B6S-417-2m University of Texas Bulletin No. 1707: February 1, 11H7 Food for Growing Children By JESSIE P. R.ICH For111erly Extension Lecturer Home Economics, Department of ~xtension, University of Texas Published by the University six times a month and entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at Austin, Texas The benefits of education and of useful knowledge, generally diJfused,_ through a community, are essential · to the preservation of. a free govern­ment. Cultivated mind is the guardian genius of democracy. It is the only dictator that freemen ac­knowledge and the only security that freemen desire. President Mirabeau B. Lamar. Food for Growing Children The food question is undoubtedly the most important problem in the welfare of the growing child. It has profound effect upon his physical development, his disposition and his character. In­discriminate feeding is the cause of much of the trouble and worry of mothers. The child is allowed to eat the foods prepared for the adult. No account is taken of the undeveloped, immature condition of his digestive organs. He has only limited facilities for caring for his foods. The digestive juices are not in full strength and the means for mastication are undeveloped. These points should be taken into consideration in feeding, and the food administered to the growing child should be of such a nature and in such condition as to recognize his limitations. Many books and lectures are available for the feeding of very young children. Holts : ''Diseases of Infancy and Childhood. '' Chapin: "Theory and Practice of Infant Feeding." Campbell: "Practical Motherhood." These books give the principles of infant feeding and modifica­tion of cow's milk for bottle food. Few books carry the subject of feeding through the early years of the growing child. They fail to explain carefully the diet after babyhood is past. The mother who would do the best for her growing child' should know these things : The uses of the food in the body to the growing child. The foods best suited to meet the requirements of the growing child. The best method of preparing food for the growing child. The amount of food required for the growing child. When to administer the food to the growing child. The cost of food required for the growing ~hild. THE USES OF THE FOOD IN THE BODY TO THE GROWING CHILD. Foods are taken into the system to perform special work. The body may be likened to a great machine in motion. The efficiency University of Texas Bulletin of this machine comes from the fuel or food supplied. The fuel in the human machine must do more than furnish power to do work. It must keep the machine in a state of repair and increase the size from that of the infant to the adult. The machine can never completely shut down its activity for repair or growth. The foods are the means of increasing the size of the growing child. They are the sources of power and activity. 'THE FOODS BEST SUITED TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE GROWING CHILD The food materials are of great variety but analysis shows that all of them are but varying combinations of a few simple foods just as all of our English words are made from twenty-six letters. These basic foods are carbo-hydrates, including starch and sugar, proteins, fats and mineral salts. The starches are well known substances and occur in such veg­etables as cereals and potatoes. Sugar is largely used in commercial form but occurs also in fruit and vegetables and in some-animal products in small quan­tities. Sugar and starch are specially suited to furnish the heat and energy required by the body. The best starches for children are obtained from such cereals as rice, wheat, corn, oats, anlooie of meat; that skimmed milk contains mueh good protein -. that can be eaten in the form of cottage cheese; that one quan .of whole milk gives as much strength as two pounds of potatoes, Jour pounds of cabbage, eight eggs, or three-quarters of a p•JUnd ·<0f round steak. The cost of these articles is as follows: Food for Growing Children. 8 .eggs . .... ........ .. .. .. ... .... . . 24 .Ofi 1 quart of milk .10 ; pounds potatoes................. . !4 pound steak ................... . . 16 { 4 jpounds cabbage ................. . . 