5 CO~l'ltll':l":TIAL OCI fl07l";7/78 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY D1roctorate of Intolligence 30 ·August 1968 INTELLIGENCE MEMORANDUM The Situn tion in czechosiovakin (As of 1130 lbT) • 1. Reuters i~oportad· th.is morning that: Premier Ccrnik privately informed a group of government officials thnt Soviet military commanders had throatened--presumably while .. the Moscow parley was in progress--to tnke over t'lic count1·y ·"w·i th brutal force if necessary." Cernilt is snid nlso to . have stated that the Soviets have · com~il~d a list of people, numbering in the t.housnn~s,4 to be arrested and taken from th~ country. Cernik allegedly advised the govarnment.offi-. ciala to ur1e "tho best ·braine0 of Czec~oalovakia to leave the country while they could. a. AP baa reported that clandeattuo ra~tq stations in Czechoslovakia ceased brQadcaatina .today. · JrBIS, how­ever, wa• still monitoring some stations, inol~ding at loaet ono atil'l calling 1tsolfl0 Radio Czechoslovakia .ns or .0800 IDT this morning~ soviot preesuro, direct or tndiroct, 'ho­ ' ·over, is cau•ing tho prosa to exorc1se ruatraint. In ~rno, !!!!!!..l'ronta, 'ho proas organ of the youth or"anization, .. DECLASSIFIED '. E.O. 12958, Sec. 3.6 .. N,LJ[AAe qct-.20i · COt'H'HlRtlTIAL..By ~ , NARA Date.1:S:QJ v. -60.NFll>iU·JTil.L 'appeared.today With two columns blank, suggestinK censorship has beeit imposed~ Svoboda ,(Freedom), the party's paper ' . in Bobemla, todap reported that it 1• •ttnt\'oducing ,;olf.., diaciplino because of the realities of tbo sttuatlop, w)1ch is ao absurd r" ln addition, the heads or Czochoslovak t•l•Yiaion and radio have aone "on vacation," Doth. mon reportodly wero on a Soviet black-list• • c