MsSwfcS *^#r ?^k T^&hm **** •*••* *STJi^»yj«^)( ij£*. Mamduii V*jSrk££ h I I BrookVwho I*,#•jurtp-^ rr*fnr is-*-?* T«M»< tf«uw*W " :JMtt.e, hW» of organizations, but they of Intey-CpCouncil an<| Cam^ fWA. -•A aewly-organlied Stadent mre expwted to work for the put Guild* JUSTIN, ,TEXA5. 'FfU£>AYs'MARCH W,.lW«.j>& Six Poges Tbday «§ Party "will meet Wednesday d Student Party with&i the groups president ;Of Oeang* Jacket* and V%J> "if yM, •>'j ^,.,11,^ ^te mac a date of candidates for of which they are members. " Campos League and *hoice of the ^ the spring elections., Hit These *4 members willbe the Cads' .AssocUtiouvfor.4wpt -Att-SfWVft ing, at 6. pxtu in. Texas Union, ones eligible tovoteon party can­rouTKd-iGidi'.'..;, > ifp. * "V—Wf -*S-\ f iw be ojmw to-everyone. ' didates and platforms. The select, , Also Ann Rankin, president of ed candidates,of the party pro­ Purposes of the party am "t$. Mortar Board and former mem­ >&"*•"v~ '&5""­ bably will become voting members. ber of the student assembly; t _, select student officers on th« basis Organisation of the. Student Ralph Person, past.J president of ' of qualification without regard, to ^membership in any organisations, Party hegan two weeks age as Westminister Student Pellowship" WT'-* -U;v ' the jointendeavor of two.groups, mod president assemblyman; Mad­r&jjT»w?®Seach of which had decided .indi­den, past student president and vidually that it needed to do some­Best Alt-Bound Boy; .Mary-Pat Jl?w T hirty-four representatives ipt B thing to provide a -more. worth­Dowell, co-president of the Y and o.-a chosen from eaftpua living uaita, while basis for selection of politi­co-chairman of Campus Chtst;. social organizations, and church No tiolinci Marks cal candidates than membership Pistor,-past president-of, SilVter »organizations will select the Stu­ in fraternal organisations., -fr Spurs and editor of Apparent on Body dent 'Party nominees from sug­Y the Cactus;, J£M MONTGOMERY The groups, when combined, and Bill Wright, assemblyman and ^ntn^nition ariitlA­ gestions presented them by this Found Wtdnosday W- consisted of these /students: varsity debater. fW Orange and White wlutftK'on addfinitetingc of the ranks of last year#s Conference co-champions. 0one it^4 path's steering! committee, and from nominations from the floor. L.v/'W..' firreen S^urday as Coach 6ibb Falk puts one of the most in­such standbys as capable Frank Womack, Jim Ehrler, An autopsy report on cause of This nine-man committee, head­death of Darwin Watts, 17, Bowie, experienced baseball teams in Longhorn annals upagainst the Kana^ Hilton Deason.^allaceJarl.Irv ^ ^ ed by Glen Brooks, during the "will not be ready for two. or three Baylor. Bears in the Steers' seaaon opener. Game time at Burrows and.Gus Hmcir.2§ M 'v mm v days^Justice of th« Peac« Prank Clark Field isS p.m. ' , organisation, policy, and basic pro­ McBee said Thursday. cedure of the* party. Amongthe JiiVery position on tne team hag been thrown °wide open as Watts' body was found floating year's Conference batting and homerun king, autographed^a eonunittee's membership are some face down in the Colorado River Rules Bill of the top names in student af« near Congress Avenue Bridgefares, including. Joan Ragsdale, ^ _ w ip Wednesday^ A statewide .search Bighani wasonly a kophon^k Wales Madden, Ann Rankin, By a vote of fifteen to five, the ualifled-candiaate may ^en Kad been underway for the boy, l^st-year, ttand Charlie' Pistor, and Brooks. Student Assembly in meeting'last appeal to the student court in,con­a star tackle On the Bowie foot­The committee will present to night passed a much-discussed re­test of the Election Commission ball te%m. i m the 34 voting members at Wednes­ ruling. v., v-Dr. Harold M. Williams, Travis solution establishing the powers of day's meeting potential candidates Sponsored by Sidney Siegelv County health officer, said cause the Election Commission to dis­ who have been screened for quali Arts and Sciences, J. K. Taylor, of death was not certain but out­losses of manpower, though per-willingness qualify candidates in student elec­ward indicated not truckload lot^ fications and for to Law, and Ed Hiller, Pharmacy, it appearances hajw in such conform to the. party's basic tions for substantial violation of further provides that if tiie Elec­drowning. j .in 1950 and 1951> but cain^ :Hp­, policy. -;• ••£••'•' regulations. tion Commission does not disquali­; The ooy was identified by State with their., psual. chanxpionship ; v-V.: The bOI gives the Election Com­fy, any student majr bring dis­Sen. . Wayne Waggonseller 6t / teams.' The 1950. crow . si^ept"Thg steering committee has ap­ mission power to.disqualify only Stoneburg. throughtothenationalc^mpipn­ proved four candidates for stu­ qualifying action in the student after a unanimous .decision of Justice McBee saidr there were »h'P. carbon-copying , , 19^9 dent. president, five for vice presi­court. dent, and five for Secretary. It guilt in violating election regu­Opposition to. the bill, led by no apparent marks of violence on! team's feat. However, in those ft chief*-justice of the su­lations in a hearing held"within Arts anis year. Only four lettermen are the Commission should not com­They said Watts had mentioned :b tively campaign for a slats of one by Sidney Siegel anc( J. K. Taylor -candidate for each position named. requiring candidates for Associate "I simply don't know what they April 31st Doodlin* No decfoon has been made whe­Justice of the'Student Court to be do," says Falk. "Norte of them Staff May Enrol) ther it will endorse candidates For Gotting Forms registered in the School of Law. have played under pressure yet. for editor of the Twain, editor Vote was deferred until the next Ill have to see theiiCln"it game, and mandate editorof theRanger ^-Prospective candidates for stu meeting on -a hill introduced by or several games, beffte PIT know dent offices should submit their LONGHORN HURLER ^.Luther Scttbrought. In Blue Cross Now -• amd Cactus, and haari yall WH»r Miss Siegel for redemption of cam­what to expect/' he continued. application forms for clsssifica ^demon5tratss_Jiis„specifll _ cuive^balUt'o jimmy-of-an injured fcekded te the voting member pus parking tickets. • curvacrous—tSeyla =fPitchmg is probably the tends Staff mrtnbers may. enroll for Hand, last year's pitcher who won't start because •fcp of the party are lite steer­"tion by the Registrar's, office at Al Quinn, BBA assemblyman, Anderson. est place of all. In past years the the earliest possible date. the Blue Cross group hospital ing ootamrttee and ftve stadents read a report of the "Ex-Students' Steers mound coyps has been the plan and the group medical-surgi­ eaeh ftwm eo^ps,^girfs* dormi Although the deadline for sub­Association committee recommend­ class of the circuit. It may prove cal plan between Saturday and tort—, stadent religious groups, mitting the forms is April 8, Re­ing establishment of a council of similar again, once the pictut# aet» March 29. . sororities, and fraternities. They gistrar H. Yv McCown urged stu students, faculty, and Ex-Students' ties,' Right now the test bet to To Compete UT Must Descriptive folders and enroll­ were shoeea by the stosflag oom dwitsnot to wait until the Iaft officers to work toward promotion carry the staff looks to be Luther,} ment cards are available at the MS Bvoohs said, foe their iii-minato. Certifioation is necessary of interest, in the association '•sS® Scarbrough, one of the few re­ Burfar'a office. A supply maybe •m m among students. turning numeral winners. Scar* obtained vby , mail by . calling ^jjvveelwM^^WyRSS Wifsgfa Foreman, Stude«tsr A£• brough turned in several' impor- The moBsbsss Forme may be dbiftttM^'the socinUoir president,' appointed Ellis 6-3880, the area B^e-Cros^^f­£»t. fice, 70S Lamar Boulevard. office of the Students' Associa­Morris to replace Cesare GalH, Hand, stylish S0Qthpaw fn>in Ban-' ^ ' ^present In the long-run th^ Uhiversity tion, 206 Union Buildmg. new student^ vice-president, to the A representative will be at the come up at least to -the 'average an appropriations bill, has been to dera,-has been hampered with a canhot cdthpete with other Schools Bursar's office Monday through of those paid by the universities; The procedure forrriling forms Assembly frota.the School of Law, prevent the adaption/of our teach-sore'Swrm, and-will be out of action is (1) abtain the proper form from and also to Galli's place, on the Saturday, March 29,: to> anwer for the best teaching talent uti­that. •. belong to the Association Tmeler to Speak for an indefinite period. Hand was les* tibe salaries we pay are about program at the University to the Stadents' Association, (2) sub Blanket Tsix Gommitt«te; questions and' help fill out appli-"of American Universities." J,r{ one of the Longhorn aces in 1951. the same, those paid: by other new demands and changing -con­ mit the form to the Registrar's Matti Al-Aish and Charles M. Sines the state is becoming and will strenghten the hurling office for certification, and (8) Berky, graduate school assembly­ The Blue Cross-Blue Shield first- see, the Univerjiity will have "to tellectual training of any educat­ "The black races in sports are pendence Diiy barbecue -ini fit* depend for...operating expenses ed citizen." • • • ' Filling the shoes of first base*/ Mr. Richter, wrho has traveled vention delegation, Sidney Siege), See STEERS, Page 3 / Members Texas Union. ^ ' ... Our only real security is In more ;.;thaa.f40;;^iiiiirie^ hss chairman of the Texas;Union lia-generally superior to . the white on general revenae appropriations written articles for tibe Encyclo-Twenty-two candidates for May son committee, and Ellis Morris, fnan," said J)r. Ernst Jokl in «a "On? urgent-Objedtive of tfie by. the.Legislature. the education and enlightenment • pedia Britantoioa. iuation We beeni elected to of the "Eyes of Texas" Commit­public lecture Thursday night. Universitytherefore.must be The only, source of state money of our people," he.said. ^ The Pormu.: Speakers Commit* tee. /. According to extensive studies see that our-teaching .salarit for j^uildihgs is the income from Larry Riedel Tops Phi Beta Kappa. Two other stu­ tee is sponsoring the talk. made in Africa and other western the permanent fund, said the Austin Bxe$ Officers mmm dents, Mary Carver atod Ralph E. 