if -V . ^ -, ,,. ifrv-«$>- fIf«f Col/ag* o,«/'y ^£,.V "•"i--* <•*< &u SOft «W* «3T data* in number of speeches mad* dependent Candidate for Students'^ Si " I>III|HII political"Van rtiditM w«« In living units, with Wt already Association president. < ' , VOL SI Prki l Cent* AUSTIN, TEXAS;^ FRIDAY. APRIL |:8, 1952 i» •> been made «»lKja student irbiE Party w made .and 28 ngiitatit f6r this ..Student represented* tx T"»4 . .i*'ii.'• units, and 84 not* are planned have 'made 95 speeches for itsl n%£ * imk-oid Md next weak. • for tiw ^car future, tiw Etattiot entire slate and has registered 32{ FrancesSmith, runningfor Cee- CtaaMm reportedlaatnight. mure for the near future. tuii editor. follows with 66 speed** Tb*listing included only ppeeefc-. made but nomore registeredfor Candidates are requited to re-J gister speeches, which are limited "1^3 intend wifli th* Ekttifla tiie near future. " to five minutes in length, at least :CoanMoik for iiv&g nails, and Perry Davis, who leads the race 84 hours in advance with, the «SlraM« include to j^doee not gMdw insise of signs, has made 29 re­ Election Commission. Speeches j J|puc Mica Drops Cantu Members of the entire faculty Carolyn Busrf^ campaign mana­ submitted two nominations..each, proved by the committee. ° covered that it had lfecents per Tax to distribute which. ger for Ann* Chamber* candidate from which twelve posts Were to fnbV befen counted, previously.; for Texan editor, reported last be:filled. Since* a tie^ developed nigfit that about 50 Chia&bers This surplus provided funds [ for twelfth place,' thirteen were signs have disappeared or been for a large pm®« with the Chancel ence includes, editorship of the lo­editor of The Daily Texan. _ Last year he was active in Cur? for band.unifoms. All tiuwK'sugil viously been program sales mana­cal Episcopal student publication' Present amusements snd book tain Club,' Austin Civic Theater, gestions were unanimously ap^ bar will help transform the Main M01'* ger fw the National Broadcasting ahd of-tlie Diocesan student ma^A-editor of the Texas, Gompertx has and was a Forty Acres forecaster proved and adopted. . .* Lounge into an old western ss-The final ballot will be com­ Company ia New York City. loon. Couples in pleted xixd. j] • '.v.; had three years of Texim experi­at'Radio House. western, dress in about ten days. Dr. F Miss Chambers is also chairman ence and has received the silver At present a member of the enabled tiie committee to^ grant;^ Mr. Rishworthhas served as na­ will complete the transformstion. L. Cox said in an interview that of the Great Issues cpftimittee, key award for service. Last.semes-Cultural: Entertainment Commit-raises .to both the Curtain Club t tional ehairman of mdio andtele* Sponsored by the-Free Dance the-. -HKte Preferexitial. ..System­ vice^prwdent of lhe Texas Jnter^ ter ^B'woii thevTSM^ and . Oratorical-;Assodati,'7.. to the Southeast Texas community This spring he was sppointed to > - Woodrow auditorium Tax. ' ^ Tee, Varsity Carnival publicity • Representatives from various April 26-27./The purpose of the tiie Student Assembly from' the Pall|HS Monday, found this ruling The Longhorn Band gets the e»chairman, said that the an-colleges over the state will partici­project is for the foreign students College of Arts and Sciences. He' hard to understand. same 42.5 cents received laatyear iounce in Thursday's Texan Was pate in tiie HSustoh contest. The to observe home and community is supported by the Student Par- Mr. Smoot also wondered why under the committee ' plan but error. . ,V winner will-receive $125. life in a typical American agricul­ ty... Dean Acheson was allowed to ex­ with the 4.5 'cent allowance to be Entries for Va^fty Carnival ^ Dick Atkins and B. J. McGirinis tural Community. -* 17 earmarked a • plain State Department policy ANNE CHAMBERS KEN GOMPERTZ V'• for uniform fund, lueen must be in B. Hall 18 by from McFarlin's stage, but Mc­tied for second place in the Uni* Miller wishes.that students who Staaiay Rocanbarg, junior pre­relieving the Athletic Council of Vednesday at 5 p.nb. The only Carthy was not allowed to explain venity tourney, Mrs. J<$ McGhee, has obtained registration forms for law student from San Antonio and the obligation of buying itew suits. ijM ion is that any group jqpon-why he was against it. senior secretary' of the Depart­the trip would return them to the present elected BBA assembly­The raise will furnish-only about 'ring a queeq candidate must Dick West of the Dallas Morn­ment of Speech, announced Thurs­"Y" as soon as possible. .. man, is a candidate for vice-presi­$3,000 for the fund) if continued ?Wt |lso have either a show or con-day. -> dent of the Students' Association. ing News said that it was perhaps through 1958l when new uniforms siofi lit^;»aBTWval^^? feared that the Senator might em­A member of the Student-Fac­will be needed, but an additional If any eandidate wtehes to Use barrass somebody. Infor-Amorkan Woek Poll to Fiiid Student ulty Cabinet, Rosenberg is a' Cow­$500 annually promised by the ad-j^Aj boy and member of the Freshman. picture for the queen raee, the -An authoritative spokesman for To Be April 20-27 Choice of Pro$idont ministration would increase tiie ictare must be taken at Koen's .^Orientation Committee, and is uniform pot to $6,000,^Assembly-^ The University of Texas said that Inter-American Relations Week the Drag. Appointments neees-the policy for the University 'ft will be April 20-27, Governor Shi­University students will get a . liisted in the upper one per cent of man Berkey Said. '. ^ chance to sta^e their jpreferene'es (Khool. / Student government gets the for the picture.must be made that political gatherings cannot be vers announced Wednesday. The held in the University auditorium. Governor noted a pressing need for candidates in any national i " A cadet major in the Air Force only cut proposed, dropping its J® when to the minimum '$1,800 for "hemispheric solidarity,'' the party the Young Republi­ROTC, Rosenberg has been named revenue Associated Press reported. . , cans hold a' strsw poll vote Tues­a distinguished military student for the year allowed by the Stu-' day and.Wednesday. ,v dent Constitution, if only 9,000 He :timed the one-week obser­ and membsr-at-large of Arnold TexsB vance, to coincide with the Inter-A booth-will .fee open on the Air Society.. are soid. Itr got 22 cents,™tl§f American Commerce and Industry mall from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. both Rosenberg is vice-president of or $2,200 (10,000 Taxes' weire * " Conference, sponsored by the Na­ days. Results of the ballotting will Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity and is sold) last year. ' Hand*^j|| tional Association of Manufactur- be announced Wednesday night,' backed by ,the Fraternity Clique. The Student Activities lit Houston April 23-24.^%^ said Nancy Sue Allen, chairman. He hM worked, on the .Faculty See B-TAX, Page 6 I'.i'.aaigfiitiTiiaai'i I i ,.n II .. I'lftV 'r.. iv'. on the Pro­Building 2'23. Evaluitio^ r - SDT*s Will Move Jaae 1 posed Corporation Code, House of the proclamation to William R. -braiy Lighting Committee. Flowers, Jones File 1 j3(J—-JBenefit • recital • by Univer­ of Representativee, State Capi-Archer, president of Uncle Johnny Sig^ria. Delta Tau sorority will In Legislative Race sity String Quartet, Music Re- to!. . . Mills and regfansi. vice-president move to 2402 Seton June 1. Their Robert C. Flowers has filed for of the NAM. . • • H PERSON STAN ROSENBERG IS—AAUW-international rela­ the state Legislature* Place 2, Tra­ 11:05—"Torty Acres Forecast/' tions group,. Home Economies KTRflKTBC. ' . . • ^ vis County. He announced for the Teis House.'-' . seat which Representative Johnnie 11:80—'"University Hour^.KV-Ho Sot off the A-Bd«nbt I—Racket Club' intercollegiate B. Rogers will vacate. Former Re^ ;g |^t4 tennis tournament, _ Women's presentative Obie Jones has also ."Saterlay . -'x "v Courts. filed for this post. ^ . 11-12 and l:15-5—Regional meet­ HOUSTON,' April 17-^P) Speeial examinations in all Flowers is a vocational agricul­ ing of® student chspters of Gov. Shivers told-the Harris Coun­ foreign languages, Bible, bust- ture teacher in Travis Coun^h American Institute of Chemicsl ty Democratic Club he considers administration, dnwing, Veterans School. This is his first ->< id pharmacy, Geology Build-Engineer, Chemical Engineer­the Democratic party of Texas an race for public office.1 'vl^ving Building. By GITTA LOCKENV1TZ the successful blasts at Alamo-years teaching at the University, matter how much they offer." organisation distinct from the na­ 14. ;••••'••'• A graduate of Texas A&M' -Texas-Baylor baseball game, 1=—Conference on the ^Proposed Before I>r. Alvin C. Graves be­gordo, N. M., and.over Japan, . Dr. Grave* did several years of He knew Dr. Klaus ,Fuchs? the tional party. ' . . law gradustfe of the University,'^; Claric Field. Corporation Code, House of came the U.S, atomic weapons test Dr. Graves has seen twenty research work at,Chicago. He was British communist spy-scientist In a letter to the club revealed Flowers served three Tears in the Representatives. chief and began his vitally impor­atomic, blasts. He has been the who worked on . the project in its Thursday, he said he regards him­ -Drawing for "places in Starig born, the youngest of six childre'ft, Fourth Air Force ^during," Wefld-> speech contest, Speech Build­Gamma 'Delta reunion tant work on the A-bomb, he was scientific director or deputy chief formative years, quite well, and self a member and an office War I|. U 1—Alpha in Washington, D.C., 42 years ago. as known to faculty andi students of all atomic tests since 1947. was.surprised at his arrest. He was holder of the Democratic party of ing 201. * •• • dinner,.