}. University of Texas Bulletin No. 1815: March 10, 1918 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF DENSE CONCRETE AS DETERMINED BY THE RELATIVE QUANTITY OF CEMENT By F. E. Giesecke and S. P. Finch BUREAU OF ECONOMIC GEOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGY J. A. Udden, Director DIVISION OF ENGINEERING F. E. Giesecke, Head of the Division Published by the University six times a month and entered u second-class matter at the postoffice at AUSTIN, TEXAS Publications of the University . of Texas Publications Committee: F. W. GBA.JT. R. H. GRIFFITH J.M. BRYANT Jl. L. HENDERSON D. B. CASTEEL I. P. Hil.J)JrnRAND FREDEnJO DUNCALF E. J. MATHEWS The University publishes bulletins six times a. month, so num­bered that the :fint two digits of the number show the year of iaJUe, the last two the position in the yearly series. (For ex­ample, No. 1701 is the :first bulletin of the year 1917.) These eompril'J6 the official publicatioru1 of the University, publications Ol!l humanistic and scientifie subjects, bulletins prepared by the Department of Extension and by the Bureau of Municipal Re1eareh and Reference, and other bulletins of general educa­tional interest. With the ~ception of special numbers, any bulletin will be sent to a eitizen of Texas free on request. .All eommunicatiom1 about University publications should lie ad­dressed to the Chairman of the Publications Committee, Uni­nrsity of Texas, Austin. B303-918-2m-8366 University of Texas Bulletin No. 1815 : March 10, 1918 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF DENSE CONCRETE AS DETERMINED BY THE RELATIVE QUANTITY OF CEMENT By F. E. Giesecke and S. P. Finch BUREAU OF ECONOMIC GEOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGY J. A. Udden, Director DIVTSTON OF ENGINEERING F. E. Giesecke, Head of the Division Published by the University six times a month and entered as secoud-elass matter at the postoffice at .AUSTIN, TEXAS The benefits of education and of useful knowledge, generally diffused through a community, are essential to the preservation of a free govern­ment. Sam Houston Cultivated mind is the guardian genius of democracy. • • • It is the only dictator that freemen acknowl­edge and the oD.ly security that free­men desire. Mirabeau B. Lamar CONTENTS Page Acknowledgement 5 llJitroduction ......................... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Materials and Proportions. . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Mixing, Moulding, Storing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Compression Tests. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Elasticity Tests. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 T,ensi·on Tests. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Transverse Tests ........................... , . . . . . . . . . . 51 Bond Tests. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Permeability Tests. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Abrasion Tests... ·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 PHYSICAL PROPER'l'IES OF DENSE CONCRETE AS DETERMINED BY THE RELATIVE QUANTITY OF CEMENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT This investigation was undertaken as a part of the work of the Engineering Division of the Bureau of Economic Geology and Technology of the Univiersity of Texas and was conducted by Prof. F. E. Giesecke and Prof. S. P. Finch, assisted by Mr. E. F. Ries. Mr. J. P. Nash, Testing :Engineer for the Bureau of Econ-0mic Geology and Technology, also gave much assistanc·e, being in charge of the work 1of making and testing the' specimens of Series II and III. Mr. G. A. Parkinson acted as laboratory assistant and displayed great care in making the specimens to be tested. Miss Nellie Jefferson, laboratory assistant, prepared the diagrams for this bulletin. The authors are much indebted to Mr. H. R. Thomas, C. E., 1912, University of Texas and M. S., 1914, University of Illinois, f-0r valuable suggestions in regard to the best type of compression moulds and for making the University of Illinois compressometer to be used in the elasticity tests. INTRODUCTION Object of the investigation. It has long been the custom in the use of concrete to arbitrarily specify the proportions of ce­ment, fine, and CJoarse aggregate, as 1 cement, 2 sand, 4 stone, ehoosing the proportions which the results of tests and standard practice seemed to indicate would give the necessary str·ength or other properties desired. Prompted by the belief that it was much better and more economical to proportion the fine and coarse aggregate so· as to produce a dense concrete and to incor­porate the amount of cement necessary to obtain the physical properties desired, this investigation was undertaken so that these properties might be known for different percentages of ce­ment. Scope of investigation. The attempt was made to determine the variation in the compressive strength, modulus :of elasticity, Univel'sity of Texas Bulletin tensile strength, modulus of rupture, bond strength, pervious­ness, and resistance to abrasion, for conc.nte approximating as closely as possible a maximum density mix and containing vary­ing percentages of cement. Tests were made on both broken stone and gravel C;'.lncrete with six difforent percentages of cement varying from about 4% cement by weight, or 1.61 sacks of cement per cubic yard of con­crete, up to abotlt 28% cement, or 11.55 sacks of cement per cu­bic yard. History of the investigation, the three series of tests. All of the tests, as 1outlined above, were begun in the spring of 1916 and extended throughout the summer of that yEar with the ex­ception of the test for modulus of rupture, which was not in­cluded in the original plan. To make the results more complete, it was later decided to add this tESt, including compressive tests also, which would serve to ' 'tie in'' these new tests with the ear­lier ones of 1916. As the results of the bond tests seemed some­what erratic, it was thought best to have these tests duplicated and extended, making additional bond tests in order that corrob­orative data might be obtained. More tension tests were alsu in­cluded. A new set of experiments was accordingly begun in. the spring of 1917 in which were made the four kinds of tests just men­ti;oned. It was the intention to use the machine mixer as in the tests of 1916, and keep the materials and method of mixing, etc. as much alike as possible to those of the preceding. tests. How­ev0r, after a few batches of this concrete had bee~·'made up, it was noticed that the fine material of the mix stuck in consider­able quantity to the mixer and that the concrete therefore dirl not have the proportiions intended. It was a.ccordingly decided to mix the materials by hand and at the same time to use a some­what wetter consistency than had been used in the former set of tE·StS. All of the results of the several sets of tests are reported in this bulletin. They are grouped under three different serirn: Series I includes the tests of 1916. The concrete is machine mixed and due to the fact that some of the finer material re­mained in the mixer, it is !Of proportions somewhat different from those intended and recorded, the fine aggregate being less Physical Properties of Dense Concrete than indicated by the, mechanical analysis curves and the cement falling· short of the amount reported by probably 10% to l2%­ Series II includes the machine mixed concrete of 1917, alike in. all particulars to that of Series I. Only tests on the gravel con­crete fall in this se·ries. Although there are but few specimens. in this group; it was thought best to report the results obtained; for, by comparison with those of Series I, they would at least help to indicate the variation which might be expected in sep­arate·-batches of the same kind of concrete and would give addi­tional values for determining final averages. Series III includes all of the tests of 1917 which were hand mixed and in which larger percentages 1of water were used than in the preceding series. In all of the concrete, essentially the same mate·rials, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, and cement, were used. MATERIALS AND PROPORTIONS Cement. The 0ement used in the tests of Series I was a blend of four brands of cement on the local market: Alamo, El Toro, Lone Star, and Trinity. One sack of each kind was placed in a. Smith concrete mixer of four cubic feet capacity and thoroughly mixed. This was then stored in a large can with cover. A second batch was mixed in the s.ame V\"aY and the can, which had a capacity of about eight cubic feet, was thus filled. When this amount of cement was used up, enough to fill the can was again prepared. In the mean time, the cement, in sacks, wa~stored in the dry air of the laboratory until mixed to form the blend. During the progress of the work in making up the specimens of Series I, the cement was tested as follows: A sample was takm fr.om the first two bags of each brand used and the standard tests made. A complete set of tests was also made of the first batch of blended cement. Thereafter, dur­ ing the making of the compr-essive speci:m,€ns, only strength tests were made of the blend as new quantities of cement were mixed. As the cement used in making the bond, tension, perme­ ability, and abrasion specimens was taken from later shipments, two or three months after the cement for the compressive spei­ cimens had been used, tests were made 1of the new cement similar University of Texas Bulletin to those already outlined, i. e., complete tests of each brand and of the blend, a11id for each subsequent blend, strength tests only. The results of the tests on the cement used in this series are· 1 given in Tables1 and 2: 'l'ABLE 1 RESULTS OF 'l'ESTS OF CEMEN'l' USED I N MAKING COlllI'RESSIVE TESTS, SERrnS I Kind of Cement No. 1 No. 2 Kind of Test .S:? ·.o ·-oo CJ N 778 658 2~..9 r eat, 7 Days ------------· 797 740 8 .e e 28 Days ------------­ ~~~ 272 205 S~g 1 :3 Mortar, 7 Days -------------­ 350 297 ~~ ~ 28 Days -----------­ p "' 0. 