Br JIM WILSON religious eropnasi* wi$k,-iio derinftowfciftfef 4fown * « . US eolIe«e« a* they ore known hall team* nor hand, and no cultur­Dr. Leo Hughes, associate. pro­VOL SI Price S Cent* AUSTIN, TEXAS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1*51 today should be abolished, Aaid Dr. al enteftiinmettt program. .*.1 fessor of English, said that people Frederick Eby WednesdayinTex-"Ejtora-cuniculigr activities 'lure think of. colleges is a plico to as Union at a panel discussion on a drawing card for th* Universi­turn out £ bookkeeper or a pro­ •Jrtra-cumpnlar, activities. £ ^ ty," Hand emphasised. '• 4 fessional football player. Too :?.*• gfre* the individual many sttfdents think of the Uni­"The .frefchriian, sophomort; ju­ •elf confidence, group participa­ versity; in terms of;how tho ballmorand senior classes in colleges tion and contacts, and a spirit of tetttTit coming oufcvhave included too manyactivitiea co-operation. : reference to> Hand's remark which at one lima «m' extra­ Inon CanHol Charles Roberto, director of tha about tho extra-curriculer activi­ curricular activities; « : One hundred year# ago the colleges University Veterans Advisory ties-beinga^drawing card lor tho mm, W? _ >,B ' m&ij m m^ a a Service, added to Hand'* remarks institution, ^Dr. Hughes pointedwere what tbeyshbuld h*ve been," by laying that extra-curricular ac­ out that sise. in terms *of numbers•aid tljja professor ofhistory and tivities enable the student to ad­ philosophy ,of education.. \ , ­just to thai University situation. Dr. Hughes aid he objecMd to ' 1%i German "method ofteacb- If anything is carried to excess the "organised" extra-curricular J50 Dtl«gciing cam* into being then, he said. the academic side of college life activity. He pointed out that The freshman and sophomore To Eltcf Obvrnor, j «« may. suffer, ho warned;'"The par-. Americans have a way of or$en- _ 1By KENTOOLkr dafcaes have become apiddling «on involved, must exhibit discre­ iting things to death. -sort-of tiling.; -< q Friday Morning f Lau^s, tlirills, exciting mwnenteTaiifkn array tion L|So inany of -us do not '^Carl Bredt, associate * dean of "A new movement was started . some 50 years ago to .Mtabl^h know when to say *no' and do not student life, was moderator for Bp/tKt AtKxfaHd Prut, plus the presentation of some 50 bathing:beauties w.ere i -Junior colleges with a curriculum |mow how to limit ourselves, bur-die eoffeorum discussion. Government as the: youngsters into two and a half hours to produce the best Aqua Carni's to fit the needs of students at of Texas think it should operate since its beginning • • f (that stage of thegame," he said. will be practiced this week end. , Produced by the University swimming team and Dr. Eby pointed.out that there Delegates to 250-member the by Swimming Coach Hank Chapman, this year'g Aqua Car are two kinds of extra-curricular Assembly to Vote J*-; MX m M 9 JTa, M » , , convention 'will arrive Thursday, activities—one that should be .in­ val truly lived up to its name, reproducing almost everytt o itomk .% --gia£oil g• end elect a governor Friday morn­ cluded in tha curriculum and one that could beiound in a circus and rnore^ which should not. ing. Candidates for the high of- A cast of approximately^80 kept tha . **At present," he Sfid/fcolloges ion Bill -fi<;e are Carl Paschetag of Beau are a sieve . .. a place to throw mont, Ray-Harvey of Tyler, Ray Master of Ceremonies Cactiis Pryor ad libbed at intervals-, thousands-of freshmen and sopho­ A proposed bill* calling for a will set the date for it. Farabee of Wichita Falls aftd Sar* move the action along during a few slow moments. ^ mores and find out which ones special election will, with regular "That date will probably be ah Davis of Corpus Christi. Seven hundred and fifty spectators sat awed i«­ cin do University work'. . The committee reports, head the. agen­ December 19," he skid. object is not to do the Best job The high school students will seats as Wayne Trott, Skippy lf da, for the Student Assembly for boys 4rid giris on a freshman The special election has been debate and vote on laws and reso­ Browning, Jack and, Roger t1 meeting at 7^15 p.m. in the Texas the Assembly by more or sophomore level." , . Union asked of Shell Love lutions Friday and Saturday. The Qe proposed -that tho four year than 1000 petition sigpera. If the Tolar, " iJack Thomas^fBill Wales Madden, student presi- convention ends with a worship college be abolished and build in election is approved by the Assem The Reporter Scott, SueH Bagsdale^|and denti jatated that if the Assembly bly, the students will be allowed program and rededication cere­ its place, a curriculum needed by Clare Masterson performed students from ..fifteen to:.twenty approves the spedal election, it to vote on. the amendment which mony Sunday. Who Wrote This! • years of age. %/:' *£/ .was mistakenly left off the ballot • Delegates will attend from AbU high, in the air on the trapexe.;;g-; Lloyd Hand,"1950-51 student in the Fall General Election. \ The song leader of-one of Trott was the catcher ,on one tra-; v3 lene, Amarillo, Beaumont, Big .=• >QpA-.0UEEN June Tolar Cone"reignisd:we>r fHo initial show of: .the first sororities-t'o perform pease while the other performers president, in his defense of extra­ The amendment would in . Ef­ curricular activities, pointed out fect change, the position of associ Spring, Bryan, Corptfs Christi, the 1951 Aqua Carnival Wednesday night at Gregory Gym/Swim­oA the Sing-Song program was floated through the air in aTla^ Corsicana, Dallas, El Campo, Fort shion of professionals. that they benefited both the insti­ate editor of The Daily Texan to ming Pool. Mrs. Cone will remain on the throne-until her successor puttingon a show all her.own— Worth, Galveston, Highland Park, tution andthe individual. He said managing :editor, and the post is named at the iinale Saturday nights : V iv But it took tho excellent'wotft but not on thestage. i Houston, Kilgore, McAUen, Odes­ Open to Seniors that were it not for eprtra-curricu-would -become appointive rather pf Trott to bring the lopdest apr,,'. sa, PlainView, Port s Arthur, San While just getting seated'in br activities there would be no than elective. Thft non-editorial plause from the spectators' as he The Danforth Foundation is of­A'ftgelo, Tyler, Waco, and Wichita the balcony*,after their perfor­ committee oif the Board of Direc performed on th^,ringa atr what fering two.types of scholarships Falls. mance, one of the sorority mem­ Texas seemed. to be almost the top of to seniors gradiiating in the spring tors of Student 'Publica­ bers glanced down and saw* her tions, Inc., would make ..the ap­ theXlym. • or summer of 1952.r director sitting on the cold ce­ n One is a scholarship for a girl pointment. . . Popular ment • floor. The director Every member of the sKrimming ^ 1team had some part in 4he show. to do religious, non-academic work The petition asking forthp elec­ couldn't be eoaxed to rise, and on some other college campus. tion was drawn up and signed by to she was getting redder by the Most of them being clowns .that AJ ftie required numher—(30 per kept the crowd laughing and the In Powder Bowl The other is a scholarship for minute..But not from -the chill graduate wbtk> to students pUn- cent of the number voting tn the show moving fast.-The '• members The seventh annual Powder Rover1 Draft deferment examinations in the University, and can be taken ofthefloorr ,. ,~ ning to* teach who believe teach­ fall general election), just before of the team were introduced .to -4L Bowl game between Pi Bete I'M will be given Thursday morning only once. They last three hours. Ti^e reason: the audience.when they ;w«^.slK>t'<^^S I T't ing is a Christian vocation. the last Assembly meeting. But ...... Everybody's trying to get an at 8:30 in Hogg Auditorium to and Kappa Kappa Gamma pro­Scholarship blanks may be ob­APO did not have enough time to A student may"be deferred one Laughing vigorously~before she out a cannon into tho swim- mises to be. an awesome, 'bone- the At­education these days. students -who have applied to take year on the basis of the exam, sat down, she had felt something ming of pool. " * -? vg I 'crashing battle. tained from Dr. DeWitt C. .Red-check the signatures, so A big St. Bernard has been them. Admission fe by ticket only, pop, with The . cannon lit Capt. McCown said, but thereafter and the impressive-' wis ny^'Mrs. dick, Journalism Building 30$. torney General, Harold W . This year's gamewil) be played going regularly to the Reserve Captain H. Y. McCown, registrar delays are made only on -Uie basis ness of a final curtain, the little June Tolar Cone, the Aqua. Queen be. by Young, -tfould not verify the v§­ on Freshman Field "Sunday at Applications 'must made Reading Room. And much like and dan of admissions, said.