-ebapter house. \ He we* graduated: at the top of simply at a professor of physics "I am not in the atomic busi­ also slightly acquainted with David Texas and that he Will >follow the Eldred F. Hardtke to 1—Finals in Racket Club tdraft£ his clasi'in 1931 from the Univeiv ness because I like to manufacture Greenglass, tiie American labora-instructions of a majority of* the ^peak -on "Neurophysiologieal meat, Women's Courts. things thatkill people/' he is quot-' sity.of Virginia, with a bachelor's tory worker . later exposed as a Theory of Neurosis," H£B 105; 1^30-^-WSF and DSF leave re­wince'-Tof degree in; electrical engineering. Democrats of Texas. ^ the Saturday Evening Post's story^ ed by this week's issue of the »py-He Mid he planned to return to Swing-Out ^ chairmen, Texaa spective" churches for barge Later he took his doctor of philoso­ Union 301.. P»rty. "The Man Who Sets Off Atom Post He says that he is convinced^ Dr. Graves's tensest moment, as Texas-following the National . phy at the University of Chicago; Bombs," we may eatch up on bis. that we are not in a third World related in the Post, was when the Democratic Convention in Chica­ ?our German eomedies, Archi-8-7—Flower show sponsored by ten years' absence from the,;Uni-War because of the work the Dr..Graves's lefteye is gradually bomb which he was testing didn't go. in July "and report in dets^l Building 106. Violet Crown Garden Club, •teeity. 7*T V United States hss 4°ne m atomic being dimmed by a radiation catar­go off after the switch was pulled. to the Democrats of Texas what ACRES iiess Club, Texas Union $01. University Junior High School. It started several weeks after energy. act which resulted from an acci­The suspense-filled moments which we had gained by way of platform bridge games, t—Texas-Baylor bSseball Pearl Harbor, when Dr. Graves "Increasing our-stockpile is our dent in which a quantity-ol fission, followed were filled with questions or candidates favorable to Texas, Uf BOBBY NEWLiN Texas Unio'n 815.;i Clark Field. rr^0—Co-Eectreation, Women's * ai~u iw* -mi u_w x. ^WU *«ked to help on a project best safeguard for the future/': able material was accidentally as* to what had: happened. When if any, and how badlyJTexas and A biology student recently ap­ ^Mpha Omicrom^ Pi member* ^p^My the war be Js quoted further. "What we brought to acritcal-jconditioi). OneLji the switches were turned off, its Trepresentatives had _ b«fU ^Ww^edt'-hiS'pntfesMiiiurf^adwJ^I leaw for Green Shores, r . ^ effort,-with W Arthar Compton have done is well worth wbQe( We man-died in the aeddent, jatt* a faultycable 4ii»fc,co^«as, HoteL 7—-Dinner for AlChE and visi^ ftrst nuclear reactor wan rmwnlAt. eonnectOr.g'hi'eedays~later>wi< iU4*H««MCb>brHaii -12—Westem dance for all, cagOi don't blunder into--another war. For this dangerous work he is repairs made, the history-making Kirby Hall residents will be alike?A^ dents, Main Lounge, Texas Un-7—Delta Tau Delfca founders' dsy In the spring of '48, Dr. Graves I'm doing what Iam doing-because patd $18,000 afreet,. He has turned ."baby-A-bomb" was -exploded. guests at an open-house-tea dance km. ^ I, wenttoLoaA biggest^Mmtil' down sovcgari. big-offers^ because!—The Post article has pictures of to l»a -> v¥y»\<«8 m wwrf^ Mm f Jgf AL WARD ttCl$t&WU!UL yHf> TO# Amtm W Holding Menffcal t-r Iiada't been able to win .on the gation, headed bf tfce^ eprint aa­'th<« after* '.'i^»wi•• •w>*p.".!'e'wwep fit ears* home diamond haa;i»egi;tini# tfc* twA ftanitf in k t ifcdlMk 1932. Ktft£T~ V*" ~~.jT~ M imm " " '• •• •"• "•-• •- eortmMit. ie JLewrene*.-Kana>" tie* moon on dark Fl lor the league lead, a situation Then on the Mareh IS season-one Conferencegame. ' '•-'Hie regal proceeding* will get. which make* thisseriee * opener (non-Conference), they In addition to IsbeH, Who leads da? Ihrie^ events Wtmjiaa underway at S o'clock, when Texas roulette s^ai^nttns Maake^pS-; combined a Larry Isbell triple with # league In home runs with twoi and Baylor nines clash in the first . Baylor *11! .enter today's -game Texas*inability tohitis thus eluteh tylorhaa Motter.consistent hit-Refaqw, of two games which should deter' without * traditional. ambition to Aatter ^»e acbv heo^ |-8» oducer in shortstocp. and leaded The 440-*eiay,i^«ialty «f tta mine "who's on ilrsfc^in the Con­which almost beeanfe #part of Three days later it Waeo, the man H^ndyIDavis^ Longhorns, wil! again be their ference diamond race. their uniform during the past 18 Bears hand<^l TexasHe second loss, . The i&tfhark* lasdin# chief Interest-bat i'ftetr Meort The second getqe will be played year*— of crackingthe Clark .6*6. ^ ,_ • **• » , t shortstop JToe Tanner, baa found seems out of th* qa*lfaa)~-fa > ^Saturday, beginning at 8 o'clock field Jfatffc il>: f WT ' ' Bruin pitches suitable thus far, Texas has come alonrfasii tfter —" j?1!.1*1 111 -'"" "' 1 'flW'M11 m - lashing out seven hits fat ten times mark-at Kansas being *wed* re­ _.._. '/«%< the opening scrambles, winning up during-the previous series. He cord aqualinc 40^}posted in 1985 tonghorn'gfbaHiflg average eight of their lastten games.Coach Stmt to M« Bibb Falfc's ^ong green TOW" of paces Texas batten over the sea* yf Iowa, < among TMrfcjgto' leading Con-' players, probably the most inex­ son.with a .420 mark and in Con­> However, the ha&mtte relayference wingers belongs to ference play with a .S&0. Catcher standard may be endangered byperienced nine he has erer fielded, ,»hort$top Joe Tanner, a native & has posted this record without the Bandy Biesenbach is theonly other Hie Steears, the Kansas rceord be­ ^MjssisiJppJ, tenner Is retting Longhorn past the .800 mark for ing 1:25,2, just four-tenths of a £aylor-UT Series customary Longhorn bat power. b sixth «pot with e .350 per* Conference games, holding a .888 second under the tfane docked by Texae trails tiie herd in team bat. 9»? ,1J I « at /f^lfSa^ff WWHlSf ting average with a meager .207. average. UT two weeka ago in the Texas v-yi' ' Texas' batting order will prob­Relays. < Baylor, on the other hand* leads w® ably be: Jimmy Dan Face,' (Urd A third batott' race wilt .be 'ifc the league with a .265 percentage, base; Robert Towery, , second tered by Texas the sprint medley with the familiar name of Larry ivar Captures base; Roy Kelly, right field; Joe relay, a 440^20-220-880 combina­ " . By ORLANO SIMS /" way, was the club that brought Isbell protruding with a .875 mark, Tanner, shortstop;Paul Mohr, first tion. Bob Echenbnxy, Joe Carson, ' ]*KM AtfhUMt SpprU W/»f ^ Texas its iinit NCAA bweball fourth best in the Conference* fase; Randy Bies*nbach, cateher Ralph Person, and,Otis Bjidd Will Today may he the "big" day title. The Bears' batting lust is backel Travis Bckcrt, left field; Harry fim in'that Aat order, in this year's Sout&west Confer-The next year; 1950, was. about up from the hill bya Mo of right- Bengtson, center field;and Luther Willie Valla may be "the" top ence baseball race—a race that one of the most one-sided of all. handers, Milt Isenberg, Fran Dav­ JWat* helk' Bddivar^nipljed Scarborough, pitcher. Texae threat i» the meet— com* has turned out to be just about The Longhorns took it with 14-1, idson, and.Bay Fitzpatrick. David­ m Probable lineup for Baylor: petlng in tha^hi^i hurdles. VaU's one. of the closes^ SW(C diamond and the second-place Aggies won son has a 1-0 Conference record Harry Davis, shortstop; Tyree nemisis, Val Joe Walker, SMU W-vbV-^-^jGitnina;'4<8, to cop the women'* chases in histoty/, • J*-,, just nla* fames. while Isenberg-and Fitzpatrick Newton, second base; Micky Sulli­flash, is not. making the Kansas dg$'"intramural fencing title Thursday course, was have 14 , While no team bat been "im­Last year, of it van, center Add; Larry Isbell, trip. Th e Longhorn , hurdler ^Jjpight. Beth fencers are freshmen pressive" (as far as running away Texas and AAM 'tied with 11-4 Either Fitzpatrick or Davidsdh catcher; Bobby Benge, first base; breejsed a 14.4 in the Texas Belays *|d|;#r©m.-.Austin. * •. ' with title honors), nearly all the marks, the lowest winning mark will likely start for Baylor, with Taylor WiHoughby, left field; prelims—his -best* showing to' six entered clubs have shown in the last several SWC seasons. Isenberg reserved for Saturday Jerry Ceody^ third baee;' Xieth ;||||||i§^ date. : V?. • V; sparks of what could be cham­There'll hare to be a. complete duty. Falk will probably start his O'Brien, right field; and Fran Dean Smith and Charlie Thomaa ..^•Stopped Alpha Chi Omega'* Jo Jo pionship stuff at, the end of the reversal of form shown so far if ace,. righthander Luther Scarbor-Davidson, pitcher.. will make their familiar appear­ /tf^Sfcreiber, 4*8, while, Seldivsr any of this year's inexperienced season^ " - ance in the 100-yard dash* but '^-Idowned' Gamma Phi Beta's Angela entries are going to equal those With; the current race not^yet the going may be a little rough­ fCaldwell, 4-2, half over, each of the contenders marks. ened by one Jim Ford, Negro =• Gamma Phi Beta's Cynthia With all the prize sophomores How They Hit JUMPING JACK of *8 trades !s Sfeer hurdler. Ralph Pe (that include everybody) has flash from Drake. Ford bested lArmsworth trounced Alpha Phi's lost two game*/" The two-game floatin' around, though, baseball Smith laet year in the National ihe Southwest'* top men of tf«s low befrlert. A capable 9.7 iprinte ; r::r SEA)W>K 'Jean Stevenson, 4-0, to take con- series opening this afternoon at in the SWC is liable to be back up AAU carnival, though the dartt Person will run on tha sprint medley team in Saturday's nsel • isolation honors. T ah y'-k-avg. , .7-,Tf\r~ah * ^h avg, Clark Field between Texas and to its usual standards-f or the next was won by Andy Stajifleld of Relays, the meet »rr which ne puffed e muscle la»t year. Brock *«***# » M**Uu *0m X O 1 1.000 Brock 4. 