Wi $ mWirn If", / '/' • '* m piii f%-T*-. A^&y, ,' W &/}&'%f1fjlt A • ' . fl i->--v-^, 1 . * ,< 'I l-.«u1tof\the high vote ,-_ „ ' Febniary, Inever dreamed it would still >^^T:Kef^cr/cjtogAft riw^bln^lliR ^Jpi^ei*fitial:-anqn primary would, as faras he knew,be ap-tion. Tagliarino Saidthatifappointedbe ®3km& ^°Ui y pointers*,editor..-, "!i?M -"'-•' Walsfi said the Uth-iour signature ef-' strong showingout of the total numberof . factual without restricting anyview­^tan edi(or fldrt P™* "«* itudenteW dis-• vote cast •>", ' point" 3"' £•-.£ i::'»,:.y i :' ' u -satisfied with the choices offered in Hall " TagUarino said the alternative effort Hesaidhe will,wink lover the suminer % andT&gliarino.' ^ , drew votes away from Hall, rather than to try to establish his editorshipandwillj^vVja <-$*,'L1 K mW*v< SSlS^^^SStSS!a."^L01 -'-"Atot *«•«•spontaneously came reducing his own total. attempt "to get more people invcdved in W sipatures to tbeii; individual, ad>hoc .mit," she said. "If we bad extended the think many of the votes cart (or Ibe Texan." •' .Vv 'u< J. Pil ilPifi SiSli :?a ,--hS . r# xm$L*r pupr Mi; m m sua a­ ,^W^i^^!^ate-Hdqfle'?sesS He. added that-thepossibility :of U;Sr m S^r^Q|SM55to/ .;R^P. l3°aN ANDERSON, fall^ teterva^aTio ct*^ SmL?U2Si!525LjIS> #f th^??f?e ^ ^ Oooference,>emerotf forepbH;tfadt tfae^ ^tuted oirti'latBr lajugft Cortgrki^i^v^^ 5>asr.", i|Sy!ret Tiff w betwetppurgovenn^wid thegoverii-' •f THE PRESS SECRETARY said be un-^ S coDildenti&i ei^ '• tnent of South ^etnin.",^ C-^" derstood the exchanjtes involved m5& ^/"various levels and various people" in-?| the B 'd^^iT^d^F0l^1' -eluding Nbmn aodSoDth^ietaam Presi-^ i: m jgywyMMrt" ^United tetajwonld ; Members of Congress )ils ^tewidoib dent Nguyen Van Tht&Tand that they' J IM any militaty rffen-, radio add^M lfc than will featare^ took place before tW Signingof the Paris * f •< 'tifoag^ipptol "for(atiew accord.Jl .• *» ---DM FS2rE55^^R^$Y'00 a*P'i' • u?am^P" forel«tt*ffalrs. >^Also oii Wednesday, JSm. Rdieii^S, w®1*^ to r-Attterams^Wftoid^nadeAsti^g-jflea^ .Cushn^m, the Marine Corps comman-ffS3S IfeiMiffl'V***r, M<%meettog "toavoUneriMi ,font, sak|, 'U^ polyijeBsibility that KlS ttat Marines Might be used tosT£ is? i^lpgrMiMiww atkm I K-.i­ V?«i '-'& !'" v'l ^ . '#8& "vSK i been to-.'^vin the dty held a meeting on April •to* 'Q ' v^wannly welcotne the dd^gatioQ." ^ >4-5 , In an>ther rqiort, NCNA said the first * |)tom:i^c::iri!j IXW mmr^ t*4&:­ ibrsaaKuund l^v­ mm MjqomM _ xjffc:1'jn6i* well as an estimated ISO ro^aiittke" to -transfer v.--. Ijtegulatory jurisdiction to a .^newly organized, inesperienc-: :^:«d and over-burdened agency, : if such powers were removed from theTexas RailroadCam-He pointed out that the ^Railroad Commision has '^iipregulated gas utilities in the '••5 Sstotes for'more than 40 yean arrrr •«« w jwia h re^jonsiHefor 'for natnnl gas. : "Creation of a utility com-' mission would not hnicr any rates, wouM not bring In a single barrel of oil or enbic foot of gas or tan of coal, and woold onlystnit theeconomic growth of the state," Foy ex-' rHmwl •• OwiimHtffi Chairman'Tom Uber of Bay City also pointed ; out that no bQI which creates a utilities obmnossian amkl change any existing natural gas contracts qr the resultant costs to consnmefs but wH only insure that such con­ tracts are fulfilled by the companies holding tbem: SPEAKING FOR gas traronrearm hmummm |>. lamar Smith, a senior vice- president for United Gas Pjpdineof IkiBston.said com­ panies axt as his are also isolated hy the RaOroadf Commission, "and we think that's where the power should; Smith said that transmis­ sion companies are virtually aivn UWI|WKS ore T-J unaffected by the proposed Ik far As Art I -fcV-»-VZ -y vvm ''5 •f Art M- Bptoasad to ''-rA'l m pubOc fe DR. PRAMOD CHANDRA Unrversrty of Chicago} ast&-J f*fincB of Wa/es Musaum. Bombay on: "THE HUNT IN MINIATURE I PAINTING FROM BUNDI AND ITAH" April ltK^ntrt| " OFF .List Prlce ol AMRON 85-210 1 with case list325.90|||So nm*B*o hi rob Strobe at a Manual unit . lrgrelation, sincethe Railroad Commission will retani the; " power to distributeTexas'gas reservesand alao thepower to regulate transportationan transmission ofnataralgas. However, he favored the Railroad Commission's reteo­ tion of, sveh regulatory pany "has no place to turn to for appeal" if ctties, iint the commission, are eiqpowued to set rates for pipefine com* Taking a different tack was J-Mce Godfrey, a chemical"' engineer and executive vice^ ^ president of the West Texas -• Chamber of Oimmrree, who*5*** said Texas" community.. V development "would come to a crashing halt" if House Bill ­ O,by Rep. Latham Boone, is. HB 431, SfGNED by more than 50 House members, is considered the premier atilities'rpKnlatinn legisfation The bill would not allowgas companies to ndode costs of advotisiqg, pdiBc Italians or legislative when . the lnnlnjiBi'iif-,ac-tanties af utilities," Godfrey or KgBUtme gratuities when •V • -...•v. avery-. auvcrMmagniaa ra^^Hgaiun involved inutile.fait*}-'. • "dark cloirf.andsdi^ Blip, director of * mnch darkerthan others. ^ the program^ Austin .* * 8nch Is the situatkm as the Volunteer 'Tutors,1-Austin ' 'first ammal Community Fair ^State ^Sduxfl,' Austin Rape -opens Sunday at Northcrodi ,:Crisi3 0eflter ahd United Ac-r Man. " *•« tiori -for: the Elderly, the k< More than 50 local nonprofit "mealson wheels"-program,' ?j> #agendes. will participate )n are among them. <-. , » 1 ^ • toe fair's festtvefour dfcys n BuUa storm is brewing, A k • with enough assorted goodies'19,500 cut-in United Way fun-.2$ ; to ptease almost leveiyone: dingfor the CoinmunityCoun--V The fairoffersthe community cil (GC) has placed JVAC in a ¥ V fhe opportunity to listen to * perilous position -and the ? 'i ; -Hw musk; and viewthe han-<;•-programwMlbe cut at the end •**•>V diwori of senior citizens* the.; of June, said CCj.£resident V ^'=~ 'owluhom imparting tfw UnM Studonts Again*.Raden raiy " Center, a part of 'the Ccm-said executive director KfwctUM trictay cmd utgingrtw Traos StuthntsPubBartions Board to pmskfef th« , mmiity Councfl, has served as Lanr Meyers.aiKl-VAGisthe ^'w ^"* °wJ"«*nawt of on aditoi. •> ^ ~ -.. ^ ^a Vcmtral coqAatingbody"^'^Ba!^ olanningorient^d" of . '• " T.' •s XAJU'i. ^the ^cU'siBWigranjit ^ But the real-reason appears ­ „#to Ubm.tbe I^Uef that VAC Trivia Stars Shine i^tonfesf }JKAL . , > Committee;«iaiiinai&^v3s^&-jS'4: •an Staff Writer Texan staff ' • „ The teams ddiberated while the audience samr d Jeopardy!"Tabnage Boston, tte Art; QoeStioo:: (f*° audience FfeS'of participaUoi,H> Retired Seniors Volunteer _. iian, announced to theexcited first an- "please1 ~^in^Al^p^'tUveHOTAityioore'^ :^C^m-ptognta::: taVAC-that .the^- Heming ot theTexas Umon, the excited td&se* ) What woman won an Academy Award for her performProgram (RSVP) as a sister /, ^^ta:-Alice Doesn-t Uve Here Anymore"? Ttesakes^W^M^ta^ ***»****#**»"><"*' e°unty -^hdwil ^ ™e a««tence jum^The stndents had wagered^ pototo.' "Ju^He-sakUtat | Jeopardy theme Song with me,said Boston.ldeas and Issues J*»w thecootestlavsrfdvin thewria«ifa™itvn««^r =^^,,,^are3^hAalU6^tboTO t fhe Politics of Allegiance " "v soonsored 6v! k v-s'ic. i 'V A conference sponsored by The World Order Program S*H with fhe QMalniwof funxnonStudies ?isDR. KARL W. DEUTSCH •<&.•£??5£»s? StanlSalif flrefcuoi of hoo,"Harvard University --'V*. i\-r.7. DON'T MISS OUR f'.l 3-sa SECOND FLOOR §AlS-1 m, •5S5jB5S-". THURSDAY ONLY 2^yt o fe'S4 -z All Pkants 20% Off J TC""-,"""T3i^S:~r •Select group .of Paper- Posters (Special group; Off m Wooden Planters 50# Oft it» One ;*free^.29 gadget! (•yourS^cboice) fwith; porchase;5of«Sl.00 c More in till Apartment! ' % Times Seller Ust@ m ilP1"1 ^Uncorks K#Natufi(l''Uboft' p£^!^Ahother s'rettt look 'Jeethw?,Hirarttf b^Leatiii^. i 'n' Thlng*. In green, wine or h*na«« brown stacked up 15% Off All Titles -'fic "H? S lion and"Non, Fiction w & -> •" •'ft--'':l ril^of Kodok'idie^icab and in price at the;«nd of ApriL Stock in now 1 "if an extra ifiseount. Buy 10.00 or met* of Kodak film, paper, of dwn«cals tot^y? * : a -10% extra discount pff. owl • 346 points. ^.••5 m\ .eg-. rt^.^resmHiSible*fbr ~one< Wold be •' ^Fliial^core::Student AU^Stara^; faculty:AIl^tar»«9.-'4 • morevthan Wilting' to be r rite ttuee. stadat trivia outers Were Wayne Xaniham,' «• resx»sible for the other. « v-'­ ®SJ«e Wol^aiMl Alu FaAii[8uhsfitiiting forjBHl^Chflss):^ >-yAC bu .made.amdicatioo J -'' 'te^y^lgdttrdPdl^ BurtonSpivackand'BoPB itaK'the,Commissioners Court X­ ^ ; funding, and,a deddon ' Mfli 9(,«Mtnva|id -wiUhemade before theend of < fNragi^ stau mendier a;Uqion spokesman said. -Jhe nMiHi1 ' ^/Tft sa mntBal hob^ ^•artyafltalSe '-to county^, § DKKies the tinal biggi^. Trie question: -^ j^v t ftmliiw Atmittw in iwiiaKf^i slippers"?. ^ tittfcrend to^fear^tah 'g^yacnlty. Dnde Jems Cabin." w < -"«*>, ?• l&f* ding insecurity-Be iaid VAC+^­ tb?correct attnreris "»m iggm . &«im- SrtdHT''* — ^ time' to secvioff the neoole i: ownsnrvival. » ^*A Over the last ttfo years, VAC has placed more than 1,-" ^f • 800 volunteeriJn 80 ageAdes<^Li After June depending onK •&88Zt&SSSF-­ j mms® mvw$ ¥ »t s^tewg g*^^^^M-"sf|1 w'­^ ^J.vy33 .. . , , .,0s Aqvance -:•w m ' t y n Twp other bills^fe' -' * *•**,* -" •Ia?ie--WH»" .""MMSfc'vngp^uwngr ine-^j;iia^rc«n-ftwoma^iiId requii«'onestu- Texan Staff Writer afawlmuS.'T'i V it m * iUa V.(gQKernor to appoint iWst^9^ent:{^MM^onp''gtu(lentPalteniate'one faculty • ~ t— 4>%vrv"Hl5 .uuib.V!iU pMUCUW two faculty vmembers,.serve«annual..,.v.B>I,tl, UJ_BCWlll AWI^jH>sIngUwttVfo?tudentsand^nd€rtheageS(^aa8^M^^tj|iffimbej' and .one"iapulty alternate to erve .annual* > covernimr boards and '.annpaU'ierms as nonvoting terms op 4he i University Board of.(M$fa,,$6: per-semestBr-hou^iclSflii &£•$?$!?)??£ loyeriilng boards pf,all Regents as nonvoting me/nb«?rs was^building use feea^affoA .senior colleges reoorted v favArah1v,VAitt nf-; tho J ' -Li'-'*! PHNOM PENH (UPI) -Rebel forces battles to withm two and a half miles of Phnom Penh Wednesday and openedrecoilless rifle fire on the beleaguered icapital. The city's airport, battered for .. days by rockets, came under the more accurate shelling of artillery. \ , :;l On the political front, Prime Minister ' 3 Long Bo ret, who returned Tuesday from ;i 8. a one-week trip abroad, met with other government leaders. But there was no J evidence the government had had any success in drawing the insurgents to the negotiating table. wassponsored by Rep. R.B. McAlister of THE COMMUNIST-LED rebels bold n _ vy-MbbocRyswhose > i'intent is to-:.place a about 90 percent of the country, havethis •••A young^n'iirtpmber on the Board.of capital itself surrounded and,. Wednes­ >kiK V -pv&l #!i mtn&r WRe^ents:^-. said"-Bill Carraway of day, occupied about half of Kompong''f # rff iw*/* < »*$*.tHouston•*subcommittee-members Speu, a .province "capital 25 miles •\'f{ • >vA. third. bill, HE 31Sponsored by Rep.* southwest of Phnom Penh. . , -*• Jtplp'* i;.,?. Sarah Weddington of Austin would limit What appeared to be 75mm recoilless "*'» iiwt ^ampjintstateqniversities-cancharge' rifle shells whistled into the city, from Washington (AE)|liftl$g^rapi£^ *>£ M'AI»T ""avs-i L.«£ tc^for building feesto,$8 per-seraester-houn: the east and north, official sources,said.moMyln -University Hobbyist Frank "Erwiri However,-there were no immediate THE OFFICERS -from Federally D reports of casualties. V tion sought Wednesdayitp ;l$ster^Jake clause tothe.bill Resenfe Banks in sc For the first time, the rebels rained Jawbs^S Um5£fiir, sYTouT A^ffi**40 P*rmit individual schools to raised ^^'®8'slative approval morp artillery shells than rockets on.the 1rn8lllVjSMmtA1«>jteU£»H^11v «.' Vi.iM-. _it i-« it «. ,. ^feddington approved this clause aq^ airport, official sources said. By mid- WflHriinBfnn ^nnmir/ut 4Uto 1W5ESSiia»liii afternoon, 11105mm artilleryrounds and '-o.-.- '.^r. r—UPI T»!»phol6 three 107mm rockets had' hit Pochen- Operation Bunnylift tong. Artillery fire ismore accurate than rocketing, but there were no immediate ViefnameM orphans off the "bunny jet" at la reports of damage.or casualties. " *1 orphans.who arrived Thursday 'aboard the The vital U.S. airlift of food and am­ CtonhaUyili by fllayboy bublisher Huah Kehier. munition continues despite the shelling^/^<6u<^jftiaim.l^.taX8?fc; , although at whatseemed to bea reduced rate. Through mid-afternoon, official process tOokuplheimUre o sources said,17 C130 transportswitham-• , t«b^!^4ntiSbhat«ief»wsfeJih v, X munition and 16 DC8 jets carrying rice . ,r . . *".™~tfqtma"y:yrW8 nap m getting-^,'dictitlwis volved as many as:54 flights a day. t **"te al,^!ed &&"-•was<*tte Insurgents had .burned down at least Seek Visas Before Exodus • 200 buildings in' Kompong Speur accor­ sumnloiittltbree KB^men:ai rliMrr fn finld tl --' ~nr nnn the govenanentts Bureauiof ^uB^.u^ - and Printing,and aevenJiederalReserv^ Bank officetsiia tracing thei tralt of XCi ,„r, Some were Vietnamese, students and legally married 12 wounded othere permitted tft.travel abroad, seek-Many, if not most,'are haiiring INSURGENTS FQUGHT-through Se."oi^ed Stt^s J^T — ONE, WHO ASKED not to be iden­ government lines on theeast bank of-the njirtf—im *•' • • ALMCraT ALL bad .one thing in com-tified, said he was told by consular of- Mekong Rivier," almost ^directly acrossnervote. Sqm^'seeded ^ x. mon: they were gettmg-ready to leave in ficials that those who refused to accept froth-the city, and.set up-two neiw a hurry if necessary. . such orders would be required to sign'a positidns, official sources said. , waiver absolving t^;embassy of all, >«• Ctommi^catioh-^tttheoutsideWorld responsibility'for^eyacuating them or. fro)in°-Pii{iptn Perti:^'asltteatcfted, fh ;post -office authorities" saidi'-The^in­ asr-isi&Brt.WrtW SSSKSaSa consular isectton, said, A lot of these Kambtjl, about three and a bajf mQCs *** H "n people are doing now what they should west of the airport, v rtgft"&!