No. 3101: January 1, 1931 CONTRIBUTIONS TO GEOLOGY, 1931 Bureau of Economic Geology J. A. Udden, Director E. H. Sellards, Associate Director PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AUSTIN Publications of The University of Texas Publications Committees: GENERAL: FREDERIC DUNCALF MRS. C. M. PERRY J. F. DOBIE C.H. SLOVER J. L. HENDERSON G. W. STUMBERG H.J. MULLER A. P. WINSTON OFFICIAL: E. J. MATHEWS KILLIS CAMPBELL C. F. ARROWOOD C. D. SIMMONS E. C. H. BANTEL BRYANT SMITH The University publishes bulletins four times a month, so numbered that the first two digits of the number show the year of issue and the last two the position in the yearly series. (For example, No. 3101 is the first bulletin of the year 1931.) These bulletins comprise the official publica­tions of the University, publications on humanistic and scientific subjects, and bulletins issued from time to time by various divisions of the University. The following bureaus and divisions distribute bulletins issued by them; communications concerning bulletins in these fields should be addressed to The University of Texas, Austin, Texas, care of the bureau or division issuing the bulletin: Bureau of Business Research, Bureau of Economic Geology, Bureau of Engineering Research, Interscholastic League Bureau, and Division of Extension. Communications concerning all other publications of the University should be addressed to University Publications, The University of Texas, Austin. Additional copies of this publication may be procured from the Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas, Austin, Texas, at $1.00 per copy THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PRESS ~ No. 3101: January 1, 1931 CONTRIBUTIONS TO GEOLOGY, 1931 Bureau of Economic Geology .1. A. Udden, Director E. H. Sellards, Associate Director PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY FOUR TIMES A MONTH, AND ENTERED AS SECOND·CLASS MATTER AT THE POSTOFFICE AT AUSTIN, TEXAS, UNDER THE ACT OF AUGUST 24, f9f2 The benefits of education and of useful knowledge, generally diffused through a community, are essential to the preservation of a free govern• ment. Sam Houston Cultivated mind is the guardian genius of Democracy, and while guided and controlled by virtue, the noblest attribute of man. It is the only dictator that freemen acknowledge, and the only security which freemen desire. Mirabeau B. Lamar A. B. C. D. CONTENTS Page Erratics in the Pennsylvanian of Texas, by E. H. Sellards____ 9 Introduction --------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 The Marathon uplift_______ _________________________________________________________ ___ 11 The erratics.--------------------------------------------------------------------------12 The Housetop Mountain locality________________________________ _________ 13 The Clark Ranch locality______________ __ _ _____ ______________________________ 17 Relation to regional geology_______________________ ------------------------------17 Some Major Structural Features of West Texas, by H. P. Bybee -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 Major structural features_________________________________________________________ 19 Extreme west Texas _ ____________________________________________________________ 19 The Franklin Mountains____________ _ ________________________________________ 20 The Hueco Bolson________ _________________________________ ___________________ __ 21 The Diablo Plateau_ __________________________________________________________ 22 The Salt Flat_____________________________________________________________________ 22 The Guadalupe-Delaware-Apache Mountains________________ 23 Southern end of the Permian Basin_____________________________________ 24 The Delaware Basin_ _____________________________________________________ 24 The Central Basin Platform____________________________________________ 24 The Main Permian Basin________________ _ _________________________________ 25 The Eastern Platform________________________________________________________ 25 Similarity of major structural features of west Texas_ ___ __ 26 New Early Fusulinids from Texas, by Norman L. Thomas____ 27 Introduction and acknowledgements_________________________________ __ ______ 27 Occurrence of the fossils__ _ ___________ ______________________________ 27 Age of formation containing the fossils__ __________________________ _____ 30 Description of species______________________________________________________________ 31 Fusulina llanoensis n.sp._______ __ ____________________________________________ 31 Fusulina primaeva Skinner--------------------------------------------------32 Some Upper Cretaceous Ammonites in Western Texas, by W. S. Adkins ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------35 Description of localities______________ _________________________________________________ 35 Chispa Summit________________________ ___________________________________________________ 35 Southwest flank of Van Horn Mountains __ ________________________ 39 West of Glenn Creek__________________________________________________________________ 40 Description of species________________________________________________________ ___ 41 Mantelliceras budaense n. sp._ ______________________________________________ 41 Mantel!iceras sp. af!. ~ouloni (D'Orbigny) --------------------------42 Romamceras cummms1 n. sp._____ __ _________ _ _____________________________ 43 Romaniceras loboense n. sp.___________________________ __ ______________ ______ 44 Metacalycoceras (?) sp. ----------------------------------------------------------45 Coilopoceras eaglefordense n. sp._____________________________ ___________ 46 Coilopoceras chispaense n. sp.____________________________________________ 48 Coilopoceras austinense n. SP·-------------------------------------------49 Coilopoceras sp. aff. C. springeri Hyatt_ ____________________________ 51 Pseudaspidoceras (?) chispaense n. sp._______________________________ 51 Pseudaspidoceras ( ?) SP· ----------------------------------------------------------53 Pseudaspidoceras ( ?) n. sp. A.---------------------------------------------53 Pseudaspidoceras eaglense (Adkins) -----------------------------------53 Pseudaspidoceras sp. aff. footeanum (Stoliczka) ____ ____________ 54 Fagesia texana n. sp. ---------------------------------------------------------------55 Fagesia sp. cf. F. haarmani Bose -----------------------------------------56 Thomasites sp.________ ------------------------------------------------------------------56 Neoptychites sp. aff. N. gourguchoni Pervinquiere__________ 57 Contents Page Pseudotissotia ( ?) n. SP·--------------------------------------58 Hoplitoides ( ?) mirabilis Bose (not Pervinquiere) --------59 Kanabiceras septem-seriatum (Cragin)_________________ 60 Allocrioceras n. sp.__________ 63 Scaphites sp. aff. africanus Pervinquiere______________ 63 Scaphites sp. aff. aequalis Sowerby__________ 64 Baculites sp. aff. gracilis Shumard________________________________ 64 Metaptychoceras n. sp. aff. M. smithi (H. Woods) _______ 64 Camptonectes SP·---------------------------------------------65 Status of correlation of formations___________________________ 65 Supplementary statement relating to Neocardioceras______ 72 E. The Lower Claiborne on the Brazos River, by B. Coleman Renick and H. B. Stenzel -------------------------------------------------------73 Introduction ----------------------------73 Previous investigations 73 Present investigations__________________________________________________ 74 Geology -----------------------------------------------76 Mount Selman-Cook Mountain contact_________________________ 76 Wilcox formation or group____________________________________ 81 Lower Claiborne group_________ 81 Mount Selman formation ._________________________________________ 81 Carrizo sand_________________________________________ 81 Reklaw clay-----------------------------------------------------------83 Queen City sand_______________________________ 84 Weches clay___ __________________________________________ 84 Cook Mountain formation____________________________________ 90 Sparta sand·------··---------------------------------90 Crockett clay_________________________________ 91 Upper Claiborne group_______________________ 96 Yegua formation____________ -------------------------96 F. Some Cretaceous foraminifera in Texas, by Helen Jeanne Plummer ------------------------------------------------109 Introduction --------------------------------------------------------109 ''Orbulina rock''----------------------------------------------------------------112 Descriptions of outcrops____________________________________ 118 Descriptions of genera and species__ ----------------------------124 Family Reophacidae________________________________________ 124 Genus Haplostiche.___________________________________________ 124 texana (Conrad)__________________________ 124 Family Lituolidae__________________________________ 126 Genus Flabellammina_ ______ ___________________________________ 126 alexanderi Cushman_______________________ 126 Family Textulariidae____________ 127 Genus Textularia________________________________________________ 127 washitensis Carsey______________________________ 127 rioensis Carsey__ 128 Genus Spiroplectammina__________________________ 129 semicomplanata (Carsey) __________________ 129 Family Valvulinidae.___________________________________ 130 Genus Dorothia____________________________________________=: 130 • bupetta (Carsey>---------------------------132 Family Ver~euil.inidae__________________ 133 Genus Tr1tax1a.____________________________________ 133 pyramidata Reuss__ 133 Genus Gaudryina ·---------------------------------------------135 rugosa d'Orbigny___ __ 135 gradata Berthelin__________________________ 136 Contents 5 Page Genus Gaudryinella__________________________________ 137 delrioensis Plummer__________________ 137 Genus c1ar;;f~~is-~~-~P==::::=:=::==-~:==--===-~=::= jg~ Family Trochamminidae____________________________________________ 140 Genus Trochammina___________________________________ 140 diagonis (Carsey> -----------------------------------140 Family Lagenidae____________________________________________________ 140 Genus Lenticulina___________________________________ 141 navarroensis (Plummer>-----------------141 rotulata (Lamarck) _________________________ 142 washitensis (Carsey>-------------------------142 Genus Astacolus________________________________________ 143 taylorensis n. sp.______________________________ 143 dissonus n.sp. -------------------------145 Genus Hemicristellaria_________________________________________ 146 Genus Genus Genus Genus Genus ensis (Reuss) ____________________ 146 silicula n. sp.______________________ 148 Dentalina___________________________________________ 149 communis (d'Orbigny) _______________ 149 granti (Plummer) ___________________________ 149 soluta Reuss.---------------------------150 reussi Neugeboren___________________________ 151 raristriata (Chapman) _____________________ 152 obliqua (Linne> ----------------------------------153 alternata (Jones) _________________________ 153 crinita n. sp.______________________________ 154 Nodosaria___________________________________________ 155 radicula (Linne>-------------------------------155 obscura Reuss__________________________________________ 156 zippei Reuss____________________________ 157 Pseudoglandulina___________________________________ 158 sp. -------------------------------------------------------158 Lagena___ _____________________________________________________ 159 hispida Reuss______________________________________________ 159 sulcata (Walker and Jacob>------------------159 Vaginulina_______________ ______________________________ 160 webbervillensis Carsey________________________ 160 simondsi Carsey____________________________________ 161 regina n. SP·-------------------------------------------162 Genus Flabellina__________________________________________________ 163 interpunctata von der Marek___________________ 163 projecta (Carsey>------------------------165 rugosa d'Orbigny___________________________________ 166 Genus Kyphopyxa_________________________________________________________ 168 christneri (Carsey>-------------------------168 Genus Frondicularia____________________________________ 171 clarki Bagg___________________________________________ 171 Family Polymorphinidae_______________ 173 Genus Guttulina__________________________________ ________________ 173 problema d'Orbigny_________________________ 173 Genus Pseudopolymorphina_________________________________ 173 cuyleri n. SP·-----------------------------------------173 Genus Ramulina_ _______________________________________________________ 174 globulifera H. B. Brady_________________________ 174 Family Nonionidae ---------------------------------------------------------175 Genus Nonionella_______________________________________ 175 robusta n. SP·---------------------------------175 Contents Page Family Heterohelicidae___ _ __ ______ _ _________________________________________ 176 Genus Giimbelina ________________________________________________________ 176 excolata Cushman_____________________________________________ 176 globifera (Reuss)---------------------------------------------177 Genus Ventilabrella__________________________________ _ ____________________ _ 178 carseyae n. SP-------------------------------------------------178 Family Buliminidae_____________________________________________________ 179 Genus Buliminella__________________________________________________________ 179 carseyae n.. SP---------------------------------------------179 Genus Bulimina_ __ __________________________________________________________ 180 pupoides d'Orbigny___________________________________________ 180 Genus Bolivina ----------------------------------------------------------------181 decorata Jones__________________________________________ 181 Genus Loxostoma____________________________________________________________ 182 plaitum (Carsey) ________________________________________ 182 Genus Siphogenerinoides________________________________________________ 183 plummeri (Cushman) __________________________________ 183 Genus Uvigerina __ .-------------------------------------------------------------186 seligi Cushman________________________________________________ 186 Genus Dentilinopsis________________________________________________________ 187 excavata (Reuss) ---------------------------------------------187 Family Rotaliidae --------------------------------------------------------------------188 Genus Discorbis __________________ ________________________________________ 188 correcta Carsey__________________________________________________ 188 Genus Valvulineria__________________________________________________________ 190 asterigerinoides n. sp._____________________________________ 190 Genus Gyroidina ---------------------------------------------------------------190 depressa (Alth) _____________________________________________ 190 nitida (Reuss>------------------------------------------------191 Genus Eponides ----------------------------------------------------------------192 micheliniana (d'Orbigny >---------------------------192 Family Globigerinidae____________________________________________________________ 193 Genus Globigerina____________________________________________________________ 193 washitensi s Carsey---------------------------------------193 rugosa Plummer__________________________________________ 194 Family Globorotaliidae__________________________________________________________ 195 Genus Globotruncana ------------------------------------------------------195 area (Cushman) ---------------------------------------------195 fornicata n. SP--------------------------------------------------198 canaliculata var. ventricosa White_____________ __ 199 Genus Globorotalia_______________________________________________________ 199 Fack~~sAAA~[~f!E;:~::~::~~::::::::::::::::::=:::::::::::::~~:==:::::::: ~gg pseudopapillosa Carsey________________________ __________ 200 grosserugosa (Gumbel)-----------------------------------201 ~allorensis __ Carsey____ __________________ ____________________ 202 a cata (Reuss) -----------------------------------------------202 Index ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------237 Contents 7 ILLUSTRATIONS FIGURES Page Fig. 1. Sketch map of the Marathon region________________________ ________ 10 Fig. 2. Hill showing profusion of boulders____________________________ 14 Fig. 3. Large novaculite boulder_______ ___________ __________________________ 14 Fig. 4. The Haymond formation near the Clark Ranch house_ __ 17 Fig. 5. Map showing the major structural features of west Texas -------------------··---------------------------------------------------26 Fig. 6 Bluff on Pfluger Ranch, Llano River______ ____________________ _ 28 Fig. 7. Sketch map of Chispa Summit________________________________________ 36 Fig. 8. Coilopoceras sp. from Eagle Ford formation______ ________ 51 Fig. 9. Geologic map of the lower Claiborne in the vicinity of the Brazos River____ ___________ 75 Fig. 10. Columnar section of exposed rocks and characteristic fossils along the Brazos River_______________________________________ 79 Fig. 11. Geologic sections along Crockett-Sparta contact in the vicinity of the Brazos River___________________________________________ 88 Fig. 12. Map of Austin area showing the Travis County outcrops 120 PLATES Following page 203 Plate I. New early fusulinids. Plates II to V. Upper Cretaceous ammonites. Plates VI to VII. Tertiary fossils. Plates VIII to XV. Cretaceous foraminifera. The "Contributions to Geology" includes shorter papers of which, in addition to other Bureau publications, usually one volume per year will be issued. Each volume of the "Contributions" bears a bulletin number and is thus a part of the series of The University of Texas bulletins issued from the Bureau of Economic Geology. E. H. SELLARDS, Associate Director. ERRATICS IN THE PENNSYLVANIAN OF TEXAS BY E. H. SELLARDS INTRODUCTION At the meeting of the Geological Society of America in Toronto, Canada, December, 1930, announcement was made of the discovery of erratics of large size in the Haymond formation of Carboniferous age in the Marathon region of Texas.1 Smaller erratics, however, had previously been seen. As early as 1915, Mr. C. L. Baker observed detrital boulders in the Haymond formation on or near the Jones ranch in the southeastern part of the Marathon basin2, and in 1928, Philip B. King and Robert E. King3 described a conglomerate in this formation southeast of Gap Tank. This conglomerate is indicated on the recently published geologic map of the Glass Mountains of Texas.4 In No­vember, 1930, Philip B. King and A. G. Nance found peb­bles and boulders of pre-Cambrian and Paleozoic rocks about two and one-half miles southeast of Haymond sta­tion. Pre-Cambrian detritals had not been previously ob­served in the Marathon area and their discovery at this locality, in connection with the other erratics, led Baker to suggest that they might possibly be ice-transported. Subsequent study of the Haymond locality was undertaken · by Baker and Sellards, who traced the horizon of the er­ratics northeastward for several miles, finding particularly good exposures west of Housetop Mountain. At the present time, therefore, these erratics are known in the Haymond formation at three localities, as follows: iErratics of Large Size in the Carboniferous of West Texas. King, P. B., Baker, C. L., and Sellards, E. H. Abstract in Geological Society of America, Volume 42, 1931. 2Personal communication, 1981. BThe Pennsylvanian and Permian Stratigraphy of the Glass Mountains, Univ. Texas Bull. 2801, p. 114, 1928. 4King, Philip B. The Geology of the Glass Mountains, Texas, Part I, Descriptive Geology. Univ. Texas Bull. 3088, 1981. Iasued October, 1931. 10 The University of Texas Bulletin In the southeastern part of the Marathon basin, observed by Baker in 1915; east of Gap Tank in the northern part of the basin, observed by King and King in 1928; and east and northeast of Haymond station, where the erratics are largest and most numerous. The locality east of Gap Tank may, for convenience of reference, be known as the Clark Fig. 1. Sketch map of the Marathon region showing localities where erratics have been found in the Haymond formation. ranch locality, and that east of Haymond station as the Housetop Mountain locality (shown as House Mountain on the Glass Mountains geologic map, Univ. of Texas Bull. 3038). The locality in the southeastern part of the basin on the Jones ranch observed by Baker in 1915 has not been revisited. An extensive study of these erratics is being made by C. L. Baker and P. B. King, each of whom is publishing on this subject. The present notice, therefore, will be con­fined to a brief account of the boulders and a discussion of their relationship to the regional geology. THE MARATHON UPLIFT The Marathon region is structurally an uplift which brings Paleozoic rocks to the surface through a Cretaceous covering now removed.5 The area of exposed Paleozoics surrounded by a Cretaceous rim is 35 or 40 miles across and is irregularly circular in outline (Figure 1). Previous to the formation of this great dome, the early Paleozoic rocks had been folded, overturned, and in places overthrust. These movements, which have Appalachian trend, affect the Pennsylvanian and older formations, but not, so far as known, the Permian, which was but mildly folded and tilted. The formation of the uplift itself, aside from the thrusting and folding, was not completed until post-Cretaceous time, as shown by the fact that the Cretaceous of the rim rock dips gently away from the uplift. The Paleozoic section of this uplift includes Cambrian, Ordovician, Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian forma­tions. A similar series, including formations as late as Carboniferous in age, is found in the Solitario, a smaller uplift located some 50 miles southwest of Marathon. The early Paleozoic of these two regions present striking re­semblances in facies to the Ouachita Mountain region of 5Hill, R. T., Physical Geography of the Texas Region, U. S. Geo!. Surv. Topo­graphic Atlas, Folio 3, p. 4, 1900. Udden, J. A., Notes on the Geology of the Glass Mountains, Univ. Texas Bull. 1753, pp. 3-59, 1917. Baker, C. L., and Bowman, W. F., Geologic Exploration of the Southwestern Front Range of Trans-Pecos, Texas, Univ. Texas Bull. 1753, pp. 61-1722, i917. Oklahoma. This is particularly true of the cherts (Mara­villas formation) and the novaculite (Caballos formation), which resemble the Big Fork chert and the Arkansas novac­ulite of the Ouachita region. The Carboniferous of the Marathon region includes a thick series of sediments, grouped according to present usage into four formations: Tesnus, Dimple, Haymond, and Gaptank. Of these, the Tesnus consists largely of fine sand­stone and dark shales. Its maximum thickness is in the southeastern part of the Marathon basin where it is ap­proximately 7,000 feet.6 It thins northwestward. The Dimple, overlying the Tesnus, is largely thin bedded lime­stone with few fossils, and has a thickness of about 1,000 feet. The Haymond formation is about 2,000 or 2,500 feet thick, and is lithologically much like the Tesnus. It consists of sandstone and shale strata often thin bedded. In that part of the formation containing the erratics, there is also a considerable development locally of arkosic sandstone. The Haymond contains relatively few fossils, but among those obtained there are fusulinids, indicating that the for­mation is not older than Pennsylvanian. The Gaptank formation, overlying the Haymond, contains limestone and shales, and in places is highly fossiliferous. The Permian of this region has been described in several publications.1 THE ERRATICS The erratics occur in the upper part of the Haymond formation. It has not been possible to determine just how much of this formation formerly lay above the boulder horizon, although at the Clark ranch locality east of Gap Tank as much as 400 feet of strata lie between the con­glomerate zone and the unconformably overlying Cre­taceous.8 6Philip B. King. Personal communication, 1931. 7King, Philip B., The Geology of the Glass Mountains, Texas, Part I, Univ. Texas Bu!L 8038, 1930. King, Robert E., The Geology of the Glass Mountains, Texas, Part II, Univ. Texas Bull. 3042, 1931. sKing, Philip B., op. cit., p. 41. THE HOUSETOP :MOUNTAIN LOCALITY Important differences are found between the exposures at the Housetop Mountain locality east of Haymond and those at the Clark ranch locality. At the Housetop Moun­tain exposures, the matrix contains much fine material, in part arkosic, nearly or entirely unstratified, and often rela­tively incoherent. In this matrix are rock inclusions vary­ing in size from pebbles to rock masses 100 feet in length. This assemblage is totally unassorted. Matrix and boulders of this character may be followed from two and a half miles south of the Southern Pacific Railroad in a north­easterly direction to within a half-mile of the Marathon­Sanderson road, a total distance of about eight miles (see Figure 1). As already stated, erratics occur in varying sizes, and without regularity of distribution, except that they are con­fined to definite zones in the formation. Abundant among the erratics are novaculite pieces, which vary in size from a fraction of an inch to masses 25 feet or more in thick­ness. The novaculite erratics are irregular in shape, often as thick as long. They are often strongly slickensided and brecciated. The horizon of erratics, where partly concealed by terrace gravel and wash, may often be followed by the novaculites, which persist because of their large size and resistance to erosion. Chert is present, derived from the Maravillas formation, although no large cherts of this formation were seen. Occa­sional large erratics of the Tesnus formation are present, some of which are scratched. Among the smaller erratics are numerous quartzite, gneissoid, and schistose rocks. These are entirely foreign to any other rock exposed in the Marathon r~gion. They are probably pre-Cambrian in age, their most likely source being a region to the south or southeast, now covered by Cretaceous, except for one small exposure of schist on the Mexican side of the Rio Grande River. Fig. 2. Hill showing profusion of boulders, Housetop Mountain (Cretaceous rim rock) seen in the background. Near the center of the view is a large limestone boulder about 100 feet long and 25 feet thick. Several strata may be seen in this boulder. Fig. 3. Large novaculite boulder. This boulder is seen at the left center of Figure 2. Limestone erratics are numerous and vary in size from small pebbles to rock masses 100 feet in length. Dr. P. B. King,9 who has recently re-examined this locality, writes as follows: 9Letter of July 4, 1931. The more exposures seen, the more remarkable does the matrix of the bed appear. It is an arkosic mudstone with few bedding planes. Its contrast with the typical slabby Hay­mond is great. The boulder beds are long lenses. Two of them persist from Housetop Mountain to the Sanderson road but at the Housetop Mountain locality two more beds wedge in above and two below. The big boulders are clustered. For a stretch of a mile or so none larger than two-foot masses will be seen. Then for a mile or so they will be so thick they are hard to count-then they disappear again. There are five such clusters between the Sanderson road and the Bates place. . . . The fossiliferous boulders range in size from huge boulders to minute pebbles. The big ones are not at the base of the series but in all six members, but most abundantly in the middle two. Professor Frank Carney, who has recently examined this locality, writes that he has found in the deposits many genuine soled boulders.* Many of the limestone erratics are fossiliferous. Collec­tions made by Baker and Sellards from several of these Pennsylvanian limestone masses have been examined by Mr. F. B. Plummer, whose report on them is given here. Report on Pennsylvanian Fossils by F. B. Plummer. Collections of invertebrate fossils were examined from eight boulders numbered as in the following list. The fossils listed are in the collections of the Bureau of Economic Geology of The University of Texas. Fusulinid. X-149. Trilophyllum sp. X-125. Lingula tighti Herrick (?). X-147. Derbya sp. X-205. Chonetes geinitzianus Waagen. X-217. Productus inflatus McChesney. X-149, 196, and 217. Marginifera sp. X-148. Squamularia perplexa McChesney. X-217. Composita subtilita Hall. X-217. Spirifer rockymontanus Marcoui (?) . X-209 and X-217. All of the boulders are not from the same limestone ledge, but all except X-205 and X-147 are definitely middle Pennsyl­vanian. These two collections have long range fossils only, Derbya and Lingula. It is probable that these two are Pennsylvanian also. It is quite interesting to note that •Letter of September 24, 1931. The University of Te·xas Bulletin the fauna as a whole resembles the fauna from the Pennsyl­vanian in the Big Lake oil field. Both faunas contain Com­posita subtilita, Productus infiatus, Spirifer rockymon­tanus ?, Lingula, and the spiny Marginifera. These faunas are suggestive of the Rocky Mountain province. The Haymond formation, although containing but few fossils, is known from the presence of fusulinids to be of Pennsylvanian age. Since these limestone boulders are likewise of Pennsylvanian age, one is led to inquire whether they may not be in fact a part of the formation and not erratics. The question naturally arises as to whether they may not be lenses of limestone in the formation. This pos­sibility has been considered, but such an explanation does not seem probable, for while the largest masses are sug­gestive of lenses they terminate abruptly and often with irregularly broken ends. The small boulders, often irregu­lar in shape and fossiliferous, have no resemblance to lenses. They are not concretions, since many of them are blocks from well stratified limestones. The possibility of their representing a limestone stratum in the Haymond formation, broken up and dislocated by faulting, has also been considered. However, the several limestone masses present such differences in lithologic character as to show that they are not broken pieces of a single ledge. They represent Pennsylvanian limestone containing a fauna not seen elsewhere in the Marathon basin, but resembling the Pennsylvanian fauna found at a depth of 8,100 to 8,200 feet in the Big Lake oil field, Reagan County.10 If of the age of the Haymond formation, these boulders represent limestone accumulated and solidified elsewhere and subse­quently moved to this place, having been broken into pieces of varying size in transportation. Aside from the Pennsylvanian limestone boulders, there are, as already stated, many other boulders from other formations, including those from the Dimple, Tesnus, Ca­ballos, Maravillas and earlier formations, all of which are 1D$ellards, E. H., Bybee, H. P., and Hemphill, H. A., Producing Horizons in the· Biir Lake Oil Field, Reaira.n County, Texas, Univ. Texas Bull. 3001, p. 155, 1930. Contributions to Geology intimately associated with the boulders of Pennsylvanian limestone. THE CLARK RANCH LOCALITY In the Clark ranch locality east of Gap Tank, the matrix is notably clean and free of very fine material. The stratum is a conglomerate in which rocks of varying size occur, the smallest being about one-half inch in diameter. This con­glomerate can be followed for three to four miles, although it is in places concealed by Cretaceous deposits (Figure 1). Pre-Cambrian detritals are almost wanting, although one has been found which probably belongs in the conglom­erate. Limestone boulders containing pre-Pennsylvanian fossils are present, and novaculite pieces are numerous. The rock of maximum size seen in this conglomerate is novaculite and is about ten by six by two and a half or more feet. Fig. 4. The Haymond formation near the Clark ranch house, looking west. The boulder conglomerate of that locality passes at the north (right) side of this hill. RELATION TO REGIONAL GEOLOGY Erratics have been described from many parts of the world, and have reached their resting place in many ways. Stream transportation, mud flows, talus creep, earth­quakes, sub-aqueous land slips, thrust faulting, and ice transportation are all possible means of transporting boul­ders into a formation. Whatever may be the means of transportation of the erratics in the Haymond formation to their present location, their relationship to regional geology is of great importance. It has now been very well shown that the Solitario and Marathon regions have a relationship with the Ouachita region of Oklahoma. Knowledge of this relationship has been gradually accumulated during the past several years, and it has now been shown by drill records that, although covered in central Texas by the Cretaceous formations, the belt of rocks of this character is continuous from the Ouachita Mountains to the Mara­thon region.11 These formations, where seen at the surface, are affected by mountain-making movements including folding, over­turning, and thrusting. In each of the regions, thrust movements have come from the east, southeast, or south. Overthrusting is very pronounced in the Ouachita region and has been noted also in the Marathon region. Over­thrusting of the same character occurs, likewise, in the Paleozoic rock of the Solitario.12 The well records of the area between the Marathon and the Ouachita likewise estab­lish folding and overturning or thrusting in this region. The erratics are evidence of uplifts, mountainous in char­acter, adjacent to the Marathon region. This mountain­making movement occurred, as shown by the character of the rock derived from it, within the belt of intensely folded rocks, as distinct from the relatively level lying Paleozoic of the foreland. The erratics, therefore, are evidence of mountain-making movements affecting the ancient land masses lying to the south and east of the Marathon region. llSellarde, E. H ., Map of Paleozoic of Ouachita Facies in Texas, Bureau of Eco­nomic Geology, Univ. of Texas, January, 1931. 