THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS BULLETIN No. 3114: April 8, 1931 A METHOD OF CALCULATING THE PERFORMANCE OF VACUUM-TUBE CIRCUITS USED FOR THE PLATE DETECTION OF RADIO SIGNALS By J.P. WOODS ENGINEERING RESEARCH SERIES No. 28 Bureau of Engineering Research Division of the Conservation and Development of the Natural Resources of Texas PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AUSTIN Publications of The University of Texas Publications Committees : GENERAL: FREDERIC DUNCALF MRS. C. M. PERRY J. F. DOBIE C.H. SLOVER J. L. HENDERSON G. W. STUMBERG H.J. MULLER A. P. WINSTON OFFICIAL: E. J. MATHEWS KILLIS CAMPBELL C. F. ARROWOOD C. D. SIMMONS E. C. H. BANTEL BRYANT SMITH The University publishes bulletins four times a month, so numbered that the first two digits of the number show the year of issue and the last two the position in the yearly series. (For example, No. 3101 is the first bulletin of the year 1931.) These bulletins comprise the official publica­tions of the University, publications on humanistic and scientific subjects, and bulletins issued from time to time by various divisions of the University. The following bureaus and divisions distribute bulletins issued by them; communications concerning bulletins in these fields should be addressed to The University of Texas, Austin, Texas, care of the bureau or division issuing the bulletin: Bureau of Business Research, Bureau of Economic Geology, Bureau of Engineering Research, Interscholastic League Bureau, and Division of Extension. Communications concerning all other publications of the University should be addressed to University Publications, The University of Texas, Austin. Additional copies of this publication may be procured from the Bureau of Engineering Research, The University of Texas Austin, Texas. THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PRESS ~ THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS BULLETIN No. 3114: April 8, 1931 A METHOD OF CALCULATING THE PERFORMANCE OF VACUUM-TUBE CIRCUITS USED FOR THE PLATE DETECTION OF RADIO SIGNALS By J.P. WOODS ENGINEERING RESEARCH SERIES No. 28 Bureau of Engineering Research Division of the Conservation and Development of the Natural Resources of Texas PUBLISHBD BY THB UNIVERSITY FOUR TIMBS A MONTH, AND BNTERED AS SBCOND·CLASS MATTER AT THE POSTOFFICE AT AUSTIN, TEXAS, UNDER THB ACT OF AUGUST 24. 1912 The benefits of education and of useful knowledge, generally diffused through a community, are essential to the preservation of a free govern· ment. Sam Houston Cultivated mind is the guardian ireniua of Democracy, and while guided and controlled by virtue, the noblest attribute of man. It is the only dictator that freemen acknowledge, and the only security which freemen desire. Mirabeau B. Lamar TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction ----------------------------------------------------------------7 II. The Standard Signal________ ____ ______________ _ __________________ _ 8 III. The Detection of Small Signals_____________________ __ _ ____ 9 IV. Ideal Detection ----------------------------------------------------------11 V. A Limited Theory of Large Signal Detection________ 24 VI. Extension to Include Pure Resistance in Grid and Plate Circuits --------------------------------------37 VII. Power Series Analysis of the State Characteristic 41 VIII. Analysis of Detection Performance of UX-201A Vacuum Tube ------------------------------------------------------44 IX. Summary --------------------------------------------------------------------55 X. Appendix --------------------------------------------------------------------65 XI. Bibliography --------------------------------------------------------------72 TABLE OF SYMBOLS ea-total voltage in the grid circuit. eo = e. +Ee. e.-signal voltage. Throughout this paper the signal is assumed to be the standard, e. = E (1 + m sin wLt) sin z; z must be an odd integer; f(y) = .... (y-1>_ ... . y The general term a.,e.0 of the power series for the static characteristic of the tube makes the following contribution to the coefficient of the zth cosine harmonic : n !mz (O-z2) a.,E0 /(n) [ z !(n-z) ! 2) /(z) + 2 ! /(z + 2) (44) (-z2) (22 -z2) + 4 ! f( z +4) ...L (-z2) (22 -z2) (42 -z2) I ! /(z+6)+. 6 + (-z2) (22-z2) .. ·,. [(z-2)2-z2] f(2z)} z. n ! m zz+2 (-z2) + (z + 2) ! [n-(z + 2) fT 21f(z+ 2) + 2 ! f (z +4) + .... + (-z2) (2• -z2) .... [ (z -2) 2 -z2] f (2z + 2) } z! +. +. n !mn (-z2) + n ! 2) I (n) + ! f (n + 2) + ... . 2 +(-z2) (22 -z2) .... [ (z -2) 2 -z2] f (z + n)}]. z ! 31 In the above formula: n must be an even integer > z; z must be an even integer; f(y) = 1. 3. 5. 7 .... (y-1) ... . y Finally the contribution of the general term a,,e.0 to direct current is : n ! m2 n ! m• a,,Enf(n) [ 1 + 2 ! (n-2) ! f(2) + 4 ! (n-4) ! f(4) + (45) where n must be an even integer. The coefficients for direct current and for the fundamen­tal audio frequency and its low harmonics.-Using the above general formulas, it is possible to write:­ The direct current output of the tube: 1 1 (46) ao+ a2E2 -[1 + (-)m2] 2 2 3 1 3 +a4E•-[1+ 6(-)m2 + (-)m4 ] 8 2 8 5 1 3 5 a6E 6 + -[1 + 15(-)m2 + 15(-)m• + (-)m6] 16 2 8 16 35 1 3 5 35 + a8E8 -[1 + 28(-)m2 + 70(-)m4 + 28(-)m6 + (--)m8] 128 2 8 16 128 63 1 3 5 + a,0E 10 -[1 + 45(-)m2 + 210(-)m4+ 210(-)m6 256 2 8 16 35 63 + 45 (--)ms + (--)mio] 128 256 +. ; + a2E 2 [.5 + .25m2] +a,E4 [.375 +1.125m2 +.140625m4] +a6E 6 [.3125 +2.34375m2 +l.757812m4 +.90765625m6 ] +a8E 8 [.2734375 +3.828125m2 + 7.177734m4 + 2.392578m6 +.07476807m8] +a10E10 [.2460937 +5.537109m2 + 19.37988m4 + 16.14990m0 +3.028107m8 + .06056213m10] +· The fundamental output (i.e., the coefficient of sin wLt) : 1 1 a2E 2-[4(-)m] (47)2 2 3 1 3 +a,E4-[8(-)m + 8(-)m8 ] 8 2 8 5 1 3 5 +a6E 6-[12(-)m +40(-)m8 + 12(-)m5] 16 2 8 16 35 1 3 5 35 +a8E 8-[16(-)m + 112(-)m3 +112(-)m5 + 16(--)m7] 128 2 8 16 128 63 1 3 5 35 E 10 +a10-[20(-)m + 240(-)m3 +504(-)m5 +240(--)m7 256 2 8 16 128 +20(~)m9] 256 + .... =~E2 [l.Om] +a4E" [1.5m +1.125m8] +a6E 6 [1.875m +4.6875m8 +1.171875m5] +a8E 8 [2.1875m +11.484375m8 +9.570312m5 + l.196289m1 ] +a10E 10 [2.460937m + 22.14844m8 +38.75987m5 +16.14990m7 +l.211243m9] +................... . The second harmonic output (coefficient of cos 2wLt) : E2 -a2[.25m2 ] (48) a4E4 -[1.125m2 + .1875m4 ] a6E6 -[2.34375m2 + 2.34375m4 + .1464844m6] a8E8 a -[3.828125m2 + 9.570312m4 + 3.588867m6 + .1196289m8] 10E 10 -[5.537109m2 + 25.83984m4 + 24.22485m6 + 4.84497lm8 + .1009369m10] The third harmonic output (coefficient of sin 3wLt) : E4 -a4[.375m3 ] (49) E6 -a6[1.5625m8 + .5859375m~] a8E8 a -[3.828125m3 + 4.785156m" + .7177734m7] 10E 10 -[7.382812m8 + 19.37988m6 + 9.68994lm7 + .8074949m9 ] It will be found that those terms in expressions (46), (47), (48), and (49) which involve the parameter a2, check with the corresponding terms of Eq. ( 4), which was derived from small signal theory where parameters higher than a2 are not included. Comparison of effects of first ten parameters of the static characteristic.-lf in expressions (46), (47), (48), and (49), m is allowed to have the value 1.00, these expressions may be written:­ Coefficient of direct current (m = 1) : E 2 E4 E6 E8 E10 a0 + .75a2+ 1.64la4+ 4.512a6+ 13.75a8+ 44.40a10(50) • Coefficient of sin wLt ( m = 1) : a2E2 E4 E6 E8 E10• + 2.625a4+ 7.734a0+ 24.438a8+ 80.730a10(51) Coefficient of cos 2wLt ( m = 1) : E2 E4 E8 E10 -.25a2-l.312a4-4.834a0E6 -17.107a8-60.548a10• (52) Coefficient of sin 3wLt ( m = 1) : (53) The coefficients as given by expressions (50), (51), (52), and (53) may be shown in tabular form, where the table holds for the special case m = 1.00. TABLE I m = 1.00 Terms of Power de Sin wLt Cos 2wLt Sin 3wLt Cos 4wLt Series ao ··------·------------------------------1 0 0 0 0 a.E2 ••...... ------..