aV, SSSffiM .•S^-S-SS-fAf 'ri. *if» ifpS® *&$»&«< * m* ft-Swi» if «*#£?& T^i V j'*fc * £i--e'i*""y&^Vj^"f&*^ ^:^iniMi^ 4» l|ip#§e^^ ffS?3Ka it $ ^BjaljBSii£?**££• iKSPl^Billl •ysaef .;*a*»;ad®l8:;:w*iB Theaudience •*4 relaxed :-wTl«l< HW> ilsim liisnl ~ bbwvBowwr,*u phenoi ^fcingHeary IV^ P«* n, wU al for jts King's Bnglkk It jweat. r., Wednesday ,,e?euiog;r .the emplana complete tofcrtfaioa-*&afc» next alteraation will be Thursday Jfor's house party. % srveatheso AND LI.HT^IN. T.^V NI.HT W« HUR)^ IN.ID. the whang and ^a . ao! T? Ik­ >s«-M i 'i1' ICaudtdatef «f th» Univeftiiy faeoHy, for ffl t{f tor, Anws ]ieaettta» at" Carnegie Tech, for eight «S (Goinpaf^f 'mm-wtitedc 'i^yaai* '(1986-48) the head of the everything froitf'pqraan*} ­ 2 Shakespeare Memorial Theater at fflMkespeare'e birthplace, 8 know« naeh 8 Mr. Fays* a« la responseJ* ths „ •> Shakespeare and hae produced as who the candidates wo? ^irnoeh Shakespeare aa any man , Sixteen polls on the catppua will up .. st e APO office 1|» Texas O^vly ott'Wi^famr.. ^ livinr. Those unfortunate enough -one amendtosnt.'/wili tbe ter,*Msidia^Xii Open at 8:S0 this morning for Union. Any questions oa election voted on, sponsored in the .Stu­pus. "Alt voting places will be sub* "Poto ieisiss'ti».; to have witnessed it have known spring election balloting, aha will proceedings may/beanswered dent Assembly by Charles Berkey, most poj it ae the beet 8hakespeare, not fc x*" remain open until 4;|0:p.n^<(vj" k by Election Commissioa members graduate, assemblyman. The ed ihe^smendment d hot go. don't think he;t,f, alone ta Shakespeare of tradition Ballot-counting will begin at In the APO office also, Wilkins smeadment would proves f«f . effect .unta-the fali^eleet being elected.*'. but a rich blend of itself and * J *"*• ^ •» >" •*-^ *• -+ 4i45 In the union, with each candi­announced. placement of > voting polls in ma^or $omp!rt*f"i' ;. m« name the candidate and 'Ths min pjkt is phser history Tne Flams Studies' Laboratory field of vertebrate paleontology deat aefKft wm* important ' #wi ifco leading' eharaehMrs 4g* ins party, of their choics, and Eissnhowsf-led the field with4 278 vote at ths west end of the Chem conducts research for ths Navy's is' the Vsrtsbrata Paleontology wire. si •ry. Building^|"Qtii Ws HsV ftaed as weB if »oi better v©ts» too Ksfsi yK4_ Booth for education students Bureau of Ordnance and is sUpsr-^oratefy. It is caUsd« th| ,"9*---She nMknypwuaL ln peiraasl actien ft thet vifed by D^. R. C^' Anderson of W' oi\th*G#S--beS|*e...it rfadL-eafy 'tl^Tax^^iui'd' is at th». northeast efttrancs to ww« •reaurm, wast, ^snn ths Department of Chemistry. It qmw. fluttoa 3^sHt Hwsft>ewifAdiiiBirtrtt»' 'aistaatf,. tion at ^sifliwC^flaJl's-atSit ^4^ aoiir industrial research.,., •J^ /f-GfiiqMs,. «a.estie«f^fatt,)a< fir entrance; fin# Arts students oh of the. twen^:';'k|ki*a»' £%* %JBM«ttMfea jmtoft lbs bev*n east side of ths Main Building. Corps Recruiting Service, repprts $15. Harvey .Campbell/ ,w»ear;ch is performed by vsarious Further, he said that he Would liacArthur—9; Supreme Court i, re senior netjsm aad diction to command earns close to Ike. Justice William O. Douglas—>9: In election-day campaigning, that the metal recruiting/sigrn, chemical engineering studeiit. at University departments ai& divi­coatiaue to jmrticipate ia aad at^ ing/ Just under (00 people cast bat and Harold Stassen—6." * formerly Itf front of the Co-Op, the University, wOri tiiird' place tend meetings of as many stu^ the show all the way from inner bands made up of three or less sions. Paynient for the buildings dent governmeat committees as stage to projecting apron. lots atthe two polling places which , The retraining ballots were instruments will be sllowed be has disappeared:1 * ,y-j and 810. ' . iiHfWth the Center is located is possible, in order to promote more The reviewer, tentpted to hymn will be open Wednesday also. scattered among twelve othter tween ten' miautes -of the ' hour "It's not that-we' want to get being made ia benefits accruing student interest ia goverameat 3P_. the actors, most ponder whether Of the 496 votes cast, Gen.; Candidates including Gov. Warren and the hour, Wilkins said. anyone in dutch," the captain to, the United States from its utili­through the editorial page.' the director wis not ones ntoiw Eisenhower got 27S, Sen. Kelau-of i California, flea. Douglas ,of A current auditor's receipt must said, "but we need our sign. sation ss a Research facility. Miss Chambers, eandidlate of -/ the hero. The easting was uncan* Illmois, and Gov. Shivers. be presented an4 ch<;eke^ before Limited military appropriations DrC Se^lyC^Jof Tho' laboratories' investigations the\Student Party, was asl^ed if )iily right both physically and vo- A breakdown of the tarty pre­voting, he added. liit little people like us. The sign includs government-sponsored re­ * -$ she' Were a voting member of the cally. Prince Hal, the crony of '8?pw ferences of the people cast bal­Watchers for-all csadidstes for was ihe kind of tin that I can't searc^ iayolviag. guided miafHen,, party, to which she replied yes/ the Falstaffian roisterers, was all lots shows 198 Republicans voted the ballot»couatiag may be picked get any more of." airborhe guafire control, psycho- Foreign Service Ask Controls End aad that if it were' true that at youth ss Claude Lateon played as compared to 181 Democrats, 38 '« "W# decided that in the furor pbysiology, radar and other high the at /which, she •?him. King Henry, by ao means the Independents, 8 DiXiecrats, 2 pro- the Texan, erred tin i its story meeting was of campus campaigning, it got frequency radio waves, electro­chosen the nominee, oaly 17 of 34 central dramatic figure of his Officer to Speak, hibitionists, aiid a single socialist. Spun to Choose on Sunday, April .20; concslaia^ nics, spectroscopy, and combus­ mistakea for good siga backing," voting members were present She pl^ys, was becomingly,mators and ' Jfa* Young' GOPers wjll» man a speech made by Alfred L. Seelye, Capt Peterson continued. "We'd tioa kinetics ia ;additioa to ths bafitonafc^ '?*?$ ^ Harris fl, Williains, foreign ser., poiUng* booths again Wednesday regiohal director\oi the. Office of replied that she di# not know the like to have our sign back—after flame studies and other subjects aumber of members voting, but vica offieer. of'the Department vt lit Garrison Hall and In front of Price Stabilisation. * y' UT Offers Drhrlag Cwne elections,' of course." of significance to the prepared-that she believed it to"be a ma­ State, will visit-the Forty Acrss TTsoaa UIUOB from 9 to .4 o'cfock. UTV-Service Girl' / Dr. SeSlye, who is.-a professor ness pn^ram.'. ­ ^ A course in' driving education jority. ^ fHday to speak on ^Ths Foreiga l/bilronsVho wishes to Vote will in the College of Business Admin­» coverage" of tor 80 Ugh school driving teach-Service Women are wanted not ^ f-Si . Questioned on Service of the United States" at ^ giv

gency, period, but that is the only 5-yV * ths Thursday night meeting wt ths in serVice to the University and the Daily Troja^i University of at ths Off-Campus Research Cen­tablishmeijt .of . freshman council* justification.''-^ Uaivs^ty, ^oung Republica|s the student-body. A committee of Southern California, second went ter Friday. : ling by upperclassmen, and toward, . By this, Dr. 8iieiye projniounced three faculty members sad two to the Dsily Kansan of the Univer Dr. Warren is.interested, in the iaststement. df ^regular monthly his confidence in ths soundness of /Ift. Macdoaald is fta siitho^ity students, with the Dean of Women sity. of /Kansas, and third was local research, into the behavior sessions at which student govern-.; tu&gstmm the American free enterprise sys­ ;oa Twentietii Ceatury polities! acting as chairman, wiU Judge. given , the Daily Iowan of lows of chimpanse'es and monkeys. Dr. meat leaders could be questioned ., tem under normal cbaditioas, but thought. Siace coming-to tjie Uai-Ths award was' set " up by tits .University. Sylvan J. Kaplan is director..The oa tiieir acts and policies., *JiAi added that "safeguards ^arjra'ecesf Vsrsity in 1938, except for a stay Silver Spurs last year to give re Atomic Snergy Commission is also: Stan ^Rosenberg, Clique." aonii-' 8:80-4—Student election, booths 7—^Intrwnural Oratory. Contest, sary to protects our^ economy 40. in the Navy from 1942 to' 1946, cognition to the woman outstaad-S Raad Paper* at Meet performing psytho-physiological nee, was asked why he bad not on campus: • Garrison Bail 1. against the severs pressures^snd 9-4—Young • Republicans -straw Df, Macdpaald has spokea many iag ia service work oa the cam-• Dr. M. E. Bitterman, Dr. Wayne research oa-lower primates'. mad#; a more vigorous. campaign, ^trains exerted. bjr ,the annameat 7—Alba Club, Sutton Hall 110. •pus^ .