^WASHINGTON (AP) — Charles W -and -destroy-the public image and •'A White House spokesman said no offer was Special prosecutor Leon Jaworski told Colson's.: -p irig he wants to tell thcj^l VVatergate story, plead-credibility" Qf -:Daniel -lyisberg-and-his -attorney;" / ever made to name Asst.-Ally. Gen.; Henry E, \ lawyer in a letter that the ple?fwiH^'_dispoae-of alL_ „ ^ •f ijed guilty |*ionday to instructing justice! In refujrjiL then hearing trial in the pentagon Papersca^e., PeJtersen"direc^bri3rth%-FBIi althoughNixon dls7 —potential-charges against your cljerit which-might-'."-'wct­; -he won agreement that Ul' iwtU~ rig;Jottgef''be~"• The 42=year-old COlsonj q lawyer who now iaces jcussed (he posstfMiity-r— ..otherwise,arise out.of those,matters which are oru-,.5 :-proSe(Tnfp'rt for thp -Wntipvfratp 1-Tw~pi%np )f)r* " flisharmiinf jiiill.H Rep. Robert. McClorv. R-Ill.. Said the House have -beenjindsr. active investigation nlit??!''.*" • f .t .. . " ys jplUTnbers' xa§6§;" udge Oerhard A. ueseii.' tncairaximmnpenalty ottf rtaehshould try to enforce'its sub^ vThfe-forfflei^sb^rt-^camsei'toJ^ftsidcMtNiitan -sHhe felonv_char£ai$fiy£^arsWpnsonand^$5,(H)0^-poena: against-Nixonfor-Watergate-tapes— —Unce_ime_ot'l''residenrNixbirs='clogest^adviseiti. ­ysajd lie'ftadnjt bedn able to testify,fully beeans^ he • CoisonIwas"one-of t j^ deKhdanls-irrtlte^White-" Colsonisina positifffl to provideextensive informal " ••ffl^hder'indtctrhcrrtirr/tijrUvD^caso^. ~ 1 ' ipasp;-retph changed' with'mnspirji'ig-. tion-on -a--number of-cases; .-the-cover-up,/the "TO HAVE-fought HvITTirffeiiiiffljiSilwMBf charges, which could have -brought a maximum—-to—violate 'the1,rights' of 'Dr •Fielding, Eltsbei%../burglary case—thad33V-malters_and-the* j -j* 1well have resulted mmy eventual fxonefSttOTfrrfie" sentem^t|2()*^^sifr^sQn:and.JZMQ9..iti.fines..'i. breafein of-Fielding's • fund .contributions-^­'$ sa'Wv _ As-a-'.-defendant;.Lwould haye_been Heces^rf-j.ust-£.a formaiitya.waiting separate cb'uV t officeV -The; remaining fouT. -incTudifie. former —-~~r *, * • "N* * j * '.••"l'* Mf nnn/iAKnnii. oiWtt. !•--,-usrgy*—1 concerned with ;proteclmg--fffjrpb pragBedmgs-.'-iresirtenfial" airif> ,lnnn i) ^tTiliijliiiUii?-afer4p"--. "My PLEA acknowledges tfetIendeavored -to Ltrials-Xhat.would. hav.eJimited my..ability_i(i tell _/In±other 'Watei^at^nelated'.developn^tsr^u> tatively scheduled' for .trial June 17. disseminate.derogatory" iniormation about Dr UPK Tblephoto .everything •! know about the Watergate and ,. SenatelMajority ^Leader-lyii'ke-Mansfieltiisa'ttv _ . ( l^Usberg arid his 5ittornfiy?at.a time whenJie^wasuh-™ COLSON^rALSOwas:,c>neofseven*jlefendants -in Watergate-felated matters." --liresident.Nixon has bipartisan congression^i sup­.tl^e Watergate'caver-ub^rTaL^et fof ^eDt.,9. whereat -r-der indictment bylhe same government of'which HV« " " ' -Sei Charles ColsorvyJ, ... Colsonariesded-gtHltA'-te-a-iiett'iv-drawn chargisr port ont foreign policy despite • Watergate /and he faced prosecution for obstructing justice • and : was an offifcer," tolsbn-said in a, statement after--­v that in'iiSH he concocted and carried out a scheme 'related matters. -. •--conspiring to OBstruQt. f "the plea. / ^ 2. StudenLNewsj/crper/at TJie JJniversity of Texas atAusfin. |T r<4-*4—^. ' J " •> xW %-** Vr ~1\:: • v. -~ ^ ' \ h Vol. 74, No.+ -J. Please Recyple This Newspaper —v • *. . \.*" A X" ^, -Austih^exas, Tuesday, June 4, 1974 * • '-j" Ten Cents-.— Twenty Pages, v.*-" 1 47^1-4591 l?V~ • City CouncilTp Hear Southerri Unton Pfopo 4 y By JOSE M.„FLOEES ? cent ^ an ay^rag^maximum gas usage,-^Southern Union Gas CoT wHl Texan Staff ^ritef'v • j outhern tinjon .Gas 6o. officials an­icunced details ofan impendinggas rate increase Start? •* wsm -- Soutli'fern £ ^ajr uat^, a-iTCCT-HUU.nv svtium t.ui.u unu '_ i111 nir C nn inn iiiHir-nw. this.tujie. Davidson said what he-'reteqried'^toas an pver-all^sier.• ) "/presently .implemented.:,Howeveri'... , . ., c u,adjustment o'ftates. '•'. • •/* •. after 15 dajs/the amount of the sumAii^l" Councilman Bob Binder sajd tba* . •-"** T ---he also, could, fiot comment Dn-th,a.\­ m Under: the .proppSed-'.'generalVservice ' could: he increased by one^rimfh-•j 1U: proposal as yet.. rate, giyen the-present.cbstilo the-cQm--;_--\The.-Southero Uniotfc-repcesentalive "We must realize that^as-is getting pany of 60 cents-per million cuBic*feet --.pointed to the rapid growth of Aiisjifl, in- :: more expensive. and some type '(of_ lp­ (rrwTT-al mln|mum usage ofimcf cf ^as ' creases in salaries, expenses of building .crgase-wiiLhamto fre made.Iopoo^e'tfie per month, co^ld^.j^t^^ipnier'woind''"*Ihai^f^.'-Snd^U^^rbje^'^riiicip ide"a of-an increase,but.it may have tobe, rise from ?2.05 to $2.43n>er mcfr~ . -* • caused copstant work-on gasolines.; as dope: Th^ idea is to keep it as smaij^as . According^te^iergt-udy presented by-reasons why revenues \fere laggmg^for^ possiblb." he-,said. Q T i* jf*# •-custom^'iiow.jsaylog r$l34i7& .aniiSliy"-mrstgsy an average commercialcustomer pavii^ -Sept." "27. 1&73,. i^ailftiad gjimissi lujgh^rOHQ aisk-ed. and same cnMd^e-nr^ • $847 -annually would pay $972.24 if the rov,ed cijrtailmpnrplan plfq^dijig -• is fiijally atgieed on. But to specfulgte on J e f \ -company'^ proposal.is.;accepl'ed iJtet.a is\ ,-istantiallv reduced *deliveries-to r "anyanvpartirnlarsnartic is a hit ruit nf i.no ^j prP.-­ :public hearing before the cbuficil. •^T ciiSi-oniers oi-Lo^yacai Gathering -V-sent,-l(liaVen t seen th^ report as.of vet' \-T wmm HnHpr thf> glvpn thp pr^nt \ and Ahe ^u|)se^Uei)t eornmissiori 'er^fef-^->1^ a'^^^H tvliirvKinthlnni7&^ m&iAr'in/traQCAc ih.'tiia • cost to tBe/cornpany oFBO cenVs per mci-,LX:^'!ilPJvauth'orized. majorio.cr,eases,iri:t}ie-T .V.'.--.. public :schools .would piy 9lj cents 'peir.tTN^pricps lsp_ecified in";most of •U>;Vac3fs^/i !-:Lacz^O" said~i5w»e^-jrm mtjf as,opposed to the; present rate of 78 J,J teng4«iro gas s.ale" contracts 4Hdud^g --.-mpM.tonumvon gaf pw^M sucli ^s. the. cents" j ^ ~" uiose wnh itomherli.'Unlon j^iiUrtfitiXilW "''-!'oiie Suulliern-Ltinoil Imiy jl'lii undervdtir--.;-,-* in Staff HwlaJ»r Marfan Tayfot . • La«kO"said)• how^vJe^.^at^SgJiJhfrn • of Austin, as causes-^ ftfr th^rate;hike. ^--ihgvj^t-l^st threw-yews-would-be^un­ *' * Umtm. was not requesting' the, same_V_ " However, even^wiUt Lo-Vaca"1 . ,acceptablej-;r':"~"rfi^ ;;.y ^^g^trants^ide timg whil^ waifing to negotiate Beffmont S-curves, 'percestage increase for aincustomersrvg^eurMnfcsupMy^ffiCTlUes.-weTOnfident j' I--Would ^ot rei-dramend.IiU—33i« • >r. • • "Changes m.ourpresent raie structure J' ly expect that gas-OTlj beavailabte«ittTe\ cpnglnjgiiaturfcot tne energy business-is, are proposed which, will'make our by purchase'froan Lo-Vaca or ptherwisei slich tha_t_it" would be difficult :todpyjo-.~^r--.j;j "ChaiigeS'Jifiore. neariy .ium^FWK-ior^UL.; to let 7 us__. take., gafg-;of -the-.'gas'-. inA -wnnA»*l -Uv\yl"nl«*APIM«J.WAAHM>HMJ.'.f A1 - ' VVhile-under the new 'pVoposed rates the report had a|rea^b&:fo)nisrardeg.ii>' alls]tY .Si5tam Board df"R«;Kents. committee -completed" ea rIy -rriorning ^rjeturn,to.his.iob by ^idsammer.:During ruce-frefanson said .the only real:, •--••••.-" -•— -•—p—-—­ i n$gQtiatidnsi late iast we^kjon'the contraC't'for rrplanned Special Eventfe-Center .clouatnesstonowed py-T his~absence." ITc^PrfeStfen^ James^H. iblem"v>as the lines in. the Academics /and'Sunday 'signed'£he,Agreement iLott Construdi6!a'eo. Houston —eolvjn will" act in ..hiSAplace, with -Dr.­ wUh.H.A. il^tt Construdib^ 60. of -Houston. partly cloudy, warm--" 'entorr--" _ --"M -.'Thc'-cost for-the project vft jr^in just under £29 njjllionrR-egeht-yranlc-g.-E-nvin- .JioberL'Mettien,-execntii^assistanUto HE SAID STUDENTS waited a& lung —said ^=and"h\Jmi^^ndific^fs^ -;-thepr^si(Jl)lem8..wjiffipeopRr>tr£tc^ i Wlicfl^onswuciisn^bids were opened, ho^w;^nirToWMliras^3;i"miIlioir' ,90 'and the/tew-WULlie-Spurx addedhe expects to be ableto be Ng to register early," Goranson saitl:^ :^The,commit toe was appointed to'w'ork^^^With .thejeontflctef^Tc^e^ n the :,Jow 70s .v fn touch with5b|i, office Bj^telephohe withiiila few days' following ^urgery apd however,-lie said regLsfration would end • rduch as possible and award a contract for no more tnan-$29 rmiiion. tiuie. . 'W in d ? w i11 be ^ wiH ^radually resume allpf..his dutig'S^*~' -, -,, ,. .. ,^ Erwin said he was '-vepy proud that we,were able/ib;^^cut the.^'contract Jay $4' .^k>MH»gn-)8aid...v>o .•""»l-^w«f-.w,,'.'.-K„.n»rtlion';:»-wttlw>iit-gerioua ehangBa-in-tfaMiMinrftr ' . •--. "southeasterly 8 to 15 ^ringHislcoirrate^ffi^^urr'wiit^e^ Texan Staff -Photo i^ents attending summer scbo&Lwpuld , NSome'of the Hems cut from the contact.,suefe-as.special lightingrcouldbe added ww-kirg^rem,hi?' desk"StJiome until he a «UuutiOT-pdiioil-pf-12 to lft^6nU)Srbut UnionDirector^ •HOPI building is closed. Tfacilihes cajrbe CQjQtinut;d,~ "i • _\V- . f. —Except foludiniri'g,ai^asi,t)ie..lJpioiLBoard-hopes to ' ' Final )lans for-the'renovation wrtl be submltVeiLto "As~wego,t -intoatqhqughrifbecame retain as mV^ny activiti|saspoSsible. depending large--7"tfe-^JpiVersity System Board ofTRegentsat-its Julf26 . vii a »amju«j:a^wvu..^fi ijlileal TO-t. -y-~-• "—^-=rr.:.:;, ; \ ..-^-v \ " -|f Films,'informal classes^ sandWicB seminars, art ex-" It tlfesiafS»fe approved, theiregenU-WilJ advernSi sp?ak^ wAl be^P°nsorM bids. Tjie _ University5 estrmate-. for" the-" ?:f:r~ tHecmiTa^"* Ts"|3.5 mtjlioiu —^r=tofs-iflighi-bidJugh-tt-t^ey had toinsur^the^afetyrof-^—-—-t.-­rhelr-egulpae»t;and^'handle tjje. problem-l spaiie. I V_, r>-~— -Sfif^IOMNGlSftofffrhave ex^idid —7" %\ ----­ BKHSerasMi; / £• « RunoitJResults ; { s^&V^rtri *->— *£ 4'#;~S*'V"-A & ' " a^TTSj -"-t •i^.-N f , A £ ~ r "f .V?..? -ffUE^TV­V <"^ ' v v. *• Nixon ^•V ST . r.-»'v.':.. Offers ^^e«tyed^Q^0r"vores,':ara^.2.627votbs. Bom Stm^wi^.:'0.>;votes.. . ^ 'v.CLJSRK Doris * After losing his,House seat ; BAJRRIENTOS .SPECU- To £d Clark , Texan staff Writer^ _ recreatiohat^regfair; Dorsett -has indfcat^H»p=Shro^ire s^d;19.percent p£Inr^n^lnfefricnfng hy nnlre-4.ATfcm'.tKai.-• hart all. IhA—ffflfcrilr a.reilOUnt TThe director of an iEast , -( ••"""•'•'•'• '-'- t-'v the county's ^eligible voters, University Regent Ed Clark was nominated by. Presi­,rs ithe went Jo the. polls..Saturday^. deat^ixpnlastweeirigThfe"g6Ha^-a^?iniTr^mmii^nK4«S6|(ll«» -facility -desriit^' claims from -.ctAr«t+ n»-/t»ws. • •"= i • >„^A-rr~r~** "There is noother aavfcare'^f: -Bf^os<-received"l8 054 • Mike Renfro, a fonier first \to defeatDan^uii,"a manJg^' r^Uce^'incumFeT^Unty Welfapgtte^hcjecrit'or ^was-in\line foi* a presidential nomination ,-votes whileForeman, who has;. assistant t0 the county at-, raent consultant. who receiv-Jurie dH watL-' ? •* -• doesn't comply with state tacnity like. thra^^^Sa.ty"'^"3 ''1would like to see less-money^spent on arms, but not .sawed in the House for 16 -regulations^ and 'she saidthey. Austin, especially one'tjiat is ^at-thr:«?st^of making the U.S. a sec&id'-rate |x)Wer,." ,«yes(rs, received 17,970. Tree," Daniels sa-id.' Clark said. " ' ^: havepemfedied 'ones they were WItSON SAIDhe fopold Uke violating-. One of alleged_ violatiopi fs. 5 ... _ ' Although'he^aid he his jibt receiyea'any'communica-. a recount becaysVprwhen . .. ^ , . .. :._. • •• .»• t " i»<3^.;day'•;craterTs^^i^;^or"i3' ohildiw with JStiI ..tion.1rom the White-House regarding the ageocy, Clark free to the«im'rtfiinity, arid we"*" facUitll^. fofiijply fft, "So 1 Saturd said-l»e exPecR.Mlis^tabe an ODPortutiitv.tJ> help-arhipyp. JB5nS4by a? .UiK88 trEncf 3?Bay Orientation 8 ipr^rfder the , children . with.! •GU' -Uvfee cHildren out. -.Wtf" Jssmj^ce^ •.:.,i « ;'^..:...... > n~rr:Jr brgakfast. and lunch, reading "look" two;meals a -da# annft-gfj,!|Li ­ % /:^^^S-y.0UjUStwafittpma^'i.norriinaUo^>adtheVU^TCl«ityJr -Oto thousand,new Uniyersity students participated iij a in xh!Ll.._three^ay"summer school oriCTtaUon^hifji endpH^Wnnri'jy .• •' ••• '• -' • '' -*C"" "•—•---% . their ^BQs away froiQ_Uieae. I itt-ithe' ' I^s|En^for,^tadenty who^tlFattehdthfe-Universitvior . RArtfrt A!..-. A ^ ^ , • I: .. . . \£ ft f" 7 ..ly does hot have ally.feffjfej*!; ,. .;.aSyt ^u-^«^^ff^m«rthe^^o^K^ # ji.cnopi-pojara v^ivc Approycir don't . have "medifiai ? "ftfiay, alfeju'gh not irithe sarfiS"' r^peafed each day to enable students tiTattend'Sy session "is y to think 4tet. far ahead, .he ^^bers. ~ " J ^ch mqmingi.a:genera) jnfprmation.meeting on^he the li laminations br irrimu|iizatlol», 2 -.-seriei7? r Jr ... •,. . , i. l University and-orientation was held in Jester-auditorium Ilk •• actoowle^edbe^ _»^!^ ^ •p. •• T'^as still—tdnd-of^numb from JinVolved the race~foF county available. . ..._.• •• l --­^^-%he-wjhol&;-thini'-"-Hp iS 3c-/^orhmissioner.: Precigct ^. " -­ .Jljr SUZANNEBROWN^^hboLtkiChe^ by-atAustin. Annual teacher' salary Vri-SherftaSrS --Ti»*nn D„..J . ' ."WSlVf™«Sy?» customed to close elections as -Texan Staff.Writer:' •?• •.' Independent Schooii Board creases^ are base.d pn» ex-r and all have ...... -Bob "0pnts defeated Dave -of the c^W^W^own""vjlui . n started W,,F' ation^advisers- Be loSt toPoremaotwoyeare-teprsett by 77 votes. ^" Honts . : ayaiiaye aft^artf to. answer questioi /•>. M«y^raise^t-ite^-peK:^t . Mcmnaynnigntr-,—.----1—: — _-,peLi£.Pjc,e,_. tewure a rid-immuniZationiDroBrems." t'-mk ^?,s approved for public JThe pay raise, ontof the'-educatipal glgTiesTbavid-^'WE-Jjgg^NnsbaWt^^ l^r• ' largest ^granted,in' T^xas for son exlajned. A :teacher'with.-, flnances ^to meet' all -thea -the „'74^j5 school year, was. flue yearS' experience.and a • rcgu'atihns. We give the Wdl^ ^ , For The Hot Months Ahead approved fof-'counselors and. "^bachelor's deBrea wilf~i«arn -the besffood-andeducation vfe PhotbServjee i22 W r; RESUME' & A piNTIFICATION TYPE PICTURES' VtCe-ZTr C7J -G-€> _ ..."" _ ­'zSony^ for small 0PERAT ACTION-COROER Condenser Microphone and Automatic Shut-Off Almost as .small;as tape,cassette itself, the all-new /SONY ^-JC-M-tucKs %^i«st ^6out anj^jtoErtO provide tj(e ultirfiate —in-carrying and operating ranyenience. But don't let-the size JjopU»ou-_Underlfmits rugged.all-metal.skin, this mightymarvel OfefeiniahiriTatrnr^nffgfs.pBffnfmanpp-th'af 599.95 »69.95t. TC-640B /«1449.95 374.95k S~^rf ^699.95­ " ~Sony Cassette-Pecks n:­TC-129 4£? $149.95 reg $126,95 now PfTC-I31SD $J99>95 _ • $169.95 TC-161SD—r--$329.95 $5*9.95: Prices ^ood for Present Stock only / / 4.—"i>"^r­ Yw-nevflr-'" . hftisrd it so goad® SONY f-, -r/ sWreo Shoji L I'M -srfs; lmr«;^MkAi« can",ThfIS:'not librari^kalso. ; > *$9,468. hnd-$10,441 with a money lift over to pa; Dr Japk-havirienn . masteps degree plus five saltt'beginning teachers:with ^years/Zexperience".' •i' if * ' » -...-v.-: •DanielS'explaiwed _ nPTriflif>irflffftl'rV? sj^eerees; will ; ,-nie increase also^provWed Sh^aSJ^fiTwreit^tmifirtte C( g.*!I,WB I_ ^ sret^qivp <7,600 annually, and for a. 10-year veteran-with ar-'can h%the day^-car^ center,1 rffagginning Hciaohers :iuiwigni-«.'-iiii^ rfnriifi"r' X Free ' maisfpr's rfoanaa rcvtaltra"~*A9t•• VniiiK" . .master's degree will,.recgive " '441 arfd^a10-vear-Yoiith Institute , jF^fnah^^; For the sMt^i^er^i^rrths^^"ahBad: • |8i400, .........;_; " _ a master's degree' 'to earn' * ways..."Donations arteiilvraya'^. "" * ' ' ^ ---a help, and student, groups ;$10,960. Boutique Fashions wantfs you to have a littfo pleasure in your Ijfe. •H thinlr th not only: Fi?r hen-and "Wome but' ^lso, the regHkXions . v. -For, either' S17.5Q (~u-pick ST^iturnJ-or A^tm^^^in ^e StudenU also can work rwuBHiier. $oo cn ,... . .. -. entnusia|iii on tire salary ".in-'j the center-as-volunteei's-. 'Ji :$22.50 (We deliver & pick up) crease, '• said Carol working with the children-iif "!,• ".71™ •i:McCleIlan, -vi'56-presi'dent of the classroom ft^supftrvisanjp^j can psnft this thp srhnnt hnflrri.—,• •' —Trecreational prnyrams '^ h cE3C!retum Relax and Join U< ~ >jm return th^ refrig<&ratipr 7 ^En;o|l for iSummeiXIsitei iuroisg|^^for;your:_JTparj^.eht, Ho^meii>r =iaca Dorm Room.-> The Umversity Y 2330 Guodafaip# Ajl cfotsts begin weak of jun? 10th University -Mgchonict^''^^sljhotoaraphy , i s Adhi • \s A. ^ B«errenfc Repair . Karate • Apt.Shop— One hour free^ parking . GuftoT • • . . Halho Yofl^. $27cpuirc£aj« .or-more, Ba rrkA nj^riccn) LAVACA Second. Floor " Ma«teH.hoTgg~Wel».unift«l —Goll the~"Y" for infchpotionrdplnrlim»i, end Im. 473-934^ 4^1 "9W 1ARN CASH WEEKLY BlDodfPIasrna Donors Neec Men Women:. EARN.$T0 WEE® A CASH ;h payment for donAil® t- ~WA Lxank Blood Components, Judic -" OPEN: MON.&THURS. 8 AMto f&M. I i 8K»W ^ TUES-& FKI. 8 A.M. jto 3 P.MJ ''^TM rones'; '""T; CLOSE!) WED. & SAT. 1 impei ^the'p 4tJ9 W-6th luP"-: -V-v^T h. Fullest xtenf Tire ,Co-Qp has always tried to hack up" their policies bu-t with shoplift v ting the-way it is, itVJm-lt possible. That'? orie of the reasons why tKe 'apount of money yoia "J" ^.jgeTtid^k froiri.therebates • haa gone down as it has. Th®—Co""-OpT can't' woi*l r *~ * 7 treatedI'laiWy. • ; The. ,C:o-Op l wiljv , proseewte — the'j^v^dt \ y me conVinced and I'm just ^he copywriter. The Co-Op .. just wanted to l_wa,rnl you before'"* think..about' pulling off the job. r'. 'z feSS d.Z"f< — rl// * *oS '~4si .h'£Zr*/'i-j-v.rrf -ONE BLOCK FROM UNIO, "; ?10 j-nticess >resid Prat • fa's\at -".they t ey)den< • Hofft that" th ^^Lwelfcs I Shc^ placed Are.WeAre i"4 / r« commu ^>'T. Not e%,. My folia week in j ~JkL cT \» fori2 weeks _ his chie tttra^-o'v — volving -t; sentenci . Go-Op Spiving The Stydent Body Of The University-of Te^i_.. jr-t5>rr»^4 as — — f^f£r Formi {Dean'H *-r-given~t .J^rigi^ |feW foriher —^?ngagin| -Hoffa' m. i A.,. Polls To Test Effects of •h~ h h\ s By The A^Wiateii' Press -—— ^after-bts-offieer -•!&a,ta-3,-fifth-win_an_rsix_ispeciHl_congresSional— ' jj~ ""The impact • «f Watergate is*-bang ic 'Tkn -t fiiantinn«: f WSv.-» rr^"nr^"^—-; r m edr^jsteun-a^cseitws'jrice aitd a" tZeii ^I33^SIff^ Theref®uC^®''Jl^&emb&m^i^dL-'-'BSton .is,'XJie -^elections, this veaB3^S^rats~ ..JjprPl i N6toeaaBW^T5^P®iEaa*6| a counU? — — --,, , -^jniamT^sratlisrcl. THJs is aspecial ', chal-hm^rt? from multimiHioria'iife ^nPijp«PAi» .m ^nn^nA-^.' rr -ji*"!,' ^:^ — In-the jear s b.ggest flurry of Watan, but there a# fcontfsts to -cerrt of ^ vole-he w.l) immediacy t*o years ago and has cwentSS -primaries,.votersin IW9. In-addition,.tbeij? " ' are"ZfiJLJ.S--Housesespson.the.l?aIlot'—.43 •:; and,governor in South Dakota^and the governorship"of/Iowa.'' £ ^ • NvBat-tbe-foeus is on California, PI1^, aupi'emtr. _Kg^&le>which fierpetuated p l520s-erar^ Hgh^a\^m rnTinpctrnTi u-iih unf^ fraud.--. Lt. Gov. iEd ReinpcktLJs seeking the Coatt ruled Monday that-employers : ^reward; .who, took nTght' job^--yhe sex^iaewminat'idn case stemmed­ ^1feptiMiGanjiqnyna$toofclhesealiefigpe5= RJ reserveditofr women workers durjpg ^he^-^rdlS^SSff^^Mmlnt-suits-cha»png.­ -givenl^rBrRofe'3^^p5r3esmteper­ jury indictments brought against huTby /, -« ' 'day. • . t — L„ -• ' in^ Cofning's^age practices The case ' 7' Watfereate Prosecutors ~t . . /In a 5-3 deciSlfe-against the Corning' Thp decision clears the way for pay-•rtachfed 'th*)'Supreme-Court after th'ei Reinecke was once the favonie forrtip /• P^^o^rfecmat.«fid that even a, mentof4600^000 in;baefrwages to victims U.S. Circuii'iCourt in.N^w-York ruled'- Kemecke was once the favoritelor the, remnant-^ past di%ii^|Uon violate? of discrimmatip^ ,GOP. nomination, but "Sroce' Jiik"pndict'T,;' against^ Corning" and ;the comparable l;j the federal Eiquat P.ay Act of 1$"63. : "'whig, N.Y.. The amount due other" , * r J . • i , x , , i u c diiivuiu-u u c -uiut;r coyrt »Philadelphia ruled to the -con-';1| mention,testimony regardingJliTheha|;^ The law, yhich requires that: wom^n v workers at a Corning.plant in' Welisboro, trary. '• (alien m the -polls.-State-Gentr^l^F^ Houston-L FJoirnoy, regarded^as more^ The", dispute involved £qrning'^ijeffort' -. . and men,draw.the same salary for the ) Pa., has not been'complited.-, .. same work, is "broadly remedial antf it . •In^other action', the coif during the l920s to induce men to work as liberal ^ian the conservative Reineck^S« -should be coristoied apd applied so is to|• Dismissed for rproc dyral reasons; night inspectdrs becausg' New York andtbe-GOP favorite. ij!, ""lulfiff the .'^deriying purposes which ~­ - Florida's appeal of. a " ' " ,then_-prohibitedr-. Amoiig the 18;DemocratK; c&hdfdat^s • ., for yie ^gubematorial' nomination the a.'-' tnlrfijagmln-ig gWlfinAr. jlrn»-CeiJIey (I). walk* »G F C(TLUMBIJS, Ga. (AP) rr A federal ' deniedlhe rndfron by Calley's attbrnevk [ ^ juagerefusedMbnday.-toorder-tlwArmy—i. to Wrffeat released,to tbenu Ll ;--, . or a-congressman t" relf^se secret-tii^ v 1 — .* • j^r • vestigatiQns of the My Lai massacre. f^:'',i~rAlsp djDietf.was a i^afion requesting abiCh William fc CaMgrfjr. was con-F-Edward Hebert; D-La., to -uictegafsa-treMieaTuedm?i- My dem&3 £ IS A Fr CSllpv*k Ifl-WiVpHl whn't!/,iioht Ovntuitn^^e -V--^ -, . . .l i / Calley's lasers, who'Sought eyewitness . • ^r _ataamnt«p-obta'«^ -bfclihosp • who in»-— . rjrfftsv: Rac f\ , • b w b WASHINGTON r-President Claims • resolved." w~7— Pratt said the material sought byflof-SU(J?JESTIN6 A fa's \attorneys was-irrelevant-<•!-». -. -•".they1 had already received • evidence to proceed wjtl\ their 1 Hoffa's-attorney; David Rem,. that fat subjwenaed"documents would 4ive" t<( the Idea dran -shojv the-reasons why th.e condition was : -week.„-* 1 . ' T­ 511P^01^ r'Iam just thipklng weshmild try tommittee vote recosd?" in-~ sought twice contempt for refusing the sjub­ volving yixpresipnunutation'of Hoffa's ""Nixon in. con Itr Iner Kftl'fi timno--• i. sentence in 1971.\. 1 -; P^enas^utJcisf Soth times. Former "White, Hotisei counsel John A COMMITTEE Source said last week'­_Dean UI-hs^testified In^ depqsltloiL^ thftl "Cofeita.w^s up to.his rieck^'-in the;' -given^to Hoffa ^Iawyers=f^t-Re ^l^St deal;t6'raise'pElfc^supp^rts for-"^ G-r?strictmn"that bars the t dairy prpducbs'lncxehafigevfor-hea??y iitr=^ il~'-former • TeamslefS-president frtm. -.dustry ,contribuUpns_ to Nixon's cam-. -^nga^n^in union ^Ovitles^ntil-iMOg,,-"paign;-''-! ­j;,w -Hoff?.s 'sougljt^twp menM®-T AnoftiSr'sour^ saiaiyionday.hdweveffi •%k ^.^n^ncliidlpg Lo^th^^ ^that^iii^atiimfromsi^ial prbsik:^ sfeteSwHC(t3re"TJt8nared and ~sennd the1 • >Leonliawnpek-i,itor«n»wSis«ki tvbfcthfrconditioirand the-proprlety of -rtiade available ttf tb^cort^ittee^thi •••••. ' Described b>k supporters.as. a dir^fct '• byists. can spend. would--reoifire can SpiroT. Agnewfor nearly $180,000 in im­ —pTOvements':%iade to his:--WashiBgtoij. ­ i^geWhere. ta^^s'this_lin^iip~ rm^oveiaitte^i • SO UT H..D A KOTA: Th^ee ^ Republicans, incladiag forrner Vietnam • „POW Leo Tfeorsnessr^ate 'seekihg their: party's nomiria'tlon'/' tbr oppose Sen. Selrge~ -McGovera; ift NovPrab?r;| McQoyern.^ who is. ui)opposed->.• for j I'enominauon. «as been Campaigning-­ . P^dentlNixon to rebuild his support. Also, Democratic Qov.-'Rk^hard Ft­Kaeip^iU^mg~c>ia}1enged-bxLt^Sov^ renominatjon to .a third term. ALABA^lA;_Lt..Gov., Jere B^asley ;, ":."^;tbe.. . faces, nul^ien^iiie tosinessman Chaj-I^s *< ^estigatod the slaying oi-yieUidiiieho At my fuliowhig . ... -ti "•'Wrwyis. tft ' rnhnff-fnr-tjie :B5mocratic „ ... . , 10-j^ar sentence * ' '-''nominatjQ|)Ior lieut^afttgdvenior. Gov. Villifeers at MxI^Ijn March. 1968,~ "-which result#: Oalley'g lawyers fUed the motibns'to'V.v >ra).„.,v -nni'7V ', .r—office.""" : ( Wetnimese civilians/ Calley> " ^.heard June freal Callevron bail m_ February j 7^rei^rol3^-by;thejnllitary~tnt^naU—^^8^mQnl^»sippimat^a.^tiEetjjhai~T>ig­ onc!jt11?t,,it? ^^ifeke^UQB^gardW-^-Thf-y)rify-defense .Motion granted bv A5a^ma/^Legislature­ ivolvdi. m.Ahe massacre^-• ^B8ipkt-wiw.a -r^tt&V'fer't|>e'^tc«m nert'year-cover-up, is said to-be^_i.of all records having to do with Calley's • '£•• • •. 4:Democratic Rep. John C. probe, called the Peers' • four-and-a-half-monthcburt-ipartial, the -'i^!!^ l? ^W»sed f(tfI fbe nomination v— • • •-~ "litary historv.' ^orteseat,being vacat^|ySen Harold " " ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' religious lavJtfader.-A state seirajor and -a'.stSte representatKe are running for Panel , Tfrp ta-i^ rv Kay-js-tnopposed-for-feilemiiiatiQh to a %~Tl It third term.-Three Democrats are seek-. F r'WASHINGTpN-tUPI )---The-secowJ -R-ni' tlQn._.l .1 _ »•'-• . 1 1 • raiikine -Reptf|)lic&n on the/ House emphasized,. hQwever. jthat' he Would4'm ^^fc&ieve-— Judiciary C<^mittee saH^rdnaavTie l5~~ favor a contejppt'of Cpngreis ^^e^ate makes no Republican safe, ' • • . and thev safcUha^is.4oe-reasoa tW .Chainnan::Peter"W/~Rodino-Jr.Ti-D^" ^ .^LJ.7 remainW'aVti^flnt;-agawig» J^gation.and are <^fidmt tbey> can tn- tempt, saying:"You dontcotothenoor llciGoy.--, u;n. i nr , ' ^O^^gcaniK>tsac<^hi^lft^ aim G^T"e f6u? R^P^caas are ^p^hm^^h^rrngs f uesday'; ^enteg^i^T 'ftp fTT and dairy industr)r.contributions yrg---to^ixo^atg re-election campaign/' " > v. r ~|^garding, the cpmnrilttee's demands tk#lV( 1 for additional 'presidential tapes -aiid—­ (Af?) — A >^era1 -,".^SwSSop^ ­ iufe«p%M-^President Nixon's clajrti of . moBt'jrf^^po^''»^-sta^.'-I'itt^ teptlvg privilege' Monday^id quashed —Iptrftthg toward S^e kind of decision at 3 s —iHe Presidentis obHga-" >»j>4 sybpoena for documents relating to thfe this stage about'/}""" * knnrnnnal /»loTnortnu : nrmUil r-r-—,, I co/idftional clemency ; granted former tfon. i. • -';;: .:'" .-• --ss5f:'V Teamsters chtef James^Hoffa. ­ '.'I think we shauld review.Whether the jC-*»--iTUiS. Dist. Judf^ Judge-Johfi Prattrul--blouseauthority'Ahrt pmnwiurtS is ^.vv>p-; ^ ed that \ Hoffa-'s^^ttorneys could jot table or unacceptable,'' he said, speak-' ..j^fflake k strong showing of. need '.ing of a cbnteinpt-'tltatiap". ,-''I ammjidi:. ^necessary.V to rebut the privlleegi' thp mote KV-. •« •« * -, » „ «•* Inclined tft. ha^e -thut^stst^ij^iX ' Corigrtss..sought to' achieve,"-Justjcg sion inv^datingistate laws'requiring a •women from worKfn^ atijIght. " -Thurgood Marshall wrote for the'court, -t married -^oman tpjobtain her husband s. laws-ehangOT, Corning' -.IhfciMMrt fougd.tha.t Corning-was-gMl-. ­ % night job's totj'of sex.dbcnrmnatipij.bymaintaijung a> single womin4inder.l8^ to.obtaiiLpatentai _"L womenl__ copsent. The decision holding those laws v A 1969 bargammg agreernenMid away unconstitutioiral luia been appealed ~to-tho. .. mth the-geparatejasg3vage4yste.mifor ^ U.S. Agrees " "7 U.S., Circuit Court in New .Orleans. xiay and: night Work' in the future 'but * Cleared the way for -a: .hearing.oq; maintained.jLs6paijate,"redicircle'' seale:• •l^rrips Karl Rav'.s'contpntinn that he-was for'workers hired belor 'TfaETdckEt'attaciC damaged-theraflwa^t-^ien4ioar4&-mtles-n0Ft{teast-­ "* """ "" Jri ' J danidged and Uie b^se remained operational. -The shells also hit a prison atnearby 'Ta~B»Hiep, where the^command —said 3L.civjlia.ns and priso lers were killed kRfl 82 wounded — Market' Runs^Bbst Gain , ^ YOI?K-l.^P) rr-^EW AJORK (AP) ­ . l^tijnisT3esrgainr Stociv.jExcharTgexlosing index. Ifly^firee months Monday;-Market up 58 cents. , _ v : '*Tally t^around aligns oTa lnn^' Index .. "... ~ . 46 81 up 0\§9 awaited'downturn in short;term Industnat —7-^ ~Td2 T0-up^l.07 ^Transportation; interest.latest —=-j' Utiflty. "29 61 up0.^5­ • Finance. -'51 ??.up,0;62-• the-aigreement wiUi AgnevrV.• An analysis hy4&> -Q^A,showeSlhar New Israeli Premier ^ W diifll^i ay--CTe-MMrS[«3Wea inal, the government paid $175,569.19 forim-—-&• ,provements' to Agnew's lioa'se ^riwrto" ^ _:^iuvciitcuu> iu Agnew s nouse• jsracxo ' Peace v -T.. ; y'eir.party s gubernatorial nomina-. -..his resignation as vice-presid^t-after 1 s ^pleading" no contest to tax;evasion , ejfets««>. ,°T TBEf, LARGEST, single ihvestmenf... -vs-,--r.. Y i t z h a k , Rabinibeiam&Israel's^fifth clos6st_votes; 'of Confidence ever­ """'—­ maae % the ^.wrn^efirw^^0,S50 for ; . premier Mondaj*; replacing_Golda-Meir ; registered^of a nev 'Israeli-poverment a brick and rjedwood fencfe. TOt^ was not ' but p|pTian' arid-Israeli generals'announc^ -; her defense ministel Moshe Dayan smd , .••vuuv "MSI MI1U . a parking' iai^ay-a ne^ i. • they .had Mmpleted jplans-for dis^gafr v .h^Q^g1-*^^^--^-—--= •• Abba Eban.;quietly Exp/oisfort j A.yoman^trt^mftfi to wf^iga Re# ^»*->«long.insi* l»f|5_«iiokfr-.*H(13»HI®^Sifroro •m.: ..#1*. Wreck&i• i Jiiglish jyilljage the J -":tountVy t|irpiTgh two^vars and/frequenti^rf ­r^CTisesiVi'-.-^-^^i^--^----•'" .* __j$i'. = ;''Otir po'iicy-is clear. We* prefer peace"-S ;-peace, 3 " just peace, an -honorableipeace, butnoti-i|r peace at anyprice;" theTetired chief of V " :sta;ff-and forme_r; ambassador • Washington told fiarlliament (asi it1 -f x prepared to vote,on hisfcabinetV I "l •*­ • In Geneva, the .pilitary Working ' --Grotq^sisMip-Jjy-theiSyrian-Israeli . engag^irteni agreement.of last Fr .. 'ai>no«fy*5HsSr.-1 — -\;«y DAtt&HEKWRI&jfS ago by appronmately.^1,000 _ j«received 6,030 votfiS;Jand jed_2,627 votes. /—J #?,;• A TexaTSiaff VtBtef voles. " -Dorsett-5,951. —_ * -COUN'TY—CLERK_ Doris By GAIC BURRIS^iV ^tid--writieg^^Qtii||Bi>: »u..^ T recreationalA i7 Texan staff . Writer . - ; yVftpr losing his House seat BAHRIENTOS SPECU­Dofsett has imflfcatgd he 'Shropshire said 19 percent of^ 1To Ed Clark 36 /io^CRinzaloBarnenTosby only LATED-that had ail the "-iThe director, of_an East /said w.ifl €sk for a. recount. • the county's eligible, voters -" University Regent/Ed GlarkjyrSs nominated by .Presi-. 84\ votes, (Rep. Wilson-University students been in . The • three winners ithe went to-the pfalls Satiieday, dent Nycon last week to the general advisory committee Austin day...calre. center is/ The two^ypgyfold--;* •t»; FoJseman said Monday he will Austin, ire.would have,won by ^ justice. of -th§ peace races .conjparled io 34 percent who, of the U.S.. Arms Control and Disarmament.Agency. refusing to close down ite.w-.°Pe^a^es Jto.SU -ask ^ for-a -cacounjt if _he_can a "much' Wider" ;margin. . votc• racpa which ended closely in turbed about the youth vote. • bulance-ownet; University student,~and A^University regent since 1973 andchairman olCapital these RresQh^W-kids' are so -Pus,^?> "B^Jflels & -V the^FMvis GinmtyiJemQcra^""Tfei'gaitiiin th!s eleciito;,l!the, in-the.Jftwirict 3'race,'.at-RazS Unida candidate Arman-^NationaWiank.m Ai^sttnrClark said tljjs-is-hi&-{icst^ap^ great that, we're noigivitig-upv! . cSh^-Lsaljt t^e • vrel , •'•jL-gir —MaryariDaniels r -director-of ^-""Cials,a.=g^tJQgkiBg ic^ytjphritWIaSiBfScSWjl^^ narro& ractohes wenTin parf -'Brivijege like 1 thought fi ,21(H/nfcs;to3inT}a5g.Hamit * r" ^ 'the Preschool" Lear'hfhg'_prograrnsg^Brrbetlefitj" the^'^L^ governrnlhT fe tnictor.;-r--~ -* bassador to /Australia from 1965 to-196S, saidlhe undertook riv.attribiited_by canafttatesto a \ would, before.llhey got the Samon Owen: Owjgift7"ailstfr.'an -Rerifro "willTrail against --^ispaniaIaRsi^mpntffor negotiations withMexicoduring Program at 1501 E 12th St„, phildr^i. teach 4fcem --basic educatiql^BCgive them •> low voter .turnout and .the "right to vote. It-concerns me a attorney, receivedf3,656 voto.7 .McCallum High' Schoor-vice-the Johnson:adttaiiistrationT' •-. said Monday.rr ... -—-4--— absence of-yie.usual Universi-lot." i SHE niriOTRtv-^^^-Ky—the food andIglentioMl^^i' In Precihc.ti, attorney Bob principal Joe Leonard .in . "Clark SaidLhe Knew the appointment :was-.being-con­ ty student vote.-;."In. U\e;:county judge; racer Perkins received z.yya votgs'^Novetriber. The winner, will ;sidej-ed last summer when.refiorts were printed saymfehe the State. Department -of „ j iC Public Welfare that the center "There is no offi«rdayxare;^r Barqentos received 18,054 ;Mike Renfro,a fprmer^fir^t todefeat D^nRi^iz, a manage-replace " incutteb'ent° Gountv-wafrinlhie fd^^readfintiaf nomination. \ I­ votes wiiileForeman, who hai assistant to the' ccfunty at- dpesn't comply -vyith state facility likertttis in B?st'?^1 meift consultant, wh'a Veceiv--Judge ClH, Watson. served-.m, the House for . i6 • -torriey, edged attorney Terry repiiations, and she said:they Austm, especidly site thit k years, received 17,970. r Weeks. Rpnfro won' with,17,-\jhave remedied ones,thejrwere ^r®e'" Daniels'^id, , 1 VwT -WILSON SAID he would lite > 956)just 768^ot6st5vef-Weeks' 1,000 New Students ..Although he said he lias.not fSeived'ahy'Sp'mffirarfe-:.iiolaling. " Jh" .rrrOne:of:aUeg^|^Sli'Ud'#SiScl&®i a recount because "^hen * 17,188 votes. • X, tionTrOmTthe WhiteHouse-reg^rding the>agency, Clark ' ''fhe day. care center „ ' caring for 13.~chadrea.wit^''^|;* you've sp^nt four_mrinthiL ' c*in :free to;the community, and we _ 'facilities for only 10. "So aturd^y Ind 3-bay^Ori^t^tipn I^id-he exjieets this tabe an opportunity tp help achieyiff­ w' campaipffigTand lose by onjy i:^^ world peace. '• prflviHp thp' ^hiirtrpn with cu^ three children out.--Wef^vv--1 8^ v'don't ha MSy. although noUn the same • i ...I to enable.students toTattend any ses^Sn,­aminations^ -to-think, that far*ahe9d,J'. he ^ch-mormng, a generarinforrn^ion, meeting on the the said. \ -„ -.number^. ' . ^g-y^-'Vgertes. . -;,t?sKSSW .Barrientosycknowledgedhe THE OTHER close election • University and orientation was, held in Jester auditorium To Pay Hike for Teachers •fej.-.-: -. ^ ^'T^hls" Justgsnt­ • Academic-advi'ping and .testing-iBlsrmation alsor was <|HH -"kind-of-miinh from Evolved the race for county •; available. By SUZANNE BROWN school teachers by the Austin 1, Annual" teacher salary ia-tookThem all the wholje'thi^g." He js ac­~cofmhr^_ioner,:;1^ecihet :2. customed.to close elections as Sob' fronts-defeated Dave rSliae shows expRininpregistration olu^ a^'sit rinwn" tour Texan-Staff Writer Independent School Board V creases Are based on :ex-and all have b^en istarted ijff be lost, to foreman two years DoESfetf" by 77 Votes: Honts of jthe campus \yere shown with orienSHon^'advisefs A~pay .^Krr-nf ifi gii-pnrron»-night. .— --' i lperience, tenure, and " immiuuzation programs." >n progra.available afterward to answer questions.' was approvetKfor public Educational Uegf^T^fiaviif^-—W^JU&TjwNTJiave thejw, The p,ay raise, one of "the r-D&Nx largest p-ant«l~,ih^ Tex^s.for, json ^afced^^feairtier-with^ ^|[|}ances /t0 n}fet ^imps^y^V tv"J 7 ''4"7R -"l—"• Jiye_years'„ .experience and. &.. _ We^give ths kid8(f^ j thef '74-'75 sclipol year,, was For The Hdt Months Aheoli approved ftsi^ counselorsfand bachelor's^ degree* will tiarn. tnebestloodan fectiication There's no£\ tog muclt-®£ , librarians also;, and:$ip,ftl witlr^ money leTt^ver "to oav^ Rent a 1.8 Cubic Foot Photo.Service -Sup^D^^ Davidson onflSt?r's^egtee plus five Vcarpenter or' plumber,'^^-­ said beginning teachers with gears'. exjierienjCe.-^;. • Daniels explainfedT .'•-{ 242 wriVth -Xuiiiuiuii. Rcl. bachelor's degrees will" The"incr4as^lso prpvid^ -~Shesaid4Jniv€islti?tiBient^HA C receive $7,600 annually, and for a -10-year.".veteran with ti * can help the daj£ care center"-^" J RESUME' & 'BSSBnilWtti.tuuuhw M-wUhi i bachelor's depiWtnparn $io,-fprmerlp" MalcoJm/ X Free-" master'a degree Will receive • 441 aiid a ltKveari^ran^lth ' ^'wtliL-Inctitufa^jy ON TYRE For-the minfeanonths| ahead^ the Co-Op • • -' -m mastesV degree A V to (earnearn ; ways "Dpnatibns/re always^ $8,400.-• • ^ _a mastes's-• _...v, T"f ji6'96Cl' * '• a fielp, and student'groups ­ wants ybu to have -a little pleasure in you^ life. 'Boutique Foinionj> r-i. 7 .PICTURES^ -rWFoptlftn and s. eithsr'* $^«5Q (u-p»ck & tgium) Sterei •». »« v students al» c.n wrt enthusiasm on.the salary, in; the center asMrqluBteers. S22.50 (Wedelivei^pickup) crease,'' siid-j Caro1 •wnrkinp-n.iih iiia^afirrf^nWn Quick gettofale Service- McClellan, vicerpres^dent of • Jlhe classroom'or 'supervisiHg? WrVVrV yolTCHT rem-thts-^eto33CTatoi^^ a ^eereaiionals. Gpntrac deposit which is returned when you Relax and JoinMs rretUrh »e refrigerator. -i Enroll for Summer Classes Plus ome or sponsored by "j Dorm Room. '"niversity Y 0 Guadalupe All datsts-hoairi week of June he University Co-Op / Auto Mechanics Photography lorsi ' Oil Painting ~JOne hour free parking .With pf. ! $2^patchaVe_oj^2jnoVe. /A±Y± Ba n k A m eri c ard & LSVSCA Second floor MasterCharge Welcpmed. Itlt Call the foFihhrmailonrdot»Srllm»t, md.fi>M,: t7t 1271 wt ;oisr>s ^li EA^N CASH WElKtY , rR( , BlbodPlasma DonorsNe^edll-Tlj SUB-MINIATURE ~ " Men & Women: |BfHEBW|RATED ? .? EARN i$10 WEEiaT^^W AGTION-CORDER CASH PAYMENT FOR DONffj^pj .—l Austin -Condenser :^BloodCo^^^n^^^5-rai Microphone^Hh --.5^ _J)PE1&MOIwMur$.8AAf&t&tim Ju( Automatic-Shut-Off _ «rc «*+•*» TUES.&7?Rt:8 A.Mrto 3JP.Mn ""TO5 CLOSED WED.&sAT.-ii "im -Almost {as small^as.a fape cassette itsell. the all-new" SONY- the 409 W. 6lh -.-Hf^I ' Tt<---iTC-55 tucks, away just a'Bout anywhere to ^iroviaFthe-ultimatE^ -tiol I fZt j5L-S?wyHiB and. operating convenience. But^ don't let the size Vu rtf HlmiifiI'riT^finn nHnrr> n^ffHrmnnnn luJl'^mrtw ••> . __| ' ^to6fcj(«tdJ{i ri' Sony Cassette -Recordj»r^~ i & SUMME ! Fullest Extent Of The Law! T042—re8:-$l04.95now ~ -c 59;^5 $133^9^ now R The "Co-Op has always- fairly if they're riots tried to back up their x >' ~—treated-fair4y^_ ^jud v Eyerything-ttnd poiicles.but with shoplif-­ pwiuiicsiuui w.iin snop The» C d•Q^p-, w ill'" ting the^vTay it' is, it's-i ome over to see !the ia prosecute — the^ ve" got"7^ *n posSiijle-r ThatV.one of ^i . .... file" convmced"^and" Fin^ dt-the Sfer< the reasons jwhy the ONE BLQ( -the •copywriter. Thel^K amount ^f__m{^ey yoju 'Col-Op just waritedr-;:tp^|: '* 5ony Open Reel ^ecks get back froro%erebates- Jiil warn you beforr~yo"uX^ hasgone 4own asTrhasT^ rC-280^ r $219.95 reg.' $184.951io0 -7-'think "abouT:_pujHng off ? Treev Cc-Op cian^t^work ~ «J -4269.95 $224:95 w ^ the jobt; -r -: ^ JC-377 J349.95 $289.95 s T * '.J f V k. wp rasi^ T6458 ~^. $499.95T~ 5384 05 ft $499.9571 95/L TC-580 1 . $599.95 69.95 We roun TC-640B\ !1449.95 374.95 > for 6"wtfil P TC755 21699.95 549;95 £ Don't Try;Us ToSee If We Are. We Are j r :< z£$' Sony Cas^ette ^ecks -*s&=!fc=ii% TO-129 ~T , y$1'49.95 fea. $126.95 now . j 1 --' TC-T31SI)l::r$]99.95 $169,95-^ J -... • r\"'i TC-16TSD i--$329(9-5^^7; $269.95-. for 12 weekf"St ^ Prices good for Present Stock only . ,. \; "tu,rr f volv i senit ,u,never;fW-;>''-~ Jb — The Universify C Pi ard 'Ml® ' .Pea . . giv« Servmg TheStudent Body Of The University oTTexas isng University Co-Op : [ttTT^ — 1 • • .> t " r —"3—! --^=r »• . ^ "n « Hi StereoShop^/i I OwHwdr / 1$l-xS?^v •rift ntdm. JllZ/ _tesU .Pre ^or come, <74-7211 iofl *5T^ -476-7211 >2*04 S( men j'/ rtyTi -.SSi ir~, .,A ^ j-,.' 67g\W m^iZzTK? tl^Y BTTCTffTS ^*9%{$ , . ' In SiiT Francisco, Democratic State , Mth in win in "six sj^ci# cohgressionaj \ j impact' of Watergate-Is being |>IS5TFPI:^^rareToWToiF ftssemfelyman-John--L^urton-is-4te_\Tuesday in a governor's race and a in, of tests ^ for 'nomination ui three bl_ the favorite among four Democrat andfourT 'in' Palo'AUo"7ust°sdlt^ mdurfi—en—campaign—reform in Galifornia^in^e^ighHghlZSF._Sfg!3l— ^-MnNrf MAS'°Th^ i I ' Re^bUcansseekmgtheUS House seat |eisco, mavenck^pubhean ilep. _Paul_ j 1 MONTANA^ jy_^aje_s_jwp con-, being Seated by retiring Republican" N. McCIoskey fares a stiff ^nomination -.primary elections scheduled across the m&k 1 |r/es^I^en, a Pemoc-ral fncT a Wrtbam-S-MaillanL This is a special \ challenge from rftuliittiillibjiairi' country: " Republican, are unoppossd~tur <•* unopposed .for Section, and;if%ne«andikfitegets 50per7—PUu^smimii 6»rdefrjfe -In the ..year's biggest flurry of renomination r tut-there-are-contests -to— ?Snt hajvjll immediately .. \tiyo'years ago and has. conefentrate^full primaries .voters in th^ eight states also,! oppose them.-y assume his.seat.in Congres^^nsji'-nerg^^^ifc^flce^nJ.uffsratin^the-Asawar ate "chooi mg nominees to succeed--a -There are at.ieast two important con--" will be a runpfF. ..... .-.ft. \ WCf?«Igbn McCloskey, The njcfe Is rated M retiring gbvernor in-New Mexico and a gresstonal races in California.Tuesday c If. Burton is victojnouSj> it woU% be"the ",'txfremely: close s U.S. senator in jowa'. ln sddition,.,there! I,,!f *•%& are?6.U.S.House seatson the ballot--43 '•in;Ga!fifeia.^.^raijSi^m^vs^tbi iUn~ *— ••*• and ^overnonrin South. Dakota-,and• tHiJ , . gpverfniprsfiip-of Iojva? , . iisrjp~-But-;thMpcus j^iai^alifoniiBT wher^" WASHINGTON.evv York ruled ,remnant^ipastd^riffli^r^oT^ Tif.dijici.iiiiliiatfon ?it fhrpe.blants \n-Cor-X agliinst/^Corning/'and ' the 'cQmDar. --fable4r2 /J™.? f-" J,c the federal Equal Pay Act of 1963. lUhg^-CL-Y^-^hev aipoujiit ;du^: o|her_ toiirt.tn i^ilffdeiphia-'ralecH® the i con-­ lllen -Jhejawv ,Xh.requires that OTen s iat a Corning plant in WellSb"orttr -v. trsry/'_ , • "Jf-P"3' St?% G°n|rolfer aljd155rdraw :the same, salary for the Pahas not been c6iSpirteB.~' =^3%^ispnte7iiivolved CorningVeffori — work, tS"'Broadly' n;'medial and it Iabther action, the court: d'uiing the 192'Os tojnduce merito work as -v 4^isSrGOP f5m#'Ve Reffi5a^ • nisfnKsai' fnr • pi-npoHiiraj reasons '^^95^and applied.so as tq niepf ms^tors beca'use^ew Vnrk and Florida'sjappeal of a lower; court deci; Pei rnsylvania.-law's!:tfteffXpfoHIBIted:"sion invalidating:statei4a^.requiring"a woi ^en from working at. night. tte^be^tonal^ominafa^, the. .Thurgood Marshall wwtelbr the'court!" W*M -—...T ymatH^-jwjiflartoroVliiuJito liusliand's: -Attei state' la lid favorite m88M "The court found that!CQnijng,twas guil-. consis^^pr'affabertion, and-requiring a ,«pen«l Ihe^higher-payingTiight jobs to the secretary of state and son of the •^.ff^f-sex^^discrjminatiori bylmainfaining a'..:single womanjinder 18 to obtain parental ;women.-j-. : —' • ' or'nior • governor who was: pustett-by eagaireipht years ago--'•-' ' i'.v 'consenL-Ihe decisioh holding thoselaws A 1969 bargaining agreememt-did away ­unconstitutional hasbegi appealed to the-with tttg separate base-wagfe^vafeift-for-­ J" Also on the -California ballot, is U.& l-troMt.C&irt .Mi work in $e. future-but Proposition 9, 'a-pttizens^ getition in-, • Cleared the way for a ^hearing pn ' rainteined q s^a^te^r^circle',!scale t Itiative that If approved will "impOse strie( ' ~ . j i Jam.rei^Earl Ray's contention thath'e waS for workers hired'Sefore 1969. pressurea into:pleading ..guilty to the There wasno ,imrriediate indicati8rToT istate murder of Martin Lirthes-Kinp Jr Ravi" theprobableimpact onot^ier companies • J u vtjtict tjuuiticimes -Serving-:r^'99-'yi6ai,-':;seiitence-.in .the Laiwr ^Department.. tj Described by supporters!as a direct TV^r -^outgrowth oi Watergate, the measure *£would severely liipit money that lob-" *fennessee State, 'Pepitentiary Judd said, the departmflht' Ha's''ma-hiiia1p-Ft,ITrFtf^HwpTfpnrtrii^^'fTrTfnnfrrt and the base rfttn^nM ? Calley's iawyers, who sought eyewitrtts^ - I iii. uuv. Jere Beasley —estimated •jrecoverable value" of about ODerational -J•••••"—rr~-—-.— -—pC­ operational • Accounts obtained by those wh»-in-. Qalley has been discharged frotn'the • / faeesTpIIl'ioflaire businessman Charles ¥20,000: (l^^-vestlgatecL.the slaying-of Vietnamese" Army following review ol his conviction,-/v Wjsods *fn'-"a runoff for the Democratic MOSS QUI STTONED the legality,^f Thesfiells also"fifF-5 prison affiearby'Tan Hiep;. where the roSl yilfajew at-My La| in March, I960, v ^ which resulted in a lO-yeat* sentence. nomination for lieutenantgoverndr. Gov. the agfeeraeht and said the govemfn'ent said XL civilian^and prisoners were killea and'82, wounded.­ •V.!' fifth--closest .votes pf:confidence ever growing impatient with 'PresSdeHt^Kis-to '"joH":Nixon into yielding the ;tapes,vi: ' -an» thpy ^ay tt'at is-fte=Teasorrt9-can-made-t)3tthe government w^jl40,650 for premier Monday, Tepramngni eir • :;registerffl for a uew li^drguveniimtg ""TwrtTrefusal-to surrender tapes^for tie and not as a possible ground for.ai; artir---: didates are^nitining Jgr nomination for a brick and redwood fence .This was not ~iirut pledging'-to-oontiriufr-hery olicv-.of—L.-ft jollowed almosthours of sfor^: the state's-15 seats. lruthe U..S. House. • removedrSnd' Aghew'was not charged Impeachment inqOiJJpWft'flowbeliesfeal cle of impeadimehf. ; • • lii , 7-_3S;while my.debate over-the'52-Ve§r"^oId Rabin's • Democrats-hold-an 8-7..marginvin thp the pati'el should-consider contempt-ac-'<3wirn*w» -PMm-W. B/v.» r-* n. "for it. -. _ keeping" tfte ^rmy at top strength; j peace-oriented cabinet tion_ ^ N.J.., remnjnojl njinrfaant a^inst:ai^6m-nHaffitthey Pan in-Othec improvement?thatremained at"~:-_ -The :chinge in'leadei^hip came-as " AS TOE-VOTE^-as announced, Mar:" Icrease that. mittee moveito haveTNixon citedfor con--to Agnew inrliidwl widening of --Syrian and Israeli -generals-announced her defensje imtifeter/Mbshe Dayan and^' temptj^aylng: 'JYou don't go to the floor NEW MEXICO: Democratic Gov. area; a. ne\v they had completed plans,for disengag-netToTfeigirtTOnWT.^-A^ha ^han^,\0My.^ IrXOrl W*Id Im--with>rt <>1~* case." _Bruce King cannot succeed himselfvahd sidewa froAt oor snra got up fro-m-their.brown plush seats.ahd.. -six Democrats Md foHFRe5uWtcans=are Lmnin-ctair-nfay won approval m the1Jeti^alenx ^Utjjcoauaitiee resunjies .closed un-(moved, to the noncabinet betitihes in;the" -peacnmenthearingiTueiday,-centering rg jean ' on JiQv'and dairy industjy contributions" DCciipisd thp prprqier's chair -7~to Nixon's 1972 re-election rftmpni[w) " o&iivfl.afiacfcahdj^'-davs.-.leadin^^thp -: Regarding the coipmltteeV"dBroaTidsrt country through two-wars ana~frequeiit~t—Hoffa Bid forr.additional presidential tapes "and " Overtlirows; crises.— . ---v documents for its inquiry, McClorysaid: ... "Our pdhre:is f.lear. We-prefer peace • • WASHINGTON-(AP)A fgderal /"I think we ought to consider epforce-tCLneWjmlitaryvietei^sr^tabTe peace; a ' \judge upheld President Nixon-s claim of •' „ment of-ouofeubpoehas at this stage. I'm. just peace, an honoraMenace,"but not ^ executive, privilege-Monday antLquasKed. / leaning toward some kind of decisiofi^T" peace at any prioe/' the retired chief of " " n fliiltrfti'na ffrriocumentk relating to-.th^ y .. this stage about the President's obliga— staff and .formet ambassador to conditional clemency grantedH fornjecOption. -' — 1 Washingtonr-tprd""parliaitient as it / Teamsters.chiefJamefr Hoffa.; think' we shouldReview whether the. prepared to vot'e on aiis cal)iriet^. ' / Is ---UiSrBist. Judge Judge John Pratt rul­House authority-and;procedure is acce^ -In Geneva, the ^Military Vorkin'g • r ed. that "Hdff&'s attomeys .coirtd^>ipt ^able-oMinacceptafile;^yhfr said,speate .Group set up by .the Syrian-Israeli dis­" 'make a ,strQi\^ ^o^ng1"of ' ne^i T&ig of a contempt citation^^l-am much engagement agreement 'oX-'test" Friday "" .jiecessary to rebuf tlw-privfli"mff-pnvflege •toe,.. "rKore,,inclined 10-have thatacas -• rebut dnnbunced all essential points for itsdis-|8.\ President claims '' -• 1 engagement~plan-had beep-worked out—\ By \ Pratt-said-the material soug"ht h.y Hi SUGGESTING A .contempt aiKf'lt .@;jtiij*t3giiwl .WeAnead^y.^— » . „ citatiofT" -fa!s'attoTney^jMS-irrelevant M4hku -_migKiQ*3c!lt him" intojieldJng the tapes®, • f > "•A-Uriit^ Nations!communique, issued' ixdtiuna (.-.uniinunique, issuea they had already, received' sfflfcI^rt^:TWcClo>v^aWr'iIJnrntrta"dTOcating*that^ -yOn behalf of the working group.,<'said k)ifjyrsatd;-'Im ntrtadvpcacingthat;evidence to proceed with their case;-" —r-•• -• ......v... ®greeiiieht also had been reached -on I'm jush thinking^about-that." But be _ |iKi~x~Hoffa's attorneyi Davfd Rein, argued acknowledged that he.was"^!moreyecep-e modalities foi^the,«xeteinge-of all ^x." I that-.the subpoenaed-documents would tive" to the idea than he was up-tinti!la$t~. •^remaiping ,prisbnersT"oF7"war and show the reasons why the condition was week.,' --. ^ eturn of bodies." , . / L^ptaaai^gn Hoffa's pardon and'support > "I an\just thinkingVfrsh^d t'i^t Wounded-, POWs .wefe exchanges . h ' ^offafs argwnenUthfltihe,pi'pcffiduresjn_ forc^ pur own sjuBpoena in the statute^ Saturday.' < \ . commuting his sentence werfcii6p«yep. -and common_law" iihelh"oa5:,"th5t ~are .^IN BEIRUT,.the usually well-informed ' ­rUjiJdlojsed^^ -presently,avatlpbie tons-andNeither in-of AeWs, and opmionr -therAraB" •' executive privilegeJast volve the courf pr6c?ss," MeCtory said'. jepoiitpd-thatjSppytnVy of State -­week iPCfesporisa to a subpoena ordering-^-.'-"! do_n't-WMt"to^o.into.^urt /' z-3^1 Henry" Kiss1"nger has :sei\t "secrjet _• ­his chief of staffs Alexander Haig Jr., to**?-. Rep. 'John ~ ^ — messages to Israel and Syria spettmg Put :. nyersp" D^MichT.THas ' turn over documents^and" records imTi-soaght twice/I hpv,e the comrtiittee vote unwfijten conTfffllfnents connected .with volving Nlxon's commutation ot,Hotfa*s ^ "Nixjn in co^tempHfor'refusing Jthe sul vtheTGblah agreement. _ •— • sentencaan 1971. '•i jLpoemis" lbst both times. .: The journaLwithoutrStatmg thesoucce^ ^, Fortner HVhlte:Hpuse-counsel John A COMMITTEE source said^ast^veek-•fw^its-..infQrmattpn, _.saiti' the^om^i . Dean -HI "has testified. Jrtwilliindfirtekeaerial andsatelllte „-,t)^ .~peari^. inclu<3inf,one-4hat Dean^ 'WatJnformaUonfrorcspecraLprbsecutor ^ refipnii^isprnfiS!^th^cjease-fire4incs-to^r testified he prepared-and sent-to the_; 'Le^&Jawor^ki's office has not beeirpass-— -chdck oh compliance with.theagreement "* ^iredy toJhe^udiclaiy^anetrlf ColSPn -aaa* said the::Sovijfen^iblj--migfirc£jf^~~ — , ,, ^testifies to the grand jury fa exchabge out.simil^refconnatSsanie if it wishes memorandum.irom-Dean to ithen-Atty-^foLbein^AllcstedLto^iead guilty-o only -in-AlgiSrsjhe newspaper El MoujIhitT-­iji', John>Mitchen.discusslng the.;legaH^ :. -: '.:6i» charge,; It wouldiiot necessa Sy be osion WrecksJ Bn glish Village1 ^said Algeria hadliftedTEstcletions.op oil tjr proprie^of-made aval)ajlej^the corhnlUtie, the A woman attempt, h.r bej^ngi^g* left" 4j.ke rtill billoW* fronv»h7ch.m}c4l w«k,deva^ta^d by : shipments;t0 Hplkind MB Xtegmark. Uiej 5oorce~sald." ;iast sanctions fteKLcver from the'9e—= *" — -II c^.—[ .|( ^^^fraw^r4tottenmLhi»»^»«j^LhtfS^M^^^v-c^^»xpMon.QLfll)a»rowiih;HftlVV fWfintltlftnM nQmft Iffirrrt n%ifr,r-avnifiil/tn nf Eli^kA.ni.HU,,a.^. imoll^, EflqfUh ViHao'fB.--jqW ^ M ¥HMAI^'TEXAN~PSgr3. Sft.!55rS-T4-, r • •\l*——' _~mrr<" •;v£«?^sS& S&!c££glS: fe-W*« ^ ; •*<&*£ •* y^j^'/'/ra1.—•; :-:«® "L • 11?? -f.,uJMi*; ** S&fc^" 7 ! - > %-V ilc ? "» ^ f* <>1. • _ w Yf 'JtWsfc sgfgr Page"4To^sdayV June4, [ ,V 1 V:V-' -c!; ;•' ;"\ -' \ t-s;1' .,J,vV ' A\ -;4«-j.";r-^ „ -^k\y ^ 81SI-::> t: .teSg1#® j:--" pi -tes;a lot abouHt lot-Give The Daily Texan; ai dayof-—'' ^. >­"news, andyouseea good, amount of editoriaL com^ analvsists whci seek to'!blam£-S6faeQne'5 defeat ori -&T ment.-GiveTheTeafon amonthof news, ajidyou°would_ i^methipgi^ v--__•___ ^ _ ^ •see volumes of^iteflatxomment.— .' • ' , Nonetheless, Barrientos will "Be a/welcorfte at^dftipn So* thejEoilowing is-a.......r....... a „..grpup~oTlnti -ta^e-Travis County delegation ^ of.. wrapiip, . sb -editorials aboufevettts.ni Austin-'that.happened_wthjtn_ R^pr^sentativtes: unly~a-sTnesF^eag}paigB^ttexented_ — wk&% ^ the-last 30 ddvs. We consider these news events the -him from obtaining the seat two years agoffflsjtime * 1'-%­> £fnos(,"relevant U> editorial comment. —, I « „ ,-——Eoteman_atuck to the: issuesiitnd lost^RlWiwhile,. isS&hSfis — _ V _ ' r I _ " _ a'xJL'-L f e s r . i *.'*i *T>^Z— J»r ^arrientos^pol^lastspringaLtteTexanandbliident" i^.. ­ Government funding rally and promised Qn^eCtioy -rft inignt/to setBpavstoretront',:"officestaffedtopr6vid& •*Jr Do It Again r---coipTOunity;input "^t he co^nty, judge race in tft^Funosffs provided two S 'The Texan ha'sn't ha^an opportunity to do it often. jntnes who said;abolit^the same thing ahd made about consm'eridation to the,Austin 'City But here;it is: a /the same charg^s. Mike Renfro probably won because Council !!,_ i 1)' in _ the;str4tch • he had the honor of the Austin _ -Or-rathferr'-a-comrnendation-to-the -four-council-^; ^"Ameifiean^tatesmap^^drawing-its^endorsement^f-g members (Lowell Lebermann, Rerl-Hamicox, Jeff % around ;the he', received him 2) same-time. Friedman and Bob Binder) who rejectedSouthern Liv~ ^ charge thatThe Texan a Dave Dorsatt looks from an aitplane at what he helped prevent: Wj^ingZ -coverage on "a cortimjtted Leisure's bid for a municipal utility district to ~ •? /•typographical errorsloijg,.ionginriSagc^, thereby dis: ^erve the proposed Vffiding develdpment. ''4 place with some members citing theheed to jump into, • .--Board of Natural Resources and] flronmi. porting his views on'growth. " / ^ This is {he first §Jrong tnove the council lias made-r— - factien -iijrrihediately. If they don'tj' Austin will -lose ty:. ' •' ^"A^efreshin^rif^^gAampaign^wasljrought.toJhe^ towards wdl-planned, controlled-growth.-It is an im-/ 3hr£e.m6re.oentaryiold housefcwMch'atie-har-dtoxiome IS people vof Precincts Dy. Dave.Dorsett, a bare loser to .^ public Dorsett yelled about --.portont precedent, in proving, that thfe council will not. f by in this day and age. If ffiaFhappens.-someone should ^ " Austin~~Wsterddy'i • blindly accept periphSral growtiraWTlevelopmentr—— . -considen-pavingjjver the-Histori<>aLLandinarlt_CraP----j: r -Wilding until it ^asanissue anBuItimately delayed by­ K But'despite this decision, the wilding developers- mi«ini} —> .^. * ' ^--. „ J/\ V r" «a,pty Council decision. This*is a far cry from Honts, .The Austin Tomqg««w program, we arejtold; have*two options ^that could very well mean the-ex-. whose promotion of developments,-such as hisSan An­ :designed to enabMrcitiaens to take pkrt injtp .istence of th$ suburb after all. First; the developers • tonio Ranch Townf^makes his public -service-intent major decisKpr affecting the: future of. ^usfibv' Bulldozer Mentality p^jf -^can jetmm in _si8^^ht^t'b the Oouncil with fee same-' "M open to question ; request-C^'u Uus alternative does not ?eeto viable,­ Since its oute«,iioweveMwo major issues:(the^uQiii 3s5 y, r- Paving seems to be a hobby with local civic leaders. Texas N^Jlar-PowerPlant-Project and the:W|ldiflgs ^ , the:developers could go fo.ri smaller development of In thelast mgnth theold Austift Neighborhood Associa-proje^^ave been decided jwithout the bene^t^of inpjitfc^4,000 to 8,00d people-The-latter plan would require^ap^"-­ What td^ndmark? t tion has challenged the city's need to run some nqw |^| by $%£Goals Assembly/, the decision-making.bcjdy df --p r o v a l ' b y t h e ^ ^ pavement through their neighborhood * •tin Tomorrow., "But, deSpite the-fwgsibilities.pLa-developers' com^ _?l This spring the 102-year-old Hurinfcutt House died. •' i \ : Inqlo AccanfMlf " •well. The Texan 'Its afterlife is scheduled to be "avparking lot. Two T"~. The association prcsented-alfernatives to the city's As '.a result, most "Goals • Assembly membei^'SSSf m V br0D0sal at--th& Citizen's Traffic Safety Commission's worried over whether the program w,ill aSEuallyj have't "only hopes the j^b will continue.. .weeks Before tne~wre6king :i'^ws:feKq>B#jn^lhfe ~ ^•Council passed its Histprical Zoning .Ordinance. -/'""M^2lm£eiing-'inenvth? city presehte^-^ " *$> t 7 ^ffem6liti0^7^omewhat-i)blivi6us-toi4he bureaucratic^. : plan. They studied thg,. report a jsfiwate ^proved on May 7 a resolution callirtg'en the.Gi^lCaun4­ prepared by a, Winifers xin^f Losers T" engine^ngWm~h}red~atncity-expense.-Th^mstened ' cil_to• delay decisions of-major influence onilhe^Iuti^flfe! • build-up of the < s» to, but reportedly didtiqt read before votiR^fthe-atter-' " of Austin until the. issues involvedTcan:be sgidiSdrandf1^ ' - .^----Commission. Two.of the houses are located-on a site. -—How can a county full of blue-e^ed people who can=_J— /--that Lamar Savings and Loan reportedly \vapts to use.;; ijiatives presented by the neighborhood,^roup."• assessed by Austin Tomorrow. . not trilla dxrubIc°';f ' voT,eipr suixieumjiiAnicd Barricq -A-'as j buiklin^ 'jjte—Th^-oVhr'r hnfi invest'^ arrjnsed . r-Thislparticular neighborhood grou^cldimed the new-While this resolutipnjwas passed in time tobellppr^. Ninth^atreet blanket apprbval. of qu^tioirs x _ lht> P.ii-JK AA^l.llily • ,.tos?-How^cgj th|sr same -county -make a distinction. 5ecause it-sits on landj^hich wOuldlb^ust j>erfect for streetS, "an, extension "of from—Wesi-^erit a Wnaine.^the qu|StidirstiiF hvn attorneys moderate to liberal in'both -,a ngW apartaient complex. * " AVenue-tirNorth Lamar Boul srd and the widening 7S s^m"" -uulluuki -~on 10th~Street. were unnece The new pavement ability to"study andlzornment on such m; Susinessman from PflijgerviUe^ISK^i^shig^brg city" ^in^rtn«^Tfect ... ^miT~icgnV»r nrp aris»i^}^K^--dailv~ Would be the"same proc^ureSTfSed to save the Hun-|*S !}. iiiiljUag^oli^lcaL.7^ -public relations specialist in a.metrop«^itan.< Tftwmtt CTonse — relatively ineffective ones.Some new balance arid damage a p^&adja?lrhtt6'th^,new roads. ~ • nuclear po\^er^larit7TeHyrawrexation~polfei^xajty —• The answers tq^these questionsand all others^atur-; bMding-ptaiK'H^rbeeiffede;:thfrjCo.stof mioving the'-f,-^ ^-The city claimed tlyopposite. Wo claim was made, street plans— and_ unless recomnrendajaonS^rom thtei day's election pos^d; Nobody voted. This-does jiot. • historic houses is; being-discussed and commission •however, *>f The lean's reportlas^^onlh thaf-tte-^S-^Soals-Ass^mbly^aTe allowed t^supplemeA the City » .Aiean that Gbnzalo BarrientQ^or ^y."oHhe--winnera 5.••••• Jiieiubers-^veR-have.expressed doUbts .as to whether. : ^ new roads will p^ three lots-owned^by_Mayof Roy^ "A-—Council's discussion of these issuers; manyilotets iButlei.—— "7.~f=~^~z be~^lgft—Wondering „the. Austin " Foteman-cl^bped, the conservativesr stayeirhomeiN ."'theSouses courd^fe^aved^And-the-HunnicutLisdead.^— •••" * " whether. omotrow y~S[ -Since The -Texan stopped publishingr the firsts<-The'streets lah iac^Vft^ext opposftion Tuesday--as -program.ismerely the woria s rcrost expel ..... * • •""" ~ r"~ But the students also ignored Ihe polls. Th^l& percent feis f; meeting of the Historical"Landmarlr^ommission took?" 7;.when it is^raseussed for.ja second.tim'e'-atlfte Citizen's* ,,Stamp ' , \ i r; i\ >c ^ ByBUCKHAitVtiYr' f-^tor/p»ppet~^yriaronie-E:Vthat-::is: more discussion, about the Ai KM® TJTrrmrmxin_t_ ?TTb " cA<57ri-«i^ J5Qiile-S^ijig from last,semester's follpwfiig^o^^.roQpPot > potRtesl; slum to this semester,'^slumrl-thumb-thinkers: Right or wrong. No one has , ed across some; rather interesting beendupedmorein thepast thai) Texan •material-my . editor ^campaign editors have been; I may be duped this literature. . • year, but I want to do ft onan indepen-• tation, the role of Austin T0i| ....'"After-:reminisc-sj3^! -^dent 'lCTel. the saving o£ the past^nd fi, / .ingbboutthe enjoyr^K • Opening up ThesjCexan to diverse *-For the University; is theiErnlversity meht I:had-in-hanfStf viewpoints and forTommunity.interest heading m. the right ding out otrf academir pxrellence. for • thS^(d^entg*jfe,4 15,000 shoi^a De-'one of the easier promiAas,_ them;"(and^-after Sp^>pp <»lil hp kept vacant (as it was This leads us Into /more ' reminiscing about last year) for guest-viewpoints',: plus a • ." aboufthe:tarmg.anjtfirino.,,. the eirfOymentvlhe i S new^eolumn will be mtrodug&d to the. .• :•• professors, attempts to brin££»!>]&/ g// 15i000 people had in|^ editoriaL pages. It :wi!1 be a place Ttir"T7^r~'Profe8sors-liere^Jlie role ofjtha Board t£ < Jy f/// ii-rejiecting them), iMiiv community ihterests and iWill becalled; of Regents;m building tthe-ttniVersRyj^s glanced tlirou|h the ' "AustinJopics.-"—-. . the question of construcjion oyeri/ 6. -—promises+had-made. • The third promise ^-rtdr.^Ssh, my — 7academicsr-the—involvement­ # 7 / t $ For some of ttie promises I',found I j-i goals of the communitj^throughoiSt the faculty in -University atfairs,-"t}re^| I yearvear T»-IS perhaps-the most ..comf pnobties of the'students l^Univ^rt^tyf15*, • had'already k t them. Forsome.of the jj-y. nsftyffl promises, I foimd I already had ex-1 ' plicated and serious of the four. It m-km decisions, the minority prab&iH<$fc»'4Is c®il§lL.SiS.uses.' And for some •of the iCttn^wxiutsoinethings^vhile^LwaS.rriov-r^=.— Hie"Texan editorial pag^ wilMiscuss .WiaL^atp natlnnal and r I'm ^lihe city^ndJthe Univgrsily equally this issues will be imjUTded (Sjesf''vi#^r fluff "" year, depending:npon-the issues. And points are^welconiid aboutany tesueii ---But.now., three nfimtta about '"to wander, down sa1 "ith--these two .'topics^lhere will political path. In this firstcolumn (call be But these basicftjuestiori^'aBofit ^ie/MYou krfow how we got out of yietnam7...vfell, we're also oyf of the Middle East/ it an introduction, a University and the city willbe^OBes^-•{/ over-all questionsJar '#ch constitution or a pre-3G-column),i have decided toWiake some nibre promises. ' .-j /\ : ? Of course, these promises' wiir-be "r " il --^I.Quest viewpointA: " t~s^ dillejretft from Oie oampaign promises. asm;£%. FT Now! that 3.174 of vott have given me xne utiicial Mancjate^it must be ex^ pected; But,vgiying-sorne creditto my .Ifvrfanf N*Wi/Mplir af Tfii Un(t»rtffy iM^oi ot/AuiH 7 THE DAILY torture W _basicjntegnty, all h^not chAi^ed, '' -~ ' _J:6itort. m y The promisedlor I97W5"|are:'W "to7 — i . ^By KATHEklNE WINKLEl^^ ..ry-'Ifind. They are women and jnfa par-alyis-^——that in-Latin America. An internatii > qpnj^if?my policy/ of having no MANAGING ITOR; • hi' (Editor's note: Winkler, a member ^—j'ed bymultiple beatingsor psychological-jury, has already convened forjtsjirst political or. special'rint^estftkS? 2) t&j' ASSISTANT 'MANAGING'EDITORr?&W> ^ 1^; ^merican^JPoiicy Alter-^ ^ ly destroyed by a series(^rotsqt^tiff^ -session thisspring to hear testimony and leave the editorial, page! open .for r NEWS EDITOR ^ 'iPaMark natffes^Grouprwill be-workkg-with ^tures.r--. ^ ' diverag viewp^ts and community ih-' ASSISTANT-TO THE EDITORf.r:...: D^Kls*" s yd RlAetl* ? • the Anstbrsupport committee forthe—-Whiles-thousands-oj^Bgazilians^have.— :^AmDiig±|Ji^-zof ag tad an intense impact^ jcauses of a,repressive situation and its-ne Marie Kilday, > ,, >» v , Will^not make' many friends. By next _ oa worI3 piiblid opinion.kino • :''M ' '•"The' support lomrtiittees will 1) News Assistants-.. IpaiifcJoe-Floreg. CSuclc'Dean W' interaationatimpiiicatibns. May..I will have received" the fate of C-.The Russfellr Tribifllal, ai the com-,>v Since'the coup in Chile in September, publicize-the activities-4md findings of Contributors.;. A^boud,'BryanBrumley,G^'Biir5l^ every Dapy Texan editor"No matter. ^CiTv—T^" -.'Tr-r: the tribunal; -2) 'enlist..the.support of Saliy \tardepterrKathy Dillon, mittee washed,-was-an^poFtanH^—tlia^iriiiiar techniques of repression what I write; I will have alienated str^ment of denunciation of U.S. aggr&-p hav/been employed by the-miUtary iun-' Pa"°nai,y Kn°W" as e everyone except my Brenda Xewellen, S^ani^&idee, pationally known; persons as eridorsers' mother. And .by 'Sion ipjndochina at. a time WhenjHyaOf_jj^againsl; the„Chilean jieopte^An es-1 ''and-.S) iSziskk. P.atsy Lochbaum^ Mary Murtaugh, Mae 1 iIttTC;:f Uwar movement in the: Uhi^ StateF^^T^^^orpioplT-1^^ /la""^!!j^d,'raiSing caraEajgns. People j^-wDebbie Turner, Wade Wilcox, Jtodo1 • dezr once""or twice?ln lThe Firings was in itsTormativeratagSfc-J -i~l!-itianaMp^ in „ riesicmprf1 tn. Si fr^r^eded to do research,-telephontag(4 vi.inp EditorialAsjistantss Dale Napier,' S Jls "-Line. A' second Russell ^imaLbas now_/ eltal^'allM^flp^Sn'^Thf :Make-up Editor-^-. ..............r^........... Clai -p$>mps6n' —BuVi Blsnroml'iPi'in't the topicof this i Uie massiye-dis­ beetf organized, with .the purpose o^ex--' Fascist-dictators"H!p~th&t-a>verthrPw pie. concjim^d about "j^ire Editor......^). .• nfri' Fuller Columij. The other three;aF6": ing-repression ,in all .of Latin President Salvador Allende. regard |or hdman livesIn Latin America; Oopy Editors 77.,.r.0avid Rose,.WHIiam ZeiS^ (JWpte -AmeriM,;and.sp^fic^iy-TiinBra2ii-ani and wilhng to. confribute their efforts to -Nick Holaschuh, Nick Cuccia, Tieelock,-;. '( • ' 1^1;, drf-^rf" ., _ > ~ Keith Martnell, Janli 'alescltfof :: ::Opinioti3 «pressfd fn T(li0iilIy Te*an'9r« Uwj3e . munlration Building A^lMlyifiqulrlej --n for its'crimes against the^pirag^y^ &livia^Jruguay-and other. ^£>_hg_h < f l g p < f t n w a r r f < 7r editor pr" (nftfflin^dadverlinnjt^Kniid.be.nix --thw t^wr !fnlvfpftTY"*nHmt"Utri>t[nn or the Board of ->» -9.260 (H71*S244) and display advertising ^Brazilian peoplfe. That copitry, with its-litui Amencaojcouhtriei, it was decide Tri^inal support com-ftienjiiy a*cquaintances in, that hat co|m-;-,ReflenUH _ ~~TZ 1—'•* 5—!—tttt m IWfi> ^ -—facade of economic'growth and prpsperi-e4-to=65{panffthe! wodt«f.the tribunal Sunmr-1 will-trv ~ -The DftiiyJTexaii. astudent newspaper atThe Universltjr,; r_ TJre,national: ddyeriiilng represenltUfi ,ty, harTwrra-situationjwherein the great* -eicpose -lepresslmnn aH'nf Lati"'K» ,"ofby;Teka^Stu-letiH-'v TexamiSiNationai Educatlonat-AdvemitlS ':^;Rtt'.w|U:be held at7:30pm»-WedneSdayf^-~^iJ}q not mi$take this;%s-aTstatementa ^rEubtlcaHons,.Drawer-D^Unlvenlty Station. ^wsUiT, IVx: • 586 l^tington**ve=H#eicVorkr^i*T4( ^majolrity of thepeoplearejiiWngjnjds;^-America, " -J, ' -'• The DallyTexan su^cribeiloThe Aasopi^tw}Prw.Thev< ^ery.. r.'i " .~r^~ i aeno'UWihg-Tproved^^tS: Jo!•• 8t> • in.the LAPAGr;Lite^g^gG^dalu^^Tfl^^liS^^tfhj^tbriaE^ag^shMl^iL-, 7l7l2; Tiit Daily Texan -published Mbnda^Tpe§dayt .'_- > • Wednesday;'Tfjur^ay^rifSTTrlday^September thiro^h-L .TNew.York'Ilmeii NewiSerrtcc,United Pi^Iiitiirnitionat^ -Besides'^"aeno®i3it • St, —, i....-. ( . — -r*--nT The ^cood.Bertrand"Jtussell noJL-he biased. irf (be f^Hay. andJiyrtdayi-Wediwisy, Thursday,apd PridayJOnfr _ awi ZotHaaNewsService? Th^TctAn is a — -a g a i n s t ! t h e -people of^ ir^bvinal \ptu^des-^4y^^iteshareBlvilr'-^^'r^~-j *" ' WJratJ fear, thou^isfalling into^te:-i; ^ r|i |• i j IT t irTT >11 nil i i_ — ^ ^^ i ^j /^ _ _ i M ,^ vafagjifiiiMa .-> ,t. j}MT1 v 11 AkgMLI £&"*<•_.T j^ r: ? *. *""• f-Vj4.'^ Tt a .i? .*•'.­ »./ "mtt A — • r .--J tA*T ­ i$$i 3Mffig4w'w ln ByJACK-(/DERSON JS £rf'-^fetetotetkm. now seems to ., ment, to infringe-on, private . ceremonial^c9>l5ng..^px?xamplg7: York conservative, ttad aiimgf at-Hrg— . United Feature Syndicate ^^detemflhe wftat'biils-h'e will-sup— own^rihlp.-House Republican--Sen. Walter Mondale,. D-Mimv; WhiteltouselOdaysb ^Ffce' Daily Texan. Hig ' haltoff Jhp rnngtrunttnn oof a-crosar—risU'v^'tlfe^esWenrafiB urgecT" "Johnson; occupied the. place, andJ. Sen.'Ted Elevens, R-Alaska, aft-" p»1itmn^W<1ffgtgHrth the dedSgS <• '-FlSriaa barge canal to preserve the him to abandon the,Udall Kll. . Sen. ^Geor^e. McGovern, \D-S.TX;_. mitted ta-uytfiat'hisTeqdests.'.'w.ere ,!fcp#1? 'ta Jbe natlon-s-eapltal.) ' " beauty,. of northern Florida's Although-thebillsimply codified couldn't even get.an officietj list of put on the back burner" in the "WASHINGTON — White House ESl^awaha RiverrAs ne< s*six his own.prqposals. NLx.on^accepted Cabirfet. pnembers from th^ White Haldeman-Bhrlichman days. Buti^-tf *. > Sides ftave taken pains to remind weeks ago, the' Wflte' H-ouse 1 "the suggestion of1* *theL-*twa powerful.:—House for-an inquiring student--; 'ihis y^Rr "things have opened "ft,"/' members of^ongress thatthey,are reassured Elorida awiservationists. -conservatives. Steiger helpfully But the doorsJiave been thrown he said, and White Housealdes'^irti sment jury of the i^esident'sjsuppbrt.' """ *•** 4U" ~ Ai " "" '" mnrbmore receptivera^ontiva iA-mnto icy [inquiriesirnhifSmad'"' provided a weakenedM6stttuteJiill. ---X)paL.ta:the conservatives.' such as -nny and, therefore,that,it lis improper But ,pie promises were f&rgdtteri "which-thePresident quickly_en- Sen.StrqmTlurmond, R-STC., Aspokesman." TO wnaei valivtj-­ ~ ItSiii lor them to tfiscuss^he ca^e against after a contingent of CQnseryativ^ dorsed. '• ' • i Roiert Dole, R-Kan;, Pete~ V~ 'J5eh. J~BetuieU Joiuuioii; l>fcarrptrt ^congressmen:caltedrupon We White This JUUed the (JdallTjilK'H was a _ Domenici,-;R^1|I. James /it;«even more^ candidlyr-SSFhe White Mi-It would seem to be evfcn moire Iir? s]House to go ahead with ttie barge• vict1m", snorted Ukiall, of jatlind,, D-Mi$s'., and _WaKer youse is wjolhg Johnaok-.-Nixon has L'canah :the President hastily "Watergate politics." Agreed a -Huddleston, E>-Ky., •hose i name been dqiiig favors southern' . ^£"TOtimse^?3&B£ •* withdrew his oppositioj/. aff member privy to the backstage 'are on^ of 34'tol39;hard-cqre \sen^tors... (for) anyone who'sa sw-? :yrsenators-r—The same-thing happened^to a [of~maiietfveriM: "This was clearly Cdnservativeswhose'vqte the Presi-ing vote onApeachment^.^ dinoer ; federal land-use bilh wtflch.the -I'.from — Foot ri ote.: environments — case of Wjr&ii trying to shore, up dentrneieds to-savef'himself a^'Wtii te'" ffo fi se r ^ ' --I . ' criHses downthe Potomad. He has President had described as his "np,, .<»nserva|iye.support." ". -reihoyal. ^ , "jB-p'ofeeis:.1. .; ztherrrvith^ddra attention^" '.->. -Ariz;.,^orking ctoseIy %lfti, the Vfcich' tiie^!^5nseJ^atiyes' -despise^ sibly, to discu?S trade wrj(h the Presi-. trying to safeguard the environment ThePresident is even talioring'his®? Bitenof Deprtnrentp a couple jbf agd.^rlier.Msiand, at the same time', to provide-an i , . »&«»? • legislative pregramrasieast4n pai^T'^-toaccomplish the PresidenfSabiecri .getiDtoseethel^esident^ Tim art^nBate energyr'supplv. said the—j tf i 9 to appeal tothe conservatives whose • ttve. . -> • . « .German shepherd doga, B.R^ birthday pwty .ftr "3efm^tt7 ano~—spoitcSnrari. He-ciaH««Hh« votes he-fc/eountingTipon -to keep But conserv^tives were afraid the Jialdeman and John' Ehrlichman', Long, was /granted a 90-minute *• -Pcesident accepted thti stite SMp him in.office. The politics of «n-_^ bill would allow the federaj gpvern-were guarding the door. Uberals audience with the Presideht. land-use-^bill-"because it /™ £#<3V*?F^rt^tS-eiP tfasfp ~ peachnient~rather than the merits^ ment,"for.the sakfe of the enviroii-artf still excluded except on Vsrf Sen, James. Buckley, the New * better yScCH" «3#.* t^itetrmtv«dyohji?*-llioMaaBd»'4>t]chihfriin between '• emotional pri&e will'be paid in prifdent to note the following 949li, Tbe Washington Post which ar. iu ffirpercent black, districts'." 4'" — -4he ftorth. . -----—. .v_ U;1 Company — cafi'nof je-fuily integrated Perhaps'the govemmeBtt or: ByJj9^jtt^ercent tff thea two years ago forced" " Vp" i(Editor'snCiUiiur » -note:'xiuic; Will,, a winiwuv:• uiawnig . upon utc ;at least, a.significant portion ITUI,;* without It-awing upvu the South'^ blade children were~"l>i®l^t«caine -the "central^ bl^eekly Post columnist, is an ' predomin intly white-school ot_ the federal Judiciary, is attendiiig.schools with a white issue to'twojeampaigns in­ feg; addition ^0 The Dally Tex^n. popalatidn ot the. independent determined to regard the ex-majorityr But in the border volving pTesi-dential A newcomer to the political suburban school districts.-^. jfi^enee of predominantly states only 32 percent of the-aspirants. •' " Igij world, Will brings two The lower court has not black schools as a problem so-black children were in such Iff the 1972 Florida primary different characteristics tor fashione I a busing plan. But if; serious that its eradication schools, and in the North and George Wallade massacred a" tr^, jsvwffc'ated writing: ' he it-is ail) wed to orider a'plan justifies highcosts in termsof West the figurejwas just 28.3* host of rivals,getting 4L5per­ f "" jru young f^yearS^eld) and hris that, in effect,, erases seliool-money, coercion^nd-social percent. cent of the4 vote. In the S *\i 1.^ a conservative.) '-district Joes', the result Aay teniions. No one ban-confidently-Michigan-primary, thejnost WASHINGTON -^hile be the busing of-300,000 But everyone "concerned, predict the political c'onse-revealing political event in re­ ^ A!". Congress putters witljjim-children throughout--the and especially the litigants quences of a drive to cent years, voters in a 1 "'i peachment, fhf^upnpm€~ Detroit Wtropolltan area. ---who iavor forced busing, amalgamate school districts northern state with a strong n?^-r «tfe=3 _„j_„lCourt is preparing to decide a : / That is Why approximately should face the fact .that tee J in -many ofv. the-hation's . labor movement gave Wallace ->1rr£!*? yji-case that cOuld be mbre 50 .subipban Detroit schod-Steepest economic and ~ •metropolitan.Iireas. BuMt is-ff808j943 votes,56 percentbf the - Vdivisivp than.impeachment. -. districts appealed the lower Soon perhaps-this month court rating. And now school CrosswordPuzzler Answertsjfasisrdav^Puzzie ' totfeer in this^centut^bafej •>' V ACROSS -/*" 3-£laotrlflad ntansn BUBBH < -. — the.court will address this officials in cities all over tiife ' » pafiiete^Tt HtSnSBQ QDQOBS #ehad a presidential election question: can;a federal court nation are watching the court." .1 Pertainingto 4 Originated ' ,•B EBHrSBBB [2E „dominated:by an issueofracel--,; ihaiatty •-5 Measuring > -a. fotder an integration planr that Seventy percent of New 5 Mi not. SS Si^HB SGOH ai^Jssue clearly pitting white davlce > *--requires the rt^rser cl^mlm-irhonl rhiMron Hp-.. *-6 Pfeposltfcf. tssrara tiHDQ Ens vagaihst black, Buflf we.itraw7^ KhCanisuburban schooldistricts? are clateifledlSlibiiwfiltror ---/-^isrcase—^;asnss RSPir?] P5S3 HHQH" EQiasT'" AUsSueli-aJower courtrul-Puerto Rican. The Baltimore, ^2 Aroma* • 8 Advantage "> between uttan and -suburban 0K3 stasia BS3HSC3 New Oxleans, Atlanta, i3W«eof 9Lasso. districts, we vill have.sucb a HISI3 SD50H BUDra Newarfc-and-€hieago-sdiool^q-^*^ff —ivn^6" '' QEitgra raCiBE [iffl friditaihig election in 1976: -.# systems among others — IS Mostta" V •.16 Parts olplay : SGD tiffltiaauB raa rt?QUStI...Sre^eHlover half black. One Honal S-,20'Rests SSQBiSm ra@3]063@ 17 Hypothetical 22 Symbol for IKENUCSE 1UAT$ ifr^r >5 " — *_ "TconspicuottS system, that of tore* '— —-tellurium •f ElilllBH era raSH "IHETU. PIERCE. NO ."Washington, D;C., is 95 pe?-18 Hurried .. : 23 striRtriwaviiy 36.SeedcanV-49 tlbetan firlest OUR EARS IF WE i_ mXLEU rr-in'3 -:Toeiil'l)l^ckr '"v" 19 Maple gpngs; • (slang) tainer „• 60-Above . w_/i^ 1-5 rHfSs yn. 54 Greek letter^' ation^fTajfcpiand —!J g®Ai — ^attya^is-a' collectively ruil srAnr school dCstrtqtS- is 2a Traded , 28 Underworld 43 " essayist-""" * ,4s si..'.1g^t^-»»»TJTBiwN. jfarr' ?.S8g_i tooa co^jpwWHttDg s haAas oil vie required number £8 Foreign ;~32 Shglein--rr>e&sur& > 68 Patent (col-, natural ^foodsr' Lunch is of whiti\ children — if ^you s"29 Hog -stance 47 Woodvyortter'a loq) r-J ,'4 -^ Buying textbooksTcan be ea s[y at tKfe:Co-Op if yon know:how. •g%«rp.m..Monda^Hn:w8n lMiday . eitremeltofQrce integraQ6n. ^ST)ei>(7«aor— -\ in the",Methodist Student But perhaps the court will mtt——-otfke .First-of all you should buy ypuir textbooks assourrps-possiBle to '--OfcfT&p . v Gefltwi-, _-4JI_„^«mitlL\ — ' St38"• -i .^insure gettlx^^all the needed uftes/Also buyun^eari^iyea-yflii; '-^—•Sattva-Twiit begin servings ~Jatst yfe^ejSua^pltr^t-aa kwialiumi*. .JlJtny&ckQM.iLXtd, plenty of time to Tetum all unwanted -titlesT breakfast-. later in the -in upboluing \a iowier "{Surt'"1'-^--'1'^'— summer. A six-week meal* ^decision t amalgama-F^Skme vt 16 -rrJ^5q5j^Mtge^»^Jlldfef^d on books houghT15rrtKe first ses-­ ticket is f30 £nd a 12-weel«_ tion of (ban and subprban, relation ?*ff 72 sion'of.sumtner scfiooL^vgtFimi^T^Mraithem-hv Ti-inft 10. If: Va iT' 44 Noteol-faewiSrw^DBScftb^^r M 57" you'desire a full refund^on bot^s bought for the second ses-' former^member of sion; yQu rau$t return them byjulv18^nd the receipt must be \a.t.SSS? theJRighmond school board,' Nago^Jteijg ^d^ted July 11-er later. Y• >7.'. /.'t y % • ' •«. ' /•' . . . w. ' wi]dly improbable thatthe nar~ esj&ant­ tion ^ouJdMjeidose as it is-/ tsmj P mm Ball. U» Uulud UlulLE UNIVERSITYCO-OP oT hundreds .of1 ""-giuttitarticte.­ S0W05 * Girl's name ? u'* . Mon.-Fri. 8:30-i>.:30 , SSgJyf*8 lof. gtSfr-Stafr|§Sg5g| '!'•-« arc ,4'4_v One Hour Free Parking with purchqse of;$2.0C ' or more.-"BniilcAmgricflr ' ; „Fine Frames For Your Face-*" Welcome; »-• • .­ -i_isa£Ssi^«lKs^fe *2>V?g'Sr \>' . ygg, r'-fi YARINQ'S ON-THE-DRAG ' 2406 OUADALUPE-.:-^ | 14^": ti • W, gipSr «u*« •! best" way. -s ',>'t i r 1 M: •• to eo—­ i f --• •' •• Sr-jfc?. •>£±i |3,« tare! -'3^. >^vt i r in a' bright wbite tittedj halter ^ackidres^alUperkedii^witlvcV _ T^BiJ.^hd white -jej|iecks. It's 100%­ si#­ polyester^ knit/ with ..the „ look pf 'Cottonipiqu^,theeaseof poiyest^jro{Machine washable and dry^ble—rnajtes great!i va^tidtT„ •k-A: faietynSizesVS-to 31 "i^•: •4ihttte-Tw >" * *• , -5123 :1­ Tuesday, June4^1974 THE DAILY^XAN Pade S_ mm *3*1# S? J»*V to-Wilding I Review Sef by Hji I BvKENMcHAM ft . flinllnfi imill A lief in1A •' • mttn . iLntiipnK nnm/ifti l ' . it' > V * •. -.! , two flicting with Austin's., TIJE RrEyiSED DESIGN be necessary to meet the pro- Texan.Staff Writer precedential council declsions--;^L'Bbeitiiaiin'g-^n4tie^iinth_anii.l0tb iected ohligatihns nf the uUli­ — JSte prdp^ed^Wfljfing real , r *«. .U.UI.WK1 llu­ ..la>t Augus^ wKcir aatlH83^-pri^o^T^ph h^ni^unced -streets Improvements-Pro—ty system-for-the-next live- development was terp-MUDs forthe Anderson thebe^iimin^of theWildins* jeet v/^jroompleted by Bovsv 4'~; "^rartly;set bacH by a May 9.. and Ixwt CrejMevelopments, vcontroversyiixApril,Suggests Engineers and a>p£oved by' j. decision oF-the Austin City. —" Council-, -BY. a 4-3 vote, the council refused; fo authorize •the creation of jCTravisjCoun--ty 'municipal ^utility district 1.1?" i ? -^(MUDJ tft^rye/Wilding. - '•' Voting fo'f thepSJUD'. ana* tliusjlor Wilding wertrMSyO^ Roy. flitter, Mayor;Brp-Ieni .DanurveandCouncilmsiiprt —"Bud Drvdfen. Councilmen Jeff ~JFriednlan,.Berl Handcox, Bob Binder and Lowell teberifiam .voted against the proposal. However/a new application for a MtJD may be-filed in six . . ..... t „ .. _ .^allowed to get Uus far,-said on 1^,"/ ' --'iR.Hammonds, executive Wice-'president,of, •Soutnenr- J5J6GU—ETs rifl 15179-fili F372 15180 ETS;f373 : -15190 ETS F374 |£i< vi• 15200 ETS F374 15205 ETS-F374 : liTi. ; i52nrrET5 «3oi_ 15220' ETS S3T0 m 15230 ETS S371 >15240 ets:an TS25JT "ETS.S373 In a special.report to the rminrir~T;ps CiapW-chairman of the Citizen's • poaird of Natural Resources anci-En vironmenfal Quality, reported a number of "unanswered questions' concerning the Wilding development. Among these ware questions of possi­ • bl£>.-andappar«nt violations of Austin's creek ordinance: >• Yk • that the city.Snnex'its rn'ax-' uje Citizens Traffic-Safety; in-mm allowable territory -eommission on May 21. •, each year, particularly areas The proposal -was then prone to rapid land develop-reviewed' by the EnVirOnmen­ tmeril, such as that along ma-; Review Committee of the jorhighway?: Gitizai's Board' of Natural • UNDER SJ^TE LAW . Resourcesanti-Environmental allowing cities to jiwyporatp Quality.-A-repart otlhat com:­up 10 perc«n^f-their^rea 1i1jtte^^i||}e p)rgsen{e^.t0^1^ jier-year, AusWn coidd.annex. ftiH ciiii^s board :at 7:3ft 18.02 square miles jll fetid this p m ^e^ay ai the -Austin ."IN" OTttEIT BBCISIfiNS -.Lebermamj--relating to Austin's territorial the council amenlj the city •*7--—1 -—Seeember prelfifflnli^^^rt—thoas9o^s=ofirdollars--ia resenite, under the •'said Monday. jurisdiction,-the.council1 on subdivision ordinance io con-rTwo* • successive" tuuucn ^ ^ recommeri3ed a l7.8 perc6nt je£&jT"n ^rc6nt May 30.authorized the* incor-trol all devplopmerjt withinIts meetings brought recommeh~ a-^- rate increase, which was im­ po : . dations for' changes in plemented by the council. villaige of Lakeway, a.resort "Thinking out, lou^''-about Austin's utility rates. At the : ^ There is a slightly smaller community northwest; of the. Lebermann's suggestions,. May i3 meeting, Black and difference between rates for. city, ahd. authorized -further :Mayor Biitierspeculated, "It , Veatch Consulting fengineerS i development of Lebei^nahn's -, -.. ^jLiving! and Leisure', Inc.,-suggestions for dty,.4nnexaT »;WiIdingVdevelopers; tion. policy. .. : ' IJarpmond^s. said 'the^^j^eway wM^aUowedJ^fr developers hadieeii aware-ot corporate as a city" after it "^^e.necessity• to gam council agreed to Mdt ^ontrol of . approval for the project but ^ny .. ... .of its iiyermile ex^a- had proceeSiad with, their territorial jurisdiction.:con-. ETHNIC STUDIES JUNE 3 SESSION -rWr. |f<­ 15flO ETS RJOl . "Sfro^Americon CulKif** ix" MTWTF—11:30^-1:00 " BEB-H53 '•Dual 15120 ETS F31.0 The Chicano & Amc. -Society MTWTF . 8:30-10:00-"B^B: 59 . Tijerina 15130 EfS F316 Chicanos &-Their Culture . MTWTF 10:00-11:3,0 BUR 224 Limon­ 15140 , ETS F320 i Recjjtr«nt Themes—Afro-Amc. lit. MTWTF j0:00-11^3u GAR 201 WaSe, AAargaref 15150-. ETS F368fU Afrita—Imperioliim—NatnMiini»j%i:' MIWTF 2:30-4:00 GAR 200 — r Louis , Rwdmgs in Mcxican-Amc. St«Miies Houjs arranged -. / Staff ill Reteorch Semfnar in Mex-Amc. Studiei, ^ Honrs arranged ' Staff -wIndependent Research Hours arranged Warfiellci -Mexican-American* in the Southwell iS&te MTWTF "8:30-10:00 BUR 116 Buttamanta • Music of Black Americans . • • MTWTF". 10:00-11:30 GAR 5 SwoiS ­Oral lnt«rpretation of African lit. fiv?; MTWTF '1:00-2:30 CMA 3.112 Adelugba:MTWTt l,U30-__l:Q0--BEB 5J . Williams JULY 15 SESSION Afro-American Culture * ' ^ ~ d The Chicano — Amc. Society -Readings In Mexican-Amc. Studies Research Seminar in melc-Anft: Studler.*^—' 15260 74T BIack Folklore ' 15262 S374 Chicano Hiitory e -j* s.» <••» -i" t £*>4 " /WBti _ liiii •m, fill %\ 1 » —. w ft sar *T ..*:: ••r.-yi'M­ 7 ^ y­ •A? •fe. W\, V ,f^? ,-y r;MiM&H ^rJL M -vsy .• ia**' r-« *v JiuletjeiiJeiil Resoarch small ^and large users insefems to me this thing could V 0f K'^tisas City Mo Ebasco's r'ebommendation'just cranK up development/' ' -i~'­ st crank up development. recommended an increase of,; .^a,, nresentlv chareed bvthe "it wouli certainly • alio »ater:£™ presenaycbar^ed *yt^t,' ^e^erroanii; repliedr. rates and an mCTease^^6^^^^ -, lifibSriTldDn. -t!6Dll6u. .. MfinD nit()Inmutirlk . aT..QQA..'.Ji l- "but it would alsoenable usto ; percent for wastewater rates, /Fl^ATTPNiNr control the quality of develop said increase It ment and give it direction. thfe maenitude - -and a half blocks west of campus at 2707 Rio ^ -Grande, (512) 476-4648.-" . . ;1 Wa,blwe.'i24rhoufs|curity» good-home-cQok­wg ed m'eal8,rjMwimmingpooiwJth i . ing • residential-general rates by 19.2 percent and ' residential all-electnc rates by 26.0 percent; commercial : space conditioning 22.) per:. .--=ceRt-;,;and-large-general-ser.^ vice, 15.0 percent. i Thp Ebasco report also, —recommended raising electric ..rates during the summer, and Totyerilig-tMm in the:winter months, f .• " CHRISTENSdN 4 -ASSOCIATES ; A TYPING SERVICE «rSpacialixlngjn y —taw britfs —. • —ttnn'papere end reports • —Prompt, PrafwsioaoL— S«rvi(e Mhb&z. iSfl® "J it "v "ffirSiiiSiLii W hJ?ly*3 S.-L-deckiapi^CTinourlivinarb^m, ~Ftaart4ryfaciiities.-eovwect^ parkingfStudenti ' ' jgres§fveiTianagwnent^fflid«il4he fusuate;---­^ Butjrg>st ?i& ingjhe^inatter afid may ap-that hewould reviewhis opinion on studentser--The Iegiilaition was intended to partiala -prove utility rate increases vices fees: financial refief to part-time 'students;-Erwm smaller than the recommend-More than 16 schools, includingfhe Univ^rsi-said, but "actually "puts an'ttdde<}"burdeB on^ ­ed levels. r ty, were represented at the meeting with"Hill) falltime-students " ' At the May ; meeting, the anc' membefs^of Ws staff _ Administrators and-other intere " ~ final • reportTjfl^basqo"Ser­Although, he promised toTonsider netf view-~were given-two weeks UTprdsent ^ewB&lHtsSfe vices Inc. of-'Ntew York City points'and information and comFto-a-decislidn submit law briefs * < •' recom^endrfjTjdW an in- within 3g days,the attorney generaldid not say Tie, attorney general's office fcftlilild s& defimtely.would change his'opinion. re 'ewing the information "this-week,David ­ "ea; be^distri||;iited. Ebasco's. FAteED WITH POSSIBLE loss • of Kendalr, chairman oITfte opMon^fiCjiWllttee^ v .^.fiationafclaw moot-court team-faculty, staftand students,in-JhejrecreatiQn_progran^8ijnu^trecently wi|| Washington. , Stv^n-t-y—and-raqiietball. "Gym 33. For-more inform#; Tuesday, with competition addition to-moreign schools, ^ginning ^following week; Volunteers Needed! •Entrjes^for-the-flthecjports Travis State School-needis Co-Ed Sports Set! Jgillbe taken untilThur^avat.volirnfar^'tn'w Jcurren,t~opliuoq,ythfr adnijnistrators agEeedT7^A' decigion; stonld^-fre-jceteasedilwBSin 'fwo­that a/change in only wwrword Would satisfy weeks, he added them.' . •••£ Tha opinion, in its present form, states that y Both the Faculty Senate-and the ^30statutory maximum numberfee imiy be Council, approved "a set of foufc| wnen-. . chafed onily to those studentsenrolled for the dations on building priorities and •of the maxuTibm^number of Semester h&irs normally Available Fund. permitted by a college or university. _ The.groups recommend^ that ^Sncreasingis" Hiosfr takhig less-than-the-niaximum would amounts of money frogLthe Available FHmd b£ ­ ' 1 .1 'J be charged on a proportional basis -designated for nonbuilding-purpo^..v'' ilii McDowell, president of East Texas eluding departmental operaifiig.*-iim!lfe, ,, sS. University.iversity, suggested that Uie^ word-teaching effectiveness and increasfed iys^rw-'xMik ~ "m»vi maximum' m*'should ba.changed4o "minimum - ~ " full time loadoad." -• -Strong.attention should also be^ttld, thQr^V „ Twelve hours is the standard minimum said, "to campite master planning^e^ww"llyi^ fh.t fulltime load in mostcolleges and universities. ras regards --..environmental factorstfSfflVf * "* The third 'recomfn'endation st IN RESPONSE TO HILL'S opinion, the Faculty Building Adyisory Committeeiushotikl'a University System Board of Regents May 3 be actively involved in all stages Incliidihg tfi^ffi changed the maximum load permitted from 18 fyial plans'for a building or other maJopcoB* to*12 hours to avoid further reductions,Jn the-struc'tion.• :tii - ~'"" ^tUjfent student fees^ , —, Finally^' the University presiden1 ^RegenHFrank CrErWin told Hill^staff, "If->puBTcizeaiteuall3ptliei)rojectedbudgi we-move from the maximum fulftime student";commg."year ind the actual budget? tovtfie_ minimum fulltime student we will ac-' preceding year, "specifically delinea complish the intent of the legislature"J in special -appropriations i from the Available .writing the bill • on student services fees; onr Fund-"--. i Lctw Team Win briefs: The-'University's inter-. programs for University Nonstudent participflfttt -in Sumtner .co-ed sports sports. -Wpmen's Gym MIDDLE EASTERN STUDIES Courses —Summer'1974 Vlossesbeginnl beginning Juna 5: li6i^ lMES «l Introdvction fo the Middle fast: jrufvey ;lV -of Ihe Religloas, Cultural, and Historical foondatioas ef ft* Middht Eost. fiSTWThf . L—!34.J(Bnim__-._ A JfwtfeTOK^jXwrse.lndefttmisiitiS^-j^ '*"* —.——Ceasnf ef iastnKtorjwst his obMnetL. :-r • I ^^ FeniM lit'charge. «-.-ai* / Qas*«s lieginning July" IS: l6680 ~MK| s30111intrmlutHM-to .the Middle tush-Adjust-j 1 : wiy-wn> Change in-Modern Timei* v __ WlTWTtiP Ijhftdfe BUR,134. Bezirgon. ~WE5 .-MMenrtirael:'Aspects'ofContemporary? ' ^ IsMeli Sociity and'Culture. MTWThF »dOc», BUR 212. Wtingrod, Comfinmrm ftyrff Indepemlent thidy. |\Co r< WOQtiY 1,,'j y^NMONUMENTRICORD&ANaWES ' ' Dfrtrtbut^t ttv Columbl»/Eple1teco»d»f''g.'.'. 2310 0UA 2HQ.UE? Motf^tHUTBS S si0^Mf­ h >' f TT themusic «r'' - --£_•• ! r^. riPftitti. WMI>A %borti4n Decision AidsHDirector Retires McMath Ends Refusal " Acting diteetefr-of stnrimi-^ovecLmost, and T suppose, it freerinm of expression felt by By BRVAN BRJUMLEY Be afipeiliSI .to the Fifth/cMr--Witherspooni said, which, in • " "ThejreaTcomp^isation for a teacher is to haye touctjecT Texari-StafFWriter .••financiatraids; Jack -Holland; was working Iwith students," • students today..' Tliey-ikrenH- ... „ . -cuit, it-would; haveisustainefl. i effect denied unborn children •some individual -1 think shying,a great. span-of -my .life, retired May 31 aftefta 38f-year-Holland said: Hundreds .Qf^wed by position, rapk_or .... • State. Rep.. Sarah Wed-the Drfisent^^Yiiiinflf Tjre /; their rights .T6~:~citlzensfi1p—­—association-witEEBiTijivrersi-students-refer, to Hollgnd-as " rnoney-...-.thex.iegi.sjeciire'in :the— to the Umvarsity .in H.952 to Th^ three-judge panel had mittee last.year, wrote a peti-. on. consienty but-Weddington workshop at the Instituto TeCn'ologicoof Mpnterrey, Mexico, Umvefsity pei'sotmeh-trffice; .declined"' officially to .ehjoin^ tion to the Supreme Court to 'said-frequently' pTi/sicians ~c-on^ple.te-luy.ma.ster^siiegrflQ^_jv_hich marked the first time ATfierican arcliitectur©st' " • fpTiSysteto.personnel adviser, . , lorida. from, enforcing a. feView a lUiode Island' law fear husbands*wiH bri'ngiuit if *$/ on. in-business administration,:., , . y^wefetak^ to-Mewco toatudv~His-sponsnrshipaidig(^hi>.aH- Idirecfor of-student personnei -During reiiremen^sHolljand .mission of statute which -EraiTted-lepai similar-to the"Florida -law, abortion is. medically a'p­ , th.e architecture_school at the Instituto Tec­ " services; dean of -students, -..K rights of consent "to 'the hus-•^ ""^y^uistTwasTBffiaf^gwiuproved: . -piais ta take care of •some^ ^nologfco^jinW^ the Association -of Coliekiate .Schools of 1 . VSysterp adviser for personnel -band in: art;abortion decision-^— things ne-has put off.su^\a$ ^Architecture. V;' • -^N--. ~ ^ affair§r -assistaat vice- with-his-wife, and to parents visrting family,ab'd,j| Because of AicMath's many-efforts fo'devel'dp cultural chancellor for studentaffairs, rof: a -mijidr daughter, Under: MIRANDA STUDIO if/*. , Austin. _ relations with Mexico, which included^photographicsurvey associate-director and later tfielaw.OTittenjienmssion'i i.,1 ^or '• -~ the architecture of Puebla, Mexico,-and serving as con- director-of Institutional required from the parents or lastyea' has-been a coUflsglor^-^sulUng-ahd pfmrdinatinp archifect for .construction of the !&• ^ Studjes^nd acting director of the husband in addition to the Ww-1 RFIF W>v; at _uie student financial aids ; American School in Mbnterrey, he was madea-Fellow oi the student financial ai^ls. -' " medical decision reached PASSPORTS "le neW {'lr®ct-or 2/c£Vr's 0/ • Rqyal Society .of Arts ofGreat Britain. Whose pairon is ' "SOMJEtfNE ASKED me- 1 between a physicjan and. the j tM Office, of Student Finan-Qiieen Elizabeth: ~~ '. , . : \ ' " > the other day what job I en-Holland. 'woman. -. ' RESUME' ?5|fW:POHTRAIT c;?l Aids. ^hoUovoc prnhito^tMi-a ''fhniiM7hr rimplr and! gT"-»r» Wfiddington said £he^iistrict J At relatetpjtsgntoonitfeht. Basically, itshould,always provide -court ruiings were favorable . -iiior the-needsjof rrian;" ../• - : 1 DAY SERVICE : To73dVocaies o'f abortion. _ • Oponretirement.McMath expects--toprompteMS-many in­ _ Bad"^tHfe'-Sii^eme' Court ifgSPIpiS CORNER 0> ** terests which include painting;."photography and building­ .refused';to revfe*~tbe~case—H HoOse, Senate Disagree on Specifics 476-0040 SAN ANTONIO rock walls .for his.home. AND 24TH withoutfecommendingtfiatit. PXIN Sandy Vrilage Greek area and By GWEN SPAIN ' syslems; which is an integral P3rt of Texan Staff Writer Big Thicket, would the legislative taking clause. 6ompromiie'bill concer-be deleted if acreage ln-^his r-­"'ninguie^BigThl'cket National -area was not included?' " Wissnet^saidr^IUs a disap-" Preserve is expected Within^ AlthougR Sen. 'AlafT" Bible, -pointment that the Senate did _ the next feiiKweiks, after the D-Nev.v, chail-jnan Wof the. not.iacl^S.tU^egis^|t9k-­rt s^imii» r^^r-^w-4^--Senate Parks and.Recreation irig process. Between the tim^ protect a 100,00(Kacre region. Committee, does nor predFctT tfebill^asr^edWdisTOa^ The Seriate also-provided any Pr°Wems \vith th'e House'. ed, various landovyiers can »g.nnA-yr^..f^r th-c Big Saf"1y --POHferc^ce,' iB^sner vand his harvest jlumber aiid .tear it up SOUtrasTfear th<> rnnipi riiuii.P--ewri-nih«»-.hefnEa^ man hp /Village Creek Unit in Hardin bill, may dejete, both the Big protected." ' ' County. The House version which approved an 85/550-acre area lasi fall aiso tiiclflded—a negislattys^takliig-^lai&e— .taking wou would enable the Department of the Interior to pay.for land nsw or . pay landowners later with in-7"" terest included in the cost by' ~ >. moving this preserve: higher on the priority list. ^ i Mikfe,Wissner, chaiririah ofl ,. the.University Big Thicket -^S^Assteiatign, said he~~Believes " this is. imperatiye since the -_-7^figbt-4o-sav«-ihe-Big-Thicket_.. r^rr-hasrlasted moro-than^OjrBarg nttrafTon^fffeln'gK: e bther preserves previously approved is n6t so desperate,... •W& W THE WILDLIFE and IT vegetation pf the Big^Thicket --.-.-.•--r-. • "Stanri tn/htv. Inst forevef" ' --without-^nate^tioflf^aidT^ -fi.v'Sen. tl<5yd~Bentsei), D-Texas, "-WitKthihy. Xat|ul0iissh0psifeitaurants,:,and Services" v;7;pra'isUig preservation, df-the_ rilfider one convenient rdof,-,Do^|e'helpsiypu cons erve-a "TfSaf — "7 -yV./ ' •--precious regource .^rrrifmerv-^-.-So th4:nextrtimg-yoti' yil.hile urging.-that-the Big Tl\ave"& few .mVnutes (mte~5etween classeV),-discove* Doble fe^n0yr Village Cfeek arsa 3nd-sbve|.yowself some time*laier-^rs:-'Parknj^,s.freer THEBEST PART in the Dillr Sen." John wilh aity'purcHiisfe.. tv ^er-R-Tex^Srsaidb^^One^f ^-3>OBEEJ-g-gatleryoL«nl»rifhourt TF/A&OUR/, -»S«fyTJan(iwp«(iu«r»n MZOW 7WO WGB&-FAE. MMTY. fitrfuluptoploto hefrybv Vf, fg;;themusic ^tf u '-MON.VTHURS. is-; 2310 GUADALUPE ;DAIL¥^EXANPage7 • i-ii --•'~:a­•**¥??!;i i~^5T T~ t'V-fke* tr^S-a. »»jlslippisR$ fe WMDil/IVi BaseballJTeam Advances to Allege World ®®wSe Series Em^v TLsffffi-Sr--1 not allnwiog-a hit tn4he tw?—«*Mo use-McGHberry-wrthoat—^V^thcr-homAn-^ andtwo:th'r dsinnlngs -^RM?f(?rON i.-, .u 4 h® rest Horns' Coa& Cliff also by aZJS^StorZ h Floresvwh0 Soothsayers wdre almost as "plated Texas 5-4™' h^r*" "w^ iut-it on Saturflay afternoon, i*oiH&info^prtuiysganiep -**eeJ^sJbw«^rt^^ ^ n,Sl PnWy-m, apda traveledStout met. BsSrfay ;suffting 'ft&fwS McG.Iberry sa.d the Bulldogs"" Vlorl a' s«g pitche^^or^KSSlTely the sixth' time fn ?he*J»ast Hmartih-«*r f "•' ^ hyper-extended elbow earh^r -thirds inriihgs he worked.He ^eveh -• • v'" asm and,didn't I -4_ though the, Stfuthia.nd nnivh™f.„ • * ^rinlfiiiguisiana?,nat>onal-J"'r **1** tirthr'Tqllrrf Reeves Ntfngled 'and, second-»TlSii^^jSd^'iiim'e ™P»^*«wM'4lyllMWnfrbaseman^bby Clark aid a^ffpin ' had one more Down -*»• 'mm Mniiw • 6ut Tsch's iSitilfw " " Allonta thWHqjemqn Dorr«ll Evans tagfBMfeVfflfiirMenfanex-ourat third in theI ShehSe^tUrred dUr* ^nwpstrated its V • V-A fourth inning. Montanez was .trying tsutretchadouble into triple, later irt the BfltnA.sMiAnfonAT frinlAfj ttiiA >iim « 4a mSha iL* DU!llS>» B'«. ..sii.-'.fc. .• •• 'vrn iw«iwi« wua ujfiuy |a.4U9Kn Q/Muoie info a Triple. Lg game,-Mpntanez tripled, in two runs to give the Phillies a 5-2 victory:. • -'IkSSZie playing" Southern Cat.-over-a m yxL4AWRNATiVEs6fe4 . , . . . ,5^tripleprov^to^^i '!?• -seminars in ning inQthe sixth 5yhen. they • THiE WIN left Gideon (lMi;...J"?ost W .'' -\,-i • : v«v>.""ci?v . Slouffer.ss " 4: 2 J scored four rui?s. and only one victory short of :;.^ff f1-{°r. —ifc—rTUCSON,: Ariz :(AP) -/ Conference Utle. And, USG -'^w^M.^V^i2ffiJi v i r 3 T^s^ first baseman Rick the alltfme NCAA record ouL!l!a?agf'only f1^,1 W*8'^ J" gT^TAROT • QUABAtAFr • J^OtOGY,-Miami ut £LrSi:.p:"' ' ;1 ?12' I )urley tiad the-anly home run set bv Lirrv-Onra nf Ari^nna .their afternoon Ios^.^Tbe M( [fl University, of Texas, are ,co-playoffs untii;Sunaay, a week_ T!eict\iniiach; itdh— n -j •-> ANTRA 1 *MAGICK ,• CHING • WIC'CA *« J \ ».vn ••5^ champions-, in-the final-afteriBall's prediction.' ciar*2b' -f ' !o f i~ •f|f rankings-,of • the season by . Another Texas clairvoyant B«n,rt .' u '3 4 7 TS • 1-•••'•••» >* .t , . * «*« **»*» feWi. UlCllc^UaVJVd w • r i^jyp< iilZEN & ALTERNATE REACfTlES i.". •• ~ &vF£$feI:Igiate ' Baseball /was Martin Flores/ who-was'•'.wprN«m.p .,' 2" a & > >v., newspaper. -"t-, . „ pitcher in the f.^r,0,vp . t.-;>-:l4i-a? ,J • ,J give the Hornsa total ^t'hewspaper. the .^inning 1 .»ISHisS(.' Ill •• -TT*— ' L i ... • . t < ~ »S u frttl m1y-n nn^ >A fiatAl _ i .••.». .i— . •. A .('."A .-. • •' ning to the left of the 370-foot their earne which is stealing the year and bi^eSk lln», sM '"or come—rap, & jlj _^;.:Each team received 489 o/a tournament'^ final contest. ihft>Hriation meet^v "I sign.in rightfield. ' ^ -bases. They got behind and seaSonrecordof SOsetdn" . t • . -( » W py ouv r ia vuicy" felt-i »"« win A* all V •*• ?ih ppSsiblepaiuic 500 points^ni Monday,'iiiUi, " W we'd. « V • "**• it an *•' other trips -Sunday, 9 June^ 2 ~ 5 Dm -m displacing the University,of along,'; he said.._"I never '"*« I l • doubted"ou£iIbllity.''!r •:..• • -»y< AfizonaAMzoha,fprtheforthetirsttimrfm:rfirst Unirffinr.T^uuuDiea our^aDiiuy. ' / ip hr a n so n xRariger AAadness^ Draws "r~r l d o -*• 3' a0 0 4.4 7 5^4-fh<' tho rTovaTTct rnlla^ium 'Vit-Season.season. ' " ~ " . • " tsutB i i t tnet h e ' mostm o s t accurate-a c c u r a t e -o'^ af°f n,\™'} w . i'fjfm 1i —* -1' .-..w ' ' _ ' m.f: •••";••• '• -• •• Burley (VV, llfOI. .9 6 o-.0—4-M ' M xaiist collegium ^ •••'ArtateUHmblia'.tbT^ast^K'O^ipWit camo-trom-w"rthlmVi -g.^ i \ " 618 lavaca. *uite~!>=7 • Sii/47*-«m" »x< place after a weeekeifd loss iji Lodisiana Tech pitcher Randy cue»«r.. • ; \ ; ;:iiii.'i 1.1 2\. --aL,U,teM. ^^»J^_[S] ^\^CAA District^7playoffs,' M^ilberry.^n-Saturdayx r^ \i'0 w^-..—afternoon earnpd a : ' ^ * • • , (UPI) Oil 'late bat night promotion and'drew thefiar|est -—• -. i" .• " x !•-; i .; "" ••••••• L September .night last year ah -announced 'throng in themorethan two vpartyearso ^ . .. ~r~~r'-'1 :ptember: .nieht vea'r an annonnrwl •uirongin the morethan ftariour* a-crowa oi Z,uw whtcti looked nioit!-like 960 PTistenceL r"' '* Shoe Shop *"Wf* 'fiHAiKa 1i« xi .. . ' ...: filtered its way into Arlington Stadium, to . < AitnougB'fans knew they were going to be *ys 4 • HI ^"'( We make and. SjHEEPSKIN , watch the Texas Rangers. • . . -involved a.-horrid traffic jam and-would 0m •T^QSt Satnr^air tiiicrkf. thara wnrn o nnft 1 hqiu tA v\nt im '.nUU' AAHA»n.:lM »j 3ia 1 >'-$11 c" i .sons —Thete.jvyere 39.269 people xzrammed into \ Around the, Dallas-Fort "Worth Turnpike ArlingtonStadiiim, 4,000 more thaffcapaclty.T Tg ":'V -,-a -wple rail it '!Rwnfrpr "T|i0 n.»w People we;t sittingin thejiieacher'aisles and *9*Tj£Xi£m ^ »*fr x Vartdui Jtin3», colon-75' per ff.' • formed comblne whiqh owns theRa'ngerscall -"iamyiea. .together life -i^'rgiiita.Jtiul lliey ^ ' t ± k it money-ig_the bank, -t didilU seem to/mind-iince Texas'ftotzrio? 1Sin Capiiof Saddlery If there'tias be'en ariything more surprising" "Crowds like these lift you •.np,i\ s^id ' ' vagabond V tha^n tjje play of the Rangers on the field this : kMan|garJil!^J^artiti^v 4­1614 Lavaca • Austin, Texas 47§'930? year ittub-been'the nlobs Which.have, turned "When I was at Mimiesota as a coach'in |iout to watch them. • -J vag a-bond. n. One 19671fthinlc the crowds in Boston hel{>ed:exas biggest series in history;dnd bobsted -^—"Bnt the-CrnwrilifteH i ® . . .. . .wanccr with i Tits league Headrng ^otal ,.lo 100,028.for the -—.,an$l.ittiad k lot to do.with them' . P; wAxw Uv;-.y»iui iuvi4i r -»• ' no fixed i Iseason. -*/ '•• "• -• ^onnant •'hkf jaennant that yeaR^aP:the crowd'Bas liad asrn t address 1 liddle-^ame^p Toijnance tht^year^-^i^ i \t* 'I t'\7 SHORT SLEEVE I:: fjsi«2— 1 JEANS T» X V Ki.-.J-ya KNITS V IS* i I •M. ff « X vag'a-bond, """^351 IRcya! Asport) \'• A f 0-speed hand­crafted bicycle -by GiTANE. equipped ONLY PINE SHELVES -No. 2Vl? CONCR -wffh Simple* or I"xl2^x3 • •••* s*~"02^6fli ^ 12Hi re! aerailluers. •*\r^s N ^ / racing saddfe. side ...$lr09.o. -8«x8t£*+ifr .puM lam brakes, sloel ^r, IMAGES FOR MEti MID WOME f"xl2"x5 • • $1.37«o. , coffered chainwheef •rf&Iv wander . F,x12"x6" • $4.64ea. /Ughf/V ights and cranks. e!r *SK>j "rx We-also carry stab, painty varnish/ & spray paint. with u r'-t­ us! bf^ETM&FPs —— A —1-tta-., it'J . . •. j&thrj; -.. ' ..• ...... • .-.<• .,.. TEXAS LUMBER--CO.— ....... . ,v-• -t V-.Ar —l—-1-~ 3 ' * --i'V )(ITH ?REE CITY-WIDE PICKUP & DELIVERY ON leiDEMf 7tlirREPAtltSn'u5i;fARD-^©-BEATrOUi^SiR^CE i 4-4tW^ -wai;* .—-_ —.^ THE SALE. '-—<:.S I -T*-~ m 3?$ •' •­ v5"p%-^:. p t 7*. ,*2S» Bi ~,M Isf s~~r,x& ­v v ^4' •"' ! (.t" JO\, |W\ r­ !'ffi« ' "rv BIKE VSk \V-T y*'-}fi-pui.n» as they, easily out­ vcfc-A&M, J82-73.; SMU\jiniShed thirjjbwtth 54 poihts and Baylor fourth with.50. ' In winning their events, three -Longhorns set fn'eet jfiS°«ls.-Jolitt-Beft3rVj6^ ef-. 4 .(51.9) and the mile relay team fort in the long jump rfiakes~~-cornpbsed -of*GleBa^Goss.v£d him one of only nine persons, Wright, Billy Jackson and Don •her Whoare eritgrga ththeNCAAr-Sturgat (3•<».-«)? national championship Meet, Price was •happy_with the' iaismp-28,feet.;On]y thi _ results,. but he felt Texas- row &\r the nine have surpassed 26-2. cotild'ftave done better. ISc ~ ~"Indefinitely JthinkJBerry's "I thoughtJJ was a fantastic performance* in -Hoif?toil perfortnSncS^When you have shows that he is capable' of _ j,-most of your people, perfor- Jftf fmiatanfcaBKmg the.tbpiate in ming well, you're luckv;"-he!expected to win. , . --thy-national meet."-Texas ~sai"-has-toeen-legs on A&M's sDriB^amrnrlle seponSs 'Siow er_£han.„nis^ leading the conference' aH; relay teams. Both teams fastest time of the-year,.Tim year, didn't-score a point, ahd finished fourth.-He.also ran in' Ration 'established a ~tftw""^MfftheTR}id Robert Primeaux. the^prelims of-the 440-and'220.J it* -./meet recoKttnrthe threi^mile (ton:— run. The. 6-0 junior ran the 'tvrWy race in 13;56;8 while Randy -MMancon of Arkansas came i'H" ,• sec0nd and Jesse Mandonado of Texas was third. < • • Possfbly the most im­pressive win was by Paul Craig, who won the. mile in -'-r.i.nn n.».i^ wu, aw 4: Weller M?'-- KnSglnysKy*: rexM> 2ci-io ii. (*r«g.7 Hackney, • • • McElvtertRicc, 15-0 -.• ^ . 44Q.YAJ&CttAYf I. SMU WiUfc ftldeau,-440-YMtf MUXDU^-.i, Oayld Colley, JoePouneh,Rului5haw,.GenePoufKy),-T«MV si» 2. J|mmy :G«lley, Baylor, 40J 3 Teka$ (Nat. ..M^^fVl.Brad.BI«lf;AtM,IM2, r.».t lnrim.y nm) W|f-. 47&-7331 VT fi ii !x i' _ : r JLVA;rQua|nt Ljt't|e Patio Snack Bar Uplon,Patio ; Jon «|ii»ii,niiio Fr«e candy dnd^balloons all week June 3-7 8 a-m" '4 P">-Mon.-W:;'„ T 'o get aiauaiA.Ml, -^F led the fields A total of ites acrcfciimpion who -r wasn't eveii boni when Snead won jiis flrsfcproiournament. and also including Jack, Nicklaus,"Arnold Fatmer;'' Leg";— Trevino and Gary Player. J "• Kflflriquez qflaiiffelrWiitt^ix-undjerTpac. y^onjroiinds of 69 and 67 00 the 6,700-yiTrd Charlotte County Club course.' Others who .quaiified^'at-.Charlotte included-former Open ^champs Ken Venturi.and Gene Littler; both -with 74-71-145;— former. PGA . titleholders^ Bobby Nichols, 69-69--138, and ?Cio»eI.-:Ifeb4p4^^jfel4a^^nrifonB£E.blasters,, champsf -—Uiarles CSody, 74-70-144fand Bob Goalby, 72r70-142.-' " mem REFRIGERATORS FOR LEASE i r «Bmni«r temesler, pltrs tdx I » " phis Mr i ' tb« whole summer. • 5 colors, 2 models to choose from . * free delivery to your rcram (not ySBF^ark­ing lot) -! • '• Freehand immediatelrnaintenance service UNIVERSITY REFRIGEI^TORS -4784471 n e-< "ilsSSltftva -4 —L p-4 0 --—«&imple Payment Plans 3 i ; " LonCSessiofi, ... I9.jrneals per week ; STngte"1" •-$•!' •Double-4Uaiii; 5UU» v&m. / ft SumntCT^{6 wks) r2_ COLOR TV *25 Mo. 3 Mo». *60 M 2 Week vitTH AW-FNV ns wo. tAonthi-^ WE.$IVrYOirFREE 90 DAY OPTldN PA; TAPE RECORDERS AMPS $12" MONTH Speaker! SYSftftS 5-7WEEK RATES PER WK MO. ElECTRlCPOBI.JTCPEWRITfR $6 $12.50 OR WITH CARRIAGE RETURN A^INO MACHINES WITH CRBHT BALANCE MANflATTYPEWRITER! ­ ELECTRONIC CAlOjLATORS'1 I.BJ#: TYPEWRITERS 522.50" 1 SPECIALSUMMER RAWS m BERKmnns & 1 ­ vthe stereo stare BURMET ROAD -454-6731 P' Dobie offersjsom^thing most stuclents.fihd'in~short;3upjjly 2 ROOM. The space you need to study, to relaxTTo entertain friends . .. vXithout faHing over~ybur roommates. _ Dobie doesn't think 'yoi^-should have-ta suffer just to be -; ' , close, to school.-That's why we wouldn't dream of -ei-anRmins you .into some modified bro_om closet .~/or. " • -feeding,you anything but delicious, cajrifully prepared" t~? food-—--——^—i— i ^ •' \ ; Dobie features pleasant surroundingsv parking, nmeteenl meals a week, and dozens-^f little -extras /."v like ^'pool; -$225 -.-.•-a sauna, and a Mall full of deligHffuTshops emd ' : .t200-= entertainment PLUS.a staff that-really cares""^ v... ' '-r' ?•• --*** -.V— f-YOD Wa peisonr • ——ijAn'd jfe^ll'^ight^crossAestreelfrbm-campus. " •—g—a _­ Doble^Tower • 21st at i, \ 11 ' nf.r11 Tue^y^ner4^Jm.THE. zfhh •r t r^v-T^ -V >ls mmw. «?/ '-** *^>-^ "1-'~ aV/^v*v_-^?'** Itf^^ ^-*f 7 ^(UfC*_*jfef •Sh7' J7u&t^§ ^V3. , ><' tA w9 there. SOj I pickeo. it up an4,I1^7.v-~ajs.-.^be, quaUfyingJior^othdr^ '^ ^n" • '" . announced,; "Pm your, ti^ck The decathlon alsoi will bp L ^st«P.«h.„ B 25 Mile Relay raeet^and saw theVnikfeSitting fm is thetime to come to IP? !!Vj0:Q0 JavelM i i? 2.00 Tfhtw- —'"-", ' events does .not -begin" until 7 M shot Put » _ Slice then,-, ; ' 2:00" Pole Va»lt : . --: announcer. - / Thursday^andthe finals.arejto' ?" 5:00 HighJump -. they've invited me back eiJfery­1/ ' brrnn f¥ixteyand-SatodayT--—5-^s-ro-• *••" -— _year to do it.,'I he Isaid.--' . 6:00 3000m Stj*eol^Chase^ -fr-W^IO-ReUty Ar- So thejayorites (University . t-ss * -^J^vAMIe Ruft . .ZARNOWjSKi aoeg~not •/ • of Tennessee, UCLA." aiid UT 4*0 Huroles *i —Ai30^---Triple Jump 3 Mile 7; fielieJre the uml«rSUil^s has-.--] 6 05 220 ETPaso) willhaye towait un--r->10 ST Mite Relay \ r ^ iSZMfbiH ' kejSt pace with the rest of the til later inthkweek to decide , frW«ry, Jim* 7 •.••• _ . .4:55 440 Yard Daih "• ? tO 00 Discus -™t ~, ' world in the10-event competi­ 7.05 SM which team is hest. r • J:00 Hammw^r:.-^^ 7.)S/no tion. This;isjone reason "why |5^s Long jumf—.-.i~-». . for vpurneworused . UCLA-has won the last m5:30 Triple Jump : 7:25 ? Mile Run .. two of the.-fojar top persons in ft-three championships but was 7:50-Mile Relay the, meet ' are Swedish^ The B" recently beaten in the Pacifiq Swedes. Runald Backma^-and 8-Conference Championships He_was tying his shpe;when a , JfemonaI'rStadium 'track.'is C h r11er iLy thel l,;" are ana all ^rour supplies ,by USC. • "• -discus-bounced out of •bounds' considered fast* sophomorer at Brigham — The""loss-in-conference,-and hit hif»f^Erice_said: "We have an alTweather Young. Last: year, a sWede-w & ' -v.--"* 'Sr ni&i*. however, does not-.bother ; "The^ doctor said his wlrist Tartan turf. and it's the jwst won the event? Bruin Coafch Jim Bush. isn't ihroXen, but it is swollen tradlcwface-iirthe world". I On^-Taesday—the first-five '"I iUiNKjpuf loss iff. the amHie will have some pain." -wouldh't be suiprised itevery -events — 100-meter run, the Largest stock of good, used conference-meet'—..—will,wjnd-up -=»t—• injuries one of the.finalists in the mile long jump, shot put,-high jump — ,.r—.,EVEN without jthe • ^ helping us," Bush told UPI-to LeDuc ^d.j.Primeaux,''r:4o^\1^n^:iiii' under four and 400-meter run will be ­sportswriter Jim Cour. "OUr Price feelsTexas1 chancesfor jninutes. We may even see a "held. The high hurdles, discus,, kids don't like to lose." ...a national championship are new world's record." -pole'vault, javelin and 1,500-looks .. TCTas^Goach-Cleburne Price .slim. .-c-.-.-r , • ..The current-record in the' • meter run will be Wednesday.­feels UCLA's loss will have *;i think with some gigantic mile is 3:51.1 by Jim Rytm'in GregTiackney is-the only -httle-bearing-pn.Jheimieet. miracles Texas could win, but 1967. Earlier this year,, ^ny Texas atSletein the event. He AVE MORE HERE "Southern Cal.onlybeat tiem»e'e -—^ by four jwints and from what perforifnances we've run all ja 3:53.2 at the Penji Relays".' ^ • Fve heard USC only got one year," he said:" ^ J BEFORE any World aided; by the hbme-track ad­firspplace in the meet: In Texas has qualified 20 per-records are broken, howev4rT •vantage, ....... „1 . _ -natiorals, its qualjity:,and not sons for the meet, but with 12'and possibly13athletes will "It'll help Hackneybeingat ] a; quantitythatcouhts.'' / eachwincountirig'IOpoints.it seek to be the decathlon ijome^*'-Zarnbwski said. 7 Despite Price's feeling tljat will take a strong perfor-[champion. • , : % ••'Knowing the" layout will 7 r UCLA has -an' extremely mance by a few'individuals in-. "Roger George (Fresno probably helphimavoidcom* r Strong team, he believes the ;•stead' of the entire team.Jor .State University) and Craig pletely washing;; out in an event. Hackney, hasscored 7,­ -University of Tennessee the Horns to do well. Last Bfigtram ainiv<»rsi.tv of c.em. n^Kv hh> »li»hi would have to be the faypnte. year,, thtey finished eighth Oregon) are theones to beat;" " 352 vvliite-Bfigham-hafrhadZ^­ - /'It.;should be jffirx^se when; the. meet was . held in FVank Zarnowski, who is an ":" 636 and George g,M7— T" ^ meet with around 45 to :50 -Baton Rouge:.-r -v. instnictor pf economicsatMt. -While -prices • vane at. the-El" MORE O F F 1. points winning it," Price said. , The times in the meet are Saint Mary's in Marylandjmeet admission to the -."-That's /ewer pointsthan last expected to beexcellent asth'e .,said. ^ ^ -' decathlon is free ^ year." — .. . . M •ySix. individuals;: who.-^re / PUBLISHER'gPRICE ——defending champions -from t-lastlyear;-wilt retiirn to-the-—I ' ^ * meet, but-only tbree—are -J T&.'1 favored to win. One that is \ , jrt.AL f'l'X favored .is .Texas .4W-hunfle v tfe'' Robert Prjmeaux. !. Ile^ howeveg, has: been 1 All-Conference Team One-floor easy .shoppingm*•m, bothered by swelling _ in the : gT~"and0) Hick Bradley (5=ttt—eeorec(5-0-)-do By The Associated Press and Biadley George FostfrFoster 'doubled-and­foot hebroke earlierthis year. The Southwest Conferelce . were Texas players who made singled, driving inone run and A Aif V unable to run in the Federa-placed six players on the.1974 Tonmy Cfain, a sophomore 4^r­ Because.of the footj he was champion Texas Longhoms the team. •• r--scoring another, made a run- i 4t l saving throw;from centerfield tion Meet in Wichita, Kan., AP All-Southwest Conference from TCO, who hiy.0 home,._ to kill a New York rally and ttaslast weekend. baseball "team, but Texas runs in'SWC play, yas nSmed led the CiticiSiattTfeds toa 5^ IT^O. otter-favorites -A&M?s -Jim^-Hacker-was^Newcomer_of_the) Year while-2 victory over the Mets Moii­ -AFast, friendlv service wh jae-i>g«g:Brn\tfn nfTpnnessfig-Lselecte in the hottom.of the fourth: • at the,Eederation^4eet. -andjiitchers Jim Gideon (ll-^j^NEW l|We have the University ' m i >• t 'wS?» ^ f^r' JSeLs i.f~ m '--mm "iCficialHlistT We know what yoiu need BXE 1 „^'T gilS8(S /J'1' m ^>g''i 2, ^ •£$k- UnhurHed. Unfunded. Unhassled. Uhaerstanding. 'I Unique. And. Darkina's free with anir nurrh^so ItourFriendlyBoak^Stores~4~ 2244 Guadalupe (On the DtegJT^" OioCONC£ zmrrm Street (Across from the La i v WiU Hour Free Parking: 23rd & San Antonio with Purchase of $31.00"or wore>-; U *• K»«l a.m. 5:30 p. T •»»— ;-r — Wt BankAmericard^ ^ '• •* '-SE2S *rr-mm • r ."jJ : gaHer^ of drs^gt^e shops • 2-hst and Guadalupe ^^ v V > < ­ J>T*> *•r ivxmxr wnfit-'V Ls £ V A-i. i*. < .< "rT/• «. / "TJe ,ar—'"< r t ' A-varietur folk music, froiir'Sallads ,i­tobluegrass, countFy to-blues, risesfrom / a gently sloping hillside, blending with the Hill Country breezq -in a valley^' narrow in some, places,.yide in others. , , Nirne miles we'stof Kerrville, the Quiet ­——1 Valiey.Ba-rt'ch, under the new ownership. ' ' of Austin music promoter Rod'Kennedy. ^ 1 of Texas pickers,'" itfe Kerrville Folk * ft m m m rtEWW m 't^]^.^eli^;(»acertsl''^itting on thg r­'I .tench, pipping a cold ' „ ^ I •••.• beer,, patching ! and "listening downhome picft&s.1, 1 r~" -rrltetajjsiciaris ate distinct-. Som6 lngftBFatfdiencelfe^oot^pmpmg-yelWf-i^l _ ybil*lite":tim&^^AetS::edptiiring ,the .rjf listeners' a(tenti«ri"'With sensitive lyAcs -«JrZj and softrunhurned melodies. -: • * —' "^Ar^wof Chfe-aFtists ar«-nestjrostJlKL.....;:_ familiar-,-each witta'i^t^ih followingin , thevcrowd^yellirj^foi^sangs, screaming for encores — Orally getting what they.—J \vaD.t,., -, " \ ' Four nights, ' 24, perfbrpn^rs, reoc-^-ri. curring troubles ipitb the sound system, ;?i johns without; ligiilK, obnoxious drunks — yelling "piay -all.night,"» mellowed 'freaks, friendly,spruced-up farmers and -" US : ; «V B'9 Bi!l Moss strums " -— •' ' .. , * hls "sitqr-gyUar.'^ : -Wif,* "K" --,.... ' " •£»» -i t "4j?ri'?c^»-5 .. Peter Yarrow urh.m rw­ cast ana crew inlfa 1 a.m. finale ~K -37^Src -i& • bencRS^fHHj^the^-parents ragged, ff||8 -• Kerr . County shrnlTlV^iepuBes withf ^ ;.l.eaither tooled holsters holding ,38a ":-1 'caliber pistols, four falling star? .on Sun-4 day night. . -' . . „ ; NO GLASS BOTTLES .CT; All but tWo of" the performers were: i&ti frpminstate^alttajugtajmespend njuch •;<~M of their time out"oHfexas. • " -IIS. , -Kennedy site-backstage, in his gr^enS&fe lawn .'rdirector's'r chair, "soling^ ^ -problems, greeting musdotah?. keepihgji.l the " audience occupied 1 between setpu r * -vn. r ., Mp •• --fSsni Ok^ .*•'* TsJfS? SjV t V * V * f J. \ ~S>*% 'V < v" -V't r -V •K X -/•' _• ;,v ,\.­1 \ XV »*" rj v. V 7. J—2— w A-," , » i "> r f S m? Williams' and Ernest.Tubbs' melodies.:> • *. 1 -Hill Country air, plenty ofbegrv a little! ^marijuana fiiere and tKere. rhaybe somg 2*­(food and a ceol evennig-make the musicA -' smjxitBf" puli§" the" crowd together —;. ; .•almost a-.comrqunal bond. ' * i-a, ——^A:ffnale-at one in.Ahe morning — the,­staff and the remaining musicians; fill }~ the sta^r-'thefaithful remainder of-the-ii^ _| ';4' audience presa^^nsrat^on tKeir feetjk ­"3™ • singing-along j^a" folk,coiftrii^ty^io ?1 worries -a political, economic or otlier. ' imply, the ffiQSiC~aM"peopie'/ ----2! Jr-tU3?^ ( * \J­-,?*y? s'Tf £• it J*x Photographiby i y t ? *• " + * w L : --T Paul Calapa Sk/V*' 1 . \ Story by Richard Fly ; A ^ V. ^ "fil ' "'/tV rw -l y x Three Faces West comes east to add a little flavor. *<$ ft las m * n s* -«s^ Or f --H,..'ift i N -i V*' <• ( ' i • J-* ' &*•%' itVJ I *'•** * ¥ *% v ,%l 'S w fVA • i. SW| 'v-. • fVW=i-' K" .v -.'.i 1 •*• ' i:gj [ rr te! r ' j Kif&S »» i #» iJsSpSS'^V^'Ws /Mrs,£ MAt w.t^^to.jTs . ' '—ST' _ --^VV.^^ '-SW'"1"1 m wm I. P'" f ^anCI,' STjt '• ^@.5"' tfV&ag* WW# 8B0WSP a® Si &-MX lis UT P:l Minority AidsAvailable •esents m UTMatching Contributions With Funds .mailed to t?ie3 4 0 . Another,gpfortunity tor minority lituto^uuineaHiFtfe fonrt irgi torm °/jCh°larShliLOPPOr" ByTTWEN-SPAfe ^2**&-™*y are .iSSSSt (XTlfSK^^ mSk on Texan Staff Writer J } mm ^'^F^Ai FiilWfn^rh^nn^rnripnL^TaThwnH^nn hv mmorlty representation in jhe University community an* >>, SPECI^ FUOT for chicano students h?s been set up by wjjj be supported bjr contributions from faculty and staffc ^t"Tfi6 magnetic fadlo dramas %m0k :''^^"'Vf^y^Pter; of tta Mexican-American. Youth membeRs. u^versity President Stephen Spurr has agrettfto of yesteryear,' formerly ;?nly, ms§§ Organization (MAYO), Jnte^tedstudentemayapply for91,500 match all contributions with University funds ~ • . nostalgic memories; fi&ye.:s;J vr1"* ass ^ACUiM:^ANDStm INTER^O^^bfitfel-returned.-Nostalgia an'd__?* « shcraW-mafce checks payable to the University of Texas at drama buffs can exercise — f£."*4S ^ITTTtfrogeg^SetS^tlwme^ a nQtatiQn .;ethnic minoritiesrscholarshipsr' and "theirimagination at 7:30 p,18.^ each-weeknlght on KUT-FM: ~ -^--'3?~L?2^1?i^ribuUons_are tax deductible;and the suggested amounr is one 1 (90.7 rahz),. wtw Averry 454r3385. • -T::7\ ;f^»fK •....l _:>n ,-.f il_ • Sill ~ Orson Welles jiarfatks^'TDer; Black Museum" series*;which mi •: airs"(jnT*Ion^ayTilghtsr Thj > cV,hAi,^w^-,» «« the minimum 'admission requiremeirts-of UT Austin programs revolve aronn^tne I®1 *-scholarships at 450 andup.Completed applications should be Applications sfiould be maile through the Office of'Student "r-'f objfectis used byScotland'Yiard '* VC& Financial Aids. -—**_ wSXs-!^^ve6ti,?atiQB5==r 5v;" . » 1 1>-r,?l».arr'*.'l,*MIV wwMwna«."^» |»» "4)> »m;v»uiuivio>tj lijuiuiikj s^r; y> "MS , .. ;lf You Need Hfefp gradual^student awards"has provided for 13 fellowships for GovernorGathering •— -pr BRITISH ACTORfJtfichael graduate stadyr-The" winners were announced by the Office of Don Ewm fe» -<•* »-.11-ill i *TZ 77~ Redgravejtakes the hero fttHtt-Jurt Sotoeon* Who Will UlSSifM |i ~ c!7 F(^8to?S^hc^^g , T«l«ph«ny 476-7073 " Co"iirence to ordgjn f& G«mB^room of ^attleVgOWmpicflHotel. C S. Forester's best-selling four blacks,;b&exAmerican Indian and one Puerto Hican. They" _ *l Any 7fm» =..r-, -books-$a£adio^in the Tuesday ^r| werechiseri o>ri * '' ' ~ -•>». -S0t5 Horatio'^ornblower serles^^"||,£-1Th« T«l«phon> Count*Una and Referral .Sorvk* and an assessi^ emphasis on 1 „ ... _ _ r VThe.ULvesof Hartfijiimpi] recewflJ^dpllars'for the nine mpnthsof the1974-75 session, By RUTH ABBOUD Antu. stiidini development _dent Loan Program (GSL)L is -Wednesday nigftwf ~J£a^r,and they wiH^ay Texas tuition, jregardless of their resi3ence. : Texan Staff "Writer / _ specialist for th^ Offfce of Stu--Iwhichha9-recentlV been revis-with Relies retijr^j Ten pi the ieiioycships were provided by the Offic'e of Graduate ihere is no cutback in denSFinancial Aid§, said Man-ed. Now, a student v^rae a^~a8-M,n1B» who was*' Studies and .thre^ by the Office of: toe President. summer loan programs, Jose . • • > iL J._ •' Mnn'V ih{-*h«-film irdfframis.Jnsp riftvday. justed family income is under Man? -^tl^*ril^^^MH8Kr.|1 -. $15,MO automatically ?the GrahamJGreene novej^ "Inrfact, we're better off ' BODY BIZARRE tluut.before, because We have qualifies for interest benefits short stories by aumo^l^j-MiJ . received ^pr^ftibney' for for loans up to |2,0Q0 eluding Rudyard KipUpg^^. *0$ 1 programs such as the college This means that the govern-Milne, Robert Louis?Steven­work-study program," he meh't will pay the interest on 'son,. Ra<>nl . -said., ftje loan whiletlie stiident is in • wfe1^ a»d Oscar;Wilde; -ii ^|;.Summer loans are. still School and for Up to nine dramatized throughoUfc: available for interested ~ months after he leaves. He ''Royalr;Playhousesfel • students. Tuition loans will be then begins repaymfeht of the -""ith na'rrato^'Joho Mi" ~ 3 MONTHS FOR • offered Tuesday and Wednes-loan and btfgibs paying the in--The scarlet Pimpernel ' • feviar"; .THIS BEftRY T0/THC day at Gregory Gym for terest. • --"trayed by Marms-Grfribllt -ill oth^The loans may not StS5?fiSon "Sfi?emergency loans "Wk RENT IT..4HEN. lE-YOll UKE f-will begin Thursday, Antn _4: jnore: piopie are tun^ If YOU CAN RENT—BOY IT ~^said. T-ht&ti lodua1ar^p4o47&--l^L.;fe-,. ? f" "! ^adio drama as thpy » t:ial but must be repaid-within'two al AAinsi'"^ Hag, Umiiwl iniiis,—tclcTLllUl MlUlU tllCt'uS^iSSl^-' m months^^jth interest jjsuaily {j®" mental activity. This v0sbeM^M J amouhting to so cents:-y . t,2W sti^CTte.Mcprd^gito the the be«CWdio.^raifi^e»|^& amounting COLOR TV~­ lasLieDort. Antu said... j. lst,qg•The Hinson-Haze!wood!.)t;. 3MQNIHSFOR -Gollege Student Loao_:. Program, contrary {o s i Fre& Musical Fare l)revioi»"repoito,-^ll-be-run^:week, month 6r semester lhis,_summpr Loahffl-are still FOli^iini0^J^^^ available, "but completedi If I , application forms annliratinn frirmc ^lVcl:. in , <./» The Wooldridge Park gazebo will be the_seene — by-4unel3, •^^-free-Sundav rnnfertj; .lnnp m thrn».>ii Autr. 4 ,Persons applying .foFTtts ~~A r ,7ht Gabrjeli.Brass Quintet, scheduled June statgTloan . must be Texas July 7 and July 28 and Austin Chamber Players,GUADALUPE » '476-3525 residents" atid rrtust show. %, perform June 23 and July 14, tverelwtttfea tured „ BURNET R~OAQ •'454-6731 financial need, 9fpiJot program in May when more than 1,006 Ajistinites attended ~ Stud^nts also apply for ,7?may ?PKr ^ .The Abelard String Quartet has joined-the'the Federal Guaranteed Stu-^ ij"'firogram and will perform June30,"July 21and Aug," —' -" A-3w4. ^ i -. The concerts,tsponsored by the:Austin Parl_T fi. .^Recreation Department, will get under Ways . 5-ip.m each Sunday. . ... ^ Yf, Wooldridge Park is between the.'Austin Pubfti r1 ^..'-'Library and-Travis-County-CourthDuse-iirthe 1W0 * _ block of Guadalupe^Street ^ v j StddehH " a JS& depends Ivflf' -* ' -j, ->I — —«* •*?"-»,»I r£<* -v. P*, f iS '-t-'• , ^„ir 1 --rx oil one line.T ferK W BSUSl iSrt V, i* Putyoursin/v V %-r-* THE DAiETf TEX "TV ^ feiWhat a lmek ltranlss.rightup there willi tlie clasr UNCLASSIFIED sic scenes ofcthe musHciiioed villain abandoning the isweet young dainsel tied to the tracks and cackling,: J f dollar The differenceis, dfieis a tlas^ic,the other areality. ^f ; ' Youknowhowit goes.^s ff M place^ou4ikeJMit_thfijandl> **^i"74 •w ^ ir 5^ ~r <*X r. i Jrt)' • SlS-r 7^C P -v-1 .•t-'wfrWiyKZvli '"'•iWij '.--iZ -? --a#:",A*V .iSiig' •" A*. ,1 A; J'V-J,v *Y"^VM-I^Vf.o-„ "S-A>:•••'.;-% •'/>-!? gj^HB pj .re* ••* gjg I. _%'%£•?'• ' . ?:;:^g£5?-~-«"iTe IK;lfilI' * I v'-^l :ife • ,V';: - J V 1 ^•.''X iP TuwM T ji" ix?«iri*^ve» -j&w-i.<•©?*!; "•!« .<». S3ft '. , 4-jj! ^ l!pg'v,v IBM"*1 _ laiSj . -• -SPP'^, sr.---^m^•--.V^-rt -..vTcW* w>M2r&gs5rr:~~ -• 2'-asp : r > «&$$& W&m-'wlSfe' -A. . • •'-...' Mi «&r £'5s*fe»^!r A*1**! »**».»(•» .." P OsSt® -•:/. ®FIB r£ #*^"«~»^J?f '"^ i"*£t -5 * ^ aSWS&G?ofc , aft —^r~ •rjl '^.wviVaSii>«-esi. ^- ®®!®®S-i3S­ rp:~'n' t .^.1% mmmm: v MS ri-. ss§->'»§©=££....gS&rfert. ••&*!* isfSjsf«"tifWris jyfa-fwJaHi* j£E* K>' Z00„ is*!®­ X • ?tdp^SpfiS®[-.';.'l sSefi , it,,-­ K >Vt t of st. anil ^J!P«iSBs"+ >»' s^'' •" •» ,••* 4 "(«• +v ,yv.«i.f- X ™ V !.*» AJ» T ' '.'"j*^^' iyir- I . 'r- J~~ « r ^ -~r-?y v r l»lC "' ^ 'f * '-^ ~ ^ i ~V35 i. ,-„-* '•> » » i -ir 5-._* -- % -^ * -\\ *4 -5=­ '^I-S ' ^8j| | ' .'^­ '> :'^;^%4 • H] tiX'&rfy-! P> ^il m^j* few.-»:'.v,'l. ?'tV{%' It*rBi'--'"'jV•IV&>' I^p|^| ml•iSliSugJ siiiii-;«MT Pt'-yg ir--^ 1". U-.J 3^^'­ kQL IS ^ tag Vfig -iS '1 ^1 j£ -f~. ,'C7i|•~M V-." I >1 m ®jig.. ^Ji 1 i'—^ 2^5#igy HHHb ." J "' 3 r.'-r< 4 • • r ^ ^ >z 7' ,~\v , i* ---v,., ;jt *7-^-,v-, v i;. --".?» >'*-r ,r-' r ®ifttt ." " -' -" ' *-w * J * • " ~ ~*. ikrW ^r-}ftir.tj , ^Prr»-"/ i I--WkW-1-' f( 1; Extension ae"ii,""»Agr «&& c By C^AIL BURRIS _ of government." Slice said •• m Texan Staff Writer '. On a" vote of li-10. 'the « ' i„ .---s-,t* ­-• ^Faculty-Senate passed a ISefiate-vo{ed to refer tothe grade^bStfP^w^iiMS rtioUon Monday instructing Educational Policy Com. pYalf^nin^ ^ ^ " to-nominating commmitiee mittee a motion.which.wduld *v,™J^}rK OTthe AthleticsCouncil to sub-make 'argrade of incomplete x^^^Lpf ^ f , mit a slate of five Tvomen to (X) not loiint in a student's t p ,L^",T th^ 1 ^he -Senate for _api>rs«dr^i^^ ;ice, director of the mittee for iurther^consHiera­"^fe^w^nirt'hr^,VnpiT Center' for Teachingrgf'fec-tton^ a»»u uiic nuiitdil, DUl d nn»^" "".iTL1"—i j—.t—WUV .Will; -IdKe OVgr i^^enate—fhajorify decided a-j*™ as .Sfudentlai^ qjept f.i; Edwin B Allaire," e C°urse- , Woman definitely should serve -. a , '"---x. professor of philosophy, ; on the Athletics Council. -; "There is ^lear evidence' chairperson, Melvin "Oakesi­ 4" best way to make some students are damaged, as^cfatejprofessor of i'. ""clear our intent is to submit If—fry l'i:* p"lifj', hintip ithrinn physics. vice-chairperSon; • panel of iive women to Dr. -dawn that semester's-GPA, -5am Whitten. associate :' *. • -, Spurr,". said Dr. David We sho^ildnLt penalize professorx-of IibraTy~sc!ence,'­ ; -Edwards, associate professor someone foraq incomplete," secretary\ 1N MANAGEMENT SCIENCE (FOCUS ON JAPAN) ..j ;v A"nine-month programof systematic study in in Japjan. NT-* JML 1 2S3SS. r INSTRUCTION IN HAWAIIft#?#* -FIELD STUDY.IN JAPAN, •*--S^months. September^, 1974 — _ _ 3 months. March 2 — "\ ~ " ~ FPhVliafy^fl, 1Q7S / . May 31 1975 KiStPfc r W-W#?>! 2gg3$$gg' jSLHawaii non-profit educational institution •'• or telephone (808) 395-2314 mmm, rnlmm S'U I 1 13 U N B BBHI wsm M P ^: mmwm '*:J vv ' ^v^-r 9 10 111 ib:-: 17.. 1£| 23 24 25 t KiV"'* £-+*«. 1 ­ iSS»®®F " tesii: •is'-• ':'^l 'I '-••=•'8^1 s v-#preaiMagM*e6i®iiai^8S^S^tifefeZS8^>:%, W^u" ' " i-'rtWm, 7W / , mm#* |v. :-i f:SM-d ^ jfSM; U*--m : • • --•• r&?i •m0* t; \-"VSr£''> f ^ I '* 1 ¥isifs -During the first wgek-^jack on campus, Uriiversityi^udenta may be^rfeted by men and womeniiLgaily"tfecoral'ed MgWmes handing-out coloffQl pamphlets aijyert^sjpg^the "Celebration of llife."' ~ (' Thg^CeJebration -of-l!iife"»revival, jponst^ed by the T'-^catioa.church,av'iilj.perforin_at&.p.nL_Wednest|ayIyjhrfwgh-Fndaj«iL the:™ sxas'Schfepl for the Deaf' ' Theater, 1102 Congresi ^ FEATURED in the program ace the Korean -Folk -Pallet, Uie 1^Hope_Singerslnfernat»nataiid-C6l.:Bo Hi Pak, a Koreaj^evangeliStT N ' y The Korean FolRHfeBet brings, 5,000 years/of classical \aance to.Au^tm: Arriving in America in April, the •""*PuPe of yowig-but-seasoned prcffessiooals^sanrts first 'tour of ,the stages-Amon^eatured jdqiices are-tiw-fan _dance, the penitent monk dance, the m^danceand the moon festival dattce. \ _ / . -Tim Ne.w. Uu^Sfe^rs~Iiaprh3f"rrfhRl havQ sung iivTlF­ -50ofthe'states. The group iscomposed of members of t2. nations, singing songs from-all over the world. ^ • EACH OF the me,mbers of the Korean Folk Ballet and" the New, ;,Hope STfigelf^ International belong to "the ^ Unifitatlon ChUrch. fouhded in Seoul, Kbrea, in 1954, bySun. Mvune -Moon, xne 'chU'reh'"has. been'j'active" in~ "Arrierica 5teej959;TiieAustinUnific^ion^urdils-at 711 W 21st St. •The Korean F'olk Ballet will preview a few of their dances. Qn^theUnionPatio buildifig at noonTii^sday: bus' [}. hin-Cen Ausfini— r-452-4447 new modem­ ^539 Guadalupe' furnishings convenient to . downtown & (he '^ntlscaped tennis . h^j courtyards c6Urts •TUnlveisl^l^T,^. m MPWWPW mMm4smksM& '4»!KSR»&^5K wS&W'!: -/ ' •* WJijULOJ-U 24 25 V 0(-\ 4 'T7:' — . _ *-L Z7 WIIIIIIIIM wmernm >.. mMMmmm. • ^ / mm J ' -• -,7 rT A'v • ..V • \ ./• i ^-i1-W"v .« > C* ^ 4£t »** * t' '•£*?'' ~jr i 1 * * • ' ^'"!>, T j • **'* n 1 , ^erejust.ahalfblock'from fcampuffOn 24th Street f' Registration Endir /t. .v^™iP^TET5Ty „^ Tuesday afternoon' is the late registration said (jgFS ta«4S6 deadline for enrolling m University extension THE-EX^ENS!ON evWimg^lapes'Are open everiuig-classes Registration is from 9 a m. to i to ahy liighschqol graduaKor Aewho has 4 pm, Tuesday in room 1-126 ofjthe Joe C. . a high school equivalency tertMSte (GED)tir Thompson Conference Center at 26th and Red/ is at leasts Evening clakses amiioibpan to ­ . River Streets. o.— _ . -sTtrdeqt^_ who^u-p nn srholistic t^ScjplinaKy^ ^ REGISTRANTS must 0ay a ?5 per dismissal' from'any institution '<3§hiBh6r,l'e&r» iv" -course penalty. JiiUion_. is ( $15, for—each nine. ' _ ;T bU -^Semester $45TFor "a"tliree5dur eotrrse—'—^\nni'mriTnntoi« -inn ^ ' ^Semester hourw ?45TFor "a" tliree5bur cotrree-^—Approximately -100 -courses Tejctbook fees are additional areas will be offered'thfe . -^Dr. Alan Thompson, extension evening Typing classes for begiHffer^fau will"be classes-program coordinator, said that offered as part of' the'exteilfonserylee] Acff MondaynValuesdapt-'Jassfe-woiOd begin-Mon^—Thompson said ~ —— : ^W->. ' f v W ' _ day evening -while Tuesday-Thursday classes, REGISTRATION for the typiapiiasles^H!"iisHP start on Tuesday. -be at Extension Building.301on t&Little Cam-,ltifSM T Classes are from-7 to 9 30 p m„ Thompson, pus, 18th and Sabine Streets. •#;,. >• , rs? One-day vacations are-r Jffixas. Union An SU)&' Jhis summer to Austinitfes interested in attei mJSi, . .Central T^xas festivals and special events, gfe v <>t ^ The "day tripping" program is designgl^'feestodehEZM .and others a sampling of the stale's varied ciil^yindUnion, teresfi"^Union Program Director Susari-T^ggeft said: T ^1' -J, ^Excursions are planned to the Stonewall PeaOhJamboreel E i -and Rodeo (June 15), the Dallas Summer Musi^S'"I Dol'f/ p., !vtt ?o!" (June 16), "Manof LaMancha" (July 21) and"Ne,N&r"!&'iV^nn^te^Aug^«r=tte-t«lmgiW^r^lon,laMW4tme' ® wi.. 29). the Independence'Day~, call 471^4721#«felfM Unipn Building 342 for a brochure ik.Ohiginoi CHINESE CUISINE ^ --> OPtNtATEALLSUMMEL Nion-Sat 11:30-2:00 & 5:30-10:30 Stmdoy-^ 2:00-10;00i,l_: 9306 N.?Lamar (§3? f;> at Rundberg Lane-I h&J union summer" 1974 w NEW CLASSES in Acting, vegetarian cooking, quilted clothes, ' bellydanclW^I winetasting, mosaic, herb gardening, dardweaviijg,-weedfeed' plants) 1 — . . * ­ ^-REG(STRAT40N;JUNE3-f w. TEXAS UNION 104 ' m ik_^(Note: fir«t time ever Saturday regtilratlon, June S) rife t ^-rr^.HOURS: 8:30-4:00 " ' ' .•K-f <1 Vfer.'t fr lisi >» IT1"™ *7^ 1»4 -"' / A fsjef* -± When -youvmake an important investment like., ^Hhe purchase of . fine jewelr^you need a reli­Jsll.—^bje-jev ' -J -'?e. and 'iii-" ' " ', tegrity. thoose the jewpler_who cared enough la,®*#*' * .'tty 'abouf you to earn the^'priv*4"—^ 1 L!— 'V iV'-n' I-i • allthegood 'S&: ;i^Y^hom'e cOoked f^xI you cah'eilt.a ffamp rnnm rrtm-S •• » • i, i , i n ^ TT -.,ZSjr. -^^-vas'.. .*"* «• ^?M•'"».r Vv 1 '• •* --1* ^'rW ;v :v«n&v *-»j*ju rvv/->\r£V, .... -> v. <• :^J.77-'/, \--w " •'. • & vsses mmm •• • m mi; *£•* «, m •* ? T^I ingBeauty' "*' k '--• _ - itej •, 1IPSI;;"" ^Xjhi _ --*4 **r . *«»£$<» 1V*• -~ vn-^ -»j £ SF??£; +-i ­ * •-' -• '«#tartng.' HMprofessioual tiancer-and directorof •• Dance Tbeatre-in-fiMfr v„ sftpubiic'sehools. speakers antf-toples... !classes and bv nationally-''••«'«-jIia rtanl^o Thaotro «i n>ri«i'. u. • .<• m ...».' lectures Jby nstJonally-3 the Dance: Theatre of Harlem. He-Activities of Tuesday also'will -sr^jinclude^. Holm,: ''Getting Danceublic dis­is-eohswet^ .the first, black to* s include a' panel v discussion -on /Prograrns Started;" Mary^Martha cussions a~ "Building Support for Dance Eappe,•'"Intergration of Dance into. "'^"5 Sf M . VP^Ha Lewitzky will deliver ,fte •m me-eomerence will-stress ihe •—• keynote address of the conference,.='.. troupfe from • the;^Houston .High , v»4w». uu oimicj muie -z 'M. ^rfBTTPP-tn-thf.-Aii^ : "Why Dance" ai tegii jvm Tiioe. -" School for the. Performing and • will ?peak on "Professionalism ifi •-­—tionof students-andjffiliattemptio ^ay in the Academic fcenteF Visual: Arts wilt-take plarp..frpni_.,.^.Dancfe; Edu^rtioii:<'"'jMimis ..Marc i....­•—«T~Maatilfcand «riwr• thf Auditoflllm^ -•'••-— 4:3Q.to &jjrv,jaijggg,AuditQrium.... . 'will offer a summation of ^^ie~' . — <' Sft"<55 incorporating dancesUKly-into the LewItzkyTs dErect^SfthrBella ^edae^ay'sgyentswiHinclude" ?9r -•• -i] -Lewitzky^ Dance Company, ja" speeches and^discussions on --: AiroFWediiesdaysse^rons wilt « schtxd systetp, Wyatt saidj .-"Arthur Mitchell will open the problems.-.i-rivcttved-in :incor-• , modeiit danice group based on the be held in ihe"Acaderiiic Center^..,®' conference; af 8:56* a.m.-Tuesday i West Coast. She is a'teacher, per-v pora ting dance into the -V Auditorium. . ; ' ' •; f"­With a iecture^dfemonstration. in ' •forn(ier and choreographer 'of '. educational systeip. ' •• • ' Every session of "Dance in • ;the ..Union M&n. Ballroom modern dance and was the s»-. The morning session beginning • „ -" ---•=;-'—-o• c4,; Education" is free of charge and-^'i '•Mitchell, of New'.York City, is a -founder of the Lester Hortbn -... . -1 • •'.•a-n?-ooncerns dance in the % open to the public. ."."IlSk I' ^ : " --; =-^-: -:••• '£0*" .-'4 :r.^g we?T w I Ss^sgt 4SJ-V~ . -A-.. ...r mm.: -•••---• ---" Rped Records Album ; By Zodiac*News Service ing that guitarist 'Steve^ The-"-ABC Wide World of _,:raeTues^^l^te^ovie l-'i Sleve Lou Reed is back in toe h fn.«r »11£« «n " ^e-ABC Wide World oX^^eTuesday Myst«y Movie " »h5w^,T>7 DUFFALn 7,10 /•i.yr.i;; 36 Police Slory *» Hunter^will be in °n the recor-^Mystery, features the second stars George Peppard as -! 1 Man Needs Or>er~ * "Valine ~~~ lT*V afem'wMi nffiin SHw • ^^'part ol Cter Willie's "ae "KmrntT * 1-n pm. m fl!SSSST^SSSr* B GAP ® • JP p.m. •' V k^. -• ' -nuiiier recoraea W1U1 need -(p.m. • -. . . 7,: 24. 36 Newi'"^;4v -9 Insight­ Reed--has not yet released on his;recent live album^and ^7^7 •9-BlsaiJoutna!... vs-. "V ^•| ift-ifl ^ . . -Ii90 pjn. ^ NO COVER the names of those-jroisicians-v helped: make it the hottest T adaptation ^ %^yewl,netl"News • i : ' ''• . 9^rjr!p9 LJffi rrjhsrt 1 ,• -V. ^ « Wide World WMVitery — * __ 1 mi.i^SSSSS•SBSSA.'MS? T*''-***'#*?? -sr&™w„-.. 4 7 Movie: '.'Red Une-7000" some Reed followers--are trip-adA__ ^ . -young man whose, wish for . l ^HeeH»w ^ 9 A Poem Like Me 1 ' made. - — • M Tonfght Show. ue' ' -9 News "1'-' t A 34 MHrtui Walby, M D ..« i—^—«...^^;_ii~;:«ternaiTyouuj.coHies-tnie=iaa-»iii TUES. LAME BUNNY WipiNQI ' — i rather supernatural wav with ^ 34 is. \ ' | '-JOIN JJJE GANG XT&rz j an ironiq ending. . . -»V"ouns F(Tm*M«tter's Festival WED.JABBERNDW £-^ 2610 GUADALUPE • / ginny'S THIS mm\ ' i£±­ •lH " i^L 1 _ V ^•»v '1m. £&£ AI This Week At M SHowtime 10:00 •r -• '• ••; *r~%' ;="« tickets $2.50 •W Start tlt» summer off right OYKO .M ..• at Now Tuars eve . r3s«r>j • • m i (•pyissf .'. ^ Vj -VjiS­ * v r , RESTAURANT if f t ii-M-l • >4 *k r f*­ i-* 2 ROAST BEEF m, -V Aewourcrtf ^ m #WhfrteEa^rtK Pravislotv^o. ? V *' ^ . * , » . ' -"" -r --I **•"** 5»/•" ,, «•-J^ . -»m SANDWICHES • r j .5et-omJ LBuel .Qabie.Mult _l. „ Jjree oorkirtq in 4he reor J A*; $1.24 save 66"­ Good thru Sun., June 9 w-; W! Beer • Foosba11-Pong JINNY'S COPYING SERVICEJNC. J 4a OobteMoll-—7-Sacortd trral ' 476^9171 Open Everyday 11 a.m. 1414tAVACA 472-7315 TONIGHT fo 4 a.m. & WED. fcartSiiJ.V'.'A!,.. ---. . . • • . I j-.-f V,.'. ROCK Corrrer f9fh ond Cjuadaiupe tOSf GONZO Mmy 4/7-6829 . Featuring ^ na Gary P. Nuhn (JJ, Wall Tstf' •$$&!& . Mallear Back iip Band) gSSgrste rNo Advance Tickets Tonite^eith -m-SAT. -' t -< RYJCQODER We Ne _ -. L.j Ttowrvgtrfaq^Sonctuiii • theSacred Tree of Life.—• ^ at -uncoufiT x«card» &-Di«couf)t S«card» Ogala Sioux 914 N. LAMA)I 477-38/3 15« BE|R & HAPPY HOUR PRICES17-9 * * • INDOOR HOUSE PLANTS 4_L HANGING BASKETS"_TZ: TERRAWtJMPLANTS7:— SUCCULENTS AND CACTI •1—a fiRE^H'HOMEMADE POTTING SOU" "PEOPLE PIEASIN' PI2ZA1U FIRIFERNS '-4k-­ t ~r> IaFT­ -f; 5 VVeit 29th A? --i ... A Really —9^ ^c£ ' /' I Open daily 10:30^6-p^.mT L i Sunjrftiy l jr.m. ^ S |i.m."" % Qi Good lQ m' m. m V-«/-­ DEAL ... THE JUIGY carrot when you i Nutriliori Restaurant have yp.W !ter*i >jJ*'* I ) J. i t* ~ LJUICE COMBINATIONS: SANDWICHES: r~?. somefning ^•V5| Mn2a&ll i i* ta^-, g,% ... .ruTT-vl'^^^n^^A.WN.en.-efgenlc ' "^ |hUoe. flilwy luterlnee. % ^ . «r» •., Vwr >L->V *>I t'X J.,-»! "Estftrr I *tMt*3n»TOT drink m V '"i y««jaW« &j6morin» •A *up«iMdwkmi An droan)« . 89$ • ttttm shMM, onlu ) ^isHS8* 5S5 SELL Ifnv -V rf c,-.-SSSs !'v, f-^as's. Buy A Pizza— h 4 LEASE •as» >-Get One Fre^! J ^SAlADSt .....| . > , I BLENDED DJtlN&t ^ ^5=5^-1^"" ""cup*andsTv™™j"™*"4. SSffiBwWR ( 'K*%' or rarr |^yWORTH ONE FREE PIZZA S I— 1 * |> «1 nuaimbK., ottta.gnd wWi ^ !" '^rr^.—:r.....*"o ?*"J ;"•? |With Purchase of ,, i.TO W-fclad~T : f . ---Vjs 17 give awavl 1 |-Another of "Same rr-,4. j"\ '®r andPrice.iT. iffy i .Not Valid On |Take-C Orders' ODAY *L' v'fSVa^S-u m•xnm , ­ ce YOURTexan ,4£=S:V7-,xj MM ^v-?<>7 fSff^^-:;::^Sy *V II «^£^£3 . ~ , J$*s? i' M-slqF#<"wilrtMrrldii^-S!!^^^...;•*.; /.fpSfji eeping-curettes away from taUooira, .tryingTa stay in 'tl^e 1-Artisans and crafismeiiareculturally, aswell ^econoniic££g|R shade; enjoying diaUn^epait^aita^ aqnlfl<^tM8fc.f'.j:-. A--v:'ySj' hundreds, sometimes thousands, of .years. "the TexasState^ArtsaM QraftsFairfield May 2f-77,spreads •; often combinatjons'-oif theltwo. A pride in each work, .•-'.'"^c^^^ jveraLscenic acres on Kerrvfllels Schrefaier Institute • Arts and crafts requirel a twinning of mental and mari^p-s campus. Approximately.A60 di^l^Sencompassing l%feltt^f*^{^ivityr^e^de^r^visfel4mag'ejtselfcis.nM!sufficient,.:-,ir.. toncKMftskills^are femporarily-^oused:undetsevenlDng tents; rrtust be translated into the artisan's woirk. • i 'Ji-',-' ,'set on two sides_of meandering Quinan Creek. • , • . -Unfortunately/ the skilleti artisan or craftsman produces '­-Rela^yely cod HiH Country brevescany the smeliolsmok-- slowly or on a small scale m modern terms. ,-f ed saustfger^ot buttered eorn, shisfikaBOtB'— enraugtr food to Handcrafts. therefore. haO>e give*K.way.t6 mass prodiiclMI --I -Itcep-gevetaLthflUsand tourists and art lovers satisfied.. \ and-a*loss of thfc unique quality individual works po&eStf^" OCCASIONALLY THE sQlOMi-or na'ffnarar-ariffr-anyi) R»7, q rpyiv57 ofthe old crafts ismprogrfiS&f.aswitn&seAtiy­from the south bahk of the creek wherS blacksiBiths work in-;' Oie fait^^earUMnsjire Uvillli on iJi^MiTOrk, going through^' ­tentlyjOTeir coal-fired furnadesi' ^^jtog their -bellows and an jlmost necessary starving ma-*""'— ­ fashioning ^ variety of metal objects: ' •«. »ah»ieh »homcoiu«.c. V M T'1-^A ^cup: o{ ^ilyerThaired; women'.1 gather, around a : y -k~ i * • •vA'.; W ^ulCirfopo squqrft taBle, neeclle.iaha thread at hand, passing stories 1 J v . _ . ;•/ ...... , KS~ '*&, maybe gossip — oblivious to~ohioohers. A o'uilting tee in, the .of art during the'first davs of th t. fair. ^ . -The fair ano-reaiursd an Oldtimfefiddlers* contest. • j.*. 'V \ ct^lu.muld. Somethh^'vc 3cen in my mind n hundred times —Hpr hatilKi arfe among the best at the fair and she takes im-a*jf it.Viflbs&a " " -4istemng-to-argrandmother describea^QUielSundav afternoon mense pridein explainlng how it is•. done and where .batik, years ago. A quilt with life and heritage, priceless in terms of originated — 4,000;yeaw ago in J aya., — enjoyment and effort ., -i"I'mdivorcing my income and must make it with iny^ai^^fe^i VARSITY "starts 4v€#iofKfa^:sWtof Goal !•: Another.woman, slowly moving the pedal bn a,spinning wheel shesays. ' • -f \ •> making thread froin wool shorn. 'from sheep on the When.a man fronva Houston art gallery, w_hich plans to 4W«i ^1«a ' mlaWM«AI* AMHMAnrtnrj ' ftM44 ''IM . Klltfinn • TOMORROW The eighth annual KLRN or so .will b&. counted as auc-' fairground. Carefully pulling the clumps of woolin her lap and -later in thei sunimer, expresses'-inte^esUin.buying-Auction concluded'ats s«eek-. -tr„ stretching it toward the wheel-cash" >-samplesnf her work,.her eyeVbrighten with reneW^b Son income. The.public sta-t '' iong' durafibn at 5 a!m May ^ior> must raise the additional' v. ' NEARBY;A WOMAN works over a dark wood loom, pressing excitement as she says, "I .won't fiav4'to'starve." «« ...-j* ... -* * * * ' -1nifAM nnJ ~«uti4<\ln -'1U n IUma.jI — . iL. . 1 n 1 •-trr-i—L?-'-f.i. u :'j_ • 'i:.j i' ' p ' li approximately^10,000 short ofI ...viewcEsupporttos'SbsidtaeiK wheel. Working the foOtniedal-^-sDln--the-whe^l^-he-tapcrs^—^iilLlifp, nlrifarrnfiwindmills.irinUmerousShadesarid del the stations 1974 a'uetion goal operating expenses for even-widens, smooths, hollows the clay into an object;with shape, . Two wild turkeysstand outaimbst lifesizeon aTar^e^catn ..of $250.000. KLRN station ing and weekend programing . ready fo'r.the kiln and decoration. ; ' No coloration is real, almost photographic. .Qrass, scrub br jnan^ger Dr. Harvey Bjerbst ,.The-auction is nnp nf r-hannoi Que old Kei'i vBlo finnHprnnn . rtpmnngtrfltpg hnmemadp and tree bark^ire sensitivelv detailed. tangible. All blenc commented thatall cash con-9's most -important fund-sljngshots, an imbelievable assortmentfoffiiedirom waodand.^together in a naturalTexas' bueinj!; ' tributions for th.6.next month -raising events. ' . ~ ' metal. Soinestrap ach>ss the tors^, others braceon the.forearm r ~ "'X for bettec stability and accuracy/and one stretches at ieast two udthout feet ip lengtl).'He shows them off with a childlike twinkle in his _Use Classified Ads _ey.e equalonlyto that of thenumerous youngboys.who gatherto *^Jod.y.«^ horoscope- fod#r lh0UId msrk ,he htttimtot ANNEBRETE iriinniii^aw) Cf(fr|r)rBcC«M SANDERS JpJbnson JJVSW?h« rilng of a sharp upturn in your* —TONIGHT-SOUTHERty FEELING _feaiur/ng_ Angela & W.C. -rV..,0 to»orthe/wlol your tile-. life. AfterA)!; antingl$bett«rm«l TAUaiSi Ba wpeclaily cauHwi today • nl|whiie aipping your loenattr—a-——-CAN&^«u-tiayf.>_ten((«sty4ofexfraordinarlly rfio&d)L foday­w»toting "J.eave (tUt BMver.swi^iliiy uvui lo.Cai ^uuuv... ­r._ th»» morejtitastlllyJ' youtmSe/^SSSat fvefyone. They will alt Ihink yovhoveStent banaoos anddeere wW«.S3;5S . path fo^" you' .-• -VBOOr^KeycwwrHiliM^-^jICH—ji-Sil.UMAi Sing yoyr own tptclsl »ortg._scotfift stni along with the V1 rgo*a*1 - & Guoiv«l Dobie Mnll 477-l324-f Last Screen | ipfe DaW^M - INTERSTATE THEATRES FEATURES 7^0-9>55 WEST-SIDS TAP MIXED DRINKS 24th and Rt6 .Gtandfr SAG0TTAR10& smile bftck«t any Utos it 4 5­^ l ii)"iv • • CA«teO«NreJlrdri . cfasjes start Wednesday TWU PtSCBr.tlon&iOl the «bove~~ FEATURES: , «.&?7-.aQ, 8:20, 9;40* ' LAST DAY!. r®' ONE OF THE FUNNIEST FILMS M YEARS!' "WIUJ ^RKYOUREMOTIOHS- PSSf WIWVSON' COICRMEUM" [ lT3!S-3:40^S:45 J>'JLic?4l4;7I5IW!55=— Stf I:20-3i30-5i4fr7-5Q.im >304t30-Si30 7:30-9:30 Qyr$ram» JAR YOURSENSES *SM % -dP nv" #-** > t ) **F 'x % tttf PARAfflGUNT w I AND AND niinmiiTniiriiiiiiiMj mi VARSITY iHampsttf&ttatikfu fctrovitch . $1,25 til 3 p.m.IlATURES«^4O-3Ta0^=; -5:00-6:40-8:20-10:00" RUSS MEYER'S ?; ' VIXEN. INTRODUCING EKtC^ UVIK'AS VIXEN. r?i RESTRICTED TO'SJUUi^blENCES. IN EASTMANCOLQR, Si PRODUCED; ANDDIRECTED BY BUSS MEYER. AN EVE PRODUCf^.l WZL OPEN 1:45 FEATURES­' -2V5'8 ' \ TRANS•»TEXAS ^ REDUCED TIL 5:15 IN ALL 'THE SPLENDOR OF-70MM .vmmnjiwnxMTim p*rnvr\ \ -ROOCERS-i HhUMEBStmsMffi* slitherThe°§ea -Htggaik .V ICUascANimUNATK>Ul44iSn3lN^oS?" • * Riverside Twin^;"."'5®-™6 WORLD'S URffl ~'n „-^iintmw3Lega:Cinema ^HREE moskcti CAST *IVtWtDCOS(Vt^^^i > '12:30-2:49 4:50-7:00.9:15 •Sfi" fg?1 r+rz ^"ThelMveOaiis'l • -FRANK LWi6£LLA-D(W-0ell8SE [aa^B^.lia^s""' ^ ' I ;-s 1 _.odu»»diij« ra ». '*--"7TWEWIEIH CEWTWWOC / ?IT!ftANS*TEXAB FEA/1-.153:Dje~$2.50 1' HTUfi . nK , JOIH'/GODFATHER" iS PLUS 'IADY ? SINGS * THE ; BLUES" R f».00 |$IJ0 J »«50 I®?M#UtU 7i00 MIDNIGHTCOWBOY STARRtlS M 0USTIN HOFFMAN t JON V«6HT. FIND OUT. mmmm tm K/P^­liyl 111 - » ~~ FEATURES 12i454:20 A LUfoSRMUP /COPPCIACO Pid&sAxi'-^.-, . aumvb^pctuk*iechmcou»* 4-s'l 25 1W :? •/' Last Day. J 9' .V ' 8-JOM.M 7C CUHICAl Wberttu*f®yooin,62?—rPS—L_. 4:00.$l.00 4H)0-»1J0«t00 •fOOi$J.OO 10,00 9^HELELOVER 10TH WEEKI THIS FILM TEARS AWAY THE VEIlOf SECRECY AND EXPOSES THE TERRIFYING TRUTH BEHIND TODAY' HEADLINES! a-«'WiS o "S4 &&&—•">*• -Apw'T mm, -f *tJ7\Q*­f.owtAts', F*fpi'M sr.fM'-.0^ iRSOWM A:i Ppftf: UC« '•ir.HN'..' roe JttrCVO^ONAU-mvt f-9' ---»t tT i orrmQ...NJCKT1 AKJAS rs CrYrjT! «A CUNf /ft ^AllSeotOI.00 , CtNEM fQUR".l KNE MT-TfTIM-iliHSasi® THEA1 C j&c *+* f t. -v?v wmMS iyj> ?T<*FV ' ' '-rr.V­) '.I t A '—i-r MM -*•> < "V N —— " i^­ -:;J JR . a -• f %% ^ m v • flBfe. ~ •<* jr^. Wil^ Nelson doesri't have' "been "bookedio play at Kerr-on(f;rlday and Saturday.after-• Dancer To Play Con Man •the jrrarket cornered on yille. ; ' ^ .. a. f. noons, jlily. S and 6] at the..L6s ANG6LE5p(AP) -"'The --_ man in the all-star "The Towering " "f don't call myself an actorJf1 trailing in straight roles."Sflllti Fourtlft oi.-July—music '. Kenqedy.said . the festival ranch. The main attracUon of" main thing-I-want-to-doris-make, "(. Inferno." --5aid~Astktnrwith-his-eustomary festivals; l Au.stin promoter • will hp dedicated to the late the festiyal is the three night-­ Will he danee agahS?" Not in-a good. The only Way I can be : THE EYES have aslight glisten, modestyr>"but Tvelad Some pracv-full-scale musical fil.'n nor the ici be staging Jim CullumSr.,.noted San An--ly concerts £t the'ranch. The;aQsfied isjf I'm,-not letting--and fcheJace is,mbFe_sharplyvangl-Uce at it I did a few things as a of TV special that used.to win him' . . : anmjal KerryHIe tonionsttE-eKrihefist ;whose. ranbh. gates will op«n • each * anyotie down .•*•?. eltfrgrrtho ; -od^-hnkftstaire temalns )mneg'-~-lHrt-••-• ^nii 'H — m.y.< _ a cartload of Emmies. • . •Ragtime'Fest^vM and ftas an-Happy j^gzz^-Band carries on-day.at 6 p.m,,for barbecueand J"' &udiencejvor.:.;my fellow . peri • cably slim and tnorougkiy-ageless. ^iiiiiltinprnphj^ ttiat T "That's-pd^rfnr Mr. ?5-vear-nld -mounded that mail orders.for \' the Dixieian"d*traditionsof.,thg ^ beef before the • cofjefef4s­ formers, or»iyself/' > ; Even though he wasn't working," -played Roxanng to my sister : Astaire," he said emphatically.' '.'I The, words may sound like those7; he came" to. 20th . Century-Fox. . A&leV(^ano^-Bergerac;'' >f .are being accepted'^— did the last special,whenwueniI wasJQ.wasJO. """" o'f Jim'CuHum Jr...wholione an and .:toA^I^HEiiRRrAij^ „.or. sp, aftd I had-tb-ruB=a=l{Htr-•" » .. • are .b.ein -fcofa yOUng star ota MW-felevfslbff studio for interview «ome of ~his SM had-to-run-^-tptF-• * |gSt yrill. • be-hpld out-of "Oil nation's rising vyotmg_ Mai1" • orders * series, but Ihejrcame from Fred acc^Bted fiow^ttirfargh' the--^ witness .the first scene between ~ -honmusic'als: "Notorious -jnfnufe mllerrrs~a helluva ;^rf tfiTTyfearja^the) new-corn^.players*_Astaire, who. is*making his 68th . Paul Newrhan and Steve McQueen. Landlady," "On' the7Beach','" • strenuouslife7the"way I do a sh'o^ i „ Jt^r a.1 % Qiuet Valley -Joining; the Happy ;Jafez Austin festival office. al~B615 • • show busiHg^atthe^ge'Tjf zAstaire—was~eager__rtOL_watch—*—srMi^asRun'i^TuC^ns'television I mean-you beat-thefloor for eight T_*Janch'' mne mUps south of Band .which, will ppen-the N.-Lamar Blvd Ejp""Cod"e^-~ ' 75;-He'is back^at"work,~not*<}anetrig 78752.; A .-'^sgason-ntjcket,'^" _ „ -McQueenlS-pranfc,-ofc, wearing work in "It Takes^TTRIeT," "The ".weeks wr^hearsalrthen-youHape JlfiMiya}; ort the night of.-the ,*this "time out, but-conveying-tfte---f platform shoes so^he77~ Over the Hill Gairg"uanaTu3 Alcoa cosBng~$lQ, iij;ood for all fivef, -three-inch r>it-That's_not forTHis TeUffvi iTOt-"* , AsMreJUaQe.tg. the'role of_a con newnum. ' --"I-took _ • --^ -• --# Jazz, ragtimfi. blues and ".Olive Brown, Dick Goodwin,: fuye^SQ-Evening concerts Mirk-Hess;.,Max, K^minsky,' $<;50 theda^'—" J* ---r^v u.a i.ufi . wouldwuuiu tower^overuj«ei_uve» Newman, seriesseries—'"liooK it soTcouldso icould get anymore" jt ..and international-tradlGpnal "George i3runts,Bay.Bauduc, j paid"evaiTS "and-saves-the— ban-dihoujWVormereW are 54:56 each apd thedaytimel "a ' . • • • ..YT.VTW • • -. -• . • —•9J.Xf.Wf-' • . ' • ~-X . -6 •' • • " Performances. arcHfi eachii. L^feiv.Chilck Rejlys-Alamo :"Pbone',lnquiri^.s y?jll. be . /M City Jazz Band. Robert Shaw*' answer6" -at -45,4-3681 in,' . -Or^e-JCeUin, iFiPteeri Fitter A1 : perfonnances.^^ are-^l each. Winters Pr<>ves VersatiIe IniiividuaI Trm.' WnldTi vAustin,-and:t{ckets will be,on \vk0N,OLULU XAP)-T-. Most-.v."It;s like my comedy «;£. -standing alone on a large'can-He also said;'painting i? a he: "deadieS-to Jiang'jt up ik funny-comedian but says the and-Teddy WUs6npitiS^a people'; thinkr of Joiptfi&t—satirical, and all my paintings '-vas — with duck's1 feet-' " " show business, and asto when be contestants in-the l974 Texas 'est'val-:.-, ~ great v?ay to "unwind des ixejr)s/ tliere_ tb r_ Winters-as a. rotund . -are improyisational," he said', ..........WINTERS recently became "IWs-peaceful and lets alii will be .js . '' ' ' • -'"i funny . . .that anybody's remembered as a good artist. Ragtime" piano Chsim-' -: • mani who"Bair~make-people^ ^dding-thatthev ar<> hasipqllv .. a ''profpssinnai'1 bv holdine vour thoughts clear out." guess. pranshtp.-Thf^piann.pnntWgl -i«; . -•1 V J'laugtiby imitatingia,chipmunk a xombinatlon of surrealism two shows W the liw Angpipsl AS FOR Um fulnm nf free to^thq pjihlJc ii.theiF'ar^-" _ ;," •"You know, it would behind inta trie ortaikihfflike a little'^ and priinitiveriess. r area' to ^elPiiis works. ; =?"artr-WinterTsiiaife^iake^--Winters is happy to fie of fun to be remembered that at 2 p;m, on the Fourth. " -TF^TAKj " ' ' * :-v old l^qy. /' "And to conipare me with "The firstshow ware back in it dp on a regularJjasia when recognized_as asuccessful and way," he said. ^„'v -vjn KWition to thej;ontest on * v But Wintet-s now m his 25ith--anvbodv. and I dori't sav thiif Nhvemhfi'r, and I did" very thr Fourth,'there will be |l *. CLASS|rl£D-AD 'J.if year • iA show' business, has on an ego> trip, wovld.lDe hard wellT" lursaidr-'-'I-think c'onterts featuring-Hess? (~At f 471-^5?AA v-MLl-H/ fahot^er creative outlet tha£'s to do," said Winters.., ':^ sold 75'-percent of-.-what we Wellstood, Waldo and Wilson V been somewhat hidden from ., HE EXPLAINED that he offered." lublie eye. He's an artist, just tries to create on" canvas^ " What does a-Jonathan By VERNON SCOTT.' "I STARTED, out to be an by. sitting jiown and painting. Winter original oil painting go r books ai a pubiic service,and .who eventually .took took her yafOLLYWOOD (UPI) -The' artist originally," h&said dur-what comes into his head. for?.' . " •. .1 '• not to rnake^ihohey. own life. " . r late Marilyn Monrpe was ex-, tlie SamWitch ^liop ^^-4iig-a.--TPPffitt-.yaffajiftri • in,• I eet ih frohtof that "We11. thev vary ... There aire quotes which . . Monroe, bo matter what the iMtefllt&oughoirt her life as* Hawafiir-^^studied in school canvas, I'just hope and pray anywhere from$50 to51,5Q0." sec^oddess, glamour girl and PoboySpecial a|d.was goingyei7lgp6d until that eome TH^ JJOLLYiifcoiri'eman-Robert Benchley. Some of the intellectual. She wasnjt really " movie queen and now.in.death somehow I got-trjpped up and .togethfirj'^ ]ie said ,rl don't paints*in the basement,of his passages,.supposedly her owii, vei^r articiilate. .. Some of the-bfest-and -fun-* ­in'hpr. were, the inventions of-.a­ ia; mage on screen, still adulterated baloney. clever 20th Century-Foxbusiness, but I must say art. at wdrk ftr waiideringhthings. pScially no "great northern photographs from her lifetime -.publicist wfio traveled with Those who knew and loved was my first love." . often comie out funny. ^ light but thatiall^doesn't Winters said it's difficult to -For instaijce„ one 6f his oil matter,-1 sti(l have room to and thousands bf words of so-; v^-rJoe DiMaggio'for her. called^ memoirs and quotes in describfeJthatiklnd of painter oaiiitines sh'ows a chicken; have fun," are disgorged to instance. — say littl^for Monroe^T^as bright-vip^her or to label his art. book form ! • dotbtog. They nevw traded or own. way.-Few movie stais:the-nubhe.: -. profited -an_ their xelajtionshlp had. Iter knack, fof accen a real mOothfDI If.she J£ring;„Moi)roe with"* "the complex' girl-woman• • •^uatinE^OtfeT it sne were 4J^ing^.Mot)roe —jJ GULf •states drive.in: V• -wonld-te48year$oldrShehas r ^SIlOVVTOUA USA been' dead almost a dozen 2915 Guadalupe^ years. -T. . .... presents LAGUNA GLORIA -.-But her memory has-been CULF STATES DRIVE-IN SR51TV "T kept alive by. an aTniy of SouThsick , biographers. 'Sofrie never met : ART MUSEUM5 ^VIIO.E. B«n WWle«444-2»t/*--"er j£.reai:iif€ir0tirers"cl3jiV)t< TURKEY POBOY Only 99^ •... to^have original manuscriptsBOX OFFICE OPEN ~ TONIGHT THRU THURSDAY ?«0W:'ST*RTS'*r-8USK— ^ritten byiMonroe herself. - SsmngjlPMlJavorite Bear and Win» Many plead they wrote their ' -Cw'prs;' Sangria, and 21'varieties of Pittas. ' \. . ^ )HEL0 OVER" 476-4394' -ii'-^'1^^2915 Guadolupe r Jutie 6 PicauoVWor,^ Peace & Love­ . ms T' ^ 1 Spccial Good iVs Monik' Goya .. L'.-r June"20 Giotto$t thttl'pe-Rftnolftonce 6400 Burnet Road — 4654933 'Crete & Mycqnae . OPEN &T 7:45 June 27 The Art Conservator RRST SHOW AT 8:45 vTHe ImpreitionUH ^hop^57X—2821 San Jacinto6?gtTS-S2,°0 ($1.50 Ki 8:45) -• .Kinetk Art in Paris ' , p. Shop No. 2—-2604 Guati&Jupe •> ­8^45 i-12:50 .Shop No. 3—Dobie Mail, #5 j . T.. n, youri'62? . FREE! Calf 452-9447 WALSH -WITH HIS »AND BARNSTORM GUESTSr lYNYgD SKYNYRD MONDAY-8:00 P.M. PtUSitO-FUTURi MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM -JUNE 17 A LUCAS FILM LT07C0PP01A CO. Prediction* ACADEMY AWARD WINNER!1 AT 11:00 ONIY. i -BELStffPOBTWGACTRESS/l RED SKYAT -AnMNKOVKM Pf«OUCTXW BCTTERPIJE8 MDRNINB Reserved: AREfREB SCr* -$6.00/$5.00/$4.00 T* v 'i Raymond's Ih-ugsNo.1 ' t» W£ NEW ADMISSION PRICE f' _A0UIT$ -$2.25 . & No, 2 INEOBMATION: 476.1090 CHILD (imd«r 4) fru W/P A'Jam Broduction-Oonce m Michelle JUNE 5 6 -7 at 8:00 P.M. QUA hiUS Theatres IV Til « P.M. liUOtt. KLcAdANf YAUbY RO ..,.... MON. THRU SAT, TEXAS-SCH001 F0RLTHI DEAF TH . JUST OFF EAST HIVERS1DE DRIVE 444'j22Z XlWHtnCTgifethnMlACIUN.ESH SCMMtrMfi 1102 Soutli CongreM-Ave. •W ACADEMY AWAROST $1.50 Life U b C^lebraiion. -Share an evening/ 'iwi lil 6 p.m. FEATURES ... of joy with Korean>'FoIk Banet-ami v feOBCRT 2:30-i. .thB New;Hope Singers international. AGEonaRXMu -4:55 7:25, • They open tHeir hearts to you in colorful ­ IWSII^ -9:50 dance and wonderful songs, blended 'ECHNOXOn* AUNMSSA1.PCTUH6 together from, people of~12 different nations. "TTF57 IRWIN AUtNS PRODUCTION ofej$, sa .1*2Glenda Jackson reATURBfS®. THE POSEIDON lit 6'p-ro-v * SVtvJ M !>J?J -1:30-CAPITOL J^\^TURE.^^iures -3:tO-JOitv •4155­ i., " -3'30­' -6:40-j v "totpn -tS .5:40­ -8:20-d , _ 7'JO­ 1ROO T* ^T « " "> '-fANAVlSfON*.. «­ ACRES OF FREE UGHTED PARKING COLOR 9t DSLUXf* AT-8:05 ONLY < ' 'M TpWM LAKE *k -aS-.? V. KAHNTHtJuntt^rrr .... TOMORROW RIVERSIDE TWIN€INEMA ­ a * TOKIQ r 15-8:00-9:45 f -iste .fLU£g r*~i. 1ASSIC tiAMSfOKTATION MtOVlpIfc » BusniiAvtrtoM * 1 -cttmnrT-nnf w .juSS15/6,s • -7. RECEirE-eOMPLtMENTAnY TICKETS ~77 ¥* "GUtEBRATIQNrQF-LJFE"-flQOTH ON THE WEST MALL „Mel Brooks TT=r­ -t . FOLLOW THE "CELEBRATION OF'UFE NG ^/yH^POTUGHTSjOYER AOSjiNTOTHE ­-J^tEXAS SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF'THEATERtTi# , tor.Jieswrch of Principles' ;A UTiSfgdent Ordonizallbn -476-4578 , f, mifm -—n ^JsSkl^£ms£ \ ?5r 3^- Tuesdayr Jana4U974 THE DAILY TEXj ;a 5 -1 •:S^' :::K: :rHf-:­ :::-:r-; Jwr •|7'f^| rf Book Royalties Discussed £*• I-SiW ?tf%L "£M Texas Educators Dispyte Illinois Statute Funds .js£. ... By DAVID BROOKSfe,Tji---piofitl.gfedtjy frofti his book's "Folktales of Mexifco,"is ones If someone-else""toad written the same book, I sa±a^.gry-ai^1: would be using it," Dr. Davld- BviPATsVideHBAUM-li.Rochs. associate -businessV • Texan.Staff Writer .• manager ol tniercoifflgj«U'tfr | iW • ,• to fatten his batik account, Steck-Vaughn Publishing Go. rlN -A SIMILAR situation:;' Himmelblau, profess"^ of s-:fl ^.VlKbulqtiQjis_oLt}ig;*oRUQnal "atKletics, said Monday. "We HSiLT JO®r:*all,..g!iaranteed reprepentativef^'ProbabJy Dr.. Jarries Bill, associate chemical engineering, said chejJj-^ff-student Sfervice. fee~TisuaMjrget-«nly-HLpetcejit »i.'A 'J S'ales rifeap yiraran^eed^lt}ogt-pt,oFessorsyfail to makef professor of goverhmentjjises about his ^Priqiples^and. cards Show that 71 percent of anyvsray andjnis ftgure leaves royalties. Sbme .states think any profit at aH'" -;av^.iiis hook "Politics of Iran" in-Calculations' in Chemical TS*T-*e -ttestwIentsoPegisteredforfaU-^ojitJifL^hn^en^whOijnfearJJr^ this'may'happen. •'.-.stead of trying to adapt Chemical Engineering." ^ '•«" i; . /Tor prevent a_ possible^con-The Illinois Although it's possibly lio't ; . agreed' to fuhd The Daily Tex-always :get •a. blanjcet tax." 'another book about tran that We're not. wOrried;"-—Oict of interest situation^ ah doesn'edeal -to the' still a long waj from being 'K'?L!r >» f ! s'lAction Taken : Dakota and West Virginia. SEVERAL OTHERS/ 5_dtrector of accounting, said clear." ^ Texisvhlas no sucji law, iut. agreed that the main con Mori3py~: ' ~ "TOTAL INCOME—for—aii-r „ On Evaluations several-University-pfofesjorg' sideration in adopting tfext­ "WpETHEtt COMPLETE Texas Student Publication or not" we're happy about the I* £ * iSr^'Vi. J "expressecTHhe!r~ disapproval books shouldbe1'howgood the ... By LYNNE .BROCK. Center, said no acQofffjiad-; -ventures'is'?799,000r including book as source of 1 ! witii the intent of the Illinois' is a . Texan Staff Writer ^figures," Loyd Edmonds, beSh taken by the Jffniversity l Cactus sales,-interest from in­ *Z-general marrager, Teflras StV concerning the mtinggandshe statute^ • knowledge, not whoAvroteitNoaction has been.takenby s vestments and printing' ser-. r-_ dent Publications, said"Mon-' a case could be. did not know when to iexpect " ''RESTRICTING a book" "Perhaps the University Measurement vices.' Edmonds ; estimates .. froma university justljecausS ^ m^de fonstronger lawsinthis and Center one. Evaluation con-. s total expense for a gear'sday.-ijWe.had counted on $50,­ -fromstudenV paper the aythbV teaches TUiere is area-, 'because—s^ome vceming^^a =state 3 attomey_ sub­ -Under the pre^ent Unlvett}­ operation Tat $887,580. w­scriptions, and this givesus an —W1t«Wpitf general's ruling affecting the tyjvalualion systemj-ftis-op-' nQnseitset"^saTd—Srr-Ira' professors -could ^buse. less' .. RichardBuchler, professor of restrictive laws. But I think release of student evaluations : -.'additional $2,600 we won't One-'source^ for • ,-j: tional whether the goffer Files Suit a^tacultyi T anthropology., '.'If,..a ;teacher .Jajnes HoHa, former T«Kamster president, leaves-ciwrt^i--makes-a-iot-ofjuoney'from a i: haye to draw fromour reserve , difference"needed is-the • the-present-Texas system is of courses:andiaculty^ member gives the evaluation j " fund." "• T" ';-^resehfe-lrona^I)aily. Texan adequate," said DK Charles The ruling, requestedby the forms to his"classes. Tt aJSolg" -in Washington after filing a^solt charging conditions ,• : 8bok it's not because he re-Hartshorne, Ashbely Smith administration of Stephen F. -VT"~ -Tfie Daily Texan was put on'' earnings. -• up to the faculty memb^ J of his commutation asillegcir. (Relateage^)— -quired in a . professor of philosophy. optional rather than man-it class. It's Austin -.State University, whether'tlie evaluationswri&igi' ' -"datory funding .lor " the -fall' Informal Classes ;e the book, is . go.od :.Current, Texas prflicjr-ri s.tated-q-ompilation of be made public ' yis}rr~* -because enough; to be widely accept^accepted"^TpirisTlf'^quires th&'book b^pproved evaluations were public iiifor­ ;• alo.ng with Student Govern-David Kendall7assistant < and used." ent faculty,tlie _,matibn and would have to -be issgffment, men's tomey general, said,'" and, women's' , ''Writing; a* textbook is lartirienls con-released to the students under • sj*f athletics and cultural events torney generaf's officeis® iWt-rses generally-RotprcfritaWeOTless—cexnei tfenx^Jbe^jhe Texas Open Recbrtls Act. h'S ' April. For ttiose who have dropped out of jogging Union jBuilding 104 and will continue through . itisused inother schools. And,", transmitted to^e Univei^ity The ruling was made May 23.* wiOi the sanie-fact sit d'-.i. by the Board of Regents'last .ing that any university ^ .routings, health spas andjexercise classes, Saturday, Registration, also will take place if they caa use it, why should . president for approval and in­-4ftgre still is nqpe. : " T ' ; n from .9 a.m...to-'2.p.nt:^ufesday.iii Toni.iSlark^ on .the'Board -••= . Thp -Dqily ToV^n v»S in- The evaluations at Stephen as SPASU will abide wit! it bebannedtrom the author's -elusion of • dicSted by.-15,847 of tMffip P. Austin had been Combined ruling;'" The Twwa tminn ig^-nttormg-? rjl.y/ M)|V|, T tHIII^I ill TuWIinHqll, ----­ school?'' " said TDf."Charles Repents docket • into asingleformwhichshow­ _stud^ntsj. men's athletics by natiye — bellydancing. . , . ' " —-—Cards forregistering bymail'can beobtained Clark, associate professor oi ~^if7Titmeyis-amijnor:eon-'--ed^s tudenl-ratings-of^ofevaluatinn-informfl The course is; being, offered as part of the in Union Building 342. 'p . ' ­ 12~,7&Acuiturarevents byi.1,-. business statistics. siderpion, why do.professors professors. These conr-from consenting prdfes JJntoo's.informal class prograqj.this summer, The first session will begin (he week of June -2fi9.. ^Student Governmentl?y 'SvS 10,312 and "women's "athletics AUTHOR'S 1ROYALTIES use their own works?' \ • pilations were placed in the available, and several Other new courseofferings arein'itiosaic, wine 10 andlastunitfliuly;5 and16:, ta second swsion will be My jo to 12. ' ^bj^,525. Dr. Americo Paredes,' jwrsonnel file of each faculty ago students attempt* only 10 percent of| the retail • "WITO54 percent'we figure professor of English \and member. v publish the evaluation i price. "There is little chance we're right on schedule," Bob* anthropology, cites a lack of Sara Tucker , of the i-but.the project'proved I is a™ that a tttllejeproftesor wpuM' alternatives. "My bidoK, Measurement and Evaluation ' Egf^ive, " mm k .1ES SSS (09k n . 'es-mi B S e 3 mm. I .XLASSIf'Iib^ADVEKTrSfNG :,i FURN. APARTScr RATES ' d •5BZBE3BI ROOM & BOARDS MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES TYPING v 15 word rpmirhum .•••'*. ­Bach-.wordonetime...s.10: • SU/lu(AtRtiRSTeS NOW! Six bldcKl -futn. Law School: I Shuttle bus: One LARGE ONE. BEDROOM: Walk 10-'t BLOCKS-UT. lLarge bedro(Hin apart-:BELLSON ;OORM for;Meo. Exeetlefit Zunl..-Indian^ Each wor3"T-*T?mes .09~ -bedroom 5130. Efllclenoy inor'AC;-schoot..study, area, carpeted, disposal, rtfenV CAfCH,. carpeted* dishwasher, home-cooked meals-_ HAir conditioned, jewelry; Afncart and Mexican Imports.< _ North of Each'word 5-9 times .07 cable.tauH —' carpel, diitmaiher..disposal^ walk-tn Wble TV, sun deck,„CA/C«, leujndry, i«. 1 ^^ .^rneid^wlmmlngiwol;Will take couples 4&1: South Congress..444-3814. XlosedA;.v ' A L/TPPAXIOMS €»ch word 10or more time*:.* 06 closets. 32rtd and interregional. 4774010 shuttfe. great JocailorV.ABP, sumtnef^ ABP-?!0i j«iaGrande. A7t-B\*6. ' fdr ^hTsu7n'men.^6)0sRJo Grande, 474-Mondays. .. ^ Guadalupe­.75 or OL3-2228. . 1 rates, 2812 .Nuece^. 472-6497. V-.: 5680.Call476-334ftbehii«en8am-5.30om I -—rrt-«/ppers,length r--\i Classlfted Dnpla-y • • t% • LONGHA/PR WFI rnMP c.^,.w 'C»l»^b^>en,to?.s.30pn, we~are doing I dol. x 1 .IrTc/t one time.:.:r SZ96 • it. *• — • BUY WELL PLAYBOY, Penthouifc, etc. 1 col. x J inch 2-9 timles..:... S2*6^ STUDIO APAftTMENT mile graduate bedroom,"klTChen; bath,jc,.utllltlct. en-T1*SR"K CO-OP. • Pool; -#lr condtt lonlfio ' Books, recordSrsultsr^'lewelryrf&Toil*!.^ 'OUTSIDE "• J)\arthk firm, yM&L^. •• , 1 coK x 1 mcttfen-ormore.hmesS? 37, student. KJtcbeneMe,.tfJe sfewer, walk-EFFjeiENCIESrw^ —trMco^ihultlp, fitigcaaa-Aitenw D. .' Slnoles $135. Doublii J95montltl5 blocks stereos. Aaron's, 320; Congress. .Down-fcViW»Ai«-Jrf.^J^?- 14 in closet, hartglng closet utilities paid town. .... -'Alterations ateasy prices • ...M.B.A. » *' NORTHWEST AU5TIN 1 • t* ' BOB ELLIOTT'S Shuttle. SlOQ* 478-4380 —> il.119.50 Ai.l.Bil?i Paid, ifurnslhed; 6811-; ~ . Typlng^MuUIHthlng. BlrtdtaB -y > :6813 Great Northern. Cable TV, ; j •• 2426|/Guadalupe, On the Drag —RMftlFI n (?ftAn _washer/dryer#aclllties/CA/CH, matui-e HARtFORD PLACE ROOMMATES wThe Complete ProfessfSju^b­-Mx^ay-T—bn frtdav...J " oy childreh. Quiet tor; GET.HIGB TKfe -' ^ . FULL-TIME Typinjfe, T-TKINiryjMtHSJtAN.JMy Cure-ana WeAwsdny Te*mt TwwdeyItfcOO a fn School.-T{ireel^tree year olds Through second oldj Tnrough Tfiwnday faxsn Wtdnwday .10:00 a m ,65, utilities, deposit-. yrane-Ajfglsier nowfor sumrner.and/or One^i>edroom( pool, courtyard, maid, weekdays. •^rdi^Darkyaorr^ap««4r JjON.HCg^ Service m bills paid. $135 after 5 and weekends; tHsltchea atmosphere, fust off^EVP .Fndoy Ttxan Thwradcry 10:00 ojti. Enfield 478-9171 .MfchaeL:,4^W3. . : . classes for the tattrCall 453^0702^ --'^^ RESUMES Ro-ConVcnlCTtto UT, CapitolShut -^lar e new 1 bedcoom sfudtos.Shag, dit­-r-:4He -bui.: AIR-ABORTION-ALTERNATIVEI"Pregnant ;' i.with orwithout picture' 5UMM*Efr>-RATES - " ^LEASING: ; UT AREA;2 bedi%oms,2ba!hv.CA/CH,hw« her J145 00j)lus**eleoirlclty. , 3001 -3007' " laundry and faculties pool, utilities, -and dlstressed? H^tp.is as near as your 2-Oay Service^-^ In tht *wj>nt of-wren mod* fa chv 1717 Enfield 478-9767 !•reasonable. 477-2608, 476-9813. -telephone. Pro-Life Advocates. 510 West DUVAL COUUEGE . wtmmmif lmwg#lot»notto iwvtl b«< -Learn -to 'fly a balloon. In­2^C4*2-4198.\ • 472-3210\and 472-76' gfv«na»>}M pvbthhM'sM-nMp«mftt« fa»" CQURT APAR0WSNTS . MACE- GRADUATE needs rooltmij? troductory lesson S5.-Ground 2707 Hemphill Park .orUy Of«;{ncAn^tro«(tloaJ&fHK -^^FrCtEtfrllS^ \ timnn •• ~ • Furnlshed-Etfletency.: 'Swwrnor gates' N.EWT for sOrn^fier to share two bedroom apt, . WfSH SOMEOME to. jeagh me Tarat HtjLnfngmriSad..br-pmUF. frnnnnHn^n'r' Siaa^BPL Central^ Air .and^efti. -.near dlimpus,-$7p plus Vi bills. 472-7386. now fornrflng. card secrets. 453-9651. school • classes lion.' »€»ENCtES.: .nref>Re©AA-«4mffi&^ 472-8805. . Z BEDROOM -%smlkr~ -p-FSMAt • SUMMER vFUN^for.*-your chHdren IMAfc^^ElsUSRJGR ADUATE Own j: fCtOSE TO CAAAPU5" Openlngi»lot-A0^;3 Jiicu::6. Degree Ai.L-BlLLS PAID * * ^ roomin lovely,old house. Near campre 3 ilK " " Kitchen ShutUe 175 476-252* * teacherScXongr-egational Cml3P$velB£=A-BLQCKS,CAMPUS , v­ V — a®«e|stlijTtLE':BUS m f Trtent Center. 40® Wesi-23rd. 472-2370.^i "POOL SHUTSLE BUS R.OUTE LOW.STUDENT^AXES. ROOMMATE * PU RN.ISHED ROOMMATE NEEDED/ I bedroom TYPING -ti wuiU tmnimum each-day-v.v>.7S;, —JiEEpEOr LA Fl .apartment/ 6 bfocks comywn VMf bills"" eses. ^ 476-3467 1 RRIiwJs, .SUPER SUMMER RATES" t |wlmmi^vpbol, beautifully. All Unlvers 1 col. x. I Inch eatHU! }-eon • z BT&kj tO UT cafljJptfS furnished or r-sfudio business r hUsy.M.3? -double -'Ufvclasslfiedvll1 Hne-3 days vsl.OO-•3~bedroomSr-2-bathf ^RSWSS®I|BED,^ALLHAYE-DISHWASTIER, DISS Last Minute, . io Refunds)-; RQOMAAATE .NEEDEP, S bedroom. ; FURN. DUPLEXES .[Prepaid, Jlo ~ Open 9-* • ^ i-StuderUs^nvst-show-iAudltof^T HABITAXJjUNtERS, imiKSfplglp^ ROOMS 9-5 Fr rece7pts and pay m advance in TSP A FREE^ aparfmenr^SOiKri-wrviee^^/aewslk-lfl^toMtsi 'UlUg. J.2UU (75th & Whitis") -#rom-8-located l.nlhe lower level ot DokleMati. • • plenty ot. parking • NEAR UT LAW SCHOOL 2 bedroom, 1 472-893$ a.m. to .4:X p.m.-Mosnday. through TBBinsrtrorttBrs has ttsttnas urrlfflHS—wiulei.f ' -"house near park-'Free-swlmmfno pool..' TEXAN DORM. 1905 NUeces. Ooubles -bam, carpeted; XA/CH^ private 30A"DoBleuenreKMfe Friday. t t * .<100 rented units, tor.summer Jnd fall. ' 477-2608 : $52.50/6 w»is. sesslon.-Ststgles^{95.00/6 < ' b,cKJ5?t?'' carport. J2W.'M5-3083 ComeSy .or phoos now end talS advan­(6 blocks' from ca.rfifius)-: -wtti irn«»lnn fl»Ky tAfvU, ntfV tage of the only no hassle rnefhod of lral Refrrgerators, hot plates allow* apartmsnT hunting. Ijjjwer level Dobie • ed. TWo blocKs^fi'om campus. Co-Ed • CONSIDERATE FEMALE J Wrobhl -Manager-Apt. 106 • and EC ;shuttle.,478-«35. Mall, Suite 8-A. . • '453-4364 Resident Managers. 447-1760. . . 'NEAT. ACCURATE and .-" """ " PJlone"474-1532 -— - HELP WANTED ». FOR SALE .. S100 -$110 ••• ECMALE SHO.RT WALK TOWER; Laroe old 447-2737. y.-v • . cami oe..ol ioo(n. s»M120r Utilities paid. 4I7&-346Z, ---&UMME:R~&ATES "'s "WE-- RENT^ 476-8683. lWj-wo< Nueces.. -. Musical -For Sale OELIVEftV PERSON NEEDED."Must Pa'w-^T/tl^pVn'TrF " ~ JL •s -havecar,.tto«rs^WpnLfq«:»(VMondav »S ROOM"AVAILABLE -ImnfieBlatelv thfouBh P?"da^'^TyS^0or^ 1^^,!! ""JBridle) IA_*NEW CLASSlCAL'Guitar technique .Invented by Drew ThomasOn, 5/24/74, •ISOUTH One bedroom, large closets, TRAVEL Pi!va|uMirKn,J,n,^nei^W4^^a^ldj&U^ Brady. 472-4715.* / ...based r*» P>6 ,r L^LA-3.M-21-): To Invent Is dis-m paldv477-7524,*453-3537^ ^ i-s 476-484^ fully—earpetednjable, 5TARK.TYPING. Ex ..to find.•.. • i 41 "SHORE •. Your-fime is valuable f~? 1 dissertations. pp'» *** ^ -' &-V­ ' Our service Is free 'CLARINET AND tRUMPET.Excelleht APARTMENTS i/ pool,' furnished.'Walking d^-/' m '! S-., • condition. Student -line lr\slrurnerttsr ' ,EUROPE FREE -?Sc1?M7U.-!!;rS ^eC^S,^Vfr"-5Wri»l?t» "fance to UT. No cliiidren-6r ' . P'A pAftftw -'•ii' Act as tou^ director with your roundtrlp Ideal for beginning students:' Dick-454-. •294* ' — —iT i pets: 610 west 3Dth. 477-88^8 " ' • olrfore/hofels, food/ and transportation DRIVERS HELPER work hours 2am • • HOLLEVS TVP1NG/SERV1 1 Efficiency, 1, 2,-and 3 -|gs^ tries available, even Eastero Europe noon Monday, Wednesday, & Friday J ~' m - . furnished, plus cash to spend; Alt coun* UNF. DUPLEXES plete service from frplho ding Available untll/15p.m. Job to begin June 10 Continues year­ -No "-experlince Ptqulred^enrftiw.^o -ed inatnieldt Near/campus. MiSc. -For Sale bedroom .apartments." ' ™ . .. .. round.,Apply fn person»H.E.B-office 824 Drive. 476-30U ' SUMMER ^12th Street downstairs: Work days 7-TOP-GA5FT?*RJCES paid for dtamonds,' Offer the* solution to . 472-4171 old goidrCapU6l DiarnondShop, 49tfN, .^yOUT uOUSing. "ON THE-LrAKE ~ 'y -weekdays FRANCES WOODS/TYPING SI WH ^ STUDENT DISCOUNT £?Eer,e.n.cosal, telephone jacks, Jaundry StlO/month. 4>«I53.- UNCLASSIFIED _Weekfla^ IfttV ~lf/-x - students. Lovely one bedro0ms» WaTk to* nWure, pM^inaWttuattteek overlook* —taclhttes^club.roora*,4iQcL ceisujpesloy^ campus. Shuttle. Supimer rates« 477? ~lng fhe water. ": 'r^"u efficiency.-bedroom,t bedroom,, 3 ^*VAtteR:-AM'-Srr3()fc-Sa»t.41ft7?.J=.-=«£Ay.il, c/Cidlihwa«heri-yardtfialn-Mbther xEafth 5282; • ; •: bedroom* apartments:' • Shuttle,* bus ^dropm^.furnlshed.-poiih AC^wallsIng..,. . taltlM. 'aBBlWnces onlyT'fTfiK'tullT-tiir5— —From $145 -'all bills paid • Lease now. make:th[> a groat summer dutante (aUT.-AltBlllj Pald,:Summer nlshM -»115.4S»-5S10,-4S3-577«.'-' 10th and Lanoar; GREGORY .APTS. Large, spacious -ratei -SM0-«i;d upreoli"47^-74ll-64VWS425Cdmeby304&0«epEddyApts. apartments.Walk to campus,swimmingTwfrr • 300 East Riverside Driv^ : ''1500 East Qiverside, 444-1458. 444.3750 . FPR RENT • lor summer 11 bedroom ' . -poof, Jots storage, kitchen^appliances. Salt wlfh UTSC. Union 340. 476*6027. 444-3337-^ ~ SHORT WALK TOWER "Old S90 WUfbllts. »50 deposit. 3702 ^ One bedroom 1125, efficlortcy s)15. 702 Full,-and part tlme^waltressAwaiter*. Just of North for Clarkson. 474'2644. West.25th; 478-2301. 451-8WI. . - bedroom- aoartment.apartment. Windows far Badmitton -478-30)3. PWMp. ^8us hfelp, kitchen heip, barfenderi, bar , "KENRAY plants. S240>. 476-3462, 4764683. 1902-1904 mv m>ecesj< -Guadalupe^ h*lp.-Appty in person Sat6/8/7410:30 till ^ APART/VVENTS >:00. Sun 6/9/74 12:00 til 5:00. 12.00 per TARRTVTOWW 4J Bydraom^jMatureri '7-hour • . " ' I . .". L •-.-i-'-A." • 't -Eark Y.our Car and Walk To Srhonii 2122 HancockDr.' '[n9]e; Shuttle, , pooi/^lfi^s, lake. pftii The-Great_£5atsby T?e»cno^^er^MThftt^^)nftyfl^'>r4«»86W.'J 2700 West Arldoncxl Lane In The-,VilIagf electrjcity S)35._ Recorded^ desylpt/on-Somewhere. , typtfb. Jru , SUAAME R-T'rUkrsfx-• • — r e -tto-io -iNorth-N o r t h -Loop*' ,Shopping..u Center— > v ^^•^-^•Shopplinr-Cehter-1 -• . Luby's-JJne shuttleSUMftAERjaii^ES! eHlclencIei. . and Luby's.^>ne half block from shuttle New -rr-fffrd-Austtn~tf»nslt;;'.2'.' bedroom . Double. Bed, shag -YES, vve°^ty|>fe; I­iPiSLO^ouSes; pxtra larger Two bedroom4r>Ji[S^olal, stover refrioeratOr. rtl.79t? r -tS®ft TIME STUDY TECHNICIAN; •i"i' _v with us ineight / -, wedroom-• • . Double carpet( dishwasher, waitihg to buy - -great University complexes S'f: tlais,-one and two baths. CA/CH, dls-' -• ^ • • —~-r^ • ^ Excellent opportunHy'for studerit seek-. . ,;Freshman thertiesll Pi^i your powerinoweri,r Jwasher^dlsposet^door to door garbage WALK-..^UNIVERSITY." Two large •) > In« fUH\ time; employments during•-•pickuprrpoo/,. maid service H desired,-• bedr^mi, study;T separate' kltche" lummeft Prefer someone, majoring In wainntprla incompie^.see owners: Aot. v> fabuious bath. Arf ,' "r H3 OT calI-451-4848.— i" ' ' lf i^rapttsi.1 1 •—* workvWIlfMn-.' WhyootstarfpUtw'itbil ^rQOOQ QfadGS^'v~— -T-EFFICIENCIES S100 , more Uiao-2 occopaTVIT. Seniors; —dsnn-tBlt-««»36i-{e*t~3K»-lor ap^-^—^_L _ >•"? .. ' ^ ; -graduates; or facmty^Walu^Sai-hfc.' polntment \ , "I BEDROOM 5135.00­ nlshetf; S150 mWIMfi 47MIJ5: '"" " -> ^ GtASTfvON-BOAT COMRAWV^ 472-3210 and 472-7^^ . S3 .-Z BEDROOM $175.00 . .., ' ^9108 REID DRIVE S PEPPER TREE bicycle... r' ^>s ' J707 Hemphill ^ IJishwashen dispoSai/6-bloGk§-%ii*v ^ --m *r ti .- FIVE GREAT BUILDINGS |V'S Tfv" cam'SSs" yly,,' extra -nice luxury /(-'M automobile.,^ m?nts • „ & jS&Sf® •zrmme " 474-1712 furniture.. HELP WANTED -• v-t,ft-- BHQROOMsV %-iv :- ^,V,. .. •• f.V:, 1 : .. --29L 29m/^M^sSM tele^is ti,I-• f '>t. -<• — Efficiencies, 1 Br» XLarge 2 Br • Wtf ca?t~tH>ur mln)«dorrn^-y.ou can can H • gSffetebs Call OuJlOJtLc^^,^i..;..v^.>..;t..-...v.w.;--472^82(53­ OlSMAIN'^­ hofre: Grefrt tor budgatrmtnded students -APA-RTWieNTS-^-? -/wti^wanLpEiyai lvaev-Vo< •: .t .etc...-. 2207'Loda^.T.T.4 ...r-472--8s(4i Li> r 'rStl — ^7,"o2!r~im^s!pa"rn^^nished' w,T;^™^r.nrd^^r€.5r& L''-^ _PdL ri, 2200 Ueon 4/Z-074i $l25andubki *• (i ' m cies, 2, and 3-bdrs also available 1 A79uJ}Al :i ~ 2503 Penrh -->>3^.' Summer rales K~^2Pr^•t£S&$i4sr^ jim Bins&wo n» VvZ. B --. >7^nXr\ . Midnight Munehies &%*•* City To Fight v J^k. * -.'"* : i • -1 7 -*% #*" ••"£& Orientation Begins ep Rising Crime meeting andheingradvised, 'By MARY-~MURTAtIGH They\'include a discussion on Texan Staff WH|er* the/new students may register \ Details of Austin's new motor vehicle..thelts..2S^per-! Preregistratloh for; the fall conc&p'tlons aiiirofc-ethnic" for^ijT fall aeraes^-Plac^f crime reduction program'will cent; ail thefts,'48 percent!?! semester, touts of. the cam­groupsandtheinjusticesthey menttesteana^lleg^ Board' . be fel.e^sed by Mayor Roy -and forgeries, 70 percent in* create •" •:'--....Afehievem,6nt tests in various the first,four months of 1974as pus, faculty firesides and mid­. Butterifi-a-press conference night rfiunehiesawait.§tudents •"-New. black -and -at the City _C^uwuLjneeting comparedlo thfe-similar time attending toe ejghtorientation American students will have. In6 each session at additional • Thursday, a spokesman for period in~1973l City police" seesions miring the summer. an opportunity to meet with r^t-—,.;... •• 'the mayor's office, said Moir-statisti(&-dj>ficit Include The first five-day summer otheruiinority students and i summer orientauon -crimes cdmmi(,ted in the Teptejentatives -SgSgicnB have been cefc up, to ..University, area. orieBtatioiT-Jsesglon began' faculty, rreptejentatives from Jk f fT' rt . * _ _ ~ MM J .W m* • > Monday% M •. * t-.Witfti P A freshmen• -•»> . .-• fc.1black\and'Mexican .AmericanA • — accommodate -Th^new-program-is design­ 650 students-tit checking in at Kinsolving Dor?.' studet\t organjzations and different majors at separate -ed ^9 .combat Austin's alar­Information on" the ^content v _mitory.^The;Stud6ntS:areex-^ -^U^tudenKterrvices at an ^Jepm^kEight sessipns afe ming 'increase _in major of the new planUs unavailable, pected ttf stay at Kinsolving to' infor schedule between now and crimes-and will featyre such" •. altfa6ugh''-#eetin|s^'ifif the- receive maxiipum .benefits an oppor--_Jul£J6. ,Tfte datesj of. the /measuresasreassig^ing more upper-echelon members of the. . tunity to meet itifoi lly., with mn-„ nr„ from the program". . sessions r the respective police personnel to patrol the police jiepairfment have been 'n'tthrpp ­ Ninetyy trained student ad--faculty Members and ^iscuss^J2!^S^ ..str^ts:-{^-enlisting1v.cilizen [he JW): Phar*< ^4$.stions visens also" will live In the . classroom and nonacademic aid'in reducing-crime, Biitlel-' as^Jet un­ ro.„.. -. , • »! i j.' macv anu I tdy-": answered a^QUt the plan in dorm. They will help students topics, at thefaculty firesides. i.mQ m jJ"r -rWl T»topho»p adapt to the University en--DEPARTMENTS .WHHIN 'cludewho Msf-'Soinpiliiig.itr„ Sttike HaJts Industry nmsn Education ,and Architecture. ^ * Statistics compiled: from -wfiaY its specified "concerns discussion groups each night house each week. Llnfinished suits^iie by idle machinet Monday in ,the tewin3 roorrl of the Petrocelli police, computer printouts are, what specific crimes and and advising them on will meejt/ witp^aTulty Commutation and Fine Compony in N^w York Gity aftar the Amcdocutialedi Clothina Workert 6f America shovr hotai'cides have ' in-areas of: the city will, be academic options, • degree merrfbersinthe department of Arts. caHed; a nationwide strike.More lhqn lOO^OOQ mert^tloth.ing workere wererordBi-eil creased-7T percent: rapes, 112 targeted, hoq; much the plan programs and. .'course their major and cjiscifcss .their yune 24-28). off the job in the frit industry-wide strike«"«? in tjh'e men's aiicj bidy's dotting field in SO percentjrobberies]"-^-• per-- "vironment'by anu aiscuss.ineir «»• •»» mwi » unu ssj^-usiwiih m -will cdStiuii fuku where jfiia­coiirses reouired ^"03 ,?n . 5 'tecturer--_. ^ yeors. Negotiations have been broken bff iri dispute over:Wage increases, cent; burgIari^-,--33 percent; 4ing will come, if it is needed. BACy0BlB!NT*!i101jl'«e»—far-tte^l^reer— ' „• '' T i ' ' siotl ^yiive^^^i^atte^^j.pen CourselndexAvailable -directed at minority students. • house, a required i:egistralTon elecr-1 live for -the summer or tall tehns niayrfind "The Index to' NEW HOUSING POLICY!!ir Session .VI~iJuly' 8-1?) £our$es..fdr Undergraduates" helpful.' . : Education and Nursing. ; 'Sesisien VII (July 15-19} ", Rafter, than lisOng couiy^s by title or defj^rtrnfent; courses I • J ft Vft • M A J ^ ^ a* a L_. J '...1 ,Wti Commumication, Fine Arts. .u . .• --,r — HOUSE « Session VIH (July 22-26): ' s3'?.-, , ^ , , -.. 1103 W. 24th 3 and Architecture, / t0P'.c to find a-speetfic class, circulation ipanagecAlison Kyser V Pharmacy, Education * and Copies of the index,, compiled.bx library sciende-graduate ' -Niirsing ~ — students,, were distributed^ to undergraduate advisers -for OCCUPANCY ONLY Bv DICK JEFFERSON motorists were obevine the The orientaUon. programm registration, along wi^quest^nnaires'; fo b6 returned y™ .JriT . m0 were ooeying^we _ „p„^^^t^yyej^ff-—tsAelBimeasure the cataloHue's usefulness, -T^xan Staff ..Writer. __^ew 55 m.p.h;. jimit, but they P, have to peer over the next hill on thei?sp6Hl.'^' — from t|e University aft- for the ever-present radar, "The department will con-. Luxurious Private Rooms missiohsi office for;thV fally._ per mo. ?ibo now the sky has to be~watched, tinue to enforce tlfenew limit . semester. Some spaces-s&U ^ 'Yrz. ­ also. .and hopes peopl^realize that remain 'in":alT' the sessioiis. . hy hhlrting ynifr 'gppwl, mora' -N.. v ,wili be.caught exceeding the iivescanbesavfitf,"headdied. "iwresteo-persons • Maid Service t (55 m.p.h. speed limit only-by ^ rec&yed^the vehicle mounted briar. A The air-ground team has abouttheprogram^houldcon-­faelic^SFh^eflng 11200 feef >en «ivmg an average.o£J0_> tactth^ce^^^tion , Heated Swimming Pool • RefrigeFaTors • iiitercom |V C ,'aboVe the HgSway wm;w:6n:/^e^ fer hour. to..speedii?g m the draTof students office, —• Lauadry.Facilities.» Vending. Machinesik =^he lc^ouHor persons fiying/1?>ot<>r'sts-_ • Speech Uuuaing m. ' jtosetirewiatKi-spepd reeordSr, • 24 Hrr-Desk Service »:.TV in Lobby „_.i5afetyrisnsing -af-Attending, the 'J 2;"Ranger II" helicopter oir/ai Off Sfriet ^tRlngr* ^=^ii^t«P=basis^to-appEeheod-:Summer Session? r' -c t4 ^ 'Special Paekdgei^lsTRM^^ftexter •BoardntAAadisbh) speed&s lu U|e Austin aiea. ­ 4" .....available as-loW as$145 5 J)PS helicopters also are be-V -ving used in the Dallas,' wprrNOT iristtr r> ** Mow accepting Fctll '74 Contracts -MidlandsLubbock and Waco giareas.as well.'" " TRY THE BES PETTICOATS j3L £5T"ITie helicopter, manned bjr IHOUSING OFFICE 709 West 22rid S*. , twoofficersicircies above~the PAJAMAS, ROBES; highway. Asa motorist passes • 21 Graat Meals per. W«el;' ' ^478-9891 -478-891,4^ ~f special markings on the GOWNS, SLIPS, BRAS. Maid Service — , shoulder,, the vehicte is timed ^7from that point until hepasses •j. ^ ' jSef BIKINIS. SLIPPERS DEXTER HOUSE M <•* Kw-Close to CampusL:: —7.­ the next mark, 880 feet down the i-oad, a DPS spokesperson ^ Private Transportation -—; --Gome-See—Come Live isaid.. GET MORE FOR YOUR MONEY $'$ g; Aft?r a -recljeck of the • Private Pools" uh-* • TO OFFif; vehicle's speed,, through., ~~ anothei;,-..Mfc/ofiina'PkliigSr1 AIL THIS AND iSSSS&SSS& ss peetfTgg^rehlfcles are .i• reported TO a waiting 'ground EVERYONE GETS £ unit. ~ yw r The airborne officers relay A PRIVATE!ROOM -th _ lt^ortiiatton-about-th%?iear1&~ position and color until the r v vehicle is stopped .by t^e. ground unit." ' ?. S a SUBSCRIBE r'5" -' The spokesperson said the wwpisorMcnjsit; practice, of air surveillance < . . -p® y. was started five „orsix weeks 709 W. 22od St. pK agp.as. partofa concentrated 2^o4 qUOJctaEu-i: NO effort to catchTpeedersi-".-­ ^78-9891 SgSJM'478-8gN^ " He 5ontiiiued~ "For^ yhile \ i r* 'iK -r N Madison -Bellaire Aptf. : -a also available for Summer ~r -Hojncsji^.3fL5;30--'fA DAItY TEXAN i;w»» iijUyiiJUIJM LttUkMUluLMUM -StttdanI-N»w*ffapar~at-Th* Onfu»nH^ nTfaxas at Austin ^ HURRY! " 1 line I, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ORDER BLANK 'Wm* THE DAILY TEXAN " ^ h i If dollar I-#"-" Summer Only MAIL ->v:. $ 4;oo PICK-UP STANDS Students­_ faculty-Staff Faculty-Staff­ :1 Fall or Spring $ 8;00 sh% Daily Texan ^ - •WRITE YOUR AD HERE­ , \u£s W t: Fait andi. Spring $15.00 $3.30 $11.00 *X nH' mm •Unclassifi ^rfL^I I , V Coma by : •r.f'--rsenidg., • l! doom 3.200 ant/'pfaw" your fl«L ' r* —k ' »Vr?(s |H­•asS ien^bnlyfjl j^-pre=paicir^ r-& Whit 14 -)i Use this-hahdy chart to quickly,arrive ==t-at cost. ' r-H-5-word.-nw Words-— !S' \» 4SU 19, 21M. 1.70 n.80 nw imes--Fin^Sr ^Titne; 18 2.70 13 & .5.25 5^0 3.06 5.95 9.0a 11.40 -22.80­«.00 -19.20. r20.' 'T \Ar Ni mountfncldsecL umber of Days . Mail to:— --DAILY TEXAN CLASSIFKDS^. > r rPrOrJOXO^tlTAitONis-^­iAUSTIN,; TEXAS 78712_ NAME _ LDDRESS-— 10NL I WW­! TEXAS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS s P.O. BOX D, AUSTIN, TX. 78712 i — ' " " u --L -w. ' I Please enter ipy_subsciiiption to-THE^DAILY TEXAN I ' " 1 ' I Enclosed my check lor fr ^ J name" I ADDRESS. \ '> *" 1 ./ _ -TTATTj OT^T. —k •^5 ... / Please fill out the coupon above and mail Wifh your remiltance to the above,i Room 3. -your subscription.,, ^ v-7. iciS^sri "*-4-1 "-T-a- A Pr vl < ). x THE4>AILY TEXAN P,~**~i Vf , ^ ^ v&&w •;?£!£& assistssastf jrfejgiS 5S-.r->t~~ 'S w-' 4m3Ssi ^^JSl ,£t3S8& iafeK.r. Convention Daniel fxtension Budget Delegates to_ ' the REP. BILLY Williamson of Husband.' and wife equally;" • Xonstitutional Convention • Tyler introduced two Sage said. „ Mpl •»fjv C-i?" •" responded to threats by con-amendments which would br? • TWO AMENDMENTS by By ANNE MARIE KILDAY--produced an mittee ChairmanRep, Dewitt r.wo. AMKNUMENTS amehdmeht *BKl •v%ntion presidenLjPrice ing riverbeds^&eeks; and Reji. Jerry Russell of Garland Teian Staff JWriter .which would allow citizen \Hale of Corpus Christ!, Warn-. 1 Daniel Jr; by showing tip Mon-other navigable waters of the were introduced to the sec-Delegates to" the ..suits against polluters, said ed the defeat jofihe artlcle op ' day _10 minutes after roll call ' state within the section. The tion. The fiir§t amendment, -(Constitutional-Convention last the proposed section-was a group of county'judges who (i'iT at \ p;m. Daniel warned first propyl was tabled and which deleted the words^'and wek approved, r» , ( a $1.8 million "worse thanUlCUl nothingllUUllUg in the attended the convention dur- I •.. U4 -UlC delegates .-friday. that a the second withdrawn on a definitions'* from the secUoftT" , budgetwhighextends thfootv-constitution on the en-ing debate, talking to failure to attaiti.a quorum by point of orderly Rep. Jimmie was adopted withoiit opposi-• : ^ statutory vironment." legislators and watchingr/ropithat-tame would re^lt in ad~'C. Edwards of Connie. ' -. *•--.m.-second -Russell --Dallas Rep..Ray Hutchisons, the:gallery. _ ~ r T--7-TT--tion... The . deadline^of July 30. • . -joumpientitaxalLi^istlitCon-^ — .-_i Hoestenbaelr thCTrioiiiediiafmendme&t -woliM••allow budget interrijpted proposed a substitute envir&n-A compromis^plan design­-venlion. | -jwith •Schwartz> In.. ^vai^-^S. iuses4o enter into Written debate on -the ^General ' ment section, which names ed to satisfy thecounty judges Although Daniel repeatedly 'wa-araenaments which we^e Afipntiacts between themselves ^ro.v[*»»•. rMcleV the-"designated state agencies.as -andjipponents • #?;tbe-stet^fS' ^ reminded deleeates torestore • adopted by xhe delegates. One "which affect their property catch-all—section iff the trustees for thebenefitoLthe rightJo appeal failed. ,7 i'order'aid^iear,order ana "clear uieDaisies,''aisles/ • rtrirts._"' proposed cojnstituUon which people of Texa^'The amend-^ " Tf£t,4Kt'-^ . it.:. • ._u l IDosition wriitld. wnhifitK Jh'p T~~Tho • • includes 25 sections,.' ment further states that per-^^DELEGATES""' HaVe they moved, quickly through. : position would prohibit-4he The Kussell amSitlmeH' sections-seven andeight of the ,any coaste!submef-g-voting APPROVED the ^legislative > -sectiorissewm and eightof the^"^c.Vl any cuasuu suomerg-was adopted after.aBafliend-sons, acting as Vbenefidafies I ITvVcV General Provisions Article /iejMap^feetonging to' the ment by-Rep. Richard; Geiger separately on each section unr of the" trust" can ^nKf^IBe","Article and the Separation of and began debate on section \s^~i—,, ' ;—-flLDallas was-added.' lite derasuspertsion of convention trust only, by suits against Powers Article. >-The « •-mme.—•— -The, second Hoestenbach ^ejgef~amendmenti>-whicli_J , such agencies. .— -Legislative Article, amended fcad i#f: ' amenement which would in-rules out Contracts between XHEJ51RSTI1VE ^eciions-^.-T-HE —RDTGHTSjON to included aiiat? tedistrlc-' f"'0 ; ;<• Rep. John Hoestenbach of sure access to "coastal public spouses transferring-of.the Generar Provisions Ar-AMENDMENT, passed 7by"ra ting board and salary coin-~ Hou! . ^Odessa led debate,Monday on -waters," was approved-by a "separate-property into com--Ucleiwereswiftly approved by--vote of 79-72--— .--fission, reverses^pprovMtt *asti • a proposal to-reconsider, aa vote of 123-21, after debate on munity" property was op^ delegates lasj week^. -These . Debate, on the General a$8,7$0"|i»'r/ |®*« ' amendment by Sen. A7R. the -TOearcing^ofc-iicoasial posed by Sage-and -General • sections include:officia!oath, Provisions % Article was1 " laWmakeVs. The salary-raisie" * fmn Ba-lre;' Schwartz~xff-public-waters.",-_ Provisions Committee Chair--^;d_eftcgjgfg^yil officfalsand preceded by a week and a half -and an alteraaUVft provisld^ vest-n t'le chai ' i~r~ t0 coastal "There is only one kind of man Bob-Gammage of" disqualification from con-'.'.'of debate on' the' proposed" "for -four-year JHoUse^tenrBF ^atuwl. resources section of coastal waters in the law, and -Houston.-_ v sutuuonai-effiee. —----Judiciary. Artitrje.^-The -will besubmitted tfe vote '.'-the article. that's coastal salt waters," The Geiger amendment Vyhen delegates moved on to Judiciary Article^ _which approval.­ Wim_THE HELP_of_a Schwartz said, speaking in passed, 70-64, and delegates wmsider the environment sec-would update the state's ' aw~ Jhe ^blackboard, Hoestenbach ex-favor of theiamendmentr He-"-approved the entire section Uon of the article,,Sen. Lloyd courts, by . combining*v-ttie During deblito^o.'flL Mil 'Empty seats prompted -threats/ yhy V: '/plained his opposition to the further explained Uiat coastal 122-15. Doggett x>L_Austinr-«ho "in-Courts of criminal;ihd civii^Legislative ArticIe,^delegaKs , Schwartz amendment. The public waters' sxtended; to ' BEFORE DEBATE'oil the appeals -and establishing the' voted down a proposal whi& — ^convention had convened Frji-''where salt waterintrusion to sectidh 'had ended, Rep. state-Supreme Court. as the . would • allo^ caxTy-bVer-?^',« J day during debate on the mo­ . fresh water occurs." Dewitt Haleof Nueces propos*., Wurt of last resort, was bills from one,le^sli^i^«;|ijtion to" reconsider the DELEGATES THEN; voted ed an amendment"wEIcE""" Reconsideration Planned TVVV.U «-u ou diii6iiuui«lll WUICE1 defeated by a vote of 73-81., -sion to another and d^eilt^ ^•Schwartz amendment, to.... adopt the.coiastal and would have allowed spousesto .The defeat qTthe~Judiciai'y-< plan requiringHhe-sj srp The , amendment defines Hutchison To Reopen Debatejon Environment pH nlit innt< mnaiWnj --'Ims-1-1-.. All' •'••T'O « natural resources "section,"as maiirtaia--'.-;Fent-s~^£mf Article marked House befglectM • fiaSpubliebeaches as"any public-amended, by a vote of 130-17, . revenues" as separateproper­ • SS-f 4^1y or privately oftned beach Consideration' of serticfn ty. It was tabled by the section'---bordering on the open Gulf of eights separate and communi-delegates. •;ivMexico." *tyj property, .was introduced-Sdgeotfge then introduceduiiroauc^a iuie iu«uuu*jcu u«;n the r'f«*ww Hoestenbach took* opposi-by. Rep. Joseph Sage of San homesteaaT section of .the Provisions Articlew isw completed.wwuyyvcu. « retained: CONSERVATIVE delegates providesa strictseparationa) _ „ition to ofxthe • General Article. Hutchiso^utortfftheenvironmentsection -— V.««V*4VMH»V .gtvup^ nuuiu iduwi concerned the section 'Antonio. •' Provisions The eiiviroHiHaitalist-groups would rather abf uture the powers of the|three labeled by opponents as "antienviromneiit," ' —* leaye tne consUtuUon'uuuu Wl»v~uirum CUVUUU; bratiches ofgovernmrnt He \that public beaches must be "All property owned orclaim-forced sale of ho'mesteads 1 ' responded to criticism of the section from the ment thian have a' secfion they sav would judges joined with liberals articles almost identical t& Sierra-Club Monday. •' —u:u.-» iui -.. . ' • on the open, seaward shqre of ed by each spouse befto -redefines fefi'nancingdf ur prohibit Citizen suits against polluters. who Opposed the proposed the wording of thg'i87^ ~~The GulfTSf Mexico. —--marriage, and--that acquired —and rural hnmoctoprifj ^ • „ Don Walden of Austin, mefriber of the The comments of the^ierra Club and the •state's right/to appeal 'In Constitution. Delegates were -not-jfeon-afterward by gift, devise or—JDelegates will resume con­ :7vvmced & inced by -1the Hoestenbach descent shall be the separate--sidefation of section " -argument,^and-theronotiftn—property.-of "that -spouse." -when they reconvene . fail^d.by a vote of 61-79. . defines separate.property of _ .,a.m. hiesday. " —AMK Fortner State Sen. Don Kennard, president *tAMK inciudmg^Judieiary—Gom SUMMER ENTERTA MENT PROGRAM UNiyfRS1TY OF TEXAS AT AUST)N" 'TJCKET1 JTIMmTTON .I^V THf UNIVIRSin OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN COLLEGE OF. FINE ARTS -—!?• fHW-JROCTAWS/? IAIH>-CONCmTlflJWUSlC COMCIBTS« UNI HHK ENTIRE PROGRAM (36 EVENTS) A5 LOW AS.$6.00 •ffyjy. BUY SEASON TICKETS AND SAVE. 7 SEASON TICKET '•17 Film Programs #9 Music Concerts • ? Bapd Concerts 1*3 New Plays Available at UT regiMration and^ Beginning 2l_une 5 at Hpgg Auditorium Box Off|j§ IrN At-NHH1 •1-NDIVi DUAL "ADMIRRtOM ~ —:——' ^ ^ am ~5 MlMnnrfny —Fririny -iJpiaFilm.-' a., , . 6. WoeK Ticket ' Adult $4.00, Junltfr Pilnis. Adults $.75. Junior'$.50f ' Summer Session)' |PK€GKA:M •h""9r 0^.C°nC^: sSliSs''?'^ ^ fand* Summer ^ession) AdU" ^"°0' 1 " • 17 FILM PROGRAMS/7"BAND ?0NCERTS/9 MUS1C CONCERJS/3 NEW PLAYS ^ Through Junior High ScKooft' j > „„ rNOfE: AU PROGRAMS-SUBJECT TO CHANGE r-59£s"B Lust torttte (U;S:.-^966) -' "• '! • K-Viii August12 Born Ymsttrday (U.S.; 1960)­ dk&WL -'f > bv Vh-"a Jodr HMter. vmten HoldM. InHMek C™w(ort. DlnctM by 0«erg« Cokor _ . • iyy «»1 w« 2do.e(.hi. P.1M1H4. T73?-' l*™«* W hu Btant. Anttwny Qiili4,.«on •">1 ' 4V*> Aeatfvny AwardWtJwTMfMtodhsrctad * nim of BUN Pawn, twn»fwiw»d from dymfc Uoodk to lnfWoStf1 COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS FILM SERIES ' HUW|t*nd>ot wom*rt. Th*,1•60't eondemnifipn otshedy Baits, Auditorium 7 & 9 '"p.m., except as noted. __ , ---IS ,; DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC CONCEI ilusic building RecitalHaIlexeapt asnottd.~8 p.r June 6 Rain {U.8., 1932)"' i •?*-i - Miwna, ^twioon «Kt«^' r^i xf Cbattoon/Terry., Craya^ trombona/Uta G •s frs.^ri ^plan€7wltti Daborah Pugh. fluta.Works by Plst^v;-^ ^rlbart, 8tavant.&_Bftathovan< ' wmg im %->"sk ' K&> • "J?*? A Klm""W b* J—n - m ^ -J* ^ • JunrlO Fldelio (Austria, 1966) o^rv^j^qfr-^\ix4 17 FACULTY CHAMBER MUSIC RkfMrd Ho(m. Ctoffl-Wlw. tonto SchonM. pk»cttd.l>r WWtw p«f«npt^n.. t~ S.*?pJL?° c,«">P' v'olln/Doneld WrlgHtS **?tofol*d*qPgB" o^®*«hov«oi only opw.Mutte porfoctiMd JulylB Suddenly Last summer • .viato/^hyllli Young. cello/Lelend MunoefS; by tfw Viw Ph»Mrmonie \md~ th«(flrKbon of tiHx Uhmtnh.^>•" elarinw/Lrte Qu.rr,, jboc/with Leura Kluohef^ by Handel-Helvarten. Mozart M J •nl*rB*d ****00 of Tmmmmm William's onm+ct oln iui Nt UT LQNGHORN BAND "FJSTIVAL-OF MUSIC" Xrsi,.Nursing Building PatloJiyO& fiec! WvaK ^.M. . , f -ScfiuWMnn __ _ ­tfi&r> — p U l i*"* V«n»bt»^w(io Mm U-"June 12 MEET-THE/ (AND — wwSsi " J '• SSi0* °W^'m*n' ^ l».to jJune 19 LONQHOfi BRASSES (Engtend. 19891 June 27 J^ns ^ — "June 26 MUSIC TO HUM TO; Hi -•dCly-3^ MARCH/TIMES , '§}'<%• ° S*15ny"-"**• "ton. floww": J—-arw-s Romee . Ooo mmht b«n«uQ iuly2 ..dr SUMMER JAZZ ENSEMBLE . mzs0 7 0len Daunv director. .Soundi of bio M<>9b 'Auditorium. 8 pm r th« tortvr»d |»*rtona dtclbt*.'of Foior ilvHeK -ffc 'j-v? i July 26 lO"9 Pay'* Journey Into tight 1U.S., 1962U ^ ^J£eSr52u!1^Vbe^^1imMT"e,(d,es*whe,wd Tldrn wd ondo. dm t '/ July -11 -FACULTY 80NAJ0JUW« S?yJ?-'y??*yte-.'n£mWh jmi& Jury 318pwlrfr---7—*rWcha*l Robert David ,, Juiy 2B Vs FACULTY.CONSORTIA \ r n ^SS !; ^"r-" ~ iitlfrectetrbyj}RmnmW. ^ ' ','1 s f""1 Sergl, tenor/JeV> Waftlri ^fwiw/OI Pro*um«yi t+lMittK'i^r '• , ^-^g*rittm^W»V"« Birrington^enoh horn/Rie .j <-rfc tr ***** M«M«m. pKrxi ^Wrrobn/araawAlliprjxma.--^ B ^!J^n^e,,omwnewe*e«*weiid^«riti»iesound track,7 ­ 'S?^=4­ ~--f . 'f'fj-Alexia "" "X-*' «T .1' mJuly 6 (fl pm), k-f ^ by Frederick Kirwln ­ J3-(( tbyivadBTfckKirwirrand-f FACULTY PIANO.DU0 " ih -% Oregoiy Allan. BlanO/Oawi.lla M»t„ Wwwr. p>r»ct«d by »Unrt tnmn. ' """ August I--1­ jH37?98B?— i^Muilc lor t^vo pianos «|nd four handl, ir Cstts Jakndott. KM riMnto oMtdnr BumIWI wlKlta-d y* y "U.~ ~ •"Tyy Vj '-/w-*.' Zj ~ SwfiwSSSw ofirQntefM MJm AfodMffc^nsM^natfonr*. byson* of hor mum v "m-^iatrtio'enho^s who fotf* dwt Mitt. Brodlo. It. a. rf>n|trnni lnSwaniia; ' v aft-4®S'.;-',s "July 7(8"|An) TEXA8 BRASS CKOIR W«Y>>» Btntngton, director^ SdlMit: FwmH t — -Bat Frank SpWJefrorqa^it^--/ I RkseivatidQt b^al^r.June U nt Hogo Aucfltorlum Box Ofnjqe^-^ 1W%: «d»WreservAtfonr'ara^'s-K^aa ES2StS3f.^5' •Mi •,:? a cad; WiwVMiiiBi'