MARCH 1967 IC I TEXAS BUSINESS REVIEW A Monthly Summary of Bu,siness and Economic Conditions in Texas BUREAU OF BUSINESS RESEARCH : THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS TEXAS BUSINESS REVIEW VOL. XLI, NO. 3, MARCH 1967 Editor, Stanley A. Arbingast; Associate Editor, Robert H. Ryan; Managing Editor, Graham Blackstock Editorial Board: Stanley A. Arbingast, Chairman; John R. Stockton, Francis B. May, Robert H. Ryan, Graham Blackstock CONTENTS ARTICLES 73: THE BUSINESS SITUATION IN TEXAS, by John R. Stock­ton 76: MILITARY PAYROLLS AND THE TEXAS ECONOMY, by Dennis Richardson and Stanley A. Arbingast 83: TEXAS BUILDING CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IN JANU­ARY, by Robert B. Williamson CHARTS AND TABLES 73 : TEXAS BUSINESS ACTIVITY 74: SELECTED BAROMETERS OF TEXAS BUSINESS 74: CREDIT RATIOS FOR DEPARTMENT AND APPAREL STORES 75: BUSINESS-ACTIVITY INDEXES FOR 20 SELECTED TEXAS CITIES 75: RETAIL SALES TRENDS BY KINDS OF BUSINESS 77: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE PAYROLLS AND TOTAL PER­SONAL INCOME FOR THE FIVE STATES WITH THE LARG­EST DEFENSE PAYROLLS, 1965 78: MILITARY AND CIVILIAN PE R S 0 N N E L: AVERAGE STRENGTH AND ESTIMATED PAYROLLS BY MAJOR IN­STALLATION-STATE OF TEXAS, FISCAL YEAR 1966 79: MAJOR MILITARY INSTALLATIONS IN TEXAS, 1966 (map) 80: RELATIONSHIP OF CONSUMPTION AND SAVINGS OUT OF DISPOSABLE PERSONAL INCOME IN THE UNITED STATES, 1960-1965 80: NATURE AND PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF PERSONAL­CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURES IN THE UNITED STATES, 1960-1965 81: MILITARY AND CIVILIAN PAYROLLS BY STATES, 1965 (map) 82: INCOME GENERATED FROM PAYROLLS BY TEXAS MILI­TARY INSTALLATIONS, FISCAL 1965 AND 1966 82: DISTRIBUTION OF CONSUMER EXPENDITURES OUT OF IN­COME GENERATED FROM PAYROLLS BY TEXAS MILITARY INSTALLIONS 82: PRELIMINARY ESTIMATES OF TOTAL RETAIL SALES IN TEXAS 82: TEXAS INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION 83: ESTIMATED VALUES OF BUILDING AUTHORIZED IN TEXAS 84: ONE-FAMILY, TWO-FAMILY, AND APARTMENT-BUILDING DWELLING UNITS IN METROPOLITAN AREAS, JANUARY 1967 85: BUILDING CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IN TEXAS 86: TOTAL ELECTRIC-POWER USE IN TEXAS 86: INDUSTRIAL ELECTRIC-POWER USE IN TEXAS 86: ORDINARY-LIFE-INSURANCE SALES IN TEXAS 86: BANK DEBITS IN TEXAS 87: AVERAGE WEEKLY HOURS, TEXAS MANUFACTURING IN­DUSTRIES 87: AVERAGE WEEKLY EARNINGS, TEXAS MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES 87: NEWSPAPER AD LINAGE IN TEXAS 87: TEXAS INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION: TOTAL MANUFACTURES 87: TEXAS INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION: UTILITIES 87: TEXAS INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION: MINERALS 87: CONSUMER PRICES IN THE UNITED STATES 87: WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED STATES 88: LOCAL BUSINESS CONDITIONS BAROMETERS OF TEXAS BUSINESS (inside back cover) BUSINESS RESEARCH COUNCIL George Kozmetsky, Dean of the College of Business Ad­ministration (ex officio); John R. Stockton, Jessamon Dawe, Thomas E. Gossett, James R. Kay, Stephen L. McDonald, Charles R. Klasson, and W. T. Tucker BUREAU OF BUSINESS RESEARCH Director: John R. Stockton Associate Director and Resources Specialist: Stanley A. Arbingast Assistant to the Director: Florence Escott Consulting Sta.tistician: Francis B. May Administrative Assistant: Cynthia Bettinger Research Associates: Charles 0. Bettinger, Graham Black­ stock, Ida M. Lambeth, Robert M. Lockwood, Robert H. Ryan, Elizabeth R. Turpin, Joyzelle Wilke, Robert B. Williamson Research Assistants: James E. Bobbitt, Claire S. Howard, Selma Kallus, Hans Dieter Kurz, Kamal Said, John W. Townsend, James E. Willingham Senior Secretary: Betty Sue Hoch Senior Clerk Typists: Lois Conrad, Carolyn Harris, Kathryn Powell, Peggy Wilmot Cartographers: Michael E. Bonine, Mary Helen Parks, Elizabeth E. Snoddy, Doug Winters, Jr. Library Assistant: Merle Danz Statistical Assistants: Mildred Anderson, Constance Cooledge, Margaret Tannich Statistical Technicians: Doris Dismuke, Mary Gorham Senior Clerk: Salvador B. Macias Clerical Assistants: Peggy Bobo, Berge Garabedian, Way­ land Watts Off set Press Operators: Robert Dorsett, Daniel P. Rosas · Research Graduate School of Business The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas Published monthly by the Bureau of Busmess • • . tin Texas Content of this publication is not copyrighted and may be reproduced freely, but acknowl­78712· Second-class p~stage paid a_t Aus • . • ed b authors are not nece68arily those of the Bureau of Business REsearch. SubacriP" edgment of source will be appreciated. The views express Y tion, $3.00 a year; individual copies, 25 cents. · Res h · ber of the Associated University Bureaus of Business and Economic Research. The Bureau of Bus1lli!SS earc 1s a mem THE B·USINESS SITUATION IN TEXAS John R. Stockton The index of Texas business activity showed a strong upturn In January, increasing 8% from the level of December 1966 to reach a point 11% above that of January of last year. This rise is the strongest registered since August 1966, although the index is somewhat er­ratic in its movements. During the last four months of 1966, the trend of total business activity in Texas was definitely downward, and the January upturn makes it necessary to try to ascertain whether the slight recession of 1966 has come to ·an end, or the January rise is merely an erratic fluctuation. Since the business indexes for both Texas and the country as a whole are somewhat conflicting, it is im­ portant to weigh carefully all the factors that are af­ fecting the trends of business. The economic indicators of Texas business that normally turn ahead of a change in the level of business . showed weakness as early as June 1966, but more recently have been showing strength. The situation is that some segments of the economy are rising while at the same time signs of weakness are apparent in others. Texas business is feeling the effect of ·a slowing down of demand from individual consumers but is also re­ ceiving a strong stimulus to demand from government purchases of products vital to the ,war in Vietnam. The tightness of credit that became acute during 1966 re­ duceA ~ " r.;, '1 '~'-' t~ r" ' ' '\llNI -~'i;i ""' +1" r' i &• if ~ !> '1­f1'l ~­ ~ 1 1 •1 ·:m ISt I"·• :! ;;;~ fl; h' 1 hit! r ~'W' ~ l?,i .,.n! ......... ~:. ~­ *! l'..J.';"' ""' .:­~ ,·1 ~ ~)/; \1 ~-­ ~ l\·A ~ 'i r" i 1·•· 1 bi· '.,~ I 1 so 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 350 300 250 200 150 100 so 1954 19.SS 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 195' 1955 1956 1957 19.SI 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 19U 1965 1966 1967 NOTE: Shaded area• indl ca te p~riod• o( dedlne of tettal bu11ine11 "ctlvlty In the United !;t11tt'S. NOT~ Shaded areu indlcate podod• ol decline ol total bulloeu acUvlty ln th• United Siat.,, BANK DEBITS IN TEXAS ORDINARY LIFE INSURANCE SALES IN TEXAS / nd..-Adjuated lot SeHone/ Verietion-19S7-lP$9" JOO 350 300 2SO 200 150 100 so 1960 1961 l962 1963 ,,.. \965 196' 1"7 NOTE: Shaded areu Indicate period• of decline of total bullne11 activity In the United Statu . NOTE: Shaded area• l!Mlicate period• of decllae ol total bualoeu acUvlty lo the UD.lted StatH. 1954 1955 1956 1957 1951 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 '966 1967 AVERAGE WEEKLY HOURS, AVERAGE WEEKLY EARNINGS, TEXAS MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES TEXAS MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES Jnd•z-Adjusted for SeHon•I V•riation-1957-1959 •JOO /ndu.-Adju tSted for Se1t1Jon1t/ V1tri1ttion-1957 -19S9•100 350 300 2'0 200 150 100 l--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--t---1---1---1---1---r----t l--'-+--+--+--+--+--+--+--t---t---1---1---l---1-----t ' 350 350 250 200 200 150 100 1'0 150 100 50 50 1954 19.S.S 19$6 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 196.S 1966 1967 NOTE: Shaded are•• indicate pe riods of de cline of total busine•• activ ity in the United State•. NOTE: Shaded a'reas indicate periods of decline of total busine ss activity in the United States. NEWSPAPER AD LINAGE IN TEXAS 350 TEXAS INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION: TOTAL MANUFACTURES Jndu-Adj utted for Suson1t/ V1tri1ttion-19S7-19S9•100 350 ..............~.-~.-~i,..,,...,.........~.....~...,..~-.-~...,..~...,..~...,..~.,-~.,-~-, 350 300 2'0 300 l--i-f---l--+--l"-+,'' --,-1--1--l---l"' +--t--f---l--+--t----t--; "' 250 l---l--+--+--~-+' ~+-+-""--'--1-+--+-+-~+---l~-+~; 300 250 200 150 100 200 1/ ~ ""' H"'' 150 ~~1-f--+---1~f-f-'---f--t-VP..>f+---t--t--+--:::i;..--1~_...""'-'l----I1 ,_­100 ~~~~~::+=+=H==1_,,­-',,} 200 150 100 50 50 NOTE: Shaded area• indicate period• of de<'line of total business 11.c 1i vi1y in the United State~. 1954 1955 1956 1957 1951 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 NOTE: Shaded •rea1 indicate period• of decline of buaine aa activity In the United Statn. SOURCE: Raaed on bank debit. report1d by the F aderal R1 11rve Bank of o&11a1 and adjuitad for •••• variation a nd chan1•• in the price level by the Bureau of Bulin••• Reaearch. TEXAS INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION: UTILITIES TEXAS INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION: MINERALS* lndu-Adji.uted for Sea1on11/ Vuiation-1951-1959 • JOO Jnd••-Adjuded for Se1t.1on1t/ V1tri1ttion-19S7-19Sf • 100 350 350 350 uo 300 300 300 250 250 250 200 200 200 uo 150 150 150 100 100 100 50 50 1954 195.S 1956 1957 1951 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 196.S 1966 1967 1954 19.55 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 \965 1966 1967 NOTE: Shaded area• indicate period• of de cllne of bu•ine•• activity in the United Stat1u. NOTE: Shaded a r eu indicate period• of decline of tou.l bu '1ne11 activity ln the United Stat••. • 1nclude1 crude-oil and natural-gas production, CONSUMER PRICES IN THE UNITED STATES WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED STATES lnde•-Adjuated for Se.uon1t/ V1tri1ttion-19S1·19S9•100 Jndu-Adjuded for Sea1on1t/ V1tri1ttion-1951·19S9•100 350 350 350 300 300 300 300 250 2'0 250 250 200 200 200 200 1'0 150 150 uo 100 100100 50 50 50 1954 1955 1956 1957 1951 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 196' 1965 1966 1967 NOTE: Shaded a rea• Indicate period• of decline of bu'1nen activity In the United Statu. NOTE: Shaded areu indicate pe r iod• o! decline of bualnen activity in the United States. Indicators of business conditions in Texas cities pub­lished in this table include statistics on banking, build­ing permits, employment, postal receipts, and retail trade. An individual city is listed when a minimum of three indicators is available. The cities have been grouped according to Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas. In Texas all twenty-two SMSA's are defined by county lines; the counties included are listed under each SMSA. The populations shown for the SMSA's are estimates for April 1, 1966, prepared by the Population Research Center, Department of Sociology, The University of Texas. Cities in SMSA's are listed un­der their appropriate SMSA's; all other cities are listed alphabetically. The population shown after the city name is the 1960 Census figure, unless otherwise indicated. -~tail-sales data are reported here only when a min­imum of five stores report in the