B APRIL 1965 u EXAS I N ll RE VIE s s .._,UL THE LiBR ARY A Monthly ummary of Busine.. ancl E conomic Conditions m T exas BUREAU OF BUSIKESS RESEARCH: THE UNIVERSITY OF TEX.A. TEXAS BUSINESS REVIEW VOL. XXXIX, NO. 4, APRIL 1965 Editor: Stanley A. Arbingast I Associate Editor: Robert H. Ryan I Managing Editor: Robert H. Drenner Editorial Board : Stanley A. Arbingast, Chairman; John R. Stockton, Francis B. May, Robert H. Ryan, Robert H. Drenner CONTENTS 93: THE BUSINESS SITUATION IN TEXAS by John R. Stockton 96: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND POPULATION SHIFTS IN THE SOUTHWESTERN STATES SINCE 1920 by Stephen L. McDonald 104 : TEXAS RETAIL SALES IN FEBRUARY by Robert B. Williamson 106: TEXAS BUILDING CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IN FEBRUARY by Francis B. May CHARTS, MAPS, AND TABLES 93: TEXAS BUSINESS ACTIVITY 94: TEXAS INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION 94: SELECTED BAROMETERS OF TEXAS BUSINESS 94: TEXAS INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION, TOTAL MANUFACTURES 95: TEXAS INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION, MINING 95: INDUSTRIAL ELECTRIC POWER USE IN TEXAS 95 : BUSINESS ACTIVITY INDEXES FOR 20 TEXAS CITIES 97: RATES OF NET MIGRATION, SOUTHWESTERN STATES, BY DECADES, 1920-60 98: RATES OF NET MIGRATION BY RACE, SOUTHWESTERN STATES, BY DECADES, 1920-60 99: POPULATION DENSITY IN THE SOUTHWESTERN STATES, 1920 99: POPULATION DENSITY IN THE SOUTHWESTERN STATES, 1960 100: POPULATION CHANGE IN THE SOUTHWESTERN STATES, 1920-1930 101 : POPULATION CHANGE IN THE SOUTHWESTERN STATES, 1930-1940 101: POPULATION CHANGE IN THE SOUTHWESTERN STATES, 1940-1950 102 : POPULATION CHANGE IN THE SOUTHWESTERN STATES 1950-1960 ' 103: CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS -DEPENDENT VARIABLE: MIGRATION RATES BY COUNTY-FOUR STATES IN THE SOUTHWEST, 1950-60 103 : TEXAS INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION, DURABLE MANUFACTURES 103: TEXAS INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION, NONDURABLE MANUFACTURES 104 : ESTIMATES OF TOTAL RETAIL SALES IN TEXAS 104: RETAIL SALES TRENDS BY KINDS OF BUSINESS 104 : CREDIT RATIOS IN DEPARTMENT AND APPAREL STORES 105: TEXAS RETAIL TRADE : 1958 AND 1963 105: TEXAS RETAIL SALES, TEXAS AND MAJOR METROPOLITAN AREAS, 1963 AND 1958 106: BUILDING CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IN TEXAS, 1961-1964 106: NONRESIDENTIAL BUILDING AUTHORIZED IN TEXAS, 1961-1964 107: BUILDING CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IN TEXAS 107: ESTIMATED VALUES OF BUILDING AUTHORIZED IN TEXAS 108 : LOCAL BUSINESS CONDITIONS BUSINESS RESEARCH COUNCIL John Arch White, Dean of the College of Business Admin­istration (ex officio); John R. Stockton, Jim G. Ashburne, Jessamon Dawe, James R. Kay, Stephen L. McDonald, Kenneth W. Olm, and W. T. Tucker BUREAU OF BUSINESS RESEARCH Director: John R. Stockton Associate Director and Resources Specialist : Stanley A. Arbingast Assistant to the Director: Florence Escott Consulting Statistician: Francis B. May Administrative Assistant: Juanita Hammons Research Associate: Charles O. Bettinger, Robert H. Drenner, Louise K. Iscoe, Joe H. Jones, Ida M. Lambeth, Robert M. Lockwood, Margaret Paulissen, Helmut J. Rehder, Robert H. Ryan, Elizabeth R. Turpin, Joyzelle Wilke, Robert B. Williamson Research Assistant: Thomas B. Douglas, Jackson Gil­more, Dennis Hiser, Donald E. Kirsopp, Harold L. Sides, John Specht, Jr., William W. White, Robert Wood Administrative Secretary: Margaret F. Smith Senior Secretary : Diana Rausch Senior Clerk Typist: Patricia Gable, Claire Howard, Carollin Mayes, Sharon Wheat Cartographer: Lois Leonard Library Assistant: Merle Danz Statistical Assistant : Mildred Anderson, Constance Coo ledge Statistical Technician: Mary Gorham Clerical Assistant: Pamela Binkley, Ross Kammlah Offset Pres8 Operator: Robert Dorsett, Daniel P. Rosas The Bureau of Business Research is a member of the Associated University Bureaus of Business and Economic Research. Published monthly by the Bureau of Bus' R h C II f . . . . 78712 Second-class postage paid t A ·t · T 1c;ess esearc •_ o eg~ o Business Adm1n1strat1on The University of Texas, Austin, Texas, i oource will be appre<:· led as b us .'nt" e~a.sontent o~ th1~ pubhca.t1on is not copyrighted a~d may be reproduced freely. Acknowledgment O 1a · u scrip ion, • 3. ·00 a year; md1v1dual cop1e3, 25 cents. THE BUSINESS SITUATION IN TEXAS by John R. Stockton TEXAS BUSINESS ACTIVITY The index of business activity in Texas rose 5'/c in February to carry this barometer of business to another record high. This rise continued an upswing that has broken all previous records for a sustained improvement in business. Not only has the length of the rise in the business indexes been a record; it is particularly signifi­cant that the rise started at a very prosperous level. The last downturn in activity that ended four years ago was mild and brought about only a slight adjustment in the level of Texas business. The February level of the index was 9% above the level of a year earlier, and for the first two months of 1965 the index also averaged 9% higher than for the sam~ period of 1964. The improvement over a year ago was spread over all sections of the state. The Texas business activity index is based on total checks charged against bank deposits and is a measure of total business trans­actions. This information is available for 20 cities in the state and thus gives a comparable basis for comparing changes in business in different areas. Only one-fourth of the cities reported a decline in bank debits to individual accounts for the first two months of 1965 over the same period of 1964, which gave a rather overwhelming pre­ponderance of improvement throughout the state. Not only has the rise continued to be widely based, but it continues at a brisk rate that at the present time shows no sign of slowing its pace. In fact, the buoyancy of the economy is greater than a year ago, when signs were de­veloping that suggested the end of the boom might bP. approaching. One of the factors that has contributed greatly to the rise in Texas business over the past four years has been the expansion of industrial activity, resulting in the building of new industrial plants and the expansion of existing plants. No adequate statistical data are available on the expenditures for new plant and equipment in Texas, but the compilation of additions to the industrial capacity of the state published by the Bureau of Business o~~J__~.J_~-L~~Q(___l~~L-_.lS.2!.l!:JQl_~~-=-_._~:--'--:-:--:--"-:-::--=--o 1954 '55 '56 '57 '58 '59 '60 '61 '62 '63 '64 '65 NOTE: Shaded a r eas indicate periods of decline of total business activity in the United States. TEXAS I OUSTRIAL PR.OOUCTIO • ·s 1. '',58 • Manu.(ac111rln1 and mlnln1 (includlna crude-oil and natural·&•• pt'oduction), NOTE: Shaded a reu lndlntt period• o( decline o( tota l bu1lne11 aclivity in the United Statu. Research in its monthly bulletin Texas Industrial Expan­sion, indicates a healthy expansion of the industrial plant of the state. Statistical data compiled on a national basis support this conclusion suggested by the information available for Texas. Expenditures for new plant and equipment in the United States are compiled by the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Department of Commerce. The latest survey of these expenditures, made in February, shows that 1964 expenditures were 14% higher than expendi­tures in 1963, and it was from this increased appropria­tion of business concerns for capital expansion that the Texas industrial growth was financed. The February survey further indicated that 1965 ex­penditures were expected· to increase 12% from the record investment of $44.9 billion in 1964. It has been pointed out that this is a decrease from the rate of gain of last SELECTED BAROMETERS OF TEXAS BUSINESS (Indexes-Adjusted for seasonal variation-1957-59=100) Percent change Index Feb 1965 Year-to­date Year-to­average date Feb 1965 1965 Jan average from from 1965 1965 Jan 1965 1964 Texas business activity . . . ... 16l.9 154.5r 158.2 + 5 + 9 Crude petroleum production 94.0* 95,7• 94.9 -2 •• Crude oil runs to stills.... .... ... 112.2 112.1 112.2 •• 2 Total electric power use .. .165.5* 16l.7* 163.6 + + 7 Industrial electric power use. 158.8* 15L.O• 154.9 + 8 + Bank debits ......163.8 156.0 159.9 + + 10 Miscellaneous freight carload­ings in S.W. district 74.3 77.4 75.9 4 3 Ordinary life insurance sales.... . 163.6 142.9 153.3 + 14 3 + Total retail sales. 127.3* 133.0• -4 4 + Durable-goods sales ... 134.3• 150.0* -10 6 + Nondurnble-goods sales ... . 123.6* 124.2* •• Building construction authorized 118.5 113.0 115.8 + 5 -11 + 3 New residential 90.0 106.2 98.1 -15 -18 New nonresidential 15l.5 113.3 132.4 + 34 -13 TolRI industriRI production 130.7* 129.9• 130.3 + 1 + 5 Total nonCnrm employment. 115.4* 115.0r 115.2 •• + 3 MRnufacturing employment 113.2* 112.6r 112.9 + + 3 Tolal unemployment 99.7 97.2 98.5 + -11 ln•url'9 '60 '61 62 63 64 6a NOTE: S!:-1.ded &au iDdicatt· pulods c! ~ul~t of t:x.a.l '=•lncu ac-riv!ty U:i \ht-TJ:lt.d St.a.1.u, 103 TEXAS RETAIL SALES IN FEBRUARY by Robert B. Williamson Retail sales in Texas during February were 1 C/r greater than a year ago, despite the fact that February 1964 had an extra day and had one more Saturday than did this February. Nondurable goods sales were 1% below a year ago, but durable-goods sales were up 5%. The preliminary sales figures for February indicate a narrowing of the year-to-year growth rates, however, even after allowance for shopping day differences. Accord­ing to the preliminary estimates, February sales were ·down from January by more than the normal seasonal amount. The major weaknesses in the month-to-month comparison (after allowance for normal seasonal changes) were in the automotive and the lumber, building material, and hardware categories. ESTIMATES OF TOTAL RETAIL SALES IN TEXAS (Millions of dollars) Percent change Type of store Feb 1965 Jan-Feb 1965 Feb 1965 from Jan 1965 Feb 1965 from Feb 1964 Jan-Feb 1965 from Jan-Feb 1964 TOTAL 1.082.0 2,119.0 -5 + 1 + 4 Durable iroods• .. 