»' *. 1 r fc - fe&t.' mm nV^V » J-«KK «Vv» tf •< *£.'1. ~h ]>:;r tr~®' assfe^a •/?-»sfczH*. j-»,>*.*-» -i *xi\ sSw? Hi a. it-si"' 8& fej* Student Newspaper at The University of Texas at Austin ««« -­ »!»' ....... . : • " '_ """ •" "' --V—--.<•• '"7 ' s>L f Vol. 74, No. 41 Please Recycle This Newspaper • '.i^ Austin, Texas, Thursday, August 15, 1974 ' /iV< Ten Cents* "Z Fourteen Pages'-'': -''471-4591 *" V^v~ -»;*•<• *f »* / > ^ Union move Fofe of RTF Building to be decided by regents ' in By BRYAN BRUMLEY-fe fallow a 20-mdnth renovation scheduled to'" McGarr, acting qhairaian of the Union : possible because,of delays in readying Texan Staff Writer. • begin early this fall. The University ad-­ Board, said. "We are doing everything the final plans for the Union remodeling. • The Texas Union and Student Govern­ministration thade the RTF Building, in , we can to finda site. Wedoh't*Want to be~ Advertisements for bids for the contractment, previously scheduled to move the 2300. block-of Speedway Stree.t,' moving from one site to another," •' •. will'be placed in the-Austin American-Monday into tfce Radio-Television-Film available to services currently housed in. Regent Frank C. Erwin said in July Statesman for the next four Sundays. Building, will dday the move a month' the Unfon Building. There would be no that plans for the addition to Welch Hall, * Remodeling bids jtake longer to for­"awaiting a September decision by the 5r^-*p room for dining facilities in RTF, to be built on the RTF site, eould be mulate, Fleming said, because the ex- University system Board of "Regents on rhowever:- -accelerated-because of rising construc-isting structure must be..carefully l4lfate of the latter structure. "We aretrying to search for a location tion costs analyzed. Hfe.saitl tliei;e was a possibilityThe Union Building must be vacated to . other than the RTF Building," Cappy If the regents approve final plans for •the bids would top the $3 million the addition at their September meeting, allocated by the regents, which wouldAbortion law destruction of RTF could begin as early' further delay renovation. as December^ Erwin said Wednesday. Student Government will hold its fallOccupants' of the Union Building are • ^1 interviews in the Union BuUding. Flem-i:i seeking tp find a two-year home, which ing did not think a mHj-semester move; _wouM eliminate a costly and disruptiveM0S series of moves. "What w.e're trying to would disrupt Student' Government or- confuse' students.. Rachel Bplmfalk, do is find something that will take care -** • >M ^ wiv of IviTUlv—XUli* v JnPf?L _ BySUSANilNDEE; recognizeifi thaftKgSupfeffie:Conrt~wwUA »• '1 pFflifemvi for the full two"jfiir8iyears,"-James... senior secretary toStudent Government TexanStaff.Writer has not dealt with all the possiDie legal; "H."Xolyin, vice-piesideiil for-business-af-Atty, Gen.John Hill said Wednesday Question^ Which arise fpniri snprifir*. fnir« coM organized move. questions which can ariM-lrom specific fairs; saidthat public hospitals cannot refuse to legislative proposals," Hill said. Two or three possibilities are under • Erwin anticipated Wednesday the perform abortions unless other similar -Since this reportcannot dealcoirtplete-consideration, Colvin^aid, but heprovid­Board of Regehts^would follow ^aprocedures are prohibited also. ly with every possible question, the at­ ed no further information. Student recommendation by President Stephen ...-.-•Hill released a 15-page guideline torney general said, his office will issue Government is considering the possibili­Spurr thei* report for Texas lawmakers, outlining • advisory letters on specific proposals to grant early approval to ty of a nearby, off-campus site, Frank : Welch Hall addition. He thought the final ' the current-status-of-abortion-laws-un —after the.6^th, Legislature has convened. Fleming, student body president, said. plans ,would be ready,for rsgental ap-Texas. '• J-All of the Texas laws ihUiePenalCode" Fleming "Said the~po?tpon'The report determined that there are ^concerning abortion were nullified ex­v Upw no laws in thestate regulatingabor­cept.one, which dealt with the interrup-­tion, following U.S. Supreme Court rul­tion of a live'birth. ing of Roe" v._ Wade in 1973. The ways in whieh abortion ,may be -It concluded that all of Texas' abortion ^regulated are defined in the report: laws have been, wiped out by the • The lawful performance of an abor-­Supreme Court,and abortion is now con-p other u,m, oneu,iC whh-h. i» seu­ tion, v%mil Uian which, is self­sidered as a minor operation having no>' ^induced, presently should be limited to ., • -— w. IHUpboto special regulations. • -i. 'those performed by persons properly on - "An abortion ra first trimester cannot" siwlicensed to practice medicine, _ By United Press International -trA gallon*of pennies be treated any differentlyfrom anyother •:An • abortion may be performed in Turkish tanks and infantry struck triumphantly, across eastern Cyprus early A Fort Worth bank received Jamie Lewi*' lifeVsaVSngs and found that he procedure,"-David Kendall, chairperson^;™any facility where* other similar Thursday in an all-out offensive to split the Mediterranean island into separate wa* worth hit weight in copper. The gallon whiskey bottle full of pennies Greek and Turkish sectors. oTtne opinion Committee for-the aHU^rocedures are performed, during the wwgned-29-pounds-qnd^wps...worth $39.84. torney general, said. -2®^irst tr'mesteriand those placesneed not ' The Turkish invaders and Greek Cypriot defender? agreed atnightfall Wednes­ umci hospitals. ... ... .• ....... ,——— — —K.enda1Lsaj«iud "other ^similar||*£necessarilyaiiuiiai ^..H^essaruy be-licensedDe ucensea as nospitais. • . a pay to a truce endingday-Jong lightingand bombing strikes in the walled capitalof m • ~§ : ~§— procedures" might refer "to"tosiichsuch . Committee-approvalmayCommittee-approval-may not-benot-be rere— ^Nicosia,.butJ?attles_raged in outlying sectors ^ tho isianri •••:'r livaJ iA inhmnn lina ll.» •l.Li •m Mm operaUnns"aS vaiicotoiiiies.-qranrtype-—quired^wbmafrhas-thejjghttofereivp: •• -—The armor andinfantry.drive acrojsCyprus was preceded ByTierce Turkish air • , m -•'• °'-;f^tetrical care.. medical care under the judgment of a -sstrikes that hit Nicosia and KeTwOs^aKmf^isTandVsoutheriv-and-^sterff i * m ;? xsasassc'i "What we ayeare saying is*is thatyouthat you can't c |§§y licensed physician, and the physician has ^pasts, sending thousands of refugees fleeing in panic. • • " -I single'tout abortion, "if _a__hospital^js the right to administer that care Complete casualty tolls were unavailable, but 28 persons.werereported injured^1 ByDA\>ID HENDRICKS • Albach explained the Justice Depart­devoted, to cancer research, we don't ex­"unobstructed by the imposition of such in one Turkish bpmblng strike alone — on a mental hospital in Nicosia-" -"s-i® iXexan_5tafLWriter mental have FBragents begin to con-pect it40 perform abortions," he said. overview,"-the report-said. The explosion of fighting threatened to ignite a full-scale war between Greece-Vi giving-evidence thejv-)t, . may' be' rfr> ductauct intervieWs-mteryiewsrbeforebefore -Riying-evidence—-_ :;ineThe report also said that during the\-v^ • Other physicians may not be re-and • 0k? f—-The -U.S.. Justice Department has and Turkey — America's close.allies in the Mediterranean — and'endangered the ;to.an-.^ia»i>riateJBrand iary:or:.Uie..at-. . first trimester theaecision^orwhether ta^^^-tjuired^o-eonfiRiwjneihvsiCian^s iude-: southern fia '^agEeed,to-Cotiduct ari-WestigaliPn inift i flank of the vital North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). .torney general.'"-' -abort is to be m&de,by the pregnanC'fffmettf,.in.any case-. The judgment;ofThe-• . ^Tfierewei : the operations of Ube Texas-Department were Uiese-developments in the mounting international crisis:.'. I I hetphysician. ' / attending • The Uni woman and-her-physlcian " . ?V physician -that abortion is 1 W 1 * \ 11 „.. United Nations appealed for an immediate cease-fire on-the island,' but Legislative Committee on Prison Events the Justice -Department in­"During the second and .third\*J ,necessary~is sufficiehl7 --^^^JJrwent-^^®eded except-iiLMcosia,_^n^urgent evening meeting of thp ­ of^Corrections at the request of the Joint • . riVADlG tnP. . '.Yl1Gr1f>A 1 m • • tlin nAMAH J .<» J iLS_jf .— — •r7.v.T.--;ii|i.-'— ....... 1 • '•'•I. vestigation probably will look into in­-trimester cjf the-woman's pregnancy the '*' • Private hospitals iriay prohibit abor-SlMtlirilv. pnnn/til'Aollari fin'/) ; A-n. _ .7 rv----—•——• Ml Jteform, John Albach, the committee's - oecunty Council called to find ways lo implement the peace demand"was post­ clude the June, 1973; Father's Day inci­state may regulate -the abortioiL^tions, but public, government-financed staff director, said Wednesday. ; poned without explanation until10 aTm; Thursday; U.N. Secretary General Kurt r dent in which a number of prisoners procedure" and during the third nbspitals may only prohibit abortions if Waldheim was flying in to U.N. headquarters in New Y^ork from Europe. ­3 allegedly were beaten for refusing to do trimester it may forbid abortion, for -i other,, similar are The investigation will center around »-au «— prdcedures also \ • Greece, calling the Turkish attack-a second-Pearl Harbor, dramatically farm work on a Sunday. - ' • alleged brutality of prison guards and health reasons, the report Mid. , prohibited, n^eaning that abortions may. i withdrew ite troops from the military arm of NATO, the bulwark of western denial of civil rights, The Carrasbosiege , • The right of private physicians and not be singled out. : ; -defense in Europe. The organization appealed to Greece to reconsider the action. The alleged harassment of prisoner : hospitals to refuse to perform* abortions 3»t Huntsville .Walls unit also will be. • President Ford's fledgling administration warned both Greece and Turkey George \jyilson was cited by Johnson as a or allow the .use_of their'facilities for physician ifaay refuse "to perform ^looked into, Albach said. that a full-scale war between-the two countries would bring an immediate halt to <,, • HI U.S; arms shipnients. ; ' . ". "Teason , for the investigation. Wilson abortionis was upheld, but the "statemay . an abortion. "A physician is under no , The staff was notified of'the Justice reportedly was placed in solitary at the not restrict abortions by making public • legal obligation to practice his p'rofes-' Ellis unit a number of times for refusing hospital• facilities. unavailable," the sioii or-to render services to any par-' • Turkey said its drive on Cyprus was proceeding according to plan and pepartment's decision Wednesday by a predicted the operation would come to an end quickly. Turkish Preinier Bulent to work. Wilson claimed he could not report said. -ticular person," the report said. Mphone call from, the department's Civil Ecevit said Turkey's,only aim was to ptotect the Turkish minority pppulation on i§' work because of a knee injury inflicted ^ue.qup^on pi ine jainer sroie in tne­ -Rights Division office in Washington, The completed report has been sent to The qu^s^on of the.father's role the-Cyprus, v : " " • ' -­ by a guard. V";?*Vs. . the chairpersonsof the House andSenat^^aborUon deii^ioii has not been clearly t ' * ' The new.fighting on the island of 70b,000 persons shattered a cease-fire signed • $?€ » The request for an investigation was Jurisprudence Committees, to assist;®outlined by the Supreme Court, but''itis July,30 by Britain, Turkeyand Greece at peacetalks in Geneva. HieGeneva;talks ....ii initiated by Rep. Eddie B.emice Johnson ' Albach said he did not know how long them in their drafting of abortion bwsM||clear frorn the availableauthorities that collapsed Wednesday morning when .'Turkey walked oiironly hours befpre its at-^the investigation would take, and he of Dallas in a letter to -committee t ' such legislation (giving the father rights tack on Cyprus. -' " 'im refused to comment on the nature of in­ S3U members July 2. On July 20, at a public JiiU said the report should be used for. to stop an'a.bortion) would be-subject to It marked the worst..crisis. .for..the .onetime resort,island since winning in-ftfehearing, the comniitte~e voted un­formation the prison reform com­ their "general guidance in connectionligsevert constitutional questioh" because V dependence from Britain.in 1960. The island's majority Greek Christian Cypriots mittee's staff has-already: given " the animously to approve Johnsbn's motipn.; .. with the drafting of any proposed legisIa5?|of the .mother's right to privacy, the ^ outnumber the-Turkish Moslem minority by four to Justice Department" one. Uon by their respective committees. , -report said. •'& Waves of Turkish warplanes screamed over the island before dawn Wednesday. 'S:« The motion provided that the coni* bombing and strafing Grpek Cypript strongholds In advance of the Turkish ar-."^^ mittee's staff research, which '"relates moced and infantry advande. . • v ito possible civil or criminal violations of .the laws of this state and/or nation, f The Turks, with 40,000 men on the island, moved out of their enclave between Patient-workers lose jobs jv" Nicosia and the northern coastal town of Kyrenia and drove to within 10 miles Ofthese violations occurring against either m< inmates or personnel, be -turned over to Famagusta; the island's main seaport on the eastern coast. -1 . The Turks also battled westward from Kyrenia toward the Turkish village of the U.S; Department of Justice a'long Instituiions cannot afford to pay minimum wage Lefka ihan-attempt to establish control over the northern third of the island. with a request that the Justice Depart­ment investigate these charges fully,and n>, uimrui patients who areassigned jobs in mental .­ i& i By MARTHA JP McQUADE Before the cease-fire took hold in Nicosia itself, a U.N. spokesman said the ; >n yet, "so we really dotft know exactly ^furnish information • to the attorney Ss.S Texan Staff Writer o ..institutions as their therapy. who will have to Turks had encircled Nicosia International Airport five miles southwest of the W part of be paid the minimum capital. ••• .-general-and.?nyj)jtherapj)ropriate agen-. -Almost 500 mentally handicapped per-i ^Previously,;state law prohibited paying wage."JHtowever, he expectsbetween l,-1--sons working, in .mentaLinstitutions in ® The capital itself was quiet through the night. The U.N. cease-fire went into »such patients more than $5 a week. 000 and 3,000 workers to lose their job • Travis County have lost their jobs- . effect in thecity at6:15 p.m. Wednesday,and .exchanges of small armsfire lasted *» The federal court "gave, the" Labor assignments because-of-lack of funds. -^another hour before quieting down. . _ .... _ ....^ because the state cannot afford to pay n %rDeparttnent one year to comply. Robert -Still, he said, some MH-MR units are : them; minimum wages A strict curfew was clamped on the cityat nightfall, and all lights were blacked !"• ,C-Vassalo, of the Texas Department of preparing , to handle the paperwork Travis StateSchool has phased out all £ .-^Mental Health and Mental Retardation, necessary for wages, in case the money out following day-long bombing and strafing runs by Turkish jets. 200 of itspatient/worker positions, while 4 "Ssaid MH-MR.is asking Texas for $6 is found. The fighting in the Nicosia afea centered"aroun3^lhe International Airport^ Austin State School flow employs only million for 1976-77. But even if the Which remained in the hands of the U.N. peace-keeping fordesdespite theTurkish Not so in Travis County.'' advance on the airfield's perimeter. • •147 of its more than 400 original budget request is approved, it does not . Pat Loftin, director of vocational patient/workers, school officials said provide money for the period between A U.N. spokesman said three Austrian U.N. soldiers were killed Wednesdayand i!isM programs fbr Austin State School, said ' ™nes<*ay-%fethe Dec. itc6mpliance deadlinedate and 21 troops, 17 Finns and four. British, were.wounded. No casualty figures were Wednesday 266-jobs have been available on the overfall fighting. . Th,e work assignment phase-out is athe beginning erthe new biennium in eliminated sinceMay and theremaining Cloudy . . result of a December federal court deci-. -Septenid>er« 1975. 147 workers probably will have to quit. The Turkishplanes bombed targets in Nicosia and Famagusta.-destroying muc^'o^ Partly cloudy skies are sion ordering the -U.S. Department of Vassalo lsaid complianpe guidelines -Loftin said the budget includes only $20,-of the industrialsector of the capital; wrecking-villages and setting fleldsablaze.;-^ Labor to pay-minimum "wages to have not beenhanded down to the states American-built Turkish*Air Force F4 Phantom -jets "boiiSbed the heit out _pf 000 .for patient wages which, under expected Thursday Famagusta," and the..city-wasiall butUeserted, according to a broadcast from a5^| minimum scales,, would pay for only with southerly winds' about 33 workers. British base nearby. The Turkish Cypriot rkdio warned Greek Cypriots: «'Lay.^»­"down your-arms'or the bombing will continue."' . ' • -s-t were token Salaries, Loftin said. About $800 #eas Merger considerations from.5 to 15 rriph. Tem­ Pjstients paid only peratures wllj reach a budgeted for two weeks salary for Mr highIn the mld-90s with patient/workers, "and you can-see that awaiting new study wasn't very much," fie said. _aJoW in the miyi-7ng -Charles Delile, assistant-superintend U ^ "Si . dent at TravisState'School, said all 200 SJ§t pf ttpt^.^r's patiOTUw^ prConsideration of a : '-««~»p resWtentcan^ : were-phased out, beginning about two ^" U"" J years ago. '-'We saw the writing on the wall even then,." Delile said. Since, the ifhJi r Dr-Ralph^Schilling, Pan Am president, will submit hisreport oiithe advantages dYa-tageS of December court decision, the phasing -tf ^ n^ ' ^merger to the Pan Am regents Oct. 26. ' but has "been• stepped. fipff1 he added. a Aug."3 Austin meeting between UT Regents .. Officials of jfctii'schoPlssay they have Shiy5rs,..UT.C^tonceUor.'CharJeS'Ai LelAaistrei Pan-Am^ ^ied to place fhtrdismissed In. l^regentsMrs. AllapShivers and Morris Atlas, and Schilling. , "smi^ea patients in..^a ScWHitifc expects the merger to provide the resoorcesto build k medical school Many, have been placed in 1*;§at ihe Pan Am campusJn Edinbu^ , .^ . a medical school ^-vocational training and recreational a " school at Pan* Am "was just one of the '/ KsMHties^dtscussed-during-the-Austin-wisinn-ilJi^.v •I'0.")'1 ™9&t,of the patient ^| -AlboatMbuled th^rpposedmerger idea to a studentforum heldwhen Pan Aiji —j, was wii.il ^ k^hop_programs such as Goodwill ; ,' / However Pan Am student govermwtotpresldent - ^^..joriirn dirt-nnt .^Mdntmr w-.. ,>"c they ^an legally be, paid, minimum wage,.ra1«s. .J,ln our workshop, workers /w pajd at a piece mn,"' Loftin««*»«• sald.«"hm< , / -•>; 4 . T*"«I .He addedtheschoolTiyil try to keep as nany patient/workers as possible," but ,*V. Committee recommends county $ffidols'pay hike opposes market expansion By WILUAM ZEIS name; however, after having missioners. The commissioners,afjj".' A recommendation for an U second thoughts. Jones makes $12,500 per however, had no authority to tClfBy KEN McHAM by developing a commercial market on a entertainment. percen.i across-the-board pay Frank 'told, the committee, year,, the-most of any con­give theTaise, so the motion '.Texan Staff Writer . .' vacant lot. west of campus. • ~ ~ • The project is intended tofill what.Crqwkilffe ,• raise for' elected' .county of-«: "I have no grievance.';' • stable. "I don't get retired excluded elected officials, What began as asimple request by cam-" a l . feels is a definite need tor the type ol * '.ficials was sent to -Com^ . "In view'" of President colonel's pay," Jones said, Moya said.' . pus street vendors for more space in the -Joe. a Crow, who developed the Capital marketing formerly provided by-vendors an ' missioners Court Wednesday ; Ford's. speech," Frank said referring"to Frank's pension *l '-•> 'T 23rd Street market may end in a major-.Highland Mall shopping along Guadalupe, no>v confined to what •r by the Travis Gdunty Sglaty after the meeting, "it's up to from, the Air Force. He also. Justice of the Peace* Jim" legal battleover public'and private control Pen'ers> Said Wednesday he is -in-•the vendors term "-the reservation'! along of city sidewalks. vestigating the vacant block southof Seton ,«Grievance Committee"''* /us toSet.an example"on infla­• cited increases in his electric • McMurtry spoke in favor, of 23rd. * • f-&f Hospital between Seton and Rio Grande .