* °k«. p£&&i2dstii£ have tione weSks,-months oc even years As fighting approached Kambol. post "%$' ago in some cases office officials said, radio technicians -were.fow^ to s^shdterin bunkers jt''" .fflU I fshut down. iessional sjjorfa, s§_'•y1"qfw* iw.u^iuv.^uv^ut1U1 Id refuse fo cooperate ui the n©o/SiCQp§ules ing te.the Patricia Hearst case;surfaced investigabon of Hearsfs whereabouts. Wednfesday ^and said he had done '' He,charged thathis familyabdfnends *;^^tlrtng;,wrj»g:'.^i.?vj -• > J. — -bad been harassed by the FBI „ -Israeli Minister To Parley vfButher«fused to?ay whether heknew = We have no intention of talking farthe »anythingtaK3ijt the^Hearst case.> -/JERUSALEM (UPI) — Israeli Foreign Minister Yigal Alton will go tb FBI now arm thefuture,"Scott said "If <1 f ,WITH;';SCOTT WAS. trig Wend Bill. Washington next-week for talks with Secretaiy of State Henry Ai a grand 3ury subpoena is.issued, ^ ZZTZJm** ii A? «ra,iU jury suopoena is issued, we will Kissinger on the deadlocked MiddleEast crisisat Kissinger'srequest, the tuSiS;; •*"r •» Israeli government announced Wednesday. 4 ^ f %! 1 '"We fad -that w? cannot allow^our ^The ammmqsat in-Jerusalera ooincided^ with a-reportJn: the Beirul fl1 t?al,n,ony to ^nfCTT^--it? > hUrt ^rfriends We do not ! ns^spaper An Anwar that Palestine Libera tion-Organization Ghairman fewramentv and jcarned fte FBI ihfe , want tq become accessories, to more %i :: -Yasser Arafat will meet m Algierslater this week with PresidentGiscard 1 jJSL'fi'4 >• t ''1-M-iKrOwtdere by pjtiice.''^ J ' ' i^?16 -rfA«M»lWr SIX taragents Showed up . D'Estaing of France, which has sided with the Arabs. man i who jented a Pemtsy^vaaia , at the news conference but made>no JBetftit reports also tainted the PIX) may change its mind and go tip •ws^anWi^se ^ere Hpartt hid^oat,last 'v>^nove,tp detainScott.' wtyois^iot charged ^ Geneva? for the Middle East peace conference despite repeated anything in the Hearst case. ­ statements that it would not do so until it wasgrafted more political con* anythmg aboutthe case ^Scott?s name came outof-agratidjury cessions"from the United Nations " < !& f' h^rt^hfnu<1|U.^^".51.'riHr ». 4 ^^U^aUon in Harrisburg^PS^into the J^todJipthi^toa^fog&B [°r ,v-fannhouse near South* Caoaah, Pa. if,Us action^ dunng the last year bad , ibttt|tUd ,J 4-r-lt Jxas been reported thdt the Scotts NEW YORK (UPI) -The ».T.S.I. SOW HUES ATIIKf -' ji; i Uife .farmhouse from June to : stock market rallied Wednesday %% , First, of'^u, we-bave^done nothing .'Septemberlast vear -"> MmPMilt -'J 31 Mutriab to its best gain in more than two ' ^AlsO-found in the farmhouse was months. i y'^Y'dence indicaUng that William and 1012 767.99, /Cw»ib?n UEmily Harris, SymbiMese Liberation The Dow Jones industrial imCHftHMD toaboul too , -Ai^ny members who disappeared with average,' a, six-point winner 412 "iuWxV \'^fc?earst last summer, had been there. Tuesday, climbed 18.77 points to - e:;t' '3THE TRIO disappeared onMay 17, die loerlin Co'lege Jn Ohio bad DWrainent-h vtav «iv other SLA members died iirfej ; 767.99, the best gain sinceit rose l w l 26.05 points on Jan. 27 — the hadeverf; you, go" energy plan that would have let prices float free and controlled V\hAi*fltUvr4x r ! On votes of 68-23 and 69-21, the Senate refused to amend the standby ittUsSwl®^ 1 Energy Authorities-Act with the profit tax proposalsby Sen.MikeGravel; P&sitM ^eretidum oh D-Alaska, ajid hoped to complete work on the far-reaching bill by day's the.:penalties "fcnd,' 'f , % nana: ra ftlL^islature.%. / ^^ "1 AM TERRIBLY sorry that I ; But that timetable proved impossible to accomplish, and theSenate quit d be a" felony under the cooperated Jn any way, shape or form wSBS@lg for the day without finishing t|ie bill Before recessing, the lawmakers ^doptedaff amendmenXxiesigned tqencourageoil producerstOTecoverall the oil they tan from wells nearing exhaustion "" > The amendment, proposed by Sen^ J. Bennett Johnston, D^La*.^ would . allow.producers to:S$11 at a higher price oil that was recovered from
•* '••'A.--'. costly techniques^ iS4 , ,t ; ^ i(. \ \!?** wri> ^ •»' !•.« 4-A, itasam. mm Academy Shrugs Oscar PoliticsV' ^ ^i'^6 / ur8e y*e i>eople of the world tostand with , LOS ANGfeLE§ (UPI) — Backstage disagreements involving Frank Sinatra, BobHo^e and Shirley MacLaineover thereading of a telegraiig from the Communist.side in Vietnam on the nationally'televized Oscar Awards wete beirtg"cooled"Wednesday by the Motion PictureAcademy;, -Bert Schneider,winner of an award for adocumentary picture, startled the participants at the ceremony Tuesday night and Set NBC S¥Wh postponefurther^dis­ ?< the^libei-aUon"SotVietnam. , ^ ts'jupportof^M-.in -Sinatra, one of Uie four masters of ceremony oh the^prograrn.'a «w»rt •>s time later r6atf a statement^on^ behalf, of the acadmy,; i §1 ) Schneider's -rertforksl v ui'ieiuersxem^ras. ^ Persons^backstageMiid Miss MacLaWe, aVotfier of|M|| ...„i ^Sm^ra for having read Restatement The fourth emcee, mm to have wm l. ^r'^'^s tried to bring peace between dli,^i^rijp3p^^ m Wf „ Page 4 Thursday, April 10, 1975 v??6L 'j1wis-1 ^ jS|vvfi> ">C-^ !-*"• %e ifsas-aii J'. , ' v The prodigal son has returned. *>n which givesyoa somecluetoourlibera!senatesfeelingson v: -:? After an eight-month absence from the'ip&l^"c^t;?: the documenLAlthough be disagrees with manyspecial in~ .;*.-sciousness, the .offspring of last year's Constitutional--; terests embedded in the proposed charter, he says it is the ^construction money now comes solely from^bond-motiey^^ ''4k:urrent I Convention swaggered Wednesday-through itsold home; theSS: • surest, quickest and cheapest way to get a new .constitu-^backed by the1700 million PenriammfcUni^ i$?-; It wouldbe impossibleina'singleeditdrial to listillthein^ . chamber of the House of Representatives, in almost the' '/'• J?™: ® * defeated in November, dances of revision are r-; proposed document allows the Un(versi^, ^t the 'discretioi(-'y^ieresting provisionswithin the proposed constitution. We are.' same form which caused its banishment last summer. .• likely to fade away for a long time. ' , ^ yyf the legislature, of course, to'supplement P^ntianfenV^-Wprohably unaware"of many 'of thein'ogrSeW^^tAt1 {hes^^' . Few verbal darts were aimed at the refugee from last? ;.;v Which brings usto a question which jutsmost immediately -s^-'University Fund money |\ our zOO-times amended. 50,000 word, Recbu^ucUoo^ ;/;;'-Our 1876 Constitution limits lhe Unlversity"to^b lid of -^s^^ihe right to ^VQle/ Convicted-felons^are^disqualified^from overwhelming margins. ~ • iSlsl: Q?sJ,UlU°". 1 . * J .n, percent of Permanent University Fund yalue in the issuance^'^voting in U>? current Con?Utation. v "^ Lest you forget, this hastily applauded constitution (passer "' .Before this legislative session began, hopes qf con-£ of construction bonds. The proposed documeht raises ttiatli^.^w?, • "Midnight appointments'," such aS" those "which *havev ^ed in one day through the'Senate, two days in the House) stituUonalrevision via the Legislatureappeared to rest with ' to 20 percent of the $700 million fund. ^ -X &' ^1p>vlanded the-Vniversity-witfi seveiil 'of its regents, Would bethe same document born of-seven months' labor and the possibility of a new ^citizens convention, with its * ^ Attempts to spread among other uniyersitiesthe Available' outlawed-^irtertris itf Soffldals' would l>e. required to end -V i million in 1974. It failed final passage by three votes ite; of Jwd; .Institution Every attempt tolnockiji&Satutory material to IS'' ' enamoured with the suit of asuperman or themetal (datesof) the proposed document. ^ protests by people like Houston Rep Joe Pentony. ^ j, 'its proper place'feiled iiTthe convention as a result of ex­ , a knight?" you might ask. \­ tears oi sucn a citizens group, according to people like hj-Because of the Permanent University Fiind proviskm^and-if" tremely heavy pressure by the Good Roads Association. *... Certainly not In fact, its success depended in large part on y Hep. Harris, is oAe reason for hello-goodbye treatment of «.j^-a few others, Pentony sajid Wednesday lus "choice.>ould' "^Basically, the fond consists of revenue from ea«»Hnf taxesthe removal of several of its 1974 accrneraents, to witfr'-• last year s rensioneffort ty aur House of Representatives. > have been to kill the Education Article and let the people • < and motor vehicle registration fees and amounts to about ."^several controversial provisions whidi in the convention' n Doggett diMgre^V I'm not so^re acitizens' convention ^ ^vote on the others: There's no reason to r^Ty, the dis-$700 million annually It goes three-fourths to the highway % document were to be "separate submissions," snch,as the would teyechan^ thin|p;Probably the yievsexpressed hiy -t crimination that goes on m thatarticle. It'salmost likea Bill f department and one-fourth to public education The good ."right to work" issuel"But there must be more toit than ' the legislates (during the 1974 convention), woe not that r, 'of Rights in reverse. Faculty and studaits (at the Uuversi-.' v, roads people* were successful in keeping that distribution : ^J'thaU" you continue."After all, theseguys hollered back and diyeiyijtfrom ^t constitumts wanted." ' -r4'X ty> are for equity when they',re on the receiving endtdf the '4 ^ratio*(instead of giving inqre of ittt publicschodls) and also kv.S .forth for months last year; movingat the pace of a pyramid Asjor thejlocmiMnt s ^ort trip tfarou^i b^rth tte^»e^ So, rather than passjudgment onthe proposedixiustttntion ^ropwed .Education Article, either. Hiey're givra permis^s-pffi^essions of theLegislatlir^;-9Ving sessions in odd-numbered-' ... v. r,c.sychological pressure" on the representatives, forcing them ' • t C -"tpve moire quicUy than u&ual. "It(the proposedconstitn­s||-'g? tion).is so permeated with selfish interest provisionsthat the . raisinethathifdilvcriticized bodv from i .vested interests want to hurry it through. They're trying to • tainly included rqvesaitatives from^ theUniversily.ahxious, fg^<,^£shame the members who.worked seven monthsand cameup ' to hasten approval of " ^Wfs-with'a^ gQose.egg.'''.v : .i:'V "-V-V' , propped artide, the goose,egg. ' Rep. JimMattox of Dallas looks onthe modeofproductaoa Longhorn;football*^.tram' ^•'iMoiore favorably: "In the interim (since the convention),. . .. -Our 1876 Constitution makes no mention of the current^ stirred so much disagreement during the convention. The r 'the same results, replete with the current special interests, we've had time to think about thearticles.The simplefact is 'spht of the Available University Fund between'Texas A&M # .^•Msjfe that if is such a better document than we have at present, &.that the voters have the nght to vote on it." • •>& ;M'-SeiL Lloyd Doggeit, upon hearing of the constitution's'.: r K While such wording might eventuallyhave led tothe -poning sgain the revision effort And we do wanta nfew Tex-quick House passage, exclaimed, "That's outstanding!" position: I cleansing of the inequitable Texas education'system (as f-as constitution " ' % >^-sl _ ' t\V~» A glimpse of To the editor: one would haye to surmise that ^,^IGrante^» ^ Jrexan ^ «, Univewd^X; so1eTft»son Ire to6t the jobwas thai it ^ v O \*r-> original filij^degidl^ ]«4 mirabie; _ _ .. <4'than support by students. Overeoverage --opinions is ridlculops.'it's too late to do »i ./v,^ tbemsdves to progressive.pce^iuties.^ » T^meM^^cBVtol^willa^ites^of these sports has excluded a lai«fS anythMg^ about it this sranester, butAt hmg last, the forinerljr certified can->>>< will have been convened to consider the, 4 amount of news of much more" semester's covers re will sporting newsof muchmor^ hopefully next semesters coverage w&l : dldiate Maty.Walsh (the originaleditofsg^t appointment of an.editor to your conK~i interest to the majority of students whQ correspond more closed to what r ., race filee) has announced tointentions|®:3mWfy newspaper. Rather than further^ foUo^Spbrt^ ^ ;*' students-want to read about:% Kaof Prese">tingto theTSP Board meeting^ railing against the railroading of theTSP"33 " I useMonday's ,Texanasanexample.< SfSS? Pat Cook Board and the sham theirs and Major league baseball teams squared'otf"^ 3Glddo Piggott I fortsmaiein;hK-..andBarryBoesch's^fPresidentRogers'actions — a in actions have made,of.> kwfor three-game series in Houston to ' +5> 'i .1 behalf by:iheStudentsifor a FreelPress;^ the-enhre racei I simply wish to make ? -. decide the majorleague championshipci, fe. ' t-iJ S&in last Wednesday's campus poll. The" ^this appeal to those students\«ho .react ^ ";Hell pn^wheels j '^results thls'lastHiiinute effort are, I this*paper v'' 1 isr paper ^ ^M# r bdieve.mostimi • Support the petiitofrballots of Mar^ we did see coveraee of'' The parktag sltoafflwnit -Univei^ ~ 1s»aa crime;an toe Although :200 behind theleading;7 Walsh'S candidatcy by attending the TSP wotoen's nn, jo^foH^d.^ mm editorship were the result of an ad^boc^ii readers from an-"approved dectoratV am, oaly occasiod411y.,No mentao^ut proceduriil medianism borne: of"^x»n4:\ ;J process by .whicfc th^fi^yhave.v0iced.; ; taneons-.student,: restonser in the last their ebneern.' \ -re^tonser -1* > hours preceding the election 1 "•'/ t Jim Shate^/ A-;}?4K1^ jparicoui h»"tte boondodoi«veryday. tfe ,^ereis enoughstudenUnterest in_the llaVefound tt v Indeed, given theciraimstanceswhidi College' of >SocUl andBehavforal times I have been late I have fmmd it I^SA' tour, the' hockey and^basketballv have surrounded this election from the -Sdeitcei: necessfirj' to park'ln the places of the playtrffsandthe regularseasdngamesof, beginning and the flagrant disrespect . prlvil^ed few... For'these iin^>eal^ible tXe 'Astifos'and' Rangers to merit' ! and abuse dealt Ms. Walsh's candidacy 4 HEW 2 read i indiscretionsImust ndw pay the Uidv ' cttverage,;ln:iarticJe.form;:As'evidenced : and others'—thefact thatneitherWalsh Tothe editor: * } " rity |S0,br fabe their, threat;of 16 by' the-w la^t of attendance. At rugby; -1 j-• *• ' /i .. mu f|on.t|on. 1 * ~~^ > .or. Bdesdi/had:the:ben^Otif of ^c&npaign With-Lthe assistance of Dr; Stephen t&Step right up-there's stiff time to get aboard ^lth timj6 r-«dspaceand SectoraledftoHal^^v.Jiontor asdstant to the president, .nine constructi^fl^olng o^tio^ •:*s< there lffl^t ei^ugh studeht interest a "* * copieSot theU^.Dqiartment'ofHcalth; ,Jt/8een)s du^ihe.adminlsthitlon could m 'W*m these M> to, merit toucb inorfdndthe mpney from sodtewherein their Education . and Welfare, report'-that IS appeared in the latest edition of On Cam­coyeragti thab the sco«.