lU'f, ^ -V,111-"UjW ife«SjPM'A -f rl* •> -i, f i r «fMC o l,f* 0 9mp;f i t y\ I n*p$ o u Frank C. Laubach, whose Fx^day night at 8 o'clock, Dr. w f^T' .0,Vi •>11^> !>•>«• • I>w.i j,t'N if'M-> jr.!Tr* i *t * "lightning literacy" system lias Laubach will speak at a public yousi *** » ' * >t.v* -l v Price 5 Cents AUSTIN, TEXAS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3r. 1951 /n'U'.'P&afcyr P«99i'Tod« taught approximately 60 million rally at the University Methodist " 1 ' ' ' " 1 " " " ' * people to read, will apeak to Uni-Church* He will talk at the Uni­ IP ^ >i] : veraity and Austin groups Novem-versity Christian Chureh at 9 aLm.! ' r • J ' i.. r 4 s ber 1-4. | . Sunday, and at, the University Grand Juryman • Dr. Laubach, missionary-educa-Baptist Church at 10 a.m. tor, was one of three men who re­• Dr. -Laubach began his unique Y < ai^•' |||^' ceived the 1951 Teddy ,Roosevelt methods of teaching illiterates on Award for work among illiterate the isle of Mindanao in the Philip­t I Turns Witness peoples. On arrival in Austin pines in 1929. The Moro inhabi­Thursday, Dr. L&bbach will begin tants of the island were war-like a series of talks and meetings with Mohammedans. Dr. Laubach learn-' University and Austin groups. ed the language of the people and, In Wallace Case He will speak tb a student meet* with the help of Filipino educators, Ing in Architecture Building 106 devised a phonetic-picture alpha* at 8. p.m. Thursday. At 10 «.m. bet to give the . dialect, its first Locates SuspectFriday ho will address College of written form. Assisted by paid 3 Education students on methods in helpers," Dr. Laubach. taught the 15 Minutes Before By JOHNNIE HUMAN -in -which they are enrolled^ Location of the boxes ^re- Voting to fill the Student Assembly seats will begin at 8 literacy work. people to read and write their Ian* Kinser Shooting : follows: •* \ He will be . interviewed over guage in a very, .short time. o'clock this morning and continue till 5 o'clock $his after­ Arts and Sciences, west of the Main Building steps Radio Station KTBC at 11:16 Fri­Dr. Laubachls also the author The 98th District Court Grand noon, Jerry Wohlfo^d, Election Commission chairman, an­ day morning, and that afternoon of many books; most recent of Jury began hearings of the Octo­neers, front of Architecture Building and in front of nounced Tuesday. will take part in an "at home" for which is "Wake Up or Blow, Up," ber 22: gun slaying of Douglass ' . Engineering Building; Fine Arts, west of the Barker Hi? students in the University Presby­which offers a Christian alterna­Kinser Wednesday'afternoon' with Students must vote, at the election booths for the schools Center orin front of the Art Building. terian Student Center. tive to Communism for Americans. DR. FRANK C. LAUBACH one^of the jurors as a witness. t.Education, north, of Sut Wiley Johnson, operator of the ^Trading Post, fourteen miles west Hall; Pharmacy/^|| of < of Austin on the. Bee Cave Road, mi^ry;:^ui]tdijig^' said-he sold Malcolm £. (Mac) Administration, east of Wallace,—charged—in—connection with the Kinser slaying, tvvo cans gener Hall; Graduate, east of beer about 15 to 25 minutes Main Buildingj and ta-v before Kinser was found dead at north of the Law Building. the -Butler Pitch-and Putt golf course. ; A goal of $8,000, to be divided Foreign Student Fund and,to the ysis; and $300 for a contingency Members of Orange jacket Students wishing to go. to the Braniff International Airways 4:14. Saturday morning planes among charities, was set Mortar Board, and Alpha District Jtidge Charles O. "Betts seven Sponsored Stqdents Committee. fund. SMU-Texas game Saturday will have, announced the ^ following leave at 1:40 and 11 o'clock, ar­said that he did not think that for the two-week; Campus Chest An administrative board, to be This breakdown shows that 40 Omegj* will man the el be offered ample means of schedule: . riving onis hour later in Dallas. booths. In. order to vot^,' a Mtv Johnson's being a witness would drive which begins November 12. called the Foreign Student Ad­per cent of the mon^y raised will AudifOr*^! transportation. Planes leave al­A plane leaves Austin Friday Greyhound Bus Lines will not disqualify him as a juror. The drive, 1949-50, visory Board, will be set up t'o the per dent inust present his most every-hour, Arriving in Dal­semi special .busies last in remain on campus, *12.8 morning at 11 o'cloelc. Friday af­to Dallas, but passed its goal of $10,000 handle the funds. cent will to strictly local Receipt to one of the studentsJiS'. V; nt after go las one hour later, and trains will have extra ones on hand if The Grand Jury> convened charge, Wb.b' ternoon flights leave at 2:51, 1:30 p.m. and was still in session five mo'nths and one week of soli­Present allocations are divided groups, 43.75 per cent will be and buses depart from Austin at needed. on the roster of the school obf£t1 varied houTTS, and arrive approxi­5:25, 5:41, and 11 o'clock. Planes after six o'clock that evening. One citations. It was decided not to as follows: $3,000 for:the Y; $750 donated,to groups which are local arrive in < Etollas one hour later The schedule is as follows: of the witnesses who testified be­drag-out the campaign this year, and national, and 3.75 per cent tained from the Begistrar«'p mately five hours later. for the Americaiv Cancer Society; The. student will be given _ except the 2:51 flight which stops Buses depart from. Austin Fri­fore this jury said that the attor­but to have a more concentrated goes to' the contingency fund, Braniff International Airways $1,000 to the Cerebral Palsy Cen­ ballot to mark according to in Waco, and gets into Dallas at afternoon 2:05, not take which will expenses of ill have seven flights to Dallas, day at 12:06, ney for the defense did drive and to select the organiza­ cover the new^ installed Dalb^^i^Miti^^S 4:54,. 5:31, 8:56, 10:36, and Sat­part in the hearing and there was tions which students will suppprt. ter; $200 to the Foreign Student drive and other emergencies.' -Missouri-Kansas-Texas Rail­system. He willurday morning at 12:55 and 3:46. no cross-examination. "We should answer the cry of Advisory Board; $750 to WSSF; The campaign will end Novem­road has three trains scheduled dates' ^names,. in ^ numiricid^bis^K^pi$500 for the American Heart Asr for the trip. Together, Greyhound Weather: These buses arrive respectively District Attorney Bob Long was the students in deciding upon the ber 23. The committee will work of.preference-forv and Continental Bus Companies Friday evening at 6:47, 7:05, not available for-comment Wed­organizations to participate in the sociation; $1,500 for the " Travis fori lhe_firsjL week o^^ersdjssl will mark anand X for Uie trnffleNational at Polls; 10:10i 11:42, and Saturday mor­nesday night on the new develop* Campus-Chests drive,'-' Mary County division of' the solicitation arid will start the drive will send 12 buses to Big D. Pat opposed~candidattoCoi::^;'-i0p|ff^«' Plane fares are $13.46 one ning at 2:34, 4:15, 6:36, and ments. Dowell, co-chairman of the steer­Foundation for Infantile Paral-on the campus the second week. Cold From Poles 10:07. ' ing committee said. Counting of the votes wlil,jbs||?