'Soldier Should Not Be President' countries, the Negro excels above Law Council Electi. Head * Chancellor, but without the; right Wallace, Won junior election, Phi A military man should not be all others in athletic feats requir­•William Neinast is the new. kind.of teachers to meet increased Elfct&l at Barbecue Beta KappaTs highest honor, Jean elected president Of the United ing explosive; energy. Negroes are chairman of the senior honor coun­enrollment in; a feiv years! the. < Wally, Scott, Austin attorney, D. Wilton was named froin the States in 1052 was the decision less agile in-niarathon events and cil of the School of Law^.for 'the buildings would be mere monu­was elected president of the Aus­ WjM An honor roll released Tuesday ** at clsss of June, 1951. f-reached by the Oratorical A^o-swimming contests, stated Dr. spring semester.. ments. \ ^ tin Texas Ex-Students' -Club Margaret Endress, who died fol­ciation Inter-Society debate con­•" Was b'y senior adequate-are in by the. College of Pharmacy ranks -Jokl. He named the As buildings-Thursday night the' Texas Larry Riedel, Robert Allison and, lowing an automobile accident in test last night. The negative sides The fact that the American honor council, consisting of James erected at the University's two Union. :Mrs. Harry Wilder was •Howell McCreary as the scholas­ Janufry, was elected to" the-«r-of both Rusk and Atheneum tied; Olympic teams glace first adds to P. Williams »nd ij*n Phelps. Mid-constitutional units (the Main elected vice-president and Mrs. tic leaders of the senior, junior ganiziitioh; Rusk winners were Winston Ad-the importance of the colored par­low honor couhcffiheri i|re David University ^nd ; the Medical Carl Bredt secretary at the de­ On advertising students special committee studying the Texas Tech and with the General 9-12 and • a practical public re-physical training requirements of Motors School of Technology. sehool girls^ lations program for consideration ipen and women will also be read; ment, Gregory-Gym.. ^ by. the Dallas Dr. Pepper Com­The council will act on the re­ ?—IZFA to discuss 'TlTouth lloye* pany. :. ;; commendation. of the , College, of Dabdte Ttdm Tak«> 3rd ORTY y^ ments and j^oUti^a«, thefirm's Dallas Business . Administration t h a t In SWC Me*t; SMU Wins plant -the students will con changes be made in the way an %—Eulenapiegelvereln members feseiurch on the product and the engineering•: degree is. obtained The University debate-team took ACRiS 4r to goJoJEity, pgepM^ recommeny through the college. The; council ^third plkce in the .Southwest Con«: >3®-% j By BOBBY >EWLlN &Soas.?The beat -lifmyfaijrf ^ttQUI^^DeliatieiE^purnament-held ""*2^—Arab 8tu ~ will be selected for'^nc company tion of the graduate faculty that at Baylor, March 8. SMU won Texas Union 401. , , •toff by W. & Purdy, lecturer in a redefinition of the masters de­first, with Baylor second. There ate. two kpds pf c&fdt,, r 3^-Baseball opens with gante be­itiivertWhg and chairman '• of ^thf gree in public administration be Clara • Taylor, Sue Kauffman, in the world today,, ^ tween.Jexas and Baylor, Clark project, and. other faculty 'mem-made. Newton Schwartz, and Bernie Dow "One kind goes for a ride &(t m-Field, v . -: composed the Texas team. They walks home. ^ —Delta : Gamma • founders' day The, other kind goes for a wfdfc W. T. S. Painter will deHvtf WMgA ^^ J . _ . *nd ndes home. iinembers of Wfca. Ohe of tthe five ^ill be named winter-quarter commences • |g| dinner, Home Economics .Tea jFon national recognition last year wage aad. price control. by.,M,:similarproj^t^-Tbe-winainy 8-12—J«iea . ranch Party -ttltJb student* were Bffl Dunsgan ^nd -"Sw^lUd^l of IfMfca RgnchrH&am:g--Saturday' • y naming of Frishman Beau^r Devane Clark," and both became hrfir^anc^ wghVior4he -benefit-of a Texan ntgh# in the Mafn^Lounge of the Texas-Omom-p.m. at Alabama J euse loser for 1952, JMani Lounge, Texas tnembets, of the firm's marketing Jtotpgirapher. On t^e jeft flank are Miss Barbara Observers my cp»»rtne»t about the rather mi)i-stitute, Auburn. , eluded on thj| original Artr *n£ "Brf Bel Jck told-t Union; ^ ' -'<; "You aad the Future" will be Sciences honot roll issued by Dean "The aqc-iike—po$e•.-selected • for--ihese Ias&esv-^Stii^as' -~ his iWbject. Ai*baWi~ ^lytech«ie Cr ^^erm rmm'1 pointed assistant sales promotion l^^^Cdhtiieio Casfafteda^ Esther Baker, Sue the phptographer laughingly explained, this it the Institute is % co-educational state was not included in the list pub-to sit dosto^ 'i vt of whom Car* month pf„March. lished • • • — r*&-r=?tb •iiMii % ( , 1 ' S; . .^.t • . . i>' • v; f'' •• *sS; Vs »<[ ice MwcK 14*# * TBCAH Page 2 iii ' in! Itli&i&iliK m m 0M, Us&? Wy asone'of sA fSribbju ***& at Arkansas, longinseedtfa first-rate passer, has coma tip r4 tf.V-*. basctbaH's all^time great players ia tiie few scientfie Jbitteia left in ,.ithm infreshman BOBST. PIEBBE, 6-6,195-pound,Im-A v.lta. *7 At. WARD „ ^ Likewise in the quarter, where''" unquestioned, pick* Phil Rizxuto baseball today? and "peun^ for turn* Robert Mays, James Baker, and pound' the •.^|rW# I =v- jpbrt frorti Salem, Mum., according to Kazorbackcoaches. taoe. < 't • ''-s,' aad Stan at^l astiba^only prw-beat baaeball player U14M1 -*mS Vi^ lhe StW su^din John DeWitt placed in that order entrday baseball players who caw W&L&They saythe knky lad hasan armequa!that of FRED BEN-squares^ off With squads sensation in ttie hurdles, takes the for A&M 'in the Border Olympics. aBre.«-M be compared to old-time stam. , Thinliawera*otp fERSandneedsonly poUshandttttoring. Texas AAM and JRice Saturday nod in the highs. With Aggie ace Steers'. best potential 440 1 jaigM at College Station in the first of palled The sophomore Robert Carson, Cobb argue* that Ted Williams Bonus Wagner, who was a. supier- Memphis Stite, wbtt has gone* • t Paul Letting^ out with a > man, in respect, 1 would tfara triangular meets betwsaa the muscle, Gerald ScaDorn way be hasn't reached a contending shape and Joe Dimaggio never would man every have reached the top in the old make RizXuto my all-time, aS-etar . •&& cinder squads this season. Krauts tpod for Meoitit. ' >#, yet. He ran a 49.3 race as a fresh­days because they have failed to shortstop. He and Stan Muaial ate yeata; atiafchi now, require® its Olympic if # knee fn-will start «t; 2:30 p.m. on ,Kyi® Ralph ^Person 1$ favored la the man. ^ < #. -1 the men I had in mind when I said ^ea«*» to take tMai^mm jnred in intramural fiootballwHl Field,—t low hurdles while Aggie Billy Veteran Libnghorn aenloir Don make the1 most of their potential there are only two players'nowa­ abili^r. hold up. Jim Gerhardt, Versatile On the basis of AAH's Walk­Bless Itgenerally conceded sfcond. Klein is a good bet for javelin days whocan*tand4S0iaitarison Former Rice atnleieS seem to Rlce.trackster who excelled in both away of the Border Olyntpics last Vans and Bobby Bagsdate of A~*M honors, although basketball duties i • • with th»old-tfmM*.** * l*T*a Hkfaf for theForty Acres. the djfeus and broad Jump, is do­Saturday, tJve meet shapes up ac a will fight for the tUrd Spot. forced a late training start. He far the first of two article* in life ntagaxixte, titled "They Don't Play • Williams, Ma marvelous natural VW'-JkfcfGrew, iifh-jamp for ing graduate work here and wilt fine home^team show for c*n really the Owl* and o$e of three South* try out in the hop, step, and jump screeching Cadet Corps fandom. P»ole vault with Don Gravis, Glenn could be pushed by Aggie Soph -aft west athlete* oh the 1948 Olympic come Olympic trial* insane. meet and stoke the ball," is criti­ Spradliir, and Malcolm Marc* top­Pete Jdaveaux. Track: Is the only sport which cized for refusing .to-counteract has remained consistently face-up ping the 18-foot mark consistent­Basketballer Walt' Davis had the Williams shift." and Dimag­ Baylor Gets 5-4 z ly* " Texas' Jody Bunoels may early season troubles at the Bor­ to the Farmer hinterland the past gio is given a verbal lashing for mltch the trio's best. j der Olympics, but ia < liable to Dowies,Oilers leave few years. The young brass bars his failure to exercise and keepcojjped tbree of the last four Co»> A4M'i strength runs through bounce oyer 6-6 in the high jump )n condition during the winter, Victory Over TCU to the weights where the consist-any moment. Possessor;of a *6-0 ference titles.. v "It wasa crim*the way ha (Wil­ entJDarrow Hooper reigns suprehie Texas Relays jump, he is favored For Denver Tourney The Aggie* are currently riding FORT WORTH/March 13—(ff) liams) let them neutralize hi* pow­ a 12-meet wlnning streak which in the shot and discus, being un­despite a late training aijkrt. Baylor pushed aeros* an unearned er," Cobb says. "Worse than'that,! defeated In Conference competi-' For the Orange, Phil Ransopher "Jtar Dowies, now playing with began -with last year's Border it was an insult to his ability 'and-: Die Ada Oilers of Houston, will Olympics. Despite the graduation tidn. Bill MUburn.shofild be good and Ray Womaek would spill all run In the' ninth today to turn judgment. And It cut down lArbat-; leave for Denver Saturday to coni-of several top-flight performers, for points in the events. HO has predictions. Womaek has gone as back TCU 6-4 In a noD-conference ting alverage by dosen* of point* f jpete in the National AAU bask«t> they have shown customary bal­passed 140 feet -With the .discus high as 6-8, although ~n'ot consist-baseball game. s year." K." v • •.' • • 4un­ ball tournament ances and depth ip their two 10)52 already.-. entiy. Obserywra belih»a that his Eaeh team, scored three : Asfor Dimaggio:"He batecphyw -— Recently named to.Colliers' Bi--The quarter and half-mile training -as a quarter-miler this earned runs, TCU contributing outings, The team's strength ideal exetiion, and as far aa T: fion # cagesquad, Dowien fits rests in the old places-—weights, should also be Aggie event*. With season has warmed him to ti)e h<^t five errors. It was the fourth know he never took a lick of ex*­'into the forward slot for the Oil' Otha t Byrd and Bill Gi«f gone jumping shape of bis career. • Pgv straight/ Joss for TCU. pole, vault, high tump, distance ercise from October until March,;.