--.................. •75 1.00 -.25 0 0 a.,.E• ------------------------------------· 1.641 2.625 -1.312 -.3750 .04687 a.E6 -------------------------------------4.512 7.734 -4.834 -2.148 .6445 a,E' . ----------------------------------13.75 24.438 -17.107 -9.338 3.888 a10E10 ----------·------------------------44.40 80.730 -60.548 -37.260 18.630 To illustrate the use of the table, the second harmonic in­troduced by the sixth parameter is a,6E 6 (-4.834) cos 2wLt; the third harmonic introduced by the eighth parameter, is a,8E 8 ( -9.338) sin 3wLt; etc. It is to be remembered that the current flowing in the plate circuit can be obtained only by summing up the effects of all of the parameters. For example, if the modulation is 1.00, Table I gives the coefficient of the second harmonic as being E2 a 2(-.25) +a4E 4 (-1.312) +a,6E6 (-4.834) + asE 8 (-17.107) + a10E10(-60.548) +. Moreover, any of the curve constants a2, a,4, a6 , etc. can be negative in sign so that the actual amount of second har­monic present may be very small or even zero. It is interesting to express the above table on a per cent basis; i.e., to express the de, second, third, and fourth har­ E2 monics due to a2in per cent of the fundamental due to the same term; to express the de, the second, third, and E 4 fourth harmonics due to a4in per cent of the funda­mental due to a4E 4; etc. TABLE II m =1.00; Percentage Basis Terms of de Sin wLt Cos 2wLt Sin3wLt Cos 4wLt Power Series o/o % % % % azE2 ---------------------------------------------· 75.0 100 25.0 0 0 a,E4 . ---------------------------------------------62.5 100 50.0 14.3 1.8 asE6 ----------------------------------------------58.2 100 62.3 27.8 8.3 asE8 . ·-------------------------------------------56.0 100 71.0 38.2 15.9 a 10E10 .... ---------------------------------------55.7 100 75.0 46.0 23.1 This table shows that the higher parameters introduce harmonics more and more strongly; thus, the second pa­rameter introduces the second harmonic and the fundamen­tal in the ratio 25/ 100, while for the 10th parameter this ratio is 75/ 100. This per cent basis table cannot be used to find the amount of the audio frequency plate current or to draw any conclusions as to the amount of distortion. The pre­vious Table I is to be used for such work. Table II is in­cluded solely to indicate the manner in which the effect of each of the higher parameters is distributed among the harmonics. Tables can be set up for the case, m = .50, in the same way that Tables I and II were constructed for the case m = 1.00. TABLE Ill m=.50 Terms of Power de Sin wLt Cos 2wLt Sin3wLt Cos 4wLt Series ao ·--------··------------------1 0 0 0 0 a2E2 ---------·--·-·---------... .5625 + .5 -.0625 0 0 + .8906 -.2824 -.04687 .0007211 ~~ ·.::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1 :~~~o +1.560 -.7348 -.2135 .009236 asE' ·----------------·---------1.7069 + 2 .836 -1.612 -.6335 .04238 a10E10 ··------·· --· -···-----·· ··· 3.1058 +5.336 -3.396 -1.605 .5636 TABLE IV m=.50; Percentage Basis Terms of de Sin wLt Cos 2wLt Sin3wLt Cos 4wLt Power Series o/o % % % % a•E" ----·----·----·----------······ 112.5 100 12.5 0 0 a,E• .......... ·-----··--------. ·----·---------74.6 100 31.7 5.2 .08 aoE"--·------------------------·-············ 64.6 100 47.0 13.7 .59 a 5E8 100 57.0 22.4 aioE10 -------·----· ----------------------------58.2 100 63.7 30.1 10.5 ------------------------------·--·--····· 60.2 1.55 A comparison of Tables II and IV indicates the manner in which distortion varies with modulation. More complete tables of the above type will be found in Appendix C. Effect of grid pol,arization.-The above discussion was based on the condition that the equation of the ip-eg curve had as its zero axis the axis of polarization. Suppose that this empirical equation uses the axis of zero polarization (i.e., the normal zero axis of the ip-eg curve) as its zero axis. How is the addition of a polarizing voltage E. to be taken into account? Let the curve equation about the normal zero axis be 2 3 ip = a0 +a1eg +a2eg+ a3eg+.... (26) Then, if the axis is to be shifted the distance E., i = a0 +a1 ( e. +E0) +a2 ( e. +E.) 2 +a3 ( e. +E.)3 . . . . ., (26') and from Eq. (26') can be written i = a0 ' +a/e. +a/e.2 + a8'e.8 +. (26") where 2 3 4 a 0' = a0 +a1E 0 +a2E 0 +a8E0 +a4E0 +. a/= a1 +2a2E. +3a3E.2 +4a4E." +5a5E.4 +.. 3 ! 4 ! 5 ! a/= a2 + --a3E c + --a4E c2 + --a5Ec3 + 1!2! 2!2! 2!3! 4 ! 5 ! 6 ! 2 3 as'= aa + --a4E c + --a5Ec+ --a6E c+ . 3!1! 3!2! 3!3! 5 ! 6 ! 7 ! a/= a,+ --a5Ec + --a6E.2 + --a1E.3 + . 4!1! 4!2! 4!3! as'= as+. aa' =. etc. In the event that the grid swing is to extend beyond the point where ip becomes zero, then the curve equation must be so determined as to include this fiat or zero portion of FIGURE 5.-Grid swing on zero portion of characteristic. the curve. In the extreme case where most of the grid swing is actually on the zero portion of the curve, the equa­tion must approximate the zero line e1-e2 of Fig. 5 and at least the portion of the curve e2-e3 • Exponents of the higher orders are necessary for this. Conclusions.-From Eqs. (41), (42), (43), and (44) and their derivations, it is possible to draw some interesting eonclusions: 1. Only the even exponent members of the power series produce de and the audible frequencies. 2. The nth term of the power series (i.e., can introduce no harmonic higher than the nth but af­fects all harmonics lower than this. 3. The sine harmonics are all odd. 4. The cosine harmonics are all even. 5. As the signal strength increases, the importance of the higher terms of the power series increases. 6. As the percentage modulation increases, importance of the higher terms of power series increases. 7. As "n" increases, the ratio 2nd Harmonic due to,n fundamental due to increases. The same is true when the third, fourth, etc., har­ monics, are compared to the fundamental. VI. EXTENSION TO INCLUDE PURE RESISTANCE LOADING IN GRID AND PLATE CIRCUITS Application of analysis of Section V.-The method of analysis given in Section V has been based upon the condi­tion that the relation between the voltage impressed upon the grid circuit and the current flowing in the plate circuit is defined by a single valued curve the empirical equation of which can be expressed in the form of a power series. This is true when the detector tube alone is considered. It is also true when the impedances combined with the tube are pure resistances. However, when the impedances are functions of frequency, the relation between plate current and varying grid voltage is defined, not by a single valued curve, but by a series of closed curves. In order to apply the previous analysis to the case where the tube is used in connection with pure resistances, it is only necessary to use as a basis the static characteristic of the detection circuit rather than the characteristic of the tube alone. The detection circuit may be set up, and its static characteristic can then be taken by the ordinary de methods. Or it is possible to use the static characteristics of the tube alone and, by graphical means, derive from them the static characteristic of the detection circuit for any particular circuit constants which may be chosen. r Method of including external plate resistance.-Consider the vacuum tube circuit shown in Fig. 6 for the case where 0 is zero. c.. I J FIGURE 6.-Vacuum tube with external resistance in grid and plate circuits. The voltage on the plate is ep =EB -iprB. (54) As the grid voltage is varied, the plate current must satisfy the relation EB-ep ip=----(55) and it must also satisfy the relations defined by the static characteristic curves ip vs. ep. Therefore, if the straight line represented by Eq. (55) is plotted on the same graph as the ip-ep characteristics, then, for any given value of eg, both ip and ep are defined. For example, referring to Fig 7, the ip-eP characteristics for a UX-201A tube, if eg has the value of + 8 volts, EB the value of 100 volts, and r6 the value 4,820 ohms, then the tube is operating at the point A; ip is 10.5 milli-amperes; and eP is 49 volts. In this way, given fixed values of rB and EB, it is possible to plot i., as a function of eg. Curve Number II of Fig. 10 was determined in this way. But since re is zero, the ip-eg characteristic is the basis of the previous analysis. Therefore, external plate resist­ance has been taken into account, and it is possible to pro­ceed exactly as before. Me·thod of including external grid resistance.