1\ 2 .500 Baylor might be a big step in de­ several seasons. (SSgS|; Beton HalL TJt t^^^M^ve'Vind':.Barbara Tanner 20 4 7 .856 Roberson 7 '8 8 .429 out for.Aggie blood. Providingthe termining the final winner. Texas AAM and Arkansas are f^Beggs pitched Alpha Chi Omega Thought at the Aggie baseball Biesenbach «1 2 ,388 Tanner — 50 18> 21 .420 rivals The Texas nine has three mere Pace 0 13 the ether Conference Schools en­can keep from fooling: out, Aussie Shimmer ^ to a 12-10 victory over Kappa 7 2 1286 Face 8 5 .885 April dates—two -in Houston game: Got real swell treatment tered in-the Kansas-meet*: Darrow a new record will be in theoffing. *%. Kappa Gamma in the Orange Spradlin — 8 2 2 .250 Bengtson 44 12 l£ .841 against Rice and a home game down at the Farm.: Nothing like: Hooper will be favored in the 't'-,--Bracket softball semi-finalsThurs- Scarborough 12 8 8 .060 Spradlin..... 18 5 6 4138 Rice's Tom Cox and Co. set the Wet Behind Ears; band—consisting mainly of shot and discus, as us^sl, but. an 's' day afternoon. Trailing' 3-10 go­with 8MU. Baylor, meanwhile, has a an Kelly 22 1 5 .227 Towery 12 6 4 .883 present mark of 3:15 flat in 1950. enthusiastically-p ounded bass ing into the final inning pitcher just two more games scheduled Oden 21 2 4 .190 Scarborough 14 4 4 .286 unknown exchange student jfrom Arkansas will probablyentsarthe Waco drum-^40 add to a.team's poise. Sweden, Ronald Nihuton of MieM­ ,v Carole Newberry held the AChiO this month—at against Eckert 17 4 8 *176 Gustafson 7 8 2 .286 mile, sprint medley, and distance Folks Unworried A&K and a battle with TCU. in What's this about winning ; a gan, may give Hooper his closest ->w team %o two runs, while the •Mohr 20 1 8 .150 Kelly 45 7 12 .267 medley relays. The Racorbaeks Fort Worth. sportsmanship awardt competition of the year, ff he DALLAS April IT ;Kappas scored seven. Bengtson -17 8 Z *118 Biesenbach 21 4 5 .•388 won 4helr mile relay beat. here Nonetheless, it looks now. as if' Horton :.r 18 2 1 .077 Oden 40 8 9 .225 (Nljsson) enters the Relays. in the Texaa Relays but were vn* Bill MeCall, 15, sehoolbc If^i ~~~ this year's winner—you name it— Bhort items from here and-Verdine 2 0 0 .000 Eckert —46 12 9 .200 Walt Davisj AftM, and Chuck able the fast field there:, • Holding', East Texa^ will renew to place in swimming champion of A« won't be able to match the Con-Towery 0 0 0 .000 Mohr 50 5 9 .180 headed by Oklahoma and the Ag* injector shavers! lerence-winninc records of the Teddy Tate, ex-Longhom catch­RoberSon 0 0 0 .000 Horton 21 2 1 .048 their high jumping duel, but gies. Ha touring the United St championship teams of the last er, is first stringer with the Okla» Gustafson 0 0 0 .000 Verdine 10 0 .0 .000 Arnold Betton, young Negro from was asked whether his Also of interest, with the ap­If y&n»ot satisfiedWk few years. )oma City Indians (a Cleveland Adams 0 0 " 0* «000 Adams 10 0 .000 Drain may surprise the Texas proach of the 1952 Olympic*, win wera worried about his maldi in 1948, tirwas (surpriseJ) Tex-farm club) in the Texas League Gatlin0 0,0.^.,^QO.O jGattfl* .000 duo. He eleared last year, such a long: trip alone. r» as waltzing its way to Southwest Tom Hamilton, former slugging ju«t a f«nrtlNineh-inidr^yocim#itioyowriieetotry Conference baseball championship Texas .first baseman, isn't with Totals 166 23 85 .210 Totals 408 87 107 .266 maris—the best in the nation • in **' Don Klein will compete^ the T* MeCdl 'Iwaa^'vittttti''is Number 27, with a 18-1 mark. the Philadelphia Athletics, a* was 1951. Oklahoma's Dick Jones will two-day. affair. Klein apecmlices Hell also vbit Longview^ (One game, against TCU, was reported, the other day. It seems be around to pick up fourth place in ti»e javelin, hut has also shtfwn gore, and Houston while Tom is playing with Savannah in honors, unless he has an exception­abov» average form for decathlon .Teiuui.. cancelled.) ninQio"1 In 194d, Bibb Falk steered his the Class A Sally League. He was Net Stqrs Desert Yugoslavia al day, in which case he'could men in the high jump and disewL ,.:'.!Be said Ms folks w^ ROME, April 17, (AV-Yugos-few years age. Willie Sconeclty cause the aforementioned -trio Arkansas will probably edter ..wonied. Steers In frist again—^this time dropped the day before the Amer­ ican League opened. Had a tough lavis's two star tennis flayers, who with Drobny also is compet­trouble. * footballer Dean Pryor in the ten-"I'm 6 feat, 8inches taU twith a 12-8 record. That, by the boy to budge—Ferris Fain, de­ Dragutin Vic and Milan Bran^ ing here, is a self-exile from Pe-Of top interest will be the mile event crind. Eryor placed fourth weigh.300 pounds," he point r INJECTOR BUDES fending AL batting champ* ovicr said Wednesday they have land. relay, in which Oklahoma will 4»e in it last year at Kansass. out. 'Mural Schedule Grady Hattpn, erstwhile Long-decided not to return to ,their Does your face smart horn .baseballer, is playing sec­Communist homeland. "We are not in accord with FRIDAY. ond base ior the Cincinnati Beds, after shaving? Does lotion SOFTBALL the Yugoslav government, and and has been moved to the lead- CUt* A we have decided not to return," or even cold water sting? off slot. Seems to like it. He hit In Clltt CourU •». Pr*S«r Bait Branovlc said. Ncwmati Otak w. wimw B8tI«W«»lw a homer in the Reds' 8-0 victory AWB in Austin. lie's getting ready to . • CUu B Jaroslav Dvobny, another inter­ go to th$ Na^r. Date? April 28. national ace, left Cxedioslovakia p like a penknife. You have 8A Ohk u. Oteva^Csmpu GuM under similar cireumftances a 8 pja. Dallas SgtiMZM Past ­ , 5 to "bear down" to shave Knraiin tJtofc t». wlniur B8U-WS* TENNIS Tulta, 4-3, in TL Play Rote Ifadergees Operatiea ' . CUa« A r clean. Pitt's patented. -.4 p.n. : TULSA, Okla., April 17 W— DALLAS, April 17.—Kyle Bogardu) »n,Wt" • August, and it kept him sidelined Wilton a«d W«m*ek v«. Salman and Hoff the Eagles maintained throughout fc -; with a light stroke, so Winklaman aqAfituman v». Warburten the contest for most of. his rookie season, in 1 and 0»wf«wd*'™'c -' pro ball. dllfi '« Lamixrl and Golta ti. Franclaoe and , Eagle pitcher Walt Lanfranconi ! easy on , Xiummia _ allowed Tulsa eight hita in eight FfMtand«r end Btruin vs. Onm and Procter •* frames, and his reliefer Ed Var­ 111 No irritation, . Ctaaa B hely was hit for two in, the last Tennis Schedule m^-r 4 p.m. no smart, Cawood and Southwell rt. Kipp and Quan Sabaata and Burton va. Hadan and Sharp The only homer of die game ; j V; In a cigarette, testa Bauihan and Bhalu^r'Va. wlnnar Gra«n: riwltmaa and taniMfar 4*mIs speeds (ami»*®TS2JTS.SS­ is left cool came > from Lanfranconi in the ^ , -i. 3Ii3m |MB* i . A«W and Fraad-Turnham and HOI third frame with the bases empty. . , makes the differanca— Friek and Sowall ya. wrnnar'Qrttltian end ager ForiTall-Smlth^and^C^aland and luckias taste betterl four Ktebard Wildlns ?», Hlvra Balrd Waal*3r jfol«naon Y».. Mark MeMragMHt Aabray Oaarnar va. Lannr Aldaan J^ndlMg^aglMliii^Briaeqf The difference between "jurt tmokifig^ and ' M> (fclD. A, H. Cox vt. Oaorca Allan amtib^ia tbe iasfo of a Jam«* Yoang^ohn v*. Warran ] dgarette. Ifba "can tetto ths dffawioi ifi tho Ben Khrnar v«-Blllr Jaekton > fit*" i •mootiier, mellower, more enjoyabletaste of a Lucky...fortwo important reasons.First, BIG L.S./MJ.T.—Lukdty Strikemaans finetobacco .Second,JOHNBURGfk ...provedbest , wHK Fniwli Frt«i • ' Lucky. Enjoy the cigarette that taste* fteftar/dou&le decker hamburger Be Happy-Qo LuCky! B]^ a V»r-' 'f > &s,y' Ht-ley•pak efMlg ^ W«ye»P»»er.Vieeae,Jhifeer wUfmM £ •?*!sf? pmt hfade i» poek. If wj ^ee't wmsssv^ u m&m JumL %dWSwMer ^ r jej YJ N juu uuy . it ( ^1 H •* *• ** *• v « i ' ' r ., . mmm. 5 Hi mm im itSil u^V&ilK ers •4 A* ,1*>litrl v^m Another peasant, surprise'has Fithian of Rice. In their match last /:.-./ the'Loitfhox* tandem.1 i 1 us*" before li« entered'college. urday.. "Wis singles cempetition'iaslated I Richardson faces tk« 9foot 10 a»ilB>ltd»t pej> Aflat their resounding triumphs to haveDeBerty in thennmberohe '•£0.4 lar of the NCAA. champions ontiitkiiidlSOi the Longhoras slot and bit doubles partner in not nr how {loach Forreet Kffl W'Ubl* to IS hut wrap up thesecond position. mm 0tg) AOn persuaded him ® tho Southwest Conference laurels Coachee D. "A,' Penlck ind Wfl­with a Victory over the Aggies in" When the Tulane Green Wave *otoKaneaa,g:; a® Aer AlU*oo have decided to use exhibition ieoatches on his tout of THE HEW STAWJ ef.the Texas Low RovIow associate oditofi, £d Rnd(,. 4 LoveDette iq^wSfa^ _ College Station. *. their reliable foursome of Oates, rolls into Austin Saturday, they the FatEast. 