-< ' w • _ vote, near Texas "Union and times to groups of UnivciSity stu$ f Holtsmaa, aad Dr. Philip Worchel ' Dr. T. S. Paiater was among to which he ^replied that ha aad prograrn/l^^^sfC^lm^ Garrison Hall, -7—Advortisiiif s^^i; CsJ^aiuisu dents oa, current affairs. Other studeatih or organise' will read papers before the Mid-the scientists who yisltsd the Off-: his supporters had worked all 11—John Bauhut to giv« Bench r/^AuditmduiB.., •jThs meeting, whichwili be held tioas msy make aomiaations. said westera Psychological Associatioa CSmpus Center with Dr. Warren. night for the past week makiitg %jMl «»d Barjecture oa "Ths Fuac-7—Radio Guild, Texas Uaioa 811. ia tijie Men's Lounge of the Texss Jim Leonasd, of the Spurs. Res April 2K-26 in Cleveland, Ohio. 'Mr. Formal ContMf i While'in Austin/ Dr. Warren: signs/ which had subsequeatly Union .at 7:30, will also includs a softs for nominations should ac­ See PARTISAN CROWD, P. 5 I " ^ tioas «f the Railroad.Commis­7-~Assoclstion for Childhood Xd- A. D. Calvin and Joha Krauskopf risited with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Still Op«n to Entrantr regular businses meetings ^ x' company names, he added. wiU also read papers. Springfield, his wife's parents. sion," Law Quildiag 201; lunch* aestion, Texas Union 311. g|?' son frtr Mr, Rauhut to follow 7^10—Latia-Amerieaa , Uaioa, Tryouts ia the After Six"Mr. Mr^, Warren is ths former Alics Hs§ is Queen Anne Room, Com-aiea's louage, Tsxas .Uaien. Formal" coatest will be* Held Sfpriagfisld who livsd ia Aastia * atdns. s X 7«0~«wing and Tarn, Mafa Wednesday for Chi nit at 4:00 before her marriage. 12;10—Don Hanson to ' azpliia •'"CLoui^s, T««as v|JaiM, •" rir-m aa4:80. Both television projects far Atutin 7:30-—NAUD bridge group, Uni-teams Vttl tryout st Hutchias Bro­ SpmrrHir COUIVM Listed it l^nivenBty Kiwahis , Club . vand^r dub.» x v thers. fflptin frPtfrc famarf,', 7AO—John Emery Adams to ad* A ,Semi-fiaal-^rianers in tiio.eoa^ In Catalogu*Out Today ACRES I tla>M bmsfit W#> Stress JWHOai, CMe«r tost so far ars ,Lsursa Haasdfin^ - ~&&*«*^VBits, «* American ts» building 14. «' oag the honor guesi Catalogs listiag summer Sfchool BY BOBBY NEW1.IN Course# at ths University wiU be '-•sy4|*iwi Aux£Bary# 801 Wast Thfe-7:80rl0—Observatory as,Union Will be decked out In the members .of ths Good Neighbor at tho International Office ia B«.]Delta Theta; Dick Col^oiirae; available Wednesday 'at the Re^ Ths rich • sororityijlrt w^tev* j v,^BoSWte«.« <-tjEsttia-Asaeficaa army Fiidsy Commission, the Latia-American or by contacting an Officsr aia NurJHUoi, £^b^ Phi Sigma 8—T^poii«s««;j|lirts night when th#_ Latta>A_ _ _ Consuls, «ad President T. 8. jpaiat-HfU '§ ' ' Delta; Bill Shrift, ' a, .wardre^-^^wai^>-1 m£ itm **CA for Rapresentatlres fronctbs Iat> oi the club. A tieket booth wfl)i . 'have tldiag JpVL io«^dsNpia»W Zttka* Padc. J;, 'Rof^al.'' countries wiU bs Win front of ,tho Uaioa Wednee^ :e of pUbli^atipas, said that whea is^io^lieal (3satsa Bf Davis to ^oiaa, Tans Union. " : " KOce Oinflpi sni • ^prsssat^g'l-^ X" rn 1' day and Thursda^/^J^^*• final iannoun*anient of courses V, ^ |^^ltlHMllMrsli|p"diaasr^ W I^r-pepartiaeat. ef Dtaffi"' w&-from Laredo will play ''for' the The Union's Main ballroom will rould bo printed. The catalog will pit.-„ j.^-^veateg *J^#sats Part g of B. |d«s Payaa 4aaee from 8 to.,12 p.m. Ths 8i-be dotted with palm tress aad; The,|Atia*Americsa Uaioh^will iQBtt^QjBcioat datafo* mm aseet Wedaes&y a£ 7i80 p,ai. ia Boys wiU ifla^for the floor otfeertroplcal decorations.A Jntga 'Any-, mm^a'.;'oiiaiwtatifii^Auditorium. with the mambo, latia-map of the Latin-American coun-tla Mfe'jt Leuage of ths TMCSI enter a team:>'.ia ;tiM^eoate^>y ^waMrdad-aMd jj^%^ylWi4^4e«aa>4 •fs^ Lakers. Ha. thethird saaSeof %$'' WM>.vtKb!ci- M#"playoff witirtheNew Ytttk Kniekerbockerrfor w. m the/big NBA title, he scored 84 points to,lead such players u6mfr Mftaii,Veni Mftlcelson,and'>iui» - Sfl«l«^apN maid etar al AAV, Dewitt ittSt the bto al ft fat .489 dfp^ 10-6drttb M»eli^K«i into one of the coun-thus far, which is"probably tope litem,last year, fcyrtrit thsBrowns tdL Senatom The sixth WM the v; for the senior eircalt ' " , their 8-3 victory. The St. I«onis big taring f# the Botox, six . -The Chicago Cubs exploded for at traek. On his leg pi the n^e •, On their eastern vfsK'last-wa^lW;:i<.^r i " eiabt rons in the eighth inning as Coaeh Id i^jte^axi^'^samiiiiBai^ lab no* has tifoitobed st* time* * ' sent home. Theorems relay, b* was docked at 4711 at ' K fttedby . Walt Dropo'i the t«*aa Belays* and 47.2 at the Cutis and J. T. Kfam atovped bjr',;**'iZf KanaasBelaya. : , ©etfdt eontiimed «/*??*•*' f jrtfcr'/ going d«S 'Iwrfe^p tftfc Washingtonwasmngten gotget nine hits bw satec*«/ JRwbie*Mslir,Sle Ctdbl Ag|ie shot-putter D»rrowH#«p-pieUurea ofv sinna of Was^hagto«^;Hi? I collected seven hits in the big inn­ «my carry a gro^re to this ft Lee's 1951 games. Seems thatfound! them hard to concentrats-—sieago Whit* Sox, 2-0. Saul Jto­ ing, and the Corsairs committed I^riday'a tri-meet at Los Angeles. North Caroline's **Mr. Single* three of the runsvrere results of rvinthrew six scattered hits at eurcult blows by Sam Mele and three errors to help them along He suffered his only 1951 defeats wing," Coach Eui Ssardbr will ,4Mthe Tigtt* iv gainingMs shutout to their fifth straight loss. , ; from Sotrthern California's Parry change to the split-T this fall andtfetoryj^ tf,J&d s3? Clyde Klutts. -* !jjphre«*fcit performance by veteran' Bobby Thomson, back in. 1051 Chicsgq K The surprise in spring drilis to looked impressive to sidsliners. la dashme^ ^W;wJjl cpipj>«f#^ri;^he tri-mfat wlth Smith double in tljft dashes, Johnny Sain. Elmer Valo tagged form, smashed a base*>loaded Cincinnati . date seems to be transfer Fred addition to their backboard hnstla,. • Sain for * h.omer Jn the firsts But triple a? Hew York-be*t the Phil­NrwYorl^ Saunders, €-9 operator , from and playmaking, both are expari* tiie Yank righthander then retired lies 4-1. Righthander Lar*y Jan-St Loufp 11" Scbreiner, who Ja apparently out menting with a hook shot* with W m Boston " in front to his battle i^th another PoweH seemingly further along 23»5te«rMrackmen Launch m Philadelphia transfer, Bob Waggoner, for the with his. all-important center slot ' •Drills, which began last Toes- Pittsburgh AMERICAN LEAGUE Saunders, who was held out of day, will end Saturday, May S. PCT, service this year to save his two Coach Hull hopes to stage a pu^-t, i years of eligibility, has" looked lie-invited scrimmage to climax Cleveland:; ' St. Louis* .< .'v By JOE MOSBY . , Friday .night, as he is rated by Texas eager Don Klein will particularly good offensively, dis­the practice, either intnnsquad or t*xan SporU Stat " * forecasters as only second in the compete in the discus, but will playing a promising hook shot and against graduating team members. Boston . . Coach Clyde Littlefield will em* shot Afkd tbfrd in th« ditciis* need a toss of -at least lftS feet consistent accuracy on Shots close The drills are held frem S&O New York bark' with 28 trackmen Wedneik USC'e shot-star, Parry O'Brien, to push the four favorites—Iness, to the basket His hustling all-to 5:30 p.m. Mondsy threngh Set. Washington . Chicago ^ • -w. day afternoon tor Lot Angeles, dawdled around 51 and S2 feet Koch, Hooper, and O'Brien. around play is catching much of nrday.; Calif,, where they will meet fexM earlier in the season, partly haml the attentions of overseers Slue The two relays to be run shouldA*M and the University ef South> P«Fad by a Imrt Imt. but hitJtb be thrillers. Texas seems to be ern California in a tri-meet Priday ^ r •tride last Saturday against Stan« -\ TUESDAY RESULTS a safe bet in the 440 exchange, U# Yocfer it Arkansas' night . '" \ ford with a flip of 86-«4; Hooper f— NATIONAL LEAGUE but Southern Cal has run a 41.5 , • The events will be Wd in tlte and O'Brien met three timet last N«w Olympic THreat N# York 4, Philadelphia L this year, and a faulty pasa by the famous Lor Angelea Colitewn, year, the Trojan coming ont ahead FAYETEBVILLI!, Arkl, April Ciitflnnati 2, St. Louis1. Longhorns could prove fataL scene of the.1982 Oiympict. twice,,:;'v \ 22.—(AP)—A curly-haired Penn-Brooklyn 2-8, Boston 1-1. USC, long the scourge of the Texas AAM has posted times sylvaniah who came to the Uni­ Chicago 13, Pittsburgh 2. Bob Van Doren of USC has"im­ of 8:18.5 and 8:14.9 in the mile nation's track powers, will have versity of Arkansss touted as a AMERICAN LEAGUE some to keep proved considerably in the diet relay this year, while/the Trojans quarter-miler finds"1 himself MOTH PROTECTION to do scrambling bu|not enough to bother the big now Boston 10, Washington 6. ahead of the ambitious Aggies. ran a 8:17 Isst Saturday. a candidate^ for the US Olympic urn onm-mm Chicago 2, Detroit0. >ya^Heojp^ :and 0'Bri«iu How« New York8,Phil«delphia l.