August 2011967 Sunday 4 p.a. Subjeot: Body ot UiS. Citizen Found in Prague River The body ot Charles H. Jordan. an Am.erioan who was an ottioial ot a Jewish r•liet organization, was tound today in the Vltava River in Prague. ~ordan had been ais&ing tor tive days. Cause ot the dea1;h 1• not knoq. He had been the objeot ot a nation-wide sear•~ by Ozeoh poltoe who were intoraed that he was missing by our lblbaaa7. Jordan was a lalown dtt1oer ot the Aa~can Joint Diatribat1on Committee •hl h p~o•idea 14 to z.-. in lfor.:tb. Urica, the Jliddle a t an.4 IDrOM•