•~^-V >~yvvv -—-^SPV m t — '.' -uV;^ „ • f --ift* * < 4 4 StudentJ^ewspajier at The University of Texas at Austin * 'V2&-V­ J-\ ivol. 74, No. 26 Please Recycle This Newspaper^ Austin, Texas,. .Friday, July .19, 1974 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages •J'Jt "471-4591­ El ».•*» By KEN McHAM man voted against it. -ed Urban Transportation Director Joe TexaiTStaft Writer Mayor-Roy Butler abstamed-but-said -TernusI-?.Can_von..assure me that usinp iCity Council Thursdayapproved by a 4-,: fie favored-the project. Butler, own?.'10. piusic from a. movie about a coiiga~me f!. vote the' Nfiith and TOlh Streets Im­—percenHnterest-in-tworlots-and-full-in---—was_notJntfintiflnal?^ provements Project. lofacf in^annthar tn mhiMi o/t/iaoc ««m!1 • • • Tnoniii! • terest in another lot to which access will Ternus said'he was notthe propieFper- Mayor Pro-Tem Dan Love and Coun-be'greatly increased "by theprqject. • son to ask about that. m illmen Lowell Lebermann, Berl Hand-•AS APPROVED by the'council, the Speakers for the project cited a large o* arid -Dr. S.H. "Bud" jDryden voted project will extend West Ninth Street numberof landowners in thearea favor­ or the 'project on a'motion. by Love;; from West Avenue to North Lamar ing the streetconstriction and declining ouricilmen Bob Binder and Jeff Eriedr!. ".Bautevard^cross^a-aty-park-^nd-Shoal--husiness in:;:Ore_*Spvmtpwn_ area as .Creek and will widen-.10th.Street from . reasons for approval! 1 North Lamar to Guadalupe Street. -SPEAKERS AGAINST' the project The vote.'came after a three-hour Cited economic pressure tobuild overold public hearing on the project. Testimony homes in the neighborhood, (**>£-poor trafficn«ne ... »..<= lliotlfi/lahniiid. tk/t nnnw justifications, the peed for mass transit featured two slide shows and a movie.';!' and environmental harm lo the park as ^ In a rare burst of parliamentary diver-reasons for a negative vote. sity,-the council-at'one point entertained . Binder said of the vote, "I think it's a three motions on the project. Love's mistake. That area is one of Uie few in ~arranal-niotibh^Or'abbi»val-^s^b-^—-exisliait^'w^prp nffir-as pp^xist with thp J stituted by a motion from Friedman to. people who live there. Increased traffic" j *m national strike vote was called "wirten -inih-^IVfl lull Ih-jup ..mill V-an^o "W Hompfi t?hr tnrri rlnvm in atljiMfsday bythe telephoneworkers union changed. . '. ste'ad of being used for homes or offices" 4-after negotiations for..a new contract -Friedman's motion died forlack-of a * as.they.are.jj9W. • ? yrere broken off with American second, and. Binder moved that no work "It is one of our riKJSt-interesting and ^Jpanphnno"sH Tolopraph (ATOT1 whatsoever be done to either of the fascinating areas," Bincfe*-said, "and |-'^Telephone worker walkouts were streets WherThis fn6tiStralS0-falleti*fori;-—the^only way to preserve it-is td leaveiL_ » "^^orted^ln West Virginia-antf Michigan lack of secon'd. Binder seconded Fried-a'sis." lid rumortd in, AusUn.'No Walkout .oc-manVearlierimotion. Dryderi said he does not think the *ed. in Austin,-however. C • AFTER FRIEDMAN'S motion failed' neighborhood or the park wilF be 'he three-year contract expired 4-2, Butler, abstaining, the council ap= destroyed. "We on the ooynr'il will per­' ^ . —UM Talephoto Houte Judiciary Committee member Barbara Jordan,'D­ torney, St. Clair's surprise transcript release, Jordan Mid, [ednesday midnightbetween AT&T.and proved Love's original motion by .ah sonally see that it won't be destroyed," Tej. (I), an aide and Chairman Rodino leave the im­ immunicatiohs Workers of America identically reversed 4-2 vote. •.Drydep said. " i "I couldn't believe it. It focuseson the utter contempt the peachment hearing Thursday* Angered by Nixon at- WA), the employes' union. Shortly By* its action.the coiinc.il opposed the President, holds for the-House." -~ a; !ter midnight the union rejected recommendations of three citizen boards HinterproposaJJljy.AT&T and calledthe andcommissions — theCitizens Board :rike vote. of .Natural Resources, and Environment United Press International reported tal Quality, the Parks and Recreation lT&T offered "all-benefit increases of Board and the Historic Landmark Com­ 1.6 percent, 5^34 percent and 7.34 per-mission. ->nt4n-suceessiv&-years-af-a three-year ' Two of these.; the landmark commis­ intract." sion*and the environmental boards were § House xon Howard Pyle, president of CWA Local created at the; irtstance of Lebermann, ; t®-. • "%w t3fl^sa>a-ho-jeceuKjd-a-Teport -frnm who-voted-for—the-prqjBPt. Ijhprmann . jane•; Armstrong,<_a_meinber_of the. made "o °omm°ni fimimMlic — House—break-in-defendants the plumbers covered only about .tion is approved, by the House/ "» . n . Judiciary' Committee's • second-ranking rtistin-lo<;al jpar.ticipating in tlye' hearing, But . StfiVEltAt. coifuflttteeTtlfembers^bepan--­ egotiations in Washington. A slide presentation, prepared by the Republican predicted Thursday the bom some Democrats to denounce the partial -delivered to the" special prosecutor ran 'circulating proposed articles" of liiv .VPyle said he had not heard of the city's Department of Public Information mittee" will recommend impeachment of transcript as insulting, too limited and about-1.380 handwritten lines. . ' . peachmeiit against theT President, and. :igures-quoted in the DPI report. "But introduced the hearing. Dual carousel President Nixon and that the.full House ,ate; ~ The committee-isr to begin public -The Associated Press obtained a ciopyJ1.6 percent is not even up tothecost of projectors blended a-sequence of maps will vote to impeach the President. NIXON'S LAWYER, James D. St. debate next week oh proposed articles of proposals' by Rep. Ja'ck Brooks, D-Tex 1 [living7. increasevm-¥ weM**'requested,'1 Pylesaid. and photographs to „ Clair, produced the tape transcript dur--^impeachment* against Nixon and is V .Brooks proposed thatthemaiorcharoe' • I q"•»? » recorded'narration .*, j»v>uiiu.iiiivwgiupiio wa ft cvvlucu itailauuu Rep. Robert'P; McClory of Illinois said­ , The union requested a14.4 percentcost ^ backed by the musical theme from''The that a Thursday afternoon meeting inghis final argument^.before the com-scheduledHer vote its linarrecommen-1 be that Nt*6n«bstructed justiceby helr>^ ' of living increase, a 6 percentproducUVi-^/Exorcist" between^ House Republican; leaders and mittee. .." .dations by a week from Friday. **>" »-u... . • " mg to cover up the break-ins at Sty wage increase artd other benefits. AS THECITY'S presentation turned to mtfst of the 17 committee Republicans®-^ THE HOUSE Rules Committee apt • Watergate afid Daniel Elisberg's psy-• , "The proposal was certainly noOf the "park development aspects of the Showed .that about fourof the CjiOP com^f| (Ralpted.Story, Page 3.) proved 10-3 a measure that would open chiatrist's office. uiythlng we could" accept. I suppose'fi^project, the nariratibn was backed by the mitteemembers would vote against !'* up the impeachment debate and other ' . Brooks proposed six other charges in­ we're going-^io finish the strike vote®-theme from "The Sting." recommending impeachment; four or • St. Clair gave the committee "a tWo-House committee meetings to live radio­ cluding incornetax fraud,'personal use of ifore they make apother proposal — it^i; .five .would vote lor such a recommenda­ After the presentation, Friedman ask--jnd-a-half-page'transcript of.a portion of television coverage. federal funds, wiretapping and illegal ill cost us a lot of money1. That's their.^ tion and that eight or nine,-including a conversation between President Nixon . JFhe full ^House* «is to vote;on-Jhe surveillance, refusing to comply -with ray of getting back at us," Pyle said. himself, are currently undecided how and -former White House aide H.R. measure Monday. If it passes, the final committee subpoenas, permitting £ides |It will take approximately two weeks they will yote when the committee decision would be up to the JudiciaTy^ Haldemari on March 22, 1973. tesllf.y.lalsply and a broad general' ­ the begins formal consideration of articles ) tabulate vote of the union's The committee subpoenaed a tape Committee which is expected toapprove i-charge' of improperly conducting the . of impeachment next week. atiorial membership of more than 500,sil recording of the conversation, but Nixon radio-television coverage if the' resolu-presidency. • "0 AT&T workers. 1' HOWEVER,Rep. Charles Wiggins1, R-" refused to provide the tape torthe com­ ".It will be a strong vote,, and when . Calif., Nixon's leading defender on the mittee. Thesubpoena was issued May30. hey.find out the people are united and Cloudy. . . committee, said :he disagrees -with Wiretaps aa"» "'^sr«es wnn St. Clair did not provide"any tape to Itronj-they'll come back with a i°mnLaS?fn-0n °f#uthenUcate.the transcript and gaw no f rlday w.i11 have ,con­ proposal." Pyle said. • ' 1uqU1Ey' ^,lgei»s "j*" Indication" of What preceded or followed i A possible walkout of Austin telephone. |, sidera We-I ate night Lafnsnmnpanhmpht KafL70!6 the excerpted porUon of the conversaUon workers was reported Wednesday by oney O FBI and morning cloudi­marafn ' covered by the transcript; The conversa­ "ker: rSi» Bm hiL predicted alP;.-tion between Nixon and Haldeman laisted "I didn'i hear of one or any plans for.:; ness, becoming partly committee Republicans, would oppose,/-*nearfy.one and,ahalf hours. ne and'I.certainly would have been ones cloudy and hot with-a ^r™!lJLI?P^aChmrn! -w ' ST. CLAIR slid the partial transcript 1 the first to know." Pyle said. t^ZI Judiaajy Committee on showed that Nixon told Haldeman the • cha nee of thunder­ "We normally don't do things like that: "ew JfPfT. trahscrlpt his -day^after $75,000 waspaid'to Wstergate own here I'm not saying we won't;>| storms' in .the after-' ^I!(0n i^lrp J Was ...n°c conspirator E. Howard Hunt Jr. that WASHINGTON (AP) -.The late PBl' ficials .and four, newsmen in 1969 and nough, if they push us far enough," he aware of and in fact disapproved", of blackmail '.'would not be paid" n obscenity is-,---"Gunsnioke," Abrahams answered, "I the film. • , • • hearirtgs which began with edited 1969, Hoover told Mitchell that in the in-;'; Fulbright, D-Ark. . . .iG key issue in the County Court at-Law don't wntch 'Gunsrnoke' anymore It >s -He received a $1,000 fee for his transcripts end with the worst edited 'terests-of tracing leaks of classified^ FULBRIGHT: "To the best, of your -£7. .transcript of all. It shows the cover-up ­ to. 1 trial which will determine if My-. too bloody and violent " , : national security material, "Kissinger knowledge (did Dr. Kissinger initiate, I testimony and has appeared as a-witness continues." Ih-My Club/Zipper Louge owner J. Nor* ARR .„AM„ ,, , . has requested that a telephone sur-v repeat, Ihitiate, any request for tapes?'1 in other:"Deep Throat" trials^ including TESTIFIED that only a HE SAID he thought the effect,of St. veillance-be placed on" a newsman. in Wells and .y«UI/club: managerUIHIiagCI .Josephtuv<3cpu p' «j' j_i J , Richardson:-"As a whole, no ...-even »"•». one in .Houston, that resulted in a hung —^ -... . • • Fascist society would eliminate cultural . Clair's action was "to.turn off an awful The names or the;,wiretap targets were |loydr-^mith^re^uiHy-of-eommerei^y^: •jury. tliough for purposes of the form sub­ PtfhiVlittna nhcAana mntAriinl • lliVtirJilOTl . ,, lot of deleted the volumes Xhlbiting obscene material. ' „ 101 oi members of the committee." from five of mitted to ithe attorney general he is in .E; ]Called by the defense as expert Wyman, assistant professor of drama, nJH^L » r' a i L!'e Ryp. George-Danielsonr-D-Califlr-said evidence released as part of the com-some cases.identified asthe originator.", i; •witnesses Fitnesses were testified' that the film did not appeal'to After the days testimony he St. Clair alsodelivered to the committee mittee's record of -the hearings Dr. Roger Abrahams, into Huckelshaus said-last-monOhthat-new?-^ said he" "enjoyed the spectacle of the what- . prurient interests: "It hasan erotic com­nH he 'pninvpH fha cnonta^iA th«i appealed to be an^^ altered version ' " • ' ­ Dr. Stephen Wyman "SW Drr-Rohert possible impeachment of President Nix­reports about the Hoover memos were Witnesses, but they weren't'talkingabout ic-appeal,ihesaid. "It's a textbook case of notes by former White House aide on. -tt~. . ' . . _• ' fernea of the University and Dr.-James misleading, and that documents werein--^l the-Jjlm." ;A good rebuttal Jwould be to BcCary of the University of Houstoh-. -•of low comedy." John D. Ehrlichmah. KISSINGER denied under oath during terpreted "for,purposes for which they 'Sj .Wymjjn compared some elements in -show the film again, he said, " The-handwritten lines by Ehrlichman Senate hearings on his nomination for tFormer Daily Texan editor David never were"prepared.... It wasn't hfs's|^'| -a-Testimony resumes at 8:30 a.m. Fri-?'% on sessions with Nixori about the special Bowell alsp.; testified for the. defense. -"Deep Throat" with "Lysistrata"' and day-. ' --secretary of siate that he ever directly idea to tap;' he simply complained about-'-*-)?I said he has recommended that his White House investigation ynit known as authorized any wiretaps placed on 13 of-' the leaks."', .1 ^TESTIMONY CENTERED around the­ students see„the movie. " " • 'Mti'zSiSi fopealbf the film to prurient public in-.'. — i I Ferriea, professor'of'anthropology and • - prestv Texas statutes define obscenity llnrlln .-• . i.1xiAWrtxte < IJil. iii.1 /"""I-""--T'r'r^ ^Middle Eastern Studies!-testified that it es 5 a," * is difficult^establisKanjrkind t>f com­ pre ^'ve in^rHo community munity consensus on obscenity in a com­ andards. plex society like,the United-States By IJAVID HENDRtCKS tllirlii IAbrahams, professor df English and ^ Mi bet.wS?n i1?? Communication Compiex Thoifipson stressed-1/10 of (he food HEALSOSAID thefilrn did notappeal ; v"I-urge.you and the Board.of Regents • Texan Staff'Writer-;­ pthropology artd a dated folklore" M^nd Guadalupe Street (25lhto 26jth "• « stamp • recipients in Travis County are­ ..to prurientinterests anddescribed itas a • 4o reject this andsimilar decorativecon-sA,. fcholar, testified the film wasa satireon ;Proposed expenditure -of $37^,000 by Sheets) after'the city expaiftTs University students and that the peW: pxual,.mores. "It's a. familiar -theme "fantasy," *r^.' _ J -the University.System Board of Regents Guadalupe; Street in' that area this;, ,,'' * " ' ' " ; struction. projects until other needs of ^tage is .expected to rise." Fernea'said that societies'that-f the University,.are met," she concluded -1 focietie! that summer^ btmidj^aiso^n-ibm"6ronli"and d,'!lat i? b}*"d ?'decorativeLwall along the summerT"' ToyaceT^hVriorltvbiibuildinea * "To placea;high-priority, biv building a nil.V *«V«tl . •-Ml •n VI 1•,Jaxti^!ll . A. _ t^. !'*?' Canterbury Tates," he said. . -••danKerous^a -t^^^"^"a^^^^'!r^--rl1-^ln^irni -""'1''Bfackand Mexican-AmericanTexans—A wal'l -while many students' either take Wednesday, Mike Qoinn, assistant to-?J%'| When asked by/defense attorney Hueh'. Powell oY afeview -if -W^nin 2l™PfS..By Rep^ are aware_that it took several'years aniJ ;' welfare or eo-hungry-ijS-to deembricks­ -the chancellor, said the wall, and­ ...... j ..Ugl ( I'o.weir, co-author of• a"review.^f the w if ho faU 4k,* nirr, V®"' coapor oj a review ^the -jSenfronia Thurs-much wessure Ilhivpnsitv nt mr>» owe if. he felt the film appealed to Senfronia Thompson o£ Houston Thurs^ mucjivpressure before the Uhiversity or .more important than human needs,'-„ "landscaping is phase'tdur^rCampu^ir® . r " -r|—* y film last month, testified that-fhe"film day. ^ Te^as at Austin committed the paltry Thompson said. ^ Development West, a project which-=h'jLurient interests, Abrahams answered, was sfctiridal-and entertaining. He said, ?> . Thompson^a black legislator on the-Sum ofr|400,00Qover a four-year period to Financiai? assistance should take" a tthree y^a'rs ago built limestqne walls ;,5tJHouse • and Constitutional Convention r • upgrade the number of.minority-students along 21§t and GuadalupeStrqets (yfifln,--*3f I |/^raharos sald the film cou'ld* &e' '"treats"0'-'1it-"PPea,ed ^ '"1 higher priority, she toid 'McNeese, es-' ^education committeesv attacked the1 on campus," .shesaid.-"Funding such a pecialiy during ''these inflationary 000) an?"renovated the West Mall"®I M?Ca1fy1'professor of psychology at board's,priorities tit, a letter to Board worthwhile goal at the same .level as ' f$279,000) * . . -. fiSl v.^times" , • , maWn f .tfi !f 1® and^author qf the-textboqk ''Human Chairman A.G, McNeese ' another wall \yould be tantamount'to-in­ ggition.Biid n^kin^fun ln order to Sexualitys'' testified the sexual1* acts i Vario'us'afiadenii'ic prbgrams 6rfaculty.. ; llhe walls^.are designed to "provide-. >51 t 'At its" meeting FtiiJay. the board will sulting ohe-third. of the citizens of Tex-.' and staff salaries also are mort impor­contlhuity to a!designated perimeter o!-s^ L-hea^nla'ns-to build a-wall^and-planttree? as." tant. she said " i • the campus,'i, Quinij seated. . .< '.Jll u. i^®awri'issss4s;«iisMi >. .-AyJ j sZ't-n sSiif^r ffes m&r-­ M.,', Council Action Hollow Deputy WM0 74 Appointed to Goats By BRYAN BRUMLEY Planning Department profile Planning Department. • ^-' lanrf adjacent to Texas support equipment to.improveTexan Staff Writer • of the dty population by race, In other business, claiming Instruments (Tl) on U.S. existing services on existent­ •..-•• After a lenethv hearing sex, profession and it had—no jurisdiction over Highway 183 city transportation routes. "Thursday 6n"0ie Ninth"and JOth,. neighborhood. 'Previously, development outside city . Theiaodj situated between The " reappointment of H. "Streets extension; City Coun­City Manager Daft DavidSetr..1ilitiTS"jthe'-council -Tl and:the.OakEo^t;Es_tates^ Curtis Weeks tothe three-mdn.cil rushed through its remain­had been criticized for sub-' recommended that a suburban : subdivisiop, would be changed . "City. Civil Service Oommisaon : ing agenda. The council ap­hutting a list df potential apt--vcitizens.group negotiate from., suburban residential to was confirmed by thercouncil. •pointed-74 new members to pointees biased in: favor of". privately with jthe developers planned-development area.. ^Last week the council-the, Anst,m. Tomorrow business and professional oc-of a 25!5 acre tract northwest . A citizens group from Oak' delegated to the-commission • • Program,, claimed—it -lacked cupaition's, an.glps and of Austin. Last week, the: Forest,'Appeared to;, contest the power, to hold hearings to jurisdiction.in an industrial residents of North and -West •ptanning -. Com.miss-ion the. amendment. The group investigate cases -of alleged • development, north of Austin, Austin ' recommended the o'oiincil •alleged a breach of promise police • misconduct as they.