~ Texas-is doomed to third place, •^fr^Van Doren will probably fin* Making tiie teip for Texas will teamr-a« a hnrdler. • • Jtel.iawSk»LdBi»afeLJIm: Btww»>' but strength in the dashes mid J^eeYoder,.:^ .first St Louis 8, Cleveland 8. hurdlW will knobk ont some of ith ahead of 0an Pratt; -At#'* hill, Otis Budd, Jim Carlton, Joe competitive 400-meter hurdle at number-two strongboy. Texas is Draff, Ailments Alftr the Californians from pointa—-to not entered in the shot-put . . Carson, Robert Carson, Bob Eshen-i the Kansas Relays last week. He burg, Carl Oustafson, Morris John- Ms« iter (MasIs Mfcy Is the advantage of their rivals from not only won but set a meet re­ A f t M , ; i T p ? Southern Cal haa the discuf son, Allen |[illam, Don Klein, Carl cord of 52.5 seconds. ~ National Sport Sctnts sewed np tight in the etoong right Mayes*and Phil Ransopher. Ba—i on tkt AmoctattA Prut ' '-'.'V . " ^ tJterow Hooper, the Cadeta* Under . the tutelage of Arkan­ Unele Sam, a trade, and sick, iong-reigning king nf the weights, arms et Sim In ^ 4 J&s ,i -jtv ^ ^ to thwart his bid. Tuesday it was West Texa%-New Mexico League *The difl^rence between "just smoking" and­ 'You can doaomettiing fordefanae. too opens a new season Wednesday personable Ray Palmer, 89| shoe machine salesman from Wyan. really enjoying your smoke is the taate of a —aomething eaay.You oanbuyUnited with President Ray Wilder fore> a i# dotte, Mich., who threw the light* casting an attendance record of cigarette. You can taste the difference in the ­ 6tat*i DefenMBondbtoba^uptnea ning bolt He made the last, two 700,000. The League prexy will smoother, mellower, more enjoyable taste of • like these,who ue lra^ag Amedoa's aee two oephing games, going^ td holes with par golf after Chap­ man, five dowA* tiirough aeven Lucky ...for two important reasons. First; anned forcea atrong. For by buying Lamesa for the Lamesa>Albuquer- mKtffi fj! " * > que game at 8 p.m. and then to holes, had'staged acstirringeome- kS./MP.T.—Lucky Strike means fine tobacco bonde, yon contribute to the mainte*; back to take the lead en the 16th IT Abilene for the Abilene'Amarillo ...fine, mild tobacco that tastes better.Second^ hole. . nance of your com$pf+ game at night. Other opening ^J*• McHale, a Philadelphia^ had Luckies aremade to tastebetter...proved best* atrength—aa the men and women in games are Clbvis at Lubbock and an­ & Borger at Painpa. » -his 86th birthday spoiled by made of all five principal brands. So reach for a :the armed forceeare nrwintjiining Ber militaryatrexigtfau other . rPhUadelphiaii,i ^William Lucky. Enjoy the cigarette that testes better! Yaalu' Brow* to T*k« Exam • Hyndm/m HL an insar%nee: brok­ •ee> America(r8economicatabilitydependa on your N|W YORK, April 22>—(ff>— er. McHale; an aecomplislied per­ Be Happy—Go Lucky! Buy a carton today! v KSSf •' Inflelder Bobby Brown of the New former, had difficulty getting by financial independence. And by bonda and other'form# Yankees was ordered Tuesday to the first tw6 rounds for several LS/M.ET-luckyStrike " , eonal security. told he will be called to active ending Champion Hobart i ^ ^ . ,, . duty in July, should he pass the Manley of Savanah, Ga., turned i;&o sign up to buy United States Defense Bonds now; tests. Brown, who received psrt of back Stockton Rogers, Ponte Means fineTobacco his medical schdbl education at Verda Beach, Fla., 4 and 8. . ' jPuy them today and buy then) regularly. government expense, is a first Strana^b polished off .Kew •nm­ +"S lieutenant in the Army Medical Yorker Vincent-Fitzgerald, 6 and 'V &

I op vpaaM dwxat mm $ HOUSTON April W *-Y}f liSf fteuaa; t|i« nation?* leading play­er, wai forced intd three aatsW.1 , day before defeating Sammy " * Giammalva the National Junior ' Indoor Champion, 5-7, 6-1, t4,' ,. in the Hirer Oaks Country Club ^ Tennia Tournament. * I Every one of the Dght'llitlid-players advanced ai Mcond-seed­, fd Richard Savitt followed the top-seeded Seixat victory viUt "» neiaxnan. . „ ^> -. Billy Talbert defeated Sidney Jfarks of Fort Worth, 6-1, 6-2; Gardner MuQoy defeated Hoffis ~' Young, ®-R, 6-2; Art Lareen do* felted D. Ligon, 6-1, 6-1; Herbie fe Flamdefeated Howard Startftasan, 6-3, 6-2; Charley Hare defeated Leon Labimte of Baytown, 6-1, 64, .And Tony Vincent of Now York City defeated'Karl Kamrath Jr., 6-1, 6-1. 1 Borg«r't Carter to Play in Juvm North-South Tilt _ BOKGER, April 2J (/P)—Mack f the*®W the ftontfawtfat CdfrJjJ -Midway through the l951 aea­ sob, however, Ehrler came up with ^^fplytfchirtl H fSft a sore pitehihg arm, leaving a big • y«th, wtwo* letterad in to*. ~1**W to ho filled, Wh«n%T«»a *all, baaeball, and baaketbalL it &e road for a crucial two* Teammatee were Ben Tompkia*. ^aeriea : ^thi^ayldrj th^ future Steer football and baseball motittd problem wA;«eut», Tha Ptar» «ridv Enobby Gravea/TCl?'s pltft thiokeaid wTien tiie Beue took th« flcst ftme, handing the 'ai" " Longhorns their first Conference 1^ Basketball waa LutherV best •port, and he was chosen to piny 'thC^focoa^^aih for the north in tbe annual high would hita bean disastrous to r fchoolall-star gameinthe summer 6#|t >thill|l : of 1948. Coach of the opposing looked dark indeed when starter Jimmy Hand Waa pulled from the -w«th team waa Jack Gray, Long, horn basketball mentor at the game after throwing a homo-pitch.Palk waved Scarborough in from time. . After Scarborough con* too bullpen, and Luther turned in ferred with Gray and Bibb Falk, ft danling Banning performance, he cast his lot-with the Orange allowing no hits, no runs, and and Whiter ,\t striking out flve aa TekSS Won The 1949 Shorthorn cage team v ' won aeven out of ten gauges, and high scorer for the season was Scarborough continued to come Scarborough, who notched1 20 through in fine style the rest of pointa agains the SchreinerMoun­ the year, and he carried UT'ji taineers. He joined the Yearling hopes on his shoulders at th* start baseball team that •pring.-and was of the current aafta^l^^lhi^ii' •standout among the pitchers. gone the. route on e&h 1951! start, Hard luck hit the. Cowtown lad and the only loss ft^iinst him was .durtag hi* flat wslty basketball iwiliisaiiliailiiai tfc AAM in a w«ird 18-8 affair. ^ won V starting Luthir doesn't try to "j-are back berth* but suffered sin injury that and fog 'eni past" opposing bats- kept nun out of action for most m«n, but relies on his control an< of the remaining^ games. Playing knowledge of the hitters to get against Texts Wesleyan College, by. He doMn't have the biasing Luther broke a rib which in turn speed that was Jim Ehrler'a, nor punctured ft lung.• '/•' as much "stuff'.' as Charley Gorin, t Ha recovered in tim« to start but hie eoiitrol is better than baseball workouts, but such wor­ either of these two had. Scarbor­ thies as Murray Wall* Charley ough's best pitch is .his curve, which he can place well. He is find of breaking off a hook which slidea away from a left handed batter, and he's fooled a number of portsiders with it ^ The lenior ice iayif Yale Laryand Larry Isbell are the toughesthitters he has faced in the Con-MILWAUKEE* April 1ft (ff)-ference. "They just don't seem Clyda Lovellette, Kansas All-to hava any Weakness," he grins. Amerean, turned down a $80,000 offer from the Milwaukee Hawks all through high school and college,of the NationalBaiketbali Asaoci-and still haven't found a pitch he ation to play with the Phillips ean't hit." Oilers, Hawk manager B«n Kerner Scarborough is a BBA major, asaid Tuesday. member of the Army ROTO unit, Levellette saild Monday night and belongs to the Cowboys. He he had d4dded " to forego pro«< plana: to play semi-pro baseball fessional4VNIVUW baaketballuhmvusu loto takeiiK9 an jOu this summer, and return .to school %UIB »^iu/iiW| una rcwrn jto I with the Phillips Petroleum Com-»»*t fall to\get his degree, nany and play witt» itateam in the 1 1—' -' . -. . National Industrial Basketball. JBxaa Sehedale Ovt Sunday . .. .s'f »»«» iw« «»m ecneauje i S?K^5!!!kS^ t"* Amateur Athletic Union.-• |printed in Sunday's Texan. fred SiS$^^mir«ofth«itjutiiiftpardiMtts basebaU?iub, jrisnd.fuy •bftrgpi iof «vMing income" tftxei «rom 1946through194ft -' V ' Saigh, was indited fite penalty upon conyiction of five years in pmoft and a $10,000 l!ne; One of the counts named Saigh*nd the*St^;L)»uia National l " VOTE FOR, WW. W$"l • * tei! -c'„ 1 t-'m i 'W-i' f" 4® xw ­^r: - The Qualified Candidal )r* >5 •Jssrs ritei-V'I ^ ^ , J >>l u ' t 'fi§! rrf ^ k For Texan Editor " . £ have the followingstatement:; We, tha following members ff lhrary* V of tha Texan stair, support rience •* 2SLSS&W eratudeiita to vote for him • Book Editor \ *• Night Amusements Editor' C(' Rux InUi,WfoWn.CM.tf • r"tar» «"« WltarW Pr»d Byers, H^naging Editor* ^ J 'Jo Ann Diekerson, News Editor Batty Segal, Sooiety E^ito? ^ # Bemde Knaus. Staff Fhoto* • ®*«he,L0/£f Jownslisig,'»1? ^ — 5 . -nwmm-——r* ^ Jlo Cox, Day Editor, and fojv > • Twan «nd Ranger Wfitjn# — wker candidate -t-, -h-• Award# . , ­ X .. _ . Texan Servf<>a-KayMmg)i^ florothy CampbeU, Day Editor T eat ServictJBoiior W Bobby Nawlia, Night-Editor' <0t ^ J« L. (AM, Exchi^ Editor • Montgomery, Texan*Sports • Hillel Key—-Highest Serviee Honor ^ W- Hv i t ** ^^ *"4 -i V) %% « PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT BY KEN GOMPERTZ -r^-r I . 