ISIS! a.•£ XtfSShtiu."\'l 'II -V"feA&ve&ks£SBS8Stffi Y. r*y mSSP fm€?yr 'SEffi ift **, W w-% 2% iv ii"r fr Jg j f W t* Dol ly I'n-nh •Sevt h S&. . 'Will it _ hurt?" . te-«ITl fc^ lTw , |«ssing*I»f-IMV <1-to * —— ,,wm WW*••* ~^-"*"11 1TiginUIwlVW*"on tudi»tjWI-n4P>; " back the int telling hii ; the camers-r-tee-heel" pipes up a [ the x-ray shows negative," the In case som« Ing shows up, a l«t-VOL 51 "* "tiie St«te Department hira to see his freshman. "Do tattoos make a 4Jf~ explaint for la sent Price S Cents AUSTIN, TEXAS, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30, r; i!ll,J 1951 1111 Six Pages Today ferenee?" asks a burly ex-tailor, sendspsrt ofthe card doctor, who Is jtitW sSStelfiwl' of Heal contacted." s< '#• A demure, shapely co-ed whisper* "jyj.'-o si*' II i ,v'.; -• « -1 *» the ear of the female attendant, Ipisx# "Do I have to take off th«se you- know-whats? They might show IS. Questions like there'•ra^whal make many x-ray technicians tear UT Non-athletic ••o < _ • their hair. Or; like the one now • hi1? «jf*** < -<« t v.4rS i _ til' Jhi>f «4»* snapping chest portraits at the Student Health Center, some just stoically resign themselves to their .fate. . "The general public usually has -.. ' ; — — VtT. «.v f.-~ •" ——— -. ' --'."J - Rafund Driva ^ suspicions about the x-ray ma- B—idfnA$*ociat*4jggt— * < : Vv,>v ^ against colonialism. 7 ^ 1 Chine," said the technician be* On CEC Tickats, Assistant Secretary of State George HcGhee^ who will tween shots,, "but students don't Nona on B-Tax discuss American policy in. the Near East a|the Great Issues Opposition to the American attitude seems to beleased «j&%; have any attitude at all. Girls arc! »fraid of being shocked much of session Friday, November 16, has drawn the fire of the fear that nationalist extremism will spread to the Frenc The cost of the Blanket Tax the time." This is close to logic; may be reduced next year as a re­French Foreign Office for his advocacy of American support North African colonies of Morroco and Tunisia.^^^ ' since 2,000 volts of electricity sult of a law passed by Congreta for nationalist movements in the colonial and semi-colonial The French feel tfiat the anti-British explosioris in are used by .the apparatus* last week. _ Set up in the basement of tho Moslem states, , according to Associated Press report^. and Egypt were encouraged by American refusal of fifll^ Dr. Archie N. Jones, chairman Health Center, Jthe x-ray equip­ The French position that the U.S. policy of encouraging support to the European powers in the Middle East, and! of the Cultural Entertainmentment turned out more than 600 Committee, said Monday that the Middle Eastern nationalism with a view to gaining support that an immediate end to colonialism would result in gpfeater pictures Monday. The machine law specifies the abolition of taxes instability in that area. there against the Soviet Union is mistaken.­ will be Tuesday and on any amusement sponsored by Wednesday frnm 9 f.m, t*> ? pwy te-supported" itdiiAitionkl Twafi--McGhee's -recent tour-of -the-Middle -Eastr during which ...Fjpance is seeking U.S._support agairlst the:Arab" HiwvJn } vember 1. All performances in the death of John Douglas Kinser on ing. " Shelton based his arguments on By DOROTHY CAMPBELL tion 37 to be used for student ac­students are id be kept, informed CEC series are on dates after No­October 22. Sheriff Best stated that he was these points: McGhee, whose trip to the Mid*'^^. , Candidates running for student tivities. "We would have a better as to what is going on. the keeper of the jail and that he die Esst was the immediate target jjw vember 1; tberefoTf, these tickets Wallace was released! last Thuft- (1) that the star state witness,chance if we went to the Board of government offices were put to Charles Prather, Point 2—"Stu­will be* sold tax-free at. $6." day under a $10,000 bond after a would not release Wallace until Wiley O. "Pete" Edgar,^had iden­of French eriticism, is assistant the test Monday in a modified Itogents and the Legislature rath­ he saw Wallace's parents or until secretary of state for. Middle dents pay for their blanket tax controversial, legal point' caused a tified the assailant, who le^t the version of the stump speaking er than the administration," and if they cab't go to a game, disagreement _ between Sheriff Polk Shelton, the defense attorney, clubhouse at the Pitch and Putt Ea&tern, South Asian and African "Wright saidT" held every spring. they should -at least be ,.able Ernest Best and District Attorney agreed. —•-_ Golf Course after the shooting, at affairs.--' v was into . Sidney Siegal, .Point 2—"By to In examining trial, Travis *' vas^'are!'*^' -The meeting broken let someone else use their blanket Bob Long. tifce a distance of about 200 yards-; . His field includes four groups with the candidates getting the assembly to be the The legal tussle between Long Blakeslee, justic« of the peace, in which European colonialism has tax." - (2) that there was a difference from Arts and Sciences, Educa­first to act on the filial exemp­and Best, started when Sheriff ordered Wallace held in custody long been the dominant force tion,BBA^ and Fine Arts reading tion system, then the departments Point 4-—'"the free cut system Best would not release Wallace after hearing two of the state's (of one numeral) in the license where hie must deal with the prob-. their platforms and answering the that want too exempt students can has been kicked around more than Fire .for Department of Public Safety witnesses. But Deferso Attorney number that Edgar had given to lem of satisfying^ , the rising go oh from there. It should origi­anything else, but if students can the police and the one on the car questions posed by the students demands of natidnalism ' and keep up their -averages, they which Wallace was driving; and from' the schools they represent nate in the asembly as it doesn't protecting the colonial lands from at" the Campus League of. Women look like it is going to originate should be permitted to cut. Campus Rapublicant (3) that Edgar testified he be­the spread of communism. Cur­ lieved the-car was a black, tWo- Voters meeting Monday. anywhere else." • •••• .Jim Galaway, Point 2—"Indus­ rent problems in the Hear East • Elact Officars'y door Buick sedan and Wallii.ce was Candidates from law, graduate, Bernie Dow—r'SFaculty evalua­trial engineers aren't sure Whst will be the subject of -his Great • picked up in a dark blue Pontiac. and engineering schools were in­tion should be held every year." school they are in, but at present The new chairman Of the cam­Issues tftlk. troduced to the league, but did Bill Hallmah-—"The student are under the management school pus Toung Republican Club Mon-After its investigation, the McGhee is a native of Dallas^ ­ Grand Jury'will vote on whether lot participate in the stuinp body is too put of touch w^ stu of BBA. They should have special .day.x unofficially. ..«ndorse4 Gen. where he is *a well-known petrol* there. i«. enough eyid($n$e to. bring peaking. dent government and needs to be leade'rahii)?' 'Calawayspokeon^in? Eisenhower, "because I believe ie sum engineer and* phUantfa»episfar~~ v point Wallace to trial. If so, it will re- Some. ofyfti^^studenti^^overh-rtimnlated." other not in his platform wi •He has established the.MeGlm-/ uan Menaoza tfrA'woKrat-tUirH"'ah Itidictmenr* ment aspirants did not attend the Margaret EndreM, Poiiit "We noed to look into the voting ertt Foundation, a loan fund which pieeting.Others did not have a "Support -of TISA will give us an system so ..that sororities, fratern­Other campus Republicans had visn Army and minister of educa­tended by State and University District Court. If Wallace is in­provides scholarships for Dallas•­ opportunity to benefit from their ities, and independents can have tion, will be honored by an officials. • dicted, the bail may then be reset platform, or did not expand on much high school graduates. to -say about the Truman the one they had. f " Wot^nia iM a'^vitiei.'" " an equal chancer The voting sys ROTC review as part of . eij^er-will at the discretion of the presiding administration' a'iid" political" vi&-~ judge. -" (Refer to platforms on page 4) Ted Pride added "better faculty tem should be set up as the grades tainment planned for his three-visit the offices of the governor, rals «|tder it. ASSOCIATE JUSTICE evaluation system" to his plat­are, with first place Votes, count-, day visit to the .University. where he will be made an honor­Kinser, who was a 33-year-old "Another reason I'm for Eisen­student Only two candidates are op­form. ing three points;' second p l a c e hower," said new chairman Nancy Scheduled to arrive November ary Texan. . University and operator of the small "golf course, was shot posed for associate justice-—Jim Gayle Garth said that she had Votes counting 2 points, and third Sue "is because I 1, Col. Mendoza and his party of On November 3 the ^party will Allen, think four times with a .25 caliber pis­ Leonsr an d Jacob Bergolofsky. the interest and the time to run place votes counting 1 point. he's the only candidate who is a three-will-begin their closely fly to-Dallas to visit SMU. Col. tol. Late last week the investigat­ does have and can give each issue careful EDUCATION packed schedule November 2,with Mendoza -Will attend the UT-SMU Leonard, who not a sure winner.'