^fterair,n^j, garfantiian b^kUng fund tobuild a hirf. University news doesn t takea back paridng:garage orso^id other meads ana walls of Texas pos have been put on reserve at the m _ ^ . ^ Ji t '•> ' e Academic Center Undergraduate' '^'iQ|vallevia!tlnif^th6 crisi^'fif^e paAj^; <-^ . * 1 o-'? MdHuf4rJm% Dr; Lorine Rogers', name^ I urge.. Wm fiffer^nt stance. WhepaskeM how > toent that could be visited bn me*"w, Also.l have^een toit that a v«if tb^ ^ * w^detemdnld; be to b^ stuck forever' on a'bot, stlcfy - ^•fQFor Mike Smithithe eyeninglectureSi i_,,jti . ^ . Finally, he readied 1Lyye^ after-continues' Tntermediaiy biochemistry signed mag. Scampering behind the Academic* Street' ter^nable 'fB Crater,after dartingto the rearof one of" PlantDirector William Wikox, of I3S4.­ , He^expeCted each of Eis mstnictor^s . the 20 Unions (used to be only one, so-900 > " glances to tear from his countenance the ^ they say), be came upon that final " >Cdtisi'derfnf °^_hls P*3"" well:prepared . banie?, that detested divider betweenj' priorities,^ it^ Wduld not be al all'un?^^ jitot taown only to hfm but-certainl^ -€ the "real ?rorld," and, as they dared to* reasonable to that the costftni SupportERAv reflected, hefefe aElMiEV -call i^.the"real woridconscience'." The; wall ^imdw^'alfects th«» TOti^^^' lTa'tte^edHor: eSch of his i.acti^;::>>.A';f,i-rf'& rS^otv/eyraicopsidering his^ttOTthsplp^^^^^^^ll'' Hi emihisroom-eng«*feredTatml of The piate knew thai this leaptatitas thtagh itwereagoverdu#.v decathaton artists.in:the:BUlb^crire^^ it, bidding as lover, scratched/bastily:t» its tdp -aiid^ wwy pulling out a pair Qf l9eS witerCUttine tances irtipsQia ing fclass for -the^ tweezers, quickly cnt the kmS0®Bjm r the law tMJdeoied hij ' ^'^emes6r,swould' . three ominous bands Of wire. oaaccount­ nur,— the final encounter rmim™ wa,t" Tte rottnig awarently1 wHite wall.'1 as " kw^^ftWpstudenteiat •foiylf^ triggered something in 'the Main esisthere :j$uilding, for here came tHeTo^ligl^t But, Wilcox'-reminds usjihatfb.... ... , drafted,jmisex , „ . ,., ^ ferociously mopping a path directly t£ f amulateda m l a t d cliffc l f J " -k ' u e i f 4ji».%oo^i^^ii^S^liminatloh'' of' criminal n^apfpSii thanai ¥S5tln^J-. vmumtn The VOto 'Sb-a wall.IVs^ rape/These.addfilorial N o irUeb W&m® * * * " < * * * t h e l i g h t toMmr* ' mmnjlmt-wit g e t jSahtetT. TO® appeared^ below| ,atad ramps fot Imralids tk&ffimfc t; Gail BdixisC M SwSseedii^ aftera moment'sstruggle in «^|nortar,T^andLihat^|caiBi /,ihakp dea^?B^eMiS?Me^i?o^ |&Sudf#i Aihy Chtlig be*°?d r -A-P««bw ibe AMlairtgr the leg bom hia, P®» » beautified by the thin&(lniigiife -1 righte for Women ^ .pattrO'Neal supervisors, those, terrtpf.with 3»w mentaT Image of ^fUkanoen^' com^WP^^^ grangearm bands, appeared this fateful" stnfiqg-«idi wMcGpnigle ' ' "r material perimeter aBdj^SI^^Ijpiiai^endmentgffiaMffi^l^^.-vy ittllliSS Sf s ** *^c J Memorial Stadium. WUc6^saitfi|l for ^^and (it ^itS ^|^^&!,©^|ch«»^'rr^l^e/'jg*»W1pficed ybur^Tiqi wm NOTICES "Tudicrous' position « hayU^f General librariaii;or anti$ SilifeS />thirnlTihAiinkvDn^^twi%Nifolfa>Wedan tnr»wniwt«r -v San Francisco toperforfn the traditional American politicalact Sabotage or not. it would not be the first time in our long of baby kissing. Only these were dark-eyed Oriental orphans Judaeo-Chnstian history that the Lord has countenanced the . from Vietnam, those: babes who are so exotically supercute to slaughter of holy innocents to instruct the rulers of men in vir­• our occidental eyes tue. Just as the* President was being photographed, carrying in­The incoming, conquering Reds afe not going to bloodbathe fants in swaddling clothes off a rescue plane, Hie Washington infants and children with no political convictions.They willfeed • Post was publishing a story in which it was revealed that our ihem and grow uiem up to be good Communists. It's those side in the Cambodian war has been practicing cannibalism on many, small, nonpowerful South Vietnamese adults who took the enemy's dead. While it may be that in the final analysis it our part in the war who are in seriousdanger. But noOperation makes no difference' whether the bodies of slain soldiers are Babylift for them. What do you want to bet that the only South buried, burned or eaten, cannibalism, for people of our culture Vietnamese grownups who'll get flown out are the murderers -at least, is the symbolic act of barbarism. from the political police and the numbered-Swiss-bank-accoont- Yet here we are, congratulating ourselves on the boys? humanitarianism of Operation Babylift whileour ally is literal­Dr. K. didn t think up Babylift. No. that was either an inven­ly fricasseeing the members of tfie other side and consuming tion of the childlesscouples lobby orthesuburban guilty-ridden, them as though theyvwere.missionaries. It figures/From the or the remnantsof theold fight-to-win crowd. When tbey ran out start to what we muk jrope is the end of this affair, our official of babies, they'll switch to airlifting puppydogs. people have never, been able to get a hint of what they look and So. it s no con game that the Doctor of Diplomacy is playing, sound like to second-party eyes and ears. and he's right about his critics not having a monopoly on Take the Cr5A that went^pwn, killing all those children. It's wisdom and morality. Nonetheless, the war for freedom that be the war in microcosm^Firsia brainstorm-in the White House; and iiis former boss began in 1970 ends five years later in-can­then a self-servingannouncement tothe worldabout this newest nibalism. Shall we blame that on insufficient congressional ap­ m wfcwilwHi saw example of our selflessness,and next, of course, we had to send propriatiohs. and then mark Kissinger down as one more coo­7 think I've seen enqugh mud!' iyir i the biggest, the mightiest, Uie irtostoverpowering plane in crea-fused, . rampantly misunderstood and misunderstanding .American? -j 5V .• If the Angel of Death had been sent to teach thfarmed, angry guest viewpoint V. & H and alarmed Americans that there is a difference between morality and the public proclamation of good intentions, it was lost on our secretary of state. "For God's sake." he cried oat frpm:the irrigated Palm Springs desert to a press conference while his superior went golfing, "we ought to stop talking as if against racism « By STUART H. HERSH creased admisslon of women have been 3.measure:used by called "objective" tests'perr,' that a student who takes 21 tunity to demonstrate our dis­one side had the monopoly of wisdom, morality and insight, and (EdttorVaote.-Hersli is s and: non-Anglo < men would -public schools throughout the form the same function today hours of course,work be judg-satisfaction with the status that serious people (meaning himself) trying to deal with tins graduate student in govern-threaten* Anglo males and United States to "objec­that the IQ tests have always ed dn the same standards in a ' quo. On Friday, many of us. problem are trying to run a confidence game."meat at the University.) would be a form of dis­tively" assess the intelligence •perforined, a rationalization course as astudent whois tak­can join those people who are • Only the optimists think Dr. Kissinger is trying to run a con­ •Many of us Anglo males did crimination in reverseagainst > of an individual. In '"Postwar for excluding certain types of ing only three hours of course struggling against racism and fidence game. Thepessimists believe he no longer knows what not lendr support to the rally- us. ; Tbere was expressed America," Howard Zlnn people from certain types of; work? Is it just that a student . sexism, hoping to end these in-game he's trying to run or even what ballpark he's playing1 his ; against racism which took among some Anglo males the provides a strong' indication opportunities?: How can this who works part-time or i justices and oth?r. injustices " game in..place here a few weeks ago? idea that the qualityof educa­.that the IQ test works against university's admi'ssion fulltime while attending'UT which • we experience daily. . If you think Dr. Kissinger is planing a con game, then you"" Two reasons were usually -tion at UTmight deteriorateif lower 'income-groups in policies be .called "just'1 or be judged on the same stan­Anglo males can showthe vic­believe he thought up Operation Babylift for some «=im<^«»r bat given for our nonparticipa^' current admission*•standards general: "a question that ask­"fair," when these "objec­dards as a stiidenf who.does -tims of racism and sexism; sane reason, such as hecould use it to get votes inCongress for : tion Some of us felt jthat it were relaxed ed, 'Symphony is to: composer tive" standards continue to not hold a job? Is* it just that that their struggle is how our more military aid. A con man might have thought up baibyliftswas a futile gesture to attempt The' University of Texas, as book is to what?' drew 81 exclude certain types of the University of Texas con­struggle, too..If we stay away to distractpeople fromconsidering that it's not theorphanswho .to change Universitypolicy on <.~like many state.institutions in percent correct response fp6opl$? • . tinue to • admit or reject oh Friday, we ratify the ex­really need the saving. racism and that participants 1 thetJnited States; .has from higher economic groups <: Injustice does notend at UT students on standards which isting sexist and racist In which case Dr. Kissinger will have to live, like the rest ofin such an effort would-' ^traditionally discriminated and..51 percent from lower' with our admission :here:.Is it have; historically dis--policies of the University; us. with the words of the South Vietnamese army lieutenantonreceive recrimination , from j.not only on the basisLof-race economic., groups. ABUI when just for you to have your final criminated against Afro-' Anglo males must supiport the day the C-5A went down and the orphans were crisped: ''Itihe administration Many' and sexbutalsoon thebasisof the question was, 'A baker exam for a course (which is -Americans,:chicanos, women' University Students Against is nice tosee you Americans taking homesouvenirsof ourcoon- other Anglo males feltthatin­ 'family income. The IQ tests goes with bread like a often worth 50 percent of your and poor white males? Racism at Texas (USARAT) try as you leave r-China elephantsand orphans. Too bailsome I'l \ \ I Is carpentergoes:with what?',50. grade) corrected by a.TA who Those ot us who are in­on Friday. : of them broke today, but we have, plenty more:" . IWANTTO60 percent got It right in each must grade .150 exams in 48 terested iuiending injustice at X HAVE AN SEETOmE5 group."Do nottheSAT, GRE, hours? Is this a fair assess­UT and in society as a whole ASAIN.BUTI'M NOTSHE I LSAT, MCAT-and other so--ment of your:work?':ls it just have been provided an oppor­NELSON'S PROBLEM OJULOflNP. GIFTS Pottwy Sale HER HOUSE XEROX COPIES V:-44I2 SO. Congm* . W>on«: 444-3814 WE NEED NEW PEOPLE U • ?UNI of • NAVAJO .<• • Rots • Plants • Hanging Baskets ^ovOwer 20. of one K-j;original only • HOPI INDIAN JEWELRY J PONt WANT'HWTpSO ftt£H£6 Bnei Chelm Wright Studio ' OWH10a.m.1*4plm. DJITH ME, BUT WJTHWMW ^GIFTSTHAT INCREASE I&Wl'O&TUtZrjNOl), Legal or letter site;white or iAJewish Co-Op mVALUE* V -Barton SpringsPotterY WHAT (5ftJiftt REACTION colored ttotk...came price; hf CLOSED MONDAY M 09OO Bartoh Spgs. Rd. " TO IW PRO ^SUMMER and FAU POSTAL INSTANT PRESS CALL NOW 472-2060* 1503 Lavaca W^W tr Ttysjyew Un^er­sfty of Texas1 stuclents spon­sored canoe .trips, selected films," invited ~and hosted-speakers, distributed pub-: Iitity, organized symposia, .jSHlei THETVOFTHPNaUS, and staged art exhibits and tzSMzoN&iHmrs cultural eyeijts to create the Texas Unloh prograrn. The • .TexasUnlon ProgramCoun­to.share this.­experience« aTexas Union „w., _ _ committee member. To find siaoiiS • it & out • about the^.committees, t.., -and interview procedure,at-' tend one .of .the Orientation r Sessions. -• Thursday, April 10, 4:30 & 7 p.m. -> tmemssuBFBUT m fexas Culture Room '' tiMSH&CBEBtm CQMNSUP: MY (Mexicain-Ameiican) X= HmsvoNAtmmwtm KOSimTDINWPt. .. RKtammWANDHS nosm/m. ^toftsiclercdfora committee'Interviews willtxl J ; Methodist Student Center L™ S.estxrsAMGOf eAOi-asm }#-the week of Apdt14.' t 2434.Guadalupe' secoNPsf #§ / curioMBS& BYUSAU.! JM ^Answ*ntp YMtmfiy's % Crossword PuMel H!5KL! fcWiii II.LIWJ S2)-'SII EFDY. 03;? riSfer?'--' aniKisr^ fsiriurE ~'ii aia^E-1 ROTz-P yiB wyrji'3 'jjiay.dK •IiiyziK ws«(^ri MiiK'i3!=i KWB3 il(z^ araas R'viii Lj^ia .MTAC, I,.,. ¥ frag* -A99' Enfllr>«iS *4*45 PrttMMmA*Emeroetf } vlctOnout: .c.'.'jMndaoe '-Easy Living for Juniors wv-ip. in Cotton Duck Separates ' fewrlttan' Relax in the super;coolr looks of »;coritw_. .these versatile separates ap^,propriatefor a multitudeof casualmmmm ^occasions;..-, tust right for the girl .AWho isfashion consciousas well as lvalue minded. White, neptune, wmmmmmmmm bIue, nader;green• or sunshine yellow in siz« 5 to 13. Jackei aula 24.00. Slacks 15.00. Sojid T-shirt, S.00.Shorts, 14.00.Striped T-Shirt; Hfig^Ahhiv$raalv ,J 00' ? w ntCarl Mayert enlire diamond col " "flrtsMKvi •f... iSf YARItilG'S ON-TME-DRAG jH4i SOOWN, 1 hursaay THE DAILY TEXAN u «egag %2­ Tennis Team's R< Now 33-3 u #>»> .