-Referring again to Fig. 6, if re is not zero and if the grid becomes positive so that grid current flows, then the actual grid voltage eg is not equal to the impressed voltage e0 , but (56) Further, ig is a function of eg and eP' It is necessary then, to use the ig-eg characteristics of the tube as well as the ip-ep set. The ig-eg characteristics for a UX-201A tube are given in Fig. 8. From Eq. (56), (57) re Eq. (57) defines ig as a family of straight lines intersect­ing the vertical axis of Fig. 8 at the points ig = e0/re and the horizontal axis at the points eg = e0• Such a family has been plotted for the values re= 21,200 ohms, eo = 4, 8, 12, . . . . volts. e Now, for a given constant value of eo, it is possible to plot ep as a function of eg. Fig. 9 shows curves of this type for the above values of eo and re; e.g., the curve marked "2" in Fig. 9 defines eP as a function of eg for a grid resist­ance of 21,200 ohms and a constant impressed voltage of 0 = + 2 volts. If there is no resistance in the plate circuit then, ep =EB= 100 volts, and the operating line of the tube is Curve IV of Fig. 9. e Consider point "16" on this curve. The impressed voltage 0 is 16 volts, the actual grid voltage eg is 6.7 volts, and, from Curve I of Fig. 10, the corresponding plate current ip is 17.2 milli-amperes. Thus point B' on Curve III of Fig. 10 is located. In this way the entire curve is deter­mined, and again there is a characteristic from which analysis can start. MethO'd of including external resistance in both grid and plate circuits.-When there is external resistance in both grid and plate circuits, then the operating line for Fig. 9 depends upon both EB and rB. Suppose EB= 100 volts, rB = 4,820 ohms. The previously determined Curve II of Fig. 10 takes into account the effect of rB. The family of curves in Fig. 9 takes into account the effect of re. Therefore, if Curve II of Fig. 10 is superposed on Fig. 9, both rB and re can be taken into account. To do this it is necessary to make the ordinate scales of the curves the same. Curve II of Fig. 10 can readily be plotted as ep vs. eg so as to correspond with the curves of Fig. 9. It then becomes the operating line, Curve I of Fig. 9. For point "16" on this line, eo = + 16 volts; ep = 53 volts ; eg = + 6.7 volts; ip = 9.7 milli-amperes. Thus point C' is determined (Curve IV, Fig. 10). Again, there has been found a static characteristic, including this time the effects of external resistances in both grid and plate circuits, and from it analysis can start. Experimental check.-The same direct current methods by means of which the characteristics of the vacuum tube alone are obtained, can be used to determine the charac­teristics of the vacuum tube circuit. As a check on the above graphical work, such characteristics have been taken for a UX-201A tube under the conditions noted in Fig. 10. The curves of this figure are experimental, and the points indicated by small circles have been determined graphically by the above methods. VII. POWER SERIES ANALYSIS OF STATIC CHARACTERISTIC Method of simultaneous equations.-The previous analy­sis of detector performance has used as a basis Eq. (26), an empirical relation between plate current and signal voltage expressed in the form of a power series. If the static characteristic represented by such a series is simple, or if the range covered is small, the parameters can be solved for by the method of simultaneous equations. For example, if four terms of the series are sufficient, it is possible to choose four points on the curve, solve four simultaneous equations, and obtain the constants a0, a11 a2, and a3 • The graph of the empirical equation passes through the four chosen points. However, the characteristics to be analyzed can seldom be represented over any large range by a four-term series. If a close fit is desired, and if the series is extended to say a10e10 in order to obtain this close fit, then it becomes neces­sary to solve eleven simultaneous equations. Further, though the empirical equation so found must pass through the eleven chosen points, in between these points its graph may not fit the original curve at all. If the method of least squares be used, this difficulty of divergence between the chosen points will be avoided. But there are still as many simultaneous equations to be solved as there are parameters to be evaluated. More­over, the work of raising a series of many numbers to the higher powers is very tedious. Finally, if the result­ing equation does not fit closely enough, the analysis can­not be extended, but must be repeated. Fourier series method.-The following method avoids the above difficulties. Suppose that the region E0-0-Eo' of the curve of Fig. 11 is to be represented by a power series, the zero axis of the equation to be the axis of grid swing, which is located at the center of the distance E 0-Eo'. There is to be ob­tained an equation of the form 3 ip = a0 +a1e. +a2e.2 +a3e.+. where e. = eo-Ec. Express the variable e. as the following function of the arbitrary variable x : e. = E0 sin x. (58) Replot the curve of Fig. 11, replacing e. by the new vari­able x. There is obtained a periodic function of x, a single cycle of which is shown in Fig. 12. If this periodic func­tion is analyzed by the Fourier series method, there results the equation, ip = c0 +b1 sin x +b3 sin 3x +b0 sin 5x +. . . . (59) +c2 cos 2x +C4 cos 4x +C6 cos 6x + . . . . The even sine and the odd cosine terms of the series are excluded because the curve of Fig. 12 is symmetrical about a vertical axis through the point x = 90°. Now6 sin 3x = 3 sin x -4 sin3 x ; sin 5x = 5 sin x -20 sin3 x +16 sin° x; etc.; and cos 2x = 1-2 sin2 x; cos 4x = 1 -8 sin2 x +8 sin4 x; etc. But, from Eq. (58), e, sin X=--. (60) Eo Therefore, 3e. 4e.3 sin 3x = ------; Eo Eo3 6See Appendix C for more complete formulas. 5e. 20e.3 16e. • sin5x=---+--­ JJ}o Jj}o3 Jj}o 5 2e,2 cos2x= 1---; Jj}o2 8e.-,, 8e.• cos 4x = 1 ----+--­ And so, using the above relations, the Fourier series of Eq. (59) can readily be transformed into a power series expressing ip as a function of e. over the range JJ}o-0-JJ}o' of Fig. 11. It will be noted that, if the Fourier series ends with the angle llx, the power series ends with the term e.11 ; if the Fourier series ends with the angle 12x, the power series ends with the term e.12; and so on. This method of analysis has required that the zero axis of the empirical equation be located at the mid-point of the interval over which the equation holds. Of course, after the parameters have been found, the vertical axis of the equation can be shifted to any desired point in the chosen interval. Or, if it is desired to have the axis at either end of the chosen interval, the substitution e. = ± lJ}c cos x (61) may be used in place of Eq. (58). Since the grid swing of a vacuum tube is to either side of the axis of grid polar­ization, the substitution shown in Eq. (58) is necessary for vacuum tube work. Advantages of Fourier series method.