t- *... ^ • W« sa\, tf X-jk,s ' "/«!-. *. , i rr.. ^tv> m i '•••• * •i. if-:r >-r --zzgtvcfent. Newspaper at The University of Texas at Austin\ ^ i rO'tf s " \ * " ' " "Vl." •: Vol. 74. No. 16 Please Recycle This Newspaper -Austin, Texas, Friday, June 20, 1974 ' Ten Cents Sixteen Pages -471-4591 Moscow Summit Brezhnev Rebukes Detente Critics i . MOSCOW (AP) — President Nixon and relationships that;will not be!-broken in. ^ summitry. -'. ;. • : •' " [for the delay but-Gerald L. Warren, —SovieneaderLeomdi[.JBrezhnev launch-_ the future." • 1 "There is no need for me to dwell on"-' deputy" White House press secretary, ed^their:third annual summit Thursday Brezhnev spoke of "a cardinal turn" m this subject since our American euests_ . suggested the two-leaders might have" with 70 minutes of private talks,-a-relations between the two-countries"at ~ "know better artd in.tnoreletail tKan jve' Wt'•^^u.t^sart^rs:^Bpffie6sa>Ey-!.l/L| Kremlin banquet and new pledges to the first summit in 1972, and expressed ­ about those who oppose international because Brezhnev's departure from strengthen detente. confidence "that the peoples.willsupport " protocol1 permitted themto,talk private­ .BrezhQeK'Ataa'Jtook .a direct crack at, ^ those who seek.to. assure theirpeaceful • {Related Story, Page 3.) : ly during the 18-mile'driv^,fr6rn the air-. . Nixorf's home front.critics of future and a-tranquil hfe for millions of---.... -V' : s,;v Sbvtet-r -L r-'—:L~ ~—:—*-'-portitiirtlie ... * .. American negotiations. .• ••-••• people, not those who sow,enmity and de'tente, who favor whipping uplhe arms Alon^ the motorcade rqute, organized distrust" * ' . AETER.THEIR opening talks --held race and returning to the methods and-. crowds were somewhat larger, than for 1 alone excepfcfor-an interpreter — Nixon mnrf* nf thp pniH..war."-:v . --' .'f • . Nixon's-1972 visit -in' the opinion of and Brezhnev used their dinner toasts to • • -ACKNOWLEDGING -that^lprogress -• " • -• —ne.wtinieii who. hUti xaen bo'ni. applaud (the fruits of two years oF . toward strengthened detenterequires ef­NIXON AND BrezhneVwere schedul-. They estimated 10,000 people were bargainin fort and "comes upagainst rather active •ed to opeji formal conversations at 5 gathered, most of thenrTn^ groUps : resistance," Brezhnev hit directly at; p.m., but the talks began; 90 minutes seemingly spaced at random along the-Nixtm clearly fopecast a Visit by those who questiorTNixoll'srappraach:ttr^Hatei'—Th;ereUvas-no-officiaLexplanation way. l Brezhnev to the UmtefLStatp-^npyt ypar. rnmmnni^t party general . secrecary:.:--t.i trust tfiat on" your neltl. Zg visit to the United States next year you will be able to see more .of our coun­ . try,.".... ^ ^ _J Nixon said-much more negotiating SLA Shootout ^Excessive • remains ahead for the Unitedatatesahd -r By RICHARD FLY i of the.house did not suffer gunshot .wouiidsrbutrwere burned to^ the Soviet Union. He-^credited the Texan Staff Writer • death or ''overcome l^v smoke.. . , •­agreements • reached so far to-'-'a per-The shootout with the Symbionese-Liberation Army (SLA) • "If ; the .fire"had been combated immediately, th^se three sonal" re1attonshinthat~was~eStablished-—^-MavlTanflthe-LosAngeles-nolifc&operaiions'snrrfmnriirtfl-itarp ImigKt'have survived." he said. J , . •; • ' ©^Sbetween the general secretary and the indicative of police mentality In the United States, activist ai ; . Evidentgathered-in his investSgationrWeinglass said^in^ fe-aPr.esident of fiie United States" and to'--torpey Leonard Weinglass said Thursday.; " v. dicates .there was jot much shooting from the. house. relatronships between other Soviet and-Weinglass, speaking in the Union Main Ballroom, is represen­ • "Their (SLA jfnelnbers) presence presented no threat to that % Americanofficials. . .. ''• •,;.ting the families 8f four slain SLA members and requesting an neighborhood,'' he added. .'.'There was no reason togo in as the J • —i • i' 'Vi-'c \i-'"It" ' • • -.-• •. inquiry into the deat -Ea'rlier,' thousandsof Russians silently: • Los Angeles police' did." : ; 1,-ywaving Soviet and American flags_gave-r"THtS TYPE of (massive police) operation has not ended" ' WEINGLASS; who Jias represented such notables as the ""^.iNixoh the warmest welcome hejhasever with the black neighborhood in.Ujs Angeles," he said. •" ?^\';gotten'in thfe Soviet capital, j Police had information the SLA members .were in a house early in,the morning of May 17 and began mobilizing about 11. 'The dertoiiement of (Gharles) Colson,--the' trial pf (John) BREZHNEV MET Nixon with smiles Jind a handshake at Vhukovo airport in a scene much-more cordial than Nixon's tirst visit as President in 1971 OnUiat*—' Weinglass said break-in of hisoffice, but never told-the formerdefense analyst."visit, Uie party, leader didn't-even show' "NO ATTEMPT was made to evacuate the neighborhood; I'm a i up for the-welcoming ceremony. " • protect the residents or removechildren," between the end of worry,'"-Weinglass reported hun as saying.. . . • -Mitl the meeting and the arrival of pdlice at thespline, around-5:15. , "THE BjEVERLY HILLS police department .did the best"®! In his toist, Nixon said thai in his p.m., hC'said. •' . : .. ' thing they knew," he siTid-"They arrested the nearest black, -. —tTwcm^Jtsff Mwto by MA' Hub*; ; meetings with Brezhnev he will Strive to , 'Descnbirig the events from beginning to.end, Weinglass said, whp confessed to the crime. '' ­ The Sporting Me , ' " ^ reach agreements that will give "every -/'I'VThe warnings.-(from police)' were not'accurate, the pb^ice' "It was later discovered he was in the county jail at the-time ' individual in each of our. countries a' ' shooting was excessive, the. police started the fire and of the break-in," Weinglass said. . ' Rodeo is a sport capturing the hearts of the young and not-so-young. Thre p6sitive:stafte in peace, because it i§"in prohibit^ fifemen; from fighting it." ­ " Speaking of his recent visits to Chile,.Msaid. "With Chile vre£$M­ week's event at. the Travis County Sheriff's Posse Arena was no exception.' ^(Related story; photos, Page'9.) this-way that two peoples with different -While sofne accountssay the fire which gutted tKe house-was are exactly Where \ve were in;Vietnam in-1960-1961." , . '.systems of government can establish started frem'the inside, Weinglasssaid^ one policeman, seenpn : Then United States offered the ,countr>-$24 million in-. lop of the house, fired two tear gas canisters through the roof, agricultural assis'tance three weeks'after themilitary takeover, -iV . one of which lddged th,ere, sputtering. ... i Weinglass said; ' ' "One minute later the fire'began," he said. ' ; *, Historic Walter Tips BY THE TIME the fire started^-Weinglass continued, "That's morethan eight times the totalgiven during.the three'{f| • firetrucks were on the scenebut were.ordered away;antil it had years of. Allende rule," he explained. ­" blazed 30>minutes. . • • •--•• "We stiould not bp offering this government any "qid or ^ • That fact iscritical, he said, "because three of the occupants assf$tance." .. j Needs To Find vNice •' m „. • " iiim: By BRYAN BRUMLEY Fowler said he.is paying $15,000.in-likewise. He also hoped that the city I -Ms " ' • Texan Staff Writer m .• terest a year on the-house. He estimated would lift its ruling that ffie iibuse be " it -.J-mj-mi fflmmmM-'-k-­ v.;The 97-year-old Walter Tips House ..the cost for relocating.the structure at rewired and provided with a 20-to 30-car ® may he threatened with destruction as 460,000. About half of that cost includes parking lot-at the proposed site. r s maintenance, renovation and moving fe.es for transportation and moving'the The Lamar -Sayings Association-has costs mount for-owner Robert P. Fowler. Co. city electric, Capitol Cable and purchased the Seventh Street property, '?! Fowler has obtained a demolition per­,;• Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. lines but -Fowler will reCaitr possession of the >j| 111 tnit but hopes tomove the housefrom its along the route, i « house until October. Hesaid he could not presentlocalion aOI5:W^ventli-St: to ^ ...... refuse^a tempting offer-.oTfoughly $8 a...J_ the.southwest corner of Rio Grande and" .QV'Manager Dan Davidson and City square foot made by a trustee of the 17th Streets, John D. Woodell, Fowler's' Councilman] Lowell Leberrftann have financial institution.. Fowler -claims heattorney and law p'artner, said V "— said they-cauld P"t recommend that the THE LAW FliRM Fowler, Fowler and't' ^1^ subsidize thfe did not know the identity of the actual " because it in-, move purchaser.^ .. Woodell is housed in a 70-year-old man-' ' voives a commercial venture. - Stanley AdamsJ president-and ghairV^fJsion nexl to the proposed location of the ."WE NEED the City Council's help. man of Lamar Savings, said there were |l Tips House. Fowler purchased the Tips -Frankly, we're disappointed frith-the 'no plans now for the property but ad-— Hpuse three years ago, renovated it and^^rcoUncil," Woodell said. Fowler had mitted that "at legst one adjacent lot" ; -used u ,as a lawrOffice.untH recently. He . hop^d that the city would waive partially had been, purchased by'the association. P continue leadingout space iri the ^ L its"fees for temporarily relocating"ils~ . He anticipated eventual development of historic residence: -c cables and influence the companies to do the site. Both-.Adams and Woodell said ^sff : Lamar Savings was exerting no pressure on Fowler to move the house. mi -1'WETWOLULD certainly hope that the structure could besaved, if and when the property isdeveloped.We will workivith _ ssp5?: anyone with ft-reasohable plan, to save it," -Adams said; He indicated the TipaT^L House would present a challenge to the^ .. co.mmunity.'s -commitment to its Friday will be fair and;-Jhistorical* "heritage" and-"expects thXt® mllet-becoiplns part-T"" i ."someone.wilV give:the old hoiise-a nice|* home." " . a f^.ly ctoudy Friday af-r9r" r 'Telephone company spokesman Joe A., j^-s^terrrar'on^-arnd^Sa-iur-^1 ftiordan said-his company-could not af-l^ .ford to make -financial concessions to^,^ day. 'Temperatgres^ -privdfei or „coihmercialt-enterprise, butt^ f] shouid.-range from the^r "thakJi-Jlfequentlv-uiiade '• donations to' mid;-90r"FH^ay to the" ! charitable Institutions,He sflkfit.wouTtf take two weeks ^nd-cost*thephone-coinl %0s F.ridarHght£5 pany $8^00 to $10,000"io-"carefully Uft? Winds wHI be southrv,"7" .- cablesfw-the-pasBinffi*t-lftl«v asked were, not so famous." • *-. • ' "< . : 'ive with if we are to preserve the ^gains'we have TexaiTSfaff Writer • University" Track;.Goach Cleburne Price-to take : He-continued, "This has made rhe realize more-• •"'•made in:detente. . . . '. *1974 The Daily Texan Krasnow's name off the iransjatigs; -than ever that-going back home (to the Soviet Union) means gbirig""to~jail. "Howelsecould they-; "Compromises like these are'very painful, and I »; •; ; Wladislaw Krasnow, University instructor of The iiistructor said he did not think the•action was' isolate me like they have here.?" have":sald'^s~muclirrand-fhore,--at-fp'eat.pr lenfJth 1 . Russian literature, has been asked:not to translate 7personal, nor was ;-he'^ surprised,. He speculated when!explained it to Mr..Gerchikov,"Ross stated. any more for the visitingSoviet track team because about some.of the reasons'and jsaid t}ie action could Dr. /ilan Ross, acUngchairman of the University "His position is, alas, no easier than our dwn." - he defected fram the Soviet Union 12 years agog| . be justified from the Soviet point pf view. ~ ' Department of Slavic Languages and .head of the " team of translators, explained the' department's Krasnow defected from the Soviet Union in Ocr Krasnow said Thursday he was at'home Wednes-^ ., "They know that the young Soviets could"see that" . decision to use Krasnpw.as an interpreter. tober< 1962, while on an official state tour inday; night dressing to go to Gov. Dolph Briscoe's I was a native Russian and that I am doing v^-y Sweden/ He had b&en an editor with the Moscowreception for the Soviet team When he Was told he well here, and that possibly they, tool could do well 7 "We all knew that the Soviets might take excep--Radio Foreign Broadcast. • : , ' " ^could-ntrlonger-translate _ _ -hereA-Krasrtow remarked. . -: ' ; - ' .-'Hon to.-Krii&ffl'ksa translator: that theire might be •' ' • • •••• • -HeJs,[mrrLKecm^a.xitv 1,000 miles northeast ofThe Soviet team is in Austin for the US-US SiR Still, Krasriow denied having any covert inten­—•a protest. Bflt we.fel03sJanguage .skills"are"s5~ -Moscow. He has' attended-school at thelJniySSly." -4^ JuniorTrack-andFieM^Meet,.which begin&Friday tions, "I didn't rr!ake_any-.;politieal statements. I l_great,thatwe,.would include him." 1 of Moscow and the University of Washington it in Memorial Stadium. . - didn't advertise my background," he said. • He added that'the team of interpreters felt they v Seattle. . .( . He added that whenhe asked to bean interpreter, ' . Krasnow had interpreted the remarks of a Soviet had no choice but to obey'the wishes M the Sovietf "he felt "duty-bound''. just '.-to-interpret-and nothing * He has taughtYat the University of Lund," io athlete, harrimerthrower Yuri Sedykh, for a te)tan' team.. . . : --J •more. ^ „• ••••. -southern Sweden,"andat the University of Chicago. •story Tuesday. After the interview, the head ol the Soviet delegation, ^zari Gerqhikovi askedKrasnow.. ."I have bo wish -to ^emb^rrass " the. Soviet -'"The Russiansalways feelstrongly about anyone-' He came to the Oniversity in 1971, ' about his.background. . •/;r. delegation," tastressecl, "butl certainly feel hurt. who decides, to leave' the Soviet Union," Ross: Next fall, Krasnow will movetoDailas to become I feel like.lam a victimof deffe"ii'te~ The-s^me would" stressed. "Their notion of patriotism is a different , an assistant-professor of Russian literature ?t —Texan Staff Photo -."Gerchikov was very polite 1 just could not tell -ihave hgppened with (Aleksandr) Solzhenltsvn if he ' one from our own'... one we wiii.jjsye to iearn to ; Southern Methodist University. ' Krasnow "T •&18S1I &S8fomm88mmm esK®mms$M rnmmmmm Court To Ponder Committing Love To Alcoholic Rehabilitation} Clinic By KEN McHAM?^:' 4, ^.Monday in San Antonio.--4-~ and is doing a beautiful job — there's i ! Texan Staff Wyiter " R.E. Pugh, chief of the BexarCounty no reasontor commitmenLanyJmore. •vkA hearing on commitment of;Mayor Mental Health Department;said hehad _ Partem Dan Love to an alcoholic been advised by McBride-.not to com-Pugh said the Bexar County court -rehabilitation center., is .set. for 9:30 . mit Love because "he had m^de'^ ^handles commitment cases Jok -a.m_-Mondav in BexarCounty Court at-. satisfactory progress • • * ,• Starlight "as a matter of'courtesy" as =IairJfo^€-in-Sa&;Antomo.. • well -as-33-Tgxas^counties besides Bex-" "If we receive: a medical statement ' "ar "The director of-Starlight happens ^16 ""that effect, there will be no to be the director" of the alcoholic-Love previously had commuted hearing..'.' Pugh said. "We will-be program at the^ San Antonio' State, himself, voluntarily toStarlight Village watching the mail for il-Friday." '•^Hospital," Pugh added. Hospital, a .rehabilitation clinic' near kerryille. The -hearing .will decide , LOVE wXs riported in Austin Thurs­ • -McBRIDE SAID Love, "is making whether-Love should belegally and in-day but did nbt-calla press conference . beautiful progress, and -it"appears he' voluntarily committed'for treatmept," * as earlier planned'and'did'not attend 'will not be committed.­ the-City Council meeting. STARLIGHT BUSINESS V manager "Whjit you presspeople don'tunders-; y -M i: • • • • ),• • •:•••. • . • :• TVEUnM onnfirmpri -I^wp—wag--jih that Love himself had initiated com:. problem:that you -.may Very well. have' Starlight Thursday.night but said Love \TrRfaB~said:~*tand"te's ?"biisyu~and­close whohad initiated the action, filed trying to get himself, straightened ouT lor comment." You Are Welcome! Special 10 a.m. Summer Worship Service SOUND GALLERY SERVICE UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN STEREO — HI-FI REPAIR 3925 N. IH 35 -454-0133 CHURCH "'2007 University Ave. 10:30 a.m. -6:30 p.m. : Preaching-June-30; Warranty—anrt... Nan-Warranty Sfrvina fnr Parker C. Fielder, most major brands-Professor 0/Law \bu are a field of wildflowers! South of the border clothina for every^ody-r^F^m-«m&FOi de'red ae" Mexican nd-cuf-fedr-slee-ves Jo billowy ~" South -Ameriean .g6wns—^covered----­with trailing vines, and brilliant-":": flowecS.,.,..'-""-'. « •••*.. SisBf You can pick from all-our bouquetsv ;^ for guys and-girls six days a week.--^ At 1514 Guadalupe. Fronrl1 AMisgl" till 7 PM. 477-0160. .> y fas-h ' > < Clothes Factory 1948 E. No. 27 6411 Bumet Ln=' IMPORTS Riverside Doble 45S!-6539 r 4 K * it * i ADVENT •­ PHILIPS (SoveH$188) 9 It's simple. The l>.est investment in stereo gives the best sound for the money spent: Audio' Concepts.Jias the best sound.available in all price ranges this system js no excepjion. 7 Tf* : speakers are~6y Advent Corporation. More-thap'one reviewefJias commented'&n~tfieir ^jrlcr'edible performancelor-the price. TheijassIs'easily the deepest in this pripe-range. whilethe \V ­ tweeter give6 both smooth and extended response to the high frequencies. . The Pioneer SX>626 AM/FM stereo receiver is a perfect match for the Advent speakers. The FM tuner,is_excellent--_wHileUhe amptifier puts, out plenty ~of clean, low distortion.power to drive tfe Advents. Ifhe'Pioneejr SX-626 is; a"fih^ vartie, and fine match,for the system. " I-4 Thft Phillips GA2r1j2 tufntdBie combinesTrhe high performance of a manual player with the k-i ability, to shut off at the end of the record/lt features elegant styling, a convenient cQeing device, and comes with a base and dust cover; " We include a Shure MSIED-cartrldge; its excellent high frequency response Compliments the high frequency Vesponse'of the: Pioneer and Advents. . "The price of the individual cotnponepts. is S795: but you can buy-the complete system from= Abdio-Concepts for only $627. .Come into Audio Concepts and listen to what we think is the ,Wst.vjlue Tn home music systems. J&i-1 wmmmmmmimMmBm rnmmmmsmmmi •-74mi\w-"*r-jv»i W / ;K , _Jf_sL Tenant Law Although the small claims crucial difference,, hfe said. Bef6re the new law,.a tenant-tive eviction are-the most ' court is designed to accom­"Many ^University students was obliged to show-cause in limited of any state. WiSser modate the ordinary, citizen bring suit against their court that heshould be return-, said. The'plaintiff-must prove who cannot hire. a lawyer, .landlordsin JP court because ed his deposit, McMurtry ex-: the . irihabitsbilitv of the . often one of the parties to a of security, deposits which plained. • ' • "' residence by virtue , of a-iit-has-^paid_Jegal counsel . thfiir fanjilords have,withheld. On occasion a student.'danger,to his.health orsafety,! with the result that justice is A new-security, deposit law, -claims In, a peace court that Deai1-added. _-iJl-served, _ -...... m. "effect since September,f:living conditions.have.forced Constructive evictions in Jim'Menlurtry, justice of 1973, has shifted the Burden of hjm to !move-oGt of a.. the past Have _ the-peaee for. Precinct^ told • prooL-to^theJandlordin such residence..and,thaLhe-should which the landlord failed to the Austin-Tenant Council -. cases, McMurtry said. The be freed from the terih'sof his ^providq air conditioning "dur-V Thursday that alHoooften the .ian'diof^VWh'p":-'Wit.hh'olds a lease. The action, isjcnown-as ingsummeivmonths or in;!