given retail area sales category. The first column shows an average percent change from the preceding month. This is the normal statewide seasonal change in sales by that kind of busi­ness-except in the cases of Dallas, Fort Worth, !lous­ton, and San Antonio, where the dagger (t) is omitted because the normal seasonal changes given are for each of these cities individually. The second column shows the percent change in actual sales reported for the month, and the third column shows the percent change in actual sales from the same month a year ago. A large variation between the normal seasonal change and the reported change indicates an abnormal sales month. Symbols used in this table include: (a) Population Research Center data, April 1, 1966. (t) Average percent change from preceding month. (r) Estimates officially recognized by Texas Highway Departments. (rr) Estimate for Pleasanton: combination of 1960 Census figures for Pleasanton and North Pleasanton. (*) Cash received during the four-week postal account­ing period ended January 27, 1967. (:I:) Money on deposit in individual demand deposit accounts on the last day of the month. (§) Data for Texarkana, Texas, only. (**) Change is less than one half of 1%. ( 11 ) Annual rate basis. (#) Monthly averages. Percent change Percent change Jan 1966 Jan 1967 Jan 1966 Jan 1967 Jan from from Jan from from City and item 1967 Dec 1966 Jan 1966 City and item 1967 Dec 1966 Jan 1966 ABILENE SMSA AMARILLO (pop. 155,205 r) (Jones and Taylor; pop. 121,343 a) Retail sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -15 t -ll + 2 Automotives stores . . . . . . . . . . . . -1 t -4 + 1 Building permits, less federal contracts $ l,511,071 + 55 +226 Postal receipts• .. . .. . . . ...... . . ....$ 295,757 -28 + 13Bank debits (thousands) II .. . . ..$ 1,890,204 1 + 5 Building permits, less federal contracts $ .1,423,870 -52 + 45Nonfarm employment (area) . 37,100 -3 + 1 Bank debits (thousands) .. ... .. . .. . .. $ 375,501 + 4 + 2 Manufacturing employment (area) . 4,340 -1 + 4 End-of-month deposits (thousands)· i $ 133,406 4 Percent unemployed (area) . .. .... . . . 3.1 + 15 -21 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 33.l + 2 + 2 ABILENE (pop. 110,049 r) Canyon (pop. 6,755 r) Retail sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -15 t -27 + 23 Postal receipts • . . .. .$ f\,503 -42 + 14Apparel stores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . -46 t -21 + 39 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 323,340 +259 Automotives stores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -1 t -28 + 34 Bank debits (thousands) $ 11,342 + 21 + 8General merchandise stores. -53 t -39 + 13 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i .$ 7,61l + 3 -2 Postal receipts • ......... .. ... . . .. .. $ 144,384 -28 + 6 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 18.1 + 21 + 12 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 1,511,0H + 55 +229 Bank debits (thousands) .... . . $ 15a,199 + 5 + 10 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i $ 72,819 5 + 1 ALPINE (pop. 4,740) Annual rate of deposit turnover. . . . . . 24.6 + 4 + 8 Postal receipts • ................. ... $ 6,297 -31 + 27 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 14,100 -65 -55 Bank debits (thousands) $ 4,125 -4 + 4 ALAMO: See McALLEN-PHARR-EDINBURG SMSA deposits (thousands) i. $ 5,113 + 1 4 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 9.7 5 4 + AMARILLO SMSA (Potter and Randall; pop. 169,527 a) ANDREWS (pop. 11,135) Building permits, less federal contracts $ 1,747,360 -42 + 63 Postal receipts • .. ... ........ ... . ... $ 7,937 -59 -20 Bank debits (thousands) II. .. ..... $ 4,193,016 1 •• Building permits, less federal contracts $ 241,907 +284 Nonfarm employment (area) . . . . . . . . 59,900 -3 + 1 Bank debits (thousands) . $ 7,241 + 20 + 1 Manufacturing employment (area) . 5,600 -1 + 8 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i .$ 8,191 + 4 •• Percent unemployed (area) .. . . . ... .. 3.2 + 28 6 Annual rate of deposit turnover.. ... . 10.8 + 20 + 1 Local Business Conditions Percent change Local Business Conditions Percent change Jan 1966 Jan 1967 Jan 1966 Jan 1967 Jan from from Jan from from City and item 1967 Dec 1966 Jan 1966 City and item 1967 Dec 1966 Jan 1966 ANGLETON: see HOUSTON SMSA Groves (pop. 17,304) Postal receipts • ...... .$ 9,539 -51 + 12 ARANSAS PASS: see CORPUS CHRISTI SMSA Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) . . . $ 213,545 5,785 -36 -64 -15 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i $ 4,661 - 4 -20 ARLINGTON: see FORT WORTH SMSA Annual rate of deposit turnover... . 14.4 - 33 + 18 ATHENS (pop. 7,086) Postal receipts • ...$ Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) $ End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . $ Annual rate of deposit turnover . 11,957 53,000 12.871 9,747 13.6 -41 + 5 + 4 -25 + -17 -84 -4 + 2 -17 Nederland (pop. 15,274 r) Postal receipts • . . . . . . . . . . . . $ Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) ....... . : $ End-of-month deposits (thousands) i $ Annual rate of deposit turnover. 9,949 25,385 7,347 5,452 16.3 -70 -68 + 2 7 -24 -78 + 8 + 7•• AUSTIN SMSA (Travis; pop. 256,581 a) Orange (pop. 25,605) Postal receipts • ... ... .$ Building permits, less federal contracts $ 34,861 66,023 -27 +101 + 15 +209 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 5,143,350 Bank debits (thousands) 11. . . $ 4,566,468 + 14 + -22 + 1 Bank debits (thousands) End-of-month deposits (thousands) i $ $ 46.621 29,281 + 6 3 + 23 + 8 Nonfarm employment (area) . Manufacturing employment (area) . 104.900 7,000 + •• + 8 + 6 Annual rate of deposit turnover.... . Nonfarm employment (area) ... ...... 19.4 141 + 6 6 + 19 -22 Percent unemployed (area) . 2.4 + 14 -14 AUSTIN (pop. 212,000 r) Retail sales -15 t ...:.._ 28 •• Port Arthur (pop. 66,676) Postal receipts • $ Building permits, less federal contracts $ 66,793 625,081 -38 + 21 +254 Apparel stores -46 t -44 + 15 Bank debits (thousands) .. . . $ 76,505 - 2 + 1 Automotives stores . . . . ...... . . . - 1 t - 9 -15 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i $ 5-0,708 + 10 + 15 Eating and drinking places . .... . . . - 2t + 11 + 18 Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 19.0 - 8 - 8 Food stores .. . ............ ... . . .. . -13 t -12 7 Furniture and household-appliance stores .. ...... .... .. . . General merchandise stores..... . .. . Lumber, building material, and hardware stores. Postal receipts • . . .....$ Building permits, Jess federal contracts $ -15 t -53 t + 1 t 682,730 5,098,350 -26 -46 -14 -5 + 16 + 12 + 7 + 8 + 13 -22 Port Neches (pop. 8,696) Postal receipts • .. . . . ..... . ..$ Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) . . . $ End-of-month deposits (thousands) i $ Annual rate of deposit turnover. 8,380 46,980 12,647 8,124 19.0 -50 +600 + 2 + 3 6 -10 -62 -12 + 9 -16 Bank debits (thousands) End-of-month deposits (thousands) i Annual rate of deposit turnover . $ $ 377,879 192,352 23.4 + 6 1 + 4 + 7•• + 4 BEEVILLE (pop. 13,811) Postal receipts • ...$ Building permits, less federal contracts $ 15,588 198,645 -41 + 9 +502 BAY CITY (pop. 11,656) Postal receipts • .. .. .... . ...........$ Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) . . .$ End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . $ Annual rate of deposit turnover. . ... . Nonfarm placements ...... ... .... .. . 20,086 65,600 24,345 27,482 10.5 88 -26 -52 + 17 -3 + 17 + 14 + 84 -55 + 7•• + 6 + 6 Bank debits (thousands) $ End-of-month deposits (thousands) i $ Annual rate of deposit turnover... .. . Nonfarm placements .. .. .. ......... . BELTON (pop. 8,163) Postal receipts • .. . ..... . ......... . . $ Building permits, less federal contracts $ 13,118 15,271 10.0 78 9,400 66,800 + 8 -6 + 16 -20 -87 +161 + 12 -4 + 12 -1'2 -12 -25 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i $ 9,232 - 1 - 1 BAYTOWN: see HOUSTON SMSA BIG SPRING (pop. 31,230) BEAUMONT-PORT ARTHUR-ORANGE SMSA Retail sales -15 t -19 - 9 (Jefferson and Orange; pop. 322,259 a) Building permits, Jess federal contracts $ 1,618,856 +232 Bank debits (thousands) 11 ·..... ... .. $ 5,392,836 -2 Nonfarm employment (area) . . . . . . . . 106,000 -7 Manufacturing employment (area) . 30,200 -13 Percent unemployed (area) . . . . . . . . . . 5.8 + 39 + 6 + 9 3 -11 + 15 Postal receipts • .. ... ... ... . . .. .....$ Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) . . . $ End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .$ Annual rate of deposit turnover... .. . Nonfarm placements .. . ......... ... . 48,587 442,600 51,890 29,309 21.9 152 ~ 18 +m + 16 + 9 + 10 -5 + 27 +2-08 + 16 + + 14 + 8 BEAUMONT (pop. 127,500 r) BISHOP: see CORPUS CHRISTI SMSA Retail sales - 15t - 32 + 1 Apparel stores .... . ... . . .... .•. .. - 46t - 55 + 2 BORGER (pop. 20,911) Automotives stores .... . . . . . .. .. . . - lt - 6 + Postal receipts • ......... .. $ 19,486 -45 + 2 Food stores . ....... . . .... . ... .. .. . -18 t -10 2 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 72,700 +353 +245 Lumber, building material, and hardware stores............ . + lt - 6 + 4 Nonfarm placements . . . . . . ....... .. . 71 + 8 -12 Postal receipts • .....$ Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) $ End-of-month deposits (thousands) i $ Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 153,302 601,582 303,521 124,441 29.1 -36 + 95 4 1 4 + 14 + 15 + 6 + 4 + 1 BRADY (pop. 5,338) Postal receipts • .. . . . .. .. . . .... . ....$ Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) . $ End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .$ 6,715 90,945 8,450 7,621 -82 +106 + 25 + 8 + 4 8 For an explanation of symbols, please see p. 88. Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 18.5 + 22 4 Percent change Percent change Local Business Conditions Local Business Conditions Jan 1966 J an 1967 Jan 1966 Jan 1967 Jan from from Jan from from City and item 1967 Dec 1966 Jan 1966 City and item 1967 Dec 1966 Jan 1966 BRENHAM (pop. 7,740) BROWNWOOD (pop. 16,974) Postal receipts • . . . . . . . . . .. $ 11.220 -49 + 9 Postal receipts • .............. '. $ 26,757 -30 -16 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 65,150 -54 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 48,376 4 Bank debits (thousands) $ 14,657 -3 + 5 Bank debits (thousands) $ 19,841 + 9 -10 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 15,394 + 5 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 14,275 + -2 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 16.8 + 8 -8 Nonfarm placements . . . .. . . . . . ..... . 101 + 38 -11 BROWNFIELD (pop. 10,286) Postal receipts • ...........$ 12,621 -38 + 2 BRYAN (pop. 27,542) Building permits, less federal contracts $ 46,065 +271 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 646,415 +261 +114 Bank debits (thousands) . . . $ 28,250 + 27 -27 Bank debits (thousands) ....$ 40,176 -17 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 15,937 -3 -13 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 24,492 -20 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 20.9 + 22 -21 Annual rate of deposit turnover. . . 19.4 3 Nonfarm placements ... ... .. . ..... . . 264 + 8 -6 BROWNSVILLE-HARLINGEN-SAN BENITO SMSA (Cameron; pop. 141,778 a) CALDWELL (pop. 2,202 r) Building permits, less federal contracts $ 316,950 2 + 17 Postal receipts • ...... .. . . . . ...