« and-approved the execution of. The new members" were take action/on the"matter. by CSI conceiving a . buffer might arise.:" -• ^ a contract for federal Ttwney chosen to replace.former , R.T. MayfieM,. acting-for zone between Oak Forest and : Weeks expressed appreeia-'for new buses. ; " • members dropped" from the Columbia Scientific-Industries the proposed industrial area. tion at his reappointment but' —Hick-Lillie. .city planning list because of lack of par-(CSI), had. requested a .hear- In further jction, the couh-. questioned the legality of last director, -said the. 74-ap-ticipaUon." The ~ .week's council: action. "It -pointees to the-250-member Assembly will -draft a report amendment jo .the Austin authorizing thecity manager muddies, up the \yaters 3ff~far~ Goals Assembly of Austin ""from data gather^ earHerty-iBevelbpmeni -Plan'r^whi^^ -to execute,a.contract for$9S3,-as where a policeman appealsTomorrow conformed within ,the Austin Tomorrow^vould -cifange-a land ute 800 mfederal funds toward the his case irhe""doesn't agree : a -few percentage points to a Program and complied by the designation plan for a tract of purchase of 20_new buses and H itli.his chief," Weeks said.: 'Any citizen'may'file a com­plaint of -police brutality or-misconduct with the commis­sion,-the Human Relations: Commission or the chief of/ police. > "All complaints, will be in-.: want, is vestigated by tire chief Of " police and the.results will be >rr GENERAL reported to the commission. what we'll An.appeal of the investigar C C%TORE tion may be made to the com­ mission. get? You're looking _ ^ * p --* fot n new sie, isft? apartment.... Old Generals Never Pit*: -. • "University They Just Fade-Away ;*•'! _ 'The Texas Union General Store will fadeaway in early August (at least temporarily) because of the Union's remodelling plans. Co-Op Consume To cope, with.its untimely departure, the Store will4 be selling most of its stock' at a 20^50% dis­count July 15-31. . Consider ihe quiet pnvacy ActionLin ^So come.make your final under the spreading , good buys. In General, we trees of our one bedrbdm' still have a lot in Store for.: apartments lor Si65 AH you. Bills Paid 8 a.mv-5 p;m. Monday-Friday FirstfloorrTexas Uni Palo-Blanco- Moii. thru Fri. 8:30 to 5:30 911 Blanco ^472-1030 mm -ff From'our menu: ??,•/, Chateau Poyferri, 1961 Chateabriand with sauteed mushrooms Banana Rambeau'.'C CoUrvesier f fj/i a finer or more ex-­?nd if you'don't feel like eating ai^our deals' w.tn us; you |eM2.85. e^dudiag-^irferr^rHJ H°ardTS > SSffi^aSSSSSSSSS^'X | » SsiXJe. • „ f L' -• r-i-"restaurants within walking distance. " v..„ i- But a®?sisxs:S'PproSsa aI 00WrKI,;^^^ tiour 'n varit,^„ it choice of salad, beverage, vegetables, and desert ^ ^ 2323 San Anton =4 .'<•.' i 478-98X1. Funding Uncertain Gri Ini tlie area because he was worried about Turk:A part-time-deputy Vwill keep the.peace at "some pretty Shady customers who are in­and 1Hippie Hollow if Sheriff Raymond Frank and terfering with students" in the area andCharles Herring, general manager' of the -The present nudity law'in Texas directs southLower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) get itself-only"to nudity that creates disTur-DFCJtheir way. bahce, PranMaid; and aoy deputy ai-thearea BUI Frank said Thursday he would probably go would not be there to harass hathers. >etwi before Commissioners Court to get ad­ "If a swimfiier is: on private property amd "i he,ditional funding to hire a new deputy. we receivea complaintv then we advise the 5bve hoping the LCRA could provide fundsdirectly person he is °n private property and we ask Vrch to thesheriff's office for adeputy atth'O Lake him to get of'f," Frank said. •-lefus • Earlier this week, Frank and Herring were Also planted afe expanded parking Travis swinjmmg spot. However, direct fun­facilities.ami toilets for the Tarea. -•. ding apparently was frowned upon by the ' Frank istaking hisown approach tosolvingcounty attorney's office.: _j ) • the litter problem. Snice-July 8 he has-taken the cars so iy>body would pull any ripoffs" -Frank said the deputy is needed to ''watch .prisoner.ivolurtteers to* the lake on a tfash while swimmers are in the water. Other detail" " ~ ^ . duties might be. to direct traffic and control 'The last timewe were out.there we picked 'nudes"lrespasslng_on -private-proper-over a ton of trash, about 14<0 bags. Some _ people using the areanelpedTis't'Ji'iy fufr said. ­ • Herring said he Ivouid like to seea deputy. bags to the truck," Fran]c Said. Governors To Assistance to "V| ~ Governors. -ot every state Mjnd in the form' of a $20,000 The Peace of Mind staff,"on j.l| have beeninvited to a meeting appropriation by fhe duty24hourssday,makes.no J4.1 next month 4n Tampa. FIa.,.to Legislature. State officials effort to persuade the young discuss promotion and finan­• report that Florida has--27,7p9 persons.16 return home; nor cing of a nationwide toll-free known ruhaways. does it .question them as to telephone seTvice for • The program. w?s initiated their Whereabouts. runaways, 'Gov. Dolph Briscoe in Texas last September as a The program also opei^tes'­s¥id Thursday. 7~ " result of discovery of the :a-referral ser_v_ice for -Houston—mass mnrflprs ' in ^runaways^whO-Qalljn: sponsored jointly by Texas August in which the bodies of medical,care or counseling. • and F?oridar is int,ended to en­27 young persons were dis­-A p pr.o.x i jffa t ely 1.560 courage. more actiye par­covered. . . • . ' ' T— -runaways have sent word to ticipation of all states in -the Supported primarily by con­their families through the ser­ • Operation Peace of Mind r tributions and.volunteers, the vice since it was set up. The program. Robert Hardest}'. Honsto'n-based operation—national toll-free-number—to­ • Briscoe's .press secretary ' provides a tollrfree hotline-to Houston is 1-800-231-6946. The" said. ••••' • , ruhaways who want to relay number;in Texas is 1-800-3^2­, Florida recently lent its. messages to their parents or 3352 support to Operation Peace of 'friends.­ Specialty • fashions far* Studtman's men and , ^ Photo Service _ iv. 222 W, 19th 5324 Cameron Rd. RESUME' A— IDENTIFICATION TYPE PICTURES 3 'r7l. ^ ; 1-Day •­. Quick, -Reliable Service f "^"TSuWxT .... The THE MAXI-1, A new concept in one ..tsrsss's -'=h!B,;VT,^ am w,!h a Downstairs a fully electric kitchen with walk-in " -study upstgjrs. pantry and spacious living room for enlertafn-Dovvnstatrs, a*spacious living area, en­-ms.iJpstaire.two largebedrooms and bath with staining stea antj all electric kitchen!* walk-jns. Free living at.its ffnest. See ii to believe it 444-7880 ^BurtaTDriv^ Fine Framos For Your Face* ^452-5123 s j * f « re?? rcfm. vk?;'' ${;i WWWIK srcyy y^3^4^>^.^vg.^-^jfeqsvs­ •»> mssfstezrr —' ~<-^ ' '\ |^ .^t^si £_ *"™ f w* '-* ^7 ' '^ V^' •; , • — ^-.,...s/4_ „ r _*•&. P . . , ' A, •. • ' :*$ ' 4^' ^If-_ a 3& '*'2 'V _ — ---"" ; | .-•:.• . iSy^Ss.!;?*!-.;-^-• ^E*< • • 'J^f^vV' ^Vi::<,--v • t • :'-'\Tvv-TlTx??Th'' •' '*^1^7??^1:' -1 .41ACKSEA Near Cyprus h c~ BULGARIA By United Press-International1 OltltCIMOVINO O.... -~As Makarios prepared to make a emerging early Thursday from talks • ficers, although originally Greek, were [....•Greecejut its military units near the moon TO •OROIK IjApS dramatic-personal,appeal on the floor of with British Prime Minister Harold :inow.Cypriot/citizens'.-•;..— ' ... -Jgl.. *Kt\f M> [Turkish Wrder ojj-full alert' Thursday, -the U/iited Nations SecurityCouTicilFri •Wilson and. Sisco'in London, said the The-bearde'd'Mak'arios, dressed in the 377., land Turkey massed thousands of troops day, U.S Undersecretary of State Joseph '. situation was "still very grave long black' robps of ;the Greek Orthodox land amphibious equipment on its •Sisco opened a round bf Kissingentype But later im.the.day, at a North Atlan-Church.-,held a heavily guarded;.news AANKARA •southern cbast^O miles from the island shuttle-diplomacy to persuade Greece •tic TfeatyvOrganization meeting in ; "conference ,at Kennedy International •ofGypruSv ; v,. ;\/ not to enter Into-union-with the rebel Brussels, Greec&.agreed to recall and Airport upon his arrival.miursday^­ But there were signs the confrontation Cypriot government,. replace the.^sjagfeek army officers "I have some doubts whether such acr j| turket between the Uvq countries irtthe wake of .SUCH A MERGER — the long-sought commanding"tn^Cypriot--National tion • by, U.N. forces is advisable,'1 he ­ J. he military coup Which "ousted the ".enosis" of the Greek majority on Guard, which carr.icd the coup. • • ? • ; rfaid. ''There,are other peaceful'means government of. Cyprus "President Cyprus — was considered certain to Turkish diplomats called > the.Greek-by which the-restoration of constitutionals -; \rchibishop Makarios Monday might be . .trigger a Turkish invasion of the.island. promise a "maneuver" ancTsaidTt wasa ^order in Cyprus.is possible."-v 2ATMINSS pefused. •­ Turkish Prime Minister Bulent Ecevft, meaninglsss gesture as long as the-of-j i ISKfNDiltUN ficeri invoiyed in the coup are replaced:* 'r -'IN NORTHERN GREECE, witnesses ai -by others also supporting the. -Gypriot. . reported movements -of troops and ar­rebels.• mor- toward the Turkish border eorgia c The Turkish Parliajnent^ debating-.a: Diplomatic-sources in Athens said NICOSIAbill which: would give Ec'evit a mandate military .units in northern Greece had to invade Cyprus, adjourned until Satur­, gone from partial to full alert CYPRUS day Without taking final actidn. .In Mersin,-Turkey, UPI correspondent -! MtOllERBAMEANSEA AND MAKARIOS himself, said upon John. , Lawton reported thousands of arrival in New York he opposed military troop.s, tanks:and camouflaged artillery . 0 MILES 200 • By United Press International JohitrW. Goodwin, deputy com* if_the.: gia has becomethe'fourth statein. missioner. of.the Oklahoma Departments , restore him to power and was hopeful it southern coast between Isjeiiderun and o days to ban Oklahoma cattle even of Agriculture, said Che quarantine was" ~couldbeaeeomplished-peacefully;<"-—-_Anamor Areas of Greek and Turkish Army buildups iough:it:Tiow' appears-the 12 animals proper, and necessary. • Sisco, following the talks in London, ftjat died'in ah Oklahoma City stockyard " "If the initial two diagnoses should was to fly to Athens Friday-to open,talks were not killed by anthrax as originally prove to be in error, that is if the with Greek government officials .1, believed. • -• ' stockyard deaths.should prove to befrom .The GreSk decision to recall the65Q of-• Agriculture Commissioner Tommy Ir-a disease other than-anthrax-— I would ficers from the Mediterranean .island-,­ _ vin imposed a ban on cattle shipments • rather be in error on the side of safety," came after pressure from. Greece's-v on jr-'if laboratory reports on the cattle thatdied-~ 000.in production: crj, ;clear. ' . . .. stituted at WhiteHouse request", m an ef­ -£hrUchman'sJdrmer Nixon aidewas convictedTa^' fort to" trace news leaks. he j? Ijuesday in Oklahoma City are released. . "Vfq feel that it isall going to be totalCj MAKARfOS had;" asked. the -Athens ' on April 26, contrHdi^ted the-^rcsitferit's . . Friday on charges' of conspiracy and 40— ..J^hen l2 cattle.ai^ in the Oklahoma ^_ ly consumed," Huff said.. ' gqvernment-a week before he The interview quoted iliardiaii as^say^ : was view expressed at an Aiii^, {#3, news '. perjury. It was included in five volumes' ing.Sullivan told him "Mr. Hpo'Ver could '' he" Qty stockyards, it was learned they had -He saitl the other two companies that -overthrown to withdraw the. officers 12- •«) conference that the. break-in was of evidence released by the Judiciary-not be entrusted.witbthis,wiretap infor­ been shipped from a place in Texas near manufacture the vaccine also appear to After the coup,' Sampson said the of--"illegal, unauthorized as-far'^s FwajsV Committee t-v «"i ills County where,ttre original anthrax have sold out, and it may be next month' mation. Mr. Sullivan continued in con-' & larantine was imposed during the . before any mbr4 serum is available. versation saying that Mr. Hoover had: [€^k6nd used wiretap information to tla-ckmail' IN MARUN, TEX.', where the original HOLCOMBE SAID federal was .diagnosed, a- other presidents of the United States and ' Mining Bills two .anthrax -outbreak 4, te'rinartans trained' in anthrax spokesman said, "We're still: receiving was afraid that W could blackmail Mr. f lagnosis, one state veterinarian with reports of "dead c.attle,. but haven't_ Stronger Environmental Reguldtipns Expected Nixoh with4his information." ithrax experience, and the -Oklahoma. received any more confirmed anthrax"-At the time,'Suliivan was at odds with • „ I;;;By DAVID HENDRICKS w^s.yoted. down-336-69. "Rie bili'to ease this legislation and there.certainly'will" |ity stockyards vet inspected the--There enough Hoover, and he subsequently wa'S 'forced cases. is vaccine Texan"Staff Writer proposed restrictiofls.,wspdnsored by Rep." • be some-court action. It is a risk that is' imals.; • •• r.: out of the FBI. v 7-r -^ . available.-The quarantine more than After defeating -two substitute bills run.anytime Congress passes regulatory .'Crajg Bosmer, R-falif., Was defeated . . "One carcass was partially posted ahd likely will be lifted 21days after the last the U:S; House is expected to produce a 25fcl56. .; laws;"' he said. The evidence .volumes contained' 133 . ' .- ' strong„strip wining regulatory bill b,lid. ' tAMAR HOLLEY.director of the Tex-.i Monday, an aide to Rep. J.J. ''Jake" Hosmer bill because "it was'hot jveiy : mented on the Udall bill, two key Nixon mittee'simpeachment'staff and 32 mpre udings \frere typical of anthrax," he reported and confirmed case. Keeling saidv Pickle'opposed tfee •• ., Although the White Househas notcom-statements of information from thecom- But further examinations by the State ias and Southwestern Meatpackers ; Pickle of Austin said Thursday.— t . . , , .... . .... v -. „ .. ^meaningfur'andnot protectiVeenougfi ^administration officials hav£ indfeated ; from the White House. 'EachSstateiftCTtlealth Department could not produce an Association, said tile numl^r of cattle AdministraUve Asst. Micnael Keeling.., ,._in.setting, regulations for restoring thp opposition,' including . John Sawhill, was supported /l?y. 'docuftienlaify ithrax organism in the dead cows and lost te anthrax so far is insignificant to said Pickle voted against "a bill which '. ;. land., Pickle; voted"a'gaidist''the Hechler-. tederal'.energy' commissioner and -evidence. No att^nt^as ma'ife-tn.^nv. IP dppartmpnV^ >oport indicated the -the volume.of cattle availafile: would have phased out all stripmining in bni. "fesiiu^ Mip itinl ffcwrym: inusl l)°—-~R"garg P R Mr>rt"nl 'nipririr'sec,retarv. how any of the stateMeifgTptgliTfrf inig"#:iws may have died from shippingfever . ''It's a' to meet energy demands.-Udall, the-floor manager of his bill, a case cor or against impeachment. ...' -. • stead-of anthrax... reclamation themselves, though," he said. "They'll not have as strong land ; The deteat of the.Hosmer bill.wa&.a . said ,past' cwl mining"operation-had... .-Hoatea^^h^jnain.. thrust of -"the Cattle dealers, upon,learning of the S£-#S ;either have to sell or feed out, and ..^regulations, as the original._Hquse I^yictc^y^fbr^^'envitinmentaiists who are; -destroyed^niHnofe"oriieres'bfrland-and~-b.matenal .submitted in behalf of the:ond report, said G9V, David Hall; they'vje g6t a'droiight which is real bad; interior Committee bill.. 1 seeking strict control over; mining .10,000 miles of streams. , President was that there was extrwjr-• Sundered in ordering a quarantine of all We Empathize with them in every ' The bill to "outlaw strip mining, spon5 The bill,-put • pohcern 1 operations. committee "If we are not wise; enough tostop this dmary over-.alleged security e state's six.million head pfcattlerBut—^way." ! _ sored by Rep.-Ken-Hechler." D-W. Va.,_ together by Rep. Morris; Udall, R-Ariz., ravage of our land and streams",-th.en we violations afid the concern prompted the­ - ls perngrdebated in the House.— -•-• •—-•deserve-thp r'ontpmpt of 'every genera-President to authorize uiiusual botnot il­ -msm _ Udall's bill would-. require surface-tion that follows," Udall said. . legal methods to halt them. ' ;«>mined lands to be restored to their "ap­J proximate original "Bontoiir" which is HEW Guidelines defined as ^rfetoring tdjat least-the-full ­ By ANNE MARIE KILDAY in the Education Article which provides gallery because my skjn is blac-k." Sut-capability of supporting the uses pr£or to ' I# . • Texan Staff Writer financing for state, college^ outside The ton said. ' -. mining, orof higher-usesof which there is. I-The ConstitutionalConvention met m a Foreseen-ij). University of Texas and Texas -A&M, -"THE LEADERSHIP of the conven-; .;,a -high likeability." ^ 1 frief session Thursday but took noaction; ..Systems. ', • tion .has .oontrived -to remove every '. Udall's bill also would provide rights 1 siibmit. its jiroposed constitution to-J By MKE MORRISON to surface-owners when another party • "in Houston with university and collegev rBEFORE WOLFF'S announcement on reference to civil rights in this-docu­oters. i.'-: -A• • ^w-« -.••.-:• Texan Staff Writer • officials to. clarify the guidelines.; the progress of the Subniiission and Tran-ment, and I doubt that Texas blacks will m owns the mineral rights. ; •The Committee-on Submission and -sltion Committee, Rep. G.J. .Sutton of support this document."Jie added ^ Another Udalkprovjlsion allowing easy. Athletic scholarships for women add J. Neils Thompson, chairperson!of theransition is trying to developa package access to the courts tostop surface min-mandatory, coed physical education ©©University AthleticsCouncil^ skid ThUre-San Antonio made a personal privilege hat two-thirds--of the convention "can "Gone forever is the yes sir, no sir -speech on the .proposed constitution. black," Sutton continued, •*ing may be struck from the bill!-Keeling classes at the.University are some of the • ' day there is some ambiguity concerning Vupport. Committee -Chairman Nelson^ • .. v said.., " "• v' ' changes in store if antisex discrimina­women's scholarships, and.he is not ex-Sutton; chairman -of the Legislativeyplff toldthe delegates the^'committee' Black -Caucus, toid the convention, • .-"Let us make acommitment to decent • Even if the provision isleft in, itrwouy tion guidelines proposed by the Depart-. ractly sure what -thisV guidelines' effect levelbped a new resolution yet." -> "Anyone who saystheEducation Article not Significantly stop coal ininldg' -«s-..'-~ Heal|ti,.Edji^itum and Welfare as been meeting, but y/e have, not' education for everyone, good health care will be. ; : is worth the paper, it's written on is 1 and above all things, equallty under the .Ho^mer had charged, Keeding'added. (HEW) are approved.'. . TTiere are .presently no. athletic- r-THE CONVENTION has turned down law of this state," Sutton concluded., scholarships-offered to .women at the eitherjgnqrant orwoefully insensitive to I /SWp mining will continue on an even / Five HEW officiafe-held-aTiress con-*^ eyeral resolutions of the committee. in- Convention president Price Daniel Jr.' ; University, Thompson said.. •the needs of Texans." keel despite-litigation that comes from-_ ference and public briefing Wednesday tluding-two-containing thp main hnriy nfc ; refused tp take a motion td reconsider: The proposed guidelines statee constitution. ' -• ^g^Sutton -said^the-^qual educationaUop^S the vote on-theoriginal resolution of the. , -Scholarships must be given to the sameThe convention also has rejected fivel:' cl^e°f the Education Allele a Committee on -Submiission and Tlransi-. ^proportions of women athletes a,s men,lutions 'on the separate proposals^-'. -an^ on the.school children ofT^x­ tion. Rep. Ralph Scogglhs of El Paso, |gg,although. numerTcal equity^ is^Tiotr — May Shed LigHt||^ liven majority vote approval during^ ~ 'as' " ' who made the.motion,-had voted "on the ijiec'ess^ry. arlier, convention stages. '• : "THE RANKING of Texas schools is losing side" Daniel sg1d, and-he refused: Consequently, if .the men's basketball' j "The committee has decided that we not good enough for me," Suttoti';said. to take the motion. team has 50 percent of its players on On. Tower Bombing Case ' Ire not goingto report anythingout for a , "Texas is:38th in education in this coun-When. Rep. Billyh-Williamson of Tyler/ : scholarship, "then: the.-women's basket­ iest Vflte,'; and ..we! are; considesring a'^.^try, :y^t Texans hold mpre personal asked Daniel how he knew which side ball team must also have 50 percent of LONDON (UPI). — Hundreds of per­she ;was taking pictures Wednesday-^*-"Ba_ckage -of ..all the --separate sub-,'.'''A.wealth;as individuals than in'any other was the.losing side in the 86-91 vote bV sons who.were visiting the Towerof Lon-The London Daily.Mirror newspaper .its players on scholarships. -; -. nissions,', Wolff said. state." ~ which the resolution was defeated,;--don gave rolls of film to Scotland Yard said jt received an anonymous telephon­• • Although Thompson felt the athletics"The comrtiittee is also considering The right to health care section in the Daniel replied; . ''I'm^looking at one' ^.Thursday in hopes tfiey can supply leadS,; ed warning two minutes before the ex­department could —live with the propos­ he possibility of a separate submission General Provisions Article did not now.'