathleen Bailey, Patsy Guenzel, Lorraine Briggs, Pamela Giffin, Linda Ward, Pamela Clarkson, Deborah Lapping, Mary Mary Hannaman, Charlotte Johnson, Blanche Beasley, Kathleen Hannaman, Watkins, Diana Alldredge, Virginia Alspaugh, Kathryn Burkhalter, Norma Sally Glenewinkel, Rosemary Wigley, Cherry Kugle, Sally Denson, Carol Barrera, Dina Trevino, Nancy Duerr, Alma Hernandez, Sylvia Sanchez, Cullen, Deborah Brokaw, Deborah Sielaff, Patricia Farfan, Judith Smith, Jesus Moreno, Susie Morenoy. THIRD ROW: Marie Diou, Nelda Biggs, Linda Balogh. Kirby Hall Named for the first Dean of Women at the University, Helen M. Kirby Hall is owned and operated by the Womens' Division of the Methodist Church. Known for its high scholastic standing, the dormitory's scholar­ship program included the Kappa Kirby Honor Society, plus senior counselors and upper­class advisers. The girls participated in the Kirby Singers, intramural sports, the annual formal party and open house, special holiday dinner programs, and weekly German, French, and Spanish conversation tables. Ministers from Austin churches spoke at each Sunday dinner following the meal. Advisers for the year were Karen Sue Cook, Marian Catherine Heaton, Kathleen Mary Higgins, Emily Malcolm Kahley, Pattie Jane Knight, Mary Karen Lyon, Connie Jean Quinton, Sandra Lou Scaramelz, and Eliza­beth Louise Young. Irene Powers was resident counselor and she was assisted by Mary Ann Moore and Marilyn Lillian See. Residents of Kirby Hall enjoyed a special Thanksgiving meal before leaving for the holiday. 455 • ' ...........-.... . . : --·'!' ....~-...........;,;:·~-·: ••••••: ...·::;...........: ... : .• •• ........ ··::~:..:-.. -••••-, ·~ • . • ••• Littlefield Completed in 1927 as a memorial to G. W. Littlefield's wife, Alice Littlefield Dormitory housed 166 University freshman women. Lit­tlefield's winter activities included the Aggie Sign Contest, a Dad's Day coffee, and a Christmas party for children from the Austin State School. In the spring, Littlefield resi­dents enjoyed the annual formal, an adviser tapping dinner, and a talent show. Girls earn­ing a 2.0 grade-point average became mem­bers of Littlefield Mortar Board. Among after­dinner speakers last year were Jack Holland, Dean of Students; Margaret Peck, Dean of Women, and a representative from VISTA. Advisers for the year were Sandra L. Al­brecht, Deann Allen, Linda Kay Bell, Sharon Sue Bozarth, Martha Eileen Fischer, Cynthia Anne Matherne, Deborah McCormick, Teresa Ann Milligan, Brenda Sue Parks, Martha Ann Rainey, Martha Lee Roberts, Linda Spangler, Sally Ann Tiller, Gerry Lynn Weatherford, and Karen Elise Yoder. Helen Blanche Delmar was resident counselor and was assisted by Hilda Marie Eddy, Nancy Lynn Haralson, and Carol Hardgrave. FRONT ROW: Gerry Weatherford, Judith Sparkman, Martha Rainey, Hilda Eddy, Carol Hardgrave, Deann Allen, Martha Fischer, Helen Delmar, Martha Roberts, Karen Yoder, Lynda Spangler, Nancy Haralson, Brenda Parks, Sally Tiller, Sharon Bozarth, Linda Bell. SECOND ROW: Cynthia Matherne, Laura Williams, Eileen Josue, Lynn Hiramoto, Linda Kindel, Gail Arnold, Kathy Thomas, Priscilla Stork, Karen Carsch, Karen Schwecke, Pamela Kleifgen, Kay Bancroft, Donna Clendenen, Amy Brooks, Barbara Tabor, Suzanne Lalonde, Rosemary Collier, Diane Allen, Suellen Ball, Sharon Presley, Linda Benge, Deborah McCormick. THIRD ROW: Linda Wooley, Christine Walcher, Carol Emmert, Jane Hopkins, Charlene Haskin, Cinda Barnes, Sarah Hervey, Connie Chuoke, Carol Rawe, Paulla Parker, Carolyn Rice, Theresa Stovall, Dena Wilson, Donna Ness, Anne Feltus, Marjorie Poole, Melinda Diels, Ilene Bartosh, Elsa Garcia, Leah Mutz. FOURTH ROW: Elizabeth Minch, Janice Jennell, Jeannette Monahan, Gail McElwrath, Glennys Peterson, Nancy Shepard, Belinda Hare, Norma Sandberg, Beverly Beyer, Judith Head, Paula Atchison, Gayla Pegler, Koleen Ktlley, Catherine Morris, Beverly Bain, Julia Jorgensen, Lea Huie, Barbara Till, Frances Fogle, Judy Perkin, Roselind Squyres, Theresa Stein. FIFTH ROW: Gladys Holstien, Dicksie Lewis, Dorothy Wright, Phyllis McAfee, Jackie Mallernee, Deborah Jones, Peggy Martin, Cynthia McCown, Jacqueline Ellington, Deann Powell, Emily Luedecke, Sherry Woods, Suzanne Bizzell, Barbara Hansen, Christine Davis, Georgia Ehlers, Rebecca DeWeese, Christine Houston, Brenda Guenther, Nancy Barton, Jacqueline Thiele, Harrie Pollok, Sherrianne Wylie. SIXTH ROW: Jane Wilde, Beth Wigginton, Lois Cronquist, Renate Riley, Susan Scott, Melinda Murphy, Karen Haraldson, Elizabeth Atkinson, Mary Dettman, Cathy Fairweather, Jo LeMay, Frances Timmins, Dinah Vacek, Sherry Hogden, Diane Stock, Eileen Bloom, Margaret Jenkins, Connie Smith, Deborah Finch, Mary Covode, Taffy Bagley, Phyllis O'Donnell. A pre-Christmas vacation atmosphere provided the impetus for many dormitory songfests. Mayfair RIGHT: Mayfair House residents assembled around their swim­ming pool on warm, fall afternoons. BELOW: Following dinner, House several girls formed an impromptu songfest. ADVISERS: FRONT ROW: Elizabeth Williams, Lenore Prudhomme, Anne Fraser, Jan Fite, Mary Markley. SECOND ROW: Seki Brooks, Judith Orton, Sally Wynne, Donna Piering. RIGHT: Residents gathered with the purpose of finding the weekend's blind date within the pages of the Cactus annual. 458 459 RIGHT: BRACKENRIDGE HALL: FRONT ROW: John Skrhak, Riley Furr, James Ross. SECOND ROW: John Olivo, Barry Faulkner, Tom Delong. BELOW: STAFF: FRONT ROW: Helen Deathe, Dorris Sheppard, Wil­liam Garland. SECOND ROW: William Rogers, Alice Moore, Mattie Walker, Lottie Ward, Louise Hill, Lisetta Walenta, Elizabeth Cunningham, Jo Whitt. MOORE-Hill HALL: FRONT ROW: Thomas Schilling, Lewis Boyd, Charles Cotropla, Ervin Squires Jr. SECOND ROW: John Runge, Patrick Palmer, John Totten, Bailey Delaney. THIRD ROW: Hayden Boland, Noble Doss Jr., Arthur Brender Jr., James Welch. 460 ' . -.-.' -.' . .. . ' ..... . . . ... . ..... ' . '.'" ....._, :.. ·:... ·~ ­ Men's Residence Halls ROBERTS HALL: FRONT ROW: Larry Maxey, Wayne Gathers Jr., Larry Sharpless. SECOND ROW: Robert Perkins, Michael Gillette, Don Disbennett. SAN JACINTO A: Charles Blanks Jr., Martin Tubbs. SAN JACINTO F, G, H: FRONT ROW: James Love, Michael Weller. SECOND ROW: Alan Dillingham. SIMKINS HALL: FRONT ROW: John Henderson, Robert Jones, Samuel Dealey. SECOND ROW: Joe Holland, Larry Feltz, James Mulva, Gerald Eagleburger. In their own answer to Sing-Song, Newman Hall residents gathered at the piano to sing. Newman Hall Newman Hall, a women's residence hall celebrated its fiftieth anniversary in 1968. Owned by the Dominican Sisters, it was the first Catholic dormitory erected on a secular campus and the second religious dormitory at the University. Named after John Henry Cardinal Newman, an English churchman, lec­turer, and author in the Nineteenth Century, the main building and a small annex housed about 70 residents. Advisers were Madeline L. Caisse, Nancy Marie Chude, Gloria Ann Garza, Kathleen Eli­zabeth Kennedy, Doris E. Kristek, Susan E. Kruger, Shirley Anne Kuchar, Mary Claudia Neil, and Marilyn Elizabeth Vykoukal. Sister Francis O.P., was director and was aided by Johanna Crew as housemother and Katie Hoffman as housekeeper. The student assist­ants were Susan Marie Palousek and Barbara June Welp. FRONT ROW: Johanna Carew, Kathleen Kennedy, Doris Kristek, Madeline Caisse, Gloria Garza, Susan Kruger, Nancy Chude, Shirley Kuchar, Claudia Neil, Marilyn Vykoukal, Sister Francis. SECOND ROW: Susan Palousek, Susan Gould, Soohee Lee, Nancy Cruz, Tina Damascus, Charlotte Eyeington, Rosa Gonzales, Linda Ramirez, Linda Christopherson, Barbara Welp. THIRD ROW: Mary Catherine Moody, Isabell Baker, Lydia Salinas, Sheila Car­michael, Ludivina Samones, Patricia Pope, Joan Thone!, Becky Murph, Gay Irby, Leslie Hendricks, Rachel Castillo. FOURTH ROW: Fran Kramer, Eileen Sullivan, Laura Moncada, Clara Kim, Delores Oliveira, Paulina Van Bavel, Beatriz Perez, Pat Stansbury, Chris Meismer, Ann Arrington. FIFTH ROW: Stasie Janek, Irene Karlik, Angela Castaigne, Lou Holt, Estella Ramirez, Marie Mulkey, Susan Mack, Rebecca ldar, Connie Thomas, Jan Fenner, Marilyn Jurek. NOT PICTURED: Bea Becker, Sister Madeleva Fresquez, Sister Victoria Graves, Claire Kirkpatrick, Irma Lara, Kathleen Lawler, Susan lewis, Sandra Logan, lolly Mancha, Gracie Martin, Livi San Miguel, Michele Riddle, Doretta Wolter. • • I I _ 0' o •• + ', • +•t • •• • ' • o ot • ... '• I ' ••t< •O•••-.o ' ·::. 0 0 U niversity Arms LEFT: LEFT TO RIGHT: Adviser Patricia Massengale, Coun­selors Barbara Higley, Sandra Smith, Susan Patterson. NOT PICTURED: Advisers Judith Jones, Laura McNeill, Nancy O'Neal, Liz Wooldridge, and Counselor Dot Nelson. BELOW LEFT: University Arms residents relaxed near the pool. BELOW: Early spring sun tans were obtained upon the dormitory's sun deck between classes. University Arms is a privately owned dormitory for 127 residents. A unique apart­ment arrangement for six girls consists of a living room, kitchenette, and three bed­rooms. During registration week, the Advisory Board welcomed newcomers and helped ac­quaint them with the University. Fall activi­ties included a Halloween party, a Turkey­Thanksgiving party, while Christmas brought a tree-trn-nming party and traditional Christ­mas dinner. Last year, counselors and advis­ers initiated a dorm tutoring program to aid residents in their courses. In the spring, the traditional luau and western patio barbeque were held. Housemother was Mrs. David Crawford whe"J was assisted by Annette Steele. RIGHT: Twice each year, active members of Scottish Scholars, the Scotish Rite Dormitory's academic honorary, lapped new members among the dorm's residents. BELOW: Evening formal meals were served with the help of student wailers. - SCOTTISH SCHOLARS: FRONT ROW: Francie Walker, Dana Cameron, Cheryl Nelson, Susan Denn, Mary Bowers, Paulette Hinton, Linda Mitchell, Christine Adams. SECOND ROW: Penelope Reed, Victoria Burks, Phoebe Malmgren, Stella Hartman, Mary Forbes, Barbara Cranfill, Edwina Powell, Gail Gundersen, Carole Essig, Glenda Huffaker, Edith Allen. RIGHT: Residents took spring study breaks by relaxing, swimming, and playing cards near poolside behind the dormitory. / ADVISERS: FRONT ROW: Frances Clarke, Carol Voyles, Linda Beck, Sally Bumpas, Betty Smallwood, Cynthia Raesener, Glenda Huffaker. SECOND ROW: Judith Kennedy, Patricia Friend, Cristine Stratton, Jane Billings, Meryl Cherry, Linda Deweese, Judy Johnson. THIRD ROW: Phyllis Caldwell, Deborah Chapman, Nancy Weaver, Martha Dozier, Linda Baugh, Barbara Seidler, Gail Gundersen, Diane Cudd, Carole Essig, Sherry Barnes, Edwina Powell, Kay Walker, Susan McMahan, Mary leutwyler, Susan Hammett, Mary May. Scottish Rite A residence for University undergraduate women, Scottish Rite Dormitory i~ owned and operated by the Scottish Rite Masons of Texas. The year's activities included resident pajama parties, inter-dorm mixers, a Dad's Day open house, holiday parties, lectures, and a spring formal dance. The residence academic honorary, Scot­tish Scholars, served as tutors for residents and planned recognition dinners for girls with exceptional scholastic achievement. Outstand­ing alumni were honor~d at their spring tap­ping dinner. The Scottish Rite Educational As­sociation of Texas' Board of Directors and Ex­ecutive Committee administered the dormi­tory. Mrs. C. F. McConnell was director, and Mary Leutwyler was head resident counselor. Tower Manor Tower Manor began the year with a tra­ ditional coffee and open house for parents on Dad's Day. Before Christmas the girls par­ ticipated in a tree-trimming party and pro­ gram for the girls and their dates. Candlelight dinners were held at Thanksgiving, Halloween, Christmas, and Easter. Located at 1908 Uni­ versity, Tower Manor housed 84 residents. TOP: Barbara Amen (seated) and Judith Hollingsworth com­pleted durmltory records in the office. ABOV E: Tower Manor residents enjoyed the current women's magazines during study breaks in the living room. 466 LEFT: Weekend bridge games took place while other residents watched television in a multi-purpose living room. BELOW LEFT: Tower Manor residents enjoyed a fall semi-formal. BELOW RIGHT: Evening hours brought independent study within the dorm. ICC In the spring semester, the Inter­Cooperative Council sponsored its annual Co­op Week and talent show, featuring skits and musical numbers performed by its me mber men and women cooperatives. Each · co-op also participated in an open house program where their individual units were open to friends, relatives, and the public. Member cooperatives attended the In­ter-Cooperative Council formal, were mem­bers of the Students' Association's Housing and Cooperative Affairs committees, and par­ticipated in all co-op division intramural ath­letics throughout the year. Council officers for the year were Larry M. Fielder, president; John York, vice-president; Kim Smallwood, secretary; and David W. Lamb, treasurer. ICC members worked late on their entry in the Silver Spurs' Aggie Sign Contest. FRONT ROW: Frank Campbell, adviser; Barbara Brandenburg, Felicia; John York, T.L.O.K.; Kim Smallwood, Century; Larry Fielder, T.l.O.K.; Wanda Hubbard, Century; David lamb, Campus Guild; M. Ruth Smith, adviser. SECOND ROW: Cynthia Lear, Whitehall; Jo Whitehead, Theadorne; Dru McBride, Century; Kristen McCaleb, Va/ha/la; Linda Slavik, Ha/stead; Jana Hamlett, Powe/I; Mary Harrop, Ha/stead; Lucinda Halstead, Ha/stead. THIRD ROW: Patricia Hutto, Pearce; Virginia Johnson, Wakonda; Marian Janda, Powe/I; Andrea Frazee, Theadorne; Sigvrd Bue, Campus Guild; Delmar Fankhauser, Ramshorn; Carlos Femat, Stag; Carla Broome, Va/ha/la; Myrta Rienstra, Pearce; Lisabeth Lovelace, Felicia. FOURTH ROW: William Gastinger, Ramshorn; Andrew Allen, Campus Guild; Robert MacGregor, Ed Price; Larry Cloud, Stag; Gary Munneke, T.L.O.K.; David Stones, The/eme; Edward Garana, Ed Price; Leon Lowery, The/eme; Allan Gebert, Royal. 468 FRONT ROW: Nita Brummett, Shangri-La; LueRachelle Brim, Whitis; Beth McEnery, Powell; Martha Watson, Wakonda; Karen Brandenburg, Felecia; Sharon Froehner, Pearce; Kathleen Henson, Wakonda. SECOND ROW: Sandra Cooper, Almetris; Pamiel Johnson, Ha/stead; Sylvia Beckey, Century; Adonia Purcell, Va/ha/la; JaNelle Mattingly, Theadorne; Susan Woolsey, Whitehall; M. Ruth Smith, adviser. VVomen's Council FRONT ROW: Roy Gabryl Jr., T.L.O.K.; Stephen TerMaath, Stag; Daniel Diaz Jr., T.L.O.K.; Lance Craig, Ramshorn; Donald Tomlinson, Stag. SECOND Men's Council ROW: Bruce Cravey, Ed Price; Joseph Kuykendall, Roya/; Will iam Holden, Royal; David Stones, Theleme; Gerald Towle, Theleme; Kenneth Hinton, T.L.O.K. ' : ...... ' ............ ...... ! ......_...-....... ::.:.;: .!.. ·: ; •.;:·;: ~·.:::... :: ~ :. •...: ... : . . ·: . . .· ..... . :.·. "?: ::-.:..··--:·::-' .... . . . . ALMETRIS CO-OP: FRONT ROW: Sheila Borns, Barbara Douglas, Bessie \/\/omen's Whiting, Constance Pullam. SECOND ROW: Dorothy Green, Carroll Smith, Della Domoneck, Rita McNeil, Sandra Cooper, Ruby Bennett. THIRD ROW: Betti-Rachelle Poindexter, Clydie Scott, Trudie Kibbe, Doris Alexander, Patricia Simpson, Lynda Brown, Patricia Booker, Vivian Mayes, Arlease Cooperatives Reynolds, Betty Devereaux, Darlene Harper, Almetris Duren. CENTURY HOUSE: FRONT ROW: Anna Bishop, Mickey Gann, Catherine Campbell, Deborah Stanley, Susan Nance. SECOND ROW: Drucilla McBride, Claudia Fegette, Judy Roby, Teresa Truitt, Vivian Martinez, Susan Butler, Deborah White, Jennabeth Paynter. THIRD ROW: Sylvia B!!ckey, Marsha Vester, Madeleine Delker, Susan Massengale, Sandi Brinkman, Mary Monro, Kim Smallwood, Karon Houghton, Wanda Hubbard, Katherine Tucker, Cynthia Alsup. 470 • o 0 I I ,_' 'I , O • •: • O 0 I •• o • • ",, • ... " I ' l•O••t•I•-· ••• ·:~ , 0 FELECIA CO-OP: FRONT ROW: Molly Smith, Joanna Slavik, Christina Studer, Colleen Gossett. SECOND ROW: Kirsten Terrell, Mary Sandoval, Margaret Napier, Karen Brandenburg, Carol Carver, Aurelia Davila, Linda DiRienzo. THIRD ROW: Twyla lhms, Linda Domel, Margie Hughes, Lisabeth Lovelace, Barbara Badillo, Sherrie long, Robin Ritchie, Barbara Branden· burg, Janet Mantooth. NOT PICTURED: Mitzi Lauderback, Valerie Ostarch. HALSTEAD CO-OP: FRONT ROW: Lou Ann liebscher, Geneva Kirsch. SECOND ROW: Linda Slavik, Janet Rogers, Ruth Franklin, Evelyn Badger, Karen Brown, Linda Maddux. THIRD ROW: Patricia Harrop, Pamiel Johnson, Burna Hart, Patricia O'Brien, Melissa Kulchak, Sarah Zalman, Lucinda Halstead. Roberson, Harriett Hobbs. SECOND ROW: Linda Lege, Nancy Bryant, Vin I Sharon Froehner, Marie Galloway, Susan Mueller, Patricia Hutto. THIRD \Yllsl ROW: Colette Jones, Myrta Rienstra, Susan Witta, Theresa Luke, Karen Ki Maedgen, Jean Fleming, Edna Lee Williams. St1l 1 472 POWELL HOUSE: FRONT ROW: Virginia Kllkuskie, Angelina Moreno, Margaret Orr, Patricia Owen, Jana Hamlett, Mickey Owen, Deborah Keas. SECOND ROW: Judith Weber, Cecelia Duncan, Marian Jand1, Gay Mc­Enery, Barbara Tucker, Ann Sebesta, Karen Coffey, Beth McEnery, Eileen Krampitz. . . . ,. ., . . . ... '... ... . . .. .. . . .............. ··. SHANGRl-LA CO-OP: FRONT ROW: Nita Brummett, Patricia Kittles, Carolyn Van Dusen, Roberta Parker, Frances Tullos, Virginia Makrocki, Madelyn VVomen's Walston, Linda Pacheco-Torres. SECOND ROW: Sharon Fisher, Kay Cude, Karen Greaihouse, Johlyn Wolff, Mary Rylander, ·Theresa Ward, Nancy Stall, Mary Harrop. NOT PICTURED: Karen Anderson. Cooperatives THEADORNE CO-OP: FRONT ROW: Eva Cardenas-Lozano, Rita Godines, Marie Fink, Magdalena Rood, Lynda Goff. SECOND ROW: Elizabeth Bolf, Ruth Armistead, Kathy Akin, Andrea Frazee, Judy Rudd, JaNelle Mattingly, THIRD ROW: Jo Whitehead, Alice Dorries, Jacqueline Howard, Penny Quarles, Bonita Bower, Zonetta Duncan. . .. .. ·,;...:, ........_· . . ~ •. : .... ! .... ··=--·~.....:.:..;. ~ !-"~ _: .;;~·;: ~-:.;:;. ·: :: ~ :.....; .. : . : ·: .· .:-....:... :.: . ·?~ ~:..:--:;;..--:·~:-. .... VALHALLA CO-OP: FRONT ROW: Karis McCaleb, Barbara levy, Linda Mi­randa, Julia Wofford. SECOND ROW: Peggy Sheridan, Darthi Follin, VVomen's Susan Calvert, Mary Montgomery, Barbara Camps, Jean Canfield. THIRD ROW: Adonia Purcell, Linda Woodard, Jacquelyn Wackerbarth, Nan Hanover, Mary Curry, Carla Broome, Kristen McCaleb. Cooperatives WAKONDA CO-OP: FRONT ROW: Judy Patton, Marla Ramirez, Linda Modgling. SECOND ROW: Betty Younger, Susan Osborn, Martha Watson, Kathleen Henson, Mary R9se Almazan, Mary Cavazos, Joyce Younger. THIRD ROW: Elaine Quinn, Virginia Johnson, Barbara Bryant, laNell Rotter, Rebecca Strawn, Carolyn Norton, Anne Stafford. 474 . . . .' ., . . ' .............. : .. .. .. . . ........•_. :..._ WHITEHALL CO-OP: FRONT ROW: Mary Knipstein, Cynthia Lear, Jimmie Compton, Cynthia Leith. SECOND ROW: Nina Glasgow, Sandra Rannals, Elizabeth Gedwed, Martha Ferguson, Elisabeth Tubbs, Bertha Hill, Angela Welford. THIRD ROW: Emily Schanzer, Sue Haugarth, Carol Mitchell, Jackie Foster, Nancy Stephens, Marie Bader, Edith Dome!, Mary Denny, Nancy Gibson, Susan Woolsey. NOT PICTURED: Paula Baker, Nancy Loewen. WHITIS CO-OP: FRONT ROW: Mildred Hubbard, Edna Munson, Jennifer Hartley, Patricia Leonard. SECOND ROW: LueRachelle Brim, Patricia Blake, Annette Randall, Gertha McNeil, Patricia Edwards. THIRD ROW: Olivia Hartman, Ruth Miles, Linda Routt, Charlene Taylor, Shirley Godfrey, Ty Grimstad, Karen Cronquist, Susan Somppi, Linda Merriweather, Anne Crane. NOT PICTURED: Donna Denn, Patricia Porter. 475 Men's Cooperatives Room and board rates in co-operatives were lower than most University housing as members performed their own cooking and housekeeping. During the spring Co-op Week, house members stressed not only the financial advantages of co-ops but also the closer per­sonal relations developed by working to­gether. Just as houses varied in the distribu­tion of duties, they differed in disciplinary methods. The co-op may have a house rules committee that aids the coordinator or the responsibility may fall on the president. Among other campus activities, members par­ticipated in University charity and intramural events. CAMPUS GUILD CO-OP: FRONT ROW: David Hernandez, Hector Lujan, John Fujioka, William Fannin, Charles Mott, John Mayo, David Bue, William Reaves, Douglas Hall, Patrick Matzner, Daniel Rivera, James Calderon, David Jevas. SECOND ROW: Francisco Guerra, Wayne Rash, Paul Johnston, Loyd Vick, Michael Carlberg, Ray Roeder, William Hal­stead, Bruce Cozad, John Nichols, Martin Bankson, George Austria, Armin Feldman, Richard Bue, David lamb. THIRD ROW: Sing-Huei Huang, Adrian Huckabee, Neil Mcfeeley, Timothy Eastling, Jose Trevino, Elias Zuniga, Arvid Youngquist, Robert Elizondo, Anthony Davidson, Thomas Swinbank, Bun-ichi Ohtsuka, Edwin Bishop, Juan Medrano, Dean Shimek. FOURTH ROW: James Baker, Richard Terrazas, Lloyd Olsen, James Craig, John Reed, William Albert, James Hurst, Victor Wehman, Bruce Neeley, Stephen Pryor, Ryan Allen, Ross Ligon, Richard Kingsley. 476 ED PRICE HALL: FRONT ROW: Michael Payne, Gary Hyatt, Harry Durham, David Baker, Thomas McCanne, James Winzig, Donald Baker. SECOND ROW: William Webber, Robert MacGregor Ill, Ray Jordan, Darryl George, Bruce Cravey, Edward Garana, Ronald Urrabaz, Frank Svrcek. THIRD ROW: Alexander Garcia, Emmerick Pavlas, Donald Wiederhold, Donald Morran, Curtis Carr, lraj Amirkabirian, Keene Melde. NOT PICTURED: Rubin Doltoro, Gregg Hill, Paul Riley, Charles Robinette. RAMSHORN CO-OP: FRONT ROW: Gumaro Garza, William Buchholtz, William Gastinger, Gilbert Peon, Nolan Bowman. SECOND ROW: Gerald Livengood, William Carmichael, Frank Wagner Jr., Wray Kinard, Roy Mills Jr., Eladio Barrera, Leonard Sturn. THIRD ROW: Lance Craig, Thomas Tennison, Frank King, Robert Scholl, David Murphy, Cecil McKenzie Jr. FOURTH ROW: Ronald Bollinger, Bruce Triesch, Benjamin Dickson Ill, Delmar Fankhauser Jr.-, Michael VanDevender. NOT PICTURED: David Barnes, Jimmy Coolidge, Rolando Garcia, William Gastinger, Ray Jones, Russell Owen, Edgar Rhea, Noe Soza, William Varian. 477 ROYAL CO-OP: FRONT ROW: Mark Larrumbide, Hal Corley, George Patino, Ruben Zertuche, Gary Hough, Kenneth Walker, Carroll Forrest, Lewis Rhodes. SECOND ROW: Jim Walton, Kenneth Schroeder, Allan Gebert, Men's Clarence Von Bergen, Joe Kuykendall. THIRD ROW: Darrell Hardman, Alvin Nirider, Don Towsley, Harry Clark, Del McKenzie, Norman Hajdik. NOT PICTURED: Joe Branahan, Charles Dupuy, William Holden, Thomas Cooperatives Powell, William Walker. STAG CO-OP: FRONT ROW: Billy McCaslin, Ted Green Jr., Carlos Femat, Donald Tomlinson, Fred Sternberg, Elroy Sneed, Randal McDonald, Aaron Herman. SECOND ROW: Weldon Moser, Gilberto Gonzalez, Daniel Garcia, Ernest Haywood, Sebastian Davis, David Moerbe, Vance Neathery Jr. THIRD ROW: Hugh Patton, Stephen TerMaath, John Nolan, Faulder Colby, Larry Cloud, James Williams, Monty May. NOT PICTURED: Michael Berg­man, Ronald Latimer, John love, James Marler, Warren Scholz. 478 • ' • • ' • • • ~ • ' • • '. • • • • •• : ••••• ' • • ••• .........1 ••• ·:... THELEME CO-OP: FRONT ROW: Arthur Murphy, Lorenzo Castro, Ben Manny, David Keuler, Orest Gwozdziowsky, Charles Dyer, Jose Olivares. SECOND ROW: Jack Fleetwood, Randall Burrow, Gerald Towle, David Stones, Edward Zihlman Jr., Leon Lowery Jr. TLOK CO.OP: FRONT ROW: Allen Anderson, Daniel Diaz, George Rosales, Milton Smith, Wilmer Mitchel~ Walt Wilder, Ricardo Ramos. SECOND ROW: Roy Gabryl, Charles Pate, Gilbert Alonzo, Birch Kimbrough 11, Gary Munneke, John Zammito, Larry Fielder, Roland Hartzog, John York, Barton Cherry. THIRD ROW: Thomas Pahl, Ron Thornhill, Michael Megahan, Robert Moore, Robert Pennington, Leroy Mitchell, Kenneth Hinton, Jaen Lawrence, Dirk Fraser, Guy Ezelle. NOT PICTURED: Ronald Buis, Ryce Wilson. • • . ·;••• •.....-.~·. -·: '":·····~ ···-··~-··-..::..:.:·.:~-: _! .;;:;:.:.:.:.· ·:::!~ ....; ... : ·. -:: . · .. -....._ .:.:··!~!:-.;...·----=·::!-. -·. . ..·· I I The Student Population He is the son of the Houston oil company president, Dallas banker, Pecos rancher, Amarillo High School football coach, Fort Worth labor union organizer, San Antonio Air Force captain, Laredo customs inspector ... 1868 480 ' " ' /L , . r ·' l i ALMEIDA, MAURO LAURIA, Recife, Brazil Journalism APOLZON, GEORGE THOMAS JR., Lorain, Ohio Business, Bfl:, BA'I' ARNOLD, WILLIAM METCALF, Woonsocket, R. I. Latin American Institute, l:AE ATKINSON, GARDNER D. JR.. San Antonio Mechanical Engineering, TIT!, American Nuclear Society AYERS, LOUIS McCLELLAN JR., Lake Charles, La. Electrical Engineering, IEEE, Arnold Air Society, lntramurals. BALDWIN, SUSAN OSTERHAUS, Austin Mathemat ic-Education BARBOUR, HENRY HAMILTON, Colonial Heights, Va. Mechanical Eng ineering , YR, ASME BARR, RICHARD STUART, Austin Management, X4>, IEEE, Engineering Council , Assoc ia­tion for Business Application of Computers BEAMER, GEORGE CHARLES JR., Austin English BERNARDONI, STEPHEN LOUIS, Galveston Secondary Education and History, 4>K9 BOLAND, HAYDEN EDWARD, San Antonio Political Srience BOSWELL, JOHN DAVID, Austin History, 4>A0, AROTC, Praetorian Guard BUCHANAN, JOHN WAYLAND, San Antonio Pharmacy, 4>K0 CAMP, ROGER EDWIN, Post Business and Finance, A.Ki', T Association, Scabbard and Blade, lntromurols, Simkins Epicureans CHAYASOMBAT, SITIICHAI, Bangkok, Tha iland Arch itecture CHINTRAKARN, KAMOL, Bangkok, Thailand Civil Engineering, XE COFFMAN, JAMES DANNY, Pittsburg Mechanical Engineering, TBTI, TIT!, ASME COOK, DON SELMAN, Victoria Accounting DAMMERT, ALFREDO JUAN, Lima, Peru Chemical Engineering, AXl, Peruvian Association DANZIGER, HERBERT KENT, Helena, Ark. Business, T44> Graduates DAVIS, JACKSON BEAUREGARD JR., Shreveport, La. Finance DILLARD, RICHARD RAY, Odessa Communication, Eil, I6X, I FC DOGGETI, LLOYD ALTON, Austin Business, AXA, Studtnts' Association President, TSP Board of Directors DOLESHAL, LESLIE LEE JR., Austin Vocational Rehabilitation DWYER, WILLIAM HENRY, Austin Finance, +69 DYER, MICl1A~L EARNEST, Odessa Business, BSU EASTLING, TIMOTHY ANDREW, Atlanta, Ga. Government, YR ESPINOSA, J. RAUL, New York, N. Y. Latin American Studies, +K9, International Club, New ­ mon Club, International Business Association, MUN, Public Relations Society FATHMAN, ROBERT EDWARD, Farmington, Mich . Clinical Psychology, Newmon Club FELDMAN, ROBERT NEAL, Santa Ana, Calif. Journalism, I.6.X, Fentress Fellowship FLOYD, FRANK MICHAEL, Baytown Chemistry, TBIT, OXE, K, AT FRELS, LEON KELLY, Lolita Low, AXA, Kall, m:A, TSEA FRICH, MICHELL.E DIANNE, Corpus Christi Art Education GARLAND, GEOFFREY MICHAEL, Punch Bowl, Australia Mathematics GENTRY, THOMAS JORDAN, Big Spring Business Administration, ITKA, TBIT, Hl:, HKN, Outstand­ ing Student, Dean Jock Holland Award, Silver Spurs, Order of Alcalde, Assembly, IFC GONZALEZ-DELGADO, CARLOS ALBERTO, Monterrey, Mexico Management and Accounting, lnt.,notionol Club GRUMBLES, JOHN PAT, Sen Seba Office Administration, QPA, fE, AX GUY, PAUL WILLIAM, Austin Mothemot1a HALL, CATHERINE, Pittsburgh, Pa. English, ZTA, Texas Engineering and Science Magazine, Cactus, Graduate Association HALL, WALTER MARTIN, Fort Worth Low, OAK, +AA, Acacia, Goodfellow, Order of Al­calde, Auembly, IFC, Student Auociotion Committee, foculty·Student Discipline Committee 482 • ' ' • ii ' '• '' ' • • I • ''' •' ''" •·•• : • •• "' ' '"''''"•-'' to• HAMBLIN, DARYL KIM, Jackson, Miss. Cl inical Psychology HARDY, JAMES ROFF, Abilene Bu si ness HARRIS, DARLENE FAYE, Pasadena Mathematics , ZTA, Freshman Cheerleader, Royal Spirit Com­mittee, White Star Sweethearts HARRISON, HERMAN WADE, Dallas Phys ics HEABERLIN, CONLEY HARTSELL JR., Jackson, Miss. Government HEFFINGTON, WARREN MALCOLM, Round Mountain Aerospoce Eng ineering , TBIT, l:rT, K, AIAA HEMME, EDWIN DAVID, Loclchart Bus iness HENRY, CAMERON EDWARD, Corpus Christi Business Administration, IK HINES, JOHN STANLEY, Austin Aerospace Engineering, AIAA HOOD, DONALD CURTIS, Beaumont law, IE, Student Member of American Bar Association HORNUNG, WARREN GEORGE, Gonzales Anthropology HOUSTON, SAMUEL SYKES JR., Austin law, K, l:t.X, t.K, Brackenridge Fellow­ ship, Kellogg Fellowship, Woll Street Journal Fellowship, Teach ing Ass istant HUNTER, HAROLD COOPER, Dallas Finance, lntramurals, American Finance Association JONES, MILTON ANDERSON JR., Meridian, Miss. Civil Engineering JORDAN, DOWDELL WYLIE, Brady Genetics JOSTES, LYNWOOD CHARLES, Tynan Bus iness JUSTICE, JAY VERNON, Austin Mathemat ics Vt KAVOUSSI, ROSTAM MEHRAHAN, Karkhaneh, Iran Mechanical Engineering, TBII, K, Ot.K, IlTI:, Br:!: Inter­ national Club, ASME, Assembly, Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program, Friar Society, Engineering Fellow, Good­fellow, Outstanding Student, Outstanding International Student Award KIGHT, CHARLES LESTER, San Antonio Business KING, BILLY RAY, Fort Worth Electrical Engineering, HKN, IEEE, TSPE KUEHLER, GERALD PAUL, Stamford, Conn. Chemical Engineering, AXI:, TBIT, OXE, AT, AIChE LAAKSO, JOHN LLOYD, Los Fresnos Econom ics LEE, CHIN-YUAN, Yunlin, Taiwan Civil Engineering LESTER, HENRY WILLIAM, Boerne Business, Tejos Club LINDSEY, GEORGE TAYLOR, Midland Fine Arts LUND, WILLIAM LAWRENCE, Borger Nuclear Engineering, ASME, TSPE, American Nuclear Society MACAULAY, JOHN JAMES, Rockhampton, Australia Business, Rotary Foundation Fellow, International Club MALAN, GREGORY FRANKLIN, Corpus Christi Nuclear Engineering, American Nuclear Society MANSUVAN, PRASAD, Dhonburi, ThaMand Public Administration, Thai Student Association MARGOLIS, BARRY HOWARD, Houston law, I:t., Silver Spun, Goodfellow, IFC President, Out· standing Student MARTIN, FREDERICK WILLIAM, Baytown Business, ABK, B Kinsolving, Kinsolving Advisor and Student Assistant MINNICK, DONALD JOHN, Dallas Busineu Management, +K+, Dean's Advisory Council, MBA/MPA MIRZA, SHER ALI, Karachi, Pakistan Civil Engineering, ASCE, lntemotional Club MONEYHON, CARL HOFFMAN, Austin History MONTEMAYOR, JOSE DE JESUS, Durango, Mexico Physics, :!:Ill: MORRIS, NANCY WALDINE, San Angelo Engl ish NAHDI, KHAMIS AMER, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Mathematics NAPIER, HOMER ALBERT JR., San Antonio Statistics, K, Association for Business Application of Computers, Deon's Advisory Council O' KEEFE, JOHN HERBERT, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Engl ish ORBECK, JOSEPH CARROLL, Gatesville Studio Art ORE, CASIO ROLANDO, Lima, Peru Phys ics OSBORNE, PAUL DUAN, San Antonio Computer Science, TBII, Association for Co mputing Ma­ chinery OUNG, FENG YEN, Taiwan, China Petroleum Engineering PAEK, PONG HYON, Kyong Buk, South Korea Latin American History PEARRE, CHARLES MORGAN Ill , Weslaco Civi l Engineeri ng, t.X, TBll, XE, :!:Z, ASCE, SAME, TSPE PICKETI, DAVID FRANKLIN, Corpus Christi Chemistry, AT, AICh E, Teaching Associate PIERCE, CHERYL JEAN, Richmond, Va. Fine Arts-Oroma , Jess ie Jones Scholarship, Graduate Assistant PIPKIN, JOHN RAYMOND, San Angelo Finance, KA, American Finance Association, Association for Business Applicotion of Computers, Student Associo tion Com­mittee, Challenge, Freshman Golf PYLE, ERNEST SEABORN JR., Magnolia, Ark. Mothematics RADDE, PAUL OLIVER, Wahpeton, N. Oak. Education and Psychology, Challenge, Texas Union Ex­ecutive Council RATNER, CELITA, San Antonio Library Science, Freshman Council, Texas Union Com­mittee RAWLINGS, JOHN SELBY, Tyler Mathema tics REAGOR, FRED LOGAN, Shreveport, la. Mathematics REAGOR, MARY PENSWORTH, Shreveport, La. Mathematics REAMS, GA IL JACOBY, Houston Physics, H:E, BK, :!:Ill: RETMONO, R., Surabaja, Indonesia Applied linguistics RICHARD, THOMAS GLENN, Austin Business, Teaching Assistant RODRIGUEZ, EULALIO MUNOZ, Victoria Psycnology RODRIGUEZ, FEDERICO ANGEL, Monterrey, Mexico Mechanical Engineering, IlT!, American Nuclear Society ROEDER, BETIE McCALL, Waco German ic language SCHKADE, ALBERT FRED JR., Giddings Aerospoce Engineering, TKE, TBll, :EI'T, K, Long­ horn Band, AIM, Longhorn Flying Club SENTERFITI, RODNEY ERROL, Holland Physics, Kl: SHOCKLEY, THOMAS VALCOUR Ill, Austin Electrical Engineering, IEEE, TSPE SIDDIQI, QAISER SAEED, Pakistan Engineering STERNER, DAVID ARTHUR, Garland Chomicol Engineering, rt., AIChE STUESSY, TOD FALOR, Austin Botany TECHACHAN, SAKDI, Pitsanuloke, Thailand Public Administration TICKNOR, JANET GILLAM, Fort Worth Education, r<1>B, 11A9 TIMS, JAMES IRVING, Cleveland, Min. law, Acacia TOWNSEND, RICHARD LAFAYETIE, Flora, Miu. Accounting, BA+' TUFEKCIOGLU, CENGIZ, Ankara, Turkey Business VILLALOBOS, JOSE ALBERTO, Naranjo, Costa Rica ,hysics WAID, KENNETH RICHARD, Austin Nuclear Engine.ring, American Nuclear Society . . ,, .. . . . . .. ·· ....... ' .... ' ........._.. .. WALKER, JIMMY RAY, Tyler Marketing, American Marketing Association WHARTON, THOMAS LEE, San Antonio Electrical Engineering, TBil, +HE, HKN, Engineering Fel­low , Praetorian Guard, SAME, IEEE, ROTC Rifle Team , Research Engineering Assistant WILLIAMS, JAMES MADISON JR., Fort Worth Accounting , Acacia , +HI, Br:t, BAir, 4tK4l, Association for Bus iness Appl ication of Computers WILLIAMS, LYNN CHRISTINE, Houston Mathematics Education WILLIAMS, TROY DAVID, Ozona La w WILLIAMS, WARREN STEWART, San Antonio Mathematics, Hl:, BK WILLSON, PATRICK JAMES, Austin Government, cf>KT, IFC, Varsity Carnival, Editor IFC light, Students' Association Committee WOLFE, JAMES DOUGLAS, Garden City, Kans. Electrical Engineering, TBIT, HKN, l:;;;, l:T YOUNGBLOOD, SHERRY JANE, Waskom Special Education ZINN, FRANKLYN KING, Austin Education, t.T, Kt.IT, f9T Graduating Seniors Graduates ABERNATHY, LARRY WAYNE, San Antonio Electrical Engineering, TBIT, HKN, IEEE ABERNATHY, MARSHALL W. JR., Hughes Springs Chemical Engineering, AX:t, AIChE, House of Delegates ABNEY, PATTY LOUISE, Hillsboro Home Economics Education, 6Z, Home Economics Chapter, YR , Campus Crusade for Christ ABRAMOWITZ, DAVID, Denison Personnel Management, IAM, AKi', Arnold Air Society, Mitchell Aerospace Flight, lntromurals ADAMS, JOHN SAMUEL, Gladewater Account ing ADENSAM, MARILEE CLAIRE, Irving Psychology, A, AAt., i'X, BK, CEC ADKINS, BRIAN HOWARD, Georgetown Government, Varsity Tennis, Men's Glee Club, YR, Pre­ law Associat ion ADKINS, RIETTA CAROLINE, Houston Art History, fB, Round · Up AFTERGUT, MYRON DAVID, Pampa Industrial Management, IAM AGOMO, JAMES BERNARD 0 ., Biafra, West Africa Econom ics AHRENS, SHARON LINN, Dallas Linguistics, Kt.IT, ITA, A & S Council AIDE, FOUAD KHALIL Major, Charlotte Psychology AKERS, JUDY KAYE, Brownfield Government, U, YD Graduating Seniors ARMSTRONG, MARTHA JO, Madison, Wisc. Frueh, A:Et:J. , Jlt:J., ft:J.E, French Club, Dean's List, Raund ­ Up, Student Association and Texas Union Committees ARNOLD, RICHARD SMITH, San Antonio Electrical Engineering and Management, Acacia, 4-H~, Dean' s List, N ROTC ARNOLD, WALTER DeWITT, Fort Worth Architecture, Honor Roll ASKI NS, JILL, San Antonio Accou nting , Canter Club , Freshman Co unci l, YR ATCHLEY, LINDA KAY, Wichita Falls Elementa ry Education, ll.tltl, White Star Sweethearts AUTREY, JEFFERSON WYATT, Waxahachie Governmen t, «1>60 AVERETT, GREGG HERLONG, Atlanta, Ga. Personnel Management, AIAA, NROTC AVERY, JOHN SHARP, Austin Governme nt, KI AYERS, JOHN HARO LD, Austin Account ing AZIOS, SYLVIA ALICIA, Laredo Elementary Education, Council for Exceptional Children BABIN, REGINA JANE, Beaumont Elementary Education, At:J.II, Longhorn Flying Club BAGGETT, PAMELA ANNE, Fort Worth Journalism, rAX, "oaily Texan BAILEY, DONALD KENNETH, Nacogdoches Mathematics, AFROTC, Arnold Air Society BAILEY, PATRICIA LYNN, Nacogdoches Art, ,AAt:J., K, Cordettes, Dean's List BAIRD, ANN CATHRYN, Fort Worth German and French, f B, Assembly, Angel Flight, Spooks, SRO Adv iser BAIRD. GLEN MILTON, Temple Penonn1I Manag1m1nt BAKER, ALLAN ROSS, Mesquite Pion II, Longhorn Bond, Pre-low Association, Goodfe llow BAKER, DAVID MITCHEU, Edna Personnel Management, AKi' BAKER, KELLY LYNN, Dumas Finance, +t:J.9, Varsity Football and Basketball, Silver Spurs BAKER, ROBERT CARLOS, Edna Aerospace EnginHring, TBJI, l:rT, AIM 486 ALANIZ, REYNALDO JR., Brownsville Pharmacy, LPhA, Newmon Club ALEXANDER, DAVE WAYNE, Houston Mechanical Engineer ing ALEXANDER, DIANE LOUISE, Pasadena Interior Design , fB , YR, AID ALLEN, JOHN DEAN, Longview Psycho logy ALLISON, SHARON IRENE, Woodville Physical Education, Angel Flight, PEM Club ALLISON, WILLA KATHRYN, Houston English, t:J.Z, Freshman Council, Little Sisters of the Mystic Eye, International Club ALMAZAN, MARY ROSE, Taylor French, Inter.Cooperative Council ALMOND, MALCOLM WILLIE Ill, Fort Stockton Pharmacy ALMY, ROBERT ENGELHARDT, Carlsbad, N. M. Mathematics, Y Boord of Directors, Spanish Club ALSPAU.GH, VIRGINIA LANIER, San Antonio History, r.6.E, Southe.rn Singers, Canterbury Association, Freshmen Council, Deon's list ALSUP, ACE HILL, Temple Zoology, t:J.Tt:J., BK ALTMAN, MICKEY DAVID, Houston Ad vertising, 4>1:6. AMEN, MARIA BARBARA, San Antonio Music Educotion, l:AI, Tower Manor Student Assistant ANDER, ANNET SUSAN, Seguin Elementary Education, Kt:J.II ANDERSON, JO ANN, Cameron Mathematics, f.6.E ANDERSON, ROBERT EDWIN, Austin General Business, .6.X, Men's Glee Club, Disciple Student Fellowship, Simkins Epicureon Association ANDREWS, RONALD ELVIN, Austin Actuarial Science, AKi', Actuarial Science Club ANGELL, KATHLEEN W., Dallas Elementary Education ANGENEND, PAUL DAVID, Houston American Studies, AXA, AO, A9, ElecHon Commis· sion, Student Association Committees, Cactus, Faculty· Student Discipline Committee, A & S Council, House of Delegates, Goodfellow ARCHIBALD, FRANCES ANNE, Kilgore Elementary Ed uca tion , IIA8 . . .. .. . .' . " . . . . '.' .. . . . . ....... ' . .......•_, ... BAKER, THOMAS LYLE, Dallas Mechanical Engineering, longhorn Bond, ASME BALDWIN, JOHN CLYDE, Houston Zoology, 4>A9 BALDWIN, LINDA ANNE, Houston Finance, KA0, Y, little Sisters of Minerva BALDWIN, THOMAS OAKLEY, Austin Chemistry, longhorn Bond BAMBERGER, NANCY JEAN, Austin Elementary Education, KATI BARAZI, M. BASSAM, Hama, Syria Civil Engineering, Organization of Arab Students BARGER, ROBERT WILLIAM, Tyler Personnel Management, YR , low Bachelors Club, Model United States Senate Association BARKLEY, PAULA JEAN, Athens Morlceting , Af6, Blanton Student Assistant BARNARD, JERRY ALLEN, Dallas English ond Biology BARNETI, JERRY LELAND, Dallas Phormocy, IX, LPhA, UTSAM BARNHART, ROBERT JOEL, Pettus Chemistry, AX:!: BARON, FREDERICK MARTIN, Smithville Government, tl>~1. BARRERA, ED D., Laredo Journalism and Government, .2:6X, YO, Newmon Club, Loredo Club BARRETT, DAVID LESLIE, Bellaire History BARRON, KENNETH GENE, Bay City Advertising BARRY, SALLIE JANE, Houston Elementary Education , KA0 BARTLETT, CHERYL KELLY, Marlin Office Adm inistration , JIOTI BARTOSH, KATHRYN MARY, Columbus Elementary Education, Newmon Club, Newmon Hall Adviser, TSEA, Orange Joclcets, Operation Brainpower BASKIN, MICHAEL OLON, Lamesa Psychology , 4>Hl:, 4>BK BATES, ROY EUGENE, Fort Worth Business Honors Programs, cl>HE, tl>KBKinsolving , Newmon Club BAUGHN, MARILYN LEE, Fort Worth Physical Education, AOil, AID, PEM Club, UTSA BAW, ROBERT ALLEN, Harlingen Finance, IlKA BAXTER, CYNTHIA LEE, Austin History BEADLE, PATRICIA FAY, Beaumont Zoology, A Coppello Choir BEAL, MICHAEL SMITH, Tyler Mechanical Engineering, ASME, TSPE BEAMER, DORIS JUNE WOLFE, Austin Phormocy, KE, LPhA BEASLEY, ELEANOR CORLESS, Houston Statistics, ZTA, Spooks, Oronge Jackets, freshman Orien· ta tion, Campus Chest, Association for Business Applica· tion of Computers, Goodfellow, Dad's Day Award, Out· standing Student BEAVER, JUDITH LYNN, Queen City Advertising, rAX, Challenge, Freshman Council BEAVERS, LYNNE ADAIR, Houston Interior Design, KKf, Posse, Freshman Council Adviser, White Star Sweethearts BEAZLEY, MARY GENE, Brenham Business Education, IlOil, House of Delegates, Student TSTA BECK, DAVID DREW, Wharton Interior Design, X4>, AID BECK, RICHARD EARL, Portland Phormocy, Ki', LPhA BECKEY, SYLVIA LOUISE, Deer Park Pion II , Pre-low, ICC, MUN, UTSA, Century Houso Co­ ordinator BECKWITH, SHIRLEY ELLEN, Harlingen Zoology BEDELL, DOROTHY FERRELL, Houston Zoology BEENE, NANCY SUE, Big Spring Mothematics, dZ, Freshman Council, Students' Associa· tion Committee BEERE, CHARLES WEBSTER, San Antonio Civil Engineering BEESLEY, WADE HAMPTON, Ill, San Angelo Accounting, cf>KV BEIN, BRYNA JOYCE, Corpus Christi Elementary Education. AE, K:l.IT, ITA0, K, Education Counc il BELK, ELIZABETH, El Paso Spanish and French, KA9, ct>BK, Mortar Boord, Texas Union Committee, Challenge, Y Cabinet, Outstanding Studen t BELL, BRENDA LYNN, Colorado City English BELL, JO ANNE, Austin Elemenlory Education, KAil. TSEA BELL, SAMMY CHARLES, Lampasas Pharmacy, K'f', LPhA, Pharmacy Council BELLAMY, ALAN DAVID, Odessa History BENDER, MICHAEL LOUIS, Beaumont History, T~. Freshman Assembly, Campus Chest Stu­dents ' Association BENNETT, LOUANNA KAY, Amarillo Anthropology BENTCH, LEONARD HERMAN, Pasadena Zoology, AEA BENTLEY, MICHAEL WARREN, Dallas Accounting BERGQUIST, RONALD EDWARD, Universal City . Geogra phy, f0T, AFROTC, Praetorian Guard, Macdonald s Aerospace Flight BERGSTROM, JOAN, Marshall Mo.thematics, IIB4>, AA!l., 4>BKinsolving, Mortar Boord, Assoc.iation of Computing Machinery, MUN BERNAT RICHARD ALAN, Cincinnati, Ohio History , 4.kt., Students' Association Committee, lntramura ls BERNSTEIN, RICHARD LEE, Enid, Okla. Accounting, Hl:, K, BA-I<, BrI., Freshman Goll BERNSTEIN, SHARON KAYE, Waco English ond History, I.:l.T BEST, THOMAS A., Austin English, l:X BEVERAGE, JENNIE LARSON, Austin Interior Design, ON, AID BEYNON, JUDITH ESTELLE, Corpus Christi Econo mics , Rea l Es ta te Society . BILLETIER, DAVID CHARLES, Austin Ma rketing, Brl: BILLINGSLEY, NANCY LOUISE, Fort Worth Mathematics, AAd, cl>B Kinsolving, Orange Jackets, Spooks, Kinsolving Adviser and Student Assistant BINGHAM, VERNON JARRELL, Kilgore Transportat io n, dNA, CBA Council BIRD, ALAN ROSS, Houston Management, Society for Advancement of Management, Ameri· con Marketing Association, Longhorn Flying Club BIRDWELL, RAYMOND, Weatherford English, Junior Fellows, Dean's Honor list BISHOP, GEORGE SCOTI, Dallas Finance, 4tj,9, Freshman Assembly, Challenge, Royal Spirit Comm ittee, Texas Union Committee BISHOP, GERALD KNOX, Graham Government , Praetorian Guard, Arnold Air Society, Mitchell Aerospace Flight, Asian Studies Club BISHOP, NELDA ROSE, Glendive, Mont. Elementary Education, KiUI, TSEA, Geology Wives Club BLACKBURN, SUE LYNN, Corpus Christi Psychology, l:AI, TBl:, Orange Jackets, Cardettes, Y, longhorn Band BLACKERBY, JAMES L., Clarendon American Studies BLACKFORD, NANCY BETH, Abilene Elementary Education, ACE BLAKE, LINDA BEDRIN, Memphis, Tenn. Sociology BLANN, ELIZABETH CAROL, Houston Mathematics, Campus Crusade for Christ BLEDSOE, BARBARA ANN, Dallas Elementary Education, Sisters af the Seven Stars, Southern Singers, Texas Union Committee, Blanton Student Assistant BLEKER, MAURINE LOUISE, Austin Art Education BLUM, LESTER, Corpus Christi History, AO BLUME, EILEEN FAY, Houston Molhemalics, AZ BLUME, MARTHA KAY, Houston Mathematics, .6Z. TSEA, International Club, lntromurals BLUMRICH, BRENDA NELL, Houston Mathematics, AZtl, Freshman Council, Texas Union Commiflu, TSEA BODE, CHARLES WILLIAM JR ., Goliad Pharmacy, Ki' BOECKER, BARBARA JANE, Rosenberg Spon11h and Portuguese. lntarnot1onol Club 488 ......,... . . .. .. ,, .... ·.., . .. . . . ........... : ..... ' . ........._:. ··.. BOENIG, GILBERT EDWIN, Woodsboro Pharmacy, ~X. LPhA , Newman Club BOENISCH, DAVID EUGENE, Garwood Accounting, BA+ BOND, BETSY MEREDITH LEVIN, Austin Music, Concert Choir BONDS, EDWARD LEE, Port Lavaca Electricol Eng ineering BONER, RICHARD ELWOOD, Austin Physics, 4>Hl: , BK , K, :!:Ill: BONILLA, RUBEN JR., Corpus Christi Government, Pre-Low Association BONNER, BRYCE EUGENE, San Antonio Architecture, APX, AIA , Arnold Air Society BOOTHE, TERRY EUGENE, Austin History, Varsity football BOOZER, KATHERINE LEE, Waco French, fD.E, International Club BORCHERS, E. LOUISE, Schulenburg Elementary Education BORDEN, ROBERT KENT, San Antonio Mathematics, Association for Computing Machinery BORING, DIXIE, Odessa Psychology, KKr, Little Sisters of the Ramport lion, Stu· dents' Association Committee BORING, PATRICIA ANNE, Annapolis, Md. Chem ical Engineering, Engineering Fellows, AIChE BORNET, EDWARD PAUL, Houston Pharmacy, LPhA, Faculty-Student Discipline Committee, Round­Up, Students' Association Committee, House of Delegates, Deon's List BOSS, STEVEN SPRAGUE, Arcadia, Calif. Aerospace Engineering, D.T~. TBII, Varsity Swimming, AIAA, Engineering Fellows, Outstanding Student BOWERS, PATRICIA KAY, Dallas Personnel Management BOYD, LEWIS F., Dallas Accounting, .6.!II, Moore-Hill Counselor, YR, Simkins Epicurean Society BOYD, SCOTI WARD, Decatur Mathematics, Varsity Football, Campus Crusade for Christ BOYLE, PAUL K., Austin Accounting, Honor Roll BOYLES, DAVID HOWARD, Houston Finance, D.KE, Texas Cowboys, Varsity Track Team Graduating Seniors BOYLES, KAY, Karnes City Speech Therapy, AA.l, l:AH, K, IIA9, B Kinsolving, Orange Jackets, Bluebonnet Belle, Mortor Board, Outstanding Student BRADBURY, WALTER WAYNE, Baytown Petroleum Engineering, AIME, ASPE, BSU BRADDY, ROBERT WAYNE, Houston Aerospace Engineering, AIAA, Engineering Honor Roll BRADSHAW, FLOYD THOMAS, Weatherford Government, Karate Club BRADY, JAMES PATRICK, Hot Springs, Ark. Industrial Manogement, NROTC, Buccaneer Drill Team, En­gineering Fellow BRANDENBURG, KAREN ANN, Dallas Biology and Mathematics, Felecio Co-ordinator, WCC BRANDIMARTE, PAUL ALFRED, Dallas Government, Acacia BRANDON, WILLIAM R., Dallas History, Crows Nest, Buccaneer Drill Team BRAUN, ELEANOR JANE, Corpus Christi Economics, YD, Challenge BRAUNAGEL, MARY ANNE, San Antonio History, A0, Y, International Club BRAY, CHRISTOPHER DAVIS, Port Arthur History, ATO, Varsity Football, Texas Cowboys, Operation Brainpower, Freshman Orientation, Longhorn Singers, Good­fellow, Outstanding Student BREEN, KAREN LEE, Denton Spanish , l:~TI. r~E. Campus Chest BRENDER, ARTHUR JOHN, JR., Dallas History, AT, ~Hl:, T Association, Texas Union Committee, Newman Club, Varsity Basketball Manager BRIAN, REBA JEANETIE, San Antonio Physical Education, ~z. XA , PEM Club, Students Associa· lion Committee BRIGHAM, DEBORAH JOYCE, Houston Mathematics, Campus Crusade for Chr ist BRIM, LueRACHELLE, Naples English, NAP, Whitis Co-Ordinator BRINKMAN, CHARLES BARTON, Kerrville Phormocy, LPhA BROOKS, BERTHA NELL, Universal City Zoology, International Club BROOKS, BEVERLY ANN, Corpus Christi Elementary Education, Upperclass Advisor, Heflin Manor Advisor BROOKS, MICHAEL LYNN, Longview Electrical Engineering, IEEE 489 BROOKS, WILLIAM ED, Longview Actuarial Science, AK+, Actuarial Club BROTHERTON, JAMES DOUGLASS, San Antonio Mechanical Engineering, ASME, Scabbard and Blade, NROTC BROTHERTON, JOE LYNN, LaMarque International Business, American Finance Association BROWN, A LICE MAY, Austin Elementary Educat;on, K.lTI, T!,\0 BROWN, BARRETT KEITH, Sherman Finance, !AE, Honor Roll BROWN, CAROL SUE, Houston Physical Education and English, A.'.::'.l., Kinsolving Adviser, PEM Club, UTSA BROWN, GEORGE WILMOT JR., Austin Management BROWN, JAMES JOSEPH, Mineola, N. Y. H is tory, ! IT, Pre-low Association, Karate Club BROWN, JAMES OPLISS JR., Brownsville Petroleum Engineering, AIME BROWN, JENNIFER LYNN, Three Rivers Economics, AZ, Dexter House Adviser, Upperclass Ad­visors, Campus Crusade for Christ BROWNING, JOSEPH ROBERT JR., Gorman Phormacy, 4>.lX, UTSAM BROYLES, SALLY KATHERINE, Houston Interior Design, A, AID BRUCKNER, JAMES VICTOR, Lubbock Pharmacy, 4>.lX BRUMM ETT, N ITA JOAN, Jackson, Miss. Elementary Education, TSEA, WCC, ICC, Shangri-La Co­ord inator BRUNN, ROBERTO BURKE, Grand Forks, N. Oak. Latin American Studies, K+ , Y, Mexican American Student Organization, Student Religious liberate BRYANT, JANE FRANCENE, Austin Elementary Educat;on, Kt.TI, TSEA, ACE BUCHELE, MICHAEL JOHN, San Augustine Premed;col and Mkrob;ology, l:N, AEt., Hl:, BK BUNCE, ROBERT EUGENE, Galveston Government ond History, !K, Challenge, Pre-low Asso­ciation BURCH, CURTIS FRANKLIN JR., Temple Pharmacy, LPhA BURCH, JAMES DONALD, Wichita Falls Zool ogy Graduating Seniors BURDEN, KATHERINE LOUISE, Dallas Psychology BURGES, BETTIE LEE, Castroville Nutrition, Freshman Co uncil, Home Economics Chapter, Stu· dent Nutrition Organization BURKS, TIMOTHY COLEMAN, Cincinnati, Ohio M arketing BURNS, FRANK WILLIAM Ill, Cuero Accounting, Association for Business Application of Computers BURNS, JAMES ARTHUR, Granby, Conn. Engineering Route to Business Administration, Crow's Nest, Texas (owboys, NROTC, Semper Fidelis Society, Scabbard and Blade Society, Inter-club Council, Buccaneer Drill Team BURNS, REBECCA ANN, Huntsville History and Government BURR, CHERYL ANN, Austin Mothemot;cs, AX{), AAt., K, BK, Mortor Board, Orange Jackets, Cordettes, Ten Best. Dressed, Ki nsolving Adviser, Freshman Orientation and freshman Council Adviser, Goodfellow BURROUGHS, JANET CARROLL, Houston Psychology, TIB, YR BURTON, DELBERT LOWELL JR., Garland Accounting, Business Honors Program BURWELL, RANDOLPH CARTER, Arlington, Va. Government, A&S Council, Asian Studies Club, House of Delegates, Semper Fidelis, Scabbard and Blade BUSBY, RUSSELL CLYDE, San Antonio Marketing , ~T. lntromurals, American Marketing Association BUSKE, BRUCE KIMBA LL, Friona Marketing, X4> BUX, STEPHEN A LAN, Dallas Premedicol and Chemistry, KT BYARS, RICH.A.RD LENZ, Victoria Mathematics, Newmon Club CADE, KENNETH RAY, Chandler Government, YO, College life CADE, WILLIAM H., San Antonio Zoology, Kt CAIN, EUGENE MAURICE, Houston Art CAIN, JOHNNY OWEN, Austin Accounting , 4Ifi, Freshman and Varsi ty Football CAMERON, KATHY, Katy Googrophy, AZt., rt.E, reT, TSEA CAMERON, RICHARD MICHAEL, Houston M1chon icol Eng 1n1tr1ng , ct-Ki' 490 • • I • L ·-I I > -0 j 0 • • .... ' •• 0 0 0 "00 • • 00 ••• '0 •••• ·····-· • • •• CAMERON, MILA KATHLEEN, Point Comfort Sociology CAMPBELL, DAVID BUXTON, Galveston Civil Engineering, TBIT, XE, Longhorn Band, ASCE CAMPBELL, WILLIAM G. JR., San Antonio Marketing, American Marketing Association CAPERS, ROY TRENT, Mexia Gover nment CARDWELL, JOHN WESLEY, El Paso Chemical Engineering, TBTI, OXE, OAK, Varsity Swimming, T Association, Outstanding Student, AR:OTC Distingu ished Military Student, Friar Society, Tejas Club, Student Engi­ neering Council, AIChE, SAME CARDWELL, JUDITH ANN, El Paso Sociology CARLSON, CHRISTINE MARIE, Austin Elementary Education, KATI CARMICHAEL, ELLIS PRESTON JR., Corp us Christi Pharmacy, K+, Assembly, Pharmacy Council, LPhA CARMICHAEL, RICHARD CHARLES, San Antonio Architectural EnQineering, B91T, Arnold Air Society, YR:, AAAE CARNEY, BRENDA SUE, Baytown History and English, AAti. , B Kinsolving, BSU CAROOM, DOUGLAS GRADY, Tir)'lonium, Md. Zoology, AO, Texas Cowboys, Order of Alcalde, Students' Association and Texas Union Committees, Goodfellow CARPENTER, CAROL JANE, Hickman AFB, Hawaii French and H istory, KA0 CARPENTER, DAVID ALLEN, Pasadena Zoology, AEti., YR CARR, DAVID ALTON, Austin Accounting CARRIGAN, DENNIS LEE, Waco Civil Engineering, ASCE CARRIKER, STUART NEIL, Roby Mo themotics, H:!:, BK CARSON, JEFERY FRANK, Houston Marketing, Al.:JT, American Marketing Association, UTSAM CARSON, VICKI DEE, Houston Elementary Education, AXO CARTER, BILLY WAYNE, San Anton io Civil Eng ineering, ASCE CARTER, CHARLOTIE TYNER, Mexia Elementary Education CARTER, ROBERT ANTHONY, Fort Worth Finance, Real Estate Institute, CBA Council, American fi­nance Association, Association for Business Application of Computers, Ex-Students' Association CARTWRIGHT, TERREL JOINER JR., Houston Microbiology, KA CASAREZ, RUTH, Aust in Engl ish CASEY, KENNETH EARL, Waco Ma rketing, AIJT, AAl.:, American Marketing Association CASHION, BROWNIE SUE, Austin Social Studies, ZTA, Goodfellow, Bluebonnet Belle, Spooks, Students ' Association Secretory, Assembly CASS, BYRLAN FRANCES, Austin Archi tecture, A IA CASWELL, KENNETH WAYNE, Vinton, la. Architectu re CATES, MARGARET ANN, Amarillo Mathematics, College life, ACM CATHER, LINDA LEE, Fort Worth English a nd History, fB CATTERTON, WILLIAM THOMAS, Arlington Economics, LAE CHAFFIN, RONALD LOWELL, Aust in Chem istry and Psychology, AX:!:, 'i'X, AO, Texas Union Cammi ttees, Assembly, longhorn Bond CHAMPION, THOMAS RHODES, Dallas Government, KA CHANEY, JO LYNN, Austin Office Administration, XO CHANG, HENRY HAO-LING, Houston Electrical Engineering, Honor Roll, International Club CHAPMAN, JIMMY CARL, Austin Mus ic Education , cftlIA , A Cappello Choir, Concert Choir, Opera Workshop CHERICO, FELIX WILLIAM JR., Irving Chemistry, AX:!: , AEti., YR CHERRY, BARTON NU LL, Ed na Personnel Management, AK+, SAM, Association for Business Appl ication of Computers CHOTE, JAMES BENJAMIN, Austin History, ATO, Freshman Council CHRISTENBERRY, DEIRDRE, Montgomery, Ala. Biology CHRISTENSEN, LESLIE ANN, Austin Speech Therapy, !AH, Campus Crusade for Christ 491 CHRISTENSEN, TERRY SOREN, Port Isabel Mechonkol Engineering, TBIT, ITTl:, K, ASME CHU, BILLY, San Antonio Mathematics, Der Eulenspiegelverein, BSU, Association of Computing Machinery CHUDE, NANCY MARIE, Needville English, Newmon Club CINOTTI, JO ANNE, Victoria Elementary Education, Newmon Club CLAMANN, ANDREA MARY, Schertz Germon, Der Eulenspiegelverein, Halstead Co-ordinator, Wee CLAPP, ZELIA KAY, Hearne Elementary Education CLARK, BARBARA ANN, Fort Worth Elementary Educotion CLARK, CHARLES B. 111, San Antonio Premedical and History, AT, Freshman Council, Intro· murols, Round-Up Texos Union Committees, Students' Association Committee CLARK, CYNTHIA, Dallas Mathematics, AAj, CLARK, LINDA HOPE, San Antonio Personnel Management, Society for Advancement of Management CLARK, MICHAEL JAMES, San Antonio Aerospace Engineering, IrT, TBJl, Crows' Nest, Texas 0 Cowboys, Scabbard and Blade, Semper fidelis Society, fl NROTC a CLARK, RICHARD TWEEDY, Brenham Mathematics, AO "a CLAY, LEE ASHTON, Alvarado k Accounting, :EN, Assembly, ROTC a CLAYPOOL, MICHAEL JOSEPH, San Antonio a ~ Econom ics, KA CLEMENTS, JOANNE ELIZABETH, Orange Ii Journalism, 02:4>,KTA CLEMENTS, JOHN CHARLES, Pearsall Chemical Engineering, AIChE, TSPE CLEMENTS, PHILIP RAY, Austin Real Estate. Real Estate Institute, Insurance Society, lntromurols, UTSAM CLINARD, RALPH LEON JR., Newburgh, N. Y. Aerospace Engineering CLINE, BARRY ALAN, Amarillo Marketing, 6T6 CLYB URN, LAURA, Conroe Government, Texas Un ion Committees, Round-Up I COFFEE, DAVID HENRY, Alvin Economics COFFEY, CLARENCE WILLIAM, New Orleans, La. Accounting, .1T, House of Delegates, Society for the Advancement of Management, Association for Business Ap. pl ication of Computers COHEN, KENNETH MARK, El Paso Marketing, American Marketing Association COLE, JAMES GEORGE, Dallas Advertising, A..lI COLEMAN, JAMES ROY, Pasadena Industrial Management, X$ COLEMAN, MYRTIS N., Cleburne Electrical Engineering COLLAVO, BETTY LEE, Three Rivers Music, Symphonic Bond, University Chorus COLLAVO, JON GREGORY, Taft History and Governm e nt COLLIE, JOE LYNN, San Angelo Premedi cal and Zoology COLLIE, ROBERT MONROE, Houston Pion 11, Acacia, H:!: , 00.K, BK, Assembly, Order of Alcalde, Freshman Orientation COLLIER, JAMES WARREN, Arlington Electrical Engin eering COLLINS, ROBERT LOUIS, Austin Mathematics, NROTC, Semper Fidelis, Scabbard and Blade COMBS, JUDITH LYNN, Houston Special Education, r.l., Student Council for Exceptional Children, TSEA COMPTON, DOUGLAS WAYNE, Kerrville Mothemot1cs, Te11os Association for Computing Machinery CONNARD, GERALD GEORGE, Galveston Ma thematics, !N CONNER, JOHN CALVIN, Odessa Premedical and Zoo logy CONNOR, THOMAS HILL, Houston Physics, .lKF. CONVERSE, ROBERT GERALD, Houston Finance, ATO COOK, FORREST ANN, Dallas Elementary Education, TSEA COOK, SANDRA SUE, Orange El ementary Education 492 ' ' ' I ' 'I -' 'I • • ' t •• •' •t • e •• '• ! ' ''" •t• •••I ••• ·:., t t' ..... ""'" t. r.. Soct.ll Roberts Holl Counselor. UTSAM, TLOK And Romshorn Co-ops COOPER, HARLAN TERRY, El Paso Philosophy, Students' Associotion Committee, Karate Club, Men's Glee Club, College House COOPER, LARRY NEAL, Hereford History COOPER, MARTHA JEANNE, Rolling Meadows, Ill. Studio Art, Art Students' Association CORLEY, WILLIAM BOYD, Copperas Cove Accounting CORRELL, GAY, Longview Music, Varsity Singers, A Cappello Choir, Concert Choir, BSU, MENC CORSON, ROBERT ALLEN, Galena Park Zoo logy, Varsity Tra ck COSBY, BRENDA KAYE, San Antonio Physical and Health Education, PEM Club, lntra murals, TSEA COTROPIA, CHARLES SAMUEL, Hearne Aerospace Engineering, AXA, TBil, AIAA, Student En .. gineering Council, Texas Union Committee COTIINGHAM, LYNN, Fort Worth Psychology, AEt. COUGHLIN, KATHRYN LEE, Dallas Elementary Education and Sociology, ZTA, K6Il COWAN, TOMMY NEAL, Austin Architecture COX, DONALD WAYNE, Galena Park Radio and TV, A.ll:, Daily Texan COX, RONALD JOE, Austin Pharmocy, t.X CRAIG, DANIEL LAYNE, Groom Mothemotics, 2:X, K, H2:, BK CRAIG, DOUGLAS STIRLING JR., Houston Eco nom ics , cf>d9, Hr , BK CUDE, KAY ELLEN, Beeville Plan II, AAt., BK, International Club, Mortar Board, Shangri-La, BSU CUEVAS, RUBEN JR., Corpus Christi M athematics CULLINGTON, JAMES RICHARD, San Francisco, Calif . Premed ical , B Kinsolving, BSU CUNNINGHAM, TOM ALAN, Houston History, LlTLl, Varsity Swimming, T Association CURE, JAMES OMAR, Pittsburg Chemical Engineering, TB!!, llXE, HL, AI ChE, Honor Roll, Engineering Fellows CURE, VIRGINIA RUTH, San Antonio Zoology, KE, LPhA CURRY, ANNA MARIE, Dallas History and Premedical, AAt., AEt. CURTIS, CAROLYN, Denver, Colo. Journalism, .:l6Ll, Daily Texan CUTHRELL, JACK DIES, Austin Personnel Management, Real Estate Society CYKOSKI, RUSSELL CARLTON, Austin Aerospa ce Engineering, Newman Club, Arnold Air So.. ciety, Mitchell Aerospace Fl ight, AIAA CYRUS, CINDA LYNNE, Houston Public Relations and Advertising, rAX, Y DAHLGREN, JOSEPH JOHNSON, Austin History DALE, KATHARYNE ANN, Denison English DALEY, NICHOLAS GEORGE, Austin Mathematics, All, BSU, Campus Crusade for Christ 0 ' : ,, ''•I•:, ...-.~~.. •• .,. ~ ':' ! ,., '! ol • '',..._;;,~,... ~:.::. •: :• =~.~··~ ~·:,~;, •: :•~ ~ !,. ,.,,; ... : ;.. • :! o : .-·~; •..:.:•. ; ;,; : ~: i!:;"••;;.~"!:!-I ·~ .. ' ' • Graduating Seniors DAY, JOHN MARCUS, Longview Engineering Science, AXA, TBII, Freshman Council DEALY, JOHN HOLLIS, Houston Management, 6l:JI, Real Estate Society, Varsity Football, CSA Council, Society for the Advancement of Management DEALY, SANDRA BRYAN, Houston Marketing , ~rn, American Marketing Association DEAN, SHARON LEE, Houston English, Texas Union Committees, Freshman Council DeBOIS, A NTOINNETTE, Austin Spanish, Sisters of the Signet DeBOIS, BARBARA, Austin Sociology de HOYOS, LAURA, San Diego Psychology DEISON, DAVID PA UL, Austin A ccounti ng DEISON, NANCY ANN, Austin Home Economics, XO, Home Economics Chapter, SRO Adviser DELANEY, BAILEY PEYTON, Port Arthur Premed ical DELK, LENDA KENNEDY, Abilene Journal ism , ..\OH , r..\X, Do i ly Texan, YR DELK, STEPHEN RAY, Longview Mechanical Engineering, ASME, Doily Texan, Cactus, long· horn Fly ing Club DENNIS, MARY LORENE, Richardson Psychology, Orange Jackets, Newmon Club, Texas Union Boord, Operation Broinl)Ower, Kinsolving Student Assistant DENNY, ROBERT JOHN, Odessa Zoology, YR, lo nghorn Christian Fellowship DENNY, STANLEY EUGENE, A ustin English, Karate Club, Veterans Associa tion DENSON, SUSAN ELLEN, Houston Premedical, rB, AAt., AEt., BK, SRO Advisor DeSHONG, CHERYL LOYD, San Antonio Music l iterature, A.6.TI, YR, Concert Choir DEVEREAUX, BETTY JEAN, Houston Mathematics, AKA, Spooks, Students' Associa tion Com­mittee, Y, Panhellenic Devoss, DAVID ARLEN, Dallas Government, l:j,X, Doily Texan, Texas Union and Students' Association Comm1 ttets, House of Delegates, Goodfellow DeWALL, VIRGINIA ANN, Austin Elementary Education, AXO DANIEL, ANNE DICKSON, Dallas Sponish, Latin American Studies, .6.f DARBY, MARSHALL BYRON, Jourdanton Aerospace Engineering, TBII, IrT DAROSS, JAMES AMADOR, El Paso Mathematics. Hl:, KK'I', Tejos Club, Longhorn Bond, Order of Alcalde DARPHIN, NANCY LELIA, Dallas Sociology, .t..r, Upperclass Advisor DARSEY, EDNA NELL, Crockett Elementory Education DAVENPORT, CAROL ANN, Corsicana Psychology, Union Committees, House of Delegates DAVIS, CYNTHIA ANNE, Lampasas Mothemotics, A, AAt. , IIA0, Littefield Adviser DAVIS, DIANE, Dallas French DAVIS, LAURA KAY, Texarkana Mathematics, rB DAVIS, MELVIN DAVID, Florence Government, Uil, 4>K4>, 4>HI, Students' Association, Varsity Footba ll, T Associa tion DAVIS, RICHARD JOHN, Lamesa Phormacy, t.X, LPhA, Pharm9cy Council DAVIS, ROBERT GLENN JR., San Antonio 3overnment, YR, Young Americans for Freedom DAVIS, ROBERT JOE, Dall as ~athematics, Crow's Nest, NROTC DAVIS, RUTH DIANNE, Marshall Journalism and English, 0:!:4>, KTA, House of Delegates DAVIS, SUNNYE SUSAN, Austin Mathema tics, IIA9, MUN, Upperclass Advisor, law W ives Club, Kirby Holl Adviser DAVIS, SUZI ELAINE, little Rock, Ark. Elementary Education, ~cl>E DAWKINS, MICHAEL WYLIE, Houston Mathema tics, ACM DAWSON, DENNIS LEE, Richardson Actuarial Science, cl>HI, Bf.I, cl>K«I>, Actuarial Club, House of Delega tes DAWSON, ROBERT EARL, Frisco Architecture, AO, AIA DAY, HARRY BOB, Harlingen Pharmacy, cl>.6.X, LPhA, longhorn Band 494 • • • ' • '' -'' • • l • • • .. • • • • •••••• ' • • ............. ·: ••• .. ii c ' DEWEESE, RICHARD EARLE, Lewisville Market ing, l:JT, K.Ki', longhorn Band, Insurance Society, Fresh.man Council , IFC, Representative Party DeYOUNG, EDWIN RAY, Arlington Economics, IX, Qj,E, j,l:JI, Economics Honors Pion, Real Estate Society, American Marketing Association DIAL, RICHARD ALAN, Palestine Accounting, l:cf>E DIAZ, ANTONIO MANUEL JR., Brownsville Zoology, KT DIAZ, FRANCISCO VICENTE, Quito, Ecuador Mechanical Engineering, ASME DICKINSON, ANNE LOUISE, Austin Elementary Education, KA0, AAtJ., KtJ.IT, 2:tJ.IT, Pon­ hellenic lntromurols DILLARD, HOWARD LAVON JR., Longview Zoology DILLARD, RICHARD ALAN, San Antonio Music Education, HI, cf>MA, KK.'I', longhorn Band, Symphonic Bond, University Symphony DILLEE, RONALD DENNIS, Houston Zoology, tJ.0, AEtJ. DILLON, MOLLY SHARON, Pharr Social Studies DIMAS, NICASIO JR., San Antonio linguistics, !TA, Italian Club, A & S Council, MUN DINKINS, CAROL EGGERT, Mathis English and Spanish, Kti.II, Dean's l ist, Freshman Council, low W ives DIPPEL, TIEMAN HENRY JR., Brenham Finance, AK'i', K, AO, Br2:, American Finance Associ­ ation, Pre·low Association, Dean's list DIXON, PAUL NICHOLD, Berea, Ohio Biology DOERING, MARY ELIZABETH, Nederland Elementory Education, AAtJ., KtJ.IT, K, rtJ., Scope DOLCE, NOEL JOSEPH, Port Arthur Government, Icf>E, freshman Council Advisor, freshman Orientation Adviser DOMINGUEZ, ERNESTO A., Laredo Accounting, Karate Club, Loredo Club DONHAM, CHARLES FRANKLIN JR., Little Rock, Ark. Aerospace Engineering DORF, EUGENE CRAIG, Austin Premedical and Zoology, H2:, AEtJ., AO, Deon's list DORNBLUTH, NELLA CAROL, Grand Prairie Microbiology, AAtJ. DOSSEY, ROBIN GAIL, Howston Elementary Education DOSTER, SANDRA DIANNE, LaMarque Speech and Hearing Therapy, freshman Council DOUGLAS, WALTER C. JR., Texarkana Zoology DOWD, LOUIS HOWARD, Austin Zoology and Predental DOYLE, MAURINE HELEN, Castroville Engl ish and Spanish DRENNAN, JAMES EARL, Everman Mathematics, rB~. Actuarial Club, lntromurols DRISCOLL, BARBARA NELL, Devine Elementary Education and Spanish, Abll, KtJ.II, SEA Du BOSE·, CAROLYN JEAN, Gonzales Mathematics and History, Ar, Freshman Orientation Adviser Operation Bra inpower, Orange Jackets, Angel Flight,' Order of the UT, Deon's list, Bluebonnet Belle, Outstanding Student DUELM, ROBERT ELMER, San Antonio Accounting DUGGER, RICHARD LYNN, Robstown f inance, Acacia, Real Estate Society DULLNIG, ROBERT, San Antonio Eng ineering Science DUNAWAY, MARY KAREN, Yazoo City, Miss. Russ ian DUNCAN, SCOTI C., Austin Premedical, cf>j,8, Varsity Swimming, T Association DUNN, JOHN LIGHT, Texas City History DUNNE, SUZANNE MARION, Dallas Elementary Education, Daughter of the Diamond, Uppercloss Advisors, freshman Council duPERIER, JOSEPH REAGAN, Beaumont Architecture, ATO, AIA, Newman Club, TACP DUPRE, WILLIAM ROARK, Houston Geology, 2:rE, Concert Choir, Men's Glee Club DUTION, RICHARD LEE, Borger Psychology, Karole Club EAGLE, DEANNA, Dallas Elementary Education, A+ EASON, JAMES FOWLER, Greenville Marketing, AKi', Christion Science Organization 1 01 0 o : ·;••••:, .. ...:~·. • • 0 ';' ! '"' 1 ! " ...-.-:..,.....;:.:.; 7.!-•: .:· ;~;~ ;: .~.:.~;, •: :'. ! :, .... ; .. : • •: • ··:: • ...:. :: ·:1: ::,;;:::;.--:•~!