^ ing detectives, M. M. Lee and T>. platform, advocated more publici­consideration. ' Donna Calfieron -said that she John Plasky, outgoing chair­an informal breakfast at the game as a guest the University S. "Pete" Weaver, had not found ty for the actions of the student , . BBA •, • ;.-4 did ntft promise specific-points on man of the campus GOP'ers took Commodore Perry Hotel. Next a and will be/Honored in half-time Bv tk* AnooiaUd J*rM* the weapon. Since that time they : court. Bergolofsky did not attend Dolph-Simon—Point 1—"Pre-her platfofm because the Board a slam at the administration for tour of Austin and the. University ceremonies. Funeral services for former have further the meeting. registration needs to -be re-instat­ will be conducted. . released no infor­ of Regents had enough control not raising the wages of the civil Visiting the United States pri­on the investigation. State Senator Alvin J. Wirtz, at­ l#s| mation ARTS AND SCIENCES ed -for fall and spring semesters; over the assembly to make it hard-service worker sooner. A parade of the Combined marily to inspect the University, torney and former undersecretary BUI Wright, in explaining point I plan to talk to the faculty about to get anything done. / "The Democrats are now ROTC units at noon on Whitaker Col. Mendoza is also returning of the interior were held today at 1 of his platform, said that with this." ready to give anyone in the gov­Field will be followed by an offi^-Chancellor Hart's visit to--lima, Otho Crawford, Point 1~ the blanket tax non-compulsory, Doug Walker—Point i—"Pro­"Round-Up should be made a spe­ernment who can vote.a raise," last springs Broken Elevator tKe•"Frrirt"^3aptisf-ChWc^Tilre7 and the decrease in enrollment, fessors salaries arid blanket taxes he said. After having served as Peru­Dr. Carlyle Marney, pastor, of­ cial holiday most, 'of the stu­ Turns Automatic the administration should appro­were raised, but the students are dents are going to .cut it anyway." Pat C. Miller, state college di­vian military attache in Japan, ficiated at the last rites. Burial priate approximately f16,000 still only paid 60 cents an hour." rector of the Young Republican was in the State Cemetery. Oct. 31 Deadline Point 3—"Tests could be taken 1935-38, Col. Mendoza .became On Unwary Rider^ from and one-half million Stan Rosenburg, Point 2-—"Bet­club, charged with organizing Wirtz collapsed of a heart at­ to see if the lighting in the Main commanding officer of the Peru­ the University1 wilt get if the vot­ter delivery and -wider distribu­clubs on campuses all over the vian military mission in Fort tack Saturday during the Rice- Library is adequate. — ~ One of the main Tower eleva­ ers pass on House joint Resolu­tion of the Texan is needed if FINE ARTS state, declared that the admini­ Leavenworth, Kas. tors stopped at tenth floor Texas football game in' Texas X the stration had a vested interest in Memorial Stadium and died a few Bert Rees, Point 1—"Prices As minister of education, Col. late Friday afternoon, and the government and could swing most About 600 tickets have . been minutes later. are too high at the bookstores and Mendoza helped in the recent for­boy' standing outside peered of the votes oh the Federal pay-drawn for the SMU-Texas game too many students lose money on mulation of Peru's national plan through the glass partition. No roll. ' Saturday, Edwin W. Olle, busi­ rebates." of education. _ operator* He had buzzed, and it New officers elected last Thurs­ness manager and assistant ath­ Jean Marie Edge, "Continued shopped; so he opened the doors day are, Nancy Sue Allen, chair­letic director, -announced. 4 UT Stadent* Get. Scholarships support of the Cultural Entertain­ and stepped inside. The elevator' man; Royce Bailey, first vice-"The drawing has been "fairly Four University pharmacy stu­ ment Series helps the students re­ paused for just ai moment and chairman; Nell McCracken, sec­slow, Kut that's normal for a Mon­dents—including tffiree Austinites ceive better artists for their own then swiftly glided down to the ond vice-chairman K and Paul day following a home game," he —rhav« received Southwestern entertainment." Also more infor­ Inain floor. It's Dad's Day at the University Post cards' are ji.yailabl«i at Dean Strauss, third vice-chairman. said. Drug Corporation scholarships for on Saturday, November 10, office for students mation should be made ayailable Also Helen Thaxton, secretary; still have Tuesday are Henry L. Byars, The girl operator, sitting in a Blunk's to Students 1951. They about the series. ^ corner, looked up as he walked Dads will be given, prizes, hon mail to their dads. Camden Chancellor, correspond­and Wednesday from 8:30 to 12 Bonnie Lorene Evans, and Charles Arlene, Kay did not attend the ing secretory; and Don Hinton, out. ored at. the f-ootball game, and and 1 to 5 to draw the remaining]E. Hill, all of Austin; and Johnnie BOBBY presented loving cups and /icho-meeting. .treasurer. tickets. Sacaris, of Houston. "How did you jjet in there?" By JONES Awardt to B« OiVen - she asked. larships. 7 He mumbled SoiWeth'ing about For. the first time there will To Boy or Girl On or Off Campus getting in and riding down. ^ Journalism students' jokes: A be something for the mothers to "You to," group of feature writers, sitting do while their husbands are being 'Invitation cards for. f'Dad"' on weren't supposed she said; "The elevator got stuck, around the Journalism Building, toasted. Theta Sigtna Phi, na­"his" day (Saturday; November tional fraternity for. women in 10); may be picked up at a booth this morning, and the technician were discussing the pqsisibilities is above trying to make it work." journalism, will honor them at .an in front of the Union Building of tall, thin, professors as feature "Well," the boy said happily, coffee hour from 9-:30 to Tuesday and Wednesday, Harry objects. One jovially remarked 11 a m. in the Rare Books Robm ;Webb, third vice-president of the time to walking off. "now it works." • Now in tl( Main Building. Dad's.Association, announced. ' launder Saman summoned people who had On this night the Druids de­Origin of the jinxes connected that "01 (fill in the prof's name) sheets arid polish broomsticks. It's died during the year and those cided which souls were to be re­ Df is are eligible for . four Tjie Cowboys will be in charge wth Halloween are still unsolved ought to make a wonderful sub» w time to throw away that rabbit's whose souls been the their animal and no one knows where "unlucky had put in leased from bodies. awaiis—the oldest dad, the of the booth which will be open themei Even -js foot and that four-leafed clover. bodies animals , because This was the of ject along that his Mica Narrows to youngest dad, the dad with the from 8 a,m. to 12 noon for those Halloween is about to descend of they also beginning 13" started. Walking under a lad­ hair is thin." ' had been evil while alive. the Druid new year. der became w mosf, children in the Univeni^, students " who have: not yet re­ unlucky much later in full force on the University. when painters asked people not "Oh'we'll," deprecated another..' and the dad who comes the ceived their invitations. " Judging from those of the past, to walk under-their ladders * be­ "Who wants fat hair?" ~ ' stest distance to attend. Iden­ 5 'Most