|. way, and $25.66 round trip; train gin at 7 p.m. in the $4.66 way, Continental Trailways will not fares are one and , Heavy coats nui­run The committee decided that stu­ Lounge of ^tlie, .Tex^:;^feibn;;j^!i5fe -$8.40 round trip; and bus tickets may" be a specials, unless heeded. 10 Most Hated* dents would best support the Y' sance to Carry around Wednes­ candidate will be permitted t^ "v are $5 one way, and $9.03 round Buses leave Austin Friday af­the American Cancer Society, the trip. These fares have tax in­day morning, but they will be. ternoon at 3:25, and 6:55, and To Prowl Tonight National Foundation for Infantile have two watchers at cluded. mighty welcome that afternoon-arrive in Dallas at 10 p.m. and Paralysis, World Student Service No oral campaigiurfg.-will :^b|;?| Missouri-Kansas-Texas Railroad when a cold front moves into 1f25 Saturday a.m. Saturday sche­As Witches Howl Fund, the Cerebral Palsy Clinic, allowed within 100 feet o£:tbfi^L town. no has trains scheduled to leave Aus­_ dules include buses departing and the American Heart Associa­ polls,, and-signs. within Five sinister, black-robed fig­ tin Friday afternoon at 1:42 and The Texas Panhandle, living from Austin at 12:45 a.m. and tion. 8-5—Student elections 7 — Freshman Fellowship Hal­feet. J ' ' •. ures will meet tonight at the 2:50, arriving in up to its reputation of 4:45 a.m. with arrival time in Dal­ loween party, Y-MCA. Other,members of the Electiprt%| Dallas at 5:55 taking stroke of midnig®$Hn the shad­Acting on the request of Joe 8:30-12 and 1-5 — SMU game and 8:45, respectively, Friday the first blasts of cold weather, las set at 7 a.m. and 11:25 a.m. Commission are Sabin Marshal ow of the Main" Building for an-Neal, foreign studept advisor, a tickets," Gregory Gym. 7—Yiddish and conversational night. A~ train leaves Austin at is already shivering under the Then of course, you' might want and Flozelle Jones.. annual secret session of the Ten combination fund will go to the 9-5-r-Free chest Xrrays, Health .Hebrew classes, 'Hillel .Founda­ !;._1:1Ql jMn,...Saturday,_and gets to front. The. USL Weath^rJBureau togo„in your own car, or ^hitch­Most Hated'Men of the Univer- tion. Unopposed candidates are Ca-j Center. _ Dallas at.6:50 a.m. has not set a definite low tem­hike. and~Margy' CrosByT~" perature for Austin and vicini­sity of Texas 10-Ezra Rachlin in operatic lec­Women's Gym. *"' rolyn -Bosch for Associate Justice for Womett|Ji* ty, but says it will be "notice­ Fiendish orgies'are expected ture series, downtown YWCA. 7:15—Slide rule class, Engineer­ 25 M to fleet Rush Moody, for place 1, Asso-'ably -cooler." 1,600 Student tickets to make the gathering an excep­1:45—-ACE Cactus picture, front ing Building 301. X ciate Justice for Men; Edward \y tionally bloodcurdling one, even Clinic Will Explain The mass of cool air is dry so Sold for Mustang Game of MLB.. < 7:30—NAUD^ Bowling Center, Hiller, pharmacy; and Otho Cra^'ls' for this organization, for to­ there is little chance of rain. 3—Rally Committee, Waggener 3409 Giuadaiupe. ford and Donna Camefbn, Educa-^'J in JK Thursday ...Tuiuday .night~and—Wednesday: ; Sixteen hundred, night the fatal five, Jeftovejs -Hall 401. ! -----7:30-10-^Ob'sei^atory dpTOr Phy­-tionr-; * ' — "from last year's TMH. wilf pick ubiicify For Clubs morning • will be partly cloudy to the Texas-SMU football game The 25 finalists of'the Ten Most Students running for the five; " 3-5—Tea for Mrs. Fae Messer-sics Building. five more members. with mild temperatures^ were sold Monday and Tuesday, Beautiful contest will meet in smith, Alpha,Phi house. places in Arts and Sciences are 8—Canasta party. • University Reporters for campus organisa­Said Alfred R. Rochs, assistant The' only requirement, for Journalism Building 212 Thursday 3:30—-Tea with talk by Jim Bris­Club. Bill Hallman, Bill Wright, Sidney tions can leam to get their clubs manager of the office of intercol-membership is that the Flushee 4t 5 p.m. to select the studio that Siegel, Bernie Dow, Ted Price, tol "of the American Friends ^8—Tryoutg for. "Blithe Spirit," in the news-at a •publicity clinic legiate athletics Tuesday. Wednes­be extremely obnoxi«vus to all will make their photographs. " Service Committee, Lutheraii .Gayle Garth, and. Margaret En> vf' ACT Playhouse. day at 5 p.m. is the deadline; un­fellow students.' A unanimous dress. " • to be held Tuesday at 7 p.m. in Girls who cannot be there should Student Center. -9—11—Pledge entertain actives, sold tickets will then be released blackball vote is required for Candidates for the two places Journalism Building 212. contact Johnnie Human, chairman, 5—Panhandle Club to repr'ganize, Tri-Delt house. for -public sale. Since many gen­membership. A white ball indi­ in Fine Arts .are Bert Rees, Char-' Betty Segal, Texan society edi­ before Thursday. Sutton Hall 110. eral admission tickets have al­cates friendship, not allowed. lesa Wolfe, Jean Marie Edge, and ' tor, will" explain what to include The pictures will be sent to a 5—Grievance Committee, Texas Union S«U Films, Coffee ready been sold, Mr.-Rochs said a . Present members are Lloyd Arlene Kay. •. ^ in club stories, how to write them New York artist for final selec­Union 309. Films .of the Rice-Texas game ^ Verne F. Knickerbocker, in a long line is not anticipated for (Intra-mural Joe) Hand, Bob tion of the University's Ten Most 5:30—Spooks, Alpha Phic house. will be shown iri-the Main Lounge On the Business Administration ' ' up, and where and when to turn them in. After, writing a typical run-off election Tuesday, was the student tickets. (Flaming Pen) Canta, Tom Beautiful girls, and winners will 6—Inter-fjaith supper witji Dr. H. of Texas Union at 1 p.m. Thurs­ballot to All "three .places ate meeting story, she will accompany elected president of the School of The last-day drawings will be (Oil Wells) West, Bob (I-don't-be presented in Theta Sfjrma Phi's E. Mbore and Dr. Bernice day,. Coffee Time will be held Fri­Charles M. Prather.UTim Calaway, t reporters on a Texan tour to fol­Law, freshman class. held from 8:30 a.m. to 12 and c a r e-about-poIiticVHkT' Wheeler, annual musical production, "Time Moore speaking, Hillel Founda­day morning from 8 to 12 o'clock Doug Walker, Dolph Simon,-A3 ';;'­Other freshman officers are Bill and Tom reck. tion. Quinn, and Stan Rosenberg. • low the story into print. from 1 to 5 p.m. (Pfc.) Afffe Staggers On." also in the Main Lounge. Finger, Vice-president; Barbara In Engineering, Jim Crow, Ver-~I jReporters will, visit all departs Jordan, secretary-treasurer; and non Helmkie, Mickey. Tedford, and'' ments of the newspaper, including Halloween at UT Jo Prosser are running for Jack Arthur Stehling, honor coun­ the.