-I -. .. •• 1' ,., • • •• • 1 EBERT, KATHERINE LEE, Houston French, IIAcl>, ITA, Freshman Council, Texas Union Com­mittee, Challenge, French Club, Italian Club, Dean's List, Round -Up, MUN ECHOLS, JUDITH ANN, Corpus Christi Spanish, International Club ECKENROD, RICHARD MICHAEL, Houston Mechanical Engineering, ASME EDMONDS, SARA ANN, Austin Music Education, l:AI, IlKA , Concert Choir, Upperclass Advisors, MENC EDMONDSON, JOHN EUGENE, Odessa Finance EDWARDS, ROBERT ALAN, Dallas Industrial Management , Xclt EICHNER, ROXANNE MAE, Garland Government EISENSTEIN, ANN SARA, San Antonio Speech and Journalism, Daily Texan, Dean's List EISERLOH, PHILIP LAWRENCE, San Antonio Chemical Engineering, AXA, OXE, TBII, Engineering Council , Outstanding Student EKRUT, VERNON STANLEY, Fort Worth History and Government, 4>A8, K.6.Il, BSU, Dean's List ELDRIDGE, GAIL, Beaumont Sociology, AE ELIZONDO, MARIA CRISTELA, Harlingen Zoology ELLIS, RICHARD WILLIAM, Austin Electrical Eng ineering, TSPE ELLISON, GLENN EDWARD, Tyler Government, cl>Hl:, 4>A9, lntromurals ELLISOR, EARL LEE JR., Austin Mathematics, cl-HE, Association for Computing Machinery ELSIK, NAEDEEN RUTH, Corpus Christi Office Administration and Business Education, Ard ELSTON, KENNETH DEAN, Spencer Russian, AROTC EMBRY, JAMES EVERETT, Corpus Christi Aerospace Engineering, AIAA, Newman Club EMMONS, WINFRED S., Beaumont Mathematics EMORY, AMELIA WINIFRED, Austin Drama ENDERLE, BEVERLY KAY, Houston Elementary Education, 6.6.6., Bluebonnet Belle, Varsity Cheerleader, Royal Spirit Comm ittee, Texas Union Committee, University Sweetheart Finalist, Cordettes, Ten Most Beautiful Finalist, Royal Spirit Committee ENGELHARDT, JOHN HUGO, New Braunfels History, YR ENTZMINGER, DOROTHEA JEAN, Houston Marketing, 6.Z, Southern Singers, Texas Union Committee EPPS, SUSAN ELIZABETH, Houston Elementary Education and Spani\h, XO, Spooks, Orange Jackets, Freshman Orientation, Kinsolving Adviser, Education Council ERICKSON, MICHAEL GARY, Randolph A. F. B. Sociology, AROTC, longhorn Singers, Speleological Society ERSKINE, ALEXANDER MADISON JR., San Antonio History, ROTC Marauders, lntramurals ESTES, CAROLYN FRANCES, Port Arthur English, AAA , AAA, IIA, A Cappello Choir, Freshman Orientotion Adviser, Orange Jackets, Mortar Board, Goodfellow, Ashbel literary Society ETZEL, MARTHA LYNNE, Corsicana English ond History, KKf, KMI, SEA, Deon's List EVANS, RANDLE CARLINE, Paris Medical Technology EVANS, STEPHANIE ANNE, Austin Pharmacy, KE, PX, College of Pharmacy Sweetheart, lPhA, Pharmacy Council EVERETT, MARIA TERESA, San Antonio Elementary Education EVERSBERG, MAX ROBERT, Albany Marketing, l:AE, American Marketing Anociotion EVERTSON, GEORGE JAMES, Austin Englosh FADENRECHT, BENNIE DWIGHT, York Springs, Pa. Mo thematics FAHLBERG, MARY HELEN, Austin Home Economics, 0:-i, IIA0, K, Borden Scholarship Award FAHLBERG, WILLSON JOEL, Austin Personnel Management, l:N, Society for the Advance· ment of Monogement, International Business Association FAICKNEY, ROBERT FRANCIS, Angleton Marketing , ATA FAIN, ROBERT SNEAD JR., Mexia Economics, KA FALK, JANET ELVA, Lufkin Englosh and History, A Cappello Choir FARRIS, JIMMIE WAYNE, Austin Sociology, longhorn Bond 496 ' ' I • -• -I I .,, • ' I • -• I • • I t ' ' ' • •I 0 • ' • ' • l~f• , ........, •·• •:.., I FAULKNER, BARRY LYNN, Dayton Petroleum Engineering , AIME FELIX, VINCI MARTINEZ, Sampaloc, Philippines Aerospace Engineering, AIAA, International Club FENSTERMAKER, MARY ROWENA, San Antonio History FENTON, JOAN BARBARA, Corpus Christi Music Education and Voice, AA!J., :!:AI, CEC, A Cappello Choir. Madrigal Singers, MENC FERGUSON, DOROTHY VIRGINIA, McGregor Government ond English, rAE, Southern Singers FERGUSON, RONALD RAY, Austin Fi nonce FIFE, DIEMER LOCKART JR., Hempstead Petroleum Land Monogement, AK'1', Student londman's Assoc iation FIFE, MARILYN, Tyler English, A';'.!J., Cinema 40 FILBERTH, ERNEST WILLIAM, Mission Chemistry, Notional Underwater Society, American Chem­istry Society FINEGOLD, ALAN JAY, Beaumont Accounting , l:~ FINK, CARLA KATHRYN, Groves French and Germon FISCHER, ROLLIN LEROY, Houston Marketing, AK'I', ICC, Men's Cooperative Council FISHERO, JOHN DAVID, Beaumont Government, l:E, NROTC, Scabbard and Blade FITCH, LINDA GAIL, San Antonio Elementary Education, KKf, Freshman Council, Students' Association Committee FITZHUGH, JUDITH ANN, Tyler Mathemat ics, TSEA FLACK, KATE TARRY, Houston H istory and French , KA0 FLECKMAN, PHILIP H., Port Arthur Chemistry, l:t., Hl:, AT, BK, Texas Cowboys, T Association, Varsity Track Manager, Orientation Ad· viser, Operation Brainpower, Posse, Outstanding Student FLEMING, GEORGE MATTHEWS, Houston Management, All, AK'i', Tejos Club, Newmon Club, Freshman Council Adviser FLEMING, JAMES ELMER Ill, Lindale Pharmacy, LPhA FLEMING, MARY FRANCES, San Antonio French ond Spanish, French Club, International Club Graduating Seniors FLORES, JAIME LUIS, Laredo Economics, Mexican-American Student Organization FLORY, PAULA KAY, Dallas Sociology FLOURNOY, CHARLES HILTON, Jasper Finance FLOYD, CHARLES EMORY, San Antonio Russ ia n FOGWELL, THOMAS WILSON, San Antonio Mathematics and Chemical Engineering, TBJI, Alftil, OXE, Freshmon Baseball, AIChE, Debate Team , Simkins Epicureans Assoc iation FOHN, GERALD ANTHONY, Uvalde History, Honor Roll, Y, University Chorus FOLEY, BARBARA ANN, Acton, Maine Political Science, AfA, Texas Union Committee, Royal Spirit Committee, MUN FOOSHEE, KAY MARGARET, Dallas Pharmacy, KE, LPhA FORD, JOHN EDWARD, Lubbock Government, ATA, Freshman Council, Freshman Assem­ bly, Y, Challenge, YR FORD, MICHAEL JAMES, Denver, Colo. Premedical , B0JI, AEt. FORRESTER, CARL XAVIER, San Antonio Zoology, All FOUTS, RANDY HUGH, Hawkins Mathemat ics, Percussion Ensemble, Symphonic Band FOWLER, CYNTHIA SUE, Kilgore Interior Design, BKinsolving, AID FOY, FRANCIS PATRICK, San Antonio Psychology, Men's Glee Club FRAIN, ELAINE, Austin Psychology FRALEY, JAMES RAYMOND JR., Austin Mathematics and History FRANK, HILDA MAE, Goldthwaite Ptiarmacy, LPhA FRANKE, JOHANNA, Odessa Music Education, !J.Z, AAt., K, !IKA, l:AI, Mortar Board, A Cappello Ch~i r, Madrigal Singers, Texas Union Comm ittee FRANKLIN, MARTHA LOUISE, Bryan Government , YR, Curtain Club FRANKS, JOHN ELI Ill, Port Lavaca Electrical Eng ineering, A~O, IEEE 497 FRASER, ANNE MARY, Memphis, Tenn. Archi tectu,e FREDERICK, LARRY HARP, Corpus Christi Mechanical Engineering, 4>T.6., TBIT, IlTE, Engineering Council, Engineering Fellow FREEBORN, WILLIAM ARTHUR, San Antonio Zoology ond Premedicol, KA, AE6 FREY, DARRELL LEE, Austin Geology FRIEDBERGER, GLORIA, Mobile, Ala. Psychology, l:6.T, Freshmoo Council, Round-Up, Cordettes, Ponhellenic, Campus Chest, Ten Best Dressed, Orange Jackets FRIEDLANDER, DANIEL GILBERT, Dallas History, '1'6<1> FRIEDMAN, JAMES MARTIN, Corpus Christi M icrobiology, AE6., Students' Association Committees, Deon's l ist FRITZ, JOHATHAN EDWARD, Taylor Electrical Engineering, IEEE, Texas Union Radio Club FUCHS, RODNEY GOETH, San Antonio Electrical Engineering, IEEE FUCHS, SARAH COCHRAN, Austin Special Education, Student Council for Exceptional Chil· dren GABLE, MARGARET ELAINE, Calvert Elementary Education, ACE GAERTNER, EARL CLEVELAND JR., San Antonio Econom ics, ICC, Student Co -op Board of Directors, Intro· murals, MUN, Dormitory Counselor GAIDO, S. J., Ill, Houston Chemical Engineering, KA GAINES, DAVID TAYLOR, Austin Journal ism GAITHER, JERRY DON, Lamesa Sociology, BSU GALLAGHER, SHEILA ELIZABEl'H, Dallas Soc iology, I'B, rAX, Sweetheorts of the Chokett, Representative Porty, Freshman Council Adviser GAMEZ, JOSEPH ANGEL F., San Antonio Econo mics, YO, Pre-low Associ ation, MASO, TCF GARCES, JORGE C., Wichita Falls H is tory GARCIA, ALEXANDER C., Corpus Christi Finance, Newman Club, Ed Price Co-op GARCIA, CARMELA ANDREA, San Diego Phormocy, KE, LPhA, Phormocy Council Graduating Seniors GARCIA, CELINA, San Diego Mathematics and Biology GARCIA, DAISY WANDA, Corpus Christi Zoology GARCIA, OLGA YOLANDA, Falfurrias Italian, KE, ITA , Orange Jackets, Heflin Manor Adviser Honor Roll, International Club, Challenge, Campus Chest, Ro•nd -Up GARDENHIRE, GARY WAYNE, Hugoton, Kans . Government GARDNER, MOREY, Port Lavaca Zoology and Premed ical , AE, AE6, BK GARZA, ARNULFO ROLANDO, San Antonio Zoology GASTINGER, WILLIAM WERNER, San Antonio Industrial Relations, l:EX, Ramshorn Co-op, ICC GATES, PAMELA DIANE, Houston Mathematics, Cactus, Hellenic Circle, International Club GAYLE, GEORGE SHELTON Ill, Houston Finance, cl»~0 GEARING, PATRICK JAMES, Vandenberg A. F. B., Calif. Chemistry, 4>H! GEDDIE, JOHN BALDWIN, Fort Worth Marketing, B9Il, American Marketing Association GENT, NANCY KATHERINE, Austin Advertising, .666, KTA, fAX, Orientation Adviser, Freshman Council Adviser, Uppercloss Advisor, MUN , Texas leadership Boord, Bluebonnet Belle, Honor Roll GENZER, FRANK, South Houston Architecture, APX, Order of Alcalde, AIA, TTT, Sphinx, Outstanding Student GEPPERT, KATHLYN DIANE, San Antonio History GERCHSHEIMER, HEIDE MARIE, East Bernard Germon GERDES, FRANCIS PAUL, Aust in Mechanical Engineering, ASME GERIK, RODNEY ERNEST, Austin Government GEWERTZ, BEVERLY, Alexandria, La. Biology, 2:6T, rt.E, Round-Up, Freshmen Council, Uni· versify Arms Adviser, Coctu1, Doily Texan, Texas Union and Students Association Committees, Goodfellow GEYE, ALAN D., Houston Account ing , 9Z GIBBS, MEREDITH FRANKLIN, Wichita Falls Pe,tonnel Management 498 ..... ,.,. .. GIBBS, MICHAEL FURNACE, Belton Economics, A4>0, International Business Association GIBBS, MIKE D., Mabank Premedical and Psychology GIESEN, JAMES MARTIN, Cleburne Mathematics, Underwater Society, German House, ACM GILES, JAMES BOBBY, Austin Pharmacy, B, House of Delegates, Order of the Orchid, Challenge, Texas Union Committee, TSEA, Cactus GLICKMAN, MARTHA ANN, Big Spring Spanish, Freshman Council Adviser, Students' Association Com­ mittee GODELL, JOHN JOSEPH, New Orleans, La. Ph ilosophy GODFREY, JAMES DAVID, Jacksonville Engineering Route to Business Administration cl>KT, Distin­guished Military Student, AROTC, Karole Club, Scabbard and Blade, SAME GODINESS, RITA ROSALIND, Laredo Mathematics, House of Delegates, Loredo Club GOERNER, CYNTHIA DIANNE, Austin Home Economics and Teacher Education GOERNER, HERBERT JULIUS JR., San Antonio Government, AT, Freshman Assembly, Student Government Committee GOETHALS, RANDALL MAURICE, Garland Zoology, AE~. <1>1u: GOLDBERG, MOSES, Laredo Marketing GOLDSTEIN, ALAN LYN, Dallas Biology GONZALES, RAY, San Antonio Pharmacy GONZALEZ, ALBERTO ALVINO, Alice Pharmacy. Ki', LPhA, Curtain Club, Newman Club, MUN GONZALEZ, ALBERTO MANUEL, Monterrey, Mexico Marketing, Al:Il, American Marketing Association, Society for the Advancement of Management, Real Estate Club GONZALEZ, MARCELINO, Brownsville Architectural Engineering, Engineering Council, AME GONZALEZ, MARY FRANCES, Laredo Mathematics, Laredo Club GOODE, JAMES LANDRUM, La Feria Anthropo logy GOODLEn, ROBERT HILL, Big Spring Government GOODMAN, BETTY SUSAN, Dallas Psychol ogy, t.cf>E, Students' Association and Texas Union Committees, Freshman Council GOODWIN, ERNEST LAMAR, Lampasas Finance GOODWIN, VERNON DOUGLAS, Lubbock Accounting , AK'I' GORDON, SANDRA GAIL, Houston Elementary Education, KdIT, Freshman Council, Southern Singers GRABER, EMILY, Brennam Home Economics, Home Economics Chapter GRACEY, DAVID FRANK, Dalnart Anthropology GRAEBER, FRED DAVID, Houston Finance, KA GRAHAM, WILLIAM THOMAS, San Antonio Sociology GRAMATGES, RAFAEL JORGE, Guaynabo, Puerto Rico Mechanical Engineering, TITl:, TBIT, American Nuclear Society, ASME GRANGER, EDGAR DARRON, Austin Aerospace Engineering, AIAA, Karate Club, Underwater Society, longhorn Flyi ng Club GRANT, BARBARA LOUISE, Temple Nutrition, AOII, 1'.6E, Freshman Council, Royal Spirit, Student Nutrition Organization Committee, Canterbury Asso;:iation, Home Economics Chapter GRANTHAN, JAMES LORON, Miami Mathematics and History, Teaxs Union Committee, Univer­sity Religious Council, lntromurols 499 GRAY, LYNN BARNETT, Abbott Personnel Management, AK"1 , LIE, American Marketing Association, Society for the Advancement of Management GRAY, ROBERT CURTIS, Texas City Government GREEN, CHARLES CAMPBELL, Midland Finance , 4>.6.0 GREENBERG, JERRY ARNOLD, Beaumont Advert ising GREENE, GARY LOREN, Houston Chemical Engineering GREENWOOD, DARRYL PAUL, Dallas Electrical Engineering, TBII, 4>HI 1 HKN, Engineering Fellows, Arnold Air Society GREENWOOD, WILLIAM S., Houston Finance, YR, Underwoter Society GREESON, GAIL ELIZABETH, Dallas English GREGG, CECIL MANREN JR., San Marcos Pharmacy, <1>6X. LPhA GREGORY, LLOYD JEFFERSON Ill, Houston Economics, KI, Pre·low Associotion, Texas Cowboys GRIFFIN, JOHN PIERCE, Kilgore Government, Il!A GRIFFIN, RITA ANNE, Dallas Music Education, M«l>E, Scope, longhorn Singers, Varsity Singers, A Cappello Choir, MENC GRIFFITH, CHARLES GELSTON JR., Dallas Government, AROTC GRIFFITH, MARGARET ANN, Odessa English and History, JTB GRIFFITH, MARY LOUISE, Dallas Engl ish GRIFFITH, PATRICIA ANN, Tyler Engl ish GRIGSBY, JIMMIE MARION, Midlothian Architectural Engineering, AAAE , Engineering Council, Honor Roll GRIMM, LARRY WAYLAND, Stamford Aerospace Engineering, TBil, Irr, AIAA, longhorn Flying Club, Longhorn Bond GRISHAM, JOHN MARION, Rusk Finance, 9Z GRISSOM, DAVID LEE, Stamford Finance, AK'i' GRUBBS, BEVERLY MAE, Colorado City English, 6r GUESS, CARROLL LYNN, Temple Aerospace Engineering, AIAA, TSPE GUINN, DARYL HALE, Pensacola, Fla. Elementary Education, K.A0, lntramurals, Golden Heart, Derby Doy GUINN, MARY MARGARET, San Antonio Special Education, Council for Exceptional Children, Speleo­ logical Society GUINN, ROBERT LEE, Dallas G overnment GUNBY, DAVID H., Dallas Electrical Engineering, IEEE GUTHRIE, PAUL DAVID, San Angelo Microbiology, i'iROTC GUTIERREZ, AUGUSTIN, Bastrop Electrical Engineering, IEEE GUTIERREZ, JOSE ALVAR JR., Hebbronville Pharmacy, Ki' , LPhA GUTIERREZ, MARIA CECILIA, Rio Grande City Pharmacy, LPbA GUYDEN, NELLIE FAY, Fort Worth Sociology, PyromiC, NAP GUZNER, RAYMOND WILLIAM JR., San Antonio Studio Art HAAG, DAVID QUINTON, San Antonio Government, Karate Club, YO HAGER, GAIL ELLEN, San Antonio Elementary Education, !Ull, 11A0 HAIRSTON, MORRIS DON, Snyder Mathema tics, llKA HALEY, HENRY WAYNE, Dallas Sociology HALL, CAMILLA JOYCE, Houston Mathematics, AKA, YD, Ponhellenic HALL, JUDITH KATHRYN, Texarkana English, AOll, YR HA LL, SHARON KAY, Luling Speech Pathology, l:AH HALL, THOMAS BAILEY, North Tarrytown, N. Y. Sociology, Tu:os Union CommittH 500 . . ....-·-.. .. .... .' . . ' ..... ·-~ .. . .. : ..... ' . ....... ·-· .. ·:... . . '. HALLMAN, MARTHA BOOKER, Dallas Elementary Education, KKr, K6.Tl HALLMARK, CONNIE LEE, Tyler English, 6.r, Texas Union Committee, Round-Up, Little Sigmas HALSTEAD, WILLIAM EARLE JR., Dallas Journal ism, l:~X. Qj,K, Campus Guild Co·op, Order of Alcalde, Goodfellow, Doily Texan, Berry M. Whitaker Intra· mural leadersh ip Award HAMILTON, KAREN LYNN, Harlingen Government, XO, Southern Belles HAMILTON, RONALD DOUGLAS, San Antonio Sociology, YR HAMNER, SUSAN JANE, San Antonio Psychology, Acl> , Wesley Foundat ion , Freshma~ Council Adviser, Y, Interdisciplinary Retreat, Texas Union Com· mittees HANKS, WILLIAM LOUIS, Austin Sociology , KK'I', longhorn Bond , Symphonic Bond HANSEN, CLARENCE NORMAN, Laredo Economics, AKA HARDMAN, DARRELL P., San Antonio Physics, l:IU:, BK, lntramurals HARDWICK, ROBERT VINCENT, Stamford Government and History, Pre-low Association HARGIS, JANE BIEDENHARN, San Antonio Elementary Education, KKr, Daughters of the Diamond , Campus Chest, Spooks HARGRAVES, RICHARD LEE, Baytown Chemical Engineering, AIChE HARGROVE, FRANCES LEE, Victoria Art Education, Art Students' Association HARKRIDER, MARIE DOMINQUE, Tyler French, Challenge, French Club, Dexter House Adviser HARLOFF, GARY JAMES, Batavia, N. Y. Aerospace Engineering , UTSAM, AIAA HARLOW, RICHARD LEE, Ric.hardson Mechanical Engineering, IlTl:, TBII, Assembly, Engineer· ing Council, Power Show, International Club, Round-Up, ASME HARLOW, WILLARD DUNCAN JR., Kerrville Electrical Engineering, IEEE , AIAA HARPER, THOMAS Ill, Austin Finance, 4-6.9, T Association, Varsity Football HARRELL, CHARLES DELMER, Kerrville History HARRINGTON, PATRICIA ANN, Sherman Pharmacy, KE, LPhA, UTSA Graduating Senior s HARRIS, DALE ANDREW, Amarillo Eng ineering Sc ience, .6.T, TBJI , Honor Roll HARRISON, EDWIN LARRY, Brownsville Petroleum Engineering, AIME HARRISON, JAMES CHRISTOPHER, Huntsville Government HARRISON, RENNIE JACK, Australia Aerospace Engineering, TBJI, AIM, Karate Club HARRISS, EARL HARVEY, Brownwood Civil Engineering , ASCE HARSHBARGER, JOHN LAWRENCE, Dalhart Pharmacy, 4-6.X, House of Delegates, Dean's Advisory Counc il, LPhA HART, DANIEL CULVER, Austin Zoology , YR HART, PHYLLIS ANN, Daingerfield Psychology and Sociology, AAA, AKA, Andrews Student Ass istant HARTMAN, SARAH ANN, Silsbee Malhematics and History, ZTA, Southern Belles, Upper· class Advisors HARTONG, ALICE KAY, San Antonio Speech , Cactus , Texas Union Committees HARVEY, ANN ELIZABETH, Dallas Elemenlary Education, KA0, UTSA, NEA, ACE HARVEY, DONALD JOE, Sherman Economics, International Club, Al ESEC, Newman Club, Assembly , lntramurols HARWOOD, ROBERT HENRY JR., Austin Zoology HASTY, JAMES H., Dallas Chemical Engineering, TBII, OXE, AIChE HAVERKORN, THERESA DIANE, Hurst German HAYES, CAROL JANE, Austin Home Econom ics HAYES, DOROTHY RAYE, Longview Elementary Education, A'Zfl, KO.JI, cf>BKinsolving, Kin· solving Adviser, Varsity Carnival, Panhellenic, TSEA HAYGOOD, DONALD BRYAN, Bishop Pharmacy, LPhA HAZELWOOD, JERRY WAYNE, Cleburne Architecture, Sphinx HEAD, JAMES LAWSON, Hillsboro Pharmacy 501 • ' : '" •;,,, ', • ...,.~' • ' ~ '• : "' '! •I' ''.~•~.. ,.:~ 7.!~ : : ;~;:•;: •· ::;. •: ·~ ~ :, ',.,,j .. : ~ • • ., .. ~ .,'" ••:: ' ... ,:. ';.: • •!~ ~:-~:;:::;.--:·~:-I ._ • • • • • • ! HEAD, JEANNE PARKER, El Paso French ond English HEAD, SANDRA MARJORIE, Baytown Home Economics, American Marketing Association, Little Sisters of the Mystic Eye HEADLEE, DOROTHY LOUISE, Abilene Government HEATON, CLARENCE KENNETH, Austin Pharmacy HEFFINGTON, DONNA SCHROETER, Marble Falls Mathematics and Spanish, AA!i, ITA9, BK HEINS, WILLIAM HOWARD, Lyford Zoology HEINSOHN, THEODORE HERBERT, Fayetteville Management HELLER, JANENE SHARON, Wichita, Kans. Microbiology, I6T HEMME, KENNETH ARNOULD, Corpus Christi Engineering Route to Business Administration, AIChE HEMME, LARRY JAMES, Lockhart Industrial Management HEMPHILL, JOHN DAVID, Tulsa, Okla. Plan 11 , Acacia HENDERSON, JOHN CHARLES, Frost History and Government, Simkins Epicureans Association, lntromurals HENDERSON, PATRICIA ALICE, El Campo Engl ish and History, A6TI, Cordettes, Kinsolving Adviser HENDERSON, RUTH HAZEL, Tyler Mathematics HENRY, MARY SUSAN, Liberty Speech and English, A, K;nsolving Adv;ser, SKUNKS, School of Communications Council HERNANDEZ, JOSEPH MARTIN JR., Mesquite International Business, LTTSAM HERREN, MARILEE, Houston Interior Design, KKr HERRERA, ROBERT VARGAS, San Antonio Accounting HERRINGTON, KENNETH MILTON, Woodson Mathematics HICKS, JAMES FREDERICK, Corpus Christi Chemical Engineering, TBII, flXE, AIChE, Engineering Council Graduating Seniors HICKS, THOMAS OLLIS, Beaumont Marketing, I~E. Freshman Council, Silver Spurs, Summer Orienta tion Adv iser HIERONYMUS, ROBERT CAMPBELL, Brussels, Belgium Mathematics HIGGINS, BARBARA KATHLEEN, El Paso Sociology, Upperclon Advisers, Southern Si ngers HIGGINS, LOWELL THOMAS, Austin Mathematics, Kl:, Hl:, KK'i' , Longhorn Bond, longhorn Singers, A Cappello Choir HILL, BARBARA TYSON, Austin Geography and Business, K.O.JI HILL, CARL CLIFTON Ill, El Paso Mathematics, Crow's Nest, Scabbard and Blade, NROTC HILL, LAFE DYSON, Des Moines, Iowa Journalism, AXA, Cactus Editor, Order of Alcalde, Good· fellow, Texas Union Committee, Daily Texan, Texas Student Publications Board of Directors HILL, RICHARD LEE, Austin Journalism, I.O.X, Daily Texan, Christion Science O rgani. zotion, YR, House of Delegates HILLEY, VAN GALEN, Corpus Christi History, Pre-low Association HILSHER, JOYCE MARIE, Houston Nutrition, AXO, ON, little Sisters of the Shield and Diamond, Home Economics Chapter HILTON, GRADY JOSEPH, Decatur Electrical Engineering HINOJOSA, JESUS, Laredo Mathematics, Loredo Club HINOJOSA, OLGA IRIS, Rio Grande City Special Education HINSON, MELVIN O. JR., Corpus Christi Zoology, AO, YR HIX, CARL WALTER, San Antonio Electrical Engineering, Karate Club, Underwater Society HODGES, CHARLES ROBERT, Dallas Government, AXA, Texas Un ion Committees, Freshman Council Adviser, Challenge HOFFMAN, ALAN MICHAEL, Austin Political Science, +Ki', Texas Student Publications Boord of Directors, Assembly, Varsity Cheerleader, IFC, Freshman Council, Round-Up, Campus Chest, A & S Council, Fresh­ man Council Adviser, Freshman Assembly, Outatanding Stud•nt HOFFMAN, HERMAN WILLIAM JR., Lockhart Chemical Engineering, AIChE HOFFMAN, ROBERT EDSON JR., Amarillo Aerospace Engineering, TIKA, AIM HOGE, J. FRED Ill, Poplar Bluff, Mo. Mork•ting, +KT 502 • ' I ~ ot -~ '' ' "' • .._ '' ' ·• f ' ' ' ''' ... ~ '' • •I • • ••• '• ' ' :"' .,.,...... "' •:.., I • • HOLCOMB, KEVIN, Quanah Government, .tcf>E, Teaxs Cowboys, IFC, Outstanding Student HOLDER, LARCE McELROY Ill, Austin Architecture .HOLDERFFIELD, MILLARD LEE, New Braunfels Aerospace Engineering, TBII, .tf'T, AIM HOLLADAY, JACK w:, Port Arthur Economics, YO, MUN, Association for Business Application of Computers HOLLAND, JAMES VANCE, Houston Accounting, BA-I', Br:E HOLLAND, LIBBY HARRIET, Wharton Home Economics, Clothing Textiles, :EO.T, rAX HOLLIS, DON KENNETH, Leonard Engineering Route to Business Administration, AIAA, long­horn Fl ying Club HOLM, EDWARD JOHN, Houston Mechanicol Eng ineering, Xcf> HOLMBERG, WILLIAM ROBERT, lake Jackson Aerospoce Engineering, AIAA, Simkins Epicureons As­sociation, TES Magazine, Freshman Council HOLMES, MARY KATHRYN, Austin English, AI'O. HOLMSLEY, SUSAN LEE, San Antonio Spanish, AAtl, ll6cf>, Blanton Adviser, Scope, Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship HOOKS, CHARLES GUY Ill, Tomball General Business, HI:, Men's Glee Club, University Chorus, Longhorn Flying Club, YR, Pre-law Association, Society far Advancement of Management, House of Delegates, Goodfellow HOOSER, MARY LOU, Metairie, la. Government and History, Acf>1 MUN, Faculty Student Disci­plinary Committee, Texas Union Committee, International Club HOOVER, ANDREW EDWARD, San Antonio Premedical a nd Psychology, AEO., H:E, K, 'i'X, BK, Freshman Swimming, Underwater Society, Newman Cl ub HORN, ALICE SUSAN, Waco Elementary Education, fcf>B1 .K6II, Freshman Council, Y, Honor Roll HORN, BOBBY EARL, Longview Costume Design HORTON, DAVID LYNN, Fort Worth Government HORTON, SHERRI JEAN, Dallas Elementary Education, fcf>B, Order of Orchids, Texas Union Committee, Round-Up, TSEA HOTCHKISS, STEVEN EARL, Dallas Marketing, AXA, Real Estate Society, American Market­ing Association, YR HOUSE, DAVID WADE, Silverton Pharmacy, K'I' HOUSER, RICHARD E., Austin History, A']'{) HOUSER, ROLLEN EDWARD, Dallas Pion 11, Hl:, K, BK, Junior Fellows· HOUSTON, ELIZABETH ANN, Dallas History, AXO, Acacia Order of Delphi, Freshman Coun­cil, Spooks, Blanton Adviser, Challenge, Educational Council, Students' Association Committees HOVERSTOCK, SALLY JANE, Houston Mathematics, KA9 HOWARD, PHILIP LOUIS, Longview Engineering Route to Business Administration, IN HOWIE, CAROL ANN, Terrell Physical Education, rB, Angel Flight HOWIE, JUDY JAN, oerrell Physical Education, rB, Angel Flight HOWISON, JACK JR., Austin Eng ineering Science, 9:=;', ASME, Honor Roll, Teaxs Union Committees HUBBARD, WANDA BURNEDETTE, Baytown Mathematics, Newmon Club, ICC, TSEA HUBER, ELBERT WILLIAM JR., Houston Mathematics, NROTC, Scabbard and Blade, German House HUCKABEE, BILLYE LOUISE, Hagerman, N. M. Sociology, XO, Freshman Council, Challenge HUDDLESTON, ANN, Austin Child Development, XO, Freshman Council Adviser, Posse HUDGINS, CONSTANCE ELIZABETH, Houston Accounting, AX(} HUGHES, BARBARA JEAN, San Antonio Home Economics, Navy Sweetheart HUIE, ROBERT WOLFF, Austin Government, Wesley Foundation, longhorn Singers HULSEY, ROBERT ALLEN, Terrell Mechanical Engineering, KA, ASME, TSPE HUMPHREY, DOROTHY ANN, Dallas Fashion Design, AXO, Freshman Council, Challenge HUMPHREY, VIRGINIA LEE, Dallas Zoology, AXO, Newman Club, Freshman Council HUNLEY, CAROL\ ' DIANNE, Austin Mathematics, t.r HUNT, CAROLYN DIANE, Austin General Business 503 HUNT, HOWARD HULEN, Corpus Christi Marketing HUNT, JAMES FREDERICK, Austin Mathematics, BI:, Freshman and Varsity Baseball HUNT, MARILYN MARTIN, Corpus Christi Home Economics, Teacher Education, tir, Home Economics Chapter HUNT, PRESTON CAGLE, Anson Chem istry, Afl, Underwater Sociely HUNTER, JAMES TY, Galena Park Morketing, 6:l:ll HURT, MARION ANNETTE, Dallas Elementary Education, A'Efi, Texas Union Committee, Kin­solving Student Assistant, TSEA HYDE, SUSAN JOAN, Houston Health and Physical Education and Government, Littlefield Adviser, Education Council, Orange Jackets INDERMAN, ROBERT DURWARD, Del Rio Journalism, I:fiX, Do ily Texan INGRAM, JOHN CARL, Austin Chemistry, AX:!: IRWIN, GERALD BROCKETT, Longview Government IRWIN, JOHN FRANCIS, Hillsboro Chemistry, 6T6, H:l:, AE6, K, AT IRWIN, THOMAS OSBORN, Longview Government IVERS, WILLIAM ELIZABETH, Beaumont Art History JACKSON, GLENN ARTHUR, Houston Radio·TV-Fil m JACKSON, !LONA STEPHANIE, Brownwood English and Speech JACKSON, LAWRENCE MILTON, Dallas Studio Art JACKSON, LYNNELL, Carthage Journalism, 9I:, KTA, Oratorical Association, Kinsolv­ing Adviser, Doily Texan, School of Communications Council, Texas Union Committee JAMES STEPHAN AUBREY, San Antonio Industrial Management, B9II JAMESON, LYNNIS ELIZABETH, Austin French, Deon's list JARRARD, SCOTT MACKENZIE, Houston Mathematics, I:AE JAVUREK, KATHLEEN C., Austin Education, .O.Z, MUN, TSEA, Texas Union Committee JEFFUS, PATSY ANN, Da llas Psychology, K, 'i'X, BK JENKINS, JAMES WILEY, Tyler Pre-low JENKINS, KATHLEEN MILDRED, San Antonio Home Economics, Home Economics Chapter JENSEN, YVONNE MARIE, Houston Art, Af.O., Art Students' Associotion JESCHKE, BEVERLY DIANE, M iles Government, Til)4t, IIIA, International Club, French Club JIMENEZ, FRANK MICHAEL, San Antonio Pharmacy, K+ JINKINS, WILEY JUNIOR Ill, Galveston Zoology, <1>r6 JOHNS, KENNETH EDWARD, Portland Marketing, IX, longhorn Flying Club, American Market~ ing Association JOHNSON, BONNIE LEE, Irving French and English JOHNSON, DAN ROGERS, Texarkana Accounting, AK'I', Association for Business Application of Computers JOHNSON, DONNA SUE, Fort Worth Elementary Education, .6.r JOHNSON, GERALD MAURICE, Grand Prairie Finance, American Finance Association JOHNSON, GWENDOLYN, Houston English and History JOHNSON, JUNE FAY, Austin Costume Design JOHNSON, LAWRENCE GRIDER, El Paso Architectural Engineering, TBll, XE, Engineering Council, MAE JOHNSON, RICHARD BARRY, Wichita Falls Accounting, +r.o. JOHNSON, SHELBY EUGENE, Talco Premedical, AE6 JOHNSTON, AARON JR., Houaton Economics JONES, DAVID HAROLD, Haskell Economics, 0.6.E 504 ' ' I• •-'' ' "" • t I ' f ' ' •' '' '•_·!' ' •t ' • •• '• ' ' •I•••••···-· :., •::. • ' JONES, DAVID JOSEPH, Duncanville Pharmacy, AXA , IFC, Pharmacy Council, LPhA, Silver Spurs, Order of Alcalde JONES, DELAINE, Stillwater, Okla. English JONES, ELIZABETH ANN, Weslaco Government and History, YR JONES, JAMES ROBERT, Bishop Pharmacy, Kl:, LPhA, YR JONES, JAMES WILLIAM, Alexandria, Va. Mathematics, YR, Men's Glee Club JONES, LeLONE, Huntsville Pharmacy JONES, MICHAEL ROE, Lake Jackson Chemistry JONES, PANCHITA, Bartlett Journalism, 01:<1>, Challenge, Daily Texan, YR, TES Magazine JONES, TRUDY LYNN, McCamey Elementary Education JONES, WILLIAM DAVID, Louise Spe_ech Therapy, :!:AH JONSON, WILLIAM RICHARD, Temple Mathematics, AKA, Hl:, AROTC JORDAN, JOHN WILLIAM, Corpus Christi Industrial Management JORDON, GARY KEITH, Hico History, TSEA JOSTES, NANCY LYNNE, Corpus Christi History, AZA JULIAN, SUZANNE CURTIS, Austin Elementary Education, AAII JUNG, ROBERT A., Port Arthur Management, l:N, Society for Advancement of Management JUNOV, BARBARA KAY, Lepanto, Ark. Psychology, AE KANTZ, LUCINDA MARY, Kingsville French and Spanish KAPLAN, GAIL YVONNE, Alexandria, La. Psychology, AE, Honor Roll, Psychology Honors Program KATELEY, JUDITH ANN, Dallas French and German, AZA, KAIT, SRO Adviser, Challenge, TSEA Graduating Seniors KAUFMAN, PAMELA KAY, Houston Biology, IIA0 KAY, BARBARA ELAINE, Dallas Elementary Education , TSEA, KAII KAZEN, TERESA CHRISTINA, Laredo Spanish, Laredo Club KEARBY, SHARON KAY, Weatherford Office Administration KEARBY, SIDNEY LEIGH, Mineral Wells Marketing KEEL, KAREN DAPHNE, Austin Art History, AAil, Fine Arts Council, Art Students' As­sociation, Texas Union Committee, Challenge KEENON, GLENN EDWARD, Austin Economics, rA, Al ESEC KEGANS, HERBERT EUGENE, Trent Pharmacy, K'i', LPhA KEILIN, SARA ELIZABETH, Houston Psychology KEIR, MARGARET SUE, McAllen Psychology, f4>B, Cordettes, Freshman Council, Round-Up KEITH, LAYTON BLAIN JR., Fort Worth Econom ics, Poleved Club KELLER, JOHN GORDON, Houston American Studies KELLY, JOHN FRANCIS, Austin Government, Praetorian Guard, Mitchell Aerospace Flight, Arnold Air Society, Newmon Club, Assembly KELLY, ROBERT EVERETTE, Austin Mathematics, 0Z KELSO, JANICE LOUISE, Houston History KEMPER, DONALD WALTER, Houston Eng ineering Science, TBII KENNADY, SARAH REBECCA, Brownsville Spanish, AS.A, TSEA, lntramurols, Sing-Song KENNEDY, JERRY DALE, Aspermont Mechanical Engineering, TBII, ITT:!:, K KERCHEVILLE, KAY ELAINE, Austin Microbiology, AZ KERNODLE, ELIZABETH ARLISSE, Dallas Psychology, l'AE, A & S Council 505 Graduating Seniors KOEPNICK, NORMAN GLENN, Palestine Electrical Engineering, TBIT, HKN, IEEE KOERTH, ROBERT LEE JR., Garland Marketing, KA, American Marketing Auociotion KOHUTEK, SHERYL ANN, San Antonio Marketing, American Marketing Association KOIVULA, BETIY JANE, Houston English and Mathematics, f6E, , BK, B K;nsolv;ng, Freshman Council, Kinsolving Adviser, Summer Orientation Adviser, Angel Flight, Mortar Boord, Texas Union Committee, Round-Up, Outstanding Student KOLLE, DONALD OWEN, Inez Biology, UTSAM, International Club KOPEL, KENNETH FRED, Austin Pion II , l:A)! KOSCHAK, JOHN KARL, San Angelo Personnel Management, KA KRASNER, LARRY ARNOLD, Tyler Phormocy, l:t., !!.X , PX, LPhA, Goodfellow, Faculty· Student Disciplinary Committee, Outstanding Student KREISNER, HOWARD, Spring Valley, N. Y. Rod10 -TV-Film KRIER, JOSEPH ROLAND, Denison Government, O~K. Tejos Club, Assembly, A & S Council, Texas Union Board of Directors, Order of Alcalde, Outstanding Student KRUMHOLZ, BETIE GAIL, Austin Elementary Education, AE, K~JI KRUSE, JOHN EDWARD, Kingsville Latin American Studies KUBALA, HARRIET C., Austin Elementary Education, ACE KUCHAR, WILLIAM A. JR., Columbus f;nonce, KT, AK'f<, MUN, Real Estate Sodety, Newmon Club KURTH, JUDY ANN, Corpus Christi Government LaBAUME, LINDA BETH, Pecos Chem;o try, !l:n, TBl:, B K;nsolv;ng, longhorn Bond , Kinsolving Adviser and Student Assistant LACHTERMAN, DARYL RAE, Houston Deaf Education, l:t.n, l:AH, Campus Chest LeFUZE, WILLIAM LEIGHTON, Abilene Physics and Mathematics, Acacia, l:UI, Deon's l ist, lntramurals. ACM LAGOW, CLARK HOWARD, Austin Chemical Engineering, AXI KERR, RICHARD LESLIE, San Antonio Marketing, Insurance Society KESTER, RODGER PAUL, Ferguson, Mo. Geography, Crow's Nest, lntromurals, NROTC KEY, JAMES FRANK, Midland Mechanical Engineering, ASME, Honor Roll, Varsity Golf KIDD, PATRICIA RUTH, Winona Mathematics, !lZ, International Club, Curtain Club, ACM, Scottish Scholars KIDD, WILLIAM EDWARD JR., Mexia Journalism, l:.6.X, KTA, Science Fiction Club, Doily Texan, TES Magazine KIGHT, MARY LETA JONES, Diana Business Education, TIOJI, BfI, SRO Adviser, Scottish Scholars KIMBROUGH, ANTHONY CURTIS, Fort Worth M;crobiology, Hl: , AEt. KINDER, DON STANLEY, Denver City Aerospace Engineering, !JI, AIAA, Karate Club KING, CHARLES MICHAEL, Plano Marketing KING, CHRISTOPHER TERRELL, Dallas Econom ics KING, CLAUDE VERNON, Houston Electr;col Eng;needng, HKN, TBJI, IEEE KING, JOSEPH scon, Brady Pharmacy, Ki<, LPhA, Assembly, Pharmacy Coundl KINSEY, ELISABETH JANE, Lamesa Sociology, AA!l, Littlefield Adviser, Y, Scope KIRBY, SUE ELLEN, Houston Morket;ng , fB, YR KIRK, DAVID DEAN, Gorman Finance, Insurance Club, Reol Estate Society, American Finance Association KIRSNER, GEORGIA JOAN, Omaha, Nebraska Secondary Education KLEIN, MILOW H., Tomball Finance, dT, Df.t, Business Honors Pion KNIGHT, PATTIE JANE, San Antonio H;story, JIA0, ft.E, TSEA, Uppercloss Adv;son, Kirby Holl Adviser, K Kirby, Kirby Singers KNIGHT, PAUL STANLEY, Houston Spanish and Portuguese, Texas Union Committees KNIGHTSTEP, JOHN RAY, Amarillo Aerospace Engineering 506 • • ' I • ' •• -·-I I ' ... '.._ 'I ' •• I I •: o I'•_•! ''' •• : • -'• + • t•I• ,,., .._. "' •::. I ' ' LAIN, MARGARET ELIZABETH, Corpus Christi Health and Physical Education, Spooks, Blanton Adviser, PEM Club, Education Council LANEY, JERRY ALTON, Athens Finance, YR, American Finance Association LANGENBERG, CHARLES W., Houston Government LANGLEY, ROBERT EGBERT, JR., San Antonio Accounting, Association for the Business Application of Com­puters, Americon Marketing Association, YR LANGWELL, VAUGHNIE DOYL, Amarillo Phormocy, 6X LANHAM, JO ANN YOUNTS, Temple Elementary Education LANHAM, THOMAS LAMAR, Belton Personnel Management LANIER, DENNIS MARTIN, Fort Worth Prem edicol end Zoology, AEA LANIER, SIDNEY EDWARD, Austin Aerospace Engineering, AXA, Assembly, Engineering Coun­cil, Freshman Council Adviser, AIAA, TSPE LANSFORD, MICHAELS., Mont Belview Mathematics LARRALDE, LOUIS, San Antonio Psychology LATHEM, JIM B., Grand Saline Personnel Management LATTIMORE, LYDA LYNN, Edinburg Mathematics and Biology, AOll LAUBER, MARILYN BREWER, Austin Americon Stud ies LAUREL, YOLANDA MARGARITA, Laredo Pharmacy, KE LAW, JOHN EDWARD, Devine Sociology, YR LAW, NANCY MATTHEWS, San Antonio Home Economics and Nutrition, AT.6., Home Economics Chopier LAWRENCE, SIDNEY LEE, San Antonio Zoology, A!l LAZARIE, DOLORES JEANNE, San Antonio Journolism, KTA, 02:<1>, Do ily Texan LEA, MARTHA JEAN, Marshall Mathematics, TB:E, longhorn Bond LEARNED, BARBARA KATHERINE, Houston History LEARNED, DAVID BRYAN, Houston Econom ics LEE, DAVID MICHAEL, Cleburne Electricol Engineering, HE, TBII, RKN, IEEE LEE, LAWRENCE MORTON, Odessa Finance, Debate Squad, YR, MUN, American Finance Associa­tion, low Bachelors Club, Deon's list LEE MANCILL GRANT, Ballinger Zoology LEE, RONALD ALTON, Three Rivers Phormocy, Ki' LEGGETT, CYNTHIA ANNE, Austin Home Economics, XO, Freshman Council, YR, Students' Home Economics Chapter LEHMAN, CAROL ANN, Houston Mathematics LEMMON, BRONWEN KATHRYN, Honolulu, Hawaii Interior Design, ON, cf>Kcf>, Texas Union Committee LENTZ, ERIC OWEN, Canton, Ohio Chemical Engineering, 9Z, AIChE LEONARD, ROBERT EARL, Midland, Mich. Statistics, 6.ITI, Association for Business Application of Computers LEQUEUX, BLAYNE STEPHEN, Port Arthur Aerospace Eng ineering , 9Z , AIAA, TSPE, Texas Union Com­mittee LEQUEUX, DIANE ROCHELLE, Port Arthur Elemenlory Education, AZ!>. , K6II LERCH, SANDRA KAYE, Baytown Marketing, YR, American Morketing Association LESLIE, SUE ANN, Dallas Mathemotics, 6Z, K6ll LESOK, JAY JON, Foti Worth Finance, KI LESTER, SANDRA LOUISE, Houston Elttmentory Education, A.6..6. LEVINE, JOEL STEVEN, Dallas Finance, TL\cf>, Real Estate Society LEVY, KENNETH JAY, Dallas Psychology, RE, AE!>., 'i'X, K, BK LEWIS, CHERYL ANN, Houston English, .6.E, Freshman Council, Texa1 Union Committee, Round-Up 507 LEWIS, KATHLEEN LAURA, Houston Business Education, XU LEWIS, KAY, El Paso Business Education, .6.Z, Angel Flight, Kinsolving Adviser LEWIS, MARY, El Paso Elementary Education, L\Z, Angel Flight, Freshman Counc il, Texas Union Committee, Round-Up LIEBE, CAROL SUE, Edinburg Biology LIPSCOMBE, RICHARD LEE, Nocona Accounting, .lTL\ LIPSON, MYER JACK, El Paso General Business, !AM LIST, SUZANNE, Dallas Sociology LITTLE, PATRICIA ANN, Metairie, La. Engl ish LITTLE, SHIRLEY ANNE, Austin Chem;stry, ll:IT LIVINGSTON, STANLEY DALE, Cisco Government, Student Education Assn . LOCKHART, NANCY VIVIAN, Houston Elementary Education, SEA, Cactus LOFTIS, NANCY GRAY, Longview Spanish and History, IlB, Southern Belles LOFTIS, VINCENT DOUGLAS, Houston Geology, l:fE LOLOS, KOULA ALEX, Corpus Christi Government and Mathematics, International Club, Hellenic Club LONGANECKER, ANNE ELIZABETH, San Antonio Secondary Education, French and German LOONEY, CULLEN ROGERS, Edinburg Finance, !X, Freshman Council Adviser, Texas Union Committee, Texas Cowboys LOPEZ, FRANKLIN ANTONIO, Ecuador Chemical Engineering, AICHE, International Club LOPEZ, JOSEPH B., San Antonio Accounting LOVELACE, DONNA NELL, Dallas Journal ism LOVELACE, LISABETH SUSAN, El Paso H;story, AA6, +A0, ICC LOVELL, JAMES DALE, Austin Personnel Management, longhorn Flying Club, University Symphony Orchestra, Symphonic Band, IEEE LOW, DAVID ARTHUR, Iowa Park Electrical Engineering, IEEE LOWE, DANA CLORA, Pleasanton Elementary Education LOWTHER, JOHN ALEXANDER, Fort Worth Engineering Science, TBll, Acacia LOZANO, JAVIER R., Laredo Mathematics, Laredo Club, ACM LUKE, THERESA CHERYL, Lake Jackson English and History LUNIN, FANCHON LAURIE, Houston Journalism, r .6.E, f AX, House of Delegates, Newmon Club, YR, Curta;n Club, oa;ly Texan, PRSSA, Dexter House Adviser, MUN LUTIRELL, GEORGE RAY, Arlington Account;ng, 6T, AK'i', Br:!:, Vors;ty Track LUTZ, JAMES MICHAEL, Fort Worth Government, cl>H!., cl>l:A, Newman Club LUTZ, TERRY WAYNE, San Antonio Personne l Management, .6.:Ell, CBA Council LYFORD, ROLAND SCOTI, Grapevine H;story, ~T LYON, MARY KAREN, Baytown Elementary Education, TSEA, Southern Singers, Kirby Hall Adviser L VONS, JAMES HARRY, Houston Government, JlKA, Freshman Council, Students' Association and Texas Union Committees L VONS, LINDA GENE, Austin Pharmacy, KE, LPhA LYTLE, CHARLES GERALD, San Antonio Mathematics, 4-H! MAAG, MELANIE P., Austin Germon MACGREGOR, ROBERT Ill, Chicago, Ill. Zoology, Ed Price Co-op MACH, BETTY P., Flatonia Physical Education MACMASTER, BENZEL CHRISTOPHER, Dallas Premedkol, +Kl:, AE6 MACNAUGHTON, JAMIE ANN, Palestine Mathematics, KA.IT, ACM, cl>B Kinsolving 508 • I lo.•-•-''"°"•~ 00' 0 t I ·:.···-·~•••I: ... ,.,' t•t•'I••-· .. ,·:_, ~ "• MADELEY, JAMES BALL, Corpus Christi Microbiology, ATA, AF..l MADRIGAL, JORGE ALBERTO, Laredo Mus ic Educat ion , cf>~fA, Symphon ic Band MAGEE, MICHAEL JACK, Austin Mo thematics MAGUREAN, MARY ANN, McAllen Zqology, AZ MAHAFFAY, BARBARA ELAINE, Amarillo Horp Pedogogy, l:AT, Symphony Orcheslro MAHAFFEY, MARGARET, Dallas English and History MAJORS, JOHNNY EDWIN, Tyler Zoology MAKELA, MERRY EVE, Dallas Zoology , BK MALDONADO, ANNA CHRISTINA, San Antonio English MALLOY, CONSTANCE, Austin Mothemotics, AAA, ME, little Sisters of the Skull , Southern Singers MALLOY, JANET GAYLE, Tyler Office Administration , TSEA MALONE, BENNY KATHRINE, Houston Home Economics, ON, JIA0 MALONE, ROBERT WALTER JR., Houston Econom ics, cl>Hl: MANCHESTER, VICTORIA LYNN, Bellaire Psychology, ZTA, 'l'X, Ten Most Beautiful Finalist, little Sisters of Sh ield and Diamond MANHART, KAREN IRENE, Austin Elementary Education, AXO, TSEA, Students' Association Comm ittee MANSON , ARTHUR JAMES Ill, Gonzales Latin American Studies, l:IT, MUN MANZER, CHRIS DANA, Dumas Art Education, Art Students Association MAPES, JULIE ANN, Fort Worth Home Economics, OK, IIA9, Freshman Council, House of Delegates, Home Economics Chapter MARDISEWOJO, PURWANTO, Bandung, Indonesia Petroleum Engineering, AIME MARGO, RICHARD L., Rio Grande City Zoology Graduating Seniors MARGOSH, RI NETTE EMILY, Houston French, AE'I>, longhorn Singers MARKLEY, MICHAEL MARK, Austin Governm e nt , YD , KLRN MARMION , MARY SUE, San Antonio Span is h, ZTA MARRS, EDWARD HAMILTON, Kerrville His tory MARSH, ANNE LOUISE, San Antonio Home Economics, Uppercloss Advisor, Home Economics Chap­ter, Longhorn Singers MARSHALL, WILLIAM HARBERT, Baytown Chemical Engineering, B0 JT, TBJT, Hl:, llXE, Varsity Tennis, AIChE MARTIN, JANE ELIZABETH, Teague Socio logy, ICC MARTIN, MARY KATHRYN, Baytown Engl is h, TSEA MARTIN, QUENTIN WARE, Houston Math emat ics , YR , lntramurol s, UTSAM MARTIN, RAYMOND JOHN JR., Wichita Falls Accounting, KT, AK'!', BA'!', Bf l:, longhorn Singers MARTINEC, JOHNNY LEE, Temple Sta tis tics, AK'I' MARTINEZ, ALEX NELSON, San Antonio Government and History MARTINEZ, ELODIA GUADALUPE, San Antonio French MASON, JAMES LOWELL 111, Dallas Finonce, Xcf> MASON , JAMES NELSON , Austin Personnel Management MATHIS, MOLLY AILEEN, Winnsboro Home Economics, f, l'AX McCORD, VIRGINIA HELEN, Randolph A. F. B. English McCORMICK, STANLEY ERWIN, Houston Finance, !!\", Insurance Society, American Finance Association, Real Estate Society, Students' Association Committee McCULLOUGH, LINDA NANETIE, Midland Speech ond English, KKI' McDANIEL, JAMES RAY, El Paso Accounting, BA'!', 4>K4>, Bn:, Honor Roll, lntromurols McDAVID, JOHN RAMSEY, Kilgore Phormocy, 4>~X McDERMOTI, SANDRA ELIZABETH, LaMarque Mathematics and Germon, TB!, UTSA, longhorn Bond McDONALD, ANDREW DAN, Waco Econom ics, il2:fi McDONALD, JOHNNIE BELLE, Neches Elementary Education, AOIT McDOWELL, WILLIAM CAMPBELL, Bay City Phormocy , LPhA McENERY, BETH ELLEN, Arling1on Public Relations, l'AX, WCC, Song Fest, Powell House Co­ ordinator, Student Cooperative Association, Texas Union Committee McFARLAND, FRANCES, Lytle Home Economics, Home Economics Club, YR, Round-Up McFARLING, HARRY WILLIAM, Austin Management , Tejas Club McFETRIDGE, CHARLES DONALD, Brownsville Government and History, Praetorian Guard, ROTC, Asian Stud ies Club McGAHA, DIANA KAY, Fort Worth History end Lotin, 1'4>8, lnternotionol Club, MUN McGIVNEY, MARILYN ANN, San Antonio Germon, 64>A, Nemon Club, YR McGLOTHLIN, MARTHA, Mesquite Elementary Education, Spttch Therapy, !All, K61I, Freshman Council McGOVERN, FRANK PATRICK, San Antonio Hos tory , 4>HI , 4>A9 , Scobbord end Blade McGRATH, ANNE MARGARET, San Antonio Economics, YR , Newmon Club MATTHEWS, SHANNON SWANN, Jasper History, ATO, University Chorus MATIINGLY, JaNELLE, Dallas Mathematics, Theodorne Co-ordinator MAXEY, WILLIAM TRAVIS, Waco Electrical Engineering, TBll, HKN, IEEE MAXWELL, JANICE LEE, Houston Plan II-History, MUN, Crescent Club, Texas Union Com­mittee , SRO Adviser, Y, Wesley Foundation MAXWELL, WILLIAM DONALD, Odessa Psychology, UTSAM, lnsuranc.J Society MAY, COY LEWIS, Wichita Falls Mothemotics, 4>HI, 4>BK MAYNORD, CHRISTOPHER WILEY, Austin Chemical Engineering, AIChE, Student Engineering Council MAYO, JOE McGEE JR., Henrietta Nuclear Engineering, 9~, TBII, American Nuclear Society McALISTER, JOHN EUGENE, Dallas Mathematics McALLISTER, MARTHA LOU, Culver, Ind. Music Education, Varsity Singers , longhorn Singers, A Cappello Choir, Round-Up, BSU McBRIDE, MICHAEL HARRIS, Dallas Phormocy, K'i', LPhA McBRINE, JOHN LARSON, Austin Governmen t McCARTY, JARRIE DAVIS, Humble Home Economics, ON, KATI, Home Economics Chapter, Cactus, Uppercloss Adv isors McCARTY, NANCY ANN, Vernon Education McCARY, LOIS ANN, Freeport Mat hematics, ACM McCASLAND, MICHAEL, Big Spring Aerospace Eng ineering, AIAA McCASLIN, BILLY TRAVIS, Tyler Civil Engineering, ASCE McCAUSLAND, NITA LYNN, San Antonio French and Spanish, llZ, Crescent Club, French Club McCLAIN, SUSAN LUCINDA, Paris Speech Therapy, ZTA, Acocio Order of Delphi McCLANAHAN, WILLIAM IRWIN, Paris Accounting, American Finance Association 510 1 1 1 1 , ' 1 ·•~·-• "'" •-'I • ... ' • • •to•-! •'' •t o • • '· o•t• •t• ....... ;., •:.. I ' 0 MclNTIRE, DORIS LYNN, San Antonio English, Y, House of Delegates McKAY, GERRY LYNN, Houston Elementary Education and Engl ish McKENNA, MARIE HUGUENIN , Galveston Sociology , Freshman Counc il, MUN, YD McKINLEY, PATRICIA AN, San Antonio Spanish, AZ!>, SRO Adviser, Scottish Scholar, TSEA, Southern Singers McKINNEY, RONALD LOVE, Dallas Econom ics, ~ I\ McKOWN, JERRY LYNN, Dallas Micro biology McLAUGHLIN, JAMES MARTIN, Dallas Zoology, <1>:.e McLAUGHLIN, ROBERT CLARK, San Antonio Architecture, Men's Glee Club McMAHON, BETTYE GA YE, Baytown Elementary Education , 666, Angel Flight McMAHON, ZELMA LORRAINE, Houston Elementary Educat ion McMATH, FRANCES LITTLE, Austin Engl ish, llB, Uppercloss Advisor, Mortar Boord, Ashbel Literary Society McMILLAN, WILLIAM CHARLES, San Angelo Math emat ics , ACM McNEFF, MICHAEL NICHOLS, Dallas Industr ial Management , AT McNEIL, DAVE E. Ill, Houston Premedical and Microbiology, IX McNUTT, WILLIAM ANTHONY, Austin History, 0::: McSHANE, MICHAEL BRANSFORD, San Antonio Mechan ical Engineering, Arnold Air Society, ASME MEADOR, ROBERT DEAN JR ., Grapevine Market ing , 6T:. MEEKER, ROBERT EDWARD JR., Port Arthur Engineering Science, AXA, ACM MELCHER, MURIEL JOY, Houston Microbiology, AE, AA6, DK, Freshman Council MENDOZA-CHISUM, ALICIA ESTELA, Negras, Mexico Econom ics MENSING, JOHN FRANCIS, San Antonio Marke ting, Kcft, BrE, American Marketing Association, Honor Roll MEREDITH, NORVAL DEE, Amarillo Pharmacy, LPhA MERTENS, IDA JEAN , Dallas Psychology MEYER, CYNTHIA JEAN, Dallas Latin and History, ZTA MEYER, LARRY EARL, Schulenburg History, TTT, Order of the Alcalde MEYER, PAUL EDWARD, Houston Radio -TV, T6cft, AEP, Varsity Swimming, T Association MICHALKE, ARNOLD DWAYNE, Schulenburg Mo themat ics MICKLETHWAIT, JAMES B., Brady Mathemat ics , 4>BK MIKESKA, MARTHA LOUISE, Longview Interior Design, AOil, YR, AID, Business Wives Club, AROTC Wives Club MIKESKA, MARVIN ROY, Longview Marketing , K0, American Marketing Assoc iation, AROTC, Distinguished Military Student, Scabbard and Blade, House of Delegates, Texas Union Committee, lumber­men 's Assoc iation MILLARD, STEPHANIE ANNE, Austin Nutrition, KA0 MILLER, CHARLES RAY JR., Baytown Finance, AK'I', Freshman Council, American Finance Associa· tion MILLER, CLAIRE ANN, Houston Microb iology, KKr, cftBK, Orange Joc\ets, Y, Mortar Boord MILLER, DARYL MARIE, Houston ' Mathemat ics , .l..l..l MILLER, RONALD ANTHONY, Flemington, N. J. Chem is try MILLS, ELIZABETH ANNE, Baytown Mathemat ics MILNER, WILLIAM LEE, Dallas Account ing MILOSEVICH, NICK JOHN, Galveston Accounting, AXA, Posse MILSTEAD, MARGIE LYNN, Edna Elementary Educat ion MIMS, ROBERT WAYNE, Houston Chemistry, AXA , Freshman Track, Freshman Council, Texas Un ion Committees 511 MINYARD, VICKIE BENTON, Austin Elementory Educct;on, !J.Z, TSEA, NEA, SEA, Freshmen Council, YR, Business Wives Association, Speech Associa· tion of the University MINYARD, WILLIAM ALEXANDER Ill, Austin Marketing, 4>K+, .6.l:TI, CBA Council, American Marketing Association, Freshman Council, lntramurals, BSU, YO MIRO-QUESADA, VICTOR, Lima, Peru Finance, Al:IT, International Club, UTSAM, lntramurals MISLOCK, RAYMOND A. JR., Dallas Government, Tejos Club, Canterbury Association, House of Delegates MITCHAM, MARY THERESA, Dallas Art History, Art Student's Association, YR, Underwater Society MITELMAN, MICHAEL EVERETI, Houston Engl;sh MOEHLMAN, JACQUELINE ARNAULD, Austin History, XO, Round-Up, Texas Union Committee, Bored Martyrs MOELLER, KARL H., Waynesville, Mo. History and Government, AROTC, Pre-law Association MOERBE, DAVID NOEL, Corpus Christi Geography, ICC MOFFITI, FREDERICK VINCENT, San Antonio American Studies, Students' Association Committees, Chol· lenge, lntromurals MOFFITT, HELEN VERNA ELIZABETH, Pampa Mathematics, ACM MOJICA, PRISCILLA ORPHA, Austin Music Education, Southern Singers MONROE, RITA LYNNE, Kilgore Hi sto ry MOODY, JAMES AUBREY, Mineola Microbiology, Premedical MOODY, MARY MORPHIS, Austin Journalism, 01:4>, Doily Texan Ediror, Texas Student Publi· cations Boord of Directors, Outstanding Student MOORAD, MARSHA ANN, Fort Worth His tory and Government MOORE, EDWARD CLARK IV, Dallas Government, Crow's Nest, NROTC MOORE, MARY ANN, Dallas History, Kirby Holl Adviser and Student Assistant, Upper­closs Advisors MOORE, PHILIP BAXTER, Big Spring Finance, 4>.6.9 MORA, CYNTHIA LUCILLE, Alice Zoo logy MORALES, DIANE KAY, Houston Romance Languages, Round-Up MORALES, MARCIA ANN, Houston Sponisti , Newman Club MORAW, DENNIS ANTON, Cameron Mathematics MORGAN, JERRY LEE, Deleon Finance, 4>KT, IFC, Honor Roll, Students' Association Com­mittee, Insurance Society, Real Estate Society MORGAN, MARGARET FRANCES, Lubbock Marketing, XO, Freshman Council, American Marketing As­ sociation MORGAN, MARY ANNE, Bay City Accounting, Act> MORIN, RAYMOND, San Antonio Mathematics and Spanish, Men's Glee Club MORRILL, KATHARINE JUNE, Fort Worth Elementary Education, XQ, Students' Association Cam­mi ttee, YR, Y, Freshman Counci I MORRIS, CLAUDE EDWARD, Dickinson Mothemo t1cs MORRIS, DAVID ANDREW, Dallas Finance, ATO MORRIS, DON MELVIN, Longview Premedical and Biology MORRIS, JERRY LYNN, Corsicana Pharmacy, Ki' MORRIS, SIDNEY MACHEN, Tyler Chemos try, <1> 11 :!:, K, .\T, BK MORRIS, STEPHEN ARVILLE, Dallas Mo themot1cs, .l.T j, MORROW, CAROL ANN, Houston Elementary Education and Geography, 6Z, Spooks, Students ' Assoc1ot1on Committee, Costilion Student Planning Co mmittee MORROW, ROSEMARY, Cuero Hostory, TSEA, BSU MORSE, JOHN THOMAS, Quitman Marketing, American Marketing Associ ation MORTIMER, WILLIAM BRYANT, Refugio Psychology, KT MOSELEY, PHILLIP DUANE, Universal City English, Praetorian Guord, Publ+c Relations Society MOTAZED, BEHROOZ, Tehran, Iran Chemical Engineenng, AIChE, International Club 51 2 . . . . . ..... ---' ' .... -~ .' . . . . . ... ... . . .. : ... -'· ' . .... ·····-· :: ·::. . ' . MOTLEY, LYNN LAWRENCE, Grand Prairie Zoology ond H istory, AE.l , Round-Up, Students' Association Committee MUELLER, MANDO CHRIS, Lockhart Industrial Monogement, AK'I' MUELLER, WALTER G. JR., Thrall Pharmacy, LPhA, YD MUIR, ROBERT DOUGLAS, Dallas Finance MULHALL, RONALD TIMOTHY, Hagerstown, Md. Government, Dormitory Counselor, YR, Freshman Council, Longhorn Flying Club MULLINS, DEE ANN, San Antonio French and Speech, 6r, Royal Spirit, Upperclass Adv isors, Kinsolving Adviser, Freshmon Council Adviser MULLINS, KERMIT M., Wake Village Zoology and Premedical, AEj, MULVA, JAMES JOSEPH JR., Depere, Wisc. Finonce, Bfl: MULVANEY, MARGARET LYNN, Houston Economics, AA!J., O!J.E, Debate Squad MUMOLA, fllANNE ELLENA, New York, N. Y. Biology, Engineering Wives Club MURCHISON, FRANK BIVIN, Corsicana Finance, .lT.l MURRAH, ANN HARRIET, Austin Elementary Educat ion , IlA0, 4>K4> MURRAY, CHARLES COPPAGE, Lufkin Government, B9II, Intramural MURRAY, ROY LEE, Austin Pharmacy, 4>.'.X MURRELL, MARSHALL TROY, Sterling City Economics, Texos Union Committee, UTSAM MUSHRUSH, BARRY MICHAEL, Fort Worth Art MUZNY, JOHN LOUIS, Eagle Lake Pharmacy, 4>.'.X, LPhA MYERS, CAROL ANN, Lake Jackson Zoology NACHLINGER, PAM, Freeport Marketing, Freshman Council, American Marketing As­ soc iotion NAIFEH, JEROME GEORGE, Orange Premedicol end Zoology, Swimming Team, Dean's List, Underwater Society Graduating Seniors NAPIER, ELIZABETH LEHMAN, Midland Special Education, Felecia Co-Op., Student Counseling for Exceptional Children NAPIER, FREDERICK DeWITI, Houston Generol Business NARVAEZ, RICHARD SERRANO, San Antonio Accounting NATTO, IBRAHIM ABBAS, Mecca, Saudi Arabia Government, ll!A, Organization of Arab Students, In· ternational Club NEAL, CHARLES CLINTON, San Antonio Civil Engineering, NROTC, Scabbard ond Blade NEBEKER, KATHERINE NOEL, Houston French and Engl ish, ZTA NEELY, WARREN F., Bellville Phormocy, K+, lPhA, Pharmocy Council NEESE, WILLIAM JOHN JR., Carmine Civil Engineering, ASCE NEIKIRK, MARY MARGARET, Alice Physical Education, AA!J., IlA0, K!J.Il, 4>K4>, PEM Club NEILL, DIANNE LANELLE, Houston Elementary Education, 6f, little Sisters of the Shield and Oiamond ,.Summer Orientation Adviser NERADA, NANCY LYN, San Antonio So cial Welfare Studies NEUVILLE, JOSEPH STEPHEN, Center Engl ish NEWBERN, DAVID THOMAS, Victoria Civil Engineering, ASCE NEWMAN, IRVIN MELVIN JR., Houston Chemical Engineering, AX!, r6, AIChE NEWTON, ELEANOR ANNE, Rockdale Soc iology and Psycho logy, A4>, Spooks , Orange Jackets, TTT, Kinsolving Adviser, Cactus, Texas Union leadership Boord NEWTON, ROBERT NELSON, Dallas Aerospace Eng ineering NG, GIM LOUIE, San Antonio Pharmacy , LPhA NIBBLETI, SHERRY JAMES, Satellite Beach, Fla. Engl ish, Tl.'.4>. TSTA NIBLING, FRED LESLIE JR., Temple Zoology NICHOLAS, RICHARD ALAN, Austin Geology, A4>0, Union House Committee, Texas Union leadership Boord, Election Commission, Freshmon Orien­tation Adviser, Goodfellow 513 .. -. ' .:........: ....... ~~:. . .• : ·:· ! ...• ! .... :.;;~.~-..~~-::::~ :!" ;~~~·;: ~-.:;:.:.•'. :·! ~ !...•::.: ~: : . : .. :: ..... '".:~.'·:: • .... : .. : :.::_;r,~::;.--:~!:!~ ~ -. '. ... .:: . ~'": Graduating Seniors OGLE, PATRICIA ANN, San Antonio Music Education, TSEA, Southern Singers O'HAGAN, JOSEPH, Kilgore Mathematics O'HARA, WILLIAM PATRICK, Austin Accounting, IAX OHLENDORF, THOMAS ALAN, Lockhart Civil Eng ineering, ASCE OLIVER, FLOYD LOUIS JR., San Antonio Architectural Engineering, AAAE, SAME, Praetorian Guard, ROTC OLIVO, JOHN XAVIER, San Antonio Government, KK+, YD, Dormitory Counselor, longhorn Bond, Praetorian Guard, Arnold Air Sodety, MASO OLSON, MARION ALFRED JR., San Antonio Accounting, <1>~8. Freshman Council, Freshman Assembly, Texas Union Committee, Campus Chest O'NEIL, PATRICK WILLIAM, Alamo Predental , l:K O'NEILL, WILLIAM ANTHONY II, Houston Marketing, AK'lr, American Mo1keting Association OPPEL, WILLIAM PETER, Austin Journalism, l:AX, Do ily Texan ORSAK, OTIO EUGENE JR., Halletsville Electrical Engineering, IEEE O'SHEA, MICHAEL EDWARD, Brenham Physical Educot1on OTT, DAVID ALAN, Fort Worth H;stary, fj. . H~ . O~K. BK . Sdver Spurs OTIO, THOMAS WAYNE, Baytown History OWENS, CAROLYN, Ballinger Ch1m11try, AA~. TB~. K, Orange Jackets, Langhorn Band PACE, RONALD VICTOR, Karnes City Chemical Engineering, AIChE PAINTER, KARLYN JANIS, Dallas Art, AE4>, Art Students' Association PAINTER, NEWTON TED, Pecos Government PAKALA, DOROTHY ANN, San Antonio Psychology PANDOLFO, MICHAEL ANTHONY, Biloxi, Miss. Math1mat1c.s, Arnold Air Sadety, SAME, AROTC 514 NICHOLSON, RICHARD EDGAR, Baytown Public Relations, l:X, A.6..E, Karate Club, Public Relations Society NIEBUHR, CLARENCE ARTHUR, Austin Chemical Engineering, AX!, AIChE NIEBUHR, REBECCA MAY, Austin History and Government NONTOSUT, PADET, Bangkok, Thailand Mathematics NORRIS, JOHN WILLIAM, McAllen Civil Engineering, !K, XE, ASCE, Longhorn Bond NORWOOD, MORRIS THOMPSON, Austin Microbiology NOTEWARE, JACKIE DON, Richardson Mathemat;cs, K~Jl, Hl: NOWLIN, NANCY JEANNE, Ennis Special Educotion--Orthopedic and Mental Retardation, Council for Exceptional Children NUNN, THOMAS EDWARD, San Antonio Music Composition, Longhorn Bond NYE, MARTHA SUSAN, Rio Grande City Clothing, Textiles, and Fashion Design, Home Economic Chapter, Students' Association Committee OAKLEY, CHERRI LYNN, Texas City Advertising, fAX, House of Delegates, Summer Orientation Advisor, Upperclass Advisor, Campus Chest OBENHAUS, RICHARD LARRY, Austin Market;ng , ATA OBERPRILLER, JAY DIXON, Houston Personnel Management, Society for the Advancement of Management OCKER, ROBERTA ANN, Robstown Mathematics, Ar, Ponhellenic, ACM ODEN, JOHN EVANS, Pecos Finance, KA, American Finance Association, Insurance Society ODLE, RICHARD LEE, Midland Accounting, AO, NROTC, Student Chdst;an Fellowship ODOM, ORIS LEON II, Amarillo Engineering Route to Business Adm inistration ODOM, RONALD JAY, Fort Worth Mathematics O'DONNELL, JOAN EMILY, Mason Elementary Education OGDEN, RICHARD ED, Longview Chemical Engineering, AIChE • ' • • • • .L' • 0. • • • ' 0 •••• ' ~ •• 0 •• : .... ' 0 ....... ·-· 0. ·:•• • 0 0 0. PAPWORTH, MARSHA LORRAINE, Biology Biology, Cordettes PARISH, KATHRYN LUCILLE, Houston French, n:.<1> PARKER, CECIL CHILTON, Victoria Personnel Management, SAME PARKER, JOSEPH EDWARD JR., Houston English PARKER, MARY LOUISE, Dallas Psychology PARKER, RICHARD JOSEPH, Nacogdoches Economics, Al:IT, Pre-Low Association PARKER, THESPO NINA, San Antonio Elementary Education, Carothers Adviser, TSEA, lnterno· tionol Club, Hellenic Club PARMELEE, JOHN JAY JR., Rockdale Finance and International Business , AK+, Challenge, Texas Union Committee, Inter-Disciplinary Retreat PARTLOW, KATHERINE LYNN, Fort Worth Interior Design, AID PAST, ALVIN WALLACE, El Paso Engl ish PATRICK, JO ANN, Corsicana English , A PATTERSON, MARGARET ANNE, Tyler Journalism, Doily Texan, Cactus PATTERSON, VIRGINIA GAY, Tyler Elementary Education PATTILLO, MARTHA LEE, Pampa Plan 11 and French, A~n. Assembly, Texas Union Commit­ tees, International Club, Inter-disciplinary Retreat, Challenge PATTON, ANGELA BETH, Cedar Hill Physical Education, PEM Club PAVLIDOU, CATHERINE JAMES, Piraeus, Greece Sociology, Helenic Club, Inter-Varsity Christion Fellowship, Concert Choir PAYNE, JOHN GEORGE, Fate Physics, X PEACOCK, EDITH ANN, Austin Home Economics, ~..lA, Cordettes, TSEA, Home Economics Chapter PEARRE, SYLVIA JEAN, Weslaco Mathematics, AOIT, UTSA, Campus Chest, lntromurals, Freshman Council PEARSON, JAMES CHARLES, Tomball Aerospace Engineering , TBil , !fT, AIAA PEHR, CARLES EDWARD, Houston History, T:. PELPHREY, CHARLES BRANT, Austin Plan II-Philosophy, longhorn Singers PENA, FEDERICO FABIAN, Brownsville Government, YD PENDLETON, JOHN RICHARD, San Antonio Mathematics, ASME, Karole Club PENDLEY, LINDA SUE, Hillsboro English and Journalism, Doily Texan PENNER, KANDACE ANN, Big Spring Speech Po the logy, IAH, YR PENNY, RICHARD EDWARD, Dallas Premed ical-Zoology PEREZ, EUSTORGIO, Laredo Government PEREZ, ROJELIO, Uvalde Government PERILLOUX, THOMAS CHARLES, Corpus Christi Mechanical Engineering, ASME, TSPE PERKINS, SUE ANN, Jacksboro Elementary Educat ion , A.1.l , ACE Pj:RRY, DANNY l., ALVIN Zoology, AE:. PERRY, DAVID WILLIAM, Houston Finance, , AROTC Wives Club PETERS, DAVID WAYNE, Chicago, Ill. Civil Engineering , KK+, longhorn Band PETERSON, LYNNE FRANCES, Minneapolis, Minn. Econom ics and Government, YR PFEIFFER, GERALD P., LaPorte Biology, IK PHANEAUF, ROBERT EUGENE, Langley AFB, Va. Psychology, t.T:. PHELAN, JAMES DOUGLAS, Driftwood Finance and Insurance, ITKA, AK+, Silver Spurs, I nsuronce Society .. -' : . • .: .. '• ...... : .......~~·-......... ~ •.• ! : .... ! .... :-:..;~.;-..~:·~~·~ _!".;::~·;: ~-:::~.:-~·: :·~ ~.!.. ·•.•.; ~: ;.. ' :· .'! .:-· ':'.""···:; •..:.:.. :.:.: :.·i~ ::,;::;.~~:-~ ----·. ·. ... . . ~-­ POLLARD, PENNE SUE, Forth Worth Home Economics Education, Home Economics Chapter POLLARD, RANDALL KENT, Houston Zoology, All, lntromurols, CEC POLLARD, SUE, Waco Education, KA9 POLLON, ARNOLD, Pasadena Sociology, AEII, Presidents' Club POPE, NELDA ANN, Tyler Elementary Education, Freshman Council PORTER, ANITA DIANNE, San Antonio Home Economics Teacher Education, ON, Home Economics Chapter PORTER, BILLIE PAT, Terrell Engl ish, BK PORTER, MELVIN DUANE JR., Austin Psychology POTIER, DAWN GERALDINE, Houston lnterion Design, ~.6..6. , AID, Texas Union Committees, Little Sigmas of Sigma Chi POWELL, EDWINA SADONIA, Tyler History, A0, SRO Adviser POWERS, CATHERINE FOGARTY, Austin Mathematics, Southern Singers, Newmon Club, International Club . POWERS, JUDITH ANN, Austin Journalism, Newman Club, Daily Texan PRATI, DAVID ALFRED, Irving American Studies, House of Delegates, SOS PRATI, ROBERT BARTON JR., San Antonio Molhematics PREECE, FORREST FREEMAN, Austin Plan II , Englosh, A2:.6. PHILLIPS, RONALD DEXTER, Austin History, Scabbard and Blade, Distinguished Military Student, A ROTC PHILP, CHARLENE, Beaumont Elementary Education, AXQ PHILP, JOE DAN, Caldwell His tory , Freshman Council , I ntramura ls PIPER!, SHARON ANN, Galveston Social Science, Freshman Council, Texas Union Committees PIRTLE, ROBERT EARL, Fort Worth Management , Society for the Advancement of Management PITIARD, GEORGE ERVIN, Anson Latin American Studies, ATA PITIMAN, PEGGY SHARON, Levelland Secondary Education PITIS, EDMOND WAYNE, Temple Generol Business PITIS, RICHARD EDWIN, Austin Zoology, <1>60, Deon's List PLISCHKE, SHELIA ELENA, Houston Mathematics, AAA, YD PLOG, PHYLLIS ANNE, El Paso Elementary Education, KAil, Andrews Adv iser PLUMLEE, JOHN PATRICK, Hobbs, N. M . Government POLASEK, RONALD LYNN, Fort Worth Molhemotics, Tejos Club, Hl:, AO POLK, KEN EDWARD, Austin Actuarial Science, Actuarial Club, Insurance Society POLLAN, THOMAS MILLER, Rosenberg History POLLARD, CONSTANCE LOUISE, Baytown Mathematics , TSEA, Southern Singers, SRO Adviser, Stu­dents' Association Committee ._.....,-,... • ' I•-•--'I '• • •I • • ' I • • 't' '-•~ • • •t ; • •• • ' ' 'o•o• •t• ·-· '•' ·:~ o -o • • PRIHODA, JOE DANIEL, El Campo Architectural Engineering, cl>Ki', MAE PRINCE, ROBERT DALE, Belton Marketing, KI:, American Marketing Association, Association for Business Application of Computers PRIOUR, DONALD JAMES, Kerrville Premedical and Zoology PROCTOR, MARGARET ANN, Fort Worth English, At;n, AAt>, l:MT, English Honors Program PROVOST, O'NEIL EDWARD JR., Austin His tory, Newmon Club, YD PRYOR, JAMES WILLIAM, Lamesa Journalism, l:6X PURCELL, STEPHEN McCABE JR., Longview Mechanical Engineering, cl>Ki', ASME, Engineering Coun· cil, Freshman Basketball, House of Delegates PURVIS, GORDON PAUL, Houston Accounting PYEATT, SUSAN, Dallas Mathematics, A6TI, Acacia Order of Delphi, ACM QUINN, DENNIS MICHAEL, Wichita Falls Biology and Psychology, International Club QUINTANILLA, DELIA IDA, San Antonio Elementary Education RACUSIN, CHARLES ROBERT, Corpus Christi General Business, I:6, Freshman Council Adviser, Varsity Cornival, Texas Union Committees, lntromurols RAMERT, FRANK F. JR., San Antonio Industrial Management, ROTC RANELLE, BRIAN DAVID, Fort Worth Zoology, l:AE RASCHKE, WILLIAM CURTIS, Austin Chemistry, DK, Tejos Club RATZLOW, JANIS ANN, Phillips Mathematics, 6Z RAUHUT, MARTHA GAIL GLEATON, Comanche English and Speech, Longhorn Bond RAWLS, CHARLES EDWARD, Huntsville, Ala. Architecture, APX, BSU, AIA RAY, ADOLPHUS WESLEY JR., Gladewater Mathematics, Actuarial Science Club, CBA Council RAYBURN, HENRY HOWARD, Alvarado Architecture, APX, AIA Graduating Seniors READ, RHONDA SUSAN, Corpus Christi Engl ish and History, KKr, Sisters of the Star and Crescent REAGAN, LINDA ELAINE, San Antonio Home Economics, OK, cl>Kcl>, Home Economics Club REAGAN, PAUL RANDOLPH, Temple Sociology REDDENHASE, DOUGLAS RAY, Austin Personnel Management, Society for Advancement of Manage­ment REED, DIANNE, Houston Art, AMT REESE, CRAIG EUGENE, San Antonio Accounting-Economics, JiIIT, International Club, Inferno· tionol Business Association REESE, JAMES RICHARD, Houston Finance, Acacia, YR, Real Estate Society REGO-RAMIREZ, FRANCISCO ALFREDO, Antigua, Guatemala Sponish Literature REID, JAMES LARRY, Temple Music, )!A REID, JERRY PRESTON, Canadian Microbiology REIMAN, LINDA ANN, Austin Special Education, CEC, TSEA-NSEA, Round-Up, YR REINICKE, ROBERT WAYNE, Bellville Chemical Eng ineering, AIChE RENEAU, THOMAS ALAN, Austin History, cl>.A.0, Praetorian Guard, AROTC, Arnold Air Society RENFRO, ROBERT BRUCE, Dallas English, Kl: RENOLA, MARIA, Hagerstown, Md. Textiles and Clothing, cl>:\[, Spooks, MUN, Challenge, Newmon Club RENZ, RANDALL ROBERT, Dallas History, Campus Crusade for Christ REQUA, ANNETTE LOUISE, Natchitoches, La. Elementary Education, t>Z, TSEA, ACE RESTMEYER, ROSEMARY ANN, Bryan German RICE, STEVE TRAVIS, San Antonio Personnel Management, AK+, Society for the Advancement of Management, American Marketing Association, CSA Council RICHARDS, GEORGE WHEELER, Arlington, Va. Marketing, cl>KT, Longhorn Singers, Men's Glee Club, UTSAM, American Marketing Association, Association for the Business Application of Computers 517 Graduating Seniors ROBERTS, WILLIAM PINKN EY Ill, Rockville, Md . Accou nting , aKE, IFC ROBERTSON, SARAH ANN, Taylor English and Speech, Curtain Club, Texas Union Committees, At ESEC, College House, Round-Up, Littlefield Dormitory Officer, Doily Texan ROBINSON, CAROL JO, Austin Elementary Educa tion, K.6.II ROBINSON, DONALD IRA 11, Texarkana Design, Texas Union Committees, freshman Council ROBINSON, JOHN DAVID II, Houston Computer Science-Biology and Zoology, Junior Fellow in Zoology, Arnold Air Society, Roberts Holl Adviser, TSTA, NSTA, STAT, NEA, TCTA RODGERS, JOE TOM JR., Lindale Mathematics and Geography RODGERS, KAREN ANN, Corpus Christi Interior Design, fcl>B, White Star Sweethear ts, Ten Most Beautiful Finalist, AID RODGERS, MARGARET ANN, Berclair Home Economics RODR ICK, REX OTIS, Austin Geography RODRIGUEZ, OSCAR RAY, San Antonio Mathematics RODRIGUEZ, ROBERT MUNOZ, Victoria Music Education RODRIGUEZ, SALVADOR C. JR., San Antonio Electrical Engineering, IEEE, longhorn Bond ROE, MARILYN DUFF, Corpus Christi General Bus iness, Society for Advancement of Management ROEDER, JERRY ELBERT, Waco Aerospace Engineering, TRIT, IM, AIM ROEDER, LARRY DRUE, Waco Aerospace Engineering, AIM ROESSLER, GEORGE JACOB, Electra Chemical Enginooring, TBIT, OXE, AIChE, Newman Club ROGERS, GARY DUANE, Cleburne Engineering Route to Business Administration, Society for the Advancement of Management ROGERS, LYNN ANN, LaMarque Plan II, A+ ROGERS, OLGA MARIA, Odessa Foreign LonguogH ROGERS, RANDY CLYOE, Baytown F1nonc1, ~N RICHARDS, GRETCHEN SHULTS, A rlington, Va. Clothing and Textiles, little Sisters of the laurel RICHARDS, JANET LOUISE, Rockdale Psychology, f~E. YO, longhorn Singers, Freshman Council, Symphonic Bond RICHARDS, ROBERTA HAMPTON, Fort Worth Elementary Education, ITB, Kt>ll, Angel Flight RICHARDSON, GWEN, Houston Biology, AOIT, raE, Freshman Council, Cactus, YR RICHARDSON, JERRY LEE, Corpus Christi Math e mat ics RICHARDSON, KENNETH ROBERT, Austin Zoology, A0, OaK, Freshman and Va rsity Swimming, T Association RICHARDSON, RITA COCHRAN, Miami, Fla. Span ish and History RICKARDS, JUDITH ANNE, Wichita Falls Physical Education, AXO, PEM Club RIDDELL, JOSEPH MURRAY Ill, Fort Worth Physics, Hl:, BK, l:lll:, OaK, Y, Order of Alcalde RIDOUT, ROBERT GLADSTONE, Austin Premed ical, AEA, Hl:, Hl: RI EKE, ROBERT DAVID, Houston Finance, 4t~9. Va rsity Football, MBA-MPA Association RIGOTTI , GEORGE MICHAEL, Sinton Market ing RILEY, MARY LISA, San Antonio Pharmacy, KE, LPhA · RINGER, WILLIAM CHARLES, Austin Russian, Vetera ns" Association, Slavic Club RIRIE, MARY LOUISE, San Antonio Psychology, Sisters of the Star and Crescent RITCHIE, ROBIN, Midland Elementary Education, Mortar Boord, ICC, Goodfe llow ROBERTS, CAROLE JEANNE, St. Louis, Mo. Rodia -TV-Film, AEP ROBERTS, OWEN LEE, Belton Electrical Engineering ROBERTS, RICHARD LEE, San Antonio Pharmacy, K'i' ROBERTS, SALLY LOU, Dallas English, Freshman Council, Newman Club, Southern Sing­ ers, YR 518 ' ' • ' ' I•·~-·-'I "''..._ 'f ' • I ' • • 'I•+'-'~''' •I : • '' '• I • '."'' ''' ·-· :., •::. • -• • ROKOHL, HARVEY WAYNE, Three Rivers Pharmacy, K'I' ROONEY, PAULA MARIE, Baytown Elementary Education, TSTA RORK, LOUIS EDWARD, San Angelo Finance ROSALES, MANUEL GEORGE JR., San Marcos Accounting, Bf:!:, BA'!', AFROTC, Arnold Air Society, TLOK Co-op ROSE, CAROL JEAN, San Antonio Nutrition, Newmon Club, Student Nutrition Organization ROSE, DONALD E. J., Blanco Physics ROSELLO, JOHANNA MARIA, Dickinson Mothematics ond History, llZ, MUN ROSENBAUM, ALLEN WAYNE, Rosenberg Mechanical Engineering, ASME, Honor Roll ROSS, JAMES NATHAN, Belton Zoology, l:K ROSS, JAMES RICHARD, Lake Jackson Chemistry, Tejos Club, AX:!:, Hl:, AE!l, Texas Union Comm ittee ROTH, LEONARD MATTHEW, Houston History , Tll ROTHWELL, RICHARD O'NEIL, Austin Zoology ROTTER, LANELL MARIE, LaGrange Mathematics, ICC, Wakonda Co-op, lntromurols ROWE, JASPER CALHOUN, Kilgore Physics, AIA, Honor Roll, Karate Club ROWLEY, JO ANN, Austin Mathematics, A$6, Angel Flight ROYE, LAURA YVONNE, Fort Worth English, AOII, AA!l, Freshman Council, A Coppello Choir, Madrigal Singers ROZEN, PHYLLIS JO HORN, Corpus Christi Elementary Education, llE, TSTA, NEA, ACE, Freshman Council ROZIER, KELLYN, Kilgore Journalism, 02:<1>, fAX, IIA0, K, KTA RUDD, JUDY JANE, Dallas Mathematics, JIA0, Uppercloss Advisers, Theodorne Co-op, BSU RUDKIN, CAROL JEAN, Dallas History, Blanton Adviser , Freshman Council RULFS, CAROL ANN, Houston English , Spooks , Upperclass Advisers , Assembly, Orange Jackets, Freshman Orientation Adviser, Goodfellow, Out­ standing Student, Marjorie Darilek Award RUSH, DIANNE, Conroe Special Education, Freshman Council Adviser, Heflin Manor Ad.Yiser, Orientation Adviser, Assembly, Goodfellow, Educe· tion Council, Cactus, Texas Union Executive Council, Spooks, Orange Jackets , Posse, Bluebonnet Belle, Sweetheart Finalist, Golden Hearts RYAN, JAMES ARTHUR, San Antonio Actuarial Science, Actuarial Club, NROTC, Simkins Epicurean Assoc iation RYAN, RONALD FRANKLIN, San Antonio Account ing RYDER, JOHN THOMAS, Richardson Zoology SALES, DANA KAYE, Paris Medical Technician SALINAS, CLAUDIO, Laredo Electrical Engineering SALINAS, GILBERTO S., Corpus Christi Personnel Management, International Business Assoc iation SALINAS, LOUIS JR., San Antonio History, YD SALINAS, ROBERTO I., Laredo Marketing, Laredo Club SANCHEZ, JOSE VASQUEZ, Uvalde Pharmacy, LPhA SANCHEZ, MARJORIE LEE, Rio Grande City Pharmacy SANCHEZ, R. JUAN, Maracaibo, Venezuela Personnel Management, International Business Association SANDERS, CONNIE LANE, Houston Radio -TV, Xll, AA6 , AEP, Cordettes, Texas Union Committees SANDERS, HOLLIS RANDOLPH JR., Austin Pharmacy SANFORD, SHERRIE DIANE, Victoria Mathematics, Cardettes, little Sisters of the Maltese Cross SAVAGE, PAULA BETH, Dallas Art, KKr, Freshman Council Adviser, Upperclass Advisors, Campus Chest, Dimes Day, Engineering Sweetheart, Sweet· heart of The Univers ity of Texas , Goodfellow SCARBOROUGH, JOETTA J., Dallas Anthropology, Anthropological Society SCHAEFER, CAROL JEAN, LaGrange Elementary Education SCHANTZ, HAROLD DANIEL, San Antonio Zoology 519 • · -. · .: .• ......: ....... ~~·-. · :· ~ ·:·!'""! .... ~-~~.;;.~....~:·1::·:. !·.;~.~·;!~~:.:.:.-~:·:~~..... ; .. : : .. : ~·.-: ...::·.··::·..:.-. ::.:·.-1:::-~::;.."":~!-~ .. · ·. ·. .. ~-· ~ ..r SCHICK, DAVID CHARLES, Henrietta Engineering Route To Business Administration, 4-trA SCHIEBOUT, JUDITH ANN, San Antonio Geology SCHKADE, BARBARA BURRUS, Wichita Falls Account ing , TB! , longhorn Band SCHLINE, SANDRA DALE, Richmond, Va. Journalism , Y, Daily Texan SCHMIDT, ROBERT RUBEN, Port Arthur Chemistry, AXl:, OAK, Tejos Club, Texas Cowboys, Junior Fell ows SCH NATTERER, ELIZABETH LORRAINE, Bellaire Nutrition, Home Economics Chapter, Students' Nutrition Organization SCHOENKE, OLIVIA LANI, Weatherford Marketing, rA, Amer ican Marketing Association, Student Association and Union Committees, Challenge, YR SCHROEDER, CHARLES KENNETH, San Benito Personnel Management, 0Z, YR, Sing·Song, Texas Union Committees, Campus Chest, Freshman Council, lntramurals, BSU, MUN SLHROEDER, MARILYN DREW, San Benito Speech and Journalism, YR, l:AH SCHROEDER, PENNY RENE, Houston Psychology, Freshman Council SCHUBLE, THOMAS GERALD, Baytown Accounting SCHUESSLER, BETTY LOUISE, El Paso Microbiology, MUN, Texas Union Council, Assembly, Upper­class Ad visors, Mayfair House Adviser, UTSA, Goodfellow SCHULTZ, MARDI GAYE, Portland Mathematics, Scope SCHUMAN, MUSALLAM N., Tabouk, Saudi Arabia Civil Engineering, International Club, Organization of Arab Students SCHUMANN, GEORGE ERNEST, Dumas Mothemotics, f6 , ACM SCHWARTZ, HAROLD DENNIS, Houston Radio·TV, TA, lntramurols SCHWER, NANCY ANN, Austin Engfoh , KIIT SCOTT, CHARLES HENRY, Frisco Engineering Route to Business Administration, cl>.EK SCOTT, CHERYL KAY, Victoria Office Administration SCOTT, CRAIG T., Fort Worth Accounting, rA, Fresh man Baseball SCOTT, ROBERT RACHAL JR., Falfurrias Finance , 6T.'.l SEALE, ALLEN HARRY, Comfort Architecture, 2:<1>E SEALE, DON W. JR., Austin Accounting, Dean's list SEALE, RICHARD HARDY, Palestine Aerospace Engineering, l:rT, AIAA SEALS, BRADLEY NEWMAN, Houston Econom ics SEAY, CYNTHIA ANN, Houston Elementary Education and Sociology SEE, MARILYN LILLIAN, Snook Home Econom ics, fBcf», Ho"1e Economics Chapter, Upper­closs Advisors, Kirby Holl , Student Assistant SEEKAMP, JOHNNY FRANK, Yoakum Petroleum Eng ineer ing, KK'I', longhorn Bond, UTSAM, Silver Spurs, AIME SEFCIK, JOHN DELBERT, Dallas Electrical Engineering, IEEE, AR:OTC, Distinguished Mili­ tary Student SEILER, LARRY WAYNE, lake Jackson Ch emirtry SEILHEIMER, DAN KEITH, Fort Worth Chem;stry, <1>1!:!:, AT, O.lK, AQ, Tejos Club, OperoHon Brainpower, Order of Alcalde, Friar Society, Mike Flynn Award, Outstanding Student SENSEMAN, WILLIAM ALEXANDER, Beeville Architectural Engineeri ng , AME SENTER, CARL CONWAY, Forney Mathematics, B0Il SETTLE, LINDA SUE, Celina Accountong, BA'i', Br:!:, BK; nsolv;ng, Honor Roll SEWELL, CAMERON DEE, Seagoville Government and History, Pre-low Association, YD SEYER, JOHN FREDERICK, Houston Chem;col Eng;neer;ng, H:!:, AIChE SHAFFER, LARRY WAYNE, Austin Spanish SHAMESS, GEORGE ANN, Wells Ofloce Admonostrotoon, A6n , Br:!:, HA9, HOn SHANE, RICHARD HARLAN, Sugarland Engineering Science, longhorn Flying Club, Skydivers SHANNON, JOEL INGRAM, Wharton Economocs, X, H:!:, IFC, Round-Up, Order of the Alcalde, Freshman Council Adv iser 520 • ' ' I -·' -'I • • • 'I ' •I• I ' •: • 'o '-"! •' • •t • ._ • '• ! • '0000 •0•••-1 '•' ·: ... I -o' SHARP, MARSHA LEE, Placedo Art Education, Art Students' Association SHARPE, EDWIN REESE JR., Austin Economics, ATA, cl>HE, Freshman Orientation Adviser, Fresh­man Council Adviser SHAW, PATRICIA SUE CAMERON, San Saba Elementary Education, KAil SHAW ROBERT ERIC, San Antonio Marketi~g. AXA, American M?rketing ~ssociation, Students' Association Committee, Texas Union Committee SHAW, WALTER JARVIS, San Saba Marketing SHEFFIELD, FRANK HORNER, Dallas Government, Al ESEC, Texas Union Committee SHELIGA, SHARON ANN, Ennis Biology . SHELLBERG, GAIL WHITIINGTON, Amarillo Accounting SHELLBERG, LEE PAUL, Amarillo Mechanical Engineering, TSPE, ASME SHELTON, CHERYL DENISE, Houston History and Government, Un iversi ty Chorus SHELTON, LINDA SUZANNE, Wichita Falls English, rB, 02":<1>, English Honors Program, Assembly, Spooks, Doily Texan, Representative Party, Freshman Council Adviser, Faculty-Student Disciplinary Committee SHEPHERD, BRENDA, Sour Lake Home Economics, fcl>B, ON, Home Economics Chapter, Kin­solving Student Assistant SHIELDS, STEPHEN W ., San Antonio Accounting, TKE, University Co-op Boord of Directors SHINBAUM, CHERYL D., Montgomery, Ala. Speech Theropy and Education, L.6.T, Education Council, Assembly, Orange Jackets, Spooks SHIPMAN, SANDRA LOUISE, Lake Jackson English SHIVELY, CHRISTOPHER E., Garland Journalism and Government, Doily Texan, Texas Union Committee, AROTC, Praetorian Guard, Freshman Council SHIVERS, ALLAN JR., Austin Finance, IAE SHOPOFF, STEPHEN ROBERT, Richardson Marketing, AK'I', Varsity Cross Country and Track, T Association, Newmon Club SHORT, JAMES KEITH, Henrietta His tory and Enr.,!ish SHULTZ, TOMMY BRENTON, Houston Zoo logy, Premedical Graduating Seniors SIFUENTES, JOHN, Austin Accounting SILLER, ROBERTS., San Antonio Electrical Engineering, HKN, IEEE SILVERSTEIN, RUSSELL LEE, Houston Zoology, AEJI, HI:, AEt., BK, Honor Roll, Freshman Council SIMMONS, DAN WALTER, White Deer Mathematics SIMMONS, KATINA, Amarillo Art History, XO, Art Association SIMON, BARBARA BELLE, Austin Fashion Design, AEcl> SIMONDS, ELWOOD EUGENE Ill, Irving Psychology and Sociology SIMONS, ALLEN BRUCE, Houston Marketing, AA9, MUN, Upperclass Advisors, Students' Association Committee, Freshman Council SKANDALIS, KIKI A ., Houston History and Government, Upperclass Advisors, Corathers Adviser, Students Association Committees, TSEA, Out­standing Student SKELTON, WILLIAM LLOYD, Hallettsville Mathematics, longhorn Flying Club, ACM, lntramurals SKINNER, MICHAEL LEE, Richardson Chemical Engineering, AIChE SKRHAK, JOHN MARTIN JR., Houston Economics, A4>0, Tejas Club, Economic Club SLEDGE, ROLAND EDWARD JR., Houston History, <1>60 SLIPAKOFF, MERYL PHYLLIS, Houston Biology, l:.6.T, Spooks, Students' Association Committee SLOAN, LLOYD REYNOLDS, San Antonio Psychology and Mathematics, HI:, K, BK, Scabbard and Blode, AROTC SMALLWOOD, THOMAS M., Rockport Pharmacy SMITH, BEVERLY MURDAUGH, Palestine Government, ZTA SMITH, CAROL JUNE, Crane History and English, KKr, Ashbel literary Society SMITH, CAROL SYLVIA, Corpus Christi General Business, ZTA 521 0 0 -' , ' • r ·~... :, ........