-x. • . J . 1 , , t /. L . • "?*»..* ^ V 5" ' > r'«JX^'^X ** * ' •. ' v 1 4 : ®&V ,''«*> * < »:?' V -.' '' . , i V-^tf.. it, -v Jf *• Stalls Vote Count Student; Newspaper at The University of Texas at Austin By BILL SCOTT Officials said a preliminary 1,000-card • •.. Texan Staff Writer sample tabulation showed the controver­A last-minute computer breakdown sial Union East referendum losing by a 4 combined with the inevitable card sorter to 1 margin. 74, No. 160 Ten Cents w»' >Austin, Texas, Thursday, March 6, Sixteen Pages 471-4591 foulups and stoppages left final outcome ONE OFTHE major snagsin the coun­ of Wednesday's Sttldent Government ting system developed early Wednesday •7. :f| election balloting, in doubt as of early night when election officials temporarily Thursday morning. \-:) suspended vote counting to investigate "-§1 Tabulation of the approximately 10,000 what McElroy termed a "false alarm" I computer cards and:unknown quantity of regarding the balloting process. •U.AV paper ballots remained incomplete after Sources reported the halt came to let nearly seven hours of sorting by election officials determine if some voters had workers. "disenfranchised" Eight-to nine-lhoutand »tud«nts been by the tem­-Mvoted in Wednttday't Student porary ballot shortages and the resulting & i The Control DateCorporation 6600 (the Government elocilon/The turnout delay in getting additional ballots. < University's premier computer system) r wa» to Hpavy that tome voter* Officials determined, however, that no began "eating cards three at a time and stood in. polling lino* , for mora person had been denied a vote because of spitting them out on the floor of the Com­ than.an hour waiting to bdllot. the delay, and the tabulating effort was putation Center," one .election worker But, a* in all.things/ one voter resumed after a one-hour halt. said early Thursday) /' arrived too late. '-•> Election worker John Torigian said KEN McELROY, chairman of the Stu­ 'I another hitch occurred in the mark-sensedent Government Election Commission, computer equipment which was beingcharacterized the near-record turnout as used to convert the ballot pencil marks"beyond my wildest'expectations," and into punched holes. said demand for ballots during the day The machine, which processes infor­was so great the.coiinputer-coded cards ran out as early as 11:30 a.m. at some mation at a rate of 3.000 cards per hour, polling locations. •« was backed up by 6.000 cards at 11 p.m. "We had to make Xerox copies of Election Commission member Terree ballots and let voters mark paper ballots Bowers said a clerical mistake by the 5-to make sure everyone who wanted to commission erroneously, reported votedid," McElroy said. several candidates as not having turned in the required financial statemehts, S" Though ho final estimates could be Monday. '< made, election workers predicted Thurs­ day morning "between 8.000 and 9.000 Bowers said all candidates, to his, students went to the polls in the day-long knowledge, had finally brought in the — T«»qn Staff Photo by Zach Ryall balloting. financial data by Wednesday. Garland; U-l New Election Set for April 9 By BILL SCOTT J 360 lMedia Law and Ethics) or be "Just because a candidate got the . Texan Staff Writer registered for it at the time of filing." ; most votes, doesn't necessarily mean he . Bill Garland's Daily Texan editor Garland said earlier Journalism Prof. met the ethical standards involved," -» hopes were dealt a death blow Wednes­ Joseph Taylor refused to let him back Tagiiarino said."Though I did not fileday night-when the T£xas Student into the course because "he said I had any complaints during the campaign, IPublications Board voted not to certify missed too many classes and wouldn't be have not been able to justify in my mindthe results of the senior journalism ma­able to make up the work. that all candidates were dealt with ­jor s Feb. 12 runoff victory over oppo­"I asked for no special favors and cer­fairly." J nent Scott Tagiiarino. tainly received none," Garland said. "I Bender, in response to Tagliarino's " The 7-1 vote in favor of the refusal pav­wouldn't want him to violate his con­presentation, said his candidate dropped ' *d the way for the scheduling of a second science in the matter." the course to avoid receiving a low , m Photo by Cnwy 8f"»odimar»« editor election April 9. Garland said he had "absolutely no grade. . -. The runoff race was set for April 16. next step in mind" and made no com­HE ADDED Garland had'talked with ,. The refusal cameafter boardmember ment about any future plans. Taylor and had made arrangements toJohn Bender informed the panel that DEFEATED RUNOFF candidate audit the class for the remainder of the Railroad Commission Denied Garland had been unsuccessful earlier in Tagiiarino said he "couldn't judge" his semester, do all the reading and "- the day to secure reinstatement into'a J" chances in any future election and had assignments -and register officially for course required of all applicants for the not decided if he would run. the courseduring thefirst summer tern). Ujjto' editor,.position; Bender also" charged the Alpha PhiTagiiarino appeared before the board wOS BENDER, who also served as Omega Election Commission "lied inprior to the deciding,vote, asking it to Garland's campaign manager during the v order to bolster its case" by alleging call for another election a By The Associated Press, deprive a person ora corporation which is nota gas utility,of gas two-week political struggle, said the because of Garland was questioned about other il­ The TexasRailroad Commission's broad powersto protect the "lack of fairness" in the Feb. 12 race. owned by such person or corporation. It may not determinetitle: •editor-elect had been refused readmit-legal dorm campaigning activities at a ^public do not include the authority to set aside all natural gas to,gas...." • tance into Journalism 360. a course he Tagiiarino pointed to Garland's dor­ Feb. 12 "good faith" hearing. contracts, the State Supreme Court ruled Wednesday .Despite the commission's broad powers, the Supreme/Court' propped the day after,his apparent runoff mitory campaigning violations, cam­ The hearing, which resulted in Garland.Specifically, the court said in its8-0decision, thecommission said;:it would .not direct the agency how it should specifically 'victory. paigning spending limit/Violation and the being enjoined from campaigning onwas not required toapportion allOf the gasin Lo-Vapa Gathering carryoutits functions TSP Handbook regulations stipulate J360 episode as factorswhich "detracted runoff day. was in- election held to ­Co/si.pipelines to solve an Austin-San Antonio gas shortage. Thus, Uie courtsaid, although thecommission had thepower to^Veach applicant"mustHave completed ... from the fairness of the race. vestigate complaintsof dorm solicitationp "J.jjiE RULING was a victory for Texas Utilities.Fuel Co. -/•considerinsider the gas shortage as it affects the entire state — in® ^ in^ activities. 'A^ (TJJFCO) which, with its affiliates, serves 323 cities and ap­ eluding Austin,-.San Antonioand the LCRA — itwas not required,^ proximately four mflllon people in Texas with gas or electrical The motion to schedule an April cam­ to deal with the statewide problem "piecemeal" as it might*^ energy produced by gas. •;-®j.; paign. which was passed by theboard un­ affect particular localities and customers -JAUstln,-^an.Antonio and the Lower Colorado River Authority animously, prohibits the 'use of any , The court noted that .after the commission dismissed ,the­ filed suit to force.the^commission toreallocate LoVaca's gas printed material by candidates. Adver­ Austm-San AntoniorLCRA petition, it ordered a1 statewide hear-.' after tfie regulatory agency dismissed their application. Drizzly Using space will be provided free by TSP ing to determinewhether it should establish a mandatory appor­ -^Had.the application been granted, TUFCOcontended, it wotild in an attempt to keep additional ex-;v; tionment program among thegas utilitiesto alleviateshort ages.:-Thursday vyill be mostlycloudy and warmer, with mor­ have siphoned gas fromthatutility company. : penses to a minimum. ­ "AS WIS understand it," the'court said*"it,'(the commission).' •Lower courts.ruled. that the commission had the power ahd ning fog and light drizzle in the afternoon. Winds will proposes to deal with the gas shortage, not as it affects South Though filing deadlines and otherditty.' to allocate, or reallocate, gas in Lo-Vaca's pipeline's, 51 ;Central .Texas alone, but according to the facts and effect of the be southeasterly from 10 to 18 mph. The high procedural matters have yet to be regardless of whoownedthe gas. - |shortage, and of-its .orders -upon the entire: State. That is the- finalized, Board President Lee Grace MHWIY-ONE.companies or cities,, probably a record in'a temperature is expected to be in the low 70s, with a low statutory authority of ' the commission,' and its manner of. said there is "little chance of Garland fsitte suH,' Intervened on behalf of the commission, fearing tlm> proceeding is entirely pro|)er " . ' . in the upper 50s. There is a 30 percent chance of rain. being recertified for the new ejection" imping cancelation ol contracts would, disrupt their energy ,, , j v r- because of previous board'decision re­ ftpes. ' ' _ > . . '{. Chiel Justice Joe Greenhill wrote the;3&{)age'q)inhm, and the Special Election ... jecting the candidacies of Barry Boesch * I |;Th6 Supreme Court reversed the1lower court rulings," stating importance of it;was'.dramatlzed by a. special memorandum " "* and Mary Walsh. ' that the commission was correct in refusing to set aside the Lo-prepared by the court's staff to summarise the ruling for This is the last day voters may register for the April 5 "If it weren't for the J360 incident, the Vaca contract with TUFCO in that a substantial amount of the 'reporters. .v board would have gone ahead and cer­ga$ involved belonged to parties which were not gas utilities. In'addition, Greenhili called the Capitol Pi^room to inform city election. Registration booths will be placed at the tified Garland," Grace said. ^'Thejcommission has jurisdiction to regulateandapportion reporters that the opinion was being released Wednesday; three . West Mail, at Jester Center, in front of the University . thesales and disposition of gas owned.by each gas utility^ so as,to and..a half jhon'ths after the court heard oral arguments. Student member John Morris.called protect the public interest," the Supreme Court said. , ! Associate Justice Ruel Walkerdid not take partm the case, the Co-Op and west of Burdine Hall. Booths will be open the decision the fairest possible action in ..:IT ADDED, however, "Thisdoes not mean.that'ali the gas In . tnemorandum nr Hears Utility Rate Legislation «>, By STEVE McGONIGLE utility-companies. tand or accept these ,increased; costs, K uncertainty" among investors. Childs electrical rates, he said. were determined on an accurate basis. Texan Staff Writer -'* * ' ' ? -Childs asked >Clower if he thought it Childs said, because he only sees what is said. This could result in utilities not be­SB 91. or "the people's bill," as it is Specifically noting that most major Two ,bills proposing regulation oL would be fair for someoneto offerto buy coming out of his pocket;today. What ing able to attract the outside capital called by Mengden; would the cities in the state would probably take place public utilities in Texas received exten­ his home:at its original cost. In effect, consumers do not see is that cutbacks in . necessary to maintain their financial burden of regulatidh oh commissioners advantage of the "opt-out clause" in the sive discussion in a hearing, before the this is how the original cost method the construction of new electrical power stability. Clower bill reject court in each county, as well as continue whereby they could SenateState Affairs Committee Wednes; would ask the^utility companies -to-plants caused .by an accelerating,shor­Francis Jeffreys, an investments municipalities' regulations power in the regulation within their borders by a day analyze their assets, Childs said. tage of funds will mean poorer servicein analyst from Chicago also representing state's urban areas. A three-man ap­statewide regulatory commission. 'f'Both bills, SB 23sponsored by. Garland Throughout the post-World War II era the future, he.explained. their differing; proposals^ their rates, Childs said. The present in­ shape." many of .them,having triple and " starts. < ... regulating bodied.-' : be more responsive tp their desires,"tCLOWER CALLED his "thestrongest creases, he saidi'represent attempts by . double "A"credit ratinison their bonds. TEXAS' utilities are '"healthier" than The Mengden: bill also calls for Menden said. t)ill since it caUs.for the establishment, I'the companies simply -to survive. Texas alsoranks asone of thestates with in most states, Jeffreys:said, but they criminal penalties for utility officials'' "It would be much harder for lobbyists •of a threfr'man, elected commission -jTHE CO^UIWER Will ^iver-.unders-, the lowest electric rates in the entire are not. prospering. The .'responsiveness who present falseor misleading informa­to influence the thousands of city and which would have authority tacontroHn- country, he said. of home-rule regulation has greatly con­ tion to governing bodies which request county officials in this statethan it would ' irasmie utilityrat^.Rate^wouldteset-^,; ;-i' Creating'a regulatory^commission like tributed to the fact that Texas'rates are be if such information. Mengden said, he felt' we had a' three-man commission. in 'a,'.-n&nnet$^^ .the one proposed by Clower could cause? 17 percent below the national average for this provision would" assure that rates regulating these utilities." ( recover o^ratirig ex^riseV ahd eam' aj#;" \ treasonable return''.onlnvested.capltalv".' providingthey-; are "prudently jnariaged" ~ -? The best methodsfor ascertaining what!j % reasonable return wbuld be, proved to ,be one area of great1 controversy between tath proponents and opponents , <>f the measure. t li Austin flity Atty. Don Btttler saidih^i -^ thought thefair marketvalue system foij ^determining a company's net income^ \^v|vas the utility companies'"biggeslgim-, ^^thlckrotalli*'''ftate,requests)Sased .on wig- L v",,f ''%stehi -Would >,often be "inflated httdf' he'retore deceptive, Butler added oriiinaifb!o^inetKod3d'f-nihng^a?!nfeWi||| cort\e,;was,ieriUcized sharply,by John?: Childs"'a'' financial' Adviser Jrom"New, York Cjty spea' onibehalf-ofelectric' en* Clower mm' Persian X5ulf States Ponder KUWAIT (API. — Kuwait announced;" Minister Abdiiimoutaleb Kazimi in minister, and Kazimi moved into the oil vWednesdjyU will,take-over the.remain- Algiers, where he is attending the sum­ ministry. -ing 40 percent share of the country's mit conference of the Organiiation of vjiuge oil operations-held by British and. Petroleum Exporting Countries • Kuwait Oil Co accounts for more than 'American firms 95 percent of Kuwait's,daily production vi Acting Oil Minister Abdel Rahman -"From this moment on, the Kuwait! of crude oil. now estimatedat 1.8million state has becomeowner of the totality of Atiki said the government will initiate: barrels. The drop from the-1974 1evel of / the shailes held, up to now by the two 2.27 million barrels-is", attributed to ^participation'1, talks with British; •Petroleum and Gulf Oil.next Tuesday to:, companies, namely 40 percent: Conse­decreasing world demand:'Kuwait is the quently. Kuwait's petroleum has return­world's fourth .largest, exporter, after gghicye loo percent.state.cohtrol'ofioilp ed to ils rightful owners, which will per- Saudi Arabia.