•» * "*3E" jy. Wi;vp>*S 't. & *ijg j"3# T?m L%) . • #$$£ •>¥*1 ^t-* "i i jjW ~ 5-JJ-V !-••'. '. "Vfcf «rs^r E , ?T'>r 4~ " •::! /fWfiPtlff . -,_. J ' .Student Newspaper at The University of Texas at'Austin ^sjr j fK* Jrf VqI. 74, TMo: 58 Please RecycleThis Newspaper* urn ' $ •Stsjv i£ , • «, Austin, Texas, Thursday,'September'19, 1974 Ten fcents Sixteen Pages 471-4591 •• -< I ... ML II • mL' i =»' •' ' i >'(-«% 3jff > Ford 'Addresses U.N. 6 4* " ^ J *"» A .1 r^i.?;' Cooperation pn Food, Energy AskedpspS policy'-W.ene^''1^><^e^||K^'!'|^v^g'"" • ,ur^ftwartrSne»#^tfS?^| J?residentlFohl presented' to the United ­ need — and to do -t^9tt$^%>p0sing.—^che&ifil^>todncingJiatians. ., Nations on Wednesday a pledge' of in-v unacceptable burdens on the -inter-"•-. Ambassador Jamil Baroody of Saudi _cxeasj^jyL^jfog^aid^_fo£ needy coun-_ -iMtiwial monetary and Mde_system.'T Arabia said he told Ford at a receptiontries, a challenge to Arab oil producers • iater that "it costs me $11 just to"have .In declaring that a global strategy is and an . impromptu endorsement for lunch while' for $10 he can buy enough needed on food and energy, Ford said, ..Secretojx of State: Henry A. Kissinger. gasoline to drive*his car for a week." -"prices oh both should be fair because"it "Failure to cooperate on oil. food-and Several non-Arab diplomats said they should ... be clear, that by confronting inflation could spell .disaster for every ^ were pleased:that Ford, .as .'one.-put it,., consumers #ith production restrictions, nation represented in this room," Ford y.^ had "Uunwn the gauntlet" to"'the 'giT' "artificial pricing and the prospect of ul­ told the General Assembly as he urged "• producers. A Japanese representative". timate bankruptcy, producers will even­ "a global'strategy for food and energy..'' said. "'Somebodyhas to talk openly to the tually become the victims of their«own It was; Ford's, first major foreign / J oilcompanies.-but only the United States actions." . ;; -policy.address of his five-and-one-half-can dare to." ' -week-old presidency; aiid he inserted As for the United States, he said, "it Mlriistec. Andrei SOVIEt FOREIGNhas not'been our. policy to use food as a ' into his prepared speech a paragraph in­ •-*• A Gromyko.. asked what he thought of political weapon;despite the.oiliembargo­ tended to;assure the nation.^the world "Ford's speech,, responded with a smile and Kissinger that his (Kissinger's) role and recent oil price and' production and'said: "'I-am going to study it .will remain unchanged .in the new "Ad. • .....decisions.": '-•* thoroughly." • ministration. ; ':v ARAB DIPLOMATS reacted • with'1 ; After the. address. Ford greeted more IN THE ADDE0 sentence,written out .measured coolness to Ford's^ remarks than -200 delegates and -diplomats at a . in long hand by Ford minutes befpre his •*"r "I couldn't agree with everything he.-!. champagne . reception, then attended a spppch the President declared that said." commented Sabab A.A. Al-Sabah roast beef and lobster luncheon. Kissinger "has my full support and the unquestioned backing of th« American —UPI;Tdephotos people" both as secretary.of state and as head of the White House national securi-, Ford speaks to U.N. Assembly... as demonstrators gather outside. ty system. •­Presidential aides said Ford departed •" from-his prepared text because he ' wanted to underscore his intention that Kissinger will keep his post as director m A, proposal for .Cijfy..;Council salary •1." Binder had proposed a salary level'of Liberal Demos To Challenge 1 _ of the .National Security Council; • ^ar-v=-* -..... • ' raises may win .the; four-Vote majority $12,000 per-year for councilmen and $14,- KSssinger haid been upset by news necessary for inclusion in the city budget 000 per-year for the mayor. reports Tuesday that* an unidentified Thursday — if Councilmen Bob Binder .presidential adviser had recommended . .... "It's very Hard to reconsider, because and Jeff Friedman can reach a com-: he be replaced in the White House job. •I don't think it's an excessive salary," State Converttion Leadership promise.­ AFTES. FORD'S speech, a newsman. Binder said. "But if it is necessary, Iam By BARBARA WILLIAMS minority report. They deliberately1 Carr said the best thing for liberals to asked Kissinger if he personally had ask­Reports of a compromise brewing on willing to take a lower level as the first the salary question, were Acknowledged step."--• . ' 'Texan Staff Writer .delayed until almost 3 a.m., in the dark • •" do is back up and start from the begin­ed for1 words of assurance from Ford: ' •Wednesday by Binder but'denied by Although the stateDemocratic convenr of the night. We were stalled all day,'' ning, proving there was no realistic Tex-"Absolutely not. of course not," he Friedman denied he had .offered a Friedman. Both said they \vould meet tion is over, liberals say the real battle Duggersaid. -:-';:as affirmative action,'plan to get'more replied.; .compromise plan,saying he plans to talk Thursday morning, to discuss the issue. has just begun. , Guest adjourned because he said there -blacks, chicanos, women or young peo-The praise for Kissinger sent a ripple with Binder Thursday morning aboutfthe . "We have 10 days to put together'and was-no minority report; and it couldn't? ;• :ple. • of applause through1 the hall", where the \ • (Related Story, Page 2.)—: . ; salary question. — — ' file a Complaint to the Compliance be.read if it didn't exist, Dugger said. "All these things,should be included in • Nobel Pgace Prize winner sat. with Binder hassought asalary increase for y i : "My problem with the salary is the .Review" Commission. They will send a ''The agenda was screwed all the way, the report to. the-Compliance -Review • delegations from the United States and council , members since his election to -same as it always has been/' Friedman he hart that gavpi down without a motion Commission. '132 other Countries. Absent were Israel-.counpil in the spring of 1973 and has had •said. ,"i haye'serious reservations about " . .2: {RetdlW'.Sofy," Pog«f"3"J : . • • , maSrWliear TesoIutlOHSTBy Skipping ""TEre—ATnerican^Statesman-falsely^ ~ Dan T.nvp leeislatingourselves asalarvltiave told: stated Briscoe was -unfriendly terms with, the three-, or four-person group to hear both : the minority report they were violating1 that elected, as which is on and Councilman Berl Handcoxf Fffed-~ ! the agenda," he said> chairperson to the national, mini-United-States. -„ _man. has:.withheld-his vote because of my feelings about it." s.sidesi then make a report they will pre- ^ There were seven signatures on convention the ^ Ford promised-the assembly thatrtlie" salary level questions and a reluctance • '.sent to the Democratic National Com-" the by delegates, Dugger Friedman hasobjected in the past toa 'i'miUee,'' Billte Jean Carr, Texas minority report, Carr saM, Liberals said. . t: —-United States would spend more on food to legislate a salary to the present coun-salary level higher than $500 per month* »• • turned to the convention floor arfd the shipments to needy countries and boost s ^ :-:4tiationai committeeperson, said Wednes-7; "We were the last people out of cil. j —for council" nlembers w .jvday. ^ ' attempted to.introduce the report, she building, and he was notelected as"far as technical aid to "their food; production as: Council^niembers hdw-receive $10 a Thefourth possible votefor thenar*, • I One" of the biggest complaints by • said.'v, / .•' • "' we know. We wanted 'to.elect our own : programs He also dedlared American , Week^^i\' 1 . ^ •Handcox, said Wednesday,' "Y6u "woVi wil liberal Democrats is that they were not However, Guest's gavel hit the podium chairperson as we did in 1972.-Wewere "r ' readiness' to negotiate a world" food * ipf. ttv?^sSid;"Wednesday. he has com^i w have any problem getting mysupportfoc^ ^^Uowed to make a minority report. Tex-•,too quickly and adjournment replaced told they just wouldn't elect a chairper-, reserve plan', although he gave no fsmittedihiSiSQpport; to-a;possible cbm-"it." " . J %;:as Observer editor al-large"Ronnie the.minority report. son because they didn't, have enough specifics. ; promise salary level suggested by Fried­Handcox.said it had been argued a paid&f^ HE TURNED to the energy question "Dugger said. Dugger said the proceedings of the people," he said. • . man which would take effect Oct. 1\ the _ council '^would result-in corrupt-govern-i-« convention were tape recorded. He said Liberals.Want the segment of the tape with blunt words for the Arab countries: beginning of the new fiscal-year. , "Even if you called the problems we ineht. But those people still have to.be - the1 convention should be notified im­of the convention for the last 10 minutes„ , "Now is the time for the oil producers Binder said of. the proposal, "I mav or elected every two years,v he said. "They -.• had just a political parlimentary hassle, mediately not to erase the tape, delete In the transcript. •to define their conception of a global -may not be together with. Jeff for Get. have to be responsible*'" c ~Q,-c., we' should Still be allowed to file, a words pi-find any 18-minute gaps. At^plnority report," Dugg6r said*. • '.'Regllyall they would have toerase is > Mp* There'was absolutely noquestion there' " Regents Meeting Agenda ; about >18 seconds, besd'use that's how ^ was a minority report, Carr. said. "r .: Tong.it took," he said. • - Liberals had all the votes and ­ '.'When I came out-of the nominations tabulations, but party Chairperson .m .room, Guest told me he lortew I was hereCalvin Guest' of Bryan adjourned On • ines Under Review -stirring up trouble, Calvin (Guest) wasi^s resolution, she said. told-of the report,"„Carr-said. "We were denied being heard. Mike : •Mm -The fact that resolutions were cut off . Noblet of Harris County was standing- By RICHARD FLY paid from state funds "shall be permitted to speak on he will not come.'"^fJ'> |; is a definite violation of rules, Carr said-. ^ii^right-therer^nd.-he asked to make the " Texan Staff Writer the campus or any component institution of the Univer% i Spurr, who has expressed mild opposition to the;; There was not even a motion not to have m\ The University, System Board of .Regents Friday will5k sity ofrTexas System unless the University facility in;s» guidelines, preferred not to comment on his position un-!^^ resolutions, and there was no report of consider new guidelines."fpn-giiest campus speakers • which .the speech is to be delivered will be opened to the.s'i til after the regents meeting. any rule changes, she said. which would allow the news'media to record, videotape public, including members ofthe news media, who will, fe ; System Office of Facilities Planning and Construction _ There is a new party rule that when'-., or tel^astlive'portions of the speech. be entitled to record, videotape or telecast live portionsf ^officials met. most of the day Wednesday preparing a making a slate of. candidates or-oFSTj ",y Presienrregent's rules do not provide for such media'--of the speech." .ii^report for the regents bids for-renovation of^the Uniondelegates, it must be done in an open. ww coveragei ^ltho.ugh it is not prohibited. Besides this protection for the news media, the public, '-.Building, which ran approximately 25 percent abovees- Cloudy meeting, Cftrr said. Conservatives ;' W-6>\ The issue arose when it became known the /contract and speaker are covered in the guidelines.^ . , ;rtimates. ' " . adopted the methodology of passing outfe;; between Supreme Court Associate Justice William O. "No person may. in-any way'obstriict or lessen in any Approval of final plans for the Union renovation is ex®Thursday's, forecast, the'g&vernor's list containing 14 namesj#fe! Douglas, and^he University banned electronic equip--way the opportunity for the audience to take the fullest, ,'pected Friday; but it is unlikely acontract award willbe'w .she said. ' •: calls*for considerable ment from the Union Main Ballroom during his . advantage of the sjjeech, including the opportunity to",' •made. • "All except two people made it on the--r B& night and morning appearance March 5. see and hear thespeaker deliver theentire speech,"the In other construction business, the board will be asked lis governor's list. The whole convention- A restraining order issued by 200th Dist. Judge"? provisions state. -- (io approve the final plans and authorize advertisement.' cloudiness, with a was tainted by the presentation, of the , Charles Matthews voided the contract ban and allowed The key to the ne'w.guidelines. LeMaistre said, is "the for bids on the Welch Hall addition to the Chemistry•governor's slate,' and it was called juste •: slight chance of,/after--, electronic equipment in the ballroom. . ^assurance it gives to the right of the press to cover (the'," Building. : v , „ that. " During its March IS meeting, the regents appointed a speech).and the speaker to deliver his" speech un--The project has an estimated cost of $20 million, noon showers. It will ?k|(: "It should be a public announcement, ; : committee to draft new speaker guidelines when regent interrupted." :• although the original estimate was$15 million. If recent be hot and|iumid with >'foot made in secret, and there isno doubt . Ed Clark questioned the constitutionality: of the ban'. "This is a very difficult area in which to work to -: trends continue, the price will have increased even that slate was made in secret. Harry a low in the 70s and a In addition to'Clark, the committee included Universi­protect all parties involved." he added ifurther by the time bids are taken. •?.}!« Hubbard, president of AFL-CIO, came wh ty President Stephen-Spiirr and System Chancellor' LeMaistre does not expect the-.guidelines to^^ be in?® f ""Regents also will approve the sale of $6 million in ' miSt; high in the upper 80s. out with Briscoe's slate, and that's ilr, Charles LeMaistre. : jurious to.the University, but believes "unless aspeakers® s building revenue bonds and $33 million-in general tuition "legal," Dugger said. The new-guidelines, state no campus speaker who is is assured of the conditions under which he will speak, revenue bonds.-approved at a special meeting Aug. 19. ws The Rodeo Itch—-Once!You've Got It... km IRWIN SPEIZER prevent slippage; cowboy can usually avoid getting hurt, Johnston Texan Staff Writer In addition, all rodeo entrants must wear long-said. iijj Time ir relative, they say, and the rodeo cowboy; sleeved shirts and cowboy hats. Johnston also Nonetheless. Johnston has had his share of the ' experiences what is possibly the longest eight wears acustom-rtnade pair-of leggings (chaps) dyed bumps. seconds in the worlU straddling a 1,500-pound wild red, white and blue with three white stars on each "One time, a budcly and I were riding a rodeo"<• bull. ... side. together, and-he rode first, His horse tucked him'4?^ University student Jay Johnston of Liberty has "Qpwboys sometimes kid you abdut your straight onto his head, and I.was snickering at him; i been riding the Texas rodeo:circuit for about two nfllcggings. They might say, 'It took three cowboys to as he staggered off; I rode next and got-bucked —years and ,ttescribes_bull riding as "the greatest kfMfget-those leggings on,' '-' Johnston/said. . . straight up. and landed on Aiy neck.-Both of lis were- feeling on earth; ?But if you iodirreally^staTpryouiiave-a-bettefe:i*i: knocked goofy. We couldn't find_any way out of ;-wn?n you get a good,ridejthe animal is fcfcklng;r ^'"^^hance^of-catching-theUudge^s eye," Johnston add-:. .-' arena, and when we finally got out, wCcouldn't Find and yOu^re kicking .back, and he bucks yoti back 'til ed . f t my truck" " — " " you're looking .at the sky j; then forward 'til you're Sitting on the horse's back waiting for the chutesi;;s One of thehairiest experiences Johnston has had staring at the ground," Johnston said j£'to open, the rider has to concentrate on his first" ^ was in the Wild Money Bull'event^n Mansfield i IS "The seconds can get pretty-long, especially if £r%mavements. An inexperienced rider might easily They tie $50 betweena bull's horns and darea cow- you re hanging on sideways,".Johnston added. ^^get tangled in the chute.Johnston hasgotten caught boy to go out and get it. 5" v • I'',-.; >• The rodeo rules state the cowboy must keep his Si^at the opening two orthree times, but hasmanaged,}-1' Johnston dared " 5 •"hah'd ifi the rigging for eight seconds to complete a to escape injury ' 'T1"Since1 had ridden bulls before, Ifigured I could ride. , ' • "You just take adeep seatand wait. You can'tbeu-V;, just go out and take the $50.1 waited 'til the bull was ; "You don't want' to underestimate a bull," MStWnking.abqut your girlfrieiid or ydur dog, because'1 fright %,on. mew and then 1 sidestepped. He Johnston saic^, "They are quick and strong, and, you'll get Caught," Johnston said. ' sidestepped too. He caught me under the chin and I^W- 1 some of them'are dishonest. When you get off, they |As:the horse leBves: the chute aftd goes into -Itsd^ threw me for a loop, then he ate the feather on my-41s im "" "want to eat you up, That'g when you've got to hope «i first bufck, the cowboy must "mark" the horse, hat and trounced the hat intq the ground." " -fffy the rodea dov^ms are doing' a good^eb^Johnston i; whichjmeans.locking his spurs at: the pointof:the^i "It was a brand-new hat, toou*" Johnstoa^&led ^ added. P ' ' N thorse'8 shoulder?. As the horse continues to buck/^f Johnston has ridden rodeos all over Texas, in J* ;The only rigging for bull riding is abraided grass ^'|^the rider brlhgs. hls spurs against the anlrtial'sf-' towns like Baytown, Canadian, Childress,"^Silsbeej ^ rope, but bronc rid|ngj whfch Johnston also does, ^ ^-.flanks, ainbyemenj;called raking.Johnston poiiited ^ Borger and others , % "—'— *—" """*' "*•-'——i— . j—-;.V:-He ;.ha8»?t«riresident forstudent pffairs; recommending the plan to University in formulating its ^proposed calendar. Chancellor Charles teMaistre. LeMaistre alterations^ —L could then recommend the proposal to the ^tferi^ alterri^ves'-twfei'wregents^'who wouldh&vefinalauthorttv1 •finals.baclt oneday, shorteningi* Gary.Ellison, chairpersoriof the task torce :rjtamhenQLcSafc days;.;prown vrasskeptical will be sugge&ed to the University QtaneiKf;' thepos^.bttityof affirmativeactionon'ahy ~ Unlit ttfefi," ElltSon ahd tR6 'tasTT^foe'Wni the .proposals by University President endeavor-to coordinate a unified lobbying ap- Stephen Sputr or the Board of Regents. v. ^ proach in favor of the plan with Student "'f To be approved, the proposals must go oneJjN|t Government, the Senior Cabinet, hbnpre -•'of twolfputes. The first possibility would call^^organizations and other academic groups. ty-fm L llgp-f Summer%Fall i ."tTwccui Stoff fhttv by Cort) Jmd Stnwnon^ SALE MWl in %TShirt Art * 'ffS||BiU; -Ames, a sidewalk vendor-artitt,, paints .... _ d IISSMS f^cuitamized.T-shirt at Les Amis' Cafe at 24th and San iMpi f|MAntonio Streets. He works with a pressurized sprayer ' ""'^and says he will take jsrdervfor any T-shirt jabs. SSI No. 4 Jefferson Square ,o^ D' T'/,, 38th & Kerbey Lane > ^ I o 50-75% OFF SUMMER 20% OFF FALL •"S We have a. complete , sele ction of Sony products. y.A r University Co-Op q ^ Stereo Shop ^ 2 3rd and Guadalupe ^ One fiour po'^inq withOP'jtchcjs*' O' >2 Or rt«orf x-_ -j B ti 'i i> A n !• r n a , {J & 3s£CQRD Co! "" MosJ^fO-.orqo Wt-icorv.' y m. PERCOLATORS Reg. $7.95 ISrter" 5 mmi * NOW< mi $6.00 -JVSW I Phoebe SnoW^M each, 4.19 Joni MitcheU®^te5>v f < f T Harry Nillson, >u^^at . mup^r. Lynyrd Skynyrd, 2nd Helping New Riders, Home, Home on the Road HOT POTS kJames Taylor, Walking M6n ' Reg. S6.9S • i ism 2522 Guadalupe^ -km MIOW $5.00 m I# THE APARTMENT SHOP Bpf mmm The University Co-Op $ Sept. 4th & sthr^t"?'''"®' msm H fc.s ^ bESP Huaraches h^ve grown and metamorphosed into-sandals on Wodden wedges and slip-ons . on cork platforms. Fantastic, .looks,,4her$)ip-on J''®'"­ WHAT'S HEW At THf CADEAU? vW V"-SHIRTS FOR MEN! J_' And wowl what shirts* Knit of luxurious ' Enkulure ® nylon, they>ef os they look! Aljvoys (omfo^able,' they move with you. Always nedt, they keep their body-pampering !> Another said the tax cuts, ''especially at ". City Council considered "cut lists" for city:'?" the lower level,'give greatest benefit to large' taxes, and the budget Wednesday, amid" • commercial—property' owners-such-as protests from citizens' groups and city of-:-,-v-developers and banks." flcials who feel the reductions may cripple's The officials received agreement from city programs, fand benefit "the wrongsw-representatives of various citizens' groupson people." . hand at the meeting to protest cuts in city i>: Final decision on the.budget is scheduledlfl; services. for.;Thursday's regular council:meeting. . • g||ff In a letter to the council, Don Cox of South, Mayor Pro/TernDanLove continued!his:an«5|| River City Citizens wrote; /'To talk about an ­ .'.'nounced Vwap'^on. the.budget-by'sup^rting ''"' 'across the board'cut ifi thecity servjcespart" u t.k pfasttar iudgel_is inannrnpriate and city libraries, recreal meanHigiesswfion^wS^?5 *bus serviced selves to a billion^ollar.capital improvenientlM sj, The; council was .in general agreement tosfjc' budget."-" "" """ •"""— -cut the city's" property tax by at least 7.5 „, Love said he is "shooting for a 12-cent tax cehts/frdttv-the current $1.27 per $100 valua-Jff reduction, with one of the biggest budget tion'and to raise the homestead exemption^!® savings closing city libraries on Fridays. . for the elderly from'$3,000 to $S,000. "I don't see any impact of this level cut on • ; Budget cut list^ for Higher property tax ? the Capital Improvements Program;'ViLov6 • cuts of 12, .14, and 16 cents were prepared by said. ' • • t 7 ­city;staff, City officiatesaid the 7.5-cent cut ' ^ , Research and Budget Director-Joe-Lire -. would maintain; existing programs but-warnr; said the 12-cent-tax cut as-budgeted by.his of­ • ed higher level cuts would require serious;:. • fice would eliminate 16 personnel involved in > program reductions and future tax increases;/'le operations of CIP projects. ^ City,officials,:who preferred to remain un^S Councilman.5ob,Binder said he-is /'most identified, ,said the higher ievel-cuts would " impressedby-the-7.5-cent-cut.-Bigger .re-... .undermine the city's ability to service and quests will require' future tax increases.' operate itsown greatly expanded Capital Im­That's no economy," he said. provements Program, (CIP) a" $1 bHliori.^-Councilman Jeff .Friedman also favors the budget for city-facilities passed by council ' .: 7.5-cent cut but wants to finance $800,000 to Aug. 8. . $900,000-in grants to .social organizations "T^ey approved ihe OP without a hiCcup^M through reductionsin libraries and recreation and now turn around and cut-its operating ex^i such as those proposed by Lovets iFrusfrafedBus RiderM Student Pays for 'Pane' A "pane" on the foot wound up costing a said.