% The commissioners will. tion. "I'm not tiding to be a bill and propertytax as reason the increase and requested.. ­ If City Council approves the vendors' Streets fdr'its commercial-potential as a . Crow is real estate broker forH.H. X? consider the raises'at .their herd;" hesaid. Frank makes . for favoring the raise. that Peace Justice .Charles requests legalaction is likely by the owner rilarket and entertainment area. -Williams of Comanche, who awns proper--. -r regular meeting Monday. $18,500 annually. The motion was madeto the Webb's salary be raised from of-propertyon the north sideof 23rtf Street ty at the comer of Guadalupe and 23rd: ­ • The motion for the increase its present $10,000 peryear to u ••—* Frank said it Was the committee by Dist. Clerk O.T. The council may resist any suggestion from Guadalupe'iStreet to the mid-block „ . , ........... .. . thp *nn thp hairier ^.was passed 8-0 with .Sheriff • business . of-• Commissioners Martin Jr., who said the in-. $14,400 plus the II percent in- Crow said the lease'on the lot is being • • ' allf»v whterc'-thi!* inaykpt wftiiM h#* the vendors shouldShe be forced tomove from 11Raymond Frank abstaining. Court, not the grievance cdtft-crease was necessarv to keep crease, on -par .with the other ^ey. wherenhe market would be expand ^s{reet ^ ^ new renegotiated; terita4ively with, an' ice market, however' • •-* Had Frank voted, for the mo­Kmittee, to raise salaries.' -up with the cost of living andi peace justices " MavorRnvRut ar^rJt Mayor Roy Butler said hehad not heard of fHr9TH hailWnMhfh^itHir»»h Ition, the increase would have '"'i Charlie Jones, ;Precinct 5 comparable salaries in other/;"'*. An attorney for tlje owner has prepared suggestions for. a new market, but added, and ,aSS sh(jw w"indows 4&S action cities and states -f'-taken-cffect without constable, who;would. be in-' V,, Webb was-eiected justice of a^ legal.'brief alleging the sidewalk is "I am satisfied with the 23rd-Street • ' ?\ • • from the commissioners. eluded lrtTteTjayxaiserdecHB-fiidtiard Mova Pirp^inpt 4 the; ptece earlier this year. "The new wouldn'tSi« private property and its use for other than market; I think it would be unfair to force potential tenants—The-commissioners appointed Frank earlier had signed ed to speak to the committee county commissioner, said it pedestrian traffic is subject ta control them to move. consummate a leasettithout full,control of&gl petitions with other county of-' in .lightjof Frank's abstention Was the intention of the com­him toseFve six-months early in: June. then, .Webb only by the property owner •—"Baek—whon'-jae-dirt the original , or-, the sidewalk area on the south," Crow.-pj} asj Since • .iicials requesting a pay in­but said he would support, an missioners to include elected Greater public rights to sidewalks were dinance in BuHer' said, "I nlivTit'i j i'HI 'V"*1 'I .said,-he* has 7.'become•'•: a crease.* He -w\thdre,w. his increase before the com--officials when a pay raise was asserted by a vendors.'. Aug; 6:suit^testing .thought the thing we wound up with would , misled the vendors in telling them they. < fulltime court, paid on a part- voted for co'unty employes Austin's vending oi^inance. ,Based oA-a' be. good. I think-it would affect their have the power to expand the market. • time.basis.'-' Aug. 5. At that meeting, coun­similar case in; California, a county^court business to put themas far away asSeton. 'I feel confident the attorney will go to ..'|Smi' ty employes making more . McMurtry pointed out that may rule the city's limitations on vendingvlt wouldn't be acceptable to the vendors." court if the ordinance is amended-to ex-,-.™'-W than $650 a mraith were given Municipal Court judges-in from sidewalks may violate constitutional Crow envisions aji $800,000 project pand the market," Crow. said. fj| if.10 percent raise; thosemak­Austin make more than $19r freedom of use of public property. providing permanent stalls for. shops, p Neither the property owner nor his at-^^ ing less,than $65tf received $65 , 000 per year, far in excess of Meanwhile, an Ausiin realtor/is con--covered area; for sidewalk vending and a torney were,.available for commentjsa' increases,-: 1' . the peace justice salaries. sidering an alteniative to "Drag vending" central bandstand for staging musical Wednesday, ^ t A JUSTA' MontessQjci Pre-School of Butler offers city backing TOWER TOSS SO MUCH MORS Mayor Roy Butler offered office had -helped prepare a Jones said of the meeting:^'' hu: "thp fjill resources of the petition favoring the project, "He (Butler) told me he-sount ^Austin city" Wednesday to an effort which will extend West Ninth would help me. He • said we -be si r to place-the Ninth and 10th Street bridge to Shoal Creek may win the battle but loser; kK Streets'-Imprtivements Pro-and a park between. West -the war —he wanted me to be -i'alis 2402 Whlte Horse Tr —Sharon-Tote— —ject^befpre Austin's citizens ^Avenue and North Laniar very aware that the owners i Gra 453-2.147 or for a vote. ; BojnevaRir~and~~widei»-'Wfst--~.ha&.^pecificallv; deeded their flew­ * Directress, ;M.Ed. -Whit* Hon* , Former University student 10th Street between-Lamar properly lor tne esnenslmfir928-2960 t AMS Certified body president -Jeff Jones, and Guadalupe Street. Ninth Street. " J who is heading theeffort, met Jones asked Butter to assist "IJliWer said the ownersjvill . AGES 3-5 cu . with Butler-to "takehim up on in developing the correct peti-.-, be 'down at the courthouse . fe gflgTBT CHURCH * his promise .to help anyone tion form for a referendum . wanting their property back," ­ &TRMTY with a petition on either side electiort on the project, ap­Jones said, "apd that .they'll WE. OENHAM JR. - Enrollment Limited to 10 of the Ninth Street controver­proved by City Council July put apartments cm it. He sy:" wanted to know whether I'd *? ft Butler made the promise in "I put my aide, John Kuhl, ra'ther see apartments or a »i SCHOOL a 'A Gentle Introduction to Learninga to workon it,and wewill have £$£ j July when-it was learned his street on that land.'A?^ ' . . xWr i' an answer for Jeff by . The land in question was y Thursday,'^ Butler.said. "I deeded-by its owner for a park . ?. •also got the' city-attorney .. •inl&SbulwasobtBtinedbyihv. f&Bean In-Sider, working on U, too. I -offered­ city forstreet purposes in 1966him the* full resources of the after a-threes-year court battle :-city.-Like-1said,-I: wilLhelp;_ -for condemnation. [ That'll Be . anybody either wav.^ Thanks. Jones-,-who-teaehes-a-course_ 4 titled "Art and Architecture rfil $117.50 ~ HopeYou -NELSON'S in Austin!' at Austin Com­ t$i GIFTS ' munity College.has criticized ppT I ith. It. 1 4613 So-Conpfin ; the street, project because it ; ' fUim* 444-3114 "destroys: the only, remaining r-f •­ • ZUNI AND NAVAHO historical"nel#iborhood ofthe — INDIAN-JEWELRY— -original city."" ——H-iapur Boat Moc.-The hottest •--J, i -t f • MEXICAN f- Iftf •--> : "shoe in-the U.S."BrqWn" leather-; City officials have justified' ..-with vhite rubber-sole.. Sizes IMK>RTS "r theproject tfi_provi.de greater 6-9. $17. OPEN 10 o.m. to . . access to the downtown area S "GIFTS THAT INCREASE' ' ' " and relieve increased traffic, IN VALUE­ 1 congestion vanticipated .after" v '-"typf •' • -& Jefferson Square MoPac .expfegsway is com- • CLOSED MONDAY pleted 'Oh Iin Sure All I Really I "Will.i Nbed Is A lS m ®Si mm, THE PACESETTER.,The THE MAXi-1. A-new coneept lfrone ultimate apartment:Sipl.lt-level bedroom split-levels. Large bedroomjiving in a two bedroom studio. and -bath, with a tull study'upsiairs: •«• Oownstairs, afully electric kitchenwith walk-in --pantry and spacious living room' fpr entertain­ Downstairs, aspacious living area, en-' ing. L/pstqirs, twolarge bedroomsand.bath with tertalning arffa and all electric kitchen: ptlr1 Walk-ins, Free living at its finest, See iito believe it, 444-7880 |l-;« •r, r-f|| — ~ " ~ •• ••-•< • _ •* ? • « ••, •• •• * . •••.« Meals 1 •• •• ' »• • .na' » • * • • • • • If # • • • i • •l|«/ » •.•• |A Day^ ' (• A • • i •••-•H«. .•«.«-• • •||J • ,. • • ••• «"l •-* ­ ' • • *,» • • » I • • •/ 2124 Burton Drive! J"­ .. 'm • •••.-• 1 I }.%i> You'll Feel At Htm iir.: *" in Pleasant Valley II A .Little MiM Join Your Friends in $ • 't..• . » . •• ' ' ' • * . -k-:* ^ ipl $r The. Popular EastRiverside;Area § i •'V.C'."--s.-­ Z: LookAround Come! -. if :^<>yM:-yyyyyMl ^& TM PLEASAP^f VALLEY #533." fysl 4 ESTATES-»• 4 t )• • 1300 So. Pleasant Valley Ed. Tel. Hou JBL seiitetEATEE tenrns ' piit t< ' SCS i. "Cv^S4--' m i ,7aligned' spigot and stop double-digit inflation " met' with Long' to discuss legislative : Several mayors, after, their meeting, with the present state of our economy weapons to improve the economy. -< quoted the President as saying he would and fiscal affairs.", . .take broader view on domestic issues as 1 Budget Director'Roy L. Ash told theThere were these other developments President than he did as a conservative • Patman conirriittee that Ford supportsain what Ford.has.called thenation's No.1^ •-congressman from' Michigan. • •task force' with about 25 people and a budget of $1 million to help keep track of problem: ­ Ford, meanwhilev expressed ."serious• Rep. WrightPatman/'D-Tex',, said inflationary forces in the economy. • disa ppointment"-over a$5.6^billi6neut in his House Banking and" Currency Com-' the defense budget by the Senate's mittee will'compjete action this week on : ... But he said the Administration did not defense* appropriations subcommittee.' a bill to establish a cost of living task'; •want authority for 'wage and price con- He said:"reductions of that magnitude" force and have it ready for.action by the i. , trols .or subpoena' powers • to compel V-®| «.v31 full House Monday.. ' "could adverse effect on the Preiident Ford'» economic coordinator; Kennath Ruth (f), talks with Sens. Peter H; have an businessmen or.labor leaders tosupply it • nation's security: Dominick, R-Col. (I), and Edmund Muskie,uD-Maine. * with information it wants. ' : • Treasury Secretary William. E. Simon, told a Senate finance subcom-­ mittes that the United Sates will have aw high rate of inflation for the next two to -five-years 3rt1 Ford receives congressmen's chpices ' arrasco inquiry Presidential economics " counselor Kenneth Rush urged the new. (Senate WASHINGTON (UPI) — With conservatives and liberals campaigning Visrts Budget Committee to help reduce the hard for their favorites, members of Congress "voted" for the nation's 1975 federai budget below $300 billibn, if Ill i HUNTSVILLE (AP) -"A Walker relieved about the grana..jury 's visit flcia Is~saKHhe-R«Vr-Joseph-€iiBrien^ JftQSSible.and tohelpbalanceth&19Tfi vice-president Wednesday and sentPresident Fprd their choices insealed 3Sl Sounty-grand jury .inspected Wednesday envelopes. ^ i Brooks Added, that he talked Wetfnes-Catholic priest wounded in the chestdur-budget. ~ |iesite where four"persons died duringi ;day by telephone with Jim Estelle,direc--ing the shootout,.'.was-in: good condition.' Ford's tinal deeision^^lreETf-expet&d^hlj^-w^enripS 52 Ford also discussed the economy' in Atig. 3, attempt to escape from The '..tor of the Texas Department of Correc­ .ilpuselsaidihis^attentioh'ihad beerr diverted to the new. Cyprlis crisis and ftalls pmsofr.unitJiere. __ tions, and was.told that Cuevas had been TGrand jury members also planned to his selection might;be delayed beyond'tfiat'pbihl ----i. •; examined by a physician an' which Carrasco at one time held 15 . the Texas Senate-House Committee on HONQLULU (UPI) The American Bar Association Wednesday con­ Bishops of the Episcopal Church met in ding his support to the act he described (hostages |n a prisonlibrary,'said itwould Prison Reform, began receiving reports special Wednesday sidered a resolution which would put. the 185,000-member lawyers group [report on.its tour of the death site at.9 of an attempt on the life o( Cuevas the session to discuss ^as one of conscience. ; fa m Thursday. w'hataction to take against four bishops s ^ After listening, to the brief statements on record as opposing legal immunity for former President Richard M. - U? day after the shootout. . . , ­ who violated chutch law by presiding at j \-\pfBishops DeWitt an.d. Ramos the Nixon.. : . ' ^' .Vv ';. • 'K...-: Members of-the-grand jury also talked5'' v Brooks alsocriticized Briscoefor inac­ the ordination of 11 women three weeks a;^membersyof.'.the House broke into nine to Ignacio Cuevas, the only member of tion in thg wake of the rumors about The association's House of Delegates was scheduled to vote'on the cort­ ago ' , ~ ' • groups todraft resolutions for Thursday Carrasco's rebel trio that-survived the Cuevas. • troversial jeMution Thursday ;during: the ABA's anmial^nnvpnfinn ; About 150 • of the 225 members-of the : consideration. . confrontation with prison guards, a "I did everything ip the world to get House of; Bishops were on hand, for the Bishop.Allin said the session was-call-" Observers predicted the measure Would pass after-bitter debate. ' spokesman for WalkerCounty Dist. Atty.j/,. Gov, Briscoe to act affirmatively, to openipg of the two-day .session. ed "to determine episcopal responsibili-A decision to bring the proposal to a vote was made Tuesday night by-Jerry Sandel said: " i please send some objective person over, ~-Therc~had_l)een_widespread rumors • The Rt. Rev. .John M. Allin, the.:.: ,ty forupholding thechurch's constitution. top ABA officials, but the vote had to be put off because only 150 of the 6,­ there to please determine if there',was : presiding said and canons." • church's bishop, the^sS ' -that Cuevas. hatj been severely Beaten"^ "any valFdity to those reports,-'^he saidi- 000 delegates at the convention attended the session. ABA officers were was ""possibilities-for^fctionJnclude_Qensure,a|^' On July 29 thewomen became the first®' after he ciptured-foHowlng'-the-—• " •"Unfortunate^-,-he-did-ndt.^icLj}r_di£L unable to get a quorum of 200 even after trying to round up delegates in r~allowihg-th&J)jshops.to cease functioning k: •Th the~westem -wortd to-be qrdained shootout. • not choose to act," hotel-hallways.— -^ ' * hs bishops or referring the matTer ta"aHt,througJiL--L!ap0Stolier-successiQji'JL.^=__a„ —S&hdel said .the ,grand jurors visited The:grand jury.earlier subpoenaed the .judicial process" which could-lead to ex-*tovchain'of authority traced back to JeSus' Cuevas tocheck on the reports and found video tape and planned to. view it if pro­» communication. -*... apostles. • Stock market hits record low him in excellent health.' ..v •; jection equipment -could be found by ^"The Rt. Rev. Robert L. DeWitt, one of The Rt Rev,'Harold B. Robinson of the State Sen. Chet Brooks,'D-Pasadena, NEW YORK (AP) -The ' Thursday. The jury also is expected to ' the foijr, told: the delegates, "What we western New York diocesg said he has • who earlier had called 91s Gov. Dolph stock market stumbled through v interview several of the hostages Thurs­ . did.w&s.in good faith,and.we believe that collected more than 25 signatures on a -Briscoe^to:rcheck.:the-rumors, said fay: its worst day of a bad week what we didvwas right." proposal which, if offered to .Bishop Wednesday* in Houston he was'-greatly r ^Aiso-Wednesday,^ prison• hospital ••Bishop:DeWitt;-whojresigned from theifft«i?Allin, would initiate a board of-inquiry. Wednesday," dragging the pop-l.t.U. mwEsnau II NHhstriftU Philadelphia diocese and now pubKshes^r^r1-After the -boani!s_liflVestigatlon. the ular averages to new. four-year C an .Inflepehdent "church magazmei^SthreeiM^Qpsjilay be brought to a Court lows ,in~the process. --- 740.54 -retired. Bishop Daniel Corrigan of of Trial of a Bishop: -Brokers^aitj thafrwith the new—3^ Denver; and retired West Missouri Bishop.JfVobinson -said-he would-not concent over fighting in Cyprus. Bishop Edward R. Welles, now of. offer his proposal^'if the three bishops . .Ma.nset,-Maine; ordained 11 women; ^voluntarily restricted. themselves an3 piled on top df such continuing ' • deacpns of -the churc^h^ •m in . violation promised not to exercise their episcopal,, worries as. inflation and high in-* b|K)%n canons office and not toordain anywomen in the' terest . rates,ithe-market was , : L' Kt-Costa future," unless tt Thelfte Rt. Rev.Kev-Jose RamoSHamos ofol Uosta the church approves: _ . simply unable toattract any sup^ Port,,'j. , ^ ' [ Official says plans Nixon's tilbch opened to surfers ^iipi SAN CLEMENTE, Calif. tUPI) —-Former President Nixon has lost another of his presidential prerogatives — his private beach-has been won't reduce gas l)ills opened to public surfing." ' -J —XciS ' ' ' ' 1 -*..••' , , The beach below therNixon oceanside villa is considered choice water -ibLy.surfex.g.but when the Nixonswere in residencewhilehe wasPresident, —: ByJhe Assoolatpri-Press A .San "Antonio city.official testified Wednesday that San Antonio ^ the beach was closed to the public and the Coast' Guard kept-two cutters residents .will hay&-fe) pay: higher electric ratesregardless Of what kind of sbtipned ofiFshore to keep boats frojn approaching the shore- natural gas-curtailment plan is adopted by the Texas Railroad Commis­m Under California law, beaches are open to.public use'but because Nixon sion. ' . " ' ' -• • ' V ' ifeBIa liked to walk on the beach, relaxing and th^king, his.security overrode I'SSg-iThe testimony of R.M. Jolly, assistant general manager-of the San Atif|| S ijit »%•»' state law. The beaches were open when he was not a't the former Western :|onio GityBubHc Service Board, came at a commission hearing in Austin, J*; ;' White House. ' ,bli a proposed curtailment plan by Lc-Vaca Gathering Co. But the Coast Guard patrol boats Were withdrawn Monday ancd on Tues­ 'Lo-Vaca supplies gas to San Antonio, Austin, Corpus Christi and the Lower Colorado River Authority, -.•#> -' .. day, San Clemfinte.city lifeguartls told bathers and surfers they could use the Nixon beach by walking south from San Ciem^Stetate Beach. Jolly testified under cross-examination'^hat~all San Antoriioi power plants that produce more than 100 megawatts are being modified to burn til alternate luel instead of gas,in. producing power. The changeover to the UPl T«UpHeto -­ more expensive fuel — brought on by declining gas supplies — Will force / a South Korean President Park Chung-Kee and wife. electric rates higher, he said.^ : . / -' views •sivss WASHINGTON (AP), Juggling "jsthe first foreign crisis of his young ad­.domestic issues _and his first inter-' vministration — the outbreak of fighting [ SEOUL (UPI) — * President Park " imposed under-repressive emergency national ^ crisis. President Ford drew between Greece and Turkey pn Cyprus S. Koreanhead escapes assassination term and protestant minister Park dean of Yonsei's theological college, got Chung-Hee narrowly escaped assassins-legislation/giving Park's regime ne.lr- cheers froin mayors; and^ governorsv -To a man, the governors leftffieivhite Hyong-.Kyu.'was given 15 years a 10-year sentence. , [ion Thursday night when agunman fired dictatoriai powers. - Wednesday by signaling White House ^ House with praise for Ford Roman : Catholic bishop Daniel Tji In his anniversary message, Park ac­ tveral shots at him during a nationally s, It was' the first attempton.Park's life sympathy for the pressing problems of ^ Democratic GOT. Calvin Rampton of elevised speech. -~ 7 . Hak-Soun and Kim Dohg-Gil, a professor cused North Korea of trying to c,t,es alV? st^tes'since he carfre tp^power'in j mlljltary at Vonsei: University were given 15-year , Utah said Ford promised close contact . Park's wife; who wap on,the speaker's coup May 16, 1961. Park rait for the perpetuate the division of the land and hS Accofding to several mayors who met. > governors and voiced support for terms eacfc-and Kim .Ction-Kuk, former. renew invasion of the south. platform, fell and was:carried aWa^' Il •, presidency when the nation returned to with-Fordf Nixon resignation credit Mayor Joseph AUoto of San Francisco.