v. ,l.i '-yv SV-Cs ?"' 'v r"^"? '«/*'' •-*•>.. ^w, ? gfjBp^;"-;'wE^V * < £*»**",*» ."V r --,/^ tpmM W>1-%3&:-~-v-^&4wimaiM&aMeKi««ira»in»Kam . •• • •• -^J:. • •" "•! • —1^ . •• I: • ••••• . : ••• .-• •• *•:• ?*.,.*""• >PVr*ft. t* xZIZZlZ: iSP V< 'Jm vJF ^1*• St *\ ^sjsrsfas+fri-• • • . • .--• ^.r.x>i)$S«3SSr •.-;!*'%. \ " ---" yfi-W >r ,*!&» th , fra&fe Lsr ' ify\ &£ s ­ •&@ „_-..s58&ir..­'T^'S.VifctlJSyhti . T-­ -gs** i-v*r"\ ^•K^KTrT*wAsf > ** \ i* m*s&7 ""**"** ~ * . i»•:?«»:£•' '' Vv . >* •ifcf-'C W-** $?? V-^s' I -v -. •;.... •*> Sfucfenf NewspaperVa1 TheUniversity ofi^saf Austin »*•**, LiiJL£5-.2'?MW ^§5!; ? S!3F ^ J: Js -y-„*'-' * Vol. 74rNo. 3~*4* Please Recycle This Newspaper \s£>«'*" fort" •" -•**.a I Austin, Texas; Tbursday,TJune 6,1974 Ten £ents -­ V&l^ .Fourteen Pages L 54714 S8SSS "fes „ By 1WCMAKD FLY releases? _thi»Jease agreements. -— '.Wishing esfiedition^'~ v „?hredders, ash trays and plane trips; .1-" -and • •• v; ^Ipf Negotiations between the state and..tliei^n-.ri^ -, DAVE EISHER University have thus far taken place by . Peri^fiy and"his staff,Erwin said, unless 'fed some infbrraatToR1 on theleases from' aasa* ._ 'Texan Staff Writers telephone. _ _.i ,, -: .ordered by a court. * • . ; William Ldbb, deputy assi'fitant #r^x "^•^jflx^en.VohnHilt and4fai*er«ty-ofK •--^icoulrift't say whetligfc^aecislon will ir.-TbeJJnlversity *J willnot voluntarily.... --chancellor • for investments; lands and •"Uncials' are negotiating, release of infor­be reached in-one day or a weett," CWctT"' tiettVer"them-to himj^ he said.-,—— • • • trust, h»t.-jijrpqiipst for access to perti­mation requested by/ Houston Rep. Joe said. • ' ji "We need to find:out what the hell our nent accompanying JntormaflorTTraff Pentony concern»ng^tfie__lease Hill confirfnedlate Wednesday that b.ej. rights .are,^".Erwin said. • i r ,. denied.. '<• • I . ' ,! University-owned lands""""Xb«^Texa! ,Jias.talked with-both the University• ' ERWIN DID not think, however, a" Of "Our problem is not Rep.-Pentony," «^T.learned-,Wednesda— j~*— • Systfn51*5awwt7-M.rw»... office and-^Pentony;wHWiir,wiandU/. -w»•/«*..» rr<«i nir wjiivciQJVY-m.itriect^c v •. --r- ««w» -couS^rtlH^elheJUmrcraty-tQrelease ~"'^rwin^aidr^btrt-vHtfr^^leshirfi^ho v ^Pentony Jast week asked Hill to ^^a--^^olf^lyrA^ill-consdlt-wii|r-4>oth-11)ur^-iheinformatiott iflhefightgoes that far, ^ "tos been harassing-Uie Uidyersity for "COnrt order-forcing the University to •*' * _ Pentony and Erwifr clashed early, this" years (and) spends Bis tinie demanding. •release the information ——THE ATTORNEY:generars_officesai(F •"•• -1---' «— -r»-"-1—: 'y&K when the, P.e.rmanent,University^'-infernistionvTVilh-a personals vendetta ;«vln Pentony "s opinion, the information it' felt '.it inappropriate to^comment" "FunB wa^ being-considered -in-' the^,-against the<;fai^ersity.> i was norsupplied in compliance:with the^^f urtlje'r on the substance.-of the Constitutional Convention. -"Aleshire"a jnuf4imeas^s(ai|l'to'ral^ .|0-day limit under the OpenReconisAct^Vnegotiations discussions, being in the At that tittle-Pentony released infor-fesgtony, §aid • be did .not request the Golin Carl, stnyrrg^fgiaifata. a,sejant in-A:'miHriio of consultations, . ,.' mation.which he felt demonstrated mis-• -materials and is otily ^ the attorney general's office, said! ~i•_•"••• -UYilvm-sity officials refused to com-use of the income irom the.Permanent • ing for a member'of the Legislature^ CARL-SAID Pentony did not receive ^ment on the matter. Fund. Sources say^a factor in the discussion^ m!-, ' the information within the 10-day limife«f Regent Frank C. Erwin; however, said His charges were based on vouchers is whether-the legislator's staff should m-defined.by.tfie^law^Tahd^^the lawmakeis?!fe'he-wasunaware-of-any,negotiations,ad-released by the University.which showed .tiave access to the information in qlies­asked Hill to seek a court order to force^^ding-the request^lor^nrfonnation is, ,a.»,' •-jexpeodituregjan such items^as papfer fa» W '"^v fe4" Committee Hears Evidence;^--&.~ WF e^-t ja"sa_ 3 x mi Milk Payoff Unsupported in -WASHINGTON (UPI) —• Evidence of a connection between the two,actions, support of dairy interests, asa? well as con­„to seve ! tw(^actions, dairv con-' to_several meml)ers.ind inconclusive^on ^presented to Uie:.HouserJudiciary Com--; especially since Nixon has refused to gressional -pressure for an increase^in Nfxon's involvement in any payment for ' . mittceby its impeachment inquiry staff surrendeiuather material relating to the support levels, was discussed;" -a cartpaign-pledgei. J —Wwlnpsdav showed no tie between Presi-matter. "There.was no specific'mention of the dentNixon'sdecisionTtoincreaseasiry^ Most members interviewed ' said, money -involved'' in; the conversation; ^pricMupp®ttsMda$^millioncampaign .pronounce howeverrthat-the-ptedgp was nevendis^: —OPI Tlltphoto ironounc&d the day Nixon^s best in the said-­ Berkeley Students Protest .pledge,icommittee memBefs generally ttearings-fo-date^'aere-waslnothing.--cussed on the'tapes and that Nixon ...he 5aid.-"Indicated-he' very ap­ 4 appearedTTiainlyrconcernetf-about-eon-^ -was -^greed._t_. •• ~_ -.'• -there .to-getvv KCV themiv President« 4 caiucin ohuiidairy,"unuv iifhe • • • • --* • r»rtininTmrrri r tr. ••:.. . " i »».r» _ A University of <^7i&rniti ofB^el«y tJembnstraHM — was . #--After.£merging.frQi»:their401h-day said: gressional pressure. - ; Flowers, ©-Ala., echoed fiilberg's inter- 3S against cutbacks in _ closed hearings,,a majorlty of' the 38 ' According fo information-supplied in--that entered thfe building hBlf Kft ocriminate Nixon -in any^Wrongdoing Nixon and seven advisers disclosed that prosecutor who' received them voluntari­on oi-uieir woes and explaining tlie need later,-but the rest vowed fo stay. (Related editorial colwmn. Page 4). • ­ associates with'theAdministrationprice ly fromithe White HouSe. Thecommittee" -for increased-federal support on dairy appeared set, to vote no later than, next products.^. week to serve,a'SPbpwiia fui 40 Uped-——-RePr-WtilianvS^Colienj-R-Main^ said. conversations which jNixonJias refused -''WhatIheard today tends to be suppor--'­ Nixon's to .CHarTes'-VT' Colsonj-a forftrer-Nixon to surrender for.the?diairy investigation. : Whether decision raise r tive ofNixon's statement that he wsi un­ -f^deral^upports for dairy products was aide .who pleaded guilty this.week to a der pressure from.Congress"' to increase;:;ni£demexchange for.the industrypledge charge of obstruction of justice and who The three-minute tape contained only the supports and not .from dairy , is ohe of the areas the panel-is studying VWill be interviewed by the impeachment • one"side of-a conversationbetween Nixon con­ tribution;. He said Nixon seemed .u,fo'its impeachment inquiry. -inquiry staff, has been described as a and hi? then Treasury Secretary John B. • genuinely concerned about the' impact. Rep. WfleyMayne, R-Iowa, saidit was -.link .in a chain, of corrunand allegedly . Connally since they werg talking on jhe , -the increased supports wsuldhave on the -^a coincidence that^the two matters-used to inform. the dairy'industry of the' -telephone. By . itself.:the conversation^ -^-American-consumer. — happened at the same time and that that"' • decision,at the same-Gme a reaffirma-•didn't make much;sense~, one member^ . . In LaPaz Palace -rwpas-J-not—enough—to--sustain-aa_im-_l tion of.,tto;gjtfillionpledgewas sougfitT ~said.__ " 'R-Md., said M? Reachable offense." AN. EAKLIER staff" reporP'sdld "that the tape^appeared supporlivejOfNiXon, — LA PAZ-.fUPI) — The Bolivian arrtiv ~. of the Cuban"revnlutinn. .TlfiB^MINlJIES^fihemeeting^ith• bat it!f "proved one thing conclusively 25 Wedtfesday swiftly and,, blobdlessly ' " Lopez and Prado were, reported of­ k01£$ fl/kAnn'f 1*vt A»*1.MAiajftU during the TOeeting^ at which thedecision dairy industry leadera-sTiortiraliirtligrr.the Pr^ident-dma^i. tabw^iuiaboutLK ^ -crushed,an attempted revolution headed • ficially to be conferring with army ^,^>--Stilii£aygelq^^gn3g^re^=^g:?riad^;j^,poktt^^ telephone-call was very boring ST^nylHdustry'." ' by; y.ougg-6fficers whose rebel" troops -?leaders-in the-mmuEhr' headquarters^T .. seized the Presidential Palace brieflyby Four younger officers in the coup souSht" • : The President, Gen; Hugo Banzer^wa« • HOURS AFTER the coup,-the-leaderT out of town when the palace was cap-of the revolutionary nationalistic move­ — lured but returned as sqpnsaa the upris-ment political party, Ciro Humboldt, .Bv .United'Press InternatlonaT ,"ife» Cjutieitra^ captjired by Israel in-the 1967 Six Day War of 1967, during which Israel Geneva next months Tbey...sai(Uthe. — 'ing was put —-1 -— fM.w?? Put down. XZ-— reioro~in' -the Pertivtaft-emlmssg ?3^§li^7Syfia^begait-puHiBg-pS^'-A*ac andjaturnailo^yriajinder the dis-fed'Syna^s Golan Heights^Egypts.; ..PELPj' which is led by Marxist George • THE TWOTOP leadersufiheabortive—-%e party had -participated"in Beef's' ikea^eq^mentfromtheGotan^i&tei one a£ ^isotamiuam(of ^ government, but after January, when its ­ . _"Wednesdayr ^"advanced groups.jjL^ascisiary ot state Henry A . Kissinger. -and WesPBSrikT and "the~Gaza" Sttipr of State ; Kissingef. -^esPBank, the Gaza SWpr ^ reporrdeiiveredreporrdelivered by itsrepres.entativesto itsTepres.entativislB ,7^irTWtir-wmmded~«Hi-^tujed^e--^2ounder^5 ^n^f^ti^H'visfthe 'UJ^^te6gs-'rtTOved-iinhindered-ihrough------~JhftvJsig§iis wer&-reported to KtRre >.Jsrael ordered intensified security tTTPp Wl _ihe'Palestine National Council tB8t; VCuhan -revolutionairy Ernesto'^"Che" -»"»» JAm -­ party split. HumboHPs^'fafeticSH-Con­ • • ptomptly_.staaedi;pulHng out heavy precautions -against "Arab euerfcill^ at­-parliament" currently meeting in the ^Guevara in 1967, met after the .irorising tinued backing the government oti^^-" -'•A Ilwith Iparlprs nf lnyal(nrtvj: jn thP army's Banzer. < r, taken'ufider an agr^^#^^arfi'er-;-accords. -. 'Ml Egypt markfed-the^mjiversafywitha I • The goverrifcehrsaidia-groop of-young^ , in the day in Geneva. 'j--' •' An.Israeli militaty solirce'in Tel Aviv ^'display of militaiy might along the Suez , .^Jhe^reements, logether with mapa>;;^geTCpa|:A^^qui^®rt' , ,h m showing tRe withdra^l lines and the : • The rebels, belonging to the poweiful, •officers "of the Tarapaca armored regi-^'-^' m said Jtroops began destroying bunkers^sCanal and a pledge by Egyptian Presi­ -The United Nations disengagement apd other instairalidnsr-^ . '.'iienl Anwar Sadat that the battle wouHL buffer zone to be rnanned by U N. forces armored regiment Tarapaca, ^ized the ment took up arms atmidnight, arrestedwT yobservef force wiH-beeomw operational, ~ ' THE SIGNING of theagropmontaior a go on until the liberation of "evprv inch were signedby Maj their commariding.offKers and seized all •,:^on Thursday, a U.N.' spokesman saiij in m three-stage -withdrawal of forces from oi Arab janu." -Igrael and Gen the arnwred cars of the! regirnenjt. They -;'?»J '-Cairo. He • said .700 U.N.-officers and Syria.: marched 10 miles into the capital,e.. arriv.-^v| both sides of the cease-fire.linecoincided IN CAIRO, officials of the extremist , ....... ... ... ,|. s 9 soldiers already arcin theGolan Heights armijred car. mg at the palace at •2:50,a.mT'cH«lJja)ke.f with the arrivalin-Israel of U,N. Popular Front for the-Liberation of , <|r on their way. BOTH SIDES receivedcongratulations down the ,gate, of -the, palace. Secretary GeneralKurt Waldheim todis-.^ParesOpe^said [the PFLP called for" from the U.S.,Soviet and U.N, observers®® {Related Photo, Page S.) fjossession'Ofthe guardhouse tfieifbreSk1"— r^tlsraelrisources-in-Jerusalem-sail ^rcussjhe U.N, role in policing the ac-teC"serious and firm" action by /»Arrlc lln t».M IIht ' i'^II 'i 1 i • t . ;•> > ,. • ---•* v for the v'goodwiH and fiusfftesslike •: 'ihg into the-palace. ' >completed and'/.. They held it. for 15 minutes. Banzer, Twice, the .Rebels telephoned La Paz'. _ . within Hve aays. -the-presidentrwas-on-a4rip-to-southern nnlv all-ntghtraiito^^Tw^rt^Y. • Bolivia. . Th?-rebel forces withdrew had seized power. -witliouTaTTght-wIien challenged by the THE GOVERNMENT.^f^i-presidential escort regiment. mUnicationi!with the rest of the world at?'; ' Banzer, told what happened over the 4 am Ihen restored thenr-aT9 a.m.,k ALAPi WINTER ^ . telephone," returned 'to La Paz and-took —reporting wie-coup-attempt had, been-With' the Texas' sun Brightening the] partiin highJeveUoeetings in the after­_ crushed )_ _ . backs of summer -school fee-payers,1 at math. . ?&BanzerjMms«lftseiz§.45 power::_€fegory Gym, The-Daily TeS'an located A FEWHOURS afterJhexjutbreak, the August;.-1971, in_a._ blSody_coup tha{»the University^ shortest entering. government announced the situation was overthrew the left-ieadmg governmentsfreshmiETZZTZr^--"r^ealm-and-th'e-arrned forces had "proved of Gen. Juan >fose__ .Torres. Banzer,_who*" _ t : At a nlere 15 inches above.the.^roundi^ite^Bain their determtnatioii to nip -X3&£ jSa33%&' ; '.::' *£?S*A V*V**r mm "£$ u& U$TH\ T WFI •"*?£VL F«R,IV. v.);%#i^•&**-. . -«fc^gg*-asss^. ^SbSi r '*,:tk^ : --^ v -;,; r .,,.ig:4S® ffit *0t­&» „ 5 , __ *-V* Required ^f^©/ SwiftH[Suggested\ Zil Fee Forms Suit /4 SPAIN,-:-x carrvrAc fmir twfo-and-a^fialf ;^ ..,„... -i— _ • ,\ Texas residents willreceive "Suicetes "bilisrare.tro^oniv-^that-pflrtinn of thP Ka1riilntprt.nn a ppy hour basis, 'butidmgll^p fpo anri thp stU-~ .... the Ia\K' school: situation is.; deiti1 sw" ' ~ ' coiiwlicateJ. -Ifamas-Jr-ffib-^ffwri^^K^y v^.irHhn : —_ san^Efesociate^deart • .of -the hours, said Cled-A^Barnette, School, said-Wednesday.--'I assistant to the directocotac­ m think the mam problem is the counting.'She"added Je}ayjn;the money return.V return to Texe$ residents wilT —~The_4aw school office will be minimal, give the forms to tte Office of Those honresident students '* Attending the " Summer Session? SsasWHY NOT srs? u. v?. TR^sTHE BEST! is.. • 21 Great Meals per Wee! • Maid Service •i| w» ^ 38' •Close to'Campus A; "k Private Transportttion Private Pools ysr• AIL THIS AND " EVERYONE"GgTS^?®" •A. .A PRIVATE ROOM "fr mrhmn trptirir *Vrr MADISON HOUSE 709 W. 22nd St.* 9891 zatt 47£NB9^14 IVladison -Bellaire Apts. -also Available for Summer i : WlRRYT -'^"1 Sony- for small "•• -it, > -4 ONY ^SUB-MINIATURE knmmm^ ACtlON-CORDER |^wjthjuilt-ln ­ Microphone*^. r-. Automatjc?SRttl;Off ,, _ ­ Almost as'.sma'll a;;a' tape •cassetlfe''itself,:rthe afl-rieW'-SONY'. TC-55 tucks'away just rabout anywhere to pToitfe the.:ultimate— : injtarrying and operating convenienser.: £ut-don't let the' size fool yea. Underneath its rugged all-metal skin, this mighty marvel, 1P: :-:of miniaturization-offers performance that surpasses many larger recorders! '' J* ^.405.1—., •top tffimii,mk4? Sony Cassette Recorders i wS?^V * ' ... TC-42 $119.95 reg.—$104.95t now. TC-55 j $159.95reg(.-$133.95Inow ­ fT-r * Drop; Everything dnd : lis * Come!over to see the sale the^Stereo I i°* Sony Open Reel Decks 4' tV9-95 reg- Tr"???ni 5"1 84.9^KOW M |289.^S. Trifin f^9.95 $384.95 Tr'fJSo " 1599.95 gj$469.95 Tr"!£2?; 1^49.95 |g"p74.95 TC-755i -S699.95 1^1549.95 rAl'j Jhk. Sony Cassette Decks 1 4 ok TC.J29 I^R49.9^reg. |t26.i5 now TC-131SD J $199.95 $1^9.95 -TC-.161SD J $329.95. ^ '$269.95-^424 . ^ ^rie^^^pitJ-for-present j^fodc^only^J-i™. 1.:^ R-I . . • L_R. . . .,'xS'{: SQNY tieard it so gbod® The llniversity Co-Op x ^*1 •toJ.AeS'tf Jtft as e r. tv-'-f* « -s» •» H ,s.• Barnette continued,''Ithink we've organized it -so there-", won't be any' problem if the-students fill out the-form'-as --Aieroale law-stuaent com-" mented—'..'Most -peSplearen't even vaware -of, it.-Jts_a^ definite^ inconvenience.'" Another registering student. c^mj^jated—NSxfw&'nivS5^ pay totiets!" , •, 5W­ Stu • Phot# 222 W. 19ihi " *s BW&sZ¥ qonvcrbng_oui^eriJaf'ge7£^n^tive'ifijel wottld ''-tfiscolor j mission hearing • on \LQ~; By KEN-McHAM­boilers such as.those used,' the finished products and! Staff Wrttw Vaca Gathering Com-® lurches''S' ilosp,tals-andii%render pany's proposed gas cur- thbih un^ __—city Council ljas agreed to cnes (ailment plan; a represen-TtJ marketable^ -settle out tit court a suit filed Uier Wltnesse§ *y^re,a tativ-e of the, G^neraLC* Stressing the long-^erm^i . ., againf^ the city to stop cdh­Motor«.i C.orporaUon\i nature of ftKg^h6rtage,~~v,the Commission'T struction of.the proposed suggested the University Jensen=said^t-would t:on-' "," test»| J«1 that curUilments Natural Science Center "Sh. Wit down rm thi» use of tiniirto xVorseir andthate^ wou1'LresuU in layoffs and Zilker Park nafr.T-aipng hy n^p^n^lwf-^ rn , m|i m, v niilil urt inlyr -*' >e .serious reconoinic'i I,.. fufel oil in the boilefs. ' • _ the problem* ™™5 Qips on. llnj.a cum--•• Thn wf-J>n. ­ munt ,ies. • . jproved inexecutive session at" ' JamesT. Jensen said the" „ A "representative of-the­"ThiSubliV hearings wilt the-May 30Jiouncil meeting" rm -solutfon td the"; UniversaL Rundle Cprpora-resuriie Monday; morning. 1 I and includes the following­ yip •95! ^V". " 1 -J>fl^i"Bj,"<'*ltf* ''i provisions: " r*,That ffie eitywill-owh^and" Group Cites Repression operate the Natural Science "sin an jittempt to mobilize.-crimes oommifted in jjthe Center_lQriginal plans calfed - local support for the second* "Smerican iwMQiyatpawfc^LgJtethe-centep, tote-operated Bertrand RussellTribunali an -^Vietnam. -' khy~""the Austin NaturaTScience * international-group^f-:in-Following the overthrow of Associa.tion, atgroup 0fl_ • tellectuals studying.political 1 the Wllende government in privatecitizens)". 5324 eron :,..,.repression in Latin America, .Chile -last year the study waV • That the cehter" will be several students nieTWeclhes-" RESUME ^ ? day evening in the Metho'dist Student jJnion ibENTIFiCATlOfSMYFE Center. ­ihe{ second .tribunal .origh^ted in 1971 when PICTURES yM BraziliaiiNMiles asked tlfe Bertrand Ru^ellPeaceFoun­dation to. examihe^political ' oV 1-Day t** as® rep*ssion m—their^native Quick, Reliable Service JU* country/ . The first tribunal, in 1966^ -•V — ^xlealtwith'the questionofJ»ar— • •1. r The Hot MonthsIAlied(j Rent a 1.8 Cubic Foot Sanyo Refrigerator TCK, Pctr the summer-months .ahead the Co-Op • wants you tottave la Iittleypleasure m your 1ife. '""™ looking ?­ for o nevt ^T 7v50 (U*piekA return)~ori^. •f^or-elther: opcrtmenl ^22.50 (We deliver & pick up) voii can rent this refri i JfaVSafyjtii a@s^Mfee^!.j!yuyBfar, ~ ~Co-0(r~is Jtaviiig another 1,\Wst * .WHm sAwt-'t'. ••it-•-_v r .'l ' ^ ^f •£aik m lv ' : ~ot the, moit dyrta your hidden powers1. u-^ • IwW Gtfntury -.V.AI» TTI»OI I»-. today.-37 photographs, . "»«•«.« relare^wKSn^-rfciaek^ Pub. at Si95 v • T ' — -,' known.of hii life, deals wifh hlsrworks fc-stylbhc Pub. »1 S8W . . .J. Sale $198­ ANY WOMAN CAN, B^DaVidRuben, AA.D. The author -dev^opment, & >exaqiines'h!s pafntlngs Vrr delaJI,' 10VE ramoHVA CpekbMk fo» Uv«n. By Yvonne' of EVERYTHING You.Always, Wanted to Know About; ^ P«R 350 lllustretIons.?4 full color plates.' BibHog ^ '-Young Tatz^lOO lov^Jy recipei for the two of you" is" Sex writes of sexualfulfinrr^forth® slrtgle/wl(^v'^inde*-:-/' ,• — 1heaw9)M^ author-dMcribes.hefunique cookbooiT­ed/di^ced ^-mafned-V^Hh rrreveirflTiT^htflmBt.^ P»b;at S35.00":-. ^ $ot«.$1798 incudes10 sensual candlelight suppers;. 10 dreamy • -lorrnora'jt'yppulsy-.• • ' L' -' '°f7°?^'Sy Harvey Day> = desserts: )0 eftfir-lovemaklng srwcVsr^O morbing' -Pub. at S7.95 . ., :•.,..:: vSof»-il.49 • ^ctlceMuustraTea rrianual ol,^ome:e(xerci4.H for .alitft bieaMasH,-40-wt5r • ' fli * """ TH£800KOFHOU5£S.BY6EBFF/-E>'HLNC3LEY. PICTOFLAL RN6N ANCRWOME4)R,-SHOWLOAHOW-YOGA HEJP4 Induce Drawings explorationof.how>vism&k<&usetbehomes wellye ?TOA«^WRFFLF/niClcontrol weight.. Mght/ft'ald/&aldr---* -• " -y .. > $2.98 In^refcer^lng a • —ponr-'at-%i.9Sv--< - in •illustrates &disicusise^every.style'of dwelling 8> youthful appearance. 20 photos. -. The OvkK piul.feett RAW fOOD COOKBOOK. By MoiraIndoor organization fRom ttie most primitive stwiter' Pyb«-at.i5,-00 '— -Sal* $1-98. .,: Hodgson. WithouHlame/ without ffre, buf wifh Hair, to sophisticated modern apar*'—* " iern apartroen!^ Over-2r;^WTHiGARCHtTECTUllE IN VENtCC. By Edoifdo Arslap &' Imagination, itwre than 200 "deligfifful — — *ul: recipei; phoWs;40 PULb-COtOR. " leatorlSfitheuni>MM|freVhnSi*)laKrof OR. fS&Sf*«**»h»«ieIti^l ' " MJCD risw ' —-Of0«tur«l.­IAND 'OFUVII^^BPCK Tt^-OimKi oinvwi * «h.Woh ~ "" »>* jrcblteclur^ never bpf,oro jrroBe'rly ,!5p»d«il"W,9S . Wr'p«loflljipWiWoosproducfofInlentWeResearch foods.fooa's : v-;r-. ' - ^erly; "-Pub, «t $3.95 $oU$tOQ •flolwmj A'l.M'K'i••-r;v.-rr>mp-' " --i^>curnCTtetf -54 line drawindt sunnort tho . «XTitt STZ I — ~ nli II»« •UHIIIII. •• •' ftu.if.' ^.1* A., FRCUXh Oioractar and 0*mdotib>«w. By-Israel Rosen- ton. MultWImenslonal; irtr*M of lAr^eri^a^.nviW ... ut lite alfUCluw-W thil:folktafef* Brendan Gill Cole Porters greatest lyricist^r,—•-J-• -^ . traditions/^' composer of them all/ a revealTngfiray as stylish/ fraordlnary;novel that gives detall^.descrfptla^ofv/ and, beliefs,-rites & customs; conduct fir dosage&effetf*ofcoca/oe&heroin-j>cB'ndtdr^cordr fiych more., ot sopnisiicated drug debauchery:* - of sophisticated debauchery'*'*jowe^fulP| ^wnMStlons. illluiJroJed w(th hundredv-of FULU . the secrets of character through: tlS^Jand XOwR photdgraphs. : ;; -years of palmlstlc lore Interpreted for today, wlW iay/wl ')vldeH-angirtg-€tuotatlons from texts in man1 Pub. at S9.95V iii-•A* Hewf|Pwu«y»4,yBvOnly $4>8 "•ww^BMMMiwrtivuioi.iupiar .ir.uui texia many JACQUES UfoilTZ:.$UicHM in 8^*^By,H.H.;Arrtas6n; HJeratures, even Latin& Chinese* 225 illus, 25 FULL Photo^ by james'vMoofe^—The dmJopnienf of -C Llpchft^s sculpture from ,1914 lo the present day, -- ' JpecM M^r-' r^ded by-a-dlstlTOuIshed art-hlsftrfani with"A62.'SMYTHS AND THCW PAtAUHS IN OTHER MTUQfONS. sP,8/5*thB* '^"wnwfnontaiiuallty^lnhfirtnt •? By T-W.. Doane Liberally Illustrated work presen- rm-ttre smailrScale work of Lrpchlir. -, . -* ;tfna-.ra -comparison pf fhe baslc^leihtfnls of alL^ Pub* afcXH.50^.' -;.i-'*• , r'j. Sol*44.981Teltgtons; and concluding that all. religions-ar* ~ •BZMMANpTFAtNTtNOS.ByA. B/«dius? Revisedbv;-H-elaborations of myths relating to natural ;Ger»ot*.-Fif5t*publlsbed 4^t93vthls Work has been ' * Phenomena 589 pages \ the standard'referenceevef.slnce/Thls hewed^ti.-«hip •> PAGAN CHUSTS. By.John M. Robertson; Ed^ by Hec*. -ovjBr,4he pait 38.*earj -up-to-dateopinions onairthe-7 .''or-Hawton^.Rob^rtsop (185^t933); an autborlly on rial on. dating & Idonooraohv/more-. comparative-;fellaton. 'remains -the outitandlr pajntlngs^rDaterlal on.dating £ Iconography/more comparative-;religion,''remains •thff7 ouf$tandlnuiltin the,"gravel pit" area Paraguay and Bolivia. Capproximately 218 acres). The ltribiuial!s.Iirst ^ession_ • That all parking lots-will'> was hjsld"March 3 to 13 in remain-under-the-r-MoPac Rome and included such bridge. • Americatintellectuals as--•That all.animal? kept by ^revision oMhis plartj'wtthoutll'i ^ Betajamia Spock. '• .the center remain inside the the zoo, on Nov, l, "The local group, chaired by building, cilmen Bob Bjn^rJndex; 485 pages.' . PUb. at$uf95 Sot* $4.98 -«iwt TO TH» JHI*TI»$. 6y Hon!; Fwd I by Jonei .^nw.'UnlqOe frlbofe to Ihe artlMIc vrt?lllyof^h«' In lltiroture, art, mode, 'ballet, tfiatrler, -operv ft.-fllmh^wlllv.emphastf on • people In the vflrlou* fields llill famoul Jodoy -wtth 16T­ olograpfiiffs, Ulpholol, iome famous, others never/ . publish before published , -,. „,v-r-w ­ «Pu0rit$ttS5 ^spj. %ijtr ' THI fouci mztrn/ea by dtneijayne u bmitn, Fwd. by .Tom-Wolfe. Huge collection of .the Police Gazette, edltlMt ranging from 1878 through 1897 -a wprld of ;llUdl vulgarfiy & excitement? -ail itra fashlonsi. tragedlesj rtianners i/scancfolj; the -crimes, disasters, paislor>s'.8r-sporting-e«ents> that TmadrHre-GHdedHig* «ITdedr~^£: Pub. at $12 50 I_ J _ ' 3 playground,purpo--,,— •jM The area was callifl''ZilSfer44(^| Park s . . Zilker,s-proposalslwere'ap-|||?j'l proved by Austin'scoters•in**tf . October, W17,-a«l December, | 1931, . 'In 1968, the Texaspi#ffays>*ffI Department condemned"'^. -acres^of-ZilkpF'Trii^thg jfecin-^l striiction til freeway! In 1971, by agreen it'of the'."--'^ .City. Council and. .^usUn'-n-ll' AISD was alloweji;^ ^ndetimgl^ 32 a^res of the p|­ construction of a In 1972, the AustL new natural scient ctnlcr 82 acres ofmaturai.l. JSTY, COUNCIL agjR^e^^i inrmer encroacnment on-' ^°^ncilmen Dr. Bud Zilker~Park .without—gr-fuli—?e-fL Jiandcox, and Lebermann vofear^ further encroachment public heating add .a-vote-by center. , • •"the people'of Austin The'pjaintiffs/allege i^The suit was filed in 53rd, suit tfi&t both the CityJ District Court by Andrev? and the Austin Par :*?d Zilker Thompsonrgrandson of .Recreation Board,'- Zilker"-r after whom revisetf—the—origins the~^aj^ was'named — P.C, were guilty/of vioTatioii and JosfepWne H. Bradford Texas Open Meetings-! iWr and FriendSs^f ZUker, a • T,he suit asked the i • Citizens "group. declare the decisions • On.Dec. 20,-1973,-,-4he BETWEEN 1917 and 934, torney's office fespon < Andrew Jackson"^Slker C-the-eeurt-that-­to"the Beard• <5f-Trustees and every," at Austin public schools 406.5 the. allegati| acres of land, on condition plaintiffs, original 2 Austin pay th&--and < -school board ?300^W vnnatio^fll training .... awaits s|g • developtheland"forparkand Hermafi Jones. SPSS' \bu^reafleldof . Soutfa of the border clothing-for ^ery.body. From embroldete£l| ^e*lcan" shirts—w!th tapered tail Tab-si^ and cuffed sJeeves. To billowy=, South-American gowos—coverecT with trailing vines and brilliant'­ -^Jlolwers. „ . '-v^ Y-ou^arT^ick from all our bouquet^ simp for guys and girls six days a weeleJ'j §M *»SJ At T514 Guadalupe. FreriTll-AM^ITw 'V^7PA,_ 477-0,lo„ mm IMPORTS S£ SPECIALS •June 6, 7/ 8 RIGHT PIAYT GUARD TAMP ScB •***& ^J5_Vtalue_ il-?? v? nrmMi fssesss' VCLOSE UP iWELL^k BALS>A 16 OJfe .93' value »S#$2.98jw|K -Mr? a Stereo Shop "23rdXGuado m . —..... a* w-­ H • yp 3R 8 Primaries, Bear sr CSS •.•••.. — • • „• t-i .-, -.•i-ia?--.-. . ••• . • -• ..fv! Section's Outcome Chancey Of Watergate -ByANNE-lVURIEKILDAY-iUj • 89-74;---An^-.amendmenLiitoi.delete ail^ ^tinjg Was defeated C , -. By United Press InternationaT~"~~ " / Texan Staff Writer — • prohibitions ^gainst" gambling, offered^7 Wallace and Galdweirthen joined in; --Watergate and the question,of -integri­..Consli^uyonal Convention delegates by-Repj.James Kaster of EI Paso, was ty m government left its mark on the' . offering an amendment for separate sub- left the df^or-opetfcAVqdnesdayr at least results of Tuesday's eight stat^ tabled. " V i mission -, calling it a -"coHyrfouuse", tempdfarily,, for future Legislatures, to '~ AN AMENDMENT-to ban all fortnsof . .Caldwell >explained the : "separate primaries. Ugalizpvarious:Ibrn -varftius. prms of gambilnr by gambling except Church and .rtonprofit -";propogal'A«ontainedf.in.,the..amgpdment Lt. defeating an -outright ban on games of organization lotteries survived a nation ..\yhichLwould allow voters to decide the by a .Watergate-related indictment, was —-j-, Jpiance.__ to table on a 79-79 tie and will be the first fate ofxhurch lotteries and parimutugl crqshed In his bid for the California GOP v<% * DeBatejsnf DeBatejf^;th0.General Provisions sec-order of business Thursjdky. The amend-. betting on the constitution ballot. gubernatoaal. nomination in a primaryiHHtiJUlUliuUl. Tl"""dav. howavpr. .inrt_ -meoUKas^rffered bv^Ren-R.R^r.tieen nf • where, less.. than . hall. the Republican •wfit'* i the end pro* nd product-.-would be ditiicult to " "USnstoiidiid-Hefh-Neil-Saldwell-oJ-AtviSEi; voters turneid out. ....-• • ~ OPPONhitypi nt Tnr inhTwt-f^Wwgii tfcg; predict with both sides rallying JheiF" ~7fiTamenldmenH>y Sen. A.R i'Babe'i Secretary of State jEdmund G. Brown forces, . >, -amendnruentobjected to .the "double- Schwartz of * •Jr ; -• . lost tpStanley. Rep. JohnCulver was un-• .-••• • .Wednesday -invited representatives of matter up for reconsideration becauseoffei-ing^in Texas. Rep. John Wilson of La opposed in: tbe T)emocratie. senatorial ~ the Sierra Club, Environmental Coali­a storm of unfavorable publicity' ~ Grange offered -the amendment Which • primary and Republican Gov. Robert tion, League of Women Voters and . Hutchison said {lis provision would -states* "No foreign:, corporation other Ray was, unopposedin hisbid'ior a fourth . . business and Industry.io meet with him give citizens for the first-time the right than national banks of t-he' United States' "term. State parfy lea'der JamesSchaben" Monday tp:,try to. work out differences : to sue stateagencips to demand'enforce^igj domiciled in Texas,shall be permit{fed-to won the Democratic^gubernatorial over -$;.-&ntroversial environmental pollution control laws. banking , or 3 •••: ment of .exercise discounting nomination.. . - prbvifjtdiin the new.state .constitution, -.— Critics charge it wpuld bar citizens""v privileges In"thisState.'' «. • ' BusinessmarTAl 1 SOUTH DAKOTA-— mmm 'CnUeized:-threats by. some>.u-from suing^ actual polluters. For Air Schock and former National Com­ "ig tiCT^apPTaEal^if the-new-constitutiona^ .Hutchison,said .the meeting: he is call-sh; mitteewoman Barijara Gundefrson lost to .wm if the etTvirortmental provision -is-not -mg Monday will give "all interested-. . • ThcfWilson^mendmentrwas approved • "PHOENIX, Ariz. (AP)—/Houston "and fJ''jilosi ^f Houstort^deleted; groups a chance to . clear up mis 89-71. after Wilson argued that "Texas . Dallas-Fort "Worth" colllped ^head-oil1 '1 ~ '' incumbent Richard Kneip defeated Lt.|3 Jias ne-need of banks from Russia, Tokyo ... ...... -.. a ?.u • Go^Wintafti^Dougherty^-and-Jhe » ^ ill ''The net effect of an emotional understandings "about the purpose and Wednesday as they sought$frect nonstop . leg cros"sihg,|fn'd|tBe result is al .strategy or. threat in order-, to .achieve -effect of various alternative proposalson air c'"nowoiusr " 1 *- and Kuwait." , .. r ^ service to Europe''-at a Civil flow of U.§*.'currency,'' they said in their Republicans chose_li)rmer State • ^-change is.ta polanze;the convention and ..-the environmental-issue. : -. brief tfi.p^asIey. Kiniis dollar drain must Aeronautics Board (CAB) hearing.. Highway Director John Olson. -A -r-"y c "to~iconardizc fltt^fnpts to-furtlier.con-'r; The meeting wjtlbe in the-House_a£==­• Houston spbkesmBn^aid.that city is "by . be.offset by certification of a "P:s. flag ^MISSISSIPPI —"Republican Thad" ' 'ClHnn tkm mnni o n• nnnnfl/vH M • '' • • -• — " s.ider this ' important question,' ^Representatives' meniberslounge atthe\r -THEBANKING^sectjon,-whTcTTretains far thelar^e$t Eurdpe^ trafficgenerator carrier to • compete at Houston "with . Cochran and Democrat Dajvid R. Bowen, . ' Hutchison-said:. Close df the Constitutional Convention the; constitutional prohibition -agarnst• of.all-Pgtential nfcW-co'ieiii'iual-Doints—-^—foreign fagwr*'"•^^ ot.tneltfoiise H^pga--­ • The Dallas .legislator won-a 79-72 vote ' ses^^on Monday. -branch ..banking, gives 'constitutional * v:v r , --ifcuuyuai Dallas-Fort":Worth representatives -"iun. Dallas-Kort jL»anas-rort .worm : cise case ftasAas :/tion with? "primary opposition;" won. # 4cjJicocu\ank stressed that Its BfeW airport location is-presented Tuesday by Fort Worth City At-' Jameg H. Meredith, was forced jnto a; holding cornpanies. The sectipngives . ty. S.G. iohndroe, Jr.;. Lee:liolt, first runoff against Kenneth L'.Dean for the" lives the': "thedominant air transportationcentec of .. . . io»A th-,. . -an enormous area of the midwestorn sec-. „;*.7 . |—-—Legislature .thevpower to regiila'tp iHp _r assistant city attorpjgy of Diallas; and trance td take on Cochran in the fall.-..., " -Companies. ~ lion uf Uie country.'­ Kppftfth-C-DjpRelc..-. NEW JERSEY •iMlllieent Fenwick • . ^, Cecii A. Beasiey J!xand "JQhn_C. Stiiuck, They ouUine&Jjie_ facilities ot the n€ . rn". .." . > _ attorneys,for.Houston and its-Ns£QE^pPTti^c"ha^Io; nan^. lieutenant governor in a runoff "inOOJperoeiiL jwi*ei yi^ni:ofr&-bank-«i-Effn^c tn w^no^r,. for adopted 142-8 after Rep. A.J! Korioth of-FortfWorth^nd Europewould undoubtedly businessrnait^unarlgf;Wdda4' ­vestment he made before he became " "prt-tnrtfoAvcomment.on ' the story were un<. Dallas HXHlainwl Ui^i 'ii dollar co-terminal. . attract a similar proportibn of support §: NEy-,MpaC0 -State Sen! Jerry Aggovernor, it wes reported Wednesday. successful. approval of "wet and dry" districts The ~^^rp~^tl'm.e-toe4hfough-Erida.v, traffic." th^ three said ' * g andn Chicago have daily nonstop flights. > r. J; _ -—-. • .••••• •: .-I -^ptxiaca,"TT)emocrat, arKTRepublican ^-J^ii' , i Houston Post said in an exclusive' £ section retain.! fho irirai nnfinn' ci,trlv andwillbe resumed inWashington June11 "TWW estimated" thafn -I A GROUP headed by Ralph B. Lee Sre­retains, the local option' status estimated' thai more tnan <>1.000—Jim. 5^kwri-tvnn—thpir-jparijLjinn-iinatinn _ (iat public records show Smith is with President Nixon ultimately making purchased control of First Bank from the" now in existence. passengers "would take advantage of non--_for governor in a cro\yde3"field"seeking——the •thircNargest individual stockholder Joole and Howard group in May, 1970. the decision.. . . -. stop flights to London, Frankfurt, Paris to replace retiring Gov. Bruce King of the Fitml^nk of-Houston, owning10.-: -' • Newman said-all evidence will go to the ' Until this year Smith's First Bank and Rome by 1975 ' --"MONTANA -Democratic State Rep. . , The practitioners of medicine section ~ 395 -shades oru^arly 5 t>ercent of the.. stpck ownership -was carried on annual board and finally to Nixon for approval: The Dallas-Fort, Worth plea was supi... Mac Baucus won the right to challenge . 'm bank's 217,000. share^. , . * bat>k.stockholde>s ifsts under the names was adopted 146-5. The section provides r.y.THE; HOUSTON attorneys said-their-_ ported^y RosweU injNew Mexicoand Lub^ unopposed incumbent Riehard Shoup for that the Legislature prescribe : -The newspaper sjtid Smith's Firstr..of Tocde.antf*ffcfwaH as.trustees. c»ty nee3s"daily nonstbp service to Do*n-; bock, Amarillo, El Paso, Big Spring" Cor­ one'• of Montana's two congressionalqualifications for medical' practitioners Bank holdings show a.fla^r profit.of.iil'jisg..Vlt-Avas originally purchased that don, to a .number, of other connecting pus Ghri'sti' arid? McKinneX-About 5Q seats...In, the other, recent. Republican . and allows for punishment for malDra6­ least $83,000. pn his origiqalv|50,000 in-^ before I became governor^ and t've'had points-on the-European continent .and.r representatiyes from "the-Dallas-Fort" convert Jagk McDonald woa, andtjce: T >_yestment-'-v-i--~"litHe to tlo :with^it,-^the -Post quoted f „ i sjij cargo service to Europe. „ -Worth aria were present. : ^Democrat John Melcher was unopposed. x ^^lE-CHXRTER-for, "the Biant<3d Ful>r-3r496ffrby-the=StatgJBahk-i ^ ^ '"The Internal.Revenue Service looK^T ,mg,Board to a gcbupJieadedJti^^JJougX^jnto'it anOf^l!^ua-S^ina-aiQ^iW==^ "jpol^Sr.,Smith's I972^ppointeetoa.six-wrong with lt;and there ft nothingwrong""^ neuis •ear teqn us /pTiairfnan of the Texas -wim.it." ' • -— , Vatep-Q«atity^o'aBLj^ngTJ. Robert -TOOLE, still a member of the First' Economic Aid to lifdia Shaky Howard-< --Bank board ot dir^ctuiS, iiald'ltie Lee —^ith beganTasTirsrtei5p-as-goV6rnor -gFoup^doesJiot considerSmithesstock as NEW. DELHI (UPI) — While pjublicly uhcqncemed over Canada's By United .Press International when-he:was%iecTand"lT™n^o^lie^ rMZT.,^f^elped came just before a scheduled June^l2 meetingof the World Bank's AidlS _trtal-."had .dehrivpri-White of ;his -coin.-. the charter. ' "charter-wasithat-we-proved-the^Beediar -HBUt'aldeir bv $75^^irom Dhlice anil ari^ _dia consortium in PaHsT'T^""J7;fe=C33>ir ^ l^tftUUqnal; rights to j b& -"He (Smith) saitt he didn't liave any it Any implication,that wegot it befause vife^1 to^aye town. Leveine was nof w\vit'fiesses. * Since theTrmfed^tates^suspended the-bulk of itsaid tolndia duijng'the' ^ authority over*ny qf tilose departments, of.politics is teoneous." f ~^^__ayailable to testify for or against White In a 4-1 opinion, the court -saidit is un--1971 Indo-Pakistan war, Canada had been the leading advocate among the . -t------"<1—i-T--|-init-r-iriii—' -i T i--rhit«Mw -** • •*' --•$ ("vf v fair for. police to help, narcotics infor-llinatjon consprtium for increased aid to Indja. • . • mants leave tpwn'to avoid appearances ;Another, voi^e pleading New Delhi's"cause .to the consortium,:Japan, at trials. — r,:.y-.. • " said the;.underground blast made it difficult to extend economic aidi ^ JUDGE ..WENDELL Obt)M, in Both'Japananauanadgnrav-imw prontisein prnnomipgirirVn court'sjnajorityajpiniori.said.usual' rules .•requiring defendants",to sliow ttto w h e n t h e c o n s o r t i u m meets. , : _ = . . • • x-testrrnohy. pf-ari"absent witness-wouid cbangR.th& ojitpome Of a ti?aL.did not i applxjjj.casersylieiij.ijulicu hrfpcdlTie-in---Tax Proposals Labeled ^Ineffective' i formarits cR'sappear, • ' WASHINGTON.(UPI) — Trteasury Secrela^r"JWilliam-E^=Simcm^aid­i ^Other. means/are -available iof-the Wednesday Senate enactment of "ilI-conceived"' tax cefonns/ebuld JWs r::.;vs^riding him out of town'arid rendering further weaken the economy. , ' _ j hirii totally.unavailable to either party," Simon testified ata SenateFinance Committeehearing called toair Ad-" . Ig||pdum said. minisfration and public sentiments on US. proposals thatSens. Walter F; •:«Wftg®:?i!fion Douglas jjissented saying ; .Mondalev D-Mirin., Birch"Bayh, D-Ind., have offered as amendments to a k,w-f -. court's ruling:vvouldi hamperjwlice bill to.increaS.e the debt-ceilingJ19 billion to $495 billion. ^^P®|sS.iij^°5^,!-0-,Rrotect^ tsis; ;..,;, cfornirum kribwleKige. tiiat tiie life; -. ^The Mondaie-feyh.pjmpjosals would givye individualsa tax cut by raising•^expectancy r>f an.-jwfnrmor.iK not'Verv • -^hej^rsonai deduction ftom ?750 to $825; increase the minimuai tai on Ihntf • ocrio/^i"vl'l«» ' Win nnMn !•>. > I longv.especially after his name is known; j ' riclx Amerioans; -and Yepeal-the-^il-depletion-allawanee, foreign tax , to theheroi.n pushers," Douglassaid in a ' credits a n d tax b r e a k s f o r .U.S. exporters. K-«»' S&Lii —-dissenting-opittion.—.. y . "Would.Uie majority'l ..... «,.--.majori_ty4i­ r ...require the officers to have,an informer'"1""1 « a.stay .where he would more likelv be Deputies Dikmissed in DdllasT— —^ —Rilled?:-2-"' ­ itj-v IN A SEPARATE case, the court _ DALLAS-"(API —_ Sheriff Clarencfe Jones~atmottnced-thejfeuspension V'ordered a new.trial for Albert Hf Cacifr" Wednesday ttiehioliciur employesin his bail bond department,object of a of Houston, who had been sentenced to-^_ • court o^ inquiry investigation. —life in.prison for embezzling about" $40,­ Jon^s also announced at a news conference suspension-^Cajat. Ralph 000 from (he toy company for which he Walters; head of-t^e Dallas County sheriff's office-dyiLdivision., ^ -.worked. ; _ •'r. The court ^aid prosecutbrs had failed _ the infonnation thathas beendeveloped in'the recentcSn^dnrfr :;to establish .thatTimripney garter was i quiry, Ifind that t h£ve not bien kept properly,informed as to the prac­^^.raficled;of-embe*zlingJt)elonged to' Con-tices and proceedings,in the. Bond",department," Jones said in a prepared ^olJattttRl.'Prpdup^ lite. . \ statement. . ^ ­ , TKe cou'rt'aistf oixlered a new trial for :' The statement said the status of the suspended employes will be "sub- Charles Alan Johnson of'^BaHas,.on , charges "of robbery by assault because" "ject tothe completion of the fiodii^o^tllipseygral'invtssti'gatiods'^urcent^'' ---prosecutors improperly told juroryabout .IjLia^rocess^ a second robberjr-m ^which Johnson f 'X* I * <•% nllngodly was involved. • _ ' -w -1 Market Continues~ To Advailce ^ "Ra'y C. Faulfcner of>Houstori,Who had & }been ^iv^n"a one-yearprobafed.sentence NEW 'YORK-(AP) The. < • Jor^m^M hatrassmg-telephone calls in ' stock parket rode.out a choppy la woftiaa,»aiso won a new triailrofnthe sgssiotv; of_-vpsr-and • downs tctmelfate™courF^lni^$^:-_ ^r.-S • KpwYofk^tock'E?tChangeclosmg Wednesday" t'b post ^ts third. fv; I index" _ -, -­ trajmg 14-calIs, n^ade, torMrsr-Qftryi-^ straighLadvahce. ' • Market up 8 cents •—-jjigglson.. to FaulknerVlelsplrone' did \-The Dow-Jones average of 30 ­I-!"-WliaaTgfffla-rf^r r -Industrial.: 7. 90 up 10 ~iiitin^alsrcfoWB=ag-much-air?^ i-f^Mr-^{^pk4}sctesaiji;thKs^i.H?rrwpuld~-roTransporjtation_ ™3£26rgE$2^ •gj&in^i^ early tradingaMihen" Hi/fllR-ne)" ljniS buj. never saM -anythJS5--r.: XRillty 28.82 urO.OL up niore BaarTl aTmidaf ternoonr • Miaisliganaa^a.,Fdulknef had ' ~fynsnw-3r;v^. —152.50 up 0145 4M!t Tafaphata nur -ia« -. tj • finished with a 1.4&-poi'nPgain at . office tearly ,35 poittts^above -890.nLE=Ti' " ps-.latepJired^^— :i4he^497-4. 'rlfismffr low" it^iit np Wednpsday;f;ast week^ !rt« if®:!SI cw*«aflr&wx • Pa^e 4 Thursday, June 6, 1974 * -, tv\v^V •>. *• SfeSnftV — ? * 4 about Restructure of the rates themselves. <~T~ ~~ ~ s-a=— Because ot the water/wastewater^^tfein'atlfcfidter^trfe^evCTaesSFe-^, Under, the present ratestructure, heavier users payTower fates than small " used to help make up thisdeficit. Without this aid, eleqtritity ^ould'nolbeasSSg^ r i ^ I I1..-T r •v users. thus gncouraging.heavy use, whether necessary'or nof. So whatif large a ^p$t burden, jtnd the rate increases eertainly/woukf be lowet. iefefeapfe.ftatural-gasproblem-ismuch more serious,and ccanplici than the Efaasgtrs '&ljyyesaiM=feF^^flafeteftfegg^4^^rpicttttfilj'heJTiuestion-otr­our minds iS'whv it didn't,recommendLa completely flgf^tructure —that is^ . _ the Qs6r paysjn direQt proportion to the amount, used.""-~ • ~ • --­ !sf-,Viewing,.the. results of Austin's water rate stud^jrecently "released byr^l ! h-angmi«igifin ^Bkejk&JVgatch.is„enough to shock the most hardened economist. To "e- that is, getting it and geftjjig rid-of it. Opponents of the present regressive structure claim thai transmission costs are cheapier jji. volume, 'and ,ther«fore lower-rat^s for 6igher"volumes are justified: But this misses the fai5in§,:watef-ifateS"by4S5:i jSS-gnjtirejjroblemrcreated by encouraging-volume useiof Electricity: by 'allowi pent and sewage rates by .390 percent. Instead, the Company recently proposed a plan to providelio"ga^M^atiolS , ing.lapge commercial users to pay smallecrates than residenti'al users/the -Problem is, at least five eduncH members h% safd, this is pommitting^i, f<»c the big four uUJiU^ Austin. San Antonio. Central Powerantf iieht' ~ jT ty is encouraging commercial interests to jiuild and develop factories, political suicide. ^it as Hoi^eiilifiKMfi^-Cit^TO^ager, has expttined,^, AhB LQwerColorado River^Authority-^wrngTOafeusapTeric^S shopping malls, sltycraper^etc. — encouragihg growth-— "as we'll as en­ following Black & ye$tch.s,suggestions.-is the only way to balanfl the Lb-VaOd can be criticizediri two ar^Ss*-^ifeVqucsUdns siirro'u^^p^pcouraging wasteful uses of electricity. In these,days of a^so^called energy t.. . .. . . ... . . . Vaier/wastewateV system without changing current -city polipies. pany's finances. Poor Lo-Vaca did indeed.Ipse $28 millio'n last year: but? crisis this ii> nrwl -r ^ *•' •"*'~ -0nly \wo tasic * " / '' * chan§es are feasible if the council wishes ter avoid making „ parent company -Coastal States 'Gas Cofp. -recorded a nfet incpm " in fact,, it is just such politics tha.trmay cause the need fornew generating ^theastrpnortiical rate hijces—it either maystretch the limitsof how closely-1-$38 2 millibn. —•— ­ hlirlfTAt nnA/) Ka knl finAAiJ /.Aa> Sl — —J. — f .s ' • A i 'V ' facilities, satfr-ma,:roylpflrpmrei^nl•.... -^ city has paid mqr^than $20 million in utility rebatesr^i up-,with,La--Vacaan_th^ lirsLplace. "" 1I» repression iBy STEyyE RUSSELL'J. i • -bfcck causing the spine to Curve.,out olf^ ;Rresidenjt.,His law4«mjiled. amicus _~May"20~wa5 an ordinary in .the-—shape-away £toxrL.the_impact pointy" curiae _ colonias of South Texas. Children awoke -Dimas also sustained a^ laceration which', — the war ^Jiroflteeirtng con J ' huflgry^aving-gane^b^that-way, and miuiredjour stitches *to close. % company owned by UT "disif v-fe '. joined their parents at the shape-up,Ijhe^ ~y! "Rodriguez had Cuts and bruises ...alumnus'.' George.ftufus Browiii|-^,6u.5»!tridaily competition^ to rent their bpdies to l behind:hisright earrbruises cyn hbright thafthe federal courts shoultfjiot tovem^v labor contractors for^;r/ ^ _ elbow,, oirhis right, upper arm,--on the interfered with the Texas RHiigui'^ ^— piece raterate-wages^S-f' rightupperportivfiofhisbackandoiLbi^ position "also taken by: another^firmf averaging less tAaifa~ —whirh recently tried strikebTeafcrtg^1' dollar an hout. The Jbroken andTtffe" iiatTwas;"feniT>fi —through-mass arrp<;ts hnrah MflmgaC=?sick .remained so, 'It is difficult indeed fof; this'court-to -turing Co. .­ ^-^-l»avipg-no-ac<^ss-to-aT visualize;two grown men colliding with The.farm workers are sti medical care; . and. each other so asto causesuch injuries?"^ ColfBallyro/ therountry-are-s!the relatively old,:; J[ wish I could report that on-May 20 them there, and thisstatusisUi disqualified from the justice came to the Rio-Grande Valley main quo until the bSycotilabor'-contractor . ; and ,all the lies Texas -newspapers change Shortly after theAfi todeaM meat markets waited stoically for the printed about the :strike were washed •• sion was announced; Inoticed $$bo4 end of their statistically probable 49 away. In facf, there are still no union carrying a bottle of Gallo Wi • years.' contracts in the Valley and the United don't-you krfow-there's 'a boyi%••• -• In Washington, Justice-William*0-Farm Workers are fightingfor the lifeof "It's the only kind of wine" -• Douglas delivered theopimon of the U>and if he is notimpeached-focatiSkinglo-^' gain fninvjs^o, wo ^workers^fhpnprpresidents. lt will mean'that presidents < Rangers "to keep order." ' ? ^-ftaUonat-disastprs whirtT lijri 'nnf qnitp Similarly. Mr. Cox. never. t, i,really did'••••-•? are immune from impeachment.-r— --., " *ept order by taking it The Rangers icc ...• >. —r^_ -...w happen." anything ^xcept displease me ^yereign,,,,^ Of course it is conceivable that Mr. ~upon themselves tobreak-the-strike. The. • 1 l:Pr But jf ui still too-early to write Mr. v who beheaded Mr. Cox. Thi? caused the y ^Nixon's assertion of this doctrine may Starr County sheriff also contributed to -~.ptt Nixon off as a national disaster. He .•impeachment procesS tO;clanlirinto what@irShaveia" dramatic .unintended effect. ' i-«-»—1.. law 'n order-by distributingaTieyHSpaper -. seems to'want to be a disaster, but the passes for motion in the' Houie of,--All Sfapoleon wantedto (Jo was subdue' called La Verdad, which portrayed not gifv unintpndpd effects_0JLpJlbhcjTigures are_ RepresentaUyes. This" led meluctably to those.rival principalities But he in--only4he UnitedJFarm Workers but also infl. Unncfl ltTmmirn'riJrtmmi^>jva!o ""t-• •••• •• nditAai(nia-few custom—tie rival princes-on Capitol Hill. They LJV*' -srecond-term conferring self-respect on S , Mexican Subversive Group .Could Sym­ tailored transcripts', and a letter fr^m '' may unite against him in defenseof Uieir "Cungt essftirTiuUifying'theimpeachment ' pathize with Valley Farm Workers;'' Mr. Nixon telling' the committee to stop -institution's prerogatives. .J provisions of-theConstitutiori.^Buth^:Js §Capt. Allee o_f the' Texas Rangerspestering him. _ .... Mr. Nixon's doctrine is k potentially going to tlo.^mffi jar the «ther, afid stiffed that the Rangers took no side in Mr-Nixifn has-thrown down : the lethal, blow aiined at th&'constitutional whichever it.is^ we will be better off.-. e'dispute and Uiat. fot example, two Igauntlet in the form of a doctrine. His impeachmenj process itself Assucbitjs .. striking farm workers were injured • All Ihis became inevitable jyhen.. .doctrine is: a President tes the right W . his, wotst offense yet, worse even than when they bumped into each other while •Archibald Cox, the 'firsl special-decide which .offenses Jie will .perjnitpegnit hiriHg the people he hired and helping to fleeing arrest.A unanimous trialcourt of o ft three federal -judges found otherwise^ ­ '• v>--*=->', i^WoiF4|®^alSs;do^ineari(t "Dimas was' hospitalized from June JtiSS: KJSjiajsfchedxWen perhaps ;he'-is 2nd through June6th. Hesuffered abrain THE DAILY TEXAN right itt'^yingthat.Presidents.shbuld be concussion; multiple onusesbruises oiion bothootn twwii^Mawwuc •concussion,: muiupie U .4 3•"•SH/itnl M*wtp»p*r mt ft* Ulrtfnltr mt T«iat ml Amrtht 'Jfnii'u"^i Uoili ifripeaditoenl.^PtjiIjMps irides' of "the"iieck and--other-• bruises EBTTOR' ~ ** .7.,..:..f.fBuck Haryey too cbnfu"sed.-to"beilrust,ed "< • ^JLL»"1_ IiL;_ I.•< t . .« * ' Congress IS tflA /Vktlflioa/i.iA'ttA; Behind his-leftearronhis leftside, oj) the r>.r... BJ Hfefner rightside of hisback, on his.left forearm managing editor"!~.:! j! . with anything weighty as. the im­peachm^it pdwer. ASSISTANT MANAGING fipITOR and left wrist. ...X-ray negatives reveat ^ , Lynne Brock The 93rd Congress, now sitting, is a' 'Sorry about yoarsvpplies, but the U.S.-CongiftsM ed that Dimas "had received a. severe #?i$j NEWS EDITOR t Pam Clark typical Congress. Using anesthetics and blow toJhe lower right portion of his ISP ourfunds/ ASSISTANT TO THE EDITOR.^... *... DaveRisher-forceps, jt:has extracteda bit of doctored,. SPORTS EDITOR....::....:....,.^i, -•••..CT„ Larry Smith .-evidence,from Mr. Nixon. ( 1" J AMUSEME3SK EDITOR.!,.. .-..-..I Ift&hgtess does notrthink Mr.-Nixon's Defyra/rripfeU denia.l of all other evidence-T^ his vj*. PHOTOGRAPHERS........ _ Crimeschool r\ attempt-tft ilestroy^e impeaCTment -^k^i . "Process —-is-itself an impeachable ®1974 Pacific News Service J munltycontrol of'police, prison rdformr Atcording to sfcud^iUspbg m,c - offense, then Conerassshould indeed ouit -'-W^mfTi'j.Tnv Calif."-The "last and poll?® and jail counseling:—77 A -Richard'Schauffler, a senior, tfiS 3ssye s-TAFf, pestering Mr. Nixon It should stop its embers of the stndentfires of.,the l?60s v; 'Jiittee,~^(> Last year, ,some members of ,..,sf.Vei the Crim^ Sfc^l|| City Editor impeachment -cnaFade. , ' may-Soon be queiiched here -if jsd- Gail Burns Berkeley'? pres|igldusfaculty complaln-t*-~ dedicated to e^pan,ding the tra^gnh Reporters Worpe thanTfliehforfted laws are unen-ministrators and-faculty of the Univdtsi-­ Richard .Fly, Anne Marie Kilday; ed to the phancellor that "standards and 'J definition of crime to includes forceable Jaws, Worse-still is. a con-. ty of California-are successful in closing-;'­ . i \v, . , Ken McHam)Davjd,Hendricks professionalism" injthe school were^. imperialism; racism a~nd_sex!­ News.Assistants I stitutlonaj provision that is unen-down the controversial School of i...^....,./.-Gwen Spain,! S^usan.Lindee, RodpifoMrepdez iJf; .deter|drating.Theadmlnistration,wasTwas *aa--Piatt, a Britisl Contributors: ....r:.Bryan BlumIey, WiIlard Jamesi Hall J^Mai^ Martaughi forceable. WorstroTiillis''a constitutional criminology, over thevehement protests--? ritlsh.,,Dale Napier* Steve fiUssell^JRandy^BUrgess y..Impe^hmA, as. reg^nis Pj-esidehtsf The "Crim School,'L which "trains-.T Asoigtant Amusements Editor. .Paul Beutel M^eHup ISdgbr — k.^...t '.... ^ may be such ;a provtision. It may! offer : professionals in, law enforcement, cor­ /RoeJraugoU controversy Wife^iitpr Keith Harwell <®ly; the illusion ^. ret»urse ; against rections and law, has recebtly attracted •„ two Jtifluential-faculty: eom-^i when.3000 •students =€p^y-Editors:,'« David RQse. Jan Phintls. abuse,of. powera -a new brand of student, critical of the x:l mitteesrecommendedthat tn-s'chool be? members ana .supporters :-:-^inions.c>pffi»<0:)8-^rhc ^jiilvTwcaa'ara tho»g-oif trtft-' --.-munig^I' _ raag fliilof ti> the writa-eJ tt« irUcfe^nd »reMAfltcuMUy and cbxllied aJ««Uj1i«s&ldSeml^ifiMP (STiTSfiW- MeiiCamnu^pqlicejemdvea!' nr llc. HAap)-T^ ,-J 7^l »4il.5i«4|.JlUUdltnBv itlMWH 111 TSP " / W KIIUU uiB icuii }J— ineii uie uipi f+adicfll activity in ItMeitis-1 —Ui0-».nuiiaiul.;Hlvenuln< cesreicmauve yt -7ht»-i>iiiy-- Service'|o< New Yorlr S ^ rl -, Prtnnjil.ittnw' ililjiHAig.;,. nil \ -- !S­ ^amend the' Constitution,—deleting all.~-=; 'Mmdri', "TfrtfwllrtPr' p-TtwmUy T«mr tnbKtitMf u -demonstra _stuueTus^jom. tlre;jj Weitottil»y^ffiiii^ijLiyr»iM frid»? Wyf-ltirmUrti Uirntt Btea Inltrfuiiaul and4jjcilic^gB£ScrCT?rflg-r » impgachmenti m CoiSegtgtePreM,lhc-i --appjjes,tr»esidgms'' , Wjfhatevj& e.f^i|oosfor th^iattd^th^Tre -shoulefeftrbidTall -pffn-al IhMdllwa qJTBX TT^f"sip^i>uM(MU0iir' W-Sj-Bumetiftiia±':lako Audin*. tk«bAwtfrrf-Jb- .wfietheMh£Sr 7i 1 ^ fk**? i'r,.Sh*» mmw*f S2SSK J { ; t V V. t . 7 •' i :.-'-V*; P& h®* .'•>£-r; ~--ByTACK ANDERSON "'"- Jft*" i ran off the bridge iSt Chappaquiddick: cocktail other memo 2p5SSt> »-wt ii-i'!.. United* Features Syndicate creet Iqunges and that the investigation could on July 18, 1969, Caulfield had a man '• fpSKk •SffS^i^ hideaways was conducted ,with a vi6w——buijWeguin inNixon's face >' ^vS^V1^ mmPT^ WASHINGTON -The real target: at .the scene searching for evidence -a a& the Watergate break-in, it toward determining covert ; EfilK The Hughes organization's ."ten: gw-4 of now that could be used .Jo embarrass •• 'j2|wC appears from confidential Whit* visft .The results were -negative ' tacles touch many extremely sefc- Kennedy,-, _ :re:r ,V^vc • •• WHouse documents, was Ser.^ Ted wn/rtr concl[~lon* Jt 15 believed thatv, sitive areas of government," caution­ 'ljy Kennedy, D=Mas£ The White House crowcT 3Pparentiy-;~-JiJJlK aetiyfty during Jus stayin•f~ ed •" — "(each which -Caulfield, of is .--•Sources close to President Nixon was obsessed with the idea that-Honolulu wa^adequateljreoveredNo' : ffraught with potefitial for Jack;Ander-­ «!r^ ^r j*S53Sf<«Air5«r V-Vir-^fr^ §£•* -confirm thatJje-regardedJCennedy a& Kennedy had a weakness for wi(d par-' "''• evidence was developed to indicate Ati^son type exposifVes^ . £&& ,w^4 * IO'iSW^I—3».. i?' .ST his most dangerous political foe ue»-«iiiu.-promiscuous women But that his:™"conductU!"-4 wasnaa improper!"»«»piuperi . . The tres-and-promiseuous iT-tni. vAn attempt to tie O'Brien thpesi,pbta.inea"^gaTris -evidence. •••••» . -Kennedy was a picture of him in the ­ Democratic National Chairman i ., . • DeHir-reported-in^-an-AortUfi^.1972, • • ^ferevidence;v • Documents show • ' memo—_ Larry O'Brien to martipulate £he parr—fe;S??S,:®c®' company, quite innocently, of a ty machinery -m^ the" .-. As a example^ Caulfield ; '•'As a,result of my investigation and 1972 to bestow r~theT^ -typical example', • female friend in Rome. White:House" presidential nomination upon ••^•kept.Kennedy under surveillance dur-' discussions, -it appears ih^tjt would nen-Kennedy. , ~ -> • b^eStfemely-difficult to establish the " ­ •nfrSiy' Up to lhe.eve. of the Democratic 3*to \h9re^'xSit tD f°n0j;il",AUg ' ' "hfpSto'to alcZTSld^UhT direct-He-in-between O'Brien and ­ l^to 19,1971 A secret surveillance. huge newstand circulation convejftiM}, say cur^sources, the; report which Vefdrred to the senator GSA (the govemment!s leasing ageri-• The White House documents show cyj^iigven. if; thfs *ouid.;be: President believed' Sen. Georgje as 'EMK,-was~Yushed~to the White * r\r' successes' ed-nation status . ®1974 Pacific News Siervlce • to the President's side. " accord, regarded as the pit growing dependence on Mid-L witli;-demonstrable pay-offs. Russians. • _ \-p Fffi/r observers believe that One of the Nixoji ad^' cruciaPsteppihg stone to Nix-; die East'oil. -So long as the He car/ tell the Pentagon he. The of "politics by Barney Rogers Priest, ?*Pef'e?ced • game is *• political in-ministration's' major-con-t>n's; June Moscow -visit. Arab-Israeli arid other con­ mm managed , to secure Russian -linkage, and Nixon has always ' 1 ru R'cbard Nixon is .tributions to foreign • policy Significantly, the. scheduling flicts fester in the region, the cooperation • in^the Middle been an expert practitioner of a professional make-up artist Wm defending himself against -techniques is the concept of of the visit was announced a door is open to the return of East .-without compromising the art. In the area of -Congress leIy by' "linkage" — using side issues day after the accord wassign­• Soviet ihfluence. The U^. ap­ -on AmeT.i&ajt Strategic domestic politics, his capacity Friday aiid Saturday "stonewalling'' aod.dribBlmg and other parties to gainx>ne'$ ed. ' . •' proach to assure its positionin ... capabilities, and without' im­to make linkage pay off hasout edifed transcripts. The objectives on the main issue. While a JU.S.-Soviet detente the — East three-defensfe Middle is pairing a budget declined sharply. Butin . real White House strategy ta Kissinger's shuttling between is".widely questioned; in the pr mend fences with -which even government of-.at Yar,ing's.Cosmetic Boutique block impeachmen]tis to.play Damascus and Jerusalem is a foreign : policy the White" * an„ c. United states, the' official give munificent aid to the fieials-now admit has House strategy sees a chance for time and, this.suAm'er, case in point; while he Soviet pre$s has vehemently •Arab governments;• seek "countercyclical,"Ihansan­ of_ making linkage pay -«ff . present Congress with such apijeafea^o be acting.-as­ urged Washington to nail -^detente, with -the • O.S;S.R.; tirecessionary^ effects. He through "peace 'powerful .foreign po1 icy -mediator,-Kissinger_Jn:fact dowjeuihe -d'eVente^ Tbe for a tcua^ff^. and, as a reserve in "case of can. .tell the comr -with business generation"" coupled a -» ac"ievemfents that _tlrt..r used ev«!iy "weapon of U.S-. Russians::consi.4&n$pp3i tv.thaK the baths have —EE^ r-rr.--visit vital for t1us,J'even .5 though'the. Presufent may be tasa uaBa tssisia x-1 Pai-adlsa.'f,^, 1 ,S®J. ?®B,e Hniffl aaaia sana -u^S Support— • % ,Le.ylfcori soa escsiiositDBa * OtWn 3 BQBna QHQGD . —^-llie Russians see it, the _4 -... (§• KISS SKEQ[—nrm11'Trri'p'bTf*^ 6 I C arms agreenffint in partisan politics to continue lo • count when imp'ana lacHratsa1 graund-nf iV mja!-7^Mcovfr4ie-wtil4iag6jscored -refuse creditsjnfljnastjavor-comes to a vote. ~ 5Sficl sta kks ssa 3s 0 Rumui : ! die East. stabiTTzaGrsHpnnr--. -7 Conjunclioo ssfscsa ssaa ss@ . die.East; If s^biTTzaGonie&ir —(abbr.) N Gsaais moa on -"be .achieved' -tlieie , -!• -fl. Vflssel . ... 16 (nsect 9 Bel S0OB taaataa .freezing out the~Hussial|s,­ -SMe Label --r.~*. aEif3f3@sosa etas^-Brezhn-ev ..will consider it 'a BTCW HOUSING POLICY! . • nickname-SSEF5 fflHSS Qa« :tnen­ —pegsonai-triumptLstrengthen­ 21 Cntuil 11 Preposlton isaaa bbbkj ehk ing his powerpositlon within ^ 24 Trial . v * 27 Pellet ifm ^^'7 gJ^LinV'ffettr^-thePoliiburoT^.v^^,,. 21 IfiadditiSfi * 29 Goddess o, 38 Sow feyf / Jiscord duefs 40 . II pnce'arourtd IMS VNixon-kgslnger firel^ 1 31 Fish eggs 2S , 43 Takes lioa w. 24th-v^r ; \fracK : . &^pQ-licy:^ tnrusts are * in­ y-52 ^defeated——se-pirJSjn. lrr law Th«re's_.a' new-you com^rig. at taring's­ rtt 60 IN AGAIN-THEN HtW 60, ; • 24 "Hr/-Desk' Service • TV m Lobby^ ^57 Son of Adaov ZS9 Preposition • lNASAlN..TMENI'a 60IN A6A1N,, T'.l* Qff Atreet Cosmetic Boutique OjaJhe-Drag. Priday-and ParkfngL •-Close-td-Campus \ 61 Southern f" "THEN W SO JN ASAlN... Saturday, come in and see Mr. Bal-ney IJpger? , btackblrd-I ,\63 Ctoln v.' Speciat Package Deals(Room atDexter:Board at NJadison) Priestv a-professional make-up that ^RSfcalt-" t V v'"pM available aslow as$145 isU^XrM knows how to make youjook vauf best(After V65 SiteolTaj. y, 'Mahal -CrmiV ~ail, he-does—professrorial thakeHrvevi^ear­ ier Enpirt 4 -fc6ft formerly Now accepting Fall '74 Contitfiis round in.a famous Las Vegas Salon): ItVfftse ~ni»lr—bjtJJnltwL&ji'ir* Sjmdlatt. int^ gi "©Station THArs gix -K for U.Tt Men" andJWjomen J with any cosmetifc purchase of S5.00,or mojcel jSo.^come in 'and see how-good you can look!-­HOUSING, OTFTCr709^esT 22nd Sfr THE BEST DEAL ON CAMPUS! •. ..*!;'r 478-9891 -478-89T4 = ICAN YQUTH3 Zj, r UACTEI -A _ HPSTtL ^ A &mr'M Come See -Come Live 'r ^-«vf;^ . .SsaSc &//x^ M} .'L M HtK/KE &6htT...WXlLHAV£TO "^MEMBERSHIP-GET MORE FOR YOUR MONEY $ $ T€LL them to ..5T&P usON CARO . .THE fDURTH " ON-THE-DRAG, 2406J5UADALUPE -Nt)W AVAILABLE -GET IT TODAYr^"^ -UT INTERNATIONAL OFFtCE *100 Vi/p-26»h St. ' • 4 t 471-1211" lai.j man Wins NCAA Deccitmon I , —&H.KABRY SMITH cond last year with 7,777, e.nd-best mark uf the year. Ti j . s. While the athletes were not tW. Despite gusting" winds, TEXAS'-tfreg^Hackttey-previous best at~thei-Sxa$ -i^uanic w?rv~lust~yrar-in—Btrltm­ *C,HJ _ which delayed the event, barely missed finishing in the Relays by 123 points while ^ouger-«mst3nt=gusta=sfcjp_—1 mm wmamm '•It: ^r iW i t SBS V , Runald Bachman of Brigham lop six,, when he had 7 475 Backman exceeded hisbest-6y To oo -javeiir, qu»My^a . m.p.h.'from the south occured / , Young university won ,the points fof seventh, B\U 42o points. . ' --~ —-440 tnaii\ v i K tUniversify, BatKman.-.broke took the early lead m. team finished fifth, for the iirsVday • 100. trials ' ALTHOUGH the wind was a 7* ^'.jhe meet and stadium'record, standings. • . lead. . ' ' . 8:35 -886 trials/ "hindrance in the high jump ^7'T^lSv'' " '£With-7,8a' pointer The NCAA — Tftir-ll-pcunts-placesjtliem -Rarkmarv didn't «havd any and the pole' vault, it. may .—meet record Jfjis set laslyear in a strong position for a team really-outetatiding pypnts •" ».«r three iww run wamii needed? I-ST"-.at Batonyftoiigc-by -Raimo -trtle-TheyJiacLbeenoneof the • m—\ -10TO 30-— Mile relay -trials " -1 :Tp^^TTra7^"^oach~Cfeburne high..scores in the UO-meter I a Phil*whaalso attended BYU. favorites going into the meet, price saicf" "But he-: didn't ' --. high hurdles ...... and .the-100­ '—T-Phil had%782 . f>V thp tnr :gpfft»n finis^rs. v.,„0: j, nrF cUh^y. _ . Before the meet, it-was ex-meter dash. dregon's: Craig^feigfiam. rpected-that-a total close te 0ftty -one 'of the eight heats wou!d/ be whowith GeorgCTaid.been the ?,^e?-rS^^rk "from the two races had an Shoe Shop *sstr* faydfuc at the,beginning of needed to win. •/ aidfng wind less than the the; meet, finished ;121h But,^ throughout the meet allowable for establishing new / We make ood SHEEP SKIN predictions On the eventual records because he failed to score in total kept ots_ -RUGS the high jump. * ; ' .toiai Kepi rising. ^ .. in fact, Coffman bettered m K&xfk? • '.r^v ' : ^The-high-point^Jtals were •(1.yeni j the meet record of14.3 for"the vshpei belfs Ma»v " 575() especially,surprisingsince the . ' ^ , f W1,|' ' ^ points, ;n(f-meter -highHrurdles-by B«nm£iifQotors—f ­ best ;Coiregiate" decathlon ^morethan .3 oLa: second, but ''leather -^ecord f ,®e wMi' pcore of'the year before the . -the wind was 12 mTp.h_wiiich "j r . •LEATHER SALE * S-&3S _ . . ^ j^*rr900^s. -=^.,^Voriowi kind*, colors • 75* per ft. meet had been 7;636 pointsJ>y-' A 14% I 444-1806 * % per lUnfUMtr ,„V.-^®RBOR°RwerHHIt 3S v^-5^a^cef K tTtf; ' onnn 1" .v. : '1.500 Royal Ctest,Drive,just offRiverside Oiwe• 1—pr---*^­ . a dovotopmflnt oJ JagSer AMoclateo . oom 'JL FREE DELIVERY •:».?^:;colorsr2l-models^to-ct>oose from Free delivery to your, room (ndt-your.^ jng lot) . J " ,pt •..Free, and immediate maintenance servli ' Supply isrLirnited! Call Todayhi w?fm xt:-university Refrigerators -478-3471 lU,tf kims-$i9dmo. stfqssm . _ Sssf ^VsBS --• • M p,<~,; -Four can share for $49.75 each., .2 bedroom,^furnished­6U SHUTTLE BUS ROUTE 444-7797 W4fr; ^' '4==tf~~A^ ­ River Ms li>® 1 A­ 1601 Royal Crest Drive, ju$tx>tf Ri\fersfde D«ve %'• Q ®t«W ^ a atmhaffm* ctJigger Associate* --5-^ Dobie offers something most students"fin^t in short siipply • RC^O^I.^The space you needjto study, to" relax, to IpfeftwrMsV Efficiency • fZ, % B?M§ $1OODO b" ~4c i^S?Mfrom S>Ij £t7iVUfe cratnming you"Tnto some rrlodified broom closet;. .or fSf$nSi '%J( S3Jh}ple Payment Plans . ^^unfarrSshedALL BILLSPAIOf .J-. t feeding you anything but delicious, carefully prepared '" ^ im X food. ... h • ' • Ssas .-•efficiencies,1SZbedrooms. Walkrjn closetsand outside •Pootand clubhouse ^ ' ^obie features pleasant sutro^ndmgs;-parking;--n1n-gte-en mmm® *Fireplaces SUBCki -'% " On shuttlebustoui»t.' * V-*.;: L "• --'t"Vr".*.:--"• ' mOSk Ic 5» WtQoXt • ^iKiAnn'Al•...I'.': -llll .-^1 furnishedor uiHumliJwil • 1 — meals a week, and ejozens of Jittle extras , .1 .Jlke a pool, I 1TOO Burton.Drive, 442^ftft9 ^ n ''.11111yi nnd'Ti Mull fnli ' .f'Rightful gh/Jips &nH ,, IfvwAfeor Woodlandexit east) -Dou6ten.Sl.485 $200 Development Assoaates : —ecfeilainmeiit^^LUS a stziffr that really 'cares abd'ut • ­-.Suite:',gf--S1600 ^ ^ j. 1200 YOU as a person. ' i C™ »Sa®­ -mSr fight"afctos§"the""3tr4et,from ca^ipusA^ 4 \» ' ^ »% I V*2? ••V xL I-_ ^ fi 4utie-6 W '•Mat i-mmm W*« £$$ =M­ l?yf» I ' Jf Wtrv. i -tm „ _ __ _ _ hs Protest w|$t Injuries Put Focus on Robinson Horns' Jackson Will Hot Compete im NCAA Game By JUAN CAMPOS It s just been a bad yearall I think ^cfjf win;it,'J-hfe-' chance^to plaee-in-the nreet^-sS CLEVEfcAND (i^3) r-The Cleveland Indians.have filed a •.. Texan Staff Writer . :• the way* Robinson.said of said. "I don't feel the other . but * everything woultHiave to »tr formal protest agai,nsf"thctr"forfeit{jre''Df•Tuesday night's . With the>al}sence: of Billy the, injury situation.' '.'But, hardlersare faster than I am.go just right . > •: , .^aSeball game"to the Tex&s Rangers^-. -4iM Jackson m the 440 and mile I've never had an injury|Since : I hava the^Speed to Win it, I ^ Robinson is referring io the gsg^Wfyh. the score tied S-5,; the .RangersJ -werei awarded the -reVavs-and Randy. Laghtfoot.in j:ve been-running tracjCrt'-. just have to get the,technique.—baton passes that have game by forfeit in the ninth inning becausefaris poured ontol the • 120fyar_d high hurdles, ROBINSON started running for.it.".. . • .'•_>> "r. jjeeiT' hanipering"the relay,— the fi^d and^gaged-irrfbSttle witii-the-ballplayers. ^:-:: ;' Texas must count heavily;on track in 'hissenior yearof high JFjabinson does, not.think the team "since Ifie Texas Relays ^ ;.>;:?srv "While -we^ deplore-the incidents which led to the'.:; "TtnuSf. ?M''inter,iSfateRobinson.. sctrootnrBoea-Ratan, Fla. His—tiigb-hurdles-raieiABjlLba.ihe'i''"WE'VE been dropping if.'^ -forfeiture, .we alsb feel that there was no.warning given to for. points in the NCAA track best tirjie that year was 14.6 runaway it was last year whpn # he -%aid~-:BdKWe^don't evfeiv~ the^fans dlinng the coueSe of-the gamer by the umpires that ­ championships. -• ......... ... ... seconds. , Rob. iMilburn-of Southern think about if any"!!!^'."'' any continuation of -interruptions of play would' lead -to a Jpckson-; discovered Sinee_ then, however, his:. University Won ijt with a time "Thetfirst-three legs o£ our ... declaration of a forfeiture of the game/':.;sald;Inttiariss • Wednesday..mornirig that he times have"greatly improved, of, 13.1, the NCAA rm;et relav teSm can run 9 4j 100-­ ^ -General Meager Pfiil Seghi in a telegram to the American was, unable to run tbfi.relays-a^-Lasfc year, riitming. for,, record.,The second place time yard. dashesL" Robinson'saidLeague president . BecaTiseTrfTjJ^-puHedleg-mus-—Miami-Dade South. he won tfi6 was 13.4' TTvoiFpul cvetybody out-en— • . The telegram alsp st&ted that the umpires should liav£' -cle Lightfoot, however, cjose—na^onal ^unioLeoilege cham-Hnhm'mn also thinks-the the; track and.let him do what iilude"*a~more concerted^effort-tohav<»-^fe-^ol»insoihtes.tegcipicKod'to .j.,..j .... .,Seghi-admitt4d-he-didnit-hava4iigti^§Ees of >,.>. several injuries the ffnish eigHfH' ln'TB^STgli^Tf^ ^RT^TNYITIORED FAY "• .-. ,L~<. succeeding, but1 "it was necessary to get my views oT TO Ldflghorn& havegoing intothis hurdlesOeinhd theiavorites — The University: Y"I? s^ "7', 'Cident on the record " , m week-'s meet. Sfiqtputter and Ricky Stubbs -of Louisiana 2330_Guada1upe Ted Honda, the.Tribe's executive vice-president,-said he '";1 discus throwerr-Dana-LeDuc TechT'Larry Shipp of, LSU,-Atl-classes begin week of 1une]1Qth~" •had no plan?*to discontinue the befer niglit "promotions " .has a hurt throwihg wrist and who has run a-winiaj;df:tl.ll,i__i Auto Mechanics • Photography faEf-fo t scheduletP'Many t»rsons-4rtame«lalrunlceir"3iDipjgsters-.,.for .-Robert-Primeauxi, the defeh* IH5ye&r, and Efren~Gipson-of--^ Bdllet—--Oil Painhnrg -t£fft —=-3tartmgJhe melee ' Lamacr among others. .. _ Electronic Repair Karate > d'« r League president Lee MacPhail-issued a statement • J* 440-ya'rd-hurdles, is suffering 'It's goingsto be close all ~GUTfor~ ^arhir^ogaeesmeft^­ ^Juggling Act "~r -^Wednesday niglit tliat all qlpbs vyoyld have to notify the -,—from aswollen ankle_resulting_ ^ way" Anybody can upset jgr league office in advance of all such (jromotions'" ~ " University of California-Irvine shoftstop Steve iSSMfr?!0. ?n ear|'55If1',jury-^._.r -;-anybody,'' Robinson said. .; • Call th*.wY" for information,'dates, and fe*s.-A72*924b^. ?ii-.SifL "fc-iUhgremust be.concernaBoutanypromotfonsuchag"that: Whitehead looses th£ handleon th^>ball after making ' ~ " """ " . -* ^.held in-Clevelahd: which resulted:in the.forfeiture of the S the force*o.ut. on University of New ;Orleans rwnhtr^' —^ i -game," M^cPhaihsaid. -• " , Thomas Btsimonos -at second-^base. UCI; won the '4S Joiqfthe Co-Op for aif your automotive -" Bwtla-said it was impossible/to blame the beer,promotion NCAA Diviiton-Championship-by winning the game< 'v^ for what happened Tuesdajuught. needs -also mbtorcycl^ pafrts, stereo, 14-1. -A. tires, batteries -!! access to: the shuttle^us. ­ 2434 Guadiaupe^V n First Round of Di-aft ---use. Red Cross cars or in Methodist Stuihnt Cetf«r$|$i%: ~ 1-i $165 their private vefiicles.L-15«^ --. 474-1524 Vi; / 185 NEW YORK (AP)—; Two McCallum catcher/ . r : ,w. 2-1 CLEVELAND (APJ^The • Interested? Call .478r sponsored by StadBnts for a Co-Operatfvo Society 2-2 195 all bills paiil Austin players were picked Houston picked .;|Cevin« Cleveland • Indians score'd 1601. . X& -We«tilesday-iPn*" first-round IDrake, an outfielder:-from ­. -— . seven runs in"the sixth inning, of baseball'sireeagent draft Lompoc, Calif. -.• • six'on three-run.homers by-., "anB®rs iii:."m'•, announced Oscaii Gamble and Dave Dun­ -/• ;Tne Texas Rangersselected shortly after Boggs was pick-can. and went nn to hPa. tho V BQ^s.-plUj im^LL^cr ?clthnt ho had4wmi mgnpri tna... -TWnr B,n'r. o.-) w^no^,-) High.' School,-nvhiie Oakland -csatfact. '., niPht A­ flamorf -Tnrfii"ne'An :v.'.M!;. •.'» . . . > ri t * 'c­ -^r^ntam-e^_j£t -hi v l BICYCiE j£J '''zy ». ! / «! ^ vagabond iSSL IDQ< 0? m vag a-bond, n. Orto | by GITANE ^' . r;..s who wanders from .v-plncc tc plnce, n scamp adj. To i ! ^/A •%% ' ;=. -wander with * ^ no tixeci addres'? \i:K LEVI'S J^B DENIM - 1® • k ->r BELL vag'a-bond, BiinnT % yV y ^ "• ,v wiJh Simplex or the Gbld Blues in all cotton, , . Hurel deraillt'ers. ' Rush Days, vrpn­racing saddle, side menin tough 3i2$r heavyweight denim: I! j-int iitiii wrakes, stcc! joKs Have sLook and feel better colterod chainwhoe! wander / needed rugged ~with each wearing:"" and cranks, ctc.. 5 pants built for 1 Ajidrotxou^e,-'--^ v- with hard work, with . 'LEVI'S® denims m' wear and wearr us! got wmfortiLEVt^ Blue Jeans ~ LEVI'S?—the -*:"T --'* became their »r# first name"; VAGABOND Suggested Our Regular SALE PRICE uniform—pants in Jeans„ --U,l Price they qould depend$9900£I " on. Tiroes have Gitane $1|906" f % assembled. changed; butLEVI'S insistance on.equality, a m has not. It'sa proud ' CASH OR CHECK ONLY heritage, one you can n. LEVI'S­lit III! since 1&50: WfTH CITY-WIDE PICKUP & DEUVERY ON 'i'"" „ m* RRSXARD TO BEAT IUI ICE W3 LARGEST STOCK OF "IFTER £HE SALE: ?c -4 TTL __LTj?t -•M--SHRINK TO FIT, PRE­_ "6 K&i * 5^,-x S.HI^UNK, BOOX CUT, Of® HOUSE REGULAR BEU, Biq DENIM mmmt.. >, >'f* BEUS; and STUDENT BELl 305 W. 19tlf ». 4^,­ ' .t*K IN SS ^HIGHLAND MALL ^ ­ rt^" » « * i THE STATE OF TEXASr--­ y : HI.'. BIKE LEVI AUSTIMARMY j9Q^-OiyE^iibrSI: 1. .1^-, _ 1^3 kn le&r.1­. -.'71.X ­ V :3ST5HYRIDG| ^v IE DAILY TEXAN Paqe 7 '-f mm 'I t§> I J ?l*fp i&®»g>if'^ liitfty ^«3fl wr-r*~« C.tffiSSsa £Mbt;.-/. ^saw-U^v -. !«i: y^^}:>. v *M» jfflfc'i -~\ft s Basic Goals Ii tvaa..-i--The^.Austiii -Black Media Sonic,of -the goals•••of; the. • -TSrm • member organizations' Relocation Coalition,-ded^atea~lC.inT--;-ooaiiUoi}-incIudei__ and. the public of matters proving black concerns'ih the;:7 • To prepare Austin groups'. related to their interests wftU-jJ 5^2 news media,: outlined • basic' to negotiate successfully'their respect to the media; • -{'J& -goals at a Tiiesday press con-concerns with broadcasters,-. • To bong about.changef in" ferencc. r-admtnis(rative personnel and : the communications-media r«­~Dr. Jo-k-n War fieId.' the Fedeual. Communications for black people, m T s^chairjigrspn-of-ahe Austin Commtssion.' • ; -We hope to improve: black Y-* ff-poser-of-——»~T& secure employment' . employment-in .the media,!' fask foe .coalition is to ' build a : posftkmsfffr-blactein policy-.. r-\Var{ietd said" ,or:ogr.aining. ty.«uppoEtlland_afIiliateIIIIM local technical and_adnunistrativeuuiimiMuuw<\< ijiiinjUfui > IUVUI ii.yuiitv.UL. auu coalition groups with. Austin . levels in the media. -. blacks ~i c '• v,V • To gather .•es^arch'and iri- "177^ . " • o — ......... .. Two~zooiogy coui4es nol .lisUiaEncth^KHmmpr <-nnr

J • 1* !3§§a& - -Students -may add the courses in . the zoology" "& i •jgi; departmental office, J.T. Patterson -Laboratories, Building 140 --.:t arfield-explained that the .4 absencirof. theirfa'ckface^arni^­ ... ;.b'tack in-the ­ -the -;b'lack problem in-: i nonexis-t. .{nedia coupled with none> -. dfr-'-"-|fe teht.black ng.vs tends to .-Emphasize Mack M-oblems.;: ' We have.researcliec? radio • and television media and have ~FoundThat4>Urete-are serious­ • Ky- neglected in ttre professional 'a'ndv.technical employment areas of radio f ?and^tel<»5ftSieH^1;te^!od;i..=s= -In Ausun, AVarfield found 7IJ 1 1 ^ 'V only-four, blacks, employed jn_-M the. electronic medium, all * \ [ an armoTecf vehicle during a predawn aborted coup.j ' '•• ' -•'•.r V , mmm u.-alk, bike. or bus t Anywhere In Central Austin 452-4447 4539 Guadalupe neys modern 4 J 7c4»'*\r --vv ?&* |° ifA-'l.'-rVi-­ • it . 17 31 By SONDRA STALCUComanche and Wv^-.Oalo^arfttter^iig-^^^r^iSP^ ;r Texan StafLWrltec ,:i;. "apartments and part -of contract, Wtdfa'Th^-t^ap^l Apartment residents north -Medical Arts-Square. The new ^set out thfi^en^ral rout@butI _ of v the LBJ Library whose route also would go through" not something thatcdulfflt#! gnomes are threateYiefi by?the. -the grassy area behind St. changed later,-of cAursX^Wl city's proposal to close Saiv-* David's Hospital, destroying ^ TulET wW. was-iJiis^Siit aaf Jacinto Street and relocate a the live oaks and playgrounds the councll-JnSqtirig whiM.aV m ^0?tl0n of Red a River Street in the area. proved^rtontrsctiiMl asked V —-J,' 'A the city environmental : ' , The;plan also includes clos-thouglit th^.regents aM-It "* fP'f -lorJi§liLD»«^fcl._lJiig San Jacinto between 19th •­^:nfep;^^After--the.Dr£Sentatlon by a ;if'1 i'liltg^ < aaSi^m • n^jghborhdod ^^7~OijKJelgcation-oLJted-_Riyer is tha O f the .corisu^o5^ Citizens Board of-NatuVal 'part of a Umversity .regents-engTnie'fs 7wpui3SSM<^^ Resources and Environmental city agreement involvihg. the sider alternatives. — '".If the consultini City Gpuftcil irisiruct»the[firm f—studying-relocation tor_vjew> tioned the council's "hands -makes everyone haDnvl possible' alternatives' and mightbelied" because ofthst—nhe regents and <3ity-€(| prepare an environmental im-. agreement. could always choose ftat,jiact statement tP^^ibmlt to" Asked '-if the regents-city ". Tulk'said. -3% ^t* -^tifiJioardv ^!1' ' ."agreement had tied the coun Bill Parrish, Stadent"w "5i w Larry , BroWnsleln, cil to any one route fpr Red Government vice-preiMenll . v ' representingjiorthllniversity River, Gity Mdnaget-'Ban spoke for Save University working in the same station •'')? « » _ .-1 -um T.T.niM.a Neighfeeriood \Asspciation Davidson said Wednesday he NeightirJioods (SUN), iiraiw^ It T*l,pho,° Warfteld did. not have-any _ A-~-« CAlDOrffiCl COUp (NUNA), told' the board the hacTnotseenthe.results^^ofthe^^ the^nviSental bSi' t' figures on [black^employment. • -• ' coimcOf|p^«^y^iicted envirdnmental board's^ rS:ommehdatton to the'^oufP®81 Torapaca armorwjl regiment;rammed the door with i;;'V' for'Rendswafch o»workmen repqirthe l .ForrestandJiltoillJgjiCpn-Lmeetinganddid notfeelcom- bylheAustintnewspapers. °.or ^?res *'a ">a'ace ... • in BoRvia, after r ;4 suiting Engineers, to consider ment was appropriate. • rebellious officers andMroops; of"fhe powerful;; (jr.ly the city's^proposed route , "But 1 would be happv to ' look into it with the board so THE CITY'S, PLAN con-as to answer their questions," stitutei'Shstitutes an sWveS-curve from 2fith26th . Davidson said. ^ kaid. " Street, to 32nd Street, cutting RICHARD E. TULK, first W -wlVjseminars in ­ '% yl. ^^T/Ml^-CJUABAIAH.XiASTROLOGy .&*M ffl. -W*mum,,,.. i • • • " -W tor intoTmafi&ns:=ajme "Tag=&—meet——tag^gan Jacinto only a w . , -• v •-. -,. .v- ••i-C'tSf< years ago, besidesdesuu« [JJ other trips—Sohday, 9 June, /f|] some of the Waller Creek ?' W ^ roundings in the process.^ , r the nexalist collegium——"ip-TWBMjmvereitjI..„.v, ^ ,18 Uvac«, «ulte 5t7 —512/4ia-«l'o_:fi^S1?/47H-4Sin ,.. wvaca.-«uUe S-7 ^ -EARN CASH WEEKLY Blood Plasma DonoFs-Needed :: ' "*• Men & Women % ­^ EARN $10 WEEKLY ('>Mi CASH PAYMENT R>R DONATlbKl ' r^r Austix^r^^­ -Rlftoft rtoponents. Ine^ OPM MON. &THURkTAWio TUES' f6 ,7t- 8 A.M. to 3 P,M.^ -^-CLOSER WED. & SAT. £ 409 W. 6th *0 >„ 477-3735 Intersection West " ciftomnducrfi'rtheTsti :vovbik itin l;5,",i-»na'caI ™ nl® W S'TtS ^ S crea!?d ?.a" to. He said the Univerat greatly preferred'!; -tn the least traffic during construction, have$flo adverse; effeets on the Wa"1-2 SSffSHSm* "WasUi of money after should be made and poss|bte5f P alternatives;to the city%fl be studied. • .. is-" their:housej ana'lnstead o'fiu. ing their garage (parking lM : for-expansion they decide tear .down their -neighb homes lnsteadf'.' said Broy ~fem. fHH »­ , J- a® # Betep,Wttssket, "fc-^ If 1:W£i west ,1 •Wm. sv-MMSi' m m$& mm­ summer'1974 S>W: m. v -fn qcfmg, ( veg^tarian cookfng. quilted olbtheiT^faellv^ancI^ -winetasting; mosaic^berb^gardenln^ cardweavin^ weecifeed (edlbli M ptatltS) —--v..,.-., •,. ­ s~>?« ^ \ SS I'-. i i * ki-tf* "* ^ J \ i Student f^we^rimehh ' m r**-11—* m ir*-4-* ^ x-f? * B , --** 3>r^ X ^ v\,»3&PV^ 1 . -r| 1 .foyt , Binder, Friedman Say Rate Information;Lacking CHAM ••••Slfln m»v-hatrA rttciilfoH .rain V JTri£krlrn«r»wir'*.'>f **xxJ 5^vrrtfxan Staff Writer-t*— ~t)eeriiise ll-wa<> discussed on Sharkey said that a flat-rate encourage conservation and currently diminish peir_Councilmen Bob Binder and two separate occasions." he" sss^^-^SMSSWS a^-ra^NsSSssi >-C- ByJis~eertain with, the iiumber of lcilowiaft­themtjy the Ebasco represen-he used the word flat "What hours used. • • ^lative and City Manager Dan I d really like taknsw about is "There is no doubt in my LW4dson.-DayidSQi3_J?as. said -what the-fieures would be 'for mind," Friedman said, "that; information is being a flat rate ivooody Kfi6w?~Tjff-seveFal-occasionsin£ojmav 'd—bv-hi-s—staff=£tod-—m.-1 • • ---• -EBa&co .„„ .„ , -there; V-v; . -- y ^ absence of. BINDER; SAID he> askedic-Asked who promised the in-' it.is. tied into the MoPac system,' which will link U.S. 183'arid wbH---ratrateri.uu.,irtliu»-when-&>e--Tiuirf t, rhm.inaft.4hn ••f«.rTngf}^1T^pfeiyiman .^14 LhS. 290,when jtjs completed next'year. Ben Alley, asslslant W>sente4 'representative, for^tha irifor-woUld"d.riT^,>**''11' " 1 nestfayS^ ­ „ to CttVXoi^cil"Mayl 3().. f. TnatiTm.and that Sharkey.said gather jt^/aTTd4 Davidson • in- \ "I asked on two separateoc­ he would get it. . dicaled he would see to it?'" —'—---casions. forihe |jbasett"sttidy -Sharkej^sakl he" dicf" not -;k ' to include data on a flat rat^j : remember being asked for in­ ;i .s v.,;a/$Jf•$}(^fr-'RTAedman asked' formation .on.: a -flat electnc once.' BindaL'SiSlsli. fate. 'sDAVIDSON replied that the .". -Friedman • said the Subject s'i,; report included everything he was mentioned' at ap October understood th-e council council meeting. "I broughtwanted. "Some of the confu--Qp/the idea of.'a progressive School Relief, -Raise Requested " State.Rep..John R. Bigham j of a 3.4 percent pay raise of.Belton asked Gov. Dolph . scheduled for September." Briscoe in a letter-Wednesday "Some school districts in. "TS ealtte sj5ecialsession.6f the the state are 'going to find it .House and Senate to grant a difficult if not impossible to s 6.8 percent pay raise to state. :""op?n their doors to children in . employes and to provide thgjall because of.their finan­ "nancial relief for poorer • cial.situation^'-Bigham con­_ischodTdB®^;o~^7'. " ' -tiimed.—55?^­-7 calling, for—the -state. , Bigham predicted the work' -^Proye pay raise, Bigham of the Legislature could be ,s?rf ™jn*' *he concert and dinnexwili be in the VniothMairi Ballroom /!9?...... /SA//Z/// ssss/S//./ //r//r/v. s//sS/. /////i:«;s>:K J J S.// , ment through a seriesof panel ^discussions, Bill Parrish,.Stu-' :>dent Government vice-": president announced YVednes-: .. day. ... Participants m the panels. Sfifl0Cal °£f,C'alS 3"d Pafwsh,^aid. Austin Rep ^ Government because of Us . will be funded bystudsnts'onra new optional 'funding^ Thefe voluntary basis, the quality: 10,236...stu,dents TwJio • 'add number,of program? and checked ~tfnr-$2.-70 option -fee services offered will directly for the government and Senior ; reflect/the student body's Cabinet. -i; "• ' willingness to pay the optional Th$se figures, received"by-fee, Parnsh explained "Con-Parnsh from the Office of the vmcing. entering freshmen Jent for Student Af-. .. and students registering jn the DIARY OF A M. ."T*'"~ Un-cut version Rafed NR' CARRIE SNODGRASS & RICHARD BENJAMIN fridav. June 7J *d:^Soturday,^June 8, 7:00, 8:49710:30 r • ; , . A.C. • Auditoriu m ^hr­ 4^*.$t.00; Sponsored by Young Democrats >Mhataline! It ranks right up there with thb clas­sic scenes of the niusM^d^ vil^^ the: to-the tracks and cacMirig, fuJ\istsig^tc!T^ M .yx: .... The dinerence is, one isa classic^ the oth^r areality. ^1 ~4ikX You know ho\^r it goes. . tL .r.. .... : i" . You find a place you like but th'€ landlord shoves a two-semester con-il traet in your face. So it's 4si^ni the deed and suffer' or move on. Oh, the ag­ ony of it all. fear not. Tirf^wers North has a little something we invehtied called m* ^ ^?e ^mester Contract. You aren't trapped into staying or losing your r deposit if^you move on after Qnesemester. And we haven't raised our pnees since 1969. " : f y , 77 * ?3 Tri-Towers North is two andajialf blocks west oj campus. 80T wist~='^ 24th — 476-7636. V I _y x ^ i, & 1 •~«^siaap— ­ "--frfs 1 v ' -t* t tat t :> -'fi-i '?* vV .c ^V -fr^sea -* J*K^^"vl>•*1^5?^,.#2j^?^5"",'rt "]^"#"v«CV Eyrvfficr'i«*T'jSj »}." •.-.-r^v>' ^X'j.yr^;yCf*.. «/'j**??!*, ^ «\ 'V'^r-' LL ' .J II I T" r .v ^*-A ^ >* f. « Jj -t '.."^l «» *,£* 1 -t * > ^iSi? * a '^Vra'*" -4&tt aw ** •«-toa®i?^ r-^ w358fV S --J­ y^r 1 y* , Sharif Retuirns fft m. h **& l^r-er.,Films Continue S-$ HSSi! ***--?*Star! To Reunite Wkth-Barhra-,Streisand-'--'1 t, T^1 -% jvM Reassignment of teaching tf .group ofrtoir"­ — tw i« i *''x.a? StttH WrUer ^ .1 tPerrtely-Bnder-educated-black cliildreQUvlne • w --be „ . on-an lsland-off w HOLLYWOOD-. (UPtu"ufl) — starred inm "Funny'Tunny Girl!!Girl— withwith" -^No.^Tfe^aid,'^o.^Tie said. "I44I do not tire.--selling-iire^rrsellirrg ititnownow bejcause-s-prised and pleased by what The,-local movi<» scene presently..... is not-jl the coast.iiLSauih.-<<.-.1^--^^„Carqfitia; Omar ,Shanfjs-not what you Batbri assaying the 'role of of that reputation. I:likebeing bachelor doesn't TSati Tshe is wearing. You don't see -offering muchon the^wayLof exciting new fili^s.: As.directed..by MartinHitt, the film coroes^'*MrS% WOUld Call's Dracticihe SSVD* F*snnv 'Rnrp ufnk AC aliniVilo hanti&lnp-'Tfc nftt mnnti Iwirn If•( fi . ~.lI ik product, as"" *tl)e1"" more popular, films from the! would call'a practi^ihg Egyp-^ fanny ;Bnce Omar wa& as an eligible bachelor:;It's not much' h>om. all the . gradual7 stages of -close to attaining the wonderful -emoftoriiSlt 'pS ••.••;• ^tian. , lh_.ocbicommital ahout Streisand . exhausting. Imaginehow tired ^'Tve developeff^roacnelor ,• tlress. You don't see the bad -last few months (or even years, in some-volvement ofr "Sounder" (also directed by 'te He loftily-dismisses the as he was about the-UAR.ver-on6 must get of being the eter-habits" and when IIgtve a girl. side of a girl." cases) continue to,receive additional piay-'. Ritih Vpjgh.t giv^s an exuberant, marv^lous'.s%i^ . Near Bast problems.>;iJh^the . siis jsrael. , hi'. ••, nal married man."-friend it bothers rne to have -Oraar is not dating-offs. . portrayai.'On a double-bill with I'PniiWanri .observation, "Iknow-noffiingVi| -A RESIDENT of Paris who -THERE IS an unmistakable * her around the house. ' Streisand.--^t-=thtnk-I've wily r -an^ei^nancg-ttrsee P^n'ty 4»ave-anahep-ehance-to-seer Michelle" (the sequel tovLewis Qillpt's 'The Poseidon ;i. P^lticsSv;:; :;'r <£<» stUl maintains bis Egyptian .hSuteurV abouL Omar that "SEPARATEhWN^ is ^v seen.her ortce since we did the "rh" .pA«-.H«n.. Ai ^ ».*r «— ' "friends") at the Fox Twjn / %<,-ffg'l Graffiti" and 'The Sound ' " —IIn~Hollywood-to rpprise^ttfs_,. citizetiship.-Sharif-was anx-. plays hob wrth .women'sen^s lib. --• • •• °na; 1 tund of Music, (which * / >4'--. s&M . -— -"solutiatrto'that prpbleml.sup^-'last picture in 1968;ouna ot Music,,, (whi ... i ;c . ,,lTHR anlRATYJ ATSRV" Hnoen't liuiiJVrrtn^ -i, ritle as gambler fjick Arnstein y ious taretuniro'Fraffce'where--WomitK ~X* f Streisand, the^dark ;visaged and plays, tournament bridge. I-have: no. plans to "home :rather; than nave "her pictures ui Hollyv/oodrse^hi -Coipplete with stereophonic, sound at the still-an_absorbing,-worthwhileinterpretation, W . -place has no real herj-.-me. ."I'm friendly Mfc^v^ygrie;'.,bat' I wife and cfin3fOTf^B5f"?tW"' dressed, * ariti-~you are" sftr-"IneiidiIn-shov^Rismesy • v&xi&k mg deserve, a Second hientl^:and:^i^aps.aJ"^-' ft^^fe?;^gtfe^3 , —of, . second viewing,!" ——5 " tunately), sitjce tfie days When Erroin^nnjJ HURRY, SEE IT TODAY! -THE MOST " „di i«wr CAnmP(.„' ..t-w—v-t^ went about rescuing Olivia deHavilai|(Jler/#"'WJ^-sl BLAZING SADDLES >is -MelTfrooks Director Richard Lester has laced the ffimfL <,«&>. SUCCESSFUL ESCAPE ADVENTURE OF AIL TIME. .n^ost insanely funny film to date — a with a bit more intentional slapsticifcjthan^-'i^B ^ wTO PLACE A devastating Satirt^-spoof, bflrlesque etc , oF most of thavearlier films of the genre, ttcanne «cU?1C"C r . *^* H<>UjaaMil Western saiavinglvjione. and the all-star^a^t ajB^a^sp»s,^f CLASSIFIED" HORRIFYING1 paddles contains sonafr-of thft crudest to be havmg such k good time, fhar'the^ssaflf N-Jiumor an audience has ever been assaulted ••• -.. . . ° ......... — , ,.e .. ... .. 1's one of the jnost entertaining movies! -AD with, yet the hilarity of the whole thing" . year. » •» • 8e'lerf'1y keeps it from being offehsive, _ And, of course, we have the REALS; SS^CALL " Madelme Kahn s bulls-eye parody of --amovied filmed right here m Ausi Aarlono 1 llAtrinh.enntii/1n'^ hn rvnoonii' A f IUa .--rtv . '-w -Marlene Dietrich shouldn't be missed. At the •Austin people. Im refernng to "Sexjii Fox Twin-. 471-5244 tasies, U.S.A.," currently playing at th^ a.'Ki SsJ^i'CONBACIt" presents Jon Voight-as -a as theatre. Ah, hmmm:' :v: Butmore *" sssformerly bigoted school teacher who takes on one next week. -rHiSfe MnBh.iMBUHWOMai WMomniw FLYING SAUCERS-ARE THEY REAl? Fi.ND OUT. Starts TOMORROW! ^ outr ^TATSS pgyvc.'j^ ^•^\^SWMS0N; |f,fe'.AT I COUDR BV fiELUXE! .6:30 p.m. • • . • • -Avvv, . 9 p.m, . ^ •m. FEATURE TIMES FEATURE TIMfeS -7, Haiti —^ gj, 24 Kyng Fu • ' *f TTHEATERS! • lr?0.?r30J.10-7i50-10.00 l;35-3:40-5i45 ••••'•• : • 9 News • ' • War and Peecc , 7:50-9:55 V-V--24 IDream of J " FOUR? I0i30 Nova .il,e LAftGEaM^—^x. Spy with ^ i ilMBfr-BtMOT Road—jtS* [P™TwiA ^AiNWeof.?H6>r' — *" ' : fsr ri&tv* "THRE&MUSKET Ktjys .-}4' wiSFwOTSfSpetei^wEWORLDrtr IIIIFTYRRFS . IWiwe 12:30 i FEATURES « 1:35-3:40-5:45 youm ONLY $T.00.{AON.-FRI., PARAMOUNT —r -— SHAKEY'S 713 CONGPESS AVENUE 2915Guadaiw 1 presents J >1125 STRADDLIYOilRSOUL -tit-­ . .SI.50 : S2.S0 p.mi "7.00*9.15 JARWUfTSENSES. llOU-RA • AIU«S FILMp7COPPOU:CO:-P;6duaioii'; 1:00 MATINEE J51.25 til 3 ,pjn. A UNIVrpSAU PjCTURE •.TECHNICOLOR" TONIGHT ONLY] ONLY^$1.00 HOMT-S TAT E m RIISS MEYER-'S^::C ->t°s AT 11:00 ONLY t MOHrlRl. /19 CONGRESS AVFNUE Beer, Wine ­ ^6oliciOi@ft0e REDSKYAT and Pizza • FEATURES • VIXEN. MORNING ^^LAST 1:30^3:30^5:30 ' °fSn\^ INTRODUCINQ€RICA GAVIH AS VIXEIT. ' "VSlDAY! -:7.l30-9:3.0,,t . hDumjmw RESTRtCTfDTO ADULT AUD1ENCK." IN EASTMANCOIOR.-^-?iS^ PRODUCED AMM1RECTEQ By RUSSHEYtR. AN EVE PRODUCTION. " ^llllipSOGGI4& Tr^M$1.25 til 3:p0 p.m; 21sl& Guadalupe Second Uv«l Oeble'Matt 477-1354-^' VARSITY .r.•-.FEATURES 2*200 GUAOALUPE STPEt: T Village _2lOO-3j30^5:00 -Giagmatz 'YOU'LL SEE PLENTTSND Four"-?—I r BELIEVE ME, EVEN . Cinema 370Q WEST ANDERSON LANE -*>*> ­ SEEING IS NOT BELIEVING!" " 451-8355 „• • f'ivusi'ur^wjvij WALT /—Joyce H'abef Ihaverthod OVER! I@DISI\IEYS HELD such ogoodtime at POR—1^­ JJ!T­ ''cartqor-classic;" ONE WEEK^Nl*-c^neNvmovoellQ yeorsT^ li" pMpfPerer nrv-KHrwv-t^M-Klx>gdonovkiK !' i* AAogazioe ^ THE r-IPG) sb» TTippp MOSWCTEERS 12i3b-$1.00 OPEN Ir45 -DEDUCED 40 ' 7:00 -FEATURES AMERICANA ^PRICES 2-5-8 REDuClD -PRICES HQK-fRl Tin Til 5:15 ' IK Alt THE SPlftyDOR OF 70 MM LARGE SCREEN moti-m -lsi!w* 5-J0.7M H V BOOCERS-HAMHEJBSTE1N3.5"! Village WISE Gincina * r-^ -no; • Four > Meuiyjctf_Ns£el|Qw ofHcersconsidered themost dayn«erc3Musman aflve MUSIC, STORY,­ FRANK ZAPPA SCREENPLAY ->1 j?: A PARAMOUNT AND CHARACTERIZATIONS $i*4« mho ob uumairm -RINGOSTARR ETC "BY FRANK-ZAPPA, American-Graffiti prfKOnts FEA. 1:15 3i00-4:45 2SfGMdakM Stf-WW 6:30-8:15 Held Over ZAPPA'S FILMED IN 10:00', Features at 6:00-8:00-10:00 2:3&SsQO-$1.25 7:30-10;00 -*l.5 WITH HELD OVER SafeekrHl nthjfifElL, Where were youin'6 ; 151 AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION JDUlf FILM •EVHHfO^B-ENreRINO THE Feature* "af -THEATRE WILL RECEIVE A CIM OlVICE TO MEASURE Vi7U)0, 9:T5 . THEIR.OWN PERSTONAII ^PHOTIC-SENSATION PJlOFltt" //or — ~!K^SstS' TARGEr V Juy •"-"A COLOR CINEMA EARTH: Anfisfsi w-m* ,6:-15^ A uiCASfl.M troiCOPKXA'cOTPibducMn 3:05 stcstt 7:50 /A UNIVBSAI.(falflf.IKHNICaOR' RECOMMENDED .INICA 4:40 $/.50 9.25 $2,50" TUDIES by the National Society of Filfn Cr|tics 2-4-6.TM.2®® no-M.50 Al Pac/rio nwisspr~ -Howard filnrman. THE NATION -WKM-EKitiif T. MIDNIGHT MOVIES -'1.25 The ultimate in^;-* PenelopeGilliat, MEW^YORKCB Martial Arts PhilipHartung.^MfWOTHT " a-' " SERP1C0 — v and excitement! *m/, I ?rJ .... . '-' SteManJQnpferTJnff: IStanley Kguffmann.-WWIKWtoC' jde;Marfstern;#fMmyffl[ OKJJAINS — CAU7I0B—f-*P||f .T SCfNfi KicPsShow Everyday iaa. J •­ --^few.SaqfermiAfiEVOICE -CINEMfi. -Of AtkNCMAl PBAr.flCfS 12 MIDNIGHT ?oo iw'FN«.r »)k the " fiichard;"ScfucRel/l|Ff [MO'IO'IAIH iMWAt'.iSf' -x&a. Yellof JohnSimon,i m * J* ~g- 1 >^v4£^* •i® •s^r<' •tSFs? 35?-r -, --"» • >*. rm < ""i— IS® tXJVtr'ffiW-•« < i» $3££&* ,% -J beutel jz£S£.T .opera, ballet ajng Playwright Workshop -The percussion .and mallet Music Men'July 21_ tickets.will bfe sold. The film's;"'M*'' be the fare of^the plays are V'­ "Out ofjGas" by-ensembles; June 27, the UT "Students' may pick up will tie 75 cents for adults and ' , -----1974-Summer Entertalnrneht>5ticjiae^ :haei Robert David and ' Jazz Ensemble July 2, the tickets for the College of Fine r 50 • cents ' ft>r; children. The .. . . .Series. ; "V.ran9 bleM7Mqm'i~applc pie 'and-jewels, but just'try going in a typical directed by /J> Rannelli, Texas Brass Choir ^August 8, Arts Summer Entertainment playsiwill fojstudents Auraratwin-pTy.~r.™'-' -v. • -eatery andordering aDr Pepper.Impossi­-The^program,:sponsored_by .A Wis" hy.JFtfitlgrickKirwin and the Collegium-Musicum Po.iioAk-Ar-vbnf-i . ~f-*— m.t. » w. UK. wucgiuiu musiuuui., Seriesat theHdttiAuditoriuta'"^V^out-"seasofrficl«fe and $2 — ­ ®fV Any American who has ever traveled ble. abroad will readily admit that we citizens .Another rarity inBritain which we take: 1 dudes TsTms of fi1m w,th Frank ^' 5-« / i GagliaHo and be ^m'lhe-Music-Builthng-W™ iHtmdavHhroueWPrjdavf • of the good ol' .U.S..of-A; never;genuinely for granted. o&, this side of th.e "pond" is biographies-and claSsiqsJrom 'The High-Chairs" by Elaine RecitqlHallexceptthato'f the In' addition, box office and 50 cents for""Children-7 appreciate-some of our everyday \ living • your standard.-fiveryday _typfTof public-. 4he,United,State? and Europe"; J)enholtz and, directed by Jazz. Ensemble,...which .Will '"COTnforts until we are forcedto do without w.atet fountain. ,T.hey don't believe in l5; A Joan ^Crawford film, Robert Allen Srewer.. " "ppfform.ln Hogg Auditorium T Anrriinitn'' &»'••<< them for awhiief; Iwas first subjected-to ..them; It'snot entirely uncommon, then, to . 'Rain,'' willopen the summer * Presented"in repertory cy-.' " 3*he"Tllo ' Longhornr<' Band ' iVli'tl4 spoiled the nieces and nephews of "Uncle European life for Yainkees~lo cope~with-is-but a^mmprint.w'as repently " j*uly 6 and 7. Performances the NffrsingBuildingPatio.at _ "c Telephone 476-7073 i "Sanffeallyare: *--— =^=-=-j_^_the ..^.welUuh ^.tqifetpaper orsfiallI pi begirirat8 p.m; -„ 1700'RedRiverSt,.Eachofthe ;1At Any Time Now UienT'I'm not implying that Ifind say crepe^wax and" sand"paper; Ifs r''" -1 'Ini-snowings-wilLjeJMojh^^Musical--Antertainment nights has a themei^Fl^fifBt^— The Telephone Counteling ond Referrol Service Great Britain or any part of the^eontinent, roiigl^adjustment.so to speak. day and Thursday nights-in . scheduled -includes: classical, -called~nMeetT'the^-B9hd" is ­. , .®.a^s Auditorium...Monday-^ jarzzv-big—band,-pop and-June 12. J^eaturedJiiemes are 3^4oiyiastel.eQlofs.or.decorator places to live.Imean"; Oim-WiU-concern, ^etern. -' _ "TheU)nghornlBrasseS,'-June~J KEN" ffatt^tsr^ltBSKy-'ScCTeyvarietresg^B^ that culture? affnc. r . -,•••••-These incliidg^ ajiaptionOf-^faculty^andjtudents will pre-."M^rch Time" July3,"Mu^sic kidne^ pie and'Yorkshire pudding can be' .-But the real toppers among: the tissues .Beethoven s^ '.Eidelio" on sent--a "Variety of concefts-Jx-Qifi TVashVille' JglY 10; £¥P terrific for awhile, but after 10 days orso,' ' Sire those found in thepublic conveniences; June 10, Tchaikovsky's -throughout -the "summer . .".j "MancSmi, Bacharack ahd --'-» MUSIC all anyone has to do is.mention the magic marked^"medicated" on each Eugene Onegm^ July I,Vin-j?aculty artists' concerts in- Band'" -July 17; and"'The ' % -tertow^.Triok-Tacol' nr ^RlcrMar^anri thp individual sheet-('medicated for what?K" -f -Yf? Gogh s life story clude faculty chamber winds einrnTTTOmlrftfi! ,i;.X&K&Pfl£$£t/7S:~ i> CH&MRFRI AIM dreamed,of. • __ -jf you hear Jaiwhter emanating frorria " GLEMDA Plisetskaya uances July . ty iiomuduu July 11, fAcul JLondon may haye Buckingham Palace, stall, chances are the occupant is an consortia July 25 and faculty •' JACKSONi and the Romeo. and Juliet 'estmmister AWteir. and the1 crown ""American." -»— SSS _ v;ballet with' • Rudolf Nureyev piano duo Aug. 5.' -,• - '• . -iiSs mm:v,Student artists will presentiit£.TlHi«aay night films iri­~ elude' ''The Madwoman of . Chaillpt''.With"Kath^rine"Hep- Players Go to Wimberley : burn, the Academy Award-will be ta'ken. from an antique winning film "VcflfcQan't Take -The Bijuberti Players, resi-in (he Pioneer Town of the IHe had a love a( life. But was torn fay it. .'ri "Hent^dompaTiy-of the-new-.resort-.will-host-the.Bijuberti : trunk. • It With You'^July f8, "Long He readied-out for 'the sensual. And was burned by it."' Creek Theatre will take to the productions of "Down in the -Days' Into Night" •Hi price. "And he pdrdlt.. Featured in the cast will,be -Journey ftis getiios. demanded a road Thursday, as they make Mines!' or, 'Trapped in the" O. Neal "Buddy"Smith, Lissa"_ Aug;i25,..plus others. :.•••« their ."Ht'h-vtrotisecutive Shaft." -Tate,-Slephan "Krug, Leon Drama fans can view three m summer appearance at ftay-The Players are^tagingthis Ashbrook; Linalice Carey and new plays in the prama mond Cziclio's 7A Ranch production as did their travel-Bette Calk. -Theatre Room as the culmina­ Resort in Wimberley; — -mg predecessors of several, Curtain w^ll.be at 8:15 p.m. tion of the E.P. 'Conkle Each Thursday night centuries ago —--in port­Admission prices arp $1.25 for throughout Jurifr, July and manteau fashion; The sets and adults and 75-cents for • Jt GULF STATtS DRIVE-IN V August, the-old Opera House props used during the show. childreii. I-..-.- TfmMffSv: i SIiowiownUSA Plus Spedal Guest r.)U4C«MroAi»US8' HOT SAUCE m$SUAR8RJS TheetresIV kkducepi'WKMSS-. '»CUt*=SMKS kl—TONIGHT—^ .Sat.^..Jun&v2-2ivd .-hv»»s •*.. _m :15«S PLEASANT VAm-Y IfD -.£..... \ . ^JO'fihni SA.T 1 -MOT Ihru SAT g^8US^tM=^vcj>,odi>lovRi S^UTHSSOE Texas r-• -• «-nnnt«»r ... v- r\-ymui(w^ "p.m. *jMO- 7:3rS"10i30>i<. vmm- IMHkdcfRCDFORO FEATURES ' • -3405­ • *J2t30' Tickets $4^0 in qjv5fi7c'[01 tmV -4:40- eldoverj BEVO'S ^fftlDAY, SAT Batts Aud.i shoBr*. -6il5-' THtSreVG -7:25- J5.00 at the"door "•'.J.-SO.'-'--' Sjufie 7 St 8 7:30 & 9:45; ­ TKHwceteB»*tiwvBs»tPi6n4ic;' " Avaibble-sh-J^gH^Mih (Dawn­ -.9j2S. - •'WEST SIDE TAR—"" town & Riverside), Inter Sanc-MIXED DRINKS $1.25: II *'-50 IfWtAtiDRpredudwpl $1.SO -rttnd Rlo"5rafidr' »ubi, Bodget-Topci, & Texas Opry zModern Cinerrmx IliU 6 p.m.-Glenda Jackson til 6 p.m. "HoBJ?:—'km UfATORES -FEATURES -n5or= >1:30­r3:30-—=3t11^— Wma a ROKALD ttWWifm-fWM93T • Cdfleffjao* -5:40--4:S5­-7:50­ -6:40-. -10:00--8:20-50' THROUGH JUNIOR-HIGH SCHOOL EASTMANCOLOR," -10:05-. £»«ft-"ADMISSION FREE TO ­ tmnrrmWr ­ s<8 C€LI_E'Gje:-©II ' PltfS CO-FEATURE |te-« FREE BEER TONITE: ACADEMY AWARD WINNERS iriNt A1C ¥S ATTHB -BtST SUPPORTIMG ACTRtSS/EileenHecKart A FTUHKOVtCHPflOOOCTlON V; mrM-SBeiESI -FlRSTANNUAtr-IBfTEBFHES AREFBBE .CO;ys^A-fTCtv/tiiy BATTS^AUDITORIUM -i,7 P.M. & '9 P.M. . J*'* NEW ADMISSION PRICE ^-HAEEY^HflllRlBICES ALl DAY 1 ADULTS „ $2.Z5_ 5S3*S-«M®S ­ CHILD (6-11) I.Sl.-QD • TONIGH^ONlYi ^ "ST-s three free kegs AT, 8:00 ' — CHIED.{under t>).Free W/f' MONDAY ONLY! "" J -i, ­ fUTti! 'C4JNS-'. „Au5tiitis-jQNLy 2 Bit BEER JOINT (U.S., 193-2) Joan Crayford, "Waller Huston, WiHiom Gargon, v;—{AustriOj>^55) Claude Noilier,"Hfchar^'HolmV (yeorg Wheter; Quy Kibee. Direcjed i)yTiewis>Milestone^ '-' ^So)j|q ^nonef;.Oirectld^-_by Walter Fejenstein \ ^of ddcades this great film/ bgsed on a short story by W ""A7ColgTfalradaptattQh-of-8eethoA*bnls only opera, Music per* • * T ' *- Somerset MaughonQ, was tHouglit lostl Uit a 35mm print vl^as foflVied by the Vienna Philharmonic under the direction of Fritz •^•f«?entl>u.imeailhed, Joan Crawford is cast in-perhaps; her Lehma'nn.. . • • • • • - greatest role "as-.§acije Thompson,' successively a' $ynicar~ and prostitute, a sajn^ly repentant and finally, a wise and sad ­ "Extraordinary Can be countedamongtho top-rankingartistic 1809 GUADALUPE (NEXT TO PIZZA HUT) woman. * «• ' r.­ films to date" —Film Sonderdiensi, Michelle Fww«lon*'tnCeiqr rwitsbyMSOe&KfjRj'ggSfr* " ArAimoumpum.^ WINNER 1972 CANNES FILM FESTIVAL \ 1 r ' Only AmericanFilm tobeloHonored * J ** W pANAVISION* COLOR BXpELUJ?e» «SE3^ •-« I :•$£& At ft:05 ONLY MAMNTHCMACS l ' •< Ik-v^ •J L r ">Jr. FOX TWIN it' " KltrOST I! 454-3711 SLAUGHTERHOUS TONIOHTAT -1 "One o1 .•~>rnostdanng> '«WiHeraW-Ewunlnar l-*foriginaVanci~"­uf' f •£*&*&» a­-4asdbaW9 ^cVurea-§ver i 3ISTER"AUDITORIUM .. T.„V,^ I *'R0Oil=====: SATURDAY NITS ONLY V'.rf.t ti.ii,ntf.MICHAEt SACKS. ROW LEIBMAfil * vALrRIP"PERftliy: 6-8-10n2 --v -—,7 11 notnnuVrcMit J.s ?l«d"tm JlunoyeLbj.I^URT VONNEGUT.^If.: Scrtenpiav^yStipVaGeifeN OiiKled byfeeorjt'flg* HilT f RIinii ir iTirn T'S 'T-"•— i 5y Giefii CnuW -iA.Piuijie inTECftNIGOLDR*~ '&& $Lsogft­ -3" -.1.^.',^ 1 ^ ^ ~ --.j??-v-,' , >t4 Rotod R -RESTRICTED ^r­ Tonightr^nd? p.m.,, ,-'' - JSAfURDAy^HfTOMtY ^• Sppnsoted by NyKML s,aH/iJni<^ Theatre j ** W.CFIEID SflOBTS -ra-.A­ --•^^StS^F+fQ-AOveRTISING * RATES >5 wordtniniraum ;<••-•••. v :..» . . J .iO Each word 2-C .09 Ea6h word 5«Y*tlme* i ee(=tcieweiEs-^mfcat-^. Sfwtfiftt-r'ate each-time..;..75 "E'65h"ViCrdi0-orTTTorc'ttm«i..v.Sv.o?-.,.-;S-.0fr--J.BJ? FURN •RE&EFyAtlQNSL. .... A r-»-h.c " i T-v&eDRooM'^sw.oo'-GuadaTopf^piap CjassiliftcLOhpiey '•••• ••< •.-•••' • Upper. Cfessmen choice sefctioiTviftd V" Al 1 o. 7"~, —-2 BEDROOM'-Sl90.0Q; shorxIWAUK .T'oWeR. ^VoTT/S MAL£C^ADUATE""fi{!Pds" roqmmate ­ 1 C0l.-*x'l intfrzmrfjfrie$2.96 TangLewood bedroom unit*, nicely furnished. watk to 1 ^ for sumtrter to sharp two bedroom opt ' ^ • ALL Bl LLS PAID b£.dr.ao*i apartment, windows ior near iSmguSTiWO .plus .Wbllli 47} 73M 1 ^o>, x. J inch 2-9 l»mes.-....,..J.$2.66; ——S'XjHriil"rin — C 6 BLOCKS CAMPUy-;—: plants; sr«0,.J76-3462. 176-S483. 19020 904 1 col. x 1-inch wo or more times $2:37 • An'ne^ ~ tv. 1907 San Gabrfef& 2802 WhiKj Va>d, Special StuasnTR&te • -•• • ••g^pooc-swtf'r rtaruuwwuVe • —• nuoccc r 4780874 parking. summer-rates, not shown. 4$3~<\ r.oo .I'M -T BP C) tn. R°°MMATE P'lftNISHcn "'C-••.-:•:• •• vT-;-I|... ROOMMATE NEEDEO. 1' bedroom -­ 3235 for appointment.-apar]meM»..4^Uoe|ii -c4mpui„AU ShtrttleB'JV-Corner I BKSI^U . « BRi™'""'" ... NEEDED . -; TARRYTOWN .l BedrSam.".Mature paid S65.-474.3447." ' DCADUNE SCHEDULE * Dishwasher ' ' 4/°-3m7. ?408 L.«m single, ShuWe^ poo!, trees, )3kp, plus •liipft Mondoy TftOQ-o^n: CC rlqlt^-$135.' Re^oMM description;, . ROOMMATE NEEDED/ 2 .bbdroom" the Complete Profetsl6fiai;i% uy HxBA"TiMMioy„.lQiDO d.nv Central Air ;* . .iS:——:—L.__ftP*r!meffl,"T"b!6ck* campus. 1)11 bills ^FpLU TIME Typt^J>^§ ' Dnirtdqy Tijisn Wvdnttday.. 10:00 a.m. ^kA^rTAfHUNTER|J 3^47 Fnpfoy Tuen Tfiund<^...qir»Tfb nwrMER-' R t ,--SeTvtC-fi — -J BR FURN MAYFAIR "• —*• Large Pool • . ' located fn the lower level ot Doble Mali-' -fint.hu K^ ^^^-.car&et. dishwasher. MALE-.ROOMMATE» wanted, tb sharn "~r 'RE3WME5—" ~~3 Hablfaf Hunters ha« (/stings on over 15,-disposal, stove, refrigerator. 45w»37. house near park. >/fb SWlmu>luy puoi-­ 000 rented units,-for summer and fall .•^UleU^mi^DI^4L4_2943 withorvVilhoutpichllffSMSsjfiwi 3815 Guadalupe Come by Qt phone ROW and take advan-CAVALIER ARTS: 307' East' SlstlTT jTcn-" ­ -mbwM7^PtsX...^PABTMENts'' . bedrooms; .furnished, pdol, AC, walking 2 Oaiv Service' • * tn lh» «v«nl «f ttton mgdt In on * ' * Shuttle Bus. Corner C"* ^ 1906Peari1906 Pearl "3? Shuttle 4 ^Iks. i -• ta$e -*ef-the onTw no basslo method of HpUS EMAT^. VN E EDED .-T.wff-; apsrtmenthuntlngr^oweMrvel-Dbbie distance to ut. AU Bills Paid, Summer Pease Park. Quiet bedroorm. -Above -472-3210 and A72-7m^ oArtHMminr, fmm«dhe/i.3d rfoy* afl*f poblKatbn." 108 plus E/ campus. Shuttle. Summer rates. 47.7-apafiment. Calf 441-7RJ. 6-"H) p.m. : , $110 • i"fffshwasher, disposal*. £ 52fc. ! SHARE THE.-RENT on unlque South­ 1 Bedroom -. / Colorful Shag Carpet. SOUTH. •-GREGCkflwt-AP.TS. "Large-:spafclous Austin hom'e. Secluded••back yard, creeks. ••CHRtST«ENSdN%; NOW .apartments, walk tocampus/swimm}pg' vaullecTden y perfect, for entertaining} LOW STUDENT RATES El Cjd Apts/< 'Br.,Tikix, ' Cgntral Ai^r SHbfiJE-pool,, lot^-storage/ kitchen appliances. ResponsibleIemaltyooiy.s75-si50.44l-. ASSOCIATESf^ 433-4883 7 ,, ^ • One bedroom sf25^fifficJency $115.. 702 j-r-r* 15 word minimum each-day—-S -75 -Shuttle Bus Corner • RENTING! t • Pool 5691. 472-8920. • ^ •' v A:TYPING SERVir" Each additional word each days .05 APARTM"ENTS—473-2301^45^101 l col.x 1 inch.each day....-^.-....$2.37 ,• Shuttle Bus 3 Blks. -Specializi "Unclassified*" I line 3-days ..sl.00 -'1 ,r9m . /SUMMER RATES NOW1 Six block* own room S90 plus bills. Jjgar 2222 and » V ---->1 Law School; Shuttle-bus-One Balcones. Tdm/Yvbnne. 45h5117. -(Prepaid, No Refunds) -T-bedroqmT^OT.~?£ff»«*«*c^-SUa-_'AC--. -Theses and cnssertatloi Siudentr musT^show Audi for *s— receipts and.pay in advance in T5P V 4 Efficiency,-,2, alid 3 carpet.^ dishwasher, disposal, '.walk*ln; HAPPY FEMALE ROOMMATE want*ef~—'i-SW briefs Bldg.~3.2M (mtii a, WHHiaI fwm 0 • $100/ RETREAT closets; 32nd and lnferregionaU-477'0010 bedroorn~3parfm'ent5.-r^r^t3=2225r— '"Lunj! 'n *ourpiex.-—Terrn papers and-re a.m. to 4:30«p.m. Monday through 4. -*— UnIqueaparimenLwifh private terrace,: Friday./-• Offer the solutrbn to -fireplace. Own-room rent $90: Cat! El Dorado Apts. '--'STUDIO;AP.ARTMEN.T male ^iduate V CharlSseliTpTm. 472-9308. prompt-, Professioi your,housing. ;; • student, ^Kltchenelfe, tup shower, walk* s 472-4893 -BEDRC5DMS? • -ARTS. — tn-clo'set, 7Kah'glna;clfiset, utilities paid/ Service rC»s*-. ShutneBus"Corner " * The? South Shore's 'cenlral location . • 5fiUMle;"5l00r47fi*6380. -—-LIBERA^ FEMALE ROOMMATE, 4400 AVE. A ~ 459-0058 provtries*asy access lo U.T. J. •»"' • : -prefer upper pjos'am individual deck overlook-! , summer HOUSEMAT^ to >hare house,-Own ni5hed. K^-pWs.. Clase-la^LLTx. 476-4307, : wit^cr«flhVwallcoverltigs»-RAHos. Pools, •; • .rates.. ':'•••••28V2.Nueces;j. 47J-6497;•:.••-... .... . ... :-.bpdrcrom, $65/rrionth, bills, nodenoslt -472-3476 r,V-* J Br.-Furn. cabana. On ^huitle,route, minutes frorp Ing thevirater^ • ., ' • . . PdiUv--ttiit i igi"w^lTV^-arT^downtoiKiuElflcien-ONLV SW.50 PLOS ELEC Very nice ef-Small pets. welcome. 3-blocks^shutlie. TYPING —••Reports.Theses, - kifcheh,. fireplace, drapes/ carport, "lra Canada^Apts?: Summer ."_r IW.ti aDj ' All University' 2, BEDROOM, 1 BATH CompreTr • r\»%, lr ?^,HnrT \ ,^lyn-Trrmtafaffr—; J! tnillajjLaji! .A flc. Shuttle-bus. Nonets.-3805 Avenue B/ LA 11 Ueana. *451-7194 ^ 'j..",--"' "SIB9.50 plus bilU-AAature aerson& only. • V7-r*tongmo'. St/ payl&Sr "FoaV ~sundcar SERVICE ' ™ Fr' . . shAg.-.CaW^-S200,^biUfr-pald GrM.1 OdK X£Xlft£kDQRM-1905~Nueces DoubigiT. 444-^757 •• Ourservl^e isfree r-../Ap^rt^gnts. 477-3SB8. • S525076 wks.-session Singles -$9— A A. A y.~ '—JLL—1—•——% -wki—session. Daily rpaid'servlce, cen-30JstocteTe'tSS^e .BURNISHEDie.FF.ICIENCY $125 * PARAGON HARTFORD PLAGE -; aii tr^i air. Refrigerators,-hot pistes allow­ •'> !JAtjri-,1,, ; ; " .,-*~"bTIU1pa'd. $7Sdep9Slt;lblock shuttle. 108 "5€a«Two blocks from campus. Co Ed. neat, ACCURATE and P^mpt .1405 Hartford froad-?63-23?0,. Large'fur-. • West 45lh^ 472-9662-' • • Resident Managers. 447*1760-fegxents per page-. Theses 75 tentsf Auto -For Sale coN;5m. -Ek£2EESnESz ^n»shed one• BSdroom and efficlenc __ _ 1. Bedroom ' '. -•CAJGIl; ahaa carortt; 'fnft 1HNP ppcc»r uiblet. t-aroeone . -T^65-.rvw;.S475.-New-'Hre*r-b«kes f SHOAT WALK TOWER. . _ venerator, . battery.. 2nd engine,' Jn-ON-TOWN LAICE kilcMn. Quiet-amiQsphere, [ust off En-bedroom apartment, shuttle', CA/CH." ..Mill t ||n) tff|fjfi7| ItiKKAu nrnfltJ^, the«s. repor Tahqlew.ooa NofTtT iand "J bedroom fSWnnouse^and flats-—472-4171 field ed. Convenient -toUT, Capital Shut-dishwasher, pool $150 ABP 442-0615 476-8683, 1902-1904 Nueces. £aw. brlefi. Experienced fyoii'tii­ specIWT 47V3053:— all bills -paid': Summer from ,:v*. weekdays. • 7t^hOTr-«Qr(ftM&R-RATe&>---FALL • evenlnttv.— -* *­ lit-1020 E~'45fIT . . „. sUfcTOn snunie bus iour6, flliftwasner^ ..LEASING. » ;1 f • >4n*rytown.-2507: Bfi4je-Pftttt.-tsoi*rr:aiMi|f­ '64 PLYMOUTH 4 dooc. 318; Aufomratic W '452-0060 ^H| disposal, central airr pool, game room., fUH35' wg;«y & gas pald.rSee at'2711-Hemphlll, * i On E. 'Riverside Driye — ' ^ ' ^-..'7 —j... • . • * dissertation*, PR's::etc. Prlntin^i|M5>a«»: -i960 vwwmaowvan.-kKerrtiy overhaot»-NEW j^i.apartment "J, or call 472-44W, 147^3885, , EL CAMPO, 1912 Nueces. Boys private . 8indrng>."Spcci4lty Technical-Chatf ' ed/r Porsche cooler; mechanlcar dis-rooms 535 Dduble $27 50 Kitche* Stark. 453 5218 --— | i FY^ TYPtNG SFPVirP-.., -CLOSE TO CAMPUS APARTMENT-/ ac,-. limited cooking, 12 CO-OP-VACANCIES male/'female. Also plete service from typing -through 19/4 yw DASHER" Automatic, AM/FM, : blocks north of University. $65. W bllls^ vegetarian. Cheapr ContacN Inter--*ding^vaiiable1--* untilinr10 p.m. -Ekpo'F^i] 4.door sedan. Valid warranty 1400miles SPECIAL SUMMER "SHUTTLE BUS • 476-1334 i Cooperative Council. 4760957.a'.1: ed *n all fields. Near campUS: 1401 $140 Drtve 476-3018 2 BLOCKS CAMPUS. 1-2 bedrooms. 702 "SPECIAL SUMMER RATESBest 1957 FORD PICKUP, *k ton. Pdfiicondi." RATES Swimming pool, beautlj.olty West. 24hth, manager apt. B. 2406 Rio-you'll find.jixy » ""«i Vblockuivwk campus.vui(if;u>.Quiet,WUtei, cool,tWUI, ...'wwwj I—---i-i FRANCE5. WOODSTYPINGi i~ niyj 5ERVtC€2^»'­ -turnished_douMe sHidio -Grande. Telephone GR8-6938. • "ciMn; "Comforfffbtor STngrefrooms» experienced, Law, theses- Clean, comforfff&T* ~ STngrer rooms» tion Comersee Lake Austin Blvd or $75/monlh. ABP, mafd serv^e. Also l lotions, ManuKripts; 4S3-6090. : Colorado Apartments MHIQ 427-1772. •Antilles Apfs. WH THEYmST bed, ah harirrutm »njtrlmont tl^imnnlK •)««• . i al .^i-:...» bossl, air and heat,---paid.vOn shuttle,"laroe pooi, }>.>, blotks . . West Hlth. 453-4082 lor appointment"^—*KRBYL'—STVWttWOOD.r^Fypinth^S^ ^4 central -rr 2204&»fleiaRtf,':-WL.' frnm: t IT 3212 Red River. • • • >"•••• . .• —*1 overnight available (fatfa kill CrKwil •Jill Dui'ShMM- manual trans. $400. Good condition CirlL yiS ' '•i from UT LawI School , • • minute pf<* v.i^-shag-carpet, -extta'-'storage J7>.1tn4 i -­ 472 3349. 472-5320 f 19Q6 SAN-GABRIEL. Furnished.roomi. papers, theses, dissertations, • 474-4322 ^ -room. " . • • • . : — Priyale-entrance; bath, refrigerator. Ma»terCharge. BankAm6rlcard^89i«^"w^'l. • ; Shuttle Bps Front Door ' 305'West-35th LONGHAlRS WELCOME. Efficiency: vtajer cooled fan. $75 t6 $80'-0pen 477-^ -07"jr^A "Suler 1 BR-—-2 BR (6 blocRs'from campus) bedroom, kitchen, bath, utllitievAc; en-8168. -. ^ trance, shuttle, buses, carport.456i A»e -.— ••.".••••••• • • • • ••-. .•:• Msnaagr Ant. 106 -y-D. 452-5448! MINN!e'aL^HAMMETT Typing.* " . ij. 1972NORTON INTERSTATE. Excellent ~ LOW PRICED ROOMS niar campus • PupiTcdTTTTgrSe f vfcerThe ^ condition..*! t50. 442-8171. . --S • .453-4364 ""T ..Mlliitma f>n«jt taffons;-oapers 'oi »lf:klnHc S120 7m .FREE-iUNE RENT. No' deposit 9820 Bill, after five Pree reireshmenjs-^y-^I^Oij.-,,;.. WU J'AWA CALIFORNIAN; 350cw'4?00 j Sublease ? bedroom June-Augusr. $160 miles. Excellent running condition. $450 --Pi'rn • Furn. ABP. Call Rlvertfllls'Apartments. 444-JJ1CE HOUSE^Vefy closfliear Henriphlil SQBB YE"DEL"RFIELD/1BM Selei^fep! • ^Park, kitchen privileges,1 'semi-private ,"$120~" 7797 .. )•• -. . P»ua/eii.l(tl25 Kcars experience, • bo0fe£-'-; i? ON TVtE LAKE' ' -iQcnsgturs and/or horses and dpgsTPor \r "v • BockinghanrrSquare ' WILLOW CREEK STUDENT DISCOUNT : lease attraclive unfurnished,homerout--r YES, we do'typ^_^_^ • LEARN TO P-LAY the Guitar, Beginner-side city and 50,minutes frocn'Universi­ -and aAtajpced. Drew-Thom»sonr 478-1961 Willow Creek -r=—-• Por the: three summer-months-. onlyv JY.' J'a .acres wllh trees, wildflowers, • HELP WAMTED Freshman them|^\^|^ 2079 ^ ; . 7ITW. 32nd ~& Town I ft_ke Apartnttnts wil) give a-sut^ 1 r»ostly fenced. House has central heat -v -••-/ vStaijt|ai.reAt discounrioUTstudeals:-On and .«ir,, three bedroomv two baths, . 12 STRING ELECTRtC Guitar.plus ' 454-4917 --444-0010 .. sfifttyrpanetied :1j.yJogqwji wllh-great--. ^VVhy not start out wflhlr' . ^. ....Town-Lak^^cabie, .all. bills paid. dis-v .0R"IVERSvHELPER .wirk hours 2am-­ , case.$725 or best offeh*M59-9932 affer six. ——posal," telephone jacks. ./aufldryTf stone-fireplace, modern kitT len^uiliity » noon,. Mond#y;*:yvedh»i«ayr 8? Friday^ _good graces.1. 'S?p fagiiii«s,xiub~^oom7wf;-peisrspacious LmIT^^«^HC6» ba kiSQLCh-/^odflrn^ Job to begin June .TO. Continues" year Uilly*eQUlpp09. >tWO bedroom Air ..muni1 innlwin A«,,»ti-Lue n r.ttt.i mm. om mn. Misc. -Fp/Sale i d-,r«« • -hl K K a,r-«" rDm^Apply'of,i«82< " "3^" "WHILb IREY~GASTr Tedriom .I.. w"' l?l" Street downstairs WyKdW -"472-3210 and 4?2-7677^/^. i LfOP-CASH"prices ^aid for diamonds; is-' :...;; Lease nqw^make thts-a great.summer. • ^Available Augusf. 1. AppointmenVohly Id gojd. CapUof.Plamond Sh0p, 4OJ8-N-.--$120-/ AAOVE IN TODAY " J500 Bast .Riverside, '444-1458,-444>3750-^ ,.\ • •/?t Vamar, 45^-6877.:-„ • ^6jM PFR HOUR. ThQ Movie Star Is in* ' erfyiewjhg for dancers, Apply fn person 1 BR Furn 1*3, 1602 3oq Jacihto.-• -. 2>.GOLD CUSHION .^oodei) dTnlng": . 'SUW^ER,SMBl^Ti-2804^eftaiJBLu.3. "^'e1^!:1,'^^^^'1" AAA-R K-P^APT^r-'1 BR 2 BR KENRAYv . bedroomsv2bathS/.unfurnlshedTjunejO"-"^^-ORAL DESIGNER.: Exberienced SERVICES . ,. -A PSAPTAAP'MIA RTMF'NT-S-> '• v.'iCXASSlCS ILLUSTRATED Comics 1v/3100 Speedway ;collection-Must sell. Many old valuable* J 477-1685 120 v v -2122 HancdcK Dr/' I FNT TVF^I-'sT Mnc* tyf** In -r«dJhonsr Bssrertrfvl covers..Good invest-**k, ^60 1 wpm.»F|exible hour^VApily/Jj^aOa^ ment, 472-5397: • • , ^SHUTTLE 8USCORNER^ Furn. .3 BR .Next to Americana Theatre, walking m y^'Must sell $95 |478 5995 . washateria in cornplex^See owners/Apt .4 peaceful.days a»weck. Thursdfty/Frf-­ -1 Bedroom FURN"ISHEC oa/ afternoons. Saturday, Sunday ari J; 42 HnhiP AAall i4i:,HHP-35 CALCULATORS $190-1968 UNFURNISHED 113V cat) 451-4848 ^ f _/_ COOP VACANCIES male/femalD ***"—Vnmmlsslon. p*|d dally, 476--f-^^^ _: /V'd!!-476-' .Chevalle> $700;Schwtnn Varsity lQ-speed vegefanan Cheapf Contact infer-30^J«53 1508, 4»-276? —^ree-Pjark-inn :8riefC9^;SjUC«IU77-ei07 or. EFFICIENCIES Sl0a—„ Cooperaifve Council 476-4957. *, ^ ,1 476 9312 7—-^ HALLMARK--sV-s ir-rXBEDROOM smootr? ••£££——— PA?J enxptoyee for. truckr?#&pf ••. 7 &'.m. -10p m; M-F .i ALL' BfGLS PA^D • .^E.6*:RENT.for female student in ek-w«$hlng operation.. Afternoons, Safur . . 9 a.m. -5 p m Sat •&VS "4^2 BEDROOM $375.00 chango for help With housework, driving," "®aV>' and-Sundays.-441-4148---y-.v^T'-. . . r. °- APTSt .Dishwasher; dlsposalr6 JolocKs 472 5M1 (or information ' 1 ' ~ —* .. GINSENG ^xa _nile Tu*ary~ Ifl Da ttP^C 0mjr^y, FQ;!];fieng, Golu-lLw,J}4th >-* apartments. MSnorakcy . Wawthorne, Berry..Hyssop, Myrr-Gum 454-6294 474-17t2, MP-Apply ii) personSal i/B/MW:30 tut "UHifm-MS WV 51I -• 'Ko^a, SarsasparJIJa, flu. help, liltch^n help, barlenderv bar^ep^^tlj^^""^, «nd *Capslcum^^ 'are 'cermbined+wlth^' sfAv.eir"^ ft, 00 til 5 Qu 82.00^,-?—-^ :,..»v-.naturai: YUamiris and Minerals ih onev^1-• ..... Shuttle Bus Front Door " '2919 Wes ' UNF. APARTS. . .hour. . : ' WI>t*-^0M6OMS to toa'tti ^fec^refullyb&lancedformula. Also.rtom-WALKING DISTANCE UT; ' • card sevpts.'453-96M.­ 5;-' 8«sftx-M"* Wrth.y.i»n^w.e.-... bills paid, AC,-paneled,-± The Great Gatsby Product or sponsoredt-di^trlbytorships. m _ OLD mAIN <'r.*r Anderson Lane In'Ttr-• SUMM€Rv-FUN'tor yi Da prwat«' JOSEPH 1 BRTURNISHED^fe.t-.Z/^r^SUMMER r^--v. „ LACKSTONE • iacKyard^qar^rt^.H00_-a45J(!83/ On'display at -Highland MSfP K,SW --'564.50/month r."btJXOR"Y . DUPLEX:7rgraduate ^couple, "3" rqraquaje/coupie- ApMtmenHlvfng »/*itttock from Campus;... only,-; AC,. firejslac& olshWasheiu 476­Xanoe sate thro Sati-1 r_ •only,^; AC, fireplace,; dlt ' '" MEN.SHO M«»pii SHUTTLE BUS i"HrK !• ^ great Universityxompleyes-j /v' -individual-Applicants matched-.with-.--.5886, 476<47l6,.siran»sky: %"-<>»• • ' THE---r? ed River L 476-5631 f'\£i.$AlLBOAT -" PONCE d6 LE b Taking appliGatiGns fO"r~sale§ A PARAGON°RRbPERTY -MARK V. MISCELLANEOUS MS/mae. ^ %"£ T'-THREE-GR6AT-BUILDINGS -r1 East RWer ide vs. f ^ 442 5900'—.* > APTS. /Kff «•••,•: 3001-.-3007 trTpmiNfe-i •3914-AVE. D. _ 453-108^—" DUVALCOULEGe 5,\ triS PEPPER TREE RT APARTMENTS -GET HIGH Ttf^c « G FurhHh ^ Etf!c;enty -5o,TImer Rfite#-1--—ii_ -FIV.E G1?EAT BUILDINGS.^: Misc.-ForJS'ale-11 1 pool; -•ONHOX cable TV Resla&frr rfmnagery-r> m-100°°-™ *265}° 474-5347^^3001 af^A^affment-f tss-" JPOT-TERY CLASSES: f:7if^Ef-iioet3cie5,-^LaiX^ tV1"" 472g8of 8 SeS , , \ » huge walk.irj closets . -n, now -n* •>? *-fauglft By Bob and Debbffe Wright^' W0OI. 472-8941 >: '<"en'Y"! P»rKino X, > _1 t ' 1 ' vVr ?7t , Oc '•qpiet fr congenial atmosphere. -. , M'aiufe' gradua'tfe sUJdent or person wSeE ­ . CJassos-jnoot Wednesday,' 7.-9 o.m.— Pdi. Iiiff 2200 san habriei » 472-8941 -^'°8 ^ _ H­"^~and 5aturdly; T-4 p.rn: —pt i,b04 e7 34li> .. /— '^ — i^msi ^-handwri,tin^^uT^^lAFwW-bfer:k6Pt--oaB.^ -8 weeks VS45 -Payable-at ' 1..-TAU$TI"N . 454-0047 fIU^iilicjl;-^iia yiiij Wnirtig con't'acfodsfgrMf ntefview; $©nd resume--tO "P.0^.,Box^D-' IM'?7W 1 —^ -1900 Barton Springs Ptoad :4~-r nv 4 -1-' k n — iZxrz:\ ITL " ' 474-2200"' " p-r. PT V, 404,.w, 35th. 4S4f3259 afters^ eiTdirtl 58-1891 &ZM tid^-manggpASZ-4944^ , University summer students and"'Austin Needles Mountains of Colorado is scheduled" By RODOLFO RESENDEZ^-etT^ail prices. , '• "^rBtimphrey&.-whahas lea,previous center.out-iiiS ; SSfe . JR--"TBe. profits are used for • ^lMsessinclude^frptsgraphy, ^vercas^^.in^^liMtBe.-guide. Tileorientation session^ " Texan Staff Writer, '0-the mmates' benefits",'' Frank ; -pegirinyig arTd iriternfediate astronomy, weav^-begins June 14, so interested hikers" should*"~ ,1—r—^-The-dispute between-the—saicL."_ , lL_-c­ •lng-and aqaanum mairttenance for adults,and ^register before.-thi's date '•.state sales tax -division-and rv^So -f arf(& refr-igera tOT-,;-1 :Tw.other adult photography courses are^J^~-4t»e Travis County Jail Com--freezer #hd heating cart have mpary concerningj the jail's been-, purchased .from the : and a Zone System */ failure to pay or.possess'a profits 'obtained from the'"­ _ ~ d PI u11Ls uUI 1 sales taa. pei mil iMfa-linca conimiGhar^ -Sp? i -daZ.„ . -, " Union photography classes, wTlrtsanrottir-^^ settled „ Frank afUl ed that *,'"'n -.:R«gfetratib$ -.for*tfie?j^iciaSses is at the , S? --!V: ??° V0-, ^fe^Fs|jrogramr^vTirgtural-SciericrCeinter, 401' Deep E&iy Ave' "We. have paid back taxes watermelons anflj' turkeys .alrea^JrSjn^a^aBiiiasiieen ?emd-to inmaiasCatso^have ft':; completed By th&"state,ta—been purcfcaseS^r'orff"UKr 'k w •+,<,? Sheriff Raymond Frank said profits . "* jp-fiKSf' •Wednesday. , • Electrkf plugsalso have' The commissary owed the been purchased from com-, state a.total of $147.62 mbac.k missary; profits and are being- State and -city. taxes-~ ;• " ^ •••• : -i • j'-' T«on Staff Photo by Marlon Taylor. . ?flarch .31, 1974. : ' increase commissary -prices* =• TneTon^ Students T; Frank -apparently was un-Frank saidHhS original . •The perpetual formation ofHines into theC^Op^booiTdep^tment JigntflTthe begin­ •aware, that~lhe eommiss^y' on iterns-will be* lowered to } jfher wordfor your pT vbc^Olary: 7" >ing of a new semester. Although somewhat shorter than foil and spring lines,in the had to collect any sales tax. make up for the added ta*.lfi 1 summer heat, the line teems endless as always. _ • " ."We were never, told about-?.*«» <•...-••• ; ss v •* .collecting sales tax byihe out­ &4*ii -going shen££fV-T.'0;:-Lang," Aid Plan Enacted Frank~said t- MIRANDA STUDIO rf To • Frank's knowledge the By WILLARD HALL"; r|.« -••sales tax also was neglectea^n Texan Staff Writer'; by the outgoing sheriff j, About .100 out'of l"D00"ma'Vn^7Mexican-America^liigh'~ IIPASSPORTS H -The comptroller ha$ school applicants have been. Offered -at least" ?r»00-a-year ' L_ audited , the booJtSi and they ~ sefiolarships to"attend the Driiv^rsjty; ; " f. : » wmm i| ^ are iiow ui^er-his^ controU' -JJie_^holarshiDs; offered to trip'minririty prarinatoc from ..RESUME' SSf®SpoRTRAIT \eac'tus (kak'tus)., n. ; pl. cacti (-tl) (1) A Frank said. • tliroyghout Texas,-came*! from the $400,000 set aside by the comprehensive yearbtjoirof^rhe Univer^-•' • ; He said a report will besub-; University System Board of Regents for minority recruitment ,» sity of Texas at Austin featuringT5sues °AY SERVICE niltted-every 90 days,to thef pv^er a four-year period • •-' ' ' of the year irivblpng thetotal student ex-­ ^ CORNER Oe ?tate comptroller,s office. \ ' ;l'Dependmg.upon-need; additional money has beei "offered.to " . Frank defined. the .com-recipients of scholarthips. ^ >4/6-0040 SAANNr«TH° perrence. RequifeS oiily a niatk un Llitr missary as a . retail store-Regent Frank C. Erwin anri.Qiincea the schotarship jjlan ias't -OptionalJ^eCard at Freshman registra­ j,^whg.r« jail inrjiates can buy January in testimony before;tJfte Ekfucatioiv Committee of the ; tion. (2). Any plant having fleshy stems toothpaste* -and -otherConstitutional Convention. A special task force was appointed'-andXorijranehes with thorns insteadioi: •f r-t toiletries, as well as •snack"..bff the refreliLs,to hanrilp rhp p^r-im — F leaves. Requires little•,moisture • and-' * -• ­ atnHegal. : A membeFof tbat task force,said,jibeverSP-cmnnttties-wiifr "heavy-direct sunlight. "_ J' n ""—J5"Ji . . continue aftgr the task,force'fias dissolved to aid stnrierits with ­ -~He ; expiaiHed~these^itef»s—speciaLoroblems."• i '••••• uy'1' "are bought whoiesatejand sold; To qualifyjor thq'scholarshiosTmmojTt^ir^i^-TnTTiif^n^p— !Sfqrt Ybor Cach j'. ^ 1 / . .. prt jpk flyftfl entering colrfKe for the first time- ' ROCK The Br^ckenridge Park system, "which follows-Waller Creek from the University TONIGHT i.ner V area to 1'own Lake, shsnWIje­ ".'near completion by next Tonite fh t PLUM NELLY DOORS OPEN 4-strmmef: ; ' "HAPPY~HOUlir8-9 / ^-by Markin^Your OPTIQNAL FE^jCARD —tedn M.._Lurie, executive FRIDAY , director of Ibe Austin Urban Renewal Agency,, saiid When Vou Preregister" GREEZY WHEELS iT«i Withinlz to 15mpnths it will 914 N. LAMAR 477-3783 be*in pretty .good shape."The • /07 Bee Coves |Rd. s 2^ 327-9016 You wjj[l be billed with your-fees for the fall! agency, approved -more than W'M •" •' —K. ^irt. $500,000 m bids foh the park: 1 1 . -I"TI Wiikas^h-nrtrf 'if* I Assoclates> the architectural engineer? of,the project, said ——1— the nark will extend.frorn 10th 3THE PUB "I 1411 LAVACA -6 472-7315 Presents ~ I Gtreet_to-^5^uStreefett;wtii _ ':W ' i* contain hike anU 6ike trails, TONIGHT restroom facilities and DON SANDERS 4 SympTiohy Square. " ... AND SymphorijrS^uare includes . JIMAAY^JQj^SpN • an "amphitheater,-restaurant f i BRING TrtISAD .T­ and restored New .'Orleans FOR » OFF SECOND STEAK DINNER-| RY COODER pietition. .:. • •* ; THE DAILY TEXAN ,£Q PLACE A ,w TWO SHOWS NITELY i---. SIuJeiil-t^^wspapef-at-XheJUmveisil^oLyexas af Austin ' TEXAN 15s BEER & HAPPY HOUR PRICES 7-9 " iHH-A Qaily Specials CtASStRED-AB ?€' ctCALL 471-524W THURSDAYS Some people are never satistiec I— V£!fis.>iV >~t?f SpTBSCRtPTtGNRATEir TUTORING S5%-.\Tv> i HAPPY I gfe&nii F RENCH^^TUTORINb. All IcvbU^"' Rcaionable rotes. Call 452-7905 THE DAILY TEXAN LOST & FOUND 7 ALL NITE. I S25 REWARD.for flMrng NOTEBOOK* S v?A A I '•-Milt-PICK-UP STANDS lost In Uaton Lobby Friday. Uoftt bro^n,' ­ -k>afl4booK^tlilc4.rPv I^ZL~j'ggri.wa»her'a. dryer[i\7i 45^ZIQ4t 1 I ,tjm Fall or Spring " $ 8.00 $1.65s $ 6.0(5 I BLARE ^ . Acouitlc atmp. 60p^'_ ipks 477-1848 ^ \ ,l_ • .WcIQht lifting sel/cheaj) 453 80)4. „ WRBrnblorGoodBosfOflor 474-"8P-<6-THE BUCKET V 23rd mut PEARL \Wi I Fall and Spring $i^9OH-$3.30-$11.00 ACROSS FROM HARDIN WORTH-3 HRt. FRIt MARKING .'. r­ FreeKlVtenj.476-9312-. SWT, I If I r , -• I§?-Z\VNfCl-COLUMBIA PICTURES I TEXAS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS I-~ .>,1 V --- tJSZ „ -« Presents • ; -I »BBS Production • P.O. BOX D, AUSTIN, TX. 78712" ^ fl 1 . 0 JACKS ^ ^ -.. _ -.V , i "(41 • ' ^ NICHOLSON I Please enter my^bsenptron to THE DAILY TB3EAN" I */^5nctal . * I •'Ma.1"Selection r- ' NcwYork 1 Enclosed i$ mv check3 for % — „ , ' Edinhutg )--• I L'ns*. N»amp t \ y ^ ^-Jl pwmsY j ADDRESS r riTY -STATE -ZIP IN ZILKER PARK tAST Ot.BARTON SPRINGS i _ J ^™*pityi>y.AtyHI£Nje)/lC£ • = ,.1 i, TP" Sivybf BOB RAFELSqN#*)AQftl{N JOSfCE I 1 ' » f WEpHSLSR • :'jVwE'REOPE^WEEKDAY$TOO!J —^•-t'^'n.miiK^r ^ERfSQHNEI0Efi Dtiiend^r6OB'PAF-SliSQS['U PtedSft fili^oTthe coupon above^ITnaifwifhyour remUtanceto the -4. i.j i * --r~ -'tj jr'tscSP5^,^sTQ^4Rl-^s^gj,-; " VOr you may conie.by the TSlP Building, 25th and Whitis;"RQOTTrX^6/^'iOhda>r through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30>!ik and $tdrt WEEKDAYS -i-JJt, Reservation*;^fl*2534 .. . . jj^June Z-8 ^NSET -•*>> •vipz^h. -SUN5I) " •Zgf'MP' W#­I^U? " -p sm 'fc mm­ $8f v * SlSSS-: r~ •$i®y &•-••,"=%-. —i,,';-.: '• . —"'-"V , ,>*" *> -, '",; E®SSg^i^gS^»fi i*A-V -* -O' ST fejv "f ) ' 4 -"** •*"& J YW/fc .* < 7 * • «•;, T,*W ?'% l.-.'S&nASt,' Ms sss» A.** r _, .* *. -* *"£ «S! " '.; "U '•*»• ..!•*< *, $8$$* * W . -MOI\l..THRU;FR «M' fHH JESS I^ * *•; •JUw f*t *fr­ ?=f CLASStPI£DADVERTISING Ull • FURN. APARTS. M FURN. APARTS. FURN £0A-T<: TWf«— . * 1 ! • ** *1 t •"• • -M m TYPiNG ?5 tfrcrd minimum -:-•>'-," ••• •• Each "word one lime .*v ,. s _1Q l^„9f«Sefl£?°j[""rp?fi,; or AREA,26earoomv3 tjalhs, CA^e«r---i,fc t -Mr,r+h__rjvf'h *..$ .09 fiachnieiflrd. Hjfifts r«»* , $10Q_ ,m«n., laundry JUSt Ot vxStrsr^g CA/CH, carpeKxl, 'dlshwaisher, and facilities, pool, utilities, NOMP rt+ IJTR ^juyvMt>ttr^^K.i„v. %jcawal -SE^SIIAWAER:.: FALL EF(=LCIE-NCieS.-smoo MARK XXM Each wortfTO or mere trmei-.rir^os^.f ?BP'IITOCAA^Sf9 -™0M*,e 4"-iWa-"7tf8'l Guadalupe^ ' •I,BEDBOOM.->130.00 Studentrate each time..:;.—i-.-S. .75 Tftssiiiefl D^piay • / . Upper Classmen choice selectionIand 2 RUMUUA4<^>^4fi ATE • needSToommate bedroom units;nicely furnished, walk to TahgTewbod .. _. EssscK^asr.. _ 1 col. x T met* ooe ffm6T~.i,-,.„,$2v?6— ALL blULiPAID bedroom Windows wmss 1 col. x linch 2-9 times.$2.64 • -campus frpm $130.to'4145-plus glectrld-y~; apartment. -near campuCWpT<7PTO?fc?'Sre»73Bg*»"' 6 BLOCKS CAMPUb :plants:.»40. 47A-3462, 476<8683;:t90M9(M 1col. x 1inch tenor more tlme«$2j7 ^^Anfiex ty. 1907 SanGabriel & 2802 WhftisrM&d. Special SiOaeflt Ftate POOL, SHOTTterBUS ROUTE ~ -•Nueces^ —; t-;­ ^ parKing,. summer rates, not shown. 453 ^ROOMMATE NEEDED^ 1 bedroom 47BJ874 KUtfMM'ATE i=URNJS.HEO -IP MBA ' ;?«=-3J35for appointment.:. apartment 6 blocks campus. AH-tollls- Shut Me 8usCorner • J,0R sm 2 BR 5140^ NEEOEO \TAHlRYTOWM I Bedroorti*.,,Mature paid $65 476 3467 ' J T^ptngj-MuHilithipgn'B^d^fl^v v V OC^OUNE SCHCOOlE 476-3447 . ' .24MLeon single. Shuttle, pool, trees.', lake# plus HT ,7, *13_iyhvyasher — The Complete Profes8fo$[f -hftday l*um_MBf>May t Q-,00 o.m. electric»t?:.si35 Recorded description ROOMMATE NEEDED, 2 bedraom., TI..C T VfodciMdav.Taian Tuesday-'*. IOTOO o.m.' -472-86ft2r-'­ _ ' -*_ Central Air-. -* ~ _6 blocks campus; all bills »;-• FULL-TlAAE.T.ypinftW^ Thyfijiy Tirnn W>JwtAiY..!0:00 T^RNY ihpjffSrT-jervrce" SUWWER-.RATET!—N»w-GNTFLCNTTEI7T— Service.. BR FURN-•--located in the lower level of , MAI C FTFYMIN/RFTTC wfiyititf **(-^HARF RFSIIMFS ;"/TOYFAJR La^ae_Pool_ Habitat,Hunters has listings onover 15,-hoiiso^ear park. Pree swimming poo|A.^<'; • • . . . -i t-s-.v ' Timbers Apts. refiled Units, lor summer and fall. Quiet.person7TJTCK 454-2943.: • ; r -With or WithoutpiCtUg| APARTMENTS —3815 Guadalupfcs^-Come by or pHone now'and f»k; adiinl CAVALIE* APTS 307 Eait 31it 2 111, 472-2627 •--*i ^h4lt+tp d Rlkc t#9»cf the only no hassle melhod of bedroo/ps, furnished, pool, AC, walking HOU S£AAATP MPpy*•'•' • »2»"OAY SerVICE $ss ^AaaOl^|i^mmrL-_Mdf«ims ^bove,Pease^flrJt.-.-.flulet; •-.:472r3210' and 47247iJP v "In |L aullJBfllcL.Summec bedro DdvtriiMiMiil, fmmidwt*Mtm mwilb* D°°S OK m StU""e _ 478-7833-454-3953 -••••:',-•• •• 45i-5093l-Suite 8-A*., ' - ai]4Jjp_Call 472-7611 I's'l^su1? ' " JJ07 HumphUI PVtCkJ^i §€>, 9iv*n otlK« publbtorfor* rnponwbt* for -,U7<*;-;•• Phone <74-1532 only ONC huotftliqstrtion. Alldalmi fw. • 2 bedroom, -2 :bath.^ All-Bills :s— , ' PLEUR DE LtS. <104 East 30th. Ma>ufe' ^utim«nl«'i)i«M->bt moti« «Mt. lat*( M students'. uovelV'one bedrooms .Walk to <­ MALE ROOMMATE to share great-' than 30 doy% aftupublmliMt." -5108 plus B campus. Shuttle. Summer rates. -477-' apartment. Call 441-7W1: M-pxt}' Paid. $2007ononth^Pool, cable, .. .dishwasher^ disposal. . ;-S282.,V .. •• -z" $'1110... < C_ __ R k ~~ 1 Bedroom , ' y -'—• — #^-4 G!Rt£GbRV APTST" Carge^aclous"' SHARE THE -RENT. on.unique Sduth* • Colorful Shag Carpet SOUTH _ Austin home;Secluded boc;yard, creek, "CHRISTENSON NOW vaulted-dcn » perfect for entertaining? apaWmeots.yValk to campusrtwlmmlng" -LOW STUDENT RATES SHORE Responsible females ooiV-S75 • V150.441-• El Crd Apts.-•.Central Air l> < pool, ^tots .storage,-kitchen-appliances. ASSOCIATES . 453-4883 . One bedroom $125,.^ efficiency $115. 702 15 word rrimimum each day ....$A75--Shuttle BusCorner' Jrh RENTING!^ '£-S 5691. \ 472-8920 • " -. ^ ~'i TYPING SERVEach additional word each days .05 • Pflol vWe>t 25th.478-2301, *45l-8t0t. •• • •'- ;APARTMENT=S 1 col. xIinch each day...;.../...$2.37 • Shuttle Bus 3 ESIks.:^" SHAR^J-UXURIOUS secluded house;'1-Specializing irt "Unclassified!" I tine 3 tfays .IS).00 4 own room $90 plus bills. Near £222 and. : • •—*%& • •• -" • 7--. ;SUMMER-RATE5 NOW} -Six blocks­ ' .tiK from Law School; Shuttle tnis. On6 „ Balcones. Tom/Yvonne. 451-6)37. • —Thesesiand dissertatlijjStudepts must7 shoWAvdftbr'y {Prepaid. No Refunds)."••• V-!t& -i -* " .. v, bedrooip $130. Efficiency $110. ACy v • : -fctticiency, I//' 2/ -artd -3 carpet,* dishwasher, disposal, walMn —Law briefs HAPPY FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted BWg. 3,200 C25th & WhitfsJ from 8 •S-W0--Z ^RETREAT ^ bedr.oom apartments. -^^dand^*rr^lon!'-™, to share beautiful 2-1 unit in tourplex. • —Terpi papers arid repi Frid ^° 4 ^ p"m" "Monday 'through -1 BR FURN Unique apartment with private terrace,flreplacev Own room rent. $90. Calr­ !;4;v vlMrrhniiJnn°'U''0n " STUDIO APARTMENT mala graduate -.Chafisie 6-8 p.m. 472-9308. Prompt; Professiol El Dorado Aptsi ' your nou^mg. v Student."Kitchenette, tile s"hower( walk' APTS. BEDROOM'S? •' 472-4893 ' ~ ' Iin closet.'hanging closet, utifities paid-LIBERAL: FEMALE ROOMMATE, Service The South Shore's • central location 4400'AVE-. A . 459-0058, prbtf, chocofate -brown or green shSg carpetingraccent;wall, modern-fur­shuttJe, great location. ABP, summer • Ajpp|ia"ncesr-Water-^nd -dratpecy.. fur--$150' •n--witlvbrrgh.wallcoverings.,Patios,:Pools;. niture, plusan individualdeck overlook* HOUSEMATE to. share .house. Own . rates.-28T2 Nueccs. 472-6497. 472-3476. Small pels wolcomfr.-3. blocks shuttle* : Wished: No pets'. Close to UT., 476-4307; t •t) Br.Purn. cabana-On stjuttTe rouTe," (Vil!liutes"f/'om-^r^ ing-the Vf^ter.- bedroom,.$65/month, ^bills, nodeposit- Afi Bids Pat«f-the Ur?ivers»ty and downtown. Efficien-- ONLV S9».50 PLUS ELEC,-V«rV nice st-TYPING Rcports-RejuiD«i^,MfMh' -,-Catl>Deana. 45W194. s, : ytfE RENT aies, l, 2c and.3:bdrs. alsft.availabler-.••••••• fic. Shuttle bus Novels 3805 Avenue B. E Tnescs> Letters'"^, From S145 — alt bills paid ­ "La Caflada Apts.l Summer rates •, ^ 459-8564;./.:'.:. ' AH Universlty«iSj^V^^ft^Eyf *""* ,Crto JOO^ast RiversiderDnve—: .bus1aess.wor.fc.C $189.50 plus'bills. ./V^ature^persons oal)t> 472-1598 AUSTIN R LOCATION LOCATION-LOCATION. JList Mi^utjicSer*Ica­Call CSthy, 4W-9482. "•ShoHte-Be^Cotiiee^. -Lu*ui:ious 2-2. Stock Law School. LrB.J, Y, Open fcSNMon T?iA j-i*s — -—.444J33Z, ROOMS —4A/OOOSl£iE__. _• Library^ -St. David's. i*ool, sundeck, " Oak TEXAN DORM. 1905 NuCtMT Doubles' •.•. 2220 Willowcreek OrWe ^.. ~r¥t?or turie isqvaluabJe SERVICE—?iFrl Sal-.fei."!. ' ­ v *444 6757 ^Our service'is free 132:5®;*' iC5HOn:-5iny^—S9$,00/^ .IT^-QOIA­wks; session. Dally maid service, cen ^ FOR SALE -"PARAGON HARTFORD-PbAee^ •jFURNISHEa EFFICIENCY S125: All -trai^air..Refrigerators, hoi plates allow bills paid:S75_depusit. 1bUxk shuttle.108 ed, Twer blocks from campus. Co-Ed NEAT ACCURATE andprompt fyW®^" X. IMS CONSUL, ' 140S Hartford Road; 263-2390, Largtfur-West 4Stlf?"4>r«»2. -Resident Managers. 447-1760- ;.. ' ^cents^r paw Theses 75 cent, Auto -For bale PPrtPPpTIF^ nished one bedroom and efficfencV' imenls. CAof, .tyU­ -Vw. Wi. * New.tlTesr b> okt'Jr-1 Bedroom -^,F_!1S.n.' 5uJef PREE summer sublet.'Larae-one SHORT WALK TOWER Large old -generator, hatt<»ry.-;2hiLienqlne, -ON TaWN LAKE . atmosphere, just off En-bedroom< apartmentr shuttle, CA/CH, "rfrom;. W-$»0, ulthltes paid:" 76 3462.,-DISSFRTATtbh}^j th^set. reportS^ aptfi. speereo. TangIPwpnrl 2 and 3 bedroom :towrtfiouse a"rTd' H'4"fr" 472=41J1 dtsb^ashec -pool.. $150 ABP>442-0815-476-8683. ;1902-1904.Nueces. ra.W. briets. Experienced.^iypist*--: ~ffftTTH^?80 aH bl524 between. 10:00:, I'ls 1 452-0060 , disposal, central air. pool,-game room-~sior-iTis. > Bedrsoiio apai iih^TTrpuuif1 •~PriYntrrhTithrhifchenprlvilrgri rUlhjllf-" Call 444-341U or come by 1201 Tinnin 472-4175 Ford ftoad. Apt. >13: Turn Ea^t off IH35-: and 6:00.. 1 • • . ShUttte BusCorner >. very near;UT, carpeted, paneled, AC* paId,477 7524, 453 3537 ^ / -SlAK TYPING. :v> water & gas paid: Seeat 2711 Hemphill, d»«9rtatmo$,A.BR's*. efc Prlrtlina^i : ~N9SFFVV7WLN36WV5R; RECENTTYOVERHSUL^-Tr-apartment-=J, or-call 472-4408^-47B-aa85^ EL CAMPO, *1912 Nueces.:Boys prjvate Binding, Specialty-Technical..' on E.-Riverside Drive. NEW ~ ~ „ ed, Porsche pooler, mechanjcai rfjs-327 1355 rooms $35.-Double 527.50. Kitchen * Starkr453-5218r tribUtor;_FM stereo. 472-1697," 47W523, -EFFI€I-EN€+ES­ privileges. 459-7436; 477-8486­-•$650. • ... -•P RIV AIb^--^•T=FiC'IEI4CY • HOLLEV'S TYPING SERVICE A \ f 1 CO^P VACANCIES male/female. Also iiielt,' tiifvm tfoin lyumu ihiuuuiuMte.: CLOSE TO CAMPUS-^'APARTMENT, ac^'lfmlted codktng,"I2: .... „ —L —l57i.VW_DASHER. AulomAtlc AM/FM^ ^blocks north of University, $65, >A bills. . vegetarian/ Cheabi Contact iritM* ding. Available until l0p.m:Exp< (ilnn At/^IIAhlA kinfll in r> m"C-f > >4 doors«dan/ Validwarranty. 1400miles. ~ -S-P-E-G-Wrh S U NKM'ER SHUTTLE BUS •U7W334. ... " " " "57(: -'edJn airfields. Near campus;1401 'Cooperative.Council;476-195^a v 454'6297/476-3691. ___ ~ $]40 -Drlvt* 47A.M1B' ^ . " ' •: V • . . » ' i S ... .. -? BLOCKS CAMPUS,:1-2 bedrooms. 702 SPECIAL SUMMER ~RATE5r~Best :. -1957,FORO.PICKUP, %Llon^ Good condi* . 2 BR Furn RATES, Swimming -iJool, beautifully -west 24V5th, mannjer apt., a. 24« RIO; you'll ftnd: 1 block campus. Qulef, cool, FRANCES WOODS TYPINGSERW^ tlort. Come, see Lake Austin Blvd. --ALLILLS PAID furnished^ double or "studio Orandc. Telephone &R^IS938^. : clean, -com/ortable. Single rooms', Experienced) -Law, Theses, Qttkn Colorado Apartments M-103. 472-1772. $75/momh. ASP, maid servtte. Alsd I : talions, Manuscripts; 453-6090.. bed, all have dishwasher,.'als­ -Antilles Apts. ^ . WH.ILE THEY, LAST ~~ .. LAJfGE 2.B^R00M;"7 bafBTaJI bills bftTroooi •aptarfmew^5>8SJ*momtr.-T205­FORD" CUSTOM, 1967. six cylinders* . posai, certtral air and heat, paid. On siM|»e. targe pool, IV} bfpeks" -West 20th. 453-4082 for appolntmeht MAB-Y.L ; SMALLWOOD TyplngT.^fife . 2204 Ehfield Rd manual trans. $J00. Good co^dition.Call shag-carped extra storage from UTrtXw School. 3^12 Red. River a* minute;.•overnight ayaliable; ,^ertft<: 472-3349.1 472-5320 1906 SAN;GABRIEL. Furnished.rooms*_-. papers, theses, disseritaliOrii.. |ftterW^s '• ." 474-4322 -• • 1 Bntr^ni-n, bath, refrigerator, „room. . »»-•»« MasferCharg ruotrmccccnditicm. MSO-' IylI KWfl, Furn. ::ABP, Call Rivefhllis Aparin^nts. 444-NICE HOUSE; ve^y close neap HempBll) BOBBYE DELAFIELD IBftft SelBCtrj# or best otter 4?l-7412r»sr.3s0——— — -• f -=$+00— $1-1-0-7797 * -Pirk, kitchen privileges,* semi-private -,^pica< elite, 25 years experience, be ' ! tni wi>H •-•fdUser-Ja tlon.rtheses; Yaooj . TBWFurn ~^^m»meogr«phing^44Z-7«iIiciAiJ2S ^s«UMME*R7«ATES: i -Stereo -For Sale -Tanglewood West . :-«CHN6IOS«.^^MIU_.. NIKON F85 cornpartmenrcase, black 472-9614 '• tral air, maid'Service, Kitchen, corcdti^^^Servlceiy.Gradueje-antf underawictoAnRy'^ -, , t •j.1. ShytjI^Bj^s Corner ;.r ALL BILLS PAID sOmmer rales 472-3684, 476 255K .typing printing, famdlnfl 15T5--iKo^ftfo^ WZ'~,mm-rnnrtWrrrj, p'U Call 47J­ * TT827^-^ -. „ ^ ( r — One bedroom, large, closets, » --; Lane 45«-720y ^Z|-fi., fully carpeted/-cable, diST-* UNF. HOUSES SONY HP-15J5, turntable-amplifier com­ .posar, water, gas, swirrnning Jus+ Northv of 27thfl ^ ---^Inaiion-iAafid .three .months,: 1m- -,Hurry.! Hurry?~~~ pool, -furnistiea.vWalkina dis-'-— FURN. HOUSES ^$85-474-^ tance~fo UTr NePcRjldrert-or— -4WT. Must self.. Guacfalupe ~THIS WEE^K ONLYI 3)vn.'—».uflT.* . pets. 610 West 30th. 477-8858. : Musical -for Sale —^ T-Bedroom^ CLAR/NETANpTRUMPEL ExcelleWL; ~-Xl3lKvuu—474^2644-: ­ —-On Route Cb»)ditw«ir^T33"enr^ line-Instruments-'~T — All BillSrPaid '' ML ' 'SUMMER STAFF Ideal for: beginning students: Dlck. 454-fJ-ENTY ;H" --f'SON THE I AK F -V S" OF ROOM lor tamHy witiT 2943 YES, we do typ' . LEARN TOiPLAY the Guitar, Beginner-. -BuQkingham Square WILLOW CREEK STUDENT DISCOU^T'^' J»«9a«SraXru„^^%^ cv°r a:fh -®d -a^anced. Drew vThomason. 478* ^ ,'^^tt^id&'s1; HELP WANTED EresljmanJhem ih'r %rm? ^oni* -1901 Wil-low Creek r •MM _ i Town Lake,Apartmenfs>IILglve.a-sub* mostly fenced: House hav centralMat • 711 W, 32nd r .stantlai rent discount to UTsiudents?On-:-.end air, fhree bedrooms, .two baths, -i-. 444-0010 112 STRING ELECTRIC GWfar pluV Why not start out w -Town Lake, cable, all bills paid, dis-' .s|u^v,«tponoiied k'7ing room wlth great DRIVERS HELPER -work hours 2am ­ case. t225or best-offer,4j9-993? affersix.i |aeK>.' : '^-good grades' posol.Tvteiephon'e ry.f;no«qi..«tanMyS'AWMn*Mtax>'.'r&•• Frtd«y lacilltles,club33om,facilities, cJubxoom, poof, pets;pets, spacious -. JModcrn.?'•n-Jfb.So begff June to. Continues year fully-equipped, two bedroom • air cort* .* round/ Apply in person H.E &: office 824 Misc. -For-Sale efhdencyr~w>edroomr-*H»e^reomy~3­ WHILE THEY~D53TT bac^LlaL^oii-^_^Mt12th gtrect downstalrs.Worklhavt J ms — bedroom apartments. Shuttle/ bus . may. sublet mobile.home * you wish ::<^^1i7T4r^ ~ 372-3210 and 472­.TOP CASH PRICES paid fordfamonds, Lease nowj^ftake this a^&eat"summer. Available August l;.Appointment only;i<*.v., I old.Jdld. Capitol Diamond Shop, 4018 N x4 MOVE,IN TO-DAY 2707-Herhphlll P^rk~"-T^ $120 ,1500 East Riverside, 444-145§TW3750 Call 454 9901 -•«, ->WOO PERHOUS»Ihe>o».eStarlsin .Lssmar, 454-6877, .v ; . : : ••• . Srj~'( t1 . : '>9^5'? ioj.v.»ewlng for dancers; Apply in person 1 BR Furn •. • ' SHUTTLE BUSCORNER tirA ,tFurn.;. V>..'3 BR- Next to Americana Theatre, walkingdls-_ROOM & BOARD iFurn. Dobie Mali 472 8936, 5 »> . tance to, North Loop Shopping Csnler V • COPYINGS w5" :. •• s­ and^Luty's.Onehaff blockfromshufl/e -.v -,r evpcRfENTPr»-OIIMTCD« SERV-fG !VJiS v-BELLSON~DORM ior Men7^Excellent HELPERS waited Call anytime, learve . tai>on/si9frfitm. 4H-5397 evenings ' LrtJhfweight^,Racing,-.touring, ironsoor­ "TOnW^WiOT^ ' Air c'onrtuibn^.-: vnome and number. 477-4104/ ': ^ $11 '• Furn. '1Sj EFFICIENCIES S100 -CVD^eratlve Council 476-1957 ' --^" 476r931\\r > HALLAAARK-" — -1 BEDROO/VLS135.00 J»ART T.fM.E empfoyee-for -irucfc ravm.:-10 p.m. M^P ALL BILLS PAID FREE RENT for female sludefttIn ex" • WJ8hlng_op.eia.llAn. _Afternoons<^_Satur-*9 o-m,.-5 p,m ^at -£k chan|eforhe^wlthhousewo|X^,,lvtrigi and suijdoys. 44,H148; i f" 2 BEDROOM $175.00 * APTS is^ADishwasher, disposal; 6blocks , r ,.. GIWSENG , " "xamp-wsr extra-wlce-luxory'" ^1/atoftan Cnmirtfyf Gofu-•fWii 'kh-'t ^BETTER SE^THESH! - %%J-nu" -'ATWtments. — parnwe-siiirsspwsJtisn—aiSstrenOTrFsp^BTrem. j:.-'l^Ta; Sars-asparllla7 MandTdke, x-^P«.kitchen.hefp, bartenders, bar • leiephonc. Prd-tffe A'::y';^: L-A .'R.'l 'I 1 it?!** O.nxlisplay-at.Highland;Malf * S64.50/month ^ LU^SURY P^LEX. graduate cou APARTMENT ITYIN^BIOCK-FRONRCAMPOTR^RT^NLYR^AC^FRREPIACOR ^SHWASHEN. MENSHOP Canoe sale thru Sat. fndiv.idual appffcanK imafched wffh . -MW, A1641\6, Slranftsky/ • ' c~gr''! compatible roomnfctes —TUt-^ 2?lO...R6tf River . -.476*5631 ! • • v«i&e&Si SAILBOAT MARK V PONCE de LEON h.PAR^GONPROPERTY, MISCELLANEOUS Taking-applications for sales"pl#4"w^ cnnnal ' Kin LrSF&'f.cT-F "SHOP JJ sonneJ. J^p -experjence-necess THREE GJ?EA^ BUjrBfTgSS ' 1607 East Riverside V -^2—^-4424900 v 30ai • 3007 Hours-i,-"5:'30. 4v^. ARTS. 39J£AVE. D., r&ss^w-eM. C^Misc. -ForSaie •&JZ&L * ^50^^ 1215 POTTERY CLASSES ;• •-' • ;• *}»•'.--. •••" .I'P-T--I-'-­ Beginning. Wednesday, Tone .. tormtno. -*CA/CH, caJKSTV rdL 1^2207 Leon^.;.CJ: 472-8^05 472**594t • Pool, laundry & fafcllltles RANTED Fundament,als of Wheel-throwing:-^ 1huge walk In dosels abghfJiVLBob and Debbie VyrightTV-"^ ^PdL22rolreorr-.„.J„w_w 475^89z~­rtfer;5.,-.,-47^9279-iSi_: N6LSO-N . ... ., 7** — Jewrtry* Afrlcftn-abdMeMlcan^mjwJs,. EPteNefE^ESK.^' 4i4^M' 7 "l"' 117* \11 ? ''rr'/ *?' v fV u— ^^ndWrifingr^rour-reply-will-fee-jjept-eom­!n a^sistanf housemother-Apply in_ow£i: ".fc" XS .8 weeks.-.$45 -Pay^bleNat f>T|H; 408 B^ftofrSprTngrPdtfefr-^-^— 1 L' -4900barton iSprings.^iard w 37th —--- ~8 NORTHWEST AUSTIN--N»....454-0047 _^jag55S«aiw 'Its&iyii. —G'flftmTtiaI—anH-VfH-f-AwiIM^tv'rnn-tri'<*tT^H^rrr-^ivf^ ote intefv-iew.-' -»UWJI» J-U--' VsLI^* Au^ttrn-TexasH?S712r * ;;p ^ dm* •2; »Mz\ «•* • vV •* ' _ 2-• : .1 11. V •/ ••-'• J,,; v.-• •". Travis Jail -it** ~ 4S,r^^ RODOLFO RESENDEZ at-rejatl prices: JR. ''The profits are used for • -Texan Staff Writer " TR6 iruHares:rifin6tit5r-Frank- The dispute._between-the .satd^---' £••&**• state sales tax division add So far, • a refrigerato1 the Travis County Jail Com^ freezer ^nd healtiflg cart have missary concerning the jail's been purchasla frahi thB' failure to .pajT or pSssess a profits obtained from the.•"•'$$$ sales lax perrftir Iras—been _ commissary ' • settled -• ^ -Frank added that £ "We have paid.back laxes watermelons and—turkeys ­already;and an audithas been served to inmates also have completed-by-4te^siaicC-'—haen..purchased from-the:-: Sheriff Raymond Frank said -profits./ ' • • -Wednesday^ Electric plugs also have" •m The commissary owed'the 'teen" purchased Trom. com--­state a total of $147.62 in Back missary profits and-aFe be'mg­siata^and.--cit$!-taxes-on~52,---installed.in thejtanks housing • flS^.oZ'wortH of taxaljjTeiTerns -the inmates. " y ~ 3 7? jz sold between Jari. 1,19V3^ and; March 31, 1974; • . Frank apparently. Was un­~awaffi-Uiat-4he^cornmissdfy­.had to collect any sales tax. "Wo were never told about collecting sales tax by the out­ going sheriff, T.O. Lang," Frank .said. 'To Frank's knowledge the ~sates-taxalso-was-neglected by the OTtgoing-jsheriff. "The comptroller has Jtecidlecl; The Brackenrj^ge Paric . -system, which follows Waller.. . Creek from the University:•: * area to Town Lake, should near completion by. ne*t­. summer. " ; " -> • S Leon M. , Lurie, exe: TO PL-AGE A •it :f ..TEXAN -CtASSfFtEEMf0 CALL 471-5244V TUTORING FRENCH TUTORING. ;Arr;.IiiV«M~r Reasonable rate*-C»ll 45l-J905 LOST & FOUND S3S REWARD tor finding NQIEBOQK sssssf-: tflSTtrrUnlpn Lobby Friday. Light brown, Iniltp-booX tlM^i on coVetJM-_56J8, "^message UNCLASSIFIED «4WVJ425ComebyaWE-DMpE<14yAutS Sail with OTsci union 340 Badmlllori .-:«J:30H.-PWlipi 15cors"wB»ftw-;«-dPTerv-4l7i^4S3-2104ir Acou&lic amp. fr-10spks. 477"l948 welebt'HUjng-MKTchQ 453 MU ~MR«mbtt/tdller'4 Freo Klltoni. 476-931: •' Theinew-snlrf; tnx-\vi1l not _ 7 -increase commissary prices; w . • /B.V-7 -jr.«•» Afei,,!:-..?™ Frank-said the'original price The perpetual foFrrilation ~&f.lines into the'Co-OpTboqk departfnenl signals thebegin­ on:Jtems will be lowered to .ning of a new semester. Althoughsomewhat $horter »fian fall qnd spring lines, irTfhe make up for the^added tax7 • ' summer heat,-Ifie~liRe seems endlescairqtwtiyv. . .. 7V*\ : Aid Plan Enacted By .WILLARD HALL' _ Texan Staff Writer About 100 out'of 1,000-Blac^ajid'Mexican-American high schbol applicants have been offered at least: $l,000-a-year audited the books,-and they' schblarships tojattend the University. " ~ "fire "now under^his control,'' -, The scBQlacships±"dffered-to top minority graduates from -Frank said _ throughout Texas, came from the $400,000 set aside .by the ,' He said a reportwllfre sub-" University Svstem-Board-ofcRegents for minority reeriiitmpjU­—rmtted-every-90 days "tb~Uie over, a lour-year period. -" . "~T' ^ state comptroller'? office. ' £)epending upon need, additional money h&s been offered to Frank defined; the com-recipien.ts r>f scholarships. -• missary as a retail store Regent Ft • Regen't Frank C. Envin announced, the scTfolarehip planigst iv.wherfi jail ijwiates .pan: buy _ January; in ;testimoriy before the Education Coipmittee of the .*5i toothpaste and other'-Constituliontf Convention; 'A-special-task-force,was appointed'. -ttoiletnes/-as-well~as-snack by the jegentgJo.jiandle.the progratn, yfoods; candy bars -and legal • A inember "of that task force said, "Several committees wilH pads. "" : -'continueiaftertbg.-task-joiyp h.i*; disshlvpJ.to afH stnrtpnts with': -^K»»-t»ptninnrt special prnbleiirts." .. ' • Sv, are bought wholesa!e~and sold To qualify for the scholarships, minority, students must h~ave~ been in the-tbp quarter of theii-high school class ^nd must fie -entering college for the firsC-tinar ~ Airk Area mm . "Within 12 to15 moritiisit.will be in pretty good shape."The-£^07 Bee Coves Rd. 337-9016^ TONIGHT J.j. PLUM NELLY FRIDAY^,. —GREE2Y WtlEEtS- THE PUB DON SANDERS AND JIMMY-JOHNSON BRING THIS AD FOR >4 .OFF SECOND STEAK DINNER 452-3306 — 1H 35 & 38th Daily Specials THURSDAY HAPPY HOUR ALL NITE GJRIS FREE LIVE ENTERTAINMENT ^mATURINGvfm I f BUCKET 23rd «nd PEARL v-memrow hardih north -3 hrs,free parking J :. IN ZiLKek PARK CAST OF BARTON SPRINGS ; /E RE OPEN WEEKDAYS TOO!1 WfEKENDS " 'f' "Nervations 441-2534 ^ -7T- 4^suto » -SUNSET miSim "ARWADIHO^ANPERtNTALSS,.­ T«xon Staff PH6I6 by Mnrianr^qvtor— The Lonq anrf Winding Road MIRANDA STUDIO &!;• PASSPORTS S'i KESUME' ^C^.P0RTRAIT IplllilirDAY SERVICE « -COpS1£R Of SAN ANTONIO 476-0040 - AND 24TH TREENTTi UV-E ROCK 'N ROLL-BY _ I Free Shiner Beer lonite w-itfi this ad DOORS HAPPY —441,LiAVACA . & 472-7315 ' TONIGHT^ "LOST GONZQ BAND featuring Gary P. Nunn --(JTJ^rWqHt«»rfs faockgup band)' --H-' NO Ab^JICKETSi , FRI.-SAT. R^ COODER „ -—Ar1x/ tSrl">i' "'h}ne*-Sancium^&~Disc{iuniJieCQids TWO SHOWS-NITEDP ry^BEER & HAPPY HOUR PRICES 7-9 r Some'oeople are never sat/sf/e4i: P»8«m« 4 Q$$ PiOifutitOfi B • 1 JAQK• NICHOLSON I _ NcwYork i«a F!VE\ Film Fesitval-and KAREN BLACK I jananSpachM _ by AOFtlEN JOYCE~M" Siwyby 80ff/»Arei.SdNJ5iQTOEA£jpVfce'*i­ , J ProdJMtf by BOB BAfR.SQN RICHARD WSCflSlER .|:«»cdliVfc4>roduw BEHT SCHNolDER G? •*' «v- Orieiitcitiori Students Anofher word iQr your UT vocabulary: . eac'tu.s (kak'tus), n.; pi. cacti (-t4~) (1) A" ^comprehensive Vtearbook of The Univerfi i Sity of Texas at Austln featuring issues -of-the yearjnvolving the total student ex--_ only a mark pn the­ tion: (2) Any plant having fleshy stems : and/or branches with "thorns instead o| • f leaves. Requires .little.*moisture and ^ heavy-direct sunlight. .. v > Start Your Cactus GarderrrNowH Reserve Your Cbpy of the Wheiri You Preregister ^ You will be billed with your fees for. the fall! sa.40 % W~l' ' f THE DAILY TEXAN :.J ~SJtfdsnt~Nt>wspaper al The 4jinivi>iAily nf Te,mc ^f Atig ^UBSCRIPTIONRATES THE DAILY TEXAN MAIL P1UK- Studentsi-Non-Student­Faculty-focglty-Staff Vtaff Summer Only ^ $: 4.oo $ xotf Fall or Spring $ 8.0Q $ 6.00 -Fall and Spring $15,00 $11.00 1 TEXAS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS > . r,,, } P.O, BpX^ D. AUSTIN, TX.-7871Zh-^ | ^f -r-l -v. i 1 'Please enter my^ufiseriptiore to THE DAILY TEXANT -V" r-.. "" :,n -j*." . -i? rrr<^ STATJE ZIP : j i (£2 k*A i I ! | t 1 j—. Plea$e-fi]4 o\if the co'O'pon^ciBoye,and mail, with your remittance to the aBpve atidre$$^of y0U mpy cohie by the TSP Buildirjg, 25th a„ndWfiitis( Roottl|fil200.MonSay-fhrough-Frida^(-^:00^iun. to 4r30 p;rrt:>.and start' VOVT jubscriotloft. ' . 7' it <~m\ I • t£jj 1 '"iL. i jM Mi '^<*>4. "f Thursday 1974-THE DAJ^Y TEXAj^pSge Arf ,T ft • t£ *.^i ../. ». jf , mVi \ I "I*^%7«^^jijcsgy ^ * mem fMS^.i':; ,^rv l\* •iSg®:'. tmm WSSM. ikm Ambulance w Sessions Set On Computers -subgeqttent-year—would -be-^-patched from the department Commutation Centpr If nffnrirm ficpfiagnrl'; t|lthrin%;.;J Ttx&&-$taff-Wwtec.---paramedics, fully equipped ($250,000 to $300, -^responsestn•• r»n« puter 'uier 'with : the -University's .system and the services^' -Sbciety delivered a resolution adequate-communications in? ">v-"'If we thought';• ihe^people fcaid. : available. . -. Wwlnpsdav to-City -rniini-il eluding*telemetry. " were happy with what t^ey V-; TWs>is similar to systems No registration fees will b$ charged, but interested student "luring a"new^publiclyo^nea * * "' -• -r-must register-ip-ojdvance. Enrollment'is Jimitearto ihe-ftat« -Dennton IKTSffiieTiisw" -.jre/.too would be , .used in Dallas, Houston, San .vcruuson aiso saia ine.new. hannv " -rwanmcrm a emergency -srtotartanoe h>w."-Oeunison said,-'but ;.Antonioand: Jacksonville, applicants in each section-. • " -r • emergenc?3Unlts would have system which would provide •we think they arejidt getting-Fia., among other cities. : tutorial lectures will cover-the varrous languages &l plenty of room for paramedics medical care at accident .their-mdney's worth." ~ Austin currently"contracts a -^ich thecomputer functions and how commands to the binary scenes, . -' -', Be"j50lnte^"out that Austin is--~'private]y »owned-ambulance beast a're given. Some.of the sections will allow students iUrict­^-Dr • Maurice .Jiood.^chair^—^then largest city in Texas "^service franchiSgd Ufprovide —T«*oo Staff Photo ttarton tcylet access to the computer by special'account numbers Thf naw ambulance, sejr-man__gf__ the^jEmergency withput-the, service of Uje emergency transportation: -Courses in departments_as divfejse_as_busimess, engmeerii the ' DfrJ. Aflguirfce»Hood (I) and-Dr.--6ennisofh —.'"vice, if accepted,• could sav» Medical Services Commli advanced—~ Denffi.sonv-pointed-t-outT' Jiuinaniuea. unu even libraiy ^deacXrequl^e^uw^jL^^jjSiiT •j WO to 200 lives per yrar.in the "-6fCerttrSl Taras^said th^firsf­ 'IS^iJ^a^Pearspn. research scientist at the Commitatton^ Thfe proposal.asked that the ~tlre: proposed : emergency ;=t^&H3fan rtrrn. rnstVif •>»» cppvirt* would-•enter sairf --t" 11 -—— • . nison, ,pt£srfeHP?r°tW:<^e $450,(HX)' ---"5150,000 for "systete^--operated-tronf^ystem'Wiirbe' to-prbvid6 on-Rejpwfs and registration forms' ahd ad- Tutorial? begin MonttayT anc medical society, estimated. equipment and the rest for; .within the Austin FireDepart-' the-scene medical treatment. - The proposed system^would-rsalanes;. The. cosj ior each^ merttr-Thevunits wbuld-he dis^ <-He_ariHw! thic ^m.i^ not jjurt As interest in the courses in the pagt'has been strong, isrbmp owned~ambulanp "privately Spurr.Excellent' •action may be-advisaWe.Pearson said. ^ " lll&- k'4 -.services :which sa"""^4~ that m SStrsms^rtatioi^ -^fflhenSpurr^as.ret^rtedfaahAu^1-Pr^s RecountSet fr --r__ r Ssf-The members oT.."the excellent condition^fter fieart'~ ^^rr^as 1 to the * consjilimedical^bciety would volun-«S?K We^neS(!ay •«u—^ • -morning -heart institute Tuesday1 mor-i '••easS -taTily^conduet—emergency attfieTexasMearUnsUtlite-in nTrtg^after tests-nerformedP ment _-^and^^^cal Houston, ^ ^ , IJ *eek af^kS^­ 'Thur ForDorse11, Foreman rs=^treatment-^Standards-^and-:---Spurr&surg£tai,.Dr^D£nton. Hospital determine that im­ ' !1I ^lafcVDenniSoli saifl They fiflfltpypsajd;-wifhsfond^-the-^^dia-te—gejgy^iw Ijjprii's*.-. pave„'ea^-the . ^ * Students only ==S$8S — liv^f-v.ofesT^Foreman4osf,his Tilpsriay anH'Wwlnwiiiay: ~ -TTOdches-were: giveH-papketS— pre-paid 25fh&Whiti» Kenrb^jte"weeK> month at.semester ^ . ..t J^ht8arrient6s by an '54-v.Qt£ *%fg5teea-by the Center" ter: vaKieS."flieyted 6trade witlr X-»•..i. en­— * "Ethnic Studies other coa^hes ami'^t^^^^iJC —Boih BaxftenXos. ^^g^nd*lntereollegiat& AthleUcs.^r^aKe.^gaftt.r • '• ; T1 r Foreman said they-doubled^ Its piu^^is«jto^eaf.with-the there would be any -change"m^-'pw?l4rhs^r'ethnic mmoriti'es • became clear that those with f '1 JUTJ the outcome"of-the"rf^ptirm-. inispnrt^.-wbipb-hauo^ji^high"tlin.souare packets-had an;un- Dorsett Jiad earlier charged dropout rate in high school, fair advantage. "Just-like in/ ^GUA 7T^~-5ome~voters-mayjhave cast -college and professional^-life-^the rtch get richer and Come py TSP Building, Room 3,200 and place * '» 1T134 BURNET ROAD -454-6731 ^biaIfQtsnnr^roth--tBe Mav 4. sports. . •. the pogj^g"ef^poorer?* said yourunclas8ified ad SSuSHfar-*kk kkkkAMKM* k 1 The coaches who attended the conferetJcevyeregenerally enthusiastic jiixtut it..-... ^Coach Jerry.Sadler-of Fort .'S8«s- Craft' Sfiows~ briefs?Uni6n Slates Wprth said-the-'program had 1 . Various craf tsrf-will-be TfXAS UNIONj ARTS AND CXAFTCtNtt* will been "very valuable," and he •.^sponsor, a "basketweaving demonstrated in the Texas dcfnonsfc'Btlon'at noo(<'-In*'Upfon planned to implement some of S&gA?.-Union Arts and Crafts Center BuUdipg m _ . _ the suggestionshe heard while S'« CI (Union Building 333)^ during, TEXAS UNION Will, sponsor aconccrttforrr' • 6 through 9:30 p.m. Thursdayod the here. the-: first summer session. , . Union Pailo. Freda and theFiredogs Tfe Only, feuialp paHicipant Demonstrations . include. .; -and "Cedar. Frost are schfcdul^d. A-.-fu *j,p-r/infarsirif>^ Qiicah Crari. «%ifrled chicken dinner wHl be MJd foc J" .Mus«".wan ; basketweaving, beadmaking, pimhis^n caseof rain, (he concertwiir^ ford,said she had enjoyed-it, macrame, candle dipping and ...... w.. ^if?^^r,6--Me^,nBall?orTl;^ -woinen's.athieticshas^a throwing -Tand-handbuildmg n»f«'r.r>.Hd'»-JSho te_ d1f f erent set of •pottery, . • *• • p.rrt.Thursday Inthe-UnlonTheatre. was pj-oblems. The program The demonstrations" are Admission,isiior jtudems,iaciYSiai^UlB(RAS$lhwiN ^"-deinonsfratiortS-fDtlows: coaches. Louis Kelly of-Lub* V Basketweaving; June 6,-21; -"—A332^tq discuss <£Satrahce[E? j r>~. j *.• w >in nA ping'" For more information ctiii similar program^ before.and Beaamaking; June J2VrJ24; 47.1-3614. felt them to be valuable, but -^--zsJulyJ J' v "the people whoreally needito' --T^Candle DippTng; Jtoe 7, ITT^^TnoJ.^&Ki toeniw'nVw be' here_-don't bother to rmj 4 ^July 8 ' '—members and organize^.fpr .the J come -=i-- HandbulTding Potter/; June CEAOtNO ANO STUQY SWUSIA((IASSI) will Invitations-were'sent to all f28;rdulj^2 ?*!• Texas puhlic.schooLdis- Jester A932 to discuss EHective a.* — uecnve r • J^flSacrame;-June 18; July 9 Uisfenliig and NotetakJrtg: HOW tricts, FOTerVWtieetr'JnnerMrWr­28; 3uly 3; 11, 17 UNJVRSITY 0)0 THICKET ASSOQATION will £ $• ference. Zuniga attribntefthe man a booth on the West Mall this . • -w^ek. Usts of congressmen to write problem to the highlyXil^ANNOUNCUteMS :.w>H be-distributed/ -an'd specialized nature $>f the 4 -TEXAS UNION will sponsor, a concert •ats^avTt memberships' wlll~Ue-"taken. The • noon Thursday on. Ifie.Onion Patlo.^^v assoctaflotv fcls6 will sefl bumper coach's job and the.difflculty :Pro "The Poak' Snead Band will play. ' \*isz££. stickers-through next week*. •. of time conflicts, ':AW,r^. \ww -°1 to get , J^allshorts. -tONG SLEEVE) LIMIT, 6 PER CUSTOMER V :'C 'l:f eDoyOnly s9;3fl Til 8 p:m. ^.^WsSSWSH;UlLPf1141J Miaij -"-i , T JL wpggw^gaanrniirft £** WfctitmtsBisrT^ iKB8BMan!M^g»«m7^CT!»gr rasS5«reeeM£^5^S