DIRECTORY OF THE STAFF OF THE MAIN UNIVERSITY AND EXTRAMURAL DIVISIONS, THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS, FOR THE YEAR 1963-1964 15 CENTS THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PUBLICATION NUMBER 6321 NOVEMBER 1, 1963 Instructions on How to Use Your Centrex Telephone OUTSIDE CALLS: Dial "9" for an outside line; then dial the telephone number. INCOMING CALLS: Callers from off the campus may reach you directly by dialing GR I plus the four digits of your CENTREX number. CALLS TO OTHER CAMPUS Simply dial the last four digits of the TELEPHONES: number. TRANSFERRING INCOMING Depress the button in the cradle of the OFF-CAMPUS CALLS: telephone slowly several times. When the operator answers, ask her to trans­fer the call to the desired four-digit number. On-campus calls cannot he transferred. Hang up and re-dial the number desired. LONG DISTANCE CALLS: To place a long-distance call, dial "9" then dial "0," give the operator your name and telephone number. The call will he charged to your CENTREX sta­tion. CONFERENCE CALLS: Conference service is available for con­ferences on incoming and outgoing long-distance calls, off-campus calls, and on-campus calls. Request operator to set up conference between stations desired. Please advise all of your friends and business associates of your correct station number so they may dial you directly without the assistance of the operator. Instructions for Information and Service CENTREX NUMBERS NOT LISTED IN DIRECTORY: Dial "0" on CENTREX telephones on campus and dial GR 1-3434 on telephones located off-campus. P.A.X. NUMBERS NOT LISTED IN DIRECTORY: Dial P.A.X. 555 on campus telephones. FOR BUSINESS MATTERS RELATING TO BELL TELEPHONES: Dial CENTREX extension 7223. FOR BUSINESS MATTERS RELATING TO P.A.X. TELEPHONES: Dial P.A.X. 779. DIRECTORY OF THE STAFF OF THE MAIN UNIVERSITY AND EXTRAMURAL DIVISIONS, 1963-1964 THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS The benefits of education and of useful knowl­edge, generally diffused through a community, are essential to the preservation of a free government. SAM HOUSTON Cultivated mind is the guardian genius of De­mocracy, and while guided and controlled by virtue, the noblest attribute of man. It is the only dictator that freemen acknowledge, and the only security which freemen desire. MIRABEAU B. LAMAR PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY TWICE A MONTH. SECOND-CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT AUSTIN, TEXAS. CONfENTS Calendar of the Main University -----------------------------------------------------4 Dates for Faculty Council Meetings -----------------------------------------------6 Dates for Graduate Assembly Meetings -----------------------------------------__ 6 Dates for the University Faculty Meetings --------------------------------------7 Board of Regents ----------------------------------------------------------------_____________ 8 Explanation of Abbreviations -----------------------------------------------____ _____ 9 Officers of Administration ---------------------------------------------------------------9 Deans of Colleges and Schools ---------------------------------___--------------------10 Chairmen of Departments ---------------------------------------------------------------11 Offices, Bureaus, and Other Divisions of the University ___________ _______ 14 Staff Members ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------31 Standing Committees of the Main University----------------------------------346 Standing Committees of the Graduate School _______ __ ___ ___ __ ____ __ ___ 356 Standing Committees of the Extramural Divisions ------______ _ 357 CALE!'l,jllAR OF THE MAIN UNIVERSITY Long Session of 1963-1964 SEPTEMBER 15, SUNDAY. Opening of Long Session. Fall Semester SEPTEMBER 16-17, MONDAY-TUESDAY. Orientation procedure. SEPTEMBER 16-20, MONDAY-FRIDAY. Registration for the fall semester. SEPTEMBER 20, FRIDAY. Last day for registration without late penalty. SEPTEMilER 23, MONDAY. Classes begin. SEPTEMBER 26, THt;RSDAY. Last day for adding courses and changing sections. Last day undergraduates may register without special approval of the Registrar. SEPTEMBER 26, THURSDAY. Last day students in the Graduate School may register, including paying fees, without special approval of the Dean of the Graduate School. OcTOilER 1, TUESDAY. Last day for filing in the Registrar's Office petitions to take advanced standing and postponed examinations and re·examinations, except postponed examinations in applied music. Special examinations given October 15-22. OCTOBER 5, SATURDAY. Last day any student may register, with special approval, except in absentia registration for no course work. This is the twelfth class day and date on which the official enrollment count is taken. OcTOBER 5, SATURDAY. Postponed examinations in applied music. Petitions must be in the Registrar's Office not later than October 1. OCTOBER 16, WEDNESDAY. Last day for making application for a graduate degree. OCTOBER 19, 'SATURDAY. Last day for dropping courses without possible penalty. (See General Information bulletin.) NOVEMBER 12, Tm:sDA Y. lntrasemester reports due in deans' offices. NovEM!lER 28-30, THURSDAY-SATURDAY. Thanksgiving holidays. DECEMBER 23-]ANUARY 2, MONDAY-THURSDAY inclusive. Christmas vacation. JANUARY 3, FRIDAY. Classes resumed. JANUARY 3, FRIDAY. Last day for making application for an undergraduate degree. JANUARY 8-14, WEDNESDAY-TUESDAY. "Dead Week." (See General Information bul­ letin.) JANUARY 15-24, WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY. Fall semester final examinations. JANUARY 25, SATURDAY. Graduation Day. (No public exercises.) Staff Direcwry JANUARY 27-31, JANUARY 31, FEBRUARY 3, FEBR{;ARY 6, FEBR{;ARY 6, FEBRUARY 15, FEBRUARY 28, FEBRUARY 29, MARCH 2, MARCH 5-7, MARCH 12-14, MARCH 27-30, APRIL 3, APRIL 3-4, APRIL 4, APRIL 16, MAY 1, MAY 7-9, MAY 12-18, MAY 16-28, MAY 19-28, MAY 30, Spring Semester Mo:rnAY-FRIDAY. Registration for the spring semester. FRIDAY. Last day for registration without a late penalty. !lfo:-.DAY. Classes begin. THURSDAY. Last day for adding courses and changing sections. Last day undergraduates may register without special approval of the Registrar. THURSDAY. Last day students in the Graduate School may register, including paying fees, without special approval of the Dean of the Graduate School. SATURDAY. Last day any student may register, with special approval, except in absentia registration for no course work. This is the twelfth class day and the date on which the official enrollment count is taken. FRIDAY. Last day for making application for a graduate degree. SATVRDAY. Last day for dropping courses without possible penalty. (See General Information bulletin.) Mo:-.DAY. Last day for filing in Registrar's Office petitions to take ad­vanced standing and postponed examinations and re-examinations. Special examinations given March 16-23. THURSDAY-SATURDAY. Interscholastic League Basketball Tournament (boys). THURSDAY-SATURDAY. Interscholastic League Basketball Tournament (girls). FRIDAY-Mo:-.DAY, inclusive. Spring vacation. FRI:>AY. Intrasemester reports due in deans' offices. FRIDAY-SATURDAY. Annual Round-Up and Texas Relays. SATL'RDAY, l(}-1. Classes dismissed for Honors Day Program. THURSDAY. Last day for filing in Registrar's Office petitions for emer· gency series of adrnnced standing and postponed examinations and re-examinations. For June candidates for degrees. Examinations are April 22. FRIDAY. Last day for making application for an undergraduate degree. THURSD.