3.11 3.17 Specific Gravity -----------------------­ 1.59 2.35 F ineness, % on JOO --------------------­ 21.64 19.03 % on 200 --------------------­ 0. K. 0. K. Soundness, Normal --------------------­ 0. K. o. ]{. Acccleratcd ---------------­ 2b-25m 2b-25m ~rime of set, Initial -------------------­ 4h-5m 4h-10m Fioal ---------------------­ 21%% 22% Normal Consistency --------------------­ No. 3 686 662 255 328 3.12 5.63 19.51 o. K. 0. K. lb-15m 2h-40m 221h% No. 4 Blend 714 733 715 768 230 261 312 30-2 3.15 1.95 2.77 23.00 20.51 0. K. o. K. 0. K. o. K. lh-55m 3b-30m 2h-50JU 5h-::5m 22%% 22% (Eacb value of strength test of single brand the average of three briquHtes. Each from value three of sep strength arate mix test es of of blended' oemeat threethe cement, the average briquettes fr of om n ine each briquettes mix.) made TABLE 2 RESUL'l'S OF 'l'ES'l'S OF CEMENT USED JN IVIAKI\'f.l AT,L 0 1' 'rliE 'l'ES'l'S EXCEPT THE COMPRESSIVE TEW!'S, SlRIE::l T. Kiod of Cement Kind of Test ~ .;-e §;S..9 Neat, 7 Days 8 00> 28 Days ~·:: ~ ~~ g 3 Mortar, 7 Days ------------­ S gfoo §~~ 28 Days ------------­ ~w"' Specific Gravity___----------------------­Fineness , % on JOO sieve --------------­% on 200 sieve --------------­ Sounclness, Normal ------··-------------­ Accelerated ----------------­ rrime of set, Initial -------------------­ Final ---------------------­ Norm al Cons!ste:1cy--------------------­ No. I No. 2. 658 642 837 690 218 217 283 292 3.11 3.12 2.1 5.4 23.1 23.6 0. K. 0. K. O. K. Jh-lOm lh-Om 3b-30m 2h-15m 23%% 23%% No. 3 598 785 257 347 3.14 1.24 0. K. Jh-15m 3h-5m 24% ,.__ No. 4 Blend 646 572 677 778 232 262 295 319 3.12 3.14 3.4. 2.9 23 .2 22 .1 0. K. 0. K. 0. K. 0. K. Oh-40m lh-20m 2h-JOm 2h-50m 25% 231h% (Each value of strength test of single branrl the average of three briquettes. :Each value of strength test of blended cement the average of six briquettes made from two separate mixes of the cement. three briquettes from each mix.) Physic-al. Properties of Dense Concrete It is well to note that the results given in Table 1 ave deter­mined from tests which.were made in March and April, while those in Table 2 are from tests made on the new shipments in August by a di:fforent operator. In general, the tests agree as closely as eo-uld be expected. Due probably to the difference ir the time of year, the normal consistency results of Table 2 are higher and the times of set shorter than those of Table 1. The cement used in Series II and III was a blend of the four brands of cement already named. Enough of these cements was mixed at the time the new series were begun to make all of the specimens, the blend of cement being kept stored in a closed box lined with paper during the progress of the tests. The results of the tests on this cement are not included. Sand. The sand was obtained from the bed of the Colorado River near Austin. It was a clean sharp sand with an average specific gravity of 2.64; composed of about 50% quartz and flint, the remainder being limestone with some feldspar. This ma­terial was screened into the various sizes needed as described later, the coarser sand being separated from the bank run gravel, while the fine sand was sifted from material gathered from the top of sand beds especially chosen for the :fineness of the material. Broken Stone. The broken stone came from Comal County near New Braunfels, Texas. It was fairly hard limestone with an average speiei:fic gravity .•of 2.60 and an ultimate crushing . strength of 6,000 pounds per square inch. It consisted of ma­terial passing through a 1% sieve and held on a sieve of% mesh. This was screened into the various sizes neede·d as described later. Gravel. The gravel was obtained from the bed of the Colo­ rado River near Austin. It was a smooth water worn gravel with an average specific gravity of 2.62, 0onsisting of quartz, flint, and gneiss together with a large percentage of lime stone and containing many flat pieces. · This material was screened into the various sizes needed as shown later. Proportioning the, material. The attempt was made to pro­ portion the dry material in such a manner that the resulting mechanical analysis curves for the combination of cement, sand University of Texas Bulletin and 00-arse aggregate should be as near as practicable to the­maximum density curves as determined by Fuller's tests. It was planned to have mixtures of this kind containing vary­ing percentages of cement approximating 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 sa-cks of cement respectively per cubic yard of concrete for both gravel and broken stone. To illustrate the method of determining the ratio -0f the ce­ment to be used to the total dry material by we•ight, the per­centage of cement for the ''four sack'' concrete of Series I will be calculated. Assuming concrete to weigh 150 pounds per cubic foot and a sack of cement to weigh 94 pounds, the approximate percentage of cement (neglecting the presence of the water) 4x94 equals equals 9.28%. The exact number of sacks ·of 27xl50 cement p·«r cubic yard was determined later for each mix by weighing the. total amount of material used, including the water, and finding the weight of each specimen of the concrete imme~ diately after it was placed in the mould. The total weight of cement divided by the total weight of dry material and water and multiplied by the average weight of a specimen gives the weight of cement per specimen. This divided by 94 and by the volume of the specimen in cubic yards gives the number of sacks of cement per cubic yard 1of concrete. The actual number of sacks for each m:ix in Series I determined in this way, was 4% to 6% lower than the number used as shown above in computing the percentage. of cement, except for the "2 sack" gravel and brokm stone concrete, in which, by mistake, 4.16% of cement was used instead of 4.6{%, which resulted in a concrete with 1.66 and 1.63 sacks per cubic yard respectively; except for the "6 sack" c-0nCTete of both kinds in which 14.4% of cement was used instead \Of 13.92%, giving a gravel concNte of 5.96 and a broken stone concrete of 5.9 sacks per cu. yd.; and except for the "8 sack" gravel concrete, where 20.3% of cement was used in place of 18 6%, giving 8.45 sacks per cubic yard. In Series III, the difference between the assumed number of sacks of cement per cubic yard and the actual number differed for the richer mixes by as much as 10% to 12%. This was prob­ably due to the larger percentages of water used in this serirn. Physioa.Z Prop-erties of Dense Concrete C> University of Texas Bitlletin The method of determining the proper proportions of the sand and coarse aggregate can be shown by ,explaining in detail what was done to find out the percentages of these different materials to be used for the gravel concrete. A plot of the: Fuller "practical" curve for sand and gravel was first made, taking 11,4" as the maximum size of the material. This curve is a combination i0f a straight line and an ellipse, b2 (y-7)2--(2ax~·x2), beginning at a point of tangency to the a2 Y axis at y = 7 and extending to a point of tangency with the straight line where x = one tmth the maximum size of the ma­ terial, or in this case .125". This straight line extends to a point where x is the max. size of material which is 114". For this material, b=28.6, a=.164 multiplied by the maximum size of materia1=.164x1 .25=.205". Fig. 1 shows a plot of this curve for sand and gravel, while Fig. 2 shows the curve for sand and broken stone. The point "A" is the point of tangency with the Y axis. The ellipse ex­tends from A" to the point of tangency with the straight line, "'B-C," at "B." To secure a combination which would give a curve like the one shown, it was decided to use two classes ;Qf coarse aggregate and three classes of fine material in addition to the cement. The coarse aggregate was therefore divided into that which would pass a 11,4" opening and be held on a screen of %" opening, and that which would pass a %" opening and be held on a screen of %" opening. By referring to the curve, Fig. 1, it can be seen that 29.75% of the first size and 29.5% of the latter size would be needed. The fine material was to be divided into that pass­ing a %" opening and held on a No. 10 sieve with opening .073", that passing this latter sieve and held on a No. 50 siE've with .011" opening, and that passing this sieve and including the ce­ment. The percentages of these different sizes needed, as read from the cune, are 12% for the first, 11.25% for the second, and 17.5% for the third. Enough material ;0f each of the above sizes was prepared by screening through ordinary comme,rcial sieves. As a sieve with .073" opening was not available, a No. 12 was used. Physical Properties of Dense Concrete University of Texas Bulletin Below are given the numbers of the sieves used and the ap­proximate size of opening, together with the. name to be applied describing each material by giving the, sieve through which it passed and the sieve on which it waS' retained. No. of Sieve 11,4 Size of Opening 11,4 II D·ascription of Material 11,4-% % %, II %,-1,4 1,4 1,4 II 1,4-12 12 .06111 12-50 50 . 