EFFECT OFFRESHWATERINFLOWON MACROBENTHOS PRODUCTIVITY IN MINOR BAY AND RIVER-DOMINATEDESTUARIES - FYO2 Paul A. Montagna, Principal Investigator TWDB Contract No. 2002-483-414 Technical Report Number TR/02-002 December2002 Final Draft May 2003 FINAL REPORT EFFECT OF FRESHWATER INFLOW ON MACROBENTHOS PRODUCTIVITY IN MINOR BAY AND RIVER-DOMINATED ESTUARIES FYO2 by Paul A. Montagna, Principal Investigator from University ofTexas at Austin Marine Science Institute 750 Channel View Drive Port Aransas, Texas 78373 to Texas Water Development Board P.O. Box 13231, Capital Station 1700 N. Congress Ave., Rm. 462 Austin, TX 78711-3231 Interagency Cooperative Contract TWDB Contract No. 2002-483-414 TheUniversity ofTexas Marine Science Institute Technical Report Number TR/02-002 First Draft December 2002 Final Draft May 2003 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES ii LIST OF TABLES iii PREFACE iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS v INTRODUCTION 1 METHODS 3 Study Design and Area 3 Hydrographic Measurements 6 Chlorophyll and NutrientMeasurements 6 Geological Measurements 7 Biological Measurements 7 Sediment Nitrogen Measurements 8 Statistical Analyses 8 RESULTS 11 Brazos River, Rio Grande, and Christmas Bay 11 South Bay Coastal Preserve 17 31 . Sediment Elemental Composition in South Bay ; 31 Water Column Composition in South Bay DISCUSSION 34 South Bay Coastal Preserve 34 REFERENCES 36 DATA APPENDICES 39 Hydrography 39 Nutrients 43 Macrofaunal Abundance and Biomass 47 Macrofaunal Community Structure 59 TWDBREVIEW 91 LISTOF FIGURES Figure 1. Sampling locations in South Bay and the Rio Grande River 10 Figure 2. Salinity, dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), and chlorophyll in the Brazos River and Rio Grande 13 Figure3.MacrofaunabiomassintheBrazosRiverandRioGrande 14 Figure4. Multidimensionalscaling(MDS)plotofcommunitysimilaritybetweenriversand dates 15 Figure 5. Salinity, temperature and dissolved oxygen at stations in South Bay 19 Figure 6. Biomass and abundance ofmacrofauna at stations in South Bay 20 Figure 7. Biotic and abiotic characteristics; average overall stations in South Bay 21 Figure 8. Plot ofstation differences based on macrofauna community structure computed by MDS South Bay 22 Figure 9. Plot ofsampling dates differences based on MDS analysis ofmacrofauna species in South Bay 22 Figure 10. Water column nutrients and chlorophyll content 33 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Long-term schedule for sampling minorbay andriver-dominated systems 2 Table 2. Locations are given in degrees and decimal seconds format 5 Table3.MacrofaunaspeciesfromtheBrazosRiverandRioGrand 16 Table 4. Systematic list ofspecies found in South Bay during the study period 23 Table 5. Species dominance in South Bay 28 Table 6. Species diversity characteristics for South Bay 30 Table 7. Sediment chemistry in South Bay 32 Table 8. Sediment grain size in South Bay 32 Table 9. Hydrographic data 39 Table 10. Nutrient and chlorophyll data 43 Table 11. Taxa abundance and biomass data 47 Table 12. Species abundance data 59 PREFACE This final report is written to complete the second ofa planned five-year study that has thegoalto determine the importanceoffreshwaterinflowinmaintainingbenthicproductivityin minorbaysandriverdominatedsystems. Minorbaysaredefinedasthosesmallbaysthatdonot have direct freshwater inflow via a major river, but do have inflow from runoff or other indirect sources. a Only fewriversinTexasflowdirectlyintotheGulfofMexico,andthesearealsopart ofthe subject study. The current project follows successful completion ofa long-term study of large, or major open bays in Texas. The focus ofthe current final report is on South Bay Coastal Preserve. An assessment report for that ecosystem is planned within the current fiscal year. Hydrological and biological data are compiled to assess that system. Sampling was also continued for a long-term study of two river-dominated systems, the Rio Grande and Brazos River. Sampling was begun for a­ yearstudyofChristmasBayCoastalPreserve. Thecurrentreportgoesintolesserdetailforthese continuing datasetsbecausetheywillbesubjecttoafullertreatmentinfuture. IV ACKNOWLEDGMENTS or As with previous studies, the current work has been performed with support, partial support, by the Texas Water Development Board, Water Research Planning Fund, authorized under the Texas Water Code sections 15.402 and 16.058(e). administered by This support was the Board under interagency cooperative contract number: 2002-483-414. Imustacknowledge thesignificantcontributionsofMr.RickKalke, anoutstandingfield person and taxonomist. The work reported on in this study could not have been performed withouthim. CarrolSimanekalsoprovidedsignificanthelpindatamanagement. Weobviously are collecting and processing a large amount of data. Mr. Chris Kalke aided in field collections. Dr. Tracy Villareal and Ms. Lynn Tinnin performed nutrient analyses and chlorophyll measurements. Dr. HudsonDeYoe, UniversityofTexas-Pan American,performed samplingin the Rio Grande and South Bay. This work has also benefitted by discussions with colleagues at the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB), e.g., David Brock, and Gary Powell who have provided much help andguidance. ThestudyalsobenefittedbypartialsupportformtheUniversityofTexasat Austin, Marine Science Institute. INTRODUCTION From the early 1970's to 2000, Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) freshwater inflow studies focused on the major bay systems ofthe Texas coast. These bay systems, which are influenced primarily by river inflow, are now well understood. In particular, UTMSI researchers have completed several studies on the effect of freshwater inflow on macrobenthos productivity(KalkeandMontagna, 1991;Montagna,1989;1999;2000; Montagna,andKalke, 1992; 1995; Montagna, and Li, 1996; Montagna, and Yoon, 1991). These studies have demonstrated that regional scale processes and long-term hydrological cycles regulate benthic are abundance,productivity,diversityandcommunitystructure. Thus,there threemajorcauses ofchanges in estuarine productivity in Texas related to freshwater inflow: 1) year-to-year climatic variability in rain, temperature, and wind, which affects precipitation and evaporation, 2) a latitudinal climatic gradient ofdecreasing precipitation superimposed soils gradient of on a increasing sand content, which results in reduced inflow from northeast to southwest, and 3) the salinitygradientswithinestuariesfromriverstothesea. Theoverallresultofthesestudiesisto demonstrate the need for minimum inflow requirements on an estuary-scale or a watershed-level basis. Attention is now focused on minimum inflows required by minor bays and river- dominated estuaries. Freshwater inflow into minor bays is generally dominated by non-point source runoff or an indirect source via circulation from adjacent systems. The river-dominated estuariesdraindirectlyintotheGulfofMexicoratherthanintoabay. Thesedrowned-river valleyecosystems arethusuniquelydifferentfromthetypicalbar-builtestuariesofTexasthatare characterizedbylargeopenbays. Becausetheminorbayandriver-dominatedestuariesare different from the typical Texas estuary, new studies are required to elucidate how inflow affects productivity in those systems. Currently, there is very little information available on the biotic responsetoinflowinthesetwotypesofecosystems. TheTWDBwillberequiredtocomplete freshwater inflow assessments on minorbays and river estuaries between the years 2002 and 2006. Theassessmentin2003willbeforSouthBayCoastalPreserve so this system is the focus ofthe current final report (Table 1). 1 Benthos are excellentindicatorsofenvironmentaleffects ofavarietyofstressors because are they are abundant and diverse, and sessile andlong-lived relative to plankton or nekton. Therefore, benthos integrate changes in temporal dynamics ofecosystem factors over long time measured scales and large spatial scales. Benthos abundance, biomass, and diversity were to assess inflow effects on ecosystem productivity. In addition, relevant water quality variables (i.e., salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, nutrients, and chlorophyll) were measured during each sampling period to assess inflow effects on the overlying water, which affects benthos. Sampling was performed to continued a long-term study oftwo river estuaries (Brazos and Rio Grande),initiatea2-yearstudyofChristmasBayCoastalPreserve, and complete astudyof South Bay Coastal Preserve. Table 1. Long-term schedule for sampling minor bay and river-dominated systems. Table finds numberofstationsandtotalnumberofsamples. Totalnumberofsamplesistheproductofthe number ofstations, three replicates per station, and four seasonal sampling trips per station. Fiscal Year(Study YearNumber) Minor Bay / River Estuary FY2001(1) FY2002(2) FY2003(3) FY2004(4) FY2005(5) East Matagorda Bay 3 (36) South Bay Coastal Preserve 2(24) 2(24) Rio Grande River Estuary Christmas Bay Coast. Pres. 3 (36) 3(36) 3 (36) 3(36) 2(24) * 3 (36) 3 (36) Cedar Lakes 2(24) 2(24) 2(24) San BernardRiver Estuary 2(24) 2(24) 2(24) Brazos River Estuary 3(36) 3 (36) 3 (36) 3 (36) 3 (36) TOTAL Stations (samples) 11 (132) 11 (132) 12 (144) 10(120) 10(120) METHODS StudyDesign andArea This study has one objective (i.e., task): to determine temporal and spatial variability of benthicparameters, astheindicateproductivity,relatedtodifferencesoffreshwaterinflowin minor bays and river-dominated estuaries. Northern and southern systems were studied in the second yearofthisprogram(Table 1). ThesouthernsystemwasSouthBayCoastalPreserveand the Rio Grande, and the northern system was the Brazos River and Christmas Bay Coastal Preserve. South Bay Coastal Preserve and the Rio Grande are close to one another, near the border with Mexico. The Brazos River and Christmas Bay Coastal Preserve are near one another and connected by the Intracoastal Waterway. The Brazos River and Rio Grande represent the river estuaries in Texas having the highest and lowest inflow respectively, so comparison ofthese over the long-term is desirable. South Bay is a minor bay. systems Station location in all four areas was chosen based on experience, sediment type, depth foundonNOAAnavigationcharts,andconstraintsofsamplinglogistics. Thelocationsof stations was recorded from a Garmin 215 differential GPS receiver (Table 2). Three Brazos River stations (A, B and C) were chosen on either side ofthe Intracoastal waterway(ICW),wherestationCwasclosest(0.73miles)totheGulfofMexico,andBwas 1 mileupstreamwithintheRiver. StationAwasfurthestupstreamwithintheRiverandabout3.7 milesfrom theGulfofMexico. Three stations on the lower Rio Grande were chosen between the confluence with the GulfofMexicoandtheBrownsvilleweir. StationAwasfurthestupstream(7.8mi)fromthe GulfofMexicoandstationBwas0.8midownstream. StationCwasclosest(3.4miles)tothe GulfofMexico. InApril2002,itwasdiscoveredthatstationCwasnotonthemainchannelfo the river, but in a meander to the north ofthe main channel. Therefore a new station (D) was occupied in the main channel. The new station is located about 100 meters from station C, but in the main channel. It is likely that under prevailing conditions (mouth ofriver closed), the hydrographies ofthe two sites were about the same. With the mouth open, the main channel site would be more affected by a saltwater wedge. A sand bar formed and closed the mouth ofthe Rio Grand to exchange with the Gulf about the first weekofFebruary 2001. The mouth was artificially opened with a backhoe on 18 July2001bytheInternationalBoundaryandWaterCommission (U.S. StateDepartment). However, it closed again on or about 1 November 2001. One year later, on or about November 2, 2002 a large rain storm event occurred near the river mouth, east ofBrownsville. The rain eventbuiltenoughpressuretobreachthebermformed onthebeachattherivermouthrestoring exchangebetweentheriverandthesea. Themouthhasbeenopensincethatdate(Randy Blankenship, personal communication, May 20, 2003). The mouth was open when The Rio Grande was sampled in late November 2002. There was a mild salinity gradient in January 2003. The two stations in South Bay were chosen to describe variability within the bay (Figure 1). However, because ofthe shallowness ofthe bay, the locations are near one another and limitedtodeeperwaterwithinthebay. StationBisclosertotheBrownsvilleshipchannelandis mosteasilyaccessiblebyboat. StationAisfurtherintoSouthBayandfurtherfromGulfof Mexico influence. Neither station is directly influenced by freshwater inflow. Three stations in Christmas Bay Coastal Preserve were sampled. Table 2. Locations are given in degrees and decimal seconds format. Readings were made with a GPS unit using differential signal reception. Estuary Station Latitude (N) Longitude (W) Christmas Bay A 29° 02.717' 12.500' 95° B 29° 02.833' 95° 11.000' C 29° 04.000' 95° 11.000' Brazos River A 28° 55.670' 95° 23.050' B 28° 54.193' 95° 23.106' C 28° 53.103' 95° 22.923' South Bay A 26° 01.639' 97° 10.546' B 26° 02.351' 97° 10.992' Rio Grande River A 25° 57.584' 97° 13.662' B 25° 57.796' 97° 12.668' C 25° 57.720' 97° 11.105' D 25° 57.610' 97° 11.089' Inprevious benthic studies (Montagna, 2000), quarterly sampling has beendemonstrated to be effective to capture the temporal benthic dynamics, while economizing on temporal replication. Thus, quarterly sampling took place in October 2001, and January, April, and July 2002. Thetiming thesamplingisbasedonexperience,andcapturesthemajorseasonalinflow of events and temperature change in Texas estuaries. Each quarter, three replicates are required for benthos station. Thus, a typical station yields 12 benthic samples per year. per During each sampling period ancillary environmental data is also collected. Water quality and inflow characteristics are indicated by measuring salinity, nutrient concentrations, and chlorophyll concentrations in the water column overlying sediment. Once each year, sediment characteristics, e.g., grain size, porosity, and elemental content are also measured. Hydrographic Measurements Salinity, conductivity, temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, and redox potential were measured at the surface and bottom at each station during each sampling trip using multiprobe waterqualitymeters. Thesondeunitisloweredtojustbeneaththesurface(within5-10cm) and just above the bottom (within 10-20 cm). MostmeasurementsweremadebyloweringaYSI6920multiprobesonde. Thedataare displayed on a YSI 610DM meter. The manufacturer states that the accuracy of each reading as follows: DO % saturation ± 2%, DO ± 0.2 mg/1, conductivity greater of± 0.5% ifreading or ± 0.001 mS/cm,temperature±0.15°C,ph±0.2units,depth±0.02m,andsalinitygreaterof± 1% ofreadingor±0.1ppt. Salinitieslevelsareautomaticallycorrectedto25°C.Inaddition, reffactometer readings were made from water samples. In South Bay and Rio Grande hydrographic measurements are made (by UTPan Am staff) using a Hydrolab Surveyor 4. The following parameters are read from the digital display unit (accuracy and units); temperature (±0.15 °C), pH (± 0.1 units), dissolved oxygen (mg/1 ± 0.2), specific conductivity (± 0.015-1.5 mmhos/cm depending on range), and salinity (ppt). Salinity is automatically corrected to 25 C. Depth is measured with a calibrated PVC pole. Chlorophyll andNutrientMeasurements water WatersampleswerecollectedusingaverticallymountedVanDombottle. Bottom was collected approximately 20 cm from the sediment surface. Water for chlorophyll analysis was filtered onto glass fiber filters and placed on ice (<4.0 °C). Nutrient samples were filtered to remove biological activity (0.45 pm polycarbonate filters) and placed on ice (<0.4 °C). Chlorophyll will be extracted overnight and read fluorometrically on a Turner Model 10-AU using a non-acidification technique (Welschmeyer, 1994; EPA method 445.0). Nutrient analysis was conducted using a LaChat QC 8000 ion analyzer with computer controlled sample selection as and peak processing. Chemistries are as specified by the manufacturer and have ranges follows: nitrate+nitrate (0.03-5.0 pM; Quikchem method 31-107-04-1-A), silicate (0.03-5.0 pM; Quikchem method 31-114-27-1-B), ammonium (0.1-10 pM; Quikchem method 31-107-06-5-A) and phosphate (0.03-2.0 pM; Quikchem method 31-115-01-3-A). Geological Measurements taken by Sediment grain size analysis was also performed. Sediment core samples were diver and sectioned at depth intervals 0-3 cm and 3-10 cm. Analysis followed standard geologic procedures (Folk, 1964; E. W. Behrens, personal communication). Percent contribution by 3 A2O cm weight was measured for four components: rubble (e.g. shell hash), sand, silt, and clay. sediment samplewas mixedwith50mlofhydrogenperoxide and75mlofdeionizedwaterto 62 mesh digest organic material in the sample. The sample was wet sieved through a pm holderto stainless steel screen using a vacuum pump and a Millipore Hydrosol SST filter separate rubble and sand from silt and clay. After drying, the rubble and sand were separated on a 125 pm screen. The silt and clay fractions were measured using pipette analysis. Biological Measurements Sedimentwassampledwithcoretubesheldbydivers. Themacrofaunaweresampled withatube6.7cmindiameter,andsectionedatdepthintervalsof0-3cmand3-10cm. Three replicates were taken within a 2 m radius. Samples were preserved with 5% buffered formalin, sieved 0.5 mm mesh screens, sorted, identified to the lowest taxonomic level possible, and on counted. Eachmacrofaunasamplewasalsousedtomeasurebiomass. Individualswerecombined into higher taxa categories, i.e., Crustacea, Mollusca, Polychaeta, Ophiuroidea, and all other taxa wereplacedtogetherinoneremainingsample. Samplesweredriedfor24hat55°C,and weighed. Before drying, mollusks were placed in 1 N HCI for 1 min to 8 hto dissolve the carbonate shells, and washed with fresh water. Sediment Nitrogen Measurements Sediments cores were taken to measure nitrogen changes with respect to sediment depth. taken to Coresare adepthof 1mand1-cmsectionsaretakenatarangeofdepthintervals. The rangeforverticalsectioningfollows alogarithmicpattern, becauseitisanticipatedthatnitrogen is buried at the surface and degrades slowly over time. Distance from the surface is indicative of time since burial. The sediment is dried, ground up, and homogenized prior to analysis. Carbonandnitrogencontent, asapercentdryweightofsediment,andcarbonand nitrogen isotopic composition were measured. Samples were run using a Finnigan delta plus mass spectrometer linked to a CE instruments NC2500 elemental analyzer. This system uses a Dumas type combustion chemistry to convert nitrogen and carbon in solid samples to nitrogen and carbon dioxide These gases. gases are purified by chemical methods and separated by gas chromatography. The stable isotopic composition ofthe separated gases is then determined by a mass spectrometer designed for use with the NC2500 elemental analyzer. Standard material of known isotopic composition is run every tenth sample to monitor the system and ensure the quality ofthe analyses. Statistical Analyses Statistical analyses were performed using SAS software (SAS 1991). All data(except whencalculatingdiversity)werelogtransformedpriortoanalysis. Atwo-wayANOVAwas used to test for differences in macrofauna abundance, biomass, and diversity within sampling dates and sites. Because all samples were pooled to calculate diversity, there is no interaction for thattest.Ifasignificant interaction wasencounteredthensimplemaineffectswere examined. Analysis of simple main effects is accomplished by converting the treatments into a one-way ANOVA for each date*site cell. Community structure ofmacrofauna species was analyzed by multivariate methods. Ordination of samples was performed using the non-metric multidimensional scaling (MDS) procedure described by Clarke and Warwick (2001) and implemented in Primer software (Clarke andGorley2001). ThesoftwarecreatesaBray-Curtissimilaritymatrixamongallsamplesand then an MDS plot ofthe spatial relationship among the samples. The data set contains two main effects: sampling date and site, so the MDS patterns were plotted twice, once using the site name as the symbol and once using the sample sequence number as the symbol. 