~'. • • • • : '•• ! ••• '~ •• '• :.,..~.;.. •~: .!:.··: ,! ,:,~ ;: ~~.:..:.:, •o .. ~ ~ :, ••••; ... : : •• :; ·• ·:• .~·:: • ..:,·., • :.:.·:!: fr;:::::;.;9!:!-I •• '. ' "'' :: Graduating Seniors SNYDER, MARGARET JEAN, San Antonio Mathematics, AAO., K, BK, UTSA SOLOMON, ROBERT ALLAN, Dallas Accounting, 4>l:A SOLTANI, MOHAMMAD YETI, Meshed, Iran Electrical Engineering, Iranian Students Association SOUTHWICK, THOMAS STANLEY, Friend, Neb. Engineering Route to Business Administration, ~Kit SPARKS, DAVID ROWE, Brookhaven, Miss. Marketing and Law SPELL, STANLEY JOE, Austin Mechanical Engineering, ASME, TSPE SPENCER, MARTHA ELLEN, Austin Mathematics, BSU , lntromurals SPIVAK, BARBARA, Corpus Christi Elementary Education, O.E, Ko.JI SPRADLEY, SHERRY JANE, Houston Speech Therapy, KK.r, !AH, Ten Most Beautiful, Cordettes SQUYRES, LOUIS LEROY, Tyler Marketing, AK'i', KK'i', Longhorn Band STALL, NANCY ANN, Smithville Elementary Education, TSEA STANLEY, JOSEPH ANDREW Ill, Lubbock Finance, ATA, Silver Spurs, Insurance Society, American Finance Association STANLEY, NORMA SUE, Galena Park Business Education, TIDIT, Texas Union Committee, Kinsolving Adv iser and Student Ass istant STAPLETON, JAMES ALEXANDER, Hillsboro Personnel Management STARGEL, MICHAEL DON, Amarillo Microbiology, O.TO., AEO. STARK, JUDY KAY, Fort Worth Clothing, Design and Tutiles STARK, TEMPLE CUNNINGHAM, Jacksboro Finance, Ben. Texas Cowboys, Teoxs Union Committee, Freshman Council Adviser, freshman Assembly STASNEY, BILLY LEE, San Angelo History, Hebrew Club STAUTBERG, AUBREY THEODORE JR., Houston American Studies, Ben, freshman Council, lntramurols STAVINOHA, JEAN MARIE, Schulenburg Advert i, ing , et•, rAX, Newman Club, International Club, PRSSA SMITH, CHARLES BRUNNER, Austin Accounting, Br:!: , BA'i', K, 00.K, Honor Roll , IDR, Dean's list SMITH, DAVID MICHAEL, Kilgore English ond Philosophy, Vor>ity Baseball, Longhorn Flying Club SMITH, DAVID NOYES, Dallas Plan II, Texas Union Committees, Karate Club, lntramurals SMITH, DELMAS LOUIS, Baytown Electrical Engineering, IEEE, Underwater Society SMITH, DENNIS EARL, Tyler Personnel Management, Society for Advancement of Manage· ment, Young Americans for freedom, YR SMITH, EDGAR ASHLEY, Houston Economics, ATD, Orientation Adviser, freshman Council Adviser, IFC, Posse SMITH, ELTA ENID, Austin Elementary Education, AOJI SMITH, GAVIN HARRIS, Houston Finance, ATO SMITH, GORDON BENNETT JR ., Gainesville English, IT.64>1 Freshman Council, Pre-law Association, NSEA, Honor Roll SMITH, GREGORY FRANKLIN, Houston Economics, l:JT, Honors Program , ACM SMITH, JAMES ROBERT, Houston Government SMITH, JOHANNA LOUETTA, Austin Psychology, Organization for Students of Objectivism, Y, Interdisciplinary Retreat, Challenge SMITH, MICHAEL DEAN, Cleburne Physics SMITH, RICHARD EARL, Clifton Finance, Longhorn Flying Club SMITH, ROBERT MARION, Arlington Chemistry, American Chem ical Society SMITH, SUSAN KAYE, Tyler Interior Design, AZ, ON, AID, Home Economics Chapter, Campus Chest SMITH, TRESCOTI KIMMERJON, Nacona Advertising , KO.JI, Hl:, AO.:!:, KTA, School of Com­ munications Council , Journalism Honors Program, Chai· lenge, Karate Club SMITH, WILLIAM STEPHEN, Floresville Management and Marketing, 4>Ki', YR SNIDOW, FRANK CHAPMAN, Richardson Finance and Real Estate, Freshman Council, Real Estate Society, Finance Club SNOWDEN, JUDY CAROL, Sherman Engl ish, Longhorn Band, TSEA 522 ' ' I h ' -' I -• ' ' ' •• I t • • ' I ' ' -·~ o ' ' •I ; • •• ' ' • :••• ''"•-· '"' ·:•• • -' • • STELLING, MARVIN JOE, Dallas Physics, A{), longhorn Band STEPHEN, LESLIE VIDA, Falls Church, Va. Latin American Studies, Acl>, Spooks, Interdisciplinary Re­treat, Campus Chest, Round-Up. STEPHENS, MICHAEL PATRICK, Houston Geology STEPHENS, SHARON IONA, Dallas Spanish and Anthropology, AAA, Freshman Council, little Sigmas of Sigma Chi STEPHENSON, KATHLEEN BESS, Dallas Journalism , KTA , 9I,_ Upperclass Advisors STERETT, EDITH ANN, Houston Speech ond English , KATI STERNBERG, FRED ALAN, San Antonio Insurance, Insurance Society, House of Delegates STETZER, CYNTHIA NAN, New Orleans, La. Government, Il1T STEVES, DIANA, Bay City Interior Design, 1166, AID STEWART, CHERYL DELAINE, Midland French STEWART, ELAINE MARGARET, Corpus Christi Office Administration STEWART, ELIZABETH MILLER, Corpus Christi Office Administration STEWART, JAMES PAUL, San Antonio Advertising, Newman Club, ML STINSON, ALAN LYNN, Grapevine Accounting , IT!, BA'!' STIRANKA, BARBARA JEAN, Houston Economics, AXO, Al ESEC STOVAL, SUSAN LYNN, Dallas Mathematics, tlr, Freshman Council, Round-Up STRASS, STEPHANIE, Seabrook French, Freshman Council, longhorn Singers, lnterna.. tional Club, Deon's list STRAW, CYNTHIA RUTH, San Antonio Mathematics and Radio-TV-Film, AEP, Upperclass Advisor STRIMPLE, LYNDA KAY, Temple Music Education, TBI, Symphonic Band, longhorn Band STRINGER, JOE FRANK, Henderson Phormacy, AX STRINGER, STEVE CHARLES, Richardson Pharmacy, KA, Freshman Council Adviser STRIPLING, CRAIG, Nacogdoches History, IAE, Texos Cowboys STUBBLEFIELD, JOE LEE, Dallas Architecture, APX, T!/1, Sphinx, Assembly, Architecture Coun­ cil, Image, Orientation Advisor, AIA, Goodfellow, Outstand­ ing Student STUDDARD, CLIFFORD LESLIE II, Dallas Finance STUYCK, STEPHEN CHRISTOPHER, Baton Rouge, la. Advertising, MI, KTA, Daily Texan, Freshman Council SULAK, ALBIN RUDOLPH JR., West Pharmacy SUTHERLAND, RICHARD THOMAS, Houston Rad io-TV, X SUTHERLAND, SANDRA JEANETTE, Houston Marketing, llZ, American MarketinQ Association SUTTON, JERREL HOWARD, Dallas Arch itecture, APX SVOBODA, DANIEL JERRY JR., Victoria Electrical Engineering, IEEE SWINDLE, SUSAN LILLIAN, Waco Engl ish, KA6 SYKES, TALMADGE WESLEY JR., Nashville, Tenn. Mathematics, YR TACQUARD, JULIUS LEE, Galveston Interior Design, r.d, AID TAMPKE, SALLY KATHERINE, Austin Mathematics, K.6.JT, Littlefield and Blanton Adviser, College life TANKERSLEY, JOHN CHARLES, San Antonio Mechan ical Eng ineering, ASME TAPLIN, JOHN DAVID, Kingsville History TARVER, ELDON LYNN, Austin Personnel Management TARVER, NANCY NATIONS, Austin English TATMAN, GEORGE F., Dallas Accounting, Acl>O, YR, Christion Science Organization TAYLOR, BOBBY DARRELL, Alice Aerospace Engineering, TBTT, IrT, AIAA 523 TAYLOR, BUFORD FRANKLIN, Phoenix, Ariz. Government, 9 .!, AXE. lntromurols, YR, MUN, Rayburn Debating Society TAYLOR, CHARLES A. JR., Austin Insurance, j,£JT, CBA Council TAYLOR, CONNIE LYNN, Port Lavaca Home Economics, Panhellenic, Home Economics Chapter TAYLOR, GAY, Longview Government and History, A~fl. Ill:A, Panhellenic, SRO Adviser, Scottish Scholars TAYLOR, MARTHA ELIZABETH, Houston Microbiology, A4> TAYLOR, RONALD DAVID, San Antonio Rod io-TV-Film TEAL, MARILYN KAY, Houston Interior Design, r4>B, Panhellenic, House of Delegates, AID TERILLI, JAMES LOUIS, Dallas Industrial Management, AK'I', House of Delegates, So· ciety for the Advancement of Management, Newman Club, Chollenge TerMAATH, STEPHEN GRANT, San Antonio Civil Engineering, XE, TBIT, ASCE, MCC The Slog Co.op, Goodfellow TEZEL, PAUL EUGENE, San Antonio Accounting, XA THAMES, ROBERT CARROLL, San Antonio Marketing, Acacia THAYER, FRANCIS NEWTON, Orange Journal ism, AO THIELE, JUANICE VELMA, McDade Elemenlory Educolion, K6n, SEA, ACE THOMAS, CHARLIE JOSEPH, Atla nta Civil Eng ineering THOMAS, JUDITH ROBERTA, Dallas Elementary Education THOMAS, LINDA, San Antonio Elementary Education THOMAS, MARTINE BINDER, Redlands, Calif. Elementary Education, K~TI THOMAS, PATRICIA ANN, Dallas Engl ish a nd History THOMPSON, CARL WAYNE, Irving Mechanical Engineering, ASME THOMPSON, JAMES LANNING, Austin Aerospace Eng ineering, TKE, TBn, l:IT, AIM THOMPSON, KENNETH DAVID, Houston Electrical Engineering, 9Z, TDIT, HKN, IEEE, Engineering Fellow, Men's Glee Club THOMPSON, KINMAN BROCK, Victoria Accounting THOMPSON, PATRICIA, Austin Biology, KKr THOMPSON, PEYTON LEE, Willis Chemistry, AO, Texas Union end Student Association Com· mittees THOMPSON, THOMAS EDWIN, Temple Sociology THOMPSON, THOMAS HALL, Dallas Finance, X4> THURMAN, JOHN HOMER, San Antonio Accounting , -1!.n TIEMANN, OLIN RAY, Taylor Civil Engineering, ASCE TIMM, SUSAN, College Station Secondary Education, Freshman Council, TSEA TOCKER, MADELINE JAYNE, Waco Journalism and English, Doily Texa n TODD, LAURIE, Irving Engl ish TOMKINS, GEORGE PHILLIP, McCamey Phormacy, H:!:, A'i', K, BK VAUGHAN, RONALD ROSS, Dallas Accounting, Ar VAUGHTER, ELIZABETH, Haskell Speech VEILUVA, SUZANNE DELL, Washington, D.C. Elementary Education, Al'6, IIA9, AA6, Kt.II, Interna ­tional Club VERHEYDEN, CHARLES NASH, Jacksonville Zoology, Simkins Epicurean Association VOGES, MARK RICHARD, New Braunfels Music Education, Symphonic Bond VOLKENING, JANIS JO, Lake Jackson linguistics, AAA, TBI, 0, YR WADDY, ERNESTINE, Sweeny Microbiology, NAP, YD WADE, JEFFREY BRIAN, Houston Physics, Underwater Society WA DE, RO BE RT LOUIS, Big Spring Accou nting , TI KA WADE, VIRGINIA MAY, Corpus Christi Elementary Education, KATI, TIA0 WAGGONER, EASLEY BOWL, Dallas Bus iness, l:AE WAGNER, BARBARA NELL, Crosby Mathemat ics, A'Z!l, Panhellen ic, Texas Union and Stu­dent Association Committees, Challenge, SKUNKS, Stu­dents' Art Association 525 Elementa ry Education, l:~T WAGNER, SUSAN, Fort Worth Journalism, AOII, 01:4', Doily Texan WALKER, DIXIE LEE, Eagle Lake Government, ITJ\9, Students' Association Committee, Intro· murals, Uppercloss Advisor WALLACE, BETTYE LOU, Hughes Springs History, Challenge, BK WALLACE, RICHARD JAMES JR., Donna Pion II, Premed ical, AE6, Deon's list, Freshman Coun· cil WALLACE, WILLIAM LEWIS, Gonzales Sociology, Deon's list WALTER, DONALD JOSEPH, San Angelo Aerospace Engineering WALTERS, JAMES ROYCE, Dallas Microb iology WARD, JENNABETH LOUISE, Abilene American Studies, NAP, Y, University Chorus WARD, LINDA LEA, Waco Engl ish, A6Jl, Public Relations Student Society of America, Round -Up WARD, LLOYD RAY, San Antonio Marketing, YR, Longhorn Demoloy Club WARD, VIVIAN WOOLDRIDGE, Austin Engl ish WAREING, JULIE ELIZABETH, Houston Biology, IlB«I>, longhorn Singers, International Club WARING, HILDA SUZANNE, LaMarque Engl ;sh, 666, Southern Belles WARREN, JOSEPH FREDERICK, Nederland Economics, longhorn Band WARREN, ROGERS PATION, Beaumont Mechanical Engineering, longhorn Flying Club, ASME WARRINER, RICHARD ARTHUR, Midland Aerospace Engineering, 9~, TBII, 4>HE, Err, 4>K4>, Engineering Fellows, AIAA WASHBURN, ROY STAFFORD, San Antonio Psychology, B9 11 WASHINGTON, DAVID RICHARD, Lewisville Civil Engineering, ASCE, Engineering Council Graduating Seniors WATERHOUSE, LARRY GENE, Dallas Government WATERS, SHARON SUE, Dallas Interior Design, 6.r, O rder of the Blu e Iris, AI D WATERS, TERRY DON, Lindale Mathematics WATKINS, NORMA SCOTI, San Benito Engl ish and History WATKINS, WILLIAM MACKEY, Paint Rock Zoology WATSON, BEVERLY A NN, Hurst Journalism, KTA, 91:<1>, K, School of Communica tion Council WATSON, CHARLES MICHAEL, Terrell Electrical Engineering, TBII, HKN, Hl:, IEEE, En · gineering Fellows WATSON, DAVID AUSTIN, Sherman General Business, 6.r, Representative Porty WATSON, JAMES ERSKINE JR., Katy Pharmacy, IIKA, LPhA WATSON, SHELBY EDWARD, Austin Spanish and Histo ry, AO, TSTA WEAVER, JAMES WILLIAM, Mesquite Mathematics, ACM WEAVER, THAD WARSAW Ill, Friendswood Mothemotou, l:X, AO, Longhorn Flying Club WEBB, CHARLES RICHEY, Dallas Sociology, Veterans Association WEBB, WILFORD CARL, Austin Finance, American Finance Association, Honor Roll WEBER, DONALD JOSEPH, Hitchcock Finance, A~O. AK'I', Tejos Club, Pre-law Association WECHSLER, JAN DIANE, San Antonio Elementary Education, A'E.fi, Tues Union Committee, Challenge, TSTA WEIL, MICHAEL MAX, Corpus Christi Finance and Accounting, 6.l:fl WEINER, SANFORD ALAN, Houston Economics, HI, 06E, BK, Y, Hillel Foundation, House of Delegates, Pre-low Association, Goodfellow WEISE, CAROL LEA, Bellaire Mathematics , Speleological Society WEISER, RALPH THOMAS, LaGrange Park, Ill. •adio-TV·Folm, KUT-FM 526 • : ' I to.••-•-'t ' ... • .... o 0 I •O• t > •: '••• :_•! • o •of ~ • •• '• I ' '.'" ..... _, ,:, ·:•• f -• • • WEISS, RONALD ARTHUR, Galveston Premedical, Zoology, .l:AM, Texas Cowboys, IFC WEISSER, FRANK MARTIN, Fort Worth Chemical Engineering, B0II, H.l:, TBII, AIChE, Engineering Fellows WEITZNER, ESTHER JUDITH, Veracruz, Mexico Psychology WEKSLER, RONNI JOY, Coral Gables, Fla. History, .l:6T, .l:E, Spooks, Orange Jockeh, Student As­ sociation and Texas Union Committees, Golden Hearts WELCH, DARRELL G. JR., San Antonio Architecture, APX, AIA WELCH, HUBERT HAROLD JR., Cisco Architecture, APX, AIA, Architecture Council WELDON, SHARON KAY, Fort Worth Political Science, Il!A, cl>ll Kinsolving, Government Honors Program WELLER, CAROL ANN, San Antonio Mathematics ond History, AZ.6., Order of Blue Iris, Chol· lenge, MUN, I ntromurols WELLS, JOHN ANTHONY, Odessa Psychology WELP, BARBARA JUNE, Richardson Elementory Education, Newmon Holl Adviser WERLEIN, PRESLEY EWING Ill, Houston Accoun ting, «P.6.0, Freshman Council WESTERMAN, ERIC LANE, Lake Jackson Microbio logy, IIKA, AE6, Hl: WHEETLEY, KIM ALAN, White Deer Educational Therapy, K6II, Hl:, K, Deon's Honor Roll WHELESS, WILLIAM MEADE, Houston Finance, j,9, Freshman Track, Real Estate Society, In­surance Club, Freshman Council WHITAKER, CHERYL KAY, Tyler Journalism, .6.r, Doily Texon, Texas Union Comm ittee WHITE, JERRY B., Austin Economics WHITE, LINDA LEE, Bellaire H istory WHITFIELD, JUDITH ANN, Amarillo Hi story WHITING, WILLIAM ALEXANDER, Houston Government, AIESEC, YR WHITLEY, JERRY BOB, Greenville Account ing WIEDE, MARGARET LILLIAN, Edna Home Economics, Student Nutrition Organization, Home Economics Chapter WIEDERANDERS, DAVID GENE, Round Rock Engineering Science, IEEE , TSPE, longhorn Flying Club WIESE, GLEN EDWARD, Eagle Lake Pharmacy WILBANKS, HUGH Ill, Corpus Christi Aerospace Engineering, TB, l:['T, TBII, AIAA WILDFANG, PHILIP HENRY, Bismarck, N. Oak. Psychology WILKERSON, JOHN WILEY, Houston Government WILLETIE, JOHN GEORGE, Corpus Christi Phys ia WILLIAMS, BONNIE JEANNE, Dallas Pharmacy, KE, LPhA, YR , International Club WILLIAMS, DONNA LYNNE, Corpus Christi History WILLIAMS, ERNEST LEROY JR., Ballinger Aerospace Engineering, AIAA, Power Show, Engineering Council, Simkins Epicureans Associat ion WILLIAMS, JAMES RAWLS, Groesbeck Aerospace Enginee.ring, TBII, !rr, 4'Kclt, 4'Hl: , Engineer· ing Fellow, Honor Roll, AIAA, AFROTC, Distinguished Military Graduate, Arnold Air Society WILLIAMS, MELLIE JO, Marshall Radio-TV-Film, A'Z6, AEP, YR, Acacia Order of Delphi WILLIAMS, RHANA K., Austin English, AA6, r6E, BK, SEA, Scope WILLIAMS, RONALD DAVID, Texa;kana Marketing, Acacia, lntromurals WILLIAMSON, ROBERT ARTHUR, Poteet Premedical-Zoology WILLINGHAM, MARIAN ANN, Abilene Special Educot ion WILLIS, JAMES ROBERT, Pasadena Accounting WILLKE, BEVERLY JANE, Houston Zoology, International Club, Underwater Society, Chal­ lenge WILSON, BILLY WAYNE, Dallas Industrial Relations, 6.l:II , Amer ican Marketing Associa­ tion , YR WILSON, JAMES PRESTON, Corpus Christi Mathematics, Student Christian Fellowship 527 .. .. . . . ; ........ :. ~.....:~·. . .. : ... ! ·~·. ! .. :. ~.~~.~....;:.: 7.!:·~ .!' ;:;~ ;: ~...:.~.:. ·~ :: ~ :.....; ~: ;.. . :· '!.. ·::~.··:; •..:.:. ; :.: "."!:fr~;~:-~ .. . ·. ·. . ..· . :·i Graduating Seniors WRIGHT, DAVID WESLEY, Fort Worth Finance, l:N, Real Estate Society, American Finance As· sociotion, lntromurals, Texas Union Committees WRIGHT, ROSALIND, Taft Special Education, AXO, Freshman Council, Kinsolving Ad~ v1ser, Student Council for Exceptional Children WROBLESKI, REGIS JEROME, Austin Pharmacy WYMAN, PAMELA YOUNG, Freeport English, XO WYMAN, WILLIAM CLATON JR., Duncanville f inance , ATj,, Real Estate Society WYRICK, JEAN CARROLL, Texarkana Engl os h, KKr WYRICK, MILTON DESMOND, Dallas Electrical Engineering, Hl: , SAME , AROTC YANTIS, GARY WILLIAM, San Antonio Personnel Management, Underwater Society YARBOROUGH, SALLY ANN, Houston Ma thematics and Spanish , TB:!:, TIA0, BK, Longhorn Band, SRO Adviser, Scottish Scholars, Orange Jackets, Mortar Boord YARBROUGH, ANN, San Antonio French, AX O, Texas Union Committee, Round·Up YARLING, CHARLES BYRON, Austin Mathematics, clt~tA, Longhorn Band YATES, LINDA RUTH, Trinidad finance , AAj, , YR YOUNG, DONNA RAE, Kerrville History YOUNGBLOOD, DAVID CRAIG, San Antonio H11tory ZAHN, CHARLES EDWARD, Wharton Tronsportotton , j!\A ZALMAN, JOHN P., El Campo Government ZANK, JILL ANNE, Houston Elementary Education, Andrews Adviser ZAPP, PAM, Houston Mark1t1ng , l'fl>B ZINN, JAMES FRANKLYN, Austin Speech, Veteran's Auociotion ZION, SHARON, New Orleans, La. Journalism, Doily Texan WILSON, JULIE, Piedmont, Calif. Sociology, KA6 WINCKLER, SUZANNE, Houston Journal ism , .lr, 0Lcl> WINDECKER, THEODORE ROLF, Midland Engineering Science WISER, RICHARD CALVEN, Plano Transportation, llXA, AFROTC, Deon 's List , Honor Student WISNER, LINDA ELIZABETH, San Antonio Advert ising , 0!., fAX, Cactus WITTMAN, MAROLYN, Austin Sociology, ZTA , Texas Un ion Council, TTT, Visiting Fel· lows, Orange Jockets, Mortar Boord, Goodfellow, A&S Council, Freshman Orientation and Advisor, Deon's List, Uppercloss Advisors, Silver Spur Award WOLF, KENNETH HERMAN, Port Arthur Psychology, :!:TI, BK WOLFE, LORA ANN, Freeport Social Studies, KATI, SNEA WOLFF, SHERYL ANNE, Corpus Christi Art Education, ,\j,Jl, Round-Up, Order of Blue Iris, Texas Un ion Committee WOLTERS, KAY LYNN, Shiner Speech and English, A, KATI, Littlefield Adviser, Summer Orientation Adviser, Sweethearts of Chokett WOOD, FRANK MICHAEL, APO New York History, )!, )[E, l:T:'>, Wesley Foundation, YR, Deon's list WOOLRICH, SHARON CATHERINE, Houston Elementary Education, Texas Union Committees, lntromurals, Freshman Council, Uppercloss Advisor WORD, JAMES ALAN, Longview Personnel Management, 6.r, Uni\'ersity Chorus , Freshman Council WRAY, JOHN HAL, Orange Electrical Engineering, TBTI, Hl:, HKN, IEEE WRAY, NANCY ELAINE, Robstown Speech Therapy, tr, Acacia Order of Delphia, Communi· cat ions Council, Freshman Council Adviser, Represenlo· live Porty, Kinsolving Adviser WRIGHT, DAVID OLCOTT, Harlingen History WRIGHT, DAVID RAY, San Antonio Accounting, 6!.II 528 • ' ' I• ·•• ·-'t .., '~ o I ' o I ' •' •' t '-~ • • ••I • • " '• + ' • ,., .........., +•I ';,, t -• • • ADAMS, JOHN WILLIAM, Laird Hill ADAMS, WILLIAM THOMAS, Cedar Creek ADDINGTON, NANCY NELL, Dallas ADDINGTON, STEPHEN LESLIE, Seguin ADKINS, JACK M., Austin ALLEN, KENNETH WITTEN, San Antonio ALLEN, RODNEY PHILLIP, Houston ALLISON, BARRETT DONALD, North Olmstead, Ohio ANDERLE, CHARLES DEAN, Midland ANDERSON, RONALD CHARLES, Weatherford ANTRIM, PAUL ALAN, Sulphur Springs ARTHUR, KENNETH STUART, Dallas ASH, CLYDE STEWART, Bishop ASHWORTH, MARY KATHRYN, Dallas BALAS, STEPHEN KENT, Eagle Lake BANE, PATRICIA A., Weatherford BANKS, WILLIAM RAY, Austin BARD, DOUGLAS THORNTON, El Campo BARNARD, HERBERT JOSEPH, JR., Austin BARROW, CHARLES WALLACE, JR., San Antonio BARTLEMAY, SUSAN ELAINE, Richmond, Ind. BARTOSH, KENNETH JOHN, Austin BAUKNIGHT, STELLA LYNN, Austin BEAN, ALLAN KLARK, Orange BISSETT, THOMAS EDWARD, Corpus Christi BLACKSTONE, SAM NEAL, JR., Austin BLANKS, DAN HARVE, Clyde BLOOM, BARRY MARSHAL, Dallas BOOK, WAYNE JOHN, Miles BOOKER, PATRICIA ANN, Houston BOSWELL, BILLY WAYNE, Dallas BOWER, BONITA LOUISE, Dallas BOYD, MONROE BUCHANNAN, JR., Austin BOYD, STEPHEN ORVAL, Hale Center BRIGGS, CURTIS G., Houston BRIMBERRY, VIRGINIA NELL, Crockett BRIMBERRY, WOODROW MICHAEL, Crockett BRISBIN, ROBERT EDWARD, JR., Temple BROOKS, CAROLYN, Beaumont BROOKS, JOHN HOWELL, Hempstead Seniors BROOKS, JOYCE KOCUREK, Lexington BROOKS, WILLIAM LEE, Richardson BROWN, BARBARA JILL, Sherman BROWN, CHARLES OWEN, Omaha BROWN, WILLIAM F~ANK, Corpus Christi BRYAN, RICHARD MORRIS, Cleburne BRYANT, JOHN LAY, Longview BUCHHOLTZ, WILLIAM WARREN , Luling BUGNA, WILLIAM STEPHEN, JR., Nederland BUNTEN, ALLYNID MARGARET, San Antonio BURDEN, ROBERT EDWARD, San Antonio BURNHAM, MAXIE EARL, Houston BURROW, GLENN ARLEN, Texarkana BUTLER, JOHN DAVID, Houston BYMAN, NELSON ALLEN, Gilmer CALHOUN, CATHRYN ELAINE, Amarillo CALHOUN, CHESTER CHARLES, Hebbronville CARR, LINDA LOU, Lake Jackson ' CARRINGTON, ILENE PATRICIA, Mexia CARTER, DAVID RAY, Dallas CARTER, NANCY, Dilley CARVAJAL, RAYMOND ROLAND, San Antonio CASH, RICHARD MERLIN, Waco CASTETER, DON WILLIAM, Seguin CAVAZOS, HELEN, Dallas CAVETT, WILLIAM ANDREW, San Antonio CHAMPION, JOHN WILLIAM JR., Groesbeck CHOBAN, YVETTE, LOUISE, Austin CLARK, MARK EDWIN, San Antonio CLEMENTS, BRADLEY SPENCER, Houston CLEMENTS, PEGGY LYNN, Brownwood COLE, TRENTON CECIL, Corpus Christi COUCH, J. 0 . TERRELL, JR., Houston COUCH, STEPHEN LYNN, Dallas CROCKER, DENNIS JAMES, Angleton CRUTCHFIELD, JAY DEAN, San Antonio CURTIS, RONALD WINSTON, Houston DANIEL, GAYLON. RAY, Bertram DANIEL, JERRY DALE, Odessa DAVIS, ADRIAN AVERIL, JR., Crockett 529 . .... -~ '' ... ··-.' . . . ' ... ' ...·: .. . .. ~ . .. . ' . .........__ .. ·::.. . -' .. HUDSON, MAXINE, San Antonio HUFFHINES, ROBERT EMORY, Richardson HUGHES, MARY FRANCES, Brownsville HULL, HOLIDAY, Houston IRWIN, JAMES WARREN, JR., Tatum ISBELL, JOHN CURTIS, JR., Silsbee JOHNSON, CARLETTA JO, Pampa JOHNSON, DONALD VIVIAN, Orange JOHNSON, NANCY LEE, San Antonio JOHNSlON, LUCI, San Antonio JUNCKER, WALTER KURT, JR., Beaumont KAPER, WILBERT JAMES, JR., La Marque KATTAWAR, KENNETH ADAM, Dallas KIMBROUGH, BIRCH DUKE, Terrell KINARD, WRAY WATKINS, Dallas KINSALA, RICHARD RAY, San Antonio KINSEY, HAYWOOD W., JR., Baytown KITTLES, PATRICIA LOUISE, Athens KLEINMAN, HARRELL, MARC, San Angelo KNIGHTON, JAMES ALLEN, Naples KOPECKY, SAMUEL RAYNER, Austin KOSIK, ALFRED HANS, Thrall KUHLMAN, ROBERT PHILLIP, Beaumont LACKEY, MICHAEL ELLIOTT, Mexico City, Mexico LAIRD, FRANK JOHN, Austin LANGSTON, JIMMY ALF, Longview LAW, STUART WILLIAM, League City LEE, JUNG MAE, Altheimer, Ark. LEONARD, LARRY WOOD, Houston LESHER, M. MARK, Bartlesville, Okla. LEWIS, MERRIET ELIZABETH, San Angelo LITTELL, EDWARD HAROLD, JR., San Antonio LOVE, MICHAEL EDWARD, Dallas LOVE, RICHARD MERRILL, Houston LOWE, CHERYL ELIZABETH, Bryan LUKSA, JAMES LEE, Rosenberg LUTTRELL, DONALD DALE, Mclean, Va. LYON, JAMES FULLER, Ill, Baytown L VONS, MARSHA SWENSON, Austin MAGEE, OTIS JOSEPH, Baytown Seniors MAHAFFEY, JOHN MICHAEL, Canton MALY, CAROLYN ELIZABETH, Texarkana MANCIAS, DOLORES JANE, Corpus Christi MANSFIELD, ELWYN VERNON, Merkel MARSHALL, HOWARD McCALEB, Houston MARSHMAN, JAN, Palestine MARTIN, BETTY ANN, Baytown MARTINEZ, GUADALUPE, Alice MASTERS, GREGORY BRUCE, Corpus Christi MATZINGER, JOHN DELMO, Graham McADAM, DENNY GAYE, Austin McCATHREN, JO CHERYL, Breckenridge McCOMBS, MICHAEL LEE, Waco McDONALD, JOE BAILEY, Abilene McELROY, DAVID WILLIAM, LaGrange McELROY, JOE PAUL, Troup McFARLAND, DORIS ANN, Houston McHENRY, CHRISTOPHER JACK, Houston McMURTRY, MARILYNN, Clarendon McNEELY, DAVID COY, Austin McVEY, LYNDA KAY, Austin MEADERS, THOMAS F .. Dallas MEEHAN, HELENE RUTH, Fort Worth MEISENHEIMER, LINDA FAY, Tyler MILLER, RICH LEE, Godley MILLS, GEORGE FRANKLIN, JR., Dallas MOORE, MICHAEL LYNNE, Richardson MOORE, ROBERT ALLEN, San Antonio MOOS, MARVIN DAVID, San Angelo MORGAN, SHERIDYN SHELBY, Deleon MOSLEY, CARROLL DAVID, Buna MURPHY, GEORGE EARL, Conroe MURREY, MIKAL LEON, Dallas NABER, NANCY, Dallas NAUMAN, DENNY, Richardson NEILL, GEORGE HENRY, Borger NELSON, MALCOLM GEORGE, Austin NELSON, RONALD TRAMEL, Longview NEW, ROBERT SYDNEY, Houston NEWTON, KATHRYN LOUISE, Houston 531 ~ - . -~ • ' : • f ..... : ........:~·. • • • • • •• ! ... '! .... :.:~.......;:.:;: 1~": .~ .;::~·;: :·.::.:. ·~ .. ~ ~ :. .... ;"II: :.. . . :: ..-· ··:".":: •...: . . :.:-'!: ~::;;;.;.~·!:~-~ ~ . . . .. .·: . .·i Seniors RHEA, KATHLEEN, McAllen RHODES, CAROLE PRIM, Dallas RICHARDSON, JAMES ALLAN, Pleasanton RI CHARDSON , WILLIAM HAROLD, Fort Worth RIDER, HARRY WAYNE, Floresville ROBERTS, JOSEPH ENOCH, Abilene ROBERTS, KENT WILLIS, San Antonio ROBI NSON, RICHARD COAD, Sherman ROBISON, LEONARD J., II, Da'las RO DGERS, BOBBY GLEN, Gorman ROMAN, GIL DA CHR ISTI N, Baytown ROTIER, SHERYL ANN E, Austi n ROUNTREE, WILEY BARRY, San Ang elo RUCKMAN, EDITH JEANNE, Carswell AFB SANCHEZ, SYLVIA ANNA, San Antonio SANDERS, VIRGINIA LEE, Albany SATSKY, KAREN ANN, Austi n SCARAMELL, SANDRA LOU, Abilene SCHIEFFER, RAYMOND CHARLES, Austin SCHMIDT, EDDIE CHARLES, II, Fort Worth SCLERANDI, LAWRENCE V., JR., Port Arthur SCOTI, MARY SUSAN, Dallas SEBESTA, ANN FRANCES, Snook SEFCIK, JAMIE GLENN, San Angelo SHELBY, ELIZABETH, Tyler SHEPARD, JOHN CALVIN, JR., Richardson SHEPPARD, LORNA JEANNE, Clarksville SHERIDAN, PEGGY ANN, Arlington SHERMAN, MICHAEL HUGH, Victoria SHINN, JULIE ANN, Houston SIMMONS, ROBERT HOLLOWAY, Brownwood SKELTON, JANET SUE, Houston SLACK, JAMES GREGORY, Lufkin SMID, GEORGE ELLIOTT, Edinburg SMITH, PAUL SEWARD, San Angelo SMITH, ROBERT NELSON, Ill, Harlingen SMITH, SCOTI MURRAY, San Antonio SMITH, SHARON ANN, Tyler SMITH, STEVEN GRAYSON, Brielle, N. J. SOMMERS, STEVEN WAYNE, Miami Beach, Fla . 532 NICHTER, HERBERT DON, Fort Worth NILES, WILLIAM JOHN, Austin NOLAN, DAVID THOMAS, Houston NORMAN, NANCY BLYE, Burlington, Kans. NOVICK, FRANCES SUE, El Paso NUCKOLS, TRAVIS DALE, Hitchcock OBERG, VICTORIA SHIRLEEN, Hitchcock O'BRYAN, MARGARET SHANE, Austin OLIVARES, JOSE R., Corpus Christi OLIVIER, KENNETH CLARKE, Houston ORLANDO, RONALD JOSEPH, Fort Worth OWEN, WILLIAM MARSHALL, JR., Dallas OZMUN, LAURA ANN, Dallas PANCIERA, RICHARD CONNER, Watch Hill, R. I. PANZARELLA, CARL JOSEPH, Humble PARKER, JAMES CAROL, Belton PARKER, JOHN DAVID, Houston PARKHURST, MARGARET ROSE, Universal City PARKISON, RANDAL HAROLD, Dallas PARMER, KAREN LYNN , Lometa PERRENOT, EDWARD HARLAN, Laredo PETERS, PAUL JAMES, San Antonio PORTER, DONAH LEE, Odessa POTTER, TERRY EUGENE, San Antonio POWELL, MILTON CARL, Wichita Falls POYNER, THOMAS NATHANIEL, Dallas PRICE, JEFFREY MICHAEL, Baytown PURCELL, ADONIA JANE, Wharton PURCELL, DONALD WAYNE, Alexander, Va. PURYEAR, JIMMY WAYNE, Weatherford RABENSBURG, AUBREY NEALE, Houston RAINEY, CAROLYN ANN, Shreveport, La. RAMMING, RANDY ROGER, Lake Jackson RAY, BOBBY GENE, Midland RAYBURN, ANITA KAY, San Diego, Calif. RAYE, TOMMY DOC, Sonora READ, RONALD ALAN, Baytown REDING, JANE SHARON, Taft REED, WILLIAM CLAY, Dallas REEVES, ROBERT GLENN, Dallas ......_.. !·•· ­ . . ' ' •..•. ·~ '' .... ·~.. ' . • • ' ..• '·_·! . . . .• . .. " . ' .........._ •• ' ·· ... -..• SOURS, SANDRA ANN, Austin SPANGLER, DONALD EDWARD, Houston SPARKS, GORDON ELLIOTT, Austin SPARKS, HUGH CULLEN, Pasadena SPEARS, JAMES BURCH, Houston SPENCE, SUSAN-DEL, Tyler SPENCER, OLVIS RAY, Dimmitt SPENRATH, CURTIS ARTHUR, Comfort STALLKNECHT, WILLIAM ADAMS, Brookshire STARK, PATRICIA JO, Albuquerque, N. Mex. STARLING, MICHAEL DEWITT, Friendswood STEED, KENNETH R., McAllen STEFKA, F. DARRYL, Victoria STEVENSON, DIANNE, Austin STOOL, GERALD HARRIS, Del Rio STRONG, TOMMY JAY, Henderson SUSONG, JAMES SCOTT, Dallas TAMADDONI, MOHAMMAD JAVAD, Jobzar, Jahrom, Iran TAYLOR, CYREL DeWAINE, II, Temple TAYLOR, JACK EDWIN, JR., Houston TEAL, ALAN THOMAS, Fort Worth THOMAS, LARRY L., Dallas TICHENOR, TRAVIS DAVID, JR., Dallas TOBOR, BEN DAVID, Fort Worth TRAPNELL, ROBERT NORRIS, JR ., Austin TRUDEAU, STEVEN ROSS, Benbrook TURNER, JERRY LYNN, Austin TYLER, LOUIS RAY, Corpus Christi TYRE, RICHARD DEWEY, Weatherford VAN HORN, FRANCES K., Austin VANSLYKE, DON, Dallas VASEK, JAMES DARWIN, Moulton VAUGHAN, MALCOMB ELLSWORTH, Orange VICK, TERRY TAMLYN, Temple VICK, WILLIAM TRAVIS, Longview VOIGT, RICHARD ALLEN, Victoria VYSE, THOMAS ELBERT, Glencoe, Ill. WACKERBARTH, JACQUELYN, Fort Worth WADE, SUSAN CAROL, Austin WALDREP, RICHARD EDMUND, Clarksville Seniors WALKER, NANCY KAY, Abilene WALLACE, EDWARD BLUME, Shreveport, La. WALSTON, MADELYN GAYE, Palestine WAMSLEY, KATHLEEN, Dallas WARD, JOHN WESLEY, JR ., Devine WARINNER, GARY NELSON, Pasadena WARRICK, MICHAEL EUGENE, Pittsburg WASSELL, EMMETT EUGENE, Texarkana WATSON, MARTHA EAR' ENE, Marble Falls WATSON, RICHARD EUGENE, Willis WEA THE RS, ROBERT SHERMAN, Waco WESOLOWSKY, AL BYARS, Irving WEST, CONNIE GENE, Vidor WHEELIS, DAVID LEE, Jacksboro WHITE, JOHN RILEY, Temple WHITTEN, DOROTHY JEAN , Austin WIBERG, SUSAN MARIE, Dallas WIEGAND, FREDERICK WILLIAM, JR., San Antonio WIGGINS, GEORGE EDWARD, JR ., Houston WILLIAMS, CYNTHIA LEE, Fort Worth WILLIAMS, JOHN TRAVIS, JR., Sanderson WILSON , HENRY EVAN, Wharton WILSON , JAMES DENNIS, Houstoo WILSON , KIRK DEE, La Marque WILSON , PHYLLIS ANN , Hondo WILSON, WILLIAM ARTHUR, San Antonio WIMBERLY, STEVEN, Austin WINDLE, WILLIAM PARKER, Henderson WISE, MARSHA, Nashville, Tenn. WITCHER, LINDA JO, Amarillo WOLPER, RODDY, Amarillo WORTHAM, MICHAEL BRUCE, Houston WRIGHT, HAROLD EUGENE, Cleburne WRIGHT, JAY 0 ., Grapevine WUKASCH, LINDA CAROL, Aust in YOUASH, SABAH Y., Baghdad, Iraq YOUNG, CLIFTON LEE, Corpus Christi YOUSEY, ROBERT FRANCIS, JR ., Lowville, N. Y. ZAVALETA, JESUS ARMANDO, Brownsville ZIKE, JAMES HOUSTON, Big Spring ZIMMERMAN, CHERYL ANNE, Dallas 533 ABBOTT, GARY RAY, Houston ACKERMAN, EDLOUIS HILMAR, JR., Son Antonio ACOSTA, PETER PATRICK, Son Antonio ADAMEK, JOHN WAYNE, Toylor ADAMS, BEYERLY ANN, Fort Worth ADAMS, FRANCES ELINA, Houston ADAMS, JOSEPH VINCENT, JR., Corpus Christi ADCOX, DU KEO BAI RD, Bishop ADDY, ERVIN ELDRID, Cisco ADLER , DOROTHY DIANE, Boerne AHRENBECK, PAlRICIA LOUISE, Houston AINSWORTH, JOHATHAN BASS, New Orleons, La. ALBERTSON , CHARLES LENTON, 111, Houston ALBRECHT , MARY JANE, Houston ALDRIDGE, DOUGLAS EARL, Corpus Christi ALEXANDER, JOHN DAVID, Irving ALLEN, ERNEST LEE, Stephenville ALLEN , JENNIFER MARGARET, San Antonio ALLEN , JOSEPH MARTIN, Tyler ALLEN , THOMAS BYRD, Cleburne ALONZO, GILBERT REYNA, JR., Son Antonio ALVARADO , ANTONIO, Loredo ALVERSON , LINDA MAE , ltosco ALVEY, PATRICK JAY, Odessa AMACKER, JUDY ANNE, Beaumont AMESCUA, GLORIA, Austin ANDERSON, CHARLYNN ANN , Houston ANDERSON, DALE EDWIN, San Antonio ANDERSON, DARLENE ANN, Grond Prairie ANDERSON , DIANE MARIE , Grand Prairie ANDERSON, JANIS LYN, Borger ANDERSON, JEFFRIES DAVIS, Corpus Christi ANDERSON, MICHAEL ANTHONY, Posodena ANDERSON, NANCY LEE, Corpus Christi ANDERSON, PATRICIA LOUISE, Wesloco ANDERSON , REBA JANE , McKinney ANDERSON , SAMMY ROSCOE, Borger ANDREWS, MARY FRANCES, Fort Worth ANDREWS, STEPHEN DAN. Mount Pleosanl ANGLIN, SHARYN KAYE, Son Antonio ANSELIN , PATRICIA KAY , Dollos ANTHONY, JAMES DEE, Lubbock APPENBRINK, WILLIAM MARCELLES, Galveston ARCHER, SANDRA LYNN , Edcouch ARDOIN, MARC WALTER, Victoria ARMS, SHARON ANN, Son Anton io ARNOLD, RHOJEAN, Lo Morque ARTHUR, MARVIN LEON, JR., Irving Class of 1868 ATHENS, ZACHARIAS GEORGE, Grond Prairie ATWOOD, HARRY KIRBY, JR ., Houston AUSTIN , WILLIAM EARL, Andrews AUSTIN, WILLIAM JAMES, Dallas AVERITT, JIMMY CURTIS, Dallas AVERYT, JACK DeMARIUS, Odessa BACKUS, OSCAR, Crystal Coty BAGBY, JOHN ROBIN, Humble BAHM, STEPHEN CHRISTIAN, Houston BAILEY, JAN ELAINE, Longview BAILEY, JANET, Sulphur Springs BAITY, RUSSELL WARREN, Gerland BAKER, CHARLES EVERETT, Holland BAKER, DAVID LOUIS, Borger BAKER, JOEL D., Phoenix, Ariz. BALDWIN, CHARLES RICHARD, Lamesa BALDWIN , ELIZABETH GRAY, Marshall BALLARD , JAMES WALLACE, Son Anton io BALLEW; ELIZABETH JANE, Cleburne BALLMAN , ANN MARGARET, Mort BALZEN , JOHN PAUL, Son Antonoo BANKS, JULIA ANN, Woch ito Falls BARG, ROBERT DEAN, Robstown BARKER , HOWARD GRAY, Fort Worth BARKLEY, EDWARD JOHN, Boy Coty BARKLEY, JANET SUE, Auston BARKLEY, JUDITH ANN, Houston BARNARD, KAREN ELAINE, Gerland BARNES, WILLIAM ROY, JR, Odessa BARNITT, CAROL ANN, Austin BARNHILL , BETTY LOUISE, Son Antonio BAU, DOUGLAS EUGENE, Baytown BARRA, THOMAS CHARLES, Son Antonio BAOON, MICHAEL, San Angelo BARRON, MICHAEL MONROE, Groesbeck BARRON, SAM P , Son Antonoo BARRY , BRYAN WILLIAM , Dollos BARRY, CHARLES ESTES, Wallo1 BARTON, ALTON KEITH, Houston BARTON , JAN CLAUDETTE, Austin BARTON , LEONA SUZANNE, Dalles BAUMSTRAK . CATHERINE , Houston BAYLOR, DAVID WILLIAM, Ausl!n BAZALDUA, GILBERT, San Antonio BEALL, PAMELA RUTH, Gonzalos BEALOR , BARBARA ANN , San Antonoo BEATY . WILLIAM ROBERT , Fort Worth BECHTEL , DANIEL RUDOLPH , Fort Worth BECKER, MARGARET ANN , Austin BECKER, RUTH ELLEN , Austin BEELER , MARY BLAKE, lo Marque BELL , SUZAN GAIL , Houston BELT , JANE AMELIA , Weimar BENAVIDES, ARABELLA DIANA, Loredo BFNAVIDES, MARY JO, Loredo ~ENNETT. DAN DAVID, Waco BENNETT, DIANA KAY, Son Antonio BENNETT , DONALD NEILL, Tyler BENNETT, JAMES RICHARD, Cleburne BENNETT , PAUL JAMES, Auston BERG , CARY PETER , Mineral Wells BERMAN, LESLIE NANCY, Oklahoma City, Okla. BERNHARDT, KAREN RUTH, Milwaukee, Wis. BERREY, BARBARA LYNN, Arlington, Va. BERRY, WILLIAM CARL, Mineral Wells BING YOU , HARRY LOUIE , San Antonio Bl ROWELL, WILLIAM REAGAN , Hearne Bl RN BAUM, ROBERT JAY, San Antonio BLACK , ROBERT CHAPMAN, Houston BLACKMAN, RALPH GILBERT, JR .. Bishop BLACKSHEAR, JACK COLBERT , W ichita Falls BLAIR, CULVERSON ESTELL, Dallas BLANKENBAKER , ROSE ANN, Mission BLASS, PAMELA, Te•os City BLOHM, CARLINO E., Shiner BLOUNT, CAROL LEA, Grand Prairie BOENIG, LARRY ROBERT, Woodsboro BOGART, KERRY KATHLEEN , Houston BOON, JAMES C. , II, Dallas BOONE , KATHLEEN FLORENCE, Dallas BOONE , WILLIAM PRICE, Austin BORCHERS, MARY LOU, Son Antonio BORGESON, CHARLES LEROY, Fort Worth BOSQUEZ, MA TEO GILBERTO, Robstown BOWSELL , MARY CYNTHIA, Dallas BOWDEN , CINDY, Houston BOWEN, EARL A., M1dk11f BOWEN, JENIELOU , Austin BOWEN, LEWIS LOVE, Ill, San Antonio BOWERS, MARY ELIZABETH, Garland BOWLES , DAVID RICHARD, Son Morcos BOWLES, JAMES RICHARD, Terrell BOWMAN , R. H. TIBAUT, Austin BOYD, JOE Bl LL, Sulphur Springs BOYER, WALLY JOSEPH, Temple BRACHER, ANTIONETTE , Houston BRACHT, ANDERSON HEATH, Houston BRACKEN, DAVID LEE, Fort Worth BRAEUER , DON ALLEN, Vic toria BRANNON , CAROL l YNETTE, . Bastrop BRANNON, TED CHARLES, JR .. Conroe BRANSOM, BETTY JANE, Greenville BRANT , PHILLIP GABRIEL, Houston BRASHEAR , BARBARA ANNE, Lufkin BREARD, HAROLD ANTHONY, JR .. Monroe, la. BREESE , TEUNISSE VIRGINIA, El Posa BREWER, CHARLES WILLIAM, Sinton BRICKER , DOUGLAS GRANT, Houston BRIER , MICHAEL ALLEN, Houston BRIGHT, MARTHA CAROL, Dallas BROADDUS, JAMES ANTHONY, San Antonio BROCK, JOHN R.. Houston BROOKING, LAURA JEAN, Hazlehurst, Miss. BROOKS , SANDRA GAYLE, Caddo Mills BROWDER , DAVID EDWIN , Burleson BROWN, BARBARA GERDA, Son Antonio BROWN , CALEB STEVE, Ill, Bollinger BROWN , DOR WADSWORTH , Fredericksburg BROWN , ELIZABETH , Son Antonio BROWN , ORBORN , Corpus Chr is ti BROWNFIELD, MARY, Fort Worth BROWNLOW, JAMES CARROLL, Irving BRUNSON, LINDA KAY, Overton BRYAN , JIMMY DOUGLAS, Moulton BRYARLY , RICHARD C .. JR .. Aust in BRZESZKIEWICZ, PEGGY JANE, Dallas BUBLIS, ROSEMARY, Plainview BUCHANAN, BETTY DOYLENE , Snyder BUELL. LOREN SCOTT, Bartlesville BUFORD JIMMY TOM, Grand Prairie BU LLARD, PAULA KAY , Dallas BUMPAS, SALLY JEAN, Midland BURKE, IRENE CLAIRE, Tempe, Ariz. BURKETT, STEVEN ALAN, San Antonio BURNETT, PATRICIA ANN, Houston BUSH , ROBERT GLENN, Nederland BUSKE , GAIL ALLISON , Halletsville BUSSA , HARRY IRVIN, JR ., Houston BUTLER , CAROLYN JEAN, Bonham BYERS, DANNY LEE , Spr ing lake BYRD, DEBORAH ANNE, Seguin CADENHEAD, DONALD MACK, Dallas CAIN, BURNEY DAVIS, Taylar CAIN , MARY JOSIE, Texas Coty 535 536 CROWE, DEBORAH RUTH, Dollos CROWELL, STEVEN GLENN, Big Spring CRUCE, CAROL, Houston CUBBISON, GREGORY KENT, Houston CUMMINGS, PEGGY RUTH, Dickinson CUNNINGHAM, MARY CAROL , Austin CUNNINGHAM , WILLIAM RICHARD, Houston CURBO, CYDNEY KAY, Houston CURRY, JOANNE O 'lENE, Victoria CURRY, SAUNDY JAY, Ravenna CURTIS, THOMAS PERCY, Hillsboro DAL TON , LINDA LAUREE , Harker Heights DAMROM, JAMES STEWART, Midland DANI El, LEONARD HAYDEN, Greenville DARBY, CLIFTON FLOYD, Davenport, Iowa DARRYL, DENNIS DAVID, Dallas DAUGHERTY, ROBERT JOHN, Big lake DAVID, MADELON BETH, Dallas DAVIDSON, MARY ELAINE, Houston DAVIS, CHRISTINA ETHELYN, Corpus Christi DAVIS, DIANA MARIE, Dallas DAVIS, JACK BISHOP, Lufkin DAVIS, JOHN DILLARD, San Angela DAVIS, JUDY ANNE, Denton DAVIS, KATHLEEN CLIFT, Ballinger DAVIS , LINDA LEE, Dimmitt DAVIS, MARGARETE LUISE, CSAFB, Okla. DAVIS, PAUL FRANCIS, San Antonia DAVIS, RONALD STEPHEN, Refugio DEAN, BENJAMIN JOSEPH, 111, Breckenridge DEAR, PATRICK HANSFORD, Austin DEBONA, JEANNIE BONNET, Eagle Pass DelaROSA, FIDENCIO, Vernon DELLINGER, DENISE ANNETTE, Houston DEMOND, WALTER EUGENE, Fart Worth DePRIEST, DOROTHY HELEN, Houston DERBY, ALAN THOMAS, Midland, Mich. DeSHONG, ANDREA LEA, San Antonio DEUPREE, JOE, Mineola DeVOS, KENNETH BRUCE, Moson DICKSON, SHARON ELAINE, Morton DILLARD, FRANK JEFFERY, Austin DILLARD, ROBERT WALLACE, Brownwood DIOU, MARIE LOUISE, Corpus Christi DISMUKES, DAVID PAYNE, Austin DOBBS , NOLA SUE , Teague DODD , DeMARI S DAVI S, Dallas DONAHO, CHARLES ROY, Houston Class of 1868 DONN ELL, DIANNA DARLENE, Corsicana DONOVAN, JOHN LYLE SCOTT, Galveston DOOLEY, MARI LU, Austin DORADO, CLIFTON MICHAE L, El Paso, Texas DORAN, JOHN HILTON, Odessa DORSEY, JAMES THOMAS, Pittsburgh, Pa. DOSS, NOBLE WEBSTER, JR., Austin DOUGLAS, BARBARA DIANNE, Fort Worth DOWNING, VERNON WESLEY, league City DRAEGER, MADE LEINE, Houston DROU IL HE T, JO HN HUEY , Baytown DuBOSE, SHERRY ANNE, San Antonio DUFFEY, MARY SARITA HOUSTON, Austin DUK E, RO DGE R DEL, Atlanta DUK E, TE RRY WAYNE , Lancaster DULANEY, ROBERT LARRY, Bonham DUllN IG, RO BERT MILLER, San Antonio DULLYE, ELIZABETH LAIRD, San Antonio DUMAS, GERALD ALLISON, Fort Dovis DUMESTRE, JEANIE CLARE, New Orleans, la. DUNCAN, DIANNE, Eagle loke DUNCAN, LINDA KATHLEEN, Houston DUNLAP, JAMES RANDOLPH, Corpus Christi DUNN, BOB, Corpus Christi DUNN , ROXANNA , Dallas DURHAM, CLIFTON HOWARD, Henderson DURST, JOHN WAKEFIELD, Crockett EADS, RONALD DALE, Temple EAGLIN , TH ERESA MAE , Corpus Christi EANES, JOHN PHILIP, Cameron EASON, PEGGY JO, Austin ECKERT, EDDIE RUTH, Moson EDMONDS, JAMES RAYMOND, Houston EDMONDS, JANIS CAROLE, Austin EDMONDS, QUINN ROSS, Tyler W WARDS , JOLA NELL , Lubbock EDWARDS, KATHERINE B., Foils Chorch, Va . EGGLETON, NANCY KAY, Houston EGLY, RICHARD JESSE, Houston EICHENBAUM, LARRY, Austin El LBOTT, LEE G., St. Louis, Mo. ELAM, DENNIS LEE, Andrews ELAM, LINDA CAROL, Son Antonio ELICK, JAMIE JEROME, Bellville ELLEBRACHT, DORIS ANN, Fredericksburg ELLIS, JO ANNE, Fort Worth ELLI SON , NANCY JEAN, Killeen ELROD, JAMES MICHAEL, Austin 537 Class of 1868 FORTASSAIN, DENNIS GEORGE, San Antonio FOWLER, NANCY, Houston ./'RALEY, THOMAS JEFFERSON, Austin FRA NK , SUE NELL . Fort Worth FREDRIKSEN. MARY KATE, Galveston FREEDMAN, EDWIN, Houston FREELAND , DONALD EUGENE. San Antonio FR EEMAN, JERRY DON. Austin FREEMAN , SUSAN KAY, Au sto n FRENTRUP . JOANNA ELISE , Austin FRIEDRICHS, JAY MARK, Corpus Christi FR IEND, PATRICIA ANN, Houston FRITSCHE, ALVIE RAY, Housto n FRYAR , JACKLYNE KAY, San Antonio FUHRMANN, LARRY RONALD, Hereford FULBRIGHT. DIANNE, Beaumont FULTON , LORETTA ANN, Fl oydada FULTS , JERRY WAYNE , Damon FUREN , JENNIFER LEE , Baytown FURLONG , TIMOTHY PATRICK. Dallas FUTTERKNECHT. JAMES O .. Elkhart , Ind GALLOWAY, BARRY LEE, Abolene GANDARA, DAVID RAYMOND, Tyler GANTT. CAROL ELAINE , Houston GARCIA , ROBERT, JR .. San Antonio GARRETT , CHARLSIE BURNS, Burnet GARRETT. HOWARD NOEL, JR .. Premont GARRETT , LINDA JEAN, San Antonio GARWOOD, KELLY RICHARD, Dallas GARZA , DAVID A , Edonburg GATES, DONALD CARSON. Falfurrias GATES , JUDITH ANN , Son Antonio CATHERS, WAYNE EDWIN JR , West Hollywood, Fla GAVIA , PAUL RICHARD, San Antonio GAVIA, SHARON LEE , Son Antonoo GEDDIE , SHERYL ELIZABETH , Corpus Christi CEDWED . ELIZABETH , Kolleen GELLMAN, TOBI KAY , Auston GENTRY, CECIL ADRIAN , Henderson CENUY, JOHN EDWARD, Son Antonoo GEORGE , JANICE JEAN , Son Antonio GIBSON , RICHARD LEE , Beaumont GIESECKE, RICHARD LOUIS, Marble Foils GILKERSON, GEORGE ERNEST, Lubbock GILLIAM , CONSTANCE FAYE , Victoria GILREATH, FARRELL RICHARD D .. La Marque GINNINGS , CHARLES MICHAEL , Denton GINTHER , JOAN RAE , Boshop ELROD, SUSAN, Forsan EMBRY, JAMES ALVA, Houston EMERY, KENNETH CHARLES, San Antonio EMISON , MARTHA JANE, Irving EMMOTT, CAROLYN JEAN, Houston ENGLAND , JANIS CAROL , Burkburnett ENGLANDER, DONNA LYNN, Miami Beach, Fla ENGLISH, SANDRA KAY, Houston EPPRIGHT, CHARLES LEIGH, Bay City EPPRIGHT, LINDA ANNE, Dallas ESKRIDGE CHERYL LEE, Houston ETCHISON , J. SCOTT, Brownsville ETHRIDGE, GORDON DANE, Austin EVANS, DEAN CLINTON, Pampa EVANS, MARGARET SUZANNE, Austin EVANS , RANDALL EDWARD, Marlin EVANS, THOMAS CARTER, Palo Alto, Calif. EWING, RICHARD EDWARD, Bryan FAIRLEIGH, MORT W.. Houston FARMER , THOMAS ELLIOTT, Dallas FEATHER . WILLIAM LOUIS, Midland FEHR , KEARBY CLARK, Auston FEIBEL, CAROLYN JEAN , Dallas FERGUSON , LYNN CLAUDIA, Houston FERGUSON , PAMELA CELESTE, Houston FERNANDEZ , FIDEL BERNARDO, San Antonio FERRIS , KAREN KAY. Miles City, Munt. FIELDER . ALAN CHARLES, Lockhart FIELDER, CECIL DAVID, Houston Fl ELDS, WAYLAND EARL , Doll as FIERMAN , LESLIE SUE , El Paso FIFE , ROSEMARY A .. Hempstead FINK , MARY ELLEN , Floydada FIN KELSTEIN, BARRY NATHAN, Dollos FISCH , STEPHEN E.. Tyler FISCHER, ARLENE ANN, LaGrange FISHER, BEVERLY FAYE, Fort Worth FISHER, CECILIA, Amarillo FISHER , CHARLES EMIL , Lubbock FISH ER, JOHN HARP , Son Antonio FISHER, ROY MICHAEL, Sudan FISK , HOLLYE CARSON, Houston FLOD INE. NANCY CAROL, Houston FLOOR, DEBORAH DARA, Houston FLOURNOY, DONALD ROYCE, Austin FOLKES, GEORGE DENTON, Amarillo FORMAN , MARSHA JO , Tyler FORRESTER, MARTHA ANN, Boy City 538 • • ' t o ot ....... 'I •o :., of ' f• t ' • ' •. t ;_•! ' ' • 'ot : • '• I • '0"4••t : .. ·: ... -• • •• t•Oo I o GLABASNIA, JOSEPH PAUL, Austin GLASS, JERRY LEE, Ja cksonville GLASSMIRE, CHARLES JOSEPH, Graves GLICK, MARILYN RUTH, Texa rkana GLOVER, JAN E, Childress GODSEY, RUTH GENE, Austin GOEHRING, AMELIA LYNN, Henderson GOING, BARBARA NEWHALL, Pasadena GOLDFARB, SAM MAGRUDER, San Antonia GOLDMAN , CAROL BETH, Fart Warth GOLENTERN EK, CHARLES ALEXANDER, Tyler GONZALEZ, RUPERT, San Antonia GONZALEZ, SERGIO ALONZO, San Antonio GOODWIN , CLIF , Houston GORDON, JUDITH ANN, Rosenberg GORMLEY, BETTYE COLLEEN, Tyler GOSLER, ZACK TRUMAN, Paradise GOSSETT, ALICE COLLEEN, Lomposos GRAESER, LYNNE BRYAN, Dalles GRAF, LINDA KAY, Vernon GRAHAM, MARY ANNE, Bryon GRANT, THOMAS PATRICK, Houston GRANTHAM, JACQUE JEAN, Miomi GRANTHAM, JOSEPH KELLEY, Miami GRANTHAM, MARY LOU, Fort Worth GRAVES, SHARON DALE, Garland GREEN, JUDY JIM, Austin GREENBERG, DEBORA DELL, Tyler GRENIER , SALLY DUNCAN , Dellos GRETSER , GEORGE WESTFALL , San Antonio GRIBBLE, KRUSE, Houston GRIFFIN, KENNETH EDWARD, McGregor GRIFFITH, ANNE GREGORY, Seabrook GRIGSBY, CARRELL LEE, Richardson GRIMM, ALBERT FREDERICK, Ill, Son Antonio GROB, CHARLES EARL, Houston GROVE S, JAMES SAMiJ~L. Freeport GRUETZMACHER, GORDON DWIGHT, Sfnton GRUS IN, ANN CHERYL , Memph is, Tenn. GUENTHNER, CAROL ANN, Corpus Christi GUERRA, OSCAR M., Son Antonio GUMP, RICHARD ANTHONY, JR ., Dallas GUNNOE, NANCY SHARON, Victoria GUSTAFSON , DAVID RAY , Gonzales GUTIERREZ , FRANCISCO, Hebbronville GUZMAN-TAMEZ, ARNOLDO, Tamps, Mexico HAAS, FRANCES JOAN, Corpus Christi HAASE , RICHARD GATES, Magnol ia HAGLER, ERWIN HARRISON, Fort Worth HALE, FORD RUTLAND , Dallas HA LL, DOUGLAS LEE, San Antonio HALL, EVELYN LEE, San Antonio HALPIN, ELIZABETH CATHERINE, Dallos HALSTEAD, LUCINDA, Dallas HAMILTON, D. KIRK, Chapel, Hill, N. C. HAMMOND, WOODROW WILSON, Colonial Heights, Va. HANCOCK, WARREN EDWARD, JR., Dallas HANSEN, DEE VICTORIA, Son Antonio HARALSON , NANCY LYNN , Houston HARDESTY, JOHN POWELL, Merkel HARDGRAVE, CAROL , Palestine HARDGRAVE, RICHARD ALLEN , Sanora HARDIE, WILLIAM BRADFORD, JR., El Paso HARDIN, PATRICIA KAY, Auston HARDING, ROBERT NESS , Tyler HARDY, HUGH WILLIAM, Abilene HARDY, JOYCE LYNN, Houston HARGRAVES, EDDIE JO, Baytown HAR RIS, ROY CLARK , Navasota HA RR IS, THOMAS JEROME, Temple HARRISON, GLENN HOWARD, Lampasas HARR ISON, SALLY, Austin HART, BURNA FAYE, Houston HARTMAN , SHIRLEY MARIE, Son Antonio HARTT , BARRY F., Houston HARVEY, SARAH ELIZABETH, Corpus Christi HARWELL , ROYCE LEE, Amarillo HATFIELD, TERRY MICHAEL, Borger HAUBER, THOMAS RICHARD, Galena Park HAWKINS, ERNEST EDGAR, JR ., Austin HAWKINS, JANA GAILE, Fort Worth HAWKINS, JANE SCOTT, Fort Worth HEAD, TOM E., Lubbock HEARNE , HELEN l., Dalles HEATH , C. ROBERT, Deer Pork HECK, SONDRA CHERYL, San Antonio HEINTZ, NICHOLAS WAYNE, Austin HEMBREE, CHARLENE , Aust in HENRY, CHARLES ROBERT, JR ., Dallas HENRY, GEORGE WARREN, San Antonio HENRY, JAMES DAVID, Nocona HFNSON , LOUIS ALBERT, Odessa HEPNER, JOHN CARSON , Brownsville HERBSLEB, ROBERT CHARLES, Son Antonio HERRERA, GLORIA, Son Anton io HESS, BARBARA SUE, Houston 539 HESSER, HENRY H., Corpus Christi HEWLETT, TERRY LEE, Victorio HEZLEP, JANE ELIZABETH, Son Antonio HICKS, MAX RENEA, Denison HIGDON , ALBERT DAIN, Son Antonio HI LL, DOUGLAS ROMAS, Ely, Nev. Hill, EVA JANE, Temple HI LL , GEORGE RUSSEL , Lo Marque HILL , GORDON LEE , Dollos Hill, PATRICIA ANNE, Sinton HILLER, LEROY FRANK, Victoria HILLER, MARSHA ANN, Eagle Poss HI LTON, WILBURN D., Greenville HINKLE, JOHN CHRISTIAN, Tucson, Ariz. HINSHAW, BONNIE KAY , Garland HINTON, PAULETTE LORAINE, Skellytown HIRSCH , RICHARD REBEL , Cleburne HIX , JANET NAN , Mercedes HODGES, DAVID LEE, Dallas HOEKSTRA, THOMAS SCHEIE, Dallas HOFFER , BARRY PAUL , Beaumont HOFFER, LEWIS PERRY, Beaumont HOFFMAN, CHARLES EDWARD, JR. , Beaumont HOFFMAN , NATHAN PAUL, Gol iod HOLCOMB, DAVID RANDALL, Mount Pleasant HOLDEMAN , MARGARET ANN, Texos City HOLDER, ARTHUR DONNES, New Orleans, lo. HOLEMAN, MICHAEL WESLEY, Austin HOLLAR, RICHARD ALLEN, London, England HOLLOWAY, PATRICIA loCREASE, Greenville HOLMES, RICHARD ALLAN , Austin HOLMES, WILLIAM MICHAEL, Odessa HOLT, MARTHA SYLVIA, Odessa HOOPES, SCOTT, Borger HOPE, MARILYN LOUISE, Oakland, Calif. HORTON , BEVERLY FAE , Sherman HORTON , LINDA CAROL, Dallas HORTON, LUCY LEE, Austin HOUDYSHELL, RONALD GUY, Amarillo HOUGH, LEONARD ELIJAH, Dallas HOUSTON , STEPHEN DOUGLAS, Aust in HOVERSTOCK, SUE ANN, Houston HOWARD, JOHN ROBERT, Lubbock HOWARD, WILLIAM PORTER, Gainesville HOWE, HARRIS Ml l TON, Houston HOWELL, JOHN BAKER, JR., Shreveport, lo. HOYL , KATHLEEN DIANE , Fort Worth HUBBARD , VIRGINIA SUE, Fort Worth HUBLER, LLOYD DAVID, Corpus Chr isti HUDDLESTON, CAROLYN ANN, Bollinger HU DLER, CHARLOTTE MARIE, Austi n HUGHES, GEORGE GRIFFIN, Houston HULL , RALPH THOMAS, Houston HUMBLE, WILLIAM H., Son Antonio HUMPHRES, JAMES CLIFORD, Lampasas HU NT, HOWARD ALAN, Anson HUNT, KAREN ANN , Dallas HUNT, LEW DAVID, Terrell HUNTER , JOHN LYNN, Son Angel o HURST, JAMES MORRIS, Killeen HUTCHESON, JIM BOB, Weatherford HYDEN, WILLIAM EWING, Austi n IKINS, LINDA SUE, Kent JACKSON, CARMEN DIANE, Anahuac JACKSON, CAROL, Cha mblee, Go. JACKSON, CAROLE ELAINE, Son Antonio JACKSON, MARY ANN, Paris JACKSON, SHEILA KAY, Garland JACOBS, CAROLYN LUCILLE, Dollos JACOBS, PATRICIA GAIL, Beaumont JACQUES, ELISABETH PAGE, Victoria JAMES, DONNA JO, R,chordson JAMES, RANDALL SHERMAN, Austin JANDA, MARIAN FAYE, Sealy JASTER, BRUCE W., LaGrange JEFFERSON, HARRY , Houston JENKINS, MARK SCHERING, Houston JENNINGS, LINDA JEAN, Kaufman JENNINGS, SUSAN WILSON, Fort Worth JOHNS, JILL ANN, Son Anton'o JOHNSON , BARBARA LEE , L'berty JOHNSON, CHARLES MATTHEW, Amarillo JOHNSON, DEBORAH JEAN, Dallas JOHNSON , JESSE BREALAND, 111, Lo Marque JOHNSON, JUDY JO, Mount Pleasant JOHNSON, LINDA MAE, Tyler JOHNSON, RICHARD LEONARD, Austin JOYNSON , RUBY JO, Houston JOHNSTON, JOHN M , Knoxville, Tenn. JONES . BOBBY JO, Muleshoe JONES, CLAUDIA LEIGH, Son Antonio JONES , CYNTHIA LOUISE, Mercedes JONES, DAVID CHARLTON , Houston JONES, DONALD WADE , Corpus Christi JONE S, DONNA SUE, Tyler JONES, JAMES HILTON , Temple JONES, LEANA IRENE, San Antonio JOPLIN , JOE M., McK inney JORDAN , ROBERT BLANN, Aust in JORDAN, WELDON EARL , Charlotte JORNS , JAY FORREST, Houston JOSEPH, PHILLIP CATER , Austin JUDD, KENNETH ROBERT, Satellite Beach, Fla. JUNG , MARIA A., Son Anton io JUNG , MARVIN A., JR ., New Braunfels KANTOR, CAROL JOAN , Dallas KAPLAN, VICKI BETH, Dallas KAROTKIN , KENNETH M., JR., Austin KARR , KAROLYN , Scarscale, N. Y. KARRH . LARRY RAYBURN , Hole Center KASPAREK, PHILLIP DALE, Pasadena KASPER , DENNIS WAYNE , Aust in KATES, MARY LINDA, Houston KATTNER , ERIC BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, Fort Worth KAUFMAN , ALFRED LEE, Beaumont KEATHLEY , FRANK M., Dallas KEENAN, CHRISTOPHER DONNELLY, Houston KELLEY, HELEN CAROLE , Houston KELLEY, JAMES COLVIN, Henrietta KELLEY, RUSSELL T., Stamford KEMP, JIMMY FRED, Arlington KENNEDY, CHERYL ANN, Mineola KENNEDY , DAN HARDING , Hempstead KENNEDY, LYNDA LOUISE, Amarillo KESSLER, KENNETH ROSS, Mineral Wells KETHLEY, JOE LYNN, Waco KIDD, JOHNNY MAURICE, Austin KIEFER, MARY KATHERINE, Gonzales KILPATRICK, WADE ARNOLD, Houston KING, CLYDE CLIFTON, JR., Houston KING, DAVID HAMMOND, Dallas KING, GLORIA LESLIE, Tyler KING, JOHN MICHAEL, Ballinger KINSEL , JOE BOB , JR., Beaumont KLEIN, JOHN WILLIAM, Stonewall KLEIN , MARK STEPHEN, Overland Park, Kans. KNAPE , WELDON l., Temple KNEESE, GLENN LEE , Fredericksburg KNIZE , JO NELL , Ennis KOGER, FRED OWEN, Dallas KOHLENBERGER, LINDA EVELYN, Weatherford KOHUTEK, JANE SUSAN, Whorton KOPLAN, M. DAVID, JR., Son Antonio KOPSKY, JOHN FREDERICK, Son Antonio Class of 1868 KOSH , THOMAS ALBIN, Hempstead KOURI , CYNTHIA ANN , Aust in KOUTS, ROBERT ALVIN, Austin KRASNER , MARVIN DARRELL, Tyler KREIGER , MARK STEVEN, Austin KRIEGEL , KAY LYNN , Houston KRIPPEL, JOHN MICHAEL, Houston KRUEGER , DAVID WAYNE , Miles KRUEGER, SUE ELIZABETH, Son Antonio KRUPPA, ALICE KATHLEEN, Victoria KUBENA, THOMAS ALAN, Ell inger KUHLEMAN , FRANCES PATRICIA, Houston KUHLMANN, TERRENCE ALBERT, Houston KUNKEL, NARITA KAYE, Odessa KUNKEL, REBECCA ANNE, Son Antonio KUNZE , BETTY LOUISE, Corpus Christi LoBARBA , NANCY ELIZABETH, Dellos LABOVITZ, JOAN HARRISE, Fort Worth LACEY, BARRY DAN, Son Antonio LADEN, LARRY RICHARD, Son Antonio LoFERNEY , FRANK WAYNE , Tyler LAMBERTH , LARRY EUGENE , Irving LANCASTER , MEREDITH ANN , Kermit LAND , ALICE JEAN, Raymondville LANDY, RAYMOND ALEX, Son Angelo LANE , HANNAH STEERE , Houston LANE , ROBERT KEITH, Comanche LANE, ROBERT LARRY, Leander LANGSTON , MARY LYNN , Lubbock LANHAM, CRYSTAL WAYNEL, Borger LARSEN , ROY DEVENY, Axtell LATHAM, RONALD JEAN, Banquete LAUGHLIN , CARRIE LOU , Boy City LAURENCE, CAROL DAVIS, Taylor LAVES, BRUCE B., Tyler LAWHON , MICHAEL LEE , Baytown LAWSON , ARLEEN ELIZABETH, Houston LAY, LARRY WALLACE , Austin LAYTON, PAUL ANTHONY, Houston LEAHY, DELIA ANN, Fort Worth LEASURE, PEGGY ELLEN, Houston LEDBETTER , NANNETTE BOONE, Dallas LEE , ANITA ANN , Dayton LEE , DANIEL WARNELL , JR ., Son Anton io LEE, JAMES CARLTON , Pleasanton LEE . MICHAEL DOUGLAS, Evant LEE, ROBERT THOMAS, San Antonio LEEDS, DENNIS I., Dallas 541 Class of 1868 MASSINGILL , JOYCE MARITA, Munday MAST, MARY ELIZABETH , Midland MATNEY , CLAUD EDMOND, Austin MATTHEWS, STEVE TAYLOR, Austin MAUK, GEORGEANN, Houston MAXEY, LINDA JOYCE, Son Antonio MAXWELL, ROBERT NOLAN, Grand Prairie MAY, HENRY STRATFORD, JR ., Denver City MAYER , RANDOLPH ANNAN, Houston MAYFIELD, ELEANOR JEAN, Houston MAYFIELD, ROBERT USHER, Cleburne MAYO, ALBERT EARL, Dallas MAYS , CHERYL ANN, Austin MAYS, CINDY, Houston MAYTON, HARVEY LEE, Austin McADOO, KAY, Houston McAFEE , LORETTA MARGUERITE, Toronto,_ Canada McCARTY, PATRICIA LOUELLA, San Antonio McCASLIN , ROSEMARY ELAINE, Richardson McCLESKEY, JOHN DAVID, Stephenville McCLURE, DENNIS PAYNE, Fort Stockton McCLURE, MICHAEL JAMES, Dallas McCOULSKEY, RITA KATHRYN, San Angelo McCOWN, WILLIAM ROBERT, Victoria McDANIEL , DAVID LYNN, Corsicana McDANIEL, JAMIE RAE , Austin McDANIEL , KATHY SUE , Temple McGEHEE , NANCY KAY , Dallas McGUFFIN , ALICE KATHRYN, Austin McGUIRE, CLAIRE DeMORSE, Dallas MclNTOSH , IMRY ANN , Floydada McKEE, SUZAN CAROL, Corpus Christi McKENZIE, ROBERT LARRY, Alvin McK INNEY, CHARLES WELDON , Groves McLEAN, LINDA JO, Houston McMEANS, SETH ALAN , Brenham McMURRY, FRANN KAY, Sabanci McNAMARA, JOSEPH BERNARD, JR., Son Angelo McNEEL , LINEA ANN, Galveston McNEVIN , ANITA LOUISE, Angleton McNEW, JIM JEB, Fort Worth McSPADDEN, FRANCES MARIAN, Marble Falls McWATIERS, MICHAEL RUSSELL, Pittsburg MEERSCHEIDT, KATHLEEN CLYDE, San Antonio MEISMER, MARY CHRISTINE, Columbus MELV ILLE, CLYDE 8., JR ., Dallas MELVILLE , RONALD JESSE, Son Antonio MENDOZA, ROSE MARY, Son Antonio LeFAN , JAMES HOLLAND , Temple LEFTON , DAVID, Son Antonio LEHMBERG, GARY VIRGIL, Houston LEHMBERG, LAURA LEE , Mason LEHR , KAREN AURELIA, Son Antonio LeTULLE. MARY FRANCES, Austin LEVIN , BARBARA LYNN , Sol inas , Cal if. LEVIT, ROBERT ALLAN, Houston LEVY, JERRY ALAN , Dallas LEWIS, MELINDA ANN , Fort Worth LINDSLEY, P~ILIP, Ill , Dallas LIPNICK, SUSAN RENEE, Galveston UTILE, JAMES HENRY, Houston LITTLEFIELD, EDGAR BERNARD, Munday LIVINGSTON, STEPHEN SANOR, Austin LLOYD, RICHARD ERNEST, Fort Thomas, Ky. LOCKE, WILLIAM HENRY, Corpus Christi LOGAN, RICHARD CHARLES, Houston LONG, DEBORAH KAY, Son Antonio LONG, LARRY LESTER, Houston LOPER , ARGUS CRAIG , Aust in LOTHMANN, KARL T. , Houston LOTI, THOMAS LUTHER, Houston LOVELL , JAMES LLOYD, Aust in LOWE, PATRICIA ANN, Del Rio LUCAS, JUDITH ELLEN, Hammonton, N. J. LUCAS , MARY ANN, Austin LUNIN , MAUN PATRICIA , Houston LUTZ, MARGARET LEE, Amarillo LYBRAND, JACK RUFUS, Wills Point MACK , JACK WADE , Son Antonio MAHER, SUSAN GENEVIEVE, Dallas MAINER, MICHAEL JACKS, Bryan MALERNEE, JAMES KENT, JR., Calgary, Canada MANLEY . LARRY PAUL, Houston MANLEY, WALKER D., JR., Palestine MARABLE , CHARLES DOUGLAS, Baytown MARCUS, GARY MAXWELL, Phoenix, Ariz. MAREK, ROBERT CHARLES, Corpus Christi MARGO, ALFONSO E., Rio Grande Gty MARKS, SANDRA, Houston MARMION, LINDA JEANNE, Houston MARSHALL, JAN DUNCAN, Lufkin MARTINEZ , FRED, Ill, Roton MARTINEZ , SANDRA ORTIZ , Orona MARTINEZ , YVONNE ORTIZ , Orona MASE , JOHN RUSSELL , JR., Tyler MASON, WILLIAM FRANKLIN, Newgulf • ' I ' •• -·~ ' ' '" '+ ' I ' • ' ' • ' ' ' ' : '° ~ • • ' •I : • ' '• ' • :•I' ••••••I ' ' •:;, ' -' I • • • MENZIES, TYRA JAN, Aust in METCALFE , RICHARD EARL, Austin METZROTH , CLAIRE WAYNE , San Antonia MEYER , RICHARD WAYNE, Schulenburg MEYER, ROBERT WILLIAM, la Marque MICHAELSEN , SUSAN DELAYNE, Houston MICKISH , ALAN BART , San Antonia MIDDLETON, GORDON WALDON, San Antonia Ml LES, RONALD WAYNE, Dallas Ml LES, RUTH ANN, Mob ile, Ala . MILLER , ALFRED EARL , Orange Grave MILLER , PEGGY JEAN, LaGrange MILLICAN , JOHN MICHAEL , Arl ington MILLIGAN , CONNIE ROBERTA, Houston MILLIN, JOHN ANDREW, Ill , Galveston MILLS, ROY LEE , JR., Ennis MIMS , DONALD BROOK , Dallas MITCHELL, BARBARA KAY, Baytown MITCHELL , JOHN DANIEL, Mount Pleasant MOBLEY, CURTIS DALE, Canyon MOCK , BOBBIE SUE , San Antonia MOGAS , RICHARD HAMI l TON, San Antonia MOLINE , SHIRLEY ANN , Houston MOLLER , DAVID NELSON, Fort Warth MOLLEY, EILEEN, Friendswood MOON, KATHLEEN ANN, Austin MOORE , ANDREW FOLLEY , Sanora MOORE , CURTIS RAY, Greenville MOORE , HENRY Hill, Austin MOORE, NATALIE ANNE , McAllen MOORE , RONALD LEE , Houston MORALES, ANITA ELIZABETH, San Antonia MORAN , KATHLEEN , Grone Pointe , Mich. MORGAN, JOSEPH MOHNEY, Houston MORGAN, MARTHA JO, Raymondville MORGAN, RICHARD LEE, Carpus Christi MORGAN , SHIRLEY PATRICIA , Three Rivers MORPHEW , JR ., RANDALL STEEN , Longview MORRAN, DONALD WAYNE, Seagoville MORRILL, CHERRY, Beeville MORRIS , EDWARD STANTON, Amarillo MORRIS , MARION LYNN, Houston MORRIS, WILLIAM BROWDER, JR., Carpus Christi MORTIMER , MARY ELIZABETH , San Antonia MOSES, BRUCE OLIVER , Houston MOTES, FRANCES ANNE, Houston MOTLOCH , JOHN LEE, Austin MOTT, ROGER DALE, Part Neches MOULD, DIAN, Hutchinson , Kons . MULLINS , ANN LOUISE , Dallas MUMOLA , JOANNE LORRAINE , New York, N. Y. MUNDFROM, MARY LYNNE, San Antonia MUNS, RONALD JAMES, Odessa MURFF, JAMES DENTON, Ennis MURR , RODDY JAY, Azle MURRAH , MACKA LEE , Diboll MURRAY , SUSAN ELISE, Houston MYERS, JOHN MARCUS, JR., Cuero NAEVE, STEPHEN WARD, Fart Warth NAISTAT, RICHARD JONATHAN, Nacogdoches NALL, JUDITH CLAIRE, Carpus Christi NAU, NANNETTE MURIEL, Austin NEAL, LARRY ALLEN, Temple NEAL, THOMAS WARD, Houston NEELEY , ORVILLE BATEMAN, II, Houston NEKUZA, WILLIAM C., Corsicana NELLIS, LEROY WILLIAM, Killeen NELSON, CHARLOTTE ELIZABETH, Round Rack NELSON, KATHY LEA , Houston NELSON , PATRICIA ANN, San Antonio NESTER, SALLY , Canyon NETHAWAY, ROWLAND LEWIS , Dallas NEWBURN , CAROLYN LOU , Tyler NEWBY, ROBERT WAYNE, Corpus Christi NEWCOMB, LINDA LOUISE, Houston NEWHOUSE, DOROTHY, San Antonio NEWMAN, JOHN EDWARD, JR., San Antonia NEYLAND, BARBARA LYNN, Fort Worth NICHOLS, DAN LEE, Fort Worth NICHOLS, JAMES AUBRY, JR., Ennis NICHOLS, JOHN DAVID, Lindenhu rs t, N. Y. NICHOLSON, GLEN TIMOTHY, Denosan NIEMEYER, LINDA MARGUERITE, San Antonia NI LES, JEAN ANN, W1ch1ta Falls NOBLE, ELLEN GORDON, Houston NOEL, JAMES EDWIN, Carrollton NOLL, WAYNE RICHARD, San Antonio NORTON, PRISCILLA KAREN, Dellos NORTON, STEPHEN CHARLES, Galveston NOVORR, KENNETH BRUCE, Prairoe Vdlage, Kans. NOVOTNY, JANE LYNN, Houston NOWOTNY , JUD Y CAROLYN, Aust in NUGENT, CYNTHIA, Austin OCHOA, CELESTINO RODRIGUEZ, San Antonia OCHOA, JUAN ALEJANDRO, Laredo ODIORNE, JAMES THOMAS, Cedar Creek 543 OFFER , PAUL JOSEPH , JR. , Son Antonio O"HARA , THOMAS CLIFTON , Fort Worth OLIVER, CECIL OMAR, Timpson OLIVER, DAVID MOSELY, Houston OLSON, CARL RUSH ING, Son Antonio OLSON, DENN IS OLIVER, Lamesa O"NEAL, DONALD RAY, Fort Worth OPPERMAN, HENRY CHARLES, Ill, Galveston OSBORN, KATHLEEN, McAllen OSBORNE, JERRY PAUL, Abilene OWEN, CYNTHIA JEAN, Houston OWEN , RUSSELL EDGAR , Dallas PAGE, NEYSA DEANN, Arl ington PAGE, RALPH EDWARD, JR., Austin PAHL , THOMAS WAYNE , Luckenbach PALMER , PATR ICK MICHAEL , Son Antonio PARISH, JUDITH CRAIG, Weslaco PARKER, JAMES FRANCIS, Corpus Christi PARMAN , WAYNE TRICE , Dallas PARSONS, ANDREW BRUCE, Houston PATE, CHARLES HARRELL, Son Antonio PATE, ROBERT RONALD, Premont PATTERSON, JUDY CAROL, Temple PATTERSON, MICHAEL LAWSON, Son Antonio PATTON, JUDY ANN, ltosco PAULETTE , MARY FLORENCE, Austin PAWLOSKI, MARY KATHRYN, Houston PAYNE , ARDATH ANN , Quanah PECK , JOHN DAVID, Houston PEDERSON, BARBARA JANET, Son Antonio PEEBLES, THOMAS WATSON, Alvin PEET, CHARLES EDWARD, JR., Dallas PEINE , MICHAEL LEE , Son Anton io PENDER , JOHN TEAL, JR ., Dellos PENICK, DAVID LEE, Corpus Christi PENNEY, FORREST EDWARD, JR., Daingerfield PENNY, JAMES MICHAEL, Dallas PERKINS, BARBARA ANN, Silsbee PERKINS, CAROL JEAN, Son Antonio PERKINS, <;;EORGANNE MAURIE, Fronkenslog, Holland PERR ITTE, THOMAS LOREN , Houston PERRY, SHARON !RENE, Dallas PERRY, WILLIAM DOUGLAS, Longview PERSINGER, RICHARD RAY, II, Sulphur Springs PETERS, JERRY DAIVD, Son Antonio PETERSON, LESLIE LAY, Houston PHILl IPS, CATHERINE B., Austin PHIPPS, JEANETTE TAYLOR, Denison PICKENS, CAMILLE, Greenv;Jle PIMENTEL, DAVID VANCE, El Paso PIPPIN, JIM WALTER, Fort Worth PLOEGER, JUDY LYNN E, Houston POND, GEORGE FRED, Galveston POPE, JAMES DAVID, Jasper POSNER, SANDERS LEE, Corpus Christi POTTER , OLIVIA LAYNE, Tyler POU, JULIA M., Son Antonio PRADO, EDWARD CHARLES, Son Antonio PRENDERGAST , BONNIE, Marshall PRICE , VERNON GARY, Arlington PSENCIK, DONALD WAYNE, Temple PUCKETT, STEPHEN EDWARD, Tyler PULLIAM, JOE CLINTON, New O rlea ns, lo . QUINN, JAMES ANTHONY, Houston QUOCK, JANE LEE , Son Antonio RABON , MARILYN GAYE, Eden RADACK, THOMAS ANDREW, Houston RAGSDALE, BILLIE ARLENE , Son Angelo RAIN , THOMAS EDWIN , Houston RAINBOLT, TOMMY REED, JR., Vidor RAMIREZ , BEATRICE , Son Antonio RANDALS, JAMES HORD, Hoco RANEY, JAMES GRANT, Son Anton io RANKIN, BILLY JACK, Ronk •n RASCO, DENNIS LAMAR, Corpus Christi RAY, MARY ANNE, Fort Worth RAY , MARY LOU, Corpus Chdsti REAGAN , JANET LEIGH , Son Antonio REES. FOREST JAMES, JR., Fredericksburg REESER. JOHN CARL , Temple REEVE, SCOTT CLEVELAND, Gatesville REEVES, MARY ANN, Aushn REGELIN, CLINTON DONALD, Son Antonio REID, LIBBIE LOU, Son Anton io REID, LINDA ELLEN, Aust•n REID, MICHAEL LOUIS, Son Antonio REINERTSEN, KAREN JEAN, Granado, Minn. RENEAU, FRAN, Munday RENTZ, SHARON KAY, Son Antonio RENYCK, RAYMOND THERON, Marshall RETTIG, EOLUS VON, Dallas REYNOLDS, CAROLYN, Homl•n REYNOLDS, MAROLYN , Homl•n REYNOLDS, RONALD HENRY, Austin RHEA, JOHN WILLIAM, Dolio• ltCE, JANE ANNE , Son Antonio . . ' ..• -·-· . . . . ... . ' ' .. • . . : .. ' ' -! . . . .• : • .. .. . . . ........ ·-· ... ·:.. • -.. . RICE , KAROL LYNNE , Odessa RICHARDSON, MARGARET ELAINE, Austin RICHARDSON, ROBERT GRIGGS, Fort Worth RICHARDSON , ROBERT LEARY, Odessa RICHNOW, DOUGLAS WAYNE, Leogue City RICKRIM, WILLIAM FRANK, Jourdonton RIGBY, CAROL, Gorlond RIGGS, SALLY LETITIA, Houston RIOUX, THOMAS WAYNE, El Campo RISINGER, ELIZABETH ALENE, Beoumont RIVES, LARRY HILL, Winters ROBB, JOHN WILLIAM, Electro ROBERTS, ANNE ELIZABETH, Tyler ROBERTSON, WILLIAM TERRY, Houston ROBIN, DIANNE MARIE, Conroe ROBIN , JOEL MARC, Oollos ROBINETTE, CHARLES EDWARD, Son Antonio ROBINS, DAVID MILTON, Borger ROBINSON, BOB J., Gladewater ROBINSON, NORA JEAN, Houston ROBINSON, THOMAS LEE, Houston ROCKWELL, FREDERICK ALBERT, Corpus Christi ROCKWELL, JANIS ANN, Irving RODRIGUEZ, CARLOS CASTI LL, Asherton RODRIGUEZ, JOSIE, Son Antonio RODRIGUEZ, MARIE EDNA, Loredo ROGERS, CHERYL RENA, Hearne ROGERS, LYNDA GAYLE , Dallas ROGERS, ROBERT GUY, JR ., Amarillo ROSENTHAL , ILENE JI LL, McAllen ROSS , KATHY, Houston ROTHSCHI LO, BERNY F. , El Paso ROTTNER, JO ANN , Waco ROUGHTON, BARBARA KAY, Dallas ROUSE, LEILA FRANCES, Bellaire RUCKER , RANDAL THOMAS, Chottonoogo, Tenn. RUCKMAN, DALE REED, Houston RUNDELL, RICHARD GREGORY, Wichita Falls RUSSELL , JAMES MICHAEL , DeKalb RUSSELL, ROGER ALAN, Devine RUSSELL , SUSAN GLENN, Sweetwater RYLANDER , FRED ANTHONY, JR ., Katy SAENZ, BEATRIZ, Brownsville SAMPSON, PATRICIA MAXINE, Lake Jackson SANDERS, NANCY GUYNN , Lufkin SANDERS, SHERRY LYNN, Lufkin SANDERS, WILLIAM EDWARD, Jasper SAN MARCO , PAUL, Son Antonio Class of 1969 SAPP, JOSEPH STAFFORD, Conroe SASS, SHARON LEIGH , Fort Worth SAUNDERS, BARBARA ANN, Dollos SAWYER, GAY LEE, El Paso SCANIO, CAROLYN ELIZABETH, Woodsboro SCHAPIRA, JAY NEIL, McAllen SCHATZ, JO ANN , Son Angelo SCHERZ, ELIZABCTH ANN , Son Angelo SCHLEY, DONALD B., Cedor Rapids, Iowa SCHMEDES, ANNE ELIZABETH , Austin SCHMIOT, CAROL JEAN , Fredericksburg SCHMIOT , PAULA MARIE, Son Antonio SCHMIDT, THOMAS EDWARD, Fredericksburg SCHNEIDER , KAY DIANN, Houston SCHOENEMANN, LOUIS PRESLY , Katy SCHUETTE , CLIFFORD GENE , Corpus Christi SCHULTZ, CARL TEO, Houston SCHULZ, LINDA KAY , Houston SCHWARTZ, JUDY ELAINE, Slaton SCOFIELD, ROBERT JOSEPH , JR., Son Antonio SCOTT, ANITA JEAN , Vernon SCOTT, RONALD LEE , Katy SCOTT, STEPHEN ALLEN , Dellos SCOTT, STEPHEN FORD, Dallas SCOTT , THOMAS ARTHUR , 11 1, Richardson SCRIVANO, SAMMY FRANK, Son Antonio SEAHOLM, ROBERT HARRELL , Austin SERIFF , MARC STEVE , Aust in SERJAK, GORDON PH ILIP, Tyler SETLIFF, SANFORD RAY , Robstown SEWELL , NATHAN JEANNE , Houston SEYMOUR , SCOTTIE ANN, Amarillo SHANAFELT, SAMMY ARTHUR , .i.tksboro SHARPLESS, JERRY l. , Groves SHARPLESS, LARRY ERWIN , Grove. SHAW, JAMES THOMAS, Dev ine SHELTON , JANE MILLER , Oollos SHELTON, KARL WARREN, JR ., Son Angelo SHELTON , THOMAS LEE , Houston SHEPARD, ALDEN , JR ., Belton SHIVERS , MARIALICE SUE, AM.t in SHROEDER, LINDA JUNE, Winters SHUFORD, FELIX MAC, Austin SHUMPES, WILLIAM KENNETH, Comonche SIKES , LESTER EARL , Nixon SILER, LARRY WAYNE, Temple SILVERSTONE, ELLIOT LYNDON, Austin SIMMON, WILLIAM CHRISTOPHER, Amarillo 545 .. • . • • • r, .... :, ...-.~:.. • • • : ... ! ·:·. ~ .•.. :.~~.~....:.:~: !:": ! ;:.";·;: ~ .:;~.: ~·· :! ! :. •...i ~: : . . ·: . .... "': • ... :. : ; .. ·:?~ ~:-::;:::.:.--:·!::­~ •. .. ... .