.°".'!"" ' I ; . . I ··~· . . ! : • SC U.2363/68 ·.·;:' . .. :I EO 12958 3.a(b) (f)>25Y~s ' (S) ; . ·.' . : ~ CElq'l'RAL ll'lTl3LL:IGEi4CE AGEl~Y Directorate :of Intelligence · · l ,September 1968' (J) :INTELLIGB~CB' l~MOnAilDU~-1 The Situ~ti'O~ in nunu\ni·a ·and· cz·echo·s1·ovak·ia (As. of 1530 ED!r) ," i ·l•· The ·o;; Attacne ·in:.nueharest reported today that. tenaion in Bucharest has decreased. He stated that the n\any tC\~l~tia · ·~o~f.i~.ers and securitY'. ~roops who had been in the numanian cap~tal ·a~e now~~ona. A:UPI correspondent also reported that .Bucharest was oalau as. well as the town of Iasi, only sixteen miles from th& ·Soviet-Rumanian border • . 3. ·A R-adio c~·echoslovakia broadcast this mor11i~'l.CJ repo:rted .~ha~ .the. 9'0vernrnent' s press secretary has denied that t>remier Cernik .appealed for th~ "best peopl.e" in the country to ·ie.ave ))~cause .the Sovi&'es. have cornpiled a bla.ckll.at. '·SANITIZED E.O. 13292 Sec 3i5 .Nw&c.'4-.;i.,f ~ . 8YTNARA,oa~~ .... .._-. -...... ·-~ . I -· ~----.__ ~~r~portefly published a manifesto s~gned by .more th!n twenty intellectuals denyi~g th~~ there bas b~en a maas exodus. Both the.bro~dcast and· lt\lde P:r:a-vo statement. are probably I .·, --• • de_'s~gned to calm' down the jit.t.ery populace. The US Er.\bassy reported yes~erd~y .that· A Conside~able number of intelleotuals ; I and.news media representatives are preparin~ to qo unde~ground ... . . . ·. . . . . . . qr· leave the .country." (See Situation Report as of 0700, 1· September) · In adaition, Deputy Interior Ministo~ Jan ZA:ruba . ·. • ·, ! . • rep~rted~y has conwitted suicide rather than work wit~ the • ! • Soviets. . : . . 4. some Czochoslovaks,·meanwhile, ·continue to question . . . ' the value of the Moscow ~g~eel)1ent, : Radio Czechoslovakia this . rnorni~g. P.binted out that thus far all the compromises have · 'been .mad~ by Pr~9ue and critioised. the Soviet Union for not · a.'biding by the agreetAent:' ~ provision that I-10scow would not . . . . . . . : · interfere in Czechoslovakia'a internal affairs. · tiid·ova : ne:mokr·a·o·ie ;· the· People•s ~arty ; paper, 'succinctly awnmarized ·; the situation by pointing·to the vicious circle a~g"Wdent that · .j i . . troops wiil not leave until ~he.&~tuation •normalizes,-and . I . the situation will riot; normalize until the troops le~ve. s. ·~oviet ~orpea ~ontinue eo atamp out Caeohoalovak media resisting the occupation. A transmitter in Bohemia :i .. . • . I . I . :· .. i . ._..,... - .. ~.___·______, curta~~ed it~ acti~~ties on l September, infor~Ai~g its listeners I • •• • I •. t ·that -=fo:i.eign troops0· bad occupied the stat.ion. ~ Slovakian •. • I • · ·· p~rtY. newspaper· stQpped distribution to(lay followi:r'9 Soviet. m~l~tary censorshiP; of a :"number Of articles." irhe .soviets are still pu~sui?9 their castigation o~ Lit~ra~ni Listy, whoso ::• • ; I • • • I. . -~ffices reportedly .were sacked on 29 A~gust.followi~g its l I • . I ·~_defia~ce of the .occupation• . The journal aubsequentiy ceased ! ! . ·publication .9n its. OWn rather than: submit to.censorship• .1· 6.. Tbe ~is~p~earll.llc:e of Czechoslovak news o~gan~ is now being ·accompanied