$ 3,654 -31 + 22 Bank debits (thousands) II ..........$ 1,391,388 3 5 Bank debits (thousands) . .$ 3,408 + 8 + 8 Nonfarm employment (area) . 37,00-0 2 + l End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 4,710 + 2 + Manufacturing employment (area) .· 6,310 2 + 9 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 8.8 + 7 + 4 Percent unemployed (area) . 5.9 + 11 6 CAMERON (pop. 5,640) BROWNSVILLE (pop. 48,040) Postal receipts • ... . ..... . ...$ 4,928 -66 -11 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 3,300 3 +230Retail sales -15 t -25 -11 Bank debits (thousands) ...........$ 6,926 4 + 3 Automotives stores -1 t -22 -19 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 6,146 8 + 6 Postal receipts • ...........S 46,918 -28 + 4 Annual rate of deposit turnover . . . . . . 12.9 2 6Building permits, less federal contracts $ 146,600 -29 + 6 Bank debits (thousands) $ 50,680 + 9 -3 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 25,441 •• -12 CANYON: see AMARILLO SMSA Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 23.9 + 8 + 6 Nonfarm placements . ... . .... . ..... . 496 -6 + 9 CARROLLTON: see DALLAS SMSA CISCO (pop. 4,499) Harlingen (pop. 41,207) Postal receipts • ...........$ 6,129 6 + 16 Retail sales -16 t -20 •• Bank debits (thousands) . . . . .. . .. $ 4,620 3 + 6Lumber, building material, End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 4,040 and hardware stores............ . + 1 t -40 -13 + 1 + Annual rate of deposit turnover. . . . . . 13.6 •• + 4 Postal receipts • ............... .....$ 42,353 -39 + 3 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 124,160 + 60 + 19 Bank debits (thousands) . $ 47,484 + 9 CLEBURNE: see FORT WORTH SMSA + 6 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 23,838 -33 -1 Annual rate of deposit turnover... . . . 19.2 + 3 -10 CLUTE: see HOUSTON SMSA Nonfarm placements .. . ...... . ..... . 439 -22 + 6 COLLEGE STATION (pop. 11,396) La Feria (pop. 3,047) Postal receipts • .................... $ 38,098 + 33 + 7 Postal receipts • .... . . . ......$ 2,613 -60 + 2 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 383,944 + 91 + 4 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 1,200 + 60 -66 Bank debits (thousands) . . . $ 7,790 + 7 + 14Bank debits (thousands) $ 1,449 8 -29 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 4,939 + + 6End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 1,710 + 4 -5 Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 19.0 + 4 + 6 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 10.4 9 -24 COLORADO CITY (pop. 6,457) Los Fresnos (pop. 1,289) Postal receipts • ........... ....... . . $ 6,864 -49 7 Postal receipts • ...........$ 1,247 -62 -9 Bank debits (thousands) .............$ 7,726 + 19 8 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 0 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t. $ 7,397 + 6 6 Bank debits (thousands) .... .........$ 1,5-03 + 6 + 11 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 12.8 + 14 4 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t. $ 1,238 6 -8 Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 14.l + 6 + 18 CONROE: see HOUSTON SMSA Port Isabel (pop. 3,575) COPPERAS COVE (pop. 4,567) Postal receipts • ... . ............ . . .. $ 2,818 -62 -9 Postal receipts • .. . . . .. . . .. . . .... . .. $ 6,086 -61 + 16 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 16,000 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 47,496 +178 + 64 Bank debits (thousands) . . $ 2,172 3 + 26 Bank debits (thousands) . $ 1,796 -36 + 20 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 1,870 8 + 28 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .$ 1,361 + 7 -6 Annual rate of deposit turnover.. . .. . 13.3 4 -6 Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 16.6 -37 + 88 CORPUS CHRISTI SMSASan Benito (pop. 16,422) (Nueces and San Patricio; pop. 278,535 a) Postal receipts • ......... .... . . $ 9,663 -68 + 12 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 2.669,166 4 6Bank debits (thousands) . . .. . .... .. .. $ 6,650 + 2 + 14 Bank debits (thousands) II ... ........$ 4,062,016 + 7 + 9 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t. $ 6,419 -2 Nonfarm employment (area) . . . . 83,400 -1 + 8Annual rate of deposit turnover. . . . . . 12.4 + + 16 Manufacturing employment (area). 10,430 •• + 1 Percent unemployed (area) . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 -S 8 For an explanation of symbols, please see p. 88. Percent changePercent change Local Business Conditions Local Business Conditions Jan 1966 Jan 1961 Jan from from J"an 1966 J an 1967 Jan from from City and item 1967 Dec 1966 Jan 1966 City and item 1967 Dec 1966 Jan 1966 Aransas Pass (pop. 6,956) DALLAS (pop. 679,684) Postal receipts • ................. ...$ 6,051 -88 + 6 Retail sales -28 -so + 1 Bank debits (thousands) . . . $ 5,713 + 7 + 22 Apparel stores -51 -51 + 4 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i $ 4,790 -27 -10 Automotives stores ..... ... ... . . . . -12 -21 -20 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 12.1 + 23 + 14 Eating and drinking places . . .... . . -5 -10 •• Florists . . . ·' ....... ......... . -40 -52 + 6 Bishop (pop. 3,825 r) Furniture and household-Postal receipts • ...... . .... .. ... .. ..$ 3,024 -55 -4 appliance stores ........... .. .. . -18 -18 + 17 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 21,500 -56 General-merchandise stores -53 -56 + s Bank debits (thousands) $ 2,528 7 + 27 Lumber, building material, End-of-month deposits (thousands) i .$ 2,803 + 9 + 9 and hardware stores. . . . . . . . . . . . -2 + s 8 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 11.8 7 + 22 Postal receipts • .$ 3.424,657 -16 + 2 Building permits, less federal contracts $14,019,035 + 8 -12 Bank debits (thousands) $ 5,960,826 + 4 + 17 CORPUS CHRISTI (pop. 204,850 r) End-of-month deposits (thousands) i $ 1,454,449 -14 + 1Retail sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -15 t -30 1 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 45.4 + 4 + 13 Automotives stores -1 t -8 3 Drugstores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -23 t -21 4 General merchandise stores. . . . . . . . . -58 t -61 + 1 Postal receipts • .. . ........ .. ... . ...$ 233,290 -37 l Denton (pop. 26,844) Building permits, less federal co.ntracts $ 2,376,633 -10 + 3 Postal receipts • ............. . . . ....$ 50,479 -35 + 5 Bank debits (thousands) . $ 301,919 + 8 + 9 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 487,300 +254 -12 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i. $ 142.561 7 + 1 Bank debits (thousands) . $ 37,159 + 18 1Annual rate of deposit turnover. . . . . . 24.5 + 7 + 7 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i $ 25,617 -l + 1 Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 17.3 + 15 + 1 Robstown (pop. 10,266) Nonfarm placements ....... .. .... .. . 142 + 89 -21 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 1,630 -99 -97 Bank debits (thousands) .............$ 11,777 + 2 + 5 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i .s 9,856 1 4 Ennis (pop. 10,250 r) Annual rate of deposit turnover. 14.3 + 6 + 8 Postal receipts • .. ............... . ..$ 11,312 -42 + 5 Bank debits (thousands) . . .. .$ 8,689 6 1 Sinton (pop. 6,008) End-of-month deposits (thousands) i. $ 7,858 4 8 Postal receipts • .......... . . . ... . ...$ 10,907 -4 -9 Annual rate of deposit turnover . .. . . . 18.9 2 + 5 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 136,900 +617 +251 Bank debits (thousands) $ 6,616 + 28 + 26 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i. $ 5.055 -l -s Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 15.6 + 27 +so Garland (pop. 50,622 r) Retail sales .................... .... . -15t -1 7 CORSICANA (pop. 20,344) Posts.I receipts • . . ............... . ..$ 68.281 -82 + 23 Retail sales . .. ............. ... .... .. -15 t -33 + 28 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 1,467,808 +187 -25 Postal receipts • . . ..................$ 28.417 -79 -1 Bank debits (thousands) .... , ..... .$ 47,049 + 9 + 6 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 94.116 + 66 + 17 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i $ 21,994 + 8 + 7 Bank debits (thousands) .. $ 28,389 + 18 + 6 Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 26.0 + 4 + 2 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i. $ 24,599 + 8 + 8 Annual rate of deposit turnover. .... . 14.0 + 9 + 8 Nonfarm placements .... . . ... ... . . . . 217 -14 + 9 Grand Prairie (pop. 40,150 r) Postal receipts • ....................$ 35.292 -50 + 8 CRYSTAL CITY (pop. 9,101) Building permits, less federal contracts $ 2,153,612 +289 +892 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 55,380 + 1 -2 Bank debits (thousands) $ 20,494 + 7 -1 Bank debits (thousands) $ 4,461 + 29 + 17 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i $ 12,712 1 -17 End-of-month ·deposits (thousands) i. $ 8,115 + l + 2 Annual rate of deposit turnover. . . . . . 19.2 + 5 + 10 Annual rate of deposit turnover... .. . 17.2 + 81 + 16 DALLAS SMSA Justin (pop. 622) (Collin, Dallas, Denton, and Ellis; pop. 1,334,101 a) Building permits, less federal contracts $25,807,687 + 25 -25 Postal receipts • . ... ....... .. .......$ 776 -45 + 57 Bank debits (thousands) 11 ........... $68,285,504 + 4 + 18 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 93.500 +825 Nonfarm employment (area) ........ 588,900 + 6 Bank debits (thousands) .............$ 1,211 + 32 + 15 Manufacturing employment (area). 188,950 + 1 + 8 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i $ 923 + 2 + 40 Percent unemployed (area) . . . . . . . . . . 1.9 + 6 -27 Annual rate of deposit turnover. . .. . . 15.9 + 84 -5 Carrollton (pop. 9,832 r) Postal receipts • ..... . ....... .. .. . ..$ 11,989 -86 + 20 McKinney (pop. 13,763) Building permits. less federal contracts $ 235,950 + 17 -58 Postal receipts • ..... .... ......... ..$ 17,988 -32 + 5 Bank debits (thousands) .. ........... $ 10.716 + 14 + 81 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 30,655 -94 -10 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i. $ 4,844 + 10 + 20 Bank debits (thousands) ....... : .. ...$ 12.361 + 15 + 1 Annual rate of deposit turnover. .. .. . 81.l + 10 + 14 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i $ 12,025 -s + 18 Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 12.2 + 15 -17 Nonfarm placements ...... ......... . 79 + 55 -26 For an explanation of symbols, please see p, 88. Percent change Percent change Local Business Conditions Local Business Conditions Jan 1966 Jan 1967 Jan 1966 Jan 1967 Jan from from Jan from from City and item 1967 Dec 1966 J an 1966 City and item 1967 Dec 1966 Jan 1966 Mesquite (pop. 27,526) DENTON: see DALLAS SMSA Postal receipts • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $ 24,054 -38 + 9 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 1,434,015 +132 + 12 Bank debits (thousands) $ 19,863 + 47 + 65 DONNA: see McALLEN-PHARR-EDINBURG SMSA End-of-month deposits (thousands) i $ 8,279 -4 + 2 Annual rate of deposit turnover.... 28.2 + 45 + 54 EAGLE PASS (pop. 12,094) Midlothian (pop. 1,521) Postal receipts • ..... . . $ 10,055 -38 -5 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 0 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 111.290 + 45 + 68 Bank debits (thousands) $ 1,274 + 12 Bank debits (thousands) . $ 8,317 -8 + 12 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i $ 1,645 4 + 7 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i $ 5,060 •• -5 Annual rate of deposit turnover . .... . 