MEMORANDUM ( ( THE WHITE HOUSE WAIHIHOTOJI August 29, 1968 \ .CO:MFIBEN'i'b\L '• MEMORANDUM FOR WALT ROSTOW GEORGE CHRISTIAN NAT DAVIS SUBJECT: Czechoslovakia --An American Intelligence Failure? We all recall newspaper stories of last week suggesting a possible "intelligence failure" on the part of U.S. intelligence concerning the Soviet invasion ·of Czechoslovakia. The September Z issue of U.S. News raises the subject again (copy attached). While the events in Chicago this week have eclipsed this particular question, we might well anticipate some returning Congressmen ·will raise the issue next week or shortly thereafter --perhaps even calling for a congressional investigation. I suggest we ask State and Defense,· perh~ps CIA as well, to submit press guidance on how to handle questions on this general subject -­and, after reviewing that guidance, we agree on what constitutes the best public posture on this issue. 0. K. See me· 0 ·­ .,: I· ,,•• 11 '