M W; 3 4 & * 2 * J-v •"& J j-ii 11 "r V^( *j* n * I* ^ .V, iw-' W-f- &1 . ».? X itfi •-as* irmmm J't -•*$> r. 8$k ,-r^ s ar |i BCv^i ?*58 \ i\it*V 4t ^ #?»* ml; Student Newspaper at Tfie University of Texas at Austin 1ffOL 74. No. 40' Please. Recyc.le This Newspaper '4 Austin,-Texas, Wednesday, August 14, 1974 Ten Cents Twelve Pages 471-4591 F,;.i _£•£_ \ :' " > 'Texan Wire Services r t-p -'-\*0,V Rep. Charles B. Rangel, D-N.Y., chairman'of the House blackSenate arid House Republicans sent President Ford their caucus, urged Ford to select Sen. Edward W. Brooke, R-Mass., recommendations for vice-president Tuesday; as, speculation the Senate's.only black.. • ,• continued to center on former New York Gov. Nelson A. Scott cautioned Ford not,to rush his judgment and wind upwith ,f RockefelleFTind GOP Chairman.Ge6rgeBush. '"-a "5-cent vice-president," and told newsmen he doubted theHouse Republican Leader John J. Rhodes of Arizona and his President had yet decided on a final list. --'••Senate counterpart. Sen.Hflgh Scott of Pennsylvania handed over • WHEN -TOLD of the White'House's official statement thatstacksof 121 and 33 envelopes respectively to two presidential. Rockefeller, Bush and Baker were the front-runneris; however; Efldes. . '.:-:-Vv ;v.v Scott said, "Some are undoubtedly .more in (Ford's) thinking Meanwhile, a Ford associate.told The Associated Press the" ... . ,. . . r than others. They are all good men." «p* •Vv°« 1^'1 ^President yet to determine the standards he will apply1h choos (Thbmas R.) Marshall used to say what this country needs is aing a vice-president. ;• • good 5-cent cigar. •THE ASSOCIATE said he doesn't expect a decision "until the "What this country does not need is a 5-cent vice-president. As end of the week, at the earliest," adding Fordmay wait until ear­ the search;gl?es on, I hope in fact I am quite sure — that the<8&s ly next week before, nominating someone. President will'consider the attributes of many men and women m Formal confirmation hearings would begin in September. A who are well fitted for this office." "White House" official said-Tuesday Ford has narrowed his list of Rockefeller and Bush, especially, have influential backers and to three men.hatemade severaio? the lists submitted toFord-, whlfe an three JHieMlclal said the three were former New York GovrNelson—inen^i«^Urai^vHo-tom^-F«d^ s political-needs.-— I HA^bafollait DnnnKlinnn Nuti/iwnl f _l ; :. • . • . • SCOTT, HOWEVER, said he did not believe Ford had-pruned BUSH IS popular, on Capitol Hill and has a wide following the list that far. ' ••••.< among party regulars. " . He reiterated that Rockefeller was his first choice but said"he Baker would lend southern weight to the Republishticket thatincluded Bush and Sen. Barry-Goldwater, R-ArizV on his list. . might:counterbalance the possible: inclusion of Alabama Gov,-As-RhodeS-handed the House choices oyer. he aeclined to say w » ^tb—r-rn George C. Wallace on a Democratic ticket. whom he favored but said RockefdlerWBiis^ appeared tb lie TEeTfewTrTc^^ ottan^ uie tavorites. ing out an il-Say journey F'ord had scheduled for himself before Bush's support on Gapitol Hill continued to grow withSen. John Richard M. Nixon resigned.' * G. Tower, R-Tex., coming out.iri his support.:Sen. Barry.M.'- —UPMelephoto| He will also be expected to campaign Hard on behalf of GOPGoldwater, R-Ariz., considered the Senate's mostinfiuentialcon­congressional'candidates this fall. President Ford (beneath flag) meets with Joint Chiefs of Staff at the White House. servative, has already said he favors Bush. ' • -Informal questioning of GOP members led to a consensus that . TOWER SAID he heard the nantes of Bush and Rockefeller be­Bush would be the overwhelming choice of congressmen puttinging mentioned most frequently, adding he did not believe ""there­in proposals and had to be-the front-ranking contender at this :... is . quite the resistance to Rockefeller among conservatives as • point. ' ' there was even two or three years ago." Inflation Action Initiated A sppkesraan for RepubUcan conservatives, who declined to be•4** Tower,said even in cases where Republicans have a different identified, said Goldwater and-California Goy. Ronald ReaganawS first choice, "Bush surfaces as^ everybody'isecoad choice, and Were their first choice-but* that they also found Bush to be that's sometimes a good place to be." ' ; " Begins Work on Ford'.s Proposals . ^"eminently acceptable. He is no stranger .to the conservative• Congressmen continued to boost candidates of their choicer i;causev''irv" .WASHINGTON (AP) — Congress acted quickly Tuesday to endorsed Bentsen's proposal.'' i ---mmm& . get legislation moving in response to PresidenWPord's call for Presidential press aide Jerald F. terHorst told newsmen the. Nicosia Bombed efforts to cool inflation. • rPresident "has not ruled out anything with respect to powers of 1-thf> flftcJ nf-T .ivifitr Pnnnnil n mlnivrtum U tnili Vn n mmmUa*• a spokesmansaid the economicsum-' the Costof tiving Council. "At a minimum, it will bea monitof-­ M. JL __ M 0^^---mit meeting wHich'FdraTnentToned lnrliis-address-to-eongress-'-ing-operatioaO"heiaid "W TmW K-tm C K „ A#1^* I f.C • -^-•^^P'arnlBhtrpnjbaWy wH-be-held-H«everal-weeks,— THESE WERE othereconnmip developments-: M..m %ml --. IT «S^* ' ^ . the-Senate," Lloyd M-^entsen, D-Tex., introduced legisla-~ — • • — I Ford met with AEL-CIO Presidenr^rge^r^iany^aHa-1:?l.. . . -. c > v . M.-.m • -0. • tion to createa five-member'Cost of Living Task Force toserve said he hoped the 45-minute meefing would help him."establish" I By United Press International f; as a public;interest jvatchdog in the fight against inflation; good'relations with the AFL-CIO and a great,labor leader." • :/c,work out a"compromise for a day-and-a-" talks collapsed becauste 'of Turkish4' Waves of Turkish warplanes bombed ^sjialf recess-in the negotiations to give ' • KEY DEMOCRATS endorsed the proposal, and Bentsen told • TerHorst said the President .will continue to criticize price J ana ......strafed the Cypriot capital of ^^Greece tjme a_ Foreign Minister Turan Gunes' refusal a news conference Ford promised lo have his economic ad--increases hjynajor companies, when he disagrees with them, in j Greece time to'consider Turkish to permit a" 36-hour adjournment. ^-t^visers study the proposal,by the end of the day. Nicosia early Wednesday, only hours, proposal for the political future of the same-way he criticized a ?500 ihcrease by General Motors.-] • THE, RECESS had. been reauestedib.V-^Jiife .. Ford had.suggested a revivaV of• the Cost of Living Council;: after crucial Geneva talks .aimed "at",;i Cyprus.'i • on its 1975 models. Mayros and acting Greek Cypriot Presir #^with poiVerr to monitor wage and price-abuses, but with no con- working oUt a political settlement for^=? PRESIDENT FORD"and Secretary of Ford's meeting with Meany, which the President characteriz-­ dent Glafkos Clerides: .^trols Cyprus collapsed In -''complete failure.' State Henry A. Kissinger had led an In­ ed asa 'fvery friendly and a very coristnicU've discussion,'" was Callaghan.said he told Turkey that he In the House, Rep. Wright"Patmkn.'"O-Tex.. chairman "of Ufe; -The latest crisisshattered a IJ^day-old tense diplomatic drive to keep the talks 'significanrsincerhis:administrationvwill need the-support;6f cease-fire on the embattled Mediterra-labor in its drive to curb inflation. ~ j ­ also represented the views of the Ford Sft.House-Banking Committee, anfiounced thathearings on a bNl to from collapsing and touching off -full­ administration and the nine-nationssiffSrevive the council will begin Wednesday!"Hearing on a Similar • neanjsland and for the second time -scale-warfare in the region. .MEANY -HAD been one of former. President Nixon's I European Common Market. \ ®|<|gbill will begin Thursday before the Senate Banking Committee. threatened to bring the nations of Turkey v strongest critics'and had.notthad a presidential meeting since British Foreign Minister James "I haye made it clear to Mr. Gunes v * -THE BENTSEN bill would provide that Congress name three r June 11 of last year. r._r'-- -Iand Greece to the brink of war. Callaghan sharply accused Turkey of & Britain and Greece appealedfor an im­ that when issues of peace and war may members'to head the task force'and the PreSiderilWmeTwor-to Ford ways the I - "TerHorsfsaid'Meany recommmended causing the collapse of the negotiations. ..hang on thisdecis.ion itwas unreasonable _ Bentsen said this would establish the group as anindependent mediate emergency session of the U.N. • -saying the. breakdown "presents a great government can l^elp,segments of the labor movement that I Security Council to prevent the crisis; threat to. peace-in. the not to give 36 hours,''.Callaghan said,. wSgiagency. The bill "would not provide for mandatory wage and • have been badly hurt by the nation's economy , problems. • I eastern Gunes declined to jnake any im-" ' " price controls. . . from bringing the"ruin and desolationof Mediterranean."-t i Special mention was made of employment problems' in the I war to the strategic Mediterranean Greek Foreign Minister George mediate commen.t butsaid he would hold : Senate' Majority Leader Mike Mansfield of Montana and •construction-industry, • including the badly depressed home | island. -a news conference later Wednesday./Senate Banking Committee Chairman John Sparkmari, D-Ala.. building industry. ~: . • Mavros saidthe Genevaconference -has- IN NICOSIA, witnesses said the , ended in complete failure. •S388 Turkish warplanes dive-bombed' and^M'. "We have been driven from a con­ fired machine guns at' Greek Qypriot 0 DPS Surveillance mm? ference on whose outcome depende'd not strongholds in the capital,.sending clouds. w only peace in Cyprus but in'the whole of smoke billowing into the air. The^J surrounding area and perhaps the pcace Greek Cypriots counteredwith a barrage of the world," Mavros said. • of antiaircraft fire. --• •" ­ BOTH BRITAIN.and Greece called on Briscoe More "We have suddenly _been attacked by the U.N. Security Council to convene in " By KAT CUNNIQjGHAM'^ Turkish planes for the' second time, and ' r'-V , intelligence investigations, for' what purpose in­ emergency session to consider the latest ~wt Texan Staff Writer an opposing nuclear power plants in other states had we shall fight to the end, We shall not: crisis over Cyprus, which lias been rock­ vestigation is started and to whom the report may be -damaged or conspired to-damage-poweF facilities^— ­ yield," the Greek Cypriot radiostation in -. Gov. Doiph Briscoe asked Tuesday for more informa­ ed by nearly continual conflict sincewin­ released. -.r-' . ' .Demick then violated department policy by releasing' the capital said. tion. on; intelligence gathering policies of the Depart­ ning independence in 1960; • In the report Speirjiad assured tfie governor thatfrom a copy of'"the xonfidential-report to Pomeroy's Witnesses said the Turkish" planes ... thent of Public Safety as the;American Civil Liberties At the center of the impasse in Geneva now on DPSintelligence investigations would be made employer, Continental Airlinesj Speir said: dive-bombed over the radio station, a- Union (ACLU) announced plans to file suit protesting only ,for: v' was a Turkish demand for creation of ' 'The release of such data* to private employers and DPS politidal surveillance," ' •. t Greek-led National Guard camp and .the' separate. self-gQverriihgzones on.Cyprus • "Organized crime. 51. ^ unauthorized persons is-sufficient cause for severe, dis­ police headquarters all within a mile for the islands majority Greek Cypriots-Jtffas Col. Wilson E. Speir, DPS director, announced • "Criminal matters of a general nature. ciplinary action," Speir added. radius, as well as other areas of the and minority -of Turkish background. through a report delivered to Briscoe last week there • "Special security assignments and investigations . TJrte ACLU spokesman said the suit against DPS will "Capital. * Greece adamantly opposed the plan. will.be.no:more,state police surveillance of political ac-^ directed by the administrator of this department." be-filed on behalf of several persons, includingIn Geneva, the peace talks brokedown In an unusually harsh criticism of the , tivists undertaken by officers below the rank of super-The DPS report was-prpmpted by revelations that Pomeroy^ after a nightlong:meeting attempting to Turkish delegation Callaghan:said the 3.visor. Robert Pomeroy of Dallas had been the subject of/DPS . In addition to requesting clarification of the report,surveillance because of his'activities' in opposing the Briscoe directed Speir tosend a copy of the report toAt­ kwi: But Briscoe apparently did not have all questions ­location of a nuclear power plant in Glen Rose. ty, Gen. John Hill, who will determine, if "all existing-answered to his-satisfaction. , . ^ ' * SPEIR SAID in the report that agent David Demick DPS.policies and proceduresare in full.compliancewith;" IN A LETTER to Speir Tuesday, Briscoe asked for made the investigation after DPS received information all state and federalconstitutional mandates andgover­ :*««further information on who may initiate.the requestio^ from an out-of-statepolice agency, which showed people ning laws" ' •>? Position i1 ^ . /CityfCouncil aiintfal t^tte».Ajcbni-; Graduate School VP To Direct Study Center JM ec<(8fciu?y . By BRYAN BRUMLEY summer, one as.a graduate student In •philosophy, math, biology and... othe$(&>jj. It current University policy tohlde^Wl^ahd.if'aiw ™ . .,notr«( I Texan Staff Writer computer sciences; None of thexhildren fields $^^;&ti-lpprbVaV of. fcregirtatbryl^yv ^•.-.rechiit'-established scholars^to^feplkce f i Dr. Gardner Lindzey, University vice-' have become professionalpsychologists. • ; A selection committee chose LindzeyM departing full ;professors>ltv considera­ id/Joe.Riorfjm^iib ; president any d.ean of graduate studies, As chairman of ^hena-«f^|Cleading duniiit academic affairs from 1968 to 1971 and -state-universities in the na&iMe:„ wir-S jiff went l° thtcenter asa fellow In 1971-72 capacity to groAw even stronger, Lindzey EARLIER THIS sumrtier, Dr Elliotm a^-He then went-to Harvard University to said. 1 -Arnn^nn. ^inothpr natiftnaiiv nmrtin^nf ^ become chairman of the Department of "It is with real regret that we loseDr. social psychologist, left the University to ^VWllSRl fymm <» " - Lindzey, one .of. the., most disjinguisheds"V^ jjecome professor of psychology at the -. nwi ... t ~.y fv scholars and scienUsteon faculty, but It^qniyersityxif^^Caiifdmifcat S^^Crliiii Wednesday will "ber­ iswJthreal pridetha^welose,him-tp|»|3 RobertD.Mettlenv,exeeutiveassistaht pi ti^n with the University as "extraor-; probably-the most prestigious post Hi the 4>;.;.tp Spurr,.discounted the notion therewas.. partly cloudy and hot «Jea,«0A diriafily pleasant personally, as well as cotmtry rin his chosen fleld, behavioral ||ftian' unusual,rate of/faculty resignatioris.l with afternoon winds lone professionally productive. "Only a most unusual opportunity said. __ from the southeast at MS • ^ Jias been lower than' atiany time in the could induce me to leave, and it shquld THE^,NlER(isjQiLa-hilhayerl6okingA/Cpast decade," I. don't-think there have • 8 to 18 mph. Wednei: m be noted that" I-will leave mosj; of-my an unusual • Vi though it has nofpr-p ^t>eeii number • of family1 in Austin asia* guarantee^coiv day's high will be m ­ thatJhstitution). Jt^^resignations,'1 he said. ' the mid^Qsyyith a (ow —;WednescJay^ritght—m~ the low 70s'. if: n/ * '^Vv ^.>iv i h. «C« * v?^^2 aw.^*,irVr st^ w« «sSer Road' Construction Ires dMas?^1}V ^«B¥* ,f sMh'-IS1-~^S~ -W' •*-•*>: 1 ^ mm •tfrnw m SiA I *ni . ^ *T* 'fiftvA WZg&$28emi*> Arguments Readied for Council Hearihcfi^ -*~^Z? r> Environmental Group By KEN McHAl\l dent Of the Barton Creek area, ]special permit is granted, thfe the_specific construction wilt:., more, citizens will protest. A • T'i.® " I •"•:A formal complaint withjthe city ora law-fife the Creeks Ordinance and said Texan Staff Writer is an • assistant • professor . of -City. Engineering Department be before the total idea is ap1 lot of people bought houses in suit by citizens against "developers of ; neighborhood residents "will possibly file a . Development of an apart­psychology atvthe Universityunlikely to require . proved the area thinking a. lot of Timberjine II on Barton Creek may result ^ complaint with "the city and request the rr-f ment complex along Barton Riddell is an Austin attorney . '; ™ restrictions under Domjan said area residents-Timberline II wpuld-be part of ", from action by city officialsand the Planning developers be fined for the violation. : Creek.will be protested by who recently tiled suit against V lie-Creeks Ordinance." • object to the project because city park. They; were misled Commission Tuesday night; # "Wfe haven't ruled out court-action in this S'/3|?,cre6k area residents in a developer Bill Milburn. for, . .To prevent "the-un-of its'Jiigh density-^-21 apart­by the real eslate agents." ment units A Barton Creek area-resident presented : • case," Domjan said. . .. " i;?||spubUc bearing before..City alleged destruction'of a segJi¥SnecessaTy destruction of the per., acre... The Riddell said the effects of evidence to the Planning Commission that » Dopijan also criticized City-Environment Council Thursday.-; '•• -:• ment of the BartonCreek ajt^*s--:natural and traditional development is on a hill a'lit-the development on the water construction .of a road in th'e : proposedsssr;ip tal Director-Stuart-Hepry for failing to cor­.,~ :The. hearingIs ao appea^of in construciion .of*a sewer: character of the waterways," tle more than 200 feet from supply had not been adequate-^ Ordinance development occurred before a rect an "erroneous report" on the: project -a Planning Commission deci-line. --•••'••" •--" • 'the Creeks re-Barton Creek, Domjan said; : ly considered.. "The -lower permit was granted -for the road by. the City Engineering • prepared by his department for the Planning '"s^sion granting a special permit RIDDELL SAID the specialiMWires the -CityHEn^lneering-and -will xaver.5_0__peccent of stretches'of Barton Creek are . Department. •/-"Commission. , to sirSw J"agger;-Jagger -p^rmit_y-n'Jiiph givoc /'pncep* Department to issue a creek ti>e 12-acre tract with In theprirnaryTecharge areas.. -' The commission upheld the permit on the IN HIS written recommendation to, the "developoevelcji(Trent-permit -for-any— buildings-ancLpark^ng^lots. Aquifer -> a Associates, Inc., for thfe 280-tual aDDrovalapproval fer- a develop^ -of the Edwards in commission, Henry said the construction of sjunit apartment-complex,.The ment of two or more development on land "adja­"For an area as.scenic as •^ravrs^Countyr^he^saW: environmental merits of the case, ruling the Creeks Ordinanceapplies ontyta-creek banks^-^-Spyglass .Djlst^along^ Barton _Creek in •Woods, vat.2901 Barton buildings-, feh'otild not be, cent to or crossed by a Barton Creek and considering "Development upstream will • f—' not to'the quality of water draining iirtoHhe Southwest" Austin. was-exempt from the Skyway. -granted. until -creek develop­ waterway. that the cceek is going to he wash effluents down into the ' (jreek. -. -Creeks-Ordinance] The ordinance requires, a .< Michael Domjan and' Joe ment permits are issued for Director of Plannjing Dick part of.a. city park, it seems a recharge area. There .