-"' . citizen plaintiff faces a cor­ -depos^ for moi^ than 30 days :' ;a'constructive ^viction^ Dear .which the Vgsidence was in% l*" porate defendant who retains after, the tenant leaves must said. fested jvith cockroaches, Dear'; . permanent legal counsqi.' present a . list of damagies.-Laws in Texas on construc-explained McMurtry appeared before ­the council alofig with Peace . Justice Jim Dear and Charles, Austin Police Maintain Use Webb, Bob. Perkins and John" ; Wisser,. Democratic peace-' —justicp"homihpps.Tjtfe«iiseuss^_: r To Check Speed the workings dl the .small Impatient. AusiinTdrivers more "tenant law.' "• • • are.Out of:luck. The 'Austin • patrols. number, of tickets,issued perl * The;.small claims court is .PflJice.. Department probabjy The 24 Sail,. Antoni'o hour is up 125 percent frotrf the most accessible court to will not follow San Antonio in policemen'who work hi teams . last year," Robinson said. ­the citizen since' court costs .outlawing* radgr Sp^ed traps. on.radar, systems are being -, The : Ausitim" Polic .neye.i>-exceed• .$!>, Dear ex-George ,-Phifer, Austin s giVen.new duties, assigned' to. Department's goal is not tol plained: A plaintiff may not assistant police chief, single-unit traffic patrol sec-givettcEetsylWiifer explained, sue for property but only reported Thursday that no tions throughout the usually cuiicluiJeU MiUuu six1 t0.patrol, neighborhood areas. :on tiilLil ..in i ,i .j iiii. rr. -i . sai" the radio sta->& -weeks of the date the de/ehv.". fartorin ^ Hoh broadcasts the position of^/' daht:is ^ notified, Dear -con-• ; Every city has its own parv SSflf^id S?t^" radar Austin as a,^ tinned. A litigant is nbt-rer ticular probletjis, Phifer said, quired to_ have a lawyer, adding that Austin Police are v. ._aUhaugh -'the presence of . unaware of a problem similar ffr­ counsel often makes the to San' Antonio's, need for proving effective in checking.^ ^he police-department " ' .'.v.-. releases the locations throughComplete Research Service ,. ''With the .help' of their traffic division, Wilds h'elicopters -working . with.-' said. _ „ . _ _ • ' College Research Services has a complete Educational Research Service,.Including Term.paper Research, Etc. " Sov/ef Cultotjal Official .Also professional -typing service available. -New summer session hours: 4:30 to 7^30 p,ni* ^ Monday thru Friday To View Track Meet j_ j^seniqr member of the-Soviet Embassy in Washington , Uvlck Dtbrtrv 4 law Prictj 80,000 Reseorth Topics ColU^a Rtieorrh S«nrkes - arrives in AustinTBTidajrto attenctiheU.S.-U.S.S R.-Junior . on file ,104.6lti St. Suite.51 ,.Track and Field Meet at the University. ­ AlLniajBriuls_jo!dfor Littl«fiel4-Building ^•seardiflnd reference, -Vietor-Sakovic-hr-the-he&d-of-the-Soviet-cultuM _ Aoilin, T«xgs 7!7»1 purposes only." ' program and counselor for cultural affairs in Washington, Phone: 474-123S will arrive at Austin's Robert Mueller Airport at f2:28 p.m. Ed Clark, University regeht and former U.S: ambasssador . to Australia, announced, "-We are truly pleased to see'the tremendous display^of interest-in-the-athietic competition-of— two great nations herein Austin,jma-we want togivfe a grfe loving, CIiri«t-centcre3 .group"of"Ct?n5liarts~presents: "Sakoylch will participate in thB:opening"ceremony-atr6r45—^S p m Friday. Thefirst eventsof the. meetbegin at3 p.m Fri;« : . ' " . -IDENTIFICATION TYPE ' Highland Mali Community H.all .;.y • Every-. Friday: Genesis — Every ^unday: j\latthew ;;:< Wm PICTURES "-Friday 7:30 p.m.. -;Su.nda\ 6:00 p.m. *. AdmissTon is Free '"c'j j-H­ 1-Day ' -Tke^iving-Streanfr-Ministry —;— 4-Quickj-ReUabfe-Setvice­ • Co-Sponsored by Cltrislians'on Campus > dontmissout I ON YOUR NAMi, ADDRESS AND PHONE IN PRINT The 1974 ,4 &r • SUMMER 4* ( s 1,1., V, A"* i y ^ STUDENT DIRECTORY* v:• • • • i' ' ; ' i to be published U > a*. ' ^ -1 ^ ht^it r ^ * cv |tJX TUESDAY, JULY 2nd special suppWment toi THE DAILY TEXAN wi[U°n»flin thousands of names, focaJ addresses and phone numjbers,»plusthe s«hool or college-andUctassification of each student. The Sumrtie/StOdent Direr-Fory will be inserted. in the full circulation of The Daily Texairoft Tuesday — be suret to gejt your copyi^ r " ei P ri w ;f- - litJii Sk |i """ CJLU oro-ge- _ i. Opsn 11 A.M. to i P.M. ^hinother TSP publication ' Ppge ^Friday, June 28/ 1974-THE DAIEirTEXANr" •r ** ^ t 9 \ ^ if s »—"**^T 4 V r'4in J *" , ^4. ^ V f r«iM^ W--^V" >i \i I,s As the proces'sion passed, people surg­any improvement-in relations between : • j • ed cautiously toward-the curb and peek­the Soviet Union,and the United Statesor • "NELZYA! Nelzya!""—.Not allowea. ed out from-under the protective folfage between Moscow and NATO does not.. Not allowed — police bullhorns bellowed • of trees that kept the American Presi­augur well for Chfna at Muscovites who tried to crowd "into dent from seemg much of tjient 7il$ ttftflgen squares andonto the bridgesforsa: "The-Chinese""feel that it_ tension•a"better "View, buT=instead?=foun(r^T -Outfoxxng^h^Tee^hoppers-liurtifid EuropwriessenedUlS£5oweLlJjilaiimU-— tnejnseives Herded behind trees: and- markets -ro watch, from—behind ,have an opportunity to bring moredown side streets as the-motorcade', • pyramids of canned goods. Women hair pressure to bear along the disputed (^no­.swept by at 45 m.p.h. cutters u\a ground floor barbershop left Soviet border, .where Peking • claims their patrons. .' • mose than Soviet .•"•'"The exactyime of Nixon's arrival had: a million troops . not.been..announced on television or in alreadyare.massed ^ _ the newspapers-.but-' thousands of Police "made .no attempt to remove Russians were out in "the sundrenched 'summit watchers from the balconiesand" * streets on this rarestof;June, days 's ^windows of the tall, .stone apartment. While China has maae no public corn­ ^houses that rise like miniature mpnt ori'ihe Nixon visit, Chinese.officials . It isn't'oftenthat the same breeze off ^'skyscrapers on the Moscow skyline. have.expressed.deep concern in private ie-, theMoscoW Riverripples'tioththe Starst~ talks withdiplomats based in Peking and "and Stripes arttf the Hammei; and Sickle |f THE PRESIDENT and^his "entourage • visitors to the capital j— on the lampposts, so the pepple were** &*had been, ensconced barely^-half-hour in ' neither surprised nor punctilously . thelr;-czarist palace, suite behind the, hhpfiipnl whpp thP \J vst rnn iinpapiil.ii Ifwrairn wpllf hnfornVhTry-pifk-gr' .• 'ACCORDING to Peking-based crowd control police with the doubleT?lttrucks began plucking the Stars .and ' diplomatic"sources, the only, biighl-spot­ ttUPI, T*l«pho£o letter 'V" on' their red epaulets,' Stripes from..the-lampposts ' and the" the Chinesesee is the fact that Nixon has Soviet citizens surrbund Nixon at airport, waving American atyd Soviet flags. badgered them to keep moving. •. crowds were treated to_a Second parade"; gone to Moscow withanew agreement that strengthens the unity of NATO. (^t^jfjCorporqtions, Labor Publicly, the Chinese.sco'ff at the idea of •Ameripan:Soviet • detente-,• asserting that this is only a facade aimed at cover-­ing-up-the. iVcoTitention fot global hegemony" between the two" "super­powers." • WASHINGTON (UPI) report apparently: addressed to Finance investigation? How can the Senate draft and adopte.d Thursday that-President Nixooi^e^ f as-saying:. By 'ANNE MARIE-HILDAV -court-which overturns a'criminal convic­ jiroper and effective campaign • reform ­ 'The two talk super-.,._election campaign" engaged . in a "A TYPICAL corporater goal would be Texan-Staff Writer . • tion, , ' ' Superpowers , legislation without knowing the degree of • ficially about detente and sometimes systematic 'scheme'to'-ia^;-iHliH6ns";pf-'-:-:---to tMlidtV-group^SM"",atfoinfo| *iayolvement,:of corporations supportive roaf-ll QtTi-aomant nn Onmn tkinne 11 « ^ 'Hrillnrt;.dollars fhrfiliahthrough corporatennmArd^a executivesava/iiitiii/ic andr.n.l ; nA a '. . ..t . reach agreement.on some things;" a re­ receive an 8fl-!percent response with an Delegates to the Constitutional Left before the convention are the.' 1 . of both side's, of the political spectrum­ - cent"article in the Chinese,Communist' ,"middle-management persoifinej.' average gift of $100 which would provide Convention gave -the--hnal~yote-of—ar>-' ' Gp'npr'al Provisions and Separation' of and of .labor leaders and labor unions'inV-j Party newspaper People's Daily said. . The report, which will become part of a combined donation of ,f40,000. A ,con-. .;proval Thursday to theJudiciary'Article. Powers Articl.es.-The c6nyentl6r»rh"as campaigns'?"' , , scheduled a. Friday, session to complete —the-comnaittee's final fpport tp. be sub-^ —tinning base of only 500firms nationwide '.McClure .charged ' that Dbrsen * mitted.to the Senate this week, said the : with this average result would producea~ sent ' The vote came.-after a suspension ot the Separation of Powers Article, and. "But at the bottom their focus is on' " hundreds pi question : scheme originally began with ;the so-national total of^O.million, and this is a heavily toward Republican oriented the._ccmventiojrr rules, wliich. was; may meet Saturday tocomplete General contention. The' agreements are' tem-• called "Fortune 500" corporations and / practical goal if organized properly over -necessary tn hllnw ponsiripfatjnp nf tb* -Provisions." Convention president .Price porarV;-the detente.is a deceit,. The coh-' •companies and contributions." He sai9 .eventually reached a total hf 1,893-. -the new few years." . article. A 48-hour rnYp s ifies that con-~ Daniel Jr. told the delegatesIf iiiey dou't-fnntjnT1 ir n^nnlntp'and irrpppnpiinhin " Dareen only under pressure sent a sub­ - -THF TiA\V prnhihiti pamp^ipn mn. 80 sRJeHQ ~ two^avs^ ~Satnnitay«:^-General-. Provisions jupstinnnairp -to uniort_ tributidnS-by corporations:but does not "leadtjrs... .after publication and distribution, cOUkl ue'coij'tpletied Monday"and thon-he- R-Idaho, charged on the'Senateiioor that ——: ~ but norspp acknowledged that the reportThursday Ihe convention voted to-sus­will'consider motions to recess untilJulx-TTne~wesTennUplomat;who-has-sat in pend'the rule to finish up the Judiciary 8 or 9. on meetings 'with Communist Party ficials: So-far", "about' a! dozen cor­" the"possible influence of-labor unions in dejill .more^heavily on lioipurale-gmfjg-­ t y*v -f- porations have-pleaded guilty to cam:-" the 1972 presidential campaign. Article. Chairman -Mao Tse-Tung andy Premier • than union giving; Buthe pointedout that, Chou En-Lai when..su'ch'. piatters wei;e paign violations. . "•Why," .McClure asked in prepared • a dozen br more corporations h^ve been — After the long Jjily. 4 ree'ess, the con­The'report, prepared by David Dorsen, discussed privately says;'however, that remarks, !'was there.no testimony taken found-guilty.of 1972 campaign finance Judiciajry Committee Chairman• vention wiirvole on the entire document— ''this.;is purely: wishful thinking on the" assistantchiefcoupsel,saidtheso-cal}ed from labor leaders by the.committee in violations but not one labor union. '. Dewitt Hale of Corpus Ctiristi oftered a .and its method of submission to voters. ''corporate, group.solicitation prograpi'' part of the Chinese. • The Committee on Submission andTran­-Were-accebtkLwith Virtually no OQposi-... sition resolution; which sets: the date for number of minor amendments Which. (CGSP) \vaS conceived in 1972 by NeSvell P. Weed Jr., vice-chairman of .the tion.-Thearticle, whicHseeks to unify the —ttjeeteetionontheproposediorfititution,— —-Hhat.'s-J.h£^only_public posture they Finance Committee to Re-Elect the state!s court system, was approved 113-reciuires a two-thirds vote"of the conten­ can really take," he added-. "Privately," . President, and Harold B Scott— ^ -War . 28,_ and a' separate vote on . a section tion to pass. •. •' • they are-plenty worried.'" . >• , Weed and Scott were quoted, in. a • allowing \ liipited state right to.appeaj was 92-54."";^ (», ^ . WASHINGTON (Upi);—;Fpr'mer Sen. Erngst.feruert^g — journalist, governor Town The Judiciary. Article would . and one ot thgjjrst,members of Congress to c^fffor American withdrawal fromJf streamline thestate's courts bymerging Vietnam:—"is.dead. -. , • . ~ , -: ' " . the Texas Supreme-Court ahtl' the Court Citizens Expect New Clinic To Attract Physician Active almbst to?ihe end, Gnle'ning succumbed To Cancer Wednesday night at of .Criminal Appeals wlth civl-f.'appeals­ ' age 87., Furieral arnangernents were incomplete. -. . V • . residents 'of jthls rural southern Illinois "That's • not to6 good when -you're i a mile-Jong parade of floats,'Mnds and" —Itv;a bxief eulogy on the Seriate floor." Sen. George S. McGovern, D-S DJ, said ' courts h&ving criminal jurisdiction. New GALATIA, 111. (AP)" -Th"e~B00-"time'thfeyneeded-a-doctor.; tobacco-spitting contest; sack races'and :—<:ir6uit-eourtsxorEesponding.tQlthe_courh^ ty courtsi.at-law in urban areas coifld be. pi t;r .1 .. town~are~greasing-DoleSr-iCleahing out—^Ick'.L'.^avs^ Davis. wHb riotes that rural people. -Gruening "was a man who brougftt'a gf^aTsenseof passion and personal commits fnAI M#1 M WL rt AM AFLTIN 4N HA M f N MA altAll Allina J'm m1 aISm la A atja' ' A-_ S •a • . • . •. " rnent and motal outrage'to the problem's that beset our country.'* ; ',• their attics and practicing their do-si-dos. families outside Galatia have to drive.': established statewide.. Judges of such" 1 If rit:-isorks,.Davis-figures,-Galatia­ — all in the name, of medicine. 6ven farther. • . should raiseabout000;"The nextstep ^T_Graening~campaigned for-McGove-rh-^and..Qnce^kept_26_-enga"gements in four ! circuit courts would"have to be lawyers; cities in-four days. "*' • ; J-. ' ; -^ unlike county judges. ' The •present -'is to regroup and have this thing an­; • It's part of a four-day wing-ding that Proceeds, from the festivities will go ' • Gniening, then a Democratic senator from Alaska, first spoke out against U S, jurisdiction "of the county courts is con-they hope Will raise enough'money to.get for .construction Of a clinic, something nually," hesays. "We think We aregoing: ./•'participation in the Vietnam war in-1963.V^ ; tinued-in-ih&-arfcicle----^ _ Galatia a solution-to to have,to finance a program^rom ?100,-• started on a Davis figures will-attract a doctor.­ A year later, Gruening and former Sen: Wayne -MorseV-D-OreVwere the' o'nly 000 to $200,000 to bui.ld the clinic.-" • problem itshares with a.lot ot rural com-two senators who voted against tfee Gulf >of Tonkin Resolutior/whiei] led to the _ Opening \yith an auction ot totmer at=;— "—"The-thing-of it is, some peopl&here in..;.. °. Although the article allows a state munities — no doctor. . ."' tic dustcollectors, the-festival includesa town got-together three years ago to get --masstVe-buildllR-oLILS. Fnrrpg in Viptnam' • •••••:. / . ' KsjitiBht to: appeal, the appeals would be' The festival is beitlg sponsored by the' flea"market; antique sales; square dan-. a bank. We got it," he says."If.we can do .. In 19MV Gruening,-.theniBly Was defeated in theJUemocu-atic~pntnary-by-S<;nr5 limited to cases in-wfriph ,a tHpl court . Lions Club; John Davis, a spokesman for cing;>--' fl rhUzzle-loading •weapons' that we can do other things -It looks like Mike.Gravel but after leaving office.continued his fight aga'inst the Vietnam war; "declares a criminal law unconsfitutional ' the Lions.iaS-s that in the 15 yearssince shootout; a batchet-thrbwing contest, it's -impossible, .but you'd :be surprised^— _ lobbying his old colleagues in Congress and taking part in-demonstrations. p^_and to cases iaiyhich the SupremeCourt-. thgjast doetor left town, people have had gespel and barber'shoip-Quartet __ what people?"~can . do when they get .Born in New York City," Gruening graduated ffom. Harvard, in 1907 and its agrees to hearan appealfrom an appeals" to" drive lO'-miles to Harrisburg-every-greased-pole climbing; organized." •.. medical, school four years later but never practiced ,medicine..; ' ; ' , Instpad, he became;a reporter and over the siext 20 ye'ars .was mapaging editor of the Boston .Traveler, New. York.Herald"Tribune, TheiNialion magazine,'and The New York Post; -. ... •• •. In 1933, he was n^med official U.S. a'dviserTo thecPan-American.conference in Montevideo, Uruguay. Ef^en.before ihen."he .had fought harcl for Mexican and ^Shocking Events' Spark Protection Bill Latin American'sovereignty,-lambasting the'pre-;R6oseveit policy of: military and' ' financial activity in Latin America... WASHINGTON _(UPI);— The Senate passed and sent to the White House • 'President Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed-Gruening in..i&34 to take over the Thursday legislation, designed to protect humans used in medical -ex­new "division of'.terntories.and.island^bsse'ssions in the-Interior Department..He perimentation.and research. ' was named governor of the Territory of Alaska in 1939. a post fie held dnti] 1953 ^ Avhei^the.Rjpublieans.took over the White House. -* -TheTaegislation was sparked by what Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D­ CoiSiiieF^a prime mover in tlie grahting-of statehood for Alaska, GrUenihg . Mass.; called ^'shocking events" which-ftaye been revealle'd in recent' was elected to the Senate in 1956 • .. ^ years. .j.-•: • .: -----• . -But he was a phantpin seimtor until 1959; when/Alaska became a state,and Serv­ WK r , . He is survived by;his wife,'Dorbthy* whom he married inul914, ahd b^sotl/! He cited.Uie,study_of syphillis on victims of the disease who were never ed until, he.was defeated ii; 1968: . •,. . '. . 'treated, the sterlization of two young^'girls;7p^chosurg^iy.-witRottTW Huntington S. Gruening of Alaska; .. perimental safeguards; and the use of experimental drugs on prisoners without adequate consent. Stock Market Takes Downward Sweep / NEWYORK(AP)—^Worries over NEW YORK"(AP) -New Yorkhigh .mtepest"rates and credit con­ Sis Stock Exchange' chosing index: • ^ . ditions swept 4he stock market' into. Market........off 45 cents its second sharp decline in a row Thursday. Index ... , 45 13 off 0 59 V. WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Federal both Dixilyn rCotp. and Austral Oil Co., " The Dow Jones average of 30 in-: Industrial .. 