*Iran and Venezuela: ^JMjgove.rnment already Holds69 percent, jnit^us^ to-elaborate a triily national '>-",of tt)o Kuwait Oil Co.'vlhrbugH which BP, / saudi Arabia'is negotiating terms with petroleum.policy without-any foreign iri­ y qnd GulfGulf,operate Joio Kuwait v > >sj^ jk l he Arab,an"A!ye terveentlon." Kazimi was quoted as tell- rican O" Co (Afamco) Tfib" •ATIKISAIDthfe, foreign fiompanles^" r Lom^le (e thwAlgerian news'aaencya' t r (a^over of it^ agency results could come ; industry sources sai^.' mauswy sources saip. ^ i.by four ir.s. firms Exxon. Texaco, Mobil and Standard of , California. ABU DHAgl is contemplating a ^ similar move. Its negotiations .with BP and Compagnie Francaise de Petrole were ralled off last rn'pnth because of aj;.| disagreement over a drop in the level of production. These'negotiations are ex->5S| pected to be resumedsometime after Arab l^eague petroleiiln conference,I . scheduled for March lOinDubai.'SOurqeslfM vtiefi said " ' . "CjH Another Persian Gulf oil state; Qatar.'it^i r: was also expected-to seek a^complete '" takeover.of foreign oil concessions in its' territory, these sources said;:Ttey-:gaveR _. < Jgflgl w hpiri xsrMf^x^'S,-J r^-'^rV-if^/-iii.-iv';: -•-• ''Xt'f-a'':V;;: Recruitment >UW*nJMWll tftAtl $MtMft m •^Wfe.ip^wifc'wiiilii'X^i swfcafefru-tan,•Mitnxwiw <»«6fc "•&*«»«$> wiwtnuswa l»ipitUmm)L»,<^& gap^prt^ipl»ie*^|s immtm g^tmeifc safite'^ia^BUr'..jSSSSSSSS^S­ aSfc^S5ft^«iSI^SS5 _ ^---«-'* -«^»amML-wiwq1»i'ttMB'nf .. . TT>iL^j_ai^mafc ^SSS«SiS«5S^2S0''^J^| ^agasisitfe<6w(ii,jte» omfcSwfc.^arWniiH. OM^t^wanit. ^ tiumw*.. "Iwitl^fti.nii%i»awiij'wii ^Tii«(lM«ti»»r^BlBaW»«>if .. ^W*1*8^wBqwwir *afiwik irt&lHliWLlipjMi : '"Niii/'WlWiirfciL-wtiwii^ ^HK wSfcstwii tb ­iiitr-4iMC swrfh «Srtlwwtjfc t 4» Hlfc 3»—fc «Mt -"B**>3^cfe *tfe* ,®>t04tfe^pfftbottBfflMKftt ateaKR.«1.Mtttgs nMHte " a*-3SK-si»mMi4ik'«fefc,SaBib ... , ^ >*ws;%*rti«p«br^jsaifi-."J*1' .-* o**omfeqwrVtoctffe ^%wMht>Wh'WB<>t«»ittte.. nwwq Halite <**.. tlibmw^,'*s >ttmhwiii^ftiiiiuft uaa.*>rtl. S|»6S»C -ftm- ge^fciehBiialeHNegBtefcW! 9t«ft !** SMWMTCftW JOBS Mwt!t^%>fcflML ^gwM<*fe«Bwtee9»«fcT6a^ lamperGAfe ttnitj ;gwNWtfting.'^afaai^ft^fe %»«Wfc^rtOwu'Ji ''"•^Il»^'j ».fiL.^jfcyafc. Stariey t AMTMKH Reg 1» Reg.12JS v,a, V.M r __ • Reg. 7J5 ­ NowIAS NmlSI >IMP5JK Gals Reg. ill NivU) See .•i v &-:N"Zu* % -i^P4: r*" " t-1-? L - > "\ .'•* &I M& ' 2SH" <-t 4" !'••; • • ',1' ->-1 "*>3. ' „ ,,J* ^ "^-fys ^O'A­v; . 't; 1 H£¥ ^suiSi ' |-^-v b. -/^ iS£a'C~ 8^:^ STORE m-iws rr.^1'-1;; v 1-*-i #§iifilifliii roves WASHINGTON (AP) -Treasury payers making less than $20,000, but only a Democratic-sponsored bill that wouldSecretary William E. Simon said 15 percent on those families with in­have delayed for 90 days all three steps Wednesday the $21.3 billion tax cut ap­comes under $10,000. of the special tariff. proved by the House provides too much MR. FORD backed off part of his The House Ways and Means Com­relief for lower income families. program for the time being Tuesday, mittee continued work on energy conser­ Simon testified before one of two con­saying he was striving to avoid a "time-vation proposals, with particulargressional committees pushing ahead wasting test of strength" with Congress. emphasis on thecommittee's own plan towith their own energy and tax proposals He agreed to delay for 60 days the last reduce energy consumption throughin the face of President Ford's tem­ two steps of a $3-a-barrel special tariff quotas on imported oil and an eventual porary retreat on key parts of his energy on imported oil. 40-cent-a-gallon gasoline tax increase.conservation program. At the same time, the President vetoed The tax is now 4 cents a gallon.THE TREASURY secretary told the Senate Finance Committee, which is working on the House-approved tax cut bill, that a key factor in the economic Cargo Jet Hit recession is the 34 percent reduction in purchases of such durable goods as cars and household Appliances. American Airlift Suspended The principal buyers of such durable goods are families with incomes over PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (API - the ground were killed and more than 20 Rebel artillery shelling Phnom Penh air­ $10,000, Simon said. But he noted that wounded as more than 50 rockets and port hit an American plane for the firstonly 44 percent of the relief in the House-captured U.S.-made 105mm shells struck passed bill would go to families with ad­time Wednesday after the DC8 cargo jet « the airport area in the heaviest attack by landed with a load of rice. U.S. officialsjusted gross income of between $10,000 the Communist-led insurgents so far.. and $50,000. had to halt the emergencyairlift for four PENTAGON sources said in hours. "It is clear that the purchase of Washington that the flights were halted NO INJURIES were reported amongdurable goods has to be increased if the for the remaining three hours or so ofthe crew of the World Airways plane, -UH T«Uphol» recession is to be turned around,"Simon was hit. daylight after the planeand diplomatic sources said it returned to Saigon's Tan Son Nhut air base with said. He urged the Senate to accept Mr. wW> Sen. Russell long before testifying. Ford's own tax cut plan, which would target 57 percent of its benefits on tax­ only minor damage from shrapnel. In Washington, Secretary of Defense James A. Schlesinger said the United States is reviewing its options regarding House Passes 'Soft' Speeding Bill the worsening military situation in •I At isolated Phnom Penh. As to whether U.S. Marines would be used to evacuate Americans from the ci­ Sfvvp Mining, Paycheck Legislation Introduced ty. Schlesinger said, "We would be prepared under the circumstances to use J90stet«R; Wednesday busied -flic two bills, SB 55. sponsored by Marines, if the need arises." and would be so costly that they would Austin Gonzalo is m the Boose -and Committee Chunnan Max Sherman of Kep. Barrientos EIGHT MEMBERS of Congress who Phnom Penh force small mining operators out of sponsor of HB 646 which provides for Semite snti Boose •committees AmariIin.andSB66, sponsored bv Austin visited Vietnam and Cambodia last week business bimonthly paychecks instead of the pre­ An airlift of fuel and ammunition was -uwoeiubq; spending oftases. Sen 1-lovd Boggett. stress the need for gave President Ford and Secretary of The committee also approved bills sent monthly system for all state mounted five months ago with U.S. funds -rfci^cviii»spenitettt privileges, natural legislation to regulate surface mining State Henry A. Kissinger theirindividual dealing with private area bird shooting, employes. Barrientos said the change and civilian American crews in an :MSWBS. 3>ira«rtjh}y wai«mt state operations in.T«ras. views at length Wednesday and said the selling of game birds commercially would "bring the state into line with es­ attempt to help President Lon Nol's Testimony toy mining group represen­ Kissinger told them there is very little and the breeding of game animals. tablished business and federal govern­ troops hold off the Khmer Rouge forces . 3** Souse gnssed -e bill W«dne5day tatives wasgenerally favorable for strip hope of ^Renegotiations now in Cam­ ••• ment practices." closing in on the city. "OHrotBg-Bnowinglheao inpli speed limit mmn^ teft-skitioci but was in strong op­ bodia. A bill to alter the method of issuing.added -« jxrom-position to certain provisions of both paychecks to state employes was Barrientos said HB 646 will not affect Rep. Paul McCloskey Jr.. R-Calif.. The Soviet news agency Tass-reported -suwi^aUi^-theTOsnnmnm line Jur drir- InOs. Mining representatives felt the presented before the House Revenue and employe salaries but will help employes said that Kissinger felt "the U.S. must that "the patriots" are within four and a tof 5w«ww5>36,Bi>d7P=mj>b.mSS bills vodld inhibit coal mining in Texas Taxation Committee. in budgeting income, especially lower negotiate from Strength, and there is no half miles of Phnom Penh's airport from ®eiWl«iWds'ftt jtesBn law which strength." paid employes who sometimes have to west are narrowing ring the and the «cpij*s Upril a between Airport sources said borrow money monthly two persons on around the Cambodian capital itself. V^can&tnD providestlnrlhe SK mai­ paychecks for unexpected expenses. prohibits«i>-insurance com- Brooks Trial $u>y thorn -coosideriiig -such speedily • • • % The House Social Services Committee MdWtiab Stantbetaig aecariied a heard testimony on a bill that would give ineart •«•»> tfteSDawfenatt Deliberation Results the Texas Youth Council (TYC) the power and resources to deal with psy­ %w^aa1e Dan Kobiak's hill chological problems of delinquents. In Life Imprisonment , -Present legislation requires that TYC ^ttsspa^R^mfterTOBcfc aebate Kubiafs ,5»ttl timid -allow -any K f tnanced ^t ^he local level > treat the child." Rep. Carlos Truan of had told them to "consider the nature of murder, and I don't believe he did it." Corpus Christi testified. the animal." said the elder Brooks. BROOKS, thin, pale and bespectacled, THE YOUNG man's father, however, The -Committee on Xatural Rep. JoePentony of Houston, author of stood without any show of emotion as the said he believes his son "will never get a Stessnrws "tearfl lestimnm ramected -the bill, said the only real difference in verdict was read. He was convicted fair trial. *ifc Stfjp -mtamp ief ore "referring two —UH T4*pho»o this measure and present legislation is Tuesday of killing one of 27 young boys "No elected judge will give him a fair that this bill requires TYC to deal with slain by the sex-murder gang. 5>iRs Ho -subeommitiees Reps, taney and Salem vote on opposite sides. trial." said the elder Brooks. "It was the problems. His parents and young, pretty wife sat completely a farce." Tef Aw —news capsules Guerrillas Seize Hotel Defender of Filibuster Concedes Upcoming Defeat Stock Market Drifts Down "832L 3sr*el <*$•) — Arab WASHINGTON (AP) — A key; breakthrough was scored Wednesday by , "Two boats landed boats Aviv about H ©"clodc. It is assumed members seeking a change in Senate rules to make it easier to choke off stock market drifted downward H.Y.S.E. DON JONES AVtMGE Ibere were three or four,' or morp, filibusters. . Valine Profit* Wednesday under technical sell­ 30 ladastriili %4«imsn^uttel«na-deman(i(>a£j>laneto terrorists board. As the;' landed on itfkt 4hem-and iitynns «f hostages to an the beatih they began shooting in all Sen. James B. Allen, D-Ala., leader of the fight against a change, con­ing pressures, interrupted only CImiI al 30 bonis directions. He terrorists managed to ceded that within a few days he ard others allied with him will go down to by a brief fluriY caused by an un­ TJhe witeis vflpened "fire an all diwsc­ readi tbe Savoy Hotel near the bead) defeat. expected large cut in the prime UNCMAMQIO 5&«ssfr^^1rtd.3«cstodsever.alhiro­ and entered tbe hotel. The hotel is sur­ "We are witnessing the crushing of dissent, the cutting off of the right rate by one major commercial 405 «n efce tupUtoor *aHbe btftel rate to the lowest level in nearly two years to help encourage businesses In Bant, die Al Fatah Palestinian It means the court will hear the appeal at 9 a.m. April 2 whereas it * fjwlicc -communique. issued afotee organization issued a statement claim­to borrow and spend their way out of the recession. Congressional com­might have been longer had it been placed on the regular court docket. filter sfhegraiab«sanjniawhile tfhe ing its guerrillasimadethe assault, bat it mittees, meanwhile, considered tax cut legislation designed to get in­ Atty. Gen. John.Hill filed suit to block Bell's proposed $45 million boost iljgtttipf «jMtmu«l. said: $roe»o . . . .. "Kredinpan legislators often assume the committee process ix-ico added that she will later introduce legislation in the Suffl Wtjier will iron oat problems, but that doesn't always wdrk," she said, areas of public and higher education. Along with the other t4StottV?toaB:TCsfetaK«Mi*«raltoF?nt series«b the "legislators should be able to feel that opinions on measures Travis County legislators, she is working on a bill for reappor­ HJ HnilMrtln aillmrtlM » are aired and given careful consideration in committee before tionment of Travis County legislative districts into single- 5>eg»ifc *he Ha* ^mastering tbe "WgnfizatMmal they go to the floor," Delco added. member districts. attmtamT' *the SjoRislitture, »s>. WiJMmina ttekn. I> Casing the lone dissenting vote Tuesday on a bill before the 3u^.^Spe^«wsp!tU^aibi*ft'«wAw«>etcip|»writyof -Delco'described the session so far as "very interesting" ad­ 4wr Wn>t term to Hie SHoose, «A3ic sdbooJ financing ' Public Education Committee to allow voluntary silent prayer in ding that the volume of work "is more or less what I had ex­ om3ndI)iave public schools. Delco said there are at present no prohibitions pected. . ta^^qwJiewdf shewars^^AustinaJwoI board,Jthink I on voluntary silent prpyer in public schools. She called Uie TOeaawe "stirring up ah Emotional issue where none exists.' "I am fortunate as a Travis.County delegate to have an in­formed and articulate constituency." she said, "and I try to The post of county superintendent, whidi has recently been keep my district office open and operational for dialogue on and/ I version of tbe wider coqsideraUoa in tbe Legislature, .should be abolished.1 .refinement of the issues." . "«Auft it^going to w Ww said; with counties-assuming the cost of hiring • She stressed that although legislators should be responsive to Wcrintendents «4>ere they aire needed. "It isunfair to indepen-­ D-. the persons they represent, the votes according to her own con-Li.-. SNW# WW bit* theirown superintendentsto also science. . v^' 'i; • '' -asstmH? *he cost or a county superintendent,'" die said (eel that the peopfe of Traivis.County have confidence in my tl, 'W4W.'.';. x I. DdtO ab» .•;-.•,' The special City Council election is Saturday. Since You have to be a resident of Austin for 3D days to we went to the trouble to endorse candidates two days register; unless youregistered prtrempfrfate at yon ago, we encourage you to get out and;vote. But you commutefrom Waco,yon areeligible. Yon have to be may have a problem; you may not be registered to 18 yearsoldat thetimeof theelection;ifyoQ*rel?naw vote in Austin. 1"; and will be18 by April'5,you canregister. And if yon If that is the case, there isnothing yon,can do about have voted in thelast threeyearsor if yon registered the Saturday special election. But in approximately less than three yearsago. you'restill eligible in that one month — April 5 — the general City Council elec­original precinct > tion will be held. If you register today — Thursday — The Texan has alwaysencouragedstudents to vote ra you can then vote in that election. Today isthelast day Austininsteadof theirindividualhometowns. Since we to register. discusscity issuesnearly every day — issaessadi as There are four booths set up on campus — at Jester nuclear power, Austin's environment, transportation Center, Burdine Hall, the West Mall and Littlefield andt^xes—we expectthestudentcomnoBBtytotay to Fountain — operating from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. All it change what they disagree with. Host fire takes is a minute. Any student can transfer from an here at least nine monthsat a time, many for at least mmm out-of-Travis County precinct at any booth without a four years at a time. It is oar city, too. voter registration card. All you have to do isshow up. So register today. And then vote. firing line € 4 on T« Ik editors: isoadiEkaMfUieH,aes 1 thoughtpaustitutioawasapauiiessiUB the choice of liltai; vkeaglthat had been outlaws! • the United voter has the rhnjre of jStates: howeva. if i bebefsw othersart Main Mall yesterday, i their befiets an hdra. Sack a hard not to notice all tke pnstjbriK choke. Perhaps this 11 caw be i Vtat is streetwalking. I was pumuiii—l at proved hy sweh aaaettod. batIanwes . Mmt H amM lmwai' Hmm * pBi miiil least five times, bat I mast,confess, I of the process. aftteDLtbefieKfilat laiKt tngetSarvlmmsIiiqgcsDig. found it was quite an erotic frrfimr UATI^ASTLLQMBDLDRIIL&IELWHIK Thr nrirlj nf |in litnti ail mlh Sick chickens t&ac •dfamlffl puiwrHflafc(tall, short, male, female) and almostall Wb»» mm TB thr < beau sibiHuii on W. Bad an^ of tbem gave away leaflets stating their Texas Sherak snKer fmo a trait BMmattf aii-faiP bst is 8uMiwsi^sauiwu^atffltflay granting licenses to these naming WjifBHtemrdhmtftuwuiimuMfc. itsdf »t«ae\g oae of thesr < creatures or possibly setting aside acer­ ciafe t&mi mtmanpfi asn^c ffiae m&BdBs tain hidden Bill Clnta for far th-W •» iMMaligiawtlleeifflyEnie. tt was the qyiitac *f •C OHt agaaet «Kdh tfcy e&mE(ik Be yKBwlnl prmary hB. Once nmprt«mWiimiioiam^«mi)iJilhn Pompous usurpers nesac fiBns dm W and teas-"11T* the < HmTiMiniv iiiinaiplbkBy what sanction dosanaemenbeBMe mgent tlJispit!Bfe;taste BWmfclTiBniHbir The wort goes tbey (^an rule overothers? What ccartof see "B Soae HiBsjc."" Hb. we've gota sicfc law would inwiln the CmliMin a Gold cuts valid contract? Here an cam(BS the rest oT as!" And so ft ggesi-: stakes are less than they are I i illj I wunlaif it ntrooasb or nationally, bat the principles arejnst 'My woman's okay. She says she don't wanria be itafwSfclar as operative: "Vote for me and H2 see them oaa rational basis. Doesit • my equals. that your interests are imposed'otaer car to them that ffai peraptiaa at the others." The «san»s!Voti^ sjtnatioamayhethi.i—. •hjihswroag? Or Oatt neither yimfti is q#t or witqg* Probahty not They're CotaggrtoME-ltis ggusttte?Hi*gpnnff;aieaiinngtflgte^ag ton awed ia that staff on tte hattnai of "WallingTW the puettsr tfim^an tsanpus. guest viewpoint iTOa the data coo^ to .OBuiiuii&u uuHiliiuB fe BwiU my—Bfewagrngifesiirpyriufc. dteatuujuiHg airite fflnrtfit: tfie att­afthest. tfeBwq^t moqilEro fe Bemg uanwd Ite--tfle aSieoff s&oattcHrlknrtiii smrtaisfflgmrWi BEnMir^M^Mniih^ ByJ.P.McGHAW become! uiauw.