Beautiful' it will not be a quiet Halloween. fl prizes will be given to sons cause of the danger of falling • and daugMj^'olT'irimniig'-' dads. ~ Weird things happen t<> the paint. / . .. ^ _ , Mica narrowed its list of beauti-Along the line' of feature Writ^yf campusonHalloween^ The son or daughter of the The."three__on a—match" idea ful freshmen girls to five Monday ing subjects, Drr 'DeWitt'Red.dick^' known as "Allhall "typical UT dad," to be, picked started by a Swedish match com­afternoon and when the ballots a professor' of " feature Writing," "Nutcracker Night. at the meeting Kovember 10, will pany. If they could get people to were. counted Ann Chipman, Bet­was diseussing one of his students'.: Batfi fly in sorority houses, and reeeive. a tuition scholarship for To Start Soon 8:30-12 and 1-5—Drawing for 4r—Rally Committee, .Waggener put put their matches after only sy Bell, Ann Donoghue, Marilyn ideas in class, working out a way„ street-signs ire turned in wrong nsxt semester. The winner will be SMU game tickets, Gregory Hall 401. two people had lit .their eigarets, Anderson, and Pat Gallaway were "to write the story. The subject directions. Garbage is strewn over chosen for looking like a typical Curbs and sidewalks nearly • Gym. 5—Election Commi%sionr Texas they feould sell more matches. chosen. i was about one of the memorials to-• ths eampus and every movable ob- university student's father. completed, Speedway is about ject is moved.; .... 8:30-lr—Runoff in freshman law Union 305. : . These top-five gals will be pre­volunteer firemen, down at the Inscribed loving cups itffll -be presidential election, Law Build­sented to the campus in the Forty Capitol. Dr. Reddick said, "Now ready to. be paved between the -Compared oldTtime 5—A Cappella ;Choir, rehearsal, awarded the Best All-Round Girl Experimental Science Building with Hal-ing. Music Building 200* Daadlina to Drop Coursa Acre Follies November 9 and 10 I have the feeling, Oswaldo, that loweens,< modern are rather . otoes k and otie of them tf-ill be pro­you could take this'statue and use and the Best All-Round Boy by and Twenty-sixth Street. This is mild. In l912students were study­ 9-6—Free chest X-riys, Health 7—Inter-Co^op Council, Texas Un-Without PanaltyNaars the Dads* Association. Loving the first step in a project to l'and-ing in the. old Library Building Center. . ' ion 301. claimed "Most Beautiful Fresh­it as a. jumping off place • .. cups also will be given-to thei scape around , the new buildings' 9:30-^-Dr, L. Lem S.tokes' at Cof­November 1 marks the. end of man Girl." , ; when a prankster locked them 7—Sigma ' Alpha Iota, Musie , Twenty-one, v the the first six weeks of tbe currenit instead of girls''and boys' campus orgsniza-*nd is also part of "lih' extended in.^ Their horrified cries bright fee Hour, Wesley Foundation. Building 200.' . Ranger Prevue: The London4 ' Itions^liftying the largest percent- semester and therefore^ the last iis(ial twenty, were in the semi-cockney h?d been -jilted by his campus janito^hatcbetinj^^ CollettJessent^-ope^ Phi-Delta-Phi^-Mo»sRo« a ^^Artist'in™A^tiori-i finalsbecause of ra-tre betweeiT girl-friejd.t so he decided,to •join^^ ^ age of dads at the meeting. Gloria. :two~3T the girls. c-J^^^gn Legion and end^firillF3*2 UiHv#rsj|y business manager. ITalloweeh .hius not always been S01. gistrv'spffice states. Th* semi-finalista are Carla Jo Soon -he found himself * right in ,Cock'«:JA»n^JKrgeman. ^Martihe ths thick of battle, and ill a fit of r tif&m , St?eet "lo*~tfie "Home Economics Aasoeii line for dropping,cours^'without(iSetty Hertfid, Lynne LovinggoddT hail of bullets'^and^sltou^e^'^o the dads W® ^tidn meets Yt Texas State Bank. 7:30---InternationalFolk^ a grade. If the student liaii a' ''C" Shirley Lynn, Mary Lou vLyn«^i game, the space,* Mr. Taylor ' said that he anity. They held a festival 4:00—Great Isauces Courpta com­G|roup, International Room, man cowering on the ground­ " lal ichedlilifed event of the day: ihou^tt it average or better he may' also Sandra Mayfieid,. Pat McGinn, side him,""I catna here to diet; every autumn, fpr Saman, the god mittee, "Y," , Texas Unjon. drop the course without a grade Julie Peddie, Sylvia Spragins, What about you?" „ 0 ®Letters inviting the : 13*12,"victory Otne TLOK Mon­son for touchdowns and scored » There is only one undefeated mont (night), Sain Houston State day night in a class A club divi­o$ce himself on ah Intercepted team among Texas colleges and it vs. John MdNFeese at Hunt sion contest. TLOK scored first on paaa. Alba scored on an intercep­NEW YORK, Oct. 20.—(VP)-— Rose Bo^rl fever, moved into third outside the top ten. haa been tied. (night), Trinity vs. N(^th T« 't pHl from "Wayne Odors to Jack tion by Pete -Gonzales. Tennessee and Michigan; State after humbling Indiana, 21-0, and Tennessee has orfe of its tough­Baylor managed to keep its State at San Antonio (night). Hooper. Tejas tied the score on i clung to"the no; one arid no. two sent unbeaten Georgia TeCh, 8-7 est games next Saturday against University of Houston vs. Wiehi-' C. B. Spmrall connected with record clear of defeats last week a pass from Ray Cunningham to five touchdown passes to positions in the. Associated Press vlctbr over Vanderbilt, skidding North Carolina while Michigan when it battled Texas AAM to a ta ai Wichita, 'K^-:'^iekas-;lflii«k|"lead football poll Monday but the-reft to fifth, v 'A..., State ia idle» Illinois plays Michi­theran vs. Southwest Texas Junior X*oyd Hampton, and went ahead, SPE to a, 33-7, victory over Phi 21-21 tie. . ' : / 18-7, on a pass from Jim Mint-Delta Theta in a cjass A .contest. of the top ten.underwent a minor Maryland also moved up a ain-gan, Maryland meet* Misaouri, College at Uvalde (night); Texas' Georgia Tech faces Duke, Prince­Texas ranks seeond with si' 5-1 jpomery to D6an Dtinlap. Z«ke Exceptionally gobd"receiving frdht shakeup. >, gte rtmgf td the no. four on the A&I vs. Abilene Christian College strength of its 27-0 rout of LSU. ton meets ' Brown, Southern "CaJ record. ^ at Kingsville (night),-West Texaa Zbranek caught * short toss from •1} hands aided the winners cause. Wisconsin, which spoiled North- The; pride of Eastern football, opposes Army in New York, Bay­.This week finds Baylor playing State vs; Arizona State of Tempe' Montgomery for ttie extra point. Charles. Banks, Granny Dean, Bill western's perfect season 41-0, iPrinceton. diwbed from eighth lor faces TCU, California engages TCU at Waco while Texas takes at Temp^r Ariz, (night), Texas • OdotngotTLOK within rcach dR Adams, and Spencerspencer C^rsee showed the greatest gain^ leaping to sixth after its 53-15 she!lacking UCLA and Wisconsin tikes off on arch rival SMU at Dallas. Western vs. Texas Tech at rEl a scoring aerialto Charles Arnold, caught, touchdown passes for the from the 14th notch to no. 10. but the try for extra point failed SPE's. Adams caught two. The Badgers, replaced Texas, of Cornell. Indiana. The standings of the leadidg Paso (night), Hardin-Siminbna Southern California, which had vs. Cincinnati at Abilene (night). tumbled and Tejas had a ball game. Richard Gonzales paced New­which to 12th despite a (Texas teams: a tight squeeze t&get past Texas • 14-6 victory over Rice. -, ratata I 'W I :,1 Pf»Alpha TTau Oinega won »thsnlil-man Club to a, 32-0, victory . Mtet tMM —T„a,, in. Illinois. Maryland and Prince­Christian 28-23, fell from sixth to l. ff-») (»») 1.211 Baylor _4 0 1 116 62 .900 er from Beta: Theta Pi'ih a;class Foundation claw 2. Mfeusaa Stat* <«-«) (Sl> lilSl brown—in Medico Hillel in a A seventh while Baylor, tied ,21-£1 A battle, 18-16. .Scotty Baldwin battle. Ih class B games Phi Sig­ton-moved up on .the strength t>f s. irnooit (2.2) Texas 143 amy, with the nicotine,juices, flakes passed to Dick"Womack for all ma Kappa beat Sigma Alpha seventh to eighth. ». C»or*H T«k (4-0» (»> . • j 904 Georgia Tech, Southern-Califor­ 5. MtiewW ;«»•<> T« ' NtW: MEDICO Sigma defeated-t h b spot. .Their point total .was <«-«> 209 This week's schedule for Texas •• «.• 11. Stanford (2) Mtdlta'i fintttl Kick •vrgvndy tlrilib. more for the Beta Theta Pi Chi's, 33-6. -only a-slight margin over Michi­ The. Illinl, whipped up with 12. Tazaa 0g 1218 04 39 39.8 For the time of your life take all your friends ivith yon TCU « 8* 242 .. 