-is not Planning Commission Chairman C.W. creek permit be issued for development of Riddell are. appealing the specific construction * affecr Lillie said "Riddellhas a very "darn shameto ruinitby allow­much 'development, upstream ;.:Hetherly said citizens who file"unwarranted •: land adjacent to-or intersected by a decision ..-on procedural ting the creek. good "point: The creek permit ing this kind of development;" now, but it needs regulation.", should,be a part of the special '. complaints, such as.this one should be made^..> waterway, to preserve"natural and 'grounds and because of "They should go thorugh the" Domjan said. In other, action Thursday, specific aspects of the Creeks • Ordinance first," : peiroit process. It ,>does not • "A GREAT number of the council: will: set public ^ financially • responsible.for construction-^# traditional characteristics of the. development. Domjan, a resi­Riddell said.''Once the: necessarily have to.be issued citizens on the other side.of • hearing dateson rate increase delays'; caused by their appeals. ' '{-pil waterways.'.' . before the special permit, but the creek from The Woodsare requests from Southern Union -Michael Domjan, assistant professor offpfj Domjan said, "In his report Henry missed it certainly' should not be upset about this," he said, Ga-s Company and psychology at the Univereity and a fiarton", two points where Spyglass Drive drains into issued after it.". ' :. "but She development has not Southwestern Bell Telephone K .Creek area resident, showed^the commission •• Barton Creek. When we pointed this out -to­ slides of road construction nearBarton Creek ;* him he said that is a valid point. . A SPOKESPERSON for the -been well publicized. When and receive a report on the. Engineering Department con- completed before the Engineering Depart^?,.' Henry later,admitted his error in thereport" .the property was:rezoned by feasibility of', establishing a- firmed that creek develop­the city, 'zoning notification -city-owned • ambulance, . ment issued a creekdevelopment permit for; ft and said' he"'.would not have called it-exempt. ment permits would: be' re­was 'sent bnly to the adjacent system." fethe road July 19. * if I had known the road drained directly into quired for '"The Wooas," but: property owners, which ALTERNATIVES TO the? HEADCITY EngineerCharlie Gravessaid the creek." had not been applied for by happened , to be only Lamar, which I'Timberline's developers, Jagger Associates, ' 'Asked why he did not testify to BTs error- present system, con­ Jagge'r. • .Savings. ' -tracts for ambulance service* .inc., were not told a Creeks Ordinance per-. •before the commission .Henry said,"It.? 'TWitrwas-required-tor the road because."the.• . wouldn't have1 done any good." ' ' 'J3eyelopers^ generally get "The Woods is only one-from private business, will be CQnceptuar approver' before the presented ordinance is a new.tiling, and we still don't He-said,'however, he did riot believe-a. fourth-of planned in .••anf Emergency applying tor creeK "permits,"—Timberline-4I-devdopment^--JVtfidical Service Report know: what toilo^wilh jt^ creek permit should be deified for the road -Grauftg-sniri the rnnrt-rnngtriictlon Stopped' ' ^because 6t its .effect on-the-quality of.-the_ . the spokesperson said. "It's Domjan said: "Whenv this' prepared by the" cityTs ]Urban "when one of our .people found,out about it;? water in uie creekr"Xhe ordinafteeisdesign-­difficult to determine what .becomes known;a greatmany Transportation Department. ­ [SWe told the developers .to stop construction ed to protect the land surroundingcreeks",:not' -and file a permit." water quality within the creek," he said. :• Domjan'criticized the commission for its Hetherly called the citizens' appeal of the Montessori Pre-School of lack of concern for what he termed violation ordinance "completely unwarranted." KM; Austin Prosecutions Commence •••"' : : --.\. : : : ^• ---• * • • . • • .•; I 2402 White Horse Tr. Sharon Tate In Student Loan Cases 51 453-21.47 or Directress, M.Ed.f «* . Jl^ yyhii.^HL. T«he stateattorney general's .from 1966 t& 1971, They were students are currently liste NEW HOUSING POLICY!! 'I * DEXTER HOUSE 1103 W, 24th ® liOCCUPANCY ONLY . S?mi'5.r!vate Rp°msas.Low-as $60rm„ LuxuriousPrivateR6oms MOO per£? •Maid Service Weated-Swimming Pool • Refrigerator's Vinte®^ 1liveat theConfesses p#faun^y Paciliti^s • Vending Machines^^ « if! ^ m m m -Study Areas • 24Hr~pesk"Servi€e*-TVin-Lobl>y-= The Contessa is a coe-ducnlional living environ-• Off Street Parking Close to Campus :,vr•' 1' 1f blnrks from t:;impus Special Package Deals(Ream at 0«xt*r.Board atMadison) i uveuke1 feel. -w.e have cjood. homo cooked food (ali you can eatl covered parking 24 hour security laundry xnP J&k, facilities, sundecks and swimirsinq pool Study hall two lounges with color television,group parties and entertainment at noextra charge, and a two a a Now dccepting Fall '74 Contracts ' for U.T. Men and Women warm home-like atmosphere. 2/0f,. Nueces. 477-S766. in the middleof the student ' HOUSING OFFICE. 709 West 22nd St. neighbor.hood ^ itSii 478 ' 9 *9^478^91 BEXTEBfiHCrtiSfli£s 'Come See -Game Livp • - I MORE !^R YOUR MONEYl® 7 Ftrxhv. 1 iJf * 9 "* *. A A I y K J" f r c ^ ^ > •> ^ -%*», $?£ /„>,* , t-^> a \ a &&*•->, j?~ 4~* , ^ ^ MMVi'mm a»32S»^S Boarc/ Approves TDC Action at Huntsville *s« -«P v^, By JEFF NEWMAN "after reviewing all ..Information^ "doubted the release of other inmates. the tape would' tvUion Cuevas or oi jJ^i jix^. i _ and available."-\*l ^ "ensure that the rights of alHndivjduals 9&p how he could have done it "I don'tsee ho < V^VICKI VAUGHAN ButD..i !.u_.that informationi_c« _i:._ did not--l includei are protected. &lv. ju (handled: the situation) . differently," . . . 's^Texan Staff Writers A-:?r.the-video-tape; ."Such action would be precipitous and-^Austin said. • • Gov. Dolph Briscoe Tuesday turned In a prepared:statement; Briscoe said might well result in the denial of those sj-sf?-'Another board member, Lester Boyd down all -groups asking for-, an-indepen­his decision'to withhold the:tape is in­ a very rights.'!, • . --s^of Vernon, called the meeting dent review of a Department of Correc­tended to protect the rights of potential . The tape has beep subpoenaed by a ^aprocedural matter. • tions video .tape of the Aug. 3 shootout in defendants and assure "the full public grand-. jury in W-and conceivablycould be named in other asked to see the tape is the-Board of BUT THE-money can't be used to pay " civil suit? orin possible criminal cases. Corrections. , 5 v<*,W legal fees for anyonewho^idTiothoia aiF^r7Taxpayers=paid-foF^-least4382,474-in —^-Meeting-iw special-executive session in official position -in the campaign fees, salaries and expenses for the team Dallas Tu&sday morning, the board': organization, trustees say-This includes* , of White House lawyers who: defended v voted unanimously to express itssuppottj^ former White House aides H.R,§ Vhim in the: Watergate .affair ahd of Estelle's handling of the situation on|-| Haldemahand John D. Ehrlichman, and . "preliminary impeachment proceedings, the basis of "all information availhble." J By DAVID HENDRICKS -;Among the three. Head is the only con-the convention hasdrawn the mostatten-" Nixon himself. according to a General Accounting Of­"So far, fromall we've seen — and we' Texan Staff Writer • tender who voted-against-the' proposed -tion in the speaker's race. Rep. Dave& "There's no way;" said Charles E.c ® fice audit released in May." haven't seen it all •-»-we're still behind^ ¥ : The Constitutional-Convention •might' constitution on the Jast vote, a move Allred of Wichita Fallis:;recalled the. Potter, chairman of the three-man trusts That figure continues to rise. Lawyers Estelle,-'.' board member T. Lewis Austin''-'--have produced a new "state.charter had which lost him the support of yiose who=-situation. vthat Oversees the-money. "The trust" JrFredBtt2hardt-and-Jarpes-IX . not a.race for Texas House speaker been felt he could have swayed enough votes^ agreement doesn't provide for that." are still on the payroll; But man? of "the ————— AUSTIN INDICATED the board had " • tn tile air. -to-pass-the-charler • . "On the last night of the convention/! f:Another trustee;-Gilford Dudley, Jr. 17-menjber. team of Watergate lawyers 7 However, the three major candidates, he said. ' wicn uie gailenes pacTcedrwith"said • he also understands -that Nixon were packing up this week in the wake of • ' Reps. Bill Claytbri'of Springiake, .Fred *not sought to view the tape. Asked if he':; "IF THIS isdetrimental to my racefor "• labor representatives, many from could not use the.moneys Stfins, who is Nixon's resignation. Some wereplanning thought they^ could have -gotten U had they asked, he replied "Hell, I "don't.;^ „ Head^ of Athens, and Carl Parker of Port speaker in 1975, then I regret that this. Parker's district, barker got up andthe third trustee; was unavailable for to take vacations, then start looking for : know.. We-didn't have the meeting for|&t&' one. vote alone might te used by anyone : said, to the lobbyists "They have me comment * .new jobs. , A T«xa^ Inlerprttive that purpose." ' to make a far-reaching decision regar­locked'in, I: couldn't even get out to tells The trust reported $3.4 million cash on Nobody knows how much already has ding the speaker's race," Head stated. you this, but I think we need a new con­ hand when it filed its most recent report been paid in legal fees by the 50 men and The -board members: questioned Arthur, all said thfe speaker's race did stitution. and t'm gonna vote' yes, with in June. Since then it hpsagreed to settle 14 corporations charged with Watergate Estelle, his staff and other prison per-^ not affect the outcome of the final con­Still, Head emphasized he certainly • the presence of right to work as a a lawsuit brought by the Democratic" crimes. Such information normally is a ' sonnel, Austin said, before agreeing the1 vention -votes. But each had some will"gain back what he has lost.. "separate submission." Party for $775,000. . confidential matter between attorney Huntsville director "ls:a good man, the differences in outlook ip the convention's -> It also reported bills outstanding of , and client. -best man for the job." They didnotques-:^ aftermath. Some of what he lost went straight to,w-THE RESOLUTION-beihl^otsi^ Parker, who on the last night of the con^>;wqs still unsatisfactory toUabor, AUred vention made,a passionate plea to theexplained, although it allowed the detejgates to vote forthe documentwhich",^possibility for later repieial by the ' neuus had.a compromise on right to work sec?-J8;] Legislature: So, Parker was accused of-? Isrpells Shelf PatesHnibh Camp -decreejhat would settle-a civil antitrust suit against the Associated Millt tion offered as analternate,submission.-''"sacrificing laboHnterests for votes for Producers Institute — the nation's largest milF cooperative7 -Some-speculated-tiiat-Parteer^s-aeeeh—^^^^^^!^--"1 "possibly for^l TEL AVIV (AR) — Israeli.naval gunboats shelled a Palestinian refugee Atty. Gen. William B. S'axbe said the proposed consent decree will was a covert attempt at gaining support camp onLebanon's Mediterraneancoast in an hour-long raid'Tuesday, the become a final court judgment in 60 days upon approval by the U.S. from moderate and conservative .Israeli military "command said. - Can someone win the speaker's race'" representativessince Parker isseen as a Palestinian guerrillas.reported one.person was ldlled and six wounded "District Court in Kansas City, Mo. liberal.-Although Parker strongly denies without the support of organized labor? AMPI, based in San Antonio, Tex , has about S7,000 farmer members in AUred, who supports Head, said he does in the attack by fpur gunboats supported by warplanes on the Rashidieh ,._r this, his support-did increase. Reps. not know. Parker admitted it could'be camp n?ar;the southern Lebanese JRonald Coleman-and Woody Denson of difficult, explaining 1ie:,is still in good Nixon's re­.; Denton and others within days pledged -more ihan-25 houses in the camp were standing with, labordespite his last con­ Vi'their -support, to Parker.{Other Head well as several houses outside the producers'cam-stitutional'vote'. Clayton said labor's nor j-^jdefectors-jemain uncommitted. paign donations and a number of guilty pleas and indictments,"including -anyone-else-'s-support is.needed, eiogpt The Israeli,command said-the. gunners hit their target — a building an indictment of former Treasury (Secretary John B. Connally. CLAYTON'S number of pledges,-too, f°r flie members of the Legislature. which served as a terrorist naval headquarters, A command spokesman That investigation was not involved in Tuesday!s~action. > • has been, rising. . Within ~ the last twosaid die cmapjsasiused tojaunch "a terrorist motorboat" Friday night weeks.two representatives, Chris Semos . Stili, tfie issue 'that divided the convex which was sunk by an Israeli .gunboat while attemptirig to reach the Maddox Faces Probable Runoff Vl -of Dallas; and Tony Dramberger of San tion delegates to the point of killing the' Israeli coast. , • • ATLANTA ^J Flamboyant ftaroer Gov. Maddox, . Antonio, announced in favorof Clayton, a pjoposed . document is bound to. have' (UPI) Lester West Texas conservative. some effect on the outcome of the proclaiming ''It's them agaipst us," pulled-steadily away from his 11 op- Market on Losing Streak • speaker's race. -... L. ponents in the'Georgia Democratic gubernatorial primary Tuesday, but a , Although he does not think he is-play;@v ^ . r.i-.fps NEW YORK (AP) I-' The Jgt runoff appeared-certain ing a bystander role in the race, Clayton ^ The answer is still far off. The vote stock market continued itslatest . As the count slowly progressed;Maddox1!bp'pdnent ui the Sept! 3 runoff ' is gettin^votes from those who have will come Jan. 14, 1975. As Head said, losing streak' Tuesday, pulling become disaffected with "Parker or "No one can say they have the race remained in doubt. Smalltown banker Bert Lance and House Majority ; back substantially in the grip of -Head.. wrapped up. It will be hotly contested un­ Leader George Busbee weretrunnihg neck-and-neck for the second spot. MBS Parker's gamble on the last night of til the day the vote is taken." , continuing gloom over inflation. NEW YORK (AP) -New York Macon Mayor Ronnie .Thonfpson, the hard-line law-aud-order conser- The Dow Jones average of 30 Stock Exchange closing index: ^vative who orderedjiis policemen: to "shoot to kilP' resisting felons, was Market;..',.off 44 cents industrials slumped 10.88 to Health insurance well'ahead in the Republican primary, but a runoff was a possibility in Index ; 41.19 off 0.66 756.41 to extenditsloss sincelast •Industrial 45.67 off 0.80 vKjr that.tface, too.' Wednesday's close to 41.19-Transportation30.54 off 0.47 "r'Nude Model Gets Fat Fefels" Congress Digs In points. utiiitirr:. ; 27.40 off 0.21 Finance , 41.92 off'0.82 SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Most people have neyer heard of her, but That left the widely, watched WASHINGTON (AP}-—, With Presi­'a' good health bill on the statute books indicator -with virtually-JtiojLhing •; Katy-Allert is very big in the nude modeling business. dent Ford urging action this year, before this Congress adjourns?"Katy, mistress of a Victorian mansion crammed with plants, dogs, to show for the sharp three-da[y .Congress is digging through a mountain rally it staged in advance of the birds, a-Stuffed elk and "a parrot named Earthquake, measures-4&:35-49 ^_of health insurance proposals seeking The Administration's bill is built ^nd tips the scales at 235 on a 5-5 frame. -™lsome kind of compromise legislation. private health1 insurance transfer of the.presidency froin around com-She has been baring her abundant bulk for individual artistsand classes, . pany policies ast-' the mechanism for Richard Nixon to President '-'Well, We hope to' get it," House Ford. sculptors and photographers fornine years, ever sihce a friend told her fssS|Speaker Carl Albert said Tuesday. "The providing coverage, with a limited role. for federal officials and with publicthe Models Guild of .San, Francisco "needed a fat one." ' . |chainnen Of the two committees thinx financing only where private financing is s we have a chance." ­ ''I auditioned, was accented ^nd I've been busy ever since," shq.said. inadequate, under :one of three.plans;;l_ AMPI Civil Suit Near Settlement "It's a fulltime, happy career." • ALBERT-referred to Rep; Wilbur D. " • WASHINGTON (UPI) — The Justice Department Tuesday filed a". Her feeior_artistsJs^$4 an hour_;_photographers pay 10 times that: Mills, D-Ark., chairman of the House. THESE WOULD be either insurance -Ways and Means Committee, and Sen. for workers, with employers paying 65 ^ Russell B. Long, D-La., chairman of the ' percent of the premium, for thev-first am Senate FinanceCommittee. Their panels three years and 75 percent thereafter, are handling the legislation. and employes paying the remainder; or assisted health insurance, with states Senate Democratic, leader Mike DeniedlOrder jygss contracting with private carriers to give' v Mansfield said that if the House passes a coverage to low-income or high-risk per­ .A temporary restraining.order Tuesrl: Rosh Hoshanah fioly day. ' that commencement of the' convention the Day ,of Atonement, On Ro'sh • bill,"we will do everything here to get it day> was denied 11 Jewish delegates who Chief U.S. Dist. Judge Adrian Spears*v-» on the holy day .violated their con­• passed before adjournment." sons; or expanded coverage under Hoshanah membersof the faith couldnot federal Medicare for the aged. Innocasewanted to postpone the state Democratic in San Antonio did hot accept arguments";';: stitutional rights. participate'in:any "secular activities; The House 'committed took testimony, would a family's out-of-pocket medicalli-convention becauB'e it conflicts with the ,by attorneys for the Jewish delegations5 THE JUDGE'S ophiion indicated ,ihe -Ted Siff of Austin, a member of the ~«;i j from April 24 to July 9 and began' its bill-" ^expenses exceed $1,500 a year. convention ^|fully:;au^riM^ to make delegation,-testified that to attend theM -I­ s drafting sessions last week. the ultimate decision as to recesg~and* convention during Rosh Hoshanah would " " 'The Mills-Kennedy measure would beAbortionRuledOut convfehe at a later time. -be against a-: cardinal -principle of his \ Mills, who joined Sen. Edward M. ' financed through payroll taxes and be SsSj$ ^Attorneys for the plaiiitjKs and .the religious belief. -. ---.-Kennedy, l>Mass., earlier this year in federally/administered; would pay the mi contention argued on points of con-^^ttorhey-JGoliiLJ. Carl.of Austin; said j backing a compromise bill intended to major part; of most health bills: and . , stitutionkl law;regardiii^ theTwishes of State Atty. Gen. John~HilT~ruled-and — jeconcile_;what ^had_ 'beenZsEaTply_ guajantee that illness • could not:cost a^ . State Democratic Chairman Calvin. ia i divergent approaches to health care family more than^$i;00(ra~ yearr~and7S0t.minority-' ' . Guest agreed itwould satisfy Texas law • t legislation, says he wants his panel to would cover major costs through Doctors _ HARTFORD; Conn. (UPI) -Connec-^ j ,Earlier ithis week a young mother in Speaking-on behalf of more.than 200 ". assemble a measure that will be accep­ to gavel in the convention on Sept. 17,' special insurance plan under a separate*'—tlcut'sThree Roman-Catholic bishops' Marlboro, fflass , said two Roman Jewish delegates, attorney Allan Weil then recess any substantive, business for /-table to Congress and the President V Social.Security agency. < Tiie'sdaywaraed the state'scatholic doc-t.u'.l-yahiuffj lr7ip(ivi-g"prcrpo rnnf* r,>)fnf,^ j„:Javnr nf two davs. - .tprs and-nurses they will face .excdin-her infant son becaflse of her puhljiely . 