PUBLICATIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS Board of Editora-Klllis Campbell, Editnr-in.-Chlef; Eugene C. Barker, Manager; Robert A. Law N. L. Goodrich, F. W. Simonds, A. C. Scott, John A. Lomax, James J. Terrill, C. S. Potts, E. E. Rall. The publlcatlC'ns of the University of Texas are issued four times a month. They are arranged in the following series: RECORD, MINERAL SURVEY, GEN· EliL, liUMANISTIO, MEDICAL, SCIENTIFIC, REPRINT, UNIVEBBITY EXTENS101', OFFICIAL, PRESS. For postal purposes they are numbered consecutively aa Bulletins without regard to the arrangement in series. With the exception of the special numbers any Bulletin will be sent to citizens of Texas tree on re­Queet. Communications from other institutions In reference to exchange of publications should be addressed to the University of Texas Library. THI: UNIVEBSITY or TEx.a.s RECORD has been issued from two to four times a year since December, 1898, ans nucleus. Occasionally one of the nuclei resulting from the first division migrates to the micropylar end of the sac before division takes place. Soon after this, young endosperm nuclei in groups of four or more and in close contact with each other may be found in the antipodal and micropylar ends of the sac (Fig. 33). A section through a more mature embryo-sac frequently shows as many as twenty nuclei lying close together and embedded in the dense wall-layer of cytoplasm. The thin and much more vacuolate character of the cytoplasm of the central portion of the embryo-sac is propably one of the causes of the massing of the nuclei near the periphery. Soon after the segmentation of the fertilized egg, free endosperm nuclei line the walls of the entire sac. The nuclei then lay down cell-walls, and the cells, especially in the chalazal region, become filled with a dense cytoplasmic content. When the embryo is mature the endosperm is reduced to a small cap of tissue, which is completely absorbed as germination proceed~ THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMBRYO As previously stated, the egg-cell remains dormant for a week or more after fertilization. The embryo-sac, however, increases to at least three times its original size. Material gathered on June 29th showed the unsegmented egg-cell, while that gath­ered two days later showed several stages of the young embryo. The fertilized egg divides by a slightly oblique, transverse wall (Fig. 40). ,The upper cell becomes the first or basal suspensor cell and does not undergo division until a later period. Figure 40 represents the segmented embryo and the synergids still in­tact. A transverse division of the apical cell results in a pro-embryo of three cells (Fig. 42). The terminal cell, which is destined by its subsequent divisions to give rise to the cotyledon, divides obliquely (Fig. 43). A subsequent differ­entiation of the tissue derived from the middle cell results in the formation of the stem and root-tip, and of a part of the suspensor. The first division of the middle cell is longitudinal. Figure 44 shows the octant. In the following stages of the embryo, the dermatogen, originating first in the region of the cotyledon, differentiates progressively towards the root. The Bullet-in of the University of Texas first division of the enlarged vesicular basal cell is shown in Figure 46. The upper cell of the suspensor gives rise by trans­verse division to a cell which in turn divides longitudinally, thus making in all four cells derived from the original basal suspensor cell, while the new basal cell remains in an undivided condition until the embryo reaches maturity (Figs. 47 and 48). The first indication of the differentiation of the various parts of the embryo is shown by slight constrictions which appear between the region destined to become the stem and the cotyle­don and also between the former and the root (Fig. 47) . Subse­quent growth and differentiation of the tissues of the region of the cotyledon just anterior to the point of origin of the stem-tip results in the formation of a sheath which in the mature embryo and in the germinating seedling completely surrounds the grow­ing point of the stem (Figs. 35-38). Before any differentiation in the external form occurs the disintegration of the cellular contents of the zone of tissue lying between the root and stem takes place. ,These cells soon become devoid of nuclei and prob­ably serve as loose connective tissue between the stem and the holdfast. In embryos gathered August 29th, the organogeny appears to be complete. The embryo does not, however, reach its full size until about the middle of September. THE MATURE SEED