University of Texas Bulletin No. 2234: September 8, 1922 EXAS UNIV. OR. OF ECON. EOLOGY JBLICATION l *ULL._) 2234 Report on Texas AlkaliLakes BY C.C.Meigs, H. P. Bassett, AND G. B. Slaughter Bureau of Economic Geology and Technology Division of Economic Geology J. A. Udden, Director of the Bureau and Head.of the Division PUBLISHED BY s*THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AUSTIN Publications of the University of Texas Publications Committee : Frederic Duncalf J. L.Henderson KillisCampbell E. J. Mathews F. W. Graff H. J. Muller -G. Haines F. A.C. Perrin<3 Hal C. Weaver The University publishes bulletins four times a month, umbered that the firet tT,vn di^it? of the number show the year of issue, the last two the position in the yearly series. (For example, No. 2201 is the first bulletin of the year 1922.) These comprise the official publications of the University, publications on humanistic and'*-scientific subjects, bulletins prepared by the Bureau of Extension, by the Bureau of Economic Geology and Technology! and other bulletins of general educational interest. WitK the exception of special numbers, any bulletin willbe sentfo a citizen of Texas free on request. Allcommunications "about University publications should be addressed to University Publication^, University of Texas, Austin. S5O-2790-8-31-22-2m University of Texas Bulletin No. 2234: September 8, 1922 Report on Texas AlkaliLakes BY C. C. Meigs, H. P. Bassett, AND G. B. Slaughter Bureau of Economic Geology and Technology Division of Economic Geology i. A.Udden, Director of the Bureau and Head of the Division /^ffil^ 00025554 PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITYFOUR TIMES AMONTH,ANDENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AT THE POSTOFFICE ATAUSTIN. TEXAS, UNDER THE ACT OF AUGUST 24, 1912 04P0&55&4 The benefits of education and of useful knowledge, generally diffused through a community, are essential to the preservation of a free govern ment. Sam Houston Cultivated mind is the guardian genius of democracy. ... Itis the only dictator that freemen acknowledge and the only security that freemen desire. Mirabeau B. Lamar Table of Contents PAGE Foreword : 5 General Remarks 7 Brines 7 Searles Lake 7 The Nebraska Lakes 8 Salduro Marsh 9 Kelp 9 Alunite 9 Silicates 10 Glauconite 10 Texas Brines 10 General Description 13 Properties and Tests 17 Lynn County Group 18 Double Lakes 18 North Group 26 Silver Lake _ 26 Coyote Lake _ 29 Yellow Lake 31 Illusion Lake 32 Solar Evaporation 34 Process of Extraction 37 Notes on Products and Competition 39 Foreign Potash 39 Domestic Potash 41 Nebraska Fields 43 Searles Lake 43 Cement Industry 43 Feldspathic Materials 43 Leucite _ 44 Alunite _ 44 Kelp _ 44 Miscellaneous Organic Sources 45 Magnesia 4g Salt 48 Plant Requirements 49 Estimated Cash Requirements 52 Recapitalization of Values 53 Cost of Production 54 Estimated Profits 55 Experimental Plant 55 Conclusions 58 Index 60 Illustrations Text Figures PAGE Figure 1. Sketch map indicating distance of potash producing localities from market or from water transportation 6 Figure 2. Diagrammatic representation of the formations of the Staked Plains . 15 Figure 3. Diagrammatic representation of depression in the Staked Plains 18 Figure 4. Graphic representation of logs of wells in Double Lakes 21 Figure 5. Graphic representation of test wells in Double Lakes__ 22 Figure 6. Graphic representation of logs of test wells in Double Lakes '. 24 Figure 7. Graphic representation of logs of wells in Double Lakes 25 Figure 8. Silver Lake, showing location of test holes 27 Figure 9. Illustrating flow sheet of process proposed for treating Texas alkali brines 40 Plates in Pocket Plate I. Sketch map to show location of brine lakes in Lynn County. ' Plate 11. Sketch map to show location of lakes in Bailey and Lamb counties. Plate 111. Map of Double Lakes showing the location of test wells. Plate IV. Graphic representation of logs of test wells in Silver Lake. Plate V. Coyote Lake showing location of test wells. Plate VI. Graphic logs of test wells in Coyote Lake. Plate VII. Illusion and Yellow lakes showing location of test wells. Plate VIII. Graphic logs of test wells in Yellow Lake. Plate IX. Graphic logs of test wells in Illusion Lake. Foreward The thanks of the University are due Mr. H. A. Wroe, by whom this report has been submitted to the Bureau of Economic Geology and Technology for publication. The authors of the report are consulting engineers of Philadelphia. It willbe noted that the authors of the report have included estimates on plant requirements, cash requirements, cost of production and profits, as well as the probable price of foreign potash. In printing the report, the University assumes no responsibility or obligation as to the accuracy of these estimates. The statements made represent solely the judgment of the engineers who have made the investigation and have written this report. In only a few instances hasi itseemed advisable to omit personal references contained in the report. Otherwise the text is that of the manuscript furnished. The report is published in the belief that it represents a distinct contribution to our knowledge of the Alkali Lakes of West Texas. J. A. Udden, Director. Fig. 1 : — Sketch map indicating distanceof potash producing localities from market or from water transportation. Report on Texas Alkali Lakes Slaughter C. C. Meigs, H. P. Bassett AND B. G. General Remarks Inthe investigation of a property for potash;the following points are the ones which would naturally be borne in mind : 1. A potash content comparing with the very best, readily accessible for treatment. 2. Large supply of raw materials. 3. A combination of salts from which potash may be extracted by known processes and with a minimum expense for reagents. 4. A valuable by-product, easy to separate to commercial purity and for which there is a good market. 5. A location favorable to solar evaporation where evaporation is necessary, as is the usual case. 6. No possible objectionable ingredient in the product. 7. Satisfactory living and labor conditions. 8. Cheapest possible fuel withlarge amounts available. 9. Proximity to potash markets and supplies. In looking over the field of present potash sources so far knowninthiscountry, onewillfindasfollows: Brines The two sources of potash brines now used are Searles Lake in California and the lakes in northwest Nebraska and Salduro Marsh in Utah (Fig. 1). Searles Lake Searles Lake fulfills the first, second, fourth and fifth requirements, but is lacking in the third, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth points. University of Texas Bulletin It has a high percentage of potash, the supply seems almost inexhaustible; ithas borax as a valuable by-product and itis probably the most favored spot in the United States for solar evaporation. However, it has a complex brine containing borates, carbonates, sulphates and chlorides, possible to separate, but requiring delicate chemical control. Ithas one of the most objectionable impurities for fertilizer, borax, to such an extent that several states have passed stringent laws relating to its presence in fertilizer. Itis located in the heart of a desert where fresh water has to be piped for many miles and itis a most undesirable place to live. It is far removed from sources of fuel and other supplies and also from the markets for potash which are practically all in the southeastern states and along the Atlantic seaboard. The Nebraska Lakes The Nebraska Lakes fulfillthe first, third and reasonably the seventh conditions, but is deficient in the others. It has brines low in solids, but high in potash content; itis fairly easy to separate the potash to a reasonably high concentration without reagents, and the climate and living conditions are reasonably good. On the other hand, the supply of brine is limited, the location is not favorable to solar evaporation, as the rainfall is fairly high, the humidity is very variable, there are extremes of temperature and the rolling nature of its sandy soil does not lend itself to the economical construction of large basins. While it seems quite possible to extract soda salts from the brines, this has not been done and on account of the comparatively low value of them, it might not pay for the separation. The carbonates contained in the salts have met with objection on the part of fertilizer manufacturers on account of their tending to liberate certain valuable constituents of the mixed fertilizer during the process of manufacture. Fuel from Wyoming is plentiful,but high priced and the location is very far from markets for potash as well as from source of supplies. Report on Texas Alkali Lakes 9 Salduro Marsh The brines in this marsh are very similar to those found in Texas. It fulfills first, second, third, fifth,.and sixth conditions, but is deficient in the others, although we consider itthe next best potash proposition inthe United States. It has no advantage of Texas in the above conditions. Under the fourth condition, it has the same by-products, but there is a limited market for salt in that district and it is not profitable in competition with salt from the solar fields of Salt Lake nearby. A very profitable operation is being conducted on this property, and a recent enlargement of the plant shows that the treatment of brines (almost exactly like Texas as shown later in the report) is proving profitable for potash alone, without the valuable by-products which we can obtain and for which there is a ready market in Texas. KELP Ithas been demonstrated that potash from kelp can not be produced at a profit even under the present relatively high prices. ALUNITE Alunite found near Marysvale, Utah, is attractive in re spect to conditions two, three, four, six and seven, as there is a large amount available, the salts are fairly simple and easy to separate, it has alumina as a valuable by-product (this has not been produced up to this time, however) , the potash product is good, being a sulphate of potash, of fairly high purity. The livingconditions are also fairly good. It has the objection that itmust be quarried and then the ma terial roasted or digested with acid before the extraction process really begins, which adds a heavy expense, prac tically prohibitive, unless the alumina is recovered, in com petition with potash from foreign sources. Itis very far irom the potash market, sources of fuel and other supplies. University of Texas Bulletin SILICATES Of the silicates Wyoming leucite is the most promising. Itis favorable inrespect to points two, three and six. There seems to be a large tonnage, but itis in an insoluble form and the process of volatilization now used requires a very large amount of fuel. Italso must be mined or quarried before the process starts which adds a large additional expense. The potash is a rather low grade chloride with no objectionable elements. There are no valuable by-products and itis far removed from potash markets and sources of supplies. It is our belief that it willbe very difficult for this location to ship potash so far at a reasonable profit in competition withpotash from foreign sources. GLAUCONITE Glauconite or green sands of New Jersey are another possible supply and itis our understanding that a company is now preparing to undertake their development. This source fulfills conditions two, six, seven and eight, as there is an enormous deposit, the product being caustic potash is of high value, but of limited demand; it is near large cities with ample labor