'religious minorities' rights. r -JWII.KSSEEMS intenton passing itthis > m munieation if they tak,e part inabortions; : the 'most'ftevs. John F. Whealon; " WllHam R. BAIrd. . . ^ sad it w«U4 be ZoltEf ----------' —I, „• -. vention, argued the rights of the Jewish people against costs of catastrophic il> ­IWaI^fIWrX!uftls'arid Vifieeht J.'iiines l"e. -were-notin bad precedent to change the convention • l.oess, .Another-major measure which'tii<»:; said In a 16-page "pamphlet; "Your bgjitismf confirmed it w^as foi' this " Furthermore, the;panel -gill. : Conscience and Abortion;'! Church stric­reason a»«n5i^ government, but in conflict with the AJFI^CIP still-favofg -)s a cradle-ich rightsofthe 5,000 non-Jewishdelegates.' ^61*3Vfrfaeirtth-i' 1 rn sponsored••tv'.'t tures against abortion apply to all; from < The antiabortiffli pamphlet warntngof The Anti-DefamationLeague (AUL)of r . tax revision and reform bill whith has Government must make (he-best•ieffdrt --' Reps. Martha W. Griffiths,-D^chTfand mothers to the aides who wheel them'' excommunication was,being distributed B'Nai, B'rith /iled a friend of fhe court consumed much of its time this year.' , to remain heutral, he kidded James C. -Corman, D-Calif., both' i»to the operating rooms'.at abortion* ;to Gathollc parishes t^i;oughout Corinec- brief.in support.of the Jewish delegations -• -Ford said Monday^night; in hisaddress members of the Ways and Means Com- clinics. 1 v ticut, as "well las" mediCaf, parametlical fe (r^THE JEWISH plaintiffs-did not show charging that it was uncons^tutional for ' to Congress: "As" Vice-President, I , The pamphlet noted jthat general" "and nursfng persorrfiel' and persons^; evidence that they'wouI 1974 • . VaaMMMMMagaMg^^a^OTa^,,! iwAife. V»'.!£?' showing :0n himself flamhere to confess that in myfirst campaign for president Executive privilege: "Executive privilege is most often used in opposi-"'{•—•of my senior class inSouth High School inGrand Rapids — J headed the tion to the public interest." (1963, reaffirmed-during;confirmation hear-^fi Progressive Party ticket." (Aug. 12) . » ing, Nov. 2, 1973). • •: Foreign policy: "PresiSent Nixon iias innovated and carried forward 1976:"I have/aid many times,that I h^ve no intention of being a can-{ bold and courageous foreign policy that history will<;;redit in v •We do not know how Ford will act ugon this pretext or the issues. All wegj* ' m Amnesty:-"Unconditional blanket-amnesty to anyone who iileeallv • have really heard, is his speech two nights ago. Arid. it.was the first ;evaaea or flad~military~service-is wrong^MAutr.-asi "• ---M .presidential addresss that did riot leave a bad taste in our mouths. . , Marijuana: ."I am not yet convinced wejought to legalize marijuana ... Ford may not be the brightest one around. But if he has enough sense' (my children) keep telling me thit marijuana is no worse than drinklngia not to try for the John Mitchell—This-Country-Is-Going-To-Move-So-Far­martini or a scotch and-soda." (Jan. 10) To-Thc-Right-Ypu-Won't-Everi-Recognize-It mode x>f .achievement, and if­ gfe'j he stays away from those with the supreme ideals of corporate pettinesspS^ Nixon: "I believe the President is complfetelylnnocentijf all chifges this presumably honest, unmandated and — for the mostpart — moderate''t-' -^-UPI Teltppota anp will remauriirofficerand"complete-his-termr1^ * President may be lust what we need. For two years. / for price By JACK ANDERSON ; • '. helping to pack the crates when he rhov-* was entitled, to the deduction, and could•*1974, United.Feature Syndicate ed from his congressional' office to the defeat the IRS in tax court.pgfS WASHINGTON -Behind' the broad vice-piiesidential quarters. The visitor, . Nevertheless, Ford insisted-upon giving " "-shoulders, square jaw and ruggedly not recognizing the muscular Ford, mis­ * toe government the benefit of any doubt handsome features, what is President took,him to be the chief of the moving and ordered his accountant to write the . Gerald Ford really like? crew. IRS a. check. We. have checked.with congressional; . Afterward, a friend asked him why he ^Ford's returns show he earned a totalsleuths, who in preparation for Fort's , didn't let,his staff .handle the packing. income of $224,354.10 for. the first thVee vice-presidential confirmation hearings "Oh," shrugged Ford, "thisis thekind of years pf the 1970s. He paid $75,111.44, or" -earlier this year, gave. him .the most thing l ean do." " • • about a third of his income, in federal^thorough investigation of any man who; -After h'e was'appointed Vice'-" .taxes:An additional $6,261.42 was paid to has?ever -assumed the: office. W e have, ," Presldaitrwe pliunwhhim«t-his-modest­talked privately with some of his most, Alexandria, Va., home and got a m^n's The FBI investigation of Ford-before intimate friends. We have obtained; voice on the other end. It was Forn still his confirmation as Vice-President was access to the confidentialaudit of his taxi -answering his own telephone. m Sss so thorough; he was told, that agents ... . . returns. • ' . | The President instinctively likes peo­even questioned a high school: football From these sources,. we" have-put: ple andisconcerned about them. He tied player who allegedly had been kneed by #a|5iStogether a portrait of an intensely human; up a friend for long hours helping him Ford in a tough-fought, game. The , •VfPresident,-basically,decent, inherently: -with . vice-presidential arrangements. referees threw. Ford out of the game •*'rf-"honest, without guile, who still would; The friend's exasperated wife finally over the incident; ' gsj,:slUce7his'friends-to;cali^jim^'Jefry^— •^-complained-tha].~ he .may. asjjfiU not As* Ford _was later told, his former 'i He uses expletives" that would be bother to come" home but stay at the football rival confirmed 'fliaTFord had^deleted from White House transcripts, Fords'. ' _ ' • been ejected from the game but confess^ < jfeibut henever would pretend hedidn't. His Gerald Foni picked up the phone and ed that Ford had never actually , kneed^profanity; is good-natured, not vicious apologized to' her. "I just couldn't' have him -f4%eharacterizations of his enemies. f„i gotten by without him," said Ford about . Ford commented,to.friendsltbat he ' p&i When Ford first learned about the Nix-fJ '' her husband. She -was flustered but. was pleased the. FBI had ° been so. • ^i||^on "enemies list," he remarked in dis-i mollified. thorough. S 5 discussing the problems of the han­ even in hismost relaxed moments, letan dicapped. The compassionate Ford legacy of death • ethnic,slur slip by. He has often voted : shifted his attention to the women's con­ against 'the economic.interests of the versation. -..... ' By•••-VAN GHAMPAGNE-VESELKA—-^>4tlon of his legacy, Indochina V 'WT.'iJMWIt Wi ilio lUObJ ) UIUUUUIUI, blacks. At first he opposed but later sup-As Washington wajphdogs. we have illegal Br52 raids. The defensive war of effective and too costly. If thfey went out ^Ea^or's note: Champagne-Veselka 4» V%;|-Looking at Cambodia first I tf&fo 1m,­. sjSfe black congressional caucus opposed his aajember of the Auatin lndochina Peace ||#agine that most of us can remember Nix-neutrality and self-determination con­ ported civil "righU legislation. When the •had occasion to check into reports that - the Cambodian people to* regain their on search and destroy missions their."V~' "Ford has misused campaign money. We rear was left vulnerable, their bases in­ Msi confirmation \-as vice-president, Ford discovered.on the contrary that he has Campalpi.) ' -^Aon's 1970 invasion. This invasion was tinues today. secure. If they retreated into strategic If the deceit and lying of Watergate!is i£..&carried out not to get"at "VC" sanc­ •rif.swas 'lurt-always refused.'to accept cash con­ And then there is Laos which has been enclaves the-countryside was left to the "You would, think they would know me • actually behind us now (where it always tuaries but to put down the popularreac­ tributions. He has,insisted upon checks,; bombed since the early Sixties. Entire people. Besides, many American betterr" he.told a friend.sadly. ^ which recorded. We was) then the simple truth should .be ,..«tion of. the Cambodian people to Lon can be properly areas, like the Plain of Jars, where once troopers had had enough of the war and fe;;1 .heard that Ridiart Nixon left us nog.fNol's U.S. -supported military coup of Another friend recalls watdiing a.TV i never found "the slightest evidence that' peasants farmed their fields and raised were no longer fighting. There were pla­ legacjnjrpeace., Without getting intothe ^one month before. Neutral Cambodia newscast with Ford when the cameras he ever diverted a dimefor his own per­ their children are "now bomb-cratered toon and company mutinies/ Officers focused on an impoverished black family proposition of hp.w.thankful we should be . had collapsed .into-"another Thieu-like sonal use. wastelands, Our Laotian peace legacy were killed by their own men. To cany being evicted from their home in for his bringing us '.'peace'' with, coun-regime carrying out a war (apparently The audit of his tax returns confirmed • from Nixon is U.S. active participation out the war, men who could say "No" M ? Mississippi. Ford jumped up insgitation. U^ies • we were, not -at w?r with (Uke rlfelfor our purposes Since we keep starting and support for. one element, the ROyal our,findings^, Once he mistakenly spent Russia and China), or bringing -us: had to be replaced by machines. So Nix-; I and conducting them) against its own • "What a shame1 Whatf INI fc aO shame!"dlHIUKf he -$1,167 in political funds for a family trip Lao, within a neutral coalition govern-' on lied,about peace, the$2 declarations of instituted ;#sa»exclaimed..''A country this rich can do to their condominium in the Vail, Colo., peace that are drowned people. ment. With that support the Royal Lao •in bullets even whilethe declarationsare plumbers to keep out the truth, had dis-®®« MH'better." Until Congress with rare Watergate-continue1 the war. • ski country. The moment he discovered made (like the Middle East and'Cyprus senters thrown in jail, used CREEP to. The new President has a robust sense drinking courage finally stopped Nixon course, takes us to Vietnam; the bookkeepingtaistake, he immediate­where war continues) I feel most com­ That, of silence electoral opposition and 'in­ of humor and.enjoys locker-room jokes. ly,reimbursed the political account. in August of last year, 500,000 tons of Yes, Nixon did not take out our ground creased. the. war while our pelled to discuss, again, tha.t main bas- bringing In the backrooms, he has the loose bombs were dropped in 3,630 secret and The Internal Revenue Service also dis-v troops. He had: to. They had proved in-troops home.' A policy of total oblitera­ maseuline manner of the football star he v allowed an $871.44 deductlon that Ford tion from the air is,Nixon's peacelegacyonce was. had taken for the»special clothing he ; to-Yietnam. _ _ -. He belts an occasional drink and purchased for the 1972 Republican con­ , that failed. The *1972 ERG Suggestions for a better-idea doesn't try tohide the fact; For his thirs­vention. The IRS ruled thpt the new suits But even offensive proved the total failure ofty friends, he mixes the drinks himself- Hif were not "unique or distinctive" in ilSiif? Bv GEORGE^°"GE FF.* WILL ^" SM°l ^linrfrv ttA-PAao . iirillw'all-to-ceiling*•* t -t 11 ... even his^ sundry heroes, "VietnamlzatrSh" and" and never summons an aide to wait on One of the .most unattractive aspects character, and, therefore, leveled a,$4, him. WiSSf8'!?!Co-, r}^°rs-And the ceiling is covered With of life in Washington is the almost manic hysterical bombing of hospitals andp£ 355.77 tax deficiency against Ford. WASfflNGTON Like the morally upllftlne . A visitor caught him in shirt sleeves -roar of highly spiritual and mock-lndustriousness that leads high " other civilian areas In the north did not ' Ford's lawyers assured him that he cavalry galloping over an iron birdge,p paintings. destroy the will of "the enemy" to resist. ' government officials * to neglect their -"J8' of ^vice pourihg in on^ Meeting there, or in a larger Capitol The United-States hastened to sign ay'j?-' families to invest their work with a Gerald Ford. In a democracy the laity >, room, if necessary, would be a nice wav" peace agreement before Thieu was com-^' solemnity that not even the serious work MTHE DAILY TEXAN . has an Inalienable right'fo klbbitz about'' -> for Mr. Ford, a man of Congress, to af-government requires or pletely overrun militarily and political-• of often : V tMmt Nii^ir «l rtrViili»nl*|r tl Unmt •)Anitln matters large and small, so I would like \ film that the Capitol Building, and the ly, an agreement we signed ISO" times-­ deserves. White House staffers who live EDj-TOR BuCjj Harvey to chip in a few suggestions, beginning • legislative branch, Is the symbolic as with apparently no intention of honoring"'!/5 reasonably norrtal llves...whQ get-hoiYii> MANAGING EDITOR, ; Hefner wiUi one concerning a'good man. ____wglI_as_geographical-oenter-xjf-thr (just as .with the'54 Geneva AgreementH'. early enough to have the baby drool on ^SeniGen.-Alexander Haig bSclTwhere . . nation's capital. ' we; refused;to sign but agreed to hoiiorSl w Lynne^rock- their stuffed shirts, might even behave he belongs, to a position of leadershipin Another measure that: would help yet were already violating — see Pehrl® • H NEWS^EDITOR Richard Fly like normal people whpn they return to the Army. , cV restore reason to its throne would be an ,^gon;:/p^rs).->In^^t1firaV.-y^r;[b® ASSISTANT TO THE EDITOR ; Dave Rishe; work the next morning. "1 Because Haig isa soldier, not a poIitif&-order from Mr. Ford to his staff: unless '^4-Pe^e:' 50*000 Vietnamese, were killed SPORTS EDITOR .... , 1 And now a radical suggestion: Mr. •& cian, he was out of place In what Is there is some compelling necessity to do Ford should get out of 'and 800,0(K).bombed or driven outof'the^riii.,. the house a bit. properly apolitician s job, that of White otherwise, turnout the lights and go homes. Saigon offensives destroyed offi® •M Presidents never suffer life's little feS»­ House chief of staff. Because 'hSHs :.home at a reasonable hour eacb eveninK ' captured 770 hamlets recognized by the-• .Stanley Farrar, Marlon Taylor "v irritations. Presidents never get caught honest, he Was out of place in that job in ,. ^ ... . agreement as In.PRG teirltow. The war' :­in traffic jams. Airlines never Ipse the last^dministration. . . Goesf Viewpoints' ^ .continues and it is fought with our ISaUET STAFF'- Presidents' luggage. Presidents never Hal^ had a brilliant rerord'nf service"5' ' -The Texan welcomesgutest vlewpotn UK auucinmiKei exDress mcney, arms, direction and for our-purv*. have to.walt in the supermarket express Ml i r ill as.Henry Kissinger sdeputy, form 1069-y „but each piece,submitted must: -eheek-out-Hnei-wtth-boxea-omma-hflang ' P°^fii u .S.°u,nwar' nfot.a c'vil War. ^rr? New^Assisten^ ••••.Davjd Hendricks,' B^an'BraMey, KerrM?Ham' 72. It would be unjust and imprudentfor^i News Assistants Jose M. Flores, Gwen Spain, Vicki Vaughanft defrosting In their hands^ while some ' "Tjn m tlje nation to deny-lfaipan oippoiiunity/ , for a we can soonfind outif Ge^ldFordis dingbat writes a check si ^ f "• Be typed tripje-spaced. for further service. " 8 11,03purchase . f honest as reported; If he is he will ' My other modest proposals concern'5'' No wonder Presidents begin to get odd-Ilhti Jif, °' peac? In~-­ Contain only 60 charaCterii bp«-Hn^ Copy Editors. t .;„ ...Willard Hall t Mark Meyer; Jjgg&ahautbeing.free frmn alljestralns. , ^'gton lt ifW^iinh^ ^pen1« he Ji!1 jatfeT of unrepublicap grantfeuV:that tjp-a \ . So, Foi^If neid new Mr. you a "neis honest hewill pxposeihe iif • ^ i -— ^ a fiqw now covers >the office of President. toothbrush,tootnbrush, pop around to the drusdrug storest/irp -J®.°f °ur. ro1® with the world's die. At ledst some of the .times when Mr* * • Include the authdr s phob^ number/ tatorshlps in Asia, Africa, South yourself and buy one. If you wantto seeaFord wants to meet'with congressional America. Forelgii policy; provides "Mr;.> v; .-H f mpvle (please: not "Paiton") go to It, leaders^ it would be nice for him to ^ at*>ple opportunities' to show' ;. limited to a maxic^um Length of don't have it brought to you. If you run ' travel to Capitol Hill. There is a gills IJbnesty, just'as domestic economic oot of pfetzefe, go to the supermarket. .BrilyTwun i ttiwwit .'-nvf .-TIU. MUgMt ad>crlblM.r»i>f««iimiii. President's ROom on the second floor of ^,isspes do; F'ordls honesty,-;how^ . p-JOZIL!!! JO""»• '« PMbUtW by T«M«. SUutent* raucaUoMl Advtrtiii^ Servtee. fw.; -thrCapltol Du«t-flext-to-the, 100 lines. And good luck with the express check­ ^llMllara Dr,mr D, Unhenliy SUUon AuHln.Tci «out_ hOtnearly I tf". 22? Vf,^ Mmt»J, Tuadt,, Senate floor. Lli^olhipd others used to And go'out,to dhurch, As an '^7,K"'^'£r'"P rp^^n>»Mwilljgaj{e_us Ik FrU,r SWwi'w ikroajh ' sit at the mahogany table arid sign bills . :Submit guest viewpoints-toTOravyer D/ m tfar ^Tuettty,kdn*tit.Viiirtity tniFrtuyJune Episcopalian you have a lovely church W , H"1 open wlth ouwelves> hr'the closing hours of congressional cl»»s po«l«« jl /UMUn. T« University Station, Austin, Tex, 78712 or -St->Jbhn's, just across Lafayette Square ''»L ii? P®°Ple of America, SeSSiOHW.-T.— "* --1.— —— < ­ t7are «t -PMa^' from your new home. Thls_ business of i that tied With our pressing M ^ b* <*&*x» <>~ The room isstaggeringly ornate,In thS tfl the l)exan office In the.basemtnt level domestic economic issues Is the -a»tesa^jsag3i«: .gafttetesmSfe-' lPth Century style, with a huge gold " ':Z having'church ^,oc'?.lna-No president will Services In the Whiter Trrc'".""VT'y,,,lc 1S8uea W «ie active of the TSP Building. Housosuggests that God, like "Pattoii *-i .-chandelier, Brumidlnrumiai fre"scoes,jrescpes, traitsportraits • , t 'V, -^ mus 8 *eaca .'i' must come to Presidents. g enly Jve can-give ourselvM.^ y.\ < Xl h" -Presidents WT Ie«acy-It is, • A' ^ tr • *3.^ mCA iis f,, J.-. WSSS: i.~rrr?rr-rr^i'rrTrn.il «t -^, 7 , ^ , w -•*« ­ if **i ­ Hft" Z£s7.\.',JV, *" T j?,Vt­ f£ *»*&? •:;is§m mm ft}\ ^tfc',viv S:f°*£v 38&»» '"VSflggb: Kinnriq &>$. vV^ guest viewpoint *£i ^^^•i5^'-•1 '*''» a •> • -isft, -,_'•""" *«< Greece faces external threats By ANGELOS STANGOS. •Greetis'. o'ut-of 'the occupied; to"balance the'situation. On Faced with-"'these The. only solution is the. (Editor's note: Stangos is a territories. the.One hand, it will capitalize developments and riot wanttitgC emergence of "a democraticgraduate student in theSchool According to their plan; the .on the already widespread .to risk a war between two of and independent nonalignedof-Communication.) -ethnic Turkish-Cypriotes will anti-Americanism in Greece-its allies, the United. States Cyprus in which the rightsof • Democracy, which was an around settle in area and. America's unwillingness' will haVe to repeat its 1.964 a,c: alTits pebplewill beTeSpected^S* '. restored in Greece after a Kyrenia equal to 30 percentof­ to help the GreeH'government Uons when President Johnson-: aiid observed and a CvpHote-^Sj • "long night"of seven years, is the island's territory (the to get qut of the dead end a's it irr-citizeo'' ' stopped . the Turks; from still threatened. The unfor­ethnic TijrkishTCypriote pop-did.in many instances with the vading by threatening to-let developed. •; ••/:.:•['.VR tunate that "lation on Cyprus is 18 military regime. The Greeks reality., is its them alone if the. Russians .. On its pact the/U.S. govern- stability depends more on ex­percent), and they will have • Were veiy-utiwilling-to fight 'had crossed the borders. By -ment shoaTd be' a^le: to see^*] ternal factors than on the their own government, The for the military regime and its that time., thoughjthe United that its usual '?'realistic­goodwill and cooperation of federal government will have "causes. States' will, have alienated ' poUcyi has often piroved um "' ;:*' the Greek people'and their the responsibility of thefiscal, On the other hand,' the both alliesand lost thesupport' realistic and; prevent anothergovernment?