•-il — •— *£&&& > t Student Newspaper at The University of Texas at Austin Vol. 74, N.O. 14 :'*£ Please Recycle This Newspa Austin, Texas, Wednesday, June 26, 1974 . ' :± Ten Cents Ten Pages «"4?i-4591 taps** mmittee Votes To Re/ease Material WASHINGTON (AP) -Tjjer'House h A WHITE HOUSE spokesman said, standards he and Hutchinson wpuld.use Yorfc^'Robert McClor.y of Illinois, Judiclary-Committee-votefr^fuesday to v'Wo apRlaud theactibri of the committee' in determining what, material should be . " WillUfiri Cohen of Maine, Tom Railsback make public a massive volume of in moving iiiesifheafingstq a conclusion; -kept secret ;,J)f>lllinois and Harold V. Froehlich of evidence preSentetHq its, impeachment , They are finally making public informa­He said -repeatedly that -he favored v Wisconsin7 v r-i—— inquiry. •' -I' • •• -i' v • -tion -from the House Judiclaiy Com-'deletir® "that rhaterial '. which is hot . Five Democrats joined " the other But Cpfrimittee Chairman,PeterW. . mittee which has been meeting behind •relevant.". : • -• " -' .0 • eleven Republicans in Opposing release. RodjJKfJr., D-N.J.left unclear.when'the .closed doors for seven weeks." :. BUT . WHEN asked if he meant he They wpre'Barbara Jordan; b'f Texas, terial would be released and'exactly , The committeevoted 22-16;in favorof a-; would include any and all material relfc. Walter .Flowers of Alabama] James how much would 'be made public. \ motion which called forreleaseof all the .vant'to; ihe' impeachment inqurry-vbe. "v Mann of South-Carolina,' Don Edwards of / Rodino said he .hoped'! all-of the:. evidence except for classified-material v.replied, "I wouldn't* say any and all* ". 'California and Ray Thronton of Arkan­materialtobe.released wouldbe publish­pertainihgtothe secret bomy.OijStGattv^ material."! . ,.f //; . • '.' ' • sais> * -• • ed by-July>lb, wiieh -the commiUuti. is -bodiaand other evidence,.which Ro..... Rep. Wavne Owens, D-Utah,;,whft ;;Muph of the evidence, presented to the scheduled to begindebaling proposed ar­and the ranking Reptiblicanr Rep._ offered the motion—to v, ticles of impeachment. But-he said it was Edward Hutchinson of Michigan, agreed' • evidence, said it Would "bomade.public meht inquiry staff was material already pbssible'^sdrhe of the'material would be?:; • should -be withheld, "assbonasitcanbe physically.publish-° Qn the public record, including the reieaied as"early -as-nfext week. • —JRodino-refused later.-to Specify what ed, probably early next week." -. testimony tejcen by theSenate Watergate During seven weeks ,of plplsed 1.-committed: --— ___ hearings, members of the-Committee House" Speaker Carl Albert, -D-6kla;i have received 7,20tf pages of evidentiary . totd neWsmen fte expects the committee material, ,contained 'in 36 .'loose-leaf ^-^reportitsfindin'gsto thekouseby^uly notebooks. * "> -22 and for debate' to begin the first oVSfe- In addition, the material tobe released cond week in Ailgiis't. is expected to ' include .additional : Committee Democrats wer&^old at a evidence offered by James D. St" Clair, >>caucus Monday night that the Housevote President' Nixon's, chief Watergate on impeachment is, expected the last -I.WASHINGTON' (AP); .-= Newspapers sit system to"refuse lb accept political : lawyer. St.Clair isto begin hispresent* week in August or .the first, week in cannot be required to'gjve frep space to, advertisements for display on-buses.': tion to > the committee on Thuriajay. -Septefflbe?,v-• political candidatjes tOTeply'tb.editorial, -The rightrto-reply.case.acd§e when Pat . THE MATERIAL to. be released will Before going into closed session, the ••• attacks, the Supreme Courtsruled 'un-L Tornillo, a -candidate forthe Flori$la •include evidence tiirned over to the com-••committee rejeciedfjon astraight party­anirfiously Tuesday. legislature, sought, space : to', reply' to'• mittee by a'federal grand jury that in­hne voteof 21 to17: a motion to subpoenaIn • one-of five 'decisions affecting .editorials in the. Miami dicted seven former Administration and the House clerk's record's of-dairyfreedom df speech and the press," the-,• Florida Supreme Court upheld the law Ttfixonrcampaigtt-stinging terms from the court's-decision The Republicans who Voted, to release PV i^"gOT|QT|OnS were Joseph Marazi'ti of• ^near absurdity to so New. Jersey. Henry~Smitn ui ot sfCSfr Ruled: 5^4' that private individuals . deprecate individual dignity ... and .to ftiay collect damages for-injuries they leave the people at the complete mercy Station Practices Aired H'ffor hnPiiiiS'P "f a ljHpVif thev -of the press, at least'in this stage of our aro' ahlp ta nrove negligence. history when-the press,, as tne majority By MIKE YOUNG '"Student i&working under thfe program. Evans letter to tlie­ • ,Held .6-3 tnai a umon'§ use oi the" iit lius case-sO-W.and more receptee to our' and programing of documentaries, consurrier information, .proposals,"'Thompsoirrsaid>""However, his receptiveness • Move ^ -. local news and Children's shows. .• ..v -. •^has stopped;short of conceding* on somejtoints on which THE GROUP IS writing another proposal-to be sbbmitted 'we're closeto agreement,"-he added. ~ to Evahs-Wednesday to;clarify their areasoif concern, which '• According tQ the-19.73 annual report of the Times Mirror -.r . they feei.muist be included in-rthe station's renewal applica­CCmpany, KTBCs parentcorporation, "The stat-ron-enjoys-ar Funds -. tion, Bob Thompsohi fATAC:steering committee member. i';,;wide lead'in the Austin market with an audience share of 53WASHINGTON. (UPI) -The fiOuse Said. > percent'-., • , _ . _ _ — — Jate Tuesday defeated by voice yote.a' ...SJ.JI find myself unable to imagine that. AmOng the areas tfee'graup feelsmust hot becompromised . .Thompson emphasized the station's large role in the com-" "T­ •move to cut off funds for White House" .this body .would permit our mandate to are a KTBC proppsai tp hire three more people to handle a munity atid its.fiscal health to point out, he said, the com-., Ipwyerrand-staffrthemberfrif anyone in-^.. inquire, irito the impeachment pi the new daily fialf-honr new?program and/an increased,number paratively small expenditures required • to nfejjt ATAC's • the executive, branch,, including the President to:beignore!by-anyperson;, be ' --of-documentaries, Thomp$on-said. :^... _ .r_proposed.programing andstaff changes. "We have,no wayofPresideht.'refused to comply with a con^t he high or low;" said Dingell. 1. Skies' will. be fair Wed­Among ihe hiring of an expanded staff to handle7 the in-""^Ttnowing thatlt mayTiot be Times Mirror-at-the-root o'f th'e-^­gressional subpoena. ': • Rep. David Dennis,.R-Ind., a.member creased' programing, the group hopes the station manage-' problem," he added.• -. • • .r'w­ The.actipn came as the House passed nesday, partly cloudy ' of the Judiciary Committee which is m^nt will "make its best "Effort to include minority . Tiiesday'rs^ appareiit impasse at KT.BCrwas contrasted by;s?J­ on a 367-13 roll.call vote and sent to the . nea'ring the. end of its investigation of employes." •^;y" y • Thursday, with mild : • reports from ABMC member Lind.a McGowan of successfulS%Senate a$5.5 billianja^prbpriatiqnsbill to . whetherto impeach; Nixori, told-pihgeil At present the station does not have a black "oh the air" ' • '-resolyttoil^f i5iriiiIar.;h(%DtiaU(ms'wlth KLBJ AM-FM and" fund White—House, operations, the , that .".laying ipalitibal fun and; games nights and warm after-, • newsperson. However, tlje station does have women on the KVUE-ty. . Treasury Department and' the" U.S. = aside," he-was edine into a grave" con-noons. Wednesday's •air. • '*'• ^ Postal Servicejfl fiscal 1975 that starts . stitution^l question of' the power ot . In another areat the station's prpposals_fall for a total of .5-j. WK'D MIICH RATHER Ji.ivp fhp clatinn sppnd its money temperatures will range Monday. CongresS versus the President.. . nine documentaries to be produced by the end of this year. -'on people.and programing than on legal fee's for Washington ­K^p. JohirBingelh-B-MiehTr-proposed . -Thp proposal; said Dingell. would cut frpm the mid -60s to the j. The group's aim however, is to have the Station committed "^lawyers," Thompson said. -->"" adding a clauseat theendbf the massive off funds fpr the pay and other expenses — to-producing a minirifum of 8 to 12 documentaries per. jear ATAC must decidesoon whether to file its petition todeny ' ' money bill that would deny certain funds of all the lawyers-and-staff members at during the three^year licensing period. ' 7—^reneWal-if-I{TBCis-licenser.Thompson said, because all suclr ­ • in the measure for-the White House if the White House if any member of the • -head.line is fn Russian EXPANSION OF the cui'rent Huston-Tillotson internship •-petitions must be on" file with the FCC by July. 2. .. • . • subpocfnas, such a?issued, by the House executive branch, ranging from a clerk'­ and 1+ahslates '"Wed-~ program to the Austin Community.College is anbffier ae-Altstations.mustr secure FCC approval of their "plans for. ' Judiciary .Committee against President to and including the President, ignored a mand of the group in the new "list of proposals., .' -programing and service to the community for each tht"ee-'-"~ nesday, warm.''" Nixon, were not satisifjjd. ' ' -u congressional subpoena. • v , " The station inaugurated the internship program, and one year license" period-.—; _ ' * . J By DAVID HENDRICKS life. "The people are healthy and sourid in their bodies During - Texwi Staff-Writer the games and competition the moral qualitiesof men are being Making tne long, trip froln" the "Soviet"-"Union to Texas improved, especially the Will power and theability,to compete.: sometimes c^n r^ake a person lose "his appetite, but not Soviet So. a person becomes full of life and.energy," he reniafked. • .athlete Yuri.Sedykh, who.Tuesday gulpgd dowti Jestef dor-. * "BUT EVEN if a person-does not achieve victory, it is still mitory food-as if-4t were Russiaji .caviar. . , good fbf-"4he>ody and the" soiil,^' he continued/--- ' ; 4— : W 1 6 7 4 -p e r s o n d e l e g a t i o n , i n A u s t i n f o r ' H e p o i n t e d o u t t h a t t r a c k e v e n t s l i k e t h i s o n e a l w a y s h e l p i n the U.S.-U.S.S.R. Junior Track-Meet, holds , the junior.'World improving relations between the two countries as does the visit record for. the hammer, throw. He is 6-3 and weighs,200' pounds. President Nixon is making to the Soviet Union. ' . . After finishing his meal, Sedykh said it was good and' He said when l\e was young, his parents told hini that during i nutritious although back.home jn Kiev heisused toa larger-por- the Kennedy-administration there Was some improvement in •mm r m>: ™ . 'relations fij)|lowed by a period of uncertainty after Kennedy's _ IHfc. lNTtRyiEW for The Texan >vas aided by an inter-deatli. Then when President Nixon took office, there "Was "a v p.reter, Wladislaw Krasnow,-University Instructor of Russian "-imnmupmp^t >>' . " ; \ ; > 1«£ nMnit*M.n S* . '^--.literature. > i.•, Sedykh, 19, is visiting the United States for the first time. As --an athlete he.also .has_yi§ited both East and West Germany; —Bucharest, Romania and Budapest^Hungary.-Last yearSedykh • became the European phampion of the,hammer throw with a distance of-«T meters^ 32 centimeters.. ' -. ^ 1 mdrked improvement. '.On the subject';of Soviet writer Aleksandr Sdlzhehitsyn, Sedykh said he did not know mucl\, but his impression is that ''whatever fie £aid.about theSoviet.Union was probably wrongj so I cannot"agree With his ideas."' . HE POINTED OUT.that.most Soviet people who"do" not know much about Solzhenitsyn try to avoid the question "Most of m *--• -(R«lot»d Story, Phatw, Pog» 10.) ^L,­SetTykHl^ici "he noted' differences between^-Soviets^-an'd1 i3^Americans'from his^observations oij.-U>e streets. "r ~ -. i.or.A'T^jUtfer'ence concerns'moral :behavior,~~he-said. ''The them disagree with him and think he represents only a few in­dividuals in the Soviet Union.'V, . • , ' . -Az4ri Gerchikov, head of theSoviet delegation, added further comments abput.Solzhenitsyn. 1 , A'In the Soviet l)nion:there,are law^ which do not allow peoplev.j to be. put in jail for theirVway of thinking; therefore, they letft' American people arenot so much directedfoward a singlegoal. ^anqit.se^ms.UKethey.don'thave ageneralorientatiorr-^ieir—Solzhwiitsyn'outr'Gerchikov^slated 13 ^ 1 i ~ " ,. "Solzhenitsyn came to glorify those Russians who"conspirecTl aL-. HE CENTERED, specifically/ .on,students.."American with the Germansduring World War ll, when the United"States • . Tstud^nts-have tp-think about,scholarships and such. ThcSoviet" and Russia were fighting-Nazisnf." he continued/"He areued^^ -' :; ypunj? pfioplepfrom their,early childhood, getiiised to the idea'-oiot only .against the Soviet system but at tl>e same"time;tfi^Si .that everything will be free. The evocation isfree, and they do Atpericans, who were^allies^with the'SovietSi He Is against the® --.not to worry;about their future assome Americans seem; American people as well as the Soviet 'people." ' > to •" —* „ • i . » '• ' SEDYKH SAID he hopes.to become, a coatlTin'the'future," • • ii .5 ®®o®s nqt have the facts to back this up.; these . atei the Impressions he>gets. — — although first fie will have toserve twoyears in'theSoviet arm--^;l ed forces which is mandatory. He said he sees it as his duty 'f<' YuriSedykh ile-aaflfigJhat on thejMole,' Americans understand what thgSoviets thmk About the lff?6 Olympics in Montreal, he saidhedid ndt liketqfj Texem Sfaff Wioloi by StanUy firtar'Sfi"! I ..Soviat6thlets': :: i.rffgmialor.*. "W ir •" v-JT'-k r- • >* «•»** r *7 #v I -*»#s Vev-WAS -»* t/»* i ,5 *«<•»" t » r . ,-*•• *« sLJLSL^&i * *'"v:'•?v--'J--"'V^ / '"'-i-*?.-, V:-51 ^./ A i: :"•'--v,,:', V . J| """"" a ^ J. .. t--I n**nz.*wrx*ii.*rvyi~ntf?*-iyli;.". y^.y.v.\.r..y.*» •ps. 13i Hippie Hollow Improvements Resignation Rumors Stir By SONDRA STALCUP •"' promised assistance and Sup--incidents ot. people; getting" City Council ble with.the parking problem problems long before he was hazards ..Texan Staff Writer :.. port v ; . "ripped off" 'and and residents elected. .."T--. protection, of . • Tfie problem of Hippie ;Tlre -governor's news caused by illegalparkirig. and visitors-'He.has had some"' '• " , v „ The prospect of a.special -tion while .waiting • for .a "probably not be a"Candidate if^.­: CiHollow, whiclri lias pfagued secretary^Bob Hardesty.^aitf'—^rt..anj!mergenGy-did.toeeur, cars towed away when found : .• ^rs" "J?berg; whose, City Council election if Mayor' definite answer/from Love: a special' election is called"'-; >4.Comanche Trail homeowners' Tuesday that CharlesHerring; an ambulance,: fir^truck or parkedillegaily, has husband heads .the Comfeoche Pro-Teni Dan Love resigns -T.fevino has worked, in' during' immediately " or - for years, has; reached Gov. -_LCRA general -manager, police carcould not.driveinto answered: complaints,'tails, •Trail Association, said . they1has attracted a number.of per-,yarioijs-federal social welfare preceding the trip. " "Dolph Briscoe's ottice; -V * promised cooperation in .look-... the area'because the cars are issued citations and in one in-... .... • originally -considering programs in Austin the Hofmann, • alsb would like.. ta-sae users of sons for Margret i Nudity' and skinny-dipping • ing intoimproving the parking packed 'togelher '.s6"~tightly..