50.56 off 0 77 "TfadeCommission (FTC) said Thursday dustrials fell,13.30 to 803.66 — its Transportation. 32 16-off 0 46 it has reason , to believe 12 oil and gas • 1 r PaulyA.' Cpnley'.is a director of both lowest close since Mav the .Utility . :.. 28 IS off 4) 24 companies, .including some-.of the GenerarAmerican Oil Co.-of Texas and • • heels of an-11.89 drop on Wednesday. fiance". . .46-.53 off lj2 • nation's, largest,-"have violated -laws -• Pauley Pfetroleum, Inc: of LoS-Angeles. • .against interlocking directorates • Dean A. McGee is a director of both". . Jack-of-all-TradesWantsPresidency i .The FTC announced its 4'intentipn~t5 —Kerr-McGeeCorp.of.pklahomaC.ity;and, 7issue" six complaintsr"-eaoh-complaint .Oklahoina Natural Gas Co. -• SHERMAN (AP) --r ."Three horses for sale, six pigs, one seeder and fer-pairing—iw«^om pajaesvTB^Sgg The~romplaints contend the p4)rs of. rtilizer-spreader. Reason fof selling — Running for -President'of the United procedure,.,_.—— FTG—offers . consent .companies compete,.with,each other in .• r the v States in J.976. J.S. Burdell,"rJs,jid a classified ad in the Sherman orders whiC-h-the-eompanies-^an^accepjti-'—vanous phases pf the"petroleum and/or *• Democrat recently1; • -i ^ promising tp end the 'Slleged interlock -natural,gas exploration, production and practice, or can contest the orders in . v sales business. . . ;So,enters perhaps thp .one aspiring polificiSn in the^counhiy-Wjth^b^ -court , , i , •4s. The complaints contend the interlocks^ solutely no conveivable connection w^th Watergate The FTC alleged that, "r1 violate the Federal Trade Commission m The leather-faced jack-of-afll-tradeSi Self-described as "jist a common ' « Horafce A. Shepard is a director Act and the Clayton Antitrust .Act,­ordinary man,h.as decided; to take^nahonal-politics in.,Tiis'nwn hands ^both.Standard.OiI^^of'OHE51md^t^~rrwhnfh forbida-an^^eFSon to-hold direct •^'Aiond.Shamrock.Corp. . \\ Vttfrships1 in two competing companies ~;BurdeH says-he-hates Democrats as much as Republicans He is for­ , WilliainJB,;Moses Jrtris,adirector ofV \vhere eitherone hascapital, surplusand • the '.'Unity Party" and wants tb be thenation's first "working man's ' both Amerada Hess Corp andTJewmont ui^iyidetfprwits;aggregaOiig*iiioie Uiau^i; president.". ' !"• Nursing HomeFlood 'Mining Corp * ' ^ v$l million."^"' ' • —J->— tr ... . -• 4,. a. . -... _ .—jf... •T~ •• Alfred G.-Glassell-Jr;" and iFranz.lam. ,j--, -•* i u4._aiiu \The FtC proposed to ban forever,any" K \ had any dQUbtvY'dTiesitate. But l'mhot hesitating-, lt you want the l u^1-i r " elder[y wonjon from q S^. B»}arsbufg.flo.. nurtino • a • Schneider are directors ofrbothdEtEasOof-bothJEtEaso , director "interlocks between the fifrns fiwyd VV^iiitiJny iJlnililah-i^wMnvgg^Tha-fadlltyjJoatng^Bgthgtifjat---^-—rNatur-alrGMS To srirF^nanScontinental . an»to redpnre ihem to find -out from "job-denei'-gightT-do it yourseify?-^.^ " ^ |9 twin gaJha^elMiiklty were taken ""ftas rtpe"tine-Corp.-—' •}•• , -—everfc-potentiaf-dlEegtof-jf lit! lui. Oiree^—I , ^ thrtTrtralngrSftcl"fW^li|Ofli4 * _ K ^JL^ »JVl^rd lvr-JonniSp'inS''a tlli^lor of torships'in-a-eemj>oting flrml,... „ • rv ' f J? V * X 1 ^ h'r'r -' ' --Friday, Jung .28, 1974 THEDAILY TfeXAN Page 3 \ V ,L. 1"& SJK -y»' V® iiw 2W#U E#f t |tc guestvleujpolnt 5vsfem employesurqe --Page:4 •Fr way, Jyrt& 28/ t974~ authority^ do' not give their .public ser­vants the right to decidq what isgood fotr the; people to know arid" • what is not good for themto know.' The peopleinsist onremaining in­formed .sa that' they may' retaiA control over the instruments they ; ; have-created. ' • .V OPEN RECORDS A€T In January, 1973, the Tejcas Legislature suddenly became a legion of reform-minded visio.naries and stormed the State Capitol with a package pf nine bills design^ to openJstate and'local goyerhment to the people. -* At the heart of their reform package were tworather innocuously narii­ed bills — HB 3 and HB 6. more commonly known as the OpenMeetjngs • By PATRICKJL WBLTON The. staff association feels that it-is. (Editor's note: Welton Is the "preSU twnfc~to recognize the; n?eds of state. ent of the Texas Collegeand Univcr-employes, and \ve/as^thatspe * I; ' ' budget written during the,la,st Sfe'ssion of ." Officers of Ihfe st;afl association , met the .Legislature provided salary in-.with 'Briscoe on May' 20 to personally » e' 'creases for 7 percent'to 14 percent"over *' urg.e-him to call s-special-sessionr-WerJ-1-' ^and-Qpgn Records-Acts. . . ZTtr" ~ ~ '---'the' current bienniurn. yet the cost-of-, have also'contacted legislators and other ' Irving isexpectedtojumpatleast 20p'er^ .governmental officials,to, persuade them k -. ;. HB 6assuiSfes that the public will haveaccess.to all governmentalinfor­ cent over-the same two-year period. of the necessity of. provjd'iBjg, rank andi" mation" unl^sexpressly prohibited by las?. In addition, thedeclaration of Emplo'yes at Texas colleges and un-' file staff employes witji' ; equitable^ policy in .tjne act says the provisions. of the law "shall be liberally con­, iversifies arS~at a particular disadvan-. salaries. "Strued:" ••X'S'tflfP in • this cUliflfinn . Tho colami nnH Hfhor nnHAnc loir/an An r\t •liio.v?; • ' The salary and Other actions taken on behalf of this? y These two.statements appear to. give the public the benefit of the doubt Arrtt programs,1­*"• 'in questions of access, but, as we are often told,-appearances can be r group by th'e'State Legislature have con-news releases ' and' press' conferences £. 'sistently lagged, behind -those• givim to -designed to acquaint the public with thel deceiving'; . ' . . : •••.-•' • 'other state empJbye¥.^For example, plight of staff .^employes .during the|• Wrestling information from the University is'like taking a trip to an .' college and lira'verslty employes .djd not current wave of inflation. -1" ^Austin massage paflor:-you may eventually get what you want, but how i-r'eceive state 'insurMice prerniQm shar-Out triost recent,effort is'the circula-j r--mucli and when is open to question. ' ' 1 , • ing benefits until two. years'-after other tionqf;.fii petition to be sent to;University *' • For exarnple," the. System Board of Regents approved on June 14 a •_ state employes. •. President Stephen Spurr asking him to',., Eligible college: and university urge a socialsession-of, the Legislature ^ . reportby-a NeWYork coi^ulting firm which recommended expansion of employes did not receive the longevity, or seek other monies to fund a10 percent me Unlversify^powei' plant ^t-ra^cost-of-H^ nHllionr-The-=.report=.was-; pay-rajisegj^awarded other cost-of-living ihtrease. for all UT at?} to state produced at least trtie week before tlie njeeting but was not made-employest -and. the pay-raises,f( ;tin. staff employes. The -response to —> »mi it v available to the press iuitilafter regents had considered"and approved it. salary groups were less at coyegeS"and 'oin^Tpi^aiipnF-lias—universities'/than'.for. otijer" state favorable, not Ohiy epm:&taf£ buii wso"!®",, Jp , In effect, thp-peoplg.were denied accesstic» the information until:it was a fiMemployes in the same satajry group from students and facuity.' Although we _ matter of record, with the issue already decided. • • are limiting ^paRticipation to staff -The report contained nothing surprising or scandalous. It was very employe's,Aveappreciate theinterest and routine. Nonetheless^ if the tJniversity cansit on such information until it concern shown by bpth' students and.; . ffrtng line • -v.: is acceptable toJham fnr jt to be.teleased, the: more important records '-*• facility." -. As a.:final reminder, we ask that all •" such as leases, itemizej constructiori contracts and general information petition^ still circulating in various units transactions — must be fought for.' .-. "'.V on_camRUSibeIcoropie]^la«d. returned S A pinch for d HB 6 has been'a-gpod and useful document, providing the methods and, Friday; Return toSTAFF, f;.Q: Box 7444', if very oItenpbacking"for^eceiying;such-information.^Butitimayjtfso be Austin, Tex. 78^12. We.intend to forward jS . -To-tbe-ediUnu .• •. v'olying the"Supplemental Security In­Administration. used for delay. *• ' -• • -'• -,y. .- Ihe petitions .to President SpUrr as soon ^VV I read with, pleasure 'Mr. George's come (SSI). The old aged^handicapped. —JPresident Nixon has madejt (perfect­ ' If the University fishes not to release certain information, they simply complaint that--officer. Warren ; and'blind receive-this assistance. ly) clear that hewillaltow nothing todis-1 as-possible so that he can take action. £. forward: the HB 6 request to the attorney general'soffice for ah opinion. overreacted when someone pinched her-" _ Velma Roberts rupt this semblance;,qf progress which he ...: That is usually good for at least two months^ and in one case eight: behind. I 'would-, say her subsequent 1805-A Rahb Glen St. calls-detente; for he'judges that upon .behavior antj the court's judgment could Letters to the^editoqr "On Oct. 1, The Texanrequested information on the University poticevin— Boycott jul^iois th'iS semblance hangs his politicaljieck. not possibly have • been• more ,ap­ fyfr cluding theif rnanual. The Uriiversity sought an opinionfrom the attorney Firmg-tmeHolterr-jbouldr propriate, and there'is no need,to fear To the editor: • '. ... '/-the release of ,'the Panovs were . general and in Mafch a preliminary one was issued; The final opinion was . that she may be a.Fascist pig cop. ^ While Nixpn talks missiles with the /.calculated efforts by the Soviet govern­ • Be typed triple-spaced.: not-received-untiUeariy-Juner It is not. so .easy , to distinguish Russians, repcession-of Soviet dissidents ^^ment to co^pt internationaLreactipn to in vot. annThPr Thp-Tovaiv-rPfliiPgtpd-tha-linivoraitvV f.ro safetv \ 1 ' 1 "pranks"-when you are pii.Uifc ieceiviiig-' vyilk contmufcjas-usual, "within .SovietL-^viet repressiori. Our complacency will • Be 25 linei or leu. The Texan resertf«i~ • • . . , ™ . , r — "AVw) nf •mrtwuiiiti At-atunijhft IV\lS/«'a fit/A kniulAHM . • 1 I'" j • -• — ...._ _4 | sland{H'daf=The%eatiest=Was^Tiad&4larel^8r^nd4he^attQrnfi.y.geniRral-has * • -prov^tfreirc^culatijQiEqarrect^ ~2lRi>,rlght~to edit-let>«r>-far-(ength, .'detente the Nixon administra-Please do not attend the track meet1 3^.'still not received the standards, vphich he needs-t6 make a'ruling. intolerant, try pinching the "right but-.tion provides tne^ipyiet Union with trhdr---~Uils»!iveel5eiKl:;at-'Memorialstadium-tn^-=jU Aweelcago,HoustpnRep; JoePentonyrequestedallniaterialpertinent f of a male, police officer. and a.security blanket, under which it . which Soviet and American, teenagers number of contributor.' to the'lease of University lands to private firms; Pentony had madg a re-: Randy Smith .cansafely blot Outdissent..In return; the will compete: An empty Stadium would 1903 Rio Grande St. quest for the same information about a month before, but the University Soyiet Union moderates its rhetoric and be an apt, syJnbolic expression that we a Mail letters to The Firing tine, The Daily helps-to promote the guise of progress in will support neither re:Ieiased it nor sought an attorney general's opinion within the 10> hot. indirectly .nor give T«xan, Drawrac D, UT Station, Austin, T»x. -W'|; Bum international relations. — . and the legitimacy to Soviet repression. . --~ 78712; or bring letters to'the Texan of-®C^!l • day limit defined by HB 6. ^ ' • -' •$ To the! editor: appearance that this "progress" is con­• Aaron KaUfman fices, basSment, Texas Student • After consultations between Atty. Gen. John Hiil andlaw office'director tingent upon, the personnelof the current University Law Student I am surprised that the crusading Tex-" Publications Building1.­l__l.Richard jjibsonj the University seemed to be ready to'ask for Hill's deci-an, or at least a few awrare students, 'r ~l sion. However, the law office has beeh sitting on the opinrorfrequest lor r "have notrraised. hell Etbout -the-in- more than two weeks. . ' . : ^ •. convenience and danger'caused" by the .-blackout 'op, Rio Grande Street. Last •^*7 Sfiould the University-againuot^Tespond -tQ-'Pentony-s request,_thaj — year.yprior 1,6 the election for.the nuclear; possibility of court Action becomes distinct.There are definiteindications ^ ' power plants the,city turned out street iiya&that the-University would welcome a court test to' "definejtheir rights." ; : / lights all oyer town, probably in the hope Pentony is a legislator exercising his rights as such.> As stated in'the 'V of making the "crisis''.look real, _ Most-of. them'have been" turned on f?"open records law: "This Act does not give authority to withhold informa-t : again, but not on R}»Grande. Ohe of the Jtion from individual members or committees of the Legislature ... to use most densely/ populated sections of forTegislative^purpo'ses." ~ Austin is the.Rio Grande area. but not- The University officials have no right to refuse Pentony access to the" — one light is, on'from 22nd to 28th Streets. 9F lease files. It is not their responsibility to decide if-the legislator has a j :-(TheTnerilality of the city fathers is such jv, legitimate purpose for requesting the information.The assumption should i & 'that intersections lighted because are fcars are important) • (•i^'jbe fie is acfing in his capacity as a member of the Legislature. -; Are you really going to let them get­ ;A court test seems to' be* almost necessary if the University-is to be • away with4t?.. Iggphqwn once and for *11 thai it may not flagrantly violate state law. : v: ' Betty Burkhalter ji^_lUnivejsitv officials'say they have nothing,to hide. Okay. Then why not *^4 a„,,UT Staff, ••^'release t{ieinformation?Becau§effieysaytheTeis too-much todeliver So W'i why d®^ver't? Because we don't want anyone, rummaging through oUr Mayo^contributes files'"trying to findJsomething to raise hell about;"; as one regent said To the editor: . The UniversityThis is" pretty wild, admittedly, but charged with "inciting-Mo riot." Each J. #HEJ;DAILY TEXAN fall's1Saturday Night Massacre creates how else can he pass the rest ot his member of the Supreme Court is placed ' ^ N*w$p9p»r ut Tfc# Unlvtriffjr T«*s« af Avttln j visions of attempts at military takeover 'IF AMERICA GETS A DICTATOR' : program? It calls for. mandatory sworn • under-house arrest by a squad of Minute? EDITORiwwj^iu..,. ;...Buck Harvey of the government, or at the very least, Billed a.s.'.'the novel th^t tellsyou what .: allegiance to the New Testament and .. Men. . -• -. violence between different arms of the " will -happen to your family if America-; American flag/refusal being punished by MANAGING EDITOR : *, BJ Hefner government. gets a dictator,".It Can't Happen Here withdrawing the dissident's right to hold 'kI—Jr • .J, ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITOR;,..,. . . Lynne'Brock uses ^Lewis' delightfully exaggerated Watching on TV. the events following public office, or, practice as a teacher, •-It would be easy to go from here, ex-;NEWS EDITOR........ Pam Clark Archibald Cox's firing, on,the night of style bf satire to ridicule the irrationali­professor, lawyer, judge -or physiqian; --plainifig hpw'Windrip took control of all'& ASSISTANT-TO THE EDITOR... Dave Risher the Massacre — and-the FBI takeover ty anddemogogiiery ofsuch193fe figures-• prohibiti6n of. blacks from voting, • medi.a, eliminated the statesand formed #^as Hitey Long aiid Father Coiighlin/ . SPORTS EDITOR ...r..... .i. J,-....-Larry Smith and shutdown of Cox's offices— left me holding public office, practicing law, .eight-provinces, -abolished all -political-' teaching above gfammar —p'ai'ties 'and foi-med his -own, "the 1 AMySEMENTS E0ITOJR Debra Triplett with (he distinct and .medicine or paranoic feeling that • >. school level; a maximum income /or American Corporate State and Political PHOTOGRAPHERS.' '.... .. ...... Stanley Farrar,1Marlon"Tayter ^tistony'sr-syilthesis of two • -blacks ofJ10.000^defining ''Negro'' as • the FBI's next move these Party;"directedbook-burnings, and foVm­-would bp to force. Sfehai afcters, the .iiian who' plays the any/person with «-'r'at least doe-sixteenth . ed concentration camps for. dissenters.^: City"Editor1! . K-. [iTV '.v . ISSUE STAFF y, -ui ^Sylvia Moreno-themselves into my . -vexri^ions aod fears of"the •Uepressidft . colored "blSJd;". a guaranteed ^hnual in­:t'-^pror iiseseveryone everything, and beats come of $5,000; and subjection But*then the point would be missed:";* house and .'shut it Gerteial Reporters Ken McHam, Anne Macie Kllday, down fesFpi l charges of high treason:for advocacy of to < :this:is ho.w easily Nixon, as The-Presi\ ' Hicliartt Fly;--paxid Hendricks. •• dent, use power the 'Recent events are> yLi?:;pre^ident." •; T;.™i-,.-communism, 'socialism or anarchism.''-.-. could his and News Assistants Doug Burton, Wi •*/•-' .....Doiig Willard HaHr i-v)y< W ndrip's lS-point platform is Uien aTTi'^ Immediately following his notfeination; traditional awe of his office? to protect no. oiofe consoling Bryan Brumley, PatsyMake-up Editor, ..-1 -?l-•-?-/-pz?.r-. . VickyVic Bowles fitting, proper, or necessary. , . , ~'S, . . , Lochbaum than-, the old ones,-s^jnqufeied^ along with^his-;edict it%t only.; ' Windrip marching clubs;, known as the--himself,in iwhateVer manner-he deemed i: ' point 15 is absolutely necessajy.-­ either . Minute Men, begin forming all over the Wire Editor. . .. , .. Ann Wheelock t*— .Rolnt 15 readsj. "Congress shall' im-; •: .•„ Picture a squad of House sergeants-aU country; soon.they numb the President, shall drilIs with bannered lances, they quickly • (fclmoM Mprwrtlo^he Dally TBiM'inilbMe»(tl»: .5 the. military, on command, assist in a 'munrtation BulIdlRR. A4r36). laquirl« coftct'rnmg deljvrrjr— —-filltt€6, "-^nd ediLor,or.vhe writer of: Uie article ^nd *rv nql necessarily : and clautli^d advertising should be made io TSP.Buildlnf ...tteJ2»(wnlcy adminUtrAtion or ihe Board of, ^Housevguard^ 5.200 747F52ftt and display advertisirt^ in TSft-feuIldiflgRegent^ ?1. 3.210 <371 1865! ^ ' • ^in^hy jwbple : ThfeWHjftewn p itudcnt new«pa|>er at-'tfie-ilnivenuty­~rThe:WiUoofil-SdTentiWg represeQUiUvc.'Qf. The bf Teiax At Au#t)p. u publj^h^J bjt Texas Student :• bings^ykiuih^s •Texan w NflfioftaL£yucatlonal:Advertisin^ SepyicCj liter,.publications. Drawer 1>; TJnHiersity^Auilli^ tex-­360 Lexington Ave.vNfw.Vark.-NiY:. I00l7.«. ' 7<7r^-lt»e^DailyTaun i>. ptWished Jdooday. Tueaday. _ —-'-The Datly^Texan-Sntisal^?? Aisociat«d fress. ,Wetfne3daV\-»Thur8day«^a?fd-yrkbV'>&>DtS?