-nrnrc overaoother?' _ and 'answers.'.' ' Equal Rights Amendment, because I --Do you believe sexism exists?" What refigion? For." thote .of you who missed the EBtfQR:... think :it , is totally unnecessary." He Whereupon he gave a rninn. "Icrowd-pleaser. Senator Sam was quite' ..-thinks,that the due process and equal think sex is the most importaat tli^ ia <>ate by accident I MMttOMBHHBIt EgnnglBwaH. .ingratiating with jokes about politicians ­ protection clauses in the Constitution the universe."The crowd kned that oae. Dorrefl letter to the ed ASSKriWTIKftWHG BMTOBS WMfaWlJUr and militant Womeh,"Iegitimate"ex-' • should cover any inequality that comes v Ha-Ha. ClapdapL ' day. Fyh. 36. ftoles6ag amples of veterans,popular jabs at Nix­ up. Why. look, as he points out, women And upon correction of the term tosex-off atheisin. the writers. NEtSEDOBK on and a staunch belief that sex is "the can now practice law — all 5 percent of ism. he aacreddously lookedaroaad aad close to the same ena most important thing in the universe" — SPOKES EmOEt them.Hearthat, housewives, you can said. "Sexism? JhagUeri. — 111 have toward the thatches' all acknowledged with hearty laughter , "now practice law. Raise your brooms in to plead ignmauLe. I doat know what -and venerating applause. celebration! that is."'Crowd's at it agua. bio FEAXtlBESEDRISt . Ha-Ha. Clap-Clap. '• And what about the law of the land. ohscority. toto confusion. Drowsed oat too narrow fa ne I; f«pnw MTMTMT rtffif The man who chaired the Watergate The lawyer himself said he had faith m by laughter and applaase. re^giaaL IkasfiagiaaDgatisasi committee captured us. We were ,the mighty courts of this land to es­> Ha-Ha. Clapdap. reiipoaspasitiaBastrastiagaaea •x endeared to him, dailyasa TV personali­ tablish equal rights. So what's all this t:Thns. he adroiHy dodgedboBi i|at iliiai gods, la either case BBe^s ' ty and as a pious judge of the infidels'V fuss. "There's nothing left to fight for." by pickrag op on; ESSESBSffF i to a priad ie.I: who: came in all their glory before the " Ervinadds.'Tte courts will bold that' ses and eifduited it to bis advaabge. JSNAYBLJCHB reSgions fervor ia t Chosen Comtnittee.Biblical quotes were: laws which' aire -based on. reasonable Two questions later, the homage paid tion. therefore. -offered to the mqny men who sat in the: grounds founded on assumptions of the--to Samuel James Eraa jr.'came to aa . chair.-across from Sam and I-his; ;;rote that men and women bold in socie-end. People stood np, as at the ead of a , colleague's. And shoujd it not be ; ty will be sustained." mass, and filed out kuuwiug that Oey her. As the proof of the forgotten, many money changers were His insight is alarming. He recognizes had just come in cHtaU'jritk'a' eating. £he proof (or vatae) at laltl chased "out of the temple.: "We got the sagactoos folk hero from the poGtkal refigioa is ia the fiviag. Dues • 1-^HIBmM AL Tllmii Bi best system on earthi" he attested to a":.y. j.the law. but at the same time -says. arena; -A good ole boy from North question dealingwith thefailingsthat led " "Discrimination is done by society and Carolina! toting funay stories aad ad­i v' 'MBttdBwfan to Watergate. Was it. side of those questions. Yet. I a parted auditorium immediately greets (.Isome useful work." Again, boisterous .Sam. &via was a good ww w ia CessthatI fiaimj him/^th^a standing ovatioq, the/ Vbughter / vr'-" v-> -enthusiaftn (werflpwing;with the jiebplef^ Ha-Ha. Oafrdap-, * slaa; ii1 m yini—ia—Biai*. He cooqoeredL Lets be sare we're Me ] out into,the corridor. ^hed cSme the'in^-r^y « bur statements areratted trpductfim of Samufel James Ervin Jr 'x with insight ^ but his well-placed l£mor But more importantly, he was a soBd as hman"swmring aplace of tonor not -^anid contradictions .pass them into f" manUedatkm of sexism in the stiuctuae \#«wnri«y and nSbuim,which. a turn. r and the dtizeury.' S :^M^8aW^thu«i&r^;recogiut»on of our Jgis browned out Iw the Jauehter and la we can leave LBJ Xmfitorion with a ' 'proclaimedxfollc hero. A champion of the^applause^ -•* • Ttw Mt Benj tf we waaC but IK'S notrights «f privacyjan^ the individual mau's^a-politician;:' in»v the jn.leive with the convictiaathat"sex is the .;<»ly:oiMiOf:^rnaiiy contradicUoas that tive, sense of-'the word. He J3most upportaut thing fti"the uanerse.??:' -1 FE . vTT. I '• §BSY ,J- rf* o Illi ^ t t f ^ Mte0nfeat 130K—BBMC-Kgsr'iac j <1 aassr? /-f Sf8MlJ2-5r^a*S«IB5 9tsm mm^tsatm 4s 3— » • • -1 fe^AaLiBtfcarae ­ \ZWJSB-%Bs *e» y. \Q^ "i''' i«2TV^n:a •=s?2:3:r.5r ;T u n . T:"3 _ -rsi-M _ T 3C _Trr T * i£_3ci ? =ii;­ osr saTiir^rsir ~ rju'r''--­ 2t-jsx= "t ->!EE£ 1» 'wonf you off to feel secure about America's fafe^n paficy guest viewpoint Racism is still a part of UT's curriculums stay is oneof samy m a1 rtjUftniB an. entitled "Fiction for Gobb­ iw. ujuvbu me tn took upon Ftar HLSlwmne. I Bat? ftmmflthdjp to smflpuiH tttasir < twJlifujClHl M jlllfll 44U^ I •Mam S&oe&tor teffiswei m, d-uuiHiiHftwy maasraBfts are about blaci pecfde. a«H contrasts tke author *as he tame. SJkmrftJtey snnpfri sail! Ihanje used and tsmgfta peigde OD word iqs used a total of 23 presenting about Hacks. Weffi. asK^flsfl mrtrarihs times in eight short pages. I that may be true, tawaa. 1 teS««s tftai! Macfcs as* «ttft Ihsw afl ifoe Wnwwrsfij-rf At tfle Ehneeas^, to tfifae Sftariks «r eseo imnih nas inflamed!!1 gyuKarrffly infianmr to adhtes. Dekbs wihicft im^wi ^nafce tfhe mast ask. isn't tfiere a I Ikavf dne ms s&n^r afi ptfrnnnirfllteillnReisitystai usttur? i Upon aHumdiiag my is-way to show iWirtlwriaB? bong used Iw ac fhrefl ttafnrwi mr snnonsiity 3&ast Sfladss. cootribatioes 9 IfWrit such -» Ifl^TWg *"~ Itarersty ( tfte gsneciss tDwacxfis tflsnr feffln* oitens? made to tins country? •Hnywaw watt fee Boston stna-teHeis to the eAor After speaking witft> gtmgnt andtatafflt B feefl ?teftiqj!5 someone mill ted A wfttifr SlSBteltS gTHnilnf 3BS Uu^pflllUUil iwiimjfr tfinn 8ieng *gbat itis? SdtaesI people about thematter.I satft. hoc tidQ an 3905at tl • Sase CTDugffc pn^nffiees to mrauUicfl am tnra£Sli(gE&un> «fi totd that more serious d Smfll off nig-otbm duner^tfl^nsaB: i » km. Um.T« sums!"' mry ffeflltew mam. B 1 wbs snflflgrity Beig^ fotw at Humpeuefl. I was aw^rpfl to write a ffirmwuL. SBmoeSiB jflwiiH* an nny E!^BA;i^bs &d m iMih •gbnmiagStytenff aniiln^gnsBd —.ft«..«n.urs I WtiWtfffly flgr Sn a ^mit story attiQed"? , IX 7*712; a. u 4 GARAGE SAL Marifcs aos Want tto Koanr Utty,"* by UNDER ONE ROOF RIVILEGED CHILDREN'S NEXT TO ACADEMY ON HWY. 183 BEN HUR UPC GARAGE SALE • HEIP GGMY AM MARCH UHDERPWVUJEGHI PHONE 8-9 836-9966 hdmmmsfar Tex^UmmCummUlix Chairmen for 1975-76 g­ *Qhs S9%SS TBskb irhmn iniiym Onmdl as «of tfte %ns rhncm Piayam «S be hoU on tto «»nwiiBg mflmiipia Scxr UtiiBily, Mudi €, H75 at-(30 y • and igan at iftnwmngiirrfUalfa/^^^i flftfllnTTITTfT lTiJBpjm. in fteloB Qdter'ftni 0$4h>-Azeia XL ^^WfrriTtWlffl~Hll'T5nPfDTI*l^1T!ftt*T¥^j|IIT¥yWlfo?f in JUieBa/Bst STndrwf Cnkr. 261 ilbwiiiiipurftftg^iq wnrtlliiitB ffor TOTS, no* . 99* *» 4.99 •FMn^nm 3.9994.99 . .^ 4.99 «9 •iAGKETS.nmr ^ 4.99 Alumni / ^31 , YARIHG*S ON-THE-ORAG 2406Guadlaupe S *8i; _ . ... . . ... f Jhorsday, March 1975 THE DAlLT tEXAN Page 5 J 'Z. "J f 1 ^ W> -£<.. V?~ ^ •. , , Sports Shorts -^yi KVf mUM^^kkfes — _HOUSTON (UPI) — Houston Oiler Head fcwafctBtesamfcsmghift'iaitsBtwnaiwsseaBBaiBKltan^ C°*d*_O.A. "Bum"' Phillips Wednesday an­ 4i&*to*nmMtei»ai&lMm&9NialtKSs,S)iK} and Lamar Borort the reassignment of two coaches and owA'ter ttte sewmfi *«& «n * awe. fins fin* A tte SNTO to- Oe taring of former Oiler Georce Rice to •aOMaty Gimitat-IjrwNo.}. Hewasreleas-' handle the defensive line. . la^«wjta»8,AsasSi^Mtitti«M^UnHr^SMaift Special teams coadi Sam Boghosian will ; «d Wednesday «• QNperand recognizance tfce taaag-trerrntTwutfl Sn BoanwaBt. ^ coach the oOensave line and Joe Madro, an W SWB,1*emas eeae* te6e# waedbts, «oifil» Sto.a redsMsphdmoieoo the football offensive line coach the last two years, will tfeKieCKKiiBBHyBsger-team, was ctarpd with bond forfeiture on a direct scooting and assist on the field in a P«vre<*ar^of swiadGngwitha worthless general capacity. wtts tftafi wa;t\ ~We"12 <&> wriE, tort it*fee(dta®,"" said. Saber was dewed band fc» Onnty * * • : •"""MhnPr -aifll -rtflV imrs TiWti tfla limmaiiwfl ~ ; Owi *u»No. J J«4ge Brock Jones. ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — It's the king, the S«ite5 Y-evss. SSfD and timnn Unniri linnlitft™», "* * * ' comedian and a banch of ldds in the $200,OCX) Saani ~gess5 TPorfh and Qte^ QriBc^^jjaag*^ tiesas BOKW® tAPl—Itaretknae Wimbledon . CStnis Open Golf Toornament 5W8feC5ff®3mfl©ai^8'J5itira&5-t«ftwSBtaK*to*aSi«Htta teaaa' r.fc agg^iauii Margaret Courtwas seeded Tbe 72-h(de diase for a |W,000 first prize ff^aa^rtit.gfl^-LBniBr3niasinBBfl>eyte}fc^Slic. Na. I Wedwsday far watt week's 135,008 bepns TJmrsday on the 6,929 yard, par-72 Rio Women's Pro tans Tmamuad at Sam Pinar Country dab course with Atnold SMS ' "Suk*weS» jilwiMjvgihQ«d fisan, wkrwe agood in-; Haaston Ottawa. Palmer — still called The Ring-— and hm-Chart, wta «fid antpbtyon the «wr nOT4, game's ywmg stars. woa fhfi pro toananwrt at CUtactt Feb. IS. Km^wtttesti^j&jjwrsaatt'naastosteaoA tonssrt si Mw Aastrate Evwae Gooiccone, also a Both Palmer and Trevino have showir re­ har<*au ftasyw. isseeded second, and cent signs of breaking their victory droughts. ttewt wfto'wwni ®* ^lgites SJQc jflter SwtiSng "Teras" Amy Oats Evert, wfco has wwn two toarnamenls, 1KHRans to ttte scmStoafls •'fw sneaking np on it It's getting better ts seeded ttari. \ WWDKS MlItow wsflw chance to jiUty tbnat «B fts- eveiy day;" said Trevino, wh^e closing 66 VWMtfB4aal,OlpMgnao«a, <&? ~B know ttte iraiSBfees H ranfe, and r*>e tad * chanc* to brought him a tie.for fifth in last week's Rassia; Naac? Garter. San AnpJo, Teat.; unci(jatthmEin jnaebofe,""*S&tessaid, tflfiiklcanbeat her Jadoe Gleason Classic in Lauderhill, Fla. •MSe lit Mmmi. Heastoa; and We»}y Over- Sssanse siteTH taw a tot «fi jmessnrse Donors -food and20*be«r ' Nettled^ fer fadntsca* 476^353 or of Hm floor Men & Women B«i«m for Stuart Homy -Qty Counal EARN $14 WEEKLY CanMolo Hoc* 2 CASH PAYMENT FOR DONATION ** *r *» Tan»iiu fcr»lni «iiW>^ Mt ISMi .Austin Blood Components, Inc. OPEN: MON. 6THURS. 8 AM to 7 PU TUBS, A FBI. 8 AM to 3 PM CLOSED WED. A SAT. 409 W. 6th 477-3735 1 •fwlp A > Chogyam Trungpa, Rinpoche ehin Buddlnst Meditation Master Author of * \«, • MviiMion in Action and •? ^' Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism i x SEMINAR » •*£& :*.^^^Wuslohfi^tdiiiW-v ^ f Austin, Texas • March 15-16, 1975 g { m mmmmsmm Starting at 2:00on Saturday,March 15 and Sunday mamsmm March 16'at Howard Johnson's, North of Austin on 1JH3S. " v ", > SEMINAR-^ $3k SiNDMDiPOSllT ,T0: imii c 1 V ^ AUSTINDHARMADHATU 13 >AmMI^ TS'SpIO iis -(Indicate If you^shTeservati^ at the im|PThere will,be a PUBLIC LECTURE,.THE bAW W ENLIGHTENMEfiV. FRIDAY at 8:00 ln%Br ISO, University of Texas campus,. N,W. corrterVpf; Speedway and-v 21st\ Street. -; - i it v : t -• j--fty.y,?A}* Adminiofi: $2.00 5 y <"•>^ ^'*>. >^1 «Thwr^y. MArch (,WiB THE DAILY TE^AN wm ' v '-tfe~<'*j_ r^~h$*& c •' " ' "; T'V '"•" ' •'" "* l ~"V ^ I r%<• ~ -Z&'Wm' •£-• UT Tries To End SMU Dynasty ^4ftfcHorns Ready for SWC Swimming, Diving ,3sv.ffv;-r < t'. ; -. , / By ED ENGLISH favorite again.-One reason is faoL we could do tt the toy is Taau Staff Writer • the no-limit of participants Dark Days for Black the first day. If we ean take HOUSTON -With the role in the SWC. first and second in the SOS- Coaches are greatat coming upwith ex­Players like Mike Murphy, Gary likelihood of participation in Hie Longhorns are favored yard freestyle and the 20ft­ cuses, especially during a bad season. Goodlier and Mike Lien could someday be the Southwest Conference' to win 19 fftst and second yard individual medley, the Eeon Black'is a .coach in the midst of a an asset to the Texas basketball program. Swimming and Diving Cham­place finishes. But SMU' psych is great from that"pretty bad season, and the verbose Black So could Tommy Weilert, Rich Parson, pionships limited to 19 par-should win the SWC by l38 Rachner should know. He has :plenty of excuses as might be (ex­Jeff Boothe and Hank Bauerschlag.' But . ticipants per team next year, points by taking 28 lower was two in the SWC m«*»t pected. But most of them are valid. • . this season they just weren't ready to win the t975 event holds added places as compared to 11 for > r years ago when Texas giveBLACK'S problem is-that he has too • a Southwest Conference championship. significance for SMU, winner Texas. the Mustangs their closest many players who are equally talented, or "IF YOU ranked a team on desire and of 18 straight titles. But the Longboms should ' shave in years; Rachner. wftaassome might choose toput it,equally un-: hustle and ability to'work hard,-then our And that makes the meet, have much more of a chance has the best conference timestalented. In other words^noone player has ~ guys would be in the top.10,1guarantee," scheduled Thursday through : than last year wben theywere . tn the 100-and 2QO-yarci proved he'is good enough to be playing Bladt/.svd. "These;guys are yoong, and Saturday on .the University of -eliminated after one night • breaststroke. recalls what ahead of someone else. you just can't have everything." Houston rampos; significant' . "No, not really," Texas psych did for Texas then. -Since attitudeand guts don't win games •'•for the Texas • Longhorns, Coach Pat Patterson said. "I "It was real close at theTrial and Error (not even &t the SWC), Blade has found losers of 18 straight con-, -feel it should be a real-good .Rachner Worrell first and the team went himself an available target of criticisms ference titles. ; meet with many dose races. strong in this conference,-but •'This iSthe|irst ballclub I'veever had swimmers are given a chance crazy." he recalled "We in Texas' 6-7 season. .Black knew lie was Despite Texas' 6S-5H dual-; But SMU has too much depth they're nationally strong." where everybody started out so equal and to. compete. But some of the were nutty the whole day " putting; himself in-a delicate situation meet victory over-the •in-.a coupleof areas that I'm -': Tie Longhorns* best chance Longhorns are (hinting of a stayed that way," Black-said.' "We knew And speaking of natty. Mustangs in January and'thewhen he committed himself to using so this was going.to be a year of trial and -not sure we can overcome. of beating SMU probably is in more immediate victory. Ralph Watson may share that many, players. " " ^ fact that Texas has the Diving for example — we just . error and we waited for things to get competition in the NCAA "We have a pretty good feeling after a tSrhoor plane better at the end of the yeaiybut you can Verdict's Out leading swimmer in eight couldn't handle them -there. • meet later this spring in an chance," Texas breaststroker flight from Leningrad Wat­I SWC events, SMU is a heavy It's not just that they're event where only top Bob Rachner said. "If we get see they didn't The people haven't gotten -i /VThe/verdict's still out on next year. son. who holds thehest timem better as much as we would have liked." Next season will prove if it was right or 1975 Southwest Conference Best Times the SWC for the sm-jrard •J A successful coach prefers togo with his wrong: to use-so many'players.'' BbKk 50 FREESTYLE (SWCrtconllU. Ron Tyre. lens, 1:54.4; Jamie BatnL Tech, 2:00.53: Richard Hess. SMU. 1:59.42; Andy Veris. SMU. I 59 7. Jamie freestyle and 400-yard to-f ' top seven or eight players and ignore the siid. "But I promise we won't be doing it P.K. Brown SMU. 1M»> -Doog WtlMX. ' Texas. 