F-T«: .*? • }\ s, 5 > V>' % wl 3 M rf<»:Jrt* ' J& XA* [&??*• • 5i1! X * j • -/•'' --f^dent Newspape/ at The University of Texas,,at Austin *-v*** 3>vj: ' "S '*•1. * *• '! a. • nS»«* • •• • ^V^V:.>SWiVA' •• ' " ' •' " •• •"" ' »•"-•• -...-• -•• -•. . Vol. 74, No. 30 -i--6"3%^2W*^ •' Please Recycle Thls NewspapeT j -Austin,-Texas,-Friday, July 26r 1974 iTon ^anfe •••<•* Sixteen Page i_ 471-4591 &SKyVs*«­Ti ' V -> > >£&. \ Committee Turns to ., (WASHINGTON (AP)»-*->; The House Judiciary to begin Friday and is'expected,tocontinue through Committee Thursday-night completed the opening Several Republicans pleaded :for fairness..--to Ellsbprg to a fair'trial "for his own personal or Saturday. -"• . process he is sworn -to uphold." ' ---• round 'in its landmark impeachment debate, an Nixon, and a presumption, of innocence, but political benefit;." .. •r-+~ ' Republicans talked of an effort to postpone,a final • REP. WILLIAM S..CQHEN pf.Mame^in.a speech Democrat;. after Democrat,-declared.-his • He ''attempted'to-corrupt"and misuse" .tfie «. highly critical ; of -actions the ' exchange.••»••"..-frhich. signaled an —».•>"—certainalhirfct . mn^pii^fpg.vote for a month while new alipmnte the of Nixon jmpeachment .was needed to,restore confidence in Internal Reyenue'; Service," Central Intelligence 1 Richard Nixon removed were mad?to"SR5iPi^eTl^ adminislratipn, rejected arguments that .the only frnTT» -? government. . ' • ——r—AymnyFPt, 1 ----— .. ,, , •„ „, i Butjhe_committee's Democratic is Democrat injected the name of .Vice-^rfltinflforimppflfhn^t-teAa-violation.cifajrioilaa}l,:i One by one, .hour after hour, the "38 members. —•• • > • hk" • One • He "misused his'office" to'obtain information such a delay. deliyeredjheif_formal jspeeches. ^President GeTald~FoPd»~saving~the-country-would----froffi thp jnstire Department in hplp ctmpo -,' THE ^COMMITTEE'S second-ranking .-Repub­: rally behind him if he succeeded-Nixon. "o • '-a**.-ui ,tuning Luwdru-^ ' possible criminal-prosecution in--the -Watergate--S^CqhenrioTig^egarded-as^leaTririg^tovl'ard­•;i, WHJSN THEY FINIShfel), 19 members lican, Rep. Robert McClory of Illinois, prepared for THE PANEL'S ranking-Repuljlican, Edward ^ cover-up. impeachment,,stopped just short of saying liow"he including two-Republicans and Democratic-introduction Friday a substitute article of planned to vote. . _• _ ..Hutchinson of Michigan, said the Rodino's proposal• • And he "knowingly made fa-lse represenjta tions _Chairman Peter Rodino Jr. of New.Jersey — had impeachment (accusing Nixon of having "engaged i to criminal investigators so as to obstruct/he tjue declared their belief Nixon should be impeached: in' a pattern of conduct in violation of his KifiV(Related Stories, Pages 3 & 10.)'. • • '.Rfep...Walter Flowers, D-Ala./ said he often thinks- administration of justice"-*in the Watergate cover- Five other members indicated pmimpeachment constitutional duties toexecute faithfully'" hisoath Of impeachment as "a bad dream.­ -up. leanings. of-office. • ' . was a, "grafe bag of -, allegations* of unproved ONE OF McCLORY'S Republican colleagues, "BUT UNFORTUNATELY, this is no h>adAlthough it ticked off a seriesof specific offenses', r ..If all rhembers vote, 28'ayes are required to • offenses not meeting constitutional requirements Rep. Delbert Lattat of Ohio; declared "the evidence dream,'' said Flowers.;"It is the terrible truth that approve a resolution recommending that the full the.language-of McGlory's proposal was broader • for impeachment. -isn't there ... the case is that simple" ''• ; t will bejupon us soon." ' than the twoarticles of impeachment placed before House impeach Nixon and place him on trial in the McClory's proposed article contends; . • Rep. M. Caldwell Butler of Virginia,^previ'ousiy -Rep.-;Charles E. Wiggins,.R-Calif„ continued his'Senate. . • the committee on Wednesday by a Democrat.' 4 *'Nixon aides covered up the Watergate break-in. .uncommitted,-' said" that the' regarded «as if role as leacfer of Nixon's defense within .the IN THlE FINAL "hours of the day-and-night • "which fact he knew or should have known," committee ''fails to approve articles of jWITH THE.-OPENING debate conceded, the corhmittee and began offeringadetailed analyiisfof debate, Nixoir'-s base .among committee committee \ffhs .poised for a series of votes on H'e violated the'Constitution's Fourth impeachiheht "we will', have condoned and left the impeachment evidence. Wiggins sought to* Republicans eroded; and even his staunchest GOP AiHe^ment by direcOnraiegM Wiretaps. .... t„utae. w Vonuuci specific articles of impeachment. This process was unpunished presidential course of demonstrate that the. material" fell far short of supporters conceded the outcome was certain. a conduct •vS,; * He attemcted to prejudice the right of Daniel -.designed to interfere with and obstruct the very grounds for impeachment. -f . ' Ki J ions Stall m By SUSAN LlNDEE • • was at noon, then 1 p.m., 3 p.m. and 6 of the inmates, Rodolfo DOminguez and".J. Texan Staff Writer. * p.m. After each deadline passed, Taylor. Ignacio Cuervas, are believed to be'l---HUNTSVILLE — Negotiations with ;came. out to explain that it bad been involved in the plan with CaiTasto. The Fred Gomez .Cai'rasco.. imprisoned extended. role -of the. other, fo'iif inriiafes is' narcotics ring leader, continued •. Carrasco's demands have remained unknown. They hajve been identified asThursday at the state penitentiary in .. . virtually the same since a letter was .•Steven .Ray . Robe-tXson, Henry Huhtsville delivered to prison officials Wednesday Escamilla. Martin Quiroz and Flores C. Carrdsco, with four guns and unknown night. He !h'as -requested three walkie-­. 01vera. -' .. / •.'-.... amounts of ammunition, has held. IX talkies, all on tlie same frequency and The hostages have beenallowed to callhostage since Wednesday afternoon in three.bullet-proof vests:and visors:/He their families more than once, and —thelUbra^ry„portbjijQLthe_prison. did change his demand for three-M-16 reports to relatives Cindicate that Talks with Carrasco passed, without uarraseo is treaung the hostages well: nrrfFHHav W?r6^^recessed until.10.a.m. .ammunition . "j TALKED m^-^ther0n~the A-ntoni9 Prison Plihiir Affaire nffiKor w „ ' attorney. Ruben phone and also with Carrasco. Everyone 11 i • ? n Public Affairs Officer Hon Montemavor also spoke with Carrasco was okay, and he said he vpill not hurt l|aylor said ^negotiations between tiiroughounhe "day. UlrgciOr of"thg^-anyofe," CoiinirHotisgEverts daughter— Carr^co apd Asst. Director of Services Texas Department of Corrections Jim. of hostage Aline House 61 said °"we-HAVF^ HAh'^rrt qi 3y' . --r.Estelle-said Montemaypr' had been. -' Carra'sco.told Everts that the hostages . I ' .almost .constant; extremely helpful.. , would leave Friday He did not soecifv"'"" negotiations, Taylor said. "We have" ' '• "HE HAS ASSISTED us to the how been trying to get the.familiesof .tinmen and MUX . -Early-Thursday morning-a shot was1 -'S '•ultimate . in .our negotiations w>iu has . uui1j luuijuajr ' UIVIllI _~holding7ihe-hostages-to-talk to-them,-'­ maintained -the;-confidence-between—„Jired inside.the.prikcin^iandJSajxascg Kii-kpatrick said.­ lawyer andJ client also," Estelle said.• claimed, over the telephone that he haa.' Carrasco contended he was imprisoned Estelle added Cafrasco and .fellow killed one :.of the hostages'. But prisonon a false charge and wanted his captors'are calm and considerate' of -officials, recognized it as a bluff when ,-freedom; sayinghe would ratherdie than-thei.r hostages. ' ­ fhey sa'w-thehostage walk past two glassreturn to prison.' '.'.the safety, and welfare of the dbors of the room. . . . "What's the 'sense of* living when utmost concern "Hostages is of to. both TWO pOOtREPORTERSwere sent"; you're caged-up like an animal?" he prison officials and to thgir captors; !.he --inside prison walls to view the oourtyardsaid. "I'm-not; the type of man who can -; said. • ' •... .-I. " v and take photographs. They described pull fife behind bars. i <: Father O'Brien, prison chaplain, the area as well-guarded with more thanCARRASCO "ISSUED a number of carried on negotiation^ Wednesday night 30 armed guMrds between Carrasco andTexas Rep. Jack Brooks relaxes duritig House proceedings. deadlines,• threatening-.the-lives of his -With Carrasco, but he entered the.library-, ; ' r, the outsWe. hostages throughout _theJay. The first at 3 a.m. Thursday and has not been Prison guard Bobby Heard, one of the released. Prison officials haVe not been hostegesiAVss-seatedallday-withhis-— allowed to talk to O'Brien on the phorie, back -to the double doors so that prisonthrough which most negotiations have officials would not attempt to shoot their' ifM!elJi L*(>M Criticizes Resolution 12 gone on. -* • • t. , iway in. Later, he was replace by one of. 1 . "AT THIS TIME we consider O'Brien :i 5 the women hostages: \>.«,v a hostage, tqor" Taylor said • vtf • :. Taylor saidthe U.S' Armyhas supplied Fleitimg Only Supporter of Building Fee Provision & -O'Brien bringsr the total rturnber of Huntsville with armaments in case they By BRYAN BRUMLEY hostages to. il. Besides the hostages, are needed. A shipment of rifles arrived- will: be BRUMLEY i-will resubmitted to onvention Sen Llovd r there are seven .inmates, • including-the \onvenuon' , make the document more palatable to A;-and* Friday. Sen. Lloyd Doggett of.Austin-said he":, m'the morning, and Taylor said theySs ' " delegates with universities in tHeir Carrasco blockaded into the library.Two • • S 4 V'-*'!ANNE MARIE jULDAY would vote against the resolution Friday were stored inside the Drisort. The . student.voj-ganization moved'• district,. Caldwell Said. -Previous " Texan Staff Writers ^because, "I was. hopeful we'd get' the against a,document circulated by Frank 11 .provisions called fpr terrriinatiorf of.; -Members of the Texas Student Lobtiy " • "building use fee out of there." ­ Fleming; president of the lfrriversity ' administrative dis_cretion on/the . asked Constitutional Convention Doggett said he had talked with the student body, which called forsupport of m- Jaworskijlequesis effective d&te of the new constitution. ' delegates Thursday not to bow to members of* the, Submission and Resolution 12. K • — _ Fleming's letter urges "that the TSA • pressure from state univer&ity a University qf J Transition Committee concerning the administrators. -.* ; 'Edward, Martin, consider&.the higher education sections' ^ . building use-fee provision. "I have Houston representative at the Saturday The TSL refused to endorse the 12th of the proposed resolution in the .-suggested that the committee either Quick Tape Delive meeting, said Fleming was the only one interests of future generations" of this eliminate the provision or: shorten the • resolution of the • convention's present who argued in favor of _Sufemission and ^Transition Committer state and urges the delegates to adopt , time by half," Doggett said. -: ' ' WASHINGTON (UPf) -»Special Watergate prosecutor Leon JaworskK , -BesdlUtioiL12-_Eleming-said the letter Jtesolution-1'2:-' Vnoyrng swiftlyJo.consclldate his Supreme Court victory, Hiursday asked '*wKen the lobby met in,Austin Saturday. " ""My-^greatest—concern—over--the­ did not necessarily represent his views -An official statement from the • building use. fee is that it always toe U.S. Dmnct~Cburt~To order President-Nixon-tec begin delivering — Resolution 12 contains a provision . but was intended ;• as a basis for University System said, "the parts of ^ subpoenaed tapes within Cwo days. venng extending the authority of college discussion.' increases at' odd' times; and with a " Resolution-12 which relate to higher > John Sirica tiftmddiately scheduled a hearing-for Friday administraljors to issue construction _ Fleming said. he _ drafted the letter minimum of public: debate," Doggett • bonds based' on building use fees until continued; "Even if the new constitution 1 ,e'Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that Nixon must turnover tapes Sf *: Friday afternoon-for distribution; at a (Related Story, Page 3.) 1985-Defeated Tuesday, the resolution is not approved, there is a need to review ^Jofhis conversations to Jaworski for-use in the"Watergate cover-uptrial • '. education of Texas • Students' Association -dinner have treated all higher, •,,41ie statute which , gives the Board 'of ; -scheduled to star*Sept. 9. But Chief White Housecounsel James D.St, Clair. ­ Friday night and thew TSL meeting education fairly and serve the need of an Regents authority-tQ set building use --said Wednesday night the' process would be "time-consuming." /•? ..Saturday. The views expressed-were Tex'ans." ' •-•••••• v fees with unlimited discretion." && Jaworski asked the court to .order that Nixon deliver: -based on a copy of the resolution -Sandy-Kress, TSL director, said ... Ceiling^ on student building use fees;~ Within two days, 20 tapes of Nixon's conversations with then-White-^ supplied to him by Dan S. Petty, and a continued use of student building fees tp astuition and bond, issues are currently -a'des HJR. Haldeman apd Johri D: Ehrlichraan in March and April,conversatioirwith Petty'JFriday morning. finance construction bond issues in the­^-"regulated-by legislative statute. Rep. r.-irj9;3^ Watergate cover:up begat unraveling.-The White House ­Petty and Regent Frank C. Erwin are face of, low faculty salaries and ^ . Anthony Hall of Houston, member of the -Released edited transcripts-of the^e conversations April 3Qr-,^ ---J-spf:.the University System lobbyists at the was deteriorating academic programs -FinanceCommittee, said the Legislature six days,,51^tajies of conyersaUons primarUy involving. Nixon; ^ ;.,.Consututional Convention. intolerable. . -•; -i cOuld lower the ceiling on bonds andfees ••j Ehri'cnfftan, Haldeman and former White House special counsel Charles -f-The ,4985 -termination date, was Building, fees are merely disguised i> under botli theold and new constitutions -Colson from June 20, 1972 shortly after the Watergate break-in, through-Vincluded in the resolution ""due to tuition, -Kress said, which .discriminatg' Fleming Thursday called for increased June 4,1973^'Jaworski said>13 of these tapesapparently havealready been' . Pressure from state -universities and against low and fixed income students. Reviewed by-Nxxon. legislative .initiative -in-setting building •colleges,;! Rep.;•{Neil-Caldwell of Use of the fees to support future^ use fees. He.said from conversations Withih 10, days the remaining • 23'tapesi"!? Angleton, chair'man of the Finance -A • ..." coHstructiqn \«H soon »aliow only a^fe^vith Petty extension ^ ^M^sSative Committee of" the ConstitutiQBM^ . wealthy.elite to receive state-financed giiauthority id issue bond's was based on the Convention, said.,;The.extension -wquld ..^ucation, he^ontinued. > ^S'.needs of new colleges and universities •'SSf; „ 'jM ;,By KEN McHAM ^^'^,Ce0f^:nV1^0nmenta, Source Management Department was caughtin the-middle on tins. ] think ---Texan Staff Writer tg:. (ERM). flood plam and require all residential construction engiheenng made a moral commitment this would' -A(City Engineering Department perfh'lt.for the'.--The environmental office recommended the within the 100-year flood plain tobeelevated one foot "be done.-befofe the Creeks Ordinance -was passed, Friday and -Saturday channelization of Walnut Crfcek in Northeast Austin permit not be issued until it is demonstrated there above the flood plain level. ' ' . no ''You could use this to say theenvironmental office Friday, by rejiidenls ot the adjacent are feasible alternatives, but the Engineering The. flood plain.'level 'is-determined-bythe will be clear to partly was being igtfored, but1don't think this is the case,'" CryStalbrook subdivision near the planned LBJ High -Department made no-such demonstration to the statistical-maximuni flood, that, niay be expected* Manning said He'said the Engineering Departrnent-during the given time interval. *clq.udy wLth con­" • •' environmental office. now require^ design elements in subdivision pl^nsm . . Tne-channelization WjU generaUy straighten 4,000 "They knew what kind of supporting information The pity is requiring the channelization to remove" tinued. ,hot a'ffernobh . anticipation of environmental office^requirements ' feetof the winding creek north of U.S. Highway 290 we wanted to see to justify there were* no all of Crystalbrpok and 30 percent of adjacent Las iempecaiures^,\Windsj "lijterms of feasible alternatives,' -Manning said, Cimas, both subdivisions-developed by Austin aAtLwidfiJLteshannel, destroyingmany treesand the_ alternatives." "Kenneth Manning,-supervisor of "we' meant' something like, a flood water bypass wffl.be southerly^-6rtd^ $*l,uraT ffgeUtion along the creek banks ~ ERMIsiSfBd'y of the channelizationptojecUsaidP^We — SavingsandLogn.from the25-year flood plain. T^e t1 make a channel adjacent to the creek~sa the flood Mrs. Margaret Gauntt, 6905 Crystalbook, «aid a nevef^ot any feedback on it from theHT^Tirlsrd .-flood plain is >n enecc pem^ placed in a channel.T:16 mphr Tempera­— ~ * ' 1 * * " " rs«r.'-<->1.—n_ >• ' .. water WQuld flow into thte channel Graves sald_ Qjg.jJhanneIizati5n' will require "Qnypu jcoujd -inove back-Several feet from the ' tures will range-from * additional work offiT^ODEIoot section of the creek llrC nnH AnnviMKtt.'n (A J.L.>.11 ri...j < beiow.the current project. The "work," yvhich could the' mid-70s Friday or you^GOuld do nothing to the creek" and let' the* • >.-. u,.tiV . ,Tht) Creek Ordinance, passed in Marchf sefe.as Its homeowners be another channelization project, is necessary to qualify undeT-^t'he 'National"Flood "ni^fit to the upper JTKSy play around it and fishthere. Oneof our big-intent the protection.of the natural-character of accommodate increased-How brought hy nPQtrg!.m objectinna-to itha-pcoj^ret is losijjLthe-chlldreri's , waterways. ~ " • channelization. —<-- Pfiday and/Saturday \ reccemional use." ., „ . Manning said ERM's recomtnendaUon against the He said however, the?work could be'done "in a wav afternoons. vnirh Wnnlrt >r^vi-n thn . -'*•.-• •, . :ffPIl|. |5$W ¥>>$&v * +^£n& 5 ^wfcfisEjajsCsC n *•*% L f -^»vV5 " -tr*-**#; £ I Q K A n»!vMna Dill Legislators back Anttrape DIN W4P'",fc *u*t~-IT? * p\ By WILLARD HALfc disagreed, stating limitations 35 frontage near Reagan^ business, the In, other ~:: aid of permits and issuance on a Terrace ndr ;c0uncil unanimouslyapproved New laws To Make Project Easier m and-Woodlandr S':'»KEN McHAM quarterly basis would protect - : By DOUG BURTON i&nd Senfronia Thompson ofHoufTon,-"ivTio^aJsowefel)resent. Avenuq. \ : a'motion in supnort of SER ' v---Tqtan Staff .Writers Austin .vendors from • iTeague.-Buda, Inc. noovr-Texan Staff Writer N THE SIXTH CO-SPONSOR is Rep: Eddie Bernice ; The postpone-and-negotiate competition •from traveling proposes to .build a_ 75,000--(Servicei--Employment and -Inequities-of -Texas rape laws^and a climbing rape crihie ^h'i.Johnstpn of Dallas. • .. .. 4 ^i method was used by City .vendors square-foot hotel'-ftfficev Redevelopment), • an rate are the targets of a legislative package discussed by ,Safe?. The new laws, are geafetl tq $ncourage-the reporting.er_^ PS! Council Thursday "in every . Joe Crow,, a real estate compter on four acres of-land -organization.dedicated to job five women legislators at a press conference|Thursd'ay. • <,f Trapes and to make-prosecution of rape cases easier, Bailey ^. jucontroversial case throughout agertt, spoke to the council on crossed by Harpers »<5rcek; training and placement of: Rep . Kay^Bailey of Houston'and Sarah Weddington.of i; .-said. ' -* "-• " T Si a five-hour meeting, as the behalf of the owners of the The building, . spanning" the; .primarily Spanish sjfeaking-ssAustin explained an antirape-bill co-sponsored by Sen. Betty s Citing Federal-Bureau of Investigation;statistics, Bailey, '-itlwU: council tested -a new building on the corner of 23rd •creek at several points, and unemployed.people. •••• "Andujar of Fort Worth and Reps. Chris Millerof Fort Worth s vsa'id the greatest percentage increase in a single type of wi fr bi hypothesis-that citizens can .-" and Guadalupe Streets . and parking Jots, Avill 'occupy 70. Livingston Gas Explosion JScrime was rape, which was up 10. percent nationwide. *j;W w settle their oWn disputes ..complained of;^rash in the percent of the lahd. ; > >• Texas is following the national trendi With-8,228 rape cases j:, . trBtS outside council chambers. area, saying theaJWnef g£ the_. Xeague-Buda-and rthe City reported in 1973 compared with 1,325 in 1963^" Bailey pot fed. ­ . ( • • The council decided " to" "Sidewalksho'uWhave the right Engineering Department, "CRIME EXPERTS estimate that only 5 to 20 percent o! i' , postpone a street vending to use of sidewalks. the women who have been sexually assaulted go. to the ~a ni Planning. Department-and ordinance hearing that would The council agreed to police, and. that the number of rapes could" be eight to nine ',|vj Planning Commission deem IS-;1' affect University area street resume hearings on. the the construction /acceptable •.w^times as high as' the cases^ actually reported," she added, f;w}v. Pi Kills 1, Seriously Injures 3 " ci merchants. vending proposal Aug. 8, after Under Austin's Creek ; Bailey and Weddington proposed the-following changes in. ai #ls®y.SUSAN LINDEE shqrtly" after the : pipeline ; the; trees 'and surrounding--" ,n The hearing was postponed those, involved^ have an Ordinance.- the law: ' S( Texan Staff Writer ; ^..exploded.. • ground area burned for.about --W after representatives of the •'opportunity /to settle Neighborhood residents,.the « That evidence of past sexual conduct of the Victim with,^t||; _ . . ;LIVINGSTON — "It-was a blowtorch^ newly formed vendorsdbop~"differences; 1 . _ A massive" • like two hours, c-fpersons other than -the defendant,will not bf admissible as;^4. '?7' A l ravK-fco-uiityT^-u4«b(Mj-—gas-pipeline-expIosiQ'n-near-MVH4Hn--five-niinatesr -this—.. v™** Highway Patrolman and individual venae's vpiced . A controversy concerning ' cyiHpnpA^mlpss-it is determined by-the ]udge in a private^,?J[ Tavlbr had w^-s^ society and environmental Livingston caused extensive whole area was burning," .. C.L. Taylor said there disapproval of. limiting the en vironmental •and law specialists testified;to the hearing that such evidence is relevant. . , i • .; ~Ik ^damage-Thursdayr-killing one—Jones said. been reports that the gas was number of permits and the neighbor,hood"effects: of a contrary. man and. injuring three. pipeline "f his procedure is meant'to erase-the current-situation ofsarow/ ' hi 1 proposed'quarterly-issuance.--hotel-office-deveiopmenton •Approved-from last week's The eight-inch ignited by brush fires in the • then rape ttS/aiSm'pVictim!si*annt^NnnreputationhAinrr-tKAbeingtne tooaip'oint-af^the'trialsjT^i-.'L?.1. ~^o "Walter-Jenkins, -spokesman. South IH 35 also was sent to a request Big Area th An .8-Hto10-acre tract of the "ruptured when -workmen cut i area, but added engines of-the­by in Seven into it !^ith machines or meeting was Thicket rather than-the facts of the crime," Bailey said. of the 60-member vendors co­the negotiating table by the a bulldozer. the pressure of • • That'outcry within 48 hours constitutes 'limm6diate|i®:^i'j;, .in Columbia ScientificIndustries Oaks; 12 of the and gas being released could have mites, north Members of H. K. op, "said, ".we do not want any council. •, for a change in the land use •outcry." -•. ••• •• • • re •Livingston on U.S. Highway Construction Co., of:: Sinton, caused the blaze: "*J" — ,, restrictions on Drag vendors, Representatives of a South designation -.of 'property 59, was were digging,a hole when the > "The emotional stress involved, in a rape may cause a.j,. completely burned, . Taylor said he had received but we-would -like the use of Austin neighborhood have -victim to delay reporting the occurrence," which, under^^;-. northwest of -Austin on U.S: highway patrolmen reported. driver of the bulldozer dug too conflicting reports on what th the north side. of 23rd Street. protested for five years the Texas laws, often requires,"corroboration" of .the victim's«^|v r#4- Highway 183 and'bound on the City -Marshall Kenneth deeply. were doing digging Members , of the council the rrien .er zoning_and development of IH north by,Oak_Forests Estates." Jones arrived at the scene •. All but a few of the workers around the pipeline. The testimony. Bailey said. name be . th • That the victim'? not published if she soj ^'r, were able to escapebefore the original report said they were Tl requests. explosion erupted. Dead: is _digging a trash hole, but later ' • - Patterned after a Georgia statute now-being-challengedjg.^K g' Levy Leaks of EeggeXt. ' someope reported that they ai before^the SupremeTCourtrthrpropBSedlaw would protect^^-­Leaks, who was not employed were attempting to place a What you women.whose fear .of being publicly identified wouldby H. and K., was sitting in a--tap on the gas line. •• . otherwise prevent them .from reporting a rape, Bailey said. :parked car on a rWd 200yards In serious condition, injured .s That the trial judge be given statutory authority to:r^0 warrty is .. from the • ruptured; pipeline. in the-fire, were Rocky exclude.the pubUc frorfi the courtroom during the taking of • • City and state patrolmen Rawlings; Emmette Mercer the testimony of the prosecution. ' • J GENERAL WAL^ cut off the flow of gas. through and Joh-n Hightower of Officers of the court "and ltiembers of the press could notv;!