­University student $45 Wednesday.--' ^Aside frorri dirty language nothing like The pane was glass — inthe bottom half of this ever happened to me before," Dinklage a shuttle bus door. And the foot belonged to'a said. "I haven't been that shook up since the­would-be rider irritated at the prospect of. axle broke op my bus two years ago." waiting for the next unit of the Enfield Road Transportation Enterprises Inc. (TEI) route. drivers,are not allowed to admit anyone un­ The student became so irritated Tuesday less the bus is stopped at one of the authoriz­ whefi the driver would not allow him to board ed stops The TEI rule reads, "Stop signs or at the corner of 21st and Speedway Streets, lights are -not -automatically considered that he kicked the doorglass rather than miss authorized stops ...this rule is to be followed the bus, Barbara Dinklage, driver of the bus, carefully." -«•••••••••••« on'tsendfor the best Hit-Man ; •? in Chicago... If you've got ^ sn complaints or tat''"l suggestions, call us.|^'- JheUniversity & & Co-O Consumer Action, .wlii-ne ' & • • ' 478-4436 Mon. thru mm, 8:30 ^ 5:30 iW&8 •••••••••••••••••••••••••# V. J Corpp. Drug;Specials: Sept. 19, 20, 21 -Colgate Dial^ Pernox?;Toothpaste Shampoo 2 oz. -U. p t; r» Family Size Regular Sug. retail 1.25 Sug. Retail 1;65 or Lemon Sug. RetaU 2.25 .Now ~ '• 1 tlf>f kp} Noil:4& M BrutH acutex Earth ffi Deodorant ® Lemon '•. -«Born A0 *• Polish « Shampoo Sug. Retail JL.Ocf Remover Sug. Retail gg ^»,'CQ •• •"Sale®.ygr XiAU Drugs Have Been Moved To The Front Of The Stote -f;" • >-Jhe Right: Street Floor. ' ^4kfk ' ' -— -• ' 1 ' _ r'>.­ -MVify' * tor ON san /Ktonw J rtisi •VJ t-MS * | K33S sp rs -': £»» ^# i jr^ * /-Tf>jV" *hr • -L ii'M » 9 awfeyr "„v, UK Crisis •mfe..1 &v^v»3k Wilson Callsfor Mandate J* -•^LONDON (UPI) -jr--Prime Minister'S presort to unemployment to-solve tnese legislation i.I-" K feSr Harold-Wilson Wednesday ordered a new •' problems," he said. -..WILSON'S LABORParty said it heeds • parliamentary general election Get:10 to Conseiyative Party leader Edward. a new mandate and anover-all Commons seek a new five-year mandate to deal Heath said, "I welcome this announ'ce-majority;to push through a .program ofhXA;with what he called Britain's gravest -; -•••ment unreservedly. It will enable the Socialist measures, including state con-'' crisis since. World War II. •.-.British people to elect a government trol of large sections of industry still in w!?m. "The. economic crisis is the gravest with the authority and a majority that private ownership. _ \ ­&P since'the war;" Wilson said in a televi­will enable it to govern with the Support -But opinion polls mdfeated it may well >. sion and radio broadcast address to the 7 r of the people." be & neclc-and-neck rate between Labor:;, »>: . .nation. .'.'We have to meet this in.a mood ' Liberal Party leader Jeremy Thorpe and the Conservatives, ending in another " ^oHdetermiftatiaftr Wt^f-y^aliiiiMii or l 1 st^pmate^with the third rankingLiberal tmg-Bntain-down,—--—-—fought—l'orL issues rather, than i)er-~ "Party agam holdiffg a batance-orpower— THeath saia ne aoesltoT ruleout aowHt voted this year — '.'Something fey? peo­.ENDING WEEIlSor ''spe^faTforfH "^mrttTntrparty^hiS'-fliiiewriRple would want to see," Wilson said Wilson saidin^'iTOOimcement-froiB'his ty-. -1 • •-^ • But he said it was made""inevitable"; .No-10 Downing.St. ofticefth^t Queen Thorpe said if-Britain's "present^#;by the political deadlock resulting from Eli zabeth has "graciously signified" she " economic crisis reaches ''catastrophic"fe:®the last general election Feb. 28. will comply with his request to dissolve , proportions, he might join an; aU-partjfe^*:j f W** THE DEADLOCK has tied Wilson's the present parliament. She-will do sp by government:-of national • unity. But he-* hands for the last six months. He said a, proclamation Friday..' • . said both. Wilson and Heath would" first-::^ new five-year~ m'an3Ste is essential to=„, --The^nouncemfint said the natipnjvilL have to step down. 3 iff? give his government powers to fight the:' vote Oct: .10-.—''-little more than,seven' WILSON AND the"Labor Fifty ,* . crisis ' "• "The fight must be led by-a: govern-saidthe new Parliam_ent~wni meefOct. •-coalition. = • ' 2. . 'V -; ment determined to conquer inflation 22 to be.'sworn in and*to elfecfa speaker — WLT«lej>hoto -•-^monthsafter-the. l.ast^lectidn Feb: 28: It however, have rejected : any idea of a WHson, with wife, Mary;&aves from 10 Downing St. after election announcement "There is nfr question of a coalition-. and utterly firm in its resolve not to and that the QUeen will open it officially government," Wilson said. "You do notOct. 29. get determined government adequate to y.-i.-:,tThe -last election Fefc.. 2ft produced a" "the_needs of the nation if trimming and ^ ;nAlU:««i tl. ..2 _ ^ imnrr i e rtftin (t An"»iUfW» >• • political^tefemafe^with iio^^ par^?cbh-rv bargaining is going on'aU-thertjmev; trolling a^ absolute rhajority in Parlia­ .AH three party leaders said the elec^ment. • -. 'J"j Hon would be dominated by 'Britain's­; Wilson hals nin. the country sirice then economic crisis.:AU three described itas at the head of a minority Labor. Party one of the gravest in the country's Democratic Party 'Unity' Coalition Re-elects Guest government. But it was defeated seven history,; with inflation likely-to reach 20 :—r— i,;.' • • • , . ... times before the summer recess-by the percent this year and with the threat of By DAVID HENDRICKS name liberal voters to the nominating the minority report to the convention , THE_CONVENTION also adopted-by-—Gonscrvatives—and T.iharaic imfjnp y nnnrftuil up. to million one -and • . . tin!/*A Jkn . n1ni(n«m ' . . . : " ' tr jobless-again this nirfx committee's list of 15 at-large delegates a floor.. voice approval the party platform,' together to Labor government veto winter. SCOTT TAGLIARINO to < the upcoming., national democraticx?;! Carr hers,?lf is .a member of the . altered, somewhat from Briscoe's. -Texan Staff Writer's convention in December in Kansas City, • national delegation to the Kansas City recommended platform by the platform" After more than 15 long hours ui Mo. as one of the 61 members ' . convention committee. TTe committee struck Jrom Austin's Municipal Auditorium, the state v Briscoe had submitted a list of his 15j?S * selected by the 31 state senatorial dis-the plMform a.Bristoe recommendation Await democratic convention ended Wednes­choices to the nominating committee,' ' tricts. which would allow/.evidence gatheredday with Gov. Dolph Briscoe's'"unity" which adopted it. However, more than 20 OTHER NATIONAL delegates named ' from wiretapjjing to be introduced in MR",coalition achieving all its major objec­percent of the committee objected to the by the districts include Frances court V.' --­ tives.' • , .•' list, allowing for a minority report to be* • Farenthoid of Houston, twice-defeated Two of the strongest planks of the ap-. Official Briscoe's biggest victory came just submitted to Guest. Democratic • candidate for the guber­proved platfonn centered on drug revi­after l a.m. Wednesday with completion Liberal leader Billie Carr of Houston i natorial nomination; Sens. Oscar Mauzy 3*-r sion and prison reform: On drugs, it of 4 two-hour roll call vote. Calvin Guest drew up a.compromise list, the first of Dallas, Peyton McKnight of T^ler and recommended a of By LYNNE BROCK ' The seven-member committee-has' >-redefinition of Bryan was re-elected as chairperson eight names from Briscoe's slate'and A.M. Aikin of Paris, Dallas County Texan Staff Writer been trying to get Wyatt to appear since marijuana to include all species of the • of the State Democratic Executive Com­seven other names',, in ah attempt' to Democratic Chairman Manuel DeBusk Coastal States -Gas Producing -Co^_ July, but Wyatt reportedly declined plant including those hybrids which are mittee over liberal challenger Leonel balance the at-large delegation with • and former SDEC Chairperson Roy Orr President Oscar Wyatt will face a several requests to'appear because of :, being developed-and which have been Castillo, Houston city controller. The more women and minorities. ——• of Dallas.- barrage; of: questions Thursday when ^ .previous commitments. recently identified and may fall outside final tally was 3,125 to 2.183 votes. pi CARR HAD listed Rep. Eddie Bernice Representing the" 14th Senatorial state lawmakers'question him about his . .. i the current statutory definition." . . We are expecting complete coopera­ : The-only other rolljcalLvote during the Johnson of Dallas, Castillo'and;Dr, Mel. District, which includes Travis County, company's role in the energy crisis. convention was conducted Tuesday Bradford, a • Wallaceite from. Irving* are Lisa Hazel and Texas Observer cfHi ''Fu^ermore,'' the platform, read, Wyatt ^ill appear before the House tion from Wyatt," Scheiffer-jaid. testimony .should complete ,the in­ fternoon. By a vote of 3,065 to 1,498, this among others toher minority reportlisti^i' founder Ronnie Dugger. $r?-'the growing and, cultivation of Energy Crisis Committee at 2 p.m. marijuana should be prohibited by law." • vestigative part of the committee's job, 'delegates failed to adopt a credentials Names on Bristioe's list include Attyjj$'|-In other action, rthe-convention Thursday in the' Old Supreme Court -: committee minority report which would " In the1 area of capital punishment, the .and we will be filing a report of our fin- Gen. John Hill, Guest,.State Agriculture' ^ selected • a new62-member executive Room of the Capitol. K.spatpd ^omen delppatps platform approved the reinstating of dings with the governor and the- Commissioner. John White and Rep. committee headed by Guest, with U.S. "We have had some problems in the - Legislatuce. from four couliCies: Jefferson; Dallas,El Amnnnv Hall nf Hnimim .. -nRYjfP-capital punishment along the narrow past with^the murky, gray area of the . "Paso and' Brazos.. . Carr said she would present a chairperson and Juliana Cowden of Wvatt is expected to be questioned at .Supreme Court. THE CONyENTION ended just beofre challenge to the Briscoe at-large delega-" Alvarado as secretary. The senatorial Schieffer of Fort Worth, committee • length about how the Coastal States' gas' 2:30 .a.m.;.'Wednesday leaving liberals fidn before the;national credentialscom-' district selected Colin Carl, an assistant THE PLATFORM voiced firm belief", member, said Wednesday. "We hope-to shortage occurred why the company ­angered after Guest Hgnored a request mittee.. She said she would base the attorney general, and Gretchen Raatz to that "a' constitutionally sound death get some questions cleared up bv talking' -_has not been able to fulfill its contracts. for a minority report vote attempting to .. challenge on Guest's failure to present the executive-committee, -fp penalty serves,as a strong deterrent to to Wyatt." •Wyatt has received much of the blame .. certain premeditated crimes."' com-• Austin, Gov. Dolph Briscoe asked the for the-gas supply problems of .• • Althoughjthe platform'did not mention mittee last .summer to investigate the San Antonio and.the. Lower...Colorado Cypriots, Soviets Agree ^specific prison reform measures,,it did." Coastal States.situation^andrecommend River Authority. • :recommend^ prisoners be. "detained in to him if a special legislative session He is also expected-to ~be questionedsafe, sanitary: and hijmane facilities'— c V' 4^3 should be called to deal wi th the energy -about rumors'that Coastal States oi­ Jafe_tojreventinjury to the law-abiding problem. ficials manufactured the fuel shortage. , as.well as.injury to others incarcerated ?With them...." . f A proposal dealing with postsecondary neujscopsules ^.NICOSIA (UPI) — Cypriot President Glafkos Clerides -anil idea of creating an international body, preferably Composed of .education asked that all persons who mmm • Soviet Deputy-Foreign Minister Leonid F. Ilyichov.sjaid Wednes­( Permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, to act as desire postsecondary education beallow­ |sjay they agreed all foreign troops must he withdrawii frotn,S guaiantor. of Cyprus'-independence, a role now held by Britain, . ed such instruction at a cost which isnot Last Known U.S. POW Released "Cyprus, an international conference must be convened and new .Greece and Turkey. .The Soviet Union is a permanent member of prohibitive to them. . CLARK AIR BASE, Philippines (AP) — Emmet James Kay was freed ways found to guarantee the island's .independence. V ' : ­ the council. . . IN OTHER youth-oriented matter, the •by his Laotian captors-after 16 months as a prisoner Wednesday and toldSpeaking to newsmen after.his two-and-one-half hour meeting , After their formal meeting,-Clerides and Ilyichov had"a work-platform urged,support of present expan-greeters he knew of no other Americans in custody. with Ilyichov thefirst Kremlin envoy to visit Cyprus since the • ' • .®,0n of ing luncheon togethep,' ^ ' Jchild ?buse prevenUon programs Turkish invasion July 20 —Cleridessaid both coimtries agreed on Kay, 47, was the first' prisoner released in ajpng-delkyed -POW St­ 'and;a statewide comprehensive family "the withdrawal,of all foreign troops from Cyprus" and the need The RiiecianRussian thanthen crossednrfioctvl itiirtinto WirtrtpmVNicosia's Turkish"septor to meet" n| change between tiie U.S.-iacked Vientiane government and the proCom­ planning effort aimed'at minimizing the to search for "new ways to guarantee the independence, of Vice-President Rauf Denktash, leader of the Turkish CyprioJ number of unwanted and often-abused or munist Pathet La9> The two sides, now joined in a coalition goVerniilent;Cyprus.'/ 5 : community. _ " I : ­ ^neglected children. are to exchange 350 Laotian, Vietnamese and Thai prisoners startingClerides'.said they also had discussed "the handling of the. A crowd estimated by police to number about 10,000 persons'^ Mentioning the Constitutional Conveji-­ Thursday. -, Cyprus issue before-the U.N. General Assembly" He added the J: greeted Ilyichov on his arrival by ship from Piraeusv Greece, at tion's failure^ to submit a docurtient, the rs:»l Cyprus government repeated its acceptance of -the Soviet Limassol Tuesday. Smaller crowds, estimated by police at about platform said, "With the knowledge ac­Allende Widow Blasts U.S. •-^1 proposal for a broad, international conference on the Cyprus 4,000 to 5,000, gave him a rousing welcome on his arrival Wednes­cumulated during this convention; .the . VIENNA (UPI)-— President. Ford's admission of U.S. Central crisis. " --_ day at Clerides' office. There were -shouts of "Makarios! . 64th.Legislature should make every ef­ Intelligence Agency intervention in Chile has^^ "jolted world opinion and Ilyichov said the Soviet Union wanted>tbe Cypriot people "to; Makarios!", a'reference to the deposed president, and "down fort propose constitutional u-Sgl to needed live in peace and happiness and develop their economv without with.NATO!" (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization). ,/amendments for the vote of the people." confirmed long established facts," the widow of ousted Chilean President foreign intervention in their internal affaifs." Archbishop Makarios arrived in Algiers for talks'with Presi:;'/ The platform,, in-keeping with Salvador Allende said Wednesday. ' f / Sitting in :on the talks-were Cyprus Foreign Minister.John dent Houari BQumedienne on the Cyprus problem. He is scheduler, ^Briscoe's policy of no new taxes,opposed "It is ahighly important statemerit^'-said Hortensia Bussi De Allende. Chrlstofides and other ministry-officiateand Soviet Ambassador-ed to arrive in Cairo' Friday for similar talks With President'" "any additional-taxesand urged the gover­She also accused Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger of being theSergei Astavin: Anwar Sadat, sources said, going on Sunday to Belgrade to meet nor and the Legislature to make everySMICypriot sources.said Soviet efforts now seemed tocenter on the with President Tito'. v \S.:$ 0-;v possiblepossmie effortetiort to reducereduce, taxes.ta: ': • . "driving force" behind the coup by the military in which her husband $$$ Idiedi although Ford has specifically denied any U S! role in the actual coup. ' . " Allende; on a trip through Europe to mark the first anniversary of the n Investments. High Oil Cost Chilean coop, said Ford's statement showed that '.'the United .States protects only commercial interests in Latin America." Ford Rebuffs Subsidy $2.7 WASHINGTON (AP) — The Ford administration Wednesday rebuffed: Pan American World Airways' bid for a temporary monthly federal sub­ WASHINGTON (AP) -A fjig increase balance^f-payments deficit meansmore IN. NORMAL times, a big payments nual surplus in the category-of balance-sidy of $10 million, but the Civil Aeronautics Board ordered an inquiry to in overseas investments and the high money-flowed out of the country than deficit coulddead toa weakeningin value of-payments known officially as the . cost of foreign oil plunged the nation's came in. determine if a permanent subsidy is justified. of the U.S. dollar; which prompted the current»account.and.,long-term capital, balance of. payments into a $2.7 billion The deficit was attributed largely to an .1971 and 1973 devaluations of'the dollar. The Administration also ordered a number Of steps designed to improve which was reported Wednesday. deficit th tihe second quarter of the year, increase of $1 billion in overseas in­But a Commerce Department : Pan Am's short-term financial situation^ which has-recently worsened the fi Commerce -Department , reported Americans, and $1.6 However, the 1973 deficit Was under vestments by a -spokesperson pointed -out these are ab­ because of a decline in transatlantic travel and sharply higher fuel costs. Wednesday. billion adverse balance in the nation's normal times and that U.S. dollars are in $900 million, which represents a big im­ • "^fter arlull review of the situation, President Ford has concluded that The three-month deficit marked ai"^; foreign.trade. The high costof foreign oil great demand by other countries as pay­provement over earlier years. dramatic "reversal from the first;|)|K was, the chief factor in the worsening, ment for their own oil purchases. it is'not riowlair to the nation's taxpayers to ask them to sifpport our U.S.: FOREIGN investments during the se­ quarter's ,$1,8 billion surplus'. Thevjy; trade picture. The United Stateshas never,had aft an- international flag, air carriers* with direct ca.sh subsidy payments, wmmm cond quarter totaled $1.6 billion, up from $600 million in the first quarter. Part of Secretary of ^Transportation Claude S. Brinegar" told a rie\ss eorife^ence this increase may have been caused by Wednesday ,, , investments by oil companies in -their 4i Hurricane Fifi Belts Small lsland Market Finishes Mixed overseas subsidiaries," a spokesperson N.T.S.E. DOW JONES WEUSE v — -• ­ 13.0 mph Windsr High Tides Hit^-Bahia Isles for the Commerce Department said. N^JW YORK (AP) -The Pnfil*^ 30 lid«ttri*ls­' '{ .He* said, about $800 million was in-stock market got off to a. bad ; ai . MIAMI (UPI) — Hurricane Fifi brushed little Swan Island miles off the. coast of Honduras. The Islands are populated by 'vesWB abroad by U.S. banks, , start Wednesday but came back 651.91 "Wednesday and bore down on,the rocky Bahia Islands north of descendants pf British adventurers. < ­Honduras with 13Q-tnile-an-hour winds — "The most dangerous There also was an increase in foreign to finish mixed in light trading. ."People;in the^Bahia Islands are reminded that.after the eye tfttCKAMIO hurricane to affect the Islands,this century," passes the winds will resume withequal or greater strength fromr j investments in the United'-States, The Dow Jones average of 30 438 Warning that 100 mph winds/ pounding surf and abnorntally the opposite direction^" foecasters warned. 1 , although it was less pronounced, industrials, down 9 .points early high tides would spread across the islandsWednesday night, the Investments by foreigners totaled $1.5 "All interests On the east coast of Guatemala and on the coast in the session,-wound up with a National Hurricane Center emphasized to!Bahia residents that; billion'during! the period, an increase of of . the country of Belize.;should complete preparations before . sifl.il, till $200 million from'the first quarter. -v 3.13 gain at 651.91, A '^People should be aware-that Fifi is the niost dangerous nlg&tfell. Coastal routes could be£otae impassable before hurricane to affect the islands this century." daybreak." • r TH^ SECOND quarter deficit was the , The eye center of thehurricane was expected to pass directly Coastal areas of Honduras were warned-of-abnormally higji biggest quarterly deficit in the balance over the'islands on a course that would carry it into Guatemala seas while residents of the inland mountain slopes were told to of paymen&.since the third .quarter of ^Scared' Woman Kills Assailant I and the southern portion of the nation of Belize by Thursday mot-brace for 8 to 10 Inches of rain and the possibility of flash 1972 when it reached $2.9 billion; HOUSTQN (UPI) -7 A woman who-said she was too scared to do |; -nlng, forecasters-said.; •-j * '• flooding. •' w ; The.CwnmerceDepartment also revis-anything when raped two-days before, Wednesday shot to death a" man I •; The h'urripane center s^Jd1 UiatSwan Island reported-being bit • Dr.' Neil-Frank;"dirfectc" Jt—' ed* its earlier report of the nation's li­ who broke into her apartment' and" ftiireatened to assaultrfher~, — by winds of 100 mph and "every building on the Island suffered., Mia^hif.said Flfl was.a rel relatively smallhurricane 'Jand ojiascale quidity t»lance to shpw a total deficit in • Police said they believed the man wjio attacked her Monday was the,,, ' •• -. " / ' ' " r of one to five I'd' give ita-two.'" the second quarter of $6.2 billion. r-sv.-'-.vr,, Ai;',H n:n\Arlfl WM.'ront-orfln haarYliiahoiQ '. :'Ita.;He said Fifi ,was not expected to strengthen as it approached measures . , . At-8 p-m^flflwascenterednear Guanaja, tlie easternmost of samejnan killed Wednesday'. " The liquidity balance the the! Bahia Islands, near latitude 16.3 north; lorieitude'85,6 west land' • ~ chpf.chnV^.tArm _i_ InnHn mnnAii The assailantwas shotSeveral times in the head-and-chest'and fled,the iauC-1. woman's apartment... Hewas found deadoutside, seating onlywomen's underclothing, hufsday, mmm fs m%fgpp RB i® Hi » m guest viewpoint ***«& EDITORIALS "I!" '. • •• •-•";• ••••• •.-• • .. . ..•• . -• • •. — •'„ .