*rs, a branch of Phillips 6# of events, and mile relay. •* ' • • • , from Rice, there is nothing ia Two.other meet* will be staiged The victory went to jPranci* Naturally he w«it to^ijpnng train-. Oklahma. Facing them Is a sharply-im-sight to detour half-mile domin­this year between the same teams. Davidson, wbo had relieved start­ ing with his muscles weakened and; •'* ' In the finals of the Texas AAU proved Longho^ squad ation by Ed Whilmsen and James The next one is billed for Maith er'Ray Fitxpatrick at the begin­I and. an soft; naturally he got,hurt a lot. tttarnament,-the Ada c t»|» 1?erry, both of whom h«ve run 22 at Houston and the finals Js ning of the eighth while the loss untisually ^wealc Rice entry. I think he could still be out there dropped the Graham Plowboys, The Longhorns have picked up the.two laps in less than 1:66. due here May^^ 2. , ' ; CARL MAYES was charged to Norris (Nobby) this summer, gobbling up those composed largely of Hardin-Sitn-Graves. Graves had relived TCU top talent in the sprints and hur­fly balls and hiting .960, had it] tnons University cagers, by the starter Mike Salim for the final dles while losing class in the broad not been for all those lost win-: • shaky margin fit $8-56. Because two innings. ® jump. Texas has a better all-tert.* each state is, allowed two compet­! Taylor Wilibughby of the Bears around squad than last year and Frosh Thinlies Open Season ing teams, the Plowboys Wilt ac­ and Jimmy Sfapelton and Bill possesses performers of potential company the Oilers to Denver. |Barnes-shared individosl batting ^^--•TM^-Oiiiw toppetfaBtwjk. honors for the day, each with a KANSAS CITtV March 18— but Artny five in an earlier game;, Smith and Charlie Thomas, AtSWRecMeetSaturday pair of singles. #an*t match•••. fhe. Farmers on an -—Price Brookfield of West Texas.' 62-60. Center Bill Tom, a former overall man-toyman basis. Baylor 200 200 001—5 7 2 State waa named to the NAJBIRiCe Owl star, was Ineligible to •T­. 101 000—4 5 participate in the contest for the ^ Rice lost its top performer when By BILL MORGAN the favorites \ in this event. jury heals; He also runs the low TCU 002 9 Basketball Hall Of Fapte Thun-. (8) and ] Brooke (joint because of previous < senior hurdler Bill Howton shun­-TwMm SporU Staff hardies. Fitzpatrick, Davidson day. The honor waa aecorded at JAMES DOWIES A high jumper who has cleared Graves and professional experience. ned last-year eligibility jfor a high-An untested Yeairling Cnack Isbell; Salim, (8) a dinner of the National Associa­ the striped bar at 6' 4%" is Bob Jewell McDowell of A&M, school coaching job. Best bets for team of 22 men will go against Other sprinters making the trip Frick. tion of Intercollegiate Basketball." horn' Coach Slue Hull-at Lamar Billings. He and Walter Arm­be Harold Baumley, will Alvin Balph Johnson, Moon Mullins, Bill Tech in Beaumont the Owls are Henry Winston in the other SWC freshman squads in the strong*, who also betters 6 feet, Ellington, *Fhurman Vaught, Lariry Srack, and Bill Hickman, of Bay­McDowell, Johnson, and the mile and two-mile and'Bonnie Ber-Southwestern Recreational Track are scheduled-to represent Texas Grahabi, and Homer Rosser. The lor, Ferrell Kelly of Sam Houston other Southwest Conference play" ger in the weights. and Field Meet Saturday mornlng^ in the pole vault as well as the sprint relay is set with Baumley, State, and Bill Moody of South-ers hive frequently faced Dowie$ Texas' -hard of sprinters may and the outcome should settle the A wonderfulcase of, high jump. Ellington, Taught, and Graham. westem Louisiana Institute round but thie if the first time that they well sweep the dash events and question of what to expect from Bill "Turner heads • l»*t of six out the Oiler squad. have beta shooting at he nothing short of drop of the tiie Texas f«osh~ during the com­{trahanr and Bill Hopkins team same a capable sprinters. An ankle in­"dual personality9 Moody-waa a protege of-Lon$-hoop. ... baton or a'sawdust track would ing spring. up to give the Yearlings a double i jury will keep him from competing Coach Froggy LowornYcharges threat in the 120-yard high hur­ in the Cowtown races, but he will are above average strength in the dles. Turner has been working out be relied on heavily when his in­ Buddledistancesand-with-several on tiie low hurdles and will nrob-ARROW high school standouts in the field ably answer the call there later M events, will probably share favor­in the season. m ite's role with strong contingents Loworn hadn't settled on a mile from Arkansas, SMU, and Baylor. •elay quartet by Thursday night, \mm s In Dick Foerster, the Yearlings rat he wil lchoose ffom Foerster^ hay* a quarter miler capable of Leonard Raif, another promisingrunning his specialty in 49.3 sec­quarter miler, Joe Russo, Joh^ onds. The Fort Worth meet record The Loflghorn swimming team Roche, and Speedy Allison. of 49.6 could take a beating if has elected Skippy Browning and Ed Kelley has been consistently II \hifian he runs as expected. Forester will Wynant Wilson as co-captains for jumping better than twenty feet u also run the mile relay and 220-the rest of the s&son. They will in his specialty,-the broad jump, yard; dash. replace Johnny CraWford, who had jut he will choose .from Foerster, James Satnuelson^ a former to give up swimming because of the past week. state champion in the shot put, has a back injury. nil tossed the sixteen pound sphere Browning ranks; as national div­ 48 feet, and .may be a safe bet ing champion. He won a clean 'Marol Schedule to place in the shot and discus. sweep of the four most coveted in A 10Ar SHIRT His stiff est competition could be national titles during the 1961 WRESTLING - in ' teammate . Kenneth Harlow, NCAA and AAU meet* by taking K«m Bibb v*. BiU GtSilT ahM'tatered in both weight events, first in tile three-meter, and one- V|" j? -V* meter indoor diving contests 1$, tw 7j10 pja. along with Wayne Delaney and OharlM Atkbuon ^harlu Bi«r PAT! SHIRT ' . Lonnie Weir. All four were mem­both meets. WUllam Yoat n.Alan Bun 7:1S p.m. bers of the freshman football Wilson is a freestyle sprinter B»U«y M»]eolm v«. Jack Shire« W-: • squad last fall. who has lead his team to victory , 7120 p.m. 11 "" •Pete Acosta and Don Neighbors Howard York t«.'Byron McKnight •i—• i in three -dual meets so far this will Tun the 880 and mile grinds. year. He is also anchor man on J.8. Braad va. Jobs Robertson Neighbors, consistently at 4:40 or the record-breaking 400-yard re­7t30 JM>> John Jljrrlek »». 3lm Kaplan > ' lower in the mile, will be among lay team. . .\... y i.1lt: p.e^r GABANARO is Jolian Korniidd va. Boy Mills T«40!p.fc>. Winner Pu«kI«y-BomM va. winner Leitar-amazingly comfortable either way, thanks v /' J Faetch* • ' • EUROPEAN SUMMER to Arrow's revolutionary ARAFOLD collar. Winiicr llandall-Barn^il? •»». Jeioma.Wll­ kaefeld ' '*"v" Oxford ~Fribourg«— Sanander • > Dublin —-Laydon 7:SoV«­ .... Samuel Veatar va William MeAndlljr Fine, washable rkyott gabardine. Wide Up to the minute studies of Europien and world problemi ^ -7:S5 ».m. . Lt / Languages: German -trench -Spanish pabqfty Colaman va. Qtort* Morcland range of. popular colors. MAKE FRIENDS FOR AMERICA Robert Baarean va. Wendell Straban - Bobert Sovhlln va. Donald; French Ba a student ambassador to the students of Western Europe. SlOft ~AJB* • 'William Nerwood va. Tom Clown • ­POPULAR STUDENT TOURS FROM $709.00 SsIO y *t-' ARROW Yon Bailmond ta. Bobert Whipple * For Information: 'SslSp.m* •: Bobert Walker va. Ken llontfort ; .... eoo p.». INSTITUTE OF UNIVERSITY STUDIES AftROAD. va. Paul Greeq , ( Bill Foater . nmns • TIM • SPORTS SHim • unmrwia* • HAMMoaemiPS 1346 Connecticut Ave., N. WWashington 6, D. C. '• Ss28 Vein* • A. H. Cox va. Bobejrt Alllaon §s30 pan. Adair Dm v». JockBoereher . 8:SS |Mn. W. B. Lilly ya. Erie Greenfield > 8:40 |MD. . : W. B. Symonde v«. Maynard Haddad a:4S pjb. , ' ­£rail Zink« vl. David Lacy ARROWS AT Chi JCaai Sin va". Varady9^°"'5*SM«|a t». Fr*4 Vhomixctt * Alfred Cho va. Shao Chanc Tin •• '9t90 ' Wii*.. Thoaiaa HeCampbell vs.SUnley Ck*Id s 11o rs! Sam Ctoom va. Dabney Coleman 3 -' -Ben Procter v». Dixon d« Gttiffet«ried ' \ J ^ IS* ' Bill Harria va. Jim Warren ^ 1 > \.r ( ^ •* '•Wa ^ ^ Tennis Schedule ) ^ ^^ Gef your touvintrs at, > i FRIDAY^ f 1V"« H.( * ThS T*xas Book Bludworth va. Praett* "•-'I'-V . 2»tee va. Smith N r'h&smtj.... y y , .* p Harria v«. G. St. Jehn ••••••"• SfJO BJBa • Decorative Plates BBiff ft Bandera va. Bludworth ft G. St-1 mm John ^ * > •• Ashtrays Ftahw A O'Xetly va. Pullen ft Boaen-^ M P? ber«r • Salt and Pepper Skaters Smith ft Gerhardt va. Oatea A HarrisPHILIP MORRIS IS • PlacMwts _ * va.. Brewer ft Klefneehmidt > V *> Ml • Mugs ENTIRELY FREE OF A v y\ fcasisz?w^­«onrta aa aoon mt poaaible. StickersUSED IN ALL OTHER Pennants «-j L few# '# Jewelry OFHCIAL SAFETY LEADING ClOARETTESi 4 i Jr* 1» im INSPECTION^ ' *• STATION "We Know Your Conarasr SWEARiHGEN:-: X ?'/*{ i.* ARMSTRONG? ! 1$& | 1st ^ Colorado Pfi. ^3457 i ^Austin's Lary*cf Wu-L wmmibmkmmmSm 1. ^?asL mm DetroitBlastsJYall; Defeot^BA.^ 8-5 ti* fc B«ninig around In the sbtih Color was tiie keynote Thurs-<| ohly/five hiti against veterans against rookie righthander Moiv day night^ when Turtle Club pro^T! ''WWmfsIwiS® outstanding *» guard land clasheawith Ben Bdt In a Sid Hudson and Don Johnsonlsnd ;.•; :."-'-V-s;>; 1;.-f^v ray Wall. Detroit'scored low runs duced its annual water show in. -->-:;and switched t» forward 1 long first round Conference B game. xooldi•Jtari >Sanchex.' r ^ JUademy of Tempi# (trimmed for an 8-5 triumph over the Bos­the Women's Gymnasium. The enough to backet fourpointsfor Ben Bolt hold* a 27-1 record. varicolored acts ranged from* Yantis, 41-36, while ItatecanvUle ton Braves in Lakeland* Fla*, . 'WEST PALM BEACH, Fla., Wasted Van Horn, 48-18, to ad­the Dunc*aville Panthers. ?>£-\ While Tatldnyton boasts 4 20-2 Thuisday. >,^'s „ , glamorous "Silver'* in-which Baihvr March 18-—(/F^—The. New Tfork Wall le a former University of bara Clary appeared in a sequin-4 vance te the Conference B semi-Academy's Gloria Lisenba net­ Yankees and Philadelphia Athlet­studded , swim suit to ,clowns ai­ fin Ma «f the second annual Inter-ted a field goal with fifteen sec­ Texas hurler, who is tip fh>m the ic* staged a 35-hit slu^est Thurs­toed In orange. •!& Milwaukee Brewers of. the Ameri­ onds remaining in the first half day with the world, champions Vv. tell Tournament Thursday night. can Skippy Browning, and Robby 1 to give , the Bumble Bees a'20-18 8:50 a.m.—»Tarkington (Clever winning 11-6'for their fifth vie- The ohief waSlop Of the five- Brodnax, of the-Longhom swim* 91M sharpahooting DuneanVille lead, at the end of the first half. land) vs. Ben Bolt -f liit outburst Was George fell's tory in six exhibition games.­ at the half ming team, presented a series of ty-i. 23-15 Although the lead changed hands Trailingi.4-0, the Yanks jumped 10:10 a.m.