10 Remember that in buying food at the baker's ready prepared you are paying the baker for doing work that you can do bEtter and cheaper yourself and that in buying canned goods you ·ur usually guilty of the same extravagance. Buy the non-perishable supplies, where it is possible, in quan­tities, thus securing the advantage of a lower price and making it possible to purchase articles of food when they are cheapest and best on the market. MEALS. *Below are some suggested meals with the amount for serving given: CHILDREN 's MEALS. Food for one day for a child 2-5. Price about 15c. Fuel value 1200-1500 calories. Breakfast-7 :30 o'clock. Orange juice, 4 tablespoonfuls. Cream of wheat, % cup. Milk, 11,4 cups. Toast. Lunch-11 o'clock. Milk, 1. glass. Bread and butter, 1 thin slice. Dinner-12 :30 o'clock. Cream of split pea soup, 1 cup. Bread and butter, 2 thin slices of bread, 1 pat of butter. Rice pudding and raisins, 1 generous serving. Lunch-4 o'clock. Graham crackers, 2. *We are indebted to the Chicago Child Welfare ·for a part of this :material on meals. University of Texas Bulletin Supper. :Milk toast, 2 thin slices, 1 glass top milk. Baked apple, 1. Food for one day for a child 6-9. Price about 15c. Fuel value, 1400 to 2000 calories. Breakfast. Cream of wheat and dates, 112 cup of cream of wheat and 4 dates. Milk, 1h cup top milk. Toast with butter, 1 slice. Lunch-11 o'clock. MJlk, 1 glass. Bread and butter, 1 slice. Dinner. Fish chowder, 1 cup. Crackers, 2. Rhubarb sauce, 1 cup. Cookies, 2. Supper. Creamed egg, 1 egg and 1/2 cup cream sauce. 'roast, 2 slices. Milk, 1 glass. Gingerbread, 1 piece. Breakfast. Oatmeal, 1/z cup. Milk, % cup top milk. Toast and butter, 2 slices. Stewed dried apples, 1 sauce dish. Lunch. Rice and cheese, l/2 cup. Bread and butter, 2 slices. Bananas, 1. Dinner.· Lentil stew with potatoes. Corn bread and butter, 2 slices. Prune whip. The following meals are for the three children of a family Food for Growing Children living on a $1000 income and they are so planned that, by in­creasing the amount of food or making simple additions to the menu of the younger children, the older children ar.e provided ior. Child 2-5 years of age: 1200-1500 calories. Breakfast-7 :30 o'clock. Orange juice, 4 tablespoons. Cream of wheat, % cup. Milk, 11h cups. Bread (stale), 1 slice. Lunch-11 o'clock. Milk, 1 cup. Bread (stale), 1 slice. Butter, 1 teaspoonful. Dinner-1 o'clock. Baked potato, 1. Boiled onions (mashed), 2. Bread and butter, 1 slice. Milk to drink, 1 cup. Baked apple, 1. Boiled rice, 1 cup. Milk, 3,4 cup. Bread and butter, 1 slice. SUBSTITUTES OR ADDITIONS For cream of wheat or rice: Farina, Wheatena, Pettyjohn or other cereal. For orange juice and baked apple: Prune pulp and sauce. For onion: Spinach, strained peas, stewed celery. An egg every day may take the place of a part of the milk ( V2 · cup), and should be given two or three times a week. Child 6-9 years of age: 1500-1800 calories. Breakfast-7 :30 o'clock. Cream of wheat, 1/2 cup. Top milk, 14 cup. University of Texas Bulletin Stewed prunes, 5. Toast, 1 slice. Milk to drink, 1 glass. Dinner-1 o'clock. Pea soup, 1 cup. Croutons, 1 slice bread. Boiled onions, 2 small. Baked potato, 1 large. Molasses cookies, 2. Supper-5 :30 o'clock. Cream toast, 2 slices bread. Hice pudding (with milk and sugar), 1 cup. Milk to drink, 1 glass. SUBSTITUTES OR ADDITIONS Cream of wheat. Por peas: Strained beans or lentils. For onions: Spinach, cauliflower, carrots (well cooked), let­ tuce. For prunes: Ripe apples, dates, baked bananas, all stewed fruits. For pudding: Junkets, custards, ice cream, blanc mange, bread pudding, and simple desserts. Ji"'or cookies: Sponge cake, gingerbread, plain cakes or cookies. Child 10-13 . years of age: 1800-2200 calories. Breakfast-7 :30 o'clock. Cream of wheat, %cup. Top milk, 1h cup. Stewed prunes, 7 prunes. Toast, 2 slices. Milk to drink, 1 cup. Luncheon-1 o'clock. Pea soup, 1 cup. Boiled onions, 2 small. Food for Growing Children .l5 Baked potato, 1 large. Bread and butter, 2 slices. Cookies, 3. Dinner-5 :30 o'clock. Baked fish, small serving. Creamed potatoes, % cup. Spinach, 1/2 cup. Bread and butter, 2 slices. Rice pudding (milk and sugar), 1 cup. SUBSTITUTES OR ADDITIONS For cream of wheat: Any well cooked cereal. For fish: Rare beefsteak, roast beef or mutton chops, boiled mutton, salt fish. For prunes : Any fruit (uncooked or cooked). For vegetables : Any well cooked. or fresh vegetables. For dessert: All simpl·e desserts. The above menus are inexpensive but they provide little fresh fruits and vegetables. They are not the best possible because of this omission. The growing child needs in its diet the fresh fruits and vegetables daily. The following menus suggest meals for ehildr·en between the ages of two and three years and three and six years. The cost here exceeds 20 cents per day. FROM TWO TO THREE YEARS Brc·akfast. 