412.9 832.8 -2 + 5 + 6 Nondurable goods 619.1 1,286.2 -7 -1 + 3 •Contains automotive stores, furniture stores, and lumber, building material, nnd hardware stores. Retail sales trends for the nation during February were somewhat stronger than the Texas trends, although thi.. $ 300,552 G3,7G7 42,288 + 87 -10 8 -22 •• + s Automotive 1tores . . .............. . + 14t + lG + 14 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 17.8 - 6 - 2 Druptorea ..................... . . ~t + 4 + 7 Eatlns and drlnklns placea . ... ... . 5t 7 8 PORT NECHES (pop. 8,696) Food .tores .. .. . ... . .... ......... . 7t 2 2 Postal receipts• '' ..... " ..$ 7,708 -10 + s Furniture and houaehold Building permits, less federal contracts $ 89,497 7 -44 appliance .tores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7t G + 18 Bank debits (thousands) ... .$ 11,232 + 3 + 8G General merchandise stores . -13t 8 -19 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t.. $ 7,32G + 17 Lumber, bulldlnir material, and hardware stores... . . . + 19t 7 -18 Annual rate of depoait turnover . 18.3 + 18 Poata! receipts• .....$ 479,25G -18 - G BAY CITY (pop. 11,656) Buildlns permits, leu federal contracts S 3,394,700 -21 -88 Rel.ail sales - 2t - 6 + 16 Bank debits (thousands) ............ .$ End-of-month depoalts (thouaanda)t.. $ 317,014 1G4,816 + 6 -8 + G 4 Automotive atores Postal receipts• .. S + 14t 17,729 -8 + 85 + 9 + 86 Annual rate of deposit turnover. . . . . . 22.1 + 13 + 8 Bank debits (thouaands) . .$ 17,138 -25 + 12 BAYTOWN: see HOUSTON SMSA End-of-month deposits (thousanda) i . .S Annual rate of deposit turnover. 25,Gl8 7.9 -- 4 28 + + 11 BEAUMONT-PORT ARTHUR-ORANGE Nonfarm placement. .......... . 56 -19 -27 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area BEEVILLE (pop. 13,811) (pop. 314,7431; Jefferson and Orange2 ) Buildlnir permits, leaa federal contracts $ 2,097,559 -88 Bank debits (thouaanda) ........ .....$ 4,840,304 Nonfarm employment (area) . . . . . . . . . 108,400 Kanufacturlnir employment (area) . 84,550 + 2 -1 •• -11 + 7 -s•• Retail sales Drugstores Food stores Postal receipts• ...$ Buildinir permits, leas federal contracts $ -St -7t 12,908 2G,l29 -6 -14 + 1 -41 2 + 7 + 6 7 Percent unemployed (area) BEAUMONT (pop. 127,500r) Betall aalea . ................... . ... . Apparel ltorea .... . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . -- 5.9 2t 19t - s 7 12 -21 •• + 8 Bank debits (thouaands) . .S End-of-month deposits (thouaanda) i . .S Annual rate of depoait turnover... . Nonfarm placement. . . .... . . . . . 9,782 15,822 7.5 71 -20 + 3 -21 -10 s + 8 -10 -36 Automotive stores .. . ........... .. . Drqltorea .. . ........ . ......... . Eatlns and drlnldns places....... . Food .tores .................. .. . . Furniture and houaehold appliance atorea + 14t Gt 6t 7t 7t 4 + 6 9 9 -11 + 6 + 7 -2 -18 + 29 BIG SPRING (pop. 31,230) Retail sales ....... . Apparel stores . . . . . .. ... . . .. . . . . Automotive atorea .... .... . . . . . ... . Drusstores .. ... .... . .. .. .. . .. . . . . -2t -19t + 14t -Gt -17 -48 + 25 + 9 G 8 a -10 General merchandise .tores. Lumber, bulldinir material, -18t and hardware ltorea. . . . . . . . . . . . . + 19t POltal reeeipts• . .... . . .......... . .. . S 187 ,672 Buildlns permits, leu federal contracts $ 1,106,800 Baak debits (thouaanda) .. , ..... . .. . . $ 214,179 Bnd.ot-month de-its (thouanda)t.. $ 118,645 Ann'llal rate of depoelt turnover. . . . . . 22.6 -18 -20 -6 -Gl -12 •• -11 -8 -84 -4 -28 + 18 + 7 + 7 Lumber, buildinir material, and hardware storea. Postal receipts• -S Buildinir permits, leas federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) . . . . S End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .. S Annual rate of deposit turnover .. . .. Nonfarm placemente . .. + 19t 34.361 655,07G 34.G89 24,525 16.9 lGG -28 -18 +131 -14 -1 -13 + 6 -18 + 16 + 89 •• 4 + 6 + 8 APRIL 1965 109 Percent change Percent clwise Local Business Conditions Local Business Conditions Feb 1965 Feb 1965 Feb 1986 Feb 1991 Feb from from Feb from from City and item 1965 Jan 19.65 Feb 1964 City and item 1966 Jan 1986 Feb 1964 LOS FRESNOS (pop. 1,289) BISHOP: see CORPUS CHRISTI SMSA Postal receipts• ..................$ 1,118 -28 + 11 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 2,166 -48 BONHAM (pop. 7,357) Bank debits (thousands) .. .... . . . . ...$ 1,012 -18 -ao Retail sales End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ 1,169 ­ Automotive stores + 14t + 14 + 21 8 -11 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 10.0 Postal receipts• .$ 7,764 + 11 + 11 -10 -7 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 166,000 +202 +261 LA FERIA (pop. 3,047) Bank debits (thousands) . . . .. .$ 7,400 -16 6 Postal receipts• ......... . . . $ 2,622 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ 8,062 -2 + 1 +81 Building permits, leaa federal contracts $ 6,600 Annual rate of deposit turnover .. 10.9 -14 4 + 41 -aa Bank debits (thousands) ...........$ 1,610 8 -17 End-of-month deposits (thouaands) f .. $ 1,602 4 BORGER (pop. 20,911) Postal receipts• ...$ 19,099 -2 + 16 Annual rate of deposit turnover . .. . . . 12.6 8 --14 ' Building_permits, leas federal contracts $ 36.100 -69 -36 PORT ISABEL (pop. 3,575) Nonfarm placements 188 + 12 -46 Postal receipts• ... ... ...... . ........$ 8,889 + 22 + .. Building permits, less federal contracts $ 6,660 -87 +a Bank debits (thousands) .......... . .. $ 1,469 BRADY (pop. 5,338) Postal receipts• .......$ 6,610 -3 + 21 + a +u End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ +315 1,308 + a Building permits, less federal contracts $ 20,750 + 2 + Bank debits (thousands) . . . . $ 4,862 -14 2 Annual rate of deposit turnover... . . 18.8 •• + 17 End-o{-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ 6,905 -1 7 SAN BENITO (pop. 16,422) Annual rate of deposit turnover.. . .. . 8.4 -12 + 6 Postal receipts• . . . . . . . $ 7,406 -9 + • BRECKENRIDGE (pop. 6,273r) Building permits, less federal contracta $ 82,966 -89 + ,. Postal receipts• .. ...$ 6,790 -19 + 4 Bank debits (thousands) ....$ 6,078 9 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ 6,689 4 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 10,070 -8 +101 ' Bank debits (thousands) . . . $ 6,221 a' Annual rate of deposit turnover .. ... . 10.6 7 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ 8,649 BROWNWOOD (pop. 16,974) BRENHAM (pop. 7,740) Retail sales .... .......... . ..... . .. . -2t •• + 10 Retail sales Apparel stores .. . . . .. .. .. . ..... . -19t -19 ••General merchandise stores. -13t -12 •• Postal receipts• .. $ 88,074 -16 + 8 Postal receipts• ....$ 10,043 -14 + 36 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 72,716 -66 -H Building permits, less federal contracts $ 50,800 -75 +122 Bank debits (thousands) . . . ..... $ 18,296 9 + 4 Bank debits (thousands) . . ..$ 11,369 -19 1 End-of-month deposits (thouaands)t.. $ 18,868 a + I End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ 14,373 -2 + 8 Annual rate of deposit turnover.. . .. . 16.2 8 + IAnnual rate of deposit turnover .. ... 9.4 -18 8 Nonfarm placements 116 + 8 + 8 BROWNFIELD (pop. 10,286) Postal receipts• .. . . $ 8,292 -82 -28 BRYAN (pop. 27,542) Building permits, less federal contracts $ 8,600 -57 -91 Retail sales ... -2t -19 -17 Bank debits (thousands) . . . . $ 20,659 -89 + 18 Apparel stores -19t -62 -a End-of-month deposits (thouaands)t .. $ 15,668 -9 -10 Automotive stores ...... . .. . .... . . . + 14t -18 -15 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 16.l -86 + 28 Lumber, building material, and hardware stores. ....... . ... . + 19t -18 + 19 BROWNSVILLE-HARLINGEN-SAN BENITO Postal receipts• ... . $ 28,942 -17 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area Building permits, Iese federal contracts $ 180,702 -84 ++ aa ' (pop. 146,207t; Cameron2) Bank debits (thousands) . . ... .I 82,207 -ta + • Building permits. less federal contracta $ 288,649 -61 + 9 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .. $ 21,010 •• + • Bank debits (tbouaanda) ..... ... .....$ 1,292,644 •• + 8 Annual rate of deposit turnover.... . . 18.4 -8 -1 Nonfarm employment (area) 85,100 •• + 1 Nonfarm placements 802 + 29 + 14 Manufacturing employment (area) . 5,290 2 Percent unemployed (area) . . . . . . . . . . 7.6 + 9 + 7 1 CALDWELL (pop. 2,202r) BROWNSVILLE (pop. 48,040) Postal receipts• ............... .I 2,467 -17 •• Retail oalea Bank debits (thousands) .. . .. . ....I 2,807 -22 1 -End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .I 4,046 -a + I Automotive stores + 14t + 47 + 26 Lumber, building material, Annual rate of deposit turnover. 6.7 -20 1 and hardware stores. + 19t -16 + 8 CAMERON (pop. 5,640) Poatal receipts• .$ 37,068 -6 + 11 Postal receipts• .....................$ 7,874 + 28 + aa Building permits, leaa federal contracts $ 211,229 -81 + 8 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 66,100 Bank debits (thousands) . . . . . . . . .. .$ 37,144 -10 + 16 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ 20,480 Bank debits (thousands) . . . . . $ 6,141 -14 + 11 + Annual rate of deposit turnover.... 21.3 4 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ 6,149 -1 •• + 16 Nonfarm placements Annual rate of deposit turnover.. .. . . 