9.1 + 1 + 3 Annual rate of deposit turnover. .. . . . 19.8 -12 + 16 Pilot Point (pop. 1,254) EDINBURG: see McALLEN-PHARR-EDINBURG SMSA Building permits, less federal contracts $ 10,000 •• Bank debits (thousands) $ 1,766 + 18 + 15 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i $ 2,119 -1 + 11 EDNA (pop. 5,038) Annual rate of deposit turnover. 9.9 + 22 + 3 Postal receipts • .. ... .... ...........$ 6,853 -2.4 -2 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 4,000 -91 Plano (pop. 10,102 r) Bank debits (thousands) $ 7,279 -17 •• End-of-month deposits (thousands) i $ 7,449 -5 1 Postal receipts • . . . . . . . . . . .. $ 11,474 -33 + 22 ­Building permits, less federal contracts $ 917,355 +354 -77 Annual rate of deposit turnover ...... 1\.4 -13 •• Bank debits (thousands) ....$ 6,670 + 27 + 41 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i $ 3,949 + 1 + 2 EL PASO SMSA Annual rate of deposit turnover.... 20.4 + 2.4 + 36 (El Paso; pop. 352,637 •) Building permits, less federal contracts $ 6,698,614 +243 + 2S Richardson (pop. 34,390 r) Bank debits (thousands) 11 ...... . . .. .$ 6,130,676 + 3 + lS Postal receipts • . ... . ... . . . . ... ... . . $ 61,779 -44 + 16 Nonfarm employment (area) . . . . . . . . 106,500 •• + 9 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 818,622 + 34 -84 Manufacturing employment (area) . 19,950 + + 14 Bank debits (thousands) ...... . $ 37,660 + \3 + 36 Percent unemployed (area) . . ...... . . 3.9 -5 -19· End-of-month deposits (thousands) i. $ 14,290 + 3 + 2 Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 32.1 + 9 + 34 EL PASO (pop. 276,687) Reta.ii sales ........ . . ... ....... . ... . -15 t -28 + 10 Seagoville (pop. 3,745) Apparel stores . ....... . ........ . . -46 t -41 + 2 Postal receipts • ................ .... $ 7,126 -33 -6 Automotives stores . .... . .. . . . . .. . -1 t -19 + lSBuilding permits, less federal contracts $ 880 -95 -96 Food stores . . . . ... ..... . ....... .. . -\8 t -10 -1 Bank debits (thousands) $ 6,972 + 22 + 28 Postal receipts • . . ... . ..............$ 882,409 -S5 -2 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i. $ 2,492 -20 + 29 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 6,687,S74 +242 + 28Annual rate of deposit turnover. 26.6 + 23 •• Bank debits (thousands) . . . $ 457,172 8 + 16 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i $ 212,982 + 2 + 4 Waxahachie (pop. 12,749) Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 26.0 6 + 11 Postal receipts • ..... ... ...... . .....$ 16,474 -38 -6 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 157,800 +203 +149 ENNIS: see DALLAS SMSA Bank debits (thousands) .... . ........$ 13,819 8 8 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i. $ 10,576 -5 8 Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 15.3 -1 4 Nonfarm placements ........ . .... .. . 92 -54 7 EULESS: see FORT WORTH SMSA DAYTON: see HOUSTON SMSA FORT WORTH SMSA (Johnson and Tarrant; pop. 640,414 a) Building permits, less federal contracts $ 9,677,185 · + 25 + 24 DEER PARK: see HOUSTON SMSA Bank debits (thousands) 11 ....•......$14,561,496 + 2 + 8 Nonfarm employment (area) ... . . . . . 260,100 -2 + 7 DEL RIO (pop. 18,612) Manufacturing employment (area) . 78,925 + + 18 Postal receipts • ....... . ......... . ..$ 18,268 -53 + 8 Percent unemployed (area) . . ... ..... 2..0 •• -SS Building permits, less federal contracts $ 116,686 +22.4 + 23 Bank debits (thousands) . . . . . . . . . . . $ 15,916 + 2 + 12 Arlington (pop. 53,024 r) End-of-month deposits (thousands) i $ 18,090 + + 4 Postal receipts • ....................$ 106,522 -22 + 17 Annual rate of deposit turnover... . . . 10.6 + 8 + 9 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 2,\55,925 + 1 + 4 Bank debits (thousands) . ... . . .. .....$ 65,677 + 1 + 22 DENISON (pop. 25,766 r) End-of-month deposits (thousands) i $ 28,621 + 7 + 10 Retail sales . . ................. . ... . . -15 t -30 + 22 Annual rate of deposit turnover. . . . . . 28.4 8 + 14 Postal receipts • . . ... ... . ... . .... : ..$ 25,956 -48 + 1 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 204,829 +178 + 65 Cleburne (pop. 15,381) Bank debits (thousands) .............$ 21,424 •• + 12 Postal receipts • . . ..... .............S 20,672 -41 + 17 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i. $ 16,459 -9 -6 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 209,570 -27 +192Annual rate of deposit turnover. . ... . 14.9 2 + 16 + ·Bank debits (thousands) ....... ... ...S 15,250 2 -5 Nonfarm placements ·............... . 205 + 12 + 15 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i $ 18,815 2 + 7 Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 18.1 8 -1'0For an explanation of symbols, please see p, 88, Percent change Percent change Local Business Conditions Local Business Conditions Jan 1966 Jan 1967 Jan 1966 Jan 1967 Jan from from Jan from fro.n City and item 1967 Dec 1966 Jan 1966 City and item 1967 Dec 1966 Jan 1966 Euless (pop. 10,500 r) GALVESTON (pop. 67,175) Postal receipts • .... ......... .... .. . $ 12,714 -36 + 26 Retail sales -15 t -26 -11 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 200,300 + 76 47 + Apparel stores ......... .. ... . -46 t -52 •• Bank debits (thousands) . . . . . $ 10,614 + 3 25 + Automotives stores ....... . . . ... . -1 t -19 -21 End-of-month deposits \(thousands) t $ 4,321 -8 + 21 Postal receipts • ... . ... . . . . $ 105.297 -34 -22 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 28.2 •• + Building permits, less federal contracts $ 597,497 +168 + 44 Bank debits (thousands) $ 119,874 + 12 + 6 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t. $ 61,126 8 + 3 FORT WORTH (pop. 356,268) Annual rate of deposit turnover . 22.6 + 9 + 3Retail sales -25 -25 + 3 A p pare! stores .................. . -35 -26 + Automotives stores -9 -17 2 TEXAS CITY (pop. 32,065) Food stores ..... . -11 -10 2 Postal receipts • ... $ 35,124 -23 + 24 Lumber, building material, .. ···· ········ .. Building permits, less federal contracts $ 439,865 -3 + 63 and hardware stores. + 9 + 2 + 18 Bank debits (thousands) $ 28,234 -4 + 4 Postal receipts • .$ 966,770 -27 -3 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .$ 1.6.862 + 16 + 1 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 5,217,353 + 47 + 67 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 21.6 -18 + 2 Bank debits (thousands) . . .. . . $ 1,168,345 2 10 + + End-of-month deposits (thousands) t. $ 431,878 8 1 Annual rate of deposit turnover.... . . 31.0 + 2 + 9 GARLAND: see DALLAS SMSA Grapevine (pop~ 4,659 r) GATESVILLE (pop. 4,626) Postal receipts • .. ... . . .. .. .... . ....$ 6,493 -42 + 10 Postal receipts • . .......... ..... . ...$ 9,748 5 + 84 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 54,500 + 81 3 Bank debits (thousands) $ 7,650 + 8 + 18Bank debits (thousands) . . .... . .. $ 5,1 56 + 17 + 9 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t . $ 6,723 2 + 2End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 4,205 + 5 + Annual rate of deposit turnover. 18.5 + 8 + 10Annual rate of deposit turnover .. ... . 15.1 + 17 + GIDDINGS (pop. 2,821) North Richland Hills (pop. 8,662) Postal receipts • . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ... . . .$ 8,241 -67 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 105,800 -78 -48 -13 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 118,410 +629 + 67 Bank debits (thousands) . . .. .. .$ 11,302 + 5 + 4 Bank debits (thousands) $ 4,843 4 + 22 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 5,880 + 18 + 18 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 5,010 4 + 6 Annual rate of deposit turnover.. . .. . 25.0 + 3 -7 Annual rate of deposit turnover.. ... . 11.3 1 + 18 White Settlement (pop. 11,513) Building permits, less federal contracts $ 27,300 +446 -91 GLADEWATER (pop. 5,742) Bank debits (thousands) ......... . . . . $ 3,017 + 11 + 53 Postal receipts • ................. ... $ 8,538 -24 + 24 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 1,791 + 4 + 24 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 82,700 +256 +268 Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 20.6 + + 89 Bank debits (thousands) . . ....... . . . $ 5,688 + 12 •• End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 4,934 + 5 + 8 Annual rate of deposit turnover . .... . 14.2 + 8 + 7 FREDERICKSBURG (pop. 4,629) Nonfarm employment (area) . 33,000 2 + 1 Postal receipts • ... . . .. . . ... . .......$ 8,750 -29 + 17 Manufacturing employment (area). 8,580 4 + 8 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 77,724 +541 -15 Percent unemployed (area) . . . ..... . . 2.9 + 12 -19 Bank debits (thousands) . . ..... . . $ 12,766 + 6 + 12 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 10,141 + 3 + 8 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 15.8 + 7 + 9 GOLDTHWAITE (pop. 1,383) Postal receipts • ............ ........ $ 2,281 -74 + 7 Bank debits (thousands) ...... . .. . . . $ 5,468 + 88 + 29 FRIONA (pop. 3,049 r) End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 5,618 -11 -4Building permits, less federal contracts $ 0 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 11.0 + 47 + 28 Bank debits (thousands) ... .. . .. . , .. $· 11,816 + 48 + 1 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .$ 6,888 + 7 -10 Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 28.1 + 85 + 18 GRAHAM (pop. 8,505) Postal receipts • .................... $ 10,744 -85 + 2 GALVESTON-TEXAS CITY SMSA Building permits, less federal contracts $ 58,425 +717 (Galveston; pop. 161,854 a) Bank debits (thousands) .............$ 11,2.67 + 8 •• Building permits, less federal contracts $ 1,094,462 + 47 + 52 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 10,177 + 8 + 2 Bank debits (thousands) II .......... . $ 2,064,048 + 7 + 6 Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . ~8.5 + 5 + 8 Nonfarm employment (area) . 55,800 -1 + 4 Manufactwing employment (area) . 9,88-0 -1 8 GRANBURY (pop. 2,227) Percent unemployed (area) . . . . . . . . . . 8.8 + 19 -28 Postal receipts • ......... .. .. .... ...$ 8, 784 -28 +u Bank debits (thousands) . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2,074 -17 + 11 La Marque (pop. 13,969) End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .$ 2,785 + 2 + 14 Postal receipts • ........... ......... . $ 14,779 -42 + 20 Annual rate of deposit turnover. . . . . . 9.0 -15 •• Building permits, less federal contracts $ 57,100 -16 + 58 Bank debits (thousands) ... . .........$ 12,864 + 10 + 15 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t. $ 8,~64 + 16 + 25 GRAND PRAIRIE: see DALLAS SMSA Annual rate of deposit turnover . .. .. . 18.5 -~ -8 GRAPEVINE: see FORT WORTH SMSA For an explanation of symbols, please see p. 88. Percent change Percent change Local Business Conditions Local Business Conditions J an 1966 J an 1967 Jan 1966 Jan 1967 Jan from from Jan from from City and item 1967 Dec 1966 Jan 1966 City and item 1967 Dec 1966 Jan 1966 GREENVILLE (pop. 22,134 r) Dayton (pop. 3,367) Postal receipts • .........$ 28,291 -52 -2 Postal .. $ -30 receipts • 3,800 + 20 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 225,700 + 71 28 -Building perm;ts, less federal contracts $ 150,785 Bank debits (thousands) $ 28,318 + 24 + 38 Bank debits (thousands) .............