12Geologic map of the Solitario of Texas by E . H. Sellards, W. S. Adkins, and M. B. Arick, Bureau of Economic Geo!Olil'Y. University of Texas, 1930. SOME MAJOR STRUCTURAL FEATURES OF WEST TEXAS BY H.P. BYBEEt INTRODUCTION In this paper the major structural features in west Texas and southeastern New Mexico are briefly described; certain similarities between these major features are brought out; and an attempt is made to show that the features are similar in trend and magnitude, and possibly owe their existence to a similar origin. It is suggested that the elevated limestone platforms are positive in nature and that the basins between are negative. No attempt is made to review the literature on this subject or enter into dis­cussion of the many problems which confront the investi­gator in this area. It is hoped, however, that the following suggestions may be of help in arriving at a clearer under­standing of the structural conditions that exist in west Texas. For the purpose of this paper west Texas is defined as that part of Texas west of the lOOth meridian, exclusive of the high plains or Panhandle region. The Marathon and Solitario regions of west Texas are not included in this dis­cussion. MAJOR STRUCTURAL FEATURES The major structural features of west Texas may be divided into two natural groups, those belonging to ex­treme west Texas, and those of the southern end of the Permian Basin. EXTREME WEST TEXAS The major structural features of extreme west Texas and New Mexico consist of a series of down-throw blocks alternating with elevated or plateau areas, consisting largely !Geologist to the Board for Lease of University Lands, San Angelo, Texas. of limestone. Figure 5 has been prepared to bring out this relationship. The main structural divisions of this part of the state from west to east are the Franklin Moun­tains, the Hueco Bolson, the Diablo Plateau, the Salt Flat, and the Delaware Mountain scarp. With respect to the El Paso region including the Franklin Mountains, G. B. Richardson2 states: The main structural features of the El Paso district may be summarized as follows: The long, narrow Franklin Range, rising three thousand feet above the broad lowlands, resembles a "basin range" fault block of westward-dipping rocks, but it differs from the type by being part of a long chain of ranges and by being complexly faulted internally. The Hueco Mountains in the main form a monocline of low eastward dip along the western border of which the rocks have been disturbed. The same author8 makes the following comment regard­ing the structure of the Trans-Pecos region: The dominant structure of the Trans-Pecos region is ex­pressed in the northwestward to northward trend of the highlands and intervening lowlands. The highlands are areas of relative uplift and the lowlands are troughs of corresponding depression. The chief movements of the rocks have been vertical, and the main structural features are normal faults. Most of the highland areas are bounded by faults that strike in general with the main trend of the region, though some cut this transversely.... The major faults apparently were initiated with the Tertiary conti­nental emergence and developed between then and the late Tertiary or early Quaternary uplift. THE FRANKLIN MOUNTAINS The excellent description of the Franklin Mountains by G. B. Richardson' is considered quite adequate for the pur­poses of this paper. The Franklin Mountains are the southern extremity of the long, narrow chain that extends from the termination 2Richardson, G. B., Description of the El Paso District, U. S. Geo!. Surv., Geologic Atlas, El Paso Folio (No. 166), field edition, p. 66, 1909. SRichardson, G. B., Description of the Van Horn Quadrangle, U. S. Geo!. Surv., Geologic Atlas, Van Horn Folio (No. 194), p. 7, 1914. 4Richardson, G. B., Description of the El Paso District, U. S. Geo!. Surv., Geologic­Atlas, El Paso Folio (No. 166), field edition, p. 18, 1909. of the main mass of the Rocky Mountains, in northern New Mexico, southward as far as El Paso. This chain occupies a belt about ten miles wide and two hundred and fifty miles long across central New Mexico immediately east of the Rio Grande Valley. Its continuity is broken in places, caus­ ing a separation into several units known as the Sandia, Manzano, Oscura, San Andreas, and Franklin ranges, named in order from north to south. The Franklin Range trends slightly west of north and extends from El Paso to a point a few miles north of the New Mexico-Texas boundary, where it is separated by a low wash-filled pass from the Organ Mountains, which form the southern extremity of the San Andreas Range. The main part of the Franklin Range lies entirely within Texas and is fifteen miles long and about three miles wide, but low outlying hills extend the range eight miles beyond the State boundary. The mountains rise abruptly more than three thousand feet above the Rio Grande Valley on the west and the Hueco Bolson on the east, culminating in a peak 7152 feet above sea level. The western face of the range is rela­ tively little eroded and in the main constitutes a dip slope; the eastern face, on the contrary, is more dissected and exposes cross sections of the rocks, deep valleys that extend back almost to the rim of the range separating several trans­ verse ridges. Individuality is given to the topography by the varying character of the formations. The crest of the range, capped for the greater part of its length by westward­ dipping limestone, presents a rugged scarp; the lower slopes and transverse ridges have characteristic irregular surfaces due to the varying resistance to the weathering of the com­ ponent rocks. The mountains are practically bare of vegeta­ tion save for a scanty desert growth on the lower slopes, so that the rocks are plainly exposed except where they are covered by accumulations of debris. As a whole, the Franklin Range resembles an eroded block mountain of the Basin Range type. THE HUECO BOLSON The Hueco Bolson5 is bounded on the west by the Frank­lin Mountains, which rise abruptly to a maximum of 3,000 feet above the valley floor, and on the east by the Hueco Mountains, which rise as much as 2,000 feet above the valley. The extent of movement of the down-throw block 5Hill, Robert T., Physical Geography of the Texas Region, U. S. Geo!. Surv., Topo­graphic Atlas, Folio 8, p. 9, 1900. is not definitely known, but it is considerable. Something of the movement may be inferred from a study of the log of the Cinco Minas Company well, Burns and King No. 4, located in the southwest corner of Section 24, Block 80, Township 1, southeast of Newman, Texas. This well was drilled to a depth of 4,920 feet without encountering hard rock such as occurs in either the Franklin or Hueco Moun­tains. Thus the displacement is known to exceed 7 ,000 feet. THE DIABLO PLATEAU The Diablo Plateau is essentially an elevated limestone area which rises from 1,000 to 1,200 feet above the Hueco Bolson on the west and some 1,500 to 2,000 feet above the south end of Salt Flat. North of the Black Mountains the eastern rim of the plateau gradually fades into Salt Flat. The major axis of the Diablo Plateau has a general northwest-southeast trend, and extends from Van Horn on the southeast into the northern end of the Hueco Moun­tains on the northwest, a distance of approximately 90 miles. Its northeast-southwest dimensions average ap­proximately 40 miles. The Texas portion of the Diablo Plateau is divided into two major provinces by a structural line of weakness ex­tending from the southern extremity of the Hueco Moun­tains in a general easterly direction through the Black Mountains to Apache Canyon. Throughout the northern province the plateau gradually slopes towards the south­east in conformity with the regional dip of the bed rock. In the southern province the slope is in general southwest, and the structural features are more complex, resulting in a diversified topography. THE SALT FLAT The Salt Flat has as its west boundary the east margin of the Diablo Plateau, which forms an escarpment of 2,000 to 3,000 feet and is known as the Sierra Diablo Mountains. On the east is the Delaware Mountain scarp, which rises abruptly 1,500 to 2,200 feet above the valley floor. The amount of fill in Salt Flat has not been determined but Contributions to Geology may equal the visible depression. In this depression, be­tween the Apache and Wiley Mountains, 10 miles east of Van Horn, in the Hickey-Stevens, Finley No. 1, the Per­mian bed-rock was encountered at a depth of 860 feet. The Salt Flat depression gradually rises towards the north and loses its identity in New Mexico as does also the Delaware Basin. THE GUADALUPE-DELAWARE-APACHE MOUNTAINS The three mountain groups, the Guadalupe, the Dela­ware, and the Apache, constitute a single structural feature. The Guadalupe Mountains are essentially a limestone block whose westerly margin consists of a fault scarp ap­proximately 50 miles long, terminating about 14 miles south of the New Mexico line, rising abruptly approx­imately 3,000 feet above Salt Flat and its New Mexico counterpart, Crow Flat. The eastern margin of the Guada­lupe range is a gently eastward monoclinal dip into the Pecos Valley. The Delaware Mountains constitute an echelon block ex­ tending about 40 miles southeast from the point of the Guadalupes. The formation is largely sandstone. The western margin of the Delaware Mountains is a fault scarp rising 1,500 to 2,200 feet above Salt Flat. The dip is to the east. The width of the Delaware range is approx­ imately six miles. The Apache Mountains constitute another limestone block, separated from the Delawares by a cross fault and swinging more to the southeast. The physical conditions are almost identical with the other two units of this struc­ tural feature, the principal difference being in direction of trend. The Delaware unit of the Guadalupe-Delaware-Apache structural feature is the only exception to the statement made elsewhere in this report that the elevated areas are composed essentially of limestone. SOUTHERN END OF THE PERMIAN BASIN The main features of the southern end of the Permian Basin have been described by Lon D. Cartwright, Jr.,6 as consisting of the Delaware Basin, the Central Basin Plat­form, and the Main Permian Basin. To these should be added the Eastern Platform in Tom Green, Sterling, and Schleicher counties. The black shale basin in Crockett and adjacent counties is also a marked structural feature, but no discussion of it will be included in this paper. THE DELAWARE BASIN The Delaware Basin in Texas occupies all of Reeves, the northwestern portion of Pecos, the western parts of Ward and Winkler, all of Loving, and the eastern portion of Cul­berson County. This basin reaches its maximum depth near its eastern margin, where it is 2,000 to 2,300 feet be­low sea level. The western slope of the basin is very gentle, while the eastern slope terminates rather abruptly against the Central Basin Platform. The Delaware Mountain sand­stone is capped with a thin layer of black limestone, which underlies the evaporite section and forms the generally recognized bottom of the basin. This dark thin limestone at the top of the Delaware Mountain section is an excellent datum bed for structure contours. The position of the Delaware Basin is shown in Figure 5. THE CENTRAL BASIN PLATFORM The Central Basin Platform is an elevated limestone area extending from the Yates region in eastern Pecos County to Hobbs, New Mexico, a distance of almost 200 miles. Its width averages 30 miles or more. This platform consists largely of limestone, and stands some 2,000 :feet above the bottom of the main Permian Basin on the east. This is a rather striking feature. The margin of this plat­form is the site of the major portion of the west Texas oil fields. 6Cartwright, Lon D., Jr., Transverse Section of Permian Basin, West Texas and Southeast New Mexico. Bull. Am. Assoc. Petr. Geo!., Vol. 14, p, 969, 1930. THE MAIN PERMIAN BASIN The main Permian Basin is the largest structural feature in west Texas and occupies the area extending east of the Central Basin Platform to the Eastern Platform in Tom Green and adjacent counties. In Upton, Midland, and Mar­tin counties, it reaches depths approaching 1,900 feet below sea level. In southeastern Gaines County a depth of 2,200 feet below sea level is recorded. From these areas of ap­parent maximum depths, the bottom rises gently towards the east, until it comes in contact with the Eastern Platform. The southern portion of this basin overlaps the black shale basin. In Reagan County, under the Big Lake oil field, the Permian Basin evaporite section is 3,000 feet thick, and is underlain by a limestone section some 800 feet in thick­ness, below which are 4,000 feet of dark Permian and Penn­sylvanian shales. The northern extension of the main Permian Basin reaches into north Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas. The logs of the many wells that have been drilled into the "Big Lime" of the Main Permian Basin indicate that the bottom of the basin is, in general, uniform and struc­tureless. It is probable, however, that secondary struc­tural features will be discovered with additional exploration and that the trend of these minor features will be similar to the trend of the major structural features. THE EASTERN PLATFORM The Eastern Platform, with its elevated lime mass, has been known for some time, having been located by well drilling. It has received considerable attention from the oil industry, but to date has been non-productive. The western boundary of the lime mass is well defined, while the eastern margin fades into the Permian section. The lime mass of this platform fingers into the black shale on the south and is overlain by Permian red beds on the north. SIMILARITY OF MAJOR STRUCTURAL FEATURES OF WEST TEXAS A comparison of the structural features of extreme west Texas with those of the southern end of the Permian Basin reveals that there are three points of marked similarity. The structural features are similar in size, in trend, and in composition, and may have had a somewhat similar origin. In Figure 5 the elevated areas, which are essen­tially limestone, with the exception of the Delaware Moun­tain uplift, are represented by the shaded portions of the map. While there is an abundance of evidence supporting the fault origin of the major structural features in extreme west Texas, there is less positive evidence pointing toward the fault block origin of the Central Basin and Eastern Platforms. However, the abruptness with which the Cen­tral Basin Platform terminates both on the east and the west might be interpreted as faulting. The writer has been advised that cores from the Hendricks oil field, in Winkler County, have shown evidence of faulting. The faulting of extreme west Texas occurred during Ter­tiary times and is therefore much later in age than any movement which might have raised up the Central Basin Platform or the Eastern Platform. The writer believes that the platforms of the Permian Basin are positive, and that the basins, themselves, are negative areas, having been formed by faulting in pre-Cretaceous time. The rim of these positive areas furnished ideal sites for the forma­tion of the various types of reefs which are familiar fea­tures in west Texas. Fig. 5. Map showing the major structural features of extreme west Texas and the southern end of the Permian Basin. The major structural features of extreme west Texas consist of (1) Franklin Mountains; (2) Hueco Bolson; (3) the Hueco Mountain Scarp and the Hueco Mountains; (3-A) the Diablo Plateau; (4) the Sierra Diablo Scarp and the Sierra Diablo Mountains; (5) Salt Flat; and (6) the Delaware Mountain Scarp and the Delaware Mountains. The major structural features of the southern end Gf the Permian Basin consist of (7) the Delaware Basin; (8) the Central Basin Platform; (9) the Main Permian Basin, and (10) the Eastern Platform. These are chiefly limestone areas and are considered as being possibly raised limestone blocks, like those in extreme west Texas, the regions between being relatively depressed. The oil fields of this region are indicated in solid black. NEW EARLY FUSULINIDS FROM TEXAS BY NORMAN L. THOMAS1 INTRODUCTION AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The two new species of early fusulinids described in this paper occur in a high bluff of Carboniferous rock located seven miles east-southeast of London, Texas, near the west boundary of Mason County on the Pfluger ranch at the junction of Big Saline Creek and Llano River. The study of these fossils has been made in connection with the work of the Pure Oil Company, and for permission to publish, I am indebted to the chief geologist of that company. I wish also to make grateful acknowledgment to Mr. M. E. Rob­erts, who took me to the locality and interested me in the fauna, and to Mr. Ralph Kaufman, who made most of the thin sections, took measurements, and aided in the photog­raphy. I am most grateful to Dr. C. 0. Dunbar, who re­viewed the manuscript. His notes are included in the study. Dr. Dunbar is the recognized authority on fusu­linids and has done more than anyone else in confirming determinations. I wish also to express my thanks to Dr. E. H. Sellards and Mr. F. B. Plummer for their interest and help. While this paper was passing through the press, Lee and Chen erected the new genus Fusiella and Skinner described one of the species from this locality, referring it to this new genus.* Because of the unsettled nomenclature of the fusulinids I am referring both species in this paper to the genus Fusulina. OCCURRENCE OF THE FOSSILS The exposure at the locality where these fossils are found consists of massive, thickly bedded, gray limestone, which dips very steeply upstream. The Fusulina horizons are ex­posed in the bluff, and, by reason of the dip, descend to lFort Worth, Texas. *Skinner, John W., Primitive Fusulinids of the Mid-Continent Region, Jour. Paleo. Vol. 6, pp. 263-269, pl. 80, figs. 7-9, 11, 1931. form ledges in the rapids of Llano River. The section ex­posed at the upstream end of the bluff is as follows: Feet 7. (Top of bluff) Massive limestone, especially fossiliferous in certain zones. ----------------------------------------------------------------­-­ 20 6. Massive limestone; Fusulina llanoensis Thomas n. sp., abun­ dant. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­ 1-2 5. Massive limestone, sparingly fossiliferous. ------------------------------30-35 4. Black shale and conglomerate, limestone containing abundant brachiopods and cephalopods. ------------------------------------------0.5 3. Massive limestone containing abundant corals. ---------------------1-2 2. Massive limestone containing abundant Fusulina primaeva__ _ 1 1. (Base of bluff) Massive limestone, fossils not common. ----------4 Fig. 6. View of bluff of Llano River on Pfluger ranch. The upper horizon contains Fusulina llanoensis n. sp. and the lower horizon, F. primaeva (Skinner). For the most part the fusulinids are grouped in two hori­zons, and only in these two are they abundant. Each of these horizons has its distinctive Fusulina, and so far only one Contributions to Geology species has been noted in each. F. llanoensis n. sp. in the upper horizon is much largoc than F. primaeva in the lower. The greater number of septa, the thicker walls, and the more complicated interior all indicate that it also attained better development, as well as greater size. Fusulina llano­ensis n. sp. might easily have developed from Fusulina pri­maeva, but in this locality we have found no intergradations from one to the other. Fusulina primaeva seems to have appeared and thrived for a while and then disappeared, to be followed some time later by F. llanoensis n. sp. The Fusulinas in the upper horizon are associated with corals, and those in the lower horizon occur a short interval below other corals. Both species occur in limestones, rather than in the thin shale layers. Weathering has caused replacement of the carbonate by chert, and most of the specimens which are in weathered or exposed limestone have been altered to pink chert. In most of the fossils the replacement has progressed from the centers outward. It is believed that if specimens were secured back in the fresh massive limestone, the tests would be composed wholly of carbonate and would afford better sections. The sections which have been figured are taken from the best material collected, and those which show in­ternal characters in detail are composed of carbonate which has not been extensively replaced by silica. The small size of the shells, the poorly preserved characters, and the ex­tensive alteration to chert have made sectioning and clear illustration difficult. For this reason the specimens pre­sented here are far from satisfactory, although they were the best of more than a hundred thin sections. It is hoped that with continued study better specimens may be dis­covered. Concerning the generic name and the geologic horizon, Dr. Dunbar2 has written: The horizon is not too low for the genus Fusulina, for, as Henbest and I showed recently, the genotype of Fusulina 21..etter to E. H. Sellards, .Tune 10, 1981. The paper on F1Uldi= referred to In thla letter wu published In the Amer. Jour. Sci., (5), Vol. XX, 856-864, 1980. is not a Permian shell but a very primitive species from the Middle Carboniferous of Russia. It has a thin wall with a structure essentially like that of FusulineUa. It therefore turns out that Fusulina and Fusulinella are very much alike, and it may be that Fusulinella will have to be regarded as a synonym of Fusulina. There are certain differences, however, in the genotypes so that I believe they should, for the present, be distinguished. The chief distinctions are that Fusulina is a subcylindrical shell with strongly and very regularly fluted septa and with weak chomata, whereas Fusulinella is fusiform, has very simple septa except where they are irregularly folded near the poles, and has very strong chomata. If both genera are to be recognized, I would not hesitate for a moment to refer the Bend species described by Thomas to genus Fusulinella. . . . I think they are of great interest because they are older than any others known in this country and possibly as old as any known else­where. AGE OF FORMATION CONTAINING THE FOSSILS Mr. F. B. Plummer, who has examined fossils associated with the fusulinids, has kindly made the following note on the age of the formation: The ledges containing the fusulinids belong to the lower part of the Marble Falls formation of early Pennsylvanian age. They overlie massive strata thought to be Ellenburger limestone of Ordovician age and are overlain by thin bedded black limestones and shales of the Bend group. The following early Pennsylvanian fossils have been collected from the limestones closely associated with the fusulinids or coming from the shale bed No. 4 of the measured section between the fusulinid zones: Gastrioceras compressum Hyatt; Pronorites llanoensis n. sp. (ms.); Spirifer musebachanus Roemer; Schizophoria resupinoides Cox; Productus morrowensis Mather; Productus welleri Mather; Productus infiatus McChesney; Dibunophyllum, two species; Chaetetes millepo­raceus Milne-Edwards and Haime; Naticopsis tortum Meek?; and an early Pennsylvanian bryozoa, Tabulipora n. sp. All of these fossils except Pronorites llanoensis occur in the Marble Falls limestone in San Saba County, Texas, and the Morrow formation of Arkansas. Pronorites llanoensis is a primitive pronoritid nearer to Prolecanites of the Mississippian, from which it evolved, than any Ameri­can species of this genus so far discovered. This assemblage of fossils, as well as the fusulinids them­selves, indicate definitely a very early Pennsylvanian age, so early in fact that most of the forms, especially Schizo­phoria resupinoides, Spirifer musebachanus, and Pronorites llanoensis, and the corals seem to have come directly out of Mississippian stocks with little change. The Fusulinidae described in this paper coming from the base of the Marble Falls formation are older than any known elsewhere in this country and are probably as old as any known from any part of the world. DESCRIPTION OF SPECIES Pl. I, figs. 1-7. FUSULINA LLANOENSIS n. sp. Description.-Shell fusiform, bluntly pointed ends, many specimens thickly fusiform ; the axial length from 2.3 to 5 mm., and the sagittal width from 1 to 2 mm.; with a ratio of length to width of 2 :1 to 3 :1. Number of volutions, 4112 to 6; between 16 and 21 septa in third whorl, 18 to 24 in fourth whorl, and 12 to 27 in fifth whorl; wall thickness 20 to 40 microns in second whorl, 30 to 70 microns in fourth whorl, and 30 to 60 microns in sixth whorl. Tunnel angle 20 to 27 degrees, increasing to 36 degrees in late whorls. Septal fluting very slight except near the poles, where it is strong but irregular. Wall of fine tex­ture and distinctive of "fusulinella" types. Dr. Dunbar says: It appears clear to me that the wall in "Fusulina llanoen­sis" consists of four layers. The tectum is extremely thin but perfectly definite. I believe it to be the primary element of the fusulinid wall. Just beneath it lies the light, translu­cent layer, the diaphanotheca, which in turn is coated by a much darker secondary layer which is continuous with the chomata and really lines the entire surface of each chamber. The secondary deposit is seen then as a dark covering on the outside of the tectum where it makes the fourth layer in the wall. As a matter of fact the outer layer of secondary deposit is only a basal deposit of the succeeding volution so that there are three fundamental elements in the wall, namely, the tectum, the diaphanotheca, and a secondary deposit. What I am calling the diaphanotheca shows in some places transverse lines which resemble to a considerable degree the lamellae of the keriotheca in the higher fusulinids. . . . I am inclined to think that the structure seen here is merely a fibrous one instead of an alveolar one and that the dark lines are not real lamellae. . . . My reasons for thinking that the structure is fibrous rather than alveolar is that it can be seen in the secondary deposit both on the inside and the outside of the tectum as well as in the chomata. In some places also it is more or less clearly shown on the septa where they happen to cross the section. Now in all the higher fusulinids where there is an undoubted keriotheca, the al­veolar texture is strictly limited to the inside of the spiral wall and is never seen on the septa or on the outside of the spiral wall. Particularly well preserved specimens of Triticites or Pseudofusulina do show, however, a fibrous texture in the chomata, a structure exactly like that seen in the chomata and secondary deposits of these little Fusuli­nellas from the Bend. In the case of the Triticites and Pseudofusulinas, however, the distinction between the fibrous structure in the chomata and the alveolar texture of the keriotheca is quite obvious because the fibres in the chomata are so very much finer than the alveoli in the keriotheca. Chomata moderate to strong, fibrous. Proloculum 75 to 120 microns in diameter. Septa! pores abundant and me­dium to large in size. Early volutions bilaterally sym­metrical. Locality.-Middle and upper coral-reef-limestone bluff on Pfluger ranch on Llano River at the mouth of Big Saline Creek, near the west edge of Mason County and about seven miles east-southeast of London, Texas. This species is abundant in a horizon above the Fusulina primaeva horizon and is distinct in characters as well as separate in zonal distribution at the type locality. Replacement by chert is not so pronounced as in the lower horizon but is neverthe­less very common, and many of the specimens are pink. Formation.-Marble Falls formation. FUSULINA PRIMAEVA (Skinner) Pl. I, figs. 8-15. Fusiella primaeva Skinner. Journ. Paleont., V. 5, pp. 255­256; Pl. 30, figs. 7-9, 11, 1931. Description.-Shell very small, thickly fusiform, with bluntly pointed ends; the axial length from 1 to 3 mm., and the sagittal width from 0.4 to 1.5 mm. ; with a ratio of length to width of 1.5 :1 to 2.7 :1. Number of volutions 4 to 6; between 13 and 15 septa in third whorl, 16 to 20 in fourth whorl, and 17 to 24 in fifth whorl; wall thickness 15 to 25 microns in second whorl, 25 to 45 microns in fourth whorl, and 40 to 55 microns in sixth whorl. Tunnel angle 24 to 40 degrees, increasing rapidly in last two whorls. Septal fluting very slight except near the poles, where it is strong but irregular. Wall of fine texture and distinctive of "fusulinella" types as previously de­scribed. Chomata moderate to strong. Early volutions bilaterally symmetrical. Proloculum 70 to 90 microns in diameter. Locality.-Base of coral-reef bluff on Pfluger ranch on Llano River at the mouth of Big Saline Creek near the west edge of Mason County and about seven miles east-southeast of London, Texas. This species is very abundant at the base of the bluff and the horizon extends from the bluff out into Llano River. A great number of the specimens are composed of chert, some being almost wholly chert while others have chert centers and still others show that re­placement has just begun. The specimens which are taken from exposed rocks in the river are more predominantly chert and are pink. Formation.-Marble Falls formation. SOME UPPER CRETACEOUS AMMONITES IN WESTERN TEXAS By W. S. ADKINS The ammonites here recorded occur in the Chispa Sum­mit-San Carlos region in southwestern Culberson, western Jeff Davis, and northwestern Presidio counties, Texas. They occupy a series of zones in a thick clay section, essen­tially of the Mancos facies, which starts at the Comanchean­Gulfian (Buda-Eagle Ford) boundary and in this region composes the equivalents of the Eagle Ford, Austin, and Taylor formations, and continues up to the base of the sandstones and lustrous black and carbonaceous shales of the "Rattlesnake"1 formation (approximately Navarro level). Besides these, one ammonite from the Buda limestone in central Texas is described, because of its bearing on the age of the Buda formation, and a Coilopoceras from the Austin chalk is described. The evidence as to the age of the respective formations is summarized at the end of this paper. DESCRIPTION OF LOCALITIES Chis?>a Summit This area is located just south of the gap separating the Van Horn and Tierra Vieja Mountains, five miles west­southwest of Chispa station. The grade of the abandoned railway to the San Carlos coal mines traverses the area. Headwater erosion of Van Horn Creek is cutting through the gap into Chispa Rolson (Lobo Flat) and may eventually drain it. Above the Buda limestone, the Upper Cretaceous clay dips eastward and southward toward San Carlos, near which the "Rattlesnake" sandstones outcrop. Near Chispa Summit, on the Johnson and Colquitt ranches, there is an 1Name preoccupied; the formation will be renamed in a forthcoming paper. Eagle Ford clay flat, in which a conical igneous body, Nee­dle Peak, makes a prominent landmark. Fig. 7. Sketch map of Chispa Summit area, showing fossil localities. Scale 1 :75,000. The late Professor W. F. Cummins collected the holo­type of Romaniceras cumminsi n. sp. in the foothills just east of Needle Peak several years ago, and placed it in the collections of the Rio Bravo Oil Company, by whom it was donated to the Bureau of Economic Geology. In 1927 Baker published a reconnaissance geologic map of south­western Trans-Pecos Texas and a brief description of this area.* In 1931 Baker, 0. M. Longnecker, A. N. Huddleston, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Arick, with the writer, collected from this region; to them I wish to express my gratitude for their interest and help and for fossils donated by them to this Bureau. •Baker, Charles Laurence, Exploratory Geology of a Part of Southwestern Trans­Pecos Texas, Univ. Texas Bull. 2746, 1927. Some notes on the geology near Chispa Summit are given by T. W. Vaughan, Reconnaissance in the Rio Grande Coal Fields of Texaa, U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 164, pp. 84-86, pl. XI, 1900. Contributions to Geology The equivalents of the Eagle Ford near Chispa Summit may be summarized as follows : 8. Upper flags: thin limestone flags and limy shales. Belemnites; Metoicoceras, Scaphites, aff. aequalis; Inocera­mus labiatus Schlotheim, Inoceramus sp. Loe. 2613. 7. Shales. 6. Clay with fiat calcareous mudstone nodules (Coilopo­ceras zone) : Coilopoceras eaglefordense n. sp., Coilopoceras chispaense n. sp., Acanthoceras sp., pyritic micromorphs (Prionotropis, etc.). At north end of Colquitt ranch, shale hills south of Needle Peak. Loe. 2627. 5. Clay with nodules (transition zone) : Coilopoceras eaglefordense n. sp., Romaniceras cumminsi n. sp., Metacal­ycoceras sp., micromorphs. Loe. 2642. 4. Sterile flagstone layer: flagstones with few fossils. Johnson ranch, cuesta south of Needle Peak. 3. Clay with septaria, concretions, conglomerate concre­tions, and nodules (Romaniceras zone): Pseudaspidoceras (?) chispaense n. sp., Romaniceras loboense n. sp., Pseudotis­sotia (?) sp. Johnson ranch, south, east, and northeast of Needle Peak. Loe. 2612. 2. Shales with subordinate thin flags: Metoicoceras sp., Inoceramus sp. Johnson ranch, cuesta face north of Needle Peak. 1. Lower flags with some interbedded chalky limestones and shales (Pseudaspidoceras zone): Metoicoceras 2 spp., Scaphites sp., Kanabiceras aff. kanabense, Baculites sp., belemnite, Pseudaspidoceras, echinoids, gastropods. North end of shale fiat between creek and railroad grade. A higher level (2476) and a lower level (2611). Top of Buda limestone. This section was not measured, but the thickness of Eagle Ford equivalents is probably as much as 800 feet. Fossils were collected at the following localities: 605. Western Jeff Davis County (Chispa sheet), old rail­road cut 2 miles southwest of Chispa Summit. Charles Laurence Baker, 1922. Basal Eagle Ford. Kanabiceras sp. Metacalycoceras sp. Inoceramus labiatus Schlotheim 2611. Western Jeff Davis County (Chispa sheet), ¥.! mile south of deep railway cut at Chispa Summit and 200 yards The University of Texas Bulbetin east of railway grade; small hill in flat. Top of member No. 1 of above section. W. S. Adkins, 1931. Metoicoceras Mantelliceras aff. couloni ( d'Orbigny) Kanabiceras septem-seriatum (Cragin) Baculites gracilis Shumard Scaphites sp. aff. africanus Pervinquiere Acanthoceras ? (juvenile) sp. "Acanthoceras" coloradoense Henderson Allocrioceras n. sp. Echinoid sp. Gastropods 610. Western Jeff Davis County (Chispa sheet), 2 miles west-southwest of Chispa Summit near old railway grade. Baker, 1922. Pseudaspidoceras sp. aff. footeanum (Stoliczka) Pseudaspidoceras sp. aff. footeanum (Petraschek) 2612. Western Jeff Davis County (Chispa sheet), about 200 yards south of Needle Peak. Romaniceras zone, No. 3 of above section. Huddleston, Longnecker, Arick, and Ad­kins, 1931. Romaniceras loboense n. sp. (holotype) Pseudaspidoceras ( ?) chispaense n. sp. (holotype) Pseudaspidoceras (?) n. sp. A. Acanthoceras ( ?) sp. Pseudotissotia (?) n. sp. Pseudaspidoceras ( ?) spp. 2642. Western Jeff Davis County (Chispa sheet), near north fence of the Colquitt ranch, and about due south of Needle Peak (Romaniceras cumminsi zone, No. 5 of pre­ceding section). Collections by Huddleston, Longnecker, Arick, and Adkins, 1931. Romaniceras cumminsi n. sp. Metacalycoceras sp. Coilopoceras eaglefordense n. sp. Prionotropis sp. (micromorphs) 2627. Western Jeff Davis County (Chispa sheet), clay hills about 400 yards south of Needle Peak, in northern part of Colquitt ranch (Coilopoceras zone, No. 6). Collections by Longnecker, Huddleston, Arick, Mrs. Arick, Adkins, 1931. Contributions to Geology Coilopoceras eaglefordense n. sp. (holotype) Coilopoceras chispaense n. sp. (holotype) Acanthoceras sp. Prionotropis sp. (micromorphs) Metaptychoceras n. sp. aff. smithi (Woods) (micromorphs) Camptonectes sp. 2613. Jeff Davis County (Chispa sheet), about 3 miles south of Chispa Summit (upper Eagle Ford flags, No. 8 of preceding section). Arick, Mrs. Arick, Huddleston, Long­necker, Adkins, 1931. Metoicoceras Scaphites aff. aequalis Sowerby Baculites Belemnite Prionotropis sp. Inoceramus labiatus Schlotheim Inoceramus sp. 2660. Western Jeff Davis County (Chispa sheet), prom­inent clay gullies on northwest spur of Tierra Vieja Moun­tains, about 1 mile southeast of deep abandoned railway cut at Chispa Summit. Romaniceras zone and Coilopoceras zone. Adkins, 1931. (a) Romaniceras sp. Prionotropis sp. (b) Coilopoceras eaglefordense n. sp. 2476. Western Jeff Davis County (Chispa sheet), Chispa Summit, northwest side of gap on fault, 114 miles NNE. of Needle Peak. Baker, 1930. Lower Eagle Ford fiaggy lime­stone (zone 1). Metacalycoceras ? sp. Pseudaspidoceras aff. footeanum (Stoliczka) Prionotropis cfr. P. hyatti Stanton ? Helicoceras pariense White (impressions) Scaphites sp. Southwest Flank of Van Horn Mountains C. L. Baker collected at these localities in 1922. Collec­tions at hand contain Salmurian (Lower Turonian) am­monites, but no high Turonian forms such as the species of Acanthoceras and Coilopoceras which are abundant near Chispa Summit. The University of Texas Bulletin 606. Southwestern Culberson County (Chispa sheet), on the west side of Van Horn Mountains, 11 miles west and 11h-2~ miles north of Chispa station. Baker, 1922. 