The mature seeds are especially well adapted for wind dis­persal by means of the pappus-like comae or long, colorless, barbed hairs which arise from the outer integument and are attached to the seed-coat at the chalazal end. When the capsule splits, the comae serves as a sort of a half-open parachute which carries the seed through the air. The barbs of the nodes are also useful in attaching the seedlings to the substratum. The seed-coat is impermeable to water and very thick. In fact, it is impossible to section embryos six weeks old without first removing the seed-coats. GERMINATION When the seedling begins 'to grow, the intercellular matrix, which is of a rich, dark brown substance, is broken up and a The Ball Moss loose net-work of cells is left surrounding the entire embryo. The leaves push through the top of this coat, but it is not until the end of the second year that it is completely outgrown. ,To­gether with the comae, it serves as a means of holding the plant to the substratum when there is no other kind of attachment possible, as the holdfasts do not function until a much later period. From the cotyledon there arises a structure which from its function and scuttle-like form may be called the sheath or scutellum. This sheath originates from the cotyledon near the central portion of the embryo, and surrounds the st('m apex. Figures 35-38 show the appearance of the sheath in surface view and in section. The cotyledon of the germinatiTig seedling is at least twice as long as the remaining portion of the embryo. Its cells are rich in food content. Dense masses of starch granules and oil globules occur throughout the cytoplasm. 'l'he scales are developed soon after germination, first in the region of the primary leaf-stem and afterwards on the cotyledon and sheath. The cotyledon frequently persists through the end of the second season. The seeds germinate shortly after their dispersal, which takes place in the vicinity of Austin between January 1st and Feb-­ ruary 10th. Young seedlings were found in the field within seven days after the liberation of the seeds from the seed pod. A number of experiments were tried to determine the time nec­ essary for germination and the percentage of mature embryos. Of the seeds planted on damp wood, mud, garden soil, sand, and on culture media the majority germinated within three to five days. About eighty-five per cent of thr> seed contained mature embryos. Seedlings and young plants ~howing all stages of growth can be readily found at all times of the year. If the .conditions are favorable for germination at the time of the bursting of the pods, the seeds frequently germinate within the capsule. ,This viviparous condition is not at all rare in this species of Tillandsia. Figure 52 shows an old capsule containing twenty-five two-year-old plants. A similar condition has re­ cently been reported by Harshberger2 for Tillandsia tenuifolia L. Bulletin of the IJni;;ersity of Texas THE DEVELOPMENT OF YOUNG PLANTS AND "BALL" FORMATION The young seedling grows very slowly. At the end of the first year's growth it is about one centimeter in length. The second leaf has reached the level of the cotyledon and the tip of the third leaf is just visible. The short blunt holdfasts are undivided. ,The basal half of the plant is covered with the net­work of the seed-coat. In this condition the plant passes the winter (Fig. 50, upper series). During the succeeding growing season the plant doubles its length and adds one or two more leaves. The holdfasts. become attached to the substratum and the formation of the "ball" is initiated. At the close of the third growing period the "ball" is composed of from two to three individual plants (Fig. 50, lower ;.·eries), possessing one or more common holdfasts. In many instauees the cotyledon still persists at thrs time. The four-year-old "ball" is composed of from eight to twelve small plants varying in length from one to two and one-half inches (Fig. 51). Fruits may be produced at this time, although they are rather small. A mature plant frequently produces four or five leaves in a single season. It is possible to determine the approximate age of a "ball" by taking into consideration the number of leaves of the indi­vidual plant. the length of the stem, and the number of plants in the bunch. It is quite probable that many of the older "balls" are from twenty to twenty.five years of age (Figs. 2 and 3), while the majority of the large balls are at least from ten to fifteen years of age. A PARASITE AND A LICHEN A new species of Colletotrichnm has been found on a large number of plants in the vicinity of Austin. The