$ 5,955 + 18 + End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 16,910 -5 + 5 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t 4,266 + 12 + 17 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 19.6 + 24 + 28 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 17.7 -6 + 7 Nonfarm placements .... . . . . . . 121 -2 + 17 Deer Park (pop. 4,865) HARLINGEN: see BROWNSVILLE-HARLINGEN-SAN Postal receipts • ................... .$ 8,041 -37 -12 BENITO SMSA Building permits, less federal contracts $ 199,450 + 38 -81 Bank debits (thousands) . . $ 9,601 + 42 + 2 HENDERSON (pop. 9,666) End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 3,761 -19 + 48 Postal receipts • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $ 13,966 -32 + 9 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 27.3 + 33 -19 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 37,350 -16 +605 Bank debits (thousands) ........ .$ 10,283 + 15 + 3 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 20,670 -3 + 7 HOUSTON (pop. 938,219) Annual rate of deposit turnover . 5.9 + 18 8 Retail sales -25 -23 •• Apparel stores -48 -49 + 18 HEREFORD (pop. 9,584 r) Automotives stores -14 -10 -5 Postal receipts • ...$ 15,470 -48 + 15 Drugstores ......... . . . -18 -3 •• Building permits, less federal contracts $ 165,500 +548 + 57 Eating and drinking places . -12 -17 -4 Bank debits (thousands) . . .... .$ 32,995 + 14 Food stores ......... . ..... . .... . . . -14 -18 •• End-of-month deposits (thousands) t. $ 17,746 •• General merchandise stores . -54 -55 -6 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 22.3 + 17 Lumber, building material, and hardware stores............ . + 9 + 1 -12 Postal receipts • .$ 2,661,453 -26 + 9 HOUSTON SMSA Building permits, less federal contracts $17,086,415 + 3 -40 (Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty and Montgomery; Bank debits (thousands) . . . $ 5,451,165 + 1 + 14 pop. 1,717,116 a) End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 1,669,773 8 -1 Building permits, less federal contracts $21,377,914 + 17 -89 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 37.5 + + 16 Bank debits (thousands) 11 ....... .. .. $65,399,364 + 6 + 11 Nonfarm employment (area) . 714,900 -1 + 4 Manufacturing employment (area) . 129,00-0 •• + 8 Humble (pop. 1, 711) Percent unemployed (area) . . . . . . . . . . 2.0 + 18 -23 Postal receipts • ... . ................$ 5,505 -41 + 43 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 37,000 +640 Angleton (pop. 9,131) Bank debits (thousands) . . . $ 4,170 -6 4 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 3,754 •• + 3 Postal receipts • ...$ 12,101 -41 + 18 Annual rate of deposit turnover . . . .. . 13.3 -6 6 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 213,631 +963 +122 Bank debits (thousands) . . .. .$ 13,142 -13 4 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 13,253 + 11 + 2 Katy (pop. 1,569) Annual rate of deposit turnover . . . 12.5 -18 8 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 58,500 -79 -44 'Bank debits (thousands) ......... . ...$ 3,440 + 17 •• Baytown (pop. 38,000 r) End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 2,956 + 1 •• Retail sales Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 14.0 + 15 + 2 Automotives stores -1 t -7 + 6 Postal receipts • ... .... ........$ 35,514 -44 9 La Porte (pop. 7,250 r) Building permits, less federal contracts $ 430,050 + 73 4 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 69,000 + 4 -60 Bank debits (thousands) . . .$ 46,164 + 14 + 21 Bank debits (thousands) .... . ........$ 4,379 + 8 9 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 30,076 + 5 -6 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 3,438 •• 6 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 18.8 + 7 + 31 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 15.3 4 + Bellaire (pop. 21,182 r) Liberty (pop. 6,127) Postal receipts • ....... . ...$ 97,348 -5 + 98 Postal receipts • ........... . .... . ...$ 9,466 -16 + 14 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 14,925 + 49 -24 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 20,075 -68 8 Bank debits (thousands) ..... ........$ 29,519 + 4 + 12 Bank debits (thousands) . . $ 12,774 2 + 9End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 16,654 4 + 4 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .$ 11,403 + 3 + 7Annual rate of deposit turnover. 20.9 + 1 + 7 Annual rate of deposit turnover. .... . 13.6 8 + 6 Clute (pop. 4,501) Postal receipts • ... . .. . .... . ........$ 3,695 -61 -2 Pasadena (pop. 58,737) Building permits, less federal contracts $ 18,280 +161 + 46 Postal receipts• .. .. . . : . ....... . . ...$ 57,862 -58 -1 Bank debits (thousands) . . .$ 3,222 -6 + 73 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 1,416,900 -41 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 2,033 -3 + 28 Bank debits (thousands) $ 74,159 •• + 4 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 18.8 -10 + 85 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 84,820 9 + 4 Annual rate of deposit turnover . . . . . . 24.8 -2 8 Conroe (pop. 9,192) Postal receipts • .................... $ 28,747 -26 + 89 Richmond (pop. 3,668) Building permits, less federal contracts $ 77,000 -17 Postal receipts • .. .............. . . ..$ 5,459 -40 + 45 Bank debits (thousands) .... .. .......$ 15,889 2 + 1 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 15,750 -17 -97 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 13,418 + 3 1 Bank debits (thousands) ........ . .. .. $ 9,585 + 80 + 12 Annual rate of deposit turnover.. . .. . 14.4 5 + 2 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .$ 9,623 -5 + 1 Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 11.6 + 80 + 18For an explanation of symbols, please see p. 88. 94 TEXAS BUSINESS REVIEW Percent changePercent change Local Business Conditions Local Business Conditions Jan 1966 Jan 1967 Jan 1966 Jan 1967 J an from from Jan from from City and item 1967 Dec 1966 Jan 1966 City and item 1967 Dec 1966 Jan 1966 Rosenherg (pop. 9,698) KIRBYVILLE (pop. 2,021 r) Postal receipts * ..... ...... ... ...... $ 11,700 ;-30 + 29 Postal receipts • . . $ 3,478 -49 3 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 138,375 +223 2 + Bank debits (thousands) . .. $ 2,454 + 3 + 8 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 1\,162 + 1 •• End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 4,170 2 3 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 7.0 + 3 + 11 South Houston (pop. 7,253) Postal receipts • ...$ 9,804 -48 + 7 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 72,900 + 33 -80 LA FERIA: see BROWNSVILLE-HARLINGEN-SAN Bank debits (thousands) .. ... ... .... .$ 8,758 -10 + 11 BENITO SMSA End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 5,859 -4 + 2 Annual rate of deposit turnover ..... 17.6 -10 + 7 LA MARQUE: see GALVESTON-TEXAS CITY SMSA Tomball (pop. 2,025 r) Building permits, less federal contracts $ 183,000 Bank debits (thousands) $ 9,411 -13 + 13 LAMESA (pop. 12,438) End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 10,214 -6 2 Postal receipts • . . . . . . . . . . . .... $ 15,234 -33 + 12 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 10.7 -17 -8 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 32,918 -16 -12 Bank debits (thousands) ....... ..... .$ 32,991 + 31 + 3 HUMBLE: see HOUSTON SMSA End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 21,725 + 6 + l Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 18.7 + 18 -l IOWA PARK: see WICHITA FALLS SMSA Nonfarm placements ............... . 37 -24 -39 IRVING: see DALLAS SMSA LAMPASAS (pop. 5,670 1') Postal receipts • .... ... . . ... .. .$ 7,553 -24 + l2 JACKSONVILLE (pop. 10,509 r) Building permits, less federal contracts $ 28,000 + 4 -64Postal receipts • . $ 22,554 -16 -3 Bank debits (thousands) . ... . . $ 9,067 + 13 + 7Building permits, less federal contracts $ 25,550 + l6 -48 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 7,117 -5 + 1Bank debits (thousands) . . . . . $ 16,447 + 1 5 Annual rate of deposit turnover... ... 14.9 + 16 + 4 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 11,504 3 4 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 16.9 2 + 2 LA PORTE: see HOUSTON SMSA JASPER (pop. 5,120 r) Retail sales -15 t -42 -19 Postal receipts • .. ... .... ....... . ...$ 11,042 -19 + 16 LAREDO SMSA Building permits, less federal contracts $ 20,000 + 65 -76 (Webb; pop. 77,006 a) Bank debits (thousands) . $ 12,620 + 16 + 11 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 595,325 +520 +202 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 8,641 + 2 + 5 Bnnk debits (thousands) 11 .. . . $ 605,556 3 + 9 Annual rate of deposit turnover. .. .. . 17.7 + 16 + 7 Nonfarm employment (area) .. . . ... . 22,500 -l + 5 Manufacturing employment (area) . 1,260 + 3 -4 JUSTIN: see DALLAS SMSA Percent unemployed (area) .. ....... . 11.4 + 15 -10 KATY: see HOUSTON SMSA LAREDO (pop. 60,678) KILGORE (pop. 10,092) Postal receipts • .. ·········· .$ 45,974 -86 + l Postal receipts • . . . . . . ........$ 15,637 -39 + 10 Building pe'.'Illits, less federal contracts $ 595,825 +520 + 202 Bank debits (thousands) . .... . . $ 52,515 6 + · 8Building permits, less federal contracts $ 33,500 -15 -92 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 33,496 + l + l4 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 13,267 + 1 -6 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 18.9 -9 -4 Annual rate of deposit turnover ..... . 13.9 + 6 + 17 Nonfarm placements ··· ··· ······· ··· 386 -22 •• Nonfarm employment (area) . 33,000 2 + 1 Manufacturing employment (area) . 8,580 4 + 8 LEVELLAND (pop. 12,117 r) Percent unemployed (area) . 2.9 + 12 -19 Bank debits (thousands) . . . . . . $ 15,304 + 7 + 9 Postal receipts • . . . . .. $ 11,118 -46 + 6 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 701,950 + 10 KILLEEN (pop. 23,377) Bank debits (thousands) ...... . .. . . ..$ 26,656 -85 Postal receipts • . . . . . . ............$ 52,219 -38 + 25 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 12,124 -18 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 409,947 +506 + 30 Bank debits (thousands) .... . ........$ 18,105 + 4 -10 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 10,825 -26 -21 LIBERTY: see HOUSTON SMSA A,nnual rate of deposit turnover. .. 17.l + 4 -l LITTLEFIELD (pop. 7,236)KINGSLAND (pop. 150) Postal receipts • .. . ..... . ...... . ....$ 8,833 -28 + 18 Postal receipts • ........... ......... $ 1,599 -52 + 63 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 2,200 + 10 -95 Bank debits (thousands) . . . . . . $ 1,937 -18 -8 Bank debits (thousands) ... .. .... . . $ 15,151 + 39 -24 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 1,041 + 14 + 18 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 14,655 + 2 -7 Annual rate of deposit turnover... 23.8 -21 -9 Annual rate of deposit turnover . . . . . . 12.5 + 39 -85 KINGSVILLE (pop. 25,297) Postal receipts • ......... .... ...... .$ 23,089 -30 + 10 LLANO (pop. 2,656) Building permits, less federal contracts $ 535,640 +274 +396 Postal receipts • . . ... . . . ... . . .......$ 4,203 -25 + 22 Bank debits (thousands) ......... .. .. $ 16,331 + 2 + 24 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 42,145 +172 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 18,524 + 4 + 4 Bank debits (thousands) . . ..... . .. . .. $ 8,414 -5 + 8Annual rate of deposit turnover.. ... . 