supply, ithas probably the cheapest fuel supply of any potash source and itis right at the markets. However, the potash content is insoluble and must be digested with large amounts of lime under high pressure to bringitinto solution and then handled as a caustic through the process. Itis an ingenious process, but untried commercially and it is our opinion that many difficulties will to be solved in actual operation. remain TEXAS BRINES Practically all potash bearing lakes in Texas have been visited and examined and samples taken of the most promising. Of the entire potash-bearing area, a large proportion containing complicated salts were not considered attractive on account of their not complying with condition Report on Texas Alkali Lakes 11 three. (For location of lakes examined see Plates 1 and 2 in pocket.) These brines fulfillconditions one, two, three, four, five and six, also seven and eight better than any source other than the glauconite deposits in New Jersey and for this reason, we believe this source is the most promising potash supply in the United States of those so far reported. In testing out the lakes, wells Were put down at fre quent intervals all over them. These wells went to the rock bottom of the lakes in most cases. In practically every case brine rose to the surface and in determining the pumping areas only wells having a flow of two gallons per minute or more were considered. This was determined by pumping the wells with a pitcher pump to see how many gallons per minute could be pumped without lowering the surface of the brine. Inmost cases 11/^" wells would furnish more than 20 gallons per minute. The plant of size calculated would require two hundred and twenty-five gallons per minute and it is proposed to take this at a rate of one-half gallon per well per minute. (For location of test wells in lakes see Plates 3, 5, and 7 in pocket and Fig. 8 in text.) The brine was found in from one to three strata and it is the opinion of all our men who have worked on the lakes that there is an indefinite supply of our requirement in either of the two groups of lakes. The fact that in nearly all cases the brine rises rapidly to the surface and in many cases flows over the top, and that there is the characteristic hissing sound when the brine strata are encountered indicates an abundant supply of brine under some artesian pressure and that the entire mud or silt of the lake bed is moist and permeated with the same salts as contained in the brine. These salts are of about equal strength per cubic foot, are highly soluble, and indicate that the comparatively small amount we will take out should make very little impression on the quantity or quality of the brine. Statements) from Dr. Bassett and Mr. Maxwell, one of whom has been on the ground during practically the whole testing period, are included in this report. An University of Texas Bulletin interesting phenomenon was noted by Mr Maxwell in some of the wells in No. 2 Double Lakes when he discovered every indication of a definite flow from northwest to southeast. Wands put down in any side would always float to the southeast side, or ifput down on that side, would stay. These wells were among the strongest in salts content as well as brine flow. The brine strata is not in sand, but in well defined layers in the silts. The entire silt beds are wet and water percolates slowly through. The past year has been unusually wet and there have been some very heavy rains. Water has not been over six or eight inches deep on the lakes, however, and with one exception, oldest inhabitants say ithas never been over one foot deep. That was many years ago when there was a local "water spout" which left a depth of three feet in the center of some of the lakes. Wells were put down in all lakes at frequent intervals and field potash determinations were made of various strata and of the composite brine. Samples from the wells were sent to the laboratory and accurately analyzed for potas sium chloride as shown under "Lake Tests." Complete composite analyses have been run on samples from lakes as shown later in this report, as welJ as* potash determinations on practically all wells. These analyses are somewhat lower than analyses of brines taken one year previously. The unprecedented rains of this year have undoubtedly diluted the brines and we have the most unfavorable time that has ever been for making our tests. However, this is on the side of conservatism and we are using these lower figures in our calculations in this report. After making the tests of No. 1 Double Lake, we found that in pumping the brine required for the experimental work for one well, the brine grew stronger -n solids as pumped and also more nearly approximated the average brine. We, therefore, went over a number of representative test holes and rigged up a power pump so as to give a long pumping test and also determine brine content as Report on Texas Alkali Lakes 13 pumped. The strength was increased and average analyses of these brines after pumping based on 25 per cent anhydrous salts as follows: XCI 2.10 2.10XCIXCI 2.10 NaCl 14.54 14.54NaClNaCl 14.54 NaCl NaClNaCl after afterafter converting convertingconverting SO SOSO3 17.20 17.2033 17.20 MgCl MgClMgCl2 2.18 2.1822 2.18 CaS0 CaS0CaS0 4 0.35 0.3544 0.35 Na,SO 4.72 4.72Na,SONa,SO 4.72 2 A A22 A4 44 We consider this a typical analysis of the average brines after concentration and use it as a basis of process and production calculations. Description General The properties examined naturally divide into two groups. The Tahoka or Southern Group, located in Lynn and Terry counties, consists of Double Lakes. The Littlefield or Northern Group, located inHockley, Lamb, Bailey and Cochran counties, consists of Silver Lake, Yellow Lake, Illusion Lake and part of Coyote Lake. The pumping area, or valuable portion of the two groups is discussed later. (Plates 1 and 2 in pocket.) The two groups are too far apart for one plant and it would be necessary to handle each group with its own reduction plant. As the brines of the Tahoka group are simpler and con tain less of sulphates than the Littlefield group and as the lakes are much nearer together and also to the railroad, we recommend that the first plant be constructed for utilizing brine from them. The initial capital expenditure would be about $125,000 less on account of saving in pipe lines, solar ponds, etc., and definite data has been obtained on this brine in an experimental plant. The brines coming from the lakes are exactly suited without any treatment other than merely bringing to saturation by solar evaporation. We are very confident that all brines in the Littlefiela Group can be brought to a condition equally as good, but more solar evaporation willbe required, with the exception University of Texas Bulletin of Coyote Lake which requires concentration to saturation only. To get maximum advantage of the Littlefield lakes, Silver Lake and Coyote Lake should be worked together, pumping to solar ponds on Illusion Lake and at the same time, using the comparatively weak brines of Illusion strengthened by solar evaporation. But for the fact that Illusion Lake is the logical, point for solar evaporation ponds, we would not consider itworth working. Aplant at the Tahoka Group should prove just how much can be made of the proposition and a second plant could then be erected at Littlefield based on definite experience at Tahoka. We have, therefore, made all our calculations based on brine from Double Lakes. The formation of the various lakes varies considerably, but after a careful investigation, itis our opinion that the following general remarks apply to all the lakes. The "Alkali Lakes" are not lakes in the true sense of the word, as they are not permanent bodies of water and rarely, ifever, does the water cover the entire surface. They are depressions in the Llano Estacado filled with silt containing brine and crystals of salt. Itis a generally accepted theory that the deposits are ground fed from springs coming from the Permian strata below. According to the Bureau of Economic Geology and Technology of the State of Texas, these depressions were formed when masses of rock salt which occur in the Permian and are known to contain potash were dissolved causing the overlying plain to sink into the depression formed by the removal of the salt beds below. In this sinking process, cracks were made extending down to the Permian as shown on the accompanying sketch made from a pamphlet issued by the Bureau of Geology and Technology quoted below (Fig. 3). The Permian strata can be traced to the higher plains of New Mexico without interruption and are under sufficient hydraulic head to cause a flow through these cracks into the depressions above. The Report on Texas Alkali Lakes 17 Bureau, on "Potash in the Texas Permian" which gives the results of numerous drillings which have penetrated the Permian and show potash in small but persistent quantity, show, as we believe, just where the potash contents of these deposits come from. They are probably being fed continuously by solutions of low solid content. These in turn have been concentrated by evaporation until the highly impregnated brines and muds are now in place ready for extraction of the valuable salts. Another proof of the fact that the deposits are fed from below is the universal testimony of people in the vicinity that while the country is at times very arid, the surface of these lakes is always wet and muddy. This would soon evaporate the moisture near the top and leave the muds bone dry ifnot fed from below. This also apparently refutes the statement that has been made by some that the silts are impervious. Itis further proven by the fact that a hole dug into the muds or silt although itmay not strike a layer of crystals or sands, will slowly fill with brine. This is also one of the best indications of the permanency of supply. The evaporation from the moist surface of the lakes should be much greater than from an open body of water of equal area. Still they never become dry. This would seem to show that an amount of brine fully three times plant requirements has been furnished constantly for solar evaporation from Double Lakes, the brine being fed from below by capillary attraction. The same applies to most of the lakes of the Littlefield Group. Properties and Tests The lakes were surveyed accurately and base lines run from which wells were located. In this way, check may be made at any time in the future on any or all wells. Considerable difficulty was experienced at first insinking wells through the very tough silts of the lake beds and various forms of augers and hydraulic jetting were tried. Finally, we devised a very satisfactory rig and have made good progress since. University of Texas Bulletin Accurate maps of the lakes are included in this memorandum and locations of test wells are shown. Itwillbe seen that the lake area was covered very thoroughly. Logs of many wells are also included which show depths at which brine was encountered. Quick potash determinations were made on brine encountered at various levels which were quite uniform, and laboratory tests were run on a large number of wells. These are on tabulation in the memorandum which shows thei number of the well corresponding to map, specific gravity, and the percentage of potash. Complete analyses were made on representative wells from each lake, also on composite samples of some lakes and these are shown in tabulations herewith. In using one of the wells for' the experimental plant, we found