'p*i announced et iheir pre-Eestef banauef re* note, editerj Eugene•GoklMi^tup Offers didnt compare with eom* --• Comparative •• ssweiA tefad to Harris, Charlee Btadworth, afcd bring with them the player that Richardson and Dlck Savitt, the Of tbeothers, but ho.isn't "a bit Ctntly. Seated, left to right, i$~ Dave' Kreager, editor; Marian loners^tegyeHve' " place the Steers' In tho favorite's Betnwd ; Allison terms "the oddti-on fsvor-tempestuous netter rated second sorry" ho picked the Olympics- in national rsnkings, wete the Jr., comment editor^Thomas <0. Gee, editor; LoMond, book, review edttorr Ceri fj- position because of their 8-0 white­thi iinxhorns liavo t>eeh flash­ite to win the NCAA tlUe"—Ham wfiad Jayhawks. „ washing of the Owls Tuesday^ ing bstter form is tii« season pto* Richardson. only two top*anking American and Robert L. BlumentW,' catenote editor. assistant lasenott edito^jjn "I never hare boo* IK> upset" Earlier in thereason Rice cap* «osses, and espociiUy is this truo The Texas coach also calls their players U remain Down Under Standing, left to riqht, is RevmonH T/R. T^rn. 5 as when he found himself the tared one match from tho Aggies, a tho case of OntMk A Unt goWw, tatted "the best college team in for the Auitralian national cham­-1 -* ' --* -* center of « blc college recruiting pionships that followed the Davis who own a 1-1 record in SWC tho hea?y*set Longhom is finally ithe nation Its well as one of the campaign whoa bo mu graduated pi«y. : / ' beginning to round into top condi­beet coached teams." His compli­Cup challenge round. This Was from Terre Haute's GaffleMHigh , A4M, however, still has tho * " 4 ' the cause of tho furor raised by! tion. ment of their tutoring i* directed Brooklyn,Holds NL' I School fir* .year* ago, he aaid. the Australian press. *V>S toward Tulane Coach F Emmett &• The hog* youngster, a good iW'.'sSsa! mgm Pate. When Savitt jrefused to continue .AMl'M (IM'AiiiieteM'frMi san the dmg$' White Sox, 5-8: iaetef: e fhoOter aWay from tho basket a* 1Budge Patty, 1880 Wimbledon his match with Ken McGregor be­Only three major league teams troll as under it, had boon tho cause McGregor spikes, it SSce Garcia pitched * capable addition -, te being wore titlist, and Xen McGregor, present —the Cleveland Indian*, St. Louis .tne—in ipite of three Indian pitcher, Shaha staged ftandont of ahigh school team i was Richardson who persuaded the Browns, and Brooklyn Dodgers-mm Australian champion, are among fnfield errors. The Vidians pound­breaking run. that was undefeated ttntilit lost the growing list of the world's flery Ametican to finish the con­remain undefeated after the first the Indiana state . championship test. ed out 17 hits, but were "unable ^ In Washit»«ton, finest t*nnis players who have three daysr play in the 1952 major Two-meet Road Test to scoreofteni rookie 'outfielder Faye f«»t to Shelbyville. ShelbyvTOe fallen before the booming service Richardson is one of the two league baseball campaigns.' f-» ; Little, Bobby Bhantt smallest berify, pounded out a bad an exeeptiohal player, too, in «£f Fimdy potthod at<^i the Con­ on. to Pott Smith tot'a date with and powerful ground strokes of well-known-U.S. tennis players Brooklyn swept past the Boston pitcher-in the American League-^ratid slem home run-to BUI Garrett* now with tho Hariem afv the l8-year-old pre-med from Tu who have diabetes, the other being Braves Thursday*, 8-2, to maiii­ ference golf race, Texas' links tho Stsxorbscks at the Bardscrab­ pitched Philadelphia's Athletics to Sox .tore »-« vevdict im'Wi, y"* Globetrotters. lane. Billy Talh§r£ tain first place the Rational \V* team takes to the road today for ble Country Club. a 8*1 victory over the defending ington^Big Walt D*ope.>eiee,.!iH< ir -j,J; Lovelletto aaid schools that •Tust returened from Australia, • Because "the Southeastern Con­League race, as the only unde­world champion New-York Yen-a hornet % Lou Boudreau's "tried to enroll him included In­meetings with tho circuit door* Tho University foursome of Lee where he was * member of the ference allows its members to use feated club: in the circuit. The keeat It -was Shants' fourth vie* tonianfc., diana Purdue, Notre Dame, Ken­mats, TCfl^ and Arkansas. Pinkston, Wesley Kllia, Bob Mon-United States Davis Cup* team, fteshmen, Richardson is eligible to three-game series with the Braves tucky, Georgia, Georgia Tech, Ne­The Steers meet TCU on the criif, and Bernard Rivi«re» irith' RiOhatdson if; currently rinked compete for Tulane. paid off with 48 hits for Brook­ braska, and Now York Unhrer-Colonial Country Club tourso in Joo Goldon as an altom«te> has ninth in singles and tenth in the He has just returned ftom the lyn, and a team batting average*4-'% etty. • Fort Worth toda^, then travel Good Neighbor tournament in 6f .878. ' *3tf preserved an unbeaten record ih doubles ratings published by the their two previous meetings wtih USLTA. Miami Where he extended his ~ol< St. Louis' revamped Cardinals Baylor and SMU. They have Svon He also stopped off in Japan foi doubles partner^ Savitt, before los­fell to Pittsburgh, 6-8, but re­ ! 'OU CAS# ' TO II I . f IH|I O\i ( a>;n< I twelve Individual matches against ing in the quarterfinals. tained second place. The Cardinal no losses. Because Richardson is scheduled ftifield committed 'three errors, TCU, on the other hand,'is in to. play in the Northwood Country and.a six-hit Redbird pitching job a'thn 8OAT-ROADSTER Robinson Offered list place, having won IK tests Club tourney^n Dallas, his singles wentfor taught. and lott three. Arkansas is next match will be played Saturday Veteran Kenny Raffenaberger morning. completely mastered the Chicago to last with a 2H-3H mark. Ar­ kansas returned to Conference Bout With Maxim Allison will put Harris against Cubs, twirling the Cincinnati Reds the Tulane 'star instead of Oates to a five-hit, 8-0 victory. Two Cubcompetition this rseason After' a yearjayoff from 'participation. CHICAGO, April 17.—•> s >-im ploy. dent of IBC. Boston 0 > .000 8 'tie for the junior loop lead, edg­ --as ^'1 A i I m -* 5 p.m. I 11 v DEADLINE 9$ %ou dtavm'jt Ohdshed 5:00 p.m. •v APRIL 21 ***y-s1; f' f; ii;Li n0>bf' itr t ' *• a-' PC '(I 1 I 1 • COME BY JOURNALISM BUILD,NG 108 I . i ' ^ * * * 't" - m,.. rtjsF4'!-'.(• -.C Your Order Before 5 p m. April 21 Mm f*"v |«f . J* -,^ 4 «• > 'tJ, +$ ft* ^ ^ ; -5*? Wig -r. vx -V Jv n, A ^ t V ?(.*•& 8 ' ? ^ "J&s — ASM Mt1 5£*Sj fm *4 ~4r-' ¥'s. i K * •rr r tf/ • >­ t' S " I * " V i -S* m f pa 5 {** t Yt," IH. t. IK ,*r. u Hi. m-T •ft * ZSS3X5? 8m»SBi3^0$SISS8®8Wm»tS«iSm«a!m^ K'&9* tVP ( m & , vM i. * MspPr •> ^ «# «i «4at tonaiiaiirti GLENN BROOKS --**Y DOLLARS w $.. interest/fo student government!i "$f J, C. "ZEItT ZBRAllElC|J >t «. ll the candidate tw made is order ** IMh £Mrt tee* ffe* They f«ra>.tWr, v ara^eigocwtfe to th« exteatthat ***** vTi^ P^ritrV wfcSTthe allSainte uS^TmS *mr—Or •«*»• h» .t»4wt »«• «**«• high quSB^r servtotkwugfc Wfct&li •ad purftfff•**;'fJfc#ttWb*Hare elected by Urgt p^nAmmt y*1u^u-*— '*----*••" thev formed • the new *• have enjoyed taking pot-ehotsat *nd aS£$S! *»•»» 4.1?.!&lSi •toow or cltelcv that p«t II is friend, to sit "gK.^1 group receive these benefits. beaten out. Oth^rs^ wailed "too select csndidstes. The only tin* tHat I hava seen idealistic" whin the Student Pafty ; $ . If Co-ops, clubs, ehurch croup*, the wholesale exclusion of any on* sou^st to publicise the fact H»*tri4 etc., would be allowed to elect group was when Lloyd Hand (E4» ii stood for fetangHbl* their delegate* to these ptrtiM,, itw'i Metot His4 wjm itwint The obvious strategy of thess^J they could claim to represent the PtmMmI la ltSO-Sl) included charges has been to hinder the best interest of th* students they about thr**:dosen independent* growing J^nfL£*^itnhL^ ^€ **"»*** 5* «w*«tK*art until she's *t W * ertms in Umpasas that they eould terest in student government by hard-working group of party nem­ i(Vir ^ . . . . .ie*..thst there sre hnpprtant func-to doing his best.^ Merely satisfy tornjng into speeches about issues in student i Bemenber tiist next time those tion" Id**)* (a wprd that ^has^ been^ ^ w^olled by njen Elected which student govermnedt yourselves a* to Who** best is rt,iVty. £?tsr'weeics of"p>5nning government, some of the interest rj-ar-. ->**ty children up the block ttitW misused so much aa of late by. they are^ jfiist good ol4 J?**1***11 each' year^a u u best and there's your man. -and work, the goals of th* Stu-"displayed by otherwise inaetiv* getting' -aggreasiv# vrtth their «V -there'®re u ig of Tmt J*rk«f groups)-of th* Clique ar* exactly'-yy^; Thi* year the stadehts have utmost impor-There are always irresponsible\d«jf Psrty are coming to life, students can be channeled into ?