10.8 + 3 + 19 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 4,688 •• + 15 For an explanation of symbols, please see p. 88. Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 8.9 -2 4 Percent change Percent change Local Business Conditions Local Business Conditions J an 1966 Jan 1967 Jan 1966 Jan 1961 Jan from from Jan from from City and item 1967 Dec 1966 Jan 1966 Cit.y and item 1967 Dec 1966 Jan 1966 LOCKHART (pop. 6,084) Edinburg (pop. 18,706) Postal receipts • . . . ... . $ 5,385 -44 -4 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 272,450 +121 +225 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 207,300 + 86 Bank debits (thousands) . . .... .$ 22,252 + 33 + 48 Bank debits (thousands) $ 7,260 + 20 + 16 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 13,902 + 17 + 11 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 7,467 + 16 + 13 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 20.7 + 21 + 26 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 12.5 + 10 + 10 Nonfarm placements .. . 367 + 24 + 18 LONGVIEW (pop. 40,050) Elsa (pop. 3,847) Retail sales -15 t -13 -15 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 0 Automotives stores -1 t -3 -12 Bank debits (thousands) . . . . ....... $ 2,291 -16 -s Postal receipts • .. .... . . . . . . . $ 65,573 -32. + 8 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 1,638 + 4 + 10 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 555,100 +101 -34 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 17.1 -12. -7 Bank debits (thousands) . . .. . $ 66,985 -4 -5 End-of•month deposits (thousands) t $ 36,401 -14 -21 McALLEN (pop. 35,411 r) Annual rate of deposit turnover . 2.1.5 + 7 + 17 Retail sales 15 t -22 2 -+ Nonfarm employment (a rea) . 33,000 -2 + 1 2 Automotives stores -lt -+ Manufacturing employment (area) . 8,580 -4 + 8 Furniture and household- Percent unemployed (area) . 2.9 + 12 -19 appliance stores . -15 t -32 + s Postal receipts • . . . . . . . ...... ...$ 45,245 -32 + 7 LOS FRESNOS: see BROWNSVILLE-HARLINGEN­Building permits, less federal contracts $ 633,400 +284 + 96 SAN BENITO SMSA Nonfarm placements 449 -40 -27 LUBBOCK · SMSA Mercedes (pop. 10,943) Postal receipts • ....................$ 6,609 -84 -1 (Lubbock; pop. 181,591 a) Building permits, less federal contracts $ 8,825 -99 -49Building permits, less federal contracts $ 1,227,265 -79 -69 Bank debits (thousands) . . . . .. .$ 6,667 + + 8Bank debits (thousands) 11 -. . $ 3,183,720 + 4 -12 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 4,101 •• -5 Nonfarm employment (area) . . . . . 62,600 -2 + 2 Annual rate of deposit turnover.. . .. . 19.5 + 4 + 18 Manufacturing employment (area) . 6,990 -1 -4 Percent unemployed (area) ... . .. . . . . 3.7 + 19 •• Mission (pop. 14,081) LUBBOCK (pop. 155,200 r) Postal receipts • ......... . ... . ......$ 10,180 -88 -8 Retail sales . .. .. . .. .... . ........... . -15t -31 -11 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 24,575 -40 +us Automotives stores . ... .. ........ . -1 t -13 -19 Bank debits (thousands) . . .. .. . . ... . . $ 14,488 + 5 + 20 Postal receipts • ..... ............... $ 255,513 -26 + 8 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 9,901 •• + 2 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 1,187,365 -79 -70 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 17.6 + + 19 Bank debits (thousands) $ 406,659 + 21 -12 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 142,841 -5 8 Pharr (pop. 15,279 r) Annual rate of deposit turnover . 33.3 + 19 -8 Postal receipts • .......... . . . ..... ..$ 9,121 -46 -5 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 45,895 -48 + 18 Slaton (pop. 6,568) Bank debits (thousands) . . .. . .. .. ....$ 5,698 + 1 + 17 Postal receipts • .......... ...... .... $ 4,530 -66 + 10 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 5,825 + 2 + 24 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 4,900 + 11 +106 Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 11.8 6 -2 Bank debits (thousands) . . . . . . $ 7,038 +so -10 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 4,448 + 6 -10 San Juan (pop. 4,371) Annual rate of deposit turnover . 19.5 + 41 + 1 Postal receipts • ............. . ......$ 3,149 -48 + 7 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 17,900 +426 +442 LUFKIN (pop. 20,756 r) Bank debits (thousands) ..... . . .. .. . . $ 2,680 s 2 Postal receipts • ...... .. .. ... . . .....$ 36,356 -23 + 1 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 2,818 + 7 + 8 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 122,585 -11 -2.6 Annual rate of deposit turnover. .. .. . 11.6 9 4 Nonfarm placements 121 + 19 +1ss Weslaco (pop. 15,649) McALLEN-PHARR-EDINBURG SMSA Retail sales (Hidalgo; pop. 182,008 a) Food stores ..... . .... . ........... . -18 t -8 + 2Building permits, less federal contracts $ 1,451,399 + 2.2 +136 Postal receipts• .... . ...... . .. . .....$ 18.764 -27 -1 Bank debits (thousands) II .. ........ . $ 1,299,060 + 2 + 24 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 84,810 -12 Nonfarm employment (area) . . . . . . . . 42,650 -1 + 1 -29 Bank debits (thousands) ... . ... . .....$ 10,881 -7 + 4 Manufacturing employment (area) . 4,250 + 4 + 45 End-of-month deposits (ti)ousands) t $ 9,548 + 16 + 5Percent unemployed (area) .. ... . .... 5.8 •• -16 Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 14.0 -11 + 8 Alamo (pop. 4,121) MISSION: see McALLEN-PHARR-EDINBURG SMSA Building permits, less federal contracts $ 13,700 -26 -85 Bank debits (thousands) ... ......... $ 2,268 + 17 + 26 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 1,492 + 6 + 6 McCAMEY (pop. 3,350 r) Annual rate of deposit turnover . 18.8 + 8 Postal receipts • ..... . .. . ... . ... ....$ 4,241 + 45 + 59 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 15,000 Donna (pop. 7,522) Bank debits (thousands) . . ... . ... ....$ 1,844 -8 2 Postal receipts • ..... . . .. . .......$ 8.925 -52 -18 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t. $ 1,678 7 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 399,844 +535 Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 18.2 •• Bank debits (thousands) .. . .. . ... . . . . $ 2,886 -8 + 9 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .$ 4,647 + 2 + 15 McGREGOR: see WACO SMSA Annual rate of deposit turnover . . . . . . 7.5 -10 -5 McKINNEY: see DALLAS SMSA For an explanation of symbols, please see p, 88. 96 TEXAS BUSINESS REVIEW Percent change Percent change Local Business Conditions Local Business Conditions Jan 1966 Jan 1967 Jan from from Jan from from City and item 1967 Dec 1966 Jan 1966 City and item 1967 Dec 1966 Jan 1966 Jan 1966 Jan 1967 MARSHALL (pop. 25,715 r) NEDERLAND: see BEAUMONT-PORT ARTHUR­Postal receipts • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....$ 31,190 -35 + 13 ORANGE SMSA Building permits, less federal contracts $ 203,842 +151 +100 Bank debits (thousands) $ 23,449 -3 + 13 NEW BRAUNFELS (pop. 15,631) End-of-month deposits (thousands) t S 26,932 -2 + 11 Postal receipts • $ 21,349 -52 + 13 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 13.8 + 27 + 35 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 132,046 + 51 + 17 Nonfarm placements 338 -13 + 37 Bank debits (thousands) .. ...........$ 19,898 + 16 + 25 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i $ 14,805 + 1 -3 MERCEDES: see McALLEN-PHARR-EDINBURG SMSA ------Annual rate of deposit turnover . 16.2 + 16 + 28 MESQUITE: see DALLAS SMSA NORTH RICHLAND HILLS: see FORT WORTH SMSA MEXIA (pop. 7,621 r) Postal receipts • .......$ 7,326 -33 + 24 ODESSA SMSA Building permits, less federal contracts $ 25,200 -60 (Ector; pop. 89,437 a) Bank debits (thousands) $ 7,281 + 29 + 38 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 494,825 +109 -32 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t. $ 5,905 + 3 + 9 Ba nk debits (thousands) 11 ....$ 1,224,672 -5 •• Annual rate of deposit turnover . 15.0 + 25 + 27 Nonfarm employment (area) . 58,700 -1 + 3 Manufacturing employment (area). 5,100 •• + 8 MIDLAND SMSA Percent unemployed (area) ..... 3.3 + 14 + 8 (Midland; pop. 68,230 a) Building permits, less federal contracts $ 611,250 + 23 -84 ODESSA (pop. 86,937 r) Bank debits (thousands) II. . .$ 1,645,572 + 2 + 3 Retail sales -15 t -46 + Nonfarm employment (area) . 58,700 -1 + 3 Furniture and household- Manufacturing employment (area) . 5,100 •• + 8 appliance stores ... . . . . -15 t -29 + 2 Percent unemployed (area) . 3.3 + 14 + 3 Postal receipts • $ 95,269 -40 + 6 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 494,825 +109 -32 MIDLAND (pop. 62,625) Bank debits (thousands) $ 105,716 4 + 10 Postal receipts • .............$ 119,715 -39 + 10 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i. $ 67,948 + 4 •• Building permits, less federal contracts $ 611,250 + 23 -84 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 19.0 6 + 11 Bank debits (thousands) . $ 150,030 + 9 + 4 Nonfarm placements 338 + 2 + 13 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i. $ 114,020 -8 •• Annual rate of deposit turnover . 15.1 + 9 + 1 OLNEY (pop. 3,872) Nonfarm placements ... . ...... .... . . 559 + 23 -18 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 21,500 +330 -38 MIDLOTHIAN: see DALLAS SMSA Bank debits (thousands) ..... .. .. .. . . $ 5,781 + 15 + 6 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i. $ 4,982 •• •• MINERAL WELLS (pop. 11,053) Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 13.9 + 16 + 9 Postal receipts • .. . . . ...............$ 22,809 -25 -4 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 984,820 +401 ORANGE: see BEAUMONT-PORT ARTHUR­ Bank debits (thousands) . . .. .$ 21,383 + 15 + 38 ORANGE SMSA End-of-month deposits (thousands) i. $ 13,985 -4 + 9 Annual rate of deposit turnover.. . 18.0 + 13 + 26 PALESTINE (pop. 13,97 4) Nonfarm placements . . . ....... . . . 92 -38 -45 Postal receipts • ........ ...$ 18,298 -54 + 18 MONAHANS (pop. 9,252 r) Building permits, less federal contracts $ 97,605 +235 + 8 Postal receipts • . . . .. . . $ 10,831 -48 + 7 (thousands) $ 13.223 •• 12 Bank debits ­ Building permits, less federal contracts $ 35,170 -73 + 13 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i. $ 17,654 + 2 + 1 Bank debits (thousands) $ 11,880 + 19 + 8 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 9.1 -1 -12 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i. $ 8,319 + 4 •• Annual rate of deposit turnover . 17.4 + 15 + 11 PAMPA (pop. 24,664) Retail sales -15 t -36 -20 MOUNT PLEASANT (pop. 8,027) Postal receipts • . . ... . . . . .. .. . . . .. . . $ 28,948 -89 5 Postal receipts • ........ .. .$ 9,713 -49 -18' Building permits, less federal contracts $ 66,950 + 13 -7 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 45,900 + 6 -58 Bank debits (thousands) . . . .. .. $ 32,144 •• + 8 Bank debits (thousands) . $ 13,279 + 6 + 13 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i. $ 20,959 + 4 •• End-of-month deposit• (thousands) i. $ 9,301! 2 + 4 Annual rate of deposit turnover... . . . 18.7 •• + 9 Annual rate of deposit turnover . .. 17.0 + 6 + 16 Nonfarm placements ... . .... . . . ... . . 188 + 18 + 5 MUENSTER (pop. 1,190) PARIS (pop. 20,977) Postal receipts • . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3,092 + 5 + 62 Postal receipts • ....... ... ...