that the brine was improved by pumping. We, therefore, took six wells located systematically over Double Lake No. 1 as indicated by triangles on the map and made extensive tests to determine the effect of pumping. No decrease inflowwas shown,butthebrineincreased instrength from about 21 Be and the potash percentage was increased in about the same proportion (Plate 3). Statements from Dr. Bassett, under whose supervision the work was done and ofMr.Maxwell,who had immediate charge of the sinking of wells, are included in this memo randum and itwillbe noted that they both agree that there is an unlimited amount of brine available for a plant of at least 2000 tons of brine daily. Samples and analyses were also taken of some of the silts and analysis made from them. These were run for potash only. Results are shown in the tabulation herewith. Lynn County Group DOUBLE LAKES These lakes are shown on map drawing Plate 3 in pocket of this report. This map is from an accurate survey recently made for us by Sylvan Saunders, a civil engineer of Lubbock, Texas, and should be quite accurate. The Report on Texas Alkali Lakes 19 "pumping area" in which all wells put down gave a free flow of five gallons a minute or more is indicated. Most of the wells gave a flow up to the capacity of the pumps or 20 gallons per minute, practically all the wells in No. 2 Lake giving such flow, while many wells pumped with a power pump could not be lowered by pumping fifty gallons per minute. Ample area is available at the north end of No. 1Lake for solar ponds to bring the brine to saturation as required. The location of wells is clearly shown on the map and analyses together with logs of wells follow. STATEMENT OF DR. BASSETT The writer has directed the work of investigating the brine lakes of Lynn County, Texas, known as Tahoka, Double Lake No. 1 and Double Lake No. 2. All these lakes were surveyed and laid off m sections of 400 feet square and test wells put down to outline the pumping area with the following results: Tahoka Lake showed about 125 acres of pumping area striking veins at different levels inblue shale. The flow, however, from the different veins was not strong, but the value quite high. A number of these wells were pumped, but only showed an average flow of 0.56 gallons per minute, running about 15 Baume. Rock was struck at an average of twenty feet under the surface and in one case an effort was made to go through this, but with the tools at hand, it was impossible and this was given up. It was thought brine might be encountered under this rock, but this was left for future investigation. Tahoka Lake did not look attractive from results obtained. The next lake investigated was Double Lake No. 1. In this be tween 400 and 500 acres of pumping area was encountered in the lower portion of the lake, veins being struck in nearly all cases in blue shale at three different levels; at four feet, nine feet and bottom of wells. The brine flowing from all wells tested the same strength and the same potash content. A number of these wells in one por tion of this lake seemed to be under pressure and would flow out on surface of lake. InDouble Lake No. 2 almost the entire lake is pumping area with a strong flow. Ineither of these lakes, we were assured of ten gal lons per minute or better and no doubt could furnish 2,000 tons of concentrated brine per twenty-four hours. The general trend of the brine area was from northwest to southeast with rock hills on west side and sand hills on east side. University of Texas Bulletin The flow as stated above being so general, the actual flow was determined in each lake by drilling an eight inch hole and determining the direction a wand would move. It invariably took the direction as stated above. From these facts, namely formation, direction and determination of flow,it appears that the brine occurs in an underground stream. The brine grew stronger in solids when pumped for several hours and the solids were very constant in potassium chloride. The amount of brine is without doubt inexhaustible for a plant using 2,000 tons of brine per day. STATEMENT BY C. A. MAXWELL Pursuant with your request, Iam detailing in this letter a few of the facts concerning the potash lakes in Lynn and Terry Counties, Texas. It was my privilege to visit these and conduct an investigation of some two months in extent in the spring of this year. Iinvestigated and put down test wells in three lakes in Lynn County, known as Tahoka Lake, situated eight miles northeast of the littlecity of Tahoka and Double Lakes Nos. 1 and 2, situated approximately seven and one-half miles northwest of Tahoka. After investigating Tahoka very thoroughly, we came to the conclusion that there was only about 125 acres out of a total lake area of 1,000 acres that would be available for operation. This 125 acres probably support some 1,000 wells with a continuous capacity of approximately two-tenths of a gallon per minute. We cannot recommend Tahoka Lake as a working proposition until a further investigation is made tending to prove whether or not a considerable vein ofpotash bearing water is contained under the rock which lies on an average of twenty feet under the entire lake bottom. The surrounding indications seem to show that there should be an abundance of water there. Puncturing the rock might open this up. The water in the wells in this lake showed an average Baume of fifteen degrees with one and one-half per cent of the solids, potassium salts. The remainder of the solids being easily recoverable salts, such as sodium chloride, magnesium chloride and sodium sulphate. Double Lakes are very much larger in extent; the two lakes ap proximating some 1,500 acres in extent, of which fully two-thirds is pumping area with an almost inexhaustible brine supply. We put down several hundred wells in these lakes and all of these in actual pumping area were capable of delivering five gallons of water per minute or more. Infact, we pumped some of the wells for a period of two days at the rate of fiftygallons per minute per well without any indication of lowering the water in the wells. Ibelieve it wouldbe easily possible to obtain from either one of these lakes, No. 1 or No. 2, 1,000 gallons of water per minute, continuously and this Report on Texas Alkali Lakes 27 2727 1.1292 1.12921.1292 17.4 17.417.4 1.12 1.121.12 1.93 1.931.93 32 3232 1.1750 1.17501.1750 26.1 26.126.1 1.53 1.531.53 1.76 1.761.76 35 3535 1.1064 1.10641.1064 15.2 15.215.2 1.02 1.021.02 2.02 2.022.02 40 4040 1.1299 1.12991.1299 17.1 17.117.1 1.04 1.041.04 1.83 1.831.83 41 4141 1.1321 1.13211.1321 17.4 17.417.4 1.10 1.101.10 1.90 1.901.90 43 4343 1.1492 1.14921.1492 20.2 20.220.2 1.26 1.261.26 1.88 1.881.88 46 4646 1.0873 1.08731.0873 11.3 11.311.3 0.79 0.790.79 1.98 1.981.98 47 4747 1.1083 1.10831.1083 12.2 12.212.2 0.99 0.990.99 2.44 2.442.44 48 4848 1.1431 1.14311.1431 20.8 20.820.8 1.35 1.351.35 1.94 1.941.94 42.97 42.9742.97 Ay. Ay.Ay. 1.95% 1.95%1.95% Surface SurfaceSurface Water WaterWater 1.0692 1.06921.0692 9.9 9.99.9 0.71 0.710.71 2.15% 2.15%2.15% — Sample of Wells Double Lake No. 2 XCI XCIXCI Specific SpecificSpecific 30% 30%30% Well WellWell No. No.No. Gravity % %GravityGravity % Solids Hydrous HydrousSolidsSolids Hydrous Solids SolidsSolids %XCI %XCI%XCI 2 22 1.15 20.5 1.8 2.63 2.6320.51.151.15 1.820.5 1.8 2.63 3 33 1.2555 34.0 2.77 2.43 2.4334.01.25551.2555 2.7734.0 2.77 2.43 4 44 1.0828 19.2 0.92 1.43 1.4319.21.08281.0828 0.9219.2 0.92 1.43 5 55 1.1686 22.5 1.47 1.96 1.9622.51.16861.1686 1.4722.5 1.47 1.96 6 66 1.1679 22.5 1.39 1.85 1.8522.51.16791.1679 1.3922.5 1.39 1.85 7 77 1.1795 24.3 1.54 1.90 1.9024.31.17951.1795 1.5424.3 1.54 1.90 8 88 1.1802 24.1 1.59 1.98 1.9824.11.18021.1802 1.5924.1 1.59 1.98 10 1010 1.1344 19.0 1.37 2.16 2.1619.01.13441.1344 1.3719.0 1.37 2.16 11 1111 1.1526 19.9 1.25 19.91.15261.1526 1.2519.9 1.25 . 1.88 1.88.. 1.88 14 1414 1.1672 23.8 1.30 1.63 1.6323.81.16721.1672 1.3023.8 1.30 1.63 15 1515 1.1776 23.9 1.43 1.80 1.8023.91.17761.1776 1.4323.9 1.43 1.80 16 1616 1.1776 23.7 1.35 1.71 1.7123.71.17761.1776 1.3523.7 1.35 1.71 18 1818 1.1721 23.6 1.55 1.97 1.9723.61.17211.1721 1.5523.6 1.55 1.97 19 1919 1.1615 22.4 2.20 2.95 2.9522.41.16151.1615 2.2022.4 2.20 2.95 20 2020 1.1524 19.9 2.17 19.91.15241.1524 2.1719.9 2.17 1.45 1.451.45 21 2121 1.1989 26.7 1.62 1.82 1.8226.71.19891.1989 1.6226.7 1.62 1.82 23 2323 1.1793 24.0 1.43 1.78 1.7824.01.17931.1793 1.4324.0 1.43 1.78 26 2626 1.1542 19.8 1.63 2.31 2.3119.81.15421.1542 1.6319.8 1.63 2.31 28 2828 1.1598 19.9 1.69 2.54 2.5419.91.15981.1598 1.6919.9 1.69 2.54 29 2929 1.1527 19.8 1.37 2.07 2.0719.81.15271.1527 1.3719.8 1.37 2.07 32 3232 1.1505 19.6 1.26 1.93 1.9319.61.15051.1505 1.2619.6 1.26 1.93 33 3333 1.1479 18.5 1.20 1.94 1.9418.51.14791.1479 1.2018.5 1.20 1.94 34 3434 1.1542 1.15421.1542 19.8 19.819.8 1.55 1.551.55 2.35 2.352.35 36 3636 , ,, 1.1796 1.17961.1796 23.2 23.223.2 1.83 1.831.83 2.37 2.372.37 37 3737 1.2076 1.20761.2076 27.0 27.027.0 1.87 1.871.87 2.07 2.072.07 41 4141 1.1759 1.17591.1759 23.0 23.023.0 1.35 1.351.35 1.77 1.771.77 42 4242 1.1567 1.15671.1567 19.7 19.719.7 1.73 1.731.73 2.63 2.632.63 University of Texas Bulletin Basis 25% Anhydrous Solids (30% Anhydrous Solids) 2 22 2.6 2.62.6 2.22 2.222.22 13.86 13.8613.86 4.66 4.664.66 0.60 0.600.60 6 66 2.55 2.552.55 1.73 1.731.73 14.31 14.3114.31 3.53 3.533.53 2.89 2.892.89 11 1111 2.74 2.742.74 2.61 2.612.61 13.00 13.0013.00 4.99 4.994.99 1.73 1.731.73 21 2121 2.13 2.132.13 1.60 1.601.60 16.28 16.2816.28 1.38 1.381.38 3.66 3.663.66 25 2525 2.78 2.782.78 2.61 2.612.61 11.88 11.8811.88 4.54 4.544.54 3.23 3.233.23 — Analyses of Silts Double Lake No. 1 c] Ho. %XC Ho.c]c] %XCHo. %XC 45 .87 .874545 .87 47 .57 .574747 .57 51 1.10 1.105151 1.10 48 1.00 1.004848 1.00 49 .84 .844949 .84 North Group SILVER LAKE The location of Silver Lake is clearly shown on the general map included in this memorandum, also on the small map showing location of wells put down. (Plate 2 and Fig. 8.) Fifteen wells were drilled in this lake to depths ranging from fourteen to forty feet. Clay of varying colors and crystals form the great proportion of the lake contents, sand being found in only one or two wells. Hard rock was not encountered in any of the wells drilled with augers, but was found at about twenty-four feet with the hydraulic rig in the southwest corner of the lake. D-4 which went to forty feet bottomed on an excellent gravel bed. The other wells went to thirty feet, more or less, ending in clay or gypsum. Good flows of brine were found in all the wells, only one vein being found, the depth varying between 3.5 and 9 feet. Brine was also found in the gravel at 40 feet in D-4. This well gave 35 G.P.M. and would have produced fifteen or twenty more gallons could we have run the engine faster. B-4 produced 24 G.P.M. In none of the wells could we lower the brine level with pitcher pumps, the capacity of which is 6-10 G.P.M. A large amount of brine University of Texas Bulletin springs, flowing fresh water to 4° Be. brine. Seep springs of 5-6° Be. are also found on the east shore in the lake bed. The total area of the lake bed, 220 acres by actual survey, is available pumping area. This lake lies in a hollow bounded on the east by a ridge that rises 100 feet above the lake. The land on all other sides slopes gradually away from the lake. The east and south shores are slightly precipitous, the others sloping. No rock outcroppings are to be found anywhere in the vicinity of the lake. Itis 40 feet higher tiian Littlefield. While small, this lake shows an unusually good flow of brine. In our judgment, it could probably be counted on to supply continuously about 300 to 350 tons of brine daily. Analyses of brines from the various wells drilled follow, also complete analysis of composite sample made up from an equal quantity of brine from all the wells. (For logs of wells in this lake see Plate 4 in pocket.)