£$• TALBOT SL WRIGHT th* utm«M EDITORt n*cted with jfetur* of ltsnger. editor Bobby June* is Thurs-•">' First concern , . _ . dent body, such .as. we hpve wit-thousend vofcers each year, candidate. Mental tnidgets brand K»y Tutt, who is unopposed for and workers is bound to rise. day's Texan is * template mi*­quauned men tor omce tnat w* neggej ^his year. They have a Student government has been' people a* >«bid ind*p*ndent«, or secretary; and' Anne Chambers, The Student Party doe* not representation of the sterling/;:j hay* available. Also of concern ^Dc^to ^eeiyeequal and practi-'responsible for a number of wor-vice versa, simply because these candidate for Texan editor—make claim to b* the panacea for all qualities which 1 know this ladi|.t v5??a,« is to stimulate interest among all. cal beneAtl from their student thy projects through the yesrs-rr have participate on one side oir up the j(|t of Student Party of* campus ills. It does claim, right-to embody. I feel that prospective r ^ groups of student*, fraternities in-government. Scholarships, paving'of sidewalks, another with consistent. Often flce-ieekers. They were chosen on fully, to present outstandingcandi» voters should be informed of thia '* eluded. Charges of secret meet-Why are these candidates super-Great Issues, a fi d an optional this is csrried to such an extreme the grounds of their past'records, dates for the voters approval. It fact, for th* welfare of this boy ings, deals, etc., are absurd be-jor? Because they were chosen by Blanket Tax, to mention a few. that a lasting reputation is tinjust-* jn campus activities and, their claims that student government U very close to my heart. causa I challenge any other party igroup that is democratic in prin-Everyone is affected by soma ly atUched to tiie victim, i -sincere. interest in building good Is significant in college life and , BOBBY .JONES to showthey are in the least demo-dole. Nation* have sho^im tibe phase of student government so While we are independent* and student government. Now they **ek* to show "students their *' y«*M«i CMt *•»<<* Jl Making dWWmil appl« lor tb« poattioa Iwttton mirthodi awianv Win. SirMtor «t «5i 14th" UJC lUffioft, iKMmmyrssftsr .. . -. . ... -, j^pnngt ^. ... . ^ amount j)|_xftte-trading.jnd deal^^^^^ g»mpu«. > : ; Why should you vot* for the lieve as Eddy Arnold used to sing, structive plang such as the develop-part in the coming election and Regarding your finf Unes on Win I* eartMei making. ^4 -• ftrstwui tor *p*-i* futon* poUsj^tsnyaatlMi «f fl»are««*t r vk*," ' runuermore, wnere some par- Incaseswherethe majority of tieses commit their candidates and the only reason to vote for the in-tice Jackson expressed it, "A per-pointive student offices. At the the Student Party, there are which you jobs for you. Call any editorial column: ** ^ the fraternities have felt that the make them promise to do and stand dependent candidal* is if he is the son gets from a symbol the mean-foundation of their platform* are plenty of # j most qualified men for offices are for certain things, the Clique ha* best candidate. The next question, ing he puts into it, and -sfhat is the candidates' pledges to campus candidate or party and 1 poor, sta te-pridele*s ^ritt«B t«t. < member This not among the Greeks, the Clique alwayi"followed the practice of of icourse, i» ho)v 4o you judge one man's comfort snd Inspiration voters that^^ they -wiir uphold tt*' tell: htm you wu..v • «^•***'m X*"1"* °» tk. ««. dorin, |B uw. ewittow ihimfl ««atM* has refrained from nominating TUuning candidates because they which is the best? Experience in is another's jest and scorn." idesls of fair representation and *»H be helping an itw Merctary, Board ot V. I; CM 8m^ organisation th* occupation, and it k my ob-ts* swrcurr. Beant «f tr. s. cwn candidates for these particular are the best. Never are any strings student government is very impor* Affiliation should not be the nonpartisan^ student government, that has pSssed from, tti* stage of seTvation that the number of yfc* ^ -.Ua.A Axa. ..J 2— i-ii ^ wlklitk eafM^a Alia'* tniviit A« i Ttkft Shl# VtWloH into aftAft flH'.iv*active -RaHmpoli-. Texas Rangers neSded to ^ th»"f-ft,". Cafhofic Avoid Last Minute icia 1 r -1 i " • • . / Re^axaatnatlona and reatposa* «a* b* interview t*a*her*;lntere*ted in seear^ Harvard For Advanead Standing Kx^rataattena wfll ho tag positions in on* of that* aehoola. given Ajprtl IS throusk II for those HOB GRAY, Director atudeata wbo hata petitioned to tak« T*ach*r Placement Service f By JOI l:ICHOTT abled listeners to-learn "•'Hiern pHor nAvttlJ; * x-.'jfcefj.* I)»i" I ' l.i| J*1 >1 ill' j-;• 'I.11.1.;. I .len.au... . ! % ' PI-H-nim-M <-I —WWII.WIW . be forced to vote for the project. lifi schools,'' said the Catholic" the r. -By CLIFTON LAWHORNE" t» send their Co-ed* .intara*ted in becoming flagihip . • i.. :-i T*mo* Eachoit0* tutor educators. "Private schools the Chinese words more The aehadala for th* examinattona, »tewarde*sea will be interviewed by Doni ^ Deptetment of Public Safety If the canal ii built, and it ap­materials via ^e St* Lawrence which are to be circa ia Oaology Bttild­ - The National Catholic Ed­are not divisive; they do not quickly the next morning. ^ Pate'raoni Amcrieaa Alrlin** r*pt*aenta-by the small lat 14, to aa lollowsi . tlv^, S*rM*y from t a.ip. to Cp;a, officials, disturbed peals it will be, some of the hint-Seaway/ ucation Association in an of­undermine the unity of Amer­ s Poatponad and Advanced Standing _Anyone who heard the re­• . -< Steward***** fly an average of SB,004 number of Texas ears which have erland ^trade—now handled ex­1 A BIBLE FOR ALL . ficial statement Wednesday ican society," the statement cording machine, waking Examination* and Ka-examinatione •'> mil** per month with not mora than IS been inspected for safetyrare al­ night declared private schools added. up , April, 196tSari*» hour*.of flying time. They ar* alio given clusively by Texas and Louisiana . Perhaps the greatest progress during the playing was elimi­'' yrldar, ApHl It—l pan.—All foraiga.-• an off-time flying allowance ta ifeaka pri­ready sounding warning notices to —-will be directed -through the are just as American as pub­LEARNING PROCESS nated lansuag**, Bible, Badaes* Adminlatra-vate trip*. Th* starting *alary ia $2«S Texas motorists on the^ September _ of the past three centuries in in­ lic schools and are here to Don't get disgusted if yoti from the experiment* tion, drawing, pharmacy. , with *n lntr*e*e after six aMnths of •«- • Great Lakes. h The -Chinese, words, made '• Monday,^ April 21—1 p.m.—Botany^ ^or|Miii. i / ^ 6 inspection deadline. • terpretation of the Bible will be stay. have to study half the-night ehemiatrr, aeonomle*, (Mlogy, ma*ie. ^ . Girl* -who sa ijhnervkw to ' Last year some 122 million ex- Wontd" like made in September when the lan-> The statement was de­in order to pass an exam. some of the listeners dream. Tuesday,' April JJ—1p.m.—Baeteriolo-ahould,. contact the Student Kttploym*at According a recent-check ' port-import tons were handled, ia One individual reported gy, hiology. hiitory, hoa* *cono«ie*i Bur*ao.for an appointment, ' only SO,900 cars are being in­ gnage is changed from that of scribed by an association With psychologists, "experi­spoldky. othw *ubj«et*. •* -.. ..•P.., ^ X tha fourteen Texas ports. About s spokesman as the first offi­menting on the learning proc­that she dresmt she was on a , " . Only one examination.-a. day may ho .*!»• Htte Aiken from th* t>*Ha* Camp spected by the 2,700 approved sta­74 million tons were for Pacific the King James period to the ver­ street in China. "taken, and coafllcta anoald ba reported Plrc Oirl* will iniervlew'all girla inter-tions each week. Twice as many cial declaration by Catholic ess during sleep, prospects for ' to th* Registrar'* Offle* before April 10. est*d in coun**Uiiwt work and swimming a n d Atlantic coastwise traffic. nacular of today. ( educators on the jrtiblic vs. eliminating the midnight ANOTHER PATH „ H. Y. MtCOWM. B*glatrar taatruethtg, Wedseeday, April IS, in B. car ownenf -will have to get their Much of this eoastwise traffic This change will come with the j Hall 117. ' automobiles checked each week ^private schools question. cram sessions seem hopeful/ The , Massachusetts legis­— On friday, April 1S. C., Bi Burnett, consists of raw matsriala,produced publication of the Revised Stsnd­ .i, It followed' a sharp attack Two psychologists at lature has passed a law ban­superintendent of aehoola of HarHngaa, Plea** ealfat B. ^lall 117 to make ap-if the deadline is to-be met, in Texss and the hinterland states ard. Version by the National and Z. T. Fort**eu^ *np«iiiit*nd*nt of *poiBt**enta for the above interview*. ^before the association Tues-George Washington Univar-ning t h e Communist party •chool* of -Port Arthur, will h* In-the JOB D. FABJtAR, OtMetnr The September 6 deadline was the north. Council of Churches, The venture, day by Dr. Kames M. O'Neill, »»ty, Washington, D. C., st*t-and making a party member office* of th* Teacher Placement 8*rrie* Student Employment Bureaa set when it was disclosed 29. Sheet tin 37. Youhg " St. Lawrenc* River Seaway looks dustry, replied that the President^ plants., ^ L ttttlF X«*M. a ••riant a*»»pap«r ol m UntvaraHy «t T«tu, k a right and a claim • province1 11. Postpone 30.Come in „ woman as if it willLat long last be a reali­ fa Smtte even norning M««pt Moaday sad Saturdty. September have to hss to do what ia be^t, if# to attend the annual­ *a iaaa.»...*»d «e«Pt 4bH«is holiday and axamUatioo period*, and bl-wMkly the truth, does America have (India) . , 15. Crushing 32. Dagger* © 38. Little"; ty. This pebpo^ed^seaWay wonld country*. I '' ''t " ' .vi -^neeting of the American Society ; i tti iJtUMi aaaaioD* ondai tha ntl*. of Tba Summer Texan oa a role for the future." 16, Ahead " & •• snake. > Java tree 'island -open the port cites of „ 1 «a# Srida* it? Taxaa Stadant FnbUeatioaa. ina. the Great The reply, which to v of Newspaper Editors v;i7.'Ooddes«:w!^fvAntlefetf % 4M. Ashade -•fe 4ft. Garden r seemed (ASNtJ),' Ifaws eMMbottHSit «flJ IM a«e«Btad bj talepbona (I-S47S) •» a» the TOBACCO AND WOMEN Lak'ea to ^e, Atlantic Qeeaiu to imply •oma of thoss lorfffsnt jHnr«d*editors promptly decried ^ iitariai o»ee JA I ot at tha Neva Laboratory, J.B. 102. laoutrMa 4>fdawn * i$d lie had soeh poww, drew ^rotestaj;; l^ruinaa^ assertion ss Munfortuto­ .>t«me«Mdss daJleory mi advartlaiac iboaId be made 4a J.B. los (2-247S). 1.:; The . Maryland Diamond-1$« Music note Canadian officials have .. an­ OpiataM ot »ha Tfaan are not aecaaiarfly •boee of tha AdmtaiatraUoa pr-.other Oal»at*% oCletalt : » back, University of Maryland, 19. A celestial nounced that they would, build the txouL a nTmber^'Of' editors'Who at^ate.^.:":,'-;; , . Bnterad as Memd-euwa' autter Oatabar 1». 