^ the printing press, and jwill be cil representative. three^places. . , ^ welcomed by Editor Russ Kersten. Charlie Post was elected presi­ Royce HerWe Bailey, Matti Xl-? Printed handbooks of rules and dent and Bill. Kolius, secretary- Aish, "Babur Kocatas, Jerry Tuck-., hints for publiciiy writing will treasurer of the School of Law er, and Charlie Berkey are ­also be distributed. senior class Fridtfy. candidates for the three positions The publicity clinic is spon- in GraduateJSchooL..' t' Election of Portia, law school •sored annually by Theta Sigma has postponed students the race sweetheart, b>een Law in for 2Jhi, national fraternity for wo­W. McNeil, a -fly." • • two_places are Hank i until November, T. By BOBBY. JONES -• He had been a ghastly looking i With that he rushed from the buthnot did not shrink. He Bhrank Baccus, J. men in journalism. i K* Ta>'lor. Cesare Galli, and Ellis Bar Association president, said. It was in the din\ month of Oc Arbuthnot frightened a fly de­spectre, in his day, but his field : Tower angrily. That was the day from people; he shrank F. Morriss. Senior class vice-president is tober—a most immemorial year— fensively. "I will admit that-my had faded out from under" him.! the tlock struck thirteen. black cats; he shrank from un Asso-W'-M|Penny Postal Cord Rate Don-Felts..Jerry Fortenberry, Ed and the falling autumn leaves haunting isn't what it'should be, He used to be an Inn spectre, you ! Arbuthnot was in a quandary, abridged dictionaries; he shrank For place 2 in the men Woodruff, and James Pete Wil­were like tattered bits..of flowers but I have my literacy life to con­See. "The' trouble wlth°"you is that!and he reniajned in it until Octo-from other ghosts. He was quite r»^C aTre 9er" |Goes to 2 Cents Feb. 1 liams were unopposed in the race whose gay colors had withered in sider. I've been toying, with the you don't hav? any life. This Hal-her 31. Arbuthnot shrank from Shrinking. golofsJcy and Jlm Leonard. for directors of the Peregrinus, the breath of the northern winds. idea of doing a little ghost wri­lowe'eji-1 want you to frighten frightening people.^ * One more American tradition /So despite the Inspector's or­ High above • [will pass int6>history soon. Tues-School of Law annual. Elected to the ground, in his ting." * people. Are you a ghost, or aren't As a matter of "fact, there were ders, he cowered in the belfry day, October 30, President Tru-the honor council were Los Moser, secluded nook on top of the Tow­"Pah!"' shrugged the Inspector. you?". \ ... very few things from which Ar­throughout most of Hallowe'en. Bill -Neinast, and Joe B. Dibrell. er, a strange figure listened to |»an signed the bill raising' the Only right at the last few minutes R. T. Churchill became premanent the north wind shake the windows |price of the penny postal card to did he dare to venture down. And And PoTiticos secretary. of the-Tower an^ .whistle mourn­ |2 cents after January1. Hoarding 4id he get a sheck. fully up the elevator shafts. ipostal cards, will be fruitless be-Robert L. Steely was elected There were, two people on his|cause additional penny stamps will mid-law president.; Lawrence V. . By the frost on the pumpkin,, steps—two |be required to meet the new price. Carter, vice-president; Dave Beer-and the corn in the shock, he rather horrid looking people. He shrank from them. bower and Gus Hahn, honor coun­knew that another Hallowe'en was Students Will' not be greatly af­ ^ Of course the two people—little* A new system of vote counting w cil; ' Kenneth King, secretary-here, and Arbuthnot—ArbuthnotIfected by the raise. Herbert treasurer ;'and Charles E.~McJCon--wa» -tive-strange-f igure^—Arbuth-^ girl children they —we're—were originate by a University co-ed iGrumblet^leric-in^hargi1"'«Tr'Si'e not.Shrank from Hallowe'ens. You quite astonished at-this, will be initiated in this' fall's camT aid and Bob Maley -were so they lUniversity Ppst Office, wtys only Arbuthnot was A forced Arbuthnot to tell them his pus elections. see, a ghost. / la small per cent of local cards are unopposed as directors of the shrinking ghost. W0M troubles: how he always shrank^ The Dalby System, named for . Peregrinus. |handled through the station. He lived in the Main Building mm •V M' and could never haunt properly'. Jean Dalby, graduate student in /The bill also raised the price of Spook* Hannt Frat*, Co'-Op* Tower, just, between the bell and tp&k When they found out this. the School pf_La>y^iH be.usesLin—^ the-4-5-eent-apecial-deHvery stam^ —-Spooks,-campus-seFvice~an on .ranlb-piled' the hinges the very next ^Hge^sicry."turthTBtai^ougrhout the-But now Hallowe'en was on> Bac|c" Place, and then migrated tal for each;candidate. The Hare 6—105% rebates at all book Arbuthnot, and he had to start to Hill Hall. There will be another system eliminates the low men stores. '' .X•• |Di you. wtyit good, sturdy, acting like ;a ghost should^ act. rally tonight at 9:30, starting on after secdnells when suddenly the In­ on from there. . ; until all .unfilled. Second ID L. (ethical) SIMS for Sims." ' spector-appeared before him. i BOO! S»Id passing grade of 50 for —"I aiifnrCUqui; " " "" ' ffial ^bver the quo^ exceed*the' --Abolitto^bf^henrr—quirriar ^naTnTaTJica: Mary Elizabeth,. Arbutriot: is cured of sh'rink­a'hd eyeryone is supporting, it.jyifjs number of poiition^ to berhat are we—-SERFS?-. n'm just r4r pppWjpP! fpnpi i V •"i w , -' t"t-• .•vn. • r* limnillU""'"!""!**!!) »»|| fill!!! ^*L«? 1| P«SP? * IS **3 %!•?•^ ?; 'iw, ~ r?;-*.* -' 1 * . n^^cw: •.• • .j --.3 •:.• '•••.•• •••/: .•'••' ••'!.— izawjis-r- 5^ mmmm wmm October 31,1951 THE DAILY TEXAN Pag* 2 -T Tr v&J^re: $*>* % Sfi t-W. -A. Ends Dominate n s DG; 4 UT f •»"!l>" ill.lil. •ftfclw." »yAL% Jrff-• r«Mftwrto stmft J1 "^ r— Aggiot' Hugh Moyor Now Sooner horns are tooiin' for a match with the SWC "smooth out'* rises and drops in >e Texas Society for Crippled 1. McKune, assistant pro- its touchdown after an 80-yard champs (preferably Texas) in the Cotton Bowl. Rocoivot Mention feasor in electrical engineering, voltage. Children.' -< drive on passes from Mary Cros­ l»y:.:Dtltt : Dllta Wt» I John Cronley, Daily Oklahoman sports editor, devotes a NEW YORK, Oct. SO—(ff)—A announced Thursdaytotha.Ameri­ He was selected at the group's * by to,G»H Campbell, Glare Mas* can annual ^..^^©elt* Owbbmi «*» Ota pair of tall, sure-handed ends from Society of Keetrical Engi­\pt. Jeaaa Villarreal, aseociate meeting 'in San Antonio terson, and Onah Bar^e, the column to the "vastly improved" Oklahoma eleven, mention­ touchdown pass in -the first quar-scoring play coining on a pass to Princeton and Michigan were neering his development of mathe­professor of speech and director last week. lUr fnm Freda Barwell to Beverly ing it in the same breath with the '49 and '50 teams. Two named Tuesday aa the Associated matical equations which will im-of the Speech and Hearing Cen­Dr. Villarreal had a part in the BaiSvise. gmyth. In the last three minute* weeks ago he was chiding Sooner fans for expecting the, Press linemen of the Week. Pant* 30c *mett"~r For worthy Successor to Jerry Thomp­ Aaitln Clnb t9, T«tif;pint* 18.. • ~,"s Sh!rt«16c each '-^--:-:-Golden .Brown Fried -Chicken, Sewell have fused an argument Osk 6rov« 14, AtUK 2. ~ TIRE SPECIALS son. In a recent all-Marine meet, ' -* 7.