— Sample of Wells Silver Lake % %% XCI XCIXCI 30% 30%30% Well WellWell No. No.No. % %% Solids SolidsSolids % %% XCI XCIXCI Hydrous HydrousHydrous Solids SolidsSolids B-2 B-2B-2 _ __ 14.3 14.314.3 1.26 1.261.26 2.64 2.642.64 B-3 B-3B-3 _._ _.__._ 21.6 21.621.6 1.75 1.751.75 2.64 2.642.64 B-4 B-4B-4 _ __ 22.6 22.622.6 1.52 1.521.52 2.02 2.022.02 C-l-% C-l-%C-l-% 13.6 13.613.6 1.34 1.341.34 2.96 2.962.96 C-3 C-3C-3 20.6 20.620.6 1.55 1.551.55 2.25 2.252.25 C-4 C-4C-4 16.5 16.516.5 1.34 1.341.34 2.43 2.432.43 D-l D-lD-l 16.9 16.916.9 1.60 1.601.60 2.25 2.252.25 D-2 D-2D-2 22.5 22.522.5 1.70 1.701.70 2.26 2.262.26 D-3 D-3D-3 20.6 20.620.6 1.66 1.661.66 2.40 2.402.40 D-4 D-4D-4 _ __ 21.7 21.721.7 1.62 1.621.62 2.24 2.242.24 E-2 E-2E-2 16.6 16.616.6 1.56 1.561.56 2.82 2.822.82 . .. E-3 E-3E-3 18.9 18.918.9 1.67 1.671.67 2.65 2.652.65 Average AverageAverage 18.87 18.8718.87 1.52 1.521.52 2.44 2.442.44 Complete Analysis of Composite Sample ' '' Total % %TotalTotal % by byby Weight WeightWeight Hydrous HydrousHydrous Solids 19.22 19.22SolidsSolids 19.22 Calcium CalciumCalcium Sulphate 1.45 1.45SulphateSulphate 1.45 Sodium SodiumSodium Sulphate 7.43 7.43SulphateSulphate 7.43 Magnesium MagnesiumMagnesium Chloride 2.26 2.26ChlorideChloride 2.26 Sodium SodiumSodium Chloride 4.37 4.37ChlorideChloride 4.37 Potassium PotassiumPotassium Chloride 1.52 1.52ChlorideChloride 1.52 Report on Texas Alkali Lakes COYOTE LAKE The location of this lake is shown on the general map herewith and location of wells drilled is shown on the small individual map included in this memorandum (Plates 2 and 5). No base line was run through this lake. The wells were numbered as shown on the attached sketch (Plate 5). Twenty-five wells were drilled in this lake, five being: duplicates. Wet sandy-clay composes most of the material. Thick veins of sand, sand and gravel, and sand, gravel and gypsum were found in a large number of wells. The lake is so nearly saturated that all wells had to be cased to keep them open. Four veins were found in the wells sunk with the hydraulic rig and as these were separated a good half mile, we are safe in assuming that four veins run throughout the eastern end. With the augers, we could not be sure of more than two veins. The structure of the lake is so uniform, comparatively speaking, and such an abundance of brine was found that there( can be little doubt as to the existence of four veins throughout the lake. In the draw in the south side, west of the line of the lease, we found veins at 3 feet, 7 feet, 10 feet, and 15 feet, in well AA-1. At well B-l, we found the veins at 8 feet, 10 feet, 16 feet, and 29 feet. The depth of the first brine found was 2 feet to 9 feet, and the wells ran from 4 feet to 30 feet in depth, the average being 15 feet. Inonly two wells could we lower the brine below a certain level, the pumps delivering 6to 10 G.P.M. Well AA-1 was the only open well we put down with the hydraulic rig. We pumped 50 G.P.M. from this well without affecting the level of the brine. Every indication points to a great quantityofavailable brineinthislake,butitwillbeasandpoint proposition. (For logs of wells in this lake see Plate 6 in pocket.) Allthe brines but two from the north shore ran 23° Be. on the lake. Brines from the south shore of the west end ran 20° to 23°, but those from the north shore of this side dropped to 12° Be. Fresh water springs along the north University of Texas Bulletin shore evidently dilute the brines on this side. Lack of time prevented making a more thorough test of the west end. The whole 285 acres in the east end are good pumping area, with the possible exception of 25 acres in the northeast corner. Two-thirds of the west end would be pumping area also. Coyote is second only to Silver Lake in richness and quantity of brine, surpassing the latter in quantity. Itis 26 miles from Illusion and about 33 miles northwest of Littlefield. Sand points would have to be used. Evaporation ponds apparently could be built on the lake, but only with difficulty on the prairie, on account of the sand. The great est apparent disadvantage of this lake is its distance from the proposed plant site, but the tremendous quantity of brine available would in all probability offset this. After raising the brine over the high hills on the south and east shores, the flow would be all down hillto Littlefield. This lake has probably the most satisfactory supply of brine we have encountered inany lake in the district. The numerous veins or brine bearing strata encountered, mostly in coarse sand, assure a very definite supply of brine and its grade is sufficiently high both in solid and in potash content to make ita good commercial proposition. — Samples of Wells Coyote Lake JIUI JIUIJIUI 3U70 3U703U70 fell fellfell No. No.No. Solids SolidsSolids % %% XCI% XCI%XCI% Hydrous HydrousHydrous Solids SolidsSolids A-l A-lA-l 22.0 22.022.0 1.25 1.251.25 1.70 1.701.70 A-2 A-2A-2 22.6 22.622.6 1.38 1.381.38 1.83 1.831.83 B-l B-lB-l 23.5 23.523.5 2.35 2.352.35 3.00 3.003.00 B-2 B-2B-2 23.3 23.323.3 1.86 1.861.86 2.40 2.402.40 B-3 B-3B-3 23.1 23.123.1 1.79 1.791.79 2.32 2.322.32 C-l C-lC-l 24.3 24.324.3 2.05 2.052.05 2.32 2.322.32 C-2 C-2C-2 24.2 24.224.2 1.92 1.921.92 2.38 2.382.38 C-3 C-3C-3 23.1 23.123.1 2.00 2.002.00 2.59 2.592.59 C-4 C-4C-4 23.2 23.223.2 1.81 1.811.81 2.34 2.342.34 D-2 D-2D-2 21.1 21.121.1 1.77 1.771.77 2.50 2.502.50 E-l E-lE-l .: .:.: 24.0 24.024.0 1.99 1.991.99 2.48 2.482.48 *X *X*X 13.4 13.413.4 0.66 0.660.66 1.50 1.501.50 Z ZZ 19.5 19.519.5 1.35 1.351.35 2.08 2.082.08 Average AverageAverage 22.8 22.822.8 1.77 1.771.77 2.33 2.332.33 *This sample omitted in average figures as it is evidently not typical. Report on Texas Alkali Lakes Complete Analysis of Composite Sample Coyote Lake Total TotalTotal [ydrous [ydrous[ydrous Solids SolidsSolids lalcium lalciumlalcium Sulphate SulphateSulphate odium odiumodium Sulphate SulphateSulphate lagriesium lagriesiumlagriesium Chloride ChlorideChloride odium odiumodium Chloride ChlorideChloride 'otassium 'otassium'otassium Chloride ChlorideChloride °,Ydby Yd°,°,byYdby Weig] Weig]Weig] 23.32' 23.32'23.32' 0.70 0.700.70 3.00 3.003.00 .50 .50.50 14.49 14.4914.49 1.60 1.601.60 YELLOW LAKE The location of Yellow Lake is shown on the general map in, this memorandum and its outline, together with location of wells drilled, is shown on the small map which also includes IllusionLake (Plates 2 and 7inpocket). A base line was run up the east shore of this lake, the course being S. 20° 46' W. and stakes being set every eight hundred feet. Twenty-four wells, distributed evenly over the lake, were drilled. The depth averaged 30.5 feet, the brine averaging 8 feet. The deepest well, the one we put through rock, was 51 feet. Sand, clay and crystals fill the lake bed, layers of sand and clay alternating. We tried to penetrate the bed of stiff red clay underlying the lake with hand augers, but the progress was too slow. Two wells were drilled in the Sucker Rod Draw with the hydraulic rig, rock being encountered at 26 feet and 31 feet. One vein only .was found in this lake, two veins being noticed, however, in Sucker Rod Draw. The brine flow in Yellow Lake is weak, about 3 G.P.M. for the majority of the wells. No brine of any worth was found beneath the rock in the draw, itrunning 3° Be. Taking the area of Yellow Lake as 800 acres, there are 600 acres of pumping area with comparatively small flow. High hills bound Yellow Lake on the east, sloping away from the lake like those on the east shore of the Tahoka Lakes. The west shore is a plain, six to twelve feet above the lake bed, extending westward three-quarters of a mile University of Texas Bulletin takes, to the Casa Amarilla bluff from which YellowHouse its name. No rock is visible along the lake shores, though gypsum hills are found in the west side of the north end. Fresh water springs occur along the entire east shore and in the Sucker Rod Draw, the density being 2-3° Be. The Sucker Rod Springs reads 7.5° Be. This lake shows such weak brine that we have not considered itnecessary to analyze all samples. Representative samples were run for potash and a complete analysis was made on the composite sample. These analyses are shown on the following page. (For logs of wells in Yellow Lake see Plate 8.) We do not consider YellowLake of any value as the cost of obtaining brine insufficient quantity would be very great. Ithas no possibilities except by solar evaporation and is so much weaker than other lakes in the district that we would not recommend spending more money on it. % %% XCI XCIXCI30% 30%30% Well WellWell No. No.No. % %% Solids % %SolidsSolids % XCI Hydrous HydrousXCIXCI Hydrous Solids. Solids.Solids. F-2 F-2F-2 13.9 0.84 1,81 0.8413.913.9 1,810.84 1,81 Sucker SuckerSucker Rod RodRod 14.0 0.72 1.54 0.7214.014.0 1.540.72 1.54 0-2 0-20-2 14.1 0.68 1.45 0.6814.114.1 1.450.68 1.45J-3 J-3J-3 14.6 0.81 1.70 0.8114.614.6 1.700.81 1.70L-l L-lL-l 9.5 0.63 2.00 0.639.59.5 2.000.63 2.00Average AverageAverage 13.25 0.75 1.70 0.7513.2513.25 1.700.75 1.70 Analysis of Composite Sample From Wells Total TotalTotal °j7o 7o°j°j7o Iby byIIby Weig. Weig.Weig. [ydrous [ydrous[ydrous Solids 13.4 13.4SolidsSolids 13.4 lalcium lalciumlalcium Sulphate 1.20 1.20SulphateSulphate 1.20 odium odiumodium Sulphate 2.34 2.34SulphateSulphate 2.34 lagnesium lagnesiumlagnesium Chloride 0.39 0.39ChlorideChloride 0.39odium odiumodium Chloride 7.22 7.22ChlorideChloride 7.22'otassium 'otassium'otassium Chloride 0.75 0.75ChlorideChloride 0.75 ILLUSION LAKE Illusion Lake is over the ridge, 1500 feet north of Yellow Lake. A base line was run up the east shore on the courses S. 16° 48' W. stakes being set every eight hundred feet. Report on Texas Alkali Lakes 33 Twenty-three wells were drilled in this lake, eight being put down with the hydraulic rig and the others with hand augers. The average depth of*wells is 19 feet and the average depth of brine 9.4 feet. Strata of sand, clay and gypsum of varying thickness fill the lake bed-In a well about half way up the lake, 1000 feet from the east bank, we found two veins of good flow, the lower one at 23 feet. We drilled on down below this through red clay and 22 feet of sand to bed-rock at 61 feet, but found no brine below the gravel vein at 23 feet. In hope of finding this gravel stratum throughout a large area of the lake, we put down the eight wells with the hydraulic rig, but found it over an area of less than 150 acres. In the other wells, the brine was found in sand or in open veins through the clay. Taking the area of the lake at 1200 acres, 500 to 600 acres is available pumping area. Flows of sto 6 G.P.M. were found in the wells considered as being in this area, which covers almost all the southwestern end and part of the west side of the north end. The planimeter area of this lake is given as 1200 acres, but itis not over 1000 at most. The densities average about 10° Be. This lake also has a ridge of high hills on its east bank. The west bank rises only twenty to thirty feet above the lake, sloping westward to the bluff north of Yellow House. No rock is found around the lake, the nearest outcrop being about half a mile northeast of it. (For logs of wells in Illusion Lake see Plate 9 in pocket.) Illusion