—Hawley vs. Claude. )three-run homer the left field breath-taking dives, missing the f '•; and managed to hold the Van four times in the third quarter, 7;80 p.m.^—Academy v*. Duncan- on veteran Dick Fowler in the )f ence thf t 'teased Boston's 5-4 end of the diving board by inches Born Eaglfcs to one pWnt during the Temple sextet lead 80-32 at sixth inning fd* seven runf on yedge". Successive sidgles by Cliff and fractions of inches. J"" the last halff-'wMle buckettag28 the end of the period. Testis' 8:50 p.m.—-Winners of Tarking- two walks, four singles and a •MapM, Vic Wertt, and Hoot Ev- T to win their 85th straight game. Jaunice Davis won high-point hon­ton-Ben Hawley- rookie ^rd l)a?em^n Other attractions oft the show ; V4toe Wilson, Panther all-tourna-ors with eight field goah and two Bolt,, and *r» produced the fourth tally ln triple hy Wore .-tumbling stunts ott diving '• the sixth inning uprising. meat performer fa 1951, set a free throws. Lisenbe and Janice Ceaferen'ce A*AA The outfit the boards by members of Tumle. This ' Athletics was the^^first^ attempt 4t this typ^ > new statetournament record by Edds scored 14 points for the 11:30 a.m.—Morton ts. Joquin. " . SARASOTA, FlaVttarch 18^ champs; 18 to 17, with Eddie tallying 35 points to break the 82 Academycagers.•' 1:45 p.m.—^Weslaco vs. McLean. Joost and Gus Zemial each con­of water tumbling by the'gifoups. (/P)—The Boston Red S<« suf­ : p6int record set by Florence Jo It proved to. be an excellent idea. " Dnncanville will meet the Yafc-8:10 ^.m.—Hamilton vi. West fered their fifth siraight grape-tributing three. One of Zernial's THESE-BEAUtlFUL rathiir ! Coah of Comanche laat year and tis cagers tomorrow night, at 7:80 Columbia. fruit league 'defeat Thursday as •blows was* a 450-foot homer off ' Perhaps the most "outstanding^ the Conference B record of 27 to deelde". who will <• play in the 4:8S' p.m.-«-Mesqaitfl TS. Coman­their all-rookie lineup bowed to Bob Kuzava. Rookie Jack^Llttrall part of the show was the use made ' 1 -points made by Patsy William# of finals. > che. Washington, 4*1. also hit a pinch homer in the of lights and sound effects to s Troy. Van Horn alio set. a new maki the pool a stage instead of Play willcontinue ' tomorrow ninth for the A's. record -by missing 26 oat orning afe--8i50 a.m. in Gregory r Gene Woodling, Jackie Jensen, a clasaroom. Using the theater-in-* toly Added the: orchlda to the en-EloUe Hoor^ sn^i-tpdfi of 27 free throws. the-round technique, sWimiiiers ap­ Gym when Tarkington of Cleve- and Carey connected with three a dark pool. Spot-tire production. Their sttont di VM Hcrajl*) If It «p| 1/:.'.^ highlight the various "Water Col* ^lans are how being made to phm Both-groups a»e ntembMs^f th*.^ '» •« Bdil.t S 4 .14 Davi*, f ST, P E T E RSB U R G, Fla., !Hwn«r, f 1 1 Ltrtato*. ( I S 14 ~ . " .. _ 8 X ll le or" acts. "Black Magic,? iff " a duce a film for demonstration pur­Univ^si^jf of Texat Sportf 'AisofS t 4 Itiimm,' t »* *1 »? Hooker, i 0 March 13—Harry Brecheen, ciatioh. t r %. ^ Imfh)!, {;;t 1 CkMaron*. I t HillUrd, f|7 43 QUbreath, f S 4 14 darkened pool with lights oh the poses. I —WU««m,i J A MoitMi f 2 Dani*l,s 0 0 0 Attaway, g 0 0 -0 making his first pitching appear-• Friday Mtf Hsll. f 0 0 Boyd,* ft Barter, i. o 0 o HUl, B O • 0 UT wrestlers #ilinbe one'of the pound clafss. Trying for the big- swimmew; was^dutitandftiil^ ; Student.designers of the rou­ ance of the sjpnng, threw a home; B*mB, * • e Sir4«r, s 0 Clean, r 0 a. 0 Stephana. % 0 a' o feature attractions Friday night boys' crown will he _ Playing before a packed house,' ihance of the show. Ticketa o 0 •run ball Joe Adcock with tine were Marietta Watson* Jane |• Cattey. s Johuon. r"• .00 Ha**ey. t, 0 o o to a 50 cents for adulti and >5 cent*:.;| Miller, c • o Keimi,' C: 0 Woodruff, i 0 • o in Texas. AftM's two-day -'all Morriss Gilmore, serai-finalist in runner on base in the ninth the show used a.-combination of* Arnold, Christine. Chiltoh,; Bar­. Iwtr, t 1 » 41>» And*, r » Totals 14 IS 41 sports day/ T h e eight-man the state AAU last year. talents to get the best effect. Any for children. They may he ptnft^" Wright, 1 ». Total* IS •«« Thursday, and the, blast gave Cin­bara Clary, Frances Atkins, Sonia Tot«J» i# To « Heath, .* 0 Score by quart*r«: Orange grappling team will be A return engagement with the cinnati a 2-1 victory. ; element would not have been as Wolf, Eloise Moore, Gwen Glynn, g^dfromanym^of N*rr*tt«, a 0 Academy _ .11 9 if trying to win the match and not YSntia ....... _^1* « 8—1# Aggies will be staged on Wednes-complete as it was together.. The Gitta Lockenvits, Charlotte Booths it The blow broke the Cardinals' Thn't'irTf^' Total* 1 Jt 16 the cheers or boos of the crowd, 26—the University's stunt and tumbling by Edd» J, Liienbee, day; March divitig Nowotny, altd aeor* by four-game Winning Seor* br tnlittri: 11 Hilllard S, Dttli J, Hooker, Gilbraath 6. the Aggies at "Sports Day." Saturday the grap- streak in a was done Pat Sefton, Joan Scholarship JDmUUla* Meas^ DuBcan-rill* -12 . 11 It—48 Official*] Grover Keeton and Bill fer- is tabbed to meet battle of good pitching and home Tumle to "Orchid* in Helene Williams. Van Bora Jf 1 fl-*16 •m. 7:80 plert from UT travel to San An­the Moonlight". and-quife defini-Leader' of the Thrtle Club is runs. Wally Westlake hit a pinch Applications foe StudentOne-time University champion tonio for a meet with Randolph homer for the cards in the third. perty Deposit Scholanhip* mustWayne Estes will represent Texas Air Base. Texas clipped the Ran­ =^sMaittg< ~aolphtiamvT8^1^"lwb"weikl^^^^^ Cardinals announced that he considered for fall '1952. who' has been in the University iSP finals twice, will be the 187-lb. would use second baseman Red Awards of* $100 to $200 a*#8 Schoendienst at shortstop in Fri­ contender. A promising newcomer, made on a basis of fiiiancial seed* : . ! ID GO Bat Bruins day's game with Washington and for a education* John Robertson, will wrestle in desire college that he would play second Satur­ the 147-lb. class. In the 167-lb. character* and a demonstrated^ day. • BY HAL COPELANP division the Longhorns will be paricipatiotv in student activities.: • -v represented by Bob Coughlin, Interstate Theater's new city Picadilly Cafaterjas. CLEAWATER, Fla., March 13 BOWLING Texas AAU semi-finalist in 1961. * (Continued from Page 1) manager is Bill Heliums, a Uni­The meat is being: prepared and • ,^mz, —(ff)—The Philadelphia Phillies versity. graduate and former law Another newcomer with a fu­man Bigham, will most likely be "B" •! team came behind aged and is to be served to Pica­ -from , jTho Bast Mexlcah Food ture, Pete Nichols, will work for Paul "Cub" Mohr, up from last student. Heliums first entered the dilly Cafeteria customers at no in- Thursday to defeat the "B",team "r theater business as an usher while the 167-lb. title. An' Indiana lad year's, frosh. Mohr is a former of the New York Yankees, 7-6. crease in price.. ' -v wHh Fait,-Courteous ServiceAfternoon with two years of high school starter on the freshman basket­attending Austin High School. A notary public service has de­ The New Yorkers put over four wrestling experience, Eric Green­ball rfquad, and hits a long bell ' During the war Heliums served cently been established in the runs in the top of th seventh inn­ field, will be in the 177-lb. class. when he connects. in .Europe as a captain in the ar­front office of Kelly-Smith' Cl« Newly Decorated ing a lead the Phillies Sid Kacir, twice university cham­ to erase tillery. Before he became city man­er."'; Squadntah Cliff Gustafson looks had held from the fourth frame. newest Evenings pion and third place at the Re­like (he starting man at the koy- ager Heliums was manager of the Shrimp-Bent, Austin's The Clint .Weaver-sacked a. palr of State Theater. and most modern drlve-ln, is open­ gional AAU in* New Orleans last stone sack. Gustafson filled in welt homers for te Yankee frosh and year, will compete in Waghalter several and -ing Saturday at 6 p.m. All forms WjateuHoiujA the 191-for Irv times Heliums Jerry Rafshoon, last season. W. C. Newberry, an­Stan Hollmig and Jim Command Texan advertising salesman, below, of shrimp and other seafood will Dutch Pitcher. Meads Home one apiece foqr the Phillies.^ highlight the menu. Shrimp-boat 804 EAST AVE ... other ..possibility, .dislocated a • look over the advertising plans for on Road, three ^ NEW YORK, March 13—-{fl*}— t Barton Springs Phona 74)253 . shoulder playing basketball and is Hannie Urbanus, Dutch pitcher, .being shelved indefinitely. SAN BERNARDINO, Calif., blocks off South Congress. who spent three wee^s as guest of March 13—(JP)—Pitchers Paul The shortstop position should Pettit and Harry Fisher, and out­the New York Giants at their be,handled quite capably by Joe fielder Tom" Saffell, ail rookiestraining base in Phoenix, Ariz., Tanner, a transfer^from. Mississip­ Center with the Pittsburgh Pirates, were leaves for hisJhonie Friday. ­pi who swings a potent bat, Tanner clipped from the rosterThursday Urbani)| said Thursday that litis will probably be the clean-up bat­ 840f OuodnujM and shipped on" option to Holly­ biggest 'thrill in America was ter, and he's shown himself.'to be4 wood of the Pacific Coast League. pitching two no-hit, no-run inn­an able glove man." ings in a Giant intersquad game. Quite a scrap has developed for Pettit is the $160,000 bonus kid "count 'em yourself, yer who has done nothing since he the third sack position, but at the gittin' paid fer W signed two years ago. latest reading, Ken Hort'on, an­was other sophomore, appears to have • • and SheffallV Marshall Sets Record the edge. Horton played shortstop gets paid for the Yearlings last season. For 1500-Meter Swim In the outfield Harry Bengston NEW HAVEN, Conn., March scientific/watch in center and Travis Eckert in 13—(JP)—John Marshall, Yale's left are pretty well set. Gene Oden sensational junior from Australia,will most likely take right, field, broke the national intercollegiatesince squadman Dick R&berson 1500-meters record Thursdayhas deserted to the pitching de­night as1 he successfully defended HELLUMS AND RAFSHOON all's guarantees partment. his Eastern Intercollegiate Swim­ the focal appearance of < Black- satisfaction > The Baylor Bears have gotten ming League title. His time was stone the magician. off to a fine start this year by 19:03,7. _ — Especially designed for collegewinning three out of four starts. That's Tetter than the 1500­ Larry Isbell returns to plague the meter (long course) mark of students are three