*£. /^T: 99jn9:%g&-ai(si Page 4 Thursday, September 19, 1974 i®§ atclassicalinflation * The legalization of the ; fractional ] REMARK Rif«-haS had the aiiriapitV tn taxes, and"we might add that one is aboutas ixmularaiTThgT^rr-srr *rni»Tl tinl"fiff -UryUo-condensejiolumes.DLeconoinicJdr­ anyone wHS^Tlor cutting taxes musrtje^Kr^gW?:jfVT^^-i -prartiraMl-hy a "phnrtorort" hank . ^ :"sanitV' (which attempts to explain why- Theabandoning of the gold standard Austin's budget'shows a ?1.3million surplus this year,.because,the city he ieal-vafir~ underestimated iiicome from property taxes. However, Austin — mudh to" Guest Viewpoint (which explains that if -t0 about 3 5 cents the delightof the "conservative" council majority — is growing. Austin is you cut off a tail'sdog, itwill grow a new v .Government efforts to prop up. deeply in hock for the Capital Improvements Program/ at back breaking -?rwa ^ ?fs..n^"-:7"Wages" artificiaiy^minimum wage) and deserve logical, rebuttal. sigowrnmenL enforcement' of1 logical point-by-point, rebuttal, union interest rates. .(If nothing _elset any paper "surplus" could be used to because' it doesn't evpn_read logically . demands in certain industries Has" kept1 retire a fraction of the city's debts — tf we've reserved the option of~caU-­ from onesentence to thenext, much less: unemployment high and thus created a ing the bonds in early—or to reduce the amount of bonds-yet to-be presenra^ctear optnlonnvlth^lrtclrwe­ ^political • push for iniiation. • cms offered, thus,saving taxpayers' money, on interest costs in the lohg run.) can take contest; We do, however, feeH ^^heiiomentin involves; what;is ^ll^th^;that such a manifestation of catch-all If the city is to stay even witb'~gro~wth, without adding any services;* '•* Phillips Curve, which expresses inflation' economic phrases and technicaldouble­ more: money will have to be raised. While* a tax'increase at this time' as an inverse function ofuivemployment. would be like tryisg tp squeeze blood from the proverbial turnip, there is afjrs flitimWM whioh I k !nl°U • •? our current inflationary"recession, but' . little sense in lowering-taxes minutely only to raise them again, probably lnVl! 8 mosl ^ Politicians still believe in its; by. a larger.am'ounkjn jBiejnearfutOTe.-r".-s Harris tOACompare his conclusions with •'•"••-''••'validity V * -And the decrease would be 'minute. at'feasrfor the averag# taxpayer: m^Thi' "SI., oih ,U„ „ t • Contrary to what Harris postulates, . Right now, the property tax-is $1.27 for every?100 worth of property. The thp?!'•'~ !ow (controlled) interest rates and in-, the Federal Reserve and allowmg-lt tol)^-rcreases in-the-money supply hamjeoin­ city wants.to,knock this down at least7.5 centsper $100 worth of property. Interfere with free-market interest cided with increased inflation throughout! Hi­ • A person with a $22,000 home would "save" only $16 if the tax is cut. On rates, and 2) finance the huge^deficit? of this century in the United States (See ac-j "Would you Believe on 0 'case by case' basis...?*' the.other hand, a person with many property investments, like our next the federal-government. companying graph for verification.) mayor Lowell Lebermann, might save a tidy sum. The Austin Citizen's • We are facingdepression (of at least ~ Eeague, tlifc must active group-to endorse the tax cut-is-dominated a large scale capital investment and! — .. flrlno Itne • property ovmers large-enough to be anything but disinterested.- . durable goods liquidation) that is the.in-! BPS evitable result ol 80 years of nionetaryl Even for the. small apd temporary respite from taxes'that Love inflation. • proposes, some programs will have to be cut. These'will-be the • AS long as mon4y*remains "easyl defenseless programs, those that can get the axe without raising a stink 35 percent not enough (low interest rates) and as,long as the . among powerful people. It wpn'fc bethe Chamber of Commerce losing its government insists on taxing us through To the editor fraction of the bed tax, and we'll bet the Aqua Festival won't suffer. The Charts on the editorial page catch thev " « -1-': cooperatively minded. inflation instead of openly and honestly Co-Qf> inname But I doubt if the directors will do this. we'will, have inflation. ^ree Clinic, orperhaps the publiclibrary hours, will.be victims: •eye even of an economist!I refer to your 1 -To the editor: ~ v -f ,», • ' • They probably won't even accept this • Depression (or recession) will be on |||g Moreover, there are vitally needed* programs on the burner right now : fine editorial Wedhesday "Getting Whqt You Pay..For." The-Daily Texan Tfere is certainly going to be a lot of , analysis.||p|5.;;v v.|r;-v • Alan Lockleair.i preceded and heralded by a drop in k * needing funds. Councilman Binder's proposalfor payingcouncil memhers gnimbling about the Co-Op's" 3 percent cl801 E.«th'St.,i ^ durable goods , prices relative to cop- does a signal service In pointing. oUt the : -• •; -, .^tfv is ohe. Councilman Dryden's improved ambulance plan is another. dividend this year, especially from pect-• '.•• ;.•;>*». " S? sumer good's prices. This is happening . lagging increases m faculty salaries and • pie such as myself who received The: city needs more revenue,.not less, especially if we assume — safe­the large decline, in faculty real income Thank-you note now, as it did in 1929; It is a result of in-dividends of lacor 14 .percent in years -'vestment distortion caused by monetary ly,•we think — that inflation will continue eating at the budget for the or purchasing power at the University of . past. And most certainly, all the reasons inflation, which-channels an overabun­ forseeable future. We could increase,income by ending utility rebates to Texas at Austin. Nor have faculty salary cited by the Co-Op's management con­To the editor: dance of into glamour, 'funds increases been much better, at some We wish to thank members of the developers immediately, instead of phasing them out over, nine long tributed to the reduction. The main recreational and luxury investments. other Texas public colleges and univer­ University community and in p^hfcular years. We could study the possibility of progressive utility rates, though- reason, however, is one that the direc­This iswhy thestock market is dropping;. sities. Needless to say,' increases for the Colombian-students who helped-us tory are afraid to discuss openly, if. in- ISO, ' with the inexhaustible stream.of canards flowing from Mayor Butler and-staff employes, librarians and TAs have' recently when our daughter and sister. .y deed, they are aware of it at all. UIIUNXU his heir apparent Lebermann, it doesn't look like we'll even get a fair also' been quite 'inadequate. . ., . . . ,s-\Susan Lucas, was reported missing in m«E( itimiis •;-< (I«t9>lt«) !>>• debate on' flat Yates. Your editorial islargelycorrect insay-i'-C For many years (at least• c*' since*» ' itI arnv-^Coldmbte:• Southvvuv' America.niuwiw. Someoumeof01 theiruitiir ' • p ' .X^ing that'faculty people here have made. ed in 1965) until the. late. Love appears tohave itsewn up His proposal benefits richfolks and'yet , .. . . e bpcues, tne ^o-^inamesand addresses are unknown to ust >>n. • little public noise about .their worsening. Pp d^pended for its businessiness Uponupon a Simr^^We warit-thns* nonnl» urhn cr'atra «n):ji^We-.waiit:tliOse people who gave so un Tgppcnls to noor folks Tf's a prpat pvampip nf thf level of debate around relative-salary situation. But please do pie fact: there were few. if any; other j .> , • rt-r-MMIAIH MK Forest G. Hill have to realize that you can't be all benefits.-The first I heard of this was in phenomena; in less than a volume. We SPORTS EDITOR \ Herb Holland -. ^ vijPro^ssor of Economics *..t: things to all people and that; if you want The Texan's editpria); Thanks. hope that people will read both this opi­ AMUSEMENTS E^DITOR .Paul Beutel an® TACT Executive Siiu to be asuccessful co-op, then you have to -Rick Griffin nion and Harris', remember them and ,K.Committee Member FEATURES EDITOR .Mark Yemma s^lhave a n^embership which is. M Second Year Law Student reflect upon them in 1984... PHOTO EDITOR. t., ..».i Marlon Tayjor m Jfsue J Gail Burris General Reporters David Hendricks, Susie-Stoler, Carol Barnes, part;,of ethnic exclusion S; " , . 4 . "i • • ' Janice Tomlin JNjews Assistants j0Se M. Flores, Irwin Speizer, Willard Hall, By LOUIS E. DELGADO Last Friday; one rof the student ap-^ appear that'a great deal Is being done. under investigation: since last spring by; d » 1 --Wade Wilcox, Amy Cheng, Anne Colwell, Barb Williams, Last spring, two positions became va­pointments to the board-was madewOneli But effective, meaningful action, action the Department of Health,-Education'1 V ' k£-' Ch'lsty H°ppe, Scott Taghanjio, Bill Scott, Cathy Brown, cant on the Texas Union Board bf Direc­position,remaihs open, and'the minority^ 'that w(i!uld give ethnicstudents avoice in-and Welfare for alleged discriminatory' „.1 ; . ,--r j ' ' tors. At tbat 'time," there was no student constituency un-f-­ James Pinkerton remains the administration of the' affairs of practices? Editorial Assistants^"*."......,;..^ Bryan Brumley, Steve Russell representation of the minority student represented .on the Union board, organizations such as the Union; action Associate Amusements Editor , Chris Garrett . constituency on the board, nor was theft David Rodriguez, chairperson of the|r! that would truly promote the enrollment -At any rate, minority students '.musf1'^ utilize-what little is:available to'them b|L •any representation of ethnic minorities Mexican-American Culture Committee/" of minority students and fulfill their par-being aware of these opportunities and.l on the-faculty membership. recalls, "At that time (lastspring) Icon-ticular needs once enrolled, has been by taking advantage of them when they. * The UnioiT~Bo'ard fronted Fleming with.the apparent need,'^ consistently nonexistent.' present themselves. For example, Tmsm "••••• cortfrols, the ad-, Roe Tr&ugqtt for ethnic students to be, represented on I,w» pne must wonder about the impetus week,' the Union* and Student Govern­ ,f"1^7 -**'•' David'Rose, Elizabeth .Lueqemann;: Jari(^ipps; affairs'of the Texas . reiterated my-request and'in additloniJC made thusfar to improve thesituation of views, In a few weeks;-th&re willbe elec­ ' r»>?'i-^RobWe Varsball,,Stepftaijie Wafd Union. Furthermore, v- submitted a list of possible choices f6r"'minority studentsat theUniversity. How Photographers* tions to fill four vacant positions in the ers.|rt./...-}j>.;..j;;^)'^/t;^:/.v;;ilS'^j,Carol Jean-Sinfraons^jWke Smith the chief "executive". ' the position (se.veral of-which were^peopjJ much of this action ^puldhave been un- Studfent Senate. At the present, the two . official of the Union, ple with previous experience 4u» Unio'n^r tftrtaken if the University hadn't been blaclrmembers of this body cojnpris^ the ,1 > Opuuooi nproKilin The Diitjr T«»n are tbcKe pf ife ' miinicatioq HjutdlnR the Union director, is committee members and personnel)," * .editor or lbe writer oflhe arljclt.*[)d are not aawMpH • .appointed by- total representation of the minority stu-. * thq»« of Uie t'wvcniiy idxninutraltoo or the Boartl dl • : arvi tlaijir^d advertialrtR should be mad« In TSf~BuiWing -. The Union Is about to undergo $4 ' 'dent constituencyr \ . .. ChancellorCharles R**eau ' 0 -* 2 2ID (471-18631, *,?' ' --> " ' .^million worth of change. Extending^this C' Minority students have a long way to : irlJitOliilyT»*»it;a ttudait of LeMeistre, PresidentStephenSpurr,and cJiapge to ' %"e Correction rfp«rtp«>fa-atTIM Umr.ralty'.J-V™" rtpr«*iij.Uw Kuft/ iftclu^e" th'e~make-up -of the *.» , of 'Tcm; at auHDi, n ; pu *^Uo^' Edocatlofial .MvcrUitfljtServlcf. JtK. ,go before we obtain adequate ta>atment publiib^tTfay Texai Student the Board of RegentSTipoirrecommenda­ a..'., - PnWlcadon*. IJrwtf D. Unlvwiltj SuUdo, Auttin.-T«.. . MllAx,WtwVofS. Nvt 100)7 tlon .of the Union Board, ,' \ , Union Board so that it'could properly"^' The '.editorial .(n 'Ws^nesday's Tracan :• for'ourselves and our successors at the vru the-D»tl> -Tb^iii lit publlabid tjtotm, Tsoda;/ AwicutedPwrti' "represent the interests of the entire stu^fej. Wfdrtoday, Ttwn4ay. atx) Friday. Scytgmoer throujtti •i"!W.I'rew.IoitfMlloiut'liKt The The "board, is domposed ~ot nine 'dent Ixxiy would cost nothing, v listed-tlie dean,of the College of Fine . hands of the University, but we dfrjiave" Mag Tmiaf.'VUtmiu.TlKtrWaT.and f titkyJum. j in u a memberpftbeAMoclaJr^COUrtijuprwithe Arts, Peter Garvie, as Olfe of the many ~ "some tools (o work With and must mak^ < * u x f r b < A \ i v C w i f a m a n i -t k e T « i a a O a l l y members;, six • student. members and ith . is only one exaihple of a problem'^ " the most of them. •/ ^ ^ 5' dJUooM.ijBpiS4WAitttiii.TSr . ' i AwodatkuL ^ ' ^cultjr> memoirs;:..The v,.,rci professors the Vniversity haslost within v faculty ,"! :th^, pervades die entire UpiS'erslty.i w iw 4« «i I>ma the past year/-"*~rj. • \ column will be a regular featiu members areappoWtpdjythe president' System. Sjirt;special ethnfc office's have-;'." imtMttiJmiw, -,-Ih{s%as our tnistake.Dtan Oarviels " in The Texan thl? fall, Any suggestion y* -. tbu wA SpMd«,y.'Tow«»'K«ll. UtiTvwhy toip.5((h '•31 MP'?!Mibe^d,b&n-b-eafetl,'committees have been es-^V Jtilll^th us.. apologize for "tfienhis--jnfdr^aU6n>cSmplaints, etc.; should I _ money has been falIoca understapding.r ' ~ JJ?ade bj^o«ta66hK rietyAlUfyltor 'and on the 'surface it would "tfomijtg by.theTexari offices, ^ww »ftV* •.?*£« m W®JL* i» 52"'? r SH, £ep^{i& „ guest viewpoints W?" #s international . A By CAM DUNCAN •-•..;.(Editor's note: DDncan is>a'memberuQf the:Latin American Policy Alternatives Group.) ' _7 J r~' A few days before the first anniversary,of Khe Sept. 11^ 1973, coup in Chile, Rep. Michael Harrington released a summaryof top secret testimony-given by_CIA Director William Colby to a House subcommittee last ApriL'Among Colby'sadmissions was that the. CIA had allocated over $8 million from 1970-73 to "destabilize" the Popular Unity government. Colby's testimony also points to Henry Kissinger as the top policy maker responsi­ sions. All decisions regarding fun­—ding-£or discussed and approved by the secret "40 Committee." ' I President. Nixon-'s national security adviser. According to high-level government sourcesquoted by The New York Times, Kissinger .actjon 16 overthrow the Allende government."I don't-see why,", ^Kissinger reportedly iold the group', "we need tostand Vy and •wMfch a country go eommunistdae to theiiTeSpohsibilitV-of-its own people." , State Department officials, in commenting on the revelations, clung to their position that there was no. U.S; in-" • tervention. This ludicrous,pose is an effort to cover for. the secretary Of state. Kissinger told reporters shortly after the coup that "the CIA had nothing to do with the cojip, to the best of my knowledge and belief — and I only put in that quaHftca­tion in case some madman appears down there who without in­ •'iiiili li Thr rrlrnnr 'f)f'".Clolhv's.'­ -tBstim«>ny ahnwr JatHmnnV nlaiVncrf\r;hilfi ypc. a-for .operations abroad, a trial run tor thefechmque ut 'iiSirgigTiSgg= cash payments to bring downa government antagonisticto U.S. i-over to individuals, political parties, paramilitary groups, rtieaia ana otter institutions are to be believed, the claim that there is.sdiaKM^^Iauj^iii^i^'Igl^on^credibirityr7• The CIA's infusion of massive ambuntS'of tldifefs to prop-up right-wing forces and propel,them, to overthrow!n&'tionalist and popular governments; is nothing new. In Latin America alone this has been standard policy. Over the past20 years theUnited States has' been caught red-handed intervening in Guatemala; Guyana," Brazil, the Dominican Republic, Bolivia, Cuba, Uruguay and Chile — with Argentina on the upcoming agenda: Colby's testimony also highlights the powerlessness of the gtfltP. naiaj-tmpnt hi^aucracv and of the Congress to affect CIA operaUon^CongfeSS'as awftoTe^yVgy^folmred-oi-We 40TCpififpitt.eedeliberations. another $95million froiiv the.InternationarMonetary Fund, both of vrticfi are .under U.S. control.. A total of $49 million in economic aid'has";been."gtven directly by the.lLS,.government ^e? ^?.^0uPT5^^:^e'^i§4§.^te?;proposes to extend r$5® million in credit to Chile'to buy 0;S. militiiry equipment.' ' . It. is imperative that we as U.S. "citizens — end our ' government's intervention in Chile and leave theChilean people' . free -to.'.build democracy- within their own country. Our own rights are not safe in the United StatesJf we allow our govern­ment to aid and abet fascism in Chile. Telegrams, letters and delegations -to local congressional offices can be organized to support the Kennedy amendment to the foreign aid bill, which f € • 33 • .saw® himselfled;a ."hard line" faction demanding swift and forceful •interests, While the admi.ssion that large sums^ere handed ^ also other U.S--infelligeiice algencies, government departments to hold hearings on the full extent of U,'S.7CIA participation in . **4$ • /it-, and branches"of the .the establish- military, and of the corporate establish the coup.' *: ?JTv ment>.as well as high officials-of the AFL-CIO, often acting in <* ft y \ ^ more firing-line For more informationon developments inChile'and solidarity • .-V .. » " -*."• * coordination..^^'^r.j^eriiment:iraS':it the center of a yast­ activities, contacbLAPAG J73-ji630 ;.T-.-..ri": . ;..; " and ntore or less snphTstiratpri hrrhixtratinn of .interventions and "disturbances" in Chile aimed -at^i^ing^fh^Allenae^ government down.--' _ ' C ; Jiist as both covert and overtaid was a potent U.S. weapon in Aery of distress in tfie Have a beautiful To the editor: bmg; a report of (alleged) present) was as follows: of violence, illegal attack and creating an economicsqueeze on the Allenderegime, so top the-; — On -Sunday,-.Sept. .1, at 1' j;ape passed through the*•ii ."She.and some friends from possibly-rape. f/;--! U.S. will use aid in attempting to keep the repressive military ' a.m., we were awakened by a crowd. Still, we were told by . Kinsolving were walking by ' • . '•S. govemment in power. Now that England has Cut off aid to the time together. woman's, voice calling for members of the Phi Delta the house. Suddenly she ran We wonder if such incidents junta, .'the .United .States supplies-the "major 'support, for-the; help.'We listened to'hear if it Theta house: "No problem. inside the house and upstairs are to be glossed over lightly. military. In the past'year, the junta has received $231 million iri7 wpuld be-repeated. It was. •Go home. She was justa little to the library and started sob­We hope that such-injustices credits from the InterrAmerican Development Bank and'! ...This time__th6 'cries • for help 0mm I high." Members of Seneca bing and shouting for help. We will not be tolerated by .the > were" accompanied l^y an Housfe who went upstairs to' don't know what happened. Inter-Fraternity Council, urgent "Call the police!'' assist the-woman said shewas She was a little tight;,Nothirig which we assume is concern­ ran the OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE Several' of us into quite lucid; the room had a happened. Clearjy 'not rape." ed,, with respect for the in­ street, expecting to find a bed in it; quiteobvio'usly there, , One last incident we:would dividual and maintenance of 2200 GUADALUPE PLAZA • street attack or a mugging. had been a party. Two "of the like to mention; As the police nonviolent, social organiza­ Across the street from campus: Instead, we found that the woman's friends we're there, were walking towards the tions. Suite 2U - 200sq. ft; ~ cries were coming lrom 'a T^mg-her-to-be-ottietr-SheFyy--—housAf-nnp. rnaio : Suite 214 -515 sq. ft. fraternity house at the corner afterwards, she was whiskeel Phi Delta Theta calledout in a Linda McCruUden, Carolyn . Suite 215 -242 sq. ft. v »*of 23rd • and Nueces Streets, out the door before-anyone mock female, voice: "Help! Rqseboont, Sarah Bird, Jayne Suite 226 -690 sq. ft. /-1\T Phi Delta Theta to be exact. else could talk to her, assist HelpS^They're raping me Morrow,-Alain Nimri, Rebec­ ^ MJ -.r :^ _ Lights were on. TherScreams ca Judy her in reporting the event or : -now." An effort to be funny? K'uykendatl, and sobbing were, coming adviseher of;herlegalTightsr~-Acover-up?Wefounditlack-McQuade, Jeanna Hamilton,, Contact: Nieman, Hanks, and Puryear from an upstairs room off a These'facts along with the ing in all seflse' of ap-Charles '.W. Thweatt, Lon 476-7011 balcony, The police had been urgent cries for help do not propriateness or adult con­Stewart, Lee CMckering. Called by several sources, conform with the story we cern. Those of "us who had both members of our house were told, or the version we . been roiited out of bed at 1 A a"nd other • concerned heard related to the police' a.m.", alarmed at someone's . neighbors who were also when they arrived. The Phi apparent n^ed for help,-were , Wi&\\ ' ; alarmed and quick to respond Delta Theta story, told by one .pot' amused. We were dis­ to a plea for helfi. ^ i member of the fraternity gusted and shockedat thelevi­ As We stood outside the 'house (with no commentfrom ty with which these fraternity; wall, We heard a woman sob-any other fraternity member members,dealt with a report 2 in AM is urosswora Huzzier Answer to Yesterday'sPuzzle ; .ACROSS 4 Game fish aras as srararas r ' THE PACESETTER. The, THE MAXI-1. A new concept in one . 5 Mast r ultimate apartment. Split-level 1 Direction lasfaardra nsraiaBra bedroom split levels. Large bedroom . 6 Goddess of . living in a two bedroom studio. Bulovd"Accutron* 5 Weight of healing Bin wanarasB EO and. bath with a lull study upstairs* Downstairs, a fully electric kitchenwith walk-'in India • 7 Recommitted 8 Containers 8 Hunting dog Hfflso rannis pantry and spacious living,room for entertain-Downstairs, a spacious living area, en­ Share your time with' someone you love... and make HR30B F3HS 12 Girl's naitie: anf Ing. Upstairs,two large bedrooms andbath with tertaining area and all electric kitchen 9 Towar it Accutron time—the watch with the famous tuning 13-Baker's -shelter P3HSOB acana BQ walkAns, Free living at Its'tinest.' • SeeIt to believe 1L • product 10 Homed animal _ BSHB HOSEi 444-7880 fork movement. Newest designs to suit everybody's Dopatiu . ... sfn rasras aianrgs lifestyle, His and .hers, as shown, $350. Or $175 each. i 15 Heavenly •19 Printers" huh ataijjH raama Others from $95 fo $1800. »' .. . . • measure • sodb aaats era Limb . 21 Mix 17 Chair -23 Snake so araBQiaES dq 18 Condiment" u24 Man's •asn@[a aaoces •20 Items of nickname ' '' anasui ran Hats • properly • 125 Stn •32 Solar disk 40 Hebrew 14­ 22 Preposition'" 28 Unit of -35 Squanders-.. month . 23 Poker stake Portuguese 36 Put Into ' 41 Lease csas currency working .42 Blemish i-' : Switzerland 27 Apportioned. condition ' 43 European 27 Accession . 