is 150 feet lower than Littlefield and about 200 feet below Silver Lake. The brine inIllusion Lake is very weak, both in solids and XCI content, but itmight be worked profitably by converting the southwestern end! into a battery of evaporatng ponds. Windmills or power pumps could be used for lifting the brine from the wells to the ponds where itcould be concentrated to workable strength. This lake is an ideal site for evaporation ponds for the other lakes, as ithas the tightest surface soil of any lake we have worked. Brines from Silver and Coyote lakes and possibly other lakes could University of Texas Bulletin be mixed here and concentrated, the sodium sulphate and first salt crop being dropped in these ponds. The tight surface and the almost constant wind would make for minimum seepage losses and maximum evaporation. Dikes would have to be built high enough, of course, to take care of the surface water that normally drains into the lake. The potash content of the brine in this lake is so low that we didnot consider itworth while to run individual samples for potash. We, therefore, made two composite samples from all the wells and ran them for check. The composite analysis is shown below: Total TotalTotal % %% by byby Weight WeightWeight Hydrous HydrousHydrous Solids SolidsSolids 9.38 9.389.38 Basis BasisBasis 30% 30%30% Solids SolidsSolids Calcium CalciumCalcium Sulphate SulphateSulphate 0.49 0.490.49Sodium SodiumSodium Sulphate SulphateSulphate 2.25 2.252.25Magnesium MagnesiumMagnesium Chloride ChlorideChloride 0.90 0.900.90 Potassium PotassiumPotassium Chloride ChlorideChloride 0.25 0.250.25 1.6% 1.6%1.6% Sodium SodiumSodium Chloride ChlorideChloride 5.13 5.135.13 Itwillbe seen that the only possibility in this lake is to evaporate a very large amount of water to a point well above saturation; then treat the concentrated brine. But for its value as a concentrating basin, we would not recom mend its consideration as a potash lake. Evaporation Solar In a proposition of this kind, involving the evaporation of large quantities of water, one naturally turns to the possibility of doing this evaporation by natural means without the expenditure of large sums for artificial heat. Inthis respect the Llano Estacado is probably more favorable than any other section of the United States except the real desert section. The Bureau of Economic Geology and Technology of the State of Texas has made extensive tests of factors related to this in connection with their investigations of the possibility of irrigation. Their bulletin states in regard to the climate of the Llano: "The mean total evaporation from an open body of water during the six months (April1 to October 1, inclusive) is 53.26 inches, while the average Report on Texas Alkali Lakes 35 total rainfall for the same period is 14.41 inches. That is, nearly four times the average rainfall would be evaporated from an open body of water, provided a sufficient supply were furnished to the evaporation agencies. Itis this large amount of evaporation which gives to the Llano Estacado really a desert climate. The famous wheat lands of the Dakotas and Minnesota have no greater rain fall than the Llano Estacado, but have only half 1 the evaporation." From figures obtained from the Bureau together with others from the United States Weather Bureau, we are able to make fairly accurate estimates of the evaporation. Actual figures on evaporation are available for the six months as stated above from 1907 to 1914, inclusive. These are as follows: Month MonthMonth Apr. Apr.Apr. May MayMay June JuneJune July JulyJuly Aug. Aug.Aug. Sept. Sept.Sept. Total TotalTotal Average AverageAverage Evaporation EvaporationEvaporation (in.).... (in.)....(in.).... 7.39 7.397.39 8.98 8.988.98 9.99 9.999.99 10.9 10.910.9 9.26 9.269.26 7.49 7.497.49 53.20 53.2053.20 Average AverageAverage Rainfall RainfallRainfall (in.) (in.)(in.) 1.31 1.311.31 2.75 2.752.75 1.79 1.791.79 3.09 3.093.09 2.61 2.612.61 1.67 1.671.67 14.22 14.2214.22 Net NetNet Evaporation EvaporationEvaporation i ii 6.08 6.086.08 6.23 6.236.23 8.20 8.208.20 7.81 7.817.81 6.65 6.656.65 5.82 5.825.82 39.98 39.9839.98 Itis necessary to calculate the evaporation for the remaining six months. We do this by Dalton's formula. (I—d) E =I.BxCxS h b In which E =Evaporation per hour. h C =A constant depending upon wind Quiet Air C=.55 Moderately Agitated C=.7l Heavy Wind C=.B6 S =Maximum tension of water Vapor at the Temperature in inches of mercury (given in a table) d ==Relative Humidity b =Reading of barometer in inches mercury (26" at the elevation) iUniv. of Texas Bull. 57, p. 64, 1915. University of Texas Bulletin The wind velocity is fairly high and constant, averaging sixteen miles per hour as follows: January JanuaryJanuary 15 1515 miles milesmiles per perper hour July Julyhourhour July 14 1414 miles milesmiles per perper hour hourhour February FebruaryFebruary 16 1616 miles'per miles'permiles'per hour August Augusthourhour August 15 1515 miles milesmiles per perper hour hourhour March MarchMarch 19 1919 miles milesmiles per perper hour September Septemberhourhour September 16 1616 miles milesmiles per perper hour hourhour April AprilApril 19 1919 miles milesmiles per perper hour October Octoberhourhour October 16 1616 miles milesmiles per perper hour hourhour May MayMay 17 1717 miles milesmiles per perper hour November Novemberhourhour November 15 1515 miles milesmiles per perper hour hourhour June JuneJune 16 1616 miles milesmiles per perper hour December Decemberhourhour December 14 1414 miles milesmiles per perper hour hourhour From the above, it willbe seen that the winds are very constant and would probably average the condition "Moderately Agitated" for all months. Using the constant for this (c=.7l) and the figures below based on Weather Bureau data for Mean Temperature, Relative Humidity and Average Rainfall, taking the value of S corresponding to Mean Temperature and substituting in the formula —we have the following calculated evaporations. (April (April(Aprilis isis calculated calculatedcalculated in inin the thethe same samesame way wayway and andand shown shownshown for forfor comparison.) comparison.)comparison.) Calculated CalculatedCalculated Mean MeanMean Tern- Tern-Tern-Relative RelativeRelative Evapora- Evapora-Evapora-Average AverageAverage Net NetNet Evap- Evap-Evap perature peratureperature "S" "S""S" Humidity HumidityHumidity tion tiontion Rainfall RainfallRainfall oration orationoration April AprilApril 55.5 55.555.5 .44 .44.44 53.5 53.553.5 7.24 7.247.24 October OctoberOctober 57.3 57.357.3 .47 .47.47 64.0 64.064.0 6.26 6.266.26 1.84 1.841.84 4.42 4.424.42 November NovemberNovember .. .... 46.6 46.646.6 .32 .32.32 62.5 62.562.5 4.24 4.244.24 0.94 0.940.94 3.30 3.303.30 December DecemberDecember .. .... 36.5 36.536.5 .22 .22.22 65.5 65.565.5 3.18 3.183.18 0.83 0.830.83 2.34 2.342.34 January JanuaryJanuary .... ........ 37.1 37.137.1 .23 .23.23 63.5 63.563.5 4.12 4.124.12 0.51 0.510.51 3.61 3.613.61 February FebruaryFebruary .. .... 36.0 36.036.0 .22 .22.22 66.0 66.066.0 2.66 2.662.66 0.77 0.770.77 1.89 1.891.89 March MarchMarch 46.8 46.846.8 .32 .32.32 53.0 53.053.0 5.51 5.515.51 0.55 0.550.55 4.96 4.964.96 Total TotalTotal Net NetNet Evaporation EvaporationEvaporation Calculated CalculatedCalculated (in.) (in.)(in.) 20.53 20.5320.53 Add AddAddNet NetNet Evaporation EvaporationEvaporation April- April-April-September, September,September, inclusive inclusiveinclusive 38.98 38.9838.98 Total TotalTotal for forfor Year YearYear 59.51 59.5159.51 Note that calculated evaporation for April is 7.24 as compared with 7.39 actual record. The minimum net evaporation for the six months evaporation observed was 32 inches as compared with average 38.98 inches. .". 32:38.98 ::X : 59.51 X=49" minimum evaporation. Report on Texas Alkali Lakes The above calculations a*re based on Amarillo, about 200 miles north of Tahoka. The humidity is known to be less at Tahoka, but unfortunately, we have no record over long periods. We do have records of temperature at Mt.Blanco in an adjoining county, however, and the average tempera tures are as follows: Amarillo 56.1°F; Corresponding value of "S" .46 Mt. Blanco 60.0°F; Corresponding value of "S" .51 As "S" is a direct function in the formula, the figure 49 above would really be 51/46x49=54 inches, so the figure we have used for our calculations, 48 inches, should be conservative. Process of Extraction Insolar evaporation, we find that after reaching a certain concentration somewhat above saturation, that a film gathers on the top, interfering with further evaporation. While we know that the brine will finally evaporate, we are un willing to count too much on solar evaporation without extensive tests. There willbe no difficulty with evaporation to concentration, however. We propose, therefore, to build solar concentrating ponds •on the lake beds which are fairly tight, and on the construction of which we have data from an experimental pond, and to concentrate the brine to as high saturation as practicable, then pump to the plant and mix with calcium chlo ride from a subsequent operation for the purpose of changing the sodium sulphate to sodium chloride, finally getting only chlorides to the process. Immediately upon mixing the calcium chloride, the reaction takes place to some extent with a precipitate of calcium sulphate. The reaction is very rapid when heated, so, with additional concentration it will be practically completed in the first effect. The brine is led into the third effect of one set of evaporators where calcium sulphate is precipitated then to the third •effect of the second set, then to the second effect of the 38 University of Texas Bulletin second set, then to the second effect of the first set, then effects, salts to the first effect of the first set. Inall these largely predominating in NaCl (salt) are precipitated, filtered out and washed to desired purity. The next step is to cool the mother liquor which gives us about half the potash as XCI which can be washed to the purity required. The liquor then goes to the first effect where more salt is precipitated with probably some carnallite and upon cooling; nearly all the remaining potassium chloride comes down with magnesium chloride as artificial carnallite. The remaining liquor containing mostly magnesium chloride is concentrated as high as possible in the special finishing pan. The carnallite is decomposed by the well known German method leaving potassium chloride as a solid and magnesium chloride with some potassium chloride in the mother liquor. This mother liquor is concentrated with that just above. We now heat the concentrated magnesium chloride to redness in a furnace and drive off hydrochloric acid leaving potassium chloride and magnesium oxide. The former is very soluble and the latter insoluble so the complete separation is easy. This filters easily so there is not the difficulty heretofore experienced with magnesium hydroxide. The hydrochloric acid gas is condensed and collected in towers. Itis then run into tanks with limestone which is available at the plant site in large quantity making calcium chloride with the evolution of CO 2 gas. This gas can be collected and used for carbonating the magnesium oxide or allowed to escape into the air, as it is harmless. This process is not practicable without our salt purification processes, as only a portion of! the salt would be fit for use and a large amount of potassium chloride and magnesium chloride would be lost in the impurities. Then the potash separation, while