":>y; ;>.v ~r*f> m •VStl « ~9i*­ •"M V$** A>j«& -*S i a£ ~^4f ^ VAlt ­ 'W%j;. Student Newspaper at The University of Texas at Austin ,? * -,4? , / •>>• * sp 74, No. U Pleas«~R"ecycle This-Newspaper Austin, Texas, .Thursday,, June 20, 1974 Ten Cents Fourteen Pages 471-45?! if jssk Demonstration Shafts TSMWfeuOkt'ih^tiomil .. WASHINGTON (AP),—Chairman Peter W. Rodipo Jr. Agnew had resigned -=-"now we can fire Cox." -.Mid a demonstration for the House Judiciary Committee against the President to be investigated.' ' • • •••: A.Republican committee member standingnearby c6n­ .^Wednesday showed that the 18-mfnute buzz oii/a Members said the,staff also presented facts on the two firmed that the committee had the affidavit. • *JVaterg£fte tape "can't possibly''have been caused-by; of..the nine Watergate tapes that turned out to be missing The^conversation .came shortly after-Agnew resigned .^anything but hand operation. ; , but little beyond the facts already publicly-known; • . Oct. :Mj: the member-said-; Cox was -fired Oct.-20. ' ' , ^ „„„After evidencec„ucu.c was-prasented on Cox's firing, therjm-uiujni-•At-the-White House,.presidential speech writer Patrick The New Jersey Democrat said a staff aide made the „„ ^^ ^demonsf!:a0pn bn a yher 5000 tape recorder.-II was the peachment-inquiry turned 'to theWatergate tape Con-Buchanan charged, that leaks from the committee were­jMme kmdthat produced'thegap andbuzz on thetape ofa tairiing an<18-minute buzz. A Uher 5000 recorder was set "taking on-the-character of a systematic campaign to ^une^^i^ver^tlM ^hreenPresident Nixon and up fora demonstration, but Rodino said there would be no tear down the^reputation of the„President,-the secretary- . , . .. . J ­jnts Ionner chief of staff, H.R: Haldeman? r———"^re^actmehH>f-how Pr^dentlNixoD's Secretary, Rose '? state, the President$ jnen and some individuals under US ,?0J' y4>u can te^c^)t '*"rnn?,tiS^0WeIi , by Mary Woods, has^id she mighthaveaccidentally , -•.manual operation; produce this sound, thisbuzz/'"Rodino some of the tape .^recorder rather than hand operation/ but the-President's . UWU6c x.. x,a,.,c»SUu, i-... ...»!« *hf ^e«dent^ mnocehce should show, information is •*lawyer,:Jamgs D. jSt. Clair, said the conclusion could not convinced than ever that it Was an aggravated cnntimia-se'ec^veiy leaded .to hurt the President. >be that-absolute. ;—• tinn nf fftr rnvrr'nn""' " ' St. Clair,:saiaTie!ielievesiaiainTian R6dirio "isdoinEhis J Special impeachment counsel John Boar-said thecom-• But most hiemfeiHtn -: v _jjmittee does not haveag FBI:report oft who might have gavethem a summaty.of publicly:known facts about the ">LWatei^tpelate^wtepmOTte^-,— ^erased Uie. UpVrana said lh«e is do assurance'thdt a "firing and sai(l~each congr-essman-would-have to make his *. .en?. Democratic Leader Mike Mansfiel$,/U-M<5nt., -^r^eport will be completed land delivered before the im-own! judgment' --safo-^ie-is-^isturoecLand in a sense depressed, bv the ^peachment inquiry-concludes. • V: v " Cox hadsubpoenaed nine Watergate tapes" and Nixon* delayand procrasUnation" After the morningsession, two members said the panel 5aid he fired him for refusing to accept^^the President's^^ .and leaks from the committee. He said leaks haveJed_to '?hasan affidavitwith evidence that-PresidentNixon decid,-after in h.m »«mr g,.^,yrinri°s instead * rumors and innuendoes, on matters that should be left, to­^tofireSpecial Prosecutor ArchibaldCox about 10days THE COX firing led directiytolilfiig^TigHrHnBe^B^^16 § committee.. ;; ^ " T " " " nient resolutions in the House the following week and to ,/ At * si"!ate committee Hearing, Asst. Atty. Gen. •Rep. George -E. Damelson, D-Cahf^ -said• "I'm more ^ A DEMOCRAT who declined •affidavit "from former' Atty quoted Nixoii as Saying former seven original break-in defendants. Tcrd (r) yieeli>,Nixon upon roturo BUS." ­ Thursday's tempera- Court tures ar^ By DAVID HENDRICKS'' the' Clause Vras'fiot Included. '—•-reach 90, with the low. .Clayton saidorganized crim'e.maynov;a2;>: Texan Staff Writer The regulations were established be able to creep into the vending in-Thursday night. near >-i»tate reflations overthtrjilfc^ha^mi-^UjMg aflor a Hnfiafi invPStigaHnn" turnft^ •dustry. machine were . T'flltetl Wednesdayby-the-Texas Supreme diistrv: along with financial control ot wiTh SohriBrta'te-^afteF-— Jjamusement***** » —-u:„ industry »---»• up evidence;of violence In the vendmgin- 70. Skies will be'cfear operates on. a strict qiash basis, without'i.Court. M taverns by amusemrat fnachine firm.s: • checks-can-become a lucrative -market ; no.on.'c loudi nfe s's, Pi? The court ruled all licenslng-and in-. AUTicensing provisiohs also were rul­with tax evasions, illegal funneling of mjL vRfustxy regulatldnsrunconstltutional es-ed"unconstitutionaljustthtee.weeks ago money; etc.," Clayton remarked: "It.is Southeast winds ^vill • [feSl • v'cept for an old $15 per vending machine I'^»' by Uie 'Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. 'conducive to"brganizeitx:rime." •. gust, fj-fiiTL_8 to 16 The licensing provisions had beSSf Both Claytonand Temple saidtheyex­ IS ;;^,-The'holding was based ,on a suit ucsigucu-uMieei) uivem uwimrsirom ow- m.p.ii,' |*Sp ..«» ran „ designed tokeep tavernowntire from pected ijbw regulations to be proposed v»jbrought by_ Headquarters Corp. to con-•, ning more than one" machinei but the # * «nd passed by the Legislature. r\^5 •x inJjlest' tfre Texas Amusement Machine appeals court rules.this discriminated ^Temple: said; 'Tm not,sure the old?«3fe WASHINGTON-(UPI)Tired but .price,of domination over thpm ''--. s j^-feCommis^on's refusal to grant It anjm-against spialt operators.. legislation was -very effective, anyway, elated/ President Nixon returned"^ to the . Vice-President Gerald:R. Ford, who^gpOrt license. -_ Rep. Bill.Clayton said lhet state will although we did clean up-some rough White House 'Wednesday;.after "a fiver. , spoke for .the welcoming .party, said he'W^rAll. provisions were~judged uor :lose between $1.7 to $2 million this year, areas,:.'....,, __ _ * ralion"' Middle' Ea^t•tounand told his believed.thaUtoon's more,than 50hours -ftS'constitutional although only one was be-in license fees it cannot collect. that he had He added that publicity last year dur-"^Sr faiiiily, Cabinet and.staff of private talks with Middle EastJsiiaders ~ The iing challenged Legislature Jwd . aavton. of Spring Lake, also said he •,ing investigationsof the vendingiodustcy^M seen a profound shift toward-peace and, . cemented'; the.previous diplornalic ac­lassed the law' without a severance . had no suspicions U^timconstitytional-was-more effective-asi-check than were_;; more affection for Americans _ complishments of" Secretary of State ilause, and any court action had-to provisions .purposely_ were written into • the laws. > Applause arose.from .the welcoming•; HenryTtrRissinger-.­,presented-"de nov'o^^eaning alldJac^ jhe'^ulatotyact soeventuallywould Clayton said-two subcommittees «ia p^nv w^PtrNTTrm^tfpprrl nntn thr Smith Neither Ford nor Nixon mentioned the • v.. .must be presented to the court anew , ' ,be^verfuRSea"by"the-ccrtirt--^-^—~— Lawn from-a Marine helicopter,ending a threat of impeachment which continues—=-^-1 -cwisumec^affairs^yilUogk intoproposing The lack of a severance clause is an He explained that the law wds not new ^ 1,500-rQile that him < tp-: m Congress. But.Ford said he Vva$ cflnfi­ regulations diHiinjf' the nex" journey took '"•unusual aspect of the act,said Rep-Bud-passed as first proposed, and he "* ggVPtT-Saudi-Ar-abiai-Syria Tsrapl anrl legislative session. The House subcom-s dent that the; American, people "will dy Temple of Diboll,• chairman of-the --spec^ulatejd the amendments added on the —Jordan. . .. .' -• back you aSTheyirave-itt-the^past—in-~i­ ,-mrttee is chaired by Temple, and a j5s-f* House subcommittee on ^consumer af-, legislative floor; may have been the HE SAID he saw "a profound and. I peace-making Efforts. • similar Senate subcommittees chaire^ ^ '* JTaii's. Templeadded hedid notknow why provisions ruled unconstitutibnal.' : by Sen' Ron Clbwer of Dallas 'believe,-lasting change" in thre£ fe-,i?3THE PRESIDENT echoed Ford's feel-'g^ ' respects • • • ing that the United States must "stay the ''" CONCUR Request ff*t-• W ' ,"F^st," he said, "there was no hope, c&urse" in its attempts toward a'lasting . . ;for peace. There is now. hope. ;­ ;peace in the Middle East . ' , ^ ~ "Secqjjd, whjere there was hostility-for -Nixonwas obviouslyfatigued from.the' ^AmerifianJn. many parts of that part of i-tri|y.whiclLJi£_d£scribed as "yeryjopg ~ th.the world, there is now friendshipT and arduous.'' But he-enthusiastically-i ^ "Third, where-.we did have the oppor- Control Group Asks .Support shook hands,witlrthose whogreeted him. i";-^ >'^% v- 4 Hunity to meet new friends-in-Bgypt and SUSAN L1NDEE sion, and Pirtlesaid,"We suffer because iivhas been proposed in the Constitutional in Syria, we were able to reassure old including 200 Republican teenagers who •' • . • v rex'an Staff Writer of it." :v ' ( ? Convention, wotild be ineffective. -The*Tact sheet also'said if Texas jefec-• friends in l^pel and in Saudi Arabia Jmd ' wgre invited specially.. Concerned Citi^s 'fqr, Utility Regula- -ifg ''We heard recently that AT&T decid-^L'j "We need a-special commission;-'* ' trie companies had 'maintained their in Jotfdan." The President and his-wife were iws tton ;(CONCl)R)-Tias called-for Austin's ed to make up its losses"in California by. ^specifically concerned with consumer^ pfofits at, tlft national "-average, they Apparently looking ahead: to" his" "grass roots"support in its efforts to es-raiding rates in Texas," he said. \ "oriented regulation," he said. '• •-coald have lowered utility -rates 10"per-. forthcoifting summit-meetirigsnexlweek their daughters, Julie and Tricia; after a jlLtablish a statewide utility regulation mora than -six-hour-fUight^frorit. the;^®-J commission ,• ' missiqp.5which'ov.erseesutility rates and support from Houston'-Mayor Fred' To' accomplish its ^oals, CONCUR .Soviet party leader Leonid I. Brezhnev in Azores \yhere they spent the" night/ " r . California has a state regulatoiy com-f", • The organization's plan-has received cent. -. -. with" NATO leaders:-in° Brussels -and ­ T v "We realized that other municipalities Before leaving the Azores, Nixon niet^.' "P®™110" , ' ' Hofheinz, who hassaid he feels there-isa needs "broad-base^ support across the MOSGOW, he said;the Middle JSasV trip • all over Texas have the same. rate with Portugese President Antonio de1/ * • CONCUR has six member cities; "EI-. ^definite-ne^d for state control. state and-is busy informing citizensof its,ji-w»was the ^Beginning much '%4problems we do^ and are'asinterested in- ' "only of a Lago, League, City, Nassau Bay„'j "Telephone service extends beyond plan,_Pirtle notedv : . -• 5;^longer journey ...'toward a lasting peace Spmola and promised-continued U.S ­L^-*utility regulation as we are," CONCUR ; economic aid"to4hat NATO nation. . Seabrook,Staffiprd• and Webster, . boundaries of city, but Houston The ,• treasurer of CONCUR, Joan -"not only in the-Middte'feast but all over" • president Joe Pirtle of League City said; -" Wednesday in Austin. -Ipa'n 'WPlsmcnt the V regulates its own telephone rates, and it Wade,said it is interested in alegislative-^the world." : "NIXON'S return to Washington also '-•CONCUR"^vas organized the; e^blishment-ota state commission by^/jsworkt well for them,v Pirtle said; ad. hoc Study group on utility regulations. RE£ALUSUJj;^!miTIIonSv of Arabs ' was an overnight stop. After a round of '4 .THouston-Galvest.on area to deal with in-working . with the Texas Municipal At a press conference'Pirtle dis-"•The fact that there are legislatorsiasapfi Israelis who peered him with fcnes meetings Thursday. he plann in -1 League and thgrTexas-UtiHties Advisory ' tributed a /act sheet which said • who>are willing to study this idea is veryisaof -"Nix-on, Nix-on"'along the vfay» he.. -/ creases in telephone rates. Key-Biscayne,. Fla., to-prepare for his' / Commission; . , V ,' . . : telephone rates vary a& miKili as It) encouraging to us and to all the cities-said that tumultuodS reception was not -trip .Tuesday4a Brussels and his third --Texas is the only state that does.not " a?}#have a Pirtle said the regulationof utilities by . . cent within South Harris -Cbunty that qo nouhave tne Uliie Ol Uie expertise-—^actually mmnf for him-nersnnallv Soviet summit statewide regulatory commis-_ beginning .Thursday in the-Texas Railroad Commission, which' (Houston) for equivalent services.' -' necessary to deal with the big publics ,-s "It meant very Simply that ifiiilions of" Moscow—! . utilities," Wade said. ;-wpeoplein that part of the world who have • The President intended give a» to ;-y, Despite itsinterest ina statewidfeeoou.;. knpwn nothing but poverty and war for • foreign-policy. briefing for Democratic —JPtggjgn, the CONCljRJeaders made it. . the past 30 years.deperately want peace, -and Republican'congressional leaders at clear that theydldTnol want"to^force-any'-^—rand-they-wanlprQgr£SsJ"he said. "Tlie'v — -••• ... ---—«— 7:30 a.m. Thursday followed by a 9:30 BBASCO Report Said cities under state COjitrol. if thWcltie^sa believe tliat we wiH-help-in achievlng^ilaln3eaBinetTneettee^and -a--l-D m " p r e f e r r e d t o r e m a i n i n d e p e n d e n t . ' f Peace* and— progress without exacting, " the ^ -~ -— , • — National Security Council SelsIonT — 'r~ w '1 to Citizens Sibert Hearings =r ' -Jf-•> • .Oi" By TONI SNIDOW-cJ class. -———^ _!•-!:' -j® i)X " T 1 Texan St^ff Writer "Since~the current rates^are l7.8 percent above theVf^. ji&k. The electric rate structure proposetl by EBA§CQ~.previbus rates' used-here," he ekplalbed" consulting firnr is designed to prpmotfr industrial ' -EBASCO report is recommending that these rates be 1 Watergate ^robe Ksj-growth in Austin, Hunter Ellinger, coordinator of ^ -lowered-from current values. Tlfls would mean thai Citizens for Fair-Electric-JEtateS (CFER),. Said *•' tht-price for wasting electricity in Austinswould"" ;'f--WedneSdfcy. ^become even less." ' Cl^lmingJhaLthfiJEBASCO report is "an attempt to Petersen1 1 RESIDENTIAL rates would be slightly increased in . ntislead-peopleJ^JEillnger sairits rocomTnenflatliMis'­ ' the summer and slightly -•^ednQed,Jn_JJie_jffiin4eri v-Boaiild-flatjnatten AustinTutlll^TratesT — -i- Ellinger said. Small businesses and-apartment houses i _^A^lNGTON (All) — -Asst. Atty. for dn inquiry by "Sen Sam Ervm, D-In two hours of frequently angry and "SINCE the report had been presented by the eltv as wonidT^ceivejesg-oEa-r-edugiion than rargeindustries.j'r nri»l»,? ui t Petersen-defended thg, chairman of the^Senaile-Watergate emotional exchange,*Petersen.said Er-"*-1 r— —•—-1 r-r3i^flattening' the ratestructure,*' he'sa!dT"wie expected hetidded" 'E ' original Watergate investigation , CSow&Utee, into" the originannveSit^~—-vin's criticism otlhejniifistiMtion was^ -sto findInSrsignificant-chahges had beeii made; es-Ellinger also noted:that &BASCOis recommendinga ——* • unfair / " •--­t ,-pecially in tlie 'tail blqck' rate changes, which areTyi? -Service chargeof $1.70 pen. month for each residentM '* Petersen said-that,asthe investlgpion^—^-But-Eetersen nonetheless acknowlede-'?®.^ ' prlce-of-additionalipower. to largf-users during off-| . i_ ^5; hesaid, I m go»™progressed. he began lo • suspecti that .customer'.. Because; the costjo the cjtyTpr metetSj • AUiatWhiteHouseand re-election-cdm­ meter-reading andcbilling is only aboi^t 65 cents pet t^err on. the sid^ of restraint," ' ^high-ranking Nixon administration and n^ittee officialssiiciMssfullyconfined the •<. . -^—--—_• " PETERSEN Said it was necessary tp -in- -f--The report.shows enormous increases • ip W' rn.phjniilrtrntial r""tnmrr. re-election campaign officials were ' investigatibh; in the ;summer of 1972 byblock.rates for commercial and lar^e g'ptOral sprviro -•.w.e.cuy. makfig^inure than ^I'flflliion^get-yeatlf: onvuDli-the OFietnaL. seven idpfpnd»ti(«: ''nni.uui •• lying ltf'tfe"p*reseeutors and a federal. classes, ElHntier jsialdj.Lasge general service elaissiin^: the service cfiaifps above ^the cost of dealing -with -.Pfnnrt:jury; --Trcluderoffict Buildings and industry. . > customer accounts " " l~ -— i1' ,wr^1iingfrljmtheJuncl7,19724iteflk-in-: fiRVIfrwrotFtRe^gtrati .4Sf. stating (hat thisis a misrepresentatiofir Ellinger ex-r Members of CFER, whichisa subcommitteeof Savi" r"' «ftrSVDem0<;ratiC^atio?al Coii"mUtee;; the-seveff men origirtallytried and-iott—idnring original investigation press^, _ ~ >.] Stags -Austin's cotj­ plainwUhat figures given ln-the."previ6us ratelLand )„ Valuable Ehvironmeitit'tSAVfe),-are u«e 1 t 1' _ 'y-j, v4s^ *-.* -A­V>'A1 € 4"^" Wishing Well V * \ i -By CHARLES DEAN "•• f>S \. Mi(,,„ , Tex^n Staff Writer , oneside, Iwould say at this point pertiaps thereis. youknow. in ; ' ^-V-:;" J, i-lrsLln 15 years to iw hio I .'he back of my.nimd, I would have to. see evidence from the ­ nr wasunfal-r-„ , other side to counteract, but I feel it J do see that evidence, I?i 1 AVIinntan c80?^^-^-I' 'c— certain|y render an impartial judgment." v_ 5 r Alive, Well ; . R fired.Fnday by the University System Board of When contacted about Engle's "claims, McCrady said he . «"•bebavlor --~TtteHejAj-away-en--the-toBrtli—and-the-StaHt-Library before;|a • *rr&**v ..",y <*±iy lltiyai Well JUUj . fjoofjof the Main Building is"finding the elusive well. -v­ment at the en^of the hearing. "Iwould assume theHearing is the University wishing well-, -The regents, acted.On the unanimous-recommendation of-a .known only to theadventurous Possibly, because of the triff ^:: ;•;,seVen-member-hearing rofcnmittee, of, UT..Arlington . required to reach the well, na S| few who-.have succeeded in after reviewingrtrahscripts of.the hearing.. •" :• • coins tossed in by-wishful3|,»* tracking it dmvn. And track­ "Engie claims:.that: the-hearing:was-unfair-.because-Ume_". students_could be seen lh the,**)'j| lomhor rlF UnvJ n)"cA/>J.. C fi > • -v. :— i.are unfair since thev'did not -ing it dojvn 4sn't.all that easy member -df the~tommittee had already formed an'opinion -stagnant water ^t' Ae bottom;|i»­ provide us with aft impartial tribunal.; :; f hn AmII before the hearing was held. ' - of the well•' """ -"The rules did not give us any opportunity to disquaUfy the ­ > Dr. William MeCrady, professor of biology at'UT Arlington, from the library-stacks ifi tlie . professor who admitted,in testimony.that heWa formedanopi-' admitted at the'beginningrof the Rearing "that Jie'had prior To^er.