9 Figure 1. Sampling locations in South Bay and the Rio Grande River. South Bay =A, and Rio = Grande •. RESULTS Brazos River, Rio Grande, and Christmas Bay sometimes similar Preliminary analysis indicates the Brazos River and Rio Grande are and sometimes quite different (Figure 2). The Rio Grande is under going severe changes because ofreducedinflowtothatsystem. InthefirstweekofFebruary2001,asandbarformedatthe mouthoftheRioGrandeblockingexchangewiththeGulfofMexico. Theeffectwasto transform the Rio Grande into a lake rather than an estuary. The mouth was artificially opened on 18 July 2001 the International Boundary and Water Commission, but closed again on about 1 November 2001. This lake-like effect is evidenced by the lower salinities over the course ofthe present study in the Rio Grande relative to the Brazos River. TheBrazoshasalargerrangeofsalinitythantheRioGrande, alternatingfromnearlyfull strength sea water to fresh water (Figure 2). The Brazos River salinity was high in October and JulyinbothyearsandlowerinJanuaryandAprilinbothyears. ExceptforOctober2000and July2002,salinitywassimilarinbothriversinspiteofbeingin differentclimaticzones. very The largest difference between the rivers is in the nutrient-chlorophyll dynamics (Figure 2). The Brazos has much higher dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) concentrations than the Rio Grande, yet much lower chlorophyll (chi) concentrations. The chi values in the Brazos River are quitelow,averagingabout9ugI1comparedto26ugI'1intheRioGrande. Incontrast,DIN concentrations in the Brazos River averaged 46 umol I'1 compared to 14 umol f 1 in the Rio Grande. DuringsamplingitwasnotedthattheRioGrandehasagreatdealofcyanobacteriaand filamentous green algae, which likely adds to the high productivity ofthat system. Biomass is a good indicator ofsecondary benthic productivity. Biomass was four times ‘ higher in the Rio Grande than in the Brazos River (Figure 3). Biomass averaged 3.93 g 2 in the RioGrandecomparedto0.93g’2intheBrazosRiver.Concordantly,abundance alsofour was 2 times higher, being 17,600 individuals *in the Rio Grande compared to only 5, 600 individuals Most in the Brazos River. Biomass usually had opposite trends over time in the two systems. 11 notablyfromOctober2000throughJuly2001whenchangesweremirrorimages. However, from August 2001 through July 2002 the biomass trends were the same. The communities in the two systems are quite different (Figure 4). This was evidenced bythedominanceofmolluscsintheRioGrande and dominanceofpolycheatesin theBrazos River. Typically, molluscan dominance indicates the fauna is dominated by species responsive to freshwater inflow (Table 3). It is too early in the study to make conclusions, but preliminary data indicates that the two systemsworkquitedifferently. TheRioGrandeappearstobe influencedbyfreshwater more inflowthantheBrazosRiver. Howeverthedifferencewiththeconnectionwiththeseaisa confounding factorwithdifferenceininflow, soitwilltakeseveral yearsofdatacollectiontoget a better understanding ofthe average conditions in these two systems. At the current time, it appears the lackofexchangewiththeGulfofMexico iscausing theRio Grandetochange from an estuarine ecosystem to a freshwater ecosystem. Figure 2. Salinity, dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DEN), and chlorophyll in the Brazos River and Rio Grande. Average over all stations and depths at all sampling periods. Figure3. MacrofaunabiomassintheBrazosRiverandRioGrande. Averageoverallstationsat all sampling periods. Figure4. Multidimensionalscaling(MDS)plotofcommunitysimilaritybetweenriversand dates. Each point is a different sampling date, and the symbols are for the Brazos River and the Rio Grande ( TR). . Table3.MacrofaunaspeciesfromtheBrazosRiverandRioGrand. Numberm'2 Anthozoa Turbellaria Rhynchocoela Hemicordata Mollusca Species Name Anthozoa (unidentified) Turbellaria (unidentified) Rhynchocoela (unidentified) Schizocardium sp. Neritina virginea Pelecypoda (unidentified) Mulinia lateralis Brazos River 4 4 134 4 4 Rio Grande 465 138 12 59 Macoma tenta 4 Tellidora cristata 4 Macoma mitchelli 197 Polychaeta Abra aequalis Parandalia ocularis Gyptis vittata Neanthes succinea 55 8 51 4 Laeonereis culveri 55 Nereidae (unidentified) Polydora ligni Paraprionospio pinnata Polydora socialis Streblospio benedicti Polydora caulleryi Polydora sp. Cossura delta 32 4 453 2675 16 20 4 35 8 1532 43 Haploscoloplos fragilis Capitella capitata Mediomastus ambiseta 4 28 1938 4 5066 Hobsonia florida 4 Crustacea ' Oligochaetes (unidentified) Ilyocryptus spinifer Ostracoda (unidentified) Pelagicus sp. Callianassa sp. Mysidopsis almyra Gammarus mucronatus • 47 4 24 1328 67 4 4 12 12 Corophium louisianum Microprotopus sp. Grandidierella bonnieroides 4 8 4 12 4 Insecta Diptera (unidentified) Chironomid larvae 39 4 8486 Ceratopogonid larvae Damselfly nymphs Total 4 5570 67 4 17633 South Bay Coastal Preserve Salinity was consistently higher at station A than at station B throughout the entire sampling period (Figure 5). Station Aslightly hypersaline throughout the entire study period was except in April 2002. The salinity pattern indicates that most freshwater inflow is coming from thenortheasternpartofthebay. Temperaturewassimilaratbothstationsandfollowedatypical seasonaltrendwithlowesttemperaturesinwinter. However,muchcoldertemperatureswere Dissolved was never low, the lowest noticed in January 2001 than in January 2002. oxygen value recorded was 5.1 mg I' 1 . The overall average salinity was 36.6 ppt (± 1.8 standard deviation) and ranged from 32.1 to40.0ppt. averagetemperaturewas25.0 °C(±4.4standarddeviation)andranged The overall from 14.2 to 31.1 °C. The overall dissolved concentration was 6.99 I'1 (± 1.2 average oxygen mg standard deviation) and ranged from 3.2 to 8.8 mg I'1 . Macrofauna biomass was always higher in station A than B (Figure 6). The average biomassatstationAwas 11.41gm‘2comparedtoanaveragebiomassof2.38gm’2atstationB. There was not a significant change in biomass over time (P = 0.4164) at either station. Abundancewasnotsignificantlydifferentbetweenstations(P 0.7092)noramongsampling = 2 = dates (P 0.2512). Average abundance was 26,190 individuals ' among all stations and dates. Abundance and biomass average over the whole bay followed a similar pattern during 2001, but had a different pattern during 2002 (Figure 7). In 2002, biomass was high even though abundance was low., The highest organismal response correlated with the highest dissolved levels (near Bmg I 1) The lowest biomass and oxygen and lowest temperatures (near 15 °C). abundance occurred when dissolved oxygen was lowest (4.1 mg I'1 ) even though this is not a very low dissolved oxygen value. A total of 108 species was found in South Bay (Table 4). Polychaetes dominated the species list (63 species in all), followed by one-third as many Crustacea (23 species) and . Mollusca (18 species). The dominant species were unidentified oligochaetes. The dominant known species was an the polychaete Streblospio benedicti, interface dwelling species that can deposit-and suspension feed (Table 5). The top 10 dominant species comprised 85% ofthe fauna overall. Except for the oligochaetes, all polychaetes. The remaining 98 species were relatively rare, were comprisinglessthan2%oftheindividuals found. A multidimensional scaling (MDS) analysis was performed on species data to determine which factors were influencing community structure. Station differences (Figure 8) appeared to be a more important factor than sampling date (Figure 9). Except for the sample taken July 2001, All station A data was separate from station B data. The stations were similar in the distributions and abundance ofseveral dominant species, e.g., Streblospio benedicti, Capitella capitata, and Mediomastusambiseta. However,stationhadmuchhigherdensitiesofTharyxsetiger, Prionospio heterobranchia, Polydora caulleryi, and Sphaerosyllis sp A. In contrast, Cossura delta was more abundant at station B than A. Therefore, station had more even distribution of climax species thanstation B. There is also a hint ofa small state shift in the temporal dynamics (Figure 9). The first - threesamplingperiods(October2000 April2001)allclusterinthetophalfoftheMDSplot, and the last five samples cluster in the lower half. There were higher densities ofPrionospio in the heterobranchia, Capitella capitata, Sphaerosyllis sp A., Cossura delta and Exogone sp. firstthreesamplingperiodsthanatothertimes. Incontrast,onlyTharyxsetigerhadahigher densityduring thelatterhalfofthestudyperiod. Species diversitywas generallyhigheratstation AthanB, butby asmallamount(Table 6). On average, during each sampling period, 26 species were found at station A compared to 20 at station B. A 21 dominant species (Nl) were found at station A compared to 16 at station B. There was a seasonal trend. Diversity was typically highest in January and lowest in July. Figure 5. dissolved at stations in South Bay. Salinity, temperature and oxygen 19 Biomass and abundance ofmacrofauna at stations in South Bay. Figure 6. Figure 7. Biotic and abiotic characteristics; average overall stations in South Bay. Figure 8. Plot of station differences based on macrofauna community structure computed by = MDSSouthBay. Abbreviations:A stationA,andB=stationB. Figure9. Plotofsampling datesdifferencesbasedonMDS analysisofmacrofauna speciesin = === South Bay. Abbreviations: Oc = October, Ja January, Ap April, Ju July, 0 2000, 1 = 2001, and 2 = 2002. Table 4. Systematic list ofspecies found in South Bay during the study period. Average abundance(nm'2)overallsamplesandsampling dates(October2000throughJuly2002). Taxonomic name Abundance Cnidaria Anthozoa 18 Platyhelminthes Turbellaria Anthozoa (unidentified) Turbellaria (unidentified) 6 Rynchocoela Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 248 Phoronida Phoronis architecta 142 Mollusca Gastropoda Cuvier, 1797 Ctenobranchia Schweigger, 1820 Cerithiidae Diastoma varium 30 Ceritheum lutosum 6 Eulimidae Polygireulima jamaicensis 6 Calyptraeidae Blainville,1824 Crepidulafornicata 18 DendronotoideaOdhner,1936 Nudibranchia (unidentified) 6 Stegaonbranchia VonIhering,1876 Acteocinidae Acteocina canaliculata 6 Entomotaeniata Cossman,1896 Pyramidellidae Pyrgiscus sp. 6 Eulimastoma canaliculata 6 Pelecypoda NuculoideaDali, 1889 Nuculidae Parvi lucina multilineata 12 24 Hippuritoidea Newell, 1965 Cardiidae Solenidae Laevicardium mortoni 12 Mactridae Mulinia lateralis 12 Tellinidae Lucina pectinata Macoma tenta 6 Tellina texana 30 23 Semelidae Abra aequalis 313 Veneridae Chione 6 grus Chione cancellata 12 Pholadomyoidea Newell, 1965 Lyonsiidae Lyonsia hyalina floridana 6 Annelida Polychaeta Polynoidae Malmgreniella sp. 6 Eulepethidae Grubeulepis cf. mexicana 77 Palmyridae (= Chrysopetalidae) Paleanotus heteroseta 24 Phyllodocidae Eteone heteropoda 6 Anaitides mucosa 18 Pilargiidae Sigambra tentaculata 6 Litocorsa stremma 12 Hesionidae Gyptis vittata 6 Microphthalmus abberrans 53 Hesionidae (unidentified) 12 Syllidae Syllis cornuta 106 Braniafurcelligera 71 Exogone sp. 396 A 875 Sphaerosyllis sp. Nereidae Ceratonereis irritabilis 30 6 Platynereis dumerilii 6 Nereidae (unidentified) Glyceridae Glycera americana 24 Goniadidae Glycinde solitaria 12 Arabellidae Drilonereis 6 magna Dorvilleidae A 207 Schistomeringos sp. Spionidae Apoprionospio pygmaea 18 Prionospio heterobranchia 2033 Scolelepis texana Spiophanes bombyx Malacoceros indicus Polydora socialis Streblospio benedicti Polydora caulleryi Cirratulidae Tharyx setigera Cossuridae Cossura delta Orbiniidae Haploscoloplosfragilis Naineris A sp. Paraonidae Cirrophorus lyra Aricidea catharinae Opheliidae Armandia maculata Capitellidae Capitella capitata Capitellides jonesi Mediomastus californiensis Heteromastus filiformis Mediomastus ambiseta Capitellidae (unidentified) Maldanidae Branchioasychis americana Asychis sp. Euclymene sp. B Axiothella mucosa Axiothells A sp. Maldanidae(unidentified) Ampharetidae Melinna maculata Terebellidae Pista cristata Pista palmata Terebellides stroemi Terebellidae (unidentified) Sabellidae Chone sp. Fabriciola trilobata Serpulidae Pomatoceros americanus Spiorbidae Spiorbis sp. 6 12 6 30 4775 1058 2996 449 248 77 230 165 18 1743 18 136 30 1525 53 142 6 118 12 24 12 35 6 6 12 12 47 12 136 18 Oligochaeta Oligochaetes (unidentified) 6370 Sipuncula Sipuncula (unidentified) 6 Crustacea Ostracoda Myodocopa Sarsiella texana 6 Sarsiella spinosa 12 Sarsiella zostericola 6 Malacostraca Natantia Pasiphaeidae Leptochela serratorbita 6 Reptantia Paguridae Pagurus annulipes 6 Portunidae Callinectes similis 6 Xanthidae 6 Pinnotheridae Micropanope scultites Pinnixa 6 sp. Brachyuran Larvae Megalops 6 Mysidacea Mysidopsis bahia 6 Bowmaniella brasiliensis 6 Cumacea Oxyurostylis sp. 35 Amphipoda Amphipoda (unidentified) 12 Ampeliscidae Ampelisca abdita 112 Corophiidae Erichthonias brasiliensis 6 Microprotopus sp. 6 Grandidierella bonnieroides 41 Caprellidae Caprellidae sp. 154 Amphithoidae Cymadusa compta 65 Melitidae Elasmopus sp. 24 Isopoda Anthuridae Xenanthurabrevitelson Idoteidae Edotea montosa 59 Tanaidacea Tanaidae Leptochelia rapax 35 Pycnogonida Pycnogonida (unidentified) 12 Echinodermata Ophiuroidea Amphiodia atra 12 Chordata Hemichordata Schizocardium sp. 12 Table5.SpeciesdominanceinSouthBay. Meanabundance(nm'2)andpercentcompositionof species over all samples. Species A B Mean Percent Oligochaetes (unidentified) 4,125 8,616 6,370 24.31 Streblospio benedicti 3,652 5,897 4,775 18.22 Tharyx setigera 4,160 1,832 2,996 11.43 Prionospio heterobranchia 3,628 437 2,033 7.76 Capitella capitata 1,075 2,411 1,743 6.65 Mediomastus ambiseta 1,335 1,714 1,525 5.82 Polydora caulleryi 2,068 47 1,058 4.04 Sphaerosyllis sp. A 1,513 236 875 3.34 Cossura delta 12 886 449 1.71 Exogone sp. 674 118 396 1.51 Abra aequalis 130 496 313 1.20 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 284 213 248 0.95 Haploscoloplos fragilis 390 106 248 0.95 Cirrophoms lyra 366 95 230 0.88 Schistomeringos sp. A 390 24 207 0.79 Aricidea catharinae 154 177 165 0.63 Caprellidae sp. 260 47 154 0.59 Branchioasychis americana 272 12 142 0.54 Phoronis architecta 35 248 142 0.54 Pomatoceros americanus 260 12 136 0.52 Mediomastus califomiensis 272 0 136 0.52 Euclymene sp. B 201 35 118 0.45 Ampelisca abdita 24 201 112 0.43 Syllis comuta 177 35 106 0.41 Grubeulepis cf. mexicana 142 12 77 0.29 Naineris sp. A 130 24 77 0.29 Brania furcelligera 95 47 71 0.27 Cymadusa compta 83 47 65 0.25 Edotea montosa 59 59 59 0.23 Capitellidae (unidentified) 0 106 53 0.20 Microphthalmus abberrans 83 24 53 0.20 Xenanthura brevitelson 71 35 53 0.20 Chone sp. 71 24 47 0.18 Grandidierella bonnieroides 83 0 41 0.16 Leptochelia rapax 59 12 35 0.14 Melinna maculata 47 24 35 0.14 Oxyurostylis sp. 47 24 35 0.14 Heteromastus filiformis 47 12 30 0.11 Tellina texana 35 24 30 0.11 Polydora socialis 12 47 30 0.11 Diastoma varium 59 0 30 0.11 Ceratonereis irritabilis 59 0 30 0.11 Axiothells sp. A 47 0 24 0.09 Lucina pectinata Elasmopus sp. Glycera americana Paleanotus heteroseta 35 35 24 0 12 12 24 47 24 24 24 24 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 Crepidula fomicata Armandia maculata 35 24 0 12 18 18 0.07 0.07 Anthozoa (unidentified) Apoprionospio pygmaea Spiorbis sp. Anaitides mucosa 12 12 12 0 24 24 24 35 18 18 18 18 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 Capitellides jonesi Parvi lucina multilineata 0 24 35 0 18 12 0.07 0.05 Chione cancellata 24 0 12 0.05 Maldanidae (unidentified) Fabriciola trilobata 24 24 0 0 12 12 0.05 0.05 Pycnogonida (unidentified) Laevicardium mortoni 24 12 0 12 12 12 0.05 0.05 Glycinde solitaria Spiophanes bombyx Terebellides stroemi 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 0.05 0.05 0.05 Sarsiella spinosa Amphipoda (unidentified) Amphiodia atra Schizocardium sp. Mulinia lateralis 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 24 . 12 12 12 12 12 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 Litocorsa stremma 0 24 12 0.05 Hesionidae (unidentified) Axiothella mucosa 0 0 24 24 12 12 0.05 0.05 Terebellidae (unidentified) Ceritheum lutosum 0 12 24 0 12 6 0.05 0.02 Acteocina canaliculata 12 0 6 0.02 Pyrgiscus sp. Eulimastoma canaliculata 12 12 0 0 6 6 0.02 0.02 Chione grus Lyonsia hyalina floridana Malmgreniella sp. Eteone heteropoda Gyptis vittata Platynereis dumerilii Drilonereis magna Scolelepis texana Asychis sp. Pista palmata Sarsiella texana 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Sarsiella zostericola 12 0 6 0.02 Leptochela serratorbita 12 0 6 0.02 Micropanope scultites 12 0 6 0.02 Pinnixa sp. 12 0 6 0.02 Microprotopus spp. 12 0 6 0.02 Turbellaria (unidentified) 0 12 6 0.02 Polygireulima jamaicensis 0 12 6 0.02 Nudibranchia (unidentified) 0 12 6 0.02 Macoma tenta 0 12 6 0.02 Sigambra tentaculata 0 12 6 0.02 Nereidae (unidentified) 0 12 6 0.02 Malacoceros indicus 0 12 6 0.02 Pista cristata 0 12 6 0.02 Sipuncula (unidentified) 0 12 6 0.02 Pagurus annulipes 0 12 6 0.02 Callinectes similis 0 12 6 0.02 Megalops 0 12 6 0.02 Mysidopsis bahia 0 12 6 0.02 Bowmaniella brasiliensis 0 12 6 0.02 Erichthonias brasiliensis 0 12 6 0.02 Total 27,332 25,062 26,200 100.00 = Table 6. Species diversity characteristics for South Bay. Abbreviations: S species number, J Pielous’s evenness index, H 1 = Shannon diversity index, N 1 = Hill’s dominant species number. Station Date S y H' N1 A OctOO 28 0.94 3.13 22.8 A JanOl 40 0.95 3.51 33.4 A AprOl 20 0.93 2.78 16.1 A JulOl 15 0.90 2.43 11.3 A OctOl 19 0.94 2.77 15.9 A Jan02 34 0.94 3.31 27.5 A Apr02 27 0.94 3.09 22.0 A Jul02 23 0.92 2.88 17.9 A26 0.93 2.99 20.9 average B OctOO 18 0.93 2.69 14.7 B JanOl 33 0.93 3.25 25.8 B AprOl 15 0.93 2.51 12.3 B JulOl 13 0.89 2.28 9.7 B OctOl 15 0.86 2.34 10.3 B Jan02 32 0.95 3.30 27.1 9.0 B 11 0.91 2.19 Apr02 B Jul02 23 0.94 2.94 18.9 20 0.92 2.69 B average 16.0 Sediment Elemental Composition in South Bay There was no difference between South Bay stations Aand B in sediment chemical composition (Table 7). The overall average porosity in South Bay was 37.11 % for the upper cmofsediment. Theaveragenitrogenstableisotope(6 15N)valuewas4.10%o. Therewasone verylightcarbonstableisotopevalueforthesurfacesectionofstationA.Thisvalueindicates an unusual flocculent layer, or recent deposition ,because the percent total carbon (C) and total organic carbon (TOC) values are also high. Deleting this aberrant value, the average carbon stable istope (6 13C) isotope value was -5.74 %o. There was very little total nitrogen (N) in the sediments averaging only 0.07% overall. Carbon content was more typical averaging 1.86%, and TOC averaged 0.54%. Water Column Composition in South Bay Therewasnodifferencebetween SouthBaystationsAandBover time for temperature, dissolved oxygen, phosphate, silicate, nitrate+nitrite (NN), ammonia and chlorophyll a (Chi) content. However,thereweredifferencesduetosalinity(P=0.0136),withstationAbeingon average 2.06 ppt greater than station B. Over time, Chi increased from October 2000 through April 2001, and then decreased thereafter (Figure 10). Phosphate and total dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) were correlated over time, except for the first sampling period, October 2000, when phosphate was high and DIN was low. Salinity and Chi were not correlated with was any nutrient parameter. However, NN = = inversely correlated with temperature (r -.079, P 0.0184). Table 7. Sediment chemistry in South Bay. Stable isotope values are 615 N and 613C, and elementalcompositionvalues