11.9 -8 + 1' 621 1 + 30 HARLINGEN (pop. 41,207) CANYON: see AMARILLO SMSA Retail sales -2t 7 Automotive stores + 14t 9 CARROLLTON: see DALLAS SMSA Lumber, building material, and hardware stores + 19t + 5 + 23 CISCO (pop. 4,499) Postal recei pta• . . $ 34,470 6 + 6 Postal receipts• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 4,660 -16 + 2 Building permits, less fede~~j ~~nt~~~b $ 31,150 -90 -18 1 -22 Bank debits (thousands) . . . . . .I 8,470 Bnnk debits (thousands) . . . . . . . . . $ 34,593 + 9 -17 + 1 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ 8,676 + 8 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ 20,820 + 2 + 5 Annual rate of deposit turnover. . . . . . 11.6 -16 • Annual rate of deposit turnover. 20.l -14 Nonfarm placements 451 -16 -7 CLEBURNE: see FORT WORTH SMSA Percent change Percent ~hanp Loc:al Business Conditions Local Business Conditions Feb 1965 Feb 1965 Feb 1965 Feb 1965 Feb from f rom Feb from from Clt1 and Item 1965 Jan 1965 Feb 1964 City and item 1965 Jan 1965 Feb 196' CLUTE (pop. 4,501) CRYSTAL CITY (pop. 9,101) POltal recelpta• . . ................. . 2,486 -6 + 80 • Postal receipts• - Balldlns pennlta, 1-federal contracts S 6,500 -86 ········ ····· ....... . S,703 8 + '1 Building permits, less federal contracta $ 209,619 +189 +&47 Bank deblta (thouaanda) .............S 1,905 + 7 + 12 Bank debits (thousands) . 2.818 5 + 8 • End-of.month depoaita (thouaandaH..S 1,746 + 4 + 17 • End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ S,087 + 4 + 14Annual rate of deposit turnover...... 13.S + 8 -4 Annual rate of deposit turnover...... 11.2 8 8 - COLLEGE STATION (pop. 11,396) POltal recelpta• .................. ... S 24,942 -15 + 7 DALLAS Bulldlns pennlta, 1-federal contracts S 134,249 +218 -11 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area Bank debltl (thoaaanda) . . ...........$ 6,446 6 -1 (pop. 1,232,6251 ; Collin, Dallas, Denton, and Ellis2) End-of-month depoelta (thouundaH.. $ 4,849 4 + 16 Building permits, leBB federal contracts $~2.686,862 + 8 -16Annual rate of depoelt turnover. . . . . . 14.7 9 -16 Bank debits (tbouaanda) .......... ...a;8,90S,684 + 21 + 28 COLORADO CITY (pop. 6,457) Nonfarm employment (area) . 519,800 + 1 + Ratall eal• Manufacturing employment (area) . 116,600 •• + '8 Lamber, bulldlns material, Percent unemployed (area) . 8.7 + 6 8 and hardware Ito,... .. . . + 19t -6 -8 CARROLLTON (pop. 9,832r) POltal recelpta• ................... ..S 6,278 -10 + 11 Postal receipts• ...... ............ ...$ 9,500 + 7 + 26 Bank deblta (thouaanda) ............ .S 4,924 -18 1 Building permits, leBB federal contractl S 166,000 -76 -82 Enckf·montb depoelta (thouund1H.. $ 6,269 -4 9 Bank debits (thousanda) .............S 5,666 -17 + 2 Aunual rate of depoelt turnover. ... . . 9.2 -16 + 8 End-of-month deposits (tbouunda)l.. S 8,018 -4 -8 COPPERAS COVE (pop. 4,567) Annual rate of deposit turnover. 22.2 -12 + 10 POltal recelpta• .................. . . .S 4,505 -4 + 6 lhllldlns permlta, leu federal contractl S 220,610 -88 + 44 DALLAS (pop. 679,684) Bank deblta (thouunda) .............S 1,695 -10 + 8 Retail aalea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -4 -6 -8 Ind-of.month dapoelta (thomanda)l..S 1,471 -12 8 Apparel etorea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -21 -19 -6 Annual rate of depoelt turnover..... . 12.2 -8 + 7 Automotive 1tore1 . . . . . . . . . + 8 + 16 + 16 Druptorea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + 2 •• + 8 CORPUS CHRISTI Florists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + 1 •• + 8 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area Food atorea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 -16 -12 (pop. 223,0601 ; Nueces2) Furniture and hoUHhold appliance storea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 -14 -2 Bulldlns pennltl, •-federal contracts. S 2,774,868 + 82 + 64 Gasoline and service station•. . . . . . . 4 + 8 2 Bank deblta (thoua&nda) .. . . ... . . . ...• 2,920,980 + 1 + 6 ­General merchandiae storea. . . . . . . . . 7 -16 -10 l•onfarm emplorment (area) . . . . . . . . . 74,700 -1 + 9 Liquor atorea . . ........ . .... . .... . 6 -6 Manufactur!ns emplorment (area) . 8,890 •• + 8 !.umber, building material, Penent 11nemplo1ed (area) ...... .. .. 4.8 + 7 8 and hardware atorea. . . . . . . . . . . . . + 7 9 -28 BISHOP (pop. 3,825r) Poetal recelpta• . ....... . ... . .... . ...S 2,224 -80 -86 Nuneriea ............. .. . . ....... . + 6 + 7 Office, 1tore, and achoo! Bulldlns pennlta, 1-federal eontracta $ 8,000 -85 -94 eupply dealera ... . . . ..... . -22 Bank deblta (thouaanda) .............S l,764 + 24 + 12 -18 Poatal receipts• .....................$ 8,135,826 -6 + End-of.month depoelta (tbou.1&nda)l.. S 2,168 -4 -6 Annual rate of depoelt turnover... . . . 9.6 + 28 + 16 Buildin1r permits, leaa federal contracta SlS,389,806 + 84 -22' Bank debits (thousands) .............$ 4,296,015 4 + 2S CORPUS CHRISTI (pop. 184,163r) 2 1 End-of-month deposits (thouaandaH .. $ 1,854,848 + a.tall --. .. .. ... . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . . -2t -8 + 2 Annual rate of depoeit turnover. 87.7 + 2 + 19 Apparel Ito,... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -19t -17 4 Automotive 1tona . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + 14t + 1 + '1 DENTON (pop. 26,844)Drusltor• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . -et •• + 8 Retail aales General menbandlM Ito,.... . . . . . . . . -18t -18 -14 Drugatorea .......... .. . -6t + 6 + 19 Po.ta! recelpta• .. ...................S 201,991 -15 -8 Postal receipts• ......... ............S 43,592 2 -4 Bulldlns pennlta, 1-federal contracts S 2,686,541 + 85 + 66 Buildin1r permits, less federal contractl S 687,660 + 4 -81 Bank debltl (thouaanda) ............ .• 217,100 -12 + 1 Bank debits (thousands) . . .... .S 88,084 + 4 + 12 Eud-of-montb depoeltl (thouaanda)l .. S 121,440 6 + End-of-month depoeits (thouaanda)l..S 28,468 + 8 -12 Annual rate of depoelt turnover. . . . . . 21.O -8 6 Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 17.5 + 4 + 87 ROBSTOWN (pop. 10,266) Nonfarm placements ..... . . . . . .... . . 216 + 84 + 19 a.tail lalea ENNIS (pop. 10,250r) Automotive ltona .. . ......... .. .. . + 14t + 82 + 21 Retail aalea Guollne and lel'Vlce 1tatlon1...... . -2t -11 -6 Apparel atorea ............ . -19t -SS -7 Po.ta! recelpta• ... ........... .......S 8,997 + 26 + 18 Postal receipts• . . . . . . ...$ 12,089 + 7 -7lluUd.ins permit&, 1-federal contracts s 79,827 + 48 + 60 Building permits, leBB federal contracta $ 66,600 -88 -70 Bank deblta (thouaanda) .. ...........s 8,990 -20 -8 Bank debits (thousands) . . .... ... .S 6,890 -16 + 8End-of-month depoelta (tbouaanda)l.. S 9,598 -4 + 11 End-of-month depoeita (thouaands)l .. $ 7,585 -2 + 6 Annual rate of depoelt turnover. 11.0 -20 -15 Annual rate of depoait turnover. 10.1 -18 CORSICANA (pop. 20,344) a.tan eal• ............. .. ...... . -2t -19 6 GARLAND (pop. 50,622r) 1-ber, bulkllns material, Retail aalea ............ . ..... . -2t + 17 + 12 and bardware store............ . + 19t -28 + 9 Apparel atorea ................. .. . -19t -27 12 - Po.ta! recelpta• ...................... 28,484 + 28 + 66 Automotive etorea ................ . + ut + 18 + 18 Baildlns permit&, 1-federal eontracta S 78,168 -92 -86 Postal receipts• ...S 47,761 -1 + 18 892,327 + 7 -86 Bank debita (thouaanda) . . . . . . . . . . . . s 19,748 -17 + 6 Building permits, leaa federal contractl S -18 W-of-montb depoeita (tboaaanda)l..s 21,627 -6 + 8 Bank debits (thouaanda) . . .. .S 34,820 + 9 haual rate of depoeit turnoYer..... . 10.6 -14 + 10 End-of-month deposits (thouaand•) l . .$ 18,981 -8 + 6 Nontann Plaemaenta .. . .... . ...... . . 196 + 4 + 24 Annual rate of depoeit turnover.. ... . 21.1 -18 •• Local Business Conditions City and i tern Feb 1965 Percent change Feb 1965 Feb 1965 from from Jan 1965 Feb 1964 Local Business Conditions City and item Feb 1965 Percent chanire Feb 1966 Feb 1966 from from Jan 1966 Feb 1964 GRAND PRAIRIE (pop. 40,150r) Postal receipts• . .. $ 31,472 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 1,501.120 Bnnk debits (thousands) .... . $ 18,261 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t . $ 10,857 Annual rate of deposit turnover . . 19.6 -15 -50 8 -2 +133 + 4 + 7 WAXAHACHIE (pop. 12,749) Postal receipts• . . . . . . . $ Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) . . . . ....$ End-of-month deposits (thousands) t . . $ Annual rate of deposit turnover. Nonfarm placements 20,819 29,925 10,416 9,942 12.2 61 + 87 -93 -14 -6 -10 +103 + 6 -90 8 1 2 + 7 IRVING (pop. 60,136r) DEER PARK: see HOUSTON SMSA Postal receipts• ... .$ 45,432 nuildinir permits, less federal contracts $ 1,441,426 Bank debits (thousands) .....$ 38,493 -89 -24 4 -15 10 + 19 DEL RIO (pop. 18,612) Retail sales End-of-month deposits (thousands) t . . $ Annual rate of deposit turnover . 17,878 24.6 9 2 + 6 + 8 Automotive stores ........ .. . .. . •. . Lumber, building material, and hardware stores. ........... . + 14t + 19t -15 + 1 + ' + 17 JUSTIN (pop. 622) Postal receipts• .$ Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bnnk debits (thousands) .. . .......... $ End-of-month deposits (thousands); . . $ 529 33,000 846 803 -25 + 78 -19 -2 -39 -29 -5 Postal receipts• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) . . . $ End-of-month deposita (thousanda)i.. $ Annual rate of deposit turnover. 14,699 61,236 11,952 14,978 9.6 -9 -57 -6 •• -6 + ' -69 + ' + 1 + 8 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 12.5 -18 -25 DENISON (pop. 25,766r) Retail sales Mc:KINNEY (pop. 13,763) At>parel stores - 19t - 16 -18 Retail sales Automotive stores . + 14t + 4 + 8 Food stores Postal receipts• .. ............ .$ -7t 12,432 -8 -21 -17 + 10 Postal receipts• . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . $ Building permits, less federal contracts $ 22,179 105,249 -7 -18 + 11 -86 Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bnnk debits (thousands) . .