28'Artlfiiflclal 38 Spanish 44 Short jacket 31 N&tive metal language article• 45 Remainder.',.,:,­ •32 Tree ol birch 29 Lubricate .39 Brazilian 48 -Tirnegone'''" j»;. family 33 Expire 30 Born iS estuary by, •.-' Pacesetter Apartments for Free-Living People. 2124 Burton Drive 34 Ruffled 1 T 3 4 -s 6.",.fT" 6 9 10 in .. ON THE DRAG -THIS IS COINS TO 36.European AllANDAlf VllUCt QOAMUIPf 37 Indigent h-" - Snt IURHET KDt I. ee A eetoo PAV... lit IF yM 38 Teutonic deity | 39 Father or TS~ rr \T: mother i_ 42 Baseball pljch is 19 2Q : 2.1 f £ -«« 48 Arabian ­seaport • w 23 47 Hit lightly;;^:. 49 Partner msS. 24 . 25-26 ?9. 2? 3° i? 60 Part of Ajg PI II shoe heeU~-% 31 $ n w 0s® The e1 The self . Man's name ? I 60T -THE NEW CAN 34 35 1 /• 36 63 Academic OF BAILS OPEN WITHOUT subjects -J i . 37i1 38 CUTTIN6 MV5ELF! 54 Speck J GoodFoodStores 65 Depression v • *• . n-tne-Drag 39 1 40 42;-43 44-45 M 2406 Guadalupe ' DOWN ' 46 1 -| T?~ 48 w Natural Foods • V 1 Insect ­ 2 Heraldry 501 MsT sP . .;. 1 . grafted 3 3 Break si-53"-1 54" 55^ suddenly -J ­ • JJif.tr. by United Fewture Syndicate, Inc. _ - WEEKLY specials '^Limited supply—Specials good September 17-22 '-'3 We 9lad,y accept USDA Food Stamps Colby Lbrighorn Cheddar Cheese 2 lbs, to a customer s . While it lasts! 99'lb. Mr 55? V. #1 Mexico *,-77 Pineapples WAYS TO SAVE MONEY Z^each >» THIS YEAR ATSCHOOL I) Uleif ^11 California 2) Use pencil stubs. Tomatoes 3) Borrow books from your friends!! If 25nb. 14J Bring this coupon to bong ilohn Siluer's. gggfjl^gg US#!,-; COUPON Russet •—mmmu 51b.cello k ^,4 Thw coupon' is worjh 50c OFF on one • Lona John=Silver.'s FisW & Chins Dinner Dressing ^Aeans Dresses , .-With'new lengths and a feminine Five convenient locations: silhouette, dresses'are^the look ohn&twer. I. l to^wist 5th at BaylorWf$ (ii52Q9 Burnet Road ' 2. 123 East North L6op M Aveiiue F for fall. Shdwn here, roses, and, ,3-, 900 West*29th at Pearl * "old lace on a black background/ SJ* ,>4."9431 N.^lntmeglonal atRilndberg c«­ „ ^Jhls shirtdress Js 90% agetat^, . .2818 Hgncock at Bullcreek Road ';10% nylon in sizes 5 to IS. 28.00. r il&L. -... fr >. •' t "Thursday, SeptemBer l9, 1974.THE DAILY TEXAN Page 5. •J ^ ^ ' "I ^ k ^ W ^ . »& . "F& PliPpS­ *fe& !»s?? • .. . *•• >.•. • .• •.-•-• •••••. • •, • -• ••••!«..• •-.••:•••••• gz>v&3-•• -• Texas Defense By KELLEY ANDERSON " T«\an Staff Writer • For enthusiasts of Texas Toottsit."vrho-tafce-specialnote: of -the fcoggherns' se«mingly ifrS W% merciless way of grindingTip W&i1 s "and spitting out opponents en route to a runaway victory,­. there's more. ; The Longhorn .defense uses • birds for cannon fodder, : • • lloweyeri .thf"ip tvr4* "Tip1, Uie -Kimi -that flv • -they're­ • skilled football, players.' nickname of the Texas attack mm team, a unit which endures-: iSga "feM daily physical punishment as 'flesh^and-blood tackling dum-. mies for the-benefit Of. the', -team- The task of the Birds is to imitate the offensiveattack of the team Texaswill play next, against tt^e same plays they, Campbell realizes the .defense,• will perform better. "Defensive football, es­ pecially-for linebackers and-defensive backs, is basically just ^recognition." he said.. 'An3 :usuaTly~a^lirfebartreir . .doesn't.see a play developing. • so he has-to rely on blocking "CB" SMITH VOLKSWAGEN PLYMOUTH SATCUITE 1973 custom auto air njdio 29951 -vW4u«a.Bua ,_v 1973 std. air radio . 25951 ••wm- VW SUPfR BUG '»• 1973 std.1000 miles 2495 VW SUPfft BUG 1973 onto rs£o ' 2495 VW SEDAN,;---—' std. radio ......-i.... 2195TOYOTA COROFTAMK II ooto oir radio ....... 2295 -B-vwSedan 1972[ltd. radio 1$95h VW SUPER BUG W­ 1971 Std; radio . .... .v.. 16951 VW SUPER BUG std.oirradio . 1795! • $$$•• VW SEDAN sM.radio ........ 1395 •W VW BUS 1895] DSOGE DART 6 cyl stdair 1695 vffl": CAPRI std. 22,000 miles. ,. 2195 FORO PINTO std. ........-.... QUALITY SERVICE YOUR AUTHORIZED DOWNTOWN VOLKSWAGEN DEALER 476-9181 CORNER 5TH & LAMAR \ Name brand clothes for^ Tall & 11K BigMen ".. .,r-i ^ ^t «• Puritan Jockeyj , McGregor ? Levi Nunn Bush Enro Textan f Jaymar Career Club Merit I'M Mi FRANK'S .King size clothes of Austin, Inc./W ­ 7435 Butnet Road in Richcreek Plaza '^ iM^Mon.-Sal. 10-6, Thurs.10-9'^. FANTASTIC" DISCOUNTS ONFULLSIZED MUFFLERS STARTING AT. mi Iy5 • INSTALt • FREE! Hi 'F.UW IH AND OUT IN LESS THAN 30 MIN. joucan't buy a better,muffler at any price . 1StwpandSaturday8-SPM * Save! tor tne defense to become ac­patterns to distinguish plays." the fact that the Birds can. customed to. playingi:against The nickname "Birds'^ t determine. whether Texas ' it. originated several years agoji wins. Asst. Head Coach Mike explained Mark Halfmann. a -"If the coaches put anybody Campbell, who -coordinates center and unofficial /attack over here-on the Birds, -the defense,, feels -that: the-team-captain. ."A bunch of us they're"going "to want them to1 -Birds are an invaluable group were joking around. Wearing do a good job: The harder we .since the effectiveness of the-the blue attack>team jerseys'," play against the defense j'iji Texas defense . on Saturday, when we starte.d 'calling practice, the better -the usually depends on how well ourselvei the "Bluebirds." -defense gets and consequent- they know the offense they're The nickname stuck and even^-t „ ly,.the better the team gets,'' tfing against. tually became just. "Birds.' ' . Halfmann explained. prattrfe^ seem , He., did.concede, however, CUSTOfVT DUALS® FOREIGN CARS One of American largest -7941 S JWerSpeMM^ -Jgj, (nearAndersonLqne), ^• Phone i®>_ IS DISCOUNT MUFFLERS '451-7359 that most players may con-that it is,hard for some:of the aUpaJo. on the . Birds to ­on the attack team, wmcn is. T^Oin^nTotivar^resp^ciaBy usually composed of third-..the younger ones. " ' r team players and.below, Half­-."It's pretty discouraging, mann takes special pride in' for the younger-guys. They UH Wins-Gotf Tourhey;­Horns Capture Third ^ TEXARKANA; • Ark. (UPI) 6-0 to claim third place m : University of Houston team match play. "golfers won all three cham­1 In the four-ball competition, pionships m the Southwest the best-score of fotir players,. _ Qonference match play tour­Houston scored 196 to 200 for nament concluded Wednesday Texas Tech, 204 for Texas-and at Texarkana Country Club. SHU, 205 for Rice; 208 for "The Cougars won team Arkansas, 211. for Texas A&M match play With a 3\i-2% vic-and TCU and 214 for Baylor. :: • tory-over SMU; won the four->The Cougartwo-.ball team of hail..'competition -by four Keith Fergus and Elroy Martr strokes ovelr Texas Tech and Jr. shot 206 to edge team-­ finichprf 1-2 iri.twrt-halt lates Van Gillen and Brad Texas defeat6®1 Texas Tech Fabel by one s(roke. LEARN KUNG-FU FROM CHINESE"INSTRUCTORS For Self-Defense andSports .Tradittonal Teaching Method REGISTER NOW : AT • i J PEISHAOLIN KUNG-FU INSTITUTE 3401 GUADALUPE 4-9 P.M. WEEKDAYS V 451-91SO maxell TAPE SPECIALS . REG. SALE M­ fi LNC-120' K-? 4.45„;,& 2.29 | UDC-90 4.90r|i| 3.29 § 81-400 8-track 3.60 2.40 1UD-35-7!*}${• . 8.40 5 69 lLNE^18-7%; 12.40 8.39 BUY 12 GIT ONE FREE LIFETIME GUARANTEE BERKIfintl'S the stereo store -2234 GUADALUPE • 476-3525 5134 BURNET ROAD • 454-6731 want to play," he said. "I was that way as.a sophomore. But • I-kept working my tail off, stopped feeling sorry for ­myself find realized how much -I was-helping-the.team.in iny^i own way. • BIRDS' members are by no nqeans average football players. Many of 'them.'Half­mann. feels, could : probably .: play at other colleges. The . fact that they.'re third team,­he feels, givesan indic^tlWOf** • the \alent on the Texas team.; standing players; including • some who have matriculated to the pro ranks,•• who were -once members of the.attack team, Campbell noted. ; * ' ' _ THESE PLAYERS include Diron Talbert, now a defen-" sive tackle with the NFV 'Washington Redskins; George • Sauer, a wide receiver who started on the New York Jets Super Bijwl Championship team;. All-SWC hnebaaker Randy •Braband, and . Campbell's sons, Mike and . Tom, who were, defensive "starters -t>n Texas'. .1969. national championship team. v The Birds isn't all bumps :and.bruises from being tackl­«.ed_agam and again, though; "Sometimes when one guy is supposed toportray uie star of the team we're going to play that week, we rib him a lot," he added.'' I.V. ,Austin T.V. Rentals 453-8041 msSmssmm& 3Bh~ Mikr\i -"BBkSSt M -Phot* by Mik* Smith *•3 Birds run opponentV offense against the first'd&fehse. Florida Blazers Beat Belt , ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) -. Tight e'nd Gregg Latta caught thiree straight passes, the last for 21 yards and a touchdown with 17 seconds left in. the .gaihie, to bring the Florida Blazers a 24-21 WorldFootball League victory over the Philadelphia Bell Wednesday night. Caswell Tennis Center 24th and Lamar Group-lessons starting September 23 Beginning, intermediate end advanced every morning,and evening Man.-Wed. or TUBS.-Thurs. Private lessons With i* Pro ShopJohn Fulton, tennis pro 46-hour.stringing Rackets, balls arid'shoes For further info call478-6268 VAN'S IMPORTED 4 AUTO PARTS t7' ~ ?. NOW OPEN Your Parts Problems VANish at VAN'S Parts for Imports s • il 3705 N. Interregional ' t?,' -fiV , i . Next to.'the "Body Shop'.' PK, 472-6236 . * EVERYBODY'IS WELCOME /II jsaaras^' THE UNIVERSITY YOUNG DEMOCRATS We Will Meet 5i' Thursday, Sept. 19 at Scholz ^ ; Garden (1607 San Jacinto*) at 8 p^rni Come meet our special guests: The Travis County Legislative Delegation If im SIv'S STATE SENATOR S -iLOYD DOGGETT %v. *• STATE REPRESENTATIVES LARRY BALES T !iS? ft 3, ^SARAH WEDDINGTON pr SSSfe • Jronnie earle ^ DE/C NOMINEES toR §| GONZALO BARRIENTOS STATE REPff^^ai^IwiLHiLMlNA DELCO CITY COUNCIL PERSON JEFF FRIEDMAN informal Come Sponsored by the University Young Democrats m m mi ) Latta's catch of a Bob Davis 28-yard field goal on tne last pass in the corner of the end. play of the game Wednesday -zone capped a 66-yard "sconng night, giving the Pprtland drive: • Storm a 19-17 World Football .. The Bell appeared to have League victory over, the the game won when running Jacksonville Sharks. '. _• back Claude Watts burst. 12 yards up the. middle with 1:14 The last-Second score was .remaining StertJavi^ fumbl­set up on two big plays by Joe ed jat midfield. : P:'. Wylie, a former star running v '•* '* •• "-" ' back at: the -University of JACKSONVILLE,. Fla, Oklahoma making his first ( API — Booth Lusteg booted a appear'ahce as a pro. " 1 ' 411 W. 24th -Serving Lunch Daily • y/otth the menu board for Lunch Specials. < Mexican, Italian and Good Ole American cois/ne|jv i Try the $1 lunches -•• NowHJndef-Ney«^Maily T Present This Coupon For Free-Drink With Purchase -; I Studtman's Photo Service 222 W. 1.9th & 5324 Cameron Rd. Nikkor'mat FTN chrome ' ^288^ with 50mm f/2 lens Bell/Howell FD 35,f/1.8 $ i "TA95 compare to Canon TLB withcase I AT i* Spotmatic F 55 mm f/i.8 .s27395 Mamiya/Sekor DXS 1000 SiTA4S S0mmf/1,8 I # y LIMITED SUPPLY! mmmy. EARN CASH WEEKLY r *5SP A " I^BloodPlasma Donors Needed p| . Men & Women: EARN $10 WEEKLY CASH PAYMENT FOR DONATION Austinl. 3§ / Blood Components, Iirc;;^ OPEN: MON. &THURS. 8 AM to 7 P.M%M­TUES. & FRl. 8 A.M. to 3 P.M.' -fM • CLOSED WED', & SAT. ^ 409 W. 6tl^ = 477-3735 1 we'vei done somethingabout it! •% A young woman who enrolls in Air Force ROTG is: eligible to compete for an Air Force scholarship that includes free tuitton, lab ^nd incidental.fees, and reimbursement for textbopks for her last 2 years of college. In addition,-a tax-free monthly allowance of $100 is paid to both scholarship and ­ non-scholarship cadets alike. When she gets her degree, the career as an Air Force'officer a\valts h^r.fliatchingher'abilities to a job with rewarding challengesHWithbenefits like 30 "days' paid vacation, jood pay, foreign travel, and a great place to,build a future. Interested? Contact: Captain 'Jitri Cargill -J,t RAS 115; -471-1776 or 471-1777 „ ®lPtrr IT ALL TOGETHER #1-i IN AIR FOUCE ROfC . *f| vViur£-WT&(U}y~${!u '/• WJ SSRlt iis US S?J£S%s **y%i &yy»>CT.. m "jg-yHW mm m * BrotnersSnare M-& N'SELE, Zaire (AP) — day that the title fight would "No dollar is worth a closed Precise information as • to BackfieldHonors World heavyweight champion be held on Oct. 30. That would fist when it comes to my eye / how; many tours were sold,- , By The Associated Press barely lost to heavily favored - George Foreman, saying he -make it at .9 pirn. CDT on and; my physical condition "• and how many, persons spent Following the old brotherly SMU 7-6. was his own doctor, promised Tuesday, Oct.; 29,. in the Foreman said Wednesday at up to $2,400 and wiil not see : : " addage of'"share and share ; Joe's, performance was no Wednesday to try to be ready United States. • his first public appearance "the fight, wasn't availablealike," the Washington surprise. He was the Tiig to fight Muhammad Ali on There was no immediate since an eye cut on Monday because the promoters refu?-­brothers,.Ren and Joe; shared Eight's leading rusher last Oct. 23. Butitappears that the confirmation on the second forced the first postponement ed to answer questions. .: •" The Associated Press Backjof year when he scampered for fight may be postponed, an ad­postponement of the fight in of his Sept. 25 title defense. that far • What is clear, is the Week awaW Wednesday... V.173 yards. _ _ ditional week,'Said promoters Zaire. A government . ••:~v..,rr..i fe-we.r -than -the. 3.000;<-a ; • The elder brother, Joe; a "Joe. Washington showed of the event. spokesman 'had said Tuesday * The one-and two-week tours ; Amerieans who had been ex-iS' junior halfback for Oklahoma, he!s one of the best, if not the Hank Schwartz, vice-' that the fight .would be on Oct xto Zaire which promoters ex-pected to buy'the tours actual-" m\: best who has ever played president of Video Techni­23, but Fbrenlan and his'' carried17 times for156 yards, pected thousandsof tourists to jy did. and that tour sales didspf here,'/, said Oklahoma Coach ques; the group which-;is-"handlers have s^'id since then •buy to attend the Ali-Foreman not piqk up much tiding.™a^aijte.r„yU Head • Coach Hayden—-| Fry, was alsp high on his half; Meanwhile; "Ken,"'"a of the brother act. .Reynold's Pehland Delivirs thie '-®s» freshman quarterback for. "He'll have to wear a lot of North Texas State,, made his hats for"us this year," Fry ' with the "New Breed" of Fashion varsity.debutby-rushing for said, "He's simply an amaz­.;* Jir8 yards"on 21 carrtesrand inglridrHe's got the poiseof a '-completing seven-of 15 passes • senior. It's like having — UF1T«Wphoto -•-••fop -ioi; more as -the Eagles -another coach oa the field. "-Foreman sports cwt over right eye. ' h: • HASPEL .;vfj ins on & ,f»|ll&ar -J-.-- Ji PITTSBURGH (AP) -Jim Tyson, who threw wildly, past Bobby Grich T VESTED CORDUROY winner Ferguson Jenkins foi" Rooker hurled a six-hitter, Joe Torre at, first, enabling .Baltimore sent 12 batters to successive home runs in the ..arid A1 Oliver belted a two-run the plate; starting with Grich. .first inning, and: the Angels ..., -double, hefpingjhe Pittsburgh r —-* • j j,.--whodrewa.walk of fJJat.Daba. went on to a 4-1 victory in the -yr": Pirates to a' i-T yictoFjnaver_ -NEW-YORK •* night. rookie Tom RobSon Singled in" felt. A good• investment for Fall, 110.00. The Cardinals led 1-0 into ' -The triumph 'gave the., as the Texas _ two-rilns the fourth when the Pirates Orioiayhe-first two games of' Rangers blanked the Califor­scored twice off loser Lynn •ithe crucial three-game series ma Angels 2^0 Wednesday The noh-button down designed by Eagle' . McGlothen with the help oj . and was their 17th win in their night .for a split of their, Shirtmakers to wear with the vested suit- two errors by St, Louis last 22 games. doiibleheader. ' TS the slide bar gives the collar, and tie a new shortstop Mike Tyson. . -. g fhe Orioles' big inning • Briic6 Bochte and "Jo? shape. Durable-Press polyestcr-and cottooin Oliver opened the Pirates' •against three pitchers includ­Lahoud tagged 23-game fourth with a double. Willie ed three walks — two with the iv hito,-1'1.-50 (Club lie 8,50;.collarbar 2.50)..,; Stirgell then hit a grounder bases loaded — three singled that was deflected by and consecutive two-run . McGlothen and fielded by • doubles by Rich Coggins and s VOLKSWAGEN TOYOTA DATSUN VOLVO , Qualify:Service -Reasonable Prices Suiting M*n it our buMuitU how they stand CARBURETION r NATIpHAl 1IAOUI AMERICAN LEAGUC ALWAYS FREE (o«t TUNING & EXHAUST : UNIVERSITY •W'-'.'-i ftX> ; W i Pet CLUTCH & BRAKE DIAGNOSIS . st iotfi'i?.?;., 9^69 .537 ' New York,. , ; ,. ,90 W .337 PlmburjTi \ ?t 70 .5V \V» • Baltimore" »:t7b .533 VALVE & RING •' ESTIMATES ^hllaphiA -t<90- 530 2U>' ENGINE REBUILDING COMPRESSION;TEST Montreal -W-.-U73 Clervfland » 73 75 .493 6W NcwYork 8} »4S3 t2Vi Milwaukee its:Mi... n. 78 -.480 8V^ PLEASE TRY US! ~~77 HIGHLAND MALL 'W Chicago.. U .419 \7Va Oetrolt 68 8K .456 12 . . ,---— ' W*»l . OVERSEASENCINE 1003Sagebrush 836-3171 . • LoiAnyelcs.93 55 .638. Oakland . 85 65 367 Chicmnatl 91 58 .611 2V> ~ TejraT. 80'70r-,S» tr-,,5 ••••••% | • ••«•••••• Atlanta 83 68 :550 11W Minnesota 77 73 513 8 CONGRESS AVEr^"-t .. . Houston 75 74 .503 J8V? Chicago "72 77— 483 12W San Fran 68 83 .450 26Vi . KanCHy ......i.;;; 7J 78 .480 13 (UT Student Gov't Tours SanOit^o.54 96 360 40 California.;.. w • 61 90 .404 • 24«* ^REYNOLDS Wednesdef'e Oem»« \f\ W#do«edoy*« Oem*e2-^5%.v • ' presents Chtcasto 5, PhHaOelphia 2 ^Baltimore 10, New York 4' 'fl/i \i t Atlanta 4, San Francisco 2 -4 ^.Oetrolt 5, Boston 8. -<#•> Pittsburgh A, Si. Louis 1-• Cleveland & Milwaukee 3 . Mohtreaty New York 2, tsf Oakia^m 5. Kansas City 4 . . , ' New .York at Montreal ?nd. -• . California 4, Texas 1.-1st game •. Cincinnati at San b)*9o, N : Texas 2, California 0, 2nd game ;-iv; '• Houstpn at. Los Anptles, N • Minnesota-at CMcago, N ' $J2j00 includes Mi Til hlgKypiy Iwt iwnxl-lrip trnnpartatmi t* UAb«dt " r Shoe Shop Dooutj (complimwh of $G Twn) E»». wi# fnv* UttMwU Foonhim Saturday, Sepfwnbar 21 We make and SHEEPSKIN ol.J:J0 aj«., arriving tiAbedi at nom. Altar tha gaim, bus THE PEDALER BICYCLE SHOPS will retvrn to iittlefieM Fountain ot rohhiglit. repair-boots RUGS Sign up shoes belts Many Of Austin Mp& Beautiful Colors W«A, Sapftmfiir It -fh'„ SiptinAtr 20 iS*-. leather wBon yoo inw lor tkVtlj ot iht ticket' office^. For more.tnformotiofl, coll ^LEATHER SALE • goods® 471-3^2!. Vorioui kinds, color* - 75^ per ft. Announce Their Warehouse Clearance lUMmwut * Capitol Saddlery 1614 Lavaca Austin, Texas -478-9309 % S3& J 2700 Anderson Lane 453-3329ir­ ^ ,-3Sh 615 West 29th St. 472-5549 •3s*-­ tod*y#:lhere'ione brewerybigenough toedmlt\wou$te«in beer; proud enough to puMts nunc on two UbcW; honest enough ttf give you freedom of choice The Peer! brewery,-„ . . ; • ( . With Pe«rf premium. Here's (he beer that si«rted il ill, / m brewed with. pure.sprTng water to the seme great taste since* 1886. And Pearl Light. This light beer that doesn't ieave taste behind because it too is brewed from ttOO springs Irak Bicycle Royal Asport Pearl Premium and -Petri-LighlT^ "* Simplex Derailleurs by Gitane Simplex Derailleurs Quick Release Hubs Various Frame SizesClencher Tires Lam Brakes Tool "Kit REG. $129.00 Reg. $125.00 * ­ %3?'VV J»>3RW z MAT IUMCO'MM t(MITDMOTH Usecl Bicycles l-WT-.tl 3 Speed, 5 ancHO Speeds ,-OTukuiAR .Tjmk/ 00 $95^0 y; OTOfJlftMHlUKIMMIW.LOY Bicycles A^sem Tuned! ^Order Specializing In Raleig^ Gitane^& Peugeo^ Wj SALES -SERVICE -ACCESSORIES 400 Nuec«« Co11476-6568 «!«.v fhp pftt • .meeting was held last Thursday in which ^•..^f they didn't see it?" Royal explained the situation and-asked "; , Once again, the track coachesdon't con-that the incident'be "kept in the family." -done the use of marij.uana, and Price had Or sosay many membersof the team who;' no alternative but to take disciplinary.ac-. iC-* of poursc, wish to be left anonymous."^1* ' tion. . -.w And none of the football team said • However, sonwwhere down the line, I" anything. believe there'sa Law against illegal search J'I DON'T know .about it*,ancTl.don't 'and seizure (or could it be in my mind?) _ want to know," linebacker WadeJohnston . /and the ev'idence produced byWhomever, it 'said. 'V' V-' -was that discovered the contraband can't "I,don't know anything about tljis, bat if be used in a court of law. you find out, you'd be better off not to"say If, in fact, somebody: really,did search . anything," tackle' Doug English said. •, the roofhs. and.ilsorpebody really, did dis­"That.is^ilyou want tostay ongood terms -I'cover some madjuana. /' ' with the football team and Coach Royal.!' It boilsdown toa matterof credibility.,. Unfortunately the gathering of news is " who's going to believe who and who's far more important tome (aswell asmost not telling the truth'. journalists) .than staying on good teriris v IT IS NOT the intention of this staff to with any footbail team or any coach. , destroy the image of the Texas athletics While nobody on the footballteam would department we certainly don'Jt believe comment on the incident, Bizell did, and that will happen. " . revealed the entire story of how Universi­f Nor ii it oui* intention to alienate The ty police stopped him and the Thurmans, • £iPaily Texan from the Texas athletics --frisked..him and found a-pipebut no pot. ' •department In any'way.* " ' —However, itis.ourintentiotktojeport.the_ parbioia among the football team than the f news objectively, fairly . an0 without dismissal itself. • Tregard for personal feelings-or prior BUT, BIZZELL committed the initial,, friendships. sin — he got caught — and Royal had no ... And that is-our duty as well. V Where Savings and Quality Wavecrest fi ^ -^.Count,- Waterbeds "Max Jones Complete ll f ' l^-^eweler"^ selection of water-1 Where Your Money Buys beds A accessories.I More 6407Bunict MAX JONES • suite 210 454-7901 ntx aid viooc <»mmodore perry bldg. "a.-4/0-4«9D .... . AUSTIN, TEXAS 78701 ' on OfferBelow. •MjjS? GET TO Buy on. giant „upon *4*35 -a BRING THIS COUPON With this coupon; buy any{jiant, large or medium pizza at regular price,and receive one pizza of (he nextsmaller lize with.»qualnumber of ingradienti FREEf Dne coupofk per visit picsM. VA1ID TH8U SEPT. 71,1*74 •itMM.'.lM . fcM sUrm, ' V t*9» *11«I•'« M« MM ^ BURNn TO. 3«00 DUVAl • g ;. 477-4751 ,^220? RIVERSIDE »31» RESEARCH .# M74I77I f1,7237 H<*Y. 2^0 EAST 1710 W. S(|f WHin 444-M5S 4SI-757JC; 447-4611 *28-1504 SHREVEPORT, La. (t!PI) announcing the shift-to hiscity reportedly turned the team's properly, for their maiden businessmen would be given The World Football League of about 200,000 people.