-^ „ve9' P"sit|ve response of Ford and an, who wayrrested on the spot by Starting in January-this year he'has^i'f pqcurjiy'agehtp^" - Salt Lake-eity^rtayoF-^-^akeiLJ1^. ^rsUnding of the problems." cracked down hard on politicar dis-v-i PHILADELPHIA (UPI) -Frank said * > • 1. An ejeWttness—said—fhe—would-be-— sidentis.. " ~ "We feel very good about the fact"" r| indudingjoljtic^ns. -civic • WHs,-the" now-unemployed-security Wills laid he^els-hfe'ls not doing tw_ _lSiUv^!'?vhSouSSme tesiLnrJ '"'ere is a man in the White House who'isfissassin appeared to be -in his 30s. leaders , and students demanding con-gtmrd-rwheMhseevefed-^thpgtrard-^ytieMhseovoredlthe. Wntiwatp KaHlv tnrtsy, rtpspifc thB f-M )<, ,ln. ecuuves, -wnen you jLecopejjjgg'Pent,. l;„,_ >J listening," -AUoto added; bodyguards.cSarried ihim away after the stitutiona} reform. " •' •' ­ i? break'in June.lT, il972.:said.:Wcdrie. . cused, L6e--Sung1Jae,..to ljfe.in prison^* job, -, s. '''The tall andslender WHls was granted Conservation group speech marking the nt4l6n's llbjeratiori -j Thirteen .others were sentenced to 15 "All I knoflris I found a piece of tape,'' a ?5raise after thediscovery, butshortly K% *W I • • "| ^ • from Japan after World War II 'f' . years, another 13 persons'to 12 years, the police came to investigate,and it led -Many/p^rigrisjn thg crowd'"at the ^eight.others to10 years and one more.to5^ -to the White-House," he said.-"! dl(|n' BigiMhicket compromise m dlqn'Ji'l llf}lf/1 tx Mir . .iiTh nt-ji '-n>n<, :>• t <--.1 ^oipjoyrnent compensation, held -two^Pf ' _\J_--. . -, t reeefve'" — otherrsecunty-jobs and-received three ZM' housT°N (UPiy— Agroup of conser^r"> weekend in an effort to get the legisht-| "his L-^ati;appr6ved.for-:the';presalert afte^thp assassination atkfejjopP'' • r*government,in April and set up a Com**'' mi* !1 R Ifce> have been respdnplble fojjilsdifficulty In? -W&rKed in exchange for a provision to" H6&se last December.., . •. .­ "munist regime • 4 ^ Nixon sjesigtiatton was one of the getting a-job. .J. . " transfer immediately-ownership of the Hours earlier, a Seopl military court * , ' ,w*, best tiling^ that CQuldhSppen«>r -> " •* -' -v. -J,1m AU n . Hf. i»4-' ^ •-L.L ^'WJigtUieinieelihg did was;to%ivet&V­ t*1and sentenced 36 more persons to-long prison I really wonder," he said-, "if all the1 in 41(6 Pa^ w the government lea^ a.ehantjeit^ a;breach if We, _ ,'?f8ue was^utlawed by & special... "ft sets an exanfpfe tliat we sliSuKUn-­ torms.foc their alleged Involvement ihlny '(presidential.)-tapes were rfeleaseti,'--•&& They,made,the c^promiso to «bnsQr of the Htiise l»UL« t­ * > «A,.'"ffffojfeDAILY TEWj w m if w* ifa?s-i-m W " lUs*®*, &is m 2?| Mf s/>< * #? •. • ?r#~­ £ WKff. • i me.. i HAIP r J» * MVSftft.V MV5S.F. •V* ;• *», ret "ui5S Page 4 Thursday, August-15, 1974 Bureaucracies -r national,; • 'state and city -=r have never had good reputationsv Tfaey have a surplus in numbers.and chaos and a shortage of . SSLJBWf foresight and creativity. They are.seif-sufficieht; immovable blobs. ji' •i IW But our state is attempting to'take care of these bureaucracy problems/" DUt, PablUh«r»4iftlt Syndicate : Yes sir. the Governor's Office of Information Agencies has proposed an inter-agency welfare recipient computer date bank, index (commonly "0S5W called an information computer) to facilitate Ithe handling of welfare wsm • • applicants.Jay state agemjies.The, index jyould include the„UruV,ersity v msetr. A&WJ. . Sytem. -• , '• '>? ; twf HV5R.Fl " 'As now proposed, the index; would hold an'individual's preliminary ­ : application' date — such as medical forms, budgetary statements and ­\ltal_j)eraonaj statistics — in readiness with any of a.number of state agencies.This wouldsavetheagenereSfromduplicatingprevious efforts. # 5 -1 v ^ jIn April, the attorney general's office issued an opinion which found no• lfcgal conflicts in the proposal but require specific safeguards bejobserved to,protect the rights of the the applicarit. An in^vidual's written consent t^tOsStk "!-«<9rt7V,asTgjflgEz_L: v y- e.is included in the index. The tM-Jif individual miBt have the right to review material included and to "ex-^j^ • iciS Uts punge incorrect information." ' jLegal and' moral problems arising from .the computer proposal are be­ ing considered byjhe govertoroffice in light of strong opposition from'~_i -thp Tpvn«a-fiiwiiJ.ihprtipg Hninn .Thy Trt.n arguments are not without ^ 'Buck' Colson's high^voltage idea merit. _ • 7.~~\ZZ ^Inquisitive administrators could have too easy access to the record of -a ^ ^ "By JACK ANDERSON— _ plan for the_"de-gaussing cannon, " using-But as Nevpl-Fepalts4t thpy mntiiallv~ • fionaio-Watergate committee; which,"••••: c1974, United Feature Syndicate capacitors, a switch, a^parabolic reflec­ an individual's dealings with the state government if the index was es- decided not~to pursue-the plan-becauseof Colson^surmised, woula leak it-. Then hei WASHINGTON — Former presiden tor and a special heat-resistant coil. The its danger to nationah security tapes and and Novel would reveal' We'la'pe was • • tabfishedrThoseHjeaiags w4tiuthe-state:agencles may be uninformed on • tial aide Charlesgolson once considered^ ejectronic ajUtlery piece could be;.hous: computers near the target tapes. i fraudulent and the hoax would tend to{ the procedural and legal mechanics of the index. The hapless citizencould^ ' «- firing a ^tn^an'ror^ounledmaliglitpikiieor Colson so)ffs-at: the-idea-that the. • discr^itthe_ whole c^;aj:ainstWixon. be railroaded into'giving permission or could berdiseouraged from ex# cannon at the White House to erase the. ifx helicoptor: : magnetic Beam ever cairie that close to Coison said It was *' 'triie" he ;di'scussed •: ""aminingur expunging the file.Stateagencies_cQuI the White House and the CIA "could that hiding in the heavy,woods near fli£ against the Democrats involved hi the .100 lines. ~ L?lI!P?Shyre 1Sn0tan e5y of^^^heTras^oHnterma-^J^^^ds^^M^eime!^ CIA, or thP frnm comparatively . Srrftll-potatoes Baker, tioh with which bureaucracies must deal grows, the electronic capability tioned the "de-gaussing eannop" and* T tht taij]i-van''-.wfiile^lliey .W6re-.>tir case. • ,&>.deal .withjt will develop. : ,. Colson urged him to look into it. Colson . transport; offered a better^chance of University Station, Austin, Tex. 78712 or -v The former Senate Boy^wonaerTiffpes­ |It is a new problem,^ ope for"Which "there are no-old answers. The First insists he ^ave the consultant "no en-^ success, than magnetic^dly^ tf6mbaFding lothe Texanoffice in the basement level to publish his book after the din.of 4nd Fourth Amendments to the Constitution guarantee privacy and -Sfthe CIA orthe WhiteHouse froma plane. -. of the TSP BuHdineKP Watereale diM Hnwh Novel, however, obviously thought he" ' •--. r/-: --. .-v. ' T -ik . 6 ^ freedom of speech, but they cannot guarantee citizens will continue to be had a mandate from -Colson^ He able to deal on an equal basiswith the government"Three billsnow before journeyed to El Paso. Tex., and spoke 6ongresS, HR16000. HR16108 and S3767r (Jeal with the issues'of domestic with Jack Prentice, innovatiye research , .Mteiltgerice and.surveillance' and the constitutional right of privacy in and design chief for :Jetco,;';:^':*JTefia^^' .regards to recorded information. already was mariteting a metal,detectp^^ asing."de-gaussing'^principlM. If the Watergate crimes, the DPS surveillance and the proposed com­ Prentice told Novel, and confirmed to||i| puter index are any indications, advocates of free speech facenot merely us;:that he had built a protoj^e'iraiife^tt legal battles but daily skirmisheswith alightning-fast and anonymous op-and could construct an operational orii^ft. onent: the electronic bureaucracy. for $25,000. to -$30,000. Preiitice'ff view^® was that since the tapes belonged to tiii^fe rfji> President, there would be no crime irf£'.-; • erasing ihejn if ColsOn, acting for theV, Armddillo Eirthdif President, okayed it.' »In the beginning, there was the Vulcan Gas Company, which begat the The Jetco specialist drew up a simpfe mm? ^'"'Armadillo World rieadqu£rters...rWeti,-maybe it wasn't that Austin­' tatious, but some happy star' must have-boogalooed over the Lone Star v;State when AWHQ opened in 1970, a culmination of great amounts of hip-Letters tOjthe editor n'lp labor (yps. thev do work now and then) and artist Jim Franklin's Rrind tine lattert should: . Dasypodidic fantasies. 1 oj Not only was Arrnadillo the forerunner of Austin's evermore incredible * Be typed tripletspaced. music sceheTlt also"has deep roots in the community-that-go beyond the .• ,Be_25Jine» or.le»». The'Texan reserves _t v4ollars and cents of producing concerts. Greenbriar School, the Free the right to edit.letters for length. i.=> \ jdlinic, the shuttle bus drivers'strike, the United Farm Workers and many — name, and Include, address, ' phon«t^®j •A.yjQjther. worthy causes have benefited in the last four years from Ar-' ' numWr of contributor. SsTitiadillo's commitment to making Austin an even better place to live, Mail letters to The Bring tine; The DailyiM^ jIn addition, Armadillo has been the site of innumerable concerts that Texan, Drawer D, UT Station, Austin/Texkfy^-; M^iUist wouldn't have been the same in another atmosphere: Leon Russell' 78712; or bring letters to the T^xan of­, -...Dwtfesr 'K«?>nchalantly mounting the "stageTinannounced,-Shiner in hand -to back up fices, -basement, • Texas Student ui*--; .I'?®' Publications Building. Eceddie King, Linda Ronstadt dropping in for a visit, Doug Sahm and 'Would somebody tell me: when we get to wherever, we're going...? ••• . •'-••Sfcra H$o5t of the Grateful Dead jamming for-tree, and the moving tribute I'ffH ""'aid benefit for Mance Lipscomb af'ter the greatTexas bluesman suffered a stroke. -J • t Happy fourth birthday, Armadillo, and may all "your cowboys be TVA: cosmic! " " gone bad *§§^5)fj imr'­b .-By NICHOLAS VON HOFFMAN currently.give away. THE DAILY TEXAN ^ . .. c1974, The Washington Post-• In. the .TVA's instance; however, ^±!"rr!h,ef,1main® of Enchota,^critics. Public infomaUon officer Evans : the . Nmwiptft al.TIk*Umhfnlif.mt.Tettt mi ,. the capital city of Littlejohn s ancestors.^ , ;says that the data collected on Littleiohn • King Features Syndicate • .J6.75-an-hour charge was leveled against'E3D*TOR....i." ,.»/.«Buck Harvey WASHINGTON' — The Tennessee " Jim Branscome of: the Letcher. County. ' MnH^W^.S 3vUut tut,C rarcheol°6yhas,,, ,>as only for piepurpose of being able to RAGING EDITOR .< V BJ Hefner . Valley..Authority,once the"originator of4 brought ft'-tight the fact that the®;;§refute him in public debate/In another- Ky.. ''Mountain.: Eagle"" weekly ^SISTANT MANAGING EDITOR I Lvnne Brock ;manygood-ideas but now long sincegoneV • newspaper because, *one suspects* the " klftd°of ^ SfHp rfn tfrCe^ Wl6 some,1ftitPeriod such an unqualified statement by i^ws EDITOR ; ^ichardF1 tb.'sieep, has come up with an innovative; authority's'authorities' knew that these ' .il ? Jl'e littlejohn, and?&*fian official spokesman might have'been1 : -that this file contains material of aeaSSsccepted, but not these davs. wrinWe. lt is charging people forinfor-i . rates were too high to be paid by asmall- ASSISTANT"TO THE EDIT6R....,; Dave Risher mati'on'about its operations..For every " country newspaper — or by reporter private..nature that has no-business in a ; The TVA'scase isn't helDed bv the fact ^/hat it5 . hour a clerk must spend cjhtcking the Branscome. who must live off a stipend • • board.-haM'theWanopen AMUSEMENTS EDITOR . -Paul Bentet-files for daU,'the inquirer is billed|6.75. from the Southern Regional" Council; a thJt it v b J" ' asser'ion^meeting in 41-years. "The.board makes liplI By way of explanatiaiLjPaul Evans, that it .doosn t keep dossiers on-its -^its own rules as to"Its coMyct," says v-SS P/IOTOGRAPHERS .....Stanley Farrar, Marlon Taylor not-for-£rpfit,-do-goodish organization... : 1 .TVA's public information' officer, says, Nor is there anyway.around the charge. who addsthat;althojigh there has J? it; . " " • • . • • * ' — " j "r3si& "=:-|SSUB^!AFF -4 xi1 ^1-1 i ' "We are relatively new in complying Evans says that it js guite impossible to C^r Editor : ; Bun.fs ; with-theTFreedoin .of Information Acti -allow. Branscome .in the .files to do his. , • •.Consumer aid iy;-public, he doesn't thinkJt's likely. Sreral but when it starts to" iiltrude on-our own research, work. And "they wonder _ The©aily.Texarj.Round-Up Edition Even UiouglPtKe President nk,"which" neither^ -ing of the Minp Health andJSafety^Act.JL. Austin' Better Busitfess Bureau -tion in .the Duke-Law School.­ ^OWom MptHMd inmore stringent .Forest, a the host way thp l°ffls could conceive, Zljeaa a Natlooal EdonUMSil MmiUiat Snrrtw.1nc.. selectivity.' project that woultThave thfe : Am N*w York. H Y, jam » --'Wouldwe printthe cai;U(jads.pf stuff and'] , spin-off advantage of affording touristsa vestigated by, the 0 S, postal . Whether it ha'sf 1 /P.^onusfor^rs rf we had to pay for* "the'iPSr-cofiditioned ckmpers-and" --'serimis erijticisms in the yet'it f, JooraBsm C<«fr«?>:jlod Uie T«i< D»U' t : fi^.Anoth?rboiefH.'isthatrifgoveramenl—, trailers. • > l(, r aitd had, problems,-please ^contactJ -j—retrains',-the-.otiganizatiOnaL-jiio}, v^-*4l §£ HVCVT 5 TV> AIC**! •*, .rfl1* * v 1 .*...• & _, HsfMl kw^ ®s' , ,_ ;S; firing line %L • Saifax-• Richard I: a Shakespea com r i" To the editor: P' _. i^'y ':. ' •» and.Gei-ald Ford is cast for^ • editorial page of Friday, At(^. the. law and accord Richard to say that environmentalists The ^nslalight of industrial • ^The 16asl we can do Is con­-Friday's edition,-Vh'e article . .How's your lively \$ife M_ri. the part of Creon 9 was the most disgusting I Nixon due process'for his ac-. • careabout"pborpeople,"too. and population development strain sprawling, growth into on survey results from fall, ,c«_ Editor? Antfyour lovely child, • Pierrel^aPlage have seen yet. I am not and tions! When an industrial plant is into more or less "primitive" compact areas and impose; : 1974). Edi-son? It's probably no sur­Graduate, trench Studies never have been an ardent opposed, certain : Bill.Stone there ./are areas is usuallydone in an'un-strict pollution controls -May I suggest that the next, prise,to you; that I would in­supporter of The Former Government . trade-offs thatareconsidered. controllcd rtianiier; As Ray Austin ' a ^step in the fight against sex quire about' your,family after Nixon again President: Friday, the . (Editor's-note:-"it was not a Should we build this plant and result* we see natufe taking : 2313-A Lake Austin'Boulevard discrimination-is to replace our^recent day bf 'national To the editor: •• editorial page was too much typographical error.) •employ the poor people? But last:place behind thesprawl of the personal pronouns be and ' -y: I ..'.tragedy; after all, the former to believe. "We find no joy in In reply to Mr. Hoover (Fir­what aboUt the permanent dis­people and their lustful desire • she with the pronoun it. ThisFirst Family with its one-day ing Line, 8-13),1must ask him" the fall of Richard-Nixon...." The depths ruption of the environment? for nymey. • '• 1: ' It has, spoken unprecedented mdve will es­ tragedy seemed to outweigh Buck Harvey's qolupin cer-': • What, about pollution of the As we look around and see if Mr. Nixon's tardy admis­1 * To the editor; . _ -. | • tablish .The Texan as a of'Dobie in importance our nation's re-sion-of .complicity in the tainly doesn't seem to uphold water and -ain? We may species 'after species beconv ; I was happy to note that, as crusader without peer in the : • cent six^year tragic existence this statement. Just a.few To the editor: Watergate cover-up (over two provide short-term financial ing extinct -because' of our.' I have.previously suggested. war for, justice -and equality •' . under therule of that "tfagic" • quotes: "...Our Favorite ;Sitting at my desi:, I began support for a few people by greed for growth,• we should years late) was within what you have begun inc-orporaung throughout the world hero, President crafty-President;" and "...The to meditate upon Plato's tale expanding industry to .the. stop and consider what we are the in Mr; Hoover calls "what (Nix-, • term . "freshperson"' . Clark-Jobe7 of the" Cave. I visioned .the Richard (now private citizen-President, I mean THEPresi­countryside, but the'long-terra. doing.' on) believed was right.for the yoiir reporting. (e;g last 1500 Royal Crest Drive • trick-Dick),Nixon. dent, is getting his?'' . world today. I replaced the effects' on'our. fellow animal1 county he loves?1' The writer v I guess. Americans^ like a" Harvey does go on to say ^ Cave of Plato with Dobie life as well as a loss Of repeats-that Nixon, acted in good show as well-as anyone "we have our own bias that Screen. The forms and -im-. "natural" areas, may -not be the way "he thought was right else. ^'Tragedy" was the key we present Texan, pressions Ireceived!believed-jt. just and best for his country." in worth Besides; as word according to-our editorials." What un­to be real. Oh, how luckyI am many people w;ill be employed Does this repetition;appear newscasters, but II do believe derstatement!! However, that I was. released into the , he If'the plant isforced to build in for the sake of convincing that 'most Aristotelians will" to this by theaters of the:world above, \ manages ruin an'-already industrialized sec­agree that this one was'a bit prefacing, "Despite l^ Tek-: " Until after the time •of' my' tor. ' : . Indian Gauze.himself; or the readers? On another, front, Mr. ^incomplete. The result was an's attempt atfairness."The . liberation all <1 knew of was Hooverf: says preyiowvad­ not" calhardtrbutrrather-Texan has never presented the hot-shadowy world of • ministratioTis have made nauseating: instead of Dobie:The upper world taught. LIBRARY FINES in your favorite deals--with-^corporatibus'ifor-£a'r new^ coy^rage^ince f ve "nobler'' • feelings, one felt me how inferior toy previous Notice! Irom the University b.enefit, suggesting they have . pity, and . disgust. -However,fe gone.iiriprosecuted; Does ;this ;admit that you're glad to see life had been.The formsI saw Library or any of It* # one .could hardly "blame the him go? I certainly am. were mere images of true branch*!are official Univer­ when ad­ justify that one entertainment. I knew for the sity communication! requir­ -performance of King Richard; , Charles \V; Kelsey —---i=—••...— — ministration is caught doing I (whata wonderful idea for a i 2400 Town LakeCircleNo.119 first time*that the filmsI saw ing Immediate attentlor). something wrong that it; Shakespearean comedy!!) " were cheap.imitations of the should go free? , ." >-PIANUrs who Was-much like his Oedi-original:art form. Those cuts And still Vietriam•_ "peace JFK pressured? pean prototype: he/tried to through the'film were actually V prcal-lookin'p gutiz« with horior" is i;aked over the To the editor:' F^:hMh"-the' film, thus stripping it of -entermg-Ohp prpsifjpnry in prmr. hni in Mr.Washington's " "and flap'iop -foreign.aad..domestic gerfor-its essence. . f; \vailublo in -^9>VNixo!rhad_h marvelous next-to-the-last sentence, my mances) and did in fact (as Should L be braver"T would chance; to end the'fighting " or,natural khaki i lo 1 '.h $13. we are learning.from.his own gaback~into~Dobie to try and ­ then, being a (new President three Presidents have been rvTimnl ImVi* ^iTFTj«.