-' . -. 1 in the fatal bombing at the popular plosion from a man claiming to .repre^ ed guidelines." he said they may citeate n the State Higher Education^..satisfy S.uttbii,-who said the convention.. The convention voted to recess until ll.^.aiurist attraction: V seiirthe. militant.provisional Wing of the .problems in.other areas,of the Universi-­ssistance Fund (SHEAF), with the ad^TaS. should "cast'off the yoke of the Texas a,m. .Friday, even though Wolff said IthetCJ;-; Joan Halgren. a »-year-^1 ^induj^riais,-np-nearly-i4-points it was the first timesirrce the„1969-70 recession the economy, taking into\ ^ . "Bartholomew's Hospitalr—^ -recruiting''..because of its expense^ ^ at 2 p.m;, finished with a gain of • Among the. injured were-, four Thompson said. . . ~ account the effects of inflation, had failed to grow-for six consecutive months-"^*' J~w 1 U 4.22 at 789.19. -; ; . Americans, all of whom were Released -Thompson felt the guidelines could be. ; ­ 4®f T. Mi® . Gainers outnumbered: losers after being treated.They were identified accomodated especially since funding of '• ,fe|if1 t-vi •» ^ " a^Edyrard Klein, 27, who said he was a women's and~menfs progrsms""doesTiat" Hayward Hospitalized ;gL9i8 ti) 511 atnopgrthe 1,776 issues 1. -lillTII.1174 clergyman: from Missouri; and: three have to be on an equivalent basis." , ATLANTA (UPI) -Actress >1, traded on i^^New Xprk Stock Boston women, Jackie Ford.-27;'"' However, the .proposed-guidelines do " * Susan Hayward, who won an ;r Exchange. ''' Sheilagh Gray, 23; and Christine Grlllo?te-h-require, equal opportunity in competj-Academy Award -for her role in . " Big Board volume expanded io 24. . tion. "Where selection is based.op com­ hM1 Tfite women, who flfew back.to the petitive skijl, athletics may ie provided '-5^®! the movie "I Want To LiVe,''.has 13.98 millidn shares from 11.32 ;UnitedStates Thursday; were • visittng through Separate *teams -for-males and -4§|| been hospitalized for the last million Wednesday^ . the Tpwer on a trip from Canterbury females £•£ througha single-team open toweek for examination of an un-pfi ^Killing Me Softly' Played At *"F\jneral;I^^H^^^''''^x; where-they, were stayjne with JilT\., both s4xes_i"'-the guidelines state. -kf^ i disclosed condition, possibly a-Williams, a 27-year-old Britofc who cor--,~r "Tlf thereare not enough men,.to make' --ri si SARASOTA, Fla. (UPI) —'With.a recording of Roberta Flack's "Killing • brain 'tumor,.Itwas confirmed responded with -Ford 'as a p,' *< Hayward, According !oa close;?p Chubbuck, who comm'ttfed suicidfc on live TV: tion merpber of Parliament, led calls'for Communication in the HEW Office of ' friend, is resting well and expec-^fj; ? restoring the death penalty. \ • • • Civil Rights, said Wednesday. -About J.50 people, mostly young adults, gathered for thp memorial Ser­ • ting (0 leave fimory-Universityj?;'^ ,s • "The temperof the people of this coun-The proposed guidelinesare a result of ;jK;i vice for the 29 yeajSold woman. ' -'. ­ TV -J I7J.. ii^ • A ... 1! -•.•••I'-YS.Xrmi vtry will not tolerate for'much longer ttie--Title-IX of the Education Amendment >vj a posit-lv^. place,'-^heV brother, Gregory, said of the-beach, ',We : absence/of -adequate-, punishment fof passed by Congress in June, 1972..Title dealing ,wifh her death;as a positive rather.-than a negativeactLon-in -criminals who are responsible for out-IX is designed to^gmfnate, with tertain •"The beach is,a positive place." . . rages," Gardner said * exceptions, sex discrimination in any " f#' J . underwent a brahi ' biopsy to|4^> , Home Secretary Roy Jenkinskinsrespond?respond-."" .educationeduratimi nrnorarriprogram or.nr aftirifuactivity r«.receivingD)»in* -S v.,.UPI T«l«ptiol# Chubbuck shot herself in the right temple with a .38 caliber pistol Mon­ -dp.tftrmlnp wHethar the reported v. ed; S'I. sympathize .with their-strong federal funds. ' ' ^41 "dav>Worning as she hosted her morning show. "Sun'coas^ Digest." She -S^ruHaywoBL feelings, but it-is important that decision Before .the guidelines'can-"be im-.V-Sl -tumor-wasbenigii-ornialignant^'J^died-about' u .^^'^mm&ssimmM^swim&pm" : rJVl "" i traJ^^"^»5^^"V ffism •: -"""*—•-*$«$&«:;$ r—" guest viewpoint . Texan editorial Page 4 Friday/. July 19/1974 maligned Ed Wendler By DAN BOYD forms undoubtedly increased the student ,r. Xj Paving •>v «--^sii-iMdr-(Editor's noter Boyd is a University vote-ffi tact, if all of the 1,200 students JVf] Jaw student.) -\ whose forms Wendler picked up actually .People active in politics see far too/ voted, then they constituted about ane­ much of opportunists who accomplish third of the student vote in the June I very little but take credit for anything-runoff: Contrary to the implication of the available, I . have always found Ed Texan editorial, it was not Ed Wendler's If City Council was composed of sexual perverfsTwewotild acctise-them •Wehdler to be precisely the opposite sort" intent to disenfranchise the student », of having a fetish for concrete. - :~*TtT7Vp . ••'• of person: one who has accomplished a body. -4c-' Once again, the council ignored citi?en protest by votvng Thursday to great deal but has received little credit. The Texan, like other mediasources in extend Ninth Street through a relatively quiet neighborhood and a.unique For that reason!was disappointed :to Austin, referred to Ed Wendler as the . inner.-city.park. • > .• fmd The Texan' chiming-in-among a,.. •brother.of County Democratic Chair­~~Ts'obody hntOm t-ily liwrfeMrt>r&<»?^ nfstreet exten-chorus of self-righteous commentators'' man Ken Wendler." I suppose that the who >have . decided that Ed AVendler purposp "of that reference is to ijntimate sion, and even city officials had a hard time explaining their reasons at should be ostracized for his failure to ; that Ed works hand-in-glove tfilh Us •'( Thur^ay's publichiafrrig^lSsfeaalJT facts-the city-reHed orva multiprOi Hfrn~iir-t30-abseptee hnllot request brother.Althought the editorial writer is ' jectorslide show — prepared at taxpayerexpense — to show how wonder­forms. •. no. doubt ifenoranl ttl " the faetr-Ed_ ful the new street will be. It even had niusical accompaniment A-Ed-Wendler-readily-aiftmlted the jnis-_ Wendler is a political activist in his own take. He and a few others had organized righl wKolS~noronly-toially-independeiit_ But fouf ccmncilmen — Berl Handcox/Dr Bud Dryden, Dan Love and —an-effort::to^encouraEe-students.to_vote of his brother but who also has had at • Lowell Lebermann -t*approved Ihe roacL so that the downtown area could absentee in the Jun^-1 runbll bv~gsking—--leiist--as-much^impqct on the politics of • ­ grow. Despite the -old neighborhood. Despite the existing part: there.. i .eleetidr^judges: in 17 student-oriented this state arid county. ­-' Despite thfi fact that the city. park$. board and the city environmental precincts, to provide absentee ballot re­Ed Wendler .was. Ralph Yarbdrou&h's . board opposed the road. Despite the concerned, citizens. -quest .forthsat the polls duringthe May 4 state campaign, manager for the U.S. v.fe-Mayor Roy Butler did indeed refrain — only aftersome public outcry — primary that these voters .could Jill out Senate in 1972; in 1973 he led a coalition while at the. polls; some voters.took the of Austin liberals that worked ibtheGHy f v " from voting since hei>wns.property that will be affected*But first, Butler forms With them,and othersleft them at Council elections and-fought for single-' ,1 .... prepared — at city expense — petitions to drum up support forthe'plari. the polls. Weridter Was to pick them up". member City Council districts.Hewas'3 " Part of Austin's-desire to pave paradise corhes from its mistake of,elec-He picked up over 1.200 absentee ballot central figure in Bob Binder's 1973 City ~4g?fc*hi'" no,v ^Hoqior qg mayor ' . request forms from, (he 16. other Council race and tn Gonzalo Barrieritos' . ":'That-eounclIirmn'Cebcfffltitm-'iJujuld vdte-for-thfrextensior • precincts, hut-he overlooked Precinct 1974-legislative race. In 1971 he helpeil f "335tThat was his mistake; it is very un-organize a statewide conference on stu-^ x cusable: This person, who says he is for enyironmental concerns, voted; —fortunate,"*ancLEd..Wendler js tlie first to dent voter registration. And finally .m-x that the city should run a road through one of the original "green space'- TakeTesponsibdiEft- 1973^]whett--his_brothen-4od"th&.fightJor i •; parklatids; We question whether Lebermann is just-ineffective ih hisa$-Students had a turnout in the June t ijuclear power in Austin,. Ed Windier led­vancement of preserving Austin's environment, or whether he is election of less than 15 per cent-of those • the fight against it as chairman of the downright deceitful. '.•:.' ; ' ; ' . registered to vote Ed Wendler and the — Citizens.for'Public Power, a groupwhich Sinatra men looked exactly others 'who worked with him in en­• he orjgamzed and that.led.an uphill fight The four councilman nbf only voted to destroy a park, but thfey also ap— Agnew.' couraging'-voters, to fill qut ther request that:almost defeated the-nuclear : proved something that was unjustified and unneeded: The new road will proposal. To imply that. Ed Wendler is only be a shortcut route, marked by hills and stop sighs. The city's basic to his brother is not reason for the road — for access to downtown — is ridiculous: "•merely wrong.;:i.t is reckless-to thepoint firing IIn© The new road will provide an access to downtown but nqjt enough, to of-stupidity. • '­ • The readersshould alsoknowtliatEd's relieve any traffic congestion. What the road will'do Is instantly turn one .mistake did not change tfi'eresult of any « ot tneicity*s^older-afeas4nto-Qne of the city's commercial"areas, Dallas, of our close elections. It could not have here we, cprrj.e. ^ \ U ' •—-p pulled ; Dave-.Uorsett out of the "fire To the editor: _ Austin, at leas't'Bie city government, seems'to cling to the mentality hillsides*^ -state-supported; institution • in • San-, -because Precinct 335 does not vote in ­ Jean Inglis' article IPacific News Sep® those of that commissioner's precinct. It could that the automobile is. the only way the public can be mobile^ And roads-, To us who. oppose" it cand tonio to offer a bachelor's degree. , . ­ viceI-on: the moveinent to restrict abor-i evidently.: to many Japin^se parents).- Denis Kopecki not have helped Terry.Weeks because he they Say,-need to be built. No matter what.the ramifications, only to make tion; in Japan (The' Texan, July • 17): • abortion is indistinguishable in" principle 2308 Lafajette Ave. -.lost by about a thousand votes. And as,driving easier. • , ; . . thoroughly .distorts -.the antiabortion * from infanticide;^ < . . • . • • . for Wilsori Foreman, since Precinct 335 " ijnder-and Jeff Priedman were not convinced byjhe ..%case. • -. ty.fiGordon "StewartJr. was voting 90 per cont for Barnentos, I..•-:-i,..Abbrtion and-coiitraception-are» dis--i yp with trees t" city's reasoning or by Butler's insistence that this road go tlnuughr LawStudent--. doubt that those 130 votes would have •• ^Whetherjhose two were playing minority politics is another question. " j™lf UrtflSlS ~To the editor:"." ,help~"Austin-Dealers,^orsGood-Government'-' gave ^1,000 to Love. the . cup," remembering our .silent for reform in local, state arid federal who do not: have children. says San Antonio had no institution offer­friends — the Trees. •government. Moreover, the writer ob-As; .This may prove something about th^c^nciT^ ifflatliatroir^th-the^ As-Jng)is-poj'nted out. the,effect_ot; ing a bachelor's degree before UTSAwas . ..Oh. and mark up a -fulfilled campaign. yiouslv either knows nothing about E& V? '!-automobile. But while they are voting forthii auto and business, they are ..limiting abortion^ in -Japan would be to createdrThrsTS'f^lacions promise for. BucK,^,-v. -s-Wendler or-is-purposely-attempting to - setting ah unfortunate precedent: against nature and people. ';; vastly increase " the .use of eontracep-• San Antonio has had for many years ' .. Pavid Lehman * "Itnislead the readership. As a staunch stives. That is because abortion-has' some, private~coIleges, Saint Mary's ^ 2002 Whitis Ave /^supporter of a strong, free press, I can.; "­ become a substitute for contraceptionin University, Trinity University, Our Lady .(Editor's note: Student Governments only be dismayed to see the type of • rJapan.-It-haa,.iafact, becpme^'^way^f^ of the:Lake and: Incarnate Wortf; which : workers deserve commendation..It was ' irresponsible journalism that will ortlylife." (8.abortions for every 10 livin'g offer.BachelorVdegreesTTheTJistinctidn-—their -plannjng-amLdrive.:thalinade the fan the flames set ,b>*those who w'ishto -: .-••babies) • UTSA holds is.that it will be the first recycling boxes possible.) repress Ihe lree^pFessr Ethnic powder keg %£% As~a possible byproduet-of-this—abork. • ­—'-tion mentality," Japan has experienced •Whenever wild-eyed liberals complain about American tax dollars go-| AU-MV Life^ WHdm, \T$ a dramatic upsurge in child abandon­ ing for support'of the military dictatorship in Greece, they are solemnly ^ t CAR6V/ timnr, mv ment and infanticide ^ babies dumped „• assured that our moral blindness is only temporary and/or"dfihia for long ARPUtfPl m:. i Piesqi dead or alive in washrooms, lockers or' $ha. • range gftals having to do with peace, justice-anil Freedom. Now the Greek -—garbage cans. And that indicates why it THfe M56 i m ra colonels are apparently — solid facts arehard to.come by — trying to ex­ is legalized abortion which isa giantstep 5i£veu' TP into the past —r astep into thedays when pend their quaint views df government to the island of Cyprus, • • i"'! . female infantsdied of exposureon Greek j j-si ; Itrshould have been foreseeable that making gifts of weapons.-to-a irrn - 10 30 • ;Ss;;miJitary goyernnrentwould be an open invitation for the colonels to fipd a • Letters to the editor lUBaosrt • ^ playground for their new toys, having jailed or exiled "most possible t^domestic tims: And if Turkey exercisesher.treaty rights to restore the ' :,. ;Rring tine letters ihoyld: Status quo by.,force, we Amerlcans~wni have — predictably foundJi: : •'...ourselves once mope in the position of supplying the death machines for—i; ^•^Bejjfgedjriple-ipoced. UJikSJD 6V MW KV 016 if ixneers meR5 both sides in a war. v * ' .36 0-' WH5U frXTK W& i vev Be, 2S lines or less. The Texan reserves' mev : \h~ ­ $7" The government of Archbishop Makarios, sitting on one of the many the right to edit letters for length. I'M ITCOH55 ASSOC- ethnic'powder kegs-deposited around-the world by colonial rule, has .• • include name, address, and phone v My ' -managed to govern with a minimum of bloodshed, at least since the-number of contributor:: • • m % P&K: -ZUnited Nations sent m a peacekeeping force in 1964-. It has not been a I 'e"8rl *o The Rring line.The Daily . THR&-: \0 strong government, buffetetfby the outside interests of Greece, Turkey, S • T^xAi, Drawer D, UT'Station, Austin,. Tex. 1'. Pritain, the Soviet Union and the .United States, but it has fi&ne much to ; 78712; or bring letters to the Texan of­ o!\m fices, basement, Texas • Student Publications Building: keep the peace under, trying circumstances. Compare Northern" Ireland, gjigi^where a Catholic minority is in asituation much like theTurkish minority. ^ 2-tH kM;dn Cyprus, but4here has been no compromise. • 11 u =K our support for the Grefekidictatorship> at a terrible cost in theeyespf * " 'world opinion,, has been worth anything, we should be in a position to to work and other fables .^nake dec^sive moves ^ towards peace on Cyprus-Our government; 1 ^ileaderless, has done, nothing substantive to patch the compromise back By F. TRUMAN RANDALL Party,jaching to jawbone an issue which threatens the delegates; .Saying it will f}"®­1 Right to work did not emergefronf the Larryjjales was asked by an associate .^together and was even late^givlng hpservice tothe problem. Wecan hope could appeal to the vast majority of Tex-devour the constitution baby.. • " • he planning the stink of some prehistoric ninnies' white ans, seized, this labor-sponsored'legisla­ Why was to 'oppose sSjpthat our State-Department's: action in sendihg am undersecretary to the .i: Organized labor, claim some Capitol resolution. ;; T tennis shoes, ft was not spirited up by a tion. as a rallying point t6 spawn the1 strategists, has.thus far displayed about; S&rea meansthat the United States is about tourge-the^gplonels toclean up Vi • pack of politicized, warlocks fronting for right-to-work monster. ; -v-;• as much astuteness as one His response was said to be, ''Because political 'their act. Bilt we doubt it, because the heSd of our government has too the military-industrial complex. Labor was humiliated on.the floor of would expect of the Cone Ranger in a «iu 0lng to make a speech against it." many other things on his mind to bother with a mere war. ' 'T •. No, despite-what the labor union 'N/.Texas House. After passing the bill barroom brawl. Why are you gofrig to speak against it. he was asked. • _ ;barons will tell you, it was they who out of committee, all the1 while ignoring-' It is the..Republican legislative coali­ perpetrated'the evildeed. Sumrtioned up realistic assessments of House senti­ v "Because it wilLbejiiy last chwice," tion which is mastering the art of effec­ THE DAILY TEXAN from an obscure purgatory the right-to^ ment,, labor went down to ignominous said Bales, 'I'm going to. Afcapulco tive compromise"bargaining. They are ^york monster, to feast on thesanity of a defeat in the grips' of a conservative tomorrow and won't be back for a Sfurftnf Htwtpmpmr «t ffif l/nhrinffy Texas of Auifftr~ playing a dual strategy game. week. . vConstitutional^Conventionin' com-Democrat-Republic coalition. EDfrDiTTrTT Despite StateGOR Executive*Director ^Buck-Harvey^ --Promise. . But an idea had been bbrn. The right- Br^ O'Leary's urging to,pass the docu-;^ reporMly^promTsedlabo^ MANSGING EDITOR .........BJ Hefner During the last session -pi the Texas ^to-work-fnonste^—had-be^n-resurrected_ ASSISTANT'MANAGING EDITOR Lynne Brock Legislature, who wasthe culprit toshake from the statute books, where it was "newseditort. a clenched legislative fist'lir.air and placed; in 1947 to lay beside our an-, ^irpen,"™e ,rom HceSta"«^*• Richard Fly assault , with all theJ strategy of tiquated-Constitution.. And the'*..,v:Daye Risl)er •premature-ejacula­v Republicans Were off. and running with ASSISTANT TO THE EDITOR SPORTS EDITOR Houston Republicans have voted as a"*i;'!" in his oartmp wnrn» • . .. Vfi...... Larry Smith tion, the capitalist-j; ^ the issue, tumtid^on by-the: tombstones- AMUSElMEIvrrS EDITOR..."..:..:: „ ;system? Yes, fellow-- bloc.-against _both constitutional did contain manv oioi ^ Paul Beutel soliloquy,of State Rep. Ray Hutchison of • resolutions, .offered last TfJursday andiy^Bales ^ lamba^tpH 1 l PHOTOGRAPHERS...: ~. Americans;"' it was. Stanley Farrar, Marlon Taylon -Dallas,, an:articulate conservative who sharkfr ^ho Monday. .The Dallas GOP-delegatippjvS have "WOTk^dlho^ n3" organized labor. . . 'ISSUE STAFF wants to be governor in 1976. .These miniature , ^ • voted en blocfor the first resolution.The-^veirfion.'' To those Wh!lr2m"• 'l?is 11 City Editor _ . * . ..Sylvia Moreno But 'right to work is, focall intents and -U.S. Rep Jake ^ n Houston delegationJs_pfaying^ strategy-:•'•George Meanys in asgi;? General Reporters David Hendricks, Bryan Bromley, Aniie Marie Kilday, i-purposes, a phony issue in the state full of Texansjry^ , dictated by a uiristic ph.loso^r^legislative sUonort inrt 0 "Sed ?,aleS fM . . ---• * . K e n M c H a m Constitutional Convention. • ' ponsors^P °^ conjured up a piece j ..e Republicans aresuccessfullyfy it Lok a Republican memhp * Wire Editors, ...1.