981 909 1884 132 #9 39.0 CHARTER one of Kerrville's Big, Comfortable, roomy buses. Opp. ... -95 > 323 1120 -734 1954 110 SO 87.7 Texas e 70 sSi 14S2 225 1S77 SO 1« 37.0 Opp. 88 290 860 611.1971 117 52 37.7 For ihe BEST DEAL between Austin and Dallas. LEADING BALL CARR1EKS STUDENT SPECIAL carried yd* mgLippman, AAM »7. 416 9.2 OawMn, Texas ..SI 410 ao CALL RlfC*. . Rie« _70 844 4.9 KERRViLLE BUS CO. *>d.y TUESDAY NIGHT JteHsn, ArK. .69 268 3.9 8-9361 Smith, AAM -62 259 4.2 Floyd. TCU -08 262 8.7 $1.50 RESERVE Barton, T«ui .09 S40 3J THE MOST Tldwell. AAM ..4) 232 5.7 SEAT. 75c TowB*«nd, Tins S4 232 4J DISTINCTIVE Oehw, Tim 43 222 SJ LEADING PASSERS •tt cotnp yds " td Dcnncr*. SMU L....132-68 790 6 libel). Bsylor .113 64' 725 7 SERVICE IN Pick up your free 50% discount tickets at C&S Sporting WITH MeKown, TCU 62 3.1 408 3 AUSTIN Graves, AAM —_cS*r*» 30 3#3 4 Drake, Hlce .31 16 366 6 Goods Go. ^or the University Co*Op« Present the ticket McHan. Ark. : ..75 28 350 2 Student Finish VtTHIRUBBING Gardcmal. AAM S8 16 389 4 Pant* 30c each' Fowler, 86 261 8 and 75* at the gate for your $1.50 reserve seat.. TCU 19 COVERS SCUFF MARKS IGIVES SHOES RICHM Shirt* 16e each Bartosh, TCU 44 18 225 2 Rlhehart, Ark. .29 17 189 2 COLOR I Black, Tan, Brown, Blua^Dark Tan, . Rough. Dry 8c lb. LEADING PASS RECEIVERS Mid-tan, Oxblood, caught yds td mvg Pick-up and Delivery Howton, "Rice end IS 6 Mah«aany, and NauiraL . 428 28.5 -TUESDAY 8:30 p. m.- Willfanis, Baylor end ..19 380 4 20.0 Jurney, Ark. end .. ...16 259 2 16.2 Askat*\^Qb>& Musslewhite, SMU bk-15 234 1 15.6 Blair. TCU end 10 230 2 23.0 SumMerall. Ark. end -.15 217 2 14.6 White. SMU end 13 196 2 15;1 Russell. SMU bsek ...113 190 1 14.3 STATEmi C fit Moms St&am Ray Guiikel Al Lovelock Tldnell, AAM back „_10 180 1 18.0 Riley, Baylor end '.12 1S6 2 13.8 .(Kif.WtO Discount oa -Cash-Carry -LEADING PUNTERS -• 240 • • vrs.• , " " ; 220 SHOE POLISH 14th at Red River 8-2586 punt* yd* avg Norton, SMU 12 497 41,4 McKown. TCU : 12 490 40.8 Purdue University Houston, TexM Isbell, Bsylor 32 1266 39.8 MeHan, Ark. • 41 1587 38.7T M«FarlaMd, TCU -an 768 37.9 1 Adams, Texas 42 1S«6 S7J ' Ury. AAM 28 1044 37.2 » --LEADING PUNT RETURNERS (at least 8 returns) Leo Newman Rito Romero ret ydstJoler Arlr. 8 "• 163 Lary. AAM ls3 232 205 vrs. 198 j Negr»ta. Rice 12 176 1 McDonald, AAM 6 72 M^'Kowh. TCU 8 71 Kummswlek, Mo. Mexico Raley, Te*as S 111 Dillon, Texia .12 1S1 LEADING SCORERS (at least IS points) td cv fdg ptsDawson, Texaa 0 S O 42 Howton, Rice. • • 5 7A McKovm, TCU -•• ^..4 John S^desky Ellis Bashara "WTtllism*; Bsylor .4 Summerall,. Ark. ! ____2 3i. 21 215 225 vrs. . Lippman, A*H ,. , , '. '* • 3 ®tiatisU ^oote ^op Baylor 3 Psrma, Rinehart, Ark. • 3 San Anitonio, Texas Norman, Okie. Sutton, Ark. ^ 3 Tldwell, AAM 3 STEADY JOBS FOR yoeew '^ $3,100.00 aYear to Start 3 I SIGNED The U. S. Government has announced examinations lo' proprietor -select outstanding young men and wOmen for positions in agri­ culture, mandgement, and many professional fields. K you will receive your Bachelor's degree before June 30; 1952, you are probably qualified to take advantage of this exceptional opportunity. No actual work experience is required. , If you are successful in theae testa 2$-day annual vacations. 15-day sick ONtr ^M«TERFIEtP HAS IT. you will fas part of s;progressive pro-/ '• leave and many others. allowances, Other JUNIOR AGRICULTURAL gram to develop future Federal ad-" Securing one of these appointments ASSISTANT rainiatrsfcors sad hiffit-grsde, profesM-Is not easy. The examlnaitfom given Wanted by. the U^pt, ifaaafl^jOTiaeb-;"Jq& "e open,. ^ r „ j p a l t the „ > Airricnlutre "srid Dept. w $3.1(Kh(W s yesr wtth regular In-^ ~ most promising graduates are selected Interior for _positiona in cresses to SS.82S.00 and • promotions to '"S0°,e the_ future-key personnel InWsahlnston, D. -snd as high as $14,000.00. In addition you th« Federal Government. Tour gridethroughout t h s Unit«d can enjor the nany benefits offered on the txftenfaatfon']** the dftenoiaisf & >" States. Applicants wanted only In the IT. S. Civil Service — job factor in bein* appointed. for including k 17 options security, generous retirement pensions. UHV / 'U-. tpecislists on agricultural Last year, almost 9 out of 10 who 1 i took the JunuSr Uanagement Assistant economics. piycholojrTi bot­ if '4~ any. pathology,. aiatfstics . written''examination failed to passTin »nd loology. analyzing these results, experts asree that the//cause of Mt of Um failorsa -Applicstion» closed Nor. 18 • JUNIOR PROFESSIONAL was not lack of sp&ialized: knowledgeASSISTANT • and academic background. Those wha Important openings for ,were not trained to p«M ' 'graduates-, with' major* in a. .Civil Service type examination. To take any of these examinations economics, bacteriology, *e­go lmmediately to your nearest First or "ography. geophysics, social Second Class Post Office and obtain science and statistics. The 4,' <' a o< official drat opportunity to use ana application form SO00 AB,-Fill your professional train to* JUNIOR MANAGEH£NT this with the Civil Serriee iiiiii out and file on important work in var­ASSISTANT Coonnission according' to directiona. Do­ ^•SSsssS¥gi? ious depaitments df 7 the / this at one* since applications will be ^iseuttvels and' ttdmlniatoa­ 11 IMeralGovernment. '-4if a? accepted only during tl>e next few tors serving as interns la J! 1 IP days. You will later be notified of the management. An almost un- Applicatidns closed Nov. time and place of the examination in limited future for advance, *oor locality. ment for thoae hl«hly quali­ -'j! * aed-. with-a bsckground of social science, business or Now, for the first time, thorough preparation for these -i pubile admiaistratkm. Government examinations Is available to ambitious col­ III lege seniors. Franklin Institute, the oldest' and largest Examination expected soon private Civil Service Training School Is offering an inten­ sive course of preparation covering the/subject matter,' ' methods, type ol questions, and highlight* of previous 'AW. srter farm feelew—today! |f examinations. Since 1904 Franklin Jnsutute has helped •'f" S^dsys uuffectiaa. yoa are not completely.WmMm thousands obta&i Civil Service posltfdiis. The preparation »atla>ed retera it and yo^r numey will be' promptly and efcserfally. they offer to candidates for'the agtfcul-.;,J zs&mmfesBtei&ii • m \ tural, professional, or management posi­ m'Sim£x*% m these positions you should begin to pre­__ , "?,°i J5?, f* once ( } copies, of your conpleia' mmmrngpss , examination Tratninjr progTam for: agpar^lP pare for the tests immediately. i J . Jtmior AKitenltural Assistant . . ' To give yourself the""best -coaching for . PIBIiiiMiiKii tbe tests,v a bett^ grade, .and -an earlier • Junior Professicnai v Assistant ^ (Check)-^ -,~ i j -phn­ f14 : . if> ' ficiilt se&tions of these ^xaminatiohs. days and M »5 will be refunded to me. + X, The cost/of this service is-only $3.95. The small investment In time and money Hill pay you generous dividends Jn re- 4e*^fr & iJejUi ir:- m iWm® WW own T Jr„ ft 1 ... siAn advantage of one first down <£•*«*# Begg% Shlfley gave Alpha Delta Pi a victory and tfuxe Hargrove were the >ver Alpk. CM Om«v» Monday. AChiO stars, while Rosemary Aus­'* Wwo tk# final whistle blew; the tin and Virginia Beth Taylor led score was dead locked at 6-0, Also, the Am team, a 1 V,« ;Vt?# ;; the penetration* wen the same Kay Im .. Bauve paced Alphacausin* * winner to be decided fieaw Delta to a 12-0 victory bjr first downs: ADPi had four to over Gwa» PKI Beta It to win AChiO's three V$h:^ their initial game in,the "White Bracket. -r^AUTO REPAIRING-touchdown came in the second quarter on a pass from ;THAT LASTS! LaBaove to Patty Chestain. She W. call for & deliver. passed to Jen-Deli Brandenberger for the.second touchdown. Harry E. Johnson Garage . Wayne Crockett and Sara Stone 60S Trinity Sf. Phone 2-2055 were outstanding players for Gamma Phi. SAVE CASH & CARRY PICK UP & DELIVERY SERVICE ­ SUITS—DRESSES TUXEDOS EVENING GOWNS PILLOWS • RUGS e. DRAPES FUR AND WOOLEN STORAGE WHEN YOU THINK OF LAUNDRY OR CLEANING , THINK • 4M E. PHONE 19th •-M31 Doctors warn smokers about throsts. fWST TRKMTrWMB: "Wider-openHig"bit Kqnwoodie Pipes h«v« Three Throat-Guards Spreads out smoke, help* cool it No hot to gtvsextrs throstprotectlon. smoks to irritate throat or "bite" tongue. • SECOND TWMT-tM|B: Exclusive, patented' TWID TMIAT-60AI0: World's but im­ "DRINKLE8S" devise. Cuts down irritating portedbriar.It'sspeciallyheat-resistant and tars...Keeps every pipeful lit longer. porous,Makessmokecbdler...less irritating. r ^ Only KAYWOODIE pipes have tkeseThree Throat-Cuardsfor extra throat protection! _ "n. ga&ble with your throat! Kaywoodie has three Throat-Guards worfcing for you, protectuig your throat as no other smoke caju They reduce tars and make smoke cooler. briar.It's the world's best Admire it as you would Ihe finest piece of sculpture. And what a real smoke a Kdywoodie gives you...wtat a man's smoke! Plus so much extra throat protection! KayvioodU import* thefinest brh&**and then throws 9Q& of it away. Keeps only th* finest 10*,the very heart, for cook sweet smoking.: u NEW YORK m-LONDON s IINCI 1111 if ""Wym-vr Th XtifwQodi* Pipit or* oyailybfe fa a tid** rtpfaty of shop** end finffhee. $4 la $25 %f¥k M ?