-crdentarrested'a member of a area residents last 10 years,. was campaign "Think Trees -­ tliethe and resldents pet next April's'council election. 1 get. originator of Jare no; loir'ger prominent • situation and providingsanita-Charles >Yebb, ^D«moct-atic - together: She expressed hope "Former^eouncilnian Dick motorcycle ganfc tt.h'o pulled a • manager -for .County Com­.week,aiid-iristrumehtal:in-the •.v ' ^ I • issues Traffic :hazar.1 'lUiliutituaVc.'o'w^ T legislature—. consider running-in a special "Authority ft rR A > ' ~~ 1—-nOi^Hpprviqinrunnrl pnfiirre--. parking Ppnple • have been tell everybody else to heed,the -goveftior'sitaffl:. d(»cided .what i. wiH do;", he Dr."; Emnia Lou Linn, "flection."' if people considerpassin; -The "Comanche Trail ment was "tip tothe county. paiSnglfielr.'&ffs.completely. J??' l° P?rk . MrsV^omherTr said. * ' *chairwoman».of the Trjjvis rne ^the best candi'date." • /'Association, composed o'f . ' Residents, la* enfprcement" on the pavement, even.m "No member of'the Citizen's residents in that area,-' officers and Hippie Hollow" Parking" zones,.1ie added.; ' : " Natural Resources'"tr aresented its case td -the visitors are dismayed by the CONSTABLE Gene' Collier -- ",l^jivironmental Qahty,proble would '-governor's office "and was increasing' number-^peo{>ler^has-assisted-as.much as.-possi :• complaints and pleas f , Committee and was theYour Co-Op . Dividends Must Be kind' of Iav^-tHsjt harasses vquestiohs will:be cleared.soon ' '. Former cbuncil gandidate Linn, who was active in the . originator of the-school area ' 'people^' C'olliersaid. HpHe must:must-and Imorovements startWl John 'JTfevino/aiso.'is-i'con? atte'mpt to' save-Hunnicutt side'vvalkVprogratn. • .W^fee-peoRle who^o-out Law enforcement-was also-'-sidering the ptossible racS.^'I House last spring, is planning \! Rol&nd^DeNoier-owner-of­'.^icr-e-.as. TOll .as'fhUou who .ner main coiiceYnr and she-Tiave.^eeri talklngto severalof-a two-Week trip to Russia in Sah^tion Sandwicjie^, also is ­my frietrds v live tHer6ir;h&added. -• *said•• '"reTidents^have^he^d• ' uabout rt :but-ha^~.rADgnst-t.r-study hlStorieai^i^^^!.t±S2^7ble This is the tinie that latf of -ec,sl6n yst'" ^rese^ation in m°s?ow COLLIER ;and . Webb ex- un you haVe been Waiting for. Russian psychological successfully ^campaigned in . pressed ' a • desire '-for com- It/s.the time to turn iin yoMf . munication. between those hf -"rfnet Tr^no said he originally research -m areas including the Apjil,'1973, council race mental .illness. and ^psychic against Drv§iid Dryden. . gordenec;d ,cglor^" -receipts t Second Floor DeNoie is a graduate of the balety • to the.Go-Qp'.-for mojijey. Biit: • -"Jl,',L. , - • talking abo.ut a special elec-^ Ltwv^says oohof Law.' fr ' rprpBIemS-involve, everyone, No Goldenrod Receipts ;COLLIER^said many people • " " • • * . 7* if yoju don't turn them in by . arid '^'everyone is concerned have told hint,of the drug use _ . •' a^out law: enforcement," Accepted After • Jurie June 30 you piight7.qs well Jjut that'it would-be pointless Webb said. _ . ' to try togo dpwnjn theatea to throw them away becaose local Webb also Is director 6f the . arrest" anyorie' for drugS:: •we won't take. them. Lake Travis Improvements because they can hide"it-easi- Student ID. Dividend Remember, that the Co-Op. Association and showed active IV. and he might havettFmake .concern for Hippie Hollow ah illegal search.. : : " .• checks will be. mailedin Will be closed _ Sntu'rdny, By BI^YAN BdliMLEY--networks.' in^ election years, precaution'.'Sepfember, Co-O>.p ;^juiie 29 for Invehtory-so-to —--i;exaa Staff^WHter -i-bars';local and .'stateWide can-..CBS. . Democrats . lacing oij-didates frbm appearingon the -/-•.V Wynn said that local groups' be faf? you better turn Closed-Saturday ponentsIn the November-etec-. third,fund raising telethon of. ' Bad been active in securingthem in Friday4or go by and tiCms. will, not be allowed to the Democratic Party. t . .pledgds. and publicity for the' . , Inventory 'pick up a dividend envelope appear on the nationwide'..;.Gordon Wynh.ofWillsPpint,'"-*event a«'d:stresS?d the local • Pemocratic telethbn to be co-chairman of the' -teieUioh ! ;Appeal of the venture. ' and1 mail it into us, post­ .broadcast on CBS J.iine. 29. '' for Texas, expressed nb sur-:"We're„.letting everybodymarked' by June 30. ^11 a.m. -8 p.m, The CHS decision, b&sed on. pnse at the ban,-which he-said(; participate rather 'than the • equal-time guidelines fop all -'showed-''an .abundance*-of politics,of the'ftw, as yd(i see" •• ^ I. .. ^ IDividends apply only to UT. -Thursday • r ; June 27 . .in Washington, wittr-thelai'ge \Afrd T*' students, .staff, and faculty. 10 a.m. -5 p.m. ' lobby interests," Wynn said. ' 11 ,d. . "So. we ask you to.'bring your -Friday • George Bristol, .the other"' jti[%' nionT?!^. -> June 28 • The University '."»o-c hait:m a.n; sa i'd,-.the"V U-T student identification accelerated pledge' canipaign'^|tijM TEXAS UNION • /card or .we can't ^accept the CHAGALL, BftSKIH. ROUflULT, CO-OR, • and the,"addition :of..phone.--'; hanVi at ; lhpal Ty 'statirina ' receipts. OflUMIER. MATISSE. PICASSO GALLERY Consumer Action, •would, enhance' the effec-"/ . *»«n iia v nrucDC Rrsfflwr/Union HI1U IIIKllt UintitCr. nmmmrtmuta •tiveness of the'spectacle.• Jf' ­ Thl^UtiiyersrtYrCo-Op^ r-— Line ^Thi*n Consider the quiet privacy P1«S« IDENTIFICATION TYPE^i IMP under the spreading oak vo» Nixon J2 8?^ trees of our one bedroom PICTURES ^ apartme'nts for.$165 AH !SnK-r-h Bt/fs Paid. , •' r> * 1-Day Quick, Reliable Service , Palo Blanco ttlU** » ,i riU. . 1 ;v 911 Blanco 472-T030 "i"S. You have until June 2Btli to save " on the trt* n«I2!: spec:it'f Gurney ^°"°P Stereo Shop during *-'TJTin »«* BY their Inventory Sale. m l,M 1.Ail"•>>'*»' . TEAC 220 Cassette Decks , 4 $239.50 reg. $159.50 now TEAC 210 Cassette Decks $189.50 reg. $129.50 now Technics -S/V-520Q Receivers {#^$219.95 reg. ! $164.95. novy SA-6000X "$399.95 reg. $289.95 now ,. V SA-6700X , $699,95 reg. $459^95 now m > Tr*>"r JVC VR-5^15 Receivers ~ %$299.95 reg."1 $209.95. now-J£Kre £^f^--r-—r -\-*sSlr^w «; r" tap^^a * $ale: Special on i,\ 1 •' 1———" \'t' lfl ­t/i^§ A —e^uraOY 11 BSnrtT poftable T.V.s. All^l iiJrrs! Open. tHI 9JO Thurs. qnd • Frl. f* r(1^h ? «r' N ^ Israeli Says NATO Vital tdStable BRUSSELS^BSgium (AP),-Presi-acknowledged /Water-gat.e poses • did not go to the summitrwe would be: dentNixon, arriving for talks withAtlan-. problems in, the pursuit "of American; saying we ,&re not a functioning, tic»allies, said Tuesday, ni^ht his".' foreign, policy since, in Ms view, it , government.'' presence.hepe between trips to the Mid­represents:an attack on-ceritral authori--Newsmen oruNixon's plane were told .'By The. Associated Press % dle East and-MoScpw symbolizes the' ty.. . . . . " the President ivouid-outlin6 his view of Israel-shelled a . village .in southenf?-*4t central Vole of the North Atlantic Treaty • • But he argued that Nixon has generally " the NATO alliance at . Wednesday's ­^Lebanon Tuesday, Lebanese sources? Organization (-NATQ) in the pursuit of had a successful foreign pplicy and that*"7 "meeting, to be followed by a general dis: said, an apparent reprisal fqr a Palesti peace. . , .-"--v ''youcan'tjust.StopHhat — HistorywQ.uldi-Cussipn. v" : ­ man terrorist attack against the Israeli^®' Nixon, welcomed at a lormal airport never forgive iiim." .-t——f -A--N'ATO,IofficiaL.expresseddoubt;,i_ _ ; seacoast town of Nahanyya. ceremony by Belgium's King .Baudouin,'7 ' Speaking:of the timing-of the third an-/ however, that the, formal,summit.would • • In the Golan Heights, where-the dis^ggj] saidthat without NATO "it is doubtful nuar AmericarirSbviet sumipit,; the of-/-"allow much| opportunity for give-and--, engagement of Syrian and Israeli troops" ! detente with the Soviet Union would be . fical said: . • %-....take inasmuch as 15,countries-would par­wa? completed a oay ahead or-scneauie-, continuing.-'' .-----i ; s*It.,wds:s«iheidtited.-t^sf^eAr^.^rebMd'-nb-'r.V-:ticip^te in a Session "s^eduT^ for-only "• •A^thn. Prpcirtpnt anri Mk' Nixon flew ' reason to cancel. It had fo'be tield. If we:'y'two;hbiirs: • a land mine exploded on the slope of I hererTiowevet, a high; White House of-Hermon and killedfourAustriansoidii of the Uriited: Nations TJisgr J I ficial aboard hisplan6 told newsmen thai "•""'a permanent American-Soviet agree­ Observei;' Force!' Plumbers ment—oh_4imitiiig_^|fer^yejnuclear . The mind exploded observer-weapons would '-be -impossible at thi force^ T^lfxvefTthe^Sparation^bijffe: Moscow summit that-begins Thursday. zone from the evacating Israeli trobpsl • The officiSl"sSd^ixon3^4d~Soviet A fifthAusU^Sit soldier • was wounded "U-^-'jeaders-would first Jiave to reach agree: • slightly^ffie explosion, which a U.N. _ment oft where they want to go and that WASHINGTON-(AP) — John D. consultant.; spoj^pffman said occurred when the 7TSecretary-of Stat? Henry A. .Kissinger.—Ehrlichman, President Nixon's longtime • : " Charles W. Colson. a^special counsel to (sftnanfi' car hit a mine while riding . may have to make a,post-summft trip to right hand in domestic, affairs,-'goes'on • the Presid^t^.'recalls the high degree ofalong a road in Syrian-terhtory. " --Moscow to keep any momentum going.. "trial with* three convicted burglars ' alarm expreised by both'the President '• ||It was not clear if the mine was set by!| Nixon and leaders uf 14 other NATO \ Wednesday-for-a-plot -to -steat-ra: psy-and Kissingpr.at leaks of national securi-. "Syrian or Israeli troops. -• > : member-countries' will sign a. com-^ xh'iatrist's records about Dani'el . ty matters. . ' ; > PRELIMINARY REPORTS ffrm-promise declaration -of principles ;-pisberg: -,c. ... ' -. JHE PRESIDENT, Colson said; tdid Beirut said losses were heavy as the Wednesday ainied at ensuring ponsuita.-.;-Ehrtichntan and the.otters arelcharg-. :him in effect at the end of June, 197i,"I "• village oi Jouaya came uilder intend ;tion and cooperation among the allies; ed' with a White House-bred'conspiracy -; doh'i give a damn-how it is _done; do '" Israeli artillery fire. sJouaya is 12 miles In addition; Nixon and Kissinger will •.-; to violate 'the psychiatrist's rights by whatever has"to ie-done to stop these: • ? • north of the. israe'l-Lebanon border arid: • have private talks witn new leaders ol 7^breakingcihtaJ{ik^e^ee-^ith jBritain, West Germany!and4jt^ly}y ~^ ^process,^rpbablacaase, search warrant ' ' disclosures." ' v:-;;:v ... ne'an'pprt of-Tyre. , ~ ' Apmrentjy bydesign;f'rehch'Prenijg.r; onother lawful authority;'* -' According to the indictment returned ' - Four Israelis, wereTulIed~artd eighi -Jacqtrei"^Chirac .delayed his arrival in . The'j'ury trial isexpected to last about. last March 7, the-first 'jijvert act" in the ;' • wounded when three guerrillas.invaded 7--'rBrussels-until-Wfednpsflav mbmincr thus ' •' a month. It is the Second of-three maior ' conspiracy:was orjvJuJy 27, 1971, 'when an. apartment .hpuse ekrly .Tuesday in 45becoming'-the .last of-the. important, trials; in the Watergate' attermatn in-.'Ki'ogiraiid Young-senfa memorandum to. — ii Naha^iyy'a; sevSn hiites soutli of /the. ' NATO figures to join the gathering. , , . vojving men wha were once in the Nixon Ehrlichman discussing a 'requ6st--feir ' Lebanese border. The Palestinians-also, -UPl.Takphota The White House mentioned no plans: KTgh Command.. , '„ preparation1of'a "psychiatric..stwdy"' -on perished under Israeli'army, gunfire. J r.for a {*Jixon-Chirac.meetlng. ^ . IEhclichman-'s -co-defendants are G. Ellsberg, .. Nixon leaves plane in Brussels Israeli ^retaliation had beenexpecteif;?: ** The official :oni Nixon's 'plane^Gordon Ejddy,43,^Bernard^L. Barker, 57; Tyvo Weeks vlater they recoinmended Premier Yitzhak Rabin^told the' Israeli and.Eugenio Martinez, 51. '"that a covert operation be undertaken -.. : parliament the raiders had come by sea The 49-year-old Ehr-lichman, ;who to examine .the medical files held; by ­from Lebanon and his government retunjed to law practice in Seattlejifieir Ellsberg'S psychoanalyst, covering the /, regards "Lebanon as fully responsible." • , leaving:the White-House,.also is charged tWo-yeSr period • in which; he..was iiii--. '-'However, the official Palestinian . with on^ count of lying to an FBI agent. dergoing analysis.. • '. and-thr.ee counts "of -making false • In the efficient manner of White House •News. Agency, WAFAi maintained m a ,-;'v By ANNE MARIE KIL"DAY ' have been two or three votes away from tThe article includes a proyision which ­ statement» issued from Damascus that final adoption," Sullivant said after statements to a federal grand jury; •memosj there was .a space fp-r-' Texan Staff Writer. -will require all tax assessors.tp grant' -the thr£e guerrillas had atlacked fronfa '; • Deregatest'0";f^le''Gb^IstitutIonal, adoption of4h£_priC)posaL, elderly homeownera a ^OOO tax exemp ' FOR EHJU4CHMAN,-a defendant a.lso •Ehrli.chman to check off ' approve", or i x: i L .-i' 1' ' " :i T iT'-'t-r—l base in Israel, it'said the raid against Convention approved' Tuesday a . plan' Speaking in favor of his' amendment^ tion On their property. Rep ' I^eil''' 'n next-?eptpmber'5.Watergatecoygr-up ;_-;'disatpbrove." He put his injtial "E'L Naliariyya • was "quick retaliation" for which would allow taxes on petrbleum Davis said^ that it would-provide a jCaldwell of Alvin attempted to change conspiracy-trial,.cdnviction on'all counts, .".ovbr:approve and added by hand: "if Israeli air strikes against Palestinian productsmanufacturing tosupply money -legitimate.solution to Hie problem'of ad-', the provision to allow* but hot" require in this qe.se could mean a maximum . done under your assurance that it is not camps in-Lebanon last week. " -for state general revenue funds,-, ^ ding .money, to the generalrevenue fund; such exemptions, claimingthat the manv • Penalty of'^ years-in prison and a$50,000 . traceable." " 3, • THE ISRAELIS had claimed at the The proposal was approved by.exactly , "With a production tax, 80 percent of datory exemptions could wipeout the tax fine-F°r £heothefs4he maximum on the:;.,,--One^ 'memo froni Ehrlichma:n re-r----tifno (tint t^oir frfrikftS .war? iff retalia-j-lheJtwo-thirds majority needed to make the taxes-would be paid by nonresidents base' of and schoolsch6ol ! ^onspiracy count is lO years and no.ooo.'nJIO.OOO.';;' quested C to "a game numerous counties f conspiracy Colson prepare tion for"earlier Lebanese-based guerrilla changes.in'the-Finance Article^ whiclfls^ Hictrint'c . _ , ^ : .fhree use of materials to be derived of Ttetas-feho are using these fuels. It!s^ The case's beginning was fhree years' '." plan" for ' raids against .Israeli villages, . undergoing third reading, •Tnerely p ^question of whether you want"-• When it'becaiheevident the convention ags* tl»3 week whenThe NcwYork Tirrips —from the "proposed undertaking by Hunt The spitaling retaliations could en-. ; TKp plan intrnrifmed bv Reps. Bob the £ax burden, to be borne100 perbent by "-'did not support,his language, Caldwell -began publishing the, "Pentagon . and Ljddy," '•'Davis of Dallasiarid Ronald Coleman of • :ihejjfeoplt! of Texas," he said:^^ rnj^.M>rf_aiWin f» »h P-vntors -to' / Papers," a series of articles based on a Hunt, Young and Krogh were-named agreements negotiated by Secsetary ofT CTP^oTS^l^SinwTevenues'frof e the Question of mandatory tax ex-. .Pcutagujt study. of. U.S. involve' cn-r'onspm}tors--but--Jwere not indicted;; ­Stat'e-Henry A, Kissinger forIsrael's war es at the refinery level to go.into the amendment which, allows citizens to TMnptiortl. tAf Ihf rldniJ ;;'ljilTjflgFBSrif^°^f;'itci"'frp-'ViPtnarn -• They will be major witriessfes;"uftaef-«n~ fronts with Egypt and Syria, i-. ' state general .revenue fund; instead of • -"pay taxes under protest and sue for a 'separate submission which was defeated :Soon kfterward, it became Known that rnunity.,-"3T~i ' Diplomatic analysts in Beirut said the into..the Highway and Available School refund of taijei;";"Sponsored; by Rep. 89-62. the papers were copied and distributed Cqlsoh 'was charged asa Conspirator in • Palestinians oppose the agreements, and Funds'.