*an pani> iliai fil liki a admissions) .djshonor. hi reach those poor souls who I t« 13, -witJf^sp-callMwith^sp-called "secret Pjanplan'' ; forced out of-bffice by public waste their ente itt bruslu'il oiiUih) pnlv^lrr.-•"> 'mother-givenseiiseofrfiorali entertainment ­ assortotj coUn>. $14. ty. Hubris? Continuing; the ior&rrAs. I .• that earlier attempts to end Granted that the Warren analogy with Oedipus Rex;: haye° come to enjoy the-real the war could have.been made Commission's report has_ oganiprideand''honor" ja^ thing much too much to go A few thoughts • -before_the _1973 _ cease-fire.'^ ifa_ults,_ but John F.^Kennedy^ Nixon, by-word which now • back to a mere image of art. Thousands of American forced out of office by '"public concerningulost fove : seems empty of meaning for Perhaps should enough ears, -soldiers were killed needless­pressure?" Really now!!!!!! •the pretender to theAmerican hear-my cry of reality Dobie ly in the four years it took" to .As for givingNixpn amnesty Jhrone) could constitute the will change and display a get the sour'peace. • ' — I think not! Qive one. man tragic .flaw,-except for-the quality of films fit for human, . Let Us look i-ealisticaHy at amnesty who committed • fact that the recent spectacle entertainment. does not merit""the epithet Nixon's: feats. Detente and crime'1 upon crime while this Timothy J. Patterson • communications with Red same,has refused amriesty to"tragedy," mainlybecause of • China and Russia are com­hundreds' of young men who its denouement. Shall we say, Environmental mendable. 'But Watergate left the U:S.A. instead of go­ the• varmijit was not chased could have easily ended long out — he slylygrinned,resign^ ing to Southeast Asia to kill plight before now.-That The Liar and be killed! "'Do unto ed and walked away; with his took this long toadmit hisrole other's...'' is riotprobably " To.ih.e editor:Checkers wagging his tail­'is certainly not consistent what RMN is r^>eatingat this • Concerning Robert Szabo's I^JjehindJiim.What a-theatrical -withmyjiotronof"bowingout­ -moment.. LPt'stiave. *no. _letter_.complaining_ of_l'allperformance!! But let'scall a gracefully," -further exceptions in the prin­those bleeding heart en­•farce a farce! You have to. Sidney Braquet ciple of nobody being above vironmentalists," I would likehand: it"to crafty-Richard, he -Government^ f"?1s" "qttiteJ-a~eomedia»4L-thei Academy Awards committee DGONESBeRY will not have to look far ior-Texan blasted^ :best actor of 1974. Even the To the editor: newscasters bought the I have been a student'here ; MY, sgmumw-mrr classical reconciliation bit —: -for the last two years. The • UONKRlFWCtm ' XHeerm& mep wonTjake commWrfttKio oF jNfmneus. much time, sons Rspomns for BestpeSiiMmte Crossword Puzzler Answer to Yesterday's Puzile Am/M/WTBS? MOW OF A GAME! TH&Y -^ "ACBOSS-— vessel-eas rjrararaa taan: 2 Guldo'shlgh HF3@ SEES IChurchS note / • BBBjEB bench'" ~ 3 Intellect sHBEan snQtatia ON-THE-DRAG 4 Danger. ' 4 Sheet of ara@F3a eoa 2406 GUADAtUPE -.B Corded glass • V BHQS ®H»3 ansa V clo(h 5 Appraised. faasns EBB yyra •;12 Mohammedan 6 A 8tate (ablbr.) EE acas tda name' -tt-~ . • -7 Artificial— ' '13 Stage ' -' 'language BOH SHH GH0@H 'S't whlspaf 6 Direction > SMQE 0!3f3 GHQS a:, 14 Period ol . 9-Female ruff ciara (siinHH J lime 10 Transgress BSnOSE 0BQHO(3 ' IS Swlfnmlng . • 11 Dance step 1303 Easoa 17 Proposes 16 High moun­ f • 19 Hawaiian tain SHJ3 uisisidb snera ^ wreaths .18 Unit of Ciftl • ment , W' 21 Symboflor * ** electrical • 32 Sink In middle 50.Deposit, ' ' i THBYJUST on, AuneHT-iu. measurement: 33 Fabulous bird & Exist !^vl. ......tantalum " UHATPO H/ANT10KN0U met THEM IN THE ' ' 22 Speech1m-, 20 Drunkard iMmtr IF YOtfVE fOUNP SAUNAROOM m THANKS, pediment 22 Paramour ' 7DM0U/? W/R6THKXL TEN MtNWBSi. feB. I. 25 Parent (col-' ' 23 Pointless loq.) -24 Compass 40 &aul '^Tattered -, V COMfHSSYBT-V WONT STVFFUKe Fa&er 27 Ceremony point .. 41 Cooled lava-, SI01" • 31 Number -26 Explosives 44 insect -•"••••• S5: Time goneby". » THAT.. \ -32 SoaKed-. 28 Pronouh • 46 Pierce " 56 Mournful 34 A state 29 River ducks 48 Barracuda 59 Faroe Islands.:' •.-•; barelraps comes up (abbr.) 30 Roman old-49 Writing Irtiple-whirlwind 35 Ship channel m with a new twist -the' 36 Bow 37 Three-toed sloth. platform saiidaI with •38 Vigorous 41 Everyone no weight problem. Open 42 Nerve net­ -WQtk -leather criss/cross up 43 SpecK 44 Foundation ': per for comfort; wood 45 Con|unctlon snip for support •47 Sagacious 49 River In .53 Musical dramas 57 Organ ol , MKfer hearing August 15,16 & 17 rOWOt 58 QV.oheself . 60 Arabian chieftain : 61 Brood of pheasants Cotton 62 Consecrated 63 Qeity DOWN Balls ^ , Extra Dry 1 -Shallow DUtr. by united Ftntura Syndic*!*, Package of 260 5''^ Reg. & Powder 9 ox. Size Mfg. Sug. -Retail 98'S/C Mfg. Sug. Retail M.85 , ONLY ^ ONLY m *&• /ans john leto 'h$1• «w09J ffjif ther. it by seen M II MB fact >pen Prell Wella Herbal akes it Tube. Conditioner says ihas ^" 7 ot Size 8 oz. Size vvMfg—Sugs-Rettijli2.25_ ONLY :: ' • * • n,ii All drugs have been movea to the Ms. y-i'J ^•#•,13 Shop' street F,oor Q Action line ' Speaks louder University Co-pp i)As7 SKop ipp Tlian Words « ^tri}-h. Ort9 hour free parking with purchase of $2 or University Co-Op Consumer Action Line more. fiankAmericard and fltas^erCharge Mon.' thru Fri. 8:3(T 5:30 ' 7^ 471^4434 ~ "— --Welcome. t&S* "ftf |C A •,lft'*^5^a r VAWf -»•»•&/ Wt'Q r^%i4®W?fe Ss^lSPjh& %-*vyj'-S SWC kills 30-second clock Sky*? Bb ?&>g? 'fit •iV, >; Postseason basketball playoffs planned • ,•:.: By ED-ENGLISH-They felt that playing a team becomes a question of pluses players in thetwoconferences that would take,time to-set up Texan Staff Wrfter without a clock .after'playing against minuses,'' Black said. responding, only 12 opposed their offenses. As a result, r;u_ There-are two changes on. witt one all year would be a And fyst. Black; the dollar the clock and only.13 opposed many teams pressed them, the-,horizon for Southwest disadvantage. : bill has become a prime con­ .it's being adopted asa perma­cutting down their time to set '"Conference basketball, and •"Xi»x f«U we were at a cern. . r -" nent rule. •••']:• up and. work for a good shot.: • neither pleases Texas Head decided disadvantage against . "We're competing for "the Black's final argument for' Texas apd Tejjas A&M, the ;••• Coach Leon Black.' . • Creigh'ion last year,"-Black entertainment dollar," he the clock was thatit made the only clubs wliicli .pressed, a • The first, which will go into said. "I personallyfeit the said. "I've talked to our peo­ officials' joS^easier. V;; great were also the effect next season, is the-clockftad no effecton Hie out­ple, and it makes a better ball : "Most of them (referees) I teams 'to • beat both. power • . >elimination of the \30-second come;" game for" the spectators.. bouses.{••.; >'• V _ ­ , talked to were, in favor of it. f; • • clock. The conference had Another reason was that ''By and large, fans disap­ They felt like itrelieved'thenf' The other change this I ,v: used the.clock last year on an-coaches felt the clock took prove of the delay game," he : of counting situations. They' summer was the adoption of a-' experimental basis. The other away someof the strategiesof said. "Basketball isa gameof could be out frontcounting for postseason tournament to' .• -••:% is a.postseason tournament. ~ basketball sudi as the delay continuity, and the fans come ;t 1 : a jump ball and be missing decide the NCAA represen­ «$< Of the (our coaches who game. to see thaL You may have 40 ­ bathes under the.basket," he tative for the SWC. The first 'PHi voted'against the clock; only •The clock also put a cramp minutes of action anyway, but' said. tournament will be held at the: 1-U*<£-, ;• Gerald Mayers of Texas Tech :.in the slow, deliberatestyle of the clock assures you of it." ••^*4 *"' Although Black played down eiid 'of tli& '75-76 campaign, s«» • and Johnny Swaim of TCU three of. .the four, coaches. : Black had some other,im-' the clock'seffect, somefeel it the same season that Houston played with it last .year.-The Perhaps the hardest hit would presslve evidence in faivor of was ift enters the conference. m instrumental last ' Qther two were newcomers: be Polk. When coaching in the the 30-second clock. • : year's.conferaipe crown.. However, the move 'isn't Eddie Sutton of Arkansas and . high scoring Missouri Valley A GRADUATE assistant ait -SMU andTexas Tech, 'the completely official, yet •. 7 Bob Polk of.Rice. Conference, his St, Louis the University of Kansas tool? preseason picks for the title, • "It's fairly definite that' JV* ; One concern of . the dis-. teams often played games a. survey-of the coadiesand both-had "delibet'ate teams we'll Jjave /.it,"; Black said.senters was that the clock with final-scores in the40s and players of the Big Eight and "The only question:is-where It?.,.., < would hurt conference teams 50s. V^j SWC, the only ,two Future Horn con- we'll have it. conference, in postseason tournaments.' F"It (30-second clock)^ferences to use the clock; and is checking over Houston and a large majority favored the Dallasas possible sites." clock, ; The factor in favor of the "CB" SMITH VOLKSWAGEN Of the 13 of the 16 respoii-* ./ Graylon Wyatt,' whq will at-tournament was money. ding, 11 were in favor of the 9 tend-Texas this fall, was ' ."Some of ouc people took p clock,. ^ith one opposed and . VW SEDAN selected Saturday asthe Most look at the ACQ (Atlantic one* undecided; There Was an »-« • • Valuable Player in the Arkan-Coast Conference), which is identical division -as; to—sag Hiih School All-Star foot-the only othpr» conference to _^etbeLth^lodt_shpuld be ball game in Little Rock. have a tournament to decide..dopted national as a rule. Although his teamiosfSHS; "U1T7WCAA tepiesentative^ ine of the coaches including Wyatt rashed for l2&yards on'-Black said. "And with money Black thought' it" helped U' Carries; threwra halfback--likelt is,.we needed the tour­ recruiting while only one option..pass-for 48 yards and' nament" . , thougit it hurt.. std. rodia returned kickoffs for 24, 46 . While Black was in favor of Meanwhile, of the 150 and 42 yards. .. the tournament; -he/ didn't ;• agree with some other ' coaches' motives. ~ "tt ydulustffy it because it THE decides the best team, I can't go with it. If you justify itMARCH • because of the money, 1can't &^^irre^S§S| Hit by pitch W go against it," he said. WMsSa ""v™"™* *:H HAIR The SWC is going to have a Braves Craig Robinson spins away from th» plate after beingbit in the jaw by a pitefife 2 4r.std.700 miles' . VW412STA. WAG. -Haircutting Studio variation from the tourna­frpin Expos Dennis Blair. Robinson then fell to the ground unconscious and was taken ment used by the ACC. The to an Atlanta hospital. uv 501 W. 18th 472t2984 JAY first place team will draw ­mSm byes'into the finals while the The Austin chapter of.. other,eight teams will fight it: •—~ the Red Crotiis~see1(->: Prize money increased­„4forrmr1y of Tha Haircut Store) out to determine achallenger. mzz QUALITY SERVICE ing volunteer drivers"' If the SWC had used the for women's tennis tour YOURAUTHORIZEDDOWNTOWN •mmm to. transport disabled^ -^tonmament last year there isi-isa: •INTRODUCTORY OFFER*gs persons. -Drivers ~may5^ NEJW_ YORK (AP) ­ VOLKSWAGEN DEALER 476-9181 again some doubt wh^ther?^, This year, the company .CORNER 5TH& LAMAR Texas would have won; SMUs|i^ use Red Cross cars or' •w Women's professional tennis sponsored a total-of-18-tour-, 1 FREE RK BAR W/Hair Style their private yehides. -playets 'will get more money -naments worth $50,000 each. . "eluding two wins.over Techi1 Interested? Call 478-5 for less work in 1975. ''By condensing our and a road' win over Texas. wot program into three months;" • -won. its last'nine games, in-$|£ Virginia Slims, a cigarette "firm, announced Wednesday-ifr—said-Ellen Merlo-of Virgini:"THE LARGEST would consolidate its 1975 w slims, "we will leave.the fall mm s* W3! commitment tp lO tffur-Aii*t0ur open to other sponsors naments; worth $75,000 each^iwho are interested in SELECTION Studtinan's .plus the , $150,000 cham-. women's tennis and hopefully pionship round at the end ofsee the tour go over the $2­ • Photo Service • the season, '"""million rHark^" OF LEVI'S Shoe Shop -SALE* --Wg We make and SHEEPSKIN.!^ KcbU/Wb & ;.repair boots V RUGS­ IDENTIFICATION TYPE P shoes belts $c0o * Manyf$§$l750 «. O. Beautiful Colors / : ; PICTURES leather •LEATHER SAIE *,V_ 305 W. 19tM goods Variout kindt, colon -7.5.' p«r'ft. •. ,• • AND Capitol Saddlery HIGHLAND MALL • -iVi Quick,"Reliable Service fei^vWiS! • AliKiiL mmai 1614 Lavaca Austin, Texas" 478-9309 §&JK. ip'% M • ml t asa-­ m m n iVVhyHassle TJ&Q \.ui±T v Wem rvi'A-Lowdown * m With A Dealer Levi's®Jeans." For VW Repairs? ifcl MM Not everybody looks good (orfeels good) in high-waist pants. So it'snice to know Levi's still makes m CORNER -^good-looking, easy-801 West Ave. .477-2725 wearing, hip-riding Engine Work ^2 jeans. In a variety Tune-Ups /i^ -y. NO RIP-OPFS ALL WORK GUARANTEED • Brakes offabricsand colors%«.; .'.c n Try on a pair Of iow^cui Levi's Sb&ffe bells". You'll feel (GUADALUPE 10CATIQN bright at home. ONLY) m THURSDAY ft" SPECIAL •r# X I'^/o RM*theddicat3essen Hi.,.: •i connoisseur. I* ^ 'A d«Uc«cJ«« fro*thecplcnrMn CHOP SIRLOIN DINNER capttoia of til•worid. -WaS , , .... BlenjUngth«-colorof. • 8 QZ. CHOP SIRLOIN &UTTEBY BAKED POTATO OR FRENCH FRIES, HOT TEXAS i tmm •PuMaacal*with tha bite ofMuagc. ' I .TOAST. ANO CRI8P >' ^Tnily/wwhMdsllal^wo^^ TOSSEp SALAD, A short•troU faoH theCapitol •iSMffm lSl^.472-1M0. xyj: i0mm ^srrGu 478-3560 Tr i * » 1 f W "tiwtiwwwwi '""ff J -. ' j­ ' 1 v-?. v X -J ?K« .>?V 4 V », (1 ?J>1U ^ msmm m wins (This is the sixthand final , think, they can"put too sjtnct a Despite the fact that some article in a' series on-"1 think reporters get fripre,. objective and-if 3 team played& York Giants last season was • punishment on.it I don't think-;\^ch"es^ndIplayerst break coaches of varsity sports at cynical all the. time,'she-said'-•badly . J'd. r'eport-it But? totally unfounded because'he it would be too had to fire thi-. .rules; RoyanbelieveS -that the University.) "Some kids seem U> think if there's.,jiothihg. Wrong wi,th was never even contacted by staff and the coaches whodo it 'there is too hiach of a tenden­ you write for the home (>st.u-liking-the school you;write for them • ' -~^­ ' v -By LARRY SMITH _ and then not let them work at ey, especially among newspaper, everybody Texan Staff Writer V*" dent) j>"ou "1 think is Royal leels that to be a another NCAA school,"'fie reporters," to'look il the shouldn't root ..for-the home '*Iri the 59 years that the Tex- suspicious of anyone Whe is in winner a person must have a ' #j,. negative side of thines. IF I wrote, Td try to be • authority.-• sa'd " ' . . team With Watergate --aj football team has.competed _ mmy%*> V Vv ^_ • ' ' P --/• ' ,...»•/I*'.-- winning attitude. That is one ''and everything, a lot of people quality he looks for in players ,: ill the Southwest Conference, think sOiTieone wouldn't be in "1 don't think you can get'it it -has won 21 conference authority he . done" ! win pillman angers players titles. Ten of them haveljeen if hadn't-done • conference n- in the 17 years that Darreil soniething wrong/' he con-' wilhout a marvelous attitude" ' Royal has been the Horns' finiied. :"But, even though . He's got to ivant.to be a com-V.* • r ,1-.' head coach. nobody's perfect. I still think . petitor 'in football. He might Royal, fqels he has been a •there are a lot'of jgood. people be good ifi other things, but a as Oiler veterans report successful cpach for a number HUNTSVILLE (AP) — "In this world " i( plaven has to like football been better to keeji-' them "If there's a. trade rumor, just -coach" of reasons Royal doesn't enough to really,wnnt to cotfi- Houston Oiler Coach-General arotiftd z-day or two.'Those .. it's wrong/' Gillman said. VI .-fcfdtba.l! and • run his -staff, pcte: Besides attitude;. I look : "I think there's a combina­ Manager Sid Gillman 'set the -gripts don't-mean a.thing to . 4on't want to trade ..Elvin tion of things that have-caused however; He is'a cduntry and-for size, speed antf in­ KiteSittB^;;^s«p«fc''&^ "sdfe our records to happen." he ."rw6r3'straight'Bn;twoJcbunfe-, me,— -• . -.— JBethea._ He'sVa great .player, western music fan, enjoys his • telligence m an alhlete- Wednesday as 21' striking ' '4-"rhis is. a tough business: ^tnd we won't trade any player yearly trips to Mexico afid is a . said. "I thinjc luck plays .a • 'That-% on^-thing-aboiit'.L •: veterans reported to camp for •I'm.not trying to winanypop-who can hefp us,'.'' V. parti but I've: never seen luck he's not run­ Gillman •' was bitter six haifdicap golfer.. 'Gary) Shaw (who wrote the first time /'Ularity contest,-' Bethea said h'e jump on a guy sitting in the ''Meat,"on th6-.Hoof" which / ning, a-popularity contest, and said." "'Lombard! *<3idn!t lead abbbt GillmSh's action in cut-• "I'm kind of impulsive." he shade. You've got to work at "I'm a who's portrayed: Texas fijotball in -a, said. not guy he's not going to trade ElVin "'any popularity -contests.--They ting the seven-veterans -so it. bad light)." Royal Continued :Bethe'a. • ' -hdppy doing anything for too hated Lombardi, and-they soon after they arrived and by "The No. 1 thing is that 'He had.a bad attitude. At the Twenty-eight Oiler Veterans hate Don Shula and-Tom Lan-statements by. Gillman long, at one time. I enjoy foot­ ^ that you've. got to be at the right beginning of the book he talks were scheduled, to begin g^api} all tljey.do^ win..So . Bethea, Tody Smith and John ball season, but before it s .Darreil Royal -school—You've got .tQ.be_a.La Wednesday after---what: is the answer' v/ , Matuszak might not be able to t over I get sick of it. The same . * about how his father made --workouts after pldce where.you have a -noon under the National Foot-7*1/1 QSowin, everybody can -master the Oilers' .ndw. "5a" ,-r is true of recruiting, spring-him goback out and play when .he didn't want to. It's'not sur­ .chance to win. Then, you've • ball League Players. Associa­hate',xri^! J'Jl: giVe, ••lHenj ;a defense sooii-enbligh ;practiceandevenvaca(ion-'.'_ . got to have a good staff which tion 14-daycooling^)f^peHod.: licenreI loanrn• t«to dispise me if IT can •If ... *• so dif-^ r' '* " v-' prfelng te-dMn't-iike -rner;I— thjs system is Astros defeated -is loyal. They need to be for ^Ji-Even-though '^he1 'enjoys -. was mtiking him do something ; :?j -Gillman quickly ailgered the Wlri-V . ' "" i'v .ficult: that-1 can't -gr^sp it- ThtP-game .losing streak, f changing activities, Royal Jia's he didn't .want to-do;*; I-could CHICAGO. (UPI) — you so that, they hurt a little ­ veterans by cutting -seven of Prior to"lWednesday's after going through six years ^never considered leaving Tex- Chicago. Cubs scored fourruns Cubs starter Steve Stoftef when we lose!-®' - coach another player, who lik­ 'the incoming players-shortly workont, Bethea, the ©iters' of -new systems, then I'd ^i^is.'.since he arrived here In •in-the first inning and then who 'hurled the first six-in-; •••; . Since: he also is athletic ed football, the same way and _after tbey arrived •premier defensive end, said better retire,' Bethea said: -held on-with late inning relief . .rfings, gave up only one earned" director, Roval has been in-, He says that the rumor he might . think -I was the We tried "to find'flibse"' he.rtoid Oiler Tj-wner :K;S--Bethea said-Gillman should ^eljrfroirr Oscsr^raipra and -run biit was xeplaced.by Ken. ystrumental inLshapingthe'fire- ;was Jie was going;,tp the:New greatest guy in the world."' seven guys, but-we didn't "Bud" 'Adams, "I couldn't go have informed the-seyen -Jim Tpdd's firstmajor league -Frailine when he gave-up a senT Texas staff. A3"athletic knoV -wttere-they-'were;'--'in-under-these conditionst. I veterans Earlier ' save to delcat the Houston ' l»>nrlntt-Mng)A-ln-I-jp May in . director, he believes in hiring • Gillman saidmiu when askedasrniu . . . vjiiiiiian wncu didn'j.