-of class standing. Freshmen must leader's petticoat.had serving as ring master for tho February 1, 1952. lidity of the petition. students these days, he is af­ t:80 o'clock. It was picked by un The tests, designed to guide be in,the upper .half of their the floor around her ankles.. -aqua circus. She will reign over .flicted with the sniffles, a married sports writers as,the bowl draft boards in giving deferments, class, soph'Oiibores in the upper Question: the remaining three nights of tho cough, a leaky nose, and drowsi- men game of the year. More than 8,000 fare given only' to enrolled tworthirds, and juniors and above show, until her successor is n£mi»d • ness. " ;v . r 'Wonder what would have fane are expected towatch the tilt in the upper three-fourths to rate: Saturday night. .. . After touring thi reading happened if it had happened on amd the hilarious half-time activi­ ^4^|ement. This rating corre­-.stage? ^. . J _*•-**J-" jiJRjl* 0. room^the other night,,he decid­ ties. /_... .. sponds io i' C average in all Several ~ extras were! addeif; i ed to take a nap. He plopped Third ' The Kappe's Won the 1950game classes, he pointed oufc the show, as Coacjti Chapman and • ' down where, everyone had to eonvinoingly, 12 to 0. Pi Phi plans : The next examinations are sche­the University's' divers filled tho walk, and began to snore, to avenge that defeat with their duled for April 24, 1052, Stu­Gym with laughter witli comedy Phi Beta Kappa A librarian—a little afraid fact, although inexperienced, dhb. antics. In Debate Tourney dents who neglected to apply forof the dog because o# its large Fewofthe. veteranson last year's 1 The Student-Regent Liaison menthal, president of .the. Inter- "this session, who are not yet of Divers Roger and Jack Tolar, size—-cautiously, tried to get squad, are returning, but the team Committee met with the Board of Fraternity Council, Russ Kersten, Norman Black, three-year let- Clyde Brothers, Bobby Brodnax, draft age, Or who'enter at;:inid- Is 175 Yean-Old is pinning itf hopes on little Mar- him to leave 'the library, but he' terman on the University Men's Regents recently to discruss special editor of The.Dajljr Texan, Bessie term should get ah applicsition and Eddie Mack tried one of ti»e looked at her with disdain and gy Crosby, its passer. Gail Camp­student problems that recently Meek, who was appointed by the Varsity Debate Squad, tied with from their local selective service Ph'i Beta Kappa, probably the most daring of-all tricks by claim­ wen,t back to sleep. . bell, who played an outstanding .have been the subject of discus­student President, and Wales Mad­At 10 p.m. Ted Clevinger of 3aylor for top board^ihd submit it to the Testing honorary fraternity ing to be Robin Hoods, and shoot* game .last year at end, will again sion arouhd the campus. , den. -- when everyone individual honors irt the South­Service at^Princeton University only to be ing arrows at * target as they receive Margy's passes. . "The .main purpose-of the com­was leaving and steppih'g over west Invitational lDebate Touriia-formed at a tavern, celebrated its came out of a dive. A trophy will """ Among tho things ; discussed him, he yawned, stretched^ and i&r*?r.!*dBi)Si»l8ii}"tickeir. "Kc*­ With resounding cries of "Fry mittee," " says Madden, "is to ment held h^re Friday and,Satur-Cown said. . . r^V.. 175th birthday anniversary at b« awarded the archer with the were 1) the problem of next year's Pi Phi," the Kappa's are forking lumbered out—having -had day. best score at the end of the four- Christmas holidays, 2) Methods by bring the Regents and the stu­enough of schpol for the day. About 100 students have ap­William and Mary College last out at a secret field this week, dents closer together and to have J'our of five debates were won day show. Roger Tolar had the which students could be more ac­ plied for Thursday's examj* The week. trying to keepsome of their -plays more understanding oh problems by Black and Bill Wright,* who best, average By hitting two bulls­ tive and co-ordinate themselves te^ts are the .same tbft were given The December 1-0 issue of .Time under wraps so their tricky forma* i :ore with the Ex-Students Asso­that "may come up for either of 2 T«xans Plact For placed third in the tournament. last and being giveh eyes, one after ho had done fe full June, are gives a brief history of the organi­ ' tions will not be seen by* prying gainer. ' . •... . the two." They took the affirmative of the ciation, and 3) the possibility, of simultaneously at more than 1,000 zation. ~ ;Pi Phi spies' eyes. distributing •c a n d y machines RKodts Scholarship question, '"Resolved: That All centers. Fourteen sororities and the American Citizens Should Be Sub- Time said, "In those 175 years, Swing and Turn Club provided the around the campus. '.HOUSTON, 12.— fch«>ol„9LS.edflLWi»ik_ Dec. tha gold Jfcey of PRK^has become-color.-with pantomime "Christmas! Services During Time of War." a powerful symbol in US educa­cards, each one to be judged and dent, said the "Faculty-Student Baylor University. College of Me­Baylor and Texas A£M tied-for tion..Those who wear it can be as trophies to be awarded the top Three faculty members of the Cabinet has petitioned the Faculty dicine, and James Robert Cope-As Credit for Pro-Laws .. different-as Franchot Tone and first place.. in the-* tournament, three at tjie end of the Aqua Car­ -University Graduate School of .So­Council tb reconsider the cliange land^ a senior at Yale, today were Senator Priul Douglas, Paul nival. Draws Professors which was-attended by more than.. as cial Work will visit Qye Texas in next year's Christmas holidajw." selected as the Texas contestants 200 high school students. A proposal to count "RO.TC Robeson and Senator Robert faft. ^.Various ideas for Christmas-cities thig week to/recruit prospect "Madden pointed put that the -Ten University * psychologists for Rhodes scholarships. ; * courses as a part of the hours re­But;, they, all have one thing in card scenes were reproduced by " tive porkers for the profession Student-Regent Liaison. Commit­will 'participate in the Texas Psy­They were chosen from ten stu­Oe»n To Return; Cold B*tt«f • quired of pre-law students bes common:-they got good marks in the organizations," one J>eing a and students for the school. tee serves as a liaison or co-ordi­chological Association . meeting dents and will go to the six-state, Dean Arno Ndwotny, who has been' approved by the Arts ,and college." .. take off-on-the^Univgrsity's blood Miss Mary Esther Burns, Miss nating agent between the students Friday and Saturday in Dallas. regional selection at Ne$r Orleans been suffering from a severe cold Sciences faculty. < Officers of the local Phi Beta' drive,, but each with the holiday Lorraine Warnken, and Charles and the Board of Regents. President of the association is next month. Four will be chosen for the .last few days, will return The proposal'Svill be sent next theme... "» Kappa chapter -are Dean H. M. W. Laughton Jr. wiU make-the > The committee has. been func­Dr. Gordon Anderson, assistant at the regional meeting for the to his office Thursday, or Friday, to the general faculty, and if they Burlage, president; Mrs. To ad,d to the show's color,*-the Coral visits. Waco, Fort Worth, Dallas, tioning inadvertently since 194T diregtoi^of the University's Test­two-year-scholarships to Oxford Mrs. Nowotny reported Wednes­ approve, to the Board of Regents Tullis, vice-president; Dr. Harry Aqua Belles, under the direction Amarillo, and Lubbock are to bo when it .was first initiated under ing aiid ^Guidance Bureau.-University in England. * , day. V " . . ' for consideration. Of Miss. Jane Schoonmaker, swam Ransom, secretary-treasurer. visited. Student, President Barefoot San­Dr. Bill' L; Kell and Dr. Royal with precision through an aquaders, he said." • Embree, both professor?, of edu­ ballet that broke the monotony MeGhe* Goal tsTnrkijr This year, the five members of cational psychology, will discuss On First Day of Drive of, and comedy. • George G. McGhee, one of the the liaison committee are Bill Ni­ "Ethical Problems in Counseling." But, bringing the water festivalspeakers scheduled by Great Is­ chols, president of Mica, Bob Blu-Dr. K'ari M. Dallenbach, chair­ to a climax, was the introduction sues this semester, has been ap­ man of the psychology depart­ of the ten; Aqua-Queen finalists, pointed by President Truman to VT-Holidays Are Longer ment, and Dr-. Philip Worchel. as­orve vof which-will succeed Mrs." be ambassador to Turkey an d • Christmas ' holidays are longer lociate professor of psychology, Cone and reign, oxsrmJiiBa4a52chief-of the Amerieah mission -forr 1st the University. The vacation will discuss "Problem* in; the Aqtia Carnival. aid • to Turkey.; -* ' iS? starts, on December ~21 and ends Training of Clinical Psychologists The prospective queens were JMr. McGhee was unable to fill on,January 3. Students in city for Professional Service." Pledges from students and fa­Don Klein, president of the "T" over the Air ROT&"staff officers fourth score. Again the-try, for culty members were-made Club, presented ' campaign. offi­lowered from the high tower into the.Ureat Issues engagement, apd and county schools have to retuhr , Dr. Iri Iscoii, assTstant profes­and noh-coms of the unit Tuesday point was foiled. Southpaw Bobby was replaced by another speaker. to their books January 2. sor, >ill read "The Effect of Re­Wednesday in the opening day of cials with a stack of pledge cards' afternoon. Asl(cw pitched a left-handei to a swan boat which carried them across .the pool-to the judges. ward on Objectivity of Children's the "Blood for Korea" drive, and from atliletes. He said they were Eugene Green for tlye filial touch-' Pa'uline Cohn took the lead in the behind the drive 100 per cent. Every player had pledged a pint Wednesday night's judges Were- Reports." • . down, and Green tossed to James "Bloody Mary" contest. •of blood to the "Blood for Korea" Capt, R. A. Knapp, commanding Other members of the psychol­ Many organizations, -werev com­1 • * . . Webber for ^the1 point to run the of Com­ » officer the NROTC; ogy faculty attending from the Three girls received the 5 pints ing the i00 per cent parti­drive. --.v }•; . score t,o 32-0. " mandfir-L. S. Eubanks, executive pledged their aoed On JJ.ere University are Dr. Wayne -H. of blood in names cipation needed to be member The. cadet officers scored gri The staff covered 80 yards in officer of the NROTC; Major F. necessary for a "Bloody Mary" Holtinpan, Glen Wilson, Dr. Harry of the "100 pfer center" club. THe their second offensive play of* the three plays in the,last minute of Loren W.inship»-executive officer nomination. They are Judy Phelps, organization which pledges 100 Nelson, and Willard H. Brent- game and then scored twice more 8^0—Deferment examinations, 7—Rusk Literary Society, Texas Pauline Cohn and Barbara Gaston, per to the game. The Peebles-Bartling of the Ait ROTC; CoU E. E. Mc­ linger. , cent and "does the most before the half for a 19-0 lead. Hogg Auditorium. Union 301. Activities • a Kesson, commanding officer of for .today incliidei make the drive a.success" will combination made 79 yards to the10—-Czech Club, Texas Union 309. 7—Phi Delta Phi, Moss Rose Caffc ten-minjite show to begin at 11:50 receive a cup donated by. the The Staff got 35 yards, on a Cadet one-yard line where Peebles the Air .ROTC; and Marvin .Bre- 2-5—TSO rehearsal, International 7—Hogg Debating Society, Texas Vand«nb«rg Awards sneak play in the* first action of thouwer, warrant officer of the in front of the Union. Arlene Kay Co-Op. . Room and Texas Union. 