• -James Nugent of Kerrville, the amend­• Rep. Billy Williamson of Tyler propos-;i>y ^Daniel" Ellsberg, a scholar who-had -both the plumbers arid the' Watergate r . :they,;hope to; provokelsa;mahy;israeli • J. THE FINANCE ARTICLE includes a ment directs thecourts to, "insure equal ed-a limitj on state welfare .spending' been ,...a consultant with the JRand Corp. • cover-Up; cases, but the charge was dis-reprisals against Lebanon that Syria and provision which requires that all taxes treatment''-for the • complaining^ tax^-;—Which also was rejected.by _the_conyen-tmnk-rtank in Santa-Monica, Calif, n i=missed when he pleaded guilty on June 3 Egypt will abandon the olive branch and ,. from motor fuel oil be allocated'three-payer, as -torell as all other' taxpayers-tfon. Williamson proposed limiting state • "IT POSED A TOREAT so grave as to lito obstructing justice bv trying to smear .,; go. to-Beirut's.aid., • • fourths to-the Highway. Fund-and.one-within the taxing authority. Nugent's' • welfare Spending.to 2.5 percent of the wquirp-extraordinary actions;" Prest-fillsberg in ^dvance-of his triallastyear.7 lit Jerusalem; -israeli-lnformation^v-fnugin^totafea^aMhlP^Sptinh^infi—. -amendment'was approved.-99-39. -• state budget. < dent Nixon was to-say.later. "Iapproved ,Colson also will be witness. V Minister-Aharon Xariv said support for The Davis-Coleman' plan deletes — ....... . ...... _ . .KROGH LAST WEEK.finishedservmg "" the creation of. a Special Investigation ' a • Palestinian terroris'm by Arab countries from! the Unit-within the. While Ilouseswhieh-latef^--=:--'four'and-8-half month^: pf-a. sixrmonth ; separate submission article such as Egypt raised doubts aboiit those which had been , included.-on second came to be known as the plumbers. This : pnson sentence after pleading~gfilty tor ' •"countries'desire for peace, • ' reading. The separate.submission would , • was.a small'grbup at the White-House • the cbhspiracy charge.• . '• -THE SOLDIERS KILLED in; .have allowed voters. to approve the ' • whqse principal purpose was to stop " Ellsberg. the target of it all, was. ac­'j, .^Tuesday's mine explosion were tfte first allocation of revenues from motor fuel Violehce Said Widespread in China ' security leaks .., I. looked to John quitted.along .with Anthony-J. Russo / '^casualties to the.interfiational' buffer oil taxes to the;Highway Fund and to the lEhtjiehinan for the supervision of this . because, of government improprieties itt^ ; HONG -KONG (UPI) — A directive'jssued by Peking U^^^weeks ago" gi^fipji?.' force beingset upfor theGolan iront and Available School Fund. "^theprosecutioMncludingthe^break-inat— marred the final day of. the disengage­ apparently has led to violence }n many cities, and provinces in China, Ehrliehnjan's assistant, Egil. Krogh, Dr. Fielding'S-office.. -. • Rejs.' Bili Sullivant of Gainrfsville. tjie ment process^Jsraeli troops completed sponsor of the separate submission, said diplomatic sources specializing in Chinese affairs said Tuesday.--was pijt in;; char^e. David Young, a',| The defendantsclaim they were acting evacuationsragfe'ed to in the disengage­he was "disappointed that the people of member ;o£ Henty. Kigsiri'ger'S' National' it) the-name of hatio'nal security. Wall po'sters, which have'been. the main medium in Chinas present Security Council staff, was added. So But U.S. Dist. .'Judge Gerhard A. ment agreement, lowering their flags in Texas will not^ecidetheu^es of gasoline* ntass political campaign,-Jhave said in the la'st few.davs there have been Quneitra, -the-war-ruined capital-ojf the--tax revenues,-'-'— ' ' ere Liddy,; then a. presidential staff-~ ' .GeSell;.who will preside at the trial, has violent clashes in a do7en maior cities and provrncial dVeas of Golan Heights^ and turned over to U.N.: "The Da?is»Coleman amendment was sistant, and E; Howard Hunt Jr.., at tK-ruled out a national security defense-. China and that deaths occurred ln. Kiangsi province. forces the.top of Mt. Hermon and the a compromise .for many people, but; I- Rafid crossroads in southern Golan. think the Separate submission would . The China gpfecialists amongt th^diplomatic corps said the^'hid been unable to confirm the reports of fatalities but that t^e reports must fo- Watergate Panel taken seriously sincfe theposters wer^ put u^in Pekiipg with the support^! ;:;'f at least some members of the central leadership^. -> . v " 'Tlre^spateof-posteps apparenti^'was the out^wth of a new directlve issued at th^ end of May by the Peking leadership, authorizing attacks on' leaders and also permitting foreigners to-read 'the poSters, In the past" Gift Limits Urged . WASHINGTON (UPI) — The Senate been investigated as a' result of "the Watergate committee voted formally.-' burglary. ;.••••' " • ——r -great fefforts were, made to keep; foreigners from-seeing posters; • ^ Tuesday to recomroenclestablishment of , ,,v ,,. ,. .. • ". .. ... -Heiress Draws Hard Labor for Art Robbery ­ a permanent special prosecution office ^ ^?£ ^as'n^°'v^ l°' he to^^irswe.governUhtai wrongdoing and ; • *** B: Howard Hurtt latV |UP!)* —-A special criminal court Tuesday-sentenced.Dr;: K " --s -6 ' convicted as.a mastermind of the to limit cash political conlributlons to Bridget Rose Dugdale, the English heiress who; turned her back on high Watergate break-in), have all these dis­$1.00 per person per. candidate in federal sofciety, to nine yearst1imprisonment at hard labor jor her part in lpipt " guises,.a clandestine camera and false, election^. --_ . ?• " identification," E^vin said. He referred Aprif.'« great art robbery, . ' . • . i But the committee voted against to equipment that; Hunt, a former CIA recommending public financing of galley's Bait Request Denied -; • -"Azr agent, checked out of the agency in ad^,. poIiticaT campaigns;and~against-com-­ vance"«t"the"197f"EUsberR-break-inT-^s^-—COLUMBUS, Ga^ (AP)-^^ A federgl judge said Tuesday he wou]d con-•_posing an election code of ethics.' -• ' • ^ ' " " lit"a'series of mostly urianimou&-vstes -•,-—The-.committee. Jffiilimeet jgain • sidCTWHUa'mL~;Cal'ley Jr.'s appeal ofhis My~LarmTtrderi!onvietion afief» * three days before it is scheduled -ty go Wednesday to act on. Baker's report. T'ejeteng-aTnewTequesHhatbe-free-GaHey-on-bail™^ -. out of existence, 'the pan^l also Ervin said the committee had agreed' /jEariigir in the dayJ-the.fbrmei: Armyi|putenant's attorneys argued that „ recipimended a variety of measures in­'-to special prosecutor Leon Maworski's Gen. William G. Westmoreland, who waSin charge of American troops in tended to prevent or deal with political , request to withhold publication of its Vietnam in ^^,ififlnenced1ifismurder ^se.against Calley:while publicly abuses pf the kinds that it"deems con-report until after a jury is selected and; -rtrlbiited to the evolving Watergate sean-• sequestered in-the^Ellsberg_ break-in denying his own responsibility. -, 1 dal. trial which. begins Wednesday.-Ervin The 3I-year'^old Calley^-wfio-.is aerving a-lO-year-sentence^for^^eJSfia-. PORTIONS OF THE COMMITTEE'S said/the report probably will be-released miH-der«f 22 ^ietnamesecivifians at ifayXai, has been confin^^tojthWtr" • final report already have been leaked to Jqljr^ when the Senate returns from its Benning stockade since last week .whenj:the.'V.S.> Circuit^uft in New reporters and published. The portions ;FoUrth^of July recess. ~ . , . .Orleans lifted his bail -privilege.' a concluded PresidentfNixpn's administra-. Exact' details of .the tJoijimUtep's­tion and political aide$ had perpetrated recommendations.were not released, but Stock Market Rallies broad abuses of the electoral processand members said 'th'ey generally Included:; . NEW YORK (AP) -The v ie governing machinery: • Establishment -.oL£_commission to' -stpck iTiarket-pullfid-QUt of its re-2 But it was made clear the coihmittee ; regulate at)d supervise all federal elec­ would not go into;Nixon's role, if any, ill tion^, with the power to file lawsuits.'. cent, slide with a substantial NEW YORK (AP) — New-York war Stock Exchange closing index -the abuses becanser iRan? now .the . -• Establishment of a counsel' to technical rally Tuesday. , . ; vs -Market.... .. .. up 41 cents5 -province of. the House, Judiciary Com--*Congres"s to handlelitigations such asthe . The Dow Jones average of 30 ^•iBp^iiirnittee's impeachment iftquiry. < < -.committee has, waged against the White index 46 55 up 0.63 DLIFE industrials climbed 12.§2 points' Industrial 52.19 up 0,frSen'.. HowariTH. Baker Jr., J*-Tem£:i House-during the last several months to 82^.85, and the more broadly Transportation.. 33.17 lip 0.32 committee.' vice-chairman, told oyer;securingrpr^sidential-tape-reeor­ iltilityr., reporters he~had prepared a separate "" dings^nd other eVidense-^^-—--*r— based' New York Stock Ex- 28.56 up'0.26 "Finance, X4ft98Tip-0:44 issi'ble CIA-involvement in • « In lieu of .publicly financed cam-qhange (NYSE) composite rose the 1972 breffk-in and. bugging of" "*,pa1gns,"To intrirail -the allowable^ tax --6-3-to^-46.55i -• ""V ITT Democratic' National Headquarters-in de.duction for political contributions- the Watergate-office simplex here-r ~r. (now'a maximum $l!Z.50 per Uixpayen *ilot Cfaims Heatly Obtained Planes( He_said^ClADi)rectorWilliamE.Colby .* •fe*;To niak^ the .conspiracy statute,-. r yi AUSTIN^AP) — An Abilene pilot who'se invoice's for 10charter flighits v-"} had "suggested" in"a letter some^'vei^"-whlch-has beeii%s^;tn^rosequtions^f-4; '•werp Ine oasis tor ^tatFmffibu"rSSiaent"Qf^744n<5L"JtepirW^Sf JH[«atly"of ­ ^mirtor" deletions in the,report, which Watergate defendartts, apply; to in­ '.^"Baker^aidJie hqped to make part of the dividuals as; well as. persons:actin^-in ' Paducah says he mereiyflew.planes-that.Heatly had obtained elsewhere^ • committee's final report. . 1 , concert.. " v -. Sam Jennings s^id Heatly lea'sed the planes fi^om private firms jn SEN! SAM 3. EKVIN JR.tP-N.C.t Uie. / the Hatch Act, tilhich ' • Abilene-, but he, declined to name the companies.^ ^ ^ ;S"t.'v '' 1 ^pglcommittee chairman; toldreporters that.--vjjjrbhiblte'.-"- Heatly" also refused {o'say where he_got "the three aifferenlAircraft JflJjthere was -ns>'evidence lhe CIA was Civil Seryice. emj>loyes, to ftie Justice/ . ; jiientlonedJn ihvoicfes from Flight Standards of Abilene; signed^iby Jen­ directly involved^ .. .' -1 -, ; ; Departmeht'and the-AttorfteylSaieral. nings as president.'- IdonotpersqnallyHhinktheCIAhad^ advan,ce.knowlfe<}ge;orvparucipated—legaF-political contributions?by cor-*vi --While-Jenning3^idHeatly^adleased^hea|f6raft=frtQm'other>people, . .... « Increase the'criminal penalty-for/il-;; Stall.Wwfo byiMotion TayM in any way. in the Watergate burgltSry;" -porations. • -his. inyoices foi^the 10 flights;alh^contained charge for aircraft rental, Ervin-^aid.-Hut"'fie added. ""The 'OlAj -• -Increafe.Congj-fessional review-ofall1 , .ranging from $4StSftbour fdr a Beechcraft Botian&t to JS|5.an houf for_a 1 &ffSoline-PropgUed Debate ^tnniigfiiy—triwt ^ hlde some .oMts'lii;; . tedergl'-lnvestigativti^agenclesJlsuch^as; -* ,.. -• . . " Twin Cessna 320. £ump«r stickers, allow thp oWnerjCthi*car to draw aH*mh>rrtis b.i^4>pinionl,on "is it —-""'"ement'Lin other activities,that nave'.. the L'lA and the KB! --• " -*0eh >..*«»>--.-••. asSwAffw-JiF^cisK? f.^,T «£>& 4^*4-* , ­ ri*4' ? association's chairperson. Carolvn time, when.-*federal legislators are questioning whether another is straightened there, a wide avenue is'con-; an absentee landowner ot three lots on " ' ~ *" " ' • — • • ­ re 'revenue sharing funds evenshould be allowed for use in jw". vertedjto one-way floi&^tSffgered-sigrjdl systems areNinth Street. Most importantly. Butler-is niayor of the* sioti hearin^-jn May, "Will the real reason please stand capital improvements projects. i . •>—••• • —. installed far fnM^mmyernant. n hrtdste in double.• city government whtch»is 'trying to-paive paradise. : up?" • V-'• decked^ <^j$tf"capacity is reached, an'expressway is Maybe the neighborhood is not paradise. burthen ' Part of the neighborhood group's Concern.is;that the -ilniVArcitv ctroofr nlnn • ^t..t^pugh:yjondsrJ^nd^mMyjjvhole webs of ex-maybe Austin has paved-its given number of paradises -park, which is what the;Audubon Society terms a "unique" ' -T"'tMf H1u11 ^gfe'ssways. . , . alfffaid^Tn thA-mp»mHAr5-nfith»-/!llrf._A.iviitin. Wc»iohKAT*krtrtH ,.,;n u« •«*.!' h." • T jac't fimo .ma lAnir^ ViriaVA' o>;n w : fewrAn»^ntrees,nr a i• biological-area.''. will be split bv"Ninth Strppt-Last time we looked, there were' still a • No onentep in this process isriii itself,'crucial. But an use I ^good nurnber-0f-older-hous'es-and-noTnew--street& in the_._ cumulatively the effect is enormous. ' ..-! /Century-ofd houses dominate the area."Along Shoal." park now, because you cannot get to it with a car. area"west ot campus. --~'"t \ —. Jane Jacobs Creek, which winds-through a;centralized park, a unique,' Besides, the city says it wrti make the pa'rk nice? to use We can't say it will belhat way for long, but while it's ~~"7 ' "The Beath and Life of Great American Cities" biological "and quite natural garden exists, currently un-• by installing sidewalks and potting .the trees,. • • that-way,,the westcaiTipusneiglib6rhood stillis a comfor­ der the auspices of a city park.-Soon. Ninth Street also "" The Old AustinNeighborhoodftssociaticmsirnplydoes table place to live= Nonetheless, practicaliy 'eVery time i The above quote"from a book by Jane Jacq&s describes will go; through the park. . ' ; , ; -, ' • • ' -hot like the city running two soon-tff-be major highway we roam through the neighborhood there are more trees -the-prbblena all. Ammcan . cities are . having: the "I'won't make any money on the deal," says Butler.-.: arterierttirough their neighborhood arid altering a park and.older;homes being removed and torn down. Arid the auto i5 using t^e cit^.ijistead-of Uie other way, around. - . ... « , . ^ "Maybfi hej won't.---Maybe he will..... give.._ the.— land away. ...v...,. n,.