-Most, undergraduate Located in; a"roof garden,-^ •••ijion—under the rules,.fie maydisqualify himself, but hedidn't*: . knowledge of the case which was adverse to Engle's position, students, ho(wever,-are .'not . tbejjmarble wellhead ::waSM do so,.'1.Collins said! -" " ' ' " • ."Engle said. -' • s allowed in, the stgcks carvetf; by A.5 PetHlll^ltAi^, His.admfssion: that He had already formed an opinion and According to the hearing.trartScripts, McCradysaid Oneof his ™--v:.s „ •, • decorated with carved cupids'A needed,tp hear evidence'from the other side shifted the burden iMr " ~wel1' . research assistants Ijist fall was also taking' a class under . s^dehts". frolicking around a wine caskf%t tho ' • l.' , •oi proof to theaccused. Thisis contrary to the basicprincipleof' ^ mustnust take the elevator in the -, ?-^ Engle. ; • ­tne accused remaining innocent, untirproven guilty. ' ""^5tN'Msiir Buildftig,;&; gift -0f Mrs. Lutchee^' .. . McCFady testified, "She did'complam to rfte several times ''The rulesof ithe hearingspecifically provide thatin'the case. not the Tcnjer elevator, to the S"tark, the garden is planted .^^ 4 about the Jhings that,went on in class that she did not think ap­ of. a-tenured professor, the burden of proof is on the ad-* ^Them^eywiih-grass and contains -twoimlr ^ propriate, andsheaskediny advice. r.Aiidi did advise her to eo ministration.;-'.*-.. -Vv';": Wind their w^y tlrriough. the statues; and several turtleis in"^;^ to, the department cMjrmarfrlntfilren^to-to^Hiaean-?if'she­ ;~Engle-EnrtomaticaiiFobtainedHteriure-in 1970when-hfel w^... ..didn't get satisfaction there. •.— , .• iT,a..room-r additioh to.the wishing • promoted to associate professor.-' • ; ; v.; '^he-did-aventiiallyTthen^geLoiit nf r>r ftacc nnl1 "TheJieairing was also unfair in that the tribunal is nnahit.m uransier intoaether oneafter the-drop^eadlineTTRiffhss been Wor Declared on Longhairs ; nTsnmPMTiPfirn f J. LAi severar'^mpf^h^™6' *didhear only thisone side, but -administrative-decision is made by the Board df Regents.who L_war on .long HfJU tvU IZnTl nemhtCa"e ln f^s-upset, and would talk were' not present at the hearing," Collins said/ - I The barbershop'business in : hairs — charging that the icj , r , ' • ' W-0 Schulta, attorney for the UT System, said he did not Sngapore,: whicb. had been; longhairs* life style is a sim>­> attorney if-Jie-had formed any opinion as to -tliink IL i>rope»aoj!oinmpnt nn.KnpiA'g ninimc "The newsoaDer ln-e-newspaper ^wther slow;unUl; recently, is l»th; of. western decadence? iT ?*P-the merits of the case, McCrady answered. "Haviwheard only js not th^lS^lfeoiilsr Wishing welt make it so. brojtjing. v _ -. and, even worse,of illicit drug',*ft The Singapore government, use. » WMM?' • **•*' Clark Talks to Freshmen ffie Living S/rejim-MfnJslJ^y^a^lljle-believing, Christ' • By.JOHN.FARLEY loving, Christ-ctntered grpup^of Chnstians^iTeSentsr— pagQ. • ~ -^egent^-Ciarjetold pcien- f°rwarl.w!th ^Clark*: exprel's^concern ^e responsivetatiQri: students Wednesday The Texan is 'one of the best A. S5SSS"u1 g y eater-'­ communication between : . ? A LIFE STUDY J college' newspapers in the students, and' administrators -™ , ... . , . United States but -said; the as there should be., , Clark cr.tKi^ the stuaent The Deadline fo torn_iri newspaper should^ only, be a ' -•-< --Dividends com^fh June • lab for'journalisrh students. lv " j Jl' ~ 30th.-' ij-it * s-/ • •• • fie addedy"I thifrjc thefacul­ty of-the School ..of Com­ ; THE SCRIPTURES fiunicatiort should. teach the „ f fS 't u students voted in-the Student tudents how to write,:not ^h^^vVrnm^nt elections." . U'c believe thai all those seeking «he reality of the living cat:S:ifpfft romps the deadline for fuming in your , ' r~ . involvement ,in student-af-.. -He added "Weh^ve elprted Christ, the enjoymtnl of the indwellingChrist, and'a rich, liv-what to; write."-fairs, the use of student ser-"ea|1Q®cl'. "enaveeieciea University Go-Op dividend.-slipsf Tou've "g6t~»ifffi' * " Clark" statod he thoughti cThe s a a x t • leaders who .really oneJgiggfalgCofjfi'm-from-thc-Scriplures,-willno|iWant-lo-_ — — v e n e r , student vices and,extracuzTicular acj. miw those meclin^sTp —j iexan.is-"toojartromiiomt^.L^iyi^gg^rf don't' have a constiluency., ^ lines Jmav not • Tunp 30 ^s you 'may krinw 'IffouryearsfrdnTnow'WS3 tt-,f . ,, „ _ -^OlS&SmandJJEI wire'-—He stres^ah-e^ear^^^^^^yf ~ -w ™y' • I ' " fey wpwi Ull UlUl Ud^ -,-Hlghhind-Malfe^aimuiuty Bair services am.slf^nw-lrave-tisrof the UntvafJL'anWr^ • should_Bi^e|^gainr both toy and June 29 is the day we ^ake iiiKentory'so we won't be 6peri ~ "Every. Friday: Genesis -g^Sund.): Matthew University affairs-on-thaitont^^the^U^lents to "S and your.iondeSt .dreafns wtll 4iave-been served if. you can that Saturday either.. So, you can bring in your dividend slips -."-Friday 7:30 p.m. " Sunday 6:00 p.m. --t . truthfully say that you arp w' S?JSS4 ,» ..... -x. glad that "you have plastered• before those two dates, if you wish, to the seeo^-jbSxjicket -.1' Admission is Free . some of tHe. great-potential.of EARN CASH WEEKLY sales-window. Be sure tV> hringiyour student T.D. with ^you or •'" The -Living" Stream Ministry this". great~eampus," Clark<«ivi t&t-i we canH^ccept youf dividends. If you want to mail in your concluded.—= Co-Sponsored by Christians onCampus slips, they must be postmarked no later th^n June^30,^nd inail­® ;— Men &_Women:" T e.d .in.the same envelopes found on the second floor at the 'i*;%'i -use ' EARN $10 WEEKLY ticket sales window. Dividend checks "will be mailed CASH. PAYMENT FOR DONATION September. Remember, if you miss thisdeadline, all of the;slips CLASSIFIEDS m Co-Op Consumer you've saved sinpe July of last year will be no good.V; •» -Austin „ "Blood Components, &j£gf Action Line *" University ^^MtJfQN.ZTmaiS.8 AM to7pAf* ?•» J'M TUES. & FRI. 8 AtM. to 3 P.M, Co-Op 478-4436 fM ^CLOSED WED. & SAT. ^ .6th 47^-3735 ..Isn Monday thru "Friday 8:30-5:30' •Mj ~r> r -«f .The Consumer, Action Line is a way for you-to voice |walk, bike, or bus — jour opinion af-.the-Co-Op to us directly. We want to 'anywhere in Central Austin hear your complqints^ suggestions, ideas and ariything Itnnit else that you want to say. We'll listen': All you have'to 452-4447 fotirts do js dial 478-4436 and epcak to a guy .named'Michael new-modem .^4539 Guadalupe and lcll him what you feel. And you can call anytime furnishings during the store hoursi We're-hpre^to serve*you. convenient to jandscaped And if you don't feel like giving us a call then you can downtown&the iennis T-IZ chronogriph­nrop.us a line.. Mail them to Co-Op Action Line, 2246 ' »— University courts -• , onaof UNbohl onu Th«TUsol:T-1B4.dl.l Guadalupe, P.O. Drawer7520. The Co-Opdoesn't mind .-chronograph In orMt big ?;s»m 42*miliirne(er.fize9 un* ityou complain, that^Jiow We fryurittrprove service . mistakabiy 0ffiefent. With for you. —~ --• "V" ' ' . tactometer scale. Stalrv le»«-steel, matching • • " - n-3?^*""^ ..^rAeeiet$99J0 -< b" r0 '%tJS a A c if PmhtM *r• v, I ; liahAa*rl(trrf' & . C«m anytime-duiring „ 't store.,hftyrs. 3 sPl The University Co-On Drug Specials 'TIN nu MUS"BU ootguun AlU«»W VtUAH57M lUtWT ». im 1 vrr WITH e-mS. June 20. 21. 22'iM-J & J Cotton Swabs Wella Balsam Shampoo NEW HOUSING POLICY!! USDEXTER HOUSE ' : -rx 7^: When photographers talk "Shop," they talk y. KONICA. The name has come to represent the utmost ,( • in photographic_exceIlencfe.-Known*s the orie to beat ­-^^mongJt8rcompetjtoj^the KONICA has long been r: known as an instrument"most valued HjT the master ftf /J* photographer as, well as tjhe layfrtan." — ­JL^L—Ilhe. KONICA Autoreflex A with 57iprh -fl-.4 lens'^^J ;% and case-sells for $249.95 at the'University Co-Op %4 _L_ ^amera Shop. ^This is a fully Automatic single lens refl^JL35mirn^c,amefa. It allows "^focus" and~lsHoot" 400's-: ; Reg. $1.45 %79* Wellaw Herbal i mi Conditioner Reg. $2.25 .^r, $1.23 oz. Reg,-$1.98 -$lfl 5 Neutrogenii Soap *.25 73* oap ' ^ L .. . B-TT... t-. s * * "sSS'tW 1103 W.-24th OCCUPAMtY ONLY ^ml^-5^^fJ?ooms«s-Lowas sou^rm,. s60 Luxiin^us Private Rooms $ 100 pel^°" itvr® _ ^, i • AAaicL Spriffrp 1 f £ ''It " 1 1 'vTlT • Heated Swimming Pool • Refrigerators* Intercom f" W " Laund,rV Facilities' • Vending /Machines ^ •Tlfl^OTTl'rtt 11 flP J Qfi '. . /lTlrw ••t^T~axitom^rtron-~as-^weli--as allowing the |?i ,override for fulL.creatiye "control. artist manual l&JBaby Off -Street .to Campus . If you enj<^y tatmg pictures as a-• *.w.-( • v. • 1 • .. V." . • • • .Cv X •• • ' • •• •« . > hobby 6'r as a* **T ^P®c'°l Pa^tage Deals (R«om Oto.xt.i'-Baordat MadtwnT ^fpfof^o^»TQ^ nwp yotVrsp?ftKONTf]A. T^tk ^np^, ShampocA Shampoo *" available qs low as $1 ^ir ' ' v',i7'£n.-^I'l'•T3"' -• -.. 4----''•'•---J — 17 oI. "HjnH 2 Tq ^„ Nowaicepting Fall'74Conlf^fl " j'^ " "~x l^X jdlMT^2;00­ '-fi - ^ - —A _ ^ * jsr ~~ ,i i ^ nd VV |gf|f KeJ^lfS $l3g *1.29 2ridll6or TheUnivefsity tv* HOUSE BwAAqftffcanl :CmerSe^ComWXwe ' • ->Vrwith purchase asterCbarge i.E^'^piyOeisf,c:-- OETjy Welcome; Punban ­ ^ -­ flfifiT 1 $2 or flkr*r ^rsptxr.\^x ­ M'^rp ^ ^ -j S ' ' ~ r8 - . ui i Aw/vium -Secretary of Stale ^States had not notified its NATO allies in Henry' Kissinger said Wednesday Uial--"trivnnpV Hrf fWnhpr rfnriip the Arah­ en.iig the .United States• reserved the right to: .-Israeli war-wheiu.it ptaced itsrnilitary act alone in urgentsituations without forces'on a worldwide,alert, . £•":.V .consulting its allies tiutwould'tryto con­ . ,"I b.elieve," Kissinger said, -'that afcy " sult in advance. ( ,.r;. NATO aJly .-analyzing the situation as it­ "It' is always possible -that situat ions existed then. 'will bte grateful that-thewill;arise in which .the United States,_m UnlteiJ-States acted'decisively." • . the corrirnon Interest,-may.feel it has an " " Kissinger pledged that, to the extent obligation;to act,;'_ KissingeSrtol'd a hews emergencies could' be-foreseen, theinference.; . '. United States would act in full.consulta­ Kissinger' spoke -follawlog formal ap­ tion with its allies. ^ •!.. -provalby rolicall ytjte of a-new Seclara-' • "However it .is conceiyabfe." he%said,.'_ —ttetV^ffiming-gnnrimon-JnfnroctQ 3nri ' " ~^thn(' prriprgcnnrri would nrise in which goals .of theiS-mdrhber "nations ijti the "we hppe it would seem to be in the in­ N.orth' ' Atlantic - "T •Atlantic Treaty terest of the alliance as'a ^wjjafe that we fi "Such circumstances should bei ex? tremelyrarej^andwewillavoidthem'tf) Termination "the maximum extent possible. But it-. would.bcjrr°l:pffnsih'ptnpriifiipritoniiif< • nevei-liappen,'' he JsaMr Of^onfrots : The 14-paragraph NATO declaration^ : said the'Essential" elements-that, led to formation of the aUiancein 1949' had Advocated1:; Snotchanged. It sardllwassITHnecessary • •••*•' •'"-• '• / % Ifgfor, the alliance^tomaintaindefenses"at • HOUSTON (AP) — The board chair­ £3a-level capable of deterring and if man Of Exxon Co/USA said. Wednesday • • necessary repelling all dctions directed ! in uiethe reaeraiFederal isiergyEnergyOfficeuuiceneeds to begin against the independence and territorial ispr dismantlingismantlingitsits petroleumpetroleunu|jrice,controlsjirice controls . integrity, of. themembers?" • • "" 8 ^_z u - ' • The declaration apnjf&red to reServe% reServei nt 4fst" M.A. WHght6-1 said such progrgirts have?^-" ffuc^0Br?rts havej_. the right of the.allieTto initiate use of outlived their, .usefulnessjsefulness and that their _ nuclear'weafcons o' nuclear'wea^pohs in case o^dnflict. ••••• dismantlement couldi lead to reduced. , »ii^WWh#rtfiUinTAtl . Prjf^f *or some petroleum products. nnoS"6 C,?!< effipiet^t^.tiM|pfiMes;:is"iaseek agreemenf.tliat ^ --a^aUQ^d^|^_rea^th^natioji s • yCW^the risk-of war (the allies, efforts to; move-toward energyself ^ • sufficiency," Wright *aid at a news con-rimTrfe^S^ralU^/at . ference.: ,v *••• --- _ "WhiIe^T)etroIeum^uppIiej5--have_in.­creased, the FEO;has moved toward in crea?mgiy:tomplex controls in its crude rodtfctimlocatiori programs. governmen have beerrwarranted^when^the-embargQ-i­ 2/i . was in effuuL Iloweveiyi today some-oL - the -circui^tances_iusti£ying govern­,. meht allocation are no longer \yjth us." ­ ^^•••Wri^it Said any ;short term negative effects would' be quickly^pffsetby the benefits of restoring cpmpetition in the market ;place if price land '-allocation', programs were removed from, certain 'products right ngw, , ' . ^ "Supplies of products such as.heavy.; fud; oil, propane,;butane, middle dis-' » ,tiilati ­an 'order argued that the Railroad Com­mission npw has power.to divert natural gas supplies without nestablishing:-a w statewide allocation plan.' ' v' The three-judge intermediate appeals: , court heard arguments in the complex^ J. . A —»* 1 ~ I 1 V ,... -—as® 35^.•.-> wMM ? asR^p iSSSiSSSSSffiill mmmmsm -HJW T*l*photo Kissiriqer NATO ministers approving Declaration rbn-Atiantic—ltelotinhs 'By-ANNE MANE RBLDAV day^_-an_am«Bdment-which would .have Texan Staff Writer * -v granted the governor7slrdngeF'"vetu~­Delegates^ to the .Constitutional powers. • • ' ... • ..; •• • -Convention narr-osdy" defeated Wednes-• Although GOV. Dolph Briscoe had • ~ •last November when the. Railroad Com 'There's plenty of law'on the book's > mission refused to divert'natural gab that says that a publjp service utilityfrom the pipelines of the Texas Utilitiesr. r cannot -make deals that subvert the Fuel Co. (TUFCO), which feeds eleo-' jurisdiction of the regulatory authority," trical-generators , in the Dallas-Fort Worth -area, to the pipelines of the--, -finacialbtetroubled Lo-Vaca. Gathering Co., supplier of gas to Austin, San An­"Ibnio and1 the LCR&T-^ Austin Djst. Ju^lge^Herman Jones up-' held the Railroad Commission's order • eafclier this "year, and the three South —Texas utilities, appealed to 'the Third _ Court of Civil Appeals. The court's deci­sion, expected sorfietime. thjs summer, likely will £je" taken on to the State dispute between Austin, San Anttfeib andt >}^ pren^-5^~ the Lower Colorado River Authority^ Ajustin attorney Clint LSmall Jr., (LCRAjf and the Railroad Commission.^representing the 80 GentrarTexas4ewris The eighty North Texas utilities are in-ff&erved by the LCRA,-said the Railroad teryenors in the~suit on the side of the * ^ Commission has jurisdiction in the case Railroad"Commission *"• , because the fuel companies, are public The suit has been in litigation since^ 'futilities Farah To Reopen Pants Pfant ^NnVTONlCbiUPI) Farah/ early.May and already has re-emplayear In little River, ~ t.PdrhTi^The object ii . Small said. "We say the commission in • times. of shortage should fairly and equitably spread the'gas'over the entire , system;* Attornnv Dan Mw«prp<;pn»inp the :oiitht" WnrfK-^rovnir_/vvWiT»nV*i/»f. . 'nin>) ' . eight North-Texas' .cotnpatiies,-'dflPgued-.. that jiis.clients owned title to the gas • which Lo-Vaca onoe,"borrowed"" from * the TUFCO pipelines(:;but.had to give up . last year because of shortages in North -' Texas * -, "What they're Saying is 'Well, wedon't ;a . care whose gas it Is, give it to us'' -Moody said • Asst. AttyrGen. Rex White, represen­ting the' Railroad Commission said' "there.:.is no way the commission can:,:: take gas from these mtervenors without >M getting into the rightful ownership question" % same Vapid rate. ':-Farah' indicated-a plant closed at Vic-­^ortg^atepmi^KtrJpopen snm<>liTnp in thp -future but said he did not wantTo raise false hopes:, among farmer Victoria employes. , -. ^.Plants shut down at Albuquerque and Las Cruces;,!-N.Mu'were operated in*-• rented, buiftmg and were not as likely to ­J>e reopened soon, he said.. . _ v ­: Farah said he was surprised no otiier . slacks manufacture stepped in to filt:the ; void created-by tlie-boycotUIarly de­ ;jnand'for Farah pants has been "very, " " yeqr high," he said. "It's really a phenomenon. Nobody •­ „ .... seemed to fill the gap. That's what • —Rf"4* '^^^i'yrdirecL^ agajnstj^nTiitt^—Htion^f4helaxamendments by filibuster^ a •'•Sci 3c, ,ft' "tax'_reflffTir^=ing^cHi-l)is-own-aiiSBndmentr-taiPut thp :­ J^;.- -s..-^ ^sd^nts4o-a^ehtxeflingJ>ill which pending debt" wilingTiiiC^e^W^sr­jPusMgsggteJ^i'y-^imeAif the-. -billion. d5wnTfaAfln-h-.ii.nn-­ amendments.. It .appeared he was run­ning little-risk, becaiisfe the range of items in the package made it all-but cer­!. taip. it.could not-command majority.sup­port. And if Rgcessary he cbuld renew • the filibuster. " The Kennedy 'amendments-would qut'.;­-3n3ividuaMncome-taxe&-slightly and in­crease some corporate taxes^includliig-' ^an'epd .to the oil depletion allowance ­; The;liberals gained one parliamentary —wwto^-how&vee. mjniinaging to hring -their amertdments^d^e--fl®oi=--to^_ : debate. Allen had. prevented even considera-. _ EHiiHuorffl-Tu however, after outmaneuvering Ailen .and~gainihg the Senate floor, offered the liberal tax amendments as a substitute for the Allen amendment. Allen can still continue his filibuster, but the pending"' , business"before ti»e Senate nowis the tax roeasuire. Thfs enables liberals to debate Prudent 'NixonV -ecohomig policies, • " rAllenJuhJ warned the convention that.he would fhid it 1'J.iui til Jiii|i|tnrt thi> prnpngpriTvtnfiti^ji Uon without the amendment, th'e~104-56 vote . was eight votes -short of the ^ necessary tw'o-thirds. required on * amendments during third reading gf ai£ 4joies_ ifrtR^cs^tFftep=13evmt=aife Corpus Christi, .the amendment t6 the Legislative' Article-would have required":'; •• a. two-thirds vote of the membership .pf . both houses to override a governor's veto. The article-requires tjwo-thirds -of, the members present and-voting to : . override-a-veto.. • . ' K • # Hale and a group of other delegates, • who, met with -Briscoe Wednesday mor­ ning, said that the' goveraorlssupport for: the proposed constitution would be dif­ ficult to get without .a-stronger'veto —powpr-fnr -thp-pnvprnnr ^'This -is-ofie-of--about-three-or4our.. areas in which the pnyprnnr-iias haH qpv ' nnnnam -' oh/4 <«nn i- concern, and we need his support to get -this constitution adopteti^-HaifLsaid^ Sen. Bill Meier ^pf Euless told the ^ delegates that BriscJie had indicated that "there was. nothing else in {he'eonstitui -'ition.so far which would cause him to op­. pose it." -. *. • r .t Speaking against theamendment, Rep. Bill Hollowell of Grind Saline-advised •ithe delegatesi who are -state represent J ,• tatives and . senators, "think "twice.