309. Unidn 309. trophy at Q«rgttrom and a chorus Of drama students Several • important were the game for one of its two long­hit Capt. Forest B. Crain on a AROTC. A different set' of judges­ •t ^0—-Intermediate Club, home 7—Meat buying discussion for will present "Take Back ifour names est gains. Capt. Farley E. Peebles second down try in the end zone.' wiH evaluate the finalists each Chancellor^ Jam«i P. Hart was found amdhg. the pledges. Some and garde.n group, 4605 East passed to Col..George E. Bartling The staff fought from-its dou­night." fratemitiw, sororities and co­the Official repre»imtative of the Mink." The Aqua Belles will be of .these were . Chancellor Hart, Avenue.' ops, Sigma Alpha Mu house. presented in bathing suiti. Arnold for the yardage. The Staff march ble platoon system, but the three University Tuesday at Bergstrom Dean Jack Holland. Dean Carl 4-6—-Tryouts "for Phillip Morris 7—Kappa Epsilon, Texas Union Air Society man the bogged-there, and ,the cadets took platoon team of the cadets was will seven Field when the Mackay Trophy Bredt,. I?ean-William Blunk and show. Radio House. 311. pledging bobthi today^' over. On the second play, Player-too much. The winners had seven was awarded to the 27th Fighter- many student government lead- 4:30—MortaT Board to bo enter­7—Education party, Main Lounge, escort Wing by Ceneral Hdyt S. . Band music, a parade, and ap­ers. coach Joe Tom Harris hit Bob first downs, the Josers three.< The tained by alumnae, home, of Texas Union. w peals from a Korean vet and the Tanner for a score in a play cov- Vandenberg, Air Force Chief of VThis is. a good start, but if-we • Mrs. Bob Armstrong. 7<-—Dallas Club, International Governor served ias a kick-off Staff. 4:45—Co-Ed Assembly, Texas Room, T<«as Union. .ex " „ _ no goodTueaving Jhe score at 6-0. inside-the cadet 20 only once. ]i have to get IP ceremonies outside the Union ^Phe cadets tallied igain a few • Ph7 for their job offerirying jet allrout^^^support,?' Sidney. Siegel, -5—*Steer Here, T^xas Union 816. ion'316. Governor Shivers' proclamation minutes later On a reverse, Upton AROTC members Were urged planes across tiie Atlantic last co-chairman Of the drive, com- 5—Talent Committee, Texas Un-7:15—Assembly, Texas Union year, and -for. Korean battle ac­gaming December 12-19 as "Make inented., . ,r . • : Murrell going dver from the 7-to lay aside an«"advance deposit"ion 315. " 815. Ko­yard line. Murrell then pesse^ to of-blood during the present Blood-By RUSS KERSTEN tion.' --" ' ^ Biood Your Christmas Gift te Organizations and living units 5-—Texannes, International Itoom, 7:15—Alpha Alpha Gamma, Ar­rea Week" was read by Preside^ Bob Hodges for the extra point, for-Korea drive by an editorial in are requested' to make at least Texas Union. chitecture Building Tower. * -jjOTC Invites Faculty T. S. Painter. .Tho; ROTC band, ono sign-Jand leave them in the -giving, a 13-0 lead. -Billy Putman Wing Tip's, official jjublication 'of • P««l Tracy,'about whom a fouiv l­5—Spooks, in fr&Qt of Tex^ Un­7;30—Society of Ameriwti Ifei-Texas Stairs^ Sifver Spurii, CoW-ended, the first half by scoring the Unit --""p-­ •. Nolan, column feature was ,written -on'7 ion. ' v ' > tary Engineers, ED Hall 112. To Sm Korean films boys and Arnold. Air Society took with a 4ryard end sweep, Try for director. '' -. "Putting .aside some blood tha£ this same sheet yesterday,'-hasntt.v, part in the parade. point was again no good. 5—Dr. Paul A. Pisk ta sp«ak to 7^0—Young RepublicansK Sutton , CopUtot films of the Korean* ' « ' we don't need right now in antici­heard the'last of it yet.Sidney Lanier Literary Society, Hall 101.-will be shown at a.!meeting of Bo% Bullivan, a Korean-vet and • After *a half-time i;utnbi>ing"ex-: pation of the {time when w^migh^ . The. chief ribbing" tame from^ •^ vAlpha Chi Omega house. 7:80—Alb* Club, Sutton Hall 101. fto Society of AnJ^rican Milltary pre-med itudept, spoke briefly on Air tadeft Win, 32-6, hibition, the cadets came back to be short-a few pints and-feeed it', fellow workers in the Ex-Studentd ­ 1:30—Speleological* Society, -Ge-Engineer^ Tbursday night at47:30 his experience*. after -iMting bt Blood Vinwfit Gam* ruh the score 82<0 before badly/' is the way the editorial Association office. They postedJfy.iminI!DHairil2, 4w>unded-in the^ Chuiihon iResfT' a. -last-minute "rally -netted' the described . donation, askir^g tiie story on a goodnsiased bulletin vpir. Hi described the Army dcSd- SM i members of the faculty -are '># UV:*>•'HrWMfe^r"" " , 'Air Force ROTC cadet officers staff its only tally. * • ' , ' <**­ tits*?* J J? mm MMM .. 1 ' Tr, S>&„ Tf J* PS#^'DXilytbsw Sv 1 .sv ^ |I p* w gm«H£.­ mething Ne $ Number JustOver Gil-Calahan Fig * * £ m Something Different* i» • 11 III ' 1 " " 1 "" I j HBMIM nil || imir II I InColiseumToniI -I* ' "t" • If praaaad, Coaclf 10 PRICE e*ddi**bably give as taut? defini­ tions of football as C«rl Sandborgean of poetry. One «f theal; WiWJe Retired * y?* * 2025 etMdahip« SfrMt AusHn,T«M like fishing, sometimes. Don't catch anything but everybody has a tha NEW 2 4^1; good time." . > , Conference rushing leader GLENN L1PPMAN. also te* lea Jfi. ^IKW Only Ruth, fefcrig Calahan and ' Atutin'i »th*.AllStffr4dB«H­ leads the A6M mechanical engineering class with * 2.7 grade point •ylt' Pete Gil fight a 10-rounderTbunh can the workout thftt &ala&soi had Won Sam» Honor ^ avenge * . .fcan-e£feir MKIXK MICHAEL* :Tporii SKE, Baylor line coach, promises Bear fans an­day nightin the mufn rrent at with Terrai^ also proved that THE TpBVEHWEIN BOOK WORK SHOPi NEW YORK," Dec. 12—W— other all-American next year with guard BILL the City Coliseum. the out-of-stater can b« ldt to •Crrr»'-"f-­ Joe Dimaggio's famoua'"#", the "Loungei number be carried on the back of ATHEY . . Tennessee coach BOB NEYLAND, Pete Terraios, welterweight well as throw punches. r ~ Shewing bow boob are mada from mamncript _ Sl?l f v 3?year veteran^of watchinsr^ABE PAWLLI, calls his New York Yankee uniform sparring, partner of both fight^ra, Gil, who-has been working out Vanderbilt's BILLY WADE the greatest college predicted Calaban would win: to fimshW Imuik) book" for 13 brilliant playing season*, with Bert Linam, was having trou--~ passer he's seen. n \­ will be retired,-Club Publicity Di­ Calahan and Gil are middle-hle with Xlnan'a body attack. HiU Hall cut-up SONNY 3EWELL domiadBY* rector Arthur-E. Patterson an­ weights. RON TOWNSEND'S thick-rimmed glasses recently, EMILJE AND RITZ A. TOaypiWHN (DbualandJhio nounced Wednesday. "In'a special ceremony on open­felt his way towards DON BARTON, and shouted SALE! SALE! ing day next April, Dimaggio's "JUNGMICHELr . . . The Aggie "Twelfth Man" UT GiH Win* 3 T»l« No Cover Charge uniform, along withhis glove and became a singular reality in -the last Turkey Day In Badminton Tourney DON WEEDON Aufbor, Ittusfraforand Creatorsol SOWELL classic. Tackle SAM MOSES: came out of the hud­ Abo the bat which he hit. his last home Good Soob lor Ch9dr«» dle, tried to line up bat found his replacement run; will be presented , to base­ Miss Doris Margaret Vilblg, as­SERVICE STATION Curb Service ball's Hall of Fame in Coopers-there, then trotted off the field as embarrassed as the prop man sistant in Intramural Athletics lor WW gladly aufograpb *Uir boob far y«*»caught by-the curtain at the Met . Quot«-of-the-year award goes III ?*-! town, N. Y-a • .. Women, recently piac«d first i.n •-• Steaks and Dimaggio's No. 6 uniform is the to Rice tackle JAMES TIMMONS. When a member, of the Owl coach­three badminton divisions at the WUtt Tmffift, w fi^H '» third: to be retired by the Yahkees. ing staff was reaming him at the. half for mlsplays Jij a Jjite-teason S*»i.Calf-•£, *JS-Friday Dtombtf 14 3foSpjiu u ; Baylor Open Tournament at Waco. ? x 4 game, he popped: "Okay, Coach, okay. Don't get excited, it's only a Pt«Bla» or No-N«r 5.^ sandwiches Babe ' Ruth's -famous number 8 ' The three divisions were ladies' WkH* SMa WaO Tim game." , . . DICK OCHOA is now recovering from » slight touch of was retired soon after the Sultan singles, ladies' double#, and mixed Nn-tom-UHJ -W^ food-poisoning ... Wedding bells are being oiled for Longhorn base-Tines¥UAms ~TtV • Beverages of Swat left the duff in 1935 baller CHILI B1GHAM. doubles. Miss Vilhig was the only «70. a IS - £ilA'.:-'--and Lou Gehrig's number 4 fol­ University representative at the •JOO * IS s and mixers lowed suit-four years later. tournament. UiMililiml GiUHtiil USE the Texan Classified Ads I • V For Reservations, Telephone 53-9186 Westerner Offense Use the Classifieds 5412 Dallas Highway Band on tA« AwotitdUd Pret* quarterback Charles Brewer, wfll Baytown's Ganders, who meet get their biggest test of the sea­the Lubbock Westerners Saturday son. • • ' at the Cotton Bowl for the Texas ' Sides, one of the best backs in schoolboy. Class AAAA football Westerner annals, has'rolled UP title,. boast an amazing^ defensive l,330 yards in 163 carriesthis sea­ record against tough opposition average of 8.1 yards this season, - son for ~aii per try. • But West Texas-fans believe Brewer's chief value Is his bril­that the Ganders, when they try liant T-formation field generalshipto stop Lubbock's "touchdown and baffling ball-handling^ but-histwins"-—fullback James Sides and individual-statistics are impressive. The stocky 160-pounder has' Completed 37 of 70 passes for673! yards and 9 touchdowns, while picking up 266 yards on 56 rush­ing trys. The.two young grid stars give the light but hard blocking Wes­ terner line full credit for their be more fun stop for a success. The Lubbock forward . wall, which averages 172 pounds per man, is headed by rugged center and linebacker Johnny, T«tum, 180-pounder; speedy little ..175­pound tackle Sherrell Manning; ; and big Don Jones, 190-pound |receiving standout. TCU Scrimmages Against T-Plays | PORT WORTH, Dec. 12—Uf)-~ j TCU's defensive football platoon ran through a brief scrimmagesession and the offensive, forces worked on plays, here Wednesday Breakfast 6:30a.m. to11:00a.m. in the second workout in prepara­tions for. the January 1 'Cotton Boyl* date against Kentucky. Small Glasi of Tomato Juice .. '7*2'~ j.; -The/defense worked .against-T­formation plays. '/j-Chilled Grapefruit.......... Two Eggs Any Style Polish Style Smoked Sausage Hot Cereal and Cream ....... ... Piccadilly Sweet Roll ..... Piping Hot Biscuit, Eaoh ..., .... Hot Coffee .Any Time of the>t)ey Lunch 11:00 a m. to 4:00 p.m. Fresh Home Made-Vegetable Soup 12* Aibart Rand, B.S.M.E.rM.I.T. '80 (right), Baked Hash and Creole Sauce .... 