• E- Kt /i-tr-.­ efed^b «•fc "» t ii r rn*Hft rMLMuSateiSa. a «e IGB. 5 iHHW 3rf-$S II >lr? '' m rM.fr itbe Tea$.is the'tnun^tol beat ta give ial(,U,7<, ™»<*win.: the SoothwestConference. Dave; Snyder.• has" done a : sJBa.4 KUONGBOBNSkadita le ewr ia ae doidites EB^ tn) rf tremendous job getting jmtqgK players*and their vear is evident of thefact"f't siatwosets. AfcM has alreadypla^:' andWiegand taodCoBrson last year's SVC^dUnQlarB Honstan, bat -Barker: still" IHi S3•> die No^ 3 dodbies Kriter aad Ifcilag had a taw£er Saae dtiyosing of IHoocer£-2,7-S,the a V> ad- favors tbe Loogfoms. "UH may have4 better individual: pbgosr hit Texas is more disciplined both mentallyandv physicaOy ln a close matdi, Tdhaveto^wiaTexsB,"te .Ptak sad. i to -When it carae tiiwr N.H,Hl fanmncfe'tiT AfcM CtaarfcBirtard Barker did not know where to start! >: •ad asfhiaK bBt prcise (or Smfc^EaMtaK^taas "We had several, heroe*"' today"he said. -4C'c ' ^ fla^atreaKJy to^vkeii Ihey had In." Bate sad. K«lerabd Whalinghad a real'' "Weladsanedancestotake gmSleffort, and Brad Nabonf;' dHgeia Aeeai1ygoe«.tjat isgrtting better Abetter­Wkalia's and Wiegand's after' recovering I rom * •oftdbes icullj tarned things .. mononarieosis.: Gary : l)oc%u^. also had a good day. «pecial>'?? "v%1­*TVE SAD all along that hrwithltis serves,!V$qyder t ' ofeewL * * . $T . \ Pkkiechorfi^ mMMk •* As1f9ft#£jpp|$ *£4 v:finl8h«jd.; sRader, Roger Metzger ahd tbe game surrendering one-Enos Cabell rapped out three run in.thewventh inning in hits apiece to spark the Jgainlngi theVictory/')' , Houston'Astros to-two bi(( tar?. }n ^ * u HOUSlWMVPJt) +-Doug, ibeiinjured Richard, finfc nlngs and a 14-2 victory over' ARLINGTON '(UPI) zr Marling pucner j.n.. ana -reliever lom nurgmeier IftRichani lacked oneout of gcH^ shyt of{ a~, Tex&s rally to 3 ingfarenough;togaln"th6 vici.t preseWe A 9-2 Victory for the _ 4ory .before being sidelined--Minhespta Twins, over the ]vwith a toe«injmy,!^i<:harti' Rangers Weflnesday+filght ^ ^/jamiAed his tofe cdvering flrstj: OU^a.' Wh? snwshed athree-\ J»ase when Clfff Johnson; run homer on opening night, ^hobbled Ralph Gap's'1 hft a sol& shot ^Wednesday ^ grounder on,what,would|jave mght, ^ Jim 'Blbby The ^-been jhe^hirdoutof^filth i Twins scored their opening . ; , (< : ' j : ^-inning, ^ hits in the fourth Jnnliig; THey •charged b^Ck ^tn'slx more hits and eijiht'cuns ifl the seventh inning off relievers Tom House -•and Bod -v.--, ---^ T—" "•'''rilfirnntii ByflelcL returns backhand „'6,VfcO,!>yp R<^rts\ w£o-n§»laQ6d v "X'Sp' y-',wtf Irf-s tunIn thesecond 6nfa walk to The HnaU Minnesota run ' came in th^ sixth thanks to " two«witanger« error? 1 > jTraillng, 3-fl, the Rangers scored twice In the sixth off wftme^^ofe Dedfcer !^ available | 6*dtiw6sSteaeLT*KosUaiaii1 •« •-*11 PageSThtirsday/AprillO,1975TBE DAiLT TEXAN It was a;rieai? ; he said."Whet/- UTiRochoer^fins 4th qt|AAU it!,' ^"T^a? Bob'Hachner„ finished fourth ^ . 5rAtforf'Wlef£rtpethaps^.i)reaststroke»n;-thetAApra * 'ho«o^,insurttlilsreinlburs?i»ei\t1f^rs. .Rachner's ijup the matdt t>esL\ wfaicb in addition 10 the! It the costly trip JS > v. -' "„v , -*, -*< -peek'sNCAADivk.~,„ , „ to dm yon -Siat' : Last vedc the Texas Athletics Council'.voted not.to.iftQVide^ xwhere 1$ finished fourth with a t^ne of! anything can happed on a ^ funds for the swimijteam to s«*l.members, to the mert-JSo ^ timeiwas a little*&ne|;teste that Can be given day.** * -rW Rachner found:a new motiverfor placing in the competitipti,v said at>wt| the,entlrejpeet.^ ^ V7,1 * Fte the Aioaes, it was'ooe since the AAU reimburses the top 16 competitors, Havingmet ''It wasfou^ betS^ th^lthetwo ineets^am s)r-| chance in the^200-yMtJ breaststroke.^Tle will be:up against r . ... * i ^w>-| current;record holder•Jofyiilencken«f Stanford,1 who also wpn ­ Volkswagen Specialists " jd;^JMarble Fall*'*& c ^ 1y DARK ( \ mi i ii '%Pi ' w / if L'hrs, M >'A m M w$. M 0 ks , 8fiS Sfa'SrtH «"?>. * ">*• Tennis Player Not Born a Longhorn NEW YORK, (AP) -.The ? WesternGonferfencewith aSO­ "Atlanta Hawksiwill pick-first By MELANIE HAUSER rush.the net." • * off. She has played at No; 1in this weekend at the In­in the National Basketball s * Texan Staff Writer What Wilkins lacks in an singles most of her two years tramural Courts. Texas' top Association's 1975 college ; Atlaguf . Many people never question; aggressive physical game,die," here but stresses that there's competition in zone. Trinity, player draft,'but they're not ' choice jwlllM third,picJC where they should; go to makes up for in herserious at-, not much difference in the top will only send its No. 7 and.8 ready to Saywhdm they'll college. Some come to Texas titude toward tennis. % four.players' abilities. players. H'J - select 3 ) "•' fz* Wilcox predicted that'1the for the ''Longhorn tradition,"; "You have to. take tennis "THE TOP FOUR are all "We've been workingand; still others are handed a! seriously every time you step cldse, and everyoneis gunning / 1 " " Wa hnuo nW» coln' 8,1 uncirculated 1,963 r toward zone all season, and full athletic scholarship that onto the court. I talk to myself for No. 1," she said. "There's wiffi Trinity's top players notlittle'. the court, es-r makes the decision a constantly_ on more pressure on me because competing, I think we reallyeas^i;. For tennis playerAmy; peciaUy when I begin to get, I can't chaiienge anyoneT"l'm have a good chance to place S£tSC!f,5J' ; mad. Wilklns, the declsiontook»n —J wLiistiavin »j5i*.Vnv. » H " missioner, vould come upr expected to win all the time.' all Texas girls in the state rfK NBA <' toils: Kennedy who willte* little more thought. "It doesn't do any good to Having lost only one set in a tournament." Wilklns, a sophomore from lose your temper on the challenge match and six w£r Stdv^h^ri^ft retiring-Juner*, thenmade the| WJLK1NS SHOULD be one Houston, never really had the court," sheadded, "You can't season matches this year, of the players advancing towill wt AiiUSiS","***• was inclination to..be a Longhorn do anything about a missed Wilkins can consider herself a state. And since Wilklns is the conclusion of,the playoffs * , Altooa^ they tost the coin*, on her own. Texas Coach Bet­point, and besides, losing your winner. only a sophomore, HagermanS? in late May,'s> ' ~ V J flp,%Lakers (Jid not Seem 1 ty Hagerman had to give hera temper gives your opponent a She considers the entire is glad that she'll have that ,?i » > " "i > v--(*w-todtlDStft. i >T nudge, without being able te psychological advantage.'.' , ^ .. Gentep, Marvta^W#bster,^^ rjiT;;-, , team a winner and is lookihg kind of talent for two more Morgan State wfl Wank/'7*Me to*? not tost anything hand her a.full scholarship. Wilkins'-attitude has paid forward to the zone matches years. David Thompson' of. 'North ; ^^Is^^Jlwlit^Tjecausette HAGERMAN AND Wilkins/ • After graduation, Wilkins Carolina State,and Dave 1nation^^b^ayersa^ knew each other through the > %mg f| *> •' •«#•;( like go into' would to Meyers ol UCLAare the professional tennis either asa Junior Whiteman Cup tennis Walker SigHS With KC a matches -and' had a mutual' name&tposi often petitioned, {WW0*®*.1 player or an instructor, She .' repsect for each other. • KANSAS CITY, Mo. (UPI) — Defensive lineman Cornelius but WUcaxuWould j feels that tennis has had a "Betty knew tennis; and I Walker of Rice University, the Kansas City Chiefs' second himself ^ major effect on her, maturity,: respegted her opinion,'' selection in the 1975 college draft/signed a multiyear contract "When you're in athletics, WILCOx'WON the No jt Wilkins said. "I liked the Wednesday with the team. • • ; • you learn how to handle com? pick by guessing right in the. amount of competition I could' Walker, a,6-lVi, 245-pounder, wasdrafted in the third round by petition and stress earliercoin flip against thes £os Indiana Surprises Spurs get playing here." • ^ the Chiefs. r •: i than most people," she said. ' Angeles Lakers? who were "We've got a better--Also signed were offensivelineman Gene Moshier of Vander­"You also have to learn self r- represented by -attorney-Alan' £%$M program here than most state. bilt,; a 14th round pick, and defensive back Mike Bulino of ' tod 2-a*.MoyoH.^ -am: control. In other:; words;* RothenbergJ.Jfce Hawks were v schools have and the program Pittsburgh^ a 17th round choice. •" basically what life is." is getting better;each' year;" " sheadded. -1. Outwardly, Wilkins isnot ^n' aggressive player. She plays ­back toward the baselinemost Eastern'Cqnfertnce.' Los' ate notperforming in the seven game series atSab An-"I'M EXCfT of the time, taking the defen­ muteU aboutthisi Angeles wqfe lait Hp the 1'playoff 'sfctplnflnals,Jjke. the tonio " . whole thing," said Leonard,: sive. SWC Basketballs- „ "THEY'RE GOING to "We Went-downtberehopingdow . SHE ACQURIED her defen-; (1\!rvrtrtne off it in a huiry," OdBch; for maybe a split. Fwiyttrs, sive play.leaning to play on. mmm< .• -, , a B°t»by Leonard promised they said Indiana>was sinmg-slow clay courte and really. Ploi'iWednesday, preparing for a* ^because it had players like wishes she'd learned to play . rilal M IIIJTwf tJlUllvU bard practice session "That'Roger Brown, Mel Daniels on harder, Lay Kold conrts. iiinanrar.nDi^m.'V \ , third gamehere Thursdaywill and Freddie Lewfs. Well, "I'd like to become a more LUBBOCK (UPIfeTheJa^eJbaU re^UngMasonofficial-be (he crucial one as fat as, Daniels and Lewis are no aggressive player," she ly opened for Southwest Conference schools,Wednesday, ind f We're r^i^rnpd longer with us ^ stid."It's a lot more fun'to ' Texas Techbecame the first team tosign^player—picking up^ '"Sure, we have atwMaune''* "w® ~h,.iii - 1 ­ ,;, University Ombudunan "1Dan?^ey'f ^n.ard from San^tortoCentrai Cathohc. lead,Tut KtodMlS, It's^ yo^Sur-S^ If you have been heated un­fairly by a University .ad-' League tifle}a&tyearand ave^SIS,pointsagame-He hit® ( SWe^o^r^dt^ minntrator or foculty mejiiber, the University Ombudsman is • ^S^Sl^S-areOndl^^ kJsSSS^-available to h*lp yoo. Contact Jim Oiborn, Union Bldfl.,344,5 «197« Bacardi imports. H«,Mi^:a.itnuit*aofidy.-ooNaiiuoris a Ttapn«Bicof ««««:i ^ LIMITED.* 471-3825, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. " ' b.^ man J ve ever seen" ^ 4 "Hie pressureisonthemaU "Nowthe serieslsreachii^ I the way," he said."Yoir geta the cnhcal stage," Iw added ,rw.. ir-;jteam aowii M and-you hiave > TbeSpureweresdiedidedto. liitrodifcdmgi^ ihem .in '~troubi^;A'^xl>t)t.tx;.ai^yeih tpTO.late^W0dne9day ^ April Special Sill miythingcan happen.'! & and scheduled sope-workout The PacersJiavgi't bfen V before game No S " t Havd the NeWUokfoi^Sprin^, ^ <. "fA-' "X, A K ' «r ' wfs / Shoe Shop SALE Let us Frame or Prost youf sXWe moke an<(.''> ' Sheepskin '' •S , , kW P^e»'goo{tiuilY:otishortor Omn-dry ^ RUGS .'0;•®®8*. r. , "ii4« A *?Maiiy >-'»hoei beltt^ -ti ' scOO wany ' tnu ABANAUNlS^HAIltsfYtlNG A -m / D "-BeauUfulColore 7Is ^LYVELDT IS^VOlimONARY.ITLASTS.: e««ni SBSgrtsa-: leofhif-'• W-U-»• 1'ivi j.UJ> 11 ICapitol Saddlery ?:;1614 Lavaca : Austin, Texas 478-9909 Relax! Cnjoy your Vacation amid lithe spenfc splendor of the Ozarksl V BUFFALO RIVER FISHING 'i*r­ 11 , IMI II NIL f t ^ RESORT ^ < Atlthtf bridge, Hwy,^Swth^fYetfvill*, Ark. ^ YQU'RE NEVER Vf6 are pie campus outlet for CUurhs ­ vAift and we carry Austinlargest inventory. » 1 '•Modem CabJils , 'Campgrounds J ALONE WITH ' u. J t* * I ^ A. ^ ' Jr. *> 1T, ^ w •Guides • tott &TaSde , ^ * A IONS STAR WPS -< &<•lONE STAR BEER CO, Drag I. ^ ti e l-nr lliKTiall«n» (jill 3(II-VW^>2S5 ^ 4-lV^568 a " or write BUFfALO RfVER HSHINO RtSOtT t*% '» Rdute"A -Yeltville, AHanyis 73617 •&7s$>1U drlving{ 7 Mexican American Culture CbmrtiiHe*^ J f* SMi.1 -« •* •«,, J } Yf/ CHICANC ft t r », t >V Wft&i rM Hp* * "j*?* dv , V - ri I Mechanical and civil eneineerinsr^ M WtfflCA m *Wm V.a^-r i fit " *^jf*b*sukda,D.SAEZ ^jrairl^-irt #WiJratar"p*r * o#UM»t: i# i||52* Texaa Staff Writer -. v classbecauseoftheindividual J wwntflfiaHnwf nf pTi.wR^.md •''-•VS'-.f-')'. After A short lecture ex-attention required for proper, ticks, "safe participation" Is %&. n plaining the lesson plan for Instruction, n, 1 _ achtafed by a strict banon the afternoon. Dr. Daeshik DRESSED IN LOOSE contact between studenfedtp -W8^ WgMy iwmi^tWwJbiiei^^jTOi^U^Alf is t>ft*an,SWf friter^:^ taPi Blue 5^-" Kim.oorKoreanboroinstnic-pyjama-llke .» uniforms* tag pairing. All punches are y -) tor, gave an example of what students practice forms polled, and totter protection dM«0M|l llnals^wfe bewraitedustodawiththeST known as ,katas^wfcicfcate30 Is provided by the' student . • »» f* 1 ViKmSafttfisswet :Our 41a « copiesof The DailyTexan that steps performed-in an,*l£' himself, whohastbeopttooo# • he had brought to class. pattern utilising fighting increasingthemandatory •N6e£x|^^p^8fi»||''8x set up differenUy-tfaomjnen'a^ MtleifiddSl r r* Asking a student to bold the techniques such as punches, ••hiCC \%&" • space between Ms (or her)<•* U*1 paper; out r at arm's. lengthy s :< kicksand ~most importantly ponenL,' t »x t- Kim stepped forward and — blocks and defenses Tae KWonDo, ,whic& -once.nottwice, " ^o( this occurs under the ®tnj)hasliteS }kicUng ^uier vii qulck yr™teET,am?,to «•*hitting orstriktog, irthifei watchful eyes of Kim, who i.$.•:« accession. Then it was our holds asixth degree black belt result of a fusion of Chinese v (sT®* Js<5; ' '1 in both Tae Kwan'Do,'the Ktopo? Okinawan-'te k-' 'CONTRARY TO Korean style at karate, and meaning "kand'^and appearances, "Kim wasn't Judo.; Before coming to' the •*aP|u>ese Mtafc.lRecognited I» A ^ proposingan alternative to ^University last August as a' ^ MjH by the Koreangoveni-< •fc*" ; the Firing line. As the in^ judo instractor, Kim spdit m€nt> Tae Kvron Do how. is proctor ofPtlOSR, the first several 'years 'the taught by lO nteior sclMols.' ;;;.