01111 50­and below. The percentages of the different sizes as used in making the "1.66 sack" gravel concrete of Series I are shown in Table 5. The total pc-rcentage of material which should pa!'s the number 50 sieve is 17.5%. li..s it takes 4.16% cement to make this concrete, then 17.5% minus 4.16% or 13.34% of fine sand, i. e. '' 50-and below, '' must be used. F-0r making the ''11.5 sack" concrete, about 27.9% of cement is needed and so no sand passing a number 50 was used and only .85% of "12-50" sand, as the cement supplied a percentage of fine material practically eqnal to the part needed of that passing a number 12 sieve, which is 28.75%. Curves for the material used in the ''1.66 sack'' and the "11.50 sack" gravel concrete of Series 1, together with the Ful­ler maximum density curve, are given in: Fig. 3. The corres­ponding curves for the later series are shown in Fig. 4. Fig. 5 · shows the samie set of curves for the material used in the broken stone concrete of Series I, while Fig. 6 gives those for Series III of this concrete. In the lower right hand corner, the parts 1of the curves showing the percentages of fine material are plotted to a larger scale than the entire curves. Although the curves of Series I are based on the materials used in only part of that series, they are typical of what was used in the whole. Tables 3 and 4 give the information on which all of these curves are based. These tables were ciomputed by using the mechanical analyses of the materials of each size, together with the per. centages of each which were required. Tables 5 to 8 show the percentages of the materials of the dif­ferent sizes, together with those of the cement and water, used in all of the series of tests. 100 90 00 ~ «::: "' uJ 70 [ > lLl ;n ~ ;;; \.] 60 I r. ~ -~ if) .., V1 11. so "' ~· lLl \.] ~ <( I-40 l::i z: ~ lLl u fr: lLl ~ "' ~ D-30 C"::l c ..., 20 "' ~ ~ ~ - 10 0 0 .05 .10 .1 5 .zo .25 .50 .75 1.00 1.25 I-' DIAMETER Of PARTICLE IN INCHE:::. C)l Fig. 3. Mechani cal Analysis Curves for Gravel Concrete, Seri es I. 100 kJ 70 i:'i if'i \.'.) ~ ;r; n it 50 20I 10 0 ,_. J) ~ ~­"' ~ .,.,. "'· '.-! ~ ........ ""3 8 "' ~ ~ "'.,.,. *' ~ )!'i~. 4. Mechfl,nical Analysis C11rve;;; !or Grfl,vel Concrete, Series II anq Ill, 100 90 80 w 70 G':i · ,.,..... l ·"' ..,, .,.... ~­ "' ~ ......., N .~ "" c;; Q .C ;:! s, ci .,.... "" 1.2.~ ....... -:i 00 inn ~ ~ t..J "'· ~ 7i "' ~ ~ ""· .... ?i ~.:e: vi ct <:> ......., w ~ <..:J ~ ;S ~ r. 40 t..J Q:j ~ ~ t..J .,..... CL 30 ..... "' ~­ 20 10 0 0 .05 .10 .15 .20 .25 .50 .75 1.00 1.1.5 PIAMETER Of PARTICLE. IN INCHE.S Fig. 6. Mechanical Analysis Cur ves for Broken 'Stone Concr ete, Series III. Physical Properties of.Dense Concrete TAB.LE 3 tuECHA~ICAL ANAL\:SES OF )1A1'ERIAL USED Size Sieve of open­ ing in inches -----1 ----­ 1\4 1\4 l 1 % % 'h 'h 14. 14. Vs 1/s 10 .065 20 .0328 28 .0"23'2 35 .0164 48 .0116 65 .0082 100 .0058 200 .0029 Series I Porccot pass-Percent pass­ing for 1.66 ing for ll.50 sacks of ce-sacks of ce­ ment per cubic mcnt per cubic ya"d yard 98. 4 93. 4 83.5 83.5 70.3 iO.:J 55 .3 55.3 41.6 41.6 36.1 30 .1 31.1 31.l 26 .3 28.·3 23.0 28.3 19.9 28.l 17.4 ~7.9 8 .5 27 .9 4.7 27.1 I 3.3 21.8 ' IN GRAVEL COSCRETE Series II and III ------------· Percent pass­ Pel'ccnt pass-ing for 11.5:> ing for 1.64 a 1d 10.86 sacks of ce-sacks of ce­ ment per cubic mcnt per cu bic yard yard ~ ~-;. I :5 .1 78.3 78.3 07 .3 67.3 54.l 54.1 40.2 40.2 35.0 35.0 30.6 30.6 25.7 28.5 22.3 28.3 19.6 28.l 15.7 27 .9 7.7 2i.9 4.8 27. I 3.5 21.8 'fhe values given above for Series I represent the results obtained for this series by combining the mechanical analyses of all of the materials, including the cement, used in making all of the tests except the compressive tests. The values given for Series II and III were obtained by combining the mechanical analyses of all the materials, including t.he cement, used in mak­ing all of the trsts of these serirs. TABLE 4 MECHAI\!OAL ANAL\"SES OF MATERIAL US.ED IN BROKEN S'l'ONE CONCRETE SiC\"C -----·­ 1~ % 'h \4 Vs :o 20 28 35 48 ().5 JOO 200 Size of open­ !ng in ~nches 1\4 1 % 'h \4 'h .065 .0328 .0'232 .0164 .om; .0082 .0058 .0029 Series IIISeries 1 Percent pass-· Percent pass-Percent pass-Percent pass­ ing for 1.63 ing for 11.30 ing for 1.61 ing for 10.53 aeks of ce-sacks of ce­ sacks of ce-sacks of ce­ ment per cubic ment per cubic ment per cubic ment per cubic yard yard yard yard ------------11------·I-----­ 97.8 97.8 96.0 96.0 80.2 80.2 83.1 8'2.9 70.6 70.6 72 .3 72.0 49.0 49.0 63.2 62.9 43.0 43.0 H .2 43 .9 38.2 38.2 39.8 39.i 33.3 33.3 34.0 33.7 28.3 30.3 28.0 30.4 24 .6 29.4 24. l 29 .2 21.2 28.6 21.1 28.5 18.3 28.0 16.8 28 .0 8 .S 27 .IJ 7.9 27.9 4. 7 27.J 4.8 27. l 3.3 21.8 3.5 21.8 'l'he values given above for Series I represent the results ob­ University of Texas B11lletin tained for this sel'ies by combining the mechanical analyses of all the materials, including the cement, used in making all of the ksts .except the compressive tests. The values given . for Series III were obtained by coml:)ining the mechanical analyses of all the materials, including the cement, used in making all of the tests of this series. *'l'ABLE 3 :11AT.i£HJAL FOR GRAVEL OONORE'l'E, SERIES I AND Il Prcportion of each material expreEsecl in percent by weight Sacks of Ccmm1t J~r Cu . I'd. of Cc~11cnt Concrete ----.--­ 1.66 4.16 3.8 9 .28 *5.54 I l4.40 15.82 14.40 5.96 14.40 8.45 ~0.30 9.67 '.03.20 11 .50 27 .90 Sand 50­ ---·­ 13 .34 8.22 3.10 3.10 3.10 0.0 0.0 0.0 of total dry rnaterial · Saud 12-50 11 .25 11 .25 11.25 11.25 11.25 9 .95 5.55 0.85 Sand 14-12 12 .00 12 .00 12.00 12 .00 12.0() 11. 74 12 .00 12.00 - Gravel %-1!. 29.50 29.50 29 .50 29 .50 29.50 28.91 29 .50 29.50 Gravel 11!.-% 29 .75 29 .75 29 .75 29 .75 29 .75 29 .10 29.75 29.75 '\"\ ater 7.71 6.73 . lJ.57 8 .20 6 .78 6.85 7.19 j .70 *'l'hc "very \Yet" mixture. tThe "wet" mixture. 'l'ABLE 6 lllA'l'ERIAL FOR GRAVEL CONCH.E'l'E, SERIES IlI Sacks of Cement J)er Ou. Yd. of Concrete l .64 3 .76 5.88_ 9 .18 10 .86 8.20 ProJ)ortion of each material expressed in oercent by weight o! total dry material ·-­-­ ·­-----­---­ Cement Sand Sand Sand Gravel Gravel ·\Yater 50­ 12-50 1.4-12 %-V. 11!.-% 4.16 12.34 11.25 12 .00 29 .50 W.75 8.12 9.28 8.22 11.25 12.00 29 .50 29 .75 'i .77 . 14 .4l 3!10 ll.25 12 .00 29.50 29.75 7.40 20.30 n.o 9.% 11 .74 28 .91 29.10 8 .31 23 .20 C' .0 5.55 12.00 29.50 29.75 9.20 27.90 0.() ().85 12 .00 29.50 29 .75 10.26 *'l'ABJ.. _E 7 )lA'l'EHIAJJ FOR B110KEX STONE COXCRE'I'E, SERlES I PrcJ)Ortion of each material expressed in percent by weight Sacks of Cement per Ou. Yd. of Cement Sand 5()­ Concrete -----1 ------· ­ 4.JC, 14 .3-1 J. .68 9.28 9.22 3.75 5.90 14.40 4.10 7.63 18.60 0. 00 9.45 23.20 0.00 27 .90 0.00 11 .30 of total dry material Sand 12-50 12.5-.'1 12.50 12.50 12.40 7.80 3 .10 Sand Stone I Stone Water \/,,-12 %-'4 11;.-:y. 11.75 28.50 28.75 8.S5 I' 11.75 28.50 28.75 <.9"2 11.75 28.50 28.75 7.50 ll.75 28.50 I 28.75 7.6Q ll .75 ~S .50 28.75 8.55 11.75 28.50 28.75 8.65 -~------------------­ *Sec page 6 for possible variations in proportions. Physical Properties of' Dense Conc1'ete " l '.lll LE 8 :.UA'l'ERIAL FOH, BROJrnX STO:\'E OOSOHE'l'E, SERIES lll I Prcportion of ench material expressed in percent by weight Jc~{,l~~to~erl --------of total dry material ·-----~· Cu . . Ld. of Cement Sand Sand Snnd Stone Stone \·\"atcr Concrete 50-12-50 1;,,-12 %.-'4 1\4-%. --· ·-­ J .61 4 'IG l -l. 3J 12 .50 11.75 28 .50 28 .75 9.58 3.63 9.28 9 .22 l~ . 50 11 .75 28.50 28 .75 9 .10 5.64 l J .40 U() 12 .50 ll .75 28 .50 28 .75 9.23 7.38 18.60 0.00 12 . ~0 11 . 75 28.50 28.75 9. 76 9 .0-2 10.53 I 23 .20 27.SO 0.00 0.00 i .80 3.10 11 .75 11. 75 28 .50 28 .50 28. 75 28 .75 10.J5 11.85 *The perce·ntages of the dry materials arc recorded the same as for Series I, although in some case.c: tho actual percentage dif­fered very slightly from the recorded one. To bring out as clearly as possible the sizes and intenclation of the component materials and to make evident the drnsity of the finished concrete, photographs were taken of polished section" madr frnm some cf the broken tensile spc·cimcns of the "six-· sack" and the "twelve-sack" concretes, both ?ravel and broken stone. Prom these photographs, which wore made to full siz:', typi<·al po1tions \\'ere selceted and nsed to make the Cll'ts shown -011 pp. 22 and 23. Consd:ency. For Series I, the consistency adopted nftm· mak­ing a tl'ial batch of conc1·Et e, was such that the conerctc \\'Ould not fiow bllt could be readily talllped to c0111plctcly fill the moulds. The ami:;uut of water neccc4t-:ai·y for each inix \\' II, a "very wet" "six sack" mixture was also made up in which 1L57% of water was used. For Series III, a wetter consistency than tho standard of Se­ University of Texas Bulletin "6 Sack" Broken Stone Concrete. (Full size) "6 Sack" Gravel Concrete. (Full size) Physioa,i Properties of Dense Concrete "12 ·sack" Broken Stone Concrete. (Full size) "12 Sack" Gravel Concrete. (Fuil size) University ol Te:ras Bulletin ries I and II was adopte.d, the concrete being so wet that, as mixed on the floor, it soon flowed and the mass flattened out, the p2rcentrtges of water being from 1110 to 1/3 greater than in the preceding tests. MIXING, MOULDING, STORING l'l1ixing and monlding. The concrete of Series I and II was machine mixed. 