--• • ills over tq the WFL head­season. the option of buying the moved its financially troubled J'Thera is real interest here; quarters three weeks ago and • "I think it was April10 when franchise. Houston franchise'to The attH~ude"arid"the'sp"irilare~ 'agreed to'sell the club. • they first came into Houston. He said he wascertain there Shreveport' Wed'nesday'arid^ a -great-Tart* ofr,Louisiana,-™iTiKf.te»m.utepDctedly--built At that timethey didn't havea would be a Shreveport-area: said it would operate under " southwest'Arkansas and East : up a |20i);(^& clebt and had a -place to pfayrthey-Bifln't have*. group willingito,;becpme the league administration until Texas. $1.5 million payroll. a coach, they didn't have a owners. the end of the season.' ^Without any-doubt in my Only 20,000. f$ns attended single player signed. Most of Oneof the team's big draw-; ; The first game will , be mind at all, we can make this the last two home games in the' other WFL teams had ing. cards in 1975 could be played Sept. ,25 against the : thing go," Allen said. Houston, j already been pretty-well quarterback. Craig Morton,.n Memphis Southmen in" the franchise spokesman Wavne alone." THE. HOUSTON Team jvho-is playihg/out his flpUonl 42.Q00-seaOBte. jail* stadium l m d t t l f AU KM SAin with the Dallas .Cowboys' of j : . rifff.Q -.aUprnev and WFL Shireveport news conference, • .would notsetl ffie team lu new die Nalioiiii rSj'tbalt Leaeui^i^J >rsreCg*?wi'^i*rinn1 11.. iJizi-Wt organizer; J-:-*.!?: .nr., Te'xans .was Wednesday night . enoughtime to prepare season when Shreveport next year".. against the Birmingham .Attention/CJi/t>l>ers • Americans at' Birmingham. ; .The Daily' Texan will cover . -4 ,fhe team will be renamed club: sports.\jnce a week ;:in a : ' before opening its five-game combined roundup "this ' home schedule in Shreveport. • scrncstcr. *•'> * ' TT'S~AREALrbig'thing-foi1-—-All-athletic-Jluh_pi^sidents­ us in-the Arkansas, Louisiana, or sponsors, should submit a " 1 »"5 s and ,Texas area to be selected copy pf their schedule to The M E ATS -POULTRY ... & ' by the World Football League Texan sports office (CMA C2­ Ivvl X fti iVt!>t as the site of the.franchise," 122B> within the next week, if, said Mayor Calhoun Allen in the club wishes to Re covered. TexasUnicn Events Today -3^3n_*a 4,an fs m pfcepHQN FOR UT VETERANS. Follows a veteran's orien­tation program from 2 to 4 p.m. in the 4th floor of Academic Center. Sponsored/by Students Older .Than. Average. ^ ciftr mDA^i TT 12 noon. SANDWICH 'SEMINAR:' "Impeachment: An Eyewitness View." Ms; Dagmar Hamilton, assistant professor at the LBJ School ofPublic Af­ fairs and former counsel to the -If you have to ask how much, madame^-v Impeachment inquiry Staff of the you can't afford it." : House Judiciary Committee, will speak. Union 104. Sandwiches and 'ft­chips sold or bring your.lunch. Ideas You Deserve aBreak TodaxlMcDonaidis •-and Issues Committee., ~ Fivo LnrnAnctirt •iS" # mSSm ©1974 McDonald's Corporations m ­ .VA" 1 ysa* 305 WESt ;<-HIGHLAND MALL OPEN 10 OPEN-10 -9 m M-Blue Denim Western Shirts, with Snaps. You ve been asking for them and we ve sizes. *r,is» y-&?iy4L Entire stock of Cuffe^ VALUES TO im Bell Bottoms. ? Assorted colors. 19th Street Store only through,Saturday. '.> 4 I'd'l U Mexican Embroidered Peasant Shirts. New shipment of beautiful —. ... . ....... shirts from the interior of Mexico. •. -S st received new shipment in all colors and sizes. ^ LNKA^IERJCAR 1> andMASl •35 SP sm' :p! t>rv O'Hair Speakson Censorship Bastrop Citizens Oppose ft Religious Influence Criticized by Atheist Bastrop .County citizens and government »•--Bastrop on State Highway 95. By JOSE M. FLORES fluence in publishing: circles. Her latest work, "Freedom try to preserve ayellow Chris­waves are not free from cen­officials met. Wednesday moriiing . in the " Concerned Citizens, a g.r«W{f opposing con­Texan Staff "Writer concerning1 whpt can and can­Under Siege," was literally tian community in the midst sorship. • Censorship in particular and not eventually reach th,e BastropCountyCourthouse'to.discus^an$ll.;,. struction of the center, submitted a petition mutilated because of its. . of 'heathens,' she'said, "Libraries • are the same, miilio'n federal youth rehabilitation'"' center ; which said in part that the "undersigned organized religion in general public. atheistic tones and its irf ^It-was an example of the censorshipwise. Only.about 60 being considered for a Camp Swift site. property owners in.;gastrop 'County stronglyreceived: stiff criticisrm-from-. "The-Catholic Church is questioning of lhe_gditocs' jjood guys, Christiana-* with libraries in .the-country.carry-,., _..Toj^:;Cr^_ exMutiVe assistant to the •.object' -to"thg./fa^fe.1&S&use-tt is not con­ .Mad^yn MurrayO'Hair able, as,itdid in the;l930sand'-)5ellefsf' £he said,. white hats-and'crosses;, my'books: Most .of them take regional directoiv pf the ffiffeaiiof Prisons; 7 "ducive" 'to _ _a :;''prapeE^®"ronTTrent -for .-a- Wednesday. -*' .* 7' '40s, "to exert pressure, on Displaying the original against Buddhist bad guys the books after I badger them. said the public meeting was held to acquaint1^, family.'"' There Ve i,&55 signatures on the Speaking to Humanities publishers by threatening manuscript of a chapter in her with black hats with.a copy of^jthen Hum arouijd and con­ the.public with the type of facility projected.'^.-ipetition. P ' Research Center audience of boycott. Even so,manuscripts latest work, O'Hair showed Karl Marx," she continued. veniently losethem. You peo- Federal Bureau of Prisons, U.S. Depart­Hubert Lixienberger. spokesperson for the about 70,most of whom attend still have to indulge the the audience the yellow4 "The U.S.: was out to set an pie who are going to work in ment of Justice and General Services Ad­group,, said; "They want t6 build the prison. the School of Library Science, publisher's individual ideals, penciled portions signifying example for the world and libraries,ought to know-what ministration (GSA) personnel-;discussed the inght.iri.the middle of five of the fastest grow-O'Hair charged that religious or lack of them, ifthejyarff ex­what the editors-wished prove to itself it was a Chris­ the book business is all about-' center with interested persons as part of the lrrg^housirig developments. -i belieis^HBSfieciaUv-in the pected not to. bfe cut/' she deleted. The deletions, some tian nation, thebest~because.it —censorship;" she added; ai). environmental, .impact preparation. of "People .don't want to buy a home rjght­ the said. uf wlndi inuluJml whule pages-•was-;=Gftl:iBStr,'y that-ii lir ht>sn.--.statement.-- ."next'.to;a. prison.. That thins will stunt our stotateriatonfcflfc pmgram , JMPJtOPOSed facilitv"w5inaff6ijse 30(rto"tog~^ ^ r' censorship. you of your religiousfreedom, percent of the-particular tant Christian;" .she added. KLKT: irst-iimb iVllfindBr&"WlV*wif?tJ[I?5^eiroF"lfl'","'''',''^Eiiient)€*gertsaw^iSi O'Hair.ejaimed the Homan your political freedom and chapter and most of them religion has a Organized Saturday and is the-librarian and 25 inp minifpum Mcurity institution. For . •:, from the proposed site; and he owns about ii40 Catholic Church exerts its in-your money,." she added. were quotes from the Bible. base powerful enough-to in­the Charles E. Stevens at the most part, the-offenders would be guilty ;::v>acres adjoining the GSA property. "There-were three editors, fluence almost every'aspect-•American Atheist-Library in of crimes against property , rather than' Crihi said all infoFmation.gathered .will be" actually. The first, from of daily private and public Austin. She is a former U.S. against persons. . referred"to the Washington office of .the England, deleted everything life, said O'Hair. She said it -.army -officer and . holds five The-center Would -be.established on 175 Bureau_of'Prisons where the decision will behe could find that assailed the also, influences governmental scholastic degrees including a acres of. Camp.Swift land'six miles north of made. r • . ; -American puritan^thiowc in-. —derisions in the long run "doctorate" in feligion. She 'is herited from England. The se-because it is the prime factor • advisory editoron-atfiersitltor cond was antiNegro, he tried in almost everyone's The New York Times. -' "­to delete, .everything concer-• motivations. m ning how many black people VThe basis in thestrength of were Methodist; Baptist or religious*' institutions is the what-have-you. The third was money, our tax dollars dis-.­afral^df-whatever could. be'I-'Tfib'ulOTTfo those institutions — -v-SX described"as antiSemi,tic, so* by the government, and the THEIDEALMEAL FOR A he worked on that. It would power it in turn generates. "have bfeeri funny if it were npf. Money and power are what 'm so insane,".she said. it's all about," she s^id. Cerisor'ship. .•• brimarily-"The .Jewish .community',., literary, is nothing new to the whiie-perhaps being the onlyattw»i«it community sho.gaiH h y with anv kina . of -charging that the atheists 'in' aesthetic perception, has-con- this country have had their trol of most of the dealing in BUT V0U1LLIKE IX TOO.' literature burned since the the fine arts. An artist-friend American Revolution.' . • :' of mine, antiSemitic and a Politically, the influence of -.Fascist, had to alter his work organised religion is to sell it in this country. He'll' CHICKEN prominently entrenched, / -probably do so until he is 1I W-rt O'Hair said, referring to it as strong enough in his own right M, a prime motivator in the U.S. not to have to. The moneyand Vietnam commitment..,.. power will be in his hands iri-J? '9 "Our irivoivement there stead of the art dealere'," she served to not only uphold an continued! RICH COUNTRYG(^WY, FR'ESH unpopular government but to -O'Hair also said even air- TiXASia\S^ H?ENCH TOSSED SAIAS),CHOICEofDRESSING/ Giving nqturea hondwith Ss THE SOUND OF plonts ahc3 things to grow in your dorm, yout'new RE6ULARLYA ^1.69 VALUE... —V*onS»offlfc«to by Carat Jaan Smmora apartment or houste But mostly in your heart' • O'Hair addresses students. Now hvo locationslot your & m 1O WED., THUR. ' I growing needs' ' MEDEMA David & Schraeder V-l SEPT. 18 & 19 1 International GardenCenter COMING SOON! . lusvott-Bumet Road and' & ^ ONLY! When your imagination runs loose—when • your North loopDrive at .. tong-John-Sttve^s—— .wv. share what matters most with another—when your David & Schraeder Interiors joy explodes at the wonder of being alive—you are 2625 Hancock Dnve.next to responding to the sounds .of , the Crattsmenrnlantern DELICIOUS,& lane ShoppingCenter. RESTAURANT 2809 SAN JACiNIO KENMEDEIVIA-Mii.tci." • 3ip ^17 different posters [BIKINI PAlilfS 88! the largest selection in town! W-e^re always. s400 from $l50to looking X (Emerson, Lake & Palmer) for new things w hw m j) to make / dfr TRACY NELSON nicorri^^Galleryj you look good^": ERIC CLAPTON SDJ310JPJ310 CS731Q 461 Ocean:Boulevard J325f Guadolup* Dobie 2nd floor SO. 4801 TP 4801 CS 4801 Welcome back, my friends, lllilMffiHMfliiffiliiiitiltlllllllllillll to the show tiiai never ends Average White Band Ladies and Gentlemen w ­ FOCUS Emerson Lake <£• si P&lmei -• Welcomo b^ok,my tnends, ­ ",lothe shojii thatpeversods. AVERAGE WHITE BAND. LadiesandGeotlenieiif FOCUS , -••­ SD 7308 -TPV308 CS 7308 ' EMERSON. LAKE* PALMER ' :1# Hamburger Concerto i MC 3-200TP3-200 C$3-200 SD 36-100 TP 3^-100 ,CS 36-100! UrtN Freo Parkiny in rhe 0 TILL MiDNIGHl Covered Dobie 2021 GUADALUPE WON. THRU SAT. Garaqe |§S§tll$l 478-61 19 il___ r'.»; AM^ M) 5^ p.i^vy> Sought 4 i'd Rath Poetrfhtth I'd rather be a poet than TexPIRG Heads Drive fjSgJames Bond. Bx.Bl.LL SCOTT "41 eliminate the present rate reduction forlarge ST'-E-fc Texan Staff WHter WhaJ'* for supper? volume electric power customers, will A petitiorS dfIvS;supportirig 'flat electric Rick Monfrini become an "important issue" in the spring- rates, initiated last spring by Save Austin's sibling City Council campaign; Harding said; mw yaluable Environment (SAVE), has been in her. whirlpool way Rape (Orpheus Descending) ^turned over toTexPIRG because of a''lack of Harding said, dtleast 20,000signatures will ^ond said m Astonished v/ »time and-manpower," according, to .Sheryl need to be collected to insure 15,000 properly^ wirfin for vspoon ife&Harding, staff worker for the public interest registered, nonduplieate nambs'can be primitive daydream too real m research group. tallied. Fifteen-thousand Travis County voter this remotelessness .the Chinedragon The proposed,new structure, which would ^signatures are-the. minimum requirement.­ tAO. he does not kiss to kiss •*;\c •H- m dvnastk Gfuf'n*; .. :.- -ml-I* »f*T ... "" •' my check J-BgtasaSSSSSKK'. ? "^'i.^L^fcj££aasS35£SSSSgESS^',g:""*":":--" *' ' ' 'i >rfg-lite i ;V vifith his 60 wa vet. pain New Bus, More Space SBSj dan<*d oft' the -X Weary, shuttle bus travelers ing parking permits. staff and faculty members and touch again ' now have an opportunity :to . According' to Jim Wilson, who are required by jtheir then swim ieking pulse sighs "smile:and sH. -at least on the— assistant-fofv-shuttlfe ^us work,to travel accrossicairi-East Campus, route. Begm­ operations, the added bus will. pus; At the-same time, thestu­ ey­ : ning Friday an extra bus will not t cost.the administration in the dent body should receivesome " be. added• to the four already' eing her, ton "neighborhood • of -$l7,000-~a needed-relief from the over.-­ amazing . on the-EC route in an effort year, but there will be no ex­crowded buses/' Wilson ex­ w4 V -i 0$ • • o so sweet tilf: tourn silence too al1eviate parking tra charge to students. Wilson plained. . j but aarup' problems on campus. ; Anon also observed there will be no Wilson foresees no. buses Besides the extra, .seryice, -decline. in, service-on other-added-to any other shuttle never try contributions shuttle bus passes no longer shuttle routes. routes. ' " San FranchicD ?Ars PoeticalIhe-DcrilyT&t#1' Drawer will be required for Universi­"In addition to providing The new bus will operate ty faculty and s^aff using the ' ...bende^i transit to and from the East from7:30 a.m. to5:30 p.m. on EC route. HoWever. iden-' Campus parking lots, the add­the samedaily schedule asdhe: Ufication still -will' be _ -TOM SNAIMtbConl Jmi SmMn ed service isintended to assist rest of the shuttle bus system. r» necessary on all other routes'.flight,Traveller? II? The • recommendation* for ilse Texan Classified Ads Don Acrey,-.University student, causes squeeze when the extra bus was made tiy the Rape Crisis Center ;going-^o-practice on East Campln Route; . —— Committee: and approved by/ T University President Stephen . I w Train Volunteers STARVING? (n Sabel, &.000,000 ire, -Spurr. James Colvin, vice- Prospective volunteers for the University" Rape'CrisisLancb •*& grtuns of-wheat . ' president for business affairs, Measely v Dealh ; Center have been asked to attend a training session at 7:30 1 Calh. RriW Srvc$: W. Airica Faiuine has transferred funds from . . J0U 1st Ave.. NY JOOSJ p:m. *raursday in Union Building 104. . Aid African *pon»ored by: for the parking and* traffic^ac-' Barbara Cohen, co-chairperson of the Women's Affairs .. Fsmin* Rtliif . .count for. the additional bus. • Committee of Student Government, said volunteers will beThis account stems mostly trained by a team of professionals from the Uhiyersityfrom fees received from sell­ • Largest Selection Psychological Counseling Center and by the "core group of" membere already serving the Rape Crisis Center." of Imported Cheeses '. NELSON'S •: The volunteers also act as a crisis intervention team,ser­in Austin • «E/) . GIFTS . ving not only rape cases, but abortion cases. One abortion n KJlam.S 4412 So. CMynt. 'case handled by. the RapeCrisis Center involved thecounsel-' . Brie St-. Paulin • Gray,ere FAMILY : 444-3* U. ing of a woman before and immediately after an abortion. Camembert • Roquefort Raclette Monday I* presents in the Village St.Maure Emmenthaler iib night -no cowr Pont L'Eveque • ZUNI AND NAVAHO Th^ team that worked with her took her to the clinic and Crema Dania for -waited for her after the abortion-was performed. , Caprice Dieux Valencay ' stag man -plui INQIAN JEWELRY 2700 W. Anderson Lane Boursault Bannan Stilton -v.j »«» VALENTINE • MEXICAN -"Volunteers work in teams of two or three right now, but; Boursin ; GorgonzOla Wensleydale v.-j we want to have teams of three or more," Qohfin said.. Across from Unetcorltd ladlos Uneicourted ladies-CilMPORTS " Beaumont Bel Paese • Double Gloucester OPEN 10 a.m litpm. "There is no real limit to the number of volunteers we will 2 frMt highball) no cover and Reblochon Village Cinema , La Grappe Romano Cbeshir'e no cov«r tharg« 2 free highball* -^iS-C/fTSTHATINCREASE L take. People usually filter in and out, depending on their in-• 4517141 / Parmesan Caerphilly : ; Mon.-Sat. ri'lh? IN VALVE" terest and how much time they-can spend. It does take a lot1 Goarmandise Mon.-Thurj. Provotone' Aged Gouda ' Knppy Hr. • of time." Cohen Stressed. Petit Suisse Appenzellar , Leyden • -Mon.-FH.. CLOSED MONDAY —P.ortSalnt Happy Hr. Mon.-Fri. Feta <3 4:00^.45 3 for &30-7:30 .Parties;Try something new, let us recommend a selection V 2 for 1 HAPPY .-JNEXPJENSiyEi j * y'-^vy; • TJOCMIOCOT . of cheeses to please all, your guests! HOUR! LUXURY APARTMENT 442-9032 03 ••y.f MON.-THURS; 4-6 -large andcomfortable one bedroom -.Mm 447-9934 ap.t.«V fr.om $149, furnished. 1907 t. Rmersii* Or. Convenient locatlon on shuttle-bus, 679 W. Ben White SHINER v# within-blliing distance of campus. Beside UT tennis courts* Intramural (feWs.'Two p9ols.'barbeqve pits; BEER >H laun'dry room and courteous t: professional management ^ y Restaurant .,4. T&mm ASPENWOOD NEWBERRY'S CAFETERIA SMYLIE'S 95 AHTCHER . APARTMENTS "" . .-. SP^ Toco Flats . . 4539 Guadalupe 1". 19th & Nueces 5213 N. Lamar Kenneth ' 452-4447 (3 blocks West of Drag} • CAPITAL PLAZA Threadgill Serving the Finest Liquor in Austin appearingthisweek FAMILX BUFFET 12-12 daily — till 1 a.m. Sat.. Today-Friday ''^j~-r. • ^•* : 'i •/f' :-~y Specialty 8:30 til midnight Paradigm fashions for . Sat. 8:30-1 a.m. men and S. T>­ Happy Hour 12-7 daily ALLyOU CAN EAT Lecture women iT'y;•';>>•?.:­ ' A-• •" ' •" Drinks ' \k • cit'' " Happy Hour entertainment Wed7-Satli Note 2 p.m.-7 p.m. Shuffleboard Foosball Service Pool -, .„ • Pong Mon.-Fri. LUNCH & DINNER 1 -3," Pinball : 2700 W. Aatfenon Lane West of Burnet Rd.ln the VHIage -3MM 'Richard Koonce -owner 461-7521 ENTREES SERVED DAILY W— 504 W. 24th St: ^ DRINKS & DESSERTS EXTRA ^l;Uu**tind>Mewm*wa : 10-6 3 . «ni MON. THRU SAT,;.< 11 A.M..,-7:30 P.M. / &«ryMghf«s.. •. m Weekdays tiBMMiHHHw ••jff ' OPEN SUNDAY vlSi taSLmma •:tes 11 A.M.— 2 P.M. W GOor. y FRIDAY & SATURDAY WATCN FOR INFO ON UT CHICKEISj. EATING CONTEST ll CELEBRATE "50's NIGHT!11 ' " Creaks ~!""nm ' w& zm • BILLY JOE h SHINE ^ 'THE 3 AND THE NIGHTCAPS & K*.™"** "-i 2596 GuoooIUM » ORIGINATORS OF "WINE, WINE, WINE" ^ »• LUNCH SPICIAS DAILY -V/? ONE OF THE HOTTEST FIFTIES GROUPS. AROUND . $1.49 UVB MUMC 7 KITES SATURDAY DANGER Chipping NO COVERPRE-GAME FESTIVITIES Mixed Drink* * Beer -A Wnt * Food * -Amusements' Dlmwr SIGNALS SCREWDRIVERS & TEQUILA SUNRISES 65c: Iv«m 6tO0 * r fj&r Second Level Dobte Molt 21st 6 Guodolupe dl"*: t? •. -t«qwilo 50-)ih«l W«l. (, Sal. v ro& .' free poring fn /he reor^ seo im;ahu: .; m Happy Naur 4^6 ; T next •weak"' 5^' 2 for-: 1. Mixed-Drinks'; >1^5 - 1' s>r-s LAST WEEK OF OUR GRAND OPENING CHICKEN: 1.The appearance of a comb­ like protuberance at the top of the head. 2. A sprouting* pf suspicious-'­ "s -looking feathers.-,1-— -"­ 3. A restless urge to scratch gravel. —­If things haven't gone this far, then you should go to KFC # 6 at-; 2120 Guadalupe-for -Crisp1 Chicken that's hard to get too much of. /• If you are lookingfor a change, remember our delicious smoky htrodycing Spaghetti, Latagnqj Ravioli Dinner barbeque. KFC #6 is a pleas­ ^yegdi^reht,tastes. J&Ruftnjf t4 varieties of f5% Off ThisWeek Only k ? The Different iandwith, hot '-sandwiches seryei' ( on foolhna bfe«d. ^ Wirie 25c A Glass A|l Day||| PlttOj and Italian food Roast beel,corned beef,cheeses Restaurant ' pastrami, harp quiche'jMrbecue avocadosoup.cHeeswiKe & Heippy Hour Beer Prices All;Day .bakiava But not allat oocet jtur' 304 West 13IMW-1900 • fK ichjlob'iO'adla.. ,... t .iv, ,i1.AOPilcher Shiner20c a Glas&\ .^.I^IOPitcher «i*i;rm. 11 a.m. lo I a.m. •AT.11 a.m. «e 2 a.m. COMMOn «6 .2 i 20 GU ADALI 2801 ToGo Available W S'8SSyj|S|#^i&S6 m PooelO SS If ' &&&W 'Marble' Shows World Tinsel Town Gran d tou rs o f the do. Robert Redford, Paul quet attended, by stars who-Hollywood movie-making Tv'ewman. Richard Burton and have been under contract to scene — including visits" to George C. Scott are .among MGM: Liza MinnelH and Sam­ 's Outlook feurmajorfilm-sUidios where., the ;.male leads,. .and.,; Glara m.y.Davis Jr. will entertain.at_ stars will be sjeen in inter­Bow, Bette Davis.^ Shirley;-the banquet. By WILLIAM A. STONELJft^:!tetradttions,-pastimes, life sweeter. My father is a wise views and segments from Ternple, Marilyn Monroe. Gloria Swanson. Jack Ben­• Tcjtan Staff Writer • styles and personalities., man ... i-think." their films —. will receive en-Elizabeth Taylor and Barbra . nv and' Kirk Douglas star as A weekly children's televi • Last week's opening shQW. 'i .Quick-cutsareused to com­ eore-telecasts on "Paramount sion series. whic£ really isn't; for example, went to the-plement and. separate each of the ABC-..Streisand are.amongJhe ac­.hosts"" of "Wide'World Special" series tresses who will be se'en in" Presents;"whichwiHfeature 'a children's series at all,., is Swiss Alps and to a group of the major segments; In one, telecast' at 10:30 p.m. on clips from such' Fox films as segments from more than 75 shown at 6:30 p.m. Thursdays young boys who go there an-, an award was given to a giant channel 24. "Cleopatra,'' '.'The Grapes of of that stiidio's"more famouson KTBC, channel 7; •nually for the"eoat roundup;" poor-boy sandwich. Others in­The programs to be offered Wrath." "Patton," Planet of • It'-s called the "Big. Blue NEXT, M Marble'• travelled : cluded a girl handily defeating films. Swanson also, will re- are: "Wait Disney — A the Apes"' and "The French enact her famous return to Marble," and it's one of the to Yugoslavia andto ateenage ; her male opponent irt an arm-Goldefi Anniversary Salute,'' Connection." .Paramount in ''Sunsetmost entertaining, enlighten­boy making an animated_ car­wrestling matchandan inter-Friday; .."20th Cehtury-Fox . The MGM special will focus Boulevard." a role for whiching and refreshing shows toon, "The Secret ef-the pational frog-jumping content. Presents,.'Tuesday;''That's on*the premiere of "That's -.sKe received . an 'Academy The seemerit exnlaiheri mi&s Enfertajnrriertt: 50 Years of Entertainment!"^and 'a ban­Award nomination. reason arble:'-the mechanics of animation MnrhlP provides' iritereSFani gftepis-oi'.^w prfsingiy, the international fifegeat to children fromagesJB to!}0is .finished product.