^,.' Djiok Jefferspn, Martha JI4. McQiiade to work. And if labor is successful in • Copy Editors , laty>r union political strategists. These d0'"S ls, totherighl-to-work Constitution Revfin CoSln -Carpenter. William F Zeis helping to defeat. the'proposed: new-con-' legislators. are to labor, what some of; while staying at armls length from thtf*£Berl Milburn, to summaX Opinions expreunl In the jlaily Teian are Ukhc of the stitution in-November, all 'tlfey are left­ r;Tnunfcai|09 Duildln>? 'A4l»i. Inquirfef concerning delivery ume"t .editor or-the writer of tbe article and ane not oect&arily • ®«*vertUioj{v*houW be made in TOP BuJIdlnk * .their cplleagues^re tdibusiness special . .withris .the^old Constltution and right tQ --^nriinL r ( ^l,e*c®Pt to °PP.0Se/-,vneW constitutional creature should ph •Miose-ef Uic Unlvertfty:admrnlitratioft or U»rAxirtf of (,upla> "JvertfsiUS to TSP BtMlcting. interest groups. T rt <®/li-Thgy.sirnply.do not want td'' -"coiripass She said, in effect thdt In th«l Regents I ;,woi;k in the statutes, . ~ • eLl' be held -resDonsiblp wa«tin.. _ . l"al all thef House Speaker PriceDatiieUr, actual­ responsible for wasting &,•1< new'constitution needs'ta The DallyTexan; a.Htudent newspaper atTh«>University r>:> repr,e$eniatjyr of-The -Dally-Of course, from the labor perspective, ^ rikd Ser^i^; . they theorize it is>better to have the of Texas at Austin, is published by Tesas Siqdent^ Teocan if :Nat|ooal ^dticaitttucathftar'&dvferiUlhfr/s*™^*^'• .im» kly had to recruit five conservatives to" million in taxpayers money on drafting ?„ shall fee an executive wbfrh lif !i 3 ™ns PuWicaLloni, DrtwcfU University,SUUon. Austlij, t«jc" . AVe.. Ne* York/ N,Y.,t 10017/^ • . -.•• !r serve on the committee. Strategically ,lltutlon that is headed -for defeat,^ minister\a legislature that will leclala^l 1tr\2m , Th« pitly_ Ttxan .it pubhsheif Monday, Tuesday, -monster on legislative statute thari im­ i , ?»»»* Te*an .. destined to bean oasisfor laborltes buta tion itself. ' -gy vi ra-tLons here at the '• Anything-else is window dressing.-Or -J&^^Jit,8^L»Xcep(jiolidayaDdexamperiod«>8ecodii^ •Tourtialisxn Con^rws and the Texas Bail^7­ sihlcbole in, termT~pf~over-all*^ffec-~ OVos paid'arAu^W "fff-—7— : ", ^fe^pa^gcrAssoctal.loft ---' tiveness. , • • • }•-— -if—"•sefva"ts who •A— ff7[. _ -'flirifrtinp-; T<"|h "1*1 hTj< ~^5T)neTnightimagine; theAeenGvshop_ . Uie editorial office (Tews Sludeftl Pob))(a|loi9 Zt'st nm) r dance to the whims oriBlTownraUoKBl ^iWitiK..?».»cmentflwiri.or«t^Ih^/icws tabbratOr^(Corn— m •bill surred up conslderabte'HH'ultniical-' -JemJhejJfcht to"vote on right to work Jikl mmis ayiti.twl Mliil[^n(jl')|». Atwlt-ntl' 1 inlfcfc \liecause'we know-how they wBEwJESEk self-interesL. WJiifiil is -to s4y" opposition,irt the Hoftse. TheRepubljcan 1 a tidal wa've th6y will vote yes.So labor. on the proposeddocument, Aastin'Rep.^-^rom'ise"^-' 5v?i h's .S. on Sc­ le­ra ­ity 3S' eb in-;d or ----­edr—• he '' ch " iht ar Is lOt int. H' \ > ic­- on a , A • iate the ause­it." it it, lales^ s he' Lhls it-to­i did vhich ruth, who-con-how ales' ip of ictive ce.it I try­. dis-J >f the! • Ms. { t this ] iden-| til thdl 'there? II ad­iislatev.1 it r »*> 1 ig.Or flngjn s who itfonal illtical Ticoq •$.<2 irmen precficted embargo Thp SanHi a-Raising the familiar cry of At'the.height of the fighting, out the;king's order. ' -ing in their ears, theVoilmen request from the United h'a tipna1 security-, t he • •: the chairmenof Exxon, Mobil, • The supreme irony is that becaine-panicky, when . the States'to King Faisal, that he chairmen pleaded that "much ; Texaco and Standard of the fburi.Arameo partners had Ufii te(i _States to showed-urge' Arab combatants more than our commercial in­ California . signed a .joint amassed Jiundreds of millions; favoritism for Israel during retire; to (the"preattjfckjv terests in the area is now at memo to President_Nixon and of dollars;ihtaJ?.credits andoil the October war The four hazard." The real stakes,they cease-fire line produced great rushed it by special subsidies from', thq ^rri^rican.;chairmen — JK Jamieson, irritation. We have been told pleaded, were -"both.,ourHit messenger to the White taxpayersTor the specific pur-Exxon: Rawleigh Warner Jr, that the Saudis will impose, economy" anil our security':" House. i •, pos; of preserving.Saudi oil . Mobil.;-'.W-F" Granville. Tex-some' cutback .in-crude oil .. Not long afterward; they • The memo,.-which Was -.,.... ' ;aco;'and Otto N. MilIer,^tan-. production as a' result of the ' U.S.-­ joinetiTin "undermining " " delivered on Oct.-12, clearly. .Yet. Exxon; .Mobil, Texaco dard of-California — drafted a . United;States position taken. security in tbe Middle Ea llt could he worse—-vve could be in Cypftis trying to keep a . . East bv • '• was tinied to influence the and Standard California, 'Memorandum the: ' • ^ir • of blunt "Menkirandum thp far * •'•••' ,>.uMTng>4aIiL^:eDreseH~• ^~X football deprivation.-antitrust •laWsj.y. argue„ . the owners are, they asre cun-. The President didn't -read . tatives. of the four American "T The "National Football ~rthat a competitive• free ning businessmen , , -the .meriio, however,' until companies, according toan m-1• Iiousfel® League team owners have, a market in player talent would— The superstar? would not all after hehad already ordereda' -tel1igence^reRortj. ;th_a t^( he -cozy_ system-.of distributing mean anarchy; a competitive sign with the few richest massive. emergency armslilt /didn't intend tcr ik -SaHdi -.1103 W. 24th ;* players among themselves imbalance and bafikruptcy: ;--teams-for th^ .same reason to Israel on Oct. 14. -. Arabia's " tladitional • withoiU^ompetition-.. The -T-he ; bankruptcy' talk is that the :Jew rith'est teams" —^The -Arab _Ioiriprbd_u_gefriendship wrth-the United OCCUPANCY ONIY ' ,v -_playerS'^ant to sell their ser­balderdash. Competition-for would not want toload up with struck -back, -one after States"''-isolate "his country ; vices in a free market.' ~ * players. would not,inflate superstars. Any team with another, with an-embargo from the Arab world. The players' oppose the •salaries beyond the,ability of three "outstanding guarWr----agamst the United States.The Unless the Aramco partners Semi-Private Rooms as Low as per mo. "common draft" and what is. the owners to pay. -If the backs is apt to. have' two°ex-. greatest of the oil sheikhs, . brought pressure on -the U.S.. • known insports as-the reserve owners need -more money; • pensive and /disgruntled-; SaudiArabia'sKingFaisal,. goyernment tochangeits Mid- clause in contracts.• •"ttnry—•».—. Available as'low as $145 ;;" i»%;:-i until -that club sells or "barrassmeiftt of'^riches. "-. . NOW OPEN CALL US WYT1MF. FOR releases ffimT"If"tte'player— Because you caiiriotraeStray THUR4. Af TERNOON V.OO Now accepting Fall '74 Contracts AT RECORDED INFO. f---—wantslo leavethat teaipjhere, something that does not-exist, •Iti-nothing lit'.can-do un­ a tree; marKei^ltr-tontbaif U.T. Men and Women ilaterally,-exccpL ret-ire . / talent would not destroy thfe But; the-Rozelle KuTe" .competitive balance "Fetween *G~<5FFfeE-7Q9-West~2 enables NFL Commissioner teams: Pete Rozelle to • force any . ANTbNEo \n 478-989? -478-8914 A-t Last: team that signs such a free Au the ^common, draft • • • . agent to pay steep, restitution guarantees, i^'lhat.the worst-SOTJT-J OF^SINAU i: •—in cashor players or both tv• leain can have tlie first and DEXTER HOUSE to the team from-which the-27th choices from a year.'s \H ^AOSTiMt -* Come See -Come Live ~ . DeucaTj:sseH . PART/ travs DQQNESBURY CATe^tNGi* GET MORE FOR YOUR MONEY $ $. mooyoumm OPEN Mort.-SATi 9 •mPRESfPENTIS Assoumyf &emrM>-£4sr IN FACT, THERE 7toPHA$BROV6HT IS NO LON6&1 ABOUT ANY ANYCXHJ8T INCRWS£lti of tm SUPPORT­ vUfcltfU'liVmatta FOR, HIM?­/ 478-OZA1 '^1 EVEfwSOW-'S• UJRONS SOMETIME' e M A MA10 f oo!f A S' ^ 5 /irii­ ..vICrossword Puzzler Answer to VesWrday's Puzile i or/*<3 . ACROSS 6 Stoop water-' aaa Hiaaaa apaa • '• fall QEIH QHHtia BEia .1 S«y«-7 Hebrew =6 Frolic moriifi Bern araiiiBGi! casca ' ^ ft&rti 11 Reach 8 Dancestep taasi nrattran 12 Lessened; 9 Girl's name , rararaii iit§B Hsraa Negative .1.4 Ne 10 Schoolbook Qfiiia HOB raransHfa 15 Decorates f l Theplneap-• Iktek 17 Heavenly , pie nSBISS SafflaiH body :• .-13 Apothecary's; raraa uhci •18 A state --w»lflht (pi.) BEara HUB HI3BE3 v QQO -• (abbr.)-16 Possessive [3HHSC3 OHtD ,^.v, 20 Heroic • "'pronoun nan asasa SQQ ' i.., events 19jShowy llower­ '22 Qlrrsnama 21 Malice . aaanH HQQ 23'Blra snema '—24~Slng+nffvoiC' raoci ssQusa RJHH cfmcckjntiiononezfi Pin Dotting 25 Breaks sud-26 Atmospheric&k ^ 37 Trade for 51. Condensed1 ' . ^ denly dtsturtianca money moisture • ii ?7-Prlnter'?v . i 29 Porticos -39 Grumblqs ' 53 (nlavor ol ;> in Reverse... measure.=<1 31 Vegerablo 1 40 Eagle's nest 56 Symbol tor P^rwvuWr ike d warm. 26 Poker 33 Enveloped-i -43 Walk3 telluriumstages 35.Dam(ll 46 Withered 58 Guido's low. No mutter which way you -^-30 llewspaper^ 36 Deer's horn • 48 Leek through nolo ex'eoutives'ft look at it. black on while or 32 Heraldry . U>hlie cktirch-jpecple sf >yhit<' on black, pin-dolling is — -gralted --s 2 3 4 •••' 5 i6 7-»-a 10. 9 -34 Short lacketV an t'.v<'-s(o|)|mig look. Ilero. a 35 Strands 38 Gbnus ot 11 : 12 hck hmcTN*?% ,s.!irik^ tbroo-picce hnltiy panl heaths u \s 16 17 sn|l lo woaf yraf "rouhd 41 Preposition W *-42 Speed con- Full-h'ppod pants. coHarod \9 20 -if ii 'V tests lufllor and pcplum. jacket, 3m" 44-Additional ' 45 Possessive < add up lo one of the newest 23 24: 2i 26 27 ft *-i pronoun , 28 29 30 31 47 Seasons •looks, around-Sizes 5 Uv "11^. . %"ferfjf iof-K'ns, <49 -Conjunction 32..' 33 3450 Winter vehi­ cle $ 35 36 37 38 3*7 40 52 Slumber. -yen felt e\ret ftxt'te ndfyl 54 Three-toed • • 41 42. 43 44'. sloth > 55 Cylindrical • 45 46 41 49 ^ 57 Hairpiece • N 5e Marry again ,K | ihg7ap ^ ^ •r 80,Blemished-, Ao St i52 I 53 i54 ' 74 z' -* --ISM -|-y DOWN .5 5_ 56 57. se ' //"J t A~ '—*** 1' •('|f|iil Takan'SS?;:/ cpHfcfr,(Jr tfQtL m „., r ; 5 unlaWully 6° "1^ Latin con- i i 'JuncKBfr "r i my« I 01 AA/£> GU/\DA> LUp£. , ­ : w® .. lerrJb'lfl? V^>1« (.[niverjity -Baptist StudenVWirwUr$ r-^-MahUfflEjDRAG^4toGUADALUPg •-H- rfrffirrtfh 1T ) • " ~ /P-r^ayr^Oly IV/ 19/4 1HE DAILY 'iKXAN~PagF5. 3^7 Silt?8 -ses» £sJ.l *sa§^ mT*-. •>' \-y'" !»' it'** Texts Baseball '— — SA? ' " -"" .ffef TC Texan « gj, Gustafson Assesses Recruits By PHILIP BgLL &,->• baseball teams dont like for first; training program-we feel that elude, Chris Raper,, Sfe i . ..Texan Staff \Vriter • •• •• their No. 1. draft choices to Obviously Johnson must be we can get his rhythm down! fieiTer from A^YtiC Rob a As it stands now,-the Lslip. away. Oakland-will come something specWi. . • . His arm is just'super, tHough,. Stramp from Yampi Junior Longhorn basebail.team isone back with-a good offer and "ABSOLUTELY anoiitstan-it needs ,iust a little bit of College in Arizbna, Dan up on the-World Champion ' we'll" just have to wait and-ding prospect. He has a fine work.": . > . Steussy, pitcher from New Open Oakland Athletics. Texas see." arm-and a;; tr-emendous._;_..Texas has been fortunate in .Braunsfels,David •' Wonibee, Baseball Coach Cliff Gustaf-^Johnson has until the first physical appearance for a 'the past to have catchers with' pitcher from Irving,-and Maty­son .recently announced the day of class,..to. make up his catcher," Gustafson said-extremely strong arms.' T ty Zo'ikoski, a first baseman ' LA GRANGE, III (AP) ­signing of Austin McCallum s. mind;:-By tasebail rules a "He is lanky and wiry with all '"NO ONE we have everhad from Poth. > • ' ' "Kathy Ahern, .skillfully-.car--' catcher, Jerry"Johnson,-who draftee ' is free, to sien a of the . tools to . be a great possessed.the arm .that John-Zolkoski, who hit .465 his. vmg -a record-niatching four- undef-par 68 from a soft,,. son -hate. I think that it is senior year, played high .• soggy course whjch frustrated' stronger than, .Terrjr Har-school AA ball so his averagej _ the favorites; took a three"-. mon's.'.' Gustafson said. Har-/nfayf)e"misleadtng7-— . • stroke first-round lead Thurs­ ..... , ... , „ , mon is currently playing in "HE'S A BIG boy with a day in the U.S.-Women's Open sticks with us/ ; Gustafson' the*until he turns 21 or" .quitepoiished/'. Gustafson the Kansas City farm chain. real good-looking swlngv'Tfiat: Golf Tournament. sa'd-"As a matter of.policy;, ^graduates,' -whichever.comes .continued, "With our fall Other signees for Texas,in-average, is • greit,. but, the Ahern, :an eight-season pro school is just AA,"-Gustafson­ from Fort Worth, culled a pair said. '* 'This summer, though, of 34s from-the challenging ho-ic plnyinp BAmipro ball m par 36-36-72 La Grange Coun- EARN CASH Wl San Antonio, and we hear that ; try-Qub;—-• -• • • -• heishavinga^oqdyear.He's An .early misty rain and 1616 Royal Crest Blood Plasma Donors Needed going to be a good hitter, and tricky • greens conspired • to , f , "he showed it in the North­ 444-6631 allow only two others' in the • Men & Women: South' All-Star game. He A leading choice of the Riverside field of 109 pros-and 41 Dr., apartments because" wa offer started the only rally that the EARN $10 WEEKLY amateurs to break par. They .Sxtra-s'paciouTlnTmgs^and-direcV South had with a hit. We have were the runnerup: pair at 7-1. access to the shuttle bus. ••• CASH PAYMENT FORJDONATION • high hopes for that boy." of tormer two-tirtie champion !The highlight fpr the Texas • 1-1 $165 ; Donna Caponi Young and Austin©!! " ~~ basfeb^U team next «year 2-1 185 aniateur. Deborah Massey, " should be moving to the .new Curtis 'Cupperfrom 2-2 195 all' bills paid Blood Components, Inc. 'field, a parkGustafson feelsis Bethlehem, Pa. r . OPEN: MON.& THURSi 8AMto7P.M, fantastic. -•••Tied--at evea^ar 72 were assf mm "I'm really excited by the I J** TUES. & FBI. 8 A.M: to 3 P.M. Carol Mann, 1965 open-'Cham-.H»M-; new facility," hesaid, "There DO YOU OWN AN CLOSED WED. & SAT. ' Jjpioii;and amateur Cynthia Hill -. TiS no (juestion inrriy mind that V ^;..-1 |4.1J W. 24th St. 478-0395| ,— -477-8447 of Imported Car Parts ofes—foe! -Spacious.Soldiers Field. M j (AftwiUOO p.m.) ^ Beautiful Colors And in Houston, even aleather "nickel beer" come-on drew •LEATHER SALE • only. 26.227 to,,see. Tejcans vanoMi-kind»,_c0lors ­ blaik PRiladelphia~TH)-BrtDff IfiMlAlidlltMB 50,00frseat Astrodome. a Capitol Saddlery Detroit,' meanvrhile, drew'-' Ijalf its expected crowd when TSITLavaca . "A^stinrTexas—--478-9309­ -10;631 showed -up -to see -the . host Wheels get edged by Florida • 18-14 in the final minutes of -play. pag Southern California, open-, HANK'S GRILL! •itig at home, drewTIZ 088 fans: to watch the Sun beat E 2532 GUADALUPE Hawaiian's 3$-31: J Hank's Famous j We're Not REDNECK Chicken Fried Steak If all you need this fall is a little room (with AC and : Barbers 2-pes. Meat^ French Fries, carpeting), maid service and all the good home-cooked' ; MiEDIGALi.ARTS Cole Slow, Hot Rolls & Butter­ _vr food you c3F»~eat, perhaps you should consider the ; 5-9 p.m. only $1.45 Reg. $1^85 BARBERSHOPS -•« Barrone. At $117.50 a month (installment rate) you • 2915 Red River 477-06?lt ••••.*• •••<•• ;• vfv v can't lose. • %>sS I • And you'eah take all your left-over bread and ^ ; ' invest it.in sonxejhing worthwhile Like yourself. ­ •&T\j ' 'Tvw °r y°ur chick-jfri*-rf" ^ BREAK THE BOARD'M! rhe"Barrone. Two and a half blocks froo^campus.. Member FDIC 2700^^6003 472r7850 K* H&t v v-,-' -" -f* .an W'-M 3r&WviL; mmm fflEm&m KOREAN KARATE! Free Day / Free Day Free Day •ftf-lta UNIVERSITY TAEKWON DO KARATE CLUB; SINCE 1956 ' -Is " ' , 01.1 f TO RESERVE CHLij VODRT3AY -T^^3e^-Frfday,-jtjtv -1 tfclf?. eve oLa federal mediator's call to the bargaining tabfe. . ' 'Camping and bacKpackmg might.come of-it. "From the As early lis three,months of > JohiTThompson, executive director of the'NFL Manage­ have become1"-increasingly way r politicians and state , age, babiescan be put in child­ment Council,: called the proposal the "largest money popular in the last five years, -agencies work," Wakefield ' carrier, packs. and many'are package ever offered in sports." --1 ./ ME and ^America's wilderness,' if said/ -'-'the" overuse of the. known to sleep better j>n the" m If accepted the proposal would be worth almost $12:&" there .really is any,left, is hay­.parks shows that-there is a- trail-than in a crib.-However, -« million in the areas'of preseason salaries, pensions, in­ ing* to." pay*the price.. . •' .. great'Seal of demand for this' • children one year:or younger -ft K K>-^ •suranc'e and dPro Bowl, pay, Thomson sairC -a^npt»t4nn-ha&-4hA_proatr>';).frp'pHnm thai "The • Perdernales 'Falls wrong with, tgking. children; paranoid.-• people can have. That is the right to strike."-: •State; Park on given "a - 'any backpacking-:but -admits ''.•Backpacking can be*. • Of the agreement, which hasbeen deliVia:ed-tO-Scearceanfe aifSiSSSSWWWlJi «-.' •weekend has lots and lots of few people have to the players association, Kheel said: "We took the 1970 people-backpacking,'.'-Walter .places whece I .would not your head in the. right,place to: a^greemenfand incorporated all thechanges weare prepared UP1-?*lephoto< 'Wakefield, assistant manager have. PeopliT dB not realize really enjoy-yourseU-.--­ to make today*We deletedcertain sectionsof the 1970agree- of Whole Earth-Provisions,.­ ment for reasons we think are sufficient: We rejected cer< Striding Back, said. Wakefield said : many" tain demands..This is a total proposal.'' "•••.• ; i In Washington, BillCurry of the Houston Oilers,president . -Striking Denver Bronco veterans began working out at •their.'own-tamp in Denver packers have; avoided the SPENDYOURMONEYON Thurtday. Pictured (l-r) doing a.ofie-and-one-holf mile run at-a local high'school'are problem . of overcrowding by .'.''of the players-association, said the council'sproposal "is not backpacking-in the off-season. • £ Steve Hamtey,Tem Jackion,Pete DbrankOjOti* Armstrong,Paul Smith and Floyd-little. a serious response tp our demands."* • "THEY^ go.ift-winter or late, /At the .Hotel Riverside »re deal in-basics. For a paltry $4.a'night y»eli . .fall when.the weather'is much give you a room with bed and basin." Your bath1 being mere footstepscooler' and tends to k'eep peo-down the hall. Make it $8 and well put you in a room, with bath.-With ple inside," he said. . ''' or without, you're in a building with a Luby's Cafeteria and El Poco • mm Coaches Select All-Star Reserves Bob. Martm, a library assis-' Locar' one of the Riwec's.livelier nighfspotsrAH nght in the heart' of : • tant • at-the .Barker; Texas NEW-YORK "(AP) — Aging sentiment than accomplish-Minnesota, shortstop Bert game m Pittsburgh Tues'day tests, is "22 .games ahead of San Antonio's beautiful Paseo del Rio "*-. warning Ai Kaiing amt Frank mpnt year. Kaline was Campanefis. of Oakland, third against ;th6:American League Maury Wills' -1962-pace, when ; History"Center,"is ong of the"" "Make your reservaUons jot a weekend. Or a week. At Uie Hotel that Robinsonrr plus_TookierDave-Wills set a .one-season record average; V; ':'o'rdl n aY-y figures you get.more for ypur money • .' i •— ••. Chalk, a formerTexas player, home runs and 30 runs batted Baltimore, catcher ThuTman "The" other reserve out--104 ctnlpp •'••••• • backpackers who, turned; to when you're awahi. Than when j'a'ckpaeking-heranse-of-^is -• i headed:alistof 12 reserves in. for the Detroit Tigers • Munson of New York, and outr fielders chosen are Lou Brock Switch hi ttingTed Simmons =3tmiiedaieeifc±~ named Thursday by Manager through games of Wednesdays:. fielders Reggie -Jackson: of •of St.