'l'he proportions having been detel'mincd for the various concretes, the materials were carefully weighed out and placed in the Smith four cubic foot mixer, the interior of \\'hiC'h had been previously wet. ·water was then added and the mixer allowed t o. run for five minutes at 19.4 r. p. m., after which the concrete was dumped into a wheel barrow and then placed in the moulds. In Series I, the concrete for each per­centage of cement for the tension, bond, permeability, and abra­sion tests was made on the same day, the mixing being done in two batches, and part of the specimens for each kind of test being made from one. batch and part from the other, except for the; permeability test specimen which was made from the fin;t batch. The concrete for the compressive specimc-rni, while mixed in two bntches for e&ch percentage of cement, was made at an· earlier date-. When the tests were made, some samples from each batch were used. In Series II, the specimens for all of the tests for each per­cent.age of cement were; ma.de at one time. 'l'he method of mixing in Series III differed from that in Series I and II, first, in that the materials were hand mixed: second, in that three: batches were made up on as many different days, for each percentage of cement, one specimen being made from each bat12h fol' each of the different kinds of tests. The materials were thomughly mixed dry on a cement floor, water was then added and the concrete turned until homogeneous and of uniform consistency. At the time of testing, one specimen from each of the three batches was used. Storage. After twenty-four hours in air, the specimens were removed from the moulds, except as later specified, and placed under water for eleven days. They were then remnved and in most cases some were immediately tested, while the remainder Physical Properties of Dense Concrete were kept in the dry air of the laboratory for testing at tht: various ages shown later. COMPRESSION TESTS S.cope vf the investigation. For the tests of Series I, one hundred and forty-four specimens, Eight inches in diameter ancl sixteen inc.hes Long, were made of the standard consistency. Onc­half of these were of broken stone concrete, the other half of gravel. For. each different percentage of cement, there were twE'lve specimens. Three of each kind were broken at age:-; oi 12 days, 28 days, and 3 months, and the remaining three were held for testing at the end of one year. In addition, twelve spe­cimens of "six sack" gravel concrete, the "wet" mixture, were made and tested as outlined above. For the tests of Series II, twelve specimens were made of gravel concrete, there being tvvo specimens for each different percentage of cement. One of each kind was broken at each series are the averages de­ termined by combining the individual results ;obtained from test­ ing the specimens of that series. Figs. 8 and 9 give the curves for the gravel concrete, while Figs. 10 and 11 give those for the broken stone concrete. These curves were determined by first plotting the individual r>esult of the test of each specimen for a given age for all series. The lowest points for a given series weve then joined in ;order with light straight lines. The next lowest points were then connected, and so on. This was done for -each series. The heavy curve was ob­ tainoe.d by averaging the unit breaking loads determined from the light curves for 1, 2, 3, -----11 sacks of cement per cubic yard ~.espectively. It accordingly represents average values as determined by combining the results of all thoe. series for a concrete .of given coarse aggregate and of a certain age. Particular attention is called to the values indicated by • e · o in Figs. 8 and 9. The first shows the results of the tests on the ''wet'' mixture ''six sack'' gravel concrete of Series I, the second, the same thing for Series II, while the last showR the results for the "very wet" mixture "six sack" concrete of this series. The curves of Fig. 12 show average values for Series I for the; different ages. These are based on the d·ata giwn in Tables !} and 12. 10000 r ~ 9000 t.J cc :3 5000 ~ ~ 7000 ().. if) D Z:. 6000 :::> t2 z:_ 5000 r t; 4 000 z:_ OJ (l:'. tn 3000 OJ > if) 2000 if) tLJ ex: CL. I: IOOO 0 u 0 NJ ~ "' ~· .,;;; _ <:::"'" a -....,., ""'l ,., "' "' "' ~ "' ~ """ ~· 10000 5 9000 z ~ 8000 ~ Cf 2 5000 ~ ; 4000 <.:J z w ::: 3000 Ji 2000 "'w "' ~ 1000 0 u 0 ~ -b ;:S "'" "' "' Q <::> ;:S " ;_;; "' ­ N) '.z> 10000 I u 9000 ~ i...J ~ 8000 :J CJ tf) . er: 7000 i...J CL 2 6000 r:. :::i ~ r. 5000 I t; 4000 r. i...J er:: tn 3000 (JJ > if\ 2000 tf) (JJ C!'. ~ IOOO 0 v 0 <:.¢ ~ ~­ ""... -~ ~ ~ <::, ;.., "" ~ ~ tt1 ~ .,..... "" ~· 10000 I u ~ 9000 lJ er: <( 58000 ~ ~ ii) 2000 .,.... "" cf\ lJ "" D:: ~ \000 0 u 0 0 2 3 4 s 6 1 e 9 10 II 12 C>:I SACKS Or CEMENT PE:R CUBIC YA RD OF CONCRETE. f--' Fig. 11. Ul-timate Compressive Strength of Broken Stone Concrete, Age 3 Months. v~ 8000 ·~ 5 7000 e= (,_] ll:: <1: :::> 6000 0 tfl c-:: er: --~. t.J <-; D-5000 V) ·% D ~­ r: '.::.::: 0 D-4000 ::J 2 ~ '"-3 r:: "' ~ t? ..:.·: r: 3000 (,_] t;j cc r- v, .,_ "' ~· (,_] '-'""-~ 2: 1000 tfl <{) UJ cc "­ 6 1000 u 0 0 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 11. .SACKS OF CEMENT PER CUBIC YARD OF CONCRLTE:. Fig. 12. Ultimate Compressive ·strength of Gravel and Broken Stone Concrete at Different Ages, Series I. Physical Properties of Dense Concrete · TABLE ' 'COMPRESSIVE S'l'R ENGTII OF GRAV.EL CO:' 0 VI (>: "-' Q._ Vl 3000 D r. :::> f2 ~ D ' <( g ~ r. :::> ,Fi~. 15. Avera~e Stress-strain Cµryes for J3r9!1;en St9ne ·C9ncrete1 00 C'.:i 02 "' ~· -; ... .,... "' <::: <::> -..,.. "'3 "' f.-l .,:; "' t:r;:i .: ~ "'.,... ~· Age 3 Months, Serie:;; I, :c 5000 u f ~ ri-1-+-+-+-_J_wLf1A~7/ i..J :::> 4000 ~ 1iv 5\ er: ,#_W lU ()_ ;Q 3000 r:. )(/ ,,.,, :::> ~ n --t-+--hv/a_-10.~ ....,;;; r:. <( ---t-+-J.--?J/~r:___J/I~ D 2000 g . , ,.;W,W" I­$[~'" f :::> 1000 /,w ~~ ....... _ l 0 " -A 0 3 4 5 6 0 GRAVEL CONCRETE 6000 I / '"ti ;;.­ 1$ I/ ""'..."' <"> )/ """ .~v i "" .~ JL?;Y 07 '""_/~/ ,,;P)Y ,,,,,,,,..,~ Y,I/ // IC ,., ~"·' ~ I 10 e IO DROKEN STONE CONCRETE. ~ Cb "i ..... .,.., "' "' - c t:I ;Z "' "' "' -c c ;Z <"> "i ..... "' "' UNIT DEFORMATIONS IN .OGO\ i:o "'° Fig. 15a, Average Stress-straill C11rvei; for Gravel aP. C> g ~ >­ r Ci ~ <:( '--' li...l l:5 if) 3 :::J C\ 0 2:: !000 900 800 'i:; ~ "' 700 g· ..... 600 1 <'> .... ;·""" 500 . "' -2.. 400 t::; ~ <'> 300 Q ;s ~ (":> 200 ;;; ~ 100 0 . >;'". IOOO r u ~ 900 U-1 Cl:: § 600 0 If) c:r:: 700 "-.I CL 600I 0 '"'0 0 0 500 z: >--400 t: u [;; 300 -'"S ~ ~ ~ ...... ~ ~· 6000 ' ! ]Y ' '' ~v :i:: 5000 u GRAVEL CONCRETE A9e 3 mo V,/ v '"tj f l---t-----1 -f1r~l Appl1ca11on /JL_V-1---.J---ri--+--+-t------i-r-----r---1 ;:.< (._____)_-,L_ ,,, !.J ~ Second Appl oca1oon /V/ / ""' § Third Apphcot1on / / [ ~ 4000 Cr: /V J/ :? ll.-~ (t> .., J) .,.. lW // ~/ / ~­ ~ 3000 ::;, "' ~ ~,/; /' // c ~ -t; 1 ;jl 2000 wl0'l v 1 J~, ""' (t> <'.".:) g t: ~~rlivo1 ./ 01 ~ ~vv~?10,L+.--/b7---+---l-1+--+------t---t------i "' ;Z c "L ;Z ::i <:> ~~f;( !11 /ft~ry~ ~vv · J .., IOOO (t> .,.. JG<-§ W /t/ j/ ,~o't,j;; I //;V ~/'/'. / VJ/'?,;~): _,"fr/ /~ /~/~ / (t> VY l~f' 171 v §/[;tV _/ ~~~ UNIT l/E:FORMATION'.:i JN ,0001 FiS', 18, Stress-strfl,in Curvei;; for Repeated Loads, Gravel Concrete, Series I, ~ II'­ *" 6000 G5000 r_ "-' ~ c:::: ;:5 ::::> ~· 0 4000 ii; VJ .... cc ,,... "' '""· <.:: ~ <::> .....,, C2 3000 '"3 r. ::i "'R 0 "'­ ~ ?::. t'1 ~ 2000 I ~ "',,... c3 _J ~­ t:: r_ ::::> UNIT DffORMATION'.':> IN .0001 Fig. 19. Stress-strain Cu rves for Repeated Loads, Broken Stone Concrete, ·series I. Physical Properties of Dense· Concrete TABLE 16 MODULUS OF ELAS'l'IOITY OF BROKEN S'.rONE CONCRE'l'E, SERIES (Each Hesult the Average of Tests of 'l'wo Specimens) Sacks of cement per cu. yd. of concrete 1. 63 3.75 5.11 7.63 9.45 11.3 Age 3 m onths Modulus of elasticity in pounds per square inch 1,500,000 4,000,000 5,500,000 5,500 ,000 5,600 ,000 5,100,0CO Ultimate unit compressive stress in pounds per square inch 602 2215 4930 5690 6515 6510 Age 1 year Ultimate unit Modulus of elasticity in compressive stress in pounds pounds per per square inch square Jnch *l ,000,000 590 3,600,000 2345 4965 4,900,000 5,200,000 6040 *4,900,000 6365 6970 5,400,000 *'I1hrce specimens. TABLE 17 MODULUS OF l~LAS'l'ICI'l'Y OF BROKEN STONE CONCRETE, SERIES III (Each Result the Average of 'l'ests of 'l'hree Specimens Except as Specified) Age 'l'hree Months Sacks of cement per cu . ycl. of concrete *1.61 3.63 5.64 7.::s 9.02 10.53 *'l\wo specimens. Modulus of E lasticity in pounds per square inch 800,000 3,000,000 4,700,000 4,6)(},0Gi'I 4,700,000 4,500,000 TENSION TESTS Ultimate unit compressive stress in pounds per sq. in. 412 1500 3190 4125 5050 4775 Scope of the ·investigation. For the tests of Series I, one hun­dred and eight specimens of standard consistency we:re made of such shape that they could be broken in tension. One half of these were of gravel concrete, the other half of broken storn:~. ·For each d1fferent percentage of cement, there wer e, nine speei­mens. Three of each kind were broken at ages of l 2 days, 28 days, and 3 months. In addition, nine specimens of"six sack" gr.av el concrete, the ''wet'' mixture, were made and tested. For the t ests of Se1ries II, eighteen specimens were made of the gravel concrete, there being three specimens for each differ­ent percentage of cement. One of -each kind was broken at ages of 12 days, 28 days, .and 3 months. In addition, six specimens of ''six sack'' gravel concrete, three of the ''wet'' mixture and three of the ''viery wet'' mixture, were made and tested. For the tests of Serieach side, connecting the four hangers in sets of two anci University of Texas Bulletin serving to transmit the pull to the specimen to be tested. These two bolts were held the proper distance apart by two spacing bars. When the test was to be made, the roller was placed on the fixed cross-head (for upper holder) and connected by the eye bolts, which were passed through the opening in the cross­head, to the cylindrical piece from which the hangers were sus­pended. This cylinder was set so that its axis was at right angles to the axis of the roller. This arrangement, together with the connection made by the two eye bolts, permitted the appar­atus to adjust itself to any inaccuracy in centering, etc. Each specimen was carefully centered and the load applied continuously by motor causing the cross-head to move down at 'the rate of about .05 of an inch pe -'"'3 "" "" ~ ti:: ~ .,.... .,.... .,..,. ""... ;:> IOOOJ I CJ 900) ~ l.J er I 800 ~ 400I -t:::i I I­ ;;> "" z " "' UJ "" 300I er C':: c ;;> lri \:'; UJ 200 ~ .,.... _J V'i "" z li...J IOO f­ 0 'l 10 12 , C)1 SACKS OF CE:ME:NT PE:R CUBIC YARD Or CONCRETE I-' Fig. 24. Ultimate Tensile Stren gth of Gravel Concrete, Age 3 Months. 