30^, and jRane Curl, M.I.T,'51 (summer worker), Fried Cod Fish and Tartar Sauce ....a...... _...38# ^IhcKiladar^td-CWIr ;;^ Chicken Pie With Fresh Vegetables ....... 42* Swiss Steele and Gravy ._:55* Challenging variety of pro&lems solved J.-.I2# Fluffy Mashed Potatoes and Brown Thesizeand diversity of thisoperation x S* '' combined ina machineeasy toservice. are justified only because the work of mechanical engineers is . 2. Design equipment to operate at an important factor in Du Pont operations. "pressures up to 45,000 puki. This is l $ < insurance againstthe timewhen prbc--NEXTMONTH—Opportunities in plant en­ esses.may be developed that will op-gineering and proditct supervision fv'ilL.^. ffipqWBHMwgl'series, onvoNs "M.E.'s at Du Pdnt." Watch for it! > As pressures are increased/design problems for moderate pressures are S«nd for your copy of "Tho Do Pont Compony magnified. Typical are stress-fatigue and (h« Coilogo Qrqduota." Describes oppor­of metals,v design of vessel closures .Junttios fbr mon oiid Woman'wHh many-typosand line joints,valve*and packingfor of training. Address: ^521 Nomours .Build'mg, s y^ibninglQnj Dolaware. . > u^tl pumps, packing^andsforstirred. '',, ' autoclaves, etc. » ; • • .. . 3, Desigjv installation and testing of * ;/ large air*conditioning systems neees-' " 4 J- spry £a the manufacture of certain " , * «iruX£to»* products. Jnone plantfwat«r is used ntttft thinos fo* bettek iivino m .THUOUOH CHtMtSTMT sot sor K ? Crou/Iey, CattrttlATiikr I —listen to "Ct^icsd* et CONGRESS -CAFETERIA CONGRESS *^> mi vuktUatipk of HBti West tr(3Sut ^z: r\» "wssm v v ^ J* 4 a >r >i ' t n i-t '4 -a*& - KR 'Mi Schools Should Be Own Police -WAfiHINGTON, Dec. -College sports—and the boyswho • |>lay them—were staunchly d*> fended by Lloyd P. Jordan, foot­ball coach atHarvard. -Jwdan, president of the Nation­al Fpofball Coaches Association, testified before the' college psesi-dents named by the American • Council on Education tofind oat what is wrong with sports. - -When asked if college sports "aid*** °P»" J«*dah "Not necessarily..': There are some corrections -needed, of course. I don't think* it's as bad aa it's made out to be.". Jordan's views on what should be done on "college Spoftg; Bowl games—a matter for indi­vidual schools to decide, the -coaches think.. (Speaking for him­ self, though, he's against them.) Spring practice—^controlled bat not abolished altogether; Recruiting—loaches feel there's -no reason why they, can't sell their institution te a youngster inthe same way that arfy other teacher «an. "I think each institution must work out its ovpx salvation," Jor- I --dan said.-­ Athletes — they should be treated like any other students; they should lake the same coutrses, and keep up with their classes. The college presidents have been interested in complaints that athletes concentrate on snap courses in physical education. True •r false? -False, said Thomas E. McDo­nough of Emory University In Georgia. ;;;. , - McDonough said the association ^doesn't approve of allowing col­lege credits for courses in athletic proficiency. Didn't some schools set up phy­sical education schools just for athletes? he was asked.' "I don't think it is prevalent,", k# said. But he nodded' When Dr. John Hannah,, president of Michi­ gan State College and chairman of the committee, said: "There probably are flagrant -abuses." NEW YORK, Dec. lS.i-(/P)_ Bill McColl, Stanford's 226­pound end, was named The Line- of the Year in the Associated *re« season-end poll of sports­ ..write * — ­day. McColl, picked on the AP-all-America offensive team, played m superlative game all season -in helping Stanford win the-Pacific Coast Conference championship and the Rose Bowl spot against IJlinofi. -' „ Big Bill from San. Diego gained -17 votes of the 108 cast. The 21­year-old wingman was termed the "greatest linemfn I have ever iesn" by-his coicb, Chuck Taylor. Altogether McColl caught /2 passes (seven for touchdowns) for a total of 607 yards. Prom; the Southwest Confer­ence*. Bob Griffin, -Arkansas; and Keith" Flowers, TCU; each re-vote*' Other unsungSWC linemen receiving one vote-were: Bill ° Howton, Rice; Bill Athey, Baylor; and Bill Forrester. SMtl. j ^^CHarles Decisions Maxim In 12-Round 'Heovy' Bout SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 12.— •' -VOLLEYBALL 5s" .pinner Weatmin«t«r.LS>L ­ Brunette Hoahe vg. Moneyhon Houteeat*. Sigma Alpha. Kpeilon y*. Delta T»u Delta. Kappa Alpha »». Sigma Alpha Mu. . 7i4S o'clock Club »». Whiner Tejaa-Oak* Delta Kp«jl°nv*. Phi Sisma Delta. ?Jj Gamm» Delta »i. Appak Amm1» Phi Kappa P«i v«. Phi Delta Theta. " w. Si30 o'clock Winw Ajmb^tudenu-Theleme v«. Wla­ *»«ner»-0elta Theta Pht Alpha Epailon PL . ^Ima Tau. Omega r«. Phj Kappa Slraa. -Chi Vi. phi Sigma Kappa. ;.• • BOWLING J^orea for round tw». are dtt« today. ? Chicago College of OPTaMETtY (Nationally Accredited) . ing a splendid profession. Doctor of Optometry degreethree -years for students en­tering with sixty or more semester credits in specified liberal Arts courses. REGISTRATION FEB. > Students are granted prof^s­«°nar wcognition by the. S. Deparfanent of Defense and.Selective Service. Excellent clinical facilities. Athletic and recreational ac-­ RONSQN lighters, from KREMENTZ bracelet Wallets, key ca$--r-n ' . HM $1S ^ $2.50 , 'A •; J&W,yy> » * / , yi< y t Ji'-- f 4 sX's"'* * £f & 1% J tiC^f iZH Sijf^V n \!i;: *££ A >as«t jpfa Pearl-cluster ring SWANK tie Kidcffi"jewelry, From ~y-— $39.50 $7.20 f9M Sterlingsol te &peppers Man's diamond ring StTH THOMAS <;Jocl< BEAUTIFUL 10 DIA-Consistoiy jrlng MOND MATCH SET IN I4K. GOLD MOUNTINGS. y J5tarling Rosory & fcose 0 G. E. steam iron SCHICK ,l20" $24.50 Wide wedding ring flMS -jfD/ 60* Weakly $27M \ % n << / -» l*** " * .V * * < >• f f " -'O y "" SIM € ^ • . " HOLMES and EDWARDS t i * S: «* 52 PIECE SERVICE FOR -­8 IN TARNISH-PROOF AS LITTLE AS ' t-CHEST. Sterling bracelet 5 diamond ring,14K. $1^0 Weekly HAMILTON " Lana " v-J* < f&IME 2 OPEN TIL I ON THE DRAG ; 8 P.W. iMM A1f * * ^ ~ <<• t . "" -ryr—r-p" " *V titA* >• . fifiaita&ttiaiittfi JTTi mnppwi -/V iff * T,W BVMl 'ft pif X .V -r. f 'Wb. l 'V tr Wi! S^rt A1 V *k ,(rfek? »s * Iff®® fSf-tWE^DAin'.'fEXAN Pa£3| J. t V *< «7 ^' 4>" nt i lyiAilL1 „,.v.. 2Tf. ?"S ^*,7#^^f§§gcdfcvz *« urn man tn inv Mnipvv /• ,v TO 3hfcJ«? •', In the three bMk.tb.ll g»m« ptayed to ta Sheeted to voluntarily retrain, from , „-I, ~ #1,4, upoflon two srnokingr later inthe aeaaon. j~yke UT on t Gregory Gjm «0 *r *•M^ *g£Sdfr, as * matter *f courtesy to breaches bf common courtesy have to*. the KoreboWd $igna identify. By FLO. COX •ward with the explanation that chase a small gift on the Drag and ' come increasingly noticeable. One has jng individual players: of both team* :tf Tb« uri. of the nation will b« there wear* others «ore deserving. drop it in on your way to class. been wie fault of tfee fans, the other the gjjould be used at all games. Whether a The story of s research scientist Or perhaps you already have •n The University of Texas Sou-a ,, faultof the'Athletic DBpattment. man plays'for North Texas State, Bay* day night when *U. '8. Steel M-who foregoes the general. prac­children's book or an article of' •'2*,s Jutes its building program over tice of a physician to administer clothing you can give. Almoet Jf& Even though no title is at stake and jor> or tile University, people who pay "Theater Guild on the Air." ' aid to victims of -a plague, Lewis* anything at all will be apfrart­ ; the gymnasium is fan from crowded at their , way into the gym have a right to This second bit of national ree--story tieis in with the "Scientific '*te%. * these early games, the authorities respon­know who he is. The place for these iden­ -ognition in one week—a major Research Theme" of the evening. . Which reminds us—^Mr. Dunn sible for .conduct of the games should act tification signs is readily available—it'f tnagaxine is-covering the blood Tyrone Power/ plays the title needs help on his Books for the j£i . Jr drive—is farther proof that the role, and Loretta Young eo-etars Philippines Drive. From a small WT^ with the same care and consideration just a question of putting the apace to • University i> gaining stature a* a with hhn. beginning, the project has growsgiven an NCAA playoff game.' use. V,'/,;. :• „ "University of the Fhrsfc Claw." one-man 8o.tone youv-dial and your ears until it's more than a During between-aet intermix job. j First and foremost: smoking 'should When Sam Houston State comes, to Sunday night to the U. 8. Steel •ion* of drama, announc­ Hour, heard at 7:30 p.m.