round-trip, tours Have your watch «' to South America, sponsored by Longhorns, and "Laughing Larry" 20:02,2 .which Keo Nakama, a Pan American-Grace Airways and checked FREE on is one of the better backstops in Korean then swimming for Ohio Pan American World Airways." the loop. Pitchers Ray Fitzpatrick State, recorded eight years ago the ELECTRONIC $610 takes you around South and Jackie Reid are also back. ' in the same pool. (•TftiMT the Southwest Club sneaked ahead third-seeded St. Bonaventure^ 69­i at 58-57 and went intd their deep 62, to provide a "dark/norse" shoe as itsirreproachable staling. ;' freeze. , • >'' final. > • x" The Bobcats didn't take a poke Unranked Dayton and LaSalle at the basket from the field until will clash at MadisonC Square Gar­the last three seconds and-J. C. den Saturday nighi for the cham­ FREEMANxw Maze sank pionship and a berth in the Olym­ V Southwest Texas braved 12 free pic Trials-later this month. Seconds after a telephone alert to a nearby Modern air defense requires lightning-fast, throws in the last four minutes. In sweeping past -the Bonnies, V r, ^ ' Air Force base to "scramble," pilots hustl dependable communication. That's why The only perfect-record' team Dayton'^/ slick-passing Flyers ''VAremaining in the' tournament, rack^cup their 20th straight vic­ to their jets. In minutes, the stubby,swept our radar defense system is interlinked by Southwest Texas will meet Spring­ $ tory/and saw their sixrfoot-seven back interceptors thunder skyward. a web direct telephone lines. ' _ field (Mo.). State in -the semi­pivot ace, Don Meineke, become finals at 8, p.m. (CST) Friday. the second-highest scorer in bas­ u Springfield defeated Momingsid* ketball history for a three-year s college graduates will be College of Sioux City, la., 87^76 career. 1 acra«i»b1e.** Live ammo rides in their guns. piloting Air Force jets. Others will be wel­ tf'Wi It starts when an Air Force radar station' comed into the Bell System where they can delects an aircraft which cannot be identi­help, in peace,or war, in the tremendous E C I A L 11 I N G IN fied. A telephone call by direct wire gal-job of meeting the communications needs Steaks « • Catering crews into action. wt*r«.,^-iw of our nation. t» ? Jet / Vfy si 4 «fe\S sX'j tart; ' & i&X t n ft JUim^iaisfScetefr Rooms For Private Parties CMn Brmm esraurant 2428 Expo«Hion Phone 8-26S2 • A HMM-Owmed tmrtHuHen «» 411 Canyej # Liy ^v ' ^ * •I .f . S5 i T ^ ^ A f c *\ •C >>V m A mmmmrnmmm I II II y [ LL jji^iiiiiiiiyiiL^in m %>'*&*!<' 3CT w*g 6A#g^gfiis litf jjgg l^itui* **— ;• -!^r:c^MWWWP; JVVjN^ff•: ^P»» Jllill... ourie i&seUbr compIet«d,money from th# Available Fund witt b« lATgdy oMd for aalariaa. *«?*•*«® 'fin*««M.'.ai» •»• ChwcUor broadfrhlntod thstpro­ii« Mid theee obiectivM cannot bt j^hesaid the*owa^ya. ca °V j « •' -J^ig University it designed to d|ity th« Legislature, whenavar TJni-; IriendHMW«d lw^ty tawm tb.f«­ ulty, the studeata, and th® Administrate *on and between all of the University and the public, on the other. ' He mentioned ^ nwd for tuim&ito teke of ^ "tors to the campus in first-clftsa style. (In serve the needs of the who!# State of.,commenting that an education center would take car# of this heed, the Chan-? Texas" and is located " the cellor may hav« overlooked the possibility whole state be»t/^f Wm i»r*,w 2. 1T» University "must have ju its C ^' Ileld of operation all learning and know­ledge." To do this, an appropriations rider passed last year banning new de­partments and courses leading to new de­grees must be eliminated. "We must be frar to improve and change and modify our program if/w6 are to keep up with the times," he^said. It will also be neces­sary for UT to take the lead in revising and improving teaching programs, Itr added/ * ' " " ^ ...The University shall not merely nsijutexisting knowledge but it shall extend it by original thought and investi­gation." Research activity will continue at afast pace. . He not«U]biat_it wiJX Mix^finily important, if we are to attract and hold S 1 a first-rate faculty, to raise faculty sal­aries; he^commented that soon, after a N»lflKboflnn N«w» - of expanding ^EytM Union to reach the s^me goal). Such hpneat, forthright discussions of . the University's problems and goals un­questionably are of great benefit because only that way can the University'sfriends know what we're driving at. They haven't always known in thepast. With both feet planted firmly on the ground, the Chancellor has shown, the way to new heights. VncLiiified ^Ad SALESMEN WANTfiD: need soma slick-tongued. operators to sell some slightly-worn' motives and platforms to the student body.lntemted parQisco^' tact the clique and the Inner Circle. Hon­est men need not apply. ... Complex Makes Texaris Shy, Says Walker By JOK L. ICHOTT — "The Texan never invented ^ . ftMm Kmehmtte* JSdilor a damned thing." Texana "Ttxu has «n inferiority ' know that their revolvers eomplu—that's what's wrong were invited by Colt (Con­with it," says Stanley Wallow, necticut) ; their barbed wire aclebraUd editor and Taxan, by Glidden (Illinois); their in tii« isaua of Look Maga-reapers by MeCormick (Vir­sane which1 earn* oat Tues­ginia) ; their plows by Deere day, March 11. ^ (Vermont). Texas' first big Taxans, ha says, put up a gusher, at Snindletop, was biff front baeaoso -they are brought in by Capt. Anthony essentially shy, diffident, and Lucas of Pennsylvania." ' afraid somebody will catch "Tho run-of-the-mme Tex­ on to the fact." an could show Vermonters In his Look article, titled how to cut corners and save "What's Wrong With Tex­pennies." ' "_""7 as?", Walker writes that: "Public office on the;lower Texan* "juat want to -#et levels is often bestowed -tin. along." They hava a."sneak­the part-Marxian theory of ing dread that somebody is 'to each according to his .going . . . to look down on needs." Thus county judges, them." That's one reason why ; ~«ommtoioiiei^::^ clMks; sher­they mix easily. "They would iffs and so on are often-be at home . .. in a colony, elected because they sorely •ef blue-bottomed baboons." need th* money, not because The average Texan is so' they have any particular fit­afraid of giving offense that ness for thi office. he will swallow anything— /'The habit of giving dou­"poor food, bad movies, juke. ble names -to children, thus boxes, horrible music, cheap lousing up fine English no­books, boring, and snooty lec-menclature, is giving me the turee, and ridiculous liquor; the creeping fantods—I'm laws." . . • talking about .fiillye Jo, Flo­ * i *" /V.T ^ ^ Texas' alcoholic-beverage ella, SUeanir, Jim Bob .. ." rcjri**?-.arrangaments "don't make a> "Food in Texas hotels and great deal of sense." Since fes uniformly liquor "is .never-legally aold y»oor.i . one would think by the drink" it is necessary they were all run by Greeks to buy it by the bottle. Where who had come to the state by to drink it? "Well, some^ger-way of Mexico, stopping long .iaons. . . drink it in their au-^enough to exchange . their ^ tomobiles, a practice which olive oil for lard ana pick up helps to further increase Tex-^ a «ack of b*ans." ? as' highway-accident rate." In spite of thes* faults, THB-DA^tkxan Tim Dally Ittu, • *tDd«at lt» of Ttxaij* to nr»«p«p«> at' i'lM UaJrvralt* VoMiakadiMiakai fat AMtts " " " mornlm txcapt Mndw end Satordar, Saptambai to Jaae. aad axeept durioi bolldai aad axaminattan p«riod*, and bl-WMkly Joae. dohiidarise ithe ittoutfi Mwaiona andai Ui« tttl*. ef Tb* Sammar T«*«m o» .TeaeakyTAMey andand-frtU;triiar taxaa Stodaat rablteatioi by lexaa Student PublieatioBa, tnc. --H«*« «Ontrtba«OT>#_ wllr b* aef«pt«d/v>> t«l< at.tb* ,tet«phane •diterial oSIm J.B i oi at thi Naira Labori'•tory, J.B. 102. lnqatriw aeaearaloc dallvary and advartiaine iboold b« mad* In J.B. 10S (2-247S). Opinion! ot tba r«xan ar« net aaeaaaarfly rboaa of tha Admlniatrattoa ar ethar UnlTaralty oSieiaia. « Batarad ea.-moad-alaat:mmttn Oetobn is. IS4S at tba Poat OSiaa at Aoatta. Tasaa. nadar ha to of March S. IS7>. • ' ^ ^ " ASSOQATEO PRESS WIKE SEMV1CE ' ' Tba Praaa la axelD«t«aiy antiUad to tba u«a (or ravnblleatlon at H eradltad to it <>r net ptharwiaa craditad in tbia new*. Itana of apoataaaoo* aricis pnbllabad baraia Mthta of of aO otbar mattat baraln alco raaanad . SevMaeated (or Matlonal Advartlatng bj Nationai Mfatttolq Sarriaa, taa.. CoUatca Pnbltobara Rapraaantetiv* 41* MMUae* Ave. Naw Yerh. M.T. .CUaia — Baatea — L«oa AnaaJaa — San mneiico I CaOafiata fmr Afl-Aai Paeeaaaha*, "The change will consoli­*• SUBSCKimON SATES "date and centralise the con­ Milton* Sobacrtetla* Ihraa Mantha trol of the.program," the an- Deliverad Maflad u Uailed out of town 9 -1i par ao. >1.00 pat wck t .75 par tM.,. Sfenouneement said, "a n.d will ; ,.j> make'possible more direct su- PERMANENT STAFF IerT'!ion ' bii«« ifFBdTPN. of the activities of : Edit*r-ia~Chiaf Maaaglag Editor „ " BRAD BYERS ^'r Force ROTC units*­Editorial Assistant • i . ill I' Mi-I"' Mildred Klesel X187 participating institutions. Mr. Walker remains a loyal- Texan. • fie says if" someone should ask why he doesn't live some­ where else, he would answer: "I have been somewher* else, . and I still like Texas,'!-^ In fact, he adds, "it could ,.b* wors*. FINANCIAL MESS • Do fraternities need finan­ cial aid? •. • " •' Ohio Stat* University is teaching it* fraternities re-^ spect for precis* economics.. The 'idintttistration has pu% f 80 fraternities on social pro­bation. • * ... ^Twenty of them ow*d bills amounting to more than $5 per man. The remai ning^sixteen didn^'t even bother to"turn in any kind of financial report; PETTING SURVEY To find out whether "vir­tue" is old-fashioned and to what degree—-three questions were asked in polls by some seniors of Dartmouth Collage >and the University of Pann­aylvanii. . The . ; Air Force Headquarters at Washington announced th*. . widespread ROTC program will be transferred from th* Continental,, Air Command, with headquarters at Mitchel •Air Force Base/ Long Island* to the Air Univeiriti^r, effect * ,^lve next August 1. . > §*^.*usk ion16nm» ^ www , • -•{/-?' y J: Student president Vflwi Fare* fwui a«4 1 ;4*«Sfe4 ..Iv."!**/**?.: t Students' Association office y«rday afttraoaa |o ask if a ^|; Bound-Upfinancial. ' ataten«rt ''It's nothing, really—I gave them 100 myltipfe-choiee queitions—but .—ir-"IS-nohe of the answers are _•?