1000 :r: 900 u ~ w llOO cr: <( :::i ~ 700 er: lU D.. 600 if) D z: :::i 500 i2 ?:. -400 :r:: 1-­ \.'.} 6 300 Cc: 1-­ -... "'3 1:'l "" ~ ~ ~ ..... .,... "" ~· IOOO r u ~ 900 w er: <( BOO :J 0 tf) cc 700 LU CL V} bOO D r. :::i 2 500 ~ :r: 400 1­ CJ r. LU 300 IX: ti) !W 200 _j if) z: 100 1W 1­ 0 :;: "' [ '"ti ~ ~ "'I "' <-+­ - "' ~· <:> ~ "' i; "' a § <:> ~ <-+­ "' o:> Cil 1000 .... r u 900 z ~ 800 <1: ~ 0 V\ 700 er: ~ ;· iW Ci.. 600 "" ~ V) .,>. .,.._ 0 z "" ::i 500 ~ 6'. '""'3 z .., ""' 400 z; I l;;lj 1­ ~ \'.J .,..., .,..., z 300 w .,.._ er ""' ~ .,.. · t;; 200 w _J ;:;) i5 100 I­ 0 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 () 9 10 II 12 SACKS OF CEMENT PER CUBIC YARD OF CONCRE:.TE Fil?. 27. Ultimate Tensile 'Strength of Broken Stone Concrete, Age 3 Months. r u ~ 500 uJ ()::'. § 0 <[) ()::'. 400 UJ D­ ~ r_ ::> ~ 300 r_ :r:: r­ c:i r_ UJ 1.00 ()::'. ~ ':] Ji r_ w 100 r­ ,.,,, ~ "' b' .,, .,... ,.,,, ci ~ "'l .,.... .... "' "' c ....... "' ~ "" ~ Q ~ 5 "'l "".,.. "' <:.l1 <:,Tl University of Texas Bitlletin 'l.'ABLE 18 'l'E:\'SILE S'l'REJ\GTJ:I OF GRAVEL 00:\'0RE'l'E, SERIES (Each Result the Average of 'l'hrco Specimens 5"x5") ------. ------------------------­ Ultimate unit stress in pounds per square incb Racks of cement per cu . yd . of concrete Age 12 days J. 66 39 t54 3.80 193 236 I 247 275 *5.8"2 296 33'25.93 8.45 330 335 9.67 324 349 11.50 32-3 316 11 •The "wet" mix. 1Two specimens. 'l.'ABLE 19 TE:\"SILE S'l'RE:\'G'l'J:I OF GRAVEL '00:\'0RE'l'E, SERIES II (Each Result from '11est of One St)ecimen 5"x5") --------·-----------·-----­ Ultimate unit stress in pounds per square inch Sack s of cement per cu . :rd. of concrete 1.66 3.80 *5.54­ t5. (5.82) 5.93 (5.96) S.45 9.67 11 .55 (11 .50) Age 12 days Age 28 days Age 3 montbs 48 212 176 200 312 371 ·121 372 80 332 231 324 378 357 404 304 116 358 273 387 484 386 46~ 320 .i,rl'hc "very wet" mfxture. tThc "wet" mixture. 'l'ABLE 20 'fEJ\SILE STRENGTH OF GRAVEJ, 00:\'0RE'l'E, SERIES III (Each Result the Average of 'Tests of ,.l'wo Specimens 5"x5'') Age 3 montbs 71 299 317 432 416 414 429 Ultimate unit stress in pounds per square inch Sacks of cement per cu . yd. of concrete 1.64 3.76 5. 8 .20 9.18 10.81\ Age 12 days 38 173 246 287 256 275 Age 28 days 70 253 308 281 238 281 Age 3 montbs 72 2H 350 366 335 294 'l'ABLE 21 TE:\'S[LE S'l'RENG'l'J:I OF BROKEN STO:s'E OONORE'l'E, SERIES (Each Resu lt th e A ,·crngc of 'l'ests of 'l'hree Specimens f/'xfl'J Ul timate unit stress in pounds per square inch Sacks of cement per cu . ycl. of concrete 1.63 3.75 5.90 7.63 9.45 11.30 Age 12 days Age 28 days 38 171 277 352 339 364 ~-10 211 254 346 2ll4 363 Age 3 months 70 265 406 463 444 388 *Two specimens. Physioal Properties of Dense Concrete T ABLE 22 'l'E~SILE S'l'RENG'l'H OF BROKEN S'l'ONE OONORE'l'E, SERIES III (Each Result the Average of 'l'ests of '.rhree Specimens 5"x5") Sacks of cement per cu . Yd . of concrete 1.61 3 .63 5 .64 7 .3cl 9.Cf2 10 .53 Ultimate unit stress in pounds per square incb Age 12 days 36 116 223 294 336 337 Age 28 days 48 164 260 28'2 282 285 Age 3 montbs 62 184 345 374 372 317 TRANSVERSE TESTS Scope of the investigation. For the tests of Series II (no transverse tests were made in Series I), eighteen specimens were made of the gravel concrete, theire being three specimens for each different percentage of cement. ' One of each kind was broken at ages of 12 days, 28 days, and 3 months. In addition, six specimens of "six sack" gravel concrete., three of the "wet" mixture and three of the "very wet" mixture, were made and tested. For the tests of Series III, thirty six spwimens were made of the gravel con&ete and fifty four of the broken stone concrete. For each different percentage of cemE·nt, there were six speci­mens of gravel and nine of broken stone, concrete, one third of which were tested at the age of 12 days, one third at the age of 28 days, and the remainder after 3 months. Monlds. For making the be.ams, moulds which had been used in some former tests were adapted to the! size required for this experiment. These were l'ectangular in cross-section, about six feet long, and were made of two-inch plnllEd lumber. Rest­ing on the bottom, which consisted of a single board 10 inches wide, >v·ere the side pieces, 8 inches high, which ·were held six inches apart by two end pieces. These were kept in position by cleats nailed to the sides. The various pa.rts were held to­gether and the sides pre!vented from spreading by yokes drawn up tightly about the mould with long bolts. On the removal of the bolts, the side and end pieces could l'eadily be removed. As it was desired to have speocimens of 6"x6"x3' -0", it ·was neces­sary to place on the bottom of the mould a piece two inches University of Texas Bulletin thick and to insert at th21 middle a galv;anized iron plate which divided the mould so that two beams three fee:t long could be made. Jrlixing, placing, etc. The concrete for each percentage of cem2nt was mixed as already described and placed in the moulds in layers of about two inches and thoroughly tamped. The specimens were smoothed off on top iand the next day they were carefully ranoved from the moulds and stol'ed as in the pre­ceding tests until the time of breaking. Testing. One specimen for each batch mixed was broken at the end of each period. 'l'he beams wi:,re tested on an Olsen three-screw 100,000# uni­versal testing machine. The method of applying the load, to­gether with the essential dimensions, is shown in the sketch, Fig. 29. An 8" I beam was first laid flat 9n the weighing table of the 1------------->•"-----------j Fig. 2 9. Sketch 'Showing Method of Testing Concrete Beams. machine. On this were placed the two supports consisting of wood blocks, turned to a radius of about three inches on the under side ·with a semi-circular groove on the top side, in which rested a 1 114" iron roller. These supports were spaced the proper distance apart and the beam placed directly on the: rol" lers, no plates being inserted between the two. On the top side were usEd two blocks with rollers similar to those used on the under side, except that the blocks were inverted as can be seen on the drawing. By means of 1a short wooden beam under which the1 specimien was carefully centered by using the plumb Physioal Prop.erties of Dense Concrete bob shown in the sketch, the load was transferred from the movable cross-head to the two rollers on the top of the concrete beam. The above arrangement pe•rmitted of an even bearing at both load and support points, avoiding the bad effects of any twist or inequality in the beam to be tested. During the test, the machine was operated slowly and continuously by motor up to rupture. Results. Table 23 gives the results of the tests of Series II, the gravel concrete. Table 24 gives the results of the tests of the gravel concrete of Series III, while Table 25 gives those of the broken stone concrete• of this series. These values were deter­mined by calculating the moment at the center due to the weight of the beam and the ultimate load and applying the formula for flexure, Mc=SI. Figs. 30 to 32 show the curvrn for the gravel concrrte and Figs. 33 to 35 give those for the broken stone concrete. On these curve she.ets will be found a point for the test of each beam. The light curves were determined by joining in order the points showing the results of individual tests for each series, while the heavy curves were obtained as already described for the com­pressive tests and represent average values of all series for a concrete of a given coarse aggregate and of a certain age. Particular attention is called to the results of the tests Oll the "wet" mixture and the "very wet" mixture of Series II. These are shown in Figs. 30 to 32. 'l'ABLE 23 MODULUS OF RUPTURE OF GRAVEL OONORE'l'E, SERJES II (Each llilsult from Test of One Beam) Sncks of cement per cu . yd. of concrete l.66 3 .SO *5 .54 t5.8& (5 .82) 5.93 (5.96) 8. 45 9 .6'i 11.55 (11.50) Modulus of rupture in pounds per square inch Age 3 montbs Age 12 days Age 28 days -----------1--------1------­95 132 296 436 547 366 401 464 464 563 690 519 435 602 544 520 470 5q() fi51 .-:.,27 011 581 *The "verv wet" mi:'\. tThe "wet" 1n ix. :i:: u ~ w r£ <( :::> a Vl cc w C>.­ ~ r. ::i ~ r:. t...J ~ ::i I­ D.. ::i cc li­ 0 If) ::i _J ::i D 0 L: 1000 900 000 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 CS> c::j ;> ~· ~ ~ ~ <::: ~ ~ ~ !-1 ~ ti;;; ;;:: ~ ~ .,.... ~­ "'::; ;::­ ~ "' ~· i::.. '}j ~ ~ .,.;.. "'· -"' "' c "' ;z ~ "' "' Q c ~ (":) "i .,.... "' "' O> I-' 0 2 Fig. 1000 I u 900 ~ w cr :§ 800 Cf 0 Cl. 500 ~ L.J 400 cr ::> f-­ ~ "00 ll::: i... 0 200 Ul ::> _J ::> /00 Q 0 l: CJ':> N) C::::! ;2 ~­ "' ~ .... ..... ~ c -.., 8 "' ~ \;:> "" O::I ~ ..... "' ~­ 1000 :c v ~ 900 L..J ex: ~ 800 ~ cc w 700 CL ~ z: 600 '.) 