®'a|jthofize'd'by the'Presideil't~so to att; . dmtribuUqitf win b€ aac«plet( fey telephone 147), bsaiich of the-Aony,'to be armed .with:, on's; beating;anyone by a landslide aKy Rtfcyclmjtatations for the nevspaper.are ^th &Seton WlVatStudent Publicatboir ,StreeWr-IRpirfk^thirnet-Kbedr-Ltilw^tfsilA Bflulcvard'.*: For the skeptics-unwOHng-to-helieve a , .-'afid (t), that theSiTprertieCou'rt shallim-UQ»UIIClo. lfll„ 1„„l.111Ilcr lessfafitastiejJ'fiere.js,ntt,.doiiht. .Myl.lto' basenwnt ffoorJ or-at lhe:ifewg Uboratory (Com­ jted Bud.T>a» and lgOo_S,iaVe«hore.Bivd. * have from its guhs,iheMmfei'.thii:Mniifo<>-U ~ ? ,1 0 . ». • r ' .4^-* ~iy.lL.•-~ Jurisdiction the powefjo negate,byj^^ pass Point' 13^rafter a half-hour 'ofl^__here ' ;V<.v 3S5I. fc&fS r\ -e • wilavw E>fii»ri5nes joo Lenrer ydnC6 'Sunday Employe Training Progrqm Ainied at Minorities, Disadvantaged Gov.-Dolph Briscoe .signed-an executive order Thursday Monday^ and will skilV —-7T-; :— ¥• _—Gov Dolph .signed-an: ' Monday; provide skill for'emDloves of training for employes Of establishing" ashort-term remedial euuca turn uiiJ job li ulit— By MIKE MORRISON Horizon, will'-provide the cultural—mhirtntips ecortomicallv -disadvantaged'^, per­ Gay Liberation subsequent-' the dance. ;. Gay People of Austin will entertainment;-ly filed a lawsuit seeking to A' member of the group said J -ing center for lower-level state employe's: • .; sons. The:State Employes Training Center will begin operation, take advantage of .its new " THE CONFLICT between • keep the; University from en: Thursday 'the University has-The Texas Department of Community Affairs, in conjunc-l' status as a registered Univer­gay. liberation groups and the forcing its declared policy.' • very been "''cobperative land Sgition with the Division of Extension of the University and their-sity organization to sponsor J • Uhi'versity started in fall,' • Defendants in-the lawsuit good about setting up Administrators Air •? Texas'Education Agency, .will administer the $325,000 one­ -its-fwst-eampus dance!Sunday 1970, -when Gay Liberation • m were the members of the 1971 arrangements" for;the dance.- •;t;vear program. • . • .-. .. night: . jvas denied permission to ;Board of Regents, Chancellor -Before.JU.S.^Dist.^udge _• register asa studentorganiza-Charles A. • .LeMaistre, and THE .FIRST dance, spon­ In The "program aims t.o brjng more minority, and Minority Problems JaclrRotiertSTuiedlastrMarch'-Ciuii sored by'Student Government :—--Asst-Dean of Students Edwin a 4n^spritlf?.,_i')79, : ta-' ,, h ' ' . . .economically disadvantaged personsmtostate government r^nra\cA that Gay Liberation, another University officials said Price, _ Texas coHege ad-. Secondly, |admissions could ; in addition, the oro^-arnhnnp.he ' student group, be allowed to. recognition of the organiza-: by the administration because ministrators met Thursday '«^tnefl^adhePE4tt=thf^erit-­ es FINALLV, Roberts ordered s register, they were barred tion would encourage persons of alleged "distribution • of the .University to .discuss -system^nd-admit^a^pecial_i^_state_emploves :' perccpt-annuallv n- last-March that Gay Libera­ from u^ing campus facilities to ; accept" homosexuality,' leaflets on eamprus which im­•preferenjial admission of; minority group. . ——HI tion be allowed-to registeh ­ and distributing literature on' • "espe'Cially ; students who plied Gay. Liberation was^ minority students.-Students , cannot always be • f ^iSsicrcaases-of' et > The administration -then campus. ... .• were confused and sexually permitted Gay Liberation and • sponsoring,the dance,-Tfc/itwtMiiiy i;opft«ncef.on-' measured-by test'; grades,1 preparation, :sktll -training and -job-experience Ben ly t* . TWO GAYliberation dantfes undecided,1 - Student' Personnel .-Ad-' . overall : grade, averages or..^^ McDojiald, head oi the Department of Commuiiitv^^Affairs /er- Gay People of Apstin' to • Gay Liberation-could -oft"campus wfcre sponsored by'— not ministration in Higher Educar-standardized tests,.' Yuflbf; Said.v • ,; -. Government . register as • campus sponsor campus erf. Student in the Although -Uie Committed on a • dance on tion is being held at theJOe C. • saidt • . : . ! " ' " ' ­ m »«. " Student Organiz^rtlonS -organizations. -since it vyas not a registered •last three years jniompsonConference Center". . .7'..Professional standards ; .McDonald predicted the center Will Help "minorities and ld!< recommended : Dec. 8-, 1970, .Gay People of Austin,-is • studentgroup. 7 ~ Mark G. Yudof, University-coufd. not be.-lowel-ed'-.to' •the disadvantaged to improve lheir j.ob skills and thereforeFollowing Roberts', order,' that Gay; Liberation:jie alleg­•divided into-an -off-campus le-f, law professor, speaking at the balancer soc'io-economic jc6j».--"their X®^ppffrtunltles.'' -.--. .* Gay Liberation and Gay Peo­ed to. • register. University -^oupand an:pn-campus group —-HQW^w^thfci.auministra-: *L conference; said the prefeiren-, ditions," he said. ' Z';" • • • .• " . ditions, 'said. is 7 ple-of Austin became Interim President Bryce Jor-to comply with;-University tion already had given-Stud6nt tlal ftdjnissld^-••of"ihinority.'is^year-*. Traineies'will-attend two-to three-month sessions through ;. c 4 registered. • •s t.udent -daft" reversed its recommen-regulations .that' members be .Government approval. to .use students is a;, controversial"'.oids^mjonty-.'.ri^its the.Division of Exterision. '. . / ' 2S*, Twrganizatiopsr — —dation the next-day. . students, faculty and staff of . the, Texas Unioii Main . . ... ipic of today. stitutions of-higher .learning..' '^ •. baitro evekmcvi J3 \ •OUHI _ PeBTTOSOCIETY!" Elementary Summer Workshop -icum\ tig*. " Children 5 to 9 yrs. rj > outdoor skills . • swimming creative dramatics gardening carpentry science , mud & sprinkler days ^5 sportv — > arts & crafts -creative movement field trips. music '"rJ.M#1­ 9ame„? North and South Austin Schools ft . •••'-Call 442-3152 . 1 * • HA, HA, mrensAm y vei~u VA f Since the Co-Op wilI be I 'oSL « »' * ./te» Ct4&0f 29 for is the last day to turn in Crossword Puzzler Answer to Yesterdayis Puzzle ACROSS -2 Inquire _0aaai3 tuaatiia • 3 Pronoun 1 Timorous -4 Seines ."-t •riasHm saiinss your Co-Op^ dividends. v 6 Sailing;-. •-FlsheS Irom •EJ ESEISSB saraci •r--' -Vessel-— : moving boat . A garden of 0ESC51 BSKiEia 0I3H .11 Expert • •;6 Aromas-. BS3EC3 ODBSta (SB '^"12 Preserved. • 7 Alan of •^-14 Kind -i • Hssaaia isBHiasas The last day to Jturn~iri your dividends for your rebate is Jmie -'•: movies ::)5 Carrla6,|-;S| 8 Preposltloh nraas qisbs delights. • ^7-Sin:'i fsg?; .9 Number . asiiiaaiira QBiaae 30: But since the Co^Op is going lo be closed Saturday for in­ 18 Symbol lor •10 Punctuation WS niton' ..... marK • • ventory and June 30 isSundayrtoday.is the lasl-day. Bulif you . ... -^Vi HEaa QQIUmiS Bsa 19 Uahd sur-'. • 11 Hxcavate'd .- Exotic flowers growing rfiundod by-13 Dismisses7" lamiB tan . are unaJjle t.o rnake it to tli.c%Co-Op by F.riday, please come jiv \ on -a long flowing-dress water (pi.) ; •16 Chinese •aiEIlllS QOiiEiSQ 21' v Maiden pagoda aasspiH Btai^n?ii=a -jind pick up a dividend envelope and rhail il to the Co'.Opposl-l of royal blue. (Theloved by --19 PladeJibart 34.Endured pillow 21 ^ Zeus1-m oyiiWeli marked by June 30. 'Mail-it to The. UniversityJCo-Op, 2216 flowers are. du§k blwe;:|| 35 Withdraw 40'Heraldry .22 MorayS • .-20-Rallroad.ear • ; Irom an • : ' arnitfit! and peach.) The dressf , 2* UnltolLat- Guadalupe, P.O. ^Drawer 752tt_.^ 23 Bumpkins T-, "organization-14a Amnmh C-C"V vlancurreii" 26 BaoteFlo-36 Meal 9 7,^ "> ~ has white straps that ey loglst s tyre-37 Moves about J?,?,!,' . r The_dividen'd rebate system applies onfy to students, staff £,2S Noose tpl) 7 . lurtlveTy--• 51 Cut olmeat criss-cross in the back to fW27 SaflS ""^ ; 28 Through 38 Cares tor S3 Cooled'ava and faculty of the University of Tevas. Therefor# the Co-Op show off a summer tan. —^29 Spirited. •. 30_Prellx'three 41 Maleshfeep 55 Babylonian , %% hordes 33 Change 45 Case tora deity \vjll not accept yqur rebate slipsntnlcss-yoii have your UT stii-i Ftor chilly" everrings, —; t 31 Rubber tree: '.•; 32 Things. In s co\;et; your.shoulders dept ID card-present with yoUl Remember, if'you don't have with the bolero jacket ; 33 Pisces for'-i yoHr ID >ve Cannot take your receipts! worship -Sizes 5 to 13. $40., »,,y,38 Most mature. 39 Final ­ •i.„-S40 Belord" Si, -r^j^,a4Z Slavey * -T^urn dividend slips into thfe Co-Op on the, se­ iij ; Tepsile «-) '.. '4-1-; strength (abbrrl— cond floor, Checks rnaiied in September^ OnewhoV' • *i evades cap 1i .,!• , ture Printers ~ .measure itfsss'v."?.riiiunouro The University Co-Op 11'% 48.QreeK letter.< li'SJ ii­ ,:yr ,-j5U Sweetheart Sl.Posaeiasd ' 1 ? r? "h* I jZ:'ReoomR«nseds o« 54 Cutsplmftat • fe-=feS6-ATOQgfl. "" AattogitoL lolds —Qflfi V'free Bankflmeritard and ^ II ^^ -' 57> Athletic -iil-jrouM -..DOWN ?Zf»jfchoseorT«or«» ON-TH^-DRAGit?--' • • .- V-' . F|1Way; June 28, 197* THE DAILY TEXAN Page 5, 2 vv-c^W4--ajv>3;-> s Williams Selected Sex Not Considered ££3 [—To Manage f-V® ^ ANAHEIM (AP) -Dick Dalton said Finley Wednes­ Williams,who led the Oakland' day gave the Angels' permis­ WMJIIJLSIS.R: . A's to World Series titles the sion t.a negotiate with By CHARLES DEAN f -last two years, agreed Thurs-Williams and advised owner "MY SISTER threw the jaVelin,.and I used Texan Staff. Writer ,, ^ -day.tQ end his exile andjoined Gene Autry. late -Thursday to go with her. when she trained;" she said . Women athletes-in the U.S.S.R. enjoymuch Women's sports events-in the-U"S.S.R. are the rCahiorhia Angels to that a court injunction against the same status as men athletes; said two succeed the fired Bobby Williams' managing for similar to men's, Margulina said. "We" have members of the Soviet women's track team ~jWinkles~as;managerr the same rulesfor sports thjjtjiien tf6: We'run .anyone-but.the^A'sihad been ffi", Ludmilla; Silver:and Nina-Margulina, both " h i -? U 1 and' ? swim-thg^sames i j e a e d distances a c eventsv n s asa men, WomensiOOin^er^rfie^-^(^T^0 longer races," she said General Manager Harry" lifted in San Francisco at the r V -n ^ 0 . • w m n j m i t n e e e t s .Oakland owner's request; Saturday,tattlrday, saicfThatsaicfThat'wdmen'swomen s sportssDorts receivereceive^ . Thp SSi®rTrh;/,^i,i,o iu^^T,,. .The "Soviet union, has,three~age group?Oj Williams will join the team -Coach Whitey Herzog was -about the sameamount of attentionas men'?,.' J^ompetitiorv.for men and women; youths'up •• Monday under a cpntract that appointed interim manager .4-"We.have as many spectators come to our •to 16 years-; adoIescents717 to20; and adults* • .carries through the 197^ -for the series against the Tex­€ ^ s sports*events as the rnen,'"Siver*said. season—.a totalof three and a as that 21 and older. Women can compete as longas. Rangers started 1 Wpmen do not have excessive difficulty in they are fit, Siver said.'' half seasons. • . Thursday night. rHerzog was: achieving superstar status in the Soviet • fired by the Rangers as their "Wpmen do not beconte. professional --The4ngek_open.a series v .Unioh,.-Margulina 'said. In fact, in some athletes, because we do not have professionalmanager last-season.' (^Monday against. Oakland;..the_ •fepports women, enjoy more status. ''Gym­ athletics hv the Soviet Union," she said. ;.The firing of Winkles came 4'team Williams .quit after the '^nasticg is a good example with stars Olga Soviet can look Nevertheless, women as no surprise, nor did the ap-> ­ ,'iilast World Series. J j Korbut.and Ludmilla Turischeva,."ishejsai. New York Yankees, tut the . iSoviet women pursue lifetime careers. ­ .on Wilhams was of the Amove.was blocked b"y Oakland. : compared to men reflects the inequality of': -• • • -longshot variety • uin the Most Americans have a distorted image of • isjugauvt vat *d. ,, -w AMMOUHCB THt RELOCATION OF HIS OFFICE -, HW Tiff ,P*Attia Qf -; b».' I . switched to^tradt when-she was-12. She said w ^They are not being forced t6 -traif as f •*" " DISEASES AND GENERAL SURGERY Of folii!CeiVw "I encouragement from her : ^thletes. In jmany ways, their-sys\em is less "familyfamilv andspnflflhflfiand coaches. i. •' . hVDOCritiPal mire-V tko nna^t. -PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE hypocritical than ours," the ioafch'said. , l»'i- — "I'_bepajne:interested in traqk in physical SURGERY OF THE EYI ,"Ifi the U.S., -women's athletics lacks juf­ —Ufl T&photo educatioji class. My coach tfioughfl hadsome .flclerit funds,".and; many careers are cut 'jW8t •«w? AT Tie to the Runner_ * >=abihty and encouraged me to continue,'' she . short,'' Swett said. "Maijy coaches/finance ' I •t irfoamtfinn ItUWOSfc —-said -_ -their teatAsoiit of their own pockets]It's hard ij oBiiT urn iw«a„ nils, m tmts.M M>. MEDICAL PAMC TOWER frw^wnlfno #VM for. first on an attempted.pick'aff by Brave$' Phil ji» Margulina started at age 8 training in for the girls to train when they have toearn a .IKMWM*! /..IJOI WtST MA STKIT "m Ger?nimo ^ad® --track. ; • wntwt, 6 3 * badrin-Um., and Cinemnati^on'the . living." .. -1; • -—Vv/J USE '* SPECIAL Pacers CLASSIFIEDS HEY! HEY! J: Two Chicken Fried J? PIANO RENTAL Start Getting Ready, 2nd Annual 3. months. ^ Jalapeno Eatin Contest A.ug. 2*3 Steaks for J-* ^ ;.oo This fri. and Sat. 6-8 Only for r® a new Cinfludas c/e//yaiy, fjicfc-up, and tuning) Elmore INDIANAPOLIS -(AP). i the Price of One'^wi-apartment... The Indiana Pacers gave : American Basketball -Associa­ TACOS 20f AMSTER MUSIC at tion, credibility, a shot in the:' 1624 Lavaca 478-7331 arm -Thursday, arinounGihg the signing of 6-9 Marylahd :BEAN BURRITIOS 20C All-America Len Elmore-to a. \ JTtclP 7-\A> B L - multi-year contract , 3 cy T-Terms of the contract-were- MEAT BURRITTOS 20( = . not disclosed,, but Elmore's PRKi c.onsider *%ho quiet • privacy |V adviser;. Len Snider, said, . undar tho spreading, oak ^CHirrr^c 19th St San Antonio trr**** our nntt hnHmnf^ "The dollars were very big— Ir-jfrojiv-the-Washingtom Bulled ^apartments for St€5 All lector's bins• Paid. —-eiI^BUntp4hCjnc91jjroaMgaive, least exprnsive fivlna I ciup in the Southwest 1 ^ . .te.-; PacerT' extended~ -JOIN_ TACO FLATS 5213"jY. LAMAR| —themselves to get a plaver of 1 Lenny's status;" • ' eno Good thru Fri., June 28 Home Of The J ' Dions Palo'Blanco | THE UNIVERSITY FLYING CLUB ' Snider was referring to the 911 Blanco 472-1030 1^ CALL 837-0370 FOR DETAILS Washington ( franchise of the —J National Basketbaft Associa­tion, whr^V'made~ElmTJi^jHShoe Shop rV first-round'draft choice. In-: ORIENTATION STUDENTS S ' dlanajreceived Renegotiation We make and" •m*: SHEEP;jKIN rightt—Ja-rElmore-from-aie-: repair boots: Denver Ropkets "for a con-; RUGS sideration." • When You Preregisfer For Fall, '74 ... shoes, belts-00-Many. In Landover, Md., Bob i sppiPfli *5 Beautiful Colors Ferry, general manager of the leather Bullets, said: "We offered:; !';.goods * •LEATHER SALE1 |>irn.„th.e best contract ever: . Varloui lcind«,"tolor« -75'. per ft. offered a Bullets', rookie: HuuaiwncMr Capitol Scfddlery IDON'T $750 .1 .j?. 16141 ivaca Austin, Texas -\> {«. 478-9309 •&•:•>V.' .t; thinking of buying or stfng a m is car, boat or camper? m NOW THERE'S A BETTER WAY! . WIHWIR OF THE 1973 . HUIOHAI WIlDWATtR BUYERS SELLERS (CHAMPIONSHIPS ' ' Buy iluci Ihoin Iowner • Puce it youriclf .. . ^v; THE CA^IMKV'C'TD^WIUF.I WASI 1 ,/T'S YOUR STUDENT NEWSPAPER AT THE UNIVERSITY QF TEXAS AT AUSTIN ran advise you) -*• 'V DESIGNED AS A WORKING CANOE BIC ANUBROAp .?lim.'U)ER£U ;TO;RlUE 1 THE. S'AVte'.OF A BtO liAKE-JJR • Otspkiy tt on oui Jnt--.^n lionifj VF.T NLMtfl.E The Texan will kefep you potted ebout happenings on campus. ln-Austln a/id around Pj/ no (orofiiis^on', 01 ROADIJVC-RAPI11S. Minitilcni.'ifi Rol.ii---we find you ,i tniycr ENOIICH TO: TWIST THROUGH: AN the world! It's a must lor all your campus activities. IRRIGATED ROCK -CAWIF.N. THIS IS • Simply f^ti (lie <;p,Hc. foi Jib THE CAMlt VOU Il IICT YOL'R ll}f • (llumsc from-'s'h«ne"tclpt lion a week—wc show il-—all iiTO-?,! you do is dose (he deal at wiMsrnsss/whitswotsr WIS Humcl Rmil ir>ZUil? $r*!« 7545BURNETROfl 2 Blocks South of Anderson Lane . 20-Mile-A-Day 459-6700 SPORT Open 11 a.m.to7 p.m. 1^1 ,every day SBOOTi jiSi oSisia SPENDYOURMONEYON THETOWN.NOT THEHOTEL. At the Hotel Riverside we deal in basics. For a paltry $4 a nlgljt well: lADIES • BOOT give you a room with bed and basin. Your bath being men footsteps AVAILABLE down the bad. Make jl$8 and well put you­ THE^TEXAN SLOT -leave wll Mankr This wavErvo»-^walLibe snhc^Hhint* mm Wi^lG SHOE STORE TEXAN, another tSPPublication — j t it ^4. IWWMtU hbbmwmmmmhmmm tV&tUL saefsgBMi %w Evert. Favored§in By LARRY SMITH Meet Schedule cludeQ.^jgly^jxjen, but women team.and Dorothy Ritter, who'™* Texan Staff Writer -were added last year when the has the best.qualifying mark ' After five days of fisheries --SATURDAY J FRIDAY, 4 30 p.m. Discus (Men) ­_niembers, the third annual 4:15 p.m. Discus Throw (Women) 5 00 p.m, Long Jump (Women). t -If Ritter should win her • 'Downs and: receptions for team 3:00 p.m. HammecThrow (Men) 3 00 p.m. Javelin.(Men) -•mpc| vJas in Odessa,-.-Russia,. in. the.womenls.high lump; . 5:00 p.m. Triple Jump-(Men) 5 15p.m. )I0m-Murdl#s (DecatKlon) In Odess,the Soviet U.S.-U.S.S.K. Joniui Track-~Siiu p.m,. \>Xn rHtffdtet-teeotfllhlanl™ — a oo n.m pjscus (Decathlon) • event, she will earn the U.S. ­ women outscor-ed' the and.Field Meet begins at 3 5:45.p.m. Javelin.(Women) 6-00 p.m. High Jump UVOHitiii) — 'team fivepoints. Three points 'ftiOOT^mrShof Pui (POTiethlon) p.m. Friday at Memorial . 6:00 p.m.'Longjump(Pentathlon) Aiuei icair -women ti'71,, —•­ mmwm. running events :to overcome "-7:iyp.mj *oo MB>en-i^emtn) = -~7r?0 p.-mr^OO-AAetersfWorrieft)-^--­ -Chose.Austifr for this ^the rain. /" l^p.iri. SOQ.Meters (Men) Tisketl Data an;y^^n^e,^^Ai^«ficanS^;^;™7{^^p((o|^th70n)-wpismnnMBHi meet vf» Miss Evert, the 19-year-old S:05 p.m.-lM Meters (Women) . 7:30 p.m. 3000m because^we wanted to , might hdve in the spruits and i 7:30 p.on. High jump (Men) -spreadspread the meet around,ricxets for. the. if.S:.-. around,"­ impeccable shot-mafcery need-' relays; . • ' '* ®^5.p;m/-lW.Met*rs.'{Men) , Ir 0 m e n : AAU special assitaiit Colonel • d *ed only six minutes and;12 mf ' AAU special assitatit CotonelV U.S.S.R. Junior Traik an In fact,.;the Soviets shbuld "• s^.pin^^i'i^^^Rtiay.twomen)• .points to end one of" the ;• ",i,v , t .U • ,3:00p^.m; tons Jumii (Men) " LfecombLiScomb sai4saift** "We"W.e alsoalso.want.want Field Meet^are on sale at the r^ -sweep thtee of the first four . >• • 4 x^o-yara n-r?.^®tinterest in track.in my«raiQr uckm o/nceon the events, as ineir two com 9:3op.mv40o Meters (Decathlon) 9:ll0 p.rt «oo Meters (Decathlon) : • _tlus area, and the.University grounn lavel of Bellmont Hail:_.± womeri'smatelieswith an 8-6, pe.u.tors-fpr the .inen.s : 9:

-meter >'un: where the 500 meter is,run inplace of the: Texas — Mark Burleson, who •. $i for studentsand 50 centsfor 18-year-old / Adonis from parts. •' ~ " slowest qualifying time, 1.1.9, mile at-the Texas Relays.' • is a member of the liBOO^relay groUDs of 10 or mor^> V. Sweden, came from:1-4 back • I.n-the men's hammer, is. 4/lflth.of a second faster "THE MEET is part of the » m iheiQurtn set tor.a 3-tt, b-I, throw,-for example, the best-. Uian the recofd? Qualifying • AAU (Amateur Athletic 8-6, 7-5-' triumph over T'qjifyii't; llinrtt lty .in '"Hihato thgf ninre.than -Union)-International soor Case of-Australia. _American is 170-1 while both a dozen records will fall." program," "AAU" Both matches h'ad been -SovietsJiaive Jirown over 210 , Since all events but the tative' Dick Cassin said, ex­ postponed because of feet. Yuri Sedvkn, whn~ffas—relays^—whieti-CQuld not be plaining tow the meet began. ' darkness-Wednesday after a •had a 235-0, is the European modified because of the size "we alsorhave basketball^a < bone-chilling rainstorm. junior champion and has an _.of the track, are being run in the, senior track' meet/which 11600LAVACA ......478-54231 JJl__ JThe sky was gray and the opporturtity to break the meet meters; nearly all times will was begun in 1958.Wedecided |5353 BURNET RD. ..... .465-8689 I' grasS dafrip, but the center recorc| of 222-n set by'Sergey^ -be stadium records. to 'bring the youngpr athletes SPECIALS GOODFR1DAYAN0SATURDAY court,stands were packed and --OPEN 16 A.M. '.111:9 P.M.' Korobov .of the U.S.S.R.'•in The only metric distances into the .competition. So, this" ,„ tension-was -in-the-air when 1972. ""-.T-% run at Memorial Stadium in meet was started." CUTTY SARK . _ A . 7-UPI Talaphato MfroofStm^bt^itkvy -r"7* tljeTSvert-Hunt match resum- BESIDES th»e hamih'ef the past have been the 3,000-. W[hen the meet wis first •ed-at S-9 in the.final set. Chris Evert returns Lesley Hunt's shot. . throy, several o.ther meet metei: steeplechase in the held in 1972, competition in-t LEGACY ^ jf A,I •80.fro«f Straight WHUltty "t. „ ... * » fth ir | CHIVAS REGAL­ NFL Talks Slowed QUARF9.99! ARMAND'S LAUDERS . , . 96Pr»of Straight Whi»k*y :L.., ;t 3.49 \ CHARCOAL BROILED HAMBURGERS By Freedom Issue 2** • PASSPORT 1616 Rdyal Crest ' HICKORY SMOKED jih 4.691 • UProof Straight Whitkvy WASHINGTON!(AP)T The missioner friim any role in the • 444-6631 HAMBURGERS OLD SMUGGLER T-shirts and the bumper' injury or nonipjury grievance A leading choice "of. the Riverside : 86 Proof Stroight'yfhUl(4y• —-.*4.59 fh^tn/oniens stickers: appear. tp tell the procedure and the appoint­ Or. apartments ^because we offer and hickory-faucd T^V. VODKA ,whole story,: "No Freedom, ment of a neutral third-party, eoials __extra-spacious riving ' and direct SOProef Vedka.u...:, . „ ' Ja Z.7! No t'ootbalh" ; • to handle all dis­ . access to-the shuttle"bus7~~ arbitrator —Cotfp*n-V»M .DON Q RUM ­ The National Football. putes. •' 1-1 $165^.. 2 for. $ 1" ymll Svpl.' l, 1974 Leagiie is faced with a strlke -Elimination of the current.' •2-1 i'85;i# ,• : .; -SAVE 49* players Monday •OFrwffrbm Mexke by its .individual player^contractand 2-2 195 • off bills.paid ^411 W. 24th St^ -, D.T. • . 478-0^5jj SOMBRERO TEQUILA m, .3.691 because there has „been no ' in its .place a contract agreement on a new contract. providing for mutuality of jtagtjPH-VODKA ; sih 3.50i -The * • SOgNlEY CIN is the ; so-called freedom Elimination of the com­; 2.99issues. .. missioner's". authority to dis­ .1601 Rio <5rande • Austin, Texas Since their national conven-cipline players and elimina­ •0Proof PMrtftBean turn............... . •Mon. in Las Veeas last year., tion of all fines.' CALVERT GIN IMPORTED 3.19 the plavers have, been criss-•"TSnminattmr-of^reserve-90 Prpoif fih. ­crossing the nation wiiKWaf" "nstsi'^andrit-js-understood OLD TAYLOR J tlfer WProof Straight BovrbenWhfilwyTn Piayers Association saysis its the player and the club and DiQOCPiQQ " INTERNATIONAt CAR PARTS 3.68 . CENTUCKY BEAU pi imai y --demand-e shall be governed '& Foliage Plants negotiationsY-.freedom. exclusively by the collective 2828 GUADALUPE 474,6451 OLD CROW Negotiations begun March 6 bargaining agreement and the • Antiques i M Pt*of Straight BqyrbonWhhkty . -sii. 3,69.between'-the union and. the individual player contract--' MATTINGLY & MOORE NFL—Management Council,-»-A_ aeteran player trtay • Art Gallery • • IS THE PLACE SO PieelStraight Bevfbe«Whbkev _ 2^99 the owners' bargaining agent, cancel any, trade in which he P­ . JIM BEAM reached an almost insurmoun-:: is involved, and further, It he BUY^rOUft PARTS |—t6feoatSlnrfchi 5«H>9rLWhi»k«y ^ A 399 -tablei,impasses_W£dnesday_ agrees: to., a trade; he may CANADIAN MIST ^ • when the "nine freedom issues canceTlhe competreatiofrpor* 80CanadianWhiikf t ~ .... r5>h tQy were to be dtscusSed. -' tion of his contract and Bring~This Ad in and Gef .• The players say theother 59 renegotiate it with tlie team to 10% OK Any Plant. MATEUS ROSE mvgvtMloH _ „ —rT |— -1.99 demands cannot-be discussed -which he haf been traded. ' meaningfully •-urtti-1 the SCHLITZ -6PAK " 1.29 freedom issues are dispensed with. . PEARL CANS — 24 CANS _ „ _ ::CASE 4.39 The owners say they-are FALSTAFF 44 willing to discuss' modifica-: 6 NilBoHln _ "" V _ NOTICE TQ All PILOTS Austin's Most Complete Supplier 6 PAK 89* Iti.on of; the rules and PABST BLUE RIBBON regulations governing the! . of Imported, Car Parts • )2C • Nuclear Propulsion Officer Candidate rule in which Commissioner * * ENTRY FEES $2.00 PER CONTESTANT 7 ­ Pete RozMle compensates a A SPECIAL CHALLENGE' FOR SPECIAL ^"T 'vhnn i?" nthl°T° plnys v • DROP MADE FROM MIN. ALTITUDE OF 500" MEN, -THE-ONC-E-IN A-LIFETIME- out his option and moves. to • COMPfcT+TtON BEGINS 6:00 P7M."FRIDAY- OPPORTUNITY FOR ENGINEERS. PHYSICS m another club; and the current AND MATH AAAJORS (MINORS TOO). LEARN waiver system. • • Ws>y HOW TO MASTER A NUCLEAR RE'ACTORTTN" -I"" • • Removal o{ the com-SUBMARINES OR SURFACE SHIPS. 19 WEEK FIRST PRIZE -TROPHY AND $50.00 CANDIDATE SCHOOL, 1 YEAR /-"A OFFICER *"A * <*-K" *>,' -J"-? ' NUCLEAR POWER SCHOOL, 3 YEARS 4 t V*-fi We're Not REDNECK": PRACTICAL EXPEDIENCE.- CONfESTmBE FOLLOWED BY SPECIAL AEROBATICSSHOW. : MEDICAL ARTS : g,c PLENTY OF FREE BEER & FOOD VISIT WITH YOUR : BARBERSHOPS I 4 CALL 837-0370 OR 272^5337 FOR DETAILS PUT NAVY-WINGS IN YOUR FUTURE. AOC ­ S . Barbers | ; 2915 Red River 477-0691: AVIATION OFFICER CANDIDATE. SENIORS-NAVY OFFICER INFO TEAM DO IT NOW!iUNDE ftG RADS-GUARANTEE YOUR SEAT IN NAVAL AVIATIONTRAINING NOW! YEARS DO IT NOW! REMAINING COLLEGE THROUGH. VISIT WITH YOUR NAVY OFFICER INFORMATION from Texas Instruments TEAM 1-3 JULY, '74 Texas Instruments w B.E.B. electronic calculator 2nd FLOOR FOYER TI-2500 Interested Individuals May It. . Call Collect : • AC Adapter/Charger mm •ForrreeiInformation Add, Subtract, Multiply -f- 341-02 Divide 'Reciprocal • Square .Root m^^Qther r .i .. -'i '' ---CI . available •4fl5Q?zr0 CR4S if STfREQ-HTV I'Jpsl Ends Career at UT ^8? ^ tennis Star,Plans To Enter Law School H THE OF THE WEEK 1 i-­ • • ""^s|3 By JOHNNY CAMPOS mil f/? NcKmv-cairt ^ > , Texan Staff Writer beaten Trinity tw»c£ instead ^HMONEER-SX-838 -A11WCQAWV PiQNEER PLA-35 In last week's NCA£ tourna­ of once or -beaten Houston it w ;-«^ment, Longhom tennis team would hSye been beneficial to: ill- v ', 5 captain Dan Nelson returned building Texas into a national 2—a~serve-\Hti» his-forehand^«- power." •^»ha:t-be-tho%ht.wasJU§ufees| stroke, at the time; The ball ^ After his loss in nationals. went into the.rtfet, thus Inding Nelson sSI3Tii?wasJusfenJoy-.' N^son's collegiate career. *ing "not being a tennis player" for the first summer While fie was attending-Tex- This'is one of lh; super rectivirs ir. since he Was 8 of .9. ': '**1 as, Nelson never worf a tour- Pioneer's new line of high^uality, '1Eyery summer I founil namerit, his best finish being high relrability electronics.'. SO watti • se7**anyone"who isinterestedlj . behind SMU and Houston, in playing. J ; both of which made the top 10 "I've" been rleanijs in thfe nation last-year? on sqholarship.j the past four years, and how| THT OF THE WEEKBut Nelson thinks it was-just all of a sudden I'm not," he, I an averagfe year for, -th'i try teadi as' 1Horns: -~7- said. "I'll to PIONEER SX-636 , LTRALINEAR 150 PIONEER Pl-120 many students as I can so -I L "LAST"YEAR was~5uTTif5t e^pay^foNaw^hbol;%i= year with Snyder. I was hop---•• -Nelson's efforts to do^h—. beat; "frfcity; and Tennessee, . any major upsets. Trinity, ing.to do a' little.morethis best have not been limited to and both of them are pretty Hoiistpo-ahd SMU yrere the yea^byptiliiriga fewmoreiip-good teams. r • the tennis courts, as -his 3.9 orily te&ps'we lost to; even I&•^ ^.tif.I sets," he said. "Last year .we , "This'year we didn't pull though we did beat Trinity grade point average-for his four years atTexag will show. "I do things with the theory IOne of Pioneer's new svper-reciivers, the |(U has'25 vratts RMS/ihomil of dirict­ that if I'm going to apply lo^pW OCl pqmr with distortien less TWs Dee little foMeotiifed t«nilg)rio It an: .myself, Ijnight as well giveit 1 I then .5S n( hjH-roted outpyt. FM stcflon Industry ghmgX'fine syndirwwus Rieter A 3-way 5peok NbflcnorUepr -single; '' -W~ 1 w t KT. ~~T~,W"Sr inoutli." . : 'il • • Sett tSil -Federation-tournament jiext Boston iU 'JO—.371 Cleveland.. . ~34 33 " 522 4 Phiradetphia 38-34 .528 : Baltimore 36 34 .514 4 Monfreal ..,. 33 32 .508 Oliva blasted a two-run hofner Nelson will .have time tor" Detrotf .514 • 4 Chicago. 29 . 39 .426 in the' first.inning and Rod other things he wished for_ Milwaukee ..;,vr.^V:34-'S3 .507 ",4V!a r Pittsburgh : 29 4U-.4/0 > Carew chipped in with 'three 7lew"York S7TT' -»-37—4W ' New York t 29 42 v.408 while practicing on Pennick Wot """T hits Thursday night!la carry Courts. . Oakland „ * -4b 33 548 • Texas _ 37 37" 500 3V* Losi, Angeles. . 49 24 .671' the--Minnesota Twin?'-to a 6-3 . "It'll befun to-look at tennis V Chicago ^ 34 04 500 3VS ,Ctnclnna!i"r: ~<2 29—.592 TtVrr -victory-over the Chicago from the sidelines," he said. \ KansMCfty..r..y.,*" 34 . 35 .4?3 4ft *••••40 • 33 .548 " 9 White Sox.--' "But I already miss]it." ? Minoesofa X 40 .425 8ft Houston--. .i . 36-37-.493 13 ?, Ca1jf0fm^v;.: 31 44 , .413'fQVa San Fran . 33 42 AiO 17 M TKgtydar'i Otmvn . .rSan.Oiefgq.r 33. 44 ,429 18 •ii l. CIevelaW2, Bosfon*4 — •••-•< . THwrvtay* Oarrm r Milwaukee S, Qgtnoit 1 . • Cinclnnatf 6, Atlanta J , % „ 'H Ik i Kansftt City 5» Oakland 4 Chicago-5. Montreal 4 : i Minnesota 6, Chicago -3 ...• rSt. LOUlS 6< Npw York ' : -'Cantoci>U> 5/.T0 San-Francisco at San Dr«go,'N The Bfert Plzxa inTown & ' rf#^WonMt)S . -U THE SPEClfll >r-; 1926 E. RIVERSIDE. M PIONEER SX-535 JENSEN MODEL 3 GARRARD 42MS *t~40 ojn. -3 p.m. IWALLY ROGERS '-t1 •( Friday fcomposer of "Hello Austin"), — Jun* 28 -country music Gi/itarist & Singer »•« THURSDAYS & FRIDAYS 8-12 P.M. TEXAS UNION [Another.-.member..of .Pioneer's.ndw QUADROPHONIC SYSTEM -ROOF line of super-receivers/ the >S3S has »,-n t;. GAlllRY m, -hv |20. watts RMS/cKannel. of ^direct- GARDEN -SIDEWALK CAFE - Sri firsfflwrUalon [coupled OCt power with distortion% INTIMATE BOOTHS —IMPORTED-SI ksslthan ,8^. at full rnled oiitMit. (M Jensen's flnisj 1-jmi system iecerporatei Amasing quality and refaMtty In a tow­namutq Mr sectipn'employs fET front-end; phase-wo«l«Mitd 3VdlretLradhtfag Pdgd tiiUy-amewatk cbeeaen Ike iiWi; -e-10BEER -ICE CREAM PARLOUR & Q3|. tweeter. Total energy response gives tfi« l(ock-loop multiple* circuitry and features a bH-ihedpGiter,'damped cee­ best nivsicel balance throughout the tbten-. Jng and anti-skate control aH combMng for •phase-linear ceramic filters delivering . as ing area.fle--1 . No. •" ,H 35 AL38'4 S*. ;; , . Tirteir Times Times Times Timer DAILY TEXAN CLASSIFIEDS. I 454-0416 viofir r • i f " ^5. 20 P.O. BOX D'~-UT STATION-I Also Open Sunday Fcr Browsi Cost per wori • 10 •18 15* 60 1.20 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78712 15.. . . 1.50 .» 2.70 5.25 ?.iJ0 14.00 Wr -1,60 . -2M 5.60 9^0 fitto REMEMBER: THE SOUNL ADDRtSS: J 1.70 3.06 '5>S 10.20 20.40­" Mf'M ' GALLERY WILL NEVIR tOSI —Je/4 • ^ 6.3(1 10.801 -21.60 CITY w 'ri; -1.90 3.42 -6.65 11.'40. 22»OT A -JTV n,iJ? ' ^ ^•sSSt-3\ rr^; ~iMillyq "fr' V­ j-.S#'". «z~~ • W:'­ J / 'ft?-Igti* it-*^1 2P -7;^: • --.*£$*<•; ^mfi *r^ * #yy^ft .*£P -v pSTil rjk<. -»"' " J • '"Is^S^MSiPyi siiiiitllllf .'-•aas-tr JmPSSiRiiiNriiBffetiL . '. id -their-animals derived from the work of-the ' • Texan Staff Writer-rangfe/ Today, it's a professional spuert which has • To borrow a line from songwriter Buzz" Rabin, spread to several parts of this world and isgrpwifig about rodeo cowboys, "It's rumored you've got:, in popularity every year. v 'Vt:;:1.?-. -^7more gutWthan-brajns^!li:odecLi-ider.s are a strange -t, .j .. i • 1 n j ^ i r . . • u o ..uj. j ' , , , r , " besides , the professional Kodeo Lowboys of••»».•;•• bunch. out the rodep and those who load-up their * •• * . • , , -. ~ —-~~ ii -i • v • . . i ' , » ' America-sanctioned rodeos, there are • sever'alold pickups and bodies to piake the fcirciut each* • ^ • • • «»—v. , • , J .. .. y&r in search of sold champion^ buckles would • ' , -;—.Lf„ girl rodeos ana ait-anntfal affair down in Huntsvillehave it no other way, . ~ . t . ; . .... \ n,:„:U-ir -jeachyeatl'or tl^jnmates af the state penitentiary.Unginally, the rodeo was competition of men • . 2, •••. ' ' • • ••• J'-, • '• The standard, rodeo events include calf roping, steer wrestling,"barrel racihg die7 bronc riding -and-the bullriding. Some rodeos feature greased-pig chases for the youngest cowboys^and.:cowgiris.V -A % ; , --~ ^ • -.i%-j: *• 7 \ * -1 * ^ t 4 i ' The•uast clowns and only- HSXyJ rMn » i ** -f> tig h 4. ^Sl.W ' TTvji' " S* iw? yf<> > Ji A? "l Is­&*>: jgM: * . I ^ *• % V ipF *''-53sic -v » r ~V ^ tr1­ k ' V 4 ^ • 1. • l-% .**A, < important task of all? they get in between a-'bull or bucking horse and the; rider after.he's been thrown. , In the rt>deo.Jeach rider is thewhole team, but ' the brotherhood ' that-exists between. -tiieni" is something that Won't be found in any other pro spo'rt-.—Riders sharej.clothes,. motel rooms, food, -notes• on the rodeo stock ..and sometimes ev^n "7 • 'lovers." ~*u"i±—I The rodeo this week at the Travis County SherifPs Posse Arena 'wds attended by several "v^ young athletes", from .Russia in Austin for the­|-U.S.A.-U.S.S.R. track meet. The Russians found* the rodeo interesting, as seen in the photo as lower ' lefticorner of this, page, but seemed to be more enthralled with the cotton' candy^—-r-—­The rodeo is cotton candy.and sjno-cones for the I Kids and six-packs "of Pearl and Lone Star for their, a parents^ It s.r the corny,; jokes between the an-i nouncer and clowns and the -constantly off-key Band'playing Svith each ride.--.-_ J. • • --"» -It*s taped ankles and prists for the .riders..and"aji ^ many different styles of western hats" and / I adornments as there arespectators and contestants. • It's aUo sequined shirts and fancy saddles for the-; jf Grand-Entry and *always a sea of blue denim and v muddy boots. : _ . But mqre than anything else, rodeois excitement and action and for many, a way of "life^. /*( HZ, rsfe." ' -li2 pup tifis a-*** : ^32# ssfiil® •P* Ti~ ' • Art Sate minireviews Resumes By PAUL BEUTEL 'Grand Hotel' .^'sTexan Staff Writer Together far the first time on one program "'iBissi %< A Ifi \W •r •* * 1**> 1 I*"* * A If—t A I'/-L I hoVugjuaiuunwl •FRIDAY & SATURDAY Burdine Aud. i^UNE-28^ &-29~­ ^0 & 9:3r STudent Ouv't \ • fc-r :^ ^"Exhilarating. A joyous work.' Maile finds a ""new .ripe vein of! ^Comedy. , ' —Pauline Kael, The New Yorker W *"• g"A find film; A sophisticated, sly story.of upper class incest.^-paui • ••TT^ ^ZirojTicrrnaiw Npwiweek . . '. —:-—••• ••• ^ . ^"Malle is touching on a sensitive area, the Oedipal Theme; but With a# tenderness and . understanding and compassion that is9 ^overwhelming." c v. —Judith Crist, Now York' Magazine ¥Ji •'' • •"^Vv. .^vvV--r'i~ : ;V;. ' "i*1? V* */ *"1'" ^ S 1 FRIDAY & SATURDAY JUNE 28 & 29 m 7:25 & 9:30 I fee : p-' HUMPHREY INGfilD LATE NIGHT 1 FRIDAY & SATURDAY •s—^""1% *5 jA ACADEMY , xPresented &{' "" MGM in itsrheycfay boasted.of having—more stars than « -The Unioacontinuesits slftl*' 'Tfie Midnight Man' jspthere are in Heaven,!-, and this movie certainly shows •of .original graphic art by con­ |^jvhy. Edmund.Goulding's film of Vjcki Baum's play stars-^}temporacy and Old Master ar­A st'upefyingly awful murder mystery,^wliicVlecomes John Barrymore. Joan Crawford, Wallace Beery, Lionet'tists Friday in the Union as needlessly complicated toward the end as "it is cori­rsiBarrymore and, of coursej-Greta Garbo. . *­ Gallery. _ • ' sistentjj„.dull throughout',. • • . -' '•••.• The plot may strike you as somewhat dated, if only •-Rtirt I.anraster anH. hp anrt RnlanH Kibbee Jkirmig^iby4he-J^erclinand_: "because the "Grand Hotel" formula fthe complicated. " -^produced,-directed.-an[bscriDted-the niovifrr-Susan-R4ark . Roten Galleries of Baltimore, -riwes of a:variet3M)fTpeQpIe-broughLtogether in a-common • m- and Cameron Mitchell dffer the only bits of acting in the Md., the exhibitwill on dis- "setting) has been applied inso Hiany bUVtlf \vorks ove*E the.",• film. Lancaster looks as if he just missed the last train to :~r , play from 10 a;m.: to 5 p.rii. such as "Ship of Fools'' or even ''Airport." * St Petersburg •' .^Fridajv in the first .'flbbf ', "Grand Hotel" received the 1932 Academy Award is AUhe,Highland Mall Cinema, ; a:*,•gallery. •' ; — — "—Best ^tetare of4he ,Year.-Afi-7t3Q and 9:45 pm, Friday -A-representative^ pf; the • 'Fellini Satyricon' ' ~ ~?^nd Saturdav-L"^rtorium^ ,_ Ttoterr Galleries "wlii' be pre-' 'Murmur ofd^s-i^act' J,-­: sent to answer questions con­ Federipo Fellini has described him'self as "a man whol­French film-make> Louis'. Malle's treatment of thecerning graphic artand prints • ly devoted to spectacles,"and it's certainly.fhespectacle vOgfflpal themfe won high praisefrom the New York critics' • rnaktng,--.-— -— of. decadent, often,.grotesque images-which makes _for its freshness and candor. Definitely worth a look.^ v'"Saiyriron'^irfBsciirating, if not"generai]yTenjbyablefilfn Prints on display" vyill in­to.watch At 7 25 and 9:3ff\p.m. Friday "and Saturday in Batts clude works by Picasso, • —Auditorium ~ ~ -The film is an.adaptation of-PetroniUs'."Satyricon,"an'ChagSll,-.Miro, Dali, Goya,' • account of what he had observed at the.court, of Nero, :-Room Service' • Repoir Kollwitz and other ar­ before he fell out of the emperor's fa vox • tists jiicluding contemporary This 1938 film is one of the Marx Brothers' weaker ef­ At .8 and. 10.30 p.m. • Friday and Saturday in the American. European -and - forts', but etfen seconder-ateMarx is better than no Marxat —"Academic-Center Auditorium. • —Japanese-printmakers; -7' alt"—-right' On a hillwith a W;C: Fields short, "TheFatal jjlass-of Beer."