608. Southwestern Culberson County (Chispa sheet), on the west foot of Van Horn Mountains, 11 miles west and 1 mile north of Chispa station. Baker, 1922. Pseudaspidoceras sp. aff. footeanum (Petraschek) Thomasites sp. Ammonite indet. (cf. "Hoplitoides mirabilis" Bose) Metoicoceras sp. Scaphites aff. africanus Pervinquiere Inoceramus labiatus Schlotheim Inoceramus sp. West of Glenn Creek These localities, visited by Baker in 1922, contain Sal­murian ammonites. 609. Southeastern Hudspeth County (Chispa sheet), southeast of Oxford Mountain, about 10 miles south of Dal­berg section house on the Southern Pacific Railway. Baker, 1922. Fagesia texana n. sp. (holotype) Neoptychites aff. gourguechoni Pervinquiere Pseudaspidoceras eaglense (Adkins) (holotype) Pseudaspidoceras aff. footeanum (Stoliczka) Pseudaspidoceras aff. footeanum Petraschek Pseudaspidoceras aff. armatum Pervinquiere Ammonite indet. (cf. "Hoplitoides mirabilis" Bose) 609a. Locality unknown, probably from near 609.* This unlabeled lot contained Salmurian (Lower Turonian) am­monites, among others a large species of Fagesia, and sev­eral Pseudaspidoceras. Fagesia sp. cfr. F. haarmanni Bose Pseudaspidoceras sp. aff. P. footeanum (Stoliczka) Pseudaspidoceras sp. aff. P. footeanum (Petraschek) •Mr. Baker informs me that he considers the above two localities mislabeled, and that their correct location is on the east side of Glenn Creek in the western foot. hills of the Van Horn Mountains, near locality 608. DESCRIPTIONS OF SPECIES MANTELLJCERAS BUDAENSE n. sp. Pl. II, fig. 3; pl. IV, fig. 10 Form discoidal, serpental, subangustumbilicate. Whorl section elevated in young, more depressed in later stages. Umbilical wall nearly vertical, flanks gently convex in later stages, venter quadrituberculate, narrowly arched in young, more broadly arched later. Non-septate portion of about one-third volution preserved in holotype. The shell is ribbed and tuberculate. Straight, well-spaced ribs, some bifurcated in young, some of alternate lengths later, start on the vertical umbilical wall and pass across prominent umbilical (dorsal) tubercle and flank, and across the venter; there is no flank tubercle, but on either side at junction of flank and venter is a pair of prominent, rounded, spaced shoulder tubercles; the ventral mid-line is devoid of tu­bercles or swellings and appears concave. Dimensions: 89.6 mm. -.42 -.44 -.29; H/Th = .95 (holotype). * Suture is typical of the genus, with three saddles and two lobes on the flank, the third and fourth lateral lobes being situated on the umbilical wall. The siphonal lobe is considerably taller than the first lateral lobe and terminally has a deep siphonal saddle, forming slender lateral lobules. The first lateral lobe is asymmetrically bifid, the second lateral lobe trifid, and the third pointed. The saddles are bifid, the first one being characteristically quadrate in out­line. The internal portion of the latest suture of the holo­type is well preserved. The antisiphonal lobe is about 15 mm. long, with two main lateral lobules in the terminal half and, terminally, a median denticulate lobule ending in a point. The next lobe lies on a facet between the edge of the dorsal facet and the line of involution, and between the im­pressions marking the position of the shoulder tubercles of the next inner whorl; it is slender and about four-fifths the length of the antisiphonal lobe, and is irregularly pointed terminally. The third internal lobe is short, asymmetrical •Dimensions are: diameter (mm.); height (%); thickness (%) of whorl; um­bilicus (%). and pointed. The two internal saddles are bifid, each with a single simple lobule. Buda (topmost stratum): Travis County, about one-half mile west of Manchaca, in bed of Bear Creek. The corroded top of the Buda is here overlain, concordantly so far as is visible, by a black shale generally referred to the Eagle Ford. This genus marks the lower Cenomanian, the Mantelli­ceratan age of Spath.2 The species most resembles certain forms which have been described as M. mantelli (Sower­by) .3 The individual figured by Schliiter4 has, at the same diameter, almost the same form and dimensions as the present species, but differs in having the umbilicus nar­rower, the ribbing more sparse and the lobes less tall. That figured by Kossmat5 differs in being more compressed and more densely ribbed. The form recorded by Lasswitz from the Eagle Mountains, Texas, as Acanthoceras mantelli6 is apparently not a Mantelliceras. MANTELLICERAS sp. aff. COULONI (D'Orbll'DY) This corroded fragment has the form of the group of flattened Mantelliceras, as figured by D'Orbigny.7 About half the ribs start near the mid-flank. On the dorsal half of the flank the ribs are very faint, but they are strong and subequal nearer the venter, which they cross without any tubercle or enlargement on the ventral mid-line. Each bears at the ventro-lateral shoulder a prominent clavate tubercle. The venter is truncated and concave; the umbilicus is nar­row, its wall vertical and rounded above. Eagle Ford (zone 1) : Chispa Summit, locality 2611. 2Spath, L. F., On the zones of the Cenomanian and the uppermost Albian, Proc. Geo!. Assoc., XXXVII, 42()-432, 1926. ssowerby, Min. Conch. PL L V. 1814. •Schliiter, Clemens, Ceph. ob. deutscb. Kreide, Pl. V, figs. 1-2, 1871. 5Kossmat, Fr., Unt. siidind. Kr., Pl. IV, fig. 4, 1895. 6Lasswitz, Rudolf, Die Kreide-Ammoniten von Texas. GeoL u. Pal. Abh. (N.F.) VI: 18, 86, 1904. Adkins, W. S., Handbook of Texas Cretaceous fossils, UniIf Texas Bull. 2838, p. 242, Pl. xxvrr. fig. 1, 1928. 1D'Orbigny, A., Pal. fran~.• ter. cret, Ceph., Pl. CIV, 1840. ROMANICERAS CUMMINSI n. sp. Pl. III, fig. 6 Discoidal, serpental, sublatumbilicate, cross-section of whorl depressed, quadrangular, umbilical wall vertical, rounded above, flanks straight, venter arched, ribs and tu­bercles prominent. In the outer volution the ribs are of two lengths, roughly alternating; the longer ones start above the umbilical margin and bear usually four equally spaced and similar swellings or tubercles, the last of which lies on the ventral shoulder; the shorter ribs start at, or ventrad to, the mid-flank and bear two swellings. On cross­ing the venter all ribs are about equal and equally spaced, and each bears on the venter three tubercles, one of them on the mid-line. Each rib thus has five tubercles on each side, besides the one on the ventral mid-line. The last volu­tion bears about 24 ribs. Three smaller individuals from locality 2612, with depressed section and similar ribs, are taken to represent the earlier stages of this species. The median tubercle is plainly visible to a shell diameter of 250 mm. and thereafter the ribs on crossing the venter are thicker and broader and the tubercles more indistinct. Dimensions: 330 mm. -.38 -.41 -.303 ; H/Th = .925. Suture straight; two lobes and two saddles on the flank; inner margin of second lobe at edge of umbilical wall. Siphonal lobe tall, considerably inflected, saddle low, lateral lobules short. First lateral saddle broad, rectangular, broader than tall, asymmetrically bifid, being divided by a three-pointed lobule, its ventral portion subdivided by one prominent lobule, its dorsal portion by one prominent lobule internally and three small pointed lobules externally. First lateral lobe half as broad as first saddle and as long as the siphonal lobe, rectangular in outline and symmetrically bifid. Second saddle narrow and divided by three main lobules. Second lobe narrow and situated on the umbilical margin. Middle Eagle Ford (horizon 5) : Chispa Summit, south and east of Needle Peak; localities 2612 (three inner whorls, probably of this species) ; 2642 (one large indi­vidual). The holotype bears the label: "Sept. 10, 1923, E. of Needles on the Johnson Ranch, Lobo, Culberson County. Prof. Cummins." It is not known from which horizon the holotype was collected, but the species apparently occurs in both horizons 3 and 5. Small individuals, possibly of the same species, show the internal suture. ROMANICERAS LOBOENSE n. sp. Pl. II, figs. 1, 21; pl. III, fig. 5 A species of this genus9 is associated with species of Acanthoceras ( ?) at Chispa Summit. The form is Acan­thoceras-like, evolute, whorl section depressed and sub­rectangular, flanks convex, venter arched, sublatumbilicate, umbilicus deep, its wall steep and rounded at the top; the holotype consists of a partly septate portion of the outer volution of an individual of estimated diameter of 240 mm. Other dimensions are : mm. Per Cent Umbilicus (estimated) __________________ 85 ------------------0.354 Height of last volution______________________ 73.1 ---------------0.305 Thickness of last volution. ___________________ 83.6 -----------------0.348 H/ Th --------------------------------------------------------------0.87 Ribs are continuous over flanks and venter; with age they are of roughly alternate lengths. Each rib bears : a clavate tubercle on the ventral mid-line, two calvate tubercles on either side of the mid-line, and generally two unequal tu­bercles on each flank, a total of nine tubercles, the five on the venter being subequal. The umbilical tubercle becomes bullate or round with age, the mid-flank tubercle, faint and elongate. The impression of the venter of the next inner whorl shows subequal lines of tubercles. This is the same tuberculation as in the genotype.10 &Romaniceras Spath 1923, Summ. Prog. GeoL Surv. Gt. Britain [etc.], p. 144. Genotype: Ammonites deveriannus D'Orbigny, Pal. franc., terr. cret., eeph., L, 1841, p. 366, Pl. ex. figs. 1-2. lOD'Orbigny, A., op. cit., Pl. ex. Roman and Mazerin, Monographie paleontol­ ogique de la faune du Turonien du bassin d'Uchaux et de ses dependences. Arch. Mus. Univ. Lyon, XII, 26-27, fig. 4, Pl. III, figs. 1-2, 1920. Contributions to Geology The external suture consists of two saddles and one lobe <>n the flank. The siphonal lobe is tall, rectangular and deeply divided by the squarish siphonal saddle. The first lateral lobe, situated about mid-flank, is somewhat shorter than the siphonal lobe, and is plainly trifid. The second lobe is oblique, small, and situated at the rounded junction of flank and umbilical wall; it has two small branches, the external one somewhat the longer. The saddles are quad­rate and asymmetrically bifid. The first saddle is large and is divided by a long, slender, trifid lobule into a larger external and smaller internal portion, each subdivided by a pointed lobule. The second saddle, much smaller, is bas­ally more constricted and is divided by a pointed lobule, the external portion being smaller. The internal suture is like­wise simple. The antisiphonal lobe is long, slender, term­inally trifid, with four points on each side. Just inside the line of involution is a slender, parallel but somewhat shorter lobe, irregularly bifid at the tip. The intervening saddle is tall and slender. The next two saddles are small, quadrate, and bifid, being divided by a slender lobule. They are separated on the umbilical wall by a short bifid, slender, terminally enlarged lobe. This suture agrees in detail with that of R. ornatissimum (Stoliczka) ,11 differing mainly in the greater obliquity of the second lateral lobe and the cor­responding lowness of the third saddle compared to the second. Eagle Ford (Romaniceras zone, No. 3): Chispa Summit, locality 2612. A species collected by Moreman12 from cen­tral Texas in his Metoicoceras whitei zone was identified as Romaniceras by Reeside.13 METACALYCOCERAS ( ?) sp. Pl. II, figs. 13-14 The ribs proceed uninterruptedly across the venter; neither tubercles nor suture visible; generic identification uncertain. Eagle Ford: Chispa Summit, locality 2611. 11St.oliczka, Ferd., Foss. Ceph. Cret. Rocks South. India, Pl. XL, flg. e, 1865. 12Moreman, W. L., Fossil zones of the Eagle Ford of North Texas, Jour. Pal., I: 95, Pl. XV, fig. 2, 1927. 18Reeeide, John B., Jr., and Weymouth, A. Allen, Mollusks from the Aspen shale (Cretaceous) of southwestern Wyoming, Pro~. U. S. Nat. Mus., 78: 12, 1931. COILOPOCERAS EAGLEFORDENSE n. sp. Pl. IV, figs. 4, 8; pl. V, fig. 1 Discoidal, oligogyral, angustumbilicate, cross-section of volution elevated, sublanceolate, sharply rounded at venter; thickest at point about 2-5 the way from the umbilicus to the venter, dorsad to which the flank is rather sharply con­vex, and ventrad to which the flank is very gently convex, almost flat; umbilical wall practically vertical, but rounded above. The flank is devoid of ribs and tubercles, and ap­pears smooth. The holotype, at 525 mm. diameter, is com­pletely septate; living chamber not seen. The holotype has the dimensions : 525 mm. -.53 -.27 -.08. The venter is hollow: in weathered specimens portions of the large siphuncle, notched at the intersectionti with the septae, and having diameters up to 11 mm., weather free, leaving the venter grooved. Dimensions : 525 mm. -.53 -.27 -.08 mm. ; H/Th = 1.96. Suture curved, with seven saddles and six lobes on the flank. Siphonal lobe short, its branches spreading. First lateral saddle tall, divided by a long, slender median lobule and having on either side of it one shorter lobule, asym­metrically placed. First lateral lobe, reaching to center of :flank, consists of two parts, an outer lobule, asymmetrically bifid, and an inner one, asymmetrically trifid. The outer one has both points bifid, the outer point less prominent than the inner; the inner lobule has its points asymmetric­ally bifid and considerably subdivided, the central and inner points being more prominent than the outer. The second saddle is asymmetrically bifid, being divided by a tall, slen­der lobule, on either side of which is a smaller lobule. The remaining lobes are roughly quadrate and trifid. The sec­ond lateral lobe is almost symmetrically trifid. The remain­ing saddles are all bifid and slightly asymmetrical. Dorsad from the second saddle, the suture is almost straight, and the elements gradually decrease in size. This arrangement seems almost constant in the material studied. Non-costate species include C. requienianum (d'Or­bigny), C. lesseli (Bruggen), C. springeri Hyatt, C. eagle­fordense n. sp. and C. austinense n. sp. The present species differs from C. requienianum principally in its larger size and in the details of the suture; it has five, instead of four, lobes dorsal from the first lateral lobe; the lobes are more quadrate and less elongate; both portions of the first lateral lobe are less symmetrical ; both lobes and saddles are more minutely subdivided. C. lesseli has a more simplified su­ture: the two portions of the first lateral lobe are more nearly equal, the remaining lobes are narrow and elongate, and most of the saddles are entire. It differs from C. aus­tinense n. sp. in dimensions, and in the details of the first lateral lobe, as discussed under that species. A closely similar species is C. springeri, only sutures of which were figured by Hyatt. From the description of the holotype, 400 mm. in diameter, in the Museum of Compara­tive ZoOlogy, C. springeri has about the same dimensions as the species described above. It differs, however, in having the first lt:i.teral saddle broad, instead of narrow and tall; in having the first lateral lobe composed essentially of three parts (ventrally an asymmetrically bifid lobule, centrally a single lobule much subdivided, and dorsally an asymmet­rically bifid lobule) instead of two parts (ventrally an asymmetrically bifid lobule and dorsally an asymmetrically trifid lobule) ; and in having the remaining lobes to the line of involution, seven instead of five, tall and narrow instead of quadrate. Coilopoceras resembles H oplitoides von Koenen in having a generally discoid form and a narrow umbilicus, and in the suture,14 particularly in the form and size of the first lateral lobe. It differs from H oplitoides in having a hollow, instead of a solid, venter, and the venter acute or sharply rounded, instead of bicarinate as in the young of some species or truncate as in the adults of others. Von Koenen HDouville, Henri, tvolution et classification des Pulchelliides. Bull. Soc. Geo!. France, (4) XI, 281>-320, 1911. Koenen, A. von., Nachtrag zu Ueber Foseilen der unteren Kreide am Ufer des Mungo in Kamerun. Abh. Kon. Gee. Wise. Gottingen, math.-Wies. KI., (N.F.) I: 66-62, Pie. V-VII, 1898 (genotype : H. lateseUatus von Koenen). (op. cit., pl. V, fig. 3) indicates a Coilopoceras-like siphuncle in Hoplitoides, which Hyatt, who fails to mention Von Koenen's genus in this connection, considered the main diagnostic feature of Coilopoceras. In form and suture the two genera are practically identical. It is therefore possible that Coilopocer-as Hyatt, 1903, is a synonym of Hoplitoides Von Koenen, 1898, a question which requires a study of comparative material for decision. Eagle Ford (zone 6) : Chispa Summit, locality 2627. COILOPOCERAS CHISPAENSE n. sp. Pl. IV, figs. 5, 7; pl. V, fig. 2 Discoidal, oligogyral, angustumbilicate, lenticular, cross­section of whorl elevated, sharply rounded at venter, thick­est a little dorsad of venter, umbilical wall steep, rounded above. The flank bears a few widely spaced, broad, straight, radial swellings which start a little distance out from the umbilical wall, are narrow and elevated to the middle of the flank, and farther ventrally broaden and disappear, being absent in the ventral part of the flank. Besides these, the cast bears numerous fine, nearly straight, radial striae. The holotype at 361 mm. diameter is wholly septate; living chamber not seen. The siphuncle reaches 11 mm. in diam­eter, and in weathered individuals, casts of the siphuncle, interrupted by septal walls, become disengaged, exposing the hollow venter described by Hyatt. Dimensions: 361 mm. -.56 -.28 -.10; H/Th = 1.95. Suture curved, with seven lobes and seven saddles on the flank. The suture differs from that of Coilopoceras eagle­tordense n. sp. in the following features: The sutural ele­ments are more elongate and less quadrate; the first lateral saddle lacks the secondary points on each side of the cen­tral lobule; the first lateral lobe is deeply divided into three instead of two lobules, of which the external is smallest, the central lobule has its inner, not outer, branch prom­inent. In the second lateral saddle the middle lobule is rela­tively shorter and terminally less dissected. The remain­ing lobes are more elongate and less quadrate. The third lateral lobe is six-pointed instead of eight-pointed. The fourth saddle is trifid instead of bifid. The seventh instead of the sixth saddle lies above the umbilical wall, on the flank. The sixth saddle is entire instead of bifid. This species differs from C. eaglefordense in its suture, in the presence of broad radial swellings, and in its corre­spondingly more inflated cross-section. The suture of C. lesseli Bruggen differs in having its second and third sad­dles entire, and its other elements more simplified. The su­ture of C. springeri Hyatt differs in the subdivision of the first lateral lobe into ventrally a bifid lobule, centrally a sin­gle lobule, and dorsally a trifid or symmetrically bifid ( quadrifid) lobule, all terminally considerably subdivided. C. springeri has the third saddle simple instead of bifid, but like the present species has the fourth saddle trifid. C. afri­canum Pervinquiere, C. colleti Hyatt (the genotype) and C. novimexicanum Hyatt, all have more delicate ribs than C. chispaense. Middle Eagle Ford (horizons 5 and 6): Chispa Summit, localities 2627, 2642. COILOPOCERAS AUSTINENSE n. sp. Pl. IV, fig. 9 The corroded holotype is discoidal, oligogyral, angustum­ bilicate, lenticular, cross-section of whorl elevated, inflated in the dorsal half, almost flat in the ventral half. The holo­ type consists of about one-third of a volution, and the um­ bilicus is not preserved. The flanks appear to be smooth. Dimensions: 625 mm. (est.) -.46? -.18? -? ; H/Th =2.64. Suture nearly straight, with at least five lobes and five saddles on the flank. First lateral saddle divided by four lobules, the next to the inner one most prominent. First lateral lobe consists of two portions, a shallowly and asym­ metrically bifid outer portion and an irregularly trifid inner portion. The second saddle has one central deep simple lobule, and on either side a shorter simple lobule. The third and fifth saddles are symmetrically bifid, each being di­vided by a simple lobule; the fourth is trifid. The second lateral lobe is asymmetrically trifid. The third, fourth, and fifth lobes are trifid and broad. This ammonite is similar in form and suture to C. eaglefordense, but the suture is much less subdivided; the first lateral lobe has the same general plan. The fourth saddle in C. austinense and C. springeri is trifid; in C. requienianum, C. lesseli and C. eaglefordense it is bifid. The species is distinguished by the simplicity and squareness of its sutural elements. Lowermost Austin chalk: Travis County, on Bear Creek about %-mile west of Manchaca. Professor J. M. Barcus reports an ammonite similar in form and size to C. eaglefordense from the Eagle Ford near Grand Prairie,* west of Dallas, Texas. Reeside15 records Coilopoceras from the Colorado group in the Interior Prov­ince of North America. Stephenson16 records a species of this genus from the uppermost two feet of the Eagle Ford formation on Bouldin Creek, 1 %, miles south-southwest of the Capitol at Austin, in association with species of Priono­tropis and Prionocyclus; in the Bureau of Economic Geology there are examples from this locality of Coilopoceras cf. eaglefordense n. sp., Prionotropis sp., Prionocyclus cf. wyo­mingensis, Scaphites? aff. aequalis, Kanabiceras n. sp and some others. A corroded fragment of Coilopoceras (see Fig. 8) was collected from Eagle Ford float in Aldrich Place, Austin, in 1931 by Mr. Boyd Wells. Species of Coilo­poceras have been recorded from England, France, Algeria, Peru and New Mexico.17 *Professor Barcus writes that it was found in a creek running parallel to the White Rock Escarpment, at a point about five miles south of the Fort Worth-Dallas pike, and stratigraphically 100 feet below the top of the Eagle Ford formation. 15Reeside, J . B. Jr., U. S. Geo!. Surv., Prof. Paper 132, p. 31, 1925. 16Stephenson, Lloyd W., Unconformities In Upper Cretaceous series of Te0 ­ J~....-: ..._·~-~.:.-;-: ... .~-7~-.:.: >-'"' .. • 'l:~ ;JJ.zz.n "' ...,~ "' ;:, .. <>­ 'l: ~ -J ..., II) .... ~ "' "' ~tti~~7~ "' ~~3;:1~ L.1,.9 •~" no,,(ou 1llftrouJ YtflUlt,.n/~ •p ... :t=~~~i' 3:: ..,-;:-,, -J"" !Dfl "" _., ~~~f .,~ "''"' >----4~--+-~~~~:·~-~-~~~~«~~:~~~+-~~~~~~~~-+~~~~~~~~-j ' Ii-~=~~~ ... -·· .... 0 :.O· 101' ~q-,, "'~ /JO ' ~~ <.J Fossd /u.,u •It ollitnvisf tto,,fossil1ftrous 8_, ... "it; LE.G E.NO Fig. 10. Columnar section along Brazos River. The Yegua forma­tion is regarded as upper Claiborne mainly, although its basal part contains fossils suggestive of lower Claiborne. The Cook Mountain and Mount Selman formations are lower Claiborne. The University of Texas Bulletin the underlying lignitic beds as well as the lower beds up­stream as Mount Selman, thus putting the Weches in the Cook Mountain. With this correlation he carried on his mapping southwestward almost to the Rio Grande. Renick17 also placed this fossiliferous glauconitic sand, which he previously referred to as San Augustine, as the basal mem­ber of the Cook Mountain formation. Dumble 18 on his map of the country east of the Brazos River shows only the "marine," which includes both the Cook Mountain and Mount Selman. Although, on the basis of Kennedy's original description, the Weches might have been placed in either the Cook Mountain or Mount Selman formation, the authors are following the classification of Wendlandt and Knebel and are placing the Weches in the Mount Selman. This puts the Weches and the Reklaw in the same forma­tion, which seems a logical classification because in east Texas in Sabine County the Queen City sand disappears and the Reklaw and Weches are in contact and are one stratigraphic unit. Moody,19 in a splendid paper on the Sabine uplift, has recently used the name, Mount Selman formation, as repre­senting only the W eches greensand. He also regards the Reklaw, Queen City, and Sparta sand as individual forma­tions, and only the Crockett and overlying beds below the Y egua as belonging to the Cook Mountain formation. The authors of this paper regard the Carrizo, Reklaw, Queen City, and Weches as members of the Mount Selman forma­tion, and the Sparta and Crockett as members of the Cook Mountain formation. 17Renick, B. Coleman, Recently discovered salt domes in East Texas, Bull. Am. Assoc. Petr. Geo!., Vol. 12, pp. 527-547, 1928. 18Dumble, E. T., Geology of East Texas, Univ. Texas Bull. 1869, Pl. I, 1918. lDMoody, C. L., Tertiary History of the region of the Sabine Uplift, Louisiana, Bull. Am. Assoc. Petr. Geo!., Vol. 15, pp. 531-551, 1931. WILCOX FORMATION OR GROUP Lithology and Stratigraphy: The beds in the upper part ()f the Wilcox are described so that the contact may be recognized, although the Wilcox formation as a whole is not considered in this paper. The topmost beds of the Wilcox consist of gray, brown, ehocolate, yellow, and yellowish-green clays interbedded with soft gray sand, sandy clays, and lignitic sands and clays. These uppermost beds generally form a clay soil and the land is usually at an elevation lower than that of the overlying Carrizo ( ?) , which forms a noticeable sand-cov­ered escarpment southeast of the Wilcox outcrop. Lower in the Wilcox section there are calcareous "boulder" beds. LOWER CLAIBORNE GROUP MOUNT SELMAN FORMATION CARRIZO ( ?) SAND Lithology and Stratigraphy: Overlying the Wilcox formation in Robertson and Milam counties there are beds from 100 to 130 feet thick that contain considerable soft gray sand. These give rise to thick sandy soil. Interbedded with these sands are beds and lenses of glauconitic sandstone and ironstone weathered to a yellow, orange, red, and red-brown color. These ironstones and ferruginous sandstones occur in zones that are as much as 25 feet thick, made up of laminae from a fraction of an inch to beds several inches thick. Interbedded with the iron sandstones and ironstones is generally some clay and sandy clay weathered red or orange. The rocks here designated as Carrizo ( ?) outcrop in a belt across Robertson County north of the Missouri Pacific Railroad (San Antonio to Palestine branch). The Carrizo sandstone is exposed along the Brazos River on the Milam County side in a bluff at the place where the Missouri Pacific Railroad bridge crosses the river. Owing to the presence of ferruginous beds in the Carrizo in Robertson and Milam counties, the contact between the Carrizo and the Reklaw is not definite in most places but is gradational. The contact with the Reklaw is generally placed at the base of the chocolate-colored clays. Below these clays the quan­tity of sand interbedded with the ferruginous beds increases. The Carrizo ( ?) , which contains weathered glauconitic sand and f erruginous beds, has a decidedly Mount Selman aspect. It is therefore included in the Mount Selman. The predominance of sand and its position in the section sug­gest that these beds are Carrizo, to which they are here tentatively referred. The coarse-grained sand which occurs in the Carrizo in Lee County and to the southwest was not found in the vicinity of the Brazos River. In adjoining counties to the southwest these beds contain much less fer­ruginous matter and more resemble the true Carrizo sand­stone. Kennedy,20 on his map of Robertson County, shows a line at the approximate contact of the Carrizo ( ?) sandstone and the Wilcox, which he designated "Northern Border of Greensands." Deussen,21 following the classification of Trowbridge,22 called the Wilcox a group and separated it into the Indio formation, or basal lignitic part, and Car­rizo sandstone, or upper sandy non-lignitic part. The beds here designated as Carrizo ( ?) were mapped by Deussen as Carrizo sandstone. Dumble28 regarded these same strata as Wilcox, including both the upper sand phase and the lower lignitic phase. Renick, for the present, fol­lowing the later classification of Dumble24 for south Texas, and of Wendlandt and Knebel25 for east Texas, here desig­nates these beds as Carrizo ( ?) sandstone and places them 20Kennedy, William, Report on Grimes, Brazos, and Robertson Counties, Geo!. Surv. Texas, 4th Ann. Rept., p. 76, 1893. 21Deussen, Alexander, Geology and Underground Waters of the Southeastern part of the Texas Coastal Plain, U. S. Geo!. Surv., Water Supply Paper 335, Pl. I, 1914. Deussen, Alexander, Geology of the Coastal Plain of Texas West of Brazos River, U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper 126, pp. 48-62 and PL VIII, 1924. 22Trowbridge, A. C., A Geologic Reconnaissance in the Gulf Coastal Plain of Texas, near the Rio Grande, U. S. Geo!. Surv., Prof. Pa.per 131, pp. 89-91, 1923. 23Dumble, E. T., Geology of East Texas, Univ. Texas Bull. 1869, Pl. I, 1918. 2.,.ce.•\e.d lfth.T' v•I · 1::-:::-::.[ G\•,.c.on;\,c ...... z · ··~ 5PAUA JJ!tt!.!J --­ ----;;;;:;,,. ,,,,.,.,/ Fig. 11. Geologic sections along Crockett-Sparta contact in the vicinity of the Brazos River. Brazos River limestone in this illustra­tion should read Little. Brazos limestone. Following is the location of the sections shown in this figure: (1) Along Caldwell-Bryan (San Antonio) road, west bank of creek below schoolhouse about 0.4 mile northeast of southwest corner of P. B. Scott Survey, Burleson County; (2) along Caldwell-Bryan (San Antonio) road at southwest corner of Gabe Jones 130 acre tract, P. W. Scott Survey, Burleson County; (3) head of ravine near central part of R. E. Clampitt 229.5 acre tract, F. Niebling Survey, Burleson County; (4) along secondary road along west side of K. Drgac 175 acres, F. Niebling Survey, about 114 miles northeast of Cook's Point store, Burleson County; (5) creek bank about 0.7 mile west of Moseley's Ferry on Irwin Washington place, B. A. Boster Survey, Burleson County; (6) bluff at Moseley's Ferry or Stone City where Southern Pacific Railroad bridge crosses the Brazos River, Bur­leson County; (7) along secondary road across Frank Kopecky 87.2 acres and Joe Kopecky 40 acres, northeast corner of Francisco Ruiz Survey, Brazos County; (8) along San Antonio road (Brazos-Robertson County line) at southwest corner of Wilson Reed Survey; (9) along San Antonio road (Brazos-Robertson County line) 0.15 mile southwest of Southern Pacific Railroad on south line of Wilson Reed Survey; (10) along Bryan-Hearne road (Highway No. 6) near south­east corner and along east line of D. W. Campbell Survey, Robertson County; (11) along Bryan-Hearne road (Highway No. 6) from Little Brazos limestone in bed of Elm Creek to Yegua contact. Top of section is 4,150 feet along highway southeast of San Antonio road; (12) along San Antonio road including southeastern part of Skeagh Walker Survey, Robertson County, and north­western part of Abner Lee Jr. Survey, Brazos County. Pecten burlesonensis Harris. These parts of the limestone lentil are laterally discontinuous and represent a recurrence of the sublittoral conditions of marine deposition which prevailed during the deposition of the basal parts of the member ( 1. above) . In summary then, there are two facies present in the Weches member in this region, each characterized by its faunal assemblage. The facies fossils for the pelecypod facies are: Pecten burlesonensis Harris and Ostrea sellae­1ormis Conrad var. The facies fossils for the gastropod facies are: Vertagus wechesensis Stenzel n. sp., Turritella femina Stenzel n. sp., Latirus singleyi Harris (see Pl. VI). Besides these fossils, the following are guides of the Weches member and have not been found in the Crockett member in the vicinity of the Brazos river: Pseudoliva n. sp. 4, Rimella texana Harris, Rimella texana var. plana Harris, Surcula n. sp. aff. gabbi Conrad, Volutilithes dalli Harris, Clavilithes chamberlaini Johnson and Grabau, Anomia sellardsi Stenzel n. sp. (See Plate VI.) The gastropod Vertagus wechesensis Stenzel n. sp. has been found only near the level of lentil B of the W eches member. It may therefore prove to be a reliable marker for this level in the W eches member of adjoining regions. COOK MOUNTAIN FORMATION SPARTA SAND Lithology and Stratigraphy: The lower 300 to 350 feet of the Sparta consists of soft gray cross-bedded sand, inter­bedded with lenses of lignitic sandy clay. The sands and clays contain thin flakes of orange-colored ironstone and there are, in places, beds of ferruginous sandstone as much as a foot thick. (See Fig. 10.) The upper 25 to 60 feet of Sparta sand member consists mostly of dark gray and chocolate-colored clay interbedded with lignitic sandy clay and containing thin beds of ferru­ginous sandstone.