large dark, somewhat irregular acervuli occur on the young seedlings, the flower pedicels and on the leaves and stems of the mature plants, especially on the concave surface of the leaf. It frequently at­tacks the young leaves and stem, thus causing the death of the plant. The Ball Moss The following measurements are given for this species of 0 olletotrichiim: Acervuli 150-160 mikrons in cliameter; conidia 7-7.5x13-15 mikrons, oblong with rounded ends; setae 45-90x4.5 mikrons, smoky and from four to five septate, quite pointed at the tip. A comparison of this species with a Oolletotrichuin previously described5 as occurring on Tillandsia sp. indicates that the two are distinct. Oolletotrichum Bromeliacearum is proposed as the name for this new species. An interesting lichen was found growing on the surface of the young seedlings and on the scales of the leaves of the mature plants. It usually covers the entire leaf, giving it a very dark­green color. Much branched fungous filaments are closely asso­ciated with the colonies of the alga (l?leurococcns sp.) Owing to the fact that no fruits were found, it was impossible to assign the lichen to any definite species. THE EF]!'ECT OF THE ''BALL MOSS'' ON ITS HOSTS It is the current belief of the people of the Southwest that the "ball moss" gradually "saps the life" of its hosts. They behold its approach with as much dread as that of the mistletoe. This opinion is largely due to the fact that they have seen many dying and dead trees densly covered with it. 'rhe anatomical as well as the morphological structure of the plant is such as to necessitate an epiphytic rather· than a parasitic existence. In the first place the holdfasts do not penetrate beyond the dead cortex of the bark, and in the second place the lack of organs for the absorption and conduction of food make it impossible for the plant to get its nourishment through its roots, which merely attach it to its substratum. The "ball moss," then, absorbs its water and mineral salts from the air and from pre­cipitated moisture by· means of its accessory structures, the scales, located on stem and leaf, and being provided with a chlorophyll apparatus, manufactures its food by the typical photosynthetic process. Mez~ shows that the leaves absorb enough water from the atmJsphere in three hours to last the plant for thirty-eight hours. An examination of the relation of Tillandsia recurvata to its Bulletin of the University of Texas suustratum brought out the fact that it not only is not dependent npon food derived from trees upon which it is growing, but that it grows equally well upon surfaces from which it would be impossible to obtain elaborated food. Vigorous fruiting bunches fifteen years old or more were found growing upon board fences and oak posts. Several five-year-old bunches; with their holdfasts cemented to the wire, were discovered growing between the twists of a barbed-wire fence. It also grows on granite boulders and electric light wire insulations. A number of bunches were suspended from the ceiling of the University greenhouses and kept in a perfect condition for a year and a half. They produced an abundance of fruits. The second general idea concerning the effect of the ''ball moss'' is that it shades the tree to death. There is much truth in this statement. No doubt many buds are smothered by the dense growth of the moss on the young branches, especially in those trees on which, because of the lack of suitable light con­ditions, the Tillandsia attacks the terminal rather than the lower portion of the crown. l\Iany of the people in the vicinity of Austin have become so firmly convinced of the injury to their trees that they either have attempted to have the moss scraped off the limbs or they lop the branches off close to the trunk. Unfortunately, the majority of people usually wait until about the 1st of l\Iarch before pruning the trees covered with Til­landsia recurvata. At this time the moss has already shed its seed and the tree is covered with hundreds of minute seedlings. If the moss is to be scraped off at all, it should be done some­time before the dispersal of the seed, which in this vicinity takes place about the last of January. The writer has observed with interest the effect of scraping the moss off the limbs of the trees which were densely covered with it, and in most instances it was found that such trees put out their leaves several days earlier than the infected trees and that their foliage was more abundant. Experiments were tried with a view of finding some more practical means of exterminating the moss. Ten healthy bunches, five directly from