-; co-ed karate coursesponsored i martial arts at such in-Absenteetar^W tow fortfie/fe ' iff-'the University physical stitutions as' Georgia SUte cumea, not just kaepnaaijtiS^ <4 && education department; Kim University and the City Instractor hasa black Mtbttt;y« it^f ®SJV;­ wasmertly demonstrating . College of New' Yoriu. because students aren't® ube of many kicking tedml-tjir,,nlnnji ,hnt . pressured to compete with|f'. qaes ta the karatestyleknown works £• . asTfceKwonDo. % > x -bere U the MiM MOey teach his or her own level. IK nUlM1 «lwvif« V Kim SaM :-vtmUi iiim> ;mmm -^mrnmSmmL it' 1 \i Wolle 01 , f '-'' tihflniinnhT* * Mcood skill hon» i m > v i e K i m S h o w e d ^ t h f e . necess^, Kim 'strte6ses an r j«w at the 3t ^tot^,^Senr; a« yellow belt, varied katas. The most M the classanadvanc^r ^ . 1_ w art that is recoeniited as a * ii£*~ "ZZ "^wwwneyeuowiieit, vancea uuas. -n»e most;u^; the.class an ttdvamx-retreat »no^iat-penuwi qii^auso aaid. r sport by the MU if'tte first stqt on the road to t«^yeexhlbitfa«,to»e?LC!C. -th$ v«t«»aLWon* *W W Though the.-sport.,of.,T|»,-mreatedat beinosf'difBculW^., r& &V ^ (fc yealisatton a(v Kwoq DgstressafhumiUtya^, -Withouti^tatidQf^D tokf fc |rf(4 an ayer^n^tintodte, fi-'if _ . ,...-in..... ; , - ??^rarRBt j ^ _ "V *pi JSjWlOniismiitAt «• -Otoeen w?s his Houston Wve to reckon with, and ^will host four (rf tb? first sbt of injuries has b^nrtoik^V i I BRITllH ftlFTSTlMPQRTSa 1 ft? " AerpaV pliyStt drive Ik CkMi Coach Jack Vivian amesm the terto, should { lite-• *tfS5fff.afTfat• *»»-* iJSaJiirir*" v'mjieas eaqr «s MWL • f*p «erot-«»ter ipoitaetigBy t>R. ROSE ANN $NOREY f?% for old gold highBHplay "nmrsday ni^it as the" favorite because iMron bm» v | Vf^w iof itfiia Average school rings. BB ^ssuKfi; m*™* graduation rings etc. thw anyone else this;r |[ Amencan DIetand Howr CHARLES LEUTWVLER we have the. be# JEWELERS theteague,': [SOUP AND _ ,,vv regular season. "But then smm gtta ba<* toseiiousbusinen., ni " we give -Cleveland ai^1 iT^Smy&i i->"A lot of, people think w«£. . . TEXAS UNIpN . jZ.% ir».i W» *< rm expecting a tou^i, XAtm AMiRICA* DAN£tH<$ mmm %i&££?be. rAglrps host the StOOp^e^ Ml £f^liisa4ere'1trii«il»yBM«gifU ii;» ji • ^jip iihttttVtvi^ SoturSa^^ftn^.^ &f9h4m$ ^ ^^tordayni^tto^enabest­ mm-* A ATfNCION^ Invitamosa todos a par- f tidpar ^fMl^Strai Fiasta Latina qua indicating Houston's ­;t^Jballar ambliht. " ^^^brAt^mmicmCtaiur^Commmm V imrnSM ured ^^ofessor Pandora's Box i$pv tmssz Don Emiiiotequila' l.ivyrimbK ¥mm MES?S$BEt and pineapple juice. »niQgg^t-| ^Ti0rq] VCtt-fr; W4^sHt:: wAVt^'; ,•* THESIS, ^ r-sC? >H. X IP GOOD UVE COLUGEMEN ONLY-iifi «Vj?a IWpMyfeCto Essnss csMi'to''. m-LVV >;v. jWi§!i% mxm. —Miiii a»M mm forthelqwestpi %25£ lli-miiy America' >^§V*?WS'K mm '4 §^IOIl|6IRIS mmm asms fft." THERMS * Ssf^SilisSisiife J-fev QIMOM. m MUM$!lOR INTERVIEWS jjMMaafeag .Trf.i?*:•"•/ :7TV;•*:!" -V'V. «|wS' •• 4^ "?v'f H 1 U 5$|>; ~*•*^fl|••'••:?::-.r-•? .^•>;.»&z,„S/;;<• f> > % CVit 1jW *5? B Dentoi;and San Antdnio.' ^ THOUGH THE 13 demands, & V by MELISSA PRATgA J^lte administration re-which ranged from tbei, of chance Inatdr^frjike^'s E$onotaics, Association jjecttonofseven of their ,13 of i •%1 * fiiT1 ** iriii P""» pillows arid pastries donated Kappa Alpha fraternity elimination standardized^ demands, a group of students entrance tests for minorities v >V noro southeast,ot Tri-Towera. by theirmpmbere T^e dub 1 ipon«orM^«MiSfeifi|5l% l^6to iinl^ih,8 increasing thejmmber of? ~i®3SSJ^SS? 3s**i*e«ww if.1*^'?' '?^.^8S#*te ^ontihue to black and brownfaculty:, Xf} X Thuysday*^ 3°^p to. if Bm*' P * highiifHt^ %y the py Oam-ltyver$iljr during theaftern&pn, and (to fla'EW members, were not met- who ^this institution,' a USARAT member Irma Sotd, , 831(1 ^egroup would not^ve; L said at-a Wednesday press qq. ' conference. Campbell added that the . (Fpr.thq first t|mejoany qqn-f winner, ^ ^ » .About* Faula Campbell said the meeting with Rogers produce nfr^iiV **reek organisations pafr > ^AlpKaPhisorority hopped by Greeks group;;. United Students ed "what we expected.*' .. 'WornS* {teipaM in the Carnival The around the carnival dressed in • Against Racism at Texas, will '<1 WOULON^T expect a; J?« Vietnamese -Student Associa-rabbit costumes Domiine con­ ^ begin ;mobilizing the person with her class ftsiitil "stodents and woridng people associations to^be aWeto sop­tbe state" to change the port the type of demands we , 1 Tlly-white image" of the are presenthtt," sbe said. ; r; PniJ^Ky-" ' -"Theadministration fedis a^ )(Chicken,Run" ^hlch enabled periodicallytumbled tntothe 1 \~ 'Aa'tf-firSt effort, USARAT l"100 its oot baidt is suf^ Whoeveir tyet on the winning wateraq^ cheers from their •nnouncfed plans for a ficient to fulfill its obligation chicken to be eligible for^i, chj^afcthdr dunking booth 5 t0 statewide rally against end minority dls; qtU|i, racism, set for 10 a.m. at the crimination," Campben saidi WlFighi,for; Rights 'a ft. *t** CapitoL -At the meeting, Rogers said , ErCoundl uesThursday . 3,with a chug and pedal contest concert *L noon Thursday; Co-op with a special -"Hit the Which spotasor§cthe"carnlyali -aitj p m ^ ~" pntertainmentcobtinuSii witifc*»«••» • «*».««-k— — Vlolatingrtheslogan "If you belly dancing from 8:30 x drink, don't drive," theactive 10:30 p.m "In ti}e jfavero. j^tyrequires entrants' to down a Friday activities sttrtat ^ ^f^-certaln volumeof beer and pjn. with the Sigma Alpha.' ,\T*ce arounda track1 00 Epdlon fraternity street par-' : <^iportaiiify foralistndoits. _ j te, bicycles. ,0ompetttiaais open ty^Beer.andTntislc wlllilowinf -.IJSARAT .mmber Rhotkla. Uf.fr tO ?to rqen the MOO'F Rhodes saidbetween 3,000 and pl^u^ '^tlck^rlt?ou? .^t-^jj^Ifff PMsoTOare expectedto demands," Rhodes SaiS, if'l •;5 'A; attMd.includtoggroups from USARAT "is not emotfooaBy: *.rf ElTW^ Hoaston, Arlington, ,attached to a^ of the^> r*W |'K. . •>'.« >•" , booth'representation is split 'also will participate. >> emergency roomsr.in*119 dous to children who may not fcle accidents-iwitht'MS-; , r 5050 between 'Greeks Ind in-7 .Accompanying the floats hospitals was the basis for be -aware of the '<>l4ws or bicyclistsinjured and twokilKt . c .vs./ » -2;"^ BudweiBer dangeft of the^pad. V^f&UK ,cld^Lt!_,i?«!?ase1' t Bagtantagf^ljpju$!u& *dMes^ltenes'tawghtto,, as156fS"® .Weir, a jvomesstve countrv Attstin ^stiemfiy for Round-'. of^^'^KlacKSii^^CoiD^ doui^'^raVnor said. ^ ^r-acddents,H0 injuries and no MfaA deaths. Ih1974, there were 155 TV bicy^e accidents with 133 in~>v ST"­ said the \ ? tart'phleT^t tlSJi.BACARDI, IMTOBRjMOia^Cara OFBAewn tamimtwma ^'.''isi1il * fl _ ngandan^ Let Pedesbtatis-gotBrs^V STEPPI I DeVane ^°n sidewalks^and Street J-MA )v$iss.tBt n l¥l ^ erodings M ^ f ^ ^ ^ T, Indoor s t f«£ti S •* . JChiaPotss' IM AUeratio ^c,1^. ,•?!" isiissjsasg H p-'i r-} --^ 1 M ,v f;V < i < i •t?* > c, > iff4 if P?1 • -vjjv- i§M ** -i »< *»> ». -1^ X-, t^BBU m i •1 _ vSi/f^s's j ii r.vvj•a & : »£^ !: tJ¥ We've gbt your-fit; tiding"tutfinJ'hoaffiM m |« i -.Air rw*Ws^Wr*-f *T™r' B^ByBETHMAC*,f?f equivalent tothat in the fecialendow­ statements Jrom the'-"American * Texan Staff Writer ^ ^ ment fund,"Dr. Philip L.White, TACT Association of,University Professors< The University has been defining in: ^exeouUvernmmlttep-member, said stating that the University ranked 82nd; inmnenms areas since the middle Six-' Wednesday. ; in the top 172 U.S.universities in facul­ ties, according to the ExceOence at The special endowment. Js. the ty salaries ,( ,•1 , * "sUT-Anstin. report prepared by the AvailableFund, set up-in, the tins ­ —•-r •».«« "Forr ur;aa number of years -the —— -• nuuiuer ui iak Austin ^Chapter of the Texas Associa­ ' ''"peeiHcally. forthe-.aLegislature has looked atthe Universi­ tioo of College Teachers (TACT). -•£ ^ University operated the context of * ty within the state -The decline is caused mainly by the;. totallyfromthisfundontoageneration system. Theyhavetried to.level-the­..inability of tbe University to compete -ago when state leaders added tax ap-"University down In comparison with^nationally with other universitiesin the. propriatkn to provide the state with a other Texas universities. While thehiring .of qualified professors, the); "university of the first class"as called salaries are higher here than at other report cooctodes. v < Jl,e Ca•ls^tuU<10•, ' -, „ _state universities, they have not risen Other problem areas cited showthat ' If the budget recommendations re-as fast," White said. t * l«*r-' main in effect, the University;will not -r. According to the TACT report, the although the University has the largest endowment in tbe cotmtry, it also has only fail to catch.up to other leading -'"'fall impact of tbe decline in excellencethe largest stndent-to-facolty ratio and state universities, butwill probab3y foll>r 'is notexpected to reach its height untiloffers fewermerit scholarships than ;••. farther behind," White continued^ % to 10 yearsfrom now! A deficiency in >any.similarlysired state university.^s - the administration does ndts sihe University's contribution to thead­"The point of Immediate concern, tte funds to jmrfessoscomt-^yancementv of technology resulting'one, where the situation is cloudy, is peUttve salaries and fringe benefits," ' from the general decline is then ex-that theHoose higher education sdK are getting the leftovers 'in con-> ,;pected io have an economic effect oocommittee voted to reduce the Uhiver-? siderable measures" he continued. all Texas residents as oil and gas sityappropriationby th^ amount The 61-page report-Includes supplie^ near extinction. Al JE9L 'g VflV H fs0s£^4$rf&: Xfl}tVru~4 ? "fOi. t H announces *"1' ^^ tMkWi >r " -^•ar ipnuny.;.^ ~"K% fThe 'Austin Symphony Orchestra Solemnis i-vwStarker Beethoven - "vrpi '< cefllst •» K •" r1* •%.$$£% '-tife Conductor: Walter Ducloux ^ liii^SfeSSSSS®--=' Choral Union: Morris Beachy^ Director .50 withqptionaiSepfces Fe||^|fj Friday, April18Municipal Auditorium, 8:00:P.M. .. IWfaet'sales begin FxiJey,'April 4­ ''boss* ^J:|HiDggBok Offlce/l0^weeiBd^B ^ & Ticket sales begin Wednesday. April9, Hogg . OfflMI 'Ift ft iifnelrrfeire ^The Cultural Entertainment Bu» scOwluiw:Jwtar.KinsoMng,Co-op. 7:00-7:30P.M. ..Committee.of tlieTaasUnions The Cultural Entertainment 4The Department of Music A Committee of the Texas Union doming.:^d"Satuu^y'sWU^ n coining withbhegooKd time after another <.Wt* t-'iT-'. •£*. & m. &SjSSi£: aaMSs e. Bits of 1 /^Tinostalgiacombinecl ':^^ings|p^ufu3 :^SS|teff3S^^"s have a tall cold drink and (ake a leisurel a ja? tawa ' • 'a?-/ -4 .1aS5.-«" Trial Jm ^^'ijB^A.^rW '.SKy.S ISV'AjVKjrr-S T-4g^J^tew*io^^VT''^!A^Ar'tR^ J*rtP]fiWtWtfriKfi&ly v Is 'l ">s ' <•' ' '"^' 't"^: 'jtl 6 is® , By JOAN HEGARTY GtVKNS; ife V,— T i , . I " j« !• r iTt * ?f!j .ueen uui^rwise, aranai concurred. t m *>71* ,-•> v ,V* A-"! ,Department heads will be paid one-third th«r rtgular-, Some" faculty ^members also wjil' benefit litom* the fapseKv^ academic satorira during summer m^y, Zaclwfe/sai^tintn this stormier,' *3,000 was thetl^" i ' ^Were^lartetfonly if they taught a course., Wriest amounf a Mfityymeriiber cbWbe foM. Most'sfllariest ^* Fundamentally, chairmen have a 12-mwth commltmM,fe#,'w?re,compirt^ alon^slxff-tiie regular'SeadeinicsStery, the Uhiversity, ^ Pf'• we^;^I^ted;a^^ ? pAfesiort 'rlgularly 'ft^g overftfto a'^r^aw'k loss W for nine months, Or. Domdd ?acharias ^s|stant to University^Now. an instrucfort>ai IbAfforii#} the oi^slxth rater,' -N1*,­ ' wiH be paid this summer with lapse money pooled frpmv^riW -work throuel departments,, Dr. Floyd Brandt, also an assistantto,thp presi^ Dm tiaid f6p " ^f resulted irom;funds that^dA 8 pisl sUmiiie^, aHocatedforficulty,paV;'butn?veru8ed;i v3j -r#. f&-* -• ""aken • department by» dep^rtment;-the ney'is not rftudi; Zlidmritis Said$B videsfundsthatcantMWU-usedifadii f U^rsity>8tem, fce add^T^^Sto^«i^|[on|o^lrj^iM H ftiore , '^^mee^ofCi^ 9s the council's ne^st least untU^ne^« is" ^rMn"'^ther^&g, Council will mark'the first member The U-vnr^M mminHnK ^ > -AS me I.rsi orqer o^p uanuajy ^ am^nd the city ordinance visor^Board and dlrector ot$ business, Dr. Emma Lou, ; The adc«tion > day's Place 3 special nmoff cilxnaj Jeff Redman B§> Creek other ,th«n, the swim-ownerahip. ot a 4^c*e piecedel^ctfon over contractor Tom--Binder and Jimmy Sneft,' ming poo^ as well as, a of land along Shoal Creek my Lawless, wfli be sworn in creates a liberal mfrJoHty, at proposal to change the name north pf 41stltreet to tlie city. of the'remaining nportion ot • Hill-i^ ^viqg, the iand to'be^ 19th Street |ie(weenlH SS and-usedasa.nature preserve and STRAW THETEXAS pipiZiAXl :MR MAAMfll''AM'''' PALACE TAVERN • ^ HAPPYHOUR 3r6 DAILY TONIGHT! .... Bellydancingi 8:30 p.m Isfahan featuring ,mo t dancer Ay*«ha jaiTMl 24 ^wrill'porfonrt^^^ 4 * J* 66t9 AIRPORT Tonm h footed Vc lOOOS.UMAR * Ve. '"^'Hkhlnd Gngery'Gym. &,<• * ^ " 1 it-i RMH PJteseNfs ^ * wrnrs^f-.v Sim fmm m&m tmm Raymonci'i Nflil •1. I nMHT s &smmm nhtmaHoh: 476-T090 . V virom Cpncerta West ^tepartyk^gwiththlV^ \ ,ii ^>'f. '1» _-%f t ^rnkss wuyHwwi COSEM ;^W: 5(fl Kassn«agi&afe8« 4-W; «JVEWt« wmmw^> ' swl»r Mii WIS Vy H/ UTTCRV/BAKeb iggiipfgww Slf in#i _ »S» #4fA -•. '•.je* wwSr^-13s'!Tr >,w:® ® *•w'.w.v ^ ^ ** k ' •«-**-mS*. «».«*• ••Emanielle" lsf tb be'stire/vS IrKe. = and;;woxse,.; feminity.femimtv , » , dishonest; <:Std^ of. O" / was,al»ut a wom^imalijL more than* mere .sexualv= -n>;i mindiegs, Sponsor "" ' ^ w, and^ttttwiall^passlve, who graphic explicitnSss^ 'ThftJ^ serve ber Problem is thtfiU^intfm:*^ RECORDING A LIVE ALBUM FOR RSO RECORDS \ VI Ml19, f Miff",, 'pve^^en-he^gave her to "Emanuelie" were so caughtAA " > n • . •'•••• •-.. •' » « p.j : A'Ci«ftsand?rre^resFair':v?A^f^i:y';'.s',e-up in trying to do something ' -" Special Guests: ,-r>be held Ham 9am to 6 b?c^emtal; submission different with'the X-rated % David "Fathead Nswmon, Sam Clayton, Jarry ?Saturday at SMpe Park, ^mehow.fulfilled her, movie that they qverlooketi-K DuwanvilU, and Daril Leonard vst'^'rr" -i» rai «5th Street and Avenue F\ The woman in"Emanuelle'* . what should have been ob-•• Umately fevers!