$ 79,755 11 ,185 + 8 -10 + 6 + 4 Bank debits (thousands) . . . $ End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ 16,670 14,962 -12 -1 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t . $ 10,587 - 1 + 4 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 18.3 - 8 Annual rate of deposit turnover. Nonfnrm placements 12.6 103 -7 + 16 + 2 + 66 Nonfarm placements 127 + 25 + DENTON: see DALLAS SMSA MESQUITE (pop. 27,526) RctaiI sales Eating and drinking places . - st -16 •• DONJ'.'fA (pop. 7,522) Postal receipts• .$ 4,100 + 4 + 7 Postal receipts• .. .. ...........$ Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) ...... . .. .$ End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .. $ 15,879 301,473 8,758 6,753 -18 -62 9 + -5 -23 + 15 + Building permits, less federal contracta $ Bank debits (thousands) . .$ End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ Annual rate of deposit turnover . 13,900 2,238 3,693 7.8 + 87 + -- 8••••. Annual rate of deposit turnover . 15.7 + 11 MIDLOTHIAN (pop. 1,521) DUMAS (pop. 10,547r) Postal receipts• . $ 7,575 2 + 16 Building permits, less federal contracts $ Dank debits (thousands) .. .$ End-of-month deposits (thousands); . . $ Annual rate of deposit turnover . 10,550 993 1,494 7.5 -16 -23 -11 -21 -40 + 8 + 12 -6 Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) . .$ End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .. $ Annual rate of deposit turnover.. . .. . 286,750 11,480 11,065 12.5 + 6 6 •• -6 + 78 + 60 + 18 + Cl PILOT POINT (pop. 1,254) EAGLE PASS (pop. 12,094) Building permits, less federal contracts $ 6,900 -54 Retail sales Bank debits (thousands) . . . . $ End-of-month deposits (thousands) t . . $ 1.034 1,628 -38 -6 - s Gasoline and service stations. Postal receipts• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ -2t 8,682 -16 -14 -17 + 19 Annual rate ot deposit turnover . PLANO (pop. 10,102r) Postal receipts• . . $ 7.4 7,812 -37 + 11 •• + 26 Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) . . ....$ End-of-month deposits (thousands) t . . $ Annual rate of deposit turnover.... 66,476 6,244 4,578 16.1 -67 1 3 + 1 -68 + 8 + 6 + 7 Building permits, less fei . . $ 6,303 •• + 7 Postal receipts• .. ... ... ... . 6,lSO +ta +uAnnual rate of deposit turnover. 10.6 -7 2 Bank debits (thousands) . . . ...... . $ l,474 -11 + 7 End-of-month depasita (thouaandlli..$ 2,117 •• 1 GEORGETOWN (pop. 5,218) Annual rate of deposit turnover . .... . 8.S -ta + 9 Postal receipta• .. .$ 7,243 + 19 + 32 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 30,300 -88 -18 HENDERSON (pop. 9,666) Bnnk debita (thousands) . . ....$ 4,591 -IS -7 Postal receipta• . $ 10,717 -21 •• End-of.month depoeita (thouaandlli..$ 5,766 -s + 5 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 128,800 + 61 + 78Annual rate of deposit turnover . 9.4 -16 -18 Bank debits (thousands). . $ 8,510 + 2 +40 End-of-month deposits (thouaands) i . .$ 18,450 1 + 4 GIDDINGS (pop. 2,821) Annual rate of deposit turnover. 5.6 + 2 + 18 Poatal receipta• . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $ 4,166 + 5 •• HEREFORD (pop. 9,584r) Buildinir permita, less federal contracta S 6,660 -66 -70 Bank debita (thousands) . .$ 2,918 -24 -7 Postal receipta• . $ 12.025 + 2 + 4 End-or-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ 4,211 + 1 + 2 Buildinir permita, less federal contracts $ 269,400 + 21 7 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 8.8 -21 -10 Bank debits (thousands) . . . S 20,704 -81 9 End-of-month deposita (thouaands) i . .$ 16,140 -8 a GLADEWATER (pop. 5,742) Annual rate of deposit turnover. 14.8 -27 Poatal receipta• .. . ... ... ...$ 7,804 + 13 + 2 HOUSTON Buildinir permit&, less federal contract& $ 6,500 -86 -93 Bank debita (thousands) . . . ... ....$ 4,276 -12 + 29 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area End-of-month deposits (thousands)t . . $ 4,513 •• + 18 (pop. 1,373,8721; Harris2) Annual rate of deposit turnover. . . . 11.4 4 + 10 Building permits, less federal contracta $31,169,226 + 41 •• Nonfarm employment (area) . 80,660 + 1 + 6 Bank debits (thousand&) ..... .... . . . . $50,713,128 + 5 + 8 Manufacturinll' employment (area) . 7,060 + 2 + 28 Nonfarm employment (area).. .. .. 578,800 •• + I Percent unemployed (area) . 8.6 -12 -86 Manufacturinir employment (area) . 105,000 + 1 + 9 Percent unemployed (area) . 8.5 •• -1• GOLDTHWAITE (pop. 1,383) BAYTOWN (pop. 38,000r) Poatal recelpta• . . . . . . . . . . . .. $ 2,183 4-+ 24 Retail sales -2t + 8 -7 Bank debita (thousands) ...... ..... .$ 2,771 -26 -28 Automotive stores ... . . . . .. . . ..... . + 14t -14 -17 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ 5,454 -4 1 - Food stores ..... . ... ... ..... .. .. . . -7t 4 1 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 6.0 -24 -21 Postal receipta• .. . ..... . . .. ....S 84,286 9 + ' I ' Buildinir permits, less federal contracts $ 801,289 a GRAHAM (pop. 8,505) Bank debits (thouaanda) ... . . ... .. ...$ 82,490 4Retail sales End-of.month deposits (thouaandali..$ 28,584 8 + IApparel stores ... -19t -42 + 1 Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 18.6 4 -2 -IS Poatal receipta• . . . . . . .... . . ..$ 8,993 • Bulldlnir permit&, less federal contracta S 9,474 -88 +492 BELLAIRE (pop. 21,182r) Bank debita (thousands) . . . ........$ 9,046 -14 + s Postal receipta• .................S 44,118 + 19 + 21 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .S 9,724 4 4 Iluilding permits, less federal contracta $ 167,825 +694 +ae& Annual rate of dep"lsit turnover . 10.9 -9 Bank debits (thousandl) ..... ....... . $ 19,SOO -10 + 10 + 6 End-of-month deposita (thouaands) i . .$ lS,414 -8 + 19 GRANBURY (pop. 2,227) Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 17.0 -10 -. Postal rec el pta• .... .$ 4,010 ­ 6 + 6 DEER PARK (pop. 4,865) Bank debits (thousands) ......... ... .s 1.574 -17 + 1 Postal receipta• . ... .. ...............$ 6,978 + a +u End-of-month deposits (thousands>i . S 2,297 -1 + 12 Building permits, less federal contracta S 280,050 + 89 -79 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 8.2 -16 10 Bank debits (thousands) ....... .. ....$ 6,926" + 61 + 7 GRAND PRAIRIE: see DALLAS SMSA End-of-month deposit& (thouaands) i . .$ 2,827 -16 + 14 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 27.0 + 56 7 GRAPEVINE: see FORT WORTH SMSA HUMBLE (pop. 1,711) GREENVILLE (pop. 22,134r) Postal receipta• ... .. .. . .... . ...$ 8,912 + 21 8 Retail sales . . . . Building permit&, less federal contracts $ 74,200 +209 +281 -2t + 6 + 8 Automotive 1torea Batik debits (thousand&) .. ... .. .. . .. . $ 8,697 -1 + !8 + 14t + 11 + 14 Druptorea End-of-month deposits (thousandsli..$ S,678 •• + 8 -St 6 + 10 Food stores Annual rate of depasit turnover. 12.1 -4 + 11 -7t + 2 -4 Postal receipt.a• . $ 26,699 + 7 + 13 KATY (pop. 1,569) Buildinir permit&, I~ fed~r~j c~ntr~;;,; $ 238,971 --12 63 +265 Postal receipta• . $ 2.295 -18Bank debits (thousands) S 16,243 -16 + 7 Buildinir permita, less federal contracts $ S0,500 -98 -H End-of-month deposits (thousa~ds) i $ 13,959 -I + 3 Bank debita (thousands) ............ .$ 2.560 4 + 17 Annual rate of deposit turnover 13.9 -13 + 6 End-of-month deposita (thouaanda)t..$ 8,155 8 + 14Nonfarm placements . . .. : ... .. 93 -8 2 Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 9.5 8 -' 114 TEXAS BUSINESS REVIEW Percent ehantre Percent chance Local Business Conditions Local Business Conditions Feb 1966 Feb 1966 Feb 1965 Feb 1965 Feb from from Feb from from CltJ' and Item 1966 Jan 1965 Feb 1964 City and item 1965 Jan 1965 Feb 1964 HOUSTON (pop. 938,219) JASPER (pop. 5,120r) Retail sales .............. .. . -2t -2 -8 Bdall ul• .. .......... ............ . -8 Apparel atorea . ... ... . .. .. ....... . --14 ' -22 + •• ' Automotive atorea .. . + 14t •• -14 General merchandiae atorea. . . -13t -86 -18Automotive atorea ... . ..... . . . . . . . . 2 + 8 + 16 Postal receipts• ........... . $ 8,044 -24 Draptorea ····· . ... . ... . ........ . -7 -1 + 1 -8 Building: permits, leaa federal contracts S 27,559 -68 + 47 Eatlns and drlnldq places......•. -4 -11 + 2 Bank debits (thousands) . . ... .S 10,702 6 + 5 Flori.ta ...... . .. .. .... .. ..... . .. . + 21 + 12 End-of-month deposits (tbouaandaH. S 8,181 + 3 1 -Annual rate of depoait turnover . 15.9 6 + 10 Food lltorea . . .. .. ........... . .... . -4 -8 5 Furniture and hoa8ebold appliance atorea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 -22 + 5 KERMIT (pop. 10,465) Guollne and oervlce atatlone. . . . . . . 7 -2 + 5 Retail sales General mercbandl1e lltorea. . . . . . . . . 7 -17 1 Lumber, building: material,Liquor lltorea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 8 + 8 and hardware lltorea..... 19t + 28 -84 Lamber, balldlq material, Poatal receipts• . . . .. . .. .. . . .. .... $ 7,635 5 -8 and hardware lltorea............ . 2 + 16 Building: permita, leaa federal contracta S 80,500 + 4 +101 POltal receipts• ........... .. ..... . .. S 2,225,653 •• + 7 Bulldlns permits, leas federal contraete $26,852,014 +SS 6 KILGORE (pop. 10,092) Bank debits (thousands) . . . . .. . . ... ..S 3,641,864 -15 + 6 Postal receipta• ..... . S 12,524 -16 -20 End-of-month depoelts (thoueands) i . .S 1,606,596 •• + 6 Building: permita, leas federal contracts S 47,500 -87 -58 Annaal rate of depo11lt turnover. . . . . . 27 .1 -10 •• Bank debita (thousands) . . . S 12,074 9 + 8 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .S 13,405 + 2 + 8 LA PORTE (pop. 7,250r) Annual rate of deposit turnover ..... . 10.9 8 + 1 Bulldlns permits, 1-federal contraete S 62,000 -5' -68 Nonfann employment (area) . 80,550 + 1 + 8 Bank debits (thousands) .............S 4,111 -12 -12 Manufacturing: employment (area) . 7,060 + 2 + 28 End-of-month depoelts (thoueandsH..S 2,678 4 6 Percent unemployed (area) . S.6 -12 -88 Annaal rate of depoelt turnover. . ... . 