194l at the Poat OSIee at. thinks there is a subtle analo-structure r * seaway by themselves if Congress tended his newa conference. They /i Alexander F. Jones, ASNE pre iSoatln. Ta*aa da*ar 'b# Aft of Mareb S. IS7». - • gy between women and tobac­22. Three, at does „notv. vote to assume part of said that if sqch power exists, tha Ident and editor of the Syracuse, ASSOCIATED PRESS wou seaVICE cards cost by next month. All that Can-fcation ia close to dictatorship. " N.1 Y,, HeraldJournal, told a n­ £. Tha AameJatM co. It declares: /»lat*d f*r«(a u fc*aln«J#Wy entlUed to tha uae tar rapa bltea ablteatton al m«|U news diai>Mt«haa\«radit|M) «a It or oat otberwia* eraditad hi .tUa "newa-24. Chest *•. sida needs is formal approv*! by Top-flight editora of many of porter: " ­ "Sophomores - "• Ma, and (oe^ Itama of; •sontaaaooa orisin pabUahad haMia 'Bi| President and.he has IT ha hss the power to seise Bithta af want" -their 25. Enemy Truman, the country's leading newspaper#-;;; SjBnMltatkiB of aO otlwa ta^tar harata alaa raaarrad. women to be like cigarettes, . 24, Mornings favored the projectfor some time. -'"Were among the 520 newsmen^ ateel mills, newspapers and radio, slender and trim, all.in a row, (poet) r* 5 rftepraaaatad tor MatlamU Adrarttaia* bi NatloaaJ SdrertJalnt If the 114-mile canal is built, present at the conference at which ;I see.no reason why he does not .. . 8frrlea lae, Collaxa t'abUxbara RepreaentatlTe "to be selected at will, set 28. Walk, as am Hadleoa New Xjtrk. H.% "aflame, and when the flame ~ *dwK , 'CWoa*a — Boetoa — toe Sageiae — San fraaeiaeo ' • ^'•,.41.Closet#,! ocean transport. Ships will baabls ' " has subsided, discarded only ir-U Loose, -to extend commercial lanes abourf V . . . i •> 1° Belect s ' < hangingpotnt 2,350 miles west of tha Atlantic ; /.^m" MCMBEK "A junior wants his wo^n-' S3.Indefinite seaboard and five maior ports miHs, can you tell us whether, in . ers ttat the goverame«t> takingAaaKtatad CaUaetate Preaa " AU-Aaaartcaa Paeaaaaha, an to be like a cigar. They're article on th.foaat P>vt 0P"»°a» » P»PW to seixe . over tteir property, setting prices V ­ will be opened on th e Great ^ ne^]Q)ftpen the radio sta*|, on food, and ordering .them to pay more expensive, make a bet* -^4.,C«uslyg Lakes. % > p^their farm hands more money. Maiied «et f|.\'.'CoSt of the seaw^i, •>£ nftt»«radi , Haflad ta • *oatia . -^The fMroeni*S^ed ftat-ttto-^4" loiter Xarkd, Sunday ediW#^^ S'' V **•.. f . • .• . «i*8P per m«L-wo;. , ..j,f,f ,7#,;p«-wo. 4k/s » par J ^ :||(efttv to Mk similar New Ytak Tim4, saidt, ^ "A 4^pio#'wants'ite gljt'l k ^ungSSft .?^r-io*nf-20 yaars,is tentato*el*set -f^TAFlP FOR THIS 1SSUJE is a^tuertibn. In ito-A. iri ^.be like his-pipe, something he " ^ |818 million. This sum is expected ­ tor DOROfHY CAMPBELL ,v (So.Am.j first plaea,Whether he shoold have becomes attac)xe4;to, knockR ^0,Celerity,, will*. Even il you %' Assistant Nigfit Editby ...... Bill Morgan gently but lqvingly and takes ^i^.swsgjg^"; V Truman*1-concede that, the seizure of ra* ;Nicht Honnrfjsn. i v »--j »• " great care of at all times. (Colloq.) . dio «Jd newspapers goes far b«-**" ^42;Tanker '' el CoBgxwani.n u. . editor, tamadbtdr yond and raises much deeper ques-• ] iiona. , . 43. Questions cause nona of Jthe i^enue woum ^ jis broadly .rtinitunnmsogipnvgytnery ' W1r:"i^e5i ' **' -,..:i.; Dor0thy didht mention, the jSesn-,. fenmtng tnto the United ^tateSr^ eifisally . claiming> ililiiw:; ^•iMx&m mm „pPPi^p.-.^-.r5r ffi Party of m eanmittea vera Janis DecMwn, «oV 11 fek-,-^•1 r«u College of Education -Thursday, secretary, Shirley Van Cleave,' campaign rolling, Sunday, night, Wfll foUow^show will include saverel Uni-> Admission is f 1 for adults and way, John Fussell, BiU Modrall, at Ziilker Park. Education faculty ' Xti$y"^all Wiil hold l# apinial Peggy Shudde is the new corres­VHlareal added, "The 8,00(^Meth. students plot well-known fid cants for children. Reservations and X}e• ilies and friends sire invited. 8-1 fc o'clock at the Texas Feder­treasurer; historian, Clementine a rare opportunity of helping to pm* ihik h their venkm^f "Little Nell" *ith '#§• Bei»J(» Las, partkiipaitt 1a Mis aceodipa'niment, Betty Jo At 6 p.m. there will be soft-ated Roman's Club BaUroomi ~ White; and. alumnae secretary, mm 3 •Jkmmgvi aad Rowd-6p Bmn this *ear, Bond Ploy* 'Neighbor** •Ogburn and Dan Durwsy will bill, volleyba^. and other games. Old South theme will be carried Caroline Williams. , , |billed for several comic out calls for the pernor siag"Down onthe Levee." Rotind' Bernie. Lax . of .'/South Baeific" te the decorations and ;^ia Chorister is.-Ruthanne Husser tinea.. Bett& Boiiglu director of ~ o* t>)« a.fton fiNc V C&fNL, „.PJ ing oat the* vocal phase will be and TV. fame will ;«mcfia fttf Same illsHuston v Orchestra will ttnd Mary Frances Adams is ward­ Hw Tentane* wfll do *•* comic vauds^le actoi^:, of the' Austin play. •' ! en. poo* and danee routine entitled Iter Lonirhorn Baa4''§layei As "The Country *&! Pryor, ta keeping hit act la eold-Other entertainment will In­ veinclude 3-' H«i|* «ntll playtime. . "The Relativity of Values and clude dancing, sbfinf, swipm!ng, I' <+*' .Friday " '< Architectural Engineers picnic, Diuretics" at a meeting of Rho cards Chi, honorary pharmaceutical so* Frank Ron, local hillbilly en-the Possibility of Synthesizing in­baseball, baskftball, and voP«y« T^S^O—OpSn hwse, Kappa Kap­Zilker Park Club Hut. ; | tertalner will play the' Spanish ternational Ctalture" was a panel baH. .T^t'k pa Gamma. ,t."' J; 2-12—Barge party, Wesoninster ciety, Tuesday, at 8 p.m. in Chem­Sm. mM istry Building 15, ' r *£t tnitar and lead his combo, con. discussion given by the Interna­Girls will w^r btua jaaits ^d Dessert, party, Zeta :Tau Student .. .Fellowship,. . Green * The lecture Is open to the pub­ sisting of Eddie Robert, steel gui­tional Clnb Tuesday, Dr. Marian colorful blouMM, and boys^ dress Alpha house. / shores. -»i lic. ­ tar; Johnny Reed, fiddle, and Jim Davis, associate professor of art, will be blue jeans, j*triag bow ties, !f*8^0»0pin house, Gamma .Phi 2-12—Picnic, Arnold Air Society, SlVwt Ratliff, vocalist and novelty man. Dr. D. t. Killer, professor of and striped $h$rts.' Beta, ^ Bastrop Park. ,iit < J ? Girl vocalists are Clemme Frels philosophy, and Dr. I* U, Hanke, A supper of bwbecue, potato T-®^0—DeiKrt; party, Chi Omega 2-10—Picnic, Tejas Club, Landa AOPi to Cclebrat* m$0s,. w'v^^d Demp Toney, performing both director of the Institute of Latin; salad, beans, iced tea, and ic* >1.house. vl" * • C 1 ' ^ Park in New Braunfels. I ;«T , • singly and as a duet American studies, ware speakers cream will be served. about 4, 841—^Informal party,' Alpha Chi El«v*nth Birthday 2-7—Swim party, Beta Theta Pi,c The Kinney Kid* will do the at t&e discussion. and dancing will begin after the Omega house, ^.. /J" f , New Braunfels. St^fSbd7! meal; A fellowship circle will fol­8«1*-—Formal dance, Kirb'y liell. Pi .Kappa chapter of Alpha REV. A. D. LEMONS low at 19 .o'clock before the x* ^ Saturday 3-11—Acacia picnic,.Hamilton Omicron Pi will celebrate its itm* mmmm. MUk turn trip at 10:80. '•> 1 s If.10—American Association of Pool. „ >;i eleventh birthday with two parties • ..." ••• " 'v-••/ ••v .v .•>' •• Saturday. 6-10—Alpha Omicron Pi boat ride -i ""Ivil and picnic, Greenshores. The first party, a"picnic, will *wTCiffHRtBl 8-12—Tri Dorms spring formal, be followed by a slumber party German -41"" *• tpk»r Tune in "Tower Tune Time" at the sorority house. dorms, Members and their dates will 8-12—Kappa Sigma formal, Texas KNp^li:3Q-12:00 midnight Union. -» meet at the house at 8 p.m. to leave for the new picnic grounds 8-12—-Closed house, Alpha Tau iefe®-isi triiru Saturday • at Green Shores, Swimming,Oniega house annex.--picnic supper and a ride on the The second and last showing of i Jack Gray, JuKa BdSto% Edith 9-12—^Alpha Kpsilon Phi formal. the Departinent of Germanic Lan­Falk, Paul Gardner, Mr^ Evelyn Riverboat Commodore are^'plan­ ! Week End House Parties guages' four one-act .plays,' -in Csell, Edward Loper, Paul White, ned for the afternoon and even­ Saturday-Sunday ing. German will be in Architecture and Kelly Scott play in: "Dia 12 noon-12rnbon—Pi Kappa Alpha, Building 105 at 8 p.m. Friday* Stumme Schoenheit." '•% At l2:45 the slumber party will !? Dixie Dude Ranch; Sigma Phi. "Der Fahrende Schueler im Yesterday's photo of one oiC t^a begin, and annual awards will be , Epsilon, Mayan, Ranch; Phi Paradeis," stars Bill Cavness, ra­ presented.,-^ Delta Theta, Eagle Rock Ranch; dio major, as a : wandering schol­' Sigma Chi, Wagon Wheel ar and Elaine Boney as a peasant pickets may be purchfiied' at Delta Tau Delta will its annual Ranch; Theta Xi, Flying Ranch; woman. Walter Herbst is also in Bohn Brothers, 517 Congress, or Founders Day Banquet Saturday 'Sigma Nu Circle R, Sky Ranch; •the cast. .r •; from, members of the Germanie night at 7 o'clock at the Driskill -Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Lost Val­ Cast in "Die Icleinen Verwand-Languages Department, oy^at. the Hotel, Coleman Gay, Austin at» ley Guest Ranch* ten" are -Cecil White, Sharlene fdoor. General «dmissieli'vis' torney, and; Albert Sidney John­ • Sunday...'.-:''. Gerrick, Jane Malin, Harold Mel-tents, students, 60 cents.' , , •: f son, an alumnus, will be the speak­ <" * < • . -A--i* . j> 2:80-11—Sigma Delta Tau picnic, ers. nick, .Ruth.! Pendergrass and Zilker Park. Herbst In 4,Der Rossdieb su Fuen- Guests • and members will meet sing," parte will be played by3-8—Campus Guild open house, at the house at 6 p.m. before going Cavness, Albert Worchel,; Jack BLUES QUINTET Kirby '6» H|iK«e'4w Hall. to the hotel for the dinner. BroWn, and Gus Santikos. Caldwell I»J<(ew Arkansas Head TJflJRS -Dr.