0 CL 500 z: UJ ~ 400 f- D... ::J ex: 300 u... 0 if) 200 ::J _J :::i § 100 2: 0 "ti ;:s"' <.: .... "' 2 ~ "ti ci ~ .., "' .,... "' ~· ·~ b ~ ;;; "' \'.".) <::> ;Z C> .., "'.... "' 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 9 10 II cro 0 -;,: 1000 I u ~ 900 w cr :§ 800 0 if) 700 w er Cl.. 8 600 z ::::> 0 Cl. 500 ~ w 400 ():'. ::::> I­ ~ 300 cr !.... 0 200 if) ::::> _J 100 ::::> a 0 L CS> N> c:::j ;l ""· <:: <.'> ~ ,,... ""· <:;;: <::> -., ""3 <.'> 1:-l .::. "' ~ ~ <.'> ,,... ~­ 1000 :r: I..) ~ 900 t...J ~ ~ 800 cc w 700 0... ~ r. 600 :::> 0 0... 500 r. UJ ~ 400 f­ (L :J p::: 300 lL 0 <{) 200 :::i __J :::i g 100 L "'1j ;:so <..: "' "'· 2 """' "'1j .... C> ~ ;l. «>"'· "' C> ....... b ~ «> "' (°'::) C> ;::! ~ '"' '"' ~ ~ °' IOOO :r: 900 \J ~ "-1 ~ eoo :::i a Vl 700 Ct: t.J 0... If) 600 C> ~ :::i 2 500 ~ ~ 400 :::::> I- Cl­::J 300 Cl'.: "-­ 0 200 U) :::i _J :::i 8 100 L: ii:­ °" ~ <;· "" ~ ""· <-+­ <:<::: ~ "".3 "" ~ "' ~ ~ ~ ...... <-+­ "" ~­ IOOO :r u ~ 900 LJ Ck'. ·<{ :::> 800 c oil e:; 700 a_ :::> ~ 500 z LJ 400 Ck'. ::::> I-. ~ 300 er i.... 0 200 :::> "' 6_j . 100 0 :L 0 0 2 3 4 '.:> 6 7 5 9 JO II SACKS OF C[M[NT PE'R CUBIC YARD OF CONCRETE Fig. 35. Modulus of Rupture of Broken Stone Concrete, Age 3 Months. 'i:j :;:.­ <:::: "' ()· ~ 'ti ..., c ~ e.;. "'· "' "" c '-..,., b "' ;:l "' "' Q <:' ;:l .., "' .,.,.. "' "' CJ• °' University of Texas B idletin '.PABLE 24 MODULUS OF lWP'l'URE OP GR.AVEL CONCRE'.PE, SERIES III (Each Result the Average from '.rests of '.rwo Beams) ,, ____ _ odulus ____ Mof rupture in pounds per square inc.h Sacks of cement per cu. yd. of concrete Age 28 daysAge 12 days ___ ____,____ _ *96 *70 1.64 528301 3.76 3864605.88 449 4~3 8.20 404 5209.18 370492 10.86 Age 3 months *151 430 556 562 *510 434 *One specimen . TABLE 25 MODUT, US OF RUP'l'URE OF BROKE:'.-! STO::-i'E CONCRETE, SERIES III (Each Result the Average from 'l'ests of Three Beams) Modulus of rupture in pounds per square inch Sacks of cement per cu . . yd. of concrete 1.61 3.63 5.64 7.38 9.02 10.53 Age 12 days *274 400 007 598 586 Age 28 days 81 252 478 t484 515 547 ·---­ Age 3 months *71 328 531 563 610 545 *One specimen . tTwo specimens. BOND TESTS Scope of the investigation. For the tests of Series I , seventy two specimens of standard consistency were made, each a con­crete cylinder about six inches in d~ameter and seven inches long, embedded in which was a %" round steel rod. One half of these were of broken stone1 concrete, the other half of gravel. For each different percentage nf cement, there were six speci­mens. Three of each kind were broken at ages of 12 days and 28 days to obtain the unit bond stress at first slip of steel, taken at a slip of .0002 of an inch, at a slip of .001 of an inch, and at failure. In addition, six . specimens of ''six sack'' gravel con­crete, the ''wet'' mixture, were ·made and tested as outlined above. For the tests of Series II, eighteen specimens were made of the gravel concrete, there being three specimens for each dif­ferent percentage of cement. One of each kind was broken iat ages of 12 days, 28 days, and 3 months. In addition, six speci­ Physioal Pn1perties of Dense Concrete mens of "six sack" gravel concrete, three of the "wet" mixture 'and three of the "very wet" mixture, were made1 and tested. For the tests of Series III, thirty six specimens were made of the gravel concrete and fifty four of the broken stone concrete. For each dilferent percentage of cement, there were six speci­mens of gravel and nine of broken stone: concrete, one third of which were tested •at the age of 12 days, one third at the age of 28 days, and the remainder after 3 months. Moulds. For making the bond tests, some1 effiilltY tin cans about six inches in diameter and seven inches long, were used as moulds. The to·p of the can was removed and a hole made in the centEir of the bottom through which could be passed the rod to be tested. This can was set on a wooden frame holding a l"x8" laid flat and containing holes slightly larger than the diameter of the rods. About fourteen inches beneath this piEce was a second l"x8" parallel to the first and with holes vertically below those in the top piece. Immediately beneath was a sup­port for the rods. Through the opening in the bottom of the can and the two holes in the boards, the rod was passed and in this way held in position during the placing of the concrete. The rod was allowed to project above the mould about two inches. Steel. The steel was %" round stock material, free from rust but not polished or rubbed smooth. Mixing, placing, etc. The concrete for each percentage of cement was mixed as already described and placed in the moulds in layers of two to three inches, being thoroughly tamped. After setting until the next day, the specimens were placed under water, without having the tin cover removed, and stored as already described until the time for breaking. Testing. The specimens of Series I broken at the end of each period were sclected so that part were ti;iken from the first batch mixed and part from the second batch. In Series II and III, one specimen from each batch mixed was broken at the end of each period. Several hours before breaking, that part of the specimen against which the force would be exerted in the trnt was covered with a thin layer of plaster of Paris on the outside of the, can to give a smooth bearing. An Olsen 100,000 pound universal machine was used to make the tests. In order that the load at first slip and the corres­ University of T exas Bulle.t'in ponding slips for subsequent loads might be obtained, a special attachm,ent was required to measure the movement of that part Fig. 36. Sketch Showing Apparatus Attached to Bond Specimen for Determining the 'Slip of Bar. of the rod projecting through the top of the concrete. This ap­paratus (See Fig. 36) consisted of two steel uprights fastened to the, specimen by four thumb-screws and kept from spreading at the lower ends by a circular band enclosing the can and at the top ends by a bar passing about 6 or 7 inches over the specimen. To this bar was attached the dial used in the compressive tests. A fine >vire passed .around the cylinder connected to this dial and was fastened through a clamp to the end of the rod. By means of this apparatus, the movement of the bar could be measured to 115,000 of an inch. In the tests of Series I, the specimen was placed on a steel plate with a leather. pad on top of the fixed cross-head of the machine with the rod sticking· down through the opening. After carefully cente,ring the specimen, the rod was connected to the movahle cross-head with the wedges. In the tests of SeriES II and III, two plates with holes, through which the rods would p.ass, were used. One was placed on top of the fixed cross-head, resting on it, and one was placed on the under side of the speci­men to be tested. The projecting rod was gripped by the mova­ Physioal Properties of Dense Concrete ble cross-head which was moved down until there was not more than about 1/s of an inch between the plate on the fixed cross­head and the other one when held tightly against the specimen. Between these two plates, four small wedges were then inserted and lightly driven into place so that the specimen had an even bearing. The specimen being properly placed, the dial and frame were attached and the zero reading of the pointer taken. The load was then slowly applied, the cross-head moving down at the rate of about .05 of an inch per minute. One observer kept the beam balanced and took the load while a second took slip read­ings on the dial. These observations were continued until the highest load vvas obtained. In all of the 28-day tests and some of the 12-day tests of Series I, the bars were completely pulled out of the specimm resisting the greatest pull and the one standing the; least pull in each set of speicimens, and the cylinders of concrete remaining were then tested in conpression after removing the tin cans. Resitlts. Tables 26 to 28 show the unit bond stresses for gravel concrete at first slip, or slip of .0002 of an inch, at slip of .001 of an inch, and at failure. The total loads by which the first set of values was obtained were read off the beam of the testing machine when the wire wound dial showed a movement of the bar equal to .0002 of an inch. The1 intermediate values are based on the load-slip curves for the different specimens. Tables 29 and 30 show the results for the broken stone concrete determined as just outlined for the gravel concrete. The curves for the 12-day and 28-day results are shown in Figs. 37 and 38 for the gravel concrete, which in Figs. 39 and 40 are shown the corresponding curves for the broken stone con­crete. Particular attention is cal~ed to the values indicated by • Figs. 37 and 38 and by ~ and o of these figures. The first shows the results of the ''six sack'' ''wet'' mix of Series I, the second those of the ''wet'' mix of Series II, and the third those of the "very wet." mix of th.is series The method of plotting these curves and of determining t'he av­erage curve for eHch kind of concrrte at a given age is the same as that already described under the compress.ion tests. -.:i ~ ;:;· "" ""l ;:;: "' <.:: <;:, -""3 ~ "'"' ~ E: <-!­ °" ~· 12 Days, at Slip of Steel of .0002 and .001 of an Inch. :r: v r:. w ~ ::i $'{ CL tr II"\ p. z:. 6 . 500 i:... z:. ;;:; 400 If) L...I ~ 300 C>. L. 2 200 •) I-§ 1000 goo 800 700 600 100 0 1000 r: u 900 ~ tJ er:: 800 4: :J a <() 700 (l:: tJ Cl.­ 600 <() 0 z :::> 0 500 0.. z If) 400 "1 tJ I>'. lri 300 0 z as 200 t: z 100 :::> 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 b q 10 I I 12. SACKS OF CEMENT PER CUBIC ' 800 a VI !:j 700 ().._ ~ 600 -r_ ::i i!2 500 r_ {) 400 {) l.J flC ln 300 D6 200 IQ I­ 100 z: :::> 0 1:-:l c:::: E­ ~ ~­ <:::: ;::: ~ "'-3 ;;..... "" ;:; "' Oj .,..... "" ~ ~· IOOO :r: i! 900 LU ~ "ti :::> ;::.