1. Juice of one sweet orange, pulp of six stewed prunes, pine­apple juice (one ounce), a baked apple or apple sauce. 2. A cere-al, such as oatmeal, farina, cream of wheat, hom­iny, cornmeal or rice slightly sweetened or buttered as preferred, with the addition of top milk (top sixteen ounces), or a soft boiled or poached egg with stale bread or toast. 3. A glass of milk. Dinner. 1. Broth or soup made of chicken, beef or mutton, thick­ened with arrow root, split peas or rice with the addition of the yolk of an egg or toast squares. University of Texas Bulletin 2. Scraped beef, white meat of chicken, broiled fish, as hali­but (two ounces), or two slices of broiled crisp bacon. 3. Mashed or baked potatoes, macaroni, peas, spinach, car­rots, beets, squash or cauliflower. 4. A glass of milk with educator or grahalll; crackers, or stalebread buttered. 5. Dessert: Apple sauce, baked apple, rice junket, cus­ tards. Supper. 1. Stewed fruit, a cereal or egg (if not taken for breakfast), bread and milk or custard, cup of warm milk or cocoa, crack­ers or zwieback. Graham crackers or stale graham bread, if c~; : stipated. FROJ\I THREE TO SIX YEARS Breakfast. 1. Fruits: oranges, apples, pears, stewed prunes. 2. Cereal or eggs (not both) oatmeal, hominy, corn meal, rice and wheat preparations well cooked and salted, with thin cream and sugar or butter and salt. 3. Eggs: Soft-boiled, poached, omelet, scrambled. 4. Milk or cocoa to drink, stale bread and butter. Dinner. 1. Soups: Beef, chicken or mutton. 2. Chicken, rare beefsteak, roast beef, fish or lamb chops. 3. Vegetables: Spinach, carrots, string beans, peas, cauli­flower tops, mashed or baked potatoes, beets, lettuce (without vinegar), macaroni, spaghetti. 4. Bread and butter (not fresh bread or rolls). 5. Dessert: Custard, rice or bread pudding, tapioca, choc­olate pudding, ice cream (once a week), corn-starch pudding, stewed prunes or baked apples. 6. Milk. Supper. 1. Milk toast or a thick soup, as pea or cream of celery, or a cereal or thin cream. Stewed fruit or a custard, or a plain pudding, jam or jelly, graham crackers and milk .. 2. Bread and butter. Food For Growing Children. All menus given ar·e prepared for a child of normal health. Individual cases will occur where certain things cannot be given to certain children. In the case of one child eggs caused distress. The mother must und_.erstand the child individually, and eliminate from its diet those foods which cause discom­fort. The method of serving foods aids in their digestion. The child should eat in a pleasant and well aired room. The food should be served in an attractive, ple·asing way. Especially is this true of the child after he has reached the aaolescent period, where the nervous system is overstrained. Confusion, worry, and untidiness act directly on the digestive juic<0s with harmful effects to the child. In general, the foods for the growing child should be simple, should be easy of digestion, should be w.ell served. The diet should not furnish tea or coffee, pork, fried foods and gravies, hot breads, pies, bananas, cucumbers and cabbage. The· diet should not administer foods, such as beans, peas, lentils, cheese, nuts, and peanuts, unless they are in a fine state of division. The simpler the diet, the simpler the preparation, the better it is for the growing child. A FEW RECIPES CEREALS In general cereals should be cooked as follows: Have the water rapidly boiling. Add one teaspoonful of salt for each cup of cereal. Sprinkle the cereal slowly into the water, stirring until it is well mixed, and boil for five minutes. Continue the cooking without stirring, either in a double boiler or with a piece of asbestos under the saucepan. A double boiler may be made by fitting together two saucepans, nearly of the same size, putting the larger one on top. Fine cereals need three and a half to six times as much water as cereal. The coarser cereals require two to thDee times as much water as cereal. Cream of wheat, wheatena, Quaker oats, wheat gerni, malt cereal should be cooked thirty to forty minutes ; coarse oat· meal, corn me.al and cracked wheat from two to six hours. University of Texas Bulletin The fi.reless cooker is excellent for cereals. Add cereal t