}/ frotefe'ffrrMj , I n?ve/«»es, pnc|r , Tbefattis sponsored by the 8»es through many of .Uie vious: change, for the sake of J sivpj it's;n)4deL tit'give tfev^fc tiW k\ pretensions HvHujPnrk KtBiKhhnrhnnH sajtie motions (albeit without change, doeS NOT meaning '> irlAitrn*.vlewpF • **.Uwhatr\ i '^W^ri • "»%. I-.1". '1. ^ >.'• «l Hyde j Park Neighborhood >—»••«'«•»»»»« timngc, uu» nui mean im-ADVANCE TICKETS AT OAT WILLIE'S, INNER SANCTUM, AND r'i •>' Association^ and features' 30 ilbe sado-masochism), but s^e provement. More important-> itheitheri 5 ARMADILLO WORLD HEADQUARTERS *>** «>esn t deliver with eitoWre-* alongside the ^pes ^r^esalteofbeeom-Iy, change that ' ^ • results' in'; ;ci?" m. < creek''runding throiigh^tliei Jjft wman.^, To nothing more -than absurd. case: park. Among< the crafts to bd Gmanueiie, being near-^ped demagoguety is a vote for the-p'r^postemis'v -by Thai men isa mystic edify-mindless porno of yesteryears •• nJ worse Better insipid than-irrational. Bayonne 4'j ARBY'S HOT ROAST few J • • BEEF SANDWICH -<*X who^eadyertlsemKit «nd Arthur Hill + « »-*•V 1 -SPECIAL ; : wuv i ' C«PfPorted ABC Evenlno New* neverlike Survival Kl< f!'1 »I 24 Wide-WPiid special M. mediahVpe for / 36T0nighf5l)0w 4 promlses^hat ^f^nanuelj^ „j', differ^ht,(KeV .... 2 for $100 from otfer X-rated movies,1 aft. Tbe musical 'group i:Ridny 9 Bill Moyers internatJonalvJour* nai H ^ x ttaiihsntaWSM®-wid £n.Wr vir.7'Moviei.^f ^bnvatloa-^MrringA [ cW'/72£>er/e>^| collect your cartoon character glasses. Sher ? for * Spung at hrart tnm wlll be •1:DaWa jah?tea Klm Oart^aftd Carl' ", CouqtiyrArt cJ-au' tjjo pupp^^sbow{perform ;i. Reiner -Not since 1972 hove we offered a deal like this! / 9 Movie: > "Jltteftooflf.v varrifto ^"I s,;wit^ith^|lratperfor-; |,!v.|aorel.aod.Hardy.vv.>>)>;>>7;'j.:,' -. ­ •.« '24 Streetsof San FrancJlco ? ^ . c5$pri]12-13 ' "Offer good through April 20th, 1975 /­ atK:30*p;m^and.the s£r HLMCASTING e>)0 ^mu ^ ^ 5.*• f dpd show at 2:30 p.m The ;Sa^-1l-,a. mi •?; 10 * Nolimit and nocoupon mcsssory 16 McMttfA Matter o< Wife ^/And Sun 11 am -8pm 4411 South lomar { pipp^t^iow.witl,besnider the-} -Death^'f *tarrlf)fl Rpd Tjtylor; and Art SaWs :;2(K) hooih'«i r 893-2058 i i directiop Tof Barbara'andi :s Joe Santos y d > Shm. Pkkenjivc 1715 Guadalup* 8*-rF0iir,0flglnal hr*w Child. Comer1!'j Admission to the fair & { ^^P'ayieti bytop wrltrfa^-.Hni-Countrv. Fun: fun Fun ^SOlMk ir , . ftee, and the public-tsJnvited JAII pror*>^ds W Marrhof rD^rn^ :Adulti;$|.-.i. Uitdei 12 Fi^ I tojCome ^f^oyalSatarday io *~­ .-. Al.Woodcreck RoK^ of nieh kid iL 24. 36 M«Wt <• t l2, the Hyde^ark *•«UItav you« and i . 290 W..to Dripping Sprin9» ; |neighborhood. 'vj vaiMiun ?• r£ouf)i*>rcRR 12>Sl3' [y -ij A Saturday Night in Austin with r * S0A?CEEEK t* »» r.Jv >.-g4^..'(POwfl mmmi *V 7s lNMeh«ft,£^ 'n. t ATlM95.00B«Mij '&&*WJheatre Committee presents: CtroMl)Mr iV)|jt"/ v snvimoMiKJU W'T" S™" « ^KYIHVIIIB< p nmi«ii i RtANCO ZEFtlRELLl j i pnancim: "Wc-j i}.-, 4 ^ ask ROMEO H Sj'ife XjVUEFi J*#r«V -• -t-fi-Mi? ivr: 'Saf.r April 19^8:00 p.m. Austin,Municipal Auditorium fe -"•<> ^ * . s -f m T\ H 1 ^ * *1 •-Aon jy ^ *00 UTStudent*, Faculty,Staff A ^'^?0 Membwj:^|||f0 $1.25 Students, Faculty, Staff •#l ' ' r i (\ ! W :;r1E HOME"'COOKING :,v;r "I ^ c'' $1.75 General Admission , OKLAHOMA > ^ Jickets alsoat the door , ­ -WESS» 3' ' April 10, 11,12, 13 UON '} 'o -1 on MIXf 0 DR'NKb ' IHS ft',; MIGHBAUS Town Hall in Hancock Center HAPPY UOl/K V-7 OA// V V^/W 1' & Curtain Time — 8:00 P.M. ! .«%•'»' j: : vj-i n*1 &&* m I 4 ® Mi, *m 'Vsr/f? ping f*n iovie iacks Terra1, Faili To Capture Success of 'Exorcist P %^lte lW»ui»»Uwof Pelcr Pry*;"«TI IJ^IIJ by Mu ^ LikeWilliam PeterBlatty, whousedtbereceded insUi»c«,. vandsees,toblsultimatedismay aiiidhorror^ 8F ' Brtkfc; directed by J. Lee Thompma; starriag HWMKI :0',a'y°®,8^possession by the devilas aspringboard for?I-pastlife resurrect.themselves from the"grave.~.Sural!*, Jenifer O'Neill aid Maigat Kitter; at, the" his bestseller, author Max Ertich (who, likeBlatty,adapted THOUGB DIRECTORS, Lee Thompson ^vrhe Guns of h.:. 2 GATY^F. i_hisown novel for Uie screen) bases his tale upao the'Sufe^••?••: Navanne"),began hi?:career as'a dial^ue direCtor foi:' wl fm sb- M ^ By DANIEL», SAEK ^ T 1'300 docmnentoted cases of metapsychosis, the". Alfred 'Hitcbcock; little ofthe.great diiwtor's-ftaie'ftir „ »X3» • : . ... . Texu . Staff . Writer _ .. ... : belief in tfae transinigiatfaxt of soQls aftex death tq otfae^^. suspen^ and terror seems to have rubbed off. ^ ^V^jSiiK^^Excoreist'hitthescreeninaUofitsspWi^^ljoaes. , •-, .Sj^-; •ritompson diffuses the dramatic impact of Peter's search w r* Kv ; SP1"**11"-U>ere has been a mad nzshai the part «* nw«e |g* ERUCH^S STORY begins in California, where a youas byshowing the fla^ck^uej^^ljird^ 8 « liV-'t rDakera 10 raptfaUie^upon iarogoers fascination with the ^JcoUeKprofessornamedPeterProod' (honest) to «®niated eyes but frpm the omnisdent viewfinder of:the fyematura^ "The Reincarnation of Peter Prood.r the , Idream about a previous existence fall of sleek 1910 camera. We do not stare Peter's curiosity about whathe V&r ?ses U*c syapproachto Ujeoceult as /The ^ .automobiles, energetic tennis games and mad, passionate-in his^other existence; we knowlfroih the flrst. '• ;j'fi IStcoroBt, the portrayal events withiqthe realm at * sex in the woods of New Knpfanrf ' -Mi-' Instead of letting us seethe murder from the victim's point vA ', human expeneoce more terrifying than any vamptre im-^ ^ _ 3 of view ias Hitchcock did in "l>sydw") Thompsotrshows us ti-'.y? aginaWe.) ; 5^ of happydraams,right• Well, rot quite, ^ Kidder"sviewpoint of the proceedings. Thus/the flashback -* , "ih/^ fa^:Jf. sequences become just another parfof thefilni.which total­.^8todeattM theaud-. v ly dissipates itspotentially ppqoky impact*Taken in tahde: m iv dissinatesitsnotentiallvfsnonkV imrtarr Tatpn m»anH/>.* ;ti-.f.dle of a lake by an upset woman named Manna (Margot NO COVER CHARGE TONITE Kidder). with Sarraan's wooden portrayiil'as Peter Proud, thi almost isn't any reason to sit through jt. •* , i What worries Petermost isthe news relayed tohimby his:?-;;Tw> things though that salvage "Proud"ar^ JErfidi': mMrheneknl Msmwaai ^ girlfriend (Cornelia Sh^rp) that.he's fatting in his sleep ~' screenplay and Kidder's performance a&Marcia' Sarnunn'! (> nl7n^siwk ir with another manls voice. ' ' -r|4^ former .".wife", who is, as yoa might as well have guessed^kE OpwitSODpR ^ Bfetnrt^lpy^*eksaH froma parapysdwlo^t (Pafi^ -^11fivl,|8m ®>® s8®® town withlier guilty conscience Uk^ Itocb««**sa30 >f ,h' * J*6® p,ece HACPY HOUT^OM8I|A% |«e«MS ex-. *w» bey«Md the pun, she-; «stence. With eiidence roounting that his past life waslived.' bec^re^^mOi h^o^husband viaSarr^a^ -somewhere inMassachusetts, Peterjetseast,0nds thetowp ^taveonly w «nnk for % eene poolsidesceM^ film Maker Niko Paape 9MNIMMR -v Wh^ shehears Sarraan sbppmg utto his final dream, and ';v<< " s-buf that would iic? Dutch iV Jennifer O'Neill's part as. Kidder's daughter (whu4l^^ m Hi rjfists'if** vprovules Sarrazin with some tough decisions concerning UKI «st) is played. in an appealing ane dimensional, way-thatS^ swmir- I < ishould keep her reputation as a model secure. t ; v „ .., -, ^, _ The only feeling of deja vu that the viewer T^igh^ exlfi"* {JViko Paapeand Lynrie Tillman, twomeinbersof theDutch" penence from "Hie Reincarnation of Peter Proud" is aC~ Filmmakers Co-op, will offer several examples of the Co­ 1-& Rash of recognition the next tune O'Neill a special CinemaTexas program at 9 p m. ^ Girl^ rcomiqeroial^ bat that should be the &ctent ofnefeav :•> •. -Thursday in Jester Auditorium. 5j ­ ' sgj&t ^^The prw^4 w^ will run approximately SO rainutes, y < --e y ^ ^1will feature filmi made)n ttolk^ by Dutdi: Qtperlmenlal r V''•-"•-ft n n-iV film makers, ^eluded in the program will be: "Frini the;i' ''DrablySfiutter^r by Mattijn b Seip; "Earth Angel," by Tillman; "Movements," by Paape; v . ^!Vidleis toe Blue,'t b^ Sdraffeleii; aikl oUiete: Severtll VARSITY .SUS IB 3 ml . VILLAGE ^^'M^mbei^ pftfeTOflp arejln Ununited of|:||p}iirayei^^rjg^ttfwm tte Dutch ^yernment Th^ wiU tour« v';throughout Ainei^,. tfvmiPortl^ tio New Yo^ m.' is free' to'the pidhlic. >-kx; /.**- " ' VILLAGE 4 Dustin THE ^ HIGHLAND MALL 4 S > -' J 6 IH 35 MKOlUfCiK GE1AWAY ,^1. BURSTVNI Hoffman (K SAM FECKMNt "MEL BROOKS' KRIS KRSIDFFERSON n'Lcnnv" FIM COMIC MASTERPIECE ttuvehbs /IMYMORE v sijsmr Twi-Ute HR. 5J> HW. S1J5 HIGHLAND MALL liW{ A unit . 451-7376 IH 35 AT KCHNK. LN STEAL A UK" CREAM 1m Tra* Slwy MFDca LTD. PROOUCRNAM •fm AB Siif VM±\S±K TwUM UFTON DAVIS • LOIS CHILES Nr. £<54:15, >v /> (AST DAY FELUNI'S OVER N0WITCAN6ET0L0! Tk BRC1CELEE CAPITAL PLAZA 4S3-:&46 IH 35 NORTH «niTMidn|o(KiHiaVii in '"*J' ^•DRflGON „ * UR NETUiiite/n DIES HARD XUSEMjA,, 5 FILM FESTIVAL ^MAiuaamrta fj»Wfti>8|l»»IjlOM jfewa^l F,E^I KUS AT 10:30 ONLY h ' mm withoneUadiShoe 3:156:4510:15 ^ ~Ttm land of stay-that might harm bmma STARTS ^wmutte/n FRIDAY Back w: mmttan br Howard Hunt or Gonkm Liddf 'M livedina*55 CMd^kwedbdbWe gun^ FLESHGOROON-Abroad,brawty,amyspoof, m campingitup with(moos,momlon andSeSH Erroi Flynn,country tnufflc^Md dhickn^ Piusi . ...SITE&GIG •r£rr#>: R<. •, n jurify un> of HMwona, tMt9on^fon%* :&£f! :~C0Bud» Bmttf*' •v AfdMv MmiimjMmv.York ^p»t -fobl^p^slatimisanda^nan^ Dixie. I^"THE TWi ^jk 1.^ -OF US' -5:00-8:30 ,.SCREEN Starts tomorrow $125 %?i cooU never Invesex-." i$LooiMrii & "ViWtft" fi'Xs 25 in MIDNIGHTERS Sl -~ PLUS ^ P Vr^ * t, t -f 3k „ -4 7 -i ^ SCREEN 1-12:10 A.M. . Melville's dossk tale of adventure -~ -GRIMES FAIRY TALK" tHdf amity on f/ie /ijgA seas. -. S?| •TBAWQilPCM y mfg«TBcti»Mrv SQUTHWQOD . Shf)V\ TOUNUSA •WW..... |0|M%}UoMfclS BILLY BUDD I 6:15-9:13 Xt^AXi SGRfflH^2^9 mjmuMat or 3 ACADEMY AWARDS . W^0K'fi On \ m EX AS W0t^IWM MS'IMtad ir -_ ^ I­ r5taasmK&&*&£ BOXSHOWomca'SI, ""ii f'' '•r£'%%ltt&£k:i Mm -i'-iy^V. ^.~te;'--*;>. • ;•• •<-VW^Ji?-V&WlM-'*->« •'•'••• M'&i^;.-i^^ri»v-:"-:-?.;-.;{ I --:' ' •'A »»• * < , < h < ^ m " . • _ • . £2y John Patrick;^, sweetest, kindest, gentlest old idea if only it could be worked Ralph Foody, playing an &# ' f Art CDP announcer), is entirely V, ."starring Martha Raye,'* lady you could ever hope to out without so many cliches Norton Carney/Ed type ofv appropriate for the locale of jJC Ralph Fpody, Bobble Jo f , meet. Naturally she is beset and tedious, worn gags.1The . lovable old slob; Bobbie Jo the play, replete with torn i,ii, Lathan, and Hal,Fletcher; -vby a pack of unscrupulous con only semibrightspots here are : Lathan asa bleached, painted, sofas spilling out their stuf­ '• .at the Country Dinner ' -' * * • artists who hope to knock-her Raye's ad libs, but even those pushed up and cinched in bags hung onr" "Playhouse. off and collect on'an insurance: are a little long in the tooth floozy; and Hal Fletcher (who fing and tea every available outpost to dry,>-}{ By VICKY BOWLES fy-j' policy. * and soon sound as though may be remembered by the two and be reused.KJc ' Texan Staff Writer'y ^ What ensues is a couple of they are rehearsed asmuch as or three p'eople who saw "Everybody Loves Opal" is • "-*John~'; Pa trick's " in­ "Slick Silver and Company" so patently contrived, and yet competence seems to be as haying starred'in the film) Movie To Introduce so slipshod in its construction, ­plaguing me lately. First as a former college professor it's a wonder an old pro likethere was the unforgettably whose high-flown "educated" Raye would settle for it. asinine "Teahouse of the Women's Movement talk consists almost entirely •August Moon," which the of alterations, poor ' Austin Civic Theatre unfor-The film, "We the Women," The women's movement is "Everybody Loves Opal" alliterations. ­ . tunately presented last is being brought to Austin for often thought of in contem­ will continue at the Country A LOVELY female feline •/ month. NowJie perpetrate?on an exclusive showing by porary terms; this film will Dinner Playhouse through makes an appearance as Mr. us a little piece;ot shlocken-Women's Equity-Action show feminists from the 19th May 4, with performances Tanner, Opal's only compa­ ®^°*y ^Hk*' 'J®' I MMMo JO Lothon (f-r)t titled "Everybody Lpv^s League, National Organiza­Century fighting for the rights Tuesdays through Sundays. oppw her. |q 'Everybody toy Opolf&£+fvq*-H * ~ _ ( > * >< *™i Women and:-. Austin nion^ aiml he/she is the source Doors open at 6 p.m., and ; Opal " tion for of all people&nd will provide a for the only scene which can there is a noon matinee Sun­Women's Political Caucus. supplement to all American The /inevitable;' comment'. The film will be shown at fl ^history. bring out a true, honest emo­days. Call 836-5921 for reser-. Ki rigT oPlcfyafArmadillo • seems to be: "I sure hope tion (at least to cat lovers); vations. , everybody loves Martha Raye p.m. Thursday at the Austin -The three women's groups , '.• llnrf ' ni4ini ••Pi»..SVv»is;\-vN:2S*»- ( Aki • ••-»-.:• • •^••\ -i .*:*.'-. Blues artist Freddie King, only.^p? ^ k . « j- Women's Center, > 2316 : San -WEAL, NOW and AWPC, Often,called "the second because they sure ain'tgonna will appear at 9 p'tn-Thurs-, f "King,'* whSsS 'recording B.B. King," King's careerhas love Opal." Raye is certairtly Gabriel St. -, : hope to raise funds with this day, Friday and Saturday at Rogers. biz and military.senses), and charged. , quarterns 'f^ 'Hideaway,"V^JPm Torfi Armadillo opens at -7:30 holds, the >;title;?j'^reatest ; The film, produced by CBS; Appearing with King will be' Down," "Lonesome Whistle p.m. nightly. mugger in the business," but presents anintroduction to the Fat Head Newihan, sa*-1'Blues," "Sah-Ho-Zay" and :Tickets for the King con-even' her performance here American women's move-. meht.T^nvNanNames)fsi like ophone; Sam C1aytot>v ';"Christmas Tears,'' ;is r4' certs are:$4 and ?5-Thursday;. lacks any; great 'comedic . J'ke Sarah and $5 and $6. Friday, and Satur­ ^formerly.with Little -Feat),'-"'jiative of Texas. " * •&£, c value. i , • ' Angelina Gnmke, Lucretia congas;JerryDumanvill and ° King, 40, writessto&s, plays day RAYE PORTRAYS an. ^ott, ElizabethCadyStanton; Daril Leonard (formerly-with 4-the guitar and(has spent 22 .