\Y-SATURDAY. Interscholastic League Meet. Tc;ESDAY-MO:"DAY. "Dead Week." (See General Information bulletin.) S.HURDAY-THURSDAY. Final examinations in School of Law. TUESDAY-THURSDAY. Final examinations except in School of Law. SATURDAY. Commencement. DATES FOR FACULTY COUNCIL MEETINGS 1963-1964 The Council meets at 2 :00 P.M. in Engl. B. 201. Monday, September 16, 1963 Monday, March 16, 1964 Monday, October 21, 1963 Monday, April 20, 1964 Monday, November 18, 1963 Monday, May 18, 1964 Monday, December 16, 1963 Monday, June 15, 1964 Monday, January 20, 1964 Monday, July 20, 1964 Monday, February 17, 1964 Monday, August 17, 1964 DATES FOR GRADUATE ASSEMBLY MEETINGS ·1963-1964 The Assembly meets at 2 :00 P.M. in 0. L. B. I 07. Monday, October 28, 1963 Monday, March 23, 1964 Monday, November 25, 1963 Monday, April 27, 1964 Monday, February 24, 1964 DATES FOR THE UMVERSITY FACULTY MEETINGS LONG SESSION, 1963-1964 AU faculties meet at 4 o'clock unless specified. The General Faculty The General Faculty meets in B. E. B. 100. Tuesday, October 29, 1963 Tuesday, May 12, 1964 The Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences Tuesday, December 3, 1963 The Faculty of the College of Business Administration Called meetings only. The Faculty of the College of Education Friday, November 15, 1963 Friday, !\larch 20, 1964 The Faculty of the College of Engineering Monday, September 9, 1963, at 3:30 P.M . Thursday, February 6, 1964 Thursday, November 7, 1963 Thursday, April 2, 1964 The Faculty of the College of Fine Arts Tuesday, October 8, 1963 Tuesday, February 4, 1964 The Faculty of the College of Pharmacy Called meetings only, usually first Saturday of each month. The Faculty of the School of Architecture Called meetings only. The Faculty of the Graduate School The Faculty of the Graduate School meets in Batts Auditorium. Tuesday, December 10, 1963 Tuesday, April 14, 1964 The Faculty of the School of Law Friday, September 20, 1963 Friday, May 29, 1964 Friday, January 24, 1964 Saturday, June 6, 1964 Other meetings called by the Dean when needed. The Faculty of the Graduate School of Library Science Meetings as announced. The Faculty of the Graduate School of Social Work Meetings once a month, on dates to be announced. BOARD OF REGENTS OFFICERS W. W. HEATH, Chairman A. G. McNEESE, Jn., Vice-Chairman BETTY ANNE THEDFORD, Secretary MEMBERS Terms Expire January, 1965 w. w. HEATH. .... Austin WALES H. MADDEN, Jn.. Amarillo A. G. MCNEESE, JR. . .......... Houston Terms Expire January, 1967 WALTER P. BRENAN . . ... ... .. San Antonio H. F. CONNALLY, Jn., M.D . . . ..... .. Waco JOHN S. REDDITT ........ Lufkin Terms Expire January, 1969 FRANK c. ERWIN, Jn. ..... Austin MRS. J. LEE JOHNSON III .Fort Worth LEVI A. OLAN ...... Dallas STANDING COMMITTEES* EXECUTIVE: Brenan, Connally, Madden, McNeese, Redditt. ACADEMIC AND DEVELOPMENTAL AFFAIRS: McNeese, Connally, Johnson, Redditt. BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS: Redditt, Brenan, Johnson, McNeese. LAND AND INVESTMENT: Madden, Bren an, Erwin, Olan. !lfEDrCAL AFFAIRS: Connally, Erwin, Madden, Olan. BOARD FOR LEASE OF UNIVERSITY LANDS: State Land Commiosioner Jerry Sadler (ex officio), Chairman; Madden, Vice-Chairman; Bren an. •The Chai•·man of the Board is an ex ofliclo member of eeeh rommittc('., FACULTY AND OTHER STAFF MEMBERS OF THE MAIN UMVERSITY AND OF THE EXTRAMURAL DIVISIONS EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS Building Abbreviations: A. C. means Undergraduate Library and Academic Center; A. B., Architecture Building; Art B., Art Building; Batts H., Batts Hall; Ben. H., Benedict Hall; B. L., Biological Laboratory; Bot. A., Botany Annex (the white structure attached to the Greenhouse); B. E. B., Business Administration­Economics Building; B. E. 0. B., Business Administration-Economics Office Build­ing; Ch. E. B., Chemical Engineering Building; C. B., Chemistry Building; C. C., Computation Center; Drm. B., Drama Building; Engr. L., Engineering Labora­tories Build'.ng; Engr.-S. B., Engineering-Science Building; Engl. B., English Building ; E. Sc. B., Experimental Science Building; G. H., Garrison Hall; G. B., Geology Building; G. G., Gregory Gymnasium; H. C., Health Center; H. E. B., Home Economics Building; J. B., Journalism Building; L. H., Littlefield Home; Main B., Main Building: Mezes H., Mezes Hall; Museum, Texas Memorial Museum; Mus. B., Music Building; 0. L. B., Old Library Building; Pearce H ., Pearce Hall; P. E. B., Petroleum Engineering Building; Phr. B., Pharmacy Build­ing; Phy. B., Physics Building: Printing Division B., Printing Division Building; R.·T. B., Radio-Television Building; ROTC B., ROTC Building; Service B., Service Building; Spe. B., Speech Building; S. H., Sutton Hall; Taylor H., Taylor Hall : Townes H., Townei Hall; Union B., Union Building; W. H., Waggener Hall; W. M. 0. B., West Mall Office Building; W. G., Women's Gymnasium. The following are the designations of the temporary frame buildings on the campus: Band Hall, C. P. Hall, E. D. Hall, S Hall, V Hall, Z Hall. Telephones: Telephone numbers are in parentheses. There are three types of telephones on the campus: 1. Bell telephones which are a part of the University CENTREX system. (See inside cover page for instructions for using your CENTREX telephone.) 2. Bell telephones which do not have any connection with the University CENTREX system. 3. Campus telephones which have no connections with any other system and are for communication between buildings on the campus only. These numbers are indicated by the letters P.A.X. preceding the number, thus: P.A.X. 1175. OFFICERS OF ADMINISTRATION Chancellor: Harry Huntt Ransom, Main B. 101(GR1-1741) (P.A.X. 790). Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs: Norman Hackerman, Main B. 102 (GR 1-1233) (P.A.X. 781) . Vice-Chancellors: Lanier Cox, Main B. 101 (GR 1-1742) (P.A.X. 782). James C. Dolley, Main B. 101 (GR 1-1743) (P.A.X. 783). Laurence D. Haskew, Main B. 101 (GR 1-1711) (P.A.X. 784) . The University of Texas Adviser for Graduate and Research Programs: Wilson S. Stone, Main B. 102 (GR 1-7140) (P.A.X. 1701). Assistants to the Chancellor: Graves Landrum, Main B. 101 (GR 1-1746) (P.A.X. 1202). William D. Blunk, Main B. 206 (GR 1-5424) (P.A.X. 1211). John W. Meaney, A. C. 18 (GR 1-1395) (P.A.X. 1560). Budget Officer: Frank D. Graydon, Main B. 101 (GR 1-1144) (P.A.X. 787). Comptroller: Charles H. Sparenberg, Main B. 121 (GR 1-1515) (P.A.X. 229). Endowment Officer: William W. Stewart, Main B. 205(GR1-5533) (P.A.X. 914). Acting Director, University Development Board: W. D. Blunk, Main B. 206 (GR 1-5424) (P.A.X. 1211). Land and Trust Attorney: Burnell Waldrep, Main B. 201 (GR 1-7565) (P.A.X. 225). Business Manager, Main University: James H. Colvin, Main B.106M (GR 1-1422) (P.A.X. 788). Director, University Personnel Office: Jack Holland, W. H. 1 (GR 1-5127) (P.A.X. 219 or 698). Director, University News and Information Service: William E. Keys, Main 'B. 2201 (GR 1-3151) (P.A.X. 355). DEANS OF COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS Arts and Sciences: John Alton Burdine, W. M. 0. B. 201 (GR 1-5336) (P.A.X. 1184). Student Division: W. M. 0. B. 101 (GR 1-1246) (P.A.X.1283). Business Administration: John Arch White, B. E. 0. B. 200 (GR 1-1447) (P.A.X. 1285). Education: C. C. Colvert, S. H. 121 (GR 1-1744) (P.A.X. 651). Engineering: John J. McKetta, Taylor H. 167 (GR 1-1166) (P.A.X. 287). Fine Arts: E. William 'Doty, Mus. B. 109 (GR 1-1655) (P.A.X. 233). Pharmacy: Lee Frank Worrell, Phr. B. 106 (GR 1-1244) (P.A.X. 583). Architecture: Philip Douglas Creer (Director), A. B. 102 (GR 