^1uiuuLoimoridDiecomfortable herenere Astros $-5,and end an .eight-the Houston seventh. , people, giving ityem.autnority­ ~ about the timing of-tftgTnrts—tVMi^ask^ifJieMJike to he ^ nilUnrTflll n i " m -t-SgSfti.-: :v * * * --.!-••• ; and then leaving them -alone v-''Do you think it would have traded,-Bethea satdV ;"My *• . • ^ '"ARLINGTON .•*•-t;,A„ r u -Furnished Apfs. for Rent * COVERED PARKING ttt&K-Ol -Fk>i-«ia a, Jacksonville a Bethea little, hope of being > 454.0475 dih? n.w^i *• Si. Loutr: .son's pinch-single Wednesday should be.severe; • N^york3sPortland-;-. traded. • POOL * ~ • Philadelphia'. » ' 40 50 .509 V.H night to~give the"Milwaukee —i"I don|t think .you can put a^ >_ Mffmphts.37;,petro«t7 r -*. Plttsburgrv-Ti? 59 500 . "2Va Montreal g 60 .478 •' 5 Brewers a" 6-5 victory overthe • check on it' (recruiting Sf5 • New York:-•"~^SI. 63 .447 • evj Texas Rangers. violations) until some of the .Chicago:.4. 47 .412 67' -ttVa w«i ^ -With;'Texas leading 5-4,; players Sre punished. I don't Wavecrest , ;.Los Angelesu>'.'.l...iV.'75 43 >36 George Scott opened the . know of any player who^does HUGE CLOSETS • CWcinna»;^,i^j ..V::7l 4S •597 ..4iy. TOYOTA I DATStIN VOLVO Atlanta ... 63 54 .538 nvj eighth with a double' and. something like that that Waterbeds, ^^^DISHWASHER/DISPOSAL Houston ... 59' 57 .509 * 15 scored on Porter's double. d'oesn'J know thie rules. I don't Quality Service -Reasonable Prices ; S San Francisco ...54 '65 .454 2Hv SaniOfepo^&y. 47 72 .395 28* j Complete CARBURETION 2810RIO GRANDE selection of water* .'•TUNING & EXHAUST ALWAYS FREE Chicago 6, Houston 5 •' . ~ bed® • Jk accessories. CLUTCH & BRAKE DIAGNOSIS San.Francifco 6,;philaorhood dSSSt w[ L. T f® ^ 4. I J.,.1!. -r •" hjy1 kA ^^22227GUADAiO^N^Jrqj^SJHEAlE^ AugMjAJS, ]974 THE-DAILY,;TEX^N, Flegel?, a £1 , -' -• - • udi" IS i s ^4V­ rr suit Organization blames City .for money denial k" ; By rtOY MABRY said' ___ Valle. said-Wednesday the !tain.* 1' 'don't, quibble with:suii to regain funds for Austin-city manager's office However, an official of the this." Ramirez ssiid. lie add-, By JEFF NEWMANj-^ -^or^ missed was being made up . An official at the Travis County Tax SER. a job-training qrganiza--'was responsible for SER's re ­Austin Manpower Planning The HuntsviHe Prison Rodeo postersed.j;Apparently the counties' overtime-operation'. A^eSsor aodCollector's ofnce said;the tion serving . Mexican-cent denial of funding. " Department. Andrew weren't convinced.." . • will be outa little late this year, but 1975 <\ 'sTbey worked last Saturday and Sun-ldT5 plates had'not arrived yet.,', *,Americans in Austin, will be Ramirez, said*Wednesday the license plates' will be distributed, on . The city told SER it' would . . However, Valle said SER's day and they've been working evenings ' "The plates are being detained,'" Sue -filed against the Capital Area citvj'has.done all it can to get-schedule despite the'recent prisondis;­ take over the presentation of. ..budgeting.; incjuding ad-to print the material for a convention in Herwig said-, but, she added they are ex­ Consortium;.distributor -of. SER funded." • turbance. , SER's case to the rural »>V . m'iiislrative.costs, were-Houston. Friday," Monrotf said.; . pected to arrive "witffln the'next few,[federal money-for job training . We told therural-members "> Wlthin federal guidelines. -Work at the print sliop and license The. most serious shiitdowTaJi the members of. the consortium, days" -, . in Austm.and 10 Central Texas. SfiR would not take money, plate factory was shut down .July:-24' Valle said prison Was probably the.automotive ser--The delay will affect neither the date .... Some of the members veto' counties.,-away, frorti rural, programs," .• through Aug. 3 as threeconvicts, led by_• -vice shop; where vehicles.from all units the plates become available (Feb.l) nor • The rural members refused ."yoted againstSER, Vallesaid. that it'wasthebestdealand so ^°mez c farraSf°, held ia hostages 0f the Department of Corrections are the date they are required to be'on.cars -TheLeague of United Latin tcr approveSER.funding on the ; express&jf disapproval that 78forth,'' Ramirez said. in the library of the Huntsvilleprison urn sent'for repairs. Except for "one or two (April 1), she said. American fitizens 1LULAC1, grounds the.program was too. • percent : of -SEft's~budget...wa!j L'. Ramirez maintained 'the . •, — ... . . emergencies" when a crew worked.on a Moss saido«...-...,.,....6shipping was interrupted atSER's parerit organization. fixpens|v*e. didn't reath city "did not tei/.SER to sit Allotted for • affminisrratK'e -v' s^e»s^?is:••• The discrepancy arose, she , "Their scheduleIsn't so tight the eight said • DeVVitt Moss, Austin area super-" • Goods produced xit the'pdsoiiare.used . * week fo'r the third ,time, to;-• tacted by-the city, Valle.said,. much as those of the City said, from tli6 fact that the. :days missed would, make,a delay io dis­'visor of the Motor Vehicle Division at by the.Department;of Corrections-orare deny funding'for SERr The-"There was-only one Manpower Program._ ^consortium counted all money . tribution,': assistant-public affairs of- Camp Hubbard. ' _ • -sold to other state agencies. . Austin"Citv Council Supported •-•meeting'with the rural county. : ','SER • claimed their not-"given* directly to" SER--ficer-Gail Monroe^aid, iv • w t m i. , • , -;:-Rn5m^ihe...iactary. in.HimtsviUe,"There were some*-disruptions' SER members and one, packet of • bilingual,.biculturaf approach enrollees as ^"administrative we hurt ourselves. , by .tne., work ]lcensep|attisare scnttoCampHubbanr manufacTurrng];'' Monroer-saidbut add­ . SER,-director. Annabelle information Sent out;" Valle -was more expensive to main­ expenses:1'Jg&Z stoppage,, she . said, bt|t indicated the, j0 bedistributed to the counties.. ed.most of it is recuperative.. 8fgSg& m '"j, NEW HOUSING POLICY!! Work policy limit termed 'pressure i®--4~ ,f,. By'SUSAN LINDEE . . Riad Hamad. a Lebanese stti-' y.Until this summer, foreign"-.'-students-at the University because it costs the foreign" m-Texan Staff Writer-•=—­ ^ DEXTER HOUSE de'nt. said-.— — students had .little, troufrle ob^ even-applie'd for.a work per-. student three times as much-o£ . A' new policy for the U.S. Zafer Haidef, national taming work permitisrBut a ""nntT7nd-of-those-only-7?-weT«-as-the^Amenpan-stiid^nt to go^ w • 1103 W. 24tlf Immigration and iSaturauza-treasurer of the Ocgamzsrckni—Ttnriy -hv thn immigratinn accepted, Margie.Kidd. assiS-lo school and he-needs'^ jobj? tion Service to limit foreign of Arab students, and a un­department cpncluded that •tant; director ot tne .inter-: Haider said,OCCUPANCY ONLY student work permits is just a iversity student, agreed with foreign-students jobs must be national Office, said. M pressure tactic to discourage Haiiier has been 'ih'cbntact • Hamad lirmted to allow U.S. students, . Hamad said he had received' foreign studies, one UmVersi-"We are trying to get this a fair chance, in the; job,-a work permit with no'trouble with Arabian students across Semi-Private Roomsa.s Low as*s60 changed our -,for the lasttwo years, but this; •v: ty student said Wednesday. policy through market the nation, and said they are. |ps£L, t .. . T "They ,are trying to put . ambassadors and through ''This decision is made.an-'' May he received a denial. being denied ;pjg.rmits : -pressureonthestudents.Only -some Arabian lawyers we nually..The.last time we need-before he had even applied for .everywhere. ' " ' V '.j -are" wanted?" VLuxurious Private R00ms >$ rich students .Tuiow.""Haider"said 7C redrlorrhmtt-foreign-students'—' a permit,.. .; "Someof themjTia^have to1 per mo. jobs was at least 1961," said He reapplied 'three • times Work until-they gel• deffcteU" E.V. Goodman, assistant before>. his request was by force." he said. , v • Maid Service , director for travel control in;, accepted,-and wasrequired to " ; • a ^ « the U.S. Department of Im­present extensive financial m-Hamad will'tiave to reapply:Heated Swimming Pool • Refrigerators • rntercom migration and^Naturalization? : formation .to prove his need, for a work permit in the fall, • Laundry Facilities * Yeodlhg Tho office decided that: 'Hamad said.^ and if he in dented he will be . summer jobs should be "1 think we are being forced to leavtj the -Ujiited. ^ • " Study Areas reserved for local residents; treated unfairly. The jobs States and. for Vietnam veteransj'3 • foreignlstudents have are jobs •-:->!> 24 Hr. Desk Service • TV.in Lobby Presents Goodman said ^ fe '.that Americans won't Jlo for' "'If I don't get another per-"" * 9^ Street Parking • Close to* Campus Foreign students are re­' $1.80 ah hour," Hamad said." ANNEX. TONIGHT mit. I will be on the first plane quired to fill out a form and -Some of the reasons the.im-' SpeciafPackage Deals{Room al-Oexler-Boarda1 Modi»on7~~ RODEO to Lebanon, and the' U.S.. appl^for awork permit on the migration officers give,-such ? . government :'Wifl; pay i for It available as Ipw as $145 * HAIIPS~^ "basis oFTinancial need. as Americans needing part-. because—Ldonlt-have the Only 201 out of 1.800 foreign r time' jobs, don't make sense accepf/n^ Fq// '74 Contracts •FRI. & SAT, AUG.-16 & 17 money, he said. 8 P.M. for U.T. Men and Women ? EARL HOUSING OFFICE 70'9 West 22nd St. 5 3t SCRUGGS 1476-9891 -.478-8914 REVUE Roast.b^l.cjpmeabeel.cheeses pasNrcv, nim;quicfje. baroecue Advance Tickets .53,50avocadosoup-cheesecakei : , At-inner Sanctum baklava; Bm nota)i atonce1 3WWesl »3lh 372-1900 DEXTER HOUSE Odd MomentsmlnWaDd Main ( Come See -Come Live & The()pry House ' ' Box Office -• v ' GET MOREFOR YOUR MONEY $$ Conroi SHOW INffO. 442-2743 200 ACADEMY MBBKET END OF SUMMER BEER BUST Everyday Happy Hour Prjcei : HAPPY HOUR PRICES Mugv Pitcher ^Shmof» 20* ' Vl.lO GOOD All DAY •> 30e • 1.60 • v v.Gootl Until 'Aug.. 22. .Good w/coupon only • Monday -Shiner Day 0^*Wed.Michelob Day . , Happy Hour Price; on Shinerall day with the Happy Hour prices on Michelob with the. purchoteofa •meal.' " purchase of a meal. . •' thn different sandwich, otzzo arid Italian food Restaurant , : igger and Better than Ever} SUN.-THUBS. 11:00 a.m. lo 1 a.m. ; FRI. & SAT. 11:tiO a.m. to-2:00 a.m. ISIiiB >801Cuadqiupe . . . 472-3034 35H mm |AjLABli FOR DISTRIBUTION —.^A|jG#S| i9mn W LABOR DAY WEEKEND (Rain or Shirte) «"" " i • >3.302 8:30-4:30 *k-v>t n SUNDAY, SEPT. 1 ? 5 i 3:00 p.m. Till ? opy You Must Have 0 j t—. * > U.T.MEMOR'AlSTADIUM. AUSTIN if Before You'Leave raenHHcation to Claim TICKETS $8 Advance -$10 Gate . V.'-: . -1 -^T wIW I ^ WJM IM;. c_i_. » if ~ ..T ' > -Your '74 Cactus aSC.^v' ^0yml0^d's Drua5 No.-.l & No.'2-1 TltKct y. P..O. Bw 12000, Doll,,, tx| Aliother'publicatiorl bf r *• * V I VuWkatimfs addfeoed envelope. mmmmm slUlS fi? fSg '&«* :3*Vf « 1 >*4&P*? 7" r 3? 1 '**".?£ '' f;tev •^• VI. mU906f$ iri|; Dooth Wish' Opera auditions ^ "Death Wish;" directed them to be-expressed through- Carson McCuller's "The li!& Auditions for Houston Grand Opera's 1974-75 season will bte by. Michael Winner; Branson's character.After his Member of the Wedding" will , conducted by general director David Gockiey and musicadmin­ screenplay by Wepdell first killing, Bronson.becomes be shown at 7 and' 9 -pTm. istrator-elect Chris NanceSaturday and Sundayand Aug 24 arid Mayes; based on the novel physically sick, repelled by Thursday in Batts 25 in the Jones Hall rehearsal room •by: Brian Garfield; starring what he hasdone. Herecovers Auditorium. — •Houston Grand Opera's (HGO) present chorus will audition Charles Bronson, Vincent sufficiently, however, to Described aviyne­ as with those who are interested in becoming a new member ofGardenia and Hope Lange; resumehis vigilante role with. tragicomedy," the story con­this professionally paid company; Singers also will be heard forat -thei-Aquarius IV, total dedication. • cerns loneliness 'and the need ... secondary rol.e^ in.the following season and for roles iq.Texas Paramount and.Showtown When morality is missing, •to escape it. Three people cl­Opera Theater. HGO's subsidiary company. • "> "• • • USA. motivations-must be.present, M ing to-each other, seeking By PAUL BEUTEL and Winner explores this -. Auditionists should prepare,two selections,one whi'cli must^je companionship and understand ••'•: Texan Staff Writer angle to the hilt. Themugging in a foreign language. An accompanist will be provided or the 'ding:*-Frankie, a 12-year-old; singers may bring their own ', j ,, • ^ •".Death Wish" resembles a of Brons.on's wife and who:r motherlessi tomboy, I New. York City version-of daughter (Hope Lange and i®? refuses toaccept theanxieties AUditions.areby appointment only. Interested-Fingers should ^"Walking Tall." Charles Kathleeh Tolair) is un­ •of .adolescence; Bernice, the . send a resume and current photograph with a request for ap­Bronsoo plays a liberal, upper believably brutal. Winner shot Negro maid who takes care of pointment to Sally McCravey, Stage Manager. Houston Grandmiddle-class architect whose much of itfrom Lange's'polnt her; and John-Henry,a 6-year-:, _Ppera, 615 Louisiana.Houston,Tex,W002. All applicartts will beIwife and daughter aremugged of view, as she-lay old who is Frankie's 'only _ notified of "their audition time'and later by postcafdr'r rr' |and severely -beaten up by semiconscious on the floor, friend. fhoodlums. Bronson, fn turn, helplessly watching her was 26 when Houston Opera's '74-'75 repgrtoire-consists of 39 perforances Julie Harris Ibecomds a vigilante Who gets daughter being attacked. of Massenet's "Manon," Verdi's "II Trovatore." R Strauss's she played Frankie, but you'd Ipersonal satisfaction and . A few.weeks after the "Der Rosenkavalier," Puccini's "La Boheme," Berg's "Lulu" never guess it. She was 24 learns public respect by killing mugging, Bronson goes to and Donizetti's "Lucrezia Borgia." Texas Opera Theater's when she played the role .on. off -muggers at 6very Tucson to work on a design schedule has not yet been announced : . Broadway. Both sheand Ethel available opportunity.' project. There he sees a stag- Waters, as Bernice,. are; »••« IslhiiTthe only way to law ed gunfight on.a movieset of superb. As John Henry, the ind order? the Old West. H«s is reminded very young Brandon De Wil'de Such is the premise of of the days when families gives one of the best per(pr-; < >-^y> SIT1 a !'Death— Wish,w " abhorrentr f o r e t d f n e e forcedcd o ee d mances ever from 3 child"ac­1jgh-its implications .may themselves againstoutlaws — tor. .' to the veryfoundations of a ? defense_which often involved Many films have handled " civilized society. Yet the killing. Vigilante Charles Bronson; surprises a mugger.-N' the theme of passing frommovie does not actually fed" Winner here is playing with -•tot of the Old West..Thus in. As for Bronson —. wfeH.he's themselves to see what is. youthful innocence into jrocate this self-styled form'of some of the oldest American •Death Wish," motivies of a macho commodity, and as destified tobe a much-debated adulthoodTbut few havehatodi-: BULL 505 NECHES. _ • usadingfor justice; it mere-insUncts, preservedforeverih self-defense and revenge are such, an effective one. At film. ed the tra-nsition into -Hf---'* «OCK W. OF «£D HIVES • -r — .....—as -a possibler •-our folk mythVT—" morality • -least-he, can manage a.-feBc: ' adolescence." Surely there is ' TONITE ' .presbnts it combined to beget vigilance. >|[)tlnn-fnr-a-gnrlMy-fueh-every-one-of-iia_^ ;; OPEN 2WoURS" i! Director Winner gives only As rationali&d by Bronson, "Death WishJ' is a tersely negativism only to illustrate 2 Garr3500 Cuadalup* .;| Ladies Free Slides show more than art • V fleuouronr • 2915 Guadalupe 451-9151 ; "Artists at Work;"a slide ed canvas or seeing Richard sonalities and .approaches ^s 472-0061 projection exhibition froiin Estes applying paints:at his 785 different, artists.-—— -­ Presents N;-•SHADOWS ^ DOAK^ Pinch College; being shown' easel, there-is offered a; btfef : There are disappointments, 1 the Archer W.Huntington haSkstage glimpse at'the howeyer. The quality of the [l auoust « OF SOUL SNCAD BAND iGalleries, upper level of the mechanics bf creation. Tonite-Sat. "< JJ-.J slides isnot consistently good; • IS TONIGHT ONLY! (University Art\Museum; The late Mark Rothko's and the presentation is not Second Level. Dobie Moil • GenWwxX Tayarrvugh Sept. 1. • • workshop burgeons with cans altogether 'coherent. Therei national 21sr(j Guodolupe J Beer, Wine; By IRVIN LIPPMAN free porking in the reor * of ' paint in some hidden are four carousel projectors, sandwich and-Pizza Slides are as much a part of organisation. This scene now ••••••••••••••••••A each continuously projecting • t history asinstant replay is provides an historical'insight a different artist.-The momii sense sports. But in the Hun-into Rothko's art processes. cards J can be quifikly frazzled unless •" igton Gallery, there is a:, ..At The artisticworkings,are as •4 • . (he SiaVildi thoya edchniM ; sVuifkbooim one has theability to hlind his. .. C Nilbail Smlvicb Mootk frith v ide show on loan from.Finch personal .as the.finfshed art •J. 4&y mxiri* ' < po«.les curiosity to.but one.screen at St*e I934 br Mtin« «D. < illege that departs from the work. Nancy Grossman sews •*5 ^enuns tabks a time. .Through about 15 ihlrt) nn» y»rh|t poollere presentation of artists' as closely and as consclen-" minutes of 840 slides, the orks. ''Artists at Work" tiously asany seamstresswho SraMtohihop ArmadilloWorId Hdqtrs. viewer, isoffered agood diver­Locumentsr-however-slightly.. _ .. might make beads of Jeatb^r sion from the normal finality (J No. 1.2821 S*n -Jacinto he development of the con-and large metal-rippers presents Trfarbseenrin-galleriesr-^Ar— No. 2 2604 GuMUlupe emporary work of art. Rpbert Indiana almost too No. 3 pobte Mtir tists at' Work" presents the' Whether it's seeing Helen casually welds together varied traditions of the new GREEZY WHEELS Frankenthaler on her knees letters that are to spell masters as theygo about their Applying broad strokes of "love." Theslide exhibit is as business.. • ' ALVIN CROW & "" ping color toher unstretch-much'about 85. different .per­/ puetar lha MmioiiI Vcdlay Beyt inthe new air-conditioned Armadillo; ' $3.00 Cover UEEZCQf]^ 52514 BARTON 477-0357 Presents SPRINGS RD. Live Poetr^ sowomi Original Poetry Read by.IJim Ryaiii 19th & Guadalupe Jeff Woodfiff and Roy Griffith Beer, Wine, and Boogie wi Thursday Night is •Texas Union Le Potpourri v Ladies Lib Night ALL BljER -WINE FREE FOR Cpffee House -^ LADIES FROM 7:30 -9:00 P.M. Thursday, August 15;: t Pool -Foosball » Pinball -w­& Free^ .si.SvS'W " " Happy Hour Dally 4-7 8:30 p.m. v Best Price inCampus Ar»a tm 1 KurtVbnriegMtJnS prize^winningplay C6.THIS IS comestothe screen! FELLI.NX'S FINEST ' V' ' "THE PLEASURE OF VQNNEGUT IS YOURS!" 99 .. —JUDITH CRIST. New York Mtgtzin* •*>-' fl Pauline Kaet "SOMEOFTHERiNNESTMOSTSARDONIC : , LINES to be heard at the moment ^onstage or screen!" -WIUIAM WOlS.Cv,Un.*™ 118131111# "WANDA(SWONOERRA.! KurtVonfiegutJr^ comedy is wild, sharp, broad,fine, vulgar and rare! There areso many deep laughs that most thoughtful moviegoers wiH • J M -. ^ _ • • •. 9^|fff ' ' •••'.' •• " I DOiIQVII 111 Iti —FRANCEST^YLOff, NtwfK>usWl(«wspip«ra MK "VtSianx&i U/wittA Qntofe -I FRIDAY ONLY 7:30-9:15 SATURDAY 0Nt^T!!r!?B AUG. 16 Batts Aud. AUG. 17 f| Batts Aud. Mod. Cinema $1.25 Mod. Cinema $1.25 . m Wfra; s« .it / m&m:sS,* •LATE SHOW 11:00 P.M. Only m mm I Friday-Saturday Batts. Aud. #SwMll§ir'wr.? A'~ C LA s SIC T~RALQ+—C 0-JL£^D_Y {Adm.41.50 ;AUMKAOeSONFKMOf i Dlrmct 0 hiif uam :•«' •'. 'M .'A^| Saturday Night, Aug. 17, OnlyI , ^ 5»3» ' *S;Je*ter Audijprlwm r , • , '--y;,rA / nvmignvm , I smile through a nude, but never dirty ~ f7:30^30,^3(^4 Nlrfrt(.A09. 16, Oftlyl lampoon of porriogmphi^ momes.'^ AutUforlum^.