arepercentnitrogen(N),carbon(C),andtotalorganiccarbon (TOC). Date Station Section Porosity 615N N 613C C TOC (%) (%o) (%) (%o) (%) (%) 24-Oct-2000 A 0-1 52.05 3.08 0.12 -28.94 2.54 0.95 24-Oct-2000 A 3-10 35.16 3.57 0.07 -5.50 2.00 0.61 27-Oct-2001 A 0-1 25.75 3.89 0.04 -5.69 1.22 0.29 27-Oct-2001 A 3-10 27.97 4.41 0.05 -6.34 1.66 0.50 Average 35.23 3.74 0.07 -11.62 1.85 0.59 24-Oct-2000 B 0-1 46.12 4.24 0.08 -5.49 1.93 0.61 24-Oct-2000 B 3-10 40.78 4.43 0.06 -5.20 1.85 0.46 27-Oct-2001 B 0-1 35.61 4.51 0.04 -5.76 1.72 0.38 27-Oct-2001 B 3-10 33.42 4.68 0.06 -6.08 1.98 0.53 Average 38.98 4.47 0.06 -5.63 1.87 0.49 Table 8. Sediment grain size in South Bay. Station Section Rubble Sand Silt Clay A 0-3 0.0600 0.7073 0.0226 0.2101 A 3-10 0.0233 0.5928 0.0955 0.2884 B 0-3 0.0282 0.6827 0.1823 0.1069 B 3-10 0.0264 0.7846 0.0529 0.1361 \ Average 0.0345 0.6918 0.0883 0.1853 Figure 10. Water column nutrients and chlorophyll content. DISCUSSION This report is primarily a final report for all work performed in South Bay, and secondarilyaprogressreport ontheworkperformedintheBrazosRiverandtheRioGrande. The South Bay sampling is complete, and further sampling is not anticipated in the near future. Thus, therelationshipbetween macrofaunaandenvironmental factorswithinSouthBaywillbe discussedindetail. Incontrast,workintheBrazosRiverandRioGrandewillcontinuethrough 2005. South Bay Coastal Preserve It is surprising that there is a significant difference in salinity between the two stations in South Bay. Station Ais further from the Brownsville Ship Channel and consistently had a slightly higher salinity than Station B (Figure 1). There most likely explanation forthe salinity gradientissimple.HigherratesofevaporationatstationBawayfromtheShipChannel, and lowersaline watersinLagunaMadre,whichhas asourceofinflowat theLaguna Atascosta. However, because salinities at Station A were slightly hypersaline, higher evaporation rates are a more likely explanation. The salinity is relatively high in South Bay, averaging 36.6 ppt overall. In spite ofthe high salinities, DO concentrations were relatively high (averaging 7.0 mg I'1 overall) thus water qualitywithrespecttoDOisgood. Thehighsalinitiesarelikelythedriversforthecommunity structure within South Bay and the differences found for community structure between station A and station B. It is not useful to over-interpret the nutrient and chlorophyll data. On one hand, there was no relationship between nutrients, chlorophyll and salinity. But on the other hand, sampling occursonlyeverythreemonths. Thereismuchtolargeaperiodoftimebetweensamplesto water adequately interpret relationships among column parameters that vary on very short time scales, e.g., hourly, daily, or weekly. South Bay is dominated by Annelida, which were the top 10 dominant species comprising 85% ofthe population overall. Dominance by Annelida is expected in areas with little freshwaterinflow(MontagnaandLi, 1996).ThehighsalinitiesindicateinflowtoSouthBayis small relative to the volume ofthe bay. The dominant organisms were unidentified Oligochaete speciescomprising24%ofallindividualsfound. Thenextninedominantspecieswereall polycheates. The five most dominant polycheates (Streblospio benedicti, Tharyx setigem, Prionospio heterobranchia, Capitella capitata, Mediomastus ambiseta) are common in all Texas bays and estuaries and are primarily surface deposit feeders. The sixth dominant species, Polydoracaulleryi,isamoredeeplydwellingorganismcharacteristicofhealthysediments. The 11thdominantspecieswas thebivalve,Abraaequalis,butitonlycomprised 1.2%ofall organisms found. Whereas the annelid species found are common in Texas estuaries, the lack of mollusks and crustaceans is unusual. InlargeopenbaysofTexas,mollusks areexcellentindicatorspeciesofinfloweffects (Montagna and Kalke, 1995; Montagna and Li, 1996). The dominance ofpolychaetes and lack ofmollusks indicates that South bay is clearly not being influenced by freshwater inflow, nor doesitsupportmanyestuarine speciesfound inopenbays thatareinfluenced byinflow. Compared to other Texas estuaries, South Bay had a relatively even species distribution, whereas the dominant species comprised 24% ofthe fauna, in East Matagorda Bay, itcomprised 49%ofthefaunaoverall. Typically,thedominantspeciescomprisesaround80%ofthefaunain other Texas bays. So South Bay is more like another minor bay, East Matagorda Bay, than other larger Texas bays. Inthecurrentstudy,averagedensity(20,620 individualsm'2)and biomass(6.90 gm'2)is typicalofaTexasbay. Itcomparesfavorablywiththeaveragedensity(14,629individualsm'2) andbiomass(10.901gm'2)forEastMatagordaBay(Montagna2001). 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Abbreviations:Bay(ChristmasBay=CB,BrazosRiver=BR,Rio = === = Grande RG, South Bay SO), STA station, z depth (m), SAL(R) salinity by == refractometer(ppt),SAL(M) salinitybymeter(psu),COND=conductivity(uS/cm),TEMP temperature (°C), DO = dissolved oxygen (mg/1). Bay Date STA z SAL(R) SAL(M) COND TEMP pH DO CB 120CT2001 A 0.00 21 25.6 40.20 25.91 8.03 7.04 CB 120CT2001 A 1.48 25.7 40.31 25.61 8.00 6.80 CB 120CT2001 B 0.00 23 27.5 42.82 25.61 8.01 6.56 CB 120CT2001 B 1.59 27.6 42.89 25.42 7.97 6.30 CB 120CT2001 C 0.00 22 27.6 42.94 25.89 8.05 7.22 CB 120CT2001 C 1.40 28.3 43.80 25.58 8.03 7.18 CB 08JAN2002 A 0.00 20 25.3 39.81 10.67 8.16 9.78 CB 08JAN2002 A 0.80 25.9 42.05 10.57 8.14 9.77 CB 08JAN2002 B 0.00 22 26.8 41.87 11.11 7.95 9.58 CB 08JAN2002 B 0.80 26.8 41.86 11.09 7.93 9.49 CB 08JAN2002 C 0.00 20 24.9 39.16 11.90 8.20 9.87 CB 08JAN2002 C 0.82 31.5 48.35 12.50 8.27 11.07 CB 12APR2002 A 0.00 24 25.8 40.37 24.10 8.08 7.06 CB 12APR2002 A 1.35 25.8 40.39 23.90 8.06 6.92 CB 12APR2002 B 0.00 24 25.3 39.66 23.63 8.11 7.08 CB 12APR2002 B 1.40 25.4 39.84 23.45 8.07 6.69 CB 12APR2002 C 0.00 24 24.0 37.87 23.96 8.10 7.29 CB 12APR2002 C 1.20 24.1 38.01 23.79 8.08 7.08 CB 09JUL2002 A 0.00 20 36.4 92.20 29.39 8.02 22.92 CB 09JUL2002 A 1.40 36.9 89.60 29.37 7.99 23.29 CB 09JUL2002 B 0.00 22 40.5 85.30 29.37 8.15 25.75 CB 09JUL2002 B 1.40 40.5 84.50 29.38 8.15 25.77 CB 09JUL2002 C 0.00 23 40.1 90.70 29.59 8.17 25.47 CB 09JUL2002 C 1.50 40.1 89.60 29.58 8.17 25.47 CB 170CT2002 A 0.10 20 22.5 35.56 19.97 8.15 7.81 CB 170CT2002 A 1.55 22.5 35.57 19.99 8.16 7.79 CB 170CT2002 B 0.10 19 22.5 35.61 20.12 8.04 7.29 CB 170CT2002 B 1.55 22.7 35.86 20.31 8.07 5.94 CB 170CT2002 C 0.10 20 22.6 35.79 20.95 8.10 7.13 CB 170CT2002 C 1.50 22.6 35.78 20.96 8.12 7.13 CB 09JAN2003 A 0.10 23 25.0 39.14 15.32 8.16 8.60 CB 09JAN2003 A 0.80 25.3 39.55 15.44 8.15 8.53 CB 09JAN2003 B 0.10 23 25.1 39.34 14.89 8.10 8.44 CB 09JAN2003 B 0.80 25.3 39.56 14.88 8.10 8.18 CB 09JAN2003 C 0.10 24 25.8 40.37 15.50 8.07 7.99 CB 09JAN2003 C 0.90 25.8 40.34 15.51 8.07 7.92 BR 180CT2000 A 0.00 24.8 39.04 26.50 8.09 10.00 BR 180CT2000 A 3.30 31.7 48.71 26.71 7.59 5.61 BR 180CT2000 B 0.00 22 26.0 40.79 26.68 8.04 9.43 BR 180CT2000 B 2.80 29.1 45.10 26.29 7.86 7.86 BR 180CT2000 C 0.00 25 28.4 43.97 25.42 8.04 7.64 BR 180CT2000 C 3.00 29.2 45.20 25.04 7.99 6.57 BR 10APR2001 A 0.00 0 1.6 3.10 22.60 7.95 7.72 BR 10APR2001 A 2.50 1.7 3.26 22.60 7.92 7.69 BR 10APR2001 B 0.00 0 2.1 3.95 22.63 7.92 7.93 BR 10APR2001 B 1.60 2.1 3.96 22.57 7.91 7.90 BR 10APR2001 C 0.00 0 2.2 4.22 22.76 7.95 8.06 BR 10APR2001 C 2.60 2.4 4.60 22.75 7.91 7.94 BR 11JUL2001 A 0.00 1 3.1 5.86 32.47 7.72 5.78 BR 11JUL2001 A 3.10 24.2 38.37 32.34 7.30 2.81 BR 11JUL2001 B 0.00 2 4.6 8.37 32.96 7.88 6.66 BR 11JUL2001 B 1.90 7.4 14.41 32.43 7.74 5.60 BR 11JUL2001 C 0.00 5 6.7 11.82 32.87 7.88 6.53 BR 11JUL2001 C 1.60 19.6 32.70 31.30 7.80 5.76 BR 120CT2001 A 0.00 2 5.6 9.88 24.40 7.70 5.64 BR 120CT2001 A 3.20 19.7 31.67 26.05 7.64 3.94 BR 120CT2001 B 0.00 3 6.1 10.77 24.44 7.71 6.04 BR 120CT2001 B 1.50 8.3 14.05 24.64 7.70 5.58 BR 120CT2001 C 0.00 5 8.3 14.37 24.86 7.71 6.10 BR 120CT2001 C 1.96 21.7 34.11 25.58 7.87 5.27 BR 08JAN2002 A 0.00 0 3.0 5.52 10.43 7.94 10.12 BR 08JAN2002 A 2.30 3.1 5.96 10.47 7.94 10.03 BR 08JAN2002 B 0.00 0 3.4 6.16 10.58 7.95 10.12 BR 08JAN2002 B 2.30 3.4 6.16 10.57 7.94 9.83 BR 08JAN2002 C 0.00 0 3.6 6.61 10.80 7.93 9.88 BR 08JAN2002 C 1.85 3.7 6.68 10.74 7.91 9.80 BR 12APR2002 A 0.00 0 1.9 3.62 21.53 7.70 5.28 BR 12APR2002 A 2.80 1.9 3.37 21.53 7.69 4.95 BR 12APR2002 B 0.00 0 1.9 3.51 21.58 7.68 5.06 BR 12APR2002 B 1.50 1.9 3.57 21.54 7.69 5.02 BR 12APR2002 C 0.00 0 1.8 3.51 21.68 7.69 5.11 BR 12APR2002 C 2.50 1.9 3.58 21.61 7.69 5.05 BR 08JUL2002 A 0.00 10 12.9 21.80 33.19 8.20 11.04 BR 08JUL2002 A 2.30 23.4 37.21 32.16 7.63 2.69 BR 08JUL2002 B 0.00 12 14.4 23.96 33.06 8.22 10.67 BR 08JUL2002 B 2.00 22.3 35.57 31.95 7.73 3.32 BR 08JUL2002 C 0.00 12 15.3 25.31 32.76 8.24 10.47 BR 08JUL2002 C 2.50 22.2 35.55 31.54 7.86 4.66 BR 160CT2002 A 0.10 2 5.1 9.10 24.65 7.53 5.61 BR 160CT2002 A 2.70 16.9 27.49 24.62 7.64 3.82 BR 160CT2002 B 0.10 4 5.8 10.32 24.80 7.72 5.92 BR 160CT2002 B 1.80 14.1 22.70 24.21 7.64 4.03 BR 160CT2002 C 0.10 6 9.5 16.31 24.41 7.73 5.16 BR 160CT2002 C 2.10 16.5 27.02 24.24 7.77 4.31 BR 08JAN2003 A 0.10 0 2.7 5.08 13.15 7.68 9.52 BR 08JAN2003 X 2.90 2.7 5.08 13.14 7.71 9.00 BR 08JAN2003 B 0.10 0 2.8 5.12 13.27 7.76 9.14 BR 08JAN2003 B 1.50 2.8 5.12 13.28 7.77 9.03 BR 08JAN2003 C 0.10 0 2.8 5.24 13.10 7.75 8.89 BR 08JAN2003 C 1.40 2.8 5.24 13.11 7.75 8.86 RG 240CT2000 A 0.00 3 4.8 8.59 26.43 8.94 11.87 RG 240CT2000 A 0.38 4.8 8.58 26.46 8.93 11.34 RG 240CT2000 B 0.00 5.5 9.80 26.84 8.90 10.56 RG 240CT2000 B 0.28 5.5 9.89 26.74 8.90 9.79 RG 240CT2000 C 0.00 6 7.7 13.50 27.48 8.40 9.54 RG 240CT2000 C 0.32 7.8 13.50 27.48 8.38 8.77 RG 10JAN2001 A 0.00 4.5 15.48 8.45 10.23 RG 10JAN2001 A 0.80 4.5 15.46 8.57 9.65 RG 10JAN2001 B 0.00 5.0 15.19 8.20 9.65 RG 10JAN2001 B 0.75 5.0 15.14 8.38 9.55 RG 10JAN2001 C 0.00 8.6 18.13 8.75 9.70 RG 10JAN2001 C 0.64 8.6 18.13 8.80 8.40 RG 14APR2001 A 1.4 27.08 8.69 5.98 RG 14APR2001 A 0.00 1.4 27.08 8.65 6.62 RG 14APR2001 B 1.5 26.63 8.64 6.41 RG 14APR2001 B 0.00 1.5 26.66 8.60 6.55 RG 14APR2001 C 2.3 26.19 8.42 4.82 RG 14APR2001 C 0.00 2.3 26.18 8.36 5.68 RG 07JUL2001 A 0.00 0.7 12.96 30.18 8.44 6.99 RG 07JUL2001 A 0.65 0.7 12.96 30.17 8.44 6.71 RG 07JUL2001 B 0.00 0.7 13.08 29.62 8.45 7.12 RG 07JUL2001 B 0.61 0.7 13.07 29.61 8.46 6.74 RG 07JUL2001 C 0.00 0.9 1.76 28.46 8.44 5.62 RG 07JUL2001 C 0.60 0.9 1.76 28.42 8.41 5.02 RG 200CT2001 A 0.00 8.2 14.11 26.08 8.34 8.67 RG 200CT2001 A 0.50 8.2 14.11 26.09 8.36 8.99 RG 200CT2001 B 0.00 8.7 15.06 26.41 8.32 8.30 RG 200CT2001 B 0.50 8.9 15.35 26.34 8.36 8.00 RG 200CT2001 C 0.00 10.5 17.87 25.79 8.74 9.76 RG 200CT2001 C 0.35 10.6 18.02 25.32 8.23 9.06 RG 21JAN2002 A 0.00 0.9 16.13 19.78 8.89 7.53 RG 21JAN2002 A 0.47 0.9 16.16 19.76 8.88 6.68 RG 21JAN2002 B 0.00 0.9 16.28 19.70 8.98 7.40 RG 21JAN2002 B 0.39 0.9 16.28 19.70 8.96 6.80 RG 21JAN2002 C 0.00 1.2 22.83 19.72 9.13 5.99 RG 21JAN2002 C 0.35 1.2 22.91 19.72 9.14 5.14 RG 13APR2002 A 0.00 0.8 15.12 26.08 8.77 5.69 RG 13APR2002 A 0.65 0.8 15.13 26.05 8.77 5.25 RG 13APR2002 B 0.00 0.8 15.32 25.65 8.79 5.68 RG 13APR2002 B 0.61 0.8 15.34 25.64 8.78 5.47 RG 13APR2002 C 0.00 1.4 26.77 25.30 8.65 4.31 RG 13APR2002 C 0.59 1.4 26.78 25.27 8.63 4.22 RG 09JUL2002 A 0.00 0.9 1.67 30.03 8.39 6.45 RG 09JUL2002 A 0.60 0.9 1.67 30.03 8.39 6.24 RG 09JUL2002 B 0.00 0.9 1.69 29.53 8.46 5.90 RG 09JUL2002 B 0.60 0.9 1.68 29.46 8.44 5.41 RG 09JUL2002 D 0.00 0.7 1.47 29.86 8.48 5.80 RG 09JUL2002 D 0.50 0.7 1.48 29.85 8.47 5.50 SO 240CT2000 A 0.00 35 37.4 56.36 25.98 8.13 6.90 SO 240CT2000 A 0.98 40.0 59.61 26.45 8.14 3.24 SO 240CT2000 B 0.00 32 35.2 53.33 24.94 8.04 6.85 SO 240CT2000 B 0.80 35.2 53.33 24.95 8.04 4.99 SO 10JAN2001 A 0.00 38.9 17.14 8.14 8.72 SO 10JAN2001 A 0.85 39.0 17.12 8.20 8.59 SO 10JAN2001 B 0.00 35.7 14.22 8.05 7.30 SO 10JAN2001 B 0.60 35.7 14.19 8.06 7.27 SO 14APR2001 A 0.00 37.4 27.90 7.89 7.12 SO 14APR2001 A 1.00 38.6 28.26 7.94 8.26 SO 14APR2001 B 0.00 35.7 23.83 7.96 6.81 SO 14APR2001 B 0.80 35.8 23.82 7.97 6.79 SO 07JUL2001 A 0.00 37.2 30.78 8.24 8.12 SO 07JUL2001 A 0.50 37.3 31.12 8.29 7.82 SO 07JUL2001 B 0.00 37.2 29.50 8.16 7.52 so 07JUL2001 B 0.70 37.2 29.52 8.18 7.50 so 270CT2001 A 0.00 36.7 55.15 24.88 8.19 6.49 so 270CT2001 A 1.35 39.7 59.14 25.00 8.31 7.66 so 270CT2001 B 0.00 35.1 53.16 26.16 8.38 8.81 so 270CT2001 B 0.69 35.3 53.32 26.17 8.38 8.11 so 21JAN2002 A 0.00 38.0 21.00 so 21JAN2002 A 0.90 39.0 23.00 so 21JAN2002 B 0.00 37.0 21.50 so 21JAN2002 B 0.95 37.0 22.00 so 13APR2002 A 0.00 34.4 26.74 8.46 4.88 so 13APR2002 A 1.15 35.5 27.05 8.57 6.83 so 13APR2002 B 0.00 32.1 26.13 8.43 6.43 so 13APR2002 B 1.10 32.3 25.88 8.42 6.06 so 09JUL2002 A 0.00 36.6 55.11 28.55 8.12 5.90 so 09JUL2002 A 1.31 36.8 55.37 28.54 8.22 6.00 so 09JUL2002 B 0.00 36.6 55.16 29.05 8.18 7.50 so 09JUL2002 B 1.55 36.5 55.06 29.10 8.22 7.20 Nutrients = chlorophyll a. Water depth is in m. Nutrient concentrations are in umol/1. Chlorophyll concentrations in ug/1. Bay Date STA Depth poSI0 N+N nh Chi 44 4 Table 10. Nutrient and chlorophyll data. Abbreviations: Bay (Christmas Bay = CB, Brazos River=BR,RioGrande=RG, SouthBay=SO),STA=station,N+N=nitrateplusnitrite,Chi CB 120CT2001 A 1.040 0.360 11.34 0.210 CB 120CT2001 A 0 0.000 0.250 9.78 0.150 CB 120CT2001 B 0.870 0.110 10.54 0.100 CB 120CT2001 B 0 0.840 0.130 6.66 0.000 CB 120CT2001 C 0.790 0.280 8.48 0.000 CB 120CT2001 C 0 0.780 0.180 6.70 0.000 CB 08JAN2002 A 0 0.000 0.750 1.90 0.000 CB 08JAN2002 A 0.8 1.010 0.370 2.26 0.000 CB 08JAN2002 B 0 0.740 0.720 3.94 0.000 CB 08JAN2002 B 0.8 0.760 0.340 4.66 0.000 CB 08JAN2002 C 0 1.060 2.730 3.06 0.000 CB 08JAN2002 C 0.82 1.080 1.310 4.00 0.000 CB 12APR2002 A 0.1 0.050 0.330 4.38 0.000 CB 12APR2002 A 1.35 0.160 20.30 3.98 0.000 CB 12APR2002 B 0.1 0.000 0.490 2.42 0.000 CB 12APR2002 B 1.4 0.000 0.370 3.20 0.000 CB 12APR2002 C 0.1 0.100 0.930 2.94 0.000 CB 12APR2002 C 1.2 0.170 0.940 5.32 0.000 CB 09JUL2002 A 0.1 0.320 0.330 7.24 0.000 CB 09JUL2002 A 1.4 0.230 0.220 7.84 0.000 CB 09JUL2002 B 0.1 0.140 0.180 7.87 0.000 CB 09JUL2002 B 1.4 0.140 0.170 10.04 0.000 CB 09JUL2002 C 0.1 0.130 0.020 12.16 0.000 CB 09JUL2002 C 1.5 0.080 0.020 11.70 0.000 CB 170CT2002 A 0.1 0.650 0.830 7.08 3.420 CB 170CT2002 A 1.55 0.660 0.810 6.96 4.270 CB 170CT2002 B 0.1 0.720 0.990 6.51 5.250 CB 170CT2002 B 1.55 0.710 Q.890 9.35 0.910 CB 170CT2002 C 0.1 0.690 0.780 7.70 3.860 CB 170CT2002 C 1.5 0.680 0.790 8.77 3.470 BR 180CT2000 A 0 1.646 62 37.66 5.396 BR 180CT2000 A 3.3 1.917 45 36.56 15.744 BR 180CT2000> B 0 0.688 32 30.79 3.668 BR 180CT2000 B 2.8 2.164 45 35.90 15.063 BR 180CT2000 C 0 1.310 42 26.15 15.880 BR 180CT2000 C 3 1.207 31 22.42 16.031 BR 10JAN2001 A 0 1.740 237 32.58 3.24 6.760 BR 10JAN2001 A 2.6 2.030 284 29.57 10.26 7.390 BR 10JAN2001 B 0 1.660 287 25.49 5.71 6.990 BR 10JAN2001 B 2.8 2.81 BR 10JAN2001 C 0 1.490 307 21.53 3.53 6.560 BR 10JAN2001 C 2.4 1.740 286 37.24 6.90 6.960 BR 10APR2001 A 0 11.18 233 57.40 5.14 4.050 BR 10APR2001 A 2.5 1.200 318 51.31 5.58 3.890 BR 10APR2001 B 0 0.000 362 54.36 6.03 4.820 BR 10APR2001 B 1.6 1.260 324 56.89 3.62 4.810 BR 10APR2001 C 0 1.330 250 59.46 4.52 4.510 BR 10APR2001 C 2.6 1.550 349 59.46 5.45 4.970 BR 11JUL2001 A 0 3.310 349 9.380 5.84 4.630 BR 11JUL2001 A 3.1 4.340 156 11.15 23.90 25.550 BR 11JUL2001 B 0 3.480 335 4.230 6.46 5.170 BR 11JUL2001 B 1.9 3.150 330 4.180 7.20 2.090 BR 11JUL2001 C 0 3.490 350 66.65 7.94 5.100 BR 11JUL2001 C 1.6 3.930 214 46.83 21.67 8.310 BR 120CT2001 A 3.620 181 32.82 9.10 11.060 BR 120CT2001 A 0 2.840 170 25.26 9.14 10.010 BR 120CT2001 B 4.260 188 33.19 11.88 13.270 BR 120CT2001 B 0 2.840 167 23.81 8.74 9.840 BR 120CT2001 C 2.180 118 19.71 6.20 9.700 BR 120CT2001 C 0 2.550 158 26.53 7.72 11.150 BR 08JAN2002 A 0 2.990 178 50.05 3.98 2.260 BR 08JAN2002 A 2.3 2.940 170 50.44 3.76 2.150 BR 08JAN2002 B 0 2.900 170 50.93 3.68 2.250 BR 08JAN2002 B 2.3 2.810 163 50.80 4.42 2.200 BR 08JAN2002 C 0 2.500 166 49.00 3.26 2.100 BR 08JAN2002 C 1.85 2.500 142 47.70 3.62 2.190 BR 12APR2002 A 0.1 3.490 109 45.45 4.10 6.640 BR 12APR2002 A 2.8 4.250 105 45.98 5.68 6.710 BR 12APR2002 B 0.1 4.310 111 46.36 6.34 7.660 BR 12APR2002 B 1.5 3.820 102 45.16 9.12 8.570 BR 12APR2002 C 0.1 3.900 106 46.34 5.86 6.770 BR 12APR2002 C 2.5 4.380 104 44.78 6.70 7.430 BR 08JUL2002 A 0.1 0.730 185 51.09 36.00 6.030 BR 08JUL2002 A 2.3 1.660 124 51.86 11.68 28.050 BR 08JUL2002 B 0.1 0.460 171 50.95 39.50 0.680 BR 08JUL2002 B 2 1.370 116 48.71 17.36 24.200 BR 08JUL2002 C 0.1 0.310 166 49.21 39.00 0.050 BR 08JUL2002 C 2.5 0.750 123 44.28 19.06 13.110 BR 160CT2002 A 0.1 2.760 108 26.63 5.92 20.530 BR 160CT2002 A 2.7 2.290 94 14.29 4.30 8.160 BR 160CT2002 B 0.1 2.970 123 26.30 6.33 21.270 BR 160CT2002 B 1.8 1.970 86 17.66 4.68 14.530 BR 160CT2002 C 0.1 2.210 97 20.50 5.01 17.020 BR 160CT2002 C 2.1 2.560 93 20.38 5.11 15.300 RG 240CT2000 A 0 4.432 149 0.000 66.64 0.826 RG 240CT2000 A 0.377 4.504 145 0.000 58.88 0.802 RG 240CT2000 B 0 6.486 169 0.000 33.45 0.841 RG 240CT2000 B 0.282 6.558 156 0.000 33.19 0.817 RG 240CT2000' C 0 6.630 178 0.000 17.96 0.778 RG 240CT2000 C 0.324 6.651 181 0.000 17.17 0.960 RG 10JAN2001 A 0 8.820 188 37.24 50.11 0.700 RG 10JAN2001 A 0.8 9.240 198 37.48 55.96 0.480 RG 10JAN2001 B 0 6.480 183 23.58 37.65 1.030 RG 10JAN2001 B 0.75 6.860 178 22.37 38.15 1.060 RG 25JAN2001 C 0 20.35 RG 25JAN2001 C 0.64 21.11 RG 14APR2001 A 0.1 6.150 44 0.790 40.57 74.840 RG 14APR2001 A 0.8 5.890 38 0.850 36.76 0.660 RG 14APR2001 B 0.1 6.590 41 0.830 37.26 1.030 RG 14APR2001 B 0.75 6.660 48 0.880 33.58 0.790 RG 14APR2001 C 0.1 5.430 112 0.980 37.01 0.610 RG 14APR2001 C 0.64 5.190 111 0.860 37.65 0.560 RG 07JUL2001 A 0.1 5.190 64 0.540 13.56 0.390 RG 07JUL2001 A 0.65 5.420 104 0.560 14.73 0.350 RG 07JUL2001 B 0.1 5.180 99 0.590 17.25 0.560 RG 07JUL2001 B 0.61 5.300 81 0.580 17.32 0.400 RG 07JUL2001 C 0.1 5.100 158 0.640 25.84 0.310 RG 07JUL2001 C 0.6 0.320 0 0.320 27.12 0.320 RG 200CT2001 A 0.1 8.500 63 0.840 9.77 1.120 RG 200CT2001 A 0.7 7.900 58 0.870 9.16 1.080 RG 200CT2001 B 0.1 7.910 47 1.330 3.84 1.410 RG 200CT2001 B 0.7 8.340 63 1.030 5.62 1.250 RG 200CT2001 C 0.1 3.630 49 0.850 27.47 0.950 RG 200CT2001 C 0.57 3.750 52 0.810 27.17 0.980 RG 21JAN2002 A 0.1 10.28 81 32.90 35.48 13.590 RG 21JAN2002 A 0.62 9.790 74 31.59 26.43 5.940 RG 21JAN2002 B 0.1 8.390 75 29.32 32.77 3.970 RG 21JAN2002 B 0.54 8.370 91 30.70 39.00 4.360 RG 21JAN2002 C 0.1 4.130 116 1.750 42.43 0.690 RG 21JAN2002 C 0.5 3.680 114 1.110 45.53 1.100 RG 13APR2002 A 0.1 9.650 65 1.030 13.25 0.470 RG 13APR2002 A 0.65 9.500 64 0.970 16.24 0.410 RG 13APR2002 B 0.1 7.400 79 0.420 10.32 28.370 RG 13APR2002 B 0.61 7.230 72 1.000 13.08 4.980 RG 13APR2002 C 0.1 5.760 181 0.820 14.74 0.390 RG 13APR2002 C 0.59 5.270 162 1.930 15.34 64.340 RG 09JUL2002 A 0.1 13.43 346 0.620 7.58 0.720 RG 09JUL2002 A 0.6 13.20 354 0.670 7.39 0.450 RG 09JUL2002 B 0.1 12.97 354 0.780 10.54 9.470 RG 09JUL2002 B 0.6 13.54 342 0.690 11.42 6.440 RG 09JUL2002 D 0.1 11.53 344 0.750 13.25 83.290 RG 09JUL2002 D 0.5 11.69 320 0.570 9.70 10.980 SO 240CT2000 A 0.1 0.433 6 0.000 1.08 0.668 SO 240CT2000 A 0.98 0.555 13 0.000 2.93 1.453 SO 240CT2000 B 0.1 0.631 7 0.000 2.63 1.033 SO 240CT2000 B 0.8 0.760 9 0.000 2.59 1.152 SO 10JAN2001 A 0.1 0.140 8 2.260 1.59 0.460 SO 10JAN2001 A 0.85 0.140 6 1.940 2.35 0.190 SO 10JAN2001 B 0.1 0.240 31 1.910 3.12 0.670 SO 10JAN2001 B 0.6 0.280 26 1.860 4.20 0.650 SO 14APR2001 A 0.1 0.230 1 1.030 1.40 0.510 SO 14APR2001 A 1 0.210 1 1.150 2.07 6.650 SO 14APR2001 B 0.1 0.060 8 1.010 8.62 0.220 SO 14APR2001' B 0.8 0.130 8 0.960 6.14 13.470 SO 07JUL2001 A 0.1 0.380 19 0.370 1.69 32.410 SO 07JUL2001 A 0.5 0.380 18 0.410 4.90 2.180 SO 07JUL2001 B 0.1 0.360 13 0.450 3.42 1.800 so 07JUL2001 B 0.7 0.310 13 0.390 3.57 2.270 so 270CT2001 A 0.1 0.040 8 0.600 1.70 0.050 so 270CT2001 A 1.35 0.130 8 0.550 2.85 0.100 so 270CT2001 B 0.1 0.150 2 0.530 2.48 0.160 so 270CT2001 B 0.69 0.110 2 0.470 3.50 0.080 so 21JAN2002 A 0.1 0.140 2 0.910 1.64 0.320 so 21JAN2002 A 0.9 0.100 3 1.150 2.45 0.140 so 21JAN2002 B 0.1 0.060 3 1.110 1.10 0.420 so 21JAN2002 B 0.95 0.110 