*"• *» o AV 4 -* * * •* two Texas j»laye*s .were were in onthe rough work hut all will be ready for Baylor Sat­urday. Mai Fowler, injured tail-Jim -Lansford has muscle back, definitely will be able to cramp in his left leg incurred play Against Baylor also. daring the game. Don Menasco is v n """ *1 ' still out with the ankle injury -Baylor's ' Beam saw ' movies ho received' in the * Arkansas Monday of their 21-21 game with game. Texas AAM Saturday and thta .drilledlightly. __ ^ SWAat uniforms wer* the-order Coach George Sauer said there of the dasp-Hpnday—as the Longhorns wno worked most in Saturday's contest practiced; for^ about SO minutes. ^ Lansford is expected to be ready to play next* Saturdayagainst SMU in Dallas; Menasco will be in the doubtful categoryof Saturday starters. Mi$M, : ff- >ili< •» Attoeiufi Pt*u _ '.V vI T€U*h Horned Frogs went"; through secret* drills Monday with Assistant Coach Abe Martin su-|pervising the offensive unit and Coach L. B. (Dutch) Meyerper­sonally ;conducting the defensive unit's workout 7T""-~ The defense had-a long hard scrimmage. Offense had no heavy contact work at all. „ • , v i None of the cripples from the USC game, Bobby Jack Floyd,John HarviUe, Gilbert -Bartosh, W<#4 Bay VcKown, or Roy Pitcdck DON MENASCO TIm Daily fma, • n*ir«p«i>«r of Tb« Usl*«nlty of T«xm. U publUbad a 4uth «r«ry mornlaf «xe«pt Kond*> tttid Saturday, S«pt«mb«r to Jan* aad UEMpt during holiday and axamliwtiOQ pelrlod*, and icrai-waskly during th* luranar MMfoa* Dndar tbo tltl* o! Tb* Somretr T«x«» oo Tutaday and frldir by Tazat Stadoot PnbHeatioM. ino. Nova ooatrlbatioaa wll) bo aeeaptod by ta)apbon( (S.t4?l) or at tho odltoria) oBljo J.B. I, Of it tbo.M.owa LaboTatorv J.B. ioa. Inqbirio* eoaMrnlw dalliorr d jadTortUlnt abcmld b« mado to J.B;-IPS (2»g<78) Of tbo Taxan f not iMCKtarJIjr tboao oftha AdminUtraUoaorotbn(tiriwiM iivoMit» eStelala. Sntorod aa aoeond-elaaa mattor Ootobm 18. 1848 at tha Poat OStea at Auatio, roxaa, aadar tbo Act of Mareb S. 187S. ASSOCIATED PRfiSS W21IB SERVICE Tboi Aaaoetatod Pnua ..<• axejaaivaly antitlad to tbo qi« for ropablleatloo of two diapatebaa troditad to It « not otbarwiao erodltod in thla newapapar, a < c»l 1itana of apontanaona orisinorisia publlabad baraln. Biffbta of pablloat)on of otbor BM^tor ha»oiB *iao mattrvaa. Bapioaantod for National Advartliinc by National Adrartiatng Sarvloa, In&, CoDaga PubUabara Bapraaantatlva 4SS Madiaoa Av*. - Naw YotIi. N. t. Obloago — Boatoc — Loa Anxalea —-8an Fnraetaeo MEMBER Aaaertatad CoUogiata Praaa All Aaarleu Paeamabar SUBSCRIPT JON RATES \. Minimum Subscription Tbrao Month* Night Editor JOEL KIRKPATRICK DallveradI .76 par mo. ~ . Mailed in Auitln -81.00 par ato. llallad oui of towa$ .75 par bjo. STAFF FOR THIS ISSUE Day Editor KELfcY CROZIER Night Reporter Dorothy CampbellCopyreaders Harold Warford. Marjorie Clapp, . . Pat C. Miller Night Sports Editor Howard PageAssistants Orland Sims, Keii Tooley, Bettye Rawland Night Society Editor Martha McCartyNight Amusements Editor Nan Conroy ' -V igSHS* • ^ * were no new injuries from" the and he .hopes the team will be at full strength Satur^a^ The Arkansas Razorback* .lost a third first-etringer foj the sea­son Monday when Coach Otis Dottglas announced that Halfback Dean Pryor would play no more this year. / . Pryor^auffared a^ fractured jaw iii practico last week and was held-out of the Santa Clara gameSaturday. Douglas had hoped to get a special mask for Fryor and use him against AAM here next Saturday. But the coach said Monday physicians had advised against playing Mm any more this season. Bill Jurney, starting offensive end, underwent an operation after we Santa Clara game for removal of a ruptured spleen and Quarter­back Jim Rinehart was lost less than two weeks ago as the result of an appendectomy.v ,7. . y J£xainer Eddie WojLe$kL said onday~W Rice Owls were in their best physical condition of the last few weeks as they beganpreparing for Saturday's invasion of the pass-niiiided PittsburghPanthers. -•* The Texas Aggies who saw ac tion* against Baylor Saturdaymerely limbered up Mondaywhile the remainder of the team scrimmaged roughly with ' the Frosh. " Qeaning and Pressing No Extra Chare* LONGHORN CLEANERS SSSa Goadaluw Pb.S-3847 SEIBERLINti TIRES v<. Factory Method RECAPPING Bargains in new and fracle­ in Tires—Brake and Wheel Service—Seat Covers Car Heaters I liPIREr TIRE CO f Ph. 83.1221 3B10 Guadalupe IK^SSdS^SEDJ i ' » i nil nil iii"ailM iwb^BIBS ^App.^rOn^ StatamanU 5g^gg .' SGiij ship in, i*,>feie: _ A1 Lovelock in:. graduate e main evaitti » of the Tuesdiy allmtaj? fool .. night wrestling card at the City days at the Indiana .school ^oliifetim<^ t-....g».v. .. In the night's semifinal attract Considered ly prOmotersto be tion, Leo "The Lion" Newman one of the top contenders for the squares off against Rito.Eflmoro,world heavyweight wrestling title, the Mexican mat -star. AtTtOSGunkel was National AAU wrest­pound# Leo "Tha fcion'Vis con­ling champion three years ago. sidered one of the' most vicious Last year Gunkel captured the wrestlers in. the business. The National Ice Skating Champion-flashy Romero will eontrpst New« man's rough-and-tumble tactics Coaraga Wlas for Prfslwi L "•"th hjls speed^ai^ »t«li IpH A courageojis-—courage is the Students will get to fdr word—gang of Mloprintera who price if they will gat their firea didn't know the-meaning of the discount tickets at the Co-Op word M • ADVANTAOI of this coovenkoetmd­planning service. Sat* yourself ao anfleoMSMy trip to the ticket office widi i phede adL'' "fM „ . „ ^ tv a.A5"4'Kv ?T-~~; TILIfHONIt 'M "f=vs s??Ht V - / /a. / •fWr T ALL-WOOL SLACKS &S*,­ \ . / ':<• ... * SHEEN GABARDINE • DESERT TONE GABARDINE * Flannel in Medium Gray " V N ^ * ' k • - ..-•• • 4 . < fn keeping with Hutchins Bros.', policy of offering * . •--: . ; the best quality af fRe basf |?r?ce possibTo, we're proudf of" " ,this special purchase of all-wool slacks,! There are just 250 pairs, „so hurry end take advantage off his unusual value. WeHcot, nicely tailored, in t • -• VT * . . • BROWN. • BLUE , • TAN -• GRAY . ,x —. \ ^ J-'rfji -'M AUSTIN'S LARGEST MEN'S STORE-' ^ 616 CONGRESS AVENUl T^Tv-f n<" X .... Si i 'F&-''•:""V.;>A-• J rt'5-^\X'y?-y3"fTj;'" Js>A7-,V ^S®S53&afefeSifi ©fiipwwR**^ TOI. ',W#i K ^ H • •• . li#ra8aa%j^^ s"Us& 1 r:#S$§ , . .£lii> --v r.•V ..• l3,*»* :^.iS; TTgjB" •W* <-r*--" ..t..Affi....J...^.*' l KgK# T'-' »*,. •=.'-f^?5}.s:'l Arisen* Sciences -m .'*§:iv'' RTswas*i - .. ,'. R~ W!i V'ft^r> 5-JV • f-v Union with dining room facilities "y The rapidly increasing number • 1. Establishment of an Inter­where graduates 'can associate tion for student offices. mold it into that force of graduate studentar-now o n*. national center to be operated by with each other. fourth of totel University, popu students of all nations" ; 2'. Graduate dorm. 1 lation—has reflected the-serious­2. Honor system for graduate Engineering ness of the housing problem for atudents. 3.' More equitable salaries, for graduate student* oh our campus, 3. More extensive graduate-cur faculty, to maintain and attract fictions for the future indi-riculum with emphasis on con­the best possible faculty for, a pleat*:.; that bur ; number will con-structive research work. first class university. |§|#niie^te> increase,V I ;beli^ev;%rf -More graduate housing, eith­4. Senior Week and appropriate ^should malce an immediate at­er eo^ope or apartments. graduation ceremonies to include tempt to rectify thia situation.' 