march 1969 exas us1ness rev1e A Monthly Summary of Business and Economic Conditions in Texas Bureau of Business Research The l1nhersity of Texas at Austin TEXAS BUSINESS REVIEW VOL. XLIII, NO. 3, MARCH 1969 Editor, Stanley A. Arbingast; Associate Editor, Robert H. Ryan; Managing Editor, Graham Blackstock "Sditorial Board: Stanley A. Arbingast, Chairman; John R. Stockton; Francis B. May; Robert H. Ryan; Graham Blackstock CONTENTS ARTICLES 73: THE BUSINESS SITUATION IN TEXAS, by John R. Stockton 77: THE CONTROL OF AIR POLLUTION IN TEXAS, by Otto Paganini 83: TEXAS CONSTRUCTION' January, by Lamar Smith TABLES 74: RETAIL-SALES TREKDS BY KIKO OF BUSINESS 74: TEXAS AGGREGATE-CROP PRODUCTION INDEX, 1955-1968 75: CREDIT RATIOS IN DEPARTMENT AND APPAREL STORES 75 : SELECTED BAROMETERS OF TEXAS BUSINESS 75: BUSINESS-ACTIVITY IKDEXES FOR 20 SELECTED TEXAS CITIES 76 : PRELIMINARY ESTIMATES OF TOTAL RETAIL SALES 76: POSTAL RECEIPTS SELECTED TEXAS CITIES 83: ESTIMATED VALUES OF BUILDING AUTHORIZED IN TEXAS 84: NONFARM BUILDING AUTHORIZED IN STANDARD METRO­POLITAN STATISTICAL AREAS, JANUARY 1969 CHARTS 73 : TEXAS BUSINESS ACTIVITY 74: INDUSTRIAL ELECTRIC-POWER USE 74: INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION, TEXAS 75: CRUDE-OIL RUNS TO STILLS, TEXAS 75: CRUDE-OIL PRODUCTION, TEXAS 76: PRICES RECEIVED BY FARMERS 83: RESIDENTIAL BUILDING AUTHORIZED IN TEXAS 83: TOTAL BUILDING AUTHORIZED IN TEXAS 83: NONRESIDENTIAL BUILDING AUTHORIZED IN TEXAS BUREAU OF BUSINESS RESEARCH Director: John R. Stockton Associate Director and Resources Specialist: Stanley A. Arbingast Assistant to the Director: Florence Escott Consulting Statistician: Francis B. May Cooperating Faculty: Charles T. Clark, Larry L. Crum, William T. Hold, Jerry Todd, Robert B. Williamson Administrative Assistant: Margaret Robb Research Associates: Graham Blackstock, Michael Bonine, Willetta Dement, John Franklin, William Gruben, James Harrison, Letitia Hitz, Ida M. Lambeth, Robert M. Lockwood, Stephanie Lowe, Robert H. Ryan, Lamar Smith, Jr., Tim Throckmorton Research Assistants: James Blackburn, Charles Green, Terry Throckmorton Systems Analyst: Dennis W. Cooper Statistical Assistants: Mildred Anderson, Constance Cool. edge, Judith Moran, Glenda Riley Statistical Technicians: Doris Dismuke, Mary Gorham, Roy D. Pursley Cartographers: Penelope Lewis, James Weiler, Douglas Winters, Jr. Librarian: Merle Danz Administrative Secretary: Ellen Young Senior Secretaries: Binnie McCreary, Jeanette Pryor Senior Clerk Typists: Shirley Rosendahl Administrative Clerk: Nita Teeters Clerk Typist: Linda Cantu Senior Clerk: Salvador B. Macias Clerks: Faye Bartula, James Donaho, David King Offset Press Operators: Robert Dorsett, Daniel P. Rosas Published monthly by the Bureau of Business Research. Graduate School of Business, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TexU 78712. Second-class postage paid at Austin. Texas. Content of this pubU· cation is not copyri11:ht.ed and may be reproduced freely, but acknow· ledi:ment of source will be appreciated. The views expressed by autbon are not necessarily those of the Bureau of Business Research. Subacri~ tion. $3.00 a year; individual copies, 25 cents. THE BUSINESS SITUATION IN TEXAS John R. Stockton Business activity in Texas during January looked better than average, but there were some spots that cause a certain amount of uneasiness. The index of business activity, based on debits to individual demand deposits and adjusted for seasonal variation and changes in the price level, increased 5 percent from December. The gain in this barometer should be interpreted as an indication that business is still improving, but some segments of the economy are not so definite in their indications. In the first place is the fact that of the twenty cities for which an index of overall business activity is com­puted, eight declined and two were unchanged from December. The fact that only one half of the cities reg­istered an increase suggests that the improvement shown by the state index was not as uniformly distributed as would be desirable. One of the factors that is beginning to create some concern is the slowing down in consumer spending all over the country. The seasonally adjusted retail sales for Texas increased 8 percent over the December level, and sales of nondurable-goods stores were reported to be up 10 percent. Although sales of durable-goods stores in­ creased only 5 percent, this performance appears to be satisfactory. On a national scale also retail sales rose from December after seasonal adjustment, but retailers do not consider this grounds for a celebration. Again con­ sumers are saving more than 7 percent of personal income. This is considered an abnormally high rate of saving, and the January sales rate, both for Texas and for the United States, is still below that of midsummer 1968. Probably the duration of the sales slump last fall did more to also be remembered that since prices have been rising rapidly and since sales figures are not adjusted for the change in the price level an increase in dollar volume does not mean an equal increase in sales activity. Sav­ings, on the other hand, have increased because personal income has been increasing faster than consumer spend­ing. Some of the uncertainty concerning the immediate fu­ture of business grows out of the restrictive credit policy that is now in effect. Maney-market indicators reflect a shift in policy of the Federal Reserve from the relative easing of credit restraints from September to December of last year to a squeeze on the money supply in January and February of this year. During the last four months of 1968, the money supply was expanding at an annual rate of nearly 8 percent, which was considerably in excess of the long-run average. This liberal policy ap­pears to be putting pressure on the ability of banks to make loans. Whether the pressure can be expected to continue is an important question at the present time. Last year the controls on credit were eased and were mainly responsible for a resurgence of a speculative psychology. The impression is gaining ground that this time the Federal Reserve authorities are really going to slow things down. The new administration has given no definite basis for believing otherwise. One theory held by economists is that the present restraints will be maintained at least during the first half of the year, and then activity might be allowed to accelerate in the sec­ond half. As is usually the case, agreement here is not complete, and some analysts look for a continuation of cause worry than the actual level of retail sales. It should the rise until midyear, and then look for a decline in the TEXAS BUSINESS ACTVITY Index Adjusted for Seasonal Variation-1957-1959 =100 <>••...... .·: A nrf" A i,,.,r• I <> ..•· . - } .•·· • ) ····· ·•> . : .... 250 250 200 200 150 150 100 100 50 50 0 0 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 NOTE: Shaded areas indicate periods of decline of total business activity in the United States. SOURCE: Based on bank debits reported by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and adjusted for seasonal variation and changes in the price level by the Bureau of Business Research. MARCH 1969 second half. It is generally agreed, however, that re­straints will not be allowed to bring about any substan­tial amount of unemployment before they are eased. The danger that monetary authorities face in trying to slow down a boom is that in so doing they may de­press business activity too much. Economists talk of fine tuning of the economy, but the statistical data are not yet sufficiently precise or timely enough to permit a close control over the forces of expansion and deflation. In other words, it is much more likely that restraints will be applied too little, or too late, or too much, than that exactly the correct amount of control will be applied. It probably is a mistake to rely too heavily on the precise although as a result of the tremendous increase in 1968 it was 26 percent above the level for January a year ago. The value of nonresidential building authorized de­creased 5 percent from December, and the total volume of residential construction authorized rose 8 percent. Within the residential category a wide variation oc­curred in the behavior of different types of units. Mul­tiple-family dwellings decreased in value of authorization 9 percent, while single-family dwellings increased 29 per­cent. Apartment houses, which have in the past been lead­ing all of the residential categories, declined 18 percent. Two-to four-family dwellings, which represent the small- control of business, which is another way of saying that fluctuations in the economy are likely to continue. The Texas construction industry has been a major sup­port for the boom in business during the year 1968, but the first month of 1969 gives an indication of some slow­ing down. The total value of permits issued in January was only 1 percent above the total for December 1968, RETAIL-SALES TRENDS BY KIND OF BUSINESS ( U nadjaated Percent change January from December Actual Number of Jan 1969 Jan 1969 reporting Normal from from Kind of business stores seasonal • Dec 1968 Jan 1968 DURABLE GOODS Automotive storest ............314 -9 1 13 Motor-vehicle dealers .. .. ....187 6 13 Furniture and household- appliance storest ..........146 -19 -27 15 Furniture stores ............. 85 -21 17 Lumber, building-material, and hardware dealers ......205 -3 51 Farm-implement dealers ..... 19 50 Hardware stores . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 -36 10 Lumber and building- material dealers .. ..... .....137 11 60 NONDURABLE GOODS Apparel stores ... .............278 -45 -48 11 Family clothing stores . . . . . . . 37 -54 11 Men's and boys' clothing stores ...................... 53 -52 9 Shoe stores ..................52 -28 4 Women's ready-to-wear stores 108 -48 13 Other apparel stores . . . . . . . . . 28 -46 14 Drugstores . ....... .... .. ......153 -30 -25 2 Eating and drinking placest ...134 -5 4 9 Restaurants ................. 89 Food storest ..................211 -12 4 Groceries (without meats) ... 70 4 9 Groceries (with meats) ......126 4 5 Gasoline and service stations . . . 676 -3 6 6 General-merchandise stores .....232 -55 -39 Full-line stores ...... ........129 -60 -17 Dry-goods stores ...... ... .... 54 -52 8 Department stores .. ........ 49 -27 16 Other retail storest ...........248 -30 -28 11 Florists . .. .... ... .....•..... 38 -43 3 Nurset'ies .................... 15 30 56 Jewelry stores .............. 38 -74 14 Liquor stores . .. ..... .. ...... 32 -45 3 Office-, store-, and school- supply dealers . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 9 7 • Percent change of current month's seasonal average from preceding month's seasonal average. Includes kinds of business other tban classifications listed. •• Change is less than one half of 1 percent. INDUSTRIAL ELECTRIC-POWER USE, TEXAS Ind.a Adju•tff for Se..anal V•ri•tion-J'57°lHf•IOO 350 300 250 llG 200 Ill 150 100 100 .. 50 1'56 1957 1'51 1959 1960 1961 1'62 1963 196.. 1965 1'66 1967 1961 Ifft JNDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION, TEXAS• 350 Ill300 250 Ill 200 100 150 .. 100 .. " * M•nulactare• and mmeral• (1nclud1n1 crllde·od and natur~l-111• production) NOTE: Sbacled 11reu Indicate period• of decUn• of total b1&11IMH acUvity in tbe United State• SOURCE: Federal Re.erve S..nk of Dalla•. ======::::.