­ Telephoneand Telegraph Cor-' Thursday. ,~ §\mpre: in terms of worldly -"The show then explored a poration, which -say?--the- J)ean Joneshosts the Disney .knowledge • and. experience", '• fishing', port in Iceland. The series eventually Will be special, a tribute which spans many of us have never really narrator here, was a boy ser­ shown in more than 100 U S. five decades of Disney's' ac­ grown upr ' • • " .virig an apprenticeship on a markets.'Another advantage; complishments. Julie An­TONIGHT How many adults, for-in­fishing trawler./At the; day's the show has no commercial - drews; Fred . MacMurray, stance, are accurately, in-end, he looked it the fish he interruptions. Buddy Ebsen and Annette PLUM NELLY tormpti nhi«! excludes had helped catch and said with Funiceilov who havestarred in propaganda andsterotypesiloJL.jnndcent" understatement: In. addition;—teachers-tn—' miDAY & SATURDAY ey movies,-recall their conditio.ns~and.life' stylos, "We keep the fish eggs,:too.. sejementary school?5cross tfie"" associations with him. 'country-have provided Americans have aiy intelligent • for caviar." . "study guides" for each of the From the battle fleets on *THE FOUR CARELESS LOVERS understanding of what it'slike . The . opening show also' programs, in hopes that they the miniature set of."Tora, to live iii a foreign' country? featured a Tunisian lad who will discuss each show with Tora. Tora," to the streets of 707 Qee Coves Rd. 327-9016 TN OTHER WORDS, walks his family's farm • their students. "Marble";thus||2^ old New York in the million- across the globe? How many Grownups pay a lot of money been ROBERTEALEY ''Marble'' channels its view­produce fivemiles tp a nearby, . hopes to carry the-A child visits Madurodam, the miniature Dutch cityin ' dollar setting of "'Hello, point through' a child's eyes; village on market day. The job-""educational experience", The Hague whereeverything work*, at featured , Dolly!"Richard'Chamberlain but-it speaks to everyone. i% a grueling one, and the boy -beyond the television scr'e'en.* -on an upcoming segment of "Big Blue Marble." 'T?guides viewers through a look •'Marble" begins .with an •views it philosophjpally. — The .series, vioienfce-'free, of most ' children's cant format within a palatable' at the studios,;stare and films drome overview .of youngsters . of. 20th Century-Fox almost: "My father says hard has, successfully'escaped the shows and, atthesame time, and professinal presentitidn; "shooting marbles, proceeds work makes pieasure customary cutesy-corny syn-. captured a culturally signifi-. Bugs Bunny, eat your, heart John' Barrymore, Gable,' -through a DrisK montage of • . out, .._— ' Tyrone Power, Marlon Bran-' children playing outdoors, Armadillo dancing in the streets,.and. so on. then pauses for children of World Headquarters varied nationalities to say "hello" in theirown language. f*f{E$ENTS Each week the show travels TONIGHT to at least three different ROY BUCHANAN parts of the world to examine ! FRIDAY NO COVER CHARGE various customs, mores. NO COVER ' AUGIE MEYER THE ORIGINAL AND MALE GO-GO DANCERS BOB JENKINS . dveiry rnfe • Paula's Playpen COMING: v. HAPPY HOUR MILTON CARROLL 1500 (tarlonSpring*' Amofeur Nitp Mon. & f/iurs. Louden Wainwright : ALL NIGHT $75 total for3priz6. winner*. Cover Charge Willis Alan Ramsey LADIES FREE SUNDAY Marshall Tucker VINCE VANCE ANO THE VALIANTS LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Freddie King v FEATURING \ DOORS OPEN: 8 HAPPY HOUR: 8-9 — Grand Opening David Bromberg „ AND GUEST JAM ' New ..Riders. of the SepS 19th^ Purple Sagg' ZUIDER ZEE ItTHbitfcARTH -914.N.LAMAR 477-3783 ^ Cotton Exchange. Commander Cody HAPPY HOUR 4-7 EVERY DAY .<} Brute Springsteen OUR UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY DEFINES SUBURBAN' " Saloon ~ — PolnterSisrers^ HmBAND=AS=&=GARDENEftM/Bii=$&X-P*IVI&GES For Information Call Thur. lost Highway Bond 477-0357 THE BUCKET 23rd and Pearl Fri.-Sat. Plum Nelly ^^xross^oroJJc^ii^ortl^^Hours^Freg^Nrjdn^^ Common cover, charge with River City Inn.and Alliance Wagonyard . One cover gets you in all three places East 6rh & .Trinity Gatsby Girls don't wait . by the.phone.... They go for dinner, good folk and the r-. mellow music of Syl 5mith Of J. Gofsby's Dor ond ResfQuront. o Something new for Austin. In the Villoge,-2700'Anderson Lone. • 100 ACADCMY ' rS v.- TOHKHTANNtX lift: WILD BILL il *wm.«mte vamuu . j.eosiBr?s ral. SIM.'JO. » KM.' ' FLOYD TILLMAN ' ALSO ALVIN CROW 11:00 o.m;—12 midnight Friday, ond Saturday i ,T HI 1:00 Q.m. Opens for Sunday Diunch at 12:00. SAT. an. i1.1 rue • • Entertainment, Tuesday—Saturday.&30 to dose. B. W. ten : Happy Hour 3K30 p.m.—7 pjn.—drinks two for •­ -SUVIHSOHffr­ fS • ADV. TICKETS (J SofeAif . -one every dqy except Saturday. -— el Iftntr Sonrtum, Odd «nd lh« Qpnf b«i offiM. tSI? • ' SHOW INFO 442-2743 An 6vVCfltiits» WSili licllllll To Foi'CVCI • ^ ^ • '^505 NECHES .• .. 1 block w, of.Red River THURS. SILVER CITY ' # SADDLE TRAMPS -Mi • >75* Margarita rIS J ' Nits , 472-0061 IcLIPTHIS LUCKYCOUPON! IAND TANK1/3OPP YOUR|­SUIIT'S MKAL IP ITIS|I lie ( nil tiral I,n(crl ainmcnt ( Oimnidcc '^S EQUAL ORIKSTHAN 5 •YOURS.PROM 3JPMol1PM": (>I (he I e\as I nion > lONLY.OFFIR OOOD UNTILR OCT. 6,1*74. | ftu. Our standing challenge: taste and compure the good » .old-time flavor of Pabst with any other beer.Once you• ^ I . ^ Willi I 1] > I ii 11 I; 11 S, r\ U \ •, |; (• taste Blue Ribbon quality, you'll never go back to the I u 1^1 I inv SV.|,|( i i 11 u i 1 7 11 --mi »\ 1 MIi,i i I u.i. «,( beeryou were drinking.Take our challenge.We know . , ( )IU" i';. i ^-,1 Blue,Ribbon will cdfne out the winner,e\tery time.: s . pi. iii'm ^ I (> .s i S i; ^i>»­I tus S, lu i In K I i k v in iiv 11< • 1< K i • )« -'I» i'. Is iiisi >1 \ ill;.;. ( < i I i •— — thrcaigiif • .v. • • .• . • i. — ' 7 Ul> 7 U) |>M t • OwfHtW, 1M *A*fT BMWlNfl COMPANY MHvMikM. WJ»., Morta ItL, Lot AhooIm. C«m., F«bcU I \ I 1 ..I'll, I . I I > I I , I, It < El ! ^ . I I I, , kl . ,1 fl ' John Jf'Monfrey Wine and Liquor Co; S . Swung ton***#!* us.., * Distributor of Pabst Blu$ Ribbon find Andeker Beer Supreme i-'-i J. I -soteuwni^pwinu ) #-,1 I* '/* I IStlAJUIttJMI i 1 I HWAt 2928 Manor Road 72-4961 1 TV msmmmmmm. AB-m ^ m . mmm• Film Captures '50s Mood Kravitz Focuses on Greed USA and Southside. .the girl's house, the malt shop tinge to the phofographyr Cer­"The Apprenticeship dian and well-intentioned, but, By GALEN SHOTTS* *" and the drive-in. tainly, this is because the •• of Duddy Kravitz;" on closerinspeClStCIKfr^anar.Like its counterpart,' • Though bo£-girl lives of . the characters are;; directed by Ted dian aspect comes down to a "American Graffiti." "The relationships take, up a good duU • Kotcheff; screenplay by few French i'dioms (the large;Lords of Flatbush" is b$nt on portion of the movie, it is not My complaint is aimed at Mordecai Richler and cast is mostly American) and telling it like it was — except all loye story. Brooklyn does the direction and sound mix­Lionel Chetwynd; starr-,_ . the intentions become,,the era is 1958 instead of 1962 have more to offer. The guys ing. Quiteoften important and ing Richard. Dreyfuss;. > somewhat confused. " asin ^Graffiti.'-The movie is decide Ghico (King) needs a timely lines are lost because _ at.Highland Mall. yjiiy . ; Blame some of this on ST:' "The Lords of Flat-, bush;"directed byStephen F; Verona and Jflartin-Davidson; screenplay by: Stephen F. Verona, Martin. Davidson andfiayle Gleckler; starring' Sylvester Stallone,'. Perry King, Henry Winkter, Paul Mace, Susan ; B.lakely, Kenee Paris and-Maria Smith; music by Joe "BTirofrs Four. Shnwtnwn' FRI, & SAT. ONLY - &&... - TOD BROWNING'S complete . with leather car to get in .good with a girl,-of overlapping of sentences* By. MIKE SPIES jackets, cigarettes rolled ; up" and they, arrange for it. The words and music. This could ,x-';-Texan -Staff Writer v. m the sleeve, slicked-back Lords go'out to fight one per-have been avoided but wasn't ." 5''The Apprenticeship, of • hair, girls in " curlers,., and-son and,«nd up'ffghting off a for a reason I can't imagine. Duddy Kravite" is a not-bad motorcycles. Th6 scenes take whole feotball team— almost Otherwise, this film, of a film that could have been Tjrjce^homeriitr-pOTPStHvS^jB^ding—period-are football -field itip•.plassinhnm MIDNIGHT SHOW $1-00 • LUIS BUNUCl SALVADOR DAWS FREAKS^andmusian plus DOG . Features f® #VH&IB0ND 7:00-8:25-10:00 Br,'-*. If MARILYN M0NR0E*CANDY BARR AND A HOST OF OTHERS IN ^THE EROTIC FILM CIRCUS" • "Unlike the 'Best of the ;\'eicYork Erottc Film Festival* :.V the'ma* joritv of pictures in fhts group ore both erotic and amusing ..." '"The one*to wait*for, without a doubt; is %AppU Knockers and Coke,'-o short staff film made araurtd)948 witha very xoting. very ; ahjectrlookinx Marilyn Monroe. She.tcalksin front of the camera^Mts . doicn benefit kafaketreeandcommencesaslotrstrip-teasetlaSerroll­' ing-mn apple u^andltawhlhefamons torso and sipping.a cpkeS­ , .i : • -rDoria MUU, Washington SUr News TRANSilrTEXAS OPEN AT 7:30 HURRY! HRSt rtA. 8.-15 $1.50 til IW . "UST DAY" SHOWTIME 640QBtttBttBMd— . AMERICAN miJONAl.ENTERPRISES, |MC ^The-;Acat^my Awaf^-Wino' £** t.i.... • rv. mm The exciting true story of a vanishing American and Ms special kind of fieeOotn. PLUS AT Hh» ONLY DELUXE "BROTHERS O'TOOLE" EXC1USIVE AUSTIN SHOWING! V 'p OPtN 1-JO '-_'A HA. 1.-45*1S4-J0 ^j—^^2200HaroodiDrivt—45H64! . . Reduced Pric»s til 5^0 nwyiw rnw ni sunt WINNER OF B ACADEMYAWARDSI see IT NOW ON OUR GIANT SCREEN DAVIDLEAN'SFILM OF BORIS RASIERNAKS DOCTOR ZIlilAGO jjjPANAVISIOir METROCOLOn C STARRING MCM • ' J ' GKAlDlNt CHAPtIN » JULIE CHRISTIE * TOM COURTtNATf • •33s'V: FEATURE TIMES 1;10-Z^M-30-fc0»7^»aS •tuHMmuirwmw.wi CULF STATES ORIVE-IW V. if CULT STATES fMUVC-W V Show TOU N USA SouThside • 'XWy.lCarMwunWH/1 E, Btnytfitf444-2296^ BOX OFflCE OPEN 7rfS *SHOW STARTS AT DUSIT ' 0PEITO5 «A. 7Mb.#* $100 HI 6 p.m. 4«0-fc00§M Texas CLASSES INCLUDED SAOrilMIO "PASS UST SUSPENDEp'' ti JMytttarboIsp; •'is IN Trankenstcin VGOREOUS­IIVING" COLOR Tha ultimate stomach ^ m —Howard Kissel, AftimbyPWtHORRISSEr m Womsn's-WearDaily : « u«ia wi(h.BtMittniH«»>i>nowinioti•toimi nftumoiinamBituitc MH&6 TnRffffiTTfTR EPARATt t^^ssssssissf 1 RATt^M-lo J HEATUWS^MO CLINT EASTWOOD THUNDERBOLT and LIGHTFOOT" However, maturity,.-.or the lack-oi if. a­"Flathusb-" -It is easy, .to realize the'Lords will: never see the world aspthers will because;they arethebad guys, the ones who willnot make it. They push everyone around, including the teachers (although the one in the film deservMrbut^n they are the ones to get;push- ed bepause of their antics. They asked-for it by refusing' to grow up oc not.being'^ble­ r to. . • Very noticeable is the.dull familiar with but haveh£ard a criticaV praise^for ntay^". Thornton To Play Patio . . , . . . , ... , . A coiicei-t of original compositions by., singer-songwriter-guitarist T Gosney Thomtth will be given'bn the Union Patiost "Thnrntn^fnaiivo t ' " -He is a young.pushy Jewish w began playing music eight years ksa j^ssess^ byVdreams of „? in the Washington, D.C.^area. Returning .to Texas in 1967, wealth and property, sweep- bass-in.variouspt "^^"8 ^^?Jmost three years ago candidly expressingwhat they Gr^D^S ^ch famegroups as theNitty ^cretly; believe,' disgusting Threadgill Johnny Otis Show and Kenneth many othere-(among many others-(among them his uncle, played with his usual,' -The cartCert is sponsored by the Union Musical Events Com movie-stealing dignity 'by mittee, and admission is freei _ t,« ?r,_ Authentic Italian/ French - and Austrian cuisine prepared by Native European chefs. The finest in* Viennese pastries. For souffle's cally in iadvance. •• •' • Featuring European Cold Buffet Lunches, Mon. thru Fri. Lunch 11:30 -2 Dinner 5:30 • 476-1344 1801 Lavacain the Cambridge Tower^ 1& 2 8i Guadalupe Second-level Dobie MalL477.1324 •SCREEN 1 . I |UINSPIRED SPGOFERY! The laughter evoked is I -as uninhibited andcarefree as any you've been I exposed to in a iQng time...a dazzling and sustained farce, which is a mad.affectionate tribute to every ';I historical melodrama anybody-ever saw. Wilder . f and Sutherlandperform magically. Supporting -I performances are not just polished but lacquered."/; I -UPTIMES 0//^. I I S8& Start I JTJte . I cRevolution Without I cMe. I fMDSUIHW co^msiGRfmH-yffltectw MMIW iramiiirtafiDH* ~ 1:45 7.-00I m 300 S125 tHs.li * 8:45 ISO 5:1$ 10^0 I THE KING AND HIS LOYAL SHORT SUBJECTS BAMBI MKKT.S A >01 . MASK MAN ? tficy 8fuf •? *'i,|lir.p n • nation KING OF a HEARTS I Th.s *icky beautiful lilm Ins awakened become a Riani and turned the movie *orln the Catholic Student Center '. 2010 .University Ave. • FUN -PANC1~^MUSTC 7 Tickets: $1.00 at West Mall and at the door • • Sponsor: /ntemational Sutdrnl Orgimizatbn THIS IS THE FINGER £IG DADDY USES TO TASTE-TEST YOUR PIZZA S alright!! BIG DADDY'S 2513 Sari Aatonio, behind The Hole- In-The-Wall 476-6795 INTERSTATE THEATRES PARAWOUNT. bn ''' 7-p.m-, ACT' / 1 3 CONGRESS AVENijF : KK'6:4p-8i20-10:00 "*ST "—* DAY! Mike ftfchois. Jack CandiceBogen, Arthur GarfunkelAnn Carnal Knowledge. STARTS TOMORROW ^ I||ieMagnificentOnel IHe makes the fastest I gunslrvjhe West":^ Idie laughing! TERENCEHILt MjmoF THE "TRINITY" STAR AND HIS NEW SIDEKICK "VBULL SCHMIDT"! v .25 til 3 p.m. ~ VARSITY •s 2:15-4:10-6:05 LAST :'"100 r.ijAfjAi.t iff s t u\ ( r 8:00-9:55 DAY! ACOMEtiY CLASSIC! "AMM4L (MMRS il2 Midnight THE GREATEST SEX FILM| THE BATTLe'OFKUN?fU KINGS:BRUpEL?E VS AMERICA'S CrtUCK NOfWIS SINCE "KING KONG" • JT4 No One GROUP M&k BlHKC LM gKHfi Inder 11 Under IB|PpESE^TS AdmlHsd R€tuniofTh€Drafion ' <";?hl»i«mpertormaneal>hisbtttl # 1 NOW AT J-K} STATES D«IVF.1M V ». SJErtS Show iou\ USA 3T THEATRES!|t ^ US-wm*emmttma gulp i , OPEN **• ifpseph Wiseman). making him lessa bastardand ' Yet the movie tells-Buddy's morte an unsure, overactive : story in subjective close-ups social climber. as sympathetic, although • In supporting roles, naivete is hardly a basis for Micheline Ltoctot is excep­ pity in Duddy's case. Even tional, and-Denholm Elliptt when he causes disaster, he is has the pne consistentlyamus­still merely an-aggress'ive kid ing part. lusting, after materialist goals, and" why-should one Jack Warden is effectively type-cast as Duddy-s. father;care about him if that isall Jie has on his mind? To the lack butRandy Quaid drifts uncon­an epileptic in of detachment,Jed Kotcheff's vincingly as direction adds its own flaws what is admittedly the Were-,'its-other'faults-less, •: completely *p*cial 0tfMt.-Elliot Gouhj DAVE LOGGINS "P/eoje Come to Boston" Ticket!' $6, $5, $4. Reseryed seats avoiloble ot Raymond's Drugs 1 and 7t Josfee's: in Highland Moll,, and moil'o/der from Austin Ticket 5e»yke; 2706 Rio Grande, Austin 707(i5 {include money order, stamped $130 ttM ML vMlf-addreMod envelope and . Features 44>10 25' Kindling). ­ "Jf/V TONIGHT! THE POWER AND^S THE GLORY (1933) • '': Directed 'by William Howard ' • -:Screenplay by Preston Sturg'es With'Spencer Tracy and Colleen Moore "Preston Sturffes had written...an original called THE POWER AND THE GLORY, which, when it Va., produced...mad? Tracy a star...It teas an impressive picture, and it uys laiidvd in terms similar to those later used about KANE." —Pauline Kael, The Citiicn Kant Book-, :1; Jester Auditorium $1 7 & 9 P.M. Cin^moTexos Season ficlcets—$12 Coming NextWeek: CITIZEN KANE! Theatre Committee presents All ABOUT EVESMfWi '?$>'• 1 ! ifBam;: Saw?"l-vff SoapCr&ekSlates Lovers' By JOE NICK PATOSKI .Yes! Yes! Yes!Direct from Fort Worth's New BlueBird Nile Club, Robert Ealey-and The.FourCareless Lovers move into t Soap Creek Saloon this weekend to cook up two rockin' nightsof gs "Good Blues to You, Texas." Paced by tte powerful and unique vocal phrdsings of Ealey, • — tlie.quintet.—.all.veterans of black clubs —-seryes up a nasty •• fare of Texas-styled rhythm and blues topped with jazz, draw­ing heavily from the state's rich traditions of Aaron VT-Bone'* Walker's shuffles and the high-toned wails of Blue Bland and Junior Parker. The main' thrust, ot' the Lovers' instrumental. prowess is: , O«uin aumier ana UJS oroiner, Stev tdM^ekon^throu^h-his:4first five, albums .and currentk records and tours with.MaWa Muldaur, comprl'se ffie siafel fattest familyguitar duo. particularly when the la.ttersitsin with the Lovers: Organist Craig Simechek and rhythm man "Four String" Jack $tewhause and drummer Danny Huikill are Uie other Careless ones, '.'I'm thp Lover,'!' jives Ealey. The only album to date, "Live at the New BlueBird" on Blues ­Royal records, w^s hailed by the Minnesota Dailyas "one of the ..two best releases of 1973" and captures the essence of a hip shakin!..Saturday jjight.at their homeJase wjth 'the special brand of "Lbvers'-prtmarsoul sauce' that canvas one of Uteif old posters claims, "Blow.Your Socks, Daddy Chops!" -television­ . 6t30 : • V.-&-<•:: 9:30 p.m. •' * • 7 Big Bfue Marble • $ 9'Jwiwt Wolf:"Florence 9, 36 News --Henderson" * » _ u t orwwotMwntrr—™"T -icoap-wrl. ­ ,7-JO p,m. . « _ * _ .. 7'. 24. 36 Ne to..-If,::y 1The Willtfns ** -* " 7^ Kentucky. General Educational ' */?<* 9 evening et Pops: -^Old Timers1 Development Series • • 10:30 pjn. • ; .' :;"V' • 24 Odd Coupie .„7 ^ovle: "Waterhold Number 3,;' 36 Sierra •< •4, r„Jamei Coburn, Corrotl O'Connor-•%. 7*30 p.m.. .' . 9 Specletof the -Week:"The Tr(a!. 24 Paper Moon of Mary.Uncoift": *• 1 1 W yt.irt.p7IW.'. . I, — 9d wiha wnf|d Speefal: "The"Dick . 7 Movie; "Support Your Local • • • • CavtltSbow". Gunfighter," James Garner •;— .9 international Performance: "Romeo ar>4 Jullett'*-,'T.he Combat of Tancred* and Clorinde" 24 The Streets,of San Francisco 96 Ironside " 9;00 p.m. « 9 Journey to 'Japan 24 Harry o :. w Movin' on too ACAMMY , ANNEX EVERY FRIDAY HAPPY HOUR 4-7 THIS fKI. PLUM NELLY presents "THE STY OF THE BLIND PIG" by Philip H&yes Dean SATv8P.M­ THRU SEPT. 28 2434 GUADALUPl ADM. $2 ••#»»••»•••»«>•»»»«.»»»»»»»<» •ir"*? -r .o 'o <> m i-4 The m African Queen;. Humphrey Bogart, Katherine Hepburn, Robert Morley, Theodore Bikel • ^ ™ , y.,4u Mm v ,* An undisputed'all-time 4avV of East; Africa during the .height of World •'* War. 1, Two"of the most unlikely-traveling companions—the pHnrand proper spihster­ < > -sister of a missionary and the coarsened, vyhiskey-drinklng:skipper of a dilapidated-' • river steamer—embark on a perilous journey . i y through German jungle lines, fighting the i K hostile wildernessand eachother in la life-arid i > is: doath struggleforsurvival. Supported by the ­ 7. : undeniable artistry of Hepburn, Bogart deli­ :•< • vers his only Qscar-wlnning performance, in • .•< >. . a truly uhfargettable cpuffda cinema. , Directed by Johp Huston ia&fj ' < \ * j ( i 1 r '< o i > : <• P *' $ i <» > FRI..& SAT., SEPT. 20 & 21 7. Q.on 11.1A , 7:30 = 9:20 -11:10­ " WW*--: -. . SUN., SEPT. 22 7:30^«:;20 ACADEMIC CENTER ^i• •< >.• o. •M •( » < > •1 r i, #I«w sponsored byCAfFI SK&i/r* •< >• i >. Robert Ealey and The Four Careless Lovers "IT IS A ,~-JudithCritf,New Yo/fc Magaiwt:... * .> ^ Most cops play It J x * T&&­ ...Newman w . wrote his ; ' own! ;! y\ ' They met at the funeralof a perfect I;: From thenon,things gotperfectly stranger andstranger.^ HAROLD andMALDE Bargain Matlnm. til 2:30 Mon-Fri w Fealure« 12:35-2:25^»:15-«:0S-7:5S-9l45 Mv.wa*. RIVERSIDE 1930 E. RIVERSIDE 441-5689 Borgdw MoHnee HI 12:20 Mo(i4^0 7:2S.fc?fl Hp II "A MAGNIFICENT NEW MOVlt ABOUT LOVr. HATE AND SEX, Five |camera eyes." |—Leonard Harris, CBS-TV J "Remarkable, superior 1picture. 'A wide canvas of Idecadence and vulgarity. IRush to see it"1 , —Re* Reed, N.Y. News f" |"•••• I —Kathleen Carroll, N.Y. News J"MEMORABLE...the •scenes inside the bordello 2 are explicit" •—-A. H. Weller, N.Y. Times • "A VITAL, WONDERFUL |AND SHARPLY ORIGINAL • MOVIL Exuberant "hilarious and powerful." I —Bernard Drew, I Gannett Newspapers I TM* 1 I LOVE I Writtin and Dirtctedby ^ UWA WERTMU1J.ER A HERBERT R. STEINMANN­BILLY BAXTER PRESENTATION Photography by GOlSEPfE H0TUNN0 Music Composed by NINO ROTA A PEPPERCORN-WOR^SER RELEASE Baraoin Motinee! HI ? UHoo-Fri Feofvres ?.* 12:15*2:15-4:15 6tl54;15-10:15 "MEMORABLE ... GREATi-A film with J Friday-Saturday-Sunday 7:25 & 9:25 Only ISeptffi#*22 --Batts Hail Aud |LATE SHOW. ,g 111:2» Only 1Batts Hall Aud. • Friday & Saturday iSepl. 20 & 2I • s • From the IAlbert Camus novel IFrench with subtitles . |Piesented mesiRawseR I Modem Cinema Um^»^imiWlDV«NinaUn j*EQH^q|UM 5 " S passion and force, superb S. camera woric and • direction.". "•-•'•i lr —Keyin Sanders, ABC-TV .| | "A BREATH-TAKING FILM!| Executed with high-! pitched passion, romance ! and dazzling energy." | —Paul D. Zimmerman, Newsweek-•_ | "A FASCINATING FILM! | Rich in character, in mood |' and impressively f performed." —Gene Shalit, NBC-TV "A BRILLIANT, DAZZLING GIANT OF A FILM. Sexual power Marjorie Rosen,Ms. "••••! 00 ANYTHING TO SEE ITf| —Vogue Magazine j| I Houston's Society for the ticket holders. -Quixote^" "Anna Karemna," Performing Arts has signed a While the programs are not1 ' *"Rie N,l^p*':*'*kpr" anH "Swan • "The Nutcracker" and contract for seven' ;perfor­yet determined, SPA'-s con­Lake." mances in jories Ha.irin June tract calls for. at least. two The Bolshoi, which "will bdby the fuii.Bolshoi Ballet of different full-length ballets presenting full-length worksg'Moscow. It isili. bis: the; first and one mixed program of s count?7 for appearance in Houston by-the shorter works. The full-length ' !? .">e nrst'^x­company of 120 dancers. works are expected• to be. • w! Precise dates and times of chosen from Yuri States under the^.­perjormances;still-are to be . Grigorovich's mammoth new ^sP'ces of Hurok Concerts, set. Ticket prices and -"Spartacus," never before lnc-> °> New York. . . availability will be. an-seen in this, country, a new The company first appeared» priority;lor-tickets ... Sleeping • Beauty,".. and -.such and the full, contingent lalit I'M-HH 1500 S. PLEASANT VAllEY RD ... JUST' OFF EAST-RIVERSIDE DRIVE 444' 3222 $1.50 lil 6 p.m. ORES­ -•1:10^ 2:50­ -4:30­ -6:05­ -7:45 -9:25 Paramount Pkturvspresents, AK« < Sbjira FHb "Schnkator A Fbramnuht Acfurr Ccio' ENDS TODAY ACRES OF FREE1IGHTED PARKING | ALL CINEMASEVERY DAY S1.25'TIL1:30. "A great story, an exhilarating HIGHLANDMALL performance, a brilliant filni." •51-7326-IH35 ATKOlNtOLN. — .: —American-Statesman THEAPFRCNTICESHIPOF TODAY AT 1:00-3:10-5:20; KRAVITZ 7:35-9:45 .RICHARD DREYFUSS jgGi HIGHLANDMALL 451-7326-IH35ATKOENiGLN. d "DON'T MISS IT!" JOHN BHSTIN —The Austin Citizen THRU PASSES SUSPENDED ENGAGEMENT CAPITAL PLAZA 452-7646 • !H 35NORTH STARTS t e story of aboy and his dogs. HE MADE A PROMISE AND HE KEPT IT1 DOTY-DAYTON'S L where grows , , A TRUE STORY x " •*ir0 0NT«c.N0vtt.rv WILSON rfAWLS / ^ . -Stot MS KKEK • WCHMK • " hstaeSffWt!Pf?fKOffc#iraoiw :OPEN —SCREENINGS lr;.!