-and Cha'plin's "The Vagabond " Prices start at'S5 with the' 'GodspelP ' f ^ -s Af 7 30" and 9f$5 p.mj'Ifriaayhniff^turdayTln-^urdirie­'majority of the prints'priced „ A thoroughly joyous film version of thfe Broadway ^Audiloriuin..'".-•• ' '' ' -: J below-$J0O;.-.~ -.— . --Successand far less pretentious than its spiritual compa­ ^Eugene Onegin' Roten Galleries, established nion piece, "JesusT^hrist^Supefstar*' ,• in 1932, possesses one of the .... The catchy Stephen Schwartz.score js performed by an The Tchaikovsky opera,-pre$entea'ln tliis lyba Husslan­ largest collectipns of graphic energetic cast who run; leap and"dance all over a well-' srfilm,"directed by Roman Tikhsmirov, conducted by Boris­aftin thecountry.The gallery scrubbed New York City: --^Haikin, and featuring,.mfembers of.Moscow's Bolshoi Specializes in Arranging ex­, . At 8 and 10 p.m\ Friday and,Saturday , in the Union Theatre and Leningrad's" Kirov Academic "Theatre of -.'•Theatre, 'j 1 . hibition sales at colleges, Opera and Ballet. • ; ' .. • • Tihiisenrns and art centers, At-7 and 9 p.in. Monday in_BattS vAuditoriumi ' * •throughout'the United States- and Canada. The Union has '***•*""••• •'••••• it ««##air# sponsored graphic art sales- from the gailery forsix years: • Doctoral Candidate To Give Recital . According .to, Hal Weiner. • Union A piano recital will begiven-TrequirenlEints. program-adviser,:the ' The: numbers 'featured • <5n Theme of. Handel, Op. 24, by Roten exhibit and sale by Janice Kay Hodges, £ doc­The recital will be at8 p.m. the program include Sonata-in Brahms, tor of musical/;arts degree - "allows almost everyone to ^F^ridayyn the Music BUilding C Major, No'.-48, by .Haytin; . Hodges received her­•buy .original graphic art at candidate at the UniyirsFty, in ". RecilaT-Hairaiid isopen"to the Nocturne in^B Major; Qp". >62. • bachelor._of_.music_degree_ reiaiively. low prices." : partial fulfillment of degree (jublic free of charge'. ' ' SonataNo.* 4,by-. Chopin.; from the University of Kansas ( 1026) by Bartok.; and m 196? and the master of < Variations and Fugue-on a.­ music degree frofn , Temple'' UniversityJo 1970.-— ions ForMen Qnd womt John Garza Gla^si Oey hopk Awtlln The fQR-4HUMAL WBBK 4 Daily Texan HANK'S GRILL THE 1 Uhclassifieds fSLrJ*, • * Presents (Students only) "2532GOAOAIUPB­ • must be Hank's Famous" ' STEVE • i ^ ~ "pre-paid -^-',,..'4 -—Chicken Fried Steak FBOMHOLZ • no refunds , lfelt—LAVAC*-£•<= 2 pes. Meat, French Fries', t7 AlK.rt• PROfaUCgD BY EOGAR LANSBURY • DIRECTED BY DAVID GREENE ^ "Wf rcj-_' , GflPSPEUL 1$ THE -Ms mtSZSBE, ii —i, i«.--j-W. 0FRCIAL SELECTION TO $ > •' Pt£3l 1 ' i-C -^v-, "^f-' OPEN THIS YEAH'S Jz, .At8 SHAKEY'S T .i,,v ^CANNES FILM FESTIVity# ' *, * 2915' 1 n \ ~*' »' *•, iF* . t-: V -.• . > ^ 1 Mirh.ic! Robert D.i> id f S *. . 1.S ,1111 _ . ' ,s w. «, H, J A 1 V * I ^ ^ Si Tlu PriiKi'ss ofSduMK k Aumiiic b. hid.'uk K uun . -i-* . «.i , ,„,„7 , , ; f« S I "• "• I"" i I'ln J 1lie Hiqlu luins I itunt IXniiolU " v ' SJ *-* -3 f ->* jm UNlVERSITy Of TEXAS?. dERARTMEIHT O V':Theatre Room •-1471"1444 Students $1.25 ^Nonstudents $200 Before Christ! After Fellini. ^. ri •09 innocje ?£>£$' ""Iflfyouy?u see with innocent eyes,everythingis divine" -I . •-* <¥<" : ' . An_ ALBERTO GR1MALDl Pn®cluctipn V,K v H —• —* ^ — -fe­ •';t ^ngiisivSubtities) MAX BOR N SALVO " Ai Arn'' ' " RAND'ONE • MAC/^I NOil. l£'l' -t. ALAIN CUNY • LUCIA BOSE . TANYA LOPERT. GORDON. MITCHELL with CAPUCINE ZAPPONIT ..TTTT/' '• Unitedflptwite^^ .«*!"WWMcnmerts X« nppi R :«b—r : ~ClnatnaBCopp/Wlde-8eraeifVeralon Friday and Sst'Niglit Jurte 23 St.29^ -gfteftdami^ nwntar • -b~~U'JQ0-9nd-10:30 p.m. '.v-•• a ^ A :.-r;•ftaom.21^ l w ; •?ir^J 4 • 1 -'n'J'•' •-*> , mr iJtk}v • '-.r Kerrville Fest To Be Held Jazz performersof all ages will gather-in KerrviTRTfoY the ses; cond annual Kerrville Ragtime FestivaV'July 4 to 6. '. Among 'the veterans will be Austin-born Teddy Wilson, the piariist in Benny Goodman's original trio. Wilson's stride-based style also was heard .on many' pf.'Billie Holiday's records. Trombonist .George I^runis, bern in New OrleanS the same year as Louis :Armstrong, will ,play:with -the A lamo City. Jazz • Band's trOmlwriTsrChTreirteHevSaturday nictTf is well asplav­ing With the Festival All-Stars Friday'night: Other members of the; Air-Stars will be cornetisi -Max Kaminsky, who has playedi,with .i!:amieLewis„ 7£year-ol(fbarij6 -playerr-ahd .former. University; ,. teache^ and jazz band-director Richard Goodwiijon bass. • Among the.youngerplayers wiil be iast year's cc(-wmners of —theJexas^Ragtime-ChamplcmsHip, Terry Waldo and Mark Hess Waldo is'a student of Max Morath andTCu)5Te Blake;;;Hess-piays­trombone with Jim Cullum's Happy Jazz Band, which will play at the opening ThurSday 'night.sbow. '--v.' i Thursday "afternoon will be this-year's championship at the j Louise Hays Park in~KerrviHe. Admission to'that event w'ill be t free. ' / '/' -/ . • ...' -.V , ;, "•7/ . v • Admission to^the .evening concert?, held at prompter .Rod ' ^snnedy's Quiet Valley Ranch'nihe miles.south of.Kerrvjlle, •> win to-yrafrf a rii.t nftun Friday ^nd-Satafifiv at the', ranch wi)f ba$1. » _--~ TONIGHT -SAT PLUM NELLY -15< BEER & HAPPY HOUR PRICES FRbNl;.7to_9 avf=fBow^rmsA, = SUNDAY,-ELECTROMAGNETS ADMISSIONS DOORS OPENV 8 HAPPY THbS LART 914 N. LAMAR 477-3783 Daily Specials FRIDAY & SATURDAY THE GOOD TIMES ARE ON US AT ^THE BUCKET LIVE ENTERTAINMENT EATURING SUNDAY BROWN DOG ANtf THE RANGERS THE BUCKET fe^23rd and PEARL • Across from Hardin North -3 Hrs Free Parking • #^E0NDf&"fEATURES 7-00-8:30-10.00 |||,^AUSTIN PREMIER Faoturas all tin b«di$i^you gol ta lcnow st wilT in DEEP THROAT [HILARIOUSLY OUTRAGEOUS!! jyCOVTfOj; itoevil . r^­pVT TRY' EVERYTHING OJfCEl irsABOUT ALL THOSE GAMES YOU NEVER PLAYED... BUT WISH! YOU HAD! ' RATIO wsai1' W*w«jiwsiiw • l«"> H,llfr«M^HC.IBhfrtatfcBW>imilliilMlttrIIBIIMI COLOR. A WMiwn M<^ * ^ I > $H ' ! -4 , «, i «] iM.'b v II1 a ' "" ^ J* . _ Who Wonts To Be Alone? -Greto Garbo ond John, Borry/ricire entangle lives in one of MGMV best known ac­tomptishmentsrVGrond Hotel," which will:b4-shoW«-»hJester Auditorium oi 7:30 and 9:45 Friday and Saturday. NOW SHOWING IAST 10 DAYS «i a OPEN 1QA M.to 2 A M. RATED XXXX See Our Lovely TfJ/S AD WORTH * GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS $1.00 DISCOUNT' UY£ ONSTAGE FOR MOVIE OR STAGE SHOW MY-O-MY CLUB GENERAL cinema corporation HIGHLANDMALL j~Er*V BARGAiFfMATINEE >M. • CVERTDMrTIL ItSORM. OFF IH35at HIWAY 290 ALL SEATSS1.25 „Jhere were a few tilingsthe school didn't teach. That's what this'movie isabout. «W CLINT wm m HE HASc EXACTLY SEVEN MINUTES TO t3ET RICH QUICK! 'SMS m sjzm M. and ^^I^SJtt^HTFQQT? feMUf :EASIWOOD:THUNDERBOLT andLIGWraor Jsiss.«l 1 ••. JEFF BRIDGES„GE0RGE KENNEDY.^ --1^ -^f^WBmrto'WttlmindDnaelbvMiHA&lMe'AMAlPtoOCOmwHm PWWV?»I linrtadAHistB ' PARAMOUNT^;.. FEATURES* TODAYI '1 CONGRFSS .AVENUE 7:45­ Eriday^Jurie^28,J?l74 TH1E DAifc¥ TEXANJRage-11 . > * ^ \ ^ —•—'— " tW^S^JV^-rtVi-v • ' >* » lt •» ^ t&f i -* -45 fe­ •:.&£tyjf*o"' t«v *„.­« •< J „ . •;--"Fallen Angels;" by £S]_-i ^ n**1J a' •-.Noel-Coward;, directed hy Leland Ball;" starring'.' Dorothy Lamour;' produc­ ngels' ed at Country Dinner 7 ^*' » «w«w.i --t. -»^y .Playhouse, •12173\;PM'.;' £$®S£ ^'w/~ ;.i;;s-v|^iload; through July 28; # "" "" rjft|"£4w< ' :' By D&BRA TRIPLETT Texan Staff Writer ; ••v'^ -__ '2 ' When Noel Coward wrote "doubr.trying to .appeal to a, • Weary middle clasp audience Middle Class with liftle to do except gossip­ and try tb..hide. marital in- fi'deEties ("befard-marriage' qnesi, ev(jn).. .T,his: type/ o'f humor, really 'sells ;in 'dinner. • theaters. -Why?. I just doift ,* kijow, but it does. .-.'. ; However,. ^Coward's plot Village Riverside Twin • FcMir'ill Cine^ila ~Tm «U AMOUVOM um.- Twin ff'.: . n^SOCUTKIVUtSSKDxnts­ . «r-«n 2700 WES? ANOfeRSON LANE • *45 nwiftsi Jom the fun tAv handfulJunut-uierfw coTdernnedv.ur\ra i ji icu meni on aMan. ;__ I i rcM W! i l S ; impoSstte mission, against hopeless odds... yrljarious kpmedy-K Si jsr&H ,C~ I " 13:45-3:00-5:15-7:30-j:45".*•>' Reduced Pricts Tjf;5 Mon-Fri. v • ~ /jjMEs ccrBtJRSirr reaY-sAVAjAS BUD spencer was the |! No Seduced PHtw . Check Individual A .. '. / v * me, reaily' belly laughed dur-• drunk. (So did'-RutaLee.... -..Definitely worth mentioning But the cast is professional 3f ing the performance.' The. Drunks are "in" thisjean) is Anne Haney's " J&b" as:" — iheyrprove -that, rAnd the *­ ' linesproviae-.atewsmi>es.ao(l^-^ln^(ldiUuii-Ui-iiamQur,._tt}e -Saunders Happy portravc th» C production doesn't up.--your * some outright laughs but able cast puts in overtime' on maid :vvho ha s d one; dinner^orin.those-respeGis,:±­ only because the. characters-their characters — resulting everything, knows everything" one might term it; '-'an eh- are portrayed by' some very-in some good'moments.'Judith and is a concertpianist on top jpyable evening at' the fi&Siprofessional actors. < ^ jett.equals.X^mbur's/cximedic -°f it allvHaney stole the show .'-theater..Rated M for rriid­ im. -. 1. Edward s University. Flaminia" gives a me^Uess-both • New ' York arid ^ .36 Movie "Arabesque" mvv"\mvw MaryMoody-Northen Th^ti«'.',;.1y<--accurateV:pictui^^|^e^JiVa'5bingt6h."' He has Man• *j • .*•• • • .-J . r • ~7-rme-®txTVhttiOTT Dollarr Mw • 1 '* -• -> ; —uiv_: 11 not 9 Wall Street Week —— r gnmmar ea«>OA»i annrr n( D.on A « 1 _ : ,..... ... . '' -7— r ' Suh'"^' ^^n^en^t-8^0-_Arrierifian., vcon^erors" -directed student productions^^ 7.Good Times ??e Gifl , B p.m. - abroad at the end-of World in th„ ^I ~~s ^ 9 Capltn) fia»erv pn the Via-Flaminia. -War«­ . .. • •PROFESSIONAt;. actor Scheduled to .u.lrun in.for 16lupci-per-: • • ayvui.. .., guiwuia. 24 Toma * St STEFANIE POWERS stars Henry Oliver.will sery^'as formances, the plaV will be —-JJBt sack.Am»ric»q sun_ as Lisa, ahItalian .woman who guesV.directqi-of the produc-' iperformed at 8'30'p m night­ " . 9iH6w world: Mercedcj Mccam-bitterly^consents to posg as -tion while-also'^ac-ting in the 'lv-^&x££pi_JVlond9y,. w.ith ^a; iiiinrr"gt— ~~ •---_ -the .wlfe of an Americai) cast as Ugo . Pulcini. whose matitiees at 2.30 p.m. Satijr­ »Maiteroiece Theater soldierr-Appearing-ras: the-—wife runs.the.boanjingJtQuse day and Sunday, Reservations *'* " 7 Mo-yie-"TKe^curse 0f spld'er, .^oBe'fto-, Dexter—where J^isa and.Roberto live, and ticket information"may be". 1 i—! I , Bullard will play opposite Qliver's dir&tihg credits in--1 'obtained by calling the box of»- Fiillllletl" anases Powers," 7 ~ "Clude ~ OPW 1:45. FEATURES If You Need Hblp . $1.00 til S p.m: 7-4-6-8-10 V . • ' or ' • a-477;l^M" /Just Someone Who Wilj iitten. • Telephone 476-7073 At Any Time ._ . rr". • THE PEDESTRIAN ,i The Telephomo Coumellnfl-and Refertal Servite" ONE OF THE MOST ACCLAIMED FILMS OF 1874 sV^ Winner Golden Globe Award 1974 m "SUPERB. AN AWESOME MA*KTH cfttsr, ^ ACCOMPLISHMENT. ftew YOAK vUGA2Wf >. IE OE THE MOST PgftPECTLY vm ^\^RI-BPUCE COOK. MFTJONALQFISTPVEFL ^>S v v "A SUPERB FIIM. -^-tONCOW , . . > * - ?­ ' • ^EXTRAORDINARY DEFINItlVE MASTERPIECE. ^ABOE SWNS tEM; ^<£W YORK POSt^f^ 7th Week Maximilian Schell's OR NEVIR GIVE A /SAGA AN EVEN BREAK1 * * t ' f r MACON THE PEDESTRIAN WIDER SUMRCKENS a powerful man...and his secrat tetorttflMIOKS HARVEY«(MH«iMADflM KAffl •" INGMAR BERGMAN EVtRnim WtSAY TH*rS AU, TOU pUtUWBlim COUNTY] AN »lt-A/MFG F.Mf««wtarOr praAiCMby' Stu PKirips -Roger.Camras -Mat Baer •, Mat Baer and Richard Compton • Max Baef STARTS TODAY! s^T5-Richard Compton -. color by CFl -an American International release 3^; i."Another Pbce.AnotherTime" ton)posedand sung byBobbieGenlry"^ ^ C' HOW AT 2 THEATRESI \J CUtF-STAtES PRIVElW \». FEATURES^^ 1:00 5:00 9:05 S TAT E 'Wf-5%0 7 : •? cONG P H ss A VE N UE •\H»r.)w7c»i!»»!iT»3frgSS4? ^ BARGAIN MATINEE $1.25 til 7:00 p.m. .BOX OFHCE OPENS*8 P!M. ^apctoia DOUBLE F5ATURE 6i4<^8:20-'JSS)0— ^HOW-STABItDUSK__,|. AU.SEATS $1.25 PROGRAM -$1.25 (it 3:00 p.m. VARSITY 1:40-3:20-5:00 ?COO GI-JAOAUUPE STRt'.CT 6:40-8:20-10:00 WOMEN WHOMAKE THE KIND OF OFFER A COP THEPUBUG WALT DISNEY You may be^ooking at a future President,, "DORQp McGUIREand FESS PARKER" ^<5wtury-Fox Ptesent# v Supreme Court Justice, Timotlty Bottoms Secretary of State or Hi AND8ERI/E8 a dropout. 'Sm LindsayAA^gner TEdHNICOUOR' MQ8EWE8 I 3 SH6WN AT 1:M-4M'7M.IIMKI: (t-Wtfl Donty Produclion* John Houseman w-'&t-mOHkANOMAU AMJ8ERVE8 OFF IH 35ot HIWAY 290 A ^eat WiWemes^fldventare!T^iA The Ex-con The Sheriff The'Senator The Peivert * V •»/ r I lA -2:00-4:00-6:00 25 '• The Lesbian The Professor^­ , One of fhem Is amurderer. WaltDisney.,:! !MIDNIGHT MOVIES -,M" if. ^JiKsedWle j s«nni Iwo Latt Shom 12:15; m |HEU> OVER ' I I TECHNICOLOR* r,SHOWN ,>. Ra.<*iaaMd by OuCNA VtSfA: V r $394430 Wi!' Rf*"» WotfMttiom <. Screen 2 Mkfntglrt THElPVtUFinFflCnP UNEQUALLED EXCITEMENT! ' r-' "OIRHirNEILV;UffORfiANPWIL IRTMEtBJUVPJ • • • • '«r-. I ^ pitfit­ Brando fntouun By DEBRA TRIPLETT ^ have to do double time bv acting in developed before, something the ac­ Texan.Staff Writer two shows. Rather, they can concen-tors involved find exciting. M05IC Recovers Something about seein#t';.working"~trate their, energies;on their, par-: AUDIENCES stick around ild tifnlor nldir nrtrf TEXAS OPHY HOUSE — Augie Meyer and Alvip Crow will^ .and acting ifiin a2i playnlav thatffiAf\fia«has Iipuor*never ticular play arfd character. after the plays' performances, they . play Friday. Willie Nelsonwillplay Saturday, cover is $4; LOS ANGELES (UP!) been performed anywhere^ .at any These visiting faculty artists (ac-' , iMarlofl Brando, recovered will.get even more for; the .price, of! Showtime is 8.30 p m tlpie, excities-lh^ imagination. The tors, directors and ' piayWrijgliU) their ticket. Around l i:30 p.m. after , BROKEN SPOKE feature's Johnny Bush and the Bandoleros , from a throat injury that caus­ actor creating,the first interpreta­• represent a -blend.cif-talenT-irotTt ed internal bleeding, has been . the .Conkle production, i*. civeiy . ';-',-/or $4 Friday. On Saturday, Tornmy Hill will play for $2 tion of a Character/ the director various parts of' the United States released from. UCLA Medical students, take over the stage with 'Sunday, A1 Dean plays. The price is $2 50 Showtime is guiding and interpreting the words GAGLIAN'O calls the workshop totally priginal-studerit-productions.­ 1 -y-i 8:30 p.m. ' . -"*40 Center in • "excellent con-- .of a new playwright • these coin'--• unique in many. rcGpoctsl "Nobodv_ diti'bn." —Sfl—iLyflli're Dlanning.ron viewing one -—THE-BUBjinlLclose this week w>th SteveFromholz at 9 p,rtt;3)?st Conkle prise portions of the' creative, has all three elements working for of tf)e.lhre«Avorkshop playsTstaylor Friday and Saturday Cover is $2.50.' v r — process involved in the EiE.Conkle the.m in this kind of thing (the A hospital spokesman would , a. while afterwards— you might en-­ -—^QAi^CPEEK.presents-QFeezvj-WJiRpk af. 9 p.'m. Friday and _Workshop. workshop) — inpheyv time -and not comment on. the report in- taient."-Joy iL The student productions will Saturday for.?2. -, * v~ In~its~fsartlt'season;rthe-Conkie TloIlyWood—trade=papcr~-: orfi^hr 0ARMADILLO has Commander Cody and-Asleep at the Wheel wort&hop. gives -new playwrights a v-\ Th^worksiipp ^Friday Tickets are $3 advance and $4 at the door Satur-which said geando "almost : chance" '^FeT0f"'a^^0WCa5^SitUa^0n'~te^hnica]~cmw^fnr-^hh''':''>^ohnn died" when he was sickened ^m^iMi^f?,n?tje7an^aSVth|g'rt -T^jteyr Cal Ray and the Gobras and the Night Crawlers andi playSTTenrntning-tolally-invQlved in a'fiere the playwright can show his performances but a small.!r ^"Southern Feelin* hlnv fnr ^lnHau ^Q MnrcUiiTnn^A.. •by eating-spoiled fishan Tahiti the_formatign of the production \v^ -~IS/wi™1 _ . 'Southern FeeUn' play for $1. Sunday the Marshall Tucker,„ a^bepf^vnmm^^i ti'1' Band 1>lays Tickets-are ?4 Advance Snd $5 at the door.i$C Vomiting violently. , pkAYWRIGHTS'and'praysWere'~"-*;W^(^ . cnosen by .Frank GagHano;^as-were—-Jeavcs^jm^^Uiavep r 11 .a script he can -:!<."Qui.^f.Gart.willbe presfentecnr EePLAYE^ PreSCnt " C0"Cert 31 * P mT The . « , • ••—r. "v . pi vocuicu adv-• the artistic.^:j.:/ •; r . :r^SSundNavHNoTharR «so violent directors, Gagl/ano, peddle.somewhere plus .Ih^ineer-^^p^^unday^a We^^sda^na• -July . THE THREADGILLS present sf concert at 8 p-.m Friday at* ^S°-prolonSed that the 6°" ' director for ttie vvorkshop,.chose the, .perience of • year-old . actor tore his es-• °n seeing it produced,','. .6; "The Princes^' willbe perfofmed SB Municipal-Auditorium. The price is $3.50 for singles and the basis_of, what^he felt . Gagliano said. • ' • ' \ ' at.8 p.m. Monday and July S and'at 2. • . ophagus, the food tube in the $6 for couples . showed extreme talent or ability.. • . . When:, the.'audience views .thsese ' p.m. ;on July. 7, :'The.Hiehchairs" ' throat1,• and he ' began~ Playwrights and directors were plays, they, will be", experiencing will:open' at 8 p.m* TuesWv'witfr-THEATER J>" ; hemorrhaging,­allowed to cast their,own shows with • .. themf and"seeing tbem for, the first -: performances at 2 p.m Julv fr'and 8 "REBEX'S REVENGE" plays .at 8:30 p.m. Friday and ;..-The! incident occufred two each show having its own company, .time, in their first productibn. The p?m:' July 7'; Call 471-1444 f'or ticket ^ ' in " Saturday at.'Zachary:Scott Theater. •' In other words, the actors-do-not. : characters have never, been jj.week^ ago at Brando's phvate information and reservations. ii-i-"THREE MEN ON A HORSE" with Pernell Roberts con-; Snd •island home m Tahiti, and he not " tmues at 2:30< and 8:30 p.m..Friday and-Saturday"" .*&? •a was flown here for treatment,1 ;v CREEK THEATER presents "Nellie of the Sawdust Ring*?® ions • ^——at 8 p.m., $2 for students.-It plays.Friday and SaturdayHs according to .his -secretary Quartet Concert Scheduled l_Alice Marshak, i> jg.The. Abelard String Quartet ;' The,:guartet premienEd at "Cosmic Cowboys" at the 7^"ON^TAGETOINn!(GHT"avauaeefileTout7rie^wt{fp}aj^at^I W "Sr—r "i ..will.perform, in-tiiV-. frfee ser-P m; Friday,-rf and".7:30 and I0:30 p.m: Saturday;yuiui :arthe~ Armadillo World Head-Tarrant Couftty-Fairgrounds, • v >VV HUM. r ^^^^"^^WoSraria^zSafk-eoncerl_lfluarters with' Michael Liberty Hall in. Houston-and be Rathskeller Room in Municipal*Auditorium in Paris*' and "The Qod^ ^•series at 4 p:n^. Sunday. Murphy's^'-'GosmicCawbovz—Castie-Creek^ ght-REDD FOXX .will appear Saturday in an "X' rated show at fa.ther1' was admitted to 'ith • Municipal Auditorium *— « UCLA last Friday, Orchestra," featured"'.a£' a .;, The stririg^uartHTppBars" ^ArinadilloJWorldJidqtrsr tyr-X The program will -include classical, quartet, playing • courtesy of. the Texas Federa­ ons —^His personal physician. '^Dr ^selections -by Haydn, Corelli^ Mozart and Bach. '• t-iori of Musicians and the presents:," Music, Variety Featured ^ be T . Robert Kostiph'eck, said Bran-"Bartok; Schubertnand Mozart--Since.that time,"the quartet Music Performance Trust1 Jiee.rocJc^'nd rolland^:oun-—_wilJ.feature. ni_ne_acts^perfor-vdo was-'.'in • perfect'"health!:* has* a~p peared-w-ith-the-.Eund. SOUTHERN of-,V ming -music "Quartet members' are Jay FEELING • '-try.mus.ic concerts will be the ranging-^frofh ......fi, v'uoiv i£ TA STATION Four This coupon mt WM Aafoiaa In ~UQ-^;45-4:30-6:15-aoo-o-ds good for ont> JAMES,CQBURN • TELLY SAVALAS Walt Disneyrs™^» • BUD SPENCER •/ hHaripus comedy ARBflSffllTD kWE-AREASONTOIHE! "A handfulof -^®®rtEeHNiGOLOas. CC?LOR- Prites 2;45-4;30-6:15-SK!6-*:45 RoTasses tvdtT. •> RU .Reduced Prices til S" Mon-Fri M1DNITE FLICK AND* Hay. afternoon, EZE3 Waft Disney's, SAT. frbm­ " Hilarious comedy i-2:30-7430­ POOl-PINBAU-FOOSBAll Peter 1903 L RivsnQe Riwr Wilt Sheppifig Ct'nltr Reduced Prices til S. Mon-FH , S AN ALAN J. PAKUIA PRODOCTK)?