-over Wales Madden may . appoint a. be stopped inside the gym. The "no smok­Gregory Gym Friday night, it is de­ er George Hicks will tell the na­ WOAI in San Antonio. . small committee from studfent ing" rule is less than worthless if ignored sirable that the game be played without a tion*about the long-term building, : GIFTS.TO KENTUCKY government lists to help out on at any time. Habitual, basketball fans dense curtain, of smoke and without any program -bere; Special tribute will the packaging uid mailing end. In­ be paid to the University's scien­" In response to H. * A. .Dunn'a who are also habitual smokers, if per­doubts about the identity of the ten play­ appesl in Tuesday's Texan for aid asmuch as complaints. are heard , tific research program, centering • every year that good' pepol* ars mitted to smoke in early season1, .cannot ers on the court, around erection' of the new Ex­to Alice Slone's Lotta Cireek Com-left off committees, this looks likeperimental Science Building. nuni^r School in Kentucky, many an excellent opportunity for somaBecause of its Own immense re­townspeople have contributed toys of . those people to be put to work search department, IT. S. Steel children's books, and clothing. to the en "Books PhilippiBes."" regularly -j&c6gtnxw~'~-nra~j"«T Others have phoned Mr. Dmm to Wanf S\cLoiatdkip6ip5 *lAJadtecl achievement* fn the scientific ask what they could do to help. Several such workers would -fas boon to Mr. Dunn's far-resiching field by ktduirtry and oducatioa. Thus far, University students cause.' • ' After a lapse of fifteen years, the fed-sands are left unfilled because eligible But seldom is one university sin­have not .pitched in as expected. eral Office of Education has issued an-students lack information. "Well, well, lad, what's this about your wanting to play basket­gled out iot an entire program's Perhaps the reason is that Ken­OTHER NEEDY CHILDREN theme. . ' :' tucky seems a lotfg way off snd llie list of needy children or- other report'on the* number of scholar-To spread infoirmation aboijt the more ball! Wh«[ris' Eleven are left for honorary, so­ Material for the program jras Probably much of-the lack of rority, fraternity, club, or <;hurch no surprise, particularly since stiffening^ drawn, "Scholarships and Fellowships ir^jpared by the University News response is due to forgetfulhess groups to sponsor this Christmas... postwar tax laws encourages giving o£*" Available at Institutions of Higher ice and administrative offices,' and the fact, that most students '. If yopy group is interested, see ' this sort '* , Learning," may be had by writing the headed by Vice-Chancellor C. are too busy "to go* around and Jack Holland, dean of men. , That thousands of the scholarships an-superintendent of documents, Govern-Beed Granberry. talk with Mr. Dunn in person. Incidentally, .the radio drama • These stumbling-blocks will be nually are not taken, however, is ex-ment Printing Office, Washington, D.C, to be portrayed is Sinclair Lewis' eliminated by the placing of a tremely. odd! For the school year .of The price is 55 cents, a small gambljk An investigation of the Unjvert Although" a staff .project, any-> "Arrowsmith." Lewis won the Pu­box in the corridor of the Main 1949-1950, the basic yeai* ill the Office of indeed. ® v sity final exam system is -being ,„one interested n\ay help. Boxes-litzer Prize' in' 1926 for his ?best-Building wthin the next few days. the made by the Grievance Commit-"will be in the oJPfice for contribu­sellinpr novel, but refused the This will make it easy to pur- Education report, figures show that one A similar problem exists at the. one­ tes at th^ recommendation of tides for recreational work in the mcmeet«t p«opi*.people* not over 80 years _°'d, and preferably supplemented by comple­ tion of college level 'courses in engi­-JOEHENY r eollece background not' necessary. Typ- State Hospital on North Gu»da-X erttae. b«k*roun« • t - iqs speed «f SO words per minute. neering. : Z: CARLOS SCHRADER HOGG READING ROOM liipe. Packages are being received Secretary—rShorthand speed of at Laboratory machinist— this Job" re-" iMst SO words per minute,. typinr speed quires high quality, high precision work. The large reading room of the .. in the office of the Dean of Wom- The Individual, should -have many years of st lvpat 60 words par minute. KIm Eugene C. Barker Texas Histtory en, 107 M> Main Building, says months pofition, ability to „us«. electrie of experience in a tool and die shop. Tabulating equipment operator—skilledtypewriter. Center in the Texas History Cen­Miss Margaret Peck, assistant Stores elerfc^-young man. not subject work involving the operation of tabu­ ter, building was designated as dean. Any information maybe ob? to draft or reoaftv-{ii»h school education;, lators, sorters, and related-equipment In preparation of accounts and statistical iciai fo maintaiiKiequipment sup­ the James Stephen Hogg reading tainect from tha't office. ability and By BRAD BYERS i What it food to one man is chance that some people may plies in a storeroom.'" to k*ep . adequata records and reports, prefer someone with Texan Managing Editor fierce poison to another. not realize the full value of room by Chancellor James P. If the work of the volunteer records,'and to malntirt^j^. rOnnint in­a BBA degree. All persons Interested in working fuli­ventory. Man could direct hit ways Lucretius having tables of the sort you Hart,-acting for the Board of-Re­group is successful other groups Research Scientist I—f«m»la preferred. time on the campus please contact THK by plain reason,. and support U.-.av-gents in recent ceremonies cele­and towns may follow the organi­OFFICE OF NON-ACADEMIC PERSON­oticed / NEL. Main Building 20C bia li&~\>y tUiilMi food? Sit " .There would be some peo-" These fables are' especially brating the centennial year of.; zational plan. " Barbara Oster, God ha* given u» wit, and fla­pi9 who liked it and others the birth of the governbr. president of Panhellenic, and Miss Anyone wanting. to .play. 8*nta piaua Business managers, house managers,designed for those who are and get paid for it should contact the and house mothers of fraternities, sorori­ vour, and brifhtnass, and who wouldn't. Those who not strong enough-to lift, the A portrait of Governor Hogg Peck urge any organization which Student Employment Bureau, B. Hall ties, and co-op* wilt meet at 1 p-m. laughter, and perfume*, to an- 417. -.. didn't like it would have to food to their mouths. All they was plac.ed in the reading room. has not taken a Christmas project December IS at the Sigma Alpha Me tivn the day* of. man's pil­ jobs for the holidays are gift house, to .discuss way* and means m stop eating there, and since have to do is place their Mhis Ima Hogg,' daughter »f the to adopt this collection. *s, parcel post,, fireworks sales-buying m*at at ar better advantage. grimage, and to-"charm his they couldn't afford tft, eat.. inan.^j^welry, gloves, and handkerchief JACK HOLLAND was mouths, on the" edge of the late governor, presented the RufuS Jones Adcock, Roier Anderson, •aiesmanv, and a man to deliver Christ­D*an of Man pained step* over the burning else, would " first of REPUBLICAN CLUB June Anderson, Corinna calend anywhere they "table in front of the pjirticu-copy her father's "Ad­ "Shfrley Evelyn mas marie." Bl*ckburn, Paul .starve to death more quickly lar dish they wish to eat< dresses a n ti State Papars" by The Republican -Party platform Besll, Ann Eu*ene Sydney Smith Blats, Silas Wallace Booaar,. Frank ' E. than they will under the pre­Then, by applying a slight President T. S. Painter. and current politics will come un­Brown; -Victor ' Ard. Brown, Lawrence Give PIPES for EXPRESS BMS SERVICE sent conditions. * Phillip Jiuslck,. Barter* Ann Csrlson, Chriitme* pressure with the little finger, it' forum Commons food tastes flat! -.. der fire at an alt-party William Fairehild, Carole, Ferguson, Imported Brim to-rid food the table will tilt in the pro­BI-WEEKLY WORKER Thursday at' 7:30 p.m. hi Sutton Betty Ma* Hall, Marilyn Hampton, Grace to HOUSTON That was the complaint It is not easy Hardin, Myma Wldt Vartity of TobaM of all its flavor. But Commons per direction and the dish will The second issue of The Bi-Hall 101. Ann Herndon. John Ro­4 Hours ' * Cs^2-M35 made yesterday by a ^patron bert Keys. Martha Khapp, Shirley June cooks .have developed it al­slide jhto the patron's mouth. Weekly Worker, a mimeographed The Young Republican Club is Lawrence, Boyd Linker, Ann Mayfield. FOYTSof the University eating es­most perfection. Also, it is believed by some, newspaper for journalism majors Nancy Allen, Atiltl HcEntire, HeBry SIsipioD Moore;>• Ktrrvilli Bus ittt Guadalupe tablishment. . We* .had just to Particu­ sponsor. Sue club Maney Moses, George Nowotny, Richard £\ larly are they ' adept at re­that Comrfiona tables were, d«? and Daily Texan >yorkers, is sched­chairman,, said persons interested Frank Ochoa. Mary Oliver, Enrique Jos* 118 E. lOfh picked up our tray when the moving all -taste; from ham­-^igned for training Naval uled for release Thursday. would be welcomed, regardless of Padilla. Jfenry Albert Perry, Lu* Rivas, fellow in line in. front of us^ Martha Shinto, Luther B*ll Smith, John said it. Right out in public he* Thompson. Ross War11a, burger patties," " • ROTC membetp in the art of The Worker lists three main, their political affiliations. A1 Sparkman, Don Studdard, Charles said it. ' • it eating aboard ship. This, how­reasons for publication: to give *• Walter Carol . Wesner; Janelle Williams. V' . ' ' And th4 great task, to try; ever j merely an uncon­Texan staff members a better MEXICO TOUR ' AUSTIN Trptei^a^ Lltiioprlatiag-Letterhead* This was not the first time WELDING A firmed rumor with little fac-chance to get acquainted, to re-Approximately 45 students rep- RADIATOR Eav^*^** aad Addr**aing the food at commons.' But ;::,;.-,WpRlCS.:i. reseTftingsisixtw^ surely it is the first time other wholesome food. "u"~ " staff members, and -to entertain. leave for Mexico City SurMay, ibe->^S^^PLICATORS ship you can sometimesi! anti­ BOBBIN'S BODY SHOP SOO W. Sth St than in jest. '.... Henry Vaufhan cipate the direction in which *' cember"23, by chartered bus. They - *Cempl*ie Body and F*ad*r Repair" T*L S-S7SS 4M C. lltk \ iMal.S^SSS the ship will roll. ° Commons food does not CHRISTMAS GIFTS will return January 1.; * PAINTING * SEAT COVERS • taste flat. Everyone knows Occasionally we have seen Clothing, food, and toys, for ' Sight-seeing tours and other . * CLASS # AUTO REFINISHINC.. And some vulgar soul once that Commons food does not i:very faiijt hint of a"Frown Christmas are being given to a points of, interest have been S P E EOWA ISOS Lavaca Pfc. T-4S7S likened the clean-up crew at taste. For this, the cooks and on the emaciated face of a needy family in Austin, .by the planned so students may choose QUICK -^r'C^AUTY­ our gi-eiat eating establishmehtj staff of the Registrar's Office. where they want -to go themselves.. COURTEOUS RAD I "gPoiip "oT vultures.' . highest praise. Think how ter­off onto the floor when some­ Having • party? SALES & SERVICE Well, what if their tactics rible it would be if 'the food one placed, his hand on the Auto Repairing * Nevel«r Rubber Masks W, M. Walah, Owasr at a mass, eating place such opposite sjde of the table. are somewhat like those of Daily Texan Crossword Puzzle * Hethim inflated BaU«—a Harry JE. Johnson Garage 2010 Sp*e«Kr«y 7-304# buzzards? Don't burzards do as Commons had flavor. —There is-ijust thet 4 faintest It Ce*tnm«* Heat Buy ar 605 Trinity : PHon« 2-205S good? Don't they keep places ^. We hare Neveltla* of aU tyvaa free of carion? . That's . all the Common's TodayV. : AUSTIN NOVEITY Ca >• eoo w. Sth " ^ ~ ~ Ph. e-4387 waiters are doing. Answer It True, one day we did have Canterbury Cultural Committee to chase after one of them to in -present* . Th* Dally r*xan, * student tiewspapet of lb* Otiverslty of Texas, la ACR6SS 2. Soon . 