1-1922) (P.A.X. 619). Graduate: W. Gordon Whaley, 0 . L.B. 106 (GR 1-7151) (P.A.X. 761). Student matters, 0. L.B. 104 (GR 1-7151) (P.A.X. 761). Law: Page 'Keeton, Townes H. 207B (GR 1-1221). Graduate School of Library Science: Robert Raymond Douglass (Director), Main B. 319(GR1-3821). Graduate School of Social Work: Anne Wilkens (Acting Director), C. P. Hall 113A (GR 1-5672). Division of Extension: J. R. D. Eddy, Extension Bldg. Annex (18th and Sabine) (GR 1-1363). CHAIRMEN OF DEPARTMENTS Accounting: E. D. Bennett, B. E. 0. B. 300 (GR 1-5216) (P.A.X. 1427). Aero-Space Engineering: l\f. J. Thompson, Engr. L. 112 (GR 1-1356) (P.A.X. 280). Air Science: G. W. Porter, ROTC B. 115 (GR 1-1776) (P.A.X. 841). Anthropology: J. B. Cornell (Acting Chairman), Pearce H. 106 (GR 1-1856) (P.A.X. 394). Architectural Engineering: F. B. Johnson (Acting Otairman), A. B. 202 (Git 1-1733) (P.A.X. 621or622) . Art: D. B. Goodall, Art B. 222(GR1-3365) (P.A.X. 1589). Astronomy: H.J. Smith, Phy. B. 404 (GR 1-1992) (P.A.X. %7). Bible (Association of Religious Teachers): D. R. Fletcher, United Bible Otair, 2007 University Ave. (GR 7-6104). Botany: H. C. Bold, B. L. 222 (GR 1-5858) (P.A.X. 490). Chemical Engineering: H.F. Rase, Ch. E. B. 210A (GR 1-3251). Chemistry: William Shive, C. B. 102W (GR 1-3949) (P.A.X. 218). Civil Engineering: W. L. Moore, Taylor H. 171 (GR 1-1375 or 1474) (P.A.X. 279). Classics: J.P. Sullivan, Main B. 2602(GR1-5742) (P.A.X. 1180). Curriculum and Instruction: T. D. Horn, S. H. 434 (GR 1-5942). Drama: F. Loren Winship, Drm. B. lOOA ratin!! and Htatin;c En;.!iHPer, W. \I. Wilrox. Servke B. 213 (GR 1-568'3) ss, F. W. Wardlaw, Director, 2211 Red River (GR 1­1926 or 1206). University Personnel Office, Jack Holland, Director, W. H. 1 (GR 1-5127) (P.A.X. 219 or 698) . University Station Post Office, L. B. Council, Superintendent, W. M. 0. B. 4 (GR 66411-371). Utilities, Superintendent of, C. R. rnn Bieberstein, Jr., Service B. 223 (GR 1­7221) (P.A.X. 777). Varsity Cafeteria, Mrs. Ruth B. McCoy, Manager (GR 1-7557) (P.A.X.396). Vending machines (see Ex-Students' Association, Campus Services, Inc.). Vertebrate 'Speciation, W. F. Blair, Director, B. L. 310 (GR 1-3163) (P.A.X. 481). Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Norman Hackerman, Main B. 102 (GR 1­1233) (P.A.X. 781). Visual Instruction Bureau, E. F. Tiemann, Director, Extension Bldg. 101 (18th and Sabine) (GR 1-3571) (Film Booking Office, GR 1-3573). Water Resources Research Center, E. F. Gloyna, Director, Engr. L. 305D (GR 1­5604) (P.A.X.1155). Women's Residence Halls, N. Jane Greer, Manager, Carothers Dormitory (GR 1-1941) (P.A.X.630). Workmen's Compensation Insurance, J. B. Pope, Supervisor, W. H. 8 (GR 1­5223) (P.A.X. 224). YMCA, University, F. L. Wright, Executive Secretary, 2200 Guadalupe (GR 29246). YWCA, University, Anne B. Appenzellar, Executive Director, 2200 Guadalupe (G R 29246). Zoolo!(y Research, C. P. Oliver, Director, E. Sc. B. 120 (GR 1-1393) (P.A.X. 450). STAFF MEMBERS Instructors in Bible Chairs, although not employed by the University, are in­cluded for convenience. An asterisk precedes the names of those who are married. Abbott, Mrs. Agnes Weed, B.S. in H.E., Food Service Supervisor Ill, Student Health Center. 1502 Westover Rd. (GR 79306); H. C. 12 (GR 85711) (GR 1-1824) . •Abbott, Edward Arnold, Building Utility Operator, Physical Plant, Utilities, Steam Distribution. 6004 Woodview Ave. (GL 23403); Service B. 213 (GR 1-3793) (P.A.X. 1265). Abbott, Patrick I.eon, B.S., Teaching Assistant in Geology. 903 Aurora Circle ( GL 22674 l ; G. B. 426 (GR 80287) . •Abboud, Peter Fouad, B.S., M.A., Special Instructor, Department of Germanic Languages and Middle East Language and Area Center. 1516B Harrell Lane (GR 64297); Pearce H. 212 (GR 1-1959 or 1643) (P.A.X. 1501) . Abdel-Hamid, Ahmed Kamal El-Din, B.A ., Teaching Assistant, Middle East Language and Areu Center. 912 W. 22 (GR6fM19); Pearce H. 212 (Gll l-1643) (P.A.X.1501). *Ables, Mrs. Frances Li~i. Clerk-Typist, Defense Research Laboratory. Deep Eddy Apts., # 386E (GR 80098); 500 E. 24(GR1-7531). *Ahles. Mrs. Kathleen Adele Glaze. M.B.A .. :ldministratit;c Secretary, Depart­ment of Romanr.e Lang1111ges. 2106 Parkway hen, Ph.D .. A.1sistant Professor of Geologv. 4715 Harmon, Apt. 107 (GL33230); G. B. 305 (GR 1-7228) . *Barker, \Jes. Louella H., Food Checker and Ca.1hier. Unit-ersitv Commons. 706 W. 2·Ph . Becker, Sheldon Ira, BS. in '.\lath., Teaching Assistant in Mathematics. ISSA Simkins Hall (GR 28163); Pearce H. 204 (GR l-336I) (P.A.X. 86S). •Beckner, Frederick L., B.S. in Phys., M.A., Research Scientist Associate IV. Defense Research Labo. atory. 130S Larkspur ( GL 25I36); SOO E. 24 (GR l-S411). BeJnar, Jonn!c Bee, B.S. in E. Benton, Mrs. Ivy S.. Custodial Worker, Women's Residence Halls. 2!07 E. 14; Kinsolving Dormitory (GR 1-7303) (P.A.X. 377). Berdoll, Kellis Claude, Maintenance Man (Electrical), Physical Plant, Utilities, Electric. 1129 Gunter (GR 77569); Service B. 203 (GR 1-5371) CP.A.X. 267). Berg, Harold Ford, B.S., M.A., Research Scientist Associate II, College of Pharmacy. 709 W. 26, Apt. 19 (GR 24543); Balcones Research Center (HO 56501). *Bergen, Richard, M.B.A., Instructor in Accounting; Assistant to the Dean, Col­lege of Business Administration. 1801 W. 29 (GR83509l ; B. E. 0. B. 200(GR1-1447) !P.. .\.X. 92~> . *Boyd. John T., Traffic and Securit)' Offerer. 615 Radam Lane: Ser.i"e B. 22 H.31 .1 : Engl. B. 108 !CR 1-3561) IP.A.X. 12261 . The University of Texulting Urolo­gist), Student Health Center. 1709 San Antonio (GR 80721); H. C. 115 (GR 85711) (GR 1-1824). *Carter, William Harold, M.S. in E.E., Research Engineer Assistant II, Plasma Dynamics Research La/,oratory and Quantum Electronics Research Lab­oratory. 607A Nclray (Gl.27447); Engr. I.. 413pton, Clarence, Building Allendant. 5603 Joe Sayers (GL38248); Service B. 104 (GR 1-5072) (P.A.X. 1150) . *Clopton, Ernie C., Gardener, Grounds. B<>x 53A, Route 1, Manor, Texas (CR 25646); Service B. 13 (GR 1-3620) (P.A.X. 1170 ). *Clopton, Mrs. Judy Ann, Key-Punch Operator /, University Personnel Office. 1005 Ellingson Lane; W. H. l (GR 1-5127) (P.A.X. 219 or698). *Clopton, Qunice C., Traffic and Security Sergeant. 7100 Ryan Dr. (GL 23995); Service B. 22(GR1-3131) (P.A.X. 208). Clopton, Ruby Hopkins, Food Service Supervisor/, Women's Residence Halls. 2529 S. Lamar (HI 42778); Kinsolving Dormitory (GR 1-7262) (P.A.X. 321). *Clopton, Mrs. Ruby I., Building Attendant. 5504 Joe Sayers (GL 34741); Service B. 104(GR1-1862) (P.A.X. 294). *Clore, Mrs. Marilee Sargent, B.A., Teaching Assistant in Historr. 1908 Sabine; G. H. 118 (GR 1-3261). *Cloud. Sam W., Maintenance Man (Painter), Traffic and Securitr Services. Box 115.Manor, Texas; Servire B. 22(GR1-3131) (P.A.X. 208). *Cluck, Mrs. Betty Jean, Key-Punch Operator I, Data Processing Division. 2946 Pannell (GR 2.3651); .\lain B. 26 (GR 1-7401) (P.:\.X. 226). *Coalter, Richard G., Laboratory Research Assistant II, Defense Research Labora· tory. 613 Park Pl., Apt. l; 500 E. 24 (GR 1-3356) . *Coates, Clarence L., Ph.D., Professor of Electrical Engineering. 5718 Highland Hills Dr. (GL35971); Taylor H. 147 . Council, David M., Building Attendant. 1210 Kinney Ave. (HI 27325); Service B. 104 (GR l -5'.:172 ) IP.A.X.1150). *Council, Loyd Blake, Superintendent, University Station Post Office. 1210 Kinney Ave. (HI 27325); W. M. 0. B. 4. •Courter, Robert Wayne, l\l.S. in Ae.E., Instructor in Aero-Space Engineering. 6302 Kenilworth o. 42, Hou,ton, Texas. *Curtis, 1\[rs. Mary Beth, Administratfre Secretary, llogg Foundation for Mental llealth. 1706 W. 29 (GR 24446); !