~ . .. :::r Class of 1868 STANLEY, WILLIAM LUKE, Deer Park STARGEL, NANCY KAY . Amarillo STARR, SUE SHIRLEY, San Antonio STEARNS, LLOYD BERNARD, JR., Pharr STEED, RICHARD P., McAIJen STEED, SUSAN ANN, Hughes Springs STEINBERGER, GARY JAN, Fort Worth STEINHEIMER , MICHAEL GARRETT, Beaumont STEITLE, DAVID CHARLES, San Antonia STEPHENS, MICHAEL KAY, Bellville STETSON, FRANCES ELLEN, Hebbronville STEVENS, JAMES WILSON, Angleton STEVENS, PAMELA IRENE, Denison STEWART, JIMMIE LEE, Austin STEWART, WILLIAM BENSON, Amarillo STIENKE, LINDA ANN, Stonewall STIMSON, SYLVIA SUE , Austin STIVER, DAVID WITCHER, Waco STOCKTON , DON WELLINGTON, Wichita Falls STOKES, JOHN EMMETT, Houston STOOLZ, JUDITH MANN , Corpus Christi STRIEGLER, OVE JAY, Fredericksburg STURDIVANT, TIM DEE, Matador SUTHERLAND, JANET SUE, Harlingen SWAIN, JETON ESTELLE, Temple SWAN, WILLIAM BIRD, Houston SWARTZ, BRUCE PRESTON, Beaumont SWARTZ, GARY ALAN, Beaumont SWINNEY, BRADY PARKER, Tyler SWOPE, MARK WILLIAM, Clyde TAAFFE, PETER CLYDE, Arlington TALLEY, ELIZABETH ELLEN, Temple TAMAYO, MARY MERCY, Corpus Christi TAYLOR, BRIAN DOUGLAS, Pasadena T~YLOR, CYNTHIA 'JOYC E, Son Angelo TAYLOR, MICHAEL RAY, Levelland TAYLOR ROY McGLASSON, Waco TEAT MARY ANN, Son Antonia TEUTSCH, JOHN STOVAL, Dumas THAGGARD, ALVIN, Son Antonio THIELEMANN, DORIS EMMA, Richmond THOMAS DONALD DURAN, Amarillo THOMAS, NANCY JANE, Big Springs THOMAS, SHERRY ANN, Wake Village THOMAS, STEPHEN DOUGLAS, Fort Warth THOMASSON, GARY LEE, Richardson THOMPSON, THOMPSON , GLENDA JEAN , Naples THONET, JOAN CHARLOTTE, Baldwin, N. Y. THORNTON , BRUCE CARY, Houston THORNTON , RAYMOND WILLIAM, Son Anton io THORWARD, SUL ROSS OLEN, San Antonio THUMWOOD, SCOTT, Houston THURMAN, GEORGE IRWIN, Vidor TODD , JOHN EDD, Garland TODD, LINDA ARLENE, Austin TOMAN, KATHRYN, San Antonio TOMLINSON, DONALD CLIFF, Waco TOPP, LINDA ELLEN, Galveston TOSH, DANNY JAMES, Fort Worth TOTTENHAM , PATRICIA ANN , Brenham TRACY , JAMES FRENCH , Sinton TRAHAN, MAR ILYN, Houston TRAVIS, HAROLD ALLEN, Rusk TRENT, DOUGLAS IVAN, Kerens TREVINO, JOE ROBERT, San Antonio TRUDE, PAMELA GWYNNE, San Antonio TRUE, BILLY ROY, Fredericksburg TUBB, SUSAN FRANCES, Arlington TUCKER , LYNN , Dollas TURNBOUGH , DENNIS SCOTT, Balmorhea TWIFORD, GINGER ELIZABETH, Houston UPTON, LINDA LOU, Ingleside USELTON, PEGGY WILLIAMS, Austin VALLE, ANNABELLE, San Anton io VAN DEVENTER , GARY MICHAEL , Ho us ton VASQUEZ, ANNABELLA, Benavides VAUGHAN, DOUGLAS, Richardson VEIT, DENNIS BRYAN, Corpus Christi VESELKA, RONNI E EDWARD, Tivoli VICTOR, ELLEN BETH, Fort Worth VOELZEL, GUSTAVE WALTER, 111, Houston VOLZ, NANCY JOAN, San Antonio VOSKAMP, WAYNE EVAN, Rockdale WACHSMUTH, THOMAS ALLEN, Port Neches WADSWORTH , RICHARD RE ID, JR ., Irv ing WAITS, RONALD ERROL, Fort Worth WALDRON, MICHAEL JAMES, Fort Worth WALKER, JOHN NATHANIEL, Lampasas WALL , SHELIA , Houston WALLACE, GEORGE ROBERT, Evanston, Wyo. WALSER, SUE ANN, Houston WALSH , JAMES DAVID, Dallas WALTERS, MAYME JEAN , Ball inger WALTON , DONN IE NEIL , Tyler WARBURTON, JOHN GEOFFREY, Brownsville WARD, CHARLES EDWARD, Austin WARD, DOROTHY ANNE, Devine WARE, LEWIS LEONARD, Houston WAREING, LESLIE LENOIR, Crockett WARNKE, ILENE ANN, Livingston WARRINGTON, GARY ALAN, Son Antonio WASSOM, RONALD H., San Antonio WATERS, GAIL ROSS, Hull WATKINS, VICKI ANN, Irving WATSON, CHARLES RICHARD, El Posa WATSON, SHERIDAN, Houston WATT, GARY WAYNE, Austin WEAVER , JAN ADDEE N, Kerrville WEAVER, NANCY EUGENIA, Deleon WEBB, CAROL ANN, Corpus Christi WEHMEYER, ROBERT ERLE, JR., Mathis WEINER, BARRY MICHAEL, San Antonia WELD, CONSTANCE MARY, Houston WELLS, CAROL BETH, Eagle Lake WE ST, JOS EPH EVE RETT, Friendswood WHARTON, JAMES ERIC, Dallas WHEAT, BONNIE LEE, Richardson WHEELIS, PAUL ALAN, Brownwood WHELESS, KIM DEE, Corpus Christi WHITE, GAY DAWN, Boytawn WHITE, MARY JO, Temple WHITE, PAMELA ANNE, Houston WHITE , RONALD HARRY, Corpus Christi WHITE, SHARON KAY, Houston WHITING, WILLIAM ALEXANDER , Houstor WHITSON, DON E., Dallas WHITWORTH , STEPHEN A., Corpus Christi WHYMAN, JUDY RUTH, Houston WIEBER, PAMELA ANN, Kress WI ER, VICKI GRACE, Son Antonio WIESSENBERG, JERI LEE, Mettairie, La. WIGLEY, ROSEMARY, Corpus Christi W ILBER , LOREN ODELL , Austin WILBURN , GLENN GEORGE , Denison WILDE, SHARON LYNNE, Dallas WILEY, GORDON DOUGLAS, Fort Worth WILKINS, BRENDA REYNELLE, Waco WILKINS, SANDRA BETH, Andrews WILKINSON, JANICE SUSAN, Dallas WILKINSON, MARTHA, Bay City WILLIAMS, DAVID EUGENE, Fort Worth WILLIAMS, ELIZABETH ANN, Bandera 547 WILLIAMS, EVERETT L., Amarillo WILLIAMS, JAMES ROBERT, Weatherford WILLIAMS, JANE WYNETTE, Kerrv ille WILLIAMS, MARY THELMA, Folfurios WILLIAMS, WESLEY REED, Gatesville WILLIS, JOAN LYNN, Houston WILMUT, CHARLES GORDON, Dallas WILSON, CONSTANCE JUNE, Galena Pork WILSON, JANET LOUISE, Son Antonio WILSON , THERESA LOUISE , Winnsboro WINDHAM, JUDITH ANN, Livingston WI NDHAM, MORRIS BRYAN, Silsbee WITT, WALLACE THURSTON, Aransas Poss WOLVERTON, JOE BENSON, Wichita Falls WOOD, REED GLENN, JR., Richards WOODARD, PAMELA l. , Texarkana WOODWARD, M. KENNETH, Austin WOOLSEY, BRIAN REED, Fort Worth WORTHAM, JAMES AUBREY, Dallas WORTMAN , GEORGE ISSAC, Lubbock WRIGHT, CYNTHIA ANN, Texas City WRIGHT, FRED GRAVES, JR. , Kingsland WRIGHT, HERBERT RAWSON, Ill, Abilene WRIGHT, JANICE, Dallas WRIGHT, JOHN PETE , Den ison WRIGHT, KEITH DOUGLAS, Ab ilene WRIGHT, ROBERT EARL, Midland WRIGHT SUSAN NELL, Amarillo WROTEN, GEORGE FREESE, Ill, Son Antonio YARBROUGH, PATRICK, Abilene YOUNG, DONALD RAY, Freeport ZEDLER, GALE LOUISE , Austin ZEITLER, IRVIN EDWIN, Imperia l ZELISKO , JON CARTER , Cameron ZIRKLE, HARRIET ELAINE, Encino! ZURKEY, CRAIG ROBERT, Rochester, N. Y. Class of 1868 Class of 1870 ABBOTI, KAREN ANN, Beaumont ACOSTA, IRMA OLVERA, Austin ADAMS, CHRISTINE, Beaumont ADAMS, CHRISTOPHER HENRY JARRETT, JR., Austin ADAMS, JOYCE MARIE, Carrollton, Ohio AGUILAR , BEN , Lockhart AKIN, MONTA JANE , Houston ALDRICH, CHERYL LYNN, Fort Worth ALEXANDER, DORIS ANN, Dallas ALLEN, DEANN, Blum ALLEN , JAMES HERMAN , Rusk 548 ALLEN, KENNETH WARREN, Leoday ALLENSON, RUBY BETH, El Campo ALLISON , DALE CRAWFORD, Rulo ALLISON, MARGARET SCOTT, Austin ALLISON, SUZANNE ELAINE, Houston ALVIS. MARY LUE . Rochester AMIRKABIRIAN, IRAJ, Sheshgilan, Tabriz, Iran AMOS, PATRICK JOHN, Fort Worth ANDERS, GORDON KEITH, Shiner ANDERSON , ANITA KATHLEEN, Colorado City ANDERSON, RICHARD LEE, Corpus Christi ANDREWS, KATHRYN DELL, To.arkana, Ark. ANGELO, JOHN EDWARD, Waco APPERSON, MARGARET ELIZABETH, Greenville ARENDALL, LAWRENCE BARCLAY, Mobile, Ala. ARMSTRONG, PAUL DOUGLAS, Irving ARNAKIS, POLY CATHERINE, Austin ARNOLD, GAIL ELLEN, Crockett ARNOLD, JUDITH ANN, Son Antonio ASCHBACHER, LINDA MAE, San Antonio ATCHISON , DEANA ANN, Springs ATKINSON , ROBERT DUNNING, Austin ATNIP, MICHAEL GRANT, Fort Worth AXELROD, ROBERT DAVID, Houston BABETZ, JEFFREY DALE, Fort Worth BAETZ, BERTRAND OLIVER, JR., San Antonio BAGGETT, NANCY JANE, Rockdale BAGWELL, LOUIS LEE, Roswell, N. M. BAKER, OtA MAE, Madisonville BALDRIDGE, VICKI ELAINE, San Angolo BALDWIN, HOWARD GILBERT, JR., San Antonio BALDWIN, STANLEY FORREST, Houston BANDY, JUDY ANN, Houston BANKS, CHARLOTTE LEE, Corpus Christi BANTON, GLORIA ANN, Ambler, Pa. BARASCH, CONSTANCE SUE, San Antonio BARBOUR , DAVID ALEXANDER , Aust in BARKER, ROBERT GLENN, Corpus Christi BARNARD, BARBARA ANN , Austin BARNES, BETH ANNE , Austin BARNES, SHERRY LEE, Big Loke BARRERA, NORMA, Alice BARTNING, CARLOS EDUARDO, Richardson BASS, SUZANNE, Orange BATES, BOBBY L., Gatesville BATMAN , JACK A. , Longview BAT~ON, DOUGLAS ALLEN , Lubbock BATSON , ROBERT WAYNE, Hearne Class of 1970 BAUGH, LINDA GOZELLE, San Antonio BAUGH , PHILLIP DUPONT, Dallas BAYLISS, SUSAN JOAN, San Antonio BEARDEN, JACKIE LEE , Wich ita Falls BEARDEN, PAUL JOSEPH, Bedford, Mass. BEASLEY, BLANCHE ELAINE, Kingsville BEBB, DAVID EDWIN, Wichita Foils BECHTOLD, JANIE, Houston BECK, LINDA JEAN , Junction BECKA, MARILYNN , Baytown BECKER, GARY LLOYD, Woco BECKER , MARY ELLEN . New Braunfels BEERY, DAVID LOUIS, Houston BELL, LINDA KAY, Woodsboro BELL, MARY CATHERINE, Dollos BENAVIDES, MANUEL , Ill , Folfurris BENEDICT, BARRY Kl RK, Fort Worth BENNETT, CALVIN, JR., Crone BENNETT, DONNA KAY, Gatesville BENNETT, DOUGLAS FAIRFIELD, Woodville BENTSEN , REBECCA ANN , McAllen BERGER, WILLIAM EDWARD, Austin BERGFELD , ELIZABETH BONNEAU , Tyler BERGMAN, PHILLIS ESTES, Austin BERGSTROM, NEVA JOY, Haskell BERMEA, EIFFEL YADIT, Un ive rsi ty City BERNSTEIN, ALLAN LEE, Son Antonio BERNSTEIN, MIRIAM ETTA, Dollos BERRY, CAROLYN QU IN, Waco BERRY, JAMES ALAN, West Columbia BERRY , WOODY LYNN , Amar illo BERSON, CHARLES VAN, Houston BETTGE, CAROL LYNN, Lockhart BETTS, HOWARD TERRELL, Son Antonio BETTS, JAMES LEE, Houston BIDERMAN , LINDA ALICE , Do ll os BIGGS, JERRY DAVIS, Panhandle BILLINGS, JANEY ELLEN, Richardson Bl LLS , SHARON JANE , Midland BIRD, WILLIAM LIGHTNER, JR., Fort Worth BISCHOFF , MARY ETHEL , Albuquerque, N. M. BISCHOFS, SUSANNE CAROL, Abilene BISHOP, CLIFFORD JOE, Bedford BISHOP, PAMELA OUIDA, Seminole BISHOP, RAY McCLAREN, Richardson BLACKLOCK, WARD TRUETT, JR., Austin BLAIR , BETTY CAROL, Lomposas BLAIR , GLORIA JEAN, Belton 549 Class of 1970 BRUNNER, ALBERTA ANN, Son Antonio BRYAN, RALPH DEWILTON, Houston BRYANT, JACK DAVID, Dollos BRYANT, REBECCA JANE, Sherman BUCK, GEORGINI\ MARSLAND, Fort Worth BUCKMAN , MICHAEL ALAN , Kansos City, Mo . BURGE, REBECCA FAYE, Son Antonio BURKE, EDMUND THOMAS, Houston BURKS, VICTORIA ANN, Corpus Christi BURNETT, P. ALDIS, Housto-n BURNHAM, BARBARA LEA, Alice BURST, FRANCES ANNE, Dollas BURTON, JOSEPH ARNOLD, Port Lavaca BYERS, LORETTA RUTH, Randol ph AFB BYRD, CHARLES ELLIOTT, Abilene BYRNE, JOHN TIMOTHY, Dollos CADE, ELLEN ORA, LaPorte CAGNEY, MICHAEL JAMES, Bel loire CAIN, KATHRYN FRANCES, Weslaco CALDWELL, PHYLLIS JUNE, Dallas CAMERON, JOHN HUGH, Brownsville CAMP, CAROL ANN, Past CANFIELD, JEAN, West Columbia CANNON, GORDON THOMAS, Dollos CANNON , LANA GWEN , Mad isonville CANTRELL, CHARLES LEONARD, Waco CARLISLE, DOROTHY KAY, Aust in CARRILLO, JOHN RICHARD, Dellos CARROLL , RONNIE LEE , Conroe CARSON, ROBERT WILLIS, Odessa CARTER, CYNTH IA SUE, Arlington , Vo. CARTER, DONNA DEE, Dollas CARWILE, GERALD ARTHUR, McKinney CASEY, LILLIAN DIANNE , Hankamor CATES, JOHN WARREN , San Anton io CAVENDER , JULIE BETH , Houston CEDERHOLM, BARBARA JOAN, Bastrop CELMINS, SIRUTA ALLI -CATHARINA, San Antonio CENTER, II, EARL CARLYLE, Baytown CHAPMAN, DEBORAH AlYCE, Beaumont CHASE , ANDREW SIDNEY, Plono CHENAULT, HARRIOT ELIZABETH, Houston CHRISTIE , VIRG INIA LOUISE , Austin CHRISTMANN , KAREN FAITH, Dallas 01RISTY, ROBERT C., Ho us ton CLARK, GARY ALAN, Mesquite CLARK , HARRY DEAN , Orange CLARK, JAMES EDWARD, Oklahoma City, Okla, BLAIR, SONNY, Abilene BLAIR , WYNNE ALLEN , Houston BLAND, MARY MOZELLE, Austin BLANKENSHIP, LINDA ANN , Houston BLISS, ROBERT DEVENEAU, Boytown BOBBITT, JAY CHARLES, Dallas BOBO, CAROLYN GAIL, Austin BODDEKER, JANICE SUE, Aust in BOETTCHER, JACK ROLAND, Waco BOLAND, MICHAEL LEE, Son Antonio BOND, SALLY JANE , Dryden , N. Y. BONE, MARCUS ROLAND, Son Anton io BOORTZ, CHARLES CRAIGHILL LUCAS, Atlanta, Ga . BOREN, CARL LESLIE, Gorlond BOWDON , ROGER ALLEN, Austin BOWEN, ROBERT GLEN, Fort Worth BOWERS, GARY LYNN, Houston BOWERSOCK, DAVID MICHAEL , San Antonio BOWMAN, WAYNE FRANKLIN, 111, Houston BOYD, KATHLEEN BEVERLY, Houston BOZARTH, SHARON SUE, Dole BRADSHAW, MARY CATHERINE , San Angelo BRALY, LINDA KAY, Fort Worth BRANAM, WILLIAM W., Ingleside BRANDT, BONNIE LEEANN, San Antonio BRANDT, KATHLEEN LOUISE, Austin BRANNAN, BARTLEY TROY, Clyde BRANNON, LINDA LORAINE, Dunconville BRANSTETTER, REAGAN ECI l, Refugio BREMER, KATHERINE ANN , Son Anton io BREWER, WILLIAM LOUIS, San Antonio BRITT, JOHN MARK , Amor illo BROCHSTEIN, STEPHEN LARS, Houston BROCK, JOHN MARTIN, Bondera BROCKETTE, BETTY SUE, Austin BROKAW, DEBBY ANN, Houston BROOKS, ANNIE MELINDA, Austin BROOKS, ROS_EMARY, Colemon BROWDER , ALAN CAMI LE, Burleson BROWN, ALPHONCE JOSEPH, JR .. Wichita Falls BROWN , JOHN THOMAS, Son Angelo BROWN, REBECCA SUE , loke Jockson BROWN, ROBERT MICHAEL , lutbock BROWN, ROBERT ROY, Boytown BROWN , THOMAS l YNN , Comanche BROWNLEE , TOPSY ANN , Perryton BRUCE, DOYLE EDWARD, JR., Lufkin BRUCE; STEPHEN GRAHAM, Oronge CLARK, ROBERT DEAN, Taylor CLARKSON, DAVID MICHAEL, Midland CLAY, STEVEN HENRY, Dallas CLELAND, JANET LYN, Houslon CLEMENT, BEVERLY DEE, Cleveland CLONINGER , JIM BRANDEN, Amarillo COBB, CHARLES CLIFTON, Austin COCHRAN, CORNELIA, Lubbock COE, MICHELE ELIZABETH, Boylown COHEN, JANET RUTH, Fort Worlh COHEN, Ml RIAM LEAH, Son Antonio COLE, JR,. CECIL FRANK, Son Antonio COLE, DALE EMILE, Garland COLEMAN, COLUMBUS EDWARD, JR .. Whorton COLLIE , NANCY GWYNNE, Houston COLLINS, DAVID ALAN, Houston COMISKEY, CH~RLES EDWARD, Houston CONDRY, JAMES EDWARD, Houston CONNELL, CAROLYN, Denton CONNER, CAROL ALICE , Houston CONNOLLY, PATRICIA ANN, Son Antonio COOK, DONALD EDWARD, Baytown COOK, PAULA JEAN , Crone COOLE, EDANA CLEMENTINE, Houston COOPER , JOHN WALLACE , Odessa COOPER, MARIE LOUISE, Corpus christi CORDELL , CLAIRE, Fort Worth CORNETT, JAMES REAVIS, Austin CORTINES, GLENN DELL, Daingerfield COTLAR, STEVE WILLIAM, Houston COTTRELL, Will, little Rock, Ark. COUNCIL, CAROL DIANE, Corpus Christi COURS, CYNTHIA, Freeport COWEN, NANCY, Fort Worth COX, JAMES NEAL, Dollos COYM, PATRICK WILLIAM, Alice CRADER , SUSAN, Fort Worth CRAIG, CHERYL RENEE, Houston CRAIG, DAVID PICTON, Houston CRAIG, RICHARD NEI l, Port Arthur CRAIN, CAROLE LOIS, Son Antonio CRAVER, MARY DIANE, Houston CROCKETT, KATHY, Houston CROFT, ROCHELLE FAYE, Houston CROW, WILLIAM RAYMOND, JR., Lytle CROWLEY, JOHN CHARLES, Houston CRUTSINGER, ELIZABETH ANN, Son Antonio CULLENDER, MICHAEL JOE, Conodion CULWELL, DON ALLEN, JR ,. Houston CUMMINGS, CAROL JANIS, Houston CUNNINGHAM, DAVID JOHNSON, Houston CUNNINGHAM, JOHN PHILLIPS, Wichita Falls CUNNINGHAM, SUSAN JEAN, Son Antonio CURRY, BONNY LYNN , Novosoto CURRY, EUGENE BRUCE, Lubbock DALGO , MARILYN RAYE , San Antonio DALLAS, SUZANNE, Austin DANBURG , GLENDA SHARON, Houston DANFORTH, DOUGLAS MUELLER, Austin DANI El , WILLIAM HENRY, Brownsville DANI ELS, JOHN STEELE, Dollos DANIELS, THOMAS G .. Gilmer DARDEN , JAMES WILSON , Woodbridge, Va. DAVIDOFF , MICHAEL ELLIOTT, Houston DAVIDSON, RUTH PATRICIA, Houston DAVIS, GAYLE ANN, Austin DAVIS, KATHY, Seguin DAVIS, RICHARD MASON , Royse City DAVIS, ROBERT KENNETH, Houston DAVIS, ROLAND REGINALD, JR .. Austin DAVIS, SHERILYN JEAN , Houston DAVIS, THOMAS ROSS, Silver Spring, Md. DAVIS, WILLIAM STEVEN , Austin DAYTON, DONNA, Metairie , la . DEADERICK, FRANKLIN ARTHUR , Odessa DEAN, ROBERT ALLEN, Dallas DEATON, DIONNE, Greenville DE LA GARZA, VICTOR, JR .. McAllen DELMAS, LARRY HENRY, Fort Hood DENMAN, MARAJEN ELIZABETH, Dallas DENNIS, NANCY LOUISE, Richardson DENNY, MARY NELL, San Antonio DENSON, DINAH LEA, Son Antonio DENSON , SALLY ANN , San Anton io DEUTSCH, SUSAN JANE , Coldwell DEVINE, MARY PATRICIA, Corpus Christi DEVLIN, CHARLCIE JO, Paris DEWBERRY, WILLIAM DAVID, Houston DeWITT, JUDY ANN, Raymondville DICKERMAN, JAMES CLARK, Pasadena DICKINSON, LAVERNE LEE, Austin DICKINSON , SUGAR S. M .. Houston DIERINGER, HERBERT NELSON, Schulenburg DIETERICH , JAMES MILTON , San Antonio DIETZ, JOHN KARL, Houston DISMUKES, DAVID LYNN, Magnolia, Ark. 551 DISNEY, DEBORAH ANN, Fort Worth DOANE, LINDA KAYE, Fort Worth DONNELLY, CAROLYN DELLAINE, Boytown DORRIES, GLENN HARVEY, Hondo DOUGLAS, VERNA KAY, Son Antonio DOWELL , BEN EVANS, Beoumont DOYAL , WAYNE NOBLE, Son Anton io DOZIER , MARTHA CAROLYN, Kerrv ille DRAKE, DEBORAH ANN , Fort Worth DRISKILL, DONALD OSCAR , Houston DUKE, NANCY KAY, Texarkana DUNCAN , DE BRON CURTIS, Henderson DUNCAN , P. JACK, Palest ine Dl!NLAP, STEPHEN ALFRED, Houston DUNN, TOMMY HAROLD, Silsbee DUNNING, ANGELA CAROL , Houston DUPLISSEY, JEANNE CLAIRE, El Poso DYER , PATRICK JOSEPH, Aust in EADS, BEVERLY ANN, Austin EARLE, DONNA GAYLE, Fort Worth EASTERLING , DOUGLAS NELSON, Orlando, Fla . EASTLAKE, DANI EL EUGENE , Wich ita Falls EBLEN , EARL DOOLEN , JR., Sloton ECKERT, JOYCE EILEEN, Fredericksburg EDMOND, MICHAEL TOOLE, El Paso EDMONDS, FORREST DEY, Houston EDRINGTON, SHIRLEY JEAN, Dallas ELDRIDGE , DAVID PAUL, Houston ELDRIDGE, KAY , Beaumont ELLIOTT, CAROLE ANN, Dellos ELLIOTT, ED STANLEY, Fort Worth ELLIOTT, JAN ELIZABETH, Austin ELLIOTT, KAREN JO, Motodor ELMENDORF, HEDA ELIZABETH, Son Antonio EMBRY, DAVID RHODES, Houston EMSHOFF, GENETTE KAY, Lake Jackson ENGLISH , DAN ALEXANDER , Beaumont ENGLISH, WILKE DENTON, Aust in ENGLUND, CHARLOTTE ANNE, El Compo ERICKSON, ROBERT DALE, Fort Worth ERICSON , SUSAN KATHLYN, Temple ERNSTER, TIMOTHY WAYNE, Cuero EUTSLER, ROBERT WESTON, Houston EVANS, BILLIE-ANN, Dellos EVANS, JOHN JOSEPH , Groves FARFAN, PATRICIA DEANNA, Son Antonio FARMER , JACQUELYN , Vic torio FARRAR, JON ANTHONY, Rosenberg FELDMAN, JAMES KENDRICK, Midland FERGUSON , KENNETH WAYNE , Houston FERGUSON, MARTHA CAROL , Cisco FIBICH, KENNETH THOMAS, Son Antonio FINK, MARIE ANTOINETTE , San Antonio FINLEY , ROBERT C., Fort Worth FISHER, ALICE COCHRAN , Houston FITZPATRICK, JODY LYNN, Austin FLADGER , JOSEPH EDWIN , Son Antonio FLEMING, WALT, Houston FLETCHER, JOHN THOMAS, Bridgeport FLOERKE , APRIL LOUISE, Toft FLYNN, LINDA CAROLE, Dallas FOLEY, EILEEN THERESE, Heuston FOLLIN , DARTH I NEAL , Fort Worth FOOSHEE, LOIS ELAINE, Abilene FORBES, MARY FLORENCE, Houston FORD, BRENT JAY, Houston FORD , SALLY WELLBORN , Houston FOSTER, MARILYN ANNE, Houston FOSTER, PETERSON, Austin FOURNACE , LYNDA LOUISE, Bella ire FRANCI S, WILLIAM RALEIGH, Fort Worth FRAN KS, FAYE SUZANNE, Diboll FRASER, JAMES RAY, Marshall FREDERICK, DAVID O"BRI EN, Dellos FREDERIKSEN , CHARLES C., Dellos FREED , SHERYL HELENE, Galveston FRENCH , PEGGY JEAN, Pearland FRENCH , RAYMOND EDWA RD, Big Springs FRNKA, EDWARD RICHARD, II, Son Antonio FROEHLICH, TRAVIS DEAN, Weimar FROST , ALVIN HARVEY, Beaumont FULLER, FRANCES MAY, Dellos FUQUA , MARIE ELIZABET H, Novosoto GALE, JANIE, Houston GALLAGHER, KATHLEEN MARIE, Houston GAMMAGE. PATRICK ODELL, Wochita Foils GANTT, IERLY LYNN , Houston GARDNER, DEBORAH GAIL, Houston GARDNER, JANET ANN. Arlongton, Va . GARDNER, NANCY KATHLEEN, Son Antonio GARING, JON LADSON, Forest Pork, Go. GARNER, WILSON LYNN, Belton GARVER, PAULA ANN, Houston GARZA, ARNOLD GONZALES, Sanger GAUTREAU, MARY JOYCE, Auston GEE, ROGENE , Houston 552 .... __ GEORGE, RICHARD LEE, Houston GERSHNER, IRA, Pine Bluff, Ark. GEWERTZ, MARTIN ANSON, Dallas GIBSON, DAVID HAMILTON, Kermit GIBSON , JAMES SIDNEY, Austin GILILLAND, GAYE, Richardson GILL, DARLENE KAREN , Silsbee GILL , HAL MICHAEL , Midland GILLASPIE, DAN WARD, Webster GILLETTE, VICTORIA LYNN, Dallas GILLIAM, ROBERT MILTON, Victoria GINDY , KENNETH MICHAEL, San Antonio GIPS, JERRY ROBERT, Houston GIROUARD, MARGARET ELIZABETH, Freeporl GJEDDE, HELEN ANN, LaPorte GLADE, THOMAS WALKER, Lufkin GLASSCOCK, MERRY LOU, McAllen GLIDDEN , DAVID MICHAEL , Houston GODFREY, GERALDINE JANE, Austin GOLDBLUM, JUDY MERLE, Port Arthur GOLDSOBEL, RANDALL SCOTT, Houston GOODWIN, MARY PATRICIA, San Antonio GORDON , JERRY JOHN, Baytown GORMAN , JOE VANCE, Big Sandy GORMELY, JOHN PAUL, Victoria GOSSETT , JAMES MICHAEL, Silsbee GOTTLIEB , SUSAN E. , Dallas GOURLEY , JACK, JR., Dallas GRAF, KERMIT EUGENE, Houston GRAHAM , NANCY, Austin GRANT, LILLIE JANE, Ennis GRANT, PAULINE BRUCE, Bryan GRANTHAM, THOMAS HAROLD, Miami GRAVES, BONNIE BLUE, Corpus Christi GRAVES , GAYLE FRANCES, Uvalde GRAY , CAROLYN LEE , Odessa GRAY, DOROTHY ELAINE, Mesqu ite GRAY, EDWARD BARRY, Newton GREEN , JOHN RANDALL, Dallas GREEN, TED EDWARD, Houston GREEN, WILLIAM R., Palestine GRIFFITH, EDGAR DENNIS, Houston GRIFFITH, GARY ERNEST, Dallas GRIFFITH, THOMAS DAVID , Houston GRIGGS, ERIC RANDALL, Sweetwater GRIMES, PATRICIA ANN, Son Saba GRING, LARRY MARTIN, Son Antonio GROTEVANT, HAROLD DENNIS, Dallas Class of 1970 GRUBBS, JAMES HOLT, Fort Worth GUENZEL, PATSY ANN, Borllett GUEST, KELLEY AUSTIN, Clarksville GUIDRY, MONTE J., Son Antonio GUINN , BRENDA KAYE, Houston GUINN, GEOFFREY KYLE, Fort Worth GULLEEN, KRIS KARL, Austin GURINSKY, EDWARD KEITH, San Antonio GUSTAFSON, VIRGINIA JOYCE, Austin GWIN, ANNE TORREY, Boy City HAAK, MARGARET BERTHA, Texarkana, Ark. HAHN , BILLY CARL, Post HAHN , HARR IET, Aust in HAHN , SARA BETH , Pompa HAHN, SUSIE ELAINE, Fort Worlh HAIK, CAROLYN MARY, Austin HAIK IN, HARRY RICHARD, Houston HAIRSTON , COLES HENNESSY, Taylor HALL , CAROL LEIGH , Cuero HALLMARK, ROBERT EDWIN, Dallas HAMMACK , L. SUSAN , Son Antonio HAMMON, CLIFFORD WAYNE, Dallas HAMON, .CAROL SUE , Posodeno HANKS, LUCINDA BOYLEN , Palestine HANOVER, NAN ANNETT, Bryan HANSEN, SANDRA, Arlington, Vo. HARG IS , CHARLES CREGLOW, Seattle, Wash. HARKINS, WILLIAM TRAVIS, Sanderson HARMAN , DOUGLAS MERIWETHER, Austin HARRINGTON, NAN KATHERINE, Dallas HARRIS, CAROL GWYNNE, Sweetwater HARRIS, KATHLEEN FERN, San Antonio HARR ISON, CAROL ANN, Dallas HARR ISON , DALE , Brownsville HARRISON , ROGER DALE , Haltom City HARTMAN, CARLYNN, Bellaire HARTMANN, PAUL ROBERT, Fredericksburg HARVEY, MICHAEL PAUL, Hereford HARVICK, MELISSA ANN, Son Antonio HASSLOCHER, SUSAN LYNN, San Antonio HATCHER, WILLIAM EMMERT, Ill, San Antonio HAWKES, JOHN CHARLES, Austin HAWKINS, JAMES CLEVELAND, JR., Dallas HAWTHORNE , JUDY KAY , Dallas HAYNES, BEVERLY BERNICE, Dallas HAYWOOD, ERNEST LEMUEL, Dallas HEARD, ROBERT EDWARD, Houston HECZKO , SHIRLEY ANN, Lufkin 553 Class of 1970 HOWARD, MARTHA ANNE, Moody HOWARD , ROBERT LAWRENCE, Dallas HUBBARD, JULIA LYNN, Houston HUFF, JANICE CLORA, Midland HULL , CARLA ETHELLEN , Houston HULL , STEPHEN MICHAEL , Wichita Falls HUMPHREY, NANCY PATRICIA, Austin HUMPHRIES, PAT ALAN, Brownwood HUNNICUTT, GERALD WINSTON, Kerrville HUNT, JEANETTE ANN, Fort Worth HUNT, KAY CAROL, Tyler HUNTER , WILLIAM RANDOLPH, JR ., San Antonia HURLEY, MARY ANN, Houston HURST, JOHN THOMAS, Austin HURWITZ, JILL ANDREA, Corpus Christi l"ANSON, MARGI IRENE , Pasadena INGRAM, GREGORY WAYNE, Fort Worth INGRAM, JOEL WESLEY, Killeen INMAN, WILLIAM DAVID, Houston IRWIN, WILLIAM MONROE, JR., Stephenville ISAACKS, DONNA LYNN, Houston ISBELL, DAVID KENT, Dallas ISBELL, LINDA ANN, College Station ISENHOWER, ELIZABETH ANN, Baytown IVEY, JOHN DOUGLAS, Houston JACKSON, JAY SHEL TON, Mount Pleasant JACKSON, ROBERT WAYNE, Huntsville JACKSON , SUZANNE DEE , Perryton JACOBS, DEBORAH KAY, Baytown JAMES, JOSEPH D., JR., Richardson JARRETT, SUSAN, Midland JENKINS, WALTER WILLIAM, Davenport, Iowa JIMENEZ, RALPH LUZ, Baytown JIRASEK, NANCY ELAINE, McKinney JOE, JOHNNY, Amarillo JOHANSON, JEANNE, Houston JOHNS, DELBERT ALAN ," Graham JOHNS, GAi L, Od•ssa JOHNSON, CHESTER HERBERT, JR., Austin JOHNSON, DANP'IY ELMO, Dallas JOHNSON, DIANNE JEAN, Odessa JOHNSON, HARALD, Bellaire JOHNSON , JO CAROL , San Anton ia JOHNSON, PATRICIA ALICE, Texas City JOHNSON, RANDALL BAINE, Garland JOHNSON, ROBERT WALLACE, Carpus Christi JOHNSON, STEPHEN HOWARD Amarillo JOHNSON, VIRGINIA ANN, Houston HEERS, DANI EL KENNETH, Dallas HEIMLICH, MICHAEL DOUGLAS, Dallas HEINE, DARRELL BERT, Del Valle HELM, ALFRED PAUL, Richardson HENDERSON, BETSY, Dallas HENDERSON , JANE LEE, Victoria HENDRICK, DAVID ALAN, Andrews HENDRICKS, STEPHEN RICHARD, McKinney HENDRIX, THOMAS LAWRENCE, Houston HENNINGTON, IRIS KAY, Fart Warth HENRY, DAVID EDWARD, Fart Worth HEN RY, SUSAN KAY, Carpus Christi HERRING, ELISABETH GREY, Austin HERTZ, RAYMOND STANELY, Dallas HEWETT, HELEN JACKIE, Freeport HEWETT, SANDRA LYNNE, San Antonia HICKS, KAREN, Jasper HICKS, WILLIAM HOWARD, Tyler HIETT, KATHLEEN HOPE , Fart Warth HIGGINS, CYNTHIA DuVAL, Houston HILLARD, CATHY GAIL , Baytown HILLMER , CARMEN AVERY, San Antonia HIRSCH , ALBERT LINZ, JR. , Dallas HITT, PAMELA JEAN, Sinton HOCH, TERRI LYNN , Houston HODGES, FRANCIS LEIGHTON, JR., Houston HODGSON, JOHN SCOTT, Houston HODGSON , LEE KINDLEY, Dallas HOELSCHER, PATRICIA ANNE, Alice HOFFMAN, ROBERT PERSHING, Plainview HOFFMAN, SUSAN LYNN, Waco HOGENSON, CAROL ANN, Woke Village HOLCOMB, ALFRED SIDNEY, JR ., Dallas HOLLON , SUSAN JEAN , Toledo , Oh io HOLM, MARY LYNNE, Houston HOLMANS, SANDRA KAY, Austin HOLMBERG, KRISTEN MARIE, El Paso HOLMES, MICHAEL LLOYD, Pittsburg HOLT, MARY HELEN, Aust in HONEYCUTT, RODNEY LEE, Gilmer HONZA, GAYLE PAULETTE, Ennis HOOVER, KATHRYN JANE, Amarillo HOPPSTETTER, RICHARD DAVID, 11, San Antonia HORTON, EDMUND, R., Hico HOTZ, ROGER DALE , Victoria HOUSER , DONALD LYNN, Aust in HOUZVICKA, FRANK JOHN, 11, Richardson HOWARD, JANICE LYNNE, Corpus Christi JONES, ANN ELEECE , Aust in JONES, DONALD GLENN, Wichita Falls JONES, JACQUELYN EDNA, Beaumont JONES, JAN , Bollinger JONES, JANET CLAIRE, Big Spring JONES, MARGARET WILBURN, Houston JONES, PENNI DONA, Hereford JONES, RALPH MICHAEL, Metairie, lo. JONES, VONCI El, Son Antonio JORDAN, CATHELEEN, Fort Worth JORDAN, JANICE CAROL , Corpus Christi JOSEPH, JOHN RAYMOND, Son Antonio KAASE, KAREN MARIE, Houston KAINE , MARY ETHEL . Son Antonio KAMENITSA, DENNIS ELLIOTT, Fort Worth KAROLY, DAVID ROY, Son Antonio KASCH, BARBARA KAY, North Brook, Ill. KASPAREK, CANDACE ANN, Austin KAY, ROBERT EARL, lo Marque KEESEE, SUSAN KAREN, Houston KELLY, PATRICIA SUE, Son Antonio KELLY, ROBERT LEE , Houston KENDRICK, GERALD ALAN, Sherman KESSLER, GARY FORREST, Houston KIDD, SUSAN KAY, Tyler KIGER, ROSLYN FRANCES, Council Bluffs, Iowa Kl KER, TOMMY l YNN , Bryon KILDAY, ELIZABETH, Bellaire KILGORE , MARK HENRY, Aust in KILPATRICK, OLIVER KELSAL, Austin KIMBALL, JOHN PHINEAS, JR., Houston KINCHELOE, ALICE SUSAN, Dellos KING, ELIA V., Lima, Peru KING, FRANK DAVID, Luling KINNAMON, MICHAEL CLAYTON, Dollos KINSEL, CATHERINE ELLENE, Beaumont KLASING, JOHN CHRISTOPH, New Lenox, Ill. KLAVENESS, MICHAEL ARMISTEAD, Houston KLECKA, JAN MARIE, Pasadena KLEIN, MICHAEL ALLEN, Dallas KNIGGE, LARRY WESLEY, Houston KNOX, JOANN, Brownfield KOCH, COLIN LEE, Aust in KOCH , ROBERT ALAN , Longview KOEHL , GARY LIONEL, Son Antonio KOHN, FRANK EDWARD, Dallas KORP, SUSAN ALISON , Son Antonio KRAMER , RICHARD G., Fort Sill , Okla. KRAMER, VIRGINIA MARIE, Houston KRAPP, CATHERINE ELAINE, Port Washington, N. Y. KREISLE, MATTHEW FERDINAND, Austin KRIER, MARY CELESTE , Den ison KROON, CANDACE GAYLE, Fort Worth KRUEGER , JANICE JEAN, Red Cloud, Neb. KRUEGER, RALPH WALLACE, Son Antonio KUMPF, DAVID KENNETH, Son Antonio KYPREOS, NICK MERCOURIS, Galveston LACKS, JUDITH RAE, Son Antonio lolONDE, CAROLYN DIANE, Buda LAMBERT, WARREN CARLTON, Fort Worth LANDIS, CANDACE BETH, Houston LANDON, ALFRED LAWRENCE, Peekskill, N. Y. LANE , DAVID ALLEN ; Arl ington LANE, PAMELA JEAN, Belton LANGE, VE RN FRANK, San Anton io LANGR IDGE, SUSAN JO , Son Anton io LANGSJOEN, HANS ALFRED, Temple LANIER, PATRICK J. RICHARD, Beaumont LAPPING, DEBORAH SUE , Fort Worth LARREY, RICHARD MORRIS, Houston LARSON, ANN ROBERTA, Dellos LARSON, DIANN, Elgin LARSON , GAYLE LYNN , Beaumont LAVIAGE, MICHAEL LYNN , Houston LAW, WALLACE KENNETH, Belton LEACH , CYNTHIA ANN , Austin LEACH , THOMAS MICHAEL, Houston leBRUN, KATHLEEN GAIL , Balboa Hgts., Cone! Zone LEE , SAMUEL ROBERT, Dellos LEE , ZADEN OLIVER, JR., Randolph AFB LEHMAN , LAWRENCE PHILIP , Pra irie Village, Kans. LEIBROCK , ROBERT C., Midland _ LEIGH , JOHN MARSHALL, Aust in LEITH, CYNTHIA, Victoria LEMENS, YELDON l., Austin LEMING, PAMELA JEAN, Pacific Palisades, Calif. LESHIN, MARK, Robstown LEVIN, JERALD DUNN, Texas City LEVIN, LAURIE, Dallas LEVINE, PAULA ANN, Waco LEVY, BEN ALLAN, Victoria LEVY, HELEN, New Orleans, lo. LEWIS, DAVID ARDEN , Terrell LEWIS, KEITH CHARLES, Waco LEWIS, MARGARET ANNE, Houston LIDDLE, SANDRA JEANNE, Fort Worth 555 LINDGREN, JAMES THOMAS, Austin LIPPINCOTT, ROBERT IRWIN, Houston LOCKWOOD, NANCY LEE, Camp Zama, Japan LOEHR, TOM, Houston LONG, JUDY ANN, Texorkana LOPEZ, ARMANDO MEDINA, JR., San Antonio LOPEZ, BEVERLY RUTH, San Antonio LOVE, JOHN TAYLOR , Lafayette. La . LOWDER, ROBERT RAY, Wichita Falls LOWERY, LEON HERCHEL, Dallas LOWRANCE, LINDA, Dallas LUCIA , GRE MEINSTEIN, RACHELLE LIBBY, Fort Worth MELLICHAMP, MARSHA RUTH, Houston MENDENHALL, JAMES DAVIS, Richardson .____ l... -­ METZGER , BARBARA LEE, Houston METZGER , BONNIE DEE, Houston MEYER , GREGORY MONROE , Canoga Pork, Calif. MICKLETHWAIT , DWIGHT BRUNER , Brody MILLER, ALAN MARC, Houston MILLER, EMMETT JACK, Dallas MILLER , LINDA GAIL , lo Marque MILLER , MARJORIE JO , Austin MILLING , FAITH , Cleburne MIMS, EDWARD TROW, Hereford MISKA , LAWRENCE CONRAD, Whorton MITCHELL , ANN BYRD , Son Antonio MOELLER , PAMELA KAY, Houston MOFFETT, MARY JO, Houston MONTGOMERY , MARY CHRISTINE, Aust;n MOORE , DAVID LAWRENCE, Dallas MOORE , DAVID MEEKER , College Stot;on MOORE, GLORIA KAYE, Conroe MOORE , HAL RAYMOND, Waco MOORE, JERRY GARLAND, Rogers MOORE, LINDA KAY, Dallas MOORE , MICHAEL RAY, Yoakum MOORE, PHI LIP EDWARD P., Richmond MOORE, SHARON, Austin MOORE, WILSON HAYS, Waco MORGAN, CHRISTINE, Humble MORGAN , JAMES DURHAM, Sterling City MORGAN , MARY MILDRED , Beaumont MORGENROTH , MARVIN LYNN, Son Anton;o MORRIS, EUGENE IRA, Houston MORRIS, JO ANN, Houston MORRIS, LINDA DIANNE, Henderson MORRISON , JOE LESTER , Troup MORRISON , JOSEPH ERIC, Fort Worth MOSELEY, RICHARD, Tomball MOSS, KATHYRN ANN, Devine MULKEY, MARIE LOUISE, Son Anton;o MULLER , MARY HELEN, Austin MULLINS, KAREN KAY, Son Anton;o MURPHY, CHERYL LYNN, Richardson MURPHY , WILLIAM ROCHE, Houston MURRAY , GREG E., Katy MURRAY, JANICE ANN, Katy MURRAY, VIRGINIA LEE, Dallas NANCE , JERRY MILTON, Bryon NANCE, POLLY, Pecos NAPPS, EDDIE CANNON, Longview NARANJO, JENNINGS NEAL, Lufkin Class of 1870 NARANJO, MARY STELLA FRANCES, Lufkin NAUWALD, BARBARA ANN, Menard NAYLOR, GARY STEPHEN , Quanah NEAL , NICKY B., Brody NEAL, WILLIAM LORI EN , Houston NEELEY, JOSEPH ROBERT, JR., Po;nt Pleasant, W. Vo. NEFF , ROY SIMEON, Ill, Bartlesville, Okla. NELSON , WILLIAM KENNETH, JR ., Aust in NEOKLEOUS, NELSON KYRIAKOU, Nicos;o, Cyprus NEUMAN, MARILYN JEAN , New Ulm NEWMAN , TERRY MAURICE, Houston NEYLAND, THOMAS ROSS, JR., Houston NICHOLAS, JACQUELYN WOOD, foerside, Calif. NICHOLSON, JUDY JEAN, Dallas NICKELL, ELIZABETH JEAN , Dallas NICKOLS, PHILIP GUY, Goldthwaite NOAH, WAYNE HURSTON, Amarillo NOLAND, JOHN MICHAEL, lofoyelle, lo. NORDHEM, RANDALL DUNN, Fort Worth NORRIS , H. LEE , Bellaire NORTH, SALLY SUZANNE, Son Antonio NORTON , LINDA JANE , Austin NORWOOD, JUDITH LYNN, Houston NOVY, JEFFREY l., Austi n NUDING, LYN, Goldsboro, N. C. OAKLEY, COLLINS FR ANK, Hous ton O ' BRIEN, ELIZABETH GLEN, Midland 0 CONNOR, KATHLEEN MARY, Dallas ODELL, JAMES DAVID, Son Antonoo OELRICH, JONATHAN WILLIAM, Colorado Spdngs, Colo. OHLHAUSEN, GORDON LEE, Houston O ' KEEFE , MICHAEL CARROLL , Beaumont ORBIN , ARTHUR JACKSON , Son Antonio ORTLOFF, JOAN ROCHELLE, Son Frondsco, CoHf. ORVEDAHL , ALFRED , Houston OSBORN CELIA ANN , Dallas OSTEN, CHARLES THOMAS, Dallas OWENS, WILLIAM GREGG, Nacogdoches PACE, PATSY EVl YN, Austin PAGE, JAY NAN, Amaos Ci ty MICHNA, WILLIAM LYNN, Woodsboro MIDDLETON, NANNETTE, Aransas Poss MIEGEL . WILLIAM ROBERT, Dallas MIGURA , ANTHONY PETER, Houston MILETI, OTTO JOSEPH, Houston MILEY , DAVID L , Bedford MILLER , BARBARA GAIL, LaGrange MILLER, CYNTHIA JOY, Galveston MILLER , ETHEL LEMAE, Blanco MILLER, HENRY ALEXANDER, II, Ozone MILLER , JAMES LESLIE MANNING, Son Antonio MILLER , JEROLD PATRICK , Corpus Christi MILLER, KEN, Houston MILLER, LEEDEE JO, Columbus, Ohio MILLER, LOUIS COVINGTON, McK,nney MILLER , TRENT HARRISON, Son Antonio MINSHEW, JAMES MARLEN, Dallas MITCHELL , MARY JANE, Houston MIZE , MOLLY SUSAN, Son Antonio MONKEN , ARTHUR GEORGE, Amarillo MONTGOMERY, CHARLES MICHAEL, Son Antonio MOON , JOHN DILLE , Houston MOONEY , KENNETH ALLEN, Dallas MOONEY, MARGARET ROSE, Longview MOONEY, SUZANN , Del R,o MOORE , CHRISTINA , Do,,elto MOORE , DAVID STEVENSON, Dollos MOORE, GREGORY NANCE, Plano 572 MOORE, JOHN ELMON, IV, Texarkana MOORE, JULIE MARIE, Au1tin MOORE , NANCY JANE , Friendswood MOORE , PAULA MARIE , Dallas MOORE , SALLY SUZANNE, Killeen MOORE , STEPHEN THORNE, Midland MORALES, CAROL LYNN, Houston MORGAN, ROBERT VERLE, JR., Austin MORIARTY, MARGARET ANN, Fort Worth MORONEY , BARBARA LEE, Dallas MORPHEN , LARRY Bl EHL, Longview MORRILL , VICTORIA ELIZABETH, Fort Sam Houston MORRISS , CATHERINE RAY , Baytown MORRIS, KEITHA JANE , White Deer MORRIS, LOIS ANGELA, Austin MORRIS , NANCY EMALY , Aust in MORRIS , PERRY FRANKLIN , Arcad ia MORRISON , KAREN MICHELE , Beaumont MORTON , JOHN DAVIS, JR ., Houston MOSER , WELDON DWAIN, Byers MOSS , DONELL LOU , Aust in MULVANEY , MARGO NAN , Dallas MUNTZ , TERRY GAYLE, Tyler MURPHEY, MARY JEANNE , San Antonio MURPHY, DERRIS HALL, Austin MUeonne Mae .... . ... . ... .496 Eidmon, Don Kelly ...... . . . ....... 420 Eidson, Jock Leigh, Jr. .... . ....... 410 Eifler, Clayton Wentworth .... 293, 295 Eiland, Randolph Howard 414 Eilbott, Lee G.......... 264, 432, 537 Einck, Marcia June Eisenboch, Lorry Rick ......... 214, 226 Eisenstein , Ann Soro ....... ....... _.96 Eiserloh, Philip l. ... ... 168, 184, 201, 223, 248, 273, 286, 296, 330, 402, 496 Eitelmon, Judy Doris . ........ 292, 401 Ekrut, Vernon Stanley .. . . .. .. 289, 496 Elom , Albert Richard, Jr. .. .. . 290, 300 Elam, Dennis lee ....... ..... 19.4 , 537 Elam, Lindo Coral ... . .......... . . 537 Elam , Maxine Smith ..... ... ...... 290 Elder. Jomes Harvey, 111 .•••. 294, 396 Eldridge, Beth Ann ...... ... .. 194, 451 Eldridge, Dovid Poul . . .. 217, 336, 552 Eldridge, Gail . . ........ . .. . ..... 496 Eldridpe, Koy .. .. ........ ... 344, 552 Elich, John Michael .....•. . ... . ... UO Elick, James Jerome ......... . . .. . 537 Elick, John V . •........ . ......•... 386 Elizondo, Mario Cristela ... , ...... _.96 Elizondo, Robert Louis ......•..... 476 Ellobobidy, Mahmoud M. . . . . . . . . . . 27 4 Elford, John Ernest, Ill . .... . ..... 420 Ellbott, lee G. . .. .. .... . .•• . .... 266 Ellebrocht, Doris Ann ...... , ... . . . 537 Eller, Dono Id H. . ...... . .. . ...... 247 Ellerbrock, Jomes Wolter ...•... . .. 239 Ellerkamp, Jone ..... . ............ 453 Ellingson, lee Ann ........ . . . .... 220 Ellington, Billy Morris .............. 81 Ellington, Jacqueline .... 314, 456, 566 Ellington, Jone Ann .......... 364, 566 Elliott, Sorry Lynn ......... . ...... 416 Elliott, Brvce R.......•.•.... 278, 309 Elliott, Carole Ann ....... . .. 271, 552 Elliott, Deborah ........ . ... . 451 , 566 Elliott, Ed Stanley ............... 552 Elliott, Jon Elizabeth . ..•... . 351 , 552 Elliott, Koren Jo ........ 196, 307, 552 Elliott, Lawrence Cameron ......... _.08 Ell iott, livie A. M. . .............. 293 Elliott, William Gregory ..•....... 566 Elliott, William M., Jr. ... . ... UO, 310 Ellis, Angelo ....... , ... 275, 287, 358 Ell is, Charles E. . ............ 281, 295 Ellis, Charles Lymon ..... 260, 266, 264 Ell is, Cheryl E............... 257, 296 Ell is, Elizabeth Karin . . ....... 323, 360 Ell is, Jo Anne .................... 537 Ell is, Leonard LH, 111 ••.••.••••.• 335 Ell is, Michael Lee ......••... 276, 530 Ellis, Michael Lynn ........•.. 396, 566 Ell is, Michail P, . ....... . .... 276, 530 Ell is, Richard John ... , , ...•.. 1U , 386 Ellis, Richard William ....•....... 496 Ellis, Tomm ie Roy ......... ... ..... 71 Donwerth, Stephen E........ 195, 254 Dooley, Marilu ......... 279, 289, 537 Duncan, Cece lia Ann ......... , . . . _.72 Duncan, Oebron Cur tis ..... .. . 264 , 552 Ebner, Ebner, Eugene Fronk, Jr. . .... 271 , 566 Robert A. . . 245, 281, 296, 331 Ellison, Carol Lanier ......... 275, 451 Ellison, Eugene T., Jr. ..•.••. . .••• 428 Dooley, Patricio Ellen .. 194, 360, 424 Duncan, Dionne .... 196, 269, 306, 368, Eby, Frederick .............. . .... 612. Ell ison, Glenn Edward ..•...•..... 496 Dooling, Alma Jeon . . . . . . . . . . Dorado, Clifton Michael . . . . . . . 566 537 537 Duncan, Hirom Ben ......... . . 223 , 296 Echols, Judith Ann Eck, Patrick Glenn ........... 254, 496 ................ 216 Ell ison, Nancy Jeon ••.•. 181, 193! 196,2n, 306, 360, 36 • 537 Doran, John Hilton . . • . . . . . . 537 Duncan, Lindo K............. 364, 537 Eckenrod, Richard Michael ......... 496 Ellison, Samuel D . . ........... 201 , 227 Dore, Donna Catherine . . . . . . . . . 358 Ounco, Prentis Jock ..... , . ... 214 , 552 Eckert, Edd ie Ruth .... . ......... .. 537 Ell lsor, Earl LH, Jr. • • . . . • • . • . . . . . 496 Dorf, Eugene Craig ......... 217, 495 Dorfman, Jeffery More . • . . . . . 4U , 566 Ot.1ncan , Duncan, Robert Douglas . , ......... 404 Scott C... 112, 310, 404, 495 Eckert, Joyce EilHn .......... 439, 552 Eckert, MerrilH . .....•...... 342, 566 Ellsworth, Susan Wood .••.•....... 370 Elmendorf, Heda Elizabeth .... 360, 552 Dorman, Carolyn Rebecca . 242, 453, Duncan, Sylvto Tilghman ...... 439, 566 Eckert, W. T., Jr. ............. 256 Elmendorf, Jomn Lane .. . .•.. 262, 530 Dorn, William Leary . Dornbluth, Nella Coral . . . . . Dorr, Lawrence Doniel . . 221, Oomet, Alice Mn .......... . 566 404, 566 '95 281, 296 473 Duncan, William Ray ... .......... 566 Duncan, Zonetto Ann . . . . . . . 475 , 566 Dunford, Lucy Ann ................ 566 Dunkle, Michael R. . .... 281, 295, 296, 424 Eckhardt, Corl J ................... 25 Eckman, Thad Allen, Jr. ...... , . ... 115 Economides, Spyros C. . . . . . . . 247, 252 Ed Price Holl •.•................. 477 Eddy, Hilda Marie ............... • 456 Elmendorf, Kathryn Newlan ..••.... 293 Elrod, Jomes M.............. 436, 537 Elrod, Susan . . . .. . . . . . .. • • . . . . . • . 538 Elsik, NaedHn Ruth ••••. 338, 346, 496 Elston, Kenneth Deon . , . . 323, 325, 496 586 1 0'1 0 0 0 • f •o•o !• ••• •t•~••h• •••o '"f•I '1.. I• : •' l•O IOU., 'I • o,t • ;•, ••-•• , 1 ""'. I 1 • : ; • •: •I.. I , • , '•t ! • . '• " Uto •••·•-·' '"• I• ' I ' " 1 • O • • Nome Pages Nome Pages Nome Pages Nome Pages Embry, David Rhodes, Jr..... . 404, 552 Eversberg, Max Robert 328, 496 Ferguson, John Thomas , , 283, 324, 327 Fleming, Jeon Morie 287, 472, 567 Embry, Jomes Alvo, 111 384, 538 Evertson, George James ........... 496 Ferguson, Judy Jone ............ , . 408 Fleming, Mory Frances ...... , . 254, 497 Embry , James Everett ........ . 271, 496 Evins, Martha Sue ........... , . ... 441 Ferguson, Julia Ann .... , .......... 342 Fleming, Richard T. . .. ............. 33 Emerman, Marsha Ann 374 Ewing, Richard Edward 260, 264, 266, Ferguson, Kennelh Wayne 552 Fleming, Royonne ................ 455 Emerson, John Conner 303 412, 538 Ferguson, Lawrence H., Ill , . 236, 416, Fleming, Walton Clem, Ill .. 222, 378,Emery, Kenneth C., Jr. 221, 260, 264, Eyeington, Charlotte D . ...... . . ... 462 566 552 266, 538 Ezell, Steven E.. , ........ ...... .. 386 Ferguson, Lynn Claudia ...... 126, 179, Flesher, William J..... , , . , ....... 329 Emison , Martha Jane . . . . . . 538 Ezelle, Guy William 474, 566 272, 275, 287, 306, 358, 438, 451, 538 Fleshman, Fredric John .....•...... 332 Emmer, Robert Mork ... ... 247, 296 Ezon. Frederick Chaim .. . ......... 294 Ferguson, Martha Carol .....• , 287, 552 Fletcher, Charles H., Jr. . ........ , 211 Emmer, Stephan ie Elaine 344 Ferguson, Martha S. . . ............ 475 Fletcher, Jere Forest . . .......... . . 324 Emmert, Carol Jean . . . . 287, 307, 342, Ferguson, Monico lee ........ 342, 566 Fletcher, Jerry Wayne .....•.. 408, 567 456 Ferguson, Pamela Celeste 358, 538 Fletcher, Jimmy Roy .......... 248, 273 Emmert, Jane ........... 356, 451 , 566 Ferguson, Poul Francis, Jr. . . 333, 435 , Fletcher, John Thomas 378, 552 F Emmons, Tommy Glynn ....... 418, 530 566 Fleury, Nancy J, 0 . 126, 196, 244,Emmons, Winfred S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496 Ferguson, Phil Moss ............... 295 269, 272, 306, 354 Emmott , Corolyn J. 366, 430, 538 Ferguson, Richard Finley . , . , . 247, 296, Fleury, William Ernest .. 294, 402, 567 lll ~· Fadenrecht, Bennie Dwight 496 Emory, Amelia Winifred ........... 496 530 Flint, Richard E . 329 ..... , ...... , ... . .~ Emrick, Mory El izebeth ... 194, 566 Fagan, William B............ 211 , 223 Ferguson , Ronald Ray .. . .... .. . ... 497 Flocke, El izabeth Lynne . •••.. 451, 567 2ll Emshoff, Genette Koy . . . . . . . . 552 Fohlberg, Mary Helen 292, 496 Ferguson, Vicki Non C., Mrs. . ..... 235 Flodine, Nancy Carol , .... , .. 194, 538 .Ill Enderle, Beverly Koy 82, 83, 358, Fahlberg, Willson Joel, Jr•. , .. 304, 496 Fernandez, Fidel Bernardo ..... .... 538 Floerke, April Lou ise 360, 552 Ill Fahrenthold, C. J. . , .............. 566 359' 496 Fernandez, Richard Ernest ......... 294 Floeter, E. Hennen Forman .. 196, 368, lll Enderli , John Mork 236 Fahrenthold, Jos. Dennis ... ....... 331 Ferrence, Sharon M. . ..... . ....... 293 426 ~ DI Enderlin, Dennis Dayton . . . . . 131 Fahrenthold, Jerry P•............. 436 Ferrell, Thomas Earl ... , ....... ... 566 Flood , Michael l. . , , ... , .... , .. , . 331 l9l Eng, Thomas Henry . . . . . . . . . . 217 Faickney, Robert Francis, 11 I 394, 496 Ferris, Koren Koy ... . ........ 226, 538 Floor, Deborah Daro .............. 538 lJ1 Engel, Sert Carl, 11 .... .. 81 , 428 Fain, Robert Snead, Jr . .... ... 398, 496 Fertitta, David Anthony .. ..... 339, 424 Flores, Jaime Luis ......•......... 497 I~ Engelhardt, John Hugo 496 Fairleigh, Morton W. 378, 538 Fertl, Walter Hons , , ............. 295 Flores, Nineo ......... .•..... .... 567 Fairweather, Cathy Lynn , , . , • , 456, 566Engineering Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 ~. "' Fertsch, Sharon l. ... ............. 297 Flores, Roberto, Jr. . . ............. 331 Faith, Duane Willborn ... , .... , , .. 336 ~.I~ England, Janis Carol 538 Fest, Howard A. . .......... , , ...... 71 Flores, Rolando A. • .............. 223 .m Englander, Donno Lynn 181, 184, 199, Falbo, Philip A.............. , .... 279 Fetzer, Bonnie Ann ....... . ....... 439 Flores, Santos M. . . . . . .. .. . . . .. • .. 277 Falcon, Vidal .......... , . , . , . , .. , 271 DI 203, 374, 538 Feuerbocher, Carla Vee .... , , . 262, 566 Flores, William Caesar . .• ......••. 567 Falk, Janet Elva ....... , .. . .... , .. 496 11,lll English, Don A., 111 • . . . . . . 386, 552 Fibich, Kenneth Thomas . . ..... 424, 552 Florus, David Jomes ....... .... .. .. 220 DI English, Sondro Koy 445 , 538 Falke, Cheryl Lynn . ...... , ... 352, 566 Field , Tyson Mike 428 . . ... . .... , ..... Flory, Paulo Kay ................. 497 U, I~ English, Wilke Denton . . . . . . . . . 552 Fallin, Joseph A., 111 ............. 530 Fieldcomp, Steven W. , ............ 384 Flournay, Charles Hilton 497 ll1 Englund, Chorlotte Anne . . . . . . 552 Fankhauser, Delmor W., Jr. , . 468, 477 Fielder, Alon C. . ............ 406, 538 Flournoy, Donald Royce ...... 418, 538 Fannin, Bob M. . ................. 247 n Enriquez, Mike . . . 329 Fielder, Cecil David . . ............ 538 Flournoy, Mory Frances ........... . 295 Fanning, William l. . . ... ...... ... 476 11,!Jl Ensminger, Richard R. 221 , 301 Fielder, Henry W................. 313 Flowers, Betty Sue M., Mrs. ....... 269 Font, Coral Henderson ........ . , .. 368 l66 Entzminger, Dorothea Jean 364, 496 Fielder, Larry M. . , .......... 468, 479 Flowers, Leslie Marshal ........... 236 Farfan, P. Deonna ... .... 314, 455, 552 1531 Epperson, Terrell Duane 217, 294, 329 Fielder, Patrick Joseph ......... , .. 264 Floyd, Charles Emory ..•.•........ 497 . ... Eppright, Ben Russell, Jr..... 221 , 295, Farish , Wm . Crawford, IV 203, 273, Fields, Lois Aileen .............. .. 295 . ·~ Floyd, Frank Michael . , . , ..... 295 , 482 303 301 Fields, Mary Groce . , . ........ 342, 451 Flynn, Linda Carole ............. , 552 Farley, Susan Stephanie 314, 451, 566 ~orley, Thomas 8 . . ... ........... . 416 110·~ Eppright, Chorles l. 410, 538 Fields, Russell Scott 294, 332, 566 Flynn, Paul Franklin ... ......... .. 408 UI Eppright, Lindo Anne 289, 352, 538 Fields, Wayland E., Jr. . , ......... 538 Foard, Saundra Kay ....•••... 285, 358 Former, Charles Henry ............ 295 Ill Eppright, Morgoret Anne 292, 295 Fiellond, Gary Nils ..... ... , ...... 294 Foerster, Milton Edward ........... 332 Former, Jacquelyn . . .............. 552 ~ 531 Epps, Suson Elizabeth .. 180, 269, 356, Fienberg, Barbara ........ , . . ..... 344 Fogel, Gyla Kalhleen ............. 342 Former, Kathleen Wilson ... . . .... . 293 496 Fierman, Leslie Sue ..... 194, 306, 3.C.C, Fogle, Frances Ann .... , •........ . 456 Former, Thomas E••••• . •• . ••• ••••• 538 Fornel, John Allen .. .. . . ..... 276, 27711m Epstein, Michael E. 414 538 Fogo, Jomes Charles .............. 567 Farnum, Darlene Dole .. .. . . ... .. . . 445 IK Epstein, Suson Rachel 362 Fife, Diemer Lockhart, Jr. 497 Fogwell, Theodore E.............. 217 Farrar, Jon Anthony 217, 552 I ~I. Erdmann , Claud io Louise 453, 566 Fife, Marilyn ................ 354, 497 Fogwell, Thomas Wilson . . , .•. 296, 497 l,IH Erdmann, Jeon Leeper 181, 184 Fife, Rosemary Alberta ... , ... , .. , , 538 Fohn, Gerold Anthony ............ , 497 Farrell, Patricio Anne ............. 235 UI Erdmann, Richard Frederick 176 Filberth, Ernest William , , ... , . , ... 497 Foley, Barbaro Ann ...•.•.... 346, 497 Farrell, William F., Jr..... ....... 436 Erdmonn, Thomos Alan .. 220, 286, 334 Filley, Frederick Dwight ... . . ...... 566 Eileen .•.•.. .. ..... w"' Farris, Jimmie Wayne . . .. 262, 264, 496 Foley, Therese 552 . . . ~. I» Erickson, Eugene Oscar 328 Fillmore, Theresia Dione ..•..•.... 364 Folkes, George Denton . • 148, 402, 538 Farrow, Larry Allen , ..•• .. , .. 283, 327 11531 Erickson, John Conrod 378 Finberg, Judy Ann .... , ........... 344 Follin, Dorthi Neal ...... . , .. 474, 552 Farrow, Larry Glenn ... .. . . . .. •.. . 277. . . . . UI Erickson , Michael Gory 496 Finch , Deborah Jane ... . ......... . 456 Folmer, Charles F. , ................ 25 l90 Erickson, Patricia Ann ............ 451 Forson, Richard .......•.........• 134 II I 288 Findlay, Merlin C., Fonken, Gerhard J. . .............. 216 lllff Erickson, Phillip A. . . . . . . . . 245, 333 Fathmon, Robert Edward ....... , .. 485 Fine, Barbara Ann 234, 269, 272, 319 Font, Dennis Keith , ..... .......... 220 U,111 Erickson, Robert Dale ...... . . 264, 552 Foucheux, Sharon Ann ............ 215 Fine, Elizabeth Calvert 275, 287, 451 Faulkner, Alice Ann .... , , ......... 252 Fontana, Lawrence, II ........... . 327 M!il Ericson, Susan Kothlynn ....... 240, 552 Faulkner, Barry Lynn .... 201, 225, 460, Fine, Robert lewis ........•....... 380 Fonteno, William Corl, Ill ........ 217 lij Erlich, Andrew Sorry . . . . . . 423, 566 497 Finegold, Alon Joy . , . , •.•.... 414, 497 Fontenot, Jone Ann ............... 358 i,!il Erm is, Edward John 271 Finger, Arlene .. ... ............. . 344 Faulkner, Larry Ray . , . , ...... , . ... 295 Fooshee, Kay Margaret ....•.. 257, 497 Faulkner, lee Byron .. . . . 176, 184, 198, Ernster, Timothy Wayne 327, 428, 552 Fink, Coria Kathryn 240, 497 Fooshee, Lois Elaine ......... 370, 552 Ill " Erskine, Alexander Madison, Jr. 496 Fink, Marie Antoinette . . ... .. 473, 552 Foran, Jomes Robert . . .. .. ........ 567 JI! Erskine, Bob F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295 214, 273 Fink, Mory Ellen ....... , . ........ 538 Mary Florence ........ 464, Forbes, 552 Faulks, Tracy James ... , ......... .. 246 lij Erskine, Mory Ann ......... .. .. ... 264 Finkelstein, Barry N...... •. ... .... 538 Forbes, Thomas Allen ..... . .... . .. 402 IH Erwin, Fronk C., Jr . ............... 21 Fausset, Dionne Lorraine ... .. 364, 451, Finkelstein, Randolph ....•........ 414 Ford, Betty Sue .............. 567 566 351, VI Erwin, Mory Anne 354 Fausset, Robert William .......•... 566 Finley, Robert Culbertson ..... 398, 552 Ford, Brent Joy . , ...... ...... 414, 552. Erwin, Thomos W., 111 •.•.••.....• 400 '~ Fawcett, Farrah Leni ..... , ..... , .. 332 Finley, Stephen Murray 402, 566 Ford, Henry Alon ......•.•. , . . . . . 567 Escolantel , Rom iro D. J........... 254 531 Escomillo, Elias, 111 . ..••..• ..... . 530 Firestone, ...... 344, 567 Edward 497 JU Finn, Em il Henry 221, 296, 301 Feagin, Lois Marie .... , . .... ..... 364 Ford, Jane Bloke .... ....... , . 230, 376 Fearing, Kelly .................... 295 Marilyn Joyce Ford, John ...... , •. , . 394 Eschenfelder, Poul F., Jr. 333, 566 Escude, Leon Raymond, Jr. . . . . . 295 JQ Fisch, Irvin Simon ...•.•.. ... 223, 380 Feather, James F., Jr•.. .. . ... . .... 221 Ford, Michael Jomes ...•... .. 386; 497 ll! Feather, William Louis .. .. ... 454, 538 Fisch, Stephen Edward ....... 380, 538 Ford, Ruth Ann .. . . , 307, 368, 387, 453 I» Escue, Douglas Wolter . . . . . . . . . 408 Fischer, Arden Carl ... ...•.. ...... 329 Ford, Sally Wellborn .. , • 376, 451, 552 Features .. .. ........ .......... 56-165 Eskridge, Cheryl lee . . . . . . . . . . 538 .m Fechtel, Jomes M . ... ............ . 410 Fischer, Arlene Ann ... . .. .. ....... 538 Ford, Simon Estwick . . . • . . . . . . 196, 378 .. II Esparza, Hector Richard 194 Fegette, Claudia Jean ..... , ...... 470 Fischer, Jon Allan .......... ...... 250 Foreman, Norma Ruth ........ 290, 316 •• l66 Espinosa , Jose Roul 271 , 485 Fehr, Kearby C. • ........ ......... 538 Fischer, Linda Helene .... , , ....... 289 Forman, Marsha Jo ....•... ... 362, 538 ~ 141 Essig, Corole Elaine ..... 236 , 464 , 465 Feibel, Carolyn Jean ...... ... 362, 538 Fischer, Martha Eileen ........ 438, 456 Forman, Susan Moh Ion ........ 451, 567 ill Estakhr, Mehdi M. H. . . . 254 Feiler, Harry Edward ............. 423 Fischer, Richard Haag .. . .. .. ... ... 567 Forrest, Carroll Jay ..... 211, 223 , 296, 01 Estes, Arthur Jomes . . . . . . 196, 333 Feiler, Sandra l. ..... , ........ . , . 288 Fischer, Rollin Leroy .... •.... 214, 497 478, 530 ,Ill Estes, Corolyn Fronces 180, 230, 269, Fein, Ellen Rose .. . . 194, 374, 453, 566 Forrest, William Clinton ....... ... . 567 Fischer, Sandra Jeon .............. 224 358, 359, 496 il,141 Fein, Lenard D. . . ........... 432, 530 Forrester, Corl Xavier ............. 497 Fischman, Bernus W ••...•........ . 380 ... .......... .. Ill Estes, Mory Carmen 439 Feind, Martha Jean Betty • •• .... ... 441 Forrester, Martha Ann •..•• •• •• ••.• 538 Fisher, Alice Cochron •... 376, 444, 552 ~ Ill Estes, Solly l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439 Feinsilver, Alon David ............. 400 Forristoll, Stephan Alan •.. , .• , .... 400Fisher, Beverly F•. ..• , .. 235, 270, 538 Estrin, Steven A. . .... .... ........ 302 V, Ill Feistel, Claude H................. 247 Fisher, Cecilio ..........•.• ...•.. 538 Forsythe, Merrill Burt ...•......... 416 ill Eta Koppo Nu . . . . . . . . . . . 247 Feldman, Armin .. ............ 326, 476 Fortossoin, Dennis G. . ............ 538 Fisher, Charles E..... , , ... . ...... 538 Scott 384, 538 552 249 1'J Etchison, J. ............ Feldman, James Kendrick ..... 408, Fortson, Ann . . . . . . . . . . • • • . • . • . . . . Fisher, Douglas Frank . ...... , 245, 333 Etheridge, Noncy Gail ....... 194, 360 141 Feldman, Robert Neal ............ 482 Foster, Bonito Leila ..... 332, 356, 567 Fisher, James Herschel, Jr. , .... . . , 279 M. JIO Ethridge, Gordon Dane ............ 538 Feldman, Ronald 8. . ...... ........ 4 l 4 Foster, David Barnes ... , . .....•... 416 Fisher, John Harp , .. . ............ 538 V, lll Etter, Mitchel Frank .... ......... 216 Felecia Co-op ...... .............. 471 foster, Deborah Jeanne ....... 346, 567 Fishe r, John Wesley . .. .•. . .•. 264, 567 11, 2'1 Etter, Wayne Edward ...... . .. . .. . 295 Felix, Vinci Mortinez . .•. • •. .. 254, 497 Foster, Donna .... , . 235, 240, 299 , 366 Fisher, Mikel Jean . . .............. 530 Etzel, Mortho Lynne .......... 370, 496 u.w Fell, Anna Pearle ................. 566 Foster, Gary Layne ...•....... 276 , 530 Fisher, Robert lee .....• . .•. , . .... 327 ~. Fell, Kirk ................ 131 Foster, Jack ie Lynn ..... . .. . .. , •.. 475 !H Eutsler, Robert Weston ....... 420, 552 Douglas Fisher, Roy Michael ... . ... ....... . 538 Evans, Billie-Ann 552 n.!II Fell, Judith Ilene .... ....... . . .... 566 Foster, Jane Louise ...•....•...... 354 Fisher, Sharon Ann ........... 473 , 567 IV Evans, Brian Dudley .... 214, 260, 264 Felle, Robert Eugene .. .. .. . .. 331, 245 Faster, Janice Emeline ••..... 451, 567 Fishero, John David .•• . . 286, 330, 497 Evans, Carolyn Virginia . . 293 l3l Feller, James Patrick ... . ..... . ... . . 81 Foster, Marg ie Ruth , .............. 453 Evans, Cortter . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 Fisk, Hollye C. .. ... ... ...... 384, 538 r1, I) Feltus, Anne Elizabelh ...•.. . . 456, 566 Foster, Marilyn Anne •.. ..... . 360, 552 Fitch, Linda Gail .•....•..•.. 370, 497 Evans, Charles Campbell . . . 404 H,111 Feltz, Lourence L. . .....•. • . •... . . 461 Foster, Peterson . .......• ..... 408, 552 Evans, Charles l. . . . . . . . . . 396 Fite, Jomes Michael . .... 196, 260, 264 , 11 SJ Femat, Carlos Felipe •... ... .. 468, 478 273, 412 Foster, Robert Duane . . .... .. , •.... 71 Evans, Deon C. . . . ... . .. 339, 396, 538 11,lll Fender, Horris R., Jr.............. 303 Foster, Ronald W. .. ........... , .. 326 Evans, Dono Id l. ........ 313, 339, 420 Fite, Jan Earle . . ............ . , ... 458 Fender, Richard Warren ... , .. 328, 530 Fitzgerald, Gerold P.•.......... .. 426 Fournace, Lynda Louise 275, 376, 552 "' Evans, Gregory Blakney ... ..... .... 566 Fendrich, Renee M.0., Mrs. ....... 293 Fitzgerald, Martha Beth •.. •.. 358, 451 Fouts, Randy Hugh ............... 497 Evans, Jomes Asa ....... ..... ..... 115 Fenelon, Kenneth Bruce .. ... .. 398, 566 Fitzgerald, Patrick T . ••• .. .. ...... 246 Fowler, Bruce Dow ............... 567 Evans, Jomes Michael . . ..... ...... 566 Fenley, Kathryn Ann . , ... 360, 451, 566 Fitzhugh, Judith Ann ...•..... 315 , 497 Fowler, Cynth ia Jean ...••. . ...... 497 Evans, John Joseph ......•.... 435, 552 Fenner, Janet Laraine .... .•.... ... 462 Fitzpatrick, Jody Lynn •. . ..... , .... 552 Fowler, Cynth ia Sue .... . ......... 224 Evans, Judy ..... ... .............. 451 Fenoglio, John Thomas , ..... ... , .. 406 Flock, David W ........... , .. 322, 327 Fowler, David Wayne ...•.. , . 201, 220 Evans, Margaret S. . ........ ..... . 538 Fenstermaker, Mory Rowena ....... . 497 Flack, Joan Elizabeth ............. 368 Fowler, Martha C. . ............... 247 Evans, Peggy Lynn ... ........ 370, 566 Fenton, Joan Barbara .. 235, 238, 299, Flock, Kole Tarry ............ 368, 497 Fowler, Nancy .......••.••.•. 372, 538 Evans, Randall E.. . . .. .. 284 , 436, 538 497 Fladger, Joseph Edwin .. •... •. 386, 552 Fowler, Polly Ann ...••..• , ..• 251, 252 Evans, Randle Carl ine .. . .. .. ... . .. 496 Ferguson, Bonnie Kay , . .. , . . . . . . . . 413 Fleckman, Philip Howard ... •. 168, 196, Fowler, Will iam T. • .. ... . ... ..... 301 Evans, Roger R. . ................. 217 Ferguson, Bryan Willis ........ 223, 566 248, 273, 293, 414, 497, 313 Fox, Cheryl Ann 264, 298, 311 Evans , Stephanie Anne ...... . 257, 496 Ferguson, Charles E., 111 .......... 327 Fleetwood, Jack Ray .. , .. , ... , , ... 479 Fax, Janet Elaine ••.. , , •.. ...••.. 352 Evans, Thomas C. , .... . .... . .... . . 538 Ferguson, Dorothy Virginia ..•. 251, 496 Fleischer, Jennie M. . ...•..•..•... 274 Fox, Robert· Carter •. , • • • • • • • . 262, 567 Evans, William Mortin ... ..... 225, 295 Ferguson, Douglas J, ............. , 281 Flemens, Norman Rowe ..•.... 334, 567 Foy, Francis Patrick ..... 235, 239, 497 Evans, Winston L. .. . .......... . .. 392 Ferguson , Gary M. 201, 281, 295, 296 Fleming, George Matthews .. 214, 217, Fra in, Barna Elaine •.•.•••• •••••. . 497 Everett, Sorry Charles ........ 294, 566 Ferguson, Janet Carol ............ , 280 312, 497 Fraley, Jomes R., Jr . . •••..•....... 497 Everett, Mario Teresa, Mrs ... . .. . .. 496 Ferguson, Jenny Loura .... •. , ..... 307 Fleming, James Elmer, Ill ......... 497 Fraley, Thomas Jellerson .•.•.. 220, 538 587 Nome Pages Nome Pages Nome Pages Nome Pages Frambach, Beverly Anne . 275, 2B7, 340 Framer, Judy . .......... . ......... 362 Francis, Jone P. . ....... .. . . . ... .. 368 Francis, Lawrence Theron , Jr. . . . 530 Francis, Sister 0 . P . .. ... ......... 462 Francis, William R., Jr.. 39B, 196, 552 Froncks, Pamela Foye ... , .. . ...... 307 Frank, Carol lee .. . ..... . ... . ... . 362 Frank, Hilda Mae . . ............... 497 Frank, Mary Diane . ......... . 200, 362 Frank, Mary Ela ine . .... 250, 254, 287, 567 Frank, Raymond Walter, Jr.... . . . . 530 Frank, Robert J. . .. .. 227 Fronlc , Robert lewis . .... ... .. 432, 567 Frank, Sue Nell ...... . ...... 360, 53B Franke, Johanna .. 238, 269, 295, 299, 364, 497 Frankl in, Charles Jay . .. . ......... 380 Franklin, Dovid Lynn .. . ...... 277, 530 Franklin, Martha l. ........ .. .. . .. 497 Franklin, Ruth Ela ine ....... . . 348, 471 Fronlcl in, Steven M. . .... . ......... 33' Franks, Faye Suzanne .. 264, 299, 439, 552 Franks, Jahn Eli, Ill . . ... . . . . 217, 497 Franks, Lawrence Turner ....... 29, 339 Franson , Robert Eugene ........... 530 Frantz, Joe Bertram ..... . ... . ..... 290 Frontzen , Glen .............. ... ... 71 Fraser, Anne Mary . 222, 242, 458, 498 Fraser, Dirk Graham .. , . . . . . . . . . . . 479 Fra ser, Jomes Roy ............ 328 , 552 Fraser, Shirley Jeon ...... . ... 364 , 567 Frazee , Andrea Lynn ....... .. .C68, .C73 Frazee, Marjor ie Anne . .... . . . ... . 235 Frazer, Jahn Kirby ........ ... 142, 435 Frazer, Lindo Hoston ......... .. ... 293 Frazer, Noncy C . ................. 257 Frazer, Susan June ... ... ..... 451 , 567 Frazier , Al ison Lyn .. . ... .... .. . . . 567 Fraz ier, Barbaro Helen ............ 360 Freasier, Sherry Jan ..... 234, 235, 455 Frede, Phyll is Marie .............. 340 Frederick, David Obrien ...... 402, 552 Frederick, Larry Harp . . 281, 296, 406, 498 Frederiksen, Charles C. . . . . . . 428, 552 Fredr ic kson, Lour ie Ann . . . . . 451 Fredrikson, Mary Kate . . . . . . . 254, 538 Freeborn, William A . ... .. . . .. 398, 498 Freed, Rich Dav id ..... . .......... 327 Freed, Sheryl Helene ......... 362, 552 Freedlund, Patti Lynn ........ 424, 360 Freedman, Edwin .. 303, 414, 415, 538 Freedman, Richard Paul ...... 380, 567 Freeland, Donald Eugene ... ... .... 538 Freeman, Jack Matthew ........ 71 , 428 Freemon , Janice C. . .............. 222 Freeman, Jerry Dan ..... ... . . 276, 538 Freemon, Joe Charles ............. 218 Freemon, Susan K. R. . ... . .... . . . . 538 Freeman, William F..... 211 , 223 326 Freitag, Sherry Lynn . .. . ......... '. 280 Fro lich, Richard Michael . ..... 228, 567 Frolich, Robert Milton, Jr.. ... 228, 530 Frol ich, Rager Marcus .. ... . .. 227, 567 Frets, lean Kelly .......... . . 402, 482 French, Peggy Jean ... . .. .. . ...... 552 French, Raymond E. . ......... 398, 552 Frentrup, Joanna Elise ... .. ....... 538 Freshman Class .... . .... . ..... 562-578 Fresquez, M. Madeleva Sir. 462 Freundlich, Daniel B.. .. . 313, 339, 423 Frey, Annetta Theresa .. . ..... 453, 567 Frey, Darrell lee .... .. .. ... . ... .. 49B Friar Society ............ ..... .... 2'8 Frich, Michelle Dianne ...... ... .. . 482 Frick, Jahn D............... . ..... 412 Frick, Jahn David, Jr......... 416, 567 Friduss, Penny Jo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287 Friedberger, Gloria ..... 272, 338, 374, 498 Friedlander, Daniel G. . ...... 432, 498 Friedman, Jomes M. . ............. 498 Friedman, Jeffrey H. . .... . ........ 423 Friedman, Jonathan ....... . .. 432, 567 Friedman, Martin Gross ........ ... 422 Friedman, Steven Yale ............ 423 Friedrich, Byran Christopher .. 264, 567 Friedrich, Dennis Wayne .......... 567 Friedrichs, Jay Mark ..... . .... 388, 53B Friedrick, Otto M. . .......... 247, 295 Friend, Ben David ....... ......... 294 Friend, Harold Charles .. 293, 295, 436 Friend, Patricia A........•... 455, 538 Friesenhahn, Johnny James ......... 220 Frink, Clayton Jay ................ 388 Frisbie, Jomes Riley .............. 332 Frishman, David .....•.....••..... 216 Frisk, Eric Carl ................. . . 406 Fritsche, Alvie Ray ...• • • . ........ 538 Fritsche, Judy Lynn ....•.......... 287 Fry, Steven Edw. . . . 286, 322, 327 Fryar, Jacklyne Kay ............. 538 Frye , Paul Darius ....... . 217, 245, 333 Fryer, Phyll is Ann . . . .. .......... . 340 Fuchs , Bonnie Jeon ............... 287 Fuchs, Rodney G. . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . 498 Fuchs, Sarah Rose C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49B Fuchs, Walter R............. . .... 247 Fuentes, C. Fernando J. . .. ...... . . 217 Fugate, Anne ............. 364 Fuhrmann, lorry R. . . . . ...... 216, 538 Fu jioka, John Yoshihoru . . . . . 476 Fulbright, Dianne . . ..... 368, 424, 538 Fuller, Ann El izabeth 194, 335, 337, 352 Fu ller, Frances Fallon 295 Fuller, Frances May 196, 272. 337, 338, 360, 552 Fuller, Frank Earl, 111 • • 567 Fullerton, Byron ... .. ...... 312 Full ilove, Pr iscilla l. .. . . . ... . ..... 372 Fulton, Loretta Ann ... . .. ... . 316, 538 Fults, Jerry Wayne .. .. . .. . . ... ... 538 Fulwil er , Be tty Frances . . . . . . . 451 Funderburk, Kerry Don . . . . . . . . 567 Fuqua, Marie El izabeth . . ..... 440, 552 Fuquay, Carolyn Kay ...... ... 253 , 342 Fuquay, Charles Spears . . . . 426, 567 Furen , Jennifer lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538 Furlong , Timothy Patrick .... .. 426, 538 Furr, Riley John . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460 Futterknechtjr, James Otto .... 408, 538 G Gabaldon, Staff Sgt. Albert . 334 Gable, Margaret E. . . . . . . . . . . . 498 Gabriel, Deborah . ... . ....... . . .. . 567 Gabryl , Roy S.........•.. ... 469, 479 Gachman, Randy A. . . . . . . 422 Gaddy, James Burrel ..... . ..... . .. 420 Gaertner, Earl C., Jr. . . .. . .. ...... 498 Ga ido, San Jacinto, 111 . . .. . . 398, 498 Gainer, Paul ......... . . . .. .. ..... 301 Ga iner, Sally .. . •.... .. .. . 444 Gaines , David Taylor . . .. . .. .. 300, 498 Gaither, Ann Mary .. . ...•. . .. 455, 567 Ga ither , Jerry Don .... .. ....... .. 498 Galabro, Frank ........ .. ..... .. .. 277 Galatzan, Le igh S.. .. . .. ..... 303, 414 Galazn ik, John Gilbert ....... 234, 235 Gale , Amelia Jane . . 552 Gale, Morita Jeanne . .. . .. .. ...... 299 Gole, Michael Lester .... 245, 331, 567 Gale, Pl iny Myron, 111 .. 264, 294, 567 Gal insky, Marianne C. ...... . . . ... 293 Gallagher, Kathleen Marie ... . 361 , 552 Gallagher. She ila E.... . 249, 366, 38B, 498 Gallaher, Peter . K ............... .. . 71 Gallardo, Adriana . ............... 454 Gallaway, Robert Allan . . . .. ... .. . 262 Galler, Nancy Ellen .............. 344 Gallian, David Alan . . ... ..... 388, 530 Gallaway, Barry l. ...... 329, 420, 538 Galloway , Dan iel Graham ....... . . 247 Galloway, Francis 0 ., Jr. .... 245 , 286, 332 Galloway, Morie Annette . ......... 472 Galloway, Rosemary N . .......... . 240 Gamon , Heriette Jeon .. .. . ...... . . 344 Gamez, Joseph Angel F....... 284, 498 Gamma Alpha Chi ... . ... .. ...... . 249 Gamma Delta ....... .. ........... 250 Gamma Delta Eps ilon ......... .... 251 Gamma Phi Beta ............. 366, 367 Gammage, Patrick Odell ...... 221 , 552 Gammon, Michael Eugene ... . 248, 273, 310, 313 Ganapothy, E. V. . . .. . ... . .. . .... 321 Gone, Charles Ewing .. .......... .. 416 Gandara, David Raymond .. ...... . 538 Gondy, Gary David . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246 Gann, Mickey Ona ... •..• .. ...... 470 Gantt, Beverly Lynn 376, 552 Gantt, Carol Ela ine .......... 376, 538 Garana, Edward .. . ... ... .. . . 468, 477 Garces, Jorge Carias .. .. .. . ....... 498 Garcia-Hernandez, Alfonso ..... 85, 223 Garcia, Alexander C. . ....... 477, 498 Garcia, Alfredo Tomas, Ill .....•.. 277 Garcia, Carmela A.... .. 202, 257, 498 Garcia , Celina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. • 498 Garcia, Cesar A. . ................ 2n Garcia , Daisy Wonda ............. 498 Garcia, Dan ie l ................... 478 Garcia, Dennis Oglethorpe ..... . .. 386 Garcia , Elsa ................ 456, 567 Garcia, Olga Y.............. 257, 498 Garcia, Robert, Jr . ..... , . .... 246, 538 Gordner, Morey .. . .... . . 293, 380, 498 Gardner, Nancy Kathleen .. .... .. .. 552 g~;~~=~; ~~~;ci~l~~n . : : : : : : : : : : : : : ~~~ Gardner, Robert Victor .. ...... . ... 567 Gardner, Sally . ....... . ... .. 372, 401 Garfinkel , Richard Stuart . . . . 194, 432, 433 Garfinkel , Steven Earl .. .. .... 432, 567 Garing , Jon Ladson ...... . ..... . .. 552 Garland, Geoffrey Michael .... 321, 4B2 Garner, A. laura ... . . ....... 251, 530 Garner, David Edward .. 283, 325, 567 Garner, Horry Allen 112 , 222, 282 Garner, Joyce Kathleen .. .. ....... 411 Garner, John H . . . .... .. .......... 410 Garner, Michael Monroe ...... 412, 567 Garner, Ph ilip F.......... , .. . .... 302 Garner, W ilson Lynn ...... . ..... . . 552 Garnett, Carol . .. ................ 567 Garnett, Mitchell Deon . .... .. • .... 256 Garnett, Stephen Phillip . .. ..... .. 567 Garrett , Charlotte Avis ............ 530 Garrett, Charlsie B . ........... . ... 538 Garrett, David Earle . ...... .. 386, 567 Garrett, Gavin Robert . ... .. ..... . 400 Garrett, Howard Noel, Jr. ......... 538 Garrett, Jeffrey Buck ........... . .. 436 Garrett, Joan El izabeth ...... . . . .. 342 Garrett, Judith C. . .... . ..... 337, 388 Garrett, lorry Eugene ......... . .. . 220 Garrett, Linda Jean .. ..... . . ... ... 538 Garrett , Patrick Dennis ....... 276 , 530 Garrett , Ph illip Everett .. .... .... .. 567 Garrison, Lindo Kay .. .... . . . ... . . 249 Garver, Paula Ann .......... . 368, 552 Garvey, Diane Ela ine ........ 342, 567 Garwood , Anne Sebring ... . . ..... . 368 Garwood, Kelly Richard . . .... 428, 538 Gary, Albert George ........ . 264, 530 Gary, Katherine Elaine . ...... 275, 287 Gory, Roger V ... . ... . ........ ... . 216 Garza, Arnoldo Gonzalez .. .. ...... 552 Garza, Arnulfo R......... . ..... . . 498 Garza, David Albert . . .. . 217, 276, 538 Garza, Glenda Ann .. . ....... 440, 567 Garza, Gloria Ann ............... 462 Garza , Gumoro ...... ... ..... 277, 477 Garza, Morin . ........... ... . .... 277 Gosche , Vicki Suzanne .. . . .. ..... . 368 Gaskins, Steve White ............. 454 Gassaway, Deborah Kay ..... . .... . 451 Gostinger, William W. . 468, 477, 49B Gates, Donald Carson ..... . ....... 538 Gates, Gustav Emil ... . .. .... .... . 366 Gates, Haward Louis, Jr. . ...... . . . 294 Gates, Jan ice Lorraine, Mrs. . .. .. .. 567 Gates, Judith Anderson . . . ..... .. .. 376 Gates, Judith Ann .. .. .... .... .. .. 538 Gates, Pamela D.. ..... .. .. . . 252, 498 Gatewood, Kenneth Gregory . .. . ... 336 Gathers, Wayne Edwin, Jr... 216, 461, 538 Gatl in, Sandra lee .. .... .... .... . 530 Gatton, Carol Ann . ............ . . . 376 Gatzke, Sharon lee ... ..... . ...... 292 Gaus, Michael Lynn .. .. .• .... 384, 567 Gautreau, Mary Joyce ....... . 351, 552 Gavia, Paul Richard . . . .•.. . ...... 538 Govia , Sharon lee .... ..... . . . ... 538 Gavin, Michael James ........ 218, 222 Gayetsky, Joseph . . ... .... .... . . . . 612 Gayle, George S .. .. .. . ...... 404, 498 Gayle, Mary Alison .. •.. ..... 342, 408 Gayle, Mary Leslie ...... . . ... 340, 567 Gaylord, Tho Shepard ............. 420 Geoccone, Terri Louise . .. ... . 376, 567 Gearing, Patrick J. . ... . .. . ....... 498 Gebert, Allan A. . ..•........ 478, 468 Gedd ie, John B. . . . .. . .. .. ........ 498 Geddie, Sheryl Elizabeth .......... 538 Gedwed, El izabeth ...... 271 , 475, 538 Gee, Rogene ....... .. .. 194, 307, 552 Geffen, Charles Harris . .. ......... 567 Gehlbach, Gary lee ..•........... 294 Geis, Diana Ruth ... .. . ...... 299, 342 Geis, Ph ilip Anthony ....... . . 262, 436 Geiselman, Jan Nell . ... ..... 372, 567 Geiss, Charlene Danna ....•.. 408, 459 Geissinger, Jononn ...... . .... . .... 451 Geller. Jeanne ..........•..... .. . 449 Gellman, Tobi Kay ..•... 289, 374, 538 Genna, Bertha Lou ise •....... 451, 567 Gennusa , Ragan O . ..... . . 71, 303, 310 Gent, Noncy Katherine . 124, 148, 249, 290, 358, 359, 49B Gentry, Cecil Adrian ...• 140, 279, 538 Gentry, Jahn Edward . . ....... 325, 538 Gentry, Thomas Jordan • 173, 247, 273, 303, 418, 482 Genz, Ralph Herman ......•....... 247 Genzer, I. Frank, Jr. .... 173, 196, 222, 273, 305, 498 Gerik, Rodney E. . . . .... •.. ... .. . . 498 Gerloff, Edwin Adolph . .......... . 288 Germon House . . . .... ........... . 45' Germany, Jesse M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336 Gernsbocher, Claudio Candice . .. . . 34,, 453, 567 Gersch, Walter James ...... .... . . . 326 Gershner, Ira Baim ........... 414, 553 Gorshowitz, Arlene Miriam .... 451 , 567 Ge(Son, Dan 8.................... 423 Gervers, W illiam J . . ...... . .. . . ... 262 Gewertz, Beverly ........ 179, 374, 498 Gewertz, Martin Anson .... . ...... . 553 Geye, Alan D........ . .. .. ... 436, 49B Geyer. Valie . . . ...... . .... ....... 250 Geziri, A. . ..... . ..... .... ... . . . . 274 Gholson, Marvin E. . . . ... . ..... .. . 302 Ghormley, John Carl ....... . ...... 217 G ionnoble , Richard P. . .. . ........ 223 Gibbs, Everett Shelby ........ 436 567 Gibbs, Mary M. . . . ... ... .. .. .. .. '. 235 Gibbs, Meredith F..... .. .. . ...... 498 Gibbs, Michael F.... . ... 216, 291 , 499 Gibbs, Mike D . .. ..... ..... .. 216, 499 G ibbs, Phil ip Archel . ..... .. .. 211 , 418 Gibbs, Randel Brent ..... ... . . ... . 214 Gibson, David Hamiltan ...... 408, 553 Gibson , Imogene Louise ... . ..... .. 368 Gibson, Jacque Sue .. .. ...... 270, 309 Gibson, James Sidney ... . 264, 309, 553 Gibson , Jane Louise . .. ....... . .. . 366 Gibson, Judith l ........ . ......... 193 Gibson, Malcolm David ... ........ 418 Gibson, Nancy lee ...... .... ..... 475 G ibson, Richard lee ... ... . . ... . .. 538 Gibson, Rodney, 111 ... . ... ..... . . 329 Gibson, Thomas l., Jr. . .......... . 250 G ideon , Edward Nunnelee ... . . . ... 394 G ideon, Mary Lee ..... . ..... 356, 401 G ideon, Sarah Ann . .. .. ........ . . 356 Gideon, Steven Roger .. 260, 264, 266, 412 Gidney, Kenneth R. .... .. ..... 71 , 310 Gierisch, Bobby Marshall .......... 295 Giese, James Albert .............. 426 Giese, Jo Ann . . .... 127, 338, 340, 426 Giesecke, Jamie Leo ......... ... .. 295 Giesecke, Janis Louise .. 356, 451, 567 Giesecke, Richard Louis . 198, 214, 538 Giesen, James Mortin ........ 454, 499 Giffin, Pamela Susan ..... . .... . . . 455 Gilbert, Burton H . .. .. ............ 328 G ilbert, Carol Lynn ... . . 252, 342, 451 Gilbert, Earl C..... .. . ... . ... 71 , 313 Gilbert, John Carl .. . ..... . .. ..... 211 Gilbert, John Ralph .. .. ...... 398, 567 Gilber, Linda Rae ...... . 366, 411, 567 Gilbreath, Lillian M. . .......... . . 302 G ilden, Eddie Seals, Jr .. . ......... 309 G iles, James Bobby .......... 277, 499 Giles, Robert Elliott ....... .. 282, 398 Giles, Susan El izabeth . ... .... 372, 567 Gil illand, Gaye .................• 553 Gililland, Jahn Charles ...... . ..... 567 Gilkerson , George Ernest . .... 329, 406, 538 Gill, Clark Cyrus . .. ... . .. ...... .. 200 Gill, Darlene Karen .. . . . 366, 440, 553 Gill, Hal Michael .. . . . ....... 378, 553 Gill, Mary Ann .. . ........... . .... 567 Gill, William J................. . . 217 Gillaspie, Dan Ward .............. 553 Gillaspie, Raymond Ed .. .......... 112 Gillespie, Hal Keith .......... 229, 335 Gil lett, Coral Kay ........... 342, 567 Gillette, Dennis D . ..... . 196, 313, 394 Gillette, Michael l. ..... 273, 303, 461 G illette, Victoria Lynn ....... 358, 553 Gill ey, Jerry Alan . . .............. 499 Gillham, Jimmy lance ..•... •. 140, 279 Gilliom , Anne Louise ............ . 354 Gi lliam , Bill ie Irene ......... 352, 426 Gilliam, Constance Faye . . .... 368, 538 Gilliam, Robert Milton ....... 428, 553 Gilmore, Gerald W. . •... . . . ...... 499 G ilmore , Gordon Kenneth .. .. .... . 567 Gilmore, John M., Jr. . . 201, 247, 296 Gilmore, Morlee .................. 358 Gilmore, Walter A........... 286, 293 Gilreath, Farrell Richard D........ 538 Gindy, Kenneth Michael •.... . 380, 553 Gingrich, Paul S.. 197, 216, 293, 499, 312 Ginn, Gladys Linda ...... ..... .... 289 Ginn, William Linton, Jr. . ........ 29-4 Ginnings, Charles Michael • .. • 221, 312, 538 Ginther, Joan Rae ..... ...•. . 364, 538 Gips, Jerry Robert . . ..... 194, 294, 553 Gipson, Nancy Shelby . .. ••. . .••. . 295 Girouard, Margaret Elizabeth .... . 2971 553 Gish, Stanley K. . .......... . ..... 221 Fri It, Jonathan E. : .••....... 256, 498 Frnka, Edward Richard, 11 •••• 420, 552 Frnka, Robert Donald ......•.. 245, 332 Garcia, Garcia, Rolanda Anton io Flort1 .. 211 , 477 Roso Catarina ............ 530 Georgacakis, Katherine W. . . ...... 252 Georgas, Effie Christi ne . 252, 451, 567 George, Darryl Michael ...... 477, 567 Gjedde, Helen Ann ...... ... ...... 553 Glabasnia, Joseph Paul . 260, 264, 539 Glade, Jan Stuart ....... ....... .. 380 Frock, George A. . . ........... .... 309 Froehlich, Travis Doan .• 212, 412, 552 Froohnor, Sharon L11 .. .. .. . .. 469, 472 Froehner, Stanley C.... ........... 211 Garcia, Roy Perez ................ 329 Gardenhire, Gory Wayne .......... 498 Gardner, Cynthia Jone ............ 358 Gardner, Deborah Gail ............ 552 George, George, George, George, Florence ......... . ....... 376 Janice Jeon ....••... 368, 538 Kay ............. . ....... 236 Richard Leo ..•• . .• .. 214, 553 Glodo, Thomas Walker ..••. • •.••.. 553 Gladstone, Karen Lynn . • . • • . • . • • • . 362 Glasgow, Nino E..... .. .. ..... .. . 475 Glaspie, Cheryl Ann ...•••.••• 364, 499 Frett, Alvin Harvey ...... 235, 436, 552 Fruchter, Judith E................. 293 Gardner, Gail Loi• ........... 194, 368 Gordner, Gary L11 ............... 418 George, William Josoph Geppert, Kathlyn Diano •..•.. 424, 530 ........... 498 Glau, Glass, Coleman Doy .............. 499 Donald F.................. 225 fry, Mork Allon . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . . 295 Gardner, Janot Ann .•.......• 194, 552 Gtrchsheimtr, Heidi Morie . ....... 498 Glau, Douglas Bruce .•....... 428, 567 fry, Robert Aluandor, Jr.. ......•. 328 Gardner, Morion Bernard . . . . . . . . . . 288 Gerdes, Francis P . ................ 498 Glass, Edwin C. . .. .. . . . . . .. .. .. .. 293 fry, Robert Dodd ................. 336 Gordner, Michael M..•.•..••...... 327 Geren, Lowa no Lou ise ...... .. 451, 567 Glau, Jorry l11 . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . 539 588 Name Pages Nome Pages Nome Pages Nome Poges Graves, Sharon Dale ...... . .. 3521 539 Glass, John R. . . ................ . 499 Goodrich, Berthold James ........ . 221 Grisham, Larry Richard ....... 294, 568 Goodrich, laura Ann .. .... ... 361, 567 Groves, Victoria Sister . ... . ....... ..62 Grissom, David lee .......... 2U, 500 Glass, Martin I., Jr. ......... 29.. , .. U Gloss, Randall Charles .. ... .. 226, 246 Goodridge, Robert Jenkins, Jr. ... . .. 2.. , Gray, Billiemae ......... ......... 295 Grob, Charles E......... 194, 386, 539 567 Groy, Carla Ann .......... ....... 35B William . . ... , ... .... Glass, Thomas E. . ........... 211 , 499 Groce, Evans 211 Glasscock, Maynard Sidney .. 220, 296, Goodson , Jonci Miller .. .. . . ....... 2.. 1 Gray, Carolyn lee ........... 280, 553 Grogan, Marion S. . ............. . .. ,, Goodson , Saundra Louise ... . 19.. , 269, Gray, Charles Lanford . . . • . . . 454 Groner, Philip Mari< .......... 415, 568 530 354, 397 Gray, Charles Murry ....•.•....... 294 Glasscock, Merry Louise .... ... .... 553 Groner, Rebecca Clora ... , ..... . .. 361 Glasser, Alden Heidi . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344 Goodstei n, Ric hard Stuart ....... .. 432 Gray, Clark Myers ........... 294, 568 Groos, David M. . . . . . . . • .. .. . . . . . 332 Goodwin, Clifton A .. Jr.... ... 428, 539 Gray, Cynthia Cla ire .. .. ......... 3.. .. Glassmire, Charles J . ... .. .... 227, 539 Gross, Gary Neil ............... .. 293 Goodwin, Emily Kay ......... 372, 530 Gray, Dorathy Elaine ... . ......... 553 Glauser, Margaret Camille .... 372, 567 Gross, Paula Sue ............ 451 , 568 Glaze, Wiley Eugene ............. 612 Goodwin, Ernest l. ............... 499 Gray, Edward Barry ............... 553 Grossman, Adrian· nan ............. 568 Glazer, Bennett Joe ... . ...... 313, 414 Goodwin, Mary Patricia ...... 2.. 9, 553 Gray, Elizabeth Anne ...... . . 2S4, 568 Grossman, Beverly Anne ........... 3.. .. Goodwin, Phil ip 404 Gray, Ellen Ruth ........ . ... 440, 56B Grossman, Ann 19 .. Glazer, Jeffrey Bennett . . .... . 423, 567 Robert .... ..... .. Carol ..... , ....... Gray, Jefferson Scott ......... 400, 568 Glenewinkel, Sally Ann . .. . . . . . .. . 455 Goodwin, Sarah Elizabeth .... 451, 567 Grossman, Coral Jean ........ 451 , 568 Goodwin, Vernon ... .. ..99 Gray, Keith Eugene ............... 295 Waldo Jr. . ...... . . . Glenn, Donna ............... 314, 567 Douglas 2U, Grossman , l.1 223 Goolsby, Franklin 294, Groy, Barnett 214, 302, 304, ........ .. .. . .. Glenn, Sally ....... ..... 366, 430, 499 George .. .. 327, Lynn ..... 500 Grote, David Gene 293 Glesecke, Richard L. . .••..•••..... 