2 1.050 1.45 0.390 so 13APR2002 A 0.1 0.120 4 1.140 0.71 4.150 so 13APR2002 A 1.15 0.030 7 1.080 4.58 0.580 so 13APR2002 B 0.1 0.030 2 1.080 1.34 0.320 so 13APR2002 B 1.1 0.020 1 1.050 2.15 0.290 so 09JUL2002 A 0.1 0.310 19 0.430 1.66 1.650 so 09JUL2002 A 1.31 0.260 18 0.410 2.45 2.700 so 09JUL2002 B 0.1 0.380 14 0.460 1.97 34.850 so 09JUL2002 B 1.55 0.270 14 0.430 1.86 51.540 Macrofaunal AbundanceandBiomass Table 11. Taxa abundance and biomass data. Abbreviations: Bay (Christmas Bay = CB, Brazos River=BR,Rio Grande=RG, SouthBay=SO),REP=replicate, n=numberofindividuals. Core area is 35.3 cm2, multiplyby283to obtainnor mgperm 2. Bay Date Station REP Taxa n/core mg/core CB 120CT2001 A 1 Mollusca 2 0.15 120CT2001 A 1 1 6.86 CB 120CT2001 CB Rhynchocoela A 1 Ophiuroidea 2 25.12 CB 120CT2001 A 1 Polychaeta 91 25.21 CB 120CT2001 A 2 Crustacea 1 0.11 CB 120CT2001 A 2 Hemicordata 1 1.17 CB 120CT2001 A Mollusca 2 8 0.92 CB 120CT2001 A 2 Polychaeta 109 29.43 CB 120CT2001 A 3 Crustacea 3 0.10 CB 120CT2001 A 3 Mollusca 1 4.48 CB 120CT2001 A 3 Polychaeta 50 10.89 CB 120CT2001 B 1 Rhynchocoela 1 0.06 CB 120CT2001 B 1 Polychaeta 15 0.85 CB 120CT2001 B 2 Crustacea 1 0.14 CB 120CT2001 B 2 Polychaeta 3 0.37 CB 120CT2001 B 3 Crustacea 1 0.03 CB 120CT2001 B 3 Polychaeta 11 0.64 CB 120CT2001 C 1 Mollusca 5 0.52 CB 120CT2001 C 1 Ophiuroidea 1 3.23 CB 120CT2001 C 1 47 Polychaeta 4.26 CB 120CT2001 C 2 Crustacea 4 0.55 CB 12QCT2001 C 2 Mollusca 1 0.24 CB 120CT2001 C 2 52 Polychaeta 35.33 CB 120CT2001 C 3 Crustacea 1 0.08 CB 120CT2001 C 3 Mollusca 6 1.24 CB 120CT2001 C 3 Ophiuroidea 1 76.07 CB 120CT2001 C 3 Polychaeta 73 20.18 CB 08JAN2002 A 1 Crustacea 2 0.37 CB 08JAN2002 A 1 Mollusca 9 0.67 CB 08JAN2002 1 6.81 A Polychaeta 52 CB 08JAN2002 A 2 Mollusca 9 0.72 CB 08JAN2002 A 2 59 4.19 Polychaeta CB 08JAN2002 A 3 Mollusca 20 2.72 CB 08JAN2002 t A 3 Ophiuroidea 1 0.02 CB 08JAN2002 A 3 Polychaeta 38 3.43 CB 08JAN2002 B 1 Mollusca 1 0.50 CB 08JAN2002 B 1 Other 8 0.17 CB 08JAN2002 B 1 Polychaeta 19 1.89 CB 08JAN2002 B 2 Crustacea 1 0.08 CB 08JAN2002 B 2 Rhynchocoela 1 0.08 CB 08JAN2002 B 2 Polychaeta 17 3.50 CB 08JAN2002 B 3 Crustacea 1 0.01 CB 08JAN2002 B 3 Polychaeta 10 1.82 CB 08JAN2002 C 1 Crustacea 1 0.01 CB 08JAN2002 C 1 Hemicordata 1 0.27 CB 08JAN2002 C 1 Mollusca 1 0.01 CB 08JAN2002 C 1 Rhynchocoela 2 0.09 CB 08JAN2002 C 1 Other 1 0.02 CB 08JAN2002 C 1 Ophiuroidea 1 2.33 CB 08JAN2002 C 1 Polychaeta 56 6.99 CB 08JAN2002 C 2 Crustacea 2 0.07 CB 08JAN2002 C 2 Hemicordata 3 26.94 CB 08JAN2002 C 2 Rhynchocoela 2 0.18 CB 08JAN2002 C 2 Ophiuroidea 1 31.24 CB 08JAN2002 C 2 Polychaeta 66 14.41 CB 08JAN2002 C 3 Crustacea 2 0.19 CB 08JAN2002 C 3 Mollusca 4 0.44 CB 08JAN2002 C 3 Rhynchocoela 1 0.03 CB 08JAN2002 C 3 Other 1 0.13 CB 08JAN2002 C 3 Ophiuroidea 1 29.09 CB 08JAN2002 C 3 Polychaeta 68 22.33 CB 12APR2002 A 1 Crustacea 2 0.04 CB 12APR2002 A 1 Mollusca 8 4.67 CB 12APR2002 A 1 Ophiuroidea 1 47.39 CB 12APR2002 A 1 Polychaeta 88 20.50 CB 12APR2002 A 2 Mollusca 2 4.49 CB 12APR2002 A 2 Rhynchocoela 1 0.08 CB 12APR2002 A 2 Ophiuroidea 1 17.30 CB 12APR2002 A 2 Polychaeta 42 13.56 CB 12APR2002 A 3 Crustacea 9 0.17 CB 12APR2002 A 3 Hemicordata 1 0.04 CB 12APR2002 A 3 Mollusca 13 12.93 CB 12APR2002 A 3 Other 1 0.08 CB 12APR2002 A 3 Ophiuroidea 1 13.90 CB 12APR2002 A 3 Polychaeta 65 11.29 CB 12APR2002 B 1 Crustacea 1 0.03 CB 12APR2002 B 1 Rhynchocoela 1 0.68 CB 12APR2002 B 1 Polychaeta 15 1.87 CB 12APR2002 B 2 Crustacea 1 0.07 CB 12APR2002 B 2 Mollusca 2 6.04 CB 12APR2002 B 2 Rhynchocoela 1 0.95 CB 12APR2002 B 2 Polychaeta 34 3.25 CB 12APR2002 B 3 Mollusca 3 0.12 CB 12APR2002 B 3 Other 1 0.19 CB 12APR2002 B 3 Polychaeta 16 1.48 CB 12APR2002 C 1 Crustacea 3 0.13 CB 12APR2002 C 1 Hemicordata 1 16.52 CB 12APR2002 C 1 Mollusca 6 2.84 CB 12APR2002 C 1 Rhynchocoela 7 3.89 CB 12APR2002 ' C 1 Ophiuroidea 1 86.92 CB 12APR2002 C 1 Polychaeta 130 59.56 CB 12APR2002 C 2 Crustacea 2 0.04 CB 12APR2002 C 2 Hemicordata 4 16.36 CB 12APR2002 C 2 Rhynchocoela 5 10.32 CB 12APR2002 C 2 Other 2 10.06 CB 12APR2002 C 2 Ophiuroidea 1 52.77 CB 12APR2002 C 2 Polychaeta 95 29.91 CB 12APR2002 C 3 Crustacea 4 0.02 CB 12APR2002 c 3 Hemicordata 5 7.00 CB 12APR2002 c 3 Mollusca 9 0.53 CB 12APR2002 c 3 Rhynchocoela 1 0.02 CB 12APR2002 c 3 Ophiuroidea 1 33.89 CB 12APR2002 C 3 Polychaeta 68 27.86 CB 09JUL2002 A 1 Crustacea 1 0.01 CB 09JUL2002 A 1 Mollusca 13 11.76 CB 09JUL2002 A 1 Ophiuroidea 2 0.08 CB 09JUL2002 A 1 Polychaeta 46 10.25 CB 09JUL2002 A 2 Mollusca 6 3.37 CB 09JUL2002 A 2 Polychaeta 50 4.02 CB 09JUL2002 A 3 Crustacea 1 0.08 CB 09JUL2002 A 3 Hemicordata 1 0.07 CB 09JUL2002 A 3 Mollusca 6 4.52 CB 09JUL2002 A 3 Polychaeta 61 12.50 CB 09JUL2002 B 1 Polychaeta 15 2.22 CB 09JUL2002 B 2 Polychaeta 15 15.19 CB 09JUL2002 B 3 Mollusca 2 0.23 CB 09JUL2002 B 3 Rhynchocoela 5 0.23 CB 09JUL2002 B 3 Polychaeta 16 2.83 CB 09JUL2002 C 1 Crustacea 6 0.46 CB 09JUL2002 C 1 Hemicordata 1 6.11 CB 09JUL2002 C 1 Mollusca 7 0.89 CB 09JUL2002 C 1 Rhynchocoela 4 3.92 CB 09JUL2002 C 1 Polychaeta 77 18.32 CB 09JUL2002 C 2 Mollusca 7 32.99 CB 09JUL2002 C 2 Rhynchocoela 1 2.25 CB 09JUL2002 C 2 Ophiuroidea 1 8.31 CB 09JUL2002 C 2 Polychaeta 57 10.76 CB 09JUL2002 C 3 Crustacea 5 0.30 CB 09JUL2002 C 3 Mollusca 3 6.64 CB 09JUL2002 C 3 Rhynchocoela 4 5.53 CB 09JUL2002 C 3 Polychaeta 44 23.71 BR 180CT2000 A 1 Polychaeta 41 2.17 BR 180CT2000 A 2 Polychaeta 41 3.27 BR 180CT2000 A 3 Polychaeta 11 1.44 BR 180CT2000 B 1 Polychaeta 16 6.55 BR 180CT2000 B 2 Mollusca 1 0.03 BR 180CT2000 B 2 Polychaeta 16 0.39 BR 180CT2000 B 3 Polychaeta 14 0.41 BR 180CT2000 C 1 Polychaeta 6 0.55 BR 180CT2000 C 2 Polychaeta * 5 2.43 BR 180CT2000 C 3 Polychaeta 4 1.00 BR 10JAN2001 A 1 Polychaeta 13 3.50 BR 10JAN2001 A 2 Other 1 0.10 BR 10JAN2001 A 2 Polychaeta 10 2.50 BR 10JAN2001 ' A 3 Polychaeta 12 1.10 BR 10JAN2001 B 1 Polychaeta 19 1.40 BR 10JAN2001 B 2 Polychaeta 22 1.73 BR 10JAN2001 B 3 Polychaeta 36 2.00 BR 10JAN2001 C 1 Rhynchocoela 1 0.07 BR 10JAN2001 C 1 Polychaeta 14 3.35 BR 10JAN2001 C 2 Polychaeta 12 4.97 BR 10JAN2001 C 3 Polychaeta 12 2.03 BR 10APR2001 A 1 Crustacea 1 0.03 BR 10APR2001 A 1 Chironomidlarvae 1 0.29 BR 10APR2001 A 1 Polychaeta 14 6.49 BR 10APR2001 A 2 Chironomidlarvae 1 0.01 BR 10APR2001 A 2 Polychaeta 10 0.52 BR 10APR2001 A 3 Rhynchocoela 2 2.83 BR 10APR2001 A 3 Polychaeta 11 1.71 BR 10APR2001 B 1 Chironomid larvae 2 0.02 BR 10APR2001 B 1 Polychaeta 28 6.39 BR 10APR2001 B 2 Chironomid larvae 1 0.07 BR 10APR2001 B 2 Polychaeta 33 5.50 BR 10APR2001 B 3 Polychaeta 34 4.31 BR 10APR2001 C 1 Polychaeta 12 13.89 BR 10APR2001 C 2 Polychaeta 7 2.73 BR 10APR2001 C 3 Polychaeta 33 10.81 BR 11JUL2001 A 1 Polychaeta 5 0.34 BR 11JUL2001 A 2 Polychaeta 3 0.35 BR 11JUL2001 A 3 Polychaeta 3 0.67 BR 11JUL2001 B 1 Crustacea 1 0.03 BR 11JUL2001 B 1 Rhynchocoela 4 0.18 BR 11JUL2001 B 1 Polychaeta 20 2.13 BR 11JUL2001 B 2 Polychaeta 18 2.85 BR 11JUL2001 B 3 Crustacea 1 0.26 BR 11JUL2001 B 3 Polychaeta 10 2.29 BR 11JUL2001 C 1 Polychaeta 30 1.74 BR 11JUL2001 C 2 Crustacea 1 0.27 BR 11JUL2001 C 2 Polychaeta 13 3.64 BR 11JUL2001 C 3 Polychaeta 24 6.20 BR 120CT2001 A 1 Polychaeta 12 0.99 BR 120CT2001 A 2 Crustacea 1 6.12 BR 120CT2001 A 2 Mollusca 2 0.18 BR 120CT2001 A 2 Rhynchocoela 3 0.11 BR 120CT2001 A 2 Polychaeta 9 0.85 BR 120CT2001 A 3 Crustacea 2 0.32 BR 120CT2001 A 3 Polychaeta 16 0.42 BR 120CT2001 B 1 Crustacea 1 4.14 BR 120CT2001 B 1 Rhynchocoela 1 0.02 BR 120CT2001 B 1 Polychaeta 15 1.35 BR 120CT2001 B 2 Rhynchocoela 1 0.01 BR 120CT2001 B 2 Polychaeta 5 0.88 BR 120CT2001 B 3 Mollusca 2 0.19 BR 120CT2001 B 3 Rhynchocoela 1 0.04 * BR 120CT2001 B 3 Polychaeta 9 0.85 BR 120CT2001 C 1 Rhynchocoela 1 1.04 BR 120CT2001 C 1 Polychaeta 58 5.24 BR 120CT2001 C 2 Polychaeta 29 4.52 BR 120CT2001 C 3 Polychaeta 17 2.66 BR 08JAN2002 A 1 Chironomidlarvae 1 0.10 BR 08JAN2002 A 1 Rhynchocoela 1 0.10 BR 08JAN2002 A 1 Polychaeta 0 0.00 BR 08JAN2002 A 2 Other 1 0.01 BR 08JAN2002 A 2 Polychaeta 5 0.20 BR 08JAN2002 A 3 Rhynchocoela 2 0.47 BR 08JAN2002 A 3 Polychaeta 6 0.86 BR 08JAN2002 B 1 Rhynchocoela 1 0.46 BR 08JAN2002 B 1 Polychaeta 2 0.39 BR 08JAN2002 B 2 Rhynchocoela 1 0.51 BR 08JAN2002 B 2 Polychaeta 4 0.58 BR 08JAN2002 B 3 Rhynchocoela 2 0.24 BR 08JAN2002 B 3 Polychaeta 14 0.57 BR 08JAN2002 C 1 Polychaeta 71 3.88 BR 08JAN2002 c 2 Polychaeta 17 2.51 BR 08JAN2002 c 3 Polychaeta 2 0.53 BR 12APR2002 A 1 Polychaeta 14 2.02 BR 12APR2002 A 2 Hemicordata 1 0.01 BR 12APR2002 A 2 Polychaeta 19 1.80 BR 12APR2002 A 3 Chironomidlarvae 2 0.18 BR 12APR2002 A 3 Polychaeta 15 1.27 BR 12APR2002 B 1 Rhynchocoela 2 1.05 BR 12APR2002 B 1 Polychaeta 12 0.76 BR 12APR2002 B 2 Crustacea 2 13.82 BR 12APR2002 B 2 Chironomidlarvae 1 0.04 BR 12APR2002 B 2 Polychaeta 49 2.62 BR 12APR2002 B 3 Crustacea 1 0.06 BR 12APR2002 B 3 Other 1 0.01 BR 12APR2002 B 3 Polychaeta no 12.47 BR 12APR2002 C 1 Polychaeta 36 6.11 BR 12APR2002 C 2 Chironomidlarvae 1 0.02 BR 12APR2002 C 2 Rhynchocoela 1 0.61 BR 12APR2002 C 2 Polychaeta 33 4.79 BR 12APR2002 C 3 Polychaeta 26 2.98 BR 08JUL2002 A 1 Polychaeta 6 0.72 BR 08JUL2002 A 2 Rhynchocoela 1 0.73 BR 08JUL2002 A 2 Polychaeta 3 0.02 BR 08JUL2002 A 3 Polychaeta 6 0.32 BR 08JUL2002 B 1 Rhynchocoela 2 0.13 BR 08JUL2002 B 1 Polychaeta 20 4.02 BR 08JUL2002 B 2 Rhynchocoela 1 0.15 BR 08JUL2002 B 2 Polychaeta 12 1.90 BR 08JUL2002 B 3 Rhynchocoela 1 0.06 BR 08JDL2002 B 3 Polychaeta 13 3.18 BR 08JUL2002 C 1 Polychaeta 34 5.98 BR 08JUL2002 C 2 Polychaeta 18 4.12 BR 08JUL2002 C 3 Rhynchocoela 1 0.05 BR 08JUL2002 C 3 Polychaeta 25 5.48 RG 240CT2000 A 1 Chironomidlarvae 3 0.30 RG 240CT2000 A 1 Mollusca 5 19.26 RG 240CT2000 A 1 Rhynchocoela * 6 0.64 RG 240CT2000 A 1 Polychaeta 28 2.79 RG 240CT2000 A 2 Chironomidlarvae 3 0.27 RG 240CT2000 A 2 Mollusca 5 0.67 RG 240CT2000 A 2 Rhynchocoela 6 0.71 RG 240CT2000 ' A 2 Polychaeta 50 4.02 RG 240CT2000 A 3 Chironomidlarvae 2 0.17 RG 240CT2000 A 3 Mollusca 5 0.28 RG 240CT2000 A 3 Rhynchocoela 7 0.43 RG 240CT2000 A 3 Polychaeta 50 4.18 RG 240CT2000 B 1 Mollusca 3 49.50 RG 240CT2000 B 1 Rhynchocoela 1 0.04 RG 240CT2000 B 1 Polychaeta 16 1.49 RG 240CT2000 B 2 Chironomid larvae 4 0.18 RG 240CT2000 B 2 Mollusca 1 13.46 RG 240CT2000 B 2 Rhynchocoela 1 0.06 RG 240CT2000 B 2 Polychaeta 27 3.10 RG 240CT2000 B 3 Mollusca 5 70.37 RG 240CT2000 B 3 Rhynchocoela 5 0.18 RG 240CT2000 B 3 Polychaeta 12 1.72 RG 240CT2000 C 1 Crustacea 1 0.62 RG 240CT2000 C 1 Rhynchocoela 2 0.97 RG 240CT2000 C 1 Polychaeta 18 0.28 RG 240CT2000 C 2 Crustacea 1 0.15 RG 240CT2000 C 2 Rhynchocoela 2 0.27 RG 240CT2000 C 2 Polychaeta 114 2.21 RG 240CT2000 C 3 Mollusca 1 0.64 RG 240CT2000 C 3 Polychaeta 2 0.20 RG 10JAN2001 A 1 Chironomidlarvae 7 0.32 RG 10JAN2001 A 1 Mollusca 6 1.27 RG 10JAN2001 A 1 Rhynchocoela 2 0.14 RG 10JAN2001 A 1 Polychaeta 48 2.44 RG 10JAN2001 A 2 Chironomidlarvae 5 0.28 RG 10JAN2001 A 2 Mollusca 6 1.55 RG 10JAN2001 A 2 Rhynchocoela 3 0.81 RG 10JAN2001 A 2 Polychaeta 39 3.34 RG 10JAN2001 A 3 Chironomidlarvae 11 0.51 RG 10JAN2001 A 3 Mollusca 5 2.37 RG 10JAN2001 A 3 Rhynchocoela 4 0.56 RG 10JAN2001 A 3 Polychaeta 53 2.61 RG 10JAN2001 B 1 Chironomidlarvae 8 0.39 RG 10JAN2001 B 1 Mollusca 1 33.78 RG 10JAN2001 B 1 Rhynchocoela 5 0.52 RG 10JAN2001 B 1 Polychaeta 33 2.36 RG 10JAN2001 B 2 Chironomidlarvae 2 0.11 RG 10JAN2001 B 2 Mollusca 4 65.69 RG 10JAN2001 B 2 Rhynchocoela 1 0.01 RG 10JAN2001 B 2 Polychaeta 26 3.18 RG 10JAN2001 B 3 Chironomidlarvae 3 0.22 RG 10JAN2001 B 3 Mollusca 3 0.35 RG 10JAN2001 B 3 Rhynchocoela 2 0.38 RG 10JAN2001 B 3 Polychaeta 20 1.44 RG 10JAN2001 C 1 Chironomidlarvae 4 0.35 RG 10JAN2001 C 1 Mollusca 7 1.56 RG 10JAN2001 C 1 Rhynchocoela 1 0.16 RG 10JAN2001 C 1 Polychaeta 60 8.04 RG 10JAN2001 C 2 Crustacea 3 0.22 RG 10JAN2001 C 2 Chironomidlarvae 2 0.49 RG 10JAN2001 C 2 Mollusca 7 2.80 RG 10JAN2001 C 2 Rhynchocoela 4 0.96 RG 10JAN2001 ' C 2 Polychaeta 75 8.08 RG 10JAN2001 C 3 Cmstacea 1 0.03 RG 10JAN2001 C 3 Chironomidlarvae 3 0.40 RG 10JAN2001 C 3 Mollusca 8 1.04 RG 10JAN2001 C 3 Rhynchocoela 3 1.03 RG 10JAN2001 C 3 Polychaeta 56 3.67 RG 14APR2001 A 1 Chironomidlarvae 23 1.19 RG 14APR2001 A 1 Mollusca 1 0.06 RG 14APR2001 A 1 Polychaeta 28 2.60 RG 14APR2001 A 2 Cmstacea 1 0.06 RG 14APR2001 A 2 Chironomid larvae 34 1.34 RG 14APR2001 A 2 Polychaeta 27 3.02 RG 14APR2001 A 3 Chironomid larvae 31 1.47 RG 14APR2001 A 3 Rhynchocoela 4 1.19 RG 14APR2001 A 3 Polychaeta 44 4.61 RG 14APR2001 B 1 Chironomidlarvae 17 4.25 RG 14APR2001 B 1 Mollusca 1 0.78 RG 14APR2001 B 1 Polychaeta 16 1.50 RG 14APR2001 B 2 Chironomidlarvae 27 2.42 RG 14APR2001 B 2 Polychaeta 30 2.40 RG 14APR2001 B 3 Chironomidlarvae 15 1.13 RG 14APR2001 B 3 Mollusca 1 0.13 RG 14APR2001 B 3 Rhynchocoela 2 0.43 RG 14APR2001 B 3 Polychaeta 20 2.16 RG 14APR2001 C 1 Chironomidlarvae 20 4.57 RG 14APR2001 C 1 Mollusca 2 23.91 RG 14APR2001 C 1 Rhynchocoela 2 0.66 RG 14APR2001 C 1 Polychaeta 66 5.38 RG 14APR2001 C 2 Chironomidlarvae 12 1.26 RG 14APR2001 C 2 Mollusca 3 2.62 RG 14APR2001 C 2 Rhynchocoela 1 0.31 RG 14APR2001 C 2 Polychaeta 36 1.77 RG 14APR2001 C 3 Chironomidlarvae 19 1.47 RG 14APR2001 C 3 Mollusca 2 24.81 RG 14APR2001 C 3 Rhynchocoela 1 0.51 RG 14APR2001 C 3 Polychaeta 30 2.45 RG 07JUL2001 A 1 Chironomid larvae 12* 0.23 RG 07JUL2001 A 1 Mollusca 1 0.23 RG 07JUL2001 A 1 Rhynchocoela 2 1.50 RG 07JUL2001 A 1 Polychaeta 37 1.57 RG 07JUL2001 A 2 Chironomidlarvae 3 0.49 RG 07JUL2001 A 2 Mollusca 1 0.21 RG 07JUL2001 A 2 Polychaeta 24 1.79 RG 07JUL2001 A 3 Chironomidlarvae 2 0.04 RG 07JUL2001 A 3 Mollusca 1 2.48 RG 07JUL2001 A 3 Polychaeta 8 1.60 RG 07JUL2001 B 1 Chironomidlarvae 4 0.15 RG 07JUL2001 B 1 Polychaeta 19 1.42 RG 07JUL2001 B 2 Chironomidlarvae 4 0.11 RG 07JUL2001 B 2 Mollusca 1 28.73 RG 07JUL2001 B 2 Polychaeta 9 16 1.20 RG 07JUL2001 B 3 Chironomidlarvae 6 0.40 RG 07JUL2001 B 3 Mollusca 3 84.24 RG 07JUL2001 B 3 Polychaeta 14 1.15 RG 07JUL2001 C 1 Chironomidlarvae 5 3.04 RG 07JUL2001 ' C 1 Polychaeta 7 0.34 RG 07JUL2001 C 2 Chironomidlarvae 1 2.08 RG 07JUL2001 C 2 Rhynchocoela 1 0.20 RG 07JUL2001 C 2 Polychaeta 1 0.07 RG 07JUL2001 C 3 Chironomidlarvae 4 0.36 RG 07JUL2001 C 3 Rhynchocoela 1 1.64 RG 07JUL2001 C 3 Other 1 0.01 RG 07JUL2001 C 3 Polychaeta 3 2.92 RG 200CT2001 A 1 Chironomidlarvae 6 0.13 RG 200CT2001 A 1 Mollusca 2 29.25 RG 200CT2001 A 1 Rhynchocoela 1 0.43 RG 200CT2001 A 1 Polychaeta 26 0.54 RG 200CT2001 A 2 Chironomidlarvae 2 0.13 RG 200CT2001 A 2 Rhynchocoela 1 0.85 RG 200CT2001 A 2 Polychaeta 46 3.66 RG 200CT2001 A 3 Chironomid larvae 4 0.08 RG 200CT2001 A 3 Rhynchocoela 1 0.02 RG 200CT2001 A 3 Polychaeta 36 0.59 RG 200CT2001 B 1 Chironomid larvae 5 0.36 RG 200CT2001 B 1 Rhynchocoela 1 0.08 RG 200CT2001 B 1 Polychaeta 15 1.11 RG 200CT2001 B 2 Chironomid larvae 4 0.14 RG 200CT2001 B 2 Mollusca 2 40.75 RG 200CT2001 B 2 Rhynchocoela 3 0.69 RG 200CT2001 B 2 Polychaeta 16 1.64 RG 200CT2001 B 3 Chironomidlarvae 2 0.23 RG 200CT2001 B 3 Mollusca 1 32.87 RG 200CT2001 B 3 Rhynchocoela 1 0.08 RG 200CT2001 B 3 Polychaeta 17 0.78 RG 200CT2001 C 1 Chironomidlarvae 1 0.01 RG 200CT2001 C 1 Rhynchocoela 1 0.19 RG 200CT2001 C 1 Polychaeta 9 1.68 RG 200CT2001 C 2 Chironomidlarvae 1 0.02 RG 200CT2001 C 2 Polychaeta 9 8.15 RG 200CT2001 C 3 Chironomidlarvae 1 0.20 RG 200CT2001 C 3 Rhynchocoela 1 0.41 RG 200CT2001 C 3 Polychaeta 10 1.48 RG 21JAN2002 A 1 Chironomidlarvae 5 0.73 RG 21JAN2002 A 1 Mollusca 1 13.30 RG 21JAN2002 A 1 Rhynchocoela 2 2.13 RG 21JAN2002 A 1 Polychaeta 17 0.59 RG 21JAN2002 A 2 Chironomidlarvae 5 1.31 RG 21JAN2002 A 2 Polychaeta 10 0.19 RG 21JAN2002 A 3 Rhynchocoela 2 1.74 RG 21JAN2002 A 3 Polychaeta 2 0.02 RG 21JAN2002 B 1 Chironomid larvae 39 2.78 RG 21JAN2002 B 1 Rhynchocoela 1 0.22 RG 21JAN2002 B 1 Polychaeta 89 3.99 RG 21JAN2002 B 2 Chironomid larvae 26 2.49 RG 21JAN2002 B 2 Rhynchocoela 1 0.07 RG 21JAN2002 B 2 Polychaeta • 47 4.03 RG 21JAN2002 B 3 Crustacea 1 0.18 RG 21JAN2002 B 3 Chironomid larvae 14 1.05 RG 21JAN2002 B 3 Rhynchocoela 1 0.34 RG 21JAN2002 B 3 Polychaeta 42 1.59 RG 21JAN2002 ' C 1 Chironomid larvae 61 4.04 RG 21JAN2002 C 1 Rhynchocoela 2 0.22 RG 21JAN2002 C 1 Polychaeta 33 1.85 RG 21JAN2002 C 2 Chironomid larvae 37 2.90 RG 21JAN2002 C 2 Rhynchocoela 3 0.60 RG 21JAN2002 C 2 Polychaeta 26 1.39 RG 21JAN2002 C 3 Crustacea 1 0.17 RG 21JAN2002 C 3 Chironomid larvae 11 1.05 RG 21JAN2002 C 3 Polychaeta 11 6.61 RG 14APR2002 A 1 Chironomid larvae 20 0.55 RG 14APR2002 A 1 Mollusca 3 49.82 RG 14APR2002 A 1 Rhynchocoela 1 0.18 RG 14APR2002 A 1 Polychaeta 8 0.73 RG 14APR2002 A 2 Chironomid larvae 103 4.54 RG 14APR2002 A 2 Mollusca 2 15.43 RG RG RG 14APR2002 14APR2002 14APR2002 A A A 2 2 3 Rhynchocoela Polychaeta Chironomid larvae 1 6 57 0.23 0.34 1.28 RG RG RG 14APR2002 14APR2002 14APR2002 A A B 3 3 1 Rhynchocoela Polychaeta Chironomid larvae 1 9 148 0.23 0.34 7.73 RG RG RG 14APR2002 14APR2002 14APR2002 B B B 1 1 2 Rhynchocoela Polychaeta Chironomid larvae 4 39 170 1.31 1.44 5.62 RG RG RG 14APR2002 14APR2002 14APR2002 B B B 2 2 3 Rhynchocoela Polychaeta Chironomid larvae 2 30 102 0.17 1.01 2.78 RG 14APR2002 B 3 Mollusca 3 55.13 RG RG RG 14APR2002 14APR2002 14APR2002 B B C 3 3 1 Rhynchocoela Polychaeta Crustacea 2 35 1 0.44 21.04 0.27 RG 14APR2002 C 1 Chironomid larvae 10 7.20 RG RG 14APR2002 14APR2002 C C 1 2 Polychaeta Crustacea 21 2 0.77 0.59 RG 14APR2002 C 2 Chironomid larvae 18 7.41 RG RG RG 14APR2002 14APR2002 14APR2002 C C C 2 2 3 Rhynchocoela Polychaeta Chironomid larvae 2 5 12 3.53 0.14 5.04 RG RG 14APR2002 09JUL2002 C A 3 1 Polychaeta Chironomid larvae 7 93 0.25 1.70 RG RG 09JUL2002 09JUL2002 A A 1 2 Polychaeta Crustacea 21 3 0.14 0.05 RG 09JUL2002 A 2 Chironomid larvae 99 2.28 RG RG 09JUL2002 09JUL2002 A A 2 3 Polychaeta Chironomid larvae 84 104 1.32 4.16 RG 09JUL2002 A 3 Mollusca 2 3.11 RG RG 09JUL2002 09JUL2002 A B 3 1 Polychaeta Crustacea 46 6 0.85 0.06 RG 09JUL2002 B 1 Chironomid larvae 146 2.80 RG RG RG 09JUL2002 09JUL2002 09JUL2002 B B B 1 1 2 Rhynchocoela Polychaeta Crustacea - 3 35 5 0.53 0.53 0.05 RG 09JUL2002 B 2 Chironomid larvae 175 5.50 RG 09JUL2002 B 2 Mollusca 1 5.46 RG RG RG 09JUL2002 09JUL2002 09JUL2002 ' B B B 2 2 3 Rhynchocoela Polychaeta Crustacea 4 38 3 1.09 0.37 0.04 RG 09JUL2002 B 3 Chironomid larvae 143 3.05 RG RG RG 09JUL2002 09JUL2002 09JUL2002 B B D 3 3 1 Rhynchocoela Polychaeta Chironomid larvae 4 48 81 1.34 0.59 1.34 RG RG RG 09JUL2002 09JUL2002 09JUL2002 D D D 1 1 2 Rhynchocoela Polychaeta Chironomidlarvae 1 1 95 0.10 1.39 2.18 RG RG RG 09JUL2002 09JUL2002 09JUL2002 D D D 2 2 3 Rhynchocoela Polychaeta Chironomid larvae 1 2 76 1.14 2.56 2.03 RG 09JUL2002 D 3 Rhynchocoela 1 2.58 55 RG 09JUL2002 D 3 Polychaeta 1 0.03 SO 240CT2000 A 1 Crustacea 5 28.00 SO 240CT2000 A 1 Mollusca 3 0.85 SO 240CT2000 A 1 Rhynchocoela 1 0.02 SO 240CT2000 A 1 Polychaeta 77 4.21 SO 240CT2000 A 2 Rhynchocoela 1 2.26 SO 240CT2000 A 2 Polychaeta 17 5.84 SO 240CT2000 A 3 Crustacea 1 0.02 SO 240CT2000 A 3 Polychaeta 51 12.90 SO 240CT2000 B 1 Polychaeta 54 1.21 SO 240CT2000 B 2 Crustacea 5 0.08 so 240CT2000 B 2 Rhynchocoela 1 0.12 so 240CT2000 B 2 Polychaeta 36 1.23 so 240CT2000 B 3 Crustacea 4 0.47 so 240CT2000 B 3 Polychaeta 54 2.56 so 10JAN2001 A 1 Crustacea 13 0.48 so 10JAN2001 A 1 Rhynchocoela 1 0.01 so 10JAN2001 A 1 Polychaeta 221 55.05 so 10JAN2001 A 2 Crustacea 20 1.53 so 10JAN2001 A 2 Mollusca 3 1.92 so 10JAN2001 A 2 Rhynchocoela 4 0.15 so 10JAN2001 A 2 Other 1 0.27 so 10JAN2001 A 2 Polychaeta 231 21.42 so 10JAN2001 A 3 Crustacea 9 0.46 so 10JAN2001 A 3 Mollusca 1 0.59 so 10JAN2001 A 3 Rhynchocoela 2 0.03 so 10JAN2001 A 3 Polychaeta 176 96.32 so 10JAN2001 B 1 Crustacea 2 0.03 so 10JAN2001 B 1 Mollusca 12 4.57 so 10JAN2001 B 1 Polychaeta 60 3.28 so 10JAN2001 B 2 Crustacea 2 0.46 so 10JAN2001 B 2 Mollusca 13 0.55 so 10JAN2001 B 2 Other 2 0.07 so 10JAN2001 B 2 Polychaeta 95 7.71 so 10JAN2001 B 3 Crustacea 7 0.44 so 10JAN2001 B 3 Mollusca 16 2.03 so 10JAN2001 B 3 Polychaeta 128 11.73 so 14APR2001 A 1 Crustacea 1 0.01 so 14APR2001 A 1 Rhynchocoela 4 4.87 so 14APR2001 A 1 Polychaeta 83 7.92 so 14APR2001 A 2 Rhynchocoela 1 0.85 so 14APR2001 A 2 Polychaeta 54 30.58 ' so 14APR2001 A 3 Crustacea 1 0.19 so 