-John-Tyler Caldwell wa •1^rzSiEas?"yM.'ics announced Wednesday as the new 88' Austin's jmnnid kite 'tourna^ Austin president of the University of -ment will be held Sunday at JfvArkansas, according to an Asso 8>.m. ih Zilker Park. It is spon> ciated Press release» Dr. Cald sored by the E^Ouing* Clnb and' for Benefit well was president of Alabama MNMtfH SCOTT the city reeteatton "de$prtmenV College for Women. \ fcmlMr A special benefit concert of Phillips, viola; Robert Collins, cel­and will be.handled by the Avia-c chamber musie for the Fine Arts tion and Air Scout Committee ef; „ MEED A SHARP KNIFE Joan Ruhlman Ryan, pi­ Wmttorn YOU Foundation of the College of Fine lo,, and the Austin Exchange Club. • ano, in the ' presentation of A*ts. will be performed by the The contest is open to any boy Brahms' Sextette in G-major, University String-Quartet Friday or ;jgiri with home-made ldte.^ Opus'.36, which will be the closing a in the Recital Hall at 8:30 p.m, The-events will ba for the most' number. „ The chamber works of Mozart. unusual kite, smallest Site, larg­ On tour the quartet jnembers: No. AUSTIN G3EE3 Faure and Brahm's will, be' pre­est kite,.youngest flyer, strongest PIM TOM ud JERRY Ptm S CAKTOOIfS Angel Reyes, violin; Alfio Pignot­ . FEATURE STARTS AT 7 FJg,, FEATURE STARTS AT 7 PJi. sented by the quartet' In their pullfng kite, "100-yard dash» ;^ ti, violin; Albert Gillis, viola, and first Austin appearance, since its steadieet tailleas kite, and the only Horace Britt, cello, received "SPY HUNT" "LONE STAR" recent tour to the, east. The quar­event for adults will be ior the praise for their performance in tet will be joined by Elisabeth steadiest flying kite. ' ' „ Mtnrl Duff MtrU TorM Clarfc Gabla . Ava Cardaar ensemble as well as individusl. University faculty members of' V' •i-jri--Al»or— . j_ Joipt to Give Uctur«. "Elegy, Opus 24," by Gfcbriel the committee are B. H. Amstead,. Faure will be played by Horace to assistant professor of "mechanical t°cu u|1Steaks! Britt, accompanied by Mrs. Ryan "COUNTY FAIR" "TERESA" > On Jewish Folk Music engineering; Kenneth H> Jehn,ss> ^ fterjr CalhmiB ' Jan* Nigh Plar Anfali Jokn Eriuae in meroriam of Bernard La-sistant professor' of meteorology) fe N. Erwin Jospe, nationally-recog­Berge, famous concert manager Dr. M. J; Thompson, profepsor ofnised pianist and composer will and long-time ' friend of Britt, aeronautical engineering and as*' MONTOPOLIS G3HD YANK give • an illustrated lecture and -who until his recent death was sociate director of the Defenseperformance on..Jewish folk music manager for the University of FEATURE STARTS AT 7 P.M. Research Laboratory. ^ "PRINCE WHO . Monday at 8:15 p.m. at Hillei Texas String Quartet" • , "TOO YOUNG U A T Foundation. RE ST A R N S "Admission to the concert Is 75 WAS A THIEF" Jospe has conducted orchestrial TO KISS" cents. The tickets may be. pur­ Tray;Curtia Plp«r Laurli and choral music in Berlin, New :. Jmta AlljrMB • Vu> Mnin"w - chased at the Recital Hall box of­S7I womw f««| —Alw— York, Los Aneglas, Chicago, and fice. All proceeds will be used for. 224 eoliefM takiHC . "THE MAN WITH Cleveland. His choral composition the Touring and Traveling Fund, t / sp-fr A CLOAK" "WEST OF THE PECb^;. with "All My Heart O True" re­ enabling the Fine Arts cultural sMnitariil Jsaaytj Cottra Barbara Stniwrek : Rabart Mltchun cently received, the Musarts activities to expand.over the state. award. ' atOM* DOORS OPEN 11145 American Airlines­ &*• VisH Out 'BURNE To Interview Co-eds RAINBOW Don Patterson, American Air­SAILOR "WARPATH" ROOM lines' personnel representative, V Special Course for College Women. ' ta Taclnrfcalar ' Small T-Bone $1.00' will consult with girls interested Writenve-cityCollegepersonalDeanplacementfor catalog.gerrfce. -: in jobs as stewardesses frcftn 9 Daaa Martiai K^niMid O'Briaai SbCj&, Jarry tnk Dmi Jmggmr Larg* T-Bone .......... $1.25 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday (April 18) KATHARINE GIBRFS;| ^OWZONnCIUttSswi &*>3rsi Vi j, J immmgm PIM . • ... . _ .. ' in the offices, of Placement Direc­sosipn u, m mmmmki«. ww Yomt njmh*«*, — -Floa­ >&% f HUMPHREY tor Joe D. Farrar, —* .>•^-» KATHAR»«i '• FREE ENTERTAtNMENT "PASSAGE "TRIPOU" In^ addition to a starting^salary f WEST" FRI —SAT.—SUN. of $208 per 'month, stewardesses jiif Mauraaa OHani' J ' Joh> ftjraa Jeha Pan>a receive all normal Irving expenses Negro Combo while away from their home bases. B06ART* HEPBURK FMIST SHOW 7130 P.M. r»ST SHChV 7dO P.M. 6-8:30 p.m./ Interested co-eds should contact Wl P 0 A D the placement director's officejfor Private Parties by appointments. Door Opn at 6:30 p.m. Ra»erv«+ion—Phone 8-3984 »ho&e 7-196* ,/Hi wm SRi SAN JACINTO INN GREG SCOTT E. 16th &, San Jacinto v Wm IT'S FUN V'-A1 1U bu *»»• t|jSf" 'vffTlW* Ernie Mae Miller PRIVATE SIMWC*­ «« DANCE bsBOWLING II III ts --V. LESSONS SENSIBLY PRICEDp-Afternoon AT 14.95 < r,( x . s «Maiuw<-nk y<«4M Quaomupe AT 25^ i" y>* j and tbm Taui TkMkt jv.r­ ^ x ">sl; Evenings (forra«rty ef Oloty lloora't) . IffiPORLEY /4 > at the piano t'C I U " * ™sSS£" ^gwarvBBa > pUyiag A linring • your favorite im|« Sleekt «§*teri|gr' nightly ¥„„, 1 Stladt. , MacWURRAY..i:M BAXT£R 1'' ^ ^ py TODAY! "Wr : ^M^SSaw.. IT REGULAR PRICES! 4«,>. flUyr&i; m • Rooms Plaa WALT ?&*?>£% n DISNEY'S * i OKY'l »Tarrytown |^S 1706 San Jacinto UiPhone®i644l~NoC« 8 EtposHicMi 1SH UON" mmm "XT—' •* mum •" '1 ^ ­ JT * , \ * raw *"> * 1 £fr.1 W ifsilir :?»*««*'''Ap* 'ft, MM . THfe DAILY **»•». A*". » " >3 .• «J:," i®sii§ Hi l 'fa>?5 rJ j ive i •& A 4 '4­ 1 rin*. f&,frx W$*{*< f" *? * ^saei ^ » pS bmft afar /3Bia. wuw*->pt'Saom4' Doxte MiQer AudHoriom several, Wednesday and %»¥ thi a nd •nilotaott CoBagea lcte«gb» ^>&? t­ sre&Jssv ,.WB laltyea*v15?^W!W^ T . Anstto. discussion witt sehtatives Chambers br,«fca Capi­ Vice-President and General Coun­Baiter «f come the M«a«t «aasptisr and Sai# Cesare Gallito indudein it*r#i»ort At fuiwe ofi^fioitw^ffie^ odistBrihrereRy, and Dt Itttiw, », _'«5fea laws *»*»&>* b#si»*f - tol. y • -* -* r , sel of the, WilH«n Cameron Com­follow each of the topics. to Aasembly a recommendatkn son CoQ^e. The new institution Bfa% ,«f Awtin, Dr. WiBia Tate, u«l UMim ti» "jrest «aa»p «B.*s i K. i,,.f|r.Tia Wilt k« lh# of ht a Tit* first conference in 10(0 pany of waco, ^Getting Oqt the There will banquet Fri­tiia* st^« U takn b§ fwaOIr,;aitabHihad Sef* {L IkMuM. 4)ub ««r nresident of All courses now ottered at1w^SSSwJ Hi E Hfldeteand eon-malted In the Stat* Bar's ap­Stocky by Talbot Bain of Dallas, day evening at 7:30 p.m. at the Tax compulsory again, but no tember l. _ i j.Huston-TUlotson .were present. otson and Samuel Huston wfll B fewitta **?*# fca» »*** #•* pointing a committee to draft a "Structure of Corporate Manage­Commodore Perry Hotel, 'the ercentages this year. ^All interim president of &a°wm col­er cduedtlM is Taxaa^ Othar out-' soma courses war* exehwiva wi* The conference will ofHtn with Mezger, Consolidation, and Sale as will be toaftmaster. members hav# worked hard and lege. Hiat«m will begin next Sep-atahdtrig, educators present irere one or the other of theAmft* bf,Mr*. Margaret The Saturday morning session ' « ^ F** the Fridaymoraing session. A re­of tirelessly fit effort to, Make ap­tembeir when the two eeH#gea are Dr. i,;f, Edgar, Steta Commis-The total ex^rottment Ur will be from 9:00 to 11:0ft an< port of the progress of the State Amsler of Waco* "Receivership propriations fUTand ^a^ah^ merged. The curreat jpwUnti stoner of Education, and T. N. two schools is 1.050. They «M Bar Committee will be presented and Difsolution," by Louis Scott •will be presided over by 'Dan he said. ; educational, year colir of the two institutions will serve Porter, assistant'superintendent four Emergency loans Moody, lfee subjects to be spoken by Paul Carrington of Dallas. -Wilkerson of Austin, "Corpora­^ Monte and Berkey are prepaid «vice-prudent. of the Austin PuMie Schools, which are accredited byOther speeches to follow are: tions Subject to the Act," by Pey-on are "The Purpose Clause/' and vy; Student* is emergencies which ing the final report to he presented Tillotaon Coliege^ The students and faeulty of the Southern Association of "The Drafting of Charters," entail financial need may draw at Assembly meeting. . At the maas m two sehools were told of the plans and Seeondary Schobla. * 4KT which will be by Kurt Pantxer. upon Hi* Inter-fraternity Council An added feature of the con' Lmb Fowl «£ 1500^. ferenee is the iHildebrand Moot «»**» Wild Wins Court Competition .which tried a. t, -4 W ponrible for student* who aud­ case involving the questions of dehlyfindthemselves to n«od of corporation law which are doubts ~W$tl lz4 'flnattti*Iikelp to gH ewh Within a 1 r . -4? Contest ful under the'present law.. The %4 ,™,, Uw hours. Any bona flde student court was composed of Chief Jus­ IP of the WrtkersHy may got a loan. "It was not an "easy task to Independence. J> , -it tice Hickman and Associate Jus­ m "* ** ,W. D. Blank, dean of student chop the trees and plow the field* The eight speakers, were tilt s tices Sharp, Smedley, Brewswr, f ,V ietivities And chairman of the —nor to build a tradition and in­finalists. p» *> Garwood, Griffin, Calvert, Smith, Loan and Scholarship Information stitutional framework -within the Wild went on to speak of the and Wilson all of t&e Texas Su- Committee, will be In charge of territory of our Lone Star