-Louis, who is.the major pf_Sk Louis and Jerry Groteof disillusionmentjwith camping. -.' Weused,to go camping and Dick ^Williams to-the Robipson was ^batting .253 Oaklafiri,..:Jeff ^Burroughs of • league pacesetter in stolen New. Yorjc are the" reserve there were wall-to-wallpeople American League All-Star . with 13 homfcrs arid 47 RBI for • Texas and Bobby'Murcer of bases with 58; Reggie Smith catchers. Both have played in team that will face .the the California Angels, • ~ New. York; of St. Louis,, who played for the rdlassic before, Simmohs and screaming 'and. yelling kids," Martin said. "At Big National League -Tuesday "Chalk, a 23ryear-old the AL Alt-Stars 'in 1969 and • in 1972-73-aml'-Grote in 1968 night at Pittsburgh. "" shortstop with California'aind 1 SAN -FRANCISCO. (AP) ^,-1972, and Johnny Grtibbof San when, he was with Houston. Bendfor instance,it is.justin­ For the 39-year-old Kaline, the only rookie to make the 28; Outfielders Ralph Garr of Diego, an outstanding rookie • Thir-d baseman fyhke credible the number of people : , The fontsOnly .Budget Hplel. tfie-youngest player .ever • to man American League tea.mr, Atlanta, '(lie league's-leading last year. • Schmidt of Philadelphia and sometimes cramped into. a- win the American League bat­had a .272 average with four .Garr led the league m bat-' his Phils' teammate, second .small area", and-.holidays one;, hitter,-and Cesar Cederio of Comer ol ting title — hedid U at theage • homers and 24 riihs batted in. Houston, the top run-ting with .367 and hits with 143 baseman Dave Gash, are might a? well forget it. rresa & College producer... were, among" 12 on the San u I of 19 in 1955 with-a .340' . Others res^rv^:"chosen "for through gamesof Tuesday. He among the five reserve in-•'I once observed three pecK average — this was his 18th the Ai. team were-first; reserve,players named to.the. also is "the leader in total fielders. Schmidt' Led the pie in the Chiso's'Basin," Mar­Antonio serection to me Alt-Star team. 'basemen*earl-Yastraemski of writerin vote of fans in the NL tin continued, . "They came National—League . ano tnira in For the 38-year-eld Robin-Boston and John Mayberry of team -Thursday by-Manager stolen bases with.35. This will AlKtar"balloting. ---— downtbere-with.'aja'incredibieL IBE-Ii • game Thfe other-infielders. add/id array of camping equiprrient leaguehistorylo win the Most-Cookie Rojas -of Kansas City Mets.-CEDENO, who "will be are first base„man"l'onv iJerez "trtiJludlng twife-and-stoves-and. two Valuable Player Awards^in and Bobby Grich of BERRA picked . appearing,in his third straight of; . Cincinnati, whose 15th-the whole bit, but the next rboth-Iea&ies—--he-did-it-with T -Baltimore,-thir-d baseman-Sal:.-.patcheVs, fivelinfielders "and All-Star game, has 74 runs: inning' homer won the 1967 All-morning they did. not' even •Cincinnati—of Nstionsl Bsitdo of Oflklflnd, outfielders five outfielders to brine to 28 ~ ]battedin.-Brockaveteran of Star:game for the-NL, and walk the^^f-n^fitoihelodge .League in : 1961and .with George HendrTctTof Clevelaiid'»-m^y^!1 b sqUad--shortstops-Don-Kessinget_oL:_ wh'ete.they.,ate.jbreakfast.." ; /'---•-Baltimore.:oL-the:_Ameri5an-and"joe Rudi of Oaklan'd, and -Ghicago.rand-Chris-speieiuiE W^EFlELD-alSOr4&~con^~ . League in^ 1966 — this was his-^catchers-Ed" Herrftiann oT" San Francisco. cerned with the damage being: •; 14th-nomination-t0-tRe"AllrTT~Ctilcag0"and^DarreH-P0Fter-Gf — l '•.""'I **•<' >•* ' "v-iv Z~> _Star team, -.• Milwaukee. • i -'r. .-A''. "• l' fi-..'! 5;, BOTH outfielders, nowirer-T~ THE'EIGHT^starters nam-" ving mainly as designated ed earlier were first baseman bttlCATESSEHj -hitterS7~appeared—to—have-^Blek-AHen-of-Chicago ^451-^5 j made.the team more out of baseman Rod Carew of ^ CHECK BELOW FOR THE ­ m COOL OFF i GREEN ! this summer uttt>! ^ A. i# us::^| RECYCLING |Have a rrvu6 | The all' BOX -M iS Daily Texan , of Wr or Soft i NEAREST YOU. PITCH IN' YOUR TEXAN jdrink WttU iKia * Unclassifieds ICoupon and puir-' • TOWNES HALL (Students only) | of a iand*; • UNIVERSITY CO-OP • must be ,wicV) or meat. ' pre-paid • 24TH AND WHITISH — "• "no. refunds • place your'ad i •&*«i » 26TH AND WHITIS TSP Building MiSfe' 25th & Whltiifi • ACADEMIC CENTER ! *-8sc-. i I « ROBtRT-tEC M00RE HALt (Formerly PMA Bldg.) . «sai-l iltTTLEFIELD FOUNTAIN • 24TH AND SPEEDWAY k • JESTER WOMEN'S DORM 11600LAVACA '• ......478-5423 I 15353.BURNET RD . 465-86891 •, 21ST AND SPEEDWAY ; SPECIALS GOOD FRIDAY AND SATURDAY gffVVv.S"-.'--" ' *• •• " OPEN 10 A.M.'TIL 9 PM spaiuorctl by TEXAS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS EZRA BROOKS 7 yr. J Ml ,* ? 1 and . « 90 fneiSimtghl >»uH»on Whtatoy .. > .. .3lh 4i18 'STUDENT GOVT. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECT. COMM. CANADIAN LORD CALVERT ' 00Prftof ConodMn WhUkty .iih 3.59 -J ^ w MATTINGLY & MOORE 40 Proof SlrQlgh) BouttenWhi«k*y ...w., s,h 2J99 OLD TAYLOlC 16 Proof Straight Bowtbon WhHIUy i.h4.29 STILLBROOK vrguf t ~ \ Attending the M tBProol Sitolghl Bowrbon Whr«k«f 5lh 3«1 ^9 j Summer Session? VERY OLD BARTON I 80 *r©ef S»fa>gh»"6o«t^»«-WhUk*y * ^5.79 | SMIRNOFF VODKA 80 Praol.Vodka > QUART 4.79 2 WHY NOT PALO VIEJO RUM 80 Proof P«*rto Rkon turn QUART 3.99 MM HAIG SCOTCH TRY THE BEST! • 86 Proof Scofch Whbkty uu ,v Wz J iPORt 86 Proof Scotch WhbVoy 21 Great Meals per-Week— HIGHLAND BREEZE |• Maid Service •0Proof Scotch WhUfcoy T.V. VODKA .U Close to Campus SO Prtov Vwlka A lot of placcs have trouble renting all of their apartments and suites Private Transportation4 GORDONS GIN " (particularly dorms) because they want more for them than what they're •A Proof.Ofn ' 3.49 Private Pools -• really worth. ,k-3.7^| PS; I ^ 'rM . . r| But we learned a long time ago that if we charge you a fair price you'll livej ^ ^ Alt THIS AND SCHENLEY GIN with us. So we ran full last semester aivd we're full again this semester MtWOIn... 2.99 And it makes sense. ' EVERYONE GET! BONET CHAMPAGNE iAo m CpW WhH.. Mnk. C.W Duck ... . 7....-.^'..:. .Slh I ,U? We have home-cooked meals, eovcred parking, free group entertainment, A PRIVATE ROOM J.W. DANT ;"r;' A|l o go 86 Proof OM StyW Bourbon, 1iM ., ,f., /ZUAL. 0.77 twenty-four hour security, large living areas, two totally different environments, concerned management, and one all inclusive price. BACARDI RUM itSf ,A ftA, Q 00 ,-SV fZ GAL. 7.47: And our prices don't go up just because it's a new semester or because we're I tkA MADISONHOUSE ^ ,, ^A1 GILBEYS GIN VOPrMTOIn „ . ^ ,,w ...A...r /2 UAL, 8,29 trying to make up for some empty beds. They don't have to. 709.W. 22nd St. FALSTAFF " The Contessa & Contessa West. Two and one half blocks from campus. ., 1)1 6 PAK 89c 478-9891^ 1 "478-8914 PEARL or FALSTAFF. • ' CASE 4.^9 PABST CANS Madison -Bellaire Apts. '6Coin , ,r 6PAK 1.09 M-W, r ,.w J^wailable for SMmlhpt^rZI ER 2706 Nueces 477-9766 , 2707 Rio Grande Austin, Texas 787Q5 476-4648 _NP|BofflM mm m Coeducational / We're still the same, . _.. 7TEXAS • r1" f> . i SV mmmm 'If! WR&i -yamSfcsx Major League Baseball im Astros Overpower Cards J &r'\.4 ,,! |%? .' ST..LOUIS (AP) -Errors I^-V by Ken R'eitz and Joe Torre opened the doprto six Houston •run$ in the seventh inning ajid enabled the Astros to bury the St.-Lpuis Cardinals 8-2 Thurs­day night. I ©kvfe!-• -; The errors, including two by fife' Reit2 at third .base, followed 'wf .gfavrfcf*?-^ singles by Tommy Helms and winning pitcher Claude Os-teen, £7: fteitz committed the 1' first error on. Greg Gross-sacrifice' bunt;:and: Torre followed by booting Roger Merger's grounder to' first that'pushed the-As.trbsin front 3-2 ana sent Lynn McGlothBri7rt-r^-r-u­12-6, down to defeat. pmi.pm. Montreal -.v ..... — "Strtroirrrr ARLINGTON (AP) -Cesar Pittsburgh . Chicago..^ ' Tovar's tie-breaking, single in New York ;.' . the^ixth inrang propelled the Texas Rangers toa 2-1victory over the slumping Boston Red. .'Houston Sox;Thursday night behind the -J!!?-!?* "" • •». « .i ^ . Sj(\Frifi: eight-hit pitching of Ferguson Jenkins. •' > ^-BitST-Drsgar S*7*MtiS55ir^: a r * 1 tf&J " V Toby Harrah toopeh the sixth. Harrahmoved to third" on a .: grounder and. a fly ball, then .. fife . SMSfe i * T R&tik Tovar singled him in. Oakland , A's", who snapped It was theRed Sox'fifth loss Gaylord Perry's 15-game vic­in the last "seven gpmes. tory string 11 days ago. con­Boston's American League tinued their mastery'•of the East lead over,idle Baltimore Cleveland pitching ace with a , was shaved to-one game. 3-2-victory-.over..the. Indians Boston jumped to a 1-0 lead in Thursday night,. keyed( by Sal the second inning against Bando's tie-breaking single in Jenkins,."1:2-9", oil T;Ca rl the~sixth itffllhg." — •Yastrzemski's -homer: The— •The A'scame back from a 2­Rangers tied it in: the third. ' 0 deficjit, scoring one run in * ' "fa ' 'the fifth and.two in thesixtft;• CLEVELAND (AP.) -The to deal Perry his-second coo­ • 0}*$l •ri standings Malionol UogiM Amaritsn l*ogu« ' Diego, . icitl fait rw- W -i u ­ 8 ^Pirouette -Dawson Road and Bouldin •M Avenue will be blocked off during the competition with' the start-finish line and main straightaway along Riverside Drive and the"shores or Town; Lake. ' Qualifying will be in thp. mornings with races begin­ning at2:45 p.m.Saturdayahd 2:35 p:m. Sunday. On Sunday,: go-karts, alsowill be raced at 2 p.m.* its -^Tickets are >3 per day or $3.50 for both days. Children's^ . ticketsare $1.50for eitherone or two days. Advance, tickets may be purchased from any member of the Texas Spokes Sports Car Club, and; from City[ Sports Cars, Inter­national Motors and Skipper's! Imported Autp Parts-. ... By Orange Blossom^p* A solHairs set In a dehcaL band of eighteen,ksratgold. ^Because tblsis th&begfnning* noM.S4«s^ i* %mm04 *0N 7M r AUANPAlt VIU1CI 33» CVASAim v ItV ittMT n MEMBER A cm socim s EVERY THURSDAY secutive defeatsince climbing to 15 straight victories — one ' Short of tHe American League- record. : Perry, 15-3, this season^is now 2-10 lifetime against the A's. . • The Indians scored tworuns " -off A's starterand-winnerJim _ ''Catfish" Hunter, in the se­ cond inning, ;• .. . . Hunter, 14-8,-who alongwith Perry was named to the American League All-Star staff, by California Manager-Dick Williams, tossed 4 six­ hltter * * * " CINCINNATI-(APr^~Bill-Bonljam pitched his fifth vic­t0ry-iir his~last-sevett*;starts" ­and scored the winning:run following his fifth-innipg dou­ble -as the Chicago Cubs defeated' the Cincinnati Reds 3-2 Thursday night.; Bonham, 9-11, who; needed seventh-inning relief help .•ffrom'Oscar-Zamora,.doubled; errors by Dusty Baker on a key lifth-inriing:playTbeat.the "Atlanta Braves 4-0 Thursday night. — '.Loser Ron , Reed retired , the' -first_12 batters before Willie . ' ijtargeil singled"1 to~start~th"^~| fifth. Then Richie Zisksingled Stargell to third. —• -~ iKen.hobbl.ed the ball-in: right field;for the first error, allowing Zisk to move to se­cond, then .hit Zisk: with his throw to second base for the second-error, letting-Stargell-I score and" perffiltting^Zisk to ~ continue to third. ­ AND FRIDAY TRY A RESTAURANT BEER SPECIAL lapitcher 3 p.m. till 9 p.m. Sandwiches • Foosball • Pong Open till 4 a. m. Corner 19th and Guadalupe . 47 477-6829 $ July 18, 19, & 20 Gleem i&J Cotton • V" ^ I 1 ' . Toothpaste Swabs . 63f 79c reg. 99' reg.;^^ r Wellq Welld Herbal Balsam, ConditionerShampoo rS'iSissSB ozPI'S 8 0I- 5^1 $1.15 a.23 1.59 reg. $1.49.reg., Right Guard IfTamponsWi Powder fe39's^ €f 5 or. >%s rjtm $l;23 '-ra75 -$1.69reg,-$1.05r University Co-Op -Supplies [<<' ^ • • -with >2 pvrcnoirorinarc fid SX 424 RECEIVER "RETAIL: w$150 -PACKAGE THIS RECEIVER WITH TURNTABLE AND ANY SPEAKER GET 25% OFF ALL OF IT. L-100 The most' successtul joudspeoiier . ever made, gnd'it's npt w«n JBL stole it from the m leading maker of­professiono) " studio monitors: JBt.' This is b> very powerful thrte­ system cnpoble of tremendous sound wj ^ only modest. amplifier power, hit this speaker in a Sound Gallery package and enjoy rock-faotlom sound and P"»-.-<& &$• 45Q TEAC. MS §l§q|. Itwill ruin you "forevery other " cassette"deck. Because the A TEAC 450. has'an unbeatable cassette WRMS record and-playback IP' -wow and flutter of less-than : :Wm* -0v07-?c-^An-eniiaBced-Dolhyi_ .system.Two wic/twoline sjide control mixing. An FM/Copy conti'ol 'for .recording Dolby­.ized FM broadcasts.Plus other specs and features matched by only a few.reel-to-reel decks. • The'TEAC 450 is the cas­ sette deck of the decade. And we've got'it; ' • " ANY AND 1,"^ •:$mk •'v-.-'V *<• * R S f~ j rr^-^ M SI ANNUAL—PRICE LIQUIDATION SALE PERHAPS THE LARGEST SALE OF TOP­ »;-i QUALITY NAME-BRAND COMPONENTS EVER HELD IN THE STATE OF TEXAS 25 -*80% PRICE REDUCTIONS ON |N-STO»P DEMONSTRATOR^ AND JUST-DISCO NT IN U ED MODELS BY SlJCH QUAUTY MAM.|MCTlJBtKNAcEP •PIONEER ' iri® • TECHNICS • • SAE • 1 •—onrf laiarpf ?*Sound<§ aUen **'** 1 -•--"»# !,H.?5 mJ*' 454-041*6 -A,so °Pen sunday For Brovysing. REMEMBER;;. THE SOUND ri I^MiilnevwuS **^LEBE€AUSE .'If F/f5>T.fWS= ,f»„.•%-'^Si. i>r\L« ag$s% f «* 34yj~~, * A-Tf 8&# •=. 4^r~s>> AUfewJ-c. *! fcfrskft>»* 4V"t«ljWi.* * • tf'* «s ^bs,W **~->s%*%b&d ^A/m: ^ • -* lf^ a l> f * A U*Ps/isrz!Zr\ if p * ^ e r 14 N'P_ Ji4 > i*r ^v/3 ,." 2 " " * S &*< ^ ~z s~ **<* WHW'Sjzs.is n CARACOLES C I ^'M.-^'-v;lit! C IO :&0£&§3%JSPII® -ml SS yam Above frustling'academia, secluded fromthehub'bubtifthecilyis•another'-^;r­ tfie la-it-riiaR,' .saitF that jjroduction-.went well despite the .intense timeworlds the magical town of Carrascolendas. Cloisteredin a sixth floorstudiq : ? pressure imposed on all. The cast ^nd director receive tfie script for-eachof the rusty-red communication building, Carrascolendas is the award-show about a day before it isshot. Gomezsaid that there were occasional in-r;^ yinnjng bilingualj |r *" ymrnng puinguai, multicultural children's-television show produced by houses as thev ha=-=^jenHNr-i'v afifrairi»rt^atiifvnaiiy-hrHTg-pn},i{p-pr,r|f1rf,'itingn,Syfitfm (PBS)_ ril jrorc:­ 1 Carrascolendas was the name of a village at the site of the-modern Rio ^ T The! 9®JSa®9P,eiM^s."JW's the result of the evolution of several, • .. serious problem yet encountered wasthe time squeeze. Carrascolendas was lias®; -;?pe1®.I°f children s programs whose primaryconp^rn-is-thedevelopment of i; ^.^uppo®ed to move" into its new set by the first of the year, but the building 1^? „ ' -was not completed until midspring. " " -----­ ar-^^ith the problems,, Marrero, who oWns h1S own production company -in New York predicted-flLcflpingjyjth bicuHural exp^enc^of_bgingjnijunderstood and perhaps.*^ that this year's series vvjll top Carrascolendas' previous recijrd of'success. humiliated, in the anglo world. Carrascolendas s£nve5"l^traclTJ>Q^ican­ children of Mexican, Cuban and Puerto Rican background, to take t»ride in ; the forefrontof innovative televiSion/Giventhis prominence, it may bedif­the-dimensions of their bicultural life. . "We're trying to show,the child, that he has two jdiffereht worlds of sfe^rofgbt it this far. That will provide yet another hurdlefor the energy and emotion," Raoul Gonzalez,story writer, script editor and composer for this Vingenuity of Ajda.Barrera. ' , year's series, said, HegrewupihBrooklyn.and is known in PuertoRico asa nightclub entertainer and television personality. ——^Gonzalez feels understandjng boththe angloand Latin world has enriched^ his life -and pniipavhrs thrnnfft his Spriplg 'fn fnf.i^B {n viewens his owni bicultural horiswns. "We're dealing with the chlldreiTwrgiice weit>;^-be^ ' ' said. ',• • . • CARRASCOtENDAS was created in 1971 by Ms. Aiila Barrera, a Wmanii _ of Mexican-American background who remains its driving force She had-~ ,> I , .. previously 'produced televised Spanish lessods at the University'and, wasfc"*; ' 7well veftedTii7Ui^dlffJcllties^andTopportiinitie8-of-bicultural-educatii3n.~i"-" v With,,strong support from KLRN, Barrera produced 30 black and .White? — half-hour programs for'local broadcast.; Carrascolendas was broadcast fet^ --^wQjffiaKitLTexasand is nowlh itssecond veaf ofTiational distribntiorirThe _ show will expand to 39 a seasoii for next year'ssenesTwBich currelitljrtStfe?ing produced. • The year1974 has beenone of changesfof Carrascolendas The U S)Office of .Education, "from which ^he program recehtly received a $1.85 million grantr stipulated-lhat pine more shows be produced for this year and the next with the;federal funding. The budget increased half a millirirFcloIlSSs over 1973/ Production of the series has moved from the old KLRN building on -Speedway Street to the new Communication Complex" :> ; i| - Perhapslhe jnost important change hds been from segmented half-hour shows with an emphasison cognitive skillsjoa newhalf-hour musi€al~sitiiqt' tion Comedy format which seeks to transmit effective knowledge.' ' A RECENTLY PRODUCED show featured Uncle Andy, the anglo cobbler; Tio Cheo'i.the Cuban toymaker and Mabel the Magician, a black§8§ Teaiching Mabel to dance, Cheo insisted on the conga, Andy on the.waltzf#ff^| V 'The scene was complete with music. singingjcfior^raphyanti comed^lrr typical pf the dynahnic Carrascolendasapproach. Andy and Mabel speak lit': • " tie. Spanish, Cheo habla poco ingles. Mabel was caught in the middle of a" bilingual, birhythmic dance lesson as the music oscillated from Viennese to Latin, the ianguage from English to Spanish, and Mabel from ftariner to partner. In the end, Mabel learned both dances, she and Andy gamed some Spanish/and Cheo a bit of English. •; The special inhabitantsof Carrascolendas are-a lion, two dolls," a coiWer, a cestauranteer, a schoiol teacher, a fix-it-man and adetective. Agapitoand one of the dolls, Berta, have been on th^ cast for the full four years of „,s:, production. Severalof the characters are new this year,and thfey arechang-i: fll ed from series to series-.'-A-groiiprbf-curriculum experts_wiH review 'ther$m • characterg~wh6n-lhe-vear^SrD'roduction-endsLinJ3ptohpr '~T " The morale at Carrascolendas is generally good'and is bolstered by the: smooth professional discipline which pervades the entire staff:Some com­pare,their relationships!with Uiose ,of a large family. " : / i JtS "I'VE NEVER BEEfJiin love with so many people at once," Chequita Jackson, or Mabel bn'the set, said. Mike Gomez, who plays Campamoches,. story by Bryan Brumley photos by. Carlos Guerra ••Q-1 v » A S.U4S5--.*s' r^lt# wasm wmmmmm Si ^ tv fifjQlEi 3H 1;& j&S'.*f **$^k{ r f. %8S ££§£--•S Tenant Problems Mt"' 8§§D* i'^ Retained » ( < Wki 1 By POUG BURTON",' year, he explained, y1" mal wear and tear..,-," 5 "' Texan Staff Writer Neither are .-landlords'"re;. : "They (landlords) usually-;; rf;Tefl.months afterthe actiya-'; quired to pay interest oh' wanl to charge;you for sham-'5 tion of a state law requiring security deposits, which range , . pooing • the rug and painting landlords'^to show ^a'use ;for up to ?200 -for a two-person Grease" 'spots on the kitchen? -withholding security deposits,; apartment. walls — that's a biggie and some Austin apartment The new security deposit usually requires repainting,1), ...... * WW-, managers are retaining • them" stattite does require landlords John Dennis, Legal Aid atff-j! %':*r unjustifiably, Doug" Dale,.ofr to return the deposit-within 30 torney, said ficer. of the Austin .Tenants" •days of the expiration (late of -Council, said Thursday. the leaseor present the'tenant. Some landlords "puff up the *' 5: lllfEBfis No law in Texas requires svithan itemiji^d list of.deduc­ charges; charge $15 dollars to n Staff Photo by Stanlty Porror > that landlords keep security tions. fix a piece of furniture which deposits • in a separate ac­Although some managers needed 50 centsof glue;" Kurt ,,,,, jgPipe Parking •$$$$$$ Arbuckl^, law clerk at the students attorney's 'office, • count. Dale said. As a result, withhold a deposit for routine Drivers wil( have a hard fimo finding parking spaces some..rnanatggrsi use. the, cleaning work, this-is not added,, * ' in this pipe-filled lot. Construction for the' new deposits as, operating funds ^ancliutied by-the-lawr-which­ —general library eliminated the C-permit parking lot at aiTare toft-p«ss«itb coilie;-state* "No security deposit Arbuckle added that'most 2t«» and Speedway Stre.t» '4'^ Poverty^Report Shows Texas Problem 'Serious' tire frequency of .certain'com­ mil overcrowding and .inadequate fiy DAVID SHARPE municable diseases. In addi­ plumbing facilities. The Texan Staff Writer tion. many Qf the poor were: 'angle's housing faressubstan­ Apprpximately 2,028,000. or . v suffering from nutritional ono out of every five people in tially better .. • deficiencies, and-the food ON THE educational level. stamp—pi*o^-r-ams -were- Texast live daily on less than poverty decreased a.s a' per-: $3; the Texas Department of reaching only half of them, son's educatrional^.attainment. In an effort to remedy theCommunity Affairs reported recently. •• • -• •level rose. ~ ;­The report, Poverty in Tex-The report also • said',"In 'situation-,, trhe report ^s, '1973, states among Mhnic every educational level lit.'all .reopjriiiiended high school; groups 25 perCeht of the 2 •ethnic .group*,' Texans had vocational .training, more" million are black, 35 percent •higher incidences of poverty: Head Starf and Follow are Mexican-American and 38: than those in the salne group: Through programs, basic percent are Anglo. ; and"eddtational level in the'-education for poof adults and-* The anglo "population com1"' U.S^ as a whole. For example, m Spanish-speaking . areas;; the rateof poverty for persons bilingual education. .