14APR2001 A 3 Rhynchocoela 1 0.03 so 14APR2001 A 3 Polychaeta 44 9.10 so 14APR2001 B 1 Crustacea 1 0.07 so 14APR2001 B 1 Rhynchocoela 2 0.78 so 14APR2001 B 1 Polychaeta 127 7.74 so 14APR2001 B 2 Rhynchocoela 2 0.53 so 14APR2001 B 2 Polychaeta 79 4.61 so 14APR2001 B 3 Crustacea 3 0.06 so 14APR2001 B 3 Polychaeta 147 16.86 so 07JUL2001 A 1 Crustacea 1 0.02 so 07JUL2001 A 1 Mollusca 1 56.61 so 07JUL2001 A 1 Polychaeta 100 4.59 so 07JUL2001 A 2 Rhynchocoela 1 0.05 so 07JUL2001 A 2 Polychaeta 153 30.97 so 07JUL2001 A 3 Crustacea 1 0.02 so 07JUL2001 A 3 Mollusca 3 1.54 so 07JUL2001 A 3 Polychaeta 101 1.94 so 07JUL2001 B 1 Crustacea 1 0.02 so 07JUL2001 B 1 Rhynchocoela 1 0.10 so 07JUL2001 B 1 Polychaeta 241 10.10 so 07JUL2001 B 2 Crustacea 1 0.01 so 07JUL2001 B 2 Polychaeta 126 6.40 so 07JUL2001 B 3 Crustacea 2 11.09 so 07JUL2001 B 3 Rhynchocoela 2 0.31 so 07JUL2001 B 3 Polychaeta 84 5.23 so 270CT2001 A 1 Crustacea 2 0.05 so 270CT2001 A 1 Mollusca 1 0.22 so 270CT2001 A 1 Polychaeta 93 40.01 so 270CT2001 A 2 Other 1 0.24 so 270CT2001 A 2 Polychaeta 39 12.73 so 270CT2001 A 3 Crustacea 2 0.05 so 270CT2001 A 3 Polychaeta 33 32.73 so 270CT2001 B 1 Crustacea 1 0.04 so 270CT2001 B 1 Polychaeta 97 3.18 so 270CT2001 B 2 Crustacea 1 3.12 so 270CT2001 B 2 Mollusca 1 0.02 so 270CT2001 B 2 Polychaeta 74 11.57 so 270CT2001 B 3 Mollusca 1 0.05 so 270CT2001 B 3 Polychaeta 92 2.99 so 21JAN2002 A 1 Hemicordata 1 0.07 so 21JAN2002 A 1 Rhynchocoela 1 2.34 so 21JAN2002 A 1 Polychaeta 60 49.31 so 21JAN2002 A 2 Mollusca 4 15.01 so 21JAN2002 A 2 Other 1 0.05 so 21JAN2002 A 2 Polychaeta 90 50.68 so 21JAN2002 A 3 Crustacea 3 0.57 so 21JAN2002 A 3 Mollusca 16 1.50 so 21JAN2002 A 3 Rhynchocoela 3 1.46 so 21JAN2002 A 3 Polychaeta 93 35.98 so 21JAN2002 B 1 Crustacea * 2 0.67 so 21JAN2002 B 1 Mollusca 4 3.62 so 21JAN2002 B 1 Rhynchocoela 1 0.04 so 21JAN2002 B 1 Other 19 1.04 so 21JAN2002 B 1 Polychaeta 42 21.29 so 21JAN2002 ' B 2 Crustacea 5 0.95 so 21JAN2002 B 2 Hemicordata 1 0.03 so 21JAN2002 B 2 Mollusca 4 0.23 so 21JAN2002 B 2 Rhynchocoela 2 1.42 so 21JAN2002 B 2 Other 1 0.10 so 21JAN2002 B 2 Polychaeta 30 8.05 so 21JAN2002 B 3 Crustacea 2 0.07 so 21JAN2002 B 3 Rhynchocoela 1 0.04 so 21JAN2002 B 3 Ophiuroidea 1 4.55 so 21JAN2002 B 3 Polychaeta 79 9.01 so 13APR2002 A 1 Mollusca 2 0.20 so 13APR2002 A 1 Polychaeta 71 22.80 so 13APR2002 A 2 Crustacea 2 0.02 so 13APR2002 A 2 Polychaeta 43 48.18 so 13APR2002 A 3 Crustacea 3 0.08 so 13APR2002 A 3 Other 1 0.17 so 13APR2002 A 3 Polychaeta 79 68.59 so 13APR2002 B 1 Crustacea 3 0.37 so 13APR2002 B 1 Polychaeta 109 4.86 so 13APR2002 B 2 Rhynchocoela 1 2.43 so 13APR2002 B 2 Polychaeta 31 0.94 so 13APR2002 B 3 Crustacea 2 0.05 so 13APR2002 B 3 Polychaeta 71 1.35 so 09JUL2002 A 1 Crustacea 2 0.98 so 09JUL2002 A 1 Rhynchocoela 2 0.48 so 09JUL2002 A 1 Polychaeta 86 7.85 so 09JUL2002 A 2 Ophiuroidea 1 28.89 so 09JUL2002 A 2 Polychaeta 82 6.03 so 09JUL2002 A 3 Crustacea 3 0.06 so 09JUL2002 A 3 Mollusca 2 142.00 so 09JUL2002 A 3 Rhynchocoela 2 1.17 so 09JUL2002 A 3 Other 1 0.72 so 09JUL2002 A 3 Polychaeta 99 12.89 so 09JUL2002 B 1 Crustacea 1 0.09 so 09JUL2002 B 1 Rhynchocoela 2 1.37 so 09JUL2002 B 1 Other 3 0.33 so 09JUL2002 B 1 Polychaeta 25 1.61 so 09JUL2002 B 2 Rhynchocoela 1 0.34 so 09JUL2002 B 2 Polychaeta 58 3.19 so 09JUL2002 B 3 Rhynchocoela 1 0.91 so 09JUL2002 B 3 Other 1 0.10 so 09JUL2002 B 3 Polychaeta 40 1.95 Macrofaunal Community Structure Table12. Speciesabundancedata.Abbreviations:Bay(ChristmasBay=CB,BrazosRiver= BR, Rio Grande RG, South Bay SO), REP replicate, n = numberof individuals. Sample === core area is 35.3 cm2 multiply by 283 to obtain n m 2. , Bay Date STA REP Species n/core CB 120CT2001 A 1 Aligena texasiana 1 CB 120CT2001 A 1 Amphiodia atra 2 CB 120CT2001 A 1 Ancistrosyllis jonesi 3 CB 120CT2001 A 1 Axiothells sp. A 1 CB 120CT2001 A 1 Branchioasychis americana 5 CB 120CT2001 A 1 Ceratonereis irritabilis 2 CB 120CT2001 A 1 Cirrophoms lyra 19 CB 120CT2001 A 1 Clymenella torquata 1 CB 120CT2001 A 1 Glycinde solitaria 1 CB 120CT2001 A 1 Gyptis vittata 3 CB 120CT2001 A 1 Lumbrineris parvapedata 3 CB 120CT2001 A 1 Mediomastusambiseta 12 CB 120CT2001 A 1 Melinnamaculata 1 CB 120CT2001 A 1 Notomastus latericeus 2 CB 120CT2001 A 1 Polydora caulleryi 30 CB 120CT2001 A 1 Pyrgiscus sp. 1 CB 120CT2001 A 1 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 CB 120CT2001 A 1 Tharyx setigera 8 CB 120CT2001 A 2 Aligena texasiana 1 CB 120CT2001 A 2 Ancistrosyllis jonesi 1 CB 120CT2001 A 2 Aricideacatharinae 6 CB 12QCT2001 A 2 Branchioasychis americana 6 CB 120CT2001 A 2 Caecum johnsoni 3 CB 120CT2001 A 2 Ceratonereis irritabilis 1 CB 120CT2001 A 2 Cirrophoms lyra 38 CB 120CT2001 A 2 Gyptis vittata 5 CB 120CT2001 A 2 Listriella clymenellae 1 CB 120CT2001 A 2 Lumbrineris parvapedata 4 CB 120CT2001 A 2 Mediomastus ambiseta 12 CB 120CT2001 A 2 Mysella planulata 1 CB 120CT2001 A 2 Nuculana acuta 1 CB 120CT2001 A 2 Periploma cf. orbiculare 2 CB 120CT2001 A 2 Polydora caulleryi 30 CB 120CT2001 , A 2 Schistomeringos sp. A 1 CB 120CT2001 A 2 Schizocardium sp. 1 CB 120CT2001 A 2 Tharyx setigera 5 CB 120CT2001 A 3 Aricideacatharinae 2 CB 120CT2001 A 3 Brachyuran zoea 3 CB 120CT2001 A 3 Cirrophoms lyra 22 CB 120CT2001 A 3 Cossura delta 4 CB 120CT2001 A 3 Gyptis vittata 3 CB 120CT2001 A 3 Lumbrineris parvapedata 3 CB 120CT2001 A 3 Mediomastusambiseta 12 CB 120CT2001 A 3 Pilargis berkelyae 2 CB 120CT2001 A 3 Polydora caulleryi 2 CB 120CT2001 A 3 Schizocardium sp. 1 CB 120CT2001 B 1 Cirrophoms lyra 3 CB 120CT2001 B 1 Cossura delta 2 CB 120CT2001 B 1 Mediomastus ambiseta 7 CB 120CT2001 B 1 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 2 CB 120CT2001 B 1 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 CB 120CT2001 B 1 Streblospio benedicti 1 CB 120CT2001 B 2 Cirrophorus lyra 1 CB 120CT2001 B 2 Cossura delta 1 CB 120CT2001 B 2 Pinnixa sp. 1 CB 120CT2001 B 2 Streblospio benedicti 1 CB 120CT2001 B 3 Cirrophorus lyra 2 CB 120CT2001 B 3 Cossura delta 2 CB 120CT2001 B 3 Eudorella 1 CB 120CT2001 B 3 Mediomastusambiseta sp. 6 CB 120CT2001 B 3 Streblospio benedicti 1 CB 120CT2001 C 1 Aligena texasiana 2 CB 120CT2001 C 1 Amphiodia atra 1 CB 120CT2001 C 1 Aricidea catharinae 8 CB 120CT2001 C 1 Cirrophorus lyra 1 CB 120CT2001 C 1 Clymenella torquata 1 CB 120CT2001 C 1 Glycinde solitaria 1 CB 120CT2001 C 1 Lumbrineris parvapedata 2 CB 120CT2001 C 1 Mediomastusambiseta 18 CB 120CT2001 C 1 Mysella planulata 2 CB 120CT2001 1 C Paraprionospio pinnata 2 CB 120CT2001 C 1 Periploma margaritaceum 1 CB 120CT2001 C 1 Polydora caulleryi 13 CB 120CT2001 C 1 Streblospio benedicti 1 CB 120CT2001 C 2 Aricidea catharinae 3 CB 120CT2001 C 2 Axiothella mucosa 1 CB 120CT2001 C 2 1 Branchioasychis americana CB 120CT2001 C 2 Ceratonereisirritabilis 1 CB 120CT2001 C 2 Cirrophorus lyra 11 CB 120CT2001 C 2 Clymenella torquata 1 CB 120CT2001 C 2 Listriellabamardi 2 CB 120CT2001 C 2 Mediomastusambiseta 19 CB 120CT2001 C 2 Microphthalmus abberrans 1 CB 120CT2001 C 2 Microprotopus spp. 1 CB 120CT2001 C 2 Notomastus latericeus 2 CB 120CT2001 C 2 Paraprionospio pinnata 1 CB 120CT2001 C 2 Periploma margaritaceum 1 CB 120CT2001 C 2 Pinnixa sp. 1 CB 120CT2001 c 2 5 Polydora caulleryi CB 120CT2001 ' c 2 Sigambra tentaculata 1 CB 120CT2001 c 2 Tharyx setigera 5 CB 120CT2001 c 3 Aligena texasiana 1 CB 120CT2001 c 3 Ampelisca abdita 1 CB 120CT2001 c 3 Amphiodia atra 1 CB 120CT2001 c 3 Aricidea catharinae 6 CB 120CT2001 c 3 Axiothella1 mucosa CB 120CT2001 c 3 Branchioasychis americana 1 CB 120CT2001 c 3 Ceratonereisirritabilis 1 CB 120CT2001 c 3 20 Cirrophorus lyra CB 120CT2001 3 c Clymenella torquata 1 CB 120CT2001 c 3 Glycinde solitaria 1 CB 120CT2001 c 3 Gyptis vittata 2 CB 120CT2001 C 3 Mediomastus ambiseta 21 CB 120CT2001 c 3 Minuspio cirrifera 1 CB 120CT2001 c 3 Periploma margaritaceum 5 CB 120CT2001 c 3 Polydora caulleryi 1 CB 120CT2001 c 3 Tharyx setigera 17 CB 08JAN2002 A 1 Aricidea catharinae 1 CB 08JAN2002 A 1 Branchioasychis americana 4 CB 08JAN2002 A 1 Cirrophorus lyra 16 CB 08JAN2002 A 1 Euclymene sp. B 1 CB 08JAN2002 A 1 Gyptis vittata 3 CB 08JAN2002 A 1 Lumbrineris parvapedata 2 CB 08JAN2002 A 1 Mediomastusambiseta 23 CB 08JAN2002 A 1 Mulinialateralis 1 CB 08JAN2002 A 1 Mysella planulata 1 CB 08JAN2002 A 1 Nuculana acuta 2 CB 08JAN2002 A 1 Nuculana concentrica 3 CB 08JAN2002 A 1 Periploma cf. orbiculare 4 CB 08JAN2002 A 1 2 Tharyx setigera CB 08JAN2002 A 2 Aricidea catharinae 1 CB 08JAN2002 A 2 Caecumjohnsoni 3 CB 08JAN2002 A 2 Cirrophorus lyra 23 CB 08JAN2002 A 2 Diopatra cuprea 1 CB 08JAN2002 A 2 Euclymene sp. B 1 CB 08JAN2002 A 2 Gyptis vittata 4 CB 08JAN2002 A 2 Lumbrinerisparvapedata 4 CB 08JAN2002 A 2 Mediomastusambiseta 17 CB 08JAN2002 A 2 Periploma cf. orbiculare 6 CB 08JAN2002 A 2 Polydora caulleryi 6 CB 08JAN2002 A 2 2 Tharyx setigera CB 08JAN2002 A 3 1 Amphiodia atra CB 08JAN2002 A 3 Aricidea catharinae 2 CB 08JAN2002 A 3 Axiothells A 2 sp. CB 08JAN2002 A 3 Cirrophorus lyra 12 CB 08JAN2002 A 3 Glycinde solitaria 1 CB 08JAN2002 A 3 Gyptis vittata 1 CB 08JAN2002 A 3 Lumbrineris parvapedata 1 CB 08JAN2002 A 3 Mediomastusambiseta 18 CB 08JAN2002 A 3 Megalommabioculatum 1 * CB 08JAN2002 A 3 Mysella planulata 7 CB 08JAN2002 A 3 Nuculana concentrica 2 CB 08JAN2002 3 Periploma cf. orbiculare 11 A CB 08JAN2002 B 1 Cirrophorus lyra 10 CB 08JAN2002 ' B 1 Cossura delta 3 CB 08JAN2002 B 1 Lumbrineris parvapedata 2 CB 08JAN2002 B 1 Mediomastusambiseta 2 CB 08JAN2002 B 1 Molgula manhattensis 8 CB 08JAN2002 B 1 Polydora caulleryi 1 CB 08JAN2002 B 1 Pyrgiscus sp. 1 CB 08JAN2002 B 1 Streblospio benedicti 1 CB 08JAN2002 B 2 Cossura delta 5 CB 08JAN2002 B 2 Eudorella 1 sp. CB 08JAN2002 B 2 Lumbrineris parvapedata 1 CB 08JAN2002 B 2 Mediomastus ambiseta 9 CB 08JAN2002 B 2 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 CB 08JAN2002 B 2 Streblospio benedicti 2 CB 08JAN2002 B 3 Cirrophorus lyra 5 CB 08JAN2002 B 3 Eudorella1 sp. CB 08JAN2002 B 3 Mediomastusambiseta 3 CB 08JAN2002 B 3 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 1 CB 08JAN2002 B 3 Streblospio benedicti 1 CB 08JAN2002 C 1 Aligena texasiana 1 CB 08JAN2002 C 1 Amaenanatrilobata 1 CB 08JAN2002 C 1 1 Ampelisca abdita CB 08JAN2002 C 1 Amphiodia atra 1 CB 08JAN2002 C 1 Ancistrosyllis jonesi 1 CB 08JAN2002 C 1 Aricidea catharinae 8 CB 08JAN2002 C 1 Branchioasychis americana 2 CB 08JAN2002 1 C Cirrophorus lyra 9 CB 08JAN2002 C 1 2 Clymenella torquata CB 08JAN2002 C 1 Euclymene sp. B 1 CB 08JAN2002 C 1 Gyptis vittata 1 CB 08JAN2002 C 1 Lumbrineris parvapedata 4 CB 08JAN2002 C 1 Mediomastusambiseta 20 CB 08JAN2002 C 1 Paraprionospio pinnata 1 CB 08JAN2002 C 1 Polydora caulleryi 5 CB 08JAN2002 C 1 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 2 CB 08JAN2002 C 1 Schizocardium sp. 1 CB 08JAN2002 C 11 Tharyx setigera CB 08JAN2002 C 1 Turbellaria(unidentified) 1 CB 08JAN2002 C 2 Ampelisca verrilli 1 CB 08JAN2002 C 2 Amphiodia atra 1 CB 08JAN2002 C 2 Aricidea catharinae 6 CB 08JAN2002 C 2 Branchioasychis americana 1 CB 08JAN2002 C 2 Cirrophorus lyra 13 CB 08JAN2002 C 2 Clymenella torquata 5 CB 08JAN2002 C 2 Euclymene sp. B 3 CB 08JAN2002 c 2 Lumbrineris parvapedata 1 CB 08JAN2002 c 2 Malmgreniella taylori 1 CB 08JAN2002 c 2 Mediomastus ambiseta 20 CB 08JAN2002 c 2 Paranaitis speciosa 2 CB 08JAN2002 c 2 Paraprionospio pinnata 1 CB 08JAN2002 c 2 Polydora caulleryi 1 CB 08JAN2002 c 2 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 2 CB 08JAN2002 c 2 Sarsiellatexana 1 CB 08JAN2002 c 2 Schizocardium3 sp. CB 08JAN2002 c 2 Sphaerosyllis sp. A 2 CB 08JAN2002 c 2 Tharyx setigera 10 CB 08JAN2002 ' c 3 Acteonpunctostriatus 1 CB 08JAN2002 c 3 Ampelisca abdita 1 CB 08JAN2002 c 3 Amphiodia atra 1 CB 08JAN2002 c 3 Aricidea catharinae 3 CB 08JAN2002 c 3 Axiothells A 2 sp. CB 08JAN2002 c 3 Branchioasychis americana 2 CB 08JAN2002 c 3 26 Cirrophorus lyra CB 08JAN2002 c 3 Clymenella torquata 1 CB 08JAN2002 c 3 Cossura delta 1 CB 08JAN2002 c 3 B 6 Euclymene sp. CB 08JAN2002 c 3 Listriellabamardi 1 CB 08JAN2002 c 3 Lumbrineris parvapedata 1 CB 08JAN2002 c 3 Mediomastusambiseta 17 CB 08JAN2002 C 3 Melinnamaculata 1 CB 08JAN2002 C 3 Molgula manhattensis 1 CB 08JAN2002 C 3 Paraprionospio pinnata 1 CB 08JAN2002 C 3 Periploma cf. orbiculare 1 CB 08JAN2002 C 3 Periploma margaritaceum 1 CB 08JAN2002 C 3 Pyrgiscus sp. 1 CB 08JAN2002 C 3 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 CB 08JAN2002 C 3 Streblospio benedicti 1 CB 08JAN2002 C 3 Tharyx setigera 6 CB 12APR2002 A 1 Amphiodia atra 1 CB 12APR2002 A 1 Aricidea catharinae 4 CB 12APR2002 A 1 Branchioasychis americana 2 CB 12APR2002 A 1 Cirrophorus lyra 18 CB 12APR2002 A 1 Cossura delta 2 CB 12APR2002 A 1 Ensis minor 1 CB 12APR2002 A 1 Euclymene sp. B 3 CB 12APR2002 A 1 Gyptis vittata 1 CB 12APR2002 A 1 Leucon 2 sp. CB 12APR2002 A 1 Lumbrinerisparvapedata 2 CB 12APR2002 A 1 Malmgreniella taylori 1 CB 12APR2002 A 1 Mediomastusambiseta 27 CB 12APR2002 A 1 Melinnamaculata 2 CB 12APR2002 A 1 Mysella planulata 1 CB 12APR2002 A 1 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 1 CB 12APR2002 A 1 Periploma cf. orbiculare 6 CB 12APR2002 A 1 Pilargis berkelyae 1 CB 12APR2002 A 1 Polydora caulleryi 4 CB 12APR2002 A 1 Tharyx setigera 20 CB 12APR2002 A 2 Amphiodia atra 1 CB 12APR2002 A 2 Aricidea catharinae 1 12APR2002 A 2 CB Branchioasychis americana 1 12APR2002 A 2 1 CB 12APR2002 A 2 CB Caecumjohnsoni Cirrophorus lyra 14 CB 12APR2002 A 2 Clymenella torquata 1 CB 12APR2002 A 2 Cossura delta 1 CB 12APR2002 A 2 Euclymene sp. B 1 CB 12APR2002 A 2 Lumbrineris parvapedata 3 CB 12APR2002 A 2 Mediomastusambiseta 14 CB 12APR2002 A 2 Melinnamaculata 1 CB 12APR2002 A 2 Periploma cf. orbiculare 1 CB 12APR2002 A 2 Polydora caulleryi 2 CB 12APR2002 A 2 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 CB 12APR2002 ' A 2 Sphaerosyllis sp. A 1 CB 12APR2002 A 2 Tharyx setigera 2 CB 12APR2002 A 3 Aligena texasiana 1 CB 12APR2002 A 3 Amphiodia atra 1 CB 12APR2002 3 1 A Anthozoa(unidentified) CB 12APR2002 A 3 Aricidea catharinae 8 CB 12APR2002 A 3 Cirrophorus lyra 13 CB 12APR2002 A 3 Clymenella torquata 1 CB 12APR2002 A 3 Euclymene sp. B 1 CB 12APR2002 A 3 Eudorella 1 sp. CB 12APR2002 A 3 Glycera americana 1 CB 12APR2002 A 3 Gyptis vittata 2 CB 12APR2002 A 3 Leucon 7sp. CB 12APR2002 A 3 Listriellabamardi 1 CB 12APR2002 A 3 Lumbrinerisparvapedata 2 CB 12APR2002 3 1 A Malmgreniella taylori CB 12APR2002 A 3 Mediomastusambiseta 29 CB 12APR2002 A 3 Melinnamaculata 1 CB 12APR2002 A 3 Mysella planulata 2 CB 12APR2002 A 3 Paleanotus heteroseta 1 CB 12APR2002 A 3 Parandaliaocularis 1 CB 12APR2002 A 3 Periploma cf. orbiculare 9 CB 12APR2002 A 3 Polydora caulleryi 2 CB 12APR2002 A 3 Schizocardium sp. 1 CB 12APR2002 A 3 Sphaerosyllis sp. A 1 CB 12APR2002 A 3 Tharyx setigera 1 CB 12APR2002 A 3 Vitrinellidae(unidentified) 1 CB 12APR2002 B 1 Ampelisca abdita 1 CB 12APR2002 B 1 Aricidea catharinae 1 CB 12APR2002 B 1 Cirrophorus lyra 3 CB 12APR2002 B 1 Cossura delta 2 CB 12APR2002 B 1 Glycera americana 1 CB 12APR2002 B 1 Glycinde solitaria 1 CB 12APR2002 B 1 Mediomastus ambiseta 7 CB 12APR2002 B 1 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 CB 12APR2002 B 2 Aricidea catharinae 3 CB 12APR2002 B 2 Branchioasychis americana 2 CB 12APR2002 B 2 Cirrophorus lyra 15 CB 12APR2002 B 2 Corophium louisianum 1 CB 12APR2002 B 2 Lumbrinerisparvapedata 3 CB 12APR2002 B 2 Mediomastus ambiseta 11 CB 12APR2002 B 2 Mulinialateralis 1 CB 12APR2002 B 2 Periploma cf. orbiculare 1 12APR2002 CB B 2 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 CB 12APR2002 B 3 Anthozoa (unidentified) 1 CB 12APR2002 B 3 Aricidea catharinae 1 CB 12APR2002 B 3 Cirrophorus lyra 5 CB 12APR2002 B 3 Glycinde solitaria 2 CB 12APR2002 B 3 Gyptis vittata 1 CB 12APR2002 3 Lumbrineris parvapedata B1 CB 12APR2002 B 3 Mediomastusambiseta 5 CB 12APR2002 B 3 Mulinialateralis 1 CB 12APR2002 B 3 Periploma cf. orbiculare 2 CB 12APR2002 B 3 Schistomeringos sp. A 1 CB 12APR2002 C 1 Aligena texasiana 5 ' CB 12APR2002 C 1 Ampelisca abdita 1 CB 12APR2002 C 1 Amphiodia atra 1 CB 12APR2002 C 1 Aricidea catharinae 14 CB 12APR2002 C 1 Ceratonereisirritabilis 1 CB 12APR2002 C 1 Cirrophorus lyra 56 CB 12APR2002 C 1 Clymenella torquata 7 CB 12APR2002 C 1 Euclymene sp. B 1 CB 12APR2002 C 1 Eumida sanguinea 1 CB 12APR2002 C 1 Glycera americana 1 CB 12APR2002 C 1 Gyptis vittata 2 CB 12APR2002 C I Hauchiella 1 CB 12APR2002 C 1 Listriella clymenellae 2 CB 12APR2002 C 1 Lumbrineris parvapedata 8 sp. CB 12APR2002 C 1 Malmgreniella taylori 1 CB 12APR2002 C 1 Mediomastusambiseta 26 CB 12APR2002 C 1 Melinnamaculata 1 CB 12APR2002 C 1 Paranaitis speciosa 1 CB 12APR2002 C 1 Periploma cf. orbiculare 1 CB 12APR2002 C 1 Polydora caulleryi 3 CB 12APR2002 C 1 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 7 CB 12APR2002 C 1 Schizocardium sp. 1 CB 12APR2002 C 1 Sigambra bassi 1 CB 12APR2002 C 1 Sphaerosyllis sp. A 2 CB 12APR2002 C 1 Tharyx setigera 3 CB 12APR2002 C 2 Amphiodia atra 1 CB 12APR2002 C 2 Aricidea catharinae 6 CB 12APR2002 C 2 Cirrophorus lyra 12 CB 12APR2002 C 2 Clymenella torquata 2 CB 12APR2002 C 2 Echiuridae (unidentified) 1 CB 12APR2002 C 2 Euclymene sp. B 2 CB 12APR2002 C 2 Glycera americana 1 CB 12APR2002 C 2 Gyptis vittata 2 CB 12APR2002 C 2 Lumbrineris parvapedata 9 CB 12APR2002 C 2 Malmgreniella taylori 1 CB 12APR2002 C 2 Mediomastusambiseta 18 CB 12APR2002 C 2 Microprotopus spp. 2 CB 12APR2002 c 2 Notomastus latericeus 1 CB 12APR2002 c 2 Phoronis architecta 1 CB 12APR2002 c 2 Pista palmata 1 CB 12APR2002 c 2 Polydora caulleryi 14 CB 12APR2002 c 2 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 5 CB 12APR2002 c 2 Schizocardium sp. 4 CB 12APR2002 c 2 Sphaerosyllis sp. A 4 CB 12APR2002 c 2 Spiochaetopterus costarum 1 CB 12APR2002 c 2 Tharyx setigera 21 CB 12APR2002 c 3 Acteocina canaliculata 2 CB 12APR2002 c 3 Aligena texasiana 5 CB 12APR2002 c 3 Ampelisca abdita 1 CB 12APR2002 c 3 Amphiodia atra 1 CB 12APR2002 c 3 Aricidea catharinae 10 CB 12APR2002 c 3 Axiothells sp. A 1 CB 12APR2002 c 3 Cirrophorus lyra 13 CB 12APR2002 c 3 Clymenella torquata 6 CB 12APR2002 c 3 Cyclaspis varians 1 CB 12APR2002 c 3 Drilonereismagna 1 CB 12APR2002 c 3 Glycera americana 2 CB 12APR2002 c 3 Gyptis vittata 4 CB 12APR2002 c 3 Lumbrinerisparvapedata 7 CB 12APR2002 c 3 Mediomastusambiseta 14 CB 12APR2002 c 3 Melinnamaculata 1 CB 12APR2002 c 3 Microprotopus spp. 2 CB 12APR2002 c 3 Mysella planulata 1 CB 12APR2002 c 3 Notomastus latericeus 1 CB 12APR2002 c 3 Nuculana acuta 1 CB 12APR2002 c 3 Polydora caulleryi 3 CB 12APR2002 c 3 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 CB 12APR2002 c 3 Schizocardium sp. 5 CB 12APR2002 c 3 Tharyx setigera 5 CB 09JUL2002 A 1 Amphiodia atra 2 CB 09JUL2002 A 1 Aricidea catharinae 5 CB 09JUL2002 A 1 Axiothellssp. A 1 CB 09JUL2002 A 1 Branchioasychis americana 1 CB 09JUL2002 A 1 Cerebratulus lacteus 2 CB 09JUL2002 A 1 Cirrophoms lyra 20 CB 09JUL2002 A 1 Cossura delta 1 CB 09JUL2002 A 1 B Euclymene sp. 1 CB 09JUL2002 A 1 Gyptis vittata 1 CB 09JUL2002 A 1 Lyonsia hyalina floridana 1 CB 09JUL2002 A 1 Mediomastusambiseta 7 CB 09JUL2002 A 1 Microprotopus spp. 1 CB 09JUL2002 A 1 Mulinialateralis 1 CB 09JUL2002 A 1 Mysella planulata 6 CB 09JUL2002 A 1 Paraprionospio pinnata 1 CB 09JUL2002 A 1 Periploma cf. orbiculare 5 CB 09JUL2002 A 1 Polydora caulleryi 3 CB 09JUL2002 A 1 Schistomeringos sp. A 1 CB 09JUL2002 A 1 Tharyx setigera 2 CB 09JUL2002 A 2 Aricidea catharinae 11 CB 09JUL2002 A 2 Branchioasychis americana 1 CB 09JUL2002 A 2 Cerebratulus lacteus 1 CB 09JUL2002 2 A Cirrophoms lyra 15 CB 09JUL2002 A 2 Cossura delta 1 CB 09JUL2002 A 2 Glycinde solitaria 2 CB 09JUL2002 A 2 Gyptis vittata 2 CB 09JUL2002 A 2 Mediomastus ambiseta 13 CB 09JUL2002 A 2 Mysella planulata 1 CB 09JUL2002 A 2 Nereidae(unidentified) 1 CB 09JUL2002 A 2 Periploma cf. orbiculare 5 CB 09JUL2002 A 2 Tharyx setigera 3 CB 09JUL2002 A 3 Aricidea catharinae 8 CB 09JUL2002 A 3 Branchioasychis americana 2 CB 09JUL2002 A 3 Cerebratulus lacteus 1 CB 09JUL2002 A 3 Cirrophoms lyra 15 CB 09JUL2002 A 3 Cossura delta 1 CB 09JUL2002 A 3 