} In fact, the defenser and public affairs: Greeks will have to coor-. :of„ their_people. The result such'casel It will petter;serve . Greeks solidty backvthenqw. policies only. But-this is'also dinate their policy with the-could.be disastrous for its in-its;;Shot*t and lo^g term in-4 1 _ civilian goyernment and have the firststep towards"de fac­ Soviet rejection terests. in by con- Union's of terests the area S: guest viewpoint refrained fromJ any.acts of to" parfitionand therefore un' • any possibility which will • It is tfue that Mr. 'Ecevit,' tributing to the efforts of es-o . retaliation against the former • allow NATO to hav^ bases on acceptable to the Greeks! the premier of Turkey, is un-' tablishmg .-real Jstabihty the" ' military rulers and their Hie Greek government, fac-Cyprus. TheSoviets supported der pressure by' his country's area acceptableJiy'all parties.-^ collaborators. This has ed with these exteipal ttire^ts Turkey's"1 politica1. and •military officers. The last By doing'tijis, Mr./Kissinger stripped. the advocates of and the ^ internal dangers military movements because events, however,Jiave given a vvill also elimirite fears that A Shah's repression authoritarianism from any ex­ which, might generate,-has . they' w.anted resident tremepdous boost to • his^ the United Statgs ha^.given a .* cuses for attempting to bring asked the American govern-Makarios restored, the large prestige^ ajid^ fe be" free-hand^fo:Turkey,'in -• By The Iranian tried to stifleall opposition, as i ) Does not allow the dictatorship back by claiming Should • ex- • mAStudent Association ment to exercise pressure on Cpmmunist Party of Cyprus able by jjow to talk reason to change for putting ari end to •: y. We have beeft informed of . witnessed by 132 politicaUex-workers to organize-their own internal disorder; 1 Turkey and avoid the ' (the largest percentagewise the armed forces and ad-, the cultivation pf poppies, and ;..ecutions.(one pei; week since independent trade Unions. The big problemin Greece possibility of explosive best Com­more conciliatorj' ""the shocking massacre of 13 an and organized vocafe a that the Soviet Union is kept .1971), "and detention of more; 2) Does , not allow the today is the Cyprus situation. striking Iranian workers situation in the eastern munist Party in.theWest, con­and moderate position-before hap^y by' gettmg the"right to ; than 25,000jpolitical prisoners workers tostrike for their just Many people feel that the out­Mediterranean. -'.. (employes of Irana & Khavar who are being systematically demands. trols '40 percent of the votes death and .destruction hit.the interfere iri: Yugoslavia after enterprises) and .of the come of s the Greek-Turkish For the time being,. the and is loyal to Moscow) not. people of the two countries. Tito's death. | .• -. tortured. Even those who 3) Has militarized most in-negotiations in Gerfeva-will American policy seems to be deplorkbledeath of a workers'- destroyed and union with .have been in captivity for a dustFial centersi through plan-determine the future of the as opportunistic as it was Greece avoided. independently elected long time are not immune to ting army and police'agents ; Greek 'governmeht. If the throughout the Cyprus crisis. The Soviet Union is becom­representative, Mohammad torture and death. The recent : within the ranks of . workers. Greek government capita • Partition of the island as a ing increasinglyalienated now• Saleh Jahani (of'the Tabriz murder of 'Parviz Hekmatjou 4) Has maintained repress­ulates completely to the firststep and. double union as policj.qs L " .city transportation workers), (imprisoned since 1964) is ed" wages below Turkish demands; there is a from'•' Turkey's those a second step is the desired they who perished under torture at because are going „ . ........... __ testament to that fact, which necessary to fulfill the cost of great danger that nationalist: solution for the United States. 1616 Royal Crest towards partition and doubleThe~hands-^of-SAV-AK-(the—alsb-make&usponder-QverJhe^-Jiving , officers will overthrow it and Unless the new Greek union. In the case pf a war .in 444t Shah s secret police)., . .. fate. of; similar political We insist everyindividuaTin esiabKsh tneir own version fit ~ governwentr: consists-of-wbich Greece wyi ^end-the . •-.A Jpadinfl ihbice of the Riverside These terrible incidents ar.e prisoners . (Messrs. the name of democracy ,and dictatorship. They will also puppets as • the ministers of independence of the'island, Or. aparirnei(is Vecdfise we-offer­ «not isolated events in the life Pakne^had', Jazani, .etc.), as justice to send letters to:'..£>\ declare, war on Turkey with, extca-spacious living: and direct the military regime, it will chances are that Soviet Union ^fof Iranian workers but rather well as the fate of a numberof disastrous for access to. the shuttle|bus :. v; rlnternational Labor results both ­ a reflection the general gradually realize, that its only ill heip indirectly by mount; : of prominent writers who have Organization countries. • . alternative wiU be to retreat. ting pressure on its borders 1-1 $165^policies, 'of the -dictatorial been recently . arrested 545 Rue de Lausanne The Greek government is at. to war threats'and even actipn-'" with Turkey., 2-1 185 •regime of the shah of Iran (Messrs. Saedi, Dr. Shariati, 'V.Geneva, Switzerland great disadvantage in these paid -^Which are aimed at providing ' Tnnltahnnl Plf ) 2-2 195 ol/ bills and vehemently negotiations. Despite the fact 'cheap labor to please the those-vicious acti —o>tly, U,.S.-owned multi- Shv S ^:regime of the shah of Iran, created by the military "• national corporations that are propaganda and strongIy u^e !LO to: . regime and that world public j plundering Iran's human and 1) Send a delegation to in-has. ihade a opinion tur­ natural resources. prosperily and democracy for . vestigate these DEllCATESSBlf gross naround in favor of Greece,To maintain these terrible , the Iranian people, and es­ violations of the basic Turkey still has great military -. conditions the regime has pecially for the workers, ab­ , :: workers' rights, as well,as the and diplo'matic -advantages ject poverty, perpetual mis­ I 38^an(l Gui^ilupft < violation of international and pushes hard. ery and • vicious torture • re­labor laws. a? The Turks invaded Cyprus main facts of life. A basket^of • fetters fo the*reditor: • • . • •• • . -.• to prevent union with Greece The} THE MAXI-1. A new concept in one food in Tehran costs $92.16, ' COOL OFF ultimate apartment,.Splli-ievei -2) Specifically investigate and restore the: 1960 constitu­ bedroom split levels. Large bedroom" the same in New York City is living in a two bedroom studto­ ; Rrinq Une letters thoutdr-^v $92.27, while-the minimum the massacre of 13 workers; tion of the island, they said. 'this summer u/fth! Downstairs, a fully electric kiichenwith walk-in arjfl-bath with a full study upstairs. as well as the torture and Now, they demand a federal . pantry and spacious living room for entertain­Downstairs, a spacious living area;en­ system. They have already wage in Iran remains 70 cents • murder of the workers or the ! usr '! ing. Upstairs;two largebedrooms andbath with' tertaining area and all ejectric kiichen per day. The repressive walk-Ins. Free living at its finest. fe. * Be typed triple-*paced. ;. •'% workers* representative, . started setting the "de facto'' • • . See it to believe it. regime In Iran: J Have a free mu Mohammad Saleh Jahani. conditions by-driving the of or —Orossword-Puzzfer tint • 8« 25 line* or l«i. th« Texan kwacross' (kOUSTUPlP Answert^Yesterdiy^Paule^— KA6tE.'TOU i(fX 3 Firecracker nOBISR S0E3S »'»««rve» the right to. edit Iclten for < 4 Landmeasure M£ THERE TO 1 Soil tood r; ; raunrasE Hsradla (Ooupon and pur-; •,'Wh. -^-"1 SEiummeu 5 Pertalnlng to , -'"gSsjC,; 'i- 4-Cancel •' birth , BB HEBE1IJB0 1313 jthaae. qf a iand-l 9 Wager •6 Greek letter.fe •BS BSfaSB asii |.-yv.icVi. or * is<>• i * 12 Exist ••••m '( 7 Employ meal. ' 13 Reason «§§! 1:8. Hawaiian •:.. *.Includ* nptne,'' addrSitj .and 1-f Girl's name ' • Wreaths :|phon* number «f contributor. . IS Sharp reply 9 Comport _Htao caoa 17" Conjunction '10 (SirPsname B£S0t3S {30QH10 aBH DELI ^ 19. Regions' 11 Thlbk.black MOSS BB00 ZtrTheurlal--— substance _ -.-seas LivingPeople. 2124 Burton Drive I*—MallJliftwi lln^ aoti 22 Bldod v 16 Mountain HQ casaotisas 0Q The Dally Texan, DrawerD, UTSta-HD0"OJunrr SPEAtf^oFfyfr— ~^24-Pafcel-ot-\— —nymph----— 2-8*° * Hon, Austin, Tex;.787\2; « bring laad • Ejsssgs BaamsE AND CARR<^ A 6£AGL6"lf THE -18 Oeflnite arti-; _ shbjgj letter* to the Texan offices, base-6£AStE RUNS 'AiOM ?!! • 26 Without end • ole aamm 29 Waffling 20 Soak up ment, Student -Pubikatient loq) ' gradient 19 device . ; ' •• 31 Parent (col-• 23 Fertile spot tn; 38 Deep 61mp__:5'4 Wasborne^ •Building. 22 Classify d6 Make lace . 52 Tableland ff loq )• desert 41 African 55 Pronoun • 33 The self 25 Plaything. desert -56 Through .34 Conjunction 27. Wadingbird DOONESBURY 43 Cheer 57 Pigeon pea 35 Speck 28 Highways . 45. Saturated 59 Anger 37 Affirmative; 5 30 Take 47 Middle East 60 Condensed39 Sun god ' unlawfully Initials . moisture UAKPeN,m NOTATAIL, 49 Turpentine in-63. Greek tetter 40. Underworld 32 Vigor (col­god . /mecmmn sem&mi I/OU LEFT ME 42 Prohibit I 2 3 . 5 6. -7T 8 9 10 fTT" 1 ewfSMm -9V inmrfc 44, Sat for .­ THERETO Set _ I HsiPm TZSET /mrme portrait 5CAUSHT6REP.' * UP SOME INTER-THePf£S5 46 Brother of 1 I Views 7WS Gar TUB n Jacob \S 16 \7 IB 48 Sailpr (col- AFTERNOON. REALS!##.. M l.oq.) •• 19-20, 21 — SO VfltlBlv -• • *. m •51,Cut of meat 22 23w 57" 25 2^ 7T~ 28r -S3 King of ...Jiidea 79 30| 3) 32 33^ 55 Showed : M n mercy. 34 36 5s $$35~ 37 39• 58 Filthy . Zj • •••» • 40, W ®p 61 Pronoun 4rl 42 43 44 45 I SU66EST A'NBd .-62 Savory M ' MOTTO ."SPEAK •SOFTLY, • 64 Before-47 48 50 46 49 . time . AND SMUT UP!" 65 Period of 51 -32 | 53 54; i ST Recent 66 Place In line nn WSee,GmTt£MENt1HBl& 59^ SO 55-56 1 I 57 58~ ' DOWN _ n BEBti A .LOT OF Q/MCAt, RB­ 61 64^ fVtrm ABOUT 7HE "CUSHY' 1 Equality ' -• w ; 2.Exist-,., M 1 UFE HERB AT AltENWOSP. 65" 67^ 1 I IHINK mSN W MEET WITH m3MM _[tttl mmMAsmen aw some of THE OTHERS, WU SEE /rS NdT THE BED OF ROSESWU IMA&NER. YM'ti FeU AtmHome m\QQ& €tr.er/u.rm $Z .'''""in Pleasant Valley jp a /Zcry o/^ Join Your Friends in sAq>/*£S Q>// dnct v'0H,6EE,WAmK srw "The Popular"East Riverside Area tSj and d by.we X FOR&OT TO ftU. YOU-HE WONEP IN TO somi REGRET. HE HAS /7?£ HAVE YOU;. A SQUASH vm THIS AFTERNOON, Drop By All Brand New \ LookAround Come Seev S PLEASANT VALLEY * i £ K ,• r,< ESTATES 1300 So..Pleasant Y^ley Rd.. SA/PHEmS Y. MHE I '• X CANT STANP/K • MOF -, 447-7771 "Vt rif Next To ... AQUARIUS The Magic Mushroom f: TttEATREI No.lifOOobie Center,'-LowerLevel 47^-4317 Mon.-SaJ.T0-9 tsv&t -1974 THE DAILY-TEXAM Page 5 ret 'J A Texas Athletiis Make Money m. Bv LARRY SMITH-. other, sport at TnrAJ!Texas tMlr.took in oiimmorsummer iirtnf cnlec: u/hlrth • mentmant tiAKnahopes fato MiAUavoid inkViwhat luis i. k.:.. « 10-year. option to Sft'jtgfBy LARRV SMITH Othdr. SMrt ticket sales; which to buy a «a . .. W3t "•"•A1Texan Staff Writer."; more money than expected. are what fills the stadium,are happened to the University of purchase football tickets. The fit; _ •-Despite early estimates The intake, from television way down." , Oklahoma. Oklahoma has lost money, however, went to thethat, the Texas athletics • also was larger than original­Wha)..the department plans—money, foriihree ^straight • University and not the *--Tdepartment would lose up to ly estimated. tojdo.is what other Schools years.. The losses havecaused^ • - athletics department." ­ $90,000, Business Manager A1 "We took in $10,000 more in have done for a number of a cutback in programs•. and Lundstedt said he believes . Lundstedt said Tuesday that -basketball thananticipated, years, seek donations. -To wiped out a reserve that was .: the department can raisp up ^-.®When theHouston Astros are involved in time," he said, "because the Tigers were the department would have a am) the same is true in track. •begin such a program, it must at one time as high as $400,-spta. $1-million through' a", player trade their fans" can usually only six games'out of first when I left."­surplus of $10,000 to 930,000for Also, being in the Cotton Bowl get the approval of theV 000. . " grimace, ifot. matter how good the trade The Tigers couldn'twait.much longer to .^donations,.but the-initial costs ^ the fiscal year ending Aug. 31. game and the basketball Athletics Council and the To meetits costs, Oklahorpa will be high. looks for Houston. And' they have-good trade Northrup, however, because he has "The report of us being $90,-playoffs helped,": Lundstedt Board of Regents. Despite the plans to begin auctioning off "We'll probably have toAire reason to. :been with the team" for lO.years, or would 000 jn the red came from our said. "We even had an in­delays, Lundstedt said he football seats to the highest •sortie new people and build The' Astros, are notorious for turning; have been at the-end of this season. Initial, estimates," Lundstedt crease-of -$20^000: in con-feels/a foundation can be bidders;' :.quality playei*s into fairly good ones on a Had Detroit waited to trade him at that some new offices to set up the • said: "We haye two budgets, ,cessions after getting a new : operating by spring and take "In a sense we did what team with potential.' time, Northrup could have nixed the deal\r founda_t|on-,'t, he said. "It may i fln. ,income and an expen-. contract. In the past, we made' vin $250,000 this year".-we- And if there is a future all-star on the the way veteran : Oklahoma is doing when former Chicago Cubs take us half a million to make J-1> diture, and we initially plann*' almost no money off theni. We. ... Through use of such a foun­built the stadium addition. We $z50i000, but we don't have Houston team; the manager-and coaches third .baseman Ron Santo did during the ed a deficit budget fcf $90,000. had concessions mainiy "as a the athletics depart-, probably know who he is a couple of off season in a would-be deal with' Califor­ dation, allowed people-ta.spendb$40Q _mu_ch choice." j-;. . We had a $100,000 surplus left convenience." ~ seasons before he reaches that standard. nia. -over from previous years, and •While the department/made They-must* or:^lse~ther-wouldn't trade^-—"The first two months of this season I . we felt it would cover any money this past year-htm the season before. only hit .190,'' Northrup saidr"But-since-Sfdeficit we-might have.".. Lundstedt said, changes will Jim Wynn, Joe Morgan and John ; then I've hit 8 homersand have about 25 or Congress Ponders Action I* m The fact that the athletics have to be made if. the; Maybecry:have allbeen starters in theAll-30 RBIs.' I guess the Tigers just wanted to ' program made money was es­program is to remain solvent; Star game in the last two seasons, and give the young players a chance to play." pecially surprising after'the: "Inflation has really hurt us they are all former Astros. -But the youth movement has failed for As NFL Strike Continues K.W income from football, which as it has everyone else," he the Tigers since Northrup has left the IP E. is . the only "money-making" said. ''It costs us mbre to do WASHINGTON PLEASETRY US! antitrust status, and if. the Consistency _ •at; •LEATHER SALE * . was told last Thursday he had been traded OVERSEASENGINE 1003 Sogabruth 836-3171 -—goods--Voftotjt ktntfi—colon -75'pfir ft. .• facts^warrant, introduce ap-to the Montreal Expos: t J Itfjf "I hit more than 20 homers for four • -probnate—leeislstinn," said < _At Jirst. Nortftrun said he probably H«UMtlrCU9 ; . • ——-..r ..w . seasons in a row," Northrup said.''In'681 Moss-. Capitol Saddlery wouldn t report to ttie Kxpos'becduae he .. hit-20-homers antLdrove in 90 runs and in rlirin't-Irnmv if Ka ui** t~~~.ii.. im tlu ac l. i_ _ *• : ^ , \i.. . didn't-know he could take his family '69 I hit 25 homers and arera'ged ,zj>5. SHTi Austin, Texas 478-9309 Only last week, before the ;• 1614 Lavaca with him. "But.you can't do that if you don't play WALK TO UX players' union agreed on the "I discussed it with my wife, and we everyday," he continued. "I'm kind of a 14-day cooling-off . period a decided that we could handle it," streak hitter, and if I didn't hit very well which begins Wednesday, ALL BILLS PAID Northrup said after reporting to the Ex-for three or fourgames at the beginningof delegation of Washington POS.. • W1!-w Why Hassle . • /. ; •• • the season, I'd be benched and platooned COVERED PARKING Redskin players andmembers v But he was not surprised that he wa$ for the rest of the season." ' w~ of. the N-FL Players POOL ^ " traded: He said he had been expecting itWith A Dealer Association's executive-com­for the last five years, because the Tigers The way Northrup is swinging his bat mittee visited members" of Safe (Tiad four young outfielders plus veterans nttw, there is little chance of his beingFor-VW Repairs? • Congress to solicit their sup­Willie Mickey Stanley platooned by Montreal, especially during a Horton; and port if the NFL's antitrust^ex-' pennant race. himself. -­ " HUGE CLOSETS emptiohs are to be seriously A 1 "i was surprised ! was tfaded at the' , Just ask the Astros. challenged; SHWASHER/DISPOSAL II 2810 RIO GRANDE ITHE BUG -• j ~j "tT" . 4 :• 4 CORNER Studtman's ARN CASH WEEKLY M; 801 West Ave. 477-2725 Pfi. Photo Service Blood Plasma Donors Needed ElPATIO • Engine Work< mi ; _ Men & Women: T&Mmk 722 W. 19th & 5324 Cameron Rd. 476-4095 • Tjjne-Ups NO RIP-OFfS EARN $10 WEEKLY ALL WQRK GUARANTEED-^ Brakes RESUME' A-CASH PAYMENT FOR DONATION JDE^IFICATION^YPE Austin S ~~ That'll Be Thanks. 'PICTURES " Blood Components, Int. $117.50 Per HopeYou OPEN: MON.&THURS. 8 AM to7 P.M. TUES, & FRI: 8 A.M./to 3 P.M.. -^ ^5.'. 1-Day SfW/ CLOSED WED. & SAT. 'Jd Quick, Reliable Service 409 W. 6th AV 477.3735 ffml ~ ^$t­ ffm Ohttii Sure All1 Really -STAFF I YW1L Need ^ Is A THE DAILY TEXAN i t'yStudent Newspaper at The University of Texas at Austin <; ­ -' • , V5^' -W m IS NO LONGER FUNDED li • • f • A:*:* • • H|[| ¥• * » • « • V.v.w BY THE wf1 '»• « « *>.*<«. *«**•»•: 1 • * *«• y* » » « « lil'l'l'l'l'l'l'l'l'lllt s»^f J:• * • MANDATORY STUDENT • * • » • •» • ;% '• Sifea "'v.-SSSs • •*.•••••.••« • » «•••%• ---• •-«T « ••• •* -• * ­ Three i:ff-y.-FEE! ••* ••« « « «•« *••••• % 1 * •« '• » « *.» •-" 3^6gmbiJUS •" -'• * " •' ADay vrmrv PLEASE SUBSCRIBE 'E XPU WANTI TO PICK UP ^ And Wi THE TEXAN- Little CAMPUS THIS FALL, fECEIVE IT^BY U1S. MAILr "r ^ .1 N CAMPUS ,r FAIL & SPRING r~t fT -jiteao ­ . SEMESTER V 1.1^" A. iv *3.30 "w* (Orange Pick Up Boxes >Y«.a'l5.00 : ton Campus) I" Yoo May Subscribe to Tlw Tekdn This * eek at Gregory Gym as You Have Your ;University l.D. Made. See The Texan 7 & M Table .in Front of the Tickel ^Windows inside the Gyift^ KJ > A• «!