/ < CJULF STATES ORIVE-lN' mum wmm IEITTY ^WhereDoes Mwy.183 A CsMcrt* GULF STATES ORIV&IN liiis THF DflDAI I DV iniew T ­ I•1IIHP ••» UWw fr 'l -W t> mm • ^ ItHurt?" . SoirrhsidE HUMf CR0NYN WILLIAM DANIELS and PAULA PRENTISS MMHW-fcM-fcOO-lO.'OO A710 .E^;BfriWhlte«444-2796/* Feature BOX.OFFICE OPEN MKT ,-=® -boioma-opw .SHOW STMTS DUSK SHOW SfARTS AT .9:00 AND 12JO. A giriwifliagreatfo8owing.. ,• oOO troopersotvhertail Arid thereof thecountry PLUS AT THE DRIVC IN THEATREDNLY <^>eeringheroit ' HANNlECAULDER" SHOWN AT IM^ONIY ! HAVE 5e€N THE FUTUR6 N«'Uki] AND IT:QOtSNT WORK ­ 1:30-3^0-5:30-^50^30 PritH rVillagW . NtWI 2700-West Anderson Ions' 'Cinema i 4.­ Four \JOHN BOC»N 7704 Vfttt'An3«fi«A UfM V . .1 451-8352 um/mihkim ~ ^ ^ "* * M *<.4 & t <• ; ! _| K 'i 4n musm." iHtsssnsums AtJ.'lS_Only " " nspmss-^ «sff«wr isem* PIUS CO-FEATURE "THE FOUR JOE DON BAKER : THEATRE (SheriH Pusser of' 1500 S. PLEASANT VAUEY ROAD "Wolklnj Toll") m iSS JUST QFf EAST RIVERSIDE DRIVE 444-3222 SHOWCASE" "WltCOME HOME NOW AT REDUCED PWCE " SOLDIER BOY" $2.00 FEATURES 2:50-5:10-7:35-9:55 REDUCED PRICES TIL 6 P.M? ' CULF. STATES: DRIVESIN , Til MON, THRU SAT. A0UARIUS4 6 P.M. Us STARTS s/.^ -i $1.50 lil 6 p.m. t71(TE.B«l-Wli>tt»444.MS6i TODAY ^"Features: 1:25-3:30-5:40-7^0-10:00 •OX OFFICE OPEN I'M SHOW fTAKTS DUSK'S Jst JOURNEY TO THE ED ~Vti McQ-he's a OF TOMORROW... ^WIUiAMFUN' WiNNlk busted cop, his gun is Academy v Awards unlicensed, .J and his storyWm Isincrediblel , v' \ ff &hh i i .HHINWi! fill mkt (SiiiiJC3 - liiiaife 9 "Ws^Wi Everyone is dying TMc«•:: to meet Fr&m Werner Brai 'A W«rn«tCommunlc»tlon» Company Harry Crown, S.1.50 Jil 6_pjn. itea fit 4 Kiiul-I T? not Odmltteii BHHPasses Sus)>ondesW- WARREN BEATTY — acadewt AWARDS"]' ' •^«V| "THIS 1: ^SM'ffiMicG0^ a*soNMie.i££, THE •* wuLNtw&tofti r; R^WTRffDfWI,];; PARALLAX VIEW CLONES' i 'iofrm .Ti»-• ARaMnwv H i TtCHMCaOfi* AUUVtRSALPCtljHf1-4:C5 ~-.«v tttttii"«i viortf mmimufn . vuv-v? • . EP1=ICI.ENCY. -• furnished, modern ^ac^_jA?y,d 2-4 Tim&s ,„,M s 09 Homes t Frs; •ConiacJ-The-Sefflement-Cfub- The owners wish to show youa beautiful offset'bedroom. 8. Kitchen, cable water campus. sl28«mo.,' AC. 3311 Sptedway . „ ..iwners iiyearsad&,~it has" 476 5431 . pany , ^ T!»H! RstJ River Home. Between 9-5.' 836-2150 ­ 3500 sq.iu.anmstdegarden, 3fireplaces 2104 SAN GABRIEL"**" ONE BGDROOM, private patio, .-I . -Typing, MVtHit^irTg. JJinding . • OEADCINE SCHED01E . ••." and 2 terraces. Come and see it. — i-f-A' PARAGON PROPERTY -cacpeted,_dishwashef^..disposal, cable.' . ' SaL.&'5un:3~to 7 pool, shuttle of wa»k to UT; $129 50'piu*' £? The Complete Professional • TuvwJayTtxon Mando'f 11:00 o.*m. electricity, 330l.Speedway.476-9033 after • • -, .. • . . FULt-TIME Typing'—~ 2 BR -.2 BA S175 #TWNeed 5 ParHime helpers who Wvdnvsday'ttrsn Xufdoy^ 1.1:00 c_m. V-'. '3 BR -3 BA.S250 -i 'T'i .. ,^ . $119. r.-Mv hNeed to earn money Service . " " ThyndeyT«Kon.W*4n«t»dw Thvutjay.:..:., H;00 a.m. ALL BILLS PAID ^ . VBr. Furn. „ . : . ,Shag -PancUnO t r trances, .newly pinele^ ;refrigerator. . ^ 3; Not afraid.to'talk to^glrls RESUMES -Fur/tisftea anus convergent to uj & AH. Bills Pai'rt ' _G«arit. walk-Iris• Qarc6nles.\?»;-:: ,semi-private .baths, some AC. "$45-175 s-w J Can work 4 fevenings a wpek--wHh:orwithout.pictii|-ps ~~ -SAVE GAS Spanish furnlshfnas • Sills paid. 345*1460. * . RIDE THE BgS. Downtown. 444*1941 before-5rp,m.-'• ' • La Canada Apts. -r • 242a Towr» Lake-Ctrcle 53-00 per hour apjl up '• • 3 Day Service 476 8784 -rr -451-435? 1 44«t>8U8 >' 472-4T62 UAHG6 ONE BEDROOM. V»lk to . , Long;.-hpi^:ok6yJf.neat-— ... ?,ln th* nrant.'or •rjon'mad* In ah . We have Jiye hemes that are?blocks to-' Af{er.'5-o.m»and Weekends . 472-1598 — -Barry GiMmgw^ter Company-schos.l./studiJ-acea^carpetedi. disposal Apply 9004.Ou«hhipe Irearl Sulte Ittf 472-3210 and-472-7677 .bus. that will take you to UT or Down-' ?707 Hpmnhtl) P»rtr ~adv*ftis«m»nt. »mm»dki.t|kiio»k# mi»»t b* towhv Price: $17,950 to $41,750. i Shuttle BosCorner Sable .TV, sun deck,; CAKTH, laundry, .• • 4 p.m." only * : -t— 9«v»n a* th« pwbUUytn or* retpuHibl* foe i shuttle,. 3Faa);loca4teo...ABP,.summer' ' ' • Call Feather Hpmes 451-7^7 only ONfincorroc^ tamllon. AM cfairni fvt CONSHJL , rates. Fall:Leaslno: inpJMW.-. _ • SECURtTYOFFlCER-frontdesk. Start ed(vilm«nN should b« ma4«noi loHf • • * > ,.CASTLE ARMS $2-25 per hour.ve hour shiff.-^hours' «• / x •»Hon 30 dayvafttr publication^" •. . Qt^E; B"£DROOM apartment(-AC., iWeek. Night work only1Apply In person TYPING ^Reports,. Resumes ON TOWN LAKE . ; carpet, ASP, $150.:1409 Enfleltf.'474^843. after 6 p.rti. Kolmes, Tri-Towers North­ v2 and 3 bedroom towphouse and flats • . APJS-Theses, Letters \ ' from $180 all bills-paid. Summer from • Security. 80V W..e24tbv: \AU University and HOME • _SKORT. WALK. 'TOWER. Old" 2/3 V -:t.$i6S. On,shuiUe.bus..routei d(stiwa$her, .3121 Speedway -.477^3210 . ; business work­ bedfdbm apartments^ wihrtnws am V "r 'NEED MOTHER with 2 disposax»=CAniijaL^1_jiflftl^aOTe.i:oam. -,;rr-V Bedroom Summer.Rates,:cQver§5$Erk-®D5i.?pA5,5}ln,.4S VVIhdowsr for ytar old, work Last Minute Servico . Calf 444-3111, or ccfme by 1201 Tinnfn • Open 9-9 Mon-Th' & • LOW STUDENT RATES. FOR SALE. plants. *""* " — in ^ortt\wes|. fcool S240..47^-3462, '476-8683, 1902^1904 ' area. -4S3­ 15 yord.rtjtoimum each day -• ! , ing, Shuttle bus; Cat)le felev'i-Nueces. —/•_ J^ciLaddjtionaW/ord each davs..OS Convenient to the main campus, this 11 JPanglewood.North SERVICE For.d Roadv Apt. 113. Turn Cost^pff IH35 -9«5 FrWaf on E. Riyerslde.Drlv«. -• • v Xcol. K 1 mcfl each day,::$2;37 -»year^otd-hfHUp M' ffta E. 38th St--1; ; • . -1020 E. 45th 1-ARGE -1 BEDROOM. CA/CH, pool. WANTED . TOPLESS DANCERS E»­~ rt ^UnUassifieds'' "1 line.-3-days-rrfrmO-. sotindiy built-, and In e^ce'UenK . ne'e-clrlc"y' 5001 Bull CreeV/ .cellenf wanesandHps plus commission. 472'-8936 30A O'obie Center. " ' '•" 4J2-U060 (Prebald. NO^ Refunds) condition^It has 3500 sq.4t...'centraWy; ~ •ROadr4S4=(»35r 1 -•: :Catrt27."»5S-or»27<3102r Students must show Auditor's* ~Tie'A:No.-2.' .... ..Qabfiel,.47*43»6. located.in.the lower level of Doble Mall. . pus. $140/month. Security andlease. 478­ PS, PB;goodC^dltrorf.3iWp.m.to8:00^-'?fL>«5 • ed and respbris1b1ecCal1454-1848 —Jerjp papers and reports , Habitat Hunters ha^ listingson oyer )5.-1829: 3205 Tom Green. ' • . COOK. Church, Diy.Care Centec. 8:'30 • .1971VW SUG. AC. rodio. Runs wcll--1;30,478^5424 beforeT :00.478-1959 or453­ — -XARG6 INNERTUBES for,swimming 000 rented units, for. $ummer and fall. . Prompt, Professional .41400. Ann.Sfocker. 471-5657 days; 926-or tubing. Al^sizes tochoose from. $3.00 Come by or phone now.and take advan-COMPLETE LUXURY. Two bedroom 16S7 after1:00.. Service APTS. ..-.£353 .nights, weekends. up. 2201-Airport Blvd.' . 4400 AVE. A : 459-0058 . tage .of the only no hassle method of and efficiencies. Summer Rates. 24 apartment.hunting. Lower level Doble flats^ Apartments. 1515 Palma Plaxa. • ' '45^-8101. ^SSO^OSMOBtteSuperM Classic.Ex--'£f,?^-jr^^'/1onfr *ujed 1 : $115 ...Mall, Suite 8-A. .47.4*4j22.,ShOttle bus corner. • . ROOMS /WOVE IN TODAY!1'. -^FBone 474 1532 _- Service'Avgdahle' Jcejlent condition. AVv^ood tires;depen-• JSin-nrWlvft ailS•>!?? 4 yews-EFPlCIENCY^'lSW Alta Vista, Tra^s jflabfe transportation. Mu£f~lflt; r$200^ • - n Bedroom • ^•^U7-5472' ' " • • v Heigms:-Bedroom,-bath, kitchen; $90 Nueces. Doubles ­ • v •' -• v.. • TWO GQLF BAGSi Olympic slxe Tram-'' " Alt BTTfs^PaTd - -ABP 447-4782, OilSat.^um 152.50/5 wlCs. sesSlofi." Slhglii -J95.X10/6* KENRAY wksr^essron.^Oipiiy'mald service, cen« ­51095.:454-29»3.'59Q6 Marilyn Drive-carrying case. 447^w.;; . •APARTMENTS Walk to Campus" "-CLEAN, WELL LIGHTED Place. tral air. Refrigerators, ho!plates allow­ •*71 PLYMOUTH FURY 111. Full power, .• WS».f'A lnch;sktM'saw and. v Buckingham Square SOUTH .•""CenrttTOn Road ShUftte-Bus, huge shaded ed. Two. blocks from campus. Co-Ed. -ABACUS­ QARKROOM set Omega • 212*2 Hancock Dr. yard, ABP, oply ,$100. 474-2582/': Resident Manageri.i447>1760.> " w"Kfh 50nifrt~" nSNORE-BUS)NESS.SERVICES Omega lenses, tank —PfrtVftTE ROOMS $50/moftHv-i ^ « Mext to-Amencana Theatre, walkingdi100 In advance for NEAT. ACCURATE and Prompt typing. hajgnaTn conTprexTSeeTJWners. Avtr '-PER HOUR- solution-to-J7u^5^U^s^aX|'uWoj%J72-«2Jt__45;f|7n^per pa5P' Theses 75 tents. C5II .5^67 GTO. All, power, AC,, low mileage, $120 =T^Er new tires. Randy or Marc. 472-1453. .FRENCH 10,-speed: b'icycJe, RcryaI . I Lili["| uin vnwr Hmninri y •. -• . • • . Asporf (Gifane), • simpfex dernniecr, .P * EFFIQENCJES $100 .. .-; The South Shore's location ' MOV IE=S^6fR= -~&4NGLg-RQQM lufwith^syith DISSERTATIONS/ 'theses, reporfs, and center, pull brakes, quick release.Tiubs, .1 BEDROOM $135.00 . central '"?*T{f f1^-^^M^jMengefl—typltt^. * J19M-M3 JAVELIN. At. B track..radio foot Straps. MO. 451-1.438. /VYA.R'K IV APTS provides easy access to U.T. tTarrytown-9507-Urtdle ValhTlLt»rfalne .•(Engine runstiood. $800.478-J922. Joanor 2 BEDROOM $175.00 ' . Come by and se^ our new efficiency and P^rrTa,,0prmDTS?a??rn gS^ML^""n,ng-Brady. 472^715. -Stanley. ' • . • •3100 Spefedway i-bedroom apartments-on the banks'of 1 • ' N120 S4M, super s Movie camera, Dishwasher^ disposal, 6 Blocks: * — • • PRIVATE ROOMS >. 2 blbcks campus, Town .Lake. Complete 'with shag STARKlTYPING. Experienced theses, ' ' ^ -summer rates. 2411 Rio Grande 472­ •7.1 VOLKSWAGEN supef-wlffi—n^ro(ec,^^^f—campUs, extra rOce-luxury, -4Z7J685 • carpe^na,. accent \vall, modern fur* • . * . central air,maid service, kitchen,coed, dissertations, PR's, etc. Printing and automatic -stick Excellent'_ ....... „condlflon. Wovie Editor Viewer,like nei^.sS00:472-apartments. " , "miurerpTorarrtndhHdual deck overlook— Binding, Specialty Technical. Chartene Call alter 6 p.m. 44l-13S9 or 478-9102 'SHUTTLE BU'SCORNER ing-the-water.-.-• v ; t-RAvTS~ST?iTE~S'CRO"UL 3W' Stark; 4S3.S218. . • ' 474-1712 v •PER'MANENT STATE SHORT WALK TOWER, Large rooms, '71 TOYOTA COROLLA ill? or best HOLLEY'S TYPING SERVICE.-A com­.3462, 4764683^ 1902 Nueces. • pletc,service from typing through bin•••••• ;' " v WELCOME UT STUDENTS 300 fast Riverside. Drive hl,^£,NSED V0CATI0N NURSE ding. Availebie.unffl 10 p.m. ExpeNenc­ _ : v, . -.THXAN. FLEA MKT. OLD MAIN• $110 •444-3337 . "I'M per month. ATTENDANT 1 IMMACULATE air conditioned* room, edinall-fields. NeaV campus,1401Mohle#fe^t! Offer. 243-2232; ' 2919 West Ave. 'From S145,-all bills paidJ-.EMPLOYMENT old:bulldlng. $95 up. Utilities paid. 476­ P'7,°S °cr OTonth. Taking. applications Drive. 476^018. ' •*; single occupancy, refrigerator, «-?r-d^y' June,2l. .Fri./Sat. & . Top Dollar Paid'For -ps;nr---»-^mar -ABARTMENTS sliu™'"ti lma ^ 45 p.m. to to carpeted, vented heat, .private bafh' Why wa'aiOitlme-on-.a-.-e^Vy'bwa^iyValki-forv. —1-Bedroem- ncfi._pA£Xlng^.QiLihuitleJ : Nice Used Cars Sun, Ea.Wkv'Seeus.for.buythg &ieUing'. ing and treatment of mentally retarded priB^^mu,yrs [^!i!L^or\pil±.5E?ll5.! For .rcicrvjijioni.caW^,-• • .Class. Unique efficlency/'and one blocks west of campus, attractively fur-L°r», Theses, .Lesser bedroom apartments. Furnished, All: res.dents. FOOD-SERVICE WORKERS nished, WO pfus AC^One^aMease, 47J-. Manu5cr>pts,-453-6090! Wh..Days *258-1511 $1-25 and up. • ..-J*. ~HALLMARK TOb.hth-.(.20hr. week). Taking ,MABYL SMALLWOOD Typing. Lasty cBILLMUNDAY 2SQ3J>earl -'j — . i«l05 Kartford^Road.-263-2390( La^ge tur-^PP'.'cailoos. at the Personnel Office, minute, overnight available. Term -f-77-— ASK FOR JACK ROrT£R_ w i-WK shds 452 8506 — " """"" .Bills-Paid— '• ^ ..fV HARTFORD PLACE > ftart-time shifj nrtosHy...5)98.50 per 56S4. • • PRIVATE,. FURNISHED;* one block' ­ nished one bedroom and -efficfencv- TrayJs.r5ta}e .ScRoof."?~mHes -Ei*sf of letter*,. ---PONTIAC --. , Call 4773264 -1 -APTS. apartments. ^CA/CH, shag carpet, full frorrrxampufrMy.M. Call-anytlme--x-.' tylchen/'luJet atmosphere, iust off En-a.m. or I to4.p^m.. Monday {Friday An ...... • 0727 or 442-8545.V CANOES -I—^ -lldaRd^Convenlent to UT,Caplfel Shut-• equal opportunUy-ernploVer _y.; SI25.00 5 708 W. 34th St/MMER RATES, FALL{. FURN. HOUSES MINNIE L. "RaMMHTT Typing & -710N Lamar * >47f .Austin on F.M. 9569 (East l9th'),-8 to 11 0812; -*MasterCharge.-BankAmerlcard: 892­ LEASING-'. • --if & •Early bird special, 30 • WALK TO CLAS5 tations, papers of all -kinds, resumes. 73 HONDA 750 only, 3,000 miles. Ex-alum., ABS. ftor. gls. Sold • Free relreshments..442-7008, 442-lilt ­ .Motorcycles • For Sale •;i>-;ciT.(8edroom Furnished ?l *454-6294 & •—Duplicating"Service. 'Theses, disser­ .LAKE. AUSTIN. 15 minutes. cam- 'jcellent condition, crash bar; wind pus/downtown. I, 2, and 3 -bedroom ,-i LONGWAVEN WALKING CHILD ATTENDANT 9 jammer, lalnng, luggage rack, $2,000-at discounts-•, DISTANCE UT, --5:30 mobile homes. S85 ,to .J140 Mack's BOBBY6 DELAFIELO. ibM Selectrlci ,. 475-S547f 476-1953/ bills' paid,, AC-,, paneled, .'MEW /-Monday '-Friday. Quail-Creek.' Marina; 327;|8»1, 327.1151. • -. plca/eiUe, 25 years experience, books, , L First .5 -less 20% -' APTS. ' ­ 477-5662 ' -carpeted< pool-, no pets'. 2 : Area.Musthave-auto. DutyIn- dissertations, theses, ^reports,­ ^ '7\ HONftA aHHTTt51BU•^heater, etc.. $50/week. Call Servlce.s. Graduate and undergraduate pfliMUST,SELL.1974 Yamaha 125 Dirt bike.> • typing, printing, binding. 1515 Koenig1 1607 East Riverside J 8, months old.< Excellent .cofidltion-and .-• 2108 SAN GABRIEL. Privateand Large a m. weeRends. 0r K^thyr836-6764,T454---SHARe 7RENTr-l!uxorlou«:-fountaln,-LaBer-45M205.—^ ^ price. 453-8088 v V 1 BR'Apt., Full Kitchen, AC,-Krurnisfied, Swimming pool, beautifully 0445. palms, .meditation garden. Washer, dryer, stereo, TV, etc, »125. Bills Paid. : Water and; Gas paid, Summer Rate '• fOrnished:' double or- £0RMER OWNE1? large typingjervice. •'; urteen self-correctlng typewr/ter. Theies, disr'-• ­ SALE ^weekdays after-6 p;m„ weekends posal, central air and heat) -;sertatlons, mathematical, 4*4-8786 -'i:">• ,:^nyjime. FURN. DUPLEXES between'9-4. -... . -?...*<•• >--•/; shag carpet, -extra storage Jimmer^' ON SOLIDS 2408 LON.GVIEW. 1 and 2 B R " *-• . 1«9 yAMAHA'100. GoodCTnaltl6n S200r^*~ ' Apartments-Furnished,-ACt—Covered^.—-room. . ^ THEMES, REPORTS, law oofei. v ^ fEMALE .ZV.to 21 years old to share -j!72-395T Solt spots has reduced prices 10% this" ParkTng.-.Pbot/l PR -SI35. 2 BR -MM. BEDROOMS?-"" "305 West "35th ' Lobs d^Jl.ex wlth_couple.Rent$80 orless Reasonable Mrs Fraser, 4J60317. Mrs!^ week: on all solid-colored lounging ' 472-5316 . (6 bloeks from campus)-" 5^*5120.00Full-560,eO-Par rtie 451-Starmes, 4^2-4620 « •**.. pillow*; We are/in drag vending area or rrf^Wiil Train. Stereo -For Sale -Wc caflit our mini-dorm; you cancall It Manager Apt W6; EXPERIENCED SECRETARY;;^ Call Davrdat 476-8728 orWalt at474-4275 4306 AVENUE A. AllBills £ald: 1& 2 6r4 home. Great for budget-minded students >"\frlexible Hours 444-7222 ft«^i!2»HcE0 ?UPLEX-Two bedroom's letters, envelopes, proof • v- Paperj, AKAI150-Q tapedeckvLooks andsounds .'V " . ' '.""'.V';' ' • -.' V,' _ Ft/rnlifredj • AC,-Covered-'Marking, . ".451^4364 • $145.4008 Speedway, No-C.Shuttle, sub­ ..who want* privacy. Your choiceof burnt. reading, grammaflcal corrections; asy-listening, S Randl. accurate. 50 good. Easy-$12?. 476-4514,keep Larger -Than-Most;,l BlR • $160,.2 BR -' orange, -chocolate brown or green shag-$105 -$115.' 1 Bedroom apartment, pool,. lease July 1st 459-0852 anytime.Ginger, Rapid, c^ntsypage^^ very near •trying ' " .World of Stainless' .<:with brlgh wallcovering*. Patios. Pools,, UT, carpeted, paneled, AC, Gretcbfih. 452-3469 " '"452-1801 ^cabana, on shuttle route, minuter from water & gas Paid. See at 2711-Hemphill/ .WANTED PART-TIMEHELP InOb-gyh T C-366 rapefa de<;k \Vlth.; •:r5th Anniversary Scrte ilkv *partmem or .^all 472-^408,' 478-3885, ,doctor^'office. Student fiur^e or student UNF. DUPLEXES TYPING-^RINTING-emDiNG Theses^ ^ SONY TC-364 : fhe University and downtown. Efflclon­microphone. $175.. Also. Sony Mllte-^'i:1 rrreles, 1. 2, and 3 bdrs: also-available. -' to . Work-10-1 • Monday-Friday. Possibly-.Dissertations, Professional ReportsA'v.-S If.N? Answer At AbOve Call mixer. Excellent -condition. 472-0632:. ' '»Summer rates ' •Saturdays 9-12, Prefer* sophomore or • • law, reports. Self-correctlng«lBM. Bar-^&.^­ ' V2 Off . . COLORFUL I BEDROOM. Shag; ;dfs-NORTH.'. UNIVERSITY AREA1. "Two bara Tullos 453-5124 Stereos.. 8-tracks, cassettes,^urnTafiles.:" above. Good typist,.willingness to-work. TWO AR-3A speakers,perfect;6 months • hwasher; cozy community.Near shuttle ' bedroom/one bathduple*.Has twoltory . clocks,radios; candles, Gift Items-ot all Positive attitude. $2.80/hour. Available ' feV; ____ .kinds. StamJess, china; crystal.Buy now : WOODSIDE ,From $115 plus elecfricity^l211West 8th for 1 year or more. Send resume with glass front. 1225 plusbills.-315 West 35th Just North, of 27th & > old, with2 speaker stands, $400.345-4055.: .foff Blanco;. 474-1107, 472-4)62. Barry Street. Phon* 459-7034 or 454-2651. lor Christmas & other l;ift occasions -2220 WiMowcreek Drive w amplifier Excellent conditio^. $60; Two • " * 3004 Guadalupe . 444^6757* • • tion " • . , . — AR*4 custom finished speakers for only ' . , Open I2^oon -12 Midnight-1 -Bedroom J -ROOM & BOARD ' !^f^v~OLSON tuveniy .wbtt# per. channel • -sioo-$no : --GlflingwaterCompany, picture to: P.O. Box D-5,'University Sta­ Guadalupe ®If LARGE 18,2BedroomJroom furnished and un­uf>-'Iaa" A'' *)" 0 $30 each Carlos. 474-2057. , furnished. Sflag, wet bar, private club L^EL CID & _ I Full -and -part time waltresslwaiters rooms, on shuttle. 1 beor £SS'eS' 4^teacefu?da^a ny— AKAI 17l0W.RtaLtape deck, list $280, $149.50 ABP. 2 b • ROOM, BOARO for"long ,«,lon1^5 ' EL DORADO Bus help, kitchen help,,bartenders, bar jR1 -only S175 "441-3582 (hardly used)^-u_i. 1200 Broadmoor. . "4S3-i»883 " jti'472 4893 Barry-GlllingwatoVCompany. "help. Anislyin personSat 6/8/7410r30 till -BRAflD NEW PANASONIC AM/F-M ' 5;w..J5un 6/9/7.4 12:00 tU 5:00. $2 00 per 3060,'453-1508, 453-27^1 —; SHUTTLE BUS CORNER '-stereo radio with6V?' speakars^$125«f ;<,hou^ ' • • • ' -YES, we do type '.EXCELLENT SOMMER RATES on |%0-i-' offer Call 476-5008 WE RENT NEAT AND EXPERIENCED grillcook TUTORING ..spacious -one and' two bedrborn.