^-, '•S jjm. A-d-a.d 8 m J ft -S.i^Genf Shi^WWC-TgJi^m&M w a p RUMMd byPipp«fcern-V?orirs«r,lnc tCiautlp Berri, a fnSneA Woojdy AflenJ-failarious!' LHhrH Fo pei.gft Fit New' '^-"—rA rS-M N P, R iHSHE R I '^ \ <»rk" THE DAILY TEXAN ^age 9 mMmmsmm : . ggg> ^!H\ <' • ^iif~ 5"-Vt * ¥sgit*4v» I seriously considered transferring to UTA and continue work­ing a the Irving Baily News that fall, ­ However, near, the middle of August, I came back down to Austin to take care of a few things with the University. While I ' was here,' a friend. Chase, and 1 went out to ComancheTrail to go swimming,and we listenfed to KOKE-on-fheway-.* There was nothing that came even close to KOKE in Dallas at that time. and it was a sound fpr.sore ears you might say. That afternoon ~was.all-it.took forme.to changemy mlnd;-aud"my-heart became rooted in the "Alleys of Austin" forever " *! Early,last fall, Chase anil went' to see Nelson at a freebies concert for a local car dealer. My father hasaccusedme of not ever being able to do anything without going whole-hog at it. Country music was to be no exception. — My bell-bottoms were replaced-with boot-cut Levis and the 'pull-over shirts I had "always worn moved aside for western shirts with" pearl-snaps. I:dug out my black cowboy. boots and hat-and had the hat reblocked from a "Winchester man" style to a "real live goat.Toper." style as-.my dad ..would say. More drastic than anyffimg else, Ieven cut my hair. Thedothes and haircut don't make the man,-but I've always believed in doing (ip this case) as ropers when in a roper atmosphere? "1 "" I'venevenclaimed-tofce-real-.cowboyirand-therecent.story.on-.. pseudo rednecks in Texas Monthly Tits me."but I" wear what's -comfortable, and boots and jeans are farmore comfortable to •m^-than baggies.and platfoimshofiS^Aiso., I switched brands of brpw from Schlitz or Coors toShiner. Lone Star, Bud.ari"d Pearl are.the.real kicker's heer, but th? new lighter recipe that Shiner now. uses .appealed .to me. The cheaper price didn't hurt any, -either; :. ^ • Meanwhile back at The Texanrl had acquired a nickname on the sports statf that reftected my kicker attitude. It wasn't that I didn't like to write.sports, but I [uund that awiusements-was: more to-my liking so I also made that' switch. • This past sprinjgand'this summer,.I've had the opportunities, of a lifetime for a coHege .amusements writer. The Abbott Hottjecomirig. the Picnic and the many concerts and interviews 3.T-HW-UIT -tlVMMM Mf Vt— 44|.$Mf Twin Cinema FUCK VAiSESSA DAVID REDGRAVE HEMMIN.GS , ANTOKIONrS Village Riverside _Ginema TwiiiT Four __ 2700 West Anderson Ion* 1930 L Km«S4« ^ «M3H Now theydototheCLA. whattheydW totheArmyin PASSES. SUSPENDED Reduced Prices.Til IrOO Mon.-Fri. 1H)0-2:45-4^(W:15*9:00-9:45 . -s. ­ More than a movie! An explosive cinema concert! R«liKeiLPfit»i Til 12:45 Mwi.-Frl ISM that were my "work" were more like leisure. This.will be my last column forThe. Texan. 1'm.off Co other (if not bigger and better! things, and I know It's going to be hard for me to leave this city I have grown to "call honje instead of Dallas. 1 know it sounds corny, but.recently I saw the multi­ media shbw.ihown Jto freshmen at orientation and there was a tear in my eye when the strains of the "Eyes of Texas" and Mike Murphy's "Alleys of Austin" were played. • It's' been one hell.of an experience working for Tfce Texan and" a lot of fun' l've made a couple of enemies.'but Several friends- for life. But, I never cbiild have done it by myself, so Vwoulds • like to take ^his'opportiitiity to offer my thanks to the following' people who-haveihelped rhe: • J ~£irst of all, to Herband Jo who made all of this possible. A'so to iny performing friends Willie and Connie, Paul. Diane and Beverly, Bea and Tammy. Jody and Sharon, Bobbie and Jack 'Mickey, >Vaylon. Billy Joe' Doug, Mike, jerry Jeff, Rusty,E W and Saint Darrell. .Especially I have to say gracias toBiisty, Joe and Speedy and Susan from KOKE and-Colonel-Sammy at KVET. And tb Wallace. RickrBronson, Roger and.Suzr, Mark and Lou over at the dpry House, Ramsy at Armadilloand Tim at CastleCreek — .Eor.all of my. mi§^^MdUne^botched stories, headlines that didn't fil and paragfaph&Iwantedlo splitin the composing" room thanks go to Paul, C.A., Dan, Lynne, Larry, Buck, B.J., Martha J.Pf,; Richard-Marlon, Stinley.. Cindy, Mfke, Alfred, Todd, Virgil and Bilf-at The Texah ancl"in"the'ljack-shop. • ­ _ . To acouple of great friends; Chase and Russell, and of course, tp Joy who made: me go see 'The Last Picture Show" that star>ied:.lt aH;--Uian1a a MBilldn.-. * And atCWp Taylbr wxote7."IfI can't fool them all the time, then it's all right with ^ebecause it'sstill my song; there ain't pnri T wasn't hnrn in .Tennessee.'' -30­ University art 'faculty American artist and .water ­member Midiael Frary is the redamatioon exhibition hang­only Texan represented in the ing at the WUte Museum in Smithsonian Institution's San Antonio through Sunday: § The 47 paintings of water • reclamation sites are from j the Bureau of Reclamation ] : collection and were organized for a two-year tour of U.S.| u u august museums by the Smithsonian,. Is They began the tour after a t National Gallery show in 1972.! national ^ Thr^e paintings by EJrary, isandwidi OT faculty member since j 1952, convey his impression of ! month -the^inagnitude of one of the j world's largest dams with its j ditpi cdcWiin J. spillway as high as a 47-story|( z ' My WBdwkh'eeeeUli. -i*>ij.* SwUvkft'Mantk with < building. He depicts in " the"! workSj which are' one-foot j H high and eighMeet wide, the 1 SuiSVttch ahop^ narrow gorges lined with I N^.;l 2821 Stffi'Jtdnlo.. steep cliffs,, the vastreservoir j No. 2.2404 Cuuklupe .-and themountainous concrete j No. 3 DoUeJIiU structure of the Hungry1 Dam on the Columbia Rivet inj northern Montana. g^CCLLEGC Cf riLAC SERIES; IBATTS AUDITORIUM '7 and 9 p;m^ A 75« fOR ADULTS? 50« THROUGH JUNIOR HIGH* SCHOOL ADMISSION FREE TO SEASON TICKET HOLDERS TONhjMT ONLY! ~~ ^E/H^EEC; CF THE. WEDDING "O'Y o* "<• ade/escsnl Frank!* and her detire to escape her drab exhlence. , : "fZ""1 McCutlerq'writing U one of the high pbinle '* American filnu: tharp and full of wit. yet with a lyricism rarely found on the screen." ' —Poullnt Ka»l Ftaluai 30-2:20 oO-ViOQ THtATBES 454-27.11 -$1.50 til 6 p.m. ^Fe^fures 12:40-2:55-: .. •'?5:i0.7.'»n_iB.j»e. ri>^ -Vn fgM «»m. LUCILLE BALLas'MAME >ROBERT PRESTON ,Wi-£ * i *7«f at,r -x ww *• ....••.wfi'. , Tdxan Staff Writer / . Before March, 1972. "my-record collection consisted of. the - likes of Led Zepplin, Moody Blues, Chicago an^ Yes. My radio was locked in on KRMH-FM in Austin and KNOS (it; was still half-way good tack then), or KAFM-FM in Dallas. 1 wondered just what it was my father ever saw in thfe music of Bob Wills, Hank Williams and Jim Reeves. And as far; aSI wasconcerned. •---••WiHie'Nel'Son-wasacousin.orsomethingofvDavid-and Ricky,'s.. • *Sf?-43resft3fe"-«'f^*« '£*, vitcL Ss-M * it O^Vri { 't *:­ jWi str I-*^T*'}flheavrCf • ­ i fr ,l» ' n i lv III? .16; St Biff lltl ©fIS, II ~~Wi' However, during March, '72. my girlfriend coerced me.into going to see "TheLast PictureShow" oyer, on Uie Drag. I hadn't wanted to go because I had read-and:heard what a downer of a' movie it was and besides,' it wasn't even in color. But, it was either go or have a mad girlfriend on my hands, so 1 shucked out-^he $2.50 (that was for both of us because I couldn't afford anythingelse but the bargainjpatinee) and went to W depressed. No; I didn't really get o&Pfo the movie all that much,, but the soundtrack by Hank_ Williams was a different situation. A RE-RELEASE BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! * _ ls.«: k Rt«LEASt." .:. THE ORIGINAL SCREEN APPEARANCE OF -' • S&1 [p51g» TTOMWtlN (nCOtOft^ ASBILLY JACK AnAtCiamMimi^K-fiaiASE Sk Afn«r<«n M«nMWn*l Ine. &OX OFFICE OPEN'8PM. ' NOW SHOWING V GULF STATES: DftlVE-IN V. AT SiuHVTOWN USA 3 THEATRES ' j/ GULF:STATES DRtVE-lNV. S TAT E Soiuksidt 71Q E. Ben WWte»444.2296/^ $1.25 til 7:00 p.m. '6:00-8:00-10:00 SHQW STARTS AT DUSK @ INTERSTATE THEATRES $1.25 til 7:00 p.m. PARAMOUNT r».„ 6t30-8:10-9150 713 CONGRESS AVENUE I mm CHARLESBBONSON "DEATH' ECHRKOLOB $1;3S HU 3:00 p.m.2:30-3:55-9:20 VARSITY ,6t45-S:10-9:35 ?-ca GuaoatuPt s-pr.rr Ata ten Hi TRANS+TEXAS HUD OVER) 7«ii WEEK! Austin OPEN 2:00 ^'watowri altar your OPEN 1^5 $1 JO HI t ilm. (Moa-SaDS^ lua«.M:a>kiM^«ozm . Tttur nomom,"Knoi Jf U£!I ..what mact? TwraooauHnan 2-4-44-10 From fhe man who^'$ 'fi^Thai "Trinily" star h our brought you •• ••rr%. to buiJd a. hgond in "FJSTfUUOr >wn good time HELD • "iaXEGQKH] OVER! -fcipi m \ .A UNNBS*L FiaiASE-TB>MCajOfi» FW4VBION• OPEN 7:45 AU SHORT FEA. ADMISSIONS AT 8:45 $2.00 TWO SHOWINGS AT 9:00 & 11:15 PASS UST SUSPENPgn NO CHILD UNDER 12 HELD OVER 2nd Week WllllAtt PETER ttAnVS EXOROSIi PARAMOUNT..-?,'..! ' • * 1'. <»;i r.ui 9«f(iiu»uuirjtea HATUIHB7IMB FEATURE TIMES ft )3-3.»0CM:50-«i35ra:15-10:00 8:00 and 9:40 GULF STATESOUtVEHN BOX omcc OPEN 9:00 SHOW STARTS AT DUSK r. r ^ 4 'CO-HIT > L JJ9 IpOK-NOW'^^, Hwx rn+Cmmm* enecoHoner. rrr?f« -OE^SSr ^j^aSSSSSZ IS SS! 1'nj not.exactly sure what mademe like Williams than when I • couldn't stand him before, but I did. That girlfriend used to be embarrassed because I always had to play "Why Ddn't You Love Me Like You Used to Bq?"on the Chuck Wagon jukebox whenever we went there. She finally bought me the "Best of Hank Williams" album in"hopes that if J played it enough at homjs, then maybe I wouldn't-play it in public. > -1sttll listened to KRMH alter that,-t)ut.I doknow.tbat I .woce xjut the-grooveion. thatJlank..WilUams-record>..l;n§ve.cliked v Carols.King that much and that's all my roommate at Jester* ever played, so I retaliated with good-ole Hank. The people on „• ''both sides of-our room suffered. •. . "• Then-later that summer ..while living in DobLe, I noticed a • poster on a store window in the shopping.mall there for a new-• station in town: that played something called progressive coun­.' try,. That poster for KOKE-FM listed Williams. Waylort Jen­nings, Nelson, George Jones,, Charlie Pride and other "hard­core" country artists ,alcmg lwith such barids as the Byrds, the. Allman Brothers, Poco', Seatrain, Linda Ronstadt, Doug Sahm. JerryJeffWalkerandMichaelMurphy^amongtheartiststheir format'featured. » ' .1 gave KOKE a listen and liked-it.: Maybe it was that I was getting tirrf of the format^aVmost -'Keavy" stationsfollowed ­' or; perhaps those stations were becoming more commercial \ Jlhan progressivt. but T tehded to listen to KOKEasmuch as I•••• -^ld-fat tfet-timerKOKE onljrbroadcast-progFessivecountry-­ from 3 p m. to 4 a.m.) On.a jukebox at theDobbs House where I frequently ate, 1 £ kept-hearing;J'Shotgun> Wrtlie'-'.' andi -'Mr. Record.Man" by ,Neispn. ChalK up.favorite~t;ourrtry singer No: 2.— —^ „. The next summer, I sSsved my internship as a sportswriter ir the Taring.Daily News, a city in which the favorite song was probwly:"Redhetks, vwnite SOCKS andUIw Ribbon Beer." Because of disenchantment with Uie University.' iVillage Cinema 3700 Wtst. Jtafcma isM NiNEVtMflER NlftiMMf •And-• AsGeechieDan • MAMV bElAFOMTE They set . fmnywhen "you mess , with their, *•; money. Held Over! 5th Week! I7.I5-2.1W.IS 6:154:15-10:15 PASSU SUSPENDED REDUCED PRICES TIL 12:15 MOH-FSI. . • • : NKHI THE STING" Hold :H^h%¥lPGl -Week! 1——' 12:15-$1.00 S.-OS t'n S$200 ...all it takes is alittle Confidence. Reduced Prices Mon.-Fri.-, / . More than a movie! An explosive M|--dMII»t"CW»MrtI 3lt as % •PMsi Reduced Prices nl 12:45 Mon.-Fri. l-' PASSES SUSPENDED Rodund Price* Mon-Fri III 1:00 W:«-M0-4:IS4rf».7JO-MO 1:00-2:45-4:30-6:15-8:00-9:45 J FEATURESr7:00-8:20^ «V^C/tB0ND 9:40 ' ' ONE WEEK ONLY MELVM CLUNG Dn ttM SqiMr* •wrmntwr seen me Ql'THOSlE'movies FindersKeeiiers • m m * • LTIIIH! IVlililiii AnneCHAPMAM-ft>u) L-OCkWOOD-.GordonWESCOURT-UVellfe ROBY JarlSlNCLAIR • Ouncart McLEOD • Robert RUDELSON• Joey DUPfiEZ =• PamCOlLINS •JohnFORLOMG• yickWOLCUFF^ ' --- HllMMEYtBl BECOMMEttDEB FOR ONLY THE MOST MATURE ,WThursday/ Aogusj, 15,. T9»4 THE DAtLY TEXAN f'-v" Vli WtiWsiF nmsBBEi ANE-*? >' i'trkr .y >-V? {if 'Train' knows fW^Q^to get off """The Gravv Train:" dirprtp'd hv ' ,—•&?*'>' S§-a, ;J! -' ^ 'v 'The Gravy Train;" directed by consist of five money-hungry mew pulled off:~ 7 Jack Starrett; screenplay by Bill .who are pooling their resources in an provides most-of the amusing^ Kerby and David Whitney; starring Following" the job, the group splits attempt to pull oXf a big cash heist situations with plays on words and:- StapylCcach and Frederic Forrest; ~ up with plans to meet at a prearrang­stereotyped jnannerisms.-Ha?/ *­ Calvin Deone'(Stacy Reach), the. ) othejr (if at the Highland \Jall Cinema. -ed, hideout in a few hours. The two ilSSffl ' first of the fivemen, returns tohis old s be hard lSI®Blttli® Deone -brothers arid one of the men' , By GREG BUSTIN home and mining-town in upper West . As a movie, "Tife Gravy Train's" nstead of For those of you who think that hole up in an apartment only to find Virginia after a financially un­story unfolds in a . coherent; well­ hemulti. "The Gravy Train'' is a sequal to inai fotiy, the Italian gangster, has successful stjrit in Washington, D.C. : handled fashion, but just knowing that Jre was a "Bwiji„': let me be the one lo break ft double-crossedthemand theyanrstir- This country hick is well-thought of by co-writer. David Whitney (aicas" and rounded by police.' '""r*,Y SvV'i you that you couldn't be moreto his kid brother, Russell (Frederic pseudonym -for Terence Malick. the • wrong. . Forrest) as*»couritry-boy-made-good-• And so it goes.-the brothers trip " pro-diicer/writer/director of exanand-t-. • Thacurious title,:though,is director in'the-big-city, so he hasno trouble in" from one hot spot to another in their " -. Badlands") had a hand in the mat-• *1 friends Starrett's way of working"in what ifr : • afm$h^ . cfesss " conyiacing him to. return «to the . brotherly quest to find Tony and the ' ing of it tends to serve as an explana­'I would ? appears to be the whole message Of capital for some hew money-making -money he has taken f«r himself. The tion for the film's caliber. the .movie. Starrett, himself,-has -a endeavors/ Russell, -T7_ with all of'his situations'C..do'T. make .for some.really l§l®il: cameo role in the early portion of the 1 hiir4A«> im IUA. ^.E 1taut -. t-• Q1} the, whole, the rff&yie submitssuuhhus a mining experience,' happens td'-be'-'a."-'•earthy.'SuAdr jij the: midst of "'wtWe. Also 'i film asi a rancher bfeing interviewed ;^'v 'cv/• •«& *S& dynamite:expert and the one niissihg^—^dventure;' • reajistic view of two close brothers iane and \, s;V'3fiv,l rEBT-tH,? ' • • v^'fav­ • on TV, and itis here thathe says 'TRfe. nd Jack,-; ain't nothin' but a" big gravy train — stt. B.W you just;gotta know when to •get off." >Conynr^P 10:00 HAPPY HOUR 7.8 with cr meal. )Ve wiH trade ytjo a mug of beer fot your gld . m $1.50 Warren Ostes, Timdih'y Bottoms ill Hourrf ^ Fraternity or Sorority composites, paddles, . HI 6 p.m. and. Lou Gossett as WhslejT-$1.50 til 6 <$ gjf' -WALKING Featum FEATURES —• or usable decoration 12:45 1:30 BCP Production 3:00 VtrwxtOt CoiBrOMCMltftf C0>« 3:30 TALL 5:15 InColor 5:30THE BUCKET : 23rd and Pearl tlMftAwi 7:30 *tltUlM 7:30 Across from Hardin North-3 Hours Free Parking 9.-45 ^'9:30 sm> WGJaAP acresof free lighted parking GENERAL CINEMA CORPORATION I ALLCINEMAS EVERY DAY $1.25'TIL 1:30| OPEN 1:45 $2.50 til 6 p.ms?|j ^FEATURES 2K)ff Glasses Included' ;"Hf| Pass List Suspended HIGHLAND MALL SMASH 451-7326 • IH35 AT KOENIG LN. •vv.t CarbraStreisaiid + (All BEER STIllipLD PRICES) ' ^ DOORS OPEN: 8 HAPPY HOUR HIGHLAND MALL 451-7326 -1H35 AT KOENIGIN. HURRYt ENDS THURS. 914 N. LAMAR 477.3783 COLOR TODAY AT— STACY KEACH 12:00-2:00 4:00-6.-00-8.-00-10K)0 FBEOERIC fORREST CAPITAL PLAZA SEEJT TODAYI 452-7646 • IH35 NORTH THE GREAT tlrENDS THURSDAY TODAY AT—1 AMERICAN COWBOY -C-' I;0S-2:4S-4:2S-4:05-7J0-9J0 n t\ ^ LARRY MAHAN fGj t'TT. im CAPITAL PLAZA 452-7646 • IH35 NORTH ablakeEchuardsfilm Julie Andrews and OihirSharif... ^"togetheras.onlyloveraworldsapartc*n be. h JA,Stanley Kramer Productidn" THE WILD ONE' SEE! Marlon Brando^ Lee Marvin, Robert Keith Julie -c V » V J&gS ^ Tx r«»s Fri. & Sat.;flAua: 16 and 17t| M", ">T?C p m t Acadjemic Center ShanO fAX.) Auditorium . ^ ta TheTamarind DOCS -.--JUKI -TOflCHILPWEN e^.h ^ , ­ ; -ANDY l-wlitK lu»« tfww»--,€» m^^Ti^FIM .FF11«VJS . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. FURN. APARTS. •FURN. APARTS. •FURN. APARTS. •FURN. APARTS. • ROOMMATES TYPING .RATES . •15 word minimum •••;-• •• Eachword.one Each.word 2*4 tiroes. time .:$ .10 .09 Homes -For Sale NOW LEASING FOR SEPT. NEED ROOMMATES, one and two lust North of 27th" &bedroom apartments, from S65 ABP, 6 Each word 5*? time*-v. .:.:$ •.07 .$125 -$140 NEW _ blocks tq campus. 476-3467 Guadalupe, .Each word 10 or more times ,.$ .06 12*60 SHERWOOD mobile home: -kc,' Now Leasing for Sept. eFFICIENCIE1^: Student rale each tfme ...s central heat, furnished or-unfurnished/ fairly FOUNTAIN TERRACE " ; .75 CLOSE TO CAMPUS NEEDED; Female roommate APTS. Classified Display • Need to tell: quickly. Dan, 476-1650 -• 1 BR -$145up. HABITAT studious to shve one bedroom apt for I col-* 1 inch one time anytime. Keep (tying. 453-3377 decent One-bedroom and efficiencies, large • SHUTTLE BUS Fail. Call,t Anne... 452-3 hfaxfukfi>w> $2 96 . -,2-3406.. „» IcoJ. x Iinch 2*9 ftmes $2.66 hours. -* closets, fully cafpeted; cab!e,dlsposal/ a, 3Vfi'Swimmln9 POOL beautifully/furnished, Icol. x Iinchten or moretimes $737 -water, gas. Swimming pool, furnUhed^'^" }2 BR * SI80up redouble or studio bed, all have dis-— MBA : HUNTERS • 197314'x6V CHAMPION Mobilehome/2-Walking distance to UT. No'children or&^;:i NEEDAN APARTMEN •;•* v Typmg:'MUttftitn^g.-WmdjAg '. -' ^ IQuaKty. 2. Central air. and heat. Fully carpeted. ; pets.' 610 West 30th '• ' *' AC Paid' FOR FALL? ^^rvv^^^TO^uttrPeN-e^tratlpragerpom^.,.. ' 1010 or 477-5707. leangive -476-9899 anytime. ' • w 477-8858. The Complete Professional Tshop alI JMADUNE SCHEDULE ' ...Tanglewood North GIVE US A CAL-L! . ' 305 West 35ttCT-STUDENT-FEMALE*share large teomprciTveidey Teten Meodeyu..v. 11:00 a.m v 5 BLOCKS Habitat Hunters is: FREE apartment -' (6 blocksfromtampu^V^v'-re^rgj pool&lde apartment 7 BR, 2 bath NeAr FULL-TIME Typing ' une-tip . i02ae.45th „ --locator -service,-located in: the lower. Manager Apt,106-: campus, shuttle, $100, Vs elec 476-7284 Service ^a'rfs.fc Wtthwdgy .liion Tu«»day i.U:00am. •••FOR 833 SALE EAST BY 38TH OWNER-. ' s-vr WEST OF "*V ' 452-0050" TT • level of Doble Mail.We specralizeln stu­.4*9108: '' Si )VEi 454.9' Thursday T«tort W»dA**dey. 11:00 cm. Beautiful .11-.year old home for sale, CAMPUS •ir•* • .Shuttle.Bus Corner -'.wis-dent complexes. .• r--r% .?{•!' LV->r^V No Answer CalUi " ;FEMALE ROOMMATE needecTfd Share RESUMES "M4ay-t«ia«i-7lu»adayl.^__l.]!l^OO a.m> located •] mile norfh of Law School. New large efticlencies, Uvmg,• room,*^;-Cfaet;k £ur Summer Rate& ^v;"^ HABITAT HUNTERS , 1 BR apt.. 4. blocks from campus with or without pictures. 45^^5869 WC ~Three:t^rpam,~3tVtoathV'^^>y inside—offset*, bedroom.AJUtchen, cable,:water-­ pjSgj&fi fy shuttle. Liberal, easy-going, havepiano fonnaMlvlng,.dining roorn, gas lurmshed. Summer $121. Service Wv Jiarderv iivlng.diniino roonv ?• 7":, Lower Le«ei Dobie Mall,Suite Cindy 1-312-625-5545, collect 2 Day « Skr s« ireplac 476-791* i ' 8A— ­ {replaces, 2patios and Iarjje basement: 477-5514 "rBEDROOM 3500 square feet for 584.; Red Oaks Apt*, 2104 San Gabriel^ -474-1532 : ' NOW LEASING FOR SEPTEMBER-FEMALE"KQOMMATE,—2 bedroom 472-3210 and-472-7677 p ., 'Tn rtw mtit •< tntn mod* in on house. Shuttle S45 plus Vi bills 474-2513 2707 HempSitl ParR* -> 477-5430 ;v"'v ' ' '• --' S150 ALL BILLSPAID orf»»i)lw«H>nl, immtdwto itatmmuM b« • Lots of glass, unusual floor pt^n, over­DIPLOMAT . before 9 a.m. or at noon, TEgtvtnnttw pvMttlwnam maontibb far . w sized pool,on shuttlebus, fully carpeted, • rtly ONC hxwriit tRMttion. All doimt for • EASY-GOING WORKINGFemale share' NOW LEASING FOR SEPT CA/CH, kitchen appliances, cable TV • tfftftimwttt. tnocf*. notlat*f .-APTS.','-: beautiful large one-bedroom w/jwo informa: 42W Speedway then JO dayt after pvblteation"-•;.