'LI .. i LI i !l ^ tf. ftlrF ^f \*#ft A %4S4-%V«-Jfs# Pan American's new Clipper* Tourist service/ •vv *<. •?*. x KffectiveMey 1 x,^ Cr«M N«w Yatft h Iralond ........$241.00.T. .$433.80 London ..$270.00.. ..$486.00 Pari* ..$290.00. ...$$22.00 Crankfurt...,...$313.10... .$$63.60 •«. .... t y > FOR NEW AND UNUSUAL SWIM WEAR fc < to * S ^ •-..••rrr.-,". •mmsmsm mmmom-v. 'Latch on to these low Uresl" 1 •Youll tip across on The Rjdnbow In brand-new-Douglas -?•« Super-6 dippers.Jour depmbbU mpim whip up lOfiOO ^ borw to gtt you tbert # 5 mites m minutet These 5uper-6 ^PI*B «?• pressurized, airnjf,i « ^ * :—• WJf •'«. WORLD'S MOST EXPERIENCED AIRLINE R I _»y5x v v H 7" ' (RtatnttHNf ^ A" { X.­ (l i mTtT ',"1! t CABANA SET, near rl^H has Si^« hand-printed cotton. Brilliant Tapa !S«B mmi' :.;ii shells form a handsome and colorful design, on combinations, of navy, or » ... W-'-•' brown. Boxar short has built-in sup* " M port. Shirt, $6.98, Swim Short, $4.95, • V " V ' * ' * s SATIN LASTEX BRIEFS, far right, X' j-'r-' hava cut-out ladder design at the sides, built-in support. In black or J1 ^ " "«v- white. •. -~ c"--, T" $4.95. x J K ­ NYLON BOXfR SHORT, above, of •K4J> ?SI 100% DuPont nylon, |ong-vyearing, mssmsm. 2iWs®/3e^!!i Full floating inner* P>^ support, witK elastic, around legs.* Brown or marooiw? *.?f -v , > i 4i S»ii m fJv< „'-Ks\ *< > *•$ < , 7" t " M * v(. y i * + J j ' ™-IK-., A«1» *$¥£ -v »y«». r i X J" v y ^ r v ^ -^>4 / "<-r-i £ *4 y* i ^„V» \ ' " •, } *+ •• -i •-ATiT-v ' •J I-r i,XS-•teEm «i4' $:% •< ..41/ , »—^'fs{F I pi « T^1 tlagil"||gi!^ __ : ijtvw man on overn m V&& pfi^ v» if*"1 » slim Iteld h „. -,, t-eB ,, -«.,+!«#„*$< A major example If, the Student As-j: ,slim partly from P*thy ,fa. ' sembly, the president's legislative11 ara «' high* alMutert «o«n.te, »r miss KfitSfm atruction, yet—up & jreetent*]r on , -, T,'A6p! National }'potf;; — -­thr* office, laager Aeepdate >ptor^-^^towjl retfulAtlii«r punk* afternoon—-th* presidential hop*-©f Student Opinion, drew an a*. ' wfcr~g»tr s fafi ^Wire~;6e«i. J&ffi•rmtirely |V« of "very few'' fiom aMMfc&Z: P pleasure from destroying signs are fafty, K t.u a# M.. one i. -student rfairs, these "laws" have to bet,. half of the 208 rtadents poUed the fact that haying live . «r«s worse than reported is jrss-atr<4: syatem-shottld be worked runoff, it seems safe to predict that run­ his 4. — for holding'office will be to influence the remaining major signs had been out of future campaigns. Perhaps TEAM WORK offs will be necessary. , all candidates faculty and administration. ruined. , with signs worth Got * nice toote from the E**-^ 7 protsttfc&ig could split op: th* job %; Putting aside the editors, who are not How well they Would influence, or how , He said "this wasn't the work •• Students Association concerning of stay high' school kids. Tbey of night watching, ^ since it ^ body-and-soul members of student gov* well their ideas would be followed, is 3%#* pears that camptts cope are d£*> Round-Up. ' > .' *•»"?* wouldn't wait around until 6:30 Signed by .alumni presid^Mt-' ^ ernment,what are you getting whep you something that can be partially answered iyrold Greenback*!—poor grades, non-a+h-in"'the morning." He added that he interested. jSWff-VS Robert Lee Bobbitt of San An-,. 7 thij- Assembly , ,.sgK elect a president and vice-presiderit of by their earne, • First of all, you do not get people who mances, and the general conduct of their and that he "sore would like to replaced without charging the "On behalf of the Ex-Students'. (SSI^ ^>. >. '. campaign#. ' know who tore the signs." amount against a candidate's Association, which sponsors. t^| .-> ;*W^iK govern, since students are'not sovereign/ " That vandalism, by the way, campaign expenses. The present Texas Round-Up, we want to--­ W'l You get, rather, people who are allowed Consider the candidates, then, not as knows no favorites* except that limit is so low that candidates are thank you for yoor fine contri. ~ only to recommend. This is the case for reformers but according to who would the larger and better-looking hard-pressed anyway; Rosenberg^ bution to the success of/the Tweln­ signs usually get a going over in for example, said late . yesterday ty-third annual event. Visiting^ v a pair of reasons: students are here for tend to do the best: /•_, % if? preference to smaller and more that he had 30 cfcnts left in his exes, together with thousands ot^.%"only a short time and don't always keep 1. To learn student interests and needs, medioere sigiis. : campaign fnnd and couldn't get an other friend/ of the University,*^ long-range University policy in mind so they can be diligently promoted. Meanwhile, Stan'a opponent, ' extra allotment from the Election were more than pleased .with thC®| Commission. ':- cordial reception they receive^^ and (2) University authorities are reluc­2. To become influential, with faculty Balph Person, has fared little bet­ Br MILDRED KLESEL Undoubtedly, these students would ter, having lost all but a handful From several standpoints, this from students and faculty^* ts decisions (and and administrators, who hold all the aces. Tiita* Editorial Aitittan1 have excelled^diK' any exam that' of his large signs; , is and has been a stinking situa­with ~ the . beautiful Round-Upg&f Pf With the fifth Selective Ser­was given to teat general college , In the race for Texan editor tion. Parade, the barbecue, the square^ vice Qualification Test scheduled ability. _ whieh -has two candidates,* sign CHEATING dance, the Honors Day progran for this Thurnday one of the same 3 The other side of the argument losses have been considerable for ^'There has beeii a lot of talk. the. Revue and Ball, the Te ¥0 ii 51,anks for csCoan Juncl, old questions is arising agaiii—• is that most education majors at* both. As in other races, there i» recently about college students Relays, and the sacred eoneert or does the test discriminate in favor . tend small state-supported teach­absolutely iio reason to believe cheating on tests and examina­Sunday afternoon. The whole af>#f fair was an outstanding exhibitions# , Our hearty thanks go, to the Inter-comfortable to the people seeking loans. of students in the technical fields? er colleges which do not have the either of the opponents had any­tions. In your opinion, how many Statistics show that approxi­high scholastic standards as do uni­thing to do with the damago. students, if any, make a practice of taaa work motivated by the*^f Fraternity Council for setting up a |500 The IFfc, noting the situation, com-mately two out of five students versities with a large currculum. The three-way presidential cam­of this at your school?" ^ ; common love and loyalty We alfi^ emergency loan fund. mendably decided to do something about who take the deferment test fail Not all education majors attend paign has had its share of de-That question, one of twelve bold for our Univer^ity of Texas."Qg 1 Before this recent action, students in to pass—the passing score is 70. teacher collegM,Jbu^ ^e'^ever>all ———— — : — w* it. Result: now there's an emergency loan In the past engineers, journalists, average of 'education students is immediate need of cash were out of luck. Faculty Round-up «K It wasn't that the University's loan ad­fund of $500 available in a hurry to any and premedical students have sur­hurt by studente who attend small* . passed education and business er schools. ministrators didn't want to help; on the bona fide UT student who demonstrates majors and it is likely that the^ Another reason for the low h 5- Dr. ; contrary, they cut red tape whenever the need. No security is asked, the inter­outcome tills time will be no dif­score of education is that the low ferent. pay does not attract the niijority &r*' " possible to help deserving students. est rate is low, and there is no limit on The tests have been cbnstructed of aggressive ! students. But this v_ But handling of loans, which involves the amount of an individual loan. It is to favor students in occupations . cannot be a valid reason because a tremendous turnover in any given year, obtainable at air hours through Dean W. which can make a direct contri-. journalism is not a high-paying bution to' national defense, said profession and journalists have haa always necessarily been an area D. Slunk, chairman of the Loan and Dr. Gordon V. Anderson, assistant, ranked high on all the tests. On where caution was essential. Character Scholarship Information Committee. director of the Testing and Guid­the other hand, business majors on "Engineering as Dr. Dan StanUtawaki, professor last week W. T. Guy Jr., instructor in ai checkups and other unavoidable delays rendering important public ance Bureau. It is believed that; make good money but rank low :fc. For an of geography, has been named to Profession." plied mathematics and astronoi sometimes have proved extremely