possible, would require too close con trol ifitwere not possible to take itas itcomes and bring it to commercial purity. This separation and purification is already covered by basic patents, held by us. The process outlined above for production of magnesium oxide has been utilized before, but itwas always with a view Report on Texas Alkali Lakes of making the oxide in the furnace entirely. This is not practical, as it makes a heavy oxide of low value. We do not attempt to drive off allhydrochloric acid, but only such amount as can be driven off at low heat leaching out the remaining magnesium chloride which is very soluble and leaving behind a lightfluffyoxide. This process is covered by our patent. Included in this memorandum is a flow sheet of the process (Fig. 9). Notes on Products and Competition Foreign Potash There are numerous potash deposits throughout the world, but the only ones of commercial importance, aside from those developed in this country are in Stassfurt (Germany) and in Alsace, France. Prior to the war, practically all potash production was controlled by the German Syndicate and this syndicate was supreme in its decision as to the amount to be produced in any district. The development of the Alsatian deposits was retarded in favor of the older Stassfurt deposits, so that there are only eighteen shafts in Alsace as compared with some two hundred in Stassfurt. The standard arrangement is two shafts about one thousand feet apart connected underground and a fullyequipped shaft with development and refining capacity has a capacity of about eight hundred tons of crude salt mined and treated per day. A complete mine with two fully equipped shafts should produce and treat from 1500 to 1600 tons of crude salts per day or about 200 tons pure K2O daily. These deposits are to all intent and purposes inexhaus and the cost of mining at pres tible. The mines are deep at $3.50 to $4.00 per ton of crude salts. ent is estimated in boilinghot This crude material is crushed and dissolved mother liquor. The Alsatian potash occurs principally as an impure up of potassium chloride and sylvanite or a mixture made Report on Texas Alkali Lakes the product. Prevailing market prices (pre-war) at New York or other eastern points in the United States for ordinary commercial grades of refined salts such as the 80 per cent chloride (muriate of potash) and sulphate were about $40 per short ton, equivalent to $80 a ton of pure K20."K 2O." From a report recently received from a reliable source by the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, we are given considerable first-hand information relative to the potash situation in Stassfurt. Briefly this states that the mines are working at about 85 per cent of normal due to inefficiency of labor and that very little refined product is being produced due to the lack of fuel. Stocks are quite small and the output willbarely take care of the domestic requirements and supply the British requirements contracted for. Almost the normal number of men are employed, but the efficiency is quite low. Price of labor has increased to about three times pre-war prices, coal is almost unobtainable and steel and other essential supplies run as much as ten times pre-war costs. We believe itis conservative to say that present costs are now three times pre-war price, or about $1.20 per unit and that they are not likely to be reduced to less than 80 cents per unit,to whichmust be added heavy taxes, ocean freights, interest and depreciation, etc., so that the price delivered at American ports is hot likely to be less than $1.25 per unit for several years to come. The consensus of opinion of those best posted on the subject seems to be that this price is not likely to fall below $1.50 pcr1unit. (Estimates made inMarch, 1921.) Domestic Potash The potash industry of the United States is a development due largely to war-time necessity. Prior to the war, this country's requirements of potash amounted to 240,000 short tons of pure K2O, representing between 900,000 and 1,000,000 tons of crude and refined salts. Domestic production reached its peak in 1918 when University of Texas Bulletin 52,135 tons of pure K2O were produced, representing 192,587 tons of crude and refined salts. Of this tonnage about 25,000 tons of pure K2O were produced from Nebraska salts and this source ofsupply isstillthe predominate one inthis country. Of the remainder, somewhat over 14,000 tons were produced from other brines, mainly from Searles Lake in California. During 1918, many new plants were constructed and the annual capacity of all plants at the end of 1919 was estimated at 100,000 tons of pure K2O. However, this produc tion was based on the high prices secured during the war. Early in 1919, practically all potash plants in the country were shut down. Most of the larger plants resumed operation during the fall of 1919, but many have not started up and others willprobably not be abje to produce potash if the price drops below the present price of $2.25 to $2.50 per unit, so that the output willprobably be not over 60,000 tons in 1920. The process used for recovering potash from brines is still quite crude, but most of the larger plants are considering plans for installing refining plants so as to recover by-products and produce potash of a much higher grade. The future of the American potash industry depends upon the success of these refining processes, as few, if any, of the present operating plants could operate withprofiton the present basis under keen competition likely to be encountered when foreign potash is again available. In an excellent article, "The Potash Industry of the United States and Its Possibilities for Future Production," by Arthur E. Wells of the Bureau of Mines, Washington, D. C, published in the American Fertilizer of October 25, 1919, estimates are given of the costs of production from various sources in this country. In this article Mr. Wells assumes a price for foreign potash for the next three to five years at $1.25 to $1.50 per unit and a synopsis of the possibilities of the various sources is as follows:1 xlnxInMr. Wells's article, American Fertilizer, October 25, 1919, pp. 63-64, pp. 87-94, and pp. 100-121, the sources of potash are very fully discussed. The extracts given here represent a brief synopsis of his paper. Report on Texas Alkali Lakes Nebraska Fields There are about five large plants that would start up ifassured a price of from $1.75 to $2.25 per unit.1 Estimated ultimate costs delivered at eastern markets $1.25 to $2.00 per unit, based on the possibility of lower costs of coal and oil, greater utilization of solar evaporation, better mechanical equipment, more efficient operation, reduction in royalties and lower freight rates to eastern markets. Even with these reductions, certain plants which must operate on very weak brines willnot be able to sell potash in the eastern market for less than $2.00 per unit. The estimate of $1.25 per unit as the minimum cost of production and delivery at eastern points willbe realized by only from two to three plants within the next few years and then only under favorable conditions. Should brine of present strength be available for a number of years, it is likely that general costs could be still further reduced in course of time by the production of a sodium salt as a by-product and by various economies in operation. It is estimated that 60,000 tons annually could be produced for two or three years, then gradually reduced to 30,000 tons annually by ten years. Searles Lake Brine estimated to contain 20,000,000 tons X,,0. Brine is saturated and salts contain about 7.5 per cent potash. Process has been demonstrated producing a high grade XCI product (about 50 per cent K2O) which can be produced deducting value of borax produced as by-product, at around 50 cents per unit. It is thought that, even with high freight rate against them, they might eventually sell at $1.00 per unit delivered at eastern points. Cement Industry Ultimate possible production K2O from all cement plants in the United States is 60,000 to 65,000 tons. The present production is less than 5000 tons and the cost of low grade dust 60 cents per unit. This has a very limited market and it would probably be necessary to leach, filter and crystallize out the potash as sulphate or chloride. The estimated cost of refined product is $1.70 per unit. Feldspathic Materials There have been started at various times, many projects for the production of potash from potash feldspar, no one of which, at this l A\\ large Nebraska plants were started up later. University of Texas Bulletin time offers much hope ofproducing any considerable tonnage in competition with other sources or at a cost of less than $2.00 per unit. There are about 5,000,000 tons of finely ground milltailings available in Colorado carrying 8 to 10 per cent potash. Itis quite impossible to figure a cost of less than $2.00 per unit. A process has been proposed making cement as a by-product. Even with cheap raw materials, costs would probably be $1.50 to $1.75 which could be lowered somewhat ifa market could be obtained for the special cement produced. Leucite About 2,000,000 tons are available in the Wyoming leucites. The Liberty Potash Company is building a plant at a cost of about $1,000,000 for a capacity of 40 to 50 tons of potassium chloride per day using the Sterling-Boyer process. Careful analysis indicates that unless the technical operation of the process proves more difficultthan anticipated, within a year or two potash may be produced at this plant as a 60 per cent XCI product at $1.10 to $1.25 per unit including interest and depreciation. Alunite The only occurrence of alunite in the United States that has been demonstrated to be of sufficient purity and massive form to warrant development as a source of potash is near Marysvale, Utah. The deposits near Marysvale willrun about 9 per cent KO on an average. 2 One of the main disadvantages withproduction of potash inthis field is the long haul for finished product, fuel and supplies. One favorable feature is that pure sulphate of potash commands a somewhat higher price per unit than does the muriate or mixed salts. Itis extremely doubtful that the potassium sulphate can ever be made at Marysvale and shipped to eastern points for much less than $2.00 per unit unless a process can be worked out for recovering the alumina. Kelp From the operating experience of these concerns (ten companies on the Pacific Coast) it can be stated quite definitely that unless some other product or products can be produced, it is very doubtful that an appreciable tonnage of potash can be produced from kelp for less than $2.00 per unit. This high cost, together with freight rates to eastern markets, willprevent the production of potash from kelp in any amount greater than the requirements on the Pacific •Coast. Report on Texas Alkali Lakes 45 Miscellaneous Organic Sources The greatest part of the miscellaneous organic sources is from molasses distillery wastes. Estimated total K2O available from this source 30,000 tons per year. One plant expects to produce around 5000 tons in 1919, about one-third as carbonate and the balance as mixed sulphate and chloride. Other smaller concerns are producing some potash from this source. Present costs are nearly $2.00 per unit, but it is hoped to improve the processes so that they may be decreased. Other sources are from waste liquors of beet sugar manufacture, wool washings and wood ashes. Itis estimated that under stimulus of high prices the production from organic sources might be 6000 to 10,000 tons per year for the next few years. From the above, it would seem that a production of 100,000 tons might be expected, provided steps were taken to assure a price of at least $2.00 per unit over the next five years and possibly by that time, by improved processes, costs at some plants might be such as to provide a produc tion of a minimum of 75,000 tons in competition with foreign potash. Potash is now selling at $1.75 to $2.00 per unit. Pro ducers do not anticipate any drop in this price for two years on account of their knowledge of foreign conditions. With a plant designed to handle 1000 tons of concentrated brine per day, we should make : Twenty tons pure Potassium Chloride per day or 22.2 tons of 90 per cent XCI. Each ton of 90 per cent XCI contains. 