\lain B. 2408(GR1-5041) ion Bidµ:. Annex 112 (18th and Sabine I 195l : 303 E. '.!l (CJ{ l-71.'l-11 (l'.A.X.832 1. Deathera;re, Bnwe Hampton. l'h.T>., f,cr.turcr in l'.ffcholngy. 1700 Flintridge Rd. <. l.harlottc E"1cll<'. .\!. .\ .. Professor of Music. 1707 Elton Lane IGR855li); Mus. B. 103B IGRl-13511 ll'..-\.X.550). The University of Texas •Duchon, Claude Edward, B.S., Special Instructor in Meteorology; Research Scientist Associate IV, Electrical Engineering Research Laboratory. 6400 Dorchester Dr. (GL 32520) ; S Hall 113 (GR 1-1551); Balcones Re­search Center (H056501-SS). *Duesterhoeft, William Charles, Jr., Ph.D., Professor of Electrical Engineering. 4305 Edgemont (GL 26504); Engr. L. 407A (GR 1-3255) (P.A.X. 1234). *Duffield, Lathe! Flay, M.A., Research Scientist Associate I, Research in Anthro­pology; Executive Director, Texas Archeological Research Center. 11704 Hilltop (H059078); Balcones Research Center (H056501-62). Dugan, John Frederick, B.A., M.L.S., Librarian I, Catalogue. 9IOA W. 22 (GR69573) ; Main B. 133 (GR 1-3817) (P.A.X. 1113) . Duke, Reese Dale, B.S., M.Ed., Lecturer, Extension Teaching and Field Service Bureau. 205 La Vista (HI 41626); Extension Bldg. 301 (18th and Sabine) (GR 1­7335). *Dulles, John Watson Foster, B.A., M.B.A., B.'S.Met.E., Met.E., Professor of Latin American Studies; System Adviser on International Programs; Brown-Lupton Lecturer. 1904 Hill Oaks Ct. (GR21631); Main B. 1603(GR1-1833) (P.A.X. 1564). Dunagan, Walter Benton, B.A., Teaching Assistant in Speech. 2913 Beanna (GR 77715); 'Spe. B. 300(GR1-5252) (P.A.X. 566). *Dunbar, Mrs. Emily S., B.A., Administrative Secretary, Intramural Sports for Men. · 603B Bellevue PI. (GR62215); G. G. 33 (GR 1-7211) (P.A.X. 1370). *Dunlap, Mrs. Patricia Ann, B.A., Teaching Assistant in English. 1115 W. 11 (GR 21649) ; Main B. 2307 (GR 1-3561) . *Dunlop, David Shannon, B.A., Research Scientist Assistant I, Clayton Founda­tion Biochemical Institute. 3009 Westlake Dr. (GR 71641).; E. Sc. B. 435(GR1-3653). *Dunn, Mrs. Alice Irene, Senior Secretary, Division of Housing and Food Service. 1105 Upland Dr. (GR65996); Kinsolving Dormitory, 26th 'St. Entrance (GR 1-3136) (P.A.X. 632). Dunn, Floyd Llewellyn, B.S., Teaching Assistant in Biology. 612W. 22 (GR81230); E. Sc. B.117 (GRl-7462). *Dunn, Joel L., Building Attendant. 5307 Joe Sayers (GL31148); Main B. 18 (GRI-7177) (P.A.X.1150). *Durbin, John R. , Plumber, Physical Plant, Utilities, Plumbing. 4303 Gillis (Hl26006); Service B. 210(GR1-5371) (P.A.X. 1263). *Durst, Mrs. Beula Mae, Nurses Aide, Student Health Center. 2900 Webberville Rd. (GR 82302); H. C. (GR 1-1824). Dusek, Alvin J., B.S. in Ed., Supervisor, Payroll Div~1ion, Auditor's Office. 1619B Enfield Rd. (GR61198); Main B. 22 (GR 1-5271) (P.A.X. 1206) . *Dustin, David Sumner, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Psychology. 2509 Seton (GR 63665); Mezes H. 211A (GR 1-5175) (P.A.X. 639). *Dustin, William R., Military Property Custodian. 1605 W. 40 mo 59752) ; ROTC B. 9 (GR 1-3192). *Duval, Mrs. Carole Ferguson, B.J., Secretary, School of Journalism. 916F E. 32 (GR 27371); J.B. (GR 1-1845) (l'.A.X. 410). Dwyer, Charles Lee, M.A., M.L.S., Librarian II, Reference. 1217 Parkway Rd.; Main B. 225 (GR 1-3813) (P.A.X. 1126 or 1145) . *Dye, Charlie D., B.B.A., LLB., Visiting Associate Professor of Law. 2000 Forest Trail (GR 88927); Townes H. (GR 1-5151). *Dyess, John Patrick, Jr., Tabulating Equipment Operator I, Data Processing Division. 3312 Glenview (GL32265); Main B. 2·i (GR 1-7401) (P.A.X. 226). *Dyet, Mrs. Mary Lee, Clerk-Typist, Physical Training for Men. 2401 W. 8 (GR 25981); G. G. 36 (GR 1-5927). Dykes, Mrs. Rebecca Tapp, Senior Secretary, Student llealth Center. 3407 Duval (GR 77720); H. C. 231(GR1-1824). *Eads, Claude Hiram, M. A., Manager, University Printing Division. 3201 French Pl. (GR89238); 2201 Red Rher (GR 1-5464). *Eakin, Robert E., Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry; Research Scientist, Clayton Foundation Biochemical Institute. 1603 Scenic Dr. (GR 72791); E. Sc. B. 141A (GR 1-3936!. *Earl, Essex, Food Service Worker, University Commons. 1104 Midway (GR89467); Union B. llO (GR 1-1238) (P.A.X. 522). Earl, Nancy, B.A., M.S., Psychometrist II, Testing and Counseling Center. 1508 Windsor Rd. (GR81733); W. M. 0. B .. 401(GR1-3515) (P.A.X. 822). Earls, Alice Mell, Laboratory Research Assistant I, Clayton Foundation Bio· chemical Institute. 1909 Leona 12 Duval (GL31697); 0. L. Il. 104 (GR l-7151) (P.A.X. 761). The University of Texas *El-Alfi, Omar S., D.Ch., M.D., Postdoctoral Fellow, Genetics Foundation. 903 W. 22% (GR 8835i); E. Sc. B. 410 (GR 1-3237) (P.A.X. 863). *Elam, A. L., Jr., Plumber, Physical Plant, Utilities, Plumbing. 5314 Duval (HO 57586) ; Service B. 210 (GR 1-5371) (P.A.X. 1263) . *Elder, George A., Draftsman II, Physical Plant, Office of Superintendent of Utilities. 6i09 Duquesne (GL356lll; Service B. 202 (GR1-55II) (P.A.X.419). *Eldridge, Mrs. Margaret A., Senior Secretary, Visual Instruction Bureau. 507 Elmwood (GR 213181: Extension Bldg. 101 (18th and Sabine) (GR 1­3571). *Eley, James H., Jr., B.A., NASA Trainee, Laboratory of Algal Physiology. Brackenridge Apts., #1705A (GR 85979); E. Sc. B. 425 (GR 1-1686) (P.A.X. 456). Elioseff, Lee Andrew, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English. (On leave.) Engl. B. 20(GR1-3561) (P.A.X. 710) . *Elizondo, Sergio D., M.A., Instructor in Romance Languages. 3901 Cherrywood Rd. (GR68878); Batts H. 312(GR1-1882) (P.A.X.677). *Eliason, Ralph S., Carpenter, Construction and Maintenance. 1714 Bouldin (HI26620); Service B. (GR 1-3939) (P.A.X.1268). *Ellington, Billy Morris, M.S., Assistant Football Coach, Intercollegiate Athletics. 3006 Harris Blvd. (GR 23205) ; G. G. 221 (GR 1-1371 or 7341). *Elliott, Frank W., Jr., B.A., LL.B., Associate Professor of Law. 2109 W.10 (GR 20700); Townes H. (GR 1-5151). *Elliott, John Rupert, B.S., Teaching Assistant in Physics. 3409 Cedar St.; Phy. B. 42. *Elliott, Mrs. Mary Frances, Secretary, Humanities Research Center. 2828 San Jacinto; A. C.17(GR1-1395) (P.A.X.1560) . *Elliott, Richard Neal, B.B.A., Personnel Assistant I, University Personnel Office. 3102 W. Terrace Dr. (GL 25918); W. H. l (GR 1-5127) (P.A.X. 219). *Ellis, Bennie F., Assistant Transportation Foreman, Physical Plant, Buildings and Grounds. 902 North Loop (GL36198); Service B. 101(GR1-3252). Ellis, Emma Mae, B.S. in Ed., Photographic Duplication Supervisor, Registrar's Office. 902 E. 40; Main B. 28 (GR 1-1771) (P.A.X. 1255). *Ellis, Glen Edward, B.S. in Phys., M.A., Research Scientist Associate Ill, De­fense Research Laboratory. 1302 Marshall Lane (GR 81043); 500 E. 24 (GR 1-5537). *Ellison, Fred Pittman, Ph.D., Professor of Romance Languages. 2907 Townes Lane (GR 83662); Batts H. 108 (GR 1-5401) . *Ellison, Mrs. Ruth L., Nurses Aide, Student Health Center. 1804 E. 22 (GR 75612) ; H. C. (GR 1-1824) (GR 85711). *Ellison, Samuel P., Jr., Ph.D., Professor of Geology. 3303 Oakmont ( GL 32480); G. B. 215 (GR 1-3122). *Elsass, J. Frank, Ed.D., Professor of Music; Director, Symphonic Band. 2705 Mountain Laurel Dr. ( GL 38380) ; Mus. B. 204:\ (GR 1-1847) ( P.A.X. 238). *Embree, Royal B., Jr., Ph.D., Professor of Educational Psychology; Director, NDEA Counseling and Guidance Training Institute. 1210 Norwood Rd. (HO 58568); S. H. 215 (GR 1-3737 l . *Embrey, Carl Rice, B.F.A., Technical Assi. IP.A.X. 771). Evan<. Clyde E., Building Attendant. ll 26 \,hi<'on (CH29590l : Sc:·'i"" fl. JM ICH 1·-5072> f P..\ .X. 519). Evans, Deno George, BJ.. lnform11tional TVritf'r II. New< and Information Scrt'ire. 230.3 Tower Dr. IGR62~58l: '\lain fl. 2201 ICH l-~!Sll IP..