^-— Roa|h Dry Be lb. Juicy Steaks, or'a"delicious com­that he is on a par with departed WMltr 7. VCC 2. h «. ^ VncrnMOmmar Pick-up and Delivery plete meal and your favorite all-Ameriean McFadin. Four twn-mile anH Outstanding oerfor-D«It« Kappa Kpailon 21, D«lta T»u Delta niore games and the 1952 season ••••' • — .. &• beverage mer honors. . , . Frank Womack, Clu* A " ^ through our should add pertinent data to the Longhorn three-year letterman in BlomquUt SwadM IS, MeCroekUa Males come to the comparison. Sewell has already «. -s " V • • baseball and v basketball returns been named to Houston Post PBM >4, Dorm G.H. «. Use the Classifieds M to his home town, Houston, as Cliff Court* 12, Campu* OoJld t. CLUB CAFE writer Jack Ghallager's mid-sea-the newly-named cage mentor of Maole DtPNiiIrM II, Noreo Ana* 14. order; books. <£cumdhif OPEN 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.. son all-conference 11. " St. Thomas University. ­ • The story goes that Texas al 11% DiKoant on Cash-Carry The hardest thing to under­ 14Ui at Red River , 1807 San Jacinto most lost Sewell to an acute case 8-2886 stand on the Johnny Bright affair Save of home-sickness ! last season. is the stand of Oklahoma AAH Saddened when Jiis closest friend Coach J. B. Whitworth, who said dropped out of school, Harley ap­ he. will not punish Wilfred Smith, TYPEWRITER SPECIALISTS proached a member of the coach­ by ordering the player who twice fouled the ing staff, saying that he was Drake because he is -Can Do th« job Btffrtr • back, sure homesick 'and might quit and go the fouls were not intentional. Asked he would ~ ^ We Pick Up home. what do In the next breath he said that early! . in the hometown, the St. Jo pro­ Super Sheen Gabardine Smith "just lost his temper." In and Deliver duct replied that he was thinking other words, all „you have to 'do Phone 8,-4360 of "joining the Marines." is lose youi: temper and every- Ed Price used 42 players in the thin'g'a okay widda coach. Rice game, giving understudies p WW; ft,,-"-valuable experience—they'll need lbs? •" V,%->W/ss. •///(?/,#/, TEXAS BOOK STORE it next year when the lineup will Sport» Notice ''i UG^.^ S > be short 11 regulars plus Punter John Adams. ... Don't be sur­Th«r« will b« • maatlna of both th« Tintty and fr««hm«n iirwimlni taam* prised, if Byron Townsend turns In the iwiraminc taam room of Gregory up at a halfback slot one of these aym Mt 7 p.m. Chapman Saturdays. He knows the posi­Swlraffllnr Coaeh tion's assignments and Line Coach Bill Dubose says he is "ready to •toy noat all wook-ond in tho 'Mural Schedule WEDNESDAY TOUCH FOOTBALL * Claaa B a o'cladL — . _ ^ IM, T. Me Bloekar—Houm—*«^_WJUlllL«r H»rfro**- Whltla Wildcat*. 7 «Vla«k ... Alpha Tau Omega v». Winner Lambda Drive off with one of with the wft collar that HOW MANY TIMES A DAY Chi Alpha-D*lta £igma Phi. S o*Jock • these smooth Van Phi Gamma Dalta vi. Winner Sisma Nu- Heusen Centuryshirts Kappa P»l. Claaa A in your bag ana 7 o'clock you'll be neat from UCC T». Winner Nawman-Hlllal. Atr ROTC *». Winner B-Alba. sun-up to sun­ S o'clock Mi Oak Grova »». Winner T*ja»-TLOK. down! Exclusivecollar GOLF SINGLES is designed for long* Laat day for round one of vhamplon­ •hlp fllfht. Score* due In office bj» 8:80 lasting neatness...has a.m. Thursday. Plrat day for re«i»d one no inner linings to of fllfhta three, four and five. Jlcore* will be due by 8:S0 a.m. Saturday, from wrinkle./.feels soft as the following men In theee fll«ht»i . . . Third Flight fine linen around Don lfcGraw v*.. Dlalc London. your neck. Get Van Pre*ton Moore vfe. David AnguUh. R. C. Brlnkoeter *». Robt. Tlmmlni. Heusen Century shirts Hobby Van Zandt •». Don Edward*. in white and colors, Tony Buekley v». Chat. Abereromble. John Pew »». Robt. Brewer. too! Regular or £ >- Edward Golden vs. Jos. Laughlln. wide-spread collars. & Hark Keller vs. George Brown. 2*. Fourth Flight White $3.95and $4.95 Joe Bob Jamar va. Prank Aahby. K r. Carlos Walker, vs. Bernard Skibkll. Colors $4.50 Robt. MeCalg va. Mack Stoeltje. Jas. Lauderdale vs. Arthur Ortolon. Van H»us«n Jack Tolar vs. J Im Cavender, Alan Carmichael vs. Phil Templeton. "ffce w*rM*s smarfitt" shirts Jay Clark Nowlln v». Jimmle Powell. NWyi Janes Cwy, Geo.' Montague M. Brown Toman. \ 'X Fifth Flight NswYsril 1, N. Y. Lewis Little vs. Bobby Houser. Harry Wabb vs. Wayne Rodgcrs. Phil Ransopher va. John Glass. Charles Kubln vs. fred Gerlach. Oscar Jones v*. Pryor Wynn. • ^ Robt. Tumham v*. Joseph Coffnian. ; Wm. A. Paulk vs. Xenneth Waldrip. W. W. Gibson v». Doug Daipper. -' 100?M200? TENNIS SINGLES, JJ7 C«M>«w Cla*s B :• S o'clock ' Russell Hirwood va. John Fordtran. John Knaggs'vs. Corwin Anderegg: ' Class' A ' 4 o'elocjc Mickey Bowes vs. Stanley Rosenburg. • • IF YOU'RE AN AVERACE SMOKER 5 o'clock N Winner Tom MeCampbell»Franci* Shoujt vs. . Winner Palmer Cummlng-Leon Lamport. " Arthur Oneck vs. Tom Arnold. THE RIGHT ANSWER IS OVER 200i Arthur Wright vs. Winner Ed Landry-l€CLtWlittA Ralph Tatum. F. Gene St. John vi; Rex Montgomery. Yes, 200 times every day your nose and throat are; 1 exposed to irritation... 200 GOOD REASONS WHY YOU'RE BITTER OFF SMOKING PHIUP MORRIS! made mm PROVED dchhitely milder ... PROVED definitely less irritating than ' x any other leading brand ..." PROVED by outstanding nose and throat: specialists. UNIVERSITY YES, you* & tomorrow..« «t this ttor*. Moccasin slyllng ot lt« bett~ douMe dock you smokod 20*59? wait lor smorfar oppearanca, gncAar protection m "*"*oZS£ 10fw39i*6for! and PHILIP MORRIS 4|to 914 • llta 49« • b v#tuurTm~w* **5 '? ? ' w VAK HEUSEN UKiyCRSIIY STYLES; r ivrr w&t/tt> '^vTrtiii 4 «*£ ?.«• J* i VL V -V .% -v fpi&f I -r'Tii •il *1 IT d«>T* f A. W&. h„J* 4 V t hfi?+ < ( • . jiiMMB is 4 /I f J DAI on on Hi* Compile * .Wjf£?ii J,>4 '* ws&sm 'L m >• I» T«"ln«w gu Srtberiiw cally useful. Some interstate pipeline iiria£tM& Zaxtm: -> companies, however, are, evading the' t&rp1 •? vsij^ To tiie 60-odd pipelines that have paid Legislature's mandate by shifting; part e tax under protest, It'is. The protect­of their tax to producers and royalty By RUSS KERSTEtf they ing firms obviously intend to test its owners. One, exporting approximately ^ ^, jf«m» Kdrtar -\ . -*.n cause a number of student# sub­tlcle ^ells the Bfenjjh constitutionality within the 90 days al­16.$ billion feet of gas a month, paid tax/'«\.J Beware of the unattainable!, • sist on only one meal every 24 the National Sttidenfe As* lowed them by state law. on only 4,7 billion. And 'it paid that ^ voters. hours." * (representing «5Q,000 attic! m 1 Although the.tote-getting possi­Lines move fast as the food, is meeting tb# pxaW&A* tujHjy To the majority of Texans, however," under protest , -. ' bilities of the high-sounding type . often of questionable origin, fa that-|veiy,r;ffta4«i^ «&•*«».. the tax is considered a justifiable one. 3. The state's new budget needs this ; of platform perhaps are better dumped into, old U,S. Army pur-letting up strong, dem« The principle argument against the income, estimated as high as fourteen -than their honest counterparts, plus trays. Narrow, tight aisles dent government &Jtyriri tax is its effect on interstate commerce. million dollars, to balance the books. As candidates in this election often and barren tables, along with un­better internftttooal =. fndji went... completely overboard. neighbor*, It can possibly be declared unconstitu-the matter starids, more than $800,000 civilised make each i0|(f ,c r A glance at Hhe platfomi-in meal an adventure. That Iter d?r reiio!fth»f, tional because of this, for both Texas' has been paid—about half of it, under •yesterday's Texan tevealrthat, by We're well off and didn't rea-will recall, didn't click hetaailfht­and the federal government's constitu­protest—with*the winter months of in-electing the proper combination of lixe it. t } ly tton seven months agp,* candidates, we will (by next referendum on tions make technical provision against -creasing demand still ahead. student joininjg I June) have accomplished a stu­LATEST IN NSA , NSA went down, 1,587 to Ijm such interference with, interstate com-<> There appears to be enough money pendous string ofc feattf:' v . The current issue of Mademoi­a voting turnout of eighteen * merce as this tax would seem to create. coming in from the tax. except for that 1.