-The above method reduces the power series analysis of a given curve to the Fourier series analysis. It thus avoids simultaneous equa­tions and the raising of numbers to the higher powers. Moreover-and here lies the chief advantage-it is not necessary to obtain the power series before the closeness of fit can be tested. When Eq. ( 59) has been obtained, the closeness of fit can easily be tested without any need of raising e. to a series of high exponents only to find that the series is not long enough. If it develops that Eq. (59) does not fit closely enough, the Fourier series can readily be extended, and none of the previous work must be dis­carded. When the Fourier series is long enough to be suffi­ciently accurate, it can be transformed into the power series, and the analysis is complete with no need for testing or extending the power series. VIII. ANALYSIS OF DETECTION PERFORMANCE OF UX-201A VACUUM TUBE In this section, there will be given the analysis of the detection performance of a circuit using a UX-201A vac­uum tube in combination with external resistances. The numerical and graphical work will be given step by step, and all curve sheets will be included in order that anyone who does not care to read the previous derivation can still follow its application. Sample calculations.-The static characteristics ip-ep and ig-eg furnish the experimental basis from which starts the analysis for detection performance. These character­istics for a UX-201A tube are given in Figs. 7 and 8. The following constants of the detector circuit will be assumed: Eb= 100 volts; Ee =-10 volts; rB = 6,250 ohms; re = 25,000 ohms. From the two s~ts of static characteristics and the circuit constants, there will next be graphically determined a curve defining ip as a function of e0 , the total voltage in the grid circuit. On Fig. 7, there is drawn from the point ii,=0 ep =EB= 100 volts the operating line II, intersecting the ip axis at the point 100 volts ip = ------= 16 milli-amperes. 6,250 ohms From this operating line II of Fig. 7, there is found a curve ep vs. eg in this way. Any value of eg is assumed, say +4 volts. This locates the point B on the line II, and the corre­sponding value of ep is 55 volts. Other values of eg are assumed, and there is obtained the curve A of Fig. 14. On Fig. 8 there is drawn a family of straight lines inter­secting the eg axis at the points eg = 4 ; 8 ; 12 ; . . volts and the ig axis at the points 4 volts 8 volts 12 volts ig=------------; etc. 25,000 ohms 25,000 ohms 25,000 ohms From this family of straight lines, there is found a family of curves eP vs. 6g each curve holding for a particular value of eo. To do this, a particular value of eo is assumed, say 20 volts. The straight line for eo = 20 volts intersects the ig-eg characteristics in the points a, b, c, d, e, f, etc., and each of these points locates a point on the corresponding eP vs. eg curve. Thus: for a, ep = 0 eg = 3.7; for b, eP = 5 eg = 5.8; for c, eP = 10 eg = 6.5; etc. This determines the curve B on Fig. 14. Other values of eo are assumed, and the remaining curves of the figure are plotted. Now, in Fig. 14 the curve A intersects the family of curves of type B in the points a', b', c', d', etc., and each of these intersections defines one value of e0 , one value of eg, and one value of ep. But when values eg and eP are known, the static characteristics of the tube, Fig. 7, give the corresponding value of ip. There can now be plotted the circuit characteristic ip-e0 for the assumed circuit con­stants. Thus : for a', eo=2 ep= 65 eg = 1.2 ip = 5.4; for b', eo=4 ep= 61 eg = 2.3 ip = 6.0; for c', eo= 8 ep=55 eg= 3.9 ip = 7.1; etc. So are determined the points a', b', c', etc., on the curve ip-e0 of Fig. 11. The power series expression for this circuit character­istic is next determined. Since the grid bias E c is to be -10 volts, the axis of the empirical equation is to be the line 0-0' of Fig. 11. Then e 0 = E0 + e. = -10 volts+ e. where e. is the standard signal, E (1 + m sin wLt) sin wHt. The curve will be analyzed over a region extending a dis­tance of 50 volts to either side of the axis 0-0'. Replace the variable e. by the variable x where e. = 50 sin x and replot the curve of Fig. 11. There results the periodic curve of Fig. 12. By the ordinary method of Fourier analysis the follow­ing equation is found for the curve of Fig. 12: ip = c0 + b1sin x + b3 sin 3x + . . . . (62) + c2 cos 2x + C4 cos 4x + . . . . where Co = + 4.320 bl = + 6.376 C2 = -1.805 bs =+ .9324 .7348 C4 b5 =+ .3775 Ca .4722 b1 =+ .1443 Cs .3084 b9 =+ .0451 C10= -.2040 bu=+ .0389 C12= -.1373 bis= -.01511 C14= -.08133 bis= -.004667 C1a= -.05267 As a check on the closeness of fit of the above equation : Value of Value of Value iP from iP from of"' Curve + 90 --------­--­--------­--­11.40 + 45 ­-­---­----------­-­---­9.68 + 30 -----­--­--------------­8.35 + 15 --­-------­---------­--­5. 75 + 5 -------­---­-­----­----­2.05 --­-------------­-­----­-----------­-­---­-----­--------­---­----------­---------­-------­-----­-­------­------­-----­-- Equation 11.32 9.70 8.32 5.82 2.05 0 --­---­--­--­-------­--­ .35 -­----­----------------­ .52 - 5 -­-­-----­---­----­---­- .000 --­--­--­----------­----­ .115 -15 -----­-­----­----­----­- .000 --------­--------------­ .089 -30 ---­--------­-­--------­ .000 ­-­---­----------­----­-- .003 -45 --------­--------------­ .000 ­--­-­--­----­---­-----­ .045 -90 ----­-----­------------­ .000 ­------­----­--------­-­ .074 The largest error occurs when x = 0, and is 1.57 per cent of the maximum value of ip. This Fourier series is now transformed into a power series by means of Table V of the Appendix C and the rela­tion e. sin x=-=e1 • 50 Thus: b 1 sin x = b1e1 = 6.376e1 ; b3 sin 3x = b3 (3 sin x -4 sin3 x) = .9324 (3e1 -4e13) = 2.797e1 -3.730e13 ; c2 cos 2x = c2 (1-2 sin2 x) = -1.805 (1-2e1 2 ) 2 = -1.805 + 3.610e1 ; c4 cos 4x = C4 (1 -8 sin2 x + 8 sin4 x) = -. 7348 (1 -8e/ + 8e/) 2 4 = -.7348 + 5.878e1 -5.878e1 ; etc. This transformation from the Fourier series in x to the power series in e1 can be best written in tabular form. Then, when all of the Fourier series terms have been trans­formed, the total coefficient of any power of e1 is obtained by summing up all the coefficients in that particular column. COEFFICIENTS OF Term of Fourier e,' Series b1 sin x ----------6.376 bs sin 3x ----------2.797 -3.730 b5 sin 5x .......... 1.887 -7.550 6.040 b, sin 7x .......... 1.010 -8.081 16.162 -9.235 ho sin 9x ·-·-······ .406 -5.412 19.483 -25.978 11.5411 b11 sin llx·.......... .428 -8.558 47.925 -109.542 109.592 -39.834 b13 sin 13x ---·-·--·· -.196 + 5.500 -44.000 +150.858 -251.430 +201.114 -61.891 bi:; sin 15x ·--------· -.070 + 2.613 -28.226 + 134.410 -328.557 + 430.111 -286.740 +76.464 17.384 + 140.513 -458.899 591.421 -348.631 +76.464 Sum ·---·------·---· 12.638 -25..218 COEFFICIENTS OF Term of Fourier e,• Serles Co--­------···----·-·­--· 4.320 C2 cos 2x -----­--1.805 c, cos 4x -·---·­-.735 Co cos 6x -­----­-.472 cs cos 8x ---­-·· -.308 C10 COS 10x ---···· -.204 C12 COS 12X ------­-.137 cu cos 14x ----­-­-.081 cu cos 16x ·-­---· -.052 e,• 3.610 5.878 8.500 9.869 10.200 9.886 7.970 6.792 e,• 5.878 -22.666 -49.344 -81.600 -115.332 -127.525 -141.577 e,• 15.110 78.950 228.480 492.083 765.153 1132.616 e,• -39.475 -261.120 -949.018 -2186.150 -4449.562 eil• 104.448 843.571 3206.354 9492.398 e 112 -281.190 -2331.894 -11218.289 eiu. 666.255 6903.562 Sum ---­-----· .525 62.655 -543.922 2712.392 -7885.325 13646.771 -13831.373 7569.817 ..,,. -1725.891 -1725.891 From the preceding two tables, the power series for the characteristic of Fig. 11 is: 3 ip = .525 + 12.638e1 + 62.655e/ -25.218e1 (63) 4 6 1 -543.922e1 + 17.384e1 5 +2,712.392e1 +140.513e1 8 9 10 -7,885.325e1 -458.899e1 +13,646. 