$ 29,839 -27 + 1 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 0 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 350,169 +113 + 73 Bank debits (thousands) $ 3,499 + 22 + 17 Nonfarm placements . .. . . . ......... . 158 + 28 + 14 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .$ 2,227 -6 + 2 Annual rate of deposit turnover.. . . . . 18.3 + 23 + 10 PASADENA: see HOUSTON SMSA NACOGDOCHES (pop. 15,450 r) PECOS (pop. 12,728) Postal receipts • ........ . . . ... . $ 26,329 -22 + 7 Postal receipts • .. . . ... .. . . $ 10,346 -41 -18 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 223,988 + 174 4 Bank debits (thousands) ... . .$ 17.981 5 -16 Bank debits (thousands) $ 26,729 2 + 8 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i $ 11,049 + 2 -4 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i $ 22,706 + 9 1 Annual rate of deposit turnover... .. . 19.7 -7 -10 Annual rate of deposit turnover.. . . . . 14.7 -6 + 8 Nonfarm placements . . ..... . . . .... . . 49 + 26 -71 Nonfarm placements ...... ....... .. . 145 + 61 + 59 PHARR: see McALLEN-PHARR-EDINBURG SMSA For an explanation of symbols, please see p, 88. Percent change Percent change Local Business Conditions Local Business Conditions Jan 1966 J an 1967 Jan 1966 Jan 1961 Jan from from Jan from from City and item 1967 Dec 1966 Jan 1966 City and item 1967 Dec 1966 Jan 1966 PILOT POINT: see DALLAS SMSA SAN ANGELO (pop. 58,815) Postal receipts • ....... .. ... .. .. .. .. $ 107,534 -34 + 15 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 516,144 +138 + 67 PLAINVIEW (pop. 23,703) Bank debits (thousands) . . ...$ 84,011 + 7 + 3 Postal receipts • .....$ 35,403 4 -33 + End-of-month deposits (thousands) ,: $ 60,093 + 2 + 6 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 99,600 -40 -52 Annual rate of deposit turnover. .. .. . 16.9 + 4 -2 Bank debits (thousands) $ 70,668 + 51 -7 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 29,249 -5 -19 Annual rate of deposit turnover. .. ... 30.9 + 74 + 23 SAN ANTONIO SMSA Nonfarm placements . ... .... . ....... 156 -7 -24 (Bexar and Guadalupe; pop. 838,572 a) Building permits, less federal contracts $ 6,647,675 -7 + 28 PLANO: see DALLAS SMSA Bank debits (thousands) II ... ....... .$12,253,824 + 6 + 7 Nonfarm employment (area) . . . . . . . . 252,800 •• + 4 Manufacturing employment (area) . 27,775 •• -2 PLEASANTON (pop. 5,053 rr) Percent unemployed (area). 3.3 + 3 -21 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 8,200 -41 + 28 Bank debits (thousands) .....$ 4,679 + 16 -2 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 4,316 + + 10 SAN ANTONIO (pop. 655,006 r) Annual rate of deposit turnover . . .. . . 13.3 + 13 -7 Retail sales ........................ . -21 -24 •• Apparel stores ... -41 -45 + 2 Automotives stores . . . ... ..... . . . . 3 -20 3 PORT ARTHUR: see BEAUMONT-PORT ARTHUR­ Eating and drinking places ....... . -6 -5 ORANGE SMSA Furniture and household-appliance stores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -41 -49 6 General-merchandise stores -48 ~ 47 -11 PORT ISABEL: see BROWNSVILLE-HARLINGEN­ Lumber , building material, SAN BENITO SMSA and hardware stores.... .. ..... . . -1 -5 + 24 Postal receipts • . . . .. . .. . . ...... ....$ 994,453 -30 + 14 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 6,129,498 8 + 28 PORT NECHES: see BEAUMONT-PORT ARTHUR­Bank debits (thousands) $ 1,034,523 + 5 + 10 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i $ 475,640 2 2 ORANGE SMSA ­ Annual rate of deposit turnover. . . . . . 25.8 + 5 + 10 QUANAH (pop. 4,564) Postal receipts • . . . . . . . . . $ 4,446 -46 -l5 Schertz (pop. 2,281) Building perm~less federal contracts $ 0 Postal receipts • ................... .$ 2,561 -52 + 61 Bank debits (thousands) $ 6,061 + 10 -7 Bank debits (thousands) ...... .. $ 635 -2 1 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 6,111 + 4 + 13 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i. $ 1,079 2 + Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 11.2 -3 -21 Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 7.1 •• + 6 RAYMONDVILLE (pop. 9,385) Postal receipts • ..... ... ... .. .......$ 7,394 -39 + 37 Seguin (pop. 14,299) Building permits, less federal contracts $ 24,000 + 17 + 62 Postal receipts • ........... ..... ....$ 15,539 -37 -4 Bank·debits (thousands) ......... ....$ 6,462 6 + 13 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 87,940 + 11 -24 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i. $ 9,lSS -5 + 21 Bank debits (thousands) ...... $ 14,231 + 4 -10Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 8.2 -7 -6 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i .$ 15,857 + 1 4 Nonfarm placements ............... . 74 + 42 + 80 Annual rate of deposit turnover . .... . 10.8 + 4 -7 RICHARDSON: see DALLAS SMSA SAN BENITO: see BROWNSVILLE-HARLINGEN-SAN BENITO SMSA RICHMOND: see HOUSTON SMSA SAN JUAN: see McALLEN-PHARR-EDINBURG SMSA ROBSTOWN: see CORPUS CHRISTI SMSA . '.~f SAN MARCOS (pop. 12,713) ROSENBERG: see HOUSTON SMSA Postal receipts • ................. . . . $ 16,774 -80 + 8 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 266,400 -20 + 78 Bank debits (thousands) .......... ...$ 14,167 + 10 + 2 SAN ANGELO SMSA End-of-month deposits (thousands) i $ 15,784 •• + 8 (Tom Green; pop. 74,127 •) Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 10.8 + 10 7 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 516.144 +138 + 67 Bank debits (thousands) 11-..........$ 906,084 -5 •• Nonfarm employment (area) ....... . 22.100 -2 + 4 SAN SABA (pop. 2,728) Manufacturing employment (area) . 3,600 •• + 14 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 4,000 -78 -90 Percent unemployed (area) .... . ... . . 4.2 + 27 + 8 Bank delJits (thousands) . . ........ ...$ 6,229 6 + + 16 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i $ 5,370 2 + 6 For an explanation of symbols, please see p. 88. Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 13.8 + 6 + 11 98 TEXAS BUSINESS REViEW Local Business ·conditions City and item Jan 1967 Percent" change Jan 19&6 Jan 1967 from from Dec 1966 Jan 1966 Local Business Conditions City and ite>il Jan 1967 Percent change Jan 1966 Jan 1967 from from Dec 1966 Jan 1966 SCHERTZ: see SAN ANTONIO SMSA STRATFORD (pop. 1,380) Postal receipts * ... ..$ 2,388 -88 + 19 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 47,100 5 SEAGOVILLE: see DALLAS SMSA Bank debits (thousands) . . ... . . . . . $ End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 9,469 6,247 + 12 + 6 + 8 5 Annual rate of deposit turnover .. . . 18.7 + 4 8 SEGUIN: see SAN ANTONIO SMSA SWEETWATER (pop. 13,914) Postal receipts • ... . .. $ 19,272 -29 + 13 SHERMAN (pop. 30,660 r) Building permits, less iederal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) .... .$ 5,580 21,152 -23 + 30 + 12 Retail sales .. . ...... . .. . . . ....... .. . -15 t -39 + 20 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 11,717 + 9 + 9 Automotives stores - 1 t -24 + 27 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 22.6 + 22 + 10 Postal receipts • . . ..... . ... . . . ......$ 38,031 -87 -10 Nonfarm placements ... 112 - 16 - 7 Building permits, Jess federal contracts $ 605,649 +148 -89 Bank debits (thousands) $ End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ Annual rate of deposit turnover. Nonfarm placements . . . . ...... . .... . 46,586 24,211 22.7 111 + 21 -11 + 28 -19 + 11 -2 + 16 -26 TAYLOR (pop. 9,434) Postal receipts • .............. .. $ Building permits, Jess federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) . . . . . $ 10,815 6,300 12,678 -83 -94 + 12 -4 -94 + 12 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 18,252 - 1 + 7 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 8.8 + 14 + 5 SILSBEE (pop. 6,277) Nonfarm placements ... ....... ..... . 14 - 7 -67 Bank debits (thousands)... . . .. . .. $ End-of-month deposits · (thousands) t $ 6,781 6,887 2 + 2 + 18 + 20 TEMPLE (pop. 34,730 r) Annual rate of deposit turnover . . . . . . 10.2 6 - 1 Retail sales ... -15 t -29 1 Apparel stores . ... . ........... . . . -46 t -68 8 Eating and drinking places . - 2t - 5 + 5 SINTON: see CORPUS CHRISTI SMSA Furniture and household-appliance stores ....... ... ..... . -16 t -81 -20 Postal receipts • .......$ 52,293 -29 - 4 SLATON: see LUBBOCK SMSA Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) ... ..... . ....$ 582,286 89,441 +696 + 5 + 88 + 5 Nonfarm placements .. . .. ... .. ..... . 180 + 10 + 2 SMITHVILLE (pop. 2,933) TERRELL (pop. 13,803) Postal receipts • .. . ... ..... .. ...... .$ 8,629 -28 + 67 Postal receipts • ... . . .... ... . . .. ....$ 10,786 -41 + 18 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 2,600 +400 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 89,050 +174 -21 Bank debits (thousands) ........$ 2,077 + 81 + 10 Bank debits (thousands) . . . . . $ 12,187 1 + 7 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . $ Annual rate of deposit turnover . .... . 2,464 9.8 -6 + 84 + 8 + 8 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t . $ Annual rate of deposit turnover. . . 9,822 14.2 9 + 2 7 + 9 TEXARKANA SMSA SNYDER (pop. 13,850) (Bowie, excluding Miller, Ark.; pop. 67,206 •) Postal receipts • "." "" .. " "" ".$ Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) ... .... ... . . . $ 18,112 18,200 18,890 -48 -48 + 7 -1 -29 + 10 Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) II .. .. ... ... . $ Nonfarm employment (area) . 165,840 1,224,872 37,850 -76 + 10 •• -54 + 21 + 18 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 20,708 + 5 - 1 Manufacturing employment (area) . 10,060 + 2 + 89 Annual rate of deposit turnover. .. . .. 10.9 + 5 +n Percent unemployed (area) . . ... .... . 8.4 + 10 -81 TEXARKANA (pop. 50,006 r) SOUTH HOUSTON: see HOUSTON SMSA Retail sales . .. .... ............ ..... . -15 t -24 + 14 Postal receipts • . . . . ..... .. . ... ... .$ 86,569 -16 + 6 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 166,840 -76 -87 SULPHUR SPRINGS (pop. 9,160) Postal receipts • . .. . . .... .. .. .. . ....$ Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) ... ......... .$ 21,451 481,100 19,082 -14 + 89 -11 + 16 -88 + 17 Bank debits (thousands) . . ...... ... .$ End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ Annual rate of deposit turnover. .... . 96,986 25,935 28.6 + 8 + + 5 + 20 + 11 + 9 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i $ 17,686 + 2 + 18 TEXAS CITY: see GALVESTON-TEXAS CITY SMSA Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 18.1 -14 + TOMBALL: see HOUSTON SMSA STEPHENVILLE (pop. 7,359) Postal receipts • ........... . ........$ 11,058 -52 + 10 TYLER SMSA Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) .............$ 6,800 11,677 -88 + 19 -90 + 12 (Smith: pop. 99,142 a) End-of-month deposits (thousands) i $ Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 11,006 18.0 + 4 + 16 + 8 + 6 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 893,125 Bank debits (thousands) II ...........$ 1,658,796 +878 + 1 -20 + 6 Nonfarm employment (area) . . . . . . . . 84,860 - 1 + 4 Manufacturing employment (area) . 9,670 + 1 + 11 For an explanation of symbols, please see p. 88. Percent unemployed (area) .......... 8.2 + 10 -18 Percent change Percent change Local Business Conditions Local Business Conditions Jan 1966 Jan 19&7 Jan 1966 Jan 1967 Jan from from Jan from from City and item 1967 .Dee 1966 Jan 1966 City and item 1967 Dee 1966 Jan 1966 TYLER (pop. 51,230) WAXAHACHIE: see DALLAS SMSA Retail _sales . .......... . ....... . . -15 t -10 + 12 Apparel stores . . . . ....... . .. ... . . -46 t -51 + 8 Postal receipts • . . ... . ... .. .... . ....