jun-service. IFC, thanks again. by staying in school these stu­on test scores. He told 'Tractional Integration^-and^l dents-will get technical knowledge When all the cards are laid on a Guggenheim fellowship for the the students that engi­ ferentiation;" J, M. Hurt, jnstruc-^ ai>') that, will benefit the country no­the table the real reason seems to coming yeaiy the Guggenheim neering has become an extremely tor in applied mathematics ani^ hUlghboring N»w« ticeably iii the long run. be the competition involved. The important field, since life today Foundation announced from New aetrohomy, ^ of the"^ is becoming more dependent upon "Math problems definitely favor exams are devised to test a per-, J Mean Vain* Theorem in the Dif-Kosdar. April Jt, in B. HaU 117. /• that havf a high scholastic rating. need for stronger ones. -Mr. Sharpe contetids that ". polaUBaata for tba abor« tBtarrlawa. oa campus wheels recently v 1 P«raon» latereated hi aekedalinK' JO« Q. FABRAB. Dfaraatav advertising is a lot like the plumb­ •ppoietincat for ail iiiterTiew ahonld eon-^ and came up with the follow­ . , . . atodantgBroloylftBnraan Student Borjpa^ TiIE«DA@TEXAN ing results: ing business. You . cSri't just tink­taeV the Emplorment * B. Ban 117. Doily Texan Crossword Puzzle er with it. You have to install Ad­Th* Fratamity Hoaa* Haaarcra Aa»»-JOE D. FABRAB, Diirae: 1. There are three classes etatlon and Studant'a Co-Operative A*»o­ vertising in your business on M-> eiation will meet at the. Delta Vpaiioa > Student Emplorracnt Borei TIM Daily Msu. • ttedeat mwipivw of rbe OaJTerilty of Taxaa, la of wheels1 big wheeli that re-ACROM SI. Expression 11. Shoreline >ooaa April SO'at T :t0 p^a. Monday aad Saturday,_Saptamb«> , volve rajpidly of sorrow ' / permanent basis, if you want it to. 8tnd«nrta who ha*;e not A rail 13. Half ems been reyia l«.F»«iaepig'-* 4amfe th* ioiibii M««ioai aue the Utl« of Th» Saamn T«**b «m "power;Tittle wheels who turn 8. Digging tool SJ. Giaeema^ TaMdky and Friday by T«xu Stnlmt Pafalleation«, tBe. because of an occasional con­,9. .Thin tin 19. Open / 1 are entitled to a remand of a portion 'ofyi oday's The FBI will hoId |st«r*iewa Monday. the Revistratlon ana Tuition Fee. If au^b '' : Mew* eoatHbatww will b« U)«Wm or at tb« tact with a big wheel; and -plate DOWN-(poet> ^Fraak W. McBm Jr., engineer April 2f, in Xjtw B.uQdinc ». Candidatea individual* will^Ieave^their Bnramr'* r*» *. •dtterill oRie* J.&. 1 at at tit N«w* Laboratory. J.B. 102. Inqutrlaa i iwiinln <«Urei ana «dv«rtif|ng ihoald ba mad* la J.B. 108 (S-347S). cogs who spin only when in " 10. Measure . 1. Reel v 11. Decay Answar 1» , for the -University Defense Re­muat be betweenxthe aaea of 25-40, in ^eeipta at tbe ReKi>traf*a Offee pronptift. ^ Opinion* of, fh* Taxao ar* oot aacaaaarfly 'boa* of th* AdralDlatratloa ofland ' 2. Rowing, 22. A aet-to in tits search Laboratory, was one of cood phyaieal condition, and hold a de­we can cheek the reeorda and arrange for-'. ar otb«r nalvaraity oSieiala „ J. ... contact with a wheel. « 11. Unit of gem implement 24. Seise cree. Startinc aaiary la. 11,000 • year. refanda within ten dara after.the'receipta . < lotind'ii Nmd^tui tnattar Ootobar is. 1B41 at tba Poat offa* at Classifisd three Austin • engineers who spoke 'are left. •• ' t-. ; • ­ ' i4n»tln. Ta»a.,-B»«lar 'b* Aet of Mafeb I. i»T». . ' / 2. How to Tecognize the weight,.;, S. Narrow ,-27. Apex to Lampasas High School seniors Oallaa Bi('Brotbcra^ ine^ 'WUI iater-> ' , » •, MAX FlCHTENBAU*4 •SI-wheels: wheels stay in, the 12. Depart xinreta, •lew Wedneaifar in B. Hall 1MJ Jo^a AsaociaU Beziatrar ' J . x Ads -z associated press wire 4e*vice . ., same wheelhouse as much as 14. King of (geol. )' The tiiwIHat fwat «a «Mlnal*air antlUad u> ttm aaa tor rapabllcatton at /ali dlapatibaa eraditad to It or oat otharwf** eradltad la tbia navih possible; wheels^ often hold Bashan • 4, A funny twaiiana aadid UHlMeai MM al« ipoanoaoaitpootanaoa* orisiaarvta pnbliahad haraia , Ricbta W high offices in campus organ­(Bib.) .Asterisks THE DAILY ^ PRODUCE QUICK immm sm action • pabUaitioa of aO othar mattar banria alao raaar*ad TEXAIf RESULTS 15. Little girl 8. Chum 38.Careea - CLASSIFIED ADS izations; (and they frequently 43. Araka Bapiaaantad let JtattoMi Aevarttetaa by NatloaaJ AdvarUittia make high grades. -17. Denary ^ 8. Frozen 88. Juice of 49. Outcast Servtaft tM« CoOasa Pnbliabar* Bapraaaatatlra 18. Peat. . wate^ plants class (II Madiaan" CblaataAta. . — Boatoe — Loa Aacaiaa — Sea VMnaiaeaNan Yark, N.T. 3. Various'ways to get ac-. SO;, Supporting :T.PS! 88. Any climbs ^ (Jap.) 1 Apartment Ipr R«mf W. '•Y --' ' s . . -quainted with the wheels: one atone* ' ingvine 4 Typing ° 48. Property * IN SPAMirat TO QUIET COUPIJ5 w ladiea. Nfee font COACHING r ' , c / mr> / ' x of the best 4s to purphase a ^ g your opportunity, you can (Irish) pltal. Call l|^Jijaaaey>;:S4»ST4:: ' •-' Speaal SmrvicMi IS s-ssee ~ s-isn. .. -• vAaaedaM CaOatteto l*raaa ' lend your car to a big wheel; 15. Court ?h«M MUi ..V;' y-K;.. exeeptioaa. telepboae S-ilSt. EXPi THESES, ete II .1 ill /l.Wl ill •Ity lira. PERMANENT STAFF by speaking to him while fie hide of HIGHXST PRICES PAID for Sad haad " II, Ml I. S-4S4S.. ;/ Editor-RUSS KERSTEN is in the presence of Other — young eteer~ w ' aaea'* elothinv. Kbakl panta. ihirts, Houses for Rsnt 'Maaagiag Editer BRAD BYERS 1 ."i^ahoea, " and .'.boota. Alao faraitare and TTPW' wheels. M; The thing >miaeellaaeoaa artielea. 6-S0I4. •taiTalephofte CLOSE TO UNIVERSITY. S nom-kotM. Editorial AaaistaQt ~ _ Mildred ^Klesel: ' 5: The worjit excuse yoa mentioned Koaedale erieaead. 741IL class."-suppoHing . . rSnSdS. Half block hn«. 1SSS NewSald Amusements Editor Kenneth ompertz 7-22*9-™ W»H OSDBM. SS4 EL 10th SU FhoM^ b Goa timber 6. Imitate big wheels faith* M1T2. Sp«rtp Editor ^2 A1 Ward 39. Miscellany , w t Orland Sims fully. Be especially carefnl 40. City in Lo0 and Found XOTNG ^DONB ip *, h: measure ja^sssaEaagp*' »•¥ Night-ikiitor^'%..^-^..... ^ BOBBY NEWLIN will foe yours as you revolve '? 44. Apace-1 •ni> OEiufi *taa«L .Call aarUme. Z-«ag7. Marianne Morris rapidly under your own BLONDE. MALE CQCKER SPANIEL TYPE your theaea, maaoaeript^" eta. .^Assistent Ni^it Editor s—*. maker m ' • u*Tl&ii 81 I1T Mra. Oatea. S-SS40. •^ht Reporters .... Robert Kenny power, with _ cog* and i-little , 10 month*. Ainrii «, lilt ana 03U! Yktaity W. 24th A Rio Grande.-.,- B332H •9^ *v,Night SpOrta Editor .'.S..; ... Bob Halford note (anc) ruuiii noliv -wbeel- REWARD HH0K /^»tanU.^;..,v..^^ Joe Mosby, Al Jim Montgomery Be remember >~S0. Moon yesa'd that there is more to 8«m Blair tioatitan hook'learning^; =. ~ ' l , SU-frgiff ,•&>*• I. "~~*flT-n"j"iT^~ 7§&0?,\ ""m. —r & ^;',jj^u i^u.^iuiji.,.,..u ih.^J.1^^ ,J. , JJ *J «• ,%*• *U|-' 'f'.H JW.UU,»t.'J,U-U iifi§ip mm ^0Si0S^M 8 f^ff *» a*#t aii ol"House clvises' tm ., mm „,,'|| , _ _J 2}' " •, »ir«Hn> «f wtafe ^ >'• JMliU -r-hookwdrtn are the trne •"^.-^-•-:^TT-'.TT'?-;,rTCl.:-'.-.r'!^^. •HiqmfU kM» a ,J£ for sluggishness-Dean ttoof ' • r'^TflO * ed out. »1§# -vr , ^ ;— false thought peo-April $0 instead of April 24 ay -f.& Woolrich, deaa of man w i *W» ..M»; fcfip 4to#»»ijl tor pie have,concerning dithate And |oc*TC< »r*vlettal)r ..Jfte jneetfng aa handwi aoaring and director of the Bureau weather Is the idea only tllclefe ^111 be at football gameebatween Xcrtharn dark*. Delte>0||>^o'h bciuse, of iBgliiMdiif Biwttei, advised • —:— — — —— ,—v —*. poeta will present,some of (heir wm and ftoaffcaat college teams In rianned people can acclimatethem-work at &,,te* to be given bfte tiheir / methoda di•stagsimple house coolingmethods vfctel^fcft Southoraboyihold their selves Stumpf—""SWdios,*• --foiriarir^ifeaieiwi and cited court to hot climates. This has'"' — at i&« mast Mld-8outhw«>t Con* omt In h<& or cold weather." been decisively disproved bythe Wednesday with fi ciitoni bimVH| v,. 501 West 80th f«r tit* 'jst" font* m Tropical Bstnii^ and the The second fallacy la that high fact that SO million white people V triener roaet --Bfesulte ot |ie4etee|pic t^tta ",ai •ft ioik^idriaitBafidingin the Textt Union. temperature and humidity cause live under semi-tsopical conditions and, awimmitfg tiie Texas Departuaent ^ef-Public Legion Auxiliary it ; Mas? people cannot afford me-peopleto be sluggish and laiy. !n the southern United States/' he Safety have proved 99.26 per cent Alba tinlt'k _ Three University faculty mem­ dwriflhodint devices, eontinu4d Tropical Amm audi u malaria. stated. , ' . ,J& ..*? jruia«* W!