*! --_ f . A Piring. ©Ltine it in sueh a mann*r that th*-resi­ Parking 'Lot*' dents of tb* Hall eould n*ith*r get ears in nor oat Possibly th* TO THE EDITOR: best action,that eould hav* b**n tale*n would hav* b**n to call th* In his letter to th* Firing Line University Police and have then concerning public relations and ..tow the ear away «s they do other th* Hill Han parking lot, Bruce' illegally parked cars on the earn­ ^asnrn«v*r"teSrus^wheth«p^»*­ 3s.~'"*w mistreated coaches could read or The HiU Hall lot is already over­ not.^ Those residents who were re­ crowded with the cars of residents sponsible for letting the air out and their visitors, and anyone who of their tires were acting under is so inconsiderate or too lasy to the assumption that th^ gentle­ park properly and walk a little men wer* fully capable of read­ further to the gym or el*ss has no ing words of two syllables or right. to eomplain about til* in­ less from a distance of ten feet justices they feel they have Suf-. or less when they are legibly print­ fer*d from sueh an aet. ed in four-inch black letters on Other dormitories and student a white backgrounds These wowis r*sidenees sround tit* campus appear in the form of a sign that maintain their own parking which reads "DO NOT ENTER areas should also b* entitled ito RESERVED FOR HILL HALL th* sam* consideration by drtvera RESIDENTS BY POLICE OR­ who feel that they are so impor­ DER" and is placed right at th*^ tant that they eiiri park their ve­ narrow entrance to th* Hill Hall hicles anywhere they pleas*. Mt. If a car had been parked in . If Mr. Mason considers publi* front of this sign so that it could relations titer eondohing of prac­ not b* seen, then the entrance tices which av*'inconsistent with would have been completely block­ th* ri^ite and privileges of others, ed (as it was a number of times it seems he has given the term a during the tournament), and these new meaning which proponents of gentlemen eould not have «ntered. public relations did not intend to If these men could not read this convey, , "•/' warning, they were either illiter­ We realise that whUe the action ate or wer„e suffering from poor taken by residents of Hill Hall eyesight and should not have been and the surrounding ^dwellings ^ behind the wheel of a car in th* (who also had their rights ih­ vfirst" place. If they possessed th* ' fringed upon) may not have been •' of a licensed th* proper action toward solving driver in the State of Texas then the problem, the whole incident they must have considered them­ would have been avoided if thes* selves endowed with the privileg* aould ha mads potflle, ^ A let of ^eopi*,of til* students who lab«r to : RoundrUp succecaful, tuhf*,. wondering oat load about statement. Their motiv* find out tf the *n*a mak* » ynf. If .off student work. Alumni executive secretaryJohn McCurdy replied that thejrwon't hav* to wonder much long*W about last yaar** Round-Up,sine* his staff is working to pro-par* a statement with figures as exact ai ls poesibl*. He said tha statement can't b* precis* b»­causa of such variables as over­head, various offic* expense, and other things that a** *U paid *nt men and the others who parked i l,-1fl/0 of ignoring th* rights of others ther* bad obsorved the rules and ' . when they parked their car, aloi^g the person is not a parked whers they belonged. . r with others who wore just as in- member of the regular armed for-, considerate, in this lot and blocked C. E. BRADLEY ces of th* United States, th* fifth provision of Section 1 6f Article VI of the .Constitution of Texas does not prohibit him from voting: at the election in this State." Section 1 of Article VJ of th* Constitution of 1876 reads as . follows: ApplleaAU fAr admiiiion to Law School. tained at tha Taatins and QQidanea BD-' "The following, classes of per­ icia Individual* wrlio plan to cntar tba Seboo) raau. V Hall 111 ar tha Xeyietrar'* Of­ sons shall allowed to vote of Law in Jim, 19S3, or in Saptambar, fice. . 1952, -ara invited to fila a tranafar ap»•••. QOKDON V. ANDEESON in this State, to-wit: .. . plication promptly at tba tUfiitrir'a Of­. Aietitant Director -"Fifth: All soldiers, ...marines fice.-Early ^application will anabla tha , Teetin» and Ottidanca Bureau and. seamen, employed in the ser-" naeauary ohaekinc to ba dona loon/Tha applicant will ba adviaad thia apring of • lU-examinaUone and PoatpoAad and vice of th* Army or Navy of th* hia atatua and of furtb«r naad», ifany.' Advanead Standing ExaMiaationa will ba United States." - ^ HAX FICHTENBAUM rltan April IS throucb April SI. Petition* Ataoclata Rafiitrar ' • to take examinationalin this eeriea" muit Members of the Regular United *e ia the Raciitrar'a Office not later States Air Force were added to than April 1* Tha MadloaT." Cotlaea Admiaalon Taat • ' . . H. Y. McCown, Re»i«trar subsection b, section 1, Article; will" ba adminiitared In Hogg Auditoriam VI of the Constitution by the oil Saturday,.May 10, baginnlns at S :45 • Sbaaffer Van Company will ha on tha a.m. Applicattona and axamination faaa campiia rriday. March 14, to Interriaw Attorney General's opinion No. mint b* -raceivad by tba Edaeational June eradnataa who are intareatad ia V-635 on July 15, 194$. ' ^ Teatint Sarvice. Princeton, Naw Jer»er. aalaa and trainee work. on or before April Id. Bullatina of infor­JOE D. JPARRAB, Oireetor In 1932 the above provision of mation and application blanks may ba ob­Student Employment Buroaa the ConstitutiMr#as amended by -adding thereto the following:Texan Crossword Puzzle "Provided that this restriction ACR08S 4. Ancient 23. River. 1. Heathen . Greek coin "8. Flpwers ' fat "missire ' l37"Gazelie " 24. Blue gfass -in P. Girl's name (Tibet) 27. Tryiiig-cir-Ciassifled GUbart Adam, George Allan, Batty A*» 10. A son 14. Hand cumstance - dersoo. Hershel Anderson, Norma Ball. Adt Elisabeth Bonnet. Mary Jean Barnae, Id*., of Adsm" coverings 29. Scolded ward ' Boaaom.'" Junes-'Buabee, ThOmaa 11. Dull (U. S.) 15. Flock of persistently Brown, Robert Buckner, ^oyce BaOey, 12. Alone pheasants 30. Before ... John Bdbert Cromaclc. John Carrol, Leonard Clark, Robert 13. City (Ind.) 17. Breeze ^ 32. Oil of • Dewar, John. Dealer, Roland Dahlta, Vol­ 14. English poet 20. Greek letter rose petals mftn Guinn, Pat Hines Sonya Inguerson. Jean Jackson, Carl Johnston, -Nelson 14. Ahead 21. Belonging 33. Masculine -Kuhlmann, Patrick. Lynch, Naney MOton, 17. French river to us 34. Little island ; Noma Xw Murphy, Louis Manganitile, 38. A pilaster If. Belonging 22. Alcoholic -37.-Walking . 0 ~i George Nowotny. (ar^h.) Leslie Peacock. Claude Bluer. Beatrice tojne liquor stick 40 Not good Jinan, Charles Stanley, Glenn Smfth,' 1>. Clever ......Jamea . Slade, .RichardSanders, Sallie 22. Ascend A;-- Tuekker, Sherman Thompeon, Edwin 7— 1 T". T*.r a * "Vaught, Anne Wells. Diek Wo^tack. Al- 2*.:InJurious:~" Wriss, Lou Ann Williamaon. > i 29. Indigent •pi 7ST 7™ % 9~ ' 28. Valuable fur |31. Gold (Ker.) i TT T*mm tutorial XMMMI Th* legality of present mem­bers of the armed forces voting in the general election without having paid their poll tax has puxsled Texans for soma time. " Is answer to the question: "Is a member of the armed forces of the United States, other than of the Regular .components, who meets all other qualifications for voting at an election held in this state, entitled. to vote in the No» vember general election without having paid a poll tax?" the fol­lowing opinion was given by th* Attorney General's office in Octo­ K^.^.ssa SSfcfMSI? that gkntfoas weck tad, MeCwdysaid a »aa«»Wy,acearate r^port -year's Round-Up? The exeeutive secretary said aB Indications *r* that it broke «v*n, whicb la th* Usual thing; "Roond-Up has bean a self-supporting projcct ov*r th* jnsars;'' "1» ,Md# with sometimes as apparent small profit aad sonsatimes what seems to be a smaB loss, it has consistently r*­ ..BMrfaad jnst about evsn^tephen. J-Js" V- DaBss as his home. ' s ,AND OM PARKING P0 Another letter cam* in (*»•signed and ioeligibla for th* Fir­ing line) raising bob with ;]*rktng ^tuation; "I nolle* witit interest that th* tii^versitjr has at last shown soino ^ practicality by th* construction ofseveralnewdiagonal walkWayB across the :Campus. However,. I j hav* observed a peculiar paradox -which 1would Hke to caB to you* 1 -attention. e. . "As,is well, known by a larg* m of a g*n«ral fund. > -5 writer , of a Wednesday Kring uals with special parking permits." At any rate, McCurdy said*, th* 14ns tetter, Bruce Mason, in no The grip* is that "this parking 1961 financial report should b* uncertain languag*. space is not being utilised" nor is r*ady for publieAtion in about -a "B. B. Mason is obviously suf-tfcw: new-parking lot imn«diatejy •week. , fering from sever* delusions tine* north of th* fxperimental'Sdenc* McCurdy said that h« didnt be says his firiends ar* from Ft.: Buildinc used enough. ­know Students hav* been e«nk-' Worth, and in th* sam*. breath; But north of tha barricade on plaining both to th* student gov-claim* (and this type of ineonsist-'; Speedway^ "h* says, ti»* parking enmment officers and the Texan, cney is typical of th* nior* sever* situation is terrible. because his office has received no disorders, poor wretch), that they "Of course th* answer is sp­gripes about the financial han­owned automobiles!" , parent but th* reverend fathers dling of th* huge spring home­•7 (Note: Mason's . • letter. ; sain-. ;of the campus evidently don't be­coming. Too, he pointed out that tidned an incident involving the. lieve in hasty decisions. So I Round-Up is sn ox-student proj­Hill Hall parking lot, visiting would like to suggest to th* au­ect with ex-student financial re-coaches' can, and letting air out thorities in charge of such mat­sponsibility all the way, and he pt tires.) ters to open Speedway for sta­handn't thought it necossary to j "I advise a long rest, B. B., dent parking at least to the old publicize any figures. (even these initials are suggestive temporary barrier," the critic#re­ any wrong ideas students might missile concluded. have, McCurday said h* will re-It was signed by someone sup-eertaih parking areas aren't being leas* a financial report on next jposedly named Flywheel, a name properly used, th* traffics bosses, month's Round-Up as quickly as that couldn't be found in any. of might consider , soned paridh»—. possible. Because a number of ttve directories. But what's signif­certain pepole park to designated bills dribble in for months after icant is that th* writer listed areas.' Vote "" My MILDRED KLESEL — shall not apply to officers of tha included -within the provisions of ' 1 Why would Round-Up hav*. to number of student