6. Maintenance of a .pool of ^social functions for graduates and -Other universities—the Universi­stenographers to type theses and graduating seniors and late privi­ }ty of California, LSU, and Johns dissertations. . leges, BILL HALLMAN TED PRICE SIDNEY SIEGEL ' I^Hopkins: University—have ^irtie-6. Expand the program of the 6. Development of. greater,pub­ p^eisfully completed 'a similar prbj-Interdepartmental syposiums. lic conff^ence in the University BERN1E DOW assemblyman is needed. In the I |tS«cta. v, 7. Better co-ordinated plan through planned co-ordination be­ to makeup of this assembljrman'is a ^ As an International studentyl create or find part-time jobs for tween student body, administra­This year's Student Assembly certain Amount of ability, a full pfwduld like to see better relations working graduates. tion, and alumni. , will concern itself with many of the re­ awareness' of duties and . a n d understanding-promoted 8. Air-conditioned library for 0. More consideration-for the the traditional problems of the sponsibilities > of the office, and a M among,the.Americans • and the: ftw-i.' " activities of the Student Assem­ student body. It should be careful desire to these carry otit duties 1 •$; deiits from other cf faculty evaluationT-ftRd—sbould -g-et-^y-Mspmisibilitiea^Jfoiul en JIM CROW VERNON HELMKE ftearch for a method of improving tered this race with a clear realiz­ student faculty relations. ation .of them and I have a keen .sfs • I am interested in all of these desire to carry them out. things and will take an active part tpi 'WiW to see them through if elected. BILL HALLMAN . : t MARGARET ENDRESS : , "To serve the University to the best of my ability in bringing stu­ 1.. Careful study and consider­ • -n dent government down to the lev­"BILL WRIGHT ation of every measure before the el of the average student and pro­ '•I mm .Assembly and of the needs con­ '•^r|rw '4;-& moting co-operation among its . bills passed by the Assembly. . v fronting the student body. Various factions—to rpresent the 2. Investigation and follow-up . 2., Final examination exemption students of the University." of co-op expansion plans. system. | 3. Continuous support of the 3. Investigation of parking aito­ *rI foreign students and the; foreigrf JED PRICE ation.•'.\• i. /student program. gv;| • 1 -4GompulsoryTfilanket -Tax^ln-4; Conscientious student re[pr«­sfe. • 4. Continuous program of per­vestigation if special Fifty-second sentation.-'•'x-x -/' ' sonnel selection for student gov. State Legislature session (a,called. w , V -3 ernment committees through ap­ 2. Credit for the Great Issues JIM CALAWA T'{J-f CHAn.LES M. PRATHER AL QU1NN plications ;> ^ BILL WRIGWr — course. 5. Continued support of the More money for student activi­ 3. More parking permits forTISA district plan in order to students. ties. If House. Joint Resolution 37 bring its advantages to every stu­dent. 4; One over-all collection for passes yielding one and one-half JO PROSSER MICKEY TEDFORD Campus Chest. * million dollars more, I want ap­W' ksA| GAYLE GARTH better faculty evaluation proximately |15,000 for JIM CROW best possible way. I would uphold 5, A a year system. the viewpoint of the entire sch an openinjif lor pcetive temchers ^r admliiUtrktori s«t .closer to campus/ -, ^ fcuide^ and^no prevailing calmpuf 3. Serve the law siudentfc and • pertoa With a dtgre* In LiSrarjr pdaltidmi in public lebool*, eoliegci.-at 4. Increase game »room facili-opinion shall, be the .determining CESARE GALLI the School of Law's interest to tha ani»eriiUi««.:' ^11 person* *eekinK such jMHI'jf1* Iti ii i'"Tl i«m ifti factor in ^ny deciaiony Prptection "best of"my ability on the Student I don^t believe in platforms, but A r«pr»»entartlv« « 'embfc m .* Kew Jersey will: b« on tii* campna ^ Teacher Placement Kovember 7 to interview BuaineM ^4 dents'. Association shall be upper­ ' DOUG WALKER more miniatration graduates interested in orer-Frethmmn Aptitude Examinations will most in. all my 6fffcial actions as TAXLOK^;t ^ b« fivaa in the Gealogy Building, room in the government. • V". ' • '' it ••• ' 14, M«aday. , QctoBer 49; 1961. ia.d . *1. $1 per hour -minimum vnig6 a functionary of the judicial *« fcoth of tieae 1. DelhnBry of Th«, Daily Texan riAtf it BAil in. Jaw. - - -" --of, stifdent "government. ELLIS F. MORRIS to the Law Building. ^ \2.' Night, labs t the Ifwne yf j£o*Mhl>#r 1, at * p.i; w liiisi>pnwwTinonoir twtunp BdilMtiir 141 br th« Tm^h tion. pIosm e^Il at the JTeeting;. and Gui- eraand aong for the LaW Library, Pl«M«BMnt Stefie dasK« PareMo. V H^nta^ 20®; • QN th« other candidate for associate 'i.higher'SfndiRnlr lace «no special interest, but 6. Establishment of ^School' j-> A & r * " ^ V» • " ^ ^ + — 4. •wlwiywy Jf -W> t ^7*•+ fc ­ mm 1 rind Arts JEAN MARIS EDGE ARLENE KAY 1.»Continued support of the 1. To make Univeniity students 'Cultural Entertainment series, aware of the Fine Arts events and their. i;. 2, Extension of the public serr-: Jee aspect of Radio House. ^ , 2. To aid in the expansion of present Radio House facilities; to p' 8. Necessary .'Blanket -Tax ap­ includea complete and well propriations for cmxrying ©n""the equipped television facility for wefrk of Curtain Club use in the training of television i 4. Increased recognlt University originated telecasts,dent art displays and support of 3. To encourage several (rather^the activities of the Art'Students' than one) exhibits of art students'Associaion. ?.. work. . •' .'' •.; f. A sincere interest on my part in -each department individually BERT REES and in the College of Fine Arts as a whole. 1. The original costs'of supplies and books at bookstores should be reduced and the rebate system EXPRESS BUS SERVICE 1 abolished. to HOUSTON 2. Holidays for Roundup 8. Only two years compulsory 4 Hours Cafl 2-1135 PT for women. KerrvilleBus Co. 4. Continue efforts to replace art shacks with new modern build­ . 118 E. 10th ing^ TERRIFIC SAVINGS ON 'ance ouessond 7 HOURS PRIVATE Plus 5 HOURS PRIVATE SENSIBLY PRICED-. AT rOTAt TUi «•»(• sells elsewhere for $57.50 (TWICE OUR PRICE) 7 WHY PAY MORE? v HURRY! Offer Limited Above Texas Thaatar 7-94S* s •' M -i'l n Mais out, Mom'Selle, you*ff b* tros diie in a jolio Judy Bond! these blouseis combine Paris inspired styling ' with wonderful American value...terrific in any languagel BLOUSES AT »[TTCR STORES IVKKYWHOI Sw4y teatf, fas.; t37S Breadwe'y Yerk 11,11. »ast«* i-.-j -r V­ vfiXSKZJ£­HO-*.; Members of the Rehearsals of theorchestraand has composed many piece* for Base* ' AlUcktiw , will meet chorus of the University Smgere operetta, ballet, and stage./ the Texas State Baak^Tuesday for their first fall concert are pro­Von Kreisler has selected the at 2:45 pjtu for*tour, |-Pre-med students who ceeding , under the direction of "Prelude, Chorale, and/Fugue," Thursday at 1 p Jack G. Alexander Von Kreisler, distin­by Bach,»for the 60-piece orches­ Taylor, University business mana­ age of B are eligible guished conductor and opera di­tra and "Hymn of Praise" and ger, will discuss "The University's i rector. The concert will be held "Te Deum".for the bhorus. November 18 at 4 p.m. in Hogg' Johann Joseph Abert, arranger Controversy Over Investment in a Corporate Securities."' " Auditorium. , for -"Prelude/1, ..Chorale, and complet* MRussian-born*'' Von Kreisler, Fugue/'-, composed .the chorale, • The public is invited io\ the tfnKctt once a ^CBS. conductor, is a gra­ synchronizing it with the, fugue meeting in Waggener Hull"101, ­ 1 ! 