=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=:;:;;;;:J TEXAS AGGREGATE-CROP PRODUCTION INDEX, 1955-1968 (1957-1959 100\ Crop year Index 1955 87 1956 74 1957 89 1958 106 1959 104 1960 106 1961 Ill 1962 102 1963 103 1964 102 1965 119 1966 100 1967 96 1968 114 Source: Crop and Livestock Reporting Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. est part of the residential market, showed a strong gain, although the number of units represented was still rather low. A survey conducted for the National Industrial Con­ference Board revealed that the number of consumers planning to buy homes was down slightly. This year 2.3 percent of the families surveyed reported that they were in the market for homes, compared to 2.6 percent a year ago. All of the information available at the present time suggests that the boom in residential construction may weaken somewhat in the coming months. How much of this slowing down of new housing starts can be traced to higher interest costs cannot be determined easily. During 1968 the building boom continued unrestrained by the rates and building costs would continue to increase they had no good reason to wait. With no prospect of a short­age of credit such as that in 1966, it is entirely possible that the increase in interest costs is not affecting the industry. If capital spending of business concerns in 1969 in­ creases as is expected the expansion of Texas industry will probably continue the pace set in 1968. The rapid rise in construction costs is generally viewed by businessmen as good reason to go ahead with construction and the purchase of industrial equipment. Official estimates place SELECTED BAROMETERS OF TEXAS BUSINESS (Indexes -Adjusted for seasonal variation -1957-1959=100) rising cost of money. Many buyers felt that since interest CREDIT RATIOS IN DEPARTMENT AND APPAREL STORES Classification Number of Credit ratios • Collection ratios t (annual sales reporting Jan Jan Jan Jan volume 1968) stores 1969 1968 1969 1968 ALL STORES ............30 60.8 61.5 29.8 30.5 BY TYPE OF STORE Department Stores . ... . ..10 64.0 66.4 36.5 37.9 Dry-goods and apparel stores . ..... ... . 55.2 58.4 41.6 42.7 Women's specialty shops . . 65.7 65.2 33.9 33.4 Men's clothing stores 5 55.5 58.1 45.3 43.5 BY VOLUME OF NET SALES Over $1,500,000 .... . .... . 12 61.0 61.7 29.5 30.2 $500,000 to $1,500,000 .. . . 6 56.9 58.1 40.1 41.0 $250,000 to S500,000 .... .. 4 49.5 51.3 48.5 48.0 Less than $250,000 ... . ... 8 52.3 54.9 39.6 40.9 • Credit sales divided by net sales. Collections during the month divided by accounts unpaid on first of the month. HO HO ISO 100 so 350 - 250 200 CRUDE-OIL RUNS TO STILLS, TEXAS Ind•• Adjusted for S•••on•I V•rlahon-1,57·1'5'"100 >SO 300 250 200 ISO 100 50 1U6 1957 1951 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 196.4 196S 1966 1967 1968 1969 NOTE:: Shl.d..d su1•• md1cue JM' l'lodt o( dechne o( total b1ui.ne11 scbv1ty tn the United Su1e1. CRUDE-OIL PRODUCTION, TEXAS 350 Percent change Jan 1969 Jan 1969 Jan Dec Jan from from Index 1969 1968 1968 Dec 1968 Jan 1968 Texas business activity 252.0 • 240.7 • 197.l 5 28 Crude-petroleum production ..........106.8 • 104.8 • 112.2 r 2 - 5 Crude-oil runs to stills 121.7 131.3 128.2 5 - 5 Total electric-power use 332.9 231.5 211.6 10 Industrial electric-power use ... . ... . ....... . . 213.6 214.5 188.8 .. 13 Bank debits ..... .. ... . 279.0 264.3 226.3 23 Urban building permits issued ......... .. . .. 191.l 231.4 151.4 ·-17 26 Residential ..... . ....172.6 207.6 122.4 -17 41 Nonresidential .. . ... 217 .1 255.5 205.4 -15 6 Total industrial production ........ . . 169.9 • 171.5 • 161.8 r 5 Total nonfarm employment . .. • . ....141.6 • 140.8 • 133.8 r Manufacturing employment .........145.1 • 149.0 • 141.l r 3 Total unemployment . . 63.4 66.5 69.5 9 Insured unemployment 44.5 40.9 48.8 9 Average weekly earnings- manufacturing ... .. .139.l • 144 .. 0 • 132.3 r 3 Average weekly hours- manufacturing ......100.5 • 101.9 • 98.3 r 2 • Preliminary. •• Change is less than one half of 1 percent. r Revised. BUSINESS-ACTIVITY INDEXES FOR 20 SELECTED TEXAS CITIES (Adjusted for seasonal variation-1957-1959 = 100) Percent change Jan 1969 Jan 1969 City Jan 1969 Dec 1968 Jan 1968 from Dec 1968 from Jan 1968 Abilene . ... . ...141.9 139.8 131.3 8 Amarillo . . ......189.l 183.4 187.l Austin . .. .. .. .. . 328.8 357.8 245.7 8 34 Beaumont ... . ..203.1 200.3 190.3 7 Corpus Christi ..161.6 159.8 158.0 1 Corsicana . .....157.3 179.4 172.2 - 12 9 Dallas .. . ... . .. . 328.0 305.7 255.0 29 El Paso ........160.3 152.3 144.0 5 11 Fort Worth . . . . 177.1 189.4 164.0 6 8 Galveston ......137.7 129.0 136.8 l Houston . . ......264. 7 243.6 223.4 9 18 Laredo . .. .....228.8 242.9 204.3 12 Lubbock ....... . 145.4 148.8 131.0 11 Port Arthur .. . . 106.2 109.l 108.0 2 San Angelo ....168.4 168.9 159.l .. 6 San Antonio ....203.5 201.2 189.1 8 Texarkana . . ....252.8 267.l 224.7 12 Tyler . . . . .... . . 176.5 174.0 153.4 15 Waco ..... . . 178.2 182.7 160.1 11 Wichita Falls ..145.0 145.0 129.6 .. 12 •• Change is less than one half of l percent. MARCH 1969 the use of manufacturing capacity in the fourth quarter of 1968 at 84 percent, which was about the same as in the third quarter. This percentage indicates that manu­facturing has unused capacity; in 1966, operations were running at more than 90 percent of capacity. Increasing wage costs furnish an incentive for automation, even at high prices and high interest costs. Industrial production in Texas in January was down 1 percent from December and stood at 5 percent above January 1968. For the United States production in January advanced to a record high of 169.4 percent of the 1957-1959 base, up .3 percent from December after adjustment for seasonal variation, and up 5 percent from last January. Inventories of automobiles are now ap­proaching an uncomfortably high level, since production was not cut back to match somewhat slower sales in the first part of the year. Sales are still doing well but are not keeping up with the pace set last summer. Predictions are now being made that sales this year will not equal the sales of last year. The automobile industry is so large that its fluctuations are important to the level of business in Texas and the country as a whole. Inventories are in general a good indicator of what is happening in the manufacturing segment of the economy. No January figures are yet avalaible for Texas, but since the level of manufacturing in Texas is dependent upon demand at the national level, it is important to watch the national figures. Stocks of goods are beginning to creep up, although except for a few industries they have not reached a dangerous level. Manufacturing inventories rose almost $500 million in December, after adjustment for seasonal variation. Inventories rose through 1968 and production increased toward the end of the year, but PRICES RECEIVED BY FARMERS ALL FARM PRODUCTS, TEXAS /nde11 Adju1ted fo,. Sea.on1/ V•rlehon-1910 1914=100' 350 uo 300 300 250 ,,.,...., ,; ~, --II'\ -,.. /\ ~ 250 ~· 200 200 150 150 100 100 .. 50 19S6 19S7 19.51 19.59 1960 1961 1962 1963 196• 196.S 1966 1967 1968 1969 NOTE: Shaded a r eal indicue period• of dechne of total bu1ine11 activity in the United State• SOURCE: U.S. Department of Agric.-ultvre. PRELIMINARY ESTIMATES OF TOTAL RETAIL SALES (Unadjusted) Percent change Jan Jan 1968 Jan 1969 1969 p• from from Type of store (millions of dollars) Dec 1968 Jan 1968 Total ......... . ..........1,606 -14 11 Durable goods# . . . . . . . . . . 566 -4 21 Nondurable goods . . ......1,040 -19 7 p Preliminary. • Bureau of Business Research estimates based on data from the Bureau of the Census. # Contains automotive stores, furniture stores. and lumber, building­material. and hardware dealers. 76 sales did not increase proportionately. Most industries have been adding to stocks regardless of whether sales have been increasing. In durable-goods industries the ratio of inventories to sales in December was 2.06, up considerably from the low for 1968 of 1.96 in October. Typical of the confusion in the current business situation is the paradox wherein sales are slipping and production is holding steady, yet orders on manufacturers' books arc increasing. This situation, if long maintained, will result in impossibly glutted inventories. Unless consumer spend­ing should show substantial improvement, it appears that a decline in industrial production may be approaching. The index of industrial power consumption in Texas, an indicator of activity in the manufacturing industry, declined from 214.5 percent of the 1957-1959 base to 213.6 percent. The index of crude runs to stills declined 5 percent, but it is difficult to determine how much of (continued p. 85) POSTAL RECEIPTS SELECTED TEXAS CITIES Percent change Jan 11, 1969-Jan 11, 1969­ Feb 7, 1969 Feb 7, 1969 from from Jan 11, 1969 Dec 14, 1968-Dec 16, 1967­Classification Feb 7, 1969 Jan 10, 1969 Jan 12, 1968 Alvin ......... . . . ...$17,963 -26 -18 Ballinger . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,288 -24 -2 Breckenridge 11,182 -34 25 Carrizo Springs 4,775 -23 -3 Carthage . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,834 -17 -18 Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,540 -19 -13 Childress .. .. .. .. . . .. 7 ,433 -38 -16 Cleveland . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,979 -26 •• Coleman .. . ......... 10,582 -10 27 Columbus . . . . . . . • . . . . 5,828 -49 -3 Commerce ........... 15,591 6 - Cuero . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,841 35 -15 Dalhart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 ,882 -59 -15 Donna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,543 -24 I Dumas . . . . . . . • . . . . . . 9,542 -50 -28 El Campo . . . . . . . . . . . 16,136 -16 -15 Electra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,052 -49 -36 Falfurrias . . . . . . . . . . . 7,182 -2 -20 Galena Park . . . . . . . . 8,978 -45 -25 Garland ......... . ...lOO,g10 -14 5 Georgetown .......... 11,113 -7 Gilmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,493 -9 Hale Center . . . . . . . . . . 2,558 -21 -14 Hearne . . . . . . . . . . • . . . 5,145 -21 -8 Hempstead . . . • . . . . . . 8,416 -28 -16 Hillsboro . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,241 -27 1 Hurst ........•...... 24,549 19 8 Kenedy . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 5,846 23 -11 - Kermit .. .. .. .. .. . . .. 9,724 26 1 - Kerrville . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,088 8 -37 ­La Grange . . . . . . . . . . 8,092 -12 -3 Lake Jackson ........ 10,905 -49 -17 La Marque ......... . 16,128 -31 -3 Marlin . . . . . . . . . . • . . . 9,855 30 -11 -Mathis . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 3,506 -31 -9 Monahans . . . . . . . . . . . 10,332 40 9 Navasota . . . . . . • . . . . . 7 ,854 -10 --.. Perryton . . ........ .. 11,270 -29 -6 Pittsburg . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,926 -31 -7 Plano . .............. 20,951 -6 14 Port Isabel . . . . . • . . . . 4,520 -23 11 Port Lavaca ........ 12,926 -34 -9 Rusk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,450 -40 -13 Seminole . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,975 -38 46 Taft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,639 -33 -13 Wharton .....•...... 12,216 -25 -IO Winnsboro . . • . . . . . . . 5,536 -26 -22 Yoakum ............. 