198 567 Grotevont, Harold Dennis .. . . 26.. , 271, .. m Glick, Carol Sue . ....... ... .. 289, 362 Gor, Edmond J.............. 223, 567 Gray, Mary Davon . 285, 287, 361, 568 553 Goranson, Bruce Alon ........ 216, 568 Gray, Randall Allon .......... 332, 56B Graves, James Samuel ........ 41B, 539 uu Glick, Marilyn Ruth ...... . . .. 374, 539 Gordon, Deborah Wynne ..... 240, 362, Gray, Robert Curtis ........ ... .... 500 Growcock, Freder ick Bruce .... 294, ..54 Glick, Marshall Marc .. .. . .... 414, 567 llS 4S3, 567 Gray, Sylvia Martina . ... , ..... ... 306 Grazier, Glenda Joyce ............ 297 Glickman, Martha Ann ............ 499 M Glidden, David Michael ........... 553 Gordon, Harry Bernard, Jr . .. 414, 568 Graydon, Frank D.............. .. .. 22 Grubbs, Beverly Moe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 I. Ill Gordon , Jon Adrienne .... .. .. 364 , 530 Graydon, Geoffrey Galt ........... 408 Grubbs, James Holt .. ........ 398, 553 Gladi, Linda Gay . . .. . . . ... .. 444, 378 111 Glorig, Patricia Lynn . , , ....... ... 368 Gordon, Jerry John .... . ..... 378, 553 Greathouse, Koren Lee ............ .. 73 Gruenke, William Francis 612 Ult .......... Gordan, Judith Ann ......... ...... 539 Green, Barry Russell .......... 245, 331 Gruetzma cher, Gordon D . ....... .. 539 Glover, Frank Scott, IV ........... 567 .. flt Gordon, Judith Ella . . .. . . .. .. 251 , 356 Green, Charles C.. 111 ......... . .. 500 Grumbles, John Pot ............... ~82 Glover, Jane ........ .......... .. . 421 I. Ill Gordon, Marc Pryzant ........ 414, 568 Green , David W . .......... ...... . 218 Gruner, Katherine Susan . .. .. 275 , 282, Glover, Linda Carol .... ... . .. 364, 539 3'I Gordon, Sandra Gail ... . 240, 2B9, 499 Green, Dorothy D....... 235, 307, 470 361 Glover, Robert W . ...... ... ....... 291 l, !Ot Gloyna, Earnest Frederick ...... ... 295 Gordon, Sharon Larue .......... .. 453 Green, Joe Randall ............... 568 Grusin, Ann Cheryl ..... .... ...... 539 l,lll Goren, Gerald M. .. . .. .. .. .. .. 415 Green, Jahn Randall ........ ...... 553 Grusy, Alexis Kay ............ 264, 568 Jjj Glueck, Haward W........... 247, 296 Goren , Janet Rose . . . . . . . . . . 180 Green, Judy Jim . . .. .. ..... .. .. .. . 539 Guenther, Brenda Ann . . 19.. , 456 , 568Glueck, W illiam F . ... ...... . .. . .. 288 .. 1" Green, Mack Morris, Jr. ........... 326 m Godel I, John Joseph, 11 .......... . 499 Gorman , Joe Vance . . . . . . . 221 , 553 Green, Stephen Cooke ...... . . 140 1 388 Guenthner, Carol Ann ..... ... ..... 539 !JI Godfrey, Cullen Mich ............. 396 Gormely, John Poul .......... 408, 553 Green, Ted Edward, Jr. .. .... 478, 553 Guenthner, Gary Fread ...... . ..... 220 .m Gober, Lois Dionne ...... . ....... . 530 Gorenstein, Nancee Beth . ......... 362 Guenther, John Dale .............. 326 Gormely, Bettye Colleen ... ... 249, 539 Green, William C . ........ . .. 331 , 420 Guentzel, Melvin Neal ............ 455 Godfrey, Geraldine Jane ...... 354, 553 Godfrey, Jos. David ......... . 412, 499 Gorski, Theodore P., Jr . .... .. . .... 310 Green, William Ray .... 243, 329, 412, Guenzel, Patsy Ann ........ ... .... 553 .. l21 • 251 Godfrey, Shirley Yvonne ........... 475 Gosdin, Gary R . ........ .......... 327 553 Guerro, Francisco Manuel ... . ..... 476 Green , Will iam Russel . . .......... 568 Guerro , Oscar Mend iola ........... 539 ~· Godines, Rita Rosalinda ...... 473, 499 Gose, Martha Ann ........... 451 , 568 .II Godsey, Ruth Gene ............... 539 Gosier, Zack Truman ..... 277, 402, 539 Greenberg, Debora Dell ...... 344, 539 Guerrant, William Stephen ... . .... 223 )~ Godwin , Susan Louise .... ... ...... 453 Gossett, Alice Colleen ...... . 471 , 539 Greenberg, Jeff Howard ........... 415 Guess, Carroll l. ....... ..... 221 , 500 Ml. Goehring, Amelia Lynn ....... 251, 539 Gassett, Elizabeth ................ 370 Greenberg, Jerry Arnold ...... 212, 500 Guest, Kelley Austin .... 196, 19B, 282, Greene, Gary l. ........ 211, 223, 500 l'l Goerner, Cynth ia D . ........... . .. 499 Gosse tt, James Michael ..... .... .. 553 394, 553 I !'I Goerner, Herbert J., Jr. . . .... 396, 499 Gossett , Mary Mel issa ............ . 530 Greene, George Leonard .... . 260, 264, Guidry, Monte James .......... , .. 553 .: 111 Goerner, James Frank ... ........ . . 38.. Goth, John Andrew . .. . . . . . . . . . 293 266 Guild, Sharon Anne .... . 366, 413, 453 IN Goerner, Martha Dell .... 354, 451, 567 Gottesman, Lindo Ann .. 2B7, 344, 568 Greene, Molly Susan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364 Guillory, lee Simon .............. 418 Greene, Winston W. , Jr. . . ....... . 240, '11!Ill Goertz, Sondra Rose ......... 271 , 567 Gottlieb, Susan Edis ..... 307, 363, 553 277 Guil lot, Andree .. . . 372, 453, 568 Greenhill, William Duke .... .. 194, 404 Guinn, Brenda Kaye .... .......... 553 Goethals, Randall M.. . .. ......... 499 Gough, Wil liam Tom . .. ... . .. . . .. 428 1, 567 Goff, Kenneth Allen . . . . . . . . . . 530 Gould, Suson Gaynell ... ... .. 251 , 462 Greening, Ronald Gene ...... 19.. , 201, Gu inn , Chorlsa Jaqueline ....... . .. 368 I, ~I 256, 285, 530 Guinn, Darrold Thomas ... ... ...... 226 Going, Barbara Newhall .. .. .. 351 , 539 Gove, Otis Ray .. .. .....•...... . . 28B Greenleaf, Geraldine A. . .... . .... 271 Guinn, Daryl Hale . . ... . .... . 368, 500.m Goldberg, Charlotte ... .. ..... 362, 453 Goyen, Morie Elizabeth .... ....... 45 .. Greenspan, Warren Barry ....... ... 223 Guinn, Geoffrey Kyle .. . ..... . 426, 553 ~.m Goff, Linda Jeannine ......... 473, 567 Gourley, Jack, Jr. ............ 394 , 553 Greenstein, Fred Ronald .... . ...... .. 15 lll Goldberg, Evelyn ................. 374 Goyen, William Alfred ...... ...... 220 Guinn, Mary M. C. . .............. 500 lm Greenwood, Alan Gayle ........... 377 Goldberg, Henry ..... .. .......... 567 Graber, Edwin Neil .......... 432, 568 Guinn, Patricio Foy ............... 451 Greenwood, Darryl Paul . 247, 296, 500 l'l Goldberg, Jeri Helen ......... 344, 567 Graber, Emily . ..... .. .... . ..... .. 499 Guinn, Robert lee ................ 500 .: n1 Goldberg, Moses ......... ........ 499 Grace, Douglas Alton ....•....... . 329 Greenwood, Mrs. Mable .......... . 354 Guleke, James O .. II ........ 196, 394 561 Greenwood, William S . ... . ....... 500 Goldblum, Judith Merle ..... . 362, 553 Gracey, David F . .... ...... . . . .. .. 499 Gulleen, Kris Karl . ...... ......... 553 1,567 Greer, Bruce Jomes . ..... . .. ... . .. 331 Golden, William John ......... ... 410 Gracey, Ellen M . . ............ .... 293 Gully, Jane Elizabeth ............. 35B Greer, Jul ie Frances .... . 275, 2B7, 451 Gump, A. Goldfarb, Sam M .. Jr. . ....... 402, 539 Graduates ............•.. ..... 482-4B5 Richard (Sr.) .... ........ 33 Greer, S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288 Jr. Goldman, Carol Beth .. 200, 272, 306, Graduating Seniors . . . . . . . . . . . 485·528 Marcus Gump, Richard Anthony, . 196, 378, Greeson, Ga il E . ................. 500 344, 539 Grady, Elaine Anne ... . ...... .... . 257 539 Goldman, Donald 140, 414 Gregg, Cecil M., Jr. ........ . 277, 500 Gunby, David H.................. 500 F.......... Grady, Walter Pat .......... . 220, 296 Goldman , Robert Lawrence ..... .. . 380 Graeber, Fred David ....... ....... 499 Gregg, loula Louise ........ . 235, 361 Gundersen , Ga il Irene .... .. .. 464 , 465 Goldman, Will Gary ....... ....... 3BO Graeser, Lynne Bryan .... 230, 376, 539 Gregg, William D . . ............. . 247 Gunn, James Colvin ... .... ........ . 81 Goldsbury , louiso Barclay .... . .... 372 Graf, Kenneth Arthur ......... .... 294 Gregory, David Michael . 173, 273, 313 Gunn, Robert Dewey ..... 223, 298, 372 Goldsobel, Randall Scott ..... 432, 553 Graf, Kerm it Eugene .... 26.. , 266, 294, Gregory, Donald Cl ifford ..... 294, 568 Gunnel l, Julio Kathaleen ....... . .. 568 Goldstein, Alan Lyn . ... .. . ....... 499 Gregory, Lloyd J.. Ill .. 313, 400, 500 Gunnoe, Nancy Sharon ..•.... 289, 539 553 Gremmel , Warren Walter, Jr .. 71 , 310 Goldstein, Arlene lee .... ...... , . . 37.. Graf, Linda Kay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 539 Gunsich, William . .. .. ............ 223 Grenier, Sally D............. 372, 539 Goldstein, Judy Ann ..... . . . . . .. .. 344 Gurosich, John Franc is ............ 214 Grafius, John Mcnab . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..02 Goldstein, Sharan Jo . ... 2B5, 374, 567 Greiser, George W . ......... . .... 539 Gurinsky, Edward Keith .. ... .. 423, 553 Golenternek, Charles Alexander .. 380, Graham, Candace Grace ... . .. .... 451 Grevsky, Dennis Reed ...... , . ..... 217 Gustafson, Clifford L. •.......• 35, 131 539 Gustafson, David Ray ........ . 41B, 539 Graham, Douglas C. . ..... ... .. . .. 309 Grice, Charles R.. Jr. .... . ...•.... 294 Golf, Rosalind Adele ......... 374, 451 Graham , Gene ...... .. , . ...•..... 372 Grider, Dan Alan ......... . . . •. . .. 530 Gustafson, Virginia Joyce .... 289, 352, Goller, Thomos Ford, Jr . . . ........ 217 553 Graham, Kenneth Wayne .... ... . .. 336 Grieneeks, John Keith ....•........ 236 . .... Grieneeks, Lou robe th . ............ 289 Golub, Marilyn ..... .. ............ 344 Graham, Mary Anne ........ . 539 Guthrie, Grant Williams .•.... 424, 568 Grienert, Pam Gomez-Ganem, Marcelo F. . . ...... 293 Graham, Mary M ............. 289, 372 .................. , . 261 Guthrie, Paul David ........ . . 331 , 500 Grier, John R. . . .. ............... 402 Alberto ................... 254, 482 Graham, Nancy Ann .. . ...... 289, 530 Grieves, David Henderson ....... .. 220 Gutierrez, Froncisco, Ill .......... 539 Gonzalez-Gomez, Luz Selenia .. .. .. 295 Graham, Patricio G. . ........ .. . . . 271 Griffin, Charles H. 288 Gutierrez, Jose Alvor, Jr. .......... 500 Gonzalez-Delgado, Carlos Graham, Nancy ...... ... ..... 358, 553 Gutierrez, Augustin ...... . ........ SOO . ....... . ..... . Gonzales, Marcelino . .. .... ... .. .. 277 Graham, Robert Hart .... 256, 296, 420 Griffin, David T . ................. 412 Gutierrez, Moria C. . ......... 257, 500 Gonzales, Ray .. .. ... . ..... . . 232, 499 Graham, Steven Preston .... ....... 568 Griffin, John Pierce ........ ... .... 500 Gutierrez, Roberto .. .... .......... 277 Gonzales, Richard J. . . . . . . . 288 Graham , Suseen Mckoy ... ... ...... 568 Griffin, Kenneth E....... 221, 264, 539 Guy, Dione Gertrude ... .......... 3..0 Gonzalez, Alberta A. . ........ 246, 499 Groham, Weldon Terry ............ 378 Griffin, Margaret Elizabeth .. 352, 275 Guy, Pa tricia Gray ............... 3.. 0 Gonzalez Soda, Alberto M. . 226, 304, Graham, William T............... 499 Griffin, Meade ................... 132 Guy, Paul Wm .......... ......... 482 499 Griffin, Rita Anne . 235, 234, 270, 500 Gralino, Peggy Ann .......... 340, 428 Guyden, Nellie Fay . . ... .. ........ 500 Gonzolez, Jose G. . .... .. ........ . 478 Gramotges, Rafael J. J.. 281, 296, 499 Griffin, Robert Lister . . ....... 335, 568 Guyette, Courtney .............. . . 3..0 Gonzolez, Marcelino ..... .... 220, ..99 Griffin, Sally Ann ................ 439 Grammer, David Morie ............ . 217 Guyette, Linda Mell ina ...... . 340, 341 Gonzalez, Mary F .. ............... 499 Grammer, Jerry Richard ... ... 180, Griffin, Steven Woyne . . . . . . . 406, 568 Guyton, Berl .............. . . 247 168, Paul Gonzalez, Nicolas .. .......... .... 309 24B, 273, 313 Griffith, Anne G . .......•.... 408, 539 Guzman-Tamez , Arnoldo ........... 539 Gonzalez, Rosa Moria .. 271, 287, 462 Granberry, James Willard ......... 612 Griffith, Charles G., Jr. ...... 329, 500 Guzman, Lydia Victoria ........... 215 Gonzolez , Rupert , IV ... .. . ... .... 539 Granger, Edgor D . ................ 499 Griffith, Charles M.. 111. .......... 264 Guzner, Raymond W., Jr. . ....•... 500 Gonzolez, Sergio Alonzo ...... . . , . 539 Groning, Gary Clark ......... 408, 568 Griffith, Edgar Dennis .. 223, 294, 553 Gwin, Anne Torrey ...... 194, 377, 553 Gonzalez, Theodore A. . ...... 246, 329 Grant , Barbara Lou ise , .. . .. .. 351 1 499 Griffith, Gary Ernest .... 196, 282, 428, Gwinn, Darryl ...... .............. 428 Gooch, Larry Wayne .............. 222 Grant, Cynthia Susan . . . . . . . . . ..51 553 Gwozdziowsky, Crest 8. . . . . . . . . . . . 479 Good, Carolyn Elaine ... ......... . 262 Grant, Esther Jane ... ... 221, 280, 372 Griffith, Lon Keith ..... .......... . 418 Goad, Skipper C. . ............... 296 Grant, Lillie Jane . 287, 297, 366, 553 Griffith, Margaret Ann ......•... . . 500 Goodale, William Edwin ..... 235, 236, Grant, Noncy Jeanne .... 194, 364, 568 Griffith, Mary l. J . ... ....... . .... 500 327 Grant , Pauline Bruce .... 236, 372, 553 Griffith, Patricia A........... ..... 500 H ~. !J Goodall, Anne Allyn ......... .. .. . 340 Grant, Ronald Richard ............ 228 Griffith, Thomas David .. 223, 294, 553 ~.lll Goode, James l., Jr. . ....... ..... 499 Grant, Thomas Patrick, Ill .... 225, 539 Griggs, Eric Randell .............. 553 Goode, Jeanne Voiers .... .... 356, .. 26 Grantham, Jacquelyn ....... ....... 539 Griggs, Jack Allen . 269, 288, 295, 302 Haag, David Q. . ......... 500 . ....... Goodenough, Fred Charles .... 329, 567 Grantham, Jos. Loron 499 Grigsby, Carrell lee ......... 366, 539 Haag, Janice Adele ... ....... 342, 568 ... .. . ....... Goodfellow, Gordon P.. Jr. . . . . . 291 Grantham, Joseph K........ ... .... 539 Grigsby, Jimmie Morion ...... 220, 500 Hack, Margeret Bertha ... ...... . . . 553 Goodfellows .............. . . .. 176-lBl Grantham, Mary Lau .... 126, 127, 181, Grigsby, John W................. 412 Hoos, Frances Joan ............... 539 Goodfried, Karen Kay .. . ... .. . .... 567 269, 272, 323, 328, 356, 539 Grigsby, Sue Ann ................. 413 Haas, Robert William .... , ........ 426 ~. llf Goodlett, Rbt. Hill ............... 499 Grantham , Thomas Harold ......... 553 Grillo, Virginia Ellen ..•...... 351, 350 Haas, Samuel Douglas •....... 397, 568 ... • Goodloe, John Tunstall ..... . . 328, 412 Grasty, Sue ................. 290, 316 Grimes, Larry Alfred.... •. .... .... 568 Haase, Richard G. . ............... 539 ... lll Goodman, Betty S. . .. ............ 499 Gratevant, Harold ......... . .... . . 454 Grimes, Patricio Ann .. . .... . ...... 553 Haber, Elbert .............. . .. . .. 454 ... lD Goodman, John Catlett . 180, 273, 303 Graves, Bonnie Blue .... 282, 358, 453, Grimes, Sherilyn Kay ......... 351, 3SO Haber, Jodie Ann ... .......... .... 344 ... DI Goodman, Kenneth W. .. .. .. . .. .. . 412 553 Grimm, Albert F., Ill ............. 539 Haberstick, Jean ............. 340, 56B ~. Ill Goodman, Michael Barry ...... 432, 567 Groves, Gayle Frances ...... .. 376, 553 Grimm, Larry Wayland . 221, 264, 296, Hablinski, William M........ , ..... 218 Ill Goodman, Robert W . ............. 262 Graves, George Thomas, 111 . 398, 568 301, 500 Haby, Jerome Maurice . . . . . . . . . . . . 227 Ill Goodn!On, Thomas lee ... ......... 2B4 Graves, Jerry F.............. 223, 382 G rimstad, Ty-rann Carella ......... 475 Hackard, James C. . .. .. . .. .. • .. . . . 326 1. ig Goodnight, James Raymond, 11 .... 408, Groves , Linda Ruth ............ .. . 264 Gring, Larry Martin ............... 553 Heckerman, Norman .. . ............ 2 .. .al 567 Graves, Marion Louise ........... . 251 Grisham, Gayla Dee .............. 455 Hackerman, Stephen M. .. llf Goodpasture, John Edgar ..... 211, 530 Graves, Mall ie Frey .......... .. .. . 249 Grisham, John Morion ........ 436, 500 Hackett, Charles Nome Pa ges Nome Pages Nome Pogu Nam• Pages Hodd, Donald Allen . . ........ 271, 32S Hodd, Robert Henry .. .. .. . .. . 283, 32S Hadden, Marilyn Mitchell ... · 297, 4t2s Haddaclc, Setty Joyce ......... 264, 4'1 Haecker Michael Alton .... . . 2SO, 264, • 294, S68 Haegelin, Gordan Keith . . ......... 304 Hafernick, Mary Edith .. .. •.... . ... 3S2 Hagan, Colette Nadine ..... . . ... . 568 Hagan, Daniel Barker ...... • . 194, 312 Hagan, Linda Joyce ......... . . . ... 568 Hagans, William F•... . . .... ... . .. 261 Hagen, Paul Harald ...... . . .. ...... 232 Hager, Ga il Ellen ............ 289, SOO Hancock , Warren Edward, Jr. · · · · · 3lj9 Hane, Grace A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2'9 Haney, William Garland, Jr....... 29S Hanger, Chris T. . .. . ........ · 2i i ·. 329 Hangs, Fronk Edw., Jr. . . . . . . . 223 Hanko, Bruce Edward ..... . ... .... 264 Hankinson, Kathryn ............... 368 Hanks, Jock Walton, Jr....... 303, 339 Honks Lucinda Boylen . 194, 272, 287, • 2'9, 307, 356, 553 Hanks, Robert W. . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2'7 Hanks, William L. . .. . ......... ... SOl Hanna, Mork Jomes ...... . .. ... ... A20 Hannaman, Mary Kathleen .... 287, 4ff~e Harper, Stephens Tucker . . .. ....... 404 Harper, Thomas, II I ..... 310, 404 , 501 Harper, Thomas Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . 288 Harrell, Charles Delmer ........... 501 Horrell, Frances Louise ....... .. . .. 568 Horrell, Manly Lynn .. ........ 291, 530 Horrell, Sylvia Ruth .... ..... ..... 287 Harren , Vincent A. . . .... ......... 297 Harrington, Charles S. . . . ..... 327, 408 Herrington , Non Katherine . . .. 368, 553 Harrington, Patricio A. . .... . . 257, 501 Harr is, Benjam in P . . ..... .. .. 261, 426 Harris, Carol G . . '. . .. . .. 194, 340, 5S3 Horris , Dale Andrew ......... 296, 501 Harr is, Darlene Foye ... . .......... A83 Horris , Dav id M. . ............ ... . 386 Hatchell, Elizabeth Emenon • 368, S30 Holerius, Ingrid 8. . 23S, 2'1, 299, 372 Hatfield, Terry Michael . • .•• .. . ... S39 Hathaway, Tino Jo ............... 368 Hatter, Poul T.................... 325 Hattan, Ernest C . ... .............. 424 Hauber, Thomas R. . ... ••. , ... 3BB, S39 Haugarth, Sue Ellen ....•••..• 264, 47S HQvemonn, David Fred .. 247, 296, 256 Haverkorn , Theresa 0 . ............. 501 Hawkes, Jahn Charles ...••.. .• •. . . S53 Howkins, Clarence E.............. 277 Hawkins, Delbert I. .......... 302, '10 Hawkins, Douglas ................. 217 Hawkins, Ernest Edgar , Jr. . . ....... 539 Howkins, Jomes C., Jr. . ...•.. 398, SS3 Hager, Roslyn Gay .. .. ....... 451, 568 Hagerty, Br ian Joseph ............. 333 Haggerty, Patrick E. . .. ... ........ 302 Haggstrom , Margare t A., Mrs . ...... 197 Hagler, Erwin H., Jr......... .... . 539 Hagquist, Ronald F............... 211 Hagy, Lee Emison ........... . .... 293 Hahn, Alvin Wayne . .. ....... 424, 530 Hahn, Billy Carl , Jr............... 553 Hahn Harriet ........... 194, 370, 553 Hahn: Inda · .... . . ... ............. 274 Hahn, Leslie Ann ....... .. ... . ... . 366 Hahn, Sara Beth .... ........ . 4S1, 5S3 Hahn Susie Ela ine .... .. 354, 451 , 553 Ha ik,' Carolyn Mary ..... . .... 264, 5S3 Haikin, Harry Richard ........ '1 S, 553 Ha ines, Leta Ladean .. .. .. ... 346, 568 Hairston, Cales H........ . ... 318, S53 Ha irs ton , Morr is Don . ....... . Al 8, 500 Ha is ten , Susan ..... . .. . . . ........ ASl Hajdik, Norman Edward .... .. . .. .. 478 Holdy, James V................... 301 Holdy, Jahn W......, ............ 296 Hale, Ford R., II I .......... . 406, 539 Hale, Robert Fronk, Jr . ... . ..... . . 530 Holey , Denn is C. Haley, Donald W. Haley, Henry Wayne ...... .. . ..... 500 Haley, Judith Faye .... ........... 530 Halff, Henry Meyer Hall, Camilla Joyce .......... .... 500 Hall , Carol Leigh .... ........ 3S6, 553 Hall, Catherine ................ .. 482 Hall, David Hestand . . ............ 131 Hall, Douglas Lee ... ... . 25', 476 , 539 Hall, Evelyn Lea ................ . 539 Hall, Jean Catherine ............ .. 208 Ha ll, Judith Kathryn ..•••..... 351, 500 Hall, Karen Kay .. . .• .. .. 275, 287, 368 Holl , Lano Juanita ... . . ......... . 568 Hall, Marilyn Ann ........ . ....... 270 Hall, Mary Elizabeth . .. ... .. .. .... 194 Hall, Michael Garibaldi •.•.••... .. 269 Hall, Pamela Dee .. . ... . . ... . .... 358 Ha ll, Sharan Kay .. .. ........ 298, 500 Hall, Shirley Anne .. . . . ...... 356, 568 Hall, Thomas Bailey .... . ..... 194, 500 Ha ll, Virginia Ann . . ... . .......... 271 Hall, Walter Marlin .... 180, 273 , 3::2 Hall, William G............ . ... . .. 71 Hallock, Elsie Irene ... .... ........ 340 Hallman, Johnnie Lau ...... . ...... 330 Hallman, Martha Soaker ...... 289, 501 Hallmark, Connie Lee .. .. 424, 501 , 361 Ha llmark, Robert · Edwin ...... 714, 553 Halpin, Elizabeth C . ... ... ... 358, 539 Halsell, Glen Galen ....... . ....... 71 Hals toad Ca-op . ........ ......... 471 Halstead, Lucinda . 283, 323, 468, 471 , 539 Halstead, William Earl, Jr . . 180, 273, 476, 501 Halter, Jack Chandler ............ . 295 Hamblin, Daryl Kim .. ..... .. .... . . ~83 Ham ilton, Claire Ann .. ..... ...... 368 Hamiltan, Daniel K., Jr...... . 176, 539 Hamiltan, Glenn Alan ........... .. 106 Ham iltan, Karon Lynn .... 356, 399, 501 Hamiltan, Kirk ... . ..•••. 18', 218, 222 Hamilton , Lawrence Alon .. ........ A18 Ham iltan, Rager Doan •... .. ...... 386 Hamiltan, Ronald Douglas .....•... 501 Ham ilton, Saro Anne ... ... .... .. .. 568 Ham iltan, Stephanie ....... . ...... 361 Ham ilton, William B. ............. 141 Hamlett, Jana Kay . 257, 468, 472 , 530 Hamm, Sharyn .......... 307, 35', 451 Hamm, Stephen Micha ti •.•••...•.. 568 Hammack, Lindt Susan .. . .. .. 352, 553 Hammett, Mary Susan ..... ... .. .. • 46S Hammett, Richard Henry ...... 394, 568 Hamman, Clifford Woynt .......... SS3 Hammond, David Neal .....•...... 335 Hammond, Woodrow W. . •.• • 231, 326, S39 Hammans, Linda D. • ..• • •• .. , 298, 439 Hamner, Richard Edward ••........ 291 Hannoman , Mory Renetta . . . . . . . ASS Hannay, Allen B., II I ............. 42' Hannemon , Chri sti ne A. . ........ . . 250 Hannon , George ..... ........ . 35, 1A1 Hannon , Jeffrey l. .. . ... .. ........ 326 Hanover, Non Annett ......... A7A , 553 Honov ich, Denn is S. . .... ......... 423 Hansell , Robert Earl .............. 279 Hansen, Barbaro Kristine ...... A56 , 568 Hansen , Carol Jeane . ...... . .... .. 364 Hansen, Clarence N. . .... . ... 329, 501 Hansen , Diano Victoria ... . ... 25A , 539 Hansen , Lauro Morie .. . ...... 368, 568 Hansen , Patricio Lynn . .. ... . ..... . 376 Hansen, Paul George, Jr..... . 235, 236 Hansen, Sandro . .. ...... .. .. . 366, 553 Hansen , Sandro Lu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377 Hanson, Judith Faye .. . .... . .. .. .. 366 Hanson, Steve Bernard ........ 235, 568 Haraldson, Koren Sue ..... ... 456, 568 Haralson, Katherine Ruth .. .. . 299 , 413 Haralson, Nancy Lynn .. 12A, 127, U8 , 176, 244, 272, 323, 456, 539 Haralson, Patrici o Marie . .... 193, 282, 440 Harbison, Da le Ralph . .. ... . ...... 247 Hardeee, Pamela Ann ...... . ...... 451 Hardeman, Mark N................ 40B Hardesty, Jahn Pawell .. 260, 264, 266, 539 Hardgrave, Carol ... ......... 456, 539 Hardgrove, Richard A............. 539 Hardie, Ann Elizabeth ............ 370 Hard ie, Em ilie Morrow ......... . .. 370 Hardie, John Edward . . . . . . . . . 227 Hardie, Will iam B. , Jr . ....... 420, 539 Hardin, Gardon Wesley . 216, 294, S68 Hardin Hause .... .. .......... 446, 447 Hard in, Patric ia K. . . . .. . ......... 539 Hardin, Sondra Claire .. 262, 307, "13 Hardin, Sharan Ruth ....... .. . . ... 387 Hord in, Stello ... ... . .... .. ...... . "" Harding, Belly Jone . ......... 352, 568 Hording, Mary Mills ... .. ........ . 372 Hard ing, Robert Ness ........ . ... . 539 Hard ison, Dixi e lee . . .... . .. . ..... 322 Hardmon, Darrell P...... 293, 478, 501 Hardw ick , Lydia Dione .. . ..... ... . 568 Hardwick, Pamela Sue . . 275, 287, 56B Hardwick, Robert V............... 501 Hardwick, Wayne Randal .......... 386 Hardy, Eleonor A. C...... ..... ... 316 Hardy, Howard Lawrence ...... .. .. 131 Hardy, Hugh W.............. .. .. 539 Hardy, James Raff ...... . . . ... ... . 483 Hardy, Jahn Wh ite .... . .... . ..... 288 Hardy, Joyce Lynn .......... . S39, 356 Hare, Sel inda Lau ....... . ........ 456 Harel ik, Harry Irw in ... ....... .. .. 568 Harger, Clyde Jerome, Jr. . ... 325, 408 Hargis, Charles Greglaw ...... 397, 553 Hargis, Deborah Ann ......... 451 , S68 Hargis, Jane B. . ........ 370, 371 , 501 Hargis, Jeon Adell ...... 275, 287, 370, 451 , 568 Harg is, John Arlington ..... . ...... 131 Hargraves , Eddie Jo ..... , ........ 539 Hargraves, Linda Goil ... . .... 289 , 530 Hargraves, Richard lee , ...... 223 , 501 Hargrave, Clyde Lee . ............. 406 Hargrove, Frances lee ...... . . .... 501 Hargrove , Joseph l., Jr . ....... . . . . 392 Horkey, Marsha Nelle ..•........ . . S68 Harkins , Burt . . .. ..... . ........ . ... 71 Hark ins, Henry B., Jr......... 225, 398 Harkins, Jomes P......... 71, 303, 310 Harkins, William Travis . . ........ . 553 Harkrider, Marie D........ ....... . 501 Harlan , Donna Lynne .. 179, 189 , 200, 272, 306, 352 Harlan, Douglas Sloan ....•....... 29S Harloff, Gory Jos........... . 221, SOl Harlow, Deborah J .... .. 272, 275, 307, 438, 451 Harlow, Richard Lu .... 201, 254, 281, 501 Harlow, Willard D., Jr. , .......... 501 Harris, franklin C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2A7 Harr is , Grady Lynn .... ...... . .... 277 Horris, Jomes Edward ........ .. ... 227 Horris, Jam ie lee ....... ...... ... AOl Horris, Jill Annette ............... 180 Harr is, John Gregory .. . .... . . 39.(, 568 Horr is, John Raymond ...... . ...... 221 Horris, Kathleen Fern . . .. 361 , 424, 553 Harris, Libby Judith .......... 3", 56B Horr is, Lindo Ann ............ 451, 568 Harris, Maury N. . ... ............. 291 Harris, Orville D . .. .. ... •.... 273, 326 Horris, Ray Clark, Jr . ... ..... 424, 539 Harris, Ray D . .... ........... 28B, 302 Ha rris, Thomas A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 Horris, Thomas J. . . . . . . . • . . . . 21', 539 Harr ison, Andrea Roe . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.(2 Harrison , Carol Ann ... .... .. . 356, 553 Harr ison, Dole .... .. ........ 361 , 553 Harrison, David Russell Harrison, Edw in lorry .. . ..... 225, 501 Harrison, Fronk l. Harr ison, Glenn Howard . . . ........ 539 Harrison, Guy T. . ..... . ..... . .... . 71 Harrison, Helen Jone .............. 36" Harrison , Herman Wade .... .. .. . .. 483 Harrison, Jomes C. . .. ... .... . .. . . 501 Harrison, Kathryn Nell . . ... . . 194, 368 Harrison , Margie Ann ..... .. ...... 352 Harr ison, Rennie Jock .. 221, 261, 296, 301, 501 Harr ison, Roger Dole . ..... ....... 553 Harrison, Sally .. . ......... .. 368, 539 Harr ison, Susan Cla ire ........ A53 , 568 Ha rrison, Walter Gerold .. . ...... . 23.( Harriss, Earl Harvey .......... 227, 501 Harrop, Jahn Koenel .....•... 331, 568 Harrop, Mory Theresa ........ 473, 468 Harrop, Patr icia Frances .. . ........ A71 Harsch , Karon Ilene ......... .. ... 568 Horsch, Steven Terrance ...... 26", 530 Horse, James Howard .... . ........ A26 Harshbarger, Jahn L. •. . ...... 277, SOl Hori, Burno Foye .... .. .... .. 471, 539 Hort, Doniel C. . . ... . ... •. ....... 501 Hort, Gory Ray ......... . .... '18, 568 Hort, Jock Donald ......... . ... . .. 301 Harl, Jone Ellen .... . ............ 358 Hort, Phyllis Ann ...... . ... .. 439, 50l Hort, Pally El izabeth •. ..... ... . .. 232 Hart, Warren Clark .... ........ ... 1'0 Hortley , Jennifer A. . . . ........... -475 Hartley, Tan i H . . ..... . . 240, 243, 251 Hartman , Carlynn ............. .. . . 553 Hartman, Olivio Maria ........... . A75 Hartman, Sarah Ann ..... 377, 399, SOI Hartman, Sh irley M. . .....•.• 316, 539 Hortman, Stello A. • ........ .... .. 464 Hartmann, Poul Robert ..... .. 256, 553 Hartong, Alice Koy ............... 501 Hartshorne, Charles ............ . . 295 Horii, Barry F. .. ............ 408, 539 Hartung, Harald Jock ........ .... . . 71 Hartwig, William H............... 247 Hartzog , Harald Lee .. . ...... 426, 568 Hartzog, Roland Harald ........... 479 Harvey, Ann E... . . ..... . .... 368, SOl Harvey, Arthur Edward .... . .. 335, S68 Harvey, Donn ie Joe ........ .. .. . .. 501 Harvey, Helen Jeon ..•.• • •... 366, S68 Harvey, Katherine C.•....... . 368, 428 Harvey, Laurel ... ...... . ......... 287 Harvey, Leigh . ... ............. ... S6B Harvey, Michael Poul .... , ........ 553 Harvey, Rager Allen .... .... ...... 18B Harvey, Sarah E. . .. .. ....... 27S, 539 Harv ick, Mel issa Ann .............. 553 Harwell, David Alon ........ . .. . .. 277 Harwell , Royce Lee .... ... .. . 408, 539 Horwood, Robert H. . ............. 501 Hase, Bel inda Lauiso .... 275, 2!~i , 3ffts Hash. Dole .... . ......•...... . ... 403 Haskew, Lourenco D..... . .... 289, 29S Haskin, Charl•no ......... ... ..... 4S6 Hoskinson, Sharan Lauist • · · • · 36', 4ff~a Howkins, Jona Galo .............. 539 Hawkins, Jane Scott . ..•..•.. . 356, S39 Hawk ins, luNito Jone ......... .... A11 Hawkins, Pot Willard, Jr. . •. ...... 530 Hawkins, Susan Reido ........ 340, 530 Howley, Harriett .......• 368, 438, "9 Howarth, Judith Ann .............. 377 Haws, Charles Randoll .•.. . . . ..... 398 Hawthorne, Judy Koy .. . ...... 251, 553 Hawthorne, Lloyd Austin . . ..•. 218, 530­Hawthorne, Marsha lee . . ...... . .. 2417 Hoyden, Lindo G. P............... 222 Hayden, Shirley·J................. 322 Hayes, Carol Jone . ......... ..... . 501 Hayes Dorothy R. . 289, 338, 35', 501 Hoyg~d, Donald B. . ............. SOl Haymes Pamela Jeanne ... .. ...... 453 Haynes,' Beverly Bernice . 251, 439, 553 Haynes, Christopher ...... . ........ 398 Haynes, Clora Frances .... ........ .439 Haynes, Guy Wolter .... .. ........ 247 Haynes, Mrs. Isabel ... .......... .. 361 Haynes, Jim Tom . . .......... 173, 2-48 Haynes, Mory Virg inia . ..••. .. 290, 316 Haynes Viki . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . 377, 568 Hays, Constance .... ..... 27S, 287, 361 Hays, Ham iltan Kirk .......... 260, 262 Haywood Ernest Lemuel, Jr....... 271, • 325, 478, S53 Hazelwood, Jerry Wayne ..... 305, 501 Hazl ip, Mory Frances .. ... ...... .. 236 Heaberlin, Conley H., Jr • ... . . .... 483 Heoclcer, lewis Cecil, Jr. .... -.· . ... 568 Head, Haden W., Sr. .. ............ 33 Head, Henry Oswald .............. 38' Head Heron J. . .... ............ . 386 Head: Jos . Lawson .... ... ......... 501 Head, Jeanne Porker . .... .. ....... S02 Head, Judith Ruonne .. .. 264, 287, 4ffts Head, Sandro M...... . .. 226, 408, 502 Head, Thomas E. . ... .......... ... S39 Headlee, Dorathy L. ........ . ..... S02 Hady, Vaughn R., Jr.............. '16 Healy, William Henry •. .... ...... . 294 Heaney, Jomes Dav id ............. 336 Heard, Daniel Wesley .. .......... . 28' Heard, Oliver Samuel, Jr..... 180, 303 Heard, Robert Edward ...•..•. 392, 553 Hearn, Rolph H., Jr..... .. ........ 216 Hearn, William Glyn, Jr.•.... 386, '10 Hearn, William R. . ............... 38' Hearne, Helen Lu ...•... 419, 340, S39 Hearne, Susan Claire ........ . 352, S68' Heath, C. Robert ............ 194, S39 Heath David C. . .. . .... . ..... . ... 397 Heatl~y, Nathan R......... ....... 261 Healan, Clarence K. . . ..... ....... S02 Heaton, Marion Catherine ......... ASS Heaton, Moll .................... 217 Heck, Sandro Cheryl ... ..... ... ... S39 Heczka, Shirley Ann ..... .. ... 36', 5S3 Hedrick, Lindo Ruth .............. "1 Heep, Anthony Wayne ............ 329 Heers, Doniel Kenneth ...... .. 388, 554 Heffington, Danna Schroeter . 293, 502 Heffington, Warren M. . 295, 296, 3f~:i Helfler, Rachelle Koy ...• , .• . •..•. S68 Heflin Manor ... . ...... . ....• 448, 449 Heggie, William Dean .. . •.... 223, S68 Heiberg, Karon Ragnhild .. . ....•.. 364 Heiml ich , Michael Douglas . .... .. .. SSA Heine, Darrell 8 . .. , ......... . .... 5S4 He inrich, Catherine ..... ..... . .... 26" Htins, William H........ ......... 502 He insohn , Theodor• H., Jr. ....... . S02 Heintz, Nicholas Wayne •.•. .. 131 , S39 Hoisloy, Robert Micho•I .....•. .. •. 568 Heitkamp, Lowrenct Wolter ....... 454 Htilmoytr, Jahn Arthur .. . •....•... 301 Hoitzeberg, Edward J., II I .... 2'7, 296 Htil, Moll i• El izabtlh . . 236, 264, 352 Htlborl, D•nnis Wayne ....... 217, 277 Holler, Thomas Michotl . • . • . • . . . . . 329 Helgren, Jontll• Ga il .........•... 287 Htlgren, Korry Noll ...• , ••.•. 26', 56B Hellen ic ...................... . .. 2S2 Hamner, Susan Jone •.. , .... .. 352, SOI Haman, Coral Sue ................ 553 Hamric, Bani hbecco • , , • .•• ...... 358 Hamriclc, Kathryn Verne ... ........ 530 Horlawt, Joyne L. . ... , , ... , , , .• .. 354 Harlowe, Rick lu .... .. .......... 189 Horman, Douglas M. . ...... .. .. . . . 5S3 Horman, Margaret G. . ............ 377 Hant, Elginia Koy ..... . . .... .... Hasstll, Charles Morion ... , . ...... Hassell , Robert Lou is ............. Hankarl, Joan ........ .. 377, 4Sl, 264 194 568 S68 Htllor, Jon1n1 S. . .• .. .•.•• , • 502, 374 Holm, Alfred Paul, Jr, ............ 5S4 Holms, Jim .... . .................. 81 Holms, Pomtlo Jtan .... , . ........ 568 Honok, Tim William .............. 382 Hancock, Lloyd Myatt ....••....... 568 Harman, Thomas Harnou, Mochatl Harald , 131, 384, 568 Lloyd . . . . . . . . . . . . S68 Hasslachtr, Susan Lynn . 18', 194, 198, 3S2, SS3 Htmbrot, Chari••• .... , • , ... • 346, 539 Htmmt , Edwin Dav id .. . .... ...... -483 Hancock, Lynn Adams . . • • . • . . • • • . . 3'2 Harper, Dorltnt D. . .............. 470 Hastedt, Judy Carol .............. 4Sl Hemm•, Kenneth A. . .. .. . . . • • . .. .. 502 Hancock, Mor tho Jonis •.••• ••. 366, 568 Harper, Gtargt Albert .. , .•....... S68 Haston, Linda Lou ................ 29S Htmm•, Lorry Jamts . .. • .. . . . . . . . . 502 Hancock, hbtcco L............... 215 Harper, John Higdon S30 Hasty, James Hicks . 201 , 223, 296, SOI Htmphill, Gregory Lynn • ••. ....... 294 Hancock, hbtcca Lynn •. , ... , . . . . 366 Harptr, Jahn Phillip ......... . 1'2, 402 Hatcher, Glenn Davis . .••.... .. ... 568 Hemph ill, Jahn David .•• •. , •• 378, 502 Hancock, Rosemary .. , , .. • .. . . . . . . 440 Hancock, Warren D. . .•. . • , . , 381, 390 Horptr, Harper, Mortha Lou Mic hael 0 . .. ... 366, 440, S68 . .......... -42.C Hatcher, William E., Ill ..... 260, 264, SS3 Htmphill, Ross Seymour Htnd111an, Andrea Koy •.••• . 418, 568 •••••• .. .. • 568 Henderson, Jone lee ... , . 377, 419, 554 Hicks, lee ....................... 315 Hobbs, Harriett . , ..... , . , . , , , .... 472 35B, 554 ,311 ,!JI Henderson, John C. . .... , 211 , 461, 502 Hicks, Lucinda El izobeth .. .. .. 226, 358 Hobbs, Terry Lynn .......... , 180, 299 Holmberg, Wm. Robt. . . 208, 221, 503 ,1l5 Henderson, Mike . ................. 261 H icks, Max Renea . . ..... .. .... ... 540 Hobbs, Vance Kerr, Jr. . ........... 400 Holmes, Elizabeth M. . ... , , ... 82, 285 Henderson, Patricio A.., 33B, 342, 502 Hicks, Pa me lo Lynn ............... 340 Hoch, Terri Lynn ................. 554 Holmes , Fred Lou is ............ 410, 569 Ill! m Henderson, Ruth H. , . , , . , , .. ...... 502 Hicks, Thomas 0. , ...... 303, 428, 502 Hochmon, Harriet . .... . . 374 , 451 , 569 Holmes, John .......... . ... . ..... 261 Henderson , Scott Allen . . . . . . 81 Hicks, William Howard ... .... 3BB, 554 Hockersmith, Michael D . .... .. .. ... 264 Holmes, Kathy Jo 126, 176, 193, 196, 1lll 1~ Henderson, Shirley S. 569 Hieronymus, Robert C. ............ 502 Hodge, Francis R. . ....... , . . ...... 34 221, 269' 272, 335, 337' 377 .lll Henderson, Thomas Wilkins 569 Hiesiger, Joyce Lynne ..... ..... . . . 363 Hodge, William Lyle, Jr. .... 115, 213, Holmes, Mory Elaine 373 151 Henderson, Wayne Thomas . ... 262, 331 Hiett, Kathleen Hope ... ...... 251, 554 326 Holmes, Mory K. . .......... , . 346, 503 Ill Hendrick, David Alan ...... .... .. . 554 H ie tt , Norris A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55, 302 Hodges, Charles R. . .............. 502 Holmes, Michael Lloyd ....... 211, 554 ,,, Hendricks, Edwin Patton . . . . 569 Higby, Jacquelyn Jeon .... , ... 356, 453 Hodges, David lee ........... 435, 540 Holmes, Ned Sweeney ............ 303 211 Hendricks, Leslie Ann 462 Higdon, Albert Dain ... , . 333, 42B, 540 Hodges, Francis L., Jr . . ....... . ... 554 Holmes, Rebecca Jean ........ 194, 377 ll! Hendricks, Stephen R . . ............ 554 Higgi ns, Barbaro K. 240, 455, 502 Hodges, Gus M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24B Holmes, Richard A..... , .. ... 194, 540 1151 Hendrix, Donny .. . .. .. . .. .. . 416, 569 Higgins, Cynthia Duval . . ..... ..... 554 Hodges, Kathy Lisbeth .. 354, 430, 453 Holmes, Vidor B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 435 ll! Hendrix, Thomas l. 393, 554 Higgins, Kori Ronald ... ........... 242 Hodges, lee .. , . .... , ........ , ... 271 Holmes, William Michael ... , ...... 540 l, ll! Henion, Jeon Elizabeth . . . . . . . 297 Higgins, Kathleen Mary ... , ... .. .. 455 Hodges, Mork C. . .......... ...... 398 Holmsley, Stephen Francis 141 Ill Henion, Karl E. 288 Higgins, Lowell T............ 410, 503 Hodges, Marvin Allen .... , . , . 436, 569 Holmsley, Susan lee 297, 440, 503 !lO Henke, Jeffrey William ...... . 222, 325 Higgins, Michael Roy ............. 223 Hodges, Patrick Lynn 294, 418 Holshouser, Charles A., Jr. .... 386, 387 ~ !lO Henkhaus , Eugene James ... ... 227, 296 Higgins, Nancy Croig .. . ....... . .. 530 Hodgson, John Scott ... . . 282, 41 B, 554 Holstein, Gladys Shirley ..... , 456, 569 .., Henley, Mory Lee ...... . . ..... ... 387 Higgins, Susan Steele 366, 569 Hodgson, Lee Kindley ....... , 326, 554 Holt, Alon Leigh 294 Henley, Susan El izabeth . . . 235 H iggins, Thomas W . . .. .. 71, 273, 310, Hodkin, Michael T. ........... 247, 296 Holt, Cheryl Anne .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. 340 111 Hennessey, Carolyn Ann ...... 289 , 370 Hoekstra , S. 540 Earl 569 313 Thomas 3B6, Holt, Joe ............ 1,153 l!I Hennington, Iris Kay . . . . . 554 Highborger, E.. Bl , 569 Hoelscher, Anne 554 Jno . 21B Ill Jonathon . . . ... Patrici a Holt, Joseph .. .. .. .. ......... Henrichson , Gary Lee 284 Hightower, Holleto Gene ..... 342, 453 Hoff, Merle Ann ............ 306, 346 Holt, Louise Anne 462 ... .. ........... Henry, Barbara Bartholow . . . 194, 373 Hightower, Jeffrey W. . ...... , .... 39B Hoffer, Barbaro Jeon .... 307, 344, 451, Holt, Martha Sylvia . . . . . 540 !'1 Henry, Cameron Edw. 416, 483 Hightower, L. K., Mrs. . . 396 569 Holt, Mory Helen 377, 554 .lll Henry, Charles R., Jr. . . . . 42B, 539 Highley, Barbaro Ruth 168, 180, 189, Hoffer, Barry Poul .......... . 415, 540 Holter, Jonelle . , . , ...... 307, 364, 569 .. m Henry, Dole Iris 344 366, 403, 463, 530 Hoffer, Lewis Perry . . . . 415 , 540 Holtzman, Wayne Harold, Jr. 2B9 . ~I ...... Henry, David Edward 39B, 554 Higley, Robert A. 169, 189, 273, 2B6 Hoffman, Alon M..... 82, 83, 169, 203, Holubec, David Allen Bl l,~I .............. Henry, Ernest David ..... 202, 258, 268, Higley, Robert P................... 85 2B5, 502 Holubec, Victor Joe .......... 217, 336 ~I 530 Hilborn, Charles Gene, Jr. . . . 247 Hoffman, Bruce Paulus 309, 569 Holyfield, Lindo Sue .. , . . . , , ...... 421 Ill Henry, George W., Jr. . . . . . . . . . 539 Hilburn, Robert Edwin . . . . . . . 203 Hoffman, Carleton Ramon 309 Home Economics Chapter 253 l,!Sl Henry, Jomes David 38B, 539 Hilger, Michael Joy ...... , . , ...... 222 Hoffman, Cory Alon , . , .... , . , 2BB, 302 Honeycutt, Fronk G., 111 ..... 394, 569 Henry, Martha Louise ... .... . . 374, 569 Hilgers, Francis . ... 307 , 569 Hoffman, E. . ........ .... . 540 lee 554 .. m Kaye . . ... Charles Honeycutt, Rodney .. , . ... 42B, 211 ll! Henry, Mory Susan .. ...... , .. 352, 502 Hill, Alindo Hunt ....... ..... 3B7, 373 Hoffman, David Hirsch 380, 569 Honig, Martha Evelyn , . , .... , .... . 354 Henry, Susan Koy .. , ......... 36B, 554 Hill, Barbaro Ann T. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 502 Hoffman, Gerry Michael ........... 423 Hons, David C. ......... , , .. , 271, 569 Ml Henshaw, Jacob M., Jr. ...... .. ... 194 Hill , Bertha .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. 475 Hoffman, Hermon Wm., Jr. . . 223 , 502 Honza, Gayle Paulette .. . .. , ...... 554 I, to 1, 24 Henslee, Ann .. ......... 2B9, 342, 40B Hill, Corl C., 111 ....... 245, 333, 502 Hoffman, Jeane S. . .............. , 408 Hood, Corl Glenn ............ 295, 301 Henslee, Elizabeth Ann 35B, 569 Hill, Claude C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2B6 Hoffman, John Edward ............ 428 Hood, Donald Curtis ..... , , .. 42B, 483 Hensley, Glen Edward ............ 428 Hill, David Austin ... , .. ...... 385, 569 Hoffman, Katie ............. .... . . 462 Hood, Richard S. . .. , ............. 398 ,Ill !'!', Hensley, Lenna Jean 366, 569 Hill, Douglas Romon .............. 540 Hoffman, Nathan Poul . . .... ...... 540 Hood, Ruth Ann . ...... . .. ... 298, 530 121, Henson, Charles Henry ............ 239 Hill, Eva Jone .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . 540 Hoffman, Patricio Louise 346 Hook, Charles Zodok, Jr. 385 ,, !Sl Henson, Kathleen Elizabeth .. 175, 469, Hill, Floyd Williams .... .......... 295 Hoffman, Robert E., Jr. ..... , 221, 502 Hooker, Martha lo Non ..... , 194, 306, 474, 530 Hill, George R. 398, 540 Hoffman, Robert Pershing .......... 554 35B, 569 .Ill I. ~I Henson, Louis Albert 424, 539 Hill, Gordon Lee, 111 ........ 382, 540 Hoffman, Susan Lynn .............. 554 Hooks, Charles Guy, Ill .... . 179, 239, Ul Henson, Stanley Clinton . . . . . . . 320 Hill, Gregg Robert 477 Hoffman, Terry Lee ............... 415 284, 503 Henton, Ann C. . ...... , . . . . . 408 Hill, Jomes Forrest D............. . 208 Hoffpauir, Donna A . ... ....•. . , ... 45J Hooper, David C. 196, 197, 273 , 303, ... D Ill Hepner, John Carson . . . . . . . . . . . . . 539 Hill , John Graham ... . ....... 420, 569 Hogon, Beth Ellen .......... .. .... 287 339' 39B Herberger, Shoron M . . . ..... . . .... 358 Hill, Lafe Dyson .. 180, 203, 206, 273, Hogon, Jerry Clyde ............ 412 Hooper, Patricia Jo ... ...... . .. . .. 361 .. !II Herbsleb, Robert C. 539 303, 402, 502 Hogon, Michael Henry ... , , , .... .. 400 Hoopes, John Denni s ......... . .. .. 246 . 3" Herder, Richard William ...... . ... 569 Hill, Melinda Elizabeth 181 , 194, 356 Hogden, Sherry Elizabeth 456 Hoopes, Scott Allon 426, 540 Herin, Barbara Sue . . . . . . . . . . . . 361 Hill, Melissa Sawyer .............. 35B Hoge, J. Fred, Ill ........... 412, 502 Hooser, Gregory D. . . ... , 196, 303, 339 ~I .Ill Hering, Phillip Lloyd . . . 2B4 .... . Hill, Patricio Ann 275, 451, 540 Hogenson, Coral Ann ..... ... 554 Hooser, Mory Lou ..... , , , . .. . 352, 503 r, lll, Herman, Aaron Joseph .. ...... 294, 478 Hogue, Martha E. .. .............. 351 Hill, Patrick H., Ill 227 Hoot, Richard S . ................. 217 Hermon, Jomes Joy ........... 277, 423 Hill, Richard K.. , ................ 293 Holbach, Jomes Henry ........ 245, 331 Hoover, Andrew Edward ..... 293, 295, Hermon, Robel Mock ......... 288, 295 Hill, Richard Lee 204, 300, 502 Holbert, Byron Poul . .. ............ 454 Ill 503 Herman, Timothy J. . .... .. .. ...... 400 Hill, Rowland Bruce .............. 302 Holcomb, Alfred Sidney, Jr. 196, 378, Hoover, Kathryn Jone . . 194, 257, 370,Hermandez, Arthur B. . ..... ... . . .. 326 Hill, Sharon Lynne 451 , 569 554 554Hermann , Sandra Elizabeth . . . . . . . 440 Hill, Steven W.......... 201, 223, 296 Holcomb, David Rondell . . . . . 211 , 540 Hope, Marilyn Louise ..... ...... .. 540 Hernandez, Alma ......... ... 455, 2B7 Hill, Thomas A... ................ , 71 Holcomb, Donald Wayne 335 Hopkins, Forrest F........... . 196, 293 Hernandez, Arthur B. . . .......... . 223 Hill, Whitney Edward ... ...... .... 530 Holcomb, Fronk Harvey ....... 418, 569 Hopkins, Jone Elizabeth ...... 456, 569 Hernandez, David Jacinto ....... .. 476 Hill, William Allyn 223, 408, 569 Holcomb, Gory Don 225, 569 Hopkins, Kathryn P . . , ... .... . , .. , . 401 Hernandez, Ignacio . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264 Hilloker, Deborah Susan . , . , . , 440, 569 Holcomb, Kevin .... 169, 24B, 313, 320, Hopkins, Patricia Louise .. .... 443, 569Hernandez, Jos. Martin, Jr. 502 Hillard, Cathy Gail 451, 554 339, 42B, 503 Hopkins, Thomas G. . . . . . . . 302 Herndon, Harold D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303 Hillegeist, Norman Edward, II 418 Hold, William T.............. . . .. 2B8 Hoppenstein, Marsha . ............. 363 Heron , John Powers . ... ...... ..... 569 Hiller, Leroy Fronk ... ........ 256, 540 Holdeman, Margaret A. . ...... 439, 540 Herren, Marilee . . . . . . . 502, 370 Hoppstetter, Richard Davis, Jr . .... 404, Hiller, Marsha Ann ... .. , ...... . .. 540 Holden, Howard Don .... . ......... 247 Hilley, Von Galin .... .... . . . . 2B4, 502 Herrera, Gloria .. ... .. .. ....... . . 539 Holden, John Gill ........ ...... . . 327 554 Herrera , Lindo Elizabeth .......... 257 Holden, William Joseph ...... 469, 478 Horak , Carole Dawn . . .... ..... ... 356 Hillmer, Carmen Avery . . ......... . 554 Herrero, Robert Vargas ..... .. .... . 502 Holder, Arthur D. . ...... 216, 2B5, 540 Horak, Jomes Ray .. . ............. 400 Hilsher, Joyce Morie .... 292 , 340, 419, Herrick, Carole Lynn .... 262, 275, 2B7, Holder, Loree Mc. E., 111 .. . . .. . .. 503 Horbelt, Douglas V............... 217 502 Holder, Richard D. . .............. 385 Hord, Bruce Wiley ........ , , . 402, 569309 Herrick, Koren Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340 Hilton, Dorio Chris ............ .. . 298 Herring, Corl Frederick .... .. . 262, 569 Hilton, Grady Jos............. .... 502 Holder, Suzanne Louise ... . . . ..... 444 Horn, Alice Susan 366 , 503 Holderfield, Millard lee ..... 221 , 296, Horn, Bobby Earl .... . . . . . ........ 503 Herring, James Edward . . . . . 404 339, 41B, 540 301, 503 Horn, Edward Frederick, Jr . ....... 250 Herring, El isabeth Grey 193, 195, 554 Hilton, Wilburn D., Jr. 176, 273, 313, Herring, Marilyn Jone .... 194, 377, 569 Himes, Jock Edward .............. 295 Holdsworth, Willie ........ , . ..... 289 Horn, Mory K. . .... 296, 301, 454 Herrington, Johnnie Alon ..... 294, 569 Hinckley, Carolyn Goy . . ... . . 342, 569 Holekomp, Henrietta B. . .... ...... 351 Horn , Timothy Ray . . ....... .... . ... 71 Herrington, Kenneth M . 502 Hinds, Jomes J. . , ............... . 247 Holeman, Michael W. , .... .. . 222, 540 Horne , Donald Curtis . . . . . 131 Hol lodoy, Jackson W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503 Herrington, Lorry Paige 294 Hines, Earl Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293 Horne , Robert Michael ....... ..... 325 Holland, Edwin Carlisle ... , .. , .... 569 Herri11,0 ton , Verda Morie ...... .. ... 309 Hines, John Stanley .............. . 483 Horner, Clarissa M . ..... . .... 224, 356 Herrmann, Donald E. . . . . . . . 410 Hines, Rolph Kenneth ............. 569 Jock 27, 189, 196, 203, Worren G . . .... .. ...... . 4B3 Holland, .. 302 Hornung , Herrmann, Jackie Nell, Mrs . ... .... 411 Hinkel, Mory Jone ................ 446 Holland, Jomes H., Jr. •. , , ... 222, 420 Horsok, Rondy Dorrell ... .. , ....... 294 Herron, Jerry Sim .... , .. 262, 294, 569 Hinkle, John C..... 221, 296, 301, 335, Holland, Jomes Vance ...... 28B, 503 Horsley, Betsy Anne ........ . .... . . 373 Hershberger, Lloyd C. . .. .. .. 412 540 Holland, Joe S . .. .... , , , .... 325, 461 Hortman, Jomes Elbert . . . 220 Hershkowitz, Judith Beth . . . 295 Hinkle, Olin Ethmer 203, 290 Holland, Josephine W . ............ 377 Horton , Beverly Foe . . . . . . . 377, 540 Hertz, Raymond Stanley .... .. .. . . . 554 H inmon, Sondra Louise ... .... 289, .C41 Holland, Koren Dorothy ......... .. 297 Horton, David Lynn , . . . 2B4, 503 Hervey, Sarah Ann ..... , 287, 456, 569 Hinojosa , Jesus 502 Holland, Leisa .................. 344 Horton, Edmund R.......... , . 410, 554 Hervol, Henry Jos................. 227 Hinojosa, Miguel A . ......... ..... 277 Holland, Libby H........ 249, 374, 503 Horton, James Milton ......... 286, 328 Herzstein, More Smith ............ . 415 Hinojosa , Olga Iris ..... .. ... .. ... 502 Holland, Melonie ..... ... 194, 344, 569 Horton, lorry Elwood . , ........ ... 131 Hesdorffer, Gordon Brenner . . . . . . . . 380 Hinshaw, Bonito Koy ............. . 540 Holland, Robert Vance, Jr . .. . ..... 408 Horton, Lindo Coral .. . .. .. , ..... , 540 Hen, Barbaro Sue .... . , .. , .. 374, 539 Hinson, Melvin 0., Jr. ....... 217, 502 Holland, Winford Everett . , , , , , .. .. 302 Horton, Lucy Lee 184, 199, 316, 33B, Hessel, Kenneth Roy ...... .. ... ... 247 Hinton, Barbara Ann . ... ... . ... ... 342 Hollander, lee M. . .......... . ... . 295 540 .... ... Horton, Mory Virginia ........ 356, 451 Hesser, Henry H.... ... .... ... 211, 540 Hinton, Eleonor Ann ....... ....... 455 Hollar, Richard A..... 379, 540 2.C7 Edward Horton, .. . . .. .... . ... . .. Hetherington, Glen Riley .......... 426 Hinton, Jimmy H . ................. Hollos, Jomes . .. ..... 203, 205 Otis Dee 302 Hewell , Gloria Jeon . . . . . . . . . . . 569 Hinton, Kenneth Wolter ... , .. 216, 264, Holle, Sue Ann ...... ... 307, 352, 569 Horton, Sherri Jeon ..... 366, 430, 503 Hewett, Helen Jackie . . . . . . . . . . 554 469, 479 Holley, Betty Jeanette .......... .. 332 Horvich , Lynne Ela ine ..... . ....... 363 Hinton, Marilyn .... ...... .... . . .. 569 Holleyheod, Felice Lynn ..... . ... .. 569 Horwitz, David 5. .. .. ............ 194 Hewett, Jonathan Winslow . . . . . 418 Hewett, Sandro Lynne ...... . . 441 , 554 Hinton, Nancy Lynn ..... ......... 455 Holliday, Patricia A . ....... ....... 358 Horwitz, Terri Chorlyse ..... .. 307, 374 Hewitt, Nancy Coral .............. 358 Hinton, Patricio L. . ........... ... 289 Holliday, Stephen Holl 229, 336, 530 Hosey, Helen Jean . ...... .. . ...... 370 Hinton, Paulette L. .......... 464, 540 Hollingsworth, Judith . , .. 335, 337, 466 Hosford, Bruce Edward ............ 394 Hewlett, Terry Lee ............ . .. 540 Hintz, John Melvin ........... .. . . 284 Hollingsworth, Paulo June . ... 352, 569 Hotchkiss, Steven Earl . ....... 402, 503 Heyne, Peter Marshall ... .... . 20B, 300 Hiromoto, Lynn Charla .... .... . ... 456 Holl is, Don K . .. . .. . ............ . 503 Hotz, Roger Dole .. ....... . .... ... 554 Hibbetts, Jomes C. . .......... 288, 402 Hirsch, Albert Linz, Jr. ... .... 415, 554 Hollon, Susan Jeon . . .. ...... 343, 554 Houdyshell, Ronald Guy . , .... 39B, 540 Hezlep, Jone El izabeth 240, 251 , 540 Hinch, Herbert W . , Jr. . . . . . . . 250 Hollon, William Warren . . ......... 336 Hough, Gory Webb ......... . ..... 478 Hibbets, Robert Larue ........ 402, 569 Hirsch, Janet F............. 249, 316 Holloway, John Michael ...... 234, 235 Hough, Leonard E., 111 ........... 540 Hibbetts, Virginia Gail ....... 289, 352 Hirsch, John Mox . , ..... ... .. 250, 530 Holloway, Patricio L. ............. 540 Houghton, Koran Goy . .. ... . . 316, 470 Hickman , Dow Beaman, II ..... ... . 418 Hirsch , Lois Jean ................. 344 Holloway, Robert Hardy ........... 332 Hou se, David Ernst ........ . ...... 305 Hickox, Robert Elvin ... , 228, 295, 296, Hirsch, Richard R. . ............... 540 Hollroh, David Corl ............... 454 House, David Wade ......... , , , ... 503 530 Hirtenste in, Judith Ann ............ 194 Hollub, Carole Adele .. ....... .... 366 House, Kathleen Ann . , , . 361, 451 , 569 Hicks,· Bruce Edward ............. . 569 Hitt, Jomes Alfred ................ 197 Holm, Edward Jno. . ............. . 503 Houser, Donald Lynn ......... 385, 554 Hicks, James Bryan ........ . .... , . 201 Hitt, Pamela Jean ......... . ...... 554 Holm, Mory Lynne 194, 352, 451 , 554 Houser, Richard E...... . 199, 385, 503 Hicks, Jomes F............... 223, 502 Hix, Corl W. . .. . . . . .. .. .. .. . 502 Holmon, Herbert A. . .............. 423 Houser, Rollen Edward .. 293, 295, 503 Hicks, James Franklin ...•... . ... .. 296 Hix, Janet Non .............. 250, 540 Holmon, Lorry R. . .. ... .......... . 327 Houssiere, Charles R. . .... ... ..... 225 Hibbetts, William Deon ... .... 402, 569 591 Nome Pages Nome Pages Nome Pages Nome Houston, Christine ........ . . .. 4S6 Hughe•, Rebecca C. . ... .... ..... . 240 Jomes, Edith Lee ...... ........... Houston, Elizabeth S. 200, 449, 503 Hughes, Ronald Paul ....... . ...... 281 Jomes, Janet Chorfolle .. ... .. .... . Houston, Jacquelynn Dionne . . . S30 Hughe•, Shannon lee 361, 569 Jomes, Jerry lee .•................ Houston, Kenneth Edward ......... S69 Hughes, Silos Osgood, Jr. 454 Jomes, Jo•eph Dew, Jr. 32B, Iacobelli, John loui• ........... .. 291 Houston, 0 . C., Jr. . ....... 313 Hughe•, Sylvia Beth 194, 196 Jome•, Mork Earl ............ lanson, Margaret Irene ... . ... 441, 5S4 Houston, Samuel S., Jr. 483 Huhndorll, Mory Su•on .. 297, 340, 440 Jomes, Nancy Merrill ........ Ibanez. Raymond D. . ........ ..... 277 Houston, Stephen Douglas 260, 264, Huie, Leo Ann . . . . . . . . . . . 287, 456 Jomes, Randall Sherman ..... ldor. Rebecca Ann . . . .. . . .... 271 , 462266, 540 Hu;e, Rober! W . 503 Ihm•, Twyla Roe .. ... ........... . 471 Ikard, Fronk N., Sr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Houzvicka, Fronk John, 11 . . . 216, 325, Hull, Corio Elhellen ..... 358, 384, 554 Jomes, Randy Joe ... ............. 554 Hull, David C. (Sr.) . . . 33, 301, 313 Jomes, Roy Warren I kin•, Lindo Sue .... . . .. 200, 354, 540 Hoverstodc, Cindy Lou 369 Hull, Holiday . . . . . . . . . . . 531 Jomes, Robert lewis •..•...... Illes, Robert Enoch, Jr............ 332 Hoverstoclc, Sarah Jone 369, 503 Hull, Jomes Nace 81 James, Solly Jone .. •............ In Memoriam ................ .. .. 612 Hoverstock, Sue Ann 369. 540 Hull, John Howard ...... . . .... . . . 400 Jomes, Stephan A. . . ......... lndermon, Rober! Durward .. 204 , 300, Howard, Jacqueline lee 473, 569 Hull, Rolph T. 385, 540 Jomes, Volgene Brigman ...... Howard, Janice Lynne 554 Hull, Stephen Michael . . .... . . 3B6, 554 504 Jameson, Lynnis Elizabeth Inda, John lamer . . ....... .. ..... 309 Howord, John Edward 333 Hull, Vicki Joan 361 Jamieson, Georges Edward ....... Ing, Victoria Susan . ..... .. . .. .... 453 Howard, John Robert .. . 540 Hut.ey, Carol . . . ................. 361 Jonak, Jordon R. . ............ Ingerson, Fred Earl , Sr.... ...... . . 295 Howard, Keith Ann 235, 569 Hul•ey, Rober! A......... .... 398, 503 Jonak, Ronald George .......•.... lgrom, Beverly Ann ..... 275, 2B7, 453, Howord, Kenneth C., Jr. 400 Hult, Borbara Jeanne 2.CO Janda, Morion Foye 569 Howard, Martha Anne 275, 287, 340, Hultman, Patricio Lindo . . .... ..... 352 Janda, Ronald George .. 198, Ingram, Douglas Scott . .. .. . . .... . 301 453, 554 Humberd, Donna Lynn 451, 569 Janek, Anastasio Morie .. . .•.... .. . Ingram, Gregory Wayne ... ... 394, 554 Howard, Neel Bernard 423, 569 Humble, Mork Moedgen 426 Jones, Som Eugene ..... Ingram, Joel Wesley, Jr. 554 Howard, Patricio Simone 364 Humble, William Henry, Jr. 228, 540 Jonknegt, Lindo Goy . . ........... . Ingram, John Corl . . ..... .. .. 211 , 504 Howard, Philip l. 328, 426, 503 Hume, Joseph Rondy ....... 325 Jonmohomed, Mirjehon J. . .... Inks, Allen Lee ................ .. . 208 Howard, Randolph Burnett 420 Humphre•, J. Cf;ford 540 Jarrard, Scott M. . . .... ...... Inmon, W illiam David .. ... ...... . 554 Howard, R:obert Lawrence 380, 554 Humphrey, Dorothy Ann 340, 503 Jarrell, Susan ........... Institute of Electrical and Electronic Howard, Robert Wayne 426 Humphrey, Howord Mackenzie, Jr. 283, Jaster. Bruce W. 236, Engineers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 Howard, Roddy Melvin 264 336, 569 Javurek, Kolhle~n C.......... Inter Co-Operative Council . . . . . . . 468 Howard, Sharon Gwyn 289 Humphrey, Nancy P. . ..... 364, 554 Jazzor. M. Omar A. . . ........ Inter Fraternity Council . . . . . . . . . . 339 Howard, Virginia A. 309 Humphrey, Samuel John 394, 569 Jeanes, William Franklyn . . . . . . . lnlernol;onol Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 Howard, William P. 540 Humphrey, Virginia l. 387 Jeffers, Carolyn ...... ..... ....... loonnou, Chris E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 Howorth, Constance Ann 297, 440, Humphrey, Virginia Lee 340, 356, 503 Jellerson, Horry, 111 . . .. .. . . . • . froj, Vojdoni .................... . 223 569 Humphrie•, Pol Alan . . 397, 554 Jefferson, lorry Orville ...... I ron io n Students Associotion . . . 256 Howe, Horris M. 327, 402, 540 Hunka, John Fronk 247 Jefferson, Patricio Dole Irby, Charles C., Jr. . . ..... .. 323, 327 Howe, Jade Leroy, Jr . ........ 81, 180 Hunley, Carolyn D. 361, 503 Jeffries, John Alon . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. Irby, Goy Todd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462 Howe, Maureen ....... 196, 378 Hunnes, R:uby Catlierine S69 Jeffus, Pohy A. Whitten ..... Irby, Phillip Glen ............ 412, 569 Howell, Catherine Friley .. .... 306, 373 Hunnicutt, Gerold Winston .... 194, 5S4 Irving, Rita Joeellen . . ... . .... .. .. 299 Howell, Charles lee, Jr. 425 Hun I, Al Joe, Jr. 569 Jelks, Edward Chri>lion ........... Irwin, Gerold B. .. . . ............. 504 Howell, Donna lee ..... 275, 287, 451, Hun!, Arch William, Ill 295 Jenkins, Jomes Wiley . . . . . Irwin, Jomes W.. Jr. ... ...... 277, 531 569 Hunt, Coralyn Dione 503 Jenkin•, Jeanelle Kathryn . . . .. Irwin, John F.... . ........ . .. 295, 504 Howel I, Jo Ann Show 483 Hun!, Che•ler F. 290, 295, 300, 4B3 Jenkins, Jimmie Francis Irwin, Michael J.. . .. .. ... ........ 208 Howell, John Boker. Jr. 436, 437, 540 Hunt, Eugene Pitts, Ill 194 Jenkins, Kathleen Mildred Irwin, Michael Robin•on .. ... 288, 295, Howell, John Edwin . . . . 225, 569 Hunt, Gory Lynn ... ... ..... 247 Jenkins, Margaret Ellen ...... 425 Howell, Rober! 8. 483 Hunt, Howard Alon . . 5.CO Jenkin>, Mork Schering . . . . . .. Irwin, Thomas 0. . .. .......... .. . 504 Howell, Steven Kendriclc 331 , 569 Hunt, Howard H. 504 Jenkins, Walter William •.... 333, Irwin, Todd CampbellHowie, Coro I Ann 337, 366, 503 Hunt, Jome• F. . . . 131 , 310, 504 Irwin, William Monroe, Jr. 408, 554 Howie, Judy Jon 337, 366, 503 Hunt, Jeanette Ann 249, SS4 Jennett, Janice Al ine ..•....... Isaacks, Donna Lynn .... 297, 354, 4.CO, Howison, Jade, Jr. 503 Hun!, John W. 221 Jennings, Elizobetli Anson 554 Howland, Georgia Lee 323 Hunt, Koren Ann 340, 540 Jennings, Janet Anne l>bell, David Ken! ..... ..... . 216, 554 Howle, Cliorles Woyne 140 Hun!, Kay Carol . . . . . . . 361 , 554 Jennings, Lindo Jeon .............. l•bell, John Curlis, Jr. .. . ... . 412, 531 Howze, Koren Kay ........... 351, 569 Hun!, Lew Dov;d ... ..... 217, 246, 540 Jennings, M. Wayne ... ........... Isbell , Lindo Ann . ..... . .... . 282, 554 Hoyl , Kethleen Dione 540 Hunt, Marilyn M. . • . . . . . . . . . 504 Jennings, Mary Frances .... ........ lscoe, Ira .. .......... . 27, 193 Hrncir. Mory Kathryn . . . 346, 530 Hun!, Preston C. 217, 504 Jenning•, Su•on W ill>on 2B9, Isenberg, More David 569 Hrnc ir, Sondra Lynn 194 , 354 Hunt, Robin G. 343 Jensen, Yvonne M. Isenhower, Elizabeth Ann .... 194, 352, Hruska, Mory Willene 249 Hunt, Suzanne 377 Jergenson, Scotty Lee Huong, Amy Hung 295 Hunt, Tliomos Lynn 332 554 Jerkofsky, Jomes Jo>eph ........... Israel , Harold W. . . .... 226, 246 Ittner. Robert Cha>. 310, 313 Huong, Sing·Huei 476 Hunter, Beverly Ann 292 Jeschke, Beverly D. Hubbard, Alon lee 273, 428 Jessee, Steve Anthony ...... Hunter, Doris M. B. .. . .. .. .. .. 215 I tz, Vernon Deon Kunz .. .......... 569 Hubbard, Jomes 612 Jeter, Gory Lynn ...... .... ....... Hunter, Douglas Delton 336 Ivers, w;llion Elizobelh 504 Hubbard, Janene 236, 287, 569 Jevas, David Nickolas Ivey, John Douglas .. .. .... ... 425, 554Hunter, Floylee Tres 356, S69 Hubbard, Jill ........... ...... 230 Jimenez, Fronk M., Jr. . . .......... Ivey, Mory A. B........... .. . ... . 316 Hunter, Gregory A. . . . . . . . . . 425 Hubbard, Julia Lynn ............ 554 Jimenez, Moria Yolando ..... Ivy, Barry M;1chell ..... . . ...... . .. 232 Hubbard, Mildred Juanita 234, 235, Hunter, Guy Forrest 308 Jimenez. Ralph Luz lzzot, Nomir Nouri ...• •• . .. .. 85, 279 475 Hunter, Harold Cooper, Jr. .C83 Jinkins, Margaret Ann Hubbard, Virginia Sue 370, 540 Jinkins, Wiley J., 111 Hunter. Jome• Ty 246, 504 Hubbard, Wonda 8. 468, 470, 503 Jirasek, Nancy Elaine Hunter, John Lynn S.(0 Hubbert, Thomas Saxon 416, 569 Jodry, lou ;s Frederick, IV . .. ... Hunter, Sandro K. 352 J Hubby, Lee H. 303, 406 Joe, Johnny . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554 Huber. David Floyd . . . . 223 Hunter. William Rand, Jr. 214, 393, Johanson, Jeanne ........... . 361, 554 Huber. Elbert W., Jr. . . 286, 332, 503 Johns, Delbert Alon ............. . . Hubka, Jomes Lorry .......... 293, 321 Huntsinger, William G., Jr. 294 Jocks, Rebecca . . . .. 194, 441 , 569 Johns, Gail ............. 194, 358, 554 Hubka, Koy Anre . . . 358 Hurd, Irene lee . . . . . . . . . . 271 Jackson, Carmen D . . .... 254, 4.Cl, 540 Johns, Jill Ann . . . . . ......... 343, Hubler. Lloyd David ........... 540 Hurley, Jack Edward . . . . . . . 18B, 321 Jackson, Coral ............... 354, 540 Jahns, Kenneth E. . .. ......... 425, 504 Jackson, Carole Elaine . ... . . .. ... . 5.CO John•on, Andrea Elizabeth .. . .. . ... Huckabay, Jona Marilynn 569 Hurley, Mory Ann 554 Jackson, Carolyn Dione . .. ..... .. .. 3.C3 Johnson, Annie l. . . ... ... .. ...... Huckabee, Adrion John . . 476 Hurley, Michael Poul .............. 428 Jackson, Charles P., Jr. .....•..... 223 John•on, Barbaro lee ... . 356, 399, Huckabee, Billye l. 356, 503 Hurn, Jomes Leonard .. ............ 404 Jocson, Donald Wayne ............ 220 Jolinson , Bonn ie lee .............. 50o4 Huddleston, Ann . . . . . . . . . . . 356, 503 Hun!, Donald Lynn , Jr........ 426, 569 Johnson, Brant Montgomery 294, 569 Jackson, Field• E., 111 .... .. .... .. 332 Huddleston, Coralyn A. 540 Hurst, Jomes A. . . ................ 476 Johnson, Brook Anne . . .. 2B9, 340, 341, Jock•on, Floyd Stoey . .... , . ... . . .. 332 Hudgens, Elmore McNoir 223, 569 Hun!, Jomes M. 425, 540 Jackson, Glenn A. . . . . . . . . . . . • . 504 Johnson, Carletta Jo .. . ........... 531 Hudgins, Constance E. 340, 445, 503 Hurst, John Leonard .... ....... 402 Jock•on, llano S. . ....... ....... . . 504 Johhson, Charles Matthew 540 . ........ Hudgins, Donald Lee, Jr. 81 Hurst, John Thomas 379, 554 Jackson, Iva Jolyne ......... ... . .. 569 Johnson, Charlotte F. . .....•. . .... .C55 Hudler. Chorlotle 540 Hurst, Louro Mory 207 Jock•on, Joy Shelton . . 256, 262, 264, Johnson, Chester H., Jr............ 55" Hudson, Chas. Edward, 111 . . . . . . . 211 Hurst, Robert P. 415 554 Johnson, Cynthia Jo ..... 353, 451 , 569 Hudson, Connie Lynn . . . 419 Hurt, Bruce Alon . . . . . 295 Jackson, John Thomas ........ 42B, 569 Johnson, Dan Rogers ......... 214, 504 Hudson, Earl Dee ................. 310 Hurl, Morion A . ......... 354, 451, 504 Jackson, Karen ........ 298 Elmo ....... .. SSA M. . ....... Johnson, Danny 379, Hudson, Edith Allon .... 241. 287, 297, Hurl, Thomas R. . . . . . . . 239 Jackson, Lawrence M. S04 Johnson, Donny Gene .... , ......•. 2.C6 358 Hurta, David Jon ..... . ........... 569 Jackson, Lindo Koy .. .. ...... . .. . . 569 Johnson, David Rowan .....•...... 336 Hudson, Edward Eugene, Jr. . . . . 235 Hurwitz, Andrea .. SS4 Jackson, .... 199, 296, 316, 504 Deborah J . 361, 540 Jill .......•.... Lynnell Johnson, ..... .. ... Hudson, Joclcie lee 569 Hury, Jomes F., Jr. . . .. . . . . .. .. . .C28 Jackson, Mory Ann ........... 366, 540 Johnson, Dione Ruth ....... ... .... 289 Hudson, Jimmy Roy . . . . . . . . . . . 418 Huser, Corl W. . . 302 Jackson, Mory Penelope 373, 569 Johnson, Dionne Jeon ...•. ..•.•... SS4 Hudson, Marye Ann . . • . . . . . • . . 569 Hus lad, Poul A. . .... ..... , . . • . 296 Jackson, Rober! W........... 435, 554 Johnson, Dono Id Bruce .......•.... 236 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Huston, Hudson, Maxine 531 Foy .C59 Jackson, Sheila Koy ..... 289, 445, 540 Johnson, Dono Id Holl ............. 236 Hudson, Orion Lawrence . . . . . . 217 Huston, Gladys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C26 Jackson , Stanley Guimorin . ... .. . .. 386 Johnson, Donald Mack ........ 303, 310 Hudson, Sonora 356 Huston, Jone Louise 26.C, .4Sl , 569 Jackson, Stephanie G . . ... . ....... 377 Johnson, Donald V . ..... .. ........ 531 Hueppelslieuser, Wayne R. 386, 387 Huston, Joseph Mork ........... 227 Jackson, Steve Glen ...... ........ 325 Johnson, Donna Morie •..•....•.... 23S Huett, John Edwin . . 271 Hutcheson , Jim Bob . .... . .... 402, 540 Jackson, Suzanne Dee .... •. . • . .... S54 Johnson, Donna Sue .......... 361, 504 Huey, Ceeol Hardy, Ill 379 Hutchings, Jomes S. 217 Jackson, Terrell A., Jr. ............ 227 Johnson. Eric Stanley . . . . • • . . . . . 570 Huff, Janice Clora . . . . 554 Hutchings, Michael Tliomos . . . . . . 71 Jacobs, Carolyn Lucille .......... . . 5.CO Johnson, Gory Lynn .......... .. ... 277 Huffaker. Glenda Seth 289, 464, 465 Hutchins, Linda Ann 338, 366 Koy ......... 354, 554 Gaynelle ..... 264, 311 Jacobs, Deborah Johnson, ...... Hullhones, Rober! E. 218, 531 Hutchison, Judy Holmes ........... 289 Jacobs, Edward E. . ............... 273 Jolinson, Georgianne .............. 368 Huffman, D. M. 198 Hutchison, Poul William 333 Jacobs, Gary G. . ..... ............ 295 Johnson, Gerold M. . .............. 504 Huffman, Devereaux M. 198, 2.C6 Hutchison, Sylvia Groce 238 Jacob•, Jill Celeste .....•.... 374, 569 Johnson, Gwendolyn ............•. 50.C Huffman, Louie C. 29S Hutchison, William David ..... 29.C, 33S Jacob•, Lynne .. ................. 373 Johnson, Harold ............. 112, 554 Huffman, Mory Annelle 356 Hulh, Pamela Ann ................ 361 Jacob•, Polrido G. . ......... 374, 540 Johnson, Dr. Howard E....... 302, 304 Huffman, Michael Glenn 220 Hutson, R:ondoll Roy 106 Jacobs, Rosemary ........ 314, 351, 440 John•on, J. lee, Mrs. . ........ ...•. 21 Huffman, Ronald Dole 221 Hullo, Jahn W;lliom . . . . . . . . . . . 294 Jacobs, William Robert ........... 423 Johnson, James Lamar •....•.••...• 21.C Hugh, Charles . . . . . 476 Hullo, Patricio K........ 257, 468, 472 Jacobsen, Henrietta .......... •.... 196 Johnson, James Wade ...•...••.••. 570 Hughen, Michele Ann . . . • . . . . . . . 29S Hutton, Sharon l. ................ .C01 Jonelle Pa ige 366, 451 Johnson, Jeon Carol ... ...•• •..•.. .C36 Jacobson, ...... Hughes, Alton Keith 293 Hyoll, Gory Elton 220, 477 Jacques, Elisabeth P . ......... 374, 540 Johnson, Jerrilyn ••••••••••... .. .• 236 Hughe>, Barbaro J. 332, 503 Hyde, Douglas Young . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Joeggli, Barbaro J...... 262, 270, 346, Johnson, Jorry Don ............... 379 Hughes, George G 406, 540 Hyde, Joseph Thomas 428 391 Johnson, Jerry Lynn . • . . • . • . . . • • • . . .C 18 Hughes, Lindo Mame 453, 569 Hyde, Joan 200, 504 Abdul-Rohman ....... Jesse .. ........ 540 Susan . . . 279, Jolojel, ..... 274 Johnson, B Ill 437, Hughes, Marjorie l. .C71 Hyden, William Ewing • . . . . .C19, 5.CO Jomes, Bruce l. R. . .............. 426 Johnson, Jo Coral •...•.. 252, 253, 554 Hughes, Marlene Ann .• 361, 453, 569 Hymon. Paul, Jr. . . .. .. . . . . . 415 Jomes, Dionna Margaret . . • • . • • . • • 353 Johnson, Joan Carol ••••.••..• . •.• 369 H1.1ghes, Mory Frances 215, $31 Hymon , Sharon Lynn 363 Jomes, Donna Jo ............. 224, 540 Johnson, Joyce l. .... . ....... 353, 397 592 Nome Pages Nome Pages Nome PagesNoff'e Pag es Jones, W illiam Lorry . . . . . . . 570 Karlik, Irene Morie . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462 Kennedy, Lynda Louise ............ 541 Johnson, Judy Jo 377, 46S, S40 Jonson, Williom R. . . . . . . . 2B6, SOS Korm, Richord Gilbert ........ 260, 264 Kennedy, Ronold Dane ............ 402 Johnson , Julie Elizobeth .. . . . . 373, S70 Johnson, June Foy . . . . . . . . . . . . . S04 Joplin, Joe M................ 402, S41 Karney, Judith Ayn ..... .......... 194 Kennon, Pennie 1BS, 272, 306, 449 Johnson , Kenneth R. 313 Jordan, Bryce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29S Koroly, David Roy . . ......... 400, SSS Kensel, Deboroh Lynn ............. 369 Jordon, Catheleen SSS Koratkin, Kenneth M. 112, S41 Kephart, John Gunnar . . . . . . . 332 296, S04 Johnson, Lawrence Grider . . . 201, 220, Jordan, Charles Milton ....... 3B9, S70 Karr, Karolyn . . . . . . 179, 206, 269, 272, Keppler, Susan Frances .......... .. 365 Johnson , Lewis 274 Jordan, Dowdell Wylie . . . . . . 4B3 36S, 40B, S41 Kerbow, Larry Wayne 279 Johnson , Lindo Moe S40 Jordan, Gary Keith ..... .......... SOS Korr, Kenneth Frank 394, S70 Kerchev ille, Koy Ela ine 36", 365, 505 Johnson, Linda Ruth .. 23S Jordon, Gloria Jeon ..... . ....... . 250 Korrh, Larry Rayburn ...... . . . 402, S41 Kern, Austin l. ... . ... . ........ ... 369 Johnson , Lyndon B. . .. .. . . .. .. . .. . 111 Jardon, Jonice Carol 343, SSS Kasch, Barbaro Koy 194, SSS Kern, Linda Beth .... , ........ 269, 2B9 Johnson, Lynn Koren 240, 2S1 , 440, Jordon, Jennifer Karolyn . . . . . . . . . 194 Kasparek, Candace Ann ........... SSS Kernodle, Elizabeth A . .. 197, 2S1 , SOS S70 Jordon, Jim Curtis 335 Kosparek, Jonelle .. 2B7, 297, 441 , S70 Kerpchor, Nikolai . . . . . . . . . . . . 19B, 246 Johnso n, Modeline Nell 364, S70 Jordan, Jno. William . .. . ......... 505 Kosparek, Phillip Dale S41 Kerr, Cookie .................... . 413 Johnson, Morgoret Anne 194, 377 Jordon, Katherine I. 194, 354 Kasper, Candoce Sue 27S, 2B7, 374 Kerr , Frances Corter 289 , 370 Johnson, Marilyn 274 Jordon, Priscilla R. 340 Kasper, Dennis Wayne 131 , 406, 541 Kerr, Garland Sorrells . . . . . . . . . 370 Johnson , Mary Ellen 2B9 Jordan, Ray Alton 477 Kassel, Joanne Patricia 299, 238 Kerr, Loy Wayne ............. .... 570 Johnson, Mary Kothryn . ... . .. .... . 29S Jardon, Robert Blonn 2B4, S41 Koteley, Judith Ann ..... 2B9, 31S, 3S4, Kerr, Richord L. ........... ....... S06 Johnson, Michoel Mcf. . . . . . . 247, 2S6 Jordan, Ruthmary . . . . . 4S1 , S70 sos Kerr, Robbie Ann ................. 413 Johnson, Montford T. . ..... Bl Jordon, Ted E. . ... ........ 239 Koles, Mory lindo . . . 366, S41 Kessler, Gory Forrest . ........ 413, 555 Johnson, Nancy Lee S31 Jordon, Weldon Earl .............. S41 Kato, Elmer Evon .............. 391 Kessler, Kenneth Ross . . . . . . . . 425 , 541 Jorgensen, Julio Carolyn ...... 287, 456 Kottawar, Kenneth Adam 41 B, S31 Johnson, Pomiel L. .. 323, 34B, 469, Kessler, Nancy Jeon 343, 451 471 , 349 Jorgensen, Sheryl Koy 3S3, S70 Kattner, Eric Benjamin Franklin . ... 