1:55.4; will Reeves. Texas, 2:01.27. Baird. Te*«v 2 00 4. Lance Pomeroy. dividual medley, was to 1' Arkansm. JI M.-Bill Tcmpfe Arkaitel,' others asmuch as possible,like Arkansas". 1:55.5: Tommy Hart SMU. l:Sfe8; 100 BREASTSTROKE (SWC recvd Houston, 7:00.1. Ralph Watson. Texas. return from thfe International - like.we did this season.If nobody comesto And/ Vert*. SMU, IM^ Janika Andy Veris. SMU. 1:54.7; DanMartina Sfi.it. Bob Rachner, Texas. 1973) — Bob 1 Eddie Suttpn, who used only six players in -the front and''^essoins, we've made a Em. SMU. 22.0t. Dick Woitb!. -Texas, -Aikansas. 1:57.10; Ralph Watson. Tex--Rachner. Texas..1:00JS; Ooug Tuera-2:01.1; Sieve Moore, a&m. Mli University Games -mHi join i 400 INDIVIDUAL MEDLEV (SWC a.1; Richard Hcxb SMa a.l;Da*in as. 1:57.7; Richard Hess. SMU. I:5ij4.­Tom Pardea Houston, 1:SU(; Join' 1:01* Bob LetaixL'A&M. 1:01.9; Karl 1974) Tuesday night's game until the Razor-terrible mistake by playing -12 this Strait. Tech. B.I; Dtug Tkmt m SMU. 1:00.63; Tye Hochstrasser, SMU. record 4:10.07. Tye Hochstrasser. SMU the team in Houston Wedies-& backs had made a debacle of it ... — Ralph Watson Texas, 4:10.55; day. . Houston. 1:02.09: Steve Wl' Richard Safratt. Hoodoo. a.J5; Fischer. Houston, 2:00.11 Goehrlng: Lance Pomeroy. Houston. 4:12.04; Tye Bm Martian Arkansas.-J2J1. ---, "I don't know what kmst off BUT BLACK hqs 12 players making up', THOSE WHO blossom in the'-off season too BACKSTROKE (SWC record 513, Force. SMU. 1:02.4; Andy Devlin. Hochstrasser. SMU. 4:12.14; Tim HQ FREESTYLE'(SWC rtcorS «t7. Ronnie Mills. SMU. 1971) .—' Rkhanf -Arkansas. 1:014; Mike Epperson. TCU. his front .line, and -they aren't' exactly will be those who you'll see paying for . Jerry llaldenreiiji. SMU. lW -.Mr-Hess. SMU. 54J0; Carter. Texas. 4;UJ5*: Guy Hagslatta shape hell be m or what kad Paui HoTC. SMU. -1:0160; Jim Bradford. Houston. 1:0269; Texas.-4:19.69; mi Reeves. Texas. seasoned ^veterans:*'."."Wet'll never go Texas nextseason. Thosewhodon'twill be VeA. SMU «.»; Dick Mum) Texas: ' MMk Dick Kramnoe SMU. 55J0; Bab Berry Hamilton. SMU. 1:02.9. 4:22J9; Andy Veris. SMU. 4:22.72: Jeff of .work he"fc had.sowell hajte 47J0S Richard Hess. SMU.|ew York .... 47 19 .712 Boston SMU. .9:4130; Tom Pardee. Houston, . CONTACT FOREIGN STUDY Kentucky .... 45 Chlaso..... -"QUALITY SPECIALISTS" 30 .692 Wk Buffalo .... .«« ; s K.C«nl> t-.ajti Dan Martlno, Artansas. St. Louis :.......... 24. 45 7iYi New York.. *•;*. uss ii m »:SS.47; Gur HagsMte. Texai-V^SU; ' COMPETITIVE PRICES REFERRAL CENTER Memphis 30 47 .299 27Vr Philaphia.. 1* 37 ,0» 1J Milwaukee.. Tommy Hart SMU,'ta:00. . Veris. SMU. SU; 4ailk'Coo«ns SMU. : ^ . . . _ . • ... -f' * M . Slfc M^e Vanderhurst A*M.510; Ron Monday -Friday .Indian* l«X Kwhicky.w ... BOJKHI ilV PttUdtlpltfa KB-A S^CoMm stele at Atlanta • Tyre. Tfxas. 54jM^Tim Carter. Texas. " |RB)BM TMS AO PM A HO% SAVIN6S ON KOOAOOUNt! VfMhington 111 Atlanta III V­ ; JtawVortt ats*n Antonio la Nm> York- 54.41; Charlie Lataw, TeASU |OK ANY tOGATIVECOUMt HM PKOCBSED BY US.INToS .New Orleans la. Loj Angdes ...... . 100 BUTTERlFLY (SWC record |STANDAKO JUMBO,'SIZB (3K.28.3S). . --j Ut*h at,S*h t>ltgo'-• l:Sin Richard Hess. SMU. in*) -.' 9-3:30 1 > ' COt»ON£XmfS JUNE30, J97S 'I X. March Special Blow Dry Styhng 0nly$6.00 > with this coupon r FiSSfiSsj ABA^A UNISIX HAIRSTYLING Rfttt) POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT BY '"''-4 "• 'SwMinllf-'r'r STUDENTS F0RTREVIN0 Pltonufor iftpointmwi(441-9066or 443^924 rw JON BUS, CHAIRPERSON mmoomm THE BRUSHY CREEK-!| vt for Family Style Bar-B-Que Ham, Chicken, Beef .i Sausage & Ribs, Beans;-j|. If you vote for Linn and Potato Salad & Cole Slaw^lA-;­ Snell you won't get the $3.25 best politicians money ALL YOU CAN EAT -S Monday-Saturday 11:00a.m.-9:00p.m can buy ... Closed. Sunday • BOTH FAVOR A STRONG ETHICS AND FINANCIAL call for reservations: grok books _5Q3vi«I7th DISCLOSURE ORDINANCE TO PROTECT AGAINST 255-3253 . CONRlCTS OF INTEREST SUCH AS THAT WHICH 111 I CAUSED THE SPECIAL ELECTION. 11 West Main Street ; rxiv? £^t1, ! > In Round Rock • BOTH OPPOSE CONTINUED DOMINATION OF THE I r IH 35N toD 020. Right on,620 at kignal * | PLANNING COMMISSION BY SPECIAL INTERESTS. ! ' • WITH THIS AD M S • NEITHER IS TIED TO THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY ——— 1 WHICH'HAS HAD UNDUE INFLUENCE ON CITY AFFAIRS. ^ Tw will get two honest ond qnqSfiej peopfe. Dr. Emma linn ,PI. -3 * "* " 1 . . -. . Jimmy Scitl Woo 6 HEM,ELECT . . . A SYMPOSIUM LINN & SNELL VOTE SATURDAY i».n. CITY COUNCILSPEOAL ELECTION *Mft W. JSv '** ? .• M ffPpSSE 5?^ im ^C­ iSii I \ nrcirtfJoLte . A«aeric»n Stm&o, «adliacbBarticialdi w®(Smts*Mi-M 4^ v I L''' L-l ,V1 S«P'* Is-i^"'' '••' ''' 'jlP^ SWkS?? Sfe§5#|flS#" "• ^N"pfc* ialMwra mm WSM§ Hsu. -<> 7 72 45 ®^6&HL ^3$ 05?®* GR78-15 73.59 8pig$$l«tl HR78-15 mo JR78-15';i8D,85 59:75; •, LR78-1S 84 (Ml «5Q,00Q=Mit£ guaranteeM #?^f»fW®,Ak^EI?,ES JPt iaijS^^ggi^hjfiwdbeMeei^4 fattrfig&iiftes1 itewalli Whitewalts.mjn£ifaauu»d by on£ rWWlOTOT^ipiwi |$n»pmio^s mm € F»70?1^64,00\ mrnM 's:S8*« ^jt ,*Vrl >f/ -"HR7imlf73,7r m mm •?11 mam *m :3SHi«0.s _ |l|»i 7i^5v^3.40: mj(w(«cUr«4unftf tile rioH (ij 25^91 reqrtrif4Mt« lt*» Sf>t«m »«Tt^$aU^(ta*Mlw««l ?6.99 'm* ;&m -w«• *•*m 27; .{fMmfiim, i»^ om>-tftngaalMn.;. No •*( mm UrttiX* MWiMi RPRjCESMMfiVISI M m %mBmgag8&i ^,75247,.. ^ 'hone (214) 634-0550 lljis /• W^mMm§mSkr •. 'S •M|K> wmmmmmmmm %s$?M jmihK USTIN<78?. msss •gmimm islaipjiiti^l^ pric^ list only; Get ^ui;£cbmpl<|^ brochureatyouifl earest Capitol WareHSfH| COMPACT RADIALS w>^0,000MILE GUARANTEE jSrpvg,CTEEL;ilApiAlJS^»^... Tubeiess Mfeinvalls inanufactured ^d'ne SFthe' world's most respected radial tire makers-: Lifetime road ha^d;workmanship and nrlatenals. '.•••.G&?&t:.' _ .6imp>;:&«IM^ Priw Prict Rl55HHM|2 47.65 155HR13 47.25 165HR13 51.50 1175IW ft 55 95; 1165HR 14 55 50 W5HR % 12.30 ;1I5HH-T4* 65 60 155HR.15 52 85 ]|1iSH8 IS , 68 40 mr 40,000-MILE GUARANTEE (PREMIUM FABRIC RA0|Ap%M * Tubeless btaCk^aijSjnianufactur^ by on^of tl^ world's most respected raflftl tirerti^kws,Lifeti/i^ :road itazarjf; worJoninship'and jinaterftls guara^ tee74Q,000-mif^ treal wearduarinteel: 121' -i ' zK Z---7. P^ftirfia vtrnm J55SR13 41'v60; 25j;«3vf1165SR13 4iT50? 175SR13 47 5S 165iR« 48 55^|,175SB14, iii5:i 155SR15 45 tfci: 165SR15 "50 90 .•»s? BELTED 70 SERI^Ir 0,000-MILE GUARANTEED 70SERIES^i, v Manufactured by qne^ol ihe worlds largest tire^ makers, Polyester cortf^|it)ergiass belts—wide­tread.^whitewall5 Lifetime"road hazard, workman-j shipFafidmaterials.guarantee^O.OOO-milevtreadl " - m Avail#.' v v Carry > * %& 'Stllinf Croup Excite ;R«pl«ce« ^f-Prictfe-Prict M*7»-^|)^?43.7o B70-14 1'tG7H4) v i2.90 " 570-15 f^67«-i5)^JU.OO H7(^15 « (H78-15) -58.80 txSfs CASH AND CARRY PRICES 4? ^®^IWMICJM| AVAILABLE W MOUMI^GitiAUNCllGfii INSTALLATION m^fh^ -Because of fluctuating manufacturers' ^ \ v ' a v, \K-j r *% smm mam WITHOUT NOTlkEJ mug. "SK mm MM| WmWl l®IS '•MiS&Mt t T fa'?}-J«*Ttew «Si t ''i* ^ * laf ?p' ". p ­ j$.w^aXStosgikM&dmt p 'V,^;, >' ',-,-f r.iJfr t>* r'ir'i • i'M,1,'-1 T > ' , "-_ J 1T \'.•»., \, • 1 t, Candidate Prime Time Forum ^i\% -''"V.'S? > >?y Campaign spending limits/ * The need for better public ­of $5,006 foe special elections'' health careand education was and $10,000 for general elec­ also stressed by • Linn. "In tions coupled with prime time' ;•.1973, Austin-had higher infantforumson radioand television mortality rates than the U.S. were proposedTuesday byDr. average.•, Because the -infantEmma Lou Linn, • candidate ; mortality rate is consideredfor City Council Place 3. A. one of the most sensitive, in­dices of; community .health The spending limits would status,. Austin's • high -rate keep candidates from' going emphasizes ourj need-; for into debt and.becoming allied positive, preventive; health with special interest groups, care." she said. • . . Linn said, adding the ceiling ,;would make, campaigns. "issues races."-.' There has been a favorable -reaction from all sectors of the city to Linn's previous The Austin newspapers and proposal to appoint members radio and television stations to city commissions .by -dis­ .' would play 3 large part' in trict, she said. Linn's. proposal, providing' time and space for .forums.­ "This' will insure that Linn said she thinks the neighb orhood s ;•'are media would participate represented in importantvoluntarily in her proposal, matted like zoning," the St. but if not. 'It might be done by Edwards associate professorordinance." said. By CHUCK KAUFMAN Both LeMaistre'and Mike (Editor's Note: This is the Quinn,' assistant to the first in a three-part series on chancellor, have acknowledg­minority, recruitment at the ed efforts to erase the; racist University. image that has clouded the Dr. Charles LeMaistre said personality of the University. recently the University's The money appropriated for minority enrollment should scholarships increased from show "a more balanced pic­*100,000 to »177,000 when then­ture" by 1980. University President Stephen- Speaking of the Austin cam­Spurr secured monies from pus, the chancellor of the the University Available University System could not Fund. -specify the meaning of THE BOARD of Regents ap­"balance" in numbers of proved $400,000 to be dis­ • black stndents. tributed over four years beginning in fall, 1974. "WE COULD open the "The extra money, came'doors to any black tomorrow, from .other sources in the but that wouldn't solve, the University Available Fund,"problem." he said last week LeMaistre said regarding theat the University System of­extra scholarship money. "Ifice. feel sure the sum .this year , "We need to admit black will be increased." students , and; present;them The chancellorsaid in an in­ .with all the opportunities of ' formal discussion two weeksu 3:00 P.M., TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 1975 TSP Conference Room ? |i.V>r4j 7 • Texas Student Publications Building 25th and Whitis Street Following are the present qualifications for Editor, of The Daily'Texan . Scholastic and Experience Qualifications "A 1. The applicant must be a st.uderit registered in , -The University of Texas at Austin in the $$4 semester, in which the election is held. i4v - 2. An. applicant .must have completed 75 semester hours of college work, and must have completed at least two semesters or one . semester and a full 12 week summer session : at U.T: Austin. ii&mm 3. An applicant must have a minimum of 2.25 grade point average on ail work done at U.T. ' r <. Austin. (I—< 4 An applicant must have completed 9 hours oK lournalism, including J.312, J.322, and J.314 (two semesters of reporting and one semester . UTILITY RATES, PHONE BILLS, DRINKING HOURS, of editing) with an average of Cor better . , 5. He must have completed J.336 (second BUS SERVICE, ABORTION FACILITIES... semester of editing) or J.324 andJ.360 (media law and ethics) or be registered for it at the time of filing. • I *«!"f it 6. An applicant must have served at-least once THE LIST GOES ON AND ON. THE FACT IS THAT per we6k for ten weeks on1he editorialstaff of The Daily Texan during each of at least two CITY GOVERNMENT HAS A GREAT IMPACT ON semesters (or. one semester and one :12-week summer-session) within-18 months-r im­OUR DAJLY LIVES. WHEREVER YOU'RE FROM, mediately prior to the semester in which he applies. The official.recordof the,applicant*5s' YOUR HOME NOW IS AUSTIN. HELP CARE FOR , -;•experience willconslst of The Texan staff-box,­ and the-TSP payroll.-No work done while the:; IT, AND REGISTER TO VOTE TODAY, FOR IT'S THE I K ''!! applicant was on scholastic prdbation'may be-teii''.--' counted toward meeting the experience-"re-" LAST CHANCE YOU'LL HAVE. • quirements , 7 'An applicant must be serving on The Texan ^ staff, as defined in paragraph 6 above, at the > „ 10 a.m. -4 p.m. time he applies 8 An applicant mustagree tofulfillalHhfeduties CO-OP i ' . of the editor during the full term of office WEST MALL "•o. toegwntng June Iand must agree to sign the ? editor's co?)tract„^_, , i, I _ -, 'JKTER ^ . , V? t < <. ^ BURDINE / PfoVfsfbn'Of vyalver* of Qualifications * ' ~''S "• , REGISTRATION FOR THE Al»RIL 5 CITY |NptTODAYS rvs i nK HriUl 3 : jbG^Cjl^ iltem^2, 3an^7,uoder,^chplas}icandEx|Jer}ence •j.Qvalffitations above rp?y be: waived :df)ly.>by " ^ovon affirmative voltes by the TSP Boafd - yXsTuj);Em comciLiM§Q§ Ilmday^Marcll 6,-1975 THE DAILY TEXAN Ram> \ -^-1~*i88H%$®8t!?!$&S$s?*> •** *«v:•^x^«v^!f^a>w'-: fining HAPPY HOUR, r -7 DA/LV 1 would make the use of glue or purchase the products. "Tli^y storekeepers who sell the paint for intoxicating pur­can get anybody to buy," he products. more fun AT TT -ic NEW. SF.4UTIFUL ELI'S poses illegal and punishable said. He said that making glue I by a fine of up to $200. The Other store managers con­and paint inaccessible to same penalty would apply to curred. Bob Bamhart Jr.. of The second segment of a minors would simply make film, with the assistance of -Sprager also noted that one Women's Ace Hardware Store at 13S00 them turn to other products two-part series on Sprager. Wednesday's portion of the problems suffered dur­ intercollegiate athleticsat the N. Lamar Blvd.. said "I that produce intoxicating dealt with the reasons in­' ing themaking of the film was wouldn't knowingly sell it toa fumes. University will be aired at 6 dividuals enter sports and the the quick depletion:ofminor if I tbought it'd be used "This is basically a chicano p.m. Thursday on. KLRN's differences betweensports for available funds. He addedthai "Newsroom 9" broadcast. for that purpose. But I don't problem." Hernandez said. fun and sports for competi­future studentprojects will in- think it (the law)would be en­ The clip will be a four-tion. He said hundreds of minors clude student-funded 10 tfiiiiti6 pjn. Ticfait Diuniiuu. Bw Nwr forceable. Yon can't aide for are arrested each year in minute feature centering on "The film is the product of documentaries on alternate i Shakeipooro Company. Optional Stnitw Fee everyixxjy's ID. A lot of 17-Austin for sniffing glue and views of Carol Crabtree and nine students with definite energy systems, the Shiner holden may begin Ws dpn't even paint and that most of them June Burke concerning ideas, creative people com­brewery, railroading and old V development woman's ideas," canto for the production «f "A* You Ukefc" by The carry IDs." J are Mexican-Americans. of promising their own architecture of the Galveston athletics programs, said Hart said said Sprager. The subject was area. ' Naw StioloniMara Company on Monday, Match Richard Simon, manager of Hernandez he Simon Building -Sales' and Sprager. adjunct assistant 17, in Hw hrenNvnt Theatre, 713 Congitn. preferred an educational ap­chosen because of its Sprager cameto the Univer­ Supplies at 2208 S. Lamar, proach to the problem. He professor of radio-television-timeliness, visual possibilities sity 'last fall after producing rdah ioMat Hogg Box Offia. Cultural Entertain- film and one of the {guiding and the fact that it lent itself and directing film documen­ iMnt OammiHoe. forces behind the to documentary treatment. taries for the U.S. Infohna­minidocumentary. Crabtree is final was theThe product .Uon Agency for 12 years. He co-chairperson.' ofr the 10 am..6 p.m. Titfca» Dmwinq: Alvin ABeyCHy^rrHrftiwpt cohesive'culmination of has; been a also served as Women's Affairs Committee Theater. Tkfcoto giaon talm tor so % diverse research efforts of stoty analyst and consultant of Student Government,and each class member, headded. Hono! Services Faa hotdara; general admission tickets an $3.50, The Solo for Warner Brothers and Burke is assistant director of Those helping to make the Alfred Hitcltcock productions. .1. , w® bo at •pjn. Sunday, March 9, womeq^s sports. film Pam Artists Series were Eoff, Bob aid Monday, March 10; at Municipal AudHeriom. Tickets on sale The film completes the two- Walker, Cinny. Riddle, Dianne "a* Hogg Box Offico. Cultural Entettuuunent Committee. part series; "Athletics: A Koenig, Cathy Battle, Mike New Look."and was produced Simpson. Jeff Watson, Bill; as a class project in an RTF Morton and Ell Printz. 