drivers, tha break even, anyway? "Program north and of Speedway has re­activities mast pay >. for them­cently been paved and a largo selves, as much as possible," said _ n e w a*ea'? McCurdy. The rcaaon is that th* mad* available. Shortly after this , limited alumni association budget was;done, » formidable eonerete can't tak* car* o£ any substantial and steel b*rric»d* was ertwted loss. 1 iSlt about K0 feet from the end of the r -So sow w* wait a week. . block, barring: student parkin*.' ' , , DEAR BRUCE This was, I presume, to b* used by A Tetter came in criticising A* -faculty and other blessed individ­ Section 2a of Article VI of tii*National Guard of Texas, the •Constitution-and is not r*quir*dNstional Guard Reserve, the Of­to pay a. poll tax or s*eure an *x­ficers Reserve Corps of th* United emption certificate as a''condition States, nor enlisted men of the precedent to his right to vote in National Guard, the National" the general election/ provided tit* Giiard Reserve, iutd the Organised United States is engaged in a Reserves of the United States, nor fighting war." to retired officers of the .United To date no congressionalStates Army, Navy, and Marine or Presidential Proclamation has Corps, and retired warrant offi­been issued .indicating that a cers and retired enlisted men of state of war no longer exists. the United States Army, Navy, Therefore, a serviceman not a and Marin* Corps." member of the regular establish-!: Th* Attorney General's opinion ' ment on active duty with the arm­further stated, "that sine* th* ed fervicee is entitled to vote in serviceman is not a member of th* coming election without pay­the regular armed services, he is ing a poll tax. •tfob Qpportunitiei full-time permanent poeltione naw wo«-d« per minute and experience required. available on :tha Univeraity of Tesaa Utility atation operator—2—experienca aampoa tocethar with a brief deeeriptioa In operating a turbine whieh drivea a of tha minimnm requirementa are aa fol­refrigerating compressor, must be a grad­ low*: • ' uate of a standard high aebool. .. Clerk-typiat—1—typinc ipeed of it All persons intertrsted in working full­"word* par minute, pleating penolality tlme on tha campus pleaae contact tha and soma eolleee training preferred. OFFICE OF NON-ACADEMIC PERSON­ Drafetman—1— someone with several NEL, Main Buildint 204, phone 1-1171, years' eiperienee. Kaat printinv and Qlna-^ extension 551 trating essential. .. .:-V Laboratory, Maehlnist—1—-job raqnirea --• -.... S.. . high quality, hieh pTeelaioii work with "Wtperienca in thia: fiaM. . . . .1 : Secretary > colle«a background pre­ROBBIN'S BODY SHOP ferred, tying speed of 40 words per min­ ute and shorthand spaed of 80 words par "Cesaplsle Badly aad FeaSar Bapaty" ' minute. One' position full-time for three months. • -* PAINTING * SEAT COVES* ' Senior secretary—4—eollage degree, * CLASS * AUTO.BErat1SHING. permanent'status, shorthand speed of 100 words par minute, typing speed of ,50 ISO* Lavaca '' T-717* > IPEEII^r AY ' TUXEDOS RADIO SALES & SERVICE . All-Sls»e W. ML Walah. OwW *010 Speedway Longhorn Cl«an«rt 283S Gvadalf]»• Plutiia a^a47 Having a party? fr Narattp Babhar MaeIra AUSTIN WELDING* •rsitamsi Bay ar Beat ^RADtATOlM.1 Wa have XwStfai mt aB typea WORKS AUSTIN NOVELTY CO. *oe w. stkst Tai. a-ans asBW.Btk n.*-4scr EXPRBS BUS SERVICE to HOUSTON f;H^f*lig;Cal 2-1135 DRAG Kmrrvit)^ Bus Co,® Panting -v nrE. !0H» : nr •j 32..$ome i,... IS %ifir •r-" • Use the Texan Classified Ads - 33. Land-' 1 • measure 15"1 * ,K< f ­ i >4. Accepts t -as valid.— THE.DAILY QUICK \» vm* WA* i ' S?. Enclosure " TEXAN << CCASSlFtED . <• 39. TheOrient 19 20 at 2X 23 News Editor . Jo Ann Dickerton ' "The transfer also will -•j • 40.Thump . ~ 3oeiel9 Editor —.,..1 Betty Segalit ; -bring under on* command the •; , violently 24 Lost and Found Sp«d«l Sirvie«s Amusement* Editor ;.y...<^jKenneth Gompert* complementary missions of breve p ­Sports Editor > A1 Ward the Air University and th* f " (MU5.) • *7 55" cm* -tSa -VAN'S DIAMOND BINS SWp -tut Air Force ROTC. i * ^Z.'Pbkerstske-,.' I' . • * ttisbt, wra ta Ho«g. C«il4 STAFF FO^ THIS5 ISSUE SfSSaa' W ' • 43. LookMyly v IT M bounced Into your panta ettff. Call S-SSlS. Day Editor FLO COX "Both prograins are mainly ar S to S, aak for Daatherage. Mat |44. Not living Night Editor BOBBY NEWT.iTf-concerned ~ with. military edu is ui»:roni iiaiii] i Assistant Night, Editor ..-Bill McRcynolds-cation and training of Air| ,>"! f: . :down. W 3? %T\ w -W m-,:XAIB OP BROWN DRESS SHOK8 — •KUQ j:in^ I 'j 1. Awayfrom. • " Gregory Gyaa. Pleaaa call Ken Pariah. 3>r-jri t-ltST Night Reporters . ..Millard Paytie, Ken Gompertz, Force officers or potential of-• Phone S-mi. Kaward. (Vary interested .-thesea -•.» nutiin xat^tiL-.r , „ MiJiicentJH^^ BoblCenn3% Joel Xirkpatrick ficen. The Air Universityi>as ;: 39 1 in finding them). _ . .. aiiji * • ••• TTJ read^^^.-„:-.^to^b--'|Whurn, Heathy Campbell -professional educitdrs ^ali^ ywawtsa litQ'-iia: :#jprof^ional\educl^ri;4iualii'^^^;.1 |*r»ieir; 4T wanted " "" ' , f\'<-'.t usuuHiica zzszsz 4mpry > development and supervision,, 'CPlacrr^ s tj,. ?T "'J'-SFi 2L) ^itfltoh^Sorin?^*^ "«0»^te;^tfctinica^^^fc^#r*"shariiv§;^^ ~F ' prdfessioiiia';V: 1• mm1 sricfoiEsri-i­ IS W-'J vV#"*^ * .•>», ~" • > ' . * » ^'l"i " "»' » «," **.'"":" ''Is'"'"' Jill -•.. AifiSP**? *l :3i:: • jtOMft* W 1 -\v Ij? t *• *t * ^•» .JsJ, fl aChi ***.«*£ up, !*>**) Mutyitoeed A>m»» Boy Scent tint.-., j,r. 8-12~-D«lta M» -" Beta' Bu' chapter ^ >./kw»^<2ilj£te Rwk,"1 Ofilt the party. Dates will1m ,3»jS*fM*u4Ml» • • VfrWf•• pickedoffor the affairinrented '8:30*12—Phi. waifotii d*a*ti' W•\tritdj,:-< House., Awards will Knta PW fratemitjr will ^ Chi Omega, Wayne Bill's Farm. have its"spring formal Saturday *>-9:16-10:30—Delta /Delta Delta night at the Stephen F. Austin 'S^&'b*eakfast for Spurs and Cow- hotel f$on* 8 to 12 p.m. : S#feiboys, house. 1# "'r' ^Janet Lee. the fraternity's 1951 L*t!m Retains*. F« Cla**«» sweetheart, will present the new 'Ji% Bert Levine, graduate student sweetheart at 10:80,p.m. * I ' who tumbled down the elevator Alpha Lambda Delta, -freshman Noah Cohen, graduate student •haft in Sutton Hall February 25, -Thota Xi fraternity's spring honorary society for women, will from; Israel^ will introduce the w t la doing well and has returned formal will be Saturday at the hold ^initiation Friday at B p.m. in topic.: "to classes. *r Z1* Commodore Perry Hotel, from 9 s Littlefield Dormitory instead of Israeli folk dancing and singing ^ "They've token att die stitches until 12 p.m. -, < • the Rare Books fcoom because of will follow. ---s .* "out and hate removed all the ban- ... , > repairs being mad* in the Li­ -J dages," Lerinewporta, "and I'm w • Lambda Chi Alpha is giving an China in a wide range of prices brary. , n ; 1 The Arab Student's Association "*l-feeling quite a bit better."- open house Friday at 7 p.m, for Freshmen girls haying the nec­will /meet Saturday at.4 p.m. in , «an be found at Zeta Tau Alpha sorority. The essary requirements of IS hours Union 801 to pltn their pidnc theme will be "April in ^ Paris." 'GKF'G' SCOn ^YLjsyaumjHSSPi a viLROO" o-\NCf y. HOOL 12 hour* with an average of 8.0, Park, New Braunfels, Sunday. is painted with a mural in keep­OVfP TFXAS THEATRf 7 9430 and who were not contacted* have Transporfiltfon wilt be fur­ ing With this theme., Mason's Ironstone Pattern Blue been asked to contact the Dean of nished f r o m;Gregory Gym at • •' *•••>••• Ylsta in complete open stock. Women's office immediately so 12:80 p.m. Sunday. Tickets .can. -.Caesar's famous "Ides of that they may be eligible for in­b*' purchased from any member •place setting $3.75 March" will be the theme of Phi itiation. for (0 cents.- Pinlc Bristol $2.44 Sigma Delta's Roman holiday Syracuse edge ...... $4.30 party from 8 to 12 o'clock Satur­ Pledges of Tau B«ta Pi, honor-Tho EttliMp!t|*KmiB Club is Wedgwood's Eastern day night in the International ary engineering fraternity, will holding a picnic Saturday at Aus­ Flowers $6.50 Room of the Union. have their first meeting at 7:30 tin City Park, 'f With decorations to depict and on up to the fine patterns p.m. Friday In Engineering Build­Transportation' to the park ^ will in lenox, in Doulton, in Castle­ ing 801. ^ f be provided and' atiidents are ton, in Pickard, asked to meet on the steps of the GRIG SCOTT Rabbi L. Lubafch, Port Arthur, •Modern Languages,, Building by The Bride's Room (s ready to will speak on "Character Build-2 p.m. give ideas, to explain China, . The admission price,of 75.cento to help make complete .plani at Hillel Foaadation. includes. transportation and re­ for the Great Occasion with ..Bal>bi Lnbasch, horn-in Ger­freshments. Anyone may attend. many, came to the United States • ; ^.;; PRIVATE Silver—China—Crystal. in 1938. ^His daughter, Inge, is The joint meeting of the BBA now attending the University. EnfinoorS and Sigma lota Epti-DANCE Drop in and let us help you.^•?v -"Sfer-p.;.-?/• * ^ Ion, management fraternity, willj LESSONS 5 "Youth Movements and Politi­be Friday night, in Architecture f cal Parties/' the first of a "Semi­Building 105 from 7 to 9 o'clock. SENSIBLY PRICED, nar on Israel," will be Saturday Speaker Will be Dr. John P. Wood, AT 14.95 at 2 p.m. at the Hillei Founda­vice-president of Atlantic Refin­ SSSS euadalup*—Ph. >••«» 1104 Colorado Hours 9 to 5 tion. i »» ing Company. w When It's Roun<^-Up Time/.'. _"-jK32^T_l Long or short,, the most heavenly gowns you ever saw, now in our collection! . ^ a. In pink nylon net, stayed strapless bodice, matching stole. Skirt is .-4?. -t^'rz ballerina A .rtiffled .ruffled! 49.95. College Shop, Second Floor, b. Out-of­ this-world nylon tulle in two shades of pink. Bouffant skirt of light pink, shades ' into softly draped bodice and side panel $f darker pink. Embroidered"circlet ' " of simulated pearls and rhinesetones at the n 'kwrll :Vv;y -.i ~-"• -­ --- , i ' V I Bpwm-mmmmmmmmsmsma iwKWwlHB^MfcaS^.. • M ifSF SMJfMS §§^y:;'»'0M Approach « • for Round-Up ?• Round-up call* for a fabulous dress-'<'A? >• V|'y5» * i"*.­*nd that'«-ixactly wh^t~youJ]l~r . ' ;r; " * 'X*\ 1 *' YOUR EVENIN© BAG is of imported.simulated pearls. Envelop® V or top-handle style. 7*50 plus tax; i pi ^ * -r tQLIR GLOVES are imported,'too. French kid, 16-bu+ton length*^ < : ;-.w-/ ' \ ' Three pearl button at wrist.--White, only. Sizes 6 to•7.^. 12.95.­YOUR JEWELRY is a matching rhinestonet necklace and earring jet. In one of four styles. 