-Holidays for Round-Up. selle maga^ne carries an article, cenr of the student body. * 2: Dollar Bringing Yet no sound principle of law or consti­held in escrow during the expected test minimum wage for -on, pardon the expression, NSA. up that old ' Students, despite frequent proof" tutional guarantee is violated. Too, intra­trial, to guarantee state operations ufctil A brochure from the magazine's again? No, sir, buddy, wplrf 9f the impracticality of such an state operations are affected. " /. the next session of the Legislature. It is amount. By rftising the price on natural gas very unlikely that a special session will 3. Final ex*m exemptions.' I r» /) \T4$8>® . _ 4. Heaps of money for student going out of the state, the tax is com-be called in 1952 to meet the apparent government jf , the Permanent S*iring.Hrina cJLi parable to Arkansas putting a tax on" deficit/ since the state's general fund Fund amendment passes Novem­M ber 18. . 1 Arkansas-made shoes sold in Texas. surplus of around $6,000,000 will tide -. p"1 . . 5. More parking permits for A second argument: The tax makei the state over the 1952 pinch. before the press deadlipi _ „ "The report on all your aptitude tests shows you're not qualified students.. it costly, and in some cases impossible, In the event that the tax is declared ^ Hare Sy«t«m as a filler. So it is with great 4is­ for anything—have You ever theu^ht^of teaching?--~ 6. Transferable Blanket Tax. TO THE EDITOR? .appointment thatJ.Wtjee.gMi-rtjuT; for gas gathering companies;, to meet unconstitutional, other ways would have 7; ^Several kinds ;of honor sys-" Your editorial in Sunday's pa­eial space may be allotted v; DearG«ne: tems. their contracts.. • ' • ' v' to be found to raise*an amount of money per blasting. th« Dalby system is, future for Mr. Byers' dribble;1! 8. Abolishment of up-ot-out Nine-twentieths. of one cent per thou­comparable to that lost, possibilities are rule of University Administration. I think, premature. Judgment of We assuxtf you that! the system should be withheld un­of blank columns would be just sand cubic feet of gas is the new tax. an increase of Texas oil allowables re­9. Graduate dorm, graduate til it has bailed (or passed) at as well received on th«| itiil* nf^ ,;a On long term contracts, made before the sulting from the Iranian situation* a room in e'kpanded Union, and air-least one test. This Dalby system campus. r- conditioned' library„for graduates. tax became effective, the companies must general state sales tax, or a slash in is the result of one committee's' J.G., N.S., C.A., ^ . 10. New voting system. either absorb the added expense or raise state expenditures. rechecking the Hare system, and W.T.H., R.A.F., B.N., D.R.,; 11. Free cuts-based on grade to simplify., the is their attempt FiV.B. Jr., J.D.,' J.WJL" I the price of the gas. If considered logically, 'determining . averages. ^ intricacies of the Hare system. a 12". Bring back pre-registration. ..' (Editor's Note: '.BjeraiiafwfjSa! On the other hand, these factors the fairness'of the tax is no problem. ;; By BRAD BYERS '• half a dozen sheets of paper on Better apportionment" of . following the Hare system the word it drivel, not-dribble).' ' ^ 13. • Ttttan Managing Editor the counter with signatures on mechanics of tabulating the bal­ should be considered: • v This tax, the third lowest in the na­ faculty salaries. * ' l:si The Student health center is a. them. Our uncanny instinct served lots sometimes becomes compli­'sT ' 1. Texas is not unique in imposing a tion, is a long way from exorbitant. 14. No more shacks on campus. Very beautiful building. us again, telling us that those must cated; and people unfamiliar with Turkey Day J 15. Two years compulsory." PT tax on her natural gas. "Some consum­It was created to raise needed revenue" We. walked toward it very con­ be signatures of people who want-* the details of' tfce Hare condemn for women, instead of three. ing states actually impose a much greater for the state budget. . ^ , fidently at first, -with our head; ed to see doctors. it. I think most students want a TO TH£i EDITOR: , ( . 16. No more rebates , at book­ that some us up and our shoulders back. After system wherein a candidate with­It seems of tax on this same Texas gas after it We picked the list with'the few­ stores. It levies a comparatively small fee on all, there really is nothing fright^ out a majority of first place votes dents live so far from home est names on it and scribbled our And then there's the list of . reaches their borders," said R. L. Forte, a ,Texafe natural resource being used ening about it. • ' • " signature. Since we were determ­heeds a majorityjot the second the holidays are the only -time'tWel? president of the Texas Independent Pro­from coast to coast. That was before we got close to ined to go through with this, w« utter intangibles, equally long. place votes to be elected. This the have, of getting there. .'•> • Out of that mass of platitudes, --it. When you actually approach mi ft lookr^ni^oifedK'^g^« w*b\e. q some good ^may result. Certainly Dalb^g,tem ig mechani^% . scheduled to start on the 29th '«f<: ly as possible, 2. Even with the tax, Texas' natural And a reasonable tax is a justifiable First it becomes cold—cold, grejr ,there is nothing wrong with^ striv­simpler than the Hare and Wed­November. Why can't,we" jget'imt;"Room. 106," the girl said. We ing toward goals that are beyond gas is cheap enftugh to make it economi-one. (or is it white?) marble (or Aus­ nesday night even the most dense : on the 22nd like ev«ryp^5' what make an investigation of all the Dalby system the second! place after complete esaebN# •alailal "T.U." and "Yea T.U." The oneer", a KU landmark, was dent relations on the profes­ tery and fear, and disappeared. ,It (pin* peatai^) COO. Money back if aai painted with a thick passed by and glanced at us in a candidates eligible for his vote votes of both the majority and aatiafted. purple Campus points out that paint­substance resembling wax. sors. fuftny way. We'd simply have to did not help any to liotice that the responsrblity of each voter. the minority are counted before Franklin Inatitate, Dept. D-lif, ing campuses of rival schools He believes faculty mem­leave or they would think we were none of them Returned. After cheqking; think: beware a candidate is eliminated. Hare Kecheater 4. N. T. University officials and stu­ i is forbidden by th e SWC bers should try harder to meet crazy. We turned to walk awayr "Byers!" a/deep, hollow voice of the unattainables.. counted the second place votes dent leaders believe the work Sportsmanship Code. This is with their students out of the «. back toward the campus. _ growled. , • after the minority candidate Was was done by .outsiders rather the'* third consecutive year classrooms. As we turtied we saw that in a Could that possibly mean us? FROM PARIS scratched. . .. SPEEDWAY that painted "T.U's" have ap­• car parked only a few feet away No, of course not. We hadn't done An American student in gay . Let's recheck the Dalby system peared on the SMU campus. The president of Michigan there sat a woman driver. She was anything. We were, only sitting Paree writes: after Wednesday night. RA DIO * Stmt* has given advance no*, staring at us, Contempt on her there, reading our Newsweek .