771e1 +591.421e/1 -13,831.373e/ 2 -348.631e/8 14 + 7,569.817 e1 +76.464e/5 -l, 725,89le/6 • By substituting for e1 its value e./ 50, Eq. (63) can be expressed as a power series in e.. However, some work is avoided if Eq. (63) is left in the above form. The audio frequency output of the tube for various values of signal voltage can now be determined. Suppose that the fundamental output for 100 per cent modulation is de­sired. Refer to Table III of Appendix C. The first sub­table of Table III is headed "For m = 1.00," and one col­umn of this sub-table is headed "sin wLt." This particular eolumn is to be multiplied by the initial column of the sub­table, which contains the terms a0E0, a2E 2, a4E4, etc. This multiplication can be performed only when some particular value of E has been chosen, and the summation of the prod­ucts so obtained is the coefficient of sin wLt for that partic­ular value of E. Since Eq. (63) is in terms of e1 instead of e., E must be changed to E1 where E1 = E/ 50. For ex­ample, suppose that the carrier max, E, is taken to be 5 volts. Then E 1 = 5/ 50 = .1. Multiplying the two columns -0f the sub-table and summing up the products: a2E/ X 1=62.655 X (.1) 2 X 1 .626 a4E 14 X 2.625 = -543.922 X (.1) 4 X 2.625 =-.142 a0E 1 °X 7.734 = 2,712.39 X (.1) 0 X 7.734 .021 a8E18 X 24.438 = -7,885.32 X (.1) 8 X 24.438 = -.000 .505 Therefore, for a carrier max of 5 volts and 100 per cent modulation, the fundamental of audio plate current is .505 sin wLt. In this way the fundamental output can be found for a series of values of E. The work is best tabulated. COEFFICIENTS OF SIN wLt FOR VARIOUS VALUES OF E AND FOR m=l.00 E .5 1.0 1.5 2.5 5 10 15 20 25 Et .01 .02 .03 .05 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 a2E12 ---------------· .00626 .0251 .0564 .1566 .626 2.51 5.64 10.02 15.66 a,E,4 ••••••••••••••• -.00001 -.0002 -.0012 -.0089 -.142 -2.28 -11.57 -36.65 89.24 "6E1• ···········-··· .0003 .021 1.34 15.29 85.93 327.79 asE1"-··------·----· -.49 -12.64 726.29 -752.75 10 a10E1-------------.11 6.50 115.52 1075.89 a12E112 --------------.02 -2 .02 -63.80 928.45 au,E114. _____ _______ .OS 19.45 442.35 a1eE118 ------·-------.02 -2.51 89.29 Sum ........ .00625 .0249 .0552 .1480 .505 1.17 1.53 1.77 1.96 The last line of the above table gives the max. value of the fundamental component of the plate current as a function of the max. value of the carrier wave. This function is plotted in Fig. 15. In the same way that the curve for the fundamental was calculated, curves can be calculated for de, and for the second, third, and fourth harmonics, using, of course, the proper columns in the sub-table. Let / 1 be the max. value of the fundamental, 12 be the max. value of the second harmonic, etc. Then per cent dis­ tortion is defined as Per cent of J---------x 100. distortion = For example, reading values from the curves of Fig. 15 for a carrier max. of 10 volts: (.097) 2 + (.015) 2 + (.001) 2 Per cent of / x 100=19.4. distortion = \) (.505) 2 The distortion curve has been so determined and is plotted on the figure. Fig. 15 then, gives the complete story of the performance of the detection circuit, for the tube and constants pre­ viously assumed, and for a constant value of modulation of 100 per cent, and for varying signal strengths. Effect of modulation.-By repeating the above calculation using, in place of m = 1.00, the values m = .80; .60; .40; .20 successively, the curves of Figs. 16, 17, and 18 are obtained. If 5 per cent be taken as the maximum allowable distortion, then the optimum value of the carrier max is 10 volts. Moreover, the modulation had best be limited to 80 per cent. For faithful reproduction, the relation between fundamen­ tal output and per cent modulation should be linear. Fig. 18 shows this to be approximately so for E = 10 volts and for modulations up to 60 per cent. For higher values of the carrier max the linear relation is even more approxi­ mate. Note that for E = 10 volts, the loud sounds are softened, while for E = 25 volts, they are intensified. Comparison with experimental results.-Ballantine7 has obtained experimentally curves of the types shown in Figs. 15, 16, 17, and 18. It is interesting to compare the two 7Ballantine, S.: Detection at High Signal Voltages. Part !-"Plate Rectification with the High Vacuum Triode," Institute of Radio En­ gineers, Proc., v. 7, p. 1153, July, 1929. sets of curves qualitatively. Since different circuit con­stants were used in each case, they cannot be compared quantitatively. The distortion curves all show the saine pronounced dip at some critical value of signal strength. Further, this critical value of E is little affected by the percentage modulation so that the best operating point of the circuit is the same for all modulations. In both the calculated and the experimental curves, the best operating point is reached after grid current begins. Ballantine men­tions that the second harmonic, as obtained experimentally, decreases as E increases becoming zero near that value of E which makes distortion a minimum. At this point the second harmonic reverses phase and then increases as E increases. The second harmonic curve of Fig. 15 is in agreement with Ballantine's results. For low modulations, Ballantine obtained curves showing that the fundamental output first increased with E, reached a maximum at some value of E greater than that which gave minimum distortion, and then decreased sharply with a further increase in E. For low modulations, the calcu­lated curves of Fig. 16 show a slight decrease in funda­mental output when E becomes greater than 15 volts, but nothing like the decrease Ballantine obtained. The dif­ference is probably due to the difference in circuit constants. Refer to the curve for m = 1.00, Ee= -5 volts, which is plotted in Fig. 20. This curve has begun to decrease sharply. So has the curve for m = 1.00, Ee= -15 volts. Apparently the dip in the curve occurs when the polariza­tion point is shifted away from the knee of the static char­acteristic. Effect of grid bias.-AII of the above discussion has been based, of course, upon the initial assumptions of the circuit constants: Ep = 100 volts; E c = -10 volts; ra = 6,250 ohms; r, = 25,000 ohms. Suppose that Ee is varied. To take this variation into account, it is necessary to shift the axis of the power series of Eq. (63). The zero axis of Eq. (63) was Ee= -10 volts. If Ee= -5 volts, then the axis must be shifted by + 5 volts. Using Table IV of Appendix C: ao' = 2.340; a/= 26.511; a/= -176.409; ao' = 841.012; as' = -2726.284; a10 ' = 5815.134; a 1/ = -7675.381; a14 ' = 5613.444; a1a' = -1725.891. The odd parameters are not calculated because they do not affect detector performance. The arithmetical work of cal­culating the new parameters can be checked by the follow­ing relation. For any particular value of e., say eu, 112 ip(for eu) + ip(for -eu)= a0' + az'eu2 + a/eu4 + a/eu6 +etc. Having the new set of power series parameters, the cal­culation of detection performance proceeds as before. The curves of Figs. 20 and 21 have been plotted to show the effect of variation of E e. With the exception of Ee, the circuit constants are the same as before EB= 100 volts; rB = 6,250 ohms; re = 25,000 ohms. The modulation is taken first as 1.00 then as .20, and Ee is allowed to take the values -15 volts, -10 volts, and -5 volts. The principal effect of moving the polarization point away from the knee of the characteristic (see Fig. 11), appears to be to increase the value of E which gives mini­mum distortion. Thus: for Ee= -10 volts (knee of the characteristic), mini­mum distortion is obtained for E = 11 volts; for E 0 = -5 volts, minimum distortion is obtained for E = 17.5 volts; for Ee= -15 volts, minimum distortion is obtained for E ~17.5 volts. The variation in Ee does not greatly affect the actual value of the minimum distortion; Fig. 21 indicates that, for 100 per cent modulation, it is possible to obtain as low as 8 per cent distortion for all three values of E 00 After the mini­mum point is passed, the curves for E 0 = -5 volts and Ee= -15 volts show the distortion to increase very rap­idly with E, much more rapidly than for the case Ee = -10 volts. Graphical determination of audio frequency plate cur­rent.