12 nOon. Sondwkh Somlnai: "Wirt To Do About the GtE." course. Nine members of the Cyndy Alien of the KLRN THETEXAS Pot Heard, director of the leadmg and Study Stifc laboratory, course wrote, directed, news staff "narrated the 1 wffl discuss ways of praparing foe tho upcoming Graduate Tom Kranse photographed and edited the documentary.Records Exam. Josey loom, 4th floor, Atademfr Cantor. Idoite baritone and Issues GomniHtM CRM RASSL­ CHICKEN * vital, ensitivc, heroic and RANCH Texas Union 13 noon. las Chltanos Symposium: "Chfamas as Professional altogether compelling"—Ihe New York Times CLUB & BEER • '••• Repertory Tkoatto * SouoloaUlt,*' Ammndewi Sakfivm. inrinlngtit «md Minpp GARDEN •>o" columnist, «4I discuss tho topic. linker Roam, 4th floor. Tonight: . Tom Paine Academic Center. Mexican-American Culture Committaa. . Samday/Mareh16 AUGIE MEYERS by Paul Foster HoggAndtt»*fcup/8:QO P9I anil hit thursday-Satutday . -'2"??• S°ndwk*> Sotninar; "Texas Pbfitks." Moiytvin», co- -505jUttm* Wetfern HeadBand 8 p.m. Free Adm. •J^of the "Texas Observer," wfll speak. Toms Tavern. Idon .50 with Optional Services Fee Tonight "thru Sot and bsuox Committee­ $3.00 Cover RqyWylie for ntervatkmt, tall Ticket sales begin Thursday, March 6 441-9968 Hubbard 3615 S.Congress . v , 471-4721' 4 HoggBox Office/lO-6 weekdays. and Ihm . 12 noon. Mime by sinnWouitarist Grag Baata. Taxm Tavern. , Musical Events Committoo. CowboyTwfatkies ebe : Sponsored by ' • '.V . .• . -^ :. • ... ; ; ' T.Gosney SPLIT RAIL ^ 3 pjn. las Chiconas Symposium; "la Chicana an Trios." TONfGHr Thornlon S»v«iul UT Chkono students w« present papers on tho subject. Committee of the Texas Union Happy Hour. HI 9 Jotey Room, 4th floor. Academic: Center. Maxkan Amaiiwn of Music Culturo Committoo. : 472-0061 •.sr-jiEtri t « pjn. Happy Hour Mwsic by Amy Kronidr. Texas Tavern. 4.S0* 7p.m. Orientation Se«ion far Promactive Texas Union Committoo Chogmaw. studant. hi-U chaumaiulup of ona of the Union commtttaesfar nest year am 4-Native recording session 6y Temporary Sound] ; attend;an orientation sesdon at one of tho times J Friday & Saturday rtated. Urns Ctrfhit* Room (Afro-American), Methocfot Student Center, 2434 G«iadalw|»o St. J Hewlin at the Moon ."'r* . ... , v.', r, J Sunday • March 9 ?} ^ *pjn:^TW ... • -:>6aer." The wmnor of tha Tnny Awnrdfn» t AlvinJSrow 6 ­ of the 1973-74 season w! be presented at .Municipal: -Auditorium. Cultural. Entertainment Comnittee. ^ " ****** MritjttA.k kkkkkkhA k Kkkkk k i * - 1' •••••••*.*»**••****»************ * p.m. Rb: "Anclwrs Awelnh." Gone KoBy. frank Sinatia. w,d *^Vnefay*«»«t«winthis musical featuring an animaled mouse. Admission $1 far UT students, facultyand staft $1JO for members. Batts Auditorium. Theatre Committee. (Chclsra JJitb i f Northcross Mall J Sff , f Pf». friday, * Saturday. "Tom Wrfne." The Texas Union Student Repertory Theatre presents the ploy "Tom Mne" • English Pub 4 directed by IGm Kovali. The drama is a contemporary:«d: Atmosphere aMractfarterpretation of the Bfo and worfcs of the pampMeteor '5!^*. W"* American Revolution: free. Terns Tavern. Call 471-, • Hot over-stuffed *• *721 ** feseryations. Theatre Committee. sandwiches^ .„ « OOMMGEVENTS a ^ 5*^ • Nachos .. p -"W-«0fo thing Contest. A competition for the • Mixed DrinksMibi.i'ioniy) & *5. Ifeg**?: tmallest. most unusual, highest flying, ate. Ztter Pdric. r K«a«utton CommiH—> ? •> * • London Prime Bib 4 wm -*• live Entertainment -^} • • , -•* *. .y*.* ... . pjn. -12 midnight Sunday an^'Monday. Guitarist Peter s lli The nationaRy nef^d f2-string slide gultmhi «l Thursday, March 6 ' 1I>|4 X Rr*i Ttaas layem. Musical Events A Municipal Auditorium, 8:00 PM4'pti j.- j •-* mi Tuesday, February. 25/Hogg Box n.^g£S,gS£i,%x£'f£BtL& Office/llW weekdays/9.50,41.00, $1.50 with , > Servings v 0peh'11;00 *m,H2:00 0m r^; ' -1' misrion SI for UT students, faculty, and staff; $IJSafor others. Oenenl eelee begin TuesdayrMa««h ^/»3.B0, W.6o' v -Mon, TjSyn, ;/, r ' Musical Events Committee. Jut Kihedule;Jester, Klnsolvlng, Ck»-op/7:00-7:30 PM ' Sat. 11:00 am -J rMJphiK J ^ n>>« mustbopyosontetlatdoor/ No cameras or tape record^s. ) Thiir< tn t V ' MiPi® mm r->-J? B&Riiffati&^i «*• 'JV J* Welch Censored on 1Cher By VERNON scorr "It covered op a lot compared to the scanty clothes Cher "In the beginning I did take advantage of my figure. But lately 1 HOLLYWOOD tUPIl.— (UfMl WeMi was censored off wears on the show. In her opening number all she wore across haven't exploited it. tetaciaon a cMfie cf TOb ago and tmty now is claiming foal. her bosom were a few beads. "I goalong with my image to an extent, but I want to show off -Ste was* peston the ""Cker" sbw sin^a ditty titled "I "They used the duet Cher and I sang. It was really a battle of my ability, too. And Cher's show was a chance for me to do a Peel Uc Milling l#»."Soneba)^ feJt otherwise and snipped the navels. The song was "W-O-M-A-N and we wore bare maga nice solo. I enjoyed the show. Ike swg bom the stow Mi midriff outfits. They were a lot more revealing than my gown in "WHOEVER cut my song wasn't censoring the gown. They WAS IT btae pescited by CBS" D>d lb* POC fear she would the solo." were censoring me I resent that. It doesn't hurt anyone to see corn(* U* WCItJ? Welch was disqoieted. too, that Cher's rendition of •"Stick It." an attractive woman dressed to show off her assets. Or did hostess Ow Brno. w4» is Jess spectacularly endowed filled with double entendres, replaced her own song. "I've had enough of that in my career to know the difference W«>er p*st, lower the bran on Miss Wrfrti­ "What upsets me is the strange sensation of being censored between bad taste and good. Daring clothes are Cher's "I dtant fcno* who rat act ibe soJo nnmber '" a distraught just because my name is Raquel Welch, the sex symbol." she trademark, and they didn't censor her " Wekb lotted- said. "I hope itwasn't Cher, Maybe it was the PCC Tbev're really "PEOPLE over-react to whatever 1 do because of my im­Welch apparently resists facing the obvious fact that what she vwried about the ?:» time sk>t because all the kids are does to a bodice is radically different from what Cher or. say. age. I didn't gyrate in that number. It was shot mostly in Don Knotts does to decolletage doseups. 1 saw the show with my number still in it. The ex­ Welch said the seng is a low key ballad with innocent lyrics. ecutives didn't object at the time. "I'm not trying to say my gown was demure." Welch said. "The*e is no fifhwiiwi for cutting that that nnmber." "But they worried about the duet with our navels showing." "But it was a dress anyone would expect to see on an actress for Wekk said. "SxnswSM) my dress was T»Q much. Or too lit­Welch is aware she is paying the price for her early career, a gala occasion. They were saying it was me that wastoo much tle. It was jost a tax sheath with a draped neckline most of which featured her astonishing architecture. Her And I don't buy that." "IMADEa point of mtorardcHQg the deootletage Afterall.it chickens, so to speak, have come home to a delectable roost. Welch should take comfort in the knowledge that although she was desjnned hy Boh Mac&ev who does allof Cher's wardrobe. "I'm vulnerable to criticism on that count." she admitted. be too much, she certainly is not too little may not KLRN To Begin Broadcasts of ^Festival '75' "Festival TS." II nights ml homes and destroyed a large "Commercial Union Masters lEvening at Pops" features from "Pagliacci." "Masterpiece Theatre"'special programing to pan of the town of Vest-Tennis Tournament," played Merrill and Tucker (who died Two of Sunday's regularly continues the series. "Vienna stimulate greater viewer raaneyjar The film last December in Melbourne. last January i singing scheduled programs. "Nova." 1900 (lames With Love andawareness, gets outer way at doounwr.ts the six months Australia. The semifinals and separately and together with at 6:30 p.m . and "Master­Death." with this week'si M:3tt pro Friday on KLRN that followed the eruption, finals are featured. Arthur Fiedler and the Boston piece Theatre." at 7:30 p.m .. episode. "Man of Honor." -T«M» Staff KM* hf TV. channel 9. with "The from the islanders" evacna-Sunday night's programs Pops Their repertoire in­will air as usual. "Nova: The "Festival "75" continues Heimrcv Eruption: Iceland l»om to tar recovery in mid-offer a musical feast with cludes Merrill singing the Plutonium Connection'' through March 17 withJonathan Edwards 19R" July "Profile in Music: Beverly "Toreador Song'" from focuses on the possibilities programs featuring The enption of the mkam "Festival 75" oonlmoes at Sills." at 8:30 p.m. and Sing«r»gy«tarist Jonathan Mwowk vritt at "Carmen." and Tucker per­and dangers of homemade everything from country EMteU oil the snath coast of t pro Saturday with "Zulu "Evening at Pops: Robert forming la guibba" at9 "Vesti atom bombs. music to adult drama. Iceland inJanory. I9T3. forc­ Romeo: Good Start." a film Merrill and Richard Tucker," p.m. dotty,ond ttefart* may btawKamld»H>doer. ed 3AM people to kwe their seven plots from 3S countries "Julius Caesar." "Roberto vLucky Lady' Production Begins TONIGHT/LAST SHOWING! The enterprise involves a herself is a SS-foot, S«n ne — Filming has begun on met for two weeks of Joy. Devereaux." "Manon" and crew composed of British. cotter bull m Hons KOOR dar­ ir- "Lucfcy Lady." a production competition and international "Lucia di Lammermoor." She Mexican and American ing the Depression eta from THE ONLY MAN WHO CAPTURES THE as 1 of Stanley Donen Enterprises. technicians who have set vp.a fraternity also speaks about her career designs br the America Oq> of . j Limited, in association with film-making complex on the Another sports special and personal life in this 80­at Gruskoff/Venture Films for outskirts of Guaymas. As boat ImilderSs Starianan ind follows at 7 p.m Saturday minute special program. REAL LENNYBRUCE IS LENNY BRUCE! Stephens. n- 20th Century-Fox, starring much oC the action takes place with coverage of the The repeat telecast of 'd Gene Hackman. Liza Minneili in coastal waters. 69 small "Here isLpnny in a devastating recapitulation of te and Burt Reynolds. craft are involved. Town&ips his New York obscenity trial...bursting with an bt 1 i The film, one of the biggest dressed for the "38s will indignation that remains freshly irreverent and id budgeted of the year, will be deploy a large number of vin­ blackly funny." —Vincent Canby. New York Times Ml i based in this small port city tage cars, tracks and other CASTLE on Mexico's Gulf of California "An absolutely priceless document. It shows vehicles. "Lucky Lady" r-i coast for 12 weeks, followed Bruce involved in the most brilliant analysis ig by four weeks shooting in >•« of the American society and its legal system & EH n Mexico City. .. \ Iever expect to hear. It ishysterically funny." —Ralph Gleason. RollingStone i a-e n Performers 1411 tnma 472-7315 TONIGHT Q IS H 4 , Scheduled LENTO BRUCE s. Country artist Ray Wiley Hubbard and folksinger T. JONATHAN Gosney Thornton will appear Starcrost PERFORMANCE at the Alliance Wagon Yard withtooFanow Thursday.-Friday, and Satur­Thutv, Fn., So*. EDWARDS day. The show isscheduled to InDohiaMai with IOU KAY Tonight! FILM begin at 8:30 p.m. Each musi­ $2-50Oavar atHw door cian will play one set apiece. •••••••••••••••••a* This is the only film ever made of a complete nightclub performance of this celebrated American satisist. Bruce called it "maybe THE THIRD MAN (1950) the best;thing I've ever done." Directed by Caret Reed Screenplay by Graham Greene Program includes 'Thank You. Masked Man" Theatre Committee (A Lenny Cartoon), and "Lenny on T.V." With Orson WeOes.Joseph Cotten Valli and Trevor Howard presents (from a 1959 Steve Allen Show) "If sxplf Jnmiw, JwqA Cottra. errtm in puhnr Green has made him a 1 (o mm on nW friend Thurs., March 6, Only. Frank Sinatra.Gene Kelly. sbaOMr. ineffmttci. MHwimy American. THE THIRD 3500 Guadalupe U.4 X bs « f(«iEtr MiMfkn: the sardonic awti-mn- Kathryn Grayson 7:30 and 9:15 TOMGHT peap&e. the mmmdpf the zither,the baroque statues in thechic nans, the rwlnwrn. mre rotten kit glamorous; Welles' Law School Auditorium mmutei t>-oT/rwtiiT-fy nnbr." —Ptulinr Karl. Kin Kiss Bang Bang Adm. $1.25 ANCHORS AWEIGH VKKY/S (IMS) Presented by Law School Film Forum BOYS Academy Award for Bmtr.(KMondSat Ups Best Gnematography, 1950 Taphst 3-9 Mon^ot Tonight 453-9831 451-9151 JES1BI AUD. $1 7 and 9:20 p.m. Batts Aud. $1.00 UT Students, Faculty, Staff $1.50 Members 7Wa proxKnggogs on a «fa«sef-Jkunhn|> expedition n Hollywood; one a DM Juan. Me atkr t slightly 6ackvcatd gotcky champ. Two numbers are particularly entrancing; Mr. Kelly whirling a dashing tango in a dreamed-4tp castfe; the otherm hright adagio with cartoon chancier Jerry Nome >• mfutrifat sequence. Directed by George Sidney Cultural Entertainment Committee of the Texas Union presents THE TEXAS UNION KEKKTOKT THEATtE PUSESTO '~4 h The New iyiai^6i,?,8,u» Monday, March17 Paramount Theater, 4 PM t > ' '' * s ' >iSir * ^ ce/10-6 7 j dMly^!TO\vith OptionalServicjeiFee_ . Gertera!»teSbegin TKuirsdayiMarch13i/$3.50 |' TTFT BF IK JKXM VTIM TKNTIT jMer. Co<)p/3K)0,& 3:30 % I lTt?ursday/ Matc^6, 1975 THE »AI^Y TEXA^J Page 11 t >V, til -r IJ -•-" V "aajfiW >"V r. \­ & »> <• -" ^ -jSff *>£* t t. 'Sf;A £. ' it ^Loye Among the Ruins7 Hepburn To Co-Star in Special By VEBNON SCOTT Wayne and hendL more.