18,916 -13 TEXAS BUSINESS REVIEW THE CONTROL OF AIR POLLUTION IN TEXAS Otto Paganini, P.E. * What is happening to the Texas environment as a result of man's progress is a crucial matter for every person in the state. An environment is not merely a lo­cation in which an organism lives; it is the means by which an organism lives.' It conditions the quality of existence. Man, as an organism, must depend upon what is available in his environment for survival. Civilized man, in his desire to make his work easier and each day more pleasant than the last, has developed many means for accomplishing this end. Along with his achievements he has created a great deal of waste and, perhaps, may have destroyed more than he has created. The American Indian early complained of this propensity of white men when he observed the decimation of his people and his food supply, the buffalo, by the early American settlers. The Problem Since the Industrial Revolution in the late 1800's the citizens of this country and others have been creating so much waste (presently an estimated 4.5 pounds per capita per day of solid waste alone) that we have polluted many of our streams, rivers, lakes, and-most important of all-the envelope of air that surrounds us. Although efforts were made to prevent pollution, most air-pollution control was very feeble until the late 1940's, when the County of Los Angeles, California, brought it to the at­tention of the citizens of this country by creating the first air-pollution control district in that state, and in the country. It had been found that not only industry, but all the activities of the community, emitted pollutants into the community atmosphere. The citizens of this country, in their desire to go places, and do things in a hurry, have in a sense destroyed some 1.7 million acres of land' in the laying out and building of an Interstate Highway System; to raise more crops for food production they have laid bare many acres of land, a condition which in turn permits erosion of the soil by wind action and contributes to the overall dust loading of the atmosphere; they have polluted the air through the operation of motor vehicles and other forms of transporta­tion, which emit upward of 85 million tons of pollutants into the atmosphere each year;' with other community activities they have contributed another 48 million tons.' These totals do not include the carbon dioxide, which mounts to millions of tons. Industry is not altogether to blame, because it exists only as the result of the demand for its products or * Chief Engineer, Air Control Program, Dh·ision of Occupational Health and Radiation Control. Environmental Health Services. Texas State Department of Health, Austin, Texas. 1. "A Concept of Environment-A Factor of Life." Progress Report. New York State Air Pollution Board. Vol. III, No. 3, 1-2/ 64(7 130/ 65). 2._ Based on the planned 41,000 miles of Interstate Highwa~· System with 300-foot right-of-way and extra land al1oweosit turnover..... 9.7 -11 -6 appliance stores ............... . 14tt 15 Lumber, building-material, and harware dealers . . .......... . ••tt 11 69 Pilot Point (pop. 1,603 ') Postal receipts• ..................•. 4,743,728 6 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 0 Building permits, less federal contracts $26,710,823 -11 76 Bank debits (thousands) ........... $ 2,054 -10 28 Bank debits (thousands) . . ......... . $ 9,682,843 10 33 End-of-month deposits (thousands):): .. $ 2,402 5 19 End-of-month deposits (thousands):): .. $ 1,787,180 17 14 Annual rate of deposit turnover ..... . 10.0 -5 6 Annual rate of deposit turnover.... . 59.0 12 16 Denton (pop. 26,844) Richardson (pop. 43,406 ') Postal receipts• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73,598 -14 -3 Postal receipts• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96,360 - 14 34 Building permits, less federal contracts 461,448 -28 -89 -10 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 2, 786,454 112 Nonfarm placements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 - 5 -33 Bank debits (thousands) ............ $ 48,028 23 28 Ennis (pop. 10,250 ' ) End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ 21,257 .. 18 Postal receipts• ......••••.......... $ 18,678 -9 36 Annual rate of deposit turnover. . . . . 27 .1 23 10 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 62,279 -31 93 Bank debits (thousands) ............ $ 10,378 16 25 Seagoville (pop. 4,410 ') End-of-month deposits (thousands):):.. 8,873 8 10 Annua l rate of deposit turnover. . .. . 13.5 19 12 Postal receipts• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 10,485 -15 -23 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 11,350 454 Farmers Branch (pop. 13,441) Bank debits (thousands) ............ $ 7,063 28 -4 Building permits, Jess federal contracts $ 928,531 57 100 End-of-month deposits (thousands):): .. $ 3,806 16 29 Bank debits (thousands) ............ $ 12,465 21 Annual rate of deposit turnover ..... 20.3 19 -32 End-of-month deposits (thousands):): .. $ 6,309 20 Annual rate of deposit turnover ..... 23.0 •• -6 Terrell (pop. 13,803) Postal receipts• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 12,079 -37 -10 Grand Prairie (pop. 40,150 ') Building permits, less federal contracts $ 13,730 - 83 -82 Postal receipts• . .................. . $ 60,323 -30 Bank debits (thousands) ........... $ 15,563 9 40 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 2,064,837 6 29 End-of month deposits (thousands)t 12.022 -6 10 Bank debits (thousands) ... .... ..... $ 27 ,560 11 Annual rate of deposit turnover ..... . 15.1 12 26 End-of-month deposits (t housands):):. $ 16,472 14 11 Annual rate of depcsit turnover. 18.5 -8 Waxahachie (pop. 15, 720 ' ) Irving (pop. 86,360 ') Postal receipts• ....... ... .......... $ 19,333 - 21 -2 Postal receipts• ......... .. ........ . $ 105,336 - 4 19 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 68,200 - 2 229 Building permits. less federal contracts $ 1,386,646 26 -30 Bank debits (thousands) ............ $ 20,518 28 39 Bank debits (thousands) ... ...... ... $ 74,558 7 21 End-of-month deposits (thousands):): . . $ 13,096 8 11End-of-month deposits (thousands):): .. $ 33,112 21 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 18.0 32 19 Annual rate of deposit turnover . . . .. 28.2 4 Nonfarm placements 67 -16 Justin (pop. 622) Postal receipts• ... . . . ............. . $ 1,259 -18 10 EL PASO SMSA Building permits, less federal contracts $ 20,000 14 Bank debits (thousands) ........... $ 1,240 4 8 (El Paso; pop. 343,800 •) End-<>f-month deposits (thousands):): .. 1,120 28 Retail sales 40 11 -Annual rate of deposit turnover.... 13.3 -17 14 Apparel stores ............. . . . . . . -54 Automotive stores ...... . ......••. -5 Lancaster (pop. 10,117 ') 16 Building permits. le~s federal contracts $ 82,060 48 -3 Food stores .......... . ... . 8 Building permits, less federal contracts 5,829,275 53 -41 Bank debits (thousands) .. . . . . . .... $ 8,462 6 33 End-<>f-month deposits (thousands):): . . $ 5,218 4 Bank debits (thousands) 11 $ 6,538,020 5 15 7 19 Annual rate of deposit turnover ..... 19.8 End-of-month deposits (thousands):): .. $ 216,962 11 Annual rate of deposit turnover ... . 29.2 McKinney (pop. 16,237 ') Nonfarm employment (area) ...... . 112,200 Postal receipts• .... .. ... . . ......... $ 22,304 -20 1 15 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 203,400 ­Manufacturing employment (area). 21,050 - Bank debits (thousands) . . . . . . . . . . . $ 16,206 14 15 End-of-month deposits (thousands):): .. 15,276 7 12 An nual rate of deposit turnover.... . 12.3 16 EL PASO (pop. 315,000 ') 11 68 Percent unemployed (area) ........ . 3.1 26 Nonfarm placements .............. . 116 Retail sales ......... .. .......... . -20t -40 Apparel stores ........ . .. . . . ... . . -45t -54 8 14 Mesquite (pop. 51,496 ") 16 Automotive stores . .............. . -9t -5 Pasta1 receipts• ................... . 32,500 -39 •• Food stores ................. .. . . . -12t -4 Building permits, less federal contracts 3,546,195 366 284 Postal receipts• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 471,671 -24 -3 29 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 5,829,275 53 Bank debits (thousands) 18,171 8 -41 End-of-month deposits 10,232 15 (thousands):): .. 6 Bank debits (thousands) ............ $ 599,047 Annual rate of deposit turnover.. 21.8 10 22 11 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t . . $ 222,603 6 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 31.2 For an explanation of symbols see p. 86. Local Business Conditions Percent change Local Business Conditions Percent chang~ Jan 1969 Jan 1969 Jan 1969 Jan 1969 Jan from from Jan from fromCity and item 1969 Dec 1968 Jan 1968 City and item 1969 Dec 1968 Jan 1968 FORT WORTH SMSA White Settlement (pop. 11,513) Johnson and Tarrant; pop. 629,400 ) Retail sales Building permits, less federal contracts $ 41,450 8 3 24 Apparel stores . ..... .. .......•... Bank debits (thousands) .. .......... $ 7,086 7 37 -50 5 Automotive stores ..............•. End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ 3,045 8 16 9 19 4 8 Eating and drinking places ......•. Annual rate of deposit turnover ..... . 26.7 12 Furniture and household-appliance stores -39 18 GALVESTON-TEXAS CITY SMSA Gasoline and service stations . . ..•. -9 11 (Galveston; pop. 168,600 ") Lumber, building-material, Retail sales -21 and hardware dealers . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20 100 Apparel stores ......•.. . ... . . .. •. -58 Building permits, less federal contracts $20,688,136 7 158 Automotive stores ............... . -19 Bank debits (thousands) 11 ........ $1 ,34 ,672 -9 13 Food stores ..................... . -1 4 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ 597,054 -3 9 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 6,446,953 591 638 Annual rate of deposit turnover . . . . 30.3 10 4 Bank debits (thousands) 11 ........ $ 2,591,712 11 8 Nonfarm employment (area) . . . . . . . . 279,600 -2 2 End-of-month deposits (thousands)+ .. $ 109,782 1 9 Manufacturing employment (area). 90,575 -1 •• Annual rate of deposit turnover . . . . 23.8 9 2 Percent unemployed (area) .... . . . . . 1.7 13 -6 Nonfarm employment (area) . . . . . . . 54,900 Manufacturing employment (area) . 10,600 1 Percent unemployed (area) . . . . . . . . . 5.3 71 51 Arlington (pop. 79,713 ' ) Retail sales -20t 14 15 Dickinson (pop. 4,715) Apparel stores .... . ............. . -45t -25 22 Bank debits (thousands) .. . .... .. .. . 13,748 22 54 Postal receipts• ................... . $ 163,608 -23 16 End-of-month deposits (thousands)+ . . 7,034 14 40 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 3,911,050 -60 65 Annual rate of deposit turnover . . ... 25.0 9 20 Bank debits (thousands) ......... . .. $ 98,537 1 33 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ 41,611 -2 29 Annual rate of deposit turnover. . . . . 2 .1 3 3 GALVESTON (pop. 67,175) Retail sales . ...... . .... . . . ........ . -20t 18 7 Food stores ...... . .............. . -12t 7 Cleburne (pop. 15,381) Postal receipts• . .. .. .. . .... . ...... . 154,006 15 Postal receipts• .................. .. $ 27,494 -23 -4 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 384,710 -49 13 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 2,081,950 Bank debits (thousands) . . . .. ...... $ 145,112 10 4 Bank debits (thousands) ........... $ 20,476 11 20 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. 65,661 10 3 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ 16,623 -4 14 Annual rate of deposit turnover ..... 25.1 12 Annual rate of deposit turnover..... 14.5 8 5 Texas City (pop. 38,276 ') Postal receipts• ... ... .... .... ..... . 