56.85 units K2O. The values would be as follows : At AtAt Present PresentPresent Prices PricesPrices 56.85 56.8556.85 Units, Units,Units, $2.00 $2.00$2.00 $113.70 $113.70$113.70 *Less *Less*Less Freight FreightFreight 10.00 10.0010.00 $103.70 $103.70$103.70 22.2 22.222.2 tons, tons,tons, $103.70 $2,302.00 $2,302.00$103.70$103.70$2,302.00 *We have used $10.00 freight although this will probably be $12.50 to $13.00 to market. Our relatively small production could be sold at interior points to which freight from seaboard would amount to the difference. Nebraska potash is sold f. o. b. Cleveland basis, to which point the freight rate is somewhat less than $10.00. University of Texas Bulletin At AtAt Expected ExpectedExpected Prices PricesPrices 56.85 56.8556.85 Units, Units,Units, $1.25 $1.25$1.25 $ $$ 71.06 71.0671.06 Less LessLess Freight FreightFreight 10.00 10.0010.00 $ $$ 61.06 61.0661.06 22.2 22.222.2 Tons, Tons,Tons, $61.06 $61.06$61.06 $1,356.00 $1,356.00$1,356.00 At AtAt Pre-War Pre-WarPre-War Prices PricesPrices 90% 90%90% XCI XCIXCI $ $$ 45.00 45.0045.00 Less LessLess Freight FreightFreight 10.00 10.0010.00 $ $$ 35.00 35.0035.00 22.2 22.222.2 tons, tons,tons, $35.00 $35.00$35.00 $ $$ 777.70 777.70777.70 Magnesia Magnesia is used largely in the rubber industry both as oxide (light calcined) and as basic carbonate. Italso has an enormous sale as "85 per cent magnesia" for insulating steam pipes, boilers and vessels of various kinds where heat losses are to be avoided. By our process, we produce a high grade magnesium oxide and as this is the highest priced commodity, itis to our advantage to sell the entire output as oxide ifpossible. Ithas been quite difficult to get accurate information on the amount used, but we have secured information on the amount used in the Akron district and also the percentage of tires and rubber goods made in that district. This in formation was obtained from one of the leading consulting engineers in the rubber business and is that the Akron dis trict produces 55 per cent of the rubber products of the country and uses fifty tons of magnesium oxide and basic carbonate per day. Itis necessary to use precipitated salts, such as we make, for this purpose. On this basis, the coun try would use about ninety tons daily. The relation of this production to this amount seem to be entirely too high but for the fact that there are relatively few industries pro ducing magnesia and it is largely centered around Phila delphia and in the Magnesia Producers Association. The Report on Texas Alkali Lakes 47 bulk of their tonnage goes for pipe coverings and perhaps the logical thing to do would be to attempt to arrange for them to handle this output. However, in order to provide for this arrangement or to meet competition, we have decided to allow for only one-half the market value of the magnesium oxide in this report. We feel confident that neither the Magnesia Association nor any other company can afford to crowd out our tonnage by making prices lower. If necessary to carbonate part of the oxide, we can do so very well as we make very pure CO 2 gas in the last stage of the magnesia process. The additional cost of the magnesia plant would be about $25,000 and we have allowed for this in our estimate and also for the necessary additional labor for carbonating. As one pound of oxide makes about 2.4 pounds of carbonate which is worth about 20 per cent less than one pound of oxide and as there is such a large market for carbonate we think that the allowed values for all oxide would not be reduced by making part of the product as carbonate as this could also be sold sufficiently below the market price to be attractive to induce someone to take the entire output. One pound of MgCl, willmake 0.421 pound Magnesium Oxide or 1.018 pound Basic Magnesium Carbonate. Our brine coming to the plant would contain an average \u25a0of 2.8 per cent MgCl2. Therefore, 100 tons brine willmake 28X0.421=11.8 tons oxide. Present PresentPresent Prices PricesPrices 11.8 11.811.8 Tons TonsTons Oxide OxideOxide 23,600 23,60023,600 pounds, pounds,pounds, Less LessLess one-half one-halfone-half $.25 $.25$.25 per perper pound poundpound $5,900.00 $5,900.00$5,900.00 2,950.00 2,950.002,950.00 $2,950.00 $2,950.00$2,950.00 Expected ExpectedExpected Prices PricesPrices Mean MeanMean of ofof Present PresentPresent and andand Pre-War Pre-WarPre-War , ,, $2,360.00 $2,360.00$2,360.00 $2,360.00 $2,360.00$2,360.00 Pre-War Pre-WarPre-War Prices PricesPrices :23,600 :23,600:23,600 pounds, pounds,pounds, Less LessLess one-half one-halfone-half $.15 $.15$.15 per perper pound poundpound $3,540.00 $3,540.00$3,540.00 1,770.00 1,770.001,770.00 $1,770.00 $1,770.00$1,770.00 University of Texas Bulletin Salt This property is located in the heart of a large cattle- country which uses a large quantity of salt of cattle grade. The present price of salt in Western Texas is about $22: per ton for cattle salt. One of the gentlemen interested in this proposition sent out letters to several small towns and found that six small towns use a total of 162 cars, or 8100' tons of salt per year as follows : Cars CarsCars Salt SaltSalt Population PopulationPopulation Annually AnnuallyAnnually Pecos PecosPecos -. -.-. 1,856 1,8561,856 10 1010 Seymour SeymourSeymour 2,029 2,0292,029 5 55 Hereford HerefordHereford 1,750 1,7501,750 12 1212 Del DelDel Rio RioRio 4,000 4,0004,000 60 6060 Marfa MarfaMarfa 2,500 2,5002,500 50 5050 San SanSan Angelo AngeloAngelo 10,310 10,31010,310 50 5050 These figures merely indicate the enormous possibilities and based on this and other information gathered, this gentleman, who is one of the wealthy cattle and land men of the West, has offered to form a company of ranchers and take the entire output of salt made by the plant. The nearest sources of salt are Grand Saline, Texas, and around Hutchinson, Kansas. The Kansas salt fields have always been a cheap source of supply and the Texas field a high priced source of supply. Prior to the war, Texas salt sold at about $6.50 per ton f.o.b. works, as compared with $16 now. There is a freight rate of $5.50 to the western cattle country, making the price to wholesalers about $12 per ton delivered prior to the war. At that time, salt from Kansas brought about $2.55 and the present freight rate is $13 or $15.55 per ton delivered, based on pre-war price and present freight rates. Freight rates to points of consumption for 200 tons of salt daily would probably average $4.00 per ton. Salt is scarce in West Texas now at a price of $22 per ton. Prior to the war, the price was $12.50, but freight rates have increased $1.50, making it$14 at the same price Report on Texas Alkali Lakes with increased freight rate. Salt is handled in a very low margin and many of the wholesale distributors would be glad to handle the output on a 10 per cent basis. Values of Salt From FromFrom 1,000 1,0001,000 tons tonstons brine brinebrine we wewe should shouldshould make makemake 170 170170 tons tonstons of ofof salt saltsalt At AtAt Present PresentPresent Prices PricesPrices 170 170170 tons, tons,tons, $22.00 $22.00$22.00 Less LessLess 10% 10%10% $3,740.00 $3,740.00$3,740.00 374.00 374.00374.00 Less LessLess Freight, Freight,Freight, $4.00 $4.00$4.00 Expected ExpectedExpected Prices PricesPrices Average AverageAverage Pre-War Pre-WarPre-War of ofof Present PresentPresent $3,366.00 $3,366.00$3,366.00 680.) 680.)680.) ) )) and andand $2,686.00 $2,686.00$2,686.00 $2,074.00 $2,074.00$2,074.00 Pre-War Pre-WarPre-War Prices PricesPrices 170 170170 tons, tons,tons, $14.00 $14.00$14.00 Less LessLess 10% 10%10% $2,380.00 $2,380.00$2,380.00 238.00 238.00238.00 Less LessLess Freight FreightFreight $2,142.00 $2,142.00$2,142.00 $1,462.00 $1,462.00$1,462.00 Plant Requirements From one hundred to one hundred twenty-five men will be required to operate the plant and the housing of these men would require a large expenditure in bunk houses, cot tages, restaurant, store, etc. The town of Tahoka is about seven miles from Double Lakes and we would require a 6-inch wood pipe line of that length to deliver the brine. Tahoka is a well built town. There are numerous brick business buildings and ithas a number of good stores, two banks, schools, etc. Itis the county seat of Lynn County and has 800 to 1000 population. The people of this town are anxious for the industry and leading citizens have given assurance that the town willdonate the plant site together with the right-of-way for pipe lines. Wood pipe line to University of Texas Bulletin Tahoka would cost about $4000 per mile installed at the present high prices. From experience in Nebraska fields, it would appear that 500 wells with 2"x6' sand points would be required together with 6"x6" triplex pumps with 20h.p. fuel oil engines. By the process outlined, we contemplate evaporating the brine by solar evaporation from the strength as it comes from the wells (about 20 per cent hydrous solids) to 30 per cent hydrous solids corresponding with 25 per cent anhydrous solids. This means the evaporation of 500 tons of water per day by solar evaporation in order to send 1000 tons of 30 per cent water to the reduction plant. The evaporation would be considerably higher in summer than in winter. But we must have pond capacity sufficient to take care of the plant during the months of lowest evaporation. From our figures on solar evaporation, we find that we must average 4 inches of evaporation per month. Taking the net evaporation for each month and taking 48/60 or 5/6 of this for a minimum, we arrive at the followingtable : Ay. Ay.Ay. Net. Net.Net. Evap. Evap.Evap. Mm. Mm.Mm. Evap. Evap.Evap. Deficit DeficitDeficitDeficitDeficit April AprilApril 6.08 6.086.08 4.864 4.8644.864 May MayMay .' .'.' 