-This summer the persistant used to be. anything yoe can do. I can do the California talls-aaKl her Katharine Hepburn set fan-Miss Hepbarn and the "It has cocne fail aide. more of. What prompts ft? Gmecticat woods whenever cap for Sir Laurence Olivier grandest cowboy of them an rertmis to match thefulsuuie "Are we becoming a die can. At 65. ske is asand landed him. will be seen in "Rooster atmosphere is toast mm* geneuaiwi of vofears? Have slender as a reed and as In a sense she did the same Cogbara." a Hal Wallis Lots of vulgarity. Lots of ses. we gone bom the age of m-strong as a tambetjaek. thing with John Wayne and Lots of acting. Everything is nocace to the age of im­"I LIKE openness and Spencer Tracy. More than 3t yeais ago ladled oat m greatgobs. R^ht potence?" space,"shesaid. "Seeingwith When the marvelous (I9tl) sfce sought Spencer there where yon cantmiss it Kate burst into linghtir the lofag eye to the hntirons. aristocratic Kate sets oat to Tracy as' her in we know co-star "I THINK now ""ActaaBy. hopping iutobed It's good for the brain and the get her acting partnersshe un­"Woman of the Year." She more about photosex than we with ereiyone at age H must body. It brings balance." failingly sacceeds. took thescript toMGM. sold it care to know. We're constant­ be nhwrsting by the time Kate's personal borizods Kate was asked to star m and got Tftaq?, ly forced to watch people per­you're tt. Maybe that^s why are limitless.She isa vibrant, . James Costigan's "Love "Plant the seed and aim form a sort of sterile act thereareso many high school exciting woman. ahajsviflLv' Among the Rains." a play high," she said.' ""The world devoid of any real uh and events 'MericattAmericans. particularly inSooth Ttex- Katharine Hepburn jand Louwita Oliviw the romantic comedy, which •Fresh flowers w^re that have shaped .the history of Mencan-as.and lya period of violent uprisings against was directed by Cukor. at 8 everywhere' in the comfor­Americans is on display throng August at the anglo ranchers. Texas Ranger stations and p.m. Thursday on ABC-TV table living room.A fire Musica Mne KEROULLEAwELIZABETH ASHLEY ^MCMmianratyinni UvUHmcmh i-SCENES FROMAMARRlAGE STARTS STARTS TOMORROW ffiATUK TIMES FRIDAY 2:305:304:30 lOVE AT THE TOP" IS ENJOYABLE, ADULT AND ADULTEROUS ENTERTAINMENT j Dustifi Hoftnmn RiVERSiDE This ft2c«j, beautiiui f-S— has '&4cor*£sis:fan and turned ths acrid So; There is o^e fsason for tnrs p^o-p^ 'f.* * ill HIGHLAND MALL IIthRadHot WmM «i»-r33e • IH 33 At kOINxj IN. I IWv'lJUVJTJW Ii00-4.-00-7.-00-10 •USMH SrWTN 1 A m mm Mi BarbanMatinMs - STARTS RIDAYftVahgt Gmmm flobatDeMno MarisvW Pag^ l2tThursdalV, March 6, 1975 tkDAILY TEKAN * < ? #*' » ^•r^V* j, -v lrit as n -?J|1V',^^Js Jf 5-™v~ ^ : • • {?$t <7 <-, •>•**(«-^5-o ',jSX,S»> ; g^KPWg .. !; ; "* «• F&L v «V » ^ . Ht.iw Texan Staff Writer. -*• The problem is that Sam isa confirmed bachelor and doesn't belongs in a bonfire, not a saint In a nutshell, "Sheila Levine ls Dead and Living in New: want to commit himself (he's scared of being hurt),and worse# The movie is based od a novel by Parent, and Is^Kct that York*' presents the storyof a yotmg, naive, insecureJewish girl he shades up with Sheila's roommate. in the book, the story was conveyed primarily throuh tte from Harrisburg, Pa., vrtio.trave]stothebigcity (NewYork)in , Poor Sheila — too awkward and inexperienced to flgbt for the toMsanwonetolam tOoaijh wler d»tlM^MherckMns«r characters' thoughts. For the movie, however. Parent am so (oecrader a New York than a tasfhan is man she.loves (the;one time she tries is disastrous) anH too Solms have converted everything to diakgue, andUkt^dare rather nbscare).'much in tove to leave him. Sigh; What to do, what to do. a professionally pooc job of it •OMWra. after SMh las pica ^« her jf»j ANSWER? write a happy ending, which is precisely what Howard To Give ' NEVERTHELESS, there are some suttatse& m relatieeship withSmaad ahwedn kercareer attkeik«4 screenwriters Gail Parent and Kenny Solms did. By the "Sheila Irvine." For one, it's nice tosee actor break ticlmty, she stfli ute San hack on he tanas. *t his e» last frame of the movie, Sam has assumed the role of the hum­away from his cop-macho image (e.g., "Tbe Seven Ups"), —i veaieKe. TbSheSa. tome takespoontrawersetf^ndeanriseV­ ble, repentent puppydog who runs to Sheila, wagging his tail, though he's hardly warm and sexy, he is not ananpealiHt. pMsawtwi She is atythaag hat a fc—ja. asking to be taken jn. Another asset is Jeannie Berlin as SheSa. whoseprevious cbaa If there's anything wrong with "Sheila Levine," it's that it's "**•**" '-Tirlffriil Inm Iiii^X aMthai Richard Howard, a Pultizer Prize-winning poet, will give a. tofame was playmg thenagging wifein "TheHeartbreak Kid." "Sh^U**-wassewed l(rMkhd Legraad. whaeeyroiiees too damned obvious;The charactersnot onlylive thestory,they poetry' reading and a lecture Thursday at the University. Berlin's face isn't the faceof a "star," it'sthe faceof someone ettetsheve nrhAJ "Saawr of 'e." "VWhaacBatMs.* talk about it while they're living it The audience entertains The reading willbegin at 3 p.m. in HumanitiesResearch real —it's believable. When shestaresat tbe wallsin ai*erand Center 4.2S2, followed by a lecture at 8 p.m. in Business-: itself by second-guessing the plot and wondering why on earth confusion and despair, the uneven tines and hard edges of Iter Pieces of Dteaaas" A®**." "*IVas» Smmt. the characters just don't save time and energy and get the facial expressions areas realistic lookingas theyareonBatter-Economics Building 151. His topic will be "Reading Russian whole bloody thing over with., ing. Literature'Without Russian." \ As scare ts sapA. and «hk it caa> I For instance, the moviedoesn't just imply that menarenever Alas, the problem with "Sheila Levine" is not the «<•«•( Departments of Slavic Languages, English and Speech Com­(imi.bittersweet tack munication. Howard's appearance is -sponsored by the University's the i» does samed in Ma{SMht < lawtriHHiinlaawheilil«a* Howard, who received the Pulitzer Prize in 1970, has Written Hosting Exhibit several volumes of poetry, among them "Quantities," "The Damages," "Untitled Subjects" and "Findings." "Realism and Surrealism in Included are works by . retrospective exhibit on view Michener CoUecboo of Mk He also is a literary reviewer for several magazines and is American Art," composed of American artists from the on the second floor of the •Century American Art. a fc) paintings and drawings, isa 1940s to the 1970s which show poetry editor for New America Review. • Michener Gallery). Jack collection permanently fcoas­ new exhibit on the first floor the ideas and forces with Levine and Theodore Rosxak. ed m the Wdne--Gdkiy. of the Michener Gallery, in which American "realists" Installation of the Sara The Michener GalOery isthe Harry Ransom.Center at were concerned during the Roby Foundation Collection is open daily to the publicthe University. • decades that were perhaps part of a continuing effort by without charge, from ltam The exhibit is drawn from a best known for abstract art the University to juxtapose to S pan. weekdays and1 toScollection of American', art styles. selected works with, the pjn. Sundays. on assembled by the Sara Roby Artists represented include Foundation of New York, Edward Hopper, Reginald which fosters public apprecia­Marsh, Charles Burchfleld, An exhibit of literature, art prints and photographs^depicting tionof the visual arts-through Paul Cadmus, Philiplife inrtile Middle East for the last century is on display at the a wide exhibition program. Evergood, Morris Graves,University. • The new show, on view Yasuo Kuniyoshi (whose The exhibit is in conjunction with the symposium on "Arab­through March 16, is cir­works also are shown in aJewish Cultural Symbiosis" held on campus Monday and Tues­ culated by the American day. Federation of Arts of NewCoordinated by Kathleen' Gee, curator of the Iconography York. Collection of the. Humanities Research Center, the exhibit features such works asanthologies of poetry and prose;Some in BOOGIE WITH March 7 -The Ktz Theatre English translation and others in their original language with English captions. 7:30 *9:30 The display will run through March 15 in the foyer of the STEAM HEAT Academic Center and in the Josey Room on the fourth floor of HAPPY HOUR PRICES the Academic Center. OT. & THE HOT CURIS ALL NITE LONG QriyUO TO PLACE A TEXAN A LADIES ADMITTEDFREE CLASSIFIED AD jSpmn/t fuirAf. "crrpex. r t-snVly ofsimpx.itfarfs. mnd CALL 471-5244 pastries' Imported cvff+e* THE BUCKET 23id and Ptari| andims.ifrrrsandwin**.AU ml r*m*nn»Ue gwk •54-sw mmcoast uu MnUBM UK «IBMET ML yGULF STAVES BWVcSrV. ?.SNortheross Six Bargain Matinees A JanusFHms Presentation Sllt)V\ I()\\S L S \ f ^Features,$1.75, Mon.-lri. ELLEN BURSTYN V GULF STATES DHVE-»TV KRBKRIS1DFFERSON™ SouT^sidt UVI TwU&. Hr. SIJS HQSANYMORE SHOWSIAmOU* WS§. M-UM «r. SJMJt, nis G IN ifWroSSSSwr SCOTT. Sifi 1 »*—kmt+mi> THEIMYft ••dklnit DOLPHIN K«HM»1US itMSUS K&3 njtUKlfc MMdMUS JKatharine# Summertime! ! VMsnenmr |Hepbum » 11 in Technicolor REDUCEDPRICES !4 Friday&S«t . mipiC 1500S. IIONttnSAT. I March 7 & I UCT Off tAST BVHSMilHIW ratML HERMANNHESSE i RIFLES m 4 ML FUTWK »jj» KNw> WMaMMlW/ aoxomciofm^ SHOW StuntfUSM. •; i GAMES GIRLS PLAY" -^-nusco-m-—­ Starts TOMORROW: MECT MAXS. \ Tick^sal«b^inTues(tayvMaroh4 • SUQAR«OONesJ\' Hogg AyditoriumBoxOifk»10-6pmweekdays $1.OO withOptionalServicesFea . PARAMOUNT United Artists ^ v.. Page 13 wmm rggmmxMmM 1 3 -• n n i n. 4ii#silSi i Bi^yg&aas fire''r* m CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FOR SALE FURN. APARTS. B FURN. APARTS. 1FURN. APARTS. • FURN. APARTS. SERVICES TYPING RATES IS word minimum Each wortf one tfme J .11 NOW LEASING EPF,1120 plusE.lBedroom5130 plusE. Each word Htimes t .10 ALL BILLS PAID Musical-For Sale THE PEPPER Near camfHi* fr shuttle. Convenient to GINNY'S Each word 5-9 times S .06 Each word 10 or more timet.. s .07 DULCIMERS 0 & 4 String. (60-70. Call downtown. Pool, storage; 407 W. 3Wh. r" Just North of 27th at 453-7V63L'47?«4162.rBarryCl|llngwet*r Student rate each time * JO Lance. 47M141. • 1 BR $149.50 TREE PEOPLE •COPYING GuadalupeClassified Display BASIC FOLK fiddle instruction. Drew have three extra-large efficiency •SERVICE 2707 Hemphill Parktt 1 cot. * Iinch one time 0.25 Thompson. 478-2079. Mini-Eff $109.50 apartments oc­ 2 BEDROOM, 2 BATH "$2I0 ABP fur- available—immediate imwtan Co. 1 col. x 1 inch 2-9 times 52.93 nished. Pull kitchen, laundry and pool. cupancy. Quiet*.friendly neighborhood. Icol. x Iinch tenor more times12.64 STEAL MY AMP. Light fin. Kingston. '/z-l BR (female) $79.00 Next to campus.LeFont, 603 West 2t1h. INC. 120 watts peak, two 12" speakers. Black 6 Blocks West of Drag Shag carpeVdlshwesher. disposal, lots 472-6480, 4725162.,: Barry GHIingwater 476-9171 %pAi&A Jitn jovtlujs padding, piggyback. CallRick after 9pm _Co.--- ot cabinet space.pantry, walk-in ctoset. anytime weekends. 2408 Leon 476-3467 modern decor.'Now. folks, these are . . • . Fre« Parking , 7973. 7a.rn.-10pjn.M-F ... weekdays or 471-brand new apartments with all the -WANTED. Apartment °m6nagers.OCAOUMI SCHBUU goodies at reasonable prices. 2 blocks Prefer student couples. Send resumes. \ 9 a.m. -5 p.m. Sat. .2:00 pjn. GIBSON CLASSICAL Guitar with case, shuttle. 7 blocks campus. Glad to have Box n, Tx 7*767. , ; • RESUMES capo, strap, S130..Phonc 4784723 after 6 you for a neighbor—like tomake you feel....11:00 *J*. Ask tor Mike. 29th West of DRAG al home. Gimme a buzz at 476-9279, 472-BR -S17a 3 BR -S325 withor without pictures BONUS ROOM: 2 bedroom* 2 bath plus 5253. or 4724941. 404 8. 502 W. 35th (1 LARGE POOL 2 Day Service , panelled den.From S20SABP.The South Finest quality..11t00»J*. PIANO TUNING (Sift), servicing All -ALL BILLS PAID Shore. 300 E. RIycrelde Or. 444*3337. reasonable prices ' block east of Guadalupe) 1 bdrms. too! 1022 (Pedemales Realty) and leave Luxury /.,* •: MOVE IN TODAY Call on us before .11:09 mjn. work guaranteed. References. CaT| 264- 472-3210 and472-7677 Than* ... ONE BEDROOM on shuttle, S142.50 un­.11:00 mjm. furnished/ 1162.50 furnished.'We pay all you get dipped. message Best Rate on the Lake utilities. The • Brownstone« 5106 N. 1 BR -$155 Shuttle Bus Profit-Door Lamar. 454-3496. < -THE HAIRCUT TTPINC Reports. Resumes.BEAT Allthe goodies 2400 Town Lake Circle Theses Letters BRQWNSTONE 442-4349 -.EXTRA SPACE you can afford. Two STORES. All University and "h ih» w»* «f tn«n nwdt in •• 2907 West Ave. 474-1712 INFLATION bedroom/2 bath onTown Lake fromS160 business work PARK APARTMENTS ABB available furnishedor unfurnished. 478-0022 477-0423 GUITAR STRING SETS Save 70% Lett Minute Service The South' Shore. 300 E. Riverside Dr. HOHNER HARMONICAS Save 10% Areconveniently located & pricedright. 444-3337. • .. • Open 9-8 Mon-Th & •hawW to m*4* «M M« WILLOW YAMAHA GUITARS Save 10% 1 & 2 bedroom apartments located on CONFIDENTIAL CARE for pregnant VICE 9-5 FrhSat tlw 90 day* sftai »ubBrr*w. " shuttle bus route.. . 3 BEDROOM. 2 bath apartment, ideal WE RENT unmarried mothers. Edna Gladney From S142.50 AAASTERMUSIC for young family. Conveflienf fo UT, Home. 2306 Hemphill. Fort Worth. Toll ALL BILLS PAID Priced tor a family budget..5205 -S215 free number l-800-792-1104. CREEK 4724936 DobieMall 1624 Lavaca 5106 N. Lamar 454-3496 unfurnished. A8P. S230-(340 furnished. AUSTIN LOW STUOENT RATES ' a paragort property NOW LEAStNO ABP. The South Shore.'d(X) E. Riverside ABORTION ALTERNATIVES! Preo- TS word minimum each day ..1M Dr. 444-3337. . • y < nant and distressed? Help is as near as STARK TYPING. Specialty: Technical. Each additional wordeach days -05 your telephone. Pro-Life Advocates. «0 . Experienced theses,dissertations. PR's, Your time is valuable 1col.x Hnchtach day.......*2.64 EFFICIENCY With sleeping alcove . /manuscripts, etc. Printing, binding. ' Tatsified*"Iline X days /MARCH MUSICAL Our service Is free overlooking Town Lake. Convenient to •; Chartene;stark/;453-52lf; " 1 BEDROOM $137; Efficiency 1 BDRM V 2BORM West 26th. 472-4IW.. (Prepaid.No Refunds) CLEARANCE SALE J11S. Very close to campus, $175 ^ $220 UT. Economically .priced. HO, ABP. . MOVING?; We can move 'you fast. Students mutt show .Auditor's The South Shore. 300 E. Riverside. 444­ VIRGINIA SCHNEIDER Diversified receipts and pay.in advance InTSP Handmade Gurian sleei string guitars. PARAGON and-shuttle,, completely ALL BILLS PAID 3337. v Services. Graduate and undergraduate BtdQ. 3s200 (25W» AWWttslfromI Guitar, banjo, mandolin and base PROPERTIES carpeted. NA/CH, Dishwashers-2Large Pools -typing, ,printing, binding. 1515 Koenig built-in .strings. Harmonicas, tuning machines, ENFIELD AREA. 5100 plus electric 6n < MOVING/Haullng Service. Apartment? Lane. 459-7205. %jn. to 4130 p-m, Monday through kitchen, outside storage • and all accessories. 25% to 40% off list. Security shuttle. The Parkview. 1616 West 6fh. furniture:Lo* rates! 2S8-3^78: Anytlme. •Friday. available, pool and. sun.deck. • 472-1337. .. ' BOBBYE OELAFfELO. IBM Setectric. ^v THE STRING SHOP 472-4171 MOVE IN TODAY STOP SMOKING Seminar starting In pica/elite. 25 years experience," books, 1716 San Antonio ..weekdays Water, gas and cable TV paid. 1901 Willow Creek EFFICIENCIES $115 plusE. ACcarpet, March> Conducted by Cooper Con­theses, reports, dftsertafions. ' ' 476-0421 302 West 38th; 451-3154 or 451-panel, pool on shuttie.46th and Avenue sultants. innovative. Guaranteed. Affor-• I" 442-7154. . 6533. r • 444-0010 A. 4544903. dabte. CaIf'447-4549. —. . DISSERTATIONS, theses, reports and *M4t-weekends law briefs. Experienced typist. "Creative s§p$ Pets-For Sate electricity. Near shuttle* campus. Call Experiential* Learning"—beautiful Tarry town. 2507 Bridle Path.* Lorraine FOR SALE 472-4175 LARGE ONE BedroomstudiolS135 plus GIRLING DAY SCHOOL - Eddie. 45I-8383, 474^757.' facilities • Ages 2-5. Come visit us. 1404 Brady. 472-4715. REGISTERED IRISH SETTER puppy. North Loop • 451-5963. Pick-of-the-litter, male, beautiful. 452-NICE 1 BEDROOM;apartment very MRS. BODOUR'S TYPING SERVICE. Auto-For Sole 74S2. near UT. 2721 HemphUI Perk: Shag VOLKSWAGEN .REPAIR. Rebuilt Reports, theses, dissertations and books NOW LEASING Large 1 bedrooms; targe,closets, fully NOW LEASING carpet/ pool. *129,50water'; oaspaid. 476-engines. 5275. Exchange installed 6000 typed accurately, fast and reasonable. '69 VW BUG. Radio, air, A/T. Clean. ENGLISH SPRINGER table.dlsposal. water, gas. mile warranty. 637-4066. SPANIEL pup­carpeted, 6134, 25*3385.-Available April Ut. Printing and binding on request. Close ; After 6 p.m.. call 836-4736. pies. AKC. champion lines, shotv worm­ swimming pool, furnished,^ walking dis­ MUST SELL, wife's car. Ho lob. 71 ed. 575. 444-4866 or 441-2313. tance to UT, no tiilldren or pets. 1 BR-$145 „p LG. EFF. stx pius eiec. 2 bfks w. of PEARSON'S House and Apartment in. 47S-I113. \. campus. 