§ r y>5i' Z.W&* Major League Basebalf V 2£a&L»CYI Houston Ends Losinq Streak CHICAGO (UPI)..— Cesar and, after Lee May grounded and Ken Fraihng relieved Matlack and A1 Downing, 4-benches. -Cedeno tripledlor his third hit out, Milt May singled; cleanly Zamora to finish the game. 6, were locked in a scoreless . Billy Champion combined of .the,game to;open the ninth .-to center toscore Cedeno.Bob . • • .• . battle until Don Hahn' opened with Tom Murphy for the vie-­ inning Tuesdayand scored the-rWatson singled to put May on NEW YORK (A?), -Jon the fifth with a walkr Grote-tory. Champion Wentseven in­ .winning run on Milt May's second, where he was replac­ 1 Matlack tossed a four-hitter, followed with'a "shot into"left •—nings; allowing eight ^hits,..to-Isingle'in a 3-1 victory for the • ed by pinch ruhser Wilbur and--Jerry Grote's homer field bullpen. ' recort.''his'':seVenth-Vwcti>ry'..-' Houston Astros the over Howard. helped the New York Mets .••••• against two defeats. " Chicago Cubs. Watson's blow knocked defeat the Los. Angelas ARLINGTON (UPI) — John -After/Milwaukee had moved The victory was pitcher Cubs' starter Bill Bonham out • Dodgers 3-0:Tuesday night. Briggs' two-run single spark-\ in front with its.big eighth in-'; Dave Roberts' first win on the of .the game with his 15th loss . Matlack,. .11-9, struck out ed a four-run Milwaukee nihg. Brewer • shortstop Timroad since April 24, broke a against 10 wins; and Dave eight and walked none. ; --eighth,inning that carried the Johnson was injured in thefour-game Astro losing streak Rader singled off reliever . He got all the runs he need-Brewers to a 5-.1 decision over bottom half of the inning j»h?n and marked the Cubs' eighth Oscar Zamora to fill the 'ed in the fifth inning. when Texas Tuesday night in a Ranger first baseiflan Mike straight loss. ; bases. Tommy Helms scored Grote hit his fifth home run of game interrupted by a near-Hargrove slid into him at se-Roberts allowed the Cubs' k :Howard wth a sacrifice fly, • the season. bra.wl. that emptied both cond base. eight hits, walking two and striking outfive in Working his-I nir. "I I t'.uis Student (,on>rn men I I'rfsonis sixth complete game in 24 < SMU Loses starts. Itwas his'seventh win,' and his first since July 9,. Two Players against 10 defeats. Cedeno, who singled in lx>£h"-" DALLAS (AP^ -Southern -: the first and fourth innings;; Methodist's thin 1974 football • ZZWPsff . drove the ball to the deep team suffered a, blowTuesday rightfield corner in the ninth-when CoacK Dave;Smith an-' nounced Ihe loss of fullback Paul Sturdivant .of Moore,• standings Okla., to Oklahoma State. v'National Uogw*' ."That was one position * where we bad a'deqiiate : WWm '• ; i OB St.CoulrV*. i\ '57 .517 . depth," said Smith. "Paul ' P h i l a d e l p h i a J57 .513 Vi played four or.five games for Pittsburgh.i,59 56 .504 m Mpntreal.5s 59 .482 4 us as a freshman and had a •lew York....j.y™' ,50 63 MT 8Vj great spring.!' •; ," Chicago...fcStiri.ii 44, 67 .407 13­ Smith-also "announced that • Lot Aflflele*i^Vrisv.— 75 • At -.641 ; -cornerback R6bert Gibson of Clnclnhatl i ;..\.'r.L to" 45-^93 -irr_1)_.11, Corpus Christi. two-year Atlanta....... " • ! l i HoGslbff .:y.\~ -. -39 56 • .sw --ii lettermen, had decided not ton ^ — UW Tfltpnote SanFranclico 65 .449 .72Va play his senidr year. Pushy San Diego..;. .-• 4f 71 .398 28W iMuila . '^We are'really hurting for'. •i ^Strain show* in the face of Bob Seagren at he hits the football sled which it part of ^§Hc^ vchiew J .. . depth," Smith said. "We lost , the obstacle course of the Superstar competitions at Rotonda, Ha. SeagreH, a pole f>b„c,co s -. (noseguar4) Randy Savage vaulter, leads the field in competition With the winner of these event} aiialifvino for^^' ^Pit^bgrgh K ancinnati 3 last week. He injured a knee' New York 3, Lot Angeles 0 lissl the finaU scheduled later this year, • ' . working on the freight dofcks.' ^San DiegoZ St. Louis 1 ~T-" ~-"i* Anwkawt—gw ; -^We are.also worried:about0 Royce Collins, a transterfrorff'" -• • • W L M. Alabama.. He was .being No-Hitters Eotl iSlr Boston.;..; 63 52 .548 counted on-for. Iin6backing Cleveland. 58 54 51J .help and separated a sheiilder Baltimore v. '58 57 .904 * New York 56 58 .491 last;week in a'church league­ Detroit....,..:;;;..:s5; 62 .470'-softball game." ' "".r' MliwaUkee......i.: 55 62 .470 ' , WMt ANAHEIM (AP): j-Nolan : Ryan was a witness to the .place that I might have a Oakland ..iv,'!.:..;. 68 49 .58V Ryan iisp't belittling his •19-strikeoui games of Carlton chance at the record."' -Kansas City.. ..'6V. 54 .-530 i •Chicago.*.,.....;..: 5f'57 -.504 ...9 p itch i n g. reco rd of '• was a New Ryan, who led the majors inv MARTI'S 19 and Seaver. He Texas60 S9 '504 9strikeouts in a game, but he'd York Mets pitcher in 1965 strikeouts thelast twoseasons Minnesota 57 60 .487 n 23rd & PEARL rather have California.......... 46 71 .393 22 | a no-hitter any­when Carlton, then with St. with 329 and a record 383, can T- Rtwltt time. Louis^ set the record against -become the first pitcher in Milwaukee 5, Texas 1 • . The California Angeles' the Mets, and in 1970 he saw . baseball history to record 300 Kansas City 6, Detroit 2 Home Cooked ' Baltimore.8, Chicago 2 righthand'er -broke Bob teammate Seaver of the Mets or more strikeouts in three BostoA at California. N Italian Food -Feller's--American -League tie. the mark against_San consecutive seasons. ' . New York at Oakland, N (Rain or Shine) 4ft record of IB strikeouts in a Diego. LABOR DAY WEEKEND nine-inning gariPe Monday : *1guess i m:the only guyin LUtiCKAND_ night when the Angels beat the world to have.seen all Bostpn, 4T2,' for Ryan's 15th three,of "em," said Ryan. -THE DINNER SPECIAL SUNDAY,SEPT.l 3^)0-p,m^TiU-?­victory. He tied the major • Of fanning 19 R^d 'Sox, ALL THE league mark held, by Tom which boosted his major 'Vs-, f. MARCH JJ.T. MEMORIAL STADIUM, AUSTIN LASAGNA Seaver ami Steve Carlton. league-leading total to 250, YOU CAN EAT TICKETS $8 Advance -$10 Gate M HAIR "There11 !is no margin /or Ryan said, "I've always felt error in a no-hitter,",Ryanefe ,,that if all the conditions tier# ^ Hairo'uttlng*Studio FOR $2*5 On Sale: Raymond's Drugs No. 1 & No. 2 $ML if. plained when he said he con-right and everything fell. 4nto 501 W. 18th 472-2984 ONLY |MAIL,ORDER:^ Preston Ticket Agency, P.O. Box 12000, Dallas, TX ] siders his fwo no^hitters lasf " < . " _ OSSsxj; a m «. m LUNCH. 11:30-2:30 >75225. Cashiers check oi^ Money Order Only. Enelose$ta'rnped, self.-' season as-his greater achieve-**•••••••••••••- DINNER 4:30-12:00 t addressed envelope. - ment. . , DUVAL VILLA > (formerly qfThe^tfeircut^SLtora) -^* APARTMENTS^-'"!-* 2 'baJfoorii -1 with <•' t >•—--2 bedroom ^-2 faiath . .J. •INTRODUCTORY OFFER* Furnished Apts. for Rent J * . r. 454-047'; 430(5 Oiivnt* 1 FREE RK BAR W/Hnir style • ' *:• ..v ... ... $ ::Q$ UK mS; ImM m august A IS fkm:i Kip- Roasl beel(.c6rned beet,cheeses pastrami, ham quiche, barbecue, avocadosoup, cheesecake& national baklava Bui not all at onceJ^^f' 304West 13th 372-1900 w COMMOft sandwich HBBftET month i ii* • .M •' y i> STUDENTS! iRriiu: KAMP0BWl J.30'­ RCISU»-pofior—.1,50 BALCKEYpoeoY­.B$ L,| WILL GET V5Y0U ,. ,.5:A i A isI® .TIME RUN IN 1^1 1THE'p 5LTK/ATOmar •• l-ZS. . ' uvErawsrP060T u i 99 trueuy 1AM « TURliTPQUOf1.30 r 6 Tiwd-POBOY-' 99 14 QEBS&ANDKVOCAffi P980Y." 1.10 27 WULTl4fi)lAP000V .99 r-Kwn1.50 AV&CA00 poeoy .99" • 51MCR SUB .75'.-'v': 23 AHiRlCANu>ams£­10 provoiongQBiSE '. •POBOY .80 17 BIT POBOT •••.99':': w UNQflDQN . powr.sr*" 3T • -• 1 .« . a'ia Dotiie offers something most students find-in short supply '' , . ROOM. The space you need to study, to relax, to ^^entertain friends . . . without-falling-6vet your' roommates. 4 Dobie dgesn't think you should have to -suffer jusf to he - • jsPAILlfE• -TEXA-N— "UWCLAS^HEDS"" •p%'. ^Cpm'e by fi%f T J £ ^ t" Unclassified. T5P Bldg, .'Room 3.200l .....aijd place r & yotirlassified^hi^ wcHSrintpporor.99 njRXHYpcwoy .99 MM 8 CHEESEPOKJV >;1.50: ' the SamWitch ahopi celebrate* National-{Sandwich Mohth *ithv daily. aandwich ipeciall> \ S*ve 19.34 by eating all :}^ , % 'thirty-one specials. I^SimtOTchshoj>s It/RKEy v>CESB POBOY­t.10 . mk tmp dSs"­ #1^Sample Payment Plans j**-T^.•LotigSession —Summer (6 wks.) .^9 frtyals pfcr w«^]k / -15-meals per week . 9U-;-' Double Ji485;v> .szoo''i'>-Suito i close to school. That's why we wouldn't dream of tmn ||^|Crartiming you into some modified broom closet. .7 or ^ '^-fegdjng .you anything but delicious, carefully prepired^­food. ^Dobie features pleasant-sui«>uiwltagsi!^arSing^:iiineteen^| meals a week, and -dozens of [little extras ,. . like a pool, r|^a sauna, and.a Mall full of delightful shopsvand ' "^entertainment.. . PLUS a staff that really cares about^--^­UYOU asTpgrson. —' —-' v * Ad No. .3 Dobie Matt ivc Smittnat • Mu*f be pre*paid •-No refund* ie Tpwer • 21st at Guadalupe • 472-8411 i ----i'vssy-ar-'Ujj tHi raxPag*7'^ rm IIS "3§pt! ifc <&&£& ® 3®$ fsfjg •*&&?&& 5&*& $&>, "vss. ^ »• %'& r I — ' s=-« ••' :— •f •*-­ Weir, Stevenson. r Raise Funds \ ?S*P*Y*S' Botches Up $Sfmm "fe-e • u »' r«gpL.By MARK PEEk|f|-:;; -WEIR OPENED the show Weir, ind H took the crowd.a least4ialf of his set. He played together and began playing-—Te.\an-StaIf.WEUer'J_ V and played the best set I've while to build up' to ljim. His most of his standards and & frequently at the Keystone in ''S*P*Y*Sdirected by Irvin Kershner;-; policy between the CIA and the KGB, One ' •>' I've"never seen more people evef^seen -him-do-.-^e-playj set began to get a bit livelier couple of his newer ones that San ;Francisco: during the screenplay by Malcolm Marmo'stein,;. U.S. agent must bite the dust also. Lawrence J, Cohen and Fred Fpeqtpan; ". get so,wasted apd crazy and -all of the good songs from his towards therend-and.-StewL will, be on his new album • sununer.of 1970. Scaggs gain­starring-Elliot an«r Donald . Looking for a way to reduce the Gould . have such a great time for a :album (which would have to Fromholz came on to assist which he is recording now at ed quitea followlng'at the club oyerwh^ming-oddiv of; their immediate Sutherland; at the Riverside Twin Cinema" ,: good "cause as I did Monday' include all of them) in addi­Stevenson in singing oneof his demise, they undertake one more mission, the Odyssey'Sfudios down oA,;-which prompted Columbia and the Village Cinema Four, . night a* the Texas Qpry House' tion to some new ones -he's songs, "Everybody's Goiji' on West Sixth Street. • -• records hoping to ?ell some hot information and to take a look at him By DANIEL D. SAE2 benefit , for :!tfu..scular .written and older standards. the Road." Stevenson did not For $4 the show was one of and sign hifn.toa contract. -.-jif-.',v~ Tpvnn siotf writor purchase a disappearance for themselves: SST-, Texan Staff Writer Mi •-.v; . Dystrophy: Rusty Weir.'-BiW. Weir has that "down-sing some of his-biggest the hest bargains available in: :;;.previoiisly, ;S^ggs*::;musie^ ^ The Story bogs down: frequently; most Somebody, ought to send a telegram to 20th W-^."Stevenson:and JerryJeff, hominess'Vappeal without be­:favorjtes like "My Maria',' this world of $5,98 albums and has-been in the rq$c vein, but * noticeably when the two spies hide oiit in the Century-Fox stating in no uncertain terms­ <;-A\Va)ker donated their musical ing, hicky that really gets-pe<* and "Shambala," apd only a _$8 concerts. Jerry Lewis his latest LP, "Slow Dancer," i apartment of /a homb-throwihg, anarchist that two stars (Elliot Gould and Donald gii-lfriend •y • , <' "services for the night.\yhich pie off;Several of the songs he' few from his latest album, coufdiTt have done better ifhe has^ustrong rhythm and blues ' of. Brulard's. As the firebrand, '"Calabassas." . ' Sutherland) and. three-asterisks do' not fe-.^netted a little over JCOOO for and his band.-The"" Filler. " ^ The ' »o±u.. —-hardly manages to i.» had tried. ' flavor. albttm"viras ohmw . French actress Zquzou s:the .A¥sliii~ rMus;cuiar.ir-^Brothers,:did_were singalongs Next itwafJerry Jeff's turn •• + . make. -S-P?¥LS—isjiQl__ raise smoke in an otherwise juicy role, • (yijproduced by *'Philadelphia • jud?ed on its own .'. ^Dystrophy chapten with, the audience; ndtablyvT rand-Willfe-Nelson^-growings __Bo^Sraggs, the St. Mark's "-sound" producer John Bristol, The-main probleffirseems^^ ib^be-thatr ""Fort. Worth I Love You." another of. his ort-again," off-" graduate from""' ' nd* he wrote most of if tn »I'Sdo"® yhenone expects altliough they are workingoutside societyand Piano" made • .The Opry House has a '.'Sherrell Dorreen, My 'Rodeo again beards, accompanied good, will' be at the Texas songs for the album. mfw^y folks^ ^" " H _Ain 1 are properly tebellious, Gouldand Sutherland seating capacity of 1,500. and Queen" and "I Heard You the -usual Opry House ah- Opry House. for. two1 shows . Tickets for the two shows-look as if they are consfrainediby thejilot. ­ .-it was filled with good-time Been Layin' My Old Lady."1-: nouncer Sammy Allred in in­Wednesday . and .Thursday . _ , , -i For one thing, screenwriters Marmorstein The fun of watching these two is not knowing STEVENSON was next on -" available for $5 at Inner Sanc-S; trio of Ring '-•music, and people Monday troducing Walkerand the Lost nights. • a^nabfe7oerK at0^LTwiM ?±"anLFKe™.a are n?1 a what they'll d<^ next; in "S*P*Y*S" it'sreally •$f »'• ££nigfit. The show was a 'sellout stage, and he also-played for Gonzo Band. Walker played • Over the years, Scaggs has Lardner Jrs., and director Irvin KjJrshiier is easy, to anticipate. ; • • . ,• , turn-,. Odd1 Moments in k^long "before the doorsTsjpfined • not another Robert Altman; something that' aboutanhour.B.W.wasmore until 12:15 a.m., past Austin's played withSteVe Miller-(a St. Highland Mall and ikt the Opry ' There are momentSr-though, when they do ,,'i "'.at 7 p.m. laid;back and mellow, than. antiquated, liquor curfew for Mark's classmate) and then we should understand and accept. By putting seem to be winging it, and "S*P*y*S" jerks House. It Is worth' the-price it into this perspective, we are able to juilefe •C,; those"who renamed, after the after that; went on tour with justtosee Scaggs' lead guitan back to life "with a flourish. r'« "S P*Y*S" on its own ground. •" ­ '"-""booze stopped flowing. Tracy -Nelson and M,other player,-L'es Dudek, as he lsj["Tk Thg ending .Is a cop-out, pure and simple < reotufts The audience was on ' The concerns bumbling CIA -' their Earth for about six thonlhs: close in looks and style to be­plot two rnstead'of plot.resolution, we get the two -of operatives, Griff (Gould) "and Brulard" . feet, .-jumping and stomping : After leaving Mother Earth, lt® the reincarnationof DuaneV# them, still on-the run, dancing down the road ' (Sutherland), who are on the run'from their with Walker's music, for at Scaggs got a band of-his'jiwn Allman. singing "Side by Side,"leaving the door open -own agency. It seems they botched up the TKHHmOR for a sequel defection of a Russian athlete, and a KGB THEATflES Maybe next time they'll take out the . agent was killed. Under an eye-for-an^eye asterisks, -" »• i'\' TopBarbecueSet FOXTwlN 6iS7.*mroii nvo. Student Government will Beard. Their recent success group composed of former 454-2711 present its first annual Barn -results from their jnter-Free members Sinion Kirke television DanceandBarbeque from 2 to national gold album '"Tres on drumsand Paul Rodgers on ' -" Ji-fiZnySent. 1 in'rMemorial which includes vocals. Bad Co. also includes -Community Televi-i .'Hombres'' Austin . ;7.S»pj«. f\iu9 internatlorwl Perfcrmante • k StadiumT1-The~lwo groups—-their-hit-singl&^!La Grange." -Mick--Ralphs on . gUiitarvifision-wilT present .a^frogram ? Thp Greftt Amerkan Dream 34 Wide World Special -"Mopty*, r HaH Presenti Sex In the WTOt." \ f. scheduled for the event so far ZZ Top is also credited wltKT fmiiterly-of-Mott-th&JJf>nplp|-"from 7 to 8:4S p m . Machine -r f^turing Amy Vaoder-.: are ZZ Top and Bad"Co. two other hit albums,."ZZ and Boz Burrell »oh bass,, Say on cable rolterderby que«n Ann Cavftllo. lliSOt p.m. .-. •'.••'•V'jS-':':-'.---­ $.1.50 til 6 p.m Wir* Elaine Stritch, early S|monand ---36'The.Tonlghl Show Features 12:40-2:55­ Mov.i«r^eWn-PwfVlirG^Aajuli_l 9"Strawberries 'In the Winter-"* f.M Top's 1st. Album'-and ''Rio 'Timelttr Scirape No. 27" starrtnp Dala, Robertson time''by sport* formerly with-Ring-Crimson. a« FBI ' 5:10-7:30-9:45 • ZZ "Top features (lead Grande Mud1' which features -Other groups will be an­ agenl who gunned dovyn John ; produced by the School-for the Ol/tfnger.­ guitarist and vocalist-Billy another, hit" -single nounced at a later date. Ad­ Deaf will start the program.A 8 ptfn. . Gibbons,' bass player Dusty "Francene." vance tickets areavailable for 7 Cannon , Pdiet^ 0os^i^ tafie of the Austin Ballet H|ll. and . drummer-Rube 36~Movle; "Remember; When/' Bad Co.,.is a jiewjEngHsh $8-at both-;Raymonds-Dings. • Theater will follow at 7T10 starring J«cK Warden p.m; A video tape of fhe local Le Potpourri ' n W* • • • -F/ • 9' The Boordfno Hovie t'lB uwHiMinjj ni/w«' — me Noso-Dance-Troupe produced•:• lrr»pf«ttlfale Pe(nt«r Slturs In an ,The Tfastfnlon-Biiildingisby Carlos Guerra will show at ,; ' £ Franclico's rock nlShtclubT , .. «OSWg-for--M^VatlO!n_iltJhe 7:30 p.m. »pm. : ' end of-this week,' and the , . , , "^r' > Koiak A tape of local guitaristssgg 9 Festival Films — a series of toffee shop, LePotpourri; will •Bill Neely'and Larry Kirbo 's award'wlnnkijg student vldeojapes. . end its summer operations 24 Due Elliot : from will .run at 7:45 p.m* The final 9.30 pm ' with recitations three tapo_ consists of interviews; •e-9 Vljdeo VUIonar(«is ~\ — local poets at 8 p.m. Thurs­X "Siapemates" Is .a choreographic. day. The featured poets will LUCILLE BALL I'MAME with" foreign students produce 3; worMor two dancers In* a surreal • co ed by Ali Dveissi at 8:15 p.m.? ••• electronic environment. ; be Jim Ryan, Jeff Woodruff JO.p.m. • -v ... BEATRICE ARTHUR BRUt/E DAVISON * JOYCE VAN PATTEN wrby fuuong and Roy Griffith. ' ." 7, 24, 36 News ­^ROBERT PRESTON » 8aajregaitf • Based gn the Broadway Musia!"WAVr -J .6• 30 p.m. * •-• • .. , 9.Man Builds, Man Destroys —• Beat poet Ryan gained • 7 Maude .. "freffic orTransit^" recounts theen-attention in 1972 by giving a 9 and 36 New> ; • . ^ronmental mlwmef of cars -and to Qeorge­ poem Sen. :7p.m. . •••,-^;>?0t30 p m. McGovern and has supported . l Oreanri of Jeannle • • . studies the alterneHves: 7 The.Hudson Brothers Show 7 Movfe: "The Glass House," HELD pyERr7tli WEEK! END OF SUMMER BEER BUST -9 .200rp * himself since then by • selling * , V ; starring Alan Alda,.Vlc Morrow, Clu HappyHour Priest • I4;.The Cowboys Gu)ager« BlHy Dee WlllWrns/ Dean !• poems on the Drag. OKH ZOO XW ^Igv^ay Happy H,uf Pric., HAPPY HOUR PRICES 34 Chase^ In'prlW «lck4 220OH»«artOttre-<&6«l flA. 2J0-S40-730-MS Mug Rt'cher ~ MlKti Pm«Ti)5:J5 20-, 1.10 rrCOOD «tt DAY-­ 30* 1.60 rf^UBRARY FINES gp,. P.°9d Until Aug. 22. Good w/coupon only ^Notlfwi from the Unlwralhf 7:00-8:20-9:40 Monday -Shiner Day Wed. - Library or ~ III Michelob Day ONE WEEK ONLY! any. of Happy Hour Prices on Shiner all day with the ..^Happy Hour prices on Michelob with the branches areofficial Univer­purchase of a meal. .