« u . Austo;s^ suffenhg froiin the sain? ero3i6n Jacob?talks, M^ba th'e city could ^ to build a street . This is a concern of the neighborhood, but riot Of the cl-City Road Czar Joe TernUs has a problem 6n his hands v u> t —^ D within (the. walking,6 dista!nce of their homes.. ar^a is constantly threatened by a new series of-streets. -.apout. Below, ine iexan looks at thre^ dufer^t or -two'two' without^ruimine liito" mavor-'s--propertyuiavor-'s—nronertv .. 4v "Wp;™nnnt ;ipt noiah(>nrKrvwi' cn-nime-bpon hwirw with this area.of thre^differ^'nt nibbles: 0r without. runnine irito' the ty. :'.We cannqt let neighborhood groups-keep blocking town. On orie-Aand, Guadalupe Street the Ninth Stfeet ext6nsion;-the Telocation of-Jled-River -somepla^WThe-myorusla.rich man.-_/ ' these projects^ said-Butler; "Everyone wants to leave literally is 'bverflowlng -with traffic. To compound the Street, arid the Umversity'street planoWe attempt to tell Members of. the Old Austin. Neighborhood Association his neighborhood andi-get .onto fast streets', but no one 'problem-the University is about to construct one of its wtiat is happening in each situation. ..;, are. not rich, yet, they say tjiey enjoy their un'clustered, -wants the sreets to go Uirough th^iFown neighborhood. funny ljttle guardboxes to close down Red River and San The Texari does "ndt mean to jiiriply that th6 three con­ qutet"envirpnmQnt^and Jtheirneighborhoodpark. It!S-toe damnedest-thine I've ever seen." Jacinto Streets to public trafficv . structions will not help alleviate traffic in" the city. Theneighborhoodasspciati^n hasdone.its homeworkin This^willsendmor6trafficUp°-GuadalupeCon|6stiops seem to get jvorse everyJday in. Ausjtip and trying-to preventthejstreetprQject intheir neighborhood. Red River relocation The city tfied, but could not build a new'system of more concrete can only, help wheels. What we question is In front of different city review boards, membei-s; have ' In what may be one, of the year's greatest ironies, the roads two y^ais ago because of.neighborhood opposition.the wfcole concept of building for the automobile. That is presented alternative traffic plans,menvironmental im-regents' agreement to close dowh Red Riyer Street and Neighborhood groups sa'id new roads will bring increased discusseff"in tfie column below the editorials. pact sStement,-critiques-of:the cityls^reports and even the city'sdecision to relocate it will result in the tearing. traffic,-which in turn will bring:in increased commer­an outline of ajsossible mpss transpOrtatiori proposal.•' • down of buildings. Quite a switch. •; '' *• cfaiization. Oops. There goes the neighborhood: extensipn Last spring the "organization • challeng'ed the city's Still, .not^eVeryone is happy about the plan, iri which Austin wanted to-6ulldoze'-:a-roaid -to'connect*the-in-* The gospel accprding to Joni Mitchell dictates that one a/}i Dttfnti' 1/liL ItfflL Hi. j. '11 t justification, for. the new streets. The. city responded by Red River — between 19th arid 26th Streets-will be tersection of 24t,h and Nueces Streets with the intersec­can "pav£ paradise ahd put up a parking lot." T saying the County Courthouse Annex'-Would soon cause' • Closed and relocated to meet Swisher Street and widened tion Of 26th"Street and .Guadalupe. In additiori,-theyWell,-our local government is tryihg to. East and traffic congestion in the area, v '• ' f, -^ . between .32nd'and 38th Streets. NU[NA, the North Univer-proppged making ftio Grande Street-Nueces arid 24th-25th 'furious.-In. what rpight be a ptece^^nt-setting battle; . ,. new jobs will be proyided-by the courthouse annex, sity Neighborhood. Association, Opposes .the project into major one-way:systems with no;streiet parking." Austin is playing the role" of^the pajrers; arid a group" said the association. In fket, they pointed out that a new because^jt -balieves^it to.tie a.last-minute-city,effort to . ternus, as directoF of the city's Urban Transportation knowq as the Old Austin . Neighborhood Association is county garage .wiil aUeviate congestion by. providing ad-,-widen as many streets as ppsgjble before the energy Department, also' thinks be nice' to ^nake defending the paradise. : ; " ditional off-the^street parkingr ' Crisis'forces Austin to mass'transportatiQii. Guadailupje a pedestrial mall. Yes, that would be .nice.Paradise is c^t a priihar'ily. residential . Then the city pulled .its consulting firm's report away * 1 Some-NU^-memberiobject to_thjs.plan;r^ submitted as - : But where do you put the traffic? If it means building a neighborhood between Guadalupe Street;.and fjorth from public inspection^ ordering the firm to*prepare a-" by ..Joe, Ternus; director of the Urban Transportation new highway systemTffiSough the-student-infestedJwest.-. ^ L^|ir Boulevardi roughly around Njrith and 10thStreets^—. new report -. Department —because it is based on 1961 data. Temus side of campus, the price of closing GUadalupe is too £ " 'vTT~:li? / replies that-the data'was updated last year. ihigh. We will nave exchahged bn^foa'd forthree or four Ternus defends the relocation of Red River because he •With Uie neNw roads, such as the'eity's proposed planv the " safe-tr-affir hpinp taken off Duval and-Speedwav'Streets arospects .pf; commercialization alongside, would be^Iby Ithp . new: will improve the. irrp8utihip tp the 7-11 and M.otner aartn oulldersr neighborhood by pouting it arouHa tne neignoornooJ: Right now, any immedtete planS^ip^sgaiy^feTO­vice-president-for business affairs, sponed until the results of Austin Tomorrow are in later explains-that-closing Red River between 19th and 26th;;juj;this year. OKCEfft tUJT Streets, along which the University owns all of the land, fiimcE Welike the west side of campus — the old houses which is defensible beeaus^of-the bumper-to-bump^r'.rush hour .remain,-the trees. It!s sort of scenic in places. If more'. traffic which daily slices through the campus. |s -v »v,^. ,roads come through; though, the inexpensive residential We're not. sure of the correctness of eitherlside's areas will 'continue to decline,, in favor of the University -M RQYB0Y arguments..But_ we are concerned "aljput the money the _ Shopping. Mart and Apartment City atmosphere oft.the ' city is putting'into Oils project when a sizabie number of " Rivifside Drive area^^'""" T& way TO go ajv;,; •—• -.-_ I5Js_ , — Ry BUCK HARVEY ' . plex to set up the system citywide, sp tation, around the city and allows* less^j There has been a lot. of talk recently, much more that I will not go into it all.' widening of .neighborhood streets. ;|"-"'about automobiles. People, say they So Sere are three of the riiain points of • • Serious planning must be done fot| , pollute. PeopleSay thereare too manyof the attrition ;theory*,as concerned .with the attrition process to take hold.'Haff of J -."them. People say there-isn't any fuel to Austin; ' v' . • the,process )s deadly: yoif end up with^>;' , --run' them. People, say you can't' even • The attrition theory isn't something cars attemptingto enter.the'city that can ^ park.them. that can be.adppted... after50 yearsof con-on'y handle some.Of them. Money, used —.,—. L ... Jn all, automobiles are to bjame for ventional building. Kigtit now, we build—ior-widening-the streets-can-be used to < pestilence, death, -famine and Wilson • streets to mptoUr traffic demands.The narrow them. Outlets must be devised .foreman bumper stickers.. ^vo Ninth Street extension-may help down-for trucks and}tixis. Mass transit must -Of c.oijrse, that .: town traffic, and the relocation of Red not be troublesome. Attrition must riot :' 'isn't all true. People River Street may help the campus,area. -turn into immobilization • don't hate all But as long as you keep building roads A strategy of attrition cannot be ar-\ 'automobiles,— only to meet in-town traffic, the more you bitrary or negative. Nor is such a policy­ othex people's , will have to ke^p building to me6t in-capable of giving dramatic, results im-» ^''automobiles. As you. creasing .traffic... Jacobs .tall .this ' mediately. And, right now, the theory *•'well know, your ojwn • "positive feedback." An action produces must sound impractical at best • personal'can -means a reaction which in, turn Intensifies the -But all of this is somethingfor the City ' freedom'/ arid * , J sex -A ^condition responsible for the firstaction. .Council and Austin Tomorrow' td' con-­ drugs. f K . And'so on. .-' -. • sider. Do we want oiir transportation "'• * So with this con­ Mayor Butler said Monday that "mass system to rely on something that may trasting love-hate situation, there isonly transit, is good. And it is coming to not be here iri 20 years? Do we want to '"V one way to please the masses: reduce Austin. But we aren't ready for it yet." separate and.cement our neighborhoods . ^.4he need of the automobile for ^«p*r.af Th« umvshfrv T«ir» «l AwaXn • chairman of the University-Big , virorimerital observers, including key , Several ariiend(rient&will be fought'for* K whole, simple idea —' called the Thicket Association.) . . EDITOR........i ; members of Congress,' are convinced on the House floor. One of these is thp* ' attrition of-the automobile -— is describ- Buck Harvey !-;• Thet inevitable • consequence .of the that pressures by constituents on their "SeiberMng Amendment," generally ed by.-Jane" Jacobs iftyher. .hook,. "The MANAGING? EDITQR 7 ..........-.rerHefner w 1 energy crisis is about to conie upon us: • representatives will be thedominant fac-favored by conservationists. This Death and . Life of G^e^tvAmencan-ASSISTANT MANAGING EJDITOR... Lynne Brock -^environmental destruction: Before long; ­ torin pushingastrong, ehvironmentally-amfendment would impose a fee of $2.5Q Cities.", Though .the plan^ideally func­NEWS EDITOR...:. ; * ihany states (especially Colorado and Pam Clark acceptable qoaj stripping regulation bill . per.ton on coal mined regardlessof loca­tions -in-a big city, it can well-apply to • g-jp. Wyoming>~will haye.vast.'.ugly.scars cut " ASSISTANT TO THE EDITOR...:... . .........Dave Risher through the[House* tbi§'session. tion. Funds frOmstripmined coal would-TrW traffic congested area. -in •them, disfiguring mountain coun-' SPORTS EDITOR..' ! ;..... -Rep. Morris Udall (Ariz.) has said he " be. used to-rehabilitate land areas, and • *' The attrition theory is the-opposite of »•' Larry Smith t it'nds from deep mined coal would be . the present day. building theory. Instead AMUSEMENTS EDITOR..: ..Debra Tripleft_.used for health and safety pf miners. ."V. of wideningand.building streetsIto make PHQTQGRAPJHERS......., • •••••'.•:.......Stanley FarrarrMarlon Taylor , ..... t... -, --jng-regisier.eo.-py segments ot inaustry * Another amendment is expected to be^j?-waX. ^r, more and more, cars, you cut -^ ISSUE STAFF w i mining, gventhough less.than^5percent fed other cohimercial interests. As he' •offered, by Rep. Ken IJechler of West-* ^back. Eventually you-make.street con- City. Editor -...-.-.......-...Dick' Jefferson |. of-the xation^oal-^ffljaT^coyefgdjy— Dut [t. "it'sgjinpto take a firestorpi of -t'o out less for cars .Virginia phase strip mining-^ditjons convenient and t strfp •mtnin^rJarge.companies intend-to General Reporters •.... Richard Fly, David Hendricks, public opinion to march-:the-incredibJej _ altogether. ' ' -_ _ ' , thereby force people to use other modes ffeSI carry on tbis>practfce anyway,sinceit is -'V*. ' Ken McHam^. Ann Marie Kilday pressure agaiftst'the bill." . If students do not want tosee ColoracTd~~;~transportation. -.' ' 7 v ea»er than deep mining. ^ News Assistants .^Bryan Brumley, Soodra Stalcup, Roger Dowriihe. Among the major concerns of en­• turned into a. b'attlefield-of -man vs. -. The tifeory isn ras~r5dicahas-it^may­ 1<; ^ We-may not be able to-stop striptnin- Contributors .Williard Hall, Ruth'Abboud. Mike Yqung vironmentalists as the House-jnoves ' . nature^ they would do well to write Rep. _ • seein. Jtsdoesn't mearua. return • to the but We cancurbit, There is a bill go- Editorial Assistants....: Dale Napier, RandjTBuiiess toward consideration of HRJISOQ arethe J-J. Pickle, 231 Cannon' House Office " 19th€eniufy. It doesn't mean tearing up , c.A ! ing through the"House ot Represen-' doejn't: mean im-Associate Amusements Editor ....: Richardson tactics Beirig employed by,those.qpposed Building,' Washington, D.C, (20515), and': £ithe _streets. •It ^ / tatives (HR 11500) that is designed to Make-up Editor'..-...;.:^ r...,."...Eddie Fisher ~to the bilL In many w.aygi the same tac-: voice.their support of:HR 11500. They;-mobilizing, the cit^. wh'at it means :is : regulate strip mining. Its complement Wire Editor i Janie/Paleschic , the University hcB^already pawed in the Senate The .ticp used. to oppose.. envirorirnental' -should aiso'-'support the Seiberling something similar to t-opy bditbi^ .,| ...^. David Pursch, John Gastpp, Mark Meyer- legislation-during the energy panic and Amendment arid -the Hechler Anterid-: situation. . ** <=' ,» House bill will probably go to the floor j _ , v ; , Sally Carpenter, Steve Sucher, §helly Kah'n­ land use planning^are'jjeing employed •; ? ment (if introduce). -"'' : ¥ The Universityarea ls'-too crowded for X -» for consi(Jeration',by next Monday.^ nions Mprenfd ip The Dally Tcxin are time ot{tie' -,numriliofi liuttdlng A41XI Inquiries concerning delivery ' against stripping Mntfols. • Looking over the disappointingJist of5l-i-irnany people -to-drive-to campus. Few editor or th«writer o!7the an|c!e and are not tteceuarlly ' aiid olswIflM MvertUing«l»aW be nuie loT5I> Bwkl|i« .^Two weeks ago, one of the most en- Ihostf of U)e UnivtrsAy administration or the Board of Lies, half-truthS, and purposeful mis-Texas' antfenvironmental congressmen; people*,are allowed parking spots on the ReflenU I • ;33M ,(«IVIB4«I Jil>d /Bjptay ad»eftl«lin In TSP Buildllu vironmentallyimportgptbillsiritroducedl 4210H71-U65I,. . . ' . ' • * -CgBrejentations of some provisionsin the —it-would also bea goqd idea fQrj3tudents Parking spots offtgmpfls The Daily Texan ajbtudent newipapcr at The l/niverslly i-this session, the land uie bill,' was Atitlid it published by TOai Student, .Interior Committee bill are being used ^ to write the representative of theirliome? J-are'invaluable .in-!feiersummeri;npi^xis- •*Te«n; ' National EducaTtOnal "Ail ,jf ^ne ot the most intensive' ftrfor-1' special concerns in a guiseof "publidIn- the Same, /r .,.^Lieiftier: 1)' walk,ride, the Wuttlfe ius "^Wednesday? Thuraday, and'F>Way &pWn^"throufib : U«ll«d.p™;Intern»lloi!afan)PacificN«w>s«rvic« TK>: — campaignsin regentsyears hag May. and Tuttdgjf Wedneriay,Thuraday.aiwd Friday Juat' Jerest/' ydall, flfflr leader for HRll500,-* *' -Time is Of the essence; sFnce"the hill -(mass transit), or-3)-drive. Gloser aijd CiahjiMtt I"Rm (He " tlWh AuRost,e*«pt3«jHday and tum'pcHotfi.5tM«kf u , en-* ^ m._ -has—noted-tha{—vir5»a%-alII5Llllii! ttAmrtitoblyJie voted un Mondavrfiend —tjien dpJjir2i.,jl." ' tiiHTtoURepa^lt'AittUn; Tex:.--K8>tiiMi!CT--^jjejallohc— • WlWiiiilMtfflMliiBKB^l^T'Mii'«MU tseton'•• The Universityjs^simpie exampleTIE' -r^ss. SlBgWIWWiHi By DAVID S. BRQDBR^''""" years — or less. " • 'At history — against ihose-trying to accessibility,(/.of. tbe'-Vice-President Thc-Washingtcm-PostCompany. ......There^no question that Ford's-;;.;,destroy them by "innuendo and' ". NEWBURGH, N.Y. -The regulars .Qvercoming the security precautions: ^ basic political speech — the One'that " • Iealts.'" ' ' • •... -. .