the field and five wbich had been previously soaked for an hour in water, were sprayed with a The Ball Moss ten per cent kerosene emulsion and placed with the control set on a window-shelf. The following results were obtained: The ten per cent solution is sufficiently strong to kill all of the younger plants and the outer plants and leaves of the older rosettes, but the inner leaves being protected by the overlap­ping of the leaf-sheaths are apparently more resistant. A slightly stronger emulsion should be used in spraying the trees in the open. . The trees should be sprayed in the fall as soon as the leaves have been shed. The experiments indicate that the most effective methods of extermination is by fir'st scraping off the large plants, and then spraying with kerosene emulsion to kill the small plants which would be left behind. In the case of valuable shade trees this method may be resorted to, and it will not prove unduly expensive since the slow growth of the moss will render the frequent repetition of the treatment un­necessary. The writer wishes to take this opportunity of expressing her sincere thanks to Dr. F. D. Heald and Dr. I. M. Lewis for their helpful suggestions and criticisms in the preparation of this paper. Bulletin of the University of Texas LITERATURE CITED 1. Billings, P . II., ''A Study of Tillandsia usneoides. '' Bot. Gaz., 38 : 99-101. 1904. 2. Harshberger, J. W., "Vivipary in Tillandsia tenuifolia L." Bot. Gaz., 49: 59. 1910. 3. Heald, F. D., and \Volf, F. A., " The Whitening of the Mountain Cedar.'' Jiycologia, 2 : 205-212. 1910. 4. Mez, Carl, "Physiologiscbe Bromeliaceen-Studien. VII. W asser-bilanzen von zwei le bend untersuchten Arten.''. Jahrb. Wiss. Bot., 40: 226-229. 1904. 5. Patterson, F. Vv.. "~ew Species of Fungi." Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 27: 283. 1900. 6. Schimper, A. F. W., Plant Geography, 325-328. 1903. 7. Schimper, A. F . W., Die Epiphytische Vegetation Amer­ikas. 1888. ' 8. Small , J. K., Flora of the Southeastern United States, 245. 1903. ExPLAN.\TIOK O~' PLATEs-I-X Fig. l a.-'l'illandsia recurva.ta on Quercus minor. Fig. lb.-Tillandsia recurvata on Sabina subinoides. Fig. 2.-Branch covered with Tillandsia recurvata. In the center is a group of seedlings attached by their comae to the leaves. Fig. 3.-Rqsette with plants separated so as to show the at­tachment of the holdfasts to the stem. Fig. 4.--:--Map showing the distribution of Tillandsia reciir­ vata in Texas. Fig. 5.-Cross section of the vascular axis of the stem. Fig. 6.-Transverse section of the fibrovascular cylinder of the stem. Fig. 7.-A parenchyma cell from a leaf showing the mega­chloroplasts and the microchloroplasts. Fig. 8.-Transverse section of the leaf showing the arrange­ ment of the vascular bundles, and the general structure of the leaf. Fig. 9.-Transverse section of a fibrovascular bundle from the leaf. The Ball Moss Figs. 10 and 11.-Surface views of m11ture-scale. Fig. 12.-Transverse section showing an early stage m the development of a scale. Fig. 13.-Longitudinal section showing a later stage m the development of the scale. Fig. 14.-Section showing a mature se1tle. Fig. 15.-Longitudinal section showing a stoma. T'he par­enchyma cells which function as active guard-cells in closing the stoma are shown just below the true guard-cells. Fig. 16.-Two-year-old seedlings growing on the leaf of Quercns minor. The seedlings were attached h:v their comae until the holdfasts became functional. Fig. 17.-A year-old seedling with two young holdfasts. Fig. 18.-Section of a young ovule showing the single ar­chesporial cell, and the primordia of the inner integuments. Fig. 19.-Longitudinal section of the nucellus. The arches­porial cell has given rise to a primary parietal cell and a pri­mary sporagenous cell. Fig 20.-Longitudinal section of the ovule at· a period pre­vious to the :first division of the megaspore mother-cell. Figs. 21-23.-Stages in the formation of the row of four megaspores. Fig. 24.-Section showing the degeneration of the three fac­ultative megaspores and the enlarged megaspore nearest the chalazal end. Figs. 25, 26, 27.-Stages in the formation of the embryo-sac. Fig. 28.-Nearly mature embryo-sac showing the three anti­podals, the primary endosperm nucleus, and the egg-apparatus. Fig. 29.-Embryo-sac soon after the discharge of the male nuclei; (a) male nucleus ; (b) tube nucleus. ·The fusion of the polar nuclei has been delayed. Fig. 30.-Fusion of the micropylar and the antipodal polar nuclei before the rupture of the pollen tube to form the pri­mary endosperm nucleus. Fig. 31.-Fusion of the second tnale nucleus with the pri­mary endosperm nucleus. Fig. 32.