^purchase of a meal. -... „ sity communicatlonrrtiquir^ infl immediate attention. W»-CHINATOWN' IS A The dl,,erent 'sandwich, pizza and Italian food Restaurant ' ' '"'3 If you've, never seen one ofBRILLIANT CINEMATIC SON..THURS: i1:00 a.m. to I a.m. FBI. & SAT. 11:00 a.m. le 2;00 a.m. "those" kind of movies, this is ff-FW POEM IN THE STYLE OF POE, 2801Guadalupe 4724034 the one to.see. MARTI'S II.CIRCA .1974! —Paul Zimmerman T>:' -.-•-Tiir •> ;^i23rd & PEARL-: sNewsweek OPEN 1:45 $2.50 til 6 p.m. Glasses Included FEATURES 2:00-4:0© r^tiome Cooked Pass Cist Suspended «24^uadalupe St—477-1964 ® 6:00-8:09-«10.«00 #-*??«• Italian Food i PARAMOUNT, m 1 713 CONGRESS AVENUE ' LUNCH Altfe FEATURE TIMES DINNER SPECIAL nffnTimwnmrTimn hi um BiOO and 9:40 ALL THB FEAtURE TIMES 1:1-5>3:00^4:50-6:35-8:15-10:00 LASAGNA J COU STATES MIV1E4N V YOU CAN EAT BOX OFRCE OPEN 8:00 SHOW STARTS AT OUSK ShovvtownUSA mmm FOR CO-HIT 1MK DON'T IOOKNOW ONLY. U1NCH( 11:30-2:30 Vigilante,atystyle- DINNER 4:30r12:00 (yflppf jury,ones sxocutiorwf* |ALL CINEMASEVERY DAY$1.25'TIL1:3Q .... 1COMCOM HIGHLAND MALL NOW! 4th 5MASH 451-7326 • IH35 ATKOENIGIN. :iSi' TODAY OarbraStreisahid TRANS-*-TEXAS OPEN 7:45 AU SHORT ft ADMISSIONS I'-*? A Film by AT 8:45 $2.00 -3 • SHOWINGS HIGHLAND MALL mfom PaulIJlorrisscy PASS LIST SUSPENDED 431-7326 • IH35 AT KOENIG IN. 1 m HURRYI-ENDS THURS -TODAY AT— STACYKEACH 12:00-2:00 4.HMVK)0-8.-90-)0.-00 FREKRlCfQRREST WTCO CAPITAL PLAZA ®®SEE IT TODAY! OVER 432-7646 • IH3S NORTH 2nd. Week " IH2.&REAI ENDS THURSDAY —TODAY AT AMERICAN COWBDV lK)S-2:45-4flS-6^)S-7JO-9:30 IARRY flMHAN 'fO] CAPITAL PLAZA 452-7646 • IH 35 NORTH^ ablakeEdwards film ANDYWRHOLS FRANKENSTEIN • A Film by PAUL WORRISSEY • Slarnng Joe DallesArial „ IwpiqueV&nworeh Udo Kier. Introducing Arno Juerglng. Daltla Or Lai2afo • Srd|anZ«(erK>viti .. Julie Andrewsand OmarSharif..,,, _ L NTt-8RAUf>SBgBG-BASSAH» PROOUCTION"*!^COlQR• A BRYANST0\PICTURES RELEASE togethera*only loversworlds apartcan lw. MP' !l FROM THE MAN WHO BROUGHT w#3fts FRIDAY! YOU "A ffimilt.GMiQUMtS1' RSOUCEDPRICES US Theatres IV TIL 6 VM. 1500 5, PLEASANT VAUEY HD ,...-nttn MON. THRU SAT just Off east wveasme oaivr 444-wnt*' J:1«A lr30 ,0,00 4>ia THEWHI 3;j0 SMU 4.-35'r5; Fsahirtt'i;- 7<30 8:15,0 DAWN 9>30 iAJC: U4Sf8ft_ natncoLo* (Mon-Sal) ' 10:00 MgvMi r' ,-whmlor. ffrow, unapumonflowcn. I ** it «nd Cmmw WiuiyNI MM »<• V »-nw Rdle in By DANIEL D. SAEZ an intense initial reaction to qithec. he is a nincompoopor a Texan Staff Writer • the first show,-which show ed screamer all the time, so we-Except tor a 1970s walking Howard's characteras the son try to put him more or tess in -suit in lieu of his usual-1950s trying to' unfa'sten his between, because,the time of . attire, "Happy Days" star • girlfriend's brassiere through (he show hopefully expresses : Tom Bosley oft-screen' was hersfceater^sy? a strong family relationship. • thesame asthe on-screen one. -We-think heVmore of a • Amiable to a fault, yet retain­"DALLAS; v particularly, r ,-C «. ­ character than a caricature." ing a straight-shooting; was quite upset about it. In 1 sincere manner, he was the fact, they had a disclaimer oil -WHILE he' is still open to perfect pictare of everybody's the second show saying 'Por­movie offers, hifc commitment favorite uncle who used to tions of this show are not con­to "Happy Days" forces him know what you'tj do with the sidered; s ui table f o r to consider r only films that -fivebucks-he'd lend you, but -children!,"-Bosley reminisced would be shot in the-Los ;; would give it to you anyway. • with a -smile,. , Angeles area. He'recently had In Austin recently to plug to. pass on an offer to be in the series,which will continue « '"The reaction came from a "The Hindenburg," which will' to be shown this fairar7~p7m~-large «mount-of-the populace star George G. Scott; Tuesdays on, channel 24, wlwwereteens inthe50s, and osley's^commltmennsnT Bosley admitted that the who have teenagers of their just contractual; he believes .success of "Happy Days" was own, and they wire trying to in the show, and feels that it is • not totally unforeseen; • • , ' tell their'children: that wasn!t fnore::than just ai rip^o'ff of "I FELT IT had a* chance the way things were; The son "American-Graffiti".because of "American Graf­does, it: iri a very naive and * "I hope that we can show a fiti" and because'Ron Howard: awkward, way* and it's family communicating with^ was m it, but I don't think any something:that every boy has fflf,;of us expected.it to catch on as gone through,' and certainly each other, facing whatever r ' quickly asit did," Bosley said. every girl," Bosley said; problems they have to face ^ ~ —T«*on Staff Photo by Mptfwi Tayfor Without making every mo­ ^ "The main difference j­ .•^between seeing this show: to?-' . BOSLEY, a Tony Award Bosley: 'More character than caricature.7,1 ment a serious one. "< sj-nssiY^ia, al^day' and seeing it in the 1950s " winner forejiis role as New in such filmsas The World of ...... have established his soft, • Cunningham, and feels that • "According to Ron, Georgethat we wouldn't have said York's flamboyant Mayor La Henry Orient," "Divorce; nasal delivery and easygoing his" portrayal-is an;improve-' Lucas, the •'director of things or da some of Ihe Guardia In the Broadway American Style,'' plus guest manner to the American ment over the usual sit-com > . !American Graffiti,'; said that'"^things we do. In those days production of "Fiorello,-'' has •shots on "The FBI," "Love, public.-..•;: formula. even though-. 'Graffiti'• was you held to-skirt around it." become a familiar fixture in American Style" and "The He enjoys his role as '.'The tendency in so many about when he was in high ; Bosley said there was quite' both filmand television. Roles • San Howard's father, Howard school, the early1960s marked, Streets of Francisco" colnedy shows witha father is xPaint Your Wagon' Set for Village Ginema . The;16th annual Zilker Hillside summer musical will present Wagon" to the pioneers who settled the West, to -celebrate the; :free performances 'of "Paint-Your .Wagon" at 8:45. p.m. upOTming.bicenteftnia.l of the nation. . . ii asJVednesday through Saturday, this week-and next. : Many of the incidents in the show are based upon'actual fact. HF ,2700 WmI Aodarsofl Loiw , m THe musical, set during the Gold Rush in No Name City,"a Comstock, of the Comstock Silver Lode, bought his wife froma brawling mining pamp,: grew out-of Alan-Jay Lerner.'s.and man .who didn't want her and a billof sale was actually drawn Frederick Loewe's desire to write would' _Frederick Loewe,s desire,to write a musical which would "em-up to consummate the purchase. In JPaint Your Wagon' Ben fMBHEYPeiTIER • MMCOftftV blfsgethg-robpstness-and-yitalitv-and-eoekeved^ouragethatis^—JiiimRnn heocmes involved in-a v&riatiorf of that incident." so mucfi a part of our heritage," Lerner wrote in an article HARRVkEtAFOMTC about the play. . The musical's plot bears little^resemblance to the film ver­As"GeechieXJan~ — ss Austin Parksand frecreation Department Sponsors theannual sion which starred; Lee Marvin and Clint Eastwood. The, stage '1hey. get­^Zilker Hillside summer musical and hasdedicated "PaintYour version has. many more sbngs including t"They Call the Wind Maria," "I Talk to Trees."-and "There's a Stage Coach Comin' funny when In." '* . -. . .you mess' : Free performances of "Paint Your Wagon" will be presented* at the Hillside Theater in bilker Park. |||with their- TONIGHT* THURSDAY mdney. PLUMNELLY Held Oyer! "Tequila Nighl -Still 40* a shot . --Cover fitQO '0: 5th Week! THIS WEEKEND' ' BACHMAN GRIEZY WHIELS i2:15-2:15-4:15 & •• -• • W$*15:1WS * Central Air Conditioning PASSES SUSPINMD fawr $1.50 ITnTTlT lUOJJCIP^RICISitlUJtlS Bee Caves~RcT 327-9016^ " MON-rOL M UPTOWN Plus REO Speedwagon group 3A¥URDA¥ MI6HT Wed. • Aug. 14-8 p.m. THE STING ' 'Held. •• ...-• :: dvar. , MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM 4»K, . fPG^: ; .• -J-Wtekl .—-1 S:05 RESERVED:S6« SS 12:15 -$1.00 *«00 -r.-.oll^aKes'fs I 'mo- RAYMOND'S DRUGS U\ & U2 a liffle Confidence..„•. (HtMtd *acf*n»« 'ftfvtMO ,,Kcapitota of theworid, Blandtinstha color of P«riaian cafawith theMtcof aaaaag«a' , ffi t0*Genaidy.Futrltifroat Danatark. «no«i»«na d«llcade*from the epicurean i >i I RIVER ClTY«i T; >Th4 pungantiualatanca of barb*cua. U ipjL »auc«.Tn^yawmrid atdaUghtlnl _ BACKSYPOPULARDEMAND y •uitaataa.Aaliort abrollIrooi theCapitol?.'SS. mtSIM W««t 13ib. 479.1900. ":'a: VVe wifttradQ youojmug ofpeer foryoyrold PRESENTS Fraternity or-Sororitycomposites, ptiddletor tfsdbledecoration. • 'TONIGHT 7 &^:20 P.MJ ~$1 UT Students, Faculty,Staff • mE-BUGKET.i^gffeRL $1.50.Member* m A'froH from Holtltn North -3Hrs ^ UNION THEATRE %\/r -ST"!?"?" Wecfnesd$iyt, the end of the age of in­"We felt that there are ? nocence, and that's the age enough pressures going on in we're showing on "Happy today's world from every Days;! the time between the aspect, from what we read to end of the Korean war and the what we see on television. We assassination of John F. .felt that-if we could give the Kennedy. audience a half-hour without "There were, problems but any heavy political overtones* less pressures,-and it was. one -without any great lessons to of the last periods when we-learn, we'd be accomplishing > were able to narrow the something. And I think we' generation gap. are." • : •• •. • • TO PLACE A TEXAN • ^CLASSIFIED AD CALL 471-5244 ARE-RELEASE V(. BACK BY&" POPULAR DEMAND - ii *RE-RO£ASE THE 0RIQINAL' SCREEN APPEARANCE OF TOM in color ' -ASBILLY JACK M AMBttCM mlTOttTOWLRE-RttEASE it BOX OFFICE OPEN 8 P^A. " NOW SHOWING J GUCF STATES DRIVMN V. AT . ShovvTowNUSA 3 THEATRES |^^OCBSTATEStpRtVE.IN^^ STATE m-sm 7 1 9 CONGRESS AVENUE • %710e Ben Whitg'»444-3»6y $1.25 til 7:00 p.ml v 6:00-8;00-10:0p SHOW STARTS AT DUSK @ INTERSTATE THEATRES 51.25til,7:00p.m.r A (vamountRebaM MMkBELAtJBOfRISPmtnts CHARtCSBRONSON na WCHAELWlNKCa am "DEATH $1.25 till 3:00 p.m 2:30-3:55-5:20 VARSITY 6:45-8:10-9:35 ?4CO GUADALUPE STRfllT kWt Statin Fbi Village Riverside Cinema Four vS| Twin f 2700 West Anderson lane ; •44t*SMf' MX C KnnM Or. ' 451-Mg ® Nowttieydototheci.A. whattheydid totheArniYln m PASSES SUSPENDED Reduted PHces Til IKK) Mon.-Fri lM-WS-4^M:lMtOO-MS ' 1 More thana v-»movie! An explosive cinema concert! RWytMi Prim TH !2:4$sMaa.-Fri. BimO-ZiM-tiM­ Augi^t 14^ W4 THE DAJLY T^XAN M," '\?WV\r *'<•;• 'v^.t,'^'. r r tL*­ «v«sew»w --CS^B '."""V®? M'^9 fgl@~:. • JgKil w£v--' / •••• v-'-'^m&-•;'/. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FOR SALE —~*ates FURN. APARTS. • FURN. APARTS. B FURN. APARTS. • FURN. APARTS. 9 UNF. APARTS TYPING 15.word minimum Each wordonetiroe E4fih wortf,2«J time* Home* -For Sale Each word 5*9 times $130 up Just...North of • 27JJi.; & Each .word-10"or more times ,1 BR Furn. Now ^easing for Sept* ISrOB~H'lt:t: ---ArrJG-uadalupe:. . '' : student rale each time..;...;. ^P^CREEKSIO'E HABITAT Classified Dftptay COMPLETED' APARTMENTS One' and-two-bedroom, apartments I coir *linch one t4me. Tanglewood 1 BR -$145*up t col. *iinch 2.-9 times. LAKE AREA ./Available for fall, 1bedroom furnished" !o»«ly cre^*We >elUn9--HpO? ' (uk Jb>w 'Jcv&cfr Icot. *-Iinch tenor more times $2.37 3Vj acre hid away w/vlew of Lake Annex BR -$180 HUNTERS ''Payment • large enough for 3*or» m£ • Lawn'i toH "J^P* Convenient. Tr*v!*-Close to free swirhmlng. boating ADADTMCkiT • P'«-bath,%alk-ln closets; §lT downtown, shopmng.rrecreatlonDn.^Pully • . ••. • U ' O' w 1315 NORWALK LANE AN-APARTMENM-i-.lmashor.: disposal, 'CA'/CH '• privatearlvAt* can«:ieu, iMiieiflu, ano.youwon't. believe » ..M R A & tjshing area.. Lake Jiving without the NEED carpeted, paheled.and.youwan'tl » K M.B.A., • 476-0948 ' ' ~ AC Paid • ' 'Typing. Multiiithingi.binding crowd. Reasonable, will finance-: * SHUTTLE BUS CORNER FOR FALL? patio,-pool; laundry.. Near lc'shuttle I 15? A1?.rafll? »P»«I f=rpm,JlM.5(l, Call * b^ocK'sjo campus. Move In Aug. 10, no -"6''!>s*. • OCADUNC SCHEDCU 345-2267 ...,„.t • Y*"IWT -1 IC A t^'h.I' DIOCR^,io campus, wvoye in Aug, ..... . The Complete Professional­ „ Tanglewood North .• V'Vt Wv A-LALLJ reqt until Sept. J. S250 all i/Hiftfes paid tuktdby Taspn Monday^..!.. 11:00 a.m. N0W LEAilNG FOR SEPT.. 1020 E. 45th • Habitat. Hunters isjFREE apartment .. 2520 Longview (across Irom PeasePark FULL-TIME Typing : p W*dn*t^/Tt«onTu*ttJay.. 11:00 atm. locator, service, located: in the lower at 25th and Lamar}. . ALL BILLS PAID ''"V" 452-0060 level of JDxrtJie Mail.:\We specialize in stu-. • * Service . Tfcuriddy Texan WMlimdsjf.. Iti06 o.n. 2 BEDROOM . .J; . Shuttle'Bus Corner dent complexes. • ; . 477-8741 Fr&ey Texan Thursday 11:00 a.m. .'-.' . .833 EAST.38TH • .• Colorful Shag.Carpet-•Check Our Summer Rates . . HABITAT.HUNTERS ' ' iBATH: . Beautiful'11 ye?r.; old. home for sale, Stratford Hali .at J'raialgar Square has iw/with orwithout pictures. FOR SALE BY OWNER ' $125 plus E c . RESUMES • Central Air •:>(&&'• Lower Level DobieMalf; Sulfe"' ' —:—:—r-r_ — luxury , apartments ideal, ior sharing. •. located v mile'.north of Law School. 2 Day ServiceQuietclubhouse torprlyateparlies.S205.50un-­ Three .bedro6rrt,'3V» bttfu, den, inside • Pool ' =4«®K-X-2; 1and 2 8A garden setting,, pools and evem ef etr«n mo4* fn oh aerdea, formal living, dining room, ;2 • Shuttle Bus 3 piks,' • 474-1532 NOW LEASING FOR SEPTEMBER 472-3210 arid 472-7677 furnished, J230 furnlsned. Easydrive to fireplacev2 patios and largeBa; 'e^vetf fcemMt, immediate netfce. mvst be BEDROOM . UT, ^owrntpwn. CalJ 836-7719 or 45M159. • 270? Hemphill Park-• 3500 square feet For $84,500.­ •9»vn tt» >H» pwhlHkert w.rtipomible for • RETREAT , DIPLOMAT from $135 only ONt towrtc) Imertton. AO cJefan* for« 477r5430 ^Fufnlshed, paneling, at) built-inkitchen, ­. than 30 dayt ofi«ir'pubtka1»on." 'V$j£.3.?f"' ARTS. :> -l"on shuttle bovpoof, and sun-deck. Sharg :-APTS. ^ -«di«ntm*nH: thaOld bi mad* n*T,iator. .3149.50 MOVE TODAY 4400 AVE. A , ft' 459:0058 carpeting,. CA/CH; Individual outside 1911 SanG'abriel "x'fm. , Enioy tenmv court, swimmihg poof, gas ' ALL-BILLS PAID storage; 302 West 38th SI. ­ Musical -For Sale .,s,451-3154 .. 451-6533 gr»lls, lovely-courtyard-Four color 1 bdrm furnished %-M-Large patiosr'balConies, and beautiful CHRISTENSON & schemes; sejrblue, sexy leopard, ordnge 474-2703 v-6'. Lv$ -Central Properties patent courtyard, areas at • Chateau Trianon. ASSOCIATES .MARTIN D-»gulfar.Call Mike,4544731 and oitve,. yellow with black Townhouseand gardeaaparfments,only-• LOW-STUDENT RATES HEFLIN Of 442*3327.. leather.One or two bedrboms. Also leas- •; mlnuteslrorrvshopping, parks^ golf.One' A TYPING SERVICE INTERNATIONAL »ng for faff. * , . bedrooms from $149.50 all bills paid-Each additional word eachdays J35 • I. coi. xllinheaiihuay$2:37•• -Furmshed^ingte-^rid^double -room-_ KENRAY % -120tyWe*t 40th Apt 135 A NOW LEASING FOR SEPTEMBER Specializing in A.lso-2 bedrooms. Furni&hdd or unfur­ -—--451*3333—— nished. Call 926*1247 or 451-1159. : {Prepaid. No Refunds) * ~-"SUNNY-VA1_E__ —Theses and dissertations • 'Unclassi/ieds" ? (Ine 3 days.,>1.00. p^rwfl, nmr "APARTMENTS^ VIOLIN. Excellent tondltlon. «!• Call «hWI* •. Wriunai From Students mirst show Auditor's -Jaclt. M4-7347, •~5»^. inur— APTS:,. PTAZA —Law briefs receiptiaridpay'irt adVanccirr-TSP Bldg. 3;200H25tft-t WhiUs) trom-8 • _ •-T^^NexMoAmerltfana Theatre, walking dis-1BR S1S5. —Term papers and reports­ . 2505 Longview. a.m. to 4:.30 p:mV Monday through 477*6371 v;^tance to North Loop Shopping Center EFFICIENCIES,. 1 and 2 BDRM from 2 BR :5]85 VENTURA Friday;;--,* V-'; . • -V,-'., £^^;and Luby's.One half block from shuttle --f •Tired of small rooms and 'no closet .^iiqr-and Austin tr-ansil. 2 bedroom " space? Tired of asphalt and noise? Try THE $122. Beautiful efficiencies, also 1 and 2 1304 Summit , v*';-,-44l-0S84 -Prompt, Professional bedroom apts. Heavy; wood paneling. Shuttle at front'door .y,-^ townhouses, extra targe. Two bedroom Plaza Ventura -I and 2 bedroom, fur­'--'i Service' y' ^ -flats, on* and two baths. CA/CH; dis» beam ceilings, CAiCH, pool, easy nished or.unturnished. PIANO SHOP ...NQyV LEASING. FOR 5EPT,,, : fuUy,carpeted, all built-in kitchen, open 453-8101 5311. S. Congress " ,•. hwasher, disposal,, doorJo door garbage "bicycle distance to campus and dose'to FLEUR DE LIS. 404 £ast.30th; Mature • •-vv^i-'.-FronT $129.50 plus elec; ^ ' FOR SALE ;'.-,• . -pickup, pool.' maW service ft desired, -'shuttle. 4200" Ave. A ' students. Lovely one bedrooms^Walk iCL:.-VM^-V .' 3410"Burleson Road : Piclc-upService Available • Reconditioned Uprights IV> campus. Shuttle. Summer: rates. ; .wasbateria m.complex, See owners.Apt- 477*. Barham Properties • Expert;? ynihi 4 Repair^—tW-r $160 -r--ii3 or call 451-4848. • : .' r 454-4423 •. <154-6533 5282 447-6571 ' 926-9365 . Central Properties ~ '* •' PianoMoving Auto -'For Sale ;1 Bedroom Call 441-3262 SUMMER_RAIEfc_NOWI. Six block* i All BillsPaid from Law School; 5KuT1l6~bu57^0ne—*~ speed. Low mHes.ExceJIent, newcondl-EFFICIENCIES 1972GREMLIN "X",Extras, AC, Three-Mr WE RENT ROOMMATES [^WalK to Carhpus bedroom $130, Efficiency. $110. AC TYPING Reports, Resumes tion. sl995/477-33«8, anytime; Misc. -For Sale hesesj-UeMers-; Buckingham Square closets, 32nd and interregional. 477-0010 NEEO -ROOMMATES; one and two All University ind ^1 WHITE TOYOTA Corolla 1400, AC. TOP.CASH PRICES paid for diamonds, 711 W. 32nd AUSTIN All Bills Paid or GL3-222B. bedroom apartments, from $65 ABP, 6 business work carpet* dishwasher, disposal; walk-In -Thesi Right on ihuttie, large efficiencies with Last Minute Service radio, 4'Speed. -Good condltioa *1250. old goid/Capitol Diamond Shop, 4018 N. -454-4917 *• bit^ks to campus. 476-3467'. •shag carpet. All Built-in kitchen, pool, LARGE I.&2Bedfoom furnishedand un­ Open 9-9. Mon-Th &. 4S2-7407. after 6:00. . Xamar, 454-4877, . . SEE OUR SUMMER RATES ' • Your time ii valuable I CA/CH, unusually good furniture, huge furnished. Shag,'wet bar, private club MALE TO^SHARE one bedroom apt. in 9*5 Frl Sat SERVICE 1969 VW, very low mMeage, radios ex-STOVEAGE. LAPIDARY and 7' NOW LEASING FOR SEPT. Our service is free ,. • trees. 4504 speedway. rooms-, on shuttle. V bedroom from North Riverside.Sept. 1stor sooner. Call 1 celleirt tires, recent tune-up^il050. 474-* JEWELRYCRAFT, Unusual gifts and 451*4252-< .451-6533 $154:50 ABP. 2 bedroom S174J0 ABP.' 444-6825. . • •• Central Properties 1200 Broadmoor.. 454-3885, >476*2633, 472-8936 -30A.DobJe Center . •suppliesv.GoodseJectlonofsemi- $195 PARAGON -Barry Gllllngwatec Company^ i v precious stones and mounttngs< Roudh' NEEDED^ Female roommate fairly '69 KARMANN GHIA needs generator, rock, tumblers, books. 0p«n-9:30 -5;M, 2 BR FURN. studfous to share one bedroom apt.' for N^AT; ACCURATE and Prompt typing. • otherwise very good condition. S950.451-. 5915 Burnet Road InNorthwest Shopping . PROPERTIES EXCELLENT SUMMER on Fall. Ca» Anne; 452*3436. * •60 cents per page. Theses 75 cents. Call ALL BILLS PAID , EFFICIENCY RATES * ;> spacious-one and 447-2737. • apartments; Fall,rates reasonable. Caft NEEQED to share 2'bedrooms."Prefer , '1953 FORDPICK-UP. Goodrunning con^ 10-SPEED: BICYCLE,.Motortecane,^ !S Apts. 472-4171 i . . V. -.-age'SLUberal/South, $95: Carlene, 441­ 6$33or:345-31«••• ntt..-,•• -Center. 459-4531. two bedroom . .Antilles $115 4M-9475. ' DISSERTATIONS, -theses, reports^ atid , ;i:.ditiO(t »350, 441««m; 38Mtt80. . v field Rd. Fully carpeted, built-in kHchen,CA/CH/' 1010 Or. 477^5707. Jaw Inch frame. White-Very goodcondition. ' x-2204 Enfield I : weekdays ; * briefs;-.Experienced . typist, pool andsundeck, on shuttlebusMnqutre ENFIEUD. AREA. One bedroom with • .Tarrytown. 2507 Bridie Path. Lorraine A 1W OTO by original owner. AC, AT, 4 . T 5HOTTLE BUS FRONTDOOR at 302 W. 38th Street. every extra;. Furnished or unfurnished HOUSEMATE WANTED, -Shark. two • Brady. 