-"University -of Paris students LARRY CROOKE SALES & SERVICE Ric*'« stadium has had., an tice that they will refuse bias--face. It stopped us cold. If there "BYERS!" This time there was got angry and wouldn't eat this W. M. Walab, Owttar official -name change. It .is Quotabfe to play in Bowl games. His is anything worse than doctors, it no mistaking it. The man wanted we6k (mid-October) when the Speadway 7-3S4S Gene now the Rice Stadium. A res­ is « contemptuous woman, espe­us. We got up. That is, we tried Dear . njain reason for not wanting Ministry of Education hiked the olution changing-the name to play in bowl games is the cially a woman .driver. to get up. We were stuck. It was price of meals at the student res­TO THE EDITOR: from the Houston Stadium mess the Spartans got inter/ We ducked our head and march-most embarraBsing. We tried taurant by one and one-third The most disheartening words passed the Board of Trustees ed quickly up the steps and into again. Nothing happened. last year over the Cotton cents. Several thousand meals appealing in Sunday's T^xan were unanimously. Bowl. Big Ten officials vput the health center. Everyone stared' at us. Sum­contained in the phrase "to be ROBBIN'S BODY SHOP went down the drain." The immediate cause for In front of us there was a count­moning all our hidden reserves of The great art in .writing thumbs down on this last A half-dozen student foyers, continued" in Brad Byers' column, "Complete Body and Fender Repair? the change was a statement year.. -er, with people behind it and in strength, we made a final effort. advertisements is the finding says the letter, provide cafeteria-"Dear Gene." •k PAINTING * SEAT COVERS made by H. R. Cullen that he But the president front of it. Some uncanny instinct Slowly we gained our feet and We have tried to convince our­ out a proper method to catch goes walked, dazedly now style meals for close to seventeen * CLASS * AUTO REFINISHINe would like to see the name the eye; without told us that this where we toward "the year this column reader's further in his,refusal calling was cents a person. "These foyers are selves all that changed. But a steady stream should go. open doorway, The door closed 130ft Lavaca Ph. 7-48TS 'which a good thing may pass bowl games "Chamber of not for the weak in stomach, but was jotted down a few minutes of letters have asked for the ."Is,. . . could'I. see a doctor?" behind us—how, we'll never know. Commerce/promotion: stunts," name change since the sta­over unobserved, or be lost we gasped. We expected the pain The doctor sat at his desk, his and the "greatest fallacy With among commissions of -bank­ dium was built, we were feeling to show on our back toward us. Much £o our re­THE DAILY PRODUCE QUICK college football." rupt. .J' ; . • face and frighten the poor girl lief, he was '.not. green.~He was „ TEXAN• CLASSIFIED ADS RESULTS Wi«con«in'» Campus Chest' —Addison,'•'The Tatler" half out of her wits. It didn't. more of a purple color. A board of appeals has is far from its goal of $10,000 •. " b e en set up at"'Oklahoma "Which doctor?" she asked cold­"Doctor, will you have oper­Special and time is running out." To Glass, China, and Reputa-a ly." • ate?" we asked softly. Apartment -lor. Rent Services Lost and Found A&M to heat cases involving date $2,000 has been collect­.tion, are easily crack'd' and" "There's more than one?" He did not turn around. Finally violations of ,parking regula­ LOST: Lady Elgin gold watch. Some—rf* ed. : ,/"• never well mended. "Don't be funny/' she snapped. he said, "Sit down." IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE. Lovely HAIR CUTS .7Ec where on campus. Sally Tucker. Little-fs —Benjamin Franklin tions. Lucky students who can "Sign the list for the one you We fell into the chair beside his new cutstone and redwood two bed­Staey'e Barbet^Shop -25-02 Guadalupe Phone 2-Sl'B3. Reward. i field. Trophies will be awarded to prove they are . innocent have room apartment. 2X08 Woodmont. want." desk. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC. 26c; Better LOST WALLET—containing important fine money returned. WALKING DISTANCE of. campua. L»nte Home*, Pocket Book editlona. :,10c papers. Substantial reward. Photiat We saw then that there wete (Next, 'First Operation'), four-room furnlahcd apartment, HO. Cornice. 6c; Mavasines, books for ro-Frank Wilkinson 8rS784 or 8-2818. a And for Aggie Coeds Call SS-1306. ;... . aearch. work % price. 1806 Lavaca. WAVE recruiting office has Z-3S8S. recently been up in Daily Texan Crossword Puzzle set the Dancing DALLAS-FORT WORTH—$4.00 student union*-v ....... Houston. $8.50; Los Angeles $25.00. Daily Tana. > itaAuat ncwfjnpar of "Hi# DnlT«r»ity of_T«x««. 1* ACROSS 2. Abode Of 19. £jmal! Ballroom Clasaes Monday Car* and paesengers, all points. A-Auto LKT MW type your thcscii University published in Austin arcry morning «xc«pt Monday «nd S«tard«y. Snt«nb , " month for overseas forces. 1 ­ 1 A » 4 a" * TBOWPay 4 t^ssSs.' At? ' v Tnesdisjr •vntof, November. 8, -at' win and Jerome-Kern in the com­ & wonders will be offered at the weeks* -posers. They are Leigh Allen, so­Methodist Youth Fellowship's Hal­Speak to the group. -7 o'cloek in Journalism Building posing field, his music has sur--v ' k'*Wo* Blanket Tax holdefr -will In preparing-a ring, Hammer-loween Carnival Wednesday night, Thursday, November 1, it # Grace Hall will hold an after-212. vived a „decade ,of changing jazz prano; Karl William, terror;' Carol frfiWNMiti opportunity to hear four stein, whose own working meth­announced Jimmy Turner, MYF p.m. there will hi • Graduate Club hours Halloween p^rty at 11 p.m. The clinic, sponsored by Theta -styles. *77 lolittM from Broadway shows. a ods are slow and painstaking, gen­Jones mezzo soprano; and An-worker. , dinner at the Student Center. A Wednesday. The room will he de­Sigma Phi, 1nmi»nury frateml^r His pen has produced such popu­ [ iSOl-piece orchestra, and a -'chorus erally writes the words first, then] drew Gainey> bariton Scheduled t at thi business meeting will follow th|. corated with jack-'o-lanterns, and for women .in journalism, will fol-lar classics as "Mood Indigo," for p.m. ?offourteen perform these melodic turns them over to Rodgers to be Tickets"' for -non-Blanket T a x Methodist Education Center," the blSck cats. Table decorations willj^ »atory from the hands of the "Sophisticated Lady," "Solitude,**' ~ dinner and the R«v. Paul Bter­f £«afeTOt*^ T f~ > set to music. holder* are l.StO for adults and carnival will include a horrflf* itedt will speak. be carried out in an orange and reporter through the copy desk and "Do Nothing Till Too Hear * theme. i^e-cream, |K fl Vxe*enU$*'ii Gregory Gym a't Rodgers maintains