504 Elmwood etade. No. 210 cleenlng weekly. S10. Call 472-3265 $160 . .. Plymouth Satellite' Sebrlng, loaded. REGISTERED "AMERICAN SPITZ. W» between 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. Monday ­ 477-8858 2 BR-$180 up Mgr. 472-0685. , Just North of 27fh at many new parts, >1300. 472-2U7. month Celt 4770241.-old male -• for 575 to a good home. 1 Bedroom Friday. •. Guadalupe " : !-­ - MUST SELL. 1969 Volkswagen. 8est ofler before March10. Call 1-295-3701,I'll AQUARIUMS AND SUPPLIES. 4243 S. All BiljsPaid AC Paid 2707 Hemphill Park bring it by. Congress. No. 193. Sat. 1-5. Call 442-0339 Walk to Campus NOW LEASING MISCELLANEOUSIHELP WANTED 1972 TDYOTO COROLLA 1600. 2 Dr.. TanglewOod Thyrv. Fii.after 5. l&Vl AM. standard, excel lentcondition. Must Buckingham Square LONGVIEW h\aAt&A &WU sell below boofc value. 926-2078. 7U w.32nd North ART Misc.-For Sale '971 VW SUPER Beetle. Excellent con­454-4917 1020E.45th APTS. dition. S1S00 or best otter. Call 25*6159. . TOP' PRICES paid for diamonds, old * 240B Longvlew Part-time YES, we do type 452-0060gold. Capitol Diamond Shop. 4018 N MUST SELL 1970 914 Porsche SI500a* Is. Shuttle Bus Comer Lamar. 454-6877. 1 & 2 BR by KIM & KEN Phone work Freshman themes. 47fr73>6 9-5, 447-1946 after 6 pm. PARASAtL-astentlonal parachute. Ride Why not start out with OT3 TOYOTA CELtCA ST. Air. power, behind boat, car. Sunflsh sailboat, new Summer Rates Now 476-7688 All Media-4-6 pm make up to S2Q.00 dally good grades! loaded. Excellent condition. $2,950. 442­ sail-Dr. Grove 454-3626. 327-1367. Live wire communication. 472-3210 and 472-7677 USEDWOOO DESKS. Hundreds of used 6006. 476-5596. through Aug. 31 454-1238 7504 St. Cecelia Neat appearance. . -74 HONDA CIVIC. Silver Sedan. Air 7701 North Lamar Suite No. 110 chairs. Used telephones. AK Equipment day oreveningCo. 301 Lavaca. 476-4828. conditioned, radial tire. <345-5620 after EFFICIENCY HOLLEY'S COPY SERVICE;. A com­ DUVAL 5-30. $139 pete service: typing, copies, printing, 66 INTERNATIONAL Step Van. R.H.D.. SPOTMATfC F camera one month old. ALL BILLS PAID binding. 1401 Mohie Drive. 476-3015. Estrada Case, flash, extras. S230. Call 10-12 475­ Automatic «50. Call San Antonio. 651- Close to campus, large, open beamed MABYL SMALLWOOD'TYPlNG., Last 6694. <257. , VILL1A ceiling, fully shao carpeted. CA/CH. all OVERWEIGHT? JAPANESE minute, overnight available; Term 1965 LINCOLN Continental 4 door, all papers, tfieses. dissertations.: letters. LADIES BLOUSES, dresses, halters, built-in kitchen, color co-ordinated, no Volunteersmrantedfor ' and western Cshfrt at sacrifice prices. Apts. APIS. utility company hassles. 4000 Avenue A. research Ih.obesity TRANSLATOR Mastercharge. BankAmerfcard.192-0727extras included, white with gray. 5650. r This weekonJy.Maharan! 1504 San An- 452-5533 or 451-6533 Individualized Diet or 442-6545. . -.y .• tonio.-1801 So. LakesFtore (Under New. -Work at home full .or part Counsetfng 47t-7117 TYPING TERM PAPERS; law briefs. time."Call. 472-6753. ;. best Offer, 441-75*6 after SO0/ V Coll|e tonoley Weekdays . I1971 TOYOTA JWartlH.25mpg, 11,350or " WOOITTABLES. large-folding1 fables, 442-6668 Management) /. thesis^Technlcal and miscellaneous,Ac­ •*oflona) field. Full or part time Call Mary, 441*4742. 11 NOVA' CUSTOM. Hatchback. Ex* .eight dozecu'Afso practiceba|ls. Private NATURE'S BEAUTYtSECRETS reveal­withone of the nationsprestigious resort ceffenf oondifloa 6-cylJnder.. >speMC i SALANO ed to you. Free;lecture by Dr; M.W. developers, income depends only on console sport wt>eels.:.SZ700. 451-60S4 • MASANDA' 3S,;2'. lenses, flash, tase, 1BR-S145 VjP. /I-EFFiciENCY "i", Jeffers.. Each Thiirsttayt 7;» pm. Ex-. p»e.CaMAlKlrby, 261-6200. Just North of-27th at­ .. your ability to communicate nwlth peo-­ after 6pmweekdays, anytimeweekends.. ecutive Towers. 7701 N.'lAmar. 100-B. Guadalupe. *66 vwyANUGreat cockflttofb.recentTy1 -sellt4?yy^9i; • -• . I 2 BR -$165 APARTMENTS ': $119 • (4S9-77S4)..': . PART ORFULL time salesman.Callon 2707 Hemphill Park •perfert condTfion,. no;scratches. Must painted,carpeted^ panelled,new engine, v .ELECTRlCiTypEWRITER with case, ;61tW.51st 454-6293 33rd and Speedway . i_shuttie TXJI «t (root door, POOO CA/CH, HOW TO MAKE MONE Y'365 day? a Variety;. Drug,' Dress shops for. dis­^Manual return. 560. Karl, fributor; .Pierced ;earrings, costume propane converter optional;5900 or best Walk up sr. shuttle^st dow Spllt itvel ih«a c»rp«lng. all bulH-fn kitchen, ten-year. Free lecfure each-Thurtda^ 6 offer. 475*5®*. lu»ury llvlna^ BMutllul J brj/3 balhi nlt courti«CTOJ» the«reetv huoe trees. p.m..,by-Dr. M. W; Jeffers. Executive it MGB. (333 Arena. No. 155. 442-1503 Austin only, 10*commlssfoft. Mane VII ' • 472-4331^ or U^ve message. fewelryi. Hook'em Horns Key rings. plu» «0dy.JDe»l9n«! lor M mature^ 4^ 5Pe«awar. «™«or«5rtOT. Towers, 7701 North Lamer. • • 1 ~ -l6MM;,60LeX H-16 refle*. ,25-IOOmm CONQUISTAOOR students. NeW furniture, wfilk-ins, poo!/-'£^.-; .ra; . Saturday after 9 a.m.* * i CLASSICALFLAMENCO andbeginning Sales Co. 0010 Vantaoe-3C3ah Antonio. _ jCanonaoom. leatii«r.case. filters. Good cable TV..Quiet elegant y-v• ­ Texas 78230. 1-341-3*65. 1970 TOYOTAMARK II. automatic, e*-coodUtoo. S450. 45I-6735: and POSADA «EAL King size 1. Bedroom also avallable;;'^^/^v^^'j-,i'--^ ^ ,e€-MBA NOW LEASING TYPING, PRINTING; BINDING Mal?45^ffi«,,r ,IHS001*' Leasing lor summer and fall. Drastlcal-^fe.-A*/EFF1CIENCY NEED EXTRA CASH? Sell flowers on ;^frtcSSOO.'47i6-1S31. UT-""Me ly reduced summer rates. Pieaie call-jjo. • 5^ BUY, SELL PLAYBOY/PenfhOWe, the street corners of Austin. Thursday ­ ^Prettiest 1-2 bedroom apartments. NOITION, ITTSaFiaf "Water and "gas paid. Pool,-laundry, Books, records. rewei^gtiifarSr'radios. Sunday. 470-a05y,4S»iS0t. siwo^gfa^rg station waoon. 4-speed. air. Carol, :CA/CH, disposal, dishwasher. 1 stereos. Aaron's. :320ACoogress%down-TRANSLATORS: . Finnish, THE COMPLETE ? 2t feet;through March15. Eoradditional 475-^07, 472-9IWaffer Sir' ; bedroom 5135. 2 bedroom S165. 476-2100, ,^Lar« furnished etficlefKJe*, builHn V town..-:--. • Ciechoslovaklan, JetCzechoslovaklan. Japan«se. Pay.to s20savings call SAlLAWAV. 477-1796. 477­ ! 45»53S. '^/CH, lotsVof ; RESPONSlBLE PERSON -travetravellns •1®XJ words tjepending on'obllfty., .. -PROFESSIONAL 1972 VW Super Beetle. Automatic stick, good condition, fsWng *1600.472-4046. EFFICIENCIES ;localjon.close to grocery . • roundtrip.to Seattle siringvacation..._ and shuttle bus at front door. Gas and ;company child on ptar>e-Sl50; 472-49tt. CLOSE TO CAMPUS 1974 MERCURY MONTEGO MX •i QlkD THEATRE wM.rp.!d 910W«t».h *7J«W«r45. RED TAPE? Ronartund? Hire fra.ned 251taffer>p.m: '••v . POSTERS C." for appolntmenl 45MK1 -4W^]0and4^7677>r Authentic, colorful.24" x 7t". 14" *36". . West of Campus FROMS125 MSSfSU1" AMn ­ ill Brooghm. Weir taken care of. Call 345-^ 5 Blocks SHUTTLE BUS- PART-TIME VKORIC Mhri. per W^K. TYPING SERVITP Swimming pool/ ta^iUfutly furnished, ^PUBLIC RELATIONS work Public: TOYOTA COROLLA Wagon 1971 AC/ four speed, steel radials. exceptionally Bogart, Ga^Cooper,ErroiFiyna Gene -New large efficiencies. Living room double or studio bed, iall have dis­1 BEDROOM -. Awareness-program home fire safety. nice condHJon. 477-1291, 477-9206' 'offset bedroom and kitchen. Cable, AutiYi Paul Newtr^n. Rosalind Russell. •• hwasher, disposal;cenfrst air and heal. S37 3M4 Call between 4-8 pm. Dorothy Lamour, Hope, Crosby, evenings. , '' , Chevalier, vJack Lermm. John Wayne. wafer, gas furnished.Sl». Also 4 blocks 305 WEST 35TH EXPERIENCED PAINTERS helpers. ROOMMATES 5111. . : - $135 ROOMS Call anytime, leave name and number^ • , .nr»^y;n«nypthers-Unlimited Supply, MANAGER'APTutCfe. U441M, (M-5U9 .. „ v; i ; — ~ - 477-5514 ' / 476-7916 aosa to shuttle bus and tennis, courts, T477HI10«..7;:-..' :^^V>V:.; Motorcvc!e-For Sole . Red Oak Apartments fuMy-cerpeted, eM buMMn kitchen. ROOMMATESHARElaroe3t>edroom .CA/CH, pool overlooking creek, lots of. WANTED EXPERIENCED salesperson house. S75/month: plu$:^bills;'. 1500 •'1972 NORTON 750. very clean, excellent, 2104 San Gabriel 2 0« or*l/C IIT to work at Hoi's Bootery on the drag. • Rutland Dr, »36-3967. : frees. Water,gas. andcable TV paid.407 10 ^ onthe condition Lowmlieag«/Makeoffer,4209 2 BLOCKS TO CAMPUS.. . DLUblxo UI betyfeenbetweenJ£5:ttL>21flDGiiadaf6ae—|^S:Oq.23QOGuadalUpe. i. 1^—; — . 45th St.459-«14or 451-6533. . . ... . . ... ..­ MOVE IN TODAY -^Jrurnished Apartment and BUS DRIVINGJ)MlHon»open.fton «W;v aparfmenl.'ttJ.OO plus^WlteConie^^bySACRIFICE Oirt BOte. 1972 CZI2S,;5350 I& 2 bedroom efficiency. Full kitchen, women. ^pphr at TranJoortatlon Enter.i-TOIvileii ^-, Guadalupe. 4S1-M62.."j: *i-• . . FROM $135 ALL BILLS PAID FEAAM.E; RMMMATE ttw .bwlrapm _ ancl. No. J. v --- ~ A "X"1"5* • „ - r»W ofler;tS&BMi- ; VIJVPAZ carpeted, large.walk-in closets.Oriental priMk 107. furnishings; Peaceful' courtyard' wlth' i , *4 2 B6DROOM > MWU5EMATe NEEDED largev^ new . ­ ^ ^duple^. o#nroom.yard.1blockRC shut- SHAMAN'S pool. Only ste^to shying. -^ . i./.From $80/month, ... -?l BMW, 75/5. Cafe style, '^ Faring. T,„... _ , EL eAMPO ^^J3ALL BILLS PAID' BASS PLAYER ariddrummer wanfedtov .fle. Resldentfat ariea.SOUQ. elec. 442> 40m. Mlkunitiport cam and mofe.Call Ci.TAX'SALE 4 '"WALK TO CAMPUS 2800 Whitis " ' '6979,Mlke.v..;AV.^ A torm foUr man group with lead guitar V:'-;.::>'.RJ:-.-''.' -and singer.Call Mike.441-5135. . 472 2147 r 472-4162 Sunny affemoom ISSTILLON 2 BR-$189 Barry GJIIingwater Company Larat apertmentj, fully shag carpeted. FEMALE ROOMMATE Share'apart­ 477-7558 1»1 BMW toocc. 63gat. tank. Avon full 305 W. 39th ^ 401W. 39th CA/CH, all built-in kitchen, each apart-DISHWASHER ANO BUSBOY needed; ment. Riverside SR shuttle. 575. Callfairing. Koni shocks, many extras. 476-454-0360 -459-5700 -ment has: Its own private patio or ; l2noontoS(>.'m:Monday-Friday.Appiy-447-2096 Anytime! •n5. 47114231. , The. ^t^^Ic^anywhere. Turquoise TEXAN DORM. 1905 Nueces.J Doubles balcony, pool, trees,101^West 2SVi. 478- ln person. Gordo's Billiard Partor i and sHvi^ chokers 55.95; The rest of our ,5592 or 451-6533.. 5199 / semester.: TCiflgtft Ma>wflers 477 1760 dash unit. Fits mosf late moctof Fords KENRAY -PartO^ & Sai600. 42rE. 6th. ; -> and Mercurys. 575. Ca» 442-5331. /The Bead Shaman GETS THE WORM! NUECES , NEAR UT unfurnished room565 all bills ; RESPONSIBLE MALE roism>tiale , 2200GuadaIupe New «fficiency/-custom furn.. all with APARTMENTS V. paid. "908 West 29 Barham Properties. BEST PRODUCTS, INC. hatimmediate wanted, fo share a one bedroom' apart- SONY TA-1150 integratedamplifief. Call, Rent now for big balconies for.your plants.Great loca~ full-flma and part time sales and .... ... ... Paul. 476-1995. , "v Open M S, ifo -926-9365 ^ ^ men! on SR route. t95/month. 4tW»7S 477 3478 'Hon. great looking. 5165 plus electricity. '• 2122 Hancock -Dr. warehouse positions available. Apply In' Keep frying. TEAC A-1250 automatic reverses 5375/, ;The.Beff PfIces oo Indian Jewelry In : Manager 201 — 475-9059 -! Next to AmericanaTheatre, walkingdis-' .person at our *howroom. 430) U.S. 290 , gcMAt * ,onnMMATg S.A.E. MarkIPre-Amp, S^5; Kenwood Texas SUAAMER fiance to North Loop Shopplnp Center : •" *"El""Opportunity Employe. .KA-8004 and KT-C005 amplifier and-• aod save 20-25%r Choice University -rv and Luby's. Near shuttle and Austin WE NEED AMBITIOUSIndlvldualsyrho'.' — — •«-»»«-.• tuner. 5650. All like: hew.: hardly used: • • locationI. Ponce Oe Leon (. tl, til. transit. Two bedroom flats,, ooe and two ' UNF. APARTS. desire generous Income tor. their,spare OWN R°OM NOW! 2^*aroom,houie, 444-2S44 affer six' weekdays. Pepper Tree 1. II. Ill, IV and V. Phone baths. Available one 3 bdrm/ 2 ba. with FURN. APARTS. •these numbers for information for Early HALLMARK new shap carpet.: CA/CH. dishwasher/ .* time. Call 47l-2Q56 after 6,-;-_ 7-. 50% OFF. SPEAKERS • . , Bird Savings! 472-9253.472-0941.476-9279. ^ disposal, door Jo door, garbage pickup, Air suspension stereo'speaker system r2._ pool maldserviceHdesTred, washaler'Fa. q°reTbei2eert or APTS/ ' " ' ^ Vvj VILLA ORLEANS TO? E, Rlverald. Or; Plu» Vi blllt. tons and withHfulifullmanufacturer's5 year' y CREATIVE and conscientious; in stilHn the ortglhaf manufacturer's car- ow^t-.Aw-:,!3orcflI1 206 W ^8th ipai {?•'<'-:. $135. 'twc.. Beautiful -Quiet.* Roomy guaranleeon partsAnd (abbr.New s/Hp-,'- dlviduals whoare interestedin bettering' MOVE IN TOPAY sr^WALfe^GDISTANCEUTOnWestSlde lBR with Balcony*-. .. «wii«nng ^ _ .Kyou 708 West 34th ii-inquief neighborhood.SpaciQUseffiden-. ovtnt gives, you .achoke^ol3 different mankind; Extensiveleadership program . systems;^Palr of .walnut styletf speakers r :'.(Cy apartment availabie. Call E^|yw^k^y*>V476-; . 454-8239 with'beautiful' Interior.: manageo oy ownefw-sjrw lust 5155.^ Speakers Include 10" heavy duty woofer* 5" midrange, and a APARTMENT MARK XX -•.luxurious carpet, private -balconlesior . 452-M14 ­.^patios. Skylight, built-in,bookcases; 459-9927 FULLTIME BUSBOY needed. Call -ROOMMATE TO SHARE large'modern•super dome tweeter. Cash or E-Z terms. 0(00 UNITED FREIGHT SALES. 6535 North " : |HUNTING 2 BR -$184 Move-in foday . ^plenty of trees. 5130.TAVellable lm>. between 3 and&OO; 474-2?69;Pr»fer ax* .contemporary houie. Pool, .fireplace: •y mediately or"March 1.453-6072,478-3218. •« ~ ' *• perience.---^ \ v!"• -Complete house and kitchen privileges. Lamar. Mon.-Frl. 9-9, Sat;«. . f -->-/.C •• , Privacy. Near E.Rrverslde and'shuttle '' j 'hour. 6:30-I2;30 p.m.Monday thru .onnMruik'^e 'I--'^hwasher/. disposal; situated ;among '.within walking distance UTi shuttle bus n-^5fi r'r .ESTABLISHMENT frees.-Plenty of parkfng. Onshuttieand, stop in front yard. 208 East 3}st NOi" 4-bedroom twuw. Own room, 4 block! —r—1— ;—But;HabItat Hunters can ^. .r. city.busToutes. 911 Blanco/off Enfield 5129 plus utilities 451 7571 >am J campm. Mjrll.i75. m-UTt -' .' 4400^Ave. B o • • r.^-rRoad. 474-1394 OT'44f t743:^.•'^:>v,v.^w^t^ Homes-For Sale help/we a I TRHE Locator ^'-r FEMALE. Own room In larje Vlctorlan NOW LEASING 451-4584 ^ " DISTlNCTlVEOESIGN;-newT • •^^^orpe^ttle.as. RETIRED TEACHER umm homeZ)I« Servicerspecializing in stu- -UroeEfl.-ITW.501 iv^s bedroom. =-*147.50.-plusE^ Vaulted LOST & FOUND . i.celllngs. -shag carpetlng. -Cable TV.­ 500. «?.UT-B""15 dent"'coinpie xes with ' $145 WalkfPedar-shuttte/ .vp FrostTree /etrig, 47f»76tt/day*; 345* UNCLASSIFIED . SW1 J?S95i' 2J .""P's*. W. Lynn .,En­ jS J« ~ii'HENSLEE, furnished. 2 access to shuttle. 1 BR Furn Move In Toda^ :• VOSM/nlghts.• ' V, • .,1/; Liberal. ]1 m male.) No pays'. Smoker bedroom. CA/CH, call after 5;30. '355-^.NEW.ONE BEDROO/yl; E," •Belly dancing instruction. 472-3344. $50.00 REWARD preferred. f70^-C Pa(ma P(aia,;Lynn. / . >yACabfe .TV, :frosMi,'ee. refriflJJ ihag- Have you heard Quiet Thunder? :• C 4lh HOUSEMATE NEEDED/^Prefer' Cuiu-+C*'f -\MARK IV ARTS TIMBERS••iiWsW'^.carpetiqo,: and many axtrai; 47<*: toy blackypoodle..bl6cklfeiT>a|e:. . ickvjit ^ale 562 M mo. pius '«7bins. 476-t?08. Answers lo'^t 4316 Bull Creek'SUnday Midnight. Waerv-tekwrite inejTj, 1307 Norwalk Lane 7433/dayf ws^e/nrghts ,72 Yamaha 250 Enduro 453-2237.' lo'ltwlity/' OIUt>oe»redlar; .No .tjuet1ions .kitchen, lull-she bed, pas range.: 451­ | -HEAVILY WOODED LOT WITH DRY ^Hunters-*'-^ SHUTTLEbuscorner.^., , , ,478-9468 ^ . 73 Surukl 90 fop cond. 45<-13)8: .. ui^tever^Juitttf'little dog; please.': Si?« Sre } A i-.:-1BR -S150^ 1-r-: : ROOMMATETjEEDED^ ihare/^Tt. \ A ^ CREEK. . ^ Days 454 7174 . *> k* * | • ; Perfect for professor, Zilker Park area.' OobleMaU,Su^e8a' WaJX-PedaJ-Shutfle-. 7937 --,r Garden IIMerwards 510. 836-5413 -r-W •»•:mef\t-mtn . h^fnAMti'aiu^ikl..rr*_ •Interesting textures. Absolutely great m«.~* .»*»i^^gsaagns;^•; 2021 Guadalupe LARGE.Ibedroom apartment..CA/CH, -^Cash for used**Jlcycle^ 477-3002 . • i:'• *0'&i "-./for completely; natural landscaping; -v ENRlELD^REA.Ibedroom withevery ; disposal, dishwasher., etc. 5155 plus E.­ 474 1532 <±^Jiefiiirate. dining room/ Marvelous exlra.' Furnished or unfurnished. From NOW LEASING %% 2907 West Ave.-210. 476-9479/ manager Congr'alulationv David^oveRosly-^ .