\.X. 356). *Ernns. Frrd Phillip,, \!..".. Rcscarr-/1 Sr·irnti.I. Farley, Edward Lamar, :\LA., Teaching A.. •Friou, l\frs. Mary Chapman. Il.B.A ., Senior Secretary, Office of the Dean, Col­lege of Business Administration. 6200 Shoal Cr,.ek Ilhd. (f.J.32.'>00l; B. F:. 0. B. 314(GR1-5704) (P.A.X. 1439). The University of Texas *Fritz, William Francis, M.A., LL.B., Professor of Law. 4920 Strass Dr. (GL30263); Townes H. 312(GR1-5151) . *Fruchter, Benjamin, Ph.D., Professor of Educational Psychology. 1216 Norwood Rd. (H055648); S. H. 315(GR1-7201). *Frye, Roy Alton, M.A., Assistant to the Director, Visual Instruction Bureau. 841 Airport Blvd.; Extension Bldg. 101 {18th and Sabine) (GR 1-3571). *Fuchs, GroYer A., M.A., Assistant Professor of Speech. 3008 Fruth (GR 21518); Spe. B. 204 (GR 1-5252) (P.A.X. 573) . *Fujita, Yoshihiko, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow, Laboratory of Algal Physiology. 705 W. 22%, Apt. 3; E. Sc. B. 429 (GR 1-1686) ( P.A.X. 456). *Fulkes, Charlie Gant, Guard, Defense Research Laboratory. 203 W. 55 (GL 21153); 500 E. 24 (GR 1-5555). Fuller, Mrs. Dorothy Sims, Administrative Secretary, Texas Petroleum Research Committee. 1329 Bonham Terrace (HI 26141); P. E. B. 201 (GR 1-7247) (P.A.X. 247). *Fuller, Mrs. Frances Fallon, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Educational Psy· chology. Box 724, San Marcos, Texas (EX 22758); S. H. 311 (GR 1-1022). Fuller, Mrs. Marie M., B.A., M.J., Teaching Assistant in Sociology. 3505 Meredith (GR 68860); G. H. 217 (GR 1-1122) (P.A.X.1343). *Fullerton, Byron Franklin, B.S. in P.Ed., LL.B., Assistant Professor of Law; Assistant Dean, School of Law. 2618 W. 49% (GL35150); Townes H. 208(GR1-3727). Fullilove, Susan Louise, B.A., Teaching Assistant in Biology. 1807Brazos,Apt. 37 (GR87775); E.Sc.B.117 (GRl-7462). *Furlong, Richard Wilson, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering. 2304 Northland Dr. (GL 37706); Taylor H. 415 (GR 1-5703) . Fuson, Sara Nancy, Clerk, Ex-Students' Association. 3001 Red River (GR 28033); H. E. B. (GR 1-3891) (P.A.X.1221). Futch, David Gardner, M.A., NIH Predoctoral Training Fellow, Genetics Foun­dation. 3106 Duval (GR 69792); E. Sc. B. 508 (GR 1-3730). Gabbard, Gregory Norman, B.S., Teaching Assistant in English. 200 E. 26% (GR 86124); 0. L.B. 15 (P.A.X. 973). Gaddis, John Lewis, B.A., Clerk-Typist, Library. Box 72, A-Bar Hotel (GR 64277); Main B. 202 (GR 1-3816) (P.A.X.1114). *Gaddy, Alvin P., Pa'nter. Construction and Maintenance. 1206 W. Oltorf scarch Center rd Dr., Apt. 46A., Houston, Texas (OX 20990) ; C. P. Hall 111 . Jones, Mary Lois, M.A., Instructor in Romance Languages. 2200 Oldham, Apt. l (GR 65277); Batts H. 403 . The University of Texas *Land, Mrs. Virginia Ann, R.N., Surgical Nurse, Student Health Center. 3306 Jefferson (GL 23866); H. C. (GR 1-1824) (GR 85711). *Landrum, Graves W., Assistant to the Chancellor. 2905 Village 'Dr. (HO 51738) ; Main B. 101 (GR 1-1746) (P.A.X. 1202) . *Lands, Jack Fergerson, Jr., Laboratory Research Assistant I, Structural Mechan· ics Research Laboratory. 2205C Wirtz (HI 25380); Taylor H. 173 (HO 56501-51). *Lane, A. W., Communications Technician, Physical Plant, Utilities, Communi· cations. Route 1, Taylor, Texas (EL 23051); Service B. 221 (GR 1-7532) (P.A.X. 389). *Lane, Mrs. Barbara Ann, B.S., Secretary, Department of Zoology. 2703 Bonnie Rd. (GR 29716); E. Sc. B. 117 (GR 1-1126) (P.A.X. 449). Lane, E. David, M.S., Research Scientist Assistant II, Genetics Foundation. University Trailer Park, #29; E. Sc. B. 528 (GR 1-3730). *Lane, John Hart, Jr., M.A., Teaching Assistant in Sociology. 5006 N. Fresco (HO 58668 ) ; G. H. 417(GR1-1122). *Lane, Richard N., M.A., Visiting Professor of Architecture. 2210 San Gabriel (GR 80504); A. B. 102 (GR 1-1922) (GR 66601). *Langford, Gerald, Ph.D., Professor of English. 5 Scott Crescent (GR 89471); Engl. B. 320 (GR 1-3561) (P.A.X. 792). *Langford, Ted Lee, B.A., Research Scientist Associate IV, Defense Research Laboratory. 406 Clover Ct. (HI 28003); Mezes H. 9 (GR 1-1704) (P.A.X. 690); 500 E. 24(GR1-7217). *Langham, Mrs. Deana Jo, Clerk-Typist, Industrial and Business Training Bureau. 3504 Griffith, Apt. 4 (GR 61052) ; Extension Bldg. Annex 104 (18th and Sabine) (GR 1-1364). Langston, Paul Oliver, Games Mechanic II, Texas Union. 1401 Arcadia (HO 55852); Union B. (GR 1-3616 or 3133). *Langston, Wann, Jr., Ph.D., Research Scientist Associate IV, Texas Memorial Museum. 3402 Perry Lane (GL 22081); Taylor H. 173 (GR 1-1604) (HO 56501-53). Lanham, Elizabeth, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Management. 601W.11 (GR 77277); B. E. 0. B. 506 (GR 1-1329) (P.A.X.1274). *Lankford, Charles Ely, Ph.D., Professor of Microbiology. 3503 River Rd. (GR 28201); E. Sc. B. 304 (GR 1-5282). Lankford, Mary Ruth, Secretary, Department of Curriculum and Instruction. 3110 Duval, #2 (GR 25032); S. H. 440(GR1-5942) (P.A.X. 1194). Staff Directory *Lansford, Edwin Myers, Jr., Ph.D., Research Scientist Associate Ill, Clayton Foundation Biochemical Institute. Route 1, Box 30, Leander, Texas (BL91325); E. Sc. B. 233(GR1-3662). • Lantos, Robert Lester, ~I.S. in Phar., Lecturer in Pharmacy. 4518 Highland Terrace (GL35351); Phr. B. (GR 1-1244) (P.A.X. 583) .A.X . 983) . The University of Texas Lee, Roscoe, B.S. in M.E., B.A., Teaching Assistant in Mechanical Engineering. 1907 Pearl, Apt. 4 (GR 26043); Taylor H. 423 (GR 1-1501) (P.A.X. 282). *Lee, Mrs. Sybil Pierce, Senior Clerk-Typist, School of Law. 1907 Greenwood (GR 25003); Townes H. 203(GR1-3233). *Lee, Tommy, B.A., Teaching Assistant in Classics. 1909 Piedmont (GL 38718); Main B. 2707 (GR 1-5743) (P.A.X. ll80). •Lee, William R, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Zoology. 3812 Cherrywood Rd. (GR62517); E. Sc. B. 518 (GR 1-3730) (P.A.X. 1640). *Leech, James H., Ph.D., Consultant, History of Science Collection (Research Scientist Associate IV), Humanities Research Center. 2600 Wooldridge Dr. (GR 25815); A. C. 16 (GR 1-1395) (P.A.X. 1560). *Leeds, Anthony, Ph.D., Visiting Associate Professor of Anthropology. 903 W. 31 (GL 24136); Pearce H. 203(GR1-1856) (P.A.X. 1681). *Leeth, Thomas Ray, B.S. in E.E., Research Engineer Assistant I, Electrical Engineering Research Laboratory. 902 E. 55lf2; Taylor H. 173 (HO 56501-55). *LeFever, H. Michael, M.S., NIH Predoctoral Training Fellow, Genetics Foun­dation. 1719 Aggie Lane ( GL 21294) ; E. Sc. B. 524 (GR 1-3730). *Leffingwell, Mrs. Corine D., Clerk, Registrar's Office. 910 Christopher (HI 28049); Main B. 1 (GR 1-5321) (P.A.X. 504). *Leffingwell, Thomas Pegg, B.S., M.A., Physiologist (Civil Service), assigned to Radiobiological Laboratory. 3206 Highland Terrace West (GL 35582); Balcones Research Center (HO 56501-11). Lehman, Darrell J., Laboratory Research Assistant I, Nuclear Physics Research: Accelerator Project. 5417 Shoalwood (HO 50682); Engr.-S. B. (GR 1-5761). Lehman, Herman G., III, Laboratory Research Assistant II, Department of Civil Engineering. 1916W.38 (GL33885); TaylorH. (GRl-1375) (P.A.X.403orl73). *Lehmann, Mrs. Ruth P. M., Ph.D., Lecturer in English. Route 7, Box 524; Engl. B. 224 (GR 1-3561) (P.A.X. 834). *Lehmann, Winfred Philipp, Ph.D., Ashbel Smith Professor of Germanic Lan­guages; Director, Linguistics Research Center. Rt. 7, Box 524; Batts H. 218A (GR 1-1959) (P.A.X. 649). *Lehmberg, Stanford Eugene, Ph.D., Associate Professor of History. 4518 Spanish Oak Trail (GL 34805); G. H. 8 (GR 1-3261) (P.A.X. 920). Staff Directory *Lehn, Walter, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Germanic Languages; Director and Associate Professor, Middle East Language and Area Center. Route5,Box94E (Hl23151); BattsH.206 (GRl-3039) (P.A.X.659). *Lehnhardt, Rudi 0., Building Attendant. 