^^¥i what we'll C c%TOHE 3e 3 the pipeline only a few Livingston arid Vernel be banned from the courtroom, only the general public,' minutes after it ruptured,.but Thomas of-Leggett. • -Bailey:explained. i_ get! • That the Texas PeiiaVCode'be amended regarding they"? • definition of consent to provide that there is'lack of consent' • when the victim submitsbecause of reasonable fear that she v ^ I; WALK TO U.T. will be injured in some way. ^ Sii The law presently recoghizes consentof the rape victim t-m -T1 ALL BILLS PAID the absence of physical coercion or'explicit verbal threats, Bailey explained. -nc COVERED PARKING Oi Old Generals Never Die; THOMPSON commended Weddington and Bailey for the­ te University iThey Just Fade Away , yib POOL . legislative package, adding, "It is bad enough that all .. women must live with the threat of falling victim to -this . to The Texas'Union GeneralStore will fade away " *>J Co-Op in early August (at least temporarily) because of-0 crime. But, because of our current "laws, women face not-' Vonly the single threat of criminal attack; they face thethe Union's remodelling plans. < additional threatof being abused and further degraded by bf iFv Consume To cope with its untimely departure, the Store HUGE CLOSETS G -.our legal system." will be .selling,most of its stock at a 20-50% dis- Vf , S^fllSHWASHER/DISPOSAl. In addition to .the-legislative proposals, the1 womeh: count July 15-31. , , ".f. N aa'•Mf sponsoring the package intend tocontact police departments ActionLin So come make youFTinaT ->f-rp~=-. 2810 mo GRANDE Ti ana • medical personnemflS5ughoutrtli?i"TStaterencouraging­ good buys. In General, we '.at*-­ ihem to hire women to process rape cases-and to improve"" -tc still have a lot in Store for l&S ' dc methods of reporting the crime, Weddington said. 478-4436 vou. v ^ < 1 8-a.m. -5 p.m. ^ 'to 09 TB EL PATIO xrmgm Monday-Friday • J.U B First floor, Texas Union Studtman's V » tton. thru Fri. 8:30 to 5J0 476-4095 . Photo Service .le 'P! *2 & 222 Wf 19th & "r' 5324 Cameron Rd. 'MM­ RESUME' & •tM p Tjili litIDENTIFICATION-TYPE ^ ta ccPICTURES -t*r tli th U 1-Day Pi '"a Quick, Reliable Service th w cl «•*#» P1 pi mi ft 'la •lUc-al Wmtm c _W H-'r exte­rn b m/igc-s; P! /Hi fc "v< & %' ~ g « i-mw % www WNSSX Five or six years a, o the dollar was reallv "I SW-WN Misiy^ w worth something. Old eorge was the hallmark « S3S® of buying power... good for relatively respec­table quantities of food, gasoline and clothing. : •­ But not any more. Today, .the dollar s S* *) , .T barely worth the paper it's printed on. Except « H at Tn-Towers North, ^ I: * r H -Twirl -i * m-S. Because.uhlike everyone and everything else, wehaven't raised our 'XtMi 4* jsprices since 1969. Which means your dollar is wprth the same today as itwstiiertt: mm m m m mm'mm ss n v»k •a . ^Visitus befOTe you decide where toJive this Fall. We're only two Ft •> and a half blocks West of eampus atSOl West 24th Street in the heart . Xgur Orange Blossom engagements^ 4, 4 •ring can be ordered witha ^1 of ^e-student neighborhood, 476-7636. ^ -sxl^ „ flawless"diamond.Just select the stylefrom anybf^ Tn:TowersNorth.. .nowacceptingOife -'.the designer collections lor.ttie ' >f.%[e£tr{ng olalifetime.­ W^wWifMm *U6 pUAp/HUfr AUANDArtVlUAOl Page 2 t=ridny W!t^*Sfi55sW *5^*4 m«BifflM« M&MOB) pssw ^ P%*3 ^ f+V c-Llrnr^'T sji -**»» » fi ^5R( Plan Dropped Near End High Court Step Called 'Backward •/ 5?; Of.Sessiori .WASHINGTONNGTON (UPlT—(UPlT—inin what fouri&'fourA:A< spokesmanSDokesmnn for the NAACP : Legal anrl ,ciinnAi»f f/vr nuKISn enbnnPo m - T^sal and support for public schools and to.the.. justices viewed as a major retreat, ther' ^Defense Fund said the decision was: quailtyoftheeducational process."' -By ANNE MARIE KILDAY . Supreme Court ruled Thursday that-V^""unfortunatev but would not'halt civil But he added, "School district lines; Tjexan Staff Writer busing pupils'acxoss school district lines:x;trights adyanaes. Gov. William G. and the-present laws with respect to The Constitutional Convention met'from a black inner city to.white suburbsfe-iiiMilliken ,of Michigan, where.'busing has local control-are not sacrosanct, and if; i * briefly Thursday without takinga vote to was. improper and. contrary to thej ;;.become a political issue, said he was .they!conflict witl? the 14th Amendment, '2 tradition of local school coptfol. ' """delighted." s •' ^^>^ubmit-.'lhfe;,prciiiosea' state charter to .. -federal courts have a'duty to prescribe . voters for approval. The 5-4-.decision overturned • a , Burger's"opinion, which returned the • appropriate remedies." ^ With the statutory: deadline pf the ;•multidistrict plan in Detroit,regarded as .case to lower federal courts with Burger said that combining city and convention only four days away, the ra.forerunner of efforts to break down the-;-.instructions do eliminate7 segregation In suburban' School' districts under }L—convention -recessed after. the' rolt ca.ll, predominantly hlack,.chhracter tff inner Detroit city~schools, said th? U.S. .desegregation plans would raise new ;; • •aSi • an •J'SV city/Ilhr schools invlfiein UiA MnwtkNorth. But itU will; T iam .. '"?• "prayer announcement from cnknhlp . Out Distrcit Court erred in June; .1972, when -problems -of trai«portat.ionr curriculUm^sriv« and Submission and -Transitibii 'Comroi'ttCe, . affectmany other areas of the North and it ordered busing -between' the» De'roit" . and financing to be resolved. in the§pl®® ; chairman Nelson Wolff of San Antonio. South —. including" Indianapolis and inner cityschools/which were65 percent T courts...Thus, he said, the cpurt would:;1' Atlanta.' • Wolff told, the delegates the 15-/ black', and 53:suburban districts, which become "a de facto '.legislative.. ^8 -member committee voted unanimously. LOUISVILLE was affected only a few were 90 Tperc$nt white. -, authority* . to, resolve these: compWxSiim. .Thursday moniing. to resubmit' the'12th' • : hours latyi.. iyhen—the—Supreme—Gouri The .opinion, which did not deal questions, ,ahdt thei) the .'schoolfft* t -• resolution. That .resolution contains the -. ^ftn Dus,n8> handed down a brief order saying that at%.?ire<\tly said district -^'ji^M>»^'^boundary lines cannot,be-"casually %BURGER SAID the lower;court acted JX'b -•^owcr^coUrt^lingr:WhichH;o^Udated.'i.i; ...is J!|S' -H > separate proposals.. and that city'selementary schoolswith those-ignored or treated:;:? on' the erroneous standard that total' ' The three separate proposals includp. •'adjTiinstrative convenience''-under desegration of Detroit tfould .be .in nearhy~deffersonr Ky; —Should-be*' limited county. horne'ru)e°-a ban on pari­ desegregation plans unless there is proof "desirable.." was • reconsidered in light of the Deroit case. He said this ..egg 8 -..-imutuel. betting and right to work. Last that the segregation: was the result.of!a "unsupported by .record evidence-that I-'/ week, th'e committeesubmitted separaieChief Justice Warren E. Burger"wrote constitutional violation. . acts of the outlying districts affected the "asiil •! .resolutions On each of the proposals, and ­ the majority opinion in the case;-which '"No single tradition in .public discrimination found to-exist in thejlfpl three included in the. resolution­. endedprobably the'lorigest court term of education is more deeply' rooted than schools of Detroit." --. W" ^^Ireteiyi&d-moire than;lOO votes. ., ' the centuiy. In a strong dissent, Justice i'Mocal control over the operation of In /his dissent, Marshall, the court'sJs| Two /separate proposals oftginally : . Thurgood 'Marshall described it as ."a'^-schools," he -wrote. "Local/ autonomy first and only black member said: "Our'*1' given majority approval but left out ofgiant step backwards" toward separate has long been thought essential both for. nation, I fear, will, be ill-served bytfte Resolution 12 relate to legislative pay and unequal education. the maintenance of community concern; court's refusal to remedy separate and • and terms of House members.' . ; ' /' ? unequal education,, for unless our;l. cRep. Gar.1 -P-arker-S. time of high energy demand. 3^; the federal regulations. advantageous to restore the land after Breckenridge area" and along the Rio — following the nrPffjt-lpH* rnnp utniftrTTTTTT^mHig-^pasMxI^a-tprtoral gfrip raffling 1_Ihe coal industry-immediately .cami=i::l> -Exceptions,ttf land reclamation were mining for resale. . -Grande .River near Laredo and Eagle* deposed President Makarios. . reclamation bill Thursday to require the against bill: Carl Bagge; : "approved tor regulatory^ out the appropriate --Fisher-expiained-liiwe~is'«-large-area~-Eass,Jifi:itat&L L_ ' . JOINING GUNESfor the Geneva talks?^-restoration of mostnewBfaniried lands to president the Coal :S in EastTexas whichis highlysuitable for:':; of National ,-agencles,.. such ; as• industiral,; Fjsher -added there are-no antbracite"­ tp begin Tt^rsday night and last about their "approximate original contour." Association, charged the measure^' ^commercial,.residential, p.ubli^-facility surface mining operation and restoring. reserves in Texas. three days *Wece,r3anres^Callaghan~of™ Britain and Geerge Mavros of Greece. Austin •" Hickip~wag ''imposes/suetLbureaiictatic restrictions*^ 'development and for agricultural and The area runs from south of Bastrop: • Fisher said he thought the-strict' i one.of 291 legislators who "Voted for the ..'. that it will have devastating effect on :. recreational iTses. "Comtyrnorth througlrtJie-county-te-the—^ceclamation reeulations were nut in th<» Cyprus will -not.be represented, at'tes :bill against 81 disapproving "votes. i cpal production at a time when the coal j-Dr. William^ Fisher," University-Athens and the Mt. Pleasant area'. bill_ not so. much for th'e ,East Texas .least initially. The United States, not a. industry is; being urged to increase ' , professor of geological sciences and -The area is easily restorable, Fisher»%areserves but for the reserves, in the " "party to the treaty, sent Assistant' The legislation affects the. surface production substantially." :.-'.'C« director of the Bureau of Economic said, because of the rolling terrain and Appalachian Mountain area, where it isSecretary of State William B. Buffumas?sv mining of bituminous or lignite coal; Ahother coat industry figure said he? • Geology, said the bill did not greatly high annual rainfall, which helpsreplace • much more costly to restore. -an observer.—;— Regulation of anthracite, or hard rnal could See, "no alternative but to urge a • affect. surface coal mining in Texas vegetation more quickly. . j. -By 1978 or 1980, 10 percent of Texas'• • In Nicosia, the Cypriot capital, new was'left to individual states. presidential veto.,TT -jn ^power will romp frhm Wgnirp<^nal minort . .... . PresidentJSIafcos Qlerides expressed AA ., is not yet lenown if President Nixona&s to the point where coal companiesfind it North Central-Texas in the Graham and-in the state, Fisher said: — D.H. littte'Taith in the outcome of the Geneva v .similar bill already has been passed will sign .the bill.The White House nevet-'v­ neacwm Senate. A conference committee We saTdsaTd-a peaceful agreementnprwmpnt—""bytalks: He took a definite stand during the debate^ s"'will work out minor differences beforecould, be achieved only by talks between • Threehigh Administrationfigures took:1final approval by Congress is sought. the Greek and Turkish Cypriots sides, but the result was iplit. Interior;'?" themselves "under the umbrella of the \ The conference committee work will Secretary Rogers Morton" and —. UT^Professors See Fair Jrial C.B. United Nations." ' probably take about two to three weeks, Federal finergt Commissioner Joihuj.^j Clerides, who is Cyprus' thjtd Michael Keeling, administrative Sawhill opposed thie-committee bill:^! president in less than two weeks after, assistant to Pickle, estimated. Russell Train,, head of the'1" the resignation of Nikos Sampson — who The strip mining measure created Environmental Protection Agency, Overriding ExecutivePrivilege was named president after a military" sharp debate between voiced support of the legislation. coup,on July 15 -said iFwas for the" envlronmentalistsr-who—wanted -strict Keeling-saia-a-veto is-^ot-a-minoe. By DAVID HENDRICKS committee's requesifor informatiort thelitis;: the-feeling many people have." He said n O-Anl A. . Af"of CyprusPlmfufl J a r) nnl rl a theM .Inn/! HA a1m m 1.42 ; ; « • • . .. people to decide land reclamation regulations, ant} possibility" as Morton's denunciation-o£i Texan Staff Writer Presidignrhas^ 1 ——.. . ^ Rppuhiifan Hie have indicated prfesidency in an election to be h§ld "not energy interests both,oil and coal, which The recognition and setting of the bill is generally thought toreflect the%0 limits Witherspoon said he was not surprised . to him that theywish they had the "later than within a few months." ' •" i fought strict, expensive reclamation White House opinion-On the other handit^^P01? executive privilege is thfe major-by the unanimous 8-0 vote because the ' '.benefit of certaindata thePresident has. Clerides said Makarios, 61, would be requirements.. the-President may sign-the bill as significance of Wednesday's Supreme ''principles applied by the-court were SAGER:SAID it pro.bably-would not allowed to run asa candidatebut warned Rep. Morris Udall, R-Ariz., the floor Court ruling, two University professors ­ strategy play for presidential survival. well-established. It has long -been'..;-make much difference. -"Only through "it would be a very unwise move for sponsor of .the. hill and^a member of the' However, this appeared hazy. "No indicated after the historic ruling established.that it is the Supreme Courtsi ^resignation can he come cleani'' heMakarios to come back under the House InteriorCommittee, defended the matter what the President does, R will •'-•Dr. Joseph Witherspoon, Thomas which says what the law is."-remarked.presenFconditlons; proposal-as-"-a.strongrbalaneedt sensible ~ •be-conceived-by-someone^s presidential SheUonJfoaxeyJgrofessof of Law, and He^.explained that" by limiting Witherspoon commented"The MAKARIOS, who is in New York, has surface mining bill." politics," Keeling said. . Dr. Alan Sager, assistant'professor of executive privilege -the court .was nof S impeachnrent process^is'bemg-liandled ' said he plans toreturn toCyprus withina gs;-. Critics of the bill; especially Rep. government.interpreted and -Along with -requiring restoration of necessarily impinging'up'qtt tli^^-well^v^Hmise^^ludigiary CnmmittAJ ,few weeks. . Craig Hosmer,'R-Calif.; claimed the lands to their, approximate original commented on the 8-0 high court ruling " impeachment process, 'fte limits of"'Chairman Peter Rotfino,-Whom MI No major fighting was reported on—-strict-reclamation requirements would-contour, the billsets upa fund to reclaim ordering President Nixon to release 64 -executive privilege:would have had to be; inrespects as a lawyer and a legislator. Cyprus Thursday, but a dangerous^ significantly cut coal production in a WhWHouse tapes as evidence-tospecial abandoned mine areas: " -clarified at some time anyway,-whether-^-= "Impeachment >s a decision aimed at The House voted down a proposed 30* prosecutor Leon Jaworski. it was involved in impeachment, he ' preserving the rule of—la-w and , xents:per-ton severance tax-on coal tobe --CALLING the'decision "one of -the stated. • . v constitutional order,." the'law professor . used to restore land scaxred by-: . most important that has ever been —^Sager speculated that "the President's:®.'?said. "It's important-that .each of our abandoned sjtrip mines, .but critics" rendered by the Supreme Court," days > are numbered either through1 governmental-processes go orf." • Mitchell Fails To Disqualify Sirica complained the tax would result in Witherspoon said •'executive privilege -resignation orconviction in theSenate. ^ Sager will go" to.Washington this fall , higher coal priceswhich would be passed was recognized for the first time "as a I hate to make judgments on his guilt or.' " for .a . period of 10 to 12 month.s on-a -WASHINGTON (UPI)' own a en io-consumeretfl-UreirelectrirfrtHsr^ _unatt5r_of constitutional law; At the innocence, but if i).v this time, the^^ -!^iudicial—administration fellowship.bid by former Atty. Qen.' John'N. SUtchell and a Wat^rgate co-defendant -Insteadj. theHouse agreed to.earmark •h same time, "thC-Tleclslon •limita-tlfe-^^PreSfdent nas-noPcpmecleanT-he^siiuilL^ There he-will study the everyday • to -disqualify U.S. Dist» Judge John J. Sirica ifom presiding at the . $200 million a year from royalties on: exercise of -t.hat: privilege in up -the inferencev that-he's hiding, operation^ of the.Supreme Courtand will federal offshore oil leases to pay for the., • circumstances presented in this something." v work as an-administrative,assistant in neois Watergate cover-up trial in September. " , ' ' reclamation. _ •] -Sl;c particular case." --Witherspoon agreed, adding "That's" .the chief justice's office. Mitchell and Kenneth W. Parkinson, attorney for the Comnlitteefor the ,. • approved a pnovisioii-8 explained tlie .decision The House:also• ;??t Witherspoon Re-elecUoiiof the Pesident, had contended theljudg^ had shown bias in "establishes that where there, is a need allowing states to enforcetheir own strip1/ favor of the prosecution and that, "The conduct of the trial'judge himself mining standards under the act, but only1/ for evidence in a federal criminal case; . CapitolJournalist is.the subject of relevant evidence which -will he before the jury." 1 if. they were as strong or stronger than": and the claim by the President is made -that--certain information he has is •Sirica declined to step down in response to the req&^st-of some; of tjhg Is privileged, here in the form of tapes, defendants and* wag upheld June7 by 44-vote of the U.S. Court of Appeal s&tbat the claim of executive privilege is Dallas Court Les Carpenter Dies ..'^not to be honored.7 Market Down After Three-Day Ratfy • . T / The conflict arose between, executive - :: Leslie • E. Garpenter. longtime : newspaper. His 'future wife, Mary • • --NEW YORK .(AP),Selling ^ A m>' privilege and due.process of law and the1: Washington correspondent and former Elisabeth-Sutherland; • was" then-the • a pressure on some big-n^me Halts Sales guarantee of fair trial, also in !he Daily..Texan writer, died-unexpectedly Maroon's editor. • Constitution; he said. . . ­ glamour stocks dragged the >'NEW YOBlt OP)H'Newl Wednesday, apparently of a heart, The. tyro budding journalists, there ... .^'The need for evidence is for securing ^ York tStocik^ Exchange elosing A attack.-He was 52.. ' •' began a -lasting partnership. As stockmar a fair trial," Witherspoon" remarked. Of Diplomasn Funeral services will be held in -University students, both were active* Thursday, cutting dff a/three: , "Where there j6 this i\eed, the value Of Austin at-'4 p.m. Sunday at St. David's on The Daily Texan and in professional&C.j-9i5C-*Market 34 cents • .' By The Associated Press due profess of raw overrides the value of ­ sesslon Episcopal Church, 304 E. "Seventh St.. Journalism societies; Atty,-Gen.:John -Hill said Thursday^ executive prrvilege, particularly here,­ The-I>ey-J of this privilege'." • Austin Thursday called Carpenter"one' Carpenter and Sutherland "liked" to wsslling diplomas. of tjie best reporters^--ever tO work in .write very much." • . ­ the^eek, feUTolte ^ 28,12iff olt4, < . He added that Nixon did not base his >J ^ No hearing date by J.udge Hugh , Washington. "Les; w^s also a great They collaborated on "a musical iBfew; York-Stock Exchange i%ance,. 45.-64 off 1X2 ; right to confidentiality because-a personal* friend, and we developed, a journalism society,'$or women^ which Snodgrass-was.announced. ^ military secret or a foreign -relations p^mposito Index'wk*down\5i at 'l Hill said the college, which is part of a ?: matter was involved which needed to.be. close relationship over, the years. His .rriay haye--throwif-.-them"_tdgether,^ loss coijfies as a great personal blow,,; Reddick remembered;* ."Church o£ Universal Education;" so,Id protected and I snail (mips-him deeply." i : Carpenter was the first student fo high school-diplomas for $75 and othW: Sager agreed;-stating,; "Executive ­ . Carpenter wasfoundunconscwusan^-: become night-editor of The-Texanin his .degrees for;-greater amounts? with the privilege wasjiot deSigneiLto protect -without idehtiflc^tiOHTjeary.fils office '. sopliomore yeaVvHe also was associate top price of $175 for a PhD, 1 ^ criminal wrongdoing. It M3afeSTgHSa*te'" building in-downtown Washington, editor of the Texas Ranger, a humorprotect intra-branch actmty toaljow the' Police took him to George -Washington. magazine. • *L Deceptive Trade Practices Act. * _Jl' functioning of government." University.Hospital wi)»ere he Waslater '' Ih 1945CaipenlMj-went to Washingtoli.. The diplomas are awarded "only on > THE .'.DECISION, has.; implications--, pronounced dead. : asawjrrespondent for a,group of-Te^as s.candidato'-sabilitytopaysuch prices which indicate how the Supreme Court­ •Carpftiftecvhad • worXed for ^newspapers. . • .';V'5v-, '--V''•:[ i tosupply a 'resunrfe of experience', •',, might vote in the future In otherareaif of Newspapers :Tnc;,-which includes the'1 Hill said. . . M eti fT'he Carperite.rsJknown asi'Les,a,nd„ executive privilege, for instance Austin . Amftric^n^Stitesmanv .since-Liz,-' opSned a bureau in Washingtonii\i •j^Theschool also sells gradeicaiisgtiptsy : between alegislaUve-committee and th6 w^^sjer-.bodySl 1963; He resigneiLfrom the firm last -*1951 that provided news'fornewspapers; "President^Wftfia^oSBpfaidi her malecustom6r'etS»ei' by monthT to?5teoSw=vice-president for a trotirHp.oolulu to Boston. " ? Arnold A, Fowler.bishop of tfteChurch -"This decision 'will have to be national.public-relations, company;; rs~C3rpenter served as pi-ess" of Universal Education and"overseer of! considered when subsequent questions: The• Austin 1native, and: University secretary to -Lady Bird1 Johnson When the college, .Responded to '.Hill's . get raised.'It will'Have a very important graduate lfad been a Washington Lyndon Johnson was President. allegations by'pleading that the wordi bearing on the become," he «aid. "I newsntian fpr>18 years, before joining;; After leaving the .VVhite House, Mrs.' Estate" is in the public domaiiLand tiiat ; would not,hesurprised to see'a decision Newspapers,' Tnc . >Carpenter joined the public relations! .Its use is protjgted_by_the .Firsts Which extended thfe ^principle of this Carpenter • hegan his newspaper firm Hill and.-Knowlton£as a vice: •i-^mendmen{r-^The—same—amendhierit-narrow"decisiQaso.asto^coyei^a claimof,.; lir' carfeet-as business-manager-of the president-. Her-husband aiso^became a protects a churcl^sj-ight to keep-church' , presidential confideWriaIitv"~i)"v tT\e v Austin High School MaroqnyKe school-vice-prtgldenfoHhe firing -records secret, he said. V^fikidfthjT, against a lee-lslative — — . • -~ ­ c t "protecting student interests " Student presidents'-seejn-to b'e"-4oo -; -none.other than the Bauer_HouseiChanceJlor Charles LeMsWre's home many lower income people will not be a^L|..t.o afford .higher education I political,, hesaid-It is time to get back to the camffosr'i ; j.;thatr\vas the 4>cene of a,funding {icandaliour yehrs ago};-Fleming-was-: c i v 'This-university is still ^ targam. It was'more of one a year ago before -passing aftjiuul.'a4ettenthaUsuppertedrtbi&building fee .extension.' •5 the UT-Board of Regents'raised the building 'use fee 70 percent. Raise -it r becoming political, and be is working against students, Both at the same anymore (whilebuilding the-swimming pools and walls)',:and it will be a \ At the Texas Student Lobby meeting the next day, Fleming spoke out , time.-" -' ­ * avt4 p 1 for the new version 111 -Resolution 12 With student representatives there private school, not public ' ' -' A c -r Fleming hasbeen lobbying forConstitutional Convention Resolution 12, ftoirfevery school, Flerriing — strangely enough — was the only one to -take thisstand. Even the Texas A&M president was against Fleming, and f Fleming points out that the Legislature can always control building fee building use fee. he was elected by the corps.!" . . , lnkw5 ivilh havp hppn rontrnllpd last, vpar . Bat those-same people can phase out-the universities' control right now -at the. After the proposed constitution had been. vofeiJ Sowri "twice,'"tKe" / Eaeming says'hls argument1s~based on the Resolution 12 package asTT Gonstitutionansinvefftloiir ~= ­^extension of the -building use fee appeared in 'Resolution"12 of the an ovecview of all-th<* state schools* "We here at the-­ "whole and on C*. * constitution for the: delegates to consider. The. addition would extend University are surrounded by buildings,' he said "But at newer schools Austin delegates LIbyd Doggett'and Sarah' Weddington' say they are£V,-' , regental cont'rol of the University fee from 1978 to 1&85. Under this just getting started; they need, this flexibility to raise more money for against such-an extension and that they will vote against any such, ... proposal, the regents could raise the fee at will and apply it to their buildings constitution that carries the 1985 date , " \ Construction ideas. Remember the $6.5 million swimftilhg pool and the JL_ new $375,000 decorative wall, "< $ "You have to finance the building somehow. Students should.be the ; AVe hope Weddington arid Doggett keep up such aJ policy: As for • * * * " ~ V^ ones, sinceI doubt themajonty of taxpayers benefit from the buildings;"' '•*­ Fleming, we hope hechanges his, or he may be in danger of becoming theWi ^Fleming is for'-this extension. Fleming is missing the point.