-­ "on Vice-President Ford's plane — Ford; himsoit tiylis 5udienees he-has he will inflict, on "hundreds of It was this pitch that got the foudesf both staff members and press — have. -. Republican, audien^s this, fall --is rejected-the advice to slow down his cheers last weekend, but it is one that two sets of Statistics they're keeping. excruciatingly small-bore, _ ;: travels, because he does hot want to ­ some of his friends consider most -; One is the-mileage, jje's-traveled •-' As rendered on' the stump in-' NeW hear only vthestrident-voices on the dangerous-to Ford in the long run — banks oUl^e Potoma than " . There" jfre, ^ef-course, strident ^VLc'frPresident"last Dec. 6. That is •Republican,.he says, to avold a*"veto-• ' erT1Pfiasizing his independence" from-.voices;eyerywhere;^t--Stewart Air-j irn ,H*~ »4*«4«• —; pfOi&^eongress.that-wouid-give ihe. ,. approaching" 1* the• I lTO,00y-milemark.•Vv " piyvtt. .V/UiigiCdJs .uidL WUUlU'glVe ine its past'scandals problems.* • /Porl here, the crowd^seemfid almost ' The otheris the count of the number Democrats a 4 legislati ve dft> .But all this' argument about his evenly split between those carrying ..of times he's told "the telephone taiorship". in Washington. .& speeches-may-really.'miss the' point .' Stand pp tor -Nixon'' .banners*, and rstory ' a' homely,-amusing and -That's a fair-rhetoriciai pToy, but the. : --What-sticksin neohle.'s minds.I wnnld -those whose'm^sdge "Was,' "Ford­ mildly self-assertive account of how ... way Ford,.renders' it, you somehow guess, are.not Fbrd/s short, wooden , Front Man forthe^onrMob:-^.. ­ he:came to tell the President who.was sense that lie has tirouble himself con? : talks. but'His-long. leisurgly visits­ ~dbout lu offer hiril Iliaulami in hisfhrv j"rinff up q pirtnrp nf tittle Carl radio reporter who.jammed his-­ Ford isunlike Spi'ro.Aenew. who hk-' : back on the other.line." Albert tyrannizing the bureaucracyor micrnnhnne in l ( j — greatest President for peace in our .and it was heavy — emphasized the • . Maybe tha't's what he hears. - ~ ,ty — not even guaranteed Community Affairs is gtiiity i) I have-sought placement. Thefew black par­• of blatantly discriminatory assistance--.-from ticipants in this prografn is a . • hiring-practices..For.thepast members of the State -is directreflMtionoftheracist 14 months I have been seeking Legislature. . hiring practices that exist. , iii employment at this -, state-4)' I have filed .nine1 NEW HOUSING POLtCY!! Sixteen million dollars — taj<24: —agency.-lhaveiieen personal;' _cornpla"intsof racial dis dollars, and' blacks';,cannot • ly recommended by -the • crimination against the ' evep g6t jobs in.thai-program. ' following people;; Sen. Lloyd _-J)EXTEE IIGUSE Department. of ,Com- I feei that these facts call . Doggett; Lauro Cruz,.special . munity Affairs with the 444-6631 .. for a public investigation by '' assistant to the,governor;all Bepartment of Labor " '.A leading chsice of.the Riverside 1103 W. 24th the ne'ws. media, • and 'I ;will; ; of the members .of the' Blacks . Or. apartAients because we offer and EEOC'(state and -Political Caucus',--State-Rep;.: district offiees).. . . req^net a-grand jury in- extra-spacious living--and direct .Larry' Bales; Dr. ..vesti^tjpiLby_Dist. At^.ffob ' ~access to the Shuttle bus -, OCCUPANCY ONLY Helvin • Results': 1 am unemployed. Smith. 7 - Sikes; Judge Jerry Dellana; There are very few blacks —1-1 $165 . In addition,; a. centralized '2-1 185 , . •SrP" Dean • and -Mrs. Exalton employed at this agency; For personnel system should be Semi-Private Robms as Low as $60 per mo. . "Delco; Judge-. Harriett etampler.the Manpo^er'Ser- *-2-2 195 ,7 • all bi(ls paid developed to! minimize these -Murphy; Rev.. Marvin Grif­vices Division has a totaT-if 21" conditions. ; , 7 J8I •» fin; M.J..Anderson;. Dr. John staff people andonebf those is Luxurious Private Rooms 11oo r PKANU1S per mo. _ WarfieidT Stat? Rep;* Carlos black" LOOK, $ie Complete Research Service •$ I Truanj. Bill Stewart has Jl&dfrom 1 brother:' . Rep. Ben Reyes and Sam 1971 W Iraw up an Affir- • Maid Service * Collftp RejearcH^mcef hai a compte^ Educational Price, deputy director of the mative Actioii Plan, and to Research Service, Incfoding Term paper Research, Etc. 'date it does not haVean accec- Texas Department,of "Cow- Also profes'sional typing servicfe available^ • Healed Sw-imming Pooi; *-Refrigerator s •intercorri -mtmiiy-Affair«; Th» T ' thh'lp flliin- New summer sesjion holirs: 4:30 to 7:3a,^> m. have named have written Job descriptionsare written MoncToy thru Friday f • Laundry Facilfties • Vending Machines' ;Vv --lettefSHjf recommendsition for' to coincide with the person's £ • Study Areas , * OuUk Dtllvtry & low Pri»s me, made telephone calls and ability and experience that .80,000 R«starcA 'Topks Cojleg* Research Servicts . on lilt, personal visits, -to the ex-they have preselected prior to Iirti St, Suite 511 * "All materials soM for -gcutive director's.office. • .or at the same time the post THEV ACCEPTEP tM . LittUfiaM Building Campus F Mine unit; uie pubi-. • research and reference ,v,^ Off Street Parking^tlose to Campt In . addition -v -'-Awshn, Uies 78701 to me ' tioa-is;)posted. Job descnp-— _J purposes only." .; -I'iimnUHiuudalium,- -Hmttfc_4Z4d231_ PjQckage Deals-77M£S, IQua? ' plbN, I ATTENTIOW \, f' mr? mr*TT J WAT' FACTORY •a. WARRANTED! Orientation Students I-W ' 4-v Crossword Puzzler Answer to Yesterday's Puzzle ___ * ACROSS 06 Symbol for-tin HQS BEJina (30100 67 Unu&u&l ­ 1 .nmuS,o. ^ D0WN SSHSBfHEiga r-4-Gon]unctlon~—-l-Moiiammedan taaiasEi HHSH m a Walking .nemo (3S'3 nsras , sticks 2 Stretcher -41 Small Hon _ 3 Preposition • 4 • 1303 Ha 13 Positive 4 Danish lalSnd gi feg® j ;. poles'. ;• 5 Strip of : ippns nmta rasa15 Pronoun ; leather sa@B rass EIGg J 16 Commissions 6 Runs easily BQBCl iscassii •s 18 Symbol for 1Con|unotlon SBtanrasiitaa 0@ts J 19 Symbol (or 9 Man s rasfflQ Boon mam tantalum nlcknahiij ataaa aania hhh » .11 Kiln -10 Lawmaking 32 Platform 46 Compass­" 22 Periods of " body • ;35 Climbing, -fC point 3 . nickel 8 Part ol face * M "flu# 12 Compass • devices 48 Encounters •,1' -24 Country of • point " «i FT."" 1 37'Wire nail 51 Girt s rtame « J-'1" SOulh >4 FibpcpJantr." 38 Weapon . 53 Singingbird•# }!.; . America -17."Cootlnent.. . 39 Intractable -57 Lampreyft , 26 Dock -20 Dry person ­ 58 A continent J a '28 Greek teller 23 Note ot scale 41 Man's , i-(abbr.) J 3, ,v-;Z9 Oaetlc ; • 24 Greek letter .nickname 60 Sum upDry 25:&nployed. .43 Ran away to' 62. Spanish for; ' .:-;33 Spahlshartl-27 Opulent > be.married \ "yes , cle 30 -Rabbit 44 Prell*:down 64 -Conjunction 34 Transactigp» -, H 36 Slrtkebresker s . 3B Football 1—* position-? 14 ' v (abbrj ' '.>;'40 Colorless Ti )6 )9^42 Leased . 45 Scottish for' i! 20 71 77 23 • " "Jow; 47 Klnd of Tt 77 r. cheese--r 35 49 Trartsaotfon 55T 30 IT ?50^tlt)8rate—-r: ' 52 Traced .^ 57 37 '"54 Noteof P--'. "I. scale 38 39 4? 44 4\ 43 ,55 Army officer' •-(abbrl -Tf 46 47 48 49 ,'HSO Seesaws . < p _ '69 Patent (col-AT. 52 53 W rrj-kr" , loq) ,• ' V Christian 57 -lestlval f1W Pffigued 4Jnlt8^fjrd> f\iarvcurr©n­ cv THE CACTUS^ yearbook ,.T THE qNIVEBSITY OF TEXAS " yearbook! Sou really should order one! Reserve Your Copy of ,the Wll.9:75CACTUS '* 'YEARBOOK C4 by Markifrl Your OPflONALFEE CARD ft Six «• -'.svrev'^ sn# When You Prdregister < • ' " .'SfPa? You will be billed with yoifr fees for the tall! •-&' -' ' ­ only -" I $8.40 i?. *T"'7*^ THECACTUS^inolher 'PHI'publication '• \ '•A\.. FULL-SIZE r YOU CAN'T BUY A BETTER MUFFLER AT ANY PRICE! Applies to Factory Part Numhers-54-62 Chcv. Tr. =3865285; 60-71 Ford Falcon Come!. Maverick.(front) rD|D25230E. D2025230R; 60-66 Plymouth 'valiant --2409125; 60-66 Dodge Dart -2208370; 65-72 Toyota (mostmodels); 71-72 Datsun' (most models) 66-73 Opel (some front) 66-71 Jeep H941570 SIMILAR DISCOUNTS ON ALL FACTORY NUMBERS CUSTOMDUALS ^ t FOREIGNCARS .w,,J**"-----. • - —-;Open Saturday 8-6 'i,^X '"i5' MtesBim--• — ^ 0ISC0UNT MUFFLERS W0 7941 BURNET ROAD " 'i » "{Near Anderson Lane) t Phone;"4S1-7359 p^^y United Fenturc Inc. ' 19 *-• 1--' " FURN. APARTS. FURN. APARTS . ClsASSlFIEE? ADVERTISING FURN. APARTS. FURN. APARTS. HELP WANTED .• RAXE5i._;i* TYPING Each wt>r$*ohe i!me.......;...V .10 SANVACINTO ARMS/170? San Jaclntd. ;v:WAN*ED SECRETARY.for We monthV ror Sale •Each wofqt 2^.tkn'es",:...;;;.v..;.'.v..09 eemhm Walking distance Univer$iVy-CapIt&l.2 /.'.of August expedience only. Apg Just-North of-27th .8. Attention Each worts 5*9 times ..•.^,...'5 .07 HIGHLAND MALL uuuiuum, 1 a baths. iCAiXUi -ca >v 8 f$M conces-s-lon 'stand for , iThe Complete Professional Tu«4' Giant walk^ifts -Balconies .-Nueces. ———r •--r——^ •••-. •f with.or .withoutpiftiirA< • Central Air Spanish, tarnishing*- ...M __^irHjeetNHT¥-OEfiiX^Lr frpjjtdesk/Start •'Pool 1 "*>&. 2423 Town Lake' Circle' > -• • V -WORKINQ "LARGE" 1 BEDROOM; CA^CH, pool,S2.2S.per hour.-8 hour-shilt.~iirhouri— • — — 2tOfiy Service• ." "In thi *v«ni •l.tmn n*ed« in -on V2 Off .444-8118 . ' 47W162 /;••$¥* OR BUSY %:• ~$126 plus electricity.. 5001 Bull.CreeK: week. Night work only. Apply In porson 47?-32.1() and 472-7677 e*wHsem#iil, immtcfidtf.noticermnf b* Stereos, 8-tracn.s, cassettes, turntables, r Shuttle fius 3 Blks. Barry Gilllngwatef'Company'' : Road/454*093d. ... .*:* .. after 6-p;m.Holmes,Trl-ToweriNorth ghrMi ea lh«pgbbhut artmponiibU far clocks, radios, candles. Gift itejns^f all' Apartments shown till 9:30 p.m. ^^ V • • --••'••• Security. 80I W. 2'4th.V : ' -. ; 2707;Hemphill Park -^ ooJy ON! }nc*rT»d lqwrtl>ii.-iUid©im» hi funds. Stainless, china, crystaf.Buy now v 1 Sputh-.Cute \ bedroom apartments;. UARGE ONE BEDROOM;WlttrJW)fipny., •. — :• adht*tm«nt* b« food* not: krtw for Christmas & otheMjlft occasions. ^^Di^tly oh Shgtyek Seven minutes from facing. Pease Park. J3tshw'ash«/y pbol, NEED;MOTHER vylth iyear old, work ' «I*K nlna •!«*" *•rkile ...mtf ltfirtia In klAviU.iiA.*' j[4 •->v;Open l2 Nopn:-. l2Midnfght RETREAT:! CASTLE ARMS: -• •• -• -•••• o™-a"--) affer.6.' •-•••• TYPING teports.Resumet•-iSUBLST-XWOlaeDllbOM' JWy and • then 30 dap offer publication." 3004 Guadalupfc -— . -;^*i 'Bergstrorr^. ... $l35 pUjs elec7at Ch«t Jacques;47*7l86r Vrny_bome in Northwest1,pool area. 453­ Thesis,' Letter's'. ­ • APTS NO LEASE Aqgust $100 mo; F.urnlshed, ABP,-wa)k WANTED TOPLESS DANCERS. E*--All University and.to campus,TV; pool.3106 Duval,No.^101. cellenl.wages orid tips plys commission. ­ .. -business work * rAPTS,~ ',3121 Speedway -477-5210 ' Uilt-ln bookshelvest^alk-in closets 47M104 after 5. -. -CjjII 327-9055 0r 327-3102. • ^ ' '.'. Lam Mhiute Service—^-LOW STUDENT-RATES: . 15 wort< (Minimum each day ..:.$ .75 SALE 4400 AVeV A45?-0058 Summer Rates, covered park­Kitchen cabinetVgalore. All Bills Paid • Open fi-9 Mon-Th & OR Each additional vwd.each days'.OS ing, Shuttle bus, Ca&le televi­444-1931 ' 444*2070 ; VEGETARIAN ORIENTAL cook 9-5f=rl-SM sion • •Rod Singleton Properties . I col. x 1 Inch each day...$2*37 ON SOLIDS HELP WANTED wanted part-time Monday-Friday.12:00 -3:00 p.m. Some light:cfeanlng^ 4120 ­ aislfjeds" Mine 3 days ..Sl.oe MOVE IN TODAY! -.8135 per month.474-ftw alter 11:00 a.m. 472-8936­Students tnust-show; Auditor's .week on an solid-colored lounging (Prepaid, No .Refunds) Soft,spots has reduced prrces. 10%-thl's" 30ADobieCenter -arr———^—-ar* receipts ?nd'pay lh advance' In TSP ;p4«ows;,»e ^Irr drag-vending-area oi1 -tkENRAY • EFFICIENCIES'-S100.00 ROOMMATES . $6.00 — 3.200 (25th 8, Whifis) from 8 Caff Davidat 476-872gor Wa(f at474-^275. • J BEDROOM -$130.00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m; Monday tRroudh , .1Br.Eurn. • .. V _ Friday. APXRTMENTS . 2-BEDROOM -Sl^O.OO .... • PER HOUR^ " ^OpAAMATE NEEDED. 1 bedroom ABACUS . USED TYPEWRITERS. Manuals from • Air Biiiv Paid : R ALLBILLSPAID: — ' apartment, 6 blocks.campus.:All bills BUSINESS SERVICES . ' • 6 BLOCKS.CAMPLfS $30, electrics from S95> all guaranteed. 2122 Hancock Dr. THE • ^ • f»ld. $65;W3467;----­ •DAN'S TVPEWRiTERS.'2408 Sa'li V ." " La Canada Apts^ • POQL. SHUTTLE BUS ROUTE ft -: Rm. 200, 1301-South GabrleP-474>6396 Next to Amerlcana\heatre,walking dls* " MOVIE STAR : -472-1S98 ROOMMATE -FURNIS-HED IF .ROOMMATE NEEDED, 2 bedroom -interregional tance to North-LooVShopping Center FOR SALE * • N is interviewing for DANCERS -Apply In apartment, 6 blocks campus, all billsEAST 15Vi MfLBS.13 acres,trees, ter-®"d t^.-,S-n?,h}L.w/rJrnJlhu,,le Shuttle BusCorner" '-•'••w 476-3467 ' NEEDED' . " Person. 1 • 3:00 p.m. 1602 Satt Jacintd: paid, $50.476-3467, . . 444-0816. tile sell, scenic. 453-3192, 452*4205. rt -2408 Leon. • •Typing, Printing& Binding and ^Austin. -tran*ltV2 bedroom «• • townhousei, extra large. iHtfo bedroom NEED; TO_SELL_nearly 10 •acres In « HABITAT HUNTERS ' in ho^se7close to campus.:$60. Call im. — . Auto -For Sale. NEEDED FEMALE roommate for:4th fWs,,one and-two baths, r £H, dfs­1969 CORVETTE, AM^BM, sir, 427, tilde Austin. mediately, 476-94P3. Thanks; 3081 or 472-6466 ^ pickup, pool, mwd service 8 A FREE apartmeht' focaters;;servl« ~ cAean, s?9?5 or alder car In trade. Take -travisstateschool up balance. 474-4M1, «74-l(m; MALE ROOMMATE to share-; great \ • : washateria incomplex Set !rs, Apt. ~~Tocated-m-thrfower-leveLof-Doble Mall- LARGE INNERTUBES for swimming ' 113 or call 451-4848. Hqbitat Hunters has listings on over 15,-RMA-N-ENJ-.-S-TAT E bedroonViaparfmentsou.ih,JW^Calt.44li. . CHRISTENSON & $105 • - 1W6 CHEVROLET IMPALA; 'new or tubing. All sixes to chootefrom. $3.00 000 rented units, for summer and fall. -EMPLOYMENT . ­. automatrc tiammlsslon, AC. PS. S435 or wp/2201 Airport Blvd. --v,ERP4CIENqiES $100 •-• -1 Bedroom Come by or phone now arid take advan­L.ICEKIJED.VOCATION NURSE ; ASSOCIATES tage of besl oi(er.Rlltr 5 p.m. 452-3929. ? the only,no hassifc "method, of S5174)0^,per month. ATTENDANT: 1 • ^MALE ROOMMATE wanted. Two I ..HANG GLIDER, wlth'.prone harness* BEDROOM 5135.00 Tanjglewood North apartment hunting. .Lower level Dobie bedroom apartment. One block A TYPING SE-RVIGE. S397.00* por month..Taking applications' from ^ ; ssk 1020 E. 45th • . Phone 474-T532 i, mainly l:45 p.m.1610 shuttle. $68, half'electricity. Maro 47#-• " '«.CHBVY IMPAUA S5. 2--,. Service *55 OLDSMOBtLEtSuper 88 Classic. Ex-COMPLETE OARKROOM set Omega A&A&jmenxs. FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted, large •.,7:"-^^. ­•celieht condition. Air> good tires, depen­B-22 enlarger with 50mm APARTMENTS J&Cte bedroom house! walk tn ramous, • '• ° • - °1U l dabletransportation. Must sail. *200. ElNtkkor/75mm Omega lenses, tank Why waste time on a city bus? Wftlk to 1 BR Furn Ac. $7o/monih; '/jbins. 477-iort.-~; -f'iOi-up service Available ,-U7-5472. trays; etc 477-4567. --; -. class.., Uniqve efficiency, and one TangIewood W£s.t bedroom apartments. Furnished, All DUPLEX $70 plus bills. CA/CH,large • ® Efficiency, 1, 2, CHILD ATTENDANT 9 - DOUBLESPRJNGSand mattress,head­Bills Paid. • 472-9614. • and 3 5:30 fenced -yard, 2 blocks *6 .Ramsy Park, • board trundle bed,.round pe<^n table $125 and upvj_ 7—ShuiUe.BusCarnet. _ bedroom apartments. Monday -Friday. QuaiJ Creek • Call Michael.after-5:00 p.nv459-0456r ~ .N£AT, ACCURATE and Prompr fyping. d&ss'beajofa Sears vacuum,-oa> 2503 Pear 60 cents per page. Th«ses 75 tents. Call Area.Must have aoto.'Duty tn- IScc. Mmt con^'Hpn/ mower, streigmcha]rv«dar chest Call 477JZ64 Offer the solution to: N&EO ROOAAMATE for ;two bedroom • 4472737,. •' cludes taking 10 and .12 year furnished apartment. Pool, 'AC, ABP. 475-2954. "ySur;houstngr old ooy4-switinmilly. OowImy. . v73AijUnlU. M3W.20jlli,:Nq.,I0{.