Gyptis vittata 1 CB 09JUL2002 * A 3 Listriellabamardi 1 CB 09JUL2002 A 3 Lumbrineris parvapedata 3 CB 09JUL2002 A 3 Lyonsia hyalina floridana 1 CB 09JUL2002 A 3 Mediomastus ambiseta 25 CB 09JUL2002 A 3 Mysella planulata 1 CB 09JUL2002 ’ A 3 Periploma cf. orbiculare 2 CB 09JUL2002 A 3 Polydora caulleryi 1 CB 09JUL2002 A 3 Pyrgiscus sp. 1 CB 09JUL2002 A 3 Schizocardium sp. 1 CB 09JUL2002 A 3 Tharyx setigera 4 CB 09JUL2002 A 3 Vitrinellidae(unidentified) 1 CB 09JUL2002 B 1 Aricidea catharinae 3 CB 09JUL2002 B 1 Cirrophoms lyra 2 CB 09JUL2002 B 1 Cossura delta 1 CB 09JUL2002 B 1 Gyptis vittata 1 CB 09JUL2002 B 1 Mediomastus ambiseta 2 CB 09JUL2002 B 1 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 6 CB 09JUL2002 B 2 Aricidea catharinae 1 CB 09JUL2002 B 2 Branchioasychis americana 1 CB 09JUL2002 B 2 Cirrophoms lyra 2 CB 09JUL2002 B 2 Cossura delta 1 CB 09JUL2002 B 2 Gyptis vittata 1 CB 09JUL2002 B 2 Lumbrinerisparvapedata 2 CB 09JUL2002 B 2 Mediomastusambiseta 4 CB 09JUL2002 B 2 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 2 CB 09JUL2002 B 2 Paraprionospio pinnata 1 CB 09JUL2002 B 3 Aricidea catharinae 2 CB 09JUL2002 B 3 Cirrophoms lyra 3 CB 09JUL2002 B 3 Cossura delta 2 CB 09JUL2002 B 3 Lumbrinerisparvapedata 2 CB 09JUL2002 B 3 Mediomastusambiseta 5 CB 09JUL2002 B 3 Paraprionospio pinnata 2 CB 09JUL2002 B 3 Periploma cf. orbiculare 2 CB 09JUL2002 B 3 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 5 CB 09JUL2002 C 1 Ampelisca abdita 3 CB 09JUL2002 C 1 Aricideacatharinae 5 CB 09JUL2002 C 1 Cirrophoms lyra 30 CB 09JUL2002 C 1 Euclymene sp. B 1 CB 09JUL2002 C 1 Glycinde solitaria 1 CB 09JUL2002 C 1 Gyptis vittata 4 CB 09JUL2002 C 1 Lumbrineris parvapedata 1 CB 09JUL2002 C 1 Mediomastusambiseta 17 CB 09JUL2002 C 1 Megalomma bioculatum 1 CB 09JUL2002 C 1 Microprotopus spp. 1 CB 09JUL2002 C 1 Mysella planulata 2 CB 09JUL2002 1 C Mysidopsis sp. 1 CB 09JUL2002 C 1 Nuculana acuta 1 CB 09JUL2002 C 1 Pandoratrilineata 1 CB 09JUL2002 C 1 Paraprionospio pinnata 1 CB 09JUL2002 C 1 Periploma cf. orbiculare 1 CB 09JUL2002 C 1 Pinnixa 1 sp. CB 09JUL2002 C 1 5 Polydora caulleryi CB 09JUL2002 C 1 Pyrgiscus sp. 2 CB 09JUL2002 C 1 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 4 CB 09JUL2002 C 1 Schizocardium 1 sp. CB 09JUL2002 C 1 Sphaerosyllis sp. A 1 CB 09JUL2002 C 1 Tharyx setigera 10 CB 09JUL2002 C 2 Acteonpunctostriatus 1 CB 09JUL2002 C 2 Aligena texasiana 2 CB 09JUL2002 C 2 Amphiodia atra 1 CB 09JUL2002 ’ c 2 Aricideacatharinae 1 CB 09JUL2002 c 2 Ceratonereisirritabilis 1 CB 09JUL2002 c 2 Ceratopogonid larvae 1 CB 09JUL2002 c 2 Cirrophoms lyra 10 CB 09JUL2002 c 2 Gyptis vittata 1 CB 09JUL2002 c 2 Lumbrineris parvapedata 2 CB 09JUL2002 c 2 Mediomastusambiseta 6 CB 09JUL2002 c 2 Nuculana acuta 1 CB 09JUL2002 c 2 Periploma cf. orbiculare 3 CB 09JUL2002 c 2 Polydora caulleryi 9 CB 09JUL2002 c 2 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 CB 09JUL2002 c 2 Sphaerosyllis sp. A 1 CB 09JUL2002 c 2 Tharyx setigera 25 CB 09JUL2002 C 3 Ampelisca abdita 1 CB 09JUL2002 c 3 Aricidea bryani 1 CB 09JUL2002 c 3 Aricidea catharinae 5 CB 09JUL2002 c 3 Cirrophorus lyra 6 CB 09JUL2002 c 3 Gyptis vittata 3 CB 09JUL2002 c 3 Listriella clymenellae 1 CB 09JUL2002 c 3 Lumbrineris parvapedata 4 CB 09JUL2002 c 3 Mediomastusambiseta 13 CB 09JUL2002 3 2 c Microphthalmus abberrans CB 09JUL2002 c 3 Monoculodessp. 3 CB 09JUL2002 c 3 Notomastus latericeus 2 CB 09JUL2002 c 3 Periploma cf. orbiculare 2 CB 09JUL2002 c 3 Periploma margaritaceum 1 CB 09JUL2002 c 3 Polydora caulleryi 6 CB 09JUL2002 c 3 4 CB 09JUL2002 3 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) c Terebellidae(unidentified) 1 CB 09JUL2002 c 3 Tharyx setigera 1 BR 180CT2000 A 1 Mediomastusambiseta 4 BR 180CT2000 A 1 37 Streblospio benedicti BR 180CT2000 A 2 Cossura delta 1 BR 180CT2000 A 2 Mediomastusambiseta 6 BR 180CT2000 A 2 34 Streblospio benedicti BR 180CT2000 A 3 Cossura delta 1 BR 180CT2000 A 3 Mediomastus ambiseta 6 BR 180CT2000 A 3 Streblospio benedicti 4 BR 180CT2000 1 B Haploscoloplos fragilis 1 BR 180CT2000 B 1 Mediomastusambiseta 4 BR 180CT2000 B 1 2 Polydora caulleryi BR 180CT2000 B 1 Streblospio benedicti 9 BR 180CT2000 B 2 Mediomastusambiseta 1 BR 180CT2000 B 2 Mulinialateralis 1 BR 180CT2000 B 2 Streblospio benedicti 15 BR 180CT2000 B 3 Mediomastusambiseta 1 BR 180CT2000 B 3 2 BR 180CT2000 B 3 Polydora socialis 1 BR 180CT2000 B 3 Streblospio benedicti 10 BR 180CT2000 C 1 Mediomastusambiseta Polydora caulleryi 6 BR 180CT2000 C 2 Cossura delta *2 BR 180CT2000 C 2 Mediomastusambiseta 2 BR 180CT2000 C 2 Streblospio benedicti 1 BR 180CT2000 C 3 Cossura delta 1 BR 180CT2000 C 3 Mediomastusambiseta 3 BR 10JAN2001 ' A 1 Mediomastusambiseta 5 BR 10JAN2001 A 1 Streblospio benedicti 8 BR 10JAN2001 A 2 Mediomastusambiseta 5 BR 10JAN2001 A 2 Streblospio benedicti 5 BR 10JAN2001 A 2 Turbellaria(unidentified) 1 BR 10JAN2001 A 3 Mediomastusambiseta 4 BR 10JAN2001 A 3 No species observed 0 BR 10JAN2001 A 3 Streblospio benedicti 8 BR 10JAN2001 B 1 Mediomastusambiseta 3 BR 10JAN2001 B 1 Streblospio benedicti 16 BR 10JAN2001 B 2 Mediomastusambiseta 2 BR 10JAN2001 B 2 Streblospio benedicti 20 BR 10JAN2001 B 3 Mediomastusambiseta 6 BR BR 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 B C 3 1 Streblospio benedicti Mediomastusambiseta 30 5 BR BR BR 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 C C C 1 1 2 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) Streblospio benedicti Mediomastusambiseta 1 9 7 BR BR 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 C C 2 3 Streblospio benedicti Mediomastusambiseta 5 2 BR BR 10JAN2001 10APR2001 C A 3 1 Streblospio benedicti Chironomidlarvae 10 1 BR 10APR2001 A 1 Mediomastusambiseta 2 BR BR 10APR2001 10APR2001 A A 1 1 Ostracoda (unidentified) Parandaliaocularis 1 2 BR BR BR 10APR2001 10APR2001 10APR2001 A A A 1 1 2 Polydora ligni Streblospio benedicti Chironomidlarvae 7 3 1 BR 10APR2001 A 2 Mediomastusambiseta 10 BR 10APR2001 A 3 Mediomastus ambiseta 9 BR BR BR 10APR2001 10APR2001 10APR2001 A A B 3 3 1 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) Streblospio benedicti Chironomidlarvae 2 2 2 BR 10APR2001 B 1 Mediomastus ambiseta 14 BR BR 10APR2001 10APR2001 B B 1 2 Streblospio benedicti Chironomid larvae 14 1 BR 10APR2001 B 2 Hobsonia florida 1 BR 10APR2001 B 2 Mediomastus ambiseta 13 BR BR BR 10APR2001 10APR2001 10APR2001 B B B 2 3 3 Streblospio benedicti Capitella capitata Mediomastus ambiseta 19 1 12 BR BR 10APR2001 10APR2001 B C 3 1 Streblospio benedicti Mediomastus ambiseta 21 10 BR BR 10APR2001 10APR2001 C C 1 2 Streblospio benedicti Mediomastus ambiseta 2 4 BR BR 10APR2001 10APR2001 C C 2 3 Streblospio benedicti Mediomastus ambiseta 3 6 BR BR 10APR2001 11JUL2001 C A 3 1 Streblospio benedicti Mediomastus ambiseta 27 1 BR BR BR 11JUL2001 11JUL2001 11JUL2001 A A A 1 1 2 No species observed Streblospio benedicti Mediomastus ambiseta * 0 4 1 BR BR BR 11JUL2001 11JUL2001 11JUL2001 A A A 2 2 3 No species observed Streblospio benedicti Mediomastus ambiseta 0 2 1 BR BR BR BR BR 11JUL2001 11JUL2001 11JUL2001 11JUL2001 11JUL2001 ' A A B B B 3 3 1 1 1 No species observed Streblospio benedicti Callianassa sp. Gyptis vittata Mediomastus ambiseta 0 2 1 1 17 BR 11JUL2001 B 1 Parandalia ocularis 1 BR BR BR 11JUL2001 11JUL2001 11JUL2001 B B B 1 1 2 Polydora ligni Rhynchocoela (unidentified) Mediomastus ambiseta 1 4 16 BR BR BR BR 11JUL2001 11JUL2001 11JUL2001 11JUL2001 B B B B 2 2 3 3 Oligochaetes (unidentified) Streblospio benedicti Callianassa sp. Gyptis vittata 1 1 1 1 BR 11JUL2001 B 3 Mediomastus ambiseta 5 BR 11JUL2001 B 3 Parandalia ocularis 1 BR 11JUL2001 B 3 Streblospio benedicti 3 BR 11JUL2001 C 1 Mediomastusambiseta 1 BR 11JUL2001 1 C Streblospio benedicti 29 BR 11JUL2001 C 2 Callianassa sp. 1 BR 11JUL2001 C 2 Mediomastusambiseta 9 BR 11JUL2001 C 2 4 Streblospio benedicti BR 11JUL2001 C 3 Mediomastusambiseta 10 BR 11JUL2001 C 3 Parandaliaocularis 1 BR 11JUL2001 C 3 13 Streblospio benedicti BR 120CT2001 A 1 Mediomastus ambiseta 6 BR 120CT2001 A 1 Streblospio benedicti 6 BR 120CT2001 A 2 Callianassa sp. 1 BR 120CT2001 A 2 Mediomastusambiseta 5 BR 120CT2001 A 2 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 1 BR 120CT2001 A 2 Parandalia ocularis 2 BR 120CT2001 A 2 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 5 BR 120CT2001 A 2 Streblospio benedicti 1 BR 120CT2001 A 3 Mediomastusambiseta 6 BR 120CT2001 A 3 Microprotopus spp. 2 BR 120CT2001 A 3 3 Oligochaetes (unidentified) BR 120CT2001 A 3 7 BR 120CT2001 B 1 Callianassa1 Streblospio benedicti sp. BR 120CT2001 B 1 Mediomastusambiseta 11 BR 120CT2001 B 1 Parandaliaocularis 3 BR 120CT2001 1 B Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 BR 120CT2001 B 1 Streblospio benedicti 1 BR 120CT2001 B 2 Mediomastusambiseta 3 BR 120CT2001 B 2 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 BR 12OCT2001 B 2 Streblospio benedicti 2 BR 120CT2001 B 3 Mediomastusambiseta 7 BR 120CT2001 B 3 Parandaliaocularis 1 BR 120CT2001 B 3 3 BR 120CT2001 B 3 Streblospio benedicti 1 BR 120CT2001 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) C 1 Mediomastusambiseta 12 BR 120CT2001 C 1 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 BR 120CT2001 C 1 Streblospio benedicti 46 BR 120CT2001 C 2 Mediomastusambiseta 13 BR 120CT2001 C 2 Streblospio benedicti 16 BR 120CT2001 C 3 Mediomastusambiseta 5 BR 120CT2001 C 3 Streblospio benedicti 12 BR 08JAN2002 ' A 1 Chironomid larvae 1 BR 08JAN2002 A 1 No species observed 0 BR 08JAN2002 A 1 1 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) BR 08JAN2002 A 2 Damselfly numphs 1 BR 08JAN2002 A 2 Mediomastusambiseta 3 BR 08JAN2002 A 2 2 Streblospio benedicti BR 08JAN2002 A 3 Mediomastusambiseta 6 BR 08JAN2002 A 3 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 2 BR 08JAN2002 B 1 Mediomastusambiseta 2 BR 08JAN2002 B 1 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 BR 08JAN2002 B 2 Mediomastusambiseta 1 BR 08JAN2002 B 2 1 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) BR 08JAN2002 B 2 3 Streblospio benedicti BR 08JAN2002 B 3 Mediomastus ambiseta 12 BR 08JAN2002 B 3 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 2 BR 08JAN2002 B 3 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 2 BR 08JAN2002 C 1 Mediomastusambiseta 27 BR 08JAN2002 C 1 Streblospio benedicti 44 BR 08JAN2002 C 2 Mediomastusambiseta 16 BR 08JAN2002 C 2 Streblospio benedicti 1 BR 08JAN2002 C 3 Mediomastusambiseta 2 BR 08JAN2002 C 3 No species observed 0 BR 12APR2002 A 1 Mediomastusambiseta 3 BR 12APR2002 A 1 Streblospio benedicti 11 BR 12APR2002 A 2 Mediomastusambiseta 6 BR 12APR2002 A 2 Schizocardiumsp. 1 BR 12APR2002 A 2 Streblospio benedicti 13 BR 12APR2002 A 3 Capitella capitata 2 BRA3 2 12APR2002 Chironomidlarvae BR 12APR2002 A 3 Mediomastusambiseta 2 BR 12APR2002 A 3 Streblospio benedicti 11 BR 12APR2002 B 1 Capitella capitata 1 BR 12APR2002 B 1 Mediomastusambiseta 4 BR 12APR2002 Neanthes succinea B1 1 BR 12APR2002 B 1 Polydora socialis 3 BR 12APR2002 B 1 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 2 BR 12APR2002 B 1 Streblospio benedicti 3 12APR2002 Callianassa BRB2 1 sp. BR 12APR2002 B 2 Chironomidlarvae 1 BR 12APR2002 B 2 Grandidierellabonnieroides 1 BR 12APR2002 B 2 Mediomastusambiseta 4 BR 12APR2002 B 2 Polydora socialis 35 BR 12APR2002 B 2 Streblospio benedicti 10 BR B 12APR2002 3 Anthozoa(unidentified) 1 BR 12APR2002 B 3 Corophium louisianum 1 BR 12APR2002 B 3 Mediomastusambiseta 2 BR 12APR2002 B 3 Neanthes succinea 12 BR 12APR2002 B 3 Polydora socialis 76 BR 12APR2002 B 3 20 Streblospio benedicti BR 12APR2002 C 1 Mediomastusambiseta 11 BR 12APR2002 C 1 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 2 BR 12APR2002 C 1 Streblospio benedicti 23 BR 12APR2002 C 2 Capitella capitata 2 BR 12APR2002 C 2 Chironomid larvae 1 BR 12APR2002 C 2 Mediomastusambiseta 13 ' BR 12APR2002 C 2 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 1 BR 12APR2002 C 2 Parandaliaocularis 1 BR 12APR2002 C 2 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 BR 12APR2002 C 2 Streblospio benedicti 16 BR 12APR2002 C 3 Capitella capitata 1 BR 12APR2002 C 3 Mediomastusambiseta 11 BR 12APR2002 C 3 Streblospio benedicti 14 BR 08JUL2002 A 1 Mediomastusambiseta 6 BR 08JUL2002 A 2 Mediomastusambiseta 1 BR 08JUL2002 i A 2 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) BR 08JUL2002 A 2 Streblospio benedicti 2 BR 08JUL2002 A 3 Mediomastusambiseta 1 BR 08JUL2002 A 3 Streblospio benedicti 5 BR 08JUL2002 B 1 Mediomastusambiseta 12 BR 08JUL2002 B 1 Parandaliaocularis 1 BR 08JUL2002 B 1 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 2 BR 08JUL2002 B 1 Streblospio benedicti 7 BR 08JUL2002 B 2 Mediomastusambiseta 5 BR 08JUL2002 B 2 1 BR 08JUL2002 B 2 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) Streblospio benedicti 7 BR 08JUL2002 B 3 Mediomastusambiseta 5 BR 08JUL2002 B 3 Parandaliaocularis 1 BR 08JUL2002 B 3 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 BR 08JUL2002 B 3 Streblospio benedicti 7 BR 08JUL2002 C 1 Mediomastusambiseta 24 BR 08JUL2002 C 1 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 2 BR 08JUL2002 C 1 Streblospio benedicti 8 BR 08JUL2002 C 2 Mediomastusambiseta 14 BR 08JUL2002 C 2 Streblospio benedicti 4 BR 08JUL2002 C 3 Mediomastusambiseta 18 BR 08JUL2002 C 3 Paraprionospio pinnata 1 BR 08JUL2002 C 3 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 BR 08JUL2002 C 3 6 Streblospio benedicti RG 240CT2000 A 1 Chironomid larvae 3 RG 240CT2000 A 1 Macomamitchelli 1 RG 240CT2000 A 1 Mediomastusambiseta 28 RG 240CT2000 A 1 Neritinavirginea 4 RG 240CT2000 A 1 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 6 RG 240CT2000 A 2 Chironomid larvae 3 RG 240CT2000 A 2 Macomamitchelli 3 RG 240CT2000 A 2 Mediomastusambiseta 49 RG 240CT2000 A 2 Mulinialateralis 2 RG 240CT2000 A 2 6 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) RG 240CT2000 A 2 Streblospio benedicti 1 RG 240CT2000 A 3 Chironomid larvae 2 RG 240CT2000 A 3 Macomamitchelli 2 RG 240CT2000 A 3 Mediomastusambiseta 49 RG 240CT2000 A 3 Mulinialateralis 2 RG 240CT2000 A 3 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 7 RG 240CT2000 A 3 Streblospio benedicti 1 RG 240CT2000 A 3 Tellidoracristata 1 * RG 240CT2000 B 1 Laeonereis culveri 1 RG 240CT2000 B 1 Macomamitchelli 1 RG 240CT2000 B 1 Mediomastusambiseta 14 RG 240CT2000 B 1 Neritinavirginea 2 RG 240CT2000 ' B 1 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 RG 240CT2000 B 1 Streblospio benedicti 1 RG 240CT2000 B 2 Chironomid larvae 4 RG 240CT2000 B 2 Laeonereis culveri 1 RG 240CT2000 B 2 Mediomastusambiseta 25 RG 240CT2000 B 2 Neritinavirginea 1 RG 240CT2000 B 2 1 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) RG 240CT2000 B 2 Streblospio benedicti 1 RG 240CT2000 B 3 Macoma mitchelli 1 RG 240CT2000 B 3 Mediomastusambiseta 10 RG 240CT2000 B 3 Mulinialateralis 2 RG 240CT2000 B 3 Neritina virginea 2 RG 240CT2000 B 3 5 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) RG 240CT2000 B 3 Streblospio benedicti 2 RG 240CT2000 C 1 Capitella capitata 1 RG 240CT2000 C 1 Gammarus mucronatus 1 RG 240CT2000 C 1 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 1 RG 240CT2000 C 1 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 2 RG 240CT2000 C 1 Streblospio benedicti 16 RG 240CT2000 C 2 Mediomastusambiseta 7 RG 240CT2000 C 2 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 1 RG 240CT2000 C 2 Pseudodiaptomus pelagicus 1 RG 240CT2000 C 2 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 2 RG 240CT2000 C 2 Streblospio benedicti 106 RG 240CT2000 C 3 Neritinavirginea 1 RG 240CT2000 C 3 No species observed 0 RG 240CT2000 c 3 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 1 RG 240CT2000 c 3 Streblospio benedicti 1 RG 10JAN2001 A 1 Chironomidlarvae 7 RG 10JAN2001 A 1 Macoma mitchelli 6 RG 10JAN2001 A 1 Mediomastus ambiseta 48 RG 10JAN2001 A 1 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 2 RG 10JAN2001 A 2 Chironomidlarvae 5 RG 10JAN2001 A 2 Macoma mitchelli 5 RG 10JAN2001 A 2 Macomatenta 1 RG 10JAN2001 A 2 Mediomastus ambiseta 39 RG 10JAN2001 A 2 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 3 RG 10JAN2001 A 3 Chironomidlarvae 11 RG 10JAN2001 A 3 Macoma mitchelli 5 RG 10JAN2001 A 3 Mediomastus ambiseta 53 RG 10JAN2001 A 3 No species observed 0 RG 10JAN2001 A 3 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 4 RG 10JAN2001 B 1 Chironomidlarvae 8 RG 10JAN2001 B 1 Mediomastusambiseta 32 RG 10JAN2001 B 1 Neritina virginea 1 RG 10JAN2001 B 1 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 5 RG 10JAN2001 B 1 Streblospio benedicti 1 RG 10JAN2001 B 2 Chironomidlarvae 2 RG 10JAN2001 B 2 Macoma mitchelli 2 RG 10JAN2001 B 2 Mediomastusambiseta 24 RG 10JAN2001 B 2 Neritina virginea 2 RG 10JAN2001 B 2 Polydora ligni 1 RG 10JAN2001 B 2 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 RG 10JAN2001 B 2 Streblospio benedicti 1 RG 10JAN2001 B 3 Chironomid larvae 3 RG 10JAN2001 ’ B 3 Macoma mitchelli 1 RG 10JAN2001 B 3 Mediomastusambiseta 17 RG 10JAN2001 B 3 Mulinialateralis 2 RG 10JAN2001 B 3 No species observed 0 RG 10JAN2001 B 3 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 2 RG 10JAN2001 B 3 Streblospio benedicti 3 RG 10JAN2001 C 1 Chironomidlarvae 4 RG 10JAN2001 C 1 Macoma mitchelli 7 RG 10JAN2001 C 1 Mediomastusambiseta 54 RG 10JAN2001 C 1 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 RG 10JAN2001 C Streblospio benedicti 6 1 RG 10JAN2001 C 2 Chironomidlarvae 2 RG 10JAN2001 C 2 Gammarus mucronatus 2 RG 10JAN2001 C 2 Grandidierellabonnieroides 1 RG 10JAN2001 C 2 Macoma mitchelli 7 RG 10JAN2001 C 2 Mediomastusambiseta 66 RG 10JAN2001 C 2 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 4 RG 10JAN2001 C 2 Streblospio benedicti 9 RG 10JAN2001 C 3 Chironomidlarvae 3 RG 10JAN2001 C 3 Corophium louisianum 1 RG 10JAN2001 C 3 Macomamitchelli 6 RG 10JAN2001 C 3 Mediomastusambiseta 51 RG 10JAN2001 C 3 Neritina virginea 2 RG 10JAN2001 C 3 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 3 RG 10JAN2001 C 3 Streblospio benedicti 5 RG 14APR2001 A 1 Chironomidlarvae 23 RG 14APR2001 A 1 Mediomastusambiseta 25 RG 14APR2001 A 1 Mulinialateralis 1 RG 14APR2001 A 1 Streblospio benedicti 3 RG 14APR2001 A 2 Chironomidlarvae 34 RG 14APR2001 A 2 Mediomastusambiseta 24 RG 14APR2001 A 2 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 3 RG 14APR2001 A 2 Ostracoda (unidentified) 1 RG 14APR2001 A 3 Chironomidlarvae 31 RG 14APR2001 A 3 Mediomastusambiseta 41 RG 14APR2001 A 3 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 1 RG 14APR2001 A 3 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 4 RG 14APR2001 A 3 Streblospio benedicti 2 RG 14APR2001 B 1 Chironomidlarvae 17 RG 14APR2001 B 1 Macomamitchelli 1 RG 14APR2001 B 1 Mediomastusambiseta 12 RG 14APR2001 B 1 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 1 RG 14APR2001 B 1 Streblospio benedicti 3 RG 14APR2001 B 2 Chironomidlarvae 27 RG 14APR2001 B 2 Mediomastusambiseta 24 RG 14APR2001 B 2 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 3 RG 14APR2001 B 2 Streblospio benedicti 3 RG 14APR2001 B 3 Chironomidlarvae 15 RG 14APR2001 B 3 Mediomastusambiseta 20 RG 14APR2001 B 3 Mulinialateralis 1 RG 14APR2001 B 3 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 2 RG 14APR2001 C 1 Chironomidlarvae 20 RG 14APR2001 C 1 Macomamitchelli 1 RG 14APR2001 C 1 Mediomastusambiseta 45 RG 14APR2001 C 1 Neritina virginea 1 ' RG 14APR2001 C 1 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 4 RG 14APR2001 C 1 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 2 RG 14APR2001 C 1 Streblospio benedicti 17 RG 14APR2001 C 2 Chironomidlarvae 12 RG 14APR2001 C 2 Mediomastusambiseta 24 RG 14APR2001 C 2 Neritina virginea 3 RG 14APR2001 C 2 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 3 RG 14APR2001 C 2 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 RG 14APR2001 C 2 Streblospio benedicti 9 RG 14APR2001 C 3 Chironomidlarvae 19 RG 14APR2001 C 3 Macoma mitchelli 1 RG 14APR2001 C 3 Mediomastusambiseta 26 RG 14APR2001 