-The following graphical determination of the wave shape of the detection plate current is based upon assump­tions which may not be justified. However, it appears to check with the analytical method, and it may be of some interest. Using the static characteristic of Fig. 11 and supposing the signal voltage to be a sine wave, the resulting plate current can be determined point by point. For example, the dotted curve marked (10) in Fig. 19 is the plate cur­rent for a signal voltage e. = 10 sin wHt. Similarly, the dotted curve marked (8) is the plate current for a signal voltage e. = 8 sin wHt ; etc. Now suppose that a modulated signal is impressed upon the detector circuit; e. = 5 (1 + m sin wLt) sin wHt. Suppose further that m = 1.00. Then Now, when sin wLt = 1, e. is approximately the sine wave es= 10 Sin wHt• This occurs when wLt = 90°. But the plate current for e. = 10 sin wHt is given by curve (10) of Fig. 19. In the same way, when wLt = 37°, Sin WLt = .60 and approximately es = 5 (1 + .6) sin wHt = 8 sin wHt. The corresponding plate current is given by curve (8) of Fig. 19. In this manner, cycles of plate current can be found for various values of wLt. Now the detection plate current (de plus the low fre­quency) is the rectified current. Therefore, if the average value over a single high frequency cycle of plate current is plotted against the value of wLt corresponding to that cycle, the result should be a series of points outlining a cycle of the detection current. Fig. 19 shows a cycle of detection current obtained in this way for the above condi­tions: i.e., the static characteristic of Fig. 11, and E = 5 volts, Ee= -10 volts, m= 1.00. If this cycle of detection current is analyzed by the Fourier method, the results should check the values corre­sponding to the point E = 5 volts of Fig. 15, because the circuit constants and the values of E and m are the same in both cases. Comparing the results obtained by the two methods: Results from Graphical Results from Power Determination of Single Series Analysis Low Frequency Cycle de --------------------------------------------.92 _ _____ ______________ .91 Coeff. sin wLt --------------------------.51 ________________________ .62 Coeff. cos 2wLt -------------------------.10 -------------------------.09 IX. SUMMARY This paper has first reviewed briefly the standard radio signal and the method of calculating detection perform­ance when a standard signal of small amplitude is im­pressed on the grid circuit of the detector tube. The type of wave ordinarily taken to be the standard signal has been discussed, and the mathematical expression for this wave has been given. There has been outlined the manner of deriving the equation for the plate current of the detec­tor tube when the static characteristic of the tube is repre­sented by a power series ending with the square term, and when impedances external to the tube are negligible. The subject of ideal or distortionless detection has been taken up, and the detection circuit which has a broken straight line for its input voltage vs. plate current char­acteristic has been discussed. For the case where the cir­cuit constants are not functions of frequency, it has been shown that this type of detection circuit does give detec­tion without distortion and that the audio frequency output is a linear function of the modulation and of the ampli­tude of the carrier wave. Limiting the discussion to the case where the circuit con­stants are not functions of frequency, a method has been developed for calculating the direct and audio frequency current output of the detection circuit when the impressed signal is large. The general plan used has been that of Carson where the static characteristic of the circuit, for the particular constants chosen, is expressed in the form of a power series; but the power series has not been lim­ited to the square term. General formulas have been de­rived for calculating the coefficient of any harmonic of the audio frequency plate current, irrespective of the strength of the impressed signal. These formulas give the desired coefficient as the sum of a series of powers of the modula­tion and the maximum amplitude of the carrier wave, the terms of the series being multiplied by the parameters of the power series equation for the static characteristic. Certain conclusions have been drawn concerning the rela­tions between the equation for the static characteristic and the form of the audio frequency plate current. A graphical method of obtaining the detection circuit static characteristic from the detector tube characteristic has been given. This method holds for external resistances in either grid or plate circuits or in both, but the effect of reactance has not been included. The work of analyzing an experimental curve into an extended power series has been found difficult, and, for that reason, a method has been developed which is less laborious than the ordinary method of simultaneous equa­tions. This new method is more easily checked than the old, and the resulting power series does not give a graph oscillating badly about the experimental curve as does the simultaneous equation method. Finally, as an example of the application of the forego­ing analytical work, an analysis of the detection perform­ance of a UX-201A vacuum tube has been given. The analysis starts with the static characteristics of the tube, and there is derived the circuit characteristic for the con­stants given, the power series expression for this charac­teristic, and the value of the fundamental audio frequency plate current and the per cent distortion for various values of modulation and carrier amplitude. Each step is carried through numerically so that one can follow the actual cal­culation of the tube performance, whether or not he has followed the derivation of the basic formulas. The results obtained from the calculation have been given in a set of curves showing the amount of fundamental audio frequency plate current and the per cent distortion as func­tions of modulation and carrier amplitude. These calcu­lated curves are compared qualitatively with similar curves obtained experimentally by Ballantine. An appendix has been included giving in tabular form all information necessary for the calculation of detection performance by the above method. Positive ()rid Voltage· e~ Positive 6r!d Voltage -e~ E6 • 100 volts for all curves Curve I -r, = 4,820 ohms Curve11I-r8 • lf,200ohms Fl!J. 9. Curve II -r 8 ; 9,460 ohms CurveIY-r1• O ohms 20~-----------------~~---~--~ ---experi ­ mental curves o o -Points 16 16 n .J2 r-OS Fi9. /0. Vo/to9e in arid Circuit -eo FIGURE 9.-Voltage relations for UX-201A tube with external re­sistaRces in grid and plate circuits. FIGURE 10.-Comparison between static characteristics obtained ex­perimentally and those obtained graphically. Plate Detection of Radio Signals ng.11. -~ .:.. 1:'. .. '} ~ 8 ~ -!: 6 X in Degrees FIGURE 11.-Static characteristic for UX-201A tube with external resistances and its transformation for power series analysis. FIGURE 12.-Static characteristic plotted as a periodic function. Neg Fig. /). Vo/taqe in 6rid Circuit -eo 140 ~ •100 ~ ~ " ..... ~ 60 ~ ~ ~ FIGURE 13.-Static characteristics for various external resistances in plate circuit. FIGURE 14.-Relations among plate voltage, grid voltage, and total voltage impressed on grid circuit. 3.5 .. i:: t 3.0 24 ~ t<>5 20 li. Fi9. IS. Fig. /6. FIGURE 15.-Detection performance as a function of the carrier max. FIGURE 16.-Fundamental output as a function of carrier max. and of modulation. Fi9. l8. Moclulotion FIGURE 17.-Per cent distortion as a function of carrier max. and of modulation. FIGURE 18.-Fundamental output as a function of modulation. Plate Detection of Radio Signals FIGURE 19.-Graphical determination of wave form of audio fre­quency plate current. The University of Texas Bulletin r, ;15,250 ohms t a :;: ~ ·~ ~ " ~ ~ F1<; . 21. Carrier MoK in Volts FIGURE 20.-Effect of variation of grid bias upon fundamental output. FIGURE 21.