35,665 -26 -10 Euless (pop. 10,500 ' ) Building permits, less federal contr2cts $ 2,104,500 419 Postal receipts• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 15,425 -19 12 Bank debits (thousands) . . . . . . . . . . $ 37,756 3 Bank debits (thousands) . ...... .. ... $ 15,312 •• 26 End-of-month deposits (thousands)+. 20,298 27 End-of-month deposits (thousancb>H . . $ 5,393 -1 10 Annual rate of deposit turnover... . . 24.9 -3 Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 33.8 -1 1 HOUSTON SMSA FORT WORTH (pop. 356,268) (Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Retail sale. -25tt -15 13 Montgomery; pop. 1,836,700 ") Apparel stores . . . . ........ ...... . -38tt -53 Retail sales ...............•..... . .. -8 13 Automotive stores ............ . .. . -7tt 6 31 Apparel stores ........... ... .. . . . -52 11 Eating and drinking places..... . . . 6 8 Automotive stores . . . 1 11 Lumber, building material, and Eating and drinking places ..... 8 hardware dealers ............. . Stt 41 Food stores Postal receipts• .......... ......... . $ 1,259,422 3 Furniture and household- Building permits, less federal contracts $12,6 2,031 12 257 appliance stores ... -31 23 Bank debits (thousands) ............ $ 1,513,626 -7 12 General-merchandise stores -4 19 End-of-month deposits (thousands)+ . . $ 504,767 -7 7 Liquor stores . ............... .. . . -50 Annual rate of deposit turnover ... . . 34.6 -7 5 Lumber, building-material, and hardware dealers . . .. .. ... . 34 36 Building permits, less federal contracts $49,483,728 17 22 GrapeYine (pop. 4,659 ') Bank debits (thousands) 11 . .... ... $87,961,440 5 22 Postal receipts• ............ · · · · · · · $ 9,324 -28 -1 End-of-month deposits (thousands)+ . . $ 2,298,046 -3 9 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 91,84 7 -35 -3 Annual rate of deposit turnover . . . . 37.6 12 Bank debits (thousands) ............ $ 6,635 6 40 Nonfarm employment (area) ... .. . 787,800 .. 7 End-of-month deposits (thousands)+ .. $ 4,865 -2 13 Manufacturing employment (area). 137,500 2 Annual rate of deposit turnover ..... . 16.2 3 22 Percent unemployed (area) . .. . . 2.0 33 11 Angleton (pop. 9,131) North Richland Hills (pop. 8,662) Postal receipts• ... .. . ..... ..... . ... $ 20,187 19 137 Bank debits (thousands) . . ... · · · · · $ 14,191 -5 22 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 229,400 -78 275End-of-month deposits (thousands)+ .. $ 6,513 -5 16 Bank debits (thousands) . . . . $ 21,025 9 46Annual rnte of deposit turnover..... 25.5 -4 1 End-of-month deposits (thousands)+ . . $ 15,781 -14 9 Annual rate of deposit turnover . .. .. . 14.8 2 31 For an explanation of symbols see P-86. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~­ Percent change Percent change Local Business Conditions Local Business Conditions Local Business Conditions Percent change Local Business Conditions City and item Jan 1969 Jan 1969 from Dec 1968 Jan 1969 from Jan 1968 City and item Jan 1969 Jan 1969 from Dec 1968 Jan 1969 from Jan 1968 Baytown (pop. 45,263 ' ) Postal receipts• .................... $ 54,037 -25 9 La Porte (pop. 7,500 ') Buildin11 permits, Jess federal contracts $ 67,500 - 89 -17 Buildin11 permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) ........... $ End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ 1,192,571 58,692 35,168 175 ••.. - 150 6 Bank debits (thousands) ............ $ End-of-month deposits (thousands)t.. $ Annual rate of deposit turnover 5,420 4,844 14.3 20 14 3 6 24 -12 Annual rate of deposit turnover... 20.0 -13 Bellaire (pop. 19,872 ') Postal receipts• . . ........ ........ . . $ 258,707 -16 Liberty (pop. 6,127) Postal receipts• .................... $ 10, 759 -24 BuildinR" permits, less federal contracts $ 34,900 66 -42 Buildin11 permits, less federal contracts $ 72,400 18 Bank debits (thousands) ............ $ 49,229 16 28 Bank debits (thousands) ........... $ 18,869 20 24 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t. 23,241 - 5 18 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ 13,144 Annual rate of deposit turnover ..... 24.8 15 10 Annual rate of deposit turnover..... 17.5 14 18 Clute (pop. 4,463 ') Buildin11 permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) ............ $ End-of-month deposits (thousands)t . . $ Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . Conroe (pop. 9,192) 159,900 4,391 2,485 21.l 966 16 11 -27 5 20 -12 Pasadena (pop. 83,000 ') Postal receipts• . ... ... ......... .... $ Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) ....... ..... $ End-of-month deposits (thousands)t.. $ Annual rate of deposit turnover..... 84,965 3,592,229 103,374 47,652 25.9 -38 -69 1 4 - 257 16 25 4 Postal receipts• ............. , ..... . Building permits, less federal contracts $ 27 ,217 154,850 -20 349 - 7 36 Richmond (pop. 4,500 ' ) Bank debits (thousands) . . . . . . . . . . $ 34,014 32 48 Postal receipts• .. ..... .... . ...... .. $ 8,919 48 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. 18,697 - 3 15 Bank debits (thousands) ... , ....... $ 11,296 13 Annual rate of deposit turnover . . . .. 21.5 27 24 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .. $ 11,182 2 Dayton (pop. 3,367) Annual rate of deposit turnover..... 12.2 10 Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) ........... $ End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ Annual rate of deposit turnover. 36,900 5,933 5,039 14.3 103 2 -18 -12 -18 Rosenberg (pop. 13,000 ') Postal receipts• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ Buildin11 permits, Jess federal contracts $ End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .. $ 13,686 246,986 11,636 -28 553 -6 -12 168 Deer Park (pop. 4,865) Postal receipts• ..... . .. .... ........ $ Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) .......... . End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. Annual r ate of deposit turnover ... .. 13,228 512,375 21,582 4,601 52.9 -25 64 120 -11 105 -11 141 67 -3 83 South Houston (pop. 7,253) Postal receipts• .................... $ Bank debits (thousands) .. ......... . $ End-of-month deposits (thousands ) t. $ Annual rate of deposit turnover ..... 9,863 11,081 6,848 18.5 -48 9 6 -8 14 6 Freeport (pop. 11,619) Postal receipts• .... .... ... , ........ $ Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) ............ $ End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ 30,910 267,875 26,566 15, 780 - 7 10 2 2 422 33 14 Tomball (pop. 2,025 ') Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) .. . ........ . $ End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ Annual rate of deposit turnover ..... 100,972 9,128 7,243 15.0 68 -25 -2 -26 449 33 -33 66 Annual rate of deposit turnover .... 20.0 6 17 LAREDO SMSA HOUSTON (pop. 938,219) Ret: il sales ........... .. .......... . Apparel stores .................. . Automotive stores . . ............. . Eating and drinking places .... . . Food stores .......... ... . ....... . -26tt -46tt -8tt -6tt -15tt -9 -51 1 8 - 11 11 1 4 (Webb; pop. 79,300 •) Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) 11 •••• . ••• $ End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ Annual rate of deposit turnover .. . . Nonfarm employment (area) ...... . 277,175 784,800 38,867 20.5 24,550 -35 7 3 .. 196 16 20.. General-merchandise stores Lumber, building-material, -44tt 4 19 Manufacturing employment (area). Percent unemployed (area) ....... . 1,390 10.8 -11 and hardware dealers Postal receipts• ......... , ......... . Building permits, less federal contracts -39tt 3,625,690 $41,439,296 Bank debits (thousan~s) ........... . End-of-month deposits (thousands)t . . Annual rate of deposit turnover ... . . Humble (pop. 1,711) $ 7,643,741 2,005,519 42.8 35 60 6 12 7 35 8 14 22 8 12 LAREDO (pop. 71,512' ') Postal receipts• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) ........... $ End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. Annual rate of deposit turnover ... . . Nonfarm placements .. . 62,337 277,175 69,033 39,683 21.1 366 -20 -35 7 14 -7 195 16 20.. -20 Postal receipts• .............. , .... . Building permits, less federal contract.s 6,310 25,350 -37 66 - 3 58 LUBBOCK SMSA Bank debits (thouoands) .... ..... , . 6,450 3 25 (Lubbock; pop. 198,600 •) End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. Annual rate of deposit turnover..... 5,425 14.9 9 22 Retail sales Automotive stores ....... .. ........ . -23.. Katy (pop. 1,569) Building permits, less federal contracts $ 48,900 5,181 3,231 17.9 Bank debits (thousands) ........... $ End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. Annual rate of deposit turnover ..... -13 12 17 45 4 30 Buildin11 permits, less federal contracts $ 1,646,695 Bank debits (thousands) II ........ $ 3,705,144 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t . . 143,921 Annual rate of deposit turnover . . . . 25.2 Nonfarm employment (area) . . . . . . . 64,700 Manufacturing employment (area). 7,120 -79.. -33 14 10 2 For an explanation of symbols see p. 86. Percent unemployed (area) 2.5 Jan 1969 Jan 1969 Jan from from City and item 1969 Dec 1968 Jan 1968 City and item Percent change Jan 1969 Jan 1969 Jan from from 1969 Dec 1968 Jan 1968 LUBBOCK (pop. 170,025 ') Mercedes (pop. 11,843 ') ~tail sales .. . ..... . .... ...... . ... . -20t -23 1 Postal receipts• .................... $ Automotive stores ...... . ..... . .. . -9j .. -3 Building permits, less federal contracts $ Postal receipts• ........ . ....... . ... $ 357,591 •• 20 Bank debits (thousands) .......... . $ Building permits, less federal contracts $ 1,632,145 -79 -33 End-of-month deposits (thouoands H . . $ Bank debits (thousands) ...... . ..... $ 480,607 25 15 Annual rate of deposit turnover ..... End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ 152,259 -5 5 Annual rate of deposit turnover..... 37.0 23 11 Mission (pop. 14,081) Postal receipts• . ................ .. . $ Slaton (pop. 6,568) Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) ............ $ Postal receipts• .. . ..... . . ... .. . .... $ 4,694 -60 -8 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t.. $ Buildin11 permits, less federal contracts $ 14,550 143 Annual rate of deposit turnover Bank debits (thousands) ......... .. $ 8,978 24 19 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ 5,006 -1 10 PHARR (pop. 15,279 ') Annual rate of deposit turnover ..... 21.4 14 6 Postal receipts• . . . .............. . .. $ Building permits, less federal contracts $ McALLEN-PHARR-EDINBURG SMSA Bank debits (thousands) . . .......... $ End-of-month depoeits (thousands)t . . $ (Hidalgo; pop. 177,100 •) Annual rate of deposit turnover..... Retail sales . . ........... ... ... . . . . . -7 12 Apparel stores -45 •• Automotive stores ...... .. ..•.... 9 11 San Juan (pop. 4,371) Food stores . . ... .. . . . ... ..... . .. . -4 6 Postal receipts• ............ . ...... . $ Furniture and household-Building permits, less federal contracts $ appliance stores ....... . . ..•.... -11 25 Bank debits (thousands) ............ $ Gasoline and service stations ... . . -1 9 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ General·merchandise stores -45 2 Annual rate of deposit turnover .. ... Lumber, building-material, -16 5 and hardware dealers .......... . Weslaco (pop. 15,649) Building permits, less federal contracts $ 1,565,429 79 113 Postal receipts• ... .. .. .. . . ... ... ... $ Bank debits (thousands) II ........ $ 1,585,944 1 15 Building permits, less federal contracts $ End-of-month deposits (thousandsH .. $ 88,123 -5 5 Bank debits (thousands) ..... .. ... . $ Annual rate of deposit turnover ... . 