472-4715. S85. 452-9W. 472-1923 -nearly new steelradleis; Very clean.-47l-. GRANNY* ET. AL., have wooded 3-10't?; NOW LEASING FOR SEB7; ' 1 472-4175 451*3154 451-6533 from $142.50 plus electrlcify. 807 West bedroom tbwnhouse,-ceUlrttf fans, : Lynn. Ba^ry Glliingwater Company.477­ 3221 472*5215. atre tracts. Get some of Granny's?;^ ^ -..i. _ "*• weekends . • ^.Central Properties fireplace; 503 Texas.. 472-0986 anytfme^ STARK TYPING. Experienced theses, 7794r 472*4162, ^afterOraOv^^V^V'O';;:;;.'r.' dissertations, pR's, etc. Prlhtlng and Gorgeous Ground 459V9574; 478-0992, ' J|35 3 TO:PlMTG.:Mlchel!ns, 29^^ R&H. 30 $152.50 BlntftngrSpecialty-T.echnlcat.Charlene '• *.bddy;-»375^JJlltaft.B S '' * "• / -mpg,-Excelieot a^peiranfcfr~u"NtKOK--F27 blBck*bdd< ONLY THE BEST COMPLETE,LUXURY. Two bedroom TWO CONSIDERATE FEMALE-room-Stark, 453-5218. --mechanical. Best offers Bill Johnson* :.S240. NlkOO 200mm,n,, $120.9 1 Bedroom ' Utilities paid. 2 BORM -2 Bath. Shag .and efficiencies. Fall Rates. 24 Flats • mates/r/2'BR:;apti WC/iC-'shut'tie, ' r ' ­ . 928--2281:'1 442-7821. — ELno-&-—-A-carpet/ paneiedr-waikingjllstancejo Ut""?^^ ARENA Apartments. 1515 Palma Pl»a.474-4322, 452,507mor plus «.-:-HOLLEY/S TYPING SERVICE. A com­ ~ •and Capitol. $270-$280. / : _.4m-2163. Shuttle bus cornerfv.... / ; plete service^rom typing-through bin­. BUY AND SELL used tennis radceFs.; -EtrDORABO '68 LEMANS. PS, tape deck, paser, im* * Call Max, 454-0927 after 3 p.m.' " * I11!1 fitr PHr^'i V Beth, (nn APARTMENTS ding,.Available until 10 p.m-. Experienc­ .maculite condition, new paint;-j)295. 453-4883 ' : 472-4893 • * ^EFFICIENCIES:$115 plus electricity, bath^ Nea? edInallfields.Nearcampus. 1401Mohte ' • ing) for one person, ^0/mo. . ..• 1414 Arena O* ive~ 'U« pooisldepooVsfdfapartmentsajShment^22 BR, 2 bath-'Near -.454-1616 daytime? 327-2124 evenings:. IBM Electric typewriter. Elite type. •Sfudy roomi, laurtdry room,-beautifuf -2 Bedroom• From$210 —i irpw. uaimllnu. Ah Mil Unn, • 1 ... 0 f V* Blag. 47A.Wfti Drive. 4764018, — SHUTTLE BUSCORNER ^ts. Hun, I* r 0-" Good condition. 1100. 477-5654. . courtyard and plenty of parking. 1802 Fprn; -All ^llls .Bus k.;45449p3: • -. CHECK OUR SUMMER RATES ia; 46tn and Ave. A. 454-8903: --n— > 1971 VW. Low mileage, good condition,; West Ave, Suite 100. . / FEMALE ROOMMATE needed to share' FRANGES WOODS lYHiNb itKVtter ... radio^.SI/700;-474-2297 mornings and ' HONOA 50motorcycle withtwo helmets, * .. * * * ' 476-555i \r, Mgr. 442-4124 i$99.50. DARLING EFFICIENCIES -full 1 BR apt., 4 blocks from campus. WC ExperiertAd, -Law, . Theses, Disser­ evenings.•• A• good.buy, «••; -• $80; B/Wtelevlsion,35"screeninwalnut NOW LEASING POR S&PT/ ktfehen, quiet residential neighborhood, .-shuttle. Liberal, easy-going, havepiano. tations, Manuscripts.<453-6090. •'. • •.•.>•••• . cabinet,. $50. 452-0821 anytime. Shuttle, walking distance downtown; .Cindy 1-512-625-5545, collect. • r . . I960 PLYMOUTHFURY; Excellent con-3 •' 1 BR -$155y Also leasing for fall,llllWest 10th, Apt; MABYL SMALLWOOD Typing. Ust 106 476-2155 -dition. Best offer over S300. 471*4526. 6 ACRES, 4.1bwty Hill area, beautiful WILLOW : Mini-Apts; • FEMALE ROOMMATE, 2 bedroom minute,, overnight available.: Term After 6 p;nrn; 471^1«8. . • country estate. For Information call 1-&2 BR -$184 . house'. Shuttle. $45 plus ft bills,474*2513 paper%-fAeses, dissertations, letters, lis Paid < 775-5764. All Bills 1. BLOCK-from Law School. .Tower View : before 9 a.m. or at noon.s * . MasterCharge. BankAmerlcard. 892­ i*73 SUBARU 4 DR.,9 months old. Like CREEK targe efflciencte$ -close to'shuttle bds Apartments. Large, nicely-decorated, 0727 or 442*8 2*8545.v n«w. 35mpg. Allextras. Offers.Trade-in WATER SKIERS: Maharalah Racing r Color-coordinated, open-beam ceilings; gas, wafer, cable TV paid.<135. No pefs. -NEEO 2 GIRLS fo-share^-? house. Own s.-3'xonsidQred. 9264)524. -v.: . . Ski. $250 new,.$150. Four palr.^r _4$4-3953 • 452-5(193 Fully shag carpeted. All built-in rooms %75 plus ft bills. 451*3539 MINNIE-L. HAMMfiTT Typing & JMark xx^ NOW LEASINGFOR SEPT. 4724191. , .jumpers/binder s.^JIm Worth* 478-0283. ^ 3815 Guadalupe ;. kitchens. CA/CH; pool; • ;. ... Duplicating Service, Theses; dls$er* • '.--1968-^OPE.L, Excellent condition;; 1 BDRM •? BDRM^^ r-, . 4QdO Ave, A , » .AVAILABLE NOW. $110 summer, -fail WANTED: FALL. Luxury apartment, tatlpns, papers of ail klndt resumes, .^.Original owner. New-tires;ibattery, NIKOMAT-wlth case'. 50mm F1.4 slis.;i 452-5533 -) 451-453T rata$127.50. Verynear UT^Onebedroom your own bathroom, NR shuttle. $105 Free refreshments. 442*7008, 442*1616. -' $175 $220j:f .• 472-7911. after 6:00. . Cemrai properties apt.,t., air conditioned, carpet, paneling, brakes, vaive. Never wrecked. $675,451- conditlor ABP, Call anytime. Sheila, 447-8428 PooKWMer, jiaspaid^ 472-4408, 478-3885,-: BRANO NEW EFFtCJEffCtES ...gas pi BOlBBYE DELAFIELD. IBM Seiectrlc, ALL BILLS PAIDf-X^:" ...COUCH. CHAIR, and ottoman. $40. or _ Dishwashers -2 Large Ptfois. ~-lx 327*1355, 454-3164. ihftnr-pica/elite, 25.years experience, books, I— 1967 SAAB 96. V*4. 27 moo, new cAuteh. 7 wintentter.Catt^4»«7ff*He^5t>Jii„ all , 170G--Nueces • -m ''a Security NOW LEASING FOR SEPTEMBER"" beautiful large one-bedroom w/two\ dUserUttorv?, th_eses> reports. • .fires, sfarfer/^^vafve 7ob&'«tcr45M585:—-day weekends^' FOR FA'L'L very near UT., ttMi50,"one ' wolWn'cloiets, Bofturroom; tlreplaM >-'.mJmep9f«ptilns. 44J.71B4. _ ClttigJajrampus, B'eauUlvllr furnished* Clubroom; Volleyball cpuirt -.•^-.conMtiMwb -• 1105..ABP, Easf Riverside area. Lucyi' ---' • 1967 FORD Window Van.6 cylinder, new 'BRAND NEW Mercler 2^', ten speed? All with bigbakunltJ!, lot yuur pUfl!s~ . ^THE. " shag carpet, paneling, and pool. Water 451-6389. -• VIRGINIA SCHNEIDER Diversified ' "-MOVE-IN-TODAY­ paint. Clean, S750. 2820-A Salado/,472-Regular (140, nowsilO. Call 476-8319 or 5150 Summer plus electricity and * lOrtl t»i!ii^:. y_L .e • > 3M5 . Services. Graduate and undergraduate ' ~E^TABtrlSHMEN-TW • -;v.• • • '„••• -k,.-... deposit 1901 Willow Creek •4S*=31«r ' -^MALE^_OWH_BEDROOM; Shuffle/AC, {ypltw^rlMlna, -binding. 1515 Koenlg 476^276. Manager -Apr. 201 . : . iurnUhmei Mtirt-ww. i#» Lane^459-7205. ­.• / * . * •; '•;> MEN'S tLOTHE$: Sport coats, shirts,"-* Large efficiencies S100< 916 East 39th, 451-3584. -< -• •' -•' •'v~ -­ ' . 478-9058 ^444-0010 $129 Pius E. STUDENTS SEE THIS.Waterloo Fiats ­ 'Mk>, 2. Bdrm/l Bath. Furnished or : unfur­EXPERIENCED. SECRETARV,' llIev ' 4S9-0058 Top Dollar PaicTFor" cheap' 90wjw!l47».^57.5m8llfr 4400 Ave. B: nished;Shag,.cable, walk*(ns> pool com* ROOMMATE. TO SHARE large house. Papers, letters; envelopes, proof WALKING DISTANCE UT, plete kitchen.-Close fo .shopping and . Pool, fireplace, near shuttle. Off E, . readtog, grammatical, correct/ons. ' NOW LEASING FOR SEPT Nice Used Cars 10-SPEED BICYCLE; Schwlon/ good ; bills paid, AC, paneled, Town Lake; From-S179.30/ABP.-41 Riyerslde. Billy, 441-7777, ; • * Rapid,, accurate. 50 centr/paae.. conditio^ 24". $60; Vickie, 385*7265. NOW LEASING FOR SEPTEMBER ... Waller Street;; 47I-449X'472*4162. Barry Gretchen. 452-34^9, 431-2332. " ASK FOR JACK POTTER carpeted, pool, no" pels. 2 Giilingwater Co, HOUSEMATE -2-1 duplex .near Zliker ,-rTw.v.-\ CENSES and accessories. Honeywell ' bedroom, SI90.--1 bedroom/ J?arK. $77.50 -plus. ^2 .elec. Own room. TYPING-PR INT1NG-BINDINGTheses, '-'BILLMUNDAY and Brawn Strobes^ Please call after S145-S150. 30J1 Whitis, No. 105,' 1 APARTMENT OR HOUSE HUNTING? ' '.Evenings, 442-6979. Dissertations, Professlcnal iondon , MARK V:^- Reports, noon, 472*5721; Nice quiet cornplexrc:l"-. -Stay with .us'while you look. Full fur­law, reports. Selt-correctlng IBM. Bar­ „ PONTIAC ^ ,v. ."710N Lamar 478*7225 -•—• -' • ---' • •' ' -• • after-S Mon.-Priday. After 10 nished, kitchen, color TV/ maid service; LIBERAL HOUSEHOLD on 51st near tura Tullos. 453-5124. ^ ' -SAILBOAT. 14' sloop, rigged, shallow--a.m. weekends;. 4tSH $150 telephone. Daily and weeKJy. rates. 472-. CR shuttle..Large duplex. Share room. ; draft racer complete with salfs, trailer; ^453-1084 3914 Avt;. D. ,*1517. ->55/mo. Available Sept. l..Write 2405 BEAUTIFUL PERSONAL TYPING. A1I: W -$300, Cail. morningj. 472-2197; . Custer Parkway, Richardson,' Texas. your University work. FaitA accurate, i Motorcycles --For Sale . Walk • Ride Shuttle SPACIOUS CONDOMINIUM with a! . Mary Lou Saxon. -^ reasonable. Prlntlng-Blndlna. Mrs. .VENTURE-Catamaran with trailer*^ Summer /Rates Start ..Today ; , ;• ­ country [atmosphere. Fifteen minutes -Bodour. 479-8113. " v.!!-*"1^72"YAMAHA;250 street Wke,oreat fun, $950,454-1547. rt -COMANCHE 1 BR, 1;BA from UT;-pool,,fish intakeT Buy or rent. FEMALE ROOMMATE for legallyblind w '2 BR, 2 BA ; jBR; 3 ^ . • economy. Drive It first; onry $620.-. . .y>\ 288-2777/261*5194. girl;Call Cindy efter 7200 p.m^ 454*3111. MIDNIGHT SPECIAL -Typing Service. THE­ *"»* tri .; Exper|enced,'atl kindsof typing; special-:man!, .10x14 feet, red backjround. A FufolstiM I'bedroont'-IifSi^ks (rom ' > ;'.|-ARGE POOL -ALL BlCLS PAID '-vT# LARGE; 2-1V6 STUDIOS. CA/CH, dlS' ty_ dissertations. Low rates, FAST ^ :j>Humbert6,47M967. • : ^ . ,• BEAUTIFUL PERSIAN^Carpet, (Ker^f APT.S.-A e > .vi . HONDA 500, 4 Header, new chain,: collectors Item.. Hamld,nu-va.'•• •:'• hwasher; disposal, no frost refrigerator, SERVICE. Correctlno s.lectrlc . LawSftwol. IIM.tl35/montti plus'iiTec-"-j,; ej^assiatii* all.erectrlc, friendly atmosphere, NR UNF. HOUSES Pica/Elite. IS7-2421. 7/«v:.^s975. 477-4580. 3202 Moss Rock, Apt. Nd,^ -waters cable furnished. AAOVE IN TODAY 10J. , PENTAX SPOTMATIC wIth 50, 135; tricity. Gas, $64.50/M0. shuttle, large pool, i235/month ABP, •" 1,', . CA/CH, pool and laundry; .-.350mm,.strobe, tripod, cases, extras.'1 Beit'Rafe on /he Lake . .vew?Apertment livingv» block from"Sampus. Townhouse • Apartments.: 2101-Eimont. 3 BEDROOM.-$260/month. Central air" -BR1NG-YOUR-$tenographic_needs to me ;4-7C.YAMAHA 150* miles, *74 model with in* . Excellent. WV 47M459, PAX 1W6. •r • • 2800 Swisher • Shuttle Bus Front Door -^•^Slndlvldual applicants matched with 444-0162,'447-1122. -' conditioning. Lease.1701 Speedway 478* tor neat, accurate, and correctlr done ~ . ^i^.'wrance, .luggage rack. Cash only. Cai) 472-5369 -• !#"%*rt>»-2400 Town Lake Circle ; work-, Mrs, Stenger? 442*4620. 1807 .. :>;c^compatibte roommates. :^ly2910 Red River 5;:^®fter noon. 472j572L 15'SAILBOAT* trailer. M».Stereo HO, . 442-8340 476-5631 CLOSE TO CAMPUS. Rooms 165 ABP. TfeadwelK * Cornet S30, Chairs SIS, S20. Call Bill,471-A PARAGON PROPERTY 908 Wesf-2Pth.-Efficiencies S95*pJut elec^ ' 5202, BEECHMOOR, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, zi%HONOA 125cc 65 mbg( Dependable. 7227. 2907 Sanr— Gabriel. Barharti Properties, earpef,. drapes,-living room, dining NEED SOME Typing done? Call ^ *175. CAD 451*7075, NOW LEASING FOR SEPT,1'.' Now Leasing'Fc'iai 926*9365. room,-kitchen'With gas stove> garage,'* Virginia at 476-2608 or"4&3650 for quail* TWO NEW Spanish couches, S100 each;® huge.-fenced yard. $275/mo. 476-4042 ty work,-reasonable prices. HIGHLAND MALL for Se ptembe J'ir-MUST SELL.W3ViHonda CB3S0. Crash Green couch; $35, 2 twin beds, S20 each.' AREA ON •*"' 3301 RED RIVER. Barrister Manor. At-• .befyteea 7em*7pm.: %;,-barSi luggage rack. Two helmets. 836-453-5770, 4S3-059«.. • SHUTTLE tractive one bedroom aparjmentt with TYPING WANTED in my home on »>k^V , ^4«|*UJ. .HI.UI J • S^^deek, Pioneer speakers; $300 firm. 476-•a- TBR FURN. ?*$• SCOTT n-leasing'for falk-T bdrmvdis-. binding^! Giant walk-ins> Balconres^--hwasher, ..pool, vi block* shuttle.. 3405Spanish furnishings ' " ^ Helms. No. 101. 472-7049. Economy-Minded $x:TIMBERS APTS7 * Mnd.For appointment,,453-40e2 or 478-..'"'420 W? riverside'drive ^fe'^SANSUf-2000.receiver with cabinet; THREE ELMS ... 2423 Town Lake Circle y-X[i 478*9468 476-0948 sp-gRMSonitjIe, Coll after-4. 454-1398. 400 W. 35tb Street 472^162' Students ATTRACTIVE RIVER:HILLS.efflclen-. •->1307 Norwaik Lanei,.^).: ^vr^Furnt$hed«Unfurnished Barry Gilhfigwater Company Walk UT, share large 1-bedroom apart­ • cy, available Aug« 15.Poots, shuttle.$145 "just Norm Of 27th & : ^Shuttle Bus Cowei^*^ " ' gstevELECTROPHONICMultlpte* Stereo»75: 2 BDRM -2 BATH * ment with friend. Valentfa Apartments ABP, 441*6878, Keep trying. ' ' ROOM & BOA'RD Guadalupe .. ^KJ5vor oestiotter. Leaving Austin, must sell. • • Close to Campus -shultle Bus-: • 1801 Manor Road v ' *7^7957 between 3-OjtaOO p.m. Extra Largt shag carpet, dishwasher, Resident manager Apt. 102 TRAVIS' HOUSE; Apartments'/ Student • Now.Leasing for September . • range, dfiposal, \ refrigerator;" largo STUDENTSUVE 345*1460 section. 1 and 2 bedrooms/From'$150 6ELLSON DORM fof" Men. Excellent I PIONEER SX>21 tuner ainplHler, S3J5. ctosets>. private patio,. storage; cable, < v -. ABP, Shuttle;442-9702.1600 Royal Crest torn, cooked nwalt. AlrK»ndltloned, r.iS-^Also1 X2MD deck, SMS Both, S500. Ex-laundry roopi 8* pool. r. NEAR CAMPUS \v PARK PLACE ^ Drive. \ maid,-swimming pool. 2«10 Rio Grande^1 '< A"!1 cellent condition. Doc 4534231 451-3941 190? San Gabriel Coll 476-4552 454-50!7. t ibedroom?air conditioned. Efficiencies r Large 2 Bedroom— --ONE-BEDROOM PlO'fStUdy,River HUIsl. fe" »130-plus electrlclty.-Wlrklng, mald-^:c I IIYIIDV' 1 UD V. TaRe" lease on September 1, 8214, YOUR ROOM and tmard.for the comlng ? ilervlce, nicely furnished,'4Vi block! tosi;?^.^^ ^^ I r 444 37J?! LSTEREO CENTER. , • . .' HEFLIN blocks 1 AUI\T I DbK.K • b\ tf 1OA-. ABP school year Inexchange for helping han­YES, we do |ype203 East 19th Street -INTERMATlnw Al ' t. campus, shuttle service. sn A Dp r -" * IVU.UU ABP dicapped.rstudent;1:All applications - • .(Located, on South Side ot UTJtv, -, , JUN L • 453-3235 'Jfc»3U ABP 4306 A venue .-' • welcome Call Mr. Flowers. 476-7374. \ , „ 43M Avenue A 454-9835 : Freshman themes-. I 4. '."'-siereo Equipment at prices you can aF->in5le and double roomi-'' tolee • ShUttfe fpu|e, jFtoommates furnished:' •CPM Managements;>'•>.: ROOMS t I'stiSS 'ord: Our brands Include: Kin»to6 4 . n5*ili"l"';for tall. With or . . • . ^— ' F/n storage 'III falls?.' 'lp:iir}Sony receivers,-Pioneer, JVC, Nlkko, «, ""™u'l»»rd.»meals per week On IC CKlCICTI 'r-\-nn*: Why not start out with i I Wi&'t Sensul; ( Altec speakers, Fairfax, Rec--Uiu m.f'W |><|rkln(j.i,F.rom„:, tNFIEL.D ROAD: 2408Leon 476-3467 BR'AND NEW:EFFICIENCIES' WANTED TEXAN OpRM. 1905 Nueces. Ooublts ­f-i/.J tlllnear, KLH AR; TEACAkal, JVC, & SW'month All Bills P»M One bedroom, on sh^tl,rpTol, sSMOrt wkv session. Singles • S95.00'« good.grades! Sony -• tiSpa decks; PhlMlps, Oual A 2505 Longv ew " .."urjyard,^Sundry, ampleparkfna/bWv wks. sesUon, Dally maid service, cen­ S145.: v- 1700 Nueces tral air.-Refrtgerafors, hotplates allow-WANTED: NICE two bedroom house or Girrard turntables Many more Ste us , mjA,' -' 'w£t >Mid.pald S145 2505 Er' ­2505-ghtield RSSfitwiTl-, 477-6371 .Close to campus, beautifully:turn)shed. . .eo. Two blocks from•campus, co-Ed.-. duplex near fawn for rental mld- I jStftSr. for car'Stereo equipment also. s/ fa'ter 4.00 pmj. 1 "il'.f' 474-0198 . 47M733 -.... . , ^«CAi ITLJCdm A!»--wlth.b1g. .balconIeS'fot'yourVpla''nf»;,>-Resident Managers;477.1760.. August/September. call.Shel-l. 447-1466. ^472-3210 and^472^67y IKS­ ' gftfroom ifudfos, s^.v^ ,yyUU I HfcRN ES& " ^•-51.55.~ t,et 'plus,l'" electricity and deposit. J— ­ ' NOW LE'ASING FOR SEPT. 17R i. S< trees, pool, AC, beam eellliigv --478.9058- p.m. •lilS 'R'SM SETTERS -AXC Champion paneflngvl Bedroom $135 plus elfi-nr NICE 5INGLE alr conditionedroom for Svr-t. -Father from Colorado, luxuriously .men, US/month. 2BOO:\Wiltls, 477-755J.' one bedroom and efficiencies/ large *"tfif-fftif lerge hnnert UimlltV Ire, • iosefs.ifuil red,-cab JERRICK-AEXSj_ POTTERS.Iewelry makers;artists,-etc:: .ICW^t. A Ess -^-JSHORT WALK to Tower. Laroe ^opening agallery and arhlnt,rested tei-wi;: »or .rich coat, and-calm temperament, '.'i' CS?,m*iPyvSTjnrntraflcev AC. S95 -1120, Pups selectively,on water*;gas;sw . -F | | L A g In your work. Gall„(l5l.4IJ7affer 5-' Walking distanceMo ;No children or ate;--Ready ?for.adopJl6n August w" pets..---TT?*to West 30IB WALK TO CAAAPJUS . pil» P»W 476-3441 476-8483. 1902-1904 UNCLASSIFIED now, 32T-I875. -Nue^yy, ; 477*8858 igSgr -*"*" " EFFICIENCY1 1.& 2 Bedrooms^r MISCELLANEOUS ©^5 AKC ENGLISH Springer Spaniel pup- PAID' {.:,Vst. St- 5®Of^.FOR RENT. Kitchen privilege's, Cenfrtl Properties-t. Mondays. L«'Im#478*6776 451*6533 bus »ng,prfvafe bafh.Call 451*7730 after -69VW oneowneralrb«ifoffif«3<.7765 5;00 p.m. . ' S'-v «5d^»»lt. reasonable, gas furnished. Summfr SRI. Central Properties 1 3SS ; v a i-5t«« iurLAT-uuitar;Beginner and -• Tr-n-— "r • LEARN TO PLAY Gultar. „ 477-5514 476-7914 . WALK. TO CAMPUS , T" _ -„ {)lyanctdi;0r*W'Th(QHM'4a.W}*-''''^>'^:*,'m:itl'',(-MMl ')on'*. 472-4299. &CS -~—f~. -— Red Oaks Apts. '';il04San Gabriel . NEW , FROM-S79-ALL BILLS PAID yO>^l AKC DALMATION puppies 2 Mates, 10 . ^ ^ / ^.-EFFICIENCIES . FURN. HOUSES FREE KITTEN.1 Extra ^playfuU jre^1; Free kltt«n-4?7.3l^3;-­ PP? *eek» old sto/each 3MU3751, Kyle. < . ' 5£f""*' Efficiencies,1 &2 bedroomlapti,-'' o vy? are femodellng vthese apts.-just for $129 CLOSE .TO CAMPUS .tiger. Box.trained. Plee|ehelp. 477­ S^iwlnn varsity ISO 476-2704, " ^ ^"r you. New shag carpet and draoei '"Large1 bed wwm . > -AFGHAN PUPSrrpet and show quality^ ^ Ail-bedroom, dishwasher, disposal, *: SHUTTLE BUS ^-AKE AUSTI/i.15 minutes cam-• male and female 451-3539 _ NOW LEAStNtS FOR SEPT oulll.ln kitchen, pool, CA/CH, Old New > cable, fiool, ^ -Swimming {tool ­ ooi, gas 8*.wafer paid; doubj# beiutlfully fitrntthM;-' "-'---ESSi2?^SS!?8!^ilii «-Treck.FMc»r..St<»eo S50 476-2704,Orleans Style, and. so-close-to camous' * » Htf,-•'[> have dls/ Marina,m*-BUSINESS 0PP. 31tff iHf <# %2i bedrotfrn -. LONGVIEW^^e mrff. 2 bedroom" Iownhouse »170. Newly l>wiih'er"l*^J"i, cofralcentral air «idheat, • ­ widhiat '«»>/3W-IIJ), -v ChryllefA C!B,500BTU?.7EER 476-1709. -SJlomei -For Sole _deo4ratod, shuttle bus^ -shag carpel, extra storage room STUFF. » ir^APTSr^^ ^—CentralProperties— '.f"? turn|sh|ng|, I?,000alr coi\d|tloner,l?0 474-1443 •M 'i FCFEI IM MOBILE HOME. 7 bedroom^furtl =2408 Longvlewyap^f-' f JWWes't 35th J-ofl.kJ,^Jir-,.J>,"3',rees,closeto - CASA'ROCrf---T4H^' ln lot w s • Ufnar, 441-"' K10 •w.r4M-577«, 453-0596; W-IAC,_ITnurpoh trans. 4JH1J7. Shuffle Bus-472.531* , .IS.2.BR Austin lafe 1. BEDgnOA/i »bS?*" Girl rppmlftwanted. S60a,VbE-454-5572. rnifM A! .:>,vrw venagem*nl.-: 8 I&nf J W»M SHERWOOD mobile home AC, IIN0An.rrC.il . 1^-iS cenfm tint f!irnV.H~H C -454 iW UNF. DUPLEXES founo.blai-KleHiaie wppy.­ 4 o w46BFv$fisim i. •<•*$ -* % LOS7-imii/ Irish ietfernearemield-w'Wns.j.spd bike47MM3, ^ 3.BedKiom, nice, H2t tm. r* °^l.woatoryhome paid, Rduglt neighborhood^, 5L v PoUr Wr«m, two full bath, nlngs ContolldatedReklty;'4j "451*5433 Jviiass/t s7.c4"sVaii^ JpacJou, Momi, larae kitchen - ara^30M^>M3, ,-iWM»V'n'p.i|M«#Wi.; ;.i-' §£[ * rffiL J bedroom;) b#t? 1 ;»«r^sh»»'CA/cH^«'• • SOUTH 'tl.i f£S?L05T twoterrteleJrlstiSettersonRR620, -.1.;'... ti. l"'^age;40,.Wednesday,, August l.4,j974vT|iE DAILY TEXAl kVi-ltrf. rk'-Jffi gJ„«5.feji ' i I? T­ gsftv •m: m I- ^ .m M Wk i® *£.:? ' Minimum Requirements: • .