$s> correct, said Glin McLaughlin, banquet and d»nce bers ^ tiia Dean, and It Ir adviaablofor Entertainment wiU be iurnisied chief of t(e identification divtsli May 3 atOld Seville. ndmeb and engineer* to «o< music composition; Clifton Wil­by Tonkawa Dancers of the Lodge sion, % .a lecture to Omega Chi Alonso 8. Perales, San:{-The I operate in providing the eooiiit of tta Order of the Arrow. Joe Epsllon, honorary chemical «$gk attorney ahd eiric leaden wiil bi kwi posaible lor the people of liams, -infractor in tlhidry aii. neerinsr nacietv' .. it., neering society. WamJ honored as AHS Dido,Aeneas' composition^ Joseph Cistle, T^olin Gault, en Austin High* School stul 1 the Latin Am«riean southwestern, western, and aoutb- dent, will lead the war iance, th«L Results have bfeen used 'in vety'' of the Yeir in Texas. instructor, aqd Joseph Blankett' UnHed States. Contractor* whip dance-. the Sioux esgle, the few court cases, but the detector The club will wxSognise Perales' think only of keeping a how* ship, insti^ictor in obos;' ^ deer^ and the Cheyenne buffalo 'toftyM' lh.w d,->a»< mucin, and forget an equally im­ • Others whb wiQ be presenl iti' hunt diaces. OpensTonightat 8 portant' job—keeping the;bona* Uude Mrs. Louis Reutbr, com> cool. possr of songsi musie. and poetry; those who toeed transportation "Dido and Aeneas," an opera is so wide that it in hard to be­ eliould be at the YMCA at 4 jlS /, "Ther#1re three falades exist­ Mrs, E, J. Humeston Jr., pianist; Art Students Prepare popular ~ since 1990, will bo per-lieve that the opera is so short. *t 6 tifm. ^ „ v „. ^ • tT 1« ing in man's thoughts concerning fmmrf Wa^TI—•« m dances.ui There are and Tatfor, the la^regutir'meeting of the Foral Groups in the Austin Hi^t four ajid mu^h movement Ticket* n» Clifton Williams' eoi^posltion, Assoelatloa will » t * fcs The listening hour of "Sjadio's School AudHoriom at 8 p.vur t-"Trilogy from the Song of Solcw be held Wednesday at 7 p.m. in , The'Art Students Association should be bought from thei Dranatie Best" will present Students University's Old Ubnury Building 107.^'!£•! tion office or tpom, The opera by Henry PurceU; mon," will be sung by Mrs, Martha af the Ui^vwrritr' bf T«xai''it^fM. served l$r artists from all over George Bernard Shaw'i *Man of Department of Drama who are on irho ia considered as one of Eng-( . — -Ann Martin, accompanied by Mrs. * The speaker will be Miss^&elen operating the fullest the state, end they will also-be in to extent Destiny/' Thursday ]* Texts Un­land's greatest composers, has At technical staff are Valgene ,.*Mwi«tant dean of women. charge of placing the proper Lee Holmes. Both of these num* ion 315-816 at 4 p.m. been adapted for high school «tu *t*g« director; John *>«r» won will next with Texas Fine Arts Association .Areamera rows of «wt plaee awards in She discuM plans f6r on the long -The Shaw production is the dents. The words or libretto were Dent, production -manager; Alton in preparations for the 2nd An­^bi tbow|«itb« the Texas Composer's Guild com* year in house counseling, the sum-seata in the Coliseum to separate seventh in a series of radio'*finest written by Nahum Tate, poet Radd,, choreograplierj Jimmie position contest. -, mw contact work, and the im-nual State-wide. Arts and Crafts the spaces. broadcasts collected on recordings laureate of England.' ;; -^ Hauen, costumes; William Crav-Joseph Castle will play two ojf portance of house Counselor work Fair to be held at the City Coli­' A group of the members of the mrrnan «hvd^^ ­by the Radio Guild and the Music "Dida and Aeneas**' is by far er, technical director; and Jane his violin solos, "Prelude and in jthe first few weeks of the fall. seum on Saturday 4nd, Sunday, Art Students Association will be the program. * -* ' ' April 26 and 27. „ , ICembem of tbe Committee of the Texas Union. the earliest opera found anywhere Cochran, niake-up. Scherso" and "Reverie." Officers will «lso~be elected for • , in charge of hanging the "clothes «Mit A««oetatioa ^eet ai ill tihe world yet its drama is in a Mrs. Beulah Lyon of the speech next year.??"^ -^ i~,< Mrs. M. L. Begeman,.General line shck for their work jJroiect*.' qualities have kept it alive prise-*lQnintf poems written by sor, wishes *o take this opportun­nounced that the members of the BIG 'A Place in the Sun' important i>art in the Fair. Offi­, "Meaningful ChurclT Mem1 through the years. - members: of the Austin chapter ity to express her'thanks to the Art Students Association -will cers of the Art Student* Associa­ship" will be the subject of _ house chairmen for their co-opera- have their Annual Juried Exhibit The opera stresses the chorus of the Poetry Society of Texas. tion are: Dick Lithgow,vPresident; regular supper meeting Sunday u. „ JOHNBURGER and allows it to be ati essential . Two of Mrs.. Warren's selec­tion this year. at the Coliseum for the Arte-and » j • .••• Chwlesa "Wolfe, * Vice-President 8 p.m. with "Pop** Heinmann •*¥ part of the whole opera. There For Co-Wed Styles tions, "The Se» Gypsy" and "Wyn-_,k , / * Crafts Fair, and will display point­y »« With French Frwi are fourteen choruses in all; in­Co-Wed Inn, abloom with sun­ken Blynken and Nod" will be _ The Laredo Club will have a ings, ceramics, .. sculpture ;and Treasurer. double decker hamburger cluding the echo chorus, the rol­flowers and ablaze with sunshine, presented. business meeting Wednesday s at graphic .arts! This show has been ' -The Arte^ttA-di^ f«r%tt. Mem^irii of the licking .sailors' choruy, and the will be the setting for Co-Wed 7' p.m. at« the lawman Club an selected.^ early thin year in' order be officially opened by Mayor W« wil meet Wednesday at 7:45 i (on* Is a meal) nex. ­ famous "With Droofing Wings." Club's show 'of summer -fashions tbat it might be shown «t the Fair, S; Drake Jr. at.10:Q0 a.m. on Sat> In the Inteniationil Room of Although it lait about an houi1, Saturday at the Austin Country Refreshments will be served*., and it will be seen for the first Architects Plan . r 3 urday, and Mr. Walter E. Long, Texas Union. , --­ 'ftr T —n,* * 40c t|)e opera is vital «nd realistic and Club. time on Saturday when the Fair President, will be blaster of Cere Norris Hiettj aseocMe The Fraternity Host* Manager* opens. •ends with a feeling of-complete A giant circle of gold foil will Colorful Time moniM for the opening, -v • the Dbrblofe 'of ^enieti| livibf'i form the" six-foot sun, with an jAfsoeiatioa and Student*' Co. The students have made for the speck on fulfillment. The emotional range •iwrativa will meet Mrs. William Gambrtll is Chair-"Adult Education." Aesoeiation »n •• Vj.itaTif ntep.n^ii'^ ^ i.i if rn.ji ilii liftijl 7opening through which the models Arts and Crafts Fair 180 signs to •i: French Fri$ •A luncheon plate will be server Drive Nets 2500 Pounds was then assigned as Personnel at 1:30., and the style show will Wind-Up, which is entertain­ 85c Officer, Navigation 'Training begin at 2 p.m. Games of bridge ment for architecture studerits Boosted by a 600-pound dona Chi Phi members will pick up ^7VMIy m tain members of the faculty andu Wing, Ellington Air Force Base, alid canasta will be pliyed after and a reunion for exes of the tion, the; "Clothing for Korea" •nvnna trieliA. i^ ^ *? clothes anyone wishes to donate. where she is presently stetioned drive sponsored by Chi Phi fra­their wives and husbands at .. the show. _ . Architecture School, is. spon- The fraternity phone number is PIES HOMS BAKED Clothes for the fashion program sored by the student branch of ternity netted 2,600 pounds of 8-1608. ~ dessert party Thursday from 7 to A' itnaiafikg'^*e«ni4 -fee-• will' be from Chenard's with shoes the American Institute.Of Ar­clothing, > • and sung the whole time and the lifeguard applicant* wfll be ReereatiM GREG ,ducted by *h« City Reeww BEVERAGES; from Leon's and millinery from chitects. Four representatives ; Fraternity members are await­A trophy cup honoring two la'te 8:16 p.m. Songs will be playet Oipwtmat and:.the AtaedcaaBeta's. Linda Lee, commentator from other Texas, schools of ar-ing the go-ahead signal from a members of Zeta Tnu Alpha so­chapter house will Red Cre«« at the' Grpgery for KVET will do t&e fashion nar . are invited; lieutenant in Korea before ship-to the be decorated Peel freoi chitecture rority has been presented GraiMiin ration;. : irith spring bouquets. ping the clothes to. him..Lt.