1103 Live Oak; Service B. 104 (GR 1-5072) (P.A.X.1251). *Leiden, Carl, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Government and Middle East Language and Area Center. 2108 W. 11(GR60751); W. H. 105 (GR 1-5121) (P.A.X. 221). *Leinbach, Charles Harry, Jr., B.A., M.Ed., Assistant Professor of Physical Train­ing for Men. 2405 Oldham (GR 26342); G. G. 23A (GR 1-5927) . *Leinbach, Mrs. Mary Shaw, Accounting Clerk ll, Student Life Staff. 2405 Oldham (GR 26342); Spe. B. 101 (GR 1-3065) (P.A.X. 962). *Leipziger-Pearce, Hugo, Dip!. in Arch., Professor of Architecture and Planning. 1314 Possum Trot (GR 82910); A. B. 216 (GR 1-1922) (P.A.X. 624). Leiser, Dorothy Ann, B.A., Technical Staff Assistant ll, Radio/ Television. 3704A Kerbey Lane (GL24166); R.-T. B.130 (GRl-1631) (P.A.X. 205). Lemon, Joyce Carol, Clerk-Typist, Student Health Center. Rt. 5, Box 85M (HI 21834); H. C.134(GR1-1824) (GR 85711). *Lenhart, Jack, M.S. in San.E., Associate Professor of Drawing. 5410 Aurora Dr. (HO 56144); Taylor H. 305 (GR 1-5615) (P.A.X. 284) . *Lenhart, Mrs. Marian B., Senior Secretary, Department of Classics. 5410 Aurora Dr. (HO 56144); Main B. 2G02 (GR 1-5742) (P.A.X. 1180). •Lentz, Wallace D., Technical Staff Assistant IV, Defense Research Laboratory. 1706 Dartmouth (HO 51566); 500 E. 24 (GR 1-5411). *Lenz, Frederick Walter, Ph.D., Research Professor of Classics. 3201 Breeze Terrace (GR 75287); Main B. 2602 (GR 1-5742) (P.A.X. llBO). *Lenzo, Carl Samuel, B.S. in Ae.E., Teaching Assistant in Aero-Space Engineer· ing. 2212A Perry Ave.; Engr. L. 11(GR1-1356). *Leon, Harry Joshua, Ph.D., Professor of Classics. 2832 Pearl (GR 656201; l\lain B. 2703(GR1-3001) (P.A.X. 1345). •Leonard, George H., Traffic and Security Officer. 2206 Schriber (HI 20593); Service B. 22 (GR 1-3131) (P.A.X. 208). Leonard, Mrs. Kathryn Elizabeth, Accounting Clerk I, Office of the Dean, Division of Extension. 507 Hammack (GL 35510); Extension Rldf(. Annex 106 (18th and Sabine) (GR l-5725l. The University of Texas •Leschber, Ray Charles, Audio-visual Specialist I, Visual Instruction Bureau. 6307 Hickman Ave. (HO 59065); Extension Bldg. Annex 205 (18th and S1lma. B.B.A .. Exerutil'e A.1sistant. Endmcment Office. 1502 W. 30 (GR 23958); \lain B. 205 (GR 1-5533) ; Pearce II. 208 (GR 1-1554) :ene D., B.A., Associate Director and Research Scientist Asso­ciate V, Linguistics Research Center. 1805 Ridgemont Dr. (GL 22981); 311E.14 (GR 866ll). *Pendley, Chester Ray, Technical Sergeant, USAF, assigned to Radiobiologirnl Laboratory. 1301 Piedmont (GL 31367); Balcones Research Center (HO 56501-31). *Pengra, Michael, B.F.A., Teaching Assistant in Speech. 5508 Caprice Dr. (HQ 55862); R.-T. B. 211 (GR 1-1631) (P.A.X. 1746). *Penick, Daniel A., Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Classics; Tennis Coach Emeri­tus. 3715 Robinson (GR 22516); Main B. 2602 (GR 1-5742) (P.A.X. ll80l. *Penney, Ronald Keith, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Psychology. 3302 Oakmont: Mezes H. 306 (GR 1-7414). Pennin"ton, John, B.S. in E.E., Research Engineer Associate I, Defense Research Laboratory. 3304 Red River, Apt. 2B (GR 29093) ; 500 E. 24 (GR 1-5413). Staff Directory *Penrose, Roger, Ph.D., Visiting Associate Professor of Mathematics and Physics. 2000 Woodmont (GR 87029); B. E. 0. B. 124 (GR 1-7165). Perez, Luis, Research Scientist Assistant I, Nuclear Physics Research: Accelerator Project. 604 W. 25 (GR 88202); Engr.-S. B. (GR 1-3363). *Perkins, Duncan C., Personnel Sergeant, Department of Military Science; Ser­geant, USA. Route 7, Box 151(AN32401); ROTC B. 110(GR1-5919) (P.A.X. 855) . *Perry, Ervin Sewell, M.S. in C.E., Research Engineer Associate II, Structural Mechanics Research Laboratory. 2108 Stafford (GR 68250); Taylor H. 173 (HQ 56501-51). Perry, Hugh Lawrance III, Machinist Foreman, Radiobiological Laboratory. 1007 E. 39 (GL 34579); Balcones Research Center (HO 56501-44). *Perry, Jerome John, Ph.D., Research Scientist Associate Ill, Research in Hydro­carbon Metabolism. 3315 Windsor Rd. (GR 27653); E. Sc. B. 314 (GR 1-3956). Perry, Reeves Baldwin, M.S., Socony-Mobil Fellow in Chemistry. 610 Park Blvd. (HO 57408); C. B. 121 (GR 1-3127). *Perry, Mrs. Ruby Elizabeth, Administrative Secretary, Bureau of Public School Service. 4513 Ramsey (HO 55118); Extension Bldg. 102 {18th and Sabine) (GR 1-5883). *Perry, Mrs. Shirley Bird, B.S. in Ed., Student Group Adviser II (Program Supervisor), Texas Union. 2104C Enfield Rd. (GR 23625); Union B. 342D (GR 1-3616) (P.A.X. 904) (GR 60222). *Personke, Carl Richard, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Curriculum and In­struction. 4902 Rollingwood Dr. (GR 61584); S. H. 412 (GR 1-3318). *Peschke, Curtis L., Utilities Station Operator, Physical Plant, Utilities, Heating and Power Plants. 306 Fawnridge (GL 24890); Power Plant (GR 1-5947) (P.A.X. 1169). *Peters, William M., Training Specialist I, Technical Instructor in Petroleum Training, Industrial and Business Training Bu·eau. 1229 Corona Dr. (GL 38092); Extension Bldg. 305 (18th and Sabine) (GR 1-7447). *Petersen, Kay Holm, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Physical and Health Educa­tion. 1409 Hartford Rd. (GR 77416); S. H. 107 (GR 1-1273) (P.A.X. 990). The University of Texas *Peterson, Dale E., Radio/Television Control Technician. 1412 W. Oltorf (HI 21271); R.-T. B. 202 (GR 1-1631) (P.A.X. 931). *Peterson, Mrs. Dorothy Ann, Senior Clerk-Typist, Research in Astronomy. 4532 Clawson Rd. (HI 24458); Phy. B. 404 (GR 1-1992) (P.A.X. 967). *Peterson, Edmund F., Grounds Crew Foreman. Route 3, Box 96, Georgetown, Texas (Round Rock TW 93496); Service B. 13(GR1-3620) (P.A.X. 1170). *Peterson, Mrs. Elsie Olivia, Clerk-Typist, Physical Plant, Office of the Superin­tendent of Utilities. 2808 Manor Rd. (GR 87939); Service B. 210 (GR 1-7221) (P.A.X. 777). *Peterson, Herman A., Groundkeeper, Grounds. 4207 Avenue H; Service B. 13(GR1-3620) (P.A.X. 1170). *Peterson, Mrs. Katherine Elizabeth Anderson, Clerk-Typist, Student Health Center. 3703 Towerview Ct. (GR 63750); H. C. 134 (GR 1-1824) (GR 85711). *Petesch, Donald A., M.A., Teaching Assistant in English. 4104 Ramsey (GL 32917) ; Engl. B. 227(GR1-3561) (P.A.X. 765). *Petesch, John Henry, B.A., Librarian I, Law. 1907 Red River (GR 28869); Townes H. 211 (GR 1-1651). *Petesch, Mrs. Natalie Maines, Ph.D., Instructor in English. 4104 Ramsey (GL 32917); Engl. B. (GR 1-3561) (P.A.X. 765) . Petrus, Joseph Anthony, M.A., Teaching Assistant in Government. 4928 Strass Dr. (HO 51934); W. H. 225 (GR 1-5121) (P.A.X. 221). *Pettit, Mrs. Flora Hunter, Ph.'D., Research Scientist Associate II, Clayton Foun­dation Biochemical Institute. 2903 Greenlawn Pkwy. (GL30569); E. Sc. B. 230 (GR 1-5333) (P.A.X. 635). *Pettit, Rowland, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry. 2903 Greenlawn Pkwy. (GL30569); C. B. 201W (GR 1-1024) (P.A.X. 818). Pettway, Richard H., M.B.A., Lecturer in Finance. 1608 Enfield Rd. (GR82052); B. E. 0. B. 117(GR1-7121) (P.A. X. 1425) . *Pfluger, Atlan E., Building Attendant. Rt. 1, Round Rock, Texas (ED 54267); Service B. 104 (GR 1-5072) (P.A.X. 1205). Pfluger, Henry Gottlieb, Building Attendant. Rt. 2, Pflugerville, Texas (ED 54336); Service B. 104 (GR 1-5072) (P.A.X. 1205). Staff Directory Pfluger, Nancy Hortense, B.S. in H.E., Administrative Secretary, Office of the Chancellor. 4411 Airport Blvd., Apt. 125 (GL 26536); Main B. 101 (GR 1-1741) (P.A.X. 790) . *Pflughaupt, Louis E., B.S., Teaching Assistant in Mechanical Engineering. 