23. Denary published In' Austin every morninv *xc*pt Monday snd Saturday, September, retrieve a glass of miilk which siried to June. Snd except during holiday end examination periods^ and bi-weekly a waitress practically 1. Alot 3. Novice 26. Head ONE DAY (L ITbbdiwaL /UtfyMUA. (D/uwul during the sammei sesslons, tinde, th* titl* of rh* Jumn*> Texan on had , 4 Sailing (.var.), , 27. Cry,as . Adt dealing and Pressing flay. Tuesday snd Fridsy by Texaa 6tu4|int Publicatipn*. iho taken from our. hand, but she •' VKsel v: • 4/Kind • a dove i contributions wilt be. accepted, bvby , or at th* 'No Extra Charga ­ News telephone 12-24?3) was. just trying to do her job.. Labbratbry,"La'' J.B.— IflS; Inquiries 11. Old-, 5. Pejiiale fowl 28. Some --— -- ^ --j*; eoncemtng. qelivety;. . antl* advertising should bs.,. mad* In1 J.B. 10S_ (2 womanish=Tr:"^ • . .. 2-uw: Setting 30.Beastof Opinions of the' Texan ar* not nscessarllv rhose'of th* Administration LONGHORN CLEANERS or otbar**rsltf' officials 12. To beg / 7. Not strict' • burden 2SSS Guadahtysi Ph. .4-3847 Entered a* second-ctas, matter Octobei IS i U43 si jtb* Post OSIee at (colloq.) fl. River (Eur.) 31. Feminine jfkL VjwosMih^ WlDud/iiqaL SbfUfshJL Austin. Texaa. under 'he Act-of March 8. 187V 13. Mohamme­9. Monster nickname The Christmas episode* from the York Cyele of Mystrjr Plays orlrinalljr ASSOCIATED I^RESS WIRE SERVICE - dan bible 10. Caresses^ 33. Middle. For tha finest in presented in York, Ensland, daring the Uth Century, wttji madrigals and. The Assoeifeted Press ts exclusively entitled,to the us* for r«j)ublicatlbn of '14. Put forth 16. Copper. • 36. Cuts •' .. , ail news dispatches credited to It or j not otherwise credited in this newa-effort money 7 irregularly ' HOLIDAY CLEANING carols from the same period. ' paper, and local items of spontaneous origin -published herein Rights of publication of all other matter herein, also '•eserved. 15. Biblical (Rom.) 37.Type of • 43.'Manu-S«« To me for justice and rojigh 7:30 pjn.Ctepreaented for National AdTertlsing b? National Advertising ' chastisement; / name 1ft Head architecture -factured ;; HARKINS CLEANERS All Saints Chapel , 8*r»ic*. Inc. .College Publishers Representative. ' 16. Indefinite • covering 38. Seizer 44. Paradise 2716H Gnadalsp* And, by the glorious worth of = 27tb at WHITIS ' ' ­ 420 Madison Ave. New York. H.t. article 20. Tear (colloq.) 45..Pa)ise;i, Chicago — Boston — Los Angeles — Ban Francisco ' my descent, ' Friday and Satvrdar Daeambsr 14 and IB 17. Properly 21. Perform 30. River (Eur.) 47.Wiiting This arm shall do it, or this (L.) 22. Friar's .. 40. French .fluid life be spent. 18. Guide. title . , cheese . ^ 48. Fyet ' MEMBER ./• .'. '* —King Richard 21. Astern THE DAILY PRODUCE QUICK Associated Cailegiat* Press All-Aaierican Pa< 24. Roman , TEXAN > ^ CLASSIFIED AQS > RESULTS 0 9 IO SUBSCRIPTION RATES ' ' And shall the figure of God's pound • ••'. Minimum SubacripUon-Three Montha ./ majesty^ 25. Peruvian OelWered Hailed In Austin Mailed out of town . Indian" , • .75 per mo. •, (^liOO per mo t fib per mo. His captain, steward, deputy 12 Board For Sale Music -i9.Top of milk elect," 13 tJNDKRWOOD UNIVERSAL portable. BECORiSXD MUSIC. P^l. Systems, fo* PERMANENT STAFF '" Annointed, crowned, planted • 31. Eating THE-CHOICEST hoae-«ooked foo»— typewriter. Like new. Very reasonable all occasions: t-1210. Editor-in-Chiaf RUSS KERSTEN > utensil . All you can aat for only 7Se a maal— prieat Fred -Wtthera. 2-S83S. -- 'many years, Visit Hip. SttUivaB'a Plaee, 1404 Con­• Manaitng Editor BRAD BYERS 32: Converts :Be judg'd by subject,-' an.d gress Ave. "" • Editorial Assistant — Mildred Klesel into leather Special Services t " " "Newfe Editor , —— Marjprie Clapp • inferior breath. 33. Greek letter »T w % For Rent KLECTRIC TTPEWRITEB — seeurat*. ortScEditor — ......... Ken Tooley And he himself not present? 34. Lad t*Wl, M1U aftxr S, «r««k aads.' . HAIR CUTS'.7Se ., TT 2t> 27 Started ' TWO N1CKLY furnished two Staey*e Barber 8bop -11)2 Qsatitap* EXPEHIKMCKD: THESKS. ate. Oaieer. , Diy;Editors —I^rdochDarsey, J.ohnnie Hutnal r sity aeighbdrhood. Mis. Bitehia, Hal,.v „ ,ai*rtmei»U_„.wttli -prieat#. bath - * '* t, 4 A .Kelly Crozier, Flo-Cox, Howard Page rp. „ u i.. aside ­ i ^Night Editors „— Anne Chambers. Dorothy Campbell, Qoot; bald* else cleaner . Utilttiea paid, ijol West" 'list or call 38.Bird's bUl 8-8240 after «. 'raEra. bissli^AfiSjrs.v ?v-r , * , ^ Gene Dow, Olan Brewer, Jo Ann Dickerson -bl^rfc, that whiteness. it 41. Public notice fin 53 77 3? • nwtic). Oietatien. Coaching. Mrs. Pet> ^Exchange Editor Joe L. Sch/)tt /doth beare , !; 42, Hebrew )iARGE, COMPORTABLB room—suita­nseeky. 82-2212. ble for two students tone block front ! weight -n?>fc.Kxperftn^B&Rl, Seienee "Buil#lng a«4 ! ACCUBATtt TTPIKQ. Ptek.'sp^a^ dOe K . STAFF FOR TH.5 ISSUE -/'^"W.^HTS^ '"V. ' rjsaa^] Urer. Mrm. 46. Of gold Center.^T# Arehway; MSSS-; ^ Eriekson. S-204£ ' Day Editor fj o aa t"-Wight Edito^ — *—litu® ^ n* s 48. Class NIUSH SXPKBIKNGKD SA.' graduata. Reason • snMiiiieather set. ¥• Assistant Night_ Editor — Jim Eager W«nted ^r-irdnTl Wf-JVl'Tir*'. ^-.Xopyreadpr ..."— —, i •!• « ._. Couples Dance I n' 3"­ " t _ •.v. .S'J Semi-Forma SS®38S» si.39^ r, „v. *"*"# sB®» iss^ SfflSK^ Iri Union Friday N':Mf|Sff \*& -> ^ ^ y >&& a , *i m ' >1 V1 -ao-(pa ? p taCww MW« lounge of the Texas Union will receive a face lifting1 Thursdfcy when uerabers of the A papier-mache Santa Claus tree mil be in one corner of the will be atitdFree Dance Committee decorate will be featured in the decorative ballroom.'There will be a cocktail taitpiate * T||e alumni of Afortar Baaid «<1li fynaidn iqsipBut dren and entertainment for mem­tish Bite Board of Education. Mr. it for the coming all-University scheme for the annual,phi Kappa party at the chapter hoose /front at theSigma Nu hou will have a Christmas party Thurs­No Ma* has been set for the start-bers and their families will .be pro• Bellmont also is on the Board. Christmas semi-foraial.' -r' ^ P»i closed Christmas formal. 7 to 8 p.m. : day from 4:30 to 6 p.m. lor fh» Ipf potTt tat«iab«« «M vid«id. Resenrationr!tttafb>4)e made Approximately' 420 people at> The "couples-only" dan^e will f The dance will be held Friday " ' " * "i' ' \.'l '» active members, at the home of be held Friday night from 8:30 invited to come early to make full by calling Mrs. Carl Fsnsfce at tended the banquet.- night from 8 to 12 at the Han­k th uSSbtfifi alumni president, Mrjfc Bob Arm* ose «f the ping-pong tables, swim- '63-11Q4. Mrs* Fenske will also * |-to 12 o'clock. An eight-piece or­Recreation A Sicma Na closed house Christmis fieJ V-;j cock Center. ten-of fraternity will be strong, 1605 Rainbow Bend. lira. ming pool, «bd other equipment. take reservations for the bridge chestra will play, and a floor show Scottiik Rita' Doraitary 'will piece orchestra will providejnuslc. held Saturday night from 9 to 12 '-Armstrong would like to bm * group meeting Wednesday at 7 have a Christmas pajama party will be presented. r other.chapters who p.m. tree-will Tables' will be placed in the.foyer o'clock at the. TFWC Building. > song; members of A satire on journalism profes­ December 19 at 11 p.m. A "26-foot Christmas adjoining the Yuletide will - dance floor. decorations In­After wi*h to attend contact her/--sors and journahsmclasses will be ; "Wives of University students be placed in the lounge. Cedar The residents had a Christmas Holly and mistletoe will deco­clude a Christmas iree:and rein­nttal tdun^ir. -, . *• given at the T«ui Stmimt Pnbli-are invited to attend. limbs and a large Christmas card TheSpeleologital Society trill program Sunday morning, fol­rate the walls and a~ Christmas deer attached to a sleigh. Pictures will be heTd at which Chrisfiipui^ eatkM* Christmas party. ' •.. • backdrop will b«Sised for decora­ giftt will be e^hai^d^ mi : * lowed by a seated breakfast. hold a special meeting Thursday tions. : 4­ Parodies set to the nkusic of The annual Christmas dance ** -• >'4 at 7:30 p.jn. in Geology Building Jimmy Lusk, ^o^haixman of the South, Pacifie is only one excerpt sponsored,' by the T*xm Phama-The AvittI Civic Theater wQl •' " 108. Free Daxice Committeej says ciga-..annual Christmas from the program directed by ciratical Aasociation and the give the last two performances of ¥ •" ''2' ••;•• Bobby Jones, "associate editor of American Pharmaceutical Associ-"Ten Nights in a Barroom'''Fri­ret girls and waiteris will be on Dr. Battle Honored -night at 8 o'clock^in the chapterThe Rntk Literary ud Debet-hand to serve those attending, and house. A program wilt be pre­ the Ranged- ation, Student ranch, Will be in day and Saturday at 8:15 p.m. at lag Society will have its annual .predicts the-lounge will have the sentedj refreshments served, iam­ • The party will be held at the the liberty Bell Cafe Saturday 2828 Guadalupe. fall banquet at La Fiesta at 7:30 the atmosphere of a "winter won­favors giveh ^inentbers' At Party Wednesday Fiji Lake House Friday from 6:30 night frtim 8 to 12. A1 Pitman's 'P-m. Thursday. derland." \ p.m. to 12 pan.v . ^ band will play. Andrawt Dormitory will have • Bill Simpson, master of s£eTe-By BOB EMBREY , Phi Delta Theta will Jtavtf; its Christmas dinner Sunday after­ Alpha Alpha Qibum will meet monies for the dance, will dress Freshman University students, .sponsored • by .the Episcopal Christmas party for. members, "Judges as Law Makers" will be Governor and Mrs. Allan Shiv­noon at 1 o'clock. Thursday at 7:15 p.m. in the as Santa Clfus and conduct the young married coupliBs, distin-. Church, also contributes its share pledges, dates, Austin alumni, #nd —ToWerRoon^-oi-the-Arehlteeture discussed by Millard H. Ruud, ers were among the honored Guests invited include President floor show. Those guisheckprofessors, and just plain of humor.