-Lower end of the embryo-sac showing the .first and second divisions of the endosperm nuceli. Fig. 33.-Aggregation of young endorsperm nuclei. Bullet-in o.f lli e University of Texas Fig. 34.-0vule at the time the embryo-sac has reached ma­turity. Fig. 35.-I1ongitudinal section of an embryo about one­fourth grmrn, showing cotyledon, plumule, sheath, and begin­ning of differentiation of the holdfast. Figs. 36 and 37.-Surface Yicws of germinating seedlings showing the cotyledon, the shcatll, the young leaf, and the root constriction. Fig. 38.-Median lon~!'itudinal section of a young seedling showing the plumule and the folded edge of the sheath. Fig. 39.-Fcrtilir.ed egg-cell; synergids still intact. Figs. 40, 41, 42.-Sections from the end of the embryo-sac showing the proembryos of t\rn to three cells. Fig. 43.-Section showing a young embryo in which the ter­minal cell has given rise to four cells. Figs. 44 and 45.-Sections showing further development of the cells derived from the middle cell. Fig. 46.-I1ongitudinal section of the embryo showing the differentiation of the dermatogen in the terminal portion and the first division of the basal ~uspensor cell. Figs. 47 and 48.-Sections of more advanced embryos show­ ing the first indications of the change in the external form in the embryo. Fig. 49.-An outline drawing of a section showing a more advanced stage of the embryo. Fig. 50.-Photograph of a series of plants showing their yearly growth. The seedlings of the upper, middle and lower rows are one, two and three years old respectively. Fig. 51.-Plants on the first row are four years old. The first one on the second row is five years old. The last two are six-year-old "balls" composed of eight individual plants. Fig. 52.:__Vivipary in Tillanclsia recurvata. The plants which have germinated in the capsule are two years old. Some seeds are attached by their comae to the leaves in the center. A young seedling clinging to the leaf may be noted in the up­ per left hand side of the photograph. PJ...A.TE I. Pl.ATE II. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. PLATE Ill. Fig. 4. PLATE IV. PLATE V. 19 PLATE VI. PLATE VII. 39 40 41 44 42 43 ' . ' ,' '. 48 49 PLATE VIII. PLATE IX. PLATE X. Fig. 52. THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS BULLETIN. (Continued from inside front cover) 7. Railroad Transportation in Texas, by C. S. Potts. 214 p., 6 maps, charts. March, 1909. $1.50. & Orime and the Treatment of the Criminal, by C. S. Potts. 86 p. l\Iay 1, 1910. · 25 cents. 10. Problem• of Prison Reform, by C. S. Potts. 40 p. December 8, 1910. 20 cents. 11. Recognition of the Republic of Texas by the United States, by Ethel Zivle7 Rather. 101 p. January 1, 1911. 75 cents. English Elements in Jonson's Early Comedy, by Charles Read Basker­vlll, 328 p. April 8, 1911. $2.50. MEDICAL SERIES L Yellow Fever: a Popular Lecture, by James Carroll. 32 p. June, 1905. 15 cents. 2. The Care of the Insane, by Dr. M. L. Graves. 16 p. 1905. 15 cents. 8. The 1903 Epidemic of Yellow Fever in Texa8 and the Lessons to Be Learned from It, by Dr. G. R. Tabor. 22 p. June, 1905. 15 cents. 4. Further Experiments in the Use of Drugs as Stimulants in Accident• Occurring During .Anaesthesia, by 0. H. Plant, 31 p. February S, 1911. 25 cents. SCIENTIFIC SERIES Vegetation of the Sotol Country in Texas, by W. L. Brii.y. 24 p., pl. June, 1905. 25 cents. Observations on the Habits of Some Solitary Wasps of Texas, by Carl Hartman. 72 p., pl. ·July, 1905. 25 cents. Distribution and .Adaptation of the Vegetation of Texas, by W. L. Bray, 108 p., pl. map. November, 1906.,, 35 cents. A Sketch of the Geology of the Chisos Country, by J. A. Udden. 101 p. April, 1907. 50 cents. The Clays of Texas, by Heinrich Ries, 316 p., 1llus. pl. 1908. $2.00. The .American Mistletoe, by H. H. York. 31 p., pl. 1909. 50 cents. Symptoms of Disease in Plants, by F. D. Heald. Illus. November, 1909. $1.00. Field Studies of the Behavior of the Lizard Sceloporus Floridanus, by H. H. Newman and J. Thomas Patterson. 23 p., lllus. December, 1909. 25 ceuts. The .Austin Dam, by T. U. Taylor, 85 p., Ulus. December 22, 1911. 75 cents. On the Electrostatic Effect of a C\anging Magnetic Field, hy J. M. Kuehne. 15 p. January 15, 1911. 25 ct2~. Fauna of the Buda Limestone, by Francis Luther Whitney, 54 p., lllua. May 22, 1911. $1.00. To those who desire It a complete Ust of the pubUcatlrintt of Uie UnlversltJ of Texas wUl be furnished. Requests for this or for Bulletins llhould te addressed to the University of Texas Bulletin, Aust'n, Texas. Exchanges ahould be addressed to the University of Texas Library.