— ^r Sojourner TruthrvSusan Bj Delany arid Bonnie). ^yGars building this reputation ' tt V &i . ^ and Canrie Chapman . Bi AT2THEAiRg Charlie Daniels-will pla/^s one of Amferity's trading If You Need Help ^ j^ will b*ecome.\farniUar with the groupThursday ni$it blues performers "• * or -1 ^f^through 'vJiis|orlCi4i 505 N«ches PARAMOUNT .;2 'Uci. f i,„ rff „j, Just,Someone Who Will listen Ctl • dramatizations;^ , O• *, -Telephone 476-7073 " v *» ^ $1.?5 til 7 p.m. ^ »j"" "• rr At Any Time ^ ^ \i-rn :> $1JO hi '6 fjn. 7< » -• i . The Telephone Counselingrand.Referral.;Servic< > Sun Theater/ * , • FEATURES • IJ0-3J»-fc30 fcOO-fcOO-IMO • FEATURES • 7J0-W0 ^ s-l tp>^-' Tonight 52) E. 6>h -477-0291 J 1 ^ ' * $ 4-Now has the reat thing J FOX TWIN uiiumoiiyD. ••454-17111 J Enjoy XXX Movies* 1500 S. P1EASANT VAUEY BP ... AunNasMitv MON thru Halm 3 00-5115". J Books & Novelties JUST Off C^ST BIVHKIPE D8IVF 444-32/7 .** ' 7 30*41|M%% J 9:30AM-2:30AM * 1IJ0 "AnmncAior $130 RTAMyfl^^ J Sun. 12-J 2 ^ " J id < t3 6 pm FEATURES !»*R6grAM! •SfS-Si v—Wie*».cM*r rnwrrnrimm-if : if FEATURB .Student Discount -•-'?a^jWKicawwoi • .2. f * j *"• xu e" AOMBttDUK: •ffiUM'EifiiiicDttHiawstowoooowpmcttt * • Must bo 18 to Enter j m' i TONlTE ^ AlflBlTflNKY •• JHHfiGUO LE SAMURAI TOMORROW UURNBisa NBOrtdlR ^ '3. V „ SSS «TMK } ROBERT:MITCHUM SouThside $1:50 \ -WTTFIWEBBSEI. WtSSA(H)GR«RLOFIUHFITC ~V710'C. Boi WhH«.4U-2B6/"* Til 6 P.M TftKAKUBAKEN J^KWNSSa RCHMOWnURK _ .birMtMi by jMii^ierra FEATURES SEWTAIEI* INS . BOX OFFICE Omi 7:30 -1:30­'' < »^ Witji Xa[n IMon, Nothal^D.lon^-m SHOW STARTS DUSK -3:30­5:30­ 1 b,*ii ^ranco5* Auiuantm a. -7:30­3' > ; •9:30^ •f»wvisiwieitCBiHCOiiw<». oasiiti: immrnml Troff Wlraei Bars A W*r*i CwnfiwcircRiCorepjn* ^ J^TER AUD. ^; « |au«;iwisrfi(mu('«iainnu3Di| 'I' A W V L' MANSPTHEATBCS ft QROUMDFlOOit FOX TWIN *J»7AttKHT»*yp. T 1 frDOBIEMAjam •45427 -0 ^ 1*1 ryy ^ y? > fi'ss , ? a future t .itCOLOR (S «» ,L L-i itil «v« J K'•-'ZK .»RKMROHATCH-SUSMKBENTON m probably# will 1M on hand t»diKuu tMr ^ I tpcnrour Rndntiow *nmMJBMnmmvK$taust$ .... , ''IHIE^-K JESTER AUDlggg^REE'^te»sOP-ONt^' IThomas Jefferson's {' tosee.,' |'Bijthday Bash ^ ,ll fj>aWring jc*\ it-®11* 31&,& Mogneh;, .3r ~}ftafemilyaffair „ rw* v. bdWwkcfag^^gS^;: iU ^2 p.m. till ?9? jj GULF STATES DRIVE-IN V ^offarQr^mpun,N&Ybftfimin^ lac ^ SOTITHSIDE imticm f? iBULL CREEK & \ • J i", v >» "V*P> 1 'I • 710 E. B«nWWtf444-a!96/r tox oma'om 7m I f > PARTY BARN *SH0W STARTS DUSK PM : y<£KS5SK£ %$r~ f v |* \"s;-.— ^VERY FUNNY...lush and lavish." ^^"1, , JUDITH CTt^'|g''^ I' «$$$$&$$Ii '1 Start %La 'KSa„Js mWithout >-%M 0%€ QER lilRDlNCAiflj rjtfiwo ' p _,.;;. jgflM lSps& #s fee®, 1® 'I1 1aa£52Si£f FRI, mSI -.'SlV* «"•*'• < -^ i?.\ ~ "SS33® wv* kw r ,y CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FURN. APARTS. B FURN. APARTS. g FURN. APARTS. gg FURN. APARTS.IFURN. APARTS. TYPING • RATES. ^ 15 word mimmixn .•.• /•; >^OW<.-VJV, •> J./T. -Eadi «ordone ttme .......;.;..UI Eatfi«or4]-4tiflici;:..:.....t JO Misc.-For Sate T7it STUDENT-FREE hallmaR Each word S-9 times s .09 -t>'i-'i)oiii; panic! We'll Hod you that apt. HUR^Sni. ~l«pl—IV»*A fV Jttr *|«n«y^Mtatt «P5 uf$ ^r^yr2?,h^ElI E*cft aortf Mar mare times..S .07 WEOQJNG DRESS. WMIe sefle wflh ,-you've longed for* Our service H free * ritii'SERWICE^IIf _j!urnltt>»kBP. UM '"UMfurnlihM, Student rate each time S JO lace peart appKgue, wflh Ml lcegB) 'sots our transportation, So> save g*sand ABPiThtSouth Sh!n.Xtie.Rlvtnlttt> Guacfalupe ^ > THE-PEPPER -"Oassified Ortpta* -.-•;; time by calling Nancy. ' r .parking'^I^ AP,TS lDr,4«M337 707 Hemphill . Icol. x ? indrfttt hme......(SU5 k .1 cat x 1 MdiHhfflcs.;..v..S.13 GENERAL "ELECTRIC MV Air con-TREE PEOPLE APAR|TOCATORSV,N6^fTRANSPORTATION^ '-fEFf-IClENCY wim |IMP ng alcov* lttLUliodiltiiornBrttuwsSZil dffloner window unit \Htorks «A 'to'-'-,$135 'SyoyirlookinjTowntaM.:CWivnWnt: to: flood owtftto. tWtt. CaP i»Ktt Have ibrce cktrt>lara« tffl WOO NORTH LAMAR *' :: GfTANE M'speed bicycle. 2U.brand copency.-Quiet frlendty-nijWwhood. -4574S41 att-IMS-iyx-yHabitats>3te-m^st341 ^SWSjBS^gwwBB* l»|FridUake 17.7 cu. ft frosffree Copper. CONTEMPORARY APARTMEKTS >l.'t^^ new.'petd siJtr Stli at lit. Also Shag carpet dcsli«asher# disposal, lots • " ' "-^ 454-8339 MrefrW*tor.SMfll4«*aM?.«MN2. ' of cabinet space,pantry. waJMnclosets. -L. ••.;•.•••..: -•• ...-• modern decor. Now lodes, these are lUMlci J p TVpl^'^RlNTIMO, 6)MPIN6 , •9m4m§-AsfcfOrROb. '-• .brand nev apH-wHti att .the goodies at "THE24FLATS'i. Hunters. PRO. pIKE: frame; 53ldt>-EHIClMC^ r—w iwrtile -prices.'-.?:Motfatiwttk. 7 r * free »Pf' io«tor kltchtn. carp«td,Ur9» «ral|i.|n ctonti Modes .campus. Glad foheire you for a • V Summer Rates "rv,.« noR>hWt>oo0^ W»Jh •'shuttle; s-"THE'COV r"r"**r?' '•v craflfcset wtiH Pfcihtood bottom bracket neighbor-rate to-mafce youfeel athome: 2br.S)674B plus elettrldfy EHtfeadei specializing In complexes Wltl) Qrtantal lurnlrtlnw PmoHuI four lot E« Managofi'l ' , ' • Less than 381ml Only S3j>. JZ7-&Q. . . Gimme a bun at 472-OS3, or sttjo plus electricity Ars " access to sWlftfr)t ty.«•„!«, "(p PROFESSIONAL" **5 CABOVER camper for LWB plcfc-ua j 4*2*ML JMA »IT. WbIf btoc* east of A"rH Ul-t lectio*, stove, closet, beds, iacfcs: Guadalupe) IbdrtnL tool -.Tbaoi.'i."^ FANTASTIC SUMMER location! Block' iiFULLTIME An%tt ^ v ^ 472-3210 and 472-7677 SfenB«r to Mexican Huerachestot softer ^ First Month1?jrte .% 4gV T—• T -Wkir. Abewater buffalo saaCttv Bgfat SUMMER Y NOB" v'<«4<^-Vt»m^P«as#/ Parfc •t^«R9i sao.wm sen forSUOL cant374Tl2 after. VILLA FUrnbhed fcixury eff^ency aptroaclty £. DobleMall i,v " -> dALANUr Umor.jgy^K V,i«/}V i-.IJltAMnult.t-,ibutloets work'•S»rylc«rt(.; ••••? LOW STUDENT RATES • .-'ivtf •/;. Wisroute,talking .f^.: Suite 8a ; ^ 1 Bit-$145 ,fl *Ki NEW JWErBEDROOMS^;si*LM plus •-Open9^Mon-Thi. -'•*.• -ViaordinUflMieKbtfay ..S JO lOSPEEOMOTOeECANE. Good CO«S-, 2BR>ilAS& ^ «lt£CloMl»UnlVM^^srnr*xtr*K , •Cadi iMMiaiaort«tdi(l«ir% -V ftoo:8est offer.Phone^MCX after 5:3i S^t^4IOO:AV««' 474-1532 iWCB'-vi-w , l«oLx Ifncht*chdiy.-......S2il • PM. patridc v > •APTSf "" .t«M > J )^lMdMifMir',| Hoe 3 days.Si-00 *, , t«» » X . ^ * ^^bedroomonshuttteIM^?b«w5ofn1«n01teth.^^roufe.-Uir9e p06V 5hmot» mlitt iAMriAudft«c*i forest igemenU ^ V , . 472-8936i } <-• DobleMall teceipfs and pay fia advance inTSP 4305-Duyal 451-2343 i-IS* EFFIC|EN< SK m ty^T ia#.s^.-af«rR* . tfoV r c t IMdg HBXam.^-HftWs} from* rf"-.-SrtARETHEiR®*^ to® WwroWiiaB><^«gt^os^g?S8« .STUDEJITLEAVINGKMR.-inaiMB1 ' & 2 Bdnn furhVcovered ^"4" CAN SHARE 2BR-2B FOI?:, ROC(CETT nr.V'/ifc'./i.sl»4:av^MBadayarai^t• SSSiaSSSt^^ swimming poot SUMME ;S-$64.25 EACH-PgR MOKlTH. /; ifrl«Te.ucrtt»^UI tervlca. -.r--_ > so^-Rtchard. recreatton rm^ planned ac-^ v» D A IS Shuttltlxis^r'rant door, po«, ofiMJKi ^ (to^aiptl, hWIKS it MOTEEOSOMnMMyinlly Gorgeous !iv|*le*r P" security Of; IXr\ I'Ha. twpoorbntawtr.kWjoln. -v MOVE' IN TODAY ' * i , FOR SALE, YasUcalM 120 hria tew J ^KcrgNCY # Autb-For Sole: 1 s7»vbestdBer.Can4^ LA PAZ ft p WALK TO CAMP. . , IfR.FORD .CUSTOM m Air, poeer . $125 ,;;CascadeV-^ wKrac«?uS vc.iUjroe Jur/iltDW' iKfcJunclM. bul|Hn i mSSTno • awriag autpmaBc. GrOat condition. CAMPAsSral .TRAILSCruiser frame. .New. t^;«klich«n -oppllorisov^ CA/CH> • loU' ot . SU9 or Pert offer. 4IMM*. ®aTS EL CAMPO -TWO Bedroom Puri>., . •> ooe Mode oft >hutileXW*f M . 2J-•xit io Algarlta, turn fight one block. oworsm dSMOKr 47S-2M& 9M Okk-4SM» "Vy$um >• i' K < assss?. 'A,RALEIGH VW BU& very goodcoadHioii,, Slant ^^-st4 /.•s v-Ar'-.'WVt; PALO."BLANCO 1 BICYCLES ^ KOWIHAS.HG >1' 2 BEDROOM carpettd.Ctntral'il^dlshwa ^ cneronv.OM4l24l«5. r .* pbsaV t^irtlful we^borhpod ALL BILLS PAIDv near shunie aMcitybJi route. 1« VOUSNAGEN VAIL Traesmi*-. HILLTOP >low Pre-Lcaislny Surriilfter «humo«od;cityi»air^uto<9il9ionr , Sio» needs MrKoAtrefs IN STOCK Saa W:;;$145 7VX0.V474-13»4« Tr­ «ae«. s9si or best offer. 441 WALK TO CAMPUS rait BROWNMOvA^^gnidcaadifioa^ Sports: 8._other_3 speeds.-A/VARK IV APTS^ r APTS.*r ^5 s Large apartmentv-folly»h»g carpeted, aagm mOts SWt.ONHZ-Braod i CA/CR all bulIMn kltchecv Joch apart* 9n%. Records. Grand Prixs,.Super 3100Speedway 1900 Burton Drive: irlvate patio ; Courses, Grand Sports >'4754)736 478-4096 v <73QLDSm2 door, hardtop. Black on r ^ "' 442-9612 ^ »^w,s,v ALSO > -SHUTTLE BUS CORNER m '4S44903 Pumlslwd tlM .UnfUrnlilMd U4S phn<> .Raleigh:Interaationals • *--• v' •.: —-—: ...-'.— Lil-j «tltctrlclty.CA/CH.'^ rwIh Itu* 441.: 'JO PEUGEOT JM stattoa . wagon. • ' . Alio Pnhtenlng for, Fill *0«l aitx 6 i JUst Norm oif-27th at ; ­ -ffifcn acm 4lr> tape. traaer .Mfc&i . 21W 22%" ......Z4Vb"t Now LEASING v . t, ». Guadalupe --' — -... Full time Maintenance . SHARE THE RENT) 4 CAN KW(M«in«?4 Large 1: 8t 2 bedroom, over--SHARE 2BR-2B FOR S66.25 f,,.J2?M,Herpphl|l Park ^TB'i^ yTBRE. ^, ^;,.COTHRONS' BIKE -f4|YlftHittt ARENA-PTACE-:) EBSBM*~-*IL sizedwatk-fndosets,beautiful: EACH J>ER .MONTH. • -!Srfc5!SS!a.SS?»»'• nf,-»«1?^ <' 5»Ri0 Grande -i ^ school, and:: FORNtSHED, vA LL BILLS: „»_RA> SIMMMor 471-TQi. vjWllUVl| courtyards, near -APARTMENXS VtlEW YORKER fully loaded. Asking '-WeOpen::At,8 A^|^; shopping. $135 & S155, waters,~ PAID. --•• -^-.1.bedroom • . >; st60 •u^fiaa^^.. ..... ^ ' MSfi MiyOB or kavemnwber at-Jl^r -gas paid "*vA? ' J~> , ^4. bath f SPEOAl. ' 600 East 53rd .ir.^„452^202, ;~ TMISHEEK ONEY: 4^ <• „ 4 "r-tiX,' FurnUhnJ, bllli pakL thu«le ' ROOMS ' ^^^;^fie^!5--type:. v ssafcaT'' # -t$Uci' CYCLED BILLS PAID w*» '-ynf-T-lt ^ ,.— 3L, 1 TBR -5325"^^^ J —7-1? ",^-rf-w 'X '°3Nhy not start otlfWlth CADDY S170/3 BR -^ RIVER A tin *,2 -•> ^>~gwd«»dMi. M LARGE f^CX-~ AlXB'lLLS PAIO , 2900 Cole , $li50 im,OOOGE VANrf .AT. AC full ABP s -t'-Furnished ApaVtmenfj and^f472-7677 arpiMk*slirt» tape: w , ^'^COTHRONS BIKE>>>r ^ MOVE IN TODAY SfT1 rooms mk,mm. ......... * JT"'* SUSRSFT % HILLS ' SUMME R RAtiS VOLLEY S COPY SERVICE A com­ 5WRIOGRANDE -** Bo» Role on the lake ^Covered Parking /•&% LUXURY EFF/1BR?^BR j;,C -*naMSSTANG. Oneowner. ZXaMmOeC" *"HY Pml •>•>• , s! 0$1SO jJ-ii V'&¥ -Drive. -• ' 29th. Wejtof Dreg' -VWrSOUAREBACK.'a.Reteat: !»• paint NMlraa$mlufo(C SOUOO mitevWBI sett; 1EFFICIENCY -y. and, bus! W¥-dify wWi J stael-befftad radial flrM --1^ O OFF 2 BR -$180 UPjlf Very dose to campus and sfWMfe:con^v iftw^cellw!?>nei',Efficiency ^SUMAAER t?ATES very service: 459s ^?^ . rv -«ever used. Best offer far alL47y-JBP. 50% AC PAID " -Double* J53 50, *• *1" *_« IWel " rtfnenli,Jiisi« feJbloclu We»t of -singles moo fa*-nniftrt.OQ H -«S———p— • ••••*" i V ^ • ' Ulfli^Wir SedM. Ddm All American Indian; TANGLEWOOD NORTH ;; IWIIMl f^ ,T«k*n liwm • IK, ACCURATE and t * ncentsper page.Call 447-1 ??•;. Jewelry „•«« TYPING SERVICE,-' Notary-Serylce.C y, * B«fl»ln.::t-*«-j^.U,RefrlgereloflL;::0»lly, meld «rvlce^ie«t?fhotplete»;ill(:"-Hours j0 anV» pm. 3Jp Congress.­ ii3St$$¥ . ... -Sttfnm^r -mm W<0 BooK Stora (downtown) ^ j -.^.-(Oh. raMIl engine. ««• fheA.den.je— » -aft beads ^ itrii«Nfrv^jfe^ yillawtbri^r^al{ ­ „>. IEFPICIEKCY lEEDA TVPISTI We'rea sacreuclal? ... i wWi murmtf 0KML , V5, " "" ' 'C Sates4Si?-peclalltt. KMiJiTiei; lattirs, thes»s,1 -v v v -» *P;-e ^NEEp-AjCREAT PLACE TO?® »gal. 4t»HiHcal, r«seafcH papers. etc.S /A' ' UIN* V«r Juan Back Dettne -THE BEAD * ~ »Wefc wper tmn , ;, Tf H^ovPas S105//^^. J $139 * 'jcK-up and deilviiY *v»iiaMeywT-Ma»:V; •ESTABLISHMENT J^lXBILLSPAt^ '*"»» SERVICE past service! 'WM& SHAAAAN ,-6 week sessjo|C^ ' c 44l90_VWSquveBadt 4400 Ave.B. •«»'* "i--«../«• SeKT O04«c to camjwt^iwgbvOM ?4l7j&.'W,!f,fy %•> '• > 451-4584 iM^hillythisi tMptmfc *uilMh»|(l»el(en cotortoortf)ule r lA* ^ ^ONMdST -'QS'iiv£«> . '.Ml W-jfitcffefTcotceTKKjrili APARtMENTS :-w«h^ S... * barge Eft. -JJ29.50 ;lvate-'«f4;snarrevb% tl.4^7$365pM rttHtratoyiisOyne full k pftb.of 27»hatS 1 office.476-11 i .vuadaiupe > ­ '.•ir!: vf23!SL ^570/iH6mphimPork ¥MM ^rpomma : " v j> I'UD 4mmm fc) IM VW•piMMvMeSjeanTfoB^Bet/'BetmWflreatsliper :, AllBHU,, m8 ' PftE-liEASES ^ FROMUI PRIVATE R mMy refnrMiheil -RlVer Si^^^ ^tralalr^MaMlWYltC'KltChirL CiHKl. ilMmltewarranty.fimii *,ride,Kv»M«to-i* % -rtS umm£R'-, / ^APon aparimOtitsWlthf "^eNCIES «48 '% -t-'-V dfshwosher, lata-: shM && .-v \ktsM ^RE^p/WESt,, 3 SOUTH SIDE MOTORS' VOLKSWAGEN SPECIALIST, 'INTAGE1HALlI ^ ^ BROWNSTONE -* i^'FANT^ie REDUCTIONvg,;. ONE| MISCELLANEOUS JL '2617 South 1st 4411 Medical Pkwy. PARK APARTAftENJsiH ON^UMMER LEASE.l,;ff #«2»472-7677'|Wi^ s BEDROOM or Call Vince Ortiz; located and. ife%-uorJoe:Go»iiates cwt^.-rMj'eT' ^ IW tllW^wertmeyskiMMf ^Me^Sr^as/FaYdi— ,v ^ tartZ ^?W«er A^Gas F % i,aJ0 ROOMMATES our buftau* ^ . A POTJJPfl PTOptrt*-^ 1 fit? ImMotorcyde-far Sale -^ MusScol4For Sale % ATOEALSjon newand medHonda i nCKERSfl^arnCOi»tryfiddtofr^ T^ef?'iJe*i* Now\ V34S4S55; fc ' V* closetoSniVeksiiv; UBERAV VQUSEMATE WANTED 5 ' tM'sHonda Fun COsfer. WW]LEASI STUDIO BLOCKS' -F . , \ roain. ft Sliis..q»-«if.'!tSga^ »s|f. ^ mm -gsj^.-^r^sr* '»««»-2 BEDROOM" ns-rOJSCAMPIJS c summer, airfodttfoi ge efflcMMr.llvliig ivont, offset GUITAR RESURRECTION ismo \«wktfg^.?*• *" 4'j j^'i'2l045an<3abr|e|[ P s,-;»me^partfHg l«-CltYbusroirt»s . AtJE SHA GIBSON SG stawSan) locatto .lV.ih AiBtln>?MMi.>SHi arae. fairly ?lVAULtEDCEii3 >,:Ut)eral,AU«t«:W^nijM,nlnBfc4n-i -Ili^lodeswtodhtbiekt cmkbar,'sissyMr,' SS&Sg«S^ ICENRAV a®®iiii luggage rack; htkntk *MtOi *ntr SNnvft.ELEMTEDBEORbeautifuVMtyiSgcarpeted, all'v,r-' -Coine Live r WitfU*|> PC MAl.e.