-Students ARE the basic financiers rightO •»•»«•» •••• W VMMWII* .MM | he had 80 pledges from House members,' si Though-our public servants do not like: e What we have here is two candidates which he did -­ ^ not have. It was a ,public •to talk about this lack of decorum in who are slicing each other up; while the relations mistake,", said the freshmanoeAum IK • airing dirty, linen; it is nevertheless a. third,. Clayton, is .sitting. back like, a representative. • • ? <3^0®eric^»/A common .practice,'So for our purposes;:; vulture, waiting to pick .up the spoils," What Head had hoped to do, and-is -this, rurnormonger-. says -a Capito) obsefv^r,' who predicts a attempting to do still, is imitate the j'nf! wil be known as' fourth candidate will emerge as a strategy-used by Price Daniel.Jr. in his.' •the House speaker i compromise speaker. : successful Speaker campaign two years.candidate Vhis Both Parker and -Head unsheathed ago. That strategy involves 'the ' pis dirtier, than mine" •their'pickaxes same time ago, flailing at' calculated.release of supporters' names game. . • each other with-dredged-up accusations . to facilitate a "stampeded" effect. * ' of ineptness. Fuelingthe.rumor pollution -A Parker confidant who has watched'1 " _ -Floating—a^runiorr index.-,v -•••: • • _ . . —lhe developing_strategy^ot all three . ' * ;~is butoiie nasty httle •Using a strategy ofr -detachment.that ' candidates closely says-Head.'s>fe , trick m ajiolitician's isolates;-himself from the rhetorical "steamfoller" release > of-names has*"­ -repertoire of strategy ploys. But rarely inflammation his opponents .are failed. "He just does not .have many.'.'f.firi a Speaker race has it been used withso engaging: in,: Clayton"is' attemptlng-ttf ~Ttmre-tiames~left tu-ieveal.'" the-aource -tflmuch frequency and so little success as reinforce the "Mr. Clean" image-he has said. . • in this deadlocked' match-of' the-cultivated. ;• / Somewhat surprisingly, tacticians gruesome threesome "There is no way that Head will close to all three candidates are in close That threesome Included two' support Parker/' said one strategist agreement with figures in.the "numbersajegfslatorsiwith relatively.liberal voting . close-to-. Clayton^ _"Gur_candidate will. game'' —.the predictjoji of how many-^records,-Reps. Fred 41ead-of-Troup and pick up.the HeadSupporters if he falters, actual commitmentseathcandidate has. — * 'Carl Parker of Port Arthur; And a third not Parker." ' " Both Head and Parker are said to hayew-%-;candidate,. Rep; Billy Clayton of Six-months ago, there appeared to ^be commitments from-45 to 50 members ofs<|^& Springtake. whose voting,record is about little chance that Head wouldfalter. Just .the* House each.. The almost-.consensusifeSJ V.^yes, well, I guess one might possibly construe that,this could perhaps be conceived . —as conservative as one will find in the; two years-'before,' he had/upset then opinion is that Clayton hasT-w-^' House as falling in the realm of an alleged impeachable offense...mavbe." Wlli ^ 4 House -Speaker 'Rayford' Price in approximately 36 to 42 firm suppbrters.p -;t . a­ c ; " ''— — Jhi-S 3{ear campaign for ^ttje .third^ bitterly fought East Texas primary race. -,If these figures are accurate,: as thei&S­three strategists believe they are, there^c: are fewer than. 30 incumbent and newly-"®-"?" 1 te SfiringIIn© L ^ nonlinated House members who remain -"^,, uncommitted." That would mean a real deadlock _has...developed> denying all" \W»* three candidates the necessary 76 votes'! m , crowd of 6,000. Many bystanderswere hit-s^obstacles; -. :%^s .Thp editorial above is little better (An asinine to walk acrossa campusof fiHed-pv step in the right direction to institute a union officers. The membership of theC open letter to'Rep. Senfroma in the pitched battle^ that occurred . Satcf one Capitol press observer "That in fountains, "decorative" Hmestondfeitf paramedic training program which _ between police-and-ttie-dealersr-Many-:—Head, he is jusHike^i-Mitfishr^'a keer"* Labor Committee is dertairilyino more-, Thompson'?. The statement. "The only Walls imd_concrete-malls-thaf biased tlian the Judiciary Committee, real thing about this university is Its joined in the battle of billy clubs bricks " hiftin' him in the head and he'just keeps parcnts havej5aid for with hard-earned. -sonnel to-perform such procedures as t :S? with all 2t members being lawyers; or, racism v.;," is misleading at best. There tax money and mandatory University;- and wine bottles. Three narcotics flopping back at ya " tracheal intubation, intravenous 'ad­ thC: Stralness and Ijidus/iy Cpmmitteei--^is-another'real-thing-heref-an^editorial officers Were hospitalized, onein critical No, the outcome of this struggle for • -fecsr_whea_I_-know JLhat. there_'are-i>4 ministration of^cUrugSoand ventricular virtually all of whase^ members. are , policy that Is vicious, one-sided and'in ' • condition with the right side of his skull control of the third highest office in this presently greater educational needs. defibrillation j-butMtfr. Mdedonald's in- either attorneys; many with side, y the long fun self;.defe_ating. This-jabbing:: A I would call on each student that feels* ~-sitHJation that_jQcaL_ajmbulances-are laid open. Because of the terrain atV~state wilUepend', in large measure on -' investmenta, or list their occupations as at Wearying length in the rarefied airpf Hippie Holtow.-a similar confrontation'^how successful Clayton is in playine'the"'' the way I do to let themselves be known ." "shiny,-empty vehicles,,festooned with investments,, broadcasting consultant, academia represents-a patheticdearth of their the ' University . would result in a bloodbath. r -7s-role of a sidelines observer. to legislator^, lights, and driven by two strong men with real estate, accountant or "bus­talent. If the writer is being paid and is^'v (he .governor, and , "Precinct 2 Justice of the Peace And that depends on if and when the administration, minimal first aid training" is "error of inessman," plus one teacher and one_ ,sj)ewing forth on University time, I Charles Webb should be commended for Head and Parker liberals resolve their ' through The Daily Texan, because It is monumental proportions", and is-an un­ news journalist. Different unions are strongly suggest that he share' hi? . * my opinion that no student's mental or necessary slur on a group of dedicated refusing to establish a "kangarOocourt" petty bickering and personal differences as diverse as the membersof the Texas earnings With a ghost writer. Shdsurely, . -near the lake. Sheriff Frank should be^j, long enough to see that it is indeed "moral instruction, is safe with the people. Research League, and ft is unrealistic to if thereIsa sinceredesire toreform, this present actions of the board of UT supported in his sane and rational^possible for a conservative to-be elected For Mr. -Ma'cdonald's information, the claim that individual members on the editor should berelegated toa positioh of regents . Sue Ann Ray 1974 "Modulances" now in use by Austin attempts to find a* solution to, thisrf,""speaker. Even one who consistently Labor Committee are taking "marching •tending the marigolds. acknowledged publi^problenu ^opposed almost every legislative reform k#4505 DuvaPstiMS Ambulance Service are identical'both in orders"-any more tban-membemof any: Martha Nichols v&f -" . Stacy"LrSuits--effort initiated by-his liberal body style and light testoonment to the other standing commhtee. ' : University Young Democrats -predecessor. 2626 Guadalupe Ambulances vehicles 'Operated J>y the fire Far.from being a "sinkholeinterms of (Editor^ Tiotei The editorial "we" liSf.'S" tor: -• v-ibdllor's .notei:The-:ediloriai.•••Ve?-''- departments of San Antonio and Dallas. over-alL_cffcctiveness," the Labor^ >-.•.-m. • -1 •• qpUc literally. Thestuff produccsv^, After roBdinc Robert J MAcdt>nAiHrii^ igga Mr: jtfacdonald's apparently feels com--v§§f THE DAILY TEXAN Committee in the last regular jcsslon..^dlt?rials-collectlvoly, with the cdlto^t^ng,. m the Tuesdav ''Firine l inc" we " pqlled by his.association with the School- Auttfn reported several badly needed bill? -taking final blaTnc or credit, as the CM^SfoKJ'T'/nligS^ VaV of: Public ;ATfairs to XV,'' Stvi»ni N«*fp«p*r at TheVntwrtltyUntvertlty 4LT*jtct4t-T*M9i «t Ai/itfn expose EDITOR which, became law,, such as the may be. Individual opinions of s,a'%lidohaltf and the publitrat large as to tlie social/political ills, but -by the Buck'Harvey same p!Policemen's and Firemen's Collective mcmbeM are foundto MANAGING EDITOR token a product of the largest and most ;,v.........BJ Hefner' Bargaining Act. Such laws are of this year.) ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITOR prestigious university In the stateshould Lynne Broclt P immense benefit to working people and NEWS EDITOR ; -. ' ~ ^donald's rhctoricactuallytontainsa few be capable of more accurate and more would stand little chance of getting outof ......r.~ Richard Fly ii-Y,'.MUCOf!Oiir ^ however,"" hisdeletion .intensive research than-Mr. Macdoiiald's ASSISTANT TO falE EDITOR...,.-..../,,. a business-dominated committee. * - Dave. Rlsher To the editor:;;--. ^ "<.;^;Sv':v:;'::.i^^f-:mOTeJ"thari,ti-wot more man;" lew important details comments reflect. We are also inclined SPORTS EDITOR • a few n*., Li. .-Another factual mistake-, wis your Although " I disagree with Senfronia^^rcsults in adiscussion which is-in its en. to suspect that Mr. Macdonald has been La^ry .Smith ^-assertion thatRay Hutchison wahtsto be "A^USEMfeNTS EDITOR -^Thompson on several pointSiOf her tirety/'an error of monumentalVropox* watching NBC's "Emergency" "entirely rPaul B6u'tel, governor in MOinceihe winner of'^hls cHtfclsm. of the construction of a , tions." • , toooften. ' PHOTOGRAPHERS. .. . , Stanley Farrar, Marlon Taylor Waters,• James Briscoe, Gordon " ' ' •-ISSUE STAFF --«• -r . Pat Farley, Andy Marakas, Jim City Editor .wis ••'.••y.-f.-jtr-.n*.;.Sylvia MorenoPat Duran, Dile Reins.' Don -General-Reporters ., SryahBrittirileyS . — .« i^vu |rossIyf obuwjs a' paying 'Job 'for a major' 1 ---. -Pavid Hendricks, Anne Marie 'Rlia^ .J? this campus, it would V,' erironeoiis. In f^ct, averwheiming ma-Emergency Medical Technicia'ns News Assistants, J'nCWRpaperhe will brmoirej:«rafulto get _ '•<• WIHard Hall. Nancv Mlll'fS app.ear that tlie UnTversity' ' Jorily of Austin Ambulance's employes•his facts straight*. / ..administrationand particularly-..the;i.vsiare:.EMTs and:arei'registered as'such' Naked truthm% Assotiate^muserftents Editor :. ^rBurton,'.Rodolfo Resendez, Gary Udesheri kSfer®• "j , Gene Green To the editor: • • „.Rpard of Regents have forgotten what^with ^ Texas State Department of State Reprpnentatlfe,-Houston The planned raid oil Hippie HOllow by this facility and thifc administration wasfrtjs. Health ^ Lesson in restraint , This facility-was set up by the r^ allegations and further distinguish his an irtcredlble waste'-pf law-enforcement Cjiarles Lohrmann, Markeeta^eNatt, Charles UArmapn. Gene SabjaTo the. editors taxpayers of Texas td provide education "distinctions" from fact, we must out' 1 Letters to ihe editor l ' for the people of -Texas, The wordr ;ifnfi briefly the qtiallficatlons and duties:' . .T^inlofiS.corpfrWW. In The Daliy. Ttn*n&rethD»e o( fliiildinaf(Miiirtl*'Jji;.'.' j n ; Rflng Una laitan, i'w °r !h' *» fcr 8fX^ awwt Wccjwrtly awl clafstiicd advcnSti^ W miHf In T8P Buitritm served as an aiS^£cftj°?te'yi>1 '-ytehsi£r's,_Seventh; Ncw>-1-of emergency paramedical personnel at ,.0 u« B^rd I w^=eoileglate -* iJSesi \ m ti Daily TfiXflP (July -23f -***-•» " t—: 1 — • rn B» 25 lm« or l«*(. The ,T«xan riliWn and half-lleS,) Whatever MHiyor Butlers develop mentally and morallyespecially, m Ttotitlly r<-«nlt >mmlennicmpupwat11i»Unlvwully ,The MUoxttl »lvcr«^iig rfprMMUaiivc of The DalW * M HE ^'motives-ftre In espduslrtg tbepaving-W -by -instructioii," .Nowhere in -this"'; minimum of. 80 l|'ours of oddre»», phomr-' Yodiu.MXu-lililH m classroom In-lndud»-nome, and T«, — Niritli Street, one mMf sympalhlza With definition does it mention thebuildingoP;-struetidhind40h&ursofii 7IT1J The Drily Town li (gSUMwd Monday. TmxUy,^ t „Th\-Wennewlty,TmifW»y, km) FrtiUy)mt -J"""***1'wmlm ol the AnorltiedCollwate-Prm.S,' 'rM^rmor. whojitL-thrust-'hrust-may be%, ,.walln, unlessumesso^co/ic^ouldwouldconsldcrthesecwisidcr these WId^tlonoditionod l-and-am supervised by licensed rtirvush Aun.iul, «*c«rl batKUy gud nturnpfrtali.jlwon-J .M»m JmirMUim Confirm and m« 7cs«^D»ll» , QiaW*tJ&-fcn Station, Auitfn, T*x. 'tUM« lUliUl Aujtln, TC* .->i ».Nev«p»|i*r Ajuotuflon ^ mparcd'wiUr ,thw<}f .3,dfspwecN,ca^^e--liistfH«»t(ona)^l«i»iii «1odj-ot PuMiniiom certain— -Pubi)cot|on« ^gliding. Jijinjlnn twammtllow-i ara|lHm*rt.hfru-itofT ic^m. 7ft fl :r;-A W is r Pressure for a Nixon no-bill ' •­ sgg&m JK JACK ANDERSON subordinate, Sam Garrison,in man whom the White House it divorces itself from the evidence against himself that "'1974, United Feature charge of the Republican. preferred all along -the President They Believe it. Congress will be permitted to frASIlIN^V^Moolr St"f • -tough, . partisan, a^year-old^would be • disastrous for a consider.—If this ""principle ­ —Heusf—GOP .leatlyi John foniier aiae to* ex-Vice majority of Republicans -to should be applied-to all: as if most Republicans on th? Rhodes, meeting privately President Spiro-Agnew, Sam condone his activities by. defendants, there would be , :• House Judiciary Committee with the Judiciary Committee -Garrison,. supporting the President precious jew convictions. •„••;are taking their cues from the -faithful early last May, told He was hir_ed as..>a;i We have spoken to agonized ' White. House as' the 'them the President "couldn't i H a tcjie'trna n;||s|6y the •GOP .congressmen who flnrpsactimeirt-~ drama-s~stand-*• Jpnnpr-; . Most of the Republicans we '' committee 5 .senior. -pri.yatir.y-L!iet4i_v-e__the. .approaches its climax. ' According to sources who Republican and dogged Nixon President should be -interviewed-agreed,--not-for President Nixon, for • were present., . most attribution,) that-the case for "";§| supporter; Rep. Edward : impeached but confess .they example, has been; Republican committeemen Hutchinson,. H-Mich. We • v impeachment is -overwhelm­ are -undtsr--1rernend ous ing. Certainly.; enough ^evi-\$maneuvering-tehind-therfewere .willing-_ta--depose: the-reported as earlv as Feb. 26 -pressure to vote against it; dence has beendeveloped to -A scenes for weeks to undercut ^distinguished 'Chicag'b' .th*t41fr tchinsoif had Wha't concerns"some warrant a Senate trial to de-­ the chief Re'publ-ican attorney whom they had instructed Garrison "to react Republicans '.more than, termine the President's guilt . impeachment-lawyer, Albert chosen to.handle their side of negatively to";all Demoera^ic anything, else is-the OF innocence. Jenner Now the ,-GOP the impeachment case. . "• proposals"and never to initiate President's refusal to respond minority hds put Jenner's Eveo Jenner's sponsor and any action of his own." • ' to House impeachment • Footnote:.'Rep. Rhodes,fellow member of the Chicago The President's strategy subpoenas; The Constitution through a spokesman, denied ^ bar,-Rep. Robert McClory, has. been to obstruct gives Congressthesole power having mentioned" Nixon's . QWfsBieuJpolnt -assured ffhodps orivafelv (hat impeachment and.1 after -it to "impeach the President: .animosity toward Jenner.The ' _ he would, support a move to could.no longer be delayed, to . mis implies access to the tlie House .Republican leader-*-— 'oust Jenner. , portray it as a Democratic evidence. But Nixon is suggested that back in May"iiThe backroom • s^ategists . ver^feapiiStTuniv • Nixoii-vmay-rjiot -ev^n have­ in -agreed to wait for the>best,-Now,-with .Garris.oii the .right to decide what kndwn who Jenner was. '' By BETTY ANNE DOKE of the land of Puerto Rico?; • the industries haveno adverse, against colonialism. They-time , to act^against Jenner. . stepping forth and leading the (Editor's note: Duke is a 'fsaf Although proponents of the effect on its -own economy, urge people living in the This came after he wasquoted p pi i tica1 . rev i va1, -th e member* of the Latin-'plans claim that the refining public health and living United States to pressure th§. '-in.a Texas paper ascalling forV President's supporters are America • -Policy centers would relieve environment. The resources •fel ip>. government to end its impeachment. The Texas ttying to whip up partisan rV" Alternatives Group.)' unemployment,a study pf.the Tip-, of the colony are used to destructive practices-in clipping was posted on-the feelings 'and 'make a 'vote**"\l / The formation of the Puerto. past record of. the petroleum .benefit the United" States at Puerto-Rico so that Puerto wall of • ..the Republican against ^impeachment a­ -Rican Solidarity Corrimittee industry shows that the the expense of the inhabitants Ricans cgivswaachieve' cloakroom, and McClory took Republican, loyally test. on. May 29, -1974, marked the superport would create-even of Puerto Rico ' independence ' -* •the lead in linirig up the votes -This jias^dismayed many ­ beginning-of a nationwide higher unemployment. By DtTfepite massive , to shove Jenner aside. Republicans who fear the campaign for Puerto' Rican I means of dilution and land demonstrations and-hundreds going ahead analysis of-the--'superport7' Crossword Puzzler resolution.of December, J973, industries in Puerto Rico with construction of the: and a presentation-o^ ACROSS 2' Wale stteep. WM • 3 Before. .recognizing-Puerto Rico's which^employ approximately complex. Activists in the •strategies for.independence. 1 War god • 4-Grave v" j|; right to independence and 4Q,000 people. During the last. movement.for Puerto-Rican It" will ! be in the Jltethodist 5.Narrow V 5 Beer mug• instructing the United States 15 years' of"petrochemical independence see the battle operung-• -6 French article,• Items on Sate • Student Center "and sponsored .9 Headgear. 7 Grain -.S.y and, corporations under its development, the industry.has against the superport as-a by the Latnv'America .Policy 12 Unusual • 8 Jog • * low, Noise C-90 "~:­.jurisdiction' tb refrain from provided only 8 percentof the / crucial part of their struggle Alternatives Group.) 33 Rip-' • 9-Breakfast ' • "Low Noise C-60 ?1|any measures "econoiftic or jobs which were promised.-• ' " 1 ' * " ^.'-"14 Period of -• ' food DOONESBURY ,^ time -!10 Sandarac Ulfra Dynamic C-.46 social ,-r-which mightserve as •The impact bf the superport 15 Gome into mi • • free ­ Ultra Dynamic G-120 an obstacle to decolonization. on Puerto Rico's environment • view • 11 Cat s feet HALF OF" 7H£M -• The group; demanding' "a woul'd be disastrous. YOU rf 17 Preposition 16 Complaints ! 8T-2008-Track • SAY WHAT A 6REAT 18 Uncooked ;r: •20.Bands of col- bicentennial without LOOK A « According to a U.S. Army-BUY THEIR CHIEF 19 Flower or -.— : 8T-400 8-Track , ' colonies," is organizing a Corps of Engineers study, the imt-B , AAH. IT'S IS, 1H£ OTHER HALF 21 Rows 22 Pfonoun : UD-35/7Open Reel massive, demonstration in complex would.' require .600 PSPRGSSED, THOSE. SUfEA&HesACBOOKi -23 Designates 23 Artificial alloy 32 City in Russia' 47 Prepared 27 Symbol for JOHN. WITNESSED rr's coNfvsm t of gold and . 33 UninteresHng. 46 Narrow, flat October, 1974, to be held in million gallons ;dai.ly of fresh 1 •tantalum i -person W; ri •silver board*­ / WHAT A HELL OUT OF THE" ; 28 Dawn Madisoii Square Garden."/ wa te'rVThis^-w-o-u1d-pu t 24 Cougar: 36 Rodent . • 49 Oen • BUY 12 -GET ONE FREE -SUNCMOe COMMITTEE JW5K29 Corded -; 25 Promissory—-37 Overflowed—50 Urge-onMSMBEZS! b,4: "cloth note tabbr.) 40-Verse 54 Hall' LIFETIME GUARANTEE The colonial status of-tremendous stress ori, the xmziEs! Puerto Rico'isa reality which water resources of the island, •KJ,"?' 31 Tennis 26 Ocean. V • '43 Symbol for 56-Rubber tree I ­ the U.S. government has dangerously, approaching -or stroke 30 Word denotv plumbunj 57. Noise ! attempted to surpassing /::;.-• 3^ Printer's •ing more than 45 Symbol for 53 Dine disguise. the quantity of measure"' Qne ..iron 61 Preposition •Although U.S. citizens have fresh water available, •<.--•-<,•• {SS:js35 Continued BERKmnns 1 2 3 1 4 frequently heardJPuerto Rico „ ••-.. • „ .... , -stories 6,. t .: ; >o n thestereo store 38 'Artilicial described as an r'TFla^d~'V; . rangu^ga _ 12 -OT 13-' oaradisev or a«s thP fireatly damaged by the 8S u • 39 Chart-" ­ -2234 GrOADALUPE -476-352! -"showcase of democracy.?' -C°°w8 -•••'•• 41 Weaken 15. 16' 17 . ^18 . 42 Higher ~ 513# BURNET ROAD • 454-6731 -/.^ 44 Preposition • 20:; 21 22 • • .livincr rt,nHitinnc whM million galTonsroFsea water living conditions which most —-r46-Dreadful— i26 per minute. This is"12 times ' 48 Slumber ^24 25 Puerto Ricansface contradict WHO'S ­ : • 51 Fur-bearing more-than.'.the toial water these descriptions: prices in JON DECK -JESUS mammal • 28 ' -29. 30 discharged .by the island's­ -Puerto Rico are at least 25 NOW' COLSON— ASKED ME T 52 Unit ot Lat­ rivers in one minute. • AND WHO TO BE HERE vian curreo-i6, percent higher than" in New : . : Cy • 3< ^M I ' HE'LL SAP York percent City, lower 'wages than are in • the 50 petroleum -The pria-ctices--of and petrochemical the Knows what Mmwjmt. /-. 53 55 Refer Sun nod to 39 40 4jJ<41 — 42 43_ United States and ' iS industries in Puerto Rico may• 59 Ventilate il44-45 M46. 47 . -*• 60 Romanpoet . unemployment exceeds 30 wtfll be-defined as m 62 Lamb's pen 48 49 50 51 percent, Puerto Ricans have environmental colonialism. name no power in th eir own 61 Negate --56 57-38' The United States'exports 63 Attempt 52 OT 53 54" country;" they are under the .pollution and tjie cdst of ffit 65-Depression--61m 62 " 1 ' S9 W 60 full' political" and. economic combatting it outside of its Doyiui • control of the > U.S. territory"with the result thata 1 Exist 65 ••••. government'. Eighty-five large .part of the residues of percent of all industry on the corporations. Although Puerto^ <"Ricans have th eir own" govemrhent ana' _ "a constitution, all political decisions are subject to -"approval:from Washington;-:; Puerto.Rico:now refines 30 "percent ot the oil used in the industries are becoming even more important.as plans-are finalized for the:"construction Jof* a.-.giant petroleum . superport complex in Puerto if$k Rico. Such companies as the superport', .whjch« is essential to oil importation and refining1 needs. The establishment of. this center. . -would represent a doubling or •m -,tripling_oI_.pr£S?ni.lLS^.j -investment on • the island and would mean that by the year . 2000 the U.S. corporations and U.S. military would directly occupy more than 30 percent SQME-6IRU I'VE NEVER MET A5K5ME w .. -V OVEK>1pHW HOUSE JUS "tOAftMeiZH-fOR sftONE PAIR TWO PAIR/ «W£7«lN65«e ZAlPJOMt gEHtNPiWeACK & WHAT 1$ THEf?£BE AFRAlD OF? ­JD5T KINP OF LONELY. V % Summertirhe Blues..v Jo wear-into*Fall! Orcat looking separates to wefcr now, to con­tinufr gearing thru fall", winder and spring!.Of soft,-easy-care polyester> and rstyon'. Machine washabkr-statS^wrinkle-free, loo, .lust three pieces Irorira group of rqatcHirif^eepwdinates. m Jacket .with belted -fitted -backV-$24. Print shift, $15. Straight leg pants,^$18 . " ^ , '4-' ­ 05 •MS •« >'5 mi —~ iSSt?A$ii2sjS ~W' -%$*& ws$Mk& ^HJUiiMdup fi-rs VwV"** I•? fCVgftffr "* Dallas Loses Stowe to WFL JACKSONVILLE, Fla. assembly plant Thursday as the Minnesota Vikings and pickets . during the first-amid growingspeculation that (UPl) r-The Jacksonville advance payment on a UAW Dan Dierdorf of the S^ Louis preseason game. several: veterans might soon ^Sharks Thursday announced pledge to help the players Cardinals marched with UAW • * •iK-, report to training camp. (the signing of wide receiver boycott Saturday's Pro pickets at the Generat-Motors •DALLAg._(VPf) — Striking -'-'i Otto Stowed/who is_ in _his FV»o.tballj,HfaH_ ol Farae. plant. ' _ , members of;-.the Dallas. stffeWe want to discuss where option''year .with the Dallas exhibition game. ~~ ~-About 150 members of UAW--Cowboys -planned...a_meeting the .Players ^Association: ^;-Bas&ball._fjans -are-«mployed in talent, to. win the. Nationat Leagu6 West?I Cowboys of. the National Ed Podolak ofthe-Kansas .Local 1112 havesigned to-walk Friday to review'the statusof; stands,"-said quarterback everything. from journalism to snow :and since Hbustori~has~rioY^one so, the Football League.' Citv Chiefs, Gary Ballman of withNFITPIa\eRAssociation "'ottner-player negotiations-Roger Staubach.-­ mobile manufacturing. But ^11 true fans -fans complain. ' o% t ^St'owe Win-y[bin-the World .are psychologists. . -• Many players, "however; claim they* is* v t siFrT Footb3U -League next season, •" Give a fan a team, which has had a bad ..don't worry about.comments on their play. a Sharks spokesman said. •first half.of a season, and he'll think of 40 V'I don't give a-s . wliat anybody Moto-Cross Proves Popular • Stowe: was a second round i reasons for their not winning, It's part of says,'' Astro tliird baseman Doug Rader ; T •draft-choice of the .Miami ByMARILYNMARSHALL racing "every, weekend for are grouped by ehginesizes as good physical condition, and human., nature to psychoanalyze, and said. "If I worried about everything-thatI Dotohtfis in • 1971. Last year-" -. Texan Staff Writer ' the past five years. -• well as experience," Kasson his bike sliould bectependable, baseball teams are the kind of thing that was going "oh I'd go crazy. Besides, 1­r with the Cowboys he caught23 ? -One of the most.popular 'I ;ftave so many trophies, said..-_ . • ' fast and have real good • • can make anybody a Freud. . • haven't beea feeling well." passes for 289 yards and six events at this year's"Austin that I've thrown half of them "There are not many suspension. all, didn't outfielder.' After Oakland Rader, who is the first captain in the touchdowns: -. .". "' Aqua Festival will be the away." Kasson s'aid. women racers," Kasson said; "lonl^ race.locaUj%*-but we; Reggi^ Jackson say"hittirig hoine runs is.