* Thin lenses of ferruginous sandstone containing a little glauconite with a few casts were noted at some places. At the top of this chocolate-colored and lig­nitic clay zone in eastern Burleson County, there is a 5 to 15 foot bed of soft cross-bedded gray sand containing iron concretions, and this sand is taken as the topmost bed of the Sparta. In northeastern Brazos County there is a grada­tion from this sand into the overlying marine clays of the Crockett. In Robertson County along Highway No. 6 this topmost soft sand was not observed, and the top of the Sparta is placed at the top of the dark chocolate-colored clays. East of Highway No. 6, at many places, there is a brown cross-bedded sandstone about five feet thick marking the top of the Sparta. South of Eaton in the vicinity of Shiloh School in south­ern Robertson County in the A. W. Rowlett, Geo. W. Cox, northwest corner of the Lavina Rollison, and southern part of the Jose Maria Viesca surveys, there are marine beds interlaminated with the Sparta (see Fig. 9 and Fig. 10). *This zone is referred to as the upper Sparta. (See fi11:. 11.) These marine lenses consist of fossiliferous glauconitic sand, red clay, and ferruginous ironstone, all interbedded with gray sand of Sparta lithology. To these marine beds the name "Eaton lentil" is here applied. The maximum thickness, which is 50 feet, is exposed along the Wheelock­N ew Baden road, and the interval from the topmost marine bed in the Eaton lentil to the base of the Crockett is from 15 to 50 feet. The country underlain by the Sparta sand generally bears a considerable growth of post-oak, is hilly and dissected, and not very satisfactory for agriculture. Many of the divides are covered with Pleistocene ( ?) stream conglom­erate and iron sandstone beds similar to those occurring on the Queen City sand outcrop. These conglomerate beds, which are resistant to erosion, tend to increase the relief. Paleontology: The Sparta sand, with the exception of the Eaton lentil, does not contain any marine fossils. The Eaton lentil shows some poorly preserved casts of a few species of small pelecypods. They are considered as probable brack­ish water forms. CROCKETT CLAY Lithology and Stratigraphy: The Crockett clay is well exposed in Burleson County and southern Robertson County. A number of good exposures of the lower part of the Crockett are found along Highway No. 21 east of Caldwell, as well as along Highway No. 6 between Bryan and Hearne north of Benchley. From 25 to 35 feet above the Sparta sand in Burleson County, and from 15 to 25 feet above the Sparta in Robertson County, there is an argillaceous limestone, sometimes very glauconitic, which is abundantly fossiliferous (see Fig. 10 and Fig. 11). In places this limestone grades into an argillaceous, glauco­nitic shell marl, and at the old Moseley's ferry site on the Brazos (bridge on the Giddings to Hearne branch of the Southern Pacific R. R.) it is of this latter type. This lime­stone is persistent across these counties and is here desig­nated the Moseley limestone. The section at Moseley's ferry (Section 6, Fig. 11) has been described by Roemer,81 Pen­rose,32 Kennedy,88 Deussen,34 and Dumble.35 Below the Moseley limestone, and above the Sparta sand, the strata consist of sticky blue, gray and buff clays con­taining beds of fossiliferous glauconitic sand. Above the Moseley limestone there are 24 to 30 feet of gray and buff clays, the buff color being due to weathered, disseminated glauconite. This interval in places also con­tains several six-inch to one-foot beds of fossiliferous glau­conitic sand. Overlying these clays is another impure, argillaceous, glauconitic limestone, sometimes occurring as a concre­tionary bed (see Fig. 10 and Fig. 11). This limestone is called the Little Brazos limestone as it is best exposed and has the best faunal representation along the Little Brazos River, in the neighborhood of the old interurban crossing on the W. T. James Est. 70 acres, W. Matthis Survey, about 1.4 miles northeast of Bryan Junction. It is also exposed at a number of places along the old San Antonio­N acogdoches road east of the Brazos River in Brazos and Robertson counties and west of the Brazos River in Burle­son County. From 26 to 29 feet above the Little Brazos limestone, there is a concretionary bed consisting of iron concretions slightly calcareous and containing some fossils. This bed is fairly persistent and gives rise to a reddish-brown soil when weathered. The clays between the Little Brazos limestone and the overlying Y egua are gray and buff, the latter color being due to the presence of weathered glauconite in the clay. s1Roemer, Ferdinand, Contributions to the Geology of Texas, Amer. Jour. Sci. and Arts, Vol. VI, 2d ser., p. 23, 1848. 82Penrose, R. A. F., Jr., A Preliminary report on the geology of the Gulf Tertiary of Texas from Red River to the Rio Grande, Geo!. Surv. Texas, 1st Ann. Rept., p. 27, 1889. S3Kennedy, William, The Eocene Tertiary of Texas East of the Brazos River, Proc. A cad. Nat. Sci. Phila., p. 128, 1896. 84Deussen, Alexander, Geology and Underground Waters of the Southeastern part of the Texas Coastal Plain, U. S. Geo!. Surv., Water Supply Paper 335, p. 67, and geologic sections Pl. IV, 1914, and Geology of the Coastal Plain of Texas west of Brazos River, U. S. Geo!. Surv., Prof. Paper 126, p. 69, 1924. 85Dumble, E. T., Geology of East Texas, Univ. Texas Bull. 1869, p. 99, 1918. In the upper part of the Crockett the clays are gypsiferous, many large crystals of gypsum occurring in the weathered surface. At the top of the Crockett, in some sections, there is a six-inch bed of fossiliferous greensand. At this level also there is generally a zone three or four feet thick con­taining iron concretions in the clays. The contact with the overlying Yegua is placed at the top of this concretionary zone, since the clays above this point are of a chocolate­brown color and have a non-marine aspect. The typical lignitic sandy clays of the Yegua do not appear in some parts of Brazos County until about 15 feet higher in the section. In parts of Burleson County the lignitic sandy clays and sands of the Yegua rest on this concretionary bed. The Crockett clay is from 110 to 125 feet thick. It is marine throughout and gives rise to an open undulating prairie with a black and brown clay soil. Paleontology: The glauconitic sands and marls of the Crockett member are very rich both in species and indi­viduals. The fossil lists (see Table 1, pp. 99-105) represent the writers' collection, which includes nearly all species mentioned by the various authors who have described fossils from the Cook Mountain formation of this region. In addi­tion, the lists contain many as yet undescribed forms. It will be noted that the gastropods have the greatest number of species in this fauna. At the outcrops it was observed that they generally were the most numerous indi­vidually as well. The most conspicuous species are the following: Conus sauridens Conrad, Surcul.a gabbi Conrad, Borsonia plenta Harris and Aldrich, Latirus moorei Gabb, Distorsio septemdentata Gabb, N everita arata Gabb, Ple­jona petrosa (Conrad) (see Plates VI and VII). These forms, with the exception of N everita and Plejona, are characteristic of the Crockett member in this area and are considered guide fossils. One individual of Conus was found in lentil B of the Weches member but the others were not found in the Weches member. The Crockett also contains several species which are dis­tinctly tropical or subtropical, as, for example, the gastro­pods Conus sauridens Conrad, Distorsio septemdentata Gabb, Cypraea kennedyi Harris, and the crabs Harpacto­carcinus americanus Rathbun, Harpactocarcinus rathbunae Stenzel n. sp., Harpactocarcinus sp. Conus sauridens, Dis­torsio septemdentata, and Harpactocarcinus americanus are very numerous. Conus is very rare in the Weches and the others seem to be absent. It is probable that the Crockett sea was warmer than the W eches sea in this region, and that the above mentioned forms originated in waters farther south and migrated into this region with the transgression of the Crockett sea. As a whole, the Crockett fauna is fairly uniform through­out as contrasted with the Weches fauna. Most of the species in the Crockett member may be traced without noticeable change from the bottom almost to the top. There were found fish bones, fish teeth, fish vertebrae, fish ear­bones, 6 species of crustaceans, several species of squids (Belosepia), a nautiloid (Hercoglassa sp.), 154 species of gastropods, 4 species of scaphopods, 44 species of pelecy­pods, 1 crinoid plate ( ?) , 1 species of brachiopods, several species of bryozoa, 5 species of worms, and 15 species of corals (see pp. 99-105). The fossiliferous beds of the Crockett member, there­fore, include a fauna rich in species and individuals, which are generally of uniform vertical range, and contain some subtropical species. In this fauna gastropods predominate, indicating a warm and somewhat deep shelf sea within the action of the waves, as is indicated by several layers of broken and rolled fossils. Horizons within the Crockett may be established on two groups of fossils: (1) on species which are present or abundant only within a limited level; (2) on species which show gradual varietal changes from a lower to a higher level. (1) Species limited to, or abundant in, a certain level: H arpactocarcinus americanus Rathbun _______________________________from top of Moseley limestone to 15 feet above Little Brazos limestone; most abundant in concretions above the Little Brazos limestone (see crab zone of Fig. 10). H ercoglossa n. sp.__________________ _below Moseley limestone. Pleurotoma tea:ana Gabb______ from top of Moseley limestone to 10 feet above Little Brazos limestone. Borsonia plenta Aldrich and Harris _________below Moseley limestone. Mitra mooreana Gabb _______ near Little Brazos limestone. Mitra n. sp. aff. mooreana Gabb _______________ ________near Little Brazos limestone. Murea; (Odontopolys) comp­sorphytis Gabb ----------------------near Little Brazos limestone. Sphaerella anteproducta Harris ___________________________________ about 1 foot above Little Bra­zos limestone. Crassatellites antestriatus Gabb _______ __________________ from top of Moseley limestone to 15 feet above Little Brazos limestone. Anomia lisbonensis Aldrich______ Little Brazos limestone. Plicatula filamentosa Conrad var. --------------------------------------0 to 2 feet below Little Brazos limestone. Ostrea cf. alabamiensis Lea____ 5 to 13 feet below Moseley limestone. Spirorbis (Tubulostium) lep­tostoma Gabb --------------------0 to 3 feet above Moseley lime­stone. Bryozoa of cup shape________________ o to 3 feet above Moseley lime­stone. Harpactocarcinus, Crassatellites, Spirorbis, and the cup shaped Bryozoa are more useful as guide fossils than the others, because they are common in their respective levels. (2) Species showing varietal changes are: Mesalia claibornensis Conrad Slender form _________ ____________about Little Brazos limestone. Broad form _____ __________ below Moseley limestone. Pseudoliva carinata Conrad Heavy form (perspectiva) ___ about Little Brazos limestone. Slender form ------------------------below Moseley limestone. Fusus mortoni Lea var. carexus Harris ______________ about Little Brazos limestone. var. mortoniopsis Gabb ........below Moseley limestone. Phos texanus Gabb with coarser and 1e s s crowded ornamentation ______about Little Brazos limestone. with fine a n d crowded ornamentation ____________________ below Moseley limestone. These species exhibit very gradual changes, and the dif­ferent varieties are connected by transitions. It is recognized that some of the fossil zones established are probably local and will not be identical over a larger area. This can only be determined by additional work in other areas. UPPER CLAIBORNE GROUP YEGUA FORMATION Lithology and Stratigraphy: Although the Yegua forma­tion as a whole is not considered in this paper, the lithologic character of the lower part of the formation is briefly described so that the contact may be recognized. In Burleson County, 30 to 40 feet above the Crockett member, there is a zone about 60 feet thick which contains marine Yegua beds. These marine beds are generally very fossiliferous and are calcareous; the fossiliferous beds are usually not over a foot thick and are interbedded with non­fossiliferous clays and lignitic sandy clays. The fossils occur in calcareous shale, in thin but hard limy beds, and as casts in concretionary beds. In eastern Burleson County these marine beds are well exposed in several draws in the northeastern part of the J. H. Giesenschlag 275 acres, J. Reed Survey; also along, and in proximity to, the road beside the Jonas Tarver 40 acres in the southwest part of the A. Kuykendall Survey. In the western part of Burleson County the marine beds are well shown about one and one-half miles southwest of Deanville along the road which is on the west line of the D. Perry Survey. Along this road, south of the creek, there is near the base of the Yegua about 18 feet of cross-bedded gray sandstone containing some iron flags. Above this sand­stone there is about 40 feet of gray and chocolate-colored gypsiferous clay which, in the lower part, contains several beds of fossiliferous concretionary limestone. In Brazos County, above the fossiliferous glauconitic sand and iron concretions at the top of the Crockett, there is generally about 15 feet of chocolate-brown clay. This clay grades up into sandy clay and sand which is locally lignitic. Iron concretions also occur in the lower part of the Yegua, and the clays are gypsiferous on the weathered surface like those in the upper Crockett. The sandy clay and sand beds above the basal clays of the Yegua form a tree-covered escarpment generally in contrast to the open prairie of the Crockett, which is at a lower elevation. No unconformity between the Yegua and the underlying Crockett was noted, and though the contact is fairly definite in many places, at other localities it appears to be grada­tional. Paleontology: The Yegua formation contains fossil leaves in many levels. These have been described by E.W. Berry and by 0. M. Ball.86 The lentils of marine beds interbedded with the lower Yegua contain a fairly rich fauna. Among species surviving from the Crockett is Phos texanus Gabb. The variety of this species found in the lower Y egua shows an accentuation of the characters which had been evolving in the Crockett; its ornamentation is coarser and the spiral lines even broader and flatter than in the variety found at the level of the Little Brazos limestone. The three varieties of Phos texanus represent a continuous evolutionary line. The coral Flabellum cuneiforme Lonsdale var. pachyphyl­lum Gabb and Horn is more common in the lower Yegua lentils than in the Crockett of this region. While the entire number of species is less than in the Crockett, it is nevertheless quite an impressive array. The number of individuals is very great in some of the beds. A locality from which there is a good list of lower Yegua s6Ball, O. ·:r.1.. A Contnl>ution to the Paleobotany of the Eocene of Texas, Bulletin of the .Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, 4th series, Vol. 2, No. 5, 1931. Berry, Edward Wilber, The middle and upper Eocene floras of southeastern North America, U. S. Geo!. Surv., Prof. Paper 92, 1924. fossils is 3.25 miles northeast of Edge, Brazos County (see Table 1, pp. 99-105). The fauna may be supplemented by the following additional species found in the lower Yegua lentils of southeastern Burleson County: Ancilla expansa Aldrich, Conus sauridens Conrad (both from Jonas Tarver 40 acres, near southwest corner of A. Kuykendall Survey), and vertebrae of a cetacean mammal (from the J. H. Gie­senschlag 275 acres, southeast corner of J. Reed Survey). The find of this cetacean is of considerable interest as it is the first record of a cetacean from the Claiborne group and the oldest known cetacean of North America.87 The most striking feature of the fauna is its great similarity, not to say identity, with the fauna of the Crockett. This may be best seen by consulting the fossil lists. Every species in the lower Yegua is either represented in the faunal lists of the Crockett, or is at least known from the lower Claiborne of other regions. On the other hand, the lower Y egua fauna does not contain any species distinc­tive of the upper Claiborne. For this reason it is necessary to place the marine lentils of the lower Yegua in the lower Claiborne. Thus part of the Yegua formation, at least up to and including these lentils, apparently belongs to the lower Claiborne. The boundary between the lower and upper Claiborne which is within the Yegua formation, is unknown at present.88 The character of the lower Yegua fauna is truly marine in some places, because there are quite a few corals con­tained in some of the beds. However, this does not exclude the possibility that some of the layers, or perhaps most of them, may represent brackish water conditions. As these lentils overlie beds which were deposited in coastal swamps, it seems justifiable to explain them as local marine ingres­sions. S7Dr. Remington Kellogg, personal communication. SBThis conclusion is essentially the same as J. Gardner's. See Gardner, Julia, The correlation of the Marine Yegua of the type sections, Jour. of Pal., Vol. I, pp. 246-251, 1927. Lista of fossils from selected localities Table 1 Crockett member and lower part of Yegua formation. Localities: 1. Moseley's Ferry, at Southern Pacific R.R. bridge over Brazos River, Burleson Co., across the river from Stone City; Crockett member, below Moseley limestone. 2. Same; Crockett member, 0 to 3 feet above Moseley limestone. 3. Creek bed adjoining old San Antonio road, north part of George Williams 159-acre tract, northwest part of Abner Lee Jr. Survey, Brazos Co.; Crockett member, 0 to 3 feet above Moseley limestone. 4. Little Brazos River, at county road bridge, near old interurban crossing on W. T. James Est., 70 acres, W. Mathis Survey, Brazos Co.; Crockett member, 2 feet below to 20 feet above Little Brazos limestone. 5. Cedar Creek, 3.25 miles northeast of Edge, north of the public road and near the northeast corner of the W. J. McDonald 93-acre tract, W. J. Lewis Survey, Brazos Co.; Lower part of Yegua formation. 1 2 3 4 5 Chordata: 1. Fish bones indet._ ___ ____________________ * * * * * 2. Fish otoliths, fiat, indet.____________________ * * * * * 3. Fish vertebrae indet.______ _ _________________________ * * * 4. Fish teeth indet.___ ________________________________ * * * * Arthropoda-Decapoda: 1. Dactylus of a crab______ _____________________________ * * 2. Harpactocarcinus americanus Rathbun, emend. Stenzels9 -------------------------------------* * 3. H. rathbunae Stenzel n. sp. --------------------* 4. H. sp. Stenzel --------------------------------* 5. Calappilia diglypta Stenzel n. sp.__________ _ ______ * 6. Callianassa brazoensis Stenzel n. sp. ----------­* Mollusca-Cephalopoda: 1. Belosepia ungula Gabb and related spp._______ * * * 2. Herco~lossa n. sp. ------------------------* 89New species mentioned in this report will be described subsequently. 1 2 8 4 5 Mollusca-Gastropoda: 1. Styliola aff. simplex Meyer --------------------------* * * 2. Cylichna kellogii Gabb --------------------------------------* * * * * 3. Cyl. sp. indet. ------------------------------------------------------* 4. Volvula conradiana Gabb --------------------------------* * 5. V. minutissima Gabb ---------------------------------------* * * 6. V. smithvillensis Harris ----------------------------------* 7. Ringicula trapaquara Harris ---------------------------* 8. Acteon pomilius Conrad ------------------------------------* * 9. Conus sauridens Conrad ----------------------------------* * * * 10. Pleurotoma enstricrina Harris ------------------------* * * * * 11. Pl. texana Gabb --------------------------------------------------* * * 12. Pl. ? childreni Lea ---------------------------------------------* 13. Pl. sp. 1 (childreni Lea?) ----------------------------------* * * 14. Pl. sp. 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------* * * 15. Pl. sp. 3 -------------------------------------------------------* 16. Pl. sp. 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------• 17. Pl. sp. 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------* 18. Turris cristata Gabb ------------------------------------------• • * * 19. T. sp. indet. (near cristata Gabb) ------------------• 20. Surcula gabbi Conrad ---------------------------------------* * * * 21. S. moorei Gabb, forma 1 ----------------------------------* * * 22. S. moorei Gabb, forma 2 ---------------------------------* 23. S. moorei Gabb, forma 3 ----------------------------------* * 24. S. sp. 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------* 25. Drillia nodocarinata Gabb ------------------------------* * * * * 26. Dr. texacona Harris (=texana Conrad) ______ * * * * * 27. Dr. kellogii Gabb ------------------------------------------------* 28. Microdrillia insignifica Heilprin ----------------------* 29. Glyphostoma harrisi Aldrich ( =Mangilia infans Meyer?) --------------------* * * * * 30. Eucheilodon reticulata Gabb ----------------------------* * * * 31. Eu. reticulatoides Harris ----------------------------------* * * * 32. Eu. sp. 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------* 33. Scobinella conradiana Aldrich --------------------------* 34. Sc. sp. 1. aff. conradiana Aldrich -------------------­* 35. Borsonia plenta Aldrich and Harris -------------* * 36. Cryptoconus sp. _____ _ ------------------------------------------* 37. Terebra houstonia Harris -------------------------------* * * * 38. T. texagyra Harris --------------------------------------------* * * * 49. T. sp. ----------------------------------------------------------------------* 40. Cancellaria babylonica Lea var. tera de Gregorio -----------------------------------------------------------* 41. Can. babylonica Lea var. nov. -------------------------­* 42. Can. bastropensis Harris -------------------------------­* * 43. Can. penrosei Harris -----------------------------------------* 44. Can. ? tortiplicata Conrad --------------­ 45. Can. ulmula Harris --------------------------­ 46. Oliva alabamensis Conrad ---------------------­ 47. Olivula punctulifera Gabb ------------------------­ 48. Marginella (Erato) semenoides (Gabb) ____ 49. Mitra mooreana Gabb ---------------------­ 50. M. mooreana Gabb var. ---------------------------­ 51. M. n. sp. aff. mooreana Gabb -----------------­ 52. M. exile Gabb --------------------------------------------­ 53. Conomitra (Turricula) polita Gabb _______ 54. Con. (Turricula) texana Harris ----------­ 55. Con. (Turricula) n. sp. ---------------------­ 56. Volutilithes sp. near lisbonensis Aldrich____ 57. Vol. sp. indet. 1 ----------------------------­ 58. Plejona (Volutilithes) petrosa (Conrad) _______ 59. Caricella subangulata Conrad var. cherokeensis Harris ------------------------------­ 60. Car. (Scaphella) demissa Conrad var. texana Gabb ------------------------------------------­ 61. Fusus apicalis Johnson ------------------------------------­ 62. F. ludovicianus Johnson__________________________________ 63. F. mortoni Lea var. mortoniopsis Gabb________ 64. F. mortoni Lea var. carexus Harris________________ 65. F. mortoni Lea var. 3----------------------------------------­ 66. F. n. sp. 3 ----------------------------------------------------------­ 67. F. n. sp. 3. var. ----------------------------------------------­ 68. Clavilithes humerosus Conrad var. texanus Harris ----------------------------------------­ 69. Cl. young (penrosei Heilprin or texanus Harris) ----------------------------------------------------­ 70. Cl. penrosei Heilprin ---------------------------------------­ 71. Cl. papillatus Conrad ----------------------------------­ 72. Cl. protextus Conrad ---------------------------------------­ 73. Latirus moorei Gabb -------------------------------------­ 74. L. obtusus Johnson -----------------------------------­ 75. L. n. sp. --------------------------------------------------------­ 76. Terebrifusus cf. amoenus Conrad ----------­ 77. Murex (Odontopolys) compsorhytis Gabb_____ 78. M. fusates Harris ---------------------------------------­ 79. M. (Phyllonotus) sp. aff. morulus Conrad____ 80. M. n. sp. 1 --------------------------------------------------­ 81. Pseudoliva carinata Gabb, forma 1 -------------­ 82. Ps. carinata Gabb, forma 1 transitional to forma 2 (perspectiva) --------------------------------­ 83. Ps. carinata Gabb, forma 2 (perspectiva Conrad) ----------------------------------------------------­ 1 2 3 4 5 * * • * • • • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • • • • * * • • • * * * • * • • * * * * * • * * • * • * * • • * * * * * The University of Texas Bulletin 84. Ps. carinata Gabb, forma indet. ----------------­ 85. Ps. fusiformis Lea --------------------------------------­ 86. Ps. linosa Gabb ---------------------------------------------­ 87. Ps. n. sp. 1 -----------------------------------------------------------­ 88. Ps. n. sp. 2 ----------------------------------------------------­ 89. Ps. n. sp. 3 ---------------------------------------------­ 90. Phos texanus Gabb, forma 1 ---------------------------­ 91. Ph. texanus Gabb, forma 1 transitional to forma 2 -----------------------------------------------------­ 92. Ph. texanus Gabb, forma 2-------------------------­ 93. Ph. texanus Gabb, forma 3 -----------------------------­ 94. Cornulina armigera Conrad ---------------------------­ 95. ? Expleritoma prima Aldrich --------------­ 96. Neptunea enterogramma Gabb -----------------------­ 97. Metula gracilis Johnson ----------------------------------­ 98. "Fusus" whitfieldi Aldrich -----------------------------­ 99. Hemifusus engonatus Heilprin --------------------­ 100. Levifusus pagoda Heilprin ----------------------------­ 101. L. trabeatoides Harris ---------------------------------­ 102. L. trabeatoides Harris, old? --------------------------­ 103. Distorsio septemdentata Gabb -------------------------­ 104. Pyrula penita Conrad ?, variants ----------­ 105. Py. texana Harris ?, variants ._____________ ____ ____ __ __ 106. Py. sp. young -----------------------------------------------­ 107. Cassidaria brevidentata Aldrich -----------------­ 108. Rostellaria (Calyptraphorus) trinodifera Conrad -----------------------------------------------------­ 109. Rimella stephensoni Stenzel n. sp. ---------------­ 110. Cerithium sp. indet. -----------------------------­ 111. Turritella nasuta Gabb --------------------------------­ 112. T. nasuta Gabb var. houstonia Harris --------­ 113. T. nasuta Gabb var. houstonia Harris, old ? ------------------------------------------------------­ 114. T. sp. near nasuta Gabb ---------------------------­ 115. T. dumblei Harris -----------------------------------------­ 116. T. dumblei Harris var. nov. ---------------------------­ 117. T. cf. mela de Gregorio -------------------------------------­ 118. T. sp. 1 -------------------------------------­ 119. T. sp. 2 ---------------------------------------------------------­ 120. T. sp. 3 ----------------------------------------------­ 121. T. sp. 4 -----------------------------------------­ 122. T. sp. 5 ------------------------------------­ 123. T. sp. 6 -------------------------------------------­ 124. T. sp. 7 ----------------------------------------­ 125. Mesalia claibornensis Conrad forma 1 (broad) ---------------------------------------------­ 1 2 8 4 6 • • * • * * • • * • * * * * * • * * • * * • * * * * * • * • • * * * * * * * * * • * * * * * * * * • * • • • • • 1 2 3 4 5 126. Mes. claibornensis Conrad forma 2 (slender) * * * 127. Mes. claibornensis Conrad var·------------------------* * 128. Natica semilunata Lea ------------------------------------* * * * 129. Nat. sp. atf. mamma Lea ------------------------------* * * * 130. Nat. young of mam;ma Lea?---------------------------* 131. Nat. sp. ------------------------------------------------------* 132. Neverita arata Gabb ----------------------------------------* * * * 133. Sinum (Sigaretus) bilix Conrad -----------------* * 134. S. (Sigaretus) declivus Conrad ----------------------* 135. Hipponyx pygmaea Lea? ---------------------------------* 136. Calyptraea aperta (Solander>------------------------* * * 137. Solarium bastropensis Harris -----------------------* 138. Sol. elaboratum Conrad -----------------------------------* * * * * 139. Sol. scrobiculatum Conrad ------------------------------* 140. Sol. texanum Gabb -------------------------------------------* * 141. Sol. sp. 1 --------------------------------------------------------* * * 142. Sol. sp. 2 ----------------------------------------------* 143. Sol. sp. 3 ----------------------------------------------------------* 144. Sol. sp. --------------------------------------------------• 145. Scalaria carinata Lea -------------------------------------* 146. Seal. sp. indet. !_________________________________________ * 147. Tenuiscala trapaquara Harris ----------------------* 148. Pyramidella (Syrnola) bastropensis Harris_ * * * 149. Pyr. (Syrnola) trapaquara Harris ----------------* 150. Pyr. n. sp. -----------------------------------------------------* 151. Turbonilla sp. --------------------------------------------------* 152. Tuba antiquata Conrad ------------------------------------* * * 153. Eulima exilis Gabb ---------------------------------------------* 154. Eul. texana Gabb ---------------------------------------------* * 155. Eul. sp. 1 -----------------------------------------------------------* 156. Eul. sp. 2 ------------------------------------------------------* 157. Teinostoma sp. -------------------------------------------------* 158. Adeorbis exacua Conrad -----------------------------------* 159. Delphinula depressa Lea ----------------------------------* 160. Helcion leanus Gabb ---------------------------------------­ * Mollusca-Scaphopoda: 1. Dentalium minutistriatum Gabb ------------------* * * * * 2. Cadulus juvenis M«:Wer --------------------------------------* * * * 3. Cad. subcoarctatus Gabb ---------------------------------* 4. Cad. sp. indet. ------------------------------------------------* * * Mollusca-Pelecypoda: 1. Corbula alabamiensis Lea ----------------------------* * * * 2. Cor. smithvillensis Harris -----------------------------* * * * 3. Cor. texana Gabb ----------------------------------------• * • * 4. Cor. cf. conradi Dall -----------------------------­ * 5. Cor. cf. deusseni Gardner --------------------------------• 6. Tellina papyria Conrad var. mooreana Gabb 7. Meretrix texacola Harris ---------------------­ 8. Mer. trigoniata Lea var. bastropensis Harris -----------------------------------------------------­ 9. Mer. sp. indet. -------------------------------------­ 10. Protocardia gambrina Gabb ----------------------­ 11. Diplodonta sp. indet. ---------------------------­ 12. Sphaerella anteproducta Harris -----------­ 13. Pseudochama harrisi Gardner --------------------­ 14. Venericardia planicosta Lamarck variants_ 15. Ven. rotunda Lea ------------------------------­ 16. Ven. rotunda Lea var. flabellum Harris -------­ ludoviciana Harris 36. A. (Barbatia) cuculloides Conrad var. ludoviciana Harris, old? -------------------------------­ 37. Arca reticulata Gmelin -----------------------------------­ 38. Glycimeris lisbonensis Harris ------------------------­ 39. GI. trigonella Conrad ----------------------------------------­ 40. Trinacria decisa Conrad -----------------------------------­ 41. Tr. declivis Conrad --------------------------------------------• 42. Tr. pulchra Gabb -----------------------------------------------* 43. Leda bastropensis Harris? ------------------------------* 44. L. houstonia Harris ---------------------------------------­ 45. L. opulenta Conrad var. compsa Gabb____________ • 46. L. wautubbeana Harris ------------------------------------­ 47. Yoldia psammotaea Dall ----------------------------------• 2 8 4 5 * * * * * * * * * • • • • * • 17. Ven. n. sp. -------------------------------* 18. Crassatellites antestriatus Gabb ---------------------* * 19. Astarte? --------------------------------------------------------------* 20. Lirodiscus n. sp. 1 -----------------------------------------­ 21. Pholadomya harrisi Gardner ------------------* 22. Modiolus houstonius Harris * 23. Anomia ephippoides Gabb -------------------------* 24. An. lisbonensis Aldrich -------­ 25. Spondylus n. sp. ---------------------------------­ 26. Plicatula filamentosa Conrad var.__ __ ______________ 27. Pecten scintillatus Conrad var. corneoides • • • • • * • * * • • • • • • Harris ---------------------------------------------------------* * * * • 28. Ostrea sellaeformis Conrad var. !__________ _______ * * * * 29. Ostrea sellaeformis Conrad adults ----------------* 30. Ost. cf. alabamiensis Lea -----------------------------• 31. Ost. sp. 1 ---------------------------------------------------• • 32. Pinna gravida Harris ---------------------------------------• 33. Pinna sp. indet. 1 ------------------------------------------• 34. Pinna sp. indet. 2 -----------------------------------------------* 35. Arca (Barbatia) cuculloides Conrad var. ---------------------------------------* * * • * • * • • • • • • 48. Nucula magnifica Conrad ---------------------------------­ 49. N. magnifica Conrad var. mauricensis Harris ----------------------------------------------------------­Molluscoidea-Bryozoa: 1. Numerous indet. -----------------------------------------------­Molluscoidea-Brachiopoda: 1. Argyrotheca n. sp. ---------------------------------------------­Echinodermata-Crinoidea?: 1. Crinoid plate? -----------------------------------------------------­Annelida-Chaetopoda: 1. Spirorbis (Tubulostium) leptostoma Gabb___ 2. Sp. (Tubulostium) n. sp. ---------------------------------­ 3. Serpula texana Gabb -----------------------------------------­ 4. Ser. sp. indet. L _______________________________ __ ________________ 5. Ser. sp. indet. 2.------------------------------------------------­Cnidaria-Hexacoralla: 1. Flabellum cuneiforme Lonsdale var. pachyphyllum Gabb and Horn -------------------­ 2. Discotrochus orbignianus Milne-Edwards and Haime -----------------------------------------------------­·3. Turbinolia pharetra Lea ----------------------------------­ 4. Platytrochus stokesii (Lea) ---------------------------­ 5. Madracis johnsoni Vaughan ---------------------------­ 6. Oculina singleyi Vaughan -----------------------------­ 7. Astrangia aff. expansa Vaughan -------------------­ 8. Astr. n. sp.? --------------------------------------------------­ 9. Balanophyllia irrorata (Conrad) variants____ 10. Bal. n. sp. ------·---------------------------------------------------­ 11. Endopachys maclurii (Lea) var. tenue Vaughan ------~--------------------------------------------­ 12. End. maclurii (Lea) cf. var. triangulare Conrad -------------------------------------------------------­ 13. End. maclurii (Lea) var. L-----------------------­ 14. End. ? lonsdalei Vaughan ---------------------------------­ 15. Dendrophyllia Iisbonensis Vaughan --------------­Porifera-Spongiae: 1. Clionidae indet. -----------------------------------------------­ Localities: Table 2 Weche1 Member 1 2 8 4 5 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "' * * * ·• * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • * • * • * • 6. Collier's Ferry (or Collard's Ferry, or Burle­son Shell Bluff) on Brazos River, W. H. Jen­kins Est. 41%-acre tract, and J. R. Sadberry Est. 147 acres, J. C. Robertson Survey, north­eastern Burleson Co.; 0 to 20 feet above base of Weches member. 