-* ."before giving up some of your power." ' . Rep. Craig Washington of Houston told the convention,. "If .we. give.up some of -. our power, wlfltirbiBlOH^S tntiipnwmlp nU ' I this state; we'il never-get irliack-" ;—r^-1 After the defeat of the Hale amend­ment, the convention rejected anamend­ment which woulU haverestored the veto —^QURTxirip prpSpny CoQstitu <••••: ;\-hgeiZ&i neuis copsules Israelis Bomb Arab Guerrillas .BEIRUT (AP) — Israeli planes bombed suspected Arab guerrill& en­cajnpments in S0uth"eni-Leban0n-0B—Wednesday for the third time since President . Nixon ended-his Middle East peace mission. "—™ •-!'The scorched-earth war is on, With Presidenf Nixon'-s-hifissiDgr' deelared the leftist newspaper A1 Liwa in Beirut. Al-Liw» and other Arab leftist papers said Nixon; during "weekend talk's in Jerusalem, had* given Israel"the green lighit to-attack Lebanon," ' " • •­ -w ,'y* - : H f - " • 1 Ford Warns of Wired Society .. .­ WASHINGTON* (UPI) —' Vipe-President GeraId"R. JFord toTd Conigress" Wednesday that not enough has been done to protect individual ihvasion of privacy by government and proposed legislation to prevent "the abusesofI wiredTSoeicty." : '-i'-' Ford said thgt "the timehas come for action"and urged two Senate sub­committees to approve legislation that, .would restrict the use and ac-: cumulatwn-Of^oyernment records on people. . Thp;Vice7P.resident made Ws ybwrkHmMh' in a~letterto Senr-Sam 'j:Er­,vin Jr., D-N.C., chairmai pf the Government Opefatiohs Committee and the. Judicfary/Subcommittee on Constitutional..Rights, vcliich have beeiv holdlhg joint hearings on individuajTirivacy rights. . * FCC Reprimands Truckers „ ^ ^ • WASHINGTON (UPl) .— Warnings on the use of citizeris^band'radios are! -being -lssaedj^truckers^alpng interstate highways,, according to_a; spokesman for the FedefaKCommunieatiorvs jCaivigijssion; .The spokesman said the campaign to inform the truc&rFoITicSn§nig^ requirements-and-ruIfisJitJoperatlon as provided,for in the Federal Com- r "'in 11 rt Hnfic ntn>Vip fynm tkA ..p.A i tj -i . iiiunieatiofis Aet-stefts ffom the use-of-the-Gitizens band to coordinate ac­ tivities during the January strike by independent' truck drivete across tbe country; , " ""~ ^Sft^krpiws^de-rOowpiwiird ^ '^iNEW VORKTSPy-=TBqr-NEW YORKlAPT^mw^ P,nces' drifted loweF agailv ^toc!k Exchange closing-mdi Wednesday in light trading as^r .Market..;.;..;;;...' v.off23cents man.y, investors.Contiiiued to,*-''V [nd'e\-, i 46.66 off 0r34 avoid buying stocks, while in'V, •. industrial , .... .•82.118. off 0.35T terest rates remain high. . • Transnor'tatibn . 33.56 off o:2? UtilitF;..^ ^ T . 28;5iH>ff-0.21 The Pow Jones,average Qf 301' " ' Fina'nce^..50.65 off B:74­ industrials finished the day down 4.15^'at 826.11, _ ' r Thursday June^O,' 1974 THE DAILY TEXAN Page 3' " oreseiit" " """ two-thirds vote of iiir iik inlii'i ' tm mil • and'voting in the house where a bill originated, Mid a:^two-thirds vpte of the tM" membership Qf the other house. ; f ^ •\ The convention added an amendment S to the Legislative Article which would provide ^uniform date for the enact-" ii meht of-laws adopted during^sessions of A the Legislature; , ^ The amendment, .offered by Rep Robert Maloney of Dallas, states tiyt "no law may take effect-until 90 days ^ after adjournment ofcthe session." The: > amendlin€»t"alIowsr' tfie" Legislature • to—I suspend ih4 rule and-anthorizfeaH-eariier­ • pliW'livp dato.htc tmfrt Vif fkn effective-date b?;a two-thirds vote of the- membership of eacli^iouse. ---~ -'An—amen. ^^"r*~z*'^"^S. V/?*-"*"1 S^T>-V"*V '*T,iJ. — -' ;;• ~\•>•" trSZff1" TPtr^ -v-» , ./i -41 >&*• '+z$sm t -* r \ v.i •asj^avtsik EDITORIALS prisoners Page 4 Thursday, -June 20, 1974 still serving time By~30HN"i)iWCAN --"-.that he has been working quite diiigentl^Mj (Editor's, note: Duncan is director • ,on obtaining information from ttofofe : of-the CeatralJesfl^Chapter of tHe -sentencing courtsupdating the tOtaJsai&l ~r't SSW -Texas Cjvil Jiberties Union.) -'• parsing individual cascs-on-t6-the-Boa«tfcl^ Wednesday, Rep7TRonaldrEarle"had^-^3Trf-Pardons"anifdParcfles; — ­ The facts were-right thfere at the Board of Regehts meeting last Friday. letter in The Texan concerning the Texan Who has-engaged in footdragging ani'; liOiividtent-4>ocicty: programiPonit^hiiHtaloe^„4 ,„v,_ IIUL 1L uul.a _ consistent wiUi the new law: /ILffl' t ; P-.P J? ?m what. The Teijan faced. _ -j. out war on "human: poverty and, nn-^ZrparnK7 „ ... .m,...,.,,,, nr iut-it;Wara-srandstand-playiy—l.provide-a Elimose into its desiens whirh "The TCLtl'wiU continue; to lob a It* • • J*3" shouId..have raised its fee and thusly alleviated employment" and like Vietnany.it, tob, Ofteof®iKation Commissioner Fran--i i-e-.i ' <-—• i?««innop1?Mn.*"——Twere predestined to fail. repeal all laws whirh cfiminallize th jte^debt ls^simne. Regent Erwin should know-better, ' wasa bust. —ri— -- • . cis Keppel toj withhold $90 million in : '"pqsse.ssion,; use ana !ialer(j[ itia&juaj3a •«.. -— • " • • Seven years later. federal funds ifrom the Chicago school .The plight of the' Texas marijuana ^ mactc Washington" T77jbaard..'whi"^"" ) —• — »• v.uT.-0-yr! >ntj mini nmw • --— prisoners only reaffirms that, such laws 5^ correspondent for to the council.;The White House reversed • inijiii^ nr1 uiahua. it cxtrcmolv difficult when, von are r-mnmenting about the -• .1 jTlVl'll ml->wltfi/>ril-PAn ktr n!«ilfSni>'HM • tie typed lilplv-iputuU.. « Survival : in ...i-itlliuied^PQlitiefll-atratf^iftsJut-niplfing'nn * —forecrf. thfir pnfnmrmrnt nftBn rolioenn I fc, -issues of the day. Sometimes there aren't enough issues on a certain day. ^merjfa " Tn if; Chicago and Mayor (Richard) Daley ; •' -• ;• -• -entraameBtrUllegal sealrhes^and other Samuel F. Yette js pn&of those dajre. In order not to break the rule of journalism, we " - fll st or Why f.lin profinrp^nn nf 1*3^0 • Contain only. 60 characters per line, means which violate civil liberties. They j* described .what he called the "Great -f are going to fill up space/vfuv'' ' ——-1 '-y-against Chicago, was, in the minds of encourage police corruption,,they divert ptjjSociety Pacification programs^" many civil-rights lawyers, so ill- V .*. »» J v A O| m m ft law enior^ement;time and ellon from , Filling.up space, filling up.space, filUng'up space,^filling'up spade. ww • ; ?-• Include, the. author's phone number: * The war on poverty was never a real . prepared that it invited failure under the enforcement of:: laws .against serious FilUng up space, filling up space, filling Up spaCe, filling space; fill-: -.1 • C up in OCUKl •. '• r* -r-'» . illlT .war -""f"except «• the '»USWW.WUrhetorical sense* weight of the;most meager technical • Be limited to a maximum length of lOb crimes,ahd^-they engender contempt for Rather,like-Vietnam,,n fiiu -^g'^^lmaaSMorLtgornery march in ^Filling up space,fillingJip space, filling^space, iillingup space, fill- March of 1965. The second was an uii­ ingupspace, filling up space, filling^up space, filling up space,-filling up ^ successful attempt to cut off the Iiinids *4,s' -space, filling np space. ' fpr the de facto segregated schools, in ' Filling up space, -filling up space,-fillirtg upspace, filling up space, fill-Chicago in April of.-Uie same year: . ,. ing up space, filling up space, fillingiup-spacefv^-^kfcKa .-, The result was the drawing together pf Certainly I believe all his promises! Why, he wrote them in the santf didn't,he?' ^^Th_ereJ_­ r"~ClS f\v firingline -'.-ii THE DAILY EDITOR..7, Buck Harvey To the .editor: MANAGING EDlTpR Hefn/r now.4s for everyone to try in their own charged into theStSrm sewer. This sudsy tenjJ. The recent affairs of the SLAJiave . small everyday way tohelp bripgabout a ^IST^T:^ANAGING E-DITOR Lynpe.Brock , caused^much controversy. Eyerybody is eco'°®'ca' Since when does one automatical!, .new-wo_rld~"of personal-and social bahg|s qffShoal Creek. . v salivate at thesound of a bell (as the ter* *WEWS EDITOR...... .> PawClark horrified.:that wealthy, idealistic Patty -freedom, a world full of live instead-of -Q -. ;Fish ponds, fountains and creeks, as -. minaUon of class)? Must our highschool ASSISTANCE TO THElEDITOR Dave Risher .Hearst and hergang advocateviolence in ^.violence; SPORTS EDITOR..,..1 Larry Smith. sss«? AMUSEMENTS EDITOR ^...Debra Triplett ....... r...Stanley Farrar,-Marlon-Taylor •• TH jPgthe class and have never-experienced first-, une^.&iA* * environment^ ^ . c,ass 's fjhished wjthJitmZ^i; hand the violent oppression the poor peo-~.~-.Jg VvinClGlISm UOSOUTlCf. . ronrnent._| ,-|> -. -If;it is impossible to abidelv;by theser< .pl^of this world Xr.CertalnlyitUwk -"to the eSitor^— " ^^Melanie Abernathy^ simple rules of cpur^sy, (yes,tha&t --City Editor ..7 T..T....".; .. very stern discipline for a man such as ,An investigation of a coAolaint of red" "sS? S5 is ?tiljjn ewstencelnleasedo not both#: ..^lailBurrls . Geperal Reporters Mjartin Luther Kii)g tojeel the hurt his"~--^iye in a tributary of sK^ebk KUOe StudentS -1^ • coming^o class. Pe^kps it Is disturbing1 David Hendricks, Richard Fly, <** -s-uiSit4-".^ f people felt and still react to it withcalm 'between Pearl an'd SairGabriel-Streets •-«.» ^to.tteprofessor, certainly itisdisturbing1 -_ _... . Anne Mane Kilday, KeaMcRgm •News Assistants ..SusanUndee, Rodolfo Resendez, Steve'.Golub a * wnyqiucu UIJ.aiigci auu ^U* Contributors . ' ' Tont Smdow. Wiliard Hall, Wade Wilcox, -HH.e . knee-jerk reaction to.violent, op--. dangerous-to the Austin -environmeiit: temptH6hg~en6ugh7~I~cafr-no-:-longeri Nevea.ln_mvscholastl y ". .i..Nancy Mills, Brenda Lewelleh, Debbie Turner tolerate ln .si^ence thej rudeness that have-I encountered the r eness pressive conditions and thus cannot ^he^gource of the -red/Coloring in the exDeri Edttorial Assistant-, w " ; . Randy Burgess always be judged morally .right ,or._. . -creek turned out to be an apartment , -~ -*7",^ MUtL seemsto. be the-norm at..jthis-univerSity. seems-to be rampant at tjiis-universityt Associate'Amusements Editor Mark Peel L, • house swimming t>MLthat had to be Since when o'oeione walk outof a 'class c™n8e Mate-up Edi&r'., " * : Roe Traugott -u wjll no doubt come "drained as a result of an,apparent joke, about, but the question^is, will it be frith J fThe manager of the apattmeht stated ^P^EditofcT^^—^A^..:r. Keith Hartnell |.ToBi.:Tiptoh^Jan fhionSi David.Rnsar Reasonablesfanci 'SoilJicna.tak^pTTtditiM'JtfclliiiiL'r Mri^VVIlsoBP -the-~wilLand,the' inclinationjtodo so; thatiW^raKia^jnB™*"-"-"^^ . 0$tintons',expr«eed in The DailyTeu& are thoseof lbi -mim(caU50'Buildln|!A4iJ6)..lnqulrJej«»K*nilngdtIlverT is to say, they musTffiinrfre^tjrand-not—HwHicrT^ir .ecUU^br tlwwriter df -tl^article spd are^ot necessarily JJ^ jhoiUdV nude in TSP Boildlni chaP8e- I ttKsc-of >th6 Udveniity;>Klmi(tfstr*tian;or the Bosfd of 3.200 M7J-5344).fiM-jwlvertiilne In'TSP Bulldlag ^ The present SO-T .|system of Austin?' foriiimtoWhiere/eltHerfifhemast'deal' RfSenu :-«10 i <71-18651 -" " callair\ leaders of society could ' ­ . , The Baily-Toum, a^tpjlbitpMr^wperatolie Univcralty 1. IVfnaUowl -.whertlilng repitl«iuti»« of-TI»-Dally greatly-" *• of -Tixai at Au^Un, 1* rptifcRshfed: by T0^as--^tfidbROtaMsTDrawer Vnivtriity S(at^on;>Auiithu^x. , 350^Sew-Y«k; N.^Y 10017 -jo?tead_of_perpetuating millions oftimes^^rvironmenUl Health Servte^4)lyision io 787It..Tbe >Dajly,yTesA9 ^puUtfbed:Jfafesjrr Tttexlay,r • "TW^ry _ The pilly-TejtM WbKftbM to the AMocUlecTPSti. in the ghettos,; -^complain about thfe red in the creek."$!' SS?{hS Slghfwan 'toTOber'tferQBgfti IfnireirrrMKtaunutfomljmd PaclficlVcwt ^>rvrn The-. MAy,ftfl^rTutfsda9, Wednesdny^Thiodtjij aiiurrw —Ttmi u » mtitilwr nfW AwnrlatnirollMtote Preu At Chile Vietham another areas thafcthe^Ainvestigatiort with a sample taken to tfc -through August,"except hoUdajraDdl ex«mperiods, SouUwrn".Joornaliiro ConitreM uM tbe .^clui Daily «Ia» pottage paid 4i.Au3tiqJ)fex. ~ -Newspaper;association.-;. ' -~ -, , .^cffjtribfitlora-wiU -.be accepted by-teiepbooe i|?f. . UpcyclltidttatiowicirjlJe newipawi'iire'ainil;iSeton HWi,.atlheLedilc*tiLof[>c»-'tTe*as St^JentPMbllcatioos -:SKttUrllto W.1 Burrttt• Boad. Uk6 AuHinMoultviirE— 1 hsuemenl'Roor) Ufiora(orftC6nH >hyppcrit?s yyhen theycomplainabbutthfel ^ ;>' -X ' SLA", In any r* " -" $ •H ifeii fe£o»i MTMM, By JACK ANDERSON rncnt consultant fees"-from TTowest^Dtry; -——deteriorated-,—wee-\VFoter-he­letter-toK-lassen-m-beha#-of-a—-wcnrid--jtretity-ihe--deah-H£hen Re—also—denied—advanee^-rnay-he^feuffafsi-— r— • ,ialjlffl-4Jlllted Ftflfaim Syn. -the . Segal company while He • , Ted.Klassen is a tall, stem, 'lavished postal finds on • •client,' Retirement:.Advisers, . he .tried to hide the TRANSAC-knowledge^ the subsequent . Footnote: Last week, the•' dicate was serving on the board. . impressive tlgure-'with a ~himseifioreverythtag=from a . Inc., which,wantedra Contact tion. by,.entrusting the -Segal $50,000 contract , which was. Washington Post.documented WASHINGTON ^ T»ost- When my' associate Jack tired, sagging face? Be rose •" pentho&se diryng room tratiir^-ihpv tioorfgH fmm from the Segal company highest-bidders. The series by Ronald Kessler. While" he-was deputy post-thei: payments totaled $22, Serivce. -stthongh- these boondoggles t._ ' ' 1L.'...' t >hp rivii sarvi«Mm7wti^n'-navhicltIr£tained him;-he" told-—Martin-Segal -told us he. .. a painstaking reporter, show­ ' master general; he intervened 917.67. i'; :.v-. Instead, we have exposed a cost the taxpayers much more; NeVerlheless, Classen agreed • us, because of hisexpertise as, ""Barned no^money -personally ed .that first-class mail users : -personally to help the Martin ?,JThe Board-of Governors, record of misspending and than the Segal company a to award Sfegal's clienta^five-• labor relations expert. He from the cbmpnay.'s:gopd for-are 0yevrcharged~"^a"nd~ sH»:E; Segal Company earn a 15 tileanwhile,^ejected Kassen as mismanagement. Klassen cut collected, Klassen's dealings year, half-million-dollar con-insisted that he could see tune. He.,said he is now an un-therefore,"are-subsidizing the., percent cQmmissiQh ojva half; the nation's 60th postmaster •back postal workers and slow?'. Wi£h this firm constitute" a v tract. The Segal firm's take notl,ing at all wrong with this, paid consultant to Uie comp-'junk mail• :; million-dollar postal contract general. Not/tbng afterwards, • -doing civil rightsworkin The~StaTion -wauon ia in^—a—fexpletivT the " "" •-zr--1— j~ir >, .. -r -rT.-. bulldozer, the murderers bury\ugm workersOraneyrGooi—summer—A-photograj>h-of -'-.the-bodles in a dam being con­;• man and Schwerner, --^ their Pord station Wagoirhas-structed at a cattle pond. 'R'J> .Timn 91 10R1 A month been circulated Snrtng the" Conspiracies: and:c6'veV-jips; ' X-earlier 12crosses wereburned " terrorists, have a way of uhraveling. The . Iron law: never, speed <•• • • conspirators had": no "hush UMLIB during a -single night in • "Nesnoha county~Twir Jteyer provoke the police.3:30 money.'' The investigators' '• ago theU.S. Senatepassed the pjn. ;-Deputy SGferiff Price-rrhad—"talkrrmoney'-l.for—in?. : ' Civil rights bill banning dis- arrests.Chaney for/speeding formers. OjiAUg.4; 44 days s? Vi-, crimination in public accom-and Schw^hier aiid Goodman ' after the murders,TBI agents . for "suspicion of arson': inrff m'odations. --_ if;* connection with a -biacjt. . ;V; A band of Mississippi, church' recently •buriiejj~by a terrorists-has. four, plans for. white mob. • ­fighting civil, rights workers; 4:20 .p.m." The/three.are •C^-ELan One, cross burnings. placed in segregated cells in l,-~ 5 Plan Two, burnings and lh> -couTity vjail--:;at­1 dynamitings. Plan Tluree, .Philadelphia^'' " .., '• "TTTr^wIvlpaings. Plan Fojir. ^ ; 10:15 p.m; They are sudden­murder.V • ...Plan Four .is-activated, >a -toward Meridian a ^oisterou^ rrANiTs UJOULO XAVe WON, BUT I 60T OFF TO A SAP 4 r • using shovels uncover the ~ 'bodies. To some 'Northerners,. tJle~ ~ UE&PEMM Mississippi of their mindswas -ON*1H£KFITTOF I 'something, to.despise, It*asa •• gymbol-if backwardness and. -• evil-rTo-some.Mis§issippiansj' -the state was a symbol of; ; romantic resistance todespis­ed---Northeniers; who loofed• down ,th"etrupturned'ii9ses at" Cf^tiswurd l?U?Zlfir-. • -• *"»^nr If! YnMiwlny't Ptiwin'-* ACROSS • work: • 0EBH Hans 3 Devoured ' BDESBE3 ranSQfflS 6 Long for 5 Protection SSQ @[3C!BO!SH E0 11 Suffer ... from attack -EBB CanHEtS OEQviolent inter J Cox SUSS I?IE!Si 0m@ra SQBae BBKSBi 1. Stamp 4Aatate (abbr.f ment Utlit3 GiSG 12 Blackbirds 14 Top of head stiBaffl rgsaara tS riotura ciiataa srati shciid holder .,10 All . 17 Symbol for,"-;jJ J Malice ESQ tantalum :.si#j,cj13 Satiates' S0!31I3!3Sa BSltlinaH 18 Anger 'ESje Rant fflUHGa raanra 20'Strike 20 Quadruped nectfcut 38 Wire nail If •19-Chalrs Waiblea ,.21 Fostt»lk,-~^"-g Shrubbery 2d 9edate 39 WalKwith score(abbrj. 23rYoungslamon .30 Clothesmaker . measured •32 Ooorholdar' tpl) , 31 Secure " steps 23_Readwlth;-.~:-25 Eur-baarlng.. 32 Character-"41 A state(abbr.) ')' I '"""IIII I ill' —mnmmnln • rHlntlr rtatsnlionv •-! 26 Implied 33 Tradesfor 44-BehOldl 24 Necessary -v 28: Sllverwarp ' mopey 46 Artificial ttuent-^ cltyinConf... 35 Equals language 26 Biblical ' weeds 27. Brim 28Planet 29'Antlered animals 31 Mysteries 34 Story;, 35 European capital 36 Note of' "scale 37 Three-toe'tfl . sloths , '&8 Suit 39 Crorty.lcbl­ .loq.) 40 Negative prefix 41-tlberated 42 Bucket 43Unltofcur­ rency' 45 Builds 47 HlQljWWa 46 Memoranda DOWN 1;Vyhl8kers Dlstr. by Untied iFettun -~l2 Nery.epk­ i-* f ttV Thursday TEeft M (A Real Steal) ENTIRE STOCK JARMAN VERDE '"/ACME '^HARBOR 1 ^ L OFF^ ,1 DINGO ONE DAY ONLY! 9:30 Til said; to a "proposition": all men are created fiquaT There. Is a universal human tendency to. decive self-esteem fvom despising others. The rtnglng language of American patriotism denies Americans that route to self-' DOONESBURY BP..IWAS $ SOPTIOUPOF­ •WUHSNWU MOREBR/UW ~MYS M TUT (MEN HUH* M>BETTER. LOOKING. • •>! Joyce 2222-GUADAlUP? NEXT TO TEXAS THEATER best B rtie GGWRNM rL ]UV» rr; 1 if *" -r (fan .alsff" wOrn as a vest over shirts anti­ body sui tsi The~cardigan can be worn with tfre. 'tank' nOw,­ i-cr the -ivestl and: a j;hirtj later, or even buttoned up by itself anytime! '-It's a-great team,—tlval__is c0m*pletelj^ machine Washable and w.or,th rts weight in gold. Both in navy/burgundy/cream, sizes_. Si Mi L. 'Tank', $14j>-Car­ igan,—$-11?: Shown with polyester pants, Sizes .5-13,.. -$207 v .jes $1/ ON-THE-DRAG x'^v-2406 GUADALUPE 1 *^ ..'N.v'i • 15.90 12^90 1LUES TO 34.00 — ^VALUES T0 i9.00 ii® i-i ^r FAMOUS NAME BRANDS: *• ^*L Carber 4 Fajnolqre =*^Matne1li­ -i=BoaPCcifletia * Lamicq s+-%ernar• Revelations AH-over4owni » 1 ^EfaLtr,sdav, June 20, 1974 THETt)AILYTEXAN •> ' '''-U; : -J-* • 1 5o'-1(fSit. Sowwfe -> WiS§3 ^rngSff'?® SW^pi » «M!£KAfcXlT» ^V,»$w; ,MJ?£ V -;•-*'*> •»*V */ <."• #-*iifc -*"\ * 'J­ A Aw Baseball t: one jreason thratr Nancy said; (•Hagerf?:had • trouble.-She Play*%t-th doesn't M!?^^^l»tbat'^.»-vieaa?i! The girls \Vuth Ihe best sgor^s-pefstin te will be the long ball hitteFS. . _ ' S A N D I E G O , C a l i f . < S p t . ) -f&Jf-Affected'by the length of the ,t--;'* 6,400-_yani Singing Hills Coun­ic,"-*• tfy Cliib course, the Texas women's golf team Wedn'es-.. championship »o-and foiir­rThe junior colleges al£o have their own "singles competition. -A Thursday, the women will be divided into three flights for the lasT two days Ufcompeti-Uon. But the scoresof those in , Busby Pitches No-Hit G<3me ,1 ~ sh^ a.team total of 351 to--Hager^ who was recently P'®ce 'hem seventh among 12, narne(j ari All-America golfer /* four-person, teams'. in the^ anJflnsified tlilrdirithe eham­j: ^omUmoflntercrtkgiale • .pi&nship two :years ago, shot ^ Athletics for Women (AIAW) 81 for 16th place out of m ....championship. . people, in the"tournament . if u ,XaSj Collins had ar»S5whilejuniorstrokes-behind the leader, pebbiri Norton, "had an,88.arid ' po^ted^ _junior jan'Rapp posted a 97. 324. Fun-nan was secondvwith '"v .. . ,,, ), —-~­; a 325 ., :-«-.••••* MaEg? Stubbiefield of. the •. "The course,is super long.," .University of Hawaii leads the 'senior Frances Collins spJcL. tournament with a 76-"" "It's also :.Very narrow; We ; "Most «f the players in.the werejjiaying from the back of tournament afe gathered the men's tee. The length«is between 80 and 87," Collins division./However, all par­ticipant/ are eligible for the ARLINGTON CAP). -Ed • Brlhkman knocked in the tie-breaking ruft with an lltlv inning double triggering the > Detroit Tigers to a 4-2 victoryOVCT~ the Texas Rangers .Wednesday night, Mickey Stanley, drew a oner the-B and^flighte^wiil^'Ulii­count toward-the team totals:­Stanley to givethe Tigersa"3-2 lead.-. ." . . ™'. • T . „ nn?ie" J°*n £nox founded ,H9 -to score ^?lrd with an insurance • • "' /> ' ? >, The Rangers tied the score MILWAUKEE (AP) -Kan­sas City's StevevBusty Jirecl the first no-hitter of.the 1974 baseball season Wednesday night, hurling a near-perfect, 6-0.beauty over the-Milwaukee Blowers with the help of two sparkling catches by. right­... fielder Al Cowens It fra's the setond no-hitter of Busby's short career. As a rookiev with the Royals last season.'the right-hander fired a no-hitter against the Detroit Tigers. • -* JJusby. faced 28 batters.'—: Toijlyone bver.the minimum giving up a: walk ~to Geori Scott leading off the second tan­ning. He. had thrown twai strikes toScott before walkings the Brewers' first baseman ong fourstraight pitches, warning: track,,in:the outfields J:o . flag down: drives by Iwmvaukee hitters and^ preserve the pftching classiest With one out in the secondJ OariyU Sorter hita long drlv&K to right center wjiich GoweiUp?* snared on the i;un,-• " £ ' ouf walk and moved to third on a single "by Jerry Mosfes.. Srin^man doubled home 2-2 on a run-scoring single by Mike Hargrove in the eighth inrifng. " ~ NATIONALJiAOUt Coat standings^MAfUlCAN ISAOVE ' Ban ' r ? rr." t«? ••WholeE^rtK Provisi 504 West 24th 478-15 AMBURQiRS QUARTER-POUND HAMBURGERS wtth leHuc»> to^Tiat9 &mayonnaise .15 fof SAVE 59^ b.T VaPdMwit PttMfll CouponWith OrcUl Dntil Sopt. I, 1974 KM W. 24th St. 478-0395 Swedish goalie Ronnie.Hellstror^ leapsup to cateh the ball a».Netherlands' Johan Cruijff move* .in at left arid Sweden'* Steffdn Tapper' ^atehe* at right in their World Cop .match, in Dortmund, Geratfinyr. The game ended in a tcorelets tie. ' W'l Pet. OB 35 '-30 .538 30 28 .517 1 508^2 6 «*•< W_J. M Boston . 36 27 571 Baihmord TV. 33 30 524 Philadelphia •%>!(Montreal St. Louis % 32 .31Piyifiurgb 26 34 .^33 Detroit 32 .30.. .516 33-33^500 29-31 .483 Chicago 25 35 New York 23 39 Milwaukee USsArtge/eiT,,:tlanta*; .' OWrand T^xat T4 10 33 3t Oncinnati 36' 27 ^571 A 33 34 493 11 ..33^-478 12 29^*2 KansasCity Chicago/..i California -Minnesota 32 30 29 30 28 37 M6 1 492 2^ »£ 431 ­4iar-7 Hoostoa .. Soft Ff«n SSfl"OlM0T^T Wodntttday'i Gam«t Montreal A, Cincinnati 2 San plego U Chicago 0 Atlanta 5. .New York 0 IPIttsturgh £ Los AnyelesJ ' Philadelphia 5, Hoystpn 4 San Franc?JCO 5, St. Louis 4 WoenMO«y'i Com«» CftUiago 15, Cleveland 4 Baltimore 6, Minnesota 5 Kansas City 6, Milwaukee 0 Detroit at Texas, N Boston at Oakland. New Ydrk at California, N I *• « * 1616 Rbyal Crest 4-6631 A leading Choice of the Riverside Or", apartments because we offei WS ANCELES ,f5P1> -Wednesday, : —• uem on b-4, 6-3. -: -With Nunez' loss, the onljf extra-spacious -living and' direct Despite playing well ih their, Freshman Gonzplo: Nuhez However Nunez then tost to Texas players still in the tour- CC'BSS tci-the shuttle bus, matches, aU theTexas^^gles,. gained theHprnsloplKpointpr UCLA's No. 2 olaver. Tom rtament are the doubles team1-11$:165 ~ KJS players wereeliminated in the. ;the day.wEen he defeated Bob . Kriss, 6-1, 3-6, 5-7. • of Nunez and freshman" 2-1 185 NCAA Tennis Tournament Nunna of' the-University of, "Oneof the bad thingsabout Stewart ?eUer. Niinez and 2-2 195 all bills paid Nunez' loss," Texas Asst. Keller had a ' match late Tennis Coach Dave Woods W«lnesday night agaiiistTom said, "was thatat-one.time he . Fleming aind Fred De'Jesiis of —tiad-match-oolnt-on Kriw Tf tha-ITnivprcity nf Mfjxhigan • " he.had won-the match, he W NUnM'1 losra -ail the- New York Group Flights' Europe Group Flight' •••mmttKttHkiBMi^ Studtman's would have been among the ste^^atches^l Leave-with a Aurtin/luxembourg -• Photo Service group/Return • ]'CA-\via;8ran{ff -m -yr ^ .—dependently— . • on OUK leelandlo Jot*. —rattnu• ' * riC3 Kp»er was defeated bv For UT. StufUnK/Faculty A 422 W..'19th -& . '" , 5324 Cameron R3^ Peter Campbellof the Univer­ Familin: Kov6d Trip sity of California, 3-6,6^1, B-6;: \4Jome Swing With Us! } r>».t nuk-Tctx 8k; w/wr#--'-. A RESUME' & f 15.1... , Saotdh Q»q.. s490. * gxi? BEER SALE . and.Senior Dan Nelson, play-r Sfordi Ch®. Lighted Driving Range $4.00acaie tag in his last match for the . 'pius depoiit ~r Cold Beer , IDENTIFICATION TYPE" ' -DEPARTURES-Departure University, lost-to freshman with this-ad JUNE 21, 29 July 14 Mark Joffey of Arizona State, Professional instruction . .SHINER, PABST, I v--JULY 4, 14, 25 Return 3-6, fl, 3-6. " v;,'/.; • 9:30 a.m. -11:00 p.m. PICTURES d ^AUGUST 23^1 Aug: 23 LONE StAR, PIARl I Grass Tee Box j Beer inVatum bottlnls-fr«>har. { The losses leave Texas with <• -A w? ^ctnapar..&-bstterlDrthe.eoim-j nine points. Last 'year,' they • • r Tiff .Putting .Green FOR INFORMATION CALt 47fr-9343 |try" >• ...1 pQny-had 10 and finished.11th. ; Sand Trap PLEASURE I ;With few matches left .;e Chipping Green ° Quick, Reliable Service-HABWOOP THAVEI. -' ' 1IMS -f y\ .^Wednesday,' the University of '5425 N. Lamor" Complete Professional Une of Equipment 2428 GUADALUPE STREET " j Southern California and Stan­ -9r ;f: T-.-.'X.--* r fr§s= -U Gettotal 4'Channelsound (Quad) "M* 40 PIONEER CS-A700 rs^rj" .V ? from this all-in-one unit 7^4-'i, y is HEP! £ '*?/c fe,^­ "r s^ftfese • •• • • . •• •. • • ** -* v ' Those two Neighbors, tl\e University Co-Op Stereo"and Record shops, are playing "Keep up with e ft? the, Joneses" again. Both are , putting their^ I —_ Quadraphonic equipment, and Quadraphonic mm records on sale. * , ,—* 1 1 PIONEER QA-800A _ r ' CTu^d-Records list $6.98 • Sale $5.19 4-channel Integrated Amplifier tSkS 8^trk Quad list $7.98 Now you can create 4-channel sound from the widest Sale $6.19 variety of 4-channel sources authentic quad tapes, matrixed tapes and records, Including the popular Mpioixieen' CS-AZOO 'ii'Fv 12" 3-Way Multi-Amp Speaker System-^ •ISiSS^'^SWSIMS'Si «m0l5A"e"^ureB»LW?^^n^ioIS(e bourse, yau can"al8o enloy conventlofltf lltfhEmne! mldrange and highs. Designed for full range system with— 3tere0-Complete versatility with connections for 2 «£»imena.S!I!fit]5i«,n£!for.2 or.3~ohannel mulH-amp speaker r^KWJ , phono,* 2 tape, 2 auxiliaries. Click-stop tone controls J • °ir rr't,s,"'t «­ Low crossover frequency points for distortion-free sound /> ohms). Continuous Power-(4 channels driven): 20 -3upeHor-rdireetlvliyr-Respon3er^5»2Q^0Q-H7—' watts_BMS_ia^hm3)_each_QL4_channel9 S3*s •• _• ^mSm bmy1 |The, Stereo Shop has a fulHf^ i50PiOivieiEiR J'6 'l-fv (C&99A) 5-way, Jine of Quad B-Speaker Sy^tern receiversoar ^r receivers~and • system Is full, natural, properly mm IpwB, mldrange •• m 'jyi'vv mm C-V * ;*l . 3rd and euadaiupcL •r i68 'Guadalupe PwS$. DAILi Rookies By LARRY .SMITH playe?s." citing," he said.*"1 also en­ Texan Staff Writer r'lii Not only does Larrabee like joyed beating A&M, especial? Dunne the 1974 Southwest' rules that favor the smaller ly at College Station.''; To Join Possible shike Conference basKetl on but his : men the 'court, Texas A&M Coach Shelby m 13; %AS:.a#iJnstfexaiiA&M LUBBOCK (Al*) -The 14th annual Curry said, "We asked .the roefetes-te basketball careei liab ' beeu--that Larrabee-had-someo^his,: .Metcalf said shoulder to,'' -jQaaches -AU-Americafootball game cooperate wijhus. If we -strike,-we'd like ­ nn 8fiaped"ByTiTS"sizer— -hest-gameSr-Whea_he scared __ shoulder Harry Lartabee' way• became a battleground Wednesday m ther ^L. th«rrto^trikewitK-us-We-realizethisputs -"Onereason he came (0 Tex-his one-game high lastjseason National Football league! player-owner --v-th^ iniajliffidnt situation. --the best -playcr-in -the con­ lit -kykfrtt -#11M. . ,/~i.._ ^ * _ J J * •» yf»f>rvl1^#1 nn Uli«L«u as tygs because he isshortJtor * of 26, it was against the dispute .with both sides putting in.pitches " furry 'added the NFLPA was notference. — a basKefBfttTplayer. JHe felt Aggies. 1 ; sss Now that hiscareer hasend-; to • potential pra rookies less than two1 gttempting to pressure the -rookies;into that the Horns had'recruited' . The-quariity -of—play ;ed at Texas*," Larrabee will if -weeks^befor.ealhreatened strikedeadline: • joining the group or adversely affect the • "mainly forwards and.centers; definitely fiasaimproVed «nce .have to use. the intelligence ' BillXurry vof the Houston.Oflers^^and AH-Star-game Which is scheduled to be and needed a ball-bandling I ? first came-into ihe^ con-president of the.National Footbali'League nationalljUele^ised". r - Jhat aided him on the court il; fdrence,'',he said. "However, fielslo continue in.basketball,' guard. .. .Players Association .(NFLPA).headed an , "It looks likea strike will occur,"Curry-"­ 1# _,^rTtlKE»_^exas.and^the the one thing that the SWC has ; "I wasn't drafted by the eight-member delegation whi.ch met with said. "I had hoped-that-the players and ( coaches the first day-I earned always lacked has-been "the— :Yi NBA, and 1never sawan ABA^ -participants in Saturday's East-West All--owners could sit down and talk: Manage­ ..here," Larrabee said. "I dominant center; ^ ; Star game. . draft. Since no one contacted ment said our demand^ are out of line and wanted .to plAy-major college "Ohe thing the conference . The owners flew. in representative's to have refused .to talk. Our choice is to f aniline , me, I basketball,^and I felf this was has going for it," he con- drafted/' Larrabeesaid. "So,; telC their draftees. ^Don'i sign anything. either give in or strike."'-' ~v;;r . v Id most.likolv . tinr.»rt . ic thf*. Vp-second J don'te intend play any? until yOu talk with as." . ; Tftere was no imriiediate rush hv thp to -. , . more Basketball. Instep, I> * It.'* : . clock. Some of the coaches Ea Garvev. executive»F4hfr^-«>nki^rtn: hahH hfrf -iumb nn thp Larrabee considers the • * are talking about taking it 'NFLPA, sent the Cun-y.delegation to urge NFLPA bandwagon. ,t­ plan to go into coaching. That's something I've wanted ^ the rookiys to' boycott preseason camps • Therookies.are: all required "to go to" to do for a couple of years."' V> whidi open July 1. Thedelegation also in­•camp," said Texas Tech quarterback Joe' DURING the season, -• cluded' Ed-Podplak bf Kansas-Cityi'Alan Barnes, a 13th round draft choice by playoffs in 1072... . ... a major-confetence.The clock Larrabee got someexperience & Page of .Minnesota', Tom Keating of Chicago. -"They (the rpokies) sign a con­ ,j\ '""No one expected us to win makes everybody on the team in team—leadership as/he, -i Pittsburgh,: Dan Pastorini .of Houston; ^ tract and if they don't show ;up. at camp *1 toe Houston^ame, hut did., work; find it makes the game:­ along wlflTTorward Larry KermitXAl«andei^ ^Philadelphia, Jim : they have to pay the lx)nus riioney back. I -"JRohioson, was the co-captain That's what made it'so' ex--!_exciting for. the fans." Ki-, Turner of Denvc?r^and-Donny Andereon of -took the bonus rnofiey — so4'm going to of the team. S t . L o u i s : w". i _ -camp." •' " ' • rrfts—eo-eaptaln thg.'5-10­ .playmaker average^ 14!5, [points a.game in the regular" MIRANDA STUDIO GRAND OPENING -FINAL WEEK! Reason whileshootibfe-48.6 per­"cent frQm the field. He'was *• i -namwl to thp Ml-SWC team. In 1973, he was selected se­' cond team All-Gonference. KESt ME .nffvenTfiongh-he"will-not be-PORTRAIT arable to-plajr, (arrabee will bei^-ii-_r Harry Larrabee 1 DAY SERVICE "'working with Texas again in.""." \ V . the fall. sai-^4:and get thelast12 or 15 hoursI the Southj".the Shelbyville, college rules I^hoe Shop ^we*: 'r 1 ' need for my 4egree." , Ind.,' native said: "I' like the . ' ^'There are only a •^.graduate last spring _as_a North it'sj^arder to get a job said.'"One wo&ld be to make-. repair boots RUGS BEERSPEGIAtTHRU^UNDAthistorymajor with a3.5 grade, because,;oi the Jpres"sUre.~" the lanesTvlder-as-they-are-in -ihoes . belti Manvi Michfelorb Beer 20c a mus ~ -K Point average but" chose .int.. Basketball is the top sport in international play. The otHer Beautiful Colors Stead to seek a .teaching.. the North. -So,: even for' a is the three-point play.. Hie leaftier :. '$1'OO~pift!ier witPtbe purchoie-of 0ny.sandwiih, pjzia, orjn^af feadegree^linihvdcal-educatlMh—vouag^coachiiusLhreaking in, nthret»rpoint' rule-Is good V "-•LEATHER SALE • Featuring 73 varieties of hot sandwiches, served on H irKhes af hot « "I'll probably have'to coach the pressure to win is great;." -Because it makeJfljp^a»fe~~ ^ flofidsv colors -75' per ft. 4 Fjrs-pch Bread. Also, the best m j'izza, Italian food> and Shish Kabob • some in high schools, and the' Larrabee. is getting some exciting at theend and gives a "' • degree will help," Larrabee .coaching 'experience this, team, which is four-or fiv? ^"" Sun.-Thori. n:QQ am to j am* /; % W. & Sot^U:00 •an^jo~aiOO^am.-':X Capitol Saddlery ?ummer helping to run a poinU dowi^a chance. Both basketball 'cSmp at St. rules Help-the smaller 2801 GUAOALUPEi afi-a M 472-3034 1614 Lavaca Austin, Texas 478-.930? • i I jnr... „ TJ„ •ISO Star SAN ANTONIO (AP) -AU­'southeastern Cunlei'enee^ ^ forward Collls-Temple-has— * K signed a contract with theSan. tit?'-Anto,nio..Spurs rof-Tthe DENIM Aiperican Basketball Associa­ trnnstmtrwesmnN­ tion, the club announced « 9$ BELLS ­ Wednesday. ' ' " "Collins. is very much a physical-type player; the kind , v '"n-{.> • ^ JACKET. that is necessary to produce a IVi - &7 gopd.professional leaffl^'-said m Coach'ATwn -Nissalltfe:.;of the ;C-:; Louisiana SUl^ Uuiversiiy • TANK ^ product. clkttM > TOPS NELSON'S Hci ufel ,• H«d6w8fc!?a', « /r V ^ -ti. 4412-Ja Omgran -• TOTS •-ZUNI AND NAVAHC INDIAN JEWELRY SHIRTS • MEXICAN^ffftif IMPORTS -—i. "• -" I • ONN10'o.m. ft A p.m. ' i*±lK NEW * "GIFTS THAT D/CRBASBi ^ ''is -r.r-'M­ mvALUE'' 3ifr m SHIPMENT CLOSfSD MONDAY WSSA.V- 39\ JUST ARRIVE^ Reg*SoftDrink "•< i •' MrJSLMl mfi: Ift# I m SI --1 I SANDALSI ft'i ' ^ Choice idSS$Rm BELTS line g| Origrnallydesi^hed andbuHr W^¥m for tough duty.^ "***"* now a fasTiic I ^ Ci.­ S- with the fit] Levi's authentic, shaped-to-fit ­ 'iikiSlM • SHIRTS } •c' • purchase ofa jacket in pre-shrunk denim, days I ^^indiflo blue or white. Match up y,-»i S/Sleeve * with a pairoftevPsjeans for :HOPPED BEEFI­ v../1'/:' i^greafrl'style suit''at small money,r. ^BAFBfeQUE long ^ tmi v. dollar J SANDWICH ... tJr, 4-J"*TA*J I UThe".^ &%b£s. J? !« if- UTTON STYLE JEANS mm Texani SliGuBtLLiEANS m h rf'swli - f rr-tfatP.ni. ^ o\ I , SHRINK-TO-FIT Unclassifieds| PRE-SHRUNK JEANS •Al ] •••fe' I I',-lv ...find pfae* - 1BIG LOCATIONS TO HT YOU mmmmmmm'T .<;• OF onlyatthe? INARMY? ^Sents oniy i |f< -ri S,• %,v:|!.;pre-p }^£T" i&l 305W.19TH *' J r^ IGHLANDMAL 412 CONGRESS V' "» •,=&«.s h: MtZP** ?-r.,c\ t • -' .A By ALAN WINTEK*'--recognize our .editoj-'htl-tors soon followed Suit;w: meaningless unm—«e found • If you .want tW '.'inside -power." saidSffikrt Liohtetis--God' iggp. *TQDAY the tabloid vvies lra,ck '_ on Prince tCharles' 'fern of the-National Enquirer.- Were :you with Connie with-Family Circle" and TV. romance with' Grace' Kelly's The largest"selling tabloid, Stevens the night Satan Guide at the grocery check­ daughter, prck up a? tabloid "TheNationalEnquirer has-*m appeared m her bedroom? weekly.-....... average weekly circulation of out/.Uand.Circula.t^^ rather check-the -Insider for details, ®j!-.*r, tifkkl than advertising is the finan--,' poLITICS^S an • up'and- .A-.M.-.j,­ • The.National EnqulreiyThe • four'millionx&pi«s. In:Austin; . Star, and-a host of other. ;alone, the Etiquirer sells" as: cial backbone of the tabloK&L, r-coming treasure trovo for the llllillliii W&$k •.newspaper* tabteids are.gobbl---many as 6,000 copies a week, •Tabloids"""w " "" are tabloids: Find out.why Gerald: ~~~ '•.appeal. to the,., wojnan.. that ing~ up' the ' movie-" witfi the Tattler and The Star Ford •; willmake^ our: celeljrity/true-confession "not far behind. shops at -the: supermarket/' honest president, as -told in said local distributer Biir market. For a mere quarter,-4 "The cirsulatiQn. success-Cochran Star bv His'-top aide, 'best — - ''rrfr-w.-r^n-; vou-.get blazing featurettes,,: story begins with the En- friend: and * former.... college • Despite, their more: sedate; headlines-and pjctures galore. •• qmrer^s>1968 turnabdut m for: roommate— -. veneer, the tabloids are. still1 in living hlnrlr a-nH white mat: from•• blood and• gorfe• to ' And for sheer patriotism,, -f|n)rV-~m~rhp mpntal punch -v??&-gr?at deal-of celebrities "celebrity'romance* "C'QffFppti- Tftoitarnffprsynn one-armed ' '*• Consider*, this-week s. \Viro. has ,.... Joseptr-K^rovsky, National Tattler,forexample,. -.contributed -188 pints^of blood "§M, -which promiseS-_tQ_telL.the—to the Red Cros§,_in hey of reader 'How .Jackie Skirted ' milltary service the Law .to Keep $500,000 iiv ^he. interested UniversityGems.'' The .Kennedys ;are-reader may have better lucjc-Get OH My Back ?? 2532 GUADALUPE perennial-tabloid superstars. ^ ^•locaOng the: tabloid of his ­ 'MEANWHILE, another. •choicp in-a local-, grocery This artist's, concept shows^how -the Boeing'747 {umbo shuttle approach arid landing tests soon^P -Htink's Famous' jet willcair'ry the new space shuttle orbiterTplggybaclrfor tabloidfavorite,-. Elizabeth. rather-thania Dragbookstore • Chicken Fried Steak ••Taylor; is "Sent .to a -Mental-; "We don't"ever put 'em out V -'-.-Hospital.:.'. Doctors-Say.Next for sale-'cause nobody ever Z pes. Meat, French Fries, (PW9 •J&. Attack-Might:.Be:^a!al,!l"_ack buys *em." confesses^ one Cole Slow. Hot Rolls & Butter SissyL Makes No Comment UStA cording-.to-the banner cover Drag*booksellers =9"p.m. ouly-^ . $1T45 Reg,?!!? r.y of Midwgh t-. Tabloids offer the ''»nside;| at the mall — to a loir of ^yRODOI^RKENBEZ1^ Texan Staff Writer"­ scoop more' prestigious housewifey."types.''.she adds. -......... — I!?.y .and corporate.tajf," the.CorpusChristiattonieysaid..­ publications are afraid to They dp^eli real good, Frances,"Sissy '-Farenttopld, unsuccessful ^ubernatorial^S. "Party lines willnot apply in 1974. It Is a matter of prin­tolleh.'. Did • you know that admits one HEB supermarket''.'." candidate m the May Democratic primary, refused-W6dnes-|i|cjBLesjl''he_said. , -.'r, Mickey Roonev's' life was manager. " . day to say whether she.would endorse Ramsey Muniz of tbef Muniz predicted Farenthold's supporters /In "tbi' w --• La Baza Unida party for governor. . . primary would sway to his side • < , s v-. Farenthqld.sard sh§ would ','\yorlc within the.functions of^^; .If he fails to getthe endorsement, A$on£,^d.V,i^^[i.' ..the Democratic party^'-She-said-she would concern herself^feil Farenthold to stay out'of the governor's race invblvinkhim^^aii .. with-the upcoming stateand mini-conventions and work fof^.giGov.'Dolph Briscoe and RepublicanJJm G'ranberry"'• y' reforms-within the Democratic Party. . j. ' •aA'S-Farenthold, while declining to ruffas an ifldependent can.­(Patcfwwr, ,iEarlier, Muniz said he would seek-Farenthold's.endorse-'-v.' ?didate iMrieT^'emb'e'reIw(ibn,' teade: ho' pJ&ernatofjareti­ ment, citiftg.tjieir similar political views. : . 7 dorsettents; 2 ]UU CJuqcfoTupe She-(ferenthDldKann . • •the average taxpayer would not necessarily JiaveJiiJieLCusj Hundrffds-of cotton -prfats.--outlandish-Hawaiian ed. '•_;. ' r .••• »•-^r­ prints, tndian Sauza, .jerseys, stngie 1wits, yarn$ -all ~presents notions.. .Free food -coma in A browse: ^.New Taxes~sho&l(Mie levied,dtrall-those--sottrees thatjwe­have -not yet taxed-fairly^uch ascorporations and largelan­ Drawing for.Free HandmadeQuilt U.T. PERCUSSION downers," he said. ' ' _ V -• :•."-.Mufiiz also attacked _the oilcompanies' record profits dursssS; ENSEMBLE ing the gasoline'shortage,paying the money collectedby thftifef TODAY state's gasoline.tax during thetshortage'decreased," • •...•-•He Said the.logicalapproach wquldbe to (tarprafiisinstead^-­ 12 Noon to 1 p.m. '"V Union Patio of sales,"disciuraging/'ther kind of. windfall profits that-| ' Open Air Concert result from lack of state regulation,'"' -' e Original -Commenting on the Austin.state.rejttesent^ttye.Clace^l. race which pits Democrat Gdnzalo Barriehtos "against La m Achilles Baza Unida party's ArmandoGutierrez, Muniz saidhe didn't see the race as MexicanrAmericans: running against e^ch other. • •. ^ ai t ~. '"Eveiybutly has lluifrown choice justlike makingn chnici: between Gi aulieiry and Hii3coe." hc-stiid. •* •m You're looking SHAKEVS 2915 GUADALUPE ' for a new Present* qpartment... ALLEN FADED JEANS ........... 7.99 KDAMRON Baltlw CavarA W«r» tit ' TONIGHT THRU n2W ' —Thp ORLQLNAIr..ACHlLLES has ^endexTto CUFFID HI R1SE 6.99 SATURDAY ;:: rhr ATT>r> plawr-drtjmmpr ciRton Wer«S13 eo i3p'. Achiilijs oelts r out; the ^besi-of: h\s houRs Beer, Wine • KNIT HALTER SETS__12". eco^ied favoTites. W"es Sobbins bac^s hirn iq5 -jond Pinu 11.30am on bass, trurpi^t. davKMta^aiKi .vocalsr'^QtD Consider iho quiat privacy iriym.fora (utv-ftlledeveningof.wns sir>d"t:/..cun.ed. and oncuffed. pock-.^ pajT IJfc Son.Tiexy, -see-through, tn ..nblnatian;"i -sheer shirts and, eted.and unpocVeletf;*-yoked nefng on a .summer ^ night; ' tiny T-SHfltTS warvt fove -: even tn this HALTERS some daring; sensual prints, crinkly solid colors;' •matching balters. -loohing, /or a *un-unyoked .••.•• : all underpriced.; a iops. tacket tops; halter .tops ismastiingt-strlpes; snfpped prices year.' 6f • the -T-shlrt there are still tied up, all -bree^ . cool TURNER lianned roommatet. ; some-of us' wrto' are-afone, if you tiny> little jpfic^h O PANTS colors color* factors-.LTEW SETS tn T.>£ricWL •befol 'very good low! wingy SKIRTS refined, attractive, some with to us;-we're dancing miny adaptable* for^ evenfi iCIKS wtil:team «w»th pants -or on .all--year under or-.tover;-shirts; tide 4opir iac liioloHuli.-daring personalities; can will go: straig ih" tl ging .suit, for cover-up operation: Jky. »great trl |'-flce» V'^Se benefits belts; • pockets, body suits.: sweaters'. We were •'al­HALTER SETS . ADV. TICKETS AT nf lieaned.1 by-rte-t aeasmr-rerr— "OC^Triind. the price (some pleats,n^rlnts; alt interested in ex-ways the'best buy Irr town . . . now pretty.ernbroid Inner Sanctum, Dij(oonl]R«cords, •Be sgpOued;m< dgsngrf'.-by. ^eonng Sey.orcottoH lunder' a cardtgdrr. jacket., or sh;jt> SHIR lors. many | llook-tendin^-'your current wardrobe-will we re even better! nine T.'shirts Iroommates^:, work as alternatives to pants in Tixas -HotUrs, Diver sity Inn, •SHbRTS micro-mini and a lit sei^sud rtrikb • colors,-3RIES scarvi flow' predate beauty! I3L or,dej..to get'started* PANTS helpfu> . types -looking.. .for to. find fionger . handsome ' and: three-(hot a -these go on. ^nd nmrrtravetr ts^hlohcdi yXi) |iin lor very.Tittle moi |ther^-»Nrt• want love m swul-i,the.y,.are cheap! conservative'.-. ; aga*n« tleanlng' SMOCKS wil witiv s Us whpiare Ispofts-workv^ey,.vd®^ night; A * 5SES-. very.good~looki ale you LUSCIOUS LAYEREO t-OOKS ^Ieeve-bills, in -favor--of rmachine washing bathing,suit or*up |t$argatn .at ^ny--tprt/;cr-fcriitvTnuch-[-*darfr'colbi -type»:.qr»p^ Idtsliriky,"sreatTtriwell< lorapge. brov iCkr, J».t>.VrT?»hirts v with . matching!.cardj-• . stingy little prices, too. n very I; and finaffng prints, Iream.. havy ^ llowerooW.. girl pric^! |te; jerfiev^r cottoh T-fr bafey, pastels.with.tiny prints Is' right. SKIRTS eted unpocketed. and. IpANT SETS ;• Tsa^ari. types adaptable ^"cha?acterr ^id c.oloflPfiahysprint K oV skiWy, we-, very, delicate but PAf^TS! cuffed arfd~ uftcuffed. -pock­ACCESSORfE |to all &limat*«^j«xeept.-thenar north ractive4sarne .1 for raMMfljize' lnapdespe to Iftpfntv of un». PANTS •makeitsee Ipf fun for vai THE •PRESSES Very ms& chihe land slinky,-gffiflt • '•WM tnmt wlih •tate iertey or-cotton •' wby.p» cuffed^ari DAILY •solid cofojn nttmyw.pi nd:.unpbeketed matessw? Itrifo f0f ^ wlLjy^l Tt&m d •ea» Ing and .-worVing naar "UNaflssiriiDS" Igfeen: £ri t-for-MegAr-. tending %tfA •V.' ready to Ifesis sty^el much loWel .prices ' thi |decoratiorn_ many.. «daplabM for-day o lative indivjl wUl straight -thr. go ^~Ccrne-by­ lor.paint ins^mmefrStesonrwtthaiitTai M Ilousiwc prices 5HI?TS soft sejty* se^th TSP Bldg |nn aH .yeAtJ Vrttwelfy. -flow* sensual prints;. crinkly -soli l&ody.'suilsj :< f?-Room~3^200-. aady to llft the smashing-gtrjpeg, snipped • ways the ^est outfit and V>' • SHIRTS? prtro, proper^with and place lu£kiog«^Ja&e«_i&okfng^forj • we're even bettf IpANTShelpfur i3gg honf^' ^ rk* a« lashloned glrLto-Jove ^ ' Iwardrobes-, to ext^ rder-tog twingy SHIRTS.hard-work)ng;type7-Unclassified BLOUSES.H dark colOrs, fascinating pri • charge, great chani • in. =ace' • PANTS • ppiygabs. exhibitionistsb s6me girt Pftces. good-chgrac^er-i-, t<7 tconiervative . ^-agam. pweity, ayeq if >t roon JaJllooV " -if *s- mm* •W!K..:in,..tdvor,:of.,:machinl ' for JkA* 13, dKIRTS refihediatlractiver »>*t UJ5CIOOSXATER fringe benefits: .' belts; " stingy little M a bar? (eats; rMuH.M-pre-p&id HIGHLANO MALL •• No -refunds *1 is? \ w«i¥.«-T;>#essto- -3>. SR"r * "•••"*•'-'•IMt^^. . ^s-fr-r^-* r^jgrjtx: fW ing Can Be: Interest Increase By RODOLFO EESENDEZ • from -"latfn --mowers' and" ""Sri**.. ounces or less by .a' healthy,"' said - Texan Staff Wilier autotliobiles, during -which Downs pulmonary 150-pound person usually is damage is-most -serious andThe current shdrtage'of gas­gasoline:enters' th^ throat'and not. fatal, .but:ihe-..symptoms*­ oline has caused .some, ' .terme-d; the" to-ndition stomach.'. «? can be frightening, he said:— motorists .to use a different.' ^'pulmonary edema" in which John Downs,-Spokesman for. •"The patient wili.be weak, ..method--of ''.'fill.ing-up.'' the Brackenridge Poison Con­ the lungs secrete, fluid's in- unconscious; : w-itii slow By KEN MCIIAM g|from a bank --the amount is paid back with interestover Cafight with an ^empty-gas­trol Information Center, says .terfenilg with the iungs' o*­ . ^.t respiration, coughing and if ..ygen. supply, v Texan StuffWriter l^a Mftb^O^ear,period of tirne. j ' <"..'. '•.. oline tank, a motorist ma^ gasoline ingestion usually ­untreated he' can go-into a *City'Council:will-receive bids on utility revenue bonds--il?®re:\is• no^yvay; tocestimate how much -;; turntosiphoningHo drain gas-results in breathing dif­ • "A PERSON drowns in his coma," Downs said. _ • ..at10:30 a.m.^Thursday, and the outcome may determine.. ?#ipigher the bond interest would be asa result of the rating olinerfrom one car;into-his... ficulties. and "chetriical' own :s^cretions.-" Downs* sa'id. ; Downs" emphas!z"e d,' whethef utility rates must be further increased. "7 y^SMdrop. He said, however, that a decrease in rating by both o w n . • -• ' . pneumonia" for the parent... ; In cases where pulmonary ­ howeVer, that de&lh is more ­ The bonds^are the first to be.issued since Standard and1 Standard <& -Poo'r's and Moody'sriiivestment seryices..' •The-practice can-kill, doc-.DOWNS explained that gas­ damage -is not severe, one dr. likely to result from Poor's investment service lowered Austin's bond rating might result in an interest increase of: up to 555-,000. oline.pois^nijig symptoms in­pulmonary damage. two ounces of olrve oj from.AAA-to -AA last week.'Tlielower bond-rating means Moody's'has given Austin-a AA rating for Ithetl^^10 MoSt cases of gasoline clude irritation and" ibuniing.. vegetable oil taken" orally -to Gasoline is carried to the the city will pay more interest .on the bonds . years '• .' ppiSbning thai have been sensations in the: mouth and -prevent the absorption:of gasr-• lungs by circulation, damag- Since the bond interest is paid -from utility .revenues; it-. • Five miUi.onr dollars of the bonds, fofgeneral'sewerim-; reported at Brackenridge : throat' plus breathing dif- olm^'and speed it through the"" mg the lung -and---causing ­ : is possitiie t}ieincreas,wl;cOiit-wllIll)e paMfed on to the cofe :prnvphfjpnts. wn*rp authorized, bv Austin'svoters in"1870. Hbspitai. have 'come, .as .ai--ficulties. • :7 ; • 'iritestinal -•-tract -is_u^ually pneumonia:- ' sumer.' ; v They-were not previously issued.becausG'tederariuuiliiig . rocnif nf -pns"lin" ?iDhonihp Gasolirie ineestion of two : -v v. prescribed. City:Finance DirectorNorman_Baker saida'utility hike. for the crosstown wastewater interceptor was -greater : will not't!ecfes^'arily;come frbm the greater interest cost; 27.than anticipated; Barker said. ­' "in a business th^t-sizcr-if you pay more for thejiubcaps Bonds~totalihg $13;5 million »fpr--gener^i^el^tric:iiTi'­you don't-necesgarily have to charge more for the car,"-•%?fprovemerits and-.$3.5 million. {pk^^hii'i&hfWn­he said. . ..-••• ' " < i'». provements were authorized in-1972~-.• Electrjp^.rateS weTe increased 17.8 percent in January -.... In a-separate meeting at 1 p.m. Thursday; the.council in aniattemptto protect the AAA ra-ting.-A recent consul-' Will hear a city manager's, report orithe 23rd Street veh- TONIGHT & FRIDAY »'tant report-recommended•-increasing,.water and dors' .request-,-for more sidewalk space anil consider wastewater rates; by 390 percent. ;||Sauthorizing research on hortie-energy requirements by the Barfeer explained the bond rating is an-index 'of risk to "'^^University'^ Center for-EnergyStudies. ;i I .­the/bomkbuver. "Interiest cost is a function of risk-. -The ;'"v Mso, the council willheara requestfor a zoningchange twiga,hg-highet^the^ihterest7"'h6 said. • . from ''^'':-resjdence to'<-'B'r';residence'for property.aM210 Hercompared the Sale of.bonds to .hollowing inoiity * ' , -— TONIGHT SAT." ­ 707'Bee Caves Rd. 327-9016 JAi:ZXONCiiRT featuring JUS' WAuatii' NO COVER TDES.-THURS. FREE SI COVER fRl &"SAT. wSm THIS WEEK TRY A r 1 SUNDAY ELECTROMAGNETS HAPPr HOUR PRIC£S t IS* BEER BETWEEN 7 4 9 xBar Cards' Shock Students By BOB DAVIS aTound"-$107,140.>TlHS would be tion process hSs "definitely . registration, Taylor-said . . ,Students who: are the a 67.4 percent-increase, from helped in the-collecting of .. Nancy Mc'Adams, acting . m habit,of not returning uniyer^—•Tasryear; : —t,———delinquent^ilnes." he said. .' associate director of general jjplll -RESMURANlH^Wsity—library books on time WilTiam T-aylorgroujr • students with outstanding-libraries;"recklls.-one-.bilLof j-_ • may be in for a surprise when supervisor in the Office of Ac<.-Vc^^:i^v6a'>imrlMtd',-'v''i^-.^FiiiM.i»vfrg«w up, but they receive their-bills. counting. said he remembers -instead of a' dean's course this is because the cost of the ­Some-studeute.haw recent-some library fines: of 11.00. -card,. preventing^them -from books-haye goneup,"she said. ArniadiUoWorldIIdqfrs. ."Most fines are nominal •' Ij» been billedvup to $200 in ."Mnut finpQ flrp-nrvmihat hiif'-' ~ University " p ""* * ' ' ' ISM WITH ALL THE TRIMMINGS M> library Tine's. -when studentsJOseTtjookS.the-_finesjiiust'be paid before the feL ywmmm ' The Faculty Library, Coqk, fees start mounting,". Taylor./-student ian receiveTdeairs"'­ GREEZY WHEELS mittee raised library fines in sajd. -.. '/giotiree card. Mil s 1972. Before then, overdue The . incorporation of the" ; About 2,500 students receiv­ f GAP Skying FOR charges were5cents aday,jis .."bar card"'into the registrar-, -ed bar curds*foe. summer • opposed to 23 cents aday now. •' 41 en c preseiits~ '~ BALCONES FAULT ips|,^Req. $1.50 Save Charges for overdue reserve nMUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMIt! Mis wsmmm books were 25 cents'for .the. •# mmmmm first hour and 10• cents -for SOUTHERN ' THurs thru Sat JPHNOW THROUGH SUNDAY~"^rf Tired"of. Bawdy Beer Bars?­ ^pgph^additinnal-hnnr.-in 1972:­ BEER • FOOSBALL • PONG rnsmmsm Now, chargc for overdue 'Come To FEELING reserve books is 50 cents an. atmedoor 525V4 BARTON hour; Ten-dollars is the base THE GALLERY SALOON 2610 Guadalupe SPRINGS RD 477-0357 wmmmmm fete-charged for lost' books, Corner 19th & Guadalupe 477-6829 ^compared-to-f7v50-in-iaZ2. Thursday's Special the anvou.nt o^ money ' tyet-Hammee­collected from" library fines was $64,000. For the coming 108 W. 8th 472-0000 year-the-. .estimated-income ' wwwaTw bm> ig««UIA> WV WW U\S Um «Tw tfW tAIIAI : .from finei is expected to bfe' UDI'S Doors Open BIRTHDAY 9:3a A M FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY! Open Thursday SALE Jun« 21 Night. Till 8 P.M. "Start$Thur».,iwiM 20 Presents DOAK SREAITBAND Shelter-Recording _ WOS <, •• Artist ALL YOO CAN DRINK mOEtLER BAKER HANK'S GRILL 2532 Giradalupe •>? »•»* < **] IN COOL SUMMER COLORS Great Fashion The Styles You Love SHORTS HIGH WAIST PANTS BIKIISH Made lo Sell foi-MQ-— ... in tKe United States <-^SWHVt4LHK Our Birthday (Reg. to $17) highway system East-We^ ; roads"are marked by EVEN • 25% Qff numbers and North-South Any Suit in the Honte by ODD numbers? Plus , Sheer Narrow Many Other Vt£ , Belts PANTY HOSE >V5*? Goodies _i11 S°Smart f *3 and ... eversible '^1 Colors! Cotton Cotton HALTERS DUTCH r"^%Tr uie SUMMER Nylon' - .'Famous Name ^S.& ^ BIKINI BRAS 'in' Get Here , 7^Any Way You Can & -K Save/ ^ * $i"r* .am 1 00 t«ls X Printi : * J5r 'i-1 *$ii\ • '-rm-• " " ' " • s Right At the Best Time! > M •. Soft Arnels in Beautiful Prints^ -, Perfect for Summer & DIRECTORY -Tt }> An Old Fashioned M _ » iSi ^ 1 • Pant Suits . TOPS-TOPS-MORE TOPS will published next w Jamboree-Long Halter JDressias in sjJcflu JVams It •f,Assorted It&usunts =*^Short Sun Drosses Voiles -w , very Specialat- DRESSES lf will contain tliousalicls-of^RameClocoi ad- Arrrets to* PANTS Cotton ,^r®sses and phone numbers, plus the school or_^-<-s, si wj. -, -ar m 1 SHORTS Knits ift'p* t , ."*) college and classification ?f each sbde'nt. The vw. TOP^, ETC ,ETC ^^r~ ; DirBctory wiil b8 inserted into the full cireula^ w'1'^ * r"'• —. • tj T' lion—ogi^ftC^!Oaii^3^xfln^otiX!}re~^ay*=of 'r V,'Vc^ 5iSsffias&*3£®K watchfor itnexf yveek! BapkAniericard'•& Treats '•ET-Sfe- I another publicationof Texas-Student Publications V 1 I . Bubble Gum & Lollipops • ^ ~ nf i~ i ' 1 ^ —-1 / i. i * i -2322 Guadalupe /(Becausa Wei-ovpYou) J" rrm ^ ^ ay, "J\jne-i0)^iy/4 r " rTin-"*r* i -)-l-i1*--! i • -I*i-•-1r-i I i "i 11 .i •>* -w' r-• » -vC. pobRcation|i^^^^c MjgS "Ai'-K Save A Bunch Today wt Come in for NOW That YoV Know! Use Your,.friends: Old Fashion&d Birthday 1 mmst » > — — riW. m SMu m S1&B& Zjms?^ ~ ^--iSS? -a.'* JaVf.,' ,, *ss£Sr KSRBSS8S melodramas Return to H By DEBRA TR1PLETT melodrama sprang to life and, humanistic involvement restaurant is also planned!" alw^s Triurnph§~~jver^evil *fxa? Staff Wr,jpr S-' T t with it, an attempt at maft entertainment featuring different national., (hrmph). The audiences boo }n th^dajw-.-pwcedlng the enjoying, -himself without Creek Theatre at 705 E:Six- cuisines.' ~ the bad'guy and cheer for the ; ) -advifflt-oBeteyKirirawl nthf-r Energy rnnsnrnine wds Plinth St. attempts to introduce a In the downstairs portion of ^ good guy. The reason for this corir -ing thistime ot energy shor-_Jutof the past into the:Austin the theater, a stage producing wi?Drive ilown aiT is that if they don't the • way to °nS °rce3 pe0l>'e tosee'! "tages.-jt seems fitting that theater scene. Currently-varied productions of absur-characters forget who' they, anywhere these dags, , and chances ME:/ "Now,-' Ernest-, let's'"hot be. too are rough on them. Remember, you often feeltheir own. devised amuse-people return to a search foi-. producing a m^Jodrattia dism and otheie experimental — gftxl or bad. you'l^see the Allowing scene: are portraying a station the need to vent your .'spleen, too.: . .merit •* • .* ,-V self-enjoyment and thus bring -,wirtten by a member'of 'the -theater techniques will1" hold The Small stage-adapts to \ wagon .with two, or three or more fidgety (20 minutes:later pop has made tfie'v . From this need,, the back the togetherness, the Austin Civic Theatre in-the -prflductions consecutiVely this." theatrical genre well,, kids in the 'rear sea^and two irritable; v ;.necessary stop at a service station; Mom' 1940s, the theater maintains a with the above Stage produc- nervous adults in the front. allowing the sets to'be ch'ang-,: and Harold:haye. returned to the caf4 @ INTERSTATE THEATRES .,pbheer atmosphere with the ing melodramas. This is ed-between scenes relatively Pop (weartng/sunglasses and a ­ ;BH:."Pop, what's a p-r-a-p-h^y/v uh ... ' audience being ;ied' in song planned for later this summer costumes il-Montgomery Watfi Hawaiian print shirt) i. easy... Carey's oh,•Iforget how they spell it " / ;PARAMOUNT kliMil Wanted: Z»'to and lh« kid v. . ''before the. show.and sitting at if-611* goes well. iiistratej the4,charactere:. with.. is.yelling atR^rn (lookingpertjn her J.C. ^ME: "Dani Itliought you wej» going to 713 CONGRESS AVENUE Oytlav" bilr.Bf. . picnic tabjes instead of con-As. for the current produc-' the good in lighter tones, or-Penney's-gingliam sUndress) who i4 ...have THAT TALK with him$#: i and a runaway boy. ventmnaf theater seating;— Tronr ffieUU^pthc -Sawdust-••|innYnlr in* K-..4 in desperately trying to unfold" a Triple-A­ r'PE:?TwillrEthel.:Lwill;1fe:: : : •' amap, in They stick toQ*th«rI ' The. theater isn't limited to Ring"'-evpkes memories of dark colors. iTOa^hap, :n»KiasTiie weafihgi3ooa-Gol^ i started from....",'' kind of'sandaeiches did you-bring?'1— garden should beopened inthe. breaks for irrelevant aftd silly is at 8:30 p.m.Ticketsare $2 BH: "Pop!" , , , ME:* "Peanut.'ikitter and • pi.miehto.back of the: Waller; Creek a songs and endings with no: ex-for students. CaU~477-8900 for FE: "What?" )-^ •• : cheese.'.'. . • -bttilriing* A luncheon lypy' ' planations .except •hat Jesprttatinns . and further in­. BH: ",1 havp to go NoT l." . r;FE: "Togetherr'­ formation: jife^-'Are-you.kidding? Why rii^n't ynn . ^baek at the-tai^iLtioW At 10:30 p.m. Thurs3ay on 6r30?p.nv • BJ* "Mr tnn Pnn-" U10:41a.m....) • • as 9 Shall We Have a KJnaJ-­ the .CBS -Late Movie on 7 HftZel- 24 Chopper One » S.News * Channel7is thealitimerctessi / 34_Filp WI1*on__ 24 T Drta pfJea 7iM p nC" C^'T^" '. >' --FE' "What in heaven's name'are you " student-riot movie, "The i 24 FJrehouse ' r p-m, Strawberry Statement.'.' BJ:" "Me neither, pSpr,TT* " _ 1 Nreky's World ' • p.nw 24 Kong Fu ~ -FE: "HonesUyj.ya'U ftre as bad as your ' ME?. "Ljust^remwnlMffed_„1_IJeft thetRANS^TEXAS 36 ironside , ' % -> > mother." -" iron plugged" in AND r^30 p>m.. • v * ••• a­ '..•^•"•7 Movie: "Viva Ma*!"-, Drwt—453wi ••• •. .9 Advocates Special 9-v ?5s1 °P£H ."R.d»t«l AJuh Pries flUf*. (*o»,Srf.) CHIlDl ..24 Streets of .San Francisco ^ * Exctusiva EngagMnmt $1.25| . 36 De*h Martin's'Comedy World ^ v Greezy Dated at Armadillo • 10 p.m. . V ' STARTS TOMORROW /VlarkTivainv 7. 24, 36 News Thursday toough Stunky at Jhe HEN^?AUSTIN \ Statement" -' , HOTEL FROM DAVID CARRADINE & FRIENDS i^iaafe^afcigfegiCTMclaptcifionJBSSSSH 9 Nava_, . t u* J _ -j==fy=24-Widp'World' Special "Good-Night:.-— Also -on the biir-will be -»WPJ«^play .with (keeay p.m., ,and G*eezy Wheels*^ I^ANS•TEXAS " America" —^ fialcones Fault'm theirfirst t ^ -®houId b6P" nrtmd,\0 pm - Features 36 Tdnlght Show. " — Sppearance-since-last-year, .Ma?^.Egan a,so ^expected ' Octets will be »1 at the door ... FSATURES $1.00 til 6 ' % 22246utdilgp«St Village anight Village Riverside Riv^side Cinemawith Viiu^ntPrice Cinema ;Xwiiv^3 Giacma Four "S1 Four 1 Xinema i700 wmjMOaSdN lANr ' 27M WIST-ANDERSON UNE .lf3l;MSTJttVEltSIK DRIVE4S1-Mn ' *' W-5W "Held lAsrwnia-Ihavehthod .­ TWO ACADEMY AWARD %OMlNATlg.N Overli . su^io goodWneot _J0ANNi_W00DW*RD l-v 13th r-^o fSew mcvlelnyeorsr ^NmSc $1,?5 til 3:00 pjii. SUV1A.SIDNH ".Mm^ucxytanovKa VARSITY 2:00-4:00-6^)0 BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS New YorkMogozine ?4CO GUADALUPE STREET 8:00-10:00 THE "IAGQUES TATFS TEXAS -SummerWishes; " Haw Owr OPEN SKIO PLAYTIMfi* IS TO BE f%4th Big Hurry $1Jjl HI 9:»S WinterDreams CHERISHED. TATI IS Week AM-4SU933 Rna-Foods ( Drink m$s S1.00 -1:00 $1^0 -•J^S-4^0*. 12:30^$T.OO ONE OF THE FUNNIEST rotrvt SI.B0 , WMiOO-far • i 2:40 41 SO 7:00 TasEt $2.50 4-.SQ *,,5° 9;15 —Penelope GiUuiti,New Yorker >3--, ftGAlHIl KtMlCtP PKICB WOK-HI TILS PJt, m;: Reduced PricM til 5 ­^FEATURES 7.-004J0-l(M)0 Mon.-Fri. mVAGABOND AUSTIN PREMIER is .V * Afiwb)JmmTiU ^(,kmr? no evil! IWbyMllAMFRIEDKIN 'Cinema i; • 'St£'' rviTX'i: • "" tOOAY'lt * ICrDCCn I 2:40-4:20-6:00-$!.25 FromWa™ta®~® Four •' O g; IOV.KCCII | 7:40-9:20-$!.50 BVTTkYnoevil!' •PW Wit tofcriw laM EVERYTHING, a1 • U _ , "dttCE! Joaniw "Ihovenfrhod , -fmsout 'Woodward! m NOW! . delightfully unique I ALL THOSE such ogood time ot , 5= motion picture I Best Abtressl| LBAMES i new moviehyears." ' Winner New York Fjlm CriticsCircle• • V t2j30-2^5 :£'; of love and YOU NEVER • l^terOogdorvjvtch. £55-5:35 " suspense that could PLAYED.* Summer Wishes! ITlfIBTMWiTlf 7il6-9:00^ easily tecome i Winter'Dreamsl vIIhm mmmkm BUT WISH I clastic?! YOU HAD! fggg:BUE«v. ' Plus : Academy Award Nomination. I • RATED X d, v Sylvia Sidlney SafS^^Li!u*Sl'Wmxusnu­ ias"f.ssss- *«MhKUMMMKII1MLSN TECHMICOLOft* B^st Supporting lAOTtlR.JK UW.• ntaHv :•?". sir.-#-; •• JlpSKSiS **wm8& mmm Wt* WSSSSp Laguna «j2«V,A> By MARCIA HARELIK quilts while tha'design oiEth&j>ther When the quilting bee was over, the early Americans.:Texan Staff WrKer two types is made by stitching on one frame,was pulleyed up. i 3W5Ss8sl The lost art of quilting is making,a- large piece'of material ; Laguna Gloria opened, its.American^]" comeback:'® v it's not unusual nrnse up a whole Pieced Quilt Exhibit witha turn of the"' "IW ; In pioneering days, guiltswere born:: package,of needles in completing one century picnic last week The^~­ About 45 quilts fronrthe collection on ceiling frames or floor frames. quilt. There is a'lot of sewing,' all by enthusiastic: guys and: dolls that" of Gail van der Hoof and Joriathan . Floor frames prevented theientireex-: hand.. The first "phase, piecing, is •• attendefl dressed in,informal country . Holstelntiave been brought to Austin-;, p4nse of the quilt to be sewn at one stitching-separate material' pieces-denims and checks, toted quilts o"f»; ' by theSmithsonian Institution Travel­ time..Pieces of cloth were-fed onto into :a-.pattern: This makes the first' their own and brought picnic suppers ing Exhibition Service. The quilts are­ rollers and.rolled up as a section was layer*. The secondl layer i$ cotton of fried chicken and potato salad : ,, . . on display in.;the villa at Laguna finished.--The "ceiling-trame was -Xit»lts4rl uuliuii. .niLiiiiinl kcallir'niir bolted. ceiling -hooks, suspended the/ * foot -oy 6-.foot ,spreads, are materia}-scraps from -the pibced .frame at a convenient working fevel-cliaiactei tafa&-frf-thUSK^ ; movie' the night before and \prece3IngTtwo concerts Satur­ B ACADEMY i day night* and Sunday after­WOMINM-conference• aiOnc •. -> "The taTEed .about one thing and IESTACIRESS­ TONIGHT IARBRA STREISAND STREISAND REDFORD • PIUS CO-HIT • — -=TO» b theyearand th«^ bestlove storyJ' ..-•* fttxn ytmm Sn>t^| Made For .kW9tr>4t ComnKinlc>t>on»Cwr»«i| f Each Other 2o„-CE^TURY FOX Qp .. , MASN THEATRES • CULF STATES OMVE^iTVL UKUIMItUVt. ~~•4S4'nfijpef TinieV comt>6sed andsun^byB»bb">g Ggnfay flow ... AT 2 THEATRES * Cm WliMllit) ^ ShowTowN USA AVE; r:i . ... v-^X><*y;t>3 ;<„% -'»i404:?0-l0K)0r s-SHO* SUltftAT DHSK-I'l PREMtlt^ i another ;and "sang a song,, l T^rbar«rHershey-.-Exeusenie-; "Carradi,ne "iiimself al§o knew right .away".that I didn't Barbara'Seagull. She is the answers questions. He con i -1A new film by the director of China Is $ear and f need-to go to the concert.•. first -of aJ string, of, sexual ri« n 1 m firmed that he-was quitting mi m There are those.who .say successes that Zelo litters his the-series after this season.| Jr IStS 1W 1 he JrOCket -« •a 'J. 1~M -T mi T' S. . Carradine can't act. Icouldn't —route with.~She-also-plays Sofneone at the.press con-"" --. • . , * say, because i ve^eveivseeii——Hute-oH-sppppa-aniLLsta ae> i cxtraoFdinary boldness and fantastic ^nvenlion.,, fprpnpp q suspect it was one rl -.^A /Work of him do anything -thgt; called; Hershey Seagull was alsoat ...of-the representatives of"a ^r-Greenspjjji, The New York Times for him to act .I've heard fti.m. the-press conference, "along focal karate emporium) ask­ ~ ..." -v... ­ Sing, though, both at the press~-with-theicis0n.JSce^. F*ree has " " ' " " _ed, ."Don't you think that in| • •'nrn?x>£. , ->.1. .y> "•conference and in .the movie, several months to go before' Vi' , quitting you'arebetra3?ing.the—• His own songs, yet._His voice he turns2. Someday he will-be trust of all those who regaid •] lS-flsLunpleasant. His songs. weaned.. W the meahtime. his you as theiif ideal and who are art* tncinrH :-r v-' "T ^ ~v.-1 t*-*—t.n-• i • are insipid. •mother' rrfUSl .....vi-iikiitgrr-rdevqitiedito-your-plulQSOphy?' In the movie, Carradine is a. bruises, the way she flfp's in-Carradine answered-that HelFs Angel called Zetojwho* and • out of her-bodi'ce eyery" "since-he.?had -announced he picks up a runaway^boy. On five minutes. -' was quitting," he'd be"betray-xSMMCO SELLOCCMS TV, of course, he. is the Kung . I wouldn't want to leave" the .mg them, if he didn't quit. Fu ntan "I don't see, why impression that the. movie anyone would go to.see me.ia doesn't '|iave ,soni6 uses. It CAUCO PRODUCTIONS Ail® .Ul^OlPvie who didn't watdh doeS, answer two -questions': ANti kOKB PRESENTS the show"" He figures a third 1 what ever happened toj&ewey. m of Austin's TV-watchers Martin, "t he Bu £ fa1 o. watch the show, but he doesn't Springfield's drumtner? .(A:-.. figure-they'll all see his He plays.drums on the sdund' movie. Shrewd, that man..; v-_ track-.) Does Arlo. Gijthrie MIS -"Also" featured in "You.and-"-have-any-pride? ( A: He plays • MM Me'i is Carradine's old lady, piano on the.soundtrack.) iilii nmm iMiyb'ii*.* j'-'-'-v I 1*1 v.. ^ v-nr> ­ jT elne£i iliitEour 1&2 • . -jfisTO wAimmm * I •' jsimm V-*1"»-•'" IKfBHHIIIwnK - Plus Special Guest wf -HQTSAUCS— Sat., June"HifSnS*"? Texas Opry , Y -IIA J •s: • House Two, Performances ­7^0 Jt 10:30 P.M. TuVets $450 In advance for ecth "tSflff-antwSaiw ^ e" <• « »• Available ol: Fonts SOutfi (Down S1.00-U0 $1.50-3:30 $2.00-5:30-7i30-9:30 ;(i-S town &. Riverside),. Inner. Sane­nim, Budget Tapes, & Texas Opry L ReducedrPrlce?_JJlj5 -Mon.-Fri] .. House. In The Name of the Father ^ TRANS4.TEXAS • --A-coler-: film-b\^Marco.RpUnrrh in Phices l^talian-with-subtitles ' -TtLrG-F^Mr-1* -* "V,' v -« 1SOO S PIEASANI VAUEY RD <^tON thru SAT JUST OFF; EAST. RIVERSIDE DRIVE 444-3222 2 TRIOAr & SATURDAYf>V^ 8:00 & 10:00 Mm. $L50 CQLUUBA-psiTUReS Prt $1.50 A 08S PRODUCTION acao^My awards ^ JUNE 21 & n&ifrMf.t-Batts Aud-Mod. Cinema til. 6 p.rn $1.50 FEATURES THEMOT ' ^ -til. 6 p.mi 3:1(1 FEATURES FfCZURESHOW A A A,A-A A A 5:20 2:30 ACEOGGiPCVHiinM ,7:35 PETE!} B08DAN0VICH, t:5S^ Pando.Company in association with Raybfert Productions presents ' 9:4S IIKSnNG fess TgJ^s> tECMNCDtOR* AUWtRSALPenjRE 8:50- A Profound Emotional Experience ^ jfc COLUMBIA PtCTUftESprtttnts . 51.50 nl 6 p'#*" til 6 p.m. FEATURES JACK NlCHOtSON FEATURES nTHK LAST IWREUL •1:20 Tmp0&WnADfflTm •n *A ACWWT Finrr-*tr Amtutn \ixmi~ -gj-wwHoir-ooumwuew 3:30 (i'.ilil ­ sm— 8 cotoi 7:50 W TODAYS 10:00 An American Odyssey wrnsu H!TT5!RWm?? ^ • starring •gp-yx x* 1PETER FONDA + *> t -r * ,v%-> DENNISHOPPER .. JAGKNICHOLSQN •wr];c^^^tivaiE^yceL8ert ScHnelderPD6r' andTerry Southern.^ ^ 5 "CANNES FILM FESTIVAL WINNER " 4 ifEST FILM byaNEW DIRECTOR" „*f| "I^TWaWI PftESENTS THE STANLEY KUBRLCK^PgbDUCTlOW STARR I NO" m Kmr niiHea Gafy lorkwnftHg and William Sylvester;; A H m m M.. -.i" &• -i-' -• *•' " 1 ' ' ' ""' ' ' • --— 1-so i' FRIDAY, SATURDAY 7^30 «, 10:00 ^ ^ TEXASNORMl: jUNE 21-22 ^ Burdine Aud. Student Gov't: Btsr » f^TA'S Of t ^ — ; B— 1 J — , —— ~ \ 5> a» vts*>.V^£. -to V -», « * *nTsT2 •„ .CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING * RATES FURN. APARTS. » FIJRN; APARTS. H ROOMMATES TYPING •15 word-minimum •.-.• ix. v e Each word one JO -Misc. -, For Sate Each word 2-4-1imes.::.v:J.-v.---S .09 •ROOMMATE NEEDED, V bedroom KEMRAY . Just .North : of 271h Each word 5-9 times ..i..;...$ .07 ; GIRL S 5-SPEED Schwlnn bicycle -One EFFICieNClES -$1(30.00 apartment-, 6 blocks, campus..AH-bills-Each word .10 oc_more times...J .04" yearold, good condition. grew,MS. Call -1 APARTMENTS S150/t ' BEDROOM:-tt3ff.00 1 : pa!d_S6i. 47W467» . .. Guadalupe Student rafe feach tlme..-..v„;~.S -75 . 447*3372.' -t '• j..-. ' . i,_ — " i . " 'J,Br, Furn 2 BEDROOM -$190,00 Classified Display 2122Hancock„Dr. AIMM(s Paid t ' ROOMMATE-NEEDED, 2-beflrooft ­ 1 col. x.\ inch one KING -SIZE WATERBED and Bear • <• ALL BILLS PAID.— BEDROOMS?.; •apdhrnent-4-bteCks pampuv alt bills v:* 1 coi.xTfnchi«9 times.;^A;vi..s766. arctoery equip. Both almost mfw. 47$-Next tcrAmericana Theatre, walking bis-• La Canada Apts". •r\ 6 BLOCKS CAMPUS " -patdTS50.. 476.3467. .. \ coi/xIinch ten6?"fr«)rt£TiniesS2.37 -POOU SHUTTLE BUS ROUTED tance to North.Loop Shopping Center •-472-.1-598 " >-^iStiuitle 80s Cofnor.--? • ' NEEDED . nous^T yrflduate students. J77.yQ, ntj rT""^ -Typing .M^ltilithtng. ulndlna ^ ­ — -—-—. and Luby's. One halt block:k from ashuttle RO-O^MATE FURBISHED IF' We callIIIt our nfnWorm;youcan ca» it -MAL6 SHAR6 3 tiedroom IVi bath . --M.B* A. tr^Bpy hirneu and Austin Transit.; 2 bedroom —v-a home.CGreat ..for budQet-mmded stc ledstudents ccAOUNf soeoutt • ! 476-3467 340) leOQ leaieT-dspoilt. 837^304 F^«kC|HEric. <*Wjn— be",or* V townhtkties; BXtreriarg^^wgubedcoom-' - who want privacy.... .. iholci * ant privacy.'Your choice of burnt 'Tuesday Ttxon Monday 10:00 a.m. -' -* • " The Complete Professional i flats,' one rand two baths, CA/CH, dis-<. ~ orange,chocoWfebr^nbr,Breenshag Wediwwe* T«wm> Tuesday... IOIOO o.mL • SHARE LARGE .three :toedroom.apar4. .hwasher'.d**Po&aVdoor to door garbage HABi wUhbrlgh waHcoverfngs. PaTllos.'Pools,' • FULL-TIME-Typing ,| . -~ block camput^iiO. All Blllt Tbwedey 7»i»* Wed««sdor:»10r00 a.m.' p!ckup„>pool, maid service If debited, raban«H>rt ihuttle.route,.mlnutes (rom menl 'Vii FrMey T. Peld^GradustgstudentaJboefclaitman Service > •• washatetialncomplefciSeeownervApt. • ........ .. —jCW: •• • • ,• | • , , -• tf"-l AC"-A F^jgjpartmrtt /««)«•» Mr«lce 1he.Unlv«f»fly and..downtown... Efticierjr Pr£tenred. 20ui-vVli|llfc. m-lm, K 1 Wk Ends • 452 8506 campus, extra nice luxury • 4521)060 -nhouse through Auauit. Shuttle. All ' odimriwwt* ihoyld be.mtfde n«t tetw I r apartments. / Shuttle BusCorner orivenlences. Special* rate. *" Call- tfaon-JO p..iJi^i^ »« LOCATION-LOCATION-LOCATION.. fate/early, 4427473.' . . Luxurldus J-i,Block,LawSthool, L.B.J.474-1712 LBsaryr. sf. Oavld's: paoti'iundMk; QUIET. NEIGHBORHOOD. Fenced* TrPINC Reports, Assumes. —^WiT-Aee-THREADS-— ^-2919 West Ave. shag, cable. $200. bills paid. «ctatOTV . yord. Furnished.4 Darkroom'space.Near . .Theses,^Letters SOUTH • tff.'g OFF ; ' Apartments. 477-3388. All university and • ' vy • • i *.-r- -A . with th»s ad onant. 327-US5:;.:' -Held area on stiultie. Vi .rant or best _ ;• (Prepaid, No Refunds) -< ..2405Wueces . ? vt /t76-098J ' c>ass. -Unique efficiency/ and one ..BR Furn » ; *: ,-A-; offer, ^a.ll.Suian, 472*0194. • ' 472-8936 bedroom apartments. Furnished, All • ' . • -si.\.!{ If • . "... " 30A DoWetTenter' Students-most-show-Audrtor-'s-BlltS l?ald. ' AI±\'B1LCS'PAID -..w^ORPUL t-BEDROOM^hag,. dfi- ETflcjehcy, 1,;:2,^nd>s ROOMFDR-WOMAN. Otdhouse, shuttle receipts and pay in advance Irv TSP SI25 and up. ; hwash«f,cozr«ommunlty.-Near shuttle.. bos route, non-smoker.Call alter a p.m.,. Btdg. 3.200 <25th & WhUH) from 8 2503 PearlT .~ .Antilles Apts.^ ir bedroom *partcnfnts 472-1367. ' • jrfmerjts..^ feiectncut.-iaiiwestath^ 4 a.nv^to 4:30 p.m, Monday through GINSENG ,< ( Call 4773264*; •22q4i,Enfield Rd % jQlufrnn'^ . Offer fhe-:sblVt-fdW^:^aKi5^c^^^ ABACUS <5 172^320 .SHARE THREE.BEDROOM, two bath. :Krola,*'Sars'asparilta,. Mandrake;.. <174-4322 'v.?: " ' BUSINESS SERVICES ' Valerian. Comtrey, Fo-tl-t»eng, Gotu.-i ybur _ . _ ,—L large classy hpme. Own wcodvpaneled Badcoomju^nlibed unfurnished, bedroom.. Other* furniture Hawthorne-Berry. HyssoPi Myrr-Gum ShuttleBusFront Ooor The Sot and Capsicum 'ATft cumbtned-4U jouth Shortj's central' location furnished, shag. Ml b?r,_orlvat» ciuT^helpful tbr living room. P«im:tree,,tlsh' Rm. -200, 1301 South -=8J=A£KSFONS , provides Hto»*ccntloU>t. .' .'. ^be?,™» •r®J1 yar<£ five mlnotes camnus. -•r (nterregTonal.... naiurai vuamtas ana Minerals In .ow FOR SALE -+Gofrve-by-ai SW.50 ABPt 2 bedroom SIM.ffi ARP f ­ DV-aal i«« our n*w.«lllel»nrv unrt < 4544173, "• : care^uHy.batanced formula:Also, acom- -r 444-0816 t^dCoorrf apartments banks.of Barry——•—'mittngwjfy-.­ on the SSksjt — pleteuQ'otein fortified wtth'.Vltamin E. -T-yplng,Prmtlnp tBindlag^, Apartment Hvln'g?/blo?kVrom Campus Towtf Lake, tompleteomplete shSgwith shig CoinpanyJ NEED ONE OR TWO male roommates'Product or sponsored -dlst^tbotorships. Auto -For Sole -• David Stewart.j478-?61i. ' . v ; ..idi.miMl applicants matched with . ...ting, ao— nt .wall, modern fur-'——— — • »to share two bedroom, two bath apart­ compatible roommates' itura, plus an itWlvldualdeck overlook-. EXCELLENT SUMMER RATES on' ment. Shuttle bus. 447-6158: Xll PROOF; 10W50. lubricant protects' g 2910 Red. River ' • 476*563} '"•w.wa»a^J4^___^i1_ , • spacious one _an8 two": bedroom asoline engines for 50,000 miles A PARAGON PROPERTY , . "f/rmsen«srFalt rates reasonable;7€all 'HOUS6MATE 2 bedroomfurnlsllednear _ olI^changes.JKl-5!74. . . 1 BR Furn „ From SMS -JlS<'475' PeaseJPark. Quiets Dogsok. Shuttle.*75. >'­ •2104 SAN GABRIEL f Bedroom-.UTi.Beautjiul/ pool and patio: Managed . ^A/CIl, dt>»esatlt-HlWt»cashee^ F^rompt, Pr6fessiona^ '68 CAMA){0; v-fl, % door, automatic, ; by cwirtr ShuttleVs tfock. . • *}3S^ptus electricity. The Contju(stador* FO.UND; .Young female CoNie^nix^rac>Ui AM/FM, air..Sea*:offer. 454-4520. 452-rR-ETREAT Ait Bids Paid 452-33)4 1 US9-9927.: .; • ^4545 ' t. Gabriel. 472-7746:' " •d jo M.L'Donald, Pasadona^sTexas^-Service 2101 Sah.r^ «s­ .8141, e*t, 427. , Walk to Campus -CaH Humane Society. Austin, i»• 21BR -2 BA $175 SUMMER RATES.-2 bedroom '.aparh 453-8101 1974-yw.DASHER. Automatic AMIFM, ~3 DR. 3 DA S2J0-. Buckingham Square ment on. shuttle bus route. No lease re­E Guatameian jjurt* Mtw^n^*~^4cKjJpServlce Avallab e quired. $I95/month. 474-7080.­ jgw^ait/validwarranty. )400miles> Mt,-Bonneil -Sooth FJrtt Street;.\i0'­ ALL BILLS PAID -APTS. -Attentiorri Reward-Cat|476-2772. AH • Furnished units convfenlent "to UT'& '4400 .AVE. A—-• •4S9 005&-. 711 W. 32nd. -ONE QGDROOM dUpJek apai4mant yEGA^l.971 with new .Downtown. 444-1941 before 5 p.m. ^near-campus. Sm Manager.ef 104 East S n «^eA1^i«W>rWM5 >973 engine, . -Studentsl %SK•.LOST 1.YR, OLD ririnte-lrl h Serfer'^ffi '.-^EAT AAA/FM,'AC $1400.^27-2730; or 476^638. 32nd, Aptr-103.-476• S940, 451-2W3, —red handanw i7i»QvJJu#ci>v .A7i.w? 60 cents oar oaoe. Th««e& 7? r-«nit 476-8782 -. 451-4352 MOVE IN TODAY!1 v Come, see our huge 3 & 4 bedroom ' • • I • V .-• •1 I • -T-.i •••• REvyARD.'; • \p'r. IfFV7T .After -5 p.m.wfd 'Weekends . 1967 2-DOOR-PLYMOUTH Fury til -..v , -apartments. Now available for summer ~ EFFICIENCY--furnished, modern.. Automatic. H/AC, .p.s.; new. brakes* pr fali -teasing. Roommates 166:50 each $07/mpn1h...Located^Is West 10th STOLEN 1»5« CORVETTE. Whlte wMh DISSERTATIONS, theses, reports, ond • points. Plugs, wiring, condenser, . .ofr $81.50 each. Ail Bills PaJd-Street. Contad T.e. ,Wiley Co. 107 West .(lark tliielnserts. tlOO reward for lnf«-law brfefs. Experienced typt-sC .wlpdshield, One.owner, 451-2398 after 6 ,2108 SAN GABRIEL. Private and Large , mation-leading to' recovery^Call 47^--Tarrytown.-2507 Bridle Path. Lorraine -51h 472-9228 ' * ••p.m:-'-•. •• •• J BR Apfy Full Kitchen, AC, Furnished,' f. 9766. Stolen-from 45th and Guadalupe Brady. t<72-471S. i • Aparlments shown till dark everyday.-­ $120 •fm TlfeED OF STERILE APT. Water find. Gas Paid. Summer Rate .ONE BEDROOM apartment North of fa^ weekend.: >; v.-". • ;'7v '69 MG6.Wire wheelv new top, fed-837-. • -COMPLEXES? .5120.;. •' .* ' . W'J* Colonial North campus. sl23/mo., AC..33IV Speedway. .• STARK TYPING.-Experienced theses,* / CwitactT.EJWilej:Co.,~ 107Wesl5th.47>-^-LQST BRITTANY SPANIEL, whlt^andCome byitee.our small apartment' at Apartments; r'* ' , recLAryswer* to,Charlie, please call 476-Binding, Specialty Technfcal. Charlene • 0247. " 1 BR Furn -— ^sth>472l dissertations, PR's, etc. Panting and 1007 W. 26th S, 1717 Summit. View (one t • automatic transmission, AC PS. S42S or • TARRYTOWN one bedroom. Mature 1966 CHEVROL€T^IMPALA: new . block off Enfield)-.: AC'-pool, tress, 1 MARK IV APTS. " 5tar»C 453-5218/ -* tlOO per., month. Ca^ Mark. •2408 LONGVtEW, ahd .2 BR. Covered WW,."A»Bil5p.lifJ4Saa929. • ^Apartments : Furnished, AC, -/ 3100 Speedway .: jingle. Shuttle, pool, trees,' take^ bills HOLtEY-S TYPING SERVICE. A COftl-• paid. $135. Recorded description • 472- plete; service from typing through bin­ T^Pa'rkTng," Po6irtSR"rsi2 UNCLASSIFIED wrvp* !K|f7 ding. Available until TO p.m. Experlenc-: 472-5316,. •'Motorcycles For Sale ' ^SHUtTLE BUS CORNER ed inall fields.Near campus. 1401Mohfe OR BUSY ONE BEDROOM,, private "pfctio, ftano need iunirtg1? ^0-^493 hm YAMAHA 20®, .5500 "rnlfes. New ..",.4306 AVENUE A. All Bills Paid-) & 2BR carpeted, dfshwasher. disposal,-cable, • Apertments.shown tUI 9z30 p.m. :tires, twoftelmets, etc,$400 drbe^f offer, i ME RENT 1'Furn.tshed, , AC,-Covered 'Parking; pod/ shutlle or wftlK faUT. $129.50 plus Great location. 1-USiQO 477-3388 FRANCES WOODS'TYPING SERVICE" « South -Cute 1bedfoom apartmeM^ : .: Directly on Shuttle. Seven.mlnutes tro/jv KLH ll-arnp 8, tnbi nos work 451-2832 .tatlons, Manoscripts. 453-6090.„"AUST-iU-—i."' 452:1801 Bergstrom. . • •' y ^ait Barrv. 447^5674 vr^erThan^osiOJBR.,160,-2 BR - electricity. 330J Speedway.47fr-9033affer . Experienced* Law,. Theses, Oisser-. $110 -tow mlleage. street legal.Call 92^-3234or T3r7F JUNE RENT. Large 1972 Gremlin all extras 477-3388. •MABYL SMALLWOOD Typings Last, bedroom t135/ohis -elefctrlcH at CWt mmu.lt.". overnlflht avallab... vrP*-. .. Your, time is vaKjable .if No Answer At.Above Call: NpLEASE allabie..Term 1 -Bedroom -JMSfs,. theseSi dissertations, letters.' • il970,HARLEY?OAVIDSON 350: Extend-Our service is free ~" 45I-7901L^_ % r7^»'wCT^»fcggflk-^MItar8.-Mte=Sij jed forks. $350^best offer, Cali472-0190. ... Built-in bookshelves^ walk-in closets CLEAN 2 BEDROOM, OA/CH; shCrttte ^ BcllyDanclnyInstruction 472-XU4. > 0727 or 442 tM5 '•;• ; ;. , > Kitchen cabinet^ galore. All Bills Paid bus front yard, walk to UT,. $15$ plus PARAGON HALLMARK -444-1931 . 444-2070 electricity.^208 East JHtt No. 5.454*4658. pv, Husky 850. J150. 45t.2MO" . ' •, MI-NN1E Lv HAMMET.T Typing S • Stereo -. For'Sale " . -$125.00 . -Rod.Singleton Properties' ,, Du&llcatlng Service.' Theses,• dUser* PROPERTIES l.'.s^v® 1 Bedroom Furnished .• GARAGE APARTMENT furnished: AC, • 'H Chevy pickup »500. <51-7736 tatlons, papers of-a« kinds, resumes. . »-.'i5.TEREO.. -Hl-'Fl cabinet,jotld: -APTS.' r. shuttle, kitchen, bath. $45/month plus • Fret refreshment^; 442-7000, 4,12-2225Wm" .'.-WALK TO CLASS , : " . jTeaKwood. House all your components.'' bills. 452*1688. 1100 Clayton. Stereo radio, catletta & RP. 3(5-7(11}. ;$250. Call 345-J2675. • ,r ^ • / 472-4171 -J UONGHAVEN^" BOflBYE OELAFiELO. IBMSelectrfc,v weekdays .• 768 W: 34th • HARTFOiRD PllACE '.Blrl.» J-speed SchwInnlM. 44HM93 --plca^ellte, 25 years experience, books, ' ,j2 -ALTEC SANTAfJA speakers 'it-year , SERVICES ., dissertations,..theses, t*eporIs,-1 ..WVCanty); ,{!)• Yashica TL-Electro • 'APT-S. , '454-6294 1405 Hurl lord.Roup. 2i3}39tt. Urgefur-,, mimeographing 442-7IS4. •' •' V-".V •' • 477-5662 .';; ftlshed. one bedroom. Add efficiency Ml-fl eq. 20K^0% off 44)L407« nts." -. v ^camera (2 yeac.jM»rranty>. 441-7457., i 472-4175 ' ,Shuttle Bus Corne^l?^--j •edr-oo aparlments. CA/CH, ;»hag carpet, fufl­8ookcat» 115 Rose 4720352 5pi3'; • -f?inJ 2ule> atmosphere, lust off En­ VIRGINIA SCHNEIDER, Diversified , ,|NEW ADVENTS for sale. S16S pr. 476-' •WALKING DISTANCE-U-T, field Rd. Convenient toUT, CapitolShut- Servlcen, Graduate and undergraduate' -|554> afler J p.r VSUAAMER1URATES f^OWlNSi* blocks bills: paid; 'AC, paneled, SUMMER RATES.,FALL GINNY'S . Own a VW-44 30mpg J375 471-49I0 " typings .printing, binding. 1515 Koenlo •,from Layv School/ Shutfie by*:-,One carpeted, pool.; no Lane. 459*7205 . ^ •jfjyC; 60 Watt SEA AM/FM receiver, FLEURrDE LIS. 404 East 30th. Mature ^ pets.-2 COPYING vyamans lOipeed M5 Rose 472-0352. students. Lovely one bedrooms. Walk to, •bedroom, si90. 1 bedroom, vIGarrard Syn^Hro-tab 72B turntable,' -camous -Shuttle-rAi»t irj. . carpet, . oisnwasher» disposal/ walk-in FORMER.OWNER.large ly'pinoservice. 'AOC 303AX2-V " " wmpys. >mmie. summer rates. 477-,closets, 32fld-a«d Interregional; 477-0010 • S145-SlS0.'3pn Whitish No, 105, . — SERVICE Wanted:. Inexpensive car.-926-6800 Experienced, professional wwk on IBM ­5712 after jixe.. . --• -l -. .or GL3-2228. . • after 5 Mon.-Friday. After 10 _ , self^orfecfsell-corfecflng.ra< fvatwrlter.fyptwrlter. Theses,Thesai. dli..:dlt. iw&i ••• NEW IpS INC.. Furniture, rufls for sale. 477-0^64. strfations,: mathematical. 4<4-«7«4 a.m. weekends. -S-JU oa f'5^ A',y^F.SALEI ? CFC. monitor speakers, between W ff* -'i"island almost four,feet high with two 12" EFFICIENCIES' frlsh Setter. 2 Jnale. S fern, trwau. • Park Your Gar. and Walk To School}-; i .^.^vwooters/.. two midrange and tweeters. '" NEAT,-ACCURATE TYPING »t cheap, ' & Tremendous power and sound clarity. CLOSE TO CAMPUS 42 Dpbie Mall. 476-9171 i prlcesf.Located near tampus, special •; I47fr7ni Nj:.201.. —• SUMMER —SHUTTLE BUS 1 /VllSCELLANEOUS • -r?tS.,*i'mfnedl«te s«rirloe>Call Cindy V $100 . -• • Frea Parking .. . • at• 4#4*2212«1 •<; »;y^i|AMftex VT22 2-J2!Inch speakers, lOO.^v^ • with us ineight^watts $250 Call 477-0964 1 BR FURN ' 7 a.m.-lOp^m;M-Fj :-.jfjs adlan,:JOSt .North Of -27th & •>*. great University,complexes Swimming"'pool,.-beautifully* 9 a.m..-.5 p.m. Sat-ewe^ry; African and Mexican Imports/ i< Tanglewood-furnished double* or studio • 4612 South Congress 444-3814 „V,,' «UadalUpe» Closed 1 . .. [L* Musical -For Sale bed,'all bave dishwasher, dls-' -Mondays,-Ailnn/4«wr • '. PONCE de LEON Annex, posal, central ' air. and heat/-' (FENDER JAZZMASTER electricOultaf . MOVING? MY PICKUP can make -' ' going a lot easier Tom's Do Rite Truck 'with hard case. J140. Yamaha FGJ00. " ^5f, 478-1874, shag carpet,'-extra storage . VW REPAIR VVck' IfipAthi jJ , wnn iniULaie, H75IBulb liavg-THREE GREAT BUILDINGS " t-^ Shuttle Busj Corner room.-. • '• • • •— Quality work-at reasonable:prices.. We M891 - Tng.258."* .vlperfect necks. 447^44; ' _ Str 305 West 35th can give youbetter service fromour new BUY WELl* PLAYBOY, Penthouse,, ^ I- .shop at 1003 Sage Brush. Freediagnosis, o,etc. VJi-r ' , cr ' . Jt ...; .. r~WURUT2ER BABY GRAND Piano. -t6 blocks from* campus) Books, records, guitars, iewelry, radios, "YES, wedo type 'compression checks,: and estimated > *,, «Gootf eondttlonr-tsoo or best offer. 4SI-£EPPERTREE .SI00-5110 Manaoer Apt.-10i6-— _Tvne»vp. jw standard VW»-410,50 pfu> stereos; Aaron'^, 320-Congress, Down­ Ar T , . town.--1 Bedroom le-.^i" ^ FIVE UREAT BUILDINGS ' •=• . 451-4364 • _ ~ parts 8J6-317K Please try us, Overseas -Freshman themes. Engthe& Supply. .. ' -Pets-For.Sale v,, EL CID & FURN. HOUSES )--3001 -13007 » . Why not start out with 4SMOOTH FOX TERRIER pbppies Sire 100Q0 to s26500 i P/Jgi .EL DORADO .'ABORTION ALTERNATIVE! P^gnant 0sm t,0", AKC champions M54S39 472-4893 FURNISHED HOUSE tosublet mid-July j" DUVAL COLLEGE ' and distressed? Hefp I%as near as your good grades! ,'V -%& 4 453-488J.,.....j, COURT APARTMENTS telephone. Pro-Lite Advocates. 510 West thru Dec. Many: nice-features. Efficiencies, i Br, XLarge 2 Br" • SHUTTLE BUS COSNETT — ~i 26th, 472-4198, Rent • efecences' required. 451­Smale$110. female $90, Wormed, shots In SI30 A8P. Central-Air and heat," IvV/--"'tAKC IRISH SETTER pups 4 weeks, Efficiency. Summer Rates •. ••*>>;• -• • • negotiable. Kef---' 472-3210. and 472-7677 Austin only June 21st, 22nd, 23rd. 452-Call Our Office ,V.. ' washer/d^yer facilities, swimming pooi; CATERING for Exotic Tastesr Serve ­ mm' 14059 , 472-8253 Rosldent manager, -guesti the finest In Persian Cuisine.Ex­TAKE UR PAYMENTS.Must Mil14 X «• • 2707 H«fDphll» Park 474-5347.3001 Duval, Apartment No. 203. * moWle home, 2bdrm,. !Vlbath, CA/CH, perienced chef-waiters. 474-3031, < dAAALE POODLE puppy needs home;, PdL I, 2207 Leon * 472-8941 BortlaHy.lurn'rhed. 8 x 10 storage tldg. j AKC 447*2319, SWIMMINgKessONS: ' Experienced; Included. 3U.37M after 4, HELP WANTED PdL ll, 2200 Leon"! 2. pedroorn" Certified Instructor. All ofrlllllei -472-894i CONSUi. (Beginner -.-Senior Life). My pool or FLORAL DESIGNER. Experienced' | Homes -For Sale PdL III, 2200 San Ga&rfeF.T.~ yoyr>. Group?, private..471-5401. UNF. HOUSES -W® apply.: Pay commensurate ­ T472-8941 MARK XX--ON TOWN,LAKE, with abllMy, 477-5717 for appointment. .••! Ifk"^ 2 and 3.bedroom townhouse and. flats '^TWED OF-PAYING -ItlSft Wlets tor­ -S-OWNER, West University neighborhood/ Comfortable -3 bedroom iake WiSOworklng PJ I, 304 E". 34th 476-9279 454-3953 452-5093 trom isi80;all bills.pa|d.rSumhier.from iclothes thai tall apart? Call Amy * ex-d£Rx£???<:iuse J1!"/'.LakeTraVriToh-TECLP *'ame; Brick f^eplace, fenced, gacage •M.5. On.shuttle tut roule.-dl«awastier, ceilenl (,?rri(frc»s. 4S3-JW9. UtMatcMtn-Wllf ao. dpttcei f)-aays.a.weejcThu7iVa^F"ii'-.: lorkshopzExcetleflt-coftdltion^Goddafti. JFT t'l, 4:08 W. 37tfa disposal, xenfrat air;pool/game:room. " ' comodate four ajjijls. call 444-9557. .. day. aflernoons.^ rnoons...Saturday,Sarurday, Sunday'5unday ailall' 1 vesfmeflf..4T<*5617;' *--t-;::---. .- -454?0824 . ' ' Call 444-3411,. or come by 1201 Tlnnln ' .... Ilftl, Tfth MMMla.l.a n.14 J.Ik... c Tj?rs:';rr-WALK ut -efficiency. Private en —Ford Road, Apt; Ifi forrfEoVtoff IH3S,'-ROOMS PT 111, '2704 Salado.'.^ r477=2752—trances^iwwy-. paneled,, refrigerator. on E. Riverside Drive ' from'UT.^Manjed couples only. >185 ­ semi-private baths, some AC. S65-S75 1°wsan Heorfpfitll Park'.Oavld. BUILO. YOU.? OWN.independent '..••WM OWN. PT IV, 502 VV. 35th Bills paid. 345-1460. ... • business wit 472-8941 s with thfc secondlargest nffinnil ^S5J.50/A "wks; session. Singles -$95 00/6 _cofporatl6n '­ tltrn ln direct sales. 441-5174. ...SAVE GASf".-v\ '. ,PT \^»04 W. 351jb LOVELY FURNISHED APARTMENT, -to /, H'GHLAND MALL "wks. sesslon. Dally mald service, cen­ .... . 472-8253 Also niceroom for teacher,buslness-gfrJ r:-'^ tfalffal air.alr^ RefrlgrRefrlperefors,hot piafes. effow ! ed. Two blocks from campus. Co-Ed , . JSID^TH^US „ <±_ or.graduate.-Near-lfftlversity^476-5974:: • AREAiON FOR RENT NIGHT CAUDIT IJpm •7am. Front desk - block experience requested. Apply tn person bus, that will tafce Veo >a, UT or Oown-^,^9®.'.2 bMroo/yis furn. or unfyrn. . ~S»S^Wa have Hve homes1hal3re2 blocks fa Re$ide/)1 Manageri; 447-1760,' • ...» STUDIO.OR STORAG£^Ory ba$ament. HoMday-inn South 20. Interregional. \-• *'*»' . 5f to*n-Price-»17,»S0 to U(,2S0 sanGa,brleftandv24fh*arefl avalfabie tar f call Feather Homes 451-7497 F°o0^*M'ABPb*noil,Uii?„^KA? SHORLWALK TONER.-Large rooms, st^dlo,uhobby-sh6p»*o^ secure-storage. "TAP^NO BAI.LET TEACHER for prfr --—THE BEST VALUE IN TOWN a'^' tVr 400 .iquart feet. plus.;Price depends on schoort, school aga children,2 mornlrai parjy; 1902-1904 Nueces. i»;and rtmodelln#.' JackyennlnasCon­—-r* ' solidated Realty-Associates. 474-M96. rW^62.",?^G)!nt,^enrC^: 34^2^47W(^3,I* '--'^ or afternoons week^, I36>I609;> • FURNISHED ROOM, Sc, abp, SS5/mo. PART TIMEcounter help.Apply Master-''J • Garage.Sale -For Sale manager af 3J10 Red: River or Valet Cleaners-3101 S^dway, 7 fthone 474.3434. nW«st21st.Saturday t BR. FURN. ROOM & BOARD 9-7. Sunday 10-2. Furniture,Furniture/householdto mz9 „.' LOVELY FRONT BEDROOM, Brfvate :S?u°r^10F&R. ?A*Y s?lA0R,f,^S'­;pfrtOnalijems.J^ts^of^yarlet: '• . 1.Bedrooms "•* ^antrance, *emi-prlvate bath, ' BELLSON DORM" for in.-EkcetlentV -, ^..^conditioned, GlanT waS-lnf^Baftonles S-^arrler, liaby ltemsd ,600 ''­ UT TRAILER pA«K No, »1. Cartop Spanish turnJihingT^ -_-.mi>»!c, Jultar.'imlsc,-476-0020 --- ETJ, MJ3141 TownTfu.itt ILakeOfrete' PRIVATE ROOMS SSOMiontb. AU JlMIS /IKBbESSeSBl &i£ifs PD: 444 8118 477,41** paid. 6 biKt from campus. Fraternity ;a. Barry Giningwatef-Compafiy "• • House. 477^0355 or 4*7*981., . v ' "r 1Wfsc. -For Sale TUTORING FE^AALE HOU5EMATE -own room • -THREE BXPbrilEMCED palnterl - -St^-jTOPCASH PRIC6S pald fordiamonds^. i-: fornlthtd..CA/CH,'Jvti9 fref, pets.«$7o: helpers. Call 477^104 -painter i MATH TOTORING that youtan unders­ '* i LATtfar, 454^177. " -rBR.FURN.I^jjj APARTMENT MANAGER, Eitergefic *r .'5S ow gold.Capital Diamond Sfiop, pit U. CASTLE ARMS3 •f-plus bills, uoo Clayton; 452«168*7 -' land 476*07^7 "APTS -1 j-QUlET GRADUATE sVudent preferred. [ young coupla who need 1o work S£ * ---^ USEO TYPEWRITERS. MaWuals' from •Punfhouse pr'lveleges. TarrytoWn. 3 .muit btlioiTie during oSy. NO children! blocks from shuHjo'l .roote..Q«! ™ ­ , 312J_Sgefiaway-^.477"3210-i— fciew-r — JO PLACE A "of you™ work i'J. :54SFTA*fer5;w£i218 25?PAN'S TYPewf1 ' Surtinrwr Rates, covered park- I '..T GaMJef •474^394.—' ; Ing, Shuttle Bus, Cable televfc~ ¥"7 LEARN TO PLA+feultK,.B^nera«d i444-OOJO -s» sIon— WANTED • £