<»<637.. DISSERTATIONS^ theses, reports, and NIKON FTN body like new. 385-3644 sql Law. ^ lypit^r 473'440NDA 750.only-i000.mMe». Ex-„ SI25.00 provioe^ _ lA-T^-wgt=ocn-4~._^...i,,n TarWown. M07 Bridle Path. Lorraine celleiit condition,' crash bar, wlnd^~"^M'^,t7'CORONA^r CORONET. 'C'omeJby and see our new efficiency and ,1 Bedroom Furnished • 0445.-S4.S -1m -Tpk..l. *.-* «—* »» »..--with case. Still new. 258-5527 after 6:00 STARK TYPING. Experienced, theses, iammer, fairing,-luggage^rack, $2,000. fytwaltcwtable; electrlcfypewriter I WALK TQ CLASS rt 1 bedrpom apartments on the banks of neighborhood In Travis Holahtj'.'-Call 475-3547, 476-1953. ToWn' Lake: Complete with, shag 447^4252. p.m.5180. 1 Bedroom dlssertatlonsv;PR'$.' etc. Printing and LONG^A^EN -carpeting,.-accent -Walt modern fur­ fifONOA CA-500. for sale. Chuck, All Bills Paid niture, plus anindividual declj oveciook-Fourteen Binding, Specialty-Technical. Charlen« LEAVING TOWN. .lO-spegd blk* ser-TAPEDECK A5TR0C0M » Marlux 407. picture lot P..O. Box 0-5. University Sta­blocks, from shuttle bus route. Day 475-all kinds, resumes,' trying/-, . Our service is free ' He bus; -SUMMER RATES. FALL Positive attitude. s2.SOrtiour. Available house -priveleges. 3 MINNIE U.. HAMMETT Typing L 4306 AVENUE A! Ail BillsPaid I& 2 BR tations, papers of New, must .sett: auto-reversing, echo, .PARAGON' Furnished, AC. Covered Parking,." 3100 Speedway «• • 6465. After 5, 476-8218. , . . ; Free refreshments, 442*7008, 442*1616. v tion. ~ Larger Than Most. 1 BR -S160. 2 BR ­ studio quality. Call Valerie, 45^6047. PROPERTIES " 477-1685— • ROOM EOR RENT. $100 in adyance for-; BOBBYE OELAFIELD. IBM Selectrlc, ' SONY TC.-366: ta'p$. deck with 452-1801 SHUTTLE BUS CORNER' . NEW ' " • plca/elite, 25 July and* August. Call; Mark, 472-9523. years experience, books,478-8377. Gracilis. ;• ......: microphone. -$175. Also Sorty MJke-dissertations, theses.-.reports, mixer; Excellent condition. 472-0632. 472-4171 EFFICIENCIES UNUSUAt,OPPORTUNITY for mature-mimeographing. 442-7184. weekdays . If No Answer At Above Call flexible, childless, married couple, SfNGLE ROOM furnished with private .TWO AR-3A speakers, perfect,fmonlhs •" 451-7901 ' CLOSE TO "CAMPUS-desirous oC the -iffarmng. experience ' entrance. $55/month-plus cleaning -VIRGINIA..SCHNEIDER Diversified old, wltfi2 speaker stands. $400:345-4055. Wording 8. living with 8«dolescent girls Services. Gradoate ^nd undergraduate d_ejfijs|t;-444r0019. 2304 Letfn.. J 472-4175 in a residential setting. Room & board fyplng, printing, binding. )515 Koenlg SHUTTLE BUS $110 .PRIVATE ROOMS. 2 blocks -campus, amplifier. Excellent cimdltion.$40. Two benefits. Contact The Setiiement Club OLSON twenty w$tt per channel • • weekends. provided in addition to salary & other • Lane. 459-7205.T central air. maid servicd,kitchen, coed, . $100-5110 pool, -beautifully-summer AR-4 custom finished speakervlor only ' ' 1 Bedroom Swimming Home. Between 9-5 836-2150. rates. 241V Rio Grande; 472-FORMEROWNER large typingservice. .. 3684, 476-2S51. . . < bed, ail have-dishwasher, dis­self-correcting typewriter Theses, dis­ $»^ach. Ceffos:474-2057. . v: •. rBedroom furnished-.double.or studio Experienced, professlonpl work-on IBM . 5HORT WALK TOWER. Large-rooms; only $175.441-^582 ihardly used). 1 BR FURN -HALLAAARK: posal, centraj>alr and heat,--Need 5 part time helpers who ;^.;old building. $95'up. utilities paid. 476­ AKAl-1710W Reel tape. deck. List $280,' $100 , •-EL C-JD & : serfatidns*. mathematical 444-8786 between 9-4. . EL DORADOtf ' shag carpetT^extra' storage .;3462, 476-8683, 1902 Nueces. , : fa 1. Need to earn money ' • .-iBRAND NEW PANASONIC AM/FM. Tanglewood 453-4883 • 472-4893 .room. ; 2. Have a car . " • -;j}:-'tMMACULATE alri conditioned roorn, T.KEMES> REPORTS^ law notes. -stereo radio with-dViil'.speakers. $125 or ARTS.' Reasonable. Mrs. Fraser, 476-1317,Mrs. besi^ffer. Call 476-5008. • _ SHUTTLE BU_S.CORNER ' 305 West 35th . 3. Not^atraid to talk to'girls. -..^single occupancy, refrigerator, Starmes, 442-4620. v. ., Annex— ~ ...W. blocks from camout) . 4. Can work 4 evenings a week vented heal, private bath,­ ^carpeted, • 708 W. 34th"**'" v private entrance, parking, on shuttle 5 •HiTACH) RECEIVER, 8-trackrecorder, ' •-476-0948 \ Manager-Apt. 106 $3 do pei* hour and UP Just North of 27th & . blocks west of campus, attractively fur­ .and 8 track player, turntable; speakers, Shuttle BusCorner 454-6294 -Long hair okay if neat ­ -yearold; $285. 459 5981 • 451-4364-nished, $90 piOs'Ac One year lease. 477' •7--t Guadalupe $140,|| . Apply 3004 Guadalupe (rear) Suite 108 . # 4 p hi only $140 WALKING Q.ISTANCE UT;. Musical -For Sale 2 Bedroom'1" bills pai.d> AC, pantele-dy. LOCATION-LOCATION'LOCATION. r 2 BR Furn AMPEG VT22-12 inch speakers, 100 carpeled, pool, no pet>. 2 s Full ar)d part time waitress/waiters. ALL BILLS PAID; : wstls.'Cal) 477-0964 : ^ MARK XX bedroom; SI90. _1 bedroorti, Luxurious 2-2. Block Law School, L.BJ. Bus help, kitchen help, bactenders,.bar Library, .St.-David's.-Pool/ sundeek^ help,.Apply in personSot 6/8/74.10>304liAntilles''Apts. 454-3953 452-5093 S145-SJ50. 30V1 Wmtis, No; 105, shag, cable. $200, bills paid, Greal Oak 5:00. Sun 6X9/74 12:00 tl) 5:00. $2.00lper FURN. HOUSES sldRd. ; V .-2204 EnfieldI after 5 Mofu.-Frlday. After 10 Apartments. 477-33W. . hour. • .-YES; we do type '"THE SPOILER" 472-1923 a.m. weefcends. • Pr,esnman themes^ Come; hear the S200 Speaker $105 -$115> V Bedroom apartment/ pool,. The Gr^at Galsby ^ , LAKE ..AUSTIN. 15 minutes cam-­ — . .. . 472-5320 very-near UT, cfrpetM, paneled, AC J, " a bedroom?*-. lefed, AC^;t2'00.West Anderson Lane ftrt-Tf»eVJItoaf-iV/W/^wntownr. Z that out-performs those in the Shuttle BusFront Door $100 water 8. gps paid: See at 2711 *' -"** Me and 3 • , • . . -IO- Hemphlll,"®^;-':--..':^..' Shooolnd Center ^V^r^>Cl}ob.homes. $85 to $1.40 Mack's^ Why not startout wfthfe S300 -S400 range! apartment J, or call 472-4408,i, 478-3885, -" -topping L?nter , Marina. 327-1891, 327,1151. 1 BR FURN" -* 327-1355. • !-. good grades,) LAFAYETTE:RADIO :$60 workingS:PROFESSOR'S HOUSE. Beautiful;new, SELL FLOWERS.Make $30-$60 worklnj — 29th & N Lamar ^ >5"° BLOCKS WEST Tanglewood 1 BEDROOM. Shag, dis­ •COLOR^Ut 4 'peaceful days' a .week. T^uriursday, Fr|-. flul«^'3/2,.CA/CH, appllanctss.furnished. SoWay ell. Approximately Sales' 8. Service Dept. : V ,hwasher/c«zy community. Nearsnutttft. day afternoons. Saturday. -. Spiiyar an. Approximate!/ Dec, 25 to^ugust25.454­ CAMPUS „472-3210 and 472-7677 ; -Annex BEDROOMS? From-5115 ptus electricity.1211 West 8th day. Top commission. Paid, dally. 476-'. 8426. Highland Park. .New farge efficiencies, • liWng-room^''^ J toff ,Blanco). 474-1107, 472-4162. Barry • 3060, 453-1508, 453-276W . « . g ^ lim Homphlll Park offset bedroom 8, kitchen; cable; water. 478-1874 • Glllin^water Company. -• SHARE RENT.. Luxurious; fountain, ~'f-Gas furnished Summer • $121.00 Shuttle Bi>sCorner ifREAD THE •TAj?jMJO BALLET TEACHER for pre-palms; meditation garden. Washer; u LARGE 1& 2 8edroomfurnished andun­-school 8. school age chlldren,2mornfng> ?2?Wce/J?' Tv' e,c-l,so-Bllls.Peld: 477-5514 . 476-79T6 -- We call-it our mini-dorm*; ycfti can callit tibme. Great for-budget-mindeditudftPts REPORTS RED OAK-AP,T5t— — furnished; Shag, wet ban private club orafternoons weekly. 836-16^9. ' • Cell 451^559. ,. • '• ROOM & BOARD > Lafayette has-top qualitycomponents at r., ._ 2104 SAALGABRIEL ' • 'VK .' . 3-THE.f~ -k,^who-warrr privacy. Your choice of burnt rooms, on shufffp. 1 bedroom from'! orange, chocolate brown or.green thag: -i sensibleprices. Hear Truequadraphonic with brigh wallcoverings..Patios. Pools, cabana. On shuttle route; .minutes from V; Bwry?m"rf2^^4ffl®v -W-2633' ; sound in our Quad room. . . ' • —: ^;r BLACKStONE , witn orign wallcoverings, patios,POOIS,. ILOO^Brobdmob^ILTS^BLS^'^^SD' * ROOM, BOARD for long session 1974-75 in exchange for helping disabled itu­5.50.00/month i —Jjent. Call Mr. John Flowers, 476-7374 .2 BR -2 BA $175 the University and downtown, Efflclen-. oafry ^'"'"fl^n-ogmpany. •:mavfa.'in« LAFAYETTE RADIO ^•j -pro "tBA »()£(>'•+-— ' . Aport.ment...llving>. t'a block -from 3 Mrj-a,$0 • 2901 North Lamar O PM A/.?U ^ camam. Summer 2rates.'.-Vd . a^l,eb,^d-^.EXCEI.LENT. SUMMER RATES on ' Si®*; -1' J OK —-individual applicants ---CocopIetfi.SefynfiJPiuj].. '^.spacious one -and two bedrftom: -ALLEILLS PAID compatible -----iffir apartments. Fall rates reasonable. Call ,matcF)ed~Jwith room-v -mates:• •• : •" -•••••• -. ." f/ • 454-9475.'. • -.­ Furnished untfs convenient to, UT & UNF. HOUSES 2910 Red River .476-5631' Pets -For Sale WOODEDEr H.OUQAYsiHOUSE r^r-^"4' A PARAGpN PROPERTY •ENFIELb AREA.^ Two.bedroom with MALE KITTEN, Orange and White. 444 6757 'V'r every extra..Furnished or unfurnished bC,°re 5 Pm«l-435i 2220 willowcreek Drive­ -After 5 p.m. and Weekends Tabby. 9 weeks, shots, 476-0777< after 5.' « SUMfyER .RATES NOW» Six blocki. from $152 plus, electrldlty. 807 West Lynn. Barry.GHIJngWaferCompany.477­ iivut i.a«v »unooif -dnuTTie ous. one ' No. 1 " ~«omod»t« lourlidults. Call 444-9557. m&ji AKC LABRADOR 'Retriever Puppies, ^LEUR DE LIS. 404 East 30th, Maturebedroom iUp. Efficiency $110 AC,* 7/94, 472-4162. , . . s s ' , "it Excellent • championship blood line. students.-Lovely one bedrooms. Walk?to. carpet, dishWasher. disposal, walk-In LEAVING TOWN. LeasQ duplex, 2B-2B. 3 NEj." k 1„?? DR°d ,M^^-with-stody- We are lopking for part-time cashier Papers, shots* wormed. Slicks. $700. campus. Shuttle. Summer rates. 477-closets. 32nd and Interregional" 477-0010 AC, shuttle,-4 block* from campus. 2-4 NEAR CAMPUS. Efficiency alurtmenK CA/CH; .boilMn oven«rangej prefer •444-8361.. '• •• ' ' 5282. * p. n. . orGL3-2228. ' * femal«. 451-7771. • -Go marrliW couple-children# pets o.k.$225; to.work noon. Must bie;able to work lyear tease.-Available July IS. 4S2-6789> ""wsvs Homes -For Sale -• •--k--.-•••- ' this' fall. Starting pay is rpinimum LARGE ONE .BEDROOM, carpeted* .MOBiLE^HOME 12 x 48. Good condition-,* —THE BEST VALUE: I.N TOWN— . .paneled, CA/CH, disposal, dtshwasher-UNCLASSIFIED AC, carpef, $2,0p0. Onlversity lot/ 472- $135 plus electricity. The Congulstador, wage. We have a schblarship;. 9605^ Call 5-12 p.m. ;2t01 S«h Gabriel. 472-774^ -r-' • program to Offer-college students. Greol lotatlon. 2-J 1300. 477-33S6. ­ ,.,rttTWO CONDEMNED HOUSES. .SiTfcll SUMMER RATES. 2 bedroom apart­rA>?v^/:'down 8. monthly payments. $4500. Very ment'on.shuttle.bus route.'No lease re­ 1 BR. FURN. Apply befwe.en 5 and'7 p.m. dajly at„fl«llyP»ncl«l>lnslrucflon 473-J344. _j,/ough and not liveable. Call Jack:Jen-.. qulred; $19VMontn..474i70M? . rtings..ConsblJdated Reality' Asspciation. 1003 Barton Springs,Roard; -; IVh Hulky 250. StSO. 4SI-334H. ~ 474-6896^ -.EFRiCIENCY. -furnished, modernT"• v)$U9/month. Located 1115 West-lOth .Irish Setter.Jmale; 7 fern. 47MIU4 •K. ^str.eet,XonfachT-6> Wiley Co. l07_We»ti:: !--5th. 472-9228 - % -;?«! yw.rebulll ei>d. «300 441-3376. v" j ALL BILLS PD~ Otoe .BEDROOM BBartment North of -'SAVE GAS 7Fre»_*ltten«-2 9r«y.-474!SMJ-. tlfePt? ~.c*iApw.'.*UUme% AC, 3311 ^ptedwav RTDE THE-Bt)Se v SENIOR •jjCwjtwtliiBi.Wiity c»;wwwwt snuux't *1^ ,. Fr»e .Mttens mal.BCalleo 47HW-. . ,... 2*blocks to Ti We h^ve fivehomes thaf,are »r.7228. ... •"•"'.*TT:"-.rTo: siou*; that:w(n tektf' you to .U.T or-Down- Price: $17/950 to S4V250, .-siONE, BEDROOM, private patio/.,.1: r if )7" BW s. start M5 171 *mJmti, ' .Call Feather Homes 45!-7ij7-i 2 BR FURN. carpeted, dishwasher, disposal cable/'' -' fMACH^MGI5T :;'68.Javelln, S875.478-1922, Joen " • ' ppol. shuttlB or walk to UT »129 50 pluiij LOOK! eleplrlcll^.3301 Speedway. 476-9033alleraS­ f.lHous# plants cheap. i,p'.m: 474*1loo: ­ Must be able to we^k directly from engineering and tool — \ L 1 % ,Jp4£§ For Sale '55 Chevy pickup. 454-9051, • -' "HOME 'vri.guS6^^^\7^^y-f^'n9s with a mlpimum of guidance. Should have at Bartender needejt. call 454-9051­ electricity.m Eastaist,Net.s.4M'«si. • leasts years-general.machlni,st-experfen<;e as well as' the> ­ v Jar "FOR.SALE 442-8340 > abilit.y.to sef up ahd operat all rri£chirie tools. Posltjon pu-camper, lwb, «c, 47j.8747. '-ifr-f,;WAUiC UT-—elUClency Private en-10 ser UR •V • ^v^Convenlent to the-ipaln campus,i, 7 ' . -*st"t *"ia . .. "-i.. • . & 1 iwV ^ « J,r>hc«j, newly paneI»dr-retcl8»rator, Offers COmpet t th St fi^^ ^ -^ ive wages.-and excellent benefits In: -Happy sintiday poochruy*, sna'^ 16?•'••• 4 H"IM eftWUCil.1' ueiienib .-Ill • --uml-prlvale batSi, some AC V_._i. i-i v;T '~;-^-'^pftiou>;3oundly buUt,^nd4o:exclttleni\?. ^ BIHS PAID 345-14M, Tluatpg-icee ife 1 . rT:ludlngJc§e life and medical insurance as-well as vaca ^ —^^Clifldrtion 4t has 3500 iq ft centratlyX German shepherd Pups j!25."454^tQ4T' -. %v—^heatcd'.and 9ir^ S.^WOTO-.-RandrorMarc: 472-1453 . • *5^ . . with* pool. WalK-to-school.' (119.50'plus -ft. 4-i^i J v^r ^ ;_#:.r«nnis i«isoni. 474.44II5 elt.ri MSe$ For Sal#'; •Shag carpeting and a swimmjngjDoof don't make an apartmentv ^. TOP CASH PRICES p»M tor diamond* a home.---— kAROE;:OWE BEOKOOMilttrn.-';ao . *. .*.-:*y^ ,v <->.-* •» j-*-. ' : » ' » , < * i::' * " £? *»«»#'•}> :•' 7-^H m m .CT * M& $4 A?i*wJv. • '>1-3 ,"v'w Major League BaseBgll Heat No P'i'dbl^emf Reds Dow11 Astros—WiH Hol Affecf Meei Says Soviet GmcH HOUSTON (AP) — Cesar single.-• • ; .>ninth inning By PHILIP-BELL tries did noP'affeetr the JCfitpnimo's _bome_run and. Dierker, 5-4, held Cincinnati -* •' * i . Texan Staff Writer competition. :: ':Althoughthe Soviet tjnion is' was unable to^complete the­ • , Johnny Bench's fiin-scorlng to a -single by Joe Morgan in ARLlNGTpN (-APi. _not famous 'for Us warm race because of the 90-degree • i Former Olympic great . "The Billy;' people ~wfio : double in the seventh inning tfie first until Geronimoclubb-' Itookte-Mifce^iafgrove-singJed-^- 'weather, Russian ,4.sst. Track temperatures. -Jessid -Owen3""Weic'omed - . care are' the fiigher ups," broke up LarryDierker-s one-6d his second homer of the' home the.'givaliead run in the. the spirit. of comradeship CoacH 'Gerchikov Azari ^Oes . '/These are some of the '-he said "When^I.^was. at -hitter and paced the Cibcin-year and Morgan drew his se--fo.urth. inning and doubled not believe his:team will have . finest,athletes in. Russia, but /'that is Enjoyed by youths . Berlin, it-did not Rave any natiiBeds toa 3-2 victory over cond walk of the game ;hdme-anotherTinathree-jun- trouble with-the heat during 'not all of-, them can take this compet'ing in track"-when effect on my^erformance ——thg^Houston Astros Tuesday..-'Bench baneed'adouble to sixth that boosted, the -Texas '. •the U.S.-O.S.S.R Junior kind of weather." Azari said. he spoke Tuesday-morning , .whatsoever havfng Hitler night -i.;.