~ Wal. • Proceeds from the bail-will active chspter by the alumnae JOHN'S IDEA DANCE Q Models for the show will fee ter Mengden, a Chi Phi now serv-:fr -" -*' weelr ef establish a atudeht ecliolarship group of that organization. student wives w^o are members of ing in Korea, wrote the chapter Phi Gainaa Delta WiU have a the Rod.Crow-.mmrw_ ­ We deliver within 2 Modes in the School of Architecture* The. cup, engrav&L with the 5 PRIVATE Co-Wed Club. ? house party at the Circle-R Ranch teg Coarse will he iatsgbl* Dir.that if they would send, clothesThe theme for the ball is names.of Mrs. Wallace Tobin and : 2607 $uad. ^fc. 77S52 DANCE Tickets are oh sale at Chenard's to him, he would distribute them< near Medina, Texas, April 26 and iif the «eeead week the Red "Color." Third and.fourth-year Fay Tobin, the two it honors, will 2«. •— . Cress Water Safety lutruc­ and ticket of was w n ^ LESSONS Leo>n's. -Tht price architecture classes art respon­The 600-pound gift re­be presented each May at the * tore Course will "be taught by 1® $1.60 includes the entire after­ Xr ' -• ' sible for decoration. From their ceived from an Austin man who founders day banquet to the ac-Mr. Harris Burton, Red Creis noon^ entertainment. Guests may Delta Ta« Delta will have its got the clothes when he bought field rJpreseatative. The elasa- NOW SHOWING SENSIBLY PRICED entries the faculty chose eight tive mwnber with the highest arrange foursomes for bridge or asecondhand clothing store, Ed­> annual spring house party at Lost ee meet scholastic 1standing. will emdi ai|kt hia ^ AT umiti canasta, as games will be played Plan*-Valley Resort Ranch in Bandera 7iiM p.m. to lfeOO pj*. • teMWl Hi, M4N ward Gatlin, chairman of the * • • . The Wind-up i Paramount — without table rotation. Committee drive, said Friday. Saturday and Sunday. Recreation ' The Maier life svriaf'eewree chose the entries of Craig Allen Zeta Tea Alpha will enter-will include swimming, horseback ie oym ta akjr persea, liiale er and Joel Sanders from these riding,, golf, .and tennis. Sixty female, It years ef ag* er eld­ i Visit Our eight and the combination of couples will attend. er. Th» watar-safety ia*trne%> these two plans will create the ore course Is opea to any par­ * se*, male ^ or,' female, It / yean SS? BOGART HEPBURN RAINBOW^ setting. : Alpha Phi' sorority wflj, enter* •f age er elder. ' Howard C. Parker Jr. is head tain Kappa Alpha fraternity with A of . the Wind-Up Committe. (Continued from. Page 1) platform advocating work toward All applicanty far iniiaer i ROOM a «loaed house Friday evening lifeguard er potitioiu swin- Other members, who,are chosen been torn down. Ten of eleven repeal of the No Smqking rule, he from 8 to 9 o'clock at the sorori­aiss instractar postUeas saast •I Sm«R T-Bon« ... $1.00 from different years in design, of his signs, he said, had been jWld that he "would do everything ty house, 2006 University." ^ enroll ia tide training eearse. are Jim Welsh, Arthur Dykes, destroyed. / . ' / that hasn't been done" toward re­Applicants also aire required ti Larga T-Bon« .......... $1.25 Daryle Hogertz, Bill Hoff and Both candidates were asked if peal, if, as he believed,;students make formal appHeatlea far 'a E. R. Gleason. H. Conrad Kroll, they believed the Athletic Coun­wanted repeal. summer jab at the City Re-instructor in archit^cure and Smoking stands in buildings FREE ENTERTAINMENT cil's share of. the Blanket Tax Ntwly DocorofMf creation Department, lecated ia the basameat of the eity M­ ^should increased. FRI.—SAT.—SUN. planning, is faculty advisor. be Both hope would go far toward protection of •: brary at 401 W. Mi Straat. fuls answered tnat^each year's ap­ A humorous skit will be giv­ buildings, he said,-which was the Tilt Mencan Food • Nogro Combo propriations were a different en which will show, the extra--' object of the rule. " » situation, ahjd^ that , 4k&:30. p.m. . curriculair activities in which the question On the Clique method of nomi­wtfk Fast, Courteous Servieo v*u. could not be -answered in ad­ the students might participate nating officers, he said that it siriaf to 'renew their certifi. Prlvafe Partial by vance. cates may by da ae teachinf ACADEMY AWARD in attending the American In­was no different from other vest­ Reservation PHona 1-3984 Only one question was directed the senior's'.Ufa safiftg cours* stitute of Architects'-conducted ed interests, and that it nominates to; sin unopposed candidate. Row­ during the rtr*t .we«k of -tha "Nsf Actor of Yoar" tour of Newlifork for architec­its best-qualified candidates. ^WUdomohDA training period. Inatruetere land Wilson, Rang® editor, asked , Was nominafed fort SAN JACINTO INN ture students. Asked "how can he represent April 28th. Mr. C. S. Burger, .Why Bobby Jones, unopposed for 504 EAST AVE. . all students with his scant partici­ E. I Wli & San Jacinto ft .E S T 'A U R A N T S Walt Lehman's combo will should report at 6:30 an next year's editor, was not pres­ city aquatic director, "BEST PlCTlife' pation in student government," Phono 7-0253 . , will .be; play' for the .balL Tickets are ent, Jones, in the audience, .re­ Davis replied that he had partici­ in charge ef tha program. 1-1 $1.25 each. plied that he was there, and, to !4BEST ACTRESS" pated in as many activities on the another question, that he would campus-as • possible in order to continue the present policy of have a well-rounded background Writing reviews on Rangers for for student government. \ v "z USE THE TEXAN CLASSIFIEDS ' the'Texan. ; T«|^mnw MM* Rush Moody,/ Student Party ;OPirst question in the spirited C«I»I by TwhtlMbr nominee, said that he believed discussion on prekidential candi- m; "HXED Clique and Student Party goals "FtAMr OF DOORS OPEN 11(4B dates;, directed to independent'Ce­ and ideals "certainly are" differ- jmSOanrmP AYONITS" sare Galjif asked 'f hjjj, intended, ' Mwm 0*Hih ' Cim Cwm Student Party ballot'partly as a J*M ClmMbr Plea which he replied, "as a student result of his.election' to the stu­ rtma could die- representative, X not dent court by the-Clique. M!WIURI criminate agaitiist any organiza­ "Cavalry . All three candidates, when CEWETIEtWET AlWo Martfai Jr. tion., or individual." / > questioned, agreed that they MST SHOW 7:30 PJM. FIRST SHOW TiUtt TM Perry Davis, Clique candidate, would do "everything" poisible'/ bore the brant of the questioning, toward establishment of a foreignPressed to explain a plank-in liis student center, x . / ik\ RRST kAUSTIN SHOWING irs Open at SiSO p.m. in i« •VRvrK \$$J: Phoae 7-1—4 ,J|| mm tow AW veuiisv KATU ItiMftve MeyUt. WALTER P1DGEON wwm rup Ntw rotK ro " ETHEL BARRYMORE SHANNON Oa(r M33.SO yEATUWt STARTS AT 7 TM. SAYINO IONDON* Omfy 4S6.00 it . CIMARRON KID" AN AMERICAN^ 'iigfiE illllji; IF TOU ENROLL HOW ^AilS 922.00 , AwH* Marybjr fl PRANKP0ltT>0^563.60 PARIS ATARTH(|RMURRArS M ' *W»lw>»li4 wgminrB • Bjr Anri WlaSer 2 can learn for .the Va CM, Kelly ,„»"THE MAN WITH 'X —Al»»— price of l. Ypu also » Wk save , because you learp ^^A^aOAiP'iS&t Covorod WogonRaid 4«M»h Cettee lirteit Staewych a: -*«wlirtaae ; to becomie a good dancer quitkly. And you'll enjoy out speds) MONTOPOLiS YANK parties for students. Visit the studio todayf mm* rCATUl ARttNttMUR i J^r HAYUFT" !*<&• ratsrmoworjwr (CONVICT ».R* ,BM WOkM OmhTMMT Cleaa Ferd Giiodalupt I &JS iV A yV' » ; • , "ig. Wondol Coroy "mroTlMiivEsr PHONE | f.,t Si "THE WILO BLUE YONDER" • Tlet Kelt / *y sv^ SMSpiw s— Xiiflu £**It • wiucatioa than that "we certainly should be hard-hope of security,ln troth ourhope headed and realistieand basiaese- pends on our ability to develop in­ g?ijn Friday and* Saturday. The University chapter of Pfrf tod# ,4*** .aw** of survival aa" a free society, de-formed, intelligent, original •to*,.fm£Revolution r' Alpha Thita, national honorary yeiiraego, Chancellor Junes ?. in our handling pi^.pttb-minds." Shawnea, Trail, and Baylor history firaternity, ' wifl be In Hart told the National University He's money." , , f^He paid tribute to Dean Emeri­ "But over and over again/' he tus T. H. Shelby of tha University the turn of the century will be charg• « tlte pKOgfjMV^ yA & b # n r among Hie scenes,of thi past on ' * if.* t<§» ;;tfiet fltarttajr night to the ,T**m added, "the truth Is.brought home Extension Division who for thirty which membera of the Associatkm to na that accomplishment of the years guided the diviaion'e work ^ ffi* * j* t -J '*Sfc obviously this f«t past mind and tha spirit are vastly and gave it tha motto "The 8tate win spealc. -&e speeches * will " Jr.Historians « •iM?,in fit t Aldnff with be considered in connection with more important tb a n anything of Tsxasis Our Campus." be a luncheon and « dinn«r at-the ; Inflation and the tremendous that can be measured in tarns of • The National University Ex- Driakill and. * book auction of tendon Association will close its growth in our capacity to produce, both og, Friday* and To GetAwards Texajia, a­ ,r'M well as In connection with ««r ^ST^rt^d ^ thirty-seranth,^innual convention iv •>- £*SSM3 luncheon Saturday at the Austin .jgMsfc.increase in population and mar's statement that the educated Wednesday/at noon after install­ Hotel. " JUu expanding demands for ntw mind is the "only security that ation of new officers. Dallas as a rip-roaring xowtown , ./jervices and mora of the tradi­ and'Fort Worth m a frontier W3tional onm?oflMt" hahe added. outpost In the 1880's will figure The annual Junior Historian fl ...... Hart cited studies W* Chancellor in _ t}ie speech on the 'Shawnef meetlnga will ba held Saturday in the Council of State Govern- " _rj Trail given by Wayne Gird, edi­connection Nrith the Texas State^ ants showing that ability to aup­ -.