-Effect of variation of grid bias upon per cent distortion. X. APPENDIX APPENDIX A Consider the waves of Fig. 2 and Fig. 3. For these fig­ures the ratio wH/ wL has been chosen to be exactly 5; that is, for every cycle of the audio frequency, there are an even five cycles of radio frequency. The modulated wave of Fig. 2 and the rectified modulated wave of Fig. 3, are there­fore periodic, and the period of the complex wave is the same as the period of the audio wave. This is true when­ever the ratio q = wH/"'L is an integer, and, in these cases, the equation of the complex wave can be assumed to be a Fourier series of fundamental period l/fL. When the ratio q is not an integer but is some fraction e/ d where e and dare integers, then the period of the com­plex wave is d times the period of the audio wave. The treatment in Section IV can be changed to care for this. In Eq. (7) ip = b0 +a1 sin x +a2 sin 2x + . . . . +b1 cos x +b2 cos 2x + . . . .' WLt let x =--. d Then Eq. (6') can be written ip = KE (1 +m sin dx) sin ex [Pos. values only]. And Eq. (10) becomes L'" a•rr = ~ KE (1 + m sin dx) sin ex sin zxdx, L" L"' where ~ represents the summation of the values of the L" integral resulting from the series of limits 1r/d 311"/C 511"/ C (2c-1) 11"/C ] ;] ;] ; ....] . 0 2Tr/C 411"/C (2c-2)7r/ C If the remainder of the analysis is carried on in the same way as in Section IV, the same final question results; i.e., Eq. (24). This means that when the ratio wH/ wL is an integer, Eq. (24) represents a wave which has the period l//L; but, when the ratio wH/wL is a fraction, then Eq. (24) represents a wave having a period d//L. APPENDIX B Sinr x Expressed as a Finite Fourier Series If r is an odd integer, sinr X = C1 r sin X + Cr sin 3X + C5 r sin 5x +. (1) 3 + Cpr sin px + . . . . + Crr sin rx, where (l2 p2) Cpr = 2p[f(r + 1) + -f (r + 3) 3 ! . (32-p2)(l2-p2)f(r+p-l) p. ' ] . If r is an even integer, sinr x = dor + d2r cos 2x + d4r cos 4x + . (2) + dpr cos px + . . . . + drr cos rx, where do= f (r) dpr = 2 [ f(r) + <-;~2) f(r + 2) + <22-p~\(-p2 ) f (r + 4) + ((p2-2)-p2) .... (22 -p2) (-p2) · .. ·+ p. f(r+p)]. 1 In the above equations, f(y) =1X3 X 5 .... x (y-3) X (y-1) (3) 2 x 4 x 6 ... . x (y-2) x y 67 Plate Detection of Radio Signals APPENDIX C TABLE I-Values ef f(y) x f(y) 2 -----------·------·--··----------------·----·-·----·--··--·---···--·-------------·--·----.50000000 4 -------···-----------··--··--------------··--·----·-·-·-·-------------·····-----.37500000 6 --··-·-------------·--·-·--··------------------------------·-------------·-·----·--···--31250000 8 ----·---------------···-·-·------------------·---------------·----------------------···-.27343750 10 ------··--·-·----·-··-··-·-------------·-·-··-·----------·--------···-------·--·--·-·--····-.24609375 12 -------·-·--·-··-·--·-··-··--·-·-·-----------···-------·--···-·-----··---------·-----------22558593 14 ----··-------------------------------·--·-·-----··-------------------------------------20947265 16 -···----·--·--·-·---·--··-·-···----·-·-··-·-·-··-····--·---··---···--·--·-------··----------19638061 18 ----------··------·--·--·-·-·--·-----·----·-------··--·----------------··-·--·---···-.18547057 1.3.5.... (y-1) f(y) = --------­ 2.4.6. • •• y where y is an even integer. TABLE II Fundamental Formulas Coefficient sin wLt m m' m• m' m• mu m" a2E'----·······------·· 1.000000 a,E" ----·---·------·--·-1.500000 1.125000 ..E• -·-·---------·---· 1.875000 4.687500 1.171875 asE• ---·--·--·--··-·--··-2.187500 11.48437 9.570312 1.196289 810£.lO -----···········-· 2 .460937 22.14844 38.75987 16.14990 1.211243 auE12 2.707031 37.22168 111.6650 97.70690 24.42673 1.221336 auE" -··---··--·-·---2.932617 57.18603 262.1027 393.1540 206.4058 34.40097 1.228606 a1s£l6 -----··---------­ 3.142090 82.47986 536.1191 1228.606 1105.746 387.0110 46.07273 Coeffiicent for--cos 2 wLt m' m' m' m• mu m" a,E• ---·---------·----··-··-··-·--··--·---3750000 .5859375 asE8 ------------··--------------------· aeE8 -----------------------------·------1.562500 3 .828125 4.785156 .7177734 aioEIO__________________ ____________________ 7-382812 19.37988 9.689941 .8074949 a,.Eu ---------------·--·-·-··--·--·--· 12.40723 55.83251 58.62411 16.28448 .8723830 a1,E1" -----------------------------------· 19.06201 131.0513 235.8924 137.6038 24.57212 .9214543 a1e£18 -------------------------------· 27.49329 268.0596 737.1637 737.1637 276.4363 34.55454 Coefficient for de m• m' m' m• m' ml' m12 mu a2E' .5000000 .2500000 a.E• .3750000 1.125000 .1406250 aoE• -3125000 2.343750 1.757812 .0976562 asE' .2734375 3 .828125 7.177734 2-392578 .0747681 aioEIO .2460937 5.537109 19.37988 16.14990 3 .028107 .0605621 a12E12 .2255859 7.444335 41.87437 65.13794 30.53340 3.664009 .0508890 a14£U .2094726 9 .531005 78.63079 196.5770 172.0049 51.60145 4.300121 .0438788 •1aE19 -1963806 11.78283 134.0298 491.4425 691.0909 387.0110 80.62728 4.936363 Coefficient-sin 3wLt m' m• m• m• m" m12 m" a2E2 ------------------.2500000 a.E• -·--·-------··------1.125000 .1875000 aoE• -------·-·--·------2-343750 2-343750 .1464844 asE' -··--------------3.828125 9.570312 3.588867 .1196289 a10E10 ··--·--·---···---·-· 5.537109 25.83984 24.22485 4.844971 .1009369 a,.EU ---·-·-·-----· 7.444335 55.83252 97.70691 48.85345 6.106681 .0872383 auE" --------·----------9.531005 104.8411 294.8654 275.2077 86.00243 7-371636 .0767879 a1oE1• ---------·------· 11.78283 178.7064 737.1637 1105.746 645.0182 138.2180 8 .638638 ml' 1.234091 m" .9598481 ml• .0385653 m" .0685606 Coefficient cos 4wLt mlO mt' mH m" a.E• --------------------------------­ m• m• m• .046875 ,..E• -----------------------------­ .5859375 .0585937 2.392578 1.435547 .0598144 &10£10 -------------·---------------------6.459961 9.689941 2.422483 asE8 -----------------------------­ .0576782 39.08276 24.42715 3 .489532 .0545239 a,.E12 ----------------------------· 13.95813 a1tE' --------------------------------· 126.21027 117.9462 137.6038 49.1 4425 4.607271 .0511919 .047992416 44.67659 294.8655 552.8723 368.5819 86.38634 5.759085 a1aE---------------------------­ Explanation.-Suppose that it is desired to find the a8E8 amount of third harmonic contributed by the term of the power series. Referring to line three of the third harmonic table above, there is obtained : -a8E8 (3.828m3 + 4.785m5 + .718m7)sin 3wLt where E is the max. value of the carrier wave, and m is the modulation. TABLE Ill Formulas for Particular Values of m Terms of Power de Cos2wLt Series For m = 1.00 aoE0 -------------------------------·----------------­1.000000 .7500000 1.000000 -.2500000 a.E' -----------------------------------------------­ a2E" -----------------------------------------­ 1.640625 2.625000 -1.312500 -.3750000 .046875 ,..E• -------------------------------------------------­4.511718 7.734375 -4.833984 -2.148437 .644531 13.74664 24.43847 -17.10693 -9.331054 3 .887939 810£10 --------------------------------------------------­44.40165 80.73036 -60.54771 -37.26013 18.63006 asE• ----------------------------------------------------­ 148.9305 274.9487 -216.0311 -144.0207 81.01209 a1tEtt -----------------------------------------------------­ a12El2 ------------------------------------------------------­ 512.8986 957.4107 -777.8960 -549.1031 335.5629 a1aE18 ----------------------------------------------------­ 1801.154 3390.411 -2825.341 -2081.831 1353.190 Form= .80 0 1.000000 a2E2 ----------------------·---------------·------------­ aoE--------------------------------------------­ .6600000 .8000000 -.1600000 a.,E• -----------------------------------------------· 1.152600 1.776000 -.7968000 -.1920000 .0192000 aeE• -------------·------------·--------------------------­2.558100 4.284000 -2.498400 -.9920000 .2553600 asE' ----------------------------------------------­6.303181 11.01688 -7.330870 -3.678528 1.366355 a10E10 ------------------------------------------------­16.47598 29.55903 -21.30184 -12.27091 5.598778 a12E12 -··------·------------------------------------­44.73679 81.68754 -62.10459 -39.20268 20.43920 a1,E1' -·------------------------------------------------· '24.7437 230.6874 -182.2565 -122.8031 70.33639 a1eE16 --------·---------------------------------------354.7244 662.3072 -538.6340 -381.1284 234.1206 Form= .60 aoE0 ----------------------------------­1.000000 a2E' ----------------------------------------------­.5900000 .6000000 -.0900000 a.,E• --------·----------------------------------­.7982250 1.143000 -.4293000 -.0810000 .0060750 asE• -------------------------------------------------­1.388619 2.228625 -1.154334 -.3830625 .0786712 asE' -----------------------------------------------­2 .694681 4.570799 -2.787888 -1.219062 .3780597 a10ElO -------------------------------------------­5.555846 9.738892 -6.554424 -3.381060 1.330342 a12£12 ----·--------------------------------------­11.90665 21.33294 -15.33213 -8.829873 4.063920 a1.,E14 ----------··-------------------------------­26.21311 47.70516 -35.93437 -22.38850 11.51819 •1eE1e ----··-------------------------------------58.86437 108.3908 -84.57541 -55.89612 31.25469 TABLE III-(Continued) Formulas for Particular Values of m Form= .40 aoE0 --------------------------------------------------------­1.000000 a.E' -------------------------------------------·---------------· .5400000 .4000000 -.0400000 a.E' -------------------------------------------------------------­ .5586000 .6720000 -.1848000 -.0240000 .0012000 aeE• ------------------------------------------------------------­ .7329000 1.062000 -.4356000 -.1060000 .0152400 asE' ------------------------------------------------------­1.709960 .8722784 .2951760 -----1.079516 --.0671692 a10E10 ----------------------------------------------------------1.696297 2.825554 -1.649848 .6870377 -.2066586 auE12 ________________________________________ _··· ----------------­ 2 .775864 4.774987 -3.053272 -1.466143 .5337864 4.670770 8.216587 -5.606164 -2.985529 1.249501 a10El6 ---------------------------------------·----------------8.020605 14.34476 -10.27433 -5.917341 2.753933 814£14 ---------------------------------------------------------­ Form= .20 aoE0 -----------------------· -------------------------------­1.000000 .5100000 .2000000 --0100000 a.E' -----------------------·--------------------------------­.4202250 .3090000 -.0453000 -.0030000 .0000750 aoE' ---------------------------------------------------­-.0975094 -.0009412 a2E2 ---------------·------------------------------------------­ -----.4090687 .4128750 .0126875 asE' ---------------------------------------------------------·· .4382002 .5324528 -.1686675 -.0321654 .0039202 .4996273 .6819854 -.2643909 -.0653885 .0109623 a10ElO ------------------------------------------------------­ .5946067 .8761755 -.3934843 -.1178829 .0248972 a12£12 ----------------------------------------·-----------------· iE14 .7295486 1.133023 -.5685707 -.1975228 .0498423 a1o}E1e --------------------------------------------------------··-.9154029 1.476115 -.8073192 -.3155442 .0918073 a1.------------· --------------------------------------------­ Explanation.-Suppose that it is desired to find the con­ E8 tribution of the term a8of the power series to the third harmonic for a modulation of 60 per cent. Referring to the table for m = .60, there is obtained: -a8E8 (1.219062) sin 3wLt, where Eis the max. value of the carrier wave. Note that the extension of the power series to high exponents (e.g. E16 a16) necessitates great numerical accuracy in the calcu­lations. This is so because the value of the output cur­rent is obtained from the sums and differences of numbers large in comparison. TABLE IV Coefficients for Shift of Axis of Power Series ao' a,' a o a , a2 1 2 a3 1 3 a, 1 4 a, 1 5 a o 1 6 a; 1 7 a, 1 8 a, 1 9 a 10 1 10 a u 1 11 a12 12 am 1 13 au 1 14 al~· 1 15 aoo 1 16 a:i' a 31 a l ai:i' ... a,' 3 1 6 4 1 10 10 5 15 20 15 6 1 21 35 35 21 7 1 28 56 70 56 28 8 36 84 126 126 84 36 45 120 210 252 210 120 55 165 330 462 462 330 66 220 495 792 924 792 78 286 715 1287 1716 1716 91 364 1001 2002 3003 3432 105 455 1365 3003 5005 6435 120 560 1820 4368 8008 11440 a'!!' •9 aio' 9 1 45 10 1 165 55 11 495 220 66 1287 715 286 3003 2002 1001 6435 5005 3003 12870 11440 8008 au' a 1::1 ai:~ ' 1 12 1 78 13 1 364 91 14 1365 455 105 4368 1820 560 a11' ai.;:.' air,' 15 1 120 16 1 Explanation.-Suppose that the power series expression for a curve about a particular axis is ip = a0 +a1e +a2e2 +a3e3 +a4e4 +. .' and that it is desired to shift the axis of the equation by a distance F, obtaining a new expression iP = a0' + a/e +a/e2 + aa'e3 +. Line seven of the table gives: a/ = a6 + 7a1F + 28a8F2 + 84a9F3 + . . . . etc. In the same way : a/ = a5 + 6a6F + 2la1F2 + 56a8F3 + . . . . etc. Note that F occurs successively as F, F2, F3, F4, etc. The table will be recognized as the table of binomial coefficients. TABLE v Sinmx as a Function of Sinx Coefficients of Sinx Sin3 x Sin5x Sin7 x Sin9 x Sinu x Sin" x SinlGx Sinx ·------------------·-· ----· 1 Sin3x .... -------------··----·· 3 4 Sin5X -------------------------5 -20 16 Sin7X -----------------·------· 7 -56 112 64 Sin 9x ----------------------·· 9 -120 432 576 256 Sin 11x ----------------------· 11 -220 1232 2816 2816 -1024 Sin 13x ----------·----------­ 13 -364 2912 9984 16640 -13312 9096 15 -560 6048 -28800 70400 -92160 61440 -16384 Sin 15x --------------------­ Cos mx as a Function of Sin x Coefficients of Constant Sin2 x Sin4 x Sin6 x Sin6 x Sin1° x Sin12 x SinH x Sin16x Cos 2x ------------------------1 2 8 8 Cos 6x -----------------------· 1 Cos 4x ------------------------1 18 48 -32 Cos 8x ------------------------1 32 160 -256 128 Cos 1 Ox ----------------------1 so 400 -1120 1280 -512 Cos 12x ---------------------· 1 72 840 -3584 6912 -6144 2048 Cos 14x .--------------------· 1 98 1568 -9408 26880 -39424 28672 -8192 Cos 16x ----------------------1 -128 2688 -21504 84480 -180224 212992 -131072 32768 Explanation.-Suppose it is desired to express sin 5x in terms of sin x. From line three of the Table A, sin 5x = 5 sin x -20 sin3 x +16 sin5 x. TABLE VI Powers of E El 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 E' 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 E' 16 81 256 625 1296 2401 4096 6561 E• 64 729 4096 15625 46656 117649 262144 531441 E• 256 6561 65536 390625 1679616 5764801 16777216 43046721 ElO 1024 104857.6 9765625 60466176 2.8247525 1.0737418 3.4867844 59049 (8) (9) (9)El> 4096 16777216 2.4414062 2.1767823 1.3841287 6.8719475 2.8242954 531441 (8) (9) (10) (10) (11) E" 16384 2.6843546 6.1035156 7.8364163 6.7822307 4 .3980464 2.2876793 4782969 (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)ElO 65536 4.2949674 1.5258789 2.8211099 3.3232930 2.8147497 1.8530202 43046721 (9) ( 1.1) (12) (13) (14) (15) Explanation.-The table gives, correct to eight places, the even powers of the digits from two to nine inclusive. The numbers in parenthese are exponents of ten. Thus: 510 = 9,765,625 51 2 = 2.4414062 X 108 514 = 6.1035156 x 109 etc. XI. BIBLIOGRAPHY Ballantine, S.: Detection at High Signal Voltages. Part I-"Plate Rectification with the High Vacuum Triode," Institute of Radw Engineers, Proc., v. 17, p. 1153, July, 1929. Beers, G. L.: "Power Detectors for Broadcast Reception," Electrical Journal, v. 26, p. 413, Sept., 1929. Breit, G.: "The Calculation of Detecting and Amplifying Properties of an Electron Tube from Its Static Characteristics," Physical R eview, v. 13, p. 387, 1920. Carson, J. R.: "A Theoretical Study of the Three Element Vacuum Tube," Institute of Radio Engineers, Proc., v. 7, p. 187, 1919. Chaffee, E. L. and Browning, G. H.: "A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Detection for Small Signals," Institute of Radio Engineers, Proc., v. 15, p. 113, 1927. Lewellyn, F. B.: "Operation of Thermionic Vacuum Tube Circuits," Bell System Technical Journal, v. 5, p. 432, July, 1926. Medlam, W. B.: "Improving Detector Efficiency," Wireless World, v. 24, p. 524, 1929. Page, W. I. G.: "The Valve as an Anode Bend Detector," Wireless World, v. 24, p. 279, 1929. Terman, F. 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