^^ A7;tjnlfcea faeuliy gnestafttUjtte Md»aE^v guests at the Scottish Rite Dormi­ Building. . * ; Jerre S. Williams,, and Joseph T. anm.' will be open to Qrange Jackets members will go caroling at 6:45 Cree"k. He suggested that, it was Mr. Osborfie received bis bache-v and Louie W. Walter, teaching fel-„ Newman Clab will hold its St. Austin's Chapel will hold a 912 Red River S-773S and their Invited guests, Mortar Christmas formal Friday in the p.m. Sunday night after supper not fair to chaise the .same price lor of arts' degree in; psychology low in accounting. midnight High Mass" Christmas ; , Board members, who will have the Mural "Room of the Austin Hotel Eve beginning at University Christian Church. for transporting fat kids as lean and sociology from the University, at midnight. The One of this iholt active chapters Rev. Robert They travel truck to ones. So they were all weighed and where he is now doing graduate in the country, the University's from 8 to 12 p.m. Bertram will con­will by Music will be by Van Kirkpat- orphanages and homes for the charged accordingly. frdrk. He is. a member of Theta duct-the Mass. A PRACTICAL Gamma chapter was organized in ric!k and his orchestra, and a pro­ • aged, to sing, returning to the Grace Hail, women's dormitory Xi fraternity, ' CHRISTMAS GIFT 1928. ~ Among its projects have • r ' *" gram will be presented featuring The University *Y' will not have church for coffee and doughnuts. : meet ference of the College of Business Ann Rachel an Upperclass meeting Thursday Members will -at the %-n and Larry Coughlin. Tickets are night as usually scheduled. Hart to Hunt, dent, will be married ,to Lt. Clair u4 M mw Ong Administration and assisting with church to attend the campuB Newport, th* Deforest Rublee Jr. of fast w«y McauM th« the Texas Personnel Conference. $3. ... , In place of the meetings for Christmas Carol Service at 6:45 atM SiiM vowlvity Be With Family / Vt., during the Christmas holi ila» I*" your Mcut k*y p.m. in front of the Main Build­ to all 4an«M — So Officers of the fraternity are ing. days. She is a member of Pi Beta mwn»m1c»l too. Travis B. Austin, president; Ralph Down The Aisle Over Holidays Phi sorority, * When Medicines" J Private E. Halvorsen, vice-president; Bar­ Lspsqm 14.95 A tour of mental institutions of bara Butchers, secretary; Kenneth Chancellor James P. Hart will' Martha Smirl and Carroll. Coo­Are Needed... Total Austin is being planned by the so­ Cox, treasurer; Robert B. Sween­ spend a few days hunting after per; will be married in Dallas De-Y«u can d«p«ad npon.oar Utm stock* cial action and community service r ta juln It pessftla. ta SH prescrip­ ey, personnel director; Jam«r M: Christmas. He will use a day or cember22. tions 1b natter.' of mimit**. r a GREG SCOTT Pratt, public relations officer.; and commissions of the Wesley Foun­two on the coast in search of dtick She is a graduate of Mary Har­ dation for Friday afternoon from ED~MINOR, Pharmacist tsas°ti^fa£,7~" Donald T. Beaman, faculty advi­ and geese, then will go to a din-Bayl6r College^and is a mem­ 1:30 to 3 o'clock. 1910 GuadaJup* . Dial Milt friend's ranch in the hiH country sor. < n Pflugerville Rites ber of the Round Rock" publie tVorking out plans for the" tour to hunt deer and turkey. school faculty. Mr. Cooper id a Vivian Marie Fuchs and Dudley Pi Lambda Theta. v are Glenn Brooks and*Jesse Clem­The remainder of his vacation student in the School of Phar­Jay Johnson-were married Satur­Windrum, also a graduate of the ents, chairmen of .the commis­will be spent with his family in macy. • Rag. $7.50 WAVE day in Pflugerville.. University, Is now employed with sions. Austin. Mr. Hart's daughter will • ' only -~ Mrs. Johnson received a bache­the State Department of Health at be home from Sweetbriier College. Mary Eloise Roossler, former­lor of scfence degree . in educa­Angleton. Rites Held for Schrdiner Dean A ( family reunion, has been UT graduate student, will be mar­ V tion from the University, where planned. ried during the Christmas holidays she. was a member of Wica, Lu­Carmen Rethanstein was mar­Funeral services were held last -•.• to UT ex-student Edoarde Brafgi-$5 at fhe new week for Robert Clement Dickey, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Harding will otti of Izmir, Turkey. theran Student -Association, and ried to Joseph Gabriel Schneider PI Lambda Theta. She is December 2 in Laredo. She is 49, dean of students at Schreiner visit their hometown of Hornell, The bride attended' Our LadyInstitute-in Kerrville. Mr. Dickey University and *UtrainiaaCe teaching in Kerrville. a graduate be­ New York, for the Christmas holi­of the Lake-College and received ir^intaoUee longed to the Laredo Club. The had been a member of the Schrei­ days. .Mrs. Harding will stay in her degree from Trinity. The Mr. Johnson, a graduate of re­ bridegroom is a lieutfnant in the ner faculty since 1925. He Hornell during the two-week"va­groom is a graduate of the Robert . BEAUTY SALON * A&M, is employed with the State U. S. Army Dental Corps^ ceived his master.of arts degree cation, but her husband, a gradu­College in Istanbul, Turkey, and Department of Health in Kerr­ »06 W. Jlst—SM31 ville. rit in mathematics from the Univer­ate journalism student, will re-received ;his masters degree at the Oppa Tues. and Thar*, evening Miss Carlene Ruth Johnson and sity in 1983, tarn after one week. University. -' So comfortable...a genuine Rost were married December 1 vember 17 in Moody^^r. Freund moccasin, so soft, so gsntis at St. Joseph's Catholic Church received his' bachelor**/degree in -. with «aeh «tap bucko, -in Dime Box. * journalism from the University in A rich reversal calf suede with The bride graduated from the 1944 and is now employed by the city airs. H«Ve a pair, you'll University "with a degree in in­Fort Worth Press. . . , . „ • •love them. In black, spice terior decorating. She was; the assistant merchandise buyer at Francis Janice Reaves and Wen­ -tan er-§Fey,-— Foley's in Houston until recently. dell Porter Shifleli were married November 28 at the University Margaret Helen Holbert was Presbyterian Church. . ife­married to Louis Hollis Shearer The bride is a graduate of Kil­December 2 in Overton. She at­gore Junior College and attended tended Kilgore Junior College and the University, where she was a North Texas State College. The member of the Curtain Club and bridegroom is a graduate of A&M sponsor of an ROTC company. For and later attended the University. the past two years she has been 1 He is a member of Phi Gamma employed in the University Mili­Delta fraternity. tary Physics Research Laboratory. The couple will live in^Houston. Mr. Shiflett attended Kilgore i^ng got yo^ guessing? .... '. Junior, College and was^graduated V'.. Adelane Rosa Baletka " from from the -University last June! - . . . then shapstor the Sady-of-your-life Rbsebud and Thomas Harve rWin« He is a member of Chi Phi frater­Amm Jr. of Austin were married nity, and is employed by the Cel- December .6 in a. double-ring cere­anese Corporation of America in mony.....--, Kingsville. ipQt At^ChenaR^sI--' The bride has a degree in ele­ • •' JaaaSS 1 mentary education from the Uni­Colleen Harn and John Douglasversity where she was a member Summers were married November C'urone chanceJ p shop of Inter-c"o-op Council, Associa­80. The bride attended.St.-Mary's. -" ; _ 98 tion for Childhood Education, and Academy and was graduated froid o alone (wiihoijt a bunch of go lf.) Austin High School. V Mr.-Summers attended Tarleton New/y Decorated State College and was graduated from the'University. He ia a sec­ond. lieutenant in the U. S. .Air Force and is stationed at the Pen­ VturtaMDJwA tagon in Washington, D-y-,M , <$v n,r l ..^-€jsp1Vc^^fc?^ffrV*f^ VK*t < "VSI a %?rw s 1 -"H-1 j * ' ir f^r-. pitwf ^ s? u r,*L >v v *•* Hf' -V »*<5> >r r **< s, I V *n ®il®tlpi Fags £ WI.i'4 to J,k 1 vf r . i_, V f • i iv " Actors to Tryout kAAAA*** A**. two SHOWS NIGHTLY tottuMStert* F. V Fif'PI ouse ht N6w.:a aguna Gloria » » -jp f &c is v niwm of -Modem^bs dispjfayed inAaltin. Itis r va •nwiimfPt , i^«d . Phillip Morrii" Hat mor "TERESA" YoA to Ana»kri L^|*t mori tlum $3^0. «. :.-F A. ft ^ $2,000 Prix* * The two teaifa-divisions of mo­ By KEN COMFERTZ -- ;hil:^inngi6rI'an:d ''--aft i^Bind^her—a r e* pleasant fl^na 'Gtbria^comes original* works Drama and radio roajorsat the Ttxmn Amu»imtnt$ EiiUrr • . \--arc delightful *sipfrants to the much more active fillers. by artists Salvador Dali, Pablo dern art-*-cubian and surrealism wife. 'Gamile "Pirst Lady," Curtain Cltob's —-arf represented at the gallery^ Back J«nM ^ University will have the oppor­ Hassen as Mrs. 8tate's crony, and Theat«r-in-the-round is,* diffi­Picaseeb «tdlunGol> Aew. beiiig fall production, offers on one tide fiwt lady's throne. They might Cobista. Piieasso and JGris lay .tha tunity soon to,appearon a coast of the ledger,,a few light chuckles, iiildred Barnes, as Mrs. State's cult medium. Mrs. Swattwout hap , .v. -emphasis of .their sfiB-Jife works have been brought up throwing -*• to coast broadcast of the Phillip some hearty laughs, with the help Sjecretary, may be cast as support­handled it admirably as part of ^'T«*a«JFlne ^rta Association of-oh'solid pictorial structure. It ana­ Morris Playhouse. / • stllletos at each other. Mise Ruff's ing actors ,bvt deserve top rating her master's tUe»s. Tbe weakest ^eials >««a9d. tfce pr«Mit. «ihiblt of some excellent acting, pleasant lyses andf dissects tne object into 'sultry-voiced sarcasms provided Jink in her chain was the choice as on* qf the most imnnrtMHt to Sponsors of this program are direction for theater-in-the-round, for their.copedy. - several planes: t\v^ "LAST OUTPOST" now. conducting: aft inter-collegiate and a.large wandering east. " mateMng contrast to the exqber-At second level eoinas a trium' of^play.Moist; ofthe dissattafise-, fox those who have a dis-HoaaU M«afaa> acting contest to choose the most But the Dawson-Kaufman -sat­ance of meowing Mi«l Clore. ^ virato. Bill Lanen, Mr. State, tions hav* been overcome. The WuMdt n«l*i outstanding actor or actress from extraordinary piece Mainer Hfnes, as Mr. Judge, Is Xathryn Graiidstaff, the niece, overall result is rather flat; hot jtaffce tfor^aaodern art and a ire is not an stick ,-to the classical masters, Book Stall Shows 'STRjljCTLY DISHONORABLE' any college in 'the .United States. and Judy Gaibraith, as Mrs. Cree-many of its pax$s are most enjoy; ^rrp«% Bid* rin*» T'^'T"ri't of theater—its plot and dialogue group of old and modern points, fJhW *!