£ up with them anue^nd of the may be retained to cover nor, landlords were.fair.with their ' ^^ y • with^arTeighth grade eduea-OthetHrec' — of these, b.asi^ig-p®!pected to attend the con­Chairing the panels will be playing a bigger role in the poor -in. Texas ranked high in -necessities, ference, wfhich begins'Friday University Government • -• -' -:-v . •­ delivery of sbcial services to; f -A ; BEST • v#M| I morning and runs-through. ,Pr0fs. William .A*.. Galston... thp poor-in-the future. ---t-**-~rK--vSaturday in Joe C.-Thompson Elspeth Rostow ML and Robert • Drawing most of Its""data Conference Centers Lineberry. me from the 1970 U.S. census and A^rtment Manager I other reliable sources; the report covers poverty factois. such as age, sex, ethnic ':groups, housing," employment A University area: apart-car; As they talked.,, the two . and geographic location. ment manager was. beaten: men suddenly pushed their SINCE Some .of the major con-and robbed at his residence way into Bergstrom"s apark: SV-S. . . elusions of the report follow:! Thursday-afternoon. ' .ment; beat him and-iled with" . The size and structureof the ; Bill Bergstrom, 23*, almost $400; [SOUND --r­ —Pauline Kaef llNFNew-Yorker household greatly influences ifiahager.of the Great Oaks -Police described the-, |< ? jSsrC the degree o{ poverty. Of the Apartments at 2900 -Swisher suspects as "student types" -fee pnnr -)ilm-hu' M11'1 —-£i-T-'"Ifl pnf'ff hp Mpt twi) and said there may hav£ been. *i§ Americans-, many live in bad men at his door who said they' two other men waiting, out-^^ta housing conditions, marked by were interested jn buying a side.. • WhrtfcEartK Provision.Co. Village^ 2700wt„ Jjj 200>CfrtWltapMtoh • \: ••• =^9 Wester •«W4C«T Cinema -451-8352: Anderson IiMASIIAfitogo Pr^rtgwPrbduclKia bur -J-one . . •OONALOSUTHERLAND ELLIOTT GOULD TOM SKERRITT •TOSTTFTMSAILY UMITHM-MKOTOWUI . jo-J«(NUG':«K WJKRWIQIS ^—. ICo-Samrf SUIT KOLUMM JWMIOWAU .Pnducttfbir OweWbj SbiHWttbf • ~ WALK TO U.T. ft»NE¥ NI1IER •WG0PREM1NGER IrtMiiwttWKHWMOQWR Mac br JMWT MMKT' ALL BILLS PAID wm ROBERT «JWW RINGLARONER;Jf:; __ ftjs killCOASW J Color by DE LUXE® PANAVtSION* COVERED PARKING ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK RECORDING ON COLUMBIA RECORDS ­ I POOL®*#!-. -­ ARMMEIAFONTE I FRIDAY & .SATURDAY 7:30 & 9:40 Willis JULY 19 & 20 _ Burdine Aud." ­ I ^lu^ent Gov't. Films Jj HUGE CLOSETS SHWASHER/DISPOSAL 2810 RIO GRANDE vJlea? UN-CUT, UN CENSORED VERSION Canby, NewYork Times , Camal Knowledge is anamazing, brutally honest •!" fV Alio. g M Mfeqfuring­||»AUL COLBERT 11mm 5 film. Mrke Nichols' handling of actors is unsurpassed among American directors!" ft?," ^ 7-10:30 FRI. SAT. -Playboy Magazine , ; jt' Carnal KiMMledgeVbrilliant. A feastof a film!" |KR&WINE i J&r -i |.. , —JudllliCiisI, N,V. Magaiine ; -Sr*^ Wlflal KnOwedge isone of the best moviesever.' •Uz SmUh^CosmopOlUanMBgazine^l .v.sSffKp 2200 Guadalupe (On the Drag) " They get funny when you. 12:15-2:15-4:15 6:15-8:15-10:15 mess with theirjrpone>f1'^ =•-­PASSESSUSPENDED } REDUCED PRICES Til 12:15 l;':M0N-FRI AisSStarrifi lUIVIIHNMCHAllBBvob In ACameo AppaarancaAsTha RnvnfanH . 1.??. !\l. A&ghat&gya Washingum BeoutifuL, •i^^Retkloss. BADLAND IWyjferiou'fcfe i IN 1959. A LOT OF PEOPLE MikeiXichols,Jack Nicholson, CandiceBei^n, WERE, KILLING TIME. ArthurGartiinketAnn^^Marfiret and Jules ftiffer m KIT WAS' KIUJHG' PEOPLE. -^lj«w!jlSr4:35-<:2W:10.10.-00 PASSES SUSPENDED BEDUCtD.PRICES Tit ItOO MOM.tBl Carnal Knowledge.; n 2»o. -* "i Ws'*! w# SSB u:.m D«ijy bad ^, '\Ss~S"&pw$8i —TtMin tnm m««by I far as he's concerned," Odd., . .which the action centerson. characters played by Jean • too, for the film received nice * Jsnn ixixQti -., Stapleton, Rob Reiner and Sally Struthers. . critical notic.es. -•;. " .Bxecutive producer Ncrman Lear has indicated he intends to. Even.'though the• superstar stand firm ana will orSer O'Connor permanently written ofit of television • : status His former co-star has • * p.m.. me show if hfe does not return within,three weeks. Tandemhas§6n "The Odd Couple," Hugh Sefner plays" himself :—. a ' ,-7 Movie; "The Sweet Ride," starr*-" * attained has .eluded Saxon, ^obtaineda court injun'ctiori that prevents O'Comicfr from work­ . —ing.-Tony, .Franciqie,. Jacqueline he's maintained a career ap­ing elsewhere. : • pagazine. publisher who dis-'"6/sMt. • . 9 Capital Gallery Krees with Felix on the fine 8:30 p.m. • '(••!>».; • ••• |yies-of-pin-up artr-At ;8:30 -—--9-Uawn-and cm. on "channel '24. — --JM the OddCoupie « -1 , 9 p.m... ..." ~ • Riverside Twin eitteraa fl 9 The Slack American Son -' : : • rJ Jimmy Dean Show v-' < 24 TlKna. •«, .. '.1»30 EAST RIVERSIDE DRIVE -*yy-^3*Orwcron • _ 9 News / *-2 • *>:30 pjn.' •; .j .•« • •••• CoH Thtelr* for Showtlm#> 9'On Camera-—•iy 7 Dirty Sally % u ^ 10 p.m. . ' • " III ' 9 Washington Week In Review • "*y24, 36J^W*" " " ' I'vecorne alon< way, *24 The Brady-Bunch '• / .;9 BobquWari r 8 36 Sanfortf o.od . v/.. '10:30 p.m. $30 pm , . './' .7 Moylc. ."A Swmgln'. Summer, 7 4»6©fl Ttmes ' staring Raquel Welch. ; •? Wall Street Week * • sg 'Si 3 Till «*• '9.Masterpiece Theater . , 24 slj^Mflllon Dollar Man ••'••'••&§ ^ 24 Jn concerf 36'Baseball -t .Astros'vs. St. Louf*^> •* / 36 -The .Tqn»ght Shpw Tonight & Saturday# AUGIE MEYERS. & V1 c^ and Tha Westem Head Music Co.," Sunciay " LOST IJONZO BAND 707 Bee Caves Rd. 327-9016 Check Irtdividual ­Ads For .. Feature Times JUS' WALKIN COVER $1 HAPPY HOUR 7-8 bmsai AROfpw* "THE NINE UVE5 of fRilZ THE CAT" SAT. ONLY !; °^EVE WWllZ production • pioducccfbyffVEKMNIZ -.(itecid byROKW.MOR,^ A OOAK SNEED BAND wtfen byRQKRI.TAOR,FRED HOLIDAYd ERIC MONTE inrotwcm u± RESTRICTED® Coiob* ..jcyityc^opdloct obu^Q^JcJjIctyOcjg W, ^XM^UtUlHIIIllllllHIIIIlllHHlUllllliillinilllllllllllHIIMlllllllllllHIIHIimilUIIIIII////^ F 1974's MOST HILARIOUS PURE AUSTIN ROCK WITH BUBBLE PUPPY SUNDAY -STORM tu SOUTHERN FEELING-Mf f AUBfER 5TIU ATOLD PRICES)-M." A DOORS OPEN: 8 HAPPY HOUR: 8-9 /*­ S '"Hiletrious. l#1HiiiK tARTH 9I4N.J.AMAR 477.3783 | = Left mehungry­= for more.' --> .S When was the ^ last time that S happened in :l$r = the movies?" S"' . "-Oonl»MIU«, -"Bawdy and T~rr4W4fl)in9!on.Slti. N -hilarious. "The GrooveTube'-* = "May bethe-v ( 7; 'i i»an.S-funniest ., admirable s movie of ISfSftt satire.­= ' the year. '"=• —Jo. Pollack, ^FRIDAY & SATURDAYS = Rushto St. louia Poit Dlip»tch S 866 it.'Vaf; 1THE GOOD TIMES ^ Mlnnttpolls Trlbunt 3ikABE_ON US AT f? ^/XllllllllllHtlllll * %, lllllllllilll ll!IL|||IIIIIIHII|||||||||li\\\\^ THE BUCKET LIVE ENTERTAINMENT^', ™ . ; Featuring j. \ COMMANDER 'smtviTiMi AND COMPANY SUN-RAINBOW -5 Piec^ Rpck ; JJ"*™***owWrivKert Shapiro .wmtw^Ken ShapirowWiUiftSarasoha S,^ t i Praductum.A syn-pwkEnttrpriMi • DMrfeufof by UvW-Heimwi Rim CwponOMT' SAKS. . A PETER VATES f tLM •STAflAMQ tUCHAEL ftftftftATiM gSTELg ,P*^S0WS•l>CO»STAWtN0 MOiXYJPlCOX TODAY AT 451-7326 • IH35 AT KOENIG LN. WEEK! 12:4S-2;30-4:15-6K»0-7:45-9i30 . Take a touch of "American : . 1 ^-^TOffiti7JJ-a^ipmvk4e-ol $i"_Sumnrier of '42" . . stir KVv'in. a portion of,"The La^t Picture Show,'''and you have-. .•; i , • l 'V, m\ .•*¥ 'im^ i • Slams . RAMEtA SUE MARTIN-BETSY SLADE from Warn#f Bros ^\v CAPITALPLAZA 452-7646 • IH35NORTH AMERICAN NATIONAL ENTHflPBISES, INC PRESENTS ifet, The^Academy Award Winner TBS CHEAT r „ \ '^r AMERICAN ' • > x mmi *-Je WarringLARRYMAHAN & 12:45-2:30 15-iKM) The exciting true story of 75M':M a.vanishing american ^ and Ri&-$pecial Kind'of freedom. ^COLOaBY-OElilXF jv*D^ \r"., fr .1 £vfV?t %"j£ .ftS1 WM0S0 m* Irf4v P ••PY £5"» ISS3 M p; -.Ms' M*U "-*V&?- SNiSDEfl!1& 2 y I Helen Hayes To Retire 2l5t& Cuodalupe Second level Dobia Mall .477-1-124 I ou/tin \W LOS.ANGELES Disney production and ; terrible. 1Could the unparalleled 63-year thinks — her last film. only for Mildred and myself, ' )S.ANGELES (AP) —- — she had to work were terrible, not.*•• CINEMA 5 FESTIVAL acting career ofHelen Hayes but. everyone. AI TODAY AND TOMORROW , "SOMEWHERE INSIDE be. reaching'the final perfor­ "1 felt petulant; angry and I country $1.25(or ana film $2.00for both •: mance'' f 1 -me is a fear that I might get sorry for myself. Oh, it's easyvery losOwithout acting". But I I MO She. thinks so," but' she is to sit on the sidelinesand say, reluctant to a don't, really-thjnk that will make formal •'Why should, television stars woman square in the eye. -Another woman . :bi ACADEMY AWARD I happen." ­ announcement. complain when they're,getting . in the party went to try to break, it up (ina ' . ^ Hayes finally.had to give upWINNER. I-Once before she declared­ . the theater a paid $125,000 a.Show?" -" Back in 1968 through-1972. it you had matter of seconds. "Scouf' had the first because-of she had given up the* stage long hair; you had .to watch out for ''the woman on the floosby the hair). Repeated B1 Cinema 5presents ,'•' I forever. A few months, later bronchial condition that : "BUT SOMETHING inside • good old boys*' in their pickups if you* 7 punches, arid, tugging? could not separate: was aggravated by backstagedust, you feels put upon when you in a revival-of -'The Front. v.-,--"Whenever .Lriit) a plav. I. are .required to • work .under she was acting.on Broadway didn't want-a free haircut and stomping — " them.. •. •' 'v;'-.\v -.V-always ended up in the' unlessyou happened tobavea black belt }n» -< FINALLY, two ofx the men around ' the Garden Page," written by her late such fniseraBle"conditions husbartd. Charles MacArthur, hospital for a week," she Hayes' career has been karate. (Those Were pre-kung-fUTdaysr) mustered: all, of.?thek .strength to pul|: Ct Now cedar .choppers and longhairs-.-; ".'"Scout'-' loose. She. kicked one of.them in and Ben Hecht. ••-•' recalled. 4'I finally told laden with honors, including of thie8^• myself I was such a bad risk I two Academy. awards "The gather to drink beer, listen to country the groin, and he returnedthe'favor witlu:STILL POSSESSED .with music and generally have* a good time, ; • punch to hw stomach. It didn'.t even.faje limitless energy, the 73-yeat-might as well • have been a Sin of Madelon Claudet, ; M Finzi-Continisi old actress, was here over­ drunk." ' , . (1931) and "Atrport." 097(5) together. •„ -her. . night from Honolulu, where Now she seeks a more reflec­:. I CAN RECALL incidents in Dallas, --Fora 'whild l-thought that was it, but "THE SNOOP Sisters," the NQWINENGLISi tive life. • Houston and: even • good ole' • laid-back --tlien she started in with another woman, had—helped—Son-James—tripuisinn mimca-rioc in which _Austin before 197^.)73. Thing? have changed : More"fists and halr-pultlng. After" tirat,'$MacATthur with a benefit. In she starred with Mildred ."I have a greatTnlereSfand—: 3:05 now, sort nf t4^rki3tetvf"l've~5eeirfre——KWfi-h&uacers had their hand's complete rc -the—morning-,she ...would.be Natwick.lastseason, hastened lnquisitivenesS about the -n 6:40 leaving for London, to appear quenUi^hting between,longhairs who used . )y full jn carrying Her oiit, r - Mayes' urge to retfre. world . around' me." she to have "peace, brother*" fora motto-'——With the-show' hayjng_been ruined for 10:15 with Peter Ustinov in "One of' "I was miserable doing it," enthused. ''.If I ever start to Our Dinosaurs Is Missing.'.' It : There is one person here who frequents them, about half of the tabje left,.Fifteen she said. "It was like a jail • would mark her second get bored/ I simply take a the club scene whom I haver had the unfor--; •'. Mnnutes later, she somehow had managed I sentence.:.. The hours that we: walk. Then the fun begins." T. '•tunate experience-to encounter. -to get back in and came back to the table PLUS! I * FOR • r.I. remember sfceing girls fighting at" • looking for more. It didn't matter that the TWO •. lunch or in the halls in high school, but original people she had; been fighting hid I the union • never have I seen-a woman (I .woulllift:. -left: she wanted some faction, BntiahLittipfcjMiU --r-' DAYS 'FRIDAY"-10-*a-:mv"5'^j>;.rft.—-Art—exhibit: Quinfm FUim Production 1 'dare call her-a lady)-so intent on fighting,?::Ef NEXT SHE kicked a friend of mine in ONLY! -Vanessa Redgrave Macrame, batiks, and.weaving-by.three . 8, 10 p.m. Weekend" fiinj: ''the'Life'"and ~ Her Imickname is -"Scout." ^ -the chin and took a swing at me. BecausS --art students: Janet-Burke, Marilyn "David-Warher in - ;! Tinies of Judge Roy Bea.n." • • -"SCOUT" IS'about 5-5 and weighs no; ^she ^ad earVieV brokefr'onrlast pitcherjit.1 s*em I :s'*1Wesson and Ry}h Holt. Last day. Union SUNDAY 9 a.m. Day trip:."JDallas Summer more tlian-110, Vet 4-d-rather fight Rosey beer on the table,!still had quick enough " I Gallery. . Leaks than-face-her.after she's had a few Morgan.1 • La Mancha'?' Cancel-... reflexesto dodge. t "Musical—'Man Of p.m. SOTA Happy Hour: Club Caravan Distributed by Cinema V.... I ed" for lack of sufficient enrollment. • bejers. The first time t encountered "he^ '"AftershS-w'artlrrown oirtbythree.more.I —MViIla Capri Motor Hotel).' The"dean of --However, tickets may be reserved: in: "~ was^uring the Ike and Tina Turner show bouncers, we had the misfortune to see-j|j gTsstudents office and the Texas-Union co- — I S Dallas by callihg the program office, 471-: "fiere iwhile"b'ackT — —•"' her as we were leaving—a barrage of M apoiiaux Students—OMer—Than Avcrage­ • About' 10 minutes into the second show b^er bottles ensued: . • .• (SOTA), informal group for studentsstudpnts. r— _ an erouD ^ -she walked up to the Willie Nelson pyi ty ^st—this-last—Friday-n»i I returning to UT after a career or after v /TUESDAY Noon SOTA -sandwich seminar table and-jumping and began dancing thrown out of the:Dofig Sahm show, again I . reanng_a family, new mepibers welcome. S . "Career Crisis" with Michael Duffy. around in the already'too-crowded isles for fighting/with people in the audience,! *$£& •r^-5 p-m Canoe trip. Lower.Guadalupe River. S; , Career Choice InfQrmation Center. Free. One of. the. women as^ed her to sit down have found out that she has Ati one timeor |(yg|'--'.trip. Canceled for lack of sufficient UnioifrBiiilding-213:— -, -becauseshewasobstruetlngseveralper-.. ahot)ier-been:-thCown out of riearly_ev%y II®,water. . ' '••---§&!• 9 p:ni. Cinema under the stars: "Topper.'1 He woos his divorced wife sons' view of the.shoW. Twomore requests-, l»5a| 8/l0 p.m.'Weekend film "The Life and -Free. Union Patio". • : Club iti town -. by placing a skeleton inher bed|ftp to sit do\Vn. but ,to no avail:' .-" With ^people likp this, I wonder if the W Times of Judge Roy Bean."f?aut.Newman wires her facudoir withshattering i-t WEDNESDAY Noon Sandwich seminar: On the fourth'request to move or-sit ''Austin jsound" is supposedly progressive)! .• plays the "hanging judge" in thestory of I souni'effects, hoping • . ."How To Purchase Camera Equipment" down, "Scout" swung around^ hitting this country or aggressive country? who becomes -"the"only law; an outlaw • with; Bob Smith, manager. University Co­ 5 her lover andhusband-to-be '•• s->b west of the Pjecos." $l students. facultyV Op.;..camera department. -Sandwichesr ,%YIwilf die of fright. He steals her '^ staff; $1:50 members. Union Theatre. chips and soft drinks will be available; or •m • 1car, nearly blows-her mothw to SATURDAY Z p.m. Daytrip: "A Night in Old-bring" your • own lunch. • Free. Union : GULF: STATES DRIVE1N \. 2 smithereens, finally hasthe -jf -Fredericksburg."-Canceled for'lack of' Building 202. " '— . • -CLASSIFIEDS^ BOX OFFICE OPEN 8.-00 ShoWTOlVN USA . I pour fciii kidiidppedhTT-—' •" *=' ' SHOW "STARTS DUSK. ^ INTERSTATE THEATRES TWANS^THXAS OPEN I:« "."1 Feohires : HUNDREcte OF-SHIPS DOORS OPEN 7:15 p.m. 51.00 til i | 2.-4-4-8-10 PARAMOUNT i72 5i!l FEATURES 7:45-9:50 ANU HLANbb 'ARE MISSING­ 7 11 CONGRESS -VvFMUt _I2H4 Gutdtluot SL-•477-19W .spl ' FINAL WEEK ' •«3mP Itwas 1948 and All ,. _ ^ the boysni sehool knew Billie... CLINT ,«PI«1 ARICHARDWINEaDOCtiflENTARV^^n^ I 6:00-8:00-10:00-$1.50 ' | one EXACTLY • i PIUS CO-FEATURE 'tr ­ ^WON^&nJE^PNTrTAST^ understood S "THE ENDLESS \k "ON ANY I "TRAP ON COUjGAR MOUNTAIN" . SUMMER" " SUNDAY' BVSTERand BILLIE It should have been aUrve stvry! ' ^ COLUMBIA FinCBESPiKenHAim»tliHP,niuotirirBi)ST£R AND BillIF' 'i SamoaJA»M!CH«aVWCEN!-mtEUSUEMWIH-aJFJlWjAWES-ROMfflSBUMO and JOA*GOOOFEUM/m B \ \ mtoujn Musante To Star ' MUSIC .,- nold Barf; Largo, for Clarinet, Violin and Piano by Charles I.ves; and Grand Duo in Lt. Calley Role ARMADILLO presents Doak Sneed: Friday," : Concertant, Op. 48, for Clarinet and Piano, -r. >;St»rm, Paul Ray atod the Cobras and Uie v NEW YORK (ARf^ Tonyitusante happened to be sitting in' ——-by C.M. von Weber. .Assisting Amsel will Night Crawlers Saturday and PlumNeHy""^ his agent's office in-Los Angeles a few.weeks agoTwtjen the-j Sanday. • be Barbara._Bacik"Cas.e,-plaripT and Janice ^ phone rang. The caller asked if the" star of the "Toma" series': T Seemann, violin." ~ ' ' ; CHOIR, student •.BUCKET presents Commander and Com-was^available forr'a certain role. .• pany at 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday for '• 'THE TEXAS BRASS a ffeagmt^Mu»nit»'jr^1i.e^/.<.'tttrned'to me.and said, 'Do you . ensemble in the Department of Music,.will $1.50. have>any political reservations about playing William Calley?' . be featured in a free, concert at Laguna BUFFALO GAP. features Storm Fridayf n I a d o n n a a l " .r A d sin, o e t l ." Gloria Art Museum at 6 p.m. Sunday. . Easy Street Saturday and Big Sandy Sun- .That/he said,-is how producer.StanleyKramer.tapped.him for •',? • day. Friday and Saturday cover charge is .the title.role in "The. Trial of..Lt, Calley," which ABC says" THEATER 50 cents.-;No cover. Sunday". * probably Will be^red-late this year. No definite date, has been "THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE" with John . CASTLE CREEK: has'the Night Crawlers • set. . (• -v-.'-A/-••••'•• ; Saxon piays-at St. Edward's University at : : --FridayrDoak Sneed Ban3~Saturda^and—. The drama is based on the-court-jmartial that-convicted the -~&r30-fwm Eririav and; Saturday ­ the Electromagnets SundayrBands start former Army. oEficer'of killing 22 Vietnamese civilians.^ My ' "FtNlAN'S RAINBOWT1^cotffihuerarCerite . "at-8:30 p.m. Coyer is$l and.$1.50. • . Lai-in 1968.;Calley now is in prison at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan ­ Stage at'.8:30-p.m. Friday and Saturday ; MOTHER EARTH presents Bubble Puppy . personally ^feel that justicenvas-not done at the trial." • i and at 8 p.m. Sunday. Frida'y and Saturday, Storm and Southern MusanieSaid. "By his own Admission, Iknow the man did kill .: , "FALLEN ANGELS'? with Dorothy Lamour ,Feelin' Sunday. Showtime is 9 p.m. Cover Do J thinkthis isright?'No,'at coursenot. ji' • continues ~at the Country Dinner (•is $1.^0'Friday arid Saturday and $1 Sun- • 'On the other hand, Iknow .other people'kilted at My Lai in a _V> '• Playhouse at ff p.m. Friday and Saturday • 'day '• • • • • . .-• •. -' • . similar manner, rm-not ^oing to. say he's a scapegoat, but it>.'.;f; and aL2_and 8 p_jn^_Sunda^. ' -TF.V AP. npiiv TTftnsie-fp^tiirog Spai^kv nnd : — didnt.sit well with me that he-was one man singled out, • Our' Gang Friday, Rusty .Weir Saturday, , regardless o£. whatever he's, like.": • . • ' s—-Alvin Crow and-the.Neon Angels play Sun_-. .