--! rigfittield, sconng'TVlorgan^; Rangers to. a 7-3 victory over • Track„ an(t Field Meet to be ''This isa junior meet, and we to a group of visiting U S refuse to shak^ my hand,. Dierker , a.nd.. Jack anflDan Driessei):sent Bench The-Minnesota.Twins Tuesday ,- .lifeld Friday -mid Saturday at • .think. that halt of -this team " and Soviet tracksters When one is^at the Olym­ : Billinghani dueled/ through home with a single. night; •. > Memorial Stadium. should be. "ready for the next . The' athletes will com* pics, or any race. his on^y > three scoreless mnftgsbefore" BiUingham,'7^6, gave up . Minnesota., had .takefi a 1-0 • We Wi 11 have no 'Olympic Games in 1976. We -pete in Jhe .U.Sr-u,S.S,R. . concern is himself and.the' •Houston's Bob. Walsbn:doub'l-~eesarCedeno's l6th home run," lead in the second on-Steve : : problems,'/ Azari said have several juniorworld : Junior Track and field .... race.", .v-/ ' " ;; ed and scored on Milt May's of tlje seasoh leading-oil the Brau'fl's honjer. : -^ ••' through' hfs interpreter. "Our record holders that should IMje e t to -: be; h" e'id' a t "Th%..'Russians'^-.have •n.-ivc Pnlty. j-4 Had hfit" _ Memorial Friday" athletes are from,'the south grow into great hopes for the • pride in their'country and" . given up a -hit until •Dave". -part of Russiaj and-they have 'future.'-' * •••... • •and.Saturday. • th^iiselviA, aikl bt) dtt'Wiir1 . I standings ,, „ ; Nelson started' Texas' three- , ttrafnea accordingly, tne. . The uni.v i'flajOi1 :problcin­ "Th'e-; ideS. is that he-added."When the races NATIONAL LEAGUE AMERICAN LEAGUE run fourth with asingle.' Wfie'n : ^uth part ofl Russia is'., with" the'riieet so far has con­ ., .Soil. Eoit mqetings jsuch as this-can are beingrun, however, the: Goltz threVr. wjldly to second • warmer than much or your--r.cern^ the' iO.OOO-meteir run. - Ptt. better-the relations youngsters won't be: think-' « SI Louis .536 W l» •• on-" Al^Johnsph's. grounder, country. We should hold tin !lt was not 'in' the.list of. Phil&phla between cdirhtries," the-ing pf.their countries.I can .• -40 ' 28. .535 -. Boston -.588--both runnerS .were -safe. Jeff " , well.--We'.just -hope that your events sent. to me,'' TAzatr Montrt»nl ^ .506 2 Detroit 36 -32 .529 four-tinie , go.ld : medal pfM2jS£.you, that." ^ " Chicago 424 ~7**i Cleveland-: ^.-341-33. 507 5,^j Uurr6ughs scored Nelson and . team will'do" as well." • • said; "'We'll have:to use some * ^ Pittsburgh .417 V/3 -Baltimore—-wirinerin the 1936-&irnmer . AT'present, Ow'ens "•New VoPk, ^ • 3^ 34 .507 svi Hargl-bve's singie made it 2-1. • 7Games -said. ''We all-lejini^-' ; *':Azari's;,concern about-the. '-of our lesser-distance.men to. .406" 9 •i 36 493 irav^lsjacr.ossthe^co^ New YorK... 35 •J® , Lenny'.Randte' forced V. ^Americans; may4)e-justified.-4-^ttJth£J:aceil Milwaukeei ; 32 33 v492 'from each other, and that Jesse Owens for Seairsas a consultant on Hargrove: then stole sectrf'id. ' During theNCAA-Meet;.which' LOS Angeles .622 nations as well.; " youth activities.,He7 also Cincinnati before scoring on Toby aas -held here, 'many' .5M • 4 Oakland v. : Hopefiritysome'." of^these ]_can, truly help out:"-" Tries to keep a Atlanta .571-6Vi Texas " £ Hajrrah'S single. '. youngsters wiH .go on tO' OwSifis, whose 'greatest^ ..".athletes suffered from the Houston .500 nv* Chicago -latest-happeningsJn traek. STUDENTS! The.Twins cut thelead to 3-2 ' -heat.Milerliennis'-Fikes. of San Fran .452 15 Kansas <5Ty.:.;;'.:v, greater and greater things--rnoment was under-the "I'm on .the Olympic San Diego .413. against Ferguson Jenkins, . '• the University of Penh-. 18 • California..:....-. :and ; eventually ^wiit be in gyfe? of.Adolf HiOCT, .said ^ .Committee for^ the: t97fr-j m. -Minnesota-..:../.. •-in the fifth;on'a single,by.Phil :-sylvan»,-wfea had the second" "" Tuvtdoy'i Goftrn• • • -/ Jh^oVernmCTtwher^hej^ relationsbetween-coiiii­ • Tundo^rOomM' ^ . New York 5,.Chicago 1 % .Roof and.Rod.Carew's double. best time goingInto,the jheet. -* . Detroit 2. Baltimore 0 . . Montreal 5, Philadelphia 1 \ -'Milwaukee al Bosto\^|>oVponed 1 The^Rangers knocked Goltz , ..Cincinnati-3,-Houston 2 • St. Louis 8, iPittsburgh 7 Cleveland a) New York, postponed'"' s out; Vn rfffe siitth when r ^Texas 7. Minnesota* 3 ' • c^.' —Atfemta-ai* Lov-Angejevr-7 —-Chicago -at-Kantas,Ctty, .-'xv Burroughs-and Hargrove" hit • DISCOVeWYOUBSELF • ' -. San Fraricis'co at San Dlogo. N California at Oakland. N successive ""doubleisr WILL GET - ARICA iia^m6nl.-~-THE ^YOU A teaches. Methods vto/'bbi'ectifv' Thought F'uRN. DUPLEXE ^Ecscesses, -Reawaken .Human Emotions, and WEEK'S SPECIALS 'Balance-therFfoWiOfE/iergy-'^crossthe-Sody, ifEMALfe 2V toJ28>years old to share A.f.I.CA' '* giving 'three open:.path' programs in- duplex with couple. Rent $60or less, 45l» At Wimbledpri Tourney ' Austin -Come by: •• ' ; ... :: iitC: Wednesday' 6:00 P.M., »o the free Open House R So'/Son l°-6/10-2, to the Weekend Workshop TIME RUN IN : WIMBLEDON,-England;'; there was no-salute to match UNF. DUPLEXES f.'(AP).— Billie Jean King took • that for" 39-yjear-old Ken CUFFED Monday 8:00 pwri., Apierican Mysticism aa»s* ($l) JEANS ! f'her 'firsi.step toward a sixth. Rosewall. vvho ma'dehisdebut NORTH UNIVERSITY AR&A. iTwo --—;bedroorn^ooe-batK duplex.-HoS-twoAioty rocked'with cheers-forin'old and three times in the last two7 1 glass front. S225 plusbills. 315 West 35th - . Street. Phone 457-7036 or 45412651. favorite from Australia Tues-rndecadpyhatHetHtii^-way tn th(>' " CALL PANTS -ONiY-THE day in the All-England Teiinis final .without fever winning;' INSTITUTE. INC. -476-2281 DAILY LOST & FOUND Championships. -• . The 150-pound-veteran,from 813 w: 24th Sf. Austin, Texas 78705 1 It was another big day for Sydney, wflose backhand is 20% JH ^nAnv TEXAiV LOST BRITTANY SPANIEL, white «IW Atrjericans iaS U.'S.. women still the most devastating in' nU An«Wor>1o«li»rllc:iB|e»tecall 47t~ 3454. scored heavily, while Jimmy the game,.-defeated . India's a $A­ IINCLASSIFlEDS' Connors and Arthur.Ashe join-brilliant Vijay:-Amritraj foi-' IRISH SETTER female puppy. 12 weeks ­I ola. Lost from 4505 Duval. Reward! ed teammate Stan Smith;as his secphd.victory in twodays. ' , Please call gs". wXNT TO BUY male orTemjile Spttr fuppy from owner. .Cafl 471>2851 alter ^30 p.m. • • . Greaser's Palace "An Trash"Funny,provo- Cesar and .Rpsalie "A Elvira Madigan -.-t.i incorrigibly irreverent' cative, affecting, and beautiful, film'.-It's "Perhaps .the most beau- Piston.,of. thfe uni­ • DOCT-OR AND/FAMILY wish to rent 3"' somehow; very fine what love is all about, tiful mciyie -in history.' or 4 bedroom housc.m Tarrytown, North • verse;".—Newsweek-TRAStHsaJiver!—--NBC-TV^— lI_Wcst.HHis. Hidhland Parlt West,:or West LoKe for 9-12 jnonths; Begin August • or Sepfi Prefer fenccd yard. Dr. Torri July 8^^"' July 10-11 5hoUon,-6309 ETreulyn, Nashville, TSnn; ON YOUR. NAME? ADDRESS AND PHONE IN PRINT 37705. (615) 3^3736. ' ­ WATCH THE SERVICES SEE IT THIS WEEK IN : TEXAN ABORTION ALTERNATIVE! Pregnant and dlstrvssDd? Help is as near as your telephone. Pro-Life Advocates. 510 West 26th, W2-4M; FOR TIMES The HellstromChronicfe Nobody Waved Goodbye •. SWIMMING LESSONS:; Experienced, ' -'•--AcademyAwdiU Winnei."A lain film yog-strontd The1974p Certified Instructor.: All. abllifioi K f 1 Brllllant'disturbmgi'lnV hbt'miss1' ~y~ (Beginner * Senior Life). My pool of» .yours. Groups* private. 478-5401; r/:.— AMD PRICES credibly beautiful." ^Judith.Crist SWIMMING LESSONSDeep Eddy Pool). -JSLfewsweek July 12-13. .Competent experienced; instructor. .k X ^ V ** aU-ageiv-AnnM©MiU-4Z2J80 -Chi'Wren' GINNY'S" COPYING SERVICE „ WM STUDENT INC.-, -? Gimtne Shelter "JA :v^ Ptitney Swope State of Siege "A • Z Academy Award genuingwork of great-" 'anybody tries toim­ _42 Doble'Mall >476-917,1- knock-out of a'moviec.Winner! "Z^is sheer ness." —ABC-TV prove it/he should be -JSBS-TV y,i'• ontertainmeht."-­ .. , ^Ffee Pxirkitig -v.^lcsentqnced." —N.Y. YTmes . directory: y 7;o m • 10 p m M F ' " . , , _ —NewYork Times 9am^5pmSat * z*1 July 14-IS" July 16-18 to be published jzd-4* copies .. .$&£? (T-PRESS ON% s. -TfcEXEXAS UNION '0 FRIDAY. iUNE 28 -sr COPY, CENTER— -m as a speei^^i^ptei^ent to" Ditto ----r---. — — .JorgaiP'HHarious and -Accident-''-,Subtie;;:Fimi-CdntlnK poigqant, wildly off-beat . Xerpx AAuttilith AcademyAWarddinner, comedy* inad ca'pital • Tratjsparencie" 477-1324 «&«« 'The-hand -of~genius-is--antfcsE."^ si? AAaster-Maker^ 1 —Saiurday Review ­ •ones again eviiient.", -* —Tiine-Magazine: Roorri 314 • " —JudithCrist " .July la9-20 July 21 only The-Texas Union Monday-Friday 8:30 a-rn^l .3t00"p-m Ifwill contoin thousands of mimes, local addresses and. phone numbers, plus the ^chooi orjioliege and classification of each student. The Summer Student Direc­ t.tory.will be inserted in^the full circulation of.The DaiLyJeXaq omfriday — besure v-vv vw rerair" y-—-rOt>oHfy-w4fk-at^eawna)i{6 prices.-We • to get youc copy! V . , "J •' "^""glv^youbetler-servicofropiouroew; Pt'Wv^ shop at l(X)j.Soge ^rustv/Ff^diagnpsls, — „ -. . A n y S u n d a y , " M u s t % yfUfr*. comprosilan cbecHs^ and eiflmates, ' Tne Enaless Summer: be seen by anybody * .v5 • m sianoaro;vw.4i»iu,9u piusc Time-uo on standard VW-^HO.M plui: 3i;j Pieose Qyerse^i ^Hypnotic beajuty and -who/reaJly^lilces ' ^ another TSP publication f \ v -jEHpinei 4>upp«yr Continuous,px^jtementi'movies^'r-iABC^W ^-SECONO-LEVy&L »^anov>iU . buoyahtfun." -r^Netf York Timgr" July 22^23 .DOBIE MAU.f r - t S"1 . ' . ^ '-'"'J ' L ^ ^ yt— , , , , .... ' 1 1 V* 'V r-^ 1*1* -J -. /u. „ * ~ J 1 f-T v /. **Y •? 4 j I > Wednesday, June_^S, 1974 THE.DAIL-y TEXAN Page 7 r-r* •-r V'-*, -: ,»* v,' * SMS* 'a; H-• v Y, r >' V,;% -$ ]' -'• V' • -"-'i-> ••-»' *,V-' -*-•^ -. 1"<. »V ? Traffic?•*« v&ira IMaaw«graiS^g^ .ssesw, »s>c Athletics. Budget : v [campusnewsinbrief] • -ANNOUNCCMINTS Economics Buildlng^161 forthe Latin : fftlSON REfOIMCOAUUON will Sponsor 0 * American Kaleidoscope Scries. r Women Seek More Control demonstration At'ihe Capitol at 10 NEWMAN CLUB will meet at~9 p.m. — *Tn. Tftur*«ay rt> prct«{5t-ynt8*r Wednesday |»rtne Catholic STudon^' -:-c? treatment political prisoners. '' ; Center to hold an Informal meeting.By C.J..AIKEN ahtletics will receive a-por­vices fee will provide a boost . "THE PROBLEM IS-: eliminate. some" aspects of manyjsports,.«wch.as-sailing': MRTINOS . Ndw members ar« Invited to attend. fifs.Pubhc fervor ovfer.the great-. tion of . ARICA INSTITUTE will meet 8p,m. Wednfej-"STUDY RCADINOt" COHNO WiTH their budget from the for women's.athletics funding. where is the funding coming men's athletics. "What-and. tennis, where .men and • ; -.day ot 813 W. 24th St: fqp mi" open • THE CRUNCH''-wlil ba discussed at-theVXmerican male sports — foot­newly implemented optional She believes the money situa* from/? AVho/s going;to put up they're opposed,.to is losing: womUATf .BUSINISS -is leaving women's 6,525-of 24.000:students have, future,'. . chairperson' of ,the ltfen's simply isn't going to happen,!', -council could-coordinate • • Amorlcarf mysticism.— AOMINISTXATtON WIVES ASSOCIATION.' -athletics-out-in-leftfieW,-The-agreed to pay-& $2 support fee----Even W4th this.boost, there-_Athletics. Council,_said. J'We he said, explaining -that CONCCNTKATlON.willba discuited at the , will meet at 7p m Wednesday at the •men's and wornen's athletics, 1 . . ..."Reaalnp ami. Study Skills Lab at 4 Lumbermen's Association, West'problem is money., • for women's.athletics. A total is not enough money -to -have "to go. to the public and women's athletics~_expenses~ he said -—_. p.m. WcdnestiayJn-lcsJcf A332 45th Street and North Lamar.4 .•"The budget for women's of 12,733 students agreed to provide uniforms, transporta­sell tickets to get money*" he are notenough lo hurt athfetic .:MnN .AM£«CAN STUOIIS w»f'meet at 7 -^ "Soafpvard to d 1iZu&s;~jnvicu/ar:­ •g.m. Wednesday liv Business* dystrophy " . athletics at the University pay a $16 fee for men's tion and field, aid for basket­explained. Women's athletics, funding-for men. •Thompson said he' fe^s'fhe Qhly.jST.fljO, compared to"?2!-athletics. . •. "'• j -- are not self-.sufflciexit, ball, golf, gymnastics, swim­ combination .would be bad for ..1fi7,nm> for m'pn in 1Q74-7* - -•^Tbe battle for,equal funding PR. WANEEN SPIRDUSO. ming, tennis and volleyball . however, arid they are hot g£h • Previously,, .women's chairperson .01 tne jiewijr 'teaiiia.' ... '-•••-h'avip pqiial funding he *"*»* .sss^irsh Courses Offered athletics were' funded .by' formed Adv.isory Committee ;_,DesipUe special .fund,raising •_ a'dd^: -SSSubiSispSw -."•> l;. '"-fe, money' drawn^frorri ^men's on intercollegiate Athletics proj£cts,_teamiriernbers of.tefi: .' Richard.Goodman, Student sports self-sufficient .like athletics. This years women's for Women, .sMd-that the ser­times ffiay out, of their bwn member of the Athletics S4 and a w^rrwiU -men's, 2^Vthe present; tinie, pockets"'to~cover traveling and—-Goyneil, said thiis ik:a "phony •• -*-• -• * womens sports are not in ac; probably fill a vacancy on the • lodging expenses. The tenriis argument;^ He noted that cord -with men's in awarding. ' •.Philosophy of Tantra *Yogj-7130 • Corrimaniversi ty, ; an Village Riverside • presently allrmale Athletics team, travels to meets -in. pien.'s basketball, baseball "; : 'of seholarships" an'd in .^UQatiqnal experiment which 106 Iran^n ta^errheory«ndprai-:; Council.• lice ol yoga.-"r * •; -'coach.-' Betty.;„HagerinanX' .® CcnJer. DJscusjion;. agreement on the cguse. into women's athletics will women-in atMetic activities, -Vrog'rafn^-aresepatatei11*^--empha&t$ on PalVsHne.' -'• ; • Potfrf^la>~t>f-^N^w^Mothers0-—. CBn/TRANS'*TEXAS including .scholarships and • teractioir between'tHe Univer-Sw[kfiboartf artd leave;nanr)e and phone equipment. '"When women's'programs Bw^MrlU fhTFresled-ln getting together^ OPEN 1:45.••-4AJP |Featwtes • sity and the. communityi >s with' other Aew parent^ do become .as developed as • $1.00 til 6.1 2-4-6-8-10 designed lo disseminate lear­TUfSOAY. .-V Efforts also are-being made 12224 GuldtluMSt—477-1964 . men's;"*hecontinued,'1'it may. •j.Calh'ofic F^eaCe Moviefhenfi';"7;3gcr. Baslc knowtedge^fiCCGlor. • THE: '' •."Gay. C°TT»munlty-Awarehfiss. — 8-9^ ~ .. ... ' -u. •-•.p.m., call Switchboard fbr location.•• l Ghu'rch.' .'• •; CommUniversity staffer Jav-^^^p ^^ussKjn ana interaction. Baker •qairt —3^.efteWfJjwfp*.4iiu|.€tacVteliy.lor.piy r. OME OP THE MOST 441-5689 1930 East .Riverside Drive pa^er saia me pcojeci ts sup^ ..p-eople^pm-ratholic Student Center, ported by donations $nd state pasic electronics. . .. \ ' *. Stereo Mainte«once-and Repair — 8 ~ pm„ Cathp1.lr-Student-CgnterT-.Matn-­ ACCLAIMED FILMS • MCPMP:.'.COnSe,nSVIS* ^etef*:jr tainence oVhome stereos. 'i «. . mines how -often Coin-; comic-Books -7 30 p m * uni*er$i; t OF 1974 muniversity classes will meet ^TnT^'9"'' " Winner ..and when the course will end.' . . .. ." WEONfSOAY . ^ ^.!» tinMing and Crochetlnp. — 7 p.>m, Golden Globe Award 1974 1:00-2:45^4:30-6:TS.8:00-9:45 _ -Information' may be ob-•"^ffiinrt^ttjdef^c^nter; For-'any level. •• • V2:45-3:00-5:15-7;30-9:45, . tainedfromRic'k Ream:at477-~^**'fs;ndarnertta'f&6n5cub»-^7;So p.rrC Reduced Prices Til 5, M8^:30 iyti„---S>..v^!O|3N»«^®'W<-S,1n Whfch "#n * -tyke's , Mefhod^f Cburch. 