17.5 1 15 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ Nonfarm employment (area) .... . . . 49,100 2 12 Annual rate of deposit turnover .... . Manufacturing employment (area). 5,540 1 30 Percent unemployed (area) ....... . . 5.2 -4 -12 MIDLAND SMSA (Midland; pop. 65,200 •) Alamo (pop. 4,121) Retail sales Building permits, less federal contracts $ 600 20 -82 Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) . .. .... .. . . $ 2,986 -12 5 Bank debits (thousands) II ........ $ 1,936,344 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ l, 731 8 12 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ Annual rate of deposit turnover ..... 21.5 -10 -1 Annual rate of deposit turnover . . . . Nonfarm employment (area) b . . . . . . Manufacturing employment (area) b EDINBURG (pop. 18, 706) Percent unemployed (area) b . . ... . Postal receipts• ... . .. . ............. $ 22,075 -14 3 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 329,100 113 99 MIDLAND (pop. 62,625) Bank debits (thousands) ............ $ 27,243 40 17 Retail sales . .. .... . ..... .. ........ . End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ 15,768 6 4 Apparel stores .. . ... . •. • . . .... . .. Annual rate of deposit turnover.... . 21.3 28 16 Automotive stores ..... .. . . . . .. . Nonfarm placements .............. . 410 76 1 Postal receipts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ Building permits, less federal contracts $ Elsa (pop. 3,847) Bank dtbits (thousands) . . . . . . . . . . . $ End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ Building permits, less federal contracts $ 16,400 -55 124 Annual rate of deposit turnover..... Bank debits (thousands) .. ......... $ 3,836 -13 42 Nonfarm placements . .. .. .. .... . . .. . End-of-month deposits (thousands)t . . $ 2,150 1 3 Annual rate of deposit turnover . .. .. . 21.5 -7 46 ODESSA SMSA McALLEN (pop. 35,411 ') (Ector; pop. 83,200 •) Retail sales . ....... .. .... .. .... · . · · -2ot -7 7 Retail sales Postal receipts• .......... . . . ... · · · · $ 56,239 -28 6 Building permits, less federal contracts $ Building permits, less federal contracts $ 433,450 55 109 Bank debits (thousands) II .. ...... $ 1,481,028 Bank debits (thousands) . .. .... . .. · · $ 64,370 15 17 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t . . $ End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ 34,332 -4 6 Annual rate of deposit turnover . . . . Annual rate of deposit turnover ..... . 22.1 13 11 Nonfarm employment (area) b . . . . . . Nonfarm placements ..... .. ........ · 369 12 -19 Manufacturing employment (area) b Percent unemployed (area) b . . . . . . For an explanation of symbols see p. 86. 7,338 -25 2 345,595 725 7,442 -3 2 4,923 6 2 18.7 -1 3 14,211 63,335 19,099 12,672 17.8 -19 230 19 -3 17 13 15 11 9 12,241 -47 15 14,836 -82 -77 7,050 10 26 6,878 5 25 12.6 -2 -1 3,894 -34 -13 13,800 -38 -5 3,483 -11 -20 3,824 12 12 11.6 -18 -28 17,192 -20 1 280,508 26 393 14,182 18 12 13,016 1 6 13.1 14 9 453, 730 130,259 15.0 60,100 4,760 2.5 -16 -69 -5 3 -6 -1 14 26 -33 15 6 11 2 -2 -17 -2ot -45t -9t 182,058 453,730 190,100 132,734 16.9 637 -16 -40 -16 -5 -69 6 -4 6 23 26 18 51 2 -33 17 8 12 2 .. 20 367,617 -52 -28 4 20 73,907 7 16 20.7 1 5 60,100 -1 2 4,760 .. -2 2.5 14 -17 MARCH 1969 Percent change Percent cba111e Local Business Conditions Local Business Conditions Jan 1969 Jan 1969 Jan 1969 Jan 19~ Jan from from Jan from from City and item 1969 Dec 1968 Jan 1968 City and item 1969 Dec 1968 Jan 196 ODESSA (pop. 80,338) Schertz (pop. 2,867 ') Retail sales ....................... . -2ot •• 20 Postal receipta• .... ................ $ 2,984 -46 16 Postal receipta• ..... . .............• $ 123,822 -11 Bank debits (thousands) ........... $ 788 14 12 Buildin11 permits, less federal contracts $ 367,617 -52 -28 End-of-month deposits (thousands)f .. $ 1,097 -6 Bank debits (thousands) . . . . . . . . . . . $ 135,281 13 20 Annual rate of deposit turnover.. . . 8.3 15 End-of-month deposits (thousandsJi .. $ 80,089 5 20 Annual rate of deposit turnover.... . 20.8 2 2 Nonfarm placements .............. . 907 5 85 Seguin (pop. 14,299) Postal receipta• .................... $ 20,134 -25 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 2,461,502 SAN ANGELO SMSA Bank debits (thousands) ............ $ 20,529 15 26(Tom Green; pop. 75,200 ") EnQ-of-month deposita (thousandsJi .. $ 17,471 -4 1 Retail sales -36 11 Annual rate of deposit turnover..... 13.8 14 20 Gasoline and service stations .... -9 3 Buildin11 permits, less federal contracta $ 414,703 -77 -26 Bank debits (thousands) II .... .... $ 1,081,068 5 9 SHERMAN-DENISON SMSA x End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ 63,075 4 (Grayson; pop. 80,500 •) Annual rate of deposit turnover . . . . 16.7 4 4 Nonfarm employment (area) ....... . 23.350 3 Retail sales ........................ -25 19 Manufacturing employment (area). 3,720 2 Apparel stores .................... -51 14 Percent unemployed (area) ........ . 2.8 -12 Automotive stores ............... . -10 21 Buildin11 permits, less federal contracta $ 818,607 12 208 Bank debits (thousands) II ........ $ 986,736 SAN ANGELO (pop. 58,815) End-of-month deposita (thousands)* .. $ 63,490 10 16 Annual rate of deposit turnover ... . 16.3 -4 -4 Retail sales .. ................... . . . -20t -36 11 Gasoline and service stations .... . -3t -9 3 Postal receipts• ......... ... . .. .... . 136,439 -16 Building permits, less federal contracti; $ 414, 703 -77 -26 DENISON (pop. 25,766 ') Bank debits (thousands) ............ $ 105,911 13 9 Postal receipts• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 36,457 -4 29 End-of-month deposits (thousands)f .. $ 63,706 -7 4 Buildin11 permits, less federal contracts $ 462,376 253 408 Annual rate of deposit turnover ..... . 19.2 14 4 Bank debits (thousands) .. . ... ..... $ 32,025 11 14 End-of-month deposits (thousandsH .. $ 23,574 9 33 Annual rate of deposit turnover.. . . . 17.0 .. Nonfarm placements .............. . 140 SAN ANTONIO SMSA (Bexar and Guadalupe; pop. 837,100 •) Retail sales -19 7 SHERMAN (pop. 30,660 ') Apparel stores . . ..... ........... . -41 12 Postal receipts• .................... $ 49,584 -4 Automotive stores ............... . -1 8 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 320,231 -47 99 Eatin8' and drinking places ..... . -1 Bank debits (thousands) ............ $ 55,132 12 12 General-merchandise stores ....... . -49 End-of-month deposits (thousandsJi.. $ 29,315 -9 II Lumber, building-material, Annual rate of deposit turnover ..... 21.5 10 -1 and hardware dealers ........ .. . -3 4 Nonfarm placements 237 -24 76 Building permits, less federal contracts $10,779,299 141 ··············· -38 Bank debits (thousands) II ........ $15,042,600 1 11 End-of-month deposits (thousandsJi.. $ 595,459 3 10 Annual rate of deposit turnover . . . . 24.9 2 •• TEXARKANA SMSA Nonfarm employment (area) ...... . . 278,500 Manufacturing employment (area). 32,000 (Bowie, Texas, and Miller, Ark.; pop. 100,000 §) Percent unemployed (area) ......... . 2.6 -13 -19 12 Retail sales ....................... -20 Buildina-permits, less federal contracts $ 118,180 -51 -70 Bank debits (thousands) 11 ........ $ 1,576,680 3 16 SAN ANTONIO (pop. 726,660 ') End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ 67,121 -II 2 Retail sales ........ ......... ...... . -20tt Annual rate of deposit turnover ... . 23.2 -1 6 -15 2 Apparel stores ... .. .... .. .... . ..•. -44tt -41 12 Nonfarm employment (area) ....... 44,400 •• 8 Automotive stores .............. . . -3tt 2 Manufacturing employment (area). 16,180 2 26 Eating and drinking places ..... . -6tt -1 5 Percent unemployed (area) .. . . . . . . . 2.6 13 - -19 General-merchandise stores ....... . -44tt -49 5 Lumber, building-material, and hardware dealers ...... . .. . -3 4 TEXARKANA (pop. 50,006 ') Postal receipts• . . ..... ............ . 1,318,951 -11 15 Building permits, less federal contracts $10,155,412 143 -40 Retail sales ................. .. .... . -20t -21 12 Bank debits (thousands) .......... . $ 1,316,959 Postal receipts• .................... $ 103,074 -11 $ 581,748 End-of-month deposits (thousandsJi. 11 Buildina-permits, less federal contracts $ 115,900 -52 -67 11 16 Annual rate of deposit turnover..... 26.6 .. Bank debits (thousands) ... ....... . $ 130,425 12 End-of-month deposita (thousands)f .. $ 57,141 6 Annual rate of deposit turnover.... . 27.1 For an explanation of symbols see p. 86. Percent change Jan 1969 from Jan 1968 Local Business Conditions Percent change Local Business Conditions Jan 1969 Jan 1969 Jan 1969 Jan from from Jan from City and item 1969 Dec 1968 Jan 1968 City and item 1969 Dec 1968 TYLER SMSA WACO (pop. 103,462) (Smith; pop. 99,100 ") Retail sales .................. . .... . -20t ­Retail sales ............... , ....... . Apparel stores .................. . ­ -3 20 -45t Apparel stores ......... . .... . ... . -46 9 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 1,179,962 ­Building permits. less federal contracts $ 1,385,206 146 297 Bank debits (thousands) ........... . $ 217,991 Bank debits (thousands) II ....... . $ 2,058,528 2 19 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t . . $ 102,326 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ 90,395 -9 8 Annual rate of deposit turnover..... 25.4 Annual rate of deposit turnover ... . 21.8 3 10 Nonfarm employment (area) ...... . 36,650 -1 6 Manufacturing employment (area). 10,480 •• 14 WICHITA FALLS SMSA Percent unemployed (area) .... ..... . 2.0 11 -41 (Archer and Wichita; pop. 132,200 ") Retail sales -Building permits. less federal contracts $ 2,131,164 TYLER (pop. 51,230) Bank debits (thousands) II ............ $ 2,397,912 Retail sales ...... ... ...........•.. -3 -2ot 20 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ 115,275 Apparel stores . ... ... ........... . -45t -46 9 Annual rate of deposit turnover .. . . 20.9 receipts ..................... $ 139,207 40 6 --Nonfarm employment (area) ...... . 50,100 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 1,385,206 156 313 Manufacturing employment (area). 5,120 Bank debits (thousands) ........... $ 185,244 15 19 Percent unemployed (area) ........ . 2.0 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ 84,266 -10 7 Annual rate of deposit turnover.... . 25.0 14 10 Nonfarm placements .............. . 355 25 -30 Burkburnett (pop. 7,621) Building permits, less federal contracts $ 48,450 Bank debits (thousands) . . ... .. , . , .. $ 8,655 WACO SMSA End-of-month deposits (thousandBH .. $ 5,348 (McLennan; pop. 148,400 •) Annual rate of deposit turnover.... , . 19.5 Retail sales -27 20 Apparel stores .........•......... -49 13 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 1,260,912 -10 -41 Iowa Park (pop. 5,152 ') Bank debits (thousands) II ........ $ 2,595,480 -2 14 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 0 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ 113,955 -1 -2 Bank debits (thousands) .......... . $ 4,229 Annual rate of deposit turnover . . . . 22.6 -3 14 End-of-month deposits (thousandsH .. $ 3,888 Nonfarm employment (area) . . . . . . . 57,800 -1 3 Annual rate of deposit turnover. .... 13.3 Manufacturing employment (area) . 12,370 -6 -4 Percent unemployed (area) . . . . . . . . . 4.8 17 12 WICHITA FALLS (pop. 115,340 ') Retaii saJes ....................... . -20t ­ McGregor (pop. 4,642) Postal receipts• $ 182,630 ­Building permits. less federal contracts $ 1,500 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 2,082,714 Bank debits (thousands) ............ $ 6,250 10 -26 Bank debits (thousands) .......... . $ 207,107 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t . . $ 7,955 -3 .. End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .. 101,901 ­Annual rate of deposit turnover ..... . 9.3 11 -28 Annual rate of deposit turnover ..... 23.4 27 20 49 13 14 -44 6 15 -3 4 16 27 21 140 277 15 5 12 2 2 1 13 25 5 202 14 26 1 12 12 12 12 18 2 8 11 14 26 21 18 -1 135 280 15 16 8 5 15 12 ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF NON-SMSA CITIES, WITH DATA ALBANY (pop. 2,174) ANDREWS (pop. 13,450 ') Building permits, less federal contracts ~ Bank debits (thousands) ........... $ E:nd-of-month dep06its (thousands)t .. $ !\nnual rate of deposit turnover..... 0 2,959 4,371 8.1 -25.. -26 -26 8 -28 Postal receipts• .................... $ Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) ... . . . . .... $ End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .. $ Annual rate of deposit turnover..... 11,740 49,000 8,387 8,379 12.8 - ALICE (pop. 20,861) Postal receipts• .............. . ..... $ Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) .... ..... ... $ End-of-month deposits (thousandsH .. $ Annual rate of deposit turnover . .. . . 23,642 2,216,377 27,833 21,884 14.6 -22 6 -9 11 -- 9 2 11 8 ATHENS (pop. 10,260') Postal receipts• ....... ..... ..... . .. $ Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) ........... $ End-of-month deposits (thousandsH .. $ Annual rate of deposit turnover 18,789 87,400 14,274 11,379 14.4 -- ALPINE (pop. 4,740) BAY CITY (pop. 11,656) P06tal receipts• ........... · · · · · · · · · Building permits, less federal contracts Bank debits (thousands) .. ... ... · · · · End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. ~nnual rate of deposit turnover .... $ $ $ $ 8,595 29,465 4,836 6,211 9.3 -- 20 259 ••.. 1 - 20 93 2 2 3 Postal receipts• ... .. . .............. $ Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) ........... $ End-of-month deposits (thousands)t . . $ Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 21,534 134,508 36,296 30,735 14.0 -- Nonfarm placements ............ . . . 83 For an explanation of symbols see p. 86. 16 57 3 57 26 42 -22 380 8 13 11 5 •• 22 9 260 22 21 21 9 7 25 10 8 45 36 5 31 20 Local Business Conditions Percent change Local Business Conditions Percent chanre City and item Jan 1969 Jan 1969 from Dec 1968 Jan 1969 from Jan 1968 City and item Jan 1969 Jan 1969 from Dec 1968 Jan 196S from Jan 1961 BEEVILLE (pop. 13,811) Postal receipts• .................... $ Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) ........... $ End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ Annual rate of deposit turnover .... . Nonfarm placements ...... .... .... . 18,385 2,462,225 18,415 17,896 12.2 92 -28 35 9 -3 10 12 -10 173 19 5 11 14 BRYAN (pop. 33,141 ') Postal receipts• . . ............ ..... . Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) . ........ .. . $ End-of-month deposits (thousandsJi.. $ Annual rate of deposit turnover .. .. . Nonfarm placements .............. . 43,180 1,291,745 68,365 32,714 24.4 231 -22 190 16 -5 17 7 10 97 31 17 10 -16 BELLVILLE (pop. 2,218) Buildin1t permits, less federal contracts Bank debits (thousands) .. ......... . End-of-month deposits (thousandsJi.. $ Annual rate of deposit turnover, ... 20,200 6,260 6,131 12.2 15 15 -65 11 -3 12 CALDWELL (pop. 2,204 ') Postal receipts• . .. .... . .......... .. $ Bank debits (thousands) ........... $ End-of-month deposits (thousandsH .. $ Annual rate of deposit turnover..... 3,760 3,755 5,008 8.9 -16 8 -12 19 7 II BELTON (pop. 10,000 ') Postal receipts• .................. . Buildin11 permits, less federal contracts $ End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ 13,081 40,080 11,653 -16 -39 -2 -23 100 13 CAMERON (pop. 5,640) Postal receipts• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ Buildin11 permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) .. ......... $ End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . . $ 8,099 19,500 7,296 6,191 -44 1 -21 II 3 BIG SPRING (pop. 31,230) Annual rate of deposit turnover. .... 13.7 Postal receipts• .... . . . .... ....... .. $ 44,175 -26 •• CASTROVILLE (pop. 1,800 ') Building permits, less federal contracts $ 213,173 115 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 16,500 -57 Bank debits (thousands) ...... . .. ... $ E:nd-of-month deposits (thousandsJi.. $ 62,466 31, 733 - 10 1 35 16 Bank debits (thousands) ........... $ End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ 1,377 1,282 - 16 8 - 30. Annual rate of deposit turnover.. , .. 23.5 7 17 Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 12.4 19 29 N'onfarm placements .............. . 126 35 -13 CISCO (pop. 4,499) BONHAM (pop. 9,506 ') Postal receipts• ................... $ Buildin11 permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) .. . ........ $ 9,023 95,300 11,238 -47 56 3 2 67 9 Postal receipts• ................... . $ 5,867 Bank debits (thousands) ............ $ 5,307 End-of-month deposits (thousandsJi.. $ 4,310 Annual rate of deposit turnover. . . . . 14.4 -33 -16 3 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ Annual rate of deposit turnover..... 10,494 12.9 8 2 COLLEGE STATION (pop. 18,590 ') Postal receipts• .. .................. $ 41,028 16 -14 BORGER (pop. 20,911) Postal receipts• .... . .... ..... ...... $ 24,644 -28 -14 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 1,285,431 Bank debits (thousands) . ........... $ 8,735 End-of-month deposits (thousandsJi.. $ 6,305 - 45 8 •• Building permits, less federal contracts $ 4,050 -23 -96 Annual rate of deposit turnover..... 16.6 -11 Nonfarm placements .............. . 61 -16 -33 COLORADO CITY (pop. 6,457) BRADY (pop. 5,338) Postal receipts• .................... $ Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) ...... . . .... $ 6,432 20,085 8,912 -35 -75 5 -37 -41 4 Postal receipts• ....... . ........... . Bank debits (thousands) .. . . ...... . End-of-month deposits (thousands)t. Annual rate of deposit turnover.... 6,750 7,778 7,354 12.5 -37 35 -3 33 -2' 15.. 11 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t.. $ Annual rate of deposit turnover . .. .. 7,604 14.0 2 4 10 5 COPPERAS COVE (pop. 10,202 ') Postal receipts• ... . . ... ..... . ..... . $ 7,770 -32 - 8 BRENHAM (pop. 7,740) Postal receipts• ..... . ... . ......... . Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) ..... .. ..... $ 15,001 100,883 18, 759 -22 -73 8 -14 -31 12 Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) . .......... $ End-of-month deposits (thousandsH .. $ Annual rate of deposit turnover..... 93,185 3,355 2,207 17.9 158 -16 -4 -16 231 37 16 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ 16,893 - 4 5 CORSICANA (pop. 20,344) Annual rate of deposit turnover ..... 13.0 10 Postal receipts• .. . .. . .. . . ...... . ... $ 34,905 -66 II BROWNFIELD (pop. 10,286) Postal receipts• $ Bank debits (th;~.-~~~)·.::::::::::: $ End-of-month deposits (thousands)t . . $ 13,505 38,464 18,915 -19 55 5 -20 29 12 Building permits. less federal contracts $ Bank debit:.! (thousands) ........... $ End-of-month deposits (thousandsJi.. $ Annual rate of deposit turnover .... . Nonfarm placements .............. . 82,094 33,315 25,307 15.3 135 -98 -6 -28 46 -6 6 -10 2 Annual rate of deposit turnover. .... 25.0 36 23 CRYSTAL CITY (pop. 9,101) BROWNWOOD (pop. 16,974) Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) .. . ....... . $ 56,847 5,464 -21 31 -11 2 Postal receipts• ................. , .. $ Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) ........... $ End-of-month deposits (thousands)t . . $ Annual rate of deposit turnover.... . Nonfarm placements . ...... . .... , .. For an explanation of symbols see p, 86. 33,079 225,042 24,805 14,324 20.0 87 -19 10 -7 11 36 -19 32 16 7 -14 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ Annual rate of deposit turnover .. .. DECATUR (pop. 3,563) Building permits, less federal contracts Bank debits (thousands) .. . ........ $ End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ Annual rate of deposit turnover ..... 3,335 18.3 0 5,924 5,104 13.9 -13 24 27 -1 29 23 13 10 Local Business Conditions Percent change Local Business Conditions Percent change City and item Jan 1969 Jan 1969 from Dec 1968 Jan 1969 from Jan 1968 City and item Jan 1969 Jan 1969 from Dec 1968 Jan 1969 from Jan 1968 DEL RIO (pop. 23,290 •) GIDDINGS (pop. 2,821) Postal receipts• ....... .. . . ........ . 5,942 -44 - 2 Postal receipts• ...... . ........•... • $ 27,788 -13 - 6 Building permits, less federal contracts 21,535 299 Buildini;: permits, less federal contracts $ 51,864 -79 Bank debits (thousands) ........... $ 5,816 11 23 ank debits (thousands) ........... $ E:nd-of-month deposits (thousandsJi.. $ 18,438 19,999 - 4.. 1 3 End-of-month deposits Annual rate of deposit (thousandsJi.. $ turnover..... . 5,692 12.1 - 2 14 9 13 l\nnual rate of deposit turnover . . ... 11.1 - 3 3 GLADEWATER (pop. 5,742) DIMMITI (pop. 4,500 •) Postal receipts• .. . ................. $ 5,694 -45 -39 ank debits (thousands) ... . ...... . . 19,720 16 11 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 13,850 -32 -93 nd-of-month dePosits (thousands);.. $ 10,534 1 40 Bank debits (thousands) . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 7,259 22 17 ~nnual rate of depo~it turnover..... 22.3 9 -20 End-of-month deposits (thousandsJi .. $ 4,807 - 6 - 5 Annual rate of deposit turnover .... . Nonfarm employment (area) c .... . 17.6 35,000 23.. 18 5 EAGLE LAKE (pop. 3,565) Manufacturing employment (area) c Percent unemployed (area) c ....... . 10,090 2.2 5 15 -24 Bank debits (thousands) .. ... ...... . $ 5,037 - 5 End-of-month deposits (thousands); .. $ Annual rate of deposit turnover ..... 6 101 9.9 - •• 7 8 11 GOLDTHWAITE (pop. 1,383) Postal receipts• .............. ...... $ 2,838 -48 -18 Bank debits (thousands) ........... $ 5,865 9 21 EAGLE PASS (pop. 12,094) End-of-month deposits (thousandsJi .. $ Annual rate of deposit turnover ... . . . 4,159 16.5 10 -29 72 Postal receipts• .................... $ 15,180 -22 13 Buildini;: permits, less federal contracts $ 184,235 76 95 GRAHAM (pop. 9,326 •) Bank debits (thousands) .... .... ... $ 10,125 5 3 Postal receipts• ...............•• ... $ 13,230 -41 !End-of-month dePoSits (thousands )i . . $ !Annual rate of deposit turnover.... 5,396 22.4 - 1 •• - 11 5 Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) . .......... $ 226,400 12,851 34 7 6 End-of-month deposits (thousands); .. $ 11,337 4 10 Annual rate of deposit turnover 13.3 9 - 4 EDNA (pop. 5,038) Postal receipts• . ......... . ....... . . $ 8,066 -14 - 7 GRANBURY (pop. 2,227) [Buildini;: permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) ............ $ End-of-month deposits (thousands); .. $ ~nnual rate of dePoSit turnover . ..... 117,710 9,984 7,777 14.5 .. . 5 -11 12 13 ... ... ... Postal receipts• .. .. ...... .. ..... ... $ Bank debits (thousands) . ........... $ End-of-month deposits (thousandsJi.. $ Annual rate of deposit turnover ..... . 4,852 3,269 3,969 9.8 -11 12 -1 10 -17 36 31 4 FORT STOCKTON (pop. 6,373 •) GREENVILLE (pop. 2'2,134 •) Retail sales .... .... . .. ... ... ... ... . - 20t - 18 21 Postal receipts• ................... $ 9,876 -22 - 7 Postal receipts• .. .. ....... . . .. . .... $ 33,233 -21 - 6 Buildin11 permits, leas federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) ........... $ 64,000 11,548 -35 10 -21 18 Building permits, less federal contracta $ Bank debits (thousands) ........... $ 478,019 32,347 168 •• 163 9 End-of-month deposits (thousands); .. $ 9,860 - 8 13 End-of-month deposits (thousandsJi.. $ 21,628 - 9 18 Annual rate of deposit turnover .... 