­ CJ <:::: if\ ... "' {r. 700 g .... ~ "ti .., If\ 600 C> 0. ~ r. .., ;t: 6 soo I I P­ "' - "' C> r. 400 I \:::1 If\ If\ "' ;::;: !LI tx:: "' t-300 I "' cf) <:":) 2 c::; ..., ~ ""' <-+. "' in "' ~ ::> 3 4 5 6 TB 9 10 II 5ACK::i Of CEMENT PER CUBIC YARD Or CONCRETE -"! c: Fig. 40. Bend Stress for Broken Stc·n~ Concrete, Age 28 Days, at Slip of Steel of .0 002 and .001 cf an Inch. Univei·sity of Texas Bulletin The results of the· compressive tests of Series I made -on the bond specimens from which the rods had been pulled are not given here; however, it can be said in general for any mix that that specimen testing highest in bond also showed higher unit compressive strength than the one, testing lowest in bond. This however was not always the case. Furthermore, the average unit crushing strengths obtained by compressing the; concrete used in the bond tests were much lower than those determined from the special compression tests of similar mixes, the ratio running from 6110 to 9/10. TABLE 26 BO:\D STRENGTH OF GRAVEL 00:\0HETE, SERIES I (Each Result the Average of 'l'ests of ,.l'hree Specimens. Diameter of Bar Was %"" with Depth of J-:mbedment of 7" . Plain Round Rods Used) Sacks of cement per cu. yd. of concrete 1.66 3.80 *5 .82 5.96 8 .45 9 .67 11.50 Unit bond stress in Unit bond stress in Ultimate unit bond pounds per square inch pounds per square inch stress in pounds at slip of .000-2 of an inch at slip of .001 of au inch per square inch -_ _ ______ ___,______ _ _ Age 12 days \Age 28 days ..\ge 12 dayslAge 28 days Age 12 days\Age 28 days --t3f~ ---:---~~r---350 ---tm 1·---:­ 200 335 295 380 430 445 340 330 425 430 §725 l650 320 34() 400 400 =I =1505 =I = =I ~ ~765 ----··· * " Wet" mixtnre. trrwo specimens. tElastic limit of steel passed in case of one specimen. §E lastic Jimit of steel passed in case of two specimens. ifElastic limit of steel passed in case of three specimens. TABJ, E 27 DO:\D S'l'REl\G'l'H OF GRAVEL 0 0:\0RE'l'E, SEl~IES II (Each Hesult Determined from the 'l'est of One Specimen. 'l'he Diameter of tbe Bar Was %" with Deptb of Embectmcnt of 7" . Plain Round Rods Were Used) Sacks of cement per cu. yd. of concrete l.66 3.80 t5.54 *5.86 (5 .82) 5. fl3 (5 . 96) 8 .45 9.67 Jl. 55(1J.50) *rl'hc "wet" Unit bond stress in Unit bond stress in pounds per square pounds per square Ultimate unit bond inch at sli p of inch at s1ip of stress in pounds .0002 of an inch .001 of ao inch per square inch 45 340 400 355 370 560 380 mixture. trl'hc "very wet" mixture. !Elastic limit of steel vass 1ci 60 145 70 150 145 75 485 455 345 490 415 520 655 535 435 660 l680 460 680 410 5:30 510 535 615 510 650 580 !735 365 510 [)65 400 400 1690 170 170 500 490 555 !730 !765 !&'30 ~71 5 -~ 71 5 !715 !754 1690 t690 !600 J>hysical Properties of Dense Concrete rrABJ....E 28 BOND S'l'RENG'l'H OF GRAVEL CO="CRE'l'E, SERIES III (Each Result the Avelage of 'l'ests of Two Specimens Except as Noted. The Diameter of the J3ar Was %" with Depth of Embcdment of 7" . Plain Round Rods Wer~ Used) Sacks of cement per cucoi~·~ et~f l .OJ sro ;) 88 8 .20 9.18 10.86 ~mt bo~cl strnss 1n Uo1t bond stress in I pounds l)Ct square l)Ounds per square Ultimate unit bond mch at slip of 111ch at slip of stress in pounds !Ag:002 ~g:o m~:ge .. A~~lf o:;: _me~ _A;:er sq:::e 1ne~ge 1 ~~~28 cl_:~ 3 mo._ 12 days12s da~2-.'._1:_':.:._ 12 days,28 days~ 70 120 235 80 1 130 2•15 120 165 285 a ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~~ ~~5 1 *660 440 5:J5 !740 I t750 425 1 520 530 450 560 620 1704 !720 H 5 580 *565 450 I 640 *620 580 !710 t680 1 •125 *475 460 *535 615 !730 t680 --·-----· -··---------------------------------···­ *Result of test of one specimen. tElastic limit of steel passed in case of one specimen. !Elastic limit of steel passed in case of two specimens. TABLE 29 BOND S'l'RE:s'G'l'H OF BROKE=" S'l'Ol\E OONOHE'l'E, SERIES I (Each Result the Average of Tests of Three Specimens. Diameter of Bar was %" with Depth of Embcdment of 7". Plain Round Rods Used) Sacks of i Unit bond stress in J Unit bond stress in Ultimate unit bond pounds per square inch pounds per squ are inch stress in pounds cement per cu. yd. of Ht slip of .0002 of an inch at s lip of .001 of an inch per square inch conc rete ___________;__________,_ _________ Age i:_daysr ge_:s days Age ~2 clays Age zs cl ays Age 12 days *50 *75 *110 1.63 275 *265 280 'J(295 3103.75 3~5 4•JO 445 1400 570 5.90 325 315 850 335 5157.65 2:30 280 245 320 470 9.45 205 235 245 260 555 *rrwo specimens . t1.. 1~1:;Lic li rnit of steel pa ssed in case of one soccimen . 1·1.ao '!'ABLE 30 Age 23 clays *345 !595 565 t&5 495 BO:\D S'l'RC\GTH OF BROKE=" S'l'O:s'E COl\ORWl'E, SERIES III (Each Resu lt the Average of r ests of rl'hree Specimens, except as Notecl. rrhe Diameter of llar Was Sacks of cement per cu. yd. of concrete J .61 3.63 :1.( .J 7.38 9.0-2 10.53 *'l'wo specimens . %" with, Depth of Embcclment of 7" except for Last Half, Where Det)th Was 5". Plain Hound Rods were Usccl) Unit boncl stress in pounds per squa re inch at slio of .0002 of an inch Age IAge IAge ~-.'.:!_:_~ 28 cl.:_:= 3 mo._ 55 105 00 *7j0 *820 *765 ~ l~ I ~ *560 715 *575 ~ ~ ~ U ni t bond stress in Ultimate unit bondpounds per square stress in pounds .001 of an inch inch at slip of per square inch Age j Age IAge Age I A~e I Age 12 c~_: ~ cla~ ~~ 12 daysl~ clays~ 65 ll5 130 100 135 180 ~*760 *640 1 ~ 775 1 = *730 ~*860 *800 l ~!1015 !885 I ~tll45 !1055 ~ - • - m ~ tJ~ lastic limit of str.el passed in case of one specimen . !Elastic lim it of steel passed in case of two ~J)ecimens. University of Texas Biilletin PERMEABILITY 'fES'fS Scope of the investigation. For these tests, made only in Se­ries I, twelve specimens of the standard: consistency .yere made from which thirty six small specimens were prepared. One half of these were of broken stone concrete and the other half of gravel. For each percentage of cement, there was one large specimen. To find the permeability, these specimens were sub­jected to water pressures of ten, thirty, and fifty pounds per square inch. In addition, a specimen of the ''six sack'' gravel concrete, the ''wet'' mixture, was prepand and tested. 111oiilds. The moulds used in making the specimens for the permeability tests consisted of pieces of No. 24 galvanized iron pipe four inclw:; in inside diameter and fourteen inches long. Mixing, placing, etc. The moulds with the inside walls free from grease, clean and bright, were placed on a greased galvan­ized iron plate. The concrete for each percentage of cement was mixed in one batch as already described and put in place in layers of about three inches, being tamped with an iron rod one inch in diameter and weighing two and one half pounds. The specimens were smoothed off on top and after one day were stored under water without removing the moulds. After twelve days from the time of mixing, they were removed from the water and left in dry air until tested. Testing. The speicimen was prepared for testing by sawing three equal lengths out of the middle without removing the cov­ e,ring, making three pieces four .inches in diameter and four . inches long. On the top and bottom of each of these but separ­ ated from the concrete by rubber packing, two and one half inch pipe flanges were placed. Connecting these flanges were five bolts which were tightly drawn up so that no water could leak around the packing. One opening was bushed down for 0onnect­ ing a pressure pipe, while the other opening was left free for water leaking through to pass out. This arrangement reduced to a minimum the effect of any leakage between the concrete and the wall of the enclosing pipe mould. 'l'he area exposed to the water pressure was about 514 square inches. These small specimens, six at a time, were connected with the city water mains by means of three-quarter inch pipes. To the Physical Properties of Dense Concrete main inlet pipe, a pressure gage was attached together with a valve and waste pipe for regulating the. pressure. When a test was to be run, the pressure was set and the amount of leakage was obtainE·d by4l catching and taking the time required. This ~as repeated at intervals after the specimens 'had been subjected to pressure for different periods. 'l'ests like the above were made for unit pressure of 10 pounds per square inch at the a?,e of one month, 30 pounds per square inch at two months, and 50 pounds per square inch at three months. The leakage was caught and accurately weighed whenever of sufficient amount, while for the more impervious specimens, the appear.ance of the free s1n·­ face was noted as to whether it was wet, moist, or dry. After the completion of these tests, the iron cover was re­moved and the condition of the sides carefully examined. The specimen in each set showing up worst in respect to the ''pock­ets" in the concrete: or apparent leakage along the walls (if this specimen also appeared to show the greatest leakage) was then excluded in arriving at conclusions in regard to the permea­, bility of the concrete. Otherwise the results from all these spe­ cimens were recorded. After this inspection, the spe:cimens were dressed down on the sides with an emery wheel to take off the thin skin of neat cement which had flushed to the surface due to the tamping of the concrete. They were then thoroughly dried out until they ceased to lose weight. On removal from the drying oven, they were imm~rsed in water and kept there until they ceased to gain in weight. The total increase in weight was then com­ pared ·with the initial weight when dry. In this way a measure of their porosity was obtained. Resitlts. The results of the permeability tests are shown in tables 31 to 36 and those of the porosity tests are given in tables 37 and 38. University of Texas Bulletin TABLE 31 P£R.)1£ABILI'l'l: 'l'ES'l' Of<' GRAVfl, CO:\'CRE'l'E UNDER PRESSURE OF TEN POUKDS P ER SQUARE INCH, SERIES I (Age at 'l'imc of 'l'est About One Month) passing tbrough' in 5 minutes and con­ Sacks of cement per cu. ycl. of concrete No . of spec. Number of grams of wadi ti on 1 br . 