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PC-Based Decision-Support System for Trinity River, Texas

J. Water Resour. Plng. and Mgmt. Volume 121, Issue 5, pp. 375-381 (September/October 1995)

Issue Date: September/October 1995
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David T. Ford
Consulting Hydrologic Engr., P.O. Box 188529, Sacramento, CA 95818.

J. Russell Killen
Halff Assoc., Inc., 4000 Fossil Creek Blvd., Fort Worth, TX 76137.
A personal computer (PC) based decision-support system (DSS) can provide real-time information for improved flood prevention and control in the Trinity River basin in Texas. The DSS components (1) retrieve, process, and file rainfall and streamflow data; (2) estimate basin average rainfall, update model parameters, and forecast runoff; and (3) simulate reservoir operation in order to forecast regulated flows basinwide. The DSS uses custom software for retrieving and processing the data and an industry-standard database-management system (DBMS) for filing the data. It uses specialized versions of the well-known programs HEC-1 and HEC-5 for forecasting runoff and simulating reservoir operation, respectively. The DSS integrates these components with a specialized program manager. Although not yet used as designed, potential improved flood prevention and control with the DSS are demonstrated with historical storm data.

©1995 American Society of Civil Engineers


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  1. Albert H. Halff Associates, Inc. (1992). "Flood prevention and control for the Trinity river basin."Rep. Prepared for TWC and TRA, Dallas, Tex.
  2. Burnash, R. J. C., Ferral, R. L., and McGuire, R. A. (1973). A generalized streamflow simulation system: conceptual modeling digital computers. Nat. Weather Service and State of California Dept. of Water Resour., Sacramento, Calif.
  3. HEC-5: Simulation of flood control and conservation systems, program user's manual. (1982). U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Davis, Calif.
  4. National Weather Service (NWS). (1972). "River Forecast System forecast procedures."NOAA Tech. Memo. HYDRO 14, Hydrologic Res. Lab., Silver Spring, Md.
  5. Peters, J. C., and Ely, P. B.(1985). "Flood-runoff forecasting with HEC-1F."Water Resour. Bull., AWRA, 21(1), 7–13.
  6. PREAD: Functions, macros, menus screens manuals, user information. (1990). U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Davis, Calif.
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  8. Sittner, W. T., and Krouse, K. M. (1979). "Improvement of hydrologic simulation by utilizing observed discharge as an indirect input (computed hydrograph adjustment technique—CHAT)."NOAA Tech. Memo. HYDRO 38, Hydrologic Res. Lab., Silver Spring, Md.
  9. Sorooshian, S.(1983). "Surface water hydrology: On-line estimation."Rev. of Geophysics and Space Phys., 21(3), 706–721.
  10. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). (1990). "HEC data storage system user's guide and utility program manuals."Rep., CPD-45, Davis, Calif.
  11. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). (1991). "HECLIB. Vol. 2: HECDSS subroutines, programmer's manual."Rep., CPD-57, Davis, Calif.
  12. Water control software, forecast and operations. (1989). U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Davis, Calif.

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