(snuitnnitas 12 NOON 12:30-2;15-4:05 |IT • 5:50-7:40r9:25 LAST JULIE ANQREWS 12:45-3:00 DAY! OMAR SHARIF IheTamarmdSeed 5:10-^5 •v." i ilal Lt?v: S[3] ll] L.„: "A.MOVIE TO MAKE YOU REMEMBER Y6UR OWN {C LOVES, WHATEVER YOUR PARTNER PREFERENCES }• ...an eye-opener and a heart opener." ]. -Norma McLain Stoop, AFTER DARK | "SENSITIVE AND REALISTfC IN ITS APPROACH.... IMPRESSIVELY NATURAL." ~ A^H.?WeUer, N^.TIM^ David & Jason's relationship."7 its thesame onlydifferent' mmm V* • m ,„:, ACHRtStOPHER Ptodudid byMontage Creations Starring Robert Joel.Curt GareftiBp Released by New Line Cinema in Technicolor • Friday-Saturday-Sunda^ .^30^9onty^l.SO ^ Sept. 20-21-22 Burdine Hall Aud. «Sturfpvf ^oji1 •tf-1 1 ^J £E&? ^TE3«^?S IB-: "IPliSfK'v:-rts-. « $r»St $f aaaaa^^ tss$s? IMMMMMMMMf p&d&y-ijgt A Jfvv^ SSIFtEO ADVERTISING FOR SALE fllftN.rirAixi j. TYPING 35.worBillr476-: --Lamaf,.;454-68J7.;,: ...IW,,SQUARE; FEETl»I inihesel Male and. Female, openings »n off-open, several port-timenAAay start-train-.. 2707.HemphillPark — bedrg^rpn# jhe3:tfedrooms-are matn— 1 col; x .1 Inch one timet . .9079. -••.:• '••.< • .. • • LONGVIEW --1 ^campus co»op.s. Coed, oil-male, all-• »ng immediately ofld start wording upon 1 C5L^xTtoCh2*9 {imey_ . ;,.,;«S3,25*lSJ 93 „ -y • ••. . ; • •• warehouse clearance-:. 723 e.-: mnoth, too. F.ur/>lshed or oAUrfhlshed.­ -/ wi!h/^ce«mak^;^«frl&era.tor^..Uwuit-female. Of vegetarian-houses. Member"^ c<^ple»lon Qf training. CqM Transport#. Icpl. * 7 fact).)enormcre times $2 64 SONY":. -• H-P*155. ^.••'•••:-:rr-ecor.d,.,,..16ftv. Chairs, tables, doors,; dinettes, APTS,""1 • freeh DW, cable, walk-ms-Sr bullt-jns.. rowned aBd-operated, inexpensive, com-' . tion Enterpri^s ' ----—-' changer/amplifier. dust cover, cueing. -desks, rugs, couches/antiques,bars. 476-.' Three auxiliary sources. SS5.-474^117, . 3478. r '•'.• 2408 Longview /|| -From *165 ALL BILLS PAID .-2606 fortable. infer-Co-Op Council, 5T0 vV~*' -» . ' 928-U60 -t7" WheJeSs:Larfe;.W6^2, 472-4162. ' ••leave-messegt.w-" 472-S316 23rd St.. 476-1957. , • •AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY? " " 'c STUOlO. COUCH, .excellent condition, -• _ -ACT-CENTUATE THE PO^ITIVE. Act -V-EMPLOYER YES/we do type r -4-AOVANCE-Ws,—*-^peaKer-r^w^y,.3 • • makas ^i&g.te-or-cUu/b>e-btd;—S^O;^ Mtoday T*nA Fnriaf .... * 00 o.mT mbhths oFd. save S9S per speaker. tU2«-Woman's toaster bike,: $25,".477-1962-— V^Afiartments • best of, botfa-worids^One— . ' • ••' •'• <••'"•• bedrooms: at Freshman themes.*"," Tu*«4ay*T«UMi Monday ......11:00 ajn-5243 •:•>•—-;'"••• -' ••' ' affordable prices*.for^ WILLOW students. From $149 plus.E & cable 924 ^PAPER-Why nor srarf 'oUT-withr , 12* SAILBOAT and trailer, sloop rig. ex- WHY NOT A CO-OP? ,W* • C*H**KC0nalfci0.•. i.'.j . ^ • cy $no/mo. Apply at 2000 Pearl,-aftoc.-. • Morning & evenjng routes -. ' 1901 Willow Creek 2-channel 20w * 4 or:40w k 2. 3 months • c $137.50 PLUS" E, gives you fuM kitchen v hoons or 8:30-10:00 p.m.-weekday-South .'^TtrMNB" ofd> S475 454-639^ 444-0010 wlfh breakfast bar, extra large closets/ ' -.•Ropof ts,,Pe»umev * In th* ?«w*frt •( t«iwt mods m on VASHICAT24< lZOCamerawith!casel 175. evenings. v: adwwta*jsMttt,:B»m*diQt« nthc* nutbi. cable, pool, and shuttle bos at ElCgrtez. 926-1695 476-7001 . Eff -Thesps, Letterr^*^-^"'"-^-^ $iv*n ovtbjpwbGtlwn ct««*ipomibW far DYNAVOX Q^d System 'Receiver,.^Call 4K^tw. Must sell.: noi.Clayton Lane. 453-7914, 472-4162. ATTENTION*. J^ck Mangham • Alt University and «v.­ . ­ •*nfy ONEintwfKl kncfttotvABtWm fwt turntable and 4speakers. 200 watts. Like; CROW'S NEST. 2710Nueces. Room and c business work r .E.QR SALE -bmoculars. Excellent con* $155% »l42.50/'monlh,.doublesS nd(u*rn>«nt« »haUd b* mad* oat lei** new. Call 4444756/ u-.-* "• X, FIREPLACE/ LARGE!bedroom-wHh aboard: singes • LasLMmute Service ' Edition.S65. 472^7«. tf»a.3Q "doy* eft«r pvb6eatien«„"- -Shag/.rich paneling, huge watk-ins.bOol $u7,50/monjh. Roomlr: ^Iriglcii only, ^ -Qpen 9-9 Mop-Tti e. 1Bedroom <{«" : One'biOck to shotlle andHighland Mall. ;$85^mon!h, air condiUontng. 475-8242. $ • SERVICE 9 5 Frl Sat ^ . :KING&QUEEN SIZE mattresses & boi S-PHONE;,:,. • From $229 ALL BlLLS PAID.909 Reinli. AIR SUSPENSION springs. -Simmons & Se*ly. $100 S200. V All. Bills Paid ' • ^ -. -•• 45f-98M,' 472-4162. V'; '.-V.v LOW STUDENT R ATES 459-8985. ? 472-8936 * 30A Doble Center^"'-ya-'' ,T5word minimum ebeftday., $ .80. .SPEAKERS Buckingham Square EL POSADO from $130, Fantastic^ SERVICES WORK Each additional word each days OS TEXAS /INSTRUMENTS electronic '• Til W. 32nd, apartments with .cable/ pool," ful!;: _1 col. *T inch Mcfr day.......s2.64 .:.'SdVe.SO^^^il'specs-rncIude wide.tonal Slide-rule-calcvlator > SR-ll. Uke new,-' . 454-448?-* > i kitchens. On city and shuttle bus; CHRISTENSON & $60. 478*7516. . No experience necessary. Full .-Unclassified**'! line 3-days .$1.00 range; minimum dts*ortion» electronic . Convenient/to •shopping. 1105 Clayton; "~ .'• x'Piewid, No Refunds?" ,.' =• —trtiki nr. rfftrrf i ih Waters gas paid!. $125. See manager,4111 SBRVi€E^ Friday. • • •:.. --•••.••••*• - ERVICE : 2122 Hancock Dr. West 10th. 476-4413. Lamar, Suite 102." ' UNITED FREIGHT BLOCK MEERSCHAUM PIPES hand­ cflrve^ witti-leather1;; cases SALES • and Done-; Next jo Amencana Theatre, dikingdis­. OLD-MAIN APT5, 'Walk to class 1 iNCf -—.7 454-8761­ srsanaMenday-Ffyay 9-9 > stems; Half price. Down sleeping.bag; tance. to North Loop Shopping Center . bedroom and efficiencies for .lease -Specializing in — 9-6 ' and Luby-St One.^alf blotMrorrr shuttle,, Range S135-S155. ABP. 477.-3264 . Theses and dissertations FOR SALE — -Sat • .14 CA-RAT.GOLO'6-Dramond Bridal Set"-•aotf:Ausltn:::tfa^s11_>-3-b«dxojam. '42 Ddtlie Mall 476-9171.: — Law Briefs ' • townhou"ses;::e*tra: lar^er.-T^rbedroOmr. '^PAEtOUS i-l..Clasets^galore, shuttle .> "a carat total weight. Appraisal value, . tlats/Tone and two baths. CA/CH. dls-route, -pooK -^sbler-dlihvasher, small .GAL Term papers and reports — Auto -For Sale ^ AX 7000 : S47S. Sell price. S375. 836-502? after 6:00. • friendly complex--$210 ABP. 2708 En-Free Parkin'g ... ^iltir V-flV!Xt9shineshoes Prompt, Professional -p:m. • • hwisfter. disposal, door todoor garbage' Pickup, pool, maid service if desired, • field:,476^)734.' . 7 a m » 10 p m M Fv ^r-t5t--'.'No -experiencenMessary.",*T.Tz?^: , --i—= Im GREMLIN ;'X". 3-soe«I. AC ex-GARRARD washateria incompiex.See owners. Aot 9am -5pm S*tx < -.^ ^ will train, " Service FOR^SALE. Olympf a manual- 453-8101 " tras. Excellent canoitton. Best im< . 250 -watt AmpUtier, AM/FM stereo typewr/ter. Excellent condition;S50. Call : 113 ror• c a£l 451-^4848.• -• \ " .1 BEDROOM for single, or doubles. La • Apply in person " ' -medtato cash offer: 477*3388. • . tuner, Garrardprofessional series tunv OrillO Blanco. 801West Ly«in.$139.50, $50 . v.2301 South Congress, Pick-up Service Available . 474-6026, after 5-451^708. table. Air Suspension.10 speaker system , : deposit. 477-1.4Va 4773212, 472-9883. 3102 Glenview ;'69 CHEVROLET CAPRICE, power. airr .w/l»eavy .duty 10" woofer, 5U'.' NIKON IJ11KKORMAT ,with 50nVm f 1 4 Image Hair & Body . auto: exceMent: S125C. 475-492T mldrange. and 3'/j" tweeter. Suggested WE RENT NO DEPOSIT * No Lease. Clean;cute ef-• inc. 441-9028 -lens. Like new. S250, wilt come\down-*> • Evenings. list S529fouc (4) to st1 at S299,cash or-After 7 30 p m 477-8780. ficiencies, close to downtown, near shut-• 476-9093 /;• EZ terms. -tie Manager. HD West loth: 476-4413, ?' WANTED APARTMENT WANAGER" Just North of 27th at 1\ TR-6 Excellent condfticr^ AAVFM DECORATOR BEOSPREADS from'ln^^: AUSTIN 454-0479. typing i, Prefer married. Send resuiries to Box- Guadalupe . ,Stereo,.rad»ftls. 454-5639, 377-317). UNITED FREIGHT dia. Use. for curtains, wall-hangings,jinos, ap-7— printing 1668, Austin, Texas*. " •» pare!,-upholstery. AAaharani. lf 2707 Hemphill Park • CxTb. DELlVERy; Must be neaTfavC i) 1972 saver. ^ 33,000Pl> Longmiles.bed.Aftertool5rf«st, p.m„ 447.gas .SCALES?t"v6535 N.Lamar Arrtonlo. 476-2291. 1504 Sart a; • Your Our time service is valuable is .free . UNF. APARTS. -jt, binding * —9229 s p ^ ..Monday-Frtday 9-9 alert, have good runnlng'car.Make up to' « .. . 10-SPEED BICYCLE. Almost brand 0 ' _ $35 a. day. Part and full-fime An*v 1973. CHEVELLE SS-35P-7B. AC, ... Saturday 9^ •. mx new. Call between 9 a.m. --.S p.m. 478-PARAGON:,^' 42ff w. riverside drive applications now being taken. Apply 3108 6833. Ask for.Jim Allen. "• u---- N. Lamar, Suite 102. 454-8761. • A/vj/FAL low mileage* excellent caraji-:. *ton.-Phone Jean, 28felSSl after-6 p.m. 't''# Musical -For Sale /: PROPERTIES^ WOODED NOW HIRING-waitresses/busboys ait H. CREEKSIDE I shif.tSi Apply m person 11:00. 6:00/4323 C°EL GT. 1970, tow mileage. 25-30 mog SS• One and two-bedroom apartments COMBS & ^.RESUMES ACOUSTTC 360 Brfss amp, $700 Ampeg SOFA/CHAIR IH*35.South a'fE.'St. E/mo Rd. ' Excellent" tires One owner. 472-4382. clear body bass, perfect, $295. Custom Select various: sofas & chairs in her*; : ? 472-4171 lovely creekside setting. Huge grassy- or without pictures lawn, iQts or trees. Convenient to UT^.' LIFETIME guarantee construction;/-• Ing.-Salary plus commission, tips. For ;67 CHEVROLETIMPALA-67.000 miles, P.A. brain, $295. 454-0763 cu'ons & nylon. These sets Have-a downtown, shopping, recreation. Fully . SHEARS ONE OF AUSTIN'S finest clubs now hlr* 2 Day Service . carpeted, paneled, and you won't believe three speed* AC verr good condition,' CPNN BARITONE. HORN, exqellent Listed retail $249.'95 .lV HURRY! WW2 No. 7 Dobie Mall interview, cair 4S3-9Q29, 451-4534. . 472-3210 and 472-7677 new battery-Must sell Immediately ^onditfon, $200. Comr trumpet, used. $50 they last — ilS9. 472-4175^ the. storage sf>ace! From $134.50. Call -Brlna this ad for » FREE ReBKen Con- Best offer. 447-6903. ' 471«5799;Jf no answer, 472-7060- weekends 92^555. • difionor with fhe style of your choice. WANTED Waitresses/Waifers. BODOUR'S TYPING SERVICE;:] UNITED Evenings and day shift/Apply in person. Reports, theses, dissertations and books '66 "VW. Body good. Mechanically "eSTv "COMHO ayj..NieeTPgatea1 Lux—'— 477-0433 -Flap Jack Canyon. 1817 South Lamar; typed accurately, fast and reasonably celleni. Dependable transportation."' with two 15 inch reconed Jensen's, $95 r f\ClOnl "BRAN PAID Printing and binding:on request.-Close! / ' S6Q0.447-2316. 4CJS"' 2 BhUkUOM 'MIDWiPEi—Regisiereo--^W»t4ff^Q»^ rnifNTFR HFt.P Inr jn In. 478"'Mir ' SALES 1700 Nueces - Health 3,500* Natural homebirths. Nor­Austin ra.u.tn Apply Mattei 71 VEGA Hatchback* -Newr-~\, tires and ^ LUDWIG Octa-plus. black, stands and 6535 WorthLamar.: -2 BATH man Casserley, Agarfta Ranch; Drip­Valet Cleaners 2701. Manor; Road.-477-DISSERTATIONS, these^TeparTsTaTW"­ battery Good condition. Call 474-2804. ,:-r -cymbals. Robert, <76-1459, Best offer, \\onday-Fnday.9-9 : Close to campus. Beautilully turnlshed . Strafford Hail at Tratalgar Square has ping Springs 78620 briefs, Experienced typist, -vAli:w>?n b>g balconies for your: plaots. taw Sat. 9-6 • luxury apartments ideal for sharing. Tarrytown. 2507 Bridle Path/Lorraine .. $150 plus efecfrtofy. -and J68" VALIANT New. battery. $695. 472-FENDER PRECISION Bass, case, both :aepos• Manager -Apt. 201 furn)shed..$230 furnished. Easy drive to HOLLEY'S .TYPING- After 6;00. OenniS, 472-O.lstf conditjonlng, body work.'Carweli 205 a.m. Apply in person.Holiday inn South. SERVJCET .VOLKSWAGEN ?69r excellent condition, Rent with.four months option • 478 9058 .UT, downtown. Call JU6-77}9-^r 45 M159 East Riverside. 444-2403. > . 20 North IH-35, / " • Cpmpiete Scrvjce: typing, printing, bin­ . silverware,. dtshes.-:pans. tent; sheets. .GXJlTAR.-wttn hard shellcase -Steel str­ ding. Experienced in all. fields. Near - Call. for.informafion after 5 p.m .'447-ing acoustic $150. Call 475-5773, Mark to buy: -. .'s -GUITAR. INSTRUCTION: Learn finger PART TIME WORK. $300 per month. campus. 1401 Mohle Drive. 476*3018.3991 Week-;:<>. . Month Sl59.50 picking techniques of Mance Lipscomb. Cat! 452-7758. No experience necessary, GIBSON LES PAUL Dehixe, Sunburst B&W TV S5JOO $15.00 . .ALL BILLS PAID. Leo Kottke, and Kurt' VanSickle. Begin". " " FRANCES WOODS TYPING 5ERVICE. *67 VALIANT 225.2 door,AC automatic, finish wim case, $350 Also Orange 120 Color TV $7 50 U^;-t ALL BILLS PAID -.Experienced, Law,«. Theses, .Oljstr­ $20.00 up -nlng ^Advanced, 444-8718/ . NEED SOMEONE -dependable to help power st-, radio, excellent condition, watt guitar amp. $300 Call 451-6095 Stereo or 8-track $5.00 —• $15.00 UP me. with heavy housework every Sat. tbtions. Manuscripts. 4534090 good mileage 451-7Q59 Refngerato-4.9 cubic feet" $10.00. MINI HFF. $110 . Large patios, balconies, and beautiful ATTENTION STUDENTS! Individual morrt. 3 hourshard work. $10. Call alter 8 ROGERS Ofit/M SET1. Oynasound WORLD OF STAINLESS LIGHTS AND courtyard, areas at Chateau: Trianon. .instruction p.ta. 444-0945. . BOBBYE OELAFlELO; IBM Selectrlc,* ij on lowing kites.' Austin's '67 LEMANS, 6 CyJrnder, AC, power snare. Zildian cymbals. Like new. $400, •' 'SOUNDS ;0 'IBR S157.50 Townhouse andgarden apartments, only. fastest grqwlng water sport; Join with pica/elite/ 25 years experience, books,'* steering. $600 Call «l-5359 from Wom willcome down. After 7r 30 tf.m>477-87803004 Guadalupe ' 476-2267 •;"4-6 blocks to Campus ^ : minutes'fromv^hopptng; parks,golf.One Austin Delta Wing Kltes3ndGHders and KMAS HELP. Part time. Start, ndyv, dissertations, these's^ reports/^ Glffs-CanaleS'Posters'GIassware-bedrocmsfrom $159,. ellblliv^afd: Aiso-2 help keep kite flying 6 tun. safe sport. $2.92 per hour to start. Call 452-4691 Fri­mimeogrephlng. 442-7184, '65 FALCON VAN Cabmeetry built in Blacklfghts-lncense-Wall Plaques '2408Leon : ••• <".• '47,6-3467 >bedrooms. Furnished or.-unfurnished * Call 926-8524 day onlyk 3-7 p.m.*: for catr.ptng, traveling, hunting, $200 •. Austin's High Class Head Shop. Call 926-1247 or 451-1159. * . ' ' -H', • VIKGINIA SCHNEIDER dlyenllled Mtcft^ei. 453*8133 • LEARN Open Noon Hi M/dnight • • rs SU NDAY SCHOOL out of date? Can't ! CO:ED<-light outdoor work. No^ selling. : Services. Graduate and underpraduate *71 MGMIDGET, Completely reworked, TO PLAY 5150 Up Garden spot, quiet, fenced patio. $139 fee. since God never Is. Attend theChris­Lane. 459-7205 COt/PL'feS-ONLY. One bedroom south 52.25/hour. 44M074. • typing; printing, binding. 1515 Xeenlg new carpet, AM/FM, radlais, excellent ; plus electricity. 441-U37, 444-19U tian. Science Sunday School; 1309 the Guitar 1 BR Furn Guadalupe. U 00 a.m. and se?> ­ running condition 475-0896 STARK.typiNG.^Speclaity: Technical^ • '• •" ' i' ' •" '' WANTED Beginner & Advanced ' FURN. APARTS. ..Tanglewood URANTIA BOOK study group 475-9875, E*perlene»d 1h«»e»;dmertaMoni; PR!|J?5f: 1970 VOLKSWAGEN, rebuilt, engine/- manutcripu, etc. Printing, binding;*? new clutch and starter, radials. runs, 1 Drew Thomasen '? "Annex ROOMMATES AUTO TUNE-UPS, American carst $20. SAN ANTONiO to Austin Carpool. Call Cturiene Stark, 453.5211, " -_» well. $900, 447-4849 v *' *1315NorwalkLane- Point, plugs, condenser replaced,engine Jane. 475-1139 (Austin) or Marge, 694­ 478-2079 -" • ---kiBERAL-FEMALE share ide^f house, filmed Ron Tr^ltt, 451-3019 —. .. . 3463 J San Antortlo% .. MINNIE L, HAMMETT. Typing— '68 FIAT 850 Coupe About 30 mpg Runs.' -HABITAT *t" bills; ^ mile east cents per page. Thcset 75 centv £*11447­ nearly newsteet radials. Verydean. 471-: \blopdline. Large, healthy *!lHer. VERY Habitat Hunters-is FREE, apartment ing, near Austin bus line. 910 West Hancock Center. 472-1468. ^?^'POTTER, JEWELRY Maker/artist 8. 2737:'. • • 3228, 472-5215. ^ reasonably priced. 452-5247, • " ; • locator service, located in the lower Oltorf, Apt. 101. 1917 Barge Apt; E (off BALLET, JAZZ, craftsman, i have a s^op and am in< .' /evef of Dobie AtoM. we specialize inst^ South Manchaca Road -past Stassney. LADIES PXERCISE, iterested in^your work. Call alter 5:00. TINA'S SECRETARIAL Service. 403 DESPERATE for female to share 2 interested in^you &i0 plus-.Mi electricity. NELSON'S GIFTS: Zuni Indian 454-8973. Jujt North of 27th at if Att aan -. . -r • -jewelry; African and Mexican imports 1970 8SA 650, Semi Chopped. $750.. ; U. • 15* HOUSE TRAILER for sale Cheap! 4612 SouM* Congress. 444-38)4: Closed Guadalupe .Custom forks, seat, andtank. Runs good. 2004 University, Ave. -r $170 WOMAN NEEDS roommate to share Mondays. • ;• " «471-5988. MARK XX ;' Biris Paid nice, large'house with shady trees „ 2707 Hemphill Park • GUARAHTEED RENTAL to conser^-• PriscHla. 453-2239, 454-5816/$90, LEARN To'plAY Guitar.Beginner and ' •72 SUZUKI 90.> Street-trail. 210 actual vative investor with some cash-.Buy my 454-3053 ' 452-"5093 advanced. Drfw Thomason: 478*2079 ESTILL ->v " J miles. Helmets and> carrier. $500. Ek-home; I'llrent it back. 836-0960. 3815 Guadalupe •. La Casita „>v YOUNG MALE^Ljiiare room close .to . cedent condition. 451;l37l. campus. ^32.50/month. ,Sld, 475-9875 MOVING? Myapickup can make the go- Apts. evenings; Keep trying or go to No 6, 706 •noaiot easier,Tom's Do-Rl.teTrucking. Iffyw&hx Annfyvflut, IFANTASTIC DEAL on dirt bfke. '73 CZ Garage Sale -Fdr Sale West 23rd. . ' 250, excellent condition; electronic igni­ 2900 Cole 327-2239. tion. Arnaco shocks, superfenders, etc. -' af-'/M . I $625 441-2273 .ANTIC-Garage Sale Saturday" and . lotwtoa PERSON NEEDEO'to shareIBR house: • SCUBA LESSONS year round. Evening •—•••• . . ;vru:.-ir5i--x iday/2l*t/ 22x}d. 2206 Spring Creeks Enfield shuttle. Private room,'CA/CH, classes 4 weeks 4 P.A;DJ:'cert»flcaf/on; need • Iff -r\a '7928/ v.. carpeted, cable TV, really nlce.'Pat, 475-$60. All equipment furnished. Call Den­M,a a'73 NORTON 750 Interstate.-6 and 2 7 ga«on tanks. 4,800; si200, 255-4281. . $140 ,8889,-after 8 p.rp.-. . ny, 459-8745 or 441-T839v > TYPING, PRINTING; BINDING . SEPT, 20th-30th, 806 East 32nd./An­ i THE COMPLETE . tiques, chains, English fire fender, oil i* pEMALE ROOMMATE for working girl' PROFESSIONAL 1973!-7 HONDA CB3S0. Very good corfdi- "-V1 Bledroom : h buy, sell PLAYBOY, Penthouse, etc paihtings. Ruby Red gliss ware/green . • with llmited'Vislon; Call after 7:00 p.m. Bopks, records, guitars,Jewelry, radios. tfon f onfy 2100 miles/2 helmets, front . depressions, appliances, and much / 454-3111 or 454-8115 Horcot. Aaron's, 320 Congress, down--1-FULL-TfME V: " disk brake, luggagerack. Must sell-go­ 2 BR, 2 BA 'Tf-. HALLMARK APTSI townL ing into. army. Call Steve, 453'758? more. Plants and hanging baskets ^.LARGE POOL -ALL BILLS PAID . ..-FEMALE STUDENT TYPING SERVICE working 1 :• -nights. v • A 708 W. 34th • 'f J or student Ev '472-3210" and 472-7677" Tl KAWASAKI. 3 cylinder 350/ Runs -Misc. r.For .Sate ;.Best Rate onthe Lake-454-8239 „.i\ "4 30, 447-5447 perish from.the truth." -Frledrlch- MOVE IN TODAY iv>RiversWe area. SR shuffle *105. After-"WE HAVE ART so that we may not good. $400. 454458L Shuttle Bus Front Door - Nietzsche. UnlcOrn Gallery; Doble Mall: 2400 Tgwn Lake Circle - 'v MALE ROOMMATE, targe ?-bedroom, 2­ .si .1974 KAWASAKI.400:. Almost.new only -bath apartment.ABP. $73 per^month;On. HOUSING UNF. HOUSES 850t mdes; Must sell; Afternoons 836­ New and Used SR shuttle, AC, good food. Many extras/ 1510 Nights 345-4105 Karen t m FOR RENT Calf 447-1988 after, 5»p,i7l: Hang-Gliders • ALL-BILLS PAID COLORFUL roommate(S). Female/ 20s. ? * HOUSES THREE 1974 .Free instruction with EBFJCjENCIES . ..oedroom, I'-^j baf/i. Broadmoor Luxury. ?; purchase • CR Shuttle. $102 pays air..454-1209 after 5,^ FOR REN? $157.50 CANOE. RENTAL MOTORCYCLES^: AND' ­ .^WANTED?. MALE roommate. See AND SALES ^453-6209 1 BedroQtn • . •....wide,areas. °^cr Austin,Best UT,selection-inCountry,town and city b.T-2S0 Yamaha , • $950 4301 Guadalupe^ ONE BEDROOMS :;:i-Jackle.Lowe at collegeCourt Abti. 302-S • OOWfc RIVER SPORTS Offers you the ' We.* SySu&i:,; •6. blocks toCampus ->-afferT:00 p.m, / great sport of.Cvnoelng at Inexpensive -:v are people you can trust. XL-175 Honda tM-125 Suzuki "$750' renfe/ A safes rates. TAKEOFF AFTER--^.CAPITAL RENTALS, $700 l;COTHRON'S — '-408 Leon 476-3467 Shag, 'dishwasher, :<^viPEMALE ROOMMA-fE needed to share' CLASS w/a canoa & accessories for only i r .-• Private owner days , gas grill, pets ok,! X,-./-one bedroom.duplex.' $80 ABP. 477.7324,-$5. Xanoe -shuttles available-to-Town " 1506 Lavaca 472-6743 . •••• after. 8. MS shuttle// v;;:: Lak^ and.Upper Coloredo^Rfveri <4r Then Lef 431-3 I if D|1/ C, ^' ...A5.1/?,1?? cozy community' 5213 Ave G -451-8349 Nights836-0259 IlxC: near-shuttle -^.wynt$to.$twre^our quiet-. CALL TODAYl' houHIir > • $125 iJtU5~E: S145'olus P ^?;.<2-8ft.Mark, 47l./677 FURN. HOUSES • 'MICROWAVE OVENS, • dorm-slie jSter-* AUST.N y" SHOP UNIVERSITY^-1211 W. 8th : -474-1107 ' refrijeralor$/• ' :color ' TV's off Blanco . 472*4162 ROOMS washers/dryers, stereos for-rent: EZ ; LAKE AUSTJN.'oulef country Hving,yl5 SPORTCYCLES WOULD LOVE SQUARE 3S« Rentals: 408 East fst. 472-6275, '< :The mlnutescarppui/downtOvyn-One/T^,/ v TEXAN--dorm.. 1905 Nueces."-Doubles mobile homes $70 ­ Close toCampusisi^ TO WORK it 4 blocks from campus. .900 •iV.1220/Semester, "singles, M85/Seiflesl*r; $ *J4°-back's Marina. 377-ldVr, 327»U5i. Hodaka75-lOO-mpg125s IsS4J5Stoc£-sS: A-'1 ON YOUR 3-SREED • West 22nd. Newly remodeled, " 2»lly m#lQ .service, ceiflral air. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. 4­ Refrigerafors/ hof plates allowed/Two turnished,' 1 bedroom . blocks from Campus; Eo-Ed, Resident UNCLASSIFIED \f'\-n..^vpedroomi, 2 batvooms, living, dea.1 Expert Service : 4H?'Guadalupe5i*'->* . . apartments. CA/GH, all.bills EFFICIlENCIES Managers, 477-)76u . *, » 4_y®ro« Oarage, all appliances ft 451-2340 ' . Good parts supply : Only $125 plus-E • - -Daily. paid, 'SJ35. Mon. -Frl. fl:30 -. Lovely "Shag; full kitchen. CA/CH: Dou<'i MALE GRADUATE STUDENT . iBellyDpnclnfflnstrucflon 472-3344. ¥ " 'A^;,^54u,^lvlaw^c/CH/ ^iv/-r,Raleish sP°;t-ss , v5:00. ' bfe bed; < Somewhat .secluded/ No pets;--:i.vpedfoom,/private entrancer private Roofing E«perienced,jjell. 447-«54?. ­ ^-speeds in sfoc)< 3805 Avenue B. -r bath, qufef neighborhood. 459^9372. Call 478-7411 TT~ (fr&i 509 Rio Grande 459:8564 :.,:'69. Saab 96. Alr.trrtclean. 4774679 LOST & FOUND i^After 5:00p.m.v apply Apt. 210 MEET NEW PEOPLE! Male and ^ ___ Stereo » For Sale 478-2707 . . Fem*le*openlrtgslfloff^ $ll5 plus electricity. Rent paid $110,< 472*4463 after 5 00 YOU WILL LIKE iorSBp)gmber.A$iumeleatetor S210 •*& W Eq 20 40% off, <47-4076 Nfi, ,depOSitI4548 Av»<.A,.Apt>101?4S4-8903->' ^d?/TnS.hfN»EMu"lco'°1#<ff*K tract. -Jester .W100J, Spring 3975 Call .;NJKKORC:50himiTr4,rfl507475*9628 'PwfnnlKl'n H ^3W»nl i,,0 »Ved |i " AT-, bills pajqi NEEDED * someono.to take room con- 'Gii«sb ' 4 ««>; SjWHWM .5 BLOCIC5 TO CAWIPU.S, Friendly . Caroty^ - J«irR.v<)«„rf1!!i,y11 'oond'-" . • ^STEREO CENTER 5 Vle5.V,'1rie -t,f. W«ll B«y »> 4751MB, Reward ~ I. bKti^pm, paneled, shag, I -Kenwood ReeSISefj , CAiCH/ dlshwasher, disposal, (145 plus WALK .CAMPUS 240? RIO Orande, 'B1W RCA TV 4ZWSS S«0 453 JOSfr / ?