-mpuse near campus, BASlCFOUCJ^ddirfe 5^ APARTMENTS^ n twRMA; Mtdien.l€i)ennous .MtMknmX^.t r i -4}V ' c, *m. 'J*-* -i-'.r, -.4IM>. ­ vNe*ttoAmertcartaTheafre,«rarttlnodlfe mi HOHDA CLHS -sboMroom coM^ - Hifc low mileage. Tran ft street: EPf PHONE Classical Guitar.Excefleot v lance lo Nortb Loop/Sboppkig Cent#: Mnsive^confempor^c^furnistiiiigs:^^ WgAMMIWieriAW SU» Of l»sf add Lt*y% Mar shuttle and ^AustSr Shdtt distance ^.ftw ' ^o^iert offer, atair. ^ j ewer mym* afier^, / t transit Tiaobtdrpom tiats, one artd ti*o : Froms»f, Wat^gas fc caWe , VP: j^SHARE HOU5B<;SO^VSHl?; U^ltwni ACOUSTIC CUrTAR^tfS.Cril^475^f» ^ beths. Avtftable to«m»ioufe wittipatkt N Utnor^45%^or^l^5tf;C^M kttfljstytJlO s0«e» Ov5rJ» Barbaii 441* » ^'iStww-For 'Sole -'''• ******-* * ftm, CA/CH# hm**r* APARTMENT ifaittaftor9 trt ' ^ ^ % Klm.lCcams:-. ' *- 4&BC Pimf: cM.sm. MUM case.^Mtte.444 MxXS&jMttmrmi see ownervApt,)norcatj v • . Nkt dvptox;. oWn bodroom, CRishutjile. •• .T?r-—*•--••• ^ $6LVt SONY -390 Stereo fapi dodC Eiccellent -w Pam 4U-M2* ^ cOMSttop. stsorreasonabfe offer;«rr-w^ NELSONS: SI »jior 4S>-Sai57Mar> Alports • •$£ -tiiufli*", OMAPUSSOUNDS:Astudenf c«pefedi^an;;:i>uirttii(J'!ii summer,ondfii ng.rfiti 4?.-9*^ GSFTSGFSGG THE STRING SHOI%. Vlj-LA NORTH CH< poot^y edutMvAnmerrates.' ERIMatOi^-1 rnnt^A7'p.m^'749W -1 tffftSf RNrTOlPlA* TAR.:BM/ mum :njco^pt:cj T^rtd:lttul > w«»#iSw^wlth!55C?pff ^ on all BRfurnSl50 ^dviricod^ kon;?;47ft ^tie^Rea 7l9funttaMK S7S. 4^249 afferS:^-BR furn 5165 ^ WILLOW i,needed . m4IAO: HARMON^KARDON :7S pfus-Small frtendfy nWJMiP Wanthsuse mvtnmmA rOteWer/JECf^waytpeafcers^ 7btfotrf SmMriM* HARMON KAROON 33BB receiver used w. UECES PPMPSHEFBSRGigx furntaMe.-4II-4CS4. Devld.. • OOP month. SMOl 47*97M«V RCE ONE-BEDROOMS Walk^?/o^ gjmo(rfiudy ptm; •Hiciiflcyg obstbm < furfl.r W snm K--3"'A-.'r-a-?f2-' MlUSTlHsT liL -^Jit UNF. DUPLEXES i^iMro^ /INFLATIO cabled Misc.-ForSale ITARSAVE^Wfr'ta#2s TLE, 1 W.>W|rtdowf*lr fieffii tio^feri^JKM/ifOPj OH RETOI SAVE 10*. «• W*ReWL45MTM.,.g& j .HAND/MAOE VMtaMAcurr R DESK, lira^ ;beds.^R>il . ^ SAVE MK , 1502 Par an>ar&oc*s.< WaWKiaMOT, AMSTER MUSI starfism^SAI IThe ^t^«Uv*da LANTAIMA APARPAENTSlfs •m mpcntoe.-r.Top 1119*3.9 aluminum S^rTrtOers>llt:»n# nant and distressed?/Help tsasnfirA*+"***?$-wffirsswssn^i»"«? AAOViNO? WE can jTiovl you'•.jnijho .__ wlttwutbreaklngyou.Cheaper than,YouIHlnls, W7M& ff}-8?>3. , EXPERIENCED^.TAX Consultant, 1amlliar:JHS:procedure,speclaliies , nm(M(AM':klirt nfcte&ka £*^' R*®TPR#y^!!m«w!?^n;^IJ,<*!i; mATHfTyTORINci()rir»itundargraili Center"Conlwetl^Room'for "»<>: SSr *4W&3£lftfl0SV& v " Hon,of fm-~ 1 ~ ' "•'" *"•" MMA'I ASSOCIATION will meet a>.i':p"SnV'~ ;^r ;lh>iett^XenlorAS»;i;t> tHAMDHOUH willmeet at*plmifrtliifSr;v\ "'/lau *1411 e A •**-' «V»« VZ^'_.'_ ,'. A(*tmdflly»rlO&..i i &£WAifafilA,V| ; » .-.v.> -•••T.II..»,-;U„ . e JOB WANTED Packing Procedures/ wm mamsuaom win meet at»P.m. •« Thursday at 3014Washington Square '. to, show the film"^Chlna/ iha Bf^ Bomber, »^e War" Resistars^; League/'Admission is tret. ;:>•• ; 4li -•,.•••;• • . .•• the way issues such as con-Data and Public Policy," they will discuss changes in the availability of data, in sources of demands for thedata and in „V-.'' POR .SUMMER.iRespohslble IMMdual/• WAITRESSES/WAITERS.-nc^ , hj c«revfDr hou» pl*nti, yard,p«1l: • Thursday in jester center am»; V •• .••. mmnah , . -• m * fidentiality and privacy affect •>— owyuuiv oostUN CMutcH*win prfc, collection, measiirprrwnt and ^iMwr^'.and ilutlantj' i««rm *m S^'y'ttW-iS11'After* prrfetfS^MS,»»w't -aggarm ^ MOVING? AWrfmtnf ROOM & BOARD BELLSON 'DORM Mr Men EycUlent.a CELEBRATE^The Weekoffto:YoungChild " April *V^thru GirlingDaySchOQi;-W< Northljoop. — — -PO utl tjt»;paW,vwWpay, In mmt& n7i?^ lit Glrllna -^SPORTS PROGRAMne«d« combination . «l-59«3." ' < Kore4\ Arthur Murray studioneedifuiic 2S&„rtt2!^S5& ,ar«» *«"*' ppTch^ MAX'S T6NWig"8MOP r.nM P*^>lw*'MUenrieweri^ tjn»trtctor»<-»:ygg?''{!•?^^A.T°?'!'jf .s.HOP :Go^ 9''*l!!y^ l»y, It p m quiet-west Austin romplec I1M plus i .i*,?*'"' WE'RELOOKING FOR fttewneat, con-electricity 3«^47>alter3 . dlscusslon pf Jewlsh ethics; J" CHi AtfKA wHlmeetat7:W p;m;lt^urio, ... < day at tht;Chapei of tha Hoty-Sjrfrlt, ^ . 27th street and UrilvmltyvAvenoe.1 v CHIIITIAN tCIINCI COIIIOI OMAMBATlON.wm maeiat7;^0p.m. Thursdayjn Union South 7 to share ; the. spiritual' truths of ChristJan ' science,a^d-ltf heal(ng a(fects with '• c the campus community.;. v; > *jMMITflMNT OtOiOOtCAt iQOlCBwhl •.. meet atip.m. Thursday In Owoiogy 'r Bulldlng.lOOtohear D.F.Parkerdls­cuss "Palsano Pass .Volcanic Jfh * trmlvr Complex, Wesf of Alplne, •: Texas "* A ,,0m MU»a(AXIOM sponsored by the v -Readir.g ond Study SMJfs'' Laboratory (RASSL) will meet at: noon Thursday iat' Jesfir Cantar y' A332 ' sent a sandwich seminar WWy Or. *•;-measurement and Rose Ann Shoray.-discussing-*'A > USe^Oi data. Nutritionist Louks ,at the rAxeraje . 'The manner inwhich these are bandied will, we 2700 university Ave. believe, structure the conduct Delivery of Health Services' at 9 a.m., with Dr. Ira Iscoe, University professor of psy­chology; Thomas Scheff, sociologist from the Universi­ty of California at Santa Baj>.bara; George Dix, University sociologist from the Universi­ty of Notre Dame; Vilma Martinez, president and general counsel of the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund and Jorge Bustamante, sociologist. WINNER Of AcademyAwards! RiAfelNO tmaiNCY sponsored1 by r ^M^jjstssss^-ii^aRssisrefe^a! EXPECriNG UNEXPECTEDLV? Call HELP .WAjNTED. Apply ^1004 Vlckl or Jan«.«t4S4-l}M: TMye 472-W4. Artistv ^^/S'vCoS^^fh'SSSfLS toslRobstownSR. RlnorewardCTim. mant and txttfttWapromotlonat •ctlvKBWTVOood cocd.No.90,45M9Q2.o: •y, lnqulrles are sollclted. from^;. Wann>H« j ,rmtffKunu.rwiMt^^rftfi.i^th.;>• Wanted,, cat babysmeran^gp, ..... value ot Austln's ONLY Peddlers' Refrlfl. ands»ove^or sate. 4M-1337. DouMebed.UKenew.uf7SPn»~ downtown' Austin. ."Put veyort «f the '«VW J»00 447-WO*. 447-«90». ,above marcHandlsa will contact "Thi Old Wagon Yard* Peddlers' Markat and • Cantina." Write ,TSP^>P.O( ;0)dx D4, Austln» Texas 71712.-r ^ ^ c i_ 6 / J* * frfX) Open dlspUy.ofErrantmasochlsm.. Red River; only lyay to Jester? ,.v GiBOd.TVi.-l3S. 4S246&};v Free kltfeos. 472>t9H. .Tfilfi*. £• ?!5i it VW, sunroof, fm, »t?no. 47i-j4ii.wel^M, wanrtd.o buy ««tPieesexell I i I #f 1/ I 1. I iTHE BRUSHY CREEK for Family Style Dinners Tues. & Thurs. Night $ SfMlt tmrvad -Mrifh.Green Beans,Baktd Potato t Salad' $4.95 •vf i r n • j Bar-B-Que > I," | Horn, Chicken, B—f ! i Sautago A Ribs, Beans, • Potato Salad A ' jCoh Slaw •„ 5; | $3.25 4 ff \£" '• ALl YOU CAN EAT $$$ -j 1, Monday-Saturday 11:00 a.m. -9:00 p.m. I ^Closed Sunday m CUNNINGHAM CORNER 8:30 p.m. -midnight Friday & Sunday -.9 p.m. -1a.m. Saturday Cover charge 50* for UT students, faculty, and staff: $1 for guests (three guests ad­mitted per:UTI.Dv card) ;i.-TheTQvernisjocated behindGregoryGym. CASH; FOR BOOKS -fr'ftacords; Jau/ ..cUissIcat-rocJc ln good condlttoru 474-; Uprlghtpiahou tlW. 4SS-2D3fatt.S:. ; Happ^ Blrthday Tlm.^The Gang. • 19S»Chtvy {rtckup «W45?Wy ".'.FEMALE.' PHANTOM' ROOMMATE. , _ ........... ^ ... ,„. call for reservations: 255-3253 1:30-5:15-9:00 1:15-5:00-8:35 m 111 West Main SttMtf 'MH; fn Round Rock " assr" If --' J • i«• FOUND LAST week on campus-7 BEOROOMV1 batfi Hardwood ttoOrt. ^ valuable necklace 47744* alter 7.Keep garage, large vard 4TMM1 -. .trying, i' J»-£rV( v*y-} > msssm wmm m*m§ -.z;vO-r-S. t* u ' I -*&• ?L 1 ^jtv V-j-^-/t \^®8 M a?^ J:­ k ®53l L?'!Pl 1 /&!$ :.'T'',: ^yJOSW.WUUUSON ceUcnce Award in 1W&. f;.>tongress^oi American • > ,Tbe Collegeof Business Ad­— r—— The eight business ad-!^dustiry, -. ,-> 1946, chairman of the Dallas ministration (CBA) will hooor ministratton seniorscbosenass-\ Also James Littreil.a CStrauss Broadcasting > Com-v r-five alumni, eight students outstanding students include; Houston transportation and.pany; Robert,GoodraanJr.of • and an outstanding professor Charles C.Beeder, honor gtu-] accounting major, and a ' Houston, 1946-48 graduatestu­ . s at anaward ceremony Thurs-dent in accounting and chair^ member of Otnicron Delta'" dent in business Studies', day night in ^the Alumni man of rthe Inter-Service.4Kappa(; national leadership partoer in theaccounting finn Center., s/*,,•> „ ' Cour^, andMarkAUnTrieb,fh<*»rary;LesterVanPdtllt ofArtlrarAniiersoo and Com- v The program,; sponsored by an bobor student in actuarial! a'WWlatidiaccounting-prela^^p^the student CBA Council, will science and president"of the7 stude^ a^jroeraber oi tb^^ begin with a ft pjn. reception Actuarial Club, "both ctrom followed at 7 pm. by .the 'Ahsttn. '•> " PslandAlphaKappaPsi:anil 'counsel" nfSaw awards presentation. , OthersUncludePaul C. ' Claude James Atkins, a Van-Association." Spg j$ip Students and faculty will; -Eelnberif,>anEl Paso-inter--fl"""* makjrwhois~t>resi-~\ i,i.t L :-Sis i" ??€'• recognise Dr. Ray M.r national business major and a ucuiuiaw;uxq»u ,-~wnit*i*'-a hmhiuXaIJ ibIui Wnlitm Alas .. * • . . . . __ ^ t i. _ . • --» 1. -„?L *P„°;'iri^!>ne?y\vot William D^:;Kenh»rti-Vnf' Somnerfeld, who holds the former vice president of the of the American Finance endowed Arthur Young CBA Council; Jamie Black, a Association, round out the list Professorship in the Univer-Galveston accounting student,' of Bonor seniors^ Da, lirr, ^ sity's accounting department, former financial director for k "Students filled out for teaching effectiveness/ v Student' Government and; nomination form by which the ^5*< • tarry L.»w, Linenschmidt, ,a/ committee members (CBA), . Sommerfeld is a former •, in IJ -^ -•L-llf'HA) '' chairman of the committor cn^fireSnvtUe • management ma--' tanked them interms of federal taxati.ojtr of;the Jor-'ahd.-president of the-GPA and community in-American Accounting University cbaper of the' volvement,'% ' John ^Tbe alumulwerechosen Association. He has received Society for the Advancement3, Derlchsweiler. committee-by thrir w6rk «»t^^buted to^ a number of teaching awards of Management and a student chairman for the selecticw of tte Univeririt^ Mrt of cqcrae, : in the pasVinduding the Jack representative to the National the students, said. * V their succe^Mm1iirateis» Gi .-Taylor: Teaching vE*-Association of Manufacturers? -Hie distinguiAedalumni Conflicting loyalties Cited jA conference on 'The P^tks ^Ailegiani^;?OonfUctini: Coramunicationr An slnquiry-i^fl^^the^ Foundation'joPLoyalties in World PoliUcs" sponsored by the University's Rationality." ' ^ e World Order,Program will open Thursday witi^a reception 9^ ^ Sessions at9 and U a.nu Friday willdikuss "From Natibiial^ , the FacultyCenter, iV ^ -,^.'Enterprise TowardAnti-StateEiWres in a'Global Ecoodmy''lvolbe three-day conferempe vrtll diamine .the state's andj and J'From?State Satf&r^mnTWorld CMB SutoStti? ^naUon's posiUons in relation to conflicting pressures placed oO .Itansnational Burteucfacies^'liL the Academic p^t Tiidter? 8r< a ciUrea's allegiance and loyalty. i J Room. ,v -Ss'i <<» t 'f , Other atizen pressures to be e^ilored are those involved tii~" "Fmm Bwdirta nr«.^by^ayri-fHtarfcy . international wganizatiOnS, mnltinational business enterprises;• in Discontented Publica" ami "Pmm Nati««i -activist movementsof resistance oir Rebellionand those whosee . Toward Planetary CcciscidQsness inthe,World Citiimry" willt -themselves as global citixenS.with worldwide interests. t be the topics discu^ed at 2:30 and 4:30 iun. in the Academic V Karl Deutsch, political scientist and professor of inter-Center Hoblitjelle Room. :MJ , , ii ' national peaces wiagive tbe main address at7:30 p m. Thurs^ A concluding round-table at10a rtL Satmday on"The Politics 17x -day in Humanities Rraearch Center «St f * * -* l'x of Allegiance: The Citizens,'the States, tbe Interests and theII 5* # ^ Deutsch, aHarvard University professor, isformer president Planet" m theHnker Room will end the conference ^ of tbe American Political Science Assodation and author of All sessions are free to Interested persons. %K. "The Nerves of Government" and "Natknalism and Sodal jweramuwwn. TOMATO •»f i J£'n}*£ if Students who ;wiah to'i^ace ribtii:^ ' ,-iotM^-.-ptct ure-^nd dotof %Mttish 408,407,3UK, -righature; not haveMen this '1Mr'#n<' and stHl particolar test previ9«^y on "v ,va» K receive •"**»their test results thewUniversityvwfayu campusuuumwoenwhere w v •? ;. <***« piwqgtatering for the the fee was paid dbectiy to v semester ^ can take the the University and not be, ColIege Board Listening-currently enrolled in any ^ Reading Achievement Test ta Univertity &wnisb coarse, m Spanbdi Thursday. » • '^1 " .c-­ t Tldtets for thb test wUl be Students can receive an in­„ available at thTje«t£ ##***»* P ;Auditorium Ticket Office : ^b£«tftte tS?ss ^ at# »»™i«w;wt: uic auiuusiuu ysiraa• ombiwi icsi aro •0^-ticketswhich can bepurdias-tovernmehitovernmeni' test offered V ed forft Thetest Ufriin6:80 Wtateesday are the last'1 *"tw» poop • placement ttsts to be to S:ao plnii:% piKynwnK toilf. 99.-M HHIDPIE EARTH DRUG STWPOSIUIW 75, ' m * THl rt WSM^Si f v-zAUTkoWOFtTHE HA 3.00 OFF pi m * ByAppolntment Sgyf?r--^ ftl a. • mm* msim 'S® mmmm sistant 1 ^ItpTnfflifr ^#illdeliver M " (Kilippf, Color {Joe and-ft used^amearis ^fpfe£b|a^ .cxmimuiiity­ m 'AiWARG m :BICYCI£gr; SAtURDAY 12;lKIDOiE CITY INSTANT REBATES. UP TO • \7Mfc ~** REG^ifn:qd('.rl SHOPIMWANDSAyE.4SMMi: AMOUNTOOWN^I^THE ^Irvrie^#^E" VAI tm ^iCYCtEiidF YOUR CHCMCEtW ORACQ'GXB1DOOL 10-sp^bn Choka Of 2i"o»23"f™m« Mm .with 27' whaclt. Fomeut 'Shimon*'1' fagfe REG. $89.99SeIKC. it#mount*d .thift«n,,.;J(hrallawr, COTtar-puN, b«ait»r. Sx-wavraflacton. $109.00 REBATE HOW$79 )><&* m GRACO DELUXE S-spracr^ ami* «f mmft •r'Mn' •<*»b ta ll" w VT ltwm n»w«m-«hwfc6 REG. $79.99 LESS # rebate ? fiyi, ,v £ 1 Ml^^l 25?rtjfc [NOW$«4^9# ^SfiMa^wSr1-1? m vORilCO st % ^ _ LOCATIONS vmm&m t M 1£N^ CchmUim, i5M«4.9f ^•as^aai^g bfOTIICYOtWtSfli; f tpUT, ASSIIIItfpl AdO mtiniwimim wm^m: