IMi — #» T^sS w-Als!;2V.nlIiFi J00& ^SiRill WOKM 11 1 S4 S^Ml* V.^fe.' A*V$ JH jsiP ^WWrB'j mmm -'is '<•,"'& Ffe<^ t&Soa IM shared l|»a agaffiikt IP ^NraSSgs •m &3^*u&4rnfemvi*,.^. Man, introduced a j^tataoufa*.} jHtoW. feed; IV-i> ti'^ any Union fea, aw*nti» to ->* * ap.ft asi^. v.;--,j;.*.V.-fe.4 •...•;*•'>. |L a. eemester*KSbe; said jjflwfc; Ujaiaii »" l^«iW»!'*"lwg#! ""*IL • WM I' Ik «m become "eomm IllslitiSIp^^^7,h4fa® mmwmmm, : X cwteiided. .*•". • •Vo?"-"•?!;*?tintJt".:the"'"r"* «? mtitiito# C-KJft.1 > ^ ''i ,;wefpt;.' l-'WiTiTT r jMi-'WaeiBW' **-v election, with Mini inminkiH . .and should be so stated To Piek Chairman ^^RiidDv] coriteated tlie studentshsd tdTp^f*^ -SSfei At Miiting leday ingonly $298-voteleadi •ns#^ T an *•». Itf» Davis vs. Moody fnd Lockm*n v». Weeks 2a today's 4 ' •! -vy -< *" . J Frances Smittw who rnmm^mt to six faculty members to la^t-graap flouble header,of theapringelectioll8will cloeen^S-o'cl* gnd«rw«7 ^*ith »tad«nt», Me­ president were Elected Tfiumdalts, «nd the L«gi»tattu» •»rill-rT^ese ,wilt-serve r the .commi -M* . •« ,f. Wfourtti Cttcttui m teg ... tea with,the iey^n representatives N ,<>e Loekmwi-Weeka batUe f"jjttied;": %y' \,\! mi of the various schools ancf col­turnout to be the raost exciting race.It was the mqst cloaely- The .'-^l»^i|:-.Tiut:' .ftfe**-v leges already selected; The whole ** , .. ecapted with two «aMti>da»*ato. It.. '"AtV, ml committee %iU .maet, today. at::8 | ~ m*m at^taiJ^r ^omintUdedf^uit'; in Waggener -Hair lis to.^th* Cultcocsl Untert*Sm«ent Com" select a chairman. ^witttw Hot ftubsiduicjontoid* oTgtn- 'It -jorffttoff them*­ Members selected by\the faculty * isatioiu uthis in effect p«t thtm numbers by the Hare Preferential «n the Blanket Tin* It «U »l«o thaefeven System are; Dr. C. E. Ayrcs, pro­ "InropoMd th«t Cultqr«I Enttnrtnin-, cindicfetes tand tha four fessor of governmentDr.'C* C, could Sie^ecovi * eoi ^b ytar rf j member*.^ • tha clow of Colvert,: professor of aducational 'thai«amd^>yMt«rday; -:Hi* ^4 «M for d«l«tio& t . of the liitter i*«oi8men(i«Uonr but i > V;M Dr. A. W. Straiton, professor of y ' By BOBBY JONES but tha censors wouldn't let any Shakespeare; an obscure aQthor h# ^^^^a'vbriMhvind electrical engineering; and-Dr. W. allowed ""'it remained «a tile report. An Suss Kersten might,try to ,tell of our exampies of Chaueeriiin wit and playwright fromtte ElispN amendment was ' passed aloftf P, Webb, professor of .govern­bethan period,,may find some baelc*, the runoffs.^:!J|^ ment.! IM'-ivft you there's nothing good'about go thfodgh. <:^ "jJ Ijfith the Cultural Entertainment ground; material on .nother Shak^ tiodaj^:^r£ll J jr report, however, stating that any Tillers for election hiiM%e speitta, fan — B. I^tp. .Paynji. —'Wi&*' \*the "%» f.'t" " were the April Ranger. Don't you be­' Between tfei^ 'gin.i&aittir aa tbp polk dlose.-a^ f lieve him. There is too something antertainment >i» the official pro-Pr. 0. D. Weeks, professor of magasincj proper, tommy 'J'ones," ^yne/ll ae«ii^Ihas ^e^uadad t^a 8.o'clock.. Rettucna shimhi;1>a cai^>|-v­cram was not considered a rab~ govettsment, and Dr.. Philip Gra-good about the April issue; It's an ex of some repute around these Department of Drama ttf perform plete by Sibout.Q o'clock, Ron WBUrk/'''"lavaii.jj«rfvaBrtty ehurehM will 'te^vad section' at-iuia^ay fiam, professor of English. the last issue. ? , parts, has contributed a collection onavof Shakespeare's plays. Ibe-Whs,^election 2 commission '/cludn^ The Lon^o;m Bahd r«cord was honor their seniots at' ser vices Ing services, and This month we have a Chaucer­of poetic, images which he calls lieVe ' it ia currently «h^winr: at man, predicted v Thursday. * W£.\ i £. ian theme fotr the Ranger. That's "To Austin;*' -It'^represents a sbrt also amended before being: ae-from the pulpit. h%c H^nr Auditoritm to ini^I^ Recheclting ok Wednesday^ j this waekendi marking the official 1 what the cover isrsupposed to rep­of s#an iong wa-think must echo }«^pted. Alt other sections passed commencerntnt of Senior Week on Special peats will "als» ba «a> Ann Caurter }| tha'Iv^tsrfif^lMa at. results f4 carried* by 'th%,^r«jtait::•''v;i resent in case anyone asks you. It in the minds # eveiy ^idtia^ng 1h# ea&pua| ; -*• ^ \ f served for seniors at tita Univer­-i • *•• showed oj^«^^^»spMk m|, ^. waa drawn especially for the Ran­sanior/-«^^t ! Jim Cnnr» Engineering qi*Mm~ sity Christian Church Sunday Brad Byars and /ohn Fulton cehred 088 votes "for Cac&s editar c? Seniors it" I9illel Foundation ger by the editor, who is* rumored fblyman, reported tiiAt theri k moi^n&Kll^ ! . Charly Joslin may take, two have contributed fictio& Bxel^ie /ath^m ®f| will heat » fecial measage from to have talent as an artist. some giant steps forward and claim ere? Posters Due Today one new school which will be re­I|ilist to Auftin for a gigantic in tha $tndent Canter at 7:30 recognise, it* seniors' «ith,' ,Sun-tae, "Hdwto'V Clark and Bessie you want our ^nfen^ Mad 4fce< ,painting. Thursday's classes' tan"'' air teriiral aar^ea fa ba haU flllnba ait in It Jf*ek at the Texas Union, drawings t»be> .smi^aiidlaW' :>|-«« tha soutliwaslt Mo^h afljp# Anderson will meet "the W :^hmai*r' ^ land thinki tka at^lr^toua. mmmm. < Pointy will fcBf deducted., "from about 6 o'clock tonight; , s'.\, ^ ^Capital groan^a %HfH& v4 p^gartftations failing to furnish < inpafttt Sehiha^ G«rmanyj! lAtuter . ,T*ere' ia. Undattemp# to ySd'nw •e'»'T&bim candidaie Ken Gomperts, : In preparation for the hour the required number of posters, At that time the people of An* OlesjuV W^Jtt*^C.fL/Chi^iw:' the^sta/T on. tha jast pager of the Who, had completeJr lost his voica; ,• service, a 500-Toice choir has been fit '.Grotips spontoring derson will greet fbout 80;Uni-^ David;. Jjng, Chips f.R^d»|W; issue. If' y<>u'v» ever' wondered 1T^n^|reeraited from serenteen Austin versity foreign stuents who will dan, Bolivia; Noah Cohan, to gej^ap im­Kocatas, Turkey; N. S. Rao and again Thursday -afternoon, , ?ti ^ <| Two hundred counselors, K-'ipf-ciaeion; Pictures of the candidates pression of rural, life-in America. Daljit Aingh, India; Sarfras Khan, front of the Union, Saturday-from: are due in the Dean of Men's of­About ten more foreig^-'students 8-12 at tha-Union, Law; and En­Voting is expected to be soma-,^|lahvrehes, and twaoty-fiva Austin Tha coAbo-mambo rhythm that t Mster of ceremonies Mll^he Os-Pakistany-Lalchan 8amb, . British Swhat'lighter-today than Wednes­ ;|"«nember« of Tarioos Austi« fice by Saturday noon. Picture will go to Anderson Saturday Guiank; Charles Banks, Australia; gineering Building^ ;' itors jrill cQtmteliiflltd has accompanied ticket-selling on c^K^.SP^rres.-siw requjred^f ,^e 8.jt |^and morning. day's total ef 4,325, a turnout. 'sp- and, Mohammed Aliso, Afgartisti^n; tte Drag ,Unr^raek will move Officers of ths Initio American which .was one thousand better 5: l^hosa conrerted at the serriee, "News of the Day" newsreel Jack Ho will repment'Haw|ii; v^y side' the Unioh knight for this Meritless Prizes than 'the optimistic expectations, [ Camera crews from. Fett W»rtt: Union* the sponsoring group for will be on hand 4c take nrfovics in Students going to-Anderson are' fifth annualJ^iesta Tropical. Many whose primary interest waa :Dallas, Houston, and Ssn Antonio the dance, will be in the receiving Anderson. .The bus will fly„ pen­ ' The formal dance will be tti tha ILPC High Schools requested to be at the University To Be Given, Staff in ,onp of the already-decided, , ITV stations-will be in Austin ta line. They Guillermo ?Sl nants of "the 20 nations the stu­"Y" by 8 p.m. Early departure, js are Belle, races may' neglect to return to tha-"-'-­ Main Ballroom-from 8 until 1? To Got Today's Toxan L«Blm the revival a«nrlee."* president; Oscar Torres, secretary; dents represent. The trip is. io-necessary if the newsreel camera­polls. In case of an overflow crowd, o'clock with Mike Ornelas jmd his »nd Eduardo Morottei, treasurer. sponsored by the. Student Chris­man is to get shotai>efere dark. At Ranger Party ^ Today's issue of the Tesyin will ffftbe' Tacant half block just across International orchestra from La­ • The , guests of Honor include tian Association here and the First Invitations^ and signs are out; r j *•» » street from the Capital redo. Tickets are available in tha Governor Shiv er s, President be sent out to high schools all Methodist Church of Anderson-j< Chaasbers-Geaaperts Skiadig a "money-marbles-and­ * grounds, will be used, Dr. Lory International Advisory Office, B. over th» states expected to attend Students who are going. to An­ for Engineer Youches Painter,, consuls from1 different chalk" Ranger.staff party to­m Hildreth, co-chairman of the ,ar­Ball £L the state ILPC meet Kay 1-8. derson ate LyeiHock Teng, British A journalism rehabilltatio'n pro­night at the Austin City;Park, rangements committee said. j|;;|; The Fiesta -Tropical will be Latin American countries/ and a ' Pages 6, 6, and 7 include stories Malaya; David Sasdeh,'Lebanon; gram Will get underway tonight Ranger editor Rowland Wilson ; number of persons from the Uni­ The Travis County Chapter of spat-ked by not only the Latin versity staff and 'tire state govern­concerning special events which Maria Consuegra, Columbia; Con-when the ex-candidates for Texan and new chief* Bobby Jones For Sky 'Objects:; the American Red Cross has yoI-American music of Ometas but by will be of interest to the high cepcion Yuml, 'Florida Teodoro, editor hold an after-effecte pariy .. ment. .-~r t. '$$$ J fr'g : have announced. . ; • fechool students at that time. Var­ wntaered to staff a first-aid sta-that alto of "'tha Siboney Btoys and Lelia Cachola, Philippines; for all those who worked on. either "This is 'to be .a party of re­A University ^communications ReserVatittttsvfor^tabWtf^af the sity Carnival, the University Ex­Hisao Tanaha* Terry Nishi; and I^Jtioa which will be set up in the who will perform at the floor campaign.' Time and place is to be cognition,' Rowland ? said. "It engineer and --.a... student were ^ Special for dance should be made at the Un­position Power arid Hitoshi (Frances) decided All MT^revival area. Nurseries will be show. dancers the and Show, Aiba, Japan; this, morning. those will be hard, but we think we among "at least 10 Austinites" ,i # rovided is the nearby ehurches, show are Grace Saldtvar, Graciela ion by Friday afternoon,' Pedro the f Valve, and Ljaintsco Carrasco. Lopez is in charge of arrange­keep the students* busy during the Al-Qaysi, -and Momood G^uAili; please contaot Ken Gomperts or' staffers., .'f \ ; pink flying objects in tha skyments. v" crowded week end. Ira«.. Anne Chambers. "Xs • is thdt Ita'M' iii these af­Wednesday night, according to thav fairs," ha . added, "service Austin American yesterday. The.v H&& P -will he paased out not "things" were seen shortly$2,200 in Prizes according to merit, but political 8 p.m. ^ - Kffr hV>-'Texai St^fe ^storkM A<| Foundation. " %lfe ^riivergi(y^A^rJgi^entki.Jirday-aM^Sftmla^^-—^ in other . parts of town reported *r AsiSeiilttoji'fs making large-scale .'TheThe Art Students " Ij fajr. ' anda Saturdav morninr; W. Saturdav fili'n Association in conducting the fajjr and* a tea. Saturday morning,. W, Saturday is the filing'deadline^10 and 11—Texas>Wlchita da--{ ®-5—Student art exhibit, YHall. plans for the state Arts' and will exhibit paintings, ceramics, I Entertainment' for the annual S. Drake, mayor of Austin, will Test applications with the Eduea-.Mr. Maguire said the sun was bates, Speech Building ^201. ; 8^0—Junior historians, Driskill Crafts Fair at City Coliseum Safc-sculpture, and graphic^arts. They J meeting-will begin Friday after-about 1,000 miles beloW/the,, hori-. v 1 for Medical College Admission $ -'!\'yl2—History convention luncheon, Hotel. 1' -y open , what promises to. ha, the tional Testing Service, 'Prihceton, son when the objects appeared,­r .45*iskill HoteW1-*$ 9^0—'fexas State Historial >Aa^ largest , art exhibit' ever held in Assuming that the sun was catfi-' N. J. The test is to he held May •p|t—History convention. -sociation, Adstm HoteL Taxas. i yf ing the pinkish glow, he guessed 10; Applications may: be obtained « $mi HoteL '* "a -^ 9^0—-Junior Classical„ League, Approximately 300 exhibit*^ that t|ie objects had to be.flying -at the Testing and Guidance Bu­ —Phi Delta Phi initiation, Court? MuUc fte#al HalL ^ . oils, watercolors, tempera, metal at a height of 40,00j9 feet tq^iek reau, V Hall 205i or. at the Reg* i §?% of Criminal AppeaUt CapitoL | fiS crafts, weaving, .and numerous up any direct light, ' ,/t ^ istrar's Office. / •­ . pit#—Student ali>B*ch redtalr Music Coliseum. other fields-—will be shown; and Mr. Maguire said he. saw the' rtP'-'Bedtal Haff. .Historian , luncheon, |2,200 in prises will b'e awarded. objects about 30 seconds, and on 4:16—Harrif H. Williams to speak |11 French Lecture Tonifht Saturday afternoon's activities the same "assumption about the. pa t on "The Foreign Service in the VpSff , mfruk*-.Austin will include a chicken bkrbeciie, JeanNAlbert Bede, professor of reflection of the sun's light; ha' J United States," Garrison fialt l. -Hotel ^ '* fi-\ ^ A meeting of the Teus Fillff literature at Columbia University, estimated their *speed to -be be­v t Arts Association* and„ a meeting -Texas-Wiehita debase, Texas 11:15—Lutheran Student Asaocia-' ^xWi.yH will lecture in French on Victor tween .6,000 and 6,000 miles per, ,.,v| Union 309-377- aig ; > tion meets at Center to go to *r Of its board of directors,. which Hugo IViday at 8 p.m. in Archi­hour. * |f *,7—Chess Club, Texas Union 801. / Round Bock. / ' '• 5* * •K:€ ' Will select' officers, for the new tecture Building f05. -,-' • 'tJnivi^^'^udent^Wa^^i^l^ :1J games. l^ft—Co-Wed Club fashion show, Wr ^vr year. ..' :: ailso reported seeing a flying ob-;.^ Texas Austin Country Club. -m&lA i^SC . Theme-of the fair wilt be "ATf jact Thursday • night while at h 4t:15i-W. Foundation ild-| 2—History •— ••— *•*£#* in Fashion." Any Texas artist may; drive-in theater. He described the f %* ^ r place an exhibit upon payment object as yellow reddish m color 3| . Foundati ^Partl'M vw&mmmr* T^-~Opett , IwwsaS'lto* \snkr of a $2 entry fee. A $v*? of with a staady:glow.^fKM r«M» apsrts gifts* 4 dael affords them^*if early -trial tack. catcher; and Ueakin (4-2^/pltdi- Haying, lathered their apike at the world's 440-relsy record of famt against everything the 40.5 second*. " f • **r, ^ for Southwest cares to offer, Texas They have run 41.2 around"' two Probable itartlBg pitchers for Saturdays game are either BUey and AAM have invaded the for* curves. Friday night the' event '4-2"mark so far, Verdine or Dick Boberson £w themidable track stronghold of the will be run ^ around one curve and Probable starting lineups for l^onghoms; and Bucky Bento for startii Summer University ofSouthem California, ' 1: i >*<5' r maybe Balph Person Angeles, some of them m6re-than in the low hurdles, these"may pre^ /n tart select, and A&M has pared its sent Texas with its only individ­ ' m-COLLEGE SPORTSMEN platoons'to 25. Forty-eight against ual victories. In team events, UT The Yearlings combined .three Smith, a former Maroon"hti«. virtually'all the track gol^in Cal­sends th4 nation's best sprint re­Austin High errors, six hits, and, self, struck out nine Austin tet­ CAMPERS-HUNTERS-FISHEM^EN ifornia. And who's to say thejr lay foursome. When these are the steady six-hit pitching of righ^ ters and held his old team mates can't do*it? 1 -^ over,* settle' and watch for a close hander J. L. Smith to «weep their well in hand throughout the game. **^ History wouMn-t. Southern team battle-between A&M and second game from the Maroons,* Freddie Wells started for the high ^ndf^ boat fraiklr «y*r buiJf! Steele, $Hirdy, lt IlILi'f has captured the national collegi­USC. ~ T-0TTHursd»y7 schoolers, but Coach Jhigger sent follows your cw Kb «$Kadow. On*person lifttrcarries, ate crown 15 times, nine of theae in his ace hnrler, Terry Whit-launch#»«ity boat up to*l6lt.long.The BOAT-ROAD­ in the last ten years* No team in worth, in the seventh after the ,STER is now fold in Austin memory has won from them. A, Yearlings had surged Wa 3-0 lead, AChiO's, Pi Phi's Win policy salesman's haven, they are k It vaa Smith's second triumph perhaps the nearest thing to per-over the Maroons; he had bre-' % S 0 LUND ,7® Ko",!9 petuality the spQfts world knows. vioualy beaten them 3-2. -s„ * Wt kurli/ ^4 Phone 5-A43| . , s Co-ed Softball Crowns baseman Snow Third Tommy ­ To the Texans' advantage, the fc.Vs.^ Youwiilikeiflfyoucomebyandseeit. led Texas at the plate with aLonghorns are strong where the By BETTY RAWLAND First baseman Rosemary Sone pair of singles in four trips. But, Aggies are weak and vice versa XwHMt Bt4if lead Ihe. Gamma Phi scoring with the big. .fclftwa weye doubles by Texas likes the sprints, sprint re­ *uj *Jarman |VM %,*i» ^K-lay, and and Dianbe Poetter knocked a home four; runs in the three-inning second baseman Bo Stevenson ib ^ ^ S+-u javelin, hurdles, run with two playera on base. to game, followed by pitcher Cynthia -•» f I* and centerfielder Birdie Burker. AJtM takes over:from thefe. give Alpha Chi Omega a 5-8 vic­Armsworth with three runs. • \ Canvas Leisuals The Steers are picked for third, tory over Baptist Student Union YEARLINGS <7) ARROWS AT Betty Walters pitched Zeta Tlu . « r-k hut are expected to deliver some for the Women's Intramural to a 7-1 victory over * Chi Staveaton, 2b" : s i s e ior ji •ommer. holiday, or just idling.over the week end, of the meets' top performances in Orange Bracket softbail • crown Omega to advance "to the Orange IjMek, 2b l o e e e "ou're right in style and superb comfort in « pair of Thursday i^ternoon. Bracket finals.: ^ Snow, 8b' « l « i • the sprints and .sprini relay. The Jun«m«n, rt a i i i e Wi»e, is »r-s • • 1 1 annsn's new Canvas UiauaU. You'll certainly want With ; Betty Gray and Marge ^ First -baseman Baynice Eads WaUon, e v, 4 a # 5 a pair of these. Why noteome in today? Keller, lb Hargrove on base, third baseman second baseman Clara Eschberger Ll#yd. If ' " *4 «t s l 10 e oPoetter broke a 2-2 tie in tiie paced the Zeta scoring with -two MUler, el % 0 S I •Boseboll Scores third inning with 'a high hall into runs etfeh.* Barker, et > ' t t i • e Smith, p. stole left field. In the fourth'and final / he •h#rth;'^nr.Tennia. singles..«•»*—Auetin ». Teetliss* f. Loeinc with two runs, and Itita Sheppard, the 1952 championship. " ptt^sh^r-t-Well*. Houstoh 1, Fort -Worth Orfef Betty Ferguson, and Carolyn — ' San Antonio 6, Dallas 4. # IHOI|STORE Scl»iartsvoaeh>;fefx«<|^pnja;^v«»n1 for S^(^rr.r.--.-C Beaumont , Tulsa' 2. • v 2348 Guadalupe.• Onfh.^rofl Okla. -City 1, Shreveport O.1 laying for AChiQ were Betty KRUGER'S oil-the drag Gray, catcher; Marge Hargrove,pitcher: Dee Carman, first base; ' V ­Barbara Lyttre Miller, second base; Mi.HH WfFU pea KOMI • SCHOOL INIIM t atSIHISS Dianne Poetter,< tbird base;-San- PENTRON A dra Cobbi jhjjrtsjtop; Lh Coleman, TAP I fr-f r r^r.i (.• Hght field; Margaret Barton, left .field; and Barbara Beggs, center field. •, . . -v-Establishing an early lead, Pi Beta.Phi managed ,to hold their record life's happiest events advantage over D4lta Delta belta to a 10-7 finish to cop the White MMON THE NEW MULTI-SPEEDBracket trophy. < 4 •" ?*"­ Barbara Esgen, M&rgy Crosby,Baifbara Kidd, and Janelle Hicks PENTRON TAPE RECORDER ^ , J?f>r^ I knocked in two runs eaeh for the ^ i r '^s.1?#r A Pi Phis, while . Beverly; Smyth, 6ii Congross Nancy Chadwell, and LaYiette •h-V Sherman paced the Tri-Delte with JM>rM.ls4rv*Am MOW, mr Amythml ~1£ two scores each. f Where YoWII:Find J >4.. * Pi Phi players are Barbara svokee, anniver-Kidd, catcher; Gail -Campbell^ aaries, pariiea. Build a .of favorite radio , Austin s Largest Siock programs, personalitiesat allynocost.Fun. Ipitcher; • Esgen, first base, Ann practical bdp ...alda TOtli school and Calhoun, second base; Aun^Wells, • f * * i­ murio lessons. -r^third base; Mary Ann Elliot, short­ Www stop; Hicks, left field; Crosby, Ideal forchurch andclubac6vitk»!An unb^stable ***** right-field; and ^arol Henderson, tim» and money-saver in court reporting* in the­ti center field. ^ r,. . 1 aters and radio stations, for spot interviews, au« Gamma. Phi Beta blai^ed Kappa ditionin^ talent, etc. Invaluable in professional s. Alpha Theta to take' the. White >• and business offices, too. Low1 operating costs... Bracket^consolation title. ..1 ' use recordings forever, or make new ones on the & /same tape. Operates aa easily as your radio. .^ Lightweight^—only 27lbs. Kditi*g Keg permit* r'1 Piuh-btdt»H control for 2 chaiB**s whils playiag. jspeeds plus fastestasteeiiwwindi Powerful AmfliMer and 1 •V Life tod Course ^^^^and-lwcward. -_speaker^f»­ • u WM A treiniag ;course, for eity J FULL HOURS ef tifeguftrd (ipplicKBU will b* con­ m VfCORMNG sr tUYiJLCX ducted by th* City Recr«»tieia ^isti Department and -the Americmn i^iiSilMniieni ^1 Red Cress at the Gregory $17950 Gymnasium Pool from. April -^1 29 fo Mey M.During the first COMHRf "* -/ «fe wook ef ilvo training poriod the Rod Cro*» Senior LjjFo SIT. vfiSIl i®-"1 1st' Cewrse will he taught. Our. mi Cj ing the socoad wook the Rod- CfMs Water Safety Inttrpc­ .tab Couwo will ho taught by "Mr. Harris Burton^ Rod Cms .fioid representetive.' Tlw.class­ es will meat oach'aight Irem 'V* 7t00 ~p.m. te 10s00 ».«a.-.c R-'-fi Tho.sonier life s^Tjag coursi Untfl Bell Laboratories scientists design a0' electric mouth that can i» ®poax to any pfrse^* teale or A pucEwTtHeTiuipan inodel is hens tp stgy. But wehavcbuilta machine tbafe-^-feauOs, Ifl yoats of ago w old- r ^ can imitate human vocal' characteristics—from the slate-pencil squeal of a er. Tho wider safety inetruct­ or* course is open to any-per­cheering section to the basso rumble in a xpen's dining hall. ^ 1 lijwcjvfir -• »on, male er female, 19 years ef age ea elder. Sound being a baa&jraw mate^I'of<,the Bell System, sve have pioneered j A11 applicants for tunmer s4$ n the science of speech. Measuring the properties of your voice leads to " fegaard pesitieas er s^irn^ SHIRTS . &<&L ling instructor positioai m«st;< **•—««• rlA-A u< 4™/> T •* srell In.this trejnhig course. Applicants else are requtred to make formal application^for a | liUMIUVJ tVf WilV^U llivu ,HIUt U1V -s? summer job at the Ctty«Re« • tH'S. creation Department, located lit right qualifications not only with Cell's corps of research scientists, but also.'V.J u the basement rf the city^ li­ ~ operations, pnd administritian, wijh the. BelL Telephone brery at,401 W. lKli »«M«^ 1 Bwqfftiy imiiL, 3-' %\ fe ft senior' life sinirfat ''e^nne' during' the Sink week •#. the 5: "»v? swed^t-^jss»nwtaklt|nii badly, andtitaaoftbai} throw* «jt a tipfka caught, and before he 7&.W ^ r__ d Kappa * Alvirtt%»4lai -A> turned in one of thetop upeetsof the. day by winning the Fraternity division 120-yard low hurdles. flesMomm. With leading contender John Rud­ . 'TGojrola ' fcHc*go), dock disqualified, last year's ,f promise of fair skies and warm* champion, -Don ,j Menasco, looked arteiaper*^^ ***£:;****, wrttf^ed.tho like thel>»st bat Adams, however, for raeo»d»smaahing performance* thought differently, and nipped Menaaeo' %y half a atrjide. 8i a Da TVhu»eyv j{ -Kansas,.? L«e Yoder £ay ficijt-:# time waajl^.Ji, alstf alowed by t^t of Arkansas^ and, VaM°o Walker,1 ta, Q»fe college distance «jT »M*X are expected, fo^shatter wind. '^o|rw^4h*yne--'is ranked No. 1* ike :62.7jrecotd.,, *; The Blomquiit Swedes finished following *10:28 race at the Kan-" . BUI *«rester bf ^lty tops the one-two in the Mka 100-yard %sas lUfort. Tbe^ Drake weord It sprint, with Jim Gerron nipping *• »i , r , Howard Dye by abotit a>yard and a half.Oak throve duplicated th* feat in the Club 2S0, aa Jerry Tomsa and Robert M||iMp took firti and second. ? » Unhrersity finals are settler Tuesday afternoon. GET THE FINEST JA -A. » , W! 5 S23. »v SummariM ^ "* O1V1U0N 3 it*~I*r4. hm kndtosx Oak Grova: t—JW»« C1«b«U. T&WMi 8—Bill Ch*nilor, Binky t>lu». Tl«»»: "llV-iiWI tali 1—DOR But«r atakr and complete Otnh* j t—J«ar Mlnmr. AOkk flwj) maHam Yo«t, Oalt Gro»»; 4—Tkoauu tlQ-rard h i l-~J«inr To«»o, 0*k Or»T«r *—Rob«rt AllUon, 0«k Ow»«­ S—Howard Moos, Klnkr Dinkt; 4—Af ik« 3Kob«1, Air ROTC. Tlm«:. I4.t. ttitn 1—-0*k bfftt (AW­ _.«, Minor. CtwMI. Tom»u)', •—Wakr DMu; *—Al* *OTC^ Ti»•; MICA DIVISION , -ltO'yard.low kardlM: 1—D* VIM Blom4ul«t; Jr—Dw»ln lUlteys I—W. C. Bt**d, UoMyhoe. Tin*: 14.9. ioe-yard dub: 1—Jim Q«ITOI>. B14W­ W«on. Km njie-»»rd dMb: l—BUJ Qltuae, Mw#3r hon; S—Mwin flthar, MnifH*. TiM* ^ —•­ 440>y*H relay: 1—llmubt (Jtm Carron, Howard i)y», Jam** Babb, rr*i XucuaoH) s J—MonayJwn; I—-Mania D»­ TEXAS STATE 0"PTiCflL Tlwa: 4«.l. _ _ R 80-yarDooald.M(iuky, AEPi. Time: l*.l. 2a0-yard dama (at­ chard Rowland, Bruce Miller, Geonre O«r­ ge£ together dere. Daniel Burek) : 2—SAX: I—DKX; *J ^ f ^-s. r V t—phi Delta Tbeta. Time: 44,7. ', ••• 880-yard ^ relay:; 1—Kappa Sljtma : 'Murol Schedule t^UuvW WUDAY -•» • . "i-r% *s ' 1 C? vsnr \ ft' sv «5>»v 'i % «.ai. * A^( " J. if Branette Hou*e *».%wtii WlUeets " PWDeH llUta *r Delta Tatt Delta "ni ' r^ht, handaomdy tailored, and ao darned eomfortabla ; Hoffman n. Hanejr^.IV1 you fuathateto take'em off.Manhattan hasthem in long Jflhosrt sfeevca .ina-wide -variety of colors and -* yottttack «*»ii«nt want to f * \ ** 'i ^ ^ AU Wsm^ if , Longlioit) CltdnMi UltXWAAqa PIm* <4147 L^-V rai-^ '/\ mj&fk SRAZDWAT Televisionv SAtxsa saavica f*St MCKOP AMD ! JZ: DELryWtY gpffTgff * ^ *§**9 fi m ^f?> >=" irf* f i^Atwat^Sl •MAMME BtUl^ .'.ISI: " GIMPS' = 1 ' ' ^ ^ * \ * £$*' MAIZE v ^UNSSI; , ** 1 J.' ' 4," ""3 i ** ' " *' "Msg: --^T4 t' ^ r% ^ f; m* X\**3 I mm ;. i-j ,* J.-'r* ^ r" '• r" >-< 1 'u . ^ A ^ > / •'' •I'".' ."-' ' -yv*" i i BLENDED OF RAYON, MOHAIR, ACHATE AND NYLON u i.rA& 1WI COAT » V ^« y H kC^< K *4^-4" 1)rJ 2-\i v X*" , , s< t'w>- „ -1 f-V' J-v ^ t'SJi j •--TV 'It tnvaC. A & p&ty .* K..v >X44.-IK "7 *-—"*> '4% •2?-^5S -J v K ht ffo$ . tf ^ S ^ J? %';i 'j v,/Ty"S v. j" . f'rf/r %-W*is * A r ^-wr » » * -i, ^ ;£f J ',» 3 &f' , it? 4't­ > f y •-. r t 4t*, , ip JV /« •*. + ^^r%, '"s.\*t & c>% * i Stf­-f% ^ ^»{ S>fy[> v Jig,T^h«,ji^n ,V-Mjw ',™s ~ r * ^ *5 K « ^ r4 ^ ^ ,7 *3l * * <> *£ ^ * pj*-*-«• -x I Comfort and color variefy ara two things most men look for In sport coat and slack etttefablfts . ,. 'f'S *i. ,.w.^''' •nd'thaf's just What, you'll find In Marrltt Schaefer & Brown's tremendous collection of new Java ^ W i> g 1* M % Weaye-Palm Baach sport ccMffs and slacks. These color»keyed outfits are top-ranking whan it comas V j, 'v. Y i,*r> » ^4--^/ to coolness, comfort, wrinkla rasistance, extra long wearing qualities,and casual good looks. ' You'H . ' * 1 \ ­ .'L v ^ -&JM' •"ioy mifcmj and matching these coats and slacks from our spectacular ^rr*Y of colore T t , wfajf i ^-^t yan>djn,America. "r^4~ ' 4 f 'J ^ "I At 4 f ^ t * k i "J?' ° '> I i V? t f . H #viT4v-". >->• ijj it ** ; u ^ * V ft h* V i ^ ' f> --"v^ 'i1­ «r*« *•"* »V i,v % -BSfe «.i wevia ev AOOMTUMMRO W.INC. E«IV r"* f? " ^ 'W r^tV ^ sipfiMl —M- mm^sf, ULXI i I il UWWl ROEBIN'S BODY SHOP ?• <*c -C—>l»i »rtn e^« g«M» iu^' * ca^sa * MnroaariNisMtNC. ^g|yjy-4^| y-rtta *a^MsfafcjUadtaa:>A»--Store" IsilS :-S/:K-\rvM'y:s-x,' • fgfMMi SMKSM SS w DAI »iV « » fr'll* <& f.­ "^JSJFFP WJb ^tmbr^or thfe port of student ^tfl^iSttroHiifent dropped rince iprintf ft be taken Hghtljr. elections ft year ago, tout the ballot total [ more than athwtt»ftd:v^ ^ tb^ «ar«fuUy about the relaj paiionain Mjowli eaftewbal ? fl #*> Iwkgroun&s rf^ta^anMati *f .'Whit' it H |n»t tfc# VtbmiM&d*ft a havs^'IsMvatf emeratonltis alsobeen' —— —_. \m /-£ %*Am, Kush Moo^; fa iwrtodataju 1#" lei^f * *ood Ru«h Mpod^l# an awofoto Jttag^ " tt*he*"ttaw *b* ^jiewleit upon. #3$* Si-' ­ m&• Iwndiwork or It Jk^"' School,ef Law honor roI|. He nas been •:|||p-r,IPpPy;.y,T\•l.t« «*k« a dft^od Wi«i %*te* ir*iK#w yention speech hinged on the fact that wjwttier or not £be nnr of tersociety Debate chimpiotf and runner-; •tody of tw sres. Wh«n tb«ir d»t» l|r. Pookas poiOt* that higher education cost* just a small frac* Irving V. Kriek Tne. of Teww IjJUi has b««n MS«zabl«d and |m>b«ble .over-seeding elouda woald t*nd up in the national debatftoumamefft, A «> been mpotvrible for ft* iner«M*. tion of one per cent of the gross national wiod dtrcetieiu analyzed, tb« ten.^ ^o pr#vsnt ratefaU rather t|*n to former Inter-fraternity Councilman,he Dr. KVieJt Mjm that ,4H i» i»­ product An he pdnted out; all values airilfig«»/.«^li?|)tt^;ater *apor whicb would odher* can't be considered solely to terms of set going ttfj»k «iqnN^.w How- op in a targCl, an^v«w;|. *U.the partieks of sUrer iodide nrtt, who* Iwatbh conditions ^•.1'^ Y •MJo" *»« "»*: «""«*»* ">• rciety, and the FreshnSan Orientation pr«v*il, h« njn tbst ^tho ^rohnno gain to the nation, educational expense r* * or mnrati can oo menoaea iron -, U the do,»i f««M§«MSd ISffifP** P»*ticle» fill The pa*­ £* Hnnnril. He ha8 served as an appplhted of rainfall can t»o incnoMd frofB ismoney exceedinglywcllg Ji eonditiow teem fwoK^f?«" wouldbeeome » finod?Bd Assemblyman, and is currently a 100 per ffo. tho Another point worth thinking cent self-supporting student and a dormfc meteorologist not seeded til* Doaxlaa, calls tb« .central tofftc^ 'tttKry Thompson, meteorologist was the Chantellpr's punch. Unei "Our in Denver, where weather cat* fr&tt»ry supervisor." ^ eloads with stiver iodide." • >• iuXf-H> • tn, ir ~ hope of security!; in truth our hope of sur­The first silver &dide genera­• eoiujpUed • itoitf of 3t meteor-f^lithot ho Ipiowo of "#o way to tell ol^ists. Aft#tho vb^iheatf MQne£:?liiNr modi xa|a v»$ f»U from oao . vival as a free society, depends on our tor was turned on te tise Univer­ throofh, the feneraton are te#> cloud or storm *yrtenu Therefore it sity area on March 22. Sinee then ability to develop informed, intelligent, Xaw fit more th*n off >% •»» Harriman Fil«s However C. Jfytfiy, the super-cooled water vapor tot; "The question as to whether or >" g-> -„"w ' K -Raymond recently donated a large sum of money instructor, in meteorology,, fools fomj lee partjkles in the t*mp«rr not Krick Inc. has been responsi-All the talk about national politics Otare""""'HfWtW'mlayer degree* inftlvta^^blo for the unusual of to set up a new Law Institute of the ^ i; that f'we do not have enough evi­" amount doesn't consist of boring recitations dence to say whether their elsims holt. The heavy ice particles fall precipitation in Uiis area recently Americas. „ * '--•* \ V, are entirely iustlfied." Ho point*' through warm layers to re^ch tho is optn," said Mr, 8taley. about superior talents and -abilities. This institute, which will begin opera­out that the general circulation earth as rain. Because the crystals ,? tiiere is no way Of proving ro tion in September, aims to bring together^ Take columnist Mike Connelly's lighter pattern of tho wea&er prior to of silver iodide so closely resemble whether nature alone was respon­th*» rains which drenched Aostin those.erf iee, the silver iodide par-sible or whether Dr. ltrick aad his • student! from Western Hemisphere re- recently .was nnusual, "Such a tides m ^ ~ public at SMU Law School Students se-nally cracked: "I won't say Governor fon^atjonr had not occurred sine* tare layer, from 27 to S.degrees . But jranvdless of who or what asr> lectfed—authorities figure about 25 will Warren is optimistic, but Honey Bear, By WAYLAND P1LCHER • Speaking of Eisenhower and laat spring." Fahrenheit, thus increasing th*^ ia responsible, the veins have'gone be picked each year—will be given $1,500 his daughter, is taking singing lessons." , About "this time every f our the Republicans, the General's ^ Tho Krick metiiod^ of seedinf possible precipitation. Mr. Doug-' -a long way towards breaking the scholarships and yw^thf,..fight for presidential backers are pretty happy over the the clouds with silver iodide from las explains that the reaction is drouth. , , 'Vj; f ( ^ 7^1 Jn plane transportation ; nominations of both'major parties situation. • • from 'their homes "round trip to Dallas. For the first time in many sun» is settling dowi), and the situation y sueh statements as, concerned, it seems to mo that tho gave the general a whopping ma­fx— Advic* that they would do everything possible candidute, withdrew from the race. •'hardly represenUtJve of campus longer time gives the law student jority of the large delegate votes. TO THE EDITOR: opinions," "naturally take a great­just that much more insight to toget sucha house built. > " Next, a new c*n4idate entered A state-by-state rtiAdown of. !Here is a., littio advtce for next campus problems, and the scene. He is.W. Averell Harri- er interest in polities,".antf "ordi-just that Qood^t^iTama Now the ball has bounced back to the __ " man;"the United States' Mutual delegate vote*, gives Ike a 257-year's campus pofltldans. nary four-year students." :: much more training with which to 223 edge over the Ohid Senator, »relgn students. Although time^s-shoii- As a pleasant innovation they . Thinking of this type, in gen-meet them. "iveral things Should' be sai3~~ might plank their platforms with eralities, »^ atteinjpit» to ctasslfyv^ It is mjr opinion/ which I will this semester, they should begin gather­Mr.. Harriman, who is from the The performances are well tinder way, Sbout ^ these .' figures, however. ' some real reasons for wanting »tu-individuals, is dangerous to do* / admit may ho colored by the fact and the plaudits are rolling in, Henry IV, ing information to conclusivelyshow Uni­politically vital state of No# York* These are" the' delegates who say dent office. For example, instead mocracy in any educated person, that I am a law student, that just announced recently that^l-r they are forgone person or an­ as presented by Professor B. lden Payne versity authorities they need an interna­be an for tho of erpressing an ovangelistic de-and more so from a iournalist of saeh evident immature thinking active candidate other, ih> nearly all instances, the and his.enable staff, is ajpef^Unding suc­tional house and.will need one in the fu­presidency: and .would run on the sire for improving student Ifrwern-tiio.fotaro and I us« tho term *d^ as Mr. flyer's article represents is delegates "are not legally bound ment, they might-rather:say that._jrisedly^.!»to.,^oso hsnds and. what tha £iegel bill seeks to com­ cess. ' " ture. Then, when the committed candi­domestic and foreign policy of the to vote for any person. They could •they wsnt offie^ hecaqso of tho minds the duty of information and bat by putting capable, thinkingTruman and Roosevelt adminis­ To the other comments directed toward date takes office, results may come if he'll change their minds at any time—., prestige it will lend them while education will fall., students on the Court. ^a trations. and often do,-suddenly. Mr. Payne and the Department of Dra­go tobat for them. • they are here in school and even •:AsHfar as qptending a ^greater .-V; ' JGtMS F. MORRI^jrl New-York's powerful 94-man Also the figures do not t|ike While they are pursuing their in-flength of time on the' camooa is Student Assembh ma, we'd like to add our commendation. It's worth a try. delegation to the national conven­into account the delegates who l dividual jdsmets after graduation. tion is expected to.sopport hhn al­have refused"/to state "a prefer­ Instesd of publishing thoir long most to tho m«n. Thore seems to ence. There are many of theso-^* Nalghboring Nawi lists of able qualifications for re­ be little -doubt that this Trumitn maybe'as many as 100. sponsible offices, they might' do wing of the Democratic party fav-. these, words Mob Opportunities With of -caution, better to comment on how attrac­ ors Harriman "over any of the here are the figures: For Taft; tive their names would mppear in other announced office seekers. Arkansas—-1, Florida—12, •• CIVil anvlneara ara vaodM Jo Californi* on. tho roll*. Poaitton* that arc to A* Ida­ the columns of 'the Daily Texan for tba *tato'» a*l)«nding pvblto wocks;' SUM at tba prctant tima ara "B" team Campus Newspaper The other campaigners are Sen. ho—-14, Illinois—59, Iowa—9, concerning the latest movements procram, aad all imjn; cfrtt tMiwamt: woadb. fuMla aebool rauaic^ high Hkool Kefauver of Tennessee, den« Kerr Kansas-^-2, Kentucky—19, Loui­ •ta raa. If *aeb . Currently, the strip appears no way detracts tesFarsoa*_int«r(*t«dMlary I* 16,000 a y«ur.ahoaM contact tho they possess in Jmwwn^wm Wtr* tb^_awm'. *•­ in "262 newspapers snd is Doily Texan Crossword Puzzle ««ipta:'at-Batiatrar'a OfBca ... ... Ktodaht kmplomaat Bttan, B. M from-their ability;to think oloarly. wa can cbaek tba rocortf* aad «UTanc#.f«r THE*DA^| TEXAN Canada's favorite new strip, rcfunda;wtttda t4»an after il*InoeMf Three yeaiji of Law School tisin- StBd*Vtt &Bpl«rni«nt' B«*aaa ^,j|nd,i-ln :fransi»tion, i» win- mrn, fog devoted to teaching tho ^ Tk* OiUrUj 1'iua.Von. a itadMt Mwittpn of t'h* OnlvmltT of Taxat. to "wfiig more rea^ers Tn ^urope," AOBOSS 5. Zxels&a--24. Writing pabli»b*d in Amtia every morninK-axc«t>t Monday and Saturacy. 8mt«mbw Sooth America and , Asia.' l.Picrcowith tiOn . '• iad durins hollda* aod «mbImUod period*, and U-tMll} ' fluid Today's te'Jwf*. iuid axeapt durlna holiday a perioda. dttria#duriag tbai aummer aaaaioea uodat tba enia of rba Sanmar Taxan ; ADMITS COEDS asword 6. A matron 29. Qium ~ Friday•/ by Taxaa Studaat PabUectwna,tiona. inc. : The. engineers are slighted. S.Jewish 26. Cunning Byers did as ne wrote wa worv* eution Kin. meat at tb« JXH* VptSM ft* hr aaeurinar poaiUoaa in tbc Via­ oaaday aod rhif Answer It Toaaday T«m> Si ' 7.Scope tiona will to 'Mceptad i»:: Ulepbona (X-li4?S) at th> New* aontribotia by 10. Deprive g This .type:;;o|;^^thlaking.,;:J|;., e t . ' a^ftrlow. or tha faxan ara not oaeaaaarfly tboaa of tba AdailnUtratioa der the tent" at. Georgia Tech Oassifled 11.Portion of food 'of OfiieUia as the engineering school was Cntarod aa laeond-elaa* mattar Oatobar is, 1941 at tha Poat Offto* ot 12*Mediovst^ 11.Boil slowly time Ad| Aastia. T««e. oad*r 'b* Aet of Hareb S. IS79. made coeducational hy a 7-5 helmet 16.Sorrow ' 32. Organsof PRODUCBQUICK vote of its regents. mm IS. Domesti­' Ul tiMrtWri Pre** w *xe)u*iv«ly aatitlod to tha uaa tor rami btleatlon ol „jThe action will apply to cates \ 19.Heavenly: 33. Ata MmCLASSIFIED ASSOCIATED PRESS WIRE SERVICE 18. Golden hearing ' RBSUliTS .;'"­ r* diapeteb** oradltod to it or oot otharwlt* eraditad to thU DIM. about 25 women seeking ad­14. Negative bodies distance ' kms) Itaffu of tpoataaooo* orifto p«HbM haraiti RJcbt* nf •f *JJ otlMir mattor b«r«lo alao r*aafT*d. mittance to obtain,engineer­vote 20.Sleevelesp' 34. Bestowed > : VSpgrtmMl lor Rent Coaching Special Services ing degrees. ." 15. Astonish-" garment . 3$, Birds,as 39. Obnoxious , ^ ment (Arabt) i •aclass TO QUIET COUPUS or ledla*. Niea foor W Regent Chairman Ilobert . fm ^ ''"bug • f room modarn nawly r^acoratod atart-JCOACHOFG 21. Bow! lf«di*«« Av*. Now Tor*. N.T. spoke the a.Consume 37. Unadulter* k nient. Ntar Unltaraity aa* Soto* *oa-yiV.itwtltr* Win 1 M KMr Aronld against ' •V43 Afoodi i 1 C3Me*«« — BoaUw Sw.nreaeiMe.. .Flourishes underhand ' atod -.leaving pitaU Call Mr*. 8ttan*r. S-2SS7. change: „ ! 20. Wall recess 28.Hint 38. Paradise IHoiuk far RaiifI'm old Fogey, _ ftMaybe an 28.GratuittM doner apartment fa* couple or coaplo -WW" b'ut I'm afraid the moment wo 37.Greek smcW. f«, bUU jaid. 0s» to , . . . get woqien on the campus -logislativo tin*, t-Mif 1woek dui> OaADtrAYS WffiMtaM *te4*nt or conpto. iM M«tlC Aaaorfatad Cottagtoto praao 'AB-A**rks» Pacamakar they'll be coming in and Say­assembly ,< ^uod^r. -' 1 ' , J-HJJ or l.»U. ing .we've got future mothers -M.Ttite jBLOCK FROM CAMPUS. Cool, aalat. at>4 SUBSCRIPTION RATES • coareniottt apartm*|it -ifor gradual* Mlmfnwt 3nbacri»Oo« flirao Moatb* -on our .hands and we ought 29. Inbed u>. UUlitfea p«M. Also a borirOora. Wanted mm W«at*w^-Plek'^:aar»lefc •• j "-WaHod la Auatlo .Mctlad out of torn 30.Secretly Phone S—SftSS* to. prepare them for it." ' li'itP^r «M. ' oar mc $ .7S p*r tn. ^1. Perioaof _ OM> mjk. Mr*. Uavla. S. lost end round' itatab* tacn­ menr and four 33. Moslem i Spa i 'naiai-li; i wf Sditorial Assistant Mildred Klesel aitaxast raicM PAID aaOBNCBD: TH13ES,. ot£ Ualrafr • of agricultural stibiects and (Scot.) ' News Editor .. Jo Ann, Dickerson Society Editor Bet^y Segal px'pjects at Texas AAM. 37. Vitality mm Amusement« Editor -Kenneth Gompertz The group came to the 40. Pt^ronage raddiah atoaiach Tar. Probably w^r 42. Evade northwest. Phoao l.ui< Sports Editor Ward tJnfted States under sponsor- x '45#. ation. AgendyJ SmSS SS Cam'fbc»>.a^,Cluu^ber» loel Kirkpatri MARRYING KIND BtoKnt, |i t 7.Siiaht 10>*«Mtha. tt,IMS STAFF FOR, College marriages, turn,oat rw, Bi#Qf*Jkd*r Day E«Utor JOHNNIE HUMAN mpch better than high school aawaatr CAROIiYK ers, BUI got to college tend to be bet- Betty Begai (Jew.lit) WFld}tt Ua if J-1» • " •"» * •& -r ^•v,r-,v ..r. vr^r,t*vv;. •W at «jF--{' s?*" w ?r • ­ " -Itotortll uijii 11 i. m ^mx> dmr witli a DecorationB and Softball and **• Pj ecuosup­ ?«LTCSJ P#rr-"---•« :lsSi inchea tidekand < $$ friend, -boy %ho:has halved the i n a o••k ti Hofwj ^M-ttSft there was neVC Queen, temad " ta chapter^without active campaigning. Bat ^r-a«T«n^ Straat So ^qu^tlpM The cei IfcftiliiW &mm .WWfW^Rl Pi'i annual awards at ti * • * .' i^niH &«lV ....... -, ...... . J*; . , JpS'&'ij r*f ?**•»* ,.. ,... i i w•srtTtliT'llrtlri wff'l lainan illl mti r>~ on the VClodd cftrsbMetkedwith signsand A1 -PittmanHVWPtBv O'Wy DHWgAV^ ' |1 ^:«a,|»nce.^:^...tha, best^ active;,tffi n»»»-M.•*»>»#$ gagstfagacigay wmmm _.jni"^ present ... awwMtS titties.* The/musical is '<$«* (^fS3 v^sk -with torn* musical numbers. It is The fastiyiUas wUl begin at f -, 'Xi -'j~ >x.; |A 1920's night dob is the setting Student*, !n eharge' of the ffo* a musical comedy by Sigma booth» ar» ®d St»lkeTich, Jo* 8#a« JPH Epailon. The Kappa Kappa sionSf Joan Bougan, A1 Abrue^ Gamma't wilJ sjiow "Magascenes." Bill Dawitt, DanBAres, Mary Jaa» red what Crow, Bob Oude, liMgie Bietar, >. ' -r • a girl's date beak would ba like* and Richard Hetek, building con^ Chi Phi invitee jpom to see their mittae. third blackout show. It's complete. Proceeds will go toward ^a tbiv •I¥Mj[ ^ind for a new Newman Clob. .* *v , *• ' l _A , , «f-w • Mfli cl*«m4 sipa^tal^,; r\ up UT« gala Varsity Carnival. The Vaivenity Ch«r«k I i.95, "T ..You can, boy libout everything will honor graduating seniors 'at A1 If ^imaginable to eat from the 2(i • banquet Saturday nifht at • 7 ' ' • Non-frtimar»fow Method 1. .racogniied !ur» k * i'J m soltd colofi. LEPTt Scoop neck, concession stands •'•von piwsa pi«. p.m. The recraation and dining i-.. of dt«firn9 with daap-fw ' Sit the Aggie.hard enough with a hall of the Baptist Student Un­ m fur moat. baseball antf a bathing beauty will ion • will ba converted into the < fall into tho water at the Ph "Twentieth Century Boom" for Delta Theta water drop. Marryia' Oa oee^oa,:^ .W^;^ a^vEfiU'^MBb-fcSiK-lS Ik -Worbund In ^oHd V -Sam wWbe atVC and Jack's P*r-rtps In Ifninf, loosa buffont art repaired. Jimiqy Clark will t*e maater of ty Pictures will after lasting mem. •k • ill* * O ceremonies for a skit entitled MA FLAX, WALNUT, * ' ' orieS at tha Delta Phi Epsilon "• i" done by oAport firrian. . ••-• eoneesaion. Ryas»;|la^»Sft^''C«yl«a At the end «f the earnivaleomes the clhna^ of a week of strenuous . Univer»H?r jrraduatas, Dr. and '• temodollnfl dent by eipert furrier at reaion" -campaigning onthapart-of eleven Mrs. Bryea,. y,.%|n a n d sob, : , «Wo^c«. y: r vrr Bruce, have retuniad to New York h n.^ t , > ft " 6SSS' after three ajid ft-half years in ;1!^ mmm Ceylon wheta Dff Ryan, a sociolo­ f* *< 'Varsity TOmtal fe«bMrlti$.196d gist, was an associate professor at a afr % VarsJt^Jircuf, Whet really the British TlntatraHy Hi Colom­ started the jB»le tiling was the bo. OU* SAMCOIB STOKASI WILL v>ROT*CT YbU* FURS IU • ij V Calendar wi Mavt our bonded driver* e«)l far your fun, «uit« or eny valusblet 6-8:30 -« Dessert party, Aeacia < Ranch; Delta Tsu Delta, Lost v m ¥<1.® Kappa Camp, house. Valley; Sigma, tubjaef to dsmsga by tKeft, mothi, Ura ... or bring them to 54 % * '¥•>. p 9-8:80 •— Picnic, Rangers, City Waamecke} Phi Gamma Daltt^ r 91 r:t '•/ ' *^8FKa-Cirela R. Ranchr Phi Kappa IfceTeiMon Shop, Second Floor. ' "• 7-8:80 — Open house, Gamma Phi Sigina, Mayan Ranch. ^ ,n Beta. * r% f **« s \ s$ '•^C ? ^ 0«1*f , Saaday •• ^esm1"' «rce j 7:15-8:80 — Phi Mu open house 12:45-8 —"Picnic, Sigma Chi, Bull A .Creek Lodge.. ffioita M331 and #«k for our FIJR STORAGE. i ^ j for I«mbda Chi Alpha. i 7:30-8:45 — Open hotMW, Alpha 2-8 — River boat party, Phi Kap­J" ^ L * * ? s 1 v pa Fsi, Green Shores. 'Phi. -1 -• •* » » ^ t/f 1 'i I-7:45-12 — Dinniw dance. Phi Del-8-9 — Desiert party, Tau Delta * < An ^» V V 1 <,-«•«. i'--ta Phi, CoBunodor* Hottf. v Pki, for Delta ^fyeilon, ;t#f-" Scarttrough & Sons 8-12 -J Dance, lvr Women's Cluba. p . 'Sutardtr { , A1/. > 1-11 — Picnic, Dept. ,of Mechani- IgMi |fcal Engineers, Camp Ben Me-CnBough. I 2-11 — Goat party, Wesley Foun­ -dation^GreenShores. ' %"rit '• X W — Picnic, Chi Omega, New ^ Bnumfela. ,^4 , ^ -4^*1 f 8-12 -i Picnie, Oak Grore Co-op, »?Js f€\ '*• Y-City Park. ^ 7:80-12 — Dinner dance, Omega Chi Epsilon, Driskill Hotel. 51' l^-» Costuma jmxtjrAtoer. In* , ^ * stttnte of Architecture, Knights », of Columbus Hall, , ;*~T^ •'.l 4:fSw?"" "Pfii» -•>••--• • .-,•' ..!•••• ••,»!<•• ••" >• J f'8-12 — Fownal, Mica, Union. % 8*^0-12 — Closed Jtotunu Delta Ztts f< *-" -% I 9-12 — Fo#mal, Alpha Delta PW, rSSS-:: ' 4 / house. * ••• •-t,:.™ ^ 9'^-z ~~rr t0rW^t^AIph* — Phi, Haqcoek Roereatton Cen­MHHvl ter. . ^ ; Sataviay-SwMlay, , r <* / 3? 12 noon-12 noon — Beti Theta , Pi, Ilyi^ IrXMdi} JMtm Kap; U'-r'W'^ . pa EpsQon, TU Clark Guesl -V'^y -1 ? I / 5'i­ 'njjr V, ¥V *>& ^3 r^i »VS)V.l _ More m tJk-. jng$bm YiVv* ? W ' ^ i^wri 0bMmri*Kwllk tQm .. ||||ps: .Saturday Sot-:a-jweeting*6f Jto MiettMi „ „ Vote efHie Tex­maent jmwnf lam es Ihe'a^ttiuien aeaikm. Dandng, Aaeedbrtiett7?flti ft# Main Building which #howa pic­ swimaiinc,' andrtoealiWjrsp«|t« ,imM,a*'Wi!^*b*. m&imfifeniMl 'meeting it^ tures of bfrds vdrich are me&r areenllse evening's entertiinment Austin and Driskill HotelsiR Aus­at the University. Twenty- Tfce Mfari mi t^i I,i*m i unil! nifi Vynii.itjji-iiii jiini'ifi.fcj '­ . -eoiirflaition j*tif be iBvldfed iThesetwo exhibits, ApM^in^n^ lifury treeae Ta WAF Ue«te«a»t j into two main sessions—-junior ;lWtt#*#vifid dNtti eow, are.juat' beM..Ktlctagr ®pwi kboee­ 'two «f nm than one hundred «id senior. The senior'session will ^.Anetln IlLwfll be ?M^-y*««.uent trout ^ -Mas# S». Van ^reeer%lHi been ^ begin at tfie, Mmdt' 9*0 *xu ^Ktnaored Lubbock High' 8chool; touts eommiamoaed Uetttenant to. 4he %$$• 8*riday with a ^paMur^on-' "Rree XiscHelett ,'secretfry'irbin Ibndiall^ WAF. She is communication* ofB­lb Addition, to thedisplay*, the Mfmotay and Texas, ' 1800-1838," On8itar^y^liWW*«^n ni^n ochool;-Elaine Rossell, trea­met at McClelland Air . byjfaiMi'D; CSatW*J^t^Hn'ftegiii ' * University will hold career confer-I will be held at 8^0 a.m. ta t'Ai surer from .Sherman High School; California. 1 with * definition, of FreemiuKmry , ,v7T Jli enses With high school students MM.-Milk r*0MniS0»: aM-.s-tenr if.-f•'••Irio;-s ,jM» enlighten them on opportunities and p^inf «ut eome ef it*, pur* efvUie campus. Tbe Orange Jac­ poses. A,survey of the events is ' *f *college education. kets will handle registration and Te*a#^ through m year S8^S will T' f .• Ml. i .1 I 1.• .. MillUTAWr «®"©ine«il ©&n&rences «fl!4iS^Sg|;;. Alpha Phi Omega will ceaduct the M3DWAKT be sket«h«d and th% contributions " iMday evening and Saturday tonereftibecampus. -•> IT10BE.. of Masons, boib Mexican and' An- morning *t the T*xu Union for The morning meeting will be glo-American, will be, noted. In „ -"• f * «»•'. ever-— ,.-- from^^irWjWnl^Re^ U wnns 7-J traoce requirements and thein-e^ehislj^n^ IVslutiloxk ox tli* ^Hall of die Husk Gilding. The influence «f Masonic philosophy ititoation's curriculum. Alto the studentswfflbegreetedonbebalf •towtent will get » chance to die* on tbe history of Texasirom 1813 .tfeu** his chosen career With a Uni-through 188S will be offered. flUversity expert in that field. **Land Speculation in Texas," •Hy; and Dr. Ei; C. Leon, chair, • WM Highlit will be the Forty-tor Seymour V. Connor and "Notes nmn of t^e Departmeitt of Claasv­~" third Power Show with it* exhi­on George Thomas Howard,ATex-eal Languages,will welcome them bits from engineering, architec-"JESSIE THE WALKING TURTLE" war on* would iaack up ancTautomaticAlly rgo in-another by. Howard on behalf of ]tia^ d^aortniient. ttu«­;; tors/ chemistry# and physic* de-of. fheeftractfonief the Electrical Lackman will be followed by a i» for ~&e program wSFbe pres­ direction, Tewie had no external ^connection but" ^fa''s& I# partments coupled with display* dispfay in the"Power .Show last-year, Tessfe hoc luncheon in -the Crystal Ballroom. ented by the quartet of the Uni­ ran completely on batterie$. This year, new me­ versity Men's Glee Club, •*J| from unite of Army, ,-N**y*.. *nd two senses, si§bt ancl touch. This mechanical ob­ "Lorenao de "Zavala and the Texr t « wonders, again a -t luncheon will given U Air force ROTC. \ -•' ject moved in a zigzag path and had a tendency chanical like Tessiet-wifl be as B^volution," will be-after din-A be at 'Af i-f-' Th* exhibits, ranging from the •-*L. '* Wifl fori tbe ;L«ague members educational and informative to the to go toward light. If she ran into an object, she mejor part of the PoVer Show.,)--t v^v-^ ner epeaker, Raymond Bstep's intheMainLoanfeofthe Texas ^ s{h$^ % topic. grzj&vtm hilarious, will be shown during Others who like to keep two sports cars will be featured in ing completion*,will be >open for The program will resume With Unipn. Tbe jToup ;wUl partidjNtte % the one-dsy show. Show visitors ip, adnging sonte ia Latin, includ­ feet on the ground will bp inter' the heat power laboratory along inspection. These incslude the'new SPALDING ^ "t» Vnia de Sentisima Trinadad -may watch a carbon < dioxide pow­ested in the, pertoleum engineers' with demonstration of food freez­Journalism Building; Benedict ing"The Eyes if Texas." de Balecedo/' by R. B. Blake. ered Jet plane model whir over exhibit of a model oil field with its ing. | . _ " Hall, bousing mathematics depart­ The aft«Q(ii<>on session begins at OOlF'^ a elosed coarse at mora than 100 Zavala was a politician"who broke 1:80 and ends at 4 p.m.-A stage '1 ftWECEDitQ-1 ^ most advanced-drilling equipment. ' Illustrating the part of the four ments; Mezes Hall,,for psychology K ,,,„ mfle* per hoar, bay their weight from Santa Anna's Centralist re­program will be givenr' by students Various rooms and laboratories branches of the Army represented and pbilosopHy departments; Batt* gime; 'in 1834. he returned from "VIlMDINGVmH ' iiill'-sdentifie*uy,s*«maciiines from Marshall High SchooL It will will be open for inspection > of .in the Army ROTC, a 'sequence Hall, for modern languages de­ /1i ^ s* i |>;f crash concrete and tear steel bars Paris to Texas to,stir the Texans be a playlet entitled ^Fnrianua chemical instruments and tech-of exhibits has been arranged by partments; Pharmacy. Building, Jf asgunderend viewaminiaturedfs.. into revolution. Gets a Father." Following this will niques by •-the~ Department—of the -Department *fr~Militi!^Ifcudent-H the monitration "of raln-increaslfcg. Nsxt svent^onHbe program will be^campaitpa speecbea and electio: Chemistry. Exhibits will-be placed Science and" Tactics." tJnits will * " ^ Electrical engineering will fca­ bs the Auction of Texana. Old dt officers for followirjg.year. in the corridors illustrating, fields perform dutlea in mainlining the pture color television„ production. books are collected for .the auc­Elections will be held and the new of chemieal research and applica­line of supply and communications COM81MEO WITH This demonstration wilt be one of tion, often revealing some Very officer* wiB be installed. Award* tions, as well as displays, of chemi­to sbppoit-front line units; .IWff SWS£T DOT* ' the first examples of color tele­ rare $and valuable copies. Auc-will be presented to-members wbo cal magic and illusions.1 Wind-up Spotlight 'Ik joint Army and Navy ROTC YESl. AMD CLICK. vision to be shown in the state tioneers will be.George B. Aber­ for thegeneral public# , -ss A special exhibition, by the jme-presentation'scale model W£&&l ^ 'j L .-r ' ? ? v ™TAST-^ "1 chanical engineers of custom built nathy, Jamee D. 'Carter, X. V-Nie- Bi­On the. humorous side* the «ec-reproduction of the amphibious .Aia-FLITC ll nteyer, Ben Procter," Joe Smyet, Tryouts Continue trical engineers will present assault at Inchon, Korea, with an and W. W. White. ft "George," the wis of tie-tac-toe. Air Force EOTC exhibit of an air-1 >^TUptsaD^nagjix>) KA Giv«s $90 Mtmoriol - After SHnner speaker will, be "George" is mechanical champion craft rocket, cannon, and othe^ Annuel award* fgr outstandihg And Wayne .Gard, whose topic will be For Mr. Formal of his sport and defies anyone to To Canc«r Fund Driv* armament. architecture students will be given .^THR^pough "The Shawnee 'Trail" Mr.> Cardchallenge.Mm. He hasn't lost yet.* 'Kappa.Alpha fraternity donated ;f , Also,r\theN Univeraity colleges, at the Wind-up costume ball Sat* is editorial writer for the Dallas Tryout* for the "After Six Mr. * In addition to "George," attrac-$90 this week to the Cancer Cru­schools, and departments will h4ve urdey at 8. p.m. in the auditorium 'Morning ^lew*.;-•>«!, Formal" contest continue today tions such as the "TalkingSkull" sade as a memorial to the mother special .exhibits and their regular of tiie Knights of Columbus Hall stvffikm* Saturday morning's program at the Toggery. Phi Kappa Psi will and-"Te«ie"-theeIectronictuitl« of one of the members, said Mrik. fecilitiea on display so tnat publie Wind-up is the annual celebra will be at the Austin Hotel and bnrout at 4 p.m. and Theta Xi at .will be shown. Wilmer Allison, chairman, of the may inspect the University's three­tion for -the School of Architec­ en»r' will include "Relations of the Re­ A supersonic wind tunnel and women's division of the crusade. fold program of teaching, research,, ture and ia sponsored by the stu public of Texas and the Republic Recent semi-formal winners are scale model aircraft for the air-The crusaders are trying to and public service, dent branch of the American In of the Rio Grande,"-by David M. Frank Snyder, Sigma Phi Epailon;minded will be presented by aere* reach,, a $1&,6M : goal during twe S#reral new University build-' stitute of Architects. It also serves Vigness, rtJose Antonio Navarro," George Adama, Pi Kappa Alpha; nautical engineers. weeks of soliciting. ings, recently completed or near-a« % reunion for exes." by Joseph D. Matlock, and "Osear and Jim Collum, Phi: lUppa Sig­ Award* include --outstanding ma. Branch ColqUitt," by-George P. freshman girl architecture studeht Huckaby., . „t In addition to a complete "After given by Alpha Alpha Gamma, #*et» the j*** everts • After a luncheon Louts Lena Six" summer formal Outfit, "Mr. honorary architecture organisa­ Formal of Texas" will be present,women; The -convention -will adjourn ed with a jackpot of prizea at WH FOOD tion for -outetimding will speak on "Texas Money.", *unemsmmumrttM sophomore boy in arcbitecure from *fter a business meeting. Varsity Carnival May 8. ' rto&Atmn&*owr, Sphinx, architecture society and He will also be eligible for the DLrs t?.JL outstanding junior architecture .The Annual Junior Historian "Mr. Formal USA" competition, « ri k f Y meeting will also be Saturdaystudent. morning* and .will be at the Drie-. Proceeds-from the ball will be kill Hotel. Higb school student*used to eetablish a student scholar­ 5^/ from all ever Texa* will speak. ,ii-n rf{ A ^ ship in' the School of, Architec­Marilyn Bronson, of Austin High ture. Tickets are$1.25, I 1. ­ School will sing folk tunes. Walt Lehman's combo wiill play. . -Climax of the junior sessions CkiUrw's Health Day May 1 will be announcement of the fif­ F.IMatamnrftc Children'* Health Day will* be teen Leslie Waggener, Memorial May 1 throughout the nation. Tex-Awards of the 1952 Junior His­a* state health officials are shoot­torian Writing. ConWHt and th# j ing for a record of benefitting a 1952 Chapter Awards. They will v^here greater .number of handicapped be given by'Dean Harry H. Ran­children than the 4,820 under the som, of the University. >Jle*?cen food ii the fineef While in Austin next week-end for the University state's crippled children program The afternoon will be given to Service the best, in 1961. a tour of Austin. ^ h U-f Prices are reasonable, Interscholastic League State Contest, visit the N 1 ~ \ "> V«-> v * ^ Give us. the test! 1> jr University Co-op rJt ** Kftj, I rMh^rihg Deketew Steaks Mexican Feed Fried Chicken Crimehy Pralines Directly across Guadalupe from the Texas Union "Htm* pf Critpy Tocot^ 11 7 v / r FiRk-i'Jk Souvenirs As you; like &. ;• fcBSUi Tewr laVerite loafin* leetber shoddheip jtmkI Records s®St^ h imm wUie keeping upyowr appeeraaea!like this 'Si?,*<• * -* V ' w ^ ^# Perfect pair fcr ideal-lemra. Pliable ... * -• S r T e v lvv^; :-v i^ .-J % w|Mivn^NivH ee.e * If* Freeman. A wbrie ni a vahe for *evee<*«!l «ein*key perse j «eM-te(i* yewiDotwim • Sporting Goods ijiit' y V,. 'x" 3.95 ^ 1 5V-Mm.Hit >-. FREEMAN •j-^ ^^ ^ ** r '• '• Art Supplies If\ j­ m .f J* ' 'in je ^&Mtth*r8faf| 5-3 -• A-*t * -"-1 mmm - TO jwm .j$«§9 i ^ % ImK.,.­ tmJtSjLii To Study Swyijr * *v 3»>3S,'4 i w Hi Sis m ^• # i fill ^ li < $c fif 'd^fite ; TV. Swltoitt .Sigteait cwbHiad ^ -1®*, ferine* «f the Child Welfare NeWWfc. „ _ _ » '«' £tt -League of Amriet will meet in be on th* caajjrtia^May. 1-8 for the lag' 2 W+Ittf* «|*UHUi than fojftyH»cond; ann^S11 of mi•, irimT" jtvnuna r H% inert tnmfr-people t» its headquarters at the Dri*­ i ®he need Is MB ^otit ..v I* " $ Fwm ^ 1 'WMiW>iflfH ss^ "" tostate wimM1^^lMW:v ~ til /.nmmp -14 1 "-w - f«re'tieie.'<';' -^ •iB bc *valliblis fto^ftdiOtK^^I tmt» ^High Bcheol * \ childranand jwnrth *rat ia­ cents and,*0Ni»fc for' childre , . to attend the Conference's •" » aa^ A# Sir, i& . >41 Megatss-itiifketi^jM^/ae T«» Herksfeips, ^ Rosalind for our. Summer Term, begwnlnL •is, and sports. Under writing^ n^ the Gilee," donference ahaiman add June 9th. Attend Austin** most journalistic and ready writing director of the ChOd Welfare Di- 'VJ> outstanding and progressive bo* contests. .Speech* includes one act' visionof the Texas State Depart* f*-® inesfc collet." Approved *by the meat of Public WaHare. " plays; debates,' extemporaseeus h putftanding speaking,, and declaration j. math^ Department of Education a*"-a confespelnce 4re m _ ,Wovlaftiope on «op#rvUoo, «asa- ematics, number^ sense and .sudi High. Scgoolj sSpoj#!}'!,., i»^h woA, child giddMie*, and public rule; and cdmmfeWiAl/shdrt li^nd ^»eld IUtiiffrl^ert».«d^r,3 halations *411 b« lad by prominent and typing. Gmcc ^9&«d and Sevii*! taadhata, doctor*, and ttaawotkatt v' The largest event is s^ofti^iUiL scta&.fittlite 'W |'de^ta„ accumulate Shorthand, Typewriting, Account­lroai tb« Kast and Soutb'w^t^ approsdmately i620 participating; ing, Cwmiyttl LAW, Office 3fa». Bapvaaantatlraa fromKanaka, in track And field contests and; chines, Applied Psychology, Fil-Misaouri, New Mexico,-OklahonA, 200 each-4n .'tennis and.^ golf. i**> ***• I'i4, Arkantas, Colorado Z^ooisiana, About li&OO students in all will .dutetandiaK i:'W#/,'«^o4i JnWrscholaltic l^ortf and will HU meniber,n ttd Texas, and exchange students attend the conference.4V ' f Also SPEEDWBITING, -the fa-ffom Japan and (Sarmany will ba w c1 {Uk "This -state,contest ja^ ^.c«14 May fJi~; ^ 2 4221 '•mi xi. mons system of shorthand, in six attending" the * ataatitef ,"?J4 mination.of>both;thef district and 'V< ^''riV'^gjas weeks; no sigtas or symbols; easy Students from this school wl ^HfcNRY IV PARTS ONE AND TWO, The Da-ace Justice ShalloW, K!nt| Henry IV,. The-Lord regional • Contest" held over the write indtnracribe^ also teke part in tha eonfafencc. prtairtment of 0rAthikt& Leagued " eommittaa. - >P !<» About 800 coaches: of various DURHAM'S BUSINESS Bagistration, held in 708 Trib­ contestants will attend the con­ uae Building for eonfaranca mem* ference. r School ' adminidtrAtors, * COLLEGE H# banhip, «an^ml aetsions, movies, Is Imm such as principals, and seniors and ebroUmant for one workship- r H ; v:: in owii ^thleticS/ Or ,have^ been .invited ^and Stickori 400-A.Lavaca St. • Phone 8-3446 will be 96, or $2 for students. An , r .al ward -pride its the f'. "Stadium's that way, J'll approx­ -at imately 2,000 are expected to at­ < r^-(!*, -y IV 5^ £ additional workshop will be $8> T**M Sp«rt« rgitar UniTarsity fairly swells: the show you a short cut." or $1 for .students. A school which, takes great chest each May whan it hosts the -. Wearing colorful school jack tend. Schools represented are in. antmalinterscholastic._trAckl> golf, et», even on_extra-warm day;, A, AA, and'B brackets. | 'onnants • ^bre«kfastrforith«StateMeet» and tennis*championships, -t—7-they forln groups and-tour the •JTn^TT" r ing of Delegates will beheld May < *> Tha yeadyrlaflux of the state's campus, join bur coffee hour, and •f-SKKK 8 at 7530 in the Crystal Ballroom v v1 \ 1l* 4 i. 7 -vh tL\ top prep athletes affords » truly seek the highst,toiyer level Sven fcs ^ f' / ^ .a. of the Driskill Hotel, Reserve-, -t ­ colorful week end, and a welcome our mid-terrt freshman assume a tions for 200 delegates at $1 each pauc^ to the grit and grind of 13,-graduate, air as they direct " in< wew scheduled. The business por­ / • -A K st a e 000 Atudioua heads bowed to .the quiring campus pojnts r sL-:» dSrt; t "ii %i' -'>4=t --i}>3' f ' | Of interest. ,;, tion will be taken up with f fina-pririt grindstone. reports. special fe.r . «- '' The rich high, -school, enthusi­ Some 630 track and fielders '• Interscbolastia -• League Press mghf or day... Vii i& asm reaches many of us whp here S." "• * ri alon« will swarm our Forty Acres Conference^ organised in 1927 by tofori^ haven't found time to spec- "St* *'% ^ *• next week end, accompanied by ,Dri Dewitt C. Reddick, professor •SMc '»•'*i v * their respective tate at some of our Longhorn ath­ of -1 •1 $r , backers,/ Who journalism #t the University^ % VJ. letic duels. . -' think only once i>ifcr^ scrawling will celebrate.their 25th anniver­ So the transfer to Memorial Sta­ "State Championship or Bust" sary with an.informal reception M Docorativo Wcrtif il •v J» Hand4aequered sHvered paint etched with and "On to Austin" on the family dium finds us joining though not Thursday, May 1, from 7$0 to r'M%% v . ' 1 * matching the young'uns in cheer­ whoopee and trekking as far as 10^m._*t_Hillel Fi>undAtiosLiin­ ing performers to are jeweMike d*Hcacy en Pima-type cotton. •460 miles thisa^ay. that us der.the sponsorship of the Austin mpfetly random Choices. s • Once hare, they-often find the ^Maroon's chapter of Quill and ,85 m r rr >7« Then when it's all over and housing pipblimv^ misting their Scroll. Hand-washable.-A whirl of a circle skirt. campus dress again uniform, most weakest hot^s;> if it all< The com- -They will also talk a two hour wish thatjt was just beginning. *• V peting athletes are taken care of, »ube, on the river boat Com­ To match a solid color wide V-neck blouse. modore and have a picnic supper school -officials having made pre­ vious aiwngementsvi ; : * , at Oreenshores ¥>iday,"May ; 2 at Co^op Coordinators TEXfl The Leagu« has a reserved fin* <6:45 p.m. which will highlight TurqiMhe, Purple, ^•0** i * :-*••' ger on 1200 accommodations in lo­To Bo Honored the convention • entertainment. pipscal commercial lodging Ainits. The Dean of Women Dorothy Ge-Leaders' In the school dfifejjoum-mm ' -Sites 10-16. pioneer element are qutu^ered in alism and in. th© profession will ^ * T** bauer. and present co-ordinators \>r is Skirt $l2.fS^ temporary ii^s set^i4i(the Sta-i of girls' co-ops will honor newly be on hand for the convention fi -T • ^ir dium, band house and various elected summer co-drdinators with J' Si & Houta $7.95 dormitories. , a dessert party In the Queen mmM Though activities don't begin Anne Room of the Union Tuesday ¥M "1-HaHjsr ' " $7.?5 ^ till Friday, many come as early as at 7 p.m. .y " :t,•<' •" .-1. •>* I'.t',-^ (not shown) ; Wednesday, allowing a few days : Recently' elected co-ordinBtors frM v ^ , I-vH#r to get "the lay of the land" and are Emma Castillo, Halstead fPgrH X1 assuring themselves: the. privi­Houie. Muriel Stubbs Shangri La, ;S,3Si^ lege of jfstructing l^r-Artivin^; and Juanice King,-Whitehall. Co­ v,-< ^ V 1, for, and 'iwhich one.of these big adorne, Valhalla, Wakohda ~ rv "v ^ and T guys is Stolhandske/f have not-been elected. i --i 'J v • :••• •: •» • •• •: Patent Entirely different Beige /> J'v' Lilac 1 because they have . -/-s y Multi *hird (Dimension 1\*) J"Beaut# • && . ^ jt s /< iK-Qf IN PHOFILI INFRONT fi'% ^ -i - 1 ••v»— "5" 1 • -,z*i • 'fy>: J\ Oft r •;m ; ,<•> *M> 111 11 • t* i . imltor and im -*1 m Jr. tfssui cKambray In - Cool as a summer breeze 'Junior BETTY BARCLAY. Eft fi, 'gsY-r­ • . ,>i-v. • r; •d skirt has an jipron effect. In tissue w&m •P*ZS 1 '* by ec*fai« <|i* dsslga ( MI iW ii^i «*d U4 « M Mm.MIii Welace'diffweMt fnm erdhiary «9*er« le«.Wihw Stor­ 95 • r/,Hag's "Stradivari".eed "Kmc Wirt" patterns...the* fcrt m Wp ye* dmIw ease Is > Wsthee sslssMea ef tfeWiHf/ MM & oS^'vr"' i 1JiK ^tf I'V ) J a^*f*e+'3f -/ lf£i tJ; * A IJ f lT( L| iV' Diffvreiit GoIot9^% r ^ 2236 Guodalupo V>' Phon* 8*6426 th* Drt# •-g^i 7/57' gpr ,isK> -X-'i -* **4! V gmmrnksrn^ & tT|V t&fth ^71 r\ t, --'W . «t • I. UUII1 rUIII WT If T'JSXr.i tJlij dhaHed -kjravailable *0 formajieea fcjr NoMe Ci M-l wee&JPart duction BOWfaring «tagod by the riSpN y&lf Oflr Department of Drnmawillbe of­ fered si g p.m. Friday In HoggRAINBOW Auditorium, fmX'iS&V V f?' : Part I*itt /•*> * 'Ur^^T-8,;* ci^4 v** * N«gro Combo ^ Hafjag a pmHfl • Private Pertie* by * ffwatfy Kofelwr MmU * Reservation—Phone 8*39S4 •s ,fr>-9ViMnV' llll|llf •••!••••»__ r ir OiKuw—W« IWM MM«MM *f t» #im>: :SANJACINTO INN AUSTINNOVELTY GO. SenJecfato •00 w. atk " » «La-4»r SpS Mii "jj» *t &tflaae i •'VIeyJag** 'singing1 ^ j­ |4;-V y«*r favorite iM|i "* ^ I -J? '-N ' ,W.•»#**"-irifhtly ^ •,WK irs'SiN 4"< . " . ffy* MP^-TD GOs-f ' BOWLING • -*'!• "1 '• • ••..••,. • 7 .S'if-.. •'' • 1706 SaivJocinto if;r. ; J 1. • • .ft . 1, « • *JV­ 1>* *% f ^Afternoon *snr <&c^. J h \.*'-f \cV* -'' ond 4 4'^i y,,M w-sm'y&­ 4k»< '»M«SKQ8«R3 ^ 'y/ [«®. ^ vr#i,^4 ^ Eveninas fri^l The a-. a.J, 1 l fr'iimf SOBERI IANE « ^ *• r v* $ 6r3*?9 yl e MIICHUMiRUSSEEL * Xjfiu * _ J'« t » t ! > V* / a¥SSS«SS K 34®T 8u«eialv|M • DOORS OPEN ? «ldi Wink* BEND1X 5:45 AUC GUINNESS ilVHIVf; fWVWwVy," CPPETOL U. ROBERTSON DOORS. OPEN J 1<4S J»aane DRU m,.Fliunc SHOW # fii; Frank ABIU RETURN of the ^UOVEJOY LOUISE,-# i-fmRetreat Hell' IfeTEXAN»r 1 ­ --m '8 CARTOONS • Q ' ;L ;?? s-1" P-. — « | ^ i f* V'A ;v-.' If" $-<#• 1/ 1,7 Jw,' 1 4^ ^ * ^ is"0.r S." 'v-y.4 v'^ y ^ \m r iK?«U ' y BESSSSS5S99 " I L 11*1^ )^-^' .»!M> '*»> -h _ V« II IT MAS AMERICA TAUtlNGI ~4.timi Ahm ft «iL€f-n'. 4 Botoga ft-omt "junto; i>n«l«TM mmip *&** * C«m^iw H; Mure Sftyanfema df ArnHf.„ -** WanmfP • .»•,i numbers from ffa*r«f fttn Sie iad -ATI t8e jp» ouwwr. ww/ MW» MarthaBrandt, F«(i> Ann Cor director.end/Beniie ta; 13B* CM i cc t\*i * * St ^ ^ * ,? Ls^J&hrersity atodent, gave da- "* 1 VMwncr, and, tJaSj •«efoji^ajllloir«#le «*efc^«NUiS" «f ioi^'-dMe#*, B«mii« gqmm »J# Am Reagan 'V ' ,'• ^ 'fr S4IU Vtofc . _ of Ifwfe*! Cowodjr" «m from edmf^ Bwsstn, SEsrriot Aumw^id John W f^dar Mid ftaMrdaytfui * *A di«»,(Mting lMUsk Mltrai B{down' the th« mow briAgu mu«ie«l eotntfdy img*-Jfaw>'."Sdiitij:*wwne» b« $1.80 for ftdoHi .SM Op to d*t# with production HQm-f nnjjrfirf., i,' Md'90'«#fl|te tor ctadltBtt. Cwtoin fi^m w0kl*hom«," "So«tii'|| >, T and 'th#,»fc©n; i» # fbom»vF«r l Piwilie^Afcitf®, 6«^,.T<|«ir Ona/* ftMonratleni esn b« inadtbr eaS. indMd, . :eh;0how« aa $Cj^ ^ % It TftlW /' "Gitl From Utah," ge WWta'# 8k*ndal«," "Mak.\r f ing Whoopoe// and" "Gontlomoa r.'A|rtrin|^p«ograin defat^S to'^te Pirofer Blondw," ar« StowaH Fnu work# of Bach wftf be . si titr, Jo Ann Roacan, and JBernie by eight graduate tnu«le abdent*,: ... .©L-JP"....... Lax. Auitin porformotTi ax* Oma all teaching fellow* at the College A J mm m^ XW ? Linam, fjtnett Graen, Barbara of Fine Arte,' at 4 p.lBr Ftiday Brawner, and Clommo Frcla, in Recital Hall. mfgf. , Estell# W«b«-and John Hick­Opening the program is, "StoHa man will ing »oy«*l ,4»«loe|jon* No. 1 in G major/' for atweeon^ CHARRO:^, "ForgyaadBotfe" panied viola, played by ,Majc -Maf "Oklahoma" nro»fe: wlir bring idrid. : ,., •**«r*9"mk ^TVMr1.!#•*!•-ill v.-;, • L..-r Androy Hickman, Unit»r»ity «ta-1%« progriui^ one 01 IMf ? Sta^ dent, George Saoger*, Jack.Wea-dent Recital SerieB, i# o^mapk^the FOOD enberg, Oma Linam, and Peggie public without charge ^ C _____ «jV, +' rf > 5 " >£W . K;fc\ ft f ST A « K A N -1^-, ,.,|,..,;.|,V|,"^,^,".^^e,lll'"'j.|J.""V.» Jtit# 1 ^ ^ < • . a ^ -ac* keservrinon CALL 7 G38'2 D P fc N E: VERY :**t y , EVENING AT J/-/ 'p'/{&**£&' 5 PM rCRjM •^iW, f ^ . ly' .1' ^ dancing •• NA1 BLUES QUINTET S^ES^;;; Good foC'J PRIVATE PARTY ROOM i' 1 * fc^spssspsp^p^. 'i/1'a* UOHT Mw* rri T1HC AV*T**J CIVIC T^EATftC'«? mini, ^l^ATIMA filters the smoke 85 liiillimeters or your protection. ,' ' ^/-: • -yt^ ^ ^SJTvaX.*^ Jf£-2i$&Zwm .^>4 •ivV-i -'-'t *»» * * .7< jFATIMA S length cools the smoke s s +3Bie PRODUCTION NUMIERS i8to;¥ * 1? •» * ^ ^ v ^V" x * c -r 1 ^2^4.HOURS OF THE BEST FROM for your protection, ' ...IKICAlS.JkSTi PRESENT ^j&p*QS4\for reservation,f 29ihateUA0ALUPE 3 FATIMA'S length gives you those CEIl2t^ — extra puffsM21% longer. ?r ^ £JSi,. Vv,> iCfi^ SST^r-i-;iW""' t ji^ , 1, s-\ L Iff- BMtrkk Cr««M Bitty BtwIiW ^ BLUE YONDER'^, Ferr««t Tidar 1 "LITTLEBIG \ HORN" "Captain Blood" , „ J*h* Ir.#Uwl l/1 h F1IIST SHOW 7:SO iPUUtT SHO^ TtSO m D i 11 i'. ^ B Ev-'-i' -' t " •nMMfjkMfMfMaMlMani ^7 k . Zrinq rhf ;, j-atn;j ' _^^^^«THEATfiES No.AUSTIN e3f" So.AUSTIN WF^tE%*tikiii* AT'ljUi; l"cAuawat WENT ,r THATAWAY"'SS" -,«v rPii, ..Wi'"" / »•. ,it H*mu*'KMik r ^n0t»&r^Am1nr^ fi 'THE %JW'AW&, Cmaet* rctl^wttlt «my oilwr THE LADY" " •S.f6«»r Cirm MiclMii t(fW»a» , rMl 1 -N?JUy-Ht»e^*­ _ . 'n'.c? » ..2? !W.'APf>OtfnMSNTf Khrlfcee '/'^ ^.­ H »!**'* 1 J-J IPVi--—— '7'