/bneer Receivers PLAZA-•'•"^tt^Thj^Conqulslador, 21BI' S»n . MarantirRetelvers • CASUALLY YOU$ Gabrief Sear.;Jri/rnlfheif room;.'AC,'|t(lvaf«i)eWi,'". 74 Yamaha 359 Entlliro <875 4/4 >595. UNF. DUPLEXES jpriyiti entrance, c.0vered parWngr$85 •:jvc Receivers . Creative OutdoorPortraits ^ VENTURA :>^ds^«j«ctflIdty#.rno^h*i$«i»('V47«779t^ ->Redww>d iiower «wes. 47K2f54>^ n°Wr%??j:£rr^-^ , . ?ave ^ NOW , oj srneljrMmi^Jnocl«ytspace? FUKHISHEp, Altbills -John, <42-0593 ._ ALJEC Speakers, ., ^ECTlLiNEAR Speakers Visit our Studio ^ , Cr.Tired of asphalt ft noise? TrypTaiayen-Apply 702 Bayjot after ipm -Anjlque-chych:pew/ $!00. 47M943A W?y«wce name-brands avaliafcie«• m Jfe'frli2i» ^ *"•%".?! !urn 'unfurn ^rom ,....Check with uvbefdre.yoy buy Royfce.Por#raits '*129.50 ulut electricity S,TUD'P apartment-^IreDla'ce" TUTORING l«5 lb water color p*p District Court in La Grange. Texan Staff Writer *'• Daniel said.' •­ . between theCity of Austin and music artist Willie Nelsdn. Chili tasting willgo on ail' iy concentrated in the hands The Bechtel Power Corp., a No trial date has-been set.,.. . Lower Colorado River will help kick off "A day Friday with the Junior : The. HouseJRules Revision of the speaker of the House,The committee's aim is to Houston and San Francisco Houston" attorney fyj. • Authority (LCRA) for con­Weekiend of Chili _and Chill Cookoff beginning at i Advisory Comrriittee Wednes-althoOgh the 63rd Legislature ,. forge a set of rules strictly engineering consultant firm, Merrill, couhsel for thel&n­ struction and operation of a doym&rs,-said they are seek: Willie" when the'fifth an-p.m. Central Texas high day began rewriting all rules changed this situation limited "in scopie" in House was hirfed by LCRA in 1973 to coal-fired power plarrt in nual Republic-of Texas school' bands will be in con-• governing" procedure on the somewhat -by^strengtheiiing proceedings on the floor. study the area's power situa­ing judgment against the City floor, of the Texas House. . Fayette County will be con­tion. The firm-predicted de­Cbilympjad heats up cert (jn the outside stage the committee*"structure of ';f It will not include rules of Austin's authority to enter Ideally, the' new'rules Will the-House, governing number sidered by City-Council at 1 TTiursday at San. Marcos. during the. afternoon, with House Speaker the of mand for power would outrun into joint venture with LCRA. p.m^riBgrsday in the City Nelson,"' a . Nashville dance No. 2 and Nelson be easily understood by new Prj.ce Daniel Jr. said. sergeants-at-arms or parking supply betweeh the years of . "The landowners also want legislators and prevent " action the recording artist who mov-capping off the day's' will ' 'The b.y areas for iegfislators, as does toj?orope1. LCRA and , city-of­ gfggfW^ jsdMAUstin-tw.a gearsago, events'at 9 ptm. arbitrary"rules interpretation Legislature is a step In the the present, document. designates LCJtA ?s thp pro- AH regulations tnat are not power; plants, native sites could not be'used day and Saturday. nights. downtown Chili Parade at of the plant's construction, ton said... .''Weneed a set of rules that procedure will appear in a se-­ least expensive fuel to obtain as the. inactive Camp Swift •and implementinthe interim. _ operation .and" management, military reservation in Willie" Night," and a Bob "Stay Wills:-' All-Texas big event Chili of Cookoff," the four-day the its task will bie the Citizehs particular political -• philosophy -cend-^ocuiaeiii.; by a separate cqmrrittfee." as dr^wp .'Charles Herring,. LCRA The Austin CityCouncil and Bastrop County," Merrill general manager, .said/. classic, are some of festival, begins-^it 10 a.m. Conference ons State but will-be easy to understand The. committee' will meet ••••.. : LCRA paid $60,000 to the firm said.. a and iise.'.' baniel said. .Totaj cost of the plant, ap-_ Nelsijn's top recordings: An arts arid" crafts show; • Legislatures-KansasCity--Oct, 4 to jconsider the first 39 for a selectio'n site study. --• Merrill _who took a deposit -Some the more rule -j— . "based, nonprofit organization ' of ex-articles' ln' tfie' presfent jLrjwimaTeljf'^ZM Mllionrand/ • Chili cookers, f rom', old fiddlers contest,square . t^onJrgmr;Mayqr Roy Butler . dedicated to legislative im­ —electriccapacity-5TIthe-:plant_ In March'," "1974,' U&T 'firttr-,across the state and nation dancing, a" jiiariachi band perienced -House members book. Oct!-i5 to consider the " v" . will be divided >e^uaHy recommended, .among six Tuesday-in AustirLmi Jhe will ,gatherat'the^onven---and-Ghilipotauction-are~ provement' • * ' ; -; ;are .better equipped than, remaining articles and Nov. , selection of the Fayette Coun­ between theCity ofAustinand other locations, the Fayette tion Ceiiter Complex Satur-scheduled during the day; : "Weddn't want toapproach others to-use4he-presentoles=iI15ito:wrap'up-the-work. ty site,said hthas.se,t another this task from a philosophical LCRA, Herrine/»id. County site on Cedar Creek- day for the.main event. The collegiate" chili withBpchtel in Houston for near La Grange to be used for . viewpoint. The rulesshould be •: Completion^ date for the Judges will sample the cookoff begins at 1 p.m. Monday. • brief, ^pla'ntjp beBuilt on 6,400acres the plants LCRA and Austin concoctions and crown the -Sunday with the awards -concise, complete and Commenting on' the suit free of 'Tegalese"con-" state chili champ at:5 p.m. ceremony at 6 p.ni'J. ference director John Patton is sche^led foriwe, he said,' vj,The Fayette County Lan- ^ The Chilympiad Queen Winners from the three ed agreement is~a*ppfovS(iJbjf •* • told committee,,memb8rs. 0 : Both7Austin.and LCRA, the downers Protective Associa­ will 6e"selecfed:>at';5:-30.-.diyisions-. of t|ier fiddJe^s City Council, construction pf" • •,"'^e:.^s«^^f„g^niles power-producing agency for tion — about 50 landowners the plant will begin in early p.m.. Thursday. Darrell ' contest will compete ai 2' ; ;of-procedure, for anyW(,41'lexas counties, justify the whose land would' be con­: 1975, regardless of the suit." McCair will .host the first p.m. for champion fiddler, legislative body are-brevity dance at 9 p.m. Thursday A parachute jumping GROUP-RATE •. and density. House rules must at the -Exhibition Arena, demonstration, beard DINNER be brief and yet keep their in- BEEF • SAUSAGE • RIBS The el jefe-patron and chili". • growing contest judging, ,tent and pu^r^se clear so that POTATO SALAD • BEANS Ptr contestants will get . and an amateur talent coii- ONION*• nCKLE •-MEAD P*fM>n Retail rCfedi.t for women. cant waspersistent, lhecredit local television -and radio; . together atCape's Canipat test fill Sunday afternoon.' . noneducated House meiSbers servect-Fasnfty Styte Mmtmuro.... waa accepted 83 stations forsexist portrayal of '• have a feir chance in the heat Of bur broadcasting, equal pay and percent of the time. women in programing. . rof debate," he said. 2330 S. Lamar 444-8461 -Gustotn'.Cooking employment — these are just Projects for fall include: . • A group to study'the in­ a lew topics that concern v • A study of employment, : surance industry and its-dis­ Austin's Women's Equality promotions and-general crimination against women. DISCOVER THE MINt) Action League (WEAL). policies at1 Brackenridge AND HOW IT WORKS! HANK'S GRILL „ • The League will, hold its Hospital. --2532 GUADALUPE first fall meeting at 7:30 p.m.' •"•V A committee to monitor. MAX JONES BUY, READ"AND USE , Thursday in the Austin Hank's Famous DIANETICS*: Women's Center, 2316 San THE MODERN Gabrief St. State, city and JEWELER SCIENCE University Equal Employ-* Chicken Fried Steak OF MENTAL HEALTH ' BEGINNING ment Opportunity Commis­• 2 pes. Meat, French Fries -/• ' • BY L. RON HUBBARD sion officerswill take part in a Psychocalisthenics Cole Slaw, Hot Rolls & Butter " panel discussion. ~ Wp buy old gold 5-9_p.m. only $1.65 " ? Classes "We are a rather curious mountings organization that does in* Weekdays 12:10 • 12£0 depth studies on women's Diamond and problems-and tries to bring $1.00 ea. or $1(M)0 mo. _ about change with the release silver of these studies," said-Leslie-1 a pitcher ? Gallery; president of the • Austin chapter. 3 p.m. till 9 p.m. AFpCA •One study, which was Ph. 478-4286 wk' released .in July; involved =K4ve= Sandwiches 9 Foosball ® Pong -Suite 210 Austin department stores — Commodore Perry 813 W. 24th Open til! 4 ci, m. * Dillard's.( Scarbroughs, BIdj?. 476-2287 Joske's, Sears and.Woolco — Austin, Texas 78701 m w6re examined see IW.S14V (A Dianetics* Publication) Corner 19th and Guadalupe 47 to if 477-6829 women /could get credit in their own names. ' Use this knowledge to Help pATSOtMiv gaf. »­ Others and .Gafii Increased --Thirty-seven percent of the Buck Harvey KMSfMAlifgNIO -CV 30S.V X&M: there really is aSascha -and yes,'she reat­ applications were accepted -Understanding of Yourself. ' ' Editor ' , i Russian -and yes, she really does cook and ^immediately, Kay Bieberdorf, XV-V. A. completely provide ihe rftcipes at;—^— SSsw? • workable Estate trustee of the league, THE DAILY TEXAN technology of the mind waits said. However,-if the appli­ for you between the covers of WILL SPEAK -,v this. book. Grasp• this.oppor-. SASCLfA'S.. SOUP AND SANDWICH SEMINAR tunity to learn how the mind works and discover thesource _ 311 W. 6th St. -472-3556 «^AT NOON of mentally caused ills. Gain too theability to helpothers by Homesty/e European Cooking '• " 'NOrdan Lounger applying the simple techni­ Just Arrived -:x. Reasonable Prices K ques/in this book. TTiis best University Christian Church seller is a must for' you;and Lunch 11:30 -2:00 .• 2007 llnivereity Avenue ' - .anyone who would help M.C.irJEscher & • • Dinner 6:00 -10:00 himself and his fellow man to. greater sanity and happiness. Happy Hour 2:30 -6:30 Over i,000,000 copies sold! Order--»your copj . of DIANETICS:' M THE NAMELESS THING Maxfield Parfish prints The ModernScience of Mental; m r-presents Health today! Just'Get itr Read it and Try itl A discussion with Deonne Triaf Si Send $7.00 to: DCP?..6.1. ..Church of Scientologyof,Texas TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION PrintsPosters Framings 2804 Rio Grande "Tiustin,'Texas 78705 III: TEACHER Uniy* Methodist Church .50 & up DOIT TODAYSunday 6:30 v Supper 75® Q No charge for postage and handling. AU orders,will be,shipped within 24 boors U- New shipment , receipt.-.-, 'Dianetics-is Ihe trademari^f U Ron IM Hub)>ard in respect of his pabli^ed works. DeruiUion^DIANETICS: :tr6m>. DM . (Greek) '-'through*' and iiOUS • University Co-Op ' (Greek) "Mifrf". CopyriAt rlJ74 by L. llf RESEARCH ALL RIGHTS. Ron -Hubbard; RESERVED/ THE^CftUHCH OF- Thousands of Topics Apt- Shop 2nd floor SCIENTOLOGY OF CAUFORNlA—a non-profit organization. Saentoiogyisao-­ ^ •' $2.75 pejr page applied religious philosophy. ^Seien> Open Sunday , One hour fr*r parking mlh S2 purrha.u-or more.-fology and. Dianeticsr are registered Send (or your up-to-date^ 160-page, BonkAmrricard andlMasterCharjie tvelcomed, names, .v. ' •. , -. Closed Monday mail order catalog. Enclose >1.00 ^3. ' . , • SM. <1 to cover postage (delivery time is AftusicaTEvents Committee presents ' 1 to 2 days).. RESEARCH ASSISTANCE, INC. T. GOSNEY THORNTON 11941 WILSHIRE BLV0., SUITE #2: : LOS ANGELES, CALIF; 90025 Country Folksinger,\ ^ 38* (213) 477-8474or 477-5493 S^i-You 11 Feel 'At Home iSS' "r'tiM 12 noori today on the Union Patio > Our ramrch mtltrUI J> sold for r»M»rchml«tinc» only. Hi? (GUA0AIUPE LOCATION in Pleasant Valley ' 0NIY) ..r- THURSDAY & SUNDAY CJJ J " Join Yoiir Friends in • SPECIALS ' "j;:... . .-V , . ncture ti ft * f (in 31 lessons) W45 J® DropBy AllBrand New %gp&; m Look Around Come See ofHealmg? You mjay.not be after PEARL pinsjdovyn the pros and cons msm — learning acupuncture by mail. A probing look into isi-the. world of comic book correspondence schools. PLEASANT VALLEY CHICKEN fRIED STEAK ^'l ' LARGE CHICKEN FRIED ESTATES STEAK. BUTTERY BAKEO f, POTATO Otl FRENCH,FRIES.er 23 1300 So. Pleasant Valley Rd. iA/.HOT TEXAS TOAST. AND ­ % CRISP TOSSpD SAtAD. •' . -.-v., ALSO CHOP STEAK D1NNER .49 Tel. ^ r. msmSIRLOIN PIT I447-TJB90 2815 GUADALUPE v Monthly Magailnt SvpphmtnJ to 7h» Dally Texan r^m,%478"-3560 ^ 'Anothw TS^ PubHettlon— ftaiwwwq; ;STHEATRE 'ttMEAZJOU'A, %r««sL X " ^ Thursday, SeptembreM9iJ974 tHE^DAILY TEXAN Paoe lV IWMJMt campus briefs &3st Centee s Opening iSiMsnkV YA BenefitTalk Set Suffers Setback University and nonstudent vuit iponsor Gosney Thornton in * ... veterans have the opportunity IRS Jobs:< concert from noon to 1 p.m. Thurs­By SUSIE STOLER i day on the Union Patio: ifdition of: a two-story dining {"a?< to learn of educational The Austin IRS Sjervjce TEXAS IWK5N THCATEK COMMT1CE 1 „ . Te*an Staff Writer room extending to San. An­ benefits at a veterans'benefit Center will hire approximate--,, , show me film, "All About Evev" at 7 i3?Sr program Thursday <' lv 900 new employes for the' 8J>€» 9r30 p.,m.; Thursday *n Bath • Delays in construction and tonio Street, was necessary to i TIWC, Audltoriufrt. TJckfcts are $t for • delivery of materials were convert the old hotel and club. k?? The-affair will be -in the'" JWWiUnf season beginningin itirientvfaculty, and staff; 51.50few -•-."members, j.,;" /( .• •j cited Wednesday as the Bobie Center Academic Room January, iElr^nV'B/v dsborn^ culprits responsible for set­.; "The delivery of goods has MKtYEKITY O^iSTtAN ^UKGH wilt Spon­ from 2 to 4 p.m. Aim of. the director of the Austin center, sar a vandwlch seminar af noon -ting back the Faculty Center's been later by far than ex­ . prpgram is to expose as many said.-. . .... | -s>:-Thurvday in'-Nordan Lounge at the opening date to November, pected. We've placed orders •••••••• . church. 2007 University'AVe.'8u£K;" ..veterans as .'possible to . Jobs as data transcribers. Harvey, Tfxah editor, wiflspeak.-two months behind schedule. for goods, and. they never ad clerks will UNIVERSITY *A*SCtNTf* WW hold seem to get here," thevc; The latest status report on tion. Interestedr nonstudent "Be" avanaSfirr"payihirirrSI the center, to bejp the old 40 manager'said.' * -yptRrnnSAcajBAated, . $2.73-to $3 per hour. Data • • 104-Anyvie'/^avlhp questions may "T "Ith .ami, „ A...Membership in the center is r r til'f a roeuage.: \^Veterans AaniinisirauofT ^HSWBm=sppticaj«Ss=Baifc r1-1.', MHiliiuA /• • Guadalupe: Streets, came open to facirt^wTHPBig^lRB • representatives frdm Waco be paid for their 40-hour train-' ATFHA IPSIION DELTA tpremedlfcal socle-.: Om^taily^iiannop, ^ntpr of instructor nr abOVe I" and the University will be irig course -for the-first time . ty) wtll meet ah7>30 p.nv Thursday manager. -in Rotient tee Moore HaH 4.102 for a ~tfivereit7^n3MiiHveii6R^c available to answer questions: this fall. general mating and a film on car-.''.We're . looking op­System sla/f. memBefs~ffith a '^ Rusty Mass. -.University Eight-hour day and night diovascular surgery.' . timistically CHI MPHA CHRISTIANIfuowstw willmeet:;" towards monthly salary equivalent -te­ • Veterans' Association presir: shifts will be available for all,­ .. at 7:30 -p.m» Thursday in-Union. November, but it-would notbe -an instructor ($1,000 or j..dent,_will_explain Umve^itii?osl'lons. inaddition tQ a fo.ur-Building 300: Unrealistit that December more), retired faculty and It-.'student services ; V ^KKlr-nTght shift-foi^tax wl" •">«•< be a V t »t 7 p,m: Tfiufidsy'nTjRTbfl Bonamjr-would likely^ opening staff," University System ~ -aminers. 336 to d»scu^r~&<^ep sessions for'the date," he said. Read»ngsr4^ • _ _. regents and former regents, ­ Applicants must be .citizen^'f"^ the' Unitwl Statps =W^A8EEOMHcu».wi».meet at7p.m. • "Extensive mterioirand Tax^T^and surviving-spouses of per-; ; .The Departmen^of Speech^*"of ° umiea inrt.•«#• -tin T«i*phat»: ^ ana.ai . , ; . Thursday In: the JacMn-the-Box at Caught terior, renovation and sons who would have been • Communication will• sponsor least.~18^years~-oid~before—^—&*h •nd Guadaiune^siieers^io: bf^inninp wrtrJf /bi'9AT>i'ie decoraUons .for the remodeling, including the ad-eligible for membership. the semester s .first Reading ' oegiiming. worK. .. _ , A^ynard or Xrefebs Memoriaf sock Sheriff's deputies were forted to uw pUtoUi rifle^and tear pas to evict Vadarv Uhlik Hour at 3pm .Thursday m Applicants should call, ,477-v '.Hop and fo plan futvre acttvltlev -from his homemade tank Tuesday as he tried-to evade arrestin Fresno,Calif., _on a-Communication Building 5627 to -be.scheduled for ..the! 'in T© PLACE-A TEXAN" Pt SIGMA K wili meet aV? P.m..Thursday number of charges. Uhlik used the same method 21 years ago to free hisfamily from _i„ii Ubion Bi;ilding, 375 to discuss ••••'.• A4.128; ' CIVll-service testy , or ^they^,^.. minority recruitment, for erijlneer-Communist rule in Ciechoslovakla; • Graduate speech • com-should mail theit names, ad-5 -ina ai «w umverjity. .• • CLASSIFIED AD tmSmSSSmaMS-yna.per-*-dresses and Mrthdates to P O.' ™ CALL 471-5244 Housing Payments Due form .WOrk$ by Llllianv ®0x 2906, Austin"7?767. I mgetlngoftheyearat7p.m,Thurs-Qzkir Hpllmnn T^wi« T? H " ANNOyNCEMEKTS •;I'' ; -day at.The Pizza Hut,1809 Guadalupe -* a'!*u^.„u , . . . . ...4. m ilff5-" tiejiman UBCAR LEW^s. K.U. coimai o» coutot ot sacui AND st. to introduce prospective ' •-'Although registration jand ministrative operations in the "-full payment, : according to mm i^ifig, Carl Bernstein. Bob ^«H*v.p«Msc«NaswIi. hold mtef-nwnbers ^dds and dfops are over, dor-• Dmsion of Housinp mH Vnnrt Our customers enjoy the :-Woodward and D H m ?,ewl ,ernewmembers trom^10;30:-: ,TOtWtOw«lme«Hrom7to»p.rT\.Tt»ir5-rniinri/ mrfj-Vtc ,.«1i 7? "OUSing ana I" OOd. tlieir plan, she said. They will-­ MO warn, ana u.n tonomamifrbm p.m.'. : ; day it'Tri Towers lyoVth,iii w Z3ra W01? residents .stillare stan-• -Service said. Vl#«^ fmest.QU9!)t -•• [iparfKnp for_thp University's m temporary dormitory,lious-. \/ice Equity Action DEPARTMENT of GtotooJCMSDCHCES W^naio make an appointmeaMoT housing upon entering a per- sponsor a lecture by T.ore'GjeUViC ; /: . aii Weryiew. ; . -5.600 oii-campus dwellers to ing are required to maKe die: manent room.. <-at Reasonable Prices ' The Women s Eqtuty Acuon director of the Norwegian P^lar: -7*Af«^0^A7)0NCiu$ wfi} meet a!7 p.m .. pay .their housing bills; institute, at" r p.m. .Thursday in"'' s Thursday . in Business-Economics League will meet at 7:30 p.m. • Geology.Building 100. *r Building 166 to orgah'ue and ete«^bl-/ "It has been busy all mor­ Thursday at the-Austin v,£FFKTIve USTBflNO AND NOmAWHO^-'-;:* : f?cers. ' . ; ning; andit isbusy now,"Bur­Interviews for College 6f":5^S';; r ,„,jcall for will be discussed by.ihe staff of the UMvnsirv YOUNG DEMOCRATS will meet •Women's Center. 2316 San .-..Read.fh-g' and' Study SKItfs/ at 8 p.m. Thursday InScholr' C^rten-sar. T.C. Leshikar said Social and Behavi'oral Sciences Council appointment Gabriel St. -•; * , ^ Laboratory; (RASSL) .at 3 p.m. for .an.informal gathering with the . • Wednesday.-Paymentsvwill be or come by ' . A panel discussion featuring-* MThursday. inJested Center A332. * . Travis . County legrslarive -detega-!accepted at thebursar's office MEXTCAN-AMCTICAN CUTTUEC COMMJNS ^ •? /:~?fon;'. • •r"-v. ••• '• •-• 2819 San Jacihto1 Lorenzo Cole. Jimmy;Flakes anail^Pijie Arts ComrnJttJe of the WIVES AND-WOMEN Of THE GRADUATE from 9 a.m. to noon and 1to 4 9:3a -11:00"" 2004 Guadalupe' and Mary Teague. equal ::Texas Union, are. sponsoring an art ' BUSINESS SCHOOL will hold its first .p.m.-. weekdays'; and; from, 9. $.Wed. 18th 1:00-4:00 477-0423 478-0022 v,': sjfcow\:by ..Ltopoido Mende£ from.% monthly meeting.at J;:30 p.m. Thurs­ lt--employment .opportunity -of-. ' a^n. toS p.m-throuqh Frteav in the day at Farm and Home Savings a.m. to noon Saturdays: . 6:30-8:00 ficers for the state, city and Unfcn Gahery. —-T-_ —.—rr-Assocjatfe«i-1400-Lavaca St.-Cean : Residents .failing:;tomeet ^UO&iiTS biOBt THAN AVSUCE (SbTA) . George Kojmenky of the graduate University, -respectively, will will sponsor a.receptton from 3:30-to .. business-school wHttspeale '• 'v the .Tljjursday deadline pay a 10:30 -11-00 Thur. 19th 451-2494­ 1^ be held. • ... 4:3Q p.m. Thursday for University '.•'SEMINARS -. penalty of 50 cents he first late 1:30 -4:00 , 6611 Airporti> lr ~ .Methods,of.recognizing and • Veterans ln«,the Oobie Roonx. oq the DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS','w»t-ipdrtSO/. a. . fourth floor oT the Academic Center. relativity .seminar at*3 p.m. Thurs­day and 25 cents for each ad-A,t"1 " :& . complete smoking accessories, fighting discrimination in , • A work^op.'on educattonat.^eneftts-day in Rbjbert Lee Moore Hall 9.222.. ' ditional lat^ dayi Blackburn ' including papers, pipes and patchwork lav-employment will be discuss­JOT veterans will be held from J toi. V Dr.-Paul L^Chrianowski will speak ditional late "day. Nevada Geography 402 (Old Journ.aB(dg.) p.m. -. on "Wetric Perturbations of a Kerr ed. • TEXAS-UNION MUSICA1 EVENTS COMMITTEE • B^acXHoJe•."', Blackburn, director of ad- ATTENTION VETERANS . austinI ... » .. • » STUDENTS monlessoriOschool • Benefit Workshop CONNECTION m Donna Pesoli; Director for your questions on benefits If you have noTreceivedyour DO C:A: —J^pvrvLied ity-. Aisaciated Montessori Inlernationaie If|f ---Dobie-Roomi-Acaderoic-Center. Ath f loor 'f6© student coupon book,~you may ;.Pre-Scfiool & Elementary-Levels Ages 2^-6, 5-7, 7-10 pick one up at the Student Govern­ North 4108 Ave. H. , South 400 W. Alpine ThUrs., Sept. 19 2-4:30 p.m. ment office in the Union (Rm 321) 2904./one* Road mt .. Veteran representatives on campus and •>> •X. while the supply lasts, ct pi • ; 442-3152 representatives from Waco • Lay-a-way Sale FrEEI FREE! FREE!.!gallon of to get Prestone Anti-Freeze a cosh purchase or lay^a-way of $40.°° or more. JBtm. SAVE UP T0 50% QN JACKETS -JACKETS SAVE ON •N& i!$sy STOCK UP ON Jtf AND MORE .}&?> -^ mta- LUGGAGE BLANKETS SUITCASES, IIAGKETS ^ Rainwear OR JF00TL0CKERS ITRUNKETTES . PEAC0ATS, TANKER Buy"now QUILTS: lAND TRUNKS PARKAS, SNORKEL"' w or that Ponchos, For those JACKETS AND rainy Vinyl, Nylon or Rubber cold days Raituufa ' • WINDBREAKERS.-ahead weather Vinyl, Nylon or Rubbor J[88 LARGE ahead Raincpolt IF^OM THE LARGEST • AND UP Vinyl, -Nylon or Rubber- ASSORTMENT ITO THE SMALLEST O88 TO CHbOSE FROM & UP ^ 1 LAY-AWAY •m .I 3| . ACADEMY NOW FOR GAS OR ELECTRIC stl Shoes'i-' Boots "ie HAS WORK -HUNTING -DRESS m CHRISTMAS HEATERS LARGE ASSORTMENT CLOTHING ^0F BOOTS AND SHOES FOR ALL OCCASIONS TO CHOOSE FROM L DRESS, LOWEST WORK, CASUAL, 'N,_ ANDUP s -1, 'V.. ZtJS&i TOWN HUNTING YOU CAN PURCHASE PRESTONE SS SAVE ON S' ANTI-FREEZE WITHOUT ANY -OTHER MARINE % " PURCHASE ^IHOCULARM^P ' POLICE FOR $4.44 PER 6AIL0N AS AND STRAPS, ,.UDNG AS SUPPLY IASTS. . BANDS ' 3'ri''"limit 2 gollont per cutiomtu". -J ' ACADEMY HE NTERE 4103 N. INTERREGIONAL ^103 RESEARCH BLVD. SUND,