541 Kester, Rodger Poul .. ... 331, 24S, S06 Johnson , Porks ............ . 420 Jorns, Cecil (Jay) Forrest, Jr . . ... . 420, Kattner, Jomes E. , Jr. ..... .... .... 296 Ketchum, Ronold L. . . . . . . . . . . . . S70 Johnson, Patricio Alice 4443 , SS4 S41 Katz, Katherine Lindo 374, 570 Kethley, Joe Lynn, Jr. . . . . . . . S41 Johnson , Ph ili p M cCorroll 264, 309, Joseph, John Raymond, Jr. SSS Katzberg, Alan Fronk . .. . ......... 303 Kettler, David Murrel ....•. , •... , . 479 327 Joseph , Ph ilip Cater . .. 416, S41 Kotzman, Beryl Deboroh ...... 374, 4S1 Key, Jomes Fronk ................. S06 Johnson , Rondell Baine 554 Josey, Jock S. . .... """ 21 Kouffman, Mary Koy . . . . . S70 Key, James W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 Johnson, Richard B. 406, S04 Jostes, Lynwood Charles 4B3 Kaufman, Alfred Lee ...... ... 404, S41 Key, Normon D.............. 227, 296 Johnson, Richard Leonard 418, 540 Jostes, Nancy Lynne lBO , 33B, 3S4 , Kaufman, Pamela Koy . . . . . . . . 505 Keyes, Patricia Greenland 444 Johnson, Robert W., Jr . ........... SS4 3BB, sos Kavoussi , Mehrbanoo 184, 455 Keys , Jerry M. . ...... 294, 326 Johnson, Roger Richard 294 Josue, Eileen Victoria 287, 456 Kovoussi, Rostom M. 175, 180 189, Kibbe, Gertrude L. 470 Johnson, Ruby Jo 439, S40 Joy, Jomes David ............ 260, 264 19S, 22B, 24B, 2S4, 4B3 Kidd, Gerald Steele, 11 293 Johnson , Som Charles .402 Joyce, Jahn Molcolm 223, 262, S70 Koy , Barbora A. . ..... . . . . .. . .. .. . 363 Kidd, Johnny Mourice 234, 264 , S41 .... Johnson, Sharon Hilary 289 Juday, Roberta Jone . . . . . . . . . . . 4S4 Kay, Barbora E.............. 2B9, SOS Kidd, Patricia R . . . . ..... 36S, 40B, S06 Johnson, Shelby Eugene ........... S04 Judd, Albert A., Ill . . . 277, 2B6, 322, Koy, Jomes Grady Bl, 294, S70 Kidd, Suson Koy SSS Johnson , Stephen Howard 554 Kidd, William E.. Jr..... 20B, 290, S06 327 Koy, James R . . ......... .... . 2BB, 29S Johnson, Virginia Ann ... . 468, 474, 554 Judd, Kenneth Robert .... , ........ S41 Kay, Robert Earl .............. SSS Kiefer, Mory Katherine ............ 541 Johnson, Virginia Koy . . . . . . . . . . . 287 Judge, Jomes Phenix . . . 570 Koys, William Eorl . . . . . . . . . . . . 319 Kiehle, Sondra Warren . . . . . . . 366 Johnson, William 8., Jr. 397 Judson, Jomes Michael ..... . .. 43S, S70 Koyser, RichorJ H. 24S, 2B6, 330 Kier, Coral L. ..... . .... .. ........ 439 Johnson , W ill iom Bruce ... ...... .. 400 Juedemon , Lynne Carol 295 Kozen, Teresa C . .......... .. ..... 505 Kiester, Mork Allen . .. ... 32B, 42B , S70 Julian, Suzonne C. 343, SOS Johnston, Aaron, Jr. 504 Kozmowi, Faisal J. . ... ... ...... 274 Kiestro, .... ... . ...... . .......... 251 Johnston , Arthur Hermon . . . . 115 Juncker, Wolter K., Jr. 29S, 42S, S31 Kboudi, Morcelle . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344 Kiger, Roslyn Fronces .... 3S4, 444 , SSS Johnston, Christopher 2B4, 329 Jung, Anthony Chorles .. 173, 203, 24B Keolhofer, Kerrie M. 3S7, S70 Kight, Charles Lester 2BB, 4B3 Johnston , Jomes Richard . ............ 71 Jung , Denn is John . . . . . . . 329 Kearby, Shoron Kay T . .. .... ...... SOS Kight, Mory Leta J. . .... 2BO, 2BB, S06 Johnston, John M. . ... , ........... S40 Junell, Potria .. . .... . ............ 3S6 Keorby, Sidney L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SOS Kiker, David 8 . ...... ... .......... 398 Johnston , John Sidney 228 Junell, William E. , Jr. . .... . . . ... 406 Kearney , Jomes Charles ........... 454 Kiker, Lynn SSS Tommy . . . . . . . . . . . Johnston, Johnna Ann . . . . 366, 430, S70 Jung, Anthony Charles .. 173, 203, 24B Keas, Deborah Jone .. ............ . 472 Kildoy, El izobeth Elva .. 194, 3S4, SSS John ston, Judith Anne 570 Jung , Dennis John 329 Keosler, Sydney J., 111 ............. Bl Kilgore, Dean Miller .............. S70 Johnston , Lauri Ann . . . . . . . . . . . . . .451 Jung, Maria A. . .......... . S41 Keathley, Fronk M., Jr. 264, 431, S41 Kilgore, Jomes Mack S............ 239 Johnston, Lewis Paul . . ... .. .... .. .476 Jung, Marvin A., Jr. .... ..... 21B, S41 Keating, Roderic Maurice . . . . . . . 238 Kilgore, Joseph M. . . .... ...... . . .. 21 Johnston, Lucinda .. . ....... ... . 531 Jung, Richard W inston ....... .. ... 217 Keck, Corolyn J. . ... . ... .. ...... . 366 Kilgore, Mark Henry SSS Johnston , Lynn ... . ....... , . . . . . 364 Jung, Robert Alphonse, 11 .... 426, SOS Keckley, W illiam Arthur ..... ...... 42B Kilgore, Wi lliam Presley, Jr . .... . .. 302 Johnston , Russell Alon . . . . . . 412 Junior Closs .......... ........ S34·S4B Kee , Susan M irando ...... . .. . 340, 570 Kilkuskie, Virginia Lee . . . . . . . 472 Joh s, Lon ee Cra ig 220 Junker, Bobby Roy ........... 2SO , 29S Keel, Jahn Robert ................ S70 Killam, Adrion Kathleen ...... 369, 424 Jolink , Gray Byron . .... .. . ... 273, 393 Ju nov, Borbara Kay .... , . . . . . 344, SOS Keel , Karen D.. . . . . .. ... 194, 343, SOS Killey, Michael Woyne 32S Jonas, Russell Carlton, 111 . . . 398 Jurecko, Poul Deon . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 305 Keenan, Christopher Donnelly 428, Kilpatrick, Oliver K., Jr. 555 Jones, Albert Pearson 248 Jurek, Marilyn Ann ...... .... . 462, 314 S41 Kilpatrick, Wade Arnold 400, S41 Jones, Ann Carroll ...... 3S4, 4S3, S70 Jurtshuk, Peter, Jr......, . . . . . . . 21S Keene, Mory Ellen ...... . . . .... .. . 377 Kim, Cloro Adelia .... ...... , ..... 462 Jones, Ann Eleece . . 555 Justice, Joy Vernon . ..••........ . 483 Keeney, Christine Elise .. . • .. ...... 373 Kimball, Jahn Phineos, Jr. .... 400, SSS Jones, Bobby Jo .. 2S7 , S40 Justin, Candace E. . . .... •. . •...... 358 Keeney, Rono ld Clork ....•.. . , . . .. 264 Kimbrough, Anthony C. 213, S06 Jones, Chorles Willis . . . . . . . 220, 239 Juul·Dom, Tharkild ................. BS Kee non, Glenn E. . . ..... , ........ SOS Kimbrough, Birch Duke, II .... 217, 479, Jones, Claud io l. . . . . . . . . . . . 540 Keesee , M ichele S31 Jones, Colette Linda . . . . . . . 472, S70 Keesee , Susan Koren ....•. ... 453 , SSS Kimbrough, Jockie M. 196 Jones, Cynthia Louise . . . . . . . 540 Keethler, Charles G . ........ ...... 336 Kimbrough, Ormo L., IV .......... 42S Jones, David Charlton .. , ..... 3BO, S40 K Keeton, Ernest R . .. .....••.. .. . ... 273 Kimzey, Koye Ellen ... . ...... . ... . 4S4 Jones, David H. 291 , S04 Keeton, Lo no Cheryl ..... , . . . . . 343 Kinard, Melinda Louise ....... 357, 570 Jones, Dovid Joseph .... 273, 303 , 402, Kegons, Herbert E. . . . . .. .. .. . 2S8, SOS Kinard, Wray Watkins 477, S31sos Kegley, Lester Conrad . . . . . . . 264, 309 Kincannon, James Michael .... 417 , 570Koose , Koren Morie . ..... 340, 4-44, 555 Jones , Deborah Koy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456 Kehel, Ahmed Ali .. . ... ....... . .. 274 Kadanka, Roberrt Daniel .......... 227 Kincheloe, Alice Susan . . ..... 3S7, SSS Jones, Delaine l. ..... . . , .. . ...... 505 Keilin, Soro E. .. ......... . SOS Koderli , Corrie E . ....... . ........ 340 Kindel , Linda Koy 4S6 Jones, Don Frankl in . .. . .•......... 398 Jomes ....... .. ..... Don . . . . 232, S06 Kohon, Robert Sidney ........•.... 290 Keillor, Allen 294 Kinder, Stanley 261, Jones, Donald Glenn ....... . .... .. SSS Kahler, Emily M...........•.. .... 4SS Keir, Margaret .... ...... 323, 366, SOS King, Billy Roy .... , . . ... ......... 4B3 Jones, Donald Wade ...... . . . 32S, S40 Kohn, Howard Mortin ... ...•. .. ... 432 Keirsey, Kent Robert .............. 333 King, Corl Willliam ... ............ 41B Jones , Donna Sue ... .......... ... 540 Frank Jean Jones, El izebeth A..... .. . . .... ... SOS Kohn, Ronald . . . . . .. . . . . . 294 Keith, Alma .............. , .. 29S King Corolyn 419 Jones, Exo Virginia 440, 570 Kail, Richard Lee .. .. . ..•......... 22S Keith, Loyton B................... SOS King, Charles M. . . , . , ........ .... S06 Jones, Frank Stephen . . . . . . . 570 Kail, Robert Gardner ....•... . 32S, S70 Esther .. . ............. 2B9 S06 Keller, Koy King, Christopher .. .. .......... . .. Jones, Fredric Van 239, 570 Ko ine, Mory Ethel . . . . . . . . 36B, SSS Keller, John Gordon .. , ....... . ... SOS King, Claude V . .... 247, 2S6 , 296, S06Jones, Gory Maxf ield 3BS, S70 Kolbough, Jolie Anne .... . . . ...... 340 Keller, Mory Tom 194, 272, 2B2, 297, King, Clyde Cl ifton, Jr. ...... 398, S41 Jones, Gregory Wayne .. .... . .. ... 570 Kellina, Chorles F., Ill ........... 42S 377, 440 King, Clyde Richard .......... 290, 300 Kallman, Lynn Helen . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374 Keller, Thomos Walter ... ..... 294, S70 Jones, Hilton P., I11 ........ .. ... . 426 King, David Hommond . . 3BB, 3B9, S41 Komen, Susan Sydney . . 2B7, 374, S70 Kelley, H. Paul ......... . .. ....... 27 Jones, Iris E. . ............. . .... 299 King, El io V. . ................... SSS Komenor, Susanne H . . .... ... ... .. 353 Kelley, Helen Carole . . ... .... 3S3, S41 f ones , Jacquelyn Edna ... . .... 353, 555 King, Frank Dovid ....... 264, 477, SSS Komenitso, Dennis Elliott ..... .. . .. SSS Kelley, Jomes Colvin .. ..•. . . . 437, S41 Joner, Jomes Hilton ..... . . . ....... 540 King, Glenn Frank ......... B2, 83, 273 Kaminsky, Judith Eileen ....... .... 3S1 Kelley, Koleen ................... 4S6 Jones, Jomes lester, 111 . . . . . . . . . .418 King, Gloria Leslie 541 Komm , Herbert Hoven 302 Kelley, Mary Jo ........... . 2B9, S70 Jones, Jomes R. . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . 505 King, Janet Irene . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408Jones , Jan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555 Komrath, James Robt . ........ 247, 296 Kelley, Russell T..... ........ 394, S41 King, John Michael ............... S41 Kane, Wando Sue .... , ........... S70 Kellond, Judith Anno .... , . ... 3S3, 436 Jones, Janet .... ... . ....... ..... . 257 King, Jos. Scott ... ....... , . . , . S06 Konewske, Carol Ann .... 271, 440, S70 Kelly, John F., Jr. 229, 2B3, 334, SOS Jones, Janet Cloire . . . . . 343, 366, SSS Jones , Jay Woodfin . . . . . . . . . 294 King, Kothryn .... .. .............. 40B Jones, Joseph S. Lowry . . . . . . . 402 King, Neil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 Kang, Ching· Kwei ................ 301 Kelly, John Patrick , .. , ........... 264 Kanistonoux, Dovid Clyde . . . . . . . 223 Kelly, Mory Jo ... ........... 340, 440 King, Robert Anderson ..... . ...... 42S Kanter, David Joel . . . . . . . . . . . . 570 Kelly, Nancy Ross .... . . . ......... 29S Jones, Judith Gwyn ..... 336, 337, 369, 463 King, Roger Orrsin ........... 202, S70 Jones, Lorry Glenn ............... 400 Kingsley, Bruce Ellsworth . . . . . . . . . 397 Kontor, Corol Joon ........... 374, S41 Kelly, Noel Michael . . .. . 220, 260, 264 Kontowski, Ann Morie . . . . . . . . . 570 Kelly, Potricia Sue ........... 194, SSS Jones, Lourie Lynn .... .• .. . ... .... 373 Kingsley, Richord Allen ........... 476 Jones , Le Lone J . ................ SOS Kantz, Lu ci nda M. . ....... . .. 505 Kelly, Robert E..... ...... .. ...... SOS Kinnamon, Michael Clayton ........ SSS Jones , Leo no Irene . . . . ... 236, 541 Koper, Koren Louise . . . . . • . . . 436 Kelly, Robert Lee ..... .. 393, 39B, SSS Kinsala, Richord Roy ............. . S31 Kaper, Wilbert J......... . , . . 437, S31 Jones, Morgoret Wilburn ..... 306, 370, Kelly, Stephen Michael ....... 32S, 416 Kinsel, Catherine E..... 236, 27S, 2B7, SSS Kaplan, Aoron A. . . . . . . . 432 Kelsey, Jomes Robt.... . . 201, 296, 301 373, 4S3, SSS Jones, Marilyn Ann . . . . . . . 353 Koplon, Ga il Y... . .... . , ...... , .. SOS Kelso, Jo nice Lou ise . . . . . . . . . . . 505 Kinsel, Jo Bob ..... 179, 196, 273, 313, Jones, Michael Roe . . . . . 505 Kaplan , Jonathon lee . . . . . . . 333 Kemp, Doniel Chester . . .. .. ... .... 570 339, 404, S41 Jones, Milton Anderson, Jr. 296, 483 Kaplan, Joy Lynette ..... ..... ... . 363 Kemp, Doris Annette ..... 347, 4S1 , S70 Kinsey, Elisabeth J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . S06 Jones, Panchito 20B, 316, SOS Kaplan, Lindo Borbaro .. 344, 4S1, S70 Kemp, Jimmy Fred 206, 300, 437, S41 Kinsey, Hoywood W ., Jr. .... . 32S, 402, Jones, Penny ' Dono SSS Koplon, Morilyn Elyse 363 Kemper, Donold W . ........ .. 296, SOS S31 ...... . .. .... Jones, Ralph Michael ... . . . . .. 426, SSS Koplan, Vicki Beth ...... 200, 363, S41 Kemplin, Miles Steven . . . . . . . . . . . 570 Kin sman , Carol Ann .......... 194, 3S4 Jones, Ray Fronklin ... . , ... , , ... , . 477 Kappa Alpha .......... , , .. . , 39B, 399 Kendrick, Gerald Alan .... . . . . ... . SSS Kinsolvi ng Dorm itory ......... "50, 453 Jones, Ray Oliver ... ............. 326 Koppa Alpha Theta .......... 36B, 369 Kennody, Sarah R . ........... 3S4, SOS Kintz, Patricia Jeon . . . . . ..... 240, 251 Jones, Robert M . ...... . ..... 217, 461 Koppo Delta Pi .. . . . .. .. .. . . .. . . . . 2B9 Kennedy, Cheryl Ann .... .. ........ S41 Kirby Hall ........ . ... , ....... . .. 4SS Jones, Robert .. ., .......... Koppa Epsilon .................... 2S7 Kennedy, Dan S41 Kirby, Sue Ellen ............. 366, S06 Phelps 112 Harding ............ Jones, Ruth Morie . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451 Kappa Kappa Gamma ....... . 370, 371 Kennedy, Jerry Dale .. .. 22B, 2B1, 29S, Kirchner, David lee ....•.......... 510 Stephen Lee .............. . 22B 296, sos Jon es, Kappo Kappa Ps i . . . . . ...... .... .. 260 Kirk, David Dean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 506 Jones, Thomas A. 247, 296 Koppa Psi ........ ............... 2SB Kennedy, John Steven ........ 140, 294 Kirk, Nancy Ellen .... , ....... 439, S70 Jones, Thomos M. . .. ..•...... 296, 301 Koppa Sigma ................ 400, 401 Kennedy, Joseph C. . . ...... ..... ... 22 Kirkley, Dorothy Yotes ...... ...... 293 Jones, Trudy Lynn .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. SOS Kappa Tau Alpha . . .. .. . .. . . . .. . .. 290 Kennedy, Judith Ann . . . . . . . . . . 46S Kirklin, Betty Sue . . . . . . . . . . . . . S70 Jones, Vonciel ..... 240, 2S1, 34B, 441, Karole Club ........... , .... ...... 261 Kennedy, Koren Lynn .... 234, 4S3, S70 Kirkpatrick, Claire ........... .... . 462 SSS Korboch, David C., Jr. . ......... . . 2S6 Kennedy, Kothleen E. 316, 462 Kirkpatrick, David John 333, 409, S70 Jones, William D.... , . ...... 29B, SOS Korchmer, Michael Barry . .... • , .... 288 Kennedy, Liso Fronde , . . , 2B7, 307, 3S8 Kirkpotri~k, Fredrick J ............. 247 593 Nome Pages Nome Pages Nome Pages Nome Pages Kirkpatrick, Joan Morie .. . . .. . .... 365 Kolle, Sha rod Bhoskorroo .......... 321 LoBaume, Lindo Beth . .. . 275, 453, 483, Lantrip, Stephen Orion ... , ........ 571 Kirksey, Richard T., Jr. . . . . ..•.... . 393 Konecci, Eugene 8. . . . . . 29S 506 lopping, Deborah Sue ....• ... 455, 555 Kirksey, Susan Frances . .. ......... 289 Koneman, Suzanne .... . ........ . . . 570 Labbe, Gregory Lawrence 271 ~~1~ ... . ..... ....•.... m.m Kirkwood, William Roy ...... ... . .. 379 Koop, Doniel William ..... . .... .. . 22S lobovitz, Joan Horrise ....... . 344 , 541 Lorge, Peggy l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340 Kirmse, Robert D. . . . . . . . . . . . 409 Kopecky, Samuel R., Sr. . . . . . . . 531 Locey, Barry Don .. . . .... . ... . .... 541 Larmore, Francis Irving ............ 271 Kirsch, Geneva Ann . ...... . .. 250. 471 Kopel, Kenneth F . . ... . . .... . 423, 506 Lochmon, Mono Sue . .... ..... 374, 570 Larralde, Lou is . .... ............ . . 507 Kinchner, Sherril Jane .. 194, 344, 453 Kaplan, Maynard David, Jr. 415, 541 Lachterman, Daryl Roe ....... 374 , 506 lorrey, Richard Morris ..... , .. 379, 5S5 Kinner, Georgia J . ... .. . ... . .. ... 506 Kopsky, John Frederick .. . ... . 221, 541 Lockey, Michael E... ....... . ..... 531 lorrumbide, Mork ................. 478 Kirsten, Richard A. . . . . 223 Koren , Alan M ichael . . .. .. . . ... .. . S70 Lockey, Poul K. , Jr.. .. .. . ... . . . . . 295 Larsen, Jock Kirby, Jr. . . . ..... 386, 571 Kirw in, Wilhelmine Johanna . . . ... . 295 Koros, William J............. 223, 296 Locks, Judith Roe ...... . . . .. . ..... 555 ltusen, Mortin Gill ... .... . ....... 386 Kishi , Jomes Shiro ..... . .. . ... .. .. 301 Karp, Susan Alison . . ......... 353, 555 Locouture, Marcelle . .............. 246 Larsen , Roy Deveny ............... 541 Kissel , Robert Glenn, Jr. . .... . . . .. 325 Kaschak, John Karl . . . ... 304, 398, 506 Locy, Michael Richard . . .•.... 420, 570 Larsh, Gwen Ela ine ..... 194, 319, 369 Kiumonn, Ronald Mortin .. ........ 332 Kosh , Thomas A. . . . . . 541 Locy, Phillip W.................. 1B4 Lorson, Ann Roberta ....... ....... SSS Kistenmacher, Marilyn M . . .. . . . .... 289 Kosik, Alfred H . ..... . .. . . .. .... .. 531 Loden, Lorry Richard . . .. ..... 246, 541 Lorson, Deonna Arlene ...... ..... . 290 Kitchens, Eileen J. B., Mrs. . . . . . 292 Koteras , Jomes Richard . . . .. 294 Lodin, Ph ;llip Victor .... . 313, 339, 415 Lorson, Diann ... ................. SSS Kittles , Patricio Louise . ...... 473, 531 Koteras , Michael Roy . . . . . . • . . . . . . UO Lod in, Ronald Mork . . . . . . . . . . 19B, 415 Lorson, Gayle Lynn .. . ..... ....... 551 Kivi in , Vicki Ann . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36S Kotter, Steven Marvin . . . . . . . . . . . . S70 Laferney, Fronk Wayne . ... .. ...... 541 Lorson, Kermit D. . . .............. 288 Kizer, Joe Buffington, IV .. .. . 216, 336 Kouri, Cynth ia Ann .........•..... 541 Lafollette, Glenn Craig .... .. .... . 570 Larson, Lorin Glen . ........... ... 309 Kjormoe, Sondra Jeon 570 Kouts , Robert Alv in . . . . . . .... . .. . . 541 Lafuze, W illiam Leighton ..... 379, 506 Larue, Betty .. .. . . ............... 571 Klahn, James Brion . .. . .. . .. . . . ... 247 Kovar, Robert Roy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227 Logow, Clari< H . .... .... ... . . 211 , 506 Lory, Bonning Kent ........•.. 425, 571 Kloros, Victoria ............. .. . .. 2S2 Kowalsk i, Mory Virg inia ....... ... . 194 lagowski , Jeanne Mund .. ...... . .. 269 loser, Jahn Arthur ........ ... 415, 571 Klarfield, John Calvin .. .. .. . . 326, 437 Kownslor, lowrence G . .......... .. 223 LaGrone, Alfred Holl .. .. . .. . ..... 247 Lashbrook, Scott Thomas .... ...... 336 Klasing, John Christoph .... .. . 431 , 555 Koy, Jomes Theo ... .. ... . . .. .. 71 , 310 loin, Flo Ferguson ........ . • .... .. 3S7 Lassetter, Lindo Koy ... ... .. ...... 571 Klassen, Robert W. . ..... . . .. ..... 430 Kozlowski, Thomas D. 570 loin , Margaret E . . . .............. 507 late, Cynthia Jon ... .... 289, 369, 399 Klasson, Charles R . .. . ... . .. . .. . . . 302 Klaveness, Michael A. . ....... 402, 555 Kozmetsky, George .. 22, 288, 295, 302 Krafcheck, Marlene . . . . ..... 289, 363 loiniotis, Dimitrios G . .. .. . • . . . .. . 247 Lo;rd, Chas. Elbert, Jr. . . . . • . . . . 247 Latham, Lynn Morie ...... .. .. 287, 571 Latham, Ronald Jeon ......... 394, 541 Klawitter. Henry Ralph 247 Krokower, Koren N. . .. 194 , 34" Laird, Fronk J. . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . 531 Lathem, J. B. . ..... ...... . ...... . 507 Klecka, Jan Marie . . . . . . . 251, 555 Kleiderer. Vivion Gay ........ 373, 570 Kleifgen, Pamela Lynne . 456 Klein, Douglas Joy ...... . ......... 295 Klein, Edward Marris ............ . 570 Kromer, Frances E. . . . . . . . . 462 Kromer, Richard George 283, 325, 555 Kromer, Virgin ia Morie .. 27S, 377, 5S5 Kramp itz, David Harold 379 lojom, Hector . . .. . . . . . . .. . 223 Lake, Lorry Keith . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Lake, Marilyn .. .... ......... 374, 570 Lollinger, Michael John .. .. ... 335, 570 Lothrop, Gregory C. . .......... .. . 320 Latimer. Lindo . .. . . 197, 289, 292, 353 Latimer, Ronald Eugene ........... "78 lotto, James Michael .. . . ..... 332, 571 Klein, John W illiam .. . .. 222, 329, 541 Krampitz, Eileen Ann ............. 472 Lalonde, Carolyn Dione 5SS Lattimore, Lyda Lynn ......... 351, 507 Klein, Kori K.............. . .. .. .. 295 Kropp, Catherine Ela ine . . . . SSS Lalonde, Suzanne Agnes . ..... 4S6 , 570 Lauber. Marilyn B................. 507 Klein, Mork .... .... .............. 426 Krasner. Lorry Arnold 170, 180, 268, Lomb, David Wayne . .... 234, 468, 476 Louderback, Mitzi Gale .... . ...... 471 Klein, Mork Stephen .. . .. .... . 380, 541 273, 277, 415, 506 lambda Chi Alpha ........ . .. 402, 403 Lauderdale, Clark .. . ............. 220 Klein, Michael Allen . . . . . 432, 433, 555 Krasner, Marvin Dorrell . 223, 415 , S41 Lambert, David Roy .'. .. . 173, 180, 248, Loughlin, Carrie Lou .............. S41 Klein, Milow Houde ..... 2B8, 397, 506 Kreiger, Mark Steven ..... . ........ S41 273 Loughlin, Nancy Caroline . ..... .. . 571 Kle in, Patrick Henry . .... .. ....... 329 Kreisle, Leonordt Ferdinand . . 201, 29S Lambert, Estern Russell, 111 . . 223, 328 Laughton, Catherine Moy . . .. ... ... 571 Klein, Paulo Lynn ................ 374 Kreisle , Matthew Ferdinand , 111 . . "18, Loml:ert, Laurel . ... 287, 297, 440, 570 lourea, Koren Elizabeth . ..... 361, 571 Klein, Richard Harold ...... . . .. ... 295 555 Lambert, Lawrence Ray ....... 422 , S70 laurel, Yolonda M........... 507, 257 Klein , Robert Lourence ... . ... 415, S70 Kreisner , Howard . . . . . . . . . . . . . S06 Lambert, Robert Louis ............ . 262 Lourence, Carol Davis ............. 541 Kle inman , Horrell M. . . . . . . . . . . . . 531 Kreitzer, Lawrence W. . . . . . . . . . . 389 Lambert, Warren Carlton . .... 218, SS5 Loves, Bruce B............... 380, 541 Kleir, Richard Lee .. .... .... . 247, 296 Kremer , Kenneth lombert . . . 423 Lambert, Zorrel V . . . . . . . . .. . . 226, 288 Lovioge, Michael Lynn .. 327, 432, 555 Klep, Margaret Cecelia . . . . . . . 369 Krenzke, Frederick A. . . .. ......... 214 Lamberth, Lorry Eugene . 260, 264, 541 Law, Alex ....................... 571 Klionky, John Michael . .. . . ... . . . . 570 Kresl, Peter Kori ... .. ... 291 , 295 lombrokos, Tino F . . .. ........... . 252 Low, John Edward . .. ... .. .. ...... 507 Kl inor, Carol Lynn . . ...... . ....... 570 Kreuz , Lenord Bruce ... . ... 332, S70 Lammers, Dona ld Roy ........ 294, 570 Low, Morion Combs ............... 347 Klinck, Jon Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303 Krezdorn, Roy Rank in . . . 2 .. 7, 2S6 Lamon , Thomas Welton . .......... S70 low, Marsha Koy . .... . ...... 297, 571 Kline, Andrew Edward . . 294, 380, 570 Kriegel, Koy Lynn 338, 371, 419, 541 lamp, Betty Jeon . . 307, 354, 451 , 570 low, Nancy Jeon ................. 343 Kl ine, Jeffrey .... ... ......... 282, 415 Krier, Joseph R. 170, 184, 189, 196, Lampe, Michael George . ..... 409, 570 Low, Nancy M.......... 346, 347, 507 Kling, Nothon Dale ..... . ....... . . 226 197, 273, 312, 506 Lompa, John Anthony, Jr.. . ... 335, 570 low, Stuart William ... ...... 382, 531 Klinzing, Donald Ward . . . ... . ..... 227 Kr;er, Mory Celeste ..... 194, 353, 555 loncoster, Gory Lynn ....... . ..... 570 low, Wallace Kenneth ...... . 394, 555 Kloss, Sally El izabeth .. .. 262, 287, 570 Krippel, Jahn M.............. 413, 541 Lancaster, Meredith Ann . . . . . . . . . . 541 lowhn, Penelope Kim ............. 292 Kluge, Paula . . . . . . . . 324 Kristek, Doris E......... 236, 251, 462 Lancaster, Michael John ... . ....... 571 Lawhon, Michael lee ......... 276, S41 Knape, Weldon l. .. ........ . 264 , 541 Kr istynik, Paul C.. ..... . . ... .. .. .. . 71 Lanclos , Ginger S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428 Lowler, Kathleen Grace ........... 462 Kneese, Beverly Ann . . . . . . . . . . 570 Kneese, Glenn lee ........ . . . . . .. . S41 Knigge, Lorry Wesley ........ 264, 555 Kri tser, David Sloon, 111 ....... . .. 420 Kroll , Ross lenert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 Kroon , Candace Gayle ..... .. 441 , 555 land, Al ice Jeon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541 Landau, Em ily Tess ...... 307, 374, 571 Landers, Eldon Roy, Jr.. .. .... 291 , 295 Lawlor. David A ..... .. ........... 194 Lawrence, Elizabeth Anne •........ 307 Knight, Earnest Leon , Jr. 302 Krouskop, Norman W . ............. 293 Landin, Kenneth Wayne ..... . 379, 571 Lawrence, Emma Charlotte .. 347, 4S1, Kn ight, Edwin Robert .... .. . ...... 570 Krueger, David Wayne ....... . 312 , S41 Land is, Candace Beth . . . . .. .. 240, 555 571 Knight, John B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417 Krueger , Janice Jeon S55 Landis , Lindo Louise . .. .. . . ....... "Sl Lawrence, Ernest Clinton . .. .. ..... 236 Kn ight, Kathie Rae ............. . . 570 Krueger, John William . . 228, 250, 296 London, Alfred Lawrence .......... SSS Lawrence, Joen M ichael . .......... "79 Kn ight, Pattie Jone ... .. . 251, 455 , 506 Krueger, Rolph Wallace . 327, 385, 555 Landrum , Groves W . . .............. 23 Lawrence, Norma Koren . . . . . . . . . . . "54 Knight, Paul S.. . ..... . ... . .. 194, 506 Knight, Ronald Gary .... ... ....... 425 Knight, Susan Rozelle ..... . ....... 293 Knighton, James A. . .... . ......... 531 Kn ighbtep, John Ray .............. 506 Krueger, Sue Elizabeth . . . . . . . . S41 Krueger. Tom Richard .... . ....... . 570 Kruger, Daniel Y. . ....... .. ..... 32S Kruger. Susan E..... . ........ 438, 462 Krumholz. Bette Gail 289, 344 , 506 Landrum, Hal Baldwin, Jr. . . 404, 571 Landrum , John Samuel . . . . ..... 406 Landrum. Kent Regan 294, 379 lands, Sharon Koy ... . . ..... . ... .. 307 Lawrence, Pamela Ann . . . . . . . . . . . . 373 Lawrence, Sidney Lee .. 216, 232, 250, 507 Lawson, Arleen El nobeth .•... 348, 541 Knippa, John Ray .... . .. 211, 291, 335 Kruppa, Alice Kathleen ........... 541 Landy, Raymond Alex .. ..... . 398, 541 Lawson, Elizabeth Gayle .•.•. 287, 297, Kn ipstein, Mary D ......... . .. . .. .. 475 Kruse, John Edward ......... . ..... 506 lone, Don Re ib, Jr. . ............. 392 440, 571 Koch, Robert Alan . . . . . . . . . 555 Kubala, Harriet C. P . . ............ 506 lane, David Allen ........... 420, 555 Lawson, Jack Randolph ......... . . . 217 Kn ize, Jo Nell ... .. . ......... 366, 541 Knotb, Kathleen Anne . . .. .. ..... . 3n Knowles , Paulo Don . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343 Knowles. Stephen Gayle ........... 406 Kubecka, Martha Ann . . . . .. ... 358, 570 Kubeno, Thomas Alon . . . . . . . 413, 541 Kuby, Mory Katherine .. . .. . . . 451 , 570 Kucera, l illy Evelyn .... 179, 269, 289, Lone, Evalyn Del ilah . ... 289, 298, 371 lone, Hannah Steere . ..... .. 299, 541 lone, Jan ice Kaye . .. . . . . . .. . 361 Lawson, Janice Elaine ........ 332, 451 Lawson, Nancy Ann ............... 358 Lawson, Rex William . . . .......... 26' Knox, D. S., Jr . . . . . .. ....... 397, 570 323, 338, 373 lone, Kennedy Word ....•. .. . 28B, 295 Lawson, Troy Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 Knox, Joann ....... .... .. . ....... SSS Kuch , Jomes Adrion 313 Lone, Martha E. . ...... . ......... . 343 Lawton, Diano Ellen ....... .. 453, 571 Knox, Samuel Barnes . .. . . . . .. . .... S70 Kuchar. Shirley Anne . . . 240, 462 lone, Pamela Jeon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5SS Lowy, Evelyn ...... . ........... . . 445 Knox, W illiam D. . . ... . .. . . .. 283, 328 Kuchar. William A. , Jr. 214, 413 , 506 lone, Patricio l. ........... .... .. 297 Loy, lorry Wallace .......... 336, 541 Knudson, Linda Beth ........ . ..... •39 Kuebel, Michael Clyde 227, 476 Kuehler, Gerold Poul 483 lone, Robert Ke ith , 111 . . . . . . 541 Loy, Richard I., Jr....... •....... . 295 Kobarg, Rudolph J . . . . ... .. ...... . 426 Kuehler, Paulo Marie .... . 570 lane, Robert Lorry .... .... ... 264, 541 Layne, Robert l., Jr. . . ....... . . . .. 71 Koby , Thomas Gerard . . . . . . . 428, 570 Kuehn , David Allan 435, 570 Lone, R. N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288 Layton, Poul Anthony ... .. ... 410, 541 Koch, Coli n lee .. ......... . ...... 555 Kuenemonn , Kothryn Sue 440 , S70 Laney, Jerry A. . ....... 507 lozorie, Dolores J . ...... 290, 316, 507 Koch , Mory Miles ....... . . . .... . . . 377 Kufus, Rebecca Susan . . . ... . ...... 223 Lanford, Anne l. . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . 35B Leo, Joe Edward .... . .... ...... .. 313 Koch, Robert Alan . . . . . . . . . . . . 555 Koch , Robert Allen ...... .. .. . 294, 380 Koch, Virginia Wensley ........... 3S1 Kugle, Cherry Lyn ........ . .. . 455, 570 Kuhotschek, Jack Kenneth .......... 417 Kuhlemon , Frances P. . . . .. 354, 541 Kuhlman, Robert P........... 223, 531 Lanford, Cliff . . ..... . . . ...... 236, 426 long, Michael S. . . ............... 303 long , W ill iam Andrew . . . 402 Leo, Martha Jean ............... .. 507 leach, Cynthia Ann ..... 365, 413, 555 leach, Lawrence Verne ...... .. .... 295 Koehl, Gary Lionel .. . ....... . 406, 555 Kuhlmann, Terrence A. . 194, 250, 397, Langdon, Jos. Calhoun, Jr.... • . ... 313 leach, Richard Allen ..•..• ... 426, 571 Koen , Marilyn Lindo ... . 194, 307, 344, 453 , 570 541 Lange, Ven Fronk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555 leach, Thomas Michael ....... 389, 555 Kulchok, Melissa Ann . . ....... 271 , 471 longenberg, Charles W .... . . . •. . .. 507 Leahy, Del io Ann ...•......•. 357, 541 Koenig, lorry Franklin . . . ... .. .... 264 Kumpf, Dov;d Kenneth . . .... .. 294, 555 Longford, Brion Nelson . ........... S71 Leahy, Jomes R . . . ............ 71, 303 Koeniger Lambert Larkin 336 Kunetko, Jomes William .. . .. . . ... . 13S Longford, Cl ifford H....... . .. . ... 222 Leahy, Mory Jone .. . .•.•... ... ... 353 Koeninger, Rupert C., Jr. 305 Kunkel , Norito Kaye .. . ........ . .. 541 Langholz. Virgin ia Lynn . 194, 361, 571 Leal, Raymond Robert, Jr••... •.... 329 Koepnick, Norman G . .. 201 , 247, 256, 296, 506 Kunkel , Rebecca Anne ... .. . . . .... . 541 Longley, John W ill iam ............ 234 Leamon, Barbaro Ellen . 264, 275, 374, Kunze, Betty Lou ise . .. ........ . .. . S"l Longley, Robert E., Jr........ 226, 507 451, 571 Koerth, Robert Lee, Jr. . . . ... . 398, 506 Koger, Fred Owen, 111 .... ... ..... 541 Kunze, Kenneth l. . . . .......... . .. 294 Langlitz, Jacqueline M . . . ...... .. . S71 Lear, Cynthia Annette •.•. . . . . 468, 475 Kohlonberg, Lynn Esten . 262, 2B2, 311 Kurachi, George, Jr . ... . ..•..... . . 261 Langridge, Susan Jo . .. .. . ... . ... . SSS learned, Barbaro K. • .•. •...• ..... 507 Kohlonborger, Lindo Evelyn . .. .. . .. 541 Kuper. Kathryn Ann . .. ..• •..... .. . 373 long1joen, Han1 Alfred .. . ... .. .... 550 learned, David B. . . . • • • . . . . . . . .. . 507 Kohn, Frank Edward .. ....... . 380, 555 Kurth , Judy Ann . . . . . .. .. . . 506 Langston, Jimmy Alf .. .. . 225, 403, 531 Leary, Doniel E...... . ...... ..... 218 Kohn, Lawrence S. . ... . ...... .... . 432 Kurtz. Cheryl Dee . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . . 344 Langston, Mory Lynn . . . . 230, 289, 373, Leasure, Peggy Ellen . . . . . . • . . 354°, 541 Kohn, Sondra J. . ...... . .. .. .. . . .. 344 Kussod, lssom Ahmad ... . •... .. .. . . 274 541 Leatherwood, Thomas lewis •...•... 322 Kohutok, Jone Susan . .•. . . .. . 353, 541 Kuttner. Don iel G . .. . ... .. . .... ... 330 Longwell, Vaughnie D.... .... 276, 507 LeBlonc, Richard Edward ••••. 313, 406 Kohutok, Sheryl Ann . . . . . ..... 226, 506 Kuykendoll, Joseph R . .. .... . . 469, 478 Lanham, Crystal Woynel .. . . . . 377, 541 leBrun, Kathleen Gail ........ 451 , 555 Kaile, Earl A . ...... .. .. 189, 196, 272 Koivulo, Betty Jone ..... 240, 251, 319, 428, 445 , 506 Kuykendall, Mory E...... 285, 358, 570 Kveton, Kathryn Wynn ... ... .. 279, 351 Kyle, Andrew C. . . . . . . . . . . • . . 247, 296 Lanham, El izabeth ......... . ... . .. 288 Lanham, Jo Ann Younts, Mrs. . . .... 507 Lanham, Thomas Lamar .... . ..... . 507 Lecy, Russell Curtis . ...... . . .... . . 322 Ledbetter. Nannette Boone • .•• 354, 541 Lederer, Jamts Conrod .••.•.. 180, 273 Kolb, Claudio Joan . . . . . . .. . . . . 373 Kypreos, N icholas Mercouris .. 252 , 555 Lanier , Beverly Ann ... , . . . . . . . . . . . 358 Ledermann, John Edward ...•.•..•. 427 Kolb, Cynthia J. 371 , 399 Kyprios, Peter .... . ... .. . . .... . ... 252 Lan ier, Dennis M . . .. .. . .. ........ 507 Lodger, Lovett Leslie •••• • ••. . .•.• 302 Kolb, David Allon . 221 Ky1 ilko, Marcello Louise .. .. ....... 289 Lon i or, Patrick J. Richard . . ..... . . 555 lee, 8orboro Ann ..........•..... . 5'1 Kolb, Kathryn Rosalie ........... 371 Lanier, Rebecca Jo ........... 249, 316 Lu, Chin Yuan .................. 483 Kol ius , Suson Anne .. 170, 269, 293, Lon; or. Sidney Edward ..... .. 403, 507 Lu, Doniel Warnell, Jr•••.•.. 397, 541 356, 357, 506 Lankford, Mory Lin •... .••........ 340 Loe, David M . . .... . .. .. 247, 296, 507 L Kolle, Donald Owen 506 Lann ing, Jo Nell . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . 571 Lu, Douglas Jomes .••.•.•.••..... 271 Kolle, Korol Wynne 451 Lanning, Phyllis E..•............. 424 Lu, Harrell Estes .......... ...... 290 Kolod1.•y, Morey Lu ....... 365, 570 loBorbo, Nancy Elizabeth .. .. 399, 541 Lansford, Moehool S. . . .•...•...... 507 Lu, Jomes Carlton • • • • • • • • . • . .. . . 541 594 Nome Pages Nome Pages Nome Pages Nome Pogu Leo, Jung Moe .. . . 181, 202, 268, 339, Levy, Helen ........ . . . ...... 34S, SSS Lobdell, Michael Willard 2SO Lucas, Robert Eugene . .......... . . 294 382, S31 Levy, Jerry Alon ..........•.. 432, S42 Lobprise, Lindo Nell .............. 439 Lucio, Gregory Eugene ....... 194, SS6 lee , Lawrence M. . .......... ..... 507 levy, Kenneth E. . .... .••......... 41 S Locheed, Thomas A. . ............. 23B lucky, Ronald Neal .......... 391, S71 Leo, Mancill G.. .......•......... S07 Levy, Kenneth Joy ....... 293 , 29S , S07 Lochner, Michael Lou is ... ... . . .... 106 Ludeman, Ben Mortin .... 336, 379, S71 Leo, Margo Ann ... . . .. .••.... . .. . 3B8 Lewallen, Russell David ........... S71 Locke, William Henry, Jr. ......... S42 Ludeman, Patricia Jan . 179, 184, 196, lee, Marsha Karen . .. ............. 441 Lewis, Ann . ................ . 3S1 , 4S3 Locke, Will iam Hiram ....... . ..... 386 269, 272, 306 Loo, Michael Douglas ........ . .... 541 Lewis, Bonnie Sue 384 Lockhart, Gunnery Sgt. Ludwig, Christopher .......... 323, 327 .. ........... . . . Lee, Michael Stuart .... ......... .. 406 Lewis, Charles Joy .. . . ............ 422 Charles M. . . . .................. 330 Luedecke, Emily Beth ............. 4S6 Lee, Milton Bryant, 11 ...• . ..... .. 321 Lewis, Cheryl Ann . . . . . . . 362, 363, 507 Lockhart, Nancy V. . .............. SOB Luedemonn, William Fredrick ...... 398 Leo, Robert Thomas .....•... . 43S, S41 Lewis, Cheryl Koy .............. . . 2S7 Lockler, Dono . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 Luethcke, John Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332 Lee, Rodney Earl .......•....... . . 22S Lewis, Cynth ia Ann ............... S71 Lockl in, Kenneth Edward . ... . . 397, S71 Lu jan, Hector . . ............ . 271 , 476 Lee, Ronald A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S07 lewis, David Arden .... . . .. . ...... SSS Lockwood, Nancy Lee .. .. ......... SS6 Luke, Theresa Cheryl ......... 472, 508 Lewis, Dicksie Jeon ..... .. .. . ..... 4S6 Lee, Samuel Robert . . ....•........ 394 Loeb, Jonathon lee ... ............ 3BO Lu ksa, James lee .. ....... ..... . .. S31 Leo, Soohee .................... . 462 Lewis, Jeffrey Scott .............. . 383 Loeffler, Thomas G . . .............. 71 Lumbley, Leland Jock ...•......... 239 Lee, Steven Meyer ... ............ . 432 lewis, Jelcolm C., Jr............ 328 Mork, Jonathon Greenfield .. 335, 422, 571 Markland, Catherine Berrett . . 440, 571 Markland, Dole Gene ........ . 294 , 571 Merkle in, Nancy Jone ...... . ...... 571 Markl ey, Mory Lou ise .. . ... . ... .. . 458 Markley, Michael M.. .. .. . .. ... ... 509 Ma rks, Jeon Leslie 34'5 Marks, Sandro . ......... 289, 345, 542 Markum, Kathleen P......... ...... 401 Marler, Jomes Donald ..... . ....... 478 Marl owe, David Lee .. ...... . . . ... 418 Marmaduke, Will iams . .. . . ........ 425 Marmion , Lindo Jeanne . 196, 323, 325 , Math is, Jessie Bell 275, 287, 369, 572 Math is , Lawrence Charles .. . ....... 426 Mathis, Molly A. . . . . . . . . . . . . 366, 509 Math is, Selma Jone .......... ..... 353 Math is, Virg inia Lynn ......... 451, 572 Molino , David Joseph ..... 84 , 140, 310 Matlock, David K. . ... . . . 22B, 296, 509 Matlock, John Hudson ........ 273 , 281 Matlock , Ris e Eileene .. . . ... . ..... 235 Matney, Cloud Edmond ... . ... 410, 542 Matney, Roy Miller, II .......... .. 247 Malocha , lgnoc R., Jr . .. 223, 296, 509 Motocho , Lynde Irene .. . ..... 354, 509 Mott, Glen M . ......... .. ........ 114 Motter, Cecelia Morie .. . ..... 366, 556 Matthews, Jomes Douglas . . . . ... . .. 400 Matthews, Judith Ellen . . 194, 373, 556 McBride , Michael H . ... ........... 510 McBrine , John Lorson ........ ... .. 510 McBurnette , Patr ick Edw in ......... 556 McCabe, Neil Colman . . .... .. .... . 397 McCabe , Will iam Dav id, Jr . ....... 227 McCain, Melvin Dole ..... . .. . 283, 326 McCain, Nancy Carol . .... ...... . . 4'51 McColeb, Koris Ann ............... 474 McColeb, Kr isten ........ .. .. . 46B, 474 McColister Charles T......... . 265, 266 McColl, Robert Michael .......... . 437 McColly, George Edward ... . .. .... 265 McConn, Jonis Jo . 357, 572 McConn, Lt. Wilford Dole .... 286, 330 McConne , Th omas Robert .......... 477 McCorley, Lon Allen ... ... , . ... ... 295 McCorroll, Dav id Graham . ........ 407 Major, William Charles ...... . 294, 571 Mo1ors, Johnny Edw in ......... .. . . 509 Mokelo, Merry Eve . . ......... 293, 509 Makrocki , Virginia J. J. . . . . . . 473 Mo lon, Gregory F............ . .... 483 Maldanado , Anna Chr istin a . . . 509 Moldonado, Ma ri o Elva .. . .... 194, 556 361 , 542 Marm ion, Ma ry Sue .............. . 509 Moroney, John Francis, Jr. . . 218, 222, 326 Morn, Edward Ham il ton .. . ... 325, 509 Marschall, Malcolm R. . .. . . .. . . . . . 227 Marsh , Anne Lo uise .. . . ... ....... 509 Matthews , Marilyn .. .... ..... .... . 556 Ma tt hews , Mork Lynn ........... . . 294 Matthews, Robert Roy ..... ....... . 509 Matthews, Shannon S . ..... . .. . .. . . 510 Matthews, Stephen Taylor ..... 407, 542 Matthews, Verner Sue ...... . .. . ... 369 Matthews, W illie lee .. . . .. . . 225, 556 McCorroll, Robert Lynn . .... .•..... 400 McCarthy, John Thomas ........... 225 McCarty, Jorr ie D................. 510 McCarty, Kathleen Dolton ... . 194, 377, 451 , 572 McCarty, Nancy Ann .... . ......... 510 McCarty, Patr icio Louella . ..... . .. 542 Moledon, El ick Molek, Zohreh Neal, Jr.... . . 2BB, 302 .................. . 455 Marsh, George H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Mars h, Mory Faulkner ........ 373 , 419 Matt ingly, Jo Nelle .. . . . 231, 469, 473, 510 McCory, McCory, Douglas Corter ...... . .... 261 Lois Ann ..... .......... .. 510 Malernee , James Kent, Jr . . . .. 255 , .409, 542 Moles, Dono Wayne .. 428, S56 Marshall, Howard McColeb .... 385, 531 Marshal I, Jon Duncan .... . ..... . .. 54'2 Ma rshall, John Alton, Jr. . . . . . . . . 327 Matt iza , Nancy Ann .. .. . ..... 373 , 424 Matula, Thomas Eugene .. . 81 Matzen , Richard Wolter ...... .. .. . 426 McCoslond, John D. . . . . .... . . 235, 239 McCoslond, Michael .......... 221 , 510 #,cCoslin, Billy Trevis .... 478, 227, 510 Mal ick, Koren Melonie . 359, 399, 438, Marshall , Mory M............ 359, 424 Matzinger, John Delma . 105, 106, 531 McCasl in, Rosemary Ela ine .... . . .. 542 451 . 556 Marshall, Milton Virg il ... , ....... . 571 Metzner , Patrick Dennis . ........ . . 476 McCothren, Jo Cheryl ... . ......... 531 Mal ik, John W. . . ............ .... 262 Marshall , Poul Samuel, Jr.... . 283, 329 Maughn , Jomes Dav id . . . . . 210 McCausland , Dione . . .. ........... 403 Ma lin, Cecel ia Doro thea ...... 275 , 287 Me llard, Jomes Atwood . 140, 386, 556 Mallernee, Jack ie Lou ... ... . ... .. . 456 Mollett, Lula Ann .. ........... ... 612 Mollett, Poul D.....•..•.... .... . 246 Ma lley, Carolyn Sarah .. 297, 440, 571 Moll icote , Jomes Mcleon . .... .. ... .COO Mallory, Poul D. .. ............... 425 Mallow, lorry B... .......... ..... 410 Molloy, Constance . .. .. . .. ... 270, 509 Molloy, Janet Gayle .. .. ....... .. . 509 Ma lmgren, Phoebe Ann ..... .. 366, 464 Marshall , Will iam D.......... 211, 223 Ma rs hall , Wm. Horbert . 142, 223 , 295, 296, 310, 386, 509 Marshman , Jon Cam ill e . . . . . . . . . . . 531 Mortel, Judy El odie ....... , .. 377, 453 Mortel, W illiam Gory .... , ....... 406 Marlen, Judith Pearl . .... 194, 345, 572 Mort in, Berniece K . . . ..... . . . ..... 359 Mortin, Betty Ann M. . .. .. ..... . .. 531 Mort in, Betty Max ine . . ...... . . ... 572 Mortin, D. H., Jr . . . . . ............. 71 Mort in, Donny Adrion .. . . .... . .... 235 Mauk, Georgeann . .... .. 289, 439, 542 Mouldin, Michael l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321 Mo ul din, Stanley Holl . ............. 81 Maup in, Pamela ....... ... ........ 556 Moura , Fronk Lou is . .... . 198, 214 1 271 Moury, Donna Ga il ..... .. ... 441 , 556 Mauzey, Stephen Edward ... . . . . ... 265 Ma •ey, Edward E., IV ...... .. .... 223 Ma.ey, lorry Kent .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. 461 Mo xey, Lindo Joyce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542 Ma•ey, W illiam T . ... . .. 247, 296, 510 Ma xon, Earl Holbert ............. . 420 McCausland, Nita Lynn .... . .. 365, 510 McCausland, Suellen ..... 365, 403, 556 McCla in, Dione An ita ..... .. . ..... 369 McCla in, Michael S. .. ............ 417 McCla in, Susan ........ . .......... 510 McClonohon , Mory Janet .......... 556 McClonohon , William I. . . ......... 510 McCleary, Donald Clerk . 285, 428, 572 McClellan, David Arthur .... .. 294, 572 McClellan, W illiam Morrison . 235, 572 McClelland, John S . ... .. 234, 235, 241 McClelland, Mory Lou ............. 196 Molone, Abreren io Elna ....... .. .. 289 Molone, Benny ..... .......... 292, 509 Malone , James Michael ........... . 256 Malone , Jimm ie Lynn .... ....... . . 277 Molone, Lynn Wade .. , . .. . ... 217, 216 Mol one, Martha Ann . . ....... . .... .401 Malone , Pat Evans .......... ...... 571 Mo lane , Patr ici a Ruth .......•.. . .. 289 Molone, Robert lorry .. ... .•. .. .. 217 Molone, Robert W., Jr.... . . • ..... 509 Maltsberger, Molly E . ... .... . . . .. . 250 Maly, Carolyn El izabeth ......... . . 531 Monohan, Solly Whiteside . . ....... 298 Mancha , Dolores Roberta ... . ...... 462 Manchester, Victo ria l. . 418, 419, 509 Mancias, Do lores J. . ..... ...... . .. 531 Mandel , Rene Lynn ........ ..... .. 345 Mondell , lewis ................... 291 Monger, Charlotte ................ 454 Manhart , Karen Irene . .... ... 341, 509 Mank ins, Michael Stanley ... , . ..... 284 Manley, lorry Poul ...... .... . 428, 542 Manley , Leon .. .. . . .... .... . ..... . 71 Manley, Walker D., Jr..... .... .. . 542 Manly, Wolter Morion, IV .... 216, 294 Monn, Barbra Deen .. ... 194, 275 , 287, 307, 453, 571 Mann , Bert Allen , Jr . .... . ....... . 556 Monn, Deb ro Jeon . 194, 307, 453, 571 Monn , Patr icio E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289 Monn , Saro Nancy ..... : .......... 369 Mann ing , Cothryne Ann .... , .. 343, 571 Mann ing , Jeon l. ...... ......... .. 436 Mann ing, Richard Jomes .. . .... . : . . 223 Manny, Benjam in l. , Jr. .... . . 294 , 479 Monroe, Beverly Ann ....... .. 353, 571 Mansfield, Elwyn V. . ...... . ...... 531 Monson, Arthur James, 111 .. 328, 431 , 509 Monson, George lee ..... 430, 431 , 326 Monson, Richard Evans ... . ... 326, 431 Monsuvan, Prasad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483 Montooth, Janet Angeleno .... 2B9, 471 Montooth, lovillo Ann .....•.. 230, 377 Manzer, Chris Dano . . ... . ........ . 509 Mopes, Julie Ann ........... . 292, 509 Marabella, Mory Anne .... . ... . . . . 453 Marable, Cathy Ann ..... 234, 235, 2B7 Moroble, Charles Douglas . . . . . 542 Mort in, Dorothy . .. . ... .. • . ... 439, 45 1 Mort in, Freder ick W . . ... . . . . . .. ... 483 Mortin, Gayle P.. ..... ........ ... 247 Mort in, G. Patrick ..... .. . ... ..... 267 Mort in, Groziello M . ........ . ... .. 462 Mort in, Harr iet Harper .. 226, 351, 556 Mort in, Jomes Owen ......... . .... 483 Mort in, Jone E . .... . . . . . . . ....... 509 Mort in, Joanne Kay ............... 408 Mortin, Ke ith Douglas ....... . .... . 389 Mortin, Lindo Jo ....... .... .. 377, 556 Mortin , Louise Dee .......... .. . 572 Mortin, Mory Catherine . 241, 275, 556 Mortin, Mory K. . ............. . ... 509 Mort in, Michael Terry . . ...... 389, 556 Mart in, Nancy Ann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371 Mortin, Pot .. .. ... ... ... ...... . . . 267 Mortin, Peggy Joyce ....... ... 456, 572 Mort in, Quentin Ware .. .. .. .. 115, 509 Mortin, Raymond John, Jr. . . 214, 288, 295, 412, 413, 509 Mortin, Stephen E. . .... . .... ... .. 262 Mortin, William Michael . .. . .. .. . . 236 Mort inec, Johnny lee ............. 509 Mortinez, Alex Nelson ...•..... ....509 Mort inez , Elod ia G. . .. .. ... .. .... 509 Mortinez, Fred, II I .............. . 542 Mor tinez, Guadalupe T... .... 276, 531 Mort inez, Johnny Luis ........... .. 556 Mart inez, Pioqu ento R., Jr . ........ 294 Martinez , Sandro Ort iz . . .. . ....... 542 Mort inez, Vivi an . . .. ......... .... . 470 Mort in ez , Yvonne Ortiz ... .. . ...... 54'2 Martyn , Lo rra ine . . ..... . . , ... 451, 572 Marye , Virgin ia Leigh ............. 371 Mose, John Russell, Jr....... . .... . 542 Moshot, Mohammed A.......... . . . 274 Mosley, David Allen ... ... ........ 556 Mason, Jomes Lowell, II I .. . .. 389, 509 Ma son, Jomes N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509 Mason, Michael Hugh . . ...... ... . . 420 Mason, W illiam Frankl in ...... 385, 542 Massengale , Patr icia Carol .. 189, 272, 282, 463, 556 Massengale, Rikki Gregg .. .. ...... 141 Massengale , Susan Dione .. . ....... 470 Massey, Re x Dewayne . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572 Mass ingill, Joyce Morita .. .. ...... . 542 Most, lorry Bundy ... ........... .. 216 Maxwell , Beverly ................. 361 Mo.well, Georg ia E . ....... .. 194, 355 Maxwell , Jan ice lee ........... ... 510 Maxwell, Richard Dixon ...... 201 , 247, 296, 403 Maxwell , Robert Nolan . .. .... 403, 542 Maxwell , William Brett . 235, 416, 556 Mo•well, William D . . ......... . ... 510 Moy, Coy lewis .......... . .. .. ... 510 Moy , Dav id S. Moy, Franc is Burns . ........... . ... 295 Moy, F. B......... .......... ..... 288 Moy, Fred E . .... ............ 198, 288 Moy , Henry Stratford, Jr. . ......... 437 Moy, Mory Coro! W ............... 240 Moy, Mory Virginie ...... . ... 465, 556 Moy , Monty Rex .................. 478 Moy, Nancy Kathryn . .. ... .... .. .. 377 Moy, Suzanne .. . . .............. .. 451 Moyer, Janet Mcloughlin . .... 359, 451 , 572 Moyer, Lawrence Clark . . . . . . . . . . . 295 Moyer, Leah Barbaro ... ..... .... .. 556 Moyer, Randolph Annon ...... 420, 542 Moyes, Mallory Wendell ... . . .. .. .. 223 Moyes, Vivion Lucille .... 338, 349, 470 Mayfair House .... . ..... . . ... 458, 459 Mayfield, Eleonor Jeon ....... 349, 542 Mayfield, Patricio A...... .... 207, 373 Mayfield, Robert Usher •. . .... 397, 542 Mayhall, David Jos. T . .... .. . 247, 261 Maynord, Elizabeth, Mrs.•.. . . ..... 403 Mayne, Merry C. . .... .. .. ........ 357 Mayne, Solly Ann .... .... . ... 357, 572 Maynord, Christopher .... 201 , 223, 510 Mayo, Albert Earl . . ...... ........ 542 Mayo, Joe Mc Gee, Jr. . 296, 436, 510 Mayo, John Byron ...... . 194, 476, 572 Mayo, Maida Lynn . . . ... .......... 556 #.oys, Anthony Azorioh ........... . 572 Mays, Cheryl Ann ...... ..... . 365, 542 Mays, Cynthia ......... . .. .. . 373, 542 Mays, Jerold Polk ..... .. 294, 431 , 572 Mays, John Warren .......... 322, 329 Mayton, Harvey lee .......... 265, 542 Mazur, Jan is I. ................... 374 Mazzogotti, Barbaro Ann ..... 453, 572 McAdam, Den ise Gaye . 337, 373, 428, 531 McCleskey, John David ....... . . . . . 542 McCleskey, Robert A ........ . . 198, 510 McCl intock, Mory Ann ... . .... ..... 365 McCloud, Alyce Verindo . .... . 455, 572 McClughon, George W., Jr........ 336 McClung, Michael Claude ..... 420, 556 McClure , Dennis Payne ............ 542 McClure, Jomes Shelton, Jr . . . 418, 556 McClure , Michael James . 260, 265, 542 McCo in, Susan Lynn ... . .... ... . . . 510 McColl om, Morino E. . .... .. . ..... 445 McCollum , Jomes Horace .... . •.... 265 McCollum, l. F. .. ..... ........... 302 McCollum, William S..... . . ...... 246 McCombs, Mich lee . ..... .. ....... 531 Mccommons , Bruce Edward . ..•.... 332 McConnell, F. C . ... . ... ......... .. 25 McConnell, Rolph E., Jr. . .. . . . . .. . 335 McConnell, Mrs. F. C...... . ...... 465 McCord , Virg inia Helen ...... . .. .. 510 McCormack, Jomes Hill ........ . ... 556 McCorm ick, Deborah .. . . 343, 438, 456, 556 McCormick, Mike &en nett ... . ... . .. 431 McCormick, Patrick lee ..••••.. ... 426 McCormick, Poul Edward .... . ..... 309 McCorm ick, Stanley E., Jr.. . .. 327, 510 Mccoulskey, Rita Kathryn .......... 542 McCown, Cynthia Louise ...... 456, 572 McCown, William Robert ..... 2S6, 542 McCoy, Charlotte 0 ....... . ... . . . . 293 McCoy, Dono Id Wayne ........ .. .. 398 McCoy, Jomes David .. .. 221, 283, 326 McCoy, Noel Holt ....... . ........ 4B3 McCoy, Sharron K...... . .. .. ..323, 3S7 McCracken, Judith Lynn . ...... 235, 240 McCrow, Lynn Wade . .. ... . . .. .. . . 279 McCrow, Ronald Kent .. 207, 216, 265, 556 McCreary , Jomes Leo . . . . . . . . . 247, 296 McCrory, Jennifer A. . ....•. ....... 238 McCrum , Kerry Cl inton .... ... ..... 556 McCrum, Richard Douglas .......... 429 McCu istion, Jerry Wayne .......... 572 McCullen, George O 'Connor ..... .. 26S McCullen , Patrice Eileen .......... 556 McCull ick, Lynda loel ........ 341 , 572 McCulloch, Amy Virginie .. . ... 357, 556 McCullough, Edward Allen, Jr. •.... 295 Marable, Poul Davis, II I ...... 236, 420 Marburger, Alon Kieth . . ...... 217, 222 Marburger, Thomas Edward .. 265, 335 Marcum , Denna Dee .. . .. . . . . . . .. . 419 Marcus, Gory Ma•well .....•.. 425, 542 Marcus, Gory Wayne ........ , .. 82, 83 Marcus, Glenn Joy . . ..... , ... 432, 571 Marcus, Susan Carol . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345 Mord111wa10, Purwonto . ... . .. 225, 509 Marek, Joseph Thelson, 11 ........ . 556 Marek, Moldred Morie .. . ..•.•. , . .. 235 Morak, Robert Charles . . ...... 216, 542 Maresh, Lynda D. . ... . . , ...... .. .. 250 Margo, Alfonso E......... . ....... 542 Morga, Rocho rd l. .. ..... .. ..... .. 509 Morgol os, 8orry Howard ..• . .. 171, 180, 303, 339, 415, 483 Morgol1 1, Ronald Alon 415 Morgosh, Ronette Emily •..••• . 236, 509 Most, Mory El izabeth .. 323, 369, 378, 542 Masten, Michael K. . ... , . , , , .. , .. . 247 Mastenbrook, John Logan . .•..... . . 112 Masters, Gregory Bruce ....... 227, 531 Masters , Robert Wesley ........... 572 Masterson, Thomas C. • • . •.... 210, 246 Mastin, Patr icia Gene ............. 413 Masudi, Houshong . ... . ... 85 , 228, 254 Motejowsky, Alon Bruce •..•••. 220, 296 Motejowsky, David Lynn ..•........ 277 Moth, Keith A . .............. 184, 262 Matherne , Cynthia Anne .......... . 456 Mathews, Donna Margaret , •.. 262, 299, 309, 311 Mo thews, Poul Doniel ............ . 329 Mathews, Ruth Doane .... 265, 311 , SS6 Mo th is, Arthur Tobin .............. 612 Mothos, George Gilbert . . ........ . 321 McAdams, Helen Louise ....... 224, 556 McAdams, Von Doak, II I ....... . .. 294 McAdoo, Koy .......... ..... ..... 542 McA fee , Loretto Marguerite ........ 542 McAfee, Phyllis Louro .. . ......... . 456 McAI is ter, Jock Wolter ....... 396, 572 McAlister, John Eugene .......... . 510 McAll is ter, Martha Lou . 234, 235, 241, 510 McAllister, Ruth Jeanne E......... 234 McAlpin, Kenneth C............. . . 425 McAlpin, Peter Alon ...... .. ...... 425 McAlpine, Frances E. . ..... • ... . . . 194 McAnolly, Soroh Virgi nia .. .. . 3S7, 444 McArdle, Jomes lee .... . 434, 435, 556 McBirney , Anne. Louise ... , ... .. ... 556 McBr ide, Drucilla Corinne ..... 468, 470 McBride, Marcia Ann .. . . 271 , 297, 440, 572 McCullough, Kenneth 8 . ..• ... ..... 327 McCullough, Lindo N... .... •. 371 , 510 McCune, Donald Bruce ..... . .....• 284 McCurley, Mory Deborah ...... 377, 451 McDonald, Eugene Chester •....•... 398 McDan ie l, Charles , Mrs . ........... 289 McDaniel, Dovid Lynn ...•••••••••• 542 McDaniel, Ellen E. . ........ . .. . .. 251 McDaniel, Jomes Roy •.. , 288, 29S, SlO McDan iel , Jam ie Rae ............. 542 McDaniel, Kathleen Sue ........•.. 5•2 McDaniel, Stanley Chomp ......... 140 McDovid, John R. . ....... . ... 276, 510 McDavitt, Lindo .... 265, 299, 309, 311, 449 McDermott, Make, Jr........... . .. 301 McDermott, Sandro El izabeth ..•... 26S, 311 , 454, SlO McDonald, Andrew Dan ..... .....• Sl 0 59b ---,._,,,,,__ I I . Nome Pages Nome Pages Nome Pages Nome Pages McDonold, Bruce A...... 234, 235, 4B3 McKenzie, Cecil Leon, Jr . ..... 326, 477 Meodows, Henry Edward, Jr. ....... 288 Meyers, Charles l. ..... .. .. ...... . 415 McDonald, Genie ...... . .......... 194 McKenzie, Del Harrington .... . 220, 478 Meodows, John Buford ......... . . . 409 Meyers, Jomes ...... . ... .. .. .. .... 274 McDonald, Jomes ................. 236 McKenz ie, Melissa .... .. ........ 449, 359 Means, Jomes H., Jr. . .... ... . 140 , 310 Meyers, John Morch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402 McDonald, Joy Lynn .. ... 357, 453, 572 McKenz ie, Robert Lorry ....... 265, 542 Means, Sharron Ann . . . ......... .. 556 Meyers, Mory Jone ........... 275, 287 McDonold, Jerry Von .............. 217 McKenzie , Lt. Col. Wallace 334 Medlin, Cynthia Ann ......... 441, 315 Michael, Janetta ........•.•.. 369, 572 McDonold, Joe Bailey ............. 531 McKetto, Robert Andrew ...... 223, 294 Medrano, Juan, Jr. . ........... ... 476 Michaelsen , Susan Deloyne 543 McDonald, John Bal lord ........... 426 McKimmey, Gerold Fronk ... ... .. . 312 Meehan, Helen R. 366, 417, 531 Michaelson , Frances Carol . . .. 345, 572 McDonald, Johnnie B..... 350, 351, 510 McKinley, Mory Lynn ...... ........ 371 Meehan, Richord Thomas ...... 394, 572 Michalke, Arnold D. . .... ......... 511 McDonald, Koren Ann ........ 369, 572 McKinley, Patricio An 355, 511 Meek, Jomes C. ........ ..... ..... 220 Micheletti, Barbara Sharon 572 McDonold, Korlynn ................ 279 McKinney, Charles Weldon .... 397, 542 Meeker, David Morquis 236, 237, 241, Michno, Judith Ann 293, 453, 483 McDonold, Mortho Elizabeth 289, 373, 403, 556 McKinney, Mock Hugh ......... 71, 310 Michno, William Lynn .... .... 336, 572 556 McKinney, Michoel W...•...... . . 409 Meeker, Robert Edword, Jr. .. 403, 511 Mickel, Andrew Brion ... , .. ... .. .. 294 McDonald, Rondo! Scott ... . . 332, 478, Ronald 416, 417, Meeks, Elizobeth 297, 341 Alon ...... 386, 543 McKinney, l. 511 Julie Mickish, Sort . . .. . 572 McKinney, Vicki Rochel 556 Meerscheidt, Kothleen Clyde ...... . 542 Micklethwoll, Dwight Bruner .. 219, 557 McDonold, Thomas Joseph, 111 325, McKinnon, Stephen G . . .. ..... 398, 399 Mees, David Foster . . ........ .. ... 383 Micklethwoit, Jomes 293, 511 437, 572 McKnight, Sondra Leo . . . . . 366 Megahan , Michael lorry .. ..... ... . 479 Miclette, David Gregory . ... . 420 ...... McDonold, Vero Melinda 366, 556 McKown, Ado Jeon . . .... 194, 355, 572 Megoson, Judy Jona ire .. 297, 440, 572 Middendorf, Patricia G . .... ... .. .. 440 McDonell, John Chorles R.......... 238 McKown , Jerry Lynn .............. 511 Mehl, Dione Jone ....... 288, 295, 363 Middlebrooks, Melonie .. .... ...... 343 McDowell, Kothryn l. . . . . . . . . . . . . 366 Mcloughlin, Borboro Koy .. .. . 287, 572 Mehl, Ello Ruth . . . . . 374, 556 Middleton, Gordon Waldon, Jr. 234, McDowell, Tomm ie Jeon 453 , 572 Mcloughl in, Chorles Coy . .... .. . .. 556 Mehr, Louro lee 230, 357, 451 , 556 260, 265, 266, 278, 543 McDowell, Wm. Campbell 510 Mcloughlin, Jomes M . .... ......... 511 Mehta , Dineshchondro .. ..... ...... 32 1 Middleton, Nannette ........... .. . 572 McDuff, John Covell 412, 413 Mcloughlin, Robert C. .....•... . .. 511 Meinert, Betty Louise ........ .. ... 556 Middleton, Wm. Mork .. . ....... ... 313 McElroy, David William ...... 256, 531 Mcloughlin, Susan C. 353 Meinke, Thomas Bruce 413, 556 Midkiff, Koren .. .. .. .. . . ... . ... .. . 430 McElroy, Joe Poul ......... .. 223, 531 Mcleon, Jomes Ivan ....... . , .... . 295 Meinstein, Rochelle Libby 556 Miegel, W il liam Robert .. . .. .. 389, 572 McElwroth , Gail Elizabeth ....... . . 456 Mcleon, Lindo Jo . . .... . ..... 323, 542 Meinzer, Curtis Muri ........ . 336, 572 Miertschin, William R. ..... . . 211, 223 McEnery, Seth Ellen .... 249, 469, 472, Mcleon, Michoel Roy ......... 429, 196 Meisel, Sue Ann ............. 338, 379 Miguro, Anthony Peter .. ...... 420, 572 510 Mcleon, Peggy M. 355 Meisenheimer, Lindo Foy 445, 531 Mikeska, Mortho l. B . .. ...... .. . .. 511 McEnery, Goy Emily ...... ........ 472 Mcleon, Robert Alexonder .. 216, 294, Meismer, Mory Christine 252, 462, 542 Mikesko, Morvin Roy, Jr. 286, 322, McEn iry, Jomes Brion ...... . . ..... 386 572 Meister, lelond Austin 294 323 , 327, 511 McEntee, $uJ;on Meridee .. . . ....... 451 McClellan, Lucille . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442 Meitzen, Blocker Dodson ..... 230, 239, Mikesko, Matthew Brion ......... .. 379 Mc Ever, Michael David ... .. ....... 556 McClellond, John . . . . . . . 278 262 Miles, Bloke Turner ...... .. ....... 429 McEvoy, Alfred Potrick, Jr. 420, 572 Mclelland, Mortho Lois ..... ...... 419 Melbert, Jomes Bruce ...... .. ..... 435 Miles, Ronold Wayne ..... .... 399, 543 McEvoy, Dionne 365, 408, 453, 556 Mclelland, Stanley Louis 203, 273, Melcer, Eleonor ........... . . ... .. 289 Miles, Ruth Ann .......... ... 475, 543 McEvoy, Jonothon C., Jr. ..... ..... 409 418 Melcher, Muriel Joy 293, 345, 511 Mileti, Otto Joseph, Ill ..... . 407, 572 Mcleod, Gail Leo 371 Miley, David lee ................. 572 McFarland, Doris Ann , ............ 531 Melde , Keene Gordon 477, 572 McFarland, Frances 0 . ..... ....... 510 McMahon, Lindo Koy ........ 355, 556 Mellichomp, Morsho Ruth .......... 556 Mil lord, Stephanie A......... 511, 369 Mcforlond, Mock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 McMahon, Suson Koy ......... 465, 556 Melo, Niels Somuel ...... ......... 328 Miller, Alon More .. . .. . ...... 41 5, 557 Mcfarland, Mory l. ...... ..... ... . 359 McMohon, Setty Gaye 359, 511 Melone, Melindo Morie 275, 287, 572 Miller, Alfred Earl ...... . . ....... 543 McFarland , Michael Wayne ..... ... . 85 McMohon, Coralyn Cliett ... . . 373, 556 Melot, June Ann ........... 252, 451 Miller, Barbaro Goil 439, 572 Mcforling, Horry W . .............. 510 McMahon, Don iel Dav id ... ........ 398 Melton, Donna Lyn ..... 297, 366, 440, Miller, Charles Milton, Jr. 265 Mcfatter, Joe Horry, Jr. 229, 335 McMahon , Jomes Michael ......... . 399 572 Miller, Charles Roy, Jr. 214, 511 Mcfeeley, Neil Douglas 294, 476, 572 McMahon, Zelma l. .......... .... . 511 Melton, Lindo Ann ......... ....... 337 Miller, Claire Ann . .... . 269, 272 , 293, Mcferr?n, Judith V. 289, 439 McMonus, David Carroll ......... . . 214 Melton, Roeber! Elman .....•..... . 572 371, 511 Mcfetndge, Charles D........ 283, 510 McMoth , Frances l., Sr. ... ......... 28 Melton, Susan Jone . ...... .. ..... . 249 Miller, Cynthia Joy .... ... ... 345, 572 McGoho, Diano Koy 366, 510 McMoth, Fronce• l. .. .... 269, 373, 511 Melton, Williom Couch ............ 273 Miller, Doryl Morie .......... 359, 511 McGarvey, Robert Burton .. ........ 572 McMoth, Hugo Lyon . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295 Melville, Clyde 8., Jr......... 404, 542 Miller, David Elton ............... 214 McGovern, Jomes lewis ......... . . 271 McMoughan, Margaret Anne ... ... . 556 Melville, Ronald Jene . . . . . . . . . 542 Miller, Donna Vee ..... .... ..... .. 377 McGovern , Maureen l. ....... . .. . . 271 McMeons, Seth Alon ........... ... 542 Men 's Counci l . ....... .. .......... 469 Miller, Emmett Jackson 131, 429, 557 McGehee, Locy ................... 369 McMillon, Anne Blythe ........ .... 373 Men's Glee Club ................. 239 Miller. Ethel lemoe .. ........ 451, 572 McGehee, Nancy Koy .. 262, 265, 266, McMillan, Lindo ...................289 Men's Residence Holls 460, 461 Miller, Floyd Robert .......... .... 223 311, 542 McMillan, Richard Taylor 398, 399 Mendell , Barbara Vernon ... . ...... 371 Miller, Henry Alexander, II 426, 572 McGhee, Robert H. 320, 437 McMillan, William Charles ........ 511 Mendel I, John l. .......... . ... .. . 225 Miller, Jomes Leslie Manning, Jr. 572 McGdl, lorry Dodson ............. 572 McMillion, Meredith C. 371 Mendenhall, Jomes Dovis ..... 418, 556 Miller, Jerold Potrick ........ . 332, 572 McGill, lourilynn .... ............. 287 McMinn, Vernon lee 286, 331 Mendez, Oscar Mortinez .. , ... ..... 277 Miller, John D..... .... ...... 211, 223 McGHI, Leigh Craig ..... 265, 294, 331 McMullen, Denise ..... .......... .. 287 Mendoza, Alicia E . . .. ........ .. .. 511 Miller. Joseph David ............ . . 294 McGill, Morgoret Ann ............. 556 McMurrey, Robert Millard ..... 225, 385 Mendozo, Rose Mory ......... 441, 542 Miller, Joyce Susan ... .. ...... .... 345 McG ilvray, Dav id ........... ..... . .(76 McMurry, Fronn Koy .......... 343, 542 Menear, Linda Koy ....... ........ 445 Miller, Kenneth D................. 223 McGilvroy, William Gory ..... 216, 556 McMurtry, Morilynn 369, 531 Mengel, Rolph Hain, 11 ....•...... 288 Miller, Kenneth Roy ..... ......... 572 McGinnis, William Michael, Jr . .... 294, McMurtry, Michael lee 409 Menhord, Margaret Louise 287, 439 Mil ler, leedee Jo .. ..... .... . 287, 572 379 McNollie, Guy Victor, Ill ... 220, 418, Mensing, John F . .. 226, 288, 295, 511 Miller, Lindo Goil ........... 341, 557 McG inty, Denise Ann ....... .... . .. 4-'0 556 Menzies, Tyro Jan ....... . .... 365 , 543 Miller, Lou is Coving ton .... ..... . . 572 McGinly, Lindo Kathleen . .. .. . . ... 572 McNomoro, Joseph Bernard, Jr. .... 271 , Meraz, Dora Al icia . ... ......... . . 441 Miller, Margaret A . . . . ............ 353 McGivney, Marilyn Ann ........... 510 542. Mercado, Ted A.................. 377 Mill er, Marilyn lee ......... ..... . 371 McGloshon, Robert, Jr. ... ......... 295 McNott, Rondoll ... ..... . 417 Mercer, Koy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421 Miller, Jo 359, 557 Wolloce Marjorie .. ........ McGlothlin, Mortho . . ........ 298, 510 McNeol, William Michael .. ... ... . 335 Mill er, Mox Karlson . . . . . . . . . . . . 295 Mercer, Lawrence William .. .. 403, 572 McGovern, Fronk P...... 286, 327, 510 McNeel, l ineo Ann 347, 542 Miller, Peggy Jeon .......... . 439, 543 Mercer, Susan Jane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361 McNeely, David Coy 232, 327, 531 Miller, Rolph I rod ...... 286, 293, 322, McGowan, Sorboro E.......... . ... 426 Mercer, Thomas Fronk .... . ...... . . 389 McGown, Kathleen Anne ........ . . 373 McNeff, Michael Nichols ..... . 397, 511 325, 396, 397 Mercio, Patricio Adrienne .... . . ... 572 McNeil, Gertho Ann ........ ...... 475 Miller, Ricky lee ................. 531 McGroth, Anne M................. 510 Meredith, Charles Edward ......... 228 McNeil, Rita Jewel ............... 470 Miller, Rochelle S . .. .. . . ........ . 345 McGroth, W il liam Holliday ........ 385 Meredith, Christine Ann .... .. ..... 572 McNeil, Robert Edwin ............. 572 Miller, Ronald A..... . .. 2B6, 326, 511 McGraw, Stephen Clyde ......... . . 379 Meredith, Jimmie Lan ell ... . . .• .... 215 McNeil I, Dove E., 111 ........ 425, 511 Miller, Samuel Joseph ......... .. .. 394 McGregor, Thomas Sandy .... 196, 282, Meredith, Mory Rogers . ......•. . .. 293 394, 556 McNe ill , Louro Evans .... .... ..... 463 Mill er, Stephen Andrew ..... .. 294, 418 Meredith, Norvol Dee ............. 511 McGulfin, Alice Kathryn ........... 542 McNeil!, Mory Lu ................. 287 Miller, T. A.. Ill ................. 321 McNeil!, Robert Edwin .... . ....... 265 Miller, Trent Harrison ........ 294 , 572 Meriwether, Judy Ann .. ....... .... 366 McGuinnes, Cpl. Richard J. . . 334, 229 Merklein, Nancy Jane ..... . ....... 451 McNeil I, Williom Alexander ....... 295 Miller, Tricia Ha rriette ..... .. ... .. 374 McGuire, Ben Taylor . .. ..... ..... . 235 Merrill, Dav id D . ........... ... ... 223 Miller, Vivian Morie . . ....... . .... 287 McGuire, Claire Demarse . . ..... . .. 542 McNevin , Anita Louise ....... 253 , 542 Merrill, Phyllis Ann ........... ... . 377 .......... McGuire, Claudio Kathryn ... . 235, 234 McNicholos, Jomes Donald, Jr. .... 425, Miller, Wolter Lawrence 277 Merriman, Morion E . ......... 373, 419 572 Millicon, John Michael ..•.... 386, 543McGuire, Dorothy Gayle ....•. 343, 572 Merritt, Jomes Honsel ..... 81, 420, 572 McNutt, lollo Elizabeth 371, 419, 556 Milligan, Connie Roberto ..... 365, 543 McGuire, Scott T. 246 Merritt, Nancy Lynn ... .. 194, 289, 357 McNutt, Pamela Ann ..... 361, 436, 556 Milligan, Teresa Ann ......... 323, 456 McGuire , Willi am Wayne ...... . ... 403 Merriweather, Linda Louise . ..... . . 475 McNutt, Stormy Jone ... .. ........ 421 Millin, John Andrew, 111 ...... 435, 543 McHon, Jomes Oliver, Jr . . ..... . . .. 572 Mertens, Ida Jeon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511 McNutt, Thomas Carlton ..... 223, 400, Milling, Foith ..... ...... 257, 355, 557McHenry, Christopher Jock .... 454 , 531 Merubio, Moises Albert ...... ..... . 236 572 Milling, Martha Alene ............. 451 McHollond, John S............ . .. . 219 Merville, lorry Joe ....... . ...... . 302 McNutt, William Anthony ..... 437, 511 Milliren, Leslie l. .... ........ 235, 299 McHone, Michael Roy ............. 239 Mery, Fred Joseph ................ 325 McQueen, Marilyn Dee .. . ......... 445 Mills, Elizabeth Anne ............. 511 Mcilva in, Rose Ann ...... 262, 311, 347 Mery, Poul Korom, Jr. .. . . .... .... 325 McRae, Robert C. . . .... ...... .... 327 Mills, George Franklin, Jr. ........ 531 Mcilwain, Hugh T., Jr. 201, 256, 247, Messenger, Lowry Jonathan ... . .... 294 McReynolds, Stephen Hole •........ 389 Mills, Peggy Jon ................. 197 296 Messenger, Owen Richard .... . 288, 295 McReynolds, W illiam E., 11 .. 294,, 572 Mills, Robert John, Jr. .. 229, 334, 335 Mcin tire, Doris Lynn ....... , . 319 , 511 Metcalfe, Ric hard Earl ... . ........ 543 Mc Roberts, Janet ... ... ..... ... ... 307 Mills, Roy lee, Jr. ... ... ..•.. 477, 543 Mcint ire, Patricio Lynn , ........... 556 Methvin, Stephen Don .... . .. .... . . 572 Mcintosh, Gory David ...... .. .... . 556 Metzger, Barbaro lee ........ 314, 557 McShone , Michael B. . . . .......... 511 Milner, William lee . .. .. ...... .. . 511 McSpodden, Frances Morion ........ 542 Milosevich, Nick John .... 402, 403, 511 Mcintosh, Henry F........ .. . . .... 397 Metzger, Bonnie Dee ... , .......... 557 Mcintosh, Jomes Ronald ........... 277 Metzroth, Carl Francis ............ 335 McSporron, Williom E., 111 ........ 220 Milstead , Margie Lynn ..... ... .... 511 McSwo in, Reta Joyce . . . . . . . . . . . . . 556 Mims, Charles Arthur ........ ...... 293 Mel ntosh, Mory Ann .............. 542 Metzroth, Cla ire Wayne ....... . . .. 543 McSweeney, Josie C., Mrs. . ....... 249 Mims, Donald Brook 379, 543 ... . ..... . McVey, Lynda Koy . . .... . 235, 299, 531 Mims, Edward Trow ...... . ... 131, 5S7 Mcintyre, Kothryn Joyce 306, 351, 556 Meyer, Charlotte Lucille .. ... 275, 287, Mcintyre, Morion Rose . ....... .... 289 369 McWotten, Michoel Russell . . 426, 542 Mciver, Dione B..... . ........ 87, 197 Meyer, Cynthia J . . .. .... .... . 377, 511 Mims, Patricia A . ............. . ... 355 McWhirter, Dione .. ....... ... 289, 352 Mciver, Joanne .............. 365, 572 Meyer, Gregory Monroe 283, 336, 557 Mims, Robert W.............. .... 511 McWhirter, Michael Edwin .... 409, 572 McKay, Gerry Lynn ............... 511 Meyer. Hazel Melinda . . 236, 299, 419 Minch, Elizobeth Jeon ............ . 456 McKay, Kathryn .........••... . , , , 572 McWhirter, Sharon Ann ........... 250 Meyer, Heinz E . .......... ... 225, 377 Mindok, William A... ... , .... 212, 290 McKay, Robert Charles ............. 71 McWhorter, Chorlotte V........... 377 Meyer, Jock Lee ............. 283, 325 Minger, Janice l ee ............ .. . 441 McKean, Richord Allen, Jr. .... 265, 556 McWhorter, Ted Allon .... .. .. 229, 335 Meyer, Jon Wayne ................ 413 Minnick, Dono Id John . .. . . ... 295, 483 McKean, Skyler Lomor .......... . . 572 McWilliams, Gloria Jeanette ..... .. 295 Meyer, Lorry Earl . ... ... ..... 273, 511 Minshew, Jomes Marlen . . ..... 437, 572 McKee, Cassondra Lu .... 207, 366, 556 McWillioms, Jock Bryon 225, 425, 556 Meyer, Poul Edword ..... 112, 432, 511 Minter, Janet Moceachin .......... 288 McKee, Lindo Louise .... 235, 236, 438, McWillioms, Kenneth Ripley 106, 420, Meyer, Philip Gilbert ............. 389 Mintz, Ronald Stephen ............ 422 453 556 Meyer, Richord Woyne 179, 196, 218, Minyard, Vickie l. 8.............. 512 McKee, Steven Droke ........ . 400, 572 McWillioms, Mike C.......... 194, 556 219, 222, 543 Minyard, William A.. Ill ... . 198, 226, McKee, Suzan Carol .. ....... .. . .. 542 Meade, Jacqueline Ann .... .. .. ... . 361 Meyer, Robert S............ . 327, 339 246, 512 McKelvy, Barbaro Lynnette .... 451, 572 Meaden, Thomas F........... 425, 531 Meyer. Robert William ....... 437, 543 Minyard, William Byron 326, 384, 385 McKenno, Charles Terence ......... 556 Meodor, Charles l. ............... 267 Meyerhoff, Ko thy .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 250 Mir, Gosper, Ill ........... ... .... 271 McKenno, Harriet Susan ........... 572 Meador, Joseph Michael ..... .. ... 418 Meyers, Alon Hoge ........... 418, 572 Miranda, Lindo Ann R. .... ... . .... 474 McKenno, Morie H . ............... 511 Meador, Robert D., Jr . ............ 511 Meyers, Barbara ... .. .... , ... ..... 274 Miro-Quesada, Victor .. . ...... 2-46, 512 597 Nome Pages Nome Pog as Nome Pages Nome Pogu Mirza, Sher Al i ...... . . 