7. Buck McBride's 134-acre tract, Jose Maria Viesca Survey, eastern Robertson Co.; Level of lentil B of Weches member. 8. Bluff on Navasota River near old iron bridge on E. C. Watson 800 acres, Jose Maria Viesca Survey, southwestern Leon Co.; Lentil B of Weches member. 6 7 8 Chordata: 1. Fish teeth, indet. -------------------------------------------------------* 2. Fish otoliths, flat, indet. ------------------------------------------* * 3. Fish otoliths, spheroidal, indet.________________________________ * Arthropoda-Decapoda: 1. Dactylus of a crab ----------------------------------------------------* 2. Zanthopsis peytoni Stenzel n. sp. ------------------------------* Mollusca-Cephalopoda: 1. Cylichna kellogii Gabb -------------------------------------------* 2. Ringicula n. sp. -----------------------------------------------------------* 3. Acteon pomilius Conrad ------------------------------------------* 4. Pleurotoma beadata Harris ---------------------------------* 5. Pl. denticulata Edw. ---------------------------------------------* 6. Pl. huppertzi var. penrosei Harris ------------------------* * 7. Pl. langdoni Aldrich ----------------------------------------------* 8. Pl. moniliata Heilprin ------------------------------------------* 9. Pl. sp. 1 (childreni Lea?) ---------------------------------* * 10. Pl. sp. 3 -----------------------------------------------------------------------* 11. Pl. sp. 8 --------------------------------------------------------------* * 12. Pl. sp. 9 -----------------------------------------------------------------------* 13. Pl. sp. 10 --------------------------------------------------------------* 14. Turris cf. cristata Gabb --------------------------------------------* * 15. Surcula n. sp. aff. gabbi Conrad ------------------------------* * * 16. Glyphostoma harrisi Aldrich ( =Mangilia infans Meyer?) ------------------------------------------------------------------* 17. Eucheilodon sp. 2--------------------------------------------------------* 18. Eu. sp. 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------* 19. Cancellaria babylonica Lea var. nov. 2____________________ * 20. Oliva bombylis Conrad -------------------------------------* 21. Olivula punctulifera Gabb -------------------------------------* * 22. Cryptochorda (Buccinum) mohri (Aldrich) ________ * 23. Mitra cf. dubia (H. Lea) -----------------------------------------* * 24. Conomitra (Turricula) texana Harris ----------------* 25. Volutilithes dalli Harris -------------------------------------------* * 26. Vol. sp. 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------* * 27. Plejona (Volutilithes) petrosa (Conrad) --------------* * * 28. Caricella n. sp. 1 --------------------------------------------------------* 29. Car. n. sp. 2 ----------------------------------------------------------* 6 7 8 30. Fusus interstriatus Heilprin? ----------------------------------* 31. Clavilithes chamberlaini Grabau and Johnson_ __ * 32. Cl. papillatus Conrad ------------------------------------------------* 33. CI. kennedyanus Harris ? young ----------------------------* * 34. Cl. n. sp. near columbaris Aldrich -------------------------* 35. Latirus singleyi Harris -----------------------------------·--·---* * 36. Murex n. sp. 2 ----------------··----····---···----······---------• • 37. Pseudoliva n. sp. 4 ----------·-·----------------------------------------* * 38. Ps. n. sp. 5 --------------------------------------··--·-··-------·------·-···-• 39. Phos. n. sp. --------------------------------------------·----·--·-·-·-····-· * 40. Cornulina armigera Conrad ----------·-··---------------------· * 41. Metula brazoensis Johnson ··--------------···-------···-·-----·-* 42. Levifusus trabeatoides Harris ------------·-·-·--·--·-···-----* 43. Pyrula penita Conrad ? variants ----------------··--·-------* * 44. Cassidaria brevidentata Aldrich ------------------------------* 45. Rostellaria (Calyptraphorus) velata Conrad_ _____ * * * 46. Rimella texana Harris --·------------·--·-·--·---------------------· * 47. Rim. texana Harris var. plana Harris ··------·-···-----* 48. Vertagus wechesensis Stenzel n. sp. -----------------·--···· * * 49. Turritella femina Stenzel n. sp. -···----------···--·-·-····--* * 50. T. n. sp. 9 ----··-·-···-·-··---------··--------------··--·--·-··---------··-·--* 51. Xenophora conchyliophora Born ----·--·-·-·····------------* 52. Natica semilunata Lea -------·····-----···------·······-··----······ * 53. Nat. eminula Conrad ? --------·····---··--·-------····--·--·-·----* 54. Nat. Iimula Conrad ? -----------·-··-----·······------····----···-··· * * 55. Nat. mamma Lea ? ------··-------------------------------------------* * 56. Nat. sp. 1 -----------------------------------------------------------------* * 57. Neverita arata Gabb --------------------------------------------------* 58. Sinum (Sigaretus) bilix Conrad var. 1 ----------------* * 59. Sinum (Sigaretus) bilix Conrad var. 2 ----------------* 60. Sinum (Sigaretus) bilix Conrad var. 3 ----------------* 61. Calyptraea aperta (Solander) ----------------------------------* * 62. Solarium elaboratum Conrad var. -------------------------* 63. Sol. n. sp. 5 ---------·--------------------------------------------------------* 64. Pyramidella n. sp. ---------------------------------------------------* * 65. Tuba antiquata Conrad var. nov. ----------------------------* 66. Adeorbis sp. ------------------------------------------------------------------* Mollusca-Scaphopoda: 1. Dentalium minutistriatum Gabb ------------------------------* * Mollusca-Pelecypoda: 1. Corbula engonatoides Gardner --------------------------------* * 2. Cor. smithvillensis Harris ----------------------------------------* • 3. Tellina tallicheti Harris var.____________ ________ _________ _______ * 4. Tell. sp. --------------------------------------------------------·-------• 5. Meretrix texacola Harris ---------------------------------------* 6. Cardium claibornense Aldrich -------------------------• 6 7 8 7. Venericardia planicosta Lamarck variants _____ • • • 8. Ven. trapaquara Harris subsp. texalana Gardner • 9. Ven. rotunda Lea var. flabellum Harris_______________ • 10. Crassatellites trapaquarus Harris -------------------• 11. Lirodiscus n. sp. 2 ( =smithvillensis Harris partim) ------------------------------------------------• • 12. Anomia sellardsi Stenzel n. sp. -----------------------* • 13. Lima sp. -----------------------------------------------------------------• 14. Pecten burlesonensis Harris ---------------------------• 15. Ostrea sellaeformis Conrad var. 2 ------------------* * • 16. Ost. sp. ( =alabamiensis Harris non Lea) ----------• 17. Pinna sp. -----------------------------------------------------* 18. Arca deusseni Gardner-----------------------------------------* * 19. Glycimeris idonea Conrad --------------------------------* 20. Trinacria pulchra Gabb -----------------------------------------• 21. Leda jewetti Gardner -------------------------------------• 22. Leda sp. ----------------------------------------------------• 23. Nucula magnifica Conrad var. mauricensis Harris ------------------------------------------------------------------* Molluscoidea-Bryozoa: 1. Many cup-shaped bryozoa, indet. ----------------------------* • Echinodermata-Echinoidea: 1. Echinoid plate -------------------------------------------------­• A.nnelida-Chaetopoda : 1. Serpula sp. 3 ------------------------------------------------------• * Cnidaria-Hexacoralla: 1. Flabellum cuneiforme Lonsdale var. pachyphyllum Gabb and Horn -------------------------• 2. Turbinolia pharetra Lea -------------------------------------------* • 3. Platytrochus stokesii (Lea) ---------------------------------• • 4. Paracyathus alternatus Vaughan --------------------------* 5. Balanophyllia irrorata (Conrad) variants__ _________ * SOME CRETACEOUS FORAMINIFERA IN TEXAS By Helen Jeanne Plummer INTRODUCTION The recent endeavors of the Bureau of Economic Geology to deposit in its museum accurately named Texas fossils for general reference amongst stratigraphic paleontologists has included some concentrated efforts to establish clearly the identity of many Cretaceous foraminifera that have already been treated in the literature. Further data on stratigraphic ranges have been sought to make records more complete. Toward this end Professor F. L. Whitney and Dr. Robert Cuyler of the department of geology in The University of Texas have extended their generous cooperation in lending types and in helping to designate precisely the outcrops from which many of these were originally selected. Dr. W. L. Moreman of the department of geology of Texas Christian University has submitted some of his Eagle Ford types for examination. Mrs. Car­sey has kindly checked the identity of several forms and gave from her original samples several metatypes that have aided considerably in assembling the museum collections. During the recent rapid development of micropaleontol­ogy in close relationship to stratigraphy, it is becoming in­creasingly imperative that all species be very clearly defined both by detailed formal descriptions and by completely ade­quate illustrations. Toward a better understanding of many forms designated prior to this present period of meticulous presentation of paleontologic data, many new and more sat­isfactory descriptions and figures have been published as the opportunity for the study of types and of material from type localities has arisen. Fuller records of old type locali­ties have permitted workers to collect and to study first­hand large suites of topotypes. It is only by such vigilance in learning the characteristics of each species at its type The University of Texas Bulletin locality and also its variations geographically and strati­graphically that the best interests of paleontology are served. It is becoming increasingly important that descrip­tions be made from as large suites of specimens of any species as is possible to assemble, and it is necessary that each description and accompanying figure cover adequately the ranges in variations that the species exhibits. Such variations can best be observed first where a species is abundant at one locality, thus eliminating the factors of environment and evolution through the geologic section. Possible stratigraphic variations are then valuable records, if material from several parts of the area and of the section can be made available. The species here presented include not only many forms already designated but also a few new closely associated or similar forms, which for further clarity in specific defini­tions and distinctions have required careful study. Care has been exercised in choosing for each new species a type locality that furnishes specimens in as great abundance as possible and in an excellent state of preservation. Until recently only two species of Texas foraminifera have been recognized in the literature, the well-known "Nodosaria" texana Conrad (now placed in the genus Hap­lostiche) and Orbitolina texana (Roemer). The first record of any comprehensive investigation of Texas Cretaceous foraminifera is the geologic report on Denton County,1 which offers very clear photographs of numerous micro­scopic organisms from most of the Lower Cretaceous for­mations of that area. Only generic determinations were at­tempted, as no systematic descriptions of species were pre­pared for this report. The following year some of the common foraminifera of the Cretaceous formations of cen­tral Texas were described and figured photographically by Mrs. Dorothy Ogden Carsey. 2 Since many of these are common forms throughout the Gulf Coast and in Mexico, lWinton, W. M., et al., The geoloaY of Denton County: Univ. Texas Bu!L 2644, pp. 186, text figs. 1-8, pis. 1-27, 1926. 2Carsey, Dorothy Ogden, Foraminifera of the Cretaceous of central Texas: UniT. Texas Bull. 2612, pp. 1-56, pl:s. 1-8, 1926 (edition exhausted). the types that comprise the Carsey Collection have been the logical starting point in the present investigations to­ward building up the museum collections of microfaunas for the Bureau of Economic Geology. As future work on Cretaceous faunas in this state must carefully consider the names assigned in this early study, it is hoped that new figures of many of the holotypes or of newly selected types will help to establish more clearly the diagnostic characters of the species treated in that contribution. In addition it has been deemed advisable to designate specifically some of the commoner species figured and named generically in the Denton County report. Several new forms for purposes of comparison and clearer specific segregation have been in­troduced to obviate certain confusions that might otherwise arise. Material from two fossiliferous outcrops in Denton County and from all the Lower Cretaceous formations in the Fort Worth area has been collected in order to replace certain Denton County species, the photographed specimens of which have been lost. The Carsey Collection, deposited in 1926 in the depart­ment of geology, The University of Texas, was very gen­erously lent to the Bureau of Economic Geology to aid in establishing a duplicate set of specimens. Unfortunately, about twenty of the types were found missing or were badly broken. Some of the missing specimens, however, repre­sent species that are sufficiently common at their type locali­ties and sufficiently well figured in the original paper to permit the establishment of unquestionably accurate neo­types of the new ·species and new plesiotypes of the old species included in the original collection. Toward this end Mrs. Carsey has very generously lent her aid. The orbitoline forms on record from the Lower Creta­ ceous strata in Texas are now being more carefully studied and will be presented later. The form designated as Globigerina cretacea var. del rio­ensis has never been figured, and no specimen so labeled has been found in the Carsey Collection. As the name is The University of Texas Bulletin quadrinomial, it is invalid and must be dropped from further consideration. The Miliolidae of the Edwards limestone can be observed mainly in thin section of the compact layers, and specific identification of such material is too doubtful to be of value in precise systematic work. The specimen designated as Quinqueloculina rotunda Carsey n. sp. (non Roemer, 1838) has been lost. It is so rare in the basal Navarro strata (Sta. 226-T-9) on Onion Creek, that specimens found in this study have been too poor for identification. Inquiry has revealed that the specimen figured was a pyrite cast. As the name assigned is preoccupied, the record is set aside for the present. The holotype for Ramulina edwardsensis Carsey was found shattered to powder. New specimens have been fur­nished by Mrs. Carsey, but identification has not been pos­sible. The very irregularly formed smooth calcareous tubes are coarsely incrusted by angular calcareous fragments. It is possibly a foraminiferal structure, but complete delinea­tion of the form must await further material. "ORBULINA ROCK" The Georgetown limestone of central Texas has for a long time been popularly known as the "Orbulina rock," because thin sections of fragments of its hard layers exhibit minute, thin-walled, globular bodies that appear as circles suggestive of the tests of the foraminifer Orbulina. These are scattered sparsely or abundantly through a crypto­crystalline matrix that is rich in various microscopic or­ganic remains, such as Inoceramus prisms, ostracods, for­aminifera, echinoid spines, and shell fragments. In drill­ing deep wells this so-called "Orbuline" structure is very successfully employed as a diagnostic feature of the George­town limestone, which can otherwise be easily confused with other fine-grained limestones in the geologic section. Rarely the Austin chalk carries traces of similar bodies, but their abundance in the Georgetown and their persist­ence in almost all thin sections of this limestone makes this feature a very reliable guide in identifying the formation. Contributions to Geology That these globular bodies are orbuline tests is highly improbable. 1. The maximum diameter, which can be assumed to rep­resent a section through the center of the body, is not more than .05 of a millimeter, and the thickness of the wall varies from .01 to .02 of a millimeter. From a knowledge of indubitable tests of Orbulina, this minute size alone raises considerable question as to the orbu­line character of the bodies. 2. The wall of these globular bodies is fine crystalline cal­cium carbonate that crystallized apparently at a dif­ferent time from that of the matrix, as it stands out very sharp in the field of the section. This wall of all the bodies is single and exhibits no trace of pores or of any special aperture. Globigerinae in the same sec­tions present fine features of wall structure that one expects in hyaline foraminifera. 3. The soft layers of the Georgetown formation yield the globigerine species frequent in the thin section of the hard layers, Globigerina cretacea d'Orbigny, and G. waskitensis Carsey. No trace of minute globular bodies that can possibly be referred to the genus Or­bulina have been found. Small solid rotund calcareous bodies occur rarely in these soft layers, but they lack any character of the true foraminiferal hyaline test. That Orbulina existed in such great abundance only while the calcareous matter comprising the hard layers was being deposited and was absent from the waters that deposited the thin partings of softer and more argillaceous matter is inconceivable, especially since the other pelagic species persisted throughout the series of alternating layers. 4. No true Orbulina has yet been reported in the Texas geologic section. Itis difficult to believe that this form thrived in such numbers during a small fraction of the Lower Cretaceous period and was completely exter­minated with the cessation of deposition of the lime­stone characterized by these "orbuline" bodies. The accompanying globigerine species persisted in varying abundance throughout Lower Cretaceous seas in the Texas area, and it is reasonable to expect the similar pelagic form, Orbulina, likewise to persist. If Orbu­lina had been present in a primitive form during Lower Cretaceous times, it would probably have developed further and in greater abundance during Upper Cre­taceous times, as did the Globigerinae. Orbulina has been recorded in strata of many ages from Cambrian to Recent, but all attempts to check the reliability of these records have shown that this identification of ma­terial in deposits earlier than Tertiary is erroneous. Cush­man8 has made a careful investigation of many of the records from the Paleozoics and has found only oolitic or concretionary bodies or other highly unconvincing evidence. He has shown that Orbulina is undoubtedly as end form4 in the family Globigerinidae and regards it as present as a fossil in Tertiary strata. It became abundant during the Miocene, and today tests of this genus are being deposited in great numbers in the deeper portions of the oceans. Ex­amination of type material from Gerhardsreut, Bavaria, one of Egger's Cretaceous localities reveals a few very small calcareous spherules, and single globigerine chambers, which that author probably designated5 as Orbulina. Samples of the hard layers of the uppermost part of the Georgetown formation, the Main Street member, collected on the Austin-Mt. Bonnel road west of Austin, Travis County, have been submitted to several petrographers for opinions on the possible character and origin of these prob­lematical and diagnostic globular bodies. The following re­ports are worthy of consideration. Prof. W. H. Twenhofel of the University of Wisconsin has offered the following opinion: SCushman, J. A., Foraminifera, their classification and economic use: Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., Spec. Pub!. No. 1, p. 43, 1928. 4ldem, p. 307. sEgger, J. G., Foraminiferen und Ostrakoden aus den Kreidemergeln der ober­ayerischen Alpen: Abh. k., hayer. Akad. Wiss., Cl. II, vol. 21, p. 173, 1899. The rocks contain many small fossils and fragments of larger ones. Each thin section contains the minute globular bodies in greater or less abundance. I see nothing in these globular bodies that permits me to assert that they are of organic origin. Several seem to have the ooltic structure, and these are composed of concentric laminae; others have a nucleus of limonitic material. I do not know what they are, and it may be that organisms were concerned in their making. It is possible that each represents a small bubble, around which a film of calcium carbonate was formed, thus permitting the spherical shape to be retained, infiltration later filling the center and transforming the spherules into solid bodies. I can see no reason for referring these globular bodies to the genus Orbulina. Prof. L. S. Brown of the department of geology, The Uni­versity of Texas, has presented the following report: Reporting on the three Georgetown limestones recently submitted, I may say that these are all fine-grained, com­pact, buff limestones characteristic of the Georgetown in this vicinity. All three contain an abundance of foraminiferal remains, variously imperfect, frequent and well-dispersed particles of limonite, and an abundance of "orbicular" struc­tures, the latter being especially common in one of the three samples. All three contain detrital quartz. I interpret the "orbs" as microscopic oolites. The evidence supporting this identification is as follows: 1. The practically invariable perfection and the usually sharp outlines of these circular forms as compared with the definitely determinable foraminiferal tests. None of the orbs show evidence of fracture or distortion, as is the case with the determinable tests, and as one would expect where or­ganic remains are being accumulated by gravity and buried under an increasing load of sediment, and the usually sharp outlines of the orbs indicate growth within the sediment after accumulation. 2. The structure of the orbs is commonly radiate, micro­crystalline. True oolites show this structure in combina­tion with concentric growth bands, but the particles in this case are extremely minute in comparison with recognized oolites, which may account for the absence of multiple banding. 3. Generally the orbs exhibit a center or nucleus of ma­terial of a different character, in most cases a particle of limonite. Occasionally a larger grain of calcite seems to serve this purpose, but detrital quartz does not seem to play the same role. In many instances the nuclear particle can not be distinguished without close observation; also, in many instances no foreign particle can be discerned, but this need cause no embarrassment as the section could easily avoid the minute particle, above or below, and in recognized oolites the nucleus is frequently missing. While limonite particles occur definitely as centers of the orbs, they also occur liberally otherwise through the matrix, but it is interesting to note that few, after close observation, do not show a coarser crystallization immediately about them, apparently the for­mation of an initial ring. 4. In one instance a quartz grain was observed embedded within the edge of the circle, apparently without influence on the outline or internal structure, and seemed to have been partially surrounded by the encroaching calcite. Opinions as to the origin of oolites are at some variance, but is more settled as to the essentials of oolitic structure, which agree with the facts observed above. These are well summarized in Twenhofel, p. 533, et seq., and may be men­tioned here as a concentric, evidently concretionary form, with micro-crystalline radiate structure growing away from a nucleus of some foreign substance. For these reasons I would say that the orbicular struc­tures are inorganic in origin. I may add, however, that I distinguish two types. In the first the circles are entirely of clear calcite from the nucleus to the sharp border. These are unquestionably inorganic. They are present in consid­erable abundance, though they are commonly seen only when the section is feather thin and considerably magnified. The second type may be called annular, most of the center being of fine-grained calcite apparently identical with the matrix. In many of these also a nucleus of limonite may be observed, which would indicate them to be of similar origin as the first. Otherwise, however, they often conform so closely in structure to the test remains, that precise distinction does not seem possible. Being more or less unfamiliar with spe­cific organic forms, it would hardly be proper for me to assign a blanket inorganic origin at all. I am unable to set a sharp line between the organic and inorganic, but there is no doubt as to the first type above, and I believe the bulk of the second type to fall within the same category. The megafauna of the Georgetown limestone, especially the abundance of Gryphaea and Exogyra beds, large Pec­ tens, echinoids, the common brachiopod (Kingena waco­ ensis Roemer), and oysters suggests comparatively shallow­water deposition. The fine-grained, dense texture of the layers suggests chemical precipitation of the calcium car­bonite from a saturated solution of the bicarbonate through some reducing agency. It is conceivable that through this calcareous slime bubbles of hydrogen sulphide and other gases arose from decaying organic matter. Many such bub­bles were probably large enough to escape at the surface, whereas the smaller ones were held in suspension in the colloidal ooze. The presence of limonite within the globular bodies and disseminated somewhat throughout the matrix suggests decaying matter, since hydrogen sulphide combines with iron to form ferric sulphide, which appears now in the rock as nuclei in many of the spheres. Some chemical reac­tion between the gas of the bubbles and the surrounding calcium carbonate or the bicarbonate in a saturated solu­tion may have resulted in a rapid precipitation and crystal­lization of a thin layer of calcium carbonate to form a rigid shell, as suggested by Twenhof el, and it is this outer layer that has been erroneously interpreted as the test of Orbu­lina. Infiltration can possibly have filled these cavities much as geodes are filled. The typical oolitic structure of many of these bodies makes their designation as oolites highly reasonable. It is perhaps somewhat difficult to explain on the basis of this theory the definite outer "shell" of calcite that character­izes so many of the spheres. This outer coat presents quite a different crystallization from that of the matrix or of the filling of the spherules. The well-known "spheres" of the English chalk have given rise to much discussion regarding their origin. They are somewhat larger than those of the Georgetown lime­stone and occur as small calcite balls in the softer parts of the chalk. Similar bodies have been observed in some of the soft Texas Cretaceous strata. Heron-Allen and Ear­land have suggested "that they (spherical bodies of the English chalk) may be the chitinous tests of flagellate in­fusoria such as are found in great numbers in the sea of today, of practically the same size and shape." Jour. Que­kett Mic. Soc., ser. 2, vol. 12, p. 8, April, 1913.) DESCRIPTIONS OF OUTCROPS The Bureau of Economic Geology is designating by a series of station numbers the outcrops represented by its museum collections. The numbers here employed are those officially assigned by this organization to the outcrops from which types figured in this publication have been selected. Dallas County Sta. 57-T-2. Middle Taylor formation in roadside bank close to underpass at Missouri Kansas and Texas Railroad on the Dallas­Greenville highway about one mile east of Rowlett. These clays carry a rich fauna, from which tests of Kypkopyxa ckristneri (Car­sey) are here figured. This outcrop is the type locality for two spe­cies of ostracods, Paracypris angusta Alexander and Kritke cusk­mani Alexander (Univ. Texas Bull. 2907, Sta. 49). Denton County Sta. 61-T-2. Grayson formation in steep bluff on Denton Creek about three and one-half miles northeast of Roanoke (Univ. Texas Bull. 2544, fig. 8, section 2; Univ. Texas Bull. 2907, Sta. 34). This is the type locality for the foraminifer Valvulineria asterigerinoides n. sp. Plesiotypes of Dentilinopsis excavata (Reuss) and Gyroidina nitida (Reuss) have been chosen from this outcrop. This has been made the type locality for eight species of ostracods, Cytkerella co­manckensis Alexander, Bairdia parallela Alexander, Macrocypris graysonensis Alexander, Paracypris alta Alexander, Cytkeridea wask­itaensis Alexander, C. graysonensis Alexander, Cytkereis subovata Alexander, and C. roanokensis Alexander. Limestone County Sta. 146-T-5. Navarro formation in road ditch on Marlin road .7 of a mile west of Odds in base of low scarp at east end of bridge across the broad valley of Big Creek (sample collected by Prof. Gayle Scott). The compact buff-gray clay is very rich in fresh and well­preserved ostracods, foraminifera, fish remains, and echinoid spines. This outcrop is the type locality for Hemicristellaria silicula n. sp. Milam County Sta. 165-T-4. Uppermost Navarro formation, in bank of Walker Creek 6 miles north 15 degrees east of Cameron, about one mile up­stream from the intersection of Walker Creek and the Cameron­Clarkson road. In this exposure the Navarro clays are in contact Contributions to Geology with the superjacent Midway (Eocene) glauconitic clays. This richly foraminiferal Navarro outcrop is the type locality for Siphogeneri­noides plum1neri (Cushman), Vaginulina gracilis Plummer var. cre­tacea Plummer, and Ventilabrella carseyae n. sp. The neoholotype of Vaginulina simondsi Carsey has been selected from this outcrop. Plesiotypes of Gumbelina globifera (Reuss), Hemicristellaria ensis (Reuss), and Nodosaria radicula (Linne) are figured in this publi­cation from these strata. The Midway assemblage of species in this exposure is noteworthy for a species of Gumbelina, which can not be regarded as derived, since it is very different from any known Cretaceous form in the Texas section and since it is present in excellent condition despite the extreme tenuity of its coarsely perforate test. Navarro County Sta. 174-T-4. Lower Navarro clays in large pit of Corsicana Brick Company about two miles south of Corsicana (Univ. Texas Bull. 2644, fig. 10). This exposure of very pure calcareous clay lies about 60 feet above the Nacatoch sand. Concentrate from this ma­terial consists almost wholly of beautifully preserved micro-organ­isms comprising mainly well-developed foraminifera of many species. This outcrop is the type locality for Lenticulina navarroensis (Plum­mer), Dentalina crinita n. sp., Astacolus dissonus n. sp., Pseudopoly­morphina cuyleri n. sp., and Clavulina insignis n. sp. Plesiotypes of Dentalina granti (Plummer), D. reussi Neugeboren, Vaginulina si­mondsi Carsey, and Frondicularia clarki Bagg have been selected from this material for illustration in this paper. Cushman and Ozawa have mentioned Pseudopolymorphina mendezensis (White) as a fre­quent form in this clay pit. This has been made the type locality for eight species of ostracods, Cytherella tuberculifera Alexander, G. navarroensis Alexander, C. moremani Alexander, C. ovoidea Alexander, Cythere parallelopora Alexander, Cytheridea globosa Alexander, C. micropunctata Alexan­der, and Cytheropteron navarroense Alexander. Tarrant County Sta. 219-T-12. Duck Creek formation in an eight-foot eastward­facing bank on Ammonite Creek in about the center of the Municipal Golf Course and west of Texas Christian University, Fort Worth (Univ. Texas Bull. 2907, fig. 1, Sta. 8). The soft layers of this ex­posure yield frequent tests of foraminifera and ostracods, and Tri­taxia pyramidata Reuss is figured in this paper from these strata. S~a. 219-T-14. Fort Worth formation in a steep eastward-facing eight-foot bank along a small creek (known locally as Dairy Creek from a dairy no longer in operation) about four hundred feet east of Forest Park Boulevard in the 2900-block, Fort Worth (Univ. Texas Bull. 2907, fig. 1, Sta. 14). These lower beds of the formation con­sist of alternating hard and soft layers that yield an abundant micro­fauna. A specimen of Anomalina falcata (Reuss) is figured from this exposure. Travis County Sta. 226-T-4. Top of Austin chalk close to bridge over Little Walnut Creek on Austin-Manor highway 3.9 miles by road from the corner of East Avenue and Twenty-second Street in Austin (fig. 1). A soft yellowish layer in the top of the exposure is very rich in foraminifera, ostracods, Inoceramus prisms, bryozoa, and echinoid and shell fragments. This is the type locality for Vaginulina regina n. sp. Fig. 12. Map of Austin area showing the Travis County outcrops, Sta. 226-T-4 to Sta. 226-T-12, from which specimens have been figured. Sta. 226-T-5. Lowermost Taylor formation in ditch on Austin­Manor highway .4 of a mile by road east of the bridge over Little Walnut Creek (fig. 1). Very fresh, compact, fossiliferous clay about 50 feet above the top of the Austin chalk is exposed and yields an abundance of excellently preserved Taylor species. Specimens of Kypkopyxa ckristneri (Carsey) are figured from this outcrop. Sta. 226-T-6. Lower Taylor clay about 50 feet above the Austin chalk in low banks of a small creek on the Austin-Manor highway .6 of a mile by road northeast of the bridge over Little Walnut Creek (fig. 12). The typical compact, unctuous clays of this formation are rich in well-preserved tests of many species of micro-organisms. Kyphopyxa ehristneri (Carsey) is abundant here, and figures have been made from tests selected from this exposure. Sta. 226-T-7. Lower Taylor clays about 100 to 150 feet above the top of the Austin chalk at east end of long bridge over Walnut Creek about six miles east-northeast of The University of Texas campus and on the Austin-Manor highway (fig. 12). An excellent 60-foot section of clays below the Baculites taylorensis zone, which consists of soft chalky beds at the top of the slope, is exposed in a gully on the north side of the road at this