State," forces that brought' these stout, preme Court. It was held, at 4:00 ^ps®as the loam Students may contact John Wild, winner of the Battle hearted men to Texas—the chance J •{ " V Is* , pan. Wednesday. WAV' hfanatbis ofBce or homo. ^ s of Flowers Oratorical contest, said to build their fortune—and how dUss The , registration fee for the Thursday. year si?;-'.Whether the need Wamnta a year-after the population conference is five* dollars and is f|? l«m will be op to Dean Blank's Second place winner in the' an« grew and as^ it grew# so grew a payable at the time of registra­ '* discretion. When ho is out of town, nual contest was William Wright, nation. -. §/f Dean of Men Jack Holland will speaking on "The Trail of the , "The story' of an empire being! tion. _ ^ j^b handle the fund. -Lone Star." Dorothea Dishongh built out of barren fields and wOod­ /• • b-V**-" Loans will normally be made won third place with "The Last ed hills is written on the-"bronze Seventy Pats March %r > 4\C# * \ v?i4 for*short period of1 time. Interest Word." hearts : of determined, men—and wh i U State Bar Exam MF will be charged at the Tate of 4 The contest is sponsored an­it shall not be'forgotten.The deeds tv t ^ ^ 3. y, per cent per annum, with a mini­nually by the Battle of Flowers of braver men )han we shall be- & A1-m Seventy persons. have passed s'mum of 50 cento per loan, No se-Association; The orations must be remembered long after..you and i the March bar examination H< P» '${"• cority is required. original speeches;J on ~ historical Steinle, secretary of the examine No limit has been placed on the events, character delineations of Wild ..continued to. recount the ing board* has announced. swim amount of the loan. The fund Texans# or institutions in keeping wars in which Texas had partici- They are: ; •^T ij$r will be deposited and accounted with the patriotic spirit of Texas iince her fight for indepen- W«lter Acr«m«n, L. Errol And«f»'nf, dustry will be' one of the topics essence of existence.'' Marvin William-B. teog.XU, for discussion at the meeting of Sldnor S. McClandon, Jo««pl» MatttbVwy, The Texas pioneers with a trea­Jamaa R. Moyara, A. D. Moore, Joaa^ithe Central Texas Meteorological sury of $58 dared to .declare war T. Moor. Jr.. BlUa F. Morria. G«or*a W. f r' BOBBIN'S BODY SHOP Society in Experimental Science Morria, Patar S. Nara.ro, WiUiaoi H. Building 228 Friday at 8 p.m. on the second greatest nalidii -fit Nainast, Alvln Owalay Jr., MiltOB _Pat' the western hemisphere. rott, Frank Starr Poim, Charl^i W. Poafc . John C. Freeman of the Texas C. Fount Bay, ttanry T. Bay, B«ttbart XX* "It is not easy to leave a wife 8. Baa, KanMtb Roberta, Boscr V. Bobin­ it KAlNTlNa *SKAT COVMS A6M College Department of Oce-, . . ** CLASS * AUTOJUtWMUHlNa aon Jr» Cbarlm N.. Boddy, Jobnny Balah, J anoCT^^^ter^SergeaiA isos LmM T-rue --— • -^done to flgfit^TBSrr'i^^ it r'*** Carl Schroedfrr of the Bryan Air 3 M. Staranaon Jr^ Biehard Btona, Joaaph -x Bills, padded uniforms, or essen i $ Force Base weather 'service Will Stool, Bruee • Sotton, himia T. Tsryars analyze air conditions which led tial desk jobs. But this ^as: the Robart Thornton, Nawalt Lynn WaJkar, John O. WalUra. Franklin Warnor, Jamaa beginning of the Texas tradition AUSTIN to.the serious outbreak of torna­ Tatar Wllllama. E. P. Woodruff, Bobart WELDING does in March. of allowing n6 compromise with U Woodward, Harry K. Wright. . .. A RADIATOR Boy C. Jorgensen of Dow Chemi­freedom. The deadline for filing for bar WORKS cal Company. Freepdrt, will show To Dorothea Dishongh, speak­association and honor council of­ a movie illustrating how his com­ ing on "The Last Word, Texas fices is Saturday, April 26 at 12 F eoo W. Sth Sl. pany employed radar when a hur­ history could be compared to a noon. Td.e-S7SS ricane hH Ifreeport in 1949. magnificent hall, with the parts in separate rooms, The long nar. row Iwll was filled with the valiant men of Texas, the heroes of the r**-A Free Lecture •' AKmo, the conquistadorel and the explorers. In one room she saw the present Texas and in stOl an; f >' *** y Here Saturday Vl other she saw the future, the jpart X\ ^ CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: HEALING BY & of history that is up to us. Prizes amounting to about |?d *?'> >-3 • Other speakers on the program will be awarded to the.three best wero William G. Barber, who apoke technical papers by chemical en­ - THE POWER OE GOD' on * "The Spark for Freedom;" gineering atudentsSaturday when; Newton Schwartz, "The Lone Star the Texas chapter of the American UT, Bice andThe First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston'Massachusetts. A&M in a tri-meet with Texas ; wW be 9Wen^ , ^ W Having apaiiyT Tech, and Lamar Tech -as guests. l {V ~ • > / ' • i r-' On the agenda is a mixer, tours, * Nwralty ftubhw Mub and a banquet. * HathM taflatol BaUaw Sunday, April 20, at 3:30 P.M. it Caatwaa Buy «r' Rant Raymond^ J. Frazer and Harvey Wa hava Navaltlaa af al) typaa A. Campbell, UT chemical en­gineering students, will compete AUSTIN NOVELTY CO. with seven other students from eoo w-stii fk e-4ssr the southwestern schools fqr prises Commodore Perry Hotel Ballroom for their papers during the meet­EXPRESS BUS SERVICE ing. Judging will be by a faculty »*^ Yon ere eordiaHy InvHed by committee -from the various f I" to HOUSTON schools. Immediately after, the .w FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENYS3T 4 Hours Call 2-1 IBS mixer will be held, in the Unit r-y rr#" Operations «liaboratory in the Ktrrvill* But Co. Austin, T^xas Chemical Engineering Building. 4 t1 > s if— Ill E. I0fh^ _* At the banquet Robert B. Phil* lips, BS '48, who wiffl)e the prin­ cipal speaker at the second annual X fa. THE DAILY QUICK meeting of the chemical engineers, -TEXAN . CLASSIFIED ADS RESULTS will speak on "Before and After IX ** < Your Degree." He is a chemical J amsdagsm Wanted Pot S«ilft> Lost and Found at Baytown.< JVf The banquet will he held at ? BXPBBIBNCR0 aolorad woman LIGHT ONE CYLINDER motoreyela for LOOSE-LEAF NOTEBOOK in Garrlaon Wtats, to do UnlyaraiSy atadanta* tattn-a aala. Stmpla automatic clutch drlvat Hall. Nama inald*. Valuabla to C. V. p.m. Saturday in tha Student nlftmna, ablrt*, draaaaa, snd allka. hand tbrottta; 40 tallaa par gallon. Ex-Jonaa JrM <90 Eait tlrd. Fhona B-1440 Union cafeteria. ^ ' ' eallant condition. Call 8-JSSS. ' or 8-8S21. Raward. ' & * J ? ISIGHKST PRICES PAID for tad band Rooms for Rent \ H- fe.Mi'i' elotkinf, :Kbaki ' pacta, -abbrta, Coaching 'Mr. Formal' Tryouts 1 t&FM* is|l»* and kom. Ala* furnltura and ^•daeellenaoue artlelaa. S.S0S4. RENT TO a nambar of tha Unlrarafty Continue Friday ^ ­ COACHING IN SPANISH. Exparlancad ataff or grmdaata atudant. Two unfur-ut\-iv Cataiina alnylon jwimfninb that Iffflatteringly, wear ,OBADUAM B«r<*tarad PbanaacUt, taaebar. Naar UnWaralty. 1-86(1. nlahad rooma with bath and garaga. Vi hiring rataU^ dro* axparlanca. Good block .front -eampua. 180T San Antonia Dick Colhoume and Elliot wat, dry elfJn^a jtffy. ln/rieh eobn including havy, •y, and good hoars. Write Wri*ht'« E.C.H. Bantal. Cohen will represent Sigma Nu ai8tor*,G«lyaiton, Tajcaa. Special Services and Phi Sigma Delta, respectively, , maroon and tan 5.9S fa 8.95 WANTING •iMwae atrnMphm Furnished Apartments in the "Mr. Formal" finals at iW. —Unlraratty atudant havine niea homa, «trx^r­ j:W'##yan bloeka m«n aebool, wilj rant front n*m CUTS .71a Varsity Carnival, May, 3. Tryouts Btaaya Barbar Shop -2591 Gnadalapa -bfdrooni to en* or two soya. Can ahara Friday will be held at The Toggery EXTRA NICE larga afflaianey apartmaat. Jutahan ^; axpanaa and-prcpara braakfaat ; CaftRnaV new Cabana sforfs fsafunng irunk-wrHim. *»d auppar at bona il dpilrad. Fbosa ffiPPM RADIO and TV Sarvlca gnar* Alio niea badroom in nrivata bona. for Phi Gamma Delta at 4:00 #0# W. 22nd. S-e«0«.c' -J . ' •"taad not to go ovar IS with faw and Sigma 'Alpha Epsilon at 4:30. ^ ^ isi •xeaptiona, talaphona 2-S180. and^neet Any college mens" organizationTyping may enter the' contest by phoning -Special Exchange apffearanc* 3.95, 4.95 u-Hal Copeland in the Daily Texafi 9wA . .!t '••.'•.HI.". : ... . r— ' REFINED ADULT Ualvanlty woman advertising, department, 2-2473. * * TYPING-Neat work. Pldt up aarrica. will azehanga ear* for Inatructor'* i-KM -1-4811. to* tAN AMSB1CAN WORLD AZRWA^b luinia, in thalr abianea tbla aaramar. for U now accepting applfeaOon* for " H»lng quartara. Writ* Box TX or call atPERUSNCKD SUA. gnidnaU. Rmmm^ Cot J. C. StephetUr UT Ex, Di«e Wida salacHon ol Catajina frunls in colorful patterns 2-1478. ' i 0N8 «»• •• llat«d b*> ay* Mr*. Uaria S.118? . Lt. qot Joe C. Stephens tIS t « b^d coidr "combinations indudma plaids and r™f i. f ^ IS YEARS "EXPERIENCE. ThaiM, dia-Army retired, died Thursday at' and ;United Stataa CltUaa^' >" •artationa. ate. «-4747 avantnga. his home, 3616 Monnie" Road. Col; 4.95, 5.95 .Afa 21-28 . > ' Smsla (Not widowad, dlvorcad «r m fk-JUPSRISNOBDi l,l!"W¥ff. (Mw Stephens was a former, math , i Hf <•£ .iC'J.Jwl ULI'JJ aity edkUMriMeaTTaMra. RitaU* teacher at The ' University' of (CollaM pi*> Texas. The funtfraT is' at *12:80 MByfjy tfuK-jLJH /rTPlNG—Tbaaaa. aaaanaaripta. aotaa. Manhattans rayon net shirts, shear, breeza-absorbent ato. Talapbona MUi -­ H<>me.\ m will be nt S p.nus nan pleksp aarrlea. and «M ttirougHrand-ffmwgfi axparianaad. T-H14. SO day annua] Lsuia jwu Antonio. ^ A--1 BUSH ORDEB8. »4 R. 80th fit. Ph^na J —-!Wj - 13 ii aU'J 'JH S-8S7*. ^ #v8 tad ant LJdaaiia liukiti TUXEDOS; £I!11'J J • • WilUM RW-f-71 Slgi long ^S" *53S C«adalup« Pbw