TEXAS BUSINESS REVIEW Bureau of Business Research The University of Texas Vol. XI, No. 7 August 27, 1937 A Monthly Summary of Business and Economic Conditions in Texas and the Southwest BUieau of Business Research, The University of Texas, Austin, Texas Entered as second clu1 matter on May 7. 1928, at the post office at Austin , Texas, under Act ef Aurust 24, 1912 STATISTICAL NUMBER CONTENTS PAGE LIST OF CHARTS Indexes of Business Activity__ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------2 LIST OF TABLES Banking Statistics ____ _ ______ _______ ____ __ --­---­------­---­-­-­-------­-----­------­--­---------------­ 6 Building Permits ____ _______ ___ _____ __ __ __ _______ __ ______ _____ ___ -----­----_ -------------------------------------­ 7 Carload Movement of Poultry and Eggs ___ . ----··-­------­-­--­--­---­-------­---------­ 3 Cement ____ __ ____ -------------------· ----· --­------­-----·­-----­ ---·----·-------­ ·-·--­------­----·--·­ 4 Charters ---·------­---­--------­--------­-------­----­------­---------------------­-----------------------­---­-----------­ 5 Commercial Failures ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 Commodity Prices ___ _ 4 Consumption of Electric Power______ ___---------_____ -----------------------------------------7 Cotton Balance Sheet ___ ______ __ _______ __________ ____-----------------------------------------------------7 Credit Ratios of Retail Stores ____________ _____ -------------------------------------------------------6 Employment and Pav Rolls Classified by Cities and Employment Groups____ __ 8 Index of Agricultural Cash Income____-----_ ----------------------------------3 Lumber ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 Petroleum --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 Postal Receipts ------------------------------_____ .. --------------------------------------------------------------­ 7 Retail Sales of Independent Stores ---------------------_ ---------------------------------------------4, 5 Shipments of Live Stock Converted to a Rail-Car Basis -------------------------------------3 Stock Prices -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------­ 7 TEN CENTS PER COPY ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR ·-·--------­ JULY CARLOAD IOVE 1ENT OF PO LTRY PETROLEUM A D EGG Daily Average Production On Barrels) Cars of Poultry Live Dre sed Can of Ege• July July Chfokens Turkeys Chickens Turkeys Jun e 1937 1937 1936 1937 1936 1937 1936 1937 1936 1937 1936 1937 1936 East Central Texas __________________ 123,050 55,640 121,900 East Texas_ __________________________ 469,300 426,810 465,250 Shipments from Texas Stations Gulf CoastL------------------------20.J.,850 249,430 TOTAL -1 43 33 3 1 48 37 197,600 North Texas______________________ _ ____ 73,100 59,450 72,400 Intrastate 1 2 1 8 6Panhandle _____________ --------------77,900 61,470 82,400 Interstate ------·-----1 42 31 3 40 31 Southwest Texas ________ ------------235,550 84,370 232,950 West Central Texas _____ ----------33,800 25,680 33,300 Interstate Receipts Classified West Texas______________ __ _ ___ 202,500 179,430 197,500 ew York 17 21 4STATE ________ -------------_____ l,420,050 1,142,280 1,403,300 lllinois _____________ _ 3 1 4 9UNITED STATES ___________________ 3,561,750 2,945,460 3,520,550 ,\1assachusetts_ ___ _ 3 1 1 2 Imports __________ ----------------------182,071 158,806 182,464"!" ew Jersey______ 1 2 1 Pennsylvania ___ 1 15 3 2 3 1 fReviscd. Louisiana ______ _ 8 10 1lncludes Conroe. Connecticut _____ 2 NOTE: From American Petroleum lnstitutt:. Sec map, page 13, of the isi:.uc of June 28, 1937, showing the oil producing Missouri ____________ _ 3 l:Jistricts of Texas. Georgia ________ 1 2 Michigan _______ 1Gasoline sales as indicated by taxes collected by the State California ________ 4Comptroller were: June 1937, 106,562,000 gallons; J wrn 1936, Alabama __________ 1,975,000 gallons; May 1937, 103,736,000 gallons. Florida __________ 3 2 Rhode Island._____ 1 Ohio __________ 3INDEX OF AGRICULT RAL CASH 1 COME Tennessee ____ 4 Maryland _________ 1 July July Jun e J\lississippi __ __ _ 1 District 1937 1936 1937 ebraska ____ 2 1-N -----------------------------------173.0 32.0 119.1 Kentucky _____ _ 1 1-S -------------------------------___ 134.4 83.3 220.4 Wisconsin __ 2 2 ------------------------------------162.6 100.1 263.9 3 ---------------------------------196.8 Receipts at Texas Stations 100.6 221.3 4 ------------------------------------------187.7 102.9 143.1 5 ---------------------------------160.3 92.8 134.0 TOTAL -------8 25 Intrastate _______ 6 --------------------------123.4 84.7 202.6 6 16 interstate _______ 7 -----------------------------154.9 97.1 184.5 2 9 8 ----------------------------------94·.6 28.1 138.7 9 -----------------------------------79.8 35.4 132.9 Interstate Shipments Classified 10 ------------------------------------------91.3 57.6 80.0 Kansas __________ ___ 2 710-A*_______ -----------106.8 123.4 55.3 Louisiana ____ 1State -----------------------_________ 135.2 55.7 163.8 Illinois ---------1 •1ncludcd in di stric t 10. Non:: These data are furnished the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Division Average month-1928-1932=: 100%. of Crop and Livestock Estimates, by rai lway officials through agents at all stations Non: Sec maps, pages 5 and 6 of the issue of June 28, 1937, showing the which originate and receive carload shipmen ts of poultry auIishments to the Bureau of Buainese Re1earch, coOperatine with the United Statel Bana• of ~ Stat11t1c1.