6.23 6.236.23 4.984 4.9844.984 June JuneJune 8.20 8.208.20 6.560 6.5606.560 July JulyJuly 7.81 7.817.81 6.248 6.2486.248 August AugustAugust 6.65 6.656.65 5.320 5.3205.320 September SeptemberSeptember 5.82 5.825.82 4.656 4.6564.656 October OctoberOctober 4.42 4.424.42 3.536 3.5363.536 .464 .464.464 November NovemberNovember 3.30 3.303.30 2.640 2.6402.640 1.360 1.3601.360 December DecemberDecember 2.35 2.352.35 1.880 1.8801.880 2.120 2.1202.120 January JanuaryJanuary 3.61 3.613.61 2.888 2.8882.888 1.112 1.1121.112 February FebruaryFebruary 1.89 1.891.89 1.512 1.5121.512 2.488 2.4882.488 March MarchMarch 4.96 4.964.96 3.968 3.9683.968 For a 1000-ton steam evaporation plant, we must have an area sufficient to evaporate 500 tons of water and a storage of one-seventh of our annual requirements. To these figures, we add 20 per cent for seepage losses, etc. Five hundred tons of water is 1,000,000 pounds or 16,000 cubic feet per day or 5,600,000 cubic feet per year. At Report on Texas Alkali Lakes 4' evaporation, we require 1,400,000 square feet of solar ponds, 1200 feet square, divided into four ponds. We get our 20 per cent additional by adding one pond at the end 1200x240 feet. We use a total of 1000x350=350,000 tons of concentrated brine and as shown above and must provide storage for one- seventh or 50,000 tons. This brine has a specific gravity of about 1.15 and weighs about 72 pounds per cubic foot. We must store 1,400,000 cubic feet which is one foot deep on our solar ponds with 20 per cent to spare, so we are very safe on this. The construction of these ponds is very simple, as the bottoms require no treatment and the walls are quite simple to build. We willrequire 8880 lineal feet of such wall for the ponds as specified. We send to the evaporators 1000 tons of brine of which 250 tons are solids and about 40 tons of water stays up finally as water of crystallization, so we actually must evap orate 710 tons of water. This works out for the best separation with two triple effect evaporators and one finishing pan. Allthe above willbe required for either process considered. We willalso require a furnace for decomposing magnesium chloride, a hydrochloric acid recovery system and a calcium chloride apparatus, also filters and tanks for filtering and washing the magnesium oxide. As potash has two very definite shipping seasons, we have also provided for a warehouse to store four months run. To evaporate the amount of brine specified with other requirements of steam requires 100 tons of coal daily or about 1800 boiler horsepower. Allthe above is based on a plant to handle 1000 tons of concentrated brine daily. We are also submitting figures on a 500-ton plant. University of Texas Bulletin Estimated EstimatedEstimated Cash CashCash Requirements RequirementsRequirements 1,000 1,0001,000 Tons TonsTons 25% 25%25% Brine BrineBrine Capacity CapacityCapacity Evaporating EvaporatingEvaporating Plant PlantPlant Second-Hand Second-HandSecond-Hand Boilers BoilersBoilers and andand New NewNew Equipment EquipmentEquipment 1000 10001000 Ton TonTon 500 500500 Ton TonTon Plant PlantPlant Plant PlantPlant Foundations FoundationsFoundations and andand Grading GradingGrading $ $$ 20,000 20,00020,000 $ $$ 15,000 15,00015,000 Track TrackTrack ; ;; 5,000 5,0005,000 5,000 5,0005,000 Boilers BoilersBoilers 50,000 50,00050,000 25,000 25,00025,000 Piping, Piping,Piping, Feedwater FeedwaterFeedwater Pumps, Pumps,Pumps, Etc EtcEtc 6,000 6,0006,000 4,000 4,0004,000 Setting SettingSetting up upup 3,500 3,5003,500 settings settingssettings 20,000 20,00020,000 23,500 23,50023,500 15,000 15,00015,000 Stokers StokersStokers Erected ErectedErected 22,500 22,50022,500 15,000 15,00015,000 Coal CoalCoal and andand Ash AshAsh Handling HandlingHandling with withwith Bin BinBin 16,000 16,00016,000 14,000 14,00014,000 Evaporators EvaporatorsEvaporators Erected ErectedErected with withwith Condensers CondensersCondensers and andand Fume FumeFume Lines LinesLines 60,000 60,00060,000 30,000 30,00030,000 Piping, Piping,Piping, Pumps, Pumps,Pumps, Etc EtcEtc 22,500 22,50022,500 11,250 11,25011,250 Salt SaltSalt Boxes, Boxes,Boxes, 12, 12,12, With WithWith Pump PumpPump and andand Accessories AccessoriesAccessories 15,000 15,00015,000 7,500 7,5007,500 Dryers, Dryers,Dryers, 4, 4,4, $6,000 $6,000$6,000 24,000 24,00024,000 18,000 18,00018,000 Elevators, Elevators,Elevators, Crushers, Crushers,Crushers, etc etcetc 6,000 6,0006,000 4,000 4,0004,000 Oil OilOil Storage StorageStorage Tanks TanksTanks 6,000 6,0006,000 4,000 4,0004,000 Shop ShopShop Equipment EquipmentEquipment 10,000 10,00010,000 6,000 6,0006,000 Motors, Motors,Motors, Generators, Generators,Generators, Engine EngineEngine Wiring, Wiring,Wiring, Etc EtcEtc 20,000 20,00020,000 15,000 15,00015,000 Sand SandSand Points, Points,Points, Wells, Wells,Wells, Piping, Piping,Piping, Pumps, Pumps,Pumps, Etc EtcEtc 16,500 16,50016,500 11,250 11,25011,250 7 77 Miles MilesMiles Wood WoodWood Pipe, Pipe,Pipe, $4,000 $4,000$4,000 28,000 28,00028,000 28,000 28,00028,000 Solar SolarSolar Pond PondPond 25,000 25,00025,000 15,000 15,00015,000 Plant PlantPlant Pond PondPond 14,000 14,00014,000 10,000 10,00010,000 Cooling CoolingCooling Tower TowerTower 6,000 6,0006,000 5,000 5,0005,000 Salt SaltSalt Presses, Presses,Presses, Etc. Etc.Etc. 39,000 39,00039,000 26,000 26,00026,000 Tanks, Tanks,Tanks, Coolers, Coolers,Coolers, Etc EtcEtc 9,000 9,0009,000 7,000 7,0007,000 Autos, Autos,Autos, Trucks, Trucks,Trucks, Etc EtcEtc 6,000 6,0006,000 6,000 6,0006,000 Buildings BuildingsBuildings 80,000 80,00080,000 55,000 55,00055,000 Engineering EngineeringEngineering and andand Interim InterimInterim Expense ExpenseExpense 54,000 54,00054,000 45,000 45,00045,000 $584,000 $584,000$584,000 $397,000 $397,000$397,000 Additional AdditionalAdditional for forfor Magnesia MagnesiaMagnesia Plant PlantPlant 1000 10001000 Ton TonTon 500 500500 Ton TonTon Plant PlantPlant Plant PlantPlant Elevators ElevatorsElevators and andand Conveyors ConveyorsConveyors $ $$ 6,000 6,0006,000 $ $$ 6,000 6,0006,000 Furnace FurnaceFurnace 10,000 10,00010,000 9,000 9,0009,000 HCI HCIHCI Plant PlantPlant 15,000 15,00015,000 15,000 15,00015,000 Tanks, Tanks,Tanks, Gas GasGas Holder, Holder,Holder, Etc EtcEtc 6,000 6,0006,000 5,000 5,0005,000 Carbonating CarbonatingCarbonating Plant PlantPlant 7,000 7,0007,000 6,000 6,0006,000 Filters, Filters,Filters, Tanks, Tanks,Tanks, Etc EtcEtc 8,000 8,0008,000 6,000 6,0006,000 Quarry QuarryQuarry Equipment EquipmentEquipment 8,000 8,0008,000 5,000 5,0005,000 Bins, Bins,Bins, Sacking SackingSacking Devices, Devices,Devices, Dryer, Dryer,Dryer, Etc EtcEtc 10,000 10,00010,000 6,000 6,0006,000 Building BuildingBuilding and andand Storage StorageStorage 30,000 30,00030,000 20,000 20,00020,000 $100,000 $100,000$100,000 $ $$ 78,000 78,00078,000 Report on Texas Alkali Lakes Recapitulation RecapitulationRecapitulation of ofof Cash CashCash Requirements RequirementsRequirements1,000 1,0001,000 Ton TonTon Plant PlantPlant (Using (Using(Using Equipment EquipmentEquipment Except ExceptExcept Boilers) Boilers)Boilers) Plant PlantPlant Cost CostCost $584,000 $584,000$584,000 Payment PaymentPayment on onon Lakes LakesLakes 100,000 100,000100,000 - -- Magnesia MagnesiaMagnesia Plant PlantPlant 100,000 100,000100,000 Working WorkingWorking Capital CapitalCapital 200,000 200,000200,000 • •• $984,000 $984,000$984,000 500 500500 Ton TonTon Plant PlantPlant (New (New(New Equipment EquipmentEquipment Except ExceptExcept Boilers) Boilers)Boilers) Plant PlantPlant Cost CostCost $397,000 $397,000$397,000 Payment PaymentPayment on onon Lakes LakesLakes 100,000 100,000100,000 Magnesia MagnesiaMagnesia Plant PlantPlant 78,000 78,00078,000 Working WorkingWorking Capital CapitalCapital 125,000 125,000125,000 $700,000 $700,000$700,000 Recapitalization RecapitalizationRecapitalization of ofof Values ValuesValues Present PresentPresent Prices PricesPrices 1,000 1,0001,000 Ton 500 500TonTon 500 Ton TonTon Plant Plant PlantPlantPlant Plant Potash PotashPotash $2,302 $1,151 $1,151$2,302$2,302 $1,151 Magnesia MagnesiaMagnesia 2,950 1,475 1,4752,9502,950 1,475 Salt SaltSalt 2,686 1,343 1,3432,6862,686 1,343 $7,938 $3,969 $3,969$7,938$7,938 $3,969 Less LessLess 15% 15%15% Plant PlantPlant Losses LossesLosses : :: 1,190 595 5951,1901,190 595 $6,748 $3,374 $3,374$6,748$6,748 $3,374 i Expected Expectedii Expected Prices PricesPrices Potash PotashPotash $1,356 $ $$1,356$1,356 $ 678 678678 Magnesia MagnesiaMagnesia 2,360 1,180 1,1802,3602,360 1,180 Salt SaltSalt 2,074 1,037 1,0372,0742,074 1,037 $5,790 $2,895 $2,895$5,790$5,790 $2,895 Less LessLess 15% 15%15% Plant PlantPlant Losses LossesLosses 869 434 434869869 434 $4,921 $2,461 $2,461$4,921$4,921 $2,461 University of Texas Bulletin Pre-War Pre-WarPre-War Prices PricesPrices Potash PotashPotash $ $$ 777 $ $777777 $ 389 389389 Magnesia MagnesiaMagnesia - --1,770 885 8851,7701,770 885 Salt SaltSalt - --1,462 731 7311,4621,462 731 $4,009 $2,005 $2,005$4,009$4,009 $2,005 Less LessLess 15% 15%15% Plant PlantPlant Losses LossesLosses 601 301 301601601 301 $3,408 $1,704 $1,704$3,408$3,408 $1,704 Cost CostCost of ofof Production ProductionProduction 1,000 1,0001,000 Ton 500 500TonTon 500 Ton TonTon Plant Plant PlantPlantPlant Plant Coal— Coal—Coal— 100 100100 Tons TonsTons ....$ ....$....$ 700 $ $700700 $ 60 420 4206060 420 — —— Tons TonsTons Labor LaborLabor 124 124124 Men, Men,Men, $6 $6$6 746 746746 87 8787 Men, Men,Men, $6 522 522$6$6 522 Fuel FuelFuel for forfor Oil OilOilEngines EnginesEngines an(| an(|an(| Dryers DryersDryers 100 70 70100100 70 Supplies SuppliesSupplies 200 130 130200200 130 General GeneralGeneral Expense ExpenseExpense and andand Sales SalesSales 250 200 200250250 200 Limestone LimestoneLimestone 30 15 153030 15 Superintendent, Superintendent,Superintendent, Chemical ChemicalChemical and andand Unforeseen UnforeseenUnforeseen 74 50 507474 50 $2,100 $1,407 $1,407$2,100$2,100 $1,407 Labor LaborLabor Detail DetailDetail Men Men MenMenMen Men Boilers BoilersBoilers 6 66 4 44 - -- Evaporators EvaporatorsEvaporators 4 2 244 2 Pumps PumpsPumps 2 2 222 2 - -- Salt SaltSalt Boxes BoxesBoxes 12 8 81212 8 Coolers CoolersCoolers - --42 2442 Treating TreatingTreating 4 4 444 4 Dryers DryersDryers and andand Sackers SackersSackers 16 12 121616 12 Hydraulic HydraulicHydraulic Operators OperatorsOperators 24 12 122424 12 Shops ShopsShops and andand Fitters FittersFitters 10 7 71010 7 Bull BullBullGang GangGang 18 12 121818 12 Office OfficeOffice 4 4 444 4 Lake LakeLake 44 4444 Magnesia MagnesiaMagnesia Plant PlantPlant 16 14 141616 14 124 87 87124124 87 Report on Texas Alkali Lakes 55 Estimated EstimatedEstimated Profits ProfitsProfits 1,000 1,0001,000 Ton 500 500TonTon 500 Ton TonTon Plant Plant PlantPlantPlant Plant Cash CashCash Requirements RequirementsRequirements $ $$ 690,000 $600,000 $600,000690,000690,000 $600,000 or oror 834,000 834,000834,000 Present PresentPresent Prices PricesPrices Value ValueValue of ofof Products ProductsProducts (Est. (Est.(Est. Cash CashCash Reg.) Reg.)Reg.) $ $$ 6,748 $ $6,7486,748 $ 3,374 3,3743,374 Less LessLess Process ProcessProcess Royalty RoyaltyRoyalty 3% 3%3% 202 100 100202202 100 Less LessLess Costs CostsCosts (Cost (Cost(Cost of ofof Prod.) Prod.)Prod.) 2,100 1,407 1,4072,1002,100 1,407 $ $$ 4,446 $ $4,4464,446 $ 1,867 1,8671,867 350 350350 Days DaysDays Profit ProfitProfit $1,556,100 $653,450 $653,450$1,556,100$1,556,100 $653,450 Expected ExpectedExpected Prices PricesPrices Value ValueValue of ofof Products ProductsProducts (Est. (Est.(Est. Cost CostCost Reg.) Reg.)Reg.) $ $$ 4,921 $ $4,9214,921 $ 2,461 2,4612,461 Less LessLess Process ProcessProcess Royalty RoyaltyRoyalty 3% 3%3% 148 73 73148148 73 $ $$ 4,773 $ $4,7734,773 $ 2,388 2,3882,388 Less LessLess Costs CostsCosts (Cost (Cost(Cost of ofof Prod.) Prod.)Prod.) 2,100 1,407 1,4072,1002,100 1,407 $ $$ 2,673 $ $2,6732,673 $ 981 981981 350 350350 Days DaysDays Profit ProfitProfit $ $$ 935,550 $343,350 $343,350935,550935,550 $343,350 Pre-War Pre-WarPre-War Prices PricesPrices Value ValueValue of ofof Products ProductsProducts $ $$ 3,408 $ $3,4083,408 $ 1,704 1,7041,704 Less LessLess Process ProcessProcess Royalty RoyaltyRoyalty 3% 3%3% 102 51 51102102 51 d> d>d> $ 1,675 $1,653 1,653$1,6531,675$$$$ 1,6751,6751,675 $1,6531,653 Costs CostsCosts (Cost (Cost(Cost of ofof Prod. Prod.Prod. Less LessLess 20%) 1,675 1,126 1,1261,1261,67520%)1,67520%) 1,6751,675 1,1261,126 $9 3,306 $ $$9$ $3,3063,3063,3069 3,306 $$ 1,653 1,6531,6531,6531,653 <6 <6<6350 350350 Days DaysDays Profit ProfitProfit ..$o570,850 570,850o..$570,850..$570,850o570,850 •--