6 hrs . 1 day --­---­-­-moist 3.0 'U ) --­-­--­-moist m oist mois t 2 dry 2 dry 1 moist 1 moist dry on edge on edge clry dry clry dry clry dry ter l.IJ6 3.80 *5.82 5.96 8.45 9.67 Iclry dry clry _ _ _ ._____ _ 11.50 1 S 11 clr > dry d1 y of surface of specimen 2 days 1. 3 0.01 dry dry dry 2 dry 1 moist after being under pressure 3 clays 4 days 5 clays 6 days o.75 1.C8 1.0 - ---moist 1 ---­O. OG4 mo ist clry dry dry dry clrl" dry clry dry 2 dry 2 clry J. dry 1 moist l moist Z moist on eclge ~n edge ~n edge on e~ 2 dry I 2 dry11 moist l mOist on edge Ion edge *The "wet" mixture. 'l'ABLE 32 PER~IEABILITY TES'l' OF GRAVEL CONCRE'l'E U:' 3 1 .63 3 3 9.45 -­ 11.30 3 r-..·umbcr of grams of water passing through in 5 minutes ancl con· dition of surface of specimen after being under pressure 1---------·~--·~-----------------­ l !Jr. ~ moist cl ry I-a;:;­ I dry moiEt Ion edge Sacks of cement per cu . yd. of concrete 1.63 3.7:) 5.90 7.63 9 .43 11 .3() 1 l1r. 5().0 moist on cclge dry 3 dry I ~r-~ II moist on eclge ABSOHP'J.'TO~ 1 clay I 2 days 6 ilrs . __:~~I 0.05 ---:--­0.04 moist clry on edge -a;;--a;:;­ 2 dry dry l moist moist moi~t on cclgc on cclge 6 hrs . 1 day CS .6 48.2 moist moist clry 2 dry J moist 2 dry 1 mois t 2 dry 1 moist 2 dry ~~ 0.02 clry -a;:;­ 2 dry 1 moist 1 dry 2 moist 1on cage 2 days •15 .0 m?t 2 dry ·1 moist 2 clry 1 rnoist 1 moist Imoist I moi:;:t jslightJy on edge on edge n eclgr~ moi~t 'l'ABLE 37 3 clays 4 clays 5 clays 6 days -~-~ __6_._1_ __6!._ l dry ().02 dry 1 wet ----.------­ dry dry clry c11 y -a;:;--a;:;­ -ai;­ 1 dr.v 1 dry 1 dry 1 dry 2 moist 2 moist 2. moist 2 moist 2 dn1 2 dry 2 dry 1 moist 1 moist 1 moist / TABLE 36 n:HMEAnILI'l'Y 'l'ES'l' OF BROKE:\ STO:\'E 00:\'0RE'l'E UKDER PRESSURE OF FIF'.l.'Y POUNDS PEI~ SQUARE I:'.\OH, SERIES I (Age at 'l'ime of Test About 'l'hree Montbs) Xo. / Sumber of grams of "·3.tcr passlngi tl1rougb in 5 mfnutes and cou­of dition of surface of specimen after being under pressure spec.Ii'-------·-------------------· '!'EST OF GHAVEL OONORE'l'E, SERIES I 3 days 32.6 wet 2 dry 1 moist 4 days 29 .6 wet 1 dry 2 moist dry 1 dry _2 mo~s_: sligl1tly moist 5 clays 35 .8 l dry 2 moist 1 rlry 2 moist 6 days 3:2 .i wet 2 (1ry l moist :l dry 1 m oist 1 clry _..:. mo:st slightly moist (Each Resul t the Avcruge of 'l'ests of Three Specimens) ~---------c;-----·-----------------------­ Sacks of ce-Percentage of increase in weight after -hours immersion ment J)Cl' cu. ycl. of concrete 24 hrs . 1.ll6 5.75 3.8() 4.6• *5.82 5 .21 !'i.96· 3.42 8.45 9.67 11.50 3.46 *rihe "wot" mixture. 45 hrs. 4.'/() 48 hrs. 72 hrs. 76 hrs. 96 hrs. 5.87 5.25 3.·16 3.77 3.79 3.96 4.00 3.46 6.00 4.78 3.47 PhysioaZ Properties of Dense Concrete 81 'l'ABLE 33 ABSOR.PTIOS 'l'ES'l' OF BROKEN S'l'O:\!E OONORE'l'E , SERIES I (Each Result the Average of 'rests of 'l \hree Specimens) Sacks of c;,-Percentage of increase in weight after -hours immersion mcnt per cu . yd. of concrete 2J hrs. 15 hrs. 1. 63 6.15 3. 75 5.40 5.47 5.9J 4 .. J6 4.50 7 .6:J 9.n 3.70 11.30 3.88 48 hrs. 72 hrs. 6 .25 4.62 4.64 3.76 76 hrs. 96 hrs . 6.35 5.52 4.57 3.91 3.77 A study of thESe tables will show that under a pressure of 10# per sq. inch and at an age of one month, the "six and eight sack" gravel concretes are impermeable, the "ten and twelve sack" are practically so, while the "four sack" leaks slightly and the• ''two sack'' freely. The broken stone concrete at the same age and under the same pressure shows very much the same results. The ''eight sack'' is absolutely impermeable, the "six, ten and twelve sack" are almost so, while the "two and four sack'' leak rather freely. For a pressure of 30# per sq. inch and an age of two months, the condition is practically the same as at the earlier age except that the lrnkage is greater for the "two and four sack" mixes, while the ''ten and twelve sack'' show a slight amount of mois­ture passing through. The ''six sack'' broken stone concrete SE.'ems to show up better than at the age of one month. The three months test at a pressure of 50# per sq. inch shows the same relative impermeability for the different mixes with however a somewhat larger amount of leakage. In the gravel concrete· the ''six sack'' and ''eight sack'' specimens still show no leakage, while in the broken stone concrete at this pres­sure some, if not all of the specimens of each mix, show some moisture pm1sing, but this is least with the "six and eight sack" mixes. Contrasting the impermeability of the brok<'n stone and gravd conerete as a whole, it may be said that the gravel concrete appears more impermeable than the broken stone concrete of similar proportions but ·that there is very little difference be­tween the two. Th0 sp<'eim<'ns of the "six sack" "wet" mix are seen to be University of Texas Biillet-in practically impermeable at all three prESsures and compare very favorably with the ''six sack'' standard consistency mix. ABRASION TESTS Scope of the investigation. For these tests, made only in Se­ries I, ten specimens of standard consistency we·re prepared. Half of these were of broken stone conc,rete and the other half were of gravel. To find the resistance• to \vear, each specimen at the age of 28 .days was placed in a brick rattler and sub­jected to the action of a charge of steel cubes for 2,000 revolu­tions and the percentage of loss in weight · obtained for 500, 1,000 and 2,000 revolutions respectively. In addition, one spe-. cimen of ''six sack'' gravel concrete, the ''wet'' mixture, was made and tested. Moulds. The moulds for the specimens to be used in the abra­sion tests were made of No. 16 galvanized iron bent in to cir­cular shape forming a cylindrical shell twenty eight inches in inside diameter and eight inches high. On the inside of this was placEd a second hollow galvanized iron cylinder twenty inches in outside diameter and of the same h2ight as the larger cylinder. This was braced on the inside to keep it from chang­ing its shape and was separated from the walls of the larger piece by spacers which served to accurately center it. These two parts were set on a galvanized iron sheet and constituted the mould with which could be made a concrete ring twenty eight inches in outside diameter, four inches thick, and eight inches high. Mixing, placing, etc. The concrete was made as already de­scribed and placed in the moulds, being tamped with a tamper weighing about 13 pounds. The rings were reinforced with two ~ inch round steel rods extending completely around the cir­cumference. Ea.ch piece was placed about equal distances from the top and bottom, and the inside and outside walls. This reinforcement was necessary to· ensure the specimen's holc1ing together when being handled and tested. One specimen of each kind except the "two sack" concrete was made. The day after making, the mould was removl:.'d and the specimen st0red until tested. Physical Properties of Dense Concrete Testing. A brick rattler Vl'as used for making the test. After 28 days seasoning, the ring was carefully weighed and placed in the machine. A charge of 155# of cast steel pieces 411z"x 2%" and of 114# of 11h" cubes 1was placed on the inside and the open end closed with the movable plate on the machine. The rattler was then operated at a speed of 30 r. p. m. After 500 revolutions, the specimen was removed, weighed, and replaced. This was repeated for another 500 revolutions, after which, the machine was run 1000 revolutions more, making a total of 2000, when the specimen was finally removed and weighed. The con­dition of the surface was carefully noted and a record madn showing the uniformity of wear. Resiilts. The results of this test are shown in Table 39 for the gravel concrete and in Table 40> for the broken stone. The percentages of loss are obtained by taking the total loss in weight for each weighing and expressing this as . a percent of the orig­inal weight. Particular attention is called to the column headed ''Remarks;'' which indicates the condition of the wearing sur­face. The curves in Fig. 41 show clearly the results of the tests so far as loss in weig·ht is concerned. From these it is seen that the gravel concrete for most of the; differmt mixes loses less than the broken stone concr~te, but by referring to the table the latter is seen to wear down le·aving a smoother surface than that of the former for the leaner mixes, while both give good results for the richer mixes. 'l"ABLE 39 ABRASION 'l'ES'l' OF GRAVEL OOKORE'l'E, SERIES I (Eacb value determined from test of one specimen at age of 28 days.) Sacks of cc­ PcrC'cntage of loss after being revolved in rattler. ment bcr cu. 11---­ yd. of concrete 500 revolutions 1.66 3.32 *5.82 3 .80 5 .96 1.0-2 1.25 0 .75 8.45 0.47 9.67 0.58 11.50 1000 revolutions 5.87 2.28 2.49 1.79 l.34 1.46 2000 revolutions 10.62 5 .28 5.1 7 3.3'l ~ .09 ~.21 Remarks Fair \Yem·. Few projecting gravel. Good wear. No projecting gravel. F ine wear. Very even. *'l1he "wet17 mixture. University of Texas Bulletin 12 II Q I 10 -­GRAVLL CONCR ETE ~ - - STONE: CONCRETE: \ ~ \ • WET MIX GRAVEL A9e cB do'is CONCRETE: 8 \ \\ \\ \ if) if) 6 0 _J \ \ \\ I­r. ~:'\ LL] 5 u "\ \\ \"'I"'-. \ u.....