-history of Houston; made his comment SluWe said, ''.I'lii -races, Kassoh's-favorite-:moto-"However, in the spring more do sponsor . some better than making love." • before, the 8-iti-a-scries-of-lO consecutivegood.tgam.'in.Dallas, but I feel to be held at 1 p.m. Sundayat cross track is th$ One in women start to ride. Some do piufessiunals,' KassbR-safa • SO WiHl Ihr All Ptll'r gnmf^V^r; lnc«!p'i! the Astros had in mid-MavJtwas -l~nrTeoin-g---t<>: -a-•£ rea-l-Jtecker Lake—will attract Lnrkhart. "We have -had compete with men, but it is a -"Most' of tBe really; good organization. with the Sharks. teams, not doing as well as they were . that streak that appears now to be the jnotoreycle enthusiasts from . /-many world champions race" somewhat"~dangerous-sport --racers-todayarein their-e*rly. expected tcrhave-been-pickedapart by. the—turjniri&_point in Houston^ hoper-for a S 'I h4yeh't talked with Coach" all over the United States. -**-rat Lockhart.f^a^sbn said ' I and<'ith?re.is sohie physical *20s and do not •have self-acclaimed experts. --pennant in 1974 ^ , ( &S-4 Tom Landty •* .CASH PAYMENT FOR DONATION 1sftiv f 1616 Royal Creist b Austin : 6 Players d 444-6631 . t •: . A leading choice of the R iverside• . SOUTH BEND, Ind. (UPI)' Blood Components, Inc. P, . guniino Dr. apartments because we off^r — Six Notre Dame football ' < c OPEN: MON. &THURS. 8 AM to 7 P.Mk pecial® ....... etttra-spacious-living . and -direct :play.ers, including two" ' access to the shuttle bus n; . T tues. &mi. 8 am;to 3 p.m. starters on last year's V • U 1-1 $.165 . -', . unbeaten,, untied team, have -rCLOSED WED. & SAT. : Pacesetter Apartments ft*Free-Living^Peopie. 2124 Burton Drive 2-h^T85 ft. .Jjeea_.disiiusse_d from the- was s^S described as a "serious ie i 409 W. 6th 477-3735 2-2 195 »• all bills'paid university for. what it t: violation of university rules,"Shoe Shopr ~ -—*5ALE*.i „lUvaS-announCed Thursday. & o .. The university did ndt W* mqkeond fefc • . SHEEP SKINx}';\ 11 identify the students or the _c_ • repair boots *0k-* -•' ~ violation, but jt was learned V the players were Ross. r *. shoes bells StittO Many. Browner* a-defensiveend, and 3 Beautiful Ci J. „i Luther Bradley, a safety, both- leather . ' . rrr :— starters last year, and -A1 ­ -• --•LEATHER SAtE • E gOOdf jijjjjjv.Varloui Kmdt, colors • 75' per ft: punter,-Willie Fry, Roy • v Henry and Din Knott, " T7 -.J.. -Th_e .students, were THIS WEEK'SSPECIAL. 4 ! Capitol Saddlery -dismissed "for a period of.no * t legs than one icademic-year,'*• •fAnd next week's. And the week after that. Our price, $29.40e5» 1614 Lavaca • Austin, Texas . 478-9309 c a source close to the situation : a ^ a week, comes to about $117.50 a month. A paltry sum tfJP • said, because -pf alleged . u ^ j you've been living elsewhere'. 3':".--31 infractions of -unspecified ,Granted, we're not the Hilton of college housing", but what *•% % DO YOU OWN AN university regulations governing student conduct. do you want for a little over a hundred bucks? You get.a- Notre Dame said the action . furnished foorrf vvith• AC ciutf catpeliiig,-maid service, and '• ­ was taken following an ' % IMPORTED all the good home^cooked food you can eat. —mvestigation-byUieuiean.-of­students.^ INTERNATIONAL CAR PARTS 'Th^e Mew Ba'rrone. Two and a half blocks from campus. s We're Not REDNECK nnnnmiH *-A 2828 GUADALUPE 474-6451 --v Barbers ""'MEDICAL ARTS 2700 Muocc3 4?g-7000 ZBlS Red River477 %•! Ta^y¥=¥ee W ^ ­ t&S&Lu. f«rl L\­ • >r University Baptist Churclv 22nd & Guad. Worship: 11:15 d.m Austin's Most Complete Supplier 7:00 p.m.of.Imported Car Parts Bible Class 10:00 a.m. VniimnityJtaptUt Sluitnt MlnUiry § THE HILLTOP £TS 7' 1$ PUTS YOU RLJBHT UP THERE. m Twd-shuttle bus stops ... three shopping centers within waking distance ., a .recreational pro 9ram which'inoludes a large gaftie room and monthly par­ties ...a large pool... and •a 24-hour maintenance all add i ^to put you on top atHilltop (2F /i".^ mm THE HILLTOP 1900 BURTON DRIVE *42-9612 -1-i" ''" "•-TV'.; -I W -<•' 1 ; t&i?..,• V.-K;\<* Mate SSiS? f«' < »^yVjsSv%g*-,;'­ Major teague Baseball 1 •• Kg®® \ -•i-r.Ti"^ . s. J.-. •' r» ­ 4-; „ ''HOUSTON (AP) -Jim Sutton, 7-8, "picked up his frrst. Texas took a-1.4) lead-in the header Thursday,. ' 2.. ninth-inning outburst in the • ti 1 Wynn hit a home run and victory since May 14-with' second. The Sox tied it in the Tony. Perez' iwo-oat,-two-opener with a orie-out .single.' \ ir J -three-singles, and Tom relief help from MiJce-third on "Jorge Orta's. single' run homer in the bottom of the off Randy; Moffittpi=4. Mery Paciorek. slugged a thrcerrun. Marshall. and Ken Henderson's double. ninth inning capped a five-run: Rettejimund wafted, and Pete "triple Thursday to:)lead Los )U, Se jingled tor one tun. .:..Angeles to;an -4.^3 'triumph Wilson, . 6-8;. dueled through six of-his iaist seveii decision, to a 14-13 victdry in the first' Morgan's grdunder scored —--1 over Houston in thefirst game five-scoreless innings -in-'the r >X-S>: 1 •] wW . walked none and struck out game. « --•Rettenmuntf,-and Rose came-:.| of a twi-night doiibleheader, nightcap before the Dodgers four in posting iis 17th In the second in game, Joe home o.n-Johnny' Bench's then the"Dodgers made it a broke the ice in the sixth with complete -game4n 25-starts. — Morgan doubled, home -Cesar single^ before Perez hit his v... , • sweep with a. 2-ty victory on the only run they .needed. • • * • •1 a 1-0 GincinhatiG^rhimo for 11th fibmer of the season. ~ Doug Rail's seven-hitter. * • • . v •*> * * , _ » CINCINNATI.(AP) — Fred lead and Griffey hit a sok> . In the first game, Los. ARLINGTON (APJ.—Jim Norman pitched a Ifve-hitteir, home run the next inning off r rpoftci (wA.nin t 0-3, givingJ Angeles, shelled former" Fr'egbsi slammedclammorf a two-run and . Ken Griffey-blasted .a. loser Ed tfalicki, . a a »fes« teammate Claude>Osteen, 9-8, fiomej*, seldom-used Leo home run to the Reds,all .the rims. they Lead,, the You're Jpokingwith five'conskiutive hits in a• Cafdenas drove in two runs Cincinnati-Reds to a 5-0 heeded/.".'"-' • / four-run first irining, and Ferguson Jenkins pitched victory over the San Norman improved his for a new PScio r:ek keyed the a seve{i-hitter Thursday night Francisco Giants and a sweep rtecord to"10-9.. Dodgers' six-run fifth inning to lead the Te'xas Rangers to a of-their twi-night double-• Dan Driessen started the apartment...ivfth his triple. 4-1 victory over the Chicago A»-solo -homer -.by-Doug—White-Sox= Rader in the fourth.inning, a Ftegosi's fourth-inning pmchsinglebyJohnEJdwards homer-followed a -walk .,to ALAMO in the seventh and Milt May's Lenny Randle and gave the single m the eighth accounted Rangers a 3-1 lead against RESTAURANT for ^Houston's runs. Don Wilbur Wood, 16-12. <-V serving^i Consider the quiet privacy 7/Jf-K standings 'i under the spreading oak• Uoom tsSstS* ' Natl . LEBANESE DINNERS • Notional Uogv«''!>{r^!> •fatt--f&t EeU tmes-of our ena-bedreom W' :w -i ' M Ob ' . $2,95 and Up apartments tor: S165 All Boston — t • St 45 • .531 W M. . Sunday, July 28 11 a.m. -8 p.m. Bills Paid Cleveland ^;,;'49: 45 .521 1 Phllapnia 51. *46 .526 Baltimore ,..'.4? 46 .5)6 1W St. Louis 48:.'49 .495 3 New.York 47 .510 7 . M6ntreal 4t-49 ;484 • 4 • Traditional. American Dinners, As Usual Milwaukee 47 49 •' .490 4 Pittsburgh 46 50 .479 •4W .469* < Chicago..;..41 Detroit v.. 45 51.,? 6 53 .436 604 Gruadalupe W«» • r-1New York ** .. . 40 54 .426* Palo Blanco Oakland iVV-: 55 573 " ~ •• w«»i • •".,•/ • 476-5455 911 Blanco 472-1030 Chicago. V.. 49 46 .516 _5ft Los Angeles 65 34 .627 KMi'City j-.:' '.'47 47 •• .500 7 Cincinnati 60. .40 ; .600 T-exa ... 49-50'* .495 , 7H Houston .V..;;v.:.v 51 48 .515' U Minnesota . • 47 • 50 " .<85 ft* Atlanta -51 .49 .510 14^ « California.. ... 39 59 •398 . 17 SanFr^ri 45 55 .450 20Vi.. • • ftMuta SanDIego^.43 59 .422 «•*»&»%£ Cleveland 8, Baltimore 7, 1st B**vlt» • —Ufl Twtphoto Baltimore at Cleveland 2nd Philadelphia 10,.Chicago 3 New York 1, -Milwaukee^-... Cincinnati -14-5, Sah Francisco 13-0 ' SSL-. MUNTZ Boston 12, Detroit' 4 Los Angeles ll*2, Houston3*0 Dunking Duncan CARTRIDGE CITY SAVE!~SAVI»^ AFTER Texas 4, Chicago I • v:^.^ ^ Pittsburgh':^ Montreal 10-2 MlnrwunU »» Oakland st, Louis 4-4, New York 3-1 ^ Baltimore outfielder'Rich Cogain* *lam« into Cleveland catcher bave uuntan while FOR NEW OR USED CARS ,cora -Kansas City,at California . Atlanta l,San Diegor0~ — • . WE CAHRY AM/FM 8-TRACK 10, 20, UP TO 30%: -VACATION, hying to *cora duringrhe fourthinning-of the first game of a twi-night doubleheader.' OR CASSETrE STEREO The Indiani won the game, 8-7 •ON STEREOS, SYSTEMS FOR IN-DASH CAR / SALE CASSETTES, SPEAKERS. INSTALLATION^-WITH US NOW OPEN Grow., YOU SAVE UPWARDS AM/FM , RADIO, WHATEVER YOU NEED. Use Classified Ads ARMAND'S Arica-is-a-unique system that .OF',. facilitates personal growth and evolution, It recognizes $100.00 WE CARRY ACCESSORIES that the solutions to all our Baker's Special problems arealready insideus [£$£!&'-W Specialty and offers specific tools to' LIMITED! HOT Fashions for accelerate our naturalgrowth. Op^n Face Hamburger, Sola'tf menand The. techniques -used are ; *: and Baked Potato or: French Fries. ONE 8-TRACK eclectic. They are derived CAR STEREO. women from/,.Eastern mystical ^ INSTALLED WITH ' • 1 i % Reg. $1.75 2 SPEAKERS traditions, ^Western • -Science' •ahd-modern-psychology-They-r?i TOTAL PACKAGE PRICE work. Thli Saturday & Sunday, Arica only®4046 in Aviftin is offering an OPEN' & -PATH—WSSKSNO-WORlCSHOP— SAVE $36.00 Relfoyroftf A Atcadm Co«t: $25.00, Phom today for', —XASSEITE-CAB.JSTEHEO_.FQFHt20.00L unpc . information and registration, (J» SAVE 60' 2538 Guodauipfe LUNCH IKCUL DAUY Muntz Cartridge City $1.39 . 411W. 24fhSt.. No Coupon Necessary , 478-0395 UVl MUSK 7 mm 1601 San Jacinto NoCovtr Mix»d OWnkt « B««f i 1ARICAI -U WJn» • Food • Amvsemanti INSTITUTE. |NC. ladtM. Nlte* Tu. & Tbur. 20* Boor / 4Pb9ZT\ ToquUa; 50*/thot Vl^ad. Ik Sat. ':§^8T3 W, 24th St. Hoppy Hour 4-6 u-j-.Austin 476-2281 S fV.-V r*' You Are Welcome! . V'SpecIol H) a.m. Summer Worship Service UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN dgucatesseh! ^CHURCH Sr wi-ms J 2007-Universitv Ave. * iSP-*8dLGtiwbtltip6_t_ . Speaking l/uly 28 REV. DR. LAWRENCE W. BASH -;1If"you've traveled North-who want fast, informal full-~ On all sides you'll notice" i COOL OFF ! SR. MINISTER Interregional lately, you may. service banking. When we ^.-the staff working twice as, san««r COUNTRY CLUB tiHRISTIAN CHURCH^-M^ have noticed'our new banks doubled our size, we hard for your money. . . KANSAS CITY . sWm& ! usr . .they're still on both sides,, 'became twice the bank in That's because Citizens Without changing the_ capacity and convenience.; knows that-buildings"are;only |Havea?r«tmu6 ~rAustin-skyline, we're , You'll notice the cHfferert'ce as good as the people inside; —opening a new, moderfr^rj=^when*you come intoCitizens; (Formeriy of the Haircut. Store) fV" * jdrinkwlHilKia" ^ facilitythat may change j; National's new Main Bank in ; :: |flpupc*vand pur-\ your mind about banks. Capital Plaza. Or, as you invite you to a QP ith^ae. o? a iand-J Our buildings are:planned—walk or drive thru-the new^ • hairstyling experience ,vviaV^ ©r meal.! for people. Modern people Citizens West Bank. CitizensNationai "Shear Madness" 1202 Son Antonioh ; r, -DELI f$S!? 477-7924 I " t e-88° i ' *> -jcr" «5%f This time, rent a neighborhood 'JoWiP r-i , « instead of an apartment.:; I TP "HI m M m * l\ ^ -xv­ -v ^4^.^ .... fht34 ilS12' x V5# L U^' ®67-r*** I * aspsiHai T.,r„ ^ w^STT^ ^^ fiiQl, -sf-, ., A nelghbortiood lipeople -peopie.llkeyoli — who gettoknow one anottier.In fete Plantation -•, s®W(. 'South neiQtibortiood, you.o.afimeet your nelghbonat the impressiveand penonablereoreatton . :c«nter,atotieoltnr^elargepool^atoneofthemonthly gatheflagi^otoaVourownHmedndInyour" ss;sfc own way. ~ — ,« sVeiA, peopfaatXitizens NatiDnaJ,p^§CHialJyinyitej/ou and your *, jtrt „ V $ • But the Woi maintenance^ fional management; as twenty-tour hour; 'rtonf. yovcan ilon upnowtor a September move to.the Ptantottoo south neighbor* "iAjsa'hood atsuEiftinttal dlsoounjt,pfooably nrtuGh leMthafLyou arepaylna.P°wtor lust afiapaitment. = -' SoclrtvebyorrtkeTheshuttlibustoniePlantatton SoutH'nelgh&irhooa-Justthrt^ bloc&*3 1 ^ s 1­a -T* Tlx" Tarnily to joio us^durj^gza Say of fun acifestivities celebrating Cltizens,new -The^excrtement begins aH=HOQ3^M, on Satu^ay, July 27^ at the jnew Mailt Bank, 5407 North Interregional... m*avm ' v r DrC} fV At «^V Fr iday, July 26, >974 THE-DAILY TEXAN Page'7 Sc * v ^ Ki w% Barton Creek Plan f/? Sewer Construction •pS: . . . . > By MARTHA JP McQUADE ; Construction : was: halted ~T_ . Texan StaTr-Writer —-"-Jnnr24 because the work was • 7" .Installation, ofa sewer line being done without a permit. along.and under Barton Creek The city subsequently f sw«i e^umed Thurksdayi:.afteF-a --approved a^pecial permitfor fttconstruction company agreed the sewer line construction teste pay the' Barton Springs after fining the contractors, . Jf»M3itizensAssociation $16,000 to "but the. citizens .group p/restore the a'f£a to Us original . appealed before .the permit cscondjtion. became effective: :f=v An appeal of developer Bill. Banirerot said; the. ;?••• Milburn's plan to build a' compromise, reached late • n sewer . line approachmain Wednesday night, included • ?long Bafton Creek, approved depositing the $16,000 in a earlier by the city engineer,1' trust fund to be: used by the |ji was withdrawn: after a citizens association to restore ;which is not compatible with : 'compromise: was reached .the area, according, to plans recovery of the.land:; € between the. citizens group.: drawn by. Don Warden: Appendicesof the: guidelines and' the John K, Hughes menibtil of. thf»~assflMation—spwifv iypag arirf sizes of 'Construction Corp, citizens , and. the Citizens Board of. trees, native plant; and group "member "James; NBturat—Reso'urc^s--and Brasses to he iiscit-'in Bannerot Said Thursday; • Environmental Quality. , restoration. -• •:­" Hughes said'Thursday he • Phase I of the Walden The.irestoratioii,:guidelines -•agreed; to . pay the $16,000 restoration guidel ines were approved by the'citizens fe, because 'his company would includes plans:for removal of association, Hughes, the City:?.;Jose. even more money if woody debris resulting from Water and Wastewater, "•-.installation of the sewer was clearing;• • re-estaWishment of Engineering, : Environmental delayed any longer. • bed. bank; and floodplaln to Resource, and Parks and [55 Women's PMfteal Gains • -The third annual state convention of the Texas Women's Political Caucus wilfbe" held this 'weekend at'Dobie Center. The convention's-theme, "Women in Politics: Where Are We?" will deal with"' the position th^t, although,women arenow ., -rgDjesent'ed in gbverriment.governmentis ' not yet representative pf women.' ' — Fritfay's opening session will follow a ^ p.m. press conference at the Capitol. Caucus priorities . in' the constitutional revision effort will be discussed. The session will include a speech by Rep. Chris -Miller of Fori Worth and presentation of. the Woman of the Year Award by lastyear's recipient. Rep.Sarah Wedd'ington pf. Austin: . A beer social is set for Friday night, at which a film,"An .Emerging Woman " ' ' By ROSALIND YOUNG the-Austin CWA is a-process .gssr7 Texan Staff Writer' for-arbitration of suspensions,;|'-.Area ^lemti'ers. of Pyle said. He said there is no S7';Commumcations--Workersof. impartia'l-iarfiifnator _when a £ . 'America may vote Friday on -worker -questions'' his­ %-?.whether to strike against i.ivjSouthwestern Bell:TelephoneI' Co The action-is possible since -fcTio .formal -counterproposals !«-;:Jfor contract renewal' -negotiations"have been made .by "company hianagement, Howard Pyle, local CWA president, said Thursday. ­,: Pyle said management has; turned:'down initial CWA demands for the three-year contract. . .• -' .. —— Local demands made by CWA, Pyle said, include wage increases for positions requiring, highly skilled ,:Workers ''and counterclass­iification wage ' increases -whiclt would upgrade, or pjreclassify existing -ji higher'wage categories, v Another major demand made by'-the 1,700 members of suspension from the company. Joe Jttordan, public relations supervisor .for Southwestern..Bell in Austin, -said . Thursday • that diSctlssibns^at' the negotiating •table have been adjourned by mutual agreement. • "They, (the CWA)Jhave not called us back-to' the negotiating table," he said; Although he is uncertain • about offers made by Southwestern Bell, Kiordan said bargaining-has ceased on. both the national and local levels-until Either side calls for renegotiation. •" -• Riordan-also said Southwestern Bell may be waiting for the results..of' a and-the national CWA'before responding to the local union. j,.-~ Recreation Committee Sponsar^r?£:ff A BIKE TRIP TQ BUDA u — ®=C7.T°m fonby Saturday > Littlefield Fountain July 27, 8 a.m. Bring A Snack iiicstlage 304w.l£tfh st Isvscs 8800Ty2?S:3(ipSi. pre-existing grade.-slope and -contour;-replacing displaced rocks and boulders to. their original locations as nearly as can be determined and backfilling.,. • • . Phase II includes'replacing topsml,. preparing seed beds and 'replanting, of trees and native plants;-restoration o£ burned areas; disposition of damaged trees; replacement of transplanted trees.Which do not survive and control of' h'uman actiyity in the area : mes Recreation Departments. Walden said the guidelines ' are designed "through human ­ activity to aid thp area in the •natural successor?of its plant ^community—tohelp,it~return to lts.condition as part of the' Barton Creek-greenbelt area again" 4 1 Bannerot said digging data has been released-to his group, atid he is satisfied the depth , ofj.ihe hole, will not do-; significant additibhai damage to the'airea creek. Hughes said he. did not wait' for Milbu-rn to . settle negotiations .but paid for the restoration process because ne, .'couidn11 aftord"-to-lose—l 'anymore time in installing the I . seWer.'As to.-whether hecould-| still -ifiake ;a profit from -the • construction, Hughes said, "I S; •don't know yet. I just dont know.^ Two Females M Patrol Roads Two-neW female sheriff's deputies took to the back roads or Nqrthwest' Trdvis" County Thursday, alone on will be shown. _Saturda^jnjhelobbjrof Dqbie Center.j . enforcement • procedures to deputy, applicants; : , Aaron reported—not a bitof:. ..trouble" onher firstday alone e Union May Vote on patrol.'arid-FrankiSaidlhe™: response from the county has lieen good. Friday To Strike in Austin Aaron and her h"iB6and1ioar~-| *, patrol'for the fjrstjime.Saturday morning will be devoted to : Deputies Kitty Aaron and workshops on political campaigning and -Willie Mae Philp "have the lobbying. -• .:. same. qualifications I do,"" • Two. speakers-are scheduled for • Sheriff Raymond Frank said. Saturday afternoon. The first"will be C. ;• Thirty-six-year-old Aaron Delores Tucker, secretary of state of and, her husband; Lt. Steve Pennsylvania, the highest ranking black Aaron, have'-been with the -sheriff';; office for'one year.-• Following her-speech, Mary LouiseSmith, "She was the ^hief .femile­vice-chairperson of the National . corrections omceF^n -the--1 Republican"-Executive Committee,' will •• Travis County Jail until her address the convention. •. patrol duty began. i7" .Aaron has, eight years A fund-raising eyfent will be held atToad • •experience •_ in law ' Hall Saturday.night'with entertainmentiby .enforcement, ' previously • Sundown.Fog. •. .• . vvftrkingin the Harris,County Anyone interested may participate in sheriff's office and the Galena the convention; Registration .begins at 4 Park Police' Department. p.m. Friday and^will continue until noon SJie, also -teaches law If the workers do call a" have confidence in her ability •strike, telephone service to handle any situation that naturally will be curtailed, he may arise in the Iihe of duty. continued, -She has been-trained in self-" "Management people are -now being trained in various craft' positions," said Rtordan t .. On .the national level, a • strike against AT&T-will depend on the votes issued from local chapters of the CVVA. k _ Pyle said the Bell System . has responded with a pension plan : that is "not • Iint1prstandah1p"-^nrf a mnpn increase that does not meet the amount required'to "keep up with the cost of living" The Bell system has offered part of a demanded dental plan and some basic, medical provisions, tut he concluded the whole negotiation package ottered, by manageme •'not acceptable.' —' Although -it is not official policy to add women to patrol-duty, Frank said, if Aaron and: Philp work out; he may put mo re-• women : on' the predominantly male fofcei ^i. • Philp was not available for)^ comment. --• ,Univeriify Baptist Church 22nd & .Guad.. Worihip: 11:15 a.m. • ...-• 7:00 p.m. Bible Class'10:00 a.m.. (Mt'ivriity Baptiltstudent MinUtry AN'S LAVACA BURNET RD. . .. 46, SPECIALS GOOD FRIDAY AND SATURDAY —OPEN 10 A.M.-Til 9.P.M. : EZRA BROOKS M Proof Slnright Bourbo«t WhHk^ , ­ MATTINGLY & MOORE 9Q Proof Stmighl BcvtbonWhhhty -• •-•"j OLD TAYLOR t6Pr«ffStraightBovrbon w t , r fiii t BEAMS CHOICE 86 Proof Straight Bourbefl Whhkey EVAN WILLIAMS t6 or90 Proof Sfrolght Bourbon Whhkoy CHIVAS REGAL 96Proof Scotch Wtmfcoy .i..,. QUART 10.49HARVEYS 16P^oofScotchWhitXay OLD SMUGGLER Mfroff Scouh WhHkoy., :.iv;£ HIGHLAND MIST Bp Proof Scotch Wbhfcoy . .T:^ SCHENLEY VODKA .2.74 GORDONS GIN 66 Proof Gin \sm» 3-.45 IP^ISJAmpagne »>»• 1.39 g&FAR£'J.uw ! 3*89, SOUTHERN COMFORT l60Proo#bqvourWW»lf«y ...„.^.'.V-...,r>, i?«VW ARANDASTEQUILA MA.TEUS ROSE Potpfguoto ROM. ... ...: ANCIENT AGEL St h—f Slrelsfif ImiMWKiiUy G2RDONSGIN MONTEZUMA TEQUILA% GAL. .SO Pteof.ffwn Difi£ilSEK.CANS P|ARL or FALSfAE| CASE 4.59 FAUSTAFF Irf/V * tWSOHw % »M >«»•» •»» 6PAK PABST-CANS 6Com v 6RAK 1.0* mmmm RECEIVER *500.00 50.watts RMS/channel •.3% max. harmonic & IM distortion * dirett-toupled amp ldb FM capture ratio 1.8-mv-sensitivity phase-linear:ceramic filters Phase-lock loop circoitry TECHNICS direct-drive tiirntablef' hrushless DC motor servo-control rock & pinion, tonearm ­low-capitdnte leads ' battjeKhip construction extremely fine reviews FINALLY^ rumble, wow,. flutter:and feedback are reduced vto a level no longer of any conse­ quence. PACKAGE IMS RECEIVER WITH A PAIR OF JBL L-99 or 88-Plus -SEEAKERS^A..DUAL 1218 or 1229 YOUR CHOICE OF SHORE CARTRIDGE— AND GET-25%­ StudioMaster 1-200 OUT OF THE RECORDING STUDIO COMES ONE OF THE WORLD'S MOST POWERFUL' SPEAKERS. A FEW WATTS RMS RELEASES A CRUSHING VOLUME OF .SOUND, A LOT OF poyhR PRODUCES A BCAST RARELY EVER EXPERIENCED • EVEN AT CONCERTSrtHEt?W:-~ ONXHEU OF A WAY TO G0I PUTtHIS MONSTER IN A -SOUND GALLERY PACKAGE AND ENJQY ROCICzBOTTOM SOUND AND PRICE. m fg ANNUAL—PRICE LIQUIDATION SALE PERHAPS-THE LARGEST SALE OF .TOP­ QUALITY NAME-BRAND^COMPONENTS EVER HELD IN THE STATE OF TEXAS. S 25 -8Q% PRICE REDUCTIONS ON IN-5TORE DEMONSTRATORS AND JUST-DISCONTINUED •MODELS BY SUCH QUAUTY MANUFACTURERS AS., PIONEER JBL TECHNICS '•4M TEAC ..CSSwa­ -m 7 THE %t ' *Sounclf§aUer\ 1H 35 AT 38H StM 454-0416 A >(AlsoOpen SuncJay Por Browsing F.1.: J REMEMBER: THE SOUND M^AUERY wia-NaaRiosi A SALE BECAUSE OF PRJCE AiS/rJ^W\fr* L-y^y ti'., ,M. •• If • T?*v^1<£JSo»jatf5Ri'Ji^«l*sV^5ffi•".; ->•> a*. n* '$w?i •'* ••*• -w^or w ^'2,' «$«fi •=rT *>f" "• il **-"* ^ ^ *3* ~2X£r * i-vii.-v .wii W-g:. " CT-'.'St^ri „>LJ^ JWV £54 }•**.»*» » «._vu T'?k r\ -»r^J-j tt^-v$S>' A -S &fy.h H mmSm:^ ?r> "***% •^<^i*.-Mta.!ttm*S*)t*\ 1 &£&U fc: 4 4 i •&-. ?fi.'?4 *'*? k<£' ' • aaassssae® £»T »» ? 7 ilS8Ss®®< *» ** _: v»Jf«K 4.v ^iSMSS MeseSKSgfl$8& wmmmm gttMiMp WZjH-te -f~ n<'"-i\f.— "' -#-£w"ito litis, &>&;SCIENCE: &»% 3fcfe«« a?j•&&*? for all ages ,4}--*-' -"* .teS&s ^®S21 'Wyva 'ri^\ rfM ^,13**j ^ If you would like to pet a goat, handle a boa constrictor, learn how to be a rock hound or perhapslearn photography, the Austin Natural Science Center may be for you.' ^ Open to the publicevery day from9 a.m. to4 p m , the center ;£/- .-,7V..:1 .9 .,-0m%wm•-* -Yj#*-WmSmm has something for everyone. There are bird, mammail and' '' "" • reptile exhibits as well as a small 200 featuring animals native ; ^9 ^hQ Squt\iviest.,The.zoo is niade.\ip o[ anima\sAjiiure6 and brought to the center for care or pets that have been given to-; itscare. Owls, coyotes, peacocks, eagles and even a white lynx. * • " '^'('f '" #1* • -< -i*— are but a part of the "hands on" learning program offered by Jthe center-" -~ „ J ' ' ••; fo* •" ,'i These programs, designed to create" an awareness .and|?, .^v.rf . , appreciation x>f. nature's complex sjrstems, are available toi§ ages 4 through adult/Ms-Sandy Foster, supervisor bf; the-:';'­ # center, explained that while age gaps exist in the program, ' they will disappear within the year.' sfl'f® : The immediate goal of the ceiiter; Fosters^iid, "is_to provide v -a continuous program where an individual can'pursue tMiP?^ interests, n\nch like an informal curriculum format " • T1»e program has just expanded to a 70-acre North Austin|H : location and. is offering a-Pioneer Day Camp for preschool-'" ^ ^,, rthrough Second grade. In all, more than 1,000 youngsters will^f^ \ %°£, h?: he involved in the Natural"Science Centers program. Last^jx^T lv ^5 ^ 1 Si.> --year-13r224i}eople-|)artieipated in-the-actmties. The center also offers family outingsand has sponsored trips^'~\'V* '• > '' f­ * 1 5 • •• ^ jli-^, » " tu > to the Gulf of Mexico and Big Thicket. Adult programs will'"/' begin Sept. 16, and wiO -include lapidary, beginning photography and quilting. - • - - . --—./ saws.-y visiting the center, at 401 Deep Eddy Ave., or enrolling m a program does not satisfy your appetite, thecenter also makes ft ' ^ ase-of-voltmteera. "The center exists ab-it-dee^bee"ause^f4he­ Work of our volunteers," Foster said. ^ No matter what ^your age, the Aiistin National Science - «MW\. fiAt 1 >, w -Hi - v X.5-'f *£2£ r u?1 i,a -i,H, m ,> 1 t ^ tx •V" m£jm S* yf -tx.ry^ -1, story and-photos by Bill Kennedy ' ' r'-'-i-­ js%v"V* -F*t+ •fS k$?J ?¥=, 'Mr A M — 5 -S i 4SU^&. V** mm. • »r« 5^^ ^ir .. • .i'"; IlilSlWmMM r.-• '; .... w-wsmi *id..Zr *' •«*»»» k- '' ^ .-tu.i.