^kitchen. 3bedrooms. lOmin. loUT.'for 5M8 50 piu* etctrfeity; 807 W«t. Lynn. 105 474-1711 .-Sonycarcasse1bf^oTleraf6:45Vl267" .^ties/Call Mary CuKen/oIftce 442-7833^ 477 7794. 472-4162.! Barry Gllllo0water *-Q;home 288-2078; The Cutfen Company CO ASPEN WOOCfA SU BLEASE apt: Call451-5513 after 6pm: -.•Lost^liverpaM* bracelet 475-3032' S100 REWARD TRAVEL Under New Menegement , ABP,; ntw .'Tof bJack -poodle. 'Black female. MILANO APARTMENTS ;i;calculator hlenjory^%ACOC472^352' 1 AnsWerstor'TWisty.9Disappeared frotn'Spacious Contemporarj|jf union^EftsrPfease-T ' 43|6*eMll preek Sundaymidnight. WMr^"? reduced rates on bur-juxury efficiency and 2 bedroom, 2 bath/Town Lake area:. c irig :|. ? -SuAyilv*""* """'» Cal/ toll Irce I­ -f—r >FC ^.453? Guadalupe;.-,,452-4447 ....... ,j200,AquarJum*iJV,Mal in" probably can't believe it the who are leaving that they can from the Austin Citizen. student-oriented. • said. student' boxes" has been, CPA will then canvass for next day," he continued. • leave a legacy for their kids "In the conservative part of '. These groups are -"unified It's no longer just a gooid attempted.-in Austin,1 rAi i ' ' Dedication of the • Unive'r-at 10 a.m. Sunday at a brunch president. and vice-president Phillip Tompkins of the State include, screenings of "It p:m., in CMB Studio 6-A. "A rr/ I -*Xs.44 . • • sity's $11.-8 million Com<-honoring Heddick. Journalism Glenn, Bosell and Jacbos. University of at Happened One Night" at 10 of New York Conservation with Frank : munication Complex will Day-focuses on students and Advertising Agency in Dallas Albany at 7:30 p.m. in CMA .a.m., "Mr. Smith GOes.to Capra." director of the films, '"•highlight the annual Com-ex-students of the department from 12;30 to 2 p.m. in the^' 2.230. . 'Washington" at2 p.m., bothin will follow at 9 p.m. in the) * V" "• > ^municatioh, Week, which} . and Heddick, who will retire : LBJ Auditorium. Activities on Thursday, the LBJ Auditorium,and "It's studio. ' -•' begins Saturday Featured this year. . At 8 p.m., Bud Vorkin of Communication Center Day, a Wonderful Life" at 7:30 1M jS'^speaker iat -the dedication -Prof! William K. Everson, Tandem;Productions will dis­WOMEN AND , ceremony, which :mll'be lield . Aim historian; will present cuss "Socially ConsciousjTV " March 14, will be'Fred'W< "The Lost Films," a group of . Programing: 'All in the THE LAW SAVE* NELSON'S FURN. HOUSES . Friend1y, joilrnalism selected "lost" motion pic-'Family,' 'Maude' and-'San- A 6 wk. course • Starts WITH GROUP RIGHTS , —^——professor atColumbia Uhiver-1 tures-at-7:30 p.m. in the LBJ ford and Son.' " -J* . GIFTS Ttiiirs., March 6. 1st LAKE AUSTIN, qulelicpuntry.living'IS !:»„ ' 4"v.: NEWJTORK 4612 Sbu Congrats minulei campui./{Jowntown. One-S'ly*. Auditorium. V rf-. -Wednesday-will concentrate: Class on Equal Rights Phoiw: 444-3814 bedroom, mobile home »7a 2 bedroom Includedu in ihV :WPPIC'« Everson will continue his Amepdmerit. >120 and six. 3n-iifi, 327-nsi: . L ' iuv" uie. wees s oil speech communication. WASHINGTON • ZUNI 3 BR FURNISHED BRICK HOUSE. T>UIFT-':schedule are gu«t speakers. presentation Monday, jRadio Prof. John Waite Bowers'of. on W«**dby» Mdep FREE 7:30 pm ' ISriJ&i!-,!^514S/'T'0,s^iwdi^j.vr-films andexhibits,allcenter-Television Film Day. with the Department of Speech and • NAVAJO CALL Univ. Presbyterian .'. ,ng around the theme,^Com-"The Missing Motion Picture Dramatic Arts at the Univer- • HOP! 478-3471 WANTED munication and the Future." •' : Mysteries" in CMA 4.110. sity of Iowa will speak on INDIAN JEWELRY Church Originating fa :1970;vCtom-Discussing prombtiorj of "Devious Messages"at 9a.m. QRNIOojiLittpj^ JM5 S* HMm — Ra. 211 "GIFTS THAT INCREASE , •'' ' -munication Week offers jour-motion pictures and ielevi-in CMA 2.230. Dr. Duane Co*t>oiaored by Univ. Y A JN VALUE" femaie. Foc Daiias pubiiiher -AuJtin L nalism. radio television film, sion, Charies O. C^enn, vice-Spnestersbach, the Universi­(Minimum mf 15 ftiiiiiipinl Woman's Law Caucus •UP TO $U Off BtGUUa PAH CLOSEDMONDAY location. For interview: *s)-&3t2. > -, > advertising and "speech stu­president for mariceting of ty of Iowa's vice-president for *.RESPONSIBLE graduate students look^ ' Ing tor-large furnished house tor rent doit opportunitiesfor contact Paramount Pictures Corp. educational development and May lTO-May irn. 471-301S. . with professional It'lii their and' Paramount Television, research and dean of its ,or "German Splkedf fields. • will present "Making Offers graduate school, will talk ;iW5Kif,l4 mll"»ria.: Any condition. _ Call 471-221D.-. --,o Parents Day' will begin ac1. They Cannot Refuse" at 4 about "The R.ole of Com­HEADMASTERStivities Saturday and will-iiv-p.m. in the Academic Center munication in Higher . UNF. HOUSES elude -presentation':of the Auditorium. .!;* Education" at 4 juri^^ in CMA -UNISEX HAIRSTYLING . DeWitt C. Reddick Award to Lee Rich, .president of 2.230. > ' ' ^/nwtb.^:Stove and refrigerator PBS newsman BillMoyerS. Lorimar Productions and ex­ pcovkted; ISU W«> Koeiiia, Available; "Communication. and SUPERCUTS & BLO-DRYS MardVl$l. 452-31X1.' Ho-t of ..BiU Mwere-Jour­ecutive producer-of "The Conflict in the University" .OLO^WEST AUSTJN. Three bedroom. nal:International Report he Waltons," will discuss and w.ill be-discussed*',by Dr. $10.00 & UP \iwiU's^eak at 10 a.m.:to the -show segments of the televi­r-i--n?.-.LBJ Auditorium. , ...v,r,-. sion series at 8 p.m. in the Share the rent® btoCK to shuttle 477 2543. „ Gatsbyt, 1 REDKJN RETAIL CENTER LBJ Auditorium.: 4 can share mk I 'promptidnal materials and Television and -radi6;„ > UNF. DUPLEXES 2br-2b H -OPEN EVENINGS i T hiistpriciilm costumes provid-programs; from the 1930s to , 1102 KOBIIG UNE r UNIQUE 2 bedrooms; sU5. jatch«n -ed /by ' I^ramourit". Pictures ' the 1950s' will be presented • ' 452-9078 " mCONCERTS PRESENTS vrill beWdis?>liy;iiii'tt^Com> throughout the day until 5­ $66.25 I M04 A ReeserLane. y-ttM. -. : p.m. ENGLAND'S #1KILLER BAND each B CHOICE LOCATION;.:lower brick; Keyiiotin^ Journalism Day, Advertising Day^ Tuesday, per month H reU|r%"a'tor' ,lo«.mc;r|!?M"sru. O^ TllOmaS Van Thomp^/ joUT-will feature afive-screen mul­ Ptace. Rio Grande i nalist and aH®01' will'speak timedia presentation by the ,. FURNISHED! SOUTH 1bedroom nearShuttle buvCar-'1 •; storaoe, AC SI 10. 160e-A Parker ; ne.442-4121. , ALL BILLS DUPLEX 2 bedroom duplex for rent Uva qule! Trencher IS* Northeast Austlnresldentlal neighborhood. Each duplex offers large COME TO fenced bacfcyird, covered ptntlngi ex- Antonio tra.storage.room. Plus washer, dryer connections. Kitchen .appliances-tvr- SEBRING nlshad. sl«o plus bills: Call *2*229*.' BY Hours ROY * PA ^ . . IT5 A /Pitcher THURSDAY, MARCH 20 • 8PM SAN ANTONIO MUNICIPAL AUD. -v : I RESTAURANT NATURAL. SI, K A SS OHVSAIJE NOW AT JAM & JILLY'S S ?£.N?-RAlviTORE- CONVENTION CENTHR BOX OFFICE AND ALL STORES. TtCKETS IN AUSTIN AT RAYMOND'S DRUGON RIO M GRAND& FOP TtrKET INFO PHONF BUM * . an 1 DIVISION Or IJT COMMilMCATl0US CO. Waitan, Cooks • Bro8*fOwf(. , r« HAIRDRYERS ; SEBRING BY ROY IS THE -'d PLACE FOR YOU, WHERE WITH-IT HAIRCUTTERS ,DO YOUR KIND OF HAIR ORDER BLANK Career oaparbnltiee'-Bad .OJItada: WITHOUT SPRAYS OR TEASING WITH toimjUum* • ptnooal MMltKW. — JUST THE GREATEST MOST NATURAL LOOKS GOING. C'MON IN AND SEE FOR jpOl^Q Pampas. :* YOURSELRi^.^^, ; , J& APPC«Nl'MEN^M/I.V^>2->400 B17 W. 24th Wilderness/Whitewater 2f0t SeaGelrisl ,• OPEN MON-SAT •4 University of 474-3712 Student Newspaper at Th«UnHenHyof Texas of Austin California, Santa Cruz Summer I Language % Institute^ Offers Intensive eight- CLIP AND MAIL TODAY! week I Programs fnai WRITE YOUR AD HERE Beginning and Intermadiatk" FRENCH Baglnning ' GERMAN Beginning, Intnmsdlsta •nd AdvSncad -• RUS8IAN Beginning -and Intermadlats SPANI8H Juns 23 -August!5;19^6 (sight yvsaks) Amount Enclosed­ .v; y -jUse this handy chart to quickly arrive U^.-to .15 quarter unit*s A -f *' . at cost. ;. . .*• Number of Days _ University Cfedlt®j5|!f Tuition:$3S4 ^ v (15 word minimum) ; , Mail To: j /OMdllna M*V 16tff^ DAILY TEXAN CLASSIFIEDS C NO. . y, Times Times times .Times Times Ulphone::(408)429-2952 P.O. BOX D -UT STATION'^ Wo'rdsV'i''-'^: 2 10 5 20 fdr; information.at>outthlt AUSTIN, TEXAS 78712 ->s| Cost per word .11 program wnta to: ., .M .40 JO 1.40 OeorgeiM. BenigsenVt-i* 1.65 3.00 6.00 1030 21.00 . NAME I^Ceerdlnalor.. . , 16 , 1J4 3.20 6.40 11.20 22.40 i ' •« ADDRESS ummar Uutguage 17 4 '1.87 140 6J0 11.90 2110 J Institute >,• « cnyJ ' 1.98 340 7.20 I2.M 25M University of 'California Santa Chj*, |CA 95064 ,2.Q? .3^0 , 26.60 ymiHt' u ^ 7.M 13JJ0 v-ja.- WJ»' > PH0NL < or* »• Thi^sdflY. 1975 THF..DAH = n IfiiSi •v > saVA**1 I*< 4, * M,"* ^ ™ *. -»"* «i. tV®-|t£-V « '•£ ^ . , > , -'".J-"?-.'". / , -•?£ $«u r«|jl C&MC'•*-f&&.-•*2$zit!~<--.-"OC'-J^VarV-i?•• -J.I JS'QZ?« H «a -4* ,£• ~~ CS1-t-"** V ""» *>•i •** * 5fc TV V. n the Public Interest "la the Public Interest" isa service of .the University s According to the* FVmrt and Ding chapter of the Texas Public Interest Research Group of Radiological Health, the model number yon gave is (TexPIRG),which seeks to inform ami aid the public in .within the federal standards."The modelsthat werefotmd> consumer-related issues. If .you have a problem or are 'to be. emitting excessive radiation should have been looking for information, write to TexPIRG, Consumer " recalled by the original manufacturers for modification. Services. 816 W. 23rd St.. Austin, Tx. 78705; or call 477-A complete listing of all models on the federal recall list . 3U8. • are available at the TexPIRG office. " My former landlord refuses to refund my deposit A local store offered a specialdiifoiitside on records ^ because hedaimedrepairswere necessary whenI moved in an advertisement I received throagh themaH. What I oot. How can I get my deposit returned?M.LJ<. showedupat the store, they said they were oat of the Under the law passed by the Texas Legislature in 1973, records.-TOs has happenedmore thai aaee.Caa they be a landlord cannot withholdany amountof security deposit stoppedfrom advertising this way? K.L.R. for repair of reasonable wear and tear on (he premises.If . Xhe manager, of the store in question has agreed to the landlord has withheld any of your deposit, he must make availableto you acopy of the recmUatthediscount within 30 days of your vacating the premises give you an .price. However, the Texas Deceptire Trade .Practices itemized list of costs for all repairs and must be able to and Consumer Protection Actstates it is a "false, mis­prove reasonableness of such repairs. After contacting leading or deceptive practice", toadvertise goodsor ser­the manager of your complex, it was agreed that your vices with the intent not to supply a reasonable expected deposit should be refunded and it Will be sent toyou short­public demand unless the advertisement disclosed! a ly-. 7 limitation of quantity. In this case, the advertisementyoQ For ia definition of reasonable wear and tear, see the received specifically stated the quantity available was .» TexPIRG Landlord Tenant Handbook available free at limited. v " . '5'.. • the TexPIRG office. ' ' Did yoa'know? *•;. I recentlypurdiaMd a portable coUr teievisionfrom a • A tenant cannot withhold payment of the'tasl month's local retail chain, and Iknow the federal governmentlas rental, ofany portion thereof, on the grounds that the been tavestigatiBg the radiation emlisiaa levels of TVs ' security deposit servesas asecurity for thennpaid rents. sold by this company. Icontacted the company to'flnd oat If he does so, he is liable to the Iandhrid for triple the ' about this model, and thoiagh they said it waj within amount of the rental wrongfully withheld land for federal standards, I wwlld like tofce (ive. MRS. M3.' -reasonable attorney fees in a lawsuit to recover the ren­tals. . • Campus Briefs • niemtiefi.1 •/ ~ L EUn nOBT aSl ilM a> 7:30 jm tt UMOM mum ttmi«ii« mn-.TImiifty at.Ptoa HiA. n Memorial-Sholarship.arA ^^Bu^fl^^ .rn.-wc , Wfpcrlory-Ttigmll*l» KentinqTom' ^aruflbper rf m»um Malt and­ soonsor the Ton Union Student "l;-Qwl St, teiljMr^SttTuJlnttaam..­i available in West Mkll Office "I**,"1" *"*» « ""pp* iw PaiotfMrorirt 16 IS:30 pm. Thurs--Dobie. discuss -Coocgpliott to ««• ^"' ' ' ieta^tpnj|MM|«t7pjR.Thn- TOM UHKM OiniUtM UKII—IT WMM ASSOdAnON «m meet at7{uh. dayipp^tLrrhABay mto>nr» Mr. and Mrs. &rter Christie ' .Mil sponsor He play thuriday ln'Jes»er Center A3B9 to tectum ahdd&aftslestOes,. the ptindptoand befiefs of tlfRnONSiMWMarwa'meetatlpjn. " Faith. Ttairsdair >»'BaSowidHaB JR. •VOMMUMOBOBvill wvasnv MMMttoom vai noon Thursday in Jester meet at tpJ^tlHarsnyto CUbotm may be in financial need. 'genent admission. Center. AII5A toprcsenta workshop Kali M tt dbicns dHcs md hear AIM v on "Value Oaglficatton.** KarltUaose ' Applicatiob deadliiie is April L will sponsor a lector* OtMAD NOttK wit!me*tat9pjn.Ttarv. the Gutt^l ' " " ;;.A'*C^icacu»" L*diiTe; Serfc" With . day'at3f1 E.3tst St.Aptm fer • "WOMMTI '^dilferen! studMts profiting class irt Jewish ethics. ' by the Reedtogj aed SMy Skats pS^n'ontSfttnnfaspedS of."L». pl AtftM wPI inert ft7:30 pjn,Tbun-(CMSSU w« Vneel.ataaew Tterv pAan»«TBj«sr «f 5pcm.T»*irs-In The Chapel crftheHotySpirit day in Jes*erCe^ A33r : . ..da*fa ttej«s^ RoQCTv «ou(iti floor; to tSscuss the.promfsesof God. ~ l jaMB A wine and dieese party to? > v„T*"*^acc»lM«f-ocvnorauMT amis an facility and in the, ; . oMwoumtwMmeetatutpun. r V^T . ^ • .™""* «« sponsor.a leelwe -Thursday In Home economics wtth Moftp '-.Ntafc j *.ol ttw;' College Social and.V.-;^^.<1^aasrclMachlsnio''«rtn> ., Buadin9v-j WeUareter CMM OiwIoUiiaiil •*. "• as Tawcm.: _ ~ given from 4 to 5:30 p m ^^;Amerti»3tw»^at*'|uiu'Tiiurs-: Thursday at the Alumni snamir^* ni l iifi* Center, courtly of the Social ; WMUma^Mltlf7:M|XTO.-* imat TobaAlwaaEGSE-stm and Behavioral Sciences Stu­ :' 'y"y*Ttun&rIn.••' 'Han dent Council ' ^ ' :;• Graa.neesfc•" • "• *• 'Ynr't'n" I'milTi "'«i»r»«MMiiimII— fciiiiiiiii" slnf/aAfate. AdHtfa»« Is ^ -1rt-^Egaa^'^riSBri^STtSSgg^:' T**« mmnammtoamm.-hi-.'-or*wBi»wuin«*a«4^V . .sponsor *n orteMation; milai «drxJ&|;day , in Parlte H4II. Ttt to: ^ocialaalsts^iHtli^jftrniandin^; toacHMO/wyatcxooicM. HIIIU • ^ Ty<«Wlv^'comn>lllte chalnnan kinBiley KBdinar-dhSt •i Uwlte ttofftrinj a ptychoHmny, tor lTlS?tat43gand7-fljn. Thuf3r-X«wrefie«: ' s^>j.d4y In fbe Texax Colhire Room^ .'tiiliftaliiw.f : • si(Vi>acs > -flAfTp^meric^Met&d^ShidMt' ^^Ceftter.1 j--:-7^:s'-:;VV,'vy;^ iW/ „ , a< Tburs^r at33WCrpotns Sl^ A^t„3MiiM»|||imiiiiii iwirtr^ TEXAN B UWW TtiCT COiUnBi TW0I ^ v^a*,^for.« eneetti6->:^-:',4^"'-^^^'-jiV^A-'ser a aobe awrs***»:sti5er^ spoos^thefilm^Ainchon'Aweltf^ vMknwaBML Jn^Mr aaDMBaMM '• • •u_i^L 1v7¥v^,.« ----.•• ^ wmmeet14ymmonduvfctha " i^niirwi• TwlainfiTi •!" WAm AOS ^.»V tor^ Internaltoaat"-"Otflgg in rdiinitt -tif* at'blia^tlHraliflte stodn^.fioiHy.and staff %XM\» I 2H3SS?? ^ i vm mmmm m§ •f­ ••m '"WS. m$m Duringthe clinicthe following tests wrill be performed: " ~ TK^ •TrnMlm*, i yr'jc When was (he last timeyour phonocartrldge 10® turntable had a tunemp?#| Records that soundout-of-tune and distorted may be the victims of M awomsMus ora atanwrarttMne,«»a« l» .-^9*'. awomsiyius damaging defects in your tumtahft cnanger astern (no matter what brand of magn^c Cartridge you SHOW SPK1A1«KBONAil ^i^r P|?Per.Jrt?sJ',9. turntable speed, channel balaiice and ^ ^skahng, trackabiiity,arm bailanceand stylus back- SHtfftl-CARTRI06IS AND fng foree.;Brhg to yogr ionitaUe aid maiRsticcartri^ oirfy. The ,, KmACUKKI STYU FOR THE potential improvements in performance and savingsin repair costs mo aiMC DAYS. .are well .worth,your time and effort, and tlfe clinic-wont cosfyou fr" --t%s-J « llootl t^r 5 p.«l£ „\tr •'-1 •» „•» V * k ii Thursday/ AAarcfa 6,197Ithk lr»An.v FROM OF JEANS Levis BenningtonCountry Shirt Check $16 •*& %Landlubber |p Chelsea . -Bell Bottoms l&m?' |&, Jeans $16 Navy Brown Tan Lt. Blue lsris -— % •-$14; ^ -'•Sggk MI-,"*•Hpt* Ijipirram^luali »&