$ 116,045 -35 + 2 Building perm'ii:s, less federal contracts $ 885,625 +376 -20 Bank debits (thousands) .............$ 143,926 + 10 + 9 WEATHERFORD (pop. 9,759) End-of-month deposits (thousands) i $ 74,653 -10 5 Postal receipts• . . $ 14,959 -38 + 7Annual rate of deposit turnover. . ... . 21.9 + 12 + 8 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 63,900 +102 -80 Nonfarm placements .... . . .... .. .. . . 534 + 17 6 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i $ 15,819 + 1 + 8 UVALDE (pop. 10,293) Postal receipts • ............ ........ $ 12,149 -32 + 8 WESLACO: see McALLEN-PHARR-EDINBURG SMSA Building permits, less federal contracts $ 41,693 -26 -64 Bank debits (thousands) .. ........ , . . $ 18,937 + 20 + 25 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i $ 9,603 .. -2 Annual rate of deposit turnover... 23.7 + 23 + 24 WHITE SETTLEMENT: see FORT WORTH SMSA VERNON (pop. 12,141) Building permits, less federal contracts $ 33,475 +517 + 10 WICHITA FALLS SMSA Bank debits (thousands) . . . . .. .$ 20,189 + 1 -10 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i $ 21,571 -3 + 3 (Archer and Wichita; pop. 128,508 a) Annual rate of deposit turnover... . . . 11.0 -1 -13 Nonfarm placements .. .. . . .... . .... . 74 + 61 -4 Building permits, less federal cc;mtracts $ 438,469 + 85 + 4 Bank debits (thousands) 11 -..........$ 2,105,628 + 2 9 Nonfarm employment (area) . . . . . . . . 49,000 -2 + 8 Manufacturing employment (area) . 4,340 -1 + 5 VICTORIA (pop. 33,047) Percent unemployed (area) . 8.2 + 19 + 8 Retw1 sales .. ........ ..... .. .. ... .. . -15 t -25 + 1 Automotives stores ..... . ..... ... . -lt -18 -11 Postal receipts • . .. ... .. ... ...... . . . $ 50,39il -30 + 4 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 667,010 +107 +474 Iowa Park (pop. 5,152 r) Bank debits (thousands) .. , .........$ 97,216 + 20 + 16 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 5,300 -74 -95End-of-month deposits (thousands) i $ 90,672 -10 -4 Bank debits (thousands) $ 3,322 5 -11 Annual rate of deposit turnover... . . . 12.2 + 21 + 17 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 3,985 + 4 7 Nonfarm placements . .. .. .. .. .. . ... . 880 -8 -12 Annual rate of deposit turnover . ... . . 10.2 8 -1 WACO SMSA (McLennan; pop. 155,413 a) WICHITA FALLS (pop. 101, 724) Building permits, less federal contracts $ 653.,859 + 19 -64 Retail sales ......................... -15 t -87 + 10 Bank debits (thousands) 11-. •. . . .. . .. $ 2,193,336 + 12 + 9 Automotives stores .. .. .. ....... .. -1 t -18 + 7 Nonfarm employment (area) . . . . . . . . 54,800 -2 + 2 Postal receipts• $ 132,550 -40 4 + Manufacturing employment (area) . 12,040 -2 + 6 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 409,119 + 85 + 2 Percent unemployed (area) . . . . . . . . . . 4.8 + 45 + 2 Bank debits (thousands) .. ... .... .. .. $ 178,036 + 11 4 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i $ 99,128 4 4 Annual rate of deposit turnover.. .... 20.5 + 8 + 4 McGregor (pop. 4,642) Building permits, less federal contracts $ 4,700 +189 -96 Bank debits (thousands) ........... . . $ 4,949 + 8 -19 LOWER RIO GRANDE VALLEY End-of-month deposits (thousands) i. $ 7,159 -5 + 8 Annual rate of deposit turnover. . ... . 8.1 + 11 -26 (Cameron, Willacy, and Hidalgo; pop. 340,415 •) Retail sales -9t -28 •• ··· ··· ···· ··········· ··· · Apparel stores ........... ... ... .. ---Automotives stores ...... ..... .... -1 t -18 -1 WACO (pop. 103,462) 46t 54 1 Retail sales tt ....... .......... · · · · · -15 t -19 + 10 Drugstores ··· ·· ·· ·· ·· ····· ··· ···· -28t -18 •• Automotive stores tt ............. . -lt -11 + 9 Eating and drinking places..... . .. -2t -10 -10 Furniture and household- Food stores .. ..... .... ......... .. . -18 t -10 -8 a11pliance storestt .. .. .. . ..... . . -15 t -15 + 20 Furniture and household- Postal receipts • ........ ..... .......$ 203,403 -33 + 5 appliance stores -15 t -40, Building permits, less federal contracts $ 522,659 -2 -69 ············ ···· •• Gasoline and service stations.. ..... -St -7 + 1 Bank debits (thousands) ......... .. ..$ 175,489 + 9 + 7 General merchandise stores.. . . . . ... -58t -53 7End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .$ 95,669 •• + 6 Lumber, building material,Annual rate of deposit turnover... . . . 22.1 + 9 + 4 and hardware stores...... ....... + 1 t -80 + 4 + Building permits·, less federal contracts + 9 90 Bank debits (thousands) .... . . ...... . + 7 + 12 tt Reported In cooperation with the Baylor University Bureau of Research. End-of-month deposits (thousands) i. + 8 + 1 Annual rate of deposit turnover. . . .. . 18.2 For an explanation of symbols, please see p. 88. + 4 + 6 100 TEXAS BUSINESS REVIEW BAROMETERS OF TEXAS BUSINESS (All figures are for Texas unless otherwise indicated.) All indexes are based on the average months for 1957-59 except where other specification is made; all except annual indexes are adjusted for seasonal variation unless otherwise noted. Employment estimates are compiled by the Texas Employment Commission in cooperation with the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor. The symbols used below impose qualifications as indicated here: •-preliminary data subject to revision; r-revised data; #-dollar totals for the calendar year to date; §-dollar totals for the fiscal year to date; t-employment data for wage and salary workers only. Jan Dec JRn 1967 1900 1966 GENERAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY Business activity (index) . . ....... . ............. .. . . . . . . . . . ... .. . 185.9 172.9 168.0 U.S. wholesale prices (unadjusted index) ............ . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . 106.2 105.9 104.6 Consumers' prices in Houston (unadjusted index) . 113.0 110.0 U.S. consumers' prices (unadjusted index) .. ................... . 114.7 114.7 111.0 Income payments to individuals in U.S. (billions, at seasonally ad­ justed annual rate) . . ......... . . $ 607.2. $ 601.8. $ 560.2 r Business failures (number) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . 34 32 43 Business failures (liabilities, thousands) ... .. . . . . . . . ... . ... .. ... .. . . $ 3,788 $ 3,546 $ 2,086 Newspaper linage (index) ......................... . . ....... . ... . . 119.5 121.4 120.1 Ordinary­life-insurance sales (index) . . ............ . ... . . . 161.9 192.8 155.7 Miscellaneous freight carloadings in S.W. District (index) 80.9 81.7 79.7 TRADE Total retail sales (millions) . $ 1,282.0 $1,671.0 $1,186.0 Durable-goods sales (millions) . . ...... .. . $ 428.0 $ 497.0 $ 399.0 Nondurable-goods sales (millions) .. .................. . $ 854.0 $ 1,174.0 $ 787.0 Ratio of credit sales to net sales in .department and apparel stores . 62.2. 59.0. 62.9 r Ratio of collections to outstandings in department and apparel stores . 33.5. 38.3. 33.8 r PRODUCTION Total electric-power use (index) .......... . 193.5 • 195.5 • 176.7 r Industrial electric-power use (index) .. . 178.2. 183.0. 165.4 r Crude-oil production (index) 105.2. 104.0. 99.0r Average daily production per oil well (bbl.) ... . . . .. . 14.8 14.5 14.1 Crude oil runs to stills (index) .......... . . .. ... ... .. .. . . .. . .. . 117.4 126.3 117.2 U.S. industrial production (index) ..... . . ... . . .... . .... . 157.9. 158.9. 150.6 r Industrial production-total (index) ... .. .... . 152.8 • 152.5. 142.4 r Industrial production-total manufactures (index) .......... . ... .. . 169.3. 171.3 • 158.1 r Industrial production-durable manufactures (index) 192.9. 191.0 • 173.7 r Industrial production-nondurable manufactures (index) .... . .... . 153.6. 158.2. 147.7 r Industrial production-mining (index) ............ . . 120.3. 118.0. 112.3 r Industrial production-utilities (index) ............ . 198.3. 188.5 • 181.2 r Building construction authorized (index) ........... ..... . . . . . . .. . . 106.6 105.3 130.5 New residential building authorized (index) ....... . . .. ... ... . . 87.4 68.4 113.0 New nonresidential building authorized (index) . .. . .... . . . 130.4 150.6 162.8 AGRICULTURE Prices received by farmers (unadjusted index, 1910-14=100) ........ . 241 24-0 259 Prices paid by farmers in U.S. (unadjusted index, 1910-14=100) 340 337 327 Ratio of Texas farm prices received to U.S. prices paid by farmers ... 71 71 79 FINANCE Bank debits (index) . . .......... . . . . U.S. bank debits (index) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ....... .. .. .. .. . 197.4 222.0 183.1 221.9 175.7 191.8 Reporting member banks, Dallas Federal Reserve District Loans (millions) .......... ... .. ...... ... . .. . Loans and investments (millions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ... . Adjusted demand deposits (millions) . . . .. .. . .... . Revenue receipts of the state comptroller (thousands) Federal internal revenue collections (thousands) .. Securities registrations-original applications $ 4,826 $ 7,053 $ 2,911 $181,687 $278,204 $ 4,931 $ 7,156 $ 3,152 $147,786 $303,301 $ 4,645 $ 6,856 $ 2,811 $143,328 $225,938 Mutual investment companies (thousands) ... . .. . . ..... . ... . . . . All other corporate securities $ 15,850 $ 2,985 $ 30,135 Texas companies (thousands) . Other companies (thousands) Securities registrations-renewals $ 7,694 $ 7,074 $ 2,400 $ 2,280 $ 445 $ 1,924 Mutual investment companies (thousands) . All other corporate securities (thousands) .... . .. . ... . . . $ 20,452 $ 586 $ 3,502 $ 61 $ 13,787 $ 919 LABOR Manufacturing employment in Texas (index) t. . . ..... . . . . . .. . . . Total nonagricultural employment in Texas (index) t . . . .. . . . . .... . Average weekly hours-manufacturing (index) t ... . .. .. . . . Average weekly earnings-manufacturing (index) t . Total nonagricultural employment (thousands) t . Total manufacturing employment (thousands) t. Durable-goods employment (thousands) t ......... . . Nondurable-goods employment (thousands) t ... . .... .. .. . Total nonagricultural labor force in selected labor market areas 132.3 • 129.3 • 99.7. 124.7. 3,164.7 • 631.3. 338.8. 292.5. 132.1 • 127.7 • 101.1 • 127.5 • 3,216.0. 637.0. 339.2. 297.8. 122.6 r 121.5 r 101.7 r 123.3 r 2,973.2 r 590.5 r 306.9 r 283.6 r (thousands) .............................. . ..... . .......... . . Employment in _selected labor m~rket ar~as_ . (tJ:10~sands) ...... : .. . Manufactunng employment m selected.-labor market areas . 2,983.1 2,819.4 2,980.9 2,828.9 2,848.2 2,673.0 (thousands) .... . .......... . ..... . .. . Total unemployment in selected labor market areas (thousands) .. Percent of labor force unemployed in selectel labor market 534.2 85.2 529.7 77.4 496.3 101.5 areas . . ..... . ... ... .............. . ... .. ... .. ....... . . 2.9 2.6 3.6 > >i d ~ f/l l"l>i ..... d _z z ..... ;J ;i ~ :>:i f/l ..... f/l -'I ~ 00 0 -'I I-' "'l t-:> ;J ~ f/l t:d c::: ~ t_:>:j > c::: 0 >:i:j t:d c::: 00 .... z t_:>:j 00 00 ~ t_:>:j 00 t_:>:j > ~ (j = New Publication DIRECTORY OF WOOD-USING AND RELATED INDUSTRIES IN EAST TEXAS Compiled by Nelson T. Samson of The School of Forestry Stephen F. Austin State College Nacogdoches, Texas This special directory will serve as a supplement to the Directory of Texas Manufacturers, pub­lished by the Bureau of Business Research. $2.00 -Texas residents pay a 2% sales tax. BUREAU OF BUSINESS RESEARCH The University of Texas Austin, Texas 78712