*' ..'gl^fegau^waaaae;,.,, gfealill ;r:S £#?y-3&«? M.W WS -SB* ffi ^ ** -K.f ce i _ SSjggL ^ IF Monitor g|g|jg§| Operation of a new telephone monitoring device for th<^ -University police will begin around Sept. l,_Capt. J.E.4, Shuberg said Thursday. --<£~ f al The device, a "Dictaphone 4000," will monitor all calls "jF'tfA, coming iti to the desk operator. It will-operate on -foiir> ­ ^channels... _ ^ ^ -ir-e« ­ , The. machine is a duplicate of the Austin Police J:,!? Department'g.TecentJy installed device; except-thai the APQ Tf-CI ,T~*fe . can momtor 28channels.-Both machines have the-capabilit^-;; to monitor 40 channels,. .. : \\ i-"cc .Shubeug did not know the cost of the new-system, but"th&';"S -M-':APD pa^d $16^000; for the ,';4000," including parts. S£ / Occasionally, Shuberg said,an hysterical caller will phone "" al . • into the desk and hang up before the police can accurately sp-e« record the nature of the problem, names and addresses w ' With the new) system,"calls can be played back, and$ c(-; information can be Retrieved, Shuberg said. " •' :« b< If-there's a chaiKe that we might save a life,"J5hub*erg; LBJ Instructor Says Nixon Treated Fairly • at said, "w&ire-for it.T • • • : By IRWIN SPEIZER wajr into the House cloakroom; The storyconcerned a speech C Before the: monitor .can be put into'operation, Shuberg Kxecutive abuse of power-is an unpea~cf>able ollense, a :Jertner made dl. the University-Sehool-of-Lawrr --said^a cardjeferralSYStem EiYingHie locationand status nf former-member'ofthe House impeachmentinquiry staff told Republican House members were Tjngered by Jenner's\ B police vehicles will be installed. -• • . -. TSe-Texan TuesHa^Tr'Y Tmnments-and-movedHo; have-Samuel-GabFisonr^a-fotmet;shPagmar Hamilton, currently-an-instructor at the LBJ —member of Spiro Agnew-s staff, pr-Omoted to counsel, thus School of .Public Affairs, cited President.Nixon's secret cutting Jenner's-power. That motion failed |?ut was later a b FRIDAY NIGHT ONLYI bombing of Cambodia and his-impounding-of congressional passed.-:.. ". . July"26 : "" ?./ V^12"p.rn; !"'*ii funds as two such:offenses... . -• • -HAMILTON. WORKED on'the inquiry staff until .June "This does not necessarily represent the4 opinion of the' •'when she and her husband returned to Austin. d JELLY ROLL BAKERS staff," Hamlitqn added. j. "The generalreaction I havegotten since returningis very PLUS sgc* . THE STAFFigcomposed of a.group of lawyers, 12 chosen partisan-. I am asked, 'Why go after-the'president? He's noPG2 by minority chairman Rep. Edward Hutchison, R-Mich, and .'worse than the Presidents before him.' -But it is simply *** $1 COVERS —Texan-Staff Photo* by Marion Toylor" ;27 by majority counsel John Doar. -­untrue that President Nixon has done nothingnew, thatother H Vv HAPPY HOUR PRICES ON BEER Dagmar Hamilton . When the staff membership was announced, syndicated' Presidents before him did-the same thing. ­columnist J'ack Anderson sent a personal letter-to every;. The "partisan" view that President'Nixon is no worse • • • "President Nixon; in -my opinion;, allowed the-Internal member and included his phone number for anyone wisjiing 2532 Guadalupe member of the House impeachment inquiry staff] "It to cpntacl him,-Hamilton said. A^ far as '< she-knows, the. political enemies,"Hamilton said. HANK'S GRILt than previguj Preiidents i« refute^ bythii former • Revenue Service; directly or indirectly, to be used against number was nieyer"used. is simply untrue that (he) hasdone nothing hew,fhatt-?; . v.-r PRESIDENT LYNDON Johnson was pressured to use the-. v "Security was-tight — it had to be for us to get aecess to 2 .other Presidents before him did. the same thing." r;-;IRS as "a political tool, but he bluntly refused, she stated.| the materials we needed," Hamilton said. ".There really i '•Si? v. Hamilton learned of Johnson's decision from SheldonCohen,' To place ah have been no press leaks from the staff itself*" she addied1. ' f.then co'mmissioner Of the IRS.'Wi|Benefit for TEXAN WOMAN I ;; lmP?acihmentjnquiry sta.ff. is-an historical Mhh On .the'matter of executive privilege, Hamilton said-sheSIT ad, rJ Hamilton noted. Previously the House Judiciary ss|%found ncevidence in her research to support it. In Andrew |Monday, July 29th i ^|I7-12 p.m.! .I Committee s, permanent staff would lrnve conducted the .!s,#Johnsoh!s. impeachment proceeding, onewitness close to the -•call investigation. . . ^"President asked to.-be excused from testifying because his „!n, __i.b6.1?Jfluir3' staff received j jolt last Apriljvhen a Daily testimony was highly confidential. The House-felt the N' ITexas Opry HouseI 47T-524C Iexan story on.Republican-counsel Albert Jenner made its ;testimony important'and'denifed'his request.'He testified; m m m > • "iriruirHL" "Hamilton said, since he did not have the power-to defy v . 7-8 p.mV Pitcfiers of Shiner $1 3V,I BULL Congress. I A DIFFERENT DRUMMER "HISTORICALLY, the President is bound to give any yimg.| Entertainment includes: | ^fceviden'ce requested by the House." Hamilton said. Presents On The Pafio: m RESTAURANT Hamilton said the inquiry-staff is accomplishing what itI ^t,rS'"a Ball ffornierfyof Freda & the Firedags), Cadarl •V ^set out to do. "The President.is being treated very fairly and: I '"f" W"T' M*' Hom,grown, Jin' Walfcln', Bill5 . OPEN 24 HOURS * "impartially by tKe staff," .Hamilton said. . • • * . POSSUM DELIGHT |. Larry Ksrboo, an^ Brown't Mul» and the Traviil -B-' Ir't * n -5 2 Game Rooms County Boys. No Cover 200 ACADEMY Pool'FoasballrPinball,| •Ml PRESENTS INSIDEi WAVION . -3500 Guadalupe « CAPTAINBIUIE'S ELECTRIC JENWNCS $2.00 —^rlvJuly.26 &Sat.JulyL.17 .„ -*kt ^ 451-9151 •a WHIZBANG BAND m&4 8 p.m. ' Adv. Tickets $5 -2405-A-Ni»«e»^r^—^(Ato<«tk Goiters)--.._: -47&^M fa-at fnnorSanctum, Dbfcaunt lt»Wfd»,Tw« GREEZY MID-SUMAAER SCHOOL BLUES BEER SPECIi WHEELS m SUNDAY- Marsha Ball & The Bronco Brothers s 707 Bee Coves Rd. 327-90T6^\ I-^ K. O imuniiiifi Qrecjoru,! 19TH & NUECES -NEXT TO BERT'S £--1-1 The .Texas Union B THE BAR ALL OTHER BARS WOULDI "presents ^ 2. A Chamber Theatre Production O LIKE TO BE LIKE of­ /RESTAURANT! 11~ \ S S FEATURING: •• * George Bernard Shaw J-'~ i i —SHUFFLEBOARD TABLE— s ARMS MAN & WISLMEEKJDNIXI AND THE " TUES.-THURS. SHINER BEER -.J5/Mug .90/Pitcher ^—^-STEREOMOSie-s—S )uly^7-etn«l-28r. FRI.-MON. MICHELOB BEtR -.25/Mug 1.50 Pitcher ' ; -» 11\Sj Good till 11 p.m j SI -SUPER HAPPY HOUR-S^i |I The Main Ballroom inThe Texas Union 'The different sandwich, Specie/ good w/cOpy of acT i Sunday-Friday • pizza and Italian dinners f pitcher or 1 mug good g'g Tickets $1.50 U.T." Students,; • T2 p.m; Saturday restaurant" w'/each copy of ad. 1 DRINK DOUBLES OF YOUR FAVORITE GALL Faeu,fy' ^ 1 I • • -, SUN..THUR5. 1»:00 a.m. to .1 a.m. i fRI. & SAT. 11:00 a.m. »o 2:00 a.m. WHISKEY AT REGULAR PRICES DAJLY ^ § § '• ,'• $2.00 Othersr» Ifl^Bua^ahipr 472-3034 "k For Reservations, Call 441-0067Cft-I THE TROIAN WOMEN 1 5 '^4^-— THEM AT SMYLIE'S -19TH & NUECES ' :.vC? "KATHARINE .. HEPBURN THE MARX BROTHERS I v,.,.' -as Hecuba, ^"reaches moments . of tragic splendor and „ simple ; ?Al magnificence.'.' 3?v .. Criit. fe'-. N»w York Magazine 'VANESSA REDGRAVE as Androjmicfie" '-seems to act with* her whole soul.The tension she creates7 has its own kind of excitement^' —Pauline K*«l. . i. The New Yorker "i "A Theatrical Tour-De­For'ce. 'V-Playboy. Magazine' i_..' 0m,i i ^'THE TROJ; IFriday & Saturday July 26 & 27| , IN BBNGBBNC A CLASSICAL NMTMMMIUDI • takfel^UNt «""i*L0W«eito J 6:00, 7:30, 9:00, 10:30,J2:00&» A-.C. Auditc ! ; ~ 'm July. 26 & 27 L .V.'i '-i".-'-V ; $1.00 f ,v " > 6:00, 8:00, 10:00, 12:00. ;^ $1 AA JeiterAuditoriMm H vU J^ind SATURDA.. . ^ttdG Rated 1 8;00 and 10kQ5 P.M.ffV* ° i i --idtom $1Students/ ^ \' ~Sponsored. KyStucteniComntilteefor-VoteTRejfismi Sfionsom! by UT Youfig Democrats Fqcu v' s>aff fift ^ " UNION THBATRK ; ^ , WW Wk $8® .fS'cvtS^S «? .HA iZ?* VJ&TV? JMBW "mi. ,-v--^W^T, •*» K->'>^ *j9»rs , .Hjf. $ ^NH&jiGd**• rP^Sw­ -/• Eskimos vsi Civilizestion tff intouun f4ZJ*i3gP speak English or French) and _ BILLY (Warren Dates) is interest of an individualistic^ and the Green S.lime Boys. Plum Welly : production of Austin's new Chamber . ' .".Kaufman; screenplay, by Kaufman uses subtitles to the, tiarrier of civiTization's sqciely. The Eskimos-had: and Uncle Walt's Band will play at 9 Theater. . . _ James Houston and Tom :This view is again prevalent translate for the audience.. maladies;?.Billy is b6tfi learned^ long-ago they must p.m. Sunday. 1 •FINIAN'S RAINBOW," a musical, .^.Rickman; based on a novel in the first "contact between fAfter nursing the whalers bumbling clown and deceitful band' together to survive in THE BUCKET-features. Daniel at 8:30 Jack -to "he^Hh-the -tribat •safbti.teur. He introduces their arduous conflict with continues at 8:80 p.m. Frtdav and •(ft .by Jam-e s Ho uston;. -^.civilized.man ,ancL;aJribetgf . p.m. Friday and Sunday for-$1.50. ;•••>• Saturday and 8 p:m: Sunday at Center -•^-Starring" Warren Oates, Canadian Eskimos in "The chieftain, S&rkak' (Simonie gambling' to the Eskimos and nature. Sarkak explains -to CASTLE CREEK has Uncfe Walt'sJBand .Stage. ---'-Timothy Bottpms, Lou White Dawn." c ,, -Kopapik), calls them Dog-wiiis_ a hunter',s two Daggett .after, he has brought'at 9 p;m,-Fridayand Saturday.-Gover^is—TfNELLIE.QF~THE~ SAWDUST"RING;"-—V.Gdssett andEskimosofthe •Children born of the daughters, although he has no. in several geese, "The hunter«Canadian-Aralc;~ar the­ $2. ~v\_ ' '• Tjx" oldstyje melodrama, plays', its • final The film is .based on a fnip . ."{ormcation of. theDog.Spirit, Jntention:-of.-pmviding_f.oiL,..rmistnot eat his first kill! Hp —performance-at~8JO_p.m._Eridayarid :a 'lVillage Cinema Four. story.of three whalers whoare and our Vroniien-years-ago" ....... . -them. He also intends-to must learn to share" MONTAGE will feature KI-Fltfw Turtle, Saturday at Creek Theater. f%T By C.A7RieHMDS0N" : saved by Eskimos after'their and.says they bringgood luck. • . become a £tir : trader -and .' Hopefully, "The White . presenting skits and satire,atS.'SOp.m,^ "FALLEN ANGELS',',with Dorothy . !*V; Texan.Stall Writer. boat,has cracked up on an ice DAGG ET;T^t Timothy, firially^convinces Daggett arid Dawn,"; will-give civilized :Saturday. ^ .. Lamour has its last performances at'8 • Where ver' 'so-ca ll'ed . flow in'Frobisher Bay in 1896. Bottoms ), _ convinced of the : Portagee to leave with him in. a u"d fences • s.ome '. . p.m. Friday and Saturday and Zand 8. • civilization has spread . in its-It wasfilmed on Baffin Island, MOTHER EARTH has Werewolves at 9 natives* kindness, adapts' Sarkak^s. largest boat with,all understanding of Eskimtf-'f.:'­ .divine malignancy •SJSfcs _ • p.m. Friday and.Saturday for ?1'.50. p.m. Sunday at tI)Q,.Country Dinner . -ii'-has. l.OOO'inilesfSouth of the North neadily to'. their life,. and' of Uie tribe's food ;sp, he can; culfure^and perhaps help.in--' Crackerjack plays, at 9 pjm. Sunday^ • Playhouse. brought violence, disruption Pole, in: the Canadian Arctic 'develops .a friendship for get'guns. But once'again.Billy the fight to cease the It and exploitation/ to the : Cover is SI. :• ...... if,: "THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE" witb'J&lm Archipelago. 1 Sarkak'.sy°unger_wifeandhife wrecks.the'boat. , --• perversion of .primitive ' Sa'vnri-rfwIiiHpg its • rdn at 8:30 P.m. , primitive ' sQcLties .it 'has soil who snows Dagfeett how to Billy destroys' the delicate s.ocieties by civilized TEXAS OPRY HOUSE presents Waylon Friday'and Sunday with 2:30 p.m. encounterea. xnis-has been DIRECTOR Phi i.p .liaiitieql,... .. : . . "balance of their tribal life by chauvinigte. ———; — Jennings-at—8 -p^.m4—Friday—and -—i^matinees Saturday and Sunday at St. the .view of several popular . Kaufrpan used'natives o.f-the r^Portagee (Lou Gbssett) -is GULF STATES DRIVE-IN Saturday. Advance tickets are ,?5. Edward's University. movies dealing with the Northwe'St'Territories taplay '• iiiitiaiiy"suspicious*-" fearing' — Indian, BOX OTFKt OPEN'8.-00 S1 American such the;.tribe, and these superb . the'Eskimos may.be cannibals SHOW STARTS DUSK '"nattiral actors" ; lend..tfie-ryanij recaUijig -stories ol HQ E. Ben While* 444-2296F ^5fc^"theiUi^y7Which is lackirig -'-strangers who are f6rced to -in similar films. The Eskimos pulrsleds:oh afl. fours. But lie •SSM-V SDeak in their, own. tongue -adMts: out of necessity and pa* a®4 WHj?t -A music workshop Aug. 6 to ensemble playing. ^man School­1 to 2 p.m. Monday.-through •• 15 -will focus on the GRENOBLE is the Friday, 6 to 15. Aug. ^Village educational: philosophies of ' consultant for:•Denver, public teacher's certificate in the Additional information -may composers and educators Carl schools in their Project for Orff Schulwerk from tKe be. obtained.,by Icalling-Dr. AND Cinema. Orff. of Germany and Zoltan Excellence Program and a University of. Toronto/ Betty Kanable, workshop, at BEST PICTURE Kcidaly of-Hungary: staff mejmber of the Denver The workshop will meet 471-2991, at the UT music imniuwr mat ua« w<-*m Four. i * BESTjjlRECTOR " I '2780 West Anderson tone: BEST STORY ANOSCREENRLAY{Ordinal) Music Academy;, A graduate from ff a.mi to noon and from education faculty. , • • . BEST FILM EDmNQ •B^St ARTDIRECtlON • Guest' clinican ' will be Features 1:30-3:30-5:30-7:30-9^0 BEST SCORING {Adaptation}"* BESTCOSTUME DESIGN'­Barbara J. Grenoble, a specialist In the Orff LIFE... LOVE... SURVIVAL.. -Schulwerk, whith consists: of * PAUL /ROBERT THE GREATEST ADVENTURES OFALL 1 several: volumes , containing NEWMAN/REDFORDthe essential ideas and "FUNNY AND MARVELOUS. procedures of the Orff : I recommgtid this picture highly to-everyone who is not limited to? ROBERT SHAW jnethod. . ' the belief that sex is a irelijious rite, ; 'A ok«&£ ROV AsLl -Atcher Winsten, New York Post -, f . The • wo'rks'hop will "Bravo for-this most sophisticated, entertaining, and delightfully satirical -THE STING' .emphasize the application'of' comedy, aboutchanging sexual mores and. the efforts of couples, Orff : and Kodaly principles to to keep pace» This is marvelous adult: film territory with explicit,-but hot DAVIDS.WARD -GEORGE RCM HILL: • TONY BILLMICHAEL Jhe music education: of • nard core Sqenes tp keep us laughing'and to make the point." ondJUUA PHIiAJPS Tto»rtxxo^* fluww^PCTi>it '.piGg . American children, ages 4 —William Wolf; Cue Magazine GULF STATES DRIVE-IN ^through 12. The methods "Don't let the.title. 'Le Sex Shop', fool you. This delightful.movie makes BOX -OFFICE OPEN 8:00 j;involve-teaching children tiash of the-pornographers and casually cuts to bite the . . SH0«y STARTS DUSK -. through listening, hiovement, •pseudo-sophisticates who have been hailing portography in film as a new 710 E. Ben While* 444-2iW/" 6th Greaf Week Ispeaking, singing, playing art. See it, resist a few mild shocks and enjoy 'Le Sex Shop' for ' Instruments.' notatinf[, its comedy, its devastation of fanatics and ife ultimate sweetness." S3? jimprovising, composing and ' j • v. -Franccsliiylor,Long Island Press' :"'Le SexShop-sells the devil's merchandise, purely... sadism, masochism, **"fetishism, Voyfiurism,"old meh wholike^oiing^tiTls and young^girk MACON i!whoJik6^itbet•_ ....._j i..* . ^ kwryMghrit -with rage, COUNTY* -RagerGieenspun. New York Time. rv- LINE %. &Dor-".« --f . -•»••••?-_ "1_ ."Claude Bern,' a" "One of the happier Ti Tonite Thru Saturday -French Woody.Allen! sights of the season.^ Samuel Z. ArKoft presents a Mat Baer production •i_ "KM . Hilarious!" 'Le Sex Shop' has a lot. an Americana Sensations * "•'?• -Chris Chase, -of-la\ighs. This is the Macon Countyline coIorbyCFl " New York Map»2ine Internationa) release most whcJesome ,JIMHy N«*»( D»4, "ft with" the». . -money Kit and Holly... in1959, she watched wjyle he killed a lot of people; -• t&£g> 6:15-1:15-10:15' & WM-t fW-• 8)..Stamr,' MARDMSHEEN ^ISSy.SPACEK PASSES SUSPENDtf) MZL • wmi iSS 5 REDUCED PRICES TIL 12:15 WJUOOEX OATES MON-FRI. ' ••• • • • ' lrf)0, 2:45, 4:35 ''•m HWUtED PWCtSUL uop;3H' " • 6:20,8)10,10:00 NICiNI am NINE (JVES of Held nunTwea Over BARGAIN 'MATINEE MON-FRI BEFORE 1:1•­ 2nd 1:15-2:45-4:15-5:45-7:15-8:45-10:15 •^SJ, W«kl Srf)*5 ' . . ' j 12:15 -$1.00 IMl ^2.00 ; kverv 32:40 -$1.50 10:°0{->-ggg MIDNIT1 Pritw IFLICK '8 • -ii-i ­ 45; *1 ' Ove^f,^ ^ < 4th.Webk$k# ALlQEiAYtV'CARMEN • -fililf* ­ 'INBt)$BKBERKELEY'S ladies V4 frirt Ticket-All Times POSNS Suspended Reduced Prices til 12^0 Mon-Frl r«., ise-THE GANG'S wisoi I2^0-v2t35-4^)0-6r05-/:SO-9:SS (G) V „ , Ufe...tove...SurvlvaL,The Gnaiesl Advetttu^-01 -y 1\ I STAMPSt THEWHr 11 I­ A-J9TH centur^^OXPtcTtmr-' A^PIUER-RE RECE/WE—- DlAWN -j ji. \25~p Reduced -Pil. -i. * -• „..v.r'.. ...m—-•••-. -i » -» J -•«-•* J W?­ ;vM?V^ r-4?-«5 i * x w 4, * •sSwwr'Is?*. -' •••••••••••••••a••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••«••••••••• Style Changes., & •• • f .} minirevieuus 'As Number of Fans Growsiiffi#® By PAUL BEUTEL • " leader .of the' mythical kingdom of . Texan Staff Writer' ••|| Freedonia. The laughs fly so fast and the By MARK PEEL >: time. performing more of his own Buster and Billie' satiresoshappthatthls onernerits being ti rp , Texan Staff Writer Jennings-has just-released a material. Considering all the-: Daniel Petrie has taken seen again and"again.. -_ ^-Director aiBsfc ?;> It's a long frjom »U.« cinnla ^PamKlinn (imA ka i\n tkn r* way ; new single, ''Rambling.Man the road time he spends on fairly abominable script by. Ron •At 6, 7:30; 9,. 10:30 p.m. and midnight ;i Lubbock aAd being Jjass • «* category in America today, minus. his famous sinister- !•: combines • Berkeley's choreographic was killed irt a 1959 plane of Billie, an introverted, pathetic girlj'i'.. w • Jennings will be in*Austin looking-goatee but now .has ^ opulence with some of theTtiore standard crash along with^iuTtBig popiflar with the boys because she's;:.': c< this weekend for two shows at' , grown it back. One thing that trademarks of the 20th-century Fox Bopper and,Richie Valens, "easy " he. • the TexasQprv House. Friday he ha's never left.is his musicals, of the period: neon-like color :§3 Turbeville's screenplay Is full of holes, . at and Saturday nights. Jennings custom-tooled, leather-topped Tickets fin tlur-Opry-Heui processing,'-forgettable plots, insipid hackneyedi?y dialogue and missing-. • r-J » Ct_ _^and his_band,_ the Waylors, and rope-outlined Telecaster .shows are available for. $5 in auo songs. Alice Fave and Carmen Miranda. •/ motivaiiojis.-vmrie, huweverr u> an ayilcr— ""have become one of the guitar andliis."Waylon""guF Tadvance-aHnnej-Sanctum-and—^ -•^7^aye,r-the^reigain^:iiueen of Foxf • J • ST' observer of emotional nuances, and: "he. . B,. favorite out-of-town bands of tar strap. Discount records,. Texas musjeajs at_thelime, sings J'A^Journey to # « ^btains 'S'"rich; subtle performancerfrom— Austin audiences,:.:playing^iv_Some people have criticized' Ha.tters and theOpry House. a Star" in her appealing baritone-like Goodfellow, and occasionally gets Vincent . . before sell-out "crowds every Jennings for not writing and Both:shows begin at 8 p.m. , voice and even performs "The Polka-dot • fe to do more thaii just looK like a model for, • Polka" as if she's taking it seriously!. •Playgirl. . The movje really belongs to Miranda,Of course, the movie does eventuallyget . -however, with her broadly expressive faceinto the "Walking Tall'' syndrome (aneye ThisWeek and perpetually gyrating pelvis at their for an eye, etc.), but what precedes the •* ' peak in "The Lady-With the'Tutti-frutti Woylon Jennings predictable bloodshed is recommended.-: ••. Hat" number, which: features numerous -% At the-"Texas Theatre. • RAY RILEY !•< • chorus girlsrippling a ljneof large; phallic •, 'Duck-Soup' > bananas. ' . fHUBBARD television-The Marx Brothers' greatest' film has ° At 7:30, 9:20 and 11:05 p.m. Friday.and •Mk SMS'® Bar Opens At 2:00 p.m. 6:30 . Stranger> 3). .'"The FortLinate,nw i Groucho playing Rufus T." Firefly, the Saturday m Burdine Auditorium. --«l. & SAT. * 7 iinrimy Oea^ Show' Painter.**^ , Happy Hour 4 -7 p.nuW? . . 9 News 8 30 pm , •••••••••••••••••a** DAVID -JK» 24.1973's All America rFoolbalV-. 9 Lc»vvr. -and Gbfrlen OpentoPublic •» Team 24 The Odd Couple »".V RODREQUfZ 36 evewitness Ncws^V . . 9 pm. . Local.Groups To Perform Benefit AND . 7 p.m.-9 Tne.Black American S^un v . 7 Movie: ."Around the.Wortd in BO ,24 ''Portrpft' The Woman T LoveV -.;vBYRON STONE " . Days,-' bavid • NtVen, Shirley • starring-Fayt Dunaway,' Richard-p.* }** AAacLa(ne * -'Chamberlain: '-v ..r^-v'v For New Feminist Magazine .• .;v ? Washington Week lo Review V-:.i?, . 24 The Brady Bunct^v^ . 9 30 ?'on'1camera ' Texan Woman magazine, a Jus.' Walkin', BilL. Neely, political issues, news items-i •:36-Sonlord and.5on•••T^''•'•"• • iopm .V"^ new, nonprofit publicatiojn; Larry .Dierbow,' Brown MUIQ 7 30pm . and creative works by and ' rl ° WntMtrrff Wrrfr f 7,36 News -will Stage a benefit from 7 and the Travis County"Boys aboutvV,'omen... ,vHERE'STTWirr 24. Stx-M«lhon Dollar Marv •. 7. Movie: "T&e Fan oonc Mouseflf*"P.iTi. to midnight Monday-at*. and others. . .. . *•-' • • 36 Brian K0*ttr ShQW^t^--. ^'Usncrjl' Sljrrins Vincent Price theTeXaS Opry HoUS&>.-Presents1 Rock of the f60s(. . Fpa tufed pertormers semimonthly feminist OUR SNEAKI "JEpacac,^. 2> ^"Klss.Me,-Agal'n>;' from Friday's Daily-Texan 3« TWismShow « ' ferinelude -Marsha Bal'l; magazine, with a circulation The Opry House' will "have(formerly Freda of Freda and-' of lO.OOOi ft is produced.by an "happy .hour''•.from-7 PREVIEW J to 8 ­ $1.25 til 7:00 p.m. the ;Firedogs>, Plum Nelly, all-volunteer staff and serves p m„ with beer.-at $1 per S TA T £ wfi scss 719 CONGRESS 6:40-8:20-10:00 Cedar Frost,-Homegrown, as a forum for-social and pitcher^. <~r _ r-r AVENUE IMAJESTYK'': .! he big three ioin forces Problem Pregnancy Counseling. Service W. -r~ * k». . ^itosave their race. . Student Hetiifh Center ' PjISPl ^05 Wr-26»h--Sti-(4th-Hoor-Sbuth)—--"~"ji-,hope it runs long! Confidential counseling with qll glternotives discuss- EMANUELL.WOLF Presents' [enough so I can see it| ed and referrals made to appropriate resources: jCaU 478-5711., Ext. 26, for an appointment. Individupl again." ^ appointments Tuesday 1-5 p.m., Thursday 1-5 p.m., ffr Friday 9-noon. ; ' ^ ' ' 'Fantastic/-.Bronson atl his best'..-, a very sexy] r™T"^saOTr&T""'""""i guy. Should win":an| 21st & Guodolupe -Second..Level. Dobie MotL477-1324 Oscar for his role." -T-O—. jSCREEN LAST DAY! Askanyonewho-has i }SLAUGHTERHOUSE-Flvdl seen ifand they'll tell you this film has the «a..,DS MICHAEL SACKSfc" warmth and magic of LEIBMAN1 VALERIE PERR1NE CHARLES BRONION MWalking Tall' and I 'Billy Jack/' • ««v«i 6y KUflTVQMNEGUT.Ir "MR.MAJESTYK" TH£ MIRISCH CORPORATIONPresents , Wlr.Majestyk"is fun-j It* CHARLESBRONSON ny, exciting and an all! ^1.15—: in.AV/AlTHR MiRSCH-RICHARD FLEISCHER PfOJUGTION^s^around terrific fllcki 8-io $1.50 "MR.MAJESTYK" . SCREEN T.STARTS TOMORROW SAT. THRU TUES. Interstate's DOORS OPEN 7:4S' MIL . FEATURES TODAY! 71J CONGRESS AVE. 8KKW50 —— also starring7Z SHEILA F51AZIEFI •Music performed byTHE IMPRESSIONS Produced by HARRY BERNSEN •Wntten by ERIG BERCOVICI y«--.»ca->= and JERRYJliUDWIG . Directed by GORDON PARKS, JR. 'INSANE'fl §r s&p R 'STRONG IMAGES" "IrEL-^OPd' is freaky, its-weitd, w. '"EL TOPO' is a:phantasmagoria of insane and ,the most iportan't $1.25 til 3:00 p.m, strong images jn The'Surrealist Dali-mflrla m IIsia _ .*•.: • • -• A lT)® r,!P®^ 1. (South American) film _I • Jr.•..» • AIL CINEMAS EVERYDA Bunuel traditibn;Leone.Hesse. Zen-' .m®d® ,'n.thisdecade.There is no wayI VARSITY «.w3si 2:30-3:55-5:20 ~i 2400 GUADALUPE STREET 6-45-3:10-9:30 ^a(?qta!" ~ —VillageVojce to exp[gin thepowerful-—magnificence*maqnificenco 5 tk„ • of the camera.or the brain behind • m •m? • AMERICAN NATIONAL ENTERPRISES: INC: Sr®* >**• ' -this accomplishment —ScrewJj PRESENTS The.Acadsmy.Awarfj Winner •; 1 FINALE 1974's MOST HILARIOUS BIG WK-EtiDl ,V 4C. 'i THEGEEAT im4 ^ WILDESTMOVIE IS HERE! Vg'Ti gffo'o'o PO-O q 6'D.o OT'-" JS0-930 ^ K-ji COWBOY "May bethefunniest movie of the STARRING -le. LARRY MAHAN year.RllSh tOSee it! -•—Minneapons TnbunQ ­ COLOR BY DELUXE "A smashing,triumphant satire!',. --—Seaul'e Post Inlelligencer-v i HIGHLAND MALL "Riotously, excruciatingly funny" ! 451-7326 • IH35 AT KOENIG LN. i' . —Milwaukee Sentirwl STARTS TmORBOW "Consistently hilariousand' : l«0-MM3«d54-00-W5 f -T-. n lft_$1.25fo,On, 1 • brilliant. i-|?y"®a"imore ^2.00 .for Both I: SUPER TFLY 2nd RIOTOUS WEEK "Insanelyfunny^outrageousand I2:45-6:30-10:15 . OF WAV-OUT FUN!, irreverent^'—Bruce Williamson—^LAYBQY MAGAZINE I nanysunday! 4& 2:P0-$:3Qr8:50 S '3? AGREATNEW IS HELD and MOTIONPICTURECOMEDY Carbra Strei$an< OVER) PQf--•• ^ Sake^ iSBI SUMMER I ..STARRINO MICHAEL SARRAZIN 4:45-8:30 -f^E PAR 0S!­ xff' . J'-fe COLUMBIA PfiflfREs"t-< Midnite Movies TODArtHRU' 'MtjS-KwSWplrj #^il l^'/.4 '' tf'* T^W-i >BpJK£. V'ski* 4-0* CSN&Y Set Texas Performances *j3fT auHin -By.RICK RUTHERFORD -a.t Jeppesen Stadium, Brothers .gig drew $2,000 that grossed $5.25 million. Opening Wight in Seattle Texan Staff -Writer--jscheduled_ta_start_at 4 p.m, people, and aBout two-thirds • The band has-been reported -the sound was as V 4-& >* vf *'' Following the lead 4>f ^•^ls5'^r|$J-,#'«l».,SS« The ticket price is $8 for were sitting on the floor ' "rehearsing for more than, £ good as tharof fouryeatsrago, several other bands this year; general" admission, a first-tTHE ..CSN&Y tour, was put month at Neil Young's . It-seemed to be a mutual"Crosby, .Stills," Nash and come,', fi«t-served seating. together by Eleetra/Asylum southern California ranch, '» a||^V-.:^*l f-f A? love affair with the audience tjtfmpg a re back on a concerl' jsituation. -Th^ second concert executive David" G'effen and" and ithasbeenirientioned that as members.flf:GSN&Yplayed By MARK PEEL did. He sank tothe lowestdepths beforehe ^ ^XouF once again. They ar^e is to be in Dallas .at Texas Bill Graham,, who promoted an album of new material for four houfs, and Yio ^e' * xcxan"Staff Writer" finally got bff "the pills" m 1967, coming back after a four-year.' Stadium. The prices will be the successful Bob Dylan tour might appear soon. the audience left early. " ") '*Sfoar -Just finished reading Christopher June Carter had a lot to do with it, absence " , -same for tickets there. . , »Mg SP^ifll PS^?SV v* iin^tvrk-Js*-* **r ^»~r~ 4^j**~~ §Pt * t 1 V&5A s^i y WW, V rf- W*? 