2Te*aa duate of St. Petersburg Conserva­attd harmonising it .With Bach's ,-'i ?,:i tory of H^sic% He later'was head style. His arrangement of the Dr. 3.' Ltem Stok«s Will be * The clulb ­ of the Cincinnati Conservatory's considered. even special guest at the coffee hour of fugue is more opera and'orchestral division. He thrilling and inspiring^than the the Wesley Foundation a$ 9:80 original and has made his name a.m. Tuesday. ^ felt ^ >3'T" The group r picture.,«£ the. Dr. Stokea is secretary of reli­ famous., elation for' Ch^bp*a Ed««s^t gion on .Methodist College f«r th* factor 'HoffrriW Set "Hymn of Praise," Mendels­Campuses in the Division of sohn's famed...symphony cantata, Educational Institutions of tye was written for the fourth cen­ of MLB. -\ Methodist Church. ^ t For LocaL Run of print­ tennial' celebration art ing at Leipzig'Uv.1840. When it The International Folk Dane* Ted wa% preformed first in a church, Opening Friday Group Will meet from 7:80 to 9:30 BERT REES CHARLESA WOLFE the enthusiasm it caused was so p.m. Tuesday in the .International "Tales of Hoffman, a light great that crowds held a torch­Ballroom of Texas' Union, said Alpha, Orrwwoii 5. Tear down all AGF* .type my utmost toVard the goal of bet­opera by Jacqiies"Offenbach, star­light procession through the Leon McGuff in," president. v type buildings on the cfmpus. ter understanding, unity, and ring Moira Shearer, Leonide Mas-streets in honor of the composer. _ " * Tf Disfrwit Drr^tofl The last number, Kodaly's "Te Pi Kappa chapter of 6. Build a fire under those who sine, apd Roberfe.Helpman—danc­Radio Guild will have its pic-t comradeship between the foxlr de­ Deum," is a religious "work fea­ have promised to expand the Un­ing actors of "The $ed Shoes"— ture taken fpr the Cactus Tuesday: cron Pi at the University will ;| ion. ' partments within the four depart­opens Friday at the Texas Thea­turing four-solos;'Archie Jones, at 2:00 p.m. in front of the Mo­a" teji^ Wednesday frott 5-.I 7. Work for a better parking ments of the College of Fine Arts V bass; Helen Blount, poprano; Gene; . p.m. honoring frae ter. dern Languages Building.i IfeawNr^f itself. Also, I realize the necessity vieve Taliaferro,, mezzo -soprano; smith of Dallas, the new SiiiaAste?'' system in the University area, •« Tickets in the side sections for of bringing our college to the at­and Floyd Townsley, tenor. of the Southwest District' 8. New functional stylte co-ops Blanket Tax holders are $1. Other Foranaiea will meet Tuesday at for girls. tention of the whole student body-prices are $1.20, $1.50, and $1.80 r 7 p.m. in Texas Union 801. New pha Omicron PL ~. ,7. *s^anintergralpart ofthe.UnU for^the-S:30 p.m. matinees; and members of the organization •will Mrs.-Messersmith succeeds .VftMtr.V. An<1 aAitfivafa *>i«ma « <_ CHARLESA WOLFE \ Varsity, «nd WAfnot separate, isolated iiA . am ' • .. . et;|Program Nancy Beasley of Bimiftg $1.^0, $1?80, and $2.40 for the be initiated. ' If I am elected, I shall strive or disinterested departments. 8:16 p.m. evening performances. Ala., who held this office for All seats will be reserved. Alpha ' Eptilon Delta,' honorary last, six years. Offered Today The film was written, produced, and directed by Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger. Timing, ' DRIVE-IN a difficult problem in the film, THEATRES was solved by recording the musi­ The Texas Fine Arts Associa­cal score by Sir Thomas Beecham, Associate Justice tion's Artists in Action series It's the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, will ?be launched with a programand a chorus. on ballet Tuesday at 10 a.m. at MAKE PtANS NOWThen, the actors and actresses Laguna Gloria. TO ATTEND OUR , at the Avalon! played their parts without speak­The program' will be given by'ing or singing a single word. Janet Collett, director of the DOUBLE HORROR By fitting the action to the Janet Collett School of the Dance previously recorded score, it was MIDNIGHT SHOW Come out and onjoy yourselvoi in Austin. Miss Collett is a gradu­ possible to film the entire work ate of the University with a TOMORROW NIGHT <> ^ tin order. bachelor of arts degree. _ at | r , In her lecture Tuesday, Miss "SHAKE HANDS h rZ * ^ I. Collett. wiil trace the history of ?} Tickets Available the ballet, including, the contri­WITH MURDER" Avalon Dinner Club 1 C X butions of great? dancers and cho­ For 'Robin Hood' reographers. 6200 Dallas Hwy»1 •I; .Patron's tickets to the entire "LADYISTTHE Phone 5-1303 Cf Tickets are still available to series cost $3. Single admissions "Robin Hood," the -first -of the are $1. Mrs. Finch, 8312 Duval, DEATH HOUSE" American Association of Univer­ 6-5700, is in charge of patron's sity Women's children's plays..It tickets and admissions.. will be presented in Hogg Audi­ torium Thursday, November 1, at The BIGGEST 3:30 p.m. by the Texas .Touring Theater. ' Inn _ Season tickets are $2.40, $1.80, and $1.20. All seats are rserved The Friendliest Place in Town CAROLYN BUSCH MARGY CROSBY and reservations may be made; by •siwr 620ft Dallas Highway calling Mrs. E. W. -Priesmeyer, Phone 83-0012 7-2906. ^ THE TOWER JklX Favorlf# Rendezvoui of WHMOm Whw You're Hungry Tons' U. TfMMIE ROGERS i l l * L i* i Hi •» S I f S Best. Music In Town •" • For FE6 LEG BAf ES Call Johnny at 2-6382 Golden Brown Fried Chicken, TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY STUMP * STUMPY Juicy Steaks,,or a delicious com­^Feature Starts at T P. M. , PRICES (Tax Incl.) PATTERSON A JACKSON plete meal and your favorite beverage MARIE BRYANT DANCERS Big Sponsored by AUSTIN CIVITAN CLUB .com© to the COMING NOV. I, CITY COLISEUM "AL JENNINGS . Discounts OF OKLAHOMA TICKETS ON SALE WEDNESDAY, OCT. 17 " CLUB CAFE ^.Dan Dury«a -J. JR. Reed Music Co., University Co-Op, Stautx Sporting Goods, Record Shop, Talley's News Stand OPEN 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. 'EXPERIMENT ALCATRAZ" RECORDS John Howard . J 807 San Jacinto * 45-33 1/3 rpm (MicrogrooT*) "MR. BELVEDERE Foreign — Domestic RINGS THE BELL" "KATIE-"Francis Goes —with— Classical* — Popular .Clifton Webb DID IT" to the Races" Aatt' Blyth DoiutU O'Connor. _jlu«—— ;^ -'Mark Stovans. ,;;i. For Catalogue>gue and Information RUSH MOODY X BEGINS EYED WONDER" —plus—^ ' —plui— Wr'rlt# fo ekey-Rooney "Doctor and "NoQucsttons FRI. NOV. 2 Education A«k TO nl-mf. S§®®& rrjgfwi firriiinHiii^iftiiwntHiir I »w-/ erous sass #•w;<5K?.fu wt&f +™t Miris Mexican Studants ntfrmal traffic n»o»ement. But E. F. lay* assistant traffic 1 "Just arthe -doctor OSM * ther­fe-.fTo Study Htrt ^-taift F#d§y thera ^«ra mometer to take the temp#r»tare ora patient to check hi* physical three University , graduates condition, .we check the flow of have «been awarded the opportuni­ city Iddesn't '"tsa^ta'teHo traffic with radar to analyze the ty to attend the National Univer­tarackdown speeders. ' ,, condition, of traffic," Mr. Lay sity of Mexico under the E. D. explained. ^^:|V-<' ~> £<•**:* 5 Farmer InternationaUSehoTarship "It is not legal to use radar to Fund; ; ROBBIN'S BODY SHOP. check speed Violators," he said. Charles "W. Robihton, Basil Ed­In its legal capacity radar has ward Brummelf and Mi*. Eleanor 7*01 ' ^paq^Va^a^rMtolUp^ I been; oecd by the city for about Jackson, Marshall will representS?yABm6a7'7* SKAT COVERS 90 days. The *35 mp.h. speed limit the University. irJ return, three #CLASS * AUTO WCFIN1SH1NG on l>mar Boulevard was set after students from the University of UNLinM' Ph. 7-4ST3 radar was used to„*,d«temiine tjie Mexico will enroll here. fiigh, lowland average spread of The Farmer Scholarships are drivers. -, ^y.,„ -• * awarded on a competitive basis • Mr. Lay said radar would foe by special committees which con­ theClassifieds used by? the traffic engineers to sider the character, scholastic analyze Burnet Highway traffic. Standing, intellectual capacity, and personality of an applicant. t Representing the University of MR 'Mexico will be Guadalupe Arias, senior in arts and sciences; Pablo Okhuysen, senior in engineering; and Jorge Vasquez, freshman in O engineering. ' ®pil« f*®4' |Super Sheen Gabardine m­ •w? fe $13w «v .Prescriptions Allercreme Cosmetics 8M>* Surgical Garments ED MINOR, Pharmacist -1910 Guadalupe Phone 2-5211 *fiC~ i \ AT LOWEST COST Bkk Katy Chdhr Cm AUSTIN to San Antonio. .1.69 Wset> f^DSirar Fort' Worth DiMtl RaMi|d kg lk> VN W1 IVW lin • oaNH lmiMTiawSpsdsl'' AM AMUR IOW MUMS •ihfam MIMMMNAH roam !