rjwoffs %. CALI. ' ^ --*• ~ _ i ^ a home. ,4 ^ ^ «=.-• ^ar,"t,n?e aSj.iSpURGe iNNERTJJBES for awlmmlftq­ lR*<«Wn9.^Ml»nMStiwWl5WS5: -T .r u" • N. "• J"&sL " * ' '* :v • .''' , T<' -,'Vs *'7--' •-w^v %JlJ 1 •: '*"•<% t -' "1JM-> ^'' *i* >» '"tJv ---.>t' vAy^'i' "-'4>-r . «>%; ;\Sr* iV?:'.~ -.; . . • •:.. '•-.'.•« • : •'» ­ i&irY Center 4 r ( The .R^rarch:^,.OOTdopmeorC0iter'for-Teach'er--Educa-''Changes in Suit I-T -tioflatthe tmiversity was awarded four federalgrants totaling . neariy' $2. million,.U.S. Rep; JlX-Eit±l£_annOunced-• •. • ®y DAVID.HENDRICKS . Civi! LibertiesUnion to repre- Norman Manning, William­ Jj The grantscover operation'costs for thene?t two.years. • : 1. ; . Texan Staff Writer . •,.; sont.Shackelford^argued the son county; attorney, asked The eightjyea.tohf center is working on five projects conrer-, •. The Texas CourU_0.f^county court .did not consider that the lowercourt rulingnot inst I nipg-teacher education. . . .. : '• "'J'".'": . •Criminal-.Appeals heart" evidence of whether Hays 5c­ 11 is one of be overturned as-the county in . v, -o t e'gfiV or nine such centers at'major universities!; By NANCY MILLS Jgapanded and contain changesin;: arguments Wednesday, in 3, tuatly lied • "•' . was proper.an-refusing Texan Staff Writer wordirig. ^S$^Ksor?heSac-throu^out theDr.Oliver Bown, center corrector. Ub& case involving a Liberty Palmer also argued that the Shackelford aaattorney. " said.. Attorneys rcprpenting'un-^. The original, suit, filed 7irf Hill man who parted.a sign Texas criminal iibel-jtatute is­ questi'ons ^Uven^> P"P«'­> only allowed evidence as to didate: Frances "Sissy"--legality of contributions „an hP(4tablLshed ' teacher interaction and development of teacher trainingevalua­ calling the local. Constable a an "overbroad. and ? an un-He also said the court not successful gubefnatori&l-;caiij February,..-questions th.e: for investigative techniques _ _ reasonable Infringement of . thfr truth of.the statement but farenthold will filean amend-' r^^je^be'fore-the-:official . . tU(ipp Herman Jonesof 53rd ^ . . . ' ' ' •. TsrE. "Shackelford;" -painleir freedom bf speeehr-antrOTu? that none pf ackelforo's wi.Lnii ^ip'ii.iyuf nj:njnit of the 'governor's ; -B°wn said.that purposfe of the center to "produce teachers­ "Lee Hays is,a liar" in large in violation of the lh?. witnesses said he had painted Gov.. .Dolph-Briscoe, possibly -" '/JSJiyL'•(1U1:| say^ ^^'"ry^vRo^ffliThgve-a-irmch^morerPotenLeffect on kids " -' campaign manager.-*7"' First conference -letters on -a_X»b.erty_ Hill. Constitution and the ! -= ;pretrial conierence The.teachKig methods develo^d at-tlie Uiuv't!iMt> ^i'e"TjeiTig= the 'trulh> _ naming additional 'defendants, The 'civil suit' would have a buildingin March; 1973; Hays, Amendments date Thursday'"to-agre£ upon ; v dual -result successful.. across the nation; Bowit said' used at 15 flniversiUes the constable,had told domino" The appellate Court's deciTr ..^e Vexhn learned^Wedne?-if some procedure to fpllowwth , the as Pickle 5aid, "These four gran|Sto the Research and Develop­ players in the Central Texas Palmer explained sion is-not expected until n6xt ^ay- • Farenthold, tfie plaintiff,-reference to the taking '•of ment Center underscore, the projects' potential for improving ­village that he. had. not run a statute provided that truth be week at the earliest. ... The..suit may also be ex-woufd • rcceive double the" depositions." . .• the only defenses"fori amount, of alleirpH ijlegal con-teacher effectiveness.-, ; ' v • .stop si^n, as Shackelford Jones also emphasized that, defamatcflystatement. tributions, estimated at S5O0;­ claimed. any guidelines established ^Musical -- .000, ;• and the state Would -The accusation, stemmed' : • Such -a statute ignores the will-agree with the . Texaa receive • triple that ainpunt. ^il : from an incident in ./which landpiark Supreme Court'1 rules for civil procedure. . ­Hays ^allegedly iaimost-hlt^casef-SuHmn .v.. The—New— Set The • total amount sou&ht in-"The first entertainment film of the — -Attrfttions-for "Paint-Ynur— nhtainprf at :.ifi?.?. FestivalShackelford by runnings stop York Times in.1964, whjch Wagon," the " ZUker Hillside Seacfi Road and must becom Woodstock Nation, or the test film of the — sign. Shackelford subsequent­holdsthat publicofficialsean­/summer-musical,'Will be beld pleted and. returned ly filed-a complaint against not recover foT1lbehinfessthe~: Nixon Nation. Fumy from beginning ~ "from ~Z to 6 p.m;Sunday and7J p.nt:July:8..--• • -".Haysrwlrowasfound inno­o/ficial can prove the.state-, to 10 p.m, Monday at Zacbary- end, it'spure gold!V . —Village Voice • cent. ment was made with "the Discussion • Scott Theatre Center, 1500 W. -A week.after the sign was* knowledge it was fals^ or thai A panel discussion on • Riverside Dr. : • . : painted, flays . filed suit -for it was mgde with'reckless dis-• landlord-tenapt -relations and -Auditions will ,be held for "'•'A^rrtovie-for ail the good criminal1 ii(jei; Shackelford regard for the truth,-Palmer:. the law wilj be.presented at 'ciwfriirs,p'rtartrfer.';: anrt -arfnrs.­ was found ./guilty m William­said.' ;m.;-Tl\ursday_in. the things ih life." Singers^ must comer prepare^ son CoUrity-Courtand sentenc­st StudgfiT .'; ^ —L A Free Press He also said the county trial to"perform"" ' ed to one year in jail. fai]ed_to look into' any subse-companist''-Wiir be "provided: -;Repr«entatives from a_ . Lajrd Palmer, an Austin at­-• • • • ' cies and groups dealing with "devilishly, oieicingly funny. brand torney .. hired -by the" Texas.. fortified, with an acute sense1 'of.the absurd!" -.N.y.Times.ling tenants .and Offer advi'ce-v Sign up. . ' _Perforfn'ances 0f-to tenants' encountering the .. l!tfie distillations of a the situations. unsanitary mental cdridltion." musical, are scheduled for -The'-discussion is the-second --AQ^~I4 throughJ-7-andAug.21 . -(.Variety -of-a-series of four-seminars onthrough 24. Rehearsals at the landlord-tenant and consumer "Arir outrageously, raunchyZilker. Park hillside "will be relations sponsored : by the parody of normal television -^heJd_Aug.j.7-t3. For-more in­ " Austin Tenants Council. progtamming, 'Brand X* formation, call..the Parks^and directed by'Win Chamber­ ^announomenis knows where it's at sex-rCil • Recreation Department per- rain, starring Taylor Mead. INSTITUTE OF IATIM~XMIIICAN STUDIES V-* Thuridav jr> Bu^nosi-Economlcs stani, Tally Brown and "7136 Bu1ldlnQTl^K-Uf^£iaing~^^vbW-^H ; culturally. It.transgresses AUSTIN RCiCK N SOU Garage Sate discuss ttw "Useof MtBti-media .Abbie-Hoffman. Candy.. VI in.. Bilingual ^cuituraf -—Darlingi—OJtra-\aaigr3ILd™ ^r-tfte-^srta^"!"^ Senior citwen members of • Educaiion.:'.. ;' V Sam Shepard • "• fijewsweetc' TtXAS UNKJti-will sponsor, a freeconcert; the Community Workshop­ '' ol the_UT Percussion Ensemble at FRIDAY JUNE 21 IICH COTTON R4arkctwill hold a garage-sale -'iroon Thursday on Jhe Union Patto. " 'Brand X!-is madness, we SATURDAY' JUNE: 2-2 IFSmpTOTonr \highly recommend itl" \ » DOORS OPEN: 8 HAPPY HOUR8-9X/i atthe-HaSkell Activity. . Thursday in the Union Theatre^ Ad«. . —EVp Center, HOT Haskell St.* For, W"'s; 'I'""* TEXAS OPRY HOUSE rAUDITORIUM" • • • >•-a* • i» mn' and staff; Sl.50 for nonslutJcnts.. more-infownation call 472-^ ; meetings Presented by Rock) Mountain Productions Sponsored by lOTHbR bARTH 0184; " • / • ' :-4 **Tt$T wisznes's" will be the topic underfc dtscussion at'4 p.i^. Thursday at tbo Advance TickeU at Oi«c<(un» Records 10: IS THE COMMITTEE TO SUPPORT r9l4ff,LAM-AR _477-37«a» Firemen • Readlng arTd Ki^s .Lob THE COMMUNITY SWITCHBOARD -Inner-Sancfum-*_T«xa*-Qpry_Hause . . ~?T : s -—-D-lkA3SU) ill JOsIm Mil Xhe Austin Fire • Depart­ ment isaccepting Applications- for firefightfrig positions.-Ex­ aminations -will" be hold Jul& 10 . . • . To qualify, applicant must be 19 to 29 years old,"iave a valid.Texas driver's license, be a tlJS. qtizen, .have a hjgte school or OE13 diplomar2fl , •, vision -without'correction Daily Specials weigh at least 145 pounds, not-mwe tliao -three^^ounds 5 EXACTiyA VACATION. per ir»ch"of height. HAPPY HOUR : • Applications forms mav be " lALrKllGHT! :$> i You'll have io agree that summer school isn't exactly a \-aaifion. Btit i LIKE .'I yau are planning to pick up a few htours this'Summer. living v\vith us might be.lhe_ only vacation you'll get ... a'-vacation V,.:lionr gasoline worries, parking-costs,"high food prices, ancf GIRLS FREE i MAGIC! . r : house cleaning hassles!, LIVE ENTERtAINMENT Oka\. sunny-.Acapulco we*re not. And even;though w^Ve » 'Vt s twemy-v\«o. .stories high, we can't exactly, FEATURING compete with th^Eifel Tower. ZSK. But there are u few' things'you • ;:.v should,think about. RIVER CITY First, we're only a half block IE iVom campus, so-you can park THE ONLY BAND WE HAVE youi'car (Vi't no additional cfrarge) EVER HELD OVER -'• loj: the summer. Second, w.e ..serve;.all the good. ­THE BUCKET -' 23rd and Pearl Homercooked. foocf you caTT*eat. at i . ACROSS FROM HARDIR NORTH -3 HRS. FREE PARKING i jirice y6u could never afford on-your o^vn. ' And third, vvcuffer a total environment .complete with maid service, an in­ door swimming pool; a game room featuring billiards, foosball. ping .ppng. pin-ball 'arid| ;|TH|.,v4 more. a mmirgyniv 4it refer-J ence library.-a typing room-., Wlieii was OieMMyisi were Mil f 1974 ; \vtth . TBM electrics, and| -'• > • all the.usuals. -= SUMMER And' all we ask is thatSTUDENT take a look at Us you ta beI oreejyou decide o.n your suinmer plaee. Nows~fhat DIRECTORY to much to ask?. , ­ will be ' » ' r . m J oublishad Gastilian ; next'week Sim Antonio 47h ShU ill ;iVaf a s^ecial~ ?a.> . -/• \ supplement tov Brace yourself for the ultimate transplant. m: The human soul. Zm DAILY TEXAN -J • Jn 1:,TWE«ttTHCENtliW.Fb*piM»vi ACX>«NWAHHH PROOUCTiatV _ W&n •it wilt-b«~spmi»l«fe : with . a^ALAN ALCA•JACQUHJNE BISSET-'BARBARA FARKINS , . narneL-addrsstes; -phono tot^0RADOtJJ/AN.Vi«LUAMWMXW>KArHUg:NWIC»Of3-»W^reRI^/l cjasalilcatlbntf, numbers, >r ml*-#' A<^(XJRTJURGEh^*iDuncaA^Aodx*dayCCI*iMWtlN'!D"eaedBywtv»iNOHOs/ ' »tc. of /-«•• I -atudenti fAi^&KJp'fWttoI^T><*SenK«loU^^UADIXWiB6l»fl!yr¥yf>MtvFT!Q3KS L^Thursday; Ji/ne 20/ 1974 THE DAILY^raXAN Page 13 ft • • * r~ vT*ri — ;tizrfi sri ttSJs'S'S •.,. L' •• • s, ; -GoalsWeeded • SHe^i ,%vvfei!= ~6y DEBBIE.TURNER Texan Staff Writer " ILypu wake UP some beautiful Saturday morning and — — 6y MIKE MOR RISON equipped with sandals and a sack lunch —decide to try -Democrats, filed^the complaints Monday;. Two recently defeated Travis" County candidates will " From 500 to 600 more added. backpacking, you may be in for.an unpleasant surprise. -It-ft illegal to have voted in the Republican primai have legal grounds to contest their receni elections if students will• be employed "Approximately 17300 Joe Jones of {The Whole Earth Provision Co. explained May 4 and the.Democratic runoff June 1. The complaint-. cross-over voting in the June 1 Democratic primary next year in the University's • students were employed this !Wednesday there is much more tobackpacking than most are classified as Class C misdemeanors, carrying a $200 runoff is prove,d. "• •: > * \ College -WorfeStudy-Prngrarn•;., ypar in Hi» wnr>-.stn<1y people think. •—maximum fine. . • •-' . ' .-Sme Rep. Wilson Foreman and Dave Dorsett have not' because of.an increase in program,'!,Antu said. "Weexr "You nave 10 aeciae wnat you're going out tlrere~for, The voters listed in the complaints who commenh •yet made tinai ( -'federaMundSr rpect-to.HaVe 1,300 foil he told approximately SO sandwich seminar listeners txlnesday-53td-they.*did"m)t-reali2e;;they-hHd"voted^ , —., .. _ _ . _ . ^ -, W»~4 "Dorsett will announceThursday whether hewill file a for­ xne increase, $2ii,"b3, will; emplcysjiiexl'veal. " •lonfis pyplairwrf a hilri1g gnp} We>thecAa<*kn«p^ both elections^ bring the total budget for the ^ About 95 percentof the jobs, • mg, vagabonding or dayhiking. -. v • ' QNE~PRRSQ1S1 viMill sliM iiilp»rifri-lo-vAtAjiMhp-Aiay^- LEttOY BECK JR., an attorney'in. the secretary of n . .. . , . , , , ..... "program-up to $874,493 tot mostly clerical assistant,^ : Dayhiking is a-eiie-aftemoon trek, baokpackjng is stay- ' Democrai,(? primary but made a mistake and voted in the ;f| state's eJecUojTdTvrsion, said^Wfidhesday that cross-over .1974-75, Jose ^{ii, 'student Research assistant or lab ifcRSBligUfctmore and vagabonding is done ina foreign voUng be the basis fof-contesting an election but in v H "epubhcan^rimary instead. She then voted in^ie June1-t-^ development specialist of the: technicians, are on campus,^ country. •• '•"x ^ -•' 4'"5 Democratic-,runoff, forgetting she voted in the-May 4 this type of case, it is the-"discretionof.the judge to make financial aids office, .said Antu said. , • JohSs recommended researching library books hutsaid Republican.el«;tion.. ' .' : the final decision." • • . Wednesday. -V ... . •;• All-applications for work-, the problem i? that many authors have cashed in on the iTthfeTecentPrecinctS-eountyeorrimissioner race,'Bob-Travis County Republican Chairman MiUatd NeptuneUnder the program . tfiie study must be processed-backpacking trend in the lasJt"four years'.-• . Honts defeated E)orsett..by 77 votes. , said Tuesday he thought/the' 23 charged wiUt cross-over• financial aidsoffice placesthe through the financial aids of-. ""Inah effort to. remedy this problem; The Whole Earfh Gonzalo Barrhsntos edged Foreman by 93 votes in the voting "did so in the. belief that they were exercising a| student in a job, delated to his fice cmd are.considered on the -Provision Company-has compiled a bibliography bf some Vm race.for state'representative..Foreman has been a Travis «civic duty in a, perfectly lawful manner." : I major if possible; and uses the basis of f&anciai need! Antu of th8 better avaUable sources: Couniy siaie representative for 16 yearSi--' Claiming' this incident shows the "need fon'reforrripf l j£vertuneni_ tunas to pay m. said^ -•These^booksofferadwceice hn fprhniqiips anij pqnipmpnt —MEANWHTI,F '.Tnstii^ of thp Ppace James McMur^ our entire political process,':' Neptune.appointed, a coiri­• percent of-the .student-s-'-. HoWever,.;he added, JllMost ; and should-be consulted prioflo purchasing any supplies;• try's office released Tuesday the names and addressesof nuttee-oF-Republican—lawyers—tg-^«:ommend--bothJpM;salary. ' ' • r \C': students who apply for'work-" 7Jor.essaid. . . > — .... .-.-ttt— -23-Austin voters riamoa-in-jriminal wimplpintg filorf reforms which are^needed and-jwliticalpro(^ures4Ql)r-'*®®^ • The $874,000 combined with." Study also apply for grants or -The Lone»Star TraiLol the-Big Thicket area,offers a ; iiig1-tiieui about^'" against-thism for'ailegedly voting illegally in the runoff. "" the-20 percent paid' by the scholarships." ; v .swampy forest, wfKile Big Bend is primarily desert! Most of the. voter's .listed -in the complaints .live in employer will mean a .Since more"low: income Pedernales Falls State Park, just outside Austin, has 'a" The Tfavis County Democratic Executive Committee, ^ Northwest Austin. • ­ program budget of •• ap­studeilts are attending the" primitive area staked jpff frpm the picnic and scenic • meeting June 10, also called for political reform. The ex-' vri COMPLAINTS wfire filed Sgainst five .persons each in proximately $1 million, ^ntu ^University.' the number of. zoiies. Jones said it improbably the best placefor a begin­ • ecytive committee passed a resolution urging a "unitary two Northwest.Austin-precincts: . > .. • . "students involved in financial ning,hiker because, ;'You cati't get lost. If you just keep primary instead,'ofr separately-held^;on4s." ; • Pay Raise ~ ina.' vou'll eventualiv fpnrp " The RemainingJ3 yoterecharged are scattered in North Certified letters, sent to-itifei23 persons Wednesday, in- walking,'you'll Eventually hit a fenaid is increasing1 every year, Austin precincts. '' " ' ^ ""; ' • structea them tbappearbeftmsitfcMurtry at 1p.m, July Antu.added. " .; . Stacy.-Suits, president, of the University Young- 9.1f they plead innocent, a trial date then will be set. ByUTStaff By SUSAN BARRY ; , One-hqndjed -'University staff members signed >a peti­tion Wednesday asking for a 1ft. percent dbst oT living pay increase.-— • The .Texas College and ^, University—System "Sta'ff Employes Association has 300 w, members in Austin or 3.7 • percent of the University'-s Staff employes ^• and 150 othermembers^cross_the state. • *ir<& :--;44-r Working" for better 1 staff employment conditions and representation oh*campus,'the -staftoFganizationJ&^eeking-a­10 percent raise for staff members across-the-state, in addition .to the -3.4 percent . raise already approved by the 63idXegiblatme. . • —Petitionsr-asking—fot-the­raise are being circulated • ...among-• staff members-on - campus: The petitions will be~ presented to University Presi-• dent Stephen-Spurr at' the •beginning-of July, George W. Karp, past president and / , .*«•: PS board member-of the staff organization,:.-:said. The ; 'pelitlousjcaltfoi' tlie iaue& tu ­come, oat of University monies or fromlegislative ap­propriation in a Special ses­ 2nd BJGWEEK, THURS,,JUNE 20th ... '.J..' 1 'l-.l.l I., I, W • • ' V." #l ' ?— m -26th; mi -sii»_ The association has no alternative plansjf Spurr fails to act. Karpsaid theorganizav .tion expects Spurr tolake ac­ tion, or refer the petitions to iTTrmiw'ni Gov.-Qolph Briscoe. :r-r A'Staff member sigfltaig the petitions said -she /signed \m because,, "{n terms, of salaries, the situation is pitiful; I do the work of tvto or three people and get paid for one." -Other comments have , not been so positive. Karp noted that many staff members had asked him if he thought • petitioning wouTd doany good. : the only, statewide • University staff organization, -the ,'two-year-old association l^U>ie^ for and Won .a 6.8 pert cent staff jmy increasein 1972. .S'i Other interests includeim­provement of the Texas •Teacher Retirement system, correction of unsafe working conditions., ' a job clearinghouse and recognition of good work by employes, Karp said. Limited funds have kept memt>ersbip' mostly confined hkthe Austin campus so far, but Kfirp said he hopes regen­ta|ifec^nition and success in obtaining pay reuses will boost T!»mtwrsliip"dii-Austin-and­throughout the state. |fe|_TONIGHT­C0NQUER00 BEVO'S 1 WEST SIDE TAI» * «k«nrrT}Mdr»ViotMng frMh«ror<&«tt*r ta*(kt9lMaud nmr th« oV«mc«nd bcwth* dMply. Ummml. „ 01D FASHIONED _ BUTTERMILK ' imiSSOGOQO tiMON MERINGUE .69* PIE *• AWSPfTRUTIi..;:..^... 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