3905A Bailey Lane (HO 58359); E. D. Hall 203 (GR 1-1501) (P.A.X. 282). *Pharr, Clyde, Ph.D., Research Professor of Classics. 1500 W. 32 (GR 61090); Main B. 2601 (GR 1-5742) (P.A.X. 1180). *Phelps, Austin, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Zoology; Director, Ecology of a Thermal Stream. 3115 Tom Green (GR 73752); E. Sc. B. 426(GR1-7462) (P.A.X. 455). *Phillips, Beeman Noa!, Ed.D., Associate Professor of Educational Psychology. 1802 Stamford Lane (GR 65835); S. H. 309 (GR 1-5612). *Phillips, Mrs. Belva Jean, Accounting Clerk I, Department of Chemistry. 11909 Oakwood (HO 58003); C. B. 103W (GR 1-1644) (P.A.X. 637) . *Phillips, Mrs. Betsy Lee, Clerk-Typist, Library. 4014 Ramsey; A. C. (GR 1-3257) (P.A.X.1773). Phillips, Larry Ewing, Dormitory Supervisor, Men's Residence Halls. 151 Moore-Hill Hall (GR 1-1461). *Phillips, Norman Durwood, Maintenance Man (Electrical), Physical Plant, Utilities, Electric. 104 W. Skyview (GL 27896); Service B. 213 (GR 1-5371) (P.A.X. 267). *Philpot, Mrs. Janice Marie Wilson, Senior Secretary, Population Research Cen­ter. 4003 Sinclair (GL 28550); 217 Archway (GR 1-5514). Picardi, Rudolph, Instructor in Music; Director, Opera Workshop. llOOG Blanco (GR74521); Mus. B. 204B (GRl-1655) (P.A.X. 511). *Pickens, Eugene, B.S., Research Scientist Associate Ill, Electron Microscope Laboratory. 3114 W. Terrace Dr. (GL 28360); B. L. 114 (GR 1-3965) (P.A.X. 919) . Pickett, David Franklin, B.S. in Chem., Teaching Assistant in Chemistry. 2704 Nueces (GR 71452); C. B. *Pickett, James Mace, B.A., NIH Predoctoral Training Grant Fellow, Training Grant in Physiology. 1105 W. 22 (GR63872J; E. Sc. B. 425(GR1-7462) . *Pickett, Mrs. Suewiya Mae Gillette, B.A., NIH Predoctoral Training Grant Fellow, Training Grant in Physiology. 1105 W. 22 (GR 63872) ; E. Sc. B. 408B. The University of Texas *Pieper, Charles Allen, M.Ed., Teaching Assistant in Geography. 1703 Wethersfield (GR 85896); W. H. 408 (GR 1-5116) (P.A.X. 907). *Pieper, Mrs. Mary Kathryn, M.S. in Geo!., Research Scientist Associate I, Bureau of Economic Geology. 1703 Wethersfield (GR 85896); The Little Campus (18th and Red River) '(GR 1-1534). *Pierce, Mrs. F. Caroline, B.S., Social Science Research Associate l, NDEA Counseling and Guidance Training Institute. 2711A Windsor Rd. (GR 24457); S. H. 215 (GR 1-3737). Pierce, Jack Robert, M.A., Teaching Assistant in Zoology. 503C W. 25; B. L. 319 (GR 1-3163). *Pierce-Jones, John, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Educational Psychology and NDEA Counseling and Guidance Training Institute; Director, Per­sonnel Utilization Research Project. 6506 Bradley Dr. (GL 38843); S. H. 208 (GR 1-1022). Pierson, Jerome S., B.B.A., M.A., Psychologist ll, Testing and Counseling Center. 34100wen (GL27354); W.M.O.B.323 (GRl-3515) (P.A.X.381). Pietsch, Roy, Ph.D., Research Scientist Associate V, Military Physics Research Laboratory. 1411 E. 37 (GR 80652) ; Phy. B. 423 (HO 56501-2). *Piper, Mrs. Gertrude S., Food Service Supervisor lI (Kinsolving), Women's Residence Halls. 812 W. Elizabeth (HI 41273); Kinsolving Dormitory (GR 1-7262) (P.A.X. 321). *Piper, J. D., Laborer, Balcones Research Center. Manor, Texas; Taylor H. 173 (HO 56501-8). *Piper, Philip Morris, Scientific Instrument-Maker I, Nuclear Physics Research: Accelerator Project. 5808 Link (GL 28357); Phy. B. 101 (GR 1-5251) (P.A.X. 330). Pipkin, James, Teaching Assistant in Botany. B. L. 223 (GR 1-5858). *Pippin, Mrs. Judy Clara, Senior Clerk-Typist, Defense Research Laboratory. 2912B Pecan Springs Rd.; 500 E. 24 (GR 1-1762) (P.A.X. 788). *Pippin, Robert M., B.A., Research Scientist Assistant I, Defense Research Lab· oratory. 2912B Pecan 'Springs Rd.; 500 E. 24 (GR 1-1202). *Pirson, Sylvain J., D.Sc., Professor of Petroleum Engineering. 4510 Edgemont (HO 50186); P. E. B. 309B (GR 1-3220). Staff Directory *Pisk, Paul Amadeus, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Music. 4507 Placid Pl. (GL 35563). Piske, Selma, Food Preparation Worker, Student Health Center. 1618 Palma Plaza, Apt. 3 (GR 80829); H. C. K. (GR 85711) (GR 1-1824) . *Pita, Edward P., M.A., Teaching Assistant in Romance Languages. 2004 Oldham (GR 81967); Pearce H. 208 (P.A.X. 568). *Pita, Mrs. Marina, B.A., Secretary, Department of Mechanical Engineering. 2200 Oldham (GR 81967); Engr. L. 219 (GR 1-1501) (P.A.X. 282). *Pitt, James Michael, B.S. in E.E., Teaching Assistant in Electrical Engineering. 1508 Dexter (HI 26812); S Hall 104. *Pitt, Stephen Patrick, B.S. in Phys., Research Scientist Associate II, Defense Research Laboratory. 11410 Whitewing (GL 26205); 500 E. 24 (GR 1-3641). Pittenger, Benjamin Floyd, Ph.D., Ed.D., Professor Emeritus of Educational Administration. Driskill Hotel (GR63501). *Pittman, James N., B.S., Assistant Football Coach, Intercollegiate Athletics. 1420 Yorkshire (GL 37876); G. G. 220 (GR 1-1037). *Pitts, Thurmond Bishop, B.A., Special Instructor in Mathematics, Extension Teaching and Field Service Bureau. 2412 Keating Lane (GR83950); Ben. H. 103 (GR 1-3361) (P.A.X. 558 or 481). Plambeck, Henry C., Jr., Building Attendant. 4504 Avenue D; Service B.104 (GR1-5072) (P.A.X. 519) . Plasky, Mrs. Muriel H., Secretary, Department of Naval Science. 2624 W. 49 (GL 38289); ROTC B. 104 (GR 1-3282) (P.A.X. 846). *Plass, Harold John, Jr., Ph.D., Professor of Engineering Mechanics; Research Engineer, Defense Research Laboratory. 6311 Shoal Creek West Dr. (HO 56304); Engr. L. 1088 (GR 1-5144). Plemons, Terry Dale, B.S. in Phys., Research Scientist Assistant I, Defense Re­search Laboratory. 204 E. 34 (GR 81706); 500 E. 24 (GR 1-3641). *Poe, Joe Park, 'M.A., Instructor in Classics. 3111 Hemphill Pk. (GR 81823); Main B. 2601 (GR 1-5743) (P.A.X. 1355) . Pohl, James William, M.A., Teaching Assistant in History. 2109 Red River; G. H. 105. Poindexter, Mrs. Clifford Craig, B.S. in H.E., Medical Technician, Radiobiologi­cal Laboratory. 512112 E. 38% (GL 26502); Balcones Research Center (HO 56501-30.) The University of Texas *Pokorney, Johnny B., Maintenance Man (Refrigeration), Physical Plant, Utili· ties, Refrigeration. Box 397, Pflugerville, Texas (ED 54373); Service B. 213 (GR 1-5770) (P.A.X. 634). Polach, Johnny F., Building Attendant. Rt. l, Granger, Texas; Service B. 104 (GR 1-5072) (P.A.X. 1380). *Poling, Mrs. Carolyn Ruth, Secretary, Office of the Dean, College of Pharmacy. 6901 Guadalupe; Phr. B. 106 (GR 1-1244) (P.A.X. 582). *Polivka, Mrs. Ellen Clayrene, Senior Secretary, Intercollegiate Athletics. 209 Leland (HI 26196); G. G. ll5 (GR 1-7545). *Polk, Alfred Leland, Maintenance Man (Plumbing), Physical Plant, Utilities, Plumbing. 1002 Redd (HI 2ll37); Service B. 210 (GR 1-5371) (P.A.X. 1263). *Polk, James C., Laborer, Physical Plant, Buildings and Grounds, Transportation. ll24A Chicon (GR 79ll8); Service B. 101 (GR 1-3252). Pollei, Alfred W., Building Attendant. 901E.14; Service B. 104 (GR 1-5072) (P.A.X. 1205). *Polome, Edgard G. C., Ph.D., Professor of Germanic Languages; Director and Professor, South Asia Language and Area Center. 2701 Rock Terrace (HI 26634); Batts H. 206 (GR 1-3039 or 1959) (P.A.X. 659). *Ponsford, Mrs. Sharon R., Secretary, Official Publications. 2306 Oldham (GR80937); Main B. IF (GR 1-1404) (P.A.X. 503). Pontes, Edna M., Lie., Teaching Assistant in Romance Languages. 2617 Speedway (GR 24464) ; Batts H. 402 (P.A.X. 680). *Pool, Dorsie W., Assistant Plumber Foreman, Physical Plant, Utilities, Plumb· ing. 1802 Pasadena (HO 59936) ; Service B. 210 (GR 1-5371) (P.A.X. 1263) . *Pool, Jack 0., Bookbinder, University Printing Division. Route 7, Box 825; 2201 Red River (GR 1-5465). *Pope, Jame3 Bland, B.B.A., Supervisor, Workmen's Compensation Insurance, System Personnel Office. 