*• P.V torial writer for the Dallas Morn HistoHcal Aaeoeia^dn convention higher education increased m. • ing Neirs, svlsteiost 500 per cent between 1931 scheduled for Friday and Satur Texas money will be discussed mm % 1950. Figures were btfftd on by Louis Lens of Houston,. with day with headquarters st the Uni-W^9; fi \ I "gross national product in* * illustrations of Spanish «nd Mexi­Twfwi|r« •. dex, as defined by tha K. 8. Bu Dr. Carlos E. Castaned*, pro* Migratory and child labor will can coins, "Red Backs" printed-in Dr. Harry H. Ransom, asristimt * J ©ssr T'ifrrj jz^sreaii of the Census.. m ^^ fessor of ^history and author of ba among tha chief topics. Speak­1839, hammered money, and other dean, of the Graduate School, will "At no time daring that eight-"Our Catholic Heritage inTexas," ers will include Neville Penrose, types .of currency. announce 1 fifteen at I.V een-year period did educational awards a will be among the speaker* who chairman of the Good Neighbor T. ° Herbert EUI|r, SMU Jprp-Saturday. The Junior Historians£-}and general expenditures of high- will address tha Catholic Confer­Commission; Ernesto Cailarza, fessor of German, will speak on will also have a program Saturday Miic ®<^y:r:adue*tionar^ institutions, in- wt ence of tha Spanish Speaking Peo­Fahn Labo/ tJnion; Thomas Suth­the rise and deeline. of publics morning in the Driskill, and will eluding extension .services,. con­ ple of Texai during its three-day erland, former'executive director, tion of German-American news­tour the city at 2 p.m. the sun-tan flattering straw stitute as much as 1 per ceint of ; Jf.C 1 i ' -* > , Realtor pointed out. -,* " ' • The conference is sponsored by ment of Labor, ind.the Rev«. John lication in 1914, when 260 of tiiem and noon programs of the Junior -4^ * -V "• f4-1 «* 4 ^ The 1932 figure represented — v the Bishop's. CommitteeJfor the Hayes, professor and editorialist, were being published. At the pre­Historians include Marilyn Bron--TH« smooth, rich foms of coconut straw toom to ?j\sseven-tenths of 1per cent of Incarnate Word College, 1 + Spanish Speaking People. It will sent only one, tiie Neu-Braunfel-son, Austin High School; Char­ f >"K ' f«g'gross,-. national product,-while the vice-president National ; -bring Catholic clergy and laymen of 'the ser Zeitung, ia operating. lotte. MeNulty, Allen West, presid­I960 figure represented only si*­ if -from all parte of One of ing officer Mrs. Sybil Jordan and 4bring out « sun tan and makt it glow. Light on the Southwest the two native signers % y-* i.' tenths of 1 per cent of the gross to participate in discussions of the Dr. Radford WillSpaak of the^-.Tew* Declaration of In-students,.decorations^all of Rob­ » ^ ' national product. affairs -and problems" of. the par­ C";f' "Clearly, America is today re- dependence, Jose Antonio Navar­ert E. Lee High -School, Bay tha brow and cool, thasa smart hats put a^ra sliaing a higher return on its in- ishes and missions in this area. On Taxation, Living Cost ro -of San AntoiUlo de Bexar, will town; Irene Waswas, Green De- Sessions Thursday and Friday will Dr. Emmeite S. Retford, pro­be the topic of Joseph D. Mat­Witt-Arneckeville School, Cuero;vestment in higher education than be general, and will be held at fessor of government, will speak lock, University graduate student Mary Moore, HighlSnd Park Hi&fa punch in your appaaranca. ffl&l^lt has at any previous time for the Commodore Perry HoteL on '"Taxation and Living Costs" from;Frdst. Dr. Raymond Estep, School, Dallas; Elkhardt Junior which accurate information is at the "Citizen's View of -'62" University of Texas graduate now Historians choral group; Frank^available," he declared, noting Thowday at g p.m. in the House at Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala., Gonzales, Jefferson High School,*-Mpvthat "although the expenditures of Representatives chamber of the will speak on Lorenzo de Zavala EI Paso; Joan Carlisle, Hen'der- H/C in dollars have gone uj* higher ft Barber, i State Capitol. Other political and of Yucatan, Mexico, who became son High School; Eddy Halamieek,r education today serves far more business figures will also speak. of-the newly High Bobby • M /.'.people in more ways and the total the vice-president McCamey School; V "pj*r,t The forum is sponsored by the formed Republic-of Texas. Wimberly and David Murray, ' expenditures today are leia,, In W " CouncilScholarship What school system, High San Austin League of Women Voters. the the Brackenridge School, fterms of our ability to pay, than m /they were twenty years ago."^!-1 Conpcil ' After these discussions, the campus, and the students were Antonio; Carl Mulcaby, Mary B , The Inter-Fraternity audience may *dd personal com­like at Baylor near the egd of Erskine Junior HI g h School, /-» r awarded two $100 scholarthipB w ments or questions the speakers the last century will be discussed Seguin; Ann Franklin, Uvalde this week* to William (Sonny) further. by Gi C. Jeffries of Winkler, in High' School. • Barber, arts and scieifces sppho­x1 Petroleum Tasks vj J* more, 'and Willard Alton Ruff,, ssii-t. fine nrta aenior. . , Any University student is eli­ -*>•.'J'. , Geology Talk Topic gible for these scholarships, and applications are considered: on the *P*obl+fttft in Petroltum Explot* h * ^ b"sis of need and scholarship. For Titfon'* la iha topie of John Emery * }K the twelve years -thia scholarship Adams' lecture to the meeting of ^citydon taiiorA i\L has been awarded, Barber is the ^the Fauit Findsrs Geological So­ second fraternity man to receive ciety Wednesday at 7:80 p.m. In S-— , Cat ^ the award. Barber is a member of m-— Geology Building 14. Beta Theta Pi, an honor student, *-2V Mr. Adams is one of the leadeta b-' x and a member of Phi Eta Sigma, y\ {n 1 solving tha complicated prob­ freshman honorary. The only oth­ lems of the Permian system in er fraternity man to receive theWest Texas. In 1939-40, ha head­scholarship was > "Pancho" Wdm- P IMA... the magic name in cotton ed the committee which establish" ack, the baseball player. ed the Standard Permian Section. ' The money for this scholarship-At present, he is a geologist is derived-from interest on bonds iF^I with Standsrd Oil Company of which the University holds in trust Texas, located at Midland. ' for the Interfraternity Council. . He attended the University of v loftra, where lie received his mas* ,ter's in geology, the University of Chicago, and the University of Social Work School Short Sleeve.. 4.95 ' Wisconsin, and in 1926-27 he was at the University,' j v Mr, Adams has held positions Seeks Accrediting ve ...5. with the Ronana Petroleum Cor­ poration, Texas AftM, Bureau of The Graduate School of Social sttm . Economic Geplogy at the Univer­ Work is being visite^this week by sity, California . Company, and JBL an accreditation review team fromStandard of Texas. the American Association of , i His professional affiliations in­of Work. , Schools Socialclude the American Geophysical • The School of Social Work, . Union; American Association iOf which is waiting to be accredited #<3 Petroleum Geologists, of which he ha* been in operation since 195CU . has'served as vice-president and 8fP,^ sp 1 It is directed by Miss Lora Lee • distinguished lecturer; Geological Pederson, professor of social w&rk. ' Society of America, Society of ; The review team, John Kid-Economic Paleontologists and neight, dean of the University ofMineralogists. Minnesota School of Social Work, * % V and Miss Barbara Judkins, assist­ Phianey !• New Tax Official ant professor of social work at the|R. L. Phinney, former Austin ,x Unrverity of California, wilt also postmaster and student of the visit field centers in Houston. mm Univeftity; has been appointed'as­ sistant collector of internal rev­entie for the South District of Fivit Students Tour Terfas. Mr. Phinney has served as Ft. Worth Ad Agtnciii segretary-treasurer of radio sta­ tion KVET, and during the wjir Five advertising students parti­J^a-jjecgnjLsrinual tour > / sixth piyision. sponsored lay the Fort Worth Ad­ vertising Club, , ^ h-r J?i~. RADIATOR AUSTIN Bonnie Crawford, A1 Lening­ton, Maurine Mitchell, Bill Stone, WELDING^ Alan Williams, and Alan Sco^tv as­ A RADIATOR sociate professor of journalism, > WORKS ?• ­ visited a television advertising pro­ eoo w. stk st. duction at WBAP-TV. Their two­ • Trf. e-srss day tour included the advertising W* departments of the Fort Worth •Mm p® & i&jifc&f-­ Star-Telegram and a large' depart­ Uaviayr«yavty7 Aj. wSl ment store in Fort Worth, ofter ^ A 4*4%' Musks' places advertising, * V*­ it Httttnt taflate* teWeeaira4i^ where J# ^ created; v^SS w* r jtfi ,fii|««n Bejr m Meal -% s? ^|bA ' * *" •* , tavf NsmMM et all^nN*:.5 Mr« 6cQtt and the students .staged an advertising quis pro­**-'tMA ;'v AUSTIN NOVELTY CO. ='* gram, "Which Ad Pulled Best," MW.fe . rk e^sar %yy\ at the regular luncheon meeting ofI the Fort Worth Advertising <3fob. EXPRESS 8U5 SERVIC® : •> p.v. ••.-. • •• . •• > • * & mte HOMSTON Applications DuoToday 4 HduttiyrM, C*l Fpr $200 Scholarship *• " •«> *• ^ Afc. *• V * .4^ Tna SHky shaan andwng-waanng luxury offina, long- KftrrviU# Bus -C/Otf 'T'vh.' * f200 scholarship forthe 1952-5S school year is offered to •4is based ROBHN'S BOOr SHOP ^ to •<—»<»i> iMy *ttV~ WMm Is®