that in 60 cents for children. No seats house, fortune telling, apple bob­' •" I-''' black Cokes, and into print. From Me." These have mad him V&1$ p.n». November %"the -pro-musical show the number should are reserved. bing* broom dancing, and * ma-Spooks, social arid service or­candy, and cookies will be served. Speakers on the program will in a charter resident of Tin Pan Al­ ^ fram will include the cream of the gician show. An added,.attraction ganization, will meet at the Alpha elude Betty Si^reV society «ditor ley. He has also dabbled "fcith the f~jW»oduciion .numbers frofn the six will be two girls sitting in rain­Phi house Wednesday afternoon at The Millel Foaadatien will hold on the Texan, and Brad Byers, more serious type of music, an* an inter-faith supper Wednesday Ttb/6 musical plays—''Oklahoma", coats holding candles while.cus­5:30 to go spooking, announced managing editor. All the club r»-thoring . '"Black, Brown, and at 6 p.m.Drs. Bernice and Harry ACT to Hold Tryouts pfcarousel". "State Fair", "Al- tomers try to put out the flame Pat Gox, president. ' porters will be given pamphleta Beige,? "Bluetopia," "Deep South Moore will speak on "How to Un­a of t'shgro", "South Pacific", and "The with sqtiirt gnns. * outlining procedure and style used Suite," and number folk L£ia* and I". Poona, University badminton derstand and Get Alongrwith Your for club news. operas. , —•.-l The food booth will have hot Neighbor." organisation, frill meet Wednesday ^'"".Oicar Hammerstein 11 and For 'Blithe Spirit' * dogs, apple cider and gingerbread * Along with the Duke's recogni­ at 7 p.m. in the Women's gym. Reservations may be made by |ftichard Rodgers had already for sale. The University Cfafrwill have a tion as a. eompoaer goes his ver­ Officers of the club for 1951 are calling Hillel. . #aehievftd individual distinction in Tryouts for the Austin Civic cast, but there are only two male The nursery will be open for • : *• Halloween Canasta party Wednes­satile orchestra, which will receive i&eir fields when they first collab-Theater production "Blithe Spirit" roles." those who wish to bring small Shirley Forehand, leader; Jo Ann A ladder pink pong tournament day at 8 p.m. at the club house. the spotlight at the coming varT Crow, assistant leader; Cordelia t, fcrated to turn the play ''Green will be held* at 8 p.m. Wednesday Tha^«ycrent traduction of the. children. Sprong, secretary; Joanne Hud-for girls Will begin at HiUel Foun­Hosts for the party are Dr. and iety show. and-Thursday at the ACT Play-Civic Theater's "Ten Nights in a There will be no general admis-gings, treasurer, and Rae Boker, dation November 11. Entries-may Mrs. Fred AdSms, Mr. and Mrs. Although he has lost a.few' house. "™;v Rarroom"--will beheld ^only—on. sion^but-the-lO cent change for rep'dfWjr be made by calling 6-2695 by No­A. R. MeTee, Dr. and Mrs. B. C. his long-time sidemen such as The production is scheduled to Saturday of this week-Curtain the shows will benefit the build­Tharp, Dr. H. Gordon Dsamon, wpd Lawrence Brown, Sonny Greer, vember 7. IV'i. DRIVE-IN open November 28»^The central time is 8:15 p.m. and reservations ing fund for the New Faith Meth Dr. Eleanor Pace/ -v \ and Johnny Hodges, he has placed ' Th» »"'»« «»'• Cawiitta* will larac 1" fce Kfcld until odis t^tutr reporters will havq^ <-r1nh will pl»y bridge Sat. in their stead Willie Smith, for-. 4 hold its regular class Wednesday with his second wife when his first Austin. urday night at 8 o'clock. The hosts nier favorite with Jirn mie Lunce^—— at 7:15 p.m. ^ Engineering Build­chance to learn publicity tech' wife, deceased, returns to haunt niques and forms for submitting will be Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Henry ford and Harry James on the alto • ­ . him. She wants to make her hus­in to Air The Freshmen Fellowship meet­ing. 301. copy to the Daily Teimn. at the I and Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Benson. sax; Juan Tizol, back from a trom­ The classes in sKde-rule Instruc­ 41 MAKE PLANS NOW band a ghost so that she can keep ing at the YMCA will be a Hal­ bone stints with the James band; Symphonic Works tion are free and are open to all |ga?JTO ATTEND OUR her eyes on hinu-An unfortunate loween party Wednesday night. and Louis Bellson, the young ex- interested persons. Attendance has accident, kills the second wife so . Ejsra Rachlin, conductor of the It will begin at 7 o'clock. Benny Goodman drummer. about at DOUBLE HORROf that two ghosts are on the job Austin Syrriphony Orchestra, will The party will include a floor averaged 40 students ISCUSS Coming along with the 'Duke, each of the four meetings held this to haunt the man. lecture Wednesday at the YMCA show, dancing, games, and the tra­ MIDNlGHfv SHOW year. Marvin Drews, a member" of and rightfully on equal billing, % An unusual aspect of this play Residence, 916 Brazos, at.. 10 a.m. ditional ghost stories. are, Nat (King) Cole and Sarah thi committee, has announced that TONIGHT is the large number of women's • Rachlin will discuss Mendels­ Vaughan. Four other lesser lights this week's class will , cover logar­ parts* Five feminine roles will be sohn's "Fingal's Cave," Dvorak's Members of the Lutheran Slu« round out a show that is one -of ithms. "SHAKE HANDS "New World Symphony," and dent Association are invited to( an the best jazz groups to con^e informal coffee Wednesday .at Serving on the committee are The major problems and goals San Antonio Street. WITH MURDER" Grieg's Piano Concerto. around in a long time. -• AUSTIN j The second in this year's series 3:30 in the Lutheran Student Cen-George Tuttle, chairman, Marvin of Israel's only medical school will Dr. Hirsh is engaged in aiding WELDING & be discussed Thursday by Dr. Jo­the Hadassah Fellowship-Progmtn i • plut of lectures, the discussions „ are RADIATOR seph Hirsh? executive secretary to under which Hadassah phyucians WORKS held to promote a better under­ AUTO REPAIRING "LADY IN THE standing of -the musical works-,to the. Medical Advisory Board of the and nurses come to the United eoo w.sthst Hebrew University-Hadassah Med­States to study medical advances ^ THAT LASTS! DEATHJJOUSE" be presented next Monday at the v' ™ ^'1 T«t-14731 ical School. He will speak at 8 and then return home to introduce next symphony concert. We call for & deliver. Admission is 50 cents for each p.m. at Hillel Foundation, 2105 t h es c techniques in Israel. At lecture or $3.50 for the aeries of present .24 physicians an d 10 Wanted for Cactus The BIG_GEST eight remaining lectures. x. nurses are studying under this 605 Trinity St.Phone 2-20SS „-„.There pl«nty of work for the end of November will be Names, Names, program. Having a party? *'-v everyone interested in helping on based tipon the studentswork and Nothing But— ~~~ -:The Hebrew University-Hadas­ interest this:semester as well as sah medical , school has planned to Hr Novaltr Rnbhar the Cactus. Charlie Pistor, Cactus Faculty and S+uderrf» Committees for Religious Em­ * HaliaM taflaua BSUMMS \ editor, reports that help is much last semester's experience. "emphasize the preventive and A Co*tuoi«»—Buy or Rant 'needed in preparing the multitu­The Cactus " office; located "in phssfs Week, February 17-21, social aspects of medical care "W* Know Your Wa kava Navaltlaa af all typaa Journalism Building 302, is open have been set up* and' are begin­which will lay the groundwork for dinous annual"-copy beginning to . AUSTIN NOVELTY Cp. pour in from the many campus from 2 to 5 p.m. Monday through ning to make plans. On the Board a higher helath level of people." FORD BEST" eoow.stb Friday. / of Directors are Dean L. D. Has^ Dr. Hirsh Says the medical school organizations. Iff mSONI kew, Charles Roberts, Anrfe Shaw, will provide a center of medical All volunteers are requested to' Clar/nce Doss, Father Gerald Ma-Genuine Ford Parts science research and serve as the TIMMIEROGERS come help mow even though work Wica Sweetheart guire, Connie Saulson, Ralph.Per-instrument for raising health and Ford Trained Personnel oif"thejiiHicuTaf^^iftetlOTfoir^ieh PEG LEG BATES aon,r Eem iHalton..Bick. Hatch. Bob standard^not^ onlv of larael. but HH 1^ IH1MMS begin until they signed does not Gude, and Bill Blumberg. the entire Middle East." *~$1.00 PRICES STUMP & STUMPY TWO SHQWS NIGHTLY later in the year. There are nu­To Be Presented Members of (Tax Incl.) the steering Com­Having spent six Weeks earlier PATTERSON * JACKSON merous tasks to be done on the S3.#0 Feature Starta at 7 P. M, Saturday Night mittee are Anne Shaw, chairman; this year in Israel, Dr. Hirsh made Chassis $2.40 sections now being p<«pared.— Hugh Smith, Bill MARIE BRYANT DANCERS Echols, Katie the young medical $1.80 an analysis of Lubrication -$1.00 - Spotworad by AUSTIN CIVITAN CLUB YANK Students with .the greatest The Wica Sweetheart will be Blumberg, James Hunt, Diclc school which made It possible forCOMING NOV. I, CITY COLISEUM number of wpjrking hours by No­presented Saturday night at the Hatch, and Harold Klientnan. .the Medical Advisory Board to WRECKER SERVICE TICKETS ON SALE WEDNESDAY, OCT. 17 vember 13 will Be eHgible to aid / "AL JENNINGS Mica-Wica Sadie Hawkins D a y The following working commit­-formulate a set of recommenda­ J. R. Read Mutic Co., University Co-Op, Stwti in the Bluebonnet Belle judgring. tees have been appointed: OF OKLAHOMA / Dante from 8 to 12 o'clock in Tex­tions for dealing with problems of Sporting Goods, Record Shop, Talley's News Stand Dan Durjraa ~ Pistor also reminds the volunteers Assembly: Scotty Wilson, Mary as Con­SWEARINGEN­ as Union Main Ballroom. the plan. He has served that they should work at tealt Henson, Patricia Cook, Allen Kil-sultant to the UN World Health "EXPERIMENT ALCATRAZ" A Dogpatch theme will be car- John Howard . / five hours a month. lam, Don Biehl, Billie Grace Ung-Organization Interim Commission ARMSTRONG -ried-out-in-the 4Scorationsr'and " Another^"incentive to ' spend ierir, Aubrey JOavis, Xois "Nicker-1st 4 Colorado-« Ph.^8-3457 those attending will dress in the DRIVE tN more hours helping tbe annual son, Margaret Petty, Mickey Mc-Radio Guild to Meet fashion of Lil* Abner, Daisy Mae, staff is the fact that the selection Lernon, Kathryn Smith, and Rob-Radio Guild will meet Wednes­ Hairless Joe, and..Moonbeam Mac- J,MRt BELVEDERE of assistant section editors toward Swine. « i, ertz Katz. Charles Petet is advis day night at 7 p.m. in Texas Un­ -RINGS THE BELL" . ; or. • -• --• • . ion 315. After a short business "Kickapoo Joy Juice" in the . —with— Book Display: Blanche Rock-meeting, tryouts for th e next, Clifton Webb K more palatable form of punch and ney, advisor, Jiin McKinney, Lucy production "Leave it to Callie" Vanity Inn -cookies will be served,an4 records Lee Spekker, Joe Brock, Foy Cle­will be held. Tom Collins will be "COCKEYE&1 WONDER" will provide music for dancing. ment, Mary Ann White, Dorothy the producer. Mickey Rooney The Friendliest Place is Tswn The best-costumed boy and girl Deayer, Jerry Renner, Forest 6208 Dallas Highway and the Sweetheart will be pre­Hertel, Doris Forman, and «Sey- EXPRESS BUS SERVICE Prescriptions Phone 53-9012 , sented with gifts. A floor show mour Pomerantz. VG-iN Tpi5j featuring variety acts will, be pre­Breakfast and Retrfeat: Helen to HOUSTON Allercreme Cosmetics "KATIE D IT" sented. Deathe and Bob Breihan, advis­Call 2-1135 Surgical Garments 4 Hours —with— -/ The five Wica Sweetheart fi­ors, Tip Murrelli Johnnie Human, ED MINOR, Pharmacist ~ Anne Blyth nalists are Bill Nichols, Ford ,Niel-Helen Deathe, Flo Weber, Caro­Kerrville Bus Co. ' 1910 Guadalupe son, Bill Shewmake, -Dick Carney, line Lettprmann. Pftt McCutcheon, 118 E. iDth / Phone 2-5211 "DESERT GOLD'1 (A Western) yjZcdamoAaA ond George W. Miller. Bob Ellisi GjU)'ria McRaw, Nell Niederauer,7Shelby Reed, Peggy ...Also to be presented are the Fulton, Monroe Csimskey, Eliza­ "The Mosf Popular five finalists of the Mica Most beth...Ann Donan, Carolyn TJssury, Beautifu^Freshman conteet. The-y Arnold. Sweet, and Hersdhel Ber» / Place Jo Eat -.7.. are Betsy Bell, Pat Galloway, Ann TERRIFIC SAVINGS ON nard. .. "KATIE DID IT" Chipman,. Ann Donoghue, and Anne BlytH Faculty: Dr. J. I. Jones, Kerry Mexican Food Myrlene Anderson. STARTS FRIDAY! Preston, Tommy Miller, Franklin v Matinea 'til 5 p.m.' _ SOe "DEPUTY MARSHALL" 504 EAST AVE. Spears, Jack Banner, Joseph &&ance cJCeAdond Night ..-i. -—... $1.00 Stool. Advisors are Dean Haskew with— Jon Hall—Francaf Langfort) Phone 7-0253 SEMI- Children Anytime _'28c- •/. and Father Maguire. / • '• 7 HOURS Finance: Jack Taylor, advisor, PRIVATE Pat Carter, Don Carroll, Charles Collins, Martha Ann Haschke, Guy Plus 5 HOURS PRIVATE -Student Health Center Rucker, Leo Lee, John Lee McMil­ SENSIBLY -/ James Lansford, Rolf-V-ictor lan, and Ma*el Silverberg.Laube, James Mosley Nash, Sid­PRICED >SHE ney Amis Padgett, Allen • Louie AT Stiiley, Dick E. Atchiston, Helen m- ONE DAY AT INTERSTATE THEATRES LaNelle Bucek, Richard Caru- This eonrse sells tluwlMr* for thers, Robert DonaM Dove, Cleaning and Pressing;. -*57.50 (TWICE OUR PRICE) 40%. LONSHORN CLEANERS HURRY1 Offer Limited 'Above Taxa* Theater 7-9439 SO SYMPHONY 4!80» . L** ' McKiriney, SSM CiMdalup* Ph. s-aas* Donald .lie. McAlphin. William Alvin McMahen, Jimmy Lawrence ORCHESTRA Magill, Robert A. Najjar, Allen Kerry Preston, Frank Clark Pen­ E?ra. Rachlin, Musical Director dleton, Albert Thomsui Saffold, Thomas Day Smith, Jere William Thompson, Graciela Vallve, Ri­ mtoiiE Contad <£at fashion $0 chard A. Wells, and Sara W. HttsNA cams the Campus Booths Woolrich. at the Union for JJO yonA disad SEASON TICKETS BRENDA JOYCE MEL FERRER. -> $3.50 for 8 Cpncerts TEXAS "SHAGGY" Sweep back your curls , into tlie latest Fall "THE BRAVE! With ROBERT SHAYNE •i Next Concert: Nov. 5,'8:30 p.m.-i—City CoHsetllm , BEGINS g • • nair-styles. We permanent ami style hairdos Cypres* Gardens, City,of , 4,Sona Surrender" Beautiful Girls : Th* Sam* Prodacar* Cast That Thrillad You Radjo Wave, which' took the guesswork out with "THE RED SHOES" K of permanents, will make you lovelier than EIIU Flr»t Show e pm. First Shpw 2 p-m., i"*l Banjamtno Gl(Ii i«iKATIE ever before. <• A "Francis Go«s -9>(\ "I Love You Only"'- p«. i* Hoflmattri " Raw to4ettNK*WW&3i MarkStovwta 'WIHTY ?1 \/s- .SEATS.RESERVED j£Mo QueiHoru. »0tfi MAT. 2:30 ~ #kow efje. -1 .^flGirrStr JAHtPOWEU & Asked" -. flrt Girf"r ..Tiduts lfow on Sale »s9th—St* Rhone _8**7325IL Mid Diaaal ClMiaFere ^ Shop 2 J0I W. 5th St. Phone 2-1626 «»oo c B«Oflic.Op-^ wmm­ is® — Mm&wa mmm