13.5 14 2 Annual rate of deposit turnover.... . 17.1 8 - 6 Nonfarm placements . .. . .... . ... .. . 127 20 20 FREDERICKSBURG (pop. 4,629) HALLETISVILLE (pop. 2,808) Postal receipts• .................... $ 9,493 -38 - 5 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 147,400 917 [Buildin11 permits, leas federal contra<:ts Bank debits (thousands) · ··········· $ 61,690 $ 17 ,855 243 30 111 30 Bank debits (thousands) .......... . $ End-of-month deposits (thousandsJi.. $ 4,176 7,182 7 1 6 2 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ 10,402 -10 4 Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 6.9 8 Annual rate of dePoSit turnover ..... 19.5 36 21 HALLSVILLE (pop. 1,015 •) Bank debits (thousands) ............ $ 1,350 27 FRIONA (pop. 3,149 •) End-of-month deposits (thousandsJi.. $ 1,271 3 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 48,000 -30 -65 Annual rate of deposit turnover... .. . 12.6 Bank debits (thousands) ······ ···· · $ 20,075 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ 6,807 ~nnual rate of deposit turnover ..... 33.8 - 22 9 18 40 14 19 HASKELL (pop. 4,016) Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) ........... $ 32,200 6,121 14 End-of-month deposits (thousands); .. $ 6,493 8 10 GATESVILLE (pop. 5,180 •) Annual rate of deposit turnover ..... . 11.8 7 !Postal receipts• ... ...... ........... $ 8,216 !Bank debits (thousands) .......... . $ 8,668 !End-of-month dePoSits (thousands)t .. $ 8,434 Annual rate of deposit turnover ..... 12.1 -38 19 -3 16 -- 6 17 18 3 HENDERSON (pop. 11,477 •) Postal receipts• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ Building permits, less federal contracts $ 15,128 110,600 17,172 17,535 Bank debits (thousands) ........... $ End-of-month deposits (thousands); .. $ -39 16 18 -4 -21 397 -9 17 Annual rate of deposit turnover ..... 11.5 17 -21 ~or an explanation of symbols see p. 86. MARCH 1969 97 Local Business Conditions Percent change Local Business Conditions Percent chall&'e Jan 1969 Jan 1969 Jan 1969 Jan 196 City and item Jan 1969 from Dec 1968 from Jan 1968 City and item Jan 1969 from from Dec 1968 Jan 196 HEREFORD (pop. 9,584 r) Postal receipts• ................... . Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) .. ...... . ... $ End-of-month deposits (thousandsH .. $ Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 15, 750 281,000 46,005 19,535 26.9 -42 61 21 -9 18 -24 188 24 10 LAMESA (pop. 12,438) Posta! receipts• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) . .. ......... $ End-o'f-month deposits (thousands)t. , $ Annual rate of deposit turnover.•.... 14,873 43,000 40,084 25,405 19.1 -52 36 22 -20 -26 39 30 6 HONDO (pop. 4,992) Nonfarm placements . .. ........... . 63 37 Building permits. less federal contracts $ 11,760 -64 -91 Bank debits (thousands) .......... . $ 4,829 18 18 LAMPASAS (pop. 5,670 ') End-of-month deposits (thousandsH .. $ 4,543 -2 7 Postal receipts• . . ....... . .......... $ 6,114 -54 -26 Annual rate of deposit turnover..... 12.7 17 9 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 44,600 -12 -69 HUNTSVILLE (pop. 11,999) Bank debits (thousands) ........... $ 10,786 11 19 Postal receipts• .................... $ 24,725 -25 -15 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ 8,268 -2 9 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 111,000 -75 61 Annual rate of deposit turnover ..... 15.5 10 12 Bank debits (thousands) ............ $ 22,280 -14 25 End-o.f-month deposits (thousands) t . . $ 15,847 -9 18 LEVELLAND (pop. 12,073 r) Annual rate of deposit turnover..... 16.5 -17 Postal receipts ....... . . .. . . ....... $ 20,248 -27 69 JASPER (pop. 5,120 ') Building permits, less federal contracts $ 89,800 271 -82 Postal receipts• .. .......... . ...... $ 14,022 -16 -13 Bank debits (thousands) . ....... .. . $ 31,578 16 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 155,000 486 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ 21,088 63 Bank debits (thousands) ... ... . . . .. . 18,331 37 14 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. 10,737 14 LITTLEFIELD (pop. 7,236) Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 21.0 34 Postal receipts• .... . . . ............. $ 9,103 -17 -41 JUNCTION (pop. 2,514 ') Building permits, less federal contracts Bank debits (thousands) . . ........ , . $ End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ 10,775 2,871 4,452 •• 4 100 9 19 Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) ............ $ End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ Annual rate of deposit turnover..... 1,250 16,513 11,760 16.9 -70 35 •• 29 -31 16 Annual rate of deposit turnover . .. . KARNES CITY (pop. 3,000 ') Building permits. less tederal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) ....... ..... $ End-of-month deposits (thousands)t . . $ Annual rate of deposit turnover... 7.9 680 4,073 4,646 10.9 4 -98 -13 8 -15 -4 -98 19 9 9 LLANO (pop. 2,656) Postal receipts• .. . .... .. ........... $ Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) ........ ... . $ End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ Annual rate of deposit turnover. .... 3,890 0 5,074 4,479 13.0 -39 23 -8 30 -27 41 -2 41 KILGORE (pop. 10,500 ') Postal receipts• . . . . ..... .. ........ $ 19,030 -31 -12 LOCKHART (pop. 6,084) Building permits, less federal contracts $ 31,300 67 -62 Postal receipts• . . ................ . . $ 5,826 -46 -20 Bank debits (thousands) . . .... . ..... $ 17,189 13 13 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 23,575 -44 --43 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t . . $ 15,436 -1 15 Bank debits (thousands) . .. ....... .. $ 7,954 20 14 Annual rate of deposit turnover.. . .. . 13.3 12 -1 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t. $ 8,327 -7 8 Nonfarm employment (area) c .... . 35,000 Annual rate of deposit turnover.. . 11.0 21 Manufacturing employment (area) c 10,090 1 15 Percent unemployed (area) c 2.2 5 -24 LONGVIEW (pop. 52,242 ') KILLEEN (pop. 30,400 ') Postal receipts• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ Building perm:ts, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) ....... . ... . End-of-month deposits (thousands)t . . Annual rate of deposit turnover .. . .. KINGSLAND (pop. 1,200 ') Postal receipts• ...... . ..... . ...... . Bank debits (thousands) .. ..... . .. . 65,763 552,519 32,265 14,164 27.1 1,515 2,957 -21 57.. -59 19 -5 153 56 13 42 -28 30 Retail sales Postal receipts• .................... $ Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) ............ $ End-of-month deposits (thousandsH . . $ Annual rate of deposit turnover., .. . Nonfarm employment (area) c .... . Manufacturing employment (area) c Percent unemployed (area) c -20t 90,074 898,000 121,436 51,998 27.9 35,000 10,090 2.2 -2 -13 71 32 -1 36 •• -12 41 16 26 6 16 -24 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. Annual rate of deposit turnover . . ... 1,682 21.8 7 15 7 25 LUFKIN (pop. 20,756 ') Postal receipts• . .................. . 39,864 -15 -10 KINGSVILLE (pop. 31,160 ') Postal receipts• ....... .. ........ . .. $ 28,561 -24 -4 Building permits, less federal contracts Nonfarm placements ...... . ....... , . 144,360 67 -89 22 -47 -1 Building permits, less federal contract $ Bank debits (thousands) ... . .. . .... $ 418,735 21,863 95 4 153.. McCAMEY (pop. 3,375 ') End-of-month deposits (thousands)t . . $ Annual rate of deposit turnover ..... 19,436 13.4 14 -9 Postal receipts• . . ................. . Bank debits (thousands) ......... . . . End-of-month deposits (thousands)t . . 3,177 2,529 2,181 -41 18 10 II 17 KIRBYVILLE (pop. 2,021 ') Annual rate of deposit turnover... . . 14.6 9 2 Postal receipts• .. . ........... . ..... $ Bank debits (thousands) .........•. $ End-of-month deposits (thousands)t . . $ Annual rate of deposit turnover..... For an explanation of symbols see p. 86. 4,641 3,044 4,860 7.4 -39 10 -29 14 20 -5 MARBLE FALLS (pop. 2,161) Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) . ......... .. $ End-of-month deposits (thousandsH .. $ Annual rate of deposit turnover ... .. . 4,216 3,347 14.9 20 -3 16 26 27 -7 TEXAS BUSINESS REVIEW Local Business Conditions Percent change Local Business Conditions Percent change City and item Jan 1969 Jan 1969 from Dec 1968 Jan 1969 from Jan 1968 City and item Jan 1969 Jan 1969 from Dec 1968 Jan 1969 from Jan 1968 MARSHALL (pop. 29,445 ') PAMPA (pop. 24,664) rostal receipts. . . .. ..... . .......... $ 39,751 -16 •• Retail sales ....................... . -2ot -23 1 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 216,244 -88 -56 Automotive stores . ..........••• - 9t -24 3 Bank debits (thousands) ........... $ 30,641 8 Postal receipts• .. ... . ... ........... $ 33,734 -18 -21 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ 32,591 14 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 96,665 152 212 l\nnual rate of deposit turnover..... . 11.4 1 Bank debits (thousands) ........... $ 39,928 16 15 onfarm placements .............. . 254 68 26 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ 24,065 - 1 7 MEXIA (pop. 7,621 ') Annual rate of deposit turnover.... . Nonfarm placements .............. . 19.9 81 14 -15 - 11 2 Postal receipts• .................•.. $ 8,648 -28 Building permits, less federal contracts $ ank debits (thousands) ... .. . .. .... $ End-of-month deposits (thousands)t.. $ !Annual rate of deposit turnover..... 51,500 8,800 7,112 14.8 - 98 17 1 18 32 11 -21 PARIS (pop. 20,977) Postal receipts• ............ .. • .... $ Building permits, less federal contract& $ Nonfarm placements ........ , ...•. 32,859 201,582 131 -31 -29 -29 8 77 -35 MINERAL WELLS (pop. 11,053) Postal receipts• .................... $ 31,211 -13 ... PECOS (pop. 13,479 ') Building permits, less federal contracts $ ~ank debits (thousands) ............ $ End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ :Annual rate of deposit turnover...... Nonfarm placements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127,870 28,976 17,083 19.8 76 -- 60 1 6 1 5 7 17 9 8 -29 Postal receipts• ... . ............. . .. $ Bank debits (thousands) ........... . $ End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ Annual rate of deposit turnover.... . Nonfarm placements ........... . .. . 15,550 27,757 13,655 23.9 70 -5 23 -4 17 -19 9 9 15 -6 -14 MOUNT PLEASANT (pop. 8,027) Postal receipts• ···················· $ 12,551 -25 -13 PLAINVIEW (pop. 21, 703 ') Building permits, less federal contracts $ 138,878 ... 107 Postal receipts• .. .. ................ $ 39,621 - 5 Bank debits (thousands) ·· ·········· $ 19,005 14 19 Building permits, less federal contract& $ 48,950 -89 -99 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t . . $ 10,026 ~nnunL rate of deposit turnover . .... 20.9 -15 15 - 8 20 Bank debits (thousands) . . ... . ..... $ End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ 77,151 30,877 - 45 8 9 •• MUENSTER (pop. 1,190) Annual rate of deposit turnover .. .. . Nonfarm placements ........ . ..... . 28.7 126 - 50 37 7 -23 Postal receipts• .................... $ 2,121 -15 -51 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 6,000 Bank debits (thousands) ........... $ 3,710 -61 9 ... 4 PLEASANTON (pop, 5,053 ') End-of-month deposits (thousands)t . . $ 2,395 -11 -11 Building permits, leas federal contracts $ 14,910 -54 397 Annt.:al rate of deposit turnover...... 17.5 14 11 Bank debits (thousands) ........... $ 6,531 34 27 MULESHOE (pop. 4,945 ') End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ Annual rate of deposit turnover. 4,543 16.7 - 6 37 3 19 Bank debits (thousands) . . . . ... . . . . . $ 21,257 67 12 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ 13,716 Annug} rate of deposit turnover .. . . . 19.3 8 54 42 -16 QUANAH (pop. 4,570 ') Postal receipts• .. .............. . ... $ 5,127 -37 - 6 NACOGDOCHES (pop. 18,076 ') Buildina-permits, less federal contracts $ 0 Postal receipts• ....... .. . ......... . $ 31,741 -14 - 6 Bank debits (thousands) .......... . $ 7,875 9 32 Build:ng permits, Jess federal contracts $ 236,475 42 - 5 End-of-month deposits (thousandsH .. $ 6,394 4 4 Bank debits (thousands) .... ........ $ 30,077 ... 12 Annual rate of deposit turnover ..... 14.5 28 End-of-month deposits (thousand•)* .. $ 30,155 ... 7 Nonfarm placements ··············· 117 225 11 RAYMONDVILLE (pop. 9,385) NEW BRAUNFELS (pop. 15,631) P06tal receipts• .................... $ 24,634 Building permits, Jess federal contracts $ 300,523 Bank debits (thousands) ........... $ 22,626 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ 19,406 :Annual rate of deposit turnover .... 13.9 -36 -16 18 -1 16 -21 -7 21 22 -1 Postal receipts• ............ . ....... $ Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) ............ $ End-of-month deposits (thousands)*·. $ Annual rate of deposit turnover.... . Nonfarm placements ............... . 8,298 17,500 8,828 10,361 9.9 56 -33 12 10 -6 14 40 -21 -61 8 9 18 7 OLNEY (pop. 4,200 ') '.Building permits, less federal contracts $ 0 ... ... REFUGIO (pop. 4,944) '.Bank debits (thousands) ............ $ 6,896 28 19 Postal receipts• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5,317 -32 -15 End-of-month deposits (thousands}i . . $ 4,914 - 5 - 4 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 60,000 400 - 80 Annual rate of deposit turnover...... 16.4 31 18 Bank debits (thousands) . ........... $ 5,218 2 PALESTINE (pop. 13,954 ') End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. Annual rate of deposit turnover..... $ 8,743 6.9 - 8 10 -10 10 Posts! receipts• .................... $ 19,957 -29 - 9 Building permits. less federal contracts $ 43,860 Bank debits (thousands) ............ $ 18,675 ~nd-of-month deposits (thousands) i . . $ 19,705 .\nnual rate of deposit turnover ..... 11.4 ~onfarm placementa ·· ··········· · 44 -91 15 •• 13 •• -26 18 9 9 ... ROCKDALE (pop. 4,481) Postal receipts• .............. .. .... $ Bank debits (thousands) ........... . $ End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ 6,034 7,229 5,788 -36 8 -19 24 14 Annual rate of deposit turnover ..... 15.4 13 ;"or an explanation of symbols see p. 86. Percent change Percent chan11e Local Business Conditions Local Business Conditions City and item Jan 1969 Jan 1969 from Dec 1968 Jan 1969 from Jan 1968 City and item Jan 1969 Jan 1969 from Dec 1968 Jan 1969 from Jan 1968 SAN MARCOS (pop. 17,500 ') TAHOKA (pop. 3,600 ') Postal receipts• . ....... ... ......... $ Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) .. .......... $ End-of-month deposits (thousands)t . . $ 21,989 329,357 20,248 14, 723 -18 15 11 6 - 6 131 14 3 Building permits, Jess federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) ........... $ End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ Annual rate of deposit turnover... .. 78,000 10,670 9,120 13.9 665 48 -2 32 39 13 Annual rate of deposit turnover..... 16.9 8 13 SAN SABA (pop. 2,728) TAYLOR (pop. 9,434) Postal receipts• ......... .... ...... . $ 11,380 -33 -13 Postal receipts• ................. . .. $ 3,278 -47 -32 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 148,650 696 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 13,750 -36 -58 Bank debits (thousands) .... .. ..... $ 14, 783 19 16 Bank debits (thousands) . ........ ... $ 7,273 11 E:nd-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ 23,221 - 3 13 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ 6,345 18 Annual rate of deposit turnover.... . 7.5 19 1 Annual rate of deposit turnover 13.8 - 3 Nonfarm placements . . . .... . ...... . 13 -28 30 SILSBEE (pop. 8,44 7 ') TEMPLE (pop. 34, 730 ') Building l)ermits, less federal contracts 13.500 -54 114 Retail sales . .. . ................... . - 20t - 26 32 Bank debits (thousands) .... ..... . .. $ 10,969 23 Postal receipts• .................... $ 62,392 -26 -7 E:nd-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ 9,617 12 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 942,310 146 332 Annual rate of Ceposit turnover.. .. . 14.0 13 Bank debits (thousands) ............ $ 58,020 30 32 Nonfarm placements .............. . 207 30 12 SMITHVILLE (pop. 2,935 r) Postal receipts• .. . . . . . . ............ $ 3,521 -36 18 UVALDE (pop. 14,000 ') Building permits, less federal contracts $ 3,000 -98 -98 Postal receipts• .................... $ 19,397 46 Bank debits (thousands) ..... . ...... $ 3,905 79 71 Building permits, Jess federal contracts $ 137,107 977 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ 3,062 -13 21 Bank debits (thousands) . .......... $ 20,792 - 2 13 Annual rate of deposit turnover . .... 14.2 73 35 E:nd-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ 11,372 2 Annual rate of devosit turnover ..... 21.9 - 2 SNYDER (pop. 13,850) Postal receipts• . .. . . ...... . ........ $ Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) .... .. ..... $ End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ Annual rate of deposit turnover... . . 17 ,829 36, 700 22,109 21,494 12.4 -42 -53 24 24 - 6 22 26 11 13 VERNON (pop. 13,385 ') Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) ........... $ End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ Annual rate of deposit turnover.... . 191,150 28,818 24,827 13.7 - 289 13 3 10 780 21 6 16 SONORA (pop. 2,619) Nonfarm :placements ..... ....... . . . 82 - 1 30 Building permits, less federal contracts Bank debits (thousands) ........... $ 5,000 3,434 -64 -17 - 5 VICTORIA (pop. 37,000 ') End-of-month depcsits (thousands)t .. $ 4,948 - 6 12 Retail sales ...... .. ... . ........... . -2ot -22 -4 Annual rate of deposit turnover.... 8.1 - 15 -14 Post:i.l receipts• .................... $ 59,403 -19 -3 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 433,200 104 60 STEPHENVILLE (pop. 7359) Postal receipts* .................... $ Building permits, less federal contracts Bank debits (thousands) ... .. . . $ $ 15,244 234,900 14,710 -29 373 23 -15 93 20 Bank debits (thousands) ........... $ End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ Annual rate of deposit turnover .... . Nonfarm placements .............. . 96,877 98,508 11.7 437 - 10 3 11 23 16 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .. $ 12,470 2 13 Annual rat~ of deposit turnover ..... 14.3 18 8 Weatherford (pop. 9,759) Postal receipts• ................... $ 18,152 -30 -7 STRATFORD (pop. 2,500 ') Building permits, less federal contracts $ 76,750 104 77 Postal receipts• ..... . . .. ... . ..... . . $ 3,195 -18 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ 18,015 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 51,600 38 Bank debits (thousands) .. . . . ... . . . . $ End-o:-month depoaits (thousands)t .. $ Annual rate of deposit turnover ..... 14,916 6,585 26.9 26 23 LOWER RIO GRANDE VALLEY (Cameron, Willacy, and Hidalgo; pop. 326,800 •) Retail sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 20t - 8 SULPHUR SPRINGS (pop. 12,158 ') Postal receipts• . ..... . . . ..... . ..... $ 23,643 -13 Apparel stores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Automotive stores . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . -- 45t 9t - 45 •• Building permits, less federal contracts $ 106,000 -40 53 Drugstores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 30t - 16 Bank debits (thousands) ...... . ... . $ 24,061 4 11 Food stores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ 12t - 4 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ 17 ,466 4 1 Furniture and household- Annual rate of deposit turnover .... . 16.2 7 8 appliance stores .. . ............ . - 19t - 16 SWEETWATER (pop. 13,914) Gasoline and service stations ..... . General-merchandise stores ....... . -- at 55t -- 1 44 Postal receipts• ... . . ............... $ 14,261 -42 -27 Lumber, building-material, Build:ng permits, less federal contracts $ 73,800 177 and hardware dealers .......... . - 3t -10 Bank debits (thousands) ... . ....... . 22,281 32 10 Postal receipts• ................... . -24 End-of-month deposits (thou·sands)t . . 13,422 14 - 7 Building permits, less federal contracts 185 264 Annual rate of deposit turnover ... .. . 21.2 18 12 Bank debits (thousands) .......... . 10 11 Nonfarm placements ............ .. . 55 -41 -53 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .. 22 For an explanation of symbols see p. 86. Annual rate of deposit turnover 16 AROMETERS OF TEXAS BUSINESS . d (All figures are for Texas unless otherwise indicated.) m exes are based on the average months f 1957 1959 t h indexes are ad ·usted f . . or -. excep w ere other specification is made; all except annual Employment C~mmissi~~ i~a~~~al v~:1at10J\~n~hss Btherw1se roted. Em.Pl >-l t:tl c: ::11 c:: Ul l"l >-l ~ c: t.:r:l ~ z > >-l < c:: l"l >< Ul 0 l"l ::0 > "%j Ul _, ~ t:tl ~ 0 "l c:: Ul "' >-l ...... l"l z >< t.:r:l > Ul Ul Ul > >-l t.:r:l > ~ c: Ul Ul t.:r:l >-l > z ~ Ci ::i:: EXPLORATIONS IN CONSUMER BEHAVIOR A Symposium Held at The University of Texas at Austin April 18-19, 1966 As the result of a recognized need for establishment of a tradition of research methodology in consumer behavior and of a clear definition of the area, a symposium was held at The University of Texas at Austin in April of 1966. Invited as speak­ers were leading professionals in marketing and allied disciplines. These participants were asked to prepare papers, with distribu­tion of copies to the other speakers in advance of the sessions in Austin, so that a large part of the time could be devoted to informed discussion of the problems presented in the papers. The list of contributors includes many eminent authorities: Gerald D. Bell (University of North Carolina, Harvard Univer­sity), Phillip C. Burger (Northwestern University), Donald F. Cox (Coca-Cola Company), Peter G. Durkson (Market Structure Studies), Ronald E. Frank (Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania), Paul E. Green (Wharton School), Michael H. Halbert (Marketing Science Institute), John A. Howard ( Colum­bia University), Jerome B. Kernan (University of Cincinnati), Charles W. King (Purdue University), Sidney J. Levy (North­western University), Edgar A. Pessemier (Purdue University), Patrick J. Robinson (Marketing Institute), Montrose S. Sommers (University of Toronto), and W. T. Tucker (The University of Texas). Professors Sommers and Kernan, editors of the sympos­ ium papers and the related discussions, were in the Department of Marketing Administration at The University of Texas at Austin when the symposium was held. The papers considered such topics as the need for a theory of consumer behavior; consumer behavior as human behavior; self­ esteem, persuasibility, and remorse among car buyers; perceived risk and information handling in consumer behavior; the theory of buyer behavior; a large-scale systems view of consumer­ behavior research, and risk taking in relation to information seeking. Studies in Marketing No. 10 xiii + 277 pp. $5.00 BUREAU OF BUSINESS RESEARCH THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN (Texas residents add 4-percent sales tax)