C 3 Neritina vireinea 1 RG 14APR2001 C 3 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 RG 14APR2001 c 3 Streblospio benedicti 4 RG 07JUL2001 A 1 Chironomidlarvae 12 RG 07JUL2001 A 1 Mediomastusambiseta 35 RG 07JUL2001 A 1 Mulinialateralis 1 RG 07JUL2001 A 1 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 2 RG 07JUL2001 A 1 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 2 RG 07JUL2001 A 2 Chironomidlarvae 3 RG 07JUL2001 A 2 Mediomastusambiseta 8 RG 07JUL2001 A 2 Mulinialateralis 1 RG 07JUL2001 A 2 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 12 RG 07JUL2001 A 2 Polydora sp. 4 RG 07JUL2001 A 3 Chironomidlarvae 2 RG 07JUL2001 A 3 Mulinialateralis 1 RG 07JUL2001 A 3 No species observed 0 RG 07JUL2001 A 3 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 1 RG 07JUL2001 A 3 Polydora sp. 7 RG 07JUL2001 B 1 Chironomidlarvae 4 RG 07JUL2001 B 1 Mediomastusambiseta 18 RG 07JUL2001 B 1 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 1 RG 07JUL2001 B 2 Chironomidlarvae 4 RG 07JUL2001 B 2 Mediomastusambiseta 14 RG 07JUL2001 B 2 Neritina virginea 1 RG 07JUL2001 B 2 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 2 RG 07JUL2001 3 Chironomidlarvae B6 RG 07JUL2001 B 3 Mediomastusambiseta 14 RG 07JUL2001 B 3 Neritina virginea 3 RG 07JUL2001 C 1 Chironomidlarvae 5 RG 07JUL2001 C 1 Mediomastusambiseta 5 RG 07JUL2001 C 1 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 2 RG 07JUL2001 C 2 Chironomidlarvae 1 RG 07JUL2001 C 2 Mediomastusambiseta 1 RG 07JUL2001 C 2 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 RG 07JUL2001 C 3 Ceratopogonid larvae 1 RG 07JUL2001 C 3 Chironomidlarvae 4 RG 07JUL2001 C 3 Laeonereis culveri 1 RG 07JUL2001 C 3 Mediomastusambiseta 2 RG 07JUL2001 C 3 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 RG 200CT2001 A 1 Chironomid larvae 6 RG 200CT2001 A 1 Mediomastusambiseta 1 RG 200CT2001 A 1 Mulinialateralis 1 RG 200CT2001 A 1 Neritina virginea 1 RG 200CT2001 ' A 1 No species observed 0 RG 200CT2001 A 1 Polydora ligni 1 RG 200CT2001 A 1 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 RG 200CT2001 A 1 Streblospio benedicti 24 RG 200CT2001 A 2 Chironomidlarvae 2 RG 200CT2001 A 2 Polydora ligni 5 RG 200CT2001 A 2 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 RG 200CT2001 A 2 Streblospio benedicti 41 RG 200CT2001 A 3 Chironomid larvae 4 RG 200CT2001 A 3 No species observed 0 RG 200CT2001 A 3 Polydora ligni 2 RG 200CT2001 A 3 1 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) RG 200CT2001 A 3 34 Streblospio benedicti RG 200CT2001 B 1 Chironomidlarvae 5 RG 200CT2001 B 1 No species observed 0 RG 200CT2001 B1 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 RG Streblospio benedicti 15 200CT2001 B 1 RG 200CT2001 B 2 Chironomidlarvae 4 RG 200CT2001 B 2 Mediomastusambiseta 5 RG 200CT2001 B 2 Mulinialateralis 1 RG 200CT2001 B 2 Neritina virginea 1 RG 200CT2001 B 2 No species observed 0 RG 200CT2001 B 2 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 3 RG 200CT2001 B 2 Streblospio benedicti 11 RG 200CT2001 B 3 Chironomidlarvae 2 RG 200CT2001 B 3 Mediomastusambiseta 1 RG 200CT2001 B 3 Neritina virginea 1 RG 200CT2001 B 3 No species observed 0 RG 200CT2001 B 3 1 RG 200CT2001 B 3 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) Streblospio benedicti 16 RG 200CT2001 C 1 Chironomidlarvae 1 RG 200CT2001 C 1 Mediomastusambiseta 5 RG 200CT2001 C 1 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 RG 200CT2001 C 1 Streblospio benedicti 4 RG 200CT2001 C 2 Chironomidlarvae 1 RG 200CT200I C 2 Laeonereisculveri 2 RG 200CT2001 C 2 Mediomastusambiseta 5 RG 200CT2001 C 2 Streblospio benedicti 2 RG 200CT2001 C 3 Chironomidlarvae 1 RG 200CT2001 C 3 Mediomastusambiseta 6 RG 200CT2001 C 3 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 RG 200CT2001 C 3 Streblospio benedicti 4 RG 21JAN2002 A 1 Chironomidlarvae 5 RG 21JAN2002 A 1 Mediomastusambiseta 1 RG 21JAN2002 A 1 Neritina virginea 1 RG 21JAN2002 A 1 4 Oligochaetes (unidentified) RG 21JAN2002 A 1 2 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) RG 21JAN2002 A 1 Streblospio benedicti 12 RG 21JAN2002 A 2 Chironomidlarvae 5 RG 21JAN2002 A 2 Laeonereisculveri 1 RG 21JAN2002 A 2 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 5 RG 21JAN2002 A 2 Streblospio benedicti 4 RG 21JAN2002 A 3 No species observed 0 RG 21JAN2002 A 3 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 2 RG 21JAN2002 A 3 Streblospio benedicti 2 ' RG 21JAN2002 B 1 Chironomidlarvae 39 RG 21JAN2002 B 1 Mediomastusambiseta 85 RG 21JAN2002 B 1 No species observed 0 RG 21JAN2002 B 1 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 3 RG 21JAN2002 B 1 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 RG 21JAN2002 B 1 Streblospio benedicti 1 RG 21JAN2002 B 2 Chironomidlarvae 25 RG 21JAN2002 B 2 Diptera (unidentified) 1 RG 21JAN2002 B 2 Mediomastusambiseta 44 RG 21JAN2002 B 2 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 2 RG 21JAN2002 B 2 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 RG 21JAN2002 B 2 Streblospio benedicti 1 RG 21JAN2002 B 3 Chironomidlarvae 14 RG 21JAN2002 B 3 Corophium louisianum 1 RG 21JAN2002 B 3 Laeonereis culveri 1 RG 21JAN2002 B 3 Mediomastusambiseta 40 RG 21JAN2002 B 3 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 RG 21JAN2002 B 3 Streblospio benedicti 1 RG 21JAN2002 C 1 Chironomidlarvae 61 RG 21JAN2002 C 1 Laeonereis culveri 2 RG 21JAN2002 C 1 Mediomastusambiseta 26 RG 21JAN2002 C 1 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 4 RG 21JAN2002 C 1 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 2 RG 21JAN2002 C 1 Streblospio benedicti 1 RG 21JAN2002 C 2 Ceratopogonid larvae 1 RG 21JAN2002 C 2 Chironomidlarvae 36 RG 21JAN2002 C 2 Mediomastusambiseta 24 RG 21JAN2002 C 2 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 3 RG 21JAN2002 C 2 Streblospio benedicti 2 RG 21JAN2002 C 3 Chironomidlarvae 11 RG 21JAN2002 C 3 Corophium louisianum 1 RG 21JAN2002 C 3 Laeonereis culveri 3 RG 21JAN2002 C 3 Mediomastus ambiseta 8 RG 14APR2002 A 1 Chironomidlarvae 20 RG 14APR2002 A 1 Mediomastus ambiseta 8 RG 14APR2002 A 1 Neritina virginea 3 RG 14APR2002 A 1 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 RG 14APR2002 A 2 Abra aequalis 1 RG 14APR2002 A 2 3 Ceratopogonid larvae RG 14APR2002 A 2 Chironomidlarvae 100 RG 14APR2002 A 2 Mediomastus ambiseta 6 RG 14APR2002 A 2 Neritina virginea 1 RG 14APR2002 A 2 1 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) RG 14APR2002 A 3 Ceratopogonid larvae 1 RG 14APR2002 A 3 Chironomid larvae 56 RG 14APR2002 A 3 Mediomastus ambiseta 9 RG 14APR2002 A 3 No species observed 0 RG 14APR2002 A 3 1 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) RG 14APR2002 B 1 Chironomidlarvae 148 RG 14APR2002 B 1 Mediomastus ambiseta 37 RG 14APR2002 B 1 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 4 RG 14APR2002 B 1 Streblospio benedicti 2 RG 14APR2002 B Chironomidlarvae 2 170 RG 14APR2002 B 2 Mediomastus ambiseta 30 RG 14APR2002 B 2 2 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) RG Ceratopogonid larvae 1 14APR2002 ' B 3 RG 14APR2002 B 3 Chironomid larvae 101 RG 14APR2002 B 3 Laeonereis culveri 1 RG 14APR2002 B 3 Mediomastus ambiseta 31 RG 14APR2002 B 3 Neritina virginea 3 RG 14APR2002 B3 2 Oligochaetes (unidentified) RG 14APR2002 B3 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 2 RG 14APR2002 B 3 1 Streblospio benedicti RG 14APR2002 C 1 Chironomidlarvae 10 RG 14APR2002 C 1 Mediomastus ambiseta 6 RG 14APR2002 C 1 Mysidopsis almyra 1 RG 14APR2002 C 1 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 5 RG 14APR2002 C 1 Streblospio benedicti 10 77 RG 14APR2002 C 2 Ceratopogonid larvae 1 RG 14APR2002 c 2 Chironomidlarvae 17 RG 14APR2002 c 2 Mediomastusambiseta 2 RG 14APR2002 c 2 Mysidopsis almyra 2 RG 14APR2002 c 2 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 2 RG 14APR2002 c 2 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 2 RG 14APR2002 c 2 Streblospio benedicti 1 RG 14APR2002 c 3 Chironomidlarvae 12 RG 14APR2002 c 3 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 2 RG 14APR2002 c 3 Streblospio benedicti 5 RG 09JUL2002 A 1 Ceratopogonid larvae 4 RG 09JUL2002 A 1 Chironomidlarvae 88 RG 09JUL2002 A 1 Damselfly numphs 1 RG 09JUL2002 A 1 No species observed 0 RG 09JUL2002 A 1 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 21 RG 09JUL2002 A 2 Ceratopogonid larvae 2 RG 09JUL2002 A 2 Chironomidlarvae 97 RG 09JUL2002 2 A Ilyocryptus spinifer 3 RG 09JUL2002 A 2 Mediomastusambiseta 1 RG 09JUL2002 A 2 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 82 RG 09JUL2002 A 2 Polydora socialis 1 RG 09JUL2002 A 3 Chironomidlarvae 104 RG 09JUL2002 A 3 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 45 RG 09JUL2002 3 A Pelecypoda (unidentified) 2 RG 09JUL2002 A 3 Polydora socialis 1 RG 09JUL2002 B 1 Chironomidlarvae 146 RG 09JUL2002 B 1 6 Ilyocryptus spinifer RG 09JUL2002 B 1 35 Oligochaetes (unidentified) RG 09JUL2002 B 1 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 3 RG 09JUL2002 B 2 Ceratopogonid larvae 1 RG 09JUL2002 B 2 Chironomidlarvae 174 RG 09JUL2002 B 2 Ilyocryptus spinifer 5 RG 09JUL2002 B 2 No species observed 0 RG 09JUL2002 B 2 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 38 RG Pelecypoda (unidentified) 1 09JUL2002 B 2 RG 09JUL2002 B 2 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 4 RG 09JUL2002 B 3 Ceratopogonid larvae 1 RG 09JUL2002 B 3 Chironomidlarvae 142 RG 09JUL2002 B 3 Ilyocryptus spinifer 3 RG 09JUL2002 B 3 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 48 RG 09JUL2002 B 3 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 4 RG 09JUL2002 D 1 Ceratopogonid larvae 1 RG 09JUL2002 ' D 1 Chironomidlarvae 80 RG 09JUL2002 D 1 Laeonereis culveri 1 RG 09JUL2002 D 1 1 RG 09JUL2002 D 2 Chironomidlarvae Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 95 RG 09JUL2002 D 2 Mediomastusambiseta 1 RG 09JUL2002 D 2 Nereidae(unidentified) 1 RG 09JUL2002 D 2 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 RG 09JUL2002 D 3 Chironomidlarvae 76 RG 09JUL2002 D 3 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 1 RG 09JUL2002 D 3 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 SO 240CT2000 A 1 Aricidea catharinae 2 SO 240CT2000 A 1 Ceritheumlutosum 1 SO 240CT2000 A 1 1 Cymadusa compta so 240CT2000 A 1 Diastoma varium 1 so 240CT2000 1 1 A Elasmopus sp. Exogone sp. so 240CT2000 A 1 27 so 240CT2000 A 1 Fabriciolatrilobata 1 so 240CT2000 A 1 Leptochelia rapax 1 so 240CT2000 A 1 Micropanope scultites 1 so 240CT2000 A 1 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 4 so 240CT2000 A 1 Pinnixa1 sp. so 240CT2000 A 1 Platynereis dumerilii 1 so 240CT2000 A 1 Polydora caulleryi 6 so 240CT2000 A 1 Prionospio heterobranchia 14 so 240CT2000 A 1 Pyrgiscus sp. 1 so 240CT2000 A 1 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 so 240CT2000 A 1 Schistomeringos sp. A 2 so 240CT2000 A 1 Sphaerosyllis sp.A 4 so 240CT2000 A 1 Streblospio benedicti 3 so 240CT2000 A 1 Syllis comuta 6 so 240CT2000 A 1 Tharyx setigera 7 so 240CT2000 A 2 Aricidea catharinae 1 so 240CT2000 A 2 Capitella capitata 1 so 240CT2000 A 2 Maldanidae(unidentified) 1 so 240CT2000 A 2 Mediomastus califomiensis 2 so 240CT2000 A 2 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 1 so 240CT2000 A 2 Polydora caulleryi 2 so 240CT2000 Prionospio heterobranchia A2 2 so 240CT2000 A 2 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 so 240CT2000 A 2 Sphaerosyllis sp.A 1 so 240CT2000 A 2 Tharyx setigera 6 so 240CT2000 A 3 Ceratonereisirritabilis 1 so 240CT2000 A 3 Cirrophoms lyra 1 so 240CT2000 A 3 Grandidierellabonnieroides 1 so 240CT2000 A 3 Mediomastusambiseta 1 so 240CT2000 A 3 Mediomastus califomiensis 9 so 240CT2000 A 3 3 Oligochaetes (unidentified) so 240CT2000 A 3 10 Polydora caulleryi so 240CT2000 A 3 Prionospio heterobranchia 3 so 240CT2000 A 3 Sphaerosyllis sp. A 4 so 240CT2000 A 3 Tharyx setigera 19 so 240CT2000 B 1 Capitella capitata 1 so 240CT2000 B 1 Cossura delta 26 so 240CT2000 B 1 Mediomastusambiseta 6 so 240CT2000 B 1 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 15 so 240CT2000 ' B 1 6 Tharyx setigera so 240CT2000 B 2 Aricidea catharinae 2 so 240CT2000 B 2 Brania flircelligera 1 so 240CT2000 B 2 Caprellidae sp. 2 so 240CT2000 B 2 Cymadusa compta 3 so 240CT2000 B 2 Hesionidae(unidentified) 1 so 240CT2000 B 2 Mediomastus ambiseta 9 so 240CT2000 B 2 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 18 so 240CT2000 B 2 1 so 240CT2000 B 2 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) Sphaerosyllis sp. A 2 so 240CT2000 B 2 Spiorbis sp. 1 so 240CT2000 B 2 Terebellidae(unidentified) 1 so 240CT2000 B 2 Tharyx setigera 1 so 240CT2000 B 3 1 Amphipoda (unidentified) so 240CT2000 B 3 Aricidea catharinae 1 so 240CT2000 B 3 Caprellidae sp. 2 so 240CT2000 B 3 Cossura delta 6 so 240CT2000 B 3 Cymadusa compta 1 so 240CT2000 B 3 Hesionidae (unidentified) 1 so 240CT2000 B 3 Mediomastusambiseta 1 so 240CT2000 B 3 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 40 so 240CT2000 B 3 Prionospio heterobranchia 1 so 240CT2000 B 3 Spiorbis sp. 1 so 240CT2000 B 3 Syllis comuta 2 so 240CT2000 B 3 Terebellidae(unidentified) 1 so 10JAN2001 A 1 Axiothells A sp. 3 so 10JAN2001 A 1 Brania fiircelligera 1 so 10JAN2001 A 1 Capitella capitata 7 so 10JAN2001 A 1 Caprellidae sp. 2 so 10JAN2001 A 1 Ceratonereisirritabilis 2 so 10JAN2001 A 1 Chone sp. 1 so 10JAN2001 A 1 Cirrophoms lyra 7 so 10JAN2001 A 1 Edotea 4 montosa so 10JAN2001 A 1 Elasmopus sp. 1 so 10JAN2001 A 1 Exogone sp. 6 so 10JAN2001 A 1 Grandidierellabonnieroides 2 so 10JAN2001 1 A Haploscoloplos fragilis 16 so 10JAN2001 A 1 Leptochelia rapax 1 so 10JAN2001 A 1 Maldanidae(unidentified) 1 so 10JAN2001 A 1 Mediomastusambiseta 5 so 10JAN2001 A 1 Mediomastus califomiensis 2 so 10JAN2001 A 1 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 8 so 10JAN2001 A 1 Oxyurostylis sp. 1 so 10JAN2001 A 1 Polydora caulleryi 38 so 10JAN2001 A 1 Polydora socialis 1 so 10JAN2001 A 1 Pomatoceros americanus 4 so 10JAN2001 A 1 Prionospio heterobranchia 49 so 10JAN2001 A 1 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 so 10JAN2001 A 1 Schistomeringos sp. A 1 so 10JAN2001 A 1 Sphaerosyllis sp. A 22 so 10JAN2001 A 1 Streblospio benedicti 24 so 10JAN2001 A 1 Syllis comuta 4 so 10JAN2001 A 1 Tharyx setigera 19 so 10JAN2001 A 1 Xenanthurabrevitelson 2 so 10JAN2001 A 2 Armandiamaculata 2 so 10JAN2001 ’ A 2 Brania fiircelligera 3 so 10JAN2001 A 2 12 Capitella capitata so 10JAN2001 A 2 13 Caprellidae sp. so 10JAN2001 A 2 Chione gms 1 so 10JAN2001 A 2 Chone sp. 2 so 10JAN2001 A 2 Cirrophoms lyra 2 so 10JAN2001 A 2 Cymadusa compta 2 so 10JAN2001 A 2 Diastoma varium 1 so 10JAN2001 A 2 Drilonereis 1 magna so 10JAN2001 2 A Elasmopus sp. 1 so 10JAN2001 2 A Exogone sp. 11 so 10JAN200I A 2 Grandidierellabonnieroides 1 so 10JAN2001 A 2 5 Haploscoloplos fragilis so so 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 A A 2 2 Leptochelia rapax Mediomastusambiseta 2 11 so 10JAN2001 A 2 Mediomastuscalifomiensis 1 so so so 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 A A A 2 2 2 Oligochaetes (unidentified) Oxyurostylis sp. Parvi lucina multilineata 9 1 1 so 10JAN2001 A 2 Phoronis architecta 1 so so so 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 A A A 2 2 2 Pista palmata Polydora caulleryi Pomatoceros americanus 1 28 11 so so so so so so so so so so so so 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 A A A A A A A A A A A A 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 Prionospio heterobranchia Rhynchocoela (unidentified) Schistomeringos sp. A Sphaerosyllis sp. A Streblospio benedicti Syllis comuta Tharyx setigera Branchioasychis americana Brania furcelligera Capitella capitata Caprellidae sp. Ceratonereis irritabilis 63 4 9 26 22 2 10 3 4 3 5 1 so so so 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 A A A 3 3 3 Chone sp. Cymadusa compta Diastoma varium 2 2 1 so so so so 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 A A A A 3 3 3 3 Exogone sp. Glycinde solitaria Haploscoloplos fragilis Mediomastusambiseta 12 1 5 19 so so so 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 A A A 3 3 3 Oligochaetes (unidentified) Polydora caulleryi Pomatoceros americanus 1 20 7 so so so so so so so so so 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 A A A A A A A A A 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Prionospio heterobranchia Rhynchocoela (unidentified) Sarsiella spinosa Schistomeringos sp. A Sphaerosyllis sp. A Streblospio benedicti Syllis comuta Tharyx setigera Xenanthurabrevitelson 40 2 1 1 36 17 1 3 1 so so so so so so so so 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 ' B B B B B B B B 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Abraaequalis Branchioasychis americana Brania furcelligera Capitella capitata Exogone sp. Haploscoloplos fragilis Leptochelia rapax Macoma tenta 8 1 1 2 10 6 1 1 so 10JAN2001 B 1 Mediomastusambiseta 7 so 10JAN2001 B 1 Mulinialateralis 2 so so 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 B B 1 1 Oligochaetes (unidentified) Pomatoceros americanus 17 1 so so 10JAN2001 10JAN2001 B B 1 1 Prionospio heterobranchia Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 4 1 so 10JAN200I B 1 Sarsiella spinosa 1 so 10JAN2001 B 1 Sphaerosyllis sp. A 5 so 10JAN2001 B 1 Streblospio benedicti 6 so 10JAN2001 B 2 13 so 10JAN2001 B 2 Ampelisca abdita 1 so 10JAN2001 Abra aequalis B 2 Anthozoa(unidentified) 2 so 10JAN2001 B 2 Aricidea catharinae 3 so 10JAN2001 B 2 Armandiamaculata 1 so 10JAN2001 B 2 Brania furcelligera 1 so 10JAN2001 B 2 Capitella capitata 9 so 10JAN2001 B 2 1 Cirrophoms lyra so 10JAN2001 B 2 Cossura delta 13 so 10JAN2001 B 2 Glycera americana 1 so 10JAN2001 B 2 Mediomastusambiseta 21 so 10JAN2001 B 2 Megalops 1 so 10JAN2001 B 2 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 22 so 10JAN2001 B 2 Prionospio heterobranchia 6 so 10JAN2001 B 2 Sigambra tentaculata 1 so 10JAN2001 B 2 Sphaerosyllis sp. A 2 so 10JAN2001 B 2 Spiophanes bombyx 1 so 10JAN2001 B 2 12 Streblospio benedicti so 10JAN2001 B 2 Tharyx setigera 1 so 10JAN2001 B 3 16 Abra aequalis so 10JAN2001 B 3 4 Ampelisca abdita so 10JAN2001 B 3 1 Apoprionospio pygmaea so 10JAN2001 B 3 Bowmaniellabrasiliensis 1 so 10JAN2001 B 3 22 Capitella capitata so 10JAN2001 B 3 Cossura delta 4 so 10JAN2001 3 B Elasmopus sp. 1 so 10JAN2001 B 3 Erichthoniasbrasiliensis 1 so 10JAN2001 B 3 Haploscoloplos fragilis 2 so 10JAN2001 B 3 Mediomastusambiseta 18 so 10JAN2001 B 3 50 so 10JAN2001 B 3 Prionospio heterobranchia 10 so 10JAN2001 Oligochaetes (unidentified) B 3 Sphaerosyllis sp. A 5 so 10JAN2001 B 3 Streblospio benedicti 10 so 10JAN2001 B 3 Syllis comuta 1 so 10JAN2001 B 3 Tharyx setigera 5 so 14APR2001 A 1 Capitella capitata 20 so 14APR2001 A 1 Chone 1 sp. so 14APR2001 A 1 Cirrophoms lyra 2 so 14APR2001 A 1 Fabriciola trilobata 1 so 14APR2001 ' A 1 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 1 so 14APR2001 A 1 Polydora caulleryi 2 so 14APR2001 A 1 Prionospio heterobranchia 22 so 14APR2001 A 1 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 4 so 14APR2001 A 1 Sarsiella zostericola 1 so 14APR2001 A 1 Schistomeringos sp. A 1 so 14APR2001 A 1 Sphaerosyllis sp. A 16 so 14APR2001 A 1 9 Streblospio benedicti so 14APR2001 A 1 Tharyx setigera 8 so 14APR2001 A 2 Branchioasychis americana 1 so 14APR2001 A 2 1 Capitella capitata so 14APR2001 A 2 Euclymene sp. B 1 so 14APR2001 A 2 Grubeulepis cf. mexicana 12 so 14APR2001 A 2 Mediomastusambiseta 1 so 14APR2001 Melinnamaculata A2 1 so 14APR2001 A 2 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 7 so 14APR2001 A 2 Prionospio heterobranchia 21 so 14APR2001 A 2 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 so 14APR2001 A 2 Streblospio benedicti 8 so 14APR2001 A 2 Syllis comuta 1 so 14APR2001 A 3 Capitella capitata 11 so 14APR2001 A 3 Edotea montosa 1 so 14APR2001 A 3 Melinnamaculata 1 so 14APR2001 A 3 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 5 so 14APR2001 A 3 Prionospio