by the en\ergence of soviet-controlled ones •:~, . i .. • Russian aol~ier.a_ dr1ove thro~gh I?r~gue on 31 A~gust dlstributi~g. free copies of an! oce.up;at.ion netrspape:t:,· zprayx (News). Also, · . ~he ·sovict-con~roi1eci clandestine radio; the "Workers Voice of 1_··th~ . nepu~i~!?," c~lled· for a p~ge of all those who "oomn\itted , .actions ~f;iin~t th~ party in the Novotny era.u 7 • !l'l10 Soviets are now maJ:i-!19 public references. to Dubcek on. their news mediA. Dubcek was considered. by "tr1orlters Voice•' to-" have the "confiden_ce» of the C2iechoalovalt party. ·DuJ;>cek also .appeare~ ·ori Moscow television for the first time, shown seated al6~~ side .of ~voboda at the Mosoow·talks. Meanwhile, the Soviets have.made no mention of the~r own leade%­ship recently, other !than ~rief remarks deacribi?9 the pUblic I '~. appearances o~ tw~ r1r8t Deputy Pretr1U.ers., Mazurov· and Polyana)c; • .. a.' Moscow is telli?g its own z:eadership that counter­ revolutionary forces are still active in Czechoslovakia, thus jus~ifti~g a continuea need for the occupation. On the other hand, a P~avda commentary aescribi~g opposition to the occupation ·by other Communist partiesimade n~ reference to ~~ther 'Yugoslavi·a or: >luntani~'9 . 'l'his may'.be the first in4ioation, albeit . . .. ' ; . ·a tenuou~ one,,,t~at l4oscow, is tryi?9 to stop rumors r~gardi?9 still anothe~ _Wars~w·Pact invasion• . . i • -4­ ~1 ·1 ·1 12. ·:The ·next ·Sitn~p will be published. at 1100 EDT on 2!September unless the ~ncom~g info.z:mation 41otates otherwise. ;, 13. The Czechoslovak central conwittee~ which apparently .· . ended its de.libaratio~a this morni~9', heard party leader o.ubcek ., . ~gain. stress that. Cz~eHo~lovakia ~ust avoid arousi~g suspicions it. . • that~ill ·~ot· live up to the Noscow ~greemen~. H& noted that · in the past Pr~gue ,had not su£fieiently taken into account the •• ' t 0 ."dark and real power of international factors, includi~g ·the v~ews of Moscow.: i•. In a· tacit admission that the party's reform pr?qram may be ov•r,iDubcek stated that the str&te9ic and general . . . . . . .• I I I • • intere~t~ of Mosc~w and its allies im~aG •:ea.l, objec~~vely existi?g, and limt~tp9 factor•• for the •pace· and form" of I .' '• ·. ~f----1. •·.~ ·~-·~ Czechoslovakia's ~olitical ~evelopment. In.goneral, Dubcek's spe.~ch; pr.ovides further evidencE• that Pr~gue has boen forced to accept Mosco~'s directives.concernin9 its internal.affairs despito the Moscow ~gl:eement, lS. No~ethelessr the .central conwittee did select a new · party· pre~idium which· aP,parently is laFgely pr~gressivo or moderate in qomJ?OSition. : t>olitical labels, however, may no lo~9er mean as much as th~y did before the inter~ention. Of the 21 pre.sidi~m members. (an_ increase of .ten}, l3 wer~ nan\ed . to the presidium selecte~ py th,0 14th Part-y Co~gress, which met 11 on. 22 A~gpst'·and was su}?sequently denounced as "ill~galby Moscow. The communique :s~ggests, as did an earlier speecb by Dubcek, that the ·party .iha.s deoided to set aside the :r:esults :;, of the 14th Co?gress • . . ; I.. I • . -·---­ '--·· . -,-----· -·-·--------·--·· ·~-....................~-~.......--:.__