3912 Jefferson (GL 37528); W. H. 8 (GR 15223) (P.A.X. 224). Pope, Leodocia M., B.S., M.A., Research Scientist I, Department of Microbiology. 606 W. 17, Apt. 210 (GR 72919); E. Sc. B. 222 (GR 1-5105) (P.A.X. 309) . *Popelka, Mrs. Lynda Irene, Secretary, Bureau of Economic Geology. Brackenridge Apts., #1207C; The Little Campus (18th and Red River) (GR 1-1534). Staff Directory *Porter, George William, B.S., M.B.A., Professor of Air Science; Lieutenant Colonel, USAF. 3302 Cherry Tree Circle (GL21506); ROTC B. 115B (GR 1-1776) (P.A.X. 841). Porter, Mrs. Goldie Horton, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Mathematics. 2402 Windsor Rd. (GR63951); Ben. H.113(GR1-3361). *Porter, Jack Wildan, Instructor and Branch Administrator, Department of Military Science. 1300 Choquette Dr. (GL 24190); ROTC B. 205 (GR 1-5910) (P.A.X. 858) . *Porter, Mrs. Margaret Louise, B.A., Senior Library Assistant, Academic Center. 2421B San Antonio; A. C. 415 (GR 1-3257) (P.A.X. 1773). Porter, Thomas Hugh, B.A., Teaching Assistant in Chemistry. 3007 Fruth; C. B. *Porterfield, Charles W., M.S., Assistant Professor, AID/ Baghdad University Contract, International Office. 100 W. 26 (GR 1-5763). Posey, Clyde Lee, B.B.A., Teaching Assistant in Accounting. 3106 Duval, #310 (GR 75893); B. E. 0. B. 515 (GR 1-3676) . Poshusta, Ronald Dean, Ph.D., Special Instructor in Physics. 1805 Brazos, Apt. 57 (GR 83910); C. B. 204W (GR 1-7227) (P.A.X. 1333). *Poston, Robert Seeling, B.S. in P.E., Teaching Assistant in Chemical Engi­neering. 300 E. 33 (GR 20989); Ch. E. B. 106. *Potter, Lewis H., Stores Clerk II, Department of Petroleum Engineering. 1103 Karen (GL 25682); P. E. B. 106 (GR 1-1208) (P.A.X. 249 or 245). Potter, Mrs. Wanda Doty, B.B.A., M.A., Senior Secretary, Distributive Education Department, Industrial and Business Training Bureau. 15108 W. 13 (GR 77029); Extension Bldg. Annex B 201 (18th and Sabine) (GR 1-3917). Potts, Gladys, R.R.L., Medical Record Librarian, Student Health Center. 2121 Glendale Pl. ; Union B. llO (GR 1-1233) (P.A.X. 522). *Sauls, John R., Painter. Construction and Maintenance. 5400 Montview (HO 50665); Service B. 111 (GR 1-7183) (P.A.X. 268). *Saustrup, Anders Schou, M.A., Assistant Professor of Germanic Languages. 1405 Rabb Rd. (HI 23628); Batts H. 223 (P.A.X. 815). *Savell, Dewey Floyd, Building Utility Operator, Physical Plant, Utilities, Steam Distribution. 4911 Blueberry Trail (GL 21958); Service B. 213 (GR 1-3i93) (P.A.X. 1265); *Sawin, Mrs. Patricia Hill, B.S. in Phys., Clerk-Typist, Library. 1106 Mission Ridge (HI 23796); Main B. 133 (GR 1-3817) (P.A.X. 1113). *Sawyer, Glenn Donald. B.S. in EE., Rwlio/Telez:ision Technir:al Superl'isor. 713 E. 50 (GL 23273) ; R.-T. B. (GR 1-1631) (P.A.X. 391 l. *Sawyer, Mrs. Ruth M .. B.S., BA., Librarian I. 2826 San Gabriel (GR68961); .\fain Il. 323 (GR l -3121) (P.A.X.1119). *Saxman, Mrs. Jan eth B., Accounting Clerk I, O_fjice of the Dean, College of En­gineering. 50038 Avenue F (GL 32549) ; Taylor H. 114 (GR 1-1261) Skylark Dr. (HO 58869); Ben. H. 413 (GR 1-7366) (P.A.X. 303). *Scurlock, Mrs. Annice White, Senior Secretary, Department of Chemical Engi­neering. 806 Nelson, Apt. 201; Engr. L. 305(GR1-5751) (P.A.X.1155). *Seaholm, Mrs. Glen A., Research Scientist Associate Ill, Genetics Foundation. lOll Wayside Dr. (GR24855); E. Sc. B. 502(GR1-7158) (P.A.X.459). Searcy, Mrs. Millie, Cook I, University Tea House. 1194 Greenwood; 2503 San Jacinto (GR 1-5443) (P.A.X. 831). Searight, Mrs. Christie Virginia, Accounting Clerk II, Texas Union. 3906 Cherrywood (GR 23348); Union B. 307 (GR 1-3616) (GR 80803) (P.A.X. 328 or 903). *Sebesta, Henry Robert, B.S., Teaching Assistant in Mechanical Engineering. 1606 Alta Vista (HI 23350); Taylor H. 423 (GR 1-1501) (P.A.X. 282). *Secker, Martin Dayss, M.A., Special Instructor in Mathematics. 3110 Walling Dr. (GR 84295); Ben. H. 307 (GR 1-1524). *Sedwick, Asa B., Utilities Station Operator, Physical Plant, Utilities, Air Con­ditioning. 221 Park Lane (HI41648); Service B. 213(GR1-3771) (P.A.X. 440). *Sedw'ck, Howard, B.B.A., Administrative Assistant, Radiobiological Laboratory. 21IO Brackenridge St. (HI 25592); Balcones Research Center (HO 56501­33). *Sedwick, Jesse Jack, Laboratory Research Assistant I, Nuclear Physics Research: Accelerator Project. 1502 Drake (GR 20598); Phy. B. 439 (GR 1-7355) (P.A.X. 476). Seeliger, Ronald A., B.A., M.L.S., Librarian II, Journalism-Newspaper. 1909 Cliff St. (GR 75482); J . B. 201; Main B. 4 (P.A.X. 1131or1117). *Seewald, Clyde Ray, B.S. in Geol., Laboratory Research Assistant II, Bureau of Economic Geology. 4008B Speedway (HO 59181); The Little Campus (18th and Red River) (GR 1-1534). Staff Directory *Seewald, Kenneth 0., M.A., Teaching Assistant in Geology. 2209C Perry; G. B. 414 ; Main B. 2504(GR1-5743) (P.A.X.1721). *Willard, Mrs. Caroline Corser, B.A., Teaching Assistant in Romance Languages. Brackenridge Apts., #1511A (GR65469); Pearce H. 18 (GRl-1554) (P.A.X. 1735). *Willard, James David, B.A., Humanities Research Assistant II, Language Lab· oratory. Brackenridge Apts., #1511A (GR 65469); Batts H. 233 (GR 1-7163) (P.A.X. 924 or 662). *Willard, Rudolph, Ph.D., Professor of English. 2509A San Antonio (GR87524); Engl. B. 116 (GR 1-3561) (P.A.X. 720). *Willers, Jack C., M.A., B.D., Teaching Assistant in History and Philosophy of Education. 1100 Arcadia (HO 57917); S. H. 223(GR1-5242). *Willett, Noyes W., Radio/ Television Chief Engineer. 2005 Forest Trail (GR80960); R.-T. B. 102 (GR 1-1631) (P.A.X. 1349). *Williams, Bennie Burns, M.A., Teaching Assistant in Mathematics. 1512 Glencrest (HO 55930) ; Pearce H. lB (GR 1-3361) ( P.A.X. 865). *Williams, Clarence L., Glassblower Supervisor, Department of Chemistry. 3103 Carol Ann Dr. (GL 37974); C. B. 11 (P.A.X. 646). *Williams, Cleo B., M.Ed., Research Scientist Associate V, Computation Center. 5706 Marilyn Dr. (GL 22864); C. C. (GR 1-7242) (P.A.X. 1308) . Williams, Dan Batchelor, Dormitory Supervisor, Men's Residence Halls. Prather Hall 6 (GR 1-5113). Williams, Mrs. Dorothy G., Senior Secretary, Genetics Foundation. 4504 S. 3 (HI 22790); E. Sc. B. 534(GR1-3503) (P.A.X.1525). *Williams, Mrs. Francis Bailey, B.B.A., Senior Secretary, Department of Ac· counting. 1906 Sharon Lane (GR 72888); B. E. 0 . B. 300 (GR 1-5216) (P.A.X. 1427). Williams, Mrs. Ima M., Food Preparation Worker, Student llcalth Center. 2909 West Ave. (GR 79232); H. C. K. (GR 1-1824) (GR 85711). *Williams, M·s. Inez P., Cook I, Student Health Center. 2005 E. 16 (GR 78143); H. C. K. (GR 1-1824) (GR 85711). *Williams, James Clifton, M.Mus., Associate Professor of Music Theory and Composition. 5806 Marilyn (GL32178); Mus. B. 205B (GR 1-1847) (P.A.X. 514). *Williams, James Edward, Building Attendant, Student Health Center. 1101 Midway (GR 21575) ; H. C. (GR 1-1824) (GR 85711). *Williams, Mrs. Jean W., Administrative Clerk, Office of Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds. 1005 Alegria (GL 33012); Service B. 101 (GR 1-5822) (P.A.X. 640). *Williams, Jeffery, Bu;lding Attendant. 508 S. Avenue D, Elgin, Texas (AT 54055); Service B. 104 (GR 1-5072) (P.A.X. 1205). *Williams, Jerre Stockton, B.A., LL.B., Professor of Law. 3503 Mt. Barker Dr. (GL 23221) ; Townes H. 306 (GR 1-5151). *Williams, Jesse Albert, Utility Worker, Physical Plant, Utilities, Steam Dis­tribution. Rt. 1, Box 501(GR84202); Service B. 213(GR1-3793) (P.A.X. 1265). *Williams, Joe B., Building Attendant, Student Health Center. 1184 Waller (GR 86528); H. C. K. ; 0. L. B. 6 (GR 1-7521) ( P.A.X. 1124). *Wright, Ray H., II, B.A., Teaching Assistant in Mathematics. 5208B Joe Sayers