•• MOVE TODAY walk-in closets, bonus room, fire place ftton. >.S 453-69: '451-5433 1911 SanrGabriel " . " , COMPLETED / LONGVIEW . Central Properties Enioy fenms court, swimming pool, ^as 5105. ABP. East Riverside area, Lucy. CHRISTENSON 8,. -, •214) 281 -> ; grills.-,lovely couMyard: :Four color, 1 bdrm furnished -451-6389! ' LAKE AREA .V schemes: sea blue. >e*y-leopard. orange • V 3h. acre hid qway w/view of. Lake-and-olrve.-yellow with black patent., MALE -OWN BEDROOM Shuttle, AC. LOW STUDENT RATES . Travis. Close fo free swrmmtog, boating - -. 2408 Long view lealhtr. Ono or two bedrooms. Also lcds> ' furnished. Must move in Immediately; A TYPING SERVICE APTS. ,'474-2703 ASSOCIATES «ORT Iarea; Lake I w>g tor-fall. FLEUR OE US. 4M East Mlh. Mature --IS word-minimum each day ...s .75 ^living without the 1 & lBR • J100. 916 East 39th 451-3584 Each additional word each dayST •Shuttle Bus -472-5316 1and 2 • J200 West 40th-Apl. 135-students. Lovely one bedrooms. Walk to • Specializing in ind disl .campus; Shuttle. Summer rates.' 477- felephoi l.col.-x 1 incheacti day...$2.37 345-2267 CPM Management ~ ROOMMATE Ta-SHARE lartfe housj.-16th, 47:"Unclassified*"! line 3 days.SJ.OO TBB&ROOAAn Pf»ot. f^niwco: near shuttle. Off E. —Theses and (lisseriatlons • . • (Prepaid, Nrf Refunds). from $135". Riverside. Bllly.. 441-7777. —Law. Briets T'J SWTmStudent? must show Auditor's SUMMER -RATES' -NOWI. Six blocks Furnished, paneling, all'bullt-fakitchen, receipts and pay In advance in TSP , $130 up .v:from -Law School; Shuftle bus.. One • HOUSEMATE -2-1 duplex near. Zilker-—Term papers Sind reports :ert)U on shuttle-bus, pool, and sun-deck. Shag . bedroom $130.; Elflciency $110.: AC. IBeginr Bldg. 3.200; (25th SWhitis) from 8 Garage Sale -For Sale . Park. S77.50 plus Vt elec. Own-room. ^ours.< V 1 BR Fi|rn. carpeting, CA/CH; indiuiduat outside-• ' • •; A I£7 ' bUl KVI, UIMinajllCI. UD^Itai,disposal, waiA-111 ^carpet, dishwasher, walk-in Friday. • ' •• SATURDAY 9-5, clothing, shoes, durus. Large T-bedroom, dishwasher, disposal/-^•^{pLel,^^!2^ antI Interregional..477-0010 a.fn. to 4:30 -p.m. Monday through storage. 302 West 38Ui St. Evenlngs;442-6979. Prompt Professional •457-3154 451-6533 • ietveJry, linens, Mcbfn items,, steeping Tanglewood Central Properties cable, pool; gas a. water paid, or .. ^.LIBERAL HOUSEHOLD on 51st near j.s Service -bag, furniture, appuaSK^ books; pain­ ,CR shuttle. Large duplex. Share room. LARGE 1& 2 Bedroomfurnished anduh- tings. Cash only. fi(TE. 32nd (near Red Annex 2 bedroom ^townhou&e ^170, Newly. $5S/mo. Available Sept. 1. Write 2405 r'-\" 453-8101 wot bar^ private club ~RlvefJ7~ 1 decorated;'Shuttle bus.. > furnished: Shag, Cusf^r Texas.-. —131S~NQRWALK_ LANE KENRAY . .... ... bejroi Parkway,. Richardson, PicK'up Service Available FOR SALE vll -...14413527-. • rooms* on shutfle> V bedroom from -« Mary Lou Saxon. 476-0948 ii^4l54.50_ABP_2:.bedcfiom _ilI4J5Q_ABP. MOVING! Furniture, sofa, antiques, ­ ft-ixt 454-3885, art> books, ;kltchenware# plants,, . SHUTTUEBUSCORNER -APARTMENTS '3V 'CASA ROC A 1200 Broadmoor. 476-2453," FEMALE ROOMMATE for legallyMnd" Barry Glilingwater Company: speakers. Friday«Sunday, 10-5.. 2826 ^•'APARTMENTS girl. CallCindy after 7;00p.m., 454-3111. Saiado. NOW LEASING FOR SEPT ... 1302Parker Lane ' Auto -For Sola 2122 Hancock Dr. ••V" EXCELLENT SUMMER RATES On 1972GREML1N "X".Extras, ACThrees Next.to Arnericana Theatre, walkingy»s* -spacious one and bedroom 4213 AVENUE FFF; Old two story home TYPING Reporls,. Resumes 1 speed. Low ml»es-Exceiient,new condi-MOVING to New York City.Must divest stance to North Loop Shopping Center . apartments.Fa'! rates reasonable. Call 1189?;. Four, bedroom, two full bath, Theses* Letters I myself of three years of accumulations. spacious .rooms, large kitchen, • All University and *1 $125 plus E two llcm. 11995.477-3388. anytime. : and.Luby's. One half block from shuttle 454-9475. ' • ' • .' • • R4ik. ^ EFFJCIENCIES;. 1. and 2 BDRM from '69 KARMANN GHIA needi generator, Speed bike/ Hght articles of furniture. • Central Air ' towhhouses, extra targe. Two bedroom wood paneling, with plants, animals. Housemates needed. • Rs Last Minute Service I No iunk, TV, stereo components, fen •Colorful ShagCarpet • i-;:anti Autstfin transit. 2 bedroom ..hardwood floors,-assorted porches, business worK • 1 $122. Beautiful efficiencies,'also 1 and 2 otherwise very good condition.>950.451-Friday-Saturday, 17 & 18th August. 606 . fiats, one and two baths. .CA/CH. d<£ bedroom apts. Heavy -ENFIELD AREA. Qne.bedroom •Call Steve/451-6832. •Open 9-9 Mon-Tl).& ... 1 • Pool ' fully carpeted, all butlf-in kitchen, open every.extra. Furnished or unf urnished* W. 17th. 476-564?. : ' 6533 or 345-31K. hwasher, disposal, door to door garbage beam :cei!Ings> CA/CH. pool, easy from 5142.50 plus electricity. 807 West. . SERVICE -^SFrlSat^;''. FEMALE ROOAAMATE for 2 bdrm. apt.. . -1953 FORD PICK-UP.Good Punningcon-.. washateria incomplex. See owners. Apt --shuttle. 4200 Ave/A -' . • Shuttle Bus 3 Btks. .pickup, pool, maid service if desired,­ •bicycle.distance to campus and close to Lynn. Barry GillingwaterCompany.477-. S100 plus elec. Call Ellen, Collect 1-822­ -*iutr 7794. 472^4162. : ' • Misc. -For Sale 0911. 472-8936'",-" 30A Dobie Center TOP/CASK PRICES paid.for diamonds.--Central Propertfes • : COMPLETE LUXURY. Two bedroom FEMALE ROOMMATE needed to share dWoo. S350. 441,8392, 385^7280. , .Ti * ; RETREAT :.1Uor:cal| 451-4848, . . 454-6423 454-^533 ' '1^69 GTO by original owner. AC, AT. 4 and-efficiencies. Fall Rates. 24 Flats old-gold. Capitol Diamond Shop, 4018 N.^ APTS.'. • two bedroom apt.on CR route. Vj rent 8, nearly new steelradials.Very clean,471-Lamar. 454-6877. : Apartments-1515 Palma Piaia. 474-4322, il>icl; inc.] bills. Call 459-9641 after 6:30 a.m. • 3228,-473-5215. 4400 AVE. A 459-0058' WE RENT -474-2163..Shuttle bos corner. • -• i • . STONEAGE LAPIDARY^ and EFFICIENCIES 3 BR HOUSE Females, Open. \ BR, S55 .476-9p9i3i 72 PINTO. Mlchelins. 29.000, R&H, 30 . fEFFlClENCies J115. plus electricity, mpg.-Excellent appearance. ' JEWELRVCRAFT; Unusual gifts and . AUSTIN pool/ac carpet, paneling, no pets. Hun­-plus bills.1 BR W/balft :75plus bills. CR rl'Tf* . typing . shuttle'. 454-7946. mechanical. Best offer. Bill-Johnson. supplies.: Good* selection of semi-I HEFLIN All Bilis Paid tington VIII6, 46th and Ave: A. 4544903,; 442*7821. VJ Right on shuttle, iarge efficiencies with -printing -precious stones and mountings.'Rough rock, tumblers, books; Open 9:30 -£30. •p tNTERNATIONAL --'Your tirne is valuable it.. , STUDIOUS GRAD LAW student share 7 5915 8uraet Roadin NorthwestShopping Fvrnijhed single and double room shag carpet. All Bu^t-in kitchen,;poo!,' (99,50. DARLING-EFFICIENCIES full ; 5 ' binding Our service is fFee bdrm apt./ very do^e. S95 plus Vj bills. '68 LEMANS. PS, tape deck, paser. lm-Center...49MS3L:. : , now and for or -CA/CH, unusually good furniture, huge kitchen, ^olet residential neighborhood, . available tall. With •trees.\4504 Speedway. Shuttle, ^walking Reed Schneider, 478-9811, 472-5674: meculatc'icondltloa new paint. $!2Sp-' without board, 20 mealsper week. On ic distance downtown. shuttle route. Darklno. -PARAGON ?V 451-4252 451-6533 Also leasing for fatl.Ull West10th, Apt. 420 w. riverside drive •jtt^egEaratCYCLC. Melo. shullje Pool, From :• •MALE • ROOMMATE . Inch frame. White.Very good condition. • -*'''monttr fill Bills Faia. Central Properties • 106. 476-3155. " •--. . •Upperclassman/Grtduate. Two 1971:VW., Low mlieage, good'eondition,.. 'nMm . NEAT, ACCURATEand Prompt typing. 1-: radio: SL700. 474-3297 mornings and 2505 Longview PROPERTIES IBLOCK from Lew School. Tower \.... "*h P*r P*gf Theses 75 cent*. Call : evenings. A good buy. GRANNY. ET. AL.. have wooded 3-10* 477-63711 Apartments.*Large, nicely decorated,* 447-2737.* •' • / EFFICIENCY ^gas, water, cable TV.paid. S135. No pets.I«0 PLVMOUTHjFURY.Excellent con-472-0191. . DISSERTATIONS, theses, reports, and j acre tracts..Get some of. Granny^WaiK. TO CampUS • shad carpet, paneling, and pool. "Water HOLLEY'S TYPING SERVlCEv A com­ ' 778^7^.* •'••••• ' " • • ••• -r—- -ARENAS ^F-ond3g«i>ald-472-4408,-478-M8sr327-1355, _p!?le.service from typing through bin­ Also. IJrWaUBDRM-&: Bathi (no cook­ -:f'Buckingham Square ding. Available until10 p.mrEx'perlenc* 1967 SAAB 96, V-4, 27 mpg, new clutch, ing) for one person. $80/mq.' ,FEMALE TO SKAR£ 2 bedroom house. WATER SKIERS APARTMENTS ed in allfields. Near campus 1401 Mohie tires, starter, velve iob, etc. 459-8585 Maharalah Racing -• . ,-711 w 32nd Study rooms, laundry room/, beautifot : . STUDENTS SEE^THIS. Waterloo Fiats-$72.50 plus bills, MS Shuttle. 478-7650 * 'Drive. 476-3018 Ski. S250 n#W, St50. Four pair . 454-4917 . „, 1414 Arena Drive./_ : 2 Furnished or after 5:00.jumpers/binders/Jim Worth, 478-0283. • courtyard and plenty of parking. 1802 v Bdrm/t Bath. unfur­ \967 FORD W/ndow Van.6 cylinder,new ; SEE OUR SUMMER RATE& West Ave., Suite 100. . , ^,2 Bedroom-'From$310 s :ii ri -All Bills • Bus nishedi Shag, qable, walk-ins,pool, com- ' paint. Clean, S750. 2820-A Saiado. 472- ^ Furn ktorhln-i mmM FALL, Female roommate, Barton Hills, FRANCES WOODS TYPING SERVICE 1 • NiKOMAT with case.'50mm F-1.4 S225- ' Experienced,' Law, Theses, DIsser< ' -4M3. : • ' '• -473-7911«fter-<:00-___j__ NOW LEASING'FOR SEPT. 476-5556 Mgr. 442-4124 ' ?own Lake." From S179.50/ABP. 41 . 447-1084 tations, Manuscripts, 453*6090. . Waller-Street;,474-4493^472-4162. Barry "• r ' ­ '4 1967 DATSUN WAGON, 28 mpg. New -—-- —GUUnowatenCfl__v . . • , • 5MALLWOOD Last COUCH., CHAIR, and Ottoman. S60, or-—$m ^ MAftYL Typing. ,4-tlr*i, hme-up..Excellent condition, J775. make offer.CaU 476-9470 after 6 p.m.,ail ' " WILLOW —mlnute.-«y«rnlght available. Term 2 BR FURN. 472*3094, 474-2481, Ext. 48. • day weekends. y ' Mlnl-Apts.\. APARTMENT OR HOUSE HUNTING? RESPONSIBLE LIBERAL PERSON, papers, 'theses, dissertations, letters. „ :AU1. BILLS PAID Stay with us .while you look. Full -fur­.Masterchtrge BanKAmerlcard. S92-1 . *71 TOYOTA. AM/FM, air; Needs body All Bills Paid share comfortable house. Q^iiot,'-near, CREEK RS BRAND NEW Mercier 21", ten speed. ' nished, kitchen, color TV, maid Service, 0727 or 442-U4S -fand engine work. Best offer. 4784968 Regular S14Q, now S110 Call 47&-8319 or ^ Large efficiencies • dose toshuttle bus telephone Daiiy and weekly rates 472-campus? Private r-oom, entrance. Antilles Apts. NOW LEASING FOR SEPT: 476-8276. 2204 Enfield Rd. Color-coordinated, open-beam ceilings 1517 .PORTUGUESE-SPANISH speaker Ideal -MINNIE:U, HAMMETT Typing it Wf '66 CORVETTE. One bwner-. Like new. Fully, shag carpeted,: Ail built-in •not necessary. Your.share rent $95 plus Duplicating Service. 'Theses, dlsser.­ '471-2150. V • 1 BDRM . 2BDRM MEN'S CLOTHES: Sport coats, shirts, -472-1923 • kitchens. CA/CH, pool. SPACIOUS CONDOMINIUM with a half bills..1211 Parkway. Oneblock north la^lons, papers of. alf Kinds, resumes; SHUTTLE BUS FRONTDOOR ffl pants, ties,' bettj. etc. Smaller sltes,^ ^ $175 • S220 ; 4000 Ave.'.A. country atmosphere. Fifteen minutes Lamar and l2th,Etfectivc immediately. Free,refreshments. 442-700& 442-1616 cheap. 903-22V^r. 478-1857. NOW LEASING FOR 5EPT. pg .452-5533 451-6533 from UT; pool, fishin lake;Buy or rent k Sonny ^ ALL BILLS PAID-y-" Qeotral-Properties . 288-277?/26I-5194. v A BOBBYE DELAPIELD. IBM Sefe^trtt ' : . Nice Used Cars c°n,'!'.^M".-.1 Bedroom " 1 ' Security LARGE-2-1V*: STUDJOS. CA/CH, dll-.>dlssertatrons, theses, '-reports; CJubroom, Volleybail Court iyz NOW LEASING:FOR SEPTEMBER Top Dollar Paid For 10-SPEED. BICYCLE, Sctiwlnn, good $135 -$152.50 Dishwashers-2 Large Pools' •; pica/elite,. 2S years experience,"bdoks'. hwasher, disposal, no frost refrigerator mimeographing. 442-7114. ­LENSES and accessories. Honeywell'®-, ^ ELCID 8. all eiectrlc, friendly atmosphere, NR UNF. APARTS. . ASK FOR JACK POTTER and Braun Strobes. Please, call after^te MOVE IN TODAY THE shuttle, large pool, $235/month ABP VIRGINlAtSCHNEIDER Diversifiedfe ;^ BILLMUNDAY noon, 472-5721; ; ^ V* EL DORADQ , ..1,90.1 vyillow Creek \Townhouie .. Service},-Graduate.-and undergraduate Apartments. 2101 Eimont.' 453,4883 • 472-4893 ESTABLISHMENT typing', printing;, binding, >1515 Koenlg 444-0162, 447*1122. -& PONTIAC SAILBOAT.:14',.sloop, rigged, shallow-.' v..w, Lane. 459-7205. * r 770N Lamar ^ ,r-4747225 draft facer complete with.sails, trailer. CHECKrOUR SUMMER RATES $129 Plus E. SHUTTUEBUSCORNER 444-0010 ' " WOODED CLOSE TO CAMPUS.' Rooms $65"ABP. $300. Call mornings, 472-2197. ffifr 'x.• r'-: Large efficiencies 908 West 29th. Efficiencies $95 plus elec • .CREEKSIDE . EXPERIENCED SECRETARY. . - 2907 San Gabriel. Barham Properties; • -451-4584 459-0058 vOne and two-bedroom apartments In Papers, . letters;, envelopes, proof • VENTURE Catamaran wHh trailer •r" . NOW LEASING FOrt SEPT. w A » NOW LEASING FOR SEPT • -4400 Ave. B, 926-9365. "lovely .creekside setting. Huge grassy reading, grammatical corrections. ' Motorcycles -For Sale ,S950. 4S4-1547, — — lawn, lots of'trees. Convenient to UT-Rapid, accurate. 50 cents/page. 3301 REp RIVER. Barrister Manor. At­ Gretchen. 452-3469, 451-2332, :• 1973'YAMAHA 250 street bike,great fun, BEAUTIFUL PERSIAN.Carpet, (Ker-,1BR--$155 • NOW LEASJNG FOR SEPTEMBER tractive grtf"bedroom apartments with . downtown,, shopping, recreation: Fully ? . carpeted, paneled, and y&u won'tbelieve economy. Drive It first, only S620. man), 10x14.Jeet; red background. A pool, cable .TV, ^nd disposal. CA/CH. .-C 2 BR the storage spacel From $134.50-Call Humbarto, 476-3967. ' • collector's-Itern.Hamld,454-9022 -$184 ^5^iondctt $160 ABP 476-9263/ ; -XYP|NG-PRINTING-BtNOING TheieS, • 926-4555. • • . : pissertatlons,-Professional-Reports, 3MARK V law, reports. Self-correcting IBM. Bar­ YAMAHA 150 miles, 74 model with In-; 15* SAILBOAT &.traller.;S450.Sfer«0l40, Nice quiet complex . ' 202 EAST. 32ND STREET.:Bept Tre« bara Tull0I.4SJ.S124. ; • : MARK XX tOranee. luggage-r#ckt Cash only^CaiU rnrnpt rw, c«tl Bill.i7U "vApts. All new one bedroom efficiencies. 4S3>S093 ALL BILLS PAID "«fter noon. 472-5721. • » •7227. • • ~ • SI50 • extra long beds, cable TV> CA/CH. $135 -BEAUTIFUL.PERSONAL TYPING. All 3815 Guadalupe - _. pli« pl»rtclrlty mQr Apt. No 1 2 BEDROOM ^5^T08? 3914 Av^. O. < your University work; Fast, accurate,HONDA 125cc 65 mpg. Lu ... TWO NEW Spanish couches, $100 each. —rwonabteT-Pmtlng-Blndlng—« 2 BATH" Dependable. J175. Cair451-7975. Green couch, $35, 2 twin beds, $20 each,-•$>-Summer Rates Start Today. Walk -Ride Shuttle •• SHORT . WALK to Towerv Huge old 2 Bodour. 478-8113. * .453-57781 453-0596. 1 M BRAND NEW EFFICIENCIES : . 2 BR. 2 BA •-bedroom apartmont.-S240. 476-3462, 476-sharing. Stratford Hall at Trafalgar Square .has V MUSTSELL.1973V3 Honda CB350.Crash . VBR; iBA 3 BR, 3 BA'^*,' . 8^3. 1902-1904 Nueces. luxury apartrfienls ideal for .TRUMPET-"Olds Mender" -$250 or * ten, luggage rack. Two helmets.-886-r Quiet garden setting, pools and • MIDNIGHT SPECIAT'Typfng Service. ,1.700 Nueces THE clubhouse for private parties. $205.50un­•Experienced, allIfinds of typing,special-­ make offer. Call Bob at 477-6980 or 472-x ' LARGE POOL -ALt -81LLS PAID •» -.SCQT.T ll leasing; foe fall; 1 bdrm.. dis- furnished, $230 furnished. Easy drive to' It''-L»w:.ratm; FAST . 3803-anylime. • Close to campus; Beautifully furnished. hwasher* 'pool; I* block shuttle.-3405 UT, downtown. Call 836-7719 or-451-1159. SERVICE.-Correcting .' Selectrlc All with big balconies for your plants. , -J MOVE IN TODAY „ , BLACKSTONE. Heims .No. 101, 472-7049. pica/Ellle. J37-2421.Stereo -For. Sale ' »' •KING'MATTRESSES and box springs ' $l£0 Summer . plus electricity and* -NOW LEASING;FOR FALL i i * -5100-«00:QuetQ, $80 • S160. Sealy, Sim­deposit , Best Rale on the Lake vj. j S64.50/M0 TRAVIS HOUSE AparthDerys. Student " KENWOOD AMPV AR turntable, Sony-mon* and others.-<59-89«5r-—-—-— -Manager -Apt. 201 . Shutlle Bus Fronfc Door ^[fy-^Apartment living block from campus section. 1 and 2 bedrooms. From $150 , S149.50 BRING YOUR Stenographic needs|omt ' deck^ Pioneer speakers. $300 firm 47fr-478-9058 " -r4400-Towiv-Lak« XUtcie L ^v-viTilndividual applicants matched with ABP. Shuttle..442-9702.1600 Royal Crest lor neat, accurato and correctly d&rte i • 2806;; ' ' .30 Ml CARBINE |Jus accessories. $75: " ,442 8340 rtr.iVfCompaflbleroonWSter — -Drive. —-—r—. ' ALL BILLS PAID .-work,Treadwell. Mrs. Stengerf 4f42*4420. 1807 ­ Ask for Kim;3001 C uya|. Apt.205 North. .^1^2910 Red River " 476-5631 Large iiulht. tsstcantefans Kautirut « SANSUI 2000 receiver with cabine't-WALKING DISTANCE UT, —; j A PARAGON PROPERTY 1200 SQUARE FEET, 2 bdrm, 2 bathsi-courtyard areas al Chateau Trianon. NEED SOME ino done? Tvnl'n -Reasonable; CairSfter 4. 454-1398 KONlCAHexanon Senses,85mmMacro, NOW LEASING FOR £EPT. North Austin, pool. 459-7614. 459-8491, Townhotise and gardenapartments, only ?.u™t...IyP|P. Cbil Virginia at 476-2608 or 478r3650 for quail­ 200mm Strobe Honeywell 462 *>.» bills paid,' AC, paneled, 451-1959. -. minutes trom shopping, parks, golf.-One PIONEER SX828 tuner amplifier, $325-• remote sensoP. 451-2325. y . carpeted, pool, no pets. 2 Now Leasing bedrooms Irom $149,50 all bills paid. ty work.,reasonable prices. for September Akai X200D decK, sm Both, $500^ Ex- STUDENTS -Must break lease. Last Also 2 bedrooms.. Furnished or unfur­ 1 bedroom, & $155 .^xAllent condition. Doc, 453^238.. GIRL'S 10-SPEED blcydfe. Brand new. bedroom; 5190. available. 2-2. Spacious; Su Casa, 39fh nished. Call 926-1247 or 451-1159, Just. North of 27th $45.476-2200,.. -'. S145-S150. 3011 Whitis, No. 105, : and Speedway. Shag, CA/CH, Shuttle. SsfJ 11 • • '* ' •' " ENVOY • Guadalupe * STEREO 1 CENTER ' • after 5 Mon^Friday: After 10 BR Furn * 2108 San Gabriel 453-5827/ 451-2268. v .: •FOB-SALE 2O&0OO BTU Air Conditioner^ a.m, weekends. v,VAv-^j5onyr.1ape decks; Phillips, Dual ^ AREA ON YES, we^do type couple. After noon, 476^5564. 3410 Burleson Road * ^v^jSarrard turntables. Many more See its Stereo cabinet. Furnish your ownapart­ •$115-5150 r-m ment^ save by renting an unfurnished SHUTTLE Barham Properties ' .Freshman themes. car stereo equipment also Huge I & 2 bedrooms furn. or unfurn 1 BR'FURN., • -.'V 447-6571 fpsi ••"-•••' ' >2tS»slf £;fr«476-Ol*ft . . • ^ 476-6733 apartment A having a better looking with large walk-Ins. beautiful landscape Economy-Minded FURN. HOUSES f Ulll apartmeitt. 476-4742 alter « p m except 6»t F,CS7.,V4i ^BP' ,,w R«lnl1-«2-TIMBERS APTSV-Imo 7a)urday. Furniture may be seen 3202. 472-4162. Barry Glilingwater Com-Students • 478*9468 476-0948 tea , Musical • For Sale-"1 anytime Sunday party. •• . .. • Walk UT, share largo V.bedroom aport-1307 Norwaik Lane * minutes . good gradesl »,.~ 5p ••ment with frtend. Valencia Apartmenfs. <>•.' LAKE AUSTIN 15 cam-SI -Shuttle Bus Corner f ' J://IARTIND-Mguitar. CallMike, 4S4-V3I, -PVS/downtown. l, 2. Abedroom mobile 18Q1 Manor Road homes $85 to $140 Mack's Marina 327-.1200 SQUARE FEET, 2 bdrm t hMh< ' ' ' i''--1''' Resident manager Apt. 102 iW4*2'13"-, 1891, 327-1151. v po,1,• 459-7«tJ. 459-84yi, 472-3210 and 472-7677,-; 345-1460 Now Leasing for September , ZiitLEBLANC Classic clarinet Ebony, e'x- $159.50 CASUALLY YQuV-'i ''I LARGE1 3-V CA/CH, nice furnishings, .., :^ :-*''cellent condition. 1300 or offer; 451-3350. 1 'Bedrooms- IU'DRM' Studio Duplex vm Hcmphl" Psrk yard,: patio,.frees, close to NO .Creative OutdoorPortraits^,,^7, ShagJh . UPARK PLACE 52W* 453-5778, 453-0596, 459-6M)U^l!c' fHl°'l'I?®r"d Borh)n-Call ' Ce ,X WE REPAIR all string -Instruments,. . . . -: > -• . -iW ' 6000, ask for John Coie. After 6, 477-5949 &. banfrt, •«V%.. % Save Vz Now ' .v $Giant walk-ins -Bale-^JconjeS'. ^'•ty Large 2 Bedroom " ''guitars. Violins, etc, Spanish .. .i7 furnishings'-^ IF UNF. DUPLEXES av jiNwrfaartftr, m.utt up.#«SS Visit our Studio LUXURY 1 BR. m — • , ...i • • 2423 Town Lake Circle * C '*9t UPSTAIRS HOUSE,.,6 rooms,-lenced At Mwtlw, I4M Uvaqa 4M-733I. , -h* Royce Portraits , 472-.i« *152.50 ABP. shuttle/-$J65. monthly Includes ROOMS Mi :$190.00 abp lion •-V, Barry Glilingwater Company-7 WII«. «100.AVt;vG7-327i21^--r^-.T-.