­apartment!. Fall rates reasonabTe: Call -The Great Gattby -needed for .concession stand-.lor Freshman themes. f*FOR ^ALE AR turntable, manual, belt- s-' ^;27QQ West,Artderspn Lane InThe Village •454-9475. •• • : ' ' 1 l-emaliwer of summer;Call 3853720-Mr; HOW'S YOUR FRENCH? Tutoring at _j. '. • • f 'AtlrlVen, Shure M91ED cartridge, like fAUSTIN $140 Shopping Center appointment. • ... •reasonable rates .All levels Call 452­** < ENFIELD AREA. Two bedroom, with . new 2810 San Pedro 472-7883 * •'< 7905. • • Why not Sita^out with .2-Bedroom F.Lfu5,06 LIS. 404 EflSt 30th. Mature every extr,a. purnlshed qrunfurnlshed ui 1 goad grades!Your time is valuable JV student^. Lovely.t>n61>edrooms, Walk to from $152 plus electricity. 807 West „ 7[ ?IPTtSifr c j. Our service Is free * * y 528? Shuttle Summer pate's. 477-^ Qarry GiliingvvaterCompany 477-' HELP WANTED / READ THE Jtv% 472-4162 " ,.;,472^!rnJ"anr'472-7677•, ilffe® _ PARAGON MARK XX kl LRG 2 BDRM, Furnished,shag carpet, REPORTS-454-3953^—^-452'S0 dishwasher, disposal, CA/CH, patio, /2707 Hemphill Park \ l,afayelfe!has top qualityxomponents at -. -)aunttry^poolr-2i}0-Loni(vlew — < C / »vr > * scnslblepriCes. Hear.Truequadraphonic ; PROPERTIES bedroom 1130. Efficiency ll10 AC, HOLIDAY HOUSE {{§ar f^^i^^^^^hcy ApArtment. •sdund our Quad room;: ' 2W7-D'--Sanr^abriel. 1UJ0- •nXEfii «?iv",ih.er' ">'»PP»»I> walk-In "EWLY •«EDECORATED, efficiencies - ROOiViMATES orGuizS lrnerreolonol.477.oolo wlflv pool-Walk to school. SI 19.50 plus- ea(,ham P'OPer­f -2905 North Limar :!;.r»^vvrtv • weekdays' • • ;• • • •• -• v \ . . -• 1 7o|CweCt 26thW°,er' ^78'"'° °r «l'"«4­ fcll ..LAFAYETTE RA 10 472-4171 : Hes saSSs ?5' ",h' .ROOMMATE NEEDED, I bedroom" s>i^'CompIete Service Dept.1 LPCATION-LOCATlQN-LOCATfON. 1 S fr. No. 1 LARGE-ONE BE BROOM, carpeted, CA/CH, disposal;'dishwasher. hthi-IrS"'^. S,0&£-Apartments. 477-3388 d5lS':700H0U!,m: bedroom . _ , w. • J. ...h" ' AMPEG :VT2S-I2 lncl speakers, 100 WSffs:-CalM77-«M. Pay >f" -tlon,, sl75 new, now s95. Also good -, J BR FURN -wage. We have a scholarshi'p ^ffr apsrlment»°uth,»so(Tan441­.,..acouslic guitar,.-j4P.-478-3750 after, 5: -. ' /'C,'"'" • - "• • •" Si«:UNlVOX tE»-PAUL, excellent eondl- ^•"llJ3,a?i"? $10.0 .THE BEST;VALUE IN IQWN ;-'#J * -"4 ii? vi btM-:'P--i • -•'-JXariglew.ood" program to offer college/students.-N£ED;ONE OR TWO (n#le foommates­ _ ,.4^'^ CUSTOM Wtop two15".JBL'S 5 olfer.Muit jefh 472-8739, <: bath apart?;. Annex -I -c-r Apply bet^A/egn-5~and-7-p bills 477-1088. 'ALL BILLS PAID SENIOR • vAKC COCKER SPANIEL.-Btack*iemafe( mM-­DUPLEX t7ll plus W bills.CA/CH; large-r 10 weeks. Also stud Service'reasonable. fenced-yard, (5 blocks.to Ramsy Pari. -" 45)-4888,-evepin9$; weekends. -. ^ Antilles .Call.Mlchaef alter 5:0i p.m. 4S94M56 • 2204 Enfjeld ; CHOCOLATE LAB-PUPPIES. AKC. 2"BR FURN MACHINIST ,1 472-J523 ROOMMATE NEEDED for beautHul WOO. Negotiable Charles 442-9387, T/jm 452-3501 . . 472-5320 % *1 '.'SKa J0 ; |wot''bedroon> -Itouse-' lit : 'quiet -ShuttTe BGfrFfQnt Door «fj2l252 0d 'n >Tr4y'* He,0h|ls Call XAB RETRIEVERpUps. CallDenls.444-Must be^bifijo JWOXk directly trgrn engineering and tool 0317 atted-7.QQ " " •" ' • ; ' '' .drawings witfi. a .minimoni,of guidance. STOuld^ave"^t^fM^^\fl^?,®w^p»r,rmen)i3 Jgas_t_5_y.ears g6neralYnachinist.exp^clence.^s well-as the -.''"ntproierred^bb. antrtiwj^^a' i •.-< 444-00W "^442-8340^ -ability to set uo and operate afnfiachine~todls. Position-soommaje needed two bedrwm Hishies -For Sate NEW" 1 *-7—.—r-offprs rompetiTLVp wagfts and_excellent,benefits in-y7;!!i%n??.Al?°^rnc°''v»''iences ^'THEATTIG , -1--et v*-ti i IslMIPIsi i' MU * f, *Sr -< 4l" r ' 4 «* r ' '"*i \,±L -, -J, '!,!> "w . V .lAv Ittjk ?> •* «» ^* >­ 3$ jy U. s< ''i-ft-l* . '• •• •" 'L, ; ••> sfefest sfo^WJSiaSiiJSsVSB "4rV -", f-vs ilfSSS atI^R JXV 'tU-y, SERVICES Socialists Apply VW REPAIR ^Quality work at reasonable price*. We -can give you betterservlce.from our.new For Ballot Spot; shtfp at 1003Sage Brush. Frcodlagoos>s, • compression checks, jmd estimates.: Tune-up1 On-*tandard-V.W -"S10,50 plus parts.-836*3171. Pleawtry us. Overseas Sherry-Smith, Socialist 'right-ttf-work'.' clause for the Engine & Supply. , <• — 4e copies PRESS ON THE TEXAS UNION COPY_CENTER Ditto ' Xertfx AAultilith': 4?' . Transparencies' Master-MakeF Room 314 ' T he Texas;.Union". Other candidates runningon is sponsoring summer ijannday-grltlAY ."ft; an~.H^-g '0vSrdAdab0ve-.fhe''3>4-pierce»t' 'said. •' , •3:00 p.rri; tile. SWP"ticket are': Dan-Fein /-'Political Discussions ,"isecretary of state's election • for li '' : . already appropriated -fpr UT :. ^The volunteer will stay with the victim un-­• office, said,they heeded only . Pedro Vasquez for attorney _staff next fall. ;; .v. til she is safe and provide follow-up contact r I KINIV'*;—.... •••-. ---, , The center wiil offer seven . Members may sign^he peti--everv few weeks• / '. ­ '\j1 iN ix jf o , COPYING SE R V rNCV ; v •: ^ -- • V . ^ 42-Oobte-Mall _476-917T Free Parking 7am,-iopm mf 9, m -s P m spi • _ /;v ABORTION ALTEWNATIVEI i^fdg'nantand.digressed? Hejp is as nev as your . • MISUSS*uSf°u,eMnu,*lJSa>n'to w ' —iWIMWINC-LESSONS^.E^rlMced, Certified instructor. AU-ofiilifTes (Seginner. -Senior My-po'o) dr • " ' r''in fi' ( nrv pri';'^fr» SWIMMING LESSONS Deep Eddy Poof vr Competent-experienced Instructor. • Ch»ldr«n^ll ases;-Ann Mofl(t. 472 19i3, FOR RENT j.\\ -(Mon. through per day. . ~StQ:W"-pW"tfey--fS*t,T i£i$onJ:-4;Day ' ; >wocKcnds •s35.00;:F\*uvyeek.'5:S55;oo: Cait ~ Downriver Sports. :Auitin*s mstbsst 9> ••• • ./rnost.cwmpWte coope sa/cs A reriteE?.­ 451 «349 -$213 Aveniie'-Gr ~"Wimt-tfr,&wT -— Sleretfr-TVT-R^wgvalac-^i Ren^ * L?ase 6 months option to buy.-. W.orld of Stainless *" 3004 Guadalupe * Open UiOO noon ti-|l • . \7x.b0 Midnight . -. STUDIO OR STORAGE. Dry basement San Gabriel and 24th «rea ova^aWe for u. .: studio, hobby.shop, nrsecure storage. . w •' . 400 square feet plus. Price depends on«. use and.remodeling.jackJennings^on-" • --5totld^ed^eatty-Msoeietes7T474489^_ — —PWr ^IWtTnonth plus bills; . dttloned, pcts;:y«rd. ji7Z-0T43^~ UNCLASSIFIED . ^elly^ancinglnstructron 472-3344.. -^-Urish.S^lgx._^male.Tfem. 476-p884. . .Workers Party (SWP) can-new. Constitution, advocates jK^Miidate for:.governor; .sub-full liberation of wpijien and rnitted petitions to Secretary proposes to end-the. energy of State Mark White Thursday crisis By nationalizing energy^kprequesting.SWP_candi_dates be corporations a'nd: letting the fssnncluded on'the November working people operate them -W.th.state government surplus more information call478r0452-^ crisis calls. Volunteers will man telephones general electioA ballot. • THE 29-YEAR-OLD agent Property auCtiTriT.IT'City or '478-3067. _from 9 p.m. toS a.m. until October; when the •iivviiuyuiu J» ,~Io.-qualify as.a parj.y.on;the _ for a customs-brokerage com-Coliseum. Merchandise ui­ ballotr.the SWP haa to submit—panv-in fffHi^n—sairf ghb-;-spection begins at 7 a.m.; and £ay Raise Drive . ijep.JDonalMpiuxtirector .of the center, said " * " ' »rl Bit voliinteers^will offer to accorflpanyvictims3 to ' ; v= signaturesof registered Texas would TioFroeet the required Didding starts JatSt-atmr- TEe Texas" ice v'^voters, equal to J. percent of age" of 3Q when it comestime . tHo fotal rates cast in the 1972 -LAPAG Sessions --.University Staff Employes fcadquarie'rs-V.'. to lake office; tiut sheIs pony-Th<> i afin 'imii™ b i;„ Asspciatioij is ifenducljng a :• If a victim'xloes not know how to reach thegubernajorial election.: : ; dent she can change the law if • The party collected 55,661 elected-.. •..1'' -V tU^atfvS G?^D ^ ^°-• G"s's cen^'"^0^ia^ workers\at Brackehridge ^t^natives_Gfoup (£^AG> • i'...^ro^t;<^^Mly|i^'iRcre£lse-* -}> ig na tures < a nd Tommy •' r „'. • general. Rick'Congress foT diSGUssions;-.ea'ch-me^ifig"on 34,095. ., generalvHFlick-^ngt^s-for- tion between 11:30" a.m. arid"-"We^ariticlpate'receiving call-backs frotri Jme_so railroad coirimissioner,' BECAUSE THEY Jiaae^so ramro.aj;_:0.o»mis>ton.er,^ aHerhae we6ks. Di-scussibns i.30 ri anhi ^socMion's many signatures, it, looks I^ knd cmn^ill focus on indjvidua! conn-" tafc^^stSSa?' & ifSas-Scoggins-fpE~--tries,=_their historical . u-Hii. iast daV to sien be °n the ballot in November, . comptroller, Sara Johnston background and their current^ -g Toone said.. ' for State Board of Education, situations. • , • ­ ' We have to.cneclc^ltof the 18th-.Congressional "District The next session which wtlL page? and mak? sure theyYe Jill Fein for U.S. Houses 22nd*'"lKrar7:30-p;iii:-^ notarizW. Then, we will take Congressional District, Kris the LAPAG office in the a random sampling of pages .Vasquez for U.S. House, 18th . Methodist "student Center • :,Congr«asiwal .District:and ' 2434Guadalupe St.; will;^pcui Know tne oiUcomeoftnis until * Don Sorsa for state represen-bn Mexico and the resnnncp nf the fi^August," he said. -tat^^tiui^pL,!.-:, KTtte Smith believes • th« ' The American Party. of.Tex-• • — ­ • . .. x _ . . current "liberal" government sigqatures^indicate Jexans as is expected to file similar of Luis Eclieverria U S im­ arc t)red,PI Waterg3te-Style quaJifjwg^etitf^Frtdayr^-perialism-^antHhe^-inyth-of-a­ • polittes.-—spokesperson in the sectary The SWP. opposes the .of-state's office sgid. Democratic Party Slates Fandj&aisirig Telethon "CANOE RENTAL"^ • r"'~Alf"Squi pfpeTiI #uf7)t5iicdt-4B:00*per'{tay—-' The bembcratic Party wili sponsor its third national'fund - raising telethon,/"Answer America;'''beginning at 9 p.m.­Saturday:and'ending at 6 p.ih: (CDT)-Sunday over the CBS • Television Network. : . : • Austin's CBS affiliate K,TBC-TV channel 7, will broadcast the.slipjv. • ^ ^ ' • _ . Originating in Lbs Angeles, the show_will include .such .. Sfcil'S ds PrfiirN^wman.-Hplpn Rpd^-lCr?g KrlsfftfffTSonjnri^ others. Variou-s political figures also \S?iU be featured on the show. . ' • • -' , " The Democratic, f'arty.of Texas, will broadcast nine, 10­minute segments,during the telethon that will feature Democrats fronv throughout^ th£ state. Phone bahksJor accepting pledges will be set up in,16 Tex­as cities with CBS^PV affiliates. " ' ""ifeti ' " '-" f'- jewelry^,African and MexTcan Imports. xTcan r '• . For Sale '55 Ovevy pickup. 454;W5J;tt-—46J2 Soutti. CfingrfiSSv 444-"38]4r -ctosed -— ; Mondays. : SaTtender needed: Call 4&4-9Q51-" : MOVING? MY PICKUP tan mke the Happy Birthday Pooctf! Lpve. Snake.; ~~gotng-ffioreasier-TonVs Oo.Ritc_T«jck­ • log. 256-1891. «--­. German Shepherd Pups $25. ^54v4l04.­ , LEARN TO PLAY Guitar. Beginner and .Omega gold calendar, new! 926-6914. advanced.-.Ore^ Thomas'on. 4?8»207?/ , Flne-.comp^henf .$fereoi~726169Mr,i-.T?:-~ F RE%~F€*AS~NqW! Tejfai :•' ^ # . .. • •"• . /ntfependepco bumper j7icSipriTsJ~setr -^ ^'67 GTQ Rajid^ of^arc""472-t453 ^ 'i Texas • National Enterprises, 46V6 > ­ Rosedate<45^3842, :,v:Tenn}s, Wessons. 474-4405 after 6/ •, .--v.r.f ^ •?n:Lady!s Schwlnn 3-spd-S50. 474-4597.'v.':;,1-.' TRAVEL "..Free 3 male kittens & molherr^SS^JOO,. fREE-LOCA.i. FLYINQ. Air shuttle tor Male Afghan. Make offer. UT students anywhere »njj<. Call Juan, 8W-0Stangj6. sW.15«l. 459-7J97. • ThreefpMdrmcirsTjrk#, W5. 459^197^-— -r-—-­Free kittens..47B-7869; tiFreel Cote kiltenvTcail B37-JS92 ' v^' 5000 BTU air condTtlSv »75 472t3y5K • Akar casseite deck.$125. 472-395! V" ^AC new 4000 BTU $65 llOv-453-8405: "MR. WANTED ROBERT SHAW AND -BUYING U.S. STAMPS: Colfectiona, ac- cu"mulat]pnsf sheets, blocks, etc . immediate payment PAX 2930. 462-5442 JOHN GAttZA .evenings.'. *: FRI.-SAT. i%XA /i« fa Ail- OUBLE RATED -• LOST & FOUND M3SCELLANEOUS EL^bN*.S .&lFTSi. Zuni ^jOdian s ^ baskets WE AUOO CjOLCtlS . tiUOtUfAS revoluti0nary ._societv: ' Background materials tor the discussions are. available, at the LAPAG.office from 9 a.m. .thi-ougli5 p.m. ' • ... , Rag .Garage Sales" .The Rag will hold garage flrjco<3ge ^ THE BRONCO BROTHERS FRI. 9-12 SAT. 9-1­ ' HAPEY HOUR 4-4 AVAILABLE FOR.PARTUS. TFFTRARIWMC HAVE: SCHCFfEUtRA PAUMi —the root-ofv-twings, ;Nt. •s-o^ VJ7-90^; ^ EARN CASH WEEKLY Blood«Plasma Donors Needed -"' :' ~Men & Women: , < 2 EARN $10 WEEKLY ->'a CASH PAYMENT FOR DONATION Austin ^ Blood Components, Inc.?; i OPEN: AfON. & TRUSS. 8 AM to 7 «<£ 'TUES. & FRi.^A.M. to 3 P.M. CLOSED WED. & SAT. 407W. 6th. V 477-3735 JtAOUITS ONLY)/ WITH SPECIALGUEST STARS L)i '^t«e ' *GERI GRANGER *THE LITTLE STEPS »->7rn ilfc^HARRYrSweets'.EDISON ^ ADMISSION SATv S ilUNE 29 & ,%s»/|mf MUNICIPALAUDITORIUM BiddingStartsSaturday Austin's Rape Crisis; Center, which will On Surplus Equipment offer emotienaKsupport and information to Highway rape victims'byTSfephone,-begins operation equip.meB-t-i sales Saturday .apd-Sunday to" automobiles • Monday, ., ^ --•. and : marine , raise money lo pay off-debts The center, funded by the city, on a pilot equipment are among items arid buy equipnieiit'. The sale •program for pne year, will tak4 any rape to be .offered in Saturday's will be at 1100 W. 22nd St.-Foe "> . ANNOUNCEMENTS ARTS AND CRAFTS' CENTETF OF THE TEXAS UNION will sponsor a ^Geode'Grab "MxS Union Buiidin0.333.-Selects .geode and the center.will cutitiThe tost U •. s4.' v. • * BAHA'I ASSOCIATION meets at 8 p.m. . . Saturday at 106 W. S5th St.for an In-" „ . ' formal, discussion' of the Baha'i ... • faith; • ­ -* The public is invited. For more in­ * formation call 472-95447" UPPER GUAOAlilPE SIV» CANOE TKtr par­ ticipants will leave'fropi .the East •—•—MaU-RountalQ-Ja_DCivafg cart «; p.m. Friday. -Tgsf*f ^f-^e-dgmonttr-a--­ tion of the potter's wheel atnoon Pri* darln Union Building 333. * -MKTINOS. ^ •• . UNIVEtSTT^ YOUNG DEMOCRATS wlMmeet . St 7:30»p.m. FrldAy in Stonehenge Co-op at «22nd'and Rio Granoe Streets to see the film "Checkers. vSpeech." Free beer wiU be,served. _ All members' and prospective ' '• memiwrj'arernvlted.^—-L'-——— STUDENTS! WIU G*f YOU A TIMERUNtN DAILY ' TEXAN''- WCftSSIFIEDS Come by~:: TSP Btdg. Room 3.200 . and plate­.. your Unclassified • Ad • Mus^ be pre-paid • No refunds . . J.. • . girls during bad times; and we will be •/available-wheii: they do. We also expecfto counsel women who were unreported rape AJ9ct»nyjwd-.WSvith the Rape Crisis-Center may call 472-. ' : ' RAPE. CLASSIFIED AD GALL 471=5244.. y is also a -yearbook v.v ,warit to be a 1 o ne Oar bo in G.r. and Ho t e I t* * - (S W V1 fl+fK ­ mm t, J ojljl B a r p y m o r e t4« i.'£*. /. J o'rii Crawford Wall ac.e ^Bee'r y ,-^X^ / • •? t-Vt. Jest er is;Vlr.r. , • t-. . Jltfxvi • i. and S •„*" N i g h• m; * s is® f"-7: 3-0 . A d.m i s si p n-$1.25 '_r •5 p_n led ti fe I; ">7 ^ X . 14 Z1 THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS —' yearbook! JUi i. ^^^^yo&^eall^ shQuldLnFder arte! . -Reserve Your Cppy of the by Markinjg Yoor OPTIONAL FEE CARD When You Prereqiste,r You will be billed with your fees for the fall! only Wl • • ~"'J THE,CACTUS -anotherTSJ+ publication • r : -—.—" r r% / f f,, ~ c ai-inu^_A Wj^r d --Best Pie tu ^ J^ ..."'• -~.T^ •C Li L.''',t~ %*kf $4*/' "tfy yg&vytsp&n v rA. x •«—*• "> f V f« >•• ;• ' -'•'«•"•• Ilit»^^ ...•: -. .""T— . • • *P^*. . .v. • ' Good Prices are just the beginning! IgsTTT fc*- " ar^v.'IBS^ ... >;vt,JJ J--r-"„-&i?,Vs^ IS/* IBIS (.y< i&kKg •* <* J Sis A 0>i *TOT-S*-SAt-r p. jfzjf-*• I -•-, • '-• '.39® -'"• i. ' aliVe -3R« &$& ' rent) x{%Zj \ ml$j ,~P^'-'i &sf? ' f> V \ '•»* o£t$< • --5­ jtrblv Expensive Sound at a Bodgel Price! infP tirtWS (£$*•?';% t" cifini) -tiflm; r-Vtrs-i rural . v4ttf. ';?nl A\i?t IpSip,.-., • 1. «-t<« •» ^'t . i;l,.r.Afraid of a component system because o. _.__ •«?»; high'prices: fiere-is a complete Pioneer stereo -system well suited for a beginner or audophile at a price tHot.connot be beot. Utilizing.the Pioneer ^|-;SX424;reeeiver.yoa;;. • ' ] ~—r~^ _!__ get 12watts of clean unrestricted RMS power, with ;•.' . *f-eopobitilfos for two tape decfesand1 phono. For -?Sfe complete fidelity throughout*the music range the Pio -i-JLz... neerPLl 2D with ShureM44E-cortridge. It comes complete with dust cover and tSk *^®1' • ®,as?.-To. match Vperfecf, • jj$ sound in receiver and turnFa 'ble, the Project TOO stereo' ip^twCTKiiTrapei­fetf ,fecr 2 way sound­ •* *&*?&• -••••: ,? ' .... :• ,fes& ,n9.spoolt«f with •fkiS, 10" Woofer and im dome midrange/ tweeter. WHAT A SOUND X SYSTEM! VVHAT A PRICE! *£gp-­ AKAI40000B T^r Harmon Kardon 50+ so Watti — st*r«o « Quad....!.. Lut 289.95 ._J189 Dolby R.ef of R..I ......^1... U«t369,95 /C'320 ' ' ' ••••""-• •;* •. -Sfefe AKAI GXC65D _ Dolby Auto>R*vwt»Cau*H«;.;....'..i.;;vi.^..:;..Ut1349.95 *289 Harmon Kardon 100+ roowo«» —„ /"; • Stw«o of Quad ...............liit 599-95 --'" *349 AKAI CSC33D Dolby CaiMtta iiit 219.­95 rtf. >........fl>>......................I.............I......... Aka! A&980 200 WottT­ Superscope301Caii«tie: St«r*oer Quod:. J'J _.liit 899.9 *259 r Superscope 302 Dolby Coitdtcr I Harmon Kardon 75+ 75 Woft.'—st.r«oor Ir.-Ouod. ,-...V..j....-.7....-.T.:..7...-. lilt 499.95 J?2.99 list )99.95>yi *169 —T 1, ft BLANK TAPE I 'Pioneer SX 626, Stereo Receiver —yi , '' K«­ ^ Universal 80Minute e Track . List 1.50 'fil •98 m l:^||(^25 RMSp«r chann«l U»t $399.95 .... *399 -A fikS. ' Shamrock 041R»«I T0 R**I uit s .98 m••.mm I TURNTABLES ^ Memore'x I80Clawnoiu -_Hl'ghoutput litt 6.95rife J- DUAL 1229Cempl«t*StfURE M9UD. UST 342.60 • "• *229' IT Lilt 5.99 Ampex C9QCR02Caii*tt( Uit. ,0 Ss-ti j^yDUAi:1218-Cenpl»t«^HUMja91fn IWT/>70Hn H79 STEREOHEADPHONES \y0«AL1216 Comply. SHURH AWED.. < UST 230.80 * 139 JAXSNDI SPEAKERS • ^llfT 5.98Kf«"lf' /'-p^ Compl«f» SH0« M75 UST 76.80 EC5—r-SUPER 8.Tv»o.woy . r„ '. 1. LIST 69.95 *39 Superex Qt-4 .Uit'59;95S|' 1^1 310X Cempicts ADC i .!Z....^C UST 89.00 -*49 m M§:'. ECl—12533 Way " . UST 129 95 *59 Sennheiser HD414 u,i 44.95 p;.;..|ISR'710X compi«t» SHORE m9IE..';I.' j UST 209.95 ' '119 dF? ECI—12544 Way.. ."...,...^..v,. UST 169.95 *99 3 -it* SGARRARD 70Comply. $HURE M44t UST 128.80* § «79 STEREOS FOR CAR?^^i ECl—1255 5 Way LIST 209.95 *129 iir ;^*159 ^f?A'D'2Compltt* SHURE M44E UST 208.80 111 Pioneer KP-333;AUto Rovorio Cauett*U»t99.95 " ECI—1556>6 Wdy .. I * Uit:269 95 *159 pttWTQ CARTRIDGE^^^^^ MedatlionfU-Bt/o«|t Carft»r»o....JJit 129.95, 1 , Kl.1^312Way liit49.95~~ *32 '(^udioTechnica ATISE Urt 64.50 *29 MedaHionftuack car st«r«o, .Ljit'39.95 • *22 Marant*Imperiar7rWoy. iis^7».9sM30 SHUREM91E0 m *vl;bV^Morontx Imperial5 2 WAY * LIST ^.95 ' *74; accessories I SHURE M44C/W'NifXKitOti) •it ' t—> . , Uii24.95 /HeadphoneExtension 25 f»^T,u,t$,95 >2.-49^— li^Siiii»93i Uit 39.95 -1-' LAY AWAY-iiiRMSAVAtt r:!..-V. .i-.-. •.v.«^Tr^ Du^JHleatlphoneConnector Uit 5:95 ^UREVIgTYFE HM^fsty,^' ^ihuT FINANCINGAVAItSa^­ 1Hour TJmep ifit 10.95 l^'i We Meet x-ms; pgf? Any Stereo Price i"v «