227, 254 , 483 M isk a, Lawrence Conrad . . .... 389, 557 M is ke ll, Susan Marie . .. ........... 271 Mos lock., Raymond ..... ... . . . 312, 512 Mitcham, Mary Theresa . . . .. . . ..... 512 M itchell, Alv in Leroy .. . .. ........ 4,79 Motchell , Ann Byrd . . . . . . . . . ... 557 Motchell , Borboro Koy . . . . 289, 373, 543 Mitchell , Corol Sue .. ... ...... . ... 475 Mitchell , Earl Eugene, Jr .. . ... . . . . 261 Mi tchell , John Dan iel ....... . ..... 54,3 Molche ll, John Wonsh ip ...... . . . ... 392 M itch ell , Linda Marie ... . ..... . ... 4, 64 Motchell, Mory Jone .. ... 194, 373 , 572 Mitchell , Robert Bruce . . . . ......... 81 M itchell , W ilm er Gera ld, Jr. . . 4,79 M itel mon , M ichael E . .. ... . . ... . .. 512 M ittels taedt, Gerard E. . . .. ....... 27 1 M ize , Louis Edward ..... . .. . . 283 , 326 Moz e, Molly Susan . . . . ... . . .. 451, 572 Mobley, Curt is Do le .... .. . ..... . . 5,.3 Mobley , Harold Roy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265 Mock, Botb ie Sue . . . . . . . . . . . . . 543 Modesette, John Cle rk . . .. . ...... . 217 Modesette , Ric hard Rundle . .. . 216, 325 Modgl ing, Lindo Ru th . . . . . . . . . 474 M oe hlman, Jac'1 uel ine . . .. .. .. 357 , 512 Moeller. Kori Henry ... . ...... 329, 512 Moel I er, Pomelo Koy . . . . ... .. 355, 557 Moerbe, Dovid Noel .. . . . ... . 478 , 512 Moffett, Mory Jo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 557 Moffett, Potricio Ann . . . . . . ... 332, 341 Moffitt, Frederick V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 512 Molfott , Helen V. E.. . . . . . ... . .... 51 2 Mogoi, Richord Hom ilton B . .. 219, 5..3 Mohr, Ronn ie Kori . . ... . ... . .. .. . . 216 Moize, Ann Douglai .. ..... . . .. . . . 359 Moj ica , Pr iscilla 0 ........ .. . 240, 512 Molok, Po tr ick Stephen . .. . .. ..... . 400 Molano , Alpha Omega . ... . . .. .... 441 Molina , Jeue Rodriguez . . . . . . . . . 252 Mol ino , Robert Stephen .. . . . ...... 4, 29 Moline , Sh irley Ann 543 Moller. Dav id Nelson . . 197, 216, 286, 328, 543 Malley, Eileen . . . . ..... .. 441 , 543 Molley, Elaine .... .. .. ... .. . . ... . 289 Mo loney, Evelyn Esta brook . .. . .... 235 Monoqhan , Jerry Wayne .. . . ... .... 2..6 Monahan , Jeonnete Morie . . . . . . . . 456 Moncada , Mario Loura . . . ... . ..... 4, 62 Moncrief, Charlei Begg i ........... 400 Moneyhon , Corl H. . .. ... . . . .... . . .. 84 Moneyhon, Joy Alice T..... .. . .. . . 430 Monken , Arthur George . . .. ... 400, 572 Monkhouie, John Prokop .. .... . .... 222 Monb, W illiam Joieph . . ... ...... . 271 Monro , Mory Sutton .. . . .. . ..... . 4,70 Monroe, Lindo Kathryn .. . ... . 235, 236 Monroe, Mor>ho F..... .... . .. 343, 424 Monroe , Rita Lynne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 512 Montandon , Cynth ia Burnette . . . . 265 Monte ith , Dwight O liver, Jr. . . . . . 180 Moore, Morgoret Sue . . . . . . . . . . . . 341 Moore, Mo ry Ann . .. .... .. ... 455, 51 2 Moore, Melon ie Jeanne .. . .... 337, 355 Moore, M ichael Lynne . . . . . . . . . . . 53 1 Moore , M ichael Roy ..... . . .. . .. .. 55 7 Moore , M ichelle W . . ... .. . . ...... 355 Moore, Nancy Jone .. .... 265, 451, 573 Moore, Notolie Anne . . ... .. .. 37 1, 5..3 Moore, Patr ici o Ann . . . . . . .. . .. . .. 455 Moore , Polly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 Moore , Paulo Marie .. . . . ... . ...... 573 Moore, Ph ilip Edword Pearson ... .. 339, 400, 557 Moore, Phill ip Bo xier 512 Moore , Richard Lee .. ... .. .. . 288, 295 Moore , Robert Allen . . . . . 53 1 Moore , Robert Edward . . . ....... . . 4, 79 Moore, Ronold lee .... . . 436, 437, 543 Moore , Ronald Lou ii ......... .. . . . 222 Moo re , Ro"i e . . ..... . . . .. ... . . . . 3~"1 Moore , Ruth Merc ie ... .. .. ... 297, .C 40 Moore , Soll ie Beth . . . . . . . 292 Moore , Solly Suzonne . . 275 , 287, 366, 453, 573 Moore, Shoron .. . . . 215, 287, 297, 440, 557 Moore, Stephen Thorne ... . . . . 392, 573 Moore, Terry Bob .. . . . . .. .. ... .. .. 140 Moore, Thomas E . . . . . ...... .. . ... 226 Moore, Toni M . . . . .. . .. . .. .... 249 Moore, W ilbu r Ron , Jr. ..... .... . . 392 Moore , W ill iam J. 291 Moore, Wilson Hoys .. . .. 234, 235, 557 Moorheod , Brendo Koy . 266, 26.2 , 289, 311 , 347 Moorhead , Jomei Do n . ... ... .. .. .. 418 Moorman , Marilyn .. . . ...... .. 373 , 421 Moormon , Robert Arthu r . . . . . . . . . . 420 Moos , Marvin Da vid .......... 308 , 531 Moro , Cynthia l. . . . .. . . .... ... .. . 512 Moro , Lindo Dulce .. . . . .... . .... . . 441 Morolei-Webste, Ch arl es .. . ....... 220 Moroles. Anita El izabeth ...... 441 , 543 Morales , Carol Lynn . ... . .. ..... .. 573 Moroles , Diane Koy .. ........ . . .. . 512 Moroles, Marci a Ann . . . . . • . . . . . . 512 Moro n, Ka th leen . . ......... ....... 361 Moron, Kathl een .... . . . . . .... . .. . . 543 Moran , M ichae l Jo hn . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328 Moron, Thomoi Dono Id . . .......... 443 Moravc ik, Alon George . . . . .... 71, 131 Morow, Dennii Anton ... . . .. . . . . . . 512 Morehouie, Soro Ann .... . .. . .. . . . 369 Morehouie, Suion Lyn . . . . ......... 369 Morela nd , Rolph .... . . . . . . . .. . . .. . 302 Moreno, Angeli na Helen ....... . . . . 472 Moreno , Jesuia Herrero . .. . . .. 314 , 455 Moreno, Lou ii Augustus . .. . .. . .... 294 Morey, Ph ilip Stock ton, Jr . .. . . ... . 295 Morey, Richord J.. ...... 229, 335, 413 Morgon, Christine ....... 2Sl , 314, 557 Morgon , Don iel" C. , Jr. (Dr.) ....... 189 Morgon, Donold W...... . .. .. . . .. 132 Morrii, Jerry Lynn .. .. . .. .... 258, 512 Morris, Jo Ann ........ . . 251, 439 , 557 Morris , Karen Ann .. . ...... ... . . . . 378 Morr ii, Kei tha Jone ........... . ... 573 Morrii, Lorry Lee .. . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . 329 Morrii, Lindo Dione . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 557 Morr ii, Lais Angel a . .. ...... .. . . .. 573 Morr ii , Ma rio n Lynn .. ... 354 , 355, 543 Morr ii, Mor tin E . . . ... .. ... . . . . ... 327 Morrii, Na ncy Caroly n . . . . . ... . . . . 249 Morrii, Nancy Emo ly .. . .. . ..... . .. 573 M orrii, N ancy Wo ldine .. .......... .C84 Morrii, Perry Franklin, Jr. . .. .. 225, 573 Morrii, Shei la R . . .... . .. . .... . . .. 295 Morr is. Sidney M... . . ...... . . 293, 512 Morris, Stephen Arvil le .. .. . . . 394, 512 Morrii ey, Jerry Lynn . . ... ........ . 293 Morriso n, Beverly Joyce .. . . .... . .. .C72 Morrison, Joe Leder .. . . . .. .. . 216, 557 Morriion, Joieph Eri c . .. . 262, 437, 557 Morriion, Koren M ich ele .. . ... 453 , 573 Morr iion, Mark .... .. . .. .... . .. .. . 300 Morri io n, Pam el a Ann . ... ...... . .. 197 Morr ison, Rebecca Sue . .. . .... . ... 455 Morrow, Coral Ani ta ... . ..... 251, 454 Morrow, Carol Ann . ..... 365, 443, 512 Morrow, Robert Dobbi . . . .. . . . .. .. 420 Morrow, Rosem ary . . . . . . . . . . . . . 512 Morrow, Wolter G ., Ill . .......... 420 Morrow, Wonda An ita .... . .. . . ... 353 Morse, John T...... . ..... . .. 226, 512 Mortar Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 Mort imer. Mory El izebeth . . .. . 373, 543 Mor ton, Da vii Burn s . . .. . . . .... . .. . UO Mortimer, W illiam Bryant ..... 43 , 327, 512 Morton, John Davis, Jr . . ..... .. . . . 573 Moseley, Ph ill ip D... .... . ... . .. . . 512 Moseley, Ph ill ip Eugene . ....... .. . 301 Mose ley, Richard . ..... . .. . . . . . . .. 557 Moser, Charlo tte Ann . . 194, 196, 272, 353 Moser, Weldon Dwa in .. . ..... 47B, 573 Moses. Bo rboro E...... . ..... 313, 373 Mosei, Bru ce Ol iver . .... . .. . . 216, 543 Mos ley, Carroll Dovid ... .. ... 410, 531 Mosley, Michoel Homer .. ...... 84 , 140 Moss. Ann El izabeth . . . .... . . . 377, 378 Moss, Do ne ll Lou . . .. ...... . ... . .. 573 Moss, Kathryn Ann .. . ... • . .. . . .... 557 Moss, Norvell Ro y . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . 277 Mosser. Joseph Scott . ..... . ..• .... 220 Mossner. Ernest Campbell . . .. ... . . . 295 Motozed, Beh rooz ... . ...... . . .... 512 Mote, Kim . ..... . . .. . ..... • .. . ... 261 Motes, Frances Anne .. . ....•... ... 543 Motherol , Hal S., Jr.... . . . ....... 227 Motley, Lynn l. ... ..... . . . . . ..... 513 Motloch , John lee .. . . . . . .. . . ..... 543 Mott, Charles Jomes ... . . 265, 336, 476 Mott , Roger Dole . . ..... . .... ... . . 543 Motter, Mary Dionne ... .. . . .. . .. . . 424 Mould, Dion .. .. . . ...... ... ..... . 543 Murdock, Pou lo Ruth ... . .. .. ..... . Murff, Jomes Denton . ..... . ...... . 543 Murph , Becky Anne . .. . . .... . . . . .. 462 Murph, Vick i Lynne .... ... ... . .... 357 Murphey, Mory Jeanne ...... . . 341 , 573 Murphy, Arthur Dennis . . . . • . . . . . . . 479 Murphy, Cheryl Lynn . . . . ..... 343, 557 Murphy, Dovid Chosteen ... . .... . . . 477 Murphy, Derris Holl .. . .. 333, 409, 573 Murphy, George Earl .. .. . . . ...... 531 Murphy, Martha Mory Murphy, Mel inda Jeanne . .... 366, 456, 573 Murphy, Pamela P. . ...... . ... . .. . 341 Murphy, Peggy Dewitt ... . ... . . ... . 377 Murphy, Som, Mrs . . . ... . ......... 421 Murphy, Stephen Simpson ... . .... . . 392 Murphy, W ill iom Roche . .. . ... 400, 557 Murr, Roddy Joy . . . . .. ........... . 543 Murrah, Ann Harriet . . . .... ... 295, 513 Murrah , Macko lee . .•.... .. .. 256, 543 Murrey, Betty Morie . .. ....... 451, 573 Murray, Charles C . ... ... 386, 3B7, 513 Murroy, Gregory E . . . . ...... . . . ... 557 Murray, Howard S. . .... .• . .. .. .. . 246 Murray. Jomes Howard . . . . . . . . . . . . 573 Murray, Janice Ann . . . . . .... . 240, 557 Murray, Ken .... .. . ...... .. .... . .. 71 Murray, Mork V......... , ...... . . 261 Murray, Michael E . . . .. .. . . . ...... 399 Murray, Michoel M . . .• .•... ..... . . 304 Murray, Richard Scott ... .......... 1.C2 Murray, Roy lee . . .... . . . . . .. 276, 513 Murray, Suion El iie .......... 373, 543 Murray, Virg inia lee . . . .. . . . ...... 557 Murray, William lee ......... .... . 246 Murrell, Morsholl T...... . ..• . ... . 513 Murrey, Mikol Leon .......... . .. . . 531 Muigrove, Robert Lynn ....... ... . . 573 Mushrush , Barry Michoel . ... . . .. .. . 513 Muska, Corl Fronk . .. ..... . • ...... 403 Musket, Cheryl Lynn .... 262, 299, 309, 311 Muuelmon, Joyce E . ..... ........ . 377 Muuelman, Larry Jack . . ..... . 399, 573 Mustard, Susan Elizobelh . ..•.. . ... 573 Mutz, Leah Moe . . . . . .. ... .. . .. . . . 456 Muzny, John Louis ........ . .. 276, 513 Myer, Carol Ann ....... . .... . 441, 573 Myen, Carol Ann .......• . • . .. . . . . 513 Myers, Chorles Eric . .. .. . . ... . . . .. 418 Myers, Charies Raymond . . . . . . . . . . . 334 Myen, John Marcus ....... 84, 403, 543 Myen, Joseph M. . ... . . ....... . .. . 392 Myen, M. Scott . . .. . ....... ...... 302 Myers, Mory Jeon . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . 361 Myen, Richard Gordon ..... . ...... 302 Myers, Terry Ann . . .. .. . .. .. . . . . . . 371 N '"'' Montemayor. Far , Joie De J. . . . . . 484 Montgomery, Corl Boker . . . . .. 303, 407 Montgomery, Chorlei M icha el . . . 404, 572 Montgomery, David F. . . . . . . . . . 261 Montgomery, Mory Christi ne . 265 , 307, 311 , 474, 557 Montgomery, Penelope . . . ... ... ... 373 Montgomery, Ph ill ip Roy . . . ...... . 246 Monzingo, Clayton D . ... .. . . . . 71 , 31 0 Moody, Jomes Aubrey .. . .......... 51 2 Moody, Mory C .. . . .. . .... ... 251, 462 Moody, Mory Morphis . . 171, 203, 204, 316, 51 2 Moody, Milton Wayne . .. . .. ...... 304 Moon, Frederick Joseph . . ..... 245, 331 Moon, John Dill e . . .. . , . . ........ . 572 Moon , Kathleen Ann . . . . , . . .. . .. .. 543 Mooney, Donna Ruth .. . . .. ... . .... 355 Mooney, Kenneth Allen .... ... 389, 572 Mooney, Margaret Rose . . . . . . . 377, 572 Mooney, Suzann . .......... ....... 572 Moorod, Mars ha Ann ....... . ...... 512 Moore, Andrew Folley . . . . . . . . . . . . . 543 Moore, Caro lyn ..... , .... , . 234, 254 Moore , Chris tina ........ 240, 441 , 572 Moore , Craig Lewis . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 Moo re, Curios E..... . ...... . . 210, 214 Moo re, Curtis Roy ................ 543 Moore, Da vid Lawrence ....... 431 , 557 Moore, Da vi d Meeker ............. 557 Moore, David Stevenion . . . . . . . . . . 572 Moore, Deborah Lockwood . . . . . . . . . 341 Moore, Edward C., IV .. 245, 332 , 512 Moore, Edwin Dyer . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 282 Moore, Fred Aylette ..• . ....... . . . 394 Moor e, Gloria Kaye . . . . . . . . . . . . 557 Moore, Gregory Nonce ....... 420, 572 Moore, Ha l Ra ymond ......... 413 , 557 Moore, Henry Hol l ........... 212, 543 Moore, Horff Leo, Jr... .. . ... 295 , 302 Moore, Howord B. . . . . . . . . . . . . 417 Moore, Jorry Garla nd • . . . • . . . • . 557 Moore, John Elmor, IV .......... 573 Moore, Jul•o Moro• •.......... 337, 573 Moore, Kooth Doovor .... 180, 196, 273, 293 , 31 2, 313 Moore, Kenneth Allon ........ 256, .C 37 Moore, Londo Koy 265, 311 , 353, 557 Morga n, Dougl oi N ei l ... ... .. . .. .. 23.C Morgon, Ernei t Cecil, Jr. .. . ..... . . 290 Morgon, Herbert H., 11 .. .. ...... . 335 Morgo n, J. Sheridyn S....... . ..... 531 Morgon , Jomes Cl yde, Jr . ...... ... 246 Morgon , Jom es Durham ... . . . . . .... 557 Morgon, Jomes Po rke r .... 238, 239, 233 Morgon , Jerry lee .......... . 413 , 512 Morgon, Joseph Mohney . . . . . . 379, 543 Morgan, Margaret A. . . .. . . ... .... 355 Morgon , Margaret F.... . 356, 357, 512 Morgon, Mortho Jo .. . . .. 438 , 441 . 543 Morgon , Mory An ne .. ..... .. . 353, 512 Morgon , Mory Mildred ........ 369, 543 Morgon , Michael Richa rd . . . . . . . ... 400 Morgon, Richard Lee ....... . ..... . 5.C3 Morgon , Robert Verle, Jr . .. ... 385, 573 Morgon, Sheridyn Shelby ..... 257, 413 Morgan , Shirley Patr ici o . . . 289, 3,.7, 543 Morgon, Tony G. . .. . .. . . . . . .. . . .. 250 Morgenroth , Marv in Lyn n . ... .•.. . . 557 Moriarty, Lindo Roe .. .. . . ... •.... 35 1 Moriarty, Margaret Ann . ... . .... .. 573 Morin, Raym ond . . . .. . .... .... .... 51 2 Moroney, Barbara Lee ... .. ... 369, 573 Morphew, lorry Biehl . . . . 194 , 429, 573 Morphew, Randoll Steen, Jr. 429, 543 Morph ii , Mory Lee Morph ii , Steven Alon Morron, Donold Wayne •. . . . . . 477, 543 Morri II, George P., Sr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Morrill , Kothorine J . . ... . . . . . 357, 512 Morrill , Sol lie Cherry . ... B2, l Bl, 196, 272, 285, 377, 543 Morr ill , Vic toria Eli zabeth .... 230, 287 Morr is, All ison Murphy . ....... . ... 391 M orri s, Am ber S. Morr is. Anno Jone ..... . ... . . 249, 31 6 Morris, Anne Morie ....... ........ 387 Morrii, Annette ...... . . . ..... 282, 355 Moms, Catheri ne Koy ........ .C 56, 513 Morris, Cla ude E............... . . 512 Moms, Da vid Andre w ... .. ... 385 , 512 Morr is, David Lyonel .... . .... 29.C , .C03 M oms, Don Melvi n ... . . . ......... 512 Moms. Edward Stanton .. • . • •. 246, 543 Morris, Eugene Ira ... . ...... . .C32 , 557 Moms, Jomes W ........ . .. .. 206, 300 Mowry, Jomes Nelson . • .. 115, 254, 252 Moyer, Lynne A . . ... .. ...... . 221 , 341 Mozolo, Fronk John ......... . • .... 142 Mu Phi Epsi lon . . .. . . . .... . .. . . ... 270 Muckley, Mory Ann . ... .. . . . . . . . .. 371 Muecke, Herbert 0., Jr. . .. . . • . ... . 295 Muehlenbrock, Bruce Kent . . . ...... 220 Muelder, Evelyn D. . .... . .... . .. . . 262 Muel ler, Mondo Chris . . .. ... . 214, 513 Mueller. Mork Alon . . . .•. .. . . .. . . . 302 Muel ler, Rando lph George ... • 292, 394 Muelle r, Stephen l. .. . .......... .. 250 Mueller, Susan Lee ... .. . . .. ... ... 472 Muel ler, Thomos E . . .... . .... •... . 247 Mueller. Thomos John . .. .... . .... . 250 Mueller. Wolter G ., Jr . .. .. . .. • . . . 513 Muenchen , Rebecca A. . . . . . .• .. . . . 3.C7 Muir, Robert D.. ... . ........... . . 513 Mulcohy, Jon Dav id ...... . .... . ... 223 Mulhall , Rona ld T . . ... ... . . . . ... . 513 Mulkey, Morie Lou ise . .. .. ..•. 462, 557 Muller, John Charles . ..... . .... . . . 409 Mu ll er. Mory Helen . ... ..• . . . 361, 557 Muller. Veronika ..... .. . . . •.. . . ... 454 M ulli ns, Ann Lou ise . . .. . . . .. .. .... S.CJ Mulli ns, Dee Ann . . .. ...... .. 361, 513 Mulli ns, Koren Ko y ..... . 285, 361 , 557 M ulli ns, Kermi t M ichael .. . ...... .. 513 Mulroy, Cha rles E.... .. . .. . . . 332, 476 Mulvo, Ja mes Joseph, Jr..•... 288, 295, 331 , 461 , 513 Mulvaney, Morgoret l. ..... .. 291 , 513 Mul von ey, Morgo Non . . 366, 453 , 573 Mul vey, Marg aret Allene ... ... .. .. 295 Mumolo, Dionne E. R... . ....... . . 513 Mumola , Joanne Lorra ine ... .•. ... . 5.C3 Mumola . Poter Boned ic l .....• . .... 247 Mundfrom, Mory Ly nne ... . .. . 441 , 543 Munneke, Gory Arth ur .. 216, 284, 468, 479 Munnerlyn, Shuri Ann . .. . . . . .. .. . . 373 Munningor, Michael Joseph ........ 219 Muns. Ronald Jomes .. . . ...... 407, 543 Munson, Charles E., Jr•. .• .• .. .... 141 Munson , Edna Voolot .•... . ...... . . 475 Muntz , Torry Gayle . .. ... 374 , 451 , 573 Murchison . Fronk Bivin ........ 394, 51 3 Murch ison, Martha Ann • 194, 196, 373, 417 Naber. Nancy ... .. .. . .... .. . 373, 531 Nabhan, Jomes Jerome •. .•. . •.•... 235 Noboshek, Harrel Ted .. . ••...•. . .. 3BO Nochlinger, Pam .....• . •. . .•. 226, 513 Nochlinger, Phyll is Susan .••. •. . . .. 408 Nachman, Frederick M. • ..•.... . ... 432 Naeve, Stephen Word ..• .. .•.. . .. . 543 Nohdi , Kham is Amer .. . ... . ... . ... 484 Naifeh, Jerome G. . ....•.. . ... . . . 513 No iier, Lou Ann . ........ ..... . ... 295 No istot, Richard Jonolhon ..••. . ... 543 Noll, Judith Cla ire . ... ... .. . ..... 543 No ll e, Alon Woods . . .. . . • ..• 201 , 326 Nolle, Elizobeth ... .......•.. 194, 369 Nonce, Dolly . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . • .. . • 557 Nonce, James Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573 Nonce, Jerem iah Milton .. . . ... . .. . 557 Nonce, Pamela Dion . .. . ....... ... 351 Nonce, Ronald Easter .. • •.•.. 261 , 262 Nance, Susan Cloy . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . .C70 Nonce, William Addison . • • . . . . . . . 294 Napier. Elizabeth l. .. ... . .. . ..... 513 Nopier, Frederick D . . . .•... • .... .. 513 Napier, Homer Albert, Jr. . ... 198, 295, 302, 484 Napier, Margaret Moy . . . .. . . .. . .. .C71 No pier, Po trick Edward ........ . .. 327 Napps, Eddie Gannon .. 427, 430, 557 Naranjo, Jennings Neal . . . .. . 217, 239, 437, 557 Naranjo, Mory Stello F • •. •. • 240, 436, 557 Na rv aez, Richa rd Serra no ... .. ... . 513 Nash, Charles Henry, Ill .. . .. 260, 264, 266 N asits, N ancy Ann . ..... 198, 269, 280, 344, 345 Nathan, Kendr ick T....... . ....... 429 Nothman, Joseph W illiam . . . ... ... 256 No tto, Ibra him A.... ..•.. •.. 274, 513 Neu, Nannette M. . ..... 184, 202, 257. 268, 341 , 543 Nouort, George H . ... ... 131 , 310, 426 Nauman , Dennis C. . .............. 531 No uwald, Barbara Ann .. 2B9 , 377, 557 Navor, Es ther Al icia ... ....... . . .. 269 Naylor, Gory Stephen • . • . • • . . . . . . . 557 Na zari, Gholom H. . .. .. . .. . ... . .. 225 Neal, Ado Elizobolh .. .. .. . .. 451 , 573 598 Nome Pages Nome Pages Nome Pages Nome Pages Nichols, Donny Lee ............... 543 Oberpriller, Joy Dixon ............ 514 Orr, Margaret Ann ................ 4n Neal, Joseph W. . .. .......... 25, 274 Neal, Charles Cl inton . . 286, 330, 513 Nkhols, Jomes Aubrey, Jr. .. . . 425, 543 O'Brien, El izabeth Glen ..... 297, 355, Orsak, Otto Eugene, Jr. •.. ••. 256, 514 Neal, Katherine, Mrs . . . . ....... ... 342 Nichols, John David . .. . 239, 271 , 332, 440, 557 Ortego , Gustavo Romon ...... . ... . 277 Neal, lorry A........ ........ .... 543 543 o·Brien, George A., Jr. . 223, 394, 573 Ortloff, Joan Rochelle ...•.... 366, 557 ...... Neal, Thomas Word .... ...... 403, 543 Nichols, Soroh Ruth S. . . ...... .... 356 O' Brien, Po trick A ............ 271, 471 Orton, Donna C. . ................ 299 Neal, Nicky 8 . ................... 557 Nichols, John Wylie .......... .... 476 O'Brien, Mork Joseph ............. 225 Ortloff, Thomas William 405, 573 Orton, Judith H . ............. 249, 458 Neal, William Howard ... ... . .... . 294 Nicholson, Glen T. . .. ............ 543 O' Brien, Thomas Michael .......... 335 Neal , WilViom lorien .... .. .. 429, 557 Nicholson, Judy Jeon ..... .. . ..... 557 O' Bryon, Morgorel S. . ........ ... . 532 Orvedohl, Alfred ................ . 557 Neathery, Vance, Jr............... 478 Nicholson, Richard E..... 212, 425, 514 Occhipinti, Sandro Jean ........ ... 454 Osborn, Arthur F. Nebeker, Katherine N... 377, 230, 513 Nichter, Herbert Don .......... ... 532 Ochoa, Celestino R. . ............. 543 Osborn, Celia Ann ........... 359, 557 Nickell, Elizabeth Jeon . 194, 371, 557 Ochoa, Juan Alejandro . 194, 276, 543 Osborn, David Sumner . . ... ....... 327 Neel, John R...... ....... ........ 246 Neeley, Joe Robert, Jr . ... 294, 429, 557 Nickols, Philip Guy ............... 557 Ocker, Roberto A........ 338, 361, 514 Osborn, Diann E. . .......•... 289, 384 Neeley, Orville Bruce, II ..... 476, 543 Nicolosi, Dominic, Jr . ... ... ... .. .. 296 O'Connell, Michael John .......... 573 Osborn, Edith Ann ................ 226 . ........... . . Nicols, Joseph Charles, Jr......... 328 O'Connor, Kathleen Mory ... . 240, 318, Osborn, Kathleen B. 544 Neely, Carol Lynn ................. 87 557 Osborn, Susan Diane ..... .. .•.... . _.74 Niebuhr, Clarence A ..... 211, 223, 514 Neely, Gerold l. . .. ..... ....... .. 247 Niebuhr, Rebecca Moy •.. .. ....... 514 O'Connor, Kellogg loyal . ......... 425 Osborne , Jerry Paul ..... . ...•..... 544 Neely, Warren F... 202, 258, 268, 513 Neer, Nancy Susan .. .. .. .... 345, 573 Niehaus, Ronald Roy ............. . 328 O'Dell, Jomes David . . .. . 217, 435, 557 Osborne , Paul Duon . .. ... .. . ..... 484 Niemeyer, Lindo M. . ............. 543 Oden, John Evans ............ 399, 514 Osborne, Sherrod H., Ill .......... 379 Neese, Will iam J., Jr... 201, 227, 513 Niki, Katsum i Kanzoki .. ...... ..... 295 Odiorne , Jomes Thomas ...... . .... 543 Osbourn, Riley Bruce .... ..... .. . .. 426 Neff, Judson . . . . . . . . . • . . • • . . . . . . . 302 Niles, Jeon Ann .... 265, 270, 311, 543 Odle, Richard lee ....... 217, 331 , 514 Osgood, Chas. Wolter ... ......... 429 Neff, Roy Simeon, 111 ••••••.....• 557 Osgood, Pamela Sue .. ....... 242, 454 Niles, John Gilbert .............. 295 Odom, Deborah J . . ............... 215 Neikirk, Mory M. 279, 289, 295, 513 Niles, William John .............. 532 Odom, Oris Leon, II ...... ....... 514 O'Shoughnessy, Michael J. . . ... 81, 573 Neil, Mory Claudio ........... 251, 462 Neill, Dionne l. H.... ...... ...... 513 Nilson, Nancy Jone ........ .. ..... 377 Odom, Ronald Joy ............. ... 514 O'Shea, Michael E.. 71, 106, 279, 514 Nippert, Marilyn F.......... ..... . 408 Odom, Worno Rhea .............. 2~0 Osher, lewis W. Neill, George H . . . .... ...... 227, 531 Nirider, Alvin Dole .......... 225, 478 o ·Donnell, Donna R. . . ...... ..... 322 Oshiro, John Kojun ........... 288, 295 Ne ill, Ross Charles . . . ... ....... . . 391 Nixon, Lourence Walter ...... 420, 573 O' Donnell, Jocfn Emily . . . . .. . . . . . 514 Oshlo, Kristina Sue ..... 306, 307, 366, Nekuza, William Conrod .. .. . ..... 543 573 Nixon, Nancy A . ... ......... 220, 341 o ·Donnell, Phyllis Jeane ... ... 287, 456 Nelkin, Leon .. . . .. .. ... .......... 432 400 Robert 476 Oshman, Harvey ...... 432 Noack, Arthur Perry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O' Donnell, . . . . . . . . . . . P . ......... Nellis, Leroy W............. .... . 543 Noah , Wayne Hurston .. .. ......... 557 Odowd, Milburn M., Jr....... ... .. 388 Oshman, Jodel .. . .. . ........ 363, 573 Nelms, Doyal Edward .. . .. ..... .. . 333 Nobis, Joseph Wayne . .... .... 81, 612 Oelker, Edgar, Jr. .. . .... 201, 281 , 296 Oshman , Paul RickNelms, Thomas Pa isley, Jr . ........ 417 Nelson, Charlotte E...... . ... 343, 543 Noble, Sorry lee ... .............. 140 Oelrich, Jonathon William .. 216, 325, Oshman , Robert Duncan 557 Osmond , Ir is Ann Noble, Ellen G . ........ 343, 384, 543 Nelson, Cheryl Jeanne . ........... 464 Ostorch , Valerie Marie ............ 471 Oelrich, Raymond Morven ........ . 334 Nobles, Nancy Poul ......... . 338, 359 Nelson, Cheryl Lynn ... ........ . . . 573 Offer, Poul J., Jr. .... . ...... 437, 544 Osteen, Samuel Marion Noe, Philip S. . .................. 247 Nelson, David W ........ ..... 310, 313 Noel, E. Melissa ................. 289 Ofmon, Leo . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . 239 Osten, Charles Thomas ............ 551 Nelson, Dorothy Ann . ... .... . ..... 365 Ofner, Charles R. . ..... . ......... 420 Oster, Joy Joanne Noel, Jomes Edwin, Jr. ... ..... . .. 543Nelson, Dorothy M ..... . 180, 196, 269, Noelke, William S ................. 399 O'Goro, Shiela M. . ... ...... . . ... 612 Ostmann , Fredr ick P. 371 Nolan, David T .. ................. 532 Ogden, Carol Foye ....... ... 357, 401 Ostrov, Richard M. Edward Mons ........ 281, 296 No Ion, John Michael .... 217, 478, 5S7 Ogden, Herbert Guy, Jr. ..... ..... 573 Ostrov, Susanna P., Mrs. Ellen Jonelle .. ..... ... .. . 341 Otohol, Johnny Charles ......... ... 81 Ogden, Louise Ann ........... 314, 444 Nolen, Colvin Cleave .. .. 196, 248, 303 Joe Houston, 111 ...... . . .. 309 Otis, Jock ................ .... 54, 295 Noll, Stephen Gordon ......... 71, 426 O~den, Richard Ed .............. . 514 John Porker . .. .... . . ..... 387 Ott, David Alon ... . 293, 303, 407, 514 Kathryn Leo ..... .. . .. . ... 543 Noll, Wayne Richard .. ..... . ... .. 543 Ogden, Robert V., Jr.....•... 281 , 296 Otto, Thomas Wayne . . . . . . 514 Nontosut, Podet .. ...... . . .... . ... 514 Ogle, Patricio A. . ........... 240, 514 Kurt Thomas . . ... . . .... ... 284 Otto, Wilson Edward .... 234, 235, 238Lou is Daniel , Jr. .. .. ...... 394 Nord hem, Randoll Dunn .. ... .. .. . . 557 Ohagan, Joseph . .... . ...... ...... 514 Oung, Feng-Yen .................. 484 Malcolm George ..... 234, 260, Norman, David Michael ........ . . . 573 Ohair, Sherilyn .... .... . 307, 377, 573 Outstanding Students .. ..... ... 166-173 Norman, Julie Koy ..... . 297, 332, 359, o ·Horo, Thomas Clifton ..... . 295, 544 262, 264, 266, 278, 531 Overbeck, Gory Wayne . 106, 107, 171 , 438, 440 O'Hara, William P . .............. . 514 Patricia Anne .. ........... 543 273 Norman, Nancy Blye ...... ........ 532 Ohlendorf, Michael W............. 295 Robert A......... .. .. .... 313 Norman, Susan Jone . ............. 373 Ohlendorf, Thos. Alon ............ 514 Overton, laura l. ... ..... . .. ..... 369 Robert Leonard ........... 278 Normann, Nancy Morie ..... . . .... 299 Ohlhousen, Gordon Lee ....... 131, 557 Overturf , Dean Scott . .......... . .. 141 Ronald Tramel ..... . ...... 531 Roy lone ................ 325 Nords, H. lee, 111 .••••••••••.... 557 Ohtsuko, Sun-lchi .. .............. 476 Owen, Catherine A. . .. . .......... 361 Russell C. . ....... ..... ... 234 Norris, John Wm . . .. .. . ...... 227, 514 O'Keefe, John H.............. .. .. 484 Owen, Cynth ia Jeon . ...... .. 341 , 544 Norris, Michael Allen ............. 246 O'Keefe, Michael Carroll . . ... 379, 557 Steven Po trick ........ 426, 573 Owen, Elizabeth Agnes .. 235, 236, 287, Norris, Poul Mork ................ 400 O'Keefe, Patrick M. . .. .... ....... 326 Susan J. . .. .......... 338, 363 573 Ted Gordon ......... . . .. . 220 North, Kenneth l., Jr. ........ 403, 573 Olan, Robbi Levi A................ 21 Owen, Mickey Jeon ............... 472 North, Solly S. . .. .. . . .. . . . 377, 557 Olander, Jo net Lynn ......... 275, 287 Northington, Knight, 180, Old, Jno. Morland ... . . . .. .... .... 247 Owen, Mi Iton Lee Nelson, William K. , Jr.. ........ . . 557 Neokleous, Nelson K. . ... 252, 254, 557 David Ill . . .. Neroda , Nancy Lyn . ........... ... 303 Oldham, Clyde Kenon . ....... 273, 313 Owen, Nettie Brown ......... .. ... 289 513 Nesenholtz, David Seth ........... 336 Northrup, Susan Jone .... ...... ... 397 Oldham, David H..... ...... .. ... . 413 Owen, Patricio Ann . ............ .. 472 Oldham, Marguerite A.. 275, 287, 306, Ness, Donna Jeanne ... . ...... 456, 573 Norton, Carolyn Louise . .. . . ...... 414 Owen, Robert Keith ...... ... . .... 405 341 , 573 Nester, Solly ................ 365, 543 Norton, Court B. . ................ 379 Owen, Russell Edgar, Jr. •.... 217, 262, Olfers, Dione Elizabeth . . . . . . . . . 287 Nethawoy, Rowland lewis . . ...... . 543 544 Norton, Lindo Jone ... . ...... 355, 557 Olivores , Jose R. . ..... . ... .. 479, 532 Nettles, Eugene M. . ............ .. 385 Owen, Russell Joy .. . .. .. .. . . . .. . 477 Norton, Priscilla K....... .... 361, 543 Ol iveira, Del ia Dolores . . ..... 462 , 573 Neuhaus, Laurence 8. . . ...... . .... 420 Norton, Stephen Charles ...... 214, 543 Ol iver, Alexander H. . .... . . ... ... 288 Owen, William M., Jr....... . 401, 532 Neumann , Marilyn Jeon ........... 557 Ol iver, Cecil Omar ... .. ........ . . 544 Owen, Wyndell ...... .......... .. 371 Neumann , Poul Gregory .. . . ....... 294 Norwood, David Ernest .......... .. 246 Oliver, Clarence Poul • . • . . . . . . . . . . 295 Owens, Carolyn .... 262, 272, 295, 311, Neuville, Joseph S............ . . .. 513 Norwood, Joe Douglas ...... .... . .. 71 Oliver, David M. . ...... ... .. 407, 544 514Neves, Robert E., Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . 216 Norwood, Judith Lynn .. 369, 384, 557 Oliver, Floyd l., Jr. . . ... .... 220, 514 Owens, Chos. Ronald ............ . 310 New, Robert S. . . .......•........ 531 Norwood, Morris T.......... ...... 514 Oliver, lester Moos ............. .. 309 Owens, Helen .................... 369 Newbern, David T . .... . .. .... 227, 513 Norwood, William lee ............ 294 Oliver, Robert Leon ... .. .. . ...... 265 Owens, William Gregg . . .... . 399, 557 Newberry, Brion 8....... ...... ... 418 Noteware, Jackie Don ............. 514 Olivier, Kenneth C...... 247, 410, 532 Owsley, Barbara Anne . . ..... .. . . . 347 Newberry, Jonis Lynn ... . 240, 441, 573 Notley, Nancy lee ..... 194, 196, 272, Olivieri, Richard N........... 229, 334 Oxford, Sharon Ann ..... 287, 307, 573275, 287, 307, 323, 377, 399 Newberry, Mory Ellen ............. 366 Olivo, John Xavier ..... 229, 260, 265, Ozmun, Eleonor Bethel . 315, 355, 441 Newbrough, Donny Kent ... . .. 399, 573 Novak, Gordon Show, Jr. .... 247, 296, 335, 460, 514 256 Ozmun, Louro Ann .... .. 200, 272, 532 Newburn, Carolyn Lou ...... . . .... 543 Olm, Kenneth William ...... .. .... 302 Novick, Frances Sue ..... 234, 270, 532 Newby, Robert W ....... 430, 431 , 543 Olm, Kenneth William, Jr. ........ 223 Newcomb, Lindo Louise . 224, 292, 543 Olsen, CoroII J. . ... ... . . ..... . . .. 359 Novi!, Shirli Rose . ............ ... 345 Newhouse, Dorothy ..... 199, 249, 451, Olsen, Lloyd Mortin ....... ... 476, 573 Novorr, Kenneth Bruce .. ...... 415, 543 p 543 Novotny, Jone Lynn ...•. , . . . . 373, 543 Olson, R... 405, Corl ..... ...... . 544 Newmon Club .. . . .. .... ...... .. . . 271 Novy, Forrest Alan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 Olson, Deborah Jone ..... .... 365, 455 Newmon Holl .. .................. 462 Novy, Jeffrey l. . ............ 423, 557 Olson, Dennis Oliver .... 245, 286, 313, Pace, Benny Cl int ............ ..... 71 Irvin M., Jr. . 211, 223, 250, Nowak, Giles Lynn ............... 573 332, 544 Pace, Dov id W . .... .............. 420 513 Nowlin, Nancy J ......... ... . 289, 514 Olson, Joseph Arden ...... ... 435, 573 Pace, Patsy Evlyn .......... •• 355, 557 John Edward, Jr. .. 407, 543 NowVin, William Corl, Jr. ......... 265 Olson, Morion A., Jr. ........ 405, 514 Pace, Ronald V . .......... ... 223, 514 Lucretia Bonner ........ . 371 Nowatny, Dean Arno ... . ..... 236, 248 Olson, Virginia K . ............. . . . 573 Pacheco-Torres, Linda Miriam ..... 254, Poul W., Jr.. 379 Nowotny, Judy C . .......... . 224, 543 Omar, Saleh Oslo •. . .. . . .... 225, 274 473 , 573 Stephen Horry ...... 288, 295 Nowotny, Kenneth Roy .. 197, 254, 291 Omicron Delta Epsilon ............ 291 Padden, Cathleen Anne ........... 573 Newmon , Terry Maurice .. .... 379 , 557 Nuckols, Travis Dole, 11 • • . • • • . 532 Omicron Nu ..................... 292 Paddock, lebecco ... . ... ...... .. .. 369 Newmann , Marilyn Jean . .. ... ..... 451 Nuding, Coralyn ............. 343, 557 O'Neol, Donald Roy ..... 239, 426, 544 Padgett, Zachary Poul 141 .. ... ....... Newport, Storekeeper Chief Nugent, Cynthia ........ .... . 341 , 543 O'Neol, Koren S............. 338, 351 Paek, Pong Hyon ............. .... 484 Jomes M ....................... 330 Nugent, Michelle Cecilio ..... 366, 451 O'Neol, Nancy Ann .. ..... ....... 463 Page, Edward F. . .. .............. 396 Newsom, Bill Ro;ford ........ . 286, 333 Nunn, Thomas Edward ...... .. 265, 514 O' Neol, Theresa Carolyn .... . .... . Page, Elton Thrasher, 111 361 ••• • •••••• 331 Newsom, Gory Alon .. ............ 573 Nunnally, Carol Wennmohs ........ 357 o·Neil, Patrick William . 194, 417, 514 Page , Jan .... , . ... . ............. 369 Newsom, Janet Chr is tine .... . 275, 287, Nunnally, Knox Dillon ............ 187 O' Neil, Thomas Murry .... ........ 277 Page, Joy Non ................... 557 573 Nussbaum, Janine Nino . 363, 451, 573 O'Neill, Nancy Ann . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289 Page, Mortho Jeon ......... ...... 287 Newsome, Sharon Layne . ... .. ..... 289 Nussenblott, Alon Joy .... ......... 432 O' Neill, Po trick M. . .. ............ 322 Page, Neysa Deann . .............. 544 Newton, Eleonor A...... 189, 196, 513 Nussenblatt, Horris Lee ..... .. 432 , 573 O' Neill, William A., 11 ••.•. • 226, 514 Page, Rolph Edward, Jr. •. ..•..... 544 Newton, Jon Cla ire ... ... .... ..... 355 Nutt, Jos. Robert, 111 ............. 256 Operation Bra inpower ............. 196 Pohl, Thomas Wayne .... 326, 479, 544Newton, Kathryn Lou ise . 265, 311 , 531 Nye, Martha S............... 253, 514 Oppel, William Peter ........ 300, 514 Paine, David lee ............ 294, 573 Newton, Robert N..... ...... ..... 513 Nymonn, Jo net R. . ............... 200 Oppenheim, Jennifer S. . .......... 287 Painter, John Jay .... . ............ 295 Newton , Thomas R. . ...... ..... . .. 407 Oppermonn, Henry C., 111 .... 403, 544 Pa inter, Karlyn J . ................ SU Ney, Leo Edwin .... ............ .. 573 Oppermonn, Joseph K. . .. . .... .. .. 573 Pointer, Newton Ted ..... . ........ 51.( Neyland, Barbaro l. ... . ..... 365, 543 Orange Jackets .... ............... 272 Pointon, Jock Eckford, Jr. .•. ...... 385 Neyland, Thomas Ross, Jr. .. 112, 429, 0 557 Orbeck, Joseph Carroll ..... .. . .... 484 Pair, Patricio G . . ... ..... .... .... 235 Orbin, Arthur Jackson .... 325, 409, 557 Pokolko, Dorothy Ann ..... ........ 514 Ng, Gim Louie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513 Nibblett, Sherry J. . .... .......... 513 Oakley, Cherri Lynn .... 194, 196, 249, Orbin, Earl Mortin, Jr. ............ 229 Palmer, Beverly Jean . ...... ..... .. 289 Nibling, Frederick l., Jr. ..... ... .. 513 514 Order of Alcalde . . ............ ... 273 Pa lmer, Charles Horace .. . . . ...... 293 Oakley, Collins Fronk .. ..... 379, 557 Ore, Casio R. . ................. .. 484 Pa lmer, Derrell Scott .... . ......... 81 Nicholas, Jacquelyn Wood ... . ..... 557 Oates, Shirley Ann ........ ....... 388 Organ iza tion of Arab Students .... . 274 Pa lmer, Harry Francis ...... . : . .... 331 Nicholes, Richard Alon . 180, 196, 216, Nichol, Kenneth Allen .. .......... 399 Oatman, Horace, Jr. . ..... .... ... . 612 Orientation .. ........... ......... 196 Palmer, Judith Ann .......... . 314, 557 513 O'Bonnon, Jimmy Eugene . ... ...... 106 Orlando, Ronald J................ 532 Palmer, liby An .................. 341 Suzanne H........... 341, 378 Obenhous, Richard l. ........ 320, 514 Ori eons, Neil Jeffrey ....• •• , ..... 335 Palmer, Linda Marie ............. . 279 Carolyn Anita . 180, 199, 290, Oberdorf, Agnes Christell 573 Ormand , Susan Ann . . .. .. ......... 408 Palmer, Mork Timothy ..•..•..... .. 573 316 Oberg, Victoria Shirleen .......... 532 Orourke, Denn is P. . . . .. .......... 420 Palmer, Patrick M.. 229, 336, 460, 544 599 Nome Pages Nome Pages Name Pogu ~ Nome Pages Potterson , Roy Bennon ... ... .. 437, 573 Penny, Jomes Michael .. . . 194, 397, 544 Phi Kappe Tau . . . . .. ........ 412 413 f• ~ Polouselc, Susan Morie ..... ..... .. 462 Palmer, Sara Elizabeth ...... . 377, 573 Potters on , Sus an Ruth . .. . .. ....... 463 Penny, Richard E................. 515 Phi Mu Alpha .......•........... '. 278 Palzo , Jorge .. ..... ... ........... 246 Potterson, Virginia Gay ..... . .... . 515 Penny, Robert Craig 397, 574 Phi Sigma Delta ............. 414 , 415 Ponogopoulos, Angelos .... ..... ... 252 Potterson, Wayne Edward 612 Pennycuick, Janet M..... 194, 200, 357, Phi Sigma Koppa . . •...... ... 416, 417 Panciera , Richard Conner 284 , 532 558 Pollillo, Mortha lee .. .. . . ... 343, 515 Phillip, Donne Morie . . .... . .. 455, 55B Pandolfo, Michael A . .. . . 229, 334, 514 Patton, Angela Beth . . .. . ..... 279, 515 Penrose , Gerold Dyer .. .. ... ..... . 418 Phillip, Herb ..... . ............... 516 Ponhellenic Council . ......... . . ... 338 Polton, Carroll Ann ...... .... 367, 573 Penske, Robert J. . . ....... ........ 296 Phillips, Catherine B. . ........... . 544 Pantuso, Samuel Edward ..... . 326, 573 Potion , Hugh Henry . . . . .. . ..... ... 478 Penton , M ichael Leroy . . . . • . . • . . . . 328 Phillips, Cynthia Ann ...• 271 , 287, 5BB Panzarella, Carl Joseph ........ ... 532 Potion, Judy Ann .. ... 257, 474, 544 Pentony, Jos . Francis . .. .... ... . .. 271 Phillips, Diano Gail . ............. 516 1 Papadopoulos, Angeliki ..... .. 453, 287 Patton, Lorry Gene ..... .... . .... . 421 Peoeger, Judy Lynn ..... ... ... ... . 384 Phillips, Edward Dwayne ..... . ..... 81 Papp, Kurt Melvin .. . .... 105, 106, 107 Petton, M ichael lee . . ... ......... 399 Peon, Gilbert Albor . .... 247, 296, 477 Phillips, Horry Lynn .......... 421, 558 Poppas , Joanna .. . .... .. ....... .. 557 Patton, Pamela Ann ..... .... ...... 421 Peppin, Jim ........... . ..... 81 Phillips, Lana Kay .. . ...... .. ..... 270 Popworth, Morsho Lorraine . . . 515 Potion, Robert Michael . . . . . . . . . . . 573 Perales , Simon Stephen .... .... ... 574 Phillips, Melvin E., Jr... 339, 409, 516 Potion, Robert Michael ....... 425, 573 Perc ival, Ronald George ...... 417, 574 Phillips, Michael ........... . .... . 417 Pardo, Juen M. 85 Patton , Robert Storr, Jr. 331 Phillips, R. Mark . . ........... 415, 516 Pardue, Claude Gene .... 196, 227, 273 Perdue, Patricio Annette 341 Pardue, Jomes lee ... .. . ... .. ..... 387 Patton, William Thomas, Jr. 214 , Perez, Beatriz E . ..... ... ..... 309, 462 Phillips, Robert Leroy, Jr...... .... 322 Perelman, Rhona Lee ......... .. .. 231 413, 558 Perez, Euslorgio ...... ..... . .. . .. . 515 Phillips, Ronald Dexter 286, 323, 329, Parham , M ic hael Lewis ... .. ...... . 407 Glen 295 Perez, . .. . . .. ..... 515 516 Pavek, Fredrick .. ............ Rojel io ........ Porish, Charles Ronda II ..... . . . . . . . 288 Poul, Christopher Allon . ..... .. ... 303 Perilloux, Thomas C . .... .. ... ... .. 515 Philp, Charlene ...... . ....... 341, 516 Parish, Judith Craig ..... 323, 326, 367, Paul, Jo Anne .............. ...... 367 Perkin, Judy Elizabeth ........ 2B7, 456 Philp, Joe Don ................... 516 Paul, Richard David ..... . .... .. .. 558 Perkins, Barbaro Ann .... . .. . ...... 544 Philquist, Jeanne Ann ........ 361, 558 544 Paulette, Mory F . ....... ..... 391, 544 Perkins, Carol Jean 265, 311, 544 Phipps, Jeanette Taylor, Mrs . ...... 554 Parish, Kathryn L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . S15 Poulos , Kermit Andrew ..... .... . . . 262 Perkins, Charles Leslie ... . .... 260, 262 Phisitthakorn, Phisit ....... . ....... 254 Parish, Lurline Corter 357, 453 Porisi, David Arthur 425 , 573 Poulsen, David Alexander 558 Perkins, Deborah G. . .. ......... .. 332 Physical Education Majors Club 279 Pork, Gory Walden . . . . . . . . . . . 437 Pavlas, Emmerick Joe, Jr . .... 294 , 309, Perkins, Georganne Maurie . . .... .. 544 Pi Beto Phi .... .. .. .......... 372, 373 Pi Kappe Alpha ... . . . ........ 418, 419 477 Perkins, John Emmett . . . . . . . 302 Pork, Jomes Howard ....... . . . 401 , 573 Povlidau , Catherine Jomes . . .. 235 , 252, Perkins, Pamela Jeon . . ....... . .... 403 Pi Omega Pi . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 280 Pork, Nelda Ann ............. 275, 293 515 Perkins, Phillip Earl ............... 574 Pork , Gordon George . . . ... .. . 294, 557 Pi Tau Sigma ................. . . . 281 Piboin, Lamer 8., Jr . .......•..... 574 Pork, Peter .... ... . ...... ... . .... 426 Pawloski , Mory Kathryn .... .. . .... 544 Perkins, Robert Anton ....... . 461, 558 Pickard, Linda Jeon . . .... . . ....... 236 Pork , Sally ........ ........ .. 373, 426 Payne, Ardath A......... 215, 240, 544 Perkins, Sue Ann . . ..... .... .. .. .. 515 Pork , Sharon Lynn . . . . . . . . . . . 428 Payne, Edwin M . ... .......... .... 405 Perley, Catherine Ellen ...... . ..... 440 Pickard, Pou lo Roe ............. .. 365 Poyne, John B... ........ •.... .... 389 Perrenot, Edward Harlan 532 Pickard, Wayland B., I I I 225, 558 Pickens, 544Porkon, Glenn Roy ..... .. .. . . 221 , 271 Parker, Barbera A. . .......... 369, 384 Payne, John Howard, I I I 454 Perrin, Michael W. 71, 273, 310, 313 Camille 198, 357, Payne, Johnny G. 388, 389, 515 Perri He, Thomas Loren ... . ... 429 , 544 Pickens, Karolyn Koy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440 Porker, Sorry Edward ..... ....... . 429 Payne, Lawrence M . 247, 296 Perrone, Charles H. Pickett, Corl Nolan .. .. ........... 399 Porker, Cecil Chilton 304, 515 Porker, Charles Roy ..... 196, 282, 385, Payne, Michael Ray ..... 335, 477, 513 Perry, Adele Palmer ... ..... . . 230, 373 Pickett, David F. . ...... .•........ 4B4 557 Payne, Patricio E. 365 Perry , Barbero Jeon ... . ....... . ... 365 Pickett, Michael Lee ......... •.... 309 Porker, George P., Jr. 295 Poynee , Rebecca Madeline . . . . . . . . 558 Perry, Donny lee .... .. .. . ...... .. 515 Pickron, Denis Wayne ............. 431 Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Perry, W . ... .. ., ...... 515 Pidcoke, Richard B., IV . . . • . . . 409 Porker, Gleeson Edward, Jr. 294, 573 Payne, E. 336 Dovid 405, Walter Jr. 294 John . .... 242 Carole .... ....•... ... Porker, Jock Lucien . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420 Pa yne, E., . . . . . . . . . . . . Perry, C. .... . . . ....... Pierce, Ann 574 Poynter, . . . . .... 470 John . ..•. ........ Cheryl ......... . . . .. . 484 Porker, Jomes Carol . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532 Jennabeth . .. . ... Perry, J. 223 Pierce, Jeon Porker, Jomes R. . . . . .. . . ...... . .. 544 Peyton , Jacqueline .. . . ....... ..... 367 Perry, John Wm., Jr.............. 310 Pierce, Gregory David ......... . . . 415 Porker John David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532 Payton, More W ill iam . . . 329 Perry, Marilyn A. . ... ... ..... .. .. 515 Pierce, Pamela Sue ............. . . 341 Porker, Joseph Edward, Jr.. . . ..... 515 Payton, Sue Ann . . 367 Perry , M ichelle Louise ........ 451, 574 Pierce, Sandro Lynn ....... .. . 297, 574 Porker, Lindo Coy . . . . ... ....... .. 295 Pozderny, Jean .... ...... 275, 287, 453 Perry, Nancy Li Ille ........... 373, 574 Piering, Donna Jeon .. ... ...... ... 458 Porker, Margeret Ruth .. 194, 272, 306, Peace, John ..... .. . .......... .. .. . 21 Perry, Rendall L . . . . .......... . ... 419 Pigg, Thomas Milburn . . . . .... 407, 574 Peacock, Edith Ann .......... 369, 515 Perry, Sharon Irene 249, 351, 544 Pike, Hol Winthrop ............... 387 365, 557 Pearce Co·op .......... .. . .. ... . . 472 Pike, Herbert M., Jr. 405, 574 Parker, Marshell A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395 Perry, Shirley Bird 18B, 189, 196, 272 Porker, Mory 515 Pearce, George Wilson, Jr. 573 William ... .... Pike, Julia Ann 367, 453, 574 l.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Perry, Douglas 403 , 544 Porker, Mary Ruth 297, 2B7, 440, 573 Pearre, Cha~. Morgon, I I I .... 391, 4B4 Perryman, John Keith ... ...... .. . . 295 Pimentel, Dovid Vance· ............ 544 Parker, Poulla Renee ......... 287, 456 Peorre, Sylvia Jean ..... .. ... 351, 515 Perryman, Margaret Glover .. .. 316, 515 Pinelli, Joseph Fl eming ....... 329, 399 Porker, Rebecca J. . . . . . . . 373 Pearson, Arthur Ivan . ............ . 223 Perrvmon, Perry Richard 323, 325 Pinslcer, Jacqueline Koy ........... 375 Pearson, Jomes C. 221, 296, 301, 515 Perryman, Thomas B. 1B9, 196, 273 Piper, John Shawn ........... 194, 417 Parker, Richard J . ...... ...... 246, 515 Porker, Richard Dowell .......... . . 573 Pearson, Karen Eve ...... 215, 451, 573 Persinger, Richard Roy, 11 ..... 409, 54 Piperi , Sharon Ann . . ..... ..... . . . 516 Porker, Robert Dole ......... . . . . .. 225 Peavy, Penny Dione . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270 Persons, Richard Whitwell 335 Pipes, Morion V. . .......... . .. . .. 371 Porker, Roberta Roe . . . ... ........ 473 Peele, Dione ... . . . . . .............. 428 Peschel, Randal Charles .... .. . 71, 131 Pipes, Melton Royce .. ..•.. .. . 229, 336 Porker, Rose Ellen Peck, James M. . . ............ 221, 236 Peschka, Joseph Cra ig .......... . . . 558 Pipkin, John R. 302, 399, 4B4 Porker, Som Terry B2, 83, 285, 419 Peck, John David .......... .. 3B3, 544 Pester, Rebecca Suzanne ... ... 353, 440 Pipkin, Velma Locey .... 196, 306, 377, Porker, Sandro Jeon ... . ........ . . 419 Peck, Margo rel ... ........ . .. . 29, 251 Pesz, Kimmyth Oshea . . . . . . . . . . . 327 451 Porker, Scott Schreiner .. 335, 407, 557 Peck, Richard lee ........... . 403, 573 Peters, David Wayne 260, 262, 266, Pippert, Beverly Sue ....... . .... . . .453 Porker, Thespo Nina .. . . 252, 315, 441, Peden, David Dantzler, Jr. . . 294 , 426, 515 Pippert, Frederick Bligh ....... 221 , 301 573 Peters, Janet Foye 275, 2B7, 451 , 574 Pippin, Jim Walter .......... . 279, 544 515 Porker, Tim .. . . ... ..... .. . ... ..... 81 Peden, Ruth Elizebeth .. 234, 235, 299 Peters , Jerry David . ........ . ..... 544 Pirrung, Coral Ann ........... 367, 558 Peters, Poul James . . .. 176, 1B4, 219, Parkhurst, Donald Roy ... . . . . ... .. . 310 Peden, Scott lee Pirtle, Robert Earl . .. ........ 304, 516 Parkhurst, Margaret Rose 532 Pedersen, Gregory V. . . . . . . . . . 226 Pisciotta, John lee ............. . . 291 295, 305, 532 Pederson , Barbaro Jonet ..... . 453, 544 Pittard, George E . . . . ....... . 395, 516 Parkison, Randoll Herold ..... 223, 532 Peters, Richard Allen .... . ...... . . 131 Pederson , Lauren ..... . ...... . 341, 573 Pitlenger, Robert Miller . .... . 282, 399 Parman, Wayne Trice 428, 429, 544 Porks, Brenda Sue . . . ............ . 456 Pederson , Reno Morie .. 199, 208, 290, Peters, Susan Foy . . .. ... .... .. . ... 363 Pittmon, Ann ... . ............ ... .. 373 Parmelee, John Joy, Jr. 214, 515 316, 341 Peters, Tommy Neel .......... 383, 558 Pittmon, Carol Ellen .... . ........ . 341 Parmer, Koren Lynn . . . . 257, 354, 355, Pedigo, Paul E. Peterson, Clo ire .. ........ , .... .. . 371 Pittmon, David Jerome ..... .. 194, 397 Ped igo , Paul Truscott ........... .. 294 Pittmon , Nancy . .................. 307 532 Peterson, Darlene G . . . ... ....... . . 309 Pedigo, Robert Daryl ..... .... 265, 294 Pernell, To i Shon ...... . ... . . .. .. . 287 Peterson, Fronk Stevens ....... 235, 236 Pittman, Peggy Sharon ......... . .. 516 Pedrocine, Patrick C. ........... .. 612 Perr, Jerry Lynn ..... . ... . ... 265, 573 Peterson, Glennys Ellen .......... . 456 Pills, Doniel Couldwell 3B3, 454, 55B Pedro, Betty Catherine . . . . . . . . . 558 Parrack , Jim Murphy, Jr. ... ... .... 302 Peterson, Jonie Kim . .. . ........... 347 Pitts, Edmond W. . ............ . .. 516 Pedrolie, Robert Louis .... ... .. ... 220 Persons, Andrew B .. . ... . .... . 300, 544 Peterson, Leslie F . . ... .. .......... 341 Pitts, Richard Edwin....... . .. 405,516 Peebles, Elizebeth Dewitt . . . . 307, 347, Parsons, Charles Mackey .. .... 265 , 454 Pizaloto, Phyllis .. . . .. . ........... 558 Persons, Kirby Welker ........ 196, 403 55B Peterson, Lynne F . . ......... . ..... 515 Plott, Patricio Anne . . ........... . . 359 Peterson, Lesl ie Loy ... . .... .. 369, 554 Peebles, Michael Allen . . .. ...... .. 131 Parsons, Robinson .... ..... .. ....... 81 P1terson, Mory Christine ..... 234, 235, Plischke, Shelia E...•........ .. ... 516 Peebles, Thomos Watson . . . . . . . 544 Partain, Jock Minyard .... .. .. 434 435 453, 558 Ploeger, Judy Lynne .... . 323, 377, 544 Peele, Diane ......... ......•... ... 337 Porten, Stephen C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 Peterson , Nancy Isobel ..... . ... ... 343 Ploetz, Charles Frederick ... •..... . 336 Peek, John Alon .. ...... .... ...... 332 Partlow, Albert Joel .... .... .... . . 407 Peterson, Terry W. 173, 180, 248, 273 Ploetz, Gregory Paul .... . . ........ . 81 Peek, Paul K., Jr . ................ 228 Partlow, Katherine l. . . . . . . . . . . . 51 5 Peterson, Th omas Anthony . .. .. 405, 558 Plog, Phyllis Anne . . .. ... 289, 439, 516 Peel, Phyllis Beth ......... ........ 359 Portn ey, Ca rmen Leto ... ..... . . ... 557 Peterson, William Dennis .......... 335 Plotsky, Noncy E . .... ......•. . . .. 345 Peel, William Dovid . . ..... .. 419, 558 Partridge, Koren Lynne ........... . 557 Pethia , Robert F. . . ... ...... . 288, 302 Plowmen, Keith Roy ......... . .. .. 431 Peery, Stephen Charles ...... 328, 385, Partridge, Lloyd Ray . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573 Petmecky, Carolyn Ann ....... 240, 558 Plueckhohn, Cheryl L. .. .•... . 351, 574 Poschich, Victoria Adrion .. .... ... . 573 573 Petmecky , Mory Gray . . . . . . . 250 Plumb, Stephen Jay ....•..... 421, 574 Peet, Charles E., Jr...... 247, 256, 544 Passman, Deborah Jean . . . .... 287, 374 Pelaez, Tom Michael . . 294 Plumlee, John Petrick .•.. ...... ... 516 Post, Alvin W......... ......... .. 515 Petterson, Jeffrey Lyle ... .. . ...... 335 Plummer, Dorothy Louise .... . 180, 196, Pegler, Gayle Morgoret . . .... . 265, 456 Pehr, Charles E. . ....... .... 432, 515 Pate, Charles Harrell ......... 479, 544 Pellit, Aubrey Lee, Jr...... . . 172, 24B 332 Peiester, Charl es Edwin .... .. . . ... 336 Pote, David N. . . . 232, 247 Pellit, Helen Ann .. 307, 347, 453, 574 Plummer, Jomts Edward .. . . .. 229, 336 Peine, Leon, Jr . ... ............... 332 Pote, Mory Alice . . . . . ... ......... 453 Pellit, Mike ............ 184, 189, 248 Plummer, Virg inia Ann . . ....... ... 3.41 Peine, Michael l ee ......... .. 215, 544 Pote, Robert Ronald .... .... 431, 437, Pelly, John William, I I ........... 302 Plunkett, Allon Borr .............. 247 Pelphrey, Charles B. .. . . . .... ..... 515 544 Petty, Leon Louis, Jr . ..... .. .... .. 405 Poehl, Peggy Ann . . .... . .. .. .•... 574 Peno, Alfredo Enrique 194 , 214 Pote, Walter Fred ........ 390, 391 Pelly, Mori bell V . .... .....•...... 574 Poer, Charles A. . .. .•............ 410 Peno, Benedict Gonzoles .... . ..... 558 Patenaude , Dole Cra ig ....... 256, 573 Peveto, John, I I ........••...•. ... 218 Pohl, James Keller .. ...•...•. 421, 574 Pena , Federico F . ............. ... 515 Paternostra, Poul Vincent ... .. .... . 421 Pfeifler, Gero ld P.... ... . .. . . 417, 515 Pohlman, Adolphus T. . .......... 410 Peno, Oscar F . .......•.....•. .... 227 Patino, George N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478 Pfeilfer, Stephen E. . .... , . ..... ... 381 Poindexter, Belli Rachelle ......... 470 Peno, Steve Doniel ......•..•.. . .. 246 Patmon, Robbie Lee . . 71 , 4'29 Pfeiffer, Suson Lynn .. . . .•. ........ 367 Polansky, Edward Mortin •.. . . 239, 288, Pence, Stephen Frazer ... . ..•...•. 223 Patrick, Frederick W . . . . . . . . . . . 21.7 Pfiester, Dono Id Clay .....•....... 335 295 Pendell, Pa mela Sue .. . ..• . .. . .... 399 Patrick, Jo Ann .... ... 352, 353, 515 Pfluger, AddtSon Lee ......... 288, 295 Polasek, Belinda Lois .......... ... 574 Pender, John Teo I .............. .. 544 PotricJi:, William Dennis ..... .. .... 208 Pfutzenreuter, Howard R . ..... 214, 558 Polasek, Ronald Lynn 312, 516 Pendergraft, Ellen ........... . .. .. 249 Pollen, Joseph Wayne ........ ... .. 328 Phair, Milton W., Jr.......... 384, 3B5 Polhemus, Gorrell Douglas .... 294, 335 Pendleton, John R. . . ......... 261, 515 Potterson, Coralyn June ... . , . ... .. 371 Phaneuf, Robert E, . , . , • , .•.• , 395, 515 Poling,, Craig Allen . , • , , , , , .. 393, 574 Pendleton, Pou l Ky le .. . . 265, 294 , 573 Potterson , Comer 0 . . .. . ........ .. 248 Pharmacy Council . . . . ..... . ....... 202 Polk, Hazel Jon ....• .... 365, 451, 574 Pendley, Linda Sue .............. . 515 Pallerson, Donald 0 ., Jr . . . . ....... 313 Phei I, Joseph Lone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437 Polk, Ken Edward .•...... .•.. 210, 516 Peng, Yn-Hong . . . ... . ....... ..... 295 Potterson , E. Gene . . . . . . . . . . . . 289 Phelan, Jomes D......... 303, 419, 515 Pollen, Thomes M. . • . . . . . . • • . . . • . . 516 Penick, David lee ............ 409 , 544 Potterson, ldollo ........ 275, 450, 453 Phi Beto Kappe ....•... ...•.... .. 293 Pollard, Ann .....•. , . .•.......... 292 Penick, Michael R. . .............. 305 Potterson, Jock Colemon .. 34, 35, 1.40 Phi Beto Kinsolving ...... ..... .... 275 Pollard, Ches. Hardin, Jr•......... 330 Penner, Kandace Ann ......... 298, 515 Potlerson, Janelle 171, 184, 193, 196, Phi Del to Chi ...... ......•.. 276, 277 Pollard, Constance L. •... .•. . 315, 51 6 Penney, Forrest Edward 335, 383, 544 269, 272 Phi Delta The to ...... ........ 404, 405 Pollard, Penno Sue ... .....•...••. 516 Penn•ngton, Robert E., Ill .. 194, 216, Potlerson, Judy Carol .... , . . . . . 544 Ph i Eta Sigma .. .. . . .... . ..••.... 294 Pollord, Randall K.. .• .•. •... .. . . • 516 479 , 558 Potterson, Margaret Anne 205, 515 Phi Gommo Del to .........••. 406, 407 Pol lord, Winfred Doon .•.......... 574 Pottenon, Michael l. 544 573 Phi Koppa Phi ......•.• ••.•.••.... 295 Pollock, Don Bruce . . .••••• •• . 265, 294 Poltenon, Peggy Lynn . . . . • . . . . . . 361 Ptnninglon, Woller .... 265, 413, Phi Koppa Psi ......•..•.•.•• 408, 409 Pollock, Mrs. Gladys • , .... ....••.. 380 Pennington, Stephanie Harlan . , ... 451, BrucePoflenon, Poscdla J . .. . ••.• •.•. , 319 558 Phi Koppa Sigma .. ..•..•.... 410, 411 Pollok, Harrie Morie .•..• 271, 456, 574 600 Nome Pages Nome Pages Nome Pages Nome Pages Pollon, Arnold 380, 516 Price , Jeffrey Michael ... .•. , . . . 532 Rae, David S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201, 220 Reav is, Etha Bernice . . . . . . . . . 44 l Polson, Jackie Dole . . . . . . . . . . . 212 Pr ice, Koren Travis ............... 359 Roesener, Cynthia Yvonne .... 265, 311 , Rech , Gerald Allen . ......... 283, 328 Pomerantz. Stanley Dean ... .. 381, 558 Price, Mork Thomas .......... ... .. 42 1 46S, 558 Rech , Stanley Charles ..... .. . 431, S58 Pond, George Fred, Jr. . .. ........ 544 Pr ice , Meredith W . . . . . . . . . . . . 246 Roffkind, Cheryl l. . . . 34S Record, Horry Doyle ...... .. ...... 247 Pondont, Robert Charles .. . ... 271, 574 Pr ice , Michael Thompso n . . . . . . 388 Raffk ind, Glenna Roe ... . 34S, 4Sl, 574 Rector, Etto Jeanne .......... . . .. . 384 Ponder, Alon Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . 289 Price, Patricio I. . ........ 343, 516 Ragg io, Kenneth Gaylord . . . . . 574 Reddehose, Douglas Ray ...... 304, 517 Ponder, Bruce John .......... . .... 413 Price, Robert A. . .... . ............ 401 Billie . . . . . . . 544 DeWitt .... . . Ragsdale, Ailene Reddick, Carter 199, 269, Ponton, Antoinette L. .... 21S, 287, 3S3 Price, Steven Cha rl es . .. ... ....... 309 Ra iley, R. 247, 296 Malcolm 290, 29S Pool, Donna J..... , . . . . . . . . . . . . 4S9 Price, Thomas G., Jr ........ 247, 296 Rai n, Thomas Edwin . ......... 379, 544 Reddick, Franklin 558 Henry .. ... ...... Poole, Marjorie Marie .. 367, 456 , 574 Price , Vernon Go ry ........... 395, 544 Ra inbolt, Tommy Reed, Jr..... 413 , S44 Redfearn , Jennifer Lynn 377 Poore, Pamela Roe . . . . . . . . . . . . . 574 Prickette, Gerald S. 220, S16 Raines, Lindo April 323, 355 Reding, Jone Sharon . 532 Pope, Alex, 111 . . . . . . . . . . . . 426 Priebe , Patricio Em ma .. . ......... 57.. Rainey, Anno Ela ine 353 Redland, Alice R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314Pope, James David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S44 r'riefert, Don Wayne ... . . .... 399, 558 Rainey, Carolyn Ann 532 Redmond, Jomes Michael .......... 574 Pope, John Marvin ...... 194, 328, SS8 Priem, Morie Hilda .. .. ........... 516 Rainey, Martha Ann "56 Reed, David Norman ....... .. 419 , 544 Pope, Nelda Ann ................. Sl 6 Priem, Richard Gregory . . .. .. ..... 329 Rainey, Paulette . . . . . 299, 309 Reed, Fred Dewitt, Jr. . . ...... . . .. 295Pope, Patricia Ann ...... 2S1, 462, S58 Priesmeyer, Ronald Beck ...... ..... 55 8 Raith, Robert Roger ...•..... ..... 284 Reed, Jimmy D....... .. . .. ... .. . . 302 Poppe, Frederick Henry, Jr. . . 242, 284 Pr iess , Charles Horry . . . . . . . . . . . . . 574 Roley, Donny Keith ..... 247, 296 Reed, John Harold ......... ....... 476 Porter. Adolphus Donald ....... .... S24 Pr;hoda, Joe Daniel .......... 220, Sl 7 Ralston, Shirley .. . ...... 23S, 299 Reed, Lindo Dionne ....... .... .... 343 Porter, Anita Dionne ......... 292, 516 p,;kryl, Rufus Raymond ....... 283, 328 Rolzen , John Poul . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 Reed, Lindo Katherine ..... ... . ... 365 Porter. Bill ie Pat .. 27S, 293, 4S3, S16 Primm, John Hiesermon .. . .... 265, 558 Porter, Clara Louise .......... 377, S74 Prince, Carlon H. . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 Ramomoorthy, Chittoor V . , ....... . 247 Reed, Lindo M................... 373 Ramert, Frank F., Jr. .. . 328, 517 Reed, Patsy B................ 292, 29S Prieur, Donald .....•. , • . Ram irez, Beatrice ...... ... .. . 314 , 544 Reed, Penelope Ann 374, 464, SSB Porter, Cynthia lee .......... 343 , S5B Pr ince , Robert Dole ... .. .......... 51 7 Porter, David Allen , .. . ... . . . ... ... 294 Jomes 51 7 ..... Ram irez, . . . . . 462 Raymond Porter, Donah lee . ...... ...... .. . 532 Pritchard, John Charles . . . . . . . 330 Lindo . ..... Reed, Holbrook .......... 265 ... ........ .. Porter, Elizabeth Ann ............ . 341 Procter, Williom Ernest 216 Ramirez, Mario Estela 462 Reed, Regino Loretto ........... .. 353 Porter, Gilbertine M., Mrs. . . . . . 411 Proctor, Cloyton B. . .... ....... ... 222 Ramirez, Moria Graciela . . . 215, 474 Reed, Sharon l ........ . 2S7, 262, 311 Porter. James Reid . 194, 236, 403, S74 Proctor, Frederick W infield . . . . . . 265 Ramming, Rondy Roger . 532 Reed, Stephen l. ......... ......... 71 Porter. Lloyd B. . . . 23S, 411 Proctor, Margaret A. . . . 343, 51 7 Romos, Jose Luis 265 Reed, William Cloy .......... 395, S32 Porter, Lonnie l. . ...... ..... 220, 296 Proctor, Owen Glover, Jr. 302 Romos, Ricordo Arturo .. .. .. .. .... 479 Reeder, Michael Erwin . . ...... .... 421 Porter, Melvin Duane, Jr. . . . . . 516 Proctor, Robert Wingo 574 Ramser, Marcia Lynne . . . . . . • . . . . . 451 Rees, Forest J., Jr. 23S, 389, 544 Porter, Patricio Ann . . . . . 475 Proctor, Sondra 371 Romsey, David Bruce ..... ..•....... 84 Rees, Warren Leslie . . . .... ..... . . 239 Porter, Randolph Ellis 234, SS8 Proft, William J., Jr.... . 223, 234, 23S Ramsey, Jones 34 Reese, Craig Eug. 517 Porter. Rebecca Anne .. 176, 200, 269, Prokop, Jul;o Mae . . . 3S9, SS8 Ramsey, Kenneth Alon 409 Reese , Jomes R. . .. ...... .... 379, 517 289. 3S7 Prothro, Charles N................ 288 Romsey, Martha Ann ..... 280, 36S, 408 Reese , W illi am Robert .......... . . 322 Porter, Robert O scar . . . . . . . . . . 330 Prothro , John Elwyn , Jr. . . . . . . . . . . 403 Ramsey, Mory Susann .... .. ... 440, 574 Reeser, John Corl ..... . .. . . ...... 544 Porter, Terry Sue ........ 26S, 311 , SS8 Protopopos , Athonosios S. . . . . . . . . 252 Romshorn Co-op . . . . . . . . . . . . 477 Reeve, Scott C... . .. .. ... , . .. 294, S44 Porter, Thomas David . . .... . . . 260, 262 Protopopas, Carolyn M. . .......... 252 Randoll , Annette Morie .. ..... 349, 475 Reeves, Gwynne Annette .......... 451 Portig, Elisabeth Rena to . . . ... . . . .. 2B7 Provost, Dono Id l. ........ .. ...... 288 Randoll, Jock Palmer ............. 26S Reeves, Hugh G.................. 216 Portig, Harold . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29S Provost, Oneil E., Jr. . . . 517 Randoll , Robert Stanley, Jr. . . . . . 476 Reeves, Mory Ann ............ 371, 544 Prudhomme, Lenore M. . . . . . . . 458 Posgote, Lourie ... .. . ............ 235 Rondals, James Hord .... 216, 217, S44 Reeves, M ich ael W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421 Posner, Mory Lynn . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . 363 Pruitt, Brion Thomas 213 Rondersan, Marjorie Dow ... .. ..... 558 Reeves, Robt. Glenn, Jr...... 114, 222,Posner, Sonders lee .. ... , . . . . . 544 Pruitt, French Anne ...... 338, 371, SS8 Randolph, Charlotte E. . ........... 367 S32 Posse . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . 282 Prunty, Gail Adele .. 4S3, S74 Randolph, Fred Curt . . . . . . . . . . . . 246 Regelin, Clinton D., Jr. 544 Potchernick, Mory Eileen ...... 341, 419 Pruske, James Edw . . ......... 296, 301 Brian D............. 421, Renelle, S1 7 Reger, Linda Gayle . . . 4SS Potter, Dawn G . . .. . 224, 3S9, 424, S16 Pryor, Fronk Edwin 246 Roney, Jomes Grant, Jr. ...... 395, 544 Rego-Ramirez, Francisco A. . . . . . . . 517 Potter. Homer Al len, 111 41 3 Pryor , Gregory F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419 .. . Rankin, 9;11y Jack ...... .......... 544 Reid, Jomes l. . . ... 23S, 278, Sl 7 Potter, James Benjam in . . . . . 410, 411 Pryor, Jomes William ... ... ... 300, 51 7 Rannels, Sandro Koy 4 75 Re;d, Jerry P. .. .............. . S17 Potter, Olivia loyne .... 249, 290, 316, Pryor. Stephen Corl .............. . 476 Ra nsel, Alfred Denn ison .... . . 33S, 339 , Reid, Libbie Lou . . . . . . . . . . . . 544 377, 419, 544 Psencik, Donald Wayne . . . . . . . 544 434, 43S Reid, Undo E. M. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 544 Potter, Terry Eugene ... . ........ .. 53 2 Puckett, Steve Edward .... ........ S44 Ransleben, Sheila Morie , ..... 367, S74 Reid, Michael L......... ..... 211, S44 Potts, Stephen Manning ...... 26S, 294, Pugh, Lynn .... . . . .... 4S3, 574 Ransom, Horry Hu nt . . . . . . . . . . 20, 295 Reiff, John Dovid ...... . 231, 293, 403 427, S74 Pugh, Winifred D . .... .. .......... 314 Ron ton, Michoel Lewis ........ 425, 558 Reilly, Michael Atlee . . 407 Pou, Julio M. . .. .. . . . . .. .. .. S44 Pugsley, Susan Eileen 21S, 27S, 287, 361 Rapier, John Edword ......... 243, 284 Reiman, Lindo Ann ............... 517 Poulos, Richard Gary .......... B5, 328 Pounds , Donnie Joe . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 Pulido, Joe Carl . . . ....... 214, SS8 Ropp, Joseph Winifred .. 221, 421, SS8 Reimann , Jon Lynn ........ . .. 341, 378 Pounds, James Arthur. IV .......... 331 Pullom, Constance Morion .... 307, 3" 9, Ropp, Richard Mkhoel . . . . . . . . 32S Reinouer, Robert Marshall ... ..... .' 332 Powell, Alice E.............. ..... 29S 470 Raschke, Er in Christine .. 287, 341 , 574 Reindl, David Wayne . . . . . . . . . . . 256 Raschke, W;lliam C. .... 142, 293, 312, Reinecke, Peter Kious ........•.. .. 256 Powell, Deann .... ........... 4S6, 574 Powell, Barbara Lynn ......... 3S3, 4S1 Pulliam , Joe Clinton , Jr. . . . . . . . . . 544 S17 Reinertsen, Koren Jeon ... 544 Pulliam, John Donald . . . . . . . 200 Rosco, Dennis Lemar 256, 544 Reinhard, Erwin A . ....... ...... .. 247 S16 Rase, Stephen Hendrick ...... 3B3, 4S4 Reinhart, George Wm. P. . . . . . 222 Powell, Edwina Sodonia .. ... 464, 465 , Pu Iman, Carolyn B . ............. .. 363 Purcell, Adonia Jane .... 190, 469, 474, Rosh. Anno Kathleen 235, 240 Reinicke, Robert W . .... ..... . 223 , 517 Powell House 532 Rosh, Jomes Wayne ............. . 476 Reining, Judith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453 Purcell, Donald Wayne .... .. . 389, S32 Rash. Roloh Allen . . . 218, 222 Reining, Robert Joy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 Powell, Gene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Powell, Jonis La yn e ... ..... ... .... 369 Purcell, Stephen M., Jr....... 409, S17 Rashid, Nasser A . . ...... , ........ 296 Reinmuth, Oscar William . . . . . . . . . 295 Powel I, Jerome l ee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 Purvis, Gordon Po ul .. . . . ...... .... 517 Rasmussen, Diano Lynn . . ...... . . .. 4 39 Reisfeld, Don no lee 28S, 287, 375, Powell, Mary Katherine ........... 373 Puryear, Ji mmy W ayne .......... . . 53 2 Ro tkin, Merriesso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363 Powell, Loura Kathleen ... , •.• 3S9, 453 574 Powell, Michael Earl ......... 180, 273 Puryear, Sharron Reaves .. ... 265, 299, Ratliff, Hilda Ruth 612 Relyea, Richard D. 262 Powell, Milton Corl .......... 30S, S32 309 Ratliff, Roger H. ............. 261 Rempe, El izabeth Josie .. . ....... . . 194 Powell, Thomas Michael .. .. , ...... 478 Pustejovsky, Jean Morie . .. . ....... 439 Sondra ....... S74 Reneou, Lou ise ... ..... .. . . Ratl;ff, Marlene 287, Frances 544 Powell, Travis William ....... 283, 327 Powers, Bruce Stephen , , , . , ... 26S, 284 Putegnot, Georgia Anne 234 1 457 Ratliff, W;ll iom D., 11 1 ..... . . 407, S74 Reneau, Thomas Alan ... . 229, 33S, S1 7 Powers, Catherine F . . . ....... 271, 516 Rotner, Celi to ...... . . ... ........ . 484 Putnam, Kori Bonawit .... 390, 391, SS8 Renfro, John Michael .... ..... .... 115 Pyeatt, Susan ...... ....... 343, S17 Renfro, Robert B. .. ............... Sl 7 Pyle, Ernest Seaborn, Jr . .......... 484 Rauhut, Ga;I .. . . ...... Renick, Lynn Morie .. ............ . 279 Powers, Irene . . ... . .. . .......... . 455 Ratzlow, Jonis Ann . . . . . 364, 36S, S17 Powers, Judith Ann .... ........... 516 Martha .... S1 7 Powers, Muriel Dorothy .. ..... 373, 558 Pyron, Walter Ray ................ 26B Rou p, Calvin lee ..... .... . . . 387, SS8 Renolo , Mor ia .............. . ... . . 517 Poyner, Thomes Nathaniel ... ..... . 532 Roup, James Robt . ... ............. 387 Rentz. Sharon Koy .... . 240, 31 S, S44 fl! Poythress, Robert Paul ... , .. , ..... 294 Ravel, 8orbora J. . ................ 34S Renyck, Raymond T. . ............. S44 ,'ill. Pozo, Ana Mari o ....... . ... . ... . . 574 Rovipoty, Umo Devi ...... .. . . 195, 254 Renz. Randall R.............. .. .. S17 Q Rowdin , Mitchel Repert, ........... Prado, Edward Charles . . . . . 239, 544 Scott .... . , ....... 415 Richard W inston 213 . "' Repp, Lotty .. . ... . ...... 287, 34S, S74 Praetorian Guard . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283 Rawe, Corel Jeon . . . . . . . . . . . 456 Quon, Jinpoing Rawlings, 484 Requa, Annette Louise ...... .. 365, 517 Prager, David Herbert ........ 422, 423 Gordon ... .. , ..... 216 John S. . .... ........ ... Prohler. David Scott .......... 336, S74 Quarles, Penny Dee ... .. . .. . .. .... 473 Rawlings, Stephen Woyne ..... 293, 29S Rersfeld , Donna Lee 275 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reser, Helen Agnes ....... .. . ... 369 Pransky, Rosalyn lee .... 244, 323, 34S Quoss , Elizabeth An n ............. 318 Rowlins, Wilson Terry ..... .. ...... 309 P10ter, Steven T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 558 Queen, Morilouise .... ...... . 359, 424 Rowls, Charles E. 219, 517 Restmeyer, Rosemary A . . .... ...... 517 Pratka, Anne Elizabeth ....... 3SS, 453 Quick, Suo nne 558 Rowson , Robert Nicholas .. .. 429, 574 Retmono .... ... . . . . ....... 484 Rettig, Eoluc Von, Jr. . . . . . . . . . 54 4 Pratt, David Allred .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. 516 Quider, Sherry Lynn . ............. 289 Ray, Adolphus W., Jr . .. 198, 210, 517 Reum , Suzanne Frances, I ..... 262, 574 Pratt , Kevin Burton . . . . . . . . . . . . 574 Quijano, Reynaldo Roa ....... 283, 326 Roy, Bobby Gene .. . . •............ 532 Revell , Arthur Mitchell . . . . . . . . 288 Prott, Robert B., Jr. . .. .. .. .. .. S16 Quillen, Sharon D. . . . . . .. . . . . . . 377 Ray, Don Hilton ............. 229, 35S Rexer, Mory Patricio .... , ... , ..... 287 Preciado, Albert H................ 221 Quinlan, Patrick John ...... , . 294, 4S4 Roy, Lindo Gayle ................ 574 Reymonn, Kathleen A. . ......... .. 451 Preece , Forrest F . ....... ..... 212, 516 Quinn, Dennis Michael ........ .. .. 517 Roy, Mary Anne 181, 196, 272, 338, Reyno, Rodolfo F................. 331 Prejean, Blanche G. . ............. 290 Quinn , Eloine Terese ... ...... . ... 474 3S9' S44 Roy, Mary Lou ..... 221, 371, 387, S44 Reynaud, Lois Ann . . .. ........ . ... 371 Pre-low Society .. .... ..... . 284 Quinn, Jomes Anthony .. 245, 333, 544 112, 419, Reynolds, .... 451, Prendergast, Bonnie ....... . .. 373, S44 Quinn, John M . ... .... .... . ...... . 22 Ray, Philip Dewolf ...... S58 Alice Kaye 33S, S74 Roy, Rita Coral .... ............. . S58 Reynolds, Arleose J. . ..... .. .... .. 470 Prenshow, Eric Richard .. 260, 262, 263 Quintani lla, Delio Ida ......... ... 517 Prentice, Margaret V . ... . . . ...... . 516 Quinton, Onnelly Jeon .. .. .. . 4SS, S5B Ray, Susan ............. 359, 4S3, SS8 Reynolds, Carolyn .. . , . .. ......... S44 Ani to .... Reynoids, J. . . . . . . . . . Prescott, Luther D., Jr. ... .... ... . 313 Quisenberry, Tony Merl ........ . . . 256 Rayburn, Koy . . . ........ 532 Carolyn 295 Reynolds, Carolyn Sue ....... . 194, SS8 Prescott, Stanley Everittt ..... 236, 391, Quitto, Jomes Edw ard ... .. ...... . 409 Rayburn, Henry H............ 219, 517 574 Quock, Jone Lee ............•... , 54 4 Raye, Tommy Doc . 1B9, 296, 312, S32 Reynolds, Davod Allen 294, 574 Presley, John Edward . . .......... . 