-.m by a spokespersonfor Citizens bachelor's Degree for Public Scrutiny on Prefer Individual who has. worked wittr College-age students In part-timeor full-;-Huntsville of-blocking the. time programming position. Experience with Minority students preferred. i' .cdtrimittee's investigation. •' k Interested applicants-should forward —Texan Staff Photo by Stanley Farror. V Hobby said he had notcalled By use I affect resume, hours available, recommendations to:. • -House owned by Ned Granger at 808 Lincoln St. $P "off th$ investigation but had|j • Texan Staff Writer money,:, who couldn't? -1% his vote Wednesday, when the • Cris Cunningham, Director • • University Y advised the committee to ex-•Sheriff Raymond Frank • retiredfrom the Air Force-1 iOrperson -rgrievaace -com-, ?330Guddalupe »• • Austin 78705 nM'^gf!§^ercise^,'extf?fne caution" in withdrew his'name from the' and I receive a *pens'mn, but mittee meets'io hear the raise By August 19 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY ^-'-^its actions.' list • of„ county' officials-, re­I:m the only county official in requests. EMPLOYER ' County Attorney Gets INFORMATION-gatherSiT questing pay raises Tuesday,-. this situation who had any op--. Precinct 4 Commissioner by the committee will be turn­saying that pay raise^fdr., postion in the last election and Richard Moya said Tuesday LOOKING FOR MEANING ed over fo the Justice Depart­elected;county officialsshould •' financing my own campaign' that when commissioners ap-• IN YOUJ? LIFE? ment as. specified in a resolu­either be granted or denied by depleted my pers-ona.l provfed a"pay raise for county Housing Repair Permits • • Nursery Schoot-Manager . . tion unanimously. passed at Commissioners Coiirt. . • .finances. But I'm^a lawman employes, their intention was Position,! Includes salary. $*room apt., utilities paid/ and chjld care>; Ideal for County Atty. Ned 'Granger received two Cliff-Rader, city• Building inspector, said, ''i'p^the committee's last-meeting:,. ; Frank -is one of the county not 'a county -commissioner, to include elected officials. A' mother with srpail children, Also teachers for 4 year olds. 60Q West 30th. 1» building permits-Tuesday from the City of • i The building permits acquired by Granger*,^, "I have bgen directed ;to officials'who sit pnjhe Travis . and I.don't think it's a good 1973 attortiey general's opi-­. ;5 p.m. 472-3437. . Austin. to make • repairs on substandard. are good for 90-days, at whidi time the city}4i;c?nduct an investigation as County Salary. Grievance idea to raise my own-salary. •nion decreed that-the com-I houses he owns in East Austin. --.will.determine iftthe suit should go forward^'/^soon as possible," John -Committee, which is being That's, not my job,'* said missioners could not. grant The city. fileS-a suit in 53rd District Court-The suit "will be on the docket until we see :j;Albach,. head of the com-petitioned by-elected county Frank-. -, -• raises-to-elected county of­McDonald's Monday to declare the houses public--What's being done," Rader said. -.'ife^mittee staff, saijl Tuesday. officials -for an;increase-: in .Frank said, however,.that ficials .during the middlp of. Now Mcing for our-new unit In Dobie Center. Full or parMime positions nuisances, unless repairs were-, madeor.the -i -i .Such .vacant houses must be checked daily"W.e hope to receive a reply pay. Several of the committee his own .personal opinion the year.. .— available. No experience necessary, buildings demolished. The houses,,at 808 Lin­or vandals attack them, requiring'repairs to^ witldn -a few days," • Albach members are among those of­ •t...Apply ln_person. arDoblp Center McDonald's. See Brad Waiti.-Monday^ coln and:2017-B E. ThirdJ5treets,are unoc-meet city standards, Granger said.--added. : , . ; ficials requesting pay hikes.: 1 Friday 23 p.m. only^ ~ ^ % '-s -eupiedh-' The houses had beeif declaf&Tsubstandard 7 Hobby^said: investigatibnsThe houses did not-meet minimum-stan­by the/building inspector lasi'September, andjyyuudei way by—the Walker WANTED APARTMENT MANAGER. dards of plumbing, wiring or construction, City Council authorized the suit July 19. ^^Coiin'ty Grand Jury:; and Prefer married. Send resi^nes. to Box. ...1668,'AustHv Texaj, ^vDepartrnent -pf Public Safety s SHAKEY'S i " take precedence over the • FULL TIME andpart time. Applications 2915 Guadalupe now being taken.Hang 11OiinHighland • committee's investigation., i * t Prosoiits . ­ Mall, Apply 10 a.m. * 9 p.m., Monday • University Fight Saturday.. . • "COMMITTEE action in. the Carrasco affair might DOAK . J-CtIUNTeB ATTCNOANT (or $Ub­ ' V •:-S£ ; station. Master-Valet tieafiSfi7~3Wt~-. prejudice;evidence V future $peedwoy..­"^Was^lfol _ AND WANTED "MAID AND JANITOR for "Once the committee gets TONIGHT THRU THURS. country eti/b condominiums. J230 per . hour.. Transportation necessary. Call information-,. it becomes Sheri a!.264*1721. By ROSALIND YOUNG paying for more expensive deci'di wliiclrbooks would be pufilic property," said Sen. Beet, Wine, Texan Staff Writer books.*" an unnecessary expense. A ' PART TIME EVENINGS, noexperience Bob Gammage of Houston!, a and Pizza necessary. IdeaIfor students, good pay. -In tithes of inflation;-it pays The biggest expanse is the-gifts 'and: exchange program 45M1BZ. " * committee member. • »' to be "thrifty,, clever and magazine.and periodical sub­.with, other^ countries and un-: COOKS, 8AKERS,Musicians, Sprouters careful,", and this is,exactly, scriptions, Billings'said. -. con­sought. Sattva -Vegetarian Restaurant.. iversi.ties also' -is Being 24ii Guadalupe. 47M433. Now Inter­what the University library Last year, subscriptions : sidered, he added/; viewing for^Autumn: ­ system is trying to do.. cost almost a'half-million * SHINER BEER NITE •­ Microfilming more PART-TIME JANiTOR. University Like everything : else, ..the dollars,-representing more Evhry Wednesday 6 p.m. Midnight , A YMCA-YWCA. 2 *ioors dayi $2.25 hour. -materials would alsoalleviate Early morning houri. Ability to'dahan-campus'-libraries, are > being than half the allotted , fund. . dywprk* (fixing things) .required. Start the cost of storage 'and • immediately. 472-92i^ Monday-Friday, hard hft with rising cos^s and This year, Billings 'expects processing. ~ ^ ^ %\'• 10-3, Crls Cunningham for appointment: increasing shortages.': 'subscriptions to increase to : 2330 Guadatupet Because libraries operate Per Glass I •A Pitcher "We're just being caught in« more than $600,000. ; t DAY-NIGHT waitresses ftfght waiters: i on l^ennial funds:;allocated in D.y-nioht bus help, cati twini«rvnw». the Harold One way to alleviate this ex­ . DJ * * ' ' " * • -• • crunch," W. — 37. w.An .ipwiiw,., transportation and good typing skills. Initiativea mustl Apply In person, 624 special projects,, .including RODEO —i^•tabks^ IT'S OUR BABYt West 12th downstairs/ Brll a.m. ahd 1-4 strengthening underdeveloped pool p.m. weekdays. HANDS departmental libraries., and EXPERIENCED PHOTOGRAPHY FRI. A SAT. AUG. 16 & 17 SSfe* • ' darkroom mfan needed for-developing., printing work;Monday nights. Mr^Ra?. r. vs 037-2390;; ' • 8 P.M. GRADUATE Nota lakers. C?ll 477-56M !an "i n-Sider K -. between 7 and 9 p.m., Monday through* 505 NECHES EARL Friday. S ' 1 block w. of Red HWer SCRUGGS 25 =m; Wanted. 451*6129 ' TONITf-|§fe / pitcWr EVERGREEN landscape Co REVUK ^AYOUB" m Advance Tickets $3.50 . HELMS • Atlnher Sanctum..——SERVICES Scrswdrivert & Odd Moments (iii(biaiiiii : :: Wallbangers..75*-.. _ -& FOR. $085® ';-ONlY§§r^ M ^WRITE YOUR AD HERE •VSFBB in! . *' cangiveyouheUfltservlcelronrwr new shop at )0035age Brush. F/eediagnosis, compression chacks and' estimates.' Tune-up 'on-standard VW -S10.50 plus parts. 63&»317i: PlMsa trv-ui. -'» —tUNCHS^I1XQ'iifQ DINNER^yj;^i3lO-12:00 - 225.1' THB W LOCATIONS AREt • TOWMES HALL \ QVERSEA5"J,ENGINE &, SUPPLY ' —' .• pRB3imfKrr^ir ^ TER/WINATION . ^Information andcounisllng. CallCollect. • Mon. -Sat. 94. Dallas (214) 287-43!tr or (214) n>^31l S^.Mik SIT '^ABORTION AUTERNATIVErP.regnant;' and dUtreiiad? ft^lp is * ..-telephone, 26th, ^73-4 Ias near as yourp, /" Number^of Days . Mail to: DAILY TEXAN CLASSIFIEDS P.O. BOX-D -'UT STATION AUSTIN, TEXAS 78712­1NAME ll_ ADDRB5. •-UNIVERSIXY-GO-O^ IP WHUTIS |-^26TH-AN£hWHmS ACADEMIC CENTER . ROBERT LEE MOORE HALt i---••—(formerly PMA Bldg.) n -UTTLEFIELD FOUNTAIN 24TH AND SPEEDWAY JESTER WJOMEN'S DORM 21ST. AND SPEEDWAY. £«; n .-"V :: 451-9151 | X42t-6;65-hfhWi:22.8a:il-1>HOM^. 4— -7 " COMM. ~ l*aoi*roo(baki*^i|u>aH; r? i* : . -\ 1 " f • UN^ Student IT -3^^5=9$ (PfCKUb %Boii»6r.edhy TEXASSTUDENT PUBLICATION'S" " '»-PH estimate. >»oh '3S00 Ousitlolitpe ia • ,1B . I.80_ 3.24 6.30 10.80 2-l;60 TTTT and SEWING OPAL-LKINDS,dressmaWn#, STUDENT G0VT.-ENVl«gNMENTAL EEOtECT. -iB,v«J<#fatlofti;-«tc.-474>mi.»!tw: .1.W SS&Xara?.' J.i ..•yw v*ra.x'V ' *"'"; s7£,wTk?Sr>•». vjfer*?^* tJfrM ms-\ Summer Grade# Expected in September mysterious first un- »"thoselose first"'"thethe second session are not un­mi* will *>mi»Hish i--_ r*«ii i blues and reds wilLiembellish Welfarelndex registration division of tfieOf- A student's troubles aren't s summer, session grades that til:Aug. 20 to 22.' student-ID"cards..this iall;as Fee Bills flee of Accounting' said the over,, for unless the .fine is>L; By BRYAN BRUMLEY^:-.f never arrived will be mailed There will be -no break the Univeijsity accounting of­Inflation may have hit tui­post office had told the r paid, it will be. filed with .afoj. with the.second, summer ses-• between; second summer, ses­ ^ ; ' . Texam Staff' Writer an" fice?initiates a new color tion and fees for fall University that postage justice of the peace court, and"" ! sion grades, the registrarsof^ • c.I asses • ex­ s ion _a n d •coding scheme. By early this week, only one of "the stage agencies coiffei ; fice announced. semester, but students' -necessary for the f£e a warrant will be issued, Can^1 * aminations. sidering participating in a welfare recipient data index had A yellow background on the ppcketbooks have been spared payments. Would vary depen­.-non said. . -, . • However, they probably will ID photograph will indicate on at least, one -count" — ding on -asked for an o^ition from the'^.orney.general on statutes whether, the fee bill The same procedureapplies­ G3T-5'V-Pl­ not be mailed until the first or which might Umit agency.involvement. ->. that a student:has paid-for postage to mail the registrar was one or two pages .long. to one ticketjjr a hundred, he. -, The Texas YouthCouncil on July 25asked for3n opinion on second week of September, Foil ID Cards 4 men's athletic events, Alan C. tion packet and payment is 6 The Texan check with thfe post:' noted, Title pi of the new Family "Code, which might prohibit the since final examinations for. :, Bright yellows, greens. Johnson of the registration cents cheaper than last year. ; office showed, however, that 'J lU* I ZP3 , <* »>i., "from: sharing;, information by division of either way, In cases of serious offenses;^, council requested th£ the .Office-of Ac­a 10-cent stamp it- Writterl instructions sent suggested recipient, index.''" .. counting. said:.Wednesday. A will do the trick.-such as a student frying to' " ife" • with; fee bills indicate' that 20 elude a campus police-officer , Gov. Dolph Briscoe said last week plani for the computer If You Need Hfelp green background will be used i».,. cents postage is necessary,: Traffic Fines or driving .60 mph in-a 15 mph•pool weresuspended while hisoffice considered thelegal and ^ps • . on photos of aH other students,­ • moral implications. . , v ym J"*t . Someone or Who Will listen b,ut a Daily Texan check Unpaid parking tickets or zone, complaints are im­ Red sn^blue stripes across revealed that*10-cent stamp speeding ticket fines will not : ; An April opmipnjfrqm-thp attorney general's office listed . "Telephone 476-707^ mediately filed with the*-. the' bottom of the card will will suffice; Last year's block a student fronrf-egister-justice of the peace, Cannon; • .40 state; agencies;^mqng-tMem the University, potentially to • Af Any Time . show .payment for women's packet required two 8-cent be included in a:compufer'pool.to streamline the processing The Telephone Counseling ond Referral,1 Service ing or preregistering in the explained. However, the carn-c." athletics and cultural enter­-stamps. ' ., . • University, University Police pus polite don't normally filetainment. respective! • William .Taylor of the-Chief Donald Cannon'said. -many of those. " ;.of applicants-for state, welfare.•• • The pool was en^isionetf tostore information from medical examinations, questionnaires, statements ..of financial eligibility and other processing information. The April'opinion foufid the. proposed index acceptable ii with four conditions. , *. A-perspn must sign an,agreement permitting this infor­ mation to be stored in the index, and "failure toconsent will .impose no penalty on a recipient." •'A person willhave a means"of finding out what is m his individual file. " • The individual "will be entitled to correct or amend a • jccord about him and to expunge incorrect-information." mm • Agencies with' &e authority to use the information \?ill be prohibited from disclosing it to persons or organizations ,that lack such authority. " . ZZ^ej^xasi&yff-l,U>erUes.Union (-TCLU) sent a letter to t mfj: -Briscoe_Qrr3u&iX?racIiTsrqtested:the:estabHshment-of^the I nrl«u .• 7 ,»t ll .14 iL. j. — »» A — ? -I I F _ . .!•»,» ,»ii_ .. i. index. It would-create -the potential, tor a cradle^tfFgTc. v. • police state operation so that-.with the press of a button, a • nosy dean can find'out if a student has received psychiatric s services from the Department of Mental-Health, or a prying o%, bureaucrat in theEmployment Cpmniission can find out if a person years ago was a juvenile offender."' The TCLU questioned whether anyonewould give approval —forincliision in the system, as well as the manner in which -an applicant might be,persuaded"to consent to inclusion.— '^4 Cerebral Palsy Telethon THE WORD'S GETTING ARQUNDi SALE GOOD THRU SATURDAY To Air This Weekend RECEIVERS CHANGERS SPEAKERS MISCELLANEOUS • wm Kenneth' Threadgill, Rusty tinued by K^XL-AM from 6 Weir and Moods .of Country a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Sunday. Music are among the groups . Skip :Harri|S, volunteer starring in. a telethon for worker and former state cerebral palsy to be aired this director of :cerfebral palsy, weekend on KVUE, channel organizations, said a 24. y : ^ monetary goal.JtedMjot.been " The 20-hour telethon will set for .the telethon, -but he -feature_alwut_50_acts. A live _:hopes thousands of dollars simulcast from the ballroom •will be raised for victimsrof FISHER295 of the Stephen ^. Austin Hotel"'the'disease: —— W-watt AM/FM Stam GARRARD ZERO-IOO-C D0K0RDER .7140 W Kicnvcr Sl"a iranlartol 6«rr«ra^-4inestJL-tnily FISHER XP7S ne«i*io>iivwi by KRMH-FM will begin at 10 "We'll put on the best show its valua. Folly faatorvd prefejuiene) (banger 3-way-ipaokar-whh^ 4 Onmalwmwui RhMo^RmI • :• —• —— p.m. Saturdayand will be con-• we ean," said Harris. iw tatai iisttning with base. Shure HnTrack ^ ^^ Waafar, 5" MR I T •40iJ Duk wHh-KHO-— -SHURLJIi-Trofk . pltason caiiridge. 51VU IwHttr Sound on Sound & Mahi-Improved magnetic car Sync. R«L 5299.9S list $169.95 s88 fridge, elBptirol stylus. Save S17I.I5 Ust S629.9S SUPEREX PRO-BVI campus neuis Inbrlef irstS5M5 Professional Stereo . ANNOUMCtMCNTS MiniNos PIONEER SX 525 KLH 31 Headphones. V'TIXAS UNION announces the cancetlation UNtVUtSJTY Of TEXAS SAIUtyG CLUB wilt M-watt BSR 310 AXEpSg ' of a sandwich iemlparentitled "Nix-meet a;7 p.rn. Wednesday In Robert Rxfivtr.AM/FM Staraa Autdmotk larntabU, *' 2-way ipaakari, WOLLENSAK 4770 SHURE M91ED car Ust SM onfi Crisis/', previously scheduled Lee Moore Hall ft.104 tor the last Mafnatic carltUga. waafar, high dugx Cg««Ht Oa«k;1JV*i ' HfrTrack-. ettipNcaJ 4oc nnnn Wfrinesday.'^ J yV: general trie»ttng; of the summer. list 52S9.95 List $91,S0 twaatar. Dtlau grill. VUM.I.rj, :r*rr trldoe willi > diamond V-• Mgmberthlp attendance4 vneeded-to Rag.'$99.95 pair Msf 52I9.«S (2| stylos. vote orfkey club Issues.: list $54.95 TEXAS UNION wltl present the film, 'The rOUNO SOOAUST AUiANCt wlU meet at 1 Loves oHsadore"-at 7«nd 5:20 p m * p.m. Wednesday In Union. Building .: • . Wednesdajrvlft the Union Theaire. BSR 520AX *> conduct a forum, the topic of HARMAN KARDON HK20 PIONEERSE505 • Admfsjionls slfor jtirdeoti, faculty jA-discission wll( be "Socialism: The Wabtat Base, Oust-Cover 2-way spaakar with V' DOKORDER 7100 f?^SHURE ; and statf/ s?30 for members. and Magnetic Cartridge 2-woy delaxe-stereo ;^HWlab(e Alternative." • waalar. Raa! ta Raai.Topa Dadi headphones cuslom pad 'V? 1 Ust S11S.M Raa. $55.00 *29 list $399.95 HI-TRACK ding. List SS19S Dynetic elliptical cartridge GARRARD 82 New Model' TarntoMo, KLH 17X $44.95 OLYMPIC HP70 . Sasa and Shara adiptical ^ OLYMPIC RTD40 MMk An industry standard 10" 8-Trock raiord playbaik * Stereo Headphones. cortrid,.. -SOO waafar * 2" twaatar. datk. $o Leff/Right vofirme con* Rag. S176.SS Ragi $t9.9S Now Utt $109.95 trols Ust $29.95* PIONEER CS99A PIONEER SE405 Waafar. 2" STANTON681EE Daluna -paddad Twaatar. haadptmit. Valvma ceo- SHERWOOD S7200^« Raa. $2)9.95 $ttraa QliptM Cartridaa $OC 150 Watf AM/FM. Staraa u,,m flisl $44.95 -'CfSRlK»i»tr Top« Monitor Ust $159.95 GARRARD 62 SSI IV­ FISHER TX420 3-s|m4 ntomatli wllh ->way'w/lJ" Woof.r, 10 •-" .10%: pMl DON'T THROW AWAY cu*ing oa4 oirti-tksl*. Ytor Wbrronty. 4-OuimmI Afflftlifitr with kS?' KENWOOD KR4200 ^ 5-tra«f piaytr." V' Complela with and . UstSm.t5 Ust$299.95 ... ' -DISCOUNT •0 .watt AM/FM Staraa YOUR DAILY TEXAN Slwrt tlftpiical tartHdg*. Receiver, Rtj.Jl36.IS *59 ON CASE LOTS Ust $219.95(1) M99 wi GARRARD ZERO 92 KLH 38 BSR TD 8S 3-speed auto, Garrortfs A- Air M>P«H1N tptsktr, S-track staraa ptayla«ki§^ 8:tf«K I finest. truly ; ijm. 10" WMftr, Diliixi orllL d»(k. Parlact far: tha.S;fe'{ FISHER 395. . puftsifonol • (banger ' Racardlng Tapa Ampai m ms Ust $149.95 pr. • ' $98 Pr. t«dgat-nindad. [ Vary 110 watt AM/FM staraa witfrbase odd! Shurt W- Jtudia quality. 20 ta 20. racaivar w/ramata • can-Trock. tral, list $399.95 BARMAN XARDON 330B1 DUAL lttl 100 Watt .A«»/iJ*4t#ft»_ Automatic TarntahlOi WEStEK ER1203 Raltivtr. -'I'v, Wrfnot BoM,wStr»i1I Hi- WOLLENSAK 8055 f Waalart Twaatar. AMPEX 363-C60 Urt $199.95 V-r Track Magnatli 8-lfntlrWjW dfcic Pausa JBL 125 list *9.95 U-Mhiata';Chramiunt fast-farward. dianida. Cassatta racar Ust$259M list 5214.95 dlng top quality U»t $159.95(2), SHERWOODt S7100A GARRARD 42MS 70 Waft AM/fM Sterec 3*speed aafomafic .wifh Solid State receivertape improved toDe orm^: DOKORDER 7200^ monitor, switcb tapa dut>-viscous damped mlfjjr' MAXELL SHERWOOD S7900A Rael fa raal tapa'datomtit NEAREST YOU AND PITCH fitignatlc CartiMf;: . tokintt. sr law najia blanlt>tni(k •Flaar standing spaakar, Uit 1W.V5 '99 Rag. $151.85 U»t J149.95 tapa. 300 faat. f'tlMalaK 1U/aa<._ •LOCATIONS: -UTIN! R^$l99.95Haw 159 Ust$X35 ^JTOWNES HALL MAXELt-UDC12r PANASONIC Minota Cassatta T«l>« vmvERsm^6p = $444 l-Haad v casiatta, dack . OtYMPIC Q 140 list $tJ5 -J w/dafcr. $070 24TH AND WHITIS Ust $549 J/7 AMPEX 50 Watt 4rChannel fr-Track. Tope PJayer with fo 26TH. AND WHITIS M mlmita l-track blaak FISHER 203 acotistie-speakers. List $129.95 mordlng tapa Rag. $3.19 AM/fM Staraa Racaivar *179 K "• "• ACADEMIC CENTER KLH 54 Afi XBfJ 100 tiratls AM/FM; 4 2'Spaad Mamal. Tar»' AMPEX 350-Qo :ROBERT LEE MOORE HALL (hannal ras5,t" „ y • (formerly PffiA Bldg.) *; Ust $535 $174.90 racardlaa tapa. Umit siia ElECTR0PH0NIC,C-2 (irttomar Staraa Casstna Oatk. r * mtk. •UTTIEFIELD FOUNTAIN' mm.K ; ?'49 -% m4 •"24TH AND SPEEDWAV ,, , •rt. ^ 17 JESIEBjWOMW'VUORM ••• r>—if Mfc1­ 21ST AND SPEEDWAY ' ;lsp<,niUlyd ir.TEXAS STUDJifiT PUBUCATlONS AND ONLY LOCATION — ld4 HUNTLAND DRIVE f-"1 xuut ^ * firUDENTjCOVTi ENyiBONMgNTAL PROTKCT. COMM IjLOCK^NORTH OF HIGHLAND MALL — PHONE.454-8053