point. From these clays have been selected the neoholotype of Kyphopyxa ehristneri (Carsey) and the plesiotype of Flabellina rugosa d'Orbigny. Sta. 226-T-8. Upper Taylor formation on right bank of Onion Creek near bridge at Moore and Berry's Crossing eight and one-half miles in a straight line southeast of the capitol in Austin (fig. 12). These strata yield excellent specimens of numerous foraminifera and ostracods. Nine species have previously been recorded from this outcrop (Univ. Texas Bull. 2612), and it is the type locality for Buliminella earseyae n. sp., Globotruncana rosetta (Carsey) [ =G. area (Cushman)], G. fornieata n. sp., Flabellina projeeta (Carsey), Ramulina inci.denta (Carsey) [ =R. globulifera H. B. Brady], and Anomalina taylorensis Carsey. Plesiotypes of Lenticulina rotulata (Lamarck), Globotruncana eanaliculata var. ventricosa White, Ram­bulina globulifera H. B. Brady, and G. area (Cushman) have been selected from material from this outcrop. A paratype of Clavulina insignis n. sp. is figured from here. Sta. 226-T-9. Basal Navarro strata exposed in a steep 80-foot slope on the right bank of Onion Creek just east of the bridge (known as Jones' Crossing) on the Austin-Bastrop highway (fig. 12). These compact, dark clays, rich in shells of Exogyra eostata Say, yield an abundance of foraminifera and ostracods typical of this formation in Texas. Twenty-seven species of foraminifera have been recorded previously from this outcrop, (Univ. Texas Bull. 2612) described as "Navarro near Delvalle on Onion Creek." This is the type lo­cality for Trochammina diagonis (Carsey), Spiroplectammina semi­eomplanata (Carsey), Gumbelina eostata (Carsey) [ = G. exeolata Cushman], Loxostoma plaitum (Carsey), Dorothia bulletta (Carsey), Nodosaria larva Carsey [ =N. radicula (Linne)], Vaginulina webber­villensis Carsey, V. simondsi Carsey, Discorbis eorreeta Carsey, Ano­malina pseudopapill-Osa Carsey, Gyroi.dina cretaeea Carsey [ = G. de­pressa (Alth) ], and Nonionella robusta n. sp. These strata have furnished plesiotypes of Dentalina obliqua (Linne), Guttulina prob­lema d'Orbigny, Bulimina pupoides d'Orbigny, Uvigerina selegi Cush­man, Globigerina rugosa Plummer, Nodosaria radicula (Linne), Len­ticulina navarroensis (Plummer), Lagena hispida Reuss, Frondicu­laria clarki Bagg, Giimbelina excolata Cushman, Gyroidina depressa (Alth), Anomalina grosserugosa (Gumbel), Gaudryina rugosa d'Or­bigny, and H emcristeUaria ensis (Reuss). Specimens of a species of Pseudoglamlulina have been figured from this exposure. It is interesting to note that Siphonina prima Plummer and Cera­tobuli11iina cretacea Cushman and Harris are well developed at this locality, the lowest stratigraphic position known to the present author for these species. Sta. 226-T-10. Del Rio formation on right bank of Shoal Creek in a steep slope just south of the Thirty-fourth Street bridge in Austin (fig. 12). About 40 feet of the upper part of the formation capped by Buda limestone are exposed on the upthrow side of a small fault that cuts across the face of the bank. The dark, compact, gypsiferous clays are rich in micro-organisms typical of this forma­tion in central Texas. Eleven species have already been recorded (Univ. Texas Bull. 2612) from this outcrop designated as "Del Rio, Shoal Creek, Austin." This is the type locality for Textularia wash­itensis Carsey, T. rioensis Carsey, Lenticulina washitensis (Car­sey), Globigerina washitensis Carsey, Anomalina petita Carsey [ =A. falcata (Reuss)], Globorotalia delrioensis n. sp., and Gaud­ryinella delrioensis Plummer. From this outcrop have been chosen plesiotypes of Nodosaria obscura Reuss, Gaudryina gradata Berthelin, Dentalina communis (d'Orbigny), Anomalina falcata (Reuss), and Lagena sulcata (Walker and Jacob). Globigerina cretacea var. del rioensis Carsey has been recorded from these strata but has not been figured. As a quadrinomial the name is invalid. Sta. 226-T-11. Walnut formation near top of Mt. Barker three and one-half mile northwest of the capitol in Austin (fig. 12). This is the type locality for Orbitolina walnutensis Carsey. The yellowish clays of this outcrop are rich in ostracods and foraminifera, of which the following are frequent: Ammobaculites goodlandensis Cushman and Alexander, A. cretacea Cushman and Alexander, Vaginulina in­tumescens Reuss, Choffatella sp., Flabellammina alexanderi Cushman, and Cyclammina sp. Sta. 226-T-12. Taylor formation in 40-foot bluff on right bank of Colorado River northeast of Delvalle on Anderson farm (fig. 12). The three-chambered test of Dentalina raristriata (Chapman), con­tributed by Robert Cuyler and herein figured, has come from this outcrop. Val Verde County Sta. 232-T-5. Del Rio formation in a low bank at west side of road 20.2 miles by road north of the city limits of Del Rio at a point 6.0 miles by road south of the junction of the Del Rio-Sonora highway and the Del Rio-Junction highway. The soft clays are rich in the megascopic forms, Exogyra arietina Roemer and Haplostiche texana (Conrad) . Ammobaculites goodlandensis Cushman and Alexander, A. cretacea Cushman and Alexander, and Flabellammina alexanderi Cushman occur in these strata. Sta. 232-T-6. Conspicuous cone-shaped outlier of the Del Rio formation near the road to the Mexican cemetery southeast of the city. Typical strata of this formation are exposed on the sides of this prominent topographic feature, and fossils are abundant. The tests of Haplostiche texana (Conrad) illustrated in figure 2 have been chosen from the soft clays in this outcrop. The hard thin slabs of limestone carry this species in large numbers. Williamson County Sta. 245-T-2. Taylor chalk marl in an abandoned roadside ex­cavation 2.1 miles by road west of Main Street, Taylor, on the Taylor-Austin highway. About 25 feet of very clayey chalk about midway in the Taylor are well exposed and furnish a rich micro­fauna. From material collected from this outcrop a comparative study of Flabellina interpunctata von der Marek and F. projecta (Carsey) has been made and illustrations of the plesiotypes presented. Plesiotypes of Dentalina soluta Reuss and D. raristriata (Chapman) have been selected from these beds. The ostracod Bairdia rotunda Alexander has this exposure for its type locality. Sta. 245-T-3. Upper part of Taylor formation in a series of gullies on the west side of the Taylor-Coupland road 3.6 miles by road south of the railroad station in Taylor. Typical yellowish-grey, very compact, and highly unctuous clays in these outcrops yield an abundance of foraminifera, ostracods, echinoid remains, shell frag­ments, and numerous specimens of a species of Micrabasia. Seven species of foraminifera have been recorded (Univ. Texas Bull. 2612) from this locality designated as "4 miles SW. of Taylor." This is the type locality for Bolivina latticea Carsey [ =B. decorata Jones], Dentalina intrasegma (Carsey) [ = raristriata (Chapman)], Nodo­saria marla Carsey [ =N. zippei Reuss], and "Truncatulina" reful­gens var. conica Carsey [ = Eponides micheliniana (d'Orbigny)]. A plesiotype of Dentalina alternata (Jones) and a paratype of Asta­colus taylorensis n. sp. have been selected from this exposure for illustration in this paper. Sta. 245-T-4. Upper part of Taylor formation in low roadside bank .5 of a mile south of the railroad station in Taylor near the top of the slope south of a small stream. The compact, unctuous clay yields a rich foraminiferal fauna in excellent preservation. This is the type locality for Astacolus taylorensis n. sp. DESCRIPTIONS OF GENERA AND SPECIES Family REOPHACIDAE Genus HAPLOSTICHE Reuss, 1861 HAPLOSTICHE TEXANA (Conrad) Pl. XV, fig. 1 Nodosaria texana Conrad, 1857, Mexican Boundary Survey, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 159, pl. 14, fig. 4. Nodosaria texana Bose, 1910, Inst. Geol. Mexico, Bull. 25, p. 177, pl. 35, figs. 4-6, 9; pl. 45, fig. 3. Nodosaria texana Christner and Wheeler, 1918, Univ. Texas Bull. 1819, pl. 8. Nodosaria texana Adkins and Winton, 1920, Univ. Texas Bull. 1945, p. 76, pl. 19, figs. 1, 2; pl. 21. Nodosaria texana Adkins, 1920, Univ. Texas Bull. 1856, p. 145, pl. 11, fig. 2. Nodosaria texana Winton, 1925, Univ. Texas Bull. 2544, pl. 15, fig. 4. Nodosaria texana Scott, 1926, These Univ. Grenoble, pp. 48, 74, 79. Nodosaria texana Carsey, 1926, Univ. Texas Bull. 2612, p. 36, pl. 6, fig. 10. "Nodosaria" texana Adkins, 1927, Univ. Texas Bull. 2'738, pp. 47, 54. "Nodosaria" texana Adkins, 1928, Univ. Texas Bull. 2838, p. 59. Test large, straight or arcuate, very coarsely arenaceous with considerable cement insoluble in acid; chambers nu­merous, as many as fifteen, ventricose, short, stout, strongly overlapping, gradually enlarging from a small blunt aboral extremity in the megalospheric form or from a more acutely pointed initial extremity in the microspheric form; sutures transverse, distinctly but not deeply depressed ; shell wall very thick, labyrinthic; aperture typically cribrate at apex of final chamber. Length up to 12 mm. In all essential characteristics H aplostiche texana (Con­rad) is constant throughout the Lower Cretaceous forma­tions. Its variations at any locality where it occurs in abundance are numerous. At some localities straight tests are much more common; at other places slightly arcuate tests predominate. In some places only the megalospheric forms can be found ; in a few places the microspheric form is present. In general youthful specimens exhibit but a single, central, terminal orifice, which changes to a more and more complex cribrate opening with advancing age. This single opening persists into early maturity in many tests, but numerous other accompanying tests exhibit the cluster of several openings, which may number as many as fifteen. Observations of material very rich in tests of H. texana prove that these differences are insignificant variations of no stratigraphic value. Sections of specimens filled with calcite present the best detail in labyrinthic structure of the heavy wall of quartz grains. The figured sections (Pl. XV, fig. 1, c, d, e) were obtained by grinding down one side of the test and then applying weak acid at the tip of a brush until the laby­rinthic wall stood in relief. H. texana (Conrad) was originally described from an outcrop of Washita beds "between El Paso and Frontera,'' which is near the present cement plant about three miles northwest of El Paso. Probably because no true shell ma­terial enveloped the tests, Conrad described them as casts, as did Bose several decades later, when he recorded the species as abundant in Zone 56 (Duck Creek and Fort Worth) and Zone 6 (Denton, Weno, Pawpaw) in the Cerro de Muleros in northern Mexico. This species has been recorded from many formations in the Lower Cretaceous section in Texas and Mexico. In the Solitario it has been observed from the Trinity1 strata. The present author has found frequent specimens in the Glenrose limestone of the Trinity division in an outcrop rich in tests of Orbitolina in a roadside bank six miles by road from Fischer's Store on the way to San Marcos. Solu­ 6The occurrence in Zone 6 is regarded by W. S. Adkins as derived from the overlying Zone 6 in steep slopes by slump and wash. 7Adkins, W. S., Geology and mineral resources of the Fort Stockton quadrangle: Univ. Texas Bull. 2738, p. 47, 1927. tion of samples of Edwards limestone from Bell County has yielded8 typical tests, and the equivalent Goodland limestone of north Texas carries the species9 as a very rare form in its fauna. In north Texas the upper part of the Weno for­mation carries these tests in abundance,10 and the same horizon in the Fort Stockton area has yielded a few speci­mens.11 In west Texas the Del Rio formation is richest in this species, and many thin limestones are composed almost wholly of these tests oriented largely in the same direction, an arrangement that suggests current action. In central Texas H. texana is rather rare in the Del Rio; and in north Texas it is rare in its stratigraphic equivalent, the lower Grayson formation. Plesiotypes, from Del Rio formation, Sta. 232-T-6, in Plummer Collection (S-778, S-779). Specimens in Bureau of Economic Geology. Family LITUOLIDAE Genus FLABELLAMMINA Cushman, 1928 FLABELLAMMINA ALEXANDER! Cushman Flabellammina alexanderi Cushman, 1928, Contrib. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., vol. 4, pl. 1, figs. 3, 4. Wherever this very thin, coarsely agglutinate, and rather smoothly finished form has been observed in abundance, the outline of the test has been found to be an exceedingly vari­able feature. The early coil may lie wholly within the con­tour of the later sagittate chambers, thus forming an even ovate or elliptical test, or it may lie wholly outside the con­tour of the later chambers and form a short hook at the initial extremity of the test. The microspheric form is more elongate than the megalospheric form as a general rule. In all places where it occurs the shell wall is com­posed of various kinds of coarse angular mineral fragments SPersonal communication from W. S. Adkins. 9Scott, Gayle, Etudes stratigraphiques et paleontologiques sur les terrains cretace du Texas : These, p. 48, 1926, Grenoble. IOWinton, W. M., The geology of Denton County: Univ. Texas Bull. 2544, p. 58, 1925. 11Adkins, W. S., Geology and mineral resources of the Fort Stockton quadrangle: Univ. Texas Bull. 2788, pp. 47, 54, 1927. in a groundmass of fine material, the whole ensemble being rather smoothly finished with much cement. A conspicuous feature of the masonry is the abundance of elongate trans­lucent fragments, many of which are oriented parallel to the sutures and thereby delineate the shape of the cham­bers. The test is completely soluble in acid and leaves no chitinous matter. F. alexanderi Cushman was first described from the Goodland formation west of Fort Worth. It has since been observed in Del Rio clays north of Del Rio (Sta. 232-T-5) and from the Walnut clay on Mt. Barker (Sta. 226-T-11). Careful comparison of material from these three localities reveals no fundamental differences in structure or in the character of the shell masonry. The Del Rio form averages slightly smaller than those at its type locality in the Good­land. These widely separated stratigraphic positions in the Lower Cretaceous and the broadly distributed geo­graphic occurrences indicate that F. alexanderi is probably a long-range form throughout this system in Texas and northern Mexico, as are so many of the Cretaceous forami­nifera. Specimens from all three outcrops mentioned above are deposited in the Bureau of Economic Geology. Family TEXTULARIIDAE Genus TEXTULARIA Defrance, 1824 TEXTULARIA W ASHITENSIS Carsey Pl. VIII, fig. 5 Textularia washitensis Carsey, 1926, Univ. Texas Bull. 2612, p. 24, pl. 7, fig. 6. Test spatulate, composed of fine and coarse calcareous grains with considerable cement and varying from some­what smoothly finished to distinctly rough; chambers trans­verse, polygonal in outline and generally collapsed, leaving sutures as broad and light-colored, blunt, elevated ridges, periphery in early portion of test rather sharp, in later por­tion narrowly rounded; aperture typically textularian. Length of neoholotype .81 mm.; greatest breadth .28 mm. The holotype has been lost, but the original figure illus­trates the essential characters of the species that is common and well developed at its type locality. Some tests show strong collapse of the chamber walls, so that the fossil form is strongly compressed laterally; whereas other tests ex­hibit some of their original rotundity. Solution in weak acid yields a trace of chitinous matter. In the Del Rio clays in central Texas and in all the for­mations of the Washita division in north Texas, T. wash­itensis Carsey is frequent and in places abundant. Neoholotype, from Del Rio formation, Sta. 22&--T-10, in Plummer Collection (S-773). Metatypes in Bureau of Eco­nomic Geology. TEXTULARIA RIOENSIS Carsey Pl. VIII, fig. 6 Textularia sp., Margaret Carpenter, 1925, Univ. Texas Bull. 2544, pl. 17, fig. 15. Textulari.a conica Carsey (non d'Orbigny), 1926, Univ. Texas Bull. 2612, p. 23, pl. 7, fig. 1. Textularia rioensis Carsey, 1926, Idem, p. 24, pl. 7, fig. 2. Test elongate conical, composed of very fine calcareous particles smoothly finished to slightly rough with consid­erable cement; chambers low, broad; sutures slightly de­pressed; periphery very broadly rounded; aperture a low arch at base of septal face. Length of holotype .47 mm.; greatest breadth .24 mm. Textularia rioensis Carsey is frequent at its type locality but few tests are so perfect as the holotype. Most speci­mens show twisting and axial compression giving rise to a short, broad, conical form that has been designated as T. conica from these same strata. Some tests are waxy gray and others exhibit a surface of fine grayish-white cal­careous particles. In the Lower Cretaceous strata in Texas no other thick rotund textularian form has been observed. T. rioensis Carsey has been observed not only in the Del Rio formation in central Texas but also in the Walnut clay (Sta. 22&-T-11). In north Texas it occurs commonly in the Grayson formation. Contributions to Geology Holotype, from Del Rio formation, Sta. 226-T-10, in Carsey Collection, department of geology, The University of Texas. Metatypes in Bureau of Economic Geology. Genus SPIROPLECTAMMINA Cushman, 1927 SPIROPLECTAMMINA SEMICOMPLANATA (Carsey) PI. VIII, figs. 7, 8 Textularia semicomplanata Carsey, 1926, Univ. Texas Bull. 2612, p. 25, pl. 3, fig. 4. Textularia carinata var. expansa Plummer, 1927, Univ. Texas Bull. 2644, p. 67, pl. 3, fig. 3. Test very finely agglutinate, composed of very minute white calcareous particles smoothly finished, flaring with considerable rapidity from the narrowly rounded initial extremity to the broad oral extremity; periphery sharp; chambers very narrow, earliest ones arranged in a distinct but small coil of a globular proloculum and four or five slowly enlarging chambers in the spiral, later ones biserial and moderately oblique, inflated or concave because of col­lapse; sutures slightly elevated and by their junction through the center of each side of the test for a distinct but wide lateral angle; aperture a very narrow slit at base of a triangular septa! face. Length of neoholotype .47 mm.; greatest width .32 mm.; greatest thickness .12 mm. The holotype in the Carsey Collection has been so badly crushed that it has been rendered useless as a model, but the author of the species has furnished from her original slides new specimens for study, and material from the type locality carries these tests in some frequency, though per­fect specimens are rare. The similar structure in Midway strata is probably specifically identical, but the chamber walls of these fossil tests are less frequently collapsed. Slow disintegration of tests of S. semicomplanata (Carsey) from the type locality yields a chitinous lining that is thickest in its early coiled portion but persists throughout the struc­ture. Considerable variation in the thickness of the tests may be due to changes in an originally plastic shell wall. The University of Texas Bulletin No test belonging indubitably to the microspheric gen­eration has been found. The number of specimens is at present too few for any conclusions regarding the dimorph­ism or trimorphism of the species. The size of the coil varies considerably, and in some specimens this stage is al­most negligible. Hofker has shown12 that the microspheric form of S. wrightii (Silvestri) from the Gulf of Naples is biserial throughout its development, whereas tests of the megalospheric generations have initial coils varying in size. Since the microspheric test bears in its earliest stage the primitive characters of its race, the Textularian structure must on the basis of this law have preceded that of Spiro­plectammina. A very large number of specimens of S. cari­nata (d'Orbigny) from the Vienna Basin bears out the con­clusions reached by Hofker. S. semicomplata (Carsey) occurs as a rare form in the Navarro and Taylor formations of the Texas Cretaceous section. Neoholotype, from Navarro formation, Sta. 226-T-9, in Plummer Collection (S--772.1), neoparatype18 (S-772.2). Metatypes in Carsey Collection, department of geology, The University of Texas, and in the Bureau of Economic Geology. Family VALVULINIDAE Genus DOROTHIA n. iren. Dorotki.a n. gen., March 22, 1931, Program of Soc. Econ. Pal. and Min., San Antonio, Texas. Test agglutinate, elongate, chambers of initial stage trochoid around the elongate axis of the complete test with more than three in the first one or more convolutions and with gradually decreasing number in successive convolu­tions till biseriality is attained and continues to the end of development; aperture in trochoid portion a low arch at 12Hofker, J., Die Fortpflanzung der Foraminiferen: Ann. Prot., vol. 3, p. 29, fig. 8, 1930. lSDuring the coming meeting (December, 1931) of The Paleontological Society the definition of the new type neoparatype will be formally presented by Helen Jeanne Plummer and B. F . Howell. Meanwhile the term is self explanatory. the base of the septal face and directed into the umbilical depression, in biserial stage typically textularian. Genotype, Gaudryina bulletta Carsey. The essential feature that distinguishes this new genus Dorothia14 from Gaudryina is the youthful trochoid spire composed of more than three chambers in the first whorl. By a gradual lengthening of the successive chambers and a consequent decrease in the number of chambers per whorl, the adult stage of compact biserial chambers is reached and maintained. The genotype, Dorothia bulletta (Carsey), exhibits the diagnostic generic character more strikingly than any of its congeners. In both the megalospheric and microspheric forms the first whorl is composed of five or six very slowly enlarging short chambers, which lengthen through the first three or four whorls till the mature biserial stage is reached. In 1840 d'Orbigny described Gaudryina pupoides from the Craie Blanche (Senonian). Though his description fails to set forth the details in its early structure different from that of a typical gaudryine test, he has presented in illus­tration a much-enlarged initial extremity of a specimen that clearly possessed more than three chambers in the earliest whorls. No material from these Upper Cretaceous strata at Meudon has been available for study, but in the Taylor formation (Sta. 245-T-2) is a form that exhibits the proportions and detailed structure of d'Orbigny's orig­inal figures of G. pupoides. This Taylor test shows about four and one-half chambers in the first convolution, whence it merges into the somewhat compressed biserial develop­ment by a more rapid lengthening of the successive cham­bers than does Dorothia bulletta (Carsey) . Berthelin, in his description of Gaudryina spissa, a typical gaudryine structure, distinguishes this species from G. pupoides d'Orbigny by its less developed early spire, thus recognizing ~erhaps the larger number of chambers in the initial coils 14Thls genus has been named for Mrs. Dorothy Ogden Carsey, who was the first to describe and illustrate the genotype. of the d'Orbigny form, which is here recognized as Doro­thia pupoides (d'Orbigny). The family relationships of Dorothia have proved puzzling. The mature aperture without any trace of a valvular tooth is significant of the Verneuilinidae. The early coil, however, is more typical of the Valvulinidae, and the simple aperture during this stage lies beneath a slight projection of the septal face. The present author acknowl­edges the generous aid of Dr. Cushman in this problem of family alliances: "I believe it has been derived from the group which has more than three chambers in the young, as are found in Arenobulimina and related groups, which occur abundantly in the Upper Cretaceous of both hemi­spheres".15 DOROTHIA BULLETTA (Carsey) Pl. VIII, figs. 13-17 Gaudryina bulletta Carsey, 1926, Univ. Texas Bull. 2612, p. 28, pl. 4, fig. 4. Test stout, subcylindrical with broadly rounded initial extremity, composed of fine calcareous particles with con­siderable cement and rather smoothly finished; early cham­bers arranged in a trochoid spire around the axis of the test, the first whorl of which comprises five or six grad­ually enlarging chambers, which become fewer and fewer in succeeding whorls till biseriality is reached in the fourth or fifth convolution; chambers of biserial stage only very slightly compressed, varying from uninfiated to distinctly inflated, especially in advanced maturity; sutures in early part of test smooth, in biserial portion slightly depressed; aperture a low arch at the base of the final chamber under a slight extension of its septal face near the shallow um­bilical depression of the initial stage, in the center of the base of the septal face of the mature biserial chambers. Length of holotype (in Carsey Collection) .54 mm. ;. greatest breadth .27 mm. 15Personal communication, March 26th, 1931. The holotype has been broken once across, and new speci­mens have been chosen from the same outcrop for refigur­ing the species. It is very common in these basal Navarro strata (Sta. 226-T~9) and can not be confused with any associated form. The limonitic filling of the early cham­bers of many tests accentuates its initial structure especially if specimens are dampened. The very slow application of weak acid on the tip of a fine brush to the initial extremity of a test filled with limonite yields a cast that exhibits strikingly the arrangement of its trochoid chambers. Com­plete solution of a test in acid yields an inner lining of brown chitinous matter that retains the form of the early chambers. Chitinous matter is present only in traces in the biserial chambers. Dorothia bulletta (Carsey) in the Texas section is most common in the Navarro formation and occurs from base to top. In some places, notably in the pit of the Corsicana Brick Company (Sta. 174-T-4) it is present in abundance. It occurs sparingly in the Taylor formation (Sta. 226-T-7 and Sta. 245-T~2) and in the Austin chalk (outcrops on Dallas-Greenville highway southeast of White Rock Lake). Holotype, from Navarro formation, Sta. 226-T-9, in Carsey Collection, department of geology, The University of Texas. Plesiotypes, from same locality, in Plummer Col­lection (S-774.1 to 774.5). Metatypes at Bureau of Eco­nomic Geology. Family VERNEUILINIDAE Genus TRITAXIA Reuss, 1860 TRITAXIA PYRAMIDATA Reuss Pl. X, figs. 18-21 Tritaxia pyramidata Reuss, 1862, Sitz. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien (Cl. II), vol. 46, p. 32, pl. 1, fig. 9. Tritaxia pyramidata Berthelin, 1880, Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 3, vol. 1, No. 5, p. 25, pl. 1, fig. 4. Tritaxia pyramidata Chapman, 1892, Jour. Roy. Mic. Soc., p. 750, pl. 11, fig. 2. Tritaxia pyramidata Egger, 1899, Abh. hayer. Akad. Wiss. (Cl. II), vol. 21, p. 41, pl. 4, figs. 27, 28. Tritaxia pyramidata Franke, 1925, Abh. Geol.-paleont. Inst. Univ. Greifswald, vol. 6, p. 18, pl. 2, fig. 1. Tritaxia pyramidata Franke, 1928, Abh. preuss. geol. Landesans., pt. 3, p. 138, pl. 12, fig. 18. Test sharply tricarinate, pyramidal, composed of agglu­tinated calcareous particles with considerable cement, sur­face rather smooth to rough; chambers triserial, sharply carinate, short; sutures smooth; aperture a rounded opening near the base of the septal face during youth, more and more nearly terminal with advancing age. Average length about .6 mm. up to a maximum of about l.3mm. The young tricarinate tests of Clavulina and Gaudryina and tests of Verneuilina are separated from the species of Tritaxia by their low arched aperture at the base of the septal face and lying on the penultimate chamber. In very young tests of Tritaxia pyramidata Reuss the aperture is very low, but in early youth it becomes a distinctly rounded orifice above the base of the septal face and rises closer to the apex of the test with advancing development. Some senile chambers lose their carination (Pl. X, fig. 19). A rare development in tests of this species in the Duck Creek formation is the loss of one row of chambers, thus giving rise to a dimorphous form that changes from triserial to biserial. Otherwise no difference in this type of test from the numerous typical structures of this species has been observed, and it must be regarded as an individual ab­normality. These agglutinate forms are much more sus­ceptible to such deviations from normal than are the hya­line forms. The species designated as Clavulina compressa Cushman and Waters in the Taylor strata, through the loss of one of its carinations, is an abnormal development of the abundant clavuline species in the Taylor strata. In Na­varro and Midway strata these same abnormalities accom­pany their respective tricarinate clavuline species. Solution of several tests of Tritaxia pyramidata Reuss in weak acid has yielded chitinous linings of the earliest cham­bers. A trace of chitin persists throughout the later cham­bers, but it is too weakly developed to retain the form of the chambers after the outer wall has been removed. In the Texas section the genus Tritaxia is represented only in the Lower Cretaceous strata. The species here de­scribed is especially common in the Duck Creek formation but has been observed very rarely in the Fort Worth for­mation (Sta. 219-T-14). This species and other very closely related forms have been recorded from the Gault of Eng­land, France, and Germany, and from the Turonian of Germany. Plesiotypes from lower Duck Creek formation, Sta. 219­T-12, in Plummer Collection (S>-775.1 to 775.4). Speci­mens in Bureau of Economic Geology. Genus GAUDRYINA d'Orbigny, 1839 GAUDRYINA RUGOSA d'Orbigny Pl. VIII, fig. 11 Gaudryina rugosa d'Orbigny, 1840, Mem. Soc. geol. France, vol. 4, p. 44, pl. 4, figs. 20, 21. Gaudryina pupoides Carsey (non d'Orbigny), 1926, Univ. Texas Bull. 2612, p. 27, pl. 4, fig. 5. Test elongate, stout, tapering rapidly at its initial ex­tremity, blunt orally, slightly lobate, subquadrate in cross­section of the biserial stage, composed of both fine and coarse calcareous particles with considerable cement; early chambers verneuiline and bluntly carinate forming a tri­hedral initial extremity, later chambers distinctly biserial, compact, broad, transverse, and somewhat inflated; su­tures in early portion of test smooth, on biserial portion slightly depressed on the sides and somewhat more de­pressed peripherally; aperture a highly arched orifice ex­tending from the base of the septal face upward toward the apex. Average length . 7 mm. ; breadth .35 mm. The size of the test varies considerably with the outcrop. The test already figured from Navarro strata in Texas is much more lobate than average, and the triserial early portion is smaller than that of most tests in this same out­crop. At some localities the very late mature development consists of one or two less compact biserial chambers, the apertures of which are slightly above the base of the septa! face. The size and angularity of the initial triserial stage is exceedingly variable. Slow disintegration of tests of Gaudryina rugosa d'Or­bigny in Navarro strata yields a residue of a little limonitic matter that fills the chambers and the pliable chitinous lin­ings of the triserial chambers. If disintegration proceeds slowly enough this early stage can be seen intact as a com­pact series of globular chitinous chambers floating in the liquid. Gaudryina rugosa d'Orbigny is very common in many outcrops of Navarro strata. In the underlying Taylor strata this species averages somewhat larger and is some­what more sharply carinate. Plesiotype, from Navarro formation, Sta. 226-T-9, in Plummer Collection (S-776). Plesiotype from same out­crop in Carsey Collection, department of geology, The Uni­versity of Texas. Specimens in Bureau of Economic Geology. GUADRYINA GRADATA Berthelin Pl. VIII, fig. 12 Gaudryina gradata Berthelin, 1880, Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 3, No. 5, p. 24, pl. 1, fig. 6. Gaudryina gradata Egger, 1899, Abh. hayer. Akad. Wiss. (Cl. 11), vol. 21, p. 38, pl. 4, figs. 4-6. Textularia sp., Margaret Carpenter, 1925, Univ. Texas Bull. 2544, pl. 17, fig. 16. Gaudryina filiformis Carsey (non Berthelin), 1926, Univ. Texas Bull. 2612, p. 28, pl. 7, fig. 7. This rare form in the Del Rio formation is more robust in its proportions than the typical G. filiformis Berthelin, which is better represented in Eagle Ford and Taylor for­mations in Texas. It is very roughly agglutinate and com­posed of irregular calcareous grains with much cement. The very few early triserial chambers are therefore very indistinct. Material from Egger's locality at St. Johann, from which he has recorded this species, has yielded nu­merous tests of a structure and proportions identical with the species in the Del Rio clays. Like so many other ag­glutinate tests, distortion is frequent, probably through forces of sedimentation after the death of the protoplasm. Length of plesiotype .71 mm.; breadth .28 mm. Gaudryina gradata Berthelin occurs both in the Del Rio formation in central Texas and in the Grayson formation in north Texas, but it is rather rare wherever it has been observed. Plesiotype from Del Rio formation, Sta. 226-T~lO, in Plummer Collection, (S-777) . Carsey plesiotype lost. Specimen in Bureau of Economic Geology. Genus GAUDRYINELLA Plummer, 1931 GAUDRYINELLA DELRIOENSIS Plummer Pl. IX, fig. 13 Textularia sp., Margaret Carpenter, 1925, Univ. Texas Bull. 2544, pl. 17, fig. 18. Gaudryinella delrioensis Plummer, 1931, Amer. Midland Naturalist, vol. 12, p. 341, text figure 1. Test very elongate and slender, rather coarsely aggluti­nate for its size and composed of large and small calcareous particles with much cement; earliest chambers in a some­what compact triserial succession, comprising a small and bluntly pyramidal initial extremity; later chambers biserial grading from an early compact structure of a few rounded chambers through numerous chambers that tend rapidly toward a rectilinear series and become bluntly quadrate posteriorly; senile chambers truly uniserial; sutures very distinct throughout growth and deeply incised; aperture a round opening above the base of the septal face throughout its biserial development and becoming more nearly terminal with advancing age, wholly terminal on uniserial chambers of late maturity. Length up to 1 mm. at type locality; average length about .6 mm. Gaudryinella delrioensis at its type locality reaches the extreme uniserial development. Wherever it has been ob­served the test exhibits its characteristic loosely biserial chambers of early maturity with the high, round aperture, which rises gradually toward the apex of the final chamber, as the biserial structure becomes looser. The Del Rio clays (Sta. 226-T-10) of central Texas and the equivalent Grayson marls (Sta. 61-T-2) in north Texas carry this species as a frequent member of their faunas. It has been observed as a rare form also in the Duck Creek, Weno, and Pawpaw formations in north Texas. Heautotype, from Del Rio formation, Sta. 22&-T-10, in Plummer Collection (S-771). Metatypes in Bureau of Economic Geology. Genus CLAVULINA d'Orbigny, 1826 CLAVULJNA JNSIGNJS n. sp. Pl. VIII, figs. 1-4 Clavulina triquetra Martinotti, pars (non Reuss), 1925, Atti. Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat., vol. 64, p. 177, pl. 4, figs. 8, 9. Tritaxia tricarinata Carsey (non Reuss), 1926, Univ. Texas Bull. 2612, p. 27, pl. 6, fig. 4. Test finely agglutinate, composed of minute calcareous particles with much cement, smoothly finished, trilateral with very sharp, and even extended, longitudinal carinae; lateral outline rarely straight to slightly flaring in the megalospheric form and broadly flaring in the microspheric form; sides almost plane or gently concave in the megalo­spheric form, and deeply concave in the microspheric form; early chambers triserial and rapidly enlarging thus making the initial extremity pyramidal, later chambers uniserial and slightly inflated; sutures distinct in early portion but not depressed as in the uniserial stage; aperture a round opening at the apex of the final uniserial chamber and only slightly protruding. Average length of megalospheric form about 1.2 mm., but frequent tests attain 1.8 mm.; length of microspheric test about 1.7 mm., but can be much longer. The specimens of this abundant Upper Cretaceous form previously figured from the upper Taylor strata have been available for study as well as considerable material from the outcrop from which they were chosen. The material studied for the original treatment of this species did not yield the typical sharply carinate tests. Variation from this typical form is frequent, but other material from the same exposure in the upper Taylor has furnished excellent examples that follow closely the types chosen from the Cor­sicana clay pit in the Navarro formation where the species is more abundant. The features that distinguish this Cretaceous form from a similar structure already designated16 as C. angularis d'Orbigny in the Midway formation are the very sharp lat­eral angles and the more smoothly finished surface of finer sand grains. Also the chambers of C. insignis are shorter and somewhat more inflated, and the lateral angles persist into the latest development of the largest tests. The micro­spheric form is very common in material rich in the species and is conspicuous for its broadly flaring outline and its very deeply concave lateral faces. Some of the micro­spheric tests show a slight constriction between the tri­serial and uniserial stages; others are evenly curved along the lateral outline. Clavulina insignis n. sp. is an abundant form in the Na­varro formation. It occurs also in the Taylor, where it is very common in places. Holotype and paratypes, from lower Navarro formation, Sta. 174-T-4, Plummer Collection (S-780.1to780.3); para­type from Taylor formation, Sta. 226-T-8, Plummer Col­lection (S-781). Metatype in Bureau of Economic Geology. 16Plummer. Helen Jeanne, Foramlnifera of the Midway formation in Texaa: Univ. Texas Bull. 2644, p. 70, pl. 3, figs. 3, 4, 1927. Family TROCHAMMINIDAE Genus TROCHAMMINA Parker and Jones, 1860 TROCHAMMINA DIAGONJS (Carsey) Haplophragmoides diagonis Carsey, 1926, Univ. Texas Bull. 2612, p. 22, pl. 3, fig. 1. Trochammina diagonis Cushman and Waters, 1926, Contrib. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., vol. 2, p. 84, pl. 10, fig. 7. This species originally figured from the basal Navarro strata has since been excellently illustrated from a well core in the same formation. Its tests are commonly dis­torted, because of the original plasticity of the shell ma­terial, and care must be exercised in identification of the species. T. texana Cushman and Waters is commonly a companion form in Navarro clays and should generally be readily distinguishable by its very narrowly rounded, or even sharply angular, periphery, its almost flat dorsal face, and its highly elevated ventral face. Though this latter form is also frequently distorted, these salient character­istics are rarely destroyed. T. diagonis (Carsey) is very common in outcrops of the Navarro formation in all parts of the state, and in many Taylor outcrops it is rare or frequent. Specimens from fossiliferous Navarro clay on Colorado River at Webberville, Travis County, in Bureau of Eco­nomic Geology. Holotype missing from Carsey Collection. Family LAGENIDAE The author has adopted as the most consistent basis of subdivision of the cristellarians the fundamental structure of the tests as expressed in the arrangement and relation­ship of the successive chambers. This plan is more conform­able with the general systematic treatment of foramini­fera, and it is more practicable as a working basis for fos­sils, many of which are too highly mineralized for accurate determination of minor apertural details. The minute, and often exceedingly obscure, robuline slit below the radiate aperture is hereby not given generic weight. According to this plan, the completely involute coil is re­ferred to Lenticulina. The looser and somewhat evolute coil, the later chambers of which fail to reach back to the center of the test but embrace the periphery, is referred to Astacolus. Hemicristellaria consists of an early cristellarian coil of two or more chambers beyond the proloculum fol­lowed by a linear series of several or numerous oblique, compressed (vaginuline) chambers bearing a radiate aper­ture on the extreme dorsal edge. Saracenaria is an elongate test characterized by the triangular cross-section of its linear chambers. Vaginulina is distinct from Hemicristellaria in having no true coil as its initial stage. The early chambers of some species are strongly oblique to a curved axis, but the earliest sutures do not radiate from the proloculum. Mar­ginulina differs from H emicristellaria mainly in having a nodosarian, rather than a vaginuline, linear series with its radiate aperture central, or almost central, on the uncom­pressed mature chambers. Genus LENTICULINA Lamarck, 1804 LENTICULINA NAVARROENSIS (Plummer) Cristellaria cultrata Carsey (non Montfort), 1926, Univ. Texas Bull. 2612, p. 38, pl. 6, fig. 3. Cristellaria navarroensis Plummer, 1927, Univ. Texas Bull. 2644, p. 39, text figure 4. Cristellaria midwayensis Willard Berry and Kelley (non Plummer), Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 76, art. 19, p. 7, pl. 1, fig. 3. This characteristic and abundant form in Navarro strata has been well illustrated from the lower beds of the forma­tion in the vicinity of Austin (Sta. 226-T~9), where its de­velopment is identical with that of the tests at its type lo­cality (Sta. 174-T-4). In the Texas Upper Cretaceous, this form is abundant in the Navarro formation, but it has been observed rarely in the upper part of the underlying Taylor (Sta. 226-T-8). Plesiotype, from Navarro formation, Sta. 22~T-9, in Carsey Collection, department of geology, The University of Texas. Metatypes in Bureau of Economic Geology. LENTICULINA ROTULATA (Lamarck) Pl. XI, fig. 20 L enticulites rotulata Lamarck, 1804, Ann. Mus., vol. 5, p. 188, No. 3; 1806, vol. 8, pl. 62, fig. 11. Cristellaria rotulata Carsey, 1926, Univ. Texas Bull. 2612, p. 39, pl. 6, fig. 2. The previously figured specimen (now in the Carsey Col­lection) from uppermost Taylor strata is somewhat de­formed, but other tests in the same collection, one of which is here figured, exhibit well the characters of the form. Es­sentially the Taylor species is identical with the type figured by Cushman from the original collection of Defrance (Con­trib. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., vol. 3, p. 142, pl. 28, fig. 7, 1927), except that it is somewhat fuller bodied. Average diameter .8 mm.; thickness .45 mm. Plesiotype, from Taylor formation, Sta. 226-T.....8, in Car­sey Collection, department of geology, The University of Texas. Plesiotype, from same locality, in Plummer Collec­tion (S-782). Specimens in Bureau of Economic Geology. LENTICULINA WASHITENSIS (Carsey) PI. XI, fig. 19 Cristellaria washitensis Carsey, 1926, Univ. Texas Bull. 2612, p. 38, pl. 7, fig. 9. Test lenticular, slightly elongate and wholly involute, thinly keeled, strongly umbonate, peripheral outline evenly rounded; chambers from ten to thirteen in mature convolu­tion, uninflated; sutures smooth or slightly elevated around the umbonal area, almost straight and somewhat oblique; aperture radiate on periphery. Greatest diameter of holotype .6 mm. ; lesser diameter .5 mm.; thickness through center .25 mm. The body of this species merges by direct slope from the central umbonal area into the thick sharp flange which on most specimens is unbroken and broad. A few tests bear only a sharp keel without the extended flange. Rare senile tests exhibit a final astacoline chamber that fails to reach back to the central portion of the test. L. washitensis (Carsey) is very common in Del Rio and Grayson formations. In the material of Taylor age in the excavation west of Taylor (Sta. 245-T-2) is a frequent test so closely similar as to be probably identical. Holotype, from Del Rio formation, Sta. 226-Ti--10, in Carsey Collection, department of geology, The University of Texas. Specimens at Bureau of Economic Geology. Genus ASTACOLUS Montfort, 1808 ASTACOLUS TAYLORENSIS n. sp. Pl. XI, fig. 16; Pl. XV, figs. 8-11 Cristellaria gibba Carsey (non d'Orbigny), 1926, Univ. Texas Bull. 2612, p. 37, pl. 5, fig. 4. Test broadly ovate in outline, moderately compressed, smooth, sharply keeled but not flanged, peripheral outline evenly rounded to very faintly angular in its latest develop­ment; early chambers involute, but rapidly becoming evo­lute and gradually thicker and longer, eight or nine in final convolution, last one or two distinctly inflated; sutures moderately oblique from a broad central boss that lies flush with the general rotundity of the test, very gently curved, limbate but not elevated, last one or two depressed; aperture a simple radiate orifice, the successive apertures in fresh tests being visible along the periphery as triangular areas of clear shell matter. Length of holotype .62 mm. ; breadth .45 mm. ; thickness .25 mm. ; thickness of last chamber .28 mm. The first figured specimen of this species was chosen from an outcrop of upper Taylor (Sta. 245-T-3) and is typical of the smooth, full-bodied, ovate test with its partially evo­lute later development and tumid final chamber. An expo­sure (Sta. 245-T-4) along the same road nearer Taylor has offered a larger suite of specimens for study and is therefore selected as the type locality. For comparison the specimen in the Carsey Collection is refigured (Pl. XV, fig. 11). In many outcrops of compact unctuous clays of Taylor age tests of A. taylorensis n. sp. are found in fresh and un­mineralized condition. The very clear translucent central boss permits vision of some of the earliest sutures and of the large megalospheric proloculum. Though in general the sutures and boss are not elevated above the rotund and smooth contour of the test, rare examples present very slight relief on the early part of the coil when placed in light carefully set for this observation. The successive apertures along the periphery only very rarely form faint protuberances, but the last one or two may produce a very slight angulation of the peripheral curve. Associated with this species is a more circular and only slightly evolute and many-chambered test that is characterized by prominent protuberances at these points along the periphery. Senile tests of A. taylorensis n. sp. bear one or two chambers that do not reach back to the coil, thereby foreshadowing evolu­tion into H emiscristellaria. Though the outline of A. taylorensis n. sp. simulates that of Lenticulina gibba (d'Orbigny), its partially evolute structure makes it generically as well as specifically dis­tinctive. A. convergens (Borneman) is structurally simi­lar, but its later chambers gradually grow thinner instead of thicker, so that the turgid, broad final chamber of A. tay­lorensis n. sp. is a diagnostic character. A Jackson form referred11 to Cristellaria propinqua Hantken, but probably not identical with the type from the Clavulina-szaboi beds of Hungary, is very similar to A. taylorensis n. sp. No Jackson specimens have been available for comparison, but the most obvious difference appears to be in the central area, which on this Cretaceous form is a broad translucent boss, and on the Jackson test is merely a point of radiation for the sutures. A. taylorensis n. sp. is restricted to the Taylor formation in the outcropping Texas section and is especially common in its upper half. 17Cushman, J. A., and Applin, E. R., Texas Jackson, foraminifera: Bull. Amer. Assoc. Pet. Geo!., vol. 10, p. 172, pl. 8, fig. 9, 1926. Holotype and paratypes, from Taylor formation, Sta. 245-T-4, in Plummer Collection (S-783.1 to 783.4). Para­type, from Taylor formation, Sta. 245-T-3, in Carsey Col­lection, department of geology, The University of Texas. Metatypes in Bureau of Economic Geology. ASTACOLUS DISSONUS n. sp. Pl. XI, figs. 17, 18; Pl. XV, figs. 2-7 Cristellaria reniformis Carsi:y (non d'Orbigny) 1926, Univ. Texas Bull. 2612, p. 37, pl. 3, fig. 2. Test elongate oval, much compressed, especially in evolute portion, surface smooth or delicately ornamented by long, curved, very fine, and discontinuous low ridges of exo­genous shell matter approximately parallel to the periph­eral outline of the test; periphery an even, unbroken curve bounded by a blunt, thick, narrow keel, early cham­bers involute, rapidly becoming evolute in maturity but reaching back on most tests to the early coil, from seven to nine in the last convolution; sutures curved, marked by thickened elevations that merge in a thick central boss on the early coil but gradually becoming depressed or only very slightly elevated between later chambers; aperture a radiate and protruding orifice at apex of a long, narrow, septal face, the successive apertures appearing as trans­lucent triangular marginal areas that merge into the even outline or into the thickened carina. Length of holotype 1.05 mm.; breadth .58 mm.; thick­ness through central area .26 mm.; thickness of final cham­ber .14 mm. In the lower Navarro beds (Sta. 226-T-9) from which this species was first figured tests are rare. The specimen previously chosen for illustration, now in the Carsey Col­lection, is typical in all essential characters, and it is re­figured for comparison with new material. Because the outcrop of similar stratigraphic position in the Corsicana clay pit (Sta. 174-T-4) offers an abundance of specimens for a comprehensive study of the species, the holotype has been selected from that material. The range of variability in the contour of A. dissonus n. sp. is striking, as shown by the series of paratypes (PI. XV, figs. 2-7). The fundamental characters are, however, constant and serve to identify without much hesitation al­most any single test. The early involute coil bearing the conspicuous central boss and curved elevated sutures is composed of curved chambers that become rapidly longer and straighter and more compressed. Though on most specimens all chambers reach back to the periphery, fre­quent tests show a curved linear series of one to three very oblique chambers. The fine, curved, and. indistinct ridges that sweep over the surface of the test in the direction of coiling are variable in development, and even at the type locality smooth tests can be found. All specimens from the strata on Onion Creek (Sta. 226-T-9) are devoid of these markings, which must be disregarded in strict definition of the species. The aperture of almost all tests is a simple radiate ori­fice, but rare examples of the robuline aperture have been observed. A. dissonus n. sp. in Texas outcrops is restricted to the Navarro formation, where it occurs from base to top and is comparatively rare. The type locality furnishes tests in abundance, but no other locality so rich in this species is known to the author. Holotype and paratypes, from Navarro formation, Sta. 174-T-4, in Plummer Collection (S-784 and S-785.1 to 785.6). Paratype, from Navarro formation, Sta. 226-T-9, in Carsey Collection, department of geology, The Univer­sity of Texas. Metatypes in Bureau of Economic Geology. Genus HEMICRISTELLARIA Stache, 1864 HEMICRISTELLARIA ENSIS (Reuss) Pl. X, figs. 1-4 Marginulina ensis Reuss, 1845-46, Verstein. Bohm Kreidef., pt. 1, p. 29, pl. 12, fig. 13, pl. 13, figs. 26, 27. Cristellaria lineara Carsey (non C. linearis d'Orbigny), 1926, Univ. Texas Bull. 2612, p. 36, pl. 2, fig. 3. Test elongate, much compressed throughout; first three or four chambers arranged in a distinct coil, later chambers oblique along a linear axis that curves backward from the initial coil; sutures typically depressed and marked laterally by elongate narrow nodes; aperture radiate, protruding, dorsal. Average length of mature test 1.1 mm.; breadth .3 mm. The test previously figured from Navarro strata was se­lected from an outcrop (Sta. 226-T-9) where the sutural thickenings are weakly developed (Pl. X, fig. 1). Vigilant search in material from this same exposure has yielded tests that are more mature and prove specific identity of this form with tests that have been found more abundantly in numerous other outcrops. Some uppermost Navarro strata (Sta. 165-T-4) have furnished three more typical tests for illustration (Pl. X, figs. 2-4) to show develop­ment and slight variations. The partial initial coil fol­lowed by a linear series of oblique and compressed cham­bers along a somewhat backward-curving axis and the dorsal aperture throughout growth constitute the salient structural characters of the species. The degree of devel­opment of the sutural nodes is variable. Hemicristellaria ensis (Reuss) differs essentially from H. silicula n. sp. in its much smaller size and lack of initial spine. From H. trilobata (d'Orbigny) it is distinguished by its swollen sutural limbations instead of conspicuously swollen chambers. This species is most abundant and best developed in the Navarro formation but has been observed very rarely in the Taylor and Austin formations. Plesiotype, from lower Navarro, Sta. 226-T-9, in Carsey Collection, department of geology, The University of Texas. Plesiotypes, from upper Navarro, Sta. 165-T-4, in Plum­mer Collection (S-786.1 to 786.3). Specimens in Bureau of Economic Geology. HEMICRISTELLARIA SILICULA n. sp. Pl. X, figs. 8, 9 Vaginulina (?) trilobata (?) Cushman, 1930, Contrib. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., vol. 6, p. 30, pl. 4, fig. 11. Test very large, very elongate, arcuate, much compressed throughout growth, apiculate; early three or four cham­bers coiled about the large megalosphere that bears a strong stout spine, later chambers smooth, narrow, oblique, uni­linear along an axis that may be curved slightly backward from the early cristellarian coil; sutures strongly limbate but only slightly elevated over the initial cristellarian stage, elevated in the middle of each side of the unilinear portion of the test to form transversely elongate thick nodes; aper­ture somewhat protruding, radiate, on dorsal margin. Length up to 4 mm.; length of holotype (incomplete) 3.4 mm.; greatest breadth of mature chambers .6 mm.; diam­eter of proloculum about .2 mm. This rather rare but very distinctive form in the Navarro formation in Texas is readily distinguished from H. ensis (Reuss) by its large size and the strong apical spine on its proloculum. Some tests broaden more rapidly than others in maturity, the maximum flare being exhibited by the specimen already figured by Cushman. The marked lateral compression of the test prohibits its position in the genus M arginulina. H emiscritellaria silicula n. sp. is restricted to the Na­varro formation in Texas and is a very rare member of the fauna. At very few localities it has been found very fre­quent and well developed, as at the type locality. In the Corsicana clay pit the species is very rare. Holotype and paratype, from Navarro formation, Sta. 146-T-5, in Plummer Collection (S-787.1 and 787.2). Metatype in Bureau of Economic Geology. Contributions to Geology Genus DENTALINA d'Orbigny, 1826 DENTALINA COMMUNIS (d'Orbigny) Pl. XI, fig. 4. Nodosaria (Dentalina) communis d'Orbigny, 1826, Ann. Mag. Nat. Sci., vol. 7, p. 254, No. 35. Nodosaria communis Carsey, 1926, Univ. Texas Bull. 2612, p. 34, pl. 7, fig. 5. This well-known species is typically developed in the Del Rio strata from which the Carsey plesiotype was chosen. It occurs very generally with varying frequency throughout the Cretaceous formations in Texas and is rare in some of the Eocene formations. Length of plesiotype .62 mm. Plesiotype, from Del Rio formation, Sta. 226-T-10, in Carsey Collection, department of geology, The University of Texas. Other specimens in Bureau of Economic Geology. DENTALINA GRANTI (Plummer) Pl. XI, figs. 8, 9 Nodosaria filiformis Carsey (non d'Orbigny), 1926, Univ. Texas Bull. 2612, p. 33, pl. 7, fig. 8. Nodosaria granti Plummer, 1927, Univ. Texas Bull. 2644, p. 83, pl. 5, fig. 9. Test very long, slender, arcuate, smooth, with long apical spine; chambers numerous, elongate, varying from cylin­drical to distinctly inflated; sutures flush with outline of test between early chambers on some tests or slightly con­stricted throughout growth on other tests; wall thick; aper­ture radiate and not protruding beyond end of the final chamber. Observed length up to 5 mm. ; maximum length probably considerably more. The variations already recorded in the original discus­sion of this species in the Midway formation in Texas are equally appiicable to the form as it occurs in the Upper Cretaceous formations. The long slender test is so easily broken despite its thick wall, that its maximum length has probably not been observed in any single specimen. From Nodosaria longiscata d'Orbigny it is separated by its less elongate chambers and by the curvature of its test. Denta­lina cocoaensis (Cushman) is much smaller, thinner walled and has a strongly protruding aperture. The basal Navarro strata from which a two-chambered fragment of this species has been previously figured is very poor in specimens. Mrs. Carsey has confirmed the identity of the form here figured from the Corsicana clay pit, which occupies about the same stratigraphic position as the out­crop on Onion Creek. Dentalina granti (Plummer) is frequent in the Navarro fauna and occurs also in Taylor and Austin formations in the Cretaceous section. It is especially abundant in the basal Midway (Eocene) strata and occurs also sparingly in the upper Midway. Plesiotypes, from lower Navarro clays, Sta. 174-T-4, in Plummer Collection (S-789.1 and 789.2). Specimens in Bureau of Economic Geology. DENTALINA SOLUTA Reuss Pl. XI, fig. 14 Dentalina soluta Reuss, Zeit. deutsch. geol. Gesell., vol. 3, p. 60, pl. 3, fig. 4. Nodosaria farcimen Carsey (non Soldani), 1926 Univ. Texas Bull. 2612, p. 34, pl. 4, fig. 11. The specimen previously figured from Taylor strata has been lost. The illustration, however, depicts clearly the characteristics of Dentalina soluta Reuss, a rather rare form in this fauna but one that is frequent in a few out­crops. Mrs. Carsey has confirmed the selection of the new plesiotype here figured. Length up to 2.5 mm.; average length 1.8 mm. The outcrop (Sta. 245'-T-3) from which this Taylor form has already been figured has yielded such unsatisfactory fragments, that the roadside excavation west of Taylor (Sta. 245-T-2) has been chosen for the new plesiotype. A suite of several specimens from this material exhibits a variation in the direction of the axis of the test from per­fectly straight, like N odosaria concinna Reuss, to distinctly arcuate like the typical Dentalina soluta Reuss. All tests bear a very slightly eccentric aperture and thereby show their dentaline affinities, despite the straight axis of many tests. The size of the proloculum varies greatly, but the number of specimens has been insufficient to contribute definite conclusions on the basis of trimorphism. Plesiotype, from Taylor formation, Sta. 245-T-2, in Plummer Collection (S-788). Specimen in Carsey Collec­tion lost. Other specimens in Bureau of Economic Geology. DENTALINA REUSSI Neul'eboren Pl. XI, fig. 5 Dentalina reussi Neugeboren, 1856, Denk, k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 12, p. 85, pl. 3, figs. 6, 7, 17. Nodosaria reussi Egger, 1899, Abh. k. hayer. Akad. Wiss., vol. 21, p. 57, pl. 6, fig. 34. Test rather stout, strongly arcuate, smooth; chambers gradually increasing in width from a broadly rounded aboral extremity, short and appressed in youth with little or no tumidity and gradually more elongate and more in­flated with age; sutures transverse, thick, dark bands with little or no constriction during youth, increasingly con­stricted throughout maturity and strongly constricted be­tween the last two or three very rotund chambers; aper­ture eccentric, radiate, moderately protruding. Length up to about 2 mm. This glassy smooth test with its short compact and most commonly uninflated early chambers, followed by rapidly lengthening and increasingly inflated later chambers can not be confused with any other dentaline form in the Na­varro formation in Texas. Dentalina reussi Neugeborn is abundant in the Navarro in some outcrops, and occurs rarely in Taylor strata. Plesiotype, from lower Navarro formation, Sta. 174-T-4, in Plummer Collection (S-791). Specimens in Bureau of Economic Geology. DENTALINA RARISTRIATA (Chapman) Pl. XI, figs. 10, 11 Nodosaria (D.) raristriata Chapman, 1893, Jour. Roy. Mic. Soc., p. 591, pl. 9, fig. 4. Nodosaria intrasegma Carsey, 1926, Univ. Texas Bull. 2612, p. 33, pl. 4, fig. 10. Test slender, arcuate, tapering gradually toward the api­cal extremity; chambers elongate, gradually more tumid with age, smooth or delicately ornamented by irregularly developed longitudinal costae that are more numerous and stronger across the sutural constrictions; sutures somewhat oblique, moderately constricted to deeply constricted, crossed by coarse striae or fine costae; aperture elongate and protruding eccentrically from the final chamber. Length probably as much as 2 mm. or more. The two-chambered fragment originally figured from heavy Taylor clays has been lost, but the last three cham­bers of a test here figured (Pl. XI, fig. 10) exhibits the same characteristics as the holotype. In somewhat cal­careous deposits of this same formation, the characteristic sutural costae are more strongly developed and extend over part of, or across, the chambers themselves with irregular distribution (fig. 11). The essential characters of the two forms are the same, and the degree of ornamentation must be regarded as a response to the amount of calcareous matter present in the sea during growth. The holotype of D. raristriata (Chapman) came from highly calcareous strata, and its markings are closely similar to the test fig­ured from the chalky clays of Taylor age (Pl. XI, fig. 11). D. raristratia (Chapman) is very rare in Taylor strata and has not been observed in any other part of the section. Plesiotypes, from Taylor clay, Sta. 226-T-12, and from Taylor chalky clay, Sta. 245-T-2, in Plummer Collection (S-794 and S-795). Specimen in Bureau of Economic Geology. 153 DENTALINA OBLIQUA (Linne) Pl. XI, fig. 6 Nautilus obliquus Linne, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, p. 711; ed. 13 (Gmelin's), p. 3372. Nodosaria obliqua Carsey, 1926, Univ. Texas Bull. 2612, p. 35, pl. 2, fig. 6. This long, graceful, arcuate test with numerous narrowly rounded costae crowded over all the chambers and across the sutures and extending somewhat obliquely to the axis of the test is rare in the lower Navarro strata from which it has been recorded. The Carsey plesiotype has been lost, but the new plesiotype here figured is from the same out­crop, where no other similar species occurs. Length of last three chambers figured .85 mm. Dentalina obliqua (Linne) is rare in the Navarro fauna. It has not been observed by the present author in the out­crop of any other formation. Plesiotype, from lower Navarro formation, Sta. 226-T-9, in Plummer Collection (S-792). Specimen in Bureau of Economic Geology. DENTALINA ALTERNATA (Jones) Pl. XI, fig. 7 Nodosaria zippei var. alternata Jones, 1884-1885, in Wright, Proc. Belfast Nat. Field Club, p. 330, pl. 27, fig. 10. Nodosaria alternata Carsey (n. sp.), 1926, Univ. Texas Bull. 2612, p. 35, pl. 4, fig. 7. It is a remarkable coincidence that the Taylor form fig­ured and named N odosaria alternata Carsey n. sp. has since been found identical with a previously figured species of the same name by Jones. The alternating types of longitudinal costae are obviously the impressive feature of both these tests. The original figure published in a paper by Wright on the Cretaceous foraminifera of Keady Hill is almost precisely the same broken test as that in the Carsey Collec­tion. Jones' figure is strongly suggestive of a broken apical spine, which is present on well-preserved tests of the species in the Taylor strata. The species in the Taylor clays is very distinctive and can not be confused with any other costate form, as the few long, thin, continuous ribs alter­nate with lower short ribs that do not cross the sutures. The test is cylindrical and almost straight during youth, but the sutural constrictions gradually grow deeper with advancing age, and the test becomes slightly arcuate. The final chamber is strongly bulbous and consequently is easily broken during the cleaning process. The aperture is radiate at the end of a short prolongation of the final chamber. Length of plesiotype 1.85 mm. Dentalina alternata (Jones) is frequent in the Taylor and upper Austin formations in Texas. It has been ob­served as a very rare and minute form in the lower Na­varro strata (Sta. 146-T-5), the only occurrence known to the author above the Nacatoch sand. Plesiotype, from Taylor formation, Sta. 245-T-3, in Car­sey Collection, department of geology, The University of Texas. Plesiotype, from same locality, in Plummer Col­ lection (S-793). Specimens in Bureau of Economic Geology. DENTALINA CRINITA n. sp. Pl. XI, figs. 12, 13 Nodosaria consobrina Carsey (non d'Orbigny), 1926, Univ. Texas Bull. 2612, p. 32, pl. 2, fig. 5. Test very elongate, arcuate, only slightly tapering, with­out apical spine; chambers slowly enlarging in youth, but of about equal breadth through maturity, short, appressed throughout most of the test but slightly longer and more inflated in late maturity, typically ornamented by faint and discontinuous striae that bear irregularly distributed min­ute nodes giving the chambers a hirsute appearance; su­tures flush to markedly constricted between the later cham­bers, transverse; aperture a radiate protruding orifice, somewhat eccentric. Length up to 2.5 mm. This form in Navarro strata has been described as smooth. The specimen originally figured from lower Na­varro strata (Sta. 226-T-9) has been lost, but supplemen­tary specimens in the Carsey Collection from the same out­crop show that a surface roughened by irregularly devel­oped and discontinuous fine striations constitutes a con­sistent character of the species. Rare tests are almost smooth, but even these lack the glassy smoothness of truly unornamented tests. Material from the outcrop that has furnished the specimen previously figured is poor in this species, and new material has, therefore, been selected from the very richly foraminifral strata of the Corsicana clay pit. D. crinita n. sp. has been observed most frequently in the Navarro fauna, where it is not common. It occurs very rarely also in the Taylor formation. Holotype and paratype, from Navarro formation, Sta. 174-T-4, in Plummer Collection (S-790.1 and 790.2). Metatypes in department of geology, The University of Texas; and in the Bureau of Economic Geology. Genus NODOSARIA Lamarck, 1812 NODOSARIA RADICULA (Linne) Pl. XI, figs. 1, 2 Nautilus radicula Linne, 1758, Syst. Nat. ed. 10, p. 711, Gmelin's ed. 13, 1788, vol. 1, pt. 6, p. 3373, No. 18. Glandulina manifesta Reuss, 1851, Haid. Naturw. Abh., vol. 4, p. 22, pl. 1, fig. 4. Glandulina elongata Reuss, 1860, Sitz. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 40, p. 190, pl. 4, fig. 2. Nodosaria lepi,da Reuss, 1860, Idem, p. 178, pl. 1, fig. 2. Glandulina aperta Stache, 1864, Novara Exped., Geo!. Theil, vol. 1, p. 188, pl. 22, fig. 11. Glandulina erec.ta Stache, 1864, Idem, p. 189, pl. 22, fig. 12. Nodosaria radicula H. B. Brady, 1884, Challenger, vol. 9 (Zoo!.), p. 495, pl. 61, figs. 28-31. Glandulina manifesta Egger, 1899, Abh. k. hayer. Akad. Wiss., vol. 21, p. 82, pl. 5, figs. 27, 28. Nodosaria larva Carsey, 1926, Univ. Texas Bull. 2612, p. 31, pl. 2, fig. 2. Nodosaria radicula Plummer, 1927, Univ. Texas Bull. 2644, p. 77, pl. 4, fig. 9. This cosmopolitan species has been observed and figured under various names by many authors both as a fossil and as a form in present oceans. The specimen in the Carsey Collection is typical of this form. Length up to .8 mm. ; breadth .2 mm. In Texas strata N. radicula (Linne) exhibits consider­able variation in the sutural constrictions. Some tests are almost glanduline, yet the fully mature tests with two or three less embracing and more inflated chambers shows its true nodosarian structure. Where it is rare, the tests are likely to be short, but in outcrops where it is abundant the longer tests are very common. N odosaria radicula (Linne) is frequent in Upper Cre­taceous strata in Texas, especially in the Navarro forma­tion. It is frequent also in Midway clays. The form des­ignated as Glandulina manifes ta by Egger has been found to be very common in material from his type locality at Gerhardsreut and is identical with the Cretaceous tests here referred to N. radicula. Plesiotype, from lower Navarro strata, Sta. 226-T-9, in Carsey Collection, department of geology, The University of Texas. Plesiotype, from uppermost Navarro strata, Sta. 165-T-4, in Plummer Collection (S-796). Specimens in the Bureau of Economic Geology. NODOSARIA OBSCURA Reuss PI. XI, fig. 3 Nodosaria obscura Reuss, 1845-46, Verstein. b&hm., Kreidef., pt. 1, p. 26, pl. 13, figs. 7-9. Nodosaria obscura Chapman, 1893, Jour. Roy. Mic. Soc., p. 593, pl. 9, fig. 16 (erroneously fig. 15 on plate). N odosaria fragilis (Carsey (non Defrance), 1926, Univ. Texas Bull. 2612, p. 35, pl. 4, fig. 1. Nodosaria raphanus var. obscura Franke, 1928, Abh. preuss. geol. Landesan., pt. 3, p. 48, pl. 4, fig. 5. Test straight, short, stout, composed of a few cylindrical to very slightly inflated chambers ornamented by seven to nine very thin and highly elevated longitudinal ribs that extend from a sharp apical spine to the oral extremity of the test; aperture at end of a prominent slender tube that projects from the end of the final chamber. Length of plesiotype .67 mm.; breadth .19 mm. The form previously figured from the Del Rio strata is no longer extant, but type material from the same outcrop has yielded numerous specimens that are indubitably iden­tical with the costate form recorded. The few costae are very thin and fragile and are highly elevated above the chambers and across the sutures, consequently in fossil con­dition they are characteristically ragged. One salient fea­ture of this short, straight, ribbed test is the long tubular apertural extension that is similar to that of many well­known species of Lagena but much more rare amongst the N odosariae. This delicate feature is naturally broken from most of the tests, but even the hole at the end of the last chamber with its ragged rim is diagnostic. N. obscura Reuss is well developed and frequent in the Del Rio formation in central Texas and in its stratigraphic equivalent, the Grayson formation, in north Texas. It is very rare in the Fort Worth limestone and may occur rarely throughout several Lower Cretaceous formations. It has been recorded from the Gault of England and the Continent. Plesiotype, from Del Rio formation, Sta. 226~T-10, in Plummer Collection (S-797). Specimens in the Bureau of Economic Geology. NODOSARIA ZIPPEI Reuss Nodos i5 Ul Figures- Page 16. Fusus mortoni Lea var. mortoniopsis Gabb, slightly re­duced, height 34 mm. Crockett member, below Mose­ley limestone, Moseley's Ferry, Burleson County, Texas ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------­ 17. Fusus mortoni Lea var.carexus Harris, slightly reduced, height 36 mm. Crockett member, about level of Lit­tle Brazos limestone, Little Brazos River near old interurban crossing, Brazos County, Texas·------------------­ 18. Harpactocarcinus americanus Rathbun, emend. Stenzel, male, in black concretion, reduced one-half. Crockett member, above Little Brazos limestone, Little Brazos River near old interurban crossing, Brazos County, Texas ----------------------·--------------------------------------------------------------­ 19. Pseudoliva carinata Conrad, forma 1, (slender form) slight­ly reduced, height 25 mm. Crockett member, below Moseley limestone, Moseley's Ferry, Burleson County, Texas ______________ .. -------------------------------------------------------------------­ 20. Pseudoliva car inata Conrad, forma 2, (heavy form, perspec­tiva Conrad), slightly reduced, height 30 mm. Crockett member, about level of Little Brazos limestone, Little Brazos River near old interurban crossing, Brazos County. Texas ________________------------·------______________________ 21. Mesalia claibornensis Conrad, forma 1, (broad) slightly reduced, height 36 mm. Crockett member, below Moseley limestone, Moseley's Ferry, Burleson County, Texas -------------------------------------------------------------------------------­ 22. Mesalia claibornensis Conrad, forma 2, (slender) slightly reduced, height 34 mm. Crockett member, about level of Little Brazos limestone, Little Brazos River near old interurban crossing, Brazos County, Texas ·---------· 23. Phos texanus Gabb, forma 1, 1.5 times enlarged, height 12.7 mm. Crockett member, below Moseley limestone, Moseley's Ferry, Burleson County, Texas______________________ 24. Phos texanus Gabb, forma 2, 1.5 times enlarged, 11.5 mm. Crockett member, about level of Little Brazos lime­stone, Little Brazos River near old interurban cross­ ing, Brazos County, Texas --·-----------------·-----------------·---------­ 25. Phos texanus Gabb, forma 3, 1.5 times enlarged, height 8.4 mm. Lower part of Yegua formation, along Cedar Creek on W. J. McDonald 93-acre tract northeast of Edge, Brazos County, Texas --·-----------------------------------------­ 26, 27, 28. Plicatula filam entosa Conrad var., slightly reduced. Crockett member, directly below Little Brazos lime­stone, Little Brazos River near old interurban cross­ ing, Brazos County, Texas________________________________ __ ____________ Fig. 26. Outside view of left valve, height 12 mm. Fig. 27. Outside view of right (attached) valve, height 14 mm. Fig. 28. Inside view of right (attached) valve, height 11 mm. 29. Spirorbis (Tubulostium) leptostoma Gabb, slightly reduced, diameter 13 mm. Crockett member, above Little Bra­zos limestone, Little Brazos River near old interurban crossing, Brazos County, Texas ----------------------------------------­ 30, 31. Ostrea sellaeforrnis Conrad var. 1, young, slightly reduced. Crockett member, Little Brazos River near old inter­urban crossing. Brazos County, Texas -------------------------­Fig. 30. Outside view of upper (right) valve, show­ ing slight convexity of valve, height 20 mm. Fig. 31. Inside view of upper valve of another speci­men, height 23 mm. 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 97 93 93 93 N "' N (;> N "' N _, N "' 0 "' PLATE VIII Figures-Page1-4. Cl.avulina insignis n.sp., X 25____ ____ ________________________ _________ _____ 138 1. Side view of paratype from Taylor formation, Sta. 226-T-8. 2. Holotype, showing average development of megalospheric form; Navarro formation, Sta. 174-T-4. a, Side view; b, apertural view. 3. Side view of megalospheric paratype, showing extended carinae on lateral angles; Navarro formation, Sta. 174-T-4. 4. Microspheric paratype, showing deeply concave sides; Navarro formation, Sta. 174-T-4. 5. Textula.ria washitensis Carsey, X 50, neoholotype from J?el R;io formation, Sta. 226-T-10. a, Edge view; b, side view_______________________-----------------------------------------------------------127 6. Textul.aria rioensis Carsey, X 50, holotype from Del Rio formation, Sta. 226-T-10------------------------------------------------------128 7, 8. Spiroplectammina semicornplanata (Carsey), X 50, from Navarro formation, Sta. 226-T-9_____________ _______________________ 129 7. Neoholotype, showing average proportions of adult test. a, Side view; b, end view. 8. Neoparatype, showing unusually large initial coil and thicker proportions. 9. Buliminella carseyae n.sp., X 50, neoholotype from Tay­ lor formation, Sta. 226-T-8. a, b, Side views; c, end view --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------179 10. Gumbelina excol.ata Cushman, X 50, side view of holotype of G. costata (Carsey), from Navarro formation, Sta. 226-T-9 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------176 11. Gaudryina, rugosa d'Orbigny, X 50, from Navarro for­ mation, Sta. 226-T-9________________ ________________________________________ 135 12. Gaudryina gradata Berthelin, X 50, from Del Rio forma­tion, Sta. 226-T-10. a, Side view; b, end view show­ ing deformation of later chambers__________________________________ 136 13-17. Dorothia bulletta (Carsey), X 50, from Navarro forma­ tion, Sta. 226-T-9_______ _______________________________________________________ 132 13. Mature test of moderate size. a, Side view; b, peripheral view; c, end view. 14. View of initial extremity of a test from which the shell has been dissolved by acid, leaving a limonitic cast of the chambers. 15. Ventral view of young test that has reached the stage of four chambers in the final whorl. 16. Ventral view of young test that has reached the triserial stage. 17. Young test in triserial stage. a, Ventral view; b, dorsal view; c, peripheral view. Plate Vlll 2 • 10 14 11 12 15 13 16 17 PLATE IX Figures-Page 1-6. Siphogenerinoides plummeri (Cushman), from Navarro formation, Sta. 165-T-4________________________________________________________ 183 1. Microspheric test of average size, X 50. 2. Canada-balsam mount of microspheric test showing arrangement of chambers and inner tube, which is obscured by iron oxide filling through the earliest chambers, X 50. 3. Megalospheric test of average size, X 50. 4. Abnormal specimen, X 50. 5. Aperture showing break in rim, X 100. a, Side view; b, end view. 6. Megalospheric test showing the inner tube through an opening in the side wall made by solution with acid; X 50. 7-9. Ventilabrella carseyae n.sp., X 50, from Navarro forma­ tion, Sta. 165-T-4__________________________________________________________________ 178 7. Megalospheric test in early maturity, showing two apertures in the final chamber of the biserial series. a, Side view; b, peripheral view; c, end view. 8. Holotype, a megalospheric test in full matur­ity, showing irregular arrangement of later chambers in plane of biseriality. a, Side view; b, end view. 9. Microspheric test showing early coil and some­what larger size of the biserial stage. a, Side view; b, peripheral view; c, end view. 10. Ventilabrella carseyae n.sp., X 50, from Navarro forma­tion, Sta. 226-T-9. Specimen labelled "Textularia glo­bulosa" in Carsey Collection------------------------------------------------178 11, 12. Dentilinopsis excavata (Reuss), X 50, from Grayson for­mation, Sta. 61-T-2·-------------------------------------------------------------187 11. Specimen of average size, as the species oc­curs in both the Grayson and Del Rio forma­tions. 12. Unusually well-developed test. 13. Gaudryinella delrioensis Plummer, X 50, heautotype, from type locality, in Del Rio formation, Sta. 226-T-10 137 14. Gumbelina globifera (Reuss), X 50, from Navarro for­mation, Sta. 165-T-4. a, Edge view; b, side view________ 177 15. Bulimina pupoides d'Orbigny, X 50, from Navarro for­ mation, Sta. 226-T-9___________________________ __________________________________ 180 16, 17. Frondicularia clarki Bagg, Navarro formation _ ________ _ _____ 171 16. Specimen in Carsey Collection figured as "Frondicularia alata," Sta. 226-T-9, X 25. 17. Fully mature test, Sta. 174-T-4, X 12.5. 18-21. Pseudopolymorphina cuyleri n.sp., X 25, from Navarro formation, Sta. 174-T-4_______________ ________________________________________ 173 18. Very young test showing proloculum and sec­ond chamber. 19. Young test showing arrangement of first four chambers. a, Side view; b, view of aboral extremity. 20. Test in early maturity showing several bi­serial chambers. a, Side view; b, end view of aboral extremity. 21. Holotype, showing test in full maturity. 5 6 7 9 8 11 10 (6 18 ~ (3). 16 17 19 20 21 :;J. PLATE X Figures- Page 1. Hemicristellaria ensis (Reuss), X 25, from Navarro for­mation, Sta. 226-T-9. Specimen in Carsey Collection figured as "Cristellaria lineara" Carsey____________________________ 146 2-4. Hemicristellaria ensis (Reuss), X 50, from Navarro for­ mation, Sta. 165-T-4_______________________ _____________________________ ______ 146 2. Typical test in early maturity. 3. Unusually broad test with early chambers somewhat more tightly coiled than average. 4. Typical fully developed test with one or two senile chambers; shows characteristic out­ward curvature of the dorsal edge. 5-7. Loxostoma plaitum (Carsey), X 50, from Navarro for­ mation, Sta. 226-T-9_ ________ ____________________________ ____________________ 182 5. Neoholotype, a typical unornamented test. 6. Unusually large test, that bears sutural beads between the earliest chambers. 7. Specimen showing strong development of sutu­ral beads (in Carsey Collection, not previous­ly figured). 8, 9. Hemicristellaria silicula n.sp., X 25, from Navarro for­ mation, Sta. 146-T-5_____________________________ ______ ____________ ____________ 148 8. Holotype, showing average development of test and its characteristic, strong, outward cur­vature of the dorsal edge; shape of apertural extremity shown by calcite cast protruding from end of broken shell. 9. Initial extremity of a test in which the earliest chambers are somewhat more tightly coiled than average. 10. Bolivina decorata Jones, X 50, from Taylor formation, Sta. 245-T-3. Holotype of Bolivina latticea Carsey_____ 181 11. Lagena sulcata (Walker and Jacob), X 50, from Del Rio formation, Sta. 226-T-1o_______ ___ ________ __ ____ _ ______ __ _ __ _ _ 159 13. Lagena hispida Reuss, X 50, from Navarro formation, Sta. 226-T-9______________________________ ____________ __________________ 159 13-15. Vaginulina simondsi Carsey, from Navarro formation______ 161 13. Apertural extremity of fully developed test showing typical shape; X 12.5; Sta. 165­T-4. a, Side view; b, end view. 14. Neoholotype, showing typical wedge-shaped outline of test and characteristic costation; last chamber somewhat deformed; X 12.5; Sta. 165-T-4. 15. Typical small specimen very frequent at lo­calities where its fullest development is rare; X 25; Sta. 174-T-4. 16, 17. Pseudoglandulina sp., X 50, from Navarro formation, Sta. 226-T-9______________ ______________________ _____________ _____________________ 158 16. Megalospheric test. 17. Microspheric test. 18-21. Tritaxia pyramidata Reuss, X ,50, from Duck Creek for­ mation, Sta. 219-T-12 _________________________________________________________ 133 18. Test of average size and development in maturity. 19. Senile test showing loss of carination of final chamber and its rounded aperture near the apex. 20. Abnormal test showing several biserial cham­bers in late development. 21. Young test showing rounded aperture low on septal face but above its base. 22. Vaginulina regina n.sp., X 12.5, from Austin formation, Sta. 226-T-4. a, Side view; b, end view______________ __________ 162 6 7 ~ b 4 13 11 6 12 16 15 ~ a 21 22 PLATE XI Figures- Page 1, 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8, 9. 10, 11. 12, 13. 14. 15. 16. 17-18. 19. 20. Nodosaria radicula (Linne), X 50, from Navarro forma­tion ------------------------------------------------· -------------------------------------------155 1. Test in full development, typical of specimens where the species is very common; Sta. 165­T-4. 2. Holotype of N. larva Carsey; test showing rather unusually even curvature in outline of early chambers; Sta. 226-T-9. Nodosaria obscura Reuss, X 50, from Del Rio formation, Sta. 226-T-10----------------------------------· ---------------------------------------156 Dentalina communis d'Orbigny, X 50, from Del Rio for­mation, Sta. 226-T-10. Same specimen figured by Mrs. Carsey________________________________________________________________ _____________ 149 Dentalina reusi:i Neugeboren, X 25, from Navarro for­mation, Sta. 174-T-4. Side view of test of moderate f.1ize 151 Dentalina obliqua d'Orbigny, X 50, from Navarro for­ mation, Sta. 226-T-9_______ ____________________________________________________ 153 Dentalina alternata (Jones), X 25, from Taylor forma­tion, Sta. 245-T-3 -----------------------------------------------------------------153 Dentalina granti (Plummer), X 15, from Navarro for­mation, Sta. 174-T-4 -----------------------------------------------------------149 8. Typical test, from which apertural extermity is missing. 9. Last three chambers, showing shape of aper­tural extremity. Dentalina raristriata (Chapman), X 50, from Taylor formation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------152 10. Last three chambers of a test that is identical with the lost holotype of Nodosaria intra­segma Carsey; Sta. 226-T-12. 11. Almost complete test from highly calcareous strata, showing the stronger costation across the sutures and the extension of these eleva­tions on to the chambers; Sta. 245-T-2. Dentalina crinita n.sp., X 20, from Navarro formation, Sta. 174-T-4 ---··-----------------------------------------------------------------------154 12. Holotype, showing typical development of sur­face roughened by irregularly developed striations with minute nodes. 13. Unusually smooth test that bears a faint roughness on only a few chambers. Dentalina soluta Reuss, X 25, from Taylor formation, Sta. 245-T-2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------150 Ramulina globulifera H. B. Brady, X 50, from Taylor formation, Sta. 226-T-8. a, Globular chamber; b, swollen portion of test from which branch stoloniferous tubes ----------------· -------------------------------------------------------------------------174 Astacolus taylorensis n.sp., X 50, from Taylor formation, Sta. 245-T-4. a, Side view; b, peripheral view. (See also pl. 15, figs. 8-11.) ___________ _____________________ _ _________________________ 143 Astacolus dissonus n.sp., X 25, from Navarro formation 145 17. Holotype, showing average development in coil and outline of test, with faint costation, a feature that is widely variable; Sta. 174­T-4. a, Side view; b, peripheral view. (See also pl. 15, figs. 2-7.) 18. Specimen in Carsey Collection figured as "Cris­tellari.a reniformis," Sta. 226-T-9. a, Per­ipheral view; b, side view. Lenticulina washitensis (Carsey), X 50, holotype from Del Rio formation, Sta. 226-T-10. a, Side view; b, peripheral view ----------------------------------------------------------------------142 Lenticulina rotulata Lamarck var., X 40, from Taylor formation, Sta. 226-T-8. a, Side view; b, peripheral view ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------142 4 3 5 6 7 12 14 18 17 20 PLATE XII Figures-Page 1-3. Flabellina interp11nctata von der Marek, X 25, from Taylor formation, Sta. 245-T-2___ ___________ ________________________ 163 1. Mature specimen of average size and outline. a, Peripheral view; b, side view showing papillate chambers and rather regular su­tural elevations without apertural loops. 2. Specimen showing somewhat irregular devel­opment of sutural elevations and a few apertural loops. 3. Side view of test showing weak development of papillae and of the sutural elevations, which do not extend across the apices of the late sagittate chambers. 4. Flabellina rugosa d'Orbigny, X 25, from Taylor forma­ tion, Sta. 226-T-7. a, Side view; b, peripheral view____ 166 5-8. Flabellina projecta (Carsey), from Taylor formation ______ 165 5. Side view of holotype, X 50, typical develop­ment of test. Sta. 226-T-8. 6. Specimen in early maturity, X 25; Sta. 245­T-2. 7. Specimen in full maturity, X 25, showing early stage somewhat less completely embraced than average. Sta. 245-T-2. 8. Mature test that shows great irregularity in development of the sutural elevations, X 25; Sta. 245-T-2. '9-19. Kyphopyxa christneri (Carsey), X 25, from Taylor formation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------168 9. Neoholotype, an average fully mature test showing typical development of sutural el­evations with slight tendency to formation of apertural loops, which are very rarely complete. Sta. 226-T-7. a, Side view; b, peripheral view. 10. Very young test showing average early devel­opment; Sta. 226-T-7. 11. Youthful test showing enclosure of early coiled stage by later biserial chambers; Sta. 226­T-7. 12. Specimen in early maturity showing lack of complete enclosure of early stage by later chambers. Sta. 226-T-7. 13. Megalospheric test showing exaggerated de­velopment of early coiled stage; Sta. 226­T-7. 14. Megalospheric test showing very weak devel­opment of early coiled stage; Sta. 226-T-6. 15. Section of megalospheric test showing average development; Sta. 226-T-5. 16. Section of megalospheric test showing irregu­lar early development, with three cristel­larian chambers coiled in one direction fol­lowed by two coiled in the opposite direction, beyond which the succession of biserial and sagittate chambers is normal. Sta. 57-T-2. 17. Section of megalospheric test showing only two early cristellarian chambers so nearly up­right as to be almost biserial. Sta. 57-T-2. 18. Section of megalospheric test showing the early chambers so loosely coiled as to be vaginuline. Sta. 226-T-5. 19. Section of microspheric test showing typical gradual increase in size of numerous early coiled chambers; Sta. 57-T-2. 230 The University of Texas Bulletin PLATE XIII Figures- Page 1. Guttulina problema d'Orbigny, X 50, from Navarro for­mation, Sta. 226-T-9; figured specimen in Carsey Col­lection --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------173 2. Globorotalia delrioensis n.sp., X 50, holotype, from Del Rio formation, Sta. 226-T-10. a, Dorsal view; b, peripheral view; c, ventral view________________________________________ 199 3. Gyroidina depressa (Alth), X 50, from Navarro forma­tion, Sta. 226-T-9. a, Ventral view; b, peripheral view; c, dorsal view________________________________________________________________ 190 4-6. Globotruncana f ornicata n.sp., X 50, from Taylor forma­ tion, Sta. 226-T-8_________________________________________________________________ 198 4. Holotype, a mature megalospheric test show­ing typical development and proportions. a, Dorsal view; b, ventral view; c, peripheral view. 5. Dorsal view of megalospheric test somewhat more mature than the holotype and showing strong depression on inner side of each late chamber. 6. Microspheric test, showing typical early coil developing from a minute proloculum through a series of numerous, gradually en­larging chambers, which are characteristic­ally narrower than those of the average megalospheric test. 7-9, 11. Globotruncana area (Cushman) X 50, from Taylor for­ mation, Sta. 226-T-8__________________________________________________________ 195 7. Young test, showing typical bicarination and about equal biconvexity. a, Dorsal view; b, peripheral view; c, ventral view. 8. Test in early maturity showing unusual per­sistence of its youthful bicarination and equal biconvexity. a, Dorsal view; b, periph­eral view; c, ventral view. 9. Test in early maturity showing evanescence of the ventral carination in the final whorl and corresponding increase in convexity of the ventral face. a, Dorsal view; b, peripheral view; c, ventral view. 11. Fully-mature test showing single carination throughout final whorl. Holotype of G. rosetta (Carsey) ; final chamber distorted. a, Dorsal view; b, peripheral view; c, ven­tral view. 10. Globotruncana canaliculata (Reuss) var. ventricosa White, X 50, from Taylor formation, Sta. 226-T-8. a, Dorsal view, showing characteristic wide chambers slightly in­flated; b, peripheral view, showing characteristic strong double carination and well-inflated chambers______ 199 12. Globigerina washitensis Carsey, X 50, neoholotype, from Del Rio formation, Sta. 226-T-10. a, Dorsal view of a test showing four chambers in the final whorl; b, peripheral view------------------------------------------------------------------------193 Tlae Unlnnlty of Teaaa Bulletin 3101 Plat• XUI 3 5 6 4 7 8 9 10 12 11 PLATE XIV Figures-Page 1-4. Discorbis correcta Carsey, X 50, from Navarro forma­ tion, Sta. 22&-T-9____________________________________________________ 188 1. Holotype. a, Dorsal view; b, peripheral view; c, ventral view. 2. Ventral view of a test showing series of um­bilical flaps unusually well preserved. 3. Ventral view of a test with unusually large number of chambers. 4. Dorsal view of test with unusually large num­ber of chambers. 5. Gyroidina nitida (Reuss), X 50, from Grayson forma­ tion, Sta. 61-T-2. a, Dorsal view; b, peripheral view; c, ventral view____ ·--------------------------------------------------------------------191 6. Valvulineria asterigerinoides n.sp., X 50, holotype, from Grayson formation, Sta. 61-T-2. a, Dorsal view; b, peripheral view; c, ventral view________________________________________ 190 7, 8. Anomalina falcata (Reuss), X 50__________________________ ______________ 202 7. Holotype of A. petita Carsey, from Del Rio formation, Sta. 22&-T-10. a, Dorsal view; b, peripheral view; c, ventral view. 8. Specimen from Fort Worth formation, Sta. 219-T-14, showing typical characters of the species better preserved. a, Dorsal view; b, ventral view. 9. Anomalina grosserugosa (Giimbel), X 50, from Navarro formation, Sta. 22&-T-9. a, Dorsal view; b, peripheral view; c, ventral view___________________________________________ 201 10. Uvigerina seligi Cushman, X 100, from Navarro forma­tion, Sta. 22&-T-9----------------------------------------------------------------186 11. Eponides micheliniana (d'Orbigny), X 50, from Taylor formation, Sta. 245-T-3. Holotype of "Truncatulina refulgens" var. conica Carsey. a, Peripheral view; b, dorsal view_-----------------------------------------------------------------------192 12. Nonionella robusta n.sp., X 50, holotype, from Navarro formation, Sta. 22&-T-9. a, Dorsal view; b, periph­ eral view; c, ventral view______________________________________________________ 175 13. Anomalina pseudopapillosa Carsey, X 50, holotype, from Navarro formation, Sta. 22&-T-9. a, Dorsal view; b, peripheral view; c, ventral view__________________________________ 200 The Uninraity of Texaa Bulletin 3101 Plate XIV 3 2 5 6 4 8 7 10 9 11 PLATE XV Figures- Page 1. Haplostiche texana (Conrad), Del Rio formation, Sta. 232-T-6. a, b, Side views of typical tests showing the coarse surface and the apertural extremity varying from broadly rounded to somewhat protruding ( X 7 and X 6 respectively). c, d, e, Longitudinal sections showing the labyrinthic wall structure ( X 10, X 10, and X 8 respectively) . f, g, Apertural views showing the typical cribrate apertures of mature chambers______ 124 2-7. Astacolus dissonus n.sp., paratypes, X 25, from Navarro formation, Sta. 174-T-4. Series of tests showing the wide variation in outline and degree of ornamentation. (See also Pl. XI, figs. 17, 18.) --------------------------------------------145 2. Smooth test of normal proportions ::md periph­eral outline. 3. Unusually broad test. 4. Degree of ornamentation most common at type locality. 5. Senile test of frequent occurrence at type locality. 6. Rare development of this species with numer­ous chambers that fail to reach back to the periphery, thus stimulating the structure of the genus Hemicristellaria. 7. More frequent senile development of the species at its type locality. 8-11. Astacolus taylorensis n.sp., paratypes, x 50, from Tay­ lor formation. (See also Pl. XI, fig. 16.) ____________ _________ _ 143 8. Test in early maturity, Sta. 245-T-4. 9. Test in full maturity, Sta. 245-T-4. 10. Senile test showing a final chamber that fails to reach back to the periphery; Sta. 245-T-4. 11. Test in Carsey Collection, previously figured as "Cristellaria gibba." a, Side view; b, peripheral view. Sta. 245-T-3. The University of Texaa Bulletin 3101 Plate XV a b c d 2 3 4 5 6 INDEX Acanthoceras --------------------39, 44, 68, 69 coloradoense ------------------------------------71 cunningtoni ------------------------------------52 rotomagense ------------------------------------71 Alectryonia !ugubris ------------------------71 Al!ocrioceras --------------------------------------63 ellipticum ----------------------------------------63 Ancilla expansa ----------------------------------98 Anderson, Frank M. _____________ _____________ 56 Anomalina falcata -----------------------------· 202 grosserugosa ---------------------------------· 201 pseudopapillosa ______________________________200 taylorensis --------------------------------------202 Anomia sellardsi --------------------------------90 Apache Canyon ------------------------------------22 Apache Mountains ----------------------------23 Arick, M. B. -----------------------------------36, 65 Astacolus dissonus --------------------------145 tay!orensis --------------------------------------143 Austin formation -------------------·------------35 Baculites gracilis ------------------------------64 Baker, A. A-------------------------------------------70 Baker, C. L. __ ______ ________________ 9, 11, 36, 39 Ball, 0. M.________________________________________ _ _ 97 Barcus, J . M---------------------------------------50 Belosepia ----------------------------------------87, 94 Berry, Edward Wilber____________________ ____ 97 Big Lake oil field .....--------------------16, 25 Big Saline Creek__________________________________ 27 Billinghurst, S. A. _ ____________________________ 63 Black Mountains --------------------------------22 Bolivina decorata -----------------------------181 Borsonia plenta ----------------------------------93 Bose, Emil ----------·--·54, 55, 56, 59, 68 Bouldin Creek -------------------------------·50, 63 Bowman, W. F. -----------------------------------11 Bruder, Georg .. -------------------------------· 52 Bulimina pupoides ---------------------------180 Buliminel!a carseyae --------------·--------179 Burleson Bluff -------------------------------.. 77 Caballos formation -----------------------12, 16 Calyptraphorus velatus --------------------87 Camptonectes --------------------------------------65 Carney, Frank ------------------___. ___ __ 15 Carrizo ______ ..... 73, 76, 77, 81, 82 Cartwright, Lon D., Jr.______________________ 24 Cavins, 0 . A. -------------------------------------59 Cenomanian -----------------------------------42 Chaetetes milleporaceus ------------------30 Chispa Summit ____ -----------------------------35 Claiborne Group --------------------------------76 Lower ----------------------------------------------81 Upper ---------------------------------------------96 Clark Ranch ... ·----------------. . 10, 13, 16 Clavilithes chamberlaini _ ------------------90 Clavulina insignia ----------·---------------138 Coilopoceras .35, 39, 47, 48, 50, 68, 71 africanum -----------------------------·----------49 austinense __ ________ _________ _____ _.47 , 49, 50 chispaense --------------·· ·····-----------------48 colleti --------------------·-----_____ __ -----·---49 eaglefordense .......46, 47, 48, 49, 50 lesseli -----------------------------------------47, 50 novimexicanum ________ ___ _ 49 requienianum ----------------46, 47, 50, 70 springeri --------·--------------47, 49, 50, 51 Collard's Ferry ____________________ __ 77, 85, 86 Composita subtilita ____ ___---------------· . 15 Conus sauridens __ ___ __ 93, 98 Cook Mountain formation ----·73, 76, 90 Crockett clay --------------------------------77, 91 Crow Flat .... ----------------------------------23 Cummins, W. F---------------·-------------------36 Cypraea kennedyi ------------------------------93 Delaware Mountains ____________ 20, 22, 23 Delaware Basin ----------------------------23, 24 Dentalina alternata --------------------........153 comm unis ----------------------------------------14 9 crinita ----------------------------------------------154 granti ----------------------------------------------14 9 ~~:\~~~at;;_··::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ ~~ reussi ----------------------------------------------151 soluta ----------------------------------------------15 O Dentalinopsis excavata --------------------187 Derbya ------------------------------------------------15 Deussen, Alexander....74, 77, 82, 85, 92 ~l~~;.ooJ,1:1\~~ .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~· ~~ Diener, C. ------------------------------------------50 Dimple formation --------------------------12, 16 Discorbis correcta ------------------------------188 Distorsio septemdentata ______________93, 94 D'Orbigny, A. --------------------------------------42 Dorothia, description of._______ ____________130 bulletta .-------------------------------------------132 Douville, Henri ----------------------------------47 Dunbar, C. 0 . --------------------------27, 29, 31 Dumble, E. T.____________ 74, 80, 82, 85, 92 Eagle Ford formation -------------------------35 Eck, Otto --------------------------------------------70 Ellenburger limestone ------------------------30 Ellisor, Alva C-------------------------------------76 El Paso District----------------------------------20 Engonoceratidae --------------------------------71 Eponides micheliniana ----------------------192 Erratics --------------------·---------------------------12 Eucalycoceras --------------------------------------63 leonense -------------------------------63 Exogyra columbella ---------------------· ... 71 Fagesia -----------------------------------------· 66, 68 bomba -------------------·------------------------70 californica --------------------------------------56 haarmanni ----------------------------------·--· 56 texana ----------------------------------------------55 thevestensis ______________________________ 55, 71 Ferguson, W. B.-----·-----·----------------------76 Flabellammina alexanderi -----------------126 Flabellina interpunctata -·-----------------163 projecta -----·--------------------------------------165 rugosa ________ ________ . ------------------------166 Flabellum cuneiforme -------------------___ 97 Franklin Mountains ---------------------20, 21 Franklin, Texas ----------------------------------83 Frondicularia clarki -------· ... ...1 71 Fusulina --·-------------------------27, 28, 29, 30 llanoensis ----------------------------28, 29, 31 primaeva ------------------------------28, 29, 32 Fus ulinella --------------------------------------29, 30 Fusulinidae ------------------------------------------31 Gabb, W. M. ----------------------------------·-··· 74 Gap Tank, Texas ______________________ 9, 10, 16 Gaptank formation ----------------------------12 Gardner, Julia ------------------------------------98 Gastriocera~ compressum ------------------30 Guadalupe Mountains ------------------------23 Gaudryceras mite ------------------------------70 Gaudryina gradata ____________________________ l 36 rugosa --------------------------------------------135 Gaudryinella delrioensis --------------------137 Gauthiericeras ------------------------------------65 Globigerina rugosa ______________ ___ _______ __ __ l 94 washitensis -----------·------------------------193 Globorotalia delrioensis --------------------199 Globotruncana area _________________________195 canaliculata ventricosa __________________199 fornicata ------------------------------------------198 238 Index Grand P r airie, Texas_________________ __ _______ 50 Graneros formation ----------------------70, 71 Greenhorn formation --------------------70, 71 Gryphaea newberryi --------------------------71 Giimbelina excolata ____________________ ______ l 76 globifera ------------------------------------------1 77 Guttulina problema ____________________________ l 73 Gyroidina depressa ____________________________l 90 nitida ----------------------------------------------191 Haplostiche texana ----------------------------124 Hares iceras ------------------------------------------58 Hai"pactocarcinus americanus ----------93 rathbunae ----------------------------------------93 Harris, Gilbert D-- ·------------·---------· 74, 77 Ha ymond formation _______________ .9, 12, 16 Heath, F. E .·---------·--------------·-------------·--76 Helicoceras pariense --------------------------68 Hemicristellaria ensis ---------------------14 6 silicula --·----·--------------------·--·-----·------14 8 Hendricks oil field -----·----·-------------------26 Hercoglassa ----------··---·-------------··---------94 Hill, R. T ·--·---------------·--··--------------·--------11 Hobbs, New Mexico____ ··---------··------·----24 Hoplitoides ----------------------------------· 4 7, 4 8 mirabi!is ----------------·----------·----·---------59 Housetop Mountain __________ 9, 11, 13, 15 Huddleston, A. N . ______________ ____. ____ 36 Hueco Bolson ----------------·-------20, 21 , 22 Hueco Mountains ------------------____ .. 21 Hyatt, Alpheus ______ __ __ _____ ____ __-47, 58, 65 1 Il(