9.95 to 11.95 plus tax. Gloves, Bags, Jewelry, Street Floor 7 ' ¥ JS*> H i M. ** ^ 11 ^ ' *f« t ^ " -f Jwi k'fesa •v^r-•-•!: v<-SB-> ^ii«8 ' (Lv -" #SkwK6timmrnMrnM VP Ww** ai« w •-*_«• S*kW5 0 American, Engl ' and Russian, , i r Conneetieut, Illinois, NeW Hone* Thnraday at lito :^.^»«s»-by the military from an adversary ofthe United State* benefits eg their teachers in training io, Texas,' «nd ot Jor I86ts^s «w«uetor «i $0fcgim?ima *w*ll*n i*M»y. to thestf "four nation*, the four-man in the Korean conflict*, Chinese l^mfhrfnitiier be*i*fit*n£;the lei»d**^,*;fe* deelftred; r* to' wp*&]&riowl A^awMs'' SjnnpMi^' Otiicorir JblM^ jeep squads make strange bed­ students are being' given * t§ch» tiibl^g-;jglv^Aiefi ftt "Little publicity has been give) '1«t for and Alexander von Kreisler, coat, ^hg the trail Mi two dfreddW#: fellow*—four men of four differ­ •'ighd to*v«r see • movie worth you*? ent cultures, thinking and speak­ideal education at the University pointed out that under a/new tUs new rnling beeans«th#re are r on eaii bring gOfl c* the** •doctor of the Pniveaaity > i'&tfcn*. And you can follow *tfch ing and carrying out orders in at the expense of the US govern­American govi still #,0>: year* have been follow*! by *ho*t; emergency aid program, 3o*iytS taming to &tjna. and we also Want to a^d any re­l*^p .ttent 1U acl^'Wyear tvt in^he Sontimest, tfe^caed to help * . The nuuuwripts wnr« *el< "Pour In a Jeep" is a motion Meal, director of the International percussion to tite families of these w^t#eoets to build a single jet jirofwrionat eompoferf, i» by Clifton Williams, #*Vi. r,^ usual picture standard; it's one %OOR 1(9 A • JEW**, iSi Exchange Club Wednesday in a lean-trained Chinese atodenta £*» Of the 800-400 foreign student Art*. . * and rSj*ni Kennan, S. Beep^ yott should not rinlt missing. „^ -r*. Hi"' )in'^i..yiiin...i}jii»'ii" . *1)1 in" tare fym&mttor peie« xirther tints ---Texas Theater is a serious, under' now enrolled in. the University Thirty-eight cotipositioha were J*it*gerald, and Pual Pisk, facidty, * V standing, Straightforward story of MUST THIS ONCE." at the some come from Latin-American building jet bombers for war—-#* selected .to b» th» syn^" members from the Music Depend '. life itt the ruins of BetJfn, hear* State i» one of the finest buries-1 countries Japan, China, -XtidBa* j» means «f aohring tit* interna­posium from llZ submitted. En­ment. ' fag under the strain of four gov* tional problems and tensions fac­1 SmokingBan pm$>%e que-satires seen for many a reel. Syria, Ira^and aome from Russia tries eame from many part# of the A piublieatidn stole* of the Peter Lawford and Janet Leigh, I < and Iron Cortain Countries sueh ing IW world^tod'*)&% United State* and as fax away aa choral «d chamber work* Utu% jmt r-v sparkling dialogue and snappy as Cfechodovalds, Esihonia, and I1" "'M the Army of Occupation in Gear-the symposium, and a lending li* ,M.wtr "* < t \ * scening, spoof and lark: with mil­ 5v Latvia, <1m explained. Some of ' r^. £ , br*ry for symphony orchestraa Cleared/ Says-Tayjor lions of dollars. In time of high }i> these students are refugees from These Ad-sellers Faculty members ahd students are planned. % r? • prices and -higher taxes, it is re­The smoke has cleared. And co-operation of the atodenta and Soviet Communism, he added. ' in the Department of Music .will , Sessions are open to the publkt Start ot Foot t::*S freshi»g to look at those who have Jack Taylor, University business the faculty,". he declared. "The perform the n«W 'compositions He said thaf these students .are ftoo much money and can'tget rid manager, gays that the no-smoking regulations haveJbeen a during the symposium's four not only learning English and theof .lt fast enough. rule is ^'working beautifully." to building custodians. {-s, American way of life, but are also And Work-Up-1-^— chamber music programs,* four or­ • "We are very pleased with the When the .ruling was' j making m contribution to the Uni­'v Aching feet, red f&ees, cloek chestra reading session*, «n^ oh* "VIVA ZAPATA" showing at-supporters said that the restric­versity and-to Austin. Some for-watching, worn paths on the chqrsl music program. ' , PENTRON the Queen takes us into the dusty, tions were necessary to keep build­ Critic-eomposer Herbert Elwell Drag, laughter, leery glances, days of Mexico's 1910 revolution. Feline Moke's L: ings attractive, and that ,of the Clevekod Plain Dealer wiltf* TAPE RECORDER non- and "eat at Joe's." v A Jroopy-mustacbioed, eye-lid smokers were irritated^by class­ lead two round-table discussions >' Theso are some of the results taped Marlon Brando, the Agrar­Bee Line Up Tree'; room smoking. *' i' f:r • NROTC Teacher and wiU speak at an informal din­ r^MAKtOHSBAIAA ian leader, fights and dies to give Opponents of the ruling said of the sign wt&ilif required^ ner for visiting composers and FIRST FEATURE AT lliSO his people the--Iand^r Hhey^had CATostrophe that it was an unnecessary re­in the initiation of new spring pledges of Alpha Delta Sigma, Worked for 'centuries., For those striction on students' freedom, and Bruce Roach to Judge Sent to San Diego advertising, ^ffsteraity, whieh^ who saw "The Pearl," this latest After chastng a lizard to thi that if ffv^i £ the buildings really were takes place Friday and Sato*-' Plays at Georgetown * * \j<> Steinbeck story has the same un­top of one of the' taller, trees on being harmed the* problem could Lt. Cmdr. Wade X^drews, USNB day. derstanding of the peons and their the Mall Thursday, a kitten was Bruce Roach, director of the >e Qolved by means other than associate professor of naval sci­One of the pledge duties is to •life and struggle with the land left stranded. speech and drama department in forbidding smoking, ^ ence, has been transfetred from sell two sandwich' board adver­ aiid the landowners. With .some the Interscholastic League, will be Tom Gee,, a University sttfi Three out" of four staidents fn-the University NROT-C nnit to the tisements to local merchants. fine acting, 'clear-faced photo­ in Georgetown Monday to judge dent with »,talent for climbing terviewed in a canrpus poll in Feb­Meet Training School, San JHego, Then the. pledge is required to; three one-act play£ They are" di­graphy, 'chugging dialogue—it is limbless trees, shinnied up the ruary werf opposed to the hew Calif. His wife and son will go walk his signs for two hours. by-Mrs. disturbing to hear philosophies di­ rected Angus Springer trunk and got the cat. But even restrictions. with him. The walking sandwich boards -and will be performed in thevulged in educated language from tbelips of peasants—it is a dim with: his unusual talent, he The ruling was later "inter­Mr. Andrews is a candidate for for thi* semester are Bob Bar-Georgetown High School Audito­with moments of excellences could not earry the cat and hold preted" to ailoiv law students'1 to a doctor of education degree this liiig, Barry Cott, .Tom Clowe, rium Monday at 8 p.m. to the trunk' at the same time. 1 smoke in-vacant classrooms, and spring. He holds a bachelor's de-William Foster, Edwin Golden, The play with the best rating A female counterpart to Sir BLAC1CSTONE is double-head­ architecture students to smoke gree from Southwest Texas State Kenneth fioine, Harry Kiely, will will be entered by George­ftcvfis myniray Walter Raleigh donated her coat V ed with "TREASURE OF LOST when working after hours. College and a master of arts de-Sandy Lack, Saxton Pr'essly, town High School in the distriet­ •°'^«e:Tnle-8tate8i'-i car-owners who establish perma­Two University music teachers nent residence or move to Texa*won three of the four first-place 'Thunder on the Hill* , "Detective Story' to work' temporarily Tltudvtti C«IWt Am Birth awards in the Texas Composers or perma­ Kirk DftugUe Eleanor Perker nently are required by law to -AU»-• Guild's music composition contest, register their car* in Texas and tyrs. T, A. Mitchell, contest ehair­ in the county of their residence," j "I Shot Silly Tha man, announced Thursday. 4s-v' "Outlaw Country" They are Kent Xennan, profes­Mr. Amey said. --j Kid". visitors , 'DM Birrjr ' • Luk lint Fiuiy St. John ' sor of composition, and Clifton Students, . or service-­ men. are...excluded from this law.. Williams; theory • and composition ^arid; may raster in" their home instructor. Williams won two IV! ONTO POLIS Gnzna HY A N K! states. awards. The compositions will be per­ ust Arrive Faatur* Start* at 7 p.m. 4The Green Promise* formed at the Texas Composers National Hookup Set "Cotnin' Round Walter SfMuum Guild state convention in Abilene ;; Martuarlt* Chapman April 18. For Billy Grafcim Show The Mountain* Abbott and Coatcllo ^ "• •• — Al*o— v Plans are being made fdr a na­ • —Alio— tion-wide radio ' and television "Cry Danger" "Deputy. Marshal" show to be conducted by Billy Dick Powell • Rhonda Fleming Jon Mall Pranc^a Lanfford Graham, noted : evangelist, here Begins April 27 on the Capitol lawn. : Graham's entire -evangelistThursday, Mar. 20" team will be with him. They in­ clude Cliff Barrows, choir leader; \ Exactly at shown in New Yorlt George Beverly Shea,-gospel sing-* BURN $2.40 to*>j 'er; the Rev, Grady Wilson, assoc­iate evangelist; Ted Smith, pianist Telephon* 8-1710 Teicphon* 8-6B33 and musical arranger; Paul Mi­"Ann of the Indes "Elopement" chelson, organist; and Jerry Sev­ an, public relations mam. Jean Peter# Clifton Wabb ' " 1 -..j ;• .-i.i ' I' " "• Louie Jeurden Anna FranCl*: Ideal for -Plu»­ St. Mary's Law Honors 'Fighting b>* **, Oh! Susanna" Given to Two UT ExesKentuckian" ' Rod Cameron' John Wayn« Adrian Booth -Two former University students have received honors at St Mary's wear Firt Show-6:38 p.m. J?ir*t Show StSS p.m. School of Law. 5601 DAttAS HIWAY 6400 BURNE! R040 William L. Merkin has been i elected vice-president of The jBar­rigters' jCluh-jn-agiliate-of^ th< American Law' Student' Associa­tion. Both Merkin and Vincent Tarl- PLAYING ton, also a former student of the I STAGE SHOWS at 1:52, . j University, were chosen as dele­ 4:26,^7:00 & 9:34 gates to the Fifth Circuit Con­ ference in New Orleans. brown Tune in "Tower Tune Time' navy kNOW 11:30-12:00 midnight .V JBW9'IIill Isl f-jJ 5-f , ^ V, ADULTS fi"' y -t* A •s Children -TOWERI 407 SO CONGRESS AVE. dan'n»/77 • OPEN s~«m EVERY H0PE-V«a; EVENING AT' rfflttutBamemi BLm w®' lAwm 5 PM FORggg 4^ Lamarr f;|| DANCING ™ ; VJ^Fir, -* SAT. BLCES fUNTEF- Good Food tfffttL'S /Hf^m7£SP/ X'S.V j" PRIVATE PARTY ROOM WED.THURS.M SAT. STYLES EOR THE IS ;v I sjA T M , nusTin7'^LO Westward the Womfn' w^^