-^-Musante. who portrayed a cop of many disguises in the since- ETCETERA day. Bands start at 9 p.m. Cover is. $2.50 H GO CART ANB~SPORTS CAR RAqsS plus canceled "T-oma" series on AiiC, said he has no 4U4lins-of Friday, $2.,50 advance Saturday and $5 at1® . an Auto exhibit Saturday ^nd Sunday, at kind jbout portraying Calley. . the door and $1.50 Sunday. • Municipal Auditorium. Practice runs are Hooking 'em in French sex comedy. ^STEVEN AMSEL, graduate music student, s m. the morning, .races in the afternoon. \Yill present a clarinet'recital at 8 p.m I Charge is $1 to ?3. Friday in the Music Building. He will per-;' POET JIM RYAN willperform at' 10:30 p.m.'form Sonata for Clarinet and Piano by Ar-• : . le Sex ? Premieres Sunday at Toothing Strikes Back. •• • , -• Claude B^rri's "Le Sex earned such critical remarks Complications arise, from tbe ArmadilloWorld Hdqtrs: Jazz Festival Scheduled Shop" is receiving its Austin as "wholesome, refreshing differences in'his business im­. , ^premiere.this weekend,. spon-antf'deliciously.'funny,:.' a g e ' a n d h i s d o m e s t i c l i f e . I r f presents —. - .The thirdannual Astrodome Tower of Po^er and Kool & « of the artists on stag?. An ex-, sorfecf-by 'Moderri" Cinemar~'-(S{€waF4-Kiem.Uo_Berri:s b6-an effort to mesh the two hp Jazz Festival will befheld in Use Gang. . ^ -panded sound system along Previous films by the French ing termed "a French Woody' • atfempl§: H©t4n—this w^_ak —'Wie--&atur.da:y_:conce"rr-with a new.slage.and.lighting ^ctor and-author-tiireptor in-Allen . " ; (.New York the ever-changing mores of festival officials report that. features A1 Green, Sarah system will be used "for the • cTuae-'gS^^w,^.j>^fa/.' — Maf»a?iripv -. ' . • . -. the sex-crazed world ' __ f.ii'lfPlg -arc for both Vaughn, The Crusaders, Chick festival. • ; "Marry ^MerMarrv.Me'' and ~ -. ," |he Friday,nightand Saturday Crtrea anri ket»rn; w "EnrvVPT ' Tii.kijl.A-wiH-h«^va4iahla^l__^TI1p Man with Pniinectifins '' Bern stars as a money­"Le Sex Shop" will be in the Beer Garden ttight shows. Also., .the Jimmy :Smtth Trio the Astrodome gate in "Le.Sex Shop" has been >losing bookstore operator in ^jwrrat7r3&7&72t^aTtti-Hrp^i^ will appear with special guest-Hpuston for $5.50, $6.50, $7.50,. called something of a rarity Paris, who converts.His store Friday;and Saturday in Batts . Gladys Knight and the Pips artists 'Gene-Ammons and .arid $lt). . among, X-rated films. It has to a pornography enterprise/ .Auditorium: Tickets are'Sl.50: |md B.Br King will: lead"-ther Sonny-Slitt—• —' No Cover lineup of &tars appearing Fn-'-: vFive giant.TV screens will* jjay night, iQther performers offer patrons m all locations FRIDAY NIOHT ONLYt it. -525Vi-6artQn. Springs Rd. ­ ^77-0337­ on Friday will be The O'Jays, of the stadium a close-up view July 19 9-12 p.m. 1 L SHAKEY'S * l : "•" v 2915 Guadalupe $2.00 . 1 0 .... .' Presents-• il ^/t^BOND VIBROLAS FEATURES: 1 EXCLUSIVE AUSTIN TEUS ' _ i. 0PE.N -2:0.0 r , 16:45-8!}5-10K)0 • SHOWING . 3rd —ALL YOU CAN DRINK < > it PLUM NELLY 2^0-5^0.7^0^:45 Weelc Reduced Prices Til 5:15 MARILYN MONROE-CANDY BARR jL TONiGHT THRU SATURDAY ! n«iKt«8riH-4»Wl • AND A HOST OT OTHERS IN ~~ ' ONLY ^3 per person s-^~Sitrving.your favorif« 6eer, Wine.Coo/erSr. \\THE EROTIC FILM 2J32 Guadalupe 476-4394 ^915Gtinflfllupe CIRCUS" THEATRE JUST OFF EAST RIVERSIDE DRIVE (HIGHESTRATING) ' 'CHINATOWN' IS AN ALTOGETHEFTUNEXPECTEO^" 1:20-3:00-4:40-6:20-8:00-9 REDUCED PRICES ' _ JB1UMBH! A RICH, INVENTiyEMURDEELMYSTERY" He wrote MURDERS IN THE RUE MORGUE THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF USHER , Til 6 P.M. ' QF'0EEPENIN(3 COMPLEX^ AND TANTALIZING THE RAVfcN TME PIT AND THE PCNDUL'JM AQUARIUS-A LMQN. THRU SAT TWISTS'JACK NICHOLSON IS SO GOOD THAT THEY -HAD^EHERJEQINIMMEDIATELY TQPOLISH . NOW-ATREDUCED UP AN OSCARl-Kam/eeo tianfflWrpalirNews~— • ^Urtlikc the 'Bfil of f/jo AVic-l ork firottr. Film Festival*'.. the ma< yurtiy of pictures in thin ft^oup arc &oth.' erotir and aftujsinft '.Mt What drove him • : ^^Thc ytw to %ccit for., without a doubt, 'Appie Knockcrs ond down intoa bizarre worid of • ^Coke+—tC&?wft *ia -Midnife Movie­ "'CHINAT0WhlvIS AN EXOTIC AND ' i $1.00 CUNNING ENTERTAINMENT!" Fri-Sot. Only -JayCocksJimMagazine Buster Keoton i*SKSJHW-PROOUCip»g:t ROtUSfOUJtSMFtW • •• twUmilWAI JWIBWl" ­ WRIM# B18F6£«TII>W. .PFTOIRAIT!HMRUV« '-THCIUISII0B«K\^-C0 SU(»BT • . in •• *-. .-.v J0Hi«n£au*' pesw tow • sustnws wb.JM Busi(»trecajci»iKBEXDI aoMSsnsm • issocaJtWotwHc ocsoso* vusc scoso 8> j£sw GocsatH -rttisaiufr-rwysor' . Steamboat Bill, Jr: SSr'—T. rr„i4waiia*;Ksamiat Keaton's Funniest Film TRANS*•TEXAS OPEN &00 HURRY! FIRST FEATURE 0URNETZ7toifA SliO-TIl AT 9.-00 6W Bond Raj-4&Q33 SHOWTIME' I Riverside TwinCinema -1 11-56W 1930 East Riversidf Drive -y* AIM NOf^TO :«r? MISStO' Br ANTONt StRIOUSLY CONCERNED WITH THE fUTURl OF THE CINEMA" -v. v«i« -' . ACADEMY AWARDS :'4^A MOST IMPORTANT AND j admitted PASSES SUSPENDED EXCITING FILM .BADLANDS IS# w/Porent • HUG£LY EFFECTIVE. A SMASH." BEST PICTURE -U •HOtlX s: BESTDIBECTOfi­ *tIIKQ -VmccntCanby. N.Y:Time$ • BEST STORY ANDSCREENPLAY (Original) ua.^n. >.BEST FILM EDITING• BEST ABTDIRECTION . i* «F*botW ( •, BESTSCCWING (Adaptnuon) •BEST CQSTUM^PESIGN •m PAUL /ROBERT ..OriiHPtt*)u«onsi»«enls fmVW&tt^jAVlWCDfrrixratiCJoGwp^. ij00-7j5-4JS-t30-8:1B-l0:00 ' '*T^- NEWMAN, REDFORD "The spectre of EDGAR ALLANPOE" iPGl •• Starring < ROBERT p t RQBERTWALKER JR.'CESAR ROMERO .TQMDRAKE » CAROL OHMART Sl.SO fil 6 p.m. •• • A GEORGE ROY HILL -RIM' Fealiures ,1:15-3:15-5:157:15-9:15 .'Ik -$1.50 til -6 p.m. l> "THE STING" FEATURES 1:00-2:50-4:35-6:25-8:10-10:00 AlaCH*l»D2ANuae/l>WBSOVWWSmt*nClN ' ' I • ( •" OAVIDS.WARD GEORGE ROYHILL-, TC^BILLMCKAEI BARGAIN MATINEE MON-FRI BEFORE 1:15^ *41 I • onaJULfA-PHIlUP^'HCHNicoioff# PG dr­ 1:15-2:45-4:15-5:45-7;15iSi45.10:15 , i>. txxusnnroJ^Axccwg uws i KVERV S §g O" FBI." PIUS AT 11:30 * i I AND MIDNITE PLIGK S 1 •" WAITER MATTHAU' SAT HELO • CAROL BURNETT: ; PETE & TILUE' SOUNDS FROM • MOUNTAIN, ; PICKS UP o "O OPEN 2:K Features DELANEY ^v WiJERE * SI .50 til 6 p.m. 2J04:15-4iW AND BONNIE I VEASY RIDEP" , (Mon.-Sol.) •yc7:4S-9:30 AND FRIENDS LEFT OFF... 1123 W. 8a W|H(:BM;-4U'2333 o WHEN THE MOON IS FULL VANISHING PT. ,o n 'O •o.. — ^ "One of the mpsl ^ * i o delightful coincdy dramas "I»• < i A In 'weirt -o­ > MMWW^lTZH.fh. -TiME'MAG'iiliNE I,-4^,®; UMCPICIU«l5-(W»NlS • • HELb •••<> 1 t Yn&fife-$J*J& OVER <> 'd P*r«mounl Picium.Present^ fhfcb GENE WILDERf * I AN ALAN J. PAKUIA RROOUCTION Jm CAN YOU GUESS WHO IT IS WHENWE STOP THE FILMFOR rrw THE WMMM#MMW? WARRfN ' , SEE IT. . SOLVE IT... BlfT OON'TTELL! : »owi»*utti<«c8TO Afi AMfCUS-fflOOOCTION' '•"Mofellk.0 a wtur thana marriage.V CALVINLOCKHART. PETER CUSHING J "HECKARTJMSI KANFTVRRFJI YSCW^TIMKMTUUT ECR0NYN fTHtlKASHMWtOIEL1 •4i1^j1 f I'I III 111 11 ' '-A-* ••'••••»•»»»»»»•»»••»»» rc^5 Friday,. JutyJ9,J974 THE^DAILY TpXAN-Page 13' * SSwPSSsSJf y*f/y* '«.>fctg"Wyn m# $88$ §&&&# vt . V^v -T-C-UAtS»Fi£D A,OV^RTlSI^G FOR SALE MBiaramnai TYPING raV— FURN. APARTS. • FURN. APARTS. H FURN. APARTS. SERVICES 15 ward jrwrwroum .............. E^cft 7*crd on» *«tne...izw^vri..* JO FLEUR.DE LIS. 40< East Jfth;Mature North of 27thSach word 2«4.'t»mes-5 39 Garage Said -For Sale students. Lovely-one bedrooms.Walk.to ACCOUNT Eart word 5-9-timev...'..v:».,07, "xSffipnr 5tmUte. •Sunuiw" Guadalupe lilev. *77­ Each .word 10 or.fncrfMtcnes.,$ .06' :••: -N»vr teasing'lor Sept MOVING* musf sell. many household '5282 VW. REPAIR . -.MANAGER '5t«dert!-y*f».e*cft twne;^.: s .75 items. Toaster, pots^perjs. pillows. etc..' Quality wbrii at reaioMbJe prices. We. £iawf*ea 0>&Rt«y I col. x 1-tnchonc t*me>..... $2.96 *2S.*aket all. 836-6590.. ' AUSTIN -•' 1 BlR-5145^ ^SUMMER RATES -HQWi Sik Wocks can give youbefler.serVSce fromofcrrww. Acifin -Plrm r.e««s augreuiVe 04r«, --from Law School; 5hu)«e bus. One shcpaMOCO Sasff-Brwh. Ff.eedtagnos^ •1? lh.-a'T JnjH ?»Vi-ri^ • • -^ ,r? Crtrtty^mjh Efficiency. .$110. •sdn»0*e graduate :»o i cc« x t r^on ten or moretimesS2.3T* •••-iiU2 Avenue F.Noo«Ul6:0G. ^¥nnr timf»,i^'VV»>ecksv ®nd est»mat«-wmmer dlsoosav. wsticm vow Our.service-is free . p'""'" AC peta iff,A 47743010-%*H fafe-aiyi'please Try Us • -leaoershtp-and*a&?Uty fa-hwsdi® peoo^e. Typ*pg* Myitiiith>ng(" blnd^n^ MOVING, CAR P£5RT.SALE. SaU Sun^ OfGL>22a. Overseas^ngin§~a.' Supply ->S»S-l Bedfoom apartment, pool very FULL-TIME Typing /Tr4ve»:to Hovsfofb Dallas an lewde*^: ll-'OP CJN. goodies. 4524586 . 452-0060 mertt J* or call <73-4401. 47M8S5, 327-" ""' *756 whife trainlr^ piui oonuV beoeliti, ffioiim T«na W»in»J«|. Xitoui.. Shu«ie 6(rt Comer tiss • •;•,•• . , GIN.N.Y'S enp'enwi, brand, oew af/ice.. .Se.nd RESUMES fndvy Y*MA Tiwediry . ....J.'H:00OA 472-4171, :;f" COPYING • resume, Box 41T8,-Austin, .Texas ?87i5. with or without pictures • Cbeck Our-Summer RaTM Mi?c. -For Sale • ./ weekdays • .•••:./-•. • . COLORFUL ,) BEDROOM. Shaa Cli­ • Responses coMldentjal: '...;<':hwasher, cozy community;NearvK/ttle. 2 Day Service ERVICE . "TOP-CASH PRfCES'paid for -d«*r>onds. .-.Ac,rromsn5 plus ^ectfteSty..l2U Wei*tfh Warwick Pan ft^ies ­ oid go>d, C*pfM Diamond Stop, 4018 N. 472-4175 -^fcrff' 8lanco>.. 474-IW7. 47W162. Barry '472-3210 and 472-7677 NC.-,, ,-T* tS» .vwwrt «t •"•»*, modefer an' Lamar; 454-6877. LUXURV 1 Bg ^ * -l^GUUngwafer Company. --TRAVIS 5TATH SCHOOL *707 Hemph»ii-Paris o^iMiiMi nMijMWin nm W' p£ RMA N-E-N-T—-SXil.E. *">••< m ttM ftWiii owMiiniMiVi far . tARGB lNWE.frTUBE5 fct swimmmg _ -----.. v*c^ LARGE I & 2 Bedroomfurnished andurK EMPLOYMENT 6«4y ONI Iwcwiiid Wmtiion. AJl defcei i«' .ortufrog.AU simto.choose from.S3 00 4* I vv, JA'vrnished-Shafl, Wet pa^ prfvafe ciub •JiuilHI6m mode h« tot* up. 2201 Airport Blvd.-COMANCHE " .42 6obie Mall .476-9771 LICENSED VOCATIONAL HlfRSE,.> EasjfUvlnBfiWsdttttm^ JtKiw to4*y oftw puMidaiiwL-: '• Free Parking $517 oermonth . * MOVING T0Norm«Ji, Oxiahoma .Af?TSv .474-7712 2919 WestAve. 1200 Broadmoor. 4$4»38S5, 476-2U3, v ATTCNDAN-T I.» $397.per month arountf A .first: Win share larje Fvrnished 1 ttedroom^s, €ft. Apts,*. Vfi B^rVyGilUngtiretefCompafty. : 7 a.m. • TO p:m. W-F .+. '. Taking appticatfons.for luff time wort, PioCks from Law Sch.ool. $110 ? mainly l^pjnl to l0p.m.stnft.-Duties 9 a.m^ -5 p.m. Sat. ~ ""0f5pr*tffE B^ST-^ — --€*C€L-L-6Wi-5UMMER.,«AT£S^.pa.ril SncfcKJe the care) training andtreatment JOHNSONtQWSTDDENT'RATES BRONICA S-2A 2'i sJngte'lens reflex Cable.furntshed. CA;CH; pool and tat/n-Utilities paid. 2 BDRM -2 Bath, '^ao spacious' one and two bedroom. : 4 ot mtntartyratarded residents. "11 »^Jr i" mi-c. ^ complefe ^ysfem sOOQ, 47fr4>l»T 7Q»m' . dry.. carpet, paneled, walklfto distance to'UT apartments. PalJ rates reasonabli. Call . ABORTION ALTERNATIVE_' PritMiil f^d^EWiCE'WORK^-R^J'MjliiOt --v. Haeft add£. —--,rr«r,.^ ,(tw.p,rto>mn of-2?00 Guadaluoe -Suite 220 tx­ Wwj»ww»ii,«fTC, . rvm^eifra. Furnlinct! or unlu>niSie3* '_r2 • (Prepaid, Mo Refunds) yOVW^E_ASiNG |to© SEPT — ••...;—;.• .• •...•-lict.Trav'uv State School,2-miSvtS»rsr IKOCOC- Students .jaVust, show Auditor's sell. *7T-AM7 jl-jgy mxri\, i!,<,n*ay^g rnttnia/4 -Aii «bi»ti.s-^m orTTCilifteM. Sidg. 3,200 {25th & Whihskfroro « CUSTQMrBUtLT.'Kln^-vize waterbed, " 77W^.472«4TA2. wesf Ave^ So*te 100, -r——-typtngr-Tax-&-ootary.setKi Friday new. 476-C78, 47M246.. •'/ : LRG. 7BDRM-, Furnished,shag carpet, a.m. to <;X} o-w. Montfay through' Bear .archery equipment. Both alnxrsl^ ' 476-5556 yours. Groups, private; FILE CLERK PBX ^t^SPEEO-MotobeCftde bkycJe, Oce~< laundry, pool. 2520 Longvlew. 477-8741. . work. Paint .touch up • $4.50. • Rudy's dishwasher/ d!spi»aL CA/CH; pat)OA < FREE ESTIMATES on body and paint Ca 472-8417, OPERATOR yesjr oM, good condition. $90. 92S-3S9I; '-,, Aulobody. 811 West 5th.-vNe^i*ndMduSlyi«hocan work from ta30 v ­ WILLOW LAT?GB"0»E-B60ROOMf Walk-to- to 5iM<8Aon.,thru Fr». F;r$t 2,hours will, FOR SALE NEW KING SIZE mattress and twx schooC study «rea; carpeted, disposal, STUDENT..MOVERS will do light movV "rt fi(mgTn pefrsonnetdept:&->ast-3 hours I ^mn^l25^^t$ Start ^oday shuttle, grea! location, ABPi, summer : rates. 47M6? 1 -Must be able to.Work the remainder df Summer Rates Start Today ** Fta'menco, 'Basic technique. Good red/wh4^ Shuttle bus cornet.',. MOVE IN TODAY ; BUT CRAZY CAPTIONS DO% No. 104, after 5p.m.. -BUSINESS SERV.rceS. FOR SALEx 1973. Pontiac Grandvifle Dishwashers -2 Large Pools • MOVING SERVICE.* Student with truck Best -Rate on ^he Lake - RIOHOU56onebedfo«n-apairtment 'CATCH THE EYE. || Oanvertible painted special Or&iwe and Security -• ti, \ *itl* help -you move R^sonable. Call i)iRoom-WO. l»1 South »H aS • -V TV, 21*' $50 Sytvanta works without • • . Shuttle Bui Front Door from:$120 -$140; furnished 3bttdes from . Be happy doing the thing ypu like best, seat power door:ioaa, AM/FM stereo' White at raciory-Electric windows and i Ctubroom, VoUeyba^l Cotfri • -John. 263-2S35. Free estimates^ cable on UHF. Most sell 474*5482. . • • •••. .2400 Town Lake Circle v-'X .campus. Large pool In beaufKuf setting. . talking to-pedpie an the telephone: ft£*>T 444-0816 Jape; RaHy. wtweti-steei-betf rad«a) ­ '• • V-' ---i /..» . V,-• • ••• 4474340 • MOVE IN tODAY ,v' Call 472-1238 or comedy 606 W, 17th at officer five days'a.weelc free parking*.-: . ; . Typing, Prlhtlftg, Binding -/ \ MEtCOR 400 HvfltiHm «alcvlatoc_witti_-Rio Grande/ V ' fhendly atmosphere^ H»1l or part timeJV ': kres. Onfy %00Q owner out of memory, iqoare ropt, reciprocal, • -• >«0I Willow CreeKi; .V FURN. HOUSES -bbnwaes' plus_salarl«i^ Call 4il.2357/ . country. BoeJtel, inc'El Campo, Texas 77437,. l-7J3»SO-2729>. . "« varlabwu roundoff. E*ceeds $R-Il, FuU NOW LEASING f OR SEPTr-" .444-0010 -?7#r EFFlCtENCIE5;$95—pluseiectrtcity,_, ' betw«o>? a:m. and1 p,nvw-bet*een.5 „ ytsr-warraoty.NewSi0CLv4n.S79.50.476-. pool ac, carpet, paneling; no-pets.^tuiv. • \L^tCE AU'STlN. IS minutes cam-p.-nv> and 9 p^tvt-Experitfic*-^a yt qtori 1973 MG MIDGET. Excellent condition. • • • 2. 3 but.hot necessary. : • .'vr tfngton Villa, 46fh and Ave. A; 454-8903. pos/dpwnrown. and bedroom • . 22.000 miles,Xmpg pftts.S2550 firm.83^-mobile W5 Mack's TTWMC homes. to. $V40. Reports;.Resumes.; . 7408,.v.'; v"..... • }; • LAOIES?0-SPEEDbicycte$70.At0vs!k . $155 " , SAM JACINT.O ARMS.:1709 San Jacinto. Manna 327-1891, 327'1151. TheseL Letters ' guitar, .exceilent condition. $85; cost Walking distance University-CapttoL J-All Unlverslty and.:^ • PLYMOUTH FURY U!. F«U-po*^ . -i200^IW9CBrackef«idge Housing. ./ '—--1-8R Furn $130_up 2 bedroom,. 1*2 bath. CA/CH, carnrtedT SHARE RENT-^Luxurlous, fountain, THREE POSITIONS .. • buslnesswork $995. 454r2?13,3906JV\arf#y« OrtWu-;; 1 BR .water, pas.cable patd. No pets.Sli5 up. palms, meditation garden. Washer; OPEN Last Minute Service MASTER HEADtennis,racket -regular^ Ftirn XtMfhS. 472-4831 r . : ... .dryer, stereo,,TV* etc $125. Bills paid. •Open 9-9 Mon-Th &• *??-'r^ytruncr; Noy«tf» <30:»»h-new'-MARK*: IV _APTS. Call 451-5555. ' •We area feputaWe andestaWished local' 94 Prl-SatCLOSE OUT SALE this weefc^ cars at or 'Peio«r. 542) >12 tovrnamem rryte " tanglewpe^t -UT^SE5HLY PA1NTED 2 bedroonv 2' fcui*mes> and. are looking tor -3: men or: wholesale n.> =*a«s^A£(33.ia^dU/cflb^.qvleVr :cwcict.i\..ftil.. Lamar, 454-9909. 'Best v^lue you'H eyer 477-1685 reasonable. 477-2608, rrr ^OA DobiCCenterget! • ATTENTION '/ -Annex ;«ef«*ve»i U7Splui biiri.«4.11«fv Pl^aiet^v mo«y-iTKitiv»t«lymotm ~MOO1« . — . slyOTTLEBUSCORNERji — * apply, can 4//1J/01 torfor'afi interview. I Mf VYYr «*^^B^tiiwangrtftagcarpet.'--STUJiHNTSE • SHUTTLE BUSCOfeNER 1 htgh bacKseats, i^aa wifhrCBUifl eMjItje. New. brakes, clutch, battery.*»472-36)5" P.OQ^SecvlcgrtlinHiaj^. ROOMMATES Road, 453-2708, has reasonable CHRISTENSON & Bg^CEASIKC. mn iEPT.~ .•1968 DODGE VAN. Good condition, six appliances, ft month guarantee. Free -EXE€U^VE­ ROOMMATE NEEOEQ. I delrvery aftd Installation;Y^!l buy back-' "7CSSOC^Mdg. pood gas mileage. $909 ,1 Bedroom • Colorful Sbag Carpet LARGE 2 story house stftution is now expanding operations.tn ROOMMATE near U.Tl, • Central Air l brtrocm v • We*, rtm* we)i. Ha«enewcar. Sell$500. wormog"o^TWC"" NEEDEOi $300'mpnth 451-4296. * tnetr management and flfiancial secv Specializing in .. ... tt.O»miles^ ~POOi-'.B»ld:.«B .7t-iw. -• . v>c«s division. Under a new marketing aoartmMt; 6 blocks campus, lati. bills —Theses and dissertations.. LARGE 2 HRDftQQM.*home with yard copcept. an excepttOAai oppoiunlty e*« : CANOE truckloadsale! 4days:, • Shuttle Bus 3 BlksV 1949 <^EVELLE, $100. Automatic. *\r, HALLMARK.. ^«d,«« garage. $150. it -int^sted in NEED HGUSEMATE fo share 3 s,. » power.Call 476-1814. Good condition, 7-only, .July 19-21. Famous bedroom neao-Northwest Park. $55 plus -—iTfo,hEft..aci* of Taod. near campus, divtdual who can operate pt'ofessfonallyXP-'-, door hard-top* 350 w.^;. . • • C; ..... Whitewater A8S Canoes . rC-RETREAT % bills; Ray, *77-9089-. •" call 926-9239: • :• at any^ level -of ^business. A-' represen-—Term papers and reports ' APTS. 1: -tative will be interviewing ppJtampos ­ -..Save $^0t> or more on fully guaranteed " -July 25» Contact The PlacemenORTcVd"?'^­ 71 vljLVO 1WE. 4 Dr. luxury sefen. ' factory seconds.' Never APTS. . HOUSEMATE Share NOKTHWEST 3. 8EDROOM. 2 bath,' mintc«Ma lawK)..raa!al lira;fuel jit-708.W 34th bos. shopping tvLuViea Service considered Cerhng fans, fireplace 472- 451-6231 £ £W4 vjected • 3. liter, 4 cylinder; great oas THE SAILBOAT SHOP 454^294 0986 'rfmemrls S *5 ^-; economy best offer-over*$5650. 536-4590. 453-8101 1607 E. Wversidtf Drive - NOW LEASING FOR SEPT 'SSfer MALE TO SHARE one bedroom apart-' SE Lk FLOWERS..Make S30-S60working ="..>Pitk-up ServiceAvailabte • : 196# SQUARE&ACK Volkswagen; Nary WACK1NG DISTANCE-0T-,-men! m North RFVersEde starting August -4 peaceful days a weeK. Thursday, Frl­ wue, $75ft Call after5:X.451-2120. M.000 • day afternoons, Saturday,-Sunday'aii first or sooner mites, ? _ :• • ->• iilWMilJil.'Ua bills paid, AC. paneled. v 5145 -444-6825. ~ ROOMS -day. Top, •••.•. Top Dollar Paid For S50>00/month HOUSEMATE WANTED: Your own , kitchen, available. 459-4736, 477-8486 HOLL^Y'S TYPlNOSERVItE: A"con^ Apartment.: living.;>* biock -fr'om 1 Bedroom room,-3 bedrpom fcouse/nearihutile,-$53 WANTED STUOE>*T,to assist In early piete-.service from typing throogh bin-,:f-Nice Used Cars NEED AN APARTMENT . cbmpui.. Individual applicants All Bills Paid. -v >plUS bills: 453^352^ -• JTpOENTSI. Rooms aT $60. 105' West • childhood: study. Observaf/oh • and dmg. Available until tfrp.m. E*perltne»' l-'ISi matched with compatible room­ . FOR FALL? < . Walk to Campus r7"?7~ See manager at Th^ Ointon or tali coding. 60-75 Hours total. Se&lembef » ; ed tn att fields:^Nearcampu$~.1401 Mohlr mates. ASK FOR JACK POTTER:' . MALE. ROOMMATE: NEEDED. Share November. 1-295-5821. . \ Drive. 476-3018I': ff\0 Red River 476-5631­ GIVE US A.CALL! .' Buckingham Square two^edroont Two bath apartment with -BILUAAUNDAY Habitat Hunters is FREE apartment • A PARAGON PROPERTY two-three others. Shuttle bus. 447-6158 PANELEO EFPK1ENCY. Share NOON -WAITER/WAITRESS^ Wages. FRANCES \WOOOSTYPIt ootlfy the police or call me at 472-7947. 4^3t97»3. •-­ University, area,Apply by mail to6005-A­ ' ;• Thanks.' 1200 West 40th Apt. 135 ' • V " •'•'••••• •"'••••: ' "• ••' ' Shadow valley ^Cove> Austin, 1exas. SALESPERSON I or ladies sportswear BOBBYE DELAPIELD.'.IBM Seleclrlc/ Js , 451-3333 " •* * Snuttle Bu$torner ^ . ROOM FOR RENT near park. $45month shop, 25-35 hours experience-Apply in tplca/elHe, 25 years experienfce, books, $119 plus ^rfllSi Call Michael, 459-6937. DESRERATELY. NEEOED: Two '! persoo. The . Crickett .Shop, Highland 'Motorcycles -For Sale NOW LEASING FOR SEPT. dltsertatiorrs, »heses,.«i:ieporti, '-5" • 1971 YAMAHA EN0UR0 175CC. Runs -$195 distance UT or SCH ^ElDE R • -1 •* 1 Bedrooms bedroom furnished house^apt:, fall only, i Ma)». -. • mimeographing. 442-7184. • f , . T . • Shag -Panelfng.. NEEDED; working mother/student to for dtsftnsfuished French professor, wife, share 4 iBR. apartment Judi, 471-7247 .; .Giant wafk-lns • Balconies 4-yr.-otd. Walking VTR &IN Diversified good; good'condition except needs first • • .• -•••' r 2 BR FURN. .447-2879; • " • ROOM & BOARD -year. $250 firm. 2812 Nueces. 472-6497; WALK TO CLASS Spanish-furnishings 4 . shuttle. ContactMirlAtddte--East-Center.471-services. Graduate and undergraduate 3881; Town Uke Circle Jypl.ng.