18.1 -4 -6 KILLEEN (pop. 23,377) PASADENA (pop. 58,737) Poatal receipta• . ................. . ..S 47,724 •• + 12 Retail eal• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -2t -4 + 18 Buildins permits, leas federal contracts $ 986,668 + 65 -68 Apparel lltorea .. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -19t -28 + 17 Bank debita (thousands) . . S 18,781 -12 + 2 Automotive ltorea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + 14t -2 + 26 End-of-month depoaita (thousanda) l .. S 12,474 8 General merchandi1e lltorea . . . . . . . -18t •• -4 Annual rate of depoait turnover. 17.3 + 2 + •' Poatal receipts• .. . ..... ... ...... .. .. S 49,874 -1 + 11 KINGSLAND (pop. 150) Bulldlns permits, leas federal contraete S S,080,600 +115 +844 Poatal receipta• . S l ,SS2 + 68 +129 Bank debit. (tbouaands) .. .. .........S 69,158 7 + 28 Bank debits (thousands) . .S 1,000 + 29 + 88 End-of-month depoalts (thousandsJi.. S 81,684 8 + 5 End-of-month deposita (thousand•) l .. S 624 -10 + 28 Annaal rate of deposit turnover. . . . . . 22.1 + 18 Annual rate of deposit tumover... .. . 18.2 + 86 + 1 KINGSVILLE (pop. 25,297) Poatal receipt.• .. ................. .. S 8,528 •• + 8 Retail sales .... -2t 8 -16 Automotive atorea ... . . . .. . . .. . ... . + 14t 1 -28 SOUTH HOUSTON (pop. 7,253) Bulldlns permit., leas federal contraete S 54,685 +161 -41 Bank debit. (thousands) .......... . .. S 6,574 -10 + 11 Druptores ........... . ... . -St + 1 + Ii End-of-month depoalts (thouaandsli.. $ 5,786 + 5 + 20 Postal receipta• .... S 18,020 5 •• Annaal rate of depoalt tumover..... . 14.1 -11 -7 Building: permita, leas federal contracts S 217,488 +144 +soo Bank debits (thousand•) . S 10,829 -12 -12 TOMBALL (pop. 2,025r) End-of-month depoaita (thousand1)l .. S 15,461 -1 + 9 Annual rate of depoait turnover 8.4 -16 -111 Bulldlns permits, leas federal contraete S 4,000 -88 Bank debit. (thousands) . . S 7,108 -8 -12 KIRBYVILLE (pop. 2,021r) End-of-month depo1lts (tbousandsH.. S 6,624 -8 + 1 Poatal receipts• ............ ........ . S 4,118 + 15 + 12 Annual rate of depoalt tumover. 12.7 -11 -15 Bank debita (thousands) . . S l,982 -26 -11 End-of-month deposits (thousand•) i . .S 8,425 -2 + 8 BUMBLE: see HOUSTON SMSA Annual rate of depoait tumover.. . .. 6.7 -20 -16 LA FERIA: see BROWNSVILLE-HARLINGEN-SAN HUNTSVILLE (pop. 11,999) BENITO SMSA Po.ta! receipt.• ........ .. ..... .. ....S 17,042 + 19 + 88 LA MARQUE: see GALVESTON-TEXAS CITY SMSA Bulldlns permltl, leas federal contraete S 44,900 + 6 -66 Bank debit. (thousands) .......... .. . S 8,105 -10 6 LAMESA (pop. 12,438) End-of-month depoelts (thouaandsH..S 10,861 + 8 + 2 Retail sales Annaal rate of depo11lt turnover. .... . 9.5 14 7 . --29 -Automotive atorea ........ + 14t 4 Druptores ... 6t •• + l IOWA PARK: see WICHITA FALLS SMSA Lumber. building material, and hardware stores. . ..... . + 19t + 4 + 7 IRVING: see DALLAS SMSA Poatal receipt.• . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. S 12.209 -21 -11 Buildins permits, leas federal contract. S 77,000 -62 -74 JACKSONVILLE (pop. 10,509r) Bank debits (thousands) S 17,005 -84 -10 POltal receipt.• .....................S 20,787 •• + 86 End-of-month deposita (thousands) l . . S 16.570 -8 -17 Bulldlns permits, 1-federal contraete s 29,000 -89 -14 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 11.8 -31 + 11 Bank debits (thousands) .... . ..... ...S 18,287 -14 -2 Nonfann placements 77 + 26 + 40 End-of-month depoelts (thoueands) i . .S 10,481 -6 + 9 LAMPASAS (pop. 5,670r) Annual rate of depo11lt turnover. . .. . . -12 14.7 -10 Poatal receipta• .. . S S,SlO -10 -14 Building: permits, leas federal contrac:ta $ 79,750 +104 -49 JUSTIN: see DALLAS SMSA Bank debita (thousands) . S 6,141 -19 7 End-of-month depoaita (thousands) i . .S 6.025 -4 KATY: see HOUSTON SMSA Annual rate of depoait tumover . .... . 12.0 -15 8 Percent change Percent chan1e Local Business Conditions Local Business Conditions Feb 1965 Feb 1965 Feb 1965 Feb 1966 Feb from from Feb from from City and item 1965 Jan 1965 Feb l!l64 1965 Jan 1965 Feb 196tCity nncl item LUBBOCKLA POHTE: see HOUST0:-.1 SMSA Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area LAI?EDO (pop. 174,8441 ; Lubbock~) Building permits, less federal contracts $ 4,264,684 + 47 -87 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area Bank debits (thousands) .............S 3,061,428 18 -9 (pop. 69,0441 ; Webb") Nonfarm employment (area) . 58,200 1 + Building permits. less federal contracts $ 480,400 +395 +160 Manufacturing employment (area) . 6,610 + 2 + 11 Bank debits (thousands) .. .... .. .....$ 476,616 + 3 + 9 Percent unemployed (area) . 4.2 + + 20 NonCarm employment (area) . . 19,950 •• + 6 LUBBOCK (pop. 155,200r) Manufacturing employment (area) . 1,340 1 + 2 -11 Retail sales -2t Percent unemployed (area) . 12.9 -1 8 + ' Apparel stores -19t -17 + 7 LAHEDO (pop. 60,678) Automotive stores + 14t + 11 Retail sales 6t + + 8 Drugstores 5 Apparel stores -19t -1 + 11 Furniture and household Postal receipts• $ 42,935 •• + 19 appliance stores 7t -47 -20 Building permits. less federal contracts $ 480,400 +395 +160 General merchandise stores . 13t -28 -8 Bunk debits (thousands) . .. $ 85,976 -16 + Lumber, building material, End-of-month deposits (thousandsH . . $ 27,621 -1 + 2 and hardware stores + 19t -49 -18 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 15.5 -12 + 3 Postal receipts• . .....$ 218, 160 -14 + 2 Nonfnrm plnrements 456 + 14 15 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 4,174,384 + 45 -39 Bank debits (thousands) .............$ 242,513 -44 -11 End-of-month deposits (thousandsH .. $ 137,879 -6 + 8 LEVELLAND (pop. 12,117r) Annual rate of deposit turnover . 20.5 -40 -18 Retail sales Automotive stores + 14t -8 -22 SLATON (pop. 6,568) Postal receipts• ............. .$ 9,133 -17 -3 Postal receipts• $ 4,024 -84 -4 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 174,950 +135 + 37 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 0 Dank debits (thousands) . . .....$ 18,784 -50 + 22 B11nk debits (thousands) . .$ 4,894 -SS -7 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ 15,989 + 24 + 19 End-of-month deposits (thousandsIi.. $ 4,225 -13 -11 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 15.6 -46 + 19 Annual rate of deposit turnover 11.6 -81 + 5 LIBERTY (pop. 6,127) LUFKIN (pop. 17,641) -16 -8 Postal receipts• $ 7,323 Postal receipts• . $ 27,261 -12 + 2 Buildinir permits, less federal contracts $ 37.425 -74 +223 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 437,518 + 54 + 89 Dank debita (thousands) .. . .. $ 8,766 -20 Bank debits (thousands) . . .... . . $ 33,092 -20 + End-of-month deposits (thousands>: .. $ 9,865 -1 -23 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i. $ 28,594 -10 •• AnnuRI rate of deposit turnover . 10.6 -18 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 13.2 15 + 1 Nonfarm placements 60 + 8 + 20 LLANO (pop. 2,656) McALLEN (pop. 32,728) Postal receipts• ....... .$ 2,866 + 7 + Retail sales -2t -7 + 9Building permits, less federal contracts $ 12,000 + 12 Apparel stores -19t -20 1 Bank debits (thousands) . ....... .$ 2,975 20 - + 6 Automotive stores + 14t + 9End-of-month deposits (thousands) i .. $ 4,206 -8 + 8 Furniture and household Annual rate of deposit turnover . 8.4 ­ 18 + appliance stores -7t 8 + 29 Gasoline and service stations . -2t + 5 LOCKHART (pop. 6,084) Postal receipts• ...... .. $ 36,491 + 6 Retail sales Building permits, less federal contracts $ 254,179 •• + 48 Automotive stores + 14t -27 Bank debits (thousands) . .... . .. .....$ 34,162 -10 + 6 + 5 Postal receipts• ...... .$ 4,790 -20 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ 21.898 5 -6 Duildinir permits, less federal contracta $ 25,500 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 18.2 -6 + 9 + 6 53 +129 Dnnk debits (thousands) .......... .$ 4,845 Nonfarm placements .. .......... . 294 14 - -15 + 2 -2 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i. $ 5,631 + + 4 Nonfarm employment (s.rea) . . . 43,850 •• + 8 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 10.4 -14 + 1 Manufacturing employment (area) . 5,150 •• -1 + Percent unemployed (area) . 8.3 -22 LONGVIEW (pop. 40,050) McCAMEY (pop. 3,350r) Retail salea 2t 12 + 3 Postal receipts• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2,698 -19 -80Apparel stores 19t 11 -11 Automotive stores Bank debits (thousands) ........ .$ 1,607 -12 -7 + 14t 13 + 7 Drugstores End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ 1,762 -3 St + 10 + 16 + ' Annual rate of deposit turnover . 10.8 --10 Lumber, building material, 15 and hardware stores + 19t -14 + 11 Postal receipts• .$ 57 ,670 2 McGREGOR: see WACO SMSA -1 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 2,608,300 +443 +723 McKINNEY: see DALLAS SMSA Bank debits (thousands) . . .... .$ 55,.)29 -12 + 16 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i $ 41,528 MARSHALL (pop. 25,715r) + 1 + 6 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 16.2 8 + 13 Retail sales -2t -21 -4 Nonfarm employment (area) . 30,550 + 6 Apparel stores -19t -40 -11 + Manufacturing employment (area) 7,060 Postal receipts• .. . ... . . .. .. . ....... .$ 29,997 + 1 + 7 + + 23 Pe rcent unemployed (area) 3.6 -12 -36 Building permits, leas federal contracts $ 115,971 -85 + 68 B11nk debits (thousands) ........ .$ 17,624 -14 + 1 LOS .FlrnS.'IOS: see BROWUSVILLE-HARLINGEN­23,295 + 2 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ + ' Annual rate of deposit turnover. 9.2 -12 -1 SA~ BE~ITO SMSA Nonfarm placements ........ ... . • . 220 + 45 + 27 116 Percent change Peroent ohange Local Business Conditions Local Business Conditions Feb 1965 Feb 1965 Feb 1965 Feb 1965 Feb from from Feb from from City and item 1965 Jan 1965 Feb 1964 City and item 1965 Jan l!l65 Feb 1964 MERCEDES (pop. 10,943) NACOGDOCHES (pop. 15,450r) Poetal receipts• .. ... ....... .. . " $ 5,970 -6 -7 Retail sales Building permits, leas federal contracts $ 35,021 +122 -24 Apparel stores . . . . ....... . . -19t -14 -4 Bank debits (thousands) . .. . $ 5,956 •• + 8 Postal receipts• . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 22,S69 + IS + 25 End-of-month deposits (thousands); . $ 3,678 6 + 1 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 179,706 + 93 + 91 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 18.8 + 3 + 9 Bank debits (thousands) . . .. . . . ..$ 21,760 -17 + 6 End-of-month deposits (thousandsH . . $ 19.979 .. + 2 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 13.0 -17 Nonfarm placements SS -22 6 MESQUITE: see DALLAS SMSA + 4 MEXIA (pop. 7,621r) NEDERLAND: see BEAUMONT-PORT ARTHUR­ Poetal receipts• ... .................. $ 5,668 -17 -9 Building permits, leas federal contracts $ 0 ORANGE SMSA Bank debits (thousands) . . .... . $ 4,530 -10 + 8 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ 4,977 5 -8 NEW BRAUNFELS (pop. 15,631) Annual rate of deposit turnover. . .. . 10.7 -7 + 10 Postal receipts• . . . .$ 20,474 -2 -4 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 93,159 -55 -SS Bank debits (thousands) . $ 12,141 -13 2 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ 12,625 -1 + 6 MIDLAND Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area Annual rate of deposit turnover. . . . 11.5 -12 -7 (pop. 66,8901; Midland2) Building permits, leas federal contracts $ 709,840 -72 -21 NORTH RICHLAND HILLS: see FORT WORTH SMSA Bank debits (thousands) ..... ...... . $ 1, 728,216 -1 + 6 Nonfarm employment (area) . . . . .. . . . 56,000 •• + 1 ODESSA Manufacturing employment (area) . 4,160 + 1 + 2 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area Percent unemployed (area) . . . 8.7 -8 -12 (pop. 86,1531 ; Ector2) Building permits, less federal contracts $ 682,931 + 22 + 10 MIDLAND (pop. 62,625) Bank debits (thousands) .... .........$ l,104,588 + 13 + 4 Retail sales ....... .. .. ... ...... -2t -20 -2 Nonfarm employment (area). 5o,000 •• + I Drugstores ... ........ ... ... -Gt -6 -1 Manufacturing employment (area) . 4,160 + 1 + 2 Poetal receipts 105,025 + 4 + 12 . ··· ··· ··· ··· ·· ······ .$ Percent unemployed (area) . S.7 -8 -12 Building permits, leas federal contracts $ 709,840 -72 -21 ODESSA (pop. 86,937r) Bank debits (thouaanda) . ... ... .... ..$ 127,098 -22 + 2 Retail sales -2t -17 + 4 End-of.month deposits (thousands) i . .$ 116,206 -2 + 12 Apparel stores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... -19t -45 -10 Annual rate of deposit turnover.. .. 13.0 -19 -9 Furniture and household Nonfarm placements .. ....... .... 682 + 23 + 11 appliance stores -7t -24 -12 General merchandise stores . -!St -18 •• MIDLOTHIAN: see DALLAS SMSA Postal receipts• ... ........ .. .$ 84,014 -4 + s Building permits, less federal contracts $ 682,931 + 22 + 10 MINERAL WELLS (pop. 11,053) Bank debits (thousands) . .. . " . $ 71,712 -10 6 Poetal receipts• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 16,888 + 15 + 48 End-of-month deposits (thousands);. .$ 7S,118 + s -6 Building permits, leas federal contracts $ 83,000 -62 -60 Annual rate of deposit turnover ... . . 12.0 -17 + 7 Bank debits (thousands) . . .. . $ 12,190 + 6 Nonfarm placements ....... ..... 414 + 16 + 14 End-of-month deposits (thousands) . . $ 11,203 -5 Annual rate of deposit turnover... 12.7 + 11 ORANGE: see BEAUMONT-PORT ARTHUR· Nonfarm placements .. . 62 + 2 -2 ORANGE SMSA MISSION (pop. 14,081) PALESTINE (pop. 13,974) Poetal receipts• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 8,700 -13 -18 Building permits, leas federal contracts $ 26,850 -11 -97 Postal receipts• . . $ 13,30S -22 -8 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 380,800 +128 +809 Bank debits (thousands) . . . . . . . . . $ 10,520 -20 -9 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ 8,828 + 2 + 8 Bank debits (thousands) . . .. .. $ 12,668 6 + 11 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ 16,341 6 + Annual rate of deposit turnover. 14.4 -17 -11 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 9.0 8 + 7 MONAHANS (pop. 9,252r) PAMPA (pop. 24,664) Postal receipts• .. .... .............. . 10.295 -4 + 19 Building permits, leas federal contracts S 112,550 -21 -59 Retail sales -2t + 8 + 8 Bank debits (thousands) . ... . .. ... .. S 9,989 8 8 Automotive stores + 14t + 16 + 8 Eating and drinking places . -st -11 + 4End-of-month deposits (thousanda) i . .$ 7,588 2 --7t -16 -84 Food stores Postal receipts• s 26,551 -13 + 17 MOUNT PLEASANT (pop. 8,027) Building permits, le88 federal contracts $ 139,066 + 43 -2 Retail aalea Bank debits (thousands) . .. s 25,441 9 + 19 21,031 ­Annual rate of deposit turnover.. ... . 15.6 + 1 Apparel atorea .... ... . ... . . . . ... . . -19t + 6 -21 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i. s 5 •• Poatal receipts• ... .... ............. . $ 10,848 -12 -11 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 14.1 -6 + 15 + - Bulldlnc permits, leas federal contracts S 167,750 +162 + 89 Nonfarm placements 154 22 28 Bank debits (thousands) . .. . .... . .. . $ 10,208 8 •• PECOS (pop. 12,728) End-of-month deposits (thoWJaDdali..$ 7,990 8 4 . .. $ 10,875 -IS -1 Postal receipts• Building permits, less federal contracts s 6,876 -84 -88 MUENSTER (pop. 1,190) Bank debits (thousands) . s 16,672 -12 -5 Poetat receipts• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 2,076 + 44 + 88 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i. s + Annual rate of deposit turnover. 15.1 6 + 8 11.145 s -I -11 Building permits, leas federal contracts S 0 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 18.2 •• Bank debits (thousands) ......... . S 2,431 -12 + 10 Nonfarm placements 41 -56 -13 End-of.month deposits (thousands) i $ 2,186 -s -4 Annual rate of deposit turnover. .. . . . lS.l -10 + 14 PASADENA: see HOUSTON SMSA APRIL 1965 :17 Percent chanire Percent cbanp Local Business Conditions Local Business Conditions ·Feb 1965 Feb 198& Feb from from Feb from from Feb 1965 Feb 1965 Jan 1965 Feb 1964 City and item 1966 Jan 1966 Feb 1984 City aud item 1965 ROCKDALE (pop. 4,481) PARIS (pop. 20,977) Postal receipts• ............... ...... $ 4,792 -1' + 8 2t -.20 8 Retail sales ---: Buildinir permits. leas federal contracts $ 2.960 -89 + 44 Apparel stores -19t -14 7 Bank debits (thousands) ........ . ....$ 4.178 -16 -7 Automotive stores + 14t -28 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ 6,697 -1 + 7 Postal receipts• ..... . . $ 22,084 -26 2 Annual rate of deposit turnover... 7.6 -16 -18 Buildinir permits, less federal contracts $ 256,407 -28 -69 Nonfarm placements 132 + 61 + 88 ROSENBERG (pop. 9,698) Postal receipts• . . . . . . . . $ 9,186 -17 + 21 PHARR (pop. 14,106) Buildinir permits. less federal contracts $ 74.800 -64 1 Postal receipts• . . .. .$ 6,488 -17 -12 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ 9,848 -6 + 7 Bulldinir permits, leas federal contracts $ 46,800 + 2 -14 SAN ANGELO Bank debits (thousands) .... .$ 4,373 + 2 + 14 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ 4,276 + 4 + 8 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area Annual rate of deposit turnover.. . .. . 12.5 + 4 + 25 (pop. 70,5821; Tom Green2) Building permits, less federal contracts $ 882,860 -46 -20 Bank debits (thousands) ......... .. ..$ 766,144 + 2 + a PILOT POINT: see DALLAS SMSA Nonfarm employment (area) . 20,800 + l + a Manufacturinir employment (area) . 2,860 + 8 -11 PLAINVIEW (pop. 18,731r) Percent unemployed (area) .. . .. 4.8 -19 Retail aalea -2t + 5 + 11 SAN ANGELO (pop. 58,815) Automotive 1torea + 14t + 11 + 6 General merchandiee stores . -l8t -20 + Retail sales -2t -20 + 2 Postal receipt1• . . . . . . . . . . .$ 30,446 -6 + General merchandise stores. . . -18t 26 + 4 - Buildinir permits, leas federal contracts S 540,850 -67 -87 Jewelry stores + 27 + 47 Bank debits (thousands) ............. $ 40,845 -42 8 Postal receipts• . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 108,665 + 17 +u End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ 31,789 -8. + l Building permits. less federal contracts $ 882,860 -46 -20 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 14.8 -89 -1 Bank debits (thousands) . . . . .. . $ 67,268 -18 + I Nonfarm placements ... ... ...... . . 276 + 6 + 28 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ 60,637 -1 + a Annual rate of deposit turnover. 13.6 -16 + 2 PLANO: see DALLAS SMSA SAN ANTONIO Standard Metropolitan Statistical AreaPLEASANTON (pop. 5,053r) (pop. 784,2691; Bexar and Guadalupe2) Retail aalea Building permits, less federal contracts $ 5.046,640 + 28 + 19 Druptores -St -10 + l Bank debits (thousands) .............$10,084,244 + 7 + 12 Gasoline and service stations. -2t -13 + 18 Nonfarm employment (area). . . . . . . . . 227,100 •• + e BulldinK permits, less federal contracts $ 103,850 +649 +744 Manufacturing employment (area) . 27,276 •• + 7 Bank debits (thousands) . . . .. S 3,868 -7 + 38 Percent unemployed (area) . 4.9 •• End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ 3,772 •• + l SAN ANTONIO (pop. 655,006r) ' Annual rate of deposit turnover . 10.7 -2 + 41 Retail sales -4 -6 2 PORT ARTHUR: see BEAUMONT-PORT ARTHUR­-16 -28 Apparel stores ..... . . . .... . . .. .. . . a Automotive stores ................ . •• + 2 + 11 ORANGE SMSA Drugstores ..... .. ............ .. .. -8 + 8 -I Eatinir and drinkinir places....... . -5 -9 -7 PORT ISABEL: see BROWNSVILLE-HARLINGEN­ Florists ........... . . . .......... . . . + 86 +u SAN BENITO SMSA Food stores .. .................... . 8 8 -5 Furniture and household PORT NECHES: see BEAUMONT-PORT ARTHUR­ appliance store& . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 + 2 -18 ORANGE SMSA Gasoline and service stations. . . . . . . 6 2 + 2 General merchandise stores........ , 4 + -' QUANAH (pop. 4,564) Lumber, build: 1g material, Postal receipts• .. .................. .$ 4,685 -16 + 8 and hardware stores . . . . . . . . . . . + 2 -26 -16 Buildlnir permits, leas federal contracts $ 6,500 -64 -88 Nurseries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + 16 + 6 Bank debits (thousands) .. ....... ....$ 4,363 -80 -17 Postal receipts• ...$ 910,668 + 9 + 5 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .. S 6,399 -8 -11 Building permits, less federal contract. $ 4,292,962 + 14 + 19 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 9.3 -29 -10 Bank debits (thousands) .............$ 747,962 8 + 10 End-of-month deposits (thousands>*..$ 451,812 1 + 8 RAYMONDVILLE (pop. 9,385) Annual rate of deposit turnover. . 19.8 7 + I Postal receipts• . . . . . . . . . . . . .....$ 6,534 8 ­ -17 SCHERTZ (pop. 2,281) BuildinK permits, leas federal contracts s 39,600 + 22 Bank debits (thousands) . .. . . .......$ 6,995 8 + 79 Postal receipts• . . . . . . . . . . .$ 1,749 -12 + 49 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i. S 7,766 7 Bank debits (thousands) . . . ... $ 585 -10 + 1 -2 -4 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 9.2 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ 1.115 + 1 + a -l -4 Nonfarm placements Annual rate of deposit turnover. 6.8 -8 •• 62 + 16 -19 SEGUIN (pop. 14,299) • REFUGIO (pop. 4,944) Retail sales Retail sales Automotive stores . . . . . . . . . + 14t -46 -19 Lumber, buildinir material, Postal receipts• . .. . ... . ..... ...$ 18,178 -2 + 17 and hardware at.ores + 19t •• + 11 Building permits, less federal contractao $ 840,878 +418 I Postal receipts• . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 6,340 + 29 + 84 Bank debits (thousands) . .$ 12,884 -16 + 8 Buildinlll" permits, leas federal contracts 0 End-of-month deposits (thousands>* ..$ 16,616 -2 + I Annual rate of deposit turnover . . . . . 9.8 -16 + 4 RICHARDSON: see DALLAS SMSA SAN BENITO: see BROWNSVILLE--HARLINGEN:s.AN ROBSTOWN: see CORPUS CHRISTI SMSA BENITO SMSA Percent cbanire Percent cbanse Local Business Conditions Local Business Conditions Feb 1966 Feb 1966 Feb 1965 Feb 1965 Feb from from Feb from from City and Item 1966 Jan 1965 Feb 1964 City and item 1965 Jan 1965 Feb 1964 STEPHENVILLE (pop. 7,359) SAN JUAN (pop. 4,371) Postal recelpta• . ....... . . .. .... ... .. S 2.604 -8 •• Postal receipts• . . . .. . . S 18,846 +u + 19 Duildinir permits, less federal contracts S Balldlnl' permlta, lea federal contracta S 16,160 +797 50,000 + 12 -89 Bank deblta (thousands) ...... . . . .. .. S -12 2,087 -18 Bank debits (thousands) S 6,992 -19 -7 End-of-month deposits (thouaands>i..S 9,249 -1 + 4 Annual rate of deposit turnover End-of-month deposlta (thousandsIi. .S 2,397 + 1 + 23 Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 10.6 -14 -24 9.0 -18 -11 SULPHUR SPRINGS (pop. 9,160) SAN MARCOS (pop. 12,713) Retail sales Postal recelpta• .. ....... ........... .S 13,308 + 10 -6 Automotive stores + at + 20 + 11 Food storea Balldlns permlta, lea federal contracta S 842.640 +879 +483 ... -7t -6 + 8 Bank deblta (thousands) . . . ... .. .... .S -16 -2 9,220 Postal receipts• S 18,117 + 3 + 47 End-of-month deposlta (thouaands) i ..S 12,626 -8 + 21 Buildinir permits, leas federal contracts S 175,025 + 70 +188 Anaual rate of deposit turnover. 8.7 -19 -19 Bank debits (thousands) . . . .. .S 13,009 -18 8 End-of-month deposits (thousands>: . . S 13,295 -2 + a Annual rate of deposit turnover.. ... . 11.6 -16 6 SAN SABA (pop. 2,728) SWEETWATER (pop. 13,914) PoRal recelpta• .. ..... . ........S 8,466 -7 + 10 Balldlnr permits, leu federal contracts S O Postal receipts• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .S 13,623 -28 + 12 Buildinll' permits, less federal contracts $ 66,250 -4 + 82Bank deblta (thousands) ... . .. . .... .. S S,127 -31 -28 Bank debits (thousands) ............ .S 11.547 -24 8 End-of-month deposits (thousandsJi . . S 10.086 -4 End-of-month deposits (thouaandali . S 4,236 -4 -9 Annual rate of depo1lt turnover. . . . . . 8.7 -27 -20 Annual rate of deposit turnover.. ... . 18.5 -22 4 Nonfarm placements . ...... . . . 96 + 82 + a SCHERTZ: see SAN ANTONIO SMSA TAYLOR (pop. 9,434) Retail salesSEAGOVILLE: see DALLAS SMSA Automotive stores ........ . ... . . .. . + Ut -22 + 44 Postal receipts• . . . . . . . . . . . ......S 8,784 -10 + 18 SEGUIN: see SAN ANTONIO SMSA Duildinll' permits, leas federal contracts S 8,200 -85 -70 Bank debits (thousands) . . . . . S 7,738 -21SHERMAN (pop. 30,660r) End-of-month deposits (thousands>: . S 15,411 -4 Retail lalea ...... ............... . -2t -10 -1 Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 5.9 -18 -8 + ' Apparel ltorea ................ . .. . -19t -40 -16 Nonfarm placements ....... . .. . 20 + 18 + 88 Automotive 1torea .. ... . .... .. ... . . + 14t + 4 + 8 TEMPLE (pop. 34,730r) Furniture and hoaaehold Retail sales ........ ....... .. . -2t -8 -8 appliance ltorea . ...... . .... ... . -7t -20 + 16 Apparel stores ..... . ... ... . -19t -18 -12 POltal receipts• .... . ................S 86,527 -12 •• Automotive stores . . . ... . ... .. . . + 14t + 4 + 7 Balldlns permlta, leu federal contracta S 176,987 -49 -68 Eating and drinking places. 6t -24 -26 Bank debits (thoU1ands) .............S 81,285 -17 + 5 Food stores .. .................... . 7t 6 End-of-month depo1lts (thouaandaH . . S 21,682 -2 + 9 Furniture and household Annual rate of depoalt turnover..... . 17.1 -18 -8 applinnce stores . . . . ...... .... . . 7t + 4 a Nonfarm placements .... .... ..... . 188 -8 + 11 General merchandise stores. -18t -10 7 Postal receipts• . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. S 46.823 + 8 + a SILSBEE (pop. 6,277) Building permits, leas federal contracts S 565,725 +264 + 41 POltal recelpta• ....... . ... ..... .....S 9,830 -4 + 21 Bank debits (thousands) . . S 31.869 -22 7 Bulldlns permits, leu federal contracts S 4.286 +167 -86 Nonfarm placements 220 + + 7 Bank deb I ta (thousands) ........ .... . S 6,230 + 8 + 9 TERRELL (pop. 13,803) End-of-month deposits (thousands>:.. S 6,680 •• + 8 Postal receipts• . . . S 8.840 + 6 + a Annual rate of deposit turnover. 11.0 + 7 Buildinll' permits, less federal contracts S 62,867 -85 -88 + ' Bank debits (thousands) . . .. S 9,530 -7 + ' SINTON (pop. 6,008) End-of-month deposits (thousandali. S 8,626 -10 + 1 POltal recelpta• ..................... s 8,984 -17 + 81 Annual rate of deposit turnover .... 12.6 -1 Balldlns permits, leu federal contracta S 22,100 +698 -80 TEXARKANA Bank deblta (tholl.lands) .. . ........ .. S 4,082 -14 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area End-of-month deposits (thouaands>i . . S 4,729 -8 + 8 Annual rate of deposit turnover.. ... . 10.1 -14 4 (pop. 64,6141 ; Bowie, excluding Miller, Ark.2 ) Buildinll' permits, less federal contracts S 508,720 -23 +151 Bank debits (thousands) . . ...S 979.500 + 8 4 SLATON: see LUBBOCK SMSA Nonfarm employment (area) ..... . .. . 32,250 •• + 2 Manufacturing employment (area) . 6.580 + 7 + Z SMITHVILLE (pop. 2,933) Percent unemployed (area) . 6.8 8 8 Poatal receipt.• .....................s 1,965 -20 -23 TEXARKANA (pop. 50,006r) Balldlns permits, lea federal contract& S 450 -84 -98 Retail sales .......... . ..... . -2t 7 Bank deblta (thousands) . .... ........S 1,221 -14 2 Apparel stores -19t -87 9 End-of-month deposits (thouaandsH.. S 2,898 -4 4 Automotive stores + ut •• -10 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 6.0 -13 + 2 Furniture and household appliance stores -7t -9 •• SNYDER (pop. 13,850) Postal receipts• .. . S 61,325 -22 -1 POltal receipts . . ... .. ... . .... .. . . ...S 14.432 + 19 + 24 Buildinll' permits, less federal contracts S 487.720 -25 +185 Balldlns permlta, lea federal contract& s 54,150 +142 + 62 Bank debits (thousands) . . . . .. .. S 60,097 -18 8 Bank deblta (thouaands) .... ... ......s 12.276 -31 -19 End-of-month deposits (thousands) ti.S 20,058 -5 + 2 End-of-month deposits (thouaands>i. . S 19,018 -4 + 8 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 18.1 -6 -1 Aanaal rate of deposit turnover. . ... . 7.6 -81 -20 TEXAS CITY: see GALVESTON-TEXAS CITY SMSA SOUTH HOUSTON: see HOUSTON SMSA TOMBALL: see HOUSTON SMSA Percent change Percent change Local Business Conditions Local Business Conditions Feb 1965 Feb 1965 Feb 1966 Feb 1966 Feb from from Feb from from City and item 1965 Jan 1965 Feb 1964 City and item 1966 Jan 1965 Feb 1964 TYLER WAXAHACHIE: see DALLAS SMSA Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (pop. 93,2591; Smith2) WEATHERFORD (pop. 9,759) Building permits. less federal contracts $ 848,890 -22 -45 Bank debits (thousands) . $ 1.521.168 + 8 + 14 Postal receipts• . $ 10,229 -82 Nonfarm employment (area) . 32,500 •• + 8 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 40,900 -77 --84 9 Manufacturing employment (area) . 8,250 8 + 7 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t ..$ 14,228 -1 + 1 Percent unemployed (area) . 4.4 -14 TYLER (pop. 51,230) WESLACO (pop. 15,649) Retail sales -2t -2 Apparel stores -19t 18 -19 Postal receipts• ... . ... . ........ .$ 11,292 -8 -9 Automotive at.ores + l4t 8 •• Building permits, less federal contracts $ 67,345 + 62 + 47 Florists + 7 -1 Ilank debits (thousands) . . S 8,946 8 a Postal receipts ... $ 98,814 6 •• En1l-of-month deposits (thousands) i .. $ 7,717 4 1 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 784,890 -24 -48 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 13.6 6 6 Bank debits (thousands) . .$ 111,794 -10 + 18 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t. $ 72,425 -5 + 7 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 18.0 -7 + 4 WHITE SETTLEMENT: see FORT WORTH SMSA Nonfnrm placements 598 + 17 + 2 UVALDE (pop. 10,293) WICHITA FALLS Retail salea Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area Automotive atorea . . ........ . .... . . + 14t + 28 + 21 Lumber. building material, (pop. 134,0401; Archer and Wichita2) and hardware stores . + 19t -8 -10 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 686,841 -68 -&8 Postal receipts• $ 9,868 -8 -27 Bank debits (thousands) . . ... ....$ 1,960,116 + 12 + 8 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 79,586 -89 + 82 Nonfarm employment (area) . . . . . 46,050 •• + 2 Bank debits (thousands) . .$ 8,834 -28 -18 Manufacturing employment (area) . 4,170 •• + a End-of-month deposits (thousands) t. $ 8,755 -4 -2 Percent unemployed (area) . 4.6 + 8 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 11.9 -28 -16 IOWA PARK (pop. 5,152r) VERNON (pop. 12,141) Building permits, less federal contracts $ 26,650 + 14 + 80 Retail sales Bank debits (thousands) ... .. . $ 3,809 -15 -18 Automotive atorea + 14t -21 -8 Postal recei pta• .$ 9,816 -82 -16 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ 4,377 •• + 12 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 9.1 -14 -26 Building permits. less federal contracts $ 54,839 -1 -60 Bank debits (thousaads) .... .$ 14,146 -27 •• End-of-month deposits (thousands) t. $ 20,002 -4 + 2 WICHITA FALLS (pop. 101,724) Annual rate of deposit turnover . 8.8 -26 8 Nonfarm place?menta 75 + 28 + 1 Retail sales -2t + Automotive stores + 14t + VICTORIA (pop. 33,047) Furniture and household Retail sales appliance stores -7t +Food stores -7t -10 + 7 General merchandise stores . -1st -12Postal receipts• .. .$ 42.681 -10 + 4 Postal receipts• ......$ 130,394 + 4 +Building permits, less federal contracts $ 746.880 -12 +198 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 537,441 -68 -64Bank debits (thousands) $ 66,311 -15 + 1 Bank debits (thousands) . . ........$ 132,875 -11 + 9 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 88,875 + 8 + 2 End-cf-month deposits (thousands) t .. $ 96,046 6 -4Anr.ual rate of Lleposit turnover . 9.1 -18 -1 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 16.1 -6 + 12Nonfarm placements 469 -10 + 18 WACO Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area LOWER RIO GRANDE VALLEY (pop. 154,0791; McLennan2) (pop. 359,8361; Cameron, Willacy, and Hidalgo2) Building permits, less federal contracts $ 2,065,730 -17 8 Bank debits (thousands) .........$ 1,876,584 + 5 + + 14 Retail sales -2t -6 + Nonfarm employment (area) . 52,500 •• + 2 Apparel stores -19t -21 •• Manufacturing employment (area) . 10,910 Automotive stores + 14t •• + 6 + + 4 Percent unemployed (area) . 5.0 4 14 Drugstores st 8 + 7 + ­ Eating and drinking places . ......• st -7 8 McGREGOR (pop. 4,642) Florists + 1 + 6 Building permits, Iese federal contracts $ 3.500 -88 -84 Food storea 7t -10 + 2 Bnnk debit• (thousands) . $ 4,924 + 11 + 25 Furniture and householdEnd-of-month deposits (thousands) t. $ 6,800 1 + + 18 appliance stores . ... ... . ...... . . 7t -18 + 8An nun.I rate of deposit turnover . 8.7 + 10 7 + Gasoline and service station• . 4 + 8 WACO (pop. 103,462) 2t -+ 8 General merchandise stores. -1st -16 Retail sales 2t -14 -8 Jewelry stores + 8 + 27 Apparel stores 19t -11 + 16 Lumber, building material, Automotive stores + 14t -16 -6 and hardware stores + 19t 9 + 1' Florists + 16 + 10 Office, store, and school General merchandise stores -13t -21 •• 7 supply dealero ... . .. . . ... . .. ... . 8 Postal receipts• 192,693 6 2 Postal receipts• 6 + a Building permits, less federal contracts $ 2,018,330 + 7 + 13 Building permits, less federal contracts -82 -46 Bank debits (thousands) $ 131.645 -11 + 7 Bank debits (thousands) -11 + 4 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 91,011 2 1 + 1 + + 14 End-of-month deposits (thousands) . Annual rate ot deposit turnover. 17.5 -14 -6 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 16.7 -9 + ' BAROMETERS OF TEXAS BUSINESS All figures are for Texas unless otherwise indicated. All indexes are based on the a\'erage months for 1957·59, except where indi­cated;. all are adjusted. for seasonal variation, excep~ a.nnual indexes. Employment estimates are Texas Employment Commission data m cooperation with the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U. S. Department of Labor. The index of Texas business acti,·itv is based on bank debits in 20 cities, adjusted for price level. An asterisk (0 ) indicates preliminary data subject to rc\'ision . Re\'iseil data are marked (r). Data marked (§) are dollar totals for the fiscal years to date. Feb JRn Feb 1965 1965 1964 1965 1964 GENERAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY Texas business activity, index . Miscellaneous freight carloadings in SW District, index Wholesale prices in U. S., unadjusted index Consumers' prices in Houston, unadjusted index . ...... .... ... . . . 161 .9 74.3 101.2 107.4 lr.4.5r 77.4 101.0 146.6 78.2 100.5 107.2 158.2 75 .9 101.1 107.4 144.8 77.9 100.8 107.2 Consumers' prices in U. S., unadjusted index . 108.9 !08.9 107.6 108.9 107.7 Income payments to individuals in U. S. justed annual rate) .. Business failures (number) . Business failures (liabilities, thousands) . (billions, at seasonally ad­ s ~ 510.7° 55 3,024 S 510.2r 70 s 7,944 S s 480.!Jr 72 5.514 <; s 510.5 63 5,484 $ 479.7 63 s 6.151 Newspaper linage, · index . Ordinary life insurance sales, index . 111.5 163.6 114.4 142.9 106.8 156.5 113.0 153.3 107.7 149.0 TRADE Total retail sales, index . Durable-goods sales, index . 127.3° 134.3° 133.0° 150.0° 126.6r 127.4r Nondurable-goods sales, index . Ratio of credit sales to net sales in department and apparel stores Ratio of collections to outstandings in department and apparel stores 123.6° 64.2° 26.4° 124.2° 65.9° 32.8° 126.2r 62.5r 27.0r 65.1 29.6 64.0 30.4 PRODUCTION Total electric power use, index . Industrial electric power use, index . Crude oil production, index .. Average daily production per oil well Crude oil runs to stills, index . (bbl.) . . . ..... . .. . ... . . .. . 165.5° 158.8° 94.o• 13.4 112.2 161.7° 151.0° 95.7• 13.3 112.1 152.6r 145.5r 96.0r 13.1 116.8 163.6 154.9 94.9 13.4 112.2 152.3 143.1 95.1 13.1 114.6 Industrial production in U. S., index . . ............... . . . Texas industrial production-total, index . Texas industrial production-manufactures, index . Texas industrial production-durable manufactures, index .. Texas industrial production-nondurable manufactures, index . Texas industrial production-mining, index .. Building construction authorized, index . . .. New residential building authorized, index . .. . New nonresidential building authorized, index .............. . 138.8° 130.7° 152.8° 151 .3° 153.9° 101.7° 118.5 90.0 151.5 138.1 r 129.9° 150.7° 149.2° 151.8° 102.7° 113.0 106.2 113.3 128.2r 125.8r 143.6r 136.7r 148.6r 102.5r 129.0 115.6 152.8 138.5 130.3 151.8 150.3 152.9 102.2 115.8 98.1 132.4 128.0 124.2 141.9 134.6 147.2 IOI.I 129.7 119.1 151.5 AGRICULTURE !'rices received by farmers, unadjusted index, 1910-14=100 ... Prices paid by farmers in U.S., unadjusted index, 1910-14=100 . Ratio of Texas farm prices received to U. S. prices paid by farmers . 238 318 75 238 317 75 253 313 81 238 318 75 255 313 82 FINANCE Bank debits, Bank debits, index .. . ... .. . . .. . . U. S., index . 163.8 168.5 156.0 169.5 147.3 152.2 159.9 169.0 145.8 158.0 Reporting member banks, Dallas Federal Reserve District: Loans (millions) Loans and investments (millions) Adjusted demand deposits (millions) .. Revenue receipts of the State Comptroller (thousands) .. s 4,409 s 6,482 s 2,818 $198,722 s 4.353 s 6,457 s 2,797 $122,030 s 4,042 s 6,122 s 2,865 $146,837 s 4,381 s 6,470 s 2,808 $160,376 s 4.014 s 6,093 s 2,886 $134,729 Securities registrations: Original applications: Mutual investment companies (thousands) . $ 28,!04 s 8,816 s 8,950 s 64,688§ s 32,370§ All other corporate securities: Texas companies (thousands) . Other companies (thousands) . s 7,944 s 3,040 $ 137 s 2.729 s 875 s 2,502 $ 45,869§ $ 24,919§ s 17.464§ s 21.226§ Securities registrations: Renewals: Mutual investment companies (thousands) Other corporate securities (thousands) . . . .. . . . . . . $ s 3',245 494 s s 9,092 196 s 7,140 s 1.356 s 50,308§ $ 3,919§ s 53.003§ s 4.257§ LABOR Manufacturing employment in Texas, index Total nonagricultural employment in Texas, index .. Average weekly hours-manufacturing, index Average weekly earnings-manufacturing, index .. . . Total nonagricultural employment (thousands) .. . Total manufacturing employment (thousands) .. . Durable-goods employment (thousands) ... . Nondurable-goods employment (thousands) . . . . . .. .. 113.2° 115.4° 102.2• 119.1° 2,815.8° 544.6° 273.3° 2i1.3° 112.6r 115.0° 101.4r 119.lr 2,814.6r 542.3r 270.8r 271.5r 109.9r 1l1.8r 101.8 115.1 2.728.3r 528.7r 260.0r 268.7r 112.9 115.2 101.8 119.l 2,815.2 543.5 272.1 271.4 109.4 111.5 100.8 114.9 2,723.6 526.7 258.3 268.4 Total nonagricultural labor force in selected labor market areas (thousands) ... Employment in selected labor market areas (thousands) . . 2.iOl.9 2,502.0 2,702.0 2,504 .0 2,638.8 2,433.4 2,702.0 2,503.0 2,633.3 2,429.5 Manufacturing employment in selected labor market areas (thousands) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . Total unemployment in selected labor market areas (thousands) 4:i8.5 120.:; 456.9 118.9 436.5 131.9 457.7 119.7 436.0 132.6 Percent of labor force unemployed in selected areas ............. .. ... . . labor market Li 4.4 5.0 4.5 5.1 > t:l d >-3 UJ >-3 :>:l _:z c:: z :>:l t;'l t'l .0 ~ c:: UJ t'l UJ ..;, t;'l 00 ..;, 0 ..... Nl >-3 :i: t'l c:: z ~ :>:l UJ ::3 >< 0 'rj >-3 t'l ~ UJ td ~ ~ t<.l > ~ 0 >:rj td ~ [/) H z t<.l [/) [/) ~ M [/) t<.l > ~ (} iI1 f I NEW PUBLICATION Notes on THE INDUSTRIALIZATION OF TEXAS Series 11 Reprints, bound together, of articles appearing m the Texa,s Business Review over the past year bearing on the industrialization of Texas. . .... 50¢ orcler your copies from BUREAU OF BUSINESS RESEARCH (Texas residents add 2% sales tax.)