heterobranchia 17 so 14APR2001 A 3 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 so 14APR2001 A 3 Streblospio benedicti 4 so 14APR2001 A 3 Tharyx setigera 6 so 14APR2001 B 1 Ampelisca abdita 1 Capitella capitata so 14APR2001 B 1 17 so 14APR2001 B 1 Capitellides jonesi 3 so 14APR2001 B 1 Mediomastusambiseta 1 so 14APR2001 B 1 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 97 so 14APR2001 B 1 Prionospio heterobranchia 5 so 14APR2001 B 1 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 2 so 14APR2001 B 1 Streblospio benedicti 2 so 14APR2001 B 1 Tharyx setigera 2 so 14APR2001 B 2 Aricidea catharinae 1 so 14APR2001 B 2 Capitella capitata 15 so 14APR2001 B 2 Grubeulepis cf. mexicana 1 so 14APR2001 B 2 Mediomastusambiseta 1 Oligochaetes (unidentified) so 14APR2001 B 2 59 so 14APR2001 2 Prionospio heterobranchia 1 B so 14APR2001 B 2 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 2 Streblospio benedicti so 14APR2001 B 2 1 so 14APR2001 B 3 1 Ampelisca abdita so 14APR2001 B 3 Capitella capitata 64 so 14APR2001 B 3 Cossura delta 16 so 14APR2001 B 3 Edotea montosa 2 so 14APR2001 B 3 Mediomastusambiseta 14 so 14APR2001 B 3 Melinnamaculata * 1 so 14APR2001 B 3 Microphthalmus abberrans 2 so 14APR2001 B 3 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 40 so 14APR2001 Prionospio heterobranchia B3 3 so 14APR2001 B 3 Streblospio benedicti 1 ' so 14APR2001 B 3 6 so 07JUL2001 A 1 Amphipoda (unidentified) 1 so 07JUL2001 A 1 Capitella capitata 1 so 07JUL2001 A 1 Chione cancellata Tharyx setigera 1 so 07JUL2001 A 1 Heteromastus filiformis 2 so 07JUL2001 A 1 Mediomastus ambiseta 2 so 07JUL2001 A 1 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 65 so 07JUL2001 A 1 Streblospio benedicti 29 so 07JUL2001 A 1 Tharyx setigera 1 so 07JUL2001 A 2 Cossura delta 1 so 07JUL2001 A 2 Mediomastusambiseta 1 so 07JUL2001 A 2 Naineris A 11 so 07JUL2001 A 2 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 102 sp. so 07JUL2001 A 2 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 so 07JUL2001 A 2 Streblospio benedicti 32 so 07JUL2001 A 2 Tharyx setigera 6 so 07JUL2001 A 3 Capitella capitata 2 so 07JUL2001 A 3 Crepidula fomicata 2 so 07JUL2001 A 3 Cymadusa compta 1 so 07JUL2001 A 3 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 92 so 07JUL2001 A 3 Parvi lucina multilineata 1 so 07JUL2001 A 3 Sphaerosyllis sp. A 2 so 07JUL2001 A 3 Streblospio benedicti 5 so 07JUL2001 B 1 Capitella capitata 14 so 07JUL2001 B 1 Capitellidae (unidentified) 5 so 07JUL2001 B 1 Cossura delta 2 so 07JUL2001 B 1 Edotea montosa 1 so 07JUL2001 B Mediomastusambiseta 12 so 07JUL2001 B 1 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 78 so 07JUL2001 B 1 Prionospio heterobranchia 1 so 07JUL2001 B 1 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 so 07JUL2001 B 1 Streblospio benedicti 136 so 07JUL2001 B 1 Tharyx setigera 3 so 07JUL2001 B 2 Capitella capitata 21 so 07JUL2001 B 2 Edotea montosa 1 so 07JUL2001 B 2 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 36 so 07JUL2001 B 2 Streblospio benedicti 67 so 07JUL2001 B 2 Tharyx setigera 2 so 07JUL2001 B 3 Ampelisca abdita 1 so 07JUL2001 B 3 Callinectes similis 1 so 07JUL2001 B 3 Capitella capitata 16 so 07JUL2001 . B 3 Capitellidae (unidentified) 4 so 07JUL2001 B 3 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 20 so 07JUL2001 B 3 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 2 so 07JUL2001 B 3 Sphaerosyllis sp. A 1 so 07JUL2001 B 3 Streblospio benedicti 43 so 270CT2001 A 1 Aricidea catharinae 1 so 270CT2001 A 1 Branchioasychis americana 2 so 270CT2001 A 1 Ceratonereis irritabilis 1 so 270CT2001 A 1 Cirrophorus lyra 11 so 270CT2001 A 1 Euclymene sp. B » 2 so 270CT2001 A 1 Heteromastusfiliformis 1 so 270CT2001 A 1 Lucina pectinata 1 so 270CT2001 A 1 Mediomastusambiseta 5 so 270CT2001 A 1 Mediomastus califomiensis 3 so 270CT2001 ' A 1 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 1 so 270CT2001 A 1 Polydora caulleryi 2 so 270CT2001 A 1 Prionospio heterobranchia 8 so 270CT2001 A 1 Schistomeringos sp. A 6 so 270CT2001 A 1 Streblospio benedicti 4 Tharyx setigera so 270CT2001 A 1 46 so 270CT2001 A 1 Xenanthurabrevitelson 2 so 270CT2001 A 2 Branchioasychis americana 1 so 270CT2001 A 2 Euclymene sp. B 1 so 270CT2001 A 2 Mediomastusambiseta 2 so 270CT2001 A 2 Phoronis architecta 1 so 270CT2001 A 2 Prionospio heterobranchia 4 so 270CT2001 A 2 Schistomeringos sp. A 2 so 270CT2001 A 2 Streblospio benedicti 7 so 270CT2001 A 2 Tharyx setigera 22 so 270CT2001 A 3 Branchioasychis americana 7 so 270CT2001 A 3 Cirrophorus lyra 1 so 270CT2001 A 3 Exogone sp. 1 so 270CT2001 A 3 Heteromastusfiliformis 1 so 270CT2001 3 A Leptochelia rapax 1 so 270CT2001 A 3 Mediomastus ambiseta 1 so 270CT2001 A 3 Mediomastus califomiensis 5 so 270CT2001 A 3 Prionospio heterobranchia 5 so 270CT2001 A 3 A 1 Schistomeringos sp. so 270CT2001 A 3 Streblospio benedicti 9 so 270CT2001 A 3 2 so 270CT2001 A 3 Xenanthurabrevitelson Tharyx setigera 1 so 270CT2001 B 1 Heteromastusfiliformis 1 so 270CT2001 B 1 Mediomastus ambiseta 3 so 270CT2001 B 1 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 54 Streblospio benedicti so 270CT2001 B 1 31 so 270CT2001 B 1 Tharyx setigera 8 so 270CT2001 B 1 Xenanthurabrevitelson 1 so 270CT2001 B 2 Cirrophorus lyra 1 so 270CT2001 B 2 Mediomastus ambiseta 6 so 270CT2001 B 2 Nereidae (unidentified) 1 so 270CT2001 B 2 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 20 so 270CT2001 B 2 Pagums annulipes 1 so 270CT2001 B 2 Paleanotus heteroseta 1 so 270CT2001 B 2 Polygireulima jamaicensis 1 so 270CT2001 B 2 Streblospio benedicti 29 so 270CT2001 B 2 Terebellides stroemi 1 so 270CT2001 B 2 Tharyx setigera 15 so 270CT2001 B 3 Capitella capitata 1 so 270CT2001 B 3 Litocorsa stremma 1 so 270CT2001 B 3 Lucina pectinata 1 so 270CT2001 B 3 Mediomastus ambiseta 6 so 270CT2001 B 3 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 44 so 270CT2001 B 3 Streblospio benedicti 26 so 270CT2001 B 3 Tharyx setigera 14 so 21JAN2002 A 1 Branchioasychis americana 1 so 21JAN2002 A 1 Capitella capitata 2 so 21JAN2002 A 1 Euclymene sp. B 3 so 21JAN2002 A 1 Glycera americana 1 so 21JAN2002 A 1 Haploscoloplos fragilis 3 so 21JAN2002 ' A 1 Mediomastus ambiseta 5 so 21JAN2002 A 1 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 2 so 21JAN2002 A 1 Polydora caulleryi 3 so 21JAN2002 A 1 Prionospio heterobranchia 1 so 21JAN2002 A 1 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 so 21JAN2002 A 1 Schizocardium sp. 1 so 21JAN2002 A 1 Sphaerosyllis sp. A 1 so 21JAN2002 A 1 Streblospio benedicti 29 so 21JAN2002 A 1 Tharyx setigera 9 so 21JAN2002 A 2 Aricidea catharinae 1 so 21JAN2002 A 2 Asychis sp. 1 so 21JAN2002 A 2 Branchioasychis americana 2 so 21JAN2002 A 2 Capitella capitata 6 so 21JAN2002 A 2 Cirrophorus lyra 1 so 21JAN2002 A 2 Diastoma varium 2 so 21JAN2002 A 1 2 Eteone heteropoda so 21JAN2002 A 2 Haploscoloplos fragilis 4 so 21JAN2002 A 2 1 Lucina pectinata so 21JAN2002 A 2 Mediomastusambiseta 11 so 21JAN2002 A 2 Melinna maculata 1 so 21JAN2002 A 2 Microphthalmus abberrans 1 so 21JAN2002 A 2 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 2 so 21JAN2002 A 2 Polydora caulleryi 2 so 21JAN2002 A 2 Prionospio heterobranchia 6 so 21JAN2002 A 2 Pycnogonida (unidentified) 1 so 21JAN2002 A 2 Sphaerosyllis sp. A 4 so 21JAN2002 A 2 Streblospio benedicti 38 so 21JAN2002 A 2 Tellinatexana 1 so 21JAN2002 A 2 Tharyx setigera 9 so 21JAN2002 A 3 11 Abra aequalis so 21JAN2002 A 3 Ampelisca abdita 1 so 21JAN2002 A 3 Anthozoa(unidentified) 1 so 21JAN2002 A 3 Aricidea catharinae 2 so 21JAN2002 3 A Capitella capitata 7 so 21JAN2002 3 A Caprellidae sp. 2 so 21JAN2002 A 3 Euclymene sp. B 3 so 21JAN2002 A 3 Eulimastomacanaliculata 1 so 21JAN2002 A 3 Laevicardiummortoni 1 so 21JAN2002 A 3 Lyonsia hyalina floridana 1 so 21JAN2002 A 3 Malmgreniella sp. 1 so 21JAN2002 A 3 Mediomastusambiseta 8 so 21JAN2002 A 3 1 so 21JAN2002 Oligochaetes (unidentified) A 3 Polydora caulleryi 35 so 21JAN2002 A 3 Prionospio heterobranchia 3 so 21JAN2002 3 A Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 3 so 21JAN2002 A 3 Scolelepis texana 1 so 21JAN2002 A 3 Sphaerosyllis sp. A 4 so 21JAN2002 A 3 Spiophanes bombyx 1 so 21JAN2002 A 3 Streblospio benedicti 15 so 21JAN2002 A 3 Tellinatexana 2 so 21JAN2002 A 3 11 Tharyx setigera so 21JAN2002 B 1 Abraaequalis 2 so 21JAN2002 B 1 Ampelisca abdita 1 so 21JAN2002 B 1 Aricidea catharinae 2 so 21JAN2002 B 1 Brania fiircelligera 1 so 21JAN2002 ' B 1 Capitella capitata 1 so 21JAN2002 B 1 Cirrophorus lyra 4 so 21JAN2002 B 1 Euclymene sp. B 2 so 21JAN2002 B 1 Laevicardiummortoni 1 so 21JAN2002 B 1 Malacoceros indicus 1 so 21JAN2002 B 1 Mediomastusambiseta 12 so 21JAN2002 B 1 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 1 so 21JAN2002 B 1 Phoronis architecta 19 so 21JAN2002 B 1 Prionospio heterobranchia 1 so 21JAN2002 B 1 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 so 21JAN2002 B 1 Streblospio benedicti 14 so 21JAN2002 B 1 Tellinatexana 1 so 21JAN2002 B 1 Tharyx setigera 3 so 21JAN2002 B 1 Xenanthura brevitelson 1 so 21JAN2002 B 2 Abra aequalis 3 so 21JAN2002 B 2 Ampelisca abdita 3 so 21JAN2002 B 2 Anaitides mucosa 2 so 21JAN2002 B 2 Aricidea catharinae 1 so 21JAN2002 B 2 Capitella capitata 2 so 21JAN2002 B 2 Chone 1 sp. so 21JAN2002 B 2 Cossura delta 1 so 21JAN2002 B 2 Euclymene sp. B 1 so 21JAN2002 B 2 Glycera americana 1 so 21JAN2002 B 2 Mediomastus ambiseta 7 so 21JAN2002 B 2 Mysidopsis bahia 1 so 21JAN2002 B 2 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 5 so 21JAN2002 B 2 Oxyurostylis sp. 1 so 21JAN2002 B 2 Phoronis architecta 1 so 21JAN2002 B 2 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 2 so 21JAN2002 B 2 Schizocardium 1 sp. so 21JAN2002 B 2 Streblospio benedicti 4 so 21JAN2002 B 2 Tellina texana 1 so 21JAN2002 B 2 Tharyx setigera 5 so 21JAN2002 B 3 Amphiodia atra 1 so 21JAN2002 B 3 Anaitides mucosa 1 so 21JAN2002 B 3 Aricidea catharinae 1 so 21JAN2002 B 3 Capitella capitata 1 so 21JAN2002 B 3 Cirrophorus lyra 1 so 21JAN2002 B 3 Mediomastus ambiseta 5 so 21JAN2002 B 3 Melinnamaculata 1 so 21JAN2002 B 3 Naineris sp. A 1 so 21JAN2002 B 3 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 1 so 21JAN2002 B 3 Oxyurostylis sp. 1 so 21JAN2002 B 3 Pista cristata 1 so 21JAN2002 B 3 Polydora caulleryi 4 so 21JAN2002 B 3 Prionospio heterobranchia 1 so 21JAN2002 B 3 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 so 21JAN2002 B 3 Schistomeringos sp. A 1 so 21JAN2002 B 3 Sphaerosyllis sp. A 4 so 21JAN2002 B 3 Streblospio benedicti 30 so 21JAN2002 B 3 Tharyx setigera 26 so 21JAN2002 B 3 Xenanthurabrevitelson 1 so 13APR2002 A 1 Acteocina canaliculata 1 so 13APR2002 A 1 Capitella capitata 4 so 13APR2002 A 1 Cirrophorus lyra 3 so 13APR2002 ' A 1 Crepidula fomicata 1 so 13APR2002 A 1 Euclymene sp. B 2 so 13APR2002 A 1 Mediomastus ambiseta 7 so 13APR2002 A 1 Microphthalmus abberrans 1 so 13APR2002 A 1 12 Oligochaetes (unidentified) so 13APR2002 A 1 Prionospio heterobranchia 5 so 13APR2002 A 1 Schistomeringos sp. A 4 so 13APR2002 A 1 Sphaerosyllis sp. A 1 so 13APR2002 A 1 Streblospio benedicti 4 so 13APR2002 A 1 Tharyx setigera 28 so 13APR2002 A 2 Apoprionospio pygmaea 1 so 13APR2002 A 2 Branchioasychis americana 1 so 13APR2002 A 2 Capitella capitata 1 so 13APR2002 A 2 Euclymene sp. B 2 so 13APR2002 A 2 Glycera americana 1 so 13APR2002 A 2 Mediomastus ambiseta 4 so 13APR2002 A 2 Microphthalmus abberrans 4 so 13APR2002 A 2 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 3 so 13APR2002 A 2 Oxyurostylis sp. 1 so 13APR2002 A 2 Sarsiella texana 1 so 13APR2002 A 2 Sphaerosyllis sp. A 5 so 13APR2002 A 2 Streblospio benedicti 11 so 13APR2002 A 2 Tharyx setigera 10 so 13APR2002 A 3 Ampelisca abdita 1 so 13APR2002 A 3 Aricidea catharinae 1 so 13APR2002 A 3 Branchioasychis americana 5 so 13APR2002 A 3 Capitella capitata 4 so 13APR2002 A 3 Cirrophoms lyra 2 so 13APR2002 A 3 Euclymene sp. B 3 so 13APR2002 A 3 Grandidierellabonnieroides 1 so 13APR2002 A 3 Gyptis vittata 1 so 13APR2002 A 3 Mediomastus ambiseta 13 so 13APR2002 A 3 Mediomastus califomiensis 1 so 13APR2002 A 3 Melinnamaculata 1 so 13APR2002 A 3 Oxyurostylis sp. 1 so 13APR2002 A 3 Prionospio heterobranchia 2 so 13APR2002 A 3 Pycnogonida (unidentified) 1 so 13APR2002 A 3 Sphaerosyllis sp. A 1 so 13APR2002 A 3 Spiorbis sp. 1 so 13APR2002 A 3 Streblospio benedicti 14 so 13APR2002 A 3 Syllis comuta 1 so 13APR2002 A 3 Tharyx setigera 29 so 13APR2002 B 1 Ampelisca abdita 3 so 13APR2002 B 1 Capitella capitata 5 so 13APR2002 B 1 Cossura delta 4 so 13APR2002 B 1 Glycinde solitaria 1 so 13APR2002 B 1 Haploscoloplos fragilis 1 so 13APR2002 B 1 Mediomastus ambiseta 12 so 13APR2002 B 1 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 27 so 13APR2002 B 1 Streblospio benedicti 45 so 13APR2002 B 1 Tharyx setigera 14 so 13APR2002 B 2 Capitella capitata 1 so 13APR2002 B 2 Mediomastus ambiseta 4 so 13APR2002 B 2 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 23 so 13APR2002 B 2 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 so 13APR2002 B 2 Streblospio benedicti 2 so 13APR2002 B 2 Tharyx setigera 1 so 13APR2002 B 3 Ampelisca abdita 1 so 13APR2002 B 3 Capitella capitata 12 so 13APR2002 B 3 Cossura delta 1 so 13APR2002 B 3 Edotea montosa 1 so 13APR2002 B 3 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 47 so 13APR2002 B 3 Streblospio benedicti 6 so 13APR2002 B 3 Tharyx setigera 5 so 09JUL2002 A 1 Axiothells sp. A 1 so 09JUL2002 A 1 Capitella capitata 1 so 09JUL2002 A 1 Grandidierellabonnieroides 1 so 09JUL2002 A 1 Leptochela serratorbita I so 09JUL2002 A 1 Mediomastusambiseta 1 so 09JUL2002 A 1 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 7 so 09JUL2002 A 1 Polydora caulleryi 5 so 09JUL2002 A 1 Prionospio heterobranchia 15 so 09JUL2002 A 1 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 2 so 09JUL2002 A 1 Schistomeringos sp. A 2 so 09JUL2002 A 1 Sphaerosyllis sp. A 1 so 09JUL2002 A 1 Streblospio benedicti 8 so 09JUL2002 A 1 Tharyx setigera 45 so 09JUL2002 A 2 Amphiodia atra 1 so 09JUL2002 2 Aricidea catharinae 3 A so 09JUL2002 A 2 Capitella capitata 3 so 09JUL2002 2 Mediomastusambiseta 8 A so 09JUL2002 A 2 Microphthalmus abberrans 1 so 09JUL2002 A 2 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 14 so 09JUL2002 A 2 Polydora caulleryi 4 so 09JUL2002 A 2 Prionospio heterobranchia 15 so 09JUL2002 A 2 Streblospio benedicti 2 so 09JUL2002 A 2 Terebellidesstroemi 1 so 09JUL2002 A 2 Tharyx setigera 31 so 09JUL2002 A 3 Aricidea catharinae 2 so 09JUL2002 A 3 Capitella capitata 5 so 09JUL2002 A 3 Chione cancellata 1 so 09JUL2002 A 3 Cirrophoms lyra 1 so 09JUL2002 A 3 Cymadusa compta 1 so 09JUL2002 A 3 Grandidierellabonnieroides 1 so 09JUL2002 A 3 Lucina pectinata 1 so 09JUL2002 A 3 Mediomastusambiseta 8 so 09JUL2002 3 A Microprotopus spp. 1 so 09JUL2002 A 3 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 9 so 09JUL2002 A 3 Phoronis architecta 1 so 09JUL2002 A 3 Polydora caulleryi 18 so 09JUL2002 A 3 Prionospio heterobranchia 12 so 09JUL2002 A 3 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 2 so 09JUL2002 A 3 Schistomeringos sp. A 4 so 09JUL2002 A 3 Streblospio benedicti 15 so 09JUL2002 A 3 Tharyx setigera 25 so 09JUL2002 B 1 Ampelisca abdita 1 so 09JUL2002 B 1 Cirrophoms lyra 1 so 09JUL2002 B 1 Cossura delta 2 so 09JUL2002 B 1 Mediomastusambiseta 3 so 09JUL2002 B 1 Nudibranchia(unidentified) 1 so 09JUL2002 ' B 1 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 3 so 09JUL2002 B 1 Phoronis architecta 1 so 09JUL2002 B 1 Polydora socialis 1 so 09JUL2002 B 1 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 2 so 09JUL2002 B 1 Sipuncula (unidentified) 1 so 09JUL2002 B 1 Sphaerosyllis sp. A 1 so 09JUL2002 B 1 Streblospio benedicti 10 so 09JUL2002 B 14 Tharyx setigera so 09JUL2002 B 2 Aricidea catharinae 2 so 09JUL2002 B 2 Axiothellamucosa 2 so 09JUL2002 B 2 Litocorsa stremma 1 so 09JUL2002 B 2 Mediomastusambiseta 2 so 09JUL2002 B 2 Naineris sp. A 1 so 09JUL2002 B 2 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 4 so 09JUL2002 B 2 Paleanotus heteroseta 2 so 09JUL2002 B 2 Polydora socialis 2 so 09JUL2002 B 2 Prionospio heterobranchia 4 so 09JUL2002 B 2 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 so 09JUL2002 B 2 Streblospio benedicti 15 so 09JUL2002 B 2 Tharyx setigera 23 so 09JUL2002 B 3 Apoprionospio pygmaea 1 so 09JUL2002 B 3 Aricidea catharinae 2 so 09JUL2002 B 3 Chone sp. 1 so 09JUL2002 B 3 Mediomastusambiseta 5 so 09JUL2002 B 3 Oligochaetes (unidentified) 8 so 09JUL2002 B 3 Paleanotusheteroseta 1 so 09JUL2002 B 3 Polydora socialis 1 so 09JUL2002 B 3 Rhynchocoela (unidentified) 1 so 09JUL2002 B 3 Schistomeringos sp. A 1 so 09JUL2002 B 3 Streblospio benedicti 9 so 09JUL2002 B 3 Tharyx setigera 11 so 09JUL2002 B 3 Turbellaria(unidentified) 1 TWDB REVIEW As required by contract, the Texas Water Development Board review is attached to the following pages. s Kloo2 E.G.RodPittman,Chairman JackHunt,ViceChairman J.KevinWard WilliamW.Meadows,Member WalesH.Madden,Jfc Member ThomasWeirLabatt111,Member ExecutiveAdministrator DarioVidalGuerra,Jr.,Member - May 6. 2003 Mr. Wayne Kuenstler, Director University of Texas at Austin Office of Sponsored Projects. Austin, TX 78713-7726 Re: WaterResearchContractBetweentheUniversityofTexasMarineScience Institute (UTMSI)andtheTexasWaterDevelopment Board(Board),'TWDBContractNo.2002­ 483-414, DraftReport Entitled“EffectofFreshwater InflowonMacrobenthosProductivity inMinorBayandRiver-DominatedEstuariesFYO2" - . DearMr. Kuenstler. TheStaffmembersoftheTexasWaterDevelopmentBoardhavecompleted areviewofthe draft reports underTWDB Contract No. 2002-483-414. As stated in the above referenced contract,' theUTMSIwillconsiderincorporating commentsfromtheEXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATORshowninAttachment1andothercommentors onthedraftfinalreportinto thefinalreport. Awrittenexplanation on*commentsnotIncorporated IntotheFinalReportmust be submitted tothe Board forapproval. TheBoardlooksforwardtoreceiving one(1)electroniccopy,one'(l-)unboundsingle-sided camera-ready original, andnine(9)bounddouble-sided copiesofeachofthefinalreports on this planning project. PleasecontactDr. DavidBrockat(512)936-0819Ifyouhaveanyquestionsaboutthiscontract. Sincerely, William F. Mullican, 111 Deputy Executive Administrator Office ofPlanning * . Our Mission Provideleadership,technical services andfinancialassistancetosupportplanning,conservationandresponsibledevelopmentof.waterfor Texas. P.O.Box 13231•1700N.CongressAvenue‘Austin,Texas 78711-3231 Telephone{512).463-7847¦ Fax (512) 475-2053 (for thehearingimpaired) 'Tj , ML, MB-H 1 URL Address; http://www.twdb.st2tejjc.us QRO E-Mail Address;info®twdb.state.tx.us TNRIS -The TexasInformation Gateway •www.tnris.state.tx.us r. A Member Ofthe JkxasGeographic Information Council (TGIC) w™*­c*h»y @OO3 9893 TWDB PLANNING 5/16/03 09:14 i } ATTACHMENT1 Texas Water Development Board Comments on Draft Final Report entitled “Effect ofFreshwater Inflow on Macrobenthos - Productivity in Minor Bay and River-Dominated Estuaries FYO2” ContractNumber2002-483-414 Thedraftreport is acompletepresentationofthedatacollectedandincludesa goodanalysisof thefeaturedsystem,SouthBay. Thereareafewsuggestionsforclarificationpurposes: 1. IntheMethodssection,page4:pleaseobtainadefinitivestatementonwhethertheRio Grande wasopenatthetimeofsampling.Youmaygetthatinformation bytryingto contactRandyBlankenshipofTPWD(956-350-4490) orsomeonefromtheIBWC. 2. intheMethodssection,page8:addashortparagraphonDataAnalysesMethodsto present multi-dimensional scaling, with reference. Somewhere it would be good to a mention what to look for in an MDS plot that would indicate relationships. 3. Onpage16,firstsentenceoflastparagraph,awordismissingafter“similar". 4. Onpage34,thereisanapparentcontradictionthatmaybeavoidedbyafewmore words'ofexplanation. ThefirstparagraphappearstosaythatSouthBayhasanumber ofspecies, whicharecommoninallTexasestuaries,butthatitdoesn'thavetypical estuarine species. Please clarify.