-printing, binding: iSlS Koenlfl OLD AAAIN APARTMENTS ALL BILLS-PAID • i FEMALE ROOMMATE needed. Own •100 MPG1 HONDA. CL90.. Completely 444-8118 .472-4162 . BELLSON OORM tor Men. Excellent Lane. 459-7205 : •. •• \. room. 2-2 duplex. $90 plus to bills. Very rebuilt engine, ne»y t«re> Just inspected New one bedroom and efficiency apts-. . Barry Gllllng^rater Company nome cookeil meoli.' Alr-conditloned, _|r,I97T NORTON 750 Commando, $900 or APARTAAENTS teeouflfirr.^l^poiii&^dr to doorgarbage C^CK OUR SUMMER RATES apBroching, »ocall now loran lirter«tw. ;£ best offer.-Black tank and covers. Call • pickup, pool. rrutW service If desired, UNF. DUPLEXES ^^^^ D ' Oupiex'House, • 2-1 SERVICE. SECRETARIAL , -David. 451-3539^ IM7 Treadwel) Strnel; Typing, dictation'NOW LEASING FOR SEPTUS h?I.iJ)or"'i"11 w ywt midline, themn. '*£' '71 YAMAHA 250 OTL $375. /Aust sell! Efficiency, 1, 2, and 3 archl,tc1ur"' ^4441-7457. ' bedroom apartmefnts. -Fall Rates. 1 BR-$155 ~H •JwPyf>EX SOUTH, contehioriry, >2, .Charles Ward, 47^2322-(tf#vi1"^pSS3?^^ti?«2B£j-•Eirtn»»{ .; . " All Sil/s Paid Offer the-solution to 2 BR :$184 in2»G IN.^YmMe'F"*-•«ur» . Stereo -For Sale " your housing. r Eff, S105& Up_ ...... -• : LJ^_V.' ' • J"P«ndleton <42-tsV3jtvenlngsr STEREOSYSTEM: Sansut receiver and , • •MARK XX The i;Soulh*Shor»^i ^central locaflon; h rBRf. $ 52.50 & Up f^UTlPUL ^ERSONALTYJPING. A i , • .{"rotable. L.W.E, HI speakers. After 5 ^3953 : 452-! ' 4S&9M ; 452*5093 provides easy access to U.t —.Roommates turn. prfti., 447-6563. -* • '2rx& • > CHECK OUR SUMMER RATES " WtUnl^ty work. Fast, accurs.e, J Come by.aw seeour tsew efficiencyand Walk to Campus -WANTED 1 bedroom apartmenls on.the banks-of ~: SONY TAPE, DECK TC630, Koss ^•\-;raJ, pickups S2« Great jotter. 472-1693. <«9j^i| *> — Manager-Apt,403*-i onset bedroom & kitchen, cable; water.'% 7?ii, "Walk or Shuttle Gas furnished. Sirifimer -sizl.00 K %Trn ~~ 'f-you-are^-interested in comouter-svitpmc an/i " : to. UT­ xf-fj -Pets -Fpr Sale. 477-5514 ' • 47i-79lt uyi dnr-Y1 YES,-wedo type -­ . RED OAK APTS. r.'.ii a "•'-S Fiye PEOIOREE male Irish Terrier • ; 2\04 SAN.GABRIEL . . BRAND N.EW EFFlClJeNC.16S #^Wh a leading software Freshman themes. ^f -9Ufa. 6l9W-jja«lu_S50_c«n JsiilO_!C: Te'^p^copnT."9 " f Vi campus 4520945. ^ • >1700 Nueces 'Close to campus, BeautHully ivrrl not start out With™ "THE ATTIC -ttoanaoer Apt.*103» 476*S9<0. 45l^«B.. ^1300k oegotia AH witn.big balconies idryour plants '1 452-3501 7033 US HVVV^ 290 HAST DARU>^ EF^CfEl«<£5-futt 5T5 .worming,, reglitratlim, 926-6664 -" 4776SSI r ,]s pedigretfj/476-0139. CLOSE TO CAMPUS cedent compensWlon and benefit? --S,ry' We,»"er ex-nil iii mi SHUTTLE BUS - in an. environment of professiqnai growth. . /. Home* -For Sole. * Available-Aug. \. I Swimming pool, "beautUuily furnished, ^'"SOUTHERN,ESE . doubia pr studio bedr all have dl$-vSend yodr resume i/ioo t=^~ TWO MONTHS" BY OWNER. 2ff« Salado, solid, 3 n APTSf --THREE BLOCKS to .campus, Rpoms,:2 hwasher.dlsposali centraTair apd heat. -to Personnel Mgr.. TCC"'lnr bedroom,: fireplace, le'oced, garage-• apart-. w " ' CFREE RENT -and 3 bedroom, tpacfpos.oldec Apart-$hjw carpet, extra-storage room. Prom Center . Dr. Agsfin, Texas V^r^.tnent; 474-56t?> —'— .and paneling. 1.Bedroom $fjU pius alec-hills 1902 • 1904 Nueces 476-34^2,) plu$v, $U* pii» „ « • • p/; -pool • • workshop. ExreMent condition. Appoint' .Vots. of frees, poof, AC Jaeam. «un>g$ ment building. $120 ABP. to $240 ' R Iverslde Terrace r ' 476-, ; '-J305 West 35th • ' \ hi.oi.i-^^'Kbhous,, . wai»i»l«rl«.­ tr pleyground.,-<50 month; Includes S«irblocks from campul) "ance DPnnlp water01 Conyeni,n) to j R 5, 2satosraa The insurance people in computing n. *1-UT. raller'Park; m-fm,477-1617-Take lease on epf l. tiU ABPfw ondtflon, reasonable ONE B lu$.study>RiverHtHs trT06 B«rgstrom;3jj,3j9}' J ' ^ EXCteUSwi INVESTMENT, -> . U^oAnsweriGall A, 11. CA/CH« carpeted, Huge trees $1500 fSSSS^Si^S1^?7^—FURRI5HED~E 454-5869down/c dgwaand^M»/monti> .Jrir?^r^if&^p^^ FAh Equal 288-2299 Call Craig *f 4i2-29Z3 anytime rtify Employer I^IOUS i ACRE, 2 bedroom, mobii; £Jj-i Waiher.-drytr-MftA <11* tnta?'T* CA/CH-MS-4500 tor appol^ ^^6 ^ —r'^'i" r-" i-*r ~* * ­ *>A ^Spl • _V-U M -t I Electricity Rates SELF-S REGULAR jREGULAR1 ntinue Surges -"yA-; REGULAR aUs Shortages Hamper Oil Drillers iSM'. ftirernational oil conglomerates and wiid-.tfc. .,-ment„afid labor aiso h&s skyrocketed Drive scatters alike are fjlmg applications, at, a • .-^''Pipe has .gonf' plumb out of sight. Two 'student groups will cents for large users such as-a:}: record pace for permits U> :dnlUin-Texas; but___.-BaEbeckjsaid, pqfeKiflE,the-price increase at continue Saturday to collects :shopping centers." ikp! ...shortages of materials are-hampering their I PAID! .4Q0 tp 500 percenMince last vear: signatures in arqa -parks.'for,--.About one4bird of the •re^spf' •efforts . . an Initiative petitioirdesigiieii ""quired 15,000 valid signatures -'w inz7 mtm j|| 'JimC. Langdon.:Chairman,TexasRailroad ~ B-ARB-fCCK said New England eon-, jco restructure Austin's eiec-have been, collected, petition Texan Stafffhot&s by Stanley Farror -;.Commission, said Thursdaythe state is sressmen who think they are speaking for the 1 trie rate structure drive coordinatorssaid Thurs­Higher.; Highest -IeadingiUie nation's.search for oil and gas. •-». f1fisumer ln.rfiskiftR .for, a price rollback are ac-tuallv deprivihg'the consuTTrer* of gasoline The,petition, sponsored by day. ".-"v-av.; vLangdon said 511 drilling Tigs were operative • -.he might otherwise have obtained. ­ '.Save Austin'? Valuable En-" Student Government also • m Texas as of July 8,,or 35 percent of all the |_vironn>ent "(SAVE) and the has manned a booth this week active rigsrin the nation: Texas has twice as .'As part of the continuing effort to meet f-Tsxas Publie—liiterest on the West Mall seeking, many rigs working a,s any other state. • : -current demands tor petroleum products, the UT Area Drivers Pay Less [.Research Group. (TeXPlRG), signatures mi thepetitioft. ; JHEj^MMISSJON had processed 10,600 • commission set the August .production" """" arter States 01at~;: drilling appHcgtionslhisyear, as corripared allowable at lOO percent:. oLmoge^arrioiii— ate under which "residential after 10 percent' (15|000) ot all to-7,600-fhroligh.thecomparable periodJast-_unUlion;ban-el5""pTrlla.v7The .allovyable has |users, including -apartment .registered Austin voters have yii'ii, Ldiikdoil .said:.-• .v, --stayed ?t. 100 percent for.-28 eohsecutive­iwelTers",! would;-be • signed^ the petition, the city, Arthur H. Barbeck, chief-engineer of the . months. ­iuaranteed an adequate clerk has 30 days after the fil­'•._ Though the days of 28.9 are gone iorever. a area and 25 stations on IH 35, are 50 t cents Feommission'soi) and gas division,.added the* Theallowable ffgureis'not at the maximum i amount'of electricity-at this ing to check tlfe validity pi the s'urvey of 50 Austin service stationsThursday' for. regular and .53.8 cents for premium. " • threat of a price rollback has producers' possible production,-however-In addition to lowest,rati?." —signatures. Tim city clerkrwiW indicated 'local motorists still j ~d>« , - pay about 6 <« . worried. Barbeck said independent producers market demand,. Ute.'£opriniissH^.-'c»ri|>.iders' cents The initiative petition also then certify the petition at the per gallpn less .tor gasoline uian the" —-T-h^tftijversny-araa-showed -assayings -for--, art; most concerned about such moves in -resource conservation and protection of" proposes a "progressive rate next regular -Citv Council—^1^8^ the consumer of .about .4 cents per gallon • • congress.-AlthouglTOi6~cui ieut. —Br-odnrnrs' riphtg in ^tprmining the prodirp­for' nonresidential users and meeting. ' But if Capital Citydrivers come out"a1ieaii~ -over-s'tations-on the lngh-wAy, but tho sliphi per barrel for: oil discovered after the Arab tion allowable for each well and in each oil" aibove-average residential : The council then has the op-in terms-of prices, they tag somewhat behind difference isoffset by the factor.of availabili-embargo is a good pricev-tTie-cost of equip field. users." As-larger amounts of tion toehact the ofdinance -or /cthe. national mean in availability of-fuel.-t.v — thfe'h'urriber of stations remaining open ­ 7nights-and Sundays. ' . - Jpplectricity are used, the price call for abinding city election; Figures released this week by the mfiprtolowatt-hourincreases-in—ULa.specj^c^ctiojns^called ^American Automobile ' Association (AAAT .... . .. . .. . •' Oniy^one-fifth of the U^area ^retaiiers ^^progressive rate. • . • »•«> nt.«nneo>r.,.w WINfslER OF IW) ACADEMY AWARDS the proposal must be sub­showed the naQoiffil average retail prices"of reported doing business on-Sunday,-Forty­ip|Austin's present rate strpc-mitted within-90 days of tlje gasoline stabilized.at 56 cents forregular and four percent said they were open past 6 p.m. [4%ire isregressive. A pamphlet certification::; 60'cents for premium.. ._.pn weekdays.;.." • ; . ,'endorsing the/initiative peti-•The groups will have people . The Southwest — TexaS, Louisiana., Arkan­ ^tion states that "as of Feb. 1, with-"petitions at Zilker, :#.« On IH' 35, three-fourths of the stations-are sas, Oklahoma and New Mexico — had the Stfte rates7 rang^Ttfbln 37?3" Barthdlemew, • Pease and- : open Sundays,' and 84 percent .sell gasoline " lowest priees'oT any fegron. S^and'ST cents;­|%«ents perkilowatt-hour for the Deep Eddy Parks from 1 to 4 Tfexas hgji the lowest figures of any state'' ~ ^mall-residential usei to 0.71 p-m — ...... AAA determined the national averages as . _ ----Tiie.av.erage^tc^-T^^-4^ FRI. & SAT. 11:00 a.m.' to 2:00 a.m. WARREN BEATTY, FAYE DUNAWAY, MieHAEC3lt POltAR&r GENE -iANB THE--.­ —NEON ANGELS 1801 CuadaiMpe - 472-3034 HACKMAN, ESTEttE PARSONS,"^GENE WflDER. : — ~~' announccmenjs "Bonnie A rid Clyde" has become an undisputed.milesfSne in movie-making. Con­ rtAUAN5'AND flttNDS ClUi wilMponsor the fHniAVThe Mysterious .Island of' troversial enough-to make critics-damn anti^theri praise it and.important enough to Captain Nemo('-' at mjdnight Friday • change'the entir.e intent and purpose of filmmaking for years tp come, "tspnnid Ahd~ at the. Sovthwooq Theatre, Tickets • are »2 at thecharacters and-events-of the lawless period'of the depression. Actual police files * credit the Bonnie Parker gang with 19 murders, committed while robbing stores, £-fixAS/UNION win sponsor,inconjunction , with the dean of students oUlce, a" banks, and ga$ stations. A -winner of two Academy Awards. th6 film reproduces their happy hoiir.from,5*to7 p.m,«»Club exploits with shocking authenticity, and has been hailed.by many, including Judith Caravan VWd '.Qaprl - Students -Older Than Average Crist as \967's best picture, • ( ^ , 4 iSOTA) M IN THE LIEE AND w»& 7:30 and 9:30 p;m. (> > t 1 muhwtmum TtMESTOF $1.50 Academic Center ; RESPONSIBLE'STUDSNT seeks alter­ ; noon or evening* employment. Ex- i perienced: gardener. Cook,-bartender, AC Auditorium Keep your kfds:-ctean??ytnjr-p«ol. ;• Anything. Call David: 474-1276. COMMITTEE FOR ARTISTIC AND lisTELLECTOAL FREEDOM IS' LOST & FOUND IRAN . KREWARCf' FOR RETURN at Siamese leaf; LOST near Austin Diagnostic Clinic KFrtday, Jurte 28. He probabtygot'te^ar. |4S2-MW, . ILOST NORWEGIAN Elkhound puppy: PSflver and black,1 lopKs like small K shepherd: *'Bosco.''.Reward. Call 444­ »|||PANAVISION®•TECHNICOLOR® A NationalGeneral PicturesRelease IcOLLIE, Looks like Lassie. Answers to i"Emersoh. Name alto-on dog tags. £2z* . • • ' " f Reward. 459-8W4, 441-5681. ' , -WL^... * Texas Union presents :*v" »] Wi « Friday;-.dnd Saturday 8 and 10 p.m. , iSs |Bell)fdancljiglnstruction 472-3344 $1 Students, faculty BJrish Setter puppies">50^51-4773: : ^ -Staff ' ^ UNION THEATRE $1.50 Members |Refrfg^ralor. Haif-sizet, $35^, 459-6937."" Tht top el tHi l»un n«*«r touches th« bol ISOiuKI tm 400, 454*5470. ^ lam al Ik* bun. Corvalr van as Is. sioo! 476-0223.' With o lot of *andwte tifl iIm bunle Pt9 «o;-ao*f«*'0tt.M7-tm n>, *— iht b«ef-Nor' with.Ar* by*L TKtykrtow what you ifegforMle -«JDodge440 JJS0 <77-1496. buy a landwxh foe. And it isn't lor lh* br*ad O' ««!. Sfl ihal;^ whet ypu gtl a I Ar- SMctntosh 2.100. S425. 477*5357. by t. Pltnly ol tooU. in»l clean. 926-6»7?.': •'•*. I^Bravo for this most sophisticated, enter­ twliar 90 -230 Zoom 441-5858'5-p.m. pf |-taining, and delightfully satiricalcomedy Vslom sewing; mendjng. 477*7808;'^' ^ 'Ffee kltlcn, 472-9544. ! I about changing sexual mores and the 7" i * , - j? y&- Herculon corner sofa 837-02M, , <) * . i^efforts of couples to keep pace. This " ~ _ ^ ^.t-f-. mQ Alio 4. *J. *J1 Orange, of®en shag rugs.'926*2335. .^marvelous adult film territory with -^explicit,but not hard core Scenes to keep TRAVEL '^W^^ toTrrake-the point; 7-Cue Magazine SN660 TWO OR.MOR.E DRIVERS TO / gDRiVE I96B Dodge-automatlc from'­ gAUstln ra Wa»hingfOn jy.G. orWeitpirt, !"Su4e Eerri, a French Woody Allen! ^Connecticut as soon -as possible.1Drive |my can buy your, owp.^asr' personal ereferences required. Pleasecontact Will |^s . r OUs!, —New York Magazine ' sKlacKi Apt: no.. 114, 2204 Enfield.* An* • 4411 South lamar .... ,i....... v 892-2058 • 1715 Guddalope Sthloi ApartrT)e/ifs. (on ER .shuffle) /or '• |lurthar Intormation, t i\ |r;;''2ne"of ^he happier sights of the season, ~ 47"i^B7 • 5400 Burnet Rd. ^ '...C. 451-3^60 |Rr.Le Sex ShopTias a Tot oflaughs. This4s ^ *j.i.MISCELLANEOUS i j the most wholesome X rated movie I have M' ^^ever seen," mmmm -BernardDrew,.Gannett NewsJBcirvictf in¥lsON'X"gTK"tS;-Zunl 'Indlon iewnry; African and MexicanImports r 14612"" South...Congress 4443814 Closed |Mondavt, I^Beiriifunny film, tinctured with kn ~ARBV7S [LEARN TO PuAY'ouUar.Beginner and ARBY'S—" tadvanced, Drew Thomason. 478-207?-' unmistakable docility and-sweetness, I • ROAST BEEF SANDWICHES ROAST BEEF SANDWICHES J yS'S -S' $1.78 VALUE , If3W full of a sense of ludicrousness in $1.78 VAIUE f 'w."ir v*Bir .nu)n.i­f~r~£ • • *• . " ••vWV • Good Prices are just the beginning! ic; J-­ I =V*l­*­^ "V m te- I-*.* 2&£i • ^sV.« I.» fell " ,~7 • I • gSvlf' I . MJT '"K •* I i *Vv |-Tv '0m 6§f 1 Ife* w l< • Pte-T ¥-'M tfW ',4& -v«Sl« fr?lSt " &«. -'u AFTER-INVENTORY \ * MONDAY THRU SATURDAY -10-6 FRIDAY -10-7 -^ 617 W* 29th at RIO GRANDE ~ BANKAMEBICJWO f1" -^ MONDAY THRU SAT:10-6 ~ 'WE MEET OR BEAT ANY STEREO PRICE' K ' FRIDAY 10-7 iPIONEER* 'y ':$hPIOMEER' Vifesomdbettec %-9 ^*00 m •• Oo. -ootid I.: o o o o c-'o .s. •MWK­ MARANTZ MARANTZ .iES '2220 , PIONEER GARRARD .r.-«2230r. .10„ PIONEER.SX424 -RCA • • 12 woofer 40 WATTS RMS ECl-Super 8 SX626­ <'62 . SO watts RK373 WL "l', ["ldrange^ 3 Miiri and remote ""'S" • 60 watts RMS • Main & remote, speakers , . .. . ^ • '110 watts "r' speakers . *.8 woofer Base • High-low filter 3 tweeter t t.'( • Walnut case . , • 8'.'-Roofer ;. raas 1 Loudness control '. * 3 super tweeter • High-low filter ff: .• Dust coverWTC1s" , • Loudness"control '?: ^Uf®r^?e,er Loudness control • • • 3" tweeter, • '• • High-low filter . ~ * Acoustical, front • LoudnesscontroP..^, 5hure M44E-" • Case not included " * 69.95 *->• List 199.95 •:.>..r. • Acoustical front • List 69.95,r-,lt • 3 set speaker. :'r" • Cueing* • Walnut case not List 399.95 • Famous RCA sound • Walnut cose included » AhVr-skatinq ­ included:-. BSR-260AX 'list 79.95 • Lfst-339.95-;,:;, .list 108.80 List 299.95 AFTER-INVENTORY GARRARD AFTER INVENTORY { AFTER-INVENTORY * Base. GARRARD -:r:— CLEARANCE^ EC,_ RAFTER INVENTORY Z4M_ ^CLEARANCE • Oust cover'—>—•—-CLEARANCE . CLEARANCE, -••-Base SAVING W. 1254 • Base SAVING' • Shufe.MTS SAVING ii'" ^Dutt fnvpr •V'J * $148.70 • 12." woofer SAVING Dust-cover'p--— $298.80 •_Cueing J ^_$206.7O — rj5278v70 •_^huce_M44E • -5-^midfan§e-••rShore~M9^ EB­ • List 76.80 -•; +. ^ A ^ • 3" tweeter • Ddmp cueing ^ $10095 • '3" super tweeter ' s • Anti-skating -List-108 • List 169.95 $49^ ••'List-158.90 RECEIVERS RECORD CHANGERS SPEAKERS TAPE RECORDERS • i ' . ' • ' • /••-• ' •rsttt m ••ECI-1254 , •12" woofer ^; iiPPtiiiPK mmr • 5" midrange ' GRUNDIG RTU-250 • 3" tweeter " • -*>.wv­ • 50 watt receiver • 3" super tweeter GARRARD ZERO 100 SUPERSCOPE CD302 -®-Magnetic-or-ceramic cartridge^. ^ 'Yt -SSh". • Loudness controf • Base -•<£ jSteE 8995 J—S—Ctolby_Catitite_: List '$ • Circular tuner section • Shure M44E LIST 264.85 ^ • 2 large V.U. meter . ­ 169.95 W5 • Anti-Skating ^Xl • 3 digit tape counter j_jsj • a EACH • Damp" Cueing v«=W. >f 99.95 X • RCA RK 373, WL-. I:U . „0fu: 'S *138" • Garrard's Best; >. <®iir 1woy-8" woofer ."'..List 79.95 $39.93 • -RECEIVERS M M '' ' ^ . S|| • SONY TC-280-MftA nr. jS^tr'-.-* ' ®«"W •^GARRARD B2-,, • ECW556-C«aiic Reel to reel .....Ust 249.95$199,95 • ! • MARANTZ 2245--. Bose & Shure M44E .'. ."'.List 129.95 5o 6 wayrl5" woofe/: ..•.;'.;;i.;-i'.lis|.^69.95 $'M9.Sf3 90 w°»» RAVS — ...............List 499.95 $424.95 • AKAI GXC-65D­ •BSR-8T0)C Complete-.ieAA. •MARANTZ 2270-' pii(l(l(l «: KLH 31-r^fg J :Auto Reyerse-Dolby Cassette •­ Shure/^9IED List 249.95 9139.95 U0-6atts RMS-lis} 599 95 $508.88 2 way-8" woofer 49.95 $32.50 Liit 379:95$319.95i: ? DUAL 1216 S1AOOO 'FISHER-504— j.» aft'nn Walnut Bosft, Shure M44E ..ii'S...List 299.95 * 128 ' • DOKORDER 7200­ 200 watts—..!........:.;:.'....".List 599.95 5449.99 • ECJ-1255 -*non* •GARRARD 92-si,o95 '5 WAY..] 2V WOOFER.,.. List $209.95 $119.95 Auto reverse-reel to reel ..List 4 ?9.?5$369.95 • FISHER 304 V 'Base. Shure M44E .. .v.V. ...list 214.95 .1 IO 150Watts r...-T77-tist 399.95 $289.95 • ECl-Super 8-__ft _ _ • SUPERSCOPE CD-301 •DUAL 1218 , • PIONEER-626 ^ «0ftQ0C 2 woy-8" woofer— List 69.95 $39.95 Cassette A.......List 139.95 $99.95 1 10.watfs-.....,....;.;:£..):Ais» 329.95$Z09,93 Wolnut Buse, Shure M44E . !.List 244.85 158 • PI0NEER-424-BSR-260 ' • ECI-83 , " I^U _10 „ • SONY TC377 €­^54 watts—. ....,,•w..;.,....list 199.95$148.99 Complete Shure M75G....List 76:80 $09,936 2way-,8" woofer ...;.....li....List 39.95 $lZ.95 Reel t6 reel... list 399,95$339.95 • MARANTZ 2440-^ Pioneer PL12D __ • KLH32-'t -y • AKAI CR80DSS-' " ' Rear Amp Decoder.list 229.959114.95 .Complete Shure M44E......list 144.90 Vl/3.95 2 way-8" woofer f:'.X..t'ist 59.95 $39.95 8 track four channel list 329 95 $239.95 ~~ BLANK TAPE CAR STEREOS m ^ HEADPHONES mmmACCESSORIES "• ~S<6hnhelser8tI m 'W&t ;4.HD-414 POCKET SIZE • -ifMyssi; I i-sra •Lightweight CASSETTE RECORDER •Rated as one if,,. • Pioneer KP-333; V : ,t •-BOilt in microphpne ^ •. Scotch C-60"i" • Auto reverse, ~',y joHhe;best . •. Batteries , ­ • 60 minute •Cassette Iff®' Sound you • AC adaptable sSfS ' M • High Energy ' • Compact with" quality a1'J -'t won't believe is ***$'• * > 1 .£ ^ **»it ati *s§ m h%g£ hA fit $9Q95 dE fr list 3.25 ea. 3*4" iTV .. )&*iU i*Q ^^List 99.95 •-Universal SO minute 8 track—:...;...:..\..lis»"1:98 m ^ -hti __ 98c •:vr' r*J& • 25' extension cord-..*=• Shamrock 041-~; < •.MIKADO 808C-:; v; u • MOQC ....y .....'....List 5.95 $£93 '800-j.,rt 1.SJ8 ' 98C Cassette'/— .C/.List 69,95 $09.93 Picnica Continental. York, Soundwave • Memorex MRX-2 oxide -—-7,'^ *1nn High eriergy—; .List 3.99 #Z.Z7 •MPCCAR-> r' . . U88 |i| . ..:r+ .^^$19,95 "Converter transfer your,dar stereo to m nr *. ke ¥ pons VI ' '«* Record cloths !X fc-90 -£-|^0g home-1..; 1 List 19.95 $14*03 • super t* rnUB vl , ___ __ .... nn fciffi Cassette— 4,99 , 5l . -List J9 95 S36.95 r5~" List 1.95 v'v 29c­ J^TAH 6x9-: $36.95 »'•: v,«tsckv' ~ #•'. t..« •Memorex 'Vi-'V.; V!;^;§w Car speakers 10 ounce MAGNET *nr%e • HiTi or TV timers., jh, \ L l­.1800' reel; to reel—.List 6"98 WilKI • s —^ -fciit 19,95 $9.95 i4S5.5v!;,l^§*$i9.w . 60 minute,.v^....:.....r...-; -» • ... __ . .. .... • MIKADO 10'flunce MAGNET . m­ • Universal head clefefrer — • ^ AO. : • 5«inheiser,flD-44-«1flAe •headphone junction box Roundspeaker— ....j...„.list 29.95 P'-#l*twf3 8 track-...List 1 •?8 " ilOC v-,-l?;L!it^?5^ $19.95 ' r"; 52.95 • Universal •, -,MM • MEOALUONMEDALLION 560- -A i>&ttl • r mQfl '^ 4 mtn. quod tape—..:..;.;.....list 4.98 $£.90 8-lraclcFMStereo,::.. /frstff.Wf$69.95 • SuperlxSuperex Qt-4--;-; ..• FM antenna-> ; . ^ J',i .j ^ • *, -\ Fqurch^nnel j ,ai*t 50.00 Di'Po1®' i..Li»t 3.95 S12Q i _ Vi i o Q. 5* n 0 c 3 ' * 2# o* •3­ O 0 ,c 0^ lis V.Ht 1 mm Teen El^fiSAND£