429 Reo, Frances Ann . 297, 367, 412, 440, Reynolds, Harriet ........ 200, 236, 353 Presley, Sharon Ann . . . . . . . . . 456 558 Reynolds , .James Walton . , ..... 34, 29S Pressler, Mary Evelyn ......... 35S, S74 Read, Poul M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426 Reynolds, Julie Lee .... , , .. , . 36S, 37B Preston , Jone I Lynn . . . . . . . . . . . . . 558 Read, Rhonda S . .. 230, 371, 401, S17 Reynolds, Morolyn ....... .. 257, 544 R Preston, John William .. ........ ... 333 Read, Ronald Alan ...... , ........ 532 Reynolds, Ronald H.... , . , • , . 419, 544 Price , Berry Lon . . ........ . ..... . . 574 Reagan, Betty Jyl. ................ 3S7 Reynolds, Salley E................ 35S Price, Charles Stanley . , , ..... 421, S74 Rabbe, Gilbert Ot;s, Jr. . . . . . 223, S74 Reagon, Janet l. ............ 441, 544 Reynolds, Thomas David ........... 427 Price, Cloy Louis, 111 .... 223, 294, S74 Rabensburg, Aubrey N eale .. 378, 379, Regan, Lindo E. 292, 29S, 441 , 517 Reynoso-Lora, Luis E . ...... . ...... 558 Price, Cleburne ..... .. , •.. 3S, 84, 140 . 532 Reagon, Mork Thomas ........ 335, 574 Rhea, Clinton Tell ................ 429 p,;ce, Dan Rugeley ......... .. 40S, 558 Rabon, Marilyn G . ........ , , . 4S3, S44 Reagan, Poul Randolph ........... 517 Rhea, Edgar Earl, Ill ........ 309, 477 Price, David W. . .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. . 385 Rochel, Jomes N... 286, 322, 323, 327 Reagon, Wm. Clinton ... ...... . .. . 328 Rhea, John W ., 111 .......... 379, S44 Price, Dell Gwinette .. . ....... . ... 574 Rocusin, Barry Lewis .... . 217, 443, 574 Reagor, Fred Logan ....... ... •.. . . 484 Rhea, Kathleen ........... .. ...... 532 Price, Edwin 8. . . .. . ...... .. ..... . 28 Rocusin, Charles .... . ....... . 415, 51 7 Reagor, Mary P., Mrs..., , •..... . . 484 Rhew, Carol Jeon . 194 Price, Harold L. ..•.. , . , . 219, 222, S16 Rad, Franz N. .. ................. 296 Reams, Gail Jacoby .......•... , .. . 484 Rhoades, Patricio C. ......... 451, 57.t Price, Jomes Thomas ...•..... , .. .. 227 Radock, Thomas Andrew , , , • , . 393, S44 Reaves, Cornelio E . .. .. . , , .. . , ... . 455 Rhodes , Carole Prim ........ .. .... 532 Price, Jas Hughes, Jr. , ... , . .. 173, 184 Radde, Paul Oliver .... , , , , .. 193, 4B4 Reaves, William Auburn ••. .•. ..... 476 Rhodes, lewis Rae, Jr. . ... , . ... ... 478 601 Nome Pogos Nome Pages Nome Pages Nome Pages Rhodes, Roy Norwood, Jr. . . 142, 379, Rittenoure, Robert Lynn ...... , .... 291 Rodgen, Karen Ann ..... 224, 366, 367, Ross, James R. . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460 574 Ritter, Mory Eden . . .. . ... . ....... 295 518 Ross, Julie Ann ......... 365, 413, 575 Rhodes, Sue Ann ... . ...... . ...... 257 Rivero, Doniel Homer ........... . . 476 Rodgers, Margaret A•......... .. .. 518 Ross, Karen Kaye .........••• 343, 575 Rhodius, Linda Jean ... ...... .. ... 314 Rivers, Kathy Goil ................ 440 Rodgers, William Albert ..... . 217, 558 Ross, Lawrence S. V . ............. 413 Rholenberry, Solly ................ 451 Rives, Aaron Barry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423 Rodrick, Rea Otis ....... . • ..•.. ... 518 Ross, Kothleen ............... 369, 545 Riola ........ . ................. . 208 Rives, June E. . .. .. ......... . .. . . 377 Rodriguez-Golviz, Armando .... 85, 254 Ross, Ronald Steven ...••.. • ...... 294 Ribnick, Joanie ......... 375, 451, 574 Rives, Larry Hill ........ 327, 397, 545 Rodriguez, Alberto, Jr . . ........... 294 Ross, Suson Lynn . . 194, 353, 408, 558 Ricci, Carol Ann ................. 337 Ria, John Reg inald, Jr........ . .... 425 Rodriguez, Benjamin E . ..... . 189, 194, Ross, Terry Ann . ........ 367, 453, 575 Rice, Browne B., 111 ..•...•....... 303 Rizy, David John ............. .... 331 196, 216, 239 Ross, Williom Ralph, Jr....... 19•, 234 Rice, Carolyn Ch ris tine ....... 4S6, S74 Roach, David Woils . . ........ 216, 325 Rodr iguez, Carlos Costill , Jr. .. . ... 545 Rossignol, Dono Id D. . . . . • . . . . . . . . 322 Rice, Charlotte G . ......... ....... 319 Roach, Ed Dupree .......• . ... . ... 302 Rodriguez, Eulolio M...... ........ 484 Rosson, Lawrence Fronk ....... 326, .C.37 Rice, Jane Anne ................. . S44 Roach, James R. IDr.) ..••.... 189, 273 Rodriguez, Federico Angel .... 281 , 484 Rotenberry, John T. . ........... .. . 211 Rice, Karol Lynne . 241, 373, 419, 545 Roach, Sarah C. . .... ........ 353, 558 Rodriguez, Francisco Blos . . , ..... . . 329 Roth, Charles Harold, >r. . .. ....... 2•7 Rice, Mary Lynn .................. 194 Roach, Sherlyn Da le . . ...... . 440, 574 Rodriguez, Irma E . ..... . .. .. ..... 574 Roth, Irene Marie ................ 575 Rice, Robert W illiam ............. 246 Roane , Buckner Duncan ....... 393, 558 Rodriguez, Jos ie ....... . 235, 240, 545 Roth, Leonard M........ 432, 433, 519 Rice, Steve T... .. .. .. .. 19B, 304, 517 Roark, Margaret Elaine . 2B7, 297, 4.(0, Rodriguez, Maria Edna ....... 257, 545 Rothenberg, lee Harris . 254, 321, 433, Rice, Susan Elaine ........... ..... SSS 558 Rodriguez, Nerio Antonio ......... 574 575 Rice, Thomas Bede . . . ..... . ....... 260 Roa ten, David John .......... 276, 574 Rodriguez, Oscar Roy . ........... . 518 Rothschild, Bernhardt F..... . . 323, •22, Rice, Thomas Naffe .. ... ... .... . .. 265 Roa ten, Shelley Poe, Jr......... . . 276 Rodriguez, Pablo Jase ............. 281 423, s•s Rich, Albert Dyckman ........ 294, 333 Robb, Jahn William .......... 411, 545 Rodriguez, Rebecca Felice .... •39, 558 Rothschild, Madalyn Sue ....... 375, 575 Rich, Doniel Raymond .....•.. 413, 574 Robb, Rando lph Roland .....••.... 574 Rodriguez, Reynaldo, Jr. . .... . .... 476 Rothwell, Donold Joe ............. 55B Richord, Thomas Glenn ....... 302, 484 Robbins. Jack William, 11 .. ....... 336 Rodriguez, Robert Munoz .......... 518 Rothwell, Richard O "Neil .......... 519 Richards, Daniel Thomas . .. ........ 333 Robbins, Shoron Elaine ........ .... 3.(5 Rodriguez, Robert X. . ...•.... 278, 309 Rotter. la Nell Marie •....... 474, 519 Richards, George W.......... 413, Sl7 Robenon, Pamela M. . ............ 472 Rodriguez, Salvador C., Jr. ........ 518 Rotter, Sheryl Anne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532 Richards, Gretchen Shultz ..... 413, 518 Roberts, Alan Bruce . .......... . .. . 295 Roe, Marilyn Duff ......• ..... 304, 518 Rottner. Jo Ann ............. 345, 545 Richards, Janet l. ... ........ 236, 518 Roberts, Anne Elizabeth .....•..... 545 Roeder, Bette G. ·McColl, Mrs . . .. .. 484 Roubideoux, Anne ................ 575 Richards , Leslie H. F. . .. ..... ..... 427 Roberts, Bennie Donald ........... 322 Raeder. Jerry E . . ...... . 296, 301 , 518 Roughton, Barbaro Kay ............ 545 Richards, Phyllis .................. 292 Roberts, Billy Harold .....•..•..... 558 Roeder. Larry Drue ............. .. 518 Round, Beverly Diane ......... 215, 251 Richards, Rita Gladys ... . ... . 194, 197 Roterts, Carole J................. 518 Roeder, Ray Arthur ..... . ......... 476 Rounsaville, Jomes Arthur .......... .(27 Richards, Roberta H....... .. 289, 337, Roberts, Eddie Dan . . ............. 387 Roemer, Geoffrey Stephen . ... 245, 331, Rounsaville, Ronald R...... . ...... 301 373, 399, 518 Roberts, Fredric Daniel .... . ... .. .. 415 574 Rountree, John B., 111 .. ...... ... . 302 Richards, William Baldridge . . •27, 574 Roberts, Hetty .......... ..... 361, 558 Roes I e, Dono Id Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 Rountree , Kyle Bruce . .. .. .. ..... .. 223 Richardson, David Leroy ..... ....... 81 Roberts, Howard Nixon ....... 247, 2.(8 Roessler, George J.......... . 296, 518 Rountree, Steve M . . ........ ..... . 226 Richardson, Gwen ....... 251, 351, 518 Roberts, John M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 Rogol, Esther ................ 440, 574 Rountree, Wiley Barry, Ill .. 180, 399, Richardson, Harl .... ........... . .. 302 Roberts, Joseph Enoch . . . . . . . 397, 532 Rogas, Patricia Jeanne .. 262, 440, 574 532 Richardson, Jacquelyn Ann . . .. 282, 421 Roberts, Joyce Regino . .......... . . 271 Rogde, Langston King ............. 329 Roure, Mary Jeanne ... ....... 270, 309 Richardson, James Allan ..... ... ... S32 Roberts, Kent Willis . . ...... . . 131 532 Rogers, Andrew W ier, Ill ......... 574 Rouse, Leila Frances ..... .. ....... 545 Richcrdson, Jerry lee . . . . . . . . . . . 518 Roberts, Marilyn Sue . . ....... 441, 558 Rogers, Ann Ellen ........ ........ 558 Rousseau , Gemme .... . ........... 357 Richardson, John S. . .........•.... 409 Roberts, Martha lee .... 194, 33B, 353, Rogers, Barbaro Connally ... . ...... 293 Rousser, Terri lee ............ 287, 378 Richardson, John Warr.en ...... .. .. 277 456, 558 Rogers, Charles Alea ...... . . .. 81 , 429 Roussos, Pavlos X•.• 85, 180, 189, 252 Richardson, Koye ... . ............ . 558 Roberts, Michael D . ............... 401 Rogers, Cheryl Reno ..... 280, 289, 545 Routh, Judy Patricia . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297 Richardson, Kenneth Robert .. 112, 310, Roberts, Owen lee . ........ . ..... 518 Rogers, Cullen J., 11 . . ............ 558 Routh, Kenneth l. .. . ............ . 218 •OS, 518 Roberts. Ph illip Harold ....... 391, 574 Rogers, Dolores Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 Routt, James O 'Neal, Ill 294 Richardson, Kent Stephen . . . . . . . 320 Roberts, RondaII lee .....•... ..... 429 Rogers, Doyle Evans .... .. . ... .... 239 Routt, Linda Carol . 307, 349, 475, 558 Richardson, Loura Gene ..... . 275, 287, Roberts, Richard lee ....... ....... 518 Rogers, Edward Keith ............. 419 Rowan, Randall Edward . 332, 391 , 575 367, 574 Roberts, Richard R. . . ............. 379 Rogers, Elizabeth A............... 371 Richa rdson, Marg"aret Elaine, Mrs. . 545 Roberts, Sally Lou ................ 518 Rogers, Gary Duane .......... 304, 518 Rowe, Jasper C . .. ................ 519 Richardson, Noncy Ann .... ... ..... 369 Roberts, Sherry Lynn .............. 558 Rogers, Janet Rebecca ......... ... 471 Rowe, Sharon Ruth ............... 558 Richardson, Rita C . ... .......... . . 518 Roberts, Victoria Anne ........ 287, 297 Rogers, John Poul ... . . ....... .... 246 Rowland, George Thomas ..... 289, 295 Richordson, Robert Ed ........ .... 328 Roberts, William Jack .. . ..... . .... 574 Rogers, Lorene lone .............. 269 Rowlett, Koren Delura .. 194, 365, 558 Richardson, Robert Griggs .... 328, 399, Roberts, William P., Ill .. ......... 518 Rogen, Lynda Gayle .... 194, 367, 5•5 Rowley, Jo Ann . . .. 335, 337, 355, 519 545 Robertson, Calder Louis, Jr. . .. ... . 335 Rogers, Lynn Ann ................ . 518 Rowton, Brenda Goil . . . . . . . . . . . . 558 Richardson, Robert Leary .. ... 211 , 545 Robertson, Corbin J., Jr.. .. . . . 71, 313 Rogers, Olga Moria ............. . . 518 Richardson, Ronald Dale ...... 261, S74 Robertson, James Calder .......... 336 Rogers, Ralph Bryan .......... 329, 574 Roy, Elizabeth Anne ...... ..... : .. 444 Royal Co·op ..................... 478 ' Richardson, Soroh Elizabeth .. 306, 341 Robertson, Leonard A. . . 320, 436, 437 Rogers, Robert Guy, Jr...•... 409, 545 Royal, Darrell . . .......... 34, 71, 307 Richardson, Virginia Ann ....... . .. 451 Robertson, Mary Allen ............ 558 Rogers, Robert Michael ..••........ 294 Royal Spirit ...................... 285 Richordson, William Horold .. 219, 532 Robertson, Peggy Myra ...... ...... •54 Rogers, Ronald lee .... . . ....•.... 574 Raye, Loura Y • •.••.••••••••• 351, 519 Richey, Gary Dole ...........•.... 558 Robertson, Robert Elgin ...... 294, 335 Rogers, Samuel Hayes ............. 558 Richardson, Roxanne ......... 357, 453 Robertson, John Wilbur . . .... . . 84, 1'0 Rogers, Randy Clyde ........ 427, 518 Rozen, Phyll is Jo H•...... . ..... . . 519 Richey, Horvey Mac, Ill . . ... . .... . 328 Robertson, Robert lee ..... .. . .... 225 Rogers, Victor Joe .. .. .. 196, 198, 273, Rozier, Kellyn ... . . 249, 290, 295, 316, Richey, John Wesley . . ....... 379, 574 Robertson, Ronald W......... 201 , 225 2B8, 415 519 Rochey, Thomas Allen ......... 217, 265 Robertson, Sarah Ann ... .. ........ 518 Rogers, W illiom Douglas ... ....... 246 Rubac, Edward Landry ............ 327 Richnow, Douglas Wayne .... 273, 277, Robertson, Wilhelmina E. . ........ 371 Rohde, Alfred William, Ill ........ 429 Rub in, Marsho Joan ..•..• .. • • 375, 575 312, 313, S•S Robertson, William Terry ....... . .. 545 Rohrer, David Barbee ..... ..... ... 391 Rubin, Pou lo Lynne ...... .. ....... 375. Richter, Carolyn Fae ........... .. . 574 Robichau, Hewitt Paul ............. 81 Rohrer , John Potterson ........ 390, 391 Ruby, Ronald Jay .......•......... 423 Richter, Glenn Alon . . . . . . . . . 265 Robin, Dionne Morie ...... . .. 275, 545 Rohrer, Thomas Jomes ....•.... 71, 310 Ruckel, Charles Walter, Ill . 326, 413, Richter. Robert Norman ........ ... 289 Robin, Joel Marc ................. 545 Rokahl, Harvey W. . .............. 519 Rickords, Judith Anne ........ 426, 518 Robinette, Charles Edward .... •77, S•S Romon, Gilda Christin ............ 532 558 Rucker, Randol Thomas ........•... 545 Ricketts, Jeanie ......... 179, 254, 341 Robins, David Milton ......... 399, 545 Romberg, John W. . .......•....... 220 Ruckman, Dale Reed . ••.. .. . . 397, 545 P.iclc:rim, William Frank ..... . ... ... 545 Robinson, Beverly Gene ....... 194, 371 Romigh, Jack Adolph, Jr. .. . ....... 222 Ruckman, Edith Jeanne •.•••....... 532 Riddell, Joseph M., Ill . 273, 319, SIB Robinson, Bobby Jock ... . .... 421, 545 Romo, Roland ........ ...... . 217, 271 Rudd, Andrea Beth ••....... .. .... 194 Riddle, Michele .... .............. •62 Robinson, Carol Jo ........... 289, 518 Road, Magdalena Marianna ........ 473 Rudd, Judy Jane ............ . 473, 519 Rider, Harry Wayne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532 Robinson, Dono Id Ira, 11 .........• 518 Rooney , Paula Morie .............. 519 Rudder. Jone Ellen ..••• . • . ..••... 359Rider, Kent Morrsion .... . 260, 295, 312 Robinson, Donald Steven .. . ...... . 216 Roosth, Nancy Rae ...... . .. . . 280, 345 Rudes, David Alan ... ........ 433, 575 Ridley, Jill . .. . .. .. .......... 373, 574 Robinson, Douglas W., Jr . ..... ... 399 Root, George Raymond, Jr....... . . 332 Rudes, Jerome H. . ... . ............ 300 Ridley, Kothryn Jean ........... . . . SSB Robinson, Frederick John ... . 220, 265, Root, James Barth ................ 332 Rudkin, Carol Jean .. . .. .••....... 519 Ridout, Robert Gladstone, Ill .... . 213, 574 Roper. Stephen William ...... 407, 575 Rudolph, Janel A. l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 216, 518 Robinson, Harley C., Jr....... 387, 558 Roquemore, Jos. Hal • . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 Rue, Maurine A . .................. 411 Riefler, Louis Joseph, Jr. . . ... 336, 399 Robinson, Jeonine C. . ............ 439 Lou is ............... 519 Rork , Edward Rieke, Robert David . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518 Robinson, Jenny Kay ......... 365, 558 Rosales, Manuel George, Jr .. 229, 33.(, Rueter, David John .... ..... ... ... 294 Rienstra, Myrta Anne . . ..... . . 46B, 472 Robinson, Jahn D. . .... . ........ .. 518 479, 519 Ruiz -Cardenos, Hector De ..... 247, 296 Guadalupe 251, Riepe, Robert lee . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 336 Robinson, John Howard, Jr. .. 288, 302 Rose, Coral Jean .. . .... . .... 271, 519 Ruiz, ...... . .. ... . 559 Rulfs, Carol Ann .... 173, 180, 449, 519 Riesser, Cynthia Ann .. . .. . .. . 235, 270 Robinson, Johnnie Fred . . ........... 81 Rose, Donald E. J . ... ............ 519 Rife, Faye Annette . . . . . •... .. 357, 558 Robinson, Mary Ann . ... .. ........ 367 Rase, Douglas Arling .. ... .... 413 , 558 Rumsey, Anne K.....•.....•.. 230, 373 Rio by, Coral ... . .. ....... . ... . . .. 545 Robinson, Mary Susan ........ 453, 574 Rase, Horold James, Jr. . .......... 221 Rundell, Richard Gregory •... . 427, 545 Rundquist, Nancy E•..•. 275, 287, 361, 558 R1ugin , Btllie Sue .. . . .. ........ .. 451 Robinson, Nora Jeon ......... 365, 545 Rase, Kenneth Frank .............. 612 Riggs, Ann Harriet ... ... ......... . 287 Robinson, Richard Coad ...... 176, 260, Rase, Larry Frank ................. 381 Runge, Jahn Hurd .•..•...•.•.••.. 460 Riggs, Charles E., Jr . . . ........ .. . 279 262, 266, 313, 532 Rose, Linda Ann .........•... . .... 558 Rush, Dianne . 96, 180, 189, 196, 200, R1.,gs, Jomes B. . . ....... , . .. .... . 296 Robinson, Sarah B . ............... 558 Rose, Marlin D. . .. ...•..•........ 276 272, 428, 449, 519 Riggs, Sara ISolly) Letitia . . 298, 373, Robinson, Shoron C . .......... . ... 353 Rose, Michael S. . . . • . . . . • . . . • . . . . 387 Russ , Karan Ann . . ............... . 559 384, 545 Robinson, Sheila Raye ....... ... . . 574 Rose, Peggy Jane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . 235 Russell, Carol Jean . . . • • . • . . • . . . . . 559 Rigatti, George M. . . .....• ....... 518 Robinson , Stewart C., Jr, . . , .. 379, 558 Rosee, Suson Renee ... ...... ... . .. 345 Russell, Don Frederick . . •.......... 575 Rike, Gory Roy .... . . . . . . ... .. ..... 71 Robinson, Stewart 0 . ............ . 387 Rosello, Johanna Maria •.••••. 365, 519 Russell, Georgia Ruth ..••••••..... 449 R1klin1 lorry Joy .... .• .. . ........ 423 Robinson, Theodore Wayne ... ..... 223 Rosen, Linda ... . ........... . ..... 355 Russell, James Michael ••....•.. . •• 545 Riley, Glen .........•.. . ..... 273 Robinson, Thomas lee ........... . . 545 Ro senboum, Allen Wayne .••••..... 519 Russell, Jel Cha isan ..••••.•.. 405, 559Riley, Horry Paul . . . • . . . . • . . . . . . . 295 Robinson, Timothy Poul ..... ... ... 294 Rosenboum, Glen Allen . 432, 433, 55B Russell, Kenneth Owen ... •• . • 391 , 575 Riley, John Dawn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 Robison, Leanard J., 11 ....... 399, 532 Rosenberg, Barbaro ... ..... . ...... 298 Russell, Major Frank • • .•..•.•• •• .. 575Riley, Mory Lisa . ... ... ... .. . 257, 518 Robison, Lindo Susan . . . . . . . . . . . . . 574 Rosenberg, David H . ....... ....... 185 Russell, Malcolm Ray, Jr•.....••.. • 217 Riley, Paul Kanrod ...... 417, •77, 574 Robison, Susan Margaret ...... 359, 399 Rosenberg, Leslie Koren ........... 575 Russell, Mory Cecile ••••• 371, 443, 559 Riley, Renate Marga! ....... .. 287, •56 Rabuck, Michael ...... ............. 71 Rosenberg, Stanley Allon •.••. 294, 423 Russell, Mary M. ..•.. ...•..• • • • • • 271 Riley, Theresa M. . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . 288 Rochelli, Louis J., Jr.....•........ 437 Rosenberger, Deboroh G. • .••.•.... 575 Russell, Michael Edward •••....••.. 559 Rinehart, Mork lane . . . . . . . . . . . 220 Rochs, Alfred R. . .................. 34 Rosenblatt, Candace E•.....•.. . .. 375 Russell, Poul E.......... . .... 261 , 301 Ringer. W illiam C............... 518 Rochs, Margaret Ann . . . . • . . . . 359, 558 Rosenfield, Joseph levy •.••.••.... 381 Russell , Raymond Glen •••••.•••... 385Ringland, Joseph B., II . . . .... 408, 409 Rockwell, Frederick Albert . . . .. . . . . S•S Rosenf11ld, Mark Jay .. •.•..•...... 381 Russell, Rochard S. . . • • • • . . • • • . • • . . 293Rioux, Thomas Wayne .. 227, •Ol, 5•5 Rockwell, Janis Ann . . ... •.•. ... . . 5•5 Rosenfield, Sandro Kay ••••••. 307, 363 Russell, Robert l . . ............... 575 Ripper, leoh Wanda • . . . . • . . . . . . 558 Roddy, Fronces Valerie ... ...... ... 451 Rosenthal, Ilene Jill •..•. 338, 345, S•S Russell, Rager Alan •...•••••• 217, 545 Ririe, Mory Lou ise . .......... 401, 518 Raddy, Wolliam Robert ....••... ... 294 Rosin, Charles Alan •.•.•••••.•..•. 415 Russell, Richard S ••••••••••...••. • 293 Risinger, Elizabeth Alene .. ... 3.C3, 545 Rodgers, Bobby Glen . .. . . . .. . 276, 532 Rosinski, Linda M. . . .•..• , •••.. •.. 353 Russell, Robert l. ............. .. . 575 R11k1nd. Miriam Judith . . . . . . . . . . 57.C Rodgers, Carolyn Dianne ..... • 194, 558 Ross, Cynthia Ann •• .•..•••••••... 265 Russell, Rager Alan •••.•.•••• 217, 5•5 R1tch1e, Herbert Henry .•..••. ..... 293 Radgeri, Gory Roland .. ...•.. 408, 409 Ross, James Nothon ..•••.•••. 417, 519 Russell, Susan Glenn ..•. 338, 353, 3~:s R1tch1e, Rab•n . . .. 180, 269, 471, 518 Rodgers , Jo• Tom , Jr . .. ... ........ 518 Ross, James Richard •..•• 194, 211, 312,Rittenberry, Gary Michael •• .. . . . •. 558 Rodgers, John Ormand . .. .• •. 200, 315 519 Russell, Thomas Kemp ••.••••• 429, 575 602 .!Sl.511 jjflll : 730,Vl Q], l6 I/,~ ... 441 IN. jj!lll ' l.~ :•• 511 l'I . "'~i 41!.!ll l!\, l'I , I'S !II "1.511 • VI ::~·. sst lli, 1JI Sanderson, Carol Ann ....... ..... . 293 Sandidge, Susan .. ........... 440, 575 Sandoval , Maria Luiso .. . ......... 4 71 Sanford, Fillmore Hargrave . . ...... 612 Sanford, Patricia lea ........... . . 367 Sanford, Sherrie D . . . . .. 244, 323, 384, 51 9 Sank, Lindo Joyce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 San Miguel, Olivia C. . ..•... ..... 462 Sansom, Byron Talma ge ....... 197, 295 Sansom, David Lesli e , Jr. ..... 395, 575 Santos, Richard . ... . ...... . .... . . 559 Santoyo· Ruiz, Consuelo ........... 223 Sopp, Joseph Stafford ........ ..... 545 Sorasohn, Maureen Ga il .. . ..•..... 375 Sorfoti, Jock ..................... 415 Sarfati, Mike . .................... 41 5 Sorgen, David Maxwell ... . .. .. .... 335 Sargent, Gordon W............... 393 Sargent, Stello Ann .. ........ ..... 575 Sargent, Toye Ka thleen ....... 287, 575 Sosh, Janis Joann ................. 31.( Sass, Sharon Leigh 179, 193, 272, 545 Sotlof, Alice Coral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375 Sato, Fusoko . . ................... 254 Satsky, Karen Ann ........... 257, 532 Satterfield, Dennis ..... . .. . ....... 559 Satterfield, Nancy lee •.•......... 369 Saucedo, Toribio J . ......... . . . .. . 295 Souls, Rita Elizabeth .... 194, 397, 453 Sounders, Barbaro Ann .......· 361, 545 Saunders, Catherine Emma .... 357, 559 Schmidt, Mory Louise ............ . 263 Schmidt, Michael Bruce ... . ... 388, 575 Schmidt, Paulo Morie . .. . ......... 545 Schmidt, Robert R,. Ill ..... . 211 , 312, 313, 520 Schmidt, Saro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287 Schmidt, Terry Lynn ..... 297, 440, 57S Schmidt, Thomas Edward .... ... ... 545 Schmiedekomp, Corl Wayne .. ..... 315 Schmitt, Allon 8 . ................. 247 Schmitt, Harriet Elizabeth 341 Schmitz, Mory Patricio . . 252, 253, 343 Schnotterer, Elizebeth L. ... ....... $20 Schneberger, Don Michael . . . . . 294 Schneider, Koy Dione .... . ... 289, 545 Schneider, Larry Gene ........ ..... 85 Schneider, Theodore G. . . . . . . . . 223 Schneider, Thomas lee ....... 239 , 559 Schneider, Warren Page ....... .. ... 21 Schneikort, Joan Ruth ....... . .. . .. 445 Schnitzer, Dinah . . . . . ... 287, 345, 575 Schn itzius, Kotlierine Ann ... . ...... 34 1 Schnall, Amy Dione ..... , ......... 297 Schnur, Barbaro Ann .. .. ..... 347, 559 Schoberle, Corl J., 111 ....... 398, 5S9 Sctioellkopf, Harriet Jane . . ....... . 373 Schoellkopf, Hugo William, 111 .. . . 29S, 288 Schoenemann, Louis Presly, Jr. ..... 5"45 Schoen1ke , Anne Katharine . ... 451, 575 Schoen ike, Sumner Lee . . ..... 404 , 559 Schoenke, Olivio Loni ...... . . 226, 520 Scofield, Virginia Lee 194, 353 Scope 297 Scott, Alon .. .. .. . . ......... 249, 290 Scott, Alon Rider .... .... .. .. 403, 575 Scott, Anita Jeon .... 316, 347, 545 Scott, Anno F. 369 Scott , Charles H... ......... 417, 520 Scott, Cheryl Kay 520 Scott, Clydie B. . . . . . ... 307, 470, 575 Scott, Craig T. . ... . 407, 520 Scott , Elsa Coralyn ....... . . . .. . . . 451 Scott, Em ily Jone .... .. .. ...... . . 439 Scott, Eugene Kelly . . . . . . . . • . . . . . 303 Scott , Jomes Nosh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401 Scott , Jo Ann . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . 439 Scott, John Owen .. .. .. ...... 437, 559 Scott, John Wilson, II . . . . . . . 81 Scott, Joseph Peebles, Jr. . . ... 294, S75 Scott , Koy Dionne 210, 296, 353, 403 Scott, Linda Jeon 257 Scott, Lizbeth Ann 249, 363 Scott, Mory Susan . . . . . . . . . . . . 532 Scott, Phillip Couch .... 312, 336, 5S9 Scott , Robert R. .. .. .. .. .. . .. 520 Scott, Ronald lee .... ....... ..... 545 Scott , Rose Anne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575 Scott, Stephen Allen .... .. ..... . .. 54S Scott, Stephen Ford .......... 398, 54S Scott, Summer .. .... . ....... .. .. . 318 Scott, Susan Morie ....... .. .. 456, 575 Scott, Susan Sayres ..... 196, 272, 336, 337, 377 Seyer, John F. . . . . . . . 223, S20 Seymour, Scottie Ann . ...... . 439, 5"45 Shafer, Connie Koy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 559 Shafer, Richard Henry 294 Shaffer, Lorry Wayne 520 Shafiq, Mooyad A. . . . .. . . . . . . . 274 Shomess, George Ann .... 280, 343, 520 Shanafelt, Sammy Arthur C. . . . . . . 545 Shone, Charlotte J......... .. . .... 316 Shone, Rochord H . . ..... . ... .. ... . 520 Shongr i· lo Co-op .... •.. . . ........ 473 Shanks, Janice ............... 451, 575 Shanks, Rochord A . ............... 419 Shanks, Robert F. . .. . ..... .. . ... . 332 Shannon, George Russell 81 Shannon, Joel Ingram 273, 339, 388, 520 Shannon, Joseph Robert, Ill . 379, 57S Shannon , Susan . . . . . . . . . . . . 388 Shannon, William Patrick .... 217, 284, 5S9 Shap iro , Howard ...... . ...... 198, 423 Shapiro, Jock ...... . ..... .. .. 381, 559 Shapiro , Lynne Carole . . . . . ..... .. 127 Shappell , Mory Jone .. .. ..... 371 , 575 Shopu, Stephen N. . .............. 288 Shorkey, Joseph Rochord ... .. . 381 , 559 Sharney, Michele Carol ..... . . .... 363 Sharp, Don Mort in ............... . 218 Sharp, Dudley C. ................. 302 Sharp, Edwin Reese ... .. . . ..... ... 394 Sharp, Katherine lee ........... . . 559 603 Nome Pages Nome Pages Nome Pages Nome Pages Shorp, Morsho lee . . .. 521 Shorp, Michael Woodrow . .. . .. . . .. 559 Shorp, W ill iam Henry, Jr.. . .. 421 , 559 Sharpe, Edwi n Reese, Jr. . . .. 196, 39S, 521 Shropshire, Jerome Edward 575 Shropshire , Pamela Agnes 240 , 353 Shlofmon , Suson Jeon . . . 375, 453, 575 Shuck, Michael M. 387 Shuffler, Glen Gordner 427, 575 Skelton, Jone! Sue ... . . . 292, 371 , 532 Skelton, Joon McKomy .. 194, 377, 546 Skelton, Wil liam l. ......... ...... 521 Skerhut, Ulrich Kious . . . . . 326 Skerr itt, Lindo Ela ine Sm ith, Sm ith, Smith, Sm ith, Smith, Horold W..... .. .......... 247 Horry Irving ..... . .... 381 , 559 Jomes Allen .. . . . .. .. .. ... . 325 Jomes Corey .. .. ..... . .. . .. 575 Jomes R...... .... ........ . 522 Sharpe , Ernest Alonzo Sharpe , Ernest Alonzo , Jr . . .. . Sharpe, Thomas Hordie . . ... . . 405, 212, 290 212 575 545 545 559 273 545 295 387, 559 Sharpless, Jerry Lynn ......... 460, Sharpless, lorry Erwin .. 393, 461, Sho ver, Ph ili p E . ....... ... ... .. . . Show, Gory C. .... . . .. .. . . . . . Show, Jomes Thomas ... . 286, 328, Show, Jul io Fu . ... . . . . ... . . Show, Ko lhy Anne 83, 285, 359, Sho w, Potr~ci o Cameron 289 Show, Patricio S. . .... . .... .. . . ... 521 Show, Robert Eric . . ..... 226, 403, 521 Show, Stephen Fronk .. .. .. .. . . .... 417 Show, Wolter J......... . . .. . 427, 521 Shown, Jomes Loyd, 111 . . . ... 420, 421 Shear er, Bruce lee ...... . . . .. . ... 281 Shearer, Margeret H., Mrs . 388 Sh ectmon , Berry Steven ...... . 415, 575 Shectmon, Beth Anne . . . ... ... .... 337 Sheehan , Po tr ick Brion . . .. •.... 71, 429 Sheen, Michael Joseph .... . .. . .... 559 Sheffield, Fronk H., Jr. .... . .. .... 521 Sheffield, John William ... .. . . .. . . 575 Sheffield, Neol Yord R., 11 . ... .. . . 401 Sheffield, Poul Eugene .. .... ..... . 217 Sheffield, W ill iam Johnson 276 She lby, El izabeth 200, 289, 311 , 3S9, 532 She lby, Mortho Janice . . . . .. ... ... 316 Shel igo , Sheron Ann . ... ... .. • . . .. 521 Shell, Marilyn Sue ... ......... ... . 451 Shel Iberg, Goil W . . . . . .. ..... .. .. 521 Shel Iberg, lee Poul . . .. . .... . • . . .. 521 She lley, Cynth ia Ann ... ....... . .. 559 Shelton, Cheryl D... .... .. ........ 521 Shelton, Floyd 0 . . .. . . . . ... ... . ... 22 She lton, Jone Miller . . ..... .. 371 , 545 Shelton, John Michael 325, 437, 575 Shuford , Felix Moc .... . .. .. . . . 419, 545 Shuford , Thomas Eugene .. . ........ 290 Shuler, Suzonno Mory . . ...... 234, 235 Shultz, Tommy Brenton . . . .. .. . ... . 521 Shuman , Muso llom No .... .... . . . . 274 Shumpes , W ill iam Kenneth 196, 211 , 223, 312, 545 Shylles, Rebecca ...... . . . .. .. 371 , 575 Sibley, Thomas Jefferson, Jr. 217, 575 Sicil ia, Rebe cc a Ruth 559 Sicki ng, Steve n Joseph 216, 222, 335 Sidd iqi, Qo iser Saeed 4B4 Siebel, Jessica Elaine .. 185, 194, 373, 4S3, 559 Siegel, Bryon J. . . . 327, 433 Siegel , Ronde . . . . . . . 285, 375 Si egelmon , Jon is Koy 323 , 345 Siegmund , Nancy Carol . .. ........ 265 Sieloff, Deborah Lill ian .. . .... 250, 455 Sierra , Lu is Augusto ............ . . 225 Siever, Dav id Rex ..... .. ... .. ... 247 Sifuentes , John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521 Sigmo Alpho Epsilon . .. • ... .. 420, 421 Sigmo Alpho Elo . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298 Sigmo Alpho loto .. .. . .•.. . .. .... 299 Sig mo Alpho Mu . ... , ... . 422, 423 Sigmo Chi .. . ... . . .... .• . ... 424, 425 Sig mo Del lo Chi ..... .... ........ 300 Sigmo Delto Tou ... ... ...... . 374, 375 Sigma Gamma Tau .. . . . . . . .. .... . 301 Sigmo lolo Eps ilon .... • . .... .... 302 Sigmo Nu . ....... .. .. .. .... . 426, 427 Sigmo Phi Eps ilon 428, 429 Sigmo Pi ...... . . .. ...... ... . 430, 431 Sike>, Lester Earl .... .. . ..... ..... 545 Sikes , Melon ie Martindale . . . . . 293 Sikes, Rober! Elkins . ....... .. 288, 295 Silber, John R. . .. .... ... . . ... . 281 Silber, P. Paulette .. . .... ..... .... 403 Siler, lorry Woyne 413, 545 Skewis, Ronald Jomes . . . ... . ... . .. 333 Skibell , Charles Fronk 423, 575 Skibell, Esther Marlene 194, 345, 451 Ski bell , Samuel Glossmon . . .. . 421 , 576 Skidmore, Montgomery .... . . .. .... 427 Sk iff , Trudy Kier .. .. 236, 237, 306, 353 Sk inner, Carolyn ... . ....... . ...... 576 Skinner, Ca rol yn G . . ... .. ........ 451 Skinner, David Roy . .... , . . ....... 277 Skinner, John Franc is . . . . .... . . .. . 576 Skinner, Michael Lee 223, 521 Ski nner, Robert Berrett , Jr. . . .... . . 576 Skipworth, Mory Ann ..... . ........ 289 Skr hok, Bro ndo .... . ... : . .... 451, 576 Skrhok, John M., Jr. ...... . .. 460, 521 Skrhok, Lindo 451, 576 Skrivonek, Jud ith Jo ... . 271 , 275, 287, 347, 453, 576 Sk ulco, Jo Lynette .... 439 Slock, Jomes Gregory . . . . . 532 Slode, Colherine Lou ise 194, 236, 353 Slaton, W ill iam Joy ..... 193, 433 Sloughler Jomes Edword ..... ...... 559 Sloughler, Will iam W. 379, 546 Slavik, Joonno Koy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471 Slavik, Lindo M. 271 , 468, 471 Sledge, Diono Kole .. .... 367, 397, 546 Sledge, Edword J . ................ 235 Sledge, Mel issa Goil . . .. 252, 253, 355, 559 Sledge, Roland Edward, Jr. . ....... 521 Sledge, Sherri D . .. •... . . .. ... ... . 3S9 Sleeper, Glenna Leo . .. . .... . . .. . . 401 Sl ipokoff, Meryl Phyliss 374, 375, 521 Sl iva, Dov id Wayne . .... 223, 437, 576 Sloon, Cecil Rob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239 Sl oon, Do isy Mory ..... . . . ... 196, 200 Sloon, Dov id W. .. .. ...... . ...... 309 Sloon, Jon Robert . ..... . ..... . . .. 415 Sloon, Lloyd Reynolds 286, 293, 295, Smith, Jone! Morie . . .... 194, 453, 575 Smith, Janice Koy . . . ......... 359, 559 Smith, Jeon Tubbeville ..... .. ... .. 612 Sm ith , Jerome Duncan . . .. . . ... ... 310 Smith, Jerry Don . .. ....... .. ... .. 141 Sm ith , Jimmy Roy .. .. . . . .. . .. .... 277 Smith, Jdel l. ..... ...... .... 408, 409 Smith, Johonno l. ... .. . . ... . . ... . 522 Smith, John Alston ...... . ........ 295 Sm ith , John Colvin, 111 .. .. . .. 387, 576 Sm ith, John Oliver ... .. . .... .. ... 385 Sm ith , )ohn Rogers ..... ..... ... .. 576 Smith , John Roscoe, Jr. ..... . .... . 247 Smith, Joyce Ann .. .... . .. .. . .... . 289 Sm ith, Judith Agnes . . . .. . . .. . . . . 455 Sm ith , Judy Gayle . . ............ .. 546 Sm ith, Koren Ann .. . . ... . •. . . ..... 280 Smith, Kent Edword .. . . .. . .... .. . 546 Sm ith, lomor . .. ..... .... .. .... .. 291 Sm ith , lorry Gene . .. ... ..... ..... 241 Smith , Lorry Joe .... . ............ 576 Sm ith, Lorry P... ........... ...... 433 Smith , lorry R. 106, 313, 429 Smith, Lindo Ruth . .......... 365, 546 Smith, Morechol Ann . .. . 353 , 451, 576 Smith, Marilyn C. . . . . . .. . . . ...... 546 Sm ith, Markle ... . ........ .. . 393, 546 Sm ith , Mory Ann .... . . . .. . ....... 289 Smith, M. Ruth 28, 468, 469 Sm ith , Michael D . .. . .... .. ... .... 522 Smith, Michael J. . . . .. . . . .. . ..... 559 Smith, Michael J.... . ..... . .. 391, 546 Sm i th , M ichael lee Smith, Michael Wayne 425, 559 Sm ith , M ilton Augustus, Jr . ........ 479 Smith, Molly Elaine . .. ... ........ 471 Sm ith , Pomelo Jone ..... 254, 297, 576 Sm ith , Polrick P. 194, 235, 239 Sm ith , Poul Seword, Jr. . . . . . . 283, 323, Shelton , Shelton, Kori Warren, Jr . . . .. . . ... 545 Lindo S.... ... . . ... . .... . S21 Siller, Robert S... ... ... .. ... 247, Silver Spurs .. .. ..... . .. . ... ...... 521 303 Sloon, Morgorel l. 322, 329, 454, 521 ... .. . . .... 221, 359 Smith, Poulo Frances 328, 532 .. . . 275, 287, 353, Shelton, Shelton, Philip Charles . . . . .. .. .... Richard Adoms .... . . 276, 276 559 Silverman , Silverman, Barry Eli . ..... ...... . . 415 Lono Sheryl . . . . .. . 285, 375 Sloon , Sandro lee .... ... .. ... .... Slomchinsk i, Dolores 251, 250 546 Smith , Peggy Jone ... ... 289, 451 , 559 359, 559 Shelton, Suzanne ..... . . ... . . .. . . . 377 Si lverman , Poul Lou is . . ... .. . ..... 415 Smoll, Ann Morguerile . ... . . . 367, 559 Smith, Richard E. . . ..... . . ....... 522 Shelton, Thomas Lee .. .. .. . .. 379, 545 Si lverman , Paulette Bernice 289 Smoll, Don Edward .......... . .... 409 Smith, Robert Hume, Ill .... ...... 227 Shelton, Toni Goy . . .... . .... . .. . . 240 Shepard, Alden, Jr. .. . . . ...... . .. . 545 Silverman, Stephen M. Silverstein, Russell lee 293, 196, 381, 415 521 Smo ll, Smoll, Edward Clinton .. . ..... 71, 303 Will iam G ... .. . .... . . .... . 336 Smith , Sm ith , Robert Robert L. ......• ... . . • . . . . 277 Morion . . . . • . . . . .... 522 Shepard, John Colvin, Jr. .. ... 211, 532 Shepard, Noncy ... . .. .... . . . . .... 456 Shepherd, Brenda . . ... . .... . . 292, 521 Shepherd, Cynlhio ..... ... .. . 451, 575 Shepherd, Koren 367, 451 , 575 Shepherd, Morgorel Ann 451, 575 Shepherd, Marion Lindsey 371 Shepherd, Mory Morgoret 369, 559 Shepperd , Lorna Jeanne Geer .. .... 532 Sheppard, Michael M.... .... ... .. . 426 Sheppard, Stephen Chester • ..... . . 333 Sheppard, Woller Timothy 333 Shepperd, Morionne 373, 559 Shepperd, Suzanne 336, 373, 42B, 559 Sherard, Scott Thomas .. ........ .. 391 Sheridon, Lois Annette .. 307, 375, 559 Sheridon , Lynne Regina ..... . . .... 363 Sheridon, Peggy Ann .... .. . . . 474, 532 Sherman, Jomes Show . .. . .. . . 211, 223 Sherman, Michael Hugh .... . .. 304, 532 Sherman, Robert Lynn . .. . ... .. . .. . 265 Sh erman , Sheryl Morie ...... . ..... 293 Sherman, W ill iam Joseph . • . • • .. . .. 575 Sherrer, Henry Joseph, Jr. . ... .. .. . 295 Sherrill , Dovid .. .. .... .. ......... 289 Sherrill, Dovid Mcintosh .... . ..... . 289 Sherrill, Suson Jeon ..... . ..... .. . 575 Sheshunoff, Vero S.... . .. 269, 272, 293 Sh ields, Ronald F. . .... .. ......... 559 Shi elds, Stephen W . . .... 434, 435, 521 Shifflett, Lynn E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 559 Sh imek, Deon Troy .. .. ... . . . ..... 476 Sh imek, John Corl . .... .. .. . ..... . 575 Shinboum, Cheryl Deon 200, 375, 521 Shine, Thomas Eorl . ......... 265, 309 Sh inn , Julio Ann . .... . . . ......... 532 Sh ipley, Jeanne El izabeth . . .. ..... 309 Sh ipman, Sandro L. ... ... ....... . . 521 Sh ipp, Thomos Lee ................ 26 Shorley, Michael George ........... 217 Shirley, Soroh Joseph ine . ... . . 373, 559 Shirley, Sha ron Sue .. .. ....... . ... 338 Sh irley, Shirl Lynn ................ 440 Shive, W illi am ........... . ......... 308 Shively, Chris topher . . . ..... . . 327, 521 Shivers, Allon ............... 198, 288 Shivers, Moriolice Su e . ....... 373 , 545 Shivers, Rober! A., Jr. ........ 421, 521 Shockley, Non Coro l .............. 575 Shockley, Thomas V., 111 .......... 484 Shoemaker, Robin Er nest . .. . ...... 294 Shopoff, Stephen R.... ....... 310, 521 Short, Byron Ell iott ....... . ....... 295 Short, Jomes Keith ................ 521 Shon, G lorio S.............. 193, 445 Shou, Jonis RoH . . .......... 345, 575 Shou, Mourie Lynn ........... 375, 559 Shollond, Mory Di one ............. 457 Shotwell, lorry Keith ............. 559 Shotwell, Terry loie ......... 343, 559 Shrogo, Leon Alvi n . . .. . .. .. . . . . . 380 Shriver, Mork Woyne ......... 401, 575 Shroeder, Lindo June . . • . . . . . . . . . S45 Silverstone, Ell iot Lyndon . . . .. 415 , 545 Silwood , Be verly Irene ... . .. . . . ... 559 Simes , Mory Nelwyn . ..... ... 361 , 428 Simkin, Judy Flowers . . .. . . . . . .. .. . 345 Simk in, Samuel H . . .. . , ...... . .... 415 Simk ins , Sh irley Anita . . .. .. . •..... 575 Simmons , Rolph Richard ... . .. ..... 559 Simmons , Carolyn .. .... . . .. ...... 367 Simmons , Don Wolter . . . . . 521 Simmons , Kat ina .... . . . .. .... ..... 521 Simmons , lorry Pr ice . .. . ... . . . ... . 575 Simmons, Robert Holloway 405, 532 Simmons , W i ll iam Christopher 71 , 421 , 545 Simms, Dayton Henry .... .. . .. 295, 288 Simon, Borboro 8. . ...... . . . ... ... 521 Simon, Darryl Stephen . .... . . . 423 , 575 Simon , William Roy .... ... .. .. ... 381 Simonds, Elwood E., 111 ......... . 521 Simons, Allen Bruce . .... ...• . .. . .. 521 Simons, Kori Hamblen ....... ..... . 559 Simpson, Cory lee .. .. ............ 559 Simpson, Donn ie lewis ... . .. . . .... 546 Simpson, Freddy Gene .. .. . ....... 546 Simpson , Jo nice Sue . .. ... .. . 265, 575 Simpson, John Loftin . .. . .. .. ...... 293 Simpson, Joseph W . ... . ... . .. 217, 546 Simpson, Judy Koy .. . .. . .. .. . 275, 369 Simpson, Lindo Joyce .. 194, 289 , 306, 355, 403' Simpso n, M ichael . . . 217 Simpson , Patri ci o Ann 470 Simpson, Robt. Dwight •....... ... . 182 Simpson, Sherry Lou . . . . .... 323, 369 Sims, Ar thur Piper .... . .. . . . ...... 326 Sims, Mojor Charles 0 ..... . .. 283, 322 Sims, Douglas Re x .......... . . . ... 559 Sims, Fred lee ... . ........ . . . . . . . 247 Sims, John R. .. ............... 413 Sims , Mory Suzanne ......... . 365, 559 Sims, Roger Colemon .. .... . .. 336, 413 Sims, So lly Sue ........•......... 575 Sims, Sandro ...........•..... . .. . 287 Sims , Sh irley Mo ri e ............... 3.(7 Sims, W illiam E... . ............. . 247 Sindo, Michelle .............. 314, 546 Singer, Franklyn M.... .... ... 329, 454 Singer, Louro .................... 375 Singer, Mory Elso ................ 521 Singh, lnder Pol ....••.• . .•• . .... 321 Singl elory, Lo ren 8........... 401, 559 Singleton, G len Dole ............. 223 Singleton, Loy Alon zo, Ill . ... 229, 335 Sing leton, Willia m M......... 217, 546 s,,k, John T, Watkins, Jomes Collum . . . . . . . . 336 Welch, Darrell G . . ......... . 218, 527 Wh;te, Marsha Ann .... . 184, 200, 272, w;llefard, Byron lee ............. 578 \\'lioo,. Watkins, Jae s;ll ............ 248, 313 Welch, Hubert H., Jr . .. ...... 218, 527 361 Willeford, George, Ill 294, 405 Wihoo, Watkin s, John Jerome .. . ..... 294 , 577 Welch, Jos. Douglas . . . . . . . . . . . . 460 White, Marsha K·. ......... ... 346 , 551 Willerson, Bettie Townsend .. 124, 269, Wihco, Watk;ns, Judy Jean . . . . . . . . . 3S3, 577 Welch, Lindo Al ice . . . . . . . . . . . . . 578 White, Martha D. . ...... , ..... .. . 257 371 \\'Iott. Watkins, Mary Ruth 455 Welch, Robert Charles .. .......... 295 Wh;te, Mary Jo ............ ...... 547 w;llette, Jahn G. . ............ ... 527 Wils:o,. Wotkins, No rma Scott ... .. . ...... 526 Weld, Constance Mary . . .. .. . 298, 547 Wh;te, Minton lee, Jr . ........... . 310 w;llho;te, Sherilyn Ann ....... 265, 578 Wilioo, Wa tkins, Richard E. 235 Welder, Leo James, Jr. . . . . . . . 405 Wh;te, Nancy Jean .......... ..... 361 w;i1;ams, Ann G. . . ....... ... 252, 365 Wi · Watkins, Slioron Elaine .. ..... 262, 309 Weldon, Sharon Kay 527 Wh;te, Pamela Anne ..... 361, 419, 547 Williams, Bonnie Jeonne ... .. 257, 295, no.: Wotkins, Susan Moy 577 Welford, Angela Mary ....... ..... 475 Whde, Patti Nell . . . . . . . . . . . . . 578 527 Wils:n,I Watk;ns, v;cki Ann ..... 254, 547, 561 Welke, Carol Elizabeth ........... 440 White, Paul l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Wdliams, Bradford R . ........ 214, 561 \\'lie<,! Watkins, William M. 526 Wellborn, R;chard Bowen .. ... 331, 385 White, Robert Stuart . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 W illiams, Cynthia lee . . . . . . . 533 Wilsc,1 Watson, Beverly Ann . . .. 290, 295, 316, Wellen, Constonce Ann . . . . . 355 Wh;te, Rab;n Ann . . .. .. . . . . . . 439 W illiams, David Eugene ... ... ..... 547 Wihco, 526 Weller, Carol Ann ...355, 436, 527 Wh;te, Ronald Harry ........ . 335, 547 Will;ams, David M. 411, 431 v.r,1sc,,1 Watson, Charles M. 247, 296, 526 Weller, Lucile Burford 377, 578 White, Sammy Alan 429, 561 W illioms , Deborah F. 194 Wotson, Chorles Richord 176, 184, Weller, Michael Patrick . . . 461 Wh;te, Sandra Michele 345 Williams, Dena Kathleen . .. ....... 215 Wilsen, 194, 196, 379, 547 Wells, Carol Beth . . . . . . . . . . . 369, 547 Wh;te, Sharon Kay 289, 343, 424, Will iams , Donna Lynne ...... .•.... 527 Whon,I Wotson, Chester, Jr. 140 Wells, Dav;d M. 245, 286, 332 547 w ;ll;ams, Edna lee . ... .... .. .... . 472 Wilscn,I Wotson, David A. 397, 526 Wh;te, Sharon Kay . .. . . ... .. . 347, 561 Will;ams, Edward E., Jr. .....•.... 288 Wells, Eugene Earl, Jr. . . . . . 210 Wlsco,I Wells, Florence Ann 371, 384 Watson , Jomes Andrew .... .. . 215 White, Sheryl Lou;se 416 w;11;ams, EVizabeth Ann .... . . 458, 547 Wisc., We lls , Frances L. . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 Watson, Jos. Erskine, Jr. ..... . 526 White, Stephen Brent . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 w;11;ams, Ernest L., Jr. ....... 221, 527 WO.., Wells, Henry Willts .. . .. 294, 409, 578 '(( Watson, Jos ..Monroe ..... . . . .. . 295 Wh;tehall Co·op 475 Williams, Everett l., 11 ..... . 331, 548 Wells, Joan Mar;e 3S7, 387 Wolson, John Edward 265 Whitehead, Jo Kathleen .. . .. 215, 468, Willioms, Franklin E . .. . .. . ....... 325 lfl.t,1 Wells, John Anthony 527 Watson, Joseph Presley, Ill 216, 220, 473, 578 W ill iams , Fredrik Porter ... .. .. .... 295 '«'boo, 285 Whitener, William T.............. 309 Williams, Glendo Jane .......•.... 3A3 Wells, Jahn Richard . . . . . . . . . 265, 336 Wells, Jahn Tullos ....... .... 403, 578 Watson, Luther Milom ... . . . .... .. 411 Whites;des, Jahn Lindsey ... .. 295, 301 Williams, Horry Jomes ............ 578 Wells, Jul io Fa ir . . . . . . . . . . . 369 Watson, Martho Earlene .. ... 469, 474, w ;iesides, She;la L. ...... .... . .. . 289 Williams, Horace M . ....... . ...... 329 533 Wells, Kristin Lee 335 Whitfield, Jud; th Ann . . ... .. . . .... 527 w ;lliams, Jack Kenny .... ......... 295 Watson, Penelope McCord . . . . . . . 371 Wells, Sh;rley Sue 355, 436, 439, 561 Whitfdl, Barbara Jean . . ... ... 451, 578 Williams, Jomes Earl ......... 379, 578 Watson, Richard E....... 220, 418, 533 Wells, Terry Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 Bessie . . . . . . . . . . . . Jomes Jr. ..... Wtiiting, Jeon 470 Williams, Madison, 288, Watson, Richard Wayne . . . . . . . . 277 Wells, Will;om M;chael . . . . . 218, 222 Wh;ting, Jack Ellsworth, Jr. ....... 578 485 Barbara ...... ...... Watson, Shelby Edw . . . ...... . 216, 526 Welp, J. 462, 527 Wti iting , Sharon Carol . . . . . . . . . . 262 w;11tams, James Rawls 221, 296, 301 , Wolper, Roddy . . . . .. . . . . .. .. . 402 527 Watson, w;lfred H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302 Welsch, Glenn Albert .... 288, 295, 302 Wh;1;s Co.op .................... 475 w;ll;ams, James Robert ....... 478, 548 Watt, Gary Wayne 228, 260, 265, Welsch, Linden Richards . . . . . . . . . . 425 Whitley, Jerry Bob .. . ..•... .... .. 527 Williams, Jomes S . ... . .......... , 403 Wo tson, Sher id on 547 Whiting, W;lliam A . ......... 527, 547 266, 547 Welty, Danno Joy . . . . .. . . . . . . . 455 Williams, Jone Wynette .... . ...... 548 Watt, R;chard Denn ;s 71, 303, 310 Wempe, Morieke Christina 287, 297, w ;1i;ams, Jeanne Ann .... 265, 311 , 561 Wh;tley, Robert Allan . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 Wh;tlock, Edward S. . . . . . . . . . . . 454440, 578 Watters, Patti Lou R . . .. . ......... 299 w ;lliams, John l. ................ 223 Wendell, Robert Edward, Jr.. . 437, 578 Wh;1m;re, Carol Gale ....... . 361, 440 Watts, Alon Wagner . ............. 561 w ;11;ams, John T., Jr... 327, 389, 533 Watts, Donny Dowson . . ..... . 403, 577 Wender, Charles M. . . .. .. . .. . . .. . 422 w;llioms, Judith Diane ............ (41 Wh;tney, Cnffard C., 111 . . . . . 417 Wh;1s;11, Kathlyn Jean . . . . . . . . . 262 Watts, Jahn Robert, 111 ...... 409, 577 Wendlandt, w;lliom Henry .... 409, S78 Williams, Koren Nell ............. 298 Wh;tson, Don E. . .. .............. 547 Watts, Samuel M. . ............... 223 Wentworth, Mory Marcia .... .. , ... 242 Willtams, Karen V............ 348, 349 Whitson, Fronk Edward, Jr. . . . . 222 Watts, Sandra Carol . . . . . . . . . . 435 Werbow, Stanley N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293 Williams, Kenneth Dyrol ........... 265 Wh;tt, Robert Ke;th .......... 419, 561 Watts, Thomas Edwin .... 223, 295, 296 Werkenthin, Lindo Sufi . . ...... ... . 353 w ;ll iams, Kenneth Ray 260, 265, 278, Whitten, Darlene Jeon .... ..... ... 533 Watzlav;ck, Nancy Jane 355, 451, 577 Werkenthin, Max J., 111 ........... 265 309 Whitten, Perry D. . ......... ...... 295 Waugh, Jo Anne . . ........... 369, 561 Werle;n, Presley E., Ill 313, 405, 527 Williams, Lauro lonoir . ... . .. 287, 455 Whitten, Robert Holt, Jr....•..... 425 Waugh, M;chael Jay 261 , 578 Werner, Mork Allen . . . . . . 578 w ;lliams, laura lee ......... 287, 456 Whittington, lee Pawell .......... 403 Wayla nd, Steven lee ......... 421, 561 Wernette, Leroy Marvin, Jr. 225 Wil!;ams, Linda lea ...•. 236, 299, 561 Whitt;ngtan, Randolph K.......... 419 Wear, WilHam 0 ., Ill ....... 254, 561 We rth, Catherine R:. . ........ . .... 242 Wdl 1ams, Lise Gordon ............ 578 Wh;11;ngtan, Raymond S., II , . .. . . 460 Weatherford, Gerry Lynn .......... 456 Wesolowsky, Al Bya rs . . . . . . . 533 Williams, Lynn Christine .......... 485 Whitworth, Ann Louise . . . . ... 234, 299 Weatherford, Jomes J. . ... .. ...... 407 Wessels, John Williom ... . ...... . . 294 Will;ams, Mory l. ................ 359 Whitworth, H. Philip, Jr. .... . , .. .. 407 West, Connie G ....... . . ......... 533 Williams, Mary Thelma 289, 441, 548 Weatherford, Pamela Ann ..... .... 262 Whitworth, Laverne B . . . . . . ...... , 236 Weatherly, Charlotte Ann .... . .... 341 West, Drew Travis . . . . . . . . . . . 246 Wh;tworth, Stephen Avery , .. . 398, 547 Williams, Mel He Jo ...•. 355, 378, 527 Weathers, Robert 221 , 533 West, James Carltn . . . . . . . 578 Judy , .... 373, Will;oms, Nancy Jo ........... S. . ........ 112, Whyman, Ruth 194, 547 .... 289 Weathersbee, Carolyn J. . .. , . , .... 295 West, Joseph E., Ill .... 112, 310, S47 W iatrowsk i, Michael David ........ 329 Williams, Norma Ruth . . ...... 441 , 578 Weaver, David Jamar ........ 421, 561 Wiberg, Susan Marie ... . ......... 533 West, Rebecca Sue . . .... 314, 367, 578 Williams, Patty Lau ... .•..... 194, 361 West, Robert Allen .......... 383, 561 W1ll1oms, Rhano Smith ....... 293, 527 West, Sharan Lynn ...... 251, 290, 316 Williams, Rita Louise .... 265, 287, 311 Weaver, Jomes Herbert, Jr. ........ 288 Wicker, Sandra lee . , . , ...... 365, 561 Weaver, Jomes W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526 Wicklund, Jahn Wilbur ... , .. , ..... 578 West, Teresa Sue ................. 289 W11l1ams, Robert Eugene .......... 262 Weaver, Jan Addeen ......... 357, 547 Wieber, Pamela Ann .... , ......... 547 Weaver, John Clarence, Jr. ....... 435 W1ech, Stella Jane ..... , .... , 357, 457 West, Willtam Elliott .... ......... 295 Willioms, Ronald David .. •••. 379, 527 West, Woll1am L. . ........... 295 , 288 Williams, Sui:onne .. .............. 578 Weaver, Nancy E. . ....... _. 65, 547 W iede, Margaret l. .......... , , .. 527 West, William Mkhael ............ 385 W1ll1ams, Thomas Howard ......... 288 Westbrook, Mox Roger ............ 273 Williams, Troy Davis .... ... ....... _.85 Weaver, Poul Mortin .... . .... 247, 296 W iedero nders, Dov1 d Gene . . . . . . . . 527 Weaver, R1chord Kristin . . . . . . . . . 332 Wiederhold, Donald Ray . , . o. .. , . 477 Nome Pages Nome Pages Nome Pages Nome Pages W illiams, Vernon Johnson 217 W illiams, Warren Stewart 48S Williams, Wesley Reed 426, 427, 54B W ill iams, Wr ight 194, 57B Will iamson, Edd ie A. . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 W illiamson, Jomes Newton 71, 310 Williamson , Robert 527 Will iamson, Roxanne K. 295 Williamson, Sharon Dee . . 361 W illiamson, Troy Weonord . . . . . 561 Williford, John R...... . ... .. 3BB, 3B9 Willingham, Andrew C., Jr. 3B9 W i llingham , Morion Ann 527 Will is, Jock M., Jr. . . . . . . . . . 279 W i ll is, Jomes R. . . . . . . . . . . . 527 W illis, Joan Lynn .. 207, 2B9, 365, 54B W illis, Katherine 357, 401 W illis, Lorry Neil 331 W i lliscraft , Lindo S. . . . . . . . . . . . . 314 Willke, Beverly J. 527 W illmann, Kenneth E . .... . .. 416, 417 Willms, Louro Morie ............. . 578 Willms, Woltiom Alton ...... . 294, 561 Willock, Jomes Michael 223, 296 Wollovghby, Jo n 200, 230, 369 Wills, Martha Post ................ 293 Willson, Patrick Jomes ... 389, 485 Wilmut, Charles Gordon . . . . . . . 548 W ilson, Ann ........... ....... ... 309 Wilson, Barbara Del P . ....... .... 561 W ilson, Betty Joanne . . . . . . . . . 295 Wilson, Benito Foy .. ......... 347, 57B Wilson , Billy Wayne .. .. 19B, 226, 246, 527 W iser, Richard C. 214 , 334, 52B Wiselh, Robert Edward ...... ..... . 561 Wisner, Lindo E. 206, 249, 316, 527 W isse monn, Lindo Elaine .. ...... .. 439 Witcher, Linda Jo .. . . .. ...... . ... 533 Withers, Jud ith Ann .... . .. ... 377 , 576 Withers, Wendy Elizabeth .. .. 196, 371 , 42B Witt, Wallace Thurston, Jr. 54B Willa, Susan Lynn 355, 472, 561 Wittlif, Lonee . . . . 325, 454 Willmon, Morolyn 175, lBO, 1B9, 196, 197, 269, 377, 403 , 52B Wizig , Carol Ann . . . . . . . 375 Wizig, Judith Lynn . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375 Wofford, Fronk Michael 333 Wofford, Julio Margaret ...... 474, 561 Wolber, Eric Eugene .. .. .......... 221 Wolf, Dione Sheryl .. .... ... . 375, 451 Wolf, Harold A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2BB Wolf, Kenneth Hermon ~3. 295, 431 , 52B Wolf, Lawrence . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 Wolf, Paulette ........... , .. .. . .. 345 Wolf, Susan E . .. . . , . . .. , ......... 363 Wolfe, Breit Allen ...... . , ........ 262 Wolfe, Jomes Douglas ........ 247, 4B5 W olfe, Lindo Louise 561 Wolfe, Laro Ann ............ . 2B9, 52B Wolfe, Will iam G. . . . . . . . . . . 213, 295 Wolff, Johlyn .......... .. .. .. 473, 561 Wolff, Sheryl Anne 343, 52B Wolfmveller. Charles H.... . .. ..... 221 Wolfrom, Melonie Elizabeth .. . .... 57B Wray, W ill iam 0 . . . . . . . 301 Wren, John Colvin 561 Wright, Benjamin Fletcher ......... 248 Wright, Belly lee ... .. ........... 2B9 Wright, Carroll Edward . ...... 216, 265 Wright, Charles Alon .... . 34, 295 Wright, Charlotte E. 2B9, 341 Wright, Cynthia Ann .... , . . . . . . 54B Wright, David H. . . . 224 , 427 Wright, David 0 . 329, 52B Wright, David Roy .. .... . .. . . 246, 52B Wright, David W. . . ...... ....... 52B Wright, Deno Fred ....... , ... 453, 57B Wrig ht, Dorothy Ann 265, 2B7, 456 Wright, Dorothy Sargent ... . ...... 254 Wright, Eddie lee .... , . , . . ..... . . 57B Wright, Fred Groves, Jr. . .. . 260, 265 , 54B Wrig ht, Fredye Leo ..... . .. .. .. .. . 377 Wright, Harold Eugene 277, 533 Wrig ht , Herbert Rawson, Ill 245, 333, 54B Wright, Jomes Orrell, Ill ..... 294, 405 Wright, Jomes W. , Jr. . . . . . . . 210, 3B9 Wright, Jon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 Wr ight, Janice lee .. . . . . , .... 341, 548 Wright, Joy 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533 Wright, John Edward 216, 57B Wright, John Pele, It I 54B Wright, Julie Anne .... ... . .. . 439, 561 Wright, Koren Belly ...... . ... .. . . 279 Wright, Keith Douglas 421, 54B Wright, M ichael Francis ...... 407, 578 Wright, Mickey Lynn ......... 291, 293 Vo les, Lindo Ruth .. . ..... .. , ..... 52B Yozd i, Mojtobo .... . .... .• ........ 225 Ybar ro, Sondra ........... . ..... 287 Yeager. Bobby Glenn ....... , .... . 294 Yea ger, Ste phen W ilfred 294 Yee, All ison Sing . .... ............ 216 Yelderman , Cla ire Ann 265 , 297, 440, 57B Velt in, Joni 275, 2B7, 345, 451 , 57B Yemmo , Andrew Anthony . . . ....... 578 Yenow ine , David Leroy ..... . .. , , . , 281 Yndo, Catherine Ann ...... . . . 271, 455 Yoaku m, Foye Lamar ......... 226, 246 Yoder, Karen El is e ........... 361 , 456 Yoder, Kenneth Jomes ...... ....... 294 York, Charles Weldon ........ . .... 292 York, John Lavis 216, 46B, 479 York, Thomas Flory ....... .. .. 3B7, 561 Yovosh, Soboh Y....... . .... . . . ... 533 Youen s, Janet Foye ..... , , ...... . . 361 Young, Caren Jone ...... . . . .. 338, 363 Young , Chri stopher S . . . ....... 71 , 407 Young , Cl ofton lee 225, 533 Young, Curt is Sheldon ..... ... 379, 561 Young , David Andrews 326, 561 Young, Donald Roy ..... 227, 339, 431, 54B Young , Don na Roe . . ... . ..... ..... 528 Young , Eddie .......... ....... ... 247 Young, El izabeth Lou ise ...... 43B , 455 Young , Jone .. . .. .. ......... 419 Young, Ke ith ..................... 295 Young , Rob in Joan . . . . . . . . . . . 578 Young, Robert David 295, 302 Wilson, Wilson, Brenda Charles Monroe .. 2B9, 355 .. .... 390, 391, 561 Wollonk, Bernd ...... ...... ....... Wolper, Roddy .. . ..... .. .... .... . Wolter, Doretta Jeon 221 533 462 Wright, Wright, Wright, Nancy Groce . . .. ......... 561 Rita Ann 287 Robert Earl ..... .... . .... 54B Young , Young , Young , Thomas Scogg ins ...... 385 , 561 Vane sa Lynn ........ . ... .. 561 Will iam Robert 325, 57B Wilson, Cherie Gray ... . . ... . 373, 57B Wilson, Christopher 3B5, 561 W ilson, Constance June ....... 343, 548 W i lson, Deborah Morie 284 , 367, 451, 57B Wilson, Deno Lois 355, 476, 57B W ilson, Donald Eugene .......... . 4 13 Wilson, Ela ine .. .. . . . ........... . 232 Wilson, Freddie R. . ..... .... .. .. . 296 Wilson, Gayle ... . .... . .. , .. • .... 253 Wilson, Horry W ., Jr.....• , . . . . ... 296 Wilson , Henry Evon . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533 Wilson, Irene Frances ............. 297 Wilson , Jack ie Lynn 218 , 222 Wilson, Jomes D. 21 B, 222, 533 W ilson, James Preston 527 W i lson , Janet Lou ise .... ..... 413, 543 W ilson, Jimmy Doyle ...... .. .. ... 301 W i lson , John Thomas ............. 260 W ilson, Judith Lynn ..... 21B, 436, 52B Wilson, Julie ....... . ...... .. 36B, 369 Wilson, Kathryn Joyce . .. ......... 455 Wilson, Kirk Dee ........ .... 203, 533 W ilson , Leonard I., 111 327 Wilson, Modrile Renzy, Jr..... 331, 223 W ilson, Marilyn L. H . ............. 289 Wilson, Mory L ... .. ,... ,... 251, 351 W ilson, Mory Melinda ...... . .... .. 451 Wilson, Pamela ... . 2B7, 297, 355, 440, 57B Wilson , Patricio Goy . . . . . . . . . . . . 384 W ilson, Paul Monnie . . . . • . . . . . . . . 561 Wilson, Phyllis Ann . . . . . . . . . . . 533 Wilson, Randoll Bruce ........ 294, 3B5 Wilson , Randolph Ernest . . . . . . . 325 W ilson , Ric hord Gordon . . . . . . . . . 321 Wi lson, Rickey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293 W ilson , Robert Corson, 111 .... 405 , 561 W ilson, Robert F., Jr . ... , .... .... 407 W ilson, Ryce Neal ......• . . .. .... 479 Wilson, Theresa Lou ise ....... • . . .. 548 Wilson, Trav is Gene 217 Wilson, Wade Kimball . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 W ilson, Will iam A. . ...... 413, 533 W ils on, William Allen ... , ........ 294 Wilson , Will iam R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288 W iltse, Ronald Alon . . . . . . . . 202, 561 Wimberly, Steven . . . . . . . . . . . 39S, 533 Winchester, Nancy Jo 439 W inckler, Suzanne . . Windecker, Theodore R. W indham , Dona ld Ray, Jr. Windham, Jud i th Ann .. 369, 316, 52B 221, S2B Bl 419, 449, 54B W indham , Morris Brion . . . . . . . 548 Windle, Will iam Porker . . . . . 228, 533 W infrey, Jomes N . 385 W ingo, Solly Anne . . . . . . . 444 Winkel, Judith Ann .. ...... .. 306, 451 Wonkier, Herold W. . . . . . . . . . 225 W inn, Conn ie Sue .. .. .. ....... . .. 561 W inn, John Newton . . . . . 294 , 578 Winn, Steven M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324 Winningham , Kathy Ann . . . . . . . 343 Winsh ip, F. Loren .... . .... ....... 295 Winslow , Beverly Anne 353 Wolters, Koy Lynn . .. ... 194, 2B9, 353, 3BB, 52B Wolverton , Joe Benson, Jr . .. 382, 383 , 54B Womack, Baxter Fronk 256, 296 Womack, Wolter Roy, Jr. ... . ..... 57B Women 's Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469 Womble, Mork Al Iison 3B7 W ommack, Rob ert Hermon 222 Wommack, Virginia Gail ... 369 , 561 Wong-Volle, Alfonso J., Jr. 217, 223, 294 Wong, Albert 57B Wong, Wayland .. ... . ... 194, 294, 57B Wonsik, John M... .. . . . ... . .. 322, 326 Wood, D. Morion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295 Wood, Fronk M. 197, 407, 52B Wood, Gerry O ' Dell . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295 Wood . James Frederick .... ... 429, 578 Wood, Jonis Lynn . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57B Wood, Phyll is Koy ........... 357, 561 Wood , Reed Glenn Wood, Robert Eugene . . 2BB, 419, 54B Wood, Susan M . . . .... . ... .. . 2B9, 341 Wood, Commander Thomas J ..... . . . 330 Wood, Wolter Alon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52B Woodard, Jon Neil .......... 403, 57B Woodard, Lindo Morrine 474 W oodard, Pamela Levon .. ........ 548 Woodard, Thomas Victor, Jr . ..... . 282 Woodard, William Brenton . . 325, 391, 57B Woodore, William R............. . 419 Woodholl , Sharon L.. . ...... ...... 52B Woodmansee, Stanley 0. , Jr. ... . .. 241 Woods, Coro lee Go i I . . . . . . . . . . 451 Woads, Carol .... ... ... . , .. , .. ... 52B Woods, Koy Ellen ....... , , ... 353, 561 Woods, Phillip Harlan ... . ..... . .. 379 Woods, Soroh Jeon . ..... , .... .. .. 451 Woods, Sherry Jon .. . , , .. . .. , .. . . 456 Woods, Terrence Lynn .... ... ...... 325 Woods, William R................ 335 Woodvl , Wolter Fronk, 111 425 Woodward, Halbert 0 ., Jr. .. ...... 419 Woodward, Morion Kenneth 425, 548 Woodward, Nancy Ellen . . . . . 57B Wooldridge, Gayle .....• 251, 2B7, 57B Wooldridge, Liz Morie 173, 175, 193, 194, 196, 269, 272, 43B, 463 Wooley, John Corey ......... 261, 379 Wooley, Lindo Carol ............. 456 Woolrich, Sarah Catherine .. 438, 444, 52B Woolrich, Willis Raymond.. ......... 295 Woolsey, Brion Reed .... B4, 139, 140, 310, 54B Woolsey, Susan Morie .. . . .. .. 469, 475 Word, Cynthia ....... . ...... . 240, 307 Word, Dorrell Roy ................ 247 Word, Jomes Alon .... ... .... 397, 52B Word, Lindo lee .. . ... .. 265, 311, 561 Workman, Thomas Edward, Jr. 235, 236, 435, 561 Works, George W ., Ill ...... . .... 313 Works , John Vickery .... , , , , . , .. , , 421 Wright, Robert Lee, Jr. 437 Wright, Robert Mox, Jr. . . .. .. . .... 561 Wright, Rosal ind . . . . . 341 , 52B Wright, Stuart P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Wright, Susan Nell 2B7, 54B Wright, W illiam Andrew 405 , 561 Wright, William Broxton . . . . . . . . 578 Wristers, John Peter .... .. .. ... ... 295 Wrobleski, Regis J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52B Wroten , George Freese, 111 246 , 335, 339, 411, 54B Wroten, Makel 441 Wuensch, Robert Scott . . .. .... . . .. . 71 Wuensche, Mortin Randolph .. 250, 57B Wuensche, Vernon E. . ........ ... . 250 Wueste, Carol Elizabeth 424 Wvkosch, Lindo Carol ..... .. . 270, 533 Wusterhousen , O scar lee . . . . . . . . . 578 Wvthrich, Jeon Gail . ........ . .. .. 439 Wyatt-Brown, Louro . . .. .......... 421 Wyatt, Gregory Dole ..... . ... .... 234 Wyatt, Jomes M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265 Wylie, Billy B. . . .. .. ... ... .. 25B, 303 Wylie, Sherrianne . .. . ........ 456, 578 Wylie, Susan Koy .. . . ....... . . . .. 367 Wyman, Pamela Y. . . ............. 52B Wyman, William C.. Jr . .... .. . ... . 52B Wynne, Solly Love . ......•.. .... . 45B Wynne, Toddie Lee, It I ........ ... 405 Wynne, Virginia Cicely . . .... . . . .. . 453 Wyrick, Jeon Carroll .... 230, 371 , 419, 52B Wyrick, Milton D.. ... . . ... , . ..... 52B Wysocki, Timothy Theodore .. 3B9, 57B Wyss, Jone Adair .... .. .. .... 23B, 295 Wyss, Orville .. . ............. 34, 321 x Ximenes, Or . E. T . .... ... ..•....... 21 y Yaker. Madel ine Belly .......... .. . 345 Yancey, Robert John, Jr..... ...... 57B Yandell, Benny Tom .......... . .. . . 57B Yong, Jung Hsi ............ . . 225, 295 Yankee, Russell Scott .. . . , ... .... . 407 Yant, Belle Jeon .... .. ..... .. 367, 561 Yontch , Patrici a Ann .............. 561 Yantis, Gory W............ . ...... 52B Yonfo, Sarah Katherine .. 235, 236, 377 Yarborough, Pamela Ruth 249 Yarborough, Solly Ann 265, 269, 272, Yarbrough , Yarbrough , Yarbrough , Yarbrough, 293, 311, 52B Ann . . . . . . . . . 341 , 52B Ann Burnette . , .. , . 265, 561 Annette Darlene ........ 561 Dono Elizabeth 200, 272, Youngblood , Carolee Ewing ........ 369 Youngbl ood, David Craig . , . . . . . 528 Youngblood, Sherry Jone .......... 4B5 Younger, Betty ................... 474 Younger, Joyce ......... .... ...... 474 Youngmeyer, Jomes P . ... .. ........ 288 Youngqu ist, Arvid Todao 271 Youngqu is t, Arv id Tadeo ... ... 254, 476 Yovsey, Robert F., Jr.. . ... . .. 223, 533 Yowell , David Asberry . . ...... 419, 57B Yturralde, David Javier . . . . .. ...... 222 Yung, Robert lee . .. . ........ 3B7, 561 Yuro , Joseph Andrew .............. 227 z Zoghmovt, Toho M . . ......... . ... . 274 Zohn, Charles Edward ..... •.. . . , .. 52B Za is, Ell iot Jacob ........ .. ...... 225 Zalesky, Malty Dolores ............ 236 Zolman, John Poul ........ .... . . . . 52B Zolman, Sarah Kathleen .. 271, 314 , 471 Zamm ito, John Henry 217, 479 Zank, Jill Anne . .. ........... 439, 52B Zopoloc, Alfred .... ....... ....... 612 Zapalac, Janice Gay ........... ... 347 Zapalac. Willie Fronk, Jr. 71, Bl Zapato, George, Jr..... 239, 243, 271, 335, 561 Zapp, Pamela Jeon .... . . 366, 367, 52B Zavaleta , Jesus A., Jr . .. .......... 533 Zeagler, Catherine Jayne .. . .... ... 343 Zea rfo ss, Soro El izobeth ..... . 279 , 578 Zed Ier , Gale Louise .............. 548 Ze itler, Irvin Edwin, Jr. .. . .. .... .. 548 Zelisko, Jon Carter . . ......... . ... 548 Zellars, Koren Sue ........... 365, 57B Zerdecki, Judith Ann ....... .. ..... 251 Zertu che, Ruben Cosonovo .. ... .... 478 Zeto Tau Alpha .............. 376, 377 Zickler. Jeffrey Leo . ..... 294, 336, 57B Zihlmon, Edward Jomes, Jr. 221, 479, 57B Zike, Jomes H. . ........... . 437, 533 Zike, Morgoret Elaine .... 355 Z immerman, Barbara Gwen .. 375, 451, 57B Zimmerman, Cheryl Anne ..... 200, 337, 451, 533 Zimmerman , Kathryn Ruth ......... 355 Zinn, Franklyn King ..... . .... 2B9, 4B5 Zin n, Jomes F . .. ... ... . .... . 1 • •• • 528 Zion, Sharon En id ......•......... 528 Z irkle , Harrie t Ela ine ........ -439, 5-48 Zischong, Ro y Allen .......... 250, 294 Zivley, Bruce Mort in .............. 295 Zivney, Robert Conrad, Jr. .... 409 , 578 Zizelmonn , John Robert ........... 216 Zlotkovich, Charles Philip lBO , 217, 273 , 2BB, 295 Zoch, Cl ifford Herbert ..... . ... . .. 57B Zoch , Lindo Ela ine .............. 578 Zoeller, John Somuel . . . . . . . . . . . 212 W inslow, Chester Douglas . . . . . . . 336 Worley, Sollie Ann .... ... 234, 455 306, 343, 561 Zoghe ib, Joserhine Ann . . .... 215, 287 Win ston, John Steven 403 Worrel, Charles J., Ill .. ..... 310, 313 Yarbrough, Dione Louise . .. " ... . . 561 Zosl, Edward D. . ................. 277 W inter. Alon Dogies .. ....... 194, 319 Worrell , l ee Fronk 295 Yarbrough, Mox Franklin 419 Zubek, S. . .... . ........ ... ... . ... 274 Winter, Richard N. 201, 221 Worster, Steven Clark . . . . . . . . 81 Yarbrough , Patricio Hays . .. .. 194, 2B7, Zubik, Robert Doyle . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57B Winters, Douglas Eugene, Jr. . . 220 Worth, Robert lee, Jr........ 403, 57B 341 Zubowski, Helene . .. . ....... . .. . .. 345 Winz 1g, Jomes R. . . . . . . . . . . . . 477 Wortham, Jomes Aubrey .... . 221 , 2BB, Yarbrough, Patrick . . ........ .. . . . . 548 Zubo wski, Poul Barry .... . ..... .... 303 Wischer, Stephen E.. . , ..... ...... 246 417, 54B Yorl ing, Charles B . ..... . 265, 27B, 52B Zun iga , El ias Flores •. . . ..•... .... 476 Wose, Jock G. .. ... . ... ...... 3B5, 561 Wortham, Michael B..... 265, 334, 533 Yorr in, Holly Rita ............ 345, 57B Zunker, Susan Koy .... , . , .... 361, 57B W ise, Marsha . ............... 444 , 533 Worthley, Mrs. Lucy ..... .. ....... 371 Yoryon , Jess Oliver , Ill . . . . . . . 397 Zurkey, Cra ig Robert ......... 427, 548 W ise, Richard Bruce . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392 Wortman , George Issac ..... .... .. 543 Yoryon, Patricio McKay , . , , ... 355, 403 Zvonut, Jomes F . .. ...... . ........ 295 Wise, Teresa Anne .. .. .. 361, 451, 57B Wray, John Hal ....... .. 247, 296, 52B Yates , Bonn ie Bell . . .. • . .. . ... .. .. 230 Zwold, Edwin Arnold, Jr.. , ... 247, 296 Wisenbaker, Laure Lynn ...... 371, 561 Wray, Nancy E.., . , , .. . 361, 37B, 528 Yates, John Leslie ...... , ...... . .. 313 Zwiegel, Lindo Lorraine ........... -451 b09 Pho tog ra phers ~ s l. Steve Delk 2. Doug Brightwell ( 3. Jim Bandy 4. Frank Armstrong 5. No Written Consent /\ 610 ··,, ... Editor's Swan Song...'No Sacred Cows' As the black-and-gold stripe vested referee called the last play in a traditional Te~as-A&M Thanksgiving Day contest dead, the play was over-the football season ended. And, as these few words are written and fi nal pages proofed, an editor's job is finished-the year is over and its record completed. In an attempt to record that year-a period from registration to graduation-in its silver an­niversary issue, the editor has tried to present a true, recognizable picture. Working with the '68 philosophy of "tell it like it is" and "sock it to me, baby," he was often asked, "Isn't any­th ing sacred?" "Nope," came the immediate reply, "no sacred cows." As St. Clair McKelway, a visiting New Yorker editor and writer, said to a University magazine editing class, "Try to see the truth through humor. Humor illuminates the truth." With this idea constantly in mind, the editor believed that yearbook quality must be based on the ability of future scholars to research stu­dent life '68 from this edition. He has tried to capture not only the events of the year but also the atmosphere and feelings of a student body through lagniappe, or "extra measure," ideas and features. "A Sign for the Future: the Sprawling Mul­ tiversity," a subject of interest to those caught in its web and emeshed in its destiny, was writ­ ten from interviews with University officials. "The Student," based on material submitted by Dr. C. Richard King's J327 feature writing class, tried to portray the University student as seen through the eyes of his many critics. To the many who worked on the '68 Cactus, I offer an out-of-character but genuinely sin­cere thank you. Those to whom special recogni­tion is owed include Jim Kemp, an editorial assistant and super staffer of amazing talent and judgment; Joy "Reba" Stapp, the Outstand­ing Section Editor and originator of many near­autograph pages; "Miss Mary" Morphis Moody, Texan editor; Robert Hilburn, Texan editorial manager for his sound assurance that the Student Assembly copy contained no libelous material; and a cast of thousands on the general staff for their many hours of alphabetizing, indexing, and checking of names. To those members of the Out­ standing Student, Goodfellow, and Bluebonnet Belle selection committees goes my warmest thanks for time and service. And, of course, to the Texas Union whose ringing phrase, "Join the Union and see Wimberly," convinced us not to have a staff retreat. Special thanks are d ue Fred Koger, Taylor vice-president; Rex Hendershot, Taylor art di­rector for his immense help with Mondrian layout and for finally agreeing that the original cover design did look like bathroom tile; L. Loyd Edmonds, TSP general manager for his help with a $115,200 editorial and production budget; Mrs. Lorraine Henderson for her work on the class section; and Frank Armstrong and his stu­dent photog raphy staff, plus St. Clair Newburn for construction pictures on pages 96-97, for their time and patience. The '68 Cactus, vol. 75, was printed by the offset lithog raphic process on 612 pages of 80­pound matte finished stock by Taylor Publish­ing Co., Dallas, Texas. End sheets are a 65­pound Newport Blue Strathmore Beau Brilliant cover weight. Portrait pictures were taken by 0. V. Koen Studio in Austin, Texas, for its sev­enteenth and final year, and the Belle and Sweet­heart finalists pictures by Walter Barnes Studio. The body copy is l 0-point Spartan with captions in 8-point Spartan. Titles were printed in an 18­point Eurostile Extended typeface. Lafe D. Hill .. --~----­ ' ~-';i'tf."d-· ~ " .• .... I• .... "' .... ..... ,.. ..;· '\.. ~­ ·~... - " " = ­ •. ~a :~ .. ~::: .... .;::. ti! ;; ... " ... . "" I• ·~ • ­ ~·-~ ·-~ -;;. ~~.. :~~~-:: ·~· 1~ -~,:.~:'." .'"'" ·-c; ...; ·­ •! ~-.::·· :::: •.. .. .. ·­ - ...... ._-. '.•• ­ ,. ... ~ ... ,., •· ...