&• i PHONE S-STTI ft. J^-W­ 71.7 fviZ / 26 wathablt woolblendedfloniMl • In tiny windowpano plaid Thin Hm$ of color javanhoet rieMy mutsd Kockgrounds i McGreeort k». > »TV »* -** y\ < . V "• * * , * \-L -S Ur-^ ^ 4 «•* #'wr> » |».ig| #• 1 I Novi/17 for High Schoolers ToDisappear Soon $SB. High "school senior boys who against the University of Sooth Reed, D. R. Smith, J. R. Wright, , *. Parking problews around cain-getthir .more complaints wish to take examinations foriCitrolina November 10, It will be andL. B. Smitib " pttS will be solved ahortly wben about the small number of park, 1962-53 Naval ROTC scholarships a postal match. •"wrecker from Jess AUman's 4th-Streets that aren't filled each j l..r * |lati^#|i^ garage at First and Brazos amy. Students passing the axanu, to The coach of the team Is Master Traffic committee members are, \ be' given December 8 in several Sgt. George Ryals, USMC. Major Flights are beingformed i& 'ctim-Streets and pay a towing fee of Texas ' cities, will receive four Fred Haynes, USMC, Is officer In munications, air operation, judge >M_to-#et it oat of the pound. Carl J. Eckhart, chairman, Lanier \ Cox, Dr. Alton Burdine, C. C. years paid education at s college charge of the team. advocate general, and a general­"Parking dangerously" includes or university ha^ng »n NBOTC ised flight for all reservists who parking in front of fir* plugs, "Chuck" Clark, and Dean Jack Matches «*ril! be fired before program. do not wish. As.participate in_any cross walks, loading zones, or on Holland. • Christmas wi% NROTC %nlU of the specialized flights.;'''More the sidewalks, said Luther ~ Sometimes the University's ele The scholarship includes tuition, from .O.hio State, Colombia Uni­ ven traffic policemen and two specialized flights will be started quist, chief of the University po­ books, feel, uniforms, and |B0 a versity, and the University of Sou* motorcycle patrolmen do not cor^ as the squadron's strength in-lice. month. The student will be com­ thern California. " University traffic policemen trol parking in the restricted areas. missioned after graduation and Team members remaining from will be expected to serve on active Major McMath -• urged all Air last year's team are L. M. Coch­ duty three years inithe regular Force reservists in this area to ran, C. R. Fagg, 0. H. Haveman, Navy or Marine Corps." " join the 9SS4th Volunteer Air Re­ C. H. Pistor, H. T. Coming, C. Students passing the exams to serve Squadron. He said this-is EXE6ITWE • Prepare to step into a responsible T. Ma^, and L. B. Scott. •' NROTC contract which provides New members are A. P. Barra, an" opportunity for 'Auf : Reserve executive position in the retailing no financial assistance during W. El Dear> J. I* Estes, C. W. officers and airmen to earn points fieM: buying, advertising, fashion, toward retirement and promotions freshman and sophomore years. Fulcher, B. B. Hoff, E. L. Hunt, personnel. Specialised .training, ex- and at the same time to keep in These would receive commissions j, J, Jones, J. W.'Owens, W. T. II BETAILIIB elusive!? for college graduates, covers touch with ..the latest develop­ in the Naval or Marine Corps Re­ merchandising, personnel manage* ments in the Air Force. serve upon graduation. One-yeca* Coura* -• ment, textiles,More organization,skies • Education Confortnc* Information may be obtained feeds te The University gained one pro­from Sgt. Jules Quebedeau, Vol­promotion, and all phases of store fessor and lost another recently Att«nd«d by Painter unteer Air Reserve Liaison Office. activity. Realistic approach under as a result of art appointment and 2410-B San.Antoni^ Street, phone store-trained faculty. Classes arc corn President T. S. Painter attend­ a fellowship grant in the research ed two meetings in Daytona 2-8478, or Major McMath at the bined with paid store work. Students Jan superwonift aircraft. ' , Beach, Fla., last week, . ; _ .Univeraity Postal Station. are usually placed before graduation. William Holland Shu.tts has He was chairman of the Com­-v.. SPEEDWAY Co-educational. Master's degree.been appointed assistant professor mission on Institutions of Higher Limited enrollment. Write Admissions and researcher in the Defense Education of the Southern Asso­ -Office for Bulletin C. Research Laboratory and Depart­ciation of Colleges and Secondary RADIO SALES & SERVICE ment of Aeornautical Engineering .Schools. » v IffUICH BUMIAU PO* KtTAIL TKMttiM ' W. M. WaUk, Owvr in the filed of guided missiles, -Dr.. Painter also attended ses­ 2010 Speedway 7-3848 miVERSin OF WTTSWH6H • HtMK|h U P*. Before his appointment to the sions of the Board of Control for University, Professor Shufcts Southern Regional Education. He -taught-at the University of Colo­is a member of the executive com­rado and at San Diego State Col­mittee. THE DAILY PRODUCE QUICK' lege. TEXAN CLASSIFIED ADS , RESULTS A fellowship grant to the Uni versity of Manchester, England, has been given to Mark H. Clark-Apartment for Roni Special Services Lost and Found son, University research engineer (MESSAGE MISLAID) Math professor in guiaed missiles. The grant is a IMMEDiATELy AVAILABLE. LottXr HAYKIDE—NICE, clean 2-ton truck found Parker pencil with nans who National Research Council fellow­nnr cntitoie and r«4wood two t>«d-available (or tiayrides. Accommodates Jackie Merley inscribed on it pleasetoom wrtmfpt. gl03 Woodmont. 10 or J.& couples. S08 W, it'1/!-contaA acain. Phone: 4-58M. ship to investigate supersonic air­OF FLOOR "SAMPLE WALKING DISTANCE of e«mpi». L»r*« craft. HAIB (TUis .76e LOST: Lady Elgin gold watch. Some« four-room-furaUbtd' •partnent, $80. Stacy's Barber Shop .2502 Onadalupa ' where on campus/.Silly Tucker. Little- Next -year, Mr. Clarkson will PORTABLE C»H 6».I»05. -. field. Phone 2-3163. Reward. return to the University Research NATIONAL GEDGBAFHIC, 25e; Better Homes. Pocket Book editions, 10c; Intitute, where work on guided TYEWRITERS Dancing Comics, Se; Maitaxines, books for re­Typing missiles is being conducted for search work H price. 1806 Leraca. 2-3333. the Navy BTureau of. Ordnance. Univarsltr Ballroom Classes Monday-LET MK tjrpa yotir theses, tkenea. . • DALLAS-FORT WORTH—14.00 Thursday 8 to 9 P.M. Private lessons by notes. 53-3642. appointment. Houston, 13.60; Los Anselet $25.00. , The need for thicker runways ANNETTE DUVAL DANCE STUDIO Cars and passengers, ail points. A-Auto EXPERIENCEDi THESES, etc. Univer­ Phons 3-9086 1Othr A Congress sity neighborhood. Mrs. Ritehie. to land new, heavier planes has Share Expense Bureau, 1806 Laraea. 2-494$. ' 2-1113. ... been shown by W. E. Barker, lec­ turer in civil engineering. ^ K ELECTRIC TYBEWRITER ~ aceurata. For Sale / Music 2-6387; 6-1748 aftet S; week ends. Mr. Barker, who is working for AIRPLANE, 1946 Aeronca Chief, 2-way TYPING SERVICE. 2108 Swishar. Tel*, the Civil Aeronautics Authority, radio, fenertaor, position and landinx RECORDED MUSIC, P.A. Systems, fmr phone: 7-3206. Misa Welch. ,;-r: conducted a survey of 21 airports lights, new battery, new-propr~sood fab­all occasions; 6-1210. ric, never cracked, low hrs. on engine, THESES. DISSERTATIONS. (^ four-^suthwestarn itatea.,Hfti •|»iMadriar:«a«r--sar--sswr«cr matleJ. Dietation. Coa£hi!)K. Mrs. pat.discovered the " runways lacked after 6 p^n. mecky,,6»-2212. proper reinforcement down the ACCURATE TYPING, pick-up and i«­ middle and at turning points, and 15% DISCOUNT Rooms for Rent liver. Mrs. Eriekson, 6-2048. needed subsurface drainage along on siighfiy shopworn EXPERIENCED M.A. graduate. Reason, the sides. TWO UNIVERSITY men wanted for able. Kra. Davis. 6-1287. double room. $16.00 each, monthly. • CORONAS, REMINGTONS •Mrs. Joe Slicker, 2714 Whitis. 2-3086. ELECIR1C, THESES, dissertations. 900 The University Navy ROTCHrt* W *S1st—mornings. 2-9444. UNDERWOODS; ROYALS fie team will fire its first inter­ For Rent Wanted collegiate match of the year Some as $^341 Low as , tax jncl, EFFICIENCY APARTMENT for rent. GIRLS, BOYS and family laundry dona Students to Tour Tnu Bank Married couples only. $37.50 monthly. at home. 1408 Cedar. Phones 2-4291. Mrs. Joe Slicker. 2714 Whltis, 2-3986. The student chapter of the XOLORED LADY wishes to do Uniyer- American Finance Association HEMPHILL'S UNIVERSITY MAN: Single room. Pri­ sity ..boys atad girls laundry in Mr vate bath. $26. 2 Vi blocks University. home. 7-0928; will tour the Texas State Bank, If* KUStm* Mrs. Slicker, 2714 Whltis. 2-3986. "" "—*.'• • ji'" Tuesday at 3 p.m. NEED A JOBT Wilknit Hosiery Company Bank officials will demonstrate, NICE GARAGE apartmeitt. Close to offers a lucerative sales job to students2501 GMADALUPE . University. • For couple. 2314 Sabine, in each University . honsteg unit. Call the operation of the bank, 8-7476. 7-1470. WARM AS TOAST AHVI PRliZK You're set for that lACKVT tfO R T "Big D""Wlikend SHIRTS When your selecions are made •7 w% ws%^lls$s» . wena «n4 watkabte' at Reynolds-Penland. 7l»e sleek and $turdy $he!f H Nylon-Shrugs off wind and rain. TWftacy-soft body tin* ing is Qrlon--« nvw^mirocw ; louily light; won^arfulty worm dtisUaA. Dupont libar. Cemplataty * • wathdbla end action tailorsd hjfMcGrtgor.Sixes 36 to 46. \ -• ­