THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PUBLICATIONS for 1960 EXPLANATION The University publishes bulletins twice a month9 so numbered that the first two digits of the number show the year of issue, the last two the position in the yearly series. For example, 6001 is the first publication of the year 1960. This series comprises the official publications of the University, publications on humanistic and scientific subjects, and bulletins prepared from time to time by various divisions of the University. Communications concerning publications of the following bureaus and divisions should be addressed to The University or Texas, Austin 12» Texas9 care of the particular bureau or division issuing the publicatiom Bureau of Business Research Bureau of Economic Geology Bureau or Engineering Research Bureau of Public School Service Division of Extension Communications concerning all other publications in this series should be addressed to the Registrar's Office, The University of Texas, Austin 12, Texas. Communications concerning books published b;y The University of Texas Press should be addressed to the Director, Vro Frank Ho Wardlaw, Box 7532, University station, Austin 12, Texas. Publications are free unless a sales price is listedo 6001: January 1, 1960. COLLIDE OF BUSINE$ ADMINISTRATION, 1960-1962. CATALOOUE WllBER~ PART llI• 55 PP• 60028 January 15, 19600 FINANCIAL REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS FOR THE YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31, 1959. 340 PP• 6003: February 1, 1960. INFORMATION FOR PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS, 1960-1961. 41 ppo and a map of the Main University campus. 6oo4g February 15, 1960. GRADUATE SCHOOL, 1959-1961. CATALOOUE NUMBER: PART Vllo 213 ppo 6005: March 1, 1960. GRAPTOLITE FAUNAS OF THE MARATHON REGION, WEsr TEXAS, by William B. N. Berry, Bureau of Economic Geology. 179 PP• )lf..3.. ef7}". 6006: March 15, 1960. SUDER SBSSION, 1960, MAIN UNIVERSITY CATALOOUE NUMBERo 109 PPo 60072 April 1, 1960. COLLIDE OF PHARMACY, 1960-19620 CA.TALOOUE NUMBERa PART IIo 37 ppo 6008& April 15, 1960. GENERAL INFORMATION, MAIN UNIVERSITY, 1960-19610 CATA.LOOUE WMBER~ PART V. 131 PP• 6009: May 1, 19600 COLI.EDE OF EIDINEERING, 1960-19620 CATALOOUE NUMBERi PART IV.. 78 PP• 6010: May 15, 1960. SCHOLARSHIPS, ASSisr.ANTSHIPS, LOAN FUNDSo 94 ppo 6011: June 1, 1960. SCHOOL OF LAW, CATALOOUE NUMBER: PART VIII, 1960-19620 51 PP• 6012: June 15, 1960. INFORMATION FOR NEW FRESHMEN, 1960-1961. 18 PP• 6013: July 1, 1960. COLLIDE CORRESPONDENCE STUDY BULLETIN. 63 PP• 6014: July 15, 1960. STUDIES IN GENETICS: Io A CITOPHOTOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF THE DEOXYRIBONU­CLEIC .A.CID (DNA) CONTENT IN GERM CELLS FROM &NTA. GERTRUDIS BULLS, by Marshall Wheeler. 136 pp. $2.00. 6015: August 1, 1960. CONsrITUTION AND CONTEST RULES OF THE UNIVERSITY INTERS::HOLASTIC LEAGUE FOR 1960-1961. Bureau of Public School Service, Division of Exten­ sion. 178 PP• 6016: August 15, 19600 FINAL ANNOUNCEMENT OF COURSES, LONJ SF..SSION, 1960-1961. 246 PP• $. 25. 6017g September 1, 1960. ASPECTS OF THE GEOI..00-Y OF TEXAS: A SYMPOSIUM. Bureau of Economic Ge­ology. 117 pp.c.,IJf'etO, t?7/!J, 6018: September 15, 19600 SPELLINJ LIST FOR INTERSCHOLASTIC LEAGUE SPELLI?fl CONTES!', 1960-1961. Bureau of Public School Service, Division of Extension. 16 PP• 5 rf, per copy; 50 rf, per doz.; $3. per hundred. 6019: October 1, 1960. PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTY AND STAFF, 1957-1958. 312 PP• 6020: October 15, 1960. A BASIC LIST OF PLAYS FOR USE IN THE ONE-ACT PLAY CONTESTS: THE UNI­VERSITY INTERSCHOLASTIC LEA.GUE, 1960-1961. Bureau of Public School Service. Division of Extension. 19 PP• $.25. 602li November 1, 1960. DIRECTORY OF THE STAFF OF THE llAIN UNIVERSITY AND EXTRAMURAL DIVISIONS, THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS, FOR THE YEAR 1960-1961. 304 PP• $.50. 6022: November 15, 1960. PHYCOI..00-ICAL Sl'UDIES& I. EXPLORATORY STUDIES OF TEXAS SOIL ALGAE, by Tend R. Deason and Harold c. Bold. 71 PP• 6023: December 1, 1960. REPORT OF THE RIDISI'RAR, 1959-1960. 32 PP• 6024: December 15, 1960. DEGREES CONFERRED, MAIN UNIVERSITY, 1960. 88 PP•