&* L«l#h, ¥y\ •* t A university may send one re­just ease into the' category of Whose stomach troilble is. exceeded vy a leader of sbc million women able.' from-the 'Knoedler Gallaries In presentative to New York, all ex­It often sldw, almost good. is New York is sbo?rh. The»e include MONTOPOLIS penses paid, to appear oh the pro­verging on boredom, it hasn't Items woriw-by Whistler, -Durer, and gram opposite such celebrities as much to say that hasn't been said Rembrandt. ^* ,. . Old traditions in/bdokmaking Madelaine Carroll. That person better befbre, it's "catty-logue" is The display will be shown at &C-»•s- rill hi ^amonstrated Friday when will receive $260 for the appear­ overdrawn, and the finale pulls Laguna Gloria through January 1. t&h^Toepperwe!ii&—anihtos, illa*­ "SMUGGLER'S ance. too-many'cats out of its theatrica) ferators^ and creators of children's At the end of trte series,a com­cap.' Writer Service to Hold k sa& ISLAND" books appear at tfce Book SUM mittee of judges' will pick the out­But what humor there ts direc­ cv Jiff CktmUir front 3 to •<;' " Ev*> K«r« • standing university actor and he tor Anne Swartwout and several Thesis Contest will receive $2,000 in cash prizes. The Texas couple print most of 1 Ei^iteen awards .totaling up to "TRIGGER TRAIL" actors with fine sense for comedy, By. PHYLLlfrNIBLING V;; with its discordant w]^ and Sar­proudly possessive feeling in the Rod Ctwm Tryouts are being held at Radio their books from . hand-set tyjki will Ki given for the most ;"VJ4V*' ' \ Taxxr Kalfht , . make it a not-unpleasing produc­The, San Antonio.-Symphnoy Or­castic-rhythms. ^ Tne orchestra audience's reception of fdur works and hand-cut bloeks. All the books House Thursday from 4 to 6 p.m. interesting theses; written . each tion. . -" an "exciting array gave it a flashing treatment under Kent Kennon, ; professor are and -many ydurln a contest being sponsored Elimination trials will \ be held chestra offered by of hand-bound, are • The "Lady" flits in Washington. of modern' music to University lis-Alessandro's sharp directing. Karl Friday-from 4 to 6. composition, and James Clifton s'ewit by haifd. by the Writer Service. Wife of the Secretary of -State t*ners la«t night, and the audience Leifheit, teaching fellow at the m^CDLl Off thfr-committee to select the Williams, instructor in theory and First prise will be f1,000 fol­ and wife of a The ejreatoia of "Little Deputy" SupremeCourt took it enthusiastically. University, made the piano pass­ "DARK WATERS" final competitors will be Ben Iden composition, 1>ut the music lived and "Li|tle Miss Crinbline" base lowed by fiveplrkes of $500 eachj^, judge hate each other, become .•j. High in audience favor was ag<» sing. —: T; ; Marl* ObtrM Payne, chairman of the drama de­ up to the reception. . jtheiif bookmaking —on^^uthentic^'twe prtz«t~of"$ZS0~each, and ten •: •••-. .-•'•'«•» -. .-• partment; Byrl Cass; Rodger Gil-vicious felines.when face to face, Stravinsky's ."PetrdUchka." sbite . -Perhaps there was a somewhat Frearitat Taa« •. — and vie for political "eligiblef" Kight Soliloquy," perhaps thei^ata of 100 years ago by exten-prizes of f100 each. Don R*d B«rry just to make each other jealous. "GUNFIRE" ley: E. R* Norris; and Thomas X>. most famous of the three Kennon I research. , The eontest requires no entry, Rlsnworth. When Mrs. Judge has visions of v*'. ' pieces,"could be called a sonnet in Many of their works are col­registration, or reading fee and being Mrs. President—a result of harmony. Its pure, rhythmi*: form lector's items because of . their ends December 31, 1952. a back-firing plan by Mrs. State-expresses a !'nostalgic night ifiood, unique -production • and because Mrs. State .blackmails her. The no particular night or mood," Mr. th^r -are printed *in limited:-edi- IlljiJ P m COW RSI" Judge, withdraws father than face Kenpon says. , ; tions. • v DAM'K INSTRUCTOR, People Will Canyon scandal.. . Mr. Williams, who took over The ToepperweinS; are coming •-UvANC£D o-'. f-l-r.r p',In the upending conclusion^ the third horn at 'the last minute to Austin after a 0,000-mile"tour Talk" Passage A group Of University jitude^ts Persons who' appeared on this, Mr. and Mrs. Judge withdraw, Mr. when the regular player became on which they demonstrated their m(',RVA', SCOTT1 C«ry Grant la Technicolor left Austin Tuesday afternoon to program are students-of Mrs. Mar­ J—aom Craia Dtu Andrew* and Mrs. State are ready to be-soldiers at guerite'Slaughter, who his 'studied ill, tried.'to suggest, but not tell. techniques and appeared at lec­jVFf TtiAS THfAT er 7 ' entertain hospitalized Siuaa Hijmrd eome Mr.^mdMw. President, their tures and •autograph parties.' • 11 pin Fort Hood with a musical pre-in Chicago and New York under a melancholy story in Kis "Le­ "Two Flags niece" becomes engaged to Mr. and Sudant gend." Although in the classical gram under the sponsorjship Of Romani Madame of "Th» Sun Senator, and Mr. Senator reveals tradition, it couldn't have been the ,Travis County. Chapter of the Julliard School of Music. West" disturbing information that would written any time but in the twen­ u*d» D«n»n Comes Up American Red Cross. This was the first ki a series Jwmlu M«cPon»ld have prevented the complications of appearances the Ited tieth century, Mr. Williams claims, Cross isUniversity students• in the pro­ First Show 6:30 First SbOw 6:30 at the beginning. • J gram were Cecil Rix, Shirley planning fo"r near-by servicemen's Two operatic pieces, the over­ Myma Ruff, as Mrs. State, and hospitals.* ture to "News of the. Day," bySchuliw, Bette Woods, Bill Mon-Hindemith and the suit fromtandon) Jimmy RotinsonV former "Hary Janos" by Kodaly' offeredUniversity student, and Zimmy a contrast, in modern moods. The Piland, a high school student from 3 TV Show former gave a breathless;, hurriedDripping Springs. picture of modern life with, its Miss Nan Ledbetter, a graduate ar.s7A&t many deadlines and stresses andof the University School x»f Mus­ SHOWTilllf By Paramount. To Use Paintings was marked by the stinging quali­ ic, ajccobipanied each number. The AT INTERSTATE THEATRES Three of four Broadway shows program was presided over . by A special Christmas program ty of the violin section. . t -rp r> scheduled for * the Paramount Carolyn Busch.^tlniversity student. using the "Old Master" and other "Hary Janos"-turned back to i» J. •-j / IV COtyVf 7CfflKtf ft f Theater next year have been can­paintings instead of people as ac­Napoleonic " times to draw a •p. a a r celed, manager Harold C. Novy UT Club to Broadcast tors will be produced by the Tele sprightly, good-humoured picture said Mondiay. The canceled shows Of a braggart Hungarian soldier "i'w W I'i LAST DAY! vision Workshop Sunday over are "Darkness at Noon," "Death Songs, Stories in Czech KgYL, Channel 6, San Antonio; at just returned from the wars. The of a^ Salesman," and "Kiss Me Czech Club members will make 9. p.m., E. R. Norris, assistant pro­delightful red-and-gold pomp of Kate." ail-Czech language recordings for fessor of drama, has announced. Vienna, the bragadoccio airs of The cancellations will be effec­distribution to several radio sta­the military, a singing Hungarian CAVE " The paintings will be Shown in r SMITH tive at all* Interstate Theaters tions in the United States, pictorial sequence, with the pic­intermezzo, and the spirited pom­SaturdaySTART3, TOMORROW I which scheduled the plays, -Mr. posity of the little Emperor him­ Dr. Ernest John Zizka, club tures changing about every 15 or Macdowald CAREY Novy said. The three shows are sponsor and.instructor in Slavonic 20 seconds. Mr. Norris explained self received a hearty cheer from ...Por a tcatjy DIFFERENTMeniAg 29ttai(fcure»­ The remaining playis "Mr. Rob­ Faculty members of |he music ---»a father is telling the Christmas gram—lights on stage were turned was here last spirng.' CUPITOL erts," which department will help-train club story to his little daughter. As he off and those in the audience left quEEn members and Czech classes for picks up the Bible to read td her, bright. But a loud tune-up from B1NG CROSBY the recordings. the scenes fade into the paintings. the orchestra vetoed this. JANE WYMAN THE APACHES ALEXIS SMITH ARE COMING! "HERE COMES THE •S-terror cry of GROOM" OLD WEST! COLOR CARTOON The. oldest dramatic group at "APACHE the; University and singers or­ ganized this fall will combine to DRUMS" Hns present a ehancel drama Friday I FIRST c DKA and Saturday. STEPHEN McNALLY • show O r m The Gregg, House Players* re­ cently revi\sed by Miss Lucy Bar­ «CMl«Mbry,tNMe( URR5ITV ton, associate professor of drama, rariif! -hoim and the Madrigal Singers, organ­ Mat Chesterfield FIRST SHOW 2 P. M ized this autumn by Clifton ^iVil­3am5i& jin#tr»Pt6lf->"iP' • • •innsi&s'.ariJl­ m&m. JOSl FERRER present the drama at 7:30 ^ "*r English Title* All Saints' • Chapel, 27th and Whitis. „ Christmas episodes from 'thenusTiii /;;uo York Cycle of Mystery plays have OJJJ4A& |«ANA^ C&wm Fhrat Show S p.m. been chosen. The plays were LEW MARILYN given thfe originally in Middle AYRES • MAXWELL, SIGNED c ~ "NEW MEXICO" AgesrTheversiontobe-used-waa • S CARTOONS S adapted for a production in York, England, last year.. ii-r,; wmm TWD MEALS for i? the PBICK OF ml 441 For any two people • i* -FOOD or DRINKS "u 4'\i>A-rsi* -fM iv ' ^ ''' r '/?/'/?<,"/'/i/s ''' s fir TWD . SERVINGS for %, "'-A '„s. PRICE of ONE Between 7:00 and 9:00 in the evening Wi WW Bring, a date and you can both eat for the same price m '4i'' /<{ £J one order-to a cvstomer~. """«t: • if A mm - -vr. -;»i| » #VKOM THE won Of A WRl-KNOWN KSUKCH OKMNIUIHM r ...AND ONLY CHESTERFIELD HAS ITI ft?'I WAFFLE SHOP wi $ r «• -V-*-"--! 'y» •v.^ -• X i Si v ^ * Jet •V.™ ^ "IT"! ­ ¥* ^.2^ S' mmsm mm