3W er ' '•£ M & ftr s, v !»s m &8&iW Wren's book, "Winners Got Scars:'Too, flushing his pills down the toilet BVerytime-The Life of Johnny Cash." Although Wren she found therrt. However, Wren seems to wrote. lhe_t»ok in 1971, Country Music |want to whitewash Cash's drug period, by Magazine: has• jusf^broughtit"out'iri'^saying that several" musicians 'do-it and pap^back. ... citing the, number of amphetamines and , Although! must.admit it was only a fewspjtranquilizer,consumed by the American ydars-ago that I couldn't e.ven stomach^fea{ public at that time. country music, I always have'liked Cash's^®* . The bo^k tends to gettedious and boring music. Wren's book takes the.reader frqrn-:".S fpr the last few chapters, after Cash has Cash's IWrth in Kingsland,-Ark.,'in 1932; gotten strajght. But fdr Cash fans it is a thro^gh^is childhoddr-his first marriagej%i« must, and for countrv\music lovers, it is"1 "his orqeai with drugs and up tin ough his— enjoyable teadirigr recording of "What Is Truth." -—^ 4. : • _• ^ ~ 7 THE BOOK is/detailed, but it gives the? ~ • Two jof-Austin's more famous singingreader a good Insight into how Cash; v Nelsons, Tracy and Willie, have releaseda. became the manhe is today. However, the_ new iingle on;Atlantic, "After the Fire Is number of typographicM mistakes makes-; % Gone" with "Whiskey River" as the flip It confusing in places. -, side. Some of the most interesting reading'in ... "After the Fire Is Gone" is really a the book details how Cash first'got"' r great, song, with , each singer's voice • ^together with.Luter Perkjns and Marshall j'qornplementing the other's..It's getting_.Grant; the original TenneisSe Two, aii(l£ r:qultfalot of air play arolind town,-also.It their exploits'on the road. Grant was . "bomb freak," making several homemade-bombs.that the'group would set-off after ase­date on some-lonesome highway. The three of, them; even after Gordon '"'' .Terry and Carl Perkins later joined, left a trail of destruction and general craziness • behind in the motels wherever they-went'. • Nobody in the band.was immune from thfe other's tricks, not even the staid June . Carter, after she and Mother Maybelle Carter joined the Johnny Cash'show. •' " HOW' SOMEONE could be oh aniphetamines to get up and tranquilizers • tb get down for so long and to, sudi'an extent and live, is beyond me -= but Cash definitely has the potential—to be a nationwide hit. V' lisv»Y' Asleep at the Wheel , has a new album : which will be released by their new label,­ Epic, in afew,weeks. I'veonly heard afew of the tracks from-: lead , guitarist Ray ; Benson's advance copy, but from wliat I've hjsard, I thinlrthis one will -really boost AATW to the top where they belong^' '•'Choo Choo Boogie" will probably be the single from the album. Ray sings on that.one and."You and Me Instead." Chris. O'Connell-sings lead vocal. on "Last. Letter,'! and their yersion with hersinging i^ one,-of the best:l've ever heard. FEATURES 7:00-iB:45 Pv)* f tsthi1 HVl'--VyJ otK1 -'J"N r,.? m l.\Mi -N\\*. Vi ;;*• DIVINE Vtvt*n Mint Sfuic wvi D*v^ CWctTii t-y ioi>"W^cn m coic* f^ RTU MIDNITE SHOW FRI.-SAT. ONLY $1.00 Flash portion *<| -s»". MARSATTACKSTHEWORL& Buster Crobbe ivtt Held Over 10th Weekt m NEVER GIVE A;SAGA AH EVSN: BREAK! "BLAZNGS^BLSr*SmvUEiVON LUTIF'GENE WIDER SUM'PMS l to sa^jfi.BROOKS. WKOMNI rtMNtWHH \ ^O-^sSso 1 »H-1E ,J130 HI 6 p.m; 6il5-8i00.9-.45 MANN THEATRES 454-27H he greatest love(bug) story ever told! Drains' . TECHNICOLORS "keeNAN' "UNCLASSIFIED' CLASSIFIEDS THE TOUR/7 whi^h will' gross $10 million for the band, opened July 9 in Seattle, Wash., and the band-will..play.,. 30 dates by the time they wind . Up in September. On this tour CSN&Y will make, twostops in -Texas. The first will beSunday in Houston Both concerts ,are scheduled ... *° mc'u^® Beach Boys and y-, Jesse Collin Young for FRIDAY-, Weekend .film. "The .Posejdon If 1his concert TJTanythings -—Adventure,'.'.:starringGeneHackmati and: like the Allman Brothers;;: %Bliey Winters.', The film < focuses on concert at Texas Stadium last terror and' courage in the story of the sinking of an ocean liner: At 8 and 10:05 p m. • ' • • • ,: ' •month, be'prepared for a bit- of a squeeze if you want to sitl up clese. That Allman ,-SATIJRDAYj Bike ride toBuda. Bring water ' Shaw Comedy Slated -George Ber-nard-Shawns—-middBOQs inJ3ulga_nai -i— classic comedy "Arms and With most emerging^ . the Man" will be presented. at;• societies, says John Kegley,vg 8 p.m. Saturdayand Sunday in chamber theater member/ the Texas .Union Main: r".there are inherent foibles ,V, -Ballroom. . • ; ' which;. they acquirei Shaw|i. gs® •; The play will be the first ':produciiop' of::the Chamber -Theater", a new_l'ocal acting group.. Directing the play is John Lutterbie, who formerly worked with'the First Repertory Company in" San Antonio. Other members of 'the cast' include-Susan Burford, Robert Schenkkan, Richard Ross, feruce­ ' Williams, Stephanie Boss and , Beth Kline. • , •yi Shaw's play is set in the LIBRARY HNES Notices from the University Library or any °of its brahches are officialUniver­sity communications requir­ing immediate attentions"1 GULF STATES -DRIVE-IN Riverside iTwifi H«y.183«Cmmtwi *8364S8 Call Ibitln Wf tW«r{«^$ 4U.SW 1136 L R)v«ii4* tt: "• "fit HELD OVER Check individual ods.for feafure Nmes vmiAHOFp«A 'THE NINE UVESof FRITZ THE CAT" oSTEVE tsRANTZ ptoducbon • poduccd bySIEVE KRANIZ RESTRICTED^ dtfeded-by RObERI TAYLOR ' R j: imc>Tn,-f ,t«-« DOWVM | WiJhOiJ? You » MoO"L'tVi»Ti , Aj V ionl Doo' %nry33Uss(m-|^ngoStanr > THE SONOP DRACU1A W ^ BOX OFFICE OPEN 8H)0 SllOWTOWN USA NWKIS34 SHOW STARTS AT DUSK McQ-he's a busted cop, his gunis unlicensed,, and his storyisincredible!, JOHNWiOM .From Warntr Brot caA WitmkCommunicationt.Company PLUS CO'FSATUM mm R °the Undefeated --. ^is*iw^wT-eoio» bt oaufi "THE FOUR m ilBUAHIUS Thentres BV THEATRE JUST OFF EASrmVERSlOFDRIVE 444-3222 SHOWCASE" r : --. . $1.50 til 6 p.m. Features l;00"-2:50-4:35-6:25-8:10-Tl0:00; A PICTURE ENJOYED SO MUCHI MUST ' 1 BE SEEN po-> > >-AGAIN.. 9 t •11^11 -P o>", •\ i.-;v 3SEt^ R 1 from tht.people who ga»e you ,'s takes place in New York City for the story^?SI 1 of a hustletxeadyi WMI himself arid jus^g | about anybody' else, .untiT' he' forms" I friendship,with a man equallydefenselesslf| against thebrutalities of the big city.At 7'3J and 9' p:m' ih'the Uiion Theater. $1 OTl® I students, faculty, staff f $1.50 members. •**4® I OPEN 1:45 $1.50til6p.m. natures (Moii.-Soti) 2-4-6-4-10 I tan toWMtSM -4G-2U3 From tha outhsr ef » author el "AROUND JH^WORID IN B0 DATS" NOW" ' JULES VERNES^" MOSTFANTASTl ADVENTURE' fTVrERiQurl/LnnD1 pF CaptainDemo s>. Starring Omar Sharif ? NOW SHOWING FEATURES OPEN 1:45, 2-4-6-S-10 !4 GutdiluM St—477-1964 , {• v Tut. "it was 1948 and all the boys at school knew BillieSf but -Buster loved her and no one understood. BUSTERand BILLIE Eidsshrt' Rrat 4tK Amtin Sfaowinat OKN 2i00 Week! fw:JU(««.7d0.MS R«dot«4 PHtwTii SilS' (HIGHEST RATING) •CHINATOWN' 1S"AN ALTOGETHERUNEXPEGTED" TRIUMPH! A RICH; INVENTIVE MURDER MYSTERY:-; OFDEEPENING COMPLEXITY AND TANTAtlZING'-f TWISTS. JACK NICHOLSON IS S0 GOOD THAT THEY HAD BEnER BEGIN IMMEDIATELY TO POLISH _UP AN QSCkK'-KathlmCairoll/NYfeilyNewsy^ Sv ^THEMOSTHIGHLY ACCLAIMED FILM OF1974! "'CHINATOWN'IS AN EXOTIC AND . CUNNING ENTERTAINMENT!" -Jay Cocks, Time Magazine •4S6t *sokst Ewfts noouctiCMw 4muni SqsjmSiS ftii WHOtsraf -f*Yt KsunKWCHStttw* v­ : foarTtt WKKK! lows•modotw MS£«l fV«iS.0SfCWE< KNUiJOMSia' C0 S1SBR1W JOKX wiEduW; ftrai torn.BUSI nnwoffi jdwi•fwioooai Ksext:#mouHjaiitd^ issoout nmcf« co fBCcwi'niacscaiio .iicn««csr. musae-• VMUKWI «Kf«ir.w A-; -TR HyiW *» »M6w»» •GS*"J*. . OPfti HURRYj :M§ FIRST FEATURE J1.S0 «l " • AT 9M 4^893} Showrtim* ACADEMY AWARDS PBEST PICIllRE HELD OVER! L newman/re&ford ^ ROBERT SHAW " %$*"TCEORGE (JOVHlll IfAYES -BERRY;POWERS MclNTIRE WYNN «P& ; lynder l<2 yn^ot odmlH m •.wo ' ,2rMV^/S.A^?I PNfY * ' ApCHARO&ZANUGlCWMP MOmPRESMlMONM •••ft iKfejatjag'S Held tiver 2nd W«ek-"'"" " HELD OVER DAVIDaWARO -G^Gfi^'^IY.Hia7-- Feahires »j0-2t20-4!l0.i:00:7:50-9:3p onaiAJUA PHIUJPS TtcwCCxCiR#-^ ­.UNWW PpmmtTON v&ricQom*wtwtf ,¥,ss 5 . -• 'vs ~ Mr IW-vn im;\ |iSSSSr "Pete & Tillie" !"~ ^ * u «-«• , VJ« %> f 'it . Jtf "T*V^f lt "J Juljr 26} 1974 THE DAIL^iEXAN"Page.l3d • v ~~ -^ t \_,4 1 ' , <• ' V-,J, r , Mm .« . -s^j&&.t*,r?y,fr-v*zpt*srj%!>/ ^ ^ r w L xa** WjSfijV} ^ 5«-r'., fi |<' 311 ' «5<5 J|p; •-J .• *CLASSIFIED'AOVERTISING :• FOR SALE FURN. APARTS. 9 FURN. APARTS. •FURN. APARTS. 1FURN. APARTS ROOMMATES TYPING RATES-^ IS y*ord,mimmvm { ^ iz* "Each weed on* hmt«ity4tf*."<.t$-. .10 HOUSEMATE .(VANTEO* two Mhrfh & ,'LARGE CARPETED ETficlericy.'2700 Share in<.f nf' 77tH "Each wcrd 7'* tirnes ,: $ 09'. Homes -'For Sale Fatj Rates • block bedroom largebouse. 503 Texas Couples » J VST iNOrin Oi f' J U <* Swisher, LaW: School. ABP. /Each word 5-9 flmes^ •..<...v._.s 07 considered. Calling fanit fireplace 472» . Each.wordip or more.f«nei :i.$ :&6! BY • oWNEfc: n» Salado,; solid,'; 3 r:;; All BillsPaid-'^' Now Leasing for Sept. . Sl25/rnonfh. 47M550. 0986. ~ Guadalupe.': - . ^Student rate each |jtne::..-.;r.i>$-.?5^ bedroom,, fireplace;, fenced; garage-: workshop-. Excellent condition. ~ " Eff. S105 8c up" NE/fR HANCOCK CENTER. 2 bedroom Classified Display ' .•;-.-• • Appointment;474-5617. . 1 BR -S145uB v HABITAT town house. tl60. CA/CH. 4708 Depew * REMALE ROOMMATE needed, Own If 1 f-fit f-IS2.96 • 1, 2 BR-Sl52.50 & un (block east of' * Red" * River}.• 451-4:" room.-2*2 aupiex; s90 ptus1^ bills: very -A-4^53 I.COL xl-tftCh 2'9 t»met.S2.66 near campus.;471<>4324,476-1182. 1cot. x Lttchfen.otrndre times$2.37 \~Jr Roornmates furnished irj' a« . EXCELLENT INVESTMENT. Plush 2- —? RR -$t80.n * HUNTFRS l=*\ Ci I, CAfCH, carpeted..Huge trees. $1500 r. TOWH HOUSE Off .nlVQrtlde*L M.er.A dowrv undeT$l56/moftth. Owner/agent. j 6 blocks fo campus NEED AN APARTMENT Subiease/IIve'Aug. only.Will pay ^ent _ENF:feX"t> ANU-Wfc^f­ ~"7BF7?99— p AC Paifl (S90> ABP. 471•5454, 447-6109. $65/mbnth; Large 2 bedroom, nicely­ -^,6'3467 FOR FALL? V4Uii teon^— • furnished. Jeff, 451^7421 days; • ;.The Complete Professional • '• DSADUNC SCHCOUU FORMER OmvERSirv-Prafessori.4 Tangtewood North ~'"&WE"tjr7TCAt:a FOR .f5\LL-very near ut* SI29.50, one fc;-P-ytLrnME-Iy-piag_»_^Iv^tday Tom Monday...... ^1:00 O.m. bedrfconx 2 bath, library-sound proof. SI30 up ,1020 E 43th • HabMat Kunferi ls FREE apartment bedroom . aptrjrnehk bir condltloned, FEMALE-HOUSEMATE.-*50 -deposit; ' Vftdnctdey T*aoi\ 7v*td6y . 11>0Q em-Near .-'campus. $35,000. 15,000 down. 'locator -service, :located in' the lower shag carpet, paneling, and pool. Water $60 rent plus half, bills.: Prefer mature. Service " Owner carry balance, reasonable 'ff-1 BR Furn. 452-0060 • level of OobieMall. We specializein stu-, and gavpaid. 472-4408,478-s}885,337-1355, pers<^;'Cardlyn; 472-1657, 476-4819. -*. jTKindajr Tinn W«dn«tday. 1trQO am. interest. No-agent}:.p.o: Bok:D*L „ •1 •'" Shuttle Byv Cornet' " . '• dent complexes. -.; 454-31^4., • RESUMES Cheek Our symmer Rates MALE ROOMMATE needed Share 2 •friciar f««an Thimdoy.: -, 11:00 am. MOBILE HOMEinUT Trailer Park,No. -Tanglewood t:, • — --• • • ••» ••••'• • HABITAT HUNTERS MUST. SUBLEASE apartment by Aog; bed/oom_2 bath apt with 2-3 others. ivwithprwithQufpictures. 38 -Ctrearpbutf clean Comesee.aH Vr Lower Level DobieMall, Suite 1st, 47^-375?. Aoytime.Mpnday -Friday Shuttle^ 447-6158.* .'. Tv . 2 Dfly ^crvico^ extras..477^866: ,rr~ Annex 8A , >rrikJ atler 5,N00:R.rn., inytime,weekCflds. >i»-13)5 NQRWALK, LANE * • Warwick Fall Rates jStJi . FEMALE SHARE large 2 W.LC. one 472-3210 and 472-7677­.•-lift,»h» ivmI; lng and NEED TWO .ROOMMATES to share 3 edpntm*nti tbmAd modf mfIat*< tRAILE? ROMe in;Nbrlh Bluff. swr& -NOW LEASING FOR SEPT! Town Lake.-From $17.9.50/ABP. 41--i bedroom' house. Bedroom shag, sunken Easy; living6 blocks campus than.30 4ayi elt«r p4>bltea<*ofi.' « Estate*, off lH-35. Fifteen minutes, from -MOVE TODAY Waller Sfreet. 4744493,. 472^142. Barry den .and kitchen in Spanish tile. UJ. 1330CL 444-1734 , ,~474-1712 2919 West Ave. Enioy tennis court, swimming pool,.gas-•v! GUHngwater Co. • •• j\ '• . Fireplace, fenced yard with -fountain. CHR1STENSON & $125 plus E grills^ -lovely courtyard.:Four -color 454-8173. 140? GJencrest T?"i52' RICHARDSON Mobile Home. 'Colorful ShagCarpet -srhemev: sea bluet sexy leopard, orange ? BEDROOM,-2. bath,^Ijjoojsquare feet;v--?* ASSOCIATES' • Central heat, AC; University Trailer- and.i>hve, yeifow with black patent swimming pooL North Austin. 459*7614,; ;ROOMMATE WANTED. OWn rodm, • Central Air iONLY THE BEST -—~bcSet student rates Park, Lot-No. 65, Available Sept. I.'477*' • Ulihties:paid.72 BDRM -2 Bath. Shag • ileather-One or twobedrooms. £tsoleas-451-1959, 459-849? park near^$45plus biffs.Mike; 459^937. A TYPING SERV/CE IS word m«nTmumeaCh dayrT-tijS' J870. after 6 yd weekends. • Poot iftg for fall. .• Each additionalwordeach d5y$ .0$ • Shuttle Bus 3 Blks ' ^^and Capitol «70 $280. ,. — !20ff'Wesr40m Bpt 135 i ^» FEMALE TO'SHARE nice V bedroom .Specializing in w,.i...carpet, paneled, walking distance t6 UT ' ' ? coiv * t-mch each advance fnTSP-Huge fenced yard.Good combinationfor n6TTtdenctesrtBfbfrbailhi.^ltchen for2 orX T-Term papers and reports APTS. •;«courtyard and plenty, of parking: 1802'--FEMALE* NEEDED . to share artment, $60 a.month.plus utilities. Bidg. 3.200 (25fh &• WMtlsKfrtm 8 • small family. N4ce. trees. A modest • 4400 AVE. A 459-0058 • West Ave.. Suite t00. * • • • persons. 1165 for. 2 persons, JI*g tr-­ a.m. to;4;30.p.;t1v.-fttondey'lhrough -home, but so s ihe pr»ce (S23,950}. Just 1 476-5556 ARENA persons, plus elec. Parking, maid.-' Jepo^f. Campui aftffr477-a<»2.-• : — -prompJ—PttyfesstonaL 'KrldJiyr*\v listed.-so hurry. ' > 451-3235 HOUSEMATE NEEDED.Ownroom, 2-1 472-"i*» n J: '• •. •454-2054 ^ NOW LEASING FOR SEPT. .APARTMENTS Service I duplex near Ziiker; $77,50; v» elec.'Mlke^:. Lee PhiLUps^ .Realtor. WILLOW 1414 Arena Drive evenlngs, 442-6979. 453-8101 . •1 &2Bedroom^From$160 • $145' 'c -Pick-up Service Available i i-4-BedFooroEuenlshed^ Furn. -All Bills -Bus-T>-STUDENTS LIVE^ GREEK Walk to Class NEAR CAM'PUS-1,'' ROOMS Garage Sale -For Sale > NLOWLEASING FOR SEPT. -—Mgr.-442-4124 Auto -For Sqle ^-1907 San Gabriel S LONGHAVBN r BIG GARAGE SALE.Saturday, Sunday.. lbedroom, air cdnditionetfi Efficiencies . -TEXAN DO.RM.19P5 Nueces, Doubles ­ • V, •. IBDRIW, 2BDRM . POR 'SAUB:-11973'. Pontiac GrandvUfe, Lots of furniture,. household items. •. $130 plus'electricity: Parking, mal<^ ^*53,50/6 yki. session..Singles • $?5.0prt T.Y^INO -Reports; Resumes 477-5662 wks.^sesslon. Dally maid $arvlce,~ Whde at factory. Electric windows and -WALK TO CLASS campus, shuffle service. • • • central, air. Refrigeratory hbt plates I) All University and. .seat, power door locks* AM/PM stereo • GARAGE-SALE,•moving out,'must. seJl«-< '.I AllL BILLS PAID^i'-^ -OLD MAIN APARTMENTS' 1 allowed. Two blocks front campus. Co--business work •Convertible painted specialOrange and . clothes, toys.^^509 East 40th. SHUTTLEBUSCORNER SI75 S220 , Y' service, nicely furnished, 4^ blocks td: ' " ' r%~" . Theses. Letters . 453-3235 tape. Rally wheels, iteei betv radial everything. 1005 East 53rd. 459-5949.: • . • . Dishwashers -2 Large Pools^^ Ed.'ResWe^t Managers.477-1760,: • :; Last Minute Service ' NOW LEASING FOR-SEPT. -New one bedroom anq efficiency dpfs. • • _ -••••• *..'•• to*ee, . .Jtfes. Only,W.QOO rnfies. owner o$55. 3310 River*,.'47fc ': stafk, 453­"69 VOLKSWAGEN; oneowner. Good Ney Museum.,--. -t ' . ' • • , . $145. ** ?rbedroor^ townhou^e $170.: -Newiy. rnnwigy--iSgttare Efficiency,. 1, 2, and 3 decorated, shbffie bus.-* • ./ ;.•• .HOLLEY'S 1 TYPING -SERVICE-' A' ­" If200 or,best offer. 83^-7765. X;;'"^• -L-BlR-EuuII. 441*7577 ..complete service from typing through 1 alI accessories. S125.-Tom. 477-9926 Tanglewood West... Summer•ftarersraiTTKisy—•—MdnoonouJMrtments^ -GA5A-ROGA' UNF. DUPLEXES . . binding; Available .until 10 p m. -^570 FtAT 124 Sport Coupe;. Escettehr .-between 8:30 and $.30. ~. -i V BR/ 1 Bj^ .2 BR, 2 BA -.3 BR, 3 BA Offer the solution, to. -T-:Experienced alM^eWtf-NearCampui^-^ xonditlon.-28 mpg. Must sell, $199S."'474--• APA-RTAAENTS" 1401 Mohle Driven 47^-3atB^ •4528 anytime. 5. STONEAGE -LAPf-DARY .and 472-9614 476-0948 your housing,' • 1302ParkafXane --DUPLEX SOUTH, > contemporary, < 3-2, o v T~-4 'JEWELRYCRAFT--Unusual ftlfts and . 1403 Norwalk Lane . ; LARGE POOL -ALL BfLLS PAID • .s-CA/CH, carpeted,.sundeck/ -wooded lot. FRANCES.WOOD5 typing service; • The location 'TOYOTA CpRONA Deluxe, '67, engine supplies: Good selection, of.,,semi-; Shut tie.Bus.Corner. South Shore's central 441-22)1, Available Agg. ):• • Experienced,' -Law, -Theverf, -* mS;; "^n %erf good~condUron,..25 mpgrriS00«r-^. precious stones and mountings. Rough -1 ^MOVE IN TODAY -prov.Ldes easy access to U.T, SERVICES Dissertation^ Mahuscript^.'4534090 • NOW "LEASING FOR SEPT. * Come by andsee our new efffcfencyand 1 bedroom apartments on tfte.banks.ot.: ^est titer ^41-5509 .rock, tumblers, books. Open 9:30>"5?3p:;" • -SUBLET ?Vs monthunfurnished duplex: 5915 BurnptRoad'TnlKdrthwest Shopping : Best Rate on-the Lafce. . -j.?-.!, $hag..ca.rpetr dishwasher, disposal/ MABY.lLr SMALLWOOO ^yptng Last $195 -Tjowh Lake. Complete with shao' s^^¥;.^£»o^M?ntco{wfetlon. H09S. 476^5916alter: 2 BR FURN, 2400 Town Lake Circle -::u^large ^walk*ln closetsr-water pald, papers Iheses. dissertations; letter*.'•*••­ 'TON Chevroletvplck-up.^: Center. 459^531 i Shuttle Bus Frortt Door r- v grange, washer, dryer connections; 2 tntnute,-overnight available. Ter/n .'.eerpefing, -accent ^wail, modern* fur-' jSLE^pING BAG. --goose«dowhi -super 442 8340 vtiiture. plus anindividual deck overtook-- MasterCharge. BankAmerlcard, 89J-* "" ALL BILLS PAID ing the water, ' « • \ w"9547­ |^.s-;-.^70 Vw. .runs good, new starter# radial. $75 477-7449 • • v -m r-r-\\1 k WW :v • v-v^v«;.tSUBLEASE .Two bedrodm duplair. ;w -;; r -y -> < -: •Sri fc-ivf. J^res;needs.clutch adJustmer>T. $875.447--• 1 |,r?{ ^ V,., .warm, excellent condition, clean, -urea,' BOOKBINDING 0727 or 442-8545. ^.Antilles Apts. E FORSEPTi^iVJ''-' From $145 -^aU bills'pofd i btKVICE var'.**'MOIWIIIKWI. MINNIE t. HAMMeTT.Typinflr& jfe SMALLREFRtG $33, GoW?*12rutfJift.AJ^/1=5 2204 EnflelrfRd PM5 44WTO" K"p 4vu . £J971 TOYOTA -COROLLA 1600 wagon,* • Gold Hopr-Jength drapes $10. 452-7843.-•<***?> • 472-1923 300 East-Riverside Drive gg ThesisDissertation-' ,•disscr.Mionv p»B«r»:.of »ll lilndty-^ SHUTTLE BU»FRONT DOOR-444-3337 C?}u.1>."'-*ree fwwshmenh.• «J-7W8, " j$1300 or best offer 477-7^« f MID-TOWN COAAMERCIAL^ versotilet"^ -Reports _+<2 J4l6 .' _ •JwildThgr 2400 sqtiare/eet,Adjacenf 37th-,2 NOW LEASING FOR SEPT 1 "1967 FORD VAN, 6 Cylinder, standard. •andGuadalupe.Shop»warehouse-r " s 22 Years Experience".:;'® UNF. APARTS. BOBBVi'oELAPIEl.O IBM SelKMIc, 1 BR Furn -­ • $d25, $40, $135 ^$950 471-1253 Consolidated Realty,JackJennings. 474-1 Bedroom Handcase-Konydon-dliterlstlons. thesei.rtborfs, ;689^. (1 MARKIVAPTSWi.^ W„ERN656 TOl(tiedgr«phln9t«S-71M . •. ' JTJns good,.Interior and exterior redone.. cafe. Lease sate ,0^0"#^ -$J52.50 pia/eUte, 2J yeits efperlince, Sooki, >9 MUSTANG V-«. poWep-steering. EL CID '8. •WM'A Marbleboard 3100 Speedway j>ower dlsc brakes; air conditionings MATTRfesS, CARPE-T;•Former': double ;i..;i5SS9EJV-; D.Q.RADO-~-APTS.-Bindings i,,'FACULTY ONLY%f& v.ro.n.a,SCHNEIDER OivJrtmed' -automatic transmission. $1295 ffrm;83&<:-.-firm backboard:-.Latter:: *pft.green, • 477-1685 iLpts pt trees^ pool, -AC, beam ce)^illn^s '1906 Pearl 1'J>-r Servlcot. Graduate and undergraduato A >590 • ' ' room size/ 5006 West Perk. 452-2976. ' ' t-2W ' 453-"4883 ; 472-4893 elec-i'^Day or Night 2 Bctlrooms, 2 dalhroomj. ABP CabJe, ttolna, printing, binding,: lttf KmhIo­ : SHUTTLE BUSCORNERfe^'-'^'dnd panel'^0, V Bedroom $100 plus . , SHUTTLE BUSCORNER Lane 459-7305. Inundr'y: pool, (roit-lrcp frig.. garage m. >7 FORD GALAXIE 500 Good, clean MINOLTA AUTOCHQRD^J'AxJ'/i. '' CHECK OUR SUMMER RATES ^ - v --' 1. r\J tricltv parking, elevator. Involvcrpent with,gt-.tS-; car, ACradio, new#1rev. CallPam. $500, perfect, $70. Lelca-type 35mm, perfetv.'^yr^--•— £ J007 West 26th . 459-0007 "A large student-co-op optional-. EXPERfENCEO SECRETARY. ^ f47W0?9 $70. Sanyo portable 13" B8,W TV," new,'- 452-7747 452-5846 Ren! is negotiable^ • ^ letters*." envelopes, proof • -* * , *^9, WrtCKa*,,M--22 match, grade air ' NOW LEASING FOR SEPT- Tall reading, gramrpatlcal cocr.ectlons. . !&&M8LER 1966. Air contiWonin?, % r^)e. perrec030r774-473|--* : . . . Rapld> accurate 50 cenis/pag»7"automafic. very nice, $400 or best offer/ -­ . "1BR-$155 mo -Gretch<»n.452-3469, 451-3332 f\4C3 Nprwalk, No. 105. V*h*K'^' 1943-74 PLAYBOY, Penthouse, men's/boys clothing, sizes36 HusKy, IS' ^•'^TO^nOUSE^ FOR RENT.-Two TVPINCPPRllMTINfrB^OTNG­ ^1968 WILLISJEEP. 17mpg.VlnyL metal -women's sizes;,5-9 wigs.Miscellaneous... ^ 2 B'R -Si84 '^-v1 1 Bedroom -if'. E VW REPAIR ^ **drporn*,.or^ bath, ^replace; 'fenced Dissertations, 'PrSfesslonal Reports, •. *tpps.-mags'; GW tire*,2 wheel drive.451-452»7923 • ,aa? . BLOCKS WEST OF ^bacK yard. E. 51Sf. NO. 4. 9M4tM.. Quality work ert reasonable prices.^Wft '«» reports;; SeH-correctlng:IBM. CAMPUS Barbara Tullcj 453-5124 can giveyovVtter serWce.fromour hew si • ENGAGEMENT R1NG, Center diamond MARK XX .2 BEDROOM. 2BATH, 1200 square te«t, j4$2'5093 I^L/VNMivlV.V'S^^JNew-large efficiencies, living, room, shopat 1003 Sa&e Brush.-FreedlaanoMs; s«-|sS v'.« ^3FORO,FAlRLANE.Clean;low -surrounded,by smaller ones, v« Karat, ; \TLA" ' v'A ,s« o«$et bcdroonWkitchen cable; water, compression ;checks and -ciflnfates AjyST'N -SeCRHTARtAC SERVICE ' furnished.34mmer >. $121^00 Tune-up on: itahdai'd • Vw-v jfo. : 1807 Treadwall Stre 4l'"-'°VerSea5 En9'ne *SUPPlj^f" orch"ec,uri"­ ~ i• _JCTl^MC.jJon-vaft v-8. automatK^radio, • ^ndheater, Desperate.* Must sefL 837* -niS* sm • -sr-•: 1 • -G.RE£N:iOFA BEOand CltaiC, UP.fi/w ->CA| I ( CACEC • 708 W. 34tH • BEAUTIFUtPERSONALTYPIMG.^ir~ Conioie TV.>20i4S-i26^ or come,by 1911 • | ' -yr-*— •^zf^nnr­ ~ 454-6294 TTWTJntveatt • UI3JJ3jI3J22 'IvuijM, roir, accurate,; •^1973 PLYMOUTH SEBRING fflus, has-Barbara: everything. FM Stereo tape, nice. Red; S&lu " Mr j: f '•[v..;iT TOfTV $128 : GINNY'S'-; reasonabF~ Bodour: ®' : ^urtiHe-C^H Danny, 472-76W.' \ / ELECTROPHOMIC-AM/FWLU .1 BRj^ujiory-. DISTANCE UTy ,/^i NEW" 'Y TOWNHOUSE • LUXURY,at ipartment' TALKING > 104 E 32 • 476 5940 COPYING player/record,er,«$150; trf B&WTV, Prices. 2-1^, fireplace, shag, -all ::l%4 VWi*625, Must sellthis weekend; 73 $50? Dtcca -8tk.-player; $25; unused .4105 Speedway --451-283? bills paid, 'AC,.paneled/ •"'THE ATTIC" ' irivate;ptllai, cable -TVS' MIDNIGHT SPECIAL Typmg Service' EKpsriencot -alf Kln(ls_o( typing; Low: ^engine A.S. case,new interior/tires;452* camp stove $15; T.M.C-.-tenni$ racket, .. . Manager Apt. 103 carpeted,-pool, no pets. 1 'SERVICE^;(l fQglKtefi-S bills paid ,476-7791: Johrt j. >10/ 441-7903 .. ' INC . ••••if.itE-Peodleton; 442-0593 evenings. ­ . Walk.or .Shuttle -, 7033 US HWY.-290 EAST, - ?V.»WS»v«JjSe*£:8s : fo'lJT •• ' bedroom, SI90. 1 bedroom, Selecfrlc Pica/Elite.'037-2421.. Furnished efficiencies,.I.bedrooms,' 2a • S145-S150. 3011 Whifis, No. 105, FAR NORTH, one (jedroom, fenced EXPERT. TH'ESIif'a'nd dissertation ,QRANt>-NEW EFFlClENCieStJ , yard, CA/CH BHIS paid, S135,454-5943: '^"9 ^at£,' Convenient lo Jrop DQllar Paid For £\:|tuDENTS! Mall ^-9171 r, campus. Call Lois Byrd. 453-718?, c., 1700 Nueces ^ Nice Used C8rSi«>r, P DO "Service C6mpanv<(5444 Burnet- Free Parking ; -Close tp campus; Baauiltufly furnished.-V ,r3yst North" of 27th" 8, "i-xfo . -A5K FOR JACK POTTER K>«^~appHancM, .6; mQrtth guarantec. Free Ail with big.balc6n>es for your -planls. . ALL BILLS PAID 7am • 10 p.m M-F Road; 453-2788, has reasonable BILLMUNDAY $150 Summer plus-cleCtricM^i-and,-THE -"-926-6664 , 4776551 9am -5pm Sat MISCELLANEOUS •SCj-V Guadalupe '-|j deposit • 'im .>^-*4 nAkiTi *•*+•••' •' . ar *nd:of"Terni,::;5pacfahzi/Tg. in 201^- ?S2 l4.AL»v : refrigerators pnddeep.freezes. All $er»" Morjager-Apt BLACKSTONES ABORtlON ALTERNATIVE! Pregnanf • 478 9058 NELSON'S GIFTS Zonl Inrflanv' ^.•^«lO-N;,L3mar:^...-->:wsi:;;-s,wirf . 478-7225»-.vice calls $12.40; A|fQ,:we boyappliances" and d(stressed?'HelpIs a> near asyour -.••• S50.00/month HEFLIN • {*&• '.iewelry;1 African and Mexican Importir ' k _ working or»nof --• Apdrtment-llvfna _ block "trorrV* UiephdCie. Pro-Life Advo«ates. 510 West .'.'4612 •"South Congress. 444*3814. Closed. campus., individual, -applicants : npuSi> £F~, INTERNATIONAL 'i'Mt 26th, 472*4198 _ -.;Mondays _ - FvrnHheO 'tinQie. znti double-ream —WEW matcnod with compatible room­ available now and for fall, with or SWIMMING LESIONS; Experiahced/. mates LEARN TO,PLAYGuitar.; Bfglpner and -> fMotorcyctes -For Sale '•^EFFICIENCIES 2910-Red River . ; 476-543T*' without board. 20.mealsper week! OnIC • Certified Instructor; 'All abilities. advanced.^Drew Thomason. 478-7079. -YES,wedotype­shuttle route. Pool, parking. F?^rj? (Beglnner-v Senior . LifaK^ M^^pool or,. #72 YAMAHA 360 R/T 2 Enduro. Street CLOSE TO-trAMPUS A PARAGON PROPERTY $97/month; All Bills pa yours. Groups, private. 478*2 MENTAL Freshman themes. PATIENTS LIBERATION ^^Kgat.;.Excellent conditton, all extras, „ k „ ^2505 Longvlew • pfofect been "turned-off by therapy? ­ .^#200-mites-and-trailer. Leaving town. : FLEUR DE. LIS; 404 East 30th.Mature .^SHUTTLE BUS \ AARDVARK ADVENTURE School ahd : • Contact Share474-1470.­ •?39I4-8 Rio Grande or 477-0945, Jerry students. Lovely one bedrooms,walk to COMANCHE rz,**. 47-7'6371 Day-Care Center, lVj to10 yean. Open7 > ^Why nol start out with . Swimming pool,-beautifully furnished, /r ,/Kr0b iftawson c»mpu$. _stt!JW6. Summer-rotes.-477- a.m. • 6 p.m.Monday-Friday^82WSan 5282, >• -double dr tfud/o bed,' ail have d's-/ .Rayburm North Austin. 