-: - Pr , ,i-"jipiANOSsAVAlLABLE for student ren-2420 Guadakipefssa Shuttle fur.nlshed- CAZCH-!..2,^?re?m" cofPtl "n 472-4219 route— Rooajmates 4306 A venue A 454-9835*^ l, far 3montha.Amster Music;1624 -4 •"•ree storage.'Ml fall. • -^ : ^ • -CPM Management-•DpRM.s.lWs.tsiueces. Doubles • $52^0/6 wks/ session. Singles • $95 00/6 240B Leon 476-3467 UNF. HOUSES *®$slon» Dally,maid servfce.' ccn-EN JFESTUDENTS LIVE Wi GUITAR STRINGS,f Save W% on all- I!;'"BRAND NEW EFFICIENCIES , Li?5p^r id Twn hlrvQer?'0r** bot-plates allow­ --,'oultar/ mandollA.r:amd Danio . strings. F**.NEARCAMEJJS -FM 5202 BEELHMOOR, 3 bdrm, 2 MusJdrJ&24 LAyaca FURN. APARTS. bath, Re,Went M^rge^^T' C°-Er*rid' •Wqtkv-Roattiftahti.-rj^ rfniii.07^ or • l-V Call 441-3262-W' WALK TO CAMPUS 451*3941 EFFICIENCY " Cr>i"\rv\ tflOO ) Kitchen qrlviiegiBs 447-8895.. Carpentry and repairs liso. | 1 & 2 Bedrooms rrom $Izo YOUR ROOM and board for the coming vri,lL,1®:^ly,,e b°,h-C«H«»7730 a"i«r. ALL BILLS PAID 5'aI p m' ' »•! BR_Luxury v Khool year ln.exchange Tor helpinghen- •IWANT to buy a church pfew'474-1895 i-^rge .elf.lctMcy, paneling, bul1.' In Pet* -Solefa i •_ v " I-5?'!5!,.nB'. bullMo • -. 11?ifbedroom aptsapts. we-areVemodeilna—?—We.are remodeling : Alcanatfurf^nt. -AAtn^apflcilTl!>F: r^.R dlcannwlJtfudanil. HPMP»II r kitcfiens.-lurnlshed, CVCH> verjr clou > 410S Speedwojr«451^2832 welcome Call Mr Flowefi^jT^ S^^'t"^.^ LL-L" :-.IRISHSETTER NOB HILL No Answer • 345-4555 5,7-..SBmI*Pr^ateV^h?>i"chen7' Manager Apf.103 -CO-OP VACANCIES;:,Summer/F#ll 47?:773? ­r-pkont, Pe< SI Walk or Shuttle ^ Male/FjBmalei Also-vegetarian. Cheap! -jftPARTMEN.TS;#AKAKTMENTS^fr-„ wcepim pi9perm%t 478-6776 v 4516533 fo UT . p&c «ntac.f..Inter-coojjerafivecojnei MISCELLANEOUS Central PVpperties ; « S-V"r« --,:*l{C'iMIWTlMflugM^«^A^,\A'»>llaW|^falI..».blR)r»oin V - FI'HS '»" ?»ft •' jto/each.3M-3751, Kyl». £ aparlpgieot r large enough for "WALK TACA^PUT LOST & FOUND FROM <7? ALI,-BILLS PAID-,C AyALIERAPTS'307 Easr3ls1.2BdrrS NELSON'S GIFTS. Zunl India"-b lahd ttiM amll'y. • hwasher/ MWIcanlmporli. furnl«jlw1;-Ag. IMVII. walking fli.'. rP)OW UEASIN&' FOR^EPTEMBERr disposal. CA/CH, -private lanc^ fo UT. S200/ufr, ail bills paid.472-FURN. DUPLEXES Rodms, EffK/encies. 18.1bedroom apts fi • SUNNYVt^LE-T­ Ij•Sntatr-insn*^i5ngr ngar Ehlleld- -— J ^^itafl-Attchcn.:iwoi/JrA/^Hi^oid N^w> j;1BDRM apt.6 blockslromcampus ;$165 . APTS. ,KMPH«rh^„S«a2^!.h.?r.0',l".Wnkee ,UUXU.R\p1siKii'mamM'»T$«iMh,v.3S0f..'..-^it^MMiMl«n operalloh^hdVylll'neeS1 •'^ JfV'-^YOulfar^Beglnnerani V-BRfl-55%^ "Alpine Circle, alongiroWUigcreeRVrar" anojhfir—Reward, «M3M, 476 9523 Orew>homa»otu47? !P7». evenings iJll.b<'JlSf'St,; • .rir. •„,,v r..; • -• 4^7-8741 2 QR $785 *** -eAl'CH, ajlapplltncei. jv/dcohntcflontr, —»•.. • B»v _ ; she said. "Ihad no idea it would be this big because of the image they've been given ' " '' believes more -pollution controls Air Control Services Building.. 8520. Shoal lgs§ Donaldson and 62 volunteers operate a J°b-" : on television," Donaldson explained; ' 2 . .automobiles are unnecessary. " Creek Blvd. The station measures wind two telephones at 472-RAPE from ? p.m. "When a rape victim calls, sbeis usual-"They are relieved when we tell -them • indiftg VW REPAIR "We can control this type of pollution in velocity, wind direction and:temperature as Quality, wprk «t reasonable prices, we to 9 a.m. daily. So far, they have received ly c^lm because she is still in;a state of we'll report it." : , isional- ^anglvo youbetter service fromour new Texas by regulating--industrialsources rather well as. the amount of pollutants in the at­ 750 calls, Donaldsonsaid: shock,", a telephone volunteer of the Donaldson said she hopes the Rape"'* Fnp M^oy. publicjnfor-. mosphere. Pollutants -measured are "Only3^of these calls havebeen women center ;Said. "We get their name and ad-Crisis Center will work with the Universi-' ~ hydr rune-up on' itondoravW -110.50 plus rnatioh officer for the Air Control Board, hydrocarbon, "ozone, sulfur and nilrogen ox- Mfrts; 436-3171. Please try us. .said. . • who have actually been^^.raped an^ need; dress then call thehomicide*squiad of the ty Rape Center in the fall when both • ide; OVERSEAS ENGINE & help," she added. police and Brackenridge Hospital before iterations will be handling the increased' SUPPLY ;.1he amount of air pollution has increased;*^ The station ie one of 12.trailers set up "One girl called and toid us she had going out to:the victim. rStuderit population.-The University Rape little over -the last 10 yearj5,: Butt^-said.-'f'--throughout -the.state to measure pollution. come home and found a ?nan in her "There are tliree peopleat the center at Center may be reached at 476-7073. Altfiough population has increased during • Each station costs between $70,000 and $80,­7677 PREGNANCY '§ that time, pollution, controls-also have in-: 000 and monitors the air content every five r TERMINATION creased, he explained. ' v •; minutes. .v.-r-• . . The pollution level has been climbing slow-. The stations send weekly data to Austin, lUSE THIS CONVENIENT COUPON TO START YOUR CLASSIFIED AD IN THE FIRST FAIL ISSUE OF nfQrma)|onand counseling. Call Collect • Won; * Sot, 9*5. Dallas (214) 287*4310 or iy but is' c^xpected to reach-a peak and then,;,rt j where.it is.analyzed by-a computer.-If more l -THE DAILY TEXAN. THE FIRST TEXAN WILL BE PUBLISHED AUGUST 28! J 8, 214) 287-4311 " decline as pollutant controls take effect.'esM stringent standards'are warranted, the air > • Butts said this, is one of the peak years, and''' ? pollution control:service, which is responsi­I NOTE: .The new Classified-Advertising rates for Fall 74 are shown West 26th, 472-4199. are unpaved. streets30p.m. ThursdayIn the No. --Tirnes-Times Times • Times Tipes DAIIY TEXAN CLASSIFIEDS iRViCE. Unlon-CoifeC House (the old Pot- Apt, movlng>& hauling. Mike, 44140S7: Dlwer' -Typing offered s pourn. area;.* JeffrWoodrlu, RoyIWords 1 : 10 ;; t P.O. BOX D -UT STATION •••' i 20 J9»7Martln.D-J8 MM 454-0151. !*; .. • Griffith and Jim Ryan will recite, • >g. Last Engagement ring, M carat 451-3584. fi-' Beginning-typing classespi • , , MKTINGS-. ICostjier word .11 • .20 .40 .70 ' i.40 AUSTIN, TEXAS_ 78712 '.--Term;, not restricted to UT students, MEXICAN-AMERICAN Youth Organliftlion letter*, . Piano 451,3584. (MAYO) will meet a< 8 p.m. Thur.s-15 . 1.65 3.00 6.00 rd. 8??. wjii hpnffpt-Pd^sjartingSept. 9 I 10J0 21.00 NAME day in Uf>ion Building 3S4, |Beg.-Class.'Guitar HO Alt. 4 459-404J. -i!6 ; 1.76 3.20 6.40 11.20 22.40 IWant VW. Igge rack today 478-7443. injured I ADDRESS MT 17 ' 1.87 3.40 6.80 11.90 23.80 fitft [ Yamaha guitar FG-160 J100 447-8797. I «'?J-,$SVS CITYS_ A". Univprsity student was. 18 1.98 3.60 7.20 12.60 '25.20 I killed in a one-tar mishap 19 2.09 3.80 7.60 13.30 26.60 near Johnson:. City Tuesday i PHONL_ afternoon,' a Department of •roiled, raduate i#--> tn, -" Public Safety spokesperson. Koenlo RECEPTIONIST Ifor easiest [ob In Towrt, In slgn shop No > said Wednesday. m (typing: Casual dress in casual at* Shelly P. .Fischer, 20, 615 lmojphere. 40 hours Neal appearance. : rARY.•cfir,1iI Upson St. in Austin, was 478-2458 CJSNEROS SIGN CO^ pronounced dedd on'arrival at /page. ( 606 E, 7th ^ •LBJ -Memorial Hospital• in Theses-Johnson City. FACULTY..,STAFF eports. ^R. GATTt'S ^ THE BEST Fischer, a • sophomore: in Vk. Bar- PIZZA IN TOWN General and Gstll's, the best pitta In town, Comparative NG. AH ronesf,. has toll and parMJme openings Studies from Bay City; -was curate, ;p}na makers, day Alghttlme * ^Available all over town. Must bp and riding in a car driven by Gates *s ^ THE DAILY TEXAN • SickfiLMoore, 22, 709 W. Lynn |rlf^e^neflts^ Student Newspaper at The University of Texas at Austin ^ ' ervlce. Hion, cali.RJcK Darsntfss, 9 a.m> 1pm., St.; also ^University student'.^ ipeclalr ^Op0ay * Saturday. 3i5«7635. ^ The car was traveling on ectrlc -Ifi,U.S. Highway 290 when the .-' PROGRAM A5SOC4ATC UNIVERSITY YMCA-YWCA : door .on the paSsengCr side %\o me ItHalMime -? months S300/Monlh) FAST 4S NO LQNGEftlFUWClED y ddite , Minimum Requlremenls: flew open and paused Fischer f. 1807 -Bachelor's Degree hit road marker, the ' to -a BY THE Irefer Indlvtdual^who has worked wMh bUegerage^tudents (npart-tlme orfull* spokesperson said, vie prooramrnlng poJillofl.Experlence ' fluall*: L lh M{norify; .ituden»$ preferred, > Call " MANDATORY STUDENT Moore was not injured42^ ftterestcd applicants should forward ume, hours available, & Supporting ommendatlons to:. FEE! HELP WANTED h & Cris Cuonlngham. DfreClor im University Y ' : > Guadalupe Austin 78705 WANTED APARTMENT. A4ANAGHR. By August 19 ".Prefer married. Send resumes to Box IAN EQUAt' OPPORTUNITY *,1668, Austin, Texas. * "EMPLOYER ' ' ;PART TIME EVENINGS,noexperience f PLEASE necessary^ Ideal for students,,good pay. 451*8182^ {LOOKING FOR MEANING' IN YOUR LIFE? • COOKS, BAKERS,'Muslclaps, Sprouters .-. .. Nursery School Manager sought. Sattva Vegetarian Restaurant. SUBSCRIBE 2434 Guadalupe. 47B-2433. kiow inter­ viewing for Autumn. |:Position inciudos salary, S-room apt.,f utilities paid, and child care. Ideal tor ith I mother wllft: small children. Also iteachers foe 4 year olds,800 West 30th, 1­ DAY*NIGHT waitresses, nfght waiters. IF YOU WANT TO Day-nlght bus help, call for interviews. • , J.Gatsbyfs,-2700 W. Anderson. 454*4637; [ 5 p.m 472-3437. rjo COLLEGE STUDENTS Wanted to help PICK UP 77 . in ad campafgn.v 18*25 -years,' pleasant personafffy.'CaH Bob McMlnrt. 444-3909 or apply-In^fierioni' 1102 Trace'Dc1v» McDonald's GREEN RECYCLING Now-hlring~ ffer our now-unit'in Dobte between 9-?.p.m. THE TEXAN Center. Full..or j parHlme posltfdns available. No experience: noc&sary. BUS DRIVERS NEEDED. Men & Wm. Apply lit: person .at Doble Center . Women. Now; Wdng .for tho start of BMBiOX * September. CanoTransporrtHon Enter* . prises. 928-5660. An Equal Opp. McDonalds. See Brad Walts. Monday*.. BfpeL Friday 2-5 p.m. only. Employer. ' . NEAREST YOU AND PITCH ON CAMPUS THIS FALL, :hoo)Sr­iMRT TIME SECRETARY/ 15-30 liours ,TEVERGREEN Landscapescape Co. Help -.weekly; Mutl have open schedule, LOCATIONS: IN! OR RECEIVE IT BY U.S. MAIL! r Wanted.-45MI29. trsniporlstlpo and good typing »KM»; iM ; Inltlallve.-r must!. Applv ln perton/ 824 . WAITRESS, BARTENDER : needed. West 12th downstairs, Vl1 a!m, and 1-4 • TOWNE5 HALL ParWime. to serve .Austin's Finest p.m. weekdays. ^ thoui Tavern clientele.. Must be avallable nore. . • UNIVERSITY CO-OP PICK UP ON CAMPUS FALL & SPRING '-through Fall. SeeMrs. Overton^between -.GRADUATE Note takers. Xall 477-SMO l4;30-6;The Draught House/ 4112; between 7 and 9 p;m;v AAonday through . Medical-Parkway. -'*• Friday. • 24TH AND WHITIS m -V i-t^-1 -or ***M SEMESTER „ etc... ested HELP WANTED 26TH -AND WHITIS mimpM need • (Orange Pick Ujp B«xes • ACADEMIC CENTER . rm fB^MAIL*15.00 on Campus) 1DAYH^>USE •-ROBERT-KEMOOJiEHALL :(tnclude*.$4.Q0 MailingFee) 18?5. •-• ••• ' • •' ... .. • M '•wJtes immediate openfings for. part tlme.tielp.'"Thls. is an ex-j f formerly PMA Bldg.) &mss --,:;o«rv| ^CellenlL-floportUnlty for -college Students dugs-lb -the SpShl scholarship program. ""Openings-are-av labier;.tcLi:.. « UTTEEFIELD FOUNTAIN You May Subscribe to The Texqn This ppeded *** 1 -cashiers arid productionworkers; No e>$er[enceneeded; We offer good pay " *" 1 • 24TH AND SPlEDWAY"^ fWeek^cit-OriegQi^^ M­ T.r.,, flexible' hours, and,niSny other,fringe-, benefits. Applicant rnu$f be able to work noon hours for fall term, Triese ppenings are-at of the thrfce units • JESTER WOMEN'S DORM tinted below and>the correct time is alsoJisted to apply: '•|2ss£g5j*« University 1,D. Made. See The Texan and- & 21ST AND SPEEDWAY 9. /fSidk holiday House No'l *1003 BartonSprings Rd.between 5­ jnfergmjjgi^able in Fronf>f 1=he Ticket «t^ 7pm *fmn"red ^'TEXSr5tUl)ENT PUBLICATIONS «> • No. 5 -6800 Burnqt Rd. between 5-7 p.m. ^ and * -" -* *-* No."4^2425 Exposition Wirt Windows inside the GyfH. 'j ' „ ' ^4 ^ ~ "r Thursday/-Augusil5r1974 THE DAILY TEXAN Page^3^%4 "* *» -;t f i»! 3$ st aasisi ~ • «3 Ssf ' • » " -iS ' S S? * m « kT% . wgp# *. ­ 1 4 38s h 4 pink Gaspergou: one of UT's unique 1 *r r^-el" ft -. ^ lite . lit"m ' • -r^# M. pfe' ' » If. .*k ^ w . • • -M. m 2pi' «£?; ; ft® Balcones Research Center submarine a part of underwater acoustic lab • By IRWIN SPEIZER University System, owns and nmv'riftllar -frrim Wr»H«i • iversitV ^VStem. one:dollar from: the Woods $201000 asthe amount spent on ideas of what to use that small derwater acoustic • research, detects submerged objects by ;.A gaqjergou, if you've ever operates the research station. Hole • Oceanographic institute from the signal, the dolphin • Ci'-f ;aj year's work to. refurbish a submarine for," said which is the primary function bouncing sound waves off ^r wondered, is both a Louisiana One might conclude that the in Massachusetts. Woods Hole produces, or in the dolphin's •' Gaspergou. Reuben Wallace, associate river fish and a Lake Travis University owns a pink sub­released>th& Gaspergou as of the lake installation. them, then receiving and in­heanng, Diercks contends. • The sub was used for about director of Applied Research submarine. • marine. surplus,; and the transaction The most widely known terpreting the reflected ''We can simulate both these • a year, mainly to train per­Laboratories. • ••••? application of this research is waves. The flat pink Gaspergou"";-/' was mainly a formality, factors." Diercks said. sonnel to operate it. v . • -It->vas hoped that.the two- submarine has been drydock-' i;-^°' 501 K.J. -Diercks, The on§dollar sum grew to 1 in sonar, which-.is: sound Research at the installation The advantage cortes from "We really had no gopd. man sub couldbe'usedin un-navigation ed at the Balconies Research station director: The official ranging. Sonar has led to sophisticated sonar interpretation of the signal. installation on Lake Travisfor owner of the Gaspergou is the equipment used by-West Coast "The area •jus in sonar,"-Diercks said. Approval unlikely tion to parks and wildlife of- W-j p"rt-The -advantage eomes-not -ficials.­ 'i&fCr. • ' for ambulances Unmarked cars v • o n,,?By WADE WILCOX ^, Texan Staff Writer •?$$ Approvaiofa*city-operated ambulanceservice'ls notlikely"'• <6Tft • at Thursday'sCity Council meeting becauseCouncilman Jeff ' " defer bike thefts —in/nit nf town,' The.proposal is on tfte agendaJbut "generally-tfie^rcunctt By MIKE MORRISON " m does not act,, on something this important without ali its : Texan;Staff WHter v' members being present,"'Councilman Bud -Drydeir,: the i In response to a drastic increase in carppus bicycle thefts. measure's sponsor! said Wednesday.. < University poiice aiw UMiifi fiiwiv^inmarkcdlgarg tn "I feel that itwill eventually be passed because of the pop­possible thefts. -; " .. ; ular support this measure has," he said. During July'-37 bike theft caseswere reported to the cam­ • Diyden's proposal Would .create an ambulance system . > —Ttxon -^-Toxon Staff Photo by Morion Taylor pus police. However, only 50 .cases were reported between. •*, manned-by pafamediesjvithJhe latest medical equipment The Gaspergou was bought in 1968 for the price of one dollar. Jan. 1 and June 30, University Police Sgt. William Van Horn :W­stationed in city fife houses, as requeste3~15y*tfie~Traviy said. ;V;-V County Medical Society. These figures may underestimate the actual number of . - "The new system would offer Austin residents, faster, thefts. Van Horn estimated for. every three bike thefts .i,.. safer service justassimilar'systems inFlorida, Houston and ^reported, probably one and a half-thefte-are-not reported,.„|^; San Antonio do," Dryden said. •am.if Van Horn said unmarked cars can detect a theft better Court settles claiins disputes Presently the city's ambulance service isprovided by the . v, „ 'than a marked policecar. Marked carsare moreeffective in . Austin Ambulance Service-, which operates its own vehicles By STEVE GOLUB _ security deposits, auto ' manner where each oartv that cannot hP npohtiatprf deterrijig crime but not in detecUng it. he said. ~ ' and is subsidized by the city at $60,000 per year. '•••"nn.T«an st«ff .Writer wrecks, and TV and auto tells his storv to ' caitapus Because,firemen -will be trained as paramedics, they will ^Whetoer you call itr.pped Repair, ^Peace Justice Jim Both Web^and McMurtry getaScSraSlfe :Snly:-;:"«om-' 11.'.,• already know the city and "canget out,get accident victims off, gypped or just plain McMurtry said. ' get a lot of student cteims. filed S^ ^ misaofted^off cerS can carry wea^n^eft^sponding to .and give them the proper treatment," Dryden said­ ,1 sometwd/ owes "you money area is in SdSsSmake anai>-° bu*-^University ­ An Austin urban transportation report released Monday mone,^ '•? ". getting to know about small McMurtry's precinct. Webb's pointment with the students' v!u j j • u s estimates the complete ambulancesystem requfested by the medical society will cost the city $754,190. Finding the money in the1975 Budget might be a problem but "it'snot my problem, it'sHomer Reed's (thedeputy'city -manager)," Dryden said. , .i.. " "I have noffiing personal~agahist-the-Aus.tin-AmbulanceL-Jf^it 15-j wage dispute). "Small claims court is as plicated lekal issues " Uniwrnftr regulations abtcle'lqr the d^"«iae, vhidrra--:;22r Service. In fact I knew the ownersbefore they went into the affixe<1 ^Br'es~7:~s'inPW^ied-as-oossible-te-trv^o—Students' AttorneyAnn Bower hnnV fn tfca.nffWir ^ . n]U|rfS' ^ the proper business, but a service manned by trained paramedics Webb said Wednesday make it Webb^.It said 1,g^ vLS,b e feSl -ln ^front' a ^ stationed in firehouses will do a better job,". Dryden said. ' .Common disputes are should be done in an informal . for settling money disputes Bower said. • ' ^m-the-baek-andr&fleclorsyisiblfjorat least<•& fi'fJx ^ ii­ .£y~.,U .v^ M'l System No. 1 a»it JVC 5215Turntable $89.95 JVC 501 Receiver-,.:A~ 129.95 ,.KLH ,31 Speakers 50.00 each $319.90 System Sale Price $199.95 -> System No. 2 PIONEER PL-10Turntable"" $99.95 JVC ,5511 Receiver v 249.95 ULTRALINEAR 50 Speakers lir;. „ .79.95 each^ SHURE M55 Cartridge ' 'l<: 29.96 :i| $539.75 Q.Q_: 0OO si 'SSI GET>4 SONY,fx0'** System Sale'Price $299.95 1 • 'i^S System No. 3 HP-319 :FM-St©reo, AM,Phono Systejp, Cassette Tap© ,r„'..Player/Recorder STR-7045 Receiver j GETA SONY. $369.50 A SONY where me pleasure of good,music con aiwdys turn into a PS-5520 Turntable 169.50 HP-161:FM-Stereo,AM, PhonoSystem ­ ^reostireefteeeKted-soiinn Thpyygyhp-.tw r^rr^^r,, SSU-1400 Speakers 109.50 eacltSV' If your ears are bigger than frie sound you've go! room for. we'^l'' ~SHURE M91ED^artridge _ Ca'Qol a big sound that will fit, SONY'S HP-161 Integrated Component " MusicSyslem: ' ' — — listen, to thegood music of high performance radio, records arid — 54.95 T "" '"MusicSystem * •, ;, 'jri­tope. Or turn it into, great recoided sound. With SONY Automatic. . MiSystem Sale Price $812.95 . has a rqdioiwtltT:a-big-enotighrreeteh-fof-weok,i distantildjont^^SlS . Level Ctonhoi Cfrcuitiy toget tt right.. Andfast foiward and rewind plus . a (Sgitottape counter to make it easier without distorting the,ones nearby. And enough powef'for d big. "' ~ Sate runs until August 31. No special life-like soundon radioor records _ With, removable dust cover and connections for Stepping up to Ifs a big sound that comes in small;!attractive wood grairrpaQk-1 * . i^-ctonroisound. Come lisfea 5ofe Price $339.95 ^orders taken. Limited quantities ages;With connections for tapeor stepping up to"4-chari&i)ate ty~A.available. ^ ~ ~ r^«n**«5leduslcover Sale Price $159.95 y 44w,-*®4 "Car Decks1 ! LIST ' SAfE" LlST_^iSALE Motorola FM481X AM/FM 1129.95. 109.95 HEADPHONES LIST "fLE ' DYNACO _,A10 (1-pr.) J\10.00 , ^88:88'ijrf.­ FMT52M AM7FM * KOSS HV1 69.95. 59.95 44.95 24:95 A25 t:C 89.00 68^95 . FM72M FM Conv. ~ KOSS HV1 LC ?&~ 54.95 39.95 \ 29.95 39.95 -189.00 144.00 ^aTF752S FM 8-tr. 99.95 A50 PIONEER ;SE205 24.95 14.50 89.95 -JANSZEN Z210A •-: 119.95 ,y5?H"F852AX AM/FM 8-tr. 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