'pUcussfOrt^ -•:-• •' ed in white THE "EXTRAORDINARY DEHNITIVE yillage, VILLAGE ew ;• To a rnansioci ppinted..red-^i_^B«BP*¥,i' 'ArifiSTFN. Nfw:YOf» K»f ar -it . ^hurch:;E»miniit).n Sl ..m^ p»ln • SoS^""" "y09"' haunted by.whispersand crie iliigs.. ' Political -Qi.scus&io^s on-»Latin^ ->;Ca.rpcntcy r-7JM' p.m,v,St,; Luke's Artic'rico7:35>.m."Methodist Student Four "~Method^i-^Higch--''Concehfrtttlon oh .• -Cenleii—Dlscu«ion»of a diltwrgnt Latin I f-'ONC.Hr.SS AVCNUE . \Hwy.m ICnnHini)rt} THE AMERICAN YEAR." J IJ0-W0-5J0-7J0-9:M H"»li4S III 7M p.m. 10* OFFICE OPENS MO P.M. ^zArsherJ/fJamten, New York Ppst| mm 4JW4ao.io.-oo • SHOW STARTS AT OtBK Z J 1 • \/r-Nl.ll: 3:00-p.m 1:40^,20-5^00 6:40-8}20-10 Al l:15 Only "ENDS TOMORROW! delightfully unique] "THE FOUR a-, y=? potion p.ictur.el 12:30>2t15'?V$ sndl "ULSilil THEATRE 1500 S. PLEASANT VAUEY ROAt) 3:55-5:35 suspense that could I JUST-OFF EAST RIVERSIDE DRIVE 4*44-3222 -SHOWCASE" 7i15-9:00 " _[• easily becomel — NOW-AT-REDUCED-PRICE a classic.! $2.00 FEATURES 2:50-5:1lp-7;35-9:55 REDUCED:PRICES^ TIL 6 P.M. Til 2QthCentury-FoxPresenter % floUflRlu's 4 MON. THRU SAT. 6 P.M. Timothy Bottoms WfflS1 STARTS • $130 til 6. p.m. ­LindsayV^gner J todays fealures: 1:25-3:30-5:40-7:50-10:00 BARGAINMATS.EVERY DAYTill:30P.M.<«.a»t -John Houseman EXORCIST I­McQ-he'sa I «*r »» busted cop, ^ ThePiaperChase1 * A.:. ' " . _ iwriiMliAM RIEDKM I Thefx-co.n IK© Sheriff hls gun is Acodtmy TH6 Senator ^i5b-4iOO._6iobU J25 -78:o6-io:6o *1.50 5 Thelesblan ihe Prof&ssoj y * The Pervert Awordi un\lcon8ed, and his story h ' • ' • _ ' 9 IkAH'la —1 . . > One o(«hom is n mlirderor. - Islncredible! T.tS , MIDNIGHT MOVIES -'1"| iHe *­ I HMUVWAYJVE ta" I-X ^|HIID OVER BARGAIN MATS.EVERY DAYTIL1*30 P.M^fT3 D«®|FtATM l»c "SMs *cretan£itt ^otcoot is*iuiM ,.:is not ajnusical. | too smm. jtrmm 11 CmuuiioniCuvtiv IWUVISION-rlEOHOOUM . _i»«inNo §8" Afvmourapictut AUHVEnSALPpURf.l l4^^P^eJ.jjMaeSday/^une 26;'W4^HIOAILY »»'»-»< > > > « > -cJ\ mmm •„ r flf v . y7:c f -' t 0Hiv ' * » *2 ~ * * ' • Band and Tina Wail in CrowAnd Hausa Program' ,•-&3.-EZiWSi-By PAUL BEUTEL ? legs'.) mailing "Do you like good got w|iat I-NEED." -show would begin "closet' to iO'p m jzM Texan.Staff Writer : v 1 . music?1' an already-high audience • . As always, the.audience shriieked in-\ I.-was' tqld 10:30.p.m. Thpshow begaft . her,e-sbe" i?" -the hardest-' went totally bankers,;; : '0/ : •drunken-approval at 10:50 pmPlanned _ HfGHPOINT&k)f 'the show were, Of . _ rvow tliei). the Turners perfotm for A."-v working young lady iri show.business,r--IKE-is'defimteljftthe-l^ader-^of-thfe K Tina Turner!" screamed the voice-• group. — no mistakes about' that.• He -course, the unbeatable Turner Version atleaSta gooaTioTrsmcHOTniimteSrSO ­ • ""Music To HuijvTo" will be. over the microphone. \ And there-she kept a tight rein on the. brass and1 of '•Proud Mary" and their encore of how could.-anyone possibly herd one • performed by the Longhorn Was", too, singing, dancing arid, grin­ guitar band atid .cooler:-straightened "!I Wanna -Takfe You Higher," . crowd of ls7p0.out and another in. plus '' Summer .Band, at;8:15 p:m. ding. to beat all for twoshows.Monday some amplification problems'without altliough the former was presented m . sell -a-lot of bee'r in 20 minutes0" '• Wednesday oil the Nursing -.night at the Texas Opr.y Hduse. -distracting from 'the performance of considerably-:'slk^ter.';form'' than: on If the :OprV House .and the is Bulicfing •'Pati.or, 1700 Red ; Tina and her back-up-trio,.theIkettes" .their''Live atCarnegleHall'v Alburn. " • promoters whoutiliz^itare^d.further --I!• Frpm 'the standpoint-' of sheer ' River St. . -'0 • .V But the star of the show iS Tma •=-• Finally, a" few words ab^ut the Tex' •good will as well .as good entertain^physical excitement, theikeand *Pwa- The program.'wilOnclude" jio.mistakes.-thererveither:;-Llsttoine as Opr^-House, iys^eertainiy.-ifrtQod:' ment.sehetiuling-miist-becortie^iffore.= 1 Jurner Revue pat on"a sensational" (a . kn«> ninrr ih 1 AnnwnA -••••*! —711. 1^". ——?•--_ • -l!'._ • * -1"* -1 " "Funiculi, Funicula" -by Luigi show, .combining elements of soul, to her sing: in h.er:coarse, -alrhDst-;Showcase ;for ciub?typ'e perfor--rearistic-and -crow-d capacity.cut Jo_ -' Denza, "The. Italian! m screaming voice', you can easily draw manpes.. although the loiw aeilihg' .provide packed-ill patrons with a little. . funkV hard rock. blues.and,' well .:. _ Algiers" by Rossini, the polka comparisons with • the ;late; Jams seryes to trap in much more! than the! • breathing space: At"$5 per head, we ' and fugue from !'§chwanda .'Jbiilin. .'V _ • . desirable Wei of eigarett^ smok'e. deserve itr:' ' "thn Raptpippr"hv Weinb'erge'r, The minute Tina leaped on stage, "• Tiha'v, however, combines that However the schedulingof Monday gost Script:'-Special vkudostto tiie. :,!^*KWestside-Story'.'^selections •wearing a rdth'cr b'riof !dopard-skin (\ \ Ihroatffiariftg^foreefuine^s'with eve night's performaocels.was ndiculous. . Tia'rd-wdrking.waitresses^^wtib,ya1iant I , >• by: Leonard Bernstein, hate to.say Vdfess,'.'. ;because. the popping eroticism;.whfethershe's daa-. Newspaper and radio adi declared 1> bt'i uggled'.throuWall tjre,frenzy qnd—"Centennial Fanfare March" Jower-^lf^fth^;iAtfit^^4nlii^ly a ;i cing 'Trenettcally .-to.'1rHonky • Tonk . .shovv times:a't 7and,9 p m A friend of" --managed to:-keepnthejr-CQqls at" the i by Roger-: Nixorv.'/f'urioso w couple of stri^ ^gsigned'.to cover as I Women'1 or seductively?,stroking :.the; i./minewhofebught a ticket lateMonday same-, time. They ^ at _Ieast deserved-m&i . Polka" by Jofraitn Strauss II, little' leg as 'pOS'sible and what ~ .micrciphone. while cooing,..."You'y£; 'afternoon was told, that the second Purple Hearts—-Tor'bef'ter.,' largctips:•' "Wila. Bella March?' by Ken -• ! Williams, "Instant Concert" ep * and "The Squeecher March" Dee Moeller Moves to Austin • ~-both by Harold Walters. By .C.J. AIKEN . .try' songs' so .sincerely, that 9!u dJ n g . ' A1o ne.,' -..a n d " find a place in music... " Willi? Nelson s Fourth of July -Dee Moellerhas eaused c.0n-7--.each time site finishes one a 'Stralghten-MyMind.'; Slle j&xv Moeller -andjigr .family-'Picnic' Festival. 'She" als^" Fromholz m siderable. vibrations in the -ttK^workiHg-QB--^ei^{iE£uaibum__^xecentlv mo»ed to'Aitstin and;': hopes to' olav at -the' Texas Country music-'businfes? as.a •audieiice -will-.shake his-head . AUU axmU ' nU« '. •. in 1. * ^ A, vj,' •.—• •»' . . Although-she admits^ coun-yvvril probably'become feMiar.-rfjUpry ll6usei:sS>iiv':Closes Pub songwriter. She is;best known: and sigh/ ^Wow.". • try music is a tough business", on .-the s increa'si^giV-'. But, she iaid, she wants to' S Singer, songvyn ter and for "Slow Movin'; Outlaw1' Moell^pstarted'.singing on a for-a woman; shefeels that;as'.: .Rrofessionai -progressive spend less• time pl4ymg and" r S&"*•*'* • . recorded on Waylorf Jennings' Satuxday mbrnmg radio show -guitarist-Steve Fromholz,is •more 'women be-conie country scene.. j ' -..devote-more time to ber fami-= new-album,'.iThis(T4tne;'LShe • .in Snyder: When she was-II, appearing at the Pub through superstars, more women willr--She will perfornj-July 6 at Jy^and her sohgWritmg, MP alsois a' talented-muslcian. •»' she started"singing dri Abilene • Saturday. Austinite. Lynn "Moe11er -sings,'with'\ television.'" Langham is^sharing the .bill refreshing/alanty, and plays, ^Moeller:has had three songs with-Fromholz—during,--the -•pianozSfafcsiriga her sad eoun-recorded-b.v. Jetmihgs. m­ Pub's final week. The show ­ • Starts at.9 p.m,, and the -tickets are$2 50, oMaira.bieat._-: Village the door:. . -A." ' Riverside inemai Twin our. TONIGHT 2700 WEST. ANDERSON LANS '^^1 STArts""""]! 451-M52 -TODAY! 9mm A'Handful of condemned rrienon ari il» impossiblemission, against hopeless odds... 1Ulilii fclilli Tcxari Staff Photo by PtiH Hubei n Tjna Turrter 'grinds out the blues. TOWRSHT Brooks '/­ GARVEY I75S . '/k 1 AWimw ComtmifiteiUom tSSToSrP 7th li|*l WEST SIDE TAP • JAMES COBURN , TEUY SAVAUS BUD 9PENCfR THEATRES v. MIXED DRINkS 24th and Rio Grange ^No^^gd Pricej ImJividuol AdV, FGX•74/ AtkHMtTTWINIUTD L": No Pastes 454-*7« my "ftwnoant AN ALL-COMEDY NOW SHOWING LAST 10 DAYS WALT DISNEY PROGfiAM fob > Thursday dollar! HUME CR0NYN WILLIAM DANIELSand PAULA PRENTISS DEEP THROAT" Feature Tfmes . . TRANS-trTEXAS BOX OFFICE OPEN 8.40 l:l5-3:15-S:15-7:i5,9:15 SHOW STARTS'AT OPEN 10 A.M, to 2 AM RATED XXXX AND 12JO •6400 Bumet Road -,45W?33 See Our Lovely ss THIS AD WORTH PIUS AT THE DRIVE IH THCATRB ONLY GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS --$1.00 DISCOUNT "HANNIE CAULDER" SHOWN AT 11:15ONtY UVE ON STAGE FOR MOVIE OR STAGE SHOW TCCMNICQUOR* <2 —l^-Texan Ij ftUtNA VISTA DISTRIBUTION CO.,-INI ©Wilt OUney ProtfwUwi MY-O-MY CLUB 1516 S. LAMAR ' At# A COP CAN T REFUSE! Ttivrsday j.Unclassified^ -I THE PUBLIC SERVANT Village Come by TSP.B/dg ^lIYema West Anderson lone- Room 3:200 WHOSERVES. and place youi t-, 451-8352 ­ ANDSERVES... Unclassified wmmmm?*•> * mmm, l...4 "A -r * , TECHNICOLOR" hi' *t y It.rt1«mdtr BUEM VISTA blSTRIBUf ION Co., lt)C mmvts. students only -QPEN »2:05 :—T I . _ '• pre-paid I 3:30-6:45-10:00 p.m. ~ "ATHIETE" at 1:50 " 5 no refunds 5:05-8:2^ p.m. AHD8EHVE8 .-ttlNNJHEATnES J 25th & Whitis rax TWIN MDBOm vnmm -tmAtiirofttiivo: ^>K ^EATUREw!on!S^^^^ m i v Kt AUSTIN PREMIER <• \ ••V r>» Features all the bodlti y«u gotlo Know so wellxin-• IfjgU DEEP THROAT ^ fSfBt $£ ' \ • zip* IHILARIOUSLY OUTRAGEOUS!! mm sexqu1°„, n ^e.ho^£ V'1 hear " \\ ipiii ' nqaiiU (ttn IaT; mm^&L .SIL4it iTOlFr iiiifTP^IH 1 -( "" V Burmr EVERYTHING OJttXl­ >iswl Si!!:! ITS ABOUT ALL THOSE Everyone is dying GAMES to meet h ^ " v ^ YOU NEVER Harry Crown. PLAYED... .1 "DIRTYO'NEIt"nMORGANPADU'ARTMETRANO'PATANDERSON ^-4?S s' BUT-WISH b-!yw> JEAN MANS0N..1KATIE SAYL0R as Veri-Executive Producer Leon Capefrnte • Produced-tjyj YOU HAD) R0WJARR& C. Bmderick• Directed by-Howard Freen and tewisjeague-r United Producers' m Color -R ' • RATEDi P*W« ws#U"-ttnUWt .Vffttatfisvqi •; — htNR> kkttv JTARTS.Jc. $V55 »i| 3:00-j»rmr VARSITY k M FEMURES ?400 r.xJADAUlJPtl S . REET 1:40^3:20-5:0(5^ ^•NoJ^-Vh J* -••••• iiM, SW1 "fSCSJ.gaa VSk^-• -iKai "fpmm Sewer Line Built Without Petmir™ ~ By ROGER DOWNING department knew about the tress and the-:,ground cover mentioned the Creek Or­ Texan Stall Writer construction and the lack of a had to be' removed. dinance .requirements had to Thecity was the target of an permit before Riddelf filed Hughes emphasized that the. be obtained. -, attack Tuesday concerning the cb&rges. •pipe ' would not ' affect the City Ertgineer;. Charles bulldozing and blasting, along Jqhftssn said he first'learn-' creeks water quality: Graves said subdivision plans Bartoti,Creek. _ _ • edof-thelack of a permit Mon­Tfye la,nd which the sewwr is come, through his office and Offieial.s,'were'criticized*lor day. He addgd;hg 'ivas-aware through under a. beinj put is are.not approved-without allowing the' building of a o£ the cdh?rrectfonrTiiid -his ' consideration to be purchased --creek-'permit, but-the-sewe sewer line along ''and under department had" cleared the by the city fpr'a greenbelti ijialn was an approach to the•; Barton Creek.wifhbjjt the con-construction plans with the . CityManagerDan Davidson' ' subdivision, and not a part of• tractor obtaining a. pet-mit "idea ' that thev ; Would go thg .centract document ; said -the.subdivision review. required by the city's .Creek ahead and get the necessary -Ordinance. • •passprt -hv fitv -pnr^ft " 'v. Council March . ,, . * . Milburn; developer-of the , ^ Joe Riddell,an attorney,'fil-. Horseshoe Bend subdivision Block Marks Given ed charges Monday in Austin that the, sewer main .will :'Municipal 'Court -against serve, said he wasnotavvare' " • Dev^lbper."Bi11..Mi1 burn, 0f the Creek". Ordinance. ­ To Student Forgers Lamar Savings Association, . Hughes said he thought that By'WlLLARD HALL was" t-checked for •­ ,Vin tage. Hills Inc the"' ;i't was the engineers-.respond , Texan Staff Photos by Stanley Farror Texan-Staff. Writer ^irregularities, and if an ad-'~ engineering firm-of-Bryartt-sibilityr_to get the p>ermit but . Students enrolled in the .viser's signature" didnlt RteafJaughler .over thqt Levis fit. Curington, Inc., and John. R, -added he felfhe Wasat faultin . School-of Comrrtunicatlon-who 'match, it became suspect.-.. "'A Hughes Construction Corp. "seeing that someone dWn'tY Sighed, a" -phony; signature on1 , No-cheek .of the/false•aHegingr^ailuee-to have, a fave lIie-darrrt-tMng^-. ' materials signatures was made by a ­ iTdpe'r.penjiit. ....;.• Milium filed an application fpr, summer school are; likely .professional-"analyst-,*-r—WierRiddeH had filed .charges for a creek periMit'Friday: It-to receive ^bigsBrprisejSlh%:;;;sadd7^ssrit "is-'entirely "possi- Friday • biit repeated them is, expfected„to be processed in-' Russian-,--a,-festive confu-* mail.-bie''iHa"t.anyonC"whDisanex- By IRWIN SPEI2ER -no only their-.gvm shorts rodeo Tuesday-night.'at the When construction continued, a couple-of days by the city's. •_ sion ensued. .Jesse-Owens'.'^nner U.S. • The . School of CbimhohiCaFX pert at.-forgery would not have1:• »S . Memorial Stadium was the r Travis County:Sheriff's Posse; ...Contractor_John Hughes Engineering Department * about '100- »J,L- Walden added that, the of the creek Atft said a row of began .The lnterpretet-came io the ; Winie'; N'elson: Also they muiiication .and -assistant dirri view of * the phony' -­ Saturday in Memoiri.ai In Texas 'everyone, in-. microphone and Invited the' , attended -a barbecue and Stadium. de^n. said *'every course card ' signatures; eluding::-the women Wears* "athletes to try-again wearing \- Shop jeans/'-<^ie'-'$6\^^.wei^vJn- We make ahd' "JtSHEEP S|KIN"Sf'­ formed. Wij;fi that, 'the FOR THE FINAL * SHINER BEER NITE,* . t > • -• ' . •iv/'j 5 -T r=athlet& through' an.' inter-WBEti Every Wednesday 6 p.m. -Midnight . repair bopfs -RUGS-. C ".., EARN CASH WEEKLY ; 1 ',preter were invited down . "shoes-belts j-$C00 ^?.n-v " $750. I'll £ from the' stands'-to.find their THE Blood Plasma Donors Needed ; D Bea,u Liful-Golors * I T sizes. .' ^leather -/. The 24 wonten and 39 men, Per Glass a pitcher „nnA. ' -*IEATHER SAIE *-> ,Men & Women; dresse^ .in bright blue sweat-goods , Variout kindi,-colors per ft.. -Presents >'( EARN $10 WEEKLY ^ * ­ : suits emblazoned with iSCt'F," HOBO PLATE -75< iwi«l 1 TSfM Daily Specials _ ' DOUBLE RATED C|v. (ADULTS ONLY) MARDIGRAS ZL, mms WITH SPECIAL GUEST STARS " PITCHER HURRICANE . /i. ^ 7 SLAPPY WHITi FREE CHAMPAGNfrPUNCH ygf&riue ADMISSION^^ GERI GRANGER*THE LITTLE STEPS ?Arts and Thetitrv Committee, " LIVE ENTERTAINMENT ; p. „ I MGM Musicals Series -s, , ­ * HARRY "Sweets'?: i. .... MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS '-|i .-J .v-.EEATEtRINGk.i.rV: Stnrruif Juds Garland. Margaret O'BamlAhryjiitut, June' ^ADMISSION sV^fe- JlsniflhtiT " ' T*ckh«rt ' ­by . SAO™.0 JUNE29 w : -: Directed-by' l'iumnle Minellt REUNION rJMlt MUNIC!PALAUDlTORlUM 3J.0O lit-Studerrts fotiflly, StcrH THE-fiUGKET-,^V3fd md pearl G7JICKEIS Al>V.^AYMONPS DRUGS 270rRIO GRANDE ^. ^806 SAN JACIHTQ Si.50 Members.-. —.rm-r Across (tofn HordirLNorth -3 Ht» Free Parking _ _ : fr-Mr-t' Presehie&iz.REDDFOXX ENTERPRISER^> _ —u— , -w ^ r-: .< • ' TEXAN "V, rrr=+ 1 'ii J?"!,