837t400l;. -:5v good grades! SSHf ..'2 HONDA SL100; 'Satar Shocks, 1200 E< •• hwasher, disposaU cemral atr and heat, ARTS. shag carpel, extra sffrage room: From f F.urnlshed ^l.'bMfogm *& -Eff.-Apts. ,Pr£ ^ THREE BLOCKS to'campus. Rooms, 2 piiai,excellent condition,dranse, adult- ' SEWINGOFALLKINDS,dressmaking-, SUMMER RATES-"4HOW1 Six block! $114 plus efec . blocks :front".LaW'. Sthool»--$110-• •and 3/bedroom' spacious-older 1 SKYDIVE! wfied; $4io. Fsrmi.474.wi7, from Law School;^Shuttle bus. One •1 >$l 35,'monthpluvelcclncityvGas,'Water; apart/nent building. $120 ABP to $240 mending,olterationt.ctc.474-3^21 after '472-3210 and 472-7677 -;r /bedroom $13(L Efficiency $no. AC. 305 West 35fh£&k-^ Cable furnnhed. CA/CH> pool-artd faun-plui bm*. I902> >904 Nueces. 476*3462/" v NORTON 850 -$1595 Honda's' 450 • • : v.. Mry~, . ^ Austin Parachute. 27W Hemphill Park . •sJ&mi .dishwasher, ^Ispoial/ "walk-In : ^-6.blockvfrom campus*::.: . 476-8683 $1095* 500 • $1195, CL 350 t $895, SC350 V iClpsets, \J2nd and interregional. 477-0010 . 795, CB 350a$895/ SL >75 -$49& CL175 • or GL3-2228 Manager Apt. 106-" >-2806 SwTiherr?^ ^ t-*530, CB U30 '*350, Fred,' 451-4364 & room apt., comfortably UNCLASSIFIED furnished-: LARGE |,S, ? Bedroom furnished and If No AnswetsCall-; Confrofied heat andJilr.Walk to classes. •; APT/MANAQER '2-7038 v.u^or ioformatlon'please call •unfjrnfshedcShag. wet bar,private club' 7U W 25th 477*5654 ^ '"apW»M -272-5711 anytime J-? 'iftjgf 454-5869 BeilyDancinginstruction 472-33^,, /rooms, ..on...shuttle. IJifidroom from - University area HIGHLAND MALL " Shadowivaliey Cove, Austin, Texas w > -, • • ?W.50'-.ABP<.--2 bedroom $169.50 ABP. --iM ^•Lf;or*ale,A3O0b0^0si50^77'U95 ' BroadmOOCi 454r3«85,-476-2633; AREA ON -.*- BarryGlillngwaterCompany. Stereo -For'Sale SHUTTLE • ,'Vi3*i»2 1-1 Electric repair & remodel, 44M3oT! .•/.Huge bedrooms furn. or unfurn«­ ^STeREO SYSTEMiSanjui receiver andi Excellent summer' rates oh KENRAY-. with.large walk-(n»; beautlfuTiandscap-111 • WANTED Juenet 25" lospeed bIKe 385-5102 ~ cfurntaWe. LvW.E/M> tpeckers. After.$' Spacious.one and twg^bedroom* 4^^ -tng From $!«nABP H00 Rejnll 452»^ tr\j 447*6563. 41?9475*0 APARTMENTS rat°s reasonable. Call . •; 32v2, 472-4162. Bar^Giljihgwater Com* -^jny AX SR-3 stereo headphones, $75.: 2122 Hancock Dr. u . * a^.0Mhair a^d aiflclencies,-Fail Rates.-24 Fiats \Polnfer puppies, 8 weeks; >D9fs; •fffi'S'"'*5 '?15 ,Po-lnjers;>R^trleyer5,:. 474^2153, Shuitfeuus corner! -i siWrn-' w^Camfitaioi.. . ... . lAUSTI SETTERS^ &favlyy cbarac'erA:: from5rom sbMlirtely.tMvfln«t Id, •campus. Largepool in.beautiful setting. "?Vour tfmefs.valuable^ f harrplon»h,p breeding. S!50/pup. Cali 472 ^23^-or come by 606 W i7ir* at jg.Sg Our service is tree fes » j'.-JtActoaes fMt, worming, raglstratlon, Rio Grande Ko°oms4 rsV^i^'iVase' Austiji.,. TCC Insurance Services would liketo talk to you. We are- l^|l|fW 47M1J9 — frry PA'RAGON '^•abwt;:iyo*il/: elevator;parage p<—'.v,' »cJEWCfES 195 plus etecfrlcfty, 478-783J , .software,systems .for the life insurance,industry. We offer ex-GE rttrig I55.304E Csep Eddy ,*»v»tla£i() eon July 14 19/4 deposits f*B / * " ., a—»—• m femalesi9o , eellent-compfinsa.tion «andr benefits In an environment of inumph 650cc tlOM^tSl-SSM \W-m* 1 5ANJWHT5 ARMS, !70*OTrrJWnil«i: ^ ' professional growthorowth n--2=sfer=. ' TWTHBiWa' 7bnnnni«r-*ii'«»»-li,P*r 472-4171 >. < 70-HflWjl 70 3000 • ft--,-r—^ NEW, ^ ;^rC"?i>PP,EVs^.rmi'x. A-n '0BS."SS|: • pzs&r&ff*11 mi p#ia. p"? tf,5w; 472-4175 £FFICIEfvlCiES iv 'weekends: • • r • CLOSE TO CAMPUS 'HEEO GOOD HOME tor to tteek old EFFtXUENi;i€$^fyll. i^JaniA**Wefmar»ner ouBov-$25. Call928-: h)lC^;4Ml^fasldKniiaKtH;lont)orii^&d. AVAiL'ABLE~NWimrTu-i? PTuii" " -SHUTTLE BUS jsrome^iswKifir "-* -: ^.beautifurt^ ya distance downjtnspr M V^fnear UT.orte^edroort), pool, . , . . i Also leasingfor rail 111 > West 10th, AP» can&tlnnfa ^f^^paflellrt«rr^VuT/l>F(.' 'sjr six MONTHS aJr '^^CDOBBRfMAKPupTblSIkandjrust? 1W 476-21 ' POdlVrttec das p^d 47? 44«r 478 388V * diMtwashcv •'0«5PO$oi.rcentral > ^champloftbloodline 924*719^ > • --" 3^7-1355, 454-3164 — • iit/iti i'ujj cA'pet extra storage -Itf AE5T T orrace i A/v-itjIle Home pjirk '|p?? r^> -u ­ mxiuwimum / .,SELL FLOWERSDyioko sSKoworking m: 4 pnacejul days a week Thuriday. •, J=.rlday »Hecnoons;Saturday, Sunday all Free Clinic NeedsVolunteers PM <;"* * A ^ "5 WANTED APARTMENT MANAGER: .-SrW-m„?Tli£0 S?ntl resumes to So* i $457 Austin,Texas -w ­ROOM,-BOARD for Jong session 1974-7S' •rf ' : Jn' ftxchanQe. for helping, disabled student. Anyone welcome to apply Call- r-^tti)alnly li*5p.m. tb 10 p.m;shift. Duties elude lhe.care# tralnlngand.treatment. mentally, retarded resident-V -: OOD SFffVlCF WORKERS•'Part ttmfr: mft mostly, ?1?8.50 per month J20 hour. • • week) -; VTaklng applications at thePersonnelOiv flee. TravisState School,1miles East ot Austin on:P.'M. H9 (Eait I9th)> 8. to .It.; a.m. or t to 4 p.m. Monday thru Friday.-. •An Equal Opportunity Employer-', . . ,:TO PLACE A TEXAN' Iffi ft & CtAS5IFIED CALL mm -47-1^5244 TUTORING NATIV^ SPANISH SPEAKER. Four years experience,as • T^A. Reasonable .ratev ®ny level. Call 477-1403. FURN. HOUSES > SHARE ReNT. Luxurious, -fountain, ; palms, medftatlon garden. .Washer, • 1 dryer, stereo; TV, etc:.s]25.>Bills paid. Call 451-5559. " . • R00IW & BOARD 8ELL50N PORM' for Men, 'excellent home cooKed ' maals. Air-conditioned, matd, swimming pool.i2610 RI6 Grande. ; Call 476-455?. 454-50S7. - Pharmacist, Financial Aid Sough# -By GARY UPASHEN pEHHKH4pti6r»s,-V~-Wei&s -460,000.grant"from HEW. The Texan Staff Writer explained. A qualified clinic was using dott&Mo'hs : , The. People's Community' pharmacist is needed at least from these patients to help Clinic at 408 W. 23rd St. is until-November. -support the general medicine looking for a pharmacist to ; TftE CITYlast year madea program,-which receives no' work two nights a week. The grant of $7,500 to the clinic.In. federal assistance., only problem with, the job is November the, grant,expires, Weiss. explained tb6 new • the salary. There is none. and clinic officials areseeKing > regulation has'meant a loss of. The clinic is looking for a. an additional $36,500 from the $10,000-lor the generalqualified pharmacist to issue city; for ^the^next .year's i medicine project. drugs to patients twice a operation.' .If the city fails to makeihe - .week, said Sophie Weis,p, Weiss said the;extra money $36,500 donation to the clinic,clinlc~~executive~~dlr5et?jrr~ is neededto paya pharmacist,--Weiss 'said. "W.e'll have tp. Weiss explained that, since. lab assistants and clerical1 close down the pharmacy and Jupe' 1 the clinic has.been workers. Extra money also is probably cut the' general-1 without a pharmacist and needed to support the general medicine clinic from .-' two without funds to hire one. • medical services of the clinic. nights* week to one." " "WE HAVE LOTS of drugs The,•j financial problems-of : About .h'alf' of. the /clinic but nobody to.dispense them;" the clinic began when the U.S. patients are general medicine Weiss:said. •' .•... Departmentr'-t)<~fle^thT—qlients, Weiss said. Prior:Uf Juiiti, Uie climc had Education and Welfare Issued • Furty»twtr-pat4en+s—ar­ a fulltime jnedical director a new guideline prohibiting • receivings prenatal care not doubling-asra-pharmacist;;In the use ol .money collected available to-them anywhereJune the director quit, and as from family plahriing-patients e l s e . ' a result of financial problems, for treatment of general WEISS ATTRIBUTED the new medical director medicine patients. many of the financial works only one night a week. FAMILY PLANNING difficulties to the cut' in "Theuie newwyv medicaluieaiudi directoruirecior services are funded from federal grants • ar£ doesn't have time to handle -' various sources".includinp a-•Free clinics alb over the ' ' • •» • -» - TONIGHT UNCLE WALT'S -^SM BAND ' I NO ADVANCED TICKETS { SUN: THE ELECTRO MAGNETS" "3*^= v. TONIGHT FROM DALLAS SUNDAY -KRACKERJACK (AiiBBER STIUAT OLD,PRICES) DOORS OPEN1: 'WKi UftN: 8 HAPPY HOUR: 8-9 /» eu> WIST- OtOWtST ATMOSPHHtt ; ATMQsram ^505 NECHES 1 Block W. of Red River • 472-0061 Thurs. -Sat. DENIM Sun. Carl Addengton No CoverBeer $1.50Pitcher Next Week; -Possum Deliaht NEW HOUSING POLICY!! ? DEXTER HOUSE 1103 W. 24th OCCUPANCY ONLY ? M| Sennji-Private Rooros as Low as ^6w Luxurious Private Rooms • 100 5per mo. ;l v > -v!. • Maid Service I Heated SwTrnming Pool •Refrigerators • iflTefJ'dm Laundry Facilities • Vending Machines,ft1 t-g-C ^ • Study Areas 0 • 24 Hr. Desk Service • TV in Lobby^' ^4 • Off-Street Parking • Close tp-Campus Special Package DetaU(Room at D.Xt.r-Stiard at Madiion) "VS'is® available as loyv as $145 l j ^ ^ '' 3mm Now accepting Fall *74 Contracts tor U.T. Men and Women ^ OFFICE 709 West 22nd~sm^*' S 478-98977^478-8974 dexter house Came See • Come Live cdiintry are'haVing problems. . This is part of. the Nixon policy of cutting down social welfare spending,'' 7 The"clinic"has-been-forced' to \put 9 of itfe 12. staff members on -a part-time basis. -. v. : Janet Burris, a clinic staff imember, -explained the clinic's problem: saving it is difficult to pay salaries, and often volunteer workers are. •independable. Burris said the clinic needs' volunteer lab workers and clerical" Workers, but they must-be trained. -Volunteers are asked to work at least six ^months-because of the Kcpense.involved in» training them. " , _ ' • Burns also said the clinic heeds g volunteer trained in electrical .engineering to. : install an ^ir conditioning , system. ­ ALTHOUGH GRANTS and federal aid-are:more difficult ,, to _come;by,^smalldonations_ have, increased at the clinic. • ' Weiss explained that a patient isgiven an estin&te of ' snghat-Hjnstirthg clinic fftf t1ip~ service he is'getting and"ijs asked: for a don^ttrn. Collections now average'about $120 a night,' a considerable increase from; the $15-a-night LatiII America Policy Group She' added, within the nexW: 1fe\Y;'months: • tjhe clinic 'Will|l| Will Discuss Puerto Rico . Jjegin charging fees on a'-V. ,. , '-v; ' sliding scale; although ao K The Latin America Policy possible environmental and patient will be turned -away Alternatives Gjoup. (LAPAG) economic impact of a for inability to pay '. will present a discussion on proposed superpprt j The •"Comniunity "Puerto Rico, at i7:30 in the ; Solidarity1>f mainland'-. Development Commission ;. Methodist-Student,Center.£_ ,Puerto Ricans with those still will make : its The presentation will begin on_ the island and "strategies recommendation to the pity with a description of the for independence will round Council concerning the clinic island's colonial history Also out the presentation. request sometime in August, -planned is-discussion of the brief talk on the current. r LCRA * Approves. ^ Pay Hike A 5 percent/pay increase for all employes was approved Thursday bv the Lower Colorado.River Authority Board. " The increase, effective Sept. '1. will be followed by another 5 percent pay hike-Jan. 1, LCRA" .General Manager Charles Herring said. "Compared to-other electric utilities, our salaries still;aren't where I'd like to see- them," Herring said. . -Herring also told 'the. board that LCRA action on a mottbn filed against it by the Lo- Vaca Gathering-Co. will be delayed until,the TEXAN ADVERTISERS: •THIIIfflli 914 N. LAMAR 477-3783 H JTexas, Railroad Commission holds a formal .' . hearing oii the matter. ' ' Lo-Vaca threatened |o curtail natural gas • . ^ shipments if:LCRA did not pay in fullall past bills. ^ ^ —. '-''TRC, mat 'determine they jdon't' hiavfe" jurisaiction lpDie ffiatfer,*™"^'—: '' : Meanwhile, LCRA is drawing up. an amendment to its declaratory action suit against Coastal States Gas Producing Co,, parent .company of Lo-Yaca, to' include • : . -damage claims^ Hiecourt date for thatsuit is Sept.-3. ­ SHAKEY'S 2915 Guadalupe­ . -Presents ' SILVER CITY SADDLE TRAMPS TONIGHT ONtY PLUM NELLY SATURDAY ONLY ' Serving yofir favorite Beer, Wine Coolers,Sangria, drid 21 varieties of fiiza 476-4394 2915 Guadalupe (otuafa ArmadilloWortd Hdqtrs. " presents . • PLUM NELLY rrlathe Beer"Garden 525)6 Barton Springs Rd. No Cover 477-0357 situation in Greece will be' included as a bonus, said Lisa Baird, LAPAG spokesperson. ANNOUNCtMINn TIXAS -UNION wiii-sponsor a'-.il«^e­ • * producttofl, "Arms and the. MAn." br George Bernard Shaw at 1p.m. : Saturday and Sunday fn the Union • Main ftafllroom. Admission Is for students, facultyand staff; S2for -„ tbe general public.. tEXAS UNION will spontor a happy hour > . for Students Older Thao Average (SOT.A) from;5 to 7 p^m. Friday at , fhe ClubC8ravan,yiUaCaprl MotQr Hotel.--'"-.'... ,-.... • • TexAS UNION Jfkjns^r a Him, ."the Poseidon Adventure," at8 a*d10:05 p.m. Friday and Safardly the Union Theater. Admission is si for -students;faculty,ar»d sta«; $1:50 for members..;' p.m. Frlday in JesterCenter A3J2by „ ,, representatives of the Reading.-and MKTmcs AUSTIN CHAPTtI OF NEW AMIIICAN ' MOViEMENT Witt meet at 7:30 p;m * ^riday at the Friends. Meeting . v -House, 3012 Washington Square, to . discuss the recenr New American -v*.Movement convention>in Lexington, •'.Ky. All interested persons are invited , ^ , t ' FRI. SAT. & SUN. 3 DAYS ONLY! f ^ * -1 , ^ i ^ i ^Special Attractiont m DANIEL-"t^ ^~Paramount-Recording-Artist — We will trade, you a mug of beer for'your old Fraternity or fororitYxomposites^paddhs^QLMsa'bhLdecoration!-':r THE BUCKET 23rd andPEARL Across from Hardin North-3 Hrs Free Darl c / i ADVERTISING « wi' - DOLLARS ti'/Sr* SsT. MM r m r" ­ point them toward tht ^ Y*­ THE _ ^ studentNewspapBT at Tha University of Texas at Austin be published ^ • ' I & FRIDAY. AUGUST 9. 1974 Your advertising dollars will be ^directed to some 10f000 NEW CALL ' ' ­ k-i-f- STUDENTS entering The University this •» ¥0Fall! It's'the BEST direction to reach an %. over-all potential of some $45,000,000 ^to be spent,this 774-'75 school year by iisomejr47;OOP students. facuWy and • 5 SECTIONS/ 70 OR MORE PAGES!|| 471-1865 S5? v r TODAY Iff­for-corn Jnteunntiftn or in rogfflrw yn..i­ advertising space! It's the. ONLY DIRECTION to go to .reach this -vast U.T. GET MORtFOR YOUR MONEY $ $ V MAILED TO QVER 10/000 NEW STUDENTS -HOME ADDRESSES! sto \t N Ftiday, July 26r 1974 THE DAILY TEXAN Page 15 ' ^ ssigiP? J& z p 3^ V CLASSIFIED.ADVERTISING; FURN. APARTS FURN. APARTS. ••.FURN. APARTS ROOMMATES TYPING • • . RATES. -V 15 word minimum ,» -Each word one tlm#i*.'.......'...$ .10 Fall Rates iLARGE CARPETED. Efficiency: 2700 H0USSMAT6 WANTED: . Share-/wo SfcChvtord 2-41«m«5..09 Homes -For Sale/ ;-SwisherA block Law School. ABP... bedroom targehouse, 503Texas. Couples. Just • North of 27tJn. nEach-ward"5-9QT Sift/month 478-6550 Coosldered. Celling fans, fireplace. 472»* Each word 10 or more ymfrV;.S'.06 BV OWNER..'2824Saledo, Solid, '3 All Bills Paid Now Leasing for Septe? 0986 iGuadalupe' '4' jfif bedroom,: fireplace, fericed, garage­ Sfi^eni rate «ach »ime.:.:LvAv/45 .-75 .ClassifiedDisplay; -w-orkshop. Excellent condirion. Eff; S105 & up r£ HABITAT. NEAR HANCOCK CENTER. 2 bedroom •I c.ofc •* * incfe-One . •Appointment, 474-5617. •. • 1 BR -S145up town house.-*160; CA/CH. -4708 Depew • ; FEMALE ROOMMATE needed.-Ov>n : • tya/jJlA UV ^isYUUL : fblock east erf Red River); 453*4253. -rodm. 2-2 duplex. $90 plus *4 bills. Very X*«i»x.l .ihch.^i«ni«&..,..,.,.U.6c. EXCELLfcNl/iWt-MMhNI. HlUltl £ 1, 2 BR, $152*50 & UD ORS $180up Li I I'MTIT D C ^,ock4asl01 neac campus.-471*4324, 476->l82:-' « ^ col.-* \lrtcbtep.or moreumesS2.37' —Roowmait;!. (tiimslieff" nuN I I. CA/CH,. carpeted. Huge Jre«.}1500 _____ .HOUSE .off Riverside. a*' Z. , MBA ( -. NEED AN AHAK IMbNT iublease^W* Aug. unly.-* A M r> ••Wfi-CT-*rvo>n^."Mutt|t»thtnOi-bi,nd»ng- down.-under s-154fmonth.: Owner/agent 6 blocks, tp campus ?~Wtti-pay.\a rent __P_MCtPI n ­ AC Paid-• • 880-22W ($90f ABP. 471*5454, 447* ' -S65/monfh Large :-2 bedroom, mceiy — '4)09. . -476-34&X 3408-itOOtl FOR FALL? furntst>ed. Jetf, 451-7421: days; ; -• The-6emptefe-Bcofe»siQaaLl5ZZZZ OCAOUNt SCKEOUIC FORMER UNIVERSITY Professor*. 4: TanqlewoocTNortfi r-&iVG-ws^€AL-uu -Cflfl^ALI., %p 'ftnfl FULL-TIME Typing •Tuctdcry Tcxon Monday..:.'. >1:00 o m 1050 P 4Sth MaKatMl apar • .bedroom, -2. bath, library sound proof. ' Wnntor* It. PDPP JinJirtfl bedroom apartment aircondflloned; F5MALIS HOtfSEMA^Er-W^epOS^ $130 up locator service, located In. the idwer shag carpet paneling, and poou Water S60 rent .pius.'half-bills.:Prefer:matur6' W«rfn«t4ay T«*att Tu**day.. 1 fiOO o.m-. Near: campus, 535,000. 15,000 down. ' Service -Owner , carry balance/ reasonable I BR Furn. > 452-006Q -i level of Oobte Mall. We-specfalUeIn stu­and gas pafd. 472-4408;478^3885. 327'l355r . person.-Carolyn, 472-1657,47&H9. •• / j-THwadfty Texan Wtdrmdoy. 11:00 o.m; . Interest. No agents. RO. BovD-J: 'V, >rt,'rrShuhle Bus Corner .• •••• dent complexes. • • 454*3164 * * ' ••••••• •• -> i RESUMES ' ­Share 2 r.-FttdeVTmon Thunday 11-00 o'.rw. • Check. Our Summer Rates ,MALE ROOMMATE-needed. MOBILE HOfyEioUT TrailerParX, No-. Tanglewood HABITAT HUNTERS : •MUST SUBLEASE 'aparfm?nt by Aug. .. bedroom/.2 bath apt. with :2-3 otheri. • —'w"ith or without pictures. ,38; Cheap, bp)-clean.-Come see., ajl Lower Level DobieMall, Suite ist. 476-37^7. Anytime Monday* • Friday Shuttle 447-6158 .2 Day Scr.vicc • •••.:• extras 477*0866 Annex after S:pp p.m., anytime weekends.­ .1315 NORWALK. LANE 'I'WarWick Fail Rates 8A FEMALE' SHARE large 2 ty.i.C. one 472-3210 and 4-72-7677 '? ' I" thf t*tn( tfrtmninodi m an-CV TRAILER •PA'RK• 12 x'50. AC/CR1 W-0948 : •>i LUXURY 1 BR 474-1532,''-V STUOEt4TS SEE.THIS. Waterloo Fiats* -.bedroom River: HHIs V.» S94 ABP-451-2707 MenjntiiliJ'arti , Irqmcdtett niriK* mttll b« • partially, furnished, • washer/Styer. i -T-SHUTTLE BUSCORNER -2. Bdrm/ l' Bath. Furnlshid or 6389 Mm 2pm. . ^ I1**" wHw RuUnhtn or*-ii)pofttibl« fw Carpet, porch. 478*6#44. 'onfurnished.Sbag-.cable; walk-Jns.pdol. "i -I » • Jnhr ONE W*corr*ct murrlioa. Aft claim* to $160 •/complete kitchen, Close1o shopping and -> NEED TWO:ROOAAMATES to Share 3 v, • iflwiinnnh ihoitld mad* no) i«w . ij'xlS'.XRAlLER HOME InNqrth Bluff. .•• 'V-.NOW UEASING FOR SEPT. f'-\ rTown Lake. From JJ79;50/ABP, 4) bedroom house. Bedroom shag; sunkertv 3fc.E«sv living.6 blockscampus .; m wn 30 doyt.oftit pwbhctiw." • Estates, off IH-35. Fifteen iWnutes'fronv' MOVE TODAY Waller: Streer. 474-4493. 472-4162.-Barry den and kitchen In* Spanish tlleV. UT, $3300. 444-4934 474-1712 2919 West Ave. " GUIIngwater Co. . v . Fireplace, fenced -yard prith fountain/ CHf^lSTENSON & 4 •* , 'En^oy tennts cdurt, swimming pool, gas * 454-8173 1402Glencrtt)t. ' • * $125 plus B r grills.: lovely, courtyard.•> Four*'color _ I2;*52' RICHARDSON *^0WJ-Home.. • Colorful ShagCarpet schemes: sea blue, sexy leopard.-orange 2.BEOROOM, 2 bath. 1200 sQ'Uartf feetr^ ASSOCIATES US*- Centj'aTTRnjr.T7KC;r-Unjversity^T^»er-_ 1 ' ONLY THE BEST -and: oHve. > yell&w with black patent •swimming pool. North. Austin: 459-7614.' ROOMMATE WANTED.' Own room, I LOW STUDENT RATES -Park. Lot No; 65; Available Sept. 1.-477---• Ceptral-Aic -leather,.One'or two bedroomSi ^Istf teas'® 451-1959, 459-8491. — --"Park:fte4fV S45'plUS-for one person. 580/mo-' LOUR. U) ^ Mt. Pleasant/ Texat 754S5.-. Stydentt must show Audfior's 3-lVa-Cul-de-sac : Study rooms, • laundry room} beautifui / "Unclassltieds^ V.iin^ll days •;%} 00 campus-and shuttle.Write:Diane. 916N. —Theses and dissertations' •Law briefs . 2602 Whitls••Walk to Campus:2 bedroom receipts and pay in advance in TSP • Huge fenced yard.Goodcombination for ; APT$.T courtyard and plenty of parking. }8Q2^"^;* FEMALE-NEEDED .to* share • .—Term papers and reports efficiencies, largebath, kitchenfor 2or 3 Bldg. 3.200{.75th .&: WWtis)-from a sm»ll (amity..Nice trees. A modest 4400 A'VE. A ' 459-0058 West. Ave., Suite 100.. pers9ns._vli5 forepersons, £190 for 3 .aparfmenf. J60 a. month, plus 4/Wlfles. a.m. fo:4;30vpj"n. Moeda/.-fhro'ugb home, but so s the price U23.950). Just ARENA persons/plus efec.-Pa^Klng, rnald.v^y,: Deposit. Gampus area. 477-8052. ' Friday* ~ . * "2l_ 476'5556 Prompt,.Professional - Itsted -• so hurry-,. . .:•.-. 453-3235 HOUSEMATE NEEDED;Ownroom. 2-1 4J2.34M • 4S4-20W NOW LEASING FOR ^EP^w^ ( .APARTMENTS Service~(Mi . • ;• vi? • duplex near-Zilker. $77,50/Vs elec.Mike.. 1 m ;Lee Phillips, Realtors ^WILLOWlt 14)4 Arena Drive .evenings, 442-6979: ' , < 4S^'-8101 plus electricity. Parking, maid < 552.50/6 wks. session.. Singles > 595 00/6 TYPING \-Reports.;Resumes Xanvertlbie fainted special Orange and--clothes/toys 509 East 40thV -SHUTTLEBUSCORNER SI75 $220 ' servtcei nldely furnished, 4W .blocks'to. whs. session: Daily, maid ,serWee. Theses.' Letters . -,WhJte.at factory. EFectrfc windows and , • WALK TO CLASS campus, shuttle service. ; central air. Refrigerators. -hot-plates AH University and .seat, power door locfc&( AM/FM stereo GARAGE SALE* moving out, must.sell '"ALL BILLS' PAID^i. . OLD MAIN APARTMENTS -allowed, Two blocks from campus^ Cp-•••• business-work -• J 453-3235 ' ­ tope/. Rally wheels. Vsteei belt -radral . everything 100S East 53rd. 459-5949. , Dishwashers 2 Large Pools^^ - Edr.Resldent Managers. 477.1760". :Last Minute Service ­ New on9 Mon-Th & country^Bwitcf/twir 61<=«mpo> Texas -.••SAT*.-SttN ir iQjwkK jchafrs, 2-drawer.: Secwfty • Mow leasing for svmmvr-and fall PRIVATE ROOMS S50/monlh. All bills -9-S Fri-Sat tl >7437. i-713-54>2729.. . filing cabinet; -washer, Tefrigeratd/, • Clubroom,'Volleyball Court • ' •'< ^semester. Price range.from 5120 -S16S-paid. 6 blks* from-campus. Fraternity' : mi$& 712 Landon Lane . • •~r. -See at 2503 Peart. .Apt., f .... ENFIELD ROAD k. House. 477-03&5*OT 477-4981. , -v MOVIE IN TODAY One bedn>pcn;~. on shujfl*/-pool; •'7V PLYMOUTH-FURY-Ml.FuUpower. $160 1901 Willow Creek -fc 477-3264 courtyard,.1aundry.*amp1e parking,bills -.472-8936 30ADobi'e Center,-' PANELED >EFFICf.ENCYc-.Share, 'l995v 454-291£-5906 Marilyn Drive. 1 Bedroorh paid. J145. 2505 Enfield. Road::478-9l7l Misc. -For Safe 444-0010 (after 4:00. p.m:K • ; refrigerator .,and ta«h. J&5. .51111 paid: NEAT. ACCURATE andPrompt typing. •tfi- '' *71 O^TSUN 240-2/ At, magv excellent AH Bills Paid fcoi • '345-I460. 60centj per p^ge.:Theses 75 cents. Can • running,, hall damaged )£t00 or will* TOP CASH PRICES paidfor diamonds. Campus^.-.--. Lar^je new 1 bedroom studios,^shag, ^ 447-2737. I :negotiatc.v454«533& before 10:30, after 6, Old gold. Capitol Diamond Shop/4018 N, dJL Excellent condition, economical £. BACK YARO PL'ANT i SALE.^ NOW.LE*&lf«G-faR^SEEI^Zi iLangg 1bedroom, dishwasher disposal^ ••••• •••••••' • -* *. dlssertalions,-PR.'s.-etc. Printihg and ^cylinder, After-5;30 p.m^ 441-5U8 • BromelJads,-Orchids and ^cable, j»of, gas & water paid. _ Alf^ ^NpiJlONED.^furnlshed room. r troplcaiv 4407 Ave. H.-Casf of Elisabetv- s;i)tra:sr3?io,^'gt?w .o^_. S^wis,s,,y-TKhnle4U Ch-s.r'^ Nfiy Museum.. :• s'" $145 .1 2 "bedroom townhouse! Sl70.^Newly ^ 3634, 1 -•c»nd44i •• JEfficiency, -1/2I ,arid 3 decorated, shuttf# l?us HOLLBV'S tYPINC -SERVICE. A -'69 VOLKSWAGEN; one owner, Good 3634. -, •-~ ' — '— • RR.gurn ' : - EL^VEN-^kJoT ieaSnark sailboat wifn>> ')edr-ooav-,.apariinents^ 441-7577 »*',»* 1 .corrrBI«ttri»rvlM.lrorn..typir»S through air accessories. S125.' Tom, .477-9926? . Summer Rates' Start Today UNF. DUPLEXES binding.;.AvaUab)e inilt-lO-p.ni.' . -fl?70 F»AT 124 Sport Coupe Excellent befween-8:X^r>d 5;30, , . Vs Tanglewood West I. BR, \ 8A 3 BR, 3 BA the solution toJ -CASk 2 BR. 2 BA \Ofter •'rf-a -condition; 28 mpg. Must sell, sl9?5/476:' APARTMENTS :Jl -^528 anytime. . STON6 AGE L AP IDARY . and 472-9614 476-0948 your housing. -^ !30?Parker>Larte fWJV M^W.DUPLEX. SOUTH/ contemporary/ 3-2, 1403 Norwalk Lane JEWELRYCRAFT-Unusual gifts and-^LARGE POOL -ALL BILLS PAID • CA/CH, carpeted, sundeck, wooded lol. FRANCE^.WOODS TYPINGSERVICE." Shuttle Bus Corner The . South Shore's central: location ••"In very good condition,,25~lVtpfl. S500 or ,-precious -stones and mountings'. RougH -NOW LEASING FOR.SEPT-"MOVE IN TODAY provides easy actess-toU-.T. ;--: SERVICES I .441-2211;. AvailableAup.l. Experlencedr-Law, »These*» ­ VT0YOTA CORONA Deluxe. '67, engine supplies^ Good selection* of . semf'r* jbesl offer.441-5509. : rock# tumblers, books. Open 9:30-5'30«-Come by and se<^ our new efficiencybnd Dissertations, A^anusdripts. 4534090 I..' SUBLET 214. mdnthUnfurnished duplex. I bedroom apartments-on the banks-of i>5915 Burnet Road m NorthwestShopping* Best Rale on the Lake 2-h sbag carpet, dishwasher, disposal; SSBYI, SMALLWOOO typing." L'«»l <497*4. v»>/TON Chevrolet, pick-up.- Center *59-6531 — -$195 r r^huttle Bus. Front Door Town Lake. Complete wirt* shag " waiher., dryer connections, 2 rninute. overnlghf avallabfe. Term -•; :Cen9e4 ,£xcelTent.condition. SI095.476-59IS after ^ 2BR FURN: : 740Q Town Lake Circle -carpeting; accent wall, modern fur* -large walk-In closets, water'patd *Hve SLEEPING. BAG -goose down, superu< ALL BILLS PAID 412-8340 . jngmture,the pluswaler. inmdjvidual• decK • . overlook--• . : ^ * 8150/mftftth. 443-9547 ^ »» h . MasterCharge.papers, theses, BankAmerlcard. dissertations, letters. 892-. warm, excellent-conditio^ clean, used, -. BOOKBINDING 0727 or 442-8545 .:"^70 VW, hjfis good/ new starter^, radial 575. 477-7449 Antilles Apts. CCD\'/irc 5^'-'SU?LEASE Two bedroom .duple*. . :Jire& .needsclutch adlustment.S875.*447' NOW LEASING FOR SEPT,• ^ .1-. From S145 -all bills, paid bcKV Cc 5fe#SW»fr.',:V»llmrMg» Drive. unfurnUhed, MINNIE-L;; HAMMETT Typing" 8» -->849 -* i-,_ SMALL REFRIG. 135,Gold9x12 rug$10i?.r <; 2204 Enfield Rd. _. t ^ W.CA/CH. JlJj plus B1H» 41WW4 K^ Duplicating Service. Theses;-" " "2-7843""*1 s3Fr^% 300 East Riverside Drive . Gold fffcoMength drapefr 4l0;r452-> *i>97l TOYOTA COROLLA M00 wagon. -• -J ­ « 472-1923 -— ThesfsDfssertation-• -> *-T disserta-Uons> paoarst., of all-kinds, . .. SHUTTLE BUS FRONT DOOR : --444-3337 resumes,:Free refreshments. 44r-7001 >1300 or best offer. 477-7240. • MlD'Tpyvp vCOMMERCIAL versati/e ..-a* *• : $155 Reports 442-1616 % buiiding/2400 square feet:Adjacfeni37th • 6IOW" LEASING FOR-SEPT. ... :. ^i ^1967 FORD VAN; 6 cylinder, standardf -andGuadatupe. Shop-warehouse-retail-" "'•22-Years Experience; UNF. APARTS. • -/uns good,-interior and exterior redone.. -cafe, Lease S325, sale. 540,000;-.--$135 -$152,50 1 BR" Furn BOBBY£T3ELAFLELD,:IBM Selec'tric, v .pica/elite, 25 years experience; books,-' 6896. ^950 471-1253 , Consohdated Realfy^JackJenningsi 474--Handcase-Konydon­ •-1 Bedroom dissertations/-these*./; reports, /69 MUSTANG . V-:^,;power steering; ELCID& MARK IV APtS.-SOUTHERN ESS V : s f7 Marbleboard J1 mimeographing. 442-7184; • •„ • ;power .disc .brakes, air conditioning,-A\ATTRESSr CARPETj Former' double^ APTS. $vFACULTY ONLY"; • VIRGINf A;SCHNE1DER Diversified • . 1automatic transmission. iJ295 hrm.'S3S>T -firm backboard.-Latter:. sPft gteert>T EL DORADO. Loti of -trees, pool, AC, beafrt iefiings „,&? Bindings &%•'< 1906 f?earl . Services. Graduate and undergraduate 6590 ^ ' H-oom size; 5006 West Park; 457-2976. i 453-4883' . 47T-4893. " SHUTTLE BUSCORNER . ' . .V ^SHUTTLE BUSCORNER?.! and paneling. 1 Bedroom $100 plus elec­Day or Night } BeOroomj.-a bathrooms, A BP-Cable, -lyp'ng, orlnllng, binding. 1515 Koenig Lane. 459-7205. j67*FORD GALAXIE 500. Good, cfean ..MINOLTA AVTOCHORDvr2^x2''A/.'v .'CHECKrOUR SUMMER: RATES tricity # laundry, poof. Irosl-fret trig, garage car; AC,radio, newtire's. CallPam. S500. , .perfect,.»70, Lelca-type 35mm, perfect;*,' parking, "i'valor. Invol-vemenl with 452-7747 "470-4029 570. Sanyo portable U" BiW TVf ncw,:' 1007 West 26th -459-0007 .targe sludenl co-op opilonaf: E XPER 1ENC ED S 6C »ETA; 452-5846 , -Rew linegotiable. Papers; letters^ envelopes, proof KP Z* YVZW roof S40/\Winche4lflr ..22 rnatch grade air ;NOWLEASING FOR SEPT.' *ftAMftl FP 1966. Air cnndltloniny. reading, grammatical corrections * rm#-130. 474-4738. • :. ^ :.• Call 478-?833 30 cents/page. •:!(,'eufdmatlc, very nice, S400 or best offer. -$UX) HAPijk. accurate *VW3 Norwalk, Nd 105. 476-994$ 1963-74 PLAYBOY, Penthouse, GretcK^n. 452^469, 451-"2332". —— ^^ 1 ­ rften's/boyv clothing, sires36 Husky, 18-> J'' s. -/ 0 -'J.OWNHOUifc HEWT. 2 BR--5184 1 Bedroom KOH TWO y :.. n968WVLl1SJEEP,17mpg,vlnyJ,mefar women's sfres. 5-9 >Wgr. Miscellaneous.'. tvi'||O"F, rt VW REPAIR P^r°°[n». one-tath, flrtpUce, fenced DliteKtatloni, Prafeislonai • Reports, iGvallty .work at .reasonable prices 4We-taw, reports-Self-correcting IBM.' back y^rd. 3W E.Stit. No 4 938-0848, TEHOTroEMeNf-RiN^'Cehier dfamond " *5!? 0^t.X£ib®n*rservice from our new V bedroom t • MARK XX -v CAMPUS ^nflfvt you better -Barbara Tulloi. 4J3-S124. * HALLMArRK-jy.-v'.'tf'flew Ta^e^el}icienc'«-livrng-room,-shotLtiJtosaftetrwh.Free diagnosis, BATH> .1200lauara teal *03 FORD FAIRLANE: Clean; low surrounded by smaller ones. */s Karat; ' - -­ offset beflrioom 8> ktfehen, cable, waters compreitlpiPcfijcR iHa^itTrnileiT fcSSJi'i •--^4; < frplleage, very dependabieT vgootf new S270 r Sell S225: 476-3347 after 5:30-3815 Guadalupe. Gas-furmshed..Summer -$121.00 $10.50 olui • 4 tone-vp ' J^TTrjfOME-BUaT.SaTiboat with traye^ I -Tgl . jcnndittan.Ar. 4770JSA->lt»r S -up on standard VW - $1050 Plus1 iMpt§, 47? 55)4 <74-7?14 parts. U6-3171 Please Try Us. !«»•*" ^/IGMCltonvatvV -JSRRjjCKAPTS: -REP OAK APTS. -Overseas Engine & Supply retv .ieoil, architectural, nortry Sf .".icX4—»andIteaterrDespervte.^rfjAv '2104 SAN GABRIEL 4^023 after 5. GREEN SOFABEDandchairr $40^ BSWECIAt-Typing Service. Manager Apf. 103 new'n1ertor^lrn' •vcam&stMe st5;. T.M.C.-tenn^i racket/ carpeted, pooj, no pets. 2 SERVICE,, 0-K-*2J5 bllli paid;476-77»r John' E«twrienced,. ad -Kinds ot typing, Low r«­ 8^3°^ A,S:csw' tS10. Hl-7903 ' " IV . Walk or Shuttle • -7033 US HWY. 290 EAST : . Pendleton, 442-S593 evenlngi • rates, PAST SERVttE torrecllnp Sf* , bedroom, 1 " to ilT bedroom; S190. 1 • Furnished efficiencies, 1-bedrooms, 2 NC. : Silectrlc PIci/Eltte, «37-74?]. ­.S14S-S150, 3011 WhiUs,,No. 105, bedrooms, bajhs.*-skyfightv, beamed • FAR ;JN0fitTH, one. bedroom,: fenfied', ATTENTION r . SftftND. NEW EFFICIENCIES after 5 Mon.-Friday, After. 10 ceilings.. Shag, • dishwasher,:/disposal. yard, CA?CH. Bill, paldi-ms,^-454-5943. . EXPERT, THESIS, and'/dissertation |Top Dollar PaidFor " a.m. weekends,jj.i, «va ' Patios,\ sundecks; large .pool# ^pvty 47$-9171 typing. iLow, rates. Convenient -SXUDENIS1. • ;room. Across from ReaganHlgtiScfiBoi. 42'Dobie Mall - campus..Call:Lolt Byrd. 453-7187.;" 1700 Nueces ' u *£-• Nice Used Cars -P.O.Q.. Service Company, -3444 Unfurnished apartmenfs.also4vailabie ^ H.EARN TOPCAY Guitar. Beginner and ^Motorcycles -For Sale EFFICIENCIES^?; wlt^cwt board, 20 mealsper week; On IC Certified Instructori All: abllltlei YES;WeUo fype 2910Jlcd River 476-563IW . • advanced. Drew Thomason. 478-2079. ^?^U. fi*a,*kln«' ..(Beolnnei-. -Senior Life). Mv pool or ?72 YAMAHA 360 R/T 2 Enduro Street FURN. APARTS. CLOSE.TO CAMPUS -CA PARAGON PROPEFTTY $97/month All Bills Paid. sV^*?^vy>'c>urs'-Groups, private. 47&-5w1.^r Freshman themes. s.-»-j>'(legar.. Excellent .condition; ail extras,- 1 PAT'ENTS LiBERATlON t^rl200 miies. and trailer. Leaving town:: FLEUR;DE.LtS.4O4:Ea L PJAARDVARK ADVENTURE School and ; prdlect been •"turned offv \by 'theraoy? 477-0945. Jerry 477-637,1 Day-Care Center,.lVr tc 10yeers. Open7;• Contact Strarl 474-1^ •• ' * •h "?914'B~rftia^Grande or Students;rnmniM Lovely.one beWrooms. Walk".".Vto Sw»mming> pool, beoutitulfy Jornlshtdiii^i'f. .„.w; -sY^hy not start out with ck..nl^ - CO.MANCHE ^"Lawson a.m.. -6 p,mt Monday -Friday.«of.S« 5M! Shumgj summer r^tes 477-. double or studio bW, all have" dls>-­ Rayburn. North Austin: 837.6001: .good grades! .' . 9*' '• v Hlimtml . rantf»i mlr »r\A hnai -. .good.grades! ,• ~h ;r'miies.excellent condition,orange. odult-SUMMER RATES rNOW! SIX blocks. MOWING OFALL KINDS,dressmaking, $>4*72 HONDA SLlOO; Be»or-Shocks, 1200K hwasheri tiHposal,central air endheat,. ....... APTS., shag carpelKAxtna>>mrage room.;From *"!Furnis^,diJ'Jb«3roqrrj.& Eff\ Apis* THBEJE BLOCKS to campus. Rooms; t $114-plusft^C'-."i' c-btocki• 1r.dm :^dwned. $410. Firpj/474-5617. / from; Lew School; Shuttle *bds: Onev ^ • Law.School: $110 and 3 bedroom, spacious, older. mending,.alterations, etc 474'282Vafter SKYDIVE! $135, menthpivs.eiecfricity, Gaj, water,-apartment building. $120 ABP -to $240 472-3210 and 472-7677 is 2 p.m.. bedroom $130. Efficiency :$110. AC. ^05 West 35th -.Cable .furnished. CA.CH, pool-and laun* plus bills. 1902 .•*1904' Nueces.''476-3462/' fUlORTON'lSO '*$159Sr Honda's:-450:. ;-carpet,v-dishwasher/; dlsposal;A>walk-in:. U blpc^* from campus),^ . 476-8683/ Austin Parachute • 2707 Hemphill Phrk -S1095, 500 • $1195, CL 350 -$8951.SL 350 V closets. 32nd and Interregional'477^0010 -*795, CB 350r,$895,5L 175 -$495r CL 175 - ,pr GL3-2228, . Manager'Apt, 106"" " 2B00 Swfjher^r •--­ «U9S. SL T25V $550, CB 100 -«50 Fred, 451-4364 <72 5369-AVAILABLE S€PT. 1/ Attractive 3 WANTED -> Center room apt;/ comfortably furnished; ^82-2038 -»,LARGE }. & .2 Bedrodm furnished and -:: If No Answer Call • • tFor irtformatlon pleas£ call^ UNCLASSIFIED 7M Contrtlfed heaf andair. Walk-toclasses, vnturnished. Shag; wetbar, privateclub - ' • MANAGER for ?V unlf compf.x , hi ' V bedroqm 454-5869. "' 704 W 25th 477-5654 University area. ApplyBy mall toM05-AsM 27J-57II anyflme„AiJ ~ BellyDAndnginstructlon 472-3: from 5W.50. ABP, 2 bedroom $169.50 ABP. HIGHLAND MALL -Shadow valley Cove, Austin, Texas. 3J44. T rrf " .1200,; BroadTnoor. 454-3885; 476-2633, ARSEAQN • - ;1V For.seie ?630odge440 8150^7?'•iMfi- N Stereo i-lfor Sale' , Bqrry Gillingwattr. Company. "m SHUTTLFI Electric repair 8, remcwJel,.*447 56S0. ' ,ise&5 1 12 bedroom's turn, or-unturn, iff A 'STEREO SYSTEM: Sansu/ receiverand EXCELLENT: SUMMER RATES qn*-KENRAY WANTED 'tuf;nteble.L.W.E,lllspea*ers,After5 ••>;*pajClous. one and two bedroom MO, "W walK-|n»,-beautlIul landscaVi ^Jyfnet 25',: 0speed bike' 385-5192•" r AP-ARTAAPNT^-S'SsJng. From I)54'ABP/ IttO fielntl-4Sjii -^ , 1ft'. ^7 \-, -3202, 472.4142 Barry Ollllngwafer Com^.V<-'»^®K'4i? 'pm, 447 S563 jJg^frnentSv Fall referreasonable. Can Lllr9e bra1d«<> r"S-Dan 472-0424 "STAX -SR-3 ' stereo*.headphones, $75', 2122 Hancock Dr. :ReafjstiCsoio-103 speakers $20pair. Call . ENFIELD. AREA. Two: bedroom wnK r pound Knlte. CaflXdescrlbe. 476-7660. -453-8608 : every extro. Furnfsfied or-Unfurnished ' Next.ro Americana Theatre/ walking dis-. ;,f.4w 5"^® bedroom apartment'"''"* AUSTIN ,r FACULTY ON CY V?1*6''* y .., '• Apt. moving & hau'llhp. 441-od»; ^RJSK SETTE^S^ BeoutyrVCharBcter;1 f|>m $l2p. '.$i40, furnlshed3blocks frpm 'v*'" -:V^; . - i«ompan!onshlpr :ab*oJvtfltyVjhe/iW$t.'lnrv:^«^P«*' Large4>go)-i.n•beauWul'seiffngi'fci,^ TrH^ni f° llV<5 3nd WOrk »:7^^«r47437U Your "time is valuable V1906 Pearl cJSS-' ^ ichamblonsftlp breedlttO-$150/pu|». • v Cali 472.-123B^^or come by-606 W/ I7th afjA*& | Our service is tree Top-ol f'4 %torv; bulging. -^25; iV *V" »1ncItiois^ftPfs< worm'rfy, registration v.y/" bedrooms 2 ba.ths.' ABP/ short^ieaie. . tnrn^inn^3^^,^emce5 ^.ould 1'^to talk to you. We are .HousepSlntlng a. rupalri; 453-0847. Rio Grande ^,0^,^.4,3 ^^"C-aftio^pwjf.'-eJtr^atdc,' parage:pdrkina, v.* 185 304E Deep Eddy Call 478-7833. ^WtSH SET-, snftwaro eve+ome tfnr +he [jf€ insurance industry. We offer ex­ • pfMimblen.;blaa PROBUST1ES Skj-etrig tss 304E peep Eddy 'ivelljiwei. horn julyrlCTvMi.oepb.siis, >• 1 Jnow accepted. Males 5|00, f(jmale>.s90 ' an-d-Joenefits-i-n. ah' enviFonment .of '7UTrlMmpt) 450CC S1050 4J1.J3JS j •«J7<724 • w-SANl JACJNTO ARMS,:l709San JattetoS ? WalHlns.tf stance Unl»erHty .CoolTon |3 70 Honda ?o m . Alt, 3 bedroom. i-2 bath CA/CH c° * *55 t,t=Rrt PU«PIES1 Seltfr-m'n carpeted: •(shapes kndsites i71*if2days,452-" S«ld. Ho pets, eFFlCi€^ciES?^^ ^ady^^s^®+J^®(so Mgr.-, fee, ln FOR RENT 4>4,. •Weekends 4NE6D' COOD .HOME 'Pr we*K old . JM,».;p1VBy TO BPFICIENCIES -lull4* 1 W^Jifrt.iumrhefV'fair •; SHUTTtE~&&S­ Wa'PTaranw PUPPV »M9W-~ S®£^SWdZ?«rBd»^ . . n€arUT.Onebedr"«n*' Swrtrtmtny pool/, beautifully .furnished, jSftr tffi? _ • ftiso-le»*Ii»Mrtalir'H!^Wlisf^10fh; ADt^,,>lvi^ conditioned.; car£et pant _r, . conditio, TWQ.MONTHS-M'AkC DOBERMANpups, dIAck #r>d.cust /04,"47«JS5 -j;24"» 478 3JS5, dnl.iiwi.lnr • p(v;>o4^». tf?ntrt»l:Wntrtil fiinrandsir ah A^ i^mlllimhlondllne 924-71W /. • ,, ,• 3?71J55 454 3144 ^ jliu la'pe' e*rra iloragc room FREE RENT .champion ftlaodl ne, t m, 'T8tOdC»romLavy5cfio«( Towirvie* 1-—:-—— , -, Vos west 35rH„ .JitVer.slde TerracfedsjHlK t»jMOo'-XT'AWfmtwW^i»t0ea-tHcetr^d«nirrtett'--^TTRffCnW anartmitnt nfar- LATE t'AB-pjjpplei, AKC, ((Acbllb Home Park « Mld,»13S. Nop«isr'TJIs,tM?<'l11!-1 CaMvr,1 minutes to a_st . ROOM, BOARD tor,!ong*5^5siorvl974•75 ThePeople's: Community student.Anyone: welcome toapply. Call pharmacist is needed at least 'from these patients to help few.months the clinic Will Will Discuss Puerto Rico Mr. JoifM Flowers, 476 7374 Clinic at 408 W. 23rd St. .is until November. support ther-|en?ral medicine begin charging fee? on a. -<$¥ I looking lor a pharmacist, to ' Sh*1-5 of.?t*-SC)^ tor »adl" sp°rUwear»r»« 'biivw •.program, The Latin . . #»» «TJ '"'•IT' _ THE CrKTlastyear madea': which Ar&eives .no. America Policy t&m .shopi 25*3S hours experience. Appiyln work two nights a wfeek"; The sliding scale;, although no "possible environmental .'.and -situation in Greece -will be »wui'» CKMCI IKIILC ~*r >, . grant of 57,500 to the clinic. In ••••;• Alternatives Group (LAPAG) of a person, The Cricket! Shop; Highland: federal assistance. patient will be turned.ja|way econoTTiic ' im-pact included, as-a-bonus,-said Lisa Mall • only problem" with the job is .November.the grant expires, Weiss': explained. the new for inability to pay. • will; preieiit a discussion on proposed superport.'' Baird, LAPAG spokesperson. the salary.There is none. SPECIAL; PERSON needed parl-timelo -and clinicofficials areseeking'.regulation has meant a loss of The Camm unity Puerto Rico :at 7:30 in the Solidarity df mainland serve Austfft's Finest Tavern cHonfelc. •' . Must be availablethrough Fall. Sec Mrs. •; The clinic is looking for a an additional $36,500 from the $10,000 for the general Development . Corfiniission... Methodist Student Center. Puerto Ricans with those still . ANNOUNCtMIMTS .. Overton between 4:30-6:30. The PrauoM qualified pharmacist-tissue TCXAS union will sponsor'(k'^siage ..Howe, 4)12Medical Parkway. ---——-cflty" for the. next year's -medicine project. will . -make its The presentation will begin on the island and strategies' production, f'Arms and the Man/'T drugs to patients: twice a operation. • If the city,fails'to make the to the City the round toy George Bernard Shaw at 8 p.m.-' v PART :TJME .COUNTER^. 7-9:30 -a.m. • recommendation with a description of for independence will --Saturday and Sunday In ,th* Union s-Mortday^rlday,-B'5 on 5atv-CiJJ:,A*t*6-:. week, said Sophie' Weiss, -Weiss said the extra money : $36,500 donation to-the clinic, Couhcil concerning the clinic island's colonial history. Also .out the presentation. -Malrt Ballroom. 'Admission Is $1^0 V Cleaners 442-4354 * clinnr"executive "director:" Is needed topay a pharmacist, Weiss said. "We'll have-'to --•request sometime'in August.--planned: is discussion of W tor Mudenli, facuUy and ttaff; S2for/ -the _ -A brjef talk on the current Weiss explained •' that since, _.;::.ihe.fleneraij)_ubiic: NEED TECHNICIAN: w»h at least-2 lab assistants arid clerical : close down the pharmacy:and . TfXAS UNION Wiil sponsor a happy hoyrv 'l •years.exbe»'tenfce'jitf.epairof hMl. ApiiW June•1 the-clinic has tieen -In person atSJerllngf Electronics. '1712 without, a .pharmacist "and wbrkers. fixtra rtioney also is, probably cut^the general •fjj"\'ftjrr Students-Older-Than ,Average Lavaca. 477-5366 iui.. .(SpTA) from 5 to ? p.m. Friday at needed to support the generalftied.icine clinic from : two the Ciot> Caravan, Villa CaprlTAOtor without -funds to hire 6ne; " .' LCRA Approves Pay Hike -NEED INSTRUCTORS In; exorcise.' ' roedical services of the clinic. nights a week to one." • • • Ho*eL.... .­ ; dance,, pre-schooler's sports, art. coaits,". "WE HAVE LOTS of drugs .gymnastic*,. Call Pam, . Austin The financial problems of About half bf. the -clinic A 5 percent pay incfSase for all employes, Texas Railroad Commission holds a formal TtXA? UNK>N wi_ih*ponsor a fifm, "The Poseidon A riven fvre,?Bt $arid 10:0i •Recreation Center^.476-5662. but nobody to dispense thent,"-the clinic-began,when the U.S.-„ patients are general medicine was approved Thursday: bv the Lower hearing on the matter! . -; p.m. Friday and' Saturday-in -theASSOCIATE" TEACHER (afternoon) WeiSs said. , Department, of Health.: clients. -Weiss said. Colorado River Authority Board; ... Lo^Vaca threatened to curtail natural gas -Union -Theater. Admission is $1 for aifle imorningj lor' church'day-caro increase, effective Sept. 1. Will he siudents, faculty and staff; >1.50 for Ttfnterr453*WS7 ofTFT-liOfTZ—H— -shipments if LCRA did not pay in full al| pa t members. fullume medical vdire£tor guideline prohibiting receivihg prenatal care not followed by another 5 percentpay hike Jan.1, bills.: yRUMMcn • progressive tSuntry-weslern dance; No to -them^ftywhere-? LCRA General Manager Charles Herring-"TRC may determine -they don't have / p.m.Ffldayln testerCenter A332by hard* rock. Must be.dependable. Brat June the director quit, and as . • ' representatives of the Reading and' i-g Liming, 454-682). . from family planning paitients. •else. . ' • said. -Herring said;a Result of financial problems^ for treatment of general WEISS ATTRIBUTED?-"Compared to other electric utilities, our, MICTWOS STUDENT. TO-LIVE fn jrome.helping Meanwhile, LCRA is drawing up an AUSTIN -CHAPTlt OF NtW AMKKICAN w with children-end light housework. Need theV new medical director medicine patients. many of the financial salaries still aren't where I'd like to see' amendment to its declaratory action suit •MOytMfNT.wifi meet at 7j30 p.m;. some-one here most 'weekends. r work's bnly one night a week. • them," Herring said. .' j ;•••: References.required. .Please.call 4;6*. FAMILY ' PL-ANNING difficulties to the cut in • against Coastal States Gas Producing Co., i Friday at the Friends Meeting •• 4703 before 10:00 a.m.-* "The new medical direcjtor .services are funded Jrom federal grants. -Herring, also told the board that LCRA ; House."3012 Washington Square^ io parent company of Lo-Vaca, to include discuss, the'recent New. American M WANTED SERVICE Attendant-tor local doesn't" have time ,to>'handle various sources, including ... ."Free clinics all over the action on a motion filed against it by the Lo-damage claims.The courtdate for that suit is ~ Movemertf convention in Lexington, ­ -Rent*A country are having problems. ... Vaca"Gathering Co. wijl be.delayed until the. Sept."3. ~ . ^ • Ky; Air interested persons ar# o «, Invjtedi ^ , ' • j-* This is part of the Nixon r?-aft£ F^OGS DON'T FLY policy of cutting down social • Ml 4 ^ -M BUT CRAZY CAPTIONS DO welfare spending." CAT'Ctt THE EYE • -• Be happy doing the thfng you Hke best,-' •-The clinic has been .forced • SHAKEY' > 'Hteiking. to.peopl«.OQ>{he.ifl9phdne; New to put 9 of its 12 staff ? offices, five days.*.^week,:fpee parkftig," . 2915 Gucrdalupe •: friendly atmosphere tutl-rn^ piiirl time,'' members on a : part-time \ bonuses plus salaries. Call 451-2357 • • Presents i . . between 9 a.in*, and 1 p^n.-.-or-iictwumrj .1 basis. , p.m.vand 9 p.m. Experience pays more ­ but not necessary. . Janet' Burris, a clinic staff SILVER CITY SADDLE TRAMPS' r mem ber,expIat ned the clihic's problem. sayihg it is WE ARE NOW taking difficult to* pay salarifespand m applications for part-time PLUM NELLY -employment. We offer many. TONIGHT often volunteer workers are SATURDAY ONLY Um * excellent benefits includlng a undefendable . Serving your favprite Bear, Wine Coolers, scholarship program. Apply|«% Burris said the clinic needs . Sangria, and 2I varieties of Pizia Holiday House No. 4 UNCLE WALT'S volunteer—lab^.wnrker.i and ' 5325 Airport Blvd. -47^-4394 — --2913-Guadalupe-FRi: SAT. & SUN. clerical w.orkers, but they ,: i BAND must be trained-.-Volunteers ' PART-TIME l :. NO ADVANCED TICKETS are asked to work at least Six ­HELP SUN: THE ELECTRO MAGNETS 3 DAYS ONLY! months, because .of the • ' WattrdsseA/Waiters, 8u>&K^cbcn.5:00 expense.; involved in training p.m. •-10:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday. "iv.30 a.m-"l0;30-p*n. Sunday. •• -• theiri. V . . . • \ <• Catfish Barn Burris-also said the clinic Restaurant ArmadilloWorld Hdqtrs. needs a. volunteer trained in' Special Attraction 288-2899. . electrical-engineering to ­install an air conditioning " .^presents , TRAVIS STATE SCHOOL "L~ -system- IP-E RMANEN T.,-S.T.AXE— ALTHOUGH GRANTS arid EMPLOYMENT PLUM ^.LIC^SED' VOCATIONAL-NURSED federal aid are more difficult -45--to • .'-.V 517 per month come by, small donations Taking applications tor full time.work* have increased at the clinic. _<*ATT£NDANT4 -S397 per month J " mafnly.1,-45 p.m, to 10 p.m.^shift. Duties , Include the care, tralnlng'andJreafmenf Weiss explained that ,a NELLY Paramount Recording Artist ...-• of mentally retarded residents. • TON/GMT FROM DAUAS patient isgiven an estimateof,. shift mostly: 1I98t50 per month-*20trour' -: -whaN^:eosts4he-elinic-fer4he-^We_will trade you a mug of beer, for your old Fraternity or FOOD 5CriVlCCWOR^S#S^arUimg­ ' -week) .' • • • in> the Beqr;Garden. Taking epptl£6tigns atthe PersonnelOf» service he is getUng and is -Sorority •eemposit^tj-paddlmr^-or-utablm-detotatkutflco. TraviS StateSchool, 2 miles €ast of Austinion F.M. 969-(East l9th>, 8 to 11 .aske'd for a donation. IbW­ a.m. or \ to4p.m, Monday thru Friday.* WEREWOLVES Collections now avera'geabout S2SV4 Barton No Cover THE BUCKET 23rc|.and PEARL Art 5fltra) Opportunity Employer , Spfingrltd. SUNDAY -KRACKERJACK $120 a-night, a considerable 477-0357 Across frontHardirt North -3 Hrs Free "arking .(ALL BUERSTIU ATOLD PRICES} • increase from the $15-a-night , TO PLACE A o, rf \ DOORS OPEN: 8_ HAPPY HOUR: 8-9^ ' -/ -•' •THUIAITI TfXAN ADVERTISERS i§: 914 N. LAMAR ^477-3783 J "___\Wnn1" . | CLASSIFIED you are.,. mpiiiM r®. looking for the *-V 472-0061 -s ^ SHARE R£NT. Luxurious, fountain, RTISING palms, medllatioa garden. -Washer, dryer/ stereo, TV, etc. sl25:;Bllis paid. Call 451-5559. -•• ROOM & BOARD Sun. Carl Addington DOLLARS... 63^--^ No Cover Beer $1.50 Pitcher BELLSON DORM^fofv:Men. .Excellent* home cooKed . meals. Air-conditioned, : maid, swimming pool. 2610 Rio Grande. ;Next Week -Possum Delight ' Call 476-4552. 454-5087. • Wi i NEW HOUSING POLICY!! mthen point them toward the s» rr'^. DEXTER HOUSE S 1103 W,^4th -: 1183 W.^34th® OCCUPANCY ONLY H-: annual NEW STUDENTS' EDITION of .lllliSl ~jB ' «S-" * .9^ S.emi-Private Rooms as Low as s60 -per mo: . J ^ mM faLuxufeprtvltfliSl"$]00 L•'v VM If DAILY TEXAN 1 v? Student Nawsomnmrat Thm rtfTmvm* -... « -—. ^ V--. _ r;---M I" ^ WL» |^|,Maid-Service: m ;Vi"> t • -•V&iMt.X He'at£d;Swimrning Pool• Refrigerators •Intercom' tit 'Mm • Laundry Facilities * Vending Machines *5 ^il FRIDAY. AUGUST 9. i974 • Study-Areas--,,.& 0$k SPf * 24 Hr-Desk Service *.TV in Lobby •ph6-Your advertising dollaJsr^will be Off Street Parking • Close toXampusv S§|Sl|§ directed to some 51-0,000 MEW si*5 CALL Packoge DoqIs(Roam atO«xt«r -Boardat Madi»on)vl^i'->i'v:v W$ available as low as $145^r--STUDENTS entering The University this mWc pA>^cepting Fall'74 C&a^'*^ • Fall! It's the BEST direction to reach an over-all potential of some $45,000,000 471-1865 UT ~M —ond Women Mr*MS6tor to be spghl this '74-75) school year by HOUSING OFFICE 709 West 22nd Sti some 47,000 student§, faculty an ' Triplete Ififorrndtlonrpr to reserve your advefHftng=^pace! It's-tfee^QNLY DEXTER HOUSE DIRECTION to go to: reach this vqst U.T. • s PAGESI ™=* ., . *r.. -,.'^4•''SSi " •••" sTOgXSS J&^i:^::'t-^I ."; •Or-*-:. Good Prices are just the beginning! •H mmmm • r« testes *«&*» •vui- I *xJ immmmm: "^•r > 3„?i OPEN 10-7 FRIDAY r r.'.If . "i,-* *M TO-6 SATURDAY ,*!A ,<~-A X* -j5 ' r^''s • BOM ' '5 • Main & Romot* • Dost Cover Spwktrt • Shun M75 ' • Loudness Control • Ciwicig • Wotnut Cat* • Lut $76 80 • List $199.95 A 3 ftCA4K373Wl • 8" Woofer • .3" Tweeter •. Acoustical Fronl t Irtt $79,35 List>3567 •?< RECEIVERS %iV ^• Tiraf fc* GRUNDIG RTU-250 • 50 waH receiver Magnetic or ceramic cartridge • Loudness control­ • Circular tuner se$^iqq • List 129.95 / L RECEIVERS tamm ' """ MARANTZ 224$ 9.0 wofti RMS . list 4?9.?5 $424,95 *4*ARAHIZ2270­ -140 wotts RMS—. ..Lis7 599 95$508.88 • FISHER 504-, 200 watts— L.. ..List 599.95$449.90 • FISHER ^304I 100 Watts ~M LisT399.95 $249.95 • PIONEER-626­110 watts— List'329.95$269.95 • PIONEER-424­ 54 watts— y -List 199 95$148.99 • MARANTZ 2440­.Rear. Amp Decoder V List 229.95$!14.95 BLANK TAPP ^fitch £-60 •~,7 * 60minute High Energy * Lii',3-25 ffCsJiSe • Universal \;$i f!'|| • 80. minute 8'tracl^—..,'„List 1.98. • Shamrock 041­ 1800' Rcel'to Reel.'......vList 1.98 . •-^ .•• . •• • . • Memorex-MRX-2°'oxide 1 J% High energy-.....'...;..„;,.......LijtH.99 •"Ampexe-M \ f --/ 4.99 |v 1800' reel to reel—„.\Lnt 6,98 • Universal heaiUIWiw |8 trockr-List T.98 -5 . i."*, 5'Reelto ftee!600FI iu.rt' 49< &rthhf •lif.fjr LAST wv DAYS visa *WfS& OPEN 10-7 FRIDAY 10-6 SATURDAY sf^se. . ••• •••-., v.~ %is I WJ® iSiififffl Marantz 2230 '• 60 Watts RMS Garrard74M • High-low filter • Bate •. loudrteis Control • Dust Cover Walnut Case (not • Shor*M91ED ind.) • Damp Cueing. • U*t $399.95 • Anti-Skatina • Usl $159.95 ECV-1254 • 12" Woofer • 5"Midratige • 3* Tweeter • 3Mj Super Tweeter • Utt $169.95 List $899* GARRARD ZERO Sansui Delux 8 100 • Bate • 200 Watts .Shure M44E • High-Low Fih«r • Damp Cooing • Midrang* Control Antisltoting^ .. Loudness Control • Garrard's Best^ •~3S«t5p»olc»»s— • Walnut Cos* •>,« r -t " • List $599.95 M MFFT OR RFAT AMY STEREO PRICE <»»» » LIMITED QUANTITIES RECORD CHANGERS - GARRARDZEROIOO ' • Base ' »ShoreM44E- USTJ26485 • Anti-Skoting Damp Cueing • Garrard's Best ^ GARRARD 62­ JSflM.tShvrettME v,cJL5«m.«y BSR-810X Complete-. EaaZ -Shure.M9IED list 249.955!33.35 • GARRARD 74M -complete *aA Ar Base, dust (over. Shore Mfled list 149.95 ; Wolnut Base, Share M44E.VUST 270J1 158 BSR-260 Complete Stiure M75C;::.List 76.80 $oSL95 Pioneer PLT2D . p4n. Complete Shure -M44E......List. 144.90 $123^95 CAR STEREOS * • Pioneer KE>-333 • Auto-reverse • Cassette • Compact with quality Ust 99.95 -I'WS; • MIKADO 808C­ $39.95 Cassette— List 69.95 MPCCAR- Converter transfer your'car stereoj'to ftome— 19j9^ List 19j95' $14.95 •MEDALLION 4x9 '/­ Car speakers 10-dunce/MAQNET d>-ki Ust 19,95 $9^5 • MiKADO 10 ounce MAGNET Round-spet*er=-si^mv.-U» r ... •&*•> S •m „, 'S2'?^& V.l>i • ic1-1253 • .12 ' woofer • 5" midrange • 3 suger tweeter, *©f r,1* Ust 149.95 • RCA RK 373 WL-'i 2.woy-8"woofer ^List 79.95 • JECI-1556­^ftSY-.IJj'.-Wv.ooiff t ^tiS^69.95S149.95 • KLH 31—* ^woyjs^woofwr; • ECI-1255 - • cuonc 5 WAY 12V WOOFER.Xlist $209.95 Oil9.95 • ECl-Super 8­ 2 way-8" wdofer— Ust 69.95 $39.95 • ECI-83 2way-8" woofer List 3? 95 $1Z95 • KLH32-,®C;: .2 way-8." woofer'!. .List 59 95' $39.95 HEADPHONES ifevr-tf. Sennheiser HD-414 • Lightweight • Rated as one of the best it • SoundyouyX won't believe Ust 44.95 • 25' «xtension cord--­ HXM-5.9&,­ • " •, ' fj lct?9 0i4n np • DOKORDER 7200-.. Auto reverse—feet to reel,.LisT. 49.9.95$Ow9>95 • SUPERSCOPE CD-301 ;~ __n Cassette ...;....;.....:....:......List 139,9.5 $99.95 • SONY TC377 • Reel to reel List.399,95$343.93 •AKA1 CR80DSS­ 8 track.four charinef Lis't'329.95 $239.95 ^ vVbfy5 ACCESSORIES ,V< POCKET SIZE CASSETTE RECORDER • • •••• • • • • - Boilt in microphone L v ..f?> Batteries • AC adaptable"' ^3­ portable cassette recorder AC-DC by,*t r Pieniea Continental/York